LOG BOOK – FEBRUARY 14th 1891 TO AUGUST 20th 1891
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Received Aug. 26, 1891
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LOG BOOK OF THE U.S.S. Concord 3rd RATE OF 6 - Main battery. 8 Sec. battery GUNS, COMMANDED BY Commander Oliver A. Batcheller, U.S. Navy,
Attached to Squadron of Evolution Commencing February 14, 1891, at Navy Yard, New York, and ending August 20th, 1891, at Sea, Southern Shore of Long Island, N.Y.
Commander Oliver A Batcheller - Commander of the Ship
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
Moored to dock. Navy yard. No instruments for observations.
No instruments for recording meteorological observations
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14 February 1891
Lat 41.0, Long 29.0
At 10:30 AM captain Joseph U Miller U.S.N. representing the Commandant of the Navy yard, officially turned this vessel over to the Commander Oliver A. Batcheller USN who, with the officers & crew on the Quarter deck read the order from the Navy Department detailing him to command this vessel: whereupon the U.S Str Concord was declared in commission and the colors & pennant were hoisted.
The following is a list of the officers:- Commander Oliver A. Batcheller U.S.N., Commanding officer:- Lieut Comdr E.P. Wood USN., Executive officer, Lieut John B. Briggs USN., Navigator, Lieuts Vincendon L. Cottman & Char Laird USN., Lieut (Junior grade) albert W Grant USN., Ensigns Joseph Straues & Levi C. Bertololette, USN., Surgeon Reinus C. Persons USN., Paymaster Jas A Ring USN., Chief Engineer Robt B Hine USN., Passed Asst Engineer E R Gruman USN., & W~h Pays masters clerk Jonathan Brooks USN., and the following men:- Jno Blocktye (sea) Alfred L Lawson (Sea) Daul C lewis (Sea) M Martin (Sea) Patrick Dilson (Sea) Jas Chilton (Sea) Dane McCariley (Sea) Jno Donovan (Sea) ~. Sullivan (Sea) Robt J Uiddrie (Sea Gunner) E.J. Bourke (Sea Gunner) K. ~uaney (Sea Gunner) E. Brandt (Sea Gunner) Peter Jessen (Sea) Geo henry (Sea) A Wright (Sea)Wm Leonard (Sea) Fred Miller (OS) Geo Brown (lds) Geo W Connell (Pds) Jas Hindley (lds) Alf J. Percell (Pds) Wm Schuawau (Pds) W S Popple (Pds) J.E. Overton (Pds) Jas J Byrne (lds) Wm J Shaw (lds) Juo Glenn (pds) Juo M Plunckett (lds) Jno J. Mc Guiness (lds) Juo Phillips (lds) J A Wei~ls (lds) Thor H Gord (ord) J. McCaffray (ldr) Adam Haas (lds) Wm Davis (~) wm Rhodes (~) Chas R.smith (~) Andrew alsen (~) Jas Sheehan (~) Jackson Holmes (~) Juo Hannon (~) Juo Couley (~) L Deagan (CH) D. Breslin (CH) Thor Ahern (CH) Jas H McGlane (CH) P.J. Fitzgerald (CH) J.J. Reardon (CH) M.J. Glynes (CH) David Sullivan (CH) Geo Turner (CH) Parrick O’Brian (CH) J F Tobin (CH) Juo A Burnett (lds) Henry La Watt (lds) D Flanagan (lds)
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller USN - At 10:30 a.m. Captain Joseph N. Miller U.S.N., representing the Commandant of the Navy Yard, officially turned this vessel over to Commander Oliver A. Batcheller U.S.N. who, with the officers & crew on the Quarter deck read the order from the Navy Department detailing him to command this vessel: whereupon the U.S. Str. Concord was delcared in commission and the colors & Pennant were hoisted.
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
Moored to Dock navy Yard. No instruments on board for recording meteorological observations
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15 February 1891
Clear & Cold.
Fine weather but cold.
Fine weather.
Clear pleasant weather.
Fair, pleasant weather, cool.
Cloudy, warmer weather, wind hauled to [starboard].
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
coal: -
coal: -
coal: 4106 -
Moored to dock Navy Yard
Coal consumed 1 tons 2106 lbs.
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16 February 1891
USS Vermont - crew joined from
U.S.S. Terror - Hauled out of drydock at 10:30 a.m.
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
coal: 1 ton -
Moored to the dock
No instruments on board for recording meteorological observations
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17 February 1891
Received in equipment Dep't 1 Aneroid barometer, 1 psy chrometer, 2 air thermometers, 2 deck time pieces, 1 horizontal force instrument, 1 vertical force instrument, 1 ships log book,
Received meteorological instruments, Aneroid barometer, psycrhometer, air thermometer, deck time pieces, horizontal force instrument, vertical force instrument, ships log book
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander of USS Concord
Ship is in port for resupply. Test of heating capability of electric plant. Workmen from Navy Yard present until 5:00 PM.
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
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18 February 1891
At 1 Marine guard, consisting of one Sergeant, 1 Corporal, and 15 privates reported on board being transfered from Marine barracks. List of Marine guard:- Sergt Jas M Foley, Corpl Jus Delaney, Privates Jus Clifford, Geo Colter, Theo L. Currie, Jus M Cueseck, Thos Dalton, Henry T Jones, Harry Kern, Willis B. Knowlton, Lanbert Kuhu, Hugh McFadden, Juo McGlade, Jeremiah M. O’Keefe, Fred’k Rahn, Timothy Sullivan, Jas H. Wilson.
At 1 Marine guard, consisting of one Sergeant, 1 Corporal, and 15 privates reported on board being transfered from Marine barracks. List of Marine guard:- Sergt Jas M Foley, Corpl Jus Delaney, Privates Jus Clifford, Geo Colter, Theo L. Currie, Jus M Cueseck, Thos Dalton, Henry T Jones, Harry Kern, Willis B. Knowlton, Lanbert Kuhu, Hugh McFadden, Juo McGlade, Jeremiah M. O’Keefe, Fred’k Rahn, Timothy Sullivan, Jas H. Wilson.
Sergt Jos M Foley, corpt jus Delaney, Privates Jus Clifford, Geo Colter, Theo L Curriey, Jus M Cuesack, Theo Salton, Henry T Jones Harry neme, Wiliam B Kuawlton, Faubert Kuhm, Hugh McFadden, Jus McWaue, Jeremiah W O'Keefe, Fredk Rahn, Timothy Sullivan, Jus H Wilson. - came aboard
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of
Testing electric plant
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
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19 February 1891
At 9 marine guard left ship to report to barracks for participation in funeral ceremonies of the late Gen Sherman.
left ship for funeral of General Sherman
mustered crew at stations for fire
Overcast and cloudy. Moon shining through clouds. Light to moderate breeze from NE. Barometer rising steadily. Clouds passing overhead to SE.
Cloudy and cold. Light to gentle NE breeze. Barometer rising. Clouds passing overhead from NW.
Cloudy and cold but pleasant weather. Light breeze from NE. At 9 Marine Guard left ship to report to barracks for participation in funeral ceremonies of the late Gen. Sherman.
Fair pleasant weather. Light breeze from NNE. hauling to eastward during later part of watch.
Cloudy pleasant weather. Light to gentle breeze from NE by E. hauling SE by E latter part of watch.
Cloudy first part, overcast latter part of watch. Gentle to light breeze from S. Barometer falling.
At 9 Marine Guard left ship to report to barracks for participation in funeral ceremonies of the late Gen Sherman
Gen. Sherman - Marine Guard left ship to report to barracks for participation in funeral ceremonies for the late Gen. Sherman.
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
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20 February 1891
Jas Hindley (Bayman) - 4 to 8 AM. Returned on board drunk and was placed under the sentry's charge.
Jos Hindley (Bayman) - Meridian to 4PM. Released from sentry's charge and restored him to duty by order of Commanding officer.
Jas Studley - returned on board
USSS Vermont - received crew
w m Turner, Fisher Reavier and Waw Chase - came aboard
Overcast, gentle breeze from SE by S and SSE. Snowing last hour of watch.
Overcast. Gentle breezes from SSE and SE. Snowing first part of watch. Turned to sleet later part.
Joe Stindley (Bayman) - returned on board drunk and was placed under the sentry's charge.
Overcast with sleet first part of watch. Drizzling rain latter part. Light breeze from SE to SW. Barometer falling.
Joe Stindley, bayman - Released from sentry's charge and restored him to duty by order of Commanding officer.
Weather overcast, cloudy and disagreeable with light drizzling rain. Light airs and breezes from South, SSE, and SE.
USSS Vermont - Received from.
Weather overcast and cloudy. Disagreeable drizzling rain.
Weather overcast and cloudy with very light drizzling rain. Light airs from SSE.
Jas Hindley (Bayman) - Jas Hindley (Bayman) returned on board drunk and was placed under the sentries charge.
USSS Vermont - Received 3 landsman from
Commander Oliver A Batchellor - Ship's Commander
Lt Chas Laird - signing log entry
Bayman Jas. Hindley - returned drunk; placed under sentry's charge
Navy yard workmen on board: 2 sparmakers, 1 apprentice, 7 joiners, 5 plumbers, 6 riggers
At work are: 2 2nd class machinists, 7 1st class joiners, 1 apprentice boy, 5 plumbers, 2 sparmakers, 1 apprenctice
Bayman Jas. Hindley - released from sentry's charge
Lt A W Grant - signing log entry
USSS Vermont - transferring crew to Concord
William M Turner - to Concord from USSS Vermont
Fisher Reavies - to Concord from USSS Vermont
Moses Chase - to Concord from USSS Vermont
Lt J B Briggs - signing off log
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
coal: 8 tons - used since 14th
coal: 209 tons 1180 lbs - remaining at hand
coal: 209 T 1180 lb -
Coal consumed since 14th--8 tons, 2008 lbs.; coal remaning on hand, 209 tons, 1180 lbs.
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21 February 1891
P.S. Wills (Mach) - Transfered from the "Vermont" to this vessel.
P Wills, machinist - transferred from the Vermont
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
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22 February 1891
Moses Chase(lds) & Fisher Reeves (lds) - Absent without leave.
A.A. Conway (CH) - Was brought on board at 8.45 by the police from the receiving ship "Vermont" under the influence of liquor and was placed under the sentrys charge bu order of the commanding officer.
Waser Chass and Fisher Reeves - were about without leave
A A Conway - brought on board by the police under the influence of liquor
~ Charel (Lds) - absent without leave
Fisher Reeves (Lds) - absent without leave
A.A. Conway (CH) - brought on board, at 8.45, by the police from the Receiving ship "Vermont", under the influence of liquor and was placed under the sentries charge by order of the commanding officer.
Moses Chase (lds) - Absent without leave
Fisher Reaves (lds) - Absent without leave
A. A. Conway (C.H.) - was brought on board, at 8:45, by the police from the receiving ship "Vermont" under the influence of liquor and was placed under the sentry's charge by order of the Commanding Officer.
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navy yard brooklyn new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
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23 February 1891
J Blocktye (Sea) - Absent without leave.
A.A. Conway (CH) - The commander assigned the following punishment;- one month deprivation of liberty for returning on board under the influence of liquor, after having been allowed to go on board the "Vermont".
Chief engineer Hine - Left ship, for an indefinite time, on duty in connection with the trial of the Bennington
AA Conway - released from charge of sentry by order of the commanding officer
J blocktye - absent without leave.
A A Conway - The commander assigned the following punishment; to A A Conway one month deprivation of liberty for returning on board under the influence of liquor after having been allowed to go on board the Vermont
J. Blocktye (Sea) - absent without leave
AA Conway (C.H.) - The Commander assigned the following punishment; to AA Conway (C.H.) one month of deprivation of liberty for returning on board under the influence of liquor after having been allowed to go on board the "Vermont".
Chief Engineer Hine - left ship for an indefinite time, on duty in connection with the trial of the Bennington
A. A. Conway (C.H.) - Released from charge of sentry
J. Blocktye (Sea) - Absent without leave
A. A. Conway (C.H.) - ONe month deprivation of liberty for returning on board under the influence of liquor having been allowed to go onboard Vermont.
Hine - Chief Engineer - left ship for an indefinite time, on duty in connection with the trial of the Bennington.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
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24 February 1891
The following were absent fromm the ship without leave Viz Moses Chase (lds) Jus Bluerthye (Sea) Timothy Sullivan (dy Mach) F Reaves (lds) Juo Donnavan (Sea) Wm Davis (rcf)
T Sullivan (dy Mach) - Returned on board 52 hours overtime.
W.J. Shaw - Absent without leave.
W. J Shaw (lds) - Returned on board at midnight.
Waw Chase, Jus Bluertye, Timothy Fullion, F Reaves, Juo Davwanaw, William Davies - absent without leave
T Sulilvan - returned on board 52 hours overtime
WJ Shaw - Absent without leave
Moses Chase (lds) - Absent from the ship without leave
F. Reaves (lds) - Absent from the ship without leave
Timothy Sullivan (Duty Mach.) - Absent from the ship without leave
Jno Blacktye (Sea) - Absent from the ship without leave
Jno Donnavan (Sea) - Absent from the ship without leave
Wm. Davis (2cf) - Absent from the ship without leave
T. Sullivan (dy mach.) - Returned on board 52 hours overtime.
W. J. Shaw (lds) - Absent without leave
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
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25 February 1891
Absent without leave, Moses Chase (lds), Fisher Reaves (lds), juo Blocktye (Sea) Juo Donovan (Sea) Wm Davis (rcf) & J.W. Murray (CH)
A.S. Enwry & W. Patterson (lds) - Transfered from the "Vermont" to this vessel with their enlistment records.
Absent without leave, Juo Blocktye (Sea) Juo Donovan (Sea) Wm Davis (rcf) Moses Chase (lds), F. Reaves (lds), & J.W. Murray (CH)
Juo Blocktye (B~) - Returned to ship at 9P.M. 59 hours overtime.
Moses Chase, Fisher Reaves, Juo Blocktye, Jmo Donovan, William Davies, JW Murray, - Absent without leave
Juo Blocktye, Juo Donovan, William Davies, Moses Chase, T Reaves, J W Murray - absent without leave
Juo Blocktye - returns to ship 59 hours overtime
Overcast and cloudy with very light drizzling rain. Barometer falling. Gentle and moderate SW breeze.
Weather clearing. Gentle SW breeze. Barometer slowly falling.
- Absent without leave.
Weather threatening. Occasional light wind squalls from WSW. Nearly overcast. Gentle breeze from SW.
Cloudy with rain at intervals during later part. Light breeze from SW.
AS Emory and W Patterson (lts) - Transferred from the "Vermont" to this vessel with their ent~~ment records.
Cloudy with rain at times. Light airs to stiff breezes from WSW and W.
- Absent without leave.
Overcast, cloudy and rainy. Light airs from S by W.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - Ship under the command of.
Midnight to 4 AM: Overcast and cloudy with very light drizzling rain. Barometer falling. Gentle and moderate SW breeze. Steam on port forward boiler. AW Grant Lieut.
4 to 8Am: Weather clearing. Gentle SW breeze. Barometer slowly falling. Steam on port forward boiler. AW Grant, Lieut.
8 AM to Meridian: Weather threatening. Occasional light windsqualls from WSW. Nearly overcast. Gentle breeze from SW. Absent without leave, Moses Chase, Fisher Reaves, Jno Blocktye, Jno Donovan, Wm Davis, and JW Murray. At work on board from the yard: 7 sparworkers, 7 1st class joiners, 1 apprentice, 2 2nd class machinists, 3 plumbers, 1 apprentice, 5 riggers, 7 coppersmiths, 7 1st class machinists, 1 2nd class machinist and 3 helpers. Received on board in Equipt. Dept: Poop skylight covers, 3,4,5, 4Castle hatch hood #1, poop skylight covers 1+2, steerage hatch hood, capstan cover, wheel cover, engine room hatch hood 1 + 2, forecastle hatch hood 1 + 2, miz. mast cover, miz. top cover, main mast, cover, 10 tarpaulins, 1 fine shovel. Received favor yard and ran in port forward boiler 2400 st. fresh water. Steam on port forward boiler. AW Grant, Lieut.
4 to 8 PM: Cloudy with rain at times. Light airs to stiff breezes from WSW + W. Mustered at 5 quarters at 5PM and rigged pumps. Absent without leave the following: Jno Blocktye, Jno Davenport, Wm Davis, Moses Chase and R. Reaves and JW Murray. Joe Strauss, Ensign
8Pm to Midnight: Overcast, cloudy + rainy. Light airs from S by W. Jno Blocktye returned to ship at 9PM. 59 hours overtime. Joe Strauss, Ens.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
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26 February 1891
brooklyn naval yard
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moses Chase (lds) & Fisher Reaves (lds) - Declared deserters by commanding officer.
Paul Zahe (os), J.F. Burus (lds), Lains Cottles (lds) and Jd Sawney (oc) were transfered to this ship from Receiving ship "Vermont"
Moses Chase, Fisher Reaver - declared deserters by commanding officer
Paul Rohe, J. F. Burus, Davis Cattles, Jol Dawny - were transfered to this ship from receiving ship Vermont
Midnight to 4AM: Overcast and cloudy. Light airs and breezes from SW. Joe Strauss, Ensign.
4 to 8 AM. Overcast and cloudy with last two hours. Moderate to light winds from ENE to NE. Joe Strauss, Ensign.
8 AM to Meridians. Overcast, cloudy and raining. Light to moderate breeze from NE to NE by E. At work, in Engineers Dept., from yard. 2 2nd class machinists; in Equipt Dept 3 jainers, Moses Chase, Fisher Reaves declared deserters by Commanding Officer. Joe Strauss, Ensign.
Meridian to 4 PM. Overcast, cloudy, cold gloomy disagreeable weather. Gentle to moderate breezes from ENE. Drizzling rain, hail + snow at intervals. Fires under port forward boiler for heating ship. Received from General Store Keeper Navy Yard 23 hand lanterns, 8 globes for (?), 4 deck lanterns + 3 gobes, 4 boxes, 3 lamp feeders, 2 trimming scissors, 3 trays, 3 prickers, 4 lbs sp--- wick, 1 gross Manhattan wicker, 100 candles, 7 lbs camphor. Paul Jake, JF Burus, Louis Cattles and JL Dawney were transferred to this ship from Receiving Ship "Vermont". Jainers from yard at work on board in officers quarters. V.L Cottman, Lieut.
4 to 8 AM (PM?): Overcast, cloudy, cold gloomy disagreeable weather with hail and snow. Moderate to stiff breeze from ENE. Steam in port forward boiler for heating ship. V.L. Cottman, Lieut.
8 PM to Midnight: Overcast, cloudy, cold + nasty weather with snow, sleet + hail. Stiff breeze from NE. Steam on port forward boiler for heating ship. V. L. Cottman, Lieut.
50874dcf09d40907550099e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_020_0.jpg)
27 February 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dcf09d40907550099e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_020_1.jpg)
27 February 1891
brooklyn naval yard
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
EW: Log page appears to be long list of stores, supplies, etc., pasted over the day's summary.
50874dcf09d40907550099e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_021_0.jpg)
28 February 1891
navy yard brooklyn n y
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Likewise, all the weather reports until 2000 are covered by the same style inventory.
List of ship construction supplies
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27 February 1891
J.W. Murray (CH) & Juo Donavan (Sea) - Absent from the ship without leave.
The following men transfered from RS "Vermont" were received on board with bags & hammocks. Thor Thompson (sea) Peter Myers (Sea) Chas Jansen (Sea) Martin Halvorseu (Sea), Juo Roberts (os) Wm Johnson (Sea) & Richard McPherson (lds) were transfered to this ship without outfits.
USS Yautie - passed up the East River exchanging number with USRS Vermont
J W Murray, Juo Donovan - absent from ship without leave
Thor Thomson, Peter Myers, Chas Danvers, Martin Halvoreece, Juo Roberts, William Johnson, Richard McPherson - were transferred to this ship without their outfits from RS Vermont
Midnight to 4AM: Overcast and cloudy with hail + snow. Steam on port forward boiler for heating and lighting ship. Gentle breezes from NNE + N. V. L. Cottman, Lieut.
4 to 8 AM. Gentle to moderate + fresh NW breeze after 4.30 when wind shifted from N and snow eased. Barometer rising with clearing weather. At 7.15 clouded over and at 7.45 commenced to snow again. Steam on port forward boiler for heating ship. V. L. Cottman Lieut.
8 AM to Meridian. Fresh NW breeze. At 9.00 snow squall ended and weather cleared up. Carpenters. joiners, riggers, and plumbers from yard at work on board. Edison's men overhauling electric plant. Steam on port forward boiler for heating ship. V. L. Cottman, Lieut.
Meridian to 4 PM. Weather cloudy, cold and disagreeable. Frequent moderate squalls from NW + NNW accompanied with snow. Clouds moving over rapidly from the NW. At 1.15 USS Yautic (?) passed up the East River exchanging number with USRS "Vermont". 7 carpenters, 3 plumbers + 4 crew in Engineer Dept. + 7 men in Ordinance Dept. from Yard engaged, on board, in work. Crew engaged in getting stores on board, the appended list at which were received during watch. Steam on port forward boiler. Cha Laird, Lieut.
4 to 8 PM. First hour wind in moderate squalls from NW. Remainder of watch light breezes from NNW. Clearing later part of watch. At 5 PM Mustered crew. JW murray, Jno Donovan absent from ship without leave. Sent liberty party on shore. The following men, transferred from R.S. "Vermont", wer received on board with bags + hammocks. Thos. Thompson (sea), Peter Myers (sea), Chas Jansens (sea), Martin Haloorseu (?) (sea), Jno Roberts (o.s.), Wm Johnson (sea) + Richard McPherson (lds), were transferred to this ship without their outfits. Fires under port forward boiler. Cha Laird, Lieut.
8 PM to Midnight. Clear pleasant weather. Gentle to light breezes from N.W. Cold. Stopped dynamo at Midnight. Steam on port forward boiler. Cha Laird, Lieut.
U.S.S.Yarctic - passed off the East River
The following men transferred from RS "Vermont", were received on board ~Thos Thompson (Sea), Peter Myers (sea), Chas Jansen (sea) Martin Halvonseu (sea) Joe Roberts (os) Wm Johnson (sea) and Richard McPherson (~) were transferred to this ship without their outfits.
Overcast and cloudy with hail and snow. Gentle breezes from NNE and N
Gentle to moderate and fresh NW breeze after 4:30 when wind shifted from N and snow ceased. Barometer rising with clearing weather. At 7:!5 clouded over and at 7:45 commenced to snow again.
Fresh NW breeze. At 9:00 snow equal ended and weather cleared.
Weather cloudy, cold and disagreeable. Frequent moderate squalls from NW and NNW accompanied with snow. Clouds moving over rapidly from the NW.
USS Yautic - Passed up the East River exchanging number with USRS "Vermont"
First hour wind in moderate squalls from NW. Remainder of watch light breezes from NNW. Clearing later part of watch.
Clear pleasant weather. Gentle to light breezes from NW.
50874dcf09d40907550099e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_022_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 13 tons 1620 lbs - consumed
coal: 195 tons 1800 lbs - remaining at hand
Coal consumed preceding week: 13 tons, 1620 lbs.
Coal remaning on hand at Noon: 195 tons, 1890 lbs.
Moored to dock
coal: 195 tons, 1800 lbs. -
50874dcf09d40907550099eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_022_1.jpg)
28 February 1891
J.W. Murray (CH) & Jus Donovan (Sea) - Absent without leave.
J W Murray & Juo Donovan - Absent without leave
U.S.S. Adam - at port
JW Murray and Joe Donovan - Mustered crew at quarters at 5. Absent without leave J W Murray (ch)and Joe Donovan (sea)
Clear pleasant weather. Slight breeze from NW.
Pleasant weather. Hazy about horizon. Calm.
Light increasing and moderate breeze from S. Hazy about horizon.
Attempted to measure for ground chain of anchor but defect in anchor engine necessitated suspension of work. Sent working party on board.
USS Alarm - To assist in shifting berth.
Weather clear and pleasant with gentle to moderate breeze from SW by W.
Weather overcast and cloudy and squally from SW by W during first of watch. Barometer steady.
Clear bright starlight. Light moderate breezes from SW by W and W.
J. Donovan - Absent without leave
J. W. Murray (CH) - Absent without leave
Midnight to 4 AM: Clear pleasant weather. Light breeze from NW. Steam on port forward boiler. Cha Laird, Lieut.
4 to 8AM: Pleasant weather. Hazy about horizon. Calm. Started dynamo at 7.45. Steam on port forward boiler. Cha Laird, Lieut.
4 to 8 PM. Weather overcast + cloudy. Squally from SW by W during first half of watch. Barometer steady. Started dynamo at 5.45. Mustered crew at quarters at 5. Absent without leave JW Murray + Jno Donovan. A W Grant, Lieut.
8 PM to Midnight. Clear bright starlight. Light to moderate breezes from SW by W and West. Stopped dynamo at 11.00. Steam on port forward boiler. A W Grant, Lieut.
50874dd009d40907550099ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_023_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn n y
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to dock. Navy Yard.
50874dd009d40907550099ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_023_1.jpg)
1 March 1891
Jus Donavan (Sea), J.W. Murray (CH) & A.A. Conway (CH) - Absent without leave.
Jus Donovan, J W Murray, A A Conway - Absent without leave
Jim Donovan (Sea) - Absent without leave
A. A. Conway (C.H.) - Absent without leave
J. W. Murray (CH) - Absent without leave
Midnight to 4 AM. Weather clear, bright, starlight and cold. Fresh to stiff breezes from NW. Steam under port forward boiler for heating ship. A W Grant, Lieut.
4 to 8 AM. Clear + cold. Stiff to moderate NW breeze. Started dynamo at 5.45. Steam under port forward boiler. A W Grant, Lieut.
8 AM to Meridian. Clear, bright, and pleasant. Light breezes from NNW. Barometer rising slowly. Steam under port forward boiler. At 9.30 Commanding officer inspected ship and crew at quarters. Served out ration money to crew. Absert from the ship without leave Jno Donovan, J.W. Murray, + A.A. Conway. Dynamo in operation from 9.30 until 10.00. A W Grant, Lieut.
Meridian to 4 PM. Clear + cold. Light airs + breezes from N.W. Joe Strauss, Ensign
4 to 8 PM. Clear + cold. Light airs to moderate breezes from NE. Started dynamo at sunset. Joe Strauss, Ensign
8 PM to Midnight. Clear + cold. Light breeze from N.E. Stopped dynamo at 11. Joe Strauss, Ensign
Weather clear, bright, starlight and cold. Fresh to stiff breezes from NW.
Clear and cold. Stiff to moderate NW breeze.
Clear, bright and pleasant. Light breezes from NNW. Barometer rising slowly.
Clear and cold. Light airs and breezes from NW.
Clear and cold. Light airs to moderate breezes from NE.
Clear and cold. Light breeze from NE.
50874dd009d40907550099f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_024_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to dock / Navy Yard
50874dd009d40907550099f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_024_1.jpg)
2 March 1891
Jus Donovan (Sea) - Returned to ship 147 hours overtime.
J.W. Murray (CH) A.A. Conway (CH) & O. Oliver (2cp) - Absent without leave.
Juo Donovan - returned to ship 147 hours overtime
J W Murray, A A Conway, A Olsen - Absent without leave
J.W.Murray (CH) - Absent without leave
A. Olsen (2cf) - Absent without leave
A. A. Conway (C.H.) - Absent without leave
Midnight to 4 AM. Clear + cold. Gentle to light breeze from NE. Joe Strauss Ensign.
4 to 8 AM. Fair + cold. Hazy about the horizon. Gentle breeze from ENE. Jos Strauss, Ensign
8 AM to Meridian. Clear + cold. Gentle breeze from ENE. At work on board from Navy Yard 7 men in Ordinance Dept., 5 plumbers in Equipment Dept., 1 machinist in Engineering Dept. and 3 joiners in Equipment Dept. Jno Donovan returned to ship 147 hours overtime. Stopped dynamo at 8.30. Joe Strauss, Ensign
Meridian to 4 PM. Fair and cold. Light airs from E to NE. Steam on port forward boiler for heating ship. Carpenters, joiners and Ordinance gangs from Navy Yard at work on board. V L Cottman, Lieut.
4 to 8 PM. Cloudy and gloomy first part clearing up after 6. then fair weather. Light airs from E. Steam on port forward boiler for heating and lighting ship. At 5 mustered at quarters taking five stations. J W Murray, A.A. Conway, and A Olsen absent without leave. [Following is extensive inventory of supplies received from General Store Keeper, Navy Yard]
8 PM to Midnight. Fair + very cold. Starlight. Light airs from E. Dynamo running until 11. Steam on port forward boiler for heating + lighting ship. V L Cottman, Lieut.
Juo Donovan - "Juo Donovan (sea) returned to ship 147 hours overtime."
J.W. Murray (CH), A.A. Conway (CH), A. Olsen - absent without leave
50874dd009d40907550099f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_025_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to dock
50874dd009d40907550099f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_025_1.jpg)
3 March 1891
A.A. Conway (CN), Juo W Murray (CH), A. Olsen (2cf) - Absent without leave.
A A COnway, Jus W Murray, A Olsen - Absent without leave
A. A. Conway (C.H.) - Absent without leave
J. W. Murray (CH) - Absent without leave
A. Olsen (2cf) - Absent without leave
"The following men were absent without from the ship without leave: A.A. Conway (CH), Juo W MUrray (CH), A Olsen (vcf)"
50874dd009d40907550099f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_026_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d40907550099fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_026_1.jpg)
4 March 1891
A. Olsen (2cf) - Returned on board 41 hours overtime.
A.A. Conway (CH) & J.W. Murray (CH) - Absent without leave.
M.J. Glynn (CH) - By order of Commanding officer placed under sentrys charge for being drunk and disorderly. M.J. Glynn (CH) for continued disorder whilst under sentrys charge was confined in the cells.
L.J. Patterson (Sea). L.T. Smith ((OS) & Wm J. Grey (OS) - Received from USRS "Vermont" with bags and hammocks.
M.J. Glynn (CH) - By order of Commanding officer released from sentrys charge and restored him to duty.
J. Couley (CH) - Absented himself from the ship at 9:30 without leave.
A A Conway, J W Murray - Absent without leave
Juo Couley - returned on board 2 hours overtime
M J Flynn - under sentrys charge for being drunk and disorderly, for continued disorder while under sentrys charge was confined in the cells
M J Flynn - released from sentrys charge and restored to duty
J Couley - absented himself from ship at 9:30 without leave
A. A. Conway (C.H.) - Absent without leave
J. Couley (2cf) - Returned on board 2 hours overtime
J. W. Murray (CH) - Absent without leave
M. J. Flynn (CH) - Placed under sentry's charge for being drunk and disorderly
M. J. Flynn (CH) - For continued disorder while under sentry's charge was confined in the cells
L. J. Petterson (Sea) - Received from U.S.R.S. Vermont
Wm. J. Gray (OS) - Received from U.S.R.S. Vermont
L. T. Smith - Received from U.S.R.S. Vermont
Moderate breeze from SE. Overcast with occasional fall of snow. Barometer falling.
Weather overcast with moderate breeze from ESE. Occasional snow first part of watch.
Overcast and damp. Light airs to light breezes from ESE.
Weather generally overcast clearing towards end of watch. Gentle and moderate breeze from NW and WNW. Barometer steady.
Weather pleasant. Gentle breeze from WNW. Barometer rising.
Weather clear and cold. Moderate breeze from WNW. Barometer steady.
Midnight to 4 AM. Moderate breeze from SE. Overcast with occasional fall of snow. Barometer falling. Steam on port forward boiler. A Olsen returned on board 41 hours over time. Cha Laird, Lieut.
4 to 8 AM. Weather overcast with moderate breeze from ESE. Occasional snow first part of watch. Steam on port forward boiler. Started dynamo at 5.45. Cha Laird, Lieut.
8 AM to Meridian. Overcast and damp. Light airs to light breezes from ESE. At 8.30 mustered crew at quarters and turned in old hammocks. Absent from the ship without leave. A.A. Conway, J.W. Murray, Jno Couley, returned on board 2 hours over time. Crew engaged in getting stores on board. The following stores were received in Ordinance Dept. [Inventory follows.] By order of Commanding officer placed M.J. Flynn under sentrys charge for being drunk + disorderly. M.J. Flynn for continual disorder while under sentry's charge was confined in cells. Steam on port forward boiler. Stopped dynamo at 8.30. Cha Laird, Lieut.
Meridian to 4 PM. Weather generally overcast clearing towards end of watch. Gentle and moderate breeze from NW + WNW. Barometer steady. Received from "Vermont" with bags and hammocks L.J. Petterson, L.T. Smith, Wm J Gray. Received following stores on board in Equipment Dept. [Inventory follows.] By order of Commanding officer released M.J. Flynn from sentry's charge and restored him to duty. Steam out of port forward boiler. A W Grant, Lieut.
4 to 8 PM. Weather pleasant. Gentle breeze from WNW. Barometer riding. Steam on port forward boiler. Started dynamo at 5.30. Mustered crew at quarters at 5. A W Grant, Lieut.
8 PM to Midnight. Weather clear + cold. Moderate breeze from WNW. Barometer steady. Steam under port forward oiler. J Couley absented himself from ship at 9.30 without leave. A W Grant, Lieut.
50874dd009d40907550099fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_027_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to dock.
50874dd009d40907550099ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_027_1.jpg)
5 March 1891
Absent without leave: A.A. Conway (CH), J.W. Murray (CH), J. McGinness (lds), D.C. Lewis (BM), Jas Murray (CH), J.F. Tobin (CH), J.J Reardon (CH), Jus Leigh (CH), J.H. McGlove (CH).
The Commanding officer awarded the following punishment for overstaying liberty: Wm Davis (2cf) 3 months restriction; M.J. Glynn (CH) one months restriction; A. Olsen (2cf) Jus Donovan (Sea) 3 months restriction each.
The following men were absent without leave:- SL Lewis (BM) J.J. Reardon (CH) Jas Murray (CH) Jas McGlove (CH) JF Tobin (CH) Juo Leigh (CH) AA Conway (CH) & JW Murray (CH) & JJ McGuiness (lds).
J Couley - returned on board at 11:25
P Fitzgerald, D sullivan, J J Byrne - returned from liberty 22 hours overtime
A A Conway, J W Murray, J McGinners, DC Lewis, Jas Murray, JF Fabiu, J J Reardon, Jus Leigh, J H McElave - absent without leave
William Davis, M J Glynn, A Olsen, Jus Donovan - the commanding officer awarded the following punishment for overstaying liberty: William Davis, 3 month restriction, M. J. Flynn, one months restriction, A Olsen, Jus Donovan, 3 months restriction each.
D L Lewis, J J Reardon, Jas Murray, Jas McGlowen, J F Fabiu, Juo Leigh, A A Conway, J W Murray, J J McGuinness - Absent without leave
Weather clear and cold. Light and gentle WNW breeze. Barometer steady.
Weather clear and cold. Light breezes from West.
Weather clear and cold. Light to stiff breezes from WNW and NW. Barometer steady.
Clear and cold. Gentle to stiff breezes in puffs from NNW.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishment for overstaying liberty: Wm Davis (ref) 3 months restriction. M.J. Glynn (CH) one months restriction, A Oliver (ref), Juo Donovan (Sea) 3 months restriction each.
Clear and cold. Light to stiff breeze from NNW decreasing in force toward evening.
Clear and cold. Gentle to moderate breeze from North to NNW.
Midnight to 4AM. Weather clear + cold. Light and gentle WNW breeze. Barometer steady. Steam under port forward boiler. J Couley returned on board at 11.25 AM. A W Grant, Lieut.
4 to 8AM. Weather clear + cold. Light breezes from west. Steam under port forward boiler. A W Grant, Lieut.
8 AM to Meridian. Weather clear + cold. Light to stiff breezes from WNW + NW. Barometer steady. P Fitzgerald, D. Sullivan, JJ Byrne returned from liberty 2.5 hours over time. Absent without leave: A.A. Conway, J.W. Murray, JM McGuiness, DC Lewis, Jas Murray, JF Tobin, JJ Reardon, Jus Leigh, JH McGlawe. At work on board from Navy yard; in Ordinance: 2 machinists, 2 helpers + 3 joiners. In Steam Engineering 1 1st Class + 2 2nd Class machinists. In Construction 5-1st Class joiners + 1 apprentice. In Equipment 2 sailmakers + 5 riggers. Received on board and fitted in place the awning ridge and foot ropes. Steam on port forward boiler. Stopped dynamo at 8.30. A W Grant, Lieut.
Meridian to 4 PM. Clear and cold. Gentle to stiff breeze in puffs from NNW. The Commanding officer awarded the following punishment for overstaying liberty: Wm Davis, 3 months restriction; MJ Glynn, one month restriction; A Olsen, Jno Donovan 3 months restriction each. At work from the Navy Yard in Ordinance Dept. 6 men. Construction Dept. 8 men; Dept of Engineering 3 machinists. Received on board in Engineering Dept [Inventory follows]. Joe Strauss, Ensign
4 to 8 PM. Clear and cold. Light to stiff breeze from NNW decreasing in forced toward evening. Mustered at quarters at 5. The following men absent without leave: DL Lewis, JJ Reardon, Jas Murray, Jas McGlane, JF Tobin, Jno Leigh, AA Conway, JW Murray, JJ McGuiness. Started dynamo at 5.55. Joe Strauss, Ensign.
8 PM to Midnight. Clear and cold. Gentle to moderate breeze from North to NNW. Stopped dynamo at 11. Joe Strauss, Ensign.
Commander JS Newell - Inspector of Electric Lighting
50874dd009d4090755009a01: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_028_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to dock.
50874dd009d4090755009a03: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_028_1.jpg)
6 March 1891
J.F. Tobin (CH) - Returned to ship 24 hrs overtime.
Jus Philliops (lds) and Jus Glenn (lds) - Left ship without permission.
J.J. McGinness (lds), Jas Murray (CH) J.J. Reardon (CH) Jus Leigh (CH) & J.H. McGlane (CH) were absent over leave and A.A. Conway (CH) J.W. Murray (CH) Jno Phillips (lds) and Jno Glenn (lds) absent without leave.
Received from USRC "Vermont" the following named men with bags, hammocks, accounts &c:- Alex McGreggor (OS), Thos A. Phillips (OS) Albert McNabb (Sea), Otto Sneedbald (OS), Edwin Stevenson (Sea) and C.E. Mitchell (lds).
Jno Phillips (OS) - Returned on board at 9: he having jumped ship last night.
J.J. Reardon (CH) & J.H. McGlove (CH) - Returned from liberty 37 hours overtime.
D Lewis - returned to ship 17 hours overtime
J F Fabiu - returned to ship 24 hours overtime
Jus Phillips and Jus Gleen - left ship without permission
J J McGinness, Jas Murray, J J Rearden, A A Conway J W murray Jus Phillips Jus Glenn, Jus Leigh, J H McGlaue - absent over or without leave
Alex McGreggor, Thos A Phillips, Albert McNabb, Acto Sueed Bals, Edwin Stemmou, C E Mitchell - received from USRS Vermont the following (illegible) men with bags, hammocks, accounts
Jus Phillips - returned on board at 9: he having jumped the ship last night
J J Reardon, JH McGloue - returned from liberty 37 hours overtime
Midnight to 4 AM. Clear and cold. Light airs + breezes from NNW. D L Lewis returned to the ship at 1:30-17 hours over time. Joe Straus, Ensign.
4 to 8 AM. Clear and cold. Light to moderate breeze from NW. J.F Tobin returned to ship 24 hours overtime. Joe Straus, Ensign.
8 AM to Meridian. Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from NNW and West. At work from Navy Yard 8 men in Construction Dept; 8 men in Ordinance Dept. and 3 machinists in Dept of Engineering. Tested Steering gear. Jus Phillips and Jus Glenn left ship without permission. Received on board 2720 cu. ft water for boilers and 3770 cu. ft. for general use. Joe Strauss, Ensign.
Meridian to 4 PM. Cloudy + hazy. Light breeze from west. Steam on port forward boiler for heating ship. At 1: sent working party in charge of an officer, to assist in getting stones on board of the Galena. Working party returned at 4. Carpenters, Ordinance + Sailmakers gangs from Yard at work on board. Crew engaged in painting lower decks, cleaning alley ways, etc. V T Cottman, Lieut.
4 to 8 PM. Cloudy + hazy. Threatening snow. Light breezes and airs from W. At 5: mustered crew at quarters. JJ McGuinness, Jas Murray, JJ Reardon, Jno Leigh, + JH McGloue were absent over leave and AA Conway, JW Murray, Jno Phillips and Jno Glenn absent without leave. Received from U.S.R.S. "Vermont" the following named men with bags, hammocks, accounts, etc: Alex McGreggor, Thos A. Phillips, Albert McNabb, Alto (?) Sneedbald, Edwin Stemson and C.E. Mitchell. Same men from Navy Yard at work on board as were on board in forenoon. At 5.30, started dynamo. Received in Equipment Dpet. from Navy Yard [Inventory follows] for marine guard. VL Cottman, Lieut.
8 PM to Midnight. Overcast cloudy and hazy. Light airs from west. Steam on port forward boiler for heating and lighting ship. Jno Phillips returned on board at 9: he having jumped the ship last night. JJ Reardon, JH McGlouen returned from liberty 39 hours over time. Stopped dynamo at 11. VL Cottman, Lieut.
DL Lewis - reutnred to ship at 1:30 - 17 hours overtime
JF Robin (CH) - returned to ship 24 hours overtime
Jus Phillips (lds) and Juo Glenn (lsd) - left ship without permission (8am to meridian)
"JJ McGinness (lsd), Jus Murray (cn), JJ Reardon (CH), Jus Leigh (CH), & JH McGlaue (CH) were absent over leave and AA Conway (CH), JW Muray (CH), Jus Phillips (lds) and Jus Glenn (Lds) absent without leave."
"Jus Phillips (os) returned on board at 9: having jumped the ship last night. JJ Reardon (CH) & JH McGlaue returned from liberty 37 overtime.
Clear and cold. Light airs and breezes from NNW.
Clear and cold. Light to moderate breeze from NW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from NNW and West.
Cloudy and hazy. Light breeze from West.
Cloudy and hazy. Threatening snow. Light breezes and airs from W.
Overcast cloudy and hazy. Light airs from West.
50874dd009d4090755009a05: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_029_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 10 tons 1648 lbs - amount used
coal: 185 tons 152 lbs - remaining at hand
Coal consumed during preceding 24 hours, 10 tons 1648 lbs.; Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 185 tons, 152 lbs.
50874dd009d4090755009a07: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_029_1.jpg)
7 March 1891
Jas Murray (CH) - Returned on board at 8.15. 48 hours overtime.
Jno Connoly - Found to be absent from the ship without leave.
Jno Phillips (OS) - Placed in the cell for 5 days on bread and water for leaving ship without permission and absenting himself until 9PM. Mch 6th.
Absent from ship without leave; Jno Glenn (lds) J.J. McGinness(lds) Jno Couley (2cf) A.A. Conway (CH), J Leigh (CH) and JW Murray (CH).
By order of the Commanding officer a reward of ten dollars ($10) was offered to the Municipal authorities for the apprehension and delivery on board of Jno Cauley (2cf).
J.W. Murray (CH) having been absent from the ship for 10 days without leave was by order of the Commander declared a deserter from date.
Jus Connoly - absent from ship without leave
Joe Murray - returned on board 48 hours overtime
Jus Phillips - was placed in the cell for 5 days on bread and water for leaving ship without permission and absenting himself until 9 pm march 6th
August Bucanan - transfered to US Naval hospital Brooklyn on hospital ticket
Jus Glenn, J J McGinness, Jus Couley, A A Conway, J Leigh, J W Murray - Absent without leave
Jus Couley - by order of the commanding officer a reward of ten dollars was offered to the municipal authorities for the apprehension and delivery on board
J W Murray - Having been absent from the ship for 10 days without leave, was by the order of the commander declared a deserter from date
Jas Murray - returned on board at 8.15, 48 hours over time.
Jno Phillips - was placed in the cell for 5 days on bread and water for leaving ship without permission and absenting himself until 9 PM Mch 6th.
August Brennan - Transferred to U.S. Naval hospital Brooklyn on hospital ticket.
4 to 8 PM. Weather cloudy and hazy but pleasant. Light airs from ENE and E. At 5: mustered crew. Absent from ship without leave: Jno Glenn, JJ McGuiness, Jno Couley, AA Conway, J Leigh, and JW Murray. By order of the Commanding officer a reward of ten dollars ($10) was offered to the Municipal authorities for apprehension and delivery on board of Jno Couley. Started dynamo at 5.15. Steam on port forward boiler. JW Murray has been absent from the ship for 10 days without leave was by the order of the Commander declared a deserter from date. Cha Laird, Lieut.
Jus Connoly - found to be absent without leave
Jus Murray (CH) - returned on board at 8:15, 48 hours overtime.
Jus Phillips (os) - was placed in the cell for 5 days with bread and water for leaving ship without permission and absenting himself until 9pm, March 6th.
"Absent without leave: Jus Glenn, JJ McGinness, Jus Crouley, AA Conway, J Leigh and JW Murray. By order of the commanding officer a reward of ten dollars ($10) was offered to the municipal authorities for the apprehension and delivery on board of Jus Couley.
"JW Murrary having been absent from the ship for 10 days without leave was by the order of the commander declared a deserter from date.
Jos Murray (CH) - Jos Phillips (OS) was placed in the cell for 5 days on bread and water for leaving ship without permission and absenting himself until 9 pm Mch 6th
August Burearm - August Burearm was transferred to US Naval hospital Brooklyn on hospital ticket
Joe Couley (2cf) - By order of the commanding officer a reward of ten dollars ($10) was offered to the Municipal authorities for the apprehension and delivery on board of Joe Couley (2cf)
JW Murray (CH) - JW Murray (CH) having been absent from the ship for 10 days without leave was by the order of the Commander declared a deserter from date
Jno. Connoly - was found to be absent from ship without leave
Jas. Murray (CH) - returned on board at 8:15 48 hours overtime.
Jno. Phillips (os) - was placed in the cell for 5 days on bread and water for leaving ship without permission and absenting himself until 9 p.m. March 6.
August Bu~ - was transferred to U.S. Naval hospital Brooklyn on hospital ticket
Jno Glenn (lds) - Absent from ship without leave
Jno. J. McGuiness (lds) - Absent from the ship without leave
J. W. Murray (CH) - Absent from the ship without leave
Jno Couley (2cf) - Absent from the ship without leave
A. A. Conway (C.H.) - Absent from the ship without leave
J. Leigh (CH) - Absent from the ship without leave
Jno. Couley (2cf) - By order of the commanding officer a reward of ten dollars ($10) was offered to the municipal authorities for the apprehension and delivery on board of Jno Couley (2cf)
J.W.Murray (CH) - having been absent from the ship for 10 days without leave was by the order of the commander declared a deserter from date.
50874dd009d4090755009a09: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_030_0.jpg)
8 March 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to dock
50874dd009d4090755009a0b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_030_1.jpg)
8 March 1891
J.J. McGuinness - Returned on board 70 hours overtime.
General orders No's 348, 374, 387 and General Court Martial Orders No's 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85.
The following men were absent without leave; Jno Glenn (lds), Jno Couley (2cf), A.A. Conway (CH), J. Leigh (CH) and Dave Breslin (CH).
On recomendation of the Surgeon R.C.Persons and by order of the Commander T Phillips (lds) was removed from the cells and confined in double irons forward on the berth deck.
At General muster presented to A.L. Lawson (ch. dr. mate) and Timothy Sullivan (dy mach) good conduct bars on continuous service certificates.
D. Breslin (CH) - Returned on board 9 hours 40 minutes overtime.
J J McGinness - returned on board 72 hours overtime
all hands to muster: commander read articles for the better government of the navy, together with the general orders relating to the deaths of Vice admiral Stephen Rowan, Admiral David Dixon Porter, William T Sherman. Also General orders no's 348, 374, 387 and general court martial orders no's 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Jus Glenn, Jus Couley, A A Conway, J Leigh, and Saul Breslin - Absent without leave
R C Pearsons, T Phillips - At recommendation of surgeon R.C. Pearsons and by order of the commander, T Phillips was removed from the cells and confined in double irons forward on the berth deck
S Breslin - Returned on board 9 hours & 40 min overtime
8 PM to Meridian. Overcast. Light airs from NE. At 9.30 Commander inspected ship and crew at quarters, after which called all hands to muster and read articles for the better government of the Navy together with the general orders relating to the deaths of Vice Admiral Stephen Rowan, USN, Admiral David Dixon Porter USN, General Wm T Sherman, USA. Also General Order Nos 348, 374, 387 and General Court Martial Orders Nos 74,75,76,77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85. The following men were absent from the ship without leave: Jno Glenn, Jno Couley, AA Conway, J Leigh, and David Breshin. On recommendation of Surgeon RC Persons and by order of the Commander T Phillips was removed from the cells and confined in double irons forward on the berth deck. ... At general muster presented to AL Lawson and Timothy Sullivan good conduct bars on continuous Levies Certificate. Cha Laird, Lieut.
4 to 8 PM. Weather overcast, cloudy and rainy. Light airs and breezes from N hauling to NE and E by N. D Breslin returned on board 9 hours + 40 minutes over time. Steam on port forward boiler. Started dynamo at 5.30. A W Grant, Lieut.
Calm first hour, light airs from ENE remainder of watch. Weather cloudy and overcast.
Weather overcast. Barometer rising. Light airs from E + NE.
Overcast. Light airs from NE.
At 9:30 Commander inspected ship and crew at quarters, after which called all hands to muster and read "Articles for the better government of the Navy" together with the general orders relating to the deaths of Vice Admiral Stephen Rowan USN, Admiral David Dixon Porter USN, General W T Sherman, USA. Also General Orders Nos 348, 374, 387, and General Court Martial orders Nos 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85.
On recommendation of Surgeon R.C. Persons and by order of the Commander T Phillips (lds) was removed from the cells and confined in double irons forward on the berth deck.
At general muster presented to A. L. Lawson (ch. gr. mate) and ~~ Sullivan (dy. mach.) good conduct bars on continuous service certificate.
Weather overcast and cloudy. Drizzling rain last hour. Light breeze N by W and N.
Weather overcast, cloudy, and rainy. Light airs and breezes from N hauling to NE and E by N.
Weather overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain. Light breezes from ENE.
JJ McGinness - returned on board 72 hours overtime.
"At 9:30 Commander inspected ship and crew at quarters, after which called all hands to muster and read "Articles for the better government of the Navy" together with the general orders relating to the deaths of Vice Admiral Stephen Rowan, Admiral David Dixon Porter, Admiral Wm T Sherman USA. Also general orders nos 348, 374, 387, and General Court Martial orders nos 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85.
"The following men were absent from the ship without lravr: Jus Glenn, Jus Couley, AA Conway, J Leigh, and David Breslin. On recommendation of Surgeon R.C. Peasons and by order of the Commander T Phillips was removed from the cells and confined in double irons forward of the berth deck."
"At General muster presented to AL Lawson (ch gr. mate) and ~ Sullivan (dy. mach.) good conduct bars on continuous service certificates."
D Breslin - returned on board 9 hours & 40 minutes overtime.
50874dd009d4090755009a0d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_031_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to dock.
50874dd009d4090755009a0f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_031_1.jpg)
9 March 1891
Jno Leigh (CH) - Returned on board at 3:15 A.M. being 91 1/4 hours overtime.
Absent without leave:- Jno Glenn (lds), Jno Couley (2cf), and A.A. Conway (CH).
Jus Leigh - returned on board at 3:15 am being 91 1/4 hours overtime
jus Glenn, Jus Couley, A A Conway - absent from ship without leave
Jus Leigh (CH) - returned on board at 3:15 a.m. being 91 1/4 hours overtime.
"Absent from ship without leave: Jus Glenn (lds), Jus Couley (vcf), and A.A. Conway (CH)."
"Mustered at quarter at 5 p.m. Jus Glenn (lds), A.A. Conway (CH) and Jus Couley (vcf) absent without leave."
Jno Leigh - Returned on board at 3.15 AM, being 91.25 hours over time.
Absent from ship without leave: Jno Glenn, Jno Couley, and AA Conway.
50874dd009d4090755009a11: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_032_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to dock
50874dd009d4090755009a13: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_032_1.jpg)
10 March 1891
A.A. Conway (CH) - Was by order of the Commandant, this day declaired a deserter.
Jno Glenn (lds) & Jno Conley (2cf) - Absent without leave.
A A Conway - declared a deserter, by order of the commander
Jus Glen, Jus Couley - Absent without leave
Galena -
A.A. Conway (CH) - by order of the Commandant this day declared a deserter.
Jus Glenn (lds) and Jus Couley (vcf) - absent without leave
AA Conway - Declared a deserter by order of Commandant
4 to 8 PM. Clear blue sky with haze in horizon. Light breezes and airs from NW first part, from W latter part of watch. At 5 mustered crew at quarters. Jno Elere, Jno Couley, absent without leave. At 4:45 working party returned from 'Galena'. V.L. Cottman, Lieut.
50874dd009d4090755009a15: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_033_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to Ordinance Dock / Navy Yard
50874dd009d4090755009a17: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_033_1.jpg)
11 March 1891
Sent draft of 9 men with bags, hammocks and mess gear to "Galena" for temporary transfer. Peter Meyer (Sea), Jno Donovan (Sea), A. Wright (Sea), Geo Henry (Sea), M. Halvarsen (Sea), A.M. McGreggor (os), Otto Lundbald (os), E ~ (Sea) and Albert McNab
Pete Weyer, Jus Donovan, A Wright, Geo henry, W Halversen, A McGreggor, Cetto Sundbald, E Sensou, albert Mcnab - sent draft of 9 men with bags, hammocks and mens gear to Galena for temporary transfer
tugs towed ship to Ordanance dock, making preparations for getting battery on board
"Sent draft of 9 men with bags, hammocks and mess gear to "Galena" for temporary transfer. Peter Meyer (sea), Jus Donovan (sea), A Wright (sea), Geo Henry (sea), M Halvansere (sea), A. McGreggor (os), Atto Lundbald (os),E Svensuson (sea) and ALbert McNab (sea)."
4 to 8 AM. Clear, fine, bracing weather. Calm. Fog hanging over land and water. Steam port forward boiler for heating ship. Sent draft of 9 men with bags, hammocks and mess gear to 'Galena' for temporary transfer. Peter Meyer, Jno Donovan, A Wright, Geo Henry, M Halvoness, A. McGreagor, Otto Sundbald, E Svenson, and Albert McNab. V. L. Cottman, Lieut.
8 AM to Meridian. Fair and pleasant, fine weather. Light airs from W first part, from WSW latter part. Haze on horizon. At 9:00 two Navy Yard tugs came along side. Cast off from dock and tugs towed ship to Ordinance dock where made fast under derrick, with port side to dock, at 9:55. Making preparations for getting battery on board. V. L. Cottman, Lieut.
50874dd009d4090755009a19: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_034_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to Ordinance dock
50874dd009d4090755009a1b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_034_1.jpg)
12 March 1891
Jno Glenn (lds) and Jno Cauley (2cf) - Absent without leave.
Transfered with bags, hammocks and transcript of accounts for temporary duty on the USS "Nina":- Paul ~ (oo), W.J. Grey (os), C.R. Smith (2cf), Jackson Holmes (2cf), A. Alsen (2cf), Wm Rhodes (2cf) and J.F. Flynn (2cf)
Jno McGlane (pm) - Was transfered to the US Navel Hospital.
Louise Dunnwald (mach) - Transfered from USRC "Vermont" to this ship.
Jus Glenn, Jus Couley - absent without leave
Paul Gabe, W J grey, E R Smith, Juercronre Holmes, A Olsen, William Rhodes, J F Flynn - transferred with bags, hammocks and transcript of accounts for temporarty duty on the USS Nina
Jus MCGloue - transfered to U S Naval hospital
Louis Dunnwald - transfered from USRS Vermont to this ship
"Absent without leave: Jus Glenn (lds) and Jus Couley (vcf). Transferred with bags, hammocks and transcript of accounts for temporary duty on the U.S.S. "Nina": Paul Zabe (oo), WJ Gret (os), CR Swirt (vcf), Jackson Holmes (vcf), A Alsen (vcf), Wm Rhodes (vcf) and J F Flynn (vcf).
Jus McGloue (PM) - was transferred to the U.S. Naval Hospital.
Louis Duvenwald (mach) - was transferred from U.S.R.S "Vermont" to this ship.
8 AM to Meridian: Overcast and cloudy. Drizzling rain during last hours. Light hairs and breezes from ENE, NE, and NE by N. Barometer steady. Absent without leave Jno Glenn and Jno Couley. Transferred with bags, hammocks and transcript of accounts for temporary duty on the USS "Nica": Paul Jack, WJ Gray, CR Smith, Jackson Holmes, A Olsen, Wm Rhodes and JF Flynn. Hoisted on board one 6 in gun with shield and carriage. Stopped work at 10:30 awaiting the return of the tug "Catalfa" to wind slup. Steam on port forward boiler. AW Grant, Lieut.
Meridian to 4 PM. Overcast, cloudy and rainy. Light airs from NNE to NE. Jno McGloue was transferred to NW Naval Hospital. Louis Dummwald was transferred from USRS "Vermont" to this ship. At work on board from the Yard: 7 man in Ordinance Dept, 6 men in Construction Dept, and 2 men in Steam Engineering Dept. Watered ship and filled and gat up steam one boiler D. Joe Strauss, Ensign
50874dd009d4090755009a1d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_035_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to Ordinance dock
50874dd009d4090755009a1f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_035_1.jpg)
13 March 1891
Jno Glenn (lds) & Jno Couley (2cf) - Absent without leave
Jus Glenn, Jus Couley - absent without leave
Luthor Swift - transfered to hospital
"At 5 mustered crew at quarters. Jus Glenn (lds) and Jus Couley (vcf) absent without leave. Transferred to hospital Luther Swift (os).
Jno Couley - Absent without leave
Jno Glenn - Absent without leave
Luther Swift - transfered to hospital
Overcast, cloudy and rainy. Light airs and breezes from E.
Foggy with light airs and breezes from NE.
Foggy and overcast clearing toward end of watch. Barometer falling rapidly. Calm with light airs and breezes from SE and SSE.
Light breeze from SE and SSE. Overcast, cloudy, misty, damp weather. Barometer falling. At 3:50 commenced to rain.
Overcast and cloudy first part with rain during the first hour. Wind light from SSE 'till 6:30 when commenced to shift to Wd and after that increase in force blowing in strong puffs remainder of watch.
Luther Swift (o.s.) - Transferred to hospital
Clear and cool. Bright starlight. Wind from WNW. Squally from fresh to stiff breeze.
50874dd009d4090755009a21: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_036_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Coal consumed during preceding week: 10 tons 2194 labs. Coal remaining on hand at Noon: 174 tons 198 lbs.
50874dd009d4090755009a23: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_036_1.jpg)
14 March 1891
Jno Glenn & Jno Cauley - Absent without leave
4 to 8 PM. Clear, cold pleasant weather. Stiff breeze in squalls from W. Sent liberty party to shore. At 5 mustered crew at quarters. The following named men absent from the ship without leave: Jno Glenn, Jno Couley. Low water at 6:20 steam on port after boiler.
Clear and bright starlight. Barometer rising. Gentle to stiff breezes blowing in squalls from West.
Clear and cold. Gentle to fresh breeze in squalls from W and SW
Clear and cold, fine weather. Strong wind blowing in squalls from W.
Clear first part, cloudy last hour, cold pleasant weather. Strong wind in squalls from W.
Clear, cold, pleasant weather. Stiff breeze in squalls from W.
Clear, cold, pleasant weather. Stiff breeze in squalls from moon set at 11:15.
Midnight to 4 am Clear and bright Starlight. Barometer rising. Gentle to stiff breezes blowing in squalls from West. A.W.Grant, Lieut.
4 to 8 am Clear & cold, Gentle to fresh breeze in Squalls from W and SW. Jos.Strauss, Ensign
8 am to Meridian Clear and cold, fine weather. Strong wind blowing in squalls from W. Steam on port after boiler for heating ship. Workmen at work on board from Navy Yard in Constructing Engineering and Ordnance Departments. V.L.Cottman, Lieut.
Meridian to 4 pm Clear first part, cloudy last hour, cold pleasant weather. Strong wind in Squalls from W. Steam on port after boiler. Navy Yard workmen engaged in work in the following departments; Ordnance 6 men, Construction 5 carpenters, 1 apprentice, Steam Engineering 3 boiler workers, 1 helper. Received in Equipment Dept. 1 bbl. lard oil Hight water at 14:30. Chas. Laird, Lieut.
4 to 8 pm Clear, cold, pleasant weather. Stiff breeze in squalls from W. Sent liberty party on shore. At 5 inspected crew at quarters. The following named men absent from the ship without leave: Viz. Jno Glenn (lds), Jno Couley (2cs),. Low water at 6:20 Steam on port after boiler. Chas.Laird, Lieut.
8 pm to Midnight Clear, cold, pleasant weather. Stiff breeze in squalls from W. Moon Set at 11:15. Steam on port after boiler. Chas. Laird, Lieut.
J.B.Briggs Lt., Navigator
50874dd009d4090755009a25: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_037_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to Ordinance dock Navy Yard
50874dd009d4090755009a27: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_037_1.jpg)
15 March 1891
absent without leave:- Jno Glen (lds) Jno Couley (2cf) G.W. Connell (j~d) ~ Ahern (CH)
L.J. Petterson (sea) was transfered to US Navel Hospital Brooklyn N.Y.
8 AM to Meridian. Clear, bright, pleasant weather. Moderate breeze from WNW at 9:30. Mustered and inspected crew at quarters. The following men absent from the ship without leave; Viz, Jno Glenn, Jno Couley, GW Connell, B Ahern, T Ahern returned on board 3 hours over time. The Commander inspected lower decks and store rooms. On Hospital ticket LJ Petterson was transferred to NS Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, NY. Cha Laird, Lieut.
"The following men absent from the ship without leave; Viz, Jus Glenn (lds), Jus Couley (vcf), G W Courell (jyd), D. Aheru (CH), T Aheru (CH), returned on board 3 hours over time. ... Our hospital ticket L.J. Pettinson (sea) was ransferred to U.S. Naval Hospital, Brooklyn N.Y.
Moderate breezes from W. Clear, cold, pleasant weather.
Gentle to moderate breezes from West. Clear, cold, pleasant weather.
Clear, bright, pleasant weather. Moderate breeze from WNW.
One Hospital ticket L.J. Petterson (sea) was transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital, Brooklyn NY
Weather clear and pleasant. Light and gentle breeze from WSW.
Clear and pleasant. Barometer steady. Light breezes from WSW and SW.
Clear and pleasant. Barometer falling. Gentle breezes from SW.
T. Ahern (ch) - Absent without leave
Jno Couley (2cf) - Absent without leave
Jno Glenn (lds) - Absent without leave
G. W. Connell (pds) - Absent without leave
T. Ahern (ch) - Returned on board 3 hours overtime
L. J. Petterson (Sea) - Hospital ticket was transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital, Brooklyn N.Y.
50874dd009d4090755009a29: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_038_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to Ordinance dock
50874dd009d4090755009a2b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_038_1.jpg)
16 March 1891
Absent without leave Jno Glenn (lds), Jno Coutey (2cf) and G.W. Connell (J of D)
Jno Glen (lds) was declared a deserter by Commanding officer.
8 AM to Meridian. Generally overcast. Barometer falling. Light breezes from SW and WSW. Steam under port after boiler. At work on board in Ordinance are 9 men; in Construction, 7 1st class joiners and 1 apprentice; 3 ship fitters and 2 sparworkers. Absent without leave Jno Glenn, Jno Couley, and GW Connell. At 11 AM got up steam under one boiler prepaired to move the engines; winded the ship. A W Grant, Lieut.
Jno Glen - Declared a deserter by Commanding officer.
Clear and cool. Barometer falling. Light and gentle breeze from SW and SW by S.
Clear and cool. Barometer falling slowly. Light breezes from SW.
Generally overcast. Barometer falling. Light breezes from SW and WSW.
Cloudy and threatening, rain at times. Gentle to stiff breeze from SW shifting to NW.
Cloudy and cool. Gentle to stiff breeze from NW. Squally at times.
Bright starlight night. Moderate to fresh breeze from NE generally steady but with occasional squalls.
Absent without leave Jus Glenn (lds), Jus Couley (vcf) and G W Conwell (J of D)...Jus Glenn (lds) was declared a deserter by Commanding officer."
Jno Glenn (lds) - Absent without leave
Jno Couley (2cf) - Absent without leave
G. W. Connell (J of D) - Absent without leave
Jno Glenn (lds) - Declared a deserter by Commanding Officer
50874dd009d4090755009a2d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_039_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Moored to Ordinance Dock
50874dd009d4090755009a2f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_039_1.jpg)
17 March 1891
Jno Couley (2cf) - Declared by commanding officer a deserter from this date.
Jno Couley - declared deserter by Commanding Officer
8PM to Midnight. Light airs from South. Blue sky, starlight, and moonlight. V.L Cottman, Lieut.
Jus Couley - Commanding officer decalred Jus Couley (vcf) a deserter from this date.
Clear and cold, bright moonlight first hour, starlight afterwards. Wind from NW blowing in strong squalls but moderate towards close of watch. Barometer rising.
Clear and cold. Gentle to stiff breeze from NW.
Clear and cool. Gentle breeze from WNW. Shifting to West at 9:00
Clear and cold. Light breezes and airs from NW and NNW. Blue sky.
Clear and pleasant though cold. Moonlight and starlight last hour. Light airs from SW and S.
Light airs from South. Blue sky, starlight and moonlight.
Jim Couley (2C7) - Commanding Officer declared Jim Couley (2C7) a deserter from this date
50874dd009d4090755009a31: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_040_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a33: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_040_1.jpg)
18 March 1891
For offences committed the following punishments were assigned by order of the Commanding officer:- James F Tobin (CH) overstaying liberty 23 hrs 30 min, restricted 2ms, loss 1 days pay, Jus J Reardon (CH) overstaying liberty 37 hrs, restricted 3 mo, loss 2 days pay. Jas H McGlove (CH) overstaying liberty 37 hrs, restricted 3ms, loss 2 days pay. Jas. Murray (CH) overstaying liberty 37 hrs, restricted 3ms, loss 2 days pay. Jas J McGinness (lds), overstaying liberty 72 hrs, restricted 3ms, loss 3 days pay. Daul Breslin (CH) overstaying liberty 9 hrs 40 min , restricted 3weeks. Jno Leigh (CH) overstaying liberty 96hrs, restricted 3ms, loss 4 days pay. Henry LaWatt (lds) quarreling with pantry boy and making unnecessary noise in W.R. mess room 6.30 AM., 12 hrs extra duty.
The following named men absent from the ship without leave: viz, D.McCarity (~~) G Connell (J oD), T Dalton (pm) .
Whilst on a visiting party to the USRC Vermont Daul. Breslin (CH) and Jas Murray (CH) left the party without permission and failed to return to the ship.
A.W. Graut - Lieut. A.W. Graut (J.G) under orders from the department left the ship on detached duty connected with the electric search lights of the U.S.S. Newark.
Steamer Berrington - came up to the yard and secured alongside the dock.
"For officers committed the following punishments were assigned by order of the commanding officer: James G. Tobin (CH) overstaying liberty 23 hrs 30 mins, restricted 2 mos, loss 1 days pay, Jus J Reardon (CH) overstaying liberty 37 hours, restricted 3 mos, loss 2 days pay. Jus H McGloue (CH) overstaying liberty 37 hours, restricted 3 mos, loss 2 days pay. Jus Murray (CH) overstaying liberty 37 hours, restricted 3 mos, loss 2 days pay. Jus J. McGinniss (lds) overstaying liberty 72 hours, restricted 3 mos, loss 3 days pay. David Breslin (CH) overstaying liberty 9 hrs 40 mins, restricted 3 weeks. Jus Leigh (CH) overstaying liberty 96 hours, restricted 3 mos, loss 4 days pay. Henry LaMott (lds) quarreling with pantry boy and making unnecessary noise in W.R. medd room 6.30 am, 12 hours extra duty."
"Whilst in a visiting party to the U.S.R.S. Vermont David Breslin (CH) and Jus Murray (CH) left the party without permission and failed to return to the ship."
Light breeze from SSW. Clear and cold.
Light breezes and airs from SSW. Clear and pleasant weather.
Fair and pleasant weather. Light airs and breezes from SSE.
Cloudy first part clear latter part of watch. Pleasant weather. Hazy light breeze from SE and SSE.
Clear pleasant weather. Hazy. Light airs from SE and S.
Clear pleasant weather. Light airs from SE and S.
Lieut. A. W. Grant (JG) - Under orders from the department left the ship on detached duty connected with the electric search lights of the USS Newark
Steamer Bennington - Came up to the yard and secured alongside the dock
James F. Tobin (CH) - For overstaying liberty 23 hrs 30 mins: restricted 2 mos. loss 1 days pay
Jno J. Reardon (CH) - For overstaying liberty 37 hours: restricted 3 mo. loss 2 days pay
Jas. Murray (CH) - For overstaying liberty 37 hours: restricted 3 mo. loss 2 days pay
Jas. H. McGlane - For overstaying liberty 37 hours: restricted 3 mo. loss 2 days pay
Jno. J. McGuiness (lds) - For overstaying liberty 72 hrs: restricted 3 mos. loss 3 days pay
Daul Breslin (CH) - For overstaying liberty 9 hours 40 mins: restricted 3 weeks
JNO Leigh (CH) - For overstaying liberty 96 hrs: restricted 3 mos. loss 4 days pay
Henry LaWatt (lds) - Quarrelling with panrty boy and making unnecessary noise in W.R. mess room 6:30 am. 12 hours extra duty
T. Dalton (~) - Absent without leave
D. W. McCariley (S) - Absent without leave
G. W. Connell (J of D) - Absent without leave
Sent Liberty party onshore
Daul Breslin (CH) - Whilst on a visiting party to USS Vermont, left the party without permission and failed to return to the ship
Jas. Murray (CH) - Whilst on a visiting party to USS Vermont, left the party without permission and failed to return to the ship
50874dd009d4090755009a35: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_041_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a37: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_041_1.jpg)
19 March 1891
(From) Galena) albert McNab (sea), Peter Myers (sea), Jno Donavan (sea), Geo Henry (sea), M. Halvorsen (sea), E. Sve~~~~en (sea), A. Wright (sea), A. McGreggar (os), Otto Sundblad (os)
From Nina. A. Alsen (2sf) Jackson Holmes (2cf), C.R. Smith (2cf) J.F. Flynn (2cf), wm Rhodes (2cf) Paul ~che (os) and W.J. Gray (os)
"David Breslin (CH) and Jus Murray returned to ship."
David McCarthy - returned to ship 24 hours overtime.
(From Galena) Albert McNab (sea), Peter yers (sea), Jus Donovan (sea), Geo Sterroy (sea), M. Halvansen (sea), E Sv~ (sea), A. Wright (Sea), A. McGreggor (os), Otto Sundblad (os)
From Nina A. Alsen (vcf), JAckson Halwell (vcf), C.R. Surith (vcf), J.F. Flynn (vcf), Wm Rhodes (vcf), Paul Jolie (os) and W.J. Gray (os)
P.A. Engineer E.R. Freeman U.S.U. - left the ship on one weeks leave of absence.
"The party returned from the Galena were granted 36 hours liberty."
G. Courrell - absent without leave
Light airs from South. Cloudless sky. Hazy. Barometer steady.
Light airs from South. Hazy pleasant weather.
Overcast and cloudy. Cirrus cumulus clouds scudding to SE.
Overcast and cloudy. Gentle breeze from NE by E.
David Breslin, Jas Murray - returned to ship
Saul McCarthy - returned to ship 24 hours overtime
Alber mcNab, Peter Myers, Jus Donovan, Geo Henry, W Halvorhew, E Svenneu, A Wright, A McGreggor, Alto Sundblad - from Galena
A Alsen, Jaesou Holmes, C R Smith, J F Flynn, Will Rhodes, Paul Sche, W J Gray - from Nina
P A engineer, E R Freeman - left the ship on one weeks leave of absence
Galena - The party returned from the Galena were granted 36 hours liberty
G Cornell - Absent without leave
Saul Sullivan - Came aboard at 9:30 having left the ship without permission
50874dd009d4090755009a39: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_042_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a3b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_042_1.jpg)
19 March 1891
The working party of 16 men detailed for work on the USS Galina and Nina on their passage to Portsmouth N.H. returned on board without their bags and hammocks they having been lost in the wreck of those vessels
Thos Dalton (pm) returned on board 26 hours overtime.
G. Connell (J o'D) - Absent without leave
Daul Sullivan - Came on board at 9:30 having left the ship without permission
David Breslin, Jus Murray - returned to ship (midnight to 4 a.m.)
David McCarthy - returned to ship 24 hours overtime
P.A. Engineer E.R. Freeman U.S.U - left the ship on one week's leave of absence
David Sullivan - came aboard at 9:30 having left the ship without permission
Light airs from South. Sky hazy. Barometer steady.
Light airs from South. Hazy pleasant weather.
Gentle to moderate breeze from NW by W to NE. Weather clear first part cloudy latter part of watch.
Partly cloudy and hazy. Gentle to moderate breezes from NE.
Overcast and cloudy. Cirrus cumulus clouds scuddling to SE.
Overcast and cloudy. Gentle breeze from NE by E.
The working party of 16 men detailed for work on board the Galena and Nina on their passage to portsmouth NH, returned on board
Thos Daltoul - returned on board 26 hours overtime
Daul Breslin (CH) - Returned to ship
Jas. Murray (CH) - Returned to ship
Daul McCarthy (QG) - Returned to ship 24 hours overtime
Thos. Dalton (~) - Returned on board 26 hours overtime
G. Connell (J of D) - Absent without leave
Daul Sullivan (CH) - Came abord at 9:30 having left the ship without permission
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a3f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_043_1.jpg)
20 March 1891
Daul Breclin (ch) - By order of Commanding officer placed in double irons under sentrys charge for safe keeping.
G Connell (Jo'D) - Absent without leave.
Jus Chilton (sea) - transfered to Naval Hospital with hospital ticket.
David Breslin - "By order of the Commanding officer placed David Breslin (CH) in double irons under sentrys charge for safe keeping.
Overcast and cloudy. Moderate breeze from NE by E. Falling barometer.
Overcast and hazy. Gentle to moderate breeze from Nd and Ed
Overcast. Gentle breeze from Nd + Ed.
Overcast cloudy and threatening; occasional passing showers. Gentle to moderate breeze from NE to ENE.
Overcast, cloudy with passing showers. Stiff breeze from ENE.
Overcast, cloudy, squally and rainy. Moderate to stiff breeze from ENE.
Jas Chilton (Sea) - Transferred to Naval Hospital with hospital ticket
Daul Breslin (CH) - Under orders of commanding officer placed Daul Breslin (CH) in double irons under sentry's charge for safe keeping
G. Connell (J of D) - Absent without leave
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
50874dd009d4090755009a41: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_044_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a43: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_044_1.jpg)
21 March 1891
Daul Breslin (CH) - By order of the Commanding officer was placed in double irons under sentrys charge for 5 days for leaving duty without permission ans scaling navy Yard wall.
henry La Watt (lds) - Was this day discharged from the Navel Servise at his own request.
G. Connell (jo'd) and Jno Donovan (sea) - Absent without leave.
Jno Donovan (sea) - Returned on board 9 hours 40 min overtime
"By order of Commanding officer, David BReslin (CH) was placed in double irons under sentrys charge for five days for leaving duty without permission and scaling Navy Yard Wall."
Lt. J B Briggs - was detailed as a member of a boad to investigate the damage to U.S.R.S. Vermont by collision on 19 inst.
Henry LaMott (lds) - was this day discharged from the Naval Service at his own request.
Jus DonovN - returned on board 9 hrs 40 min overtime.
Overcast and cloudy with light steady rainfall. Moderate breeze from NE by E with frequent fresh squalls.
Overcast cloudy and rainy. Fresh to stiff breeze from NE and NE by E moderating at times.
Overcast and cloudy with light drizzling rain. Stiff to light breeze from ENE.
By order of the Commanding Officer Sail Berline (CH) was placed in double irons under sentry's charge for 5 days for leaving duty without permission and scaling navy yard wall.
Lt. J B Briggs was detailed as a member of a board to investigate the damages to USRS Vermont by collision on 19 inst.
Overcast, cloudy, misty, raining, disagreeable weather. Gentle to fresh breeze from N to NNE blowing in squalls. Barometer falling slowly. Cum. Nim. clouds scudding overhead to Sth.
Stemy La Watt (lds) - was this day discharged from the Naval Service, at his own request.
Overcast, cloudy and misty with occasional light rains. Weather generally damp and disagreeable. Fresh to stiff breezes, flowing in puffs, between N and NNE.
Overcast, cloudy, misty, and rainy. Moderate to stiff breeze blowing in puffs between N and NNE. Scud passing overhead to Sd.
Daul Breslin (CH) - Under orders of commanding officer placed Daul Breslin (CH) in double irons under sentry's charge for 5 days for leaving duty without permission and scaling navy yard wall
Lt. J. B. Briggs - >t. Briggs was detailed as a member of a board to investigate the damage to USRS Vermont by collision on 19 inst.
Henry LaWatt (lds) - was this day discharged from the Naval Service at his own request
Jno Donovan (Sea) - Absent without leave
G. Connell (J of D) - Absent without leave
Jno Donovan (Sea) - At 5:40 Jno Donovan (Sea) returned on board 9 hrs and 40 mins overtime
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Saul Bechin was placed in double irons for leaving duty without permission
Henry LaWatt - Discharged from the Naval Service at his own request
Saul Breslin (CH) - By order of Commanding Officer Saul Breslin (CH) was placed in double irons under sentry's charge for 5 days for leaving duty wthout permission and scaling Navy Yard wall
LT JB Briggs - Lt JB Briggs was detailed as a member of a board to investigate the damage to USRS Vermont by collision on 19 inst
Steury LaWatt (lds) - Steury LaWatt (lds) was this day discharged from the Naval Service, at his own request
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a47: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_045_1.jpg)
22 March 1891
Liberty returned excepting Geo Henry (sea)
G. Connell (JoD) and Geo henry (sea) - Absent without leave.
Overcast, cloudy, rainy, foggy, and misty weather. Gentle to stiff breezes blowing from N to NNE.
Overcast, cloudy, foggy, damp, and disagreeable weather. Wing puffy backing and bunting between N and NNE.
Overcast and cloudy. Wind blowing in puffs between N and NNE and from gentle to fresh breeze. Barometer steady.
Overcast, threatening weather. Raining during entire watch. Wind in stiff squalls from N by E.
Wind in moderate to stiff squalls from N by E. Overcast and raining. Barometer rising.
Weather overcast and threatening. Moderate to stiff squalls from N by E.
Geo Henry (sea) - Liberty party returned excepting Geo Henry.
G. Courell, Geo Henry - absent over leave (8am to meridian)
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
50874dd009d4090755009a49: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_046_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a4b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_046_1.jpg)
23 March 1891
The following punishments were awarded Par'k O'Brian (CH) Returning on board under influence of liquor and causing disturbance in the Head under the forecastle, 48 hours extra duty, Jas Murray (ch) absenting himself from Church party and returning on board drunk, 5 nights in D~. P.J. Fitzgerald (ch) smuggling liquor and returning on board drunk, resisting the ships police and using abusive language 5 nights in D~. L. Dugan (bs) permitting his helper to scale wall and smuggle liquor when sent up to the gard on duty, excused. C. Larson (2m) carrying matches on board without permisssion, 1/2 money. Daul Sullivan (ch) absent from ship without leave, warned. Geo Henry (sea) overstaying liberty 24 hours, restriction and loss of pay.
G Connell (Jo'D) - Absent without leave.
P.J. Fitzgerald (ch) - Was found intoxicated on board ship and was placed in the brig to await investigation.
J. Phillips (lds) - Was found intoxicated on board the ship and was placed in double irons to await investigation.
J.J. Murray (ch) - Placed in double irons for the night in accordance with punishment inflicted.
P.O'Brian (ch) - Stood extra watch from 9 - 11 as per punishment inflicted.
Overcast, squally and rainy. Barometer rising. Wind from N by E.
Overcast, raining until last hour of watch. Foggy. Gentle to moderate breeze from N by E.
Overcast and foggy first part, cloudy latter part of watch. Moderate breeze from N by E.
Begins cloudy and hazy, gradually clearing during watch. Moderate breeze from N by E to NNE. Crew engaged in drying up moisture inside ships bottom.
Partly cloudy, hazy, moderate NNE breeze falling to gentle breeze at end of watch.
Cloudy and hazy. Moonlight at intervals. Gentle to moderate breeze from NNE.
Geoo Henry (sea) - returned on board 24 hours overtime
Lieut. Commander E P Ward and Chief Engineer R. B. Hive - made weekly inspection of bilges and inner surface of hull.
"The following punishments were awarded Patk. O'Brien (CH) returning on board under influence of liquor and causing disturbance in the Head under the forecastle, 48 hours extra duty. Jus Murray (CH) absented himself from Church purty and returning on board drunk, 5 nights in D.I. P.S. Fitzgerald smuggling liquor and returning on board drunk, resisting ships police and using abusive language 5 nights in D.I. L Dugan (os) permitting his helper to scale wall and smuggle liquor when sent up to the yard on duty, excused. C Lanson carrying matches on board without permission, 1/2 money. David Sullivan (CH) absent from ship without leave, warned. Geo Henry (sea) overstaying liberty 24 hours, restriction and loss of pay."
"P.J. Fitzgerald (CH) was found intoxicated on board ship and was placed in the brig to await investigation. J Phillips (lds) was found intoxicated on board the ship and was placed in double irons to await investigation. J. Murray (CH) placed in double irons for the night in accordance with punishment inflicted."
Geo Henry (Sea) - returned on board 24 hours overtime.
Lieut. Commander E. P. Wood - made the weekly inspection of bilges and inner surfaces of hull
Chief Engineer R. B. Hine - made the weekly inspection of bilges and inner surfaces of hull
Patrick O'Brien (CH) - Returning on board under indluence of liquor and causing disturbance in the head under the forecastle awarded 48 hours extra duty
Jas. Murray (CH) - Absenting himself from church party and returning on board drunk, awarded 5 nights in D.I.
P. J. Fitzgerald (CH) - smuggling liquor and returning on board drunk, resisting ship police and using abusive language, awarded 5 nights in D. I.
L. Deagan (OS) - permitting his helper to scale wall and smuggle liquor when sent up to the yeard on duty: excused
C. Larson (QM) - Carrying matches on board without permission: 1/2 money
Daul Sullivan (CH) - Absent from ship without leave, warned
Geo. Henry (Sea) - Overstaying liberty 24 hours, restriction and loss of pay
G. Connell (J of D) - Absent without leave
P. J. Fitzgerald (CH) - found intoxicated on board ship and was placed in the brig to await investigation.
J. Phillips (lds) - was found intoxicated on board ship and was placed in double irons to await investigation
J. Murray (CH) - placed in double irons for the night in accordance with punishment inflicted
P. O'Brien (CH) - stood extra anchor watch from 9 to 11 pm as per punishment inflicted
50874dd009d4090755009a4d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_047_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a4f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_047_1.jpg)
24 March 1891
J. Phillips (lds) - Sentenced to be confined in double irons for five (5) nights and placed under the surveillance of the Master at Arms, for drunkenness on board ship.
P.J. Fitzgerald (ch) - Was retained in cell by order of Commanding officer for treatment at request of Medical officer.
The following named men were were transported from the USRC "Vermont" to this ship: L.M. Henriques (sea), Ludwig Morteusea (sea), Jno Collins (sea), Jas. J. Euston (sea), Chas A. Rosse (sea), G.H Kramer (sea), A. Gabrelson (os), Jno Ferguson (Mach), B. Doherty (1st cf) and W. Griffin (1st Cf)
Cane Hardy (2~sw) - Absent without leave, returned 10 hours overtime.
Overcast, hazy. Gentle to stiff breeze in squalls from NNE.
Overcast, hazy. Gentle to stiff NNE breezes in squalls.
Overcast and cloudy. Light to gentle breeze from NNE.
Fair and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from N by E to N by W.
Cloudy and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from N by W.
Light breeze from N. Overcast and cloudy. Barometer steady.
"In accordance with punishment inflicted Jus Murray (CH) was released from double irons at 6:00 and P. O'Brien was put on extra anchor watch from 4 to 6"
Asst. Engineer E R Freeman - was granted an extension of leae by the Navy Dept until April 6th, 1891
P J Fitzgerald - was retained in cell by order of Commanding Officer for treatment at request of Medical Officer
"The following named men were transferred from the U.S.R.S. Vermont to this ship: L.M. Heuniques (sea), Jus Collins (sea), Jas. J. Euston (seas), Chas A. Rosse (sea), G H Kramer (sea), A Gabreilson (os), Jus Ferguson (mach), B Doherty (1st CH), and W Griffin (1st CH)."
Jas. Murray (CH) - Released from double irons at 6:00
P. O'Brien (CH) - In accordance with punishment inflicted put on extra anchor watch from 4 to 6.
J. Phillips (lds) - Sentenced to be confined in double irons for five (5) nights and placed under the surveillance of the Master at Arms, for drunkenness on board ship.
Passed Asst. Engineer E. R. Freeman - was granted ana extension of leave by the Navy Dept until April 6th, 1891.
P. J. Fitzgerald (CH) - was retained in cell by order of Commanding Officer for treatment at request of Medical Officer.
Jno. Collins (Sea) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
Jas. J. Euston (Sea) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
L. M. Henriques (Sea) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
Ludwig Morteusen (Sea) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
Chas. A. Rosse (Sea) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
G. H. Kramer (Sea) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
A. Gabrelson (os) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
W. Griffin (1st C.F.) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
B. Doherty (1st C F) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
Jno Ferguson (Mach) - Transferred from the U.S.S. Vermont to this ship.
Cane Hardy (2 S.W) - Absent without leave. Returned at 6:00 10 hours overtime.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a53: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_048_1.jpg)
25 March 1891
Geo W Connelly (Jo'd) - Was this day declared a deserter.
Overcast and cloudy. Light airs and breezes from NNW.
Cloudy and hazy. Light NNW airs and breezes.
Cloudy but pleasant weather. Light breeze from NNW.
Clear, bright, pleasant weather. Light breeze from NW and NNW. Barometer steady.
Clear pleasant weather. Light breeze from NW.
Light breeze from NW. Clear bright moonlight.
Geo W Courrell (Jo'd) - was this day declared a deserter.
Lieut. A W. Graut USU - returned on board having completed the special duty for which he was temporarily detached.
Jus Murray (CH) - In accordance with the order of the commander, Jus Murray was confined to double irons for the night
J Phillips (lds) - In accordance with the order of the commander, J Philip was confined to double irons for the night
Geo. W. Connell (J d S) - was this day declared a deserter.
Lieut. A. W. Grant USN - returned on board having completed the special duty for which he was temporarily detached
Jas. Murray (CH) - under order of the Commander 23 inst. was confined in double irons for the night
J. Phillips (lds) - was confined in double irons for the night by order of the Commander of the 24th inst.
50874dd009d4090755009a55: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_049_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.70, Long -73.97
50874dd009d4090755009a57: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_049_1.jpg)
26 March 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
P.J. Fitzgerald (ch) - For being drunk on board ship was, bu order of the Commander, sentanced to be confined in double irons for 5 nights from after supper to all hands in the morning.
Jas Murray (ch) - Left the ship without permission.
Clear pleasant weather, bright moonlight. Gentle to moderate breeze from NW to NNW
Clear pleasant weather, moderate to strong breeze from NNW and N by W.
Clear bright pleasant weather. Moderate to gentle breezes from N by W.
Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from NW. Barometer steady.
Weather clear and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from NW. Barometer steady.
Clear and cool. Weather pleasant. Light SSW breeze first two hours calm last two.
"J Murray (CH) and J Phillips )lds) were released from confinement as per previous order of commander."
D Breslin (CH) - By order of the Commanding officer D Bresllin (CH) was released from confinement, his term of confinement having expired.
P.J. Fitzgerald (CH) - for being drunk on board ship was, by order of the commander, sentenced to be confined in double irons for 5 nights from after supper to all hands in the morning.
Jus Murray - left the ship without permission and did not return.
"Confined in double irons at sundown, for the night, as per previous order of Commanding officer, J Phillips (lds) and P.J. Fitzgerald (CH).
50874dd009d4090755009a59: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_050_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 11766.75, Long -16313.38
50874dd009d4090755009a5b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_050_1.jpg)
27 March 1891
Jas Murray (ch) - Absent without leave.
Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from NNE. Barometer falling slowly.
Overcast and cloudy, threatening rain. Barometer steady. Light breezes from NE + ENE.
Weather overcast and cool. Barometer falling. Light breezes from ENE and NE.
Cloudy and threatening. Light to gentle breeze from NNE to SE.
Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle breeze from SE to NE.
Overcast and cloudy. Light to gentle breeze from NE. Threatening rain.
J Phillips - released from confinement
P.J. Fitzgerald - released from confinement
Jus Murray (CH) - absent without leave
Lieut. J.B. Briggs - made regular inspection of inner hill and double battories
Ensign L.C. Bertelette - inspection of inner hulls and double battories
Commander Oliver A Bateheller - Commander of Ship
Steam on port foward boiler is heating and lighting high
J. Phillips and P.J. Fitzgerald - Released from confinement
4 am to 8 am - overcast and cloudy and threatening rain
enganged in work from the yard. 5 machinests, 4 helpers and 2 carpenters in ordinance; 6 riggers, 14 aidworker, 4 electricians and 1 machinist in equipment; in construstion 5 shipfitters and 3 helpers; steam egineering 3 machinists and one pile carver
Jan Wurray - AWOL
50874dd009d4090755009a5d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_051_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 117406.75, Long -16313.38
50874dd009d4090755009a5f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_051_1.jpg)
28 March 1891
Jus Murray - Absent without leave
Gloomy threatening weather. Gentle to moderate breeze from ESE and SE.
Cloudy and cool. Light to moderate breeze in puffs from NE and NE by N.
Overcast and cloudy with tendency to clear last hour. Gentle to moderate breeze from NE by N.
Gentle breeze from SE till last hour then light breeze from NE. Cloudy unsettled weather.
Puritan - 15 men to move and secure the Puritan.
Cloudy but pleasant weather, starlight last hour. Light breezes and airs from all around the compass.
Clear and pleasant weather. Starlight. Moonlight after ten. Light airs from S and Calm.
the "Puritan" - At 1:00 sent working party of 15 men to move and secure the "Puritan"
Jus Murray (vcf) - absent without leave
Commander Oliver A Batcheller -
50874dd009d4090755009a61: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_052_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a63: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_052_1.jpg)
29 March 1891
Jas Murray - Absent without leave.
Light airs and breezes from North. Clear and pleasant first two hours, cloudy remainder of watch.
Overcast and cloudy with light sleet falling during last hour. Light breezes from NNE.
Cloudy but clearing weather. Cir Cum clouds passing overhead to southward. Moderate breeze from N to NNE.
First part cloudy, latter part of watch clear. Weather bright and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from N by W. Barometer steady.
Clear bright pleasant weather, light airs from N.
Clear pleasant weather, light breezes from N and N by W.
Oliver A.Bateheller -
J Phillips - IN the Brig
Peter Fitzgerald - released from the brig
Jas Murray - AWOL
50874dd009d4090755009a65: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_053_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a67: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_053_1.jpg)
30 March 1891
Jas Murray (ch) - Absent without leave.
Pleasant weather, cloudless sky, hazy. Light airs from N by W. Bright moonlight.
Bright pleasant weather, hazy first part of watch, cloudless sky. Light breeze from N by W.
Weather clear warm and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from N by W.
Clear bright and pleasant. Light airs from NW by W. and ESE.
Clear and pleasant. Barometer pleasant. Light airs from ESE.
Jus Murray (CH) - absent without leave
bright nightlight
50874dd009d4090755009a69: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_054_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a6b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_054_1.jpg)
31 March 1891
Jas Murray (ch) - Was this day declared a deserter by order of Commanding officer.
Sold the effects of Jos Murray (ch) at auction, the sale amountiong to $2\80.
W.J.S. Shaw (Lamp lighter) - Left the ship without permission
Clear and pleasant. Gentle breeze from NE.
Clear and cool. Light breeze from NE.
Weather overcast and cloudy, threatening. Barometer steady. Gentle to moderate ESE breeze.
Overcast and cloudy. Light fall of snow last hour. Gentle to light breezes from SE to E by S.
Cloudy and overcast with drizzling rain occasionally. Gentle breeze from ExS to ENE.
Overcast cloudy and rainy. Gentle breeze from NE.
Jus Murray (CH) - was this day declared a deserter by order of the Commanding Officer.
"Henry Morau, Chas Boy, ~ Christiansen (seaman), and Chas E Evans (mach), and David Quill (ICF) were transferred from U.S.R.S. "Vermont" to this vessel."
W.J.S. Shaw - left the ship without permission
50874dd009d4090755009a6d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_055_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a6f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_055_1.jpg)
1 April 1891
A. Hass (lds), J. Phillips (lds) and J. Leigh (ch) left the ship without permission.
Confined Patrick Crilly (ch) in cell for safe keeping by order of Commanding officer.
W.J. Flynn (ch) was detected in attempting to come on board surreptitiously over forward spurshore and when being arrested by police of the ship he forcibly resisted them striking the Orderly sergeant; upon being searched a bottle of liquor was found upon his person, he was confined in the cell by order of the Commanding officer to await further investigation of the case.
Wm Davis (2cf) - Was by order of the Commanding officer, placed in double irons for being drunk on duty
J.J. Doherty (ch) - By order of the Commanding officer was placed in double irons to await further investigation of charges of resisting police of the ship in the performance of their duty and stowing himself awaw about the ship.
Jno Leigh (ch), J. Phillips (lds) W.J. Shaw (lds) A. Hass (lds) were absent without leave and C Larson (qm) absent overstaying liberty.
J. Leigh (ch) - Returned on board
Received on board, with their bags, hammocks, from the "Vermont" Albert Anderfuhren (lds), W.J. Conway (2cf), Jno Dunn (2cf), Jus Fletcher (2cf) Chas Dayle (ch) and Jas Flynn (ch)
Jno Blockty~ (CBM) was found too drunk to perform any duty and by order of Commanding officer was placed under sentrys charge.
Overcast, cloudy, and rainy. Light to gentle breeze from NE.
Overcast and cloudy. Light to gentle breeze from NE to NE by E.
Overcast and cloudy. Gentle breeze from NE.
Overcast and cloudy. Light to gentle breezes from NE first hour SE afterwards. Barometer steady. Cir Cum Nimb clouds.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from SE and SSE.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from SSE and S.
"A Hans (LDS), J Phillips (lds) ad J Leigh (CH) left the ship without permission"
Partick Crilly (CH) - Confined PAtrick Crilly in cell for safe keeping by order of Commanding Officer.
"At 4:20 M.J. Flynn (CH) was detected in attempting to come on board surreptitiously, over forward spurshore and when being arrested by police of ship he forcibly resisted them striking the Orderly Sergeant; upon being searched a bottle of liquor was found upon his person, he was confined in the cell by order of the Commanding Officer to await further investigation of the case. P Crilly was released from confinement by order of the Commanding Officer he being sober."
Wm Davis (vcf) was, by order of the Commanding Officer, placed in double irons for being drunk on duty and JJ Doherty (CH) also by order of the Commanding Officer, was placed in double irons to await further investigation of charges of resisting police of the ship in the performance of their duty and starving himself awaw about the ship."
Jus Leigh, J Phillips, WJ Shaw, A Haas were absent without leave and C Lanson absent overstaying liberty.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 20 pounds -
50874dd009d4090755009a73: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_056_1.jpg)
2 April 1891
J.J. Reardon (ch) - Returned on board having jumped the ship during the night, he brought with him two bottles containing liquor. By order of the Commanding officer placed him in double irons for leaving the ship without permission and smuggling liquor on board and to await further investigation of his case.
P. Crilly (1cf) - Was by order of the Commanding officer placed in double irons for being drunk on board.
A. Haas (lds) - Who left the ship without permission returned on board and by order of the Commander was placed in double irons to await investigation.
J. E. Overton (Eng Yeo) - For being drunk on board the ship was placed under sentry charge await investigation.
P.D. Will (Mach) - For being drunk on duty was palced under arrest by order of Commander, to await investigation.
Jno Phillips (lds) and W.J. Shaw - Absent without leave.
J.J. Byr~es (sh car) - Was confined in double irons to await investigation of his case, by order of Commander, he being drunk on duty.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from SSE first part from S latter part. Barometer steady.
Overcast and cloudy. Slight breeze from East and NNE.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from E and ESE.
Weather overcast and threatening. Light to moderate breeze from ESE to ENE.
Overcast cloudy and rainy, commenced raining at 4:40. Gentle to moderate breeze from ENE.
Overcast, threatening weather, raining during entire watch. Moderate breeze increasing to moderate gale from NNE. Barometer falling.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a77: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_057_1.jpg)
3 April 1891
A.J. Purcell (bugler) - Returned on board drunk and was placed under Sentrys charge by order of Commanding officer.
Jas J Reardon (cst) - Was furnished with a copy of the charges and specifications for his trial before a summary Court martial.
The following punishments, for offences committed, were assigned. By order of the Commander:- The following punishments for offences committed, were assigned. By order of the Commander:- Thos Dalton (pm), overstaying liberty 26 hours, restricted 3 ms; Case Hardy (~~) overstaying liberty 10 hours, restricted 1ms;, J.J. Doherty (ch) assisting in smuggling liquor on board ship, 5 nights on DI; Jus Leigh (ch) leaving ship without permission, 5 nights in D.I.; wm Davis (2cf) drunk on board ship, 48 hours extra duty; J.J. McCaffrey (lds) drunk on board ship 48 hours extra duty; J.J. Reardon (ch) leaving ship without permission and smuggling liquor, to await trial by summery court; Jus Blocktys (cbm) drunk on board ship, 3 days on birth deck; Adam Haas (lds) absent from ship without permission 5 nights in D>I>; Jas J. Byrue (s.tor) drunk on board ship, reduced to next inferior rating; P. Crilly (1st cf) drunk on board ship, 48 hours extra duty; M.J. Flynn (ch) absent from ship without permission, smuggling liquor and resting police of the ship, confined to await trial by General court martial.
Absent from the ship without leave W.J. Shaw (lda), Jno Phillips (lds).
A.J. McNabb (sea) returned on board 9 hrs overtime.
Weather overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain. Barometer falling. Wind blowing in squalls from moderate to very fresh breeze gradually veering from NNE to NW.
Overcast and cloudy, light passing snow about 7. Stiff to gentle breeze from NW by W to NNW decreasing in force during watch.
Overcast first part cloudy latter part of watch. Gentle breeze from WNW to W by S.
Pleasant weather. Gentle breeze from W. Barometer steady.
Weather overcast. Moderate breeze from W by N.
Light and gentle breezes from W by N. Barometer steady.
Recorder left whip without permission
50874dd009d4090755009a79: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_058_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: Coal deck -
50874dd009d4090755009a7b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_058_1.jpg)
4 April 1891
L. Mortensen (cfc) - returned from liberty drunk.
W. J. Shaw (lds) & Jno Phillips (lds) - Absent without leave.
P. Dugan (B. Smith) - Brought on board under arrest charged with attempting to scale Navy yard walls. By order of Commanding officer placed him under Sentrys charge in double irons to await investigation.
Bright starlight. Light to gentle breeze from WNW. Moonrise at 3:30
Clouded over early part of watch, latter part overcast and hazy. Light breeze to light airs from West.
Weather overcast with very light drizzling rain. Gentle breeze from W by N.
Overcast and cloudy with light to gentle breeze from NNW and NW.
Clear weather. Barometer rising. Moderate and gentle breezes from NW
Fair and cool. Light to stiff breeze in puffs from NW.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a7f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_059_1.jpg)
5 April 1891
P. Dugan (B,smith) - Was given 5 nights in double irons for attempting to leave the ship without permission.
Fine weather, clear and cool. Moderate breeze from NW blowing in puffs. Starlight. Cir cum clouds occasionally passing overhead to the SE.
Clear, bright and pleasant. Moderate breeze from West. Barometer rising
Clear fine weather. Moderate decreasing to light breeze from westward WNW.
Mustered at quarters at 9:30 and read articles for the Better Government of the Navy and General Orders.
Fine and pleasant weather. Gentle to light breezes from WNW. Clear first part clouding up last hour.
Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from WNW to NW.
Clear and cool, fine weather. Bright starlight. Light breezes from NW.
50874dd009d4090755009a81: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_060_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a83: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_060_1.jpg)
6 April 1891
J.J. Reardon (ch) - Court Martial convened on board.
Edw Stafford (lds) - Confined to double irons for insolence to Commanding officer and insubordination.
Edw Stafford (lds) - Released from confinement, by order of Commander, and was discharged from the Navel Service at the request of the Commander and by order of Admiral D.L. Braine USN Commandant of the Navy Yard.
Clear pleasant weather. Light breeze from the NW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NW.
Fine pleasant weather, clear first part clouding up latter part. Cir Cum clouds moving with the wind. Light breeze from NW.
Cloudy pleasant weather, light breeze from NW. Barometer falling.
Cloudy first part clearing up afterwards. Light breeze from WNW.
Clear bright pleasant weather. Light breeze from WNW.
coal: -
J.J. Reardon - Court Martial for trial of "insolence to commanding officer and insubordination"
J.J. Reardon - At 10:00 Court Martial for the trial of J.J. Readon (CH) convened and board adjourned at 12.
Edw. Stafford - By order of the Commander Edw. Stafford (lds) was confined in double irons for insolence to Commanding Officer and insubordination.
Recieved in pay department 100 white trousers, 100 white jumpers, 74 yds cap cloth, 147 yds trouser cloth, 189 1/2 yds bleached duck, 200 pr. woolen socks, 100 pr leggin, 100 watch caps and 45 mattress covers.
Edw Stafford - Edw Stafford (lds) was released from confinement, by order of Commander, and was discarged from the Naval Service at the request of the Commander and by order of Admiral D.L. Braine U.S.U Commandant of the Navy Yard.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a87: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_061_1.jpg)
7 April 1891
The men who served on board the USS Galena and US Tug Nina at the time of the wreck of these vessels were, at the request of the Senior officer of the Court of inquiry, sent to appear before the court;
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NW. Bright starlight.
Clear and pleasant. Misty in horizon. Light breeze from WNW and West. Barometer falling slowly.
Clear first part with light haze, latter part cloudy and hazy but pleasant weather. Light to gentle breeze from W.
The men who served on board the USS Galena and the US tug Nina at the time of the wreck of these vessels were, at the request of the senior officer of the court of inquiry, sent to appear before the court;
Partly cloudy but pleasant weather. Light to gentle breeze from W.
Cloudy first part, clear bright pleasant weather latter part of watch. Gentle breeze to light airs from West.
Pleasant weather. Bright starlight. Light airs to light breeze from West.
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a8b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_062_1.jpg)
8 April 1891
W.J. Sahw (Pds) & J. Phillips (lds) - Absent without leave.
Clear starlight night. Light airs from West first part of watch, calm latter part.
Clear bright pleasant weather. Calm first hour, light airs from WNW remainder of watch.
Clear, pleasant weather. Light airs from WNW falling to calm first half of watch changing to gentle breeze from SW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SW to NW.
Clear and pleasant. Light airs from NW.
Clear starlight night. Light breeze from NW.
A. Staas - P. Deegan (B. Smith), J.J. Doherty (CH), J Leigh (CH) and A Staas (lds) were released from confinement in pursuance of previous order of the Commander
J.J. Doherty - P. Deegan (B. Smith), J.J. Doherty (CH), J Leigh (CH) and A Staas (lds) were released from confinement in pursuance of previous order of the Commander
J. Leigh - P. Deegan (B. Smith), J.J. Doherty (CH), J Leigh (CH) and A Staas (lds) were released from confinement in pursuance of previous order of the Commander
P. Deegan - P. Deegan (B. Smith), J.J. Doherty (CH), J Leigh (CH) and A Staas (lds) were released from confinement in pursuance of previous order of the Commander.
A. Haas - The following men were released from confinement by order of the Commanding Officer their term of punishment having expired: - J.J. Doherty (CH), A. Haas (lds) and J. Leigh (CH)
J.J. Doherty - The following men were released from confinement by order of the Commanding Officer their term of punishment having expired: - J.J. Doherty (CH), A. Haas (lds) and J. Leigh (CH)
J. Leigh - The following men were released from confinement by order of the Commanding Officer their term of punishment having expired: - J.J. Doherty (CH), A. Haas (lds) and J. Leigh (CH)
J. Phillips - W.J. Shaw (lds), J. Phillips (lds). P. Deegan (B. Smith) was placed in double irons uner sentrys charge in accordance with order of Commanding Officer.
P. Deegan - W.J. Shaw (lds), J. Phillips (lds). P. Deegan (B. Smith) was placed in double irons uner sentrys charge in accordance with order of Commanding Officer.
W.J. Shaw - W.J. Shaw (lds), J. Phillips (lds). P. Deegan (B. Smith) was placed in double irons uner sentrys charge in accordance with order of Commanding Officer.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a8f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_063_1.jpg)
9 April 1891
Clear and cool, damp. Starlight. Light breezes from NNW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NNW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from North to NNW. At 11:00 cast off lines intending to go in dock; made fast again on account of strong wind and tide.
Clear and pleasant weather. Blue sky. Light breeze from NE. At 3:30 cast off from dock under tow of "Catalpa" and towed into wooden dry dock.
Fair and cloudy. Light breeze from NE. Stopped pumping out dock at 5.
Cloudy first part, fair latter part, fine weather. Light breeze from SSW.
P Seegan (B Suite) - Released from double irons punishment
Catalfa - Towed Concord into drydock
P Seegan (B Suite) - Placed in double irons for the night in punishment
P Crilly, W Davis, J McCaffaey - Performed two hours extra duty in accordance with punishment assigned by the Commander
50874dd009d4090755009a91: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_064_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a93: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_064_1.jpg)
10 April 1891
At 1:00PM called all hands to muster for the purpose of publishing the sentence of the Summary Court Martial in the case of J.J. Reardon (ch). By the sentence of a Summary Court Martial and the approval of Captain J. N. Miller acting Commandant of the Navy Yard, Brooklyn N.Y. J.J. Reardon (ch) was this day discharged from the Naval Service of the U.S. with a bad conduct discharge
J. Phillips (lds) and W.S Shaw - Were by order of the Commander declared deserters as of this day.
Light breeze from SSW. Clear and damp. Blue sky. Starlight.
Overcast, cloudy and foggy. Light breeze from SE to E.
Overcast and foggy, drizzling rain passing over last hour. Light SSE breeze. At 9 commenced to pump out the dock.
Weather overcast with light breeze from SE by S.
Weather overcast with light breezes from SE by S.
Weather overcast damp and unpleasant. Light breeze from SE by S. Barometer falling.
J. McCaffrey (lds) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed two hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
P. Crilly (2cf) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed two hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
W Davis (2cf) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed two hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
P. Deegan (B Smith) - By order of Commander released P. Deegan (B. Smith) from future punishment
W.H. Varney - At 8:30 Naval Coustanetan W.H. Varney USM came on board and inspected coal bunkers, testing the fire alarms.
JJ. Reardon (CH) - JJ Reardon (CH) was thsi day discharged from the naval service of the US with a bad conduct discharge.
J. Phillips (lds) - J. Phillips (lds) and W.S. Shaw were, by order of the commander declared deserters from this date.
W.S. Shaw - J. Phillips (lds) and W.S. Shaw were, by order of the commander declared deserters from this date.
P. Crilly (2cf) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed 4 hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
W Davis (2cf) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed 4 hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
J. McCaffrey (lds) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed 4 hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a97: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_065_1.jpg)
11 April 1891
J.H. Wilson (pm) - For remaining absent from the ship for an unreasonable time on the plea of going to the head, and returning on board under the influence of liquor, was by order of the Commander placed under sentrys charge, to await investigation.
J.H Wilson - Received 48 hours extra duty.
Weather overcast. Gentle breeze from SSE. Barometer falling.
Weather overcast, drizzling rain first part raining latter part of watch.
Weather overcast with rain during entire watch. Gentle to light breeze from SSE.
Overcast, raining. Light breeze from SE by S. Shifting to S by E and blowing in squalls.
Overcast and raining. Moderate breeze in squalls from Southward.
Overcast cloudy and raining. Gentle to moderate breezes from South.
J. ff. Wilsone (psu) - for remaining absent from the ship for an unreasonable time on the plea of going to the head, and returning on board under the influence of liquor, was by order of the Commander placed under sentrys charge for await investigation.
J. McCaffrey (lds) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed two hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
W Davis (2cf) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed two hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
P. Crilly (2cf) - P. Crilly (2cf), W Davis (2cf) and J McCaffrey (ldr) performed two hours extra duty carrying out punishment assigned by the commander.
M. J. Flynn (CH) - At 10:15 M. J. Flynn (CH) was released from confinement and in charge of the ships police was sent to appear before a general court martial, for trial, on charges presented by the Commander. [...] The presence, for the day, of M. J. Flynn (CH) being no longer required befroe the Court he was brought on board by the ships police and at 11:00 reconfined to await further action of the court.
JH Wilson (pm) - The following punishment was awarded: JH Wilson (pm) 48 hours extra duty, 2 hours on and 4 off, for remaining absent from the ship an unreasonable time on plea of going to the head, and returning on board under the influence of liquor.
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a9b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_066_1.jpg)
12 April 1891
The following punishments were awarded: A.J. Purcell (bugler) one half of monthly money stopped for returning from liberty drunk and unfit for duty for 24 hours; Albert Mc Nabb (sea) restricted to the ship for one month for overstaying liberty 9 hours; Chas Larson (Qr M) restricted to the ship for 3 months and lose one days pay for overstaying liberty 26 hours and 40 minutes; and W.J Gray (os) 12 hours extra duty for smoking out of hours.
Begins overcast clearing during the watch. Light to gentle breeze from South shifting to SW.
Begins cloudy gradually clearing during watch. Light breeze from SW shifting to West.
Cloudy but pleasant. Light airs to gentle breeze from West.
Fair and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from W to WNW. Threatening rain last hour.
Cloudy first part, clearing later. Light breeze from WNW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from WNW.
A. J. Purcell (bugler) - one half of monthly money stopped for returning from liberty drunk and unfit for duty for 24 hours
Albert McNabb (sea) - restricted to the ship for one month for overstaying liberty 9 hours
Chas Sarsen (ar m) - restricted to the ship for 3 months and to lose one days pay for overstaying liberty 26 hours and 40 minutes
W.J. Gray (os) - 12 hours extra duty for swaring out of hours
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009a9f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_067_1.jpg)
13 April 1891
M.J. Glynn - Appeared before General Court Martial in the Navy yard.
Light breeze from WNW
Fair pleasant weather. Light breeze from WNW.
Cloudy and warm. Light breeze from NW.
Clear, pleasant, fine weather. Light breeze from WNW first two hours afterwards from SSE.
Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from SSW. Blue sky.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SSW. Bright starlight.
M. J. Flynn (CH) - M. J. Flynn (CH) to appear before General Court Martial in the Navy Yard. He returned at 3:30 and was reconfined.
Lieut A W Grant MU - Lieut A W Grant MU was granted one weeks extension of leave, from 14th inst, by order of Navy Department.
50874dd009d4090755009aa1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_068_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009aa3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_068_1.jpg)
14 April 1891
By order of the Bureau of navigation, Navy Dept. the date of the desertion of Jno Phillips (lds) and W.J, Shaw (lds) was changed from April 10th to March 31st.
Clear and pleasant. Bright starlight. Light breeze from SSW.
Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from SSW.
Fair and pleasant weather. Light breeze from SSW and SW.
Cloudy, threatening rain towards end of watch. Barometer falling. Light breeze from S and SSE.
Cloudy and threatening becoming overcast at end of watch. Light breeze from SSE.
Begins cloudy becoming overcast with passing shower during last hour. Light breeze from SSE.
Lieut Chas Laird, u.s.n. - detached from this ship and ordered to report on April 15th to the Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, Washington, D.C. for duty, upon the completion of which, to return to duty on board of thi vessel.
Ensign J. Strauss, u.s.n - ordered to report for duty as a member of the General Court Martial in session in the Navy Yard.
E. R. Freeman, usn - ordered to report to the Commander of the Navy Yard for temporary duty as a member of an Expirmental Board
M. J. Flynn (CH) - M. J. Flynn (CH) was released from confinement at 10:00 to appear before a General Court Martial in the Navy Yard, he was reconfined upon returning on board at 12.
W. J. Shaw (lds) - By order of the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Dept., the date of the desertion of Joe Phillips (lds) and W.J. Shaw (lds) was changed from April 10th to March 31st.
Joe Phillips (lds) - By order of the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Dept., the date of the desertion of Joe Phillips (lds) and W.J. Shaw (lds) was changed from April 10th to March 31st.
M. J. Flynn (CH) - At 1. M. J. Flynn (CH) was released from confinement to appear before a General Court Martial in session in the Navy Yard, he was returned on board at 3, and reconfined.
50874dd009d4090755009aa5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_069_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009aa7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_069_1.jpg)
15 April 1891
Begins overcast clearing during watch. Light breeze from SSE shifting to WSW.
Partly cloudy. Fog during latter part of watch. Clouds scudding to eastward. Light airs to light breeze varying from WSW to SSE.
Clear and pleasant. Light airs to light breeze from SW to West.
Warm and pleasant. Light breeze from West.
Cloudy and pleasant. Light breeze from West shifting to ENE second hour and increasing from light airs to gentle breeze.
Overcast, cloudy, and hazy. Light breeze from ENE to NE.
Jno Ferguson (mach) - HH Kramer (QW), Jno Ferguson (mach), and A. Andufuren (lds) left ship at 9:45 to appear before the Court of Inquiry as witnesses and returned at 11:30.
H H Kramer (QM) - HH Kramer (QW), Jno Ferguson (mach), and A. Andufuren (lds) left ship at 9:45 to appear before the Court of Inquiry as witnesses and returned at 11:30.
A Andufuren (lds) - HH Kramer (QW), Jno Ferguson (mach), and A. Andufuren (lds) left ship at 9:45 to appear before the Court of Inquiry as witnesses and returned at 11:30.
50874dd009d4090755009aa9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_070_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009aab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_070_1.jpg)
16 April 1891
Wm. Leonard (Equip Yeo) - Was this day discharged the term of enlistment having expired.
Richard McPherson (lds) - Absent without leave.
Wm. Leonard (Equip Yeo) - Was this day discharged the term of enlistment having expired.
Richard McPherson (lds) - Absent without leave.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from NE first two hours calm last two.
Cloudy and cool. Light breeze from West until last hour when it fell calm.
Clear fine weather. Calm and light breezes from SSE.
Clear, fine and pleasant weather. Blue sky. Light breeze from SSE.
Clear first hour, clouding up afterwards. Fine weather.
Cloudy but fine weather. Light breeze from SSE and aires from SE.
W Lavuard (Equip. yeo.) - W Lavuard (Equip. yeo.) was this day discharged his term of enlistment having expired.
Richard McPherson (lds) - At 5 mustered crew at quarters, Richard McPherson (lds) absetn without leave.
50874dd009d4090755009aad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_071_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd009d4090755009aaf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_071_1.jpg)
17 April 1891
Received the flollowing draft of men from USRC Vermont, Viz: Wm Emery (sea), Elmer L.Q.C. Moore (sea), Otto Faudre (sea), E. Kundson (sea), Ludwig Anderson (sea) and Walker Henderson (os).
A. MacPherson (CBoy) - Absent without leave.
Wm Leonard (lds) - Transfered to this vessel from USRC Vermont
Clear fine weather. Cool. Blue sky with haze hanging over the land and water. Midnight. Calm and light ENE airs.
Clear with haze over land and water. Light breeze from ENE.
Clear and pleasant weather. Haze in horizon. Blue sky overhead. Light breeze and airs from ENE, WNW, and SE.
Clear and pleasant, light to gentle breeze from S to SE.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SE to SSE.
Begins clear and pleasant becoming overcast and foggy last half of watch. Light breeze varying from SSE to SSW.
Lieut J. B. Briggs - Lieut J. B. Briggs USU, left the ship on leave of absence till Tuesday Apr 21st.
USRS Vermont - Received the following draft of men from USRS Vermont, Vig: W Emery (sea), Elmer L. Q C Moore (sea), Utto Fandne (sea), E Kundson (sea), Ludwig Auderson (sea) and Walter Henderson (os).
W Emery (sea) - Received the following draft of men from USRS Vermont, Vig: W Emery (sea), Elmer L. Q C Moore (sea), Utto Fandne (sea), E Kundson (sea), Ludwig Auderson (sea) and Walter Henderson (os).
E Kundson (sea) - Received the following draft of men from USRS Vermont, Vig: W Emery (sea), Elmer L. Q C Moore (sea), Utto Fandne (sea), E Kundson (sea), Ludwig Anderson (sea) and Walter Henderson (os).
Ludwig Anderson (sea) - Received the following draft of men from USRS Vermont, Vig: W Emery (sea), Elmer L. Q C Moore (sea), Utto Fandne (sea), E Kundson (sea), Ludwig Anderson (sea) and Walter Henderson (os).
Walter Henderson (os) - Received the following draft of men from USRS Vermont, Vig: W Emery (sea), Elmer L. Q C Moore (sea), Utto Fandne (sea), E Kundson (sea), Ludwig Anderson (sea) and Walter Henderson (os).
Utto Fandne (sea) - Received the following draft of men from USRS Vermont, Vig: W Emery (sea), Elmer L. Q C Moore (sea), Utto Fandne (sea), E Kundson (sea), Ludwig Auderson (sea) and Walter Henderson (os).
Elmer LQC Moore (sea) - Received the following draft of men from USRS Vermont, Vig: W Emery (sea), Elmer L. Q C Moore (sea), Utto Fandne (sea), E Kundson (sea), Ludwig Auderson (sea) and Walter Henderson (os).
R MacPhesant (C.Boy) - At 5pm mustered crew at quarters. R MacPheasant (C.Boy) absent without leave.
USRS Vermont - W Leonard (lds) transferred to this vessel from USRS Vermont.
W Leonard (lds) - W Leonard (lds) transferred to this vessel from USRS Vermont.
50874dd009d4090755009ab1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_072_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Coal consumed during the week: 8 tons 524 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at noon: 125 tons 1304 lbs.
coal: 8 tons 524 lbs - consumed during preceding week
coal: 124 " 1304 " - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd009d4090755009ab3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_072_1.jpg)
18 April 1891
Richard McPherson (lds) - Absent without leave.
Hazy and calm.
Overcast and foggy. Calm to light airs from SE.
Overcast and foggy. Light airs to light breezes from SE to SW.
Clear and warm. Light airs and breezes from South to SW.
Clear and sultry first part, threatening and cloudy latter part with frequent lightning.
Overcast and cloudy. Frequent lightning and thunder first hour accompanied by rain and hail. Occasional showers second hours. Light airs from NNW.
Morris J Flynn (CH) - Morris J Flynn (CH) who was found guilty by a GCM of "absent from station and duty without leave", "striking and assaulting another person in the service while in the exicution of the duties of the office," and conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline" and was returned to be confinsed in such place as the Secretary of the Navy may designate for a period of six months; to lose all pay that may become due him during such continement, excepting two dollars per month for necessary prison expenses, and a further sum of Twenty (20) dollars to be paid him at the expiration of his terms of confinement, total loss of pay amounting to one hundred dollars.
Vermont - the prisoner [Morris J Flynn (CH)] was sent to the "Vermont" pending his transfer to the prison at Boston
Richard McPherson (lds) - At 5 mustered crew at quarters. Richard McPherson (lds) absent without leave.
Morris J. Flynn - Foung guilty by a G.C.M. of "absent from station and duty without leave", "striking and assaulting another person in the service while in the execution of the duties of his office", and conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline" and was sentenced to be confined
Vermont - Prisoner sent to "Vermont" pendinhs his transfer to the prison at Boston
Oliver A. Butcheller - Commander of Concord
Midnight to 4 a.m. Hazy and calm
4 to 8 a.m. Overcast and foggy. Calm to light airs from S.E.
8 a.m. to Meridian Overcast and foggy. Light airs to light breezes from S.E to SW. 8:15 began flooding dock. 8:40 called to quarters and stationed men so as to put ship on an even keel. 9:00 began pumping out dock, finished at 11:30. Received in Engineers Deft. 2 lbs iron wire #1~, 2 lbs copper wire #16, 1 gauge glass cutter, 8 oz ~~ acid, 72 gauge glasses ~~ 24 - 1/4 x 6 in, 24 - 5/8 x 3 3/4, 24 - 7/8 x 3 3/4. Yard workers engaged in wood on board in continuation, ordnance and equipment defts
Meridian to 4 P.M. Clear and warm. Light airs and breezes from south to s.w. Morris J. Flynne (CH) who was found guilty by a G.C.M. of "absent from station and duty without leave", "striking and assaulting another person in the service while in the execution of the duties of his office", and conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline" and was sentenced to be confined in such place as the secretary of the Navy may designate for a period of six months; to lose all pay that may become due him during such confinement, excepting two dollars per month for necessary prison expenses, and a further sum of Twenty (20) dollars to be paid him at the expiration of his term of confinement, total loss of pay amounting to one hundred dollars. The sentence was approved and the prisoner was sent to the "Vermont" pending his transfer to the prison at Boston. Received on board 420 cu. feet, fresh water for the boilers. At work from the Navy Yard 3 men in ordinance and 13 men in construction defts.
4 to 8 P.M. - Clear and sultry first part, threatening and cloudy patter~ part with frequent lightening. At 5 mustered at quarters. Richard McPherson (ldo) absent without leave.
8 P.M. to Midnight ~ Overcast and cloudy. Frequent lightening and thunder first hour accompanied by rain and hail. Occasional showers second hour. Light airs from N.N.W.
Morris J. Flynn (CH) - who was found guilty by a G.C.M. of "absent from station and duty without leave", "striking and assaulting another person in the serivce while in the execution of duties of his office," and conduct to the prejuidice of good order and discipline." and was sentenced to be confined in such place as the Secretary of the Navy may designate for a period of six months; to lose all pay that may become due him during such confinement, excepting two dollars per month for necessary preson expenses, and a further loss of twenty (20) dollars to be paid him at the expiration of his term of confinement, total loss of pay amounting to one hundred dollars. The sentence was approved and the prisoner was sent to the "Vermont" pending his transfer to the prison at Boston.
Richard McPherson (lds) - Absent without leave
Morris J Flynn (CH) - Morris J Flynn (CH) who was found guilty by a GCM of "absent from station and duty without leave" "striking and assaulting another person in the service while in the execution of the duties of his office," and conduct to the prejudice of good order and disclipline" and was sentenced to be confined in such place as the Secretary of the Navy may designate for a period of six months; to lose all pay that may become due him during such confinement excepting two dollars per month for necessary prison expenses, and a further sum of twenty (20) dollars to be paid him at the expiration of his term of confinement, total loss of pay amounting to one hundred dollars. The sentence was approved and the prisoner was sent to the "Vermont" pending his transfer to the prison at Boston.
50874dd009d4090755009ab5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_073_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009ab7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_073_1.jpg)
19 April 1891
Lat , Long
R. McPherson (lds) and J.H. Wilson (pm) - Absent without leave
Cloudy with tendency to clear. Light breeze from NNW.
Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from NNW to WNW.
Clear and warm. Light airs from West.
Fair and very warm. Light to gentle breeze from West. Cir Cum clouds passing overhead and around the horizon with the wind. Barometer falling slowly.
At 3:20 discovered smoke back of steam engineering building in Navy Yard, upon examination found fire smoldering, reported to Navy Yard watchman.
Fair and warm first part growing cooler afterwards. Light breeze from West first hour shifting suddenly to North at 6:20 and blowing afterwards moderate to stiff breeze, in puffs.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight. First hour moderate breeze from North blowing puffy, afterwards light breezes from NNW.
R McPherson (lds) - At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters when the Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship. R McPherson (lds) and J H Wilson (pur) absent without leave.
R McPherson (lds) - At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters when the Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship. R McPherson (lds) and J H Wilson (pur) absent without leave.
At 3:20 discovered smoke back of Steam Enbineering building in the Navy Yard, upon examination found five smouldering, reported fact to Navy Yard watch ~.
Midnight to 4 a.m. Cloudy with tendency to clear. Light breeze from N.N.W.
4 to 8 a.m. Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from N.N.W. to W.N.W.
8 a.m. to Meridian Clear and warm. Light airs from West. At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters when the Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship. R. McPherson (ldo) and ~ Wilson (pu~) absent without leave.
Meridian to 4 P.M. Fair and very warm. Light to gentle breeze from West. Cir. Cum clouds pairing overhead and around the horizon with the wind. Barometer falling slowly. At 3:20 discovered smoke back of Steam Engineering building in Navy Yard, before examinations found fire smoldering, reported fact to Navy Yard watchman.
4 to 8 P.M. Fair and warm first part growing cooler afterwards. Light breeze from west first hour shifting suddenly to north at 6:20. med blowing afterwards moderate to stiff breeze, in puffs.
8 P.M. to Midnight Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight. First hour moderate breeze from North blowing puffy, afterwards light breezes from n.n.w.
R. McPherson (lds) - Absent without leave
J. H. Wilson (pve) - Absent without leave
50874dd109d4090755009ab9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_074_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009abb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_074_1.jpg)
20 April 1891
The following rates were confirmed by the board appointed by the Commander under paragraph I, chapter 10, U.S. Navy regulations: Jno Blacktye Chief Bosons Mate, Alfred L. Lawson Chief Gunn’s Mate, Wm Leonard Equip Yeoman from Apr 18th. Wm Lueeman (?) Ships Writer, Care Hardy (?) Ships Writer, Daul C Lewis Bosons Mate from Apr 1st, Chas Larson ~n Master, T Thomas ~n Master, Geo H. Kramer ~n Master, Wm Johnson ships Corporal from Apr 5th, Jas Wee~s Ships Cook, E.H. Eri~ion carp mate from Apr 8th, Goe Brown Blacksmith, F Miller Sailmakers mate, J Christiensen Cap Fore, from Apr 1st, Judwig Mortensen Capt Fore, M. Martin Capt Top, P. Dillen Capt Top, L.M. Henngi~~s Coxn, from Apr 13th. Jus Collins Coxn, J.J. Euston Coxn, Chas Bay Coxn, from Apr 1st. Wm Emery Coxn from Apr 18th D. McCarily ~u Gr., Richard Street Capy of Hold, D.G Flanagan painter, A.J. Purcell bugler, Louis Cottela carpenter, J.F. Burns Carpenter; Jus Roberts was recommended for promotion from Ord Sea to Sea and A Anderfuhren from lds to a.s.
R.McPherson (C boy) and J.H. Wilson (PM) - Absent without leave.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight. Light breezes and airs from NNW.
Clear pleasant fine weather. Light breeze from NNW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from North.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NE to North.
Clear and pleasant.
Clear and pleasant. Light airs to light breeze from ENE.
50874dd109d4090755009abd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_075_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009abf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_075_1.jpg)
21 April 1891
C.E. Mitchell - Discharged from this vessel and the Navel Service at his own request.
J.H. Wilson (pm) and R. McPherson (lds) - Absent without leave.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from ESE.
Overcast and cool. Light breeze from ESE.
Overcast and threatening. Light breeze from ESE to SSE.
Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from SSE shifting to S by W and back to S by E.
Clear and pleasant. Gentle to light breeze from S by E to South.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from South.
At 9:00 ship came out of dock and was towed alongside wharf, Cob dock, and moored
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009ac3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_076_1.jpg)
22 April 1891
P. Meyer (sea) - Was turned over to Civil Authorities of Brooklyn on a warrant issued by proper Authority.
Geo Colter - Promoted from Private to Corporal U.S.Marines
R. McPherson (lds) and Jas Wilson (pm) - Absent without leave.
P Meyer (sea) - was turned over to Civil Authorities of Brooklyn on a warrant issued by proper Authority
Geo Colter - "At 4 paraded Marine Guard and read to them order promoting Geo Colter from private to corporal U.S. Marine Corps."
R McPherson, Jus Wilson - absent without leave
50874dd109d4090755009ac5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_077_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009ac7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_077_1.jpg)
23 April 1891
R. McPherson (lds) and J.H. Wilson (pm) - Absent without leave
U.S.S. Yantic - passed down East River at 11:00
"Chief Constructor F D WIlson, Chief of bureau of Construction and Repair visited the ship."
U.S.S. Fern - sent working party of six
"R McPherson and J H WIlson absent without leaver."
At 11:10 Saluting battery on Cob dock fired salute of 13 guns
FD Wilson, USN - Chief Constructor FD Wilson, USN Chief of bureau of Construction and Repair visited the ship
50874dd109d4090755009ac9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_078_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009acb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_078_1.jpg)
24 April 1891
J.H. Wilson (pm) & R. McPherson (lds) - Absent without leave
J B Brooks - left the ship on two days leave of absence
J H Wilson and R McPherson - absent without leave
50874dd109d4090755009acd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_079_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009acf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_079_1.jpg)
25 April 1891
R. McPherson (lds) & J.H. Wilson (pm) - Absent without leave.
R McPherson, J H Wilson - absent without leave
Midnight to 4 a.m.
Lancaster - The "Lancaster" moored to Ordonance Wharf at 3:10
50874dd109d4090755009ad1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_080_0.jpg)
steamer concord navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009ad3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_080_1.jpg)
26 April 1891
P. McPherson and J.H. Wilson (pm) - Absent without leave.
50874dd109d4090755009ad5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_081_0.jpg)
steamer concord navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -73.9
50874dd109d4090755009ad7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_081_1.jpg)
27 April 1891
Jus Blacktye (CBM) and J.H. Wilson (pm) - Absent without leave.
50874dd109d4090755009ad9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_082_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009adb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_082_1.jpg)
18 April 1891
Received with bags, hammocks and papers from USRC "Vermont" M. Dahne (sea), W.F. Rhane (sea), P.W. Green (sea), P. Hansby (os) and Wm. Toomey (1st cf)
Jus Blocktye (cbm) and J.H. Wilson (pm) - Absent without leave.
50874dd109d4090755009add: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_083_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009adf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_083_1.jpg)
19 April 1891
Henry Clones (sea) - Received from USRC "Vermont" with bag, hammock and papers.
R.M. McPherson (lds) - Declared a deserter from the 17th inst.
Takinaska Keda (lds) - Discharged from the service at his own request
J.H. Wilson (pm) - Declared a deserter from the 18th inst.
Jno Blacktye (bm) - Returned to the ship 60 1/2 hours overtime.
coal: - Start at 5:30
Henry Clones - Received form USRS Vermont with Bag, Hammac and parper
coal: - Stoped at 8pm
R. McPjerson - deserter the 17th
J. Lt. Wilson - derserter on the 18th
50874dd109d4090755009ae1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_084_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009ae3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_084_1.jpg)
30 April 1891
Lat , Long
50874dd109d4090755009ae5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_085_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Steamer - Concord
50874dd109d4090755009ae7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_085_1.jpg)
1 May 1891
Peter Myers (sea) - Was turned over to the ship by civil authorities of Brooklyn.
Harold P. Norton (asst Eng) - Reported for duty.
coal: 383 tons 746 lbs -
Robt. Twiss (Mach) - Received from USRC "Vermont"
Oliver A. Batchiller - Commander
Peter Myers - "turned over to the ship by civil authorities of Brooklyn"
Harold P. Norton - "reported on board for duty"
Peter Myers - At 10 Peter Myers (sea) was turned over to the ship by civil authorities of Brooklyn.
Asst Eng. Harold P Norton U.S.M. - reported on board for duty.
A. Auderfukner and H.B. Moran - left the ship at 10 to report before General Court Martial in session in Navy Yard as witnesses, they returned on board at 11:30.
U.S.S. Vermont -
50874dd109d4090755009ae9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_086_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Steamer Concord -
50874dd109d4090755009aeb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_086_1.jpg)
2 May 1891
Lat 55.8, Long -4.2
Jno Blocktye (CBM) - Disrated from Chf Bu Mt. to Seaman for overstaying liberty 60 1/2 hours
Oliver A. Batchiller - Commander
dog - 20
50874dd109d4090755009aed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_087_0.jpg)
3 April 1934
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
- me
50874dd109d4090755009aef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_087_1.jpg)
3 May 1891
Jno Leigh (CH) & P. O'Brian (CH) - Absent without leave.
Absent from the ship, overstaying liberty:- Jno Hannon (2cf), W.J. Gray (os), T Rahn (pm), T.H. Jones (pm), J.M. O'Keefe (pm), E.H. Erikson (car mate), E.J. Bourke (oiler).
Jno Leigh (ch) & Patk. O'Brian - Absent without leave.
F Rahn (pm) & M. Dahm (sea) - Returned on board from liberty overtime.
T.H. Jones (pm) - Returned on board from liberty 12 hours late.
L. Cattella - Returned to ship under influence of liquor and was placed under sentrys charge by order of Comd'g officer.
C. Doyle (ch) and J.F. Tobin (ch) - Absent from ship without leave.
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Light breeze from SSE. Overcast and cloudy. Barometer falling.
Overcast and cloudy. Drizzling rain last two hours. Barometer falling. Calm and light breeze from ESE.
Weather overcast and cloudy with steady drizzling rain for three hours. Barometer falling. Light airs and breezes from ESE.
Cloudy and threatening rain with a tendency to clear at times. Light to gentle breeze from NW.
Cloudy and pleasant. Light breezes from NW.
Clear and fine weather. Light to gentle breeze from NW.
50874dd109d4090755009af1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_088_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009af3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_088_1.jpg)
4 May 1891
J.G. Tobin (ch) and C. Doyle (ch) - Returned to the ship.
J. Doyle (ch) - By order of Comd'g officer was confined in cell for safe keeping.
J. Leigh (ch), P. O'Brian (ch), J. F. Tobin (ch) and Wm. Allen (B maker), J. Hennon (2cf), P. Crilly (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), J. Donovan (sea), E. J. Bourke (oiler), J.J. Byrne (lds), D.C. Lewis (bm), R. Street (C of H), M. Martin (C of T), M.J. Gray )os), E.H. Erickson (Qr M) overstaying liberty.
Wm. Blount (lds) - Transfered to this ship from receiving ship "Vermont"
G.H. Kramer (sea) - Transfered to US naval Hospital Brooklyn from this ship.
Jno Leigh (ch), P. O'Brian (ch) and J.F. Tobin (ch), Absent without leave.
E.H. Erikson - Returned on board 36 hours overtime.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NW shifting to WSW.
Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from SW.
Clear and pleasant weather. Light breeze from SW. Barometer falling.
Overcast and cloudy. Cir Cum clouds. Gentle to moderate breeze from West and NW.
Overcast and cloudy with passing rain showers first hour of watch. Light to moderate breeze from West first hour then shifting to NW and blowing puffy from gentle to stiff breeze.
50874dd109d4090755009af5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_089_0.jpg)
5 May 1891
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
50874dd109d4090755009af7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_089_1.jpg)
5 May 1891
J. Donovan (sea), A. McNabb (sea), W. Emery (ch), D.C. Lewis (bm), M. Martin (C of T), E. J. Bourke (oiler),R. Street (C of H), J.J. Byrne (lds), Wm. Allen (B maker), P. Crilly (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), and J. Hennon (2cf). Absent overstaying liberty.
The following punishments were assigned by Commd'r:- M. Dahm (sea) restricted for staying over liberty 7 hours, Chas Doyle (ch) Not be permitted to leave the ship having left the ship without permission, Chas Doyle (ch) was by order of the Commander released from confinement.
W.J. Gray - Returned on board 48 1/2 hours overtime.
A. McNabb (sea) - Returned on board from liberty 3 1/2 hours overtime.
Wm. Allen (B Maker) - Returned on board 31 1/2 hours overtime
R. Street (C of Hold) - Returned on board 33 1/2 hours overtime.
Overcast and cloudy. Cum clouds. Gentle to stiff breeze from W blowing in puffs. Cool.
Overcast and cloudy. Cum Clouds. Gentle breeze from NW. Barometer falling.
Cloudy and cold. Gentle breeze from WNW. Barometer steady.
Partly cloudy and cool. Gentle to moderate breeze from WNW.
Partly cloudy becoming overcast at end of watch. Gentle to moderate breeze from WNW.
Begins overcast becoming clear at end of watch. Gentle breeze from WNW.
50874dd109d4090755009af9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_090_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009afb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_090_1.jpg)
6 May 1891
The following named men were absent from the ship without leave:- J.F. Tobin (ch), J. Leigh (ch), P. O'Brian (ch), J. Donovan (sea), and J. Hennon (2cf), P. Crilly (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), D.C. Lewis (bm), M. Martin (C of T), E. J. Bourke (oiler),J.J. Byrne (lds).
By order of the Commander the following punishments for offences noted were awarded:- W.J. Gray (os) overstaying liberty 48 1/4 hrs 3mo. restriction loss of 2 days pay; E.H. Erikson (cm) overstaying liberty 36 hrs 45 min. 3 mo restrictions and loss of 2 days pay; R. Street (c of h) overstaying liberty 33 1/4 hrs 3 mo. restrictions and loss of 1 days pay; Wm. Allen (B maker) overstaying liberty 32 1/2 hrs 3 mo restrictions and loss of 1 days pay; F. Rahn (pm) overstaying liberty 4 1/2 hrs 2 weeks restrictions; J.W. O'Keefe (pm) overstaying liberty 3 1/2 hrs 2 weeks restrictions and A. McNabb (sea) overstaying liberty 3 1/2 hrs 2 weeks restrictions.
Henry Murphy (ch) - Transfered from USRC "Wabash) with bag and hammock, reported on board
Clear and cold. Gentle breeze from WNW.
Clear and cool. Gentle breeze from WNW.
Light breeze from West and NW. Cold raw disagreeable weather. Light flurry of snow second hour of watch.
Weather clear and pleasant. Gentle and moderate breeze from NNW.
Weather generally overcast. Light to moderate breezes from NNW and WNW blowing in squalls third hour. Barometer rising.
Clear, cool, and pleasant. Barometer rising, Gentle breeze from WNW.
50874dd109d4090755009afd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_091_0.jpg)
16 May 1884
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009aff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_091_1.jpg)
7 May 1891
Absent without leave:- J. Leigh (ch), J. F. Tobin (ch), absent overstaying leave. Jno Donovan (sea), J. Hennon (2cf), P. Crilly (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), D.C. Lewis (bm), M. Martin (C of T), E. J. Bourke (oiler), Jno Roberts (sea) and Alex Wright (sea).
Wm. Emery - By order of the Commanding officer for staying 17 hours overtime was restricted to the ship for two months with one days loss of pay.
E.J. Bourke (oiler) - Returned to the ship 98 1/2 hrs overtime.
50874dd109d4090755009b01: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_092_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009b03: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_092_1.jpg)
8 May 1891
A.Wright - Returned to the ship 17 1/2 hours overtime.
Jae Roberts - Returned to the ship 24 hours overtime.
Absent without leave:- J. Leigh (ch), P. O'Brian (ch), J. F. Tobin (ch), and J. Hennon (2cf); P. Crilly (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), J. Donovan (sea), D.C. Lewis (bm), M. Martin (C of T), Jno Dunn (2cf)
Jno Donovan (sea) - Returned on board 131 3/4 hours overtime.
Light airs and breezes from South. Clear.
Fair and cool. Light breezes from SW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from South and SW.
Overcast and cloudy. Cir-Cum clouds. Light breeze from SW. Barometer falling slowly.
Overcast and cloudy till last hour then clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SW.
Clear and pleasant. Blue sky. Barometer steady. Light breeze from SW.
50874dd109d4090755009b05: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_093_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: - consumed in week: 11 tons, 144 lbs
coal: - on hand at noon: 379 tons, 388 lbs
50874dd109d4090755009b07: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_093_1.jpg)
9 May 1891
The following named men, transfered from the Marine Barracks with their bags and hammocks, reported on board for duty vis:- Thos. B. Bull (pm), Richard E. Grass (pm) and Fritz Rihn (pm)
P. O'Brian (ch) and Jno Leigh (ch) having left the ship on the 3rd inst, and J.F. Tobin (ch) on the 4th inst, without permission and with the evident intention of deserting, were, by order of the Commander, declared deserters from the days upon which they left the ship.
D.C. Lewis (bm) and M. Martin (c of t) having overstayed their liberty three days with evident intention of not returning to the ship, were by order of the Commander declared deserters from this date.
Absent without leave vis: J. hennon (2cf), P. Crilley (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), J. Dumm (2cf( and P. Dillon (c of t)
Clear and pleasant. Blue sky. Barometer steady. Light breeze from SW.
Overcast and cloudy till last hour then fair. Haze over land and water. Light breeze from SW.
Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from WSW.
Clear, warm, pleasant weather. Light breeze from WSW.
Clear, bright, pleasant weather. Light breeze to light airs from WSW.
Clear, pleasant weather. Light airs from WSW.
Thos. B. Bell (pur) - Transferred from the Marine Barracks with their bags and hammocks, reported on board for duty
Frity Rihu (pur) - Transferred from the Marine Barracks with their bags and hammocks, reported on board for duty
Richard E. Graus (pur) - Transferred from the Marine Barracks with their bags and hammocks, reported on board for duty
P. O'Brien (cst) - having left the ship on the 3rd inet., without permission and with the evident intention of deserting, were, by order of the Commander, declared deserters from the days upon which they left the ship.
J.F. Tobin (CH) - having left the ship on the 4th inet., without permission and with the evident intention of deserting, were, by order of the Commander, declared deserters from the days upon which they left the ship.
Jua Leigh (CH) - having left the ship on the 3rd inet., without permission and with the evident intention of deserting, were, by order of the Commander, declared deserters from the days upon which they left the ship.
D.C. Lewis (BM) - having overstayed their liberty three days with the evident intention of not returning to the ship, were by order of the Commander declaired deserters from this date.
M Martin (C of T) - having overstayed their liberty three days with the evident intention of not returning to the ship, were by order of the Commander declaired deserters from this date.
J Flynn (CH) - At 5:00 P.M. mustered crew at quarters, the following named men absent from the ship without leave
P Dillon (c of t) - At 5:00 P.M. mustered crew at quarters, the following named men absent from the ship without leave
J Dunn (2of) - At 5:00 P.M. mustered crew at quarters, the following named men absent from the ship without leave
P. Crilley (1cf) - At 5:00 P.M. mustered crew at quarters, the following named men absent from the ship without leave
J Heunon (2cf) - At 5:00 P.M. mustered crew at quarters, the following named men absent from the ship without leave
50874dd109d4090755009b09: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_094_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009b0b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_094_1.jpg)
10 May 1891
Articles for the better government of the navy were read.
Dennis M Carthy - Was presented with a good conduct badge received from the Navy department, in recognition of good conduct during past service.
Absent without leave, viz: J. Hennon (2cf), awol P. Crilly (1cf), Jno Dunn (2cf), J. Flynn (ch), Wm. Rhodes (2cf) and P. Dillon (c of t)
Wm. Rhodes (2cf) - Returned on board under sentrys charge 11 1/4 hours overtime
Light airs from WSW. Calm last hour of watch. Weather cloudy but pleasant.
Hazy weather. Light airs from NNE. Calm last hour.
Calm and light airs from WSW and SE. Cloudy and hazy clearing latter part of watch.
At 9:45 the Commander inspected ship and crew at quarters after which called all hands to muster and read the Articles for the Better Government of the Navy. At general muster Dennis McCarthy was presented with a good conduct badge received from the Navy Department in recognition of good conduct during past service.
Hazy weather. Warm and dry. Light breeze from SE by S.
Light breezes from S by E and South. Clear overhead, hazy around horizon.
Clear, bright and pleasant. Light airs from South and SSW.
Paymaster J.A. Ring USN - returned from Leave of Absence
Commander - Inspected ship and crew, called to muster to describe articles for the better governance of the Navy
Dennis McCarthy - presented with good conduct badge in recognition of past good service
J. Herr---, P. Crilley, J-- Drum, Jas Flynn, Wm Rhodes, P DIlbu - AWOL from ship
50874dd109d4090755009b0d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_095_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009b0f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_095_1.jpg)
11 May 1891
Absent overstaying leave:- J. Hennon (2cf), awol P. Crilley (1cf), J. Dunn (2cf), J. Flynn (ch), P Dillon (c of t), M. Halversen (sea), L. Anderson (sea) and D.J. Flanagan (painter)
50874dd109d4090755009b11: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_096_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009b13: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_096_1.jpg)
12 May 1891
Absent overstaying liberty: J. Hennon (2cf), awol P. Crilly (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), Jno Dunn (2cf), , M. Halversen (sea), L. Anderson (sea), D.G. Flanagan (paint), Geo Henry (sea)
The following punishments were inflicted by the Commanding officer: A. Wright (sea) 17 1/2 hrs overtime, loss of 1 days pay; J. Roberts (sea) 24 hrs overleave, loss of 1 days pay; J.L. Currie (pm) not turning out to go on post at 10 PM. May 8th after being called and being thoroughly awakened, 24 hours extra post; Jno Donovan (sea) 131 1/2 hours overleave, stop money restricted 3 ms and loss of 5 days pay; Wm Rhodes (2cf) overstaying liberty 6 hours, brought aboard by corporal from gate, 2 weeks restriction;
M. Halvorsen (sea) and L. Anderson (sea) returned on board at 11 AM 29 hours overtime.
Partly cloudy and cool. Moderate to stiff breeze in squalls from NNW.
Partly cloudy. Gentle to moderate breeze from NNW.
Overcast. Light to gentle breeze from North to NE.
Overcast and cloudy, threatening rain. Light breeze from NE. Barometer steady.
Overcast and cloudy first part of watch, clearing up latter part. Light breeze from NE. Barometer steady.
Fair and pleasant weather. Cir. Cum. Cloudds till last hour then blue sky. Moon shining through the clouds. Barometer steady. Light breeze from NE first hour, breeze and airs from N afterwards.
50874dd109d4090755009b15: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_097_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: - - -
coal: - - -
50874dd109d4090755009b17: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_097_1.jpg)
13 May 1891
J. Hennon (2cf), P. Crilly (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), Jno Dunn (2cf) , P. Dillon (ct), D.G. Flanagan (paint), Geo Henry (sea) overstaying liberty.
J. Hennon (2cf) - Was this day declared a deserter from May 3rd.
The following punishments were inflicted by the Commander to M. Halversen (sea), 3 mo restriction and loss of one days pay for overstaying liberty 27 hours same to L. Andersen (sea) for same offence.
D.G. Flanagan (paint), - Returned on board 56 hours overtime.
Wm. Patterson (lds) - At his own request was discharged from this ship and the Navel Service upon an order issued by the Commander.
Clear and pleasant. Blue sky, moonlight. Light breeze from North. Barometer steady.
Clear and hazy. Light breeze from North. Barometer steady.
Clear and fine weather. Blue sky. Haze in horizon. Barometer steady.
Clear pleasant weather. Light airs to light breeze from NW, W and SW.
Fair pleasant weather. Light breeze from South.
Fair pleasant weather, hazy. Light breeze from South. Barometer falling.
50874dd109d4090755009b19: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_098_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009b1b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_098_1.jpg)
14 May 1891
Absent overstaying leave: P. Crilley (1cf), J. Flynn (ch), Jno Dunn (2cf), P. Dillon (c of T)
Geo. Henry - Returned on board 48 hours overtime.
By order of the Commander the following punishments were inflicted:- Geo. Henry (sea), overstaying liberty 48 hours, 3mo restriction and loss of 2 days pay.
By order of the Commanding officer J. Flynn (ch) and P. Crilley (1cf) were, today, declared deserters from the 4th inst.
Pleasant weather, cloudless sky. Hazy. Light airs from SW and S, calm last hour. Barometer steady.
Calm first hour, light breeze from WSW and N by W. Hazy
Clear, warm, pleasant weather, light airs from N and E by N.
Clear overhead, hazy around horizon. Light airs and breezes from SE. Barometer steady.
Overcast and hazy. Light airs and breezes from South and SSE. Barometer rising slowly.
Overcast and cloudy. Barometer steady. Light SSE airs.
Under the command of: Commander Oliver a. Batehiller
The following named men were absent from the ship overstaying leave: P Crilly (icf), J Flynn (CH), and P Dillon (C of T). Geo Stearns (sea) returned on board 48 hours overtime.
By order of the Commander the following punishments were inflicted: Geo Henry (sea), overstaying liberty 48 hours 3 mo restrictions and loss of 2 days pay, D G Flanagan (paint), overstaying liberty 56 hours, 3 mo restrictions and loss of 2 days pay.
By order of the Commanding officer, J Flynn (CH) and P Crilley (ICF) were today declared deserters from the 4th inst.
Absent overstaying leve Jus Dunn (vcf) and P Dillon (C of T)
At 2100 mustered at quarters, number of men (four) over stayed leave (listed) and punishment were inflicted
J Flynn (CM) and P. Crilley - By order of Commanding Officer were declared deserters
50874dd109d4090755009b1d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_099_0.jpg)
15 May 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009b1f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_099_1.jpg)
15 May 1891
Absent overstaying leave P. Dillon (C of T), Jno Dunn (2cf) and A.J. Purcell (bugler).
Received the following men from USRC Vermont: Jus H. Carney (ch), M.J. Gibbous (ch), C. Bentson (ch), Mosses Wright (ch) and M. Sullivan (ch)
R. Twiss (Ma~) - Returned on board ship 7 1/4 hours overtime.
Light SSE airs. Overcast and cloudy. Hazy weather.
Overcast cloudy and hazy. Barometer steady. Light airs and breezes from SSE and NNE.
Weather generally overcast, hazy around horizon. Light airs and breezes from NNE.
Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain. Light airs to light breeze from NNE and NE by E.
Overcast and raining. Light breeze from NNE.
Partly cloudy and rainy. Light breeze to moderate breeze in squalls from NNE.
Absent overtsyaing leave P Dillon (C of T), J Dunn (2CF), and A J Purcell (buglar).
USRS Vermont - received men: Jus H Carvey, M J Gibbous (CH), C Bentson (CH), Mosses Wright (CH) and M Sullivan (CH).
R Twiss (mac) - returned on board ship 7 1/4 hours overtime.
P Dillon (C of I) - Absent overstaying leave
J Dunn - Absent overstaying leave
A J Purcell (bugler) - Absent overstaying leave
USRS Vermont - Crewmen transferred
Jus. H. Carney (CH) - Transferred from USRS Vermont
M J Gibbons (CH) - Transferred from USRS Vermont
C Bentson (CH) - Transferred from USRS Vermont
Mosses Wright (CH) - Transferred from USRS Vermont
M Sullivan - Transferred from USRS Vermont
Jus Dunn (VCI) - Absent overstaying liberty
P Dillon (C of I) - Absent overstaying liberty
A J Purcell (bugler) - Absent overstaying liberty
R Twiss (Mac) - Returned on board ship 7 and a quarter hours overtime.
50874dd109d4090755009b21: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_100_0.jpg)
15 May 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 11 tons 448 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 367 tons 2180 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b23: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_100_1.jpg)
16 May 1891
Lat , Long
Absent overstaying liberty, ), Jno Dunn (2cf), P. Dillon (C of T), C.A. Rosse (sea) and A.J. Purcell (bugler)
Overcast and raining. Gentle to moderate breeze from NNE.
Overcast and raining. Gentle NNE breeze falling to light airs.
Overcast, foggy and misty with drizzling rain. Light air from NNE falling to calm and coming out from SW.
Overcast and cloudy with passing drizzle; first two hours misty. Wind from North. Light breeze first part increasing to moderate breeze afterward. Barometer steady.
Overcast and cloudy. Gentle breeze from N by W first two hours afterwards moderate breeze from NW.
Overcast at commencement of watch clearing up afterwards. Cold. Moon shining brightly after first hour. Barometer steady.
C A Rosse (lds) - Liberty party returned on time except C A Rosse (lds)
Jus Dunn, Patk Dillon, C A Rosse, and A J Purcell - absent overstaying liberty
Midnight to 4 a.m.- Raining. N.N.E.
LcBerliobethe & Ensign - Name under written context.
4 to 8 a.m. Raining. N.N.E. Falling to light airs
LcBerlobethe & Ensign. - Name of persons under written text
8 a.m. to Meridian- Overcast, foggy and misty with drizzling rain. Light air from N.N.E. falling to calm and coming out from S.W. Crew engaged in general cleaning. Navy yard workmen engaged in work on after magazine and Pool rail. Weekly inspection of inside of skin of ship was made except under engineers department. Liberty party returned on time except C.A Rossc (lds).
C.A. Rossc (lds) - A person that did not return with the liberty party.
LcBerlobeth & Ensign - Name of persons under written text
Meridian to 4 P.M- Overcast and cloudy with passing drizzle; first two hours misty. Wind from North. Light breeze from first part increasing to moderate breeze afterward. Barometer steady. Workmen from construction belt. Navy yard fitting magazines. Weekly inspection of inner hull under engineers belt was made. Steam launch was taken in from dock and put in crate.
UsCullman & Susan - Names of persons under the written entry
4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Overcast and cloudy. Gentle breeze from N by W. First two hours afterwards moderate breeze from N.W. At 5:00 mastered crew at quarters. Juo Dunn (v e ), Park Dillon (c of ), C.A. Rolle (sea) and A.F. Purcell (bugler) about overstaying liberty.
Juo Dunn, Park Dillon, C.A. Russel, and A.F. Purcell - Crew members
UsCullman & Susan - Names of persons under written entry
8 P.M. to midnight- Overcast at commencement of watch clearing up afterwards. Cold. Moon shining brightly after first hour. Barometer steady.
UsCullman & Susan - Names of persons under written entry
50874dd109d4090755009b25: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_101_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009b27: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_101_1.jpg)
17 May 1891
Good conduct badges awarded to Wm. Henderson (os), T Thompson (qm) and a bar to Chas Bay (cox).
Jno Dunn (2cf), P. Dillon (C of T), C.A. Rosse (sea) and A.J. Purcell (buglar) absent overstaying liberty.
Patk Dillon (c of t) - Was this day declared a deserter from May 9th.
Upon a report by captain L.A. beardslee, J.J. Doherty (ch), for abusing sentry and the use of vile language in the seow, was by the order of the Commanding officer placed in the cells to await the action of the Commander.
Cloudy and cold. Moonlight. Barometer steady.
Clear and cold, fine bracing weather. Barometer rising. Blue sky.
Clear and cool. Blue sky. Barometer steady. Gentle to stiff breeze from NW.
Moderate breeze from NW and WNW. Clear bright pleasant weather.
Clear bright pleasant weather. Moderate to gentle breeze from WNW. Barometer rising.
USS Philadelphia - Steamed up to the yard and secured alongside of the coal dock.
Gentle breeze from WNW. Clear pleasant weather.
Commander Oliver A. Batchelder - Under the command of [named person]
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Cloudy and cold. Moonlight. Barometer steady.
UsCullman Sueing - Name of the person under the written entry
8 A.M. Clear and cold, fine bracing weather. Barometer rising. Blue Sky.
UsCullman Sueing - Name of the person under the written entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Clear and cool. Blue sky. Barometer steady. Gentle to stiff breeze from NW. At 9:15 had division inspection. At 9:30 inspected crew at quarters; the commander inspected ship and crew. Called all hands to muster and delivered good conduct badges to W J Leuderson (as), Howfeon (Qm) and a bar to Chas Bay (cox) Juo Dunn (ves), Park Dillon (eq ), C.A. Rossc (va) and A.F. Purcell (bugler) about overstaying liberty. Park Dillon (eg ) was this day declared a deserter from May 9th. Sent liberty party on shore.
W J Leuderson, Howfeon, Chas Bay, Juo Dunn, Park Dillon, C.A. Rossc, A.F. Purcell - Received good conduct badges. Park Dillon was declared a deserter.
UsCullman Sueing - Name of the person under the written entry
Meridian to 4 P.M. - Moderate breeze from NW and WNW. Clear bright pleasant weather. Sent Liberty party on shore.
Husharid Lieuis - Name of the person under the written entry
4 to 8 P.M. Clear bright pleasant weather. Moderate to gentle breeze from WNW. Barometer rising. At 5:15 uss flag ship Philadelphia steamed up to the yard and seamed along side of the coal dock. Upon a report by Captain L.A. Beardslie, J.J. Soherty (C.N.), for abusing sentry and the use of vile language in the seow, was, by the order of the commanding officer, placed in the cells to await the action of the commander.
uss ship "Philadelphia" - came to the coal port
Captain L.A. Beardslie - Captain of the ship
J.J. Soherty - Was put in a cell to await the action of the commander for his fouls
Huharid Lieuik - Name of the person under the written entry
8 PM. to midnight - Gentle breeze from WNW. Clear pleasant weather.
Husharid Lieuik - Name of person under written entry
Philadelphia - Docking
50874dd109d4090755009b29: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_102_0.jpg)
18 May 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009b2b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_102_1.jpg)
18 May 1891
The following were absent from the ship overstaying liberty: Jno Dunn (2cf), A.J. Purcell (buglar), C.A. Rosse (sea), H. Murphy (ch).
J.J. Doherty (ch) - By order of the Commander was given 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water for abusive language to sentry and making use of vile language on Seow.
T.P. Clunes (sea) - Transfered to the USS Lancaster with bag, hammock and necessary.
Jno Dunn (2cf) - By order of the Commander was declared a deserter from the 8th inst.
Overcast first part, cloudy latter part of watch, pleasant weather. Light airs from WSW and SW.
Light airs from SW. Cloudy pleasant weather.
Cloudy pleasant weather. Light airs to moderate breeze from SW.
Hazy weather with moderate and gentle breezes from SW. Barometer falling.
A salute of 13 guns was fired from the battery on the Ordinance Dock and Rear Admiral Brain's flag was hauled down on the USRS Vermont, a Captain's narrow pennant being hoisted in place of it.
Hazy weather. Overcast last hour. Light and gentle breezes from SW and SSW.
Overcast with haze. Moon barely visible. Light breeze from NW.
At 0900 mustered crew men absent from ship (4 men listed) overstaying liberty
J.J. Doheaty (CN) - By order of Commander was given 5 days Solitary Confinement on bread and water for abusive language to Sentry
Admiral D.L. Bovine - Commander paid an official visit to the U.S. Flagship Philadelphia and to Admiral Commandant of the Navy Yard
At 1220 a salute of 13 guns was fired from the battery on the Ordinance dock and Rear Admiral Braine's flag was hauld down on the U.S.R.S. Vermont
T.P. Clanes (Sea) - transferred to the U.S.S. Lancaster
Juo Dunn - declared a deserter, by order of the Commander
coal: 750 lbs, of bituminous - received from General Store Keeper, and other items (listed)
A.J. Purcell, C.A. Rosse and H Murphy - absent overstaying leave
Jus Dunn - Absent from ship overstaying liberty
A J Purcell (bug) - Absent from ship overstaying liberty
H Murphy - Absent from ship overstaying liberty
C A Rosse - Absent from ship overstaying liberty
J J Doherty - Given 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water for abusive language to sentry and making use of vile language on scow.
Admiral D L Brain, Commandant of Navy Yard - Commander of Concord paid visit
US Flagship Philadelphia - Commander of Concord paid visit
At 12 [noon?] salute of 13 guns fired from battery on Ordnance Dock; Rear Admiral Braine's flag hauled down on USRS Vermont, a Captain's narrow pennant being hoisted in its place.
T P Clanes - Transferred to USS Lancaster with bag, hammock and necessary.
Jus Dunn - Declared a deserter from 8th inst.
coal: 250 lbs -
A J Purcell (bugler) - Absent overstaying leave
C A Rosse (sea) - Absent overstaying leave
H Murphy (CN) - Absent overstaying leave
50874dd109d4090755009b2d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_103_0.jpg)
cob dock
Lat 67.8, Long -176.0
Steaming up East River. Moored off Bellivue Hospital East River.
Concord - Moored to Cab Dock
- Ebb tide
50874dd109d4090755009b2f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_103_1.jpg)
19 May 1891
A.J. Purcell (buglar) , C.A. Rosse (sea) and H. Murphy (ch) absent overstaying leave.
Hazy weather. Light breeze from NW. Barometer rising.
Light airs and breezes from NE. Barometer rising. Hazy.
Weather very hazy. Barometer rising. Light breezes from NE and SE.
Hazy and cool. Light airs and breezes from SE
At 3 left Navy Yard dock and stood up East River. At 3:55 let for port anchor off Bellevue Hospital.
Cloudy and cool. Light airs and breezes from SE.
Cloudy after first hour, clear first hour. Hazy, cool. Moon shining through clouds. Light airs from NE and ENE. Slight change in barometer. Tide running ebb, force 3.3 knots.
Commander Oliver a. Batcheller - Name of the person in command
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Hazy weather. Light breeze from NW. Barometer rising. Bauked fives on boiler C. Fives on boiler S.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - Name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Light airs and breezes from NE. Barometer rising. Hazy. Fives under boiler S. and bauked under boiler C.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
8 a.m to meridian - Weather very hazy. Barometer rising. Light breeze from NE and SE. Mustered crew at quarters at 9. AF Purcell (bug), AC Rossc (sea) and K Murphy (ch) absent overstaying leave. Made preparations for menuvoring ship from the dock. Bread fives and got up steam in boilers C & S.
AF Purcell - absent overstaying leave
AC Rossc - absent overstaying leave.
K Murphy - absent overstaying leave.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - Hazy and cool. Light airs and breezes from SE at 3. Left Navy yard dock and stood up east river. At 3:55 let go pork anchor off Belleveie Horfital, have in again and getting ready to let go at end of water flood tide.
Joe Shawn - name under entry
Ensign - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Cloudy and cool. Light airs and breezes from SE. At 4:15 let go pork anchor and moved ship with 45 fathooms of dock chain in 10 furs water off 79th rt. S raft of ship, ford 1 7 ft 6 in, aft 15 ft 6 in. Absent overstaying liberty AF Purcell (bug) CA Rossc (sea) and K Murphy. Veared to 57 in furs on starboard chain. Hauled fives on boiler C. Cross in house, port chain on top.
AF Purcell - Absent overstaying liberty
CA Rossc - Absent overstaying liberty
K Murphy - Absent overstaying liberty
Joe Shawn - name under entry
Ensign - name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Cloudy after first hour, clear first hour. Hazy, cool. Moon shining through clouds. Light airs from NE and ENE. Slight change in barometer. Tide running eff, force 3.3. Cross in hawre, port chain an tok.
UsCullman Sieus - name under entry
Commander Oliver a. Batcheller - Name of the person in command
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Hazy weather. Light breeze from NW. Barometer rising. Bauked fives on boiler C. Fives on boiler S.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - Name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Light airs and breezes from NE. Barometer rising. Hazy. Fives under boiler S. and bauked under boiler C.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
8 a.m to meridian - Weather very hazy. Barometer rising. Light breeze from NE and SE. Mustered crew at quarters at 9. AF Purcell (bug), AC Rossc (sea) and K Murphy (ch) absent overstaying leave. Made preparations for menuvoring ship from the dock. Bread fives and got up steam in boilers C & S.
AF Purcell - absent overstaying leave
AC Rossc - absent overstaying leave.
K Murphy - absent overstaying leave.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - Hazy and cool. Light airs and breezes from SE at 3. Left Navy yard dock and stood up east river. At 3:55 let go pork anchor off Belleveie Horfital, have in again and getting ready to let go at end of water flood tide.
Joe Shawn - name under entry
Ensign - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Cloudy and cool. Light airs and breezes from SE. At 4:15 let go pork anchor and moved ship with 45 fathooms of dock chain in 10 furs water off 79th rt. S raft of ship, ford 1 7 ft 6 in, aft 15 ft 6 in. Absent overstaying liberty AF Purcell (bug) CA Rossc (sea) and K Murphy. Veared to 57 in furs on starboard chain. Hauled fives on boiler C. Cross in house, port chain on top.
AF Purcell - Absent overstaying liberty
CA Rossc - Absent overstaying liberty
K Murphy - Absent overstaying liberty
Joe Shawn - name under entry
Ensign - name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Cloudy after first hour, clear first hour. Hazy, cool. Moon shining through clouds. Light airs from NE and ENE. Slight change in barometer. Tide running eff, force 3.3. Cross in hawre, port chain an tok.
UsCullman Sieus - name under entry
US Callman - 8 P.M. to Midnight Cloudy after first hour, clear first hour, hazy. cool. Moon shinning through clouds. Light airs from NE and ENE. Slight changes inBarometr. Tide running Ebb, force 3.3 knots. Cross in hauler, port chain on top.
50874dd109d4090755009b31: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_104_0.jpg)
19 May 1891
Lat 36.1, Long -5.3
50874dd109d4090755009b33: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_104_1.jpg)
20 May 1891
A.J. Purcell (buglar) , .A. Rosse (sea) and H. Murphy (ch) overstaying liberty.
H. Murphy (ch) - Returned on board at 6:15, 71 1/2 hours overtime.
Weather overcast, foggy during entire watch. Ship began swinging to the flood tide at 1:55, riding to the flood at 2:04. Strength of tide at 11:00 1.6 knots per hour.
Foggy lighting up at times. Light airs and breezes from ENE to NNE.
Overcast and cloudy, foggy first two hours, misty afterwards. Light breezes from East first hour, tacking to North during watch. Barometer steady. Tide running ebb.
Strength of tide at 9, 2.2 knots.
Cloudy first part overcast with rain last hour, gentle breeze from South and SSE. Ship began to swing to the flood tide at 1:15 riding to the flood at 2:00. At 3:05 strength of flood tide 1.1 per hour.
Overcast and cloudy with light passing rain first our, clearing weather at end of watch. Light airs and breeze from South and SSE and Calm. Barometer steady.
Tide running flood, force at 6 PM 1.3 knots.
Light breeze from SE and SSE. Overcast first part clearing off latter part of watch. Ship finished swinging to the ebb tide at 8:40. At 10:30 ebb tide running 1.3 knots per hour.
flood tide at 2:04 am
slack tide at 8 am
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Weather overcast, foggy during entire watch. Ship began swinging to the flood tide at 1:55, riding to the flood at 2:04. Strength of tide at 4:00 1.6 knots per hour. Elbows in faws
Chashaird - name under entry
Lieut - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Foggy lighting up at times. Light airs and breezes from ENE to NNE. Hausted out steam cutters. Swinging to eff last hour, round turn in hawrs, port chain on tip slack water at end of watch.
Joe Shamer - name under entry
Ensign - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Overcast and cloudy, foggy first two hours, misty afterwards. Light breezes from East first hour, backing to North during watch. Barometer steady. Tide running eff. Cleared hawse and put on moving swivle. At 45 furs port chain and 60 furs starboard chain, both hanging by port chain. Transferred that anchor to starboard bow and beut on starboard chain at 60 furs. Shackle roused up all of starboard chain and shackeled on 45 furs of sheet chain, making 90 furs chain attached to sheet anchor on starboard bous, ready for letting go. Lieut Laird usu. left the ship to go to navy yard on duty as senior member of a board of survey. Strength of tide at 9, 2.2 knots.
Lieut Laird - Left for the Navy yard on duty as senior member
UsCullman - name under entry
Sieut - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - Cloudy, first part overcast with rain last hour, gentle breeze from south and SSE. Crew engaged in painting baltery and cleaning off ships side. Ship began to swing to the flood tide at 1:15 riding to the flood at 2:00. At 3:05 strength of flood tide 1.1 knots per hour. Sent liberty party on shore.
Chashaird - name under entry
Lieur - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Overcast and cloudy with light passing rain first hour, clearing weather at end of watch. Light airs and breeze from south and SSE and calms. Barometer steady. At 5 mustered crew at quarters, AF Purcell (Bugler), CA Rossc (sea) and H Murphy (CH), absent overstaying liberty. H Murphy (CH) returned on board at 6:15 7 1/4 hours overtime. Tide running flood, fores at 6 pm. 1.3 knots.
AF Purcell - Absent overstaying liberty
CA Rossc - Absent overstaying liberty
H Murphy - Absent overstaying liberty, and returned to ship
UsCullman - name under entry
Sieus - name under entry
8 pm to midnight - Light breeze from SE and SSE. Overcast first part clearing off latter part of watch. Ship finished swinging to the eff tide at 8:40. At 10:40 eff tide running 1.3 knots per hour
Chashaird - name under entry
Lieut - name under entry
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Weather overcast, foggy during entire watch. Ship began swinging to the flood tide at 1:55, riding to the flood at 2:04. Strength of tide at 4:00 1.6 knots per hour. Elbows in faws
Chashaird - name under entry
Lieut - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Foggy lighting up at times. Light airs and breezes from ENE to NNE. Hausted out steam cutters. Swinging to eff last hour, round turn in hawrs, port chain on tip slack water at end of watch.
Joe Shamer - name under entry
Ensign - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Overcast and cloudy, foggy first two hours, misty afterwards. Light breezes from East first hour, backing to North during watch. Barometer steady. Tide running eff. Cleared hawse and put on moving swivle. At 45 furs port chain and 60 furs starboard chain, both hanging by port chain. Transferred that anchor to starboard bow and beut on starboard chain at 60 furs. Shackle roused up all of starboard chain and shackeled on 45 furs of sheet chain, making 90 furs chain attached to sheet anchor on starboard bous, ready for letting go. Lieut Laird usu. left the ship to go to navy yard on duty as senior member of a board of survey. Strength of tide at 9, 2.2 knots.
Lieut Laird - Left for the Navy yard on duty as senior member
UsCullman - name under entry
Sieut - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - Cloudy, first part overcast with rain last hour, gentle breeze from south and SSE. Crew engaged in painting baltery and cleaning off ships side. Ship began to swing to the flood tide at 1:15 riding to the flood at 2:00. At 3:05 strength of flood tide 1.1 knots per hour. Sent liberty party on shore.
Chashaird - name under entry
Lieur - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Overcast and cloudy with light passing rain first hour, clearing weather at end of watch. Light airs and breeze from south and SSE and calms. Barometer steady. At 5 mustered crew at quarters, AF Purcell (Bugler), CA Rossc (sea) and H Murphy (CH), absent overstaying liberty. H Murphy (CH) returned on board at 6:15 7 1/4 hours overtime. Tide running flood, fores at 6 pm. 1.3 knots.
AF Purcell - Absent overstaying liberty
CA Rossc - Absent overstaying liberty
H Murphy - Absent overstaying liberty, and returned to ship
UsCullman - name under entry
Sieus - name under entry
8 pm to midnight - Light breeze from SE and SSE. Overcast first part clearing off latter part of watch. Ship finished swinging to the eff tide at 8:40. At 10:40 eff tide running 1.3 knots per hour
Chashaird - name under entry
Lieut - name under entry
50874dd109d4090755009b35: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_105_0.jpg)
off bellevue hospital east river ny
Lat 67.8, Long -176.0
50874dd109d4090755009b37: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_105_1.jpg)
21 May 1891
absent overstaying liberty, A.J. Purcell (buglar,) C.A. Rosse (sea) , P.J. Fitzgerald (ch)
By order of the Commander the following punishments were assigned:- H. Murphy (ch) for overstaying liberty 71 1/4 hours, loss of 3 days pay. Geo Brown (BSmith) for returning from liberty unfit for duty to be restricted from one leave on shore.
By order of Bureau of navigation transfered H. Murphy (ch) with bag, hanmock to USS Lancaster; sent transfer papers to Commandant of Navy yard.
P.J. Fitzgerald (ch) returned to the ship 11 1/2 hours overtime drunk, by order of the Commanding officers he was placed under sentrys charge for safe keeping.
Generally overcast and cloudy. Light airs from SE, SSE, and S. Barometer falling. Began swinging to flood tide at 1:55. Riding to flood at 2:45. Strength of tide at 3:55 1.3 Knots.
Cloudy but pleasant and fine weather. Light breeze from S. Barometer steady. Tide running flood, force at 7 AM, 1.8 knots.
Fair pleasant weather, light to gentle breeze from South and SSW. Barometer falling. At 8:31 commenced swinging to the ebb tide.
Overcast and cloudy. Gentle and moderate breeze from SSE and South. Barometer falling. Commenced swinging to flood tide at 1:20. Riding to flood tide at 2:35. Strength of tide at 3:40 1.1 knots.
H. Murphy - Transferred with bag and hammock to USS Lancaster.
Gentle to light breeze from South. Weather overcast but pleasant.
At 5:30 strength of tide 1.3 knots per hour.
Overcast and cloudy. Light and gentle breeze from South, SW, and WSW. Began swinging to ebb tide at 8:15. Riding to ebb tide at 9:15. Strength of tide at 11 PM 2 knots.
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Generally overcast and cloudy. Light airs from SE. SSE and S. Barometer falling. Began swinging to flood tide at 1:55. Riding to flood at 2:45. Strength of tide at 3:55- 1.3 knots.
A.W. Graut, Siact - Name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Cloudy but pleasant and fine weather. Light breeze from south. Barometer steady. Tide running flood, fovn at 7 a.m. 1.8 knots.
UsCullman, Suius - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Fair pleasant weather, light to gentle breeze from south and SSW. Barometer falling. At 8:31 commenced swinging to the eff tide. At 9 mustered at quarters, the following named men absent from the ship overstaying liberty: AF Purcell (Bugler), CA Rossc (sea) and P.J. Fitzgerald (clt). Riding to the eff tide at 9:25. At 10 strength of eff tide 1.9 knots per hour. By order of the commander the following punishments were assigned: H. Murphy (ch) for overstaying liberty 7 1/4 hours, loss of 3 days pay. Gio Brown (B Smith) for returning from liberty unfit for duty to be restricted from one leave on shore. Crew engaged in painting ship.
P.J. Fitzgerald - absent from ship overstaying liberty
AF Purcell - absent from ship overstaying liberty
CA Rossc - absent from ship overstaying liberty
H. Murphy - Punishment of loss of 3 days pay because he returned 7 1/4 hours late to the ship
Gio Brown - loss of one leave on shore because of return from liberty unit for duty
Chashaird, Lieur - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - Overcast and cloudy. Gentle and moderate breeze from SSE and south. Barometer falling. Commenced swinging to flood tide at 1:20. Riding to flood tide at 2:35. Strength of tide at 3:40- 1.1 knots. Commanding officer paid an official visit upon the commander of navy yard. By order of Burean of Navigation transfered H. Murphy (ch) with bag and hammock to uss Laucaster; sent transfer papers to commander of navy yard. Crew engaged in paining ship.
H. Murphy - transferred to uss Laucaster to be on that other boat
uss Laucaster - name of the ship where H.Murphy transferred to.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Gentle to light breeze from south. Weather overcast but pleasant. Finished painting ship side. At 5 mustered at quarters, absent from the ship overstaying leave P.J. Fitzgerald (cn), CA Rossc (sea) and A.F. Purcell (bugler). P.J. Fitzgerald (cn) returned to to the ship 11 1/4 hours overtime drunk, by order of the commanding officers he was placed under seutrys charge for safe keeping. At 5:30 strength of tide 1.3 knots per hour. Exercised crew at closing water tight doors.
P.J. Fitzgerald - absent from ship overstaying liberty
A.F. Purcell - absent from ship overstaying liberty
CA Rossc - absent from ship overstaying liberty
P.J. Fitzgerald - Returned to ship 11 1/4 hours overtime and was placed for safe keeping in the charge of Seutry
Seutry - Had charge over P.J. Fitzgerald
Charsharid Luicr - Name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Overcast and cloudy. Light and gentle breeze from south, SW, and WNW. Began swinging to eff tide at 8:!5. Riding to eff tide at 9:15. Strength of tide at 11 pm. 2 knots.
A.W. Graut, St - name under entry
A.J. Purcell (Bugler), C.A. Rosse and P.J. Fitzgerald - At 0900 mustered men, absent overstaying liberty
H. Murphey - punishment, overstaying liberty, loss of 3 days pay
Geo Brown - punishment, for returning from liberty unfit for duty, to be restricted from one leave on shore
Commanding Officer - paid official visit upon the Commandant of Navy Yard.
H. Murphy - transferred to U.S.S. Lancaster
P.J. Fitzgerald - returned and placed under Sentrys charge
AW Grant - 8 P.M. to Midnight Overcast and cloudy. Light and gentle breeze from the South, SW and west. Begain swining to ebb tide at 8:15. Riding to ebb at 9:15. Strenght of tide at 11pm 2 knots.
50874dd109d4090755009b39: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_106_0.jpg)
off bellevue hospital east river ny
Lat 67.8, Long -176.0
50874dd109d4090755009b3b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_106_1.jpg)
22 May 1891
A.J. Purcell (bugler) and C.A. Rosse (sea) - Absent overstaying liberty.
P.J. Fitzgerald (ch) - By order of the commanding officer, is deprived of liberty on shore 3 weeks for overstaying liberty 11 1/2 hrs and returning to the ship unfit for duty.
Overcast and cloudy with rain during middle of watch. Light breeze from SW. Commenced swinging to flood at 2:20 finished swinging at 3:30. Strength of current 1.2 knots.
Light airs to light breeze from SW and W by S. Cloudy pleasant weather. At 7 strength of current 1.3 knots.
Warm and pleasant weather. Light moderate and gentle breezes from SW by W, NW, and NNW. Barometer steady.
Ship began swinging to the ebb tide at 8:20. Riding to ebb tide at 9:25. Strength of tide at 11'oclock 1.4 knots.
Cloudy and warm. Light sprinkle of rain at 1:00. Moderate breeze from NW.
Began swinging to flood at 3 and finished swinging at 4. Strength of current 1.5 knots.
Moderate to gentle breeze from NW and West. Barometer steady. Rain during last half hour.
Strength of flood tide at 6:45 1.2 knots.
Cloudy with rain first hour. Light breeze from NW. Began swinging to ebb tide at 8:30, finished swinging at 10. Current 1.5 knots at 111
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Overcast and cloudy with rain during middle of watch. Light breeze from SW. Commenced swinging to flood at 2:20 finished swinging at 3:30. Strength of current 1.2 knots.
Joe Shanes, Eus. - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Light airs to light breeze from SW and W by S. Cloudy pleasant weather. At 7 strength of current 1.3 knots. Water boat came along side at 6:45
Chasharid Luicr - name under entry
water boat - came along side of the concord
8 a.m to meridian - Warm and pleasant weather. Light moderate and gentle breezes from SW by W, NW and NNW. Barometer steady. Mustered crew at quarters at 9:00 and exercised divisions at great gun drill. Absent overstaying liberty A.J. Purcell (bugler) and C.A. Rossc (sea). By order of commanding officer P.J. Fitzgerald (ch) is deprived of liberty on shore 3 weeks for overstaying liberty 11 1/2 hrs and returning to the ship unfit for duty. Received on board in pay department from water boat 1100 gals fresh water 2500 gals for ships use and 8500 gals for use in boilers. Ship began swinging to the eff tide at 8:20. Riding to eff tide at 9:75. Strength of tide at 11' o clock 1.4 knots.
A.F. Purcell - Absent from ship overstaying liberty
C.A. Rossc - Absent from ship overstaying liberty
P.J. Fitzgerald - By order of the commanding officer, he was deprived of liberty of shore for 3 weeks for overstaying liberty 11 1/2 hrs.
water boat - unloaded many gallons of water
A.W. Graut, St - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - Cloudy and warm. Light sprinkle of rain at 1:00. Moderate breeze from NW. Exercised crew at small arms and drilled whale boats crew at pulling. Began swinging to flood at 3: and finished swinging at 4: Strength of current 1.5 knots.
Joe Shanes, Eus - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Moderate to gentle breeze from NW and West. Barometer steady. Rain during last half hour. The sluier values, water tight doors and inside surface of hull in engineers belt were examined and found to be in good condition. At 5 pur mustered crew at quarters. Absent overstaying liberty A.F. Purcell (bugler) and C.A. Possc (sea). Strength of flood tide at 6:45 - 1.2 knots.
A.F. Purcell - Absent overstaying liberty
C.A. Rossc - Absent overstaying liberty
A.W. Graut, St - name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Cloudy with rain first hour. Light breeze from NW. Began swinging to eff tide at 8:30, finished swinging at 10: Current 1.5 knots at 11:
Joe Shanes, Eus. - name under entry
A.J. Purcell and C.A. Rosse - Absent overstaying liberty
P.J. Fitzgerald - deprived of liberty on shore 3 weeks for overstaying liberty and returning unfit for duty
Jos Strauss - 8 P.M to Midnight Cloudy with rain first hour. Light breeze from NW. Begain swinging to ebb tide at 8:30, finished swinging at 10:nCurrent 1.5 Knots at 11:
50874dd109d4090755009b3d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_107_0.jpg)
23 May 1891
off bellevue hospital east river ny
Lat 67.8, Long -176.0
coal: 2 tons or 672 lbs - consumed
coal: 352 tons or 2064 lbs - coal remaining on hand at Noon
coal: 2 tons 672 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 352 tons 2064 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b3f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_107_1.jpg)
23 May 1891
A.J. Purcell (buglar,) and C.A. Rosse (sea) - Absent overstaying leave.
Fair and cool but pleasant weather. Light breeze from North first hour, afterwards gentle to moderate breeze from NNE. Barometer steady. Tide running ebb, force of current at 2 1.5 knots. At 3:15 began swinging to flood tide.
Clear and pleasant. Moderate breeze from NNE and NE by N. Barometer rising. Ship finished swinging to flood tide at 4:30. Riding to wind and tide. Strength of tide 7:30 1.0 knots
Clear and pleasant. Gentle to light breeze from NE by N and NE. Ship began swinging to ebb at 8:50 and finished swinging at 10 AM.
Strength of current 1.5 knots at end of watch.
Cloudy but pleasant weather. Cum Nimb. clouds. Barometer steady. Light airs from NE and South.
Tide running ebb 1.3 knots at 1 PM. At 3 commenced swinging to flood, finished 3:50.
Cloudy and cool. Light airs from South. Current 1.2 knots.
Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle breeze from SSE. Barometer steady. Tide running flood first hour. Commenced to swing to ebb at 9, finished at 10. Force of current at 11:40 1.4 knots.
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 a.m - Fair and cool but pleasant weather. Light breeze from north first hour, afterward gentle to moderate breeze from NNE. Barometer steady. Tide running eff, form of current at 2. 1.5 knots. At 3:15 began swinging to flood tide.
UsCullman, Sieus - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m - Clear and pleasant. Moderate breeze from NNE and NE by N. Barometer rising. Ship finished swinging to flood tide at 4:30. Riding to wind and tide. Strength of tide at 7:30. 10 knots
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
8 a.m to meridian - Clear and pleasant. Gentle to light breeze from NE by N and NE. Ship began swinging to eff at 8:50 and finished swinging at 10 a.m. Sent ashes ashore in lighter. J.J Saherty (cn) was released from the cell his term of confinement having expired. A.F. Purcell (bugler) and C.A. Rossc (sea) absent overstaying leave. Strength of current 1.5 knots at end of watch.
J.J. Saherty - Was released from the cell having the confinement expire
C.A. Rossc - Absent from ship overstaying leave
A.F. Purcell - Absent from ship overstaying leave
Joe Shaun, Ensign - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - Cloudy but pleasant weather. Cum. Mist. Clouds. Barometer steady. Light airs from NE and south. Received on board from navy yard, 3 hickory bars, 34 ft. and one complete set fittings for wash basin, water bottle and slot par for pay office. Sent liberty party on shore. At 1:30 piled up all bags. Tide running eff 1.3 knots at 1 pun. At 3 commenced swinging to flood, finished 3:50.
UsCullman, Sieus - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Cloudy and cool. Light airs from south. Mustered at quarters at 5. A.J. Purcell (bugler) and C.A. Rossc (sea) absent overstaying liberty. Current 1.2 knots.
A.F. Purcell - Absent from ship overstaying liberty
C.A Rossc - Absent from ship overstaying liberty
Joe Shaun, Ensign - name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle breeze from SSE. Barometer steady. Tide running flood first hour. Commenced to swing to eff eat 9. Finished at 10. Force of current at 11:40- 1.4 knots.
UsCullman, Sieus - name under entry
Sent ashes ashore
J J Doherty (CN) - Released from cell his term of confinement having expired
C A Rosse (lea) - absent overstaying leave
A J Purcell (bugler) - absent overstaying leave
Received 3 hickory bars, 34ft. and one complete set of fittings for wash basin, water bottle and slop for Pay Office
A J Purcell(bugler) - absent overstaying liberty
C A Rosse (sea) - absent overstaying liberty
- 8 P.M. to Midnight Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle breeze from SSE. Barometer steady. Tide running flood first hour. Commenced to swing to ebb at 9 finished at 10. Force of current at 11:40 1.4 Knots
50874dd109d4090755009b41: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_108_0.jpg)
off bellevue hospital east river ny
Lat 67.8, Long -176.0
coal: 2 tons or 110 lbs. - consumed
coal: 350 tons or 954 lbs. - remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b43: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_108_1.jpg)
24 May 1891
A.J. Purcell (buglar,) C.A. Rosse (sea) and O Lundblad (os) absent overstaying leave.
Cloudy pleasant weather. Light breeze to light airs from SSE. Strength of current at 2:30 1.3 knots per hour.
Cloudy and cool, light airs from SSE. Shifting to E by N and ENE. Swinging to flood between 4 and 4:35. Current 1.3 knots at end of watch.
Cloudy unsettled weather, cir. cum. strat. clouds. Barometer steady. Light airs from ENE first hour afterwards airs and light breeze from SE.
Light breeze from South. Cloudy first part overcast latter part of watch Riding to ebb tide. At 1:30 strength of current 1.6 knots per hour.
Coast Survey Steamer Endeavor - At 1:45 got underway and stood down East River.
Overcast and cloudy, threatening rain. Cool and damp. Light breeze and airs from SSE. Barometer steady. At 4:10 began swinging to flood, finished at 4:40. Strength of current at 6 1.4 knots.
Overcast, light airs from South. Commenced swinging to the ebb tide at 10:12, riding to ebb at 10:46.
9.30 division inspection
A J Purcell (bugler) - absent overstaying liberty
C A Rosse (sea) - absent overstaying liberty
O Lusedblad (os) - absent overstaying liberty
Commanding officer inspected crew and ship
Coast Survey Ship Endeavour - got underway and stood down East River
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Cloudy pleasant weather. Light breeze to light airs from SSE strength of current at 2:30 1.3 Knots per hour.
Chashaird Lieur - names under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Cloudy and cool, light airs from SSE. Shifting to E by N and ENE Swinging to flood between 4 and 4:35. Current 1.3 knots at end of watch.
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Cloudy unsettled weather, cir. cum. strat. clouds. Barometer steady light airs from ENE first hour afterwards airs and light breeze from SE. At 9:30 had division inspection. A.F. Purcell (bugler), C.A. Rossc (sea) and L. Sundblad ( ) absent overstaying liberty. At 9:45 mustered crew at quarters, the commanding officer inspected crew and ship. Sent liberty party on shore.
C.A. Rossc - Absent overstaying liberty
L. Sundblad - Absent overstaying liberty
A.F. Purcell - Absent overstaying liberty
UsCullman, Sieus - name under entry
Meridian to 4 P.M. - Light breeze from south. Cloudy first part overcast latter part of watch. Riding to ebb tide. At 1:30 strength of current 1.6 knots per hour. At 1:45 coast survey steamer endeavor got underway and stood down East River.
Chashaird Lieur - name under entry
4 to 8 P.M. - Overcast and cloudy, threatening rain. Cool and damp. Light breeze and airs from SSE. Barometer steady. At 4:10 began swinging to flood, finished at 4:40. Strength of current at 6- 1.4 knots.
UsCullman, Sieus - name under entry
8 P.M. to midnight- Overcast light airs from south. Commenced swinging to the ebb tide at 10:12, riding to the ebb at 10:46.
Chashaird Lieur - name under entry
50874dd109d4090755009b45: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_109_0.jpg)
moored off bellevue hospital east river ny
Lat 67.8, Long -176.0
coal: 2 tons or 344 lbs - consumed
coal: 34.7 tons or 1850 lbs. - remaining on hand at noon
50874dd109d4090755009b47: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_109_1.jpg)
25 May 1891
The following named men were absent from the ship overstaying liberty:- C.A. Rosse (sea) and O Sumblad (os).
A.J. Purcell (bugler) - Having been absent from the ship for ten days without leave was, by order of the Commanding officer, declared a deserter from May 15th
Overcast first hour, bright moonlight latter part of watch. Light airs and breezes from South. Riding to ebb tide. Strength of tide at 2:15 AM 1.1 knots.
Overcast and cloudy with light fog last two hours. Threatening rain. Light airs from South first two hours from SW afterwards. Barometer steady. Commenced swinging to flood tide at 4:40 finished at 5:10. Strength of current at 7 1 knot.
Overcast during first three hours of watch. Cloudy and hazy last hour. Gentle breezes and light airs from SW and W by S.
Commenced swinging to the ebb at 9:55 riding to ebb at 11:10. At 2 strength of tide 1.3 knots per hour.
Overcast and cloudy. Light to moderate breeze from SW and South. Riding to ebb tide. Barometer steady.
Cloudy first part fair latter part of watch. Light breeze from South. Commenced swinging to the flood at 4:25, riding to flood at 5:45.
Clear and pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light airs and breezes from South and SW. Began swinging to ebb tide at 10:50. Riding to ebb tide at 11:35.
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Overcast first hour, bright moon light latter part of watch. Light airs and breezes from south. Riding to ebb tide. Strength of tide at 2:15 a.m. 1.1 knots.
A.W. Graut, Sirut - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Overcast and cloudy with light fog last two hours. Threatening rain. Light airs from south first two hours from SW afterwards. Barometer steady. Commenced swinging to flood tide at 4:40 finished at 5:10. Strength of current at 7 - 1 knot.
UsCullman, Seus - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Overcast during first three hours of watch, cloudy and hazy last hour. Gentle breezes and light airs from SW. and W by S. At 9:30 mustered and inspected crew at quarters, the following named men absent from the ship overstaying liberty: C.A Rossc (sea) and L. Sunblad (os). A.F. Purcell (bugler) having been absent from the ship for ten days without leave was, by order of the commanding officer, declared a deserter from May 15th. Had general exercise at great gun drill, marine guard drilled in the manual of arms and the setting up drill, powder division at stations for general quarters. Gun divisions engaged in overhauling training gear of carriages. Lieut L Flyman and Ensign J.W. Lmam of the equipment belt of the navy yard came on board for the purpose of conducting the test of the electrical plant of the ship. Commenced swinging to the ebb at 9:55 riding to ebb at 11:10. At 4 strength of tide 1:3 knots per hour. Commenced the test of the electrical plant at 11:50 a.m.
C.A. Rossc - absent overstaying liberty
A.F. Purcell - Declared a deserter
L Sunblad - Absent overstaying liberty
Lieut L. Flyman - Came on board to do a test on electrical plant
Ensign J.W. Lmam - Came on board to do a test on the electrical plant
Chashaird, Lieur - name under entry
Meridian to 4 P.M. - Overcast and cloudy. Light to moderate breeze from SW and south. Rising to the ebb tide. Barometer steady. Crew engaged in overhauling main battery. Loosed tail.
A.W. Graut, Sirut - name under entry
4 to 8 P.M. - Cloudy first part fair latter part of watch. Light breeze from south. Commenced swinging to the flood at 4:25, riding to flood at 5:45. At 5:45 furled sail.
Chashaird, Lieur - name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Clear and pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light airs and breezes from south and SSW. Began swinging to ebb tide at 10:50. Riding to ebb tide at 11:35. Leiut Flyman from navy yard engaged in testing electrical plant.
Lieut Flyman - testing electrical plant on ship
A.W. Graut, Sirut - name under entry
A.J. Purcell (bugler) - declared a deserter from May 15th
50874dd109d4090755009b49: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_110_0.jpg)
off bellevue hospital east river ny
Lat 67.8, Long -176.0
coal: 3 tons - consumed
coal: 344 tons - remaining
50874dd109d4090755009b4b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_110_1.jpg)
26 May 1891
O. Sundblad (os) - Absent without leave.
R. Mc Pherson - A deserter from this ship was brought on board by the master of Arms and placed in the brig for safe keeping to await actions of Commanding officer.
C. A. Rosse (sea) - By order of the Commanding officer was declared a deserter from the 16th inst.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from SW and WSW. Riding to ebb tide, strength of current 1.8 knots.
Weather overcast first part, overcast and hazy last part of watch. Light airs from WSW and S by W. Started to swing to the flood tide at 4:22 finished swinging at 5:55. At 7:45 strength of tide 1.3 knots per hour.
Overcast, cloudy, misty. Barometer steady. Light airs and breezes from South, SSW, SW, WSW.
Began swinging to ebb tide at 10:45. Riding to ebb tide at noon.
Cloudy and threatening with rain squalls last hour. Riding to ebb tide. Current 1.7 knots.
Overcast and cloudy. Barometer rising. Gentle and moderate breeze from NNE. Began swinging to flood at 6:10. Riding to flood tide at 6:48.
Cloudy to fair. Gentle to stiff breeze from NNE. At 10:30 swung to ebb and finished swinging at 11:30.
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from SW and WSW. Riding to ebb tide. Strength of current 1.8 knots.
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Weather overcast first part overcast and hazy last past of watch. Light airs from WSW and S by W. Started to swing to the flood tide at 4:22 finished swinging at 5:55. At 7:45 strength of tide 1.3 knots per hour.
Chasharid, Leiur - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Overcast, cloudy, misty. Barometer steady. Light airs and breezes from south, SSW, SW, WSW. Absent overstaying liberty L. Sundblad (os). By order of the commanding officer C.A. Rossc (sea) was declared a deserter from the 16th. Began swinging to ebb tide at 10:45. Riding to ebb tide at noon. R. McPherson a deserter from this ship was brought on board by the master at arms and placed in the brig for safe keeping to await action of commanding officer.
L. Sundblad - Absent overstaying leave
C.A. Rossc - Absent overstaying leave
R. McPherson - Was returned to the ship, he is a former deserter and put put in the brig for safe keeping awaiting the commanding officer's orders
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - Cloudy and threatening with rain squalls last hour. Riding to ebb tide. Transported sheet anchor and secured it for sea.
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Overcast and cloudy. Barometer rising. Gentle and moderate breeze from NNE. Absent overstaying leave L. Sundblad (os). Began swinging to flood at 6:10. Riding to flood tide at 6:18.
O. Sundblad - Absent overstaying leave
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Cloudy to fair. Gentle to stiff breeze from NNE. At 10:30 swing to ebb and finished swinging at 11:30.
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
C.A. Russelha - Declared a deserter
R. McPherson - a deserter from the ship placed in brig for safe keeping
50874dd109d4090755009b4d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_111_0.jpg)
27 May 1891
off bellevue hospital east river ny
Lat 67.8, Long -176.0
coal: 5 tons 948 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 339 tons 678 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b4f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_111_1.jpg)
27 May 1891
Lat 40.6, Long -74.1
Richard McPherson - By order of Commanding officer was made a prisoner at large and released him from confinement in the brig.
At 1015 have up both anchors and stood down East river
At 1412 came to in anchorage off Fort Tompkins
Richard McPherson - Commanders order he made a prisoner at large and released from brig
U.S.S. Jamestown - At 2015 signalled her
Fair but pleasant. Moderate to light breeze from NNE. Barometer steady. Tide running ebb, force of current at 3 AM 1.4 Knots.
Clear bright and pleasant. Gentle and moderate breezes from NNE, NE by E, and ENE. Barometer rising.
Began swinging to flood tide at 6:30, riding to flood tide at 7:40
Hazy and pleasant. Light to moderate breeze from ENE and East.
Cloudy but pleasant weather. Cir. Cum. clouds. Barometer steady. Tide running ebb, force of current at 3:30 1.2 knots. Gentle to light breeze from SE.
Light breeze from SSE. Cloudy pleasant weather. Ebb tide.
Light SSE breeze. Barometer steady.
Began swinging to flood tide at 7 PM. Riding to flood at 7:30.
Pleasant with bright starlight. Cam with light airs and breezes from SE to North and NE.
USS Jamestown - At 8:15 signalled her number, Verys Code, and interrogating 4917. Answered 904 and signaled Concord's number. The Jamestown answered at 8:30.
Richard McPherson - By order of the commanding officer made Richard McPherson a prisoner at large and released him from confinement in the brig.
USS Jamestown - At 8:15 USS Jamestown signalled her number, Verys Code, and interrogating 4917.
At Ft Tompkins. Engaged in getting ammunition on board.
Richard Mcpherson - By order of the Commanding Officer made Richard McpHerson a prisoner at large and released him from confinement in the brig.
50874dd109d4090755009b51: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_112_0.jpg)
28 May 1891
at anchor off ft tompkins staten island ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.2
coal: 5 tons 2016 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 333 tons 902 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b53: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_112_1.jpg)
28 May 1891
ft hamilton
Lat , Long
U.S.T.S. Jamestown - signalled 4890, answered 904 and she got underway and stood up towards N.Y.
Received on board ammunition (listed quantities on log sheet)
Fair and pleasant weather though cool. Barometer steady. Light breeze from North first hour afterwards NNE. Moonlight. At 12:50 finishing swinging to ebb tide, force of current at 11 - 1.4 knots.
Light to gentle breeze from NNE and NE by N. Cloudy pleasant weather. Riding to the ebb tide, slack water at 7:30. Commenced swinging to the flood at 7:45.
Overcast first part of watch. Clear to southward. Hazy to Northward. Barometer steady. Light breezes from NE and ENE.
USPS Jamestown - Made telegraphic signal 4904, 0088, 724, 4204, 6381. Jamestown answered telegraphic 2709, 6849, 0935, 8565, 1267. Correct over 29.
Half masted colors at 9:15. Half hour guns have been fired from Fts Hamilton and Tompkins.
Finished swinging to flood tide at 8:30. Strength of tide at 10:10 AM 1.3 knots.
Clear and pleasant. Light to stiff breeze from SE to ESE. Started to swing to ebb tide at 1:00.
USSTS Jamestown - Signalled 4890, answered 904, and she got under way and stood up towards New York at 1. Current 1.2.
Fair and pleasant, light breeze from East. Barometer steady. Tide running ebb. Force of current at end of watch 1.4 knots.
Cloudy pleasant weather. Light breeze from East and ENE. Riding to the ebb tide.
Overcast and cloudy, threatening rain last hour. Light and gentle breezes from NE. Barometer falling. Finished swinging to flood tide at 8:40.
Strength of tide at 11 PM 1.3.
USPS Jamestown - Made to USPS Jamestown telegraphic signal 4904, 0088, 724, 4204, 6381, Jamestown answered telegraphic 2709, 6849, 0935, 8565, 1267 cornett over 29.
USS TS Jamestown -
50874dd109d4090755009b55: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_113_0.jpg)
29 May 1891
at anchor off ft tompkins staten island ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.2
coal: 7 tons 1456 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 325 tons 1686 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b57: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_113_1.jpg)
29 May 1891
fort wadsworth
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
O. Sundblad (sea) - Absent overstaying liberty
Overcast cloudy and rainy. Gentle to stiff breeze from NE. Began swinging to ebb tide at 12:55 and finished swinging at 1:30. Current 1.3 knots.
Overcast, cloudy, ugly, rainy weather. Wind from NE blowing squally first two hours from moderate to stiff breeze afterwards light to moderate breeze.
Overcast threatening weather, heavy rain first part, misty latter part of watch. Gentle to moderate breeze from ENE to NNE.
Overcast cloudy and misty. Barometer rising slowly. Light, gentle and moderate breezes from NNE to WNW.
Overcast cloudy and misty. Light airs and breezes from WNW and NW. Riding to ebb tide.
Overcast cloudy misty and damp. Barometer steady. Calm. Tide running ebb, force of current at commencement of watch 1.1 knots.
Calm overcast raining during last two hours of watch. Commenced swinging to the ebb tide at 8:10 riding to the ebb at 8:55. Strength of current at 11:45 1.2 knots per hour.
O. Sundblad - O. Sundblad (OS) Absent overstaying liberty.
50874dd109d4090755009b59: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_114_0.jpg)
30 May 1891
stapleton staten island ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.2
coal: 7 tons 1232 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 318 tons 454 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b5b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_114_1.jpg)
30 May 1891
ny bay
Lat 54.9, Long -5.8
O. Sundblad (sea) - absent overstaying liberty.
Ratings recommended by the Board on ratings and approved by the Commanding officer, were made as follows:- Wm. Emery from Coxwain to C.B. Mate from May 30., H. Moran from (sea) to BM from May 5., E.L.G.C. Moore seaman to C.G.M. from May 10., A. Anderfuhren OS to 2G from May 15., W. Henderson, os to 2G., Geo Henry, sea, to 2G from apr 1 and P. Jessen, sea to 2W from Apr 1.
Overcast cloudy misty and damp. Barometer steady. Light airs SSE and South first three hours, calm last hour. Began swinging to ebb at 3:10. Riding to ebb at 3:50.
Cloudy and foggy. Heavy mist latter part. Calm with occasional light airs from S by E. Riding to ebb tide. Strength of current 1.4 knots at 6:00.
Overcast, cloudy and foggy first part, tendency to clear latter part but fog hanging over the water. Barometer steady. Light airs from WNW and SW. Sea smooth.
At 9:50 hove up port anchor and at 1:08 started ahead down NY Bay. Remainder of watch standing through the narrows and over the bar. At end of watch standing out for Sandy Hook light ship. Numerous steamers in sight standing in for and out of New York Bay.
First hour cloudy and misty remainder of watch clearing weather, hazy about horizon. Light airs to gentle breeze from SSW and S by E.
Clear and pleasant. Hazy towards land. Moderate breeze from SSW.
Cloudy with heavy fog last hour Gentle breeze from SSW.
Foggy, damp, disagreeable weather. Occasional flashes of lightening in the SW. Gentle breeze from South and SSW. Fog lifting at intervals and setting in thick again. Barometer steady.
10:08 am steamed away from Staten Island out of NY harbour
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Overcast cloudy misty and damp. Barometer steady. Light airs SSE. and south first three hours, calm last hour. Begin swinging to ebb at 3:10. Riding to ebb at steam on boilers C and D.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Cloudy and foggy. Heavy mist later part. Calm with occasional light airs from S by E. Riding to ebb tide, strength of current 1.4 knots at 6:00
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Overcast, cloudy and foggy first part, tendency to clear latter part but fog hanging over the water. Barometer steady. Light airs from WSW and SW. Sea smooth. At 8:50 spread fires, have in 20 furs on port chain. At 9:45 turned engines over and at 9:50 have up port anchor and at 10:08 started ahead down N.Y. Bay. Remainder of watch, standing through the narrows and over the bar. At end of watch standing out for sandy hook light ship. Numerous steamers in sight standing in for and out of New York Bay. S raft of ship 12 ft. bin forward, 16 ft 10 in aft.
UsCollman, Sieur - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. - First hour cloudy and misty remainder of water clearing weather, hazy about horizon. Light airs to gentle breeze from SSW and S by E. At 12:25 took departure. Sandy Hook light vessel bearing (p.c) N 3/4 E distant 1 mile. Shaped course S 3/4 W. Put over patent log reading 20.0. At 2:30 loosed sail to dry, secured anchors for sea. At 3:38 changed course to SW by S. Patent log read 50.0 At 4:00 sighted Barnegat lt house bearing (p.c) W 1/2 S distant about 8 miles. Average steam presssure port engine 135 lbs. Average number of revolutions 97.9. Starbourd engine average steam pressure 135 lbs. average number revolutions 96.5.
Chasharid, Luicr - name under entry
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. - Clear and pleasant. Hazy toward land. Moderate breeze from SSW. At 4:35 Barnegat light bore abeaue (p.c.) NW by W distant 7 miles. At 6 p.m. Twekers lad light bore abeaue (p.c.) NW by W distant 6 miles. Absent overstaying leave O. Sundblad (sea). Steam on boilers A & S. Average steam 135 lbs. RW 98.5 au stld engine. Port engine average steam 127 Revs 99. Ratings recommended by the board on ratings and approved by the commanding officer, were made as follows: W Emery from coxswain to C.B mata from may 30., H Moran from (sea) to B.M. from may 5., E.L.G.C. Moore seaman to C.T.M. from may 10., A. Anderfulenen c.s. to 2.5. from ma 15, W. Henderson as to 2.5. from May 22. Geo Henry, sea, to 2.5 from apr 1 and P Jessen, sea, to 2.W. from apr 1.
W Emery - change in rating
H Moran - change in rating
E.L.G.C. Moore - change in rating
A. Anderfulenen - change in rating
W. Henderson - change in rating
Geo Henry - change in rating
P Jessen - change in rating
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
6 to 8 p.m. - Cloudy with heavy fog lat hour. Gentle breeze from SSW. At 6:25 stopped to abeaue agimenthe an 3 points. At 6:45 stopped and got east with thowprows machine showing 9 3/4 and 10 furs respectively; red sandy bottom. At 8: stopped and got casts in 4 furs; hard bottom. Average steam on S and L engine 118 lbs. port engine 120 lbs. aver. revs. stl engine 89.7 port engine 90.
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Foggy, damp, disagreeable weather. Occasional flashes of lightning in the SW. Gentle breeze from south and SW. Fog lifting at intervals and setting in thick again. Barometer steady. At 8:05 started ahead on course SSW (P.C.). At 9:45 stopped and got east in 16 furs water. At 10 started ahead on course SSW (p.c). Passed several sail. Average stem pressure 120 lbs, average revolutions stld engine 93.5 port 92.3.
UsCollman, Sieur - name under entry
O. Sundblad - Mustered at quarters absent overstaying leave O. Sundblad (sea).
Wm Emery - Ratings recommended by the Board on ratings and approved by the commanding officer, were made as follows: Wm Emery from Coxswain to C.B. Mate from May 30, H Moran from (Sea) to B.M. from May 5, E.L.Q.C. Moore seaman to C.Q.M from May 10 A. Anderfuhren O.S. to 2.G. from May 15, W. Henderson, os to 2.G. from May 22, Geo Henry, Sea, to 2.G. from Apr 1 and P Juun, Sea, to 2.M. from Apr 1.
H Moran - Ratings recommended by the Board on ratings and approved by the commanding officer, were made as follows: Wm Emery from Coxswain to C.B. Mate from May 30, H Moran from (Sea) to B.M. from May 5, E.L.Q.C. Moore seaman to C.Q.M from May 10 A. Anderfuhren O.S. to 2.G. from May 15, W. Henderson, os to 2.G. from May 22, Geo Henry, Sea, to 2.G. from Apr 1 and P Juun, Sea, to 2.M. from Apr 1.
E.L.Q.C. Moore - Ratings recommended by the Board on ratings and approved by the commanding officer, were made as follows: Wm Emery from Coxswain to C.B. Mate from May 30, H Moran from (Sea) to B.M. from May 5, E.L.Q.C. Moore seaman to C.Q.M from May 10 A. Anderfuhren O.S. to 2.G. from May 15, W. Henderson, os to 2.G. from May 22, Geo Henry, Sea, to 2.G. from Apr 1 and P Juun, Sea, to 2.M. from Apr 1.
W Henderson - Ratings recommended by the Board on ratings and approved by the commanding officer, were made as follows: Wm Emery from Coxswain to C.B. Mate from May 30, H Moran from (Sea) to B.M. from May 5, E.L.Q.C. Moore seaman to C.Q.M from May 10 A. Anderfuhren O.S. to 2.G. from May 15, W. Henderson, os to 2.G. from May 22, Geo Henry, Sea, to 2.G. from Apr 1 and P Juun, Sea, to 2.M. from Apr 1.
A. Anderfuhren - Ratings recommended by the Board on ratings and approved by the commanding officer, were made as follows: Wm Emery from Coxswain to C.B. Mate from May 30, H Moran from (Sea) to B.M. from May 5, E.L.Q.C. Moore seaman to C.Q.M from May 10 A. Anderfuhren O.S. to 2.G. from May 15, W. Henderson, os to 2.G. from May 22, Geo Henry, Sea, to 2.G. from Apr 1 and P Juun, Sea, to 2.M. from Apr 1.
P Juun - Ratings recommended by the Board on ratings and approved by the commanding officer, were made as follows: Wm Emery from Coxswain to C.B. Mate from May 30, H Moran from (Sea) to B.M. from May 5, E.L.Q.C. Moore seaman to C.Q.M from May 10 A. Anderfuhren O.S. to 2.G. from May 15, W. Henderson, os to 2.G. from May 22, Geo Henry, Sea, to 2.G. from Apr 1 and P Juun, Sea, to 2.M. from Apr 1.
Geo Henry - Ratings recommended by the Board on ratings and approved by the commanding officer, were made as follows: Wm Emery from Coxswain to C.B. Mate from May 30, H Moran from (Sea) to B.M. from May 5, E.L.Q.C. Moore seaman to C.Q.M from May 10 A. Anderfuhren O.S. to 2.G. from May 15, W. Henderson, os to 2.G. from May 22, Geo Henry, Sea, to 2.G. from Apr 1 and P Juun, Sea, to 2.M. from Apr 1.
50874dd109d4090755009b5d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_115_0.jpg)
at sea making passage from new york to hampton roads
Lat 37.0, Long -76.3
coal: 29 tons - consumed
coal: 288 tons - remaining
50874dd109d4090755009b5f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_115_1.jpg)
31 May 1891
cape charles lt ship
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
USSTR Neward - The Commander paid an official visit to USSTR Neward
Nixe. German Man of war. - An officer from the Nixe paid an official visit of courtesy on board
Stayed in vicinity ofCape Charles light ship, recording water depths
USSteamer Newark - At 1: made cornet 29; USSteamer Newark answered and made Cornet 125.
German Man of War "Nixe" - An officer from Germa Man of War "Nixe" paid official visit of country on board
1415 came to with port anchor, Hampton Roads
U.S.S. steamer "Neward" - communicated with
Officer from German Man of War "Nixe" - paid official visit
50874dd109d4090755009b61: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_116_0.jpg)
1 June 1891
at anchor hampton roads va
Lat 37.0, Long -76.3
coal: 9 tons 1344 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 279 tons 10 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
Underway standing out of Hampton Roads towards Cape Henry
50874dd109d4090755009b63: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_116_1.jpg)
1 June 1891
cape charles lt
Lat 43.1, Long 16.7
The board of inspection of which Rear Admiral L.A. Kimberly USN is president arrived on board at 9:30 and were received with officers and crew at quarters.
Schooner "Catharine Z" - Spoke.
Rear Admiral L A Kimberly - The board of inspection of which Rear Admiral L A Kimberly USN is president arrived on board at 9:30 and were received with officers and crew at quarters.
Schooner "Catharine Z" - Spoke the Schooner "Catharine Z" at 3:10 and gave her the course and distance to Cape Henry Light.
The board of inspection of which Rear ADmiral L A Kimberly U.S.N. is president arrived on board at 9:30 and were received with officers and crews at quarters."
Schooner "Catharine Z - Spoke the Schooner "Catharine Z" at 3:10 and gave her the course and distance to Cape Henry Light.
water boat came along tideat 11:40
50874dd109d4090755009b65: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_117_0.jpg)
at sea standing off and on
Lat 36.80, Long -74.75
at sea standing off and on
50874dd109d4090755009b67: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_117_1.jpg)
2 June 1891
cape henry light
Lat 43.1, Long 16.7
midnight to 11 am cloudy very foggy
...speed in order to reduce the steam pressure...hauled from the forward fire room through the...Wm Griffin (Water tender) but life was extinct...must have been instantaneous. Upon mustering...time of accident Jus Fletcher (VCF) was found to be...end of the watch. L Dunwald (Mach) was slightly... on forward boiler before the accident was..watch preventing access to forward fire...underneath the top gallant forecastle."
"At 12:03 stopped...mate A.L. Lawson reports that the after bulk-...from forward fire room was too warm to bear...officer the forward shellroom was flooded...water was leaking into the bilge of no 5 compart-...outlet value of the shellroom was discovered...examination found that the valve would not seat.
Jus Fletcher - At 2 pm Jus Sheehan (W tender) entered the forward fire room and found the body of Jus Fletcher (2cf) whose body was removed to the forward engine room where upon examination by Surgeon R C Persons (USU) life was pronounced extinct.
50874dd109d4090755009b69: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_118_0.jpg)
2 June 1891
at sea standing off and on
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
2 am thin lying still south
50874dd109d4090755009b6b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_118_1.jpg)
2 June 1891
At 11:35 main steam pipe connection forward and after boilers burst. The men were driven from the forward fore room by escaping steam. All water tight doors were closed, the wells sounded, boats prepared for lowering and life preservers broken out and sent on deck. Fires were at once banked in the after fire room. Both engines continued in operation at full speed in order to reduce the steam pressure. Immediately after the accident Moses Wright (ch) was hauled from the forward fire room through the water tight door by asst Engineer H.P. Norton and Wm Griffin (water tender) but life was extinct. Surgeon R.C. Persons reported that Moses Wrights’s death must have been instantaneous. Upon mustering the force at work in the forward fire room at the time of the accident Jos Fletcher (2ch) was found to be missing. His body had not been recovered at the end of the watch. L. Dunwald (mach) was slightly scalded on the right fore arm. The last reported pressure on the foreward boiler before the accident was 110 lbs. The steam continued to escape during remainder of watch preventing access to forward fire room and driving the men from the berth deck and from underneath the top gallant forecastle.
At 12:03 stopped stbd engine, at 12:05 stopped port engine.
At 12:10 gunners mate A.L. Lawson reported that the after bulk head of the forward shellroom, separating same from forward fire room, was too warm to bear the naked hand upon it. By order of the Commanding officer the forward shellroom was flooded. At 12:20 the shell room was reported flooded, but water was leaking into the bilge of no 5 compartment in which the shell room is situated. The port outlet valve of the shell room was discovered out of order. Broke the shell room out and upon examination found that the valve would not seat. This outlet was temporarily stopped by a pine plug, canvas and sp~~yarn. At 1:30 lowered a thermometer through the ash shoot of forward fire room and found the temperature to be 120Fah. At 2pm Jas sheehan (wtender) entered the forward fire room and found the body of Jas Fletcher (2cf) whose body was removed form the forward engine room where upon examination by Surgeon R.C. Person USN life was pronounced extinct.
Rear Admiral L. A. Kimberly - At 9:07 went to General Quarters for the continuance of the inspection of the board of which Rear Admiral L. A. Kimberly is senior officer.
At 11:35 main steam pipe connecting forward and after boilers burst. The men were driven from the forward fire room by escaping steam. All water tight doors were closed, the wells sounded, boats prepared for lowering and life preservers broken out and send on deck. Fires were at once banked in the after fire room. Both engins continued in operation at full speed in order to reduce the steam pressure. Immediately after the accident Moses Wright (C. H) was hauled from the forward fire room through the water tight door by asst. Engineer H.P. Norton and Wm Griffin (water tender) but life was extinct. Sergeon R.C. Persons reported that Moses Wright's death must have been instantaneous. Upon mustering the force at work in the forward fire room at the time of the accident Jos Fletcher (2CP) was found to be missing. His body had not been recovered at the end of the watch. L. Dunwald (mach) was slightly scalded on the right fore arm. The last reported pressure on forward boiler before the accident was 110 lbs. The steam continued to escape during remainder of watch preventing access to forward fire room and driving the men from berth deck and from underneath the top gallant forecastle.
Moses Wright (C H) - Immediately after the accident Moses Wright (C H) was hauled from the forward fire room through the water tight door by asst. Engineer H. P. Norton and Wm Griffin (water tender) but life was extinct.
Wm Griffin (water tender) - Immediately after the accident Moses Wright (C H) was hauled from the forward fire room through the water tight door by asst. Engineer H. P. Norton and Wm Griffin (water tender) but life was extinct.
Asst. Engineer H. P. Norton - Immediately after the accident Moses Wright (C H) was hauled from the forward fire room through the water tight door by asst. Engineer H. P. Norton and Wm Griffin (water tender) but life was extinct.
Jas Fletcher (2CP) - Upon mustering the force at work in the forward fire room at the time of the accident Jos Fletcher (2CP) was found to be missing.
Sergeon R. C. Persons - Sergeon R. C. Persons reported that Moses Wright's death must have been instantaneous.
L. Dunwald (mach) - L. Dunwald (mach) was slightly scalded on the right fore arm.
At 12:03 stopped stbd engine, at 12:05 stopped port engine. At 12:10 Gunners mate A. L. Lawson reported that the after bulkhead of the forward shellroom, separating same from forward fire room, was too warm to bear the naked hand upon it. By order of the commanding officer the forward shellroom was flooded. At 12:20 the shellroom was reported flooded, but the water was leaking into the bilge of no 5 compartment in which this shellroom is situated. The port outlet valve of the shellroom was discovered out of order. Broke the shellroom out and upon examination found that the valve would not seat. This outlet was temporarily stopped by a pine plug, canvas, and spunyarn. At 1:30 lowered a thermometer through the ash shoot of forward fire room and found the temperature to be 120deg Fah. At 2PM Jas Sheehan (w tender) entered the forward fire room and found the body of Jas Fletcher (2CP) whose body was removed to the forward engine room where upon examination by Sergeon R C Persons USN life was pronounced extinct.
Jas Sheehan (w tender) - At 2 PM Jas Sheehan (w tender) entered the forward fire room and found the body of Jas Fletcher (2CP) whose body was removed to the forward engine room where upon examination by Sergeon R C Persons USN life was pronounced extinct.
"At 11:35 main steam pipe connecting forward and after boilers burst. The men were driven from the forward fire room by scapng steam. All water tight doors were closed, the wells sounded, boats prepared for lowering and life preservers broken out and sent on deck. Fires were at once ~ in the after fire room. Both engines continued in operation in order to reduce the steam pressure. Immediately after the accident, Moses Wright (CH) was hauled from the forward fire room through the water tight door by Asst Engineer H P Norton and Wm Griffin (water tender) but life was extinct. Surgeon R C Persons reported that Moses Wright's death must have been instantaneous. Upon mustering the force at work in the forward fire room at the time of the accident Jus Fletcher was found to be missing. His body had not been recovered at the end of the watch. L Dunwald (mach) was slightly scalded on the right forearm. The last reported presure on forward boiler before the accided was 110 lbs. The steam continued to escape during the remainder of the watch preventing access to forward fire room and driving the men from berth deck and from underneath the top gallant forecastle.
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Cloudy and very foggy. Clear overhead at times. Light airs from ESE. Moon rose at 4:00. At 2:00 changed course to W 1/4 N. Average steam pressure 108 lbs sts and lo4 lbs port. Average resolutions 73 sts 73 port.
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. - Thick fog at commencement of watch, fog lifting after first hour with heavy fog banks in horizon. Light airs from ESE first part from west later part. Barometer steady. Sea smooth. At 7:05 stopped engine to sound and compare sounding machine. Average steam pressure stated engine 100 the port engine 100 lbs. Average revolutions stated 73 port 73. With deep sea lead put over from bridge, port side.
UsCollman, Sieur - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Clear bright pleasant weather. Light airs from south. At 8:10 started fires under boilers A & B. At 9:07 went to general quarters for the continuance of the inspection of the board of which Rear admiral L.A. Reinberley is senior officer. The divisions were cast loose in the following times: Bg: Marines 2m 5 uc. Engineers 2 m 30 sea, 3 Lw H min 15 sea, 2th Sur 5 m 30 sea, navigator 5 m 45 m , 1st Sir 5 m 55 sea, Powder 6 m 30 sea. Tried two rounds from each gun of main battery, 3 rounds from each of 6 in. R.T.S and 3 pdr R.T.S., 36 rounds from the gathing guns and 10 rounds from the 37 R.C. Expencded in ordinance dept 12 6 in common shell, 12-6 in service charges , 12 sent clasing primers, 6-3 pd. shell, 6-6 pdr common shell, 36 ball cartridges, 45 cal. 10-37 shell for R.C. Exercised as for fine whilst at quarters, 3 Sir, hose counted and stream playing in 1 m 30 sec, 2 nd SW 1 in 45 sec. At 10:59 exercised at man overboard, dropped life buoy, picked up man 3 m 10 sec, picked up buoy in 3 m 30 sec, boat hoisted at dauits in 7 m 2 sec. Board of inspection inexected boat boxes and boat fittings. At 11:35 main steam pipe connecting forward and after boiler burst. The men were driven from the forward fire room by escaping steam. All Water tight doors were closed, the welds sounded, boats prepared for lowering and life preservers broken out and sent on deck. Both engines continued in operation at full speed in order to reduce the steam pressure. Immediately after the accident Moses Wright 10:10 was hauled from the forward fine room through the water tight door by asst. Engineer H.P. Norton and Wth Griffin. (water tender) but life was extinct. Surgeon R.C Persons reported that Moses Wrights' death must have been instantaneous . Upon mustering the force at work in the forward fire room at the time of the accident Joe Fletcher (2ct) was found to be missing. His body had not been recovered at the end of the watch. L. Sumwald (wash) was slightly scolded on the right fore arm. The last reported pressure on forward boiler before the accident was 110 lbs. The steam continued to escape during remainder of watch preventing access to forward fire room and friving the men from berth d and from underm the top gallant forecastle
Moses Wright - Died from the main steam pipe dursting
H.P. Norton - Asst. Engineer. Hauled Moses Wright through water tight door
W Griffin - Water tender that helped haul Moses Wright through water tight doors
R.C. Persons - Surgeon reporting that Moses Wright must have died immediately
Joe Fletcher - Found to be missing after the accident of the main steam pipe bursting
L. Sunwald - Slightly scolded by the steam/ water on right fore arm
Chasharid Leiur - name under entry
Meridian to 4 P.M. - Clear bright and pleasant weather. Light breeze from south. At 12:03 stopped sttld engine, at 12:05 stopped port engine. At 12:10 Gunners mate A.L. Lawson reported that the after buck had of the forward shellroom, separating saws from forward fire room, was too warm to bear the naked hand upon it. By order of the commanding officer the forward shell room was flooded. At 12:20 the shell room was reported flooded, but the water was leaking int othe bilge of no. 5 compartment in which this shell room is situated. The port outlet value of the shell room was discovered out of order. Broke the shell room out and upon examination found that the value would not seat.This outlet was temporarily stopped by a pine plug, camas, and spuneyaru. At 1:30 lowered a thermometer through the ash shoot of forward fire room and found the temperature to be 120 degrees Fah. At 2 p.m. Joe Sherthan (w tender) entered the forward fire room and found the body of Jas Fletcher (2ct) whose body was removed to the forward engine room where upon examination by sergeon R.C. Persons usu. Life was pronounced extinct. At 2:00 set all sail with one refine fore try sail to clear forward bridge, at 2:45 took in mig. galf topsail and spauker. Ship on course W 1/4 N (pc) last hour with barely steerage way.
Joe Sherthan - Entered the forward fire room to find the body of Jas
Jas Fletcher - Body was found, he was found dead
R.C Persons - The surgeon, examined the body of Mr. Fletcher to find no life with-in him
A.W. Graut, Liaut - name under entry
50874dd109d4090755009b6d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_119_0.jpg)
3 June 1891
at sea standing in for the capes of virginia
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
coal: 11 tons 1344 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 247 tons 1914 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
coal: 11 tons - consumed
coal: 247 tons - remaining
50874dd109d4090755009b6f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_119_1.jpg)
3 June 1891
Newark & Boston - Exchanged numbers.
At 2.20 Rear Admiral L.A. Kimberly accompanied by the other members of the Board of Inspection left the ship.
Rear Admiral L A Kimberly - accompanied by the other members of the Board of Inspection left the ship
"At 3:15 called all ahnds to bury the dead. The burial service was read over t he remains of Moses Wright (CH) and Jus Fletcher (2CF) by Surgeon R.C. Persons. The remains with escort and mess-mates were sent on short for internment in the grounds of the U.S. Naval Hospital. At 3:00 Commander A W Weaver commandant of the Navy Yard, Norfolk paid an official visit to the ship.
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Weather clear, bright starlight. Moderate and gentle breeze from south and SSW. Standing in to anchorage in Lynnhaven Bay during first hour. At 1 A.M. came to anchor in 9 furs of water uring to 36 furs at the hawre hole upon the starboard chain. Bearings at anchorage Cape Henry Lt (p.c.) SSE 3/4 E., Cape Charles light NE by North (pc) ships head west. Bauked fires. Moon rose at 3 a.m. Began swinging to flood tide at 3:45. S raft forward 11 ft 11 in, aft 15 ft 4 in.
A.W. Graut, Sieut - name under entry
4 to 8 a.m. Clear and pleasant. Moderate breeze from SSW and West. At 5:30 got under way and stood up toward fort Mouruve. Comdy officer at conn. At 7:15 Thimble light bore N by E (pc). At 7:05 USS Boston salented admiral Kimberly's flag with 13 guns. Exchanged numbers with the kewark and Boston. Hoisted 5493 and geog. 7694 which were answered by the Boston
USS Boston - Ship seen by the steamer concord
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Fair and pleasant first part of watch, very warm later part. Cir-Strat clouds in horizon. Gentle to light breeze from West till last hour then from north. At 8:50 came to anchor in 4 1/2 fms of water with starboard anchor and 30 fms port chain shackled abrect fore mast, off fort norfock. Barometer steady. Tide running ebb. Before 8:50 standing up for anchorage. Engaged bailing out water from tiller room arising from p leak around rudder head. S Raft of ship 4'4 degrees forward / 5' 4'' aft.
UsCollman, Sieus - name under entry
Meridian to 4 p.m. Cloudy hot sultry weather. Light airs from NNW and SW. Calm record hour. Commenced swinging to the flood tide at 12:10 finished swinging at 1:05. At 2:20 Rear admiral L.A. Kimberly accompanied by the acher members of the board of Inspection left the ship. The ordnance officer Lieht J.B. Briggs made the weekly inspection of gun cotton at 3:15 called all hands bury the dead. the burial service was read over the remains of Moses Wright (cn) and Jas Fletcher (2ct) by sergeon R.C. Persons. The remains with escort and mess-water were seut on shore for interment in the grounds of the US naval Hospital. At 3:00 commander AW Weaver commandant of the navy yard, Norfork paid an official visit to the ship.
L.A Kimberly - Usually this rear admiral did the inspections, but he left the ship
J.B Briggs - did the inspections
Jas Fletcher - Taken to be buried at the US Naval Hospital
Moses Wright - Taken to be buried at the US Naval Hospital
R.C. Persons - Read the buried serviceman
AW Weaver - commander of the Navy yard Norfork, visited the ship on an official visit
Chasharid, Leir - name under entry
4 to 8 p.m. - Fair to cloudy. Light airs from S.W. first part, calm later. Funeral party returned at 5: Commenced swinging to ebb at 6:25. Finished at 7: Expended 48 blank .45 cartridges in ordnance department.
Joe Shaws, Ensign - name under entry
8 p.m. to midnight - Clear and pleasant. Starlight. Blue sky. Light airs from south first hour then wind shifted to NW and at 10: freshened to moderate breeze which lasted 15 minutes, remainder of watch light air and breeze from NW. Lightening in horizon. At 8:30 a schoner drifted across the hawse, she was gotten clear without any damage occurring. Ebb tide. Force of current at 11. 1.5 knots
UsCollman, Suis - name under entry
USS Bpston - at 7:05, saluted Adm. Kimberly's flag with 13 guns
Jas. Fletcher - funeral service for Wright and Fletcher
Moses Wright - funeral service for Wright and Fletcher
A.W/. Weaver - Commandant of Norfolk Navy yard, visits ship
1 am anchored in Lynnhaven Bay; Cape Henry Lt SSE 3/4 E, Cape Charles Lt NE x N
5.30 got underway. 7.15 Thimble Lt N x E
8.50 came to anchor off Fort Norfolk.
50874dd109d4090755009b71: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_120_0.jpg)
4 June 1891
at anchor off norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 3 tons 1232 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 244 tons 682 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b73: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_120_1.jpg)
4 June 1891
An inspection of the Gun Cotton magazine, forward under dynamo room, finding an excessive degree of heat (105 F to 108) removed all wet gun cotton aft to torpedo room in steerage country.
Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth:- A, Andette SA 2d C, D. Ahearn 2d b app, H.C. Buhr 2d b app, C.A. Barnes 3d b app, H. Burns SA 2dC, G. Cromley SA 2dC, W. Camera 2dC app, A.E. Davis 2dC app, E. Fountain 3d C app, J.F. Gordon 2d C app, G.H. Higbie 1st C app, A. Hasler 1st C app, H.T. Halderwan 2d C app, C.J. Johnson 3d C app, F.S. Kird 2d C app, J.J. Long 1st C app, S. L. Lomax SA 2d C, H.F. Lanig 2d C app, S.A. Maulton S.A. 2d C, C.Muller S.A. 2d C, C.E. Scott 3d C app, C.E. Thomas 1st C app, G.A. Wickes 2d C app, A Waldmeier 3d C app, C.M. White 3d C app.
O. Sundblad 9os) - Having been absent from the ship ten days without leave was, by order of the Commander, declared a deserter from May 24th.
Received on board the followed named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth (25 personnel)
Engineer in chief G. W. Melville paid a visit to the ship in connection with repairs to machinery. The Commanding officer paid an official visit to the Navy Yard.
O Sundblad (os) - having been absent from the ship ten days without leave was by order of the commander, declared a deserter from May 24th.
24 apprentices (listed on log) - received from U.S.S. Portsmouth
USS Portsmouth - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth:
A Audette S.A. 2d C - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: A Audette S.A. 2d C
C M White 3d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: C M White 3d C App
E Fountain 3d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: E Fountain 3d C App
S. L. Lomax S A 2d C - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: S. L. Lomax S A 2d C
D Ahearn 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: D Ahearn 2d C App
H F Laing 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: H F Laing 2d C App
J. F. Gordon 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: J. F. Gordon 2d C App
H C Beehr 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: H C Beehr 2d C App
S. A. Maulton S. A. 2d C - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: S. A. Maulton S. A. 2d C
C. H. Higbie 1st C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: C. H. Higbie 1st C App
C.A. Barnes 3d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: C.A. Barnes 3d C App
A. Hasler 1st C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: A. Hasler 1st C App
C Mueller S. A. 2d C - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: C Mueller S. A. 2d C
H Burns S A 2d C - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: H Burns S A 2d C
H T Halderman 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: H T Halderman 2d C App
C. E. Scott 3d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: C. E. Scott 3d C App
C Crowley S A 2d C - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: C Crowley S A 2d C
C E Thomas 1st C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: C E Thomas 1st C App
C. J. Johnson 3d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: C. J. Johnson 3d C App
F. S. Kirk 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: F. S. Kirk 2d C App
G. A. Wickes 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: G. A. Wickes 2d C App
W Camera 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: W Camera 2d C App
A. E. Davis 2d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: A. E. Davis 2d C App
A. Waldmeier 3d C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: A. Waldmeier 3d C App
J J Long 1st C App - Received on board the following named apprentices with bags and hammocks from USS Portsmouth: J J Long 1st C App
Engineer in Chief G. W. Melville - Engineer in Chief G. W. Melville paid a visit to the ship in connection with repairs to machinery.
O. Sundblad (O S) - At 5: mustered crew at quarters. O. Sundblad (O S) having been absent from the ship ten days without leave was, by order of the commander, declared a deserter from May 24th.
50874dd109d4090755009b75: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_121_0.jpg)
5 June 1891
at anchor off norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 3 tons 560 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 241 tons 122 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
Coal consumed 3 tons 560 lbs, Coal remaining at Noon 241 tons 122 lbs
50874dd109d4090755009b77: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_121_1.jpg)
5 June 1891
Absent overstaying liberty R.Twiss (mach), C. Hardy (sh wr) and Wm. Lueeman (sh wr).
Wm Lehueeman (sw) returned to the ship 5 hrs overtime. (? spelling surname)
R. Twiss, C. Hardy and Wm Sussman - At 0930 mustered men, absent overstaying leave
R Twiss (Mach) - Absent overstaying liberty R Twiss (Mach) C Hardy (Sh Wr) and Wm Sneeman (Sh Wr).
C Hardy (Sh Wr) - Absent overstaying liberty R Twiss (Mach) C Hardy (Sh Wr) and Wm Sneeman (Sh Wr).
Wm Sneeman (Sh Wr) - Absent overstaying liberty R Twiss (Mach) C Hardy (Sh Wr) and Wm Sneeman (Sh Wr).
R Twiss, C Stardy, Wm Sneeman - Absent overstaying liberty
Navy yard tug - Engaged in hoisting ashes in ash lighter brought alongside by Navy yard tug at 9 AM.
navy yard lighter - Sent ashes ashore in navy yard lighter
Wm Schneeman - Wm Schneeman (Sw) returned to the ship 5 hrs overtime.
A. Twiss, C Hardy - A. Twiss (md) and C Hardy (SW) absent overstaying leave.
Fair first part, cloudy latter part. Light breeze from East. Barometer steady. Ebb tide till 2:20 when commenced to swing to flood finished at 3:20. Force of current at 1, 0.8 knots.
Gentle breeze from NE by E to S by E. Raw damp weather. Commenced swinging to the flood at 4:30, riding to flood at 4:50.
Overcast cloudy and damp. Light and gentle breeze from East.
Riding to ebb tide. Strength of tide at 11 AM, 1.1 knot.
Cloudy and threatening rain. Gentle breeze from East. Ship commenced swinging at 1:55 finished at 3:55.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from East and NE. Barometer steady. Drizzling rain last two hours. Tide running flood, force of current 1.2 at 6 PM.
Overcast and cloudy, drizzling rain first two hours. Barometer steady. Light breeze from NE, swinging to ebb tide from 8:30 to 9:25. Strength of current at 11:20, 1.2 knots.
50874dd109d4090755009b79: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_122_0.jpg)
6 June 1891
norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 2 tons 1680 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 238 tons 682 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
Coal consumed 2 tons 1680 lbs, Coal remaining 238 tons 682 lbs
50874dd109d4090755009b7b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_122_1.jpg)
6 June 1891
By order of the commander for offences noted punishments were assigned as noted, Rufus Taylor (wrb) disobedience of order, 8 hours extra duty; w.J. Gibbous (ch), disappearing from fireroom at 3 am, stowing himself away and remaining hidden until found by M at A at 5:15, 5 nights solitary confinement; J.M. O'Keefe (pm) late hammock, 8 hours extra post; Wm. Emery (C.B.M.) obstructing a petty officer in the performance of his duty instead of assisting him, while said petty officer was acting directly under orders from the officer of the deck and so stated, and using towards said petty officer in the hearing of the officer of the deck vulgar and indecent language, the whole being scandleous conduct tending to the distruction of dicipline, reduced to rate of seaman.
A board of which Capt J.N. Miller USN was the senior member met on board to investigate the cause of the accident to the steam pipe on June 2nd.
Care Hardy (Ships W) - At 7: Care Hardy (Ships W) returned on board 23 hours overtime.
R. Twiss (Mach) - he following men absent from the ship overstaying leave. R. Twiss (Mach)
J. A. Burnett (W. R. Cook) - he following men absent from the ship overstaying leave. J. A. Burnett (W. R. Cook).
Rufus Taylor (W.R.B) - By order of the commander for offences notes punishments were assigned as noted. Rufus Taylor (W.R.B) disobedience of order, 8 hours extra duty
W. J. Gibbons (CH) - By order of the commander for offences notes punishments were assigned as noted. W. J. Gibbons (CH), disappearing from fireroom at 3 AM, stowing himself away and remaining hidden until found by M at A at 5:15, 5 nights in solitary confinement
J. M. O'Keefe (PM) - By order of the commander for offences notes punishments were assigned as noted. J. M. O'Keefe (PM) late hammock, 8 hours extra post
Wm Emery (C.B.M.) - By order of the commander for offences notes punishments were assigned as noted. Wm Emery (C.B.M.) obstructing a petty officer in the performance of his duty instead of assisting him, while said petty officer was acting directly under orders from the officer of the deck and so stated, and using towards petty officer in the hearing of the officer of the deck vulgar and indecent language, the whole being scandleous conduct tending to the distruction of discipline, reduced to the rate of seaman.
Capt J. N. Miller U.S.N. - A board of which Capt J. N. Miller U.S.N. was the senior member send on board to investigate as to the cause of the accident to the steam pipe on June 2nd.
Chas Hafflin 3d C App - Chas Hafflin 3d C App transferred from the USS Richmond reported on board for duty with bag and hammock.
USS Richmond - Chas Hafflin 3d C App transferred from the USS Richmond reported on board for duty with bag and hammock.
Mr Henry Mason superintending engineer of Quintard Iron Works - Mr Henry Mason superintending engineer of Quintard Iron Works and Mr Geo Nessenthaler (foreman coppersmith) of the Delaware River Iron Works came on board to investigate as to the cause of the bursting of main steam pipe on the 2nd inst.
Mr Geo Nessenthaler (foreman coppersmith) of the Delaware River Iron Works - Mr Henry Mason superintending engineer of Quintard Iron Works and Mr Geo Nessenthaler (foreman coppersmith) of the Delaware River Iron Works came on board to investigate as to the cause of the bursting of main steam pipe on the 2nd inst.
J.A. Burnett - Overstaying leave
R. Twiss - Overstaying leave
Rufus Taylor - Disobediance of order, 8 hours extra duty
W.J. Gibbons - disappearing from fireroom at 3 am, stowing himself away and remaining hidden until found by W at 5:15, 5 nights in solitary confinement
J.W. O'Reefe - late homework, 8 hours extra post
Wm Emery - obstructing a petty officer in the performance of his duty instead of assisting him, while said petty officer was acting directly under orders from the officer of the deck and so stated, and using towards said petty officer in the hearing of the officer of the deck vulgar and indecent language, the whole being scandlous conduct tending to the distruction of discipline, reduced to the rate of seaman
Capt. J.N. Miller - senior member went onboard to ivestigate the cause of the accident to the steam pipe on June 2.
USS Richmond - Transfer of Chas Hofflin
Chas Hofflin - 3rd c apf transferred from the USS Richmond reported on board for duty
Mr. Henry Mason - Supervising engineer of Quintard Ironworks came onboard to investigate the steam pipe on 2nd unit
Mr. Geo Nessewthaler - foreman coppersmith of the Delaware Ironworks came onboard to investigate the steam pipe on 2nd unit
Wm Emery - Reduced to seaman in the interests of discipline for obstructing another petty officer in the execution of duties and using obscene and abusive language to him
R. Twiss - absent overstaying liberty
J.A. Burnett - absent overstaying liberty, returned to the ship at 6
W.J. Gibbons - Confined for the night as per punishment awarded him by the ommander
R. Twiss (mach) and J.A. Burnett (W.R. Cook) - absent from ship overstaying leave of absence
Rufus Taylor (W.R.B.) - disobedience of order, 8 hours extra duty
W.J. Gibbons (CN) - disappearing from fireroom, hiding, given 5 nights in solitary confinement
J.M. O'Keefe (PM) - late hammock, given 8 hours extra post
Wm Emroy (CBM) - obstructing a petty officer in the performance of his duty instead of assisting him and indecent language, was reduced to the rate of seaman
M.J. Gibbons - confined for the night as per punishement awarded him by the Commander
Cares tardy - At 7: Cares tardy (shifs W) returned on board 23 hours overtime.
R. Twiss (mach), J.A. Burnett (W.R. Cook) - The following men absent from the ship overstaying leave.
Rufus Taylor (W.R.B), W.J. Gibbons (CH), J. M. O'Keefe (pm), Wm Emery (C.B.m.), Capt J.U. Miller - Rufus Taylor (W.R.B.), disobedience of order, 8 hours extra duty; W.J. Gibbons (CH), disappearing from fireroom at 3 AM, stowing himself away and remaining hidden until found by M at a at 5:15, 5 nights in solitary confinement; J. M. O'Keefe (pm) late hammock, 8 hours extra puct; Wm Emery (C.B.m.) obstructing a petty officer in the performance of his duty instead of assisting him, while said petty officer was acting directly under orders from the officer of the deck and so stated, and using towards said petty officer in the hearing of the officer of the deck vulgar and indecent language, the whole being scandleous conduct tending to the distraction of dicipline, reduced to the rate of seaman. A board of which Capt. J.U. Miller u.s.n. was the senior member met on board to investigate as to the cause of the accident to the steam pipe on June 2nd.
Chas Hafflin 3d C Aff - Chas Hafflin 3d C. Aff transfered from the USS Richmond reported on board for duty with bag and hammock.
USS Richmond - Chas Hafflin 3d C. Aff transfered from the USS Richmond reported on board for duty with bag and hammock.
Mr. Henry Mason, Mr. Geo Nessenthaler - Mr. Henry Mason Superintending engineer of Quintard Iron works and Mr. Geo Nessenthaler (foreman Coppersmith) of the Delaware river Iron Works came on board to investigate as to the cause of the blasting of aiu steam pipe on the 2nd inst.
Wm Emery (C B Mate) - Wm Emery (C B Mate) was reduced by me to seaman in there interest of discpiline, without referring his case to board on ratings, for obstructing another petty officer in the execution of his duties and for using obscene and abusive language to him.
R Twiss (mach) and J.A. Burnett (W.A.C.) - R Twiss (mach) and J.A. Burnett (W.A.C.) absent overstaying liberty. J.A. Burnett returned to the ship at 6
W.J. Gibbons (CH) - Confined W.J. Gibbons (CH) for the night as per punishment awarded him by the commander
Overcast and cloudy. Light airs from ENE. Riding to ebb tide all the watch but commenced swinging at 3:55. Current at 2, 1.2 knots.
Cloudy and cool. Light breeze from NE by E first two hours afterwards from E by N. Barometer steady.
Cloudy weather, light breeze from ENE. Barometer steady. Commenced swinging to the ebb tide at 9, finished swinging at 9:35.
Cloudy but pleasant. Light breeze from ENE. Barometer steady. At 3:15 commenced swinging to flood.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from ENE to NNE. Finished swinging to flood at 4:30. Strength of current at 7, 1.2 knots.
Light airs from NNE to ENE. Overcast. Commenced swinging to the ebb at 9:20 riding to ebb at 9:50.
50874dd109d4090755009b7d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_123_0.jpg)
7 June 1891
norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 3 tons 445 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 235 tons 237 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b7f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_123_1.jpg)
7 June 1891
W. J. Gibbons (CH) - Released W. J. Gibbons (CH) for the day in accordance with his allotted punishment.
Otto Flanders (Sea) - The yesterdays liberty party returned on board with the exception of Otto Flanders (Sea).
R Twiss (Mach) - Absent from quarters overstaying liberty R Twiss (Mach) and O. Flanders (Sea), Thos. Ahearn (CH).
Thos. Ahearn (CH) - Absent from quarters overstaying liberty R Twiss (Mach) and O. Flanders (Sea), Thos. Ahearn (CH).
Weather overcast, drizzling rain part of first hour. Light airs from ENE. Riding to ebb tide. Strength of current at 3 AM 0.8 knots.
Cloudy and threatening rain. Light airs and breezes from east and ESE. Started swinging to flood at 4:20, finished swinging at 5:45. Current at 8: - 1 knot.
Overcast and cloudy threatening rain. Light airs from SSE first hour from ENE at end of watch, remainder of watch calm. Barometer steady. At 9:30 commenced swinging to ebb tide, finished swinging at 10:55. Force of current at end of watch 0.6 knots.
Cloudy weather first three hours overcast last hour of watch. Light breeze from ENE. Commenced swinging to the flood at 2:42.
Gloomy and threatening. Gentle to moderate breeze from ENE and East. Finished swinging to flood at 5:30. Current 1.2 knots at end of watch.
Overcast and cloudy, drizzling rain at intervals. Threatening weather light breezes from ENE. Barometer rising slightly. At 10:05 commenced swinging to flood all the way around at 11:20. Force of current at end of watch 0.8 knots.
50874dd109d4090755009b81: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_124_0.jpg)
8 June 1891
at anchor off fort norfolk norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 2 tons 896 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 232 tons 1581 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b83: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_124_1.jpg)
8 June 1891
The Commanding officer awarded the following punishments:- Wm. Schueeman (sw) overstaying liberty 5 hrs. reduced 1 class; C. Hardy overstaying liberty 23 hrs, 4th class loss 1 days pay; R. Twiss (mach) overstaying liberty 52 1/2 hrs. 4th class, loss 2 days pay; O. Faudre (sea) overstaying liberty, 4th class, loss of one days pay.
By order of board of investigation cut and removed for examination and test the steam pipe burst on the 2nd inst.
Overcast, raining during first two hours of watch. Gentle to light breeze from ENE. Commenced swinging to the flood at 3:55.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from NE by E, NE, and NE by N. Barometer rising. Finished swinging to flood tide at 5:15. Strength of tide at 7:30 AM 0.9 knots.
Cloudy and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from ENE. Started to swing to ebb at 9:30 finished swinging at 11:30. Current .4 knots at end of watch.
Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from ENE. Barometer steady. Tide running ebb, force of current at 2: one knot.
Clear first part cloudy latter part of watch. Light airs from ENE. Commenced swinging to flood at 4, riding to the flood at 6:30.
Overcast and cloudy. Light airs and breezes from ENE. Commenced swinging to ebb at 11:20.
T. Ahearn, J.H. Conery, B. Kensten and W. Griffin - absent overstaying liberty
C.H.R. Taylor - stood 4 hours watch as part of the punishment
50874dd109d4090755009b85: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_125_0.jpg)
9 June 1891
fort norfolk norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 2 tons 788 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 230 tons 793 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
coal: 430 tons -
50874dd109d4090755009b87: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_125_1.jpg)
9 June 1891
At 10 AM the board of inquiry to the cause of the bursting of the steam pipe on board this vessel and of which Capt J.N. Miller USN is senior member re convined on board. a Board of Survey, on articles in steam engineering of which Chief engineer H.H. Cline USN is Senior member reported on board.
A REward of ten dollars for each for the apprehension and delivery on board of J.N. Carney (ch) Wm. Griffin (wt) and C. Kerstan (ch) was offered by order of Commanding officer.
By order of Commanding officer paid a fine of $4.75 and a reward of ten dollars, total $14.75 to a police officer for the delivery on board of Wm. Griffin (wt).
By order of the Comd'g officer, upon recommendation of Board on ratings, Jno Blocktye was rated from Seamna to Ch Bn mate
Cloudy and cool. Light breeze from ENE. Barometer steady. Tide running ebb, force of current 0.9 knot at 2.
Cloudy first part, clear pleasant weather latter part of watch. Light airs from ENE. Commenced swinging to flood tide at 5:00 riding to flood at 7:30.
USS Tern - Came in and stood up the river to the Navy Yard.
Clear bright warm and pleasant. Light breeze from ENE and SE. Barometer steady. Swinging to ebb tide from 10:55 to 11:45 AM.
Clear and warm. Light breeze from ESE. Riding to ebb, current 1.3 knots at 4:
Clear pleasant weather. Light breeze from ESE. Barometer steady. Commenced to swing at six, finished at 8; force of current at 6: 0.6 knot.
Clear and bright starlight. Light and gentle breeze from SE. Barometer steady. Strength of flood tide at 9:30 PM, 1.2 knots.
U.S.S. Teru - At 0500 came in and stood up the river to the Navy Yard
At 1000 Board of Inquiry to investigate the cause of the bursting of the steam pipe on board this vessel
M.J. Gibbans (CN) - was released from further punishment
D Breslin (CN) - returned on board 3 hours overtime
Wm Griffin (WT) - Commanding Officer paid fine of $4.75 and a reward of ten dollars, total $14.75, to a police officer for delivery of Griffin
C Kersten (CN) - returned to the ship 30 hours overtime
USS Fern - arrived up river from Navy Yard
At 10 am the board of Inquiry to investigate the caise of the bursting of the steam pipe on board this vessel and of which Capt. J N Miller ISI is senior member reconvened on board. A board of survey, on articles in steam Engineering of which Chief Engineer H H Cline USU is senior member reported on board.
By order of commanding officer, M J Gibbons (CH) was released from further punishment. D Breslin (CH) returned on board 3 hours over time. A reward of ten dollars cash for the apprehension and delivery on board of J H Camrey (CH), Thos Ahearn (CH), Wm Griffin (WT) and C Kerstand (CH) was offered by order of the commanding officer.
BY order of commanding officer paid a fine of $4.75 and a reward of ten dollars, total $14.75 to a police officer for the delivery on board of Wm Griffin (WT).
C Kernsten (CH) - returned to ship 30 hours overtime.
Cadet H H Caldwell USU - reported on board this vessel for duty
50874dd109d4090755009b89: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_126_0.jpg)
10 June 1891
at anchor off fort norfolk norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 2 tons 672 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 228 tons 121 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b8b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_126_1.jpg)
10 June 1891
Lat , Long
T.Jr Seun Navel cadet - Reported for on board for duty.
By order of the Commander the following punishments for offences noted were assigned:- J.A. Bennett (wrc) overleave 12 hrs. 4th class; Wm. Griffin (wt) overleave 27 1/2 hrs, 4th class and loss of 1 days pay; C.Kerston (2cf) overleave 30 1/2 hrs, 4th clas and loss of 1 days pay.
By order of the Commanding officer Wm. Rhodes (oiler), Jno Lorungen) (2cf) and Wm. Davis (2cf) were, by recommendation of the Board on ratings, rated 1st class firemen and P.J. Fitzgerald (ch) was rated 2nd class fireman.
Bright starlight night. Light breeze from ESE first hour, calm rest of watch. Riding to ebb tide, strength of current 1.2 knots at 4.
Clear and pleasant. Slight rise in barometer. Light breeze from East and ESE.
Clear pleasant weather. Light breeze from ESE. Ship finished swinging to flood at 8:34. Commenced swinging to ebb at 11:40.
Clear warm and pleasant. Light breeze from ESE and SE. Barometer falling slowly.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from ESE.
Clear pleasant weather, bright starlight. Moon set at 11:03. Light breeze from ESE. At 11:45 strength of flood tide 0.8 knots per hour.
50874dd109d4090755009b8d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_127_0.jpg)
11 June 1891
at anchor off ft norfolk norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 1 ton 1680 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 226 tons 681 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b8f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_127_1.jpg)
11 June 1891
J.H. Carney (ch) - Was brought off by ships police and a fine of $10.50 was paid to the civil authorities of Norfolk on his account.
Clarance Freeman (lds) - Transfered to this ship from the receiving ship Franklin with necessary papers.
J.H. Carney and T. Ahern - absent overstaying liberty
J.H. Carney - brought by ships police and a fine of $10.50 was paid to the civil authorities of Norfolk on his account
Clear and bright starlight. Light airs and burettes from SE. Swinging to ebb tide from 12:29 to 1:10. Strength of tide at 3 AM 1 knot per hour.
Clear and warm. Light airs from SE by E. Calm latter part. Commenced swinging to flood at 7:35. Current 1.3 knots.
Fair and very warm and close. Cir Cum clouds. Barometer steady. At 8:25 finished swinging to flood tide. Force of current at end of watch 0.8 knots.
Cloudy hot sultry weather. Light breeze from SSE. Riding to ebb tide at 1. At 3:30 strength of current 1.3 knots.
Nearly overcast, sultry and warm, light breeze from SE.
Clear and warm. Light breeze from SE. Barometer steady. At 8:35 finished swinging to flood. At end of watch current running 0.7 knots.
50874dd109d4090755009b91: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_128_0.jpg)
12 June 1891
at anchor off ft norfolk norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 1 ton 2128 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 224 tons 793 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b93: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_128_1.jpg)
12 June 1891
Daul Brislin (ch) - Reduced to 2nd class for overstaying leave 3 hrs.
Daul Breslin (CH) - Commanding officer reduced him to 2nd Class for overstaying leave 3 hours
Clear pleasant weather. Light breeze from SE and SSE. Commenced swinging to the ebb at 12:40, riding to the ebb at 2:15. At 3:30 strength of current 1.2 knots per hour.
Clear and pleasant weather. Light breeze from SE. Barometer steady. Began swinging to flood tide at 6:45 AM.
Cloudy and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from South and SW. At 10:25 finish swinging to the flood tide. Current and end of watch .5 knots.
Fair warm and sultry. Light breezes from SW. Cum, Nimb clouds. Rain clouds passing around horizon from West to SE by way of North.
Swinging to ebb tide from 1:40 to 2:45. Strength of current at end of watch .4 knots.
Cloudy first hour with threatening weather, light rain second hour, during third hour set in for steady rain, occasional lightening and thunder. Light breeze from NE changing to light airs from SW. Calm last hour.
Cloudy and rainy first hour and threatening more rain the rest of the watch. Light airs and breeze from ENE shifting to ESE at 9:00. Riding to flood tide current .8 knots at end of watch.
Commander A A Batcheller - Under the command of
A W Grail - Person writing log
Issued to crew 75lbs fresh bread, 93 3/4 lbs of fresh beef and vegetables
Joe Shawes - Person writing log
Lieut V Hollman - Person writing log
At 8pm rain, thunder and lightning.
Received 3000 gallons of fresh water from water boat
Lieut C Laird - Person writing log
50874dd109d4090755009b95: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_129_0.jpg)
13 June 1891
ft norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 2 tons 672 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 222 tons 121 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b97: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_129_1.jpg)
13 June 1891
Cloudy first part, fair latter part. Barometer steady. Light airs from ESE and East. Swinging to ebb tide from 2:05 to 2:50. Force of current at end of watch 0.5 knots.
Calm, cloudy, pleasant weather.
Light airs from ENE. Warm and sultry. Riding to flood tide, strength of tide at 11 AM 1.1 knots.
Clear and warm, gentle breeze from NE to ENE. At 2:20 began swinging to the ebb, finished swinging at 3:45
Fair and warm, light breeze from NE and East. Barometer steady.
Clear and pleasant. Bright star and moonlight. Light airs and breeze from ENE. Ship swinging to flood tide from 9:35 to 10:35 pm.
T Aheru (CH) - absent over staying liberty.
T. Ahern (CH) - T. Ahern (CH) absent over staying liberty.
50874dd109d4090755009b99: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_130_0.jpg)
14 June 1891
ft norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 1 ton 1680 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 220 tons 681 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b9b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_130_1.jpg)
14 June 1891
Clear and pleasant, light airs from ENE first part. Calm latter part. Started to swing to ebb at 2:40 finished swinging at 3:35.
Warm latter part. Tide running ebb, force of current at end of watch 0.8 knots.
Calm first hour, light breeze from East remainder of watch. Clear, bright, pleasant, weather. Hazy about horizon. Commenced swinging to the flood at 9:30, riding to the flood at 10:45.
Clear, warm, and pleasant. Light airs and breeze from ENE swinging to ebb tide from 3:15 to 3:55.
Clear and warm. Light breeze from ESE. Riding to ebb, current 1. knot at end of watch.
Clear bright pleasant weather. Light breeze from SE and S. Commenced swinging to the flood tide at 10:55 riding to flood at 10:20.
T Aheru (CH) - absent from the ship overstaying liberty.
T. Ahern (CH) - T. Ahern (CH) absent from the ship overstaying liberty.
50874dd109d4090755009b9d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_131_0.jpg)
15 June 1891
fort norfolk va
Lat -43.0, Long 147.8
coal: 2 tons 672 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 218 tons 9 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009b9f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_131_1.jpg)
15 June 1891
fort monroe
Lat 42.2, Long 16.7
Begins clear and pleasant becoming foggy later part of the watch. Light airs from South. Ship began swinging to flood tide at 3:00.
Foggy and cloudy until 6:30 when it cleared up and became very warm. Calm and light airs from SE. Riding to the ebb tide. Current 0.6 knots at 8:00.
Clear and very hot. Cir Cum clouds around horizon. Barometer steady. Making preparations for sea. Started swinging to flood at 10:11 and finished 11:10.
Hot sultry weather. Light airs to light breezes from South. Riding to the flood tide at 2 PM. Strength of current 1.2 knots per hour.
Clear and pleasant, warm. Light breeze from SE. Ship swinging to ebb tide at 4:04 to 4:48.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SW. Got under way at 7: and stood down channel toward Fort Monroe.
Clear and pleasant, damp. Light breeze from ESE and SE. Barometer steady. Bright moonlight.
T Aheru (CH) - absent without leave
Called all hands up anchor at 6:20, got underway at 7 and stood down channel toward Fort Monroe. At 7:45 abreast Old Paint and at 7:50 changed course for Thimble Light. Commanding officer commanding ship.
T. Ahern (CH) - T. Ahern (CH) absent without leave.
50874dd109d4090755009ba1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_132_0.jpg)
16 June 1891
at sea making passage from norfok va to new york ny
Lat 38.55, Long -74.32
coal: 17 tons 448 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 200 tons 1801 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009ba3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_132_1.jpg)
16 June 1891
atlantic city
Lat 54.9, Long -1.5
T. Ahern (CH) - At 9:30 mustered at quarters, T. Ahern (CH) absent overstaying leave.
T. Ahern (CN) - absent overstaying leave
At 4.58 Absecon Lighthouse at NW1/2W. 5.16 Whistling buoy of Absecon
50874dd109d4090755009ba5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_133_0.jpg)
17 June 1891
standing into new york harbor and at anchor off ellis island
Lat 30.6, Long 114.8
coal: 12 tons 2016 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 187 tons 2025 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009ba7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_133_1.jpg)
17 June 1891
sandy hook light ship
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
T. Ahern (ch) - Was by order of the Commanding officer declared a deserter from the 7th inst
T. Ahern (CH) - T. Ahern (CH) was by order of the commanding officer declared a deserter from the 7th inst.
Lieut J B Briggs - Lieut J B Briggs left the ship on one weeks leave of absence.
50874dd109d4090755009ba9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_134_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_134_1.jpg)
18 June 1891
marine barracks brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Otto Sundblad (os) - who had been declared a deserter from this ship, was sent on board from the USRC Vermont, he having voluntarily gone on board that ship on May 28th.
Fritz Rehn (pm) - Transfered from this ship, with bag and hammock to the Marine Barracks, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Richard McPherson (lds) - Upon an order from the Bureau of Navigation was discharged from this ship and the Navel Service from this date.
By order from the department P. Zehe (os), P. Hansby (os), J.L. Downey (os) A. Mc Geregger (os), A. Gabrielson (os), T.J. Phillips (os) and W.J. Grey were transfered, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
Otto Sundblad (OS) - Otto Sundblad (OS) who had previously been declared a deserter from this ship, was sent on board from the USRS Vermont, he having voluntarily gone on board that ship on May 28th.
USRS Vermont - Otto Sundblad (OS) who had previously been declared a deserter from this ship, was sent on board from the USRS Vermont, he having voluntarily gone on board that ship on May 28th.
Fritz Rehux (PM) - Fritz Rehux (PM) was transferred from this ship, with bag and hammock, to the Marine Barracks Brooklyn, NY.
Richard McPherson (LDS) - Upon an order from the Bureau of Navigation Richard McPherson (LDS) was discharged from this ship and the Naval Service from this date.
USS Lancaster - By order from the department P. Zehe (OS), P Hansby (OS), J L Downey (OS), A McGeregger (OS), A Gabrielson (OS) T J Phillips (OS) and W J Grey (OS) were transferred, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
J L Downey (OS) - By order from the department P. Zehe (OS), P Hansby (OS), J L Downey (OS), A McGeregger (OS), A Gabrielson (OS) T J Phillips (OS) and W J Grey (OS) were transferred, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
A McGeregger (OS) - By order from the department P. Zehe (OS), P Hansby (OS), J L Downey (OS), A McGeregger (OS), A Gabrielson (OS) T J Phillips (OS) and W J Grey (OS) were transferred, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
P. Zehe (OS) - By order from the department P. Zehe (OS), P Hansby (OS), J L Downey (OS), A McGeregger (OS), A Gabrielson (OS) T J Phillips (OS) and W J Grey (OS) were transferred, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
A Gabrielson (OS) - By order from the department P. Zehe (OS), P Hansby (OS), J L Downey (OS), A McGeregger (OS), A Gabrielson (OS) T J Phillips (OS) and W J Grey (OS) were transferred, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
T J Phillips (OS) - By order from the department P. Zehe (OS), P Hansby (OS), J L Downey (OS), A McGeregger (OS), A Gabrielson (OS) T J Phillips (OS) and W J Grey (OS) were transferred, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
W J Grey (OS) - By order from the department P. Zehe (OS), P Hansby (OS), J L Downey (OS), A McGeregger (OS), A Gabrielson (OS) T J Phillips (OS) and W J Grey (OS) were transferred, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
P Hansby (OS) - By order from the department P. Zehe (OS), P Hansby (OS), J L Downey (OS), A McGeregger (OS), A Gabrielson (OS) T J Phillips (OS) and W J Grey (OS) were transferred, with bag and hammock, to USS Lancaster.
50874dd109d4090755009bad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_135_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009baf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_135_1.jpg)
19 June 1891
Lat , Long
Wm. Davis, Wm. Rhoads and Jno Louegan 1st class firemen, upon recommendation of examining board, by order of Commanding officer, were rated oilers from 25th May 1891
J.J. Fuller (pm) - Received from Marine Barracks with bag and ~ (looks like wallress)
Wm Davis 1st Class Fireman - Wm Davis, Wm Rhoads, and Jno Lonegan 1st Class Fireman, upon recommendation of Examining board, by order of commanding officer, were rated oilers from 25th May 1891.
Jno Lonegan 1st class fireman - Wm Davis, Wm Rhoads, and Jno Lonegan 1st Class Fireman, upon recommendation of Examining board, by order of commanding officer, were rated oilers from 25th May 1891.
Wm Rhoads 1st class fireman - Wm Davis, Wm Rhoads, and Jno Lonegan 1st Class Fireman, upon recommendation of Examining board, by order of commanding officer, were rated oilers from 25th May 1891.
J J Fuller (PM) - Received from Marine Barracks with bag and walkers J J Fuller (PM).
4 to 8: occasional light shower of rain
Overcast and cloudy. Gentle breezes from NE.
Overcast misty weather, occasional light passing shower of rain. Gentle breeze from E by N.
Overcast cloudy and misty. Heavy rain during first hour. Gentle breeze from ENE. Barometer steady.
Weather overcast. Drizzling rain nearly the whole watch. Light and gentle ENE breeze.
Weather overcast, cloudy and misty. Light breeze from ENE. Barometer steady.
Overcast cloudy and cool. Light breeze from ENE.
50874dd109d4090755009bb1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_136_0.jpg)
20 June 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 2 tons 2016 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 180 tons 2125 lbs - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009bb3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_136_1.jpg)
20 June 1891
The Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows: H. McFaddon (pm) slow in obeying orders M of a, 24 hours extra duty, for being insolent to M at a, 3 days in cell; R. Taylor W.R.B. inattention at drill, 8 hrs extra duty; J.H. Carney (ch) overleave 75 hrs 4th class loss 3 days pay.
USS Beuuington - Went into Commission.
Overcast, cloudy, rain and damp. Light breeze from ENE and NE. Barometer steady.
Overcast and cloudy. Light breezes from ENE and E by N. Barometer steady.
Cloudy pleasant weather. Calm nearly all the watch.
Cloudy and warm, calm.
USS Bennington - Went into commission.
Overcast and cloudy. Calm first hour, light breeze rest of watch.
Overcast and cloudy threatening rain. Light breeze from SE. Barometer steady.
a number of men - Awarded punishment by Commanding Officer
Rufus Taylor - stood 4 hours extra duty punishment assigned by Commander
50874dd109d4090755009bb5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_137_0.jpg)
20 June 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 2 tons 740 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 178 tons 1385 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009bb7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_137_1.jpg)
21 June 1891
Light airs from SE first hour, calm remainder of watch. Overcast.
Overcast cloudy and threatening rain. Light airs from SSE.
Cloudy unsettled weather. Barometer steady. Light airs from SE.
Overcast cloudy and rainy, rumbling thunder during second hour of watch. Light airs from SE. Barometer falling. Cum Nimb clouds.
USS Lancaster, USS Enterprise - Sent visiting parties to USS Lancaster, USS Enterprise
Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain during first hour. Light fall in barometer. Light airs from SE and ESE.
Overcast, light airs from East. Passing shower of rain second hour of watch, misty latter part of watch.
eight (8) men (listed in log) - absent overstaying leave
Absent overstaying liberty: J Roberts (sea), J Weeks (sh cook), M J Gibbon (CH), J McCaffrey (lds), T Thompaon, J H McGloue (CH), D F Ahearn (2c off.) and A Waldureier (3 c off)
USS Enterprise - sent visiting parties
USS Lancaster - sent visiting party
T Thompson - returned on board 15 hrs overtime.
50874dd109d4090755009bb9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_138_0.jpg)
22 June 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 2 tons - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 176 tons 1385 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009bbb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_138_1.jpg)
22 June 1891
Midnight to 4 a.m. - overcast and cloudy. Rain during first hour, misty remainder of watch. Light air from East. Barometer steady.
4 to 8 a.m. Overcast and cloudy, hog hanging over the Water. S.t. ahearm raft, returned from Liberty 35 3/4 her overtime.
8 a.m. to meridian - Calm first hour, light air to light breezes from S.W. remainder of watch. Cloudy hot sultry weather. At 9:30 mastered crew at quarter, the following maned men
Meridian to 4 P.M. light air from south, cloudy sultry weather.
4 to 8 P.m.- Light air from S.S.E tp S.S.W by the way of south. Cloudy weather. At 6 mastered at quarter J Werd returned on board 58 hours overtime
8 P.M. to midnight- Light air and breeze from S.S.W first 3 hours, light breze from N.W last hour. Rain during next of last 4 hours. Baromeer rising slowly.
D.F. Ahearn (aff) - D.F. Ahearn (aff) returned from ~ 35 3/4 hour overtime
D. F. Ahearn - returned from liberty 35.75 hours overtime
J. Weeks - returned on board 58 hours overtime
50874dd109d4090755009bbd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_139_0.jpg)
23 June 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 2 tons 224 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 174 tons 1161 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009bbf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_139_1.jpg)
23 June 1891
By order of the Commanding officer the following punishments were awarded: J.M. Caffrey (lds), overleave 48 1/2 hrs, deprivation of liberty on shore, 4th class; Thomas Thompson (~m), overleave 15 hrs, deprivation of liberty on shore, 4th class; J.H. McGlove (ch), overleave 11 1/4hrs, deprivation of liberty on shore, 3rd class; D.F. Ahearn (2ca) overleave 35 3/4 hrs, deprivation of liberty on shore, 4th class; A. Waldmeier (3ca), overtime 18 hrs, deprivation of liberty on shore, 4th class; A. Alsen (2cf), overtime 17 1/2 hrs deprivation of liberty on shore 4th class; J. Weeks (sh cook) overleave 58 hrs, deprivation of liberty on shore 4th class; L. Kuhn (pm), attempting to deceive by turning dirty hammock wrong side out and turning in clean one, 12 hrs extra duty.
four men (listed in LOG) - absent overstaying leave
eight men (listed in LOG) - punishments awarded
At 1015 unmoored ship and shifted berth, alongside the Monitor "Terror"
U.S.S. "Lancaster" - At 1100 the flag of Rear Admiral D.B. Harmony U.S.N. was hoisted
Cloudy and overcast. Calm during the entire watch.
Clear warm pleasant weather, hazy about horizon. Calm and light airs from WSW.
Clear warm and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from WSW, NW, and West.
At 11 the flag of Rear Admiral D.B. Harmony USU was hoisted aboard of the USS Lancaster and the Commanding officers pennant hauled down; the senior officers pennant was hauled down upon the receiving ship Vermont, the Commanding officers hoisted; a salute of 13 guns was fired from the "Vermonts" saluting battery.
Clear warm and pleasant, light breezes from West. Barometer steady.
Clear warm and pleasant. Light breeze from West, NNW and NW. Barometer rising.
Clear, starlight and moonlight night. Light to moderate breeze from NW coming in puffs last half of watch.
50874dd109d4090755009bc1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_140_0.jpg)
24 June 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 1 ton 1904 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 172 tons 1497 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009bc3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_140_1.jpg)
24 June 1891
Clear fine and pleasant. Gentle breeze from NW till lsat hour when it became squally blowing a strong stiff breeze. Barometer steady.
Clear and pleasant. Wind from North blowing in squalls first two hours from a gentle to fresh breeze, gentle breeze last two hours.
Clear and pleasant. Moderate to gentle breeze from NNW.
Clear fine weather. Light breeze from North.
Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from North to NNW.
Clear and pleasant. Starlight, moonlight after 9:40. Light breeze and airs from NNW.
50874dd109d4090755009bc5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_141_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 1 ton 1235 lbs -
50874dd109d4090755009bc7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_141_1.jpg)
25 June 1891
Received on board one Murcurial barometer.
Light breeze from NNW. Clear pleasant weather, bright moonlight.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NW.
Clear and warm, light airs from NW. Barometer falling.
Clear and warm. Light airs from NW to North. Barometer falling.
Miantonomah - Working party of 20 men to Navy Yard to assist in mooring.
Clear and warm. Light airs from North. Barometer steady.
Light airs to gentle breeze from N and NW. Clear pleasant weather.
Sent out 10 men to navy yard to assist in docking the "Waive"
Sent working party of 10 men to navy yard to assist in moving 'Miautonouwah"
J Roberts (Lea) - Overstaying liberty
MJ Gibbons (CH) - Overstaying Liberty
H Burns - Overstaying Liberty
J W Keyes - Overstaying Liberty
J B Briggs - Returned from Leave
L Huhne - Stood two hours extra duty as previously ordered by Commandant
50874dd109d4090755009bc9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_142_0.jpg)
26 June 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 1 ton 1456 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 169 tons 1049 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009bcb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_142_1.jpg)
26 June 1891
J. Weeks (lds) - Was transfered with bag and hammock,to the USS "Lancaster"
Clear and bright moonlight, barometer steady. Gentle breeze and light airs from NW.
Fair and warm. Light airs from NW. Barometer steady.
Clear pleasant weather, light airs from NW.
Gentle and moderate breeze from NNW. Cloudy hot weather.
Light airs and light breezes from NNW. Fair pleasant weather.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NW. Barometer steady.
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander, US navy
50874dd109d4090755009bcd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_143_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bcf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_143_1.jpg)
27 June 1891
At 2:00 the ship was placed in the stone dry dock.
Clear and cool, gentle breezes from North frequently blowing fresh in squalls.
Clear pleasant weather. Wind in moderate to stiff squalls from North first three hours of watch, gentle breeze from NNW last hour.
Weather clear and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breeze from North. Barometer steady.
Clear and pleasant. Wind blowing in squalls from moderate to fresh breeze from NNE. Barometer steady.
Clear and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breeze from NW and NE. Barometer rising first two hours.
Clear and cool. Gentle breeze from NNE.
Paymaster J A Ring - Paymaster J A Ring returned from leave.
50874dd109d4090755009bd1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_144_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bd3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_144_1.jpg)
28 June 1891
USS Philadelphia - Left the yard.
Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from NNW. Barometer falling slowly. Moonlight.
Clear bright and pleasant. Barometer steady. Light breeze from NNW.
Clear pleasant weather. Light breeze from NW.
USS Philadelphia - Left the yard at 1:15.
Clear and fine weather. Light breeze from NW.
Fair to cloudy and pleasant. Light to moderate breeze from NNW.
Cloudy but pleasant weather. Light airs from NNE. Slight rise in barometer.
50874dd109d4090755009bd5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_145_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bd7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_145_1.jpg)
29 June 1891
The Com'd'r assigned the following punishments: Wm. Johnson (sh corp) for overstaying leave 25 hours reduced to 4th class. E. Moor (cqm) unfit for duty upon returning from liberty, reduced to 3rd class; W.F. Rhow (sea) failing to prepair to go on powder ~ thereby compelling another man to do his work, 5 nights solitary confinement;
R. Twiss (mach) - Transfered to USS Birmingham with bag and hammock.
US Str Yantic - Left the yard.
Light airs and gentle breezes from North, and NNW. Cloudy pleasant weather.
Cloudy first part clearing latter. Light breeze from NNW.
Cloudy but pleasant weather. Light breeze from NNW first hour and from NNE afterwards. Barometer steady.
Cloudy but pleasant weather. Light airs from NNE first hour, light breeze from NE second hour, afterwards from East. Barometer steady.
Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from East. Barometer steady.
Clear pleasant weather, light airs from East. Barometer steady.
50874dd109d4090755009bd9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_146_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bdb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_146_1.jpg)
30 June 1891
J. Roberts (sea), M.J. Gibbons (ch) and J.M. Keyes (lds) having been absent from the ship, with out permission, ten days were by order of the Com'd'r, declared deserters.
G.H. Kramer - Transported from USRC Vermont with bags and hammocks, reported on board for duty.
R. Connelly (ch) - Transported from USRC Vermont with bags and hammocks, reported on board for duty.
Clear and pleasant, light airs from North. Barometer steady. Bright moonlight.
Clear and pleasant, light airs from North. Barometer steady.
Light airs and light breezes from NE and ENE. Cloudy pleasant weather.
Cloudy pleasant weather. Light breeze from SE.
Light airs from SE. Cloudy pleasant weather.
Cool and pleasant, light breeze from SE. Barometer rising first two hours.
J. Roberts, M.J. Gibbons and J.M. Keyes - declared deserters by order of Commander
eight men (listed in log) - overstaying leave, absent
A. Haas and R.E. Grass - left the ship at 2100 and did not return
50874dd109d4090755009bdd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_147_0.jpg)
1 July 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
"In stoue dry dock"
50874dd109d4090755009bdf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_147_1.jpg)
1 July 1891
C. Dayll (ch) - By order of Com'd'g officer was confined in cell without irons to await trial by Court Martial.
Edw Gratz - By order of Com'd'g officer was placed under arrest and confined within the limits of the berth deck
Andrew Williams (lds) - Was this day discharged from this ship and the Navel Service at his own request.
USFS Lancaster left the yard - Left the yard
Cloudy and cool. Light airs from SE and South.
Light airs and light breezes from NE and SE. Cloudy pleasant weather.
Weather clear and pleasant. Barometer rising first two hours. Light breeze from SE.
Clear and pleasant, light airs from SE. Barometer steady.
Cool and pleasant. Barometer steady, light breeze from SE.
Cloudy and cool. Light breeze from SE.
50874dd109d4090755009be1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_148_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009be3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_148_1.jpg)
2 July 1891
The Commanding officer awarded the following punishments: E. Fauntain (3ca) overleave 32 hrs, 4th class, C.H. Higbie (1ca) overleave 19 1/2 hrs, 4th class, H.McFadden (pm) overleave 2 1/2 hrs, 2nd class, L Cattella carp, overleave 4 1/2 hrs 2nd class.
Chas Dayle (ch) - Escaped confinement by forcing cell door.
USS Kearsarge - Came into yard.
Overcast and cloudy. Light airs from SSE first part then calm and last hour airs from NE. Barometer falling.
Weather overcast cloudy and raining. Light airs and breezes from NE and NNE.
Overcast cloudy and rainy. Light breeze from NE.
Cloudy and overcast. Light airs from NE to SE.
Cloudy and threatening, light airs from NE.
USS Kearsarge - Cane into yard and made fast to ordinance dock.
Cloudy first hour, fair afterwards. Light airs from NE and calm. Slight fall in barometer.
50874dd109d4090755009be5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_149_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009be7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_149_1.jpg)
3 July 1891
H. Burns (sa 2a) - Was this day, by order of Commander, declared a deserter to date from June 23rd.
J.P. Power (mach) - Transfered to this vessel from USRC Vermont.
Light airs from NE first part, calm latter part of watch. Clear pleasant weather.
Overcast and cloudy, threatening rain. Calm the entire watch.
Cloudy unsettled weather, calm and light airs from SSE and SSW. Barometer steady.
Cloudy unsettled weather. Light airs from South and airs and breeze from SSE. Barometer falling.
Overcast and cloudy, unsettled weather. Light breeze from SSE.
Overcast and threatening during first part of watch with lightening and thunder to the westward and North. Commenced raining during third hour and continued during remainder of watch.
sixteen (16) men - absent (names listed in log)
Edw Graty (M.A.A.) - was restored to duty by Commanding Officer
H. Burns - declared a deserter from June 23 rd
50874dd109d4090755009be9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_150_0.jpg)
4 July 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 157tons 2014lbs - coal remaining on hand at noon
coal: 9 tons 1051 lbs. - Since 27 June
coal: 157 tons 2014 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd109d4090755009beb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_150_1.jpg)
4 July 1891
brought on board by police of marine barracks etc.
fired a sulute
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navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat tavy yard, brooklyn New York, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_151_1.jpg)
5 July 1891
By order of Commanding officer Geo Colter (pm) was confined in cell to await trial by Summary Court Martial.
inspected divisions
confined, awaiting trial
Geo Colter - confined in cell to await trial by Court Martial
50874dd109d4090755009bf1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_152_0.jpg)
6 July 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bf3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_152_1.jpg)
6 July 1891
A copy of Summary Court Martial specifications was handed Corporal Geo Colter at 9 am.
The commanding officer awarded the following punishments: H.C. Buhr (2ca) overleave 14 hrs 2 mo. quarintine, G Coulter (Corpl) overleave 74 1/2 hrs, Court martial, J.M. Cusack (pm) overleave 12 1/2 hrs, deprivation of liberty on shore 2 mo., L. Morteusen (cfc) overleave 58 1/4 hrs disrated, deprivation of liberty on shore 2 mos, a. Wright (sea) overleave 61 hours 24 hours extra duty deprivation of liberty on shore 2 mo.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - commander
B. Doherty - (oiler)
C E Scott - same
C E Thomas - reported about. (?) Possibly the crew of the shiip
M J Couway -
T Dalton -
Copy of summary court martial specifications was handed corperal Gus Colter at 9 am
J. W. Cusert (pw) - court martialed... depravation of liberty or short leave
T. B. Zahu - navel cadet reported for duty
crew engaged in painting shi[
Private Sactow - returned to ship 30 hours over time
Around 10 men absent from quarters.
P. J. Murphy (2cf) - Absent without leave
T. H. James (pv) - Absent without leave
C. E. Scott (3 Ca) - Absent without leave
Wm. Camera (2 Ca) - Absent without leave
W. J. Conway (2cf) - Absent without leave
C. E. Thomas (1 Ca) - Absent without leave
T. Dalton (Pv) - Absent without leave
B. F. Curran (1 ca) - Absent without leave
B. Doherty (oiler) - Absent without leave
J. H. Carney (CH) - Absent without leave
A. McNabb (Sea) - Absent without leave
R. E. Grass (pm) - Absent without leave
C. Kersten (2 cf) - Absent without leave
A. Haas (lds) - Absent without leave
C. doyal (CH) - Absent without leave
Corporal Geo. Colter - A copy of summary court martial specifications was handed to Corporal Geo. Colter at 9 a.m.
T. B. Zahm Naval Cadet - Reported for duty
H. C. Buhr (2ca) - For 14 hrs over leave, commanding officer awarded 2 mo. quarintine
G.Coulter (Corpl) - For 74 1/2 hrs over leave, commanding officer awarded Court Martial
J. M. Cuseck (pm) - For 12 1/2 hrs over leave, commanding officer awarded deprivation of liberty on shore 2 mo.
L. Mortensen (C.F.C.) - For 58 1/4 hrs over leave, commanding officer disrated him and awarded deprivation of leave on shore 2 mo.
A.Wright (Sea) - For 61 hrs over leave, commanding officer awarded extra duty and deprivation of liberty on shore 2 mo.
Wm. Camera (2 Ca) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
C. E. Thomas (1 Ca) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
C. E. Scott (3 Ca) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
T. H. James (pm) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
M. J. Conway (2CF) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
B. F. Curran (1 ca) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
P. J. Murphy (CH) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
J. H. Carney (CH) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
B. Doherty (oiler) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
R. E. Grass (pm) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
C. Kersten (2 cf) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
A. Haas (lds) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
A. McNabb (Sea) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
C. Doyle (C.H.) - Reported absent at 6 p.m.
Private Dalton - Returned to ship 30 hrs over time
T. Sullivan (dy mach.) - Returned from leave
50874dd109d4090755009bf5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_153_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bf7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_153_1.jpg)
7 July 1891
Lat , Long
The Commander assigned the following punishments: Geo Brown (Bs), deprivation of liberty on shore for 2 months for overstaying leave 17 hrs, T. Dalton (pm) deprivation of liberty on shore for 2 months for overstaying leave 30 hrs.
Oliver A. Batcheller - commander
Commander Oliver A. Batchuer - commanding officer
Oliver A. Batcheller - Captain
J. Collins - Cox
WM Camera, C.E. Thomas, CE Scott, JH Jones, MJ Conway, PJ Murphy, BF Current, B Doherty, A McNabb, JH Carney, C Keasten, A Haas, RE Grass, C Doyle, CH Higbie, BF Ahern - absent without leave
Geo brown, T Dalton, Geo Colter - given punishment
50874dd109d4090755009bf9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_154_0.jpg)
8 July 1891
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
coal: 150 tons 2090 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
coal: 6 tons 2164 lbs. - Since last report July 4th
50874dd109d4090755009bfb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_154_1.jpg)
8 July 1891
C.E. Thomas (1ca) - Declared a deserter from 28 June 1891.
Wm. Camera (1ca) - Declared a deserter from 28 June 1891
By order of the Commander the following punishments were assigned: A. Waldmeier (3ca) leaving ship without permission, 3 days on bread and water, Geo Henry (2g) repeated neglect of duty as quarter gunner reduced in rate to seaman, Wm. Camera (1ca) and C.E. Thomas (1ca) having been absent from the ship 10 days without leave were by order of the Commander declared deserters from June 28th
At 12:20 following the motions of the USRC "vermont" in half masting colors out of respect to the memory of The Honorable Hannibal Hawkin ex-vice President of the United States.
Commenced pumping out deck at 9:55. At 10:10 after water had fallen below rudder head, the pumps were stopped.
W~ Camera (1ea) and C E T hour~ (1ep), having been absent from the ship 10 days without leave, were, by the order of the Commander, declared deserters from June 28th.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller -
B. Doherty (oiler) - Returned on board 71 hrs 40 min over time
C. E. Scott (3 Ca) - Absent. Overstaying leave
Wm. Camera (2 Ca) - Absent. Overstaying leave
T. H. James (pm) - Absent. Overstaying leave
M. J. Conway (2CF) - Absent. Overstaying leave
C. E. Thomas (1 Ca) - Absent. Overstaying leave
J. H. Carney (CH) - Absent without leave
A. McNabb (Sea) - Absent without leave
C. Kersten (2 cf) - Absent without leave
B. F. Curran (1 ca) - Absent. Overstaying leave
P. J. Murphy (CH) - Absent. Overstaying leave
R. E. Grass (pm) - Absent without leave
D. F. Ahern (1 ca) - Absent without leave
A. Haas (lds) - Absent without leave
C. H. Higbie (1 ca) - Absent without leave
C. Dayle (CH) - Absent without leave
A. Waldmeier (3 ca) - By order of the Commander the following punishement was assigned: leaving ship without permission, three days on bread and water.
Geo. Henry - By order of the Commander the following punishement was assigned: for repeated neglect of duty as quarter gunner, reduced in rate to seaman.
C. E. Thomas (1 Ca) - having been absent from the ship for 10 days without leave was by the order of the commander declared a deserter from June 28.
Wm. Camera (2 Ca) - having been absent from the ship for 10 days without leave was by the order of the commander declared a deserter from June 28.
Hannibal Hawkin, ex-Vice President of the United States - At 12:20 followed the motions of U.S.R.S. Vermont in half masting colors out of erspect to the memory of the Honorable Hannibal Hawkin ex-vice President of the United States.
50874dd109d4090755009bfd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_155_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009bff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_155_1.jpg)
9 July 1891
A. Hembolt (lds) - Received on board from USRC "Vermont"
E. Kock (lds) - Received on board from USRC "Vermont"
R. Miller (lds) - Received on board from USRC "Vermont"
P. Curley (CH) - Received on board from USRC "Vermont"
J.J. Calbert (CH) - Received on board from USRC "Vermont"
Held a sale of deserters effects, amount realized $11.05
Oliver .a. Batchiller - Commander
C. E. Scott (3 Ca) - Absent. Overstaying leave
M. J. Conway (2CF) - Absent. Overstaying leave
B. F. Curran (1 ca) - Absent. Overstaying leave
P. J. Murphy (CH) - Absent. Overstaying leave
T. H. James (pm) - Absent. Overstaying leave
J. H. Carney (CH) - Absent without leave
A. McKnab (Sea) - Absent without leave
C. Kersten (2 cf) - Absent without leave
A. L. Lawson (CGM) - Absent. Overstaying leave
A. Haas (lds) - Absent without leave
D. Quill (oiler) - Absent. Overstaying leave
R. E. Grass (pm) - Absent without leave
D. F. Ahern (1 ca) - Absent without leave
C. Dayle (C.H.) - Absent without leave
C. H. Higbie (1 ca) - Absent without leave
A. Hembolt (lds) - Received on board from U.S.R.S. Vermont
E. Kock (lds) - Received on board from U.S.R.S. Vermont
R. Miller (lds) - Received on board from U.S.R.S. Vermont
P. Curley (CH) - Received from U.S.R.S. Vermont
J. J. Calbert (CH) - Received on board from U.S.R.S. Vermont
C. E. Scott (3 Ca) - Absent. Overstaying leave
T. H. James (pm) - Absent. Overstaying leave
M. J. Conway (2CF) - Absent. Overstaying leave
P. J. Murphy (CH) - Absent. Overstaying leave
B. F. Curran (1 ca) - Absent. Overstaying leave
A. McKnab (Sea) - Absent without leave
A. L. Lawson (CGM) - Absent. Overstaying leave
J. H. Carney (CH) - Absent without leave
C. Kersten (2 cf) - Absent without leave
A. Haas (lds) - Absent without leave
R. E. Grass (pm) - Absent without leave
C. H. Higbie (1 ca) - Absent without leave
D. F. Ahern (1 ca) - Absent without leave
C. Dayle (CH) - Absent without leave
10.15an began flooding dock. 11.25 began hauling ship out of dock. 12m moved alongside Cob Dock.
50874dd109d4090755009c01: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_156_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Steamer concord -
50874dd109d4090755009c03: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_156_1.jpg)
10 July 1891
C.E. Scott (3ca) - By order of the Com'd'g officer was declared a deserter
J.K Carney (ch) - By order of the Com'd'g officer was declared a deserter
A. Haas (lds) - By order of the Com'd'g officer was declared a deserter.
R.E. Grass (pm) - By order of the Com'd'g officer was declared a deserter
A. McNabb (sea) - By order of the Com'd'g officer was declared a deserter
C. Kersten (2cf) - By order of the Com'd'g officer was declared a deserter
T.H. Jones (pm) - By order of the Com'd'g officer was declared a deserter
W. Johnson (lh corp), A Faudre (sea) and A. Halvorsen (sea) were transfered to the Lancaster.
Geo Colter (Corp) - By order of Court Martial, reduced to the next inferior rating that of Private and to perform extra police duty for 2 months.
A. Waldineier (2ca) - Confined for 3 days on bread and water in the cell for absenting himself from the ship without permission.
Corporal Geo. Colter - The summary Court Martial which was convened for the trial of Corp. Geo. Colter (USMC) met at 11:05 of its sentence and adjourned at 11:40.
W. Johnson (Sh. Corp) - Transferred to the Lancaster
O. Fandre (Sea) - Transferred to the Lancaster
O. Halvarsen (Sea) - Transferred to the Lancaster
Hackett (1 cf) - Received from U.S.R.S. Vermont
Corporal Geo. Colter - The sentence of the court was reduction to the next inferior rating, to that of private, and to perform extra police duty for 2 months.
A. Waldmeier (2 ca) - Confined for 3 days on bread and water in the cell for absenting himself from the ship without permission.
Commander Oliver A Batcheller -
Oliver A. Batcheller - commander
B. Doherty, A McNabb, JH Carney, C Keasten, A Haas, RE Grass, C Doyle, CH Higbie, DT Ahern - absent without leave
CE Scott, JH Jones, MJ Conway, PJ Murphy, BF Curran, AJ Lawson - overstaying leave
CE Scott, JH Jones, A McNabb, JH Carney, C Kensten, A Haas, RE Grass - deserters
Geo Colter - court martial
Lancaster - also in port
W Johnson, O Faud~, O Hal~ - transferred to Lancaster
USRA Vermont - also in port
Hackett - joined crew from USRA Vermont
A Waldermeir - confined to cell
Oliver a. Batchiller - Commander
50874dd109d4090755009c05: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_157_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
50874dd109d4090755009c07: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_157_1.jpg)
11 July 1891
M. Halvorsen (sea) - Transfered from USSTR Lancaster.
Wm. S. Holden (sea) - Received from USSTR Lancaster.
P.J. Murphy (ch) - Was this day declared a deserter to date from July 1st.
Otto Faundrel (sea) - Received from USSTR Lancaster.
M.J. Conway (2cf) - Was this day declared a deserter to date from July 1st.
Wm. S. Holden (Sea) - Received from U.S.S.Tr Lancaster with bags and hammocks
M. Halversen (Sea) - Received from U.S.S.Tr Lancaster with bags and hammocks
Otto Faudac (Sea) - Received from U.S.S.Tr Lancaster with bags and hammocks
P. J. Murphy (CH) - Was this day declared a deserter to date from July 1. His effects were sold at auction.
M. J. Conway (2CF) - Was this day declared a deserter to date from July 1. HIs effects were sold at auction.
15 men in charge of Navigator to Fort Wadsworth for shell
USStr Fameaster - Received S Haldon, M Haloorsen and Atto Fandrel
P J Murphy - Deserter
MJ Conway - Deserter
A L Lawson - Overstaying liberty
B G Curran - Overstaying liberty
C H Higbie - Absent without leave
C Dayle - Absent without leave
S Tahearne - Absent without leave
Oliver A. Batchiller - Commander
"received from ... Lancaster with bags and hammocks"
50874dd109d4090755009c09: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_158_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
"moored to cab dock"
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12 July 1891
50874dd109d4090755009c0d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_159_0.jpg)
navy yard newyork ny
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
50874dd209d4090755009c0f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_159_1.jpg)
13 July 1891
coal: 170 tons - (781 bags)
A. Waldmeier (2 ca) - By order of teh commanding officer he was released from confinement and returned to duty.
E. Svensen - returned to ship 17.5h overtime
Currau -
A.L. Lawen -
C. Bayle -
A. Waldwier - released from confinement and returned to duty
coal: 170 tons - 781 bags
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - commanding officer
commercial coaling ship at 5:00
crew engaged in coaling ship
coal: 170 tons -
coal: - commenced 0500
coal: - ongoing
coal: 781 bags (170 tons) - 9.5 hours to refuel
50874dd209d4090755009c11: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_160_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.6, Long -74.0
Steamer Concord, 3rd Rate -
50874dd209d4090755009c13: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_160_1.jpg)
14 July 1891
coal: 35 tons - 161 bags
coal: 20 tons -
Jno Clark (icf) - Received from the "Vermont"
G.C. Ryder (ch) - Received from the "Vermont"
Daul Griffin (ch) - Received from the "Vermont"
A. McDonald (pm) - Received from the "Vermont"
Wm. Larigan (ch) - Received from the "Vermont"
F Rywer (pm) - Received from the "Vermont"
coal: 35 tons - 161 bags
coal: 20 tons -
Paul Griffin - received from "Vermont"
Stigbie - absent without leave
T. Rywer - received from Clark
Clark - received from "Vermont"
A.L. Lawson - absent over leave
Savignan - received from "Vermont"
G.C Ryder - received from Clark
R. Mc Donald - received from "Vermont"
B.T. Currau - absent over leave
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - commanding officer, US Navy
coal: 35 tons - 161 bags equals 35 tons
coal: 70 tons? - total so far? 736 tons?
USS Vermont - received 6 men from the USS Vermont
coal: 161 bags (3.5 tons) -
coal: 236 tons total -
Lightning lasting 2 hours, sultry weather
50874dd209d4090755009c15: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_161_0.jpg)
navy yard brooklyn ny
Lat 40.70, Long -73.97
Steamer Concord, 3rd Rate - this is the log of the Steamer Concord
at anchor off 32nd street, ships head SSW
Moored to Dock
Underway standing down
East River and up North River
50874dd209d4090755009c17: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_161_1.jpg)
15 July 1891
hudson river off 32nd street
Lat 44.08, Long -74.05
B.F. Curran (1ca) - Was by order of the Commander declared a deserter to date from July 4th.
The Commander assigned the following punishments:- E. Fountain (1ca) deliberately disfiguring working suit with paint, 2 hrs extra duty as messenger; B. Doherty (oiler) 71 hrs 40 min overleave 4th class 48 hrs extra duty and loss of 3 days pay; D.Quill (oiler) 3 1/4 hrs. overleave reduced 1 class, Wm Blunt (St Co), gross negligence leaving slop bucket on dry dock, 8 hrs extra duty; H. McFadden (pm) fighting, 48 hrs ex. duty; T. Dalton, fighting 48 hrs ex duty; E. Svensen (sea) overleave 17 hrs, 4th class, loss of 1 days pay, 12 hrs ex duty.
USS Newark (bearing flag of Rear Admiral J.G. Walker, USSs Boston, Atlanta, Yorktown, and Vesuvius, Chicago and Concord. - Anchored in Column
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - commanding officer, US Navy
Newark - made number to Newark at 4:40pm
Rear Admiral J.G?. Walker -
Vesuvius - anchored together
Boston - anchored together
Atlanta - anchored together
yorktown - anchored together
Chicago -
Rear Admiral Walker -
Commander Oliver A Batcheller - Captain
Rcvd onboard bread, 88 3/4 sacks beef and vegetables
Cleared for action, exercised at General Quarters w/o regard to time. repairs to valves in aft magazine. B Curran declared deserter to date from 4th July
50874dd209d4090755009c19: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_162_0.jpg)
16 July 1891
at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 40.73, Long -74.00
Coal consumption = 3 tons 2128lbs consumed, 371 tons , 1867 lbs remaining
50874dd209d4090755009c1b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_162_1.jpg)
16 July 1891
D. F. Ahearn (2ca) - By order of the Commander was declared a deserter to date from July 9th.
A.L. Lawson (CgM) - By order of the Commander was declared a deserter to date from July 9th.
C.A. Higbie (1ca) - By order of the Commander was declared a deserter to date from July 9th.
Chicago - The commander paid an official visit to the flagship Chicago.
A. L. Lawson (CGM) - By order of the commander was declared a deserter to date from July 9.
C. H. Higbie (1 ca) - By order of the commander was declared a deserter to date from July 9.
D. F. Ahern (2 ca) - By order of the commander was declared a deserter to date from July 9.
50874dd209d4090755009c1d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_163_0.jpg)
at anchor off 32nd st north river n y
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009c1f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_163_1.jpg)
17 July 1891
J. Clark (1cF) - Declared a deserter from July 15th by order of Com'd'g Officer.
T. L. Currie (pm) - By order of the commaning officer, was awarded 12 hrs extra duty for dirty equipment.
J.Clark (1cf) - By order of the commander was declared a deserter from July 15.
Mc Fadden - stood 2 hrs extra duty during watch
F.L. Currie - awarded 12 hrs extra duty
Mc Fadden - stood 2 hrs extra watch
T.Dalton - stood 2 hrs extra watch
J.Clark - declared a deserter from July 15th
T.Dalton - stood 2 hrs extra duty
Mc Fadden - stood 2 hrs extra duty
T. Dalton - stood 2 hrs extra duty
50874dd209d4090755009c21: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_164_0.jpg)
at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
coal: 2 t 1232 lbs - used
coal: 366 t 1755 lbs - remaining
50874dd209d4090755009c23: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_164_1.jpg)
18 July 1891
Oliver A. Batcheller - commander
JL Currie and T Dalton - extra duty as punishment
H Moran, - 2 1/2 hours late for quarters
H Mc Fadden - extra duty punishment
JL Currie - extra duty assignment
50874dd209d4090755009c25: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_165_0.jpg)
at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009c27: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_165_1.jpg)
19 July 1891
Atlanta - Commander made officail visit on board Atlanta
Received Signal 3350 at 7(am)uniformas for crew. At 7.15-3962 full dress, helmets and blue trousers for marines
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at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009c2b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_166_1.jpg)
20 July 1891
By order of the Commander A.Waldmeier 93ca) for skylarking and upsetting pot of paint was given 4 hours extra duty.
A. Waldmeier (3 ca) - By order of the Commander, for skylarking and upsetting pot of paint was given 4 hours extra duty.
D. F. Flannigan (painter) - for being drunk and disorderly was placed in single irons and confined in the cells to await further action of the commander.
50874dd209d4090755009c2d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_167_0.jpg)
at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
Steamer Concord -
North River, New York - At Anchor
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 2 tons 896 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 359" 855"
50874dd209d4090755009c2f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_167_1.jpg)
21 July 1891
L. Deegan (bs) - Reduced to 3rd Conduct class.
L. Deegan (BS) - By order of the commanding officer, was recued to 3rd conduct class for overstaying leave 10 hrs 50 mins
D. F. Flannigan (painter) - was released from confinement and recuded to 4th class for being drunk on board ship
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
At 7 am flagship made general signals 3340, 3959, 6375, 6378 and 6379. At 7:45 general signal 5455. Lofted sail.
At 3:15 received general signal 4826 and furled sail. At 3:30 received general signal 3918 and piped down rerubbed hammocks.
At 6:12 flagship made general signal 44. Armed and equipped boats cutting out. Boats returned to ship at 7:20
50874dd209d4090755009c31: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_168_0.jpg)
at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
coal: 2 -
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 2 tons
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 357" 855"
50874dd209d4090755009c33: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_168_1.jpg)
22 July 1891
D. McCarthy (qg) - Was brought on board by N.Y. police 74 1/2 hours overtime and a reward of $10 paid for his arrest.
D. McCarty (qg) - was brought on board by N.Y. police 74 1/2 hrs overtime and a reward of $10 paid for his arrest
D. McCarty - reported absent overtime
50874dd209d4090755009c35: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_169_0.jpg)
at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 2 tons 1568 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 354" 1529"
50874dd209d4090755009c37: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_169_1.jpg)
23 July 1891
The Commander assigned the following punishments: D. McCarthy (qg) Reduced to 4th class for overstaying leave 74 1/2 hrs, C.A. Barns (3ca) 4 hrs extra duty for smoking under forecastle after brightwork had been piped.
C.A. Barnes (3ca) stood 4 hrs extra duty. [please note change of spelling from the 8am entry to this one]
D. McCarty (qg) - Reduced to 4th class for overstaying leave 74 1/2 hrs
C. A. Barnes (3ca) - was assigned 4 hours extra duty for smoking under forecastle after brightwork had been ppiped
U.S.S. Torpedo boat Cuthing - came in and anchored
Sanigan - absent overstaying liberty
Helmbold - absent overstaying liberty
C.A. Barns (3 ca) - 4 hrs extra duty for smoking under ? after brightwork had been piped
D.M. Mc Carty - reduced to 4th class for overstaying leave 74.5 hrs
White - absent overstaying liberty
J.F. Gordon - absent overstaying liberty
USS Torpedo "Cuching" - came in and anchored
Flag ship called away all boats armed and equipped for distnat service. Boats formed collumn abreast of ship and were towed off to flag ship, where exercised at tactics by signal from flag ship, in company with other boats fom the squadran. Officers from the Naval Reserve artillery were distributed amongst the boats of this ship.
The officers of the NRA of the state of New York detached for this vessel and were instructed in the use of the search lights, the Ardoೠand very's methods of signaling, in accordance with orders issued by the Commander in Chief
Flag ship made general signal: "the drills have been satisfactory"
general signal: " cease the present exercise "
C.A. Barnes (3 ca) - stood 4 hrs extra duty as ordered by the Commander
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Fair pleasant weather, commenced swinging to the ebb tide at 12 riding to the ebb at 12:40. Strength of current at 3:30 - 3.7 knots per hour. Charles Laird Lieut.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 am. - Partly cloudy pleasant weather, light airs and breezes from N.E. by N shifting to south at 6:00. Swinging to flood from 6:30 to 7:40. Received general signals 3340, 3957 and 6378 and 6379 no uniform signals. Jos Strauss Ens.
Jos Strauss - Jos Strauss Ens.
8 am. to meridian - Fair and pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light breeze from SSW ~ south. At 9:30 sounded call for general quarters. Divisions reported ready as follows:- Engineers in 4 min, 1'st in 4 min 30 sec, powder 5 min, 2'nd 5 min, 3'rd - 6 min. Exercised at general quarters. Time in securing, 2'nd division 2 min, 1'st - 3 min, Engineers 3 min 30 sec, 3'rd - 3 min 50 sec and powder 4 min 30 sec. The following named men were absent overstaying liberty:- J.F. Gordon (2ca) C.M. White (3ca) A Helmbold (ldr) W Larigan (CH). The commander assigned the following punishments: D. McCarthy (~) Reduced to 4'th class for overstaying leave 74 1/2 hr, C. A. Barnes (3ca) 4 hr extra duty for smoking under forecastle after brightwork had been piped, crew engaged in finishing painting ship inside and painting black ribbon around ship outside. At 8 hoisted guard flag. V L Cottmand Lieut
D McCarthy - D McCarthy (~) Reduced to 4'th class for overstaying leave 74 1/2 hr
C. A. Barnes - C. A. Barnes (3ca) 4 hrs extra duty for smoking under forecastle after brightwork had been piped.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Gentle to moderate breeze from south. Fair pleasant weather. Commenced to swing to the ebb tide at 12:20. USS Torpedo boat "Cushing" came in and anchored at 1 pm. At 3:00 strength of the ebb tide 2.6 knots per hour. Crew engaged in painting ship. Received in pay dept. 2000 gals fresh water. Charles Laird Lieut
USS Cushing - USS Torpedo boat "Cushing" came in and anchored at 1 pm.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 P.m. - Cloudy but pleasant weather. Gentle to light breeze from south. Commenced swinging to the flood tide at 5:15 finished at 7:00. At 6:10 flagship made signal 45, called away all boats armed and equipped for distant service. Boats formed column abreast of ship and were towed off to flag ship, where exercised at tactics by signal from flagship, in company with other boats from the squadron. Officers from the Naval Reserve Artillery were distributed amongst the boats of this ship. V L Cottman Lieut
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 P.m. to midnight - First part of watch fair, latter part overcastm light breeze from SW and SW and S. At 9:05 the officers of N.R.A. of the state of New York, detached for ~, and were instructed in the use of the search lights, the Ardois and very's methods of signalling, in accordance with orders issued by the commander in chief. At 10:05 the flagship made general signal (ardois) "the drills have been satisfactory" At 10:15 general signal (Verys) "leave the present exercise". At 9:10 strength of flood tide 3.2 knots per hour. C. A. Barnes (3ca) stood 4 hrs extra duty as ordered by the commander. Charles Laird Lieut
C. A. Barnes - C. A. Barnes (3ca) stood 4 hrs extra duty as ordered by the commander.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009c39: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_170_0.jpg)
at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009c3b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_170_1.jpg)
24 July 1891
By order of the Commander the following punishment for offence noted was assigned R. Taylor (lds) for assaulting another person in the service was ordered to be confined 5 nights in the cell in double irons.
R. Taylor (lds) - By order of the commander the following punishment for assaulting another person in the service was ordered to be confined 5 nights in the cells in double irons.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - Ship's commander
R. Taylor - Sentenced to 5 nights in the cell as punishment for assaulting another person
R. Taylor - Placed in double irons and placed in the cell for the night as punishment
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Overcast and cloudy. Gentle breeze from south. Swinging to ebb tide from 12:45 until 2 am. Strength of tide at 3:30 - 2.5 knots. Barometer falling rapidly. A W Grant Lieut
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 8 am. Overcast and cloudy, passing drizzles about 6.; heavy rain from 6:25 to 7:00, after that drizzling rain with mist hanging over the land. At 7:20 commenced swinging to flood tide, force of current at 6:00 1.8 knots. Gentle breeze from south until 6:15 then shifted to SE, light breeze from SSW after 7:00. Received in paymaster dept. for issue to ship's company 34 lbs bread, 84 1/6 lbs beef and 84 1/6 lbs vegetables. Flagship signalled at 6:55 - 3357 at 7:50 - 3955, 6375. V L Cottman Lieut
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 am to meridian - Weather overcast with occasional rain, light to gentle breeze from WSW and west. At 9 made routine signal of absentees 4 and at 10 sick report 3, at 9:30 mustered and inspected crew at quarters. The following named men absent from the ship over leave: A Helmbold (ldr), J F Gordon (2ca), C M White (3ca), W Larigan (CH). During the first and second drill period the crew were engaged in overhauling and putting the gun carriages in condition. By order of the commander the following punishment for offence noted was assigned R Taylor (ldr): for assaulting another person in the service was ordered to be confined 5 nights in the cell in double irons. Received in construction dept. one pedestal for the support of the "minute man". Tested magazine and shell room flood cocks, did not test cocks of ammunition room on account of inacessibility. Tested all sluice valves and artificial ventilation valves. Tested steering gear. Charles Laird Lieut
R Taylor - By order of the commander the following punishment for offence noted was assigned R Taylor (ldr): for assaulting another person in the service was ordered to be confined 5 nights in the cell in double irons.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Weather overcast during watch with drizzling rain during first hour. Light airs from SW. Barometer falling. Exercised crew at class instruction at 1:30. Flagship made general signal 5455 at 3:50, loosed sail. Swinging to the ebb tide from 12:55 to 1:40. Strength of ebb tide at 3:30 - 3 knots per hour. Hove mooring swivel on riding chain up to hawse hole. Finished overhauling trucks, training gear ~ of main battery A W Grant, Lieut ..
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
4 to 8 P.m. Cloudy pleasant weather indicative of clearing latter part of watch. Light airs to light breezes from SW. At 4:25 flagship made general signal 2984, at 5 general signal 2826, furled sail. At 5:09 sounded to fire quarters. The divisions reported ready in the following times: Engineers Div 2 min, marine guard 2 'min 30 'sec, powder div. 3 min, 2nd div 3 min 40 sec, 3rd div 4 min, 1st div 4 min. Received in Construction dept. 3 - 7" double blocks iron strapped, 5 - 8" double blocks iron strapped; in Ordnance Dept. 60 - 6" charges, 5 lbs, and 2 - 200 lbtanks from n.y. navy yard. In obedience to the order of the commander R Taylor (ldr) was placed in the cell in double irons for the night. Charles Laird Lieut
R Taylor - In obedience to the order of the commander R Taylor (ldr) was placed in the cell in double irons for the night.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 P. m. to midnight - Overcast first hour, clear rest of watch, moonlight latter part. Light, gentle and moderate breeze from west and NW. Finished swinging to flood tide at 8:05. Strength of flood tide at 10:45 - 3.5 knots. A.W. Grant, Lieut..
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009c3d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_171_0.jpg)
at anchor off 32nd st north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 6 tons 1344 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 345" 1751"
50874dd209d4090755009c3f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_171_1.jpg)
25 July 1891
falkner island light e34n distant 2 miles
Lat 32.2, Long 119.3
At 10:00 Flagship Chicago followed by Atlantic, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing got underway and stood down North river. At 11:30 Uss Barton stood down the river.
At 12:30 unmoored and at 1:00 hove up port anchor and stood down North river, Stood up East river and passed Hellgate at 2:30 in charge of pilot.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Cloudy first hour with light shower before 12:30. Light airs and breeze from NW to west. Swinging to ebb between 1:15 and 2:05. At end of watch current 3 knots.
Jos Strauss - Jos Strauss Ens.
4 to 8 am - clear pleasant weather, light breeze and light airs from SW. At 4.15 started fires under boilers A and B. At 5:00 R Taylor (ldr) was released from confinement in accordance with orders issued by the commander. Making preparations for getting under way. Strength of ebb tide at 7:00 - 2.5 knots per hour.
R Taylor - At 5:00 R Taylor (ldr) was released from confinement
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 am. to meridian - Clear warm and pleasant, barometer falling slowly. Light airs and breeze from SW. Swinging to flood tide from 8:15 to 9:15. At 9:00 flagship made telegraphic signals 8277, 1823, 9409, 4097, 4204, 7171, 945, 9hrs 30 min a.m. At 10:05 flagship made signal "get under way and follow as soon as possible". At 9:00 we made general signal 4 absentees, and at 10:00 2 sick. Called "all hands unmoor ship" at 9:15. Remainder of watch was spent in partially clearing a very foul hawse. Made preparations for sea, Draft of ship forward 12 ft 11 in, aft 15 ft 9 in, mean 14 ft 4 in. At 10:00 flagship Chicago followed by Atlanta, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing got under way and stood down North river. At 11:30 USS Boston stood down the river. Received from Croton Water boat 2000 gals fresh water.
Cushing - At 10:00 flagship Chicago followed by Atlanta, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing got under way and stood down North river. At 11:30 USS Boston stood down the river.
Vesuvius - At 10:00 flagship Chicago followed by Atlanta, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing got under way and stood down North river. At 11:30 USS Boston stood down the river.
Atlanta - At 10:00 flagship Chicago followed by Atlanta, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing got under way and stood down North river. At 11:30 USS Boston stood down the river.
Yorktown - At 10:00 flagship Chicago followed by Atlanta, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing got under way and stood down North river. At 11:30 USS Boston stood down the river.
Chicago - At 10:00 flagship Chicago followed by Atlanta, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing got under way and stood down North river. At 11:30 USS Boston stood down the river.
USS Boston - At 10:00 flagship Chicago followed by Atlanta, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing got under way and stood down North river. At 11:30 USS Boston stood down the river.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. Cloudy and threatening rain, slight sprinkle last hour. Unmoored and at 1:10 hove up port anchor and stood down North River. Stood up East River and passed Hellgate at 2:30 in charge of pilot. At 3:45 passed Sand Point and discharged pilot. At 3:55 Execution rock bore NNW when patent log read 38. and course was set ENE. Gentle breeze from SW. Private Dalton performed 2 hrs extra duty. Average revolutions 100 port, 100 stbd. Average steam 110 port, 110 stbd.
Jos Strauss - Jos Strauss Ens.
4 to 6 P.M. Cloudy but pleasant weather, Barometer steady. Light Breeze from SSE first hour SSW last hour. Standing to eastward in Long Island Sound. At 4:40 made White Squadron out on starboard bow. Changed course as follows: at 4:50 to E by N, at 5:02 to E 1/2 N and at 5:48 to East. Average revolutions stbd 101.2, port 104.4, steam pressure 117 lbs.
White Squadron - Standing to eastward in Long Island Sound. At 4:40 made White Squadron out on starboard bow.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
6 Pm to 8 P.m. Light breeze from WSW, cloudy pleasant weather. T. Dalton (p~) stood 2 hrs extra duty in accordance with orders issued by the commander. At 6:22 stopped starboard engine in order to repack gland of circulating pump. At 6:30 stopped port engine in order to make repairs to airpump. Started starboard engine at 6:35 and port engine at 7:01. Average steam 106 lbs, average revolutions stbd 89.9, port 101.8.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 Pm to midnight - Gentle NW breeze first hour, moderate breeze from north rest of watch. Barometer rising slowly. At 8:25 changed course to east. At 8:55 sighted fleet. Chicago made cornet letter C. Ardois signals, we answered same. Chicago made tactics 230. Came to anchor in 10 1/2 fms water veering to 45 fms on stbd chain with Falkner Isd light bearing pc E 3/4 N distant about 2 miles. Chicago made general signal 2121, we banked fires. Chicago made Ardois signal "Be ready to get underway at half past four if weather is good". Average steam pressure during first hour 105 lbs. Revolutions port engine 76, stbd engine 79.7. Expended in equipment 1 rocket. At 10:00 confined R. Taylor (ldr) in double irons for the night as per previous order of comdg officer
Chicago - At 8:55 sightet fleet. Chicago made cornet letter C.
R Taylor - At 10:00 confined R. Taylor (ldr) in double irons
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
R. Taylor - released from confinement in acoordance with orders issued by the commander
Private Dalton - performed 2 hrs extra duty
stood down North River , stood up East River, passed stellgate in charge of pilote, passed south point and discharged pilot. Execution Rock bore NNW. Course set ENE
changed course as follows: at 16:50 to NE, at 5:02 to E1/2N and at 5:48 to E
T. Dalton - Stood 2 hrs extra duty in accordance with orders issued by the commander
Chicago - made signals
R. Taylor - in double irons for the night as per previous order of commanding officer
50874dd209d4090755009c41: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_172_0.jpg)
at anchor off faulkners island li sound and under way standing to the eastward to fishers isld
Lat 32.0, Long 120.4
At anchor off Falkner Island L. I. Sound and under way standing to the eastward to Fishers Isld
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 29 tons 336 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 316" 1415"
Coal consumed during preceding 24 hours, 29 tons 336 lbs. Coal on hand at noon, 316 tons 1415 lbs.
50874dd209d4090755009c43: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_172_1.jpg)
26 July 1891
race rock lt sbyw34w
Lat 32.0, Long 120.4
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Cloudy and cool. Gentle to moderate breeze from North. T. Dalton has performed 2 hrs extra duty.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
4 to 8 am. Cloudy but fine and pleasant weather. Light breeze from NNW. Barometer steady. Standing to eastward through Long Island Sound, in column of vessels, 1/4 point off chicago's port quarter, after 4:50, when got under way. At 8 anchored off Fishers Island on following bearings: Dumpling Lt (pc) NE 3/4 E, Race rock Lt S by W 3/4 W (pc), 7 1/4 fms water, 45 fms on starboard chain. Flagship made following signals, at 4:25 - 240, at 4:45 to Concord "take second place in column", also 265, at 5:05 to Concord "Are too much on the quarter", at 6:55 - 3357 at 7:05 to Concord ~ 231-112, num 1-5, at 7:38 - 3955, at 7:42 - 6375 and at 7:55 - 90. Average revolutions stbd 80.2 port 82. Average steam pressure 100 lbs. At 4. released Rufus Taylor (ldr) from confinement in accordance with orders of the commander. Draft of ship forward 12 ft 7 in, aft 15 ft 5 in.
Chicago - Standing to eastward through Long Island Sound, in column of vessels, 1/4 points off Chicago's port quarter.
Rufus Taylor - At 4. released Rufus Taylor (ldr) from confinement
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 am to meridian - Cloudy but pleasant. Light breeze from NW by N, WNW and NE. At 9 flagship made general signal 2121, banked fires under boilers C + D. At 9:05 flagship made general signal 3340. At 9:30 mustered and inspected crew at quarters after which commander inspected crew and ship. At 9: made routine signal, absentees 4, and at 10: sick 2. The following named men absent over leave: A Helmbold (lds), JF Gordon (2ca) C.W. White (3ca), W L Larigan (CH). At 10:20 made signal a in code "Can we have permission to send a boat with fishing party this afternoon", flag-ship answered "yes". At 10:20 flagship made general signal 3837. By order of the commander the unexecuted portion of the punishment (22 hrs) of T. Dalton (pv) was remitted.
T. Dalton - By order of the commander the unexecuted portion of the punishment (22 hrs) of T. Dalton (pv) was remitted.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear and pleasant. Gentle breeze from WSW. Barometer steady.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
4 to 6 P.m. - Clear fine weather, light breeze from WSW.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
R Taylor - R Taylor (ldr) was confined in cell in doble irons in pursuance of previous order of landg officer
6 to 8 p.m. - Fair and pleasant, light breeze from WSW. Barometer steady. R Taylor (ldr) was confined in cell in doble irons in pursuance of previous order of comdg officer
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 P.m to midnight - Cool cloudy pleasant weather. Light to gentle breeze from West. At 8:45 Flag-ship made general signal(ardois) "send mail to Flag ship at 6:45 am".
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
R. Taylor - R Taylor ~ was confined in cell in double irons in pursuance of previous order of Comdg officer
50874dd209d4090755009c45: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_173_0.jpg)
at anchor off fishers island li sound
Lat 32.0, Long 120.4
At anchor off Fisher Island, L.I. Sound
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 3 tons 896 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 313" 519"
50874dd209d4090755009c47: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_173_1.jpg)
27 July 1891
USS Newark - Came in and anchored.
Str "Stouinging" - Sent Steam cutter to bring off Navel Reserve
The Officers of the R.N.A. of the State of New York detailed for this vessel reported on board.
training for the naval reserve in gun drills
uss cushing - departed
j f gordon - naval reserve on board for gun drill
c m white - naval reserve
rufus taylor - release from confinement
a stelisebold - naval reserve
lt couidry - promotion board
w lauig - naval reserve
lt laird - promotion board
p wood - promotion board
paymaster j a ring - promotion board
t b bell - examined for corporal
uss newark - arrived
USS Newark - came in and anchored
USS cushing - got under way
Rufus Taylor - released from confinement at sunrise in accordance with the punishment assigned him
Astelembold - absent over leave
W. Sanvigan (CN) - absent over leave
C.M. White (3ca) - absent over leave
J.F. Gordon (2ca) - absent over leave
The commanding officer of the Naval Militia paid an official visit to the ship
Rufus Taylor - confined in the cell in compliance with punishment assigned by the Commander
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 a.m. - Overcast cloudy and misty. Barometer falling slowly. Light airs from west, and calm first half and gentle breeze from North last half of watch.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
USS Newark - At 5:30 USS "Newark" came in and anchored.
4 to 8 am. Cloudy and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breeze from north. At 5:30 USS "Newark" came in and anchored. Hoisted out steam launch. Flag ship signalled uniform signals 3357, 3955 and 6375, for officers, marines and men respectively. USS Cushing got under way at 8:00. Released Rufus Taylor (lds) from confinement at sunrise in accordance with the punishment assigned him. Started distiller at 7:00.
Rufus Taylor - Released Rufus Taylor (lds) from confinement at sunrise
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
8 am. to meridian - Clear and pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light to gentle breeze from NNW first part of watch from north latter part. At 8. hoisted guard flag and sent steam cutter, towing 1'st and 2'nd cutters, to str "Stoninging" to bring off Naval Reserve Artillery. At 9:15 crew of officers of Naval Reserve reported on board for instruction and drill. At 9:30 inspected crew at quarters. Absent over leave: J F Gordon (2ca) C M White (3ca) A Helmbold (ldr) and W Larigan (CN). Officers of Naval Reserve Artillery assigned to this ship witnessed great gun drill and they were given instruction as to method of drilling, orders given and detail of exercise, including duties of the various numbers at the guns. From 10:15 to 11:15 they were given instruction in nomenclatures of 6" B.L.R. guns, carriages, impliments and practical exercise in the use of the arms, impliments and mechanism of the guns and in pointing, also theoretical instruction regarding ammunition and charges for 6 in. B.L.R. guns. At 11:30 they left the ship. Concord made following signals: At 9: numeral 4, at 10: numeral 2, at 12 numeral 313. A board, Lt Com'd'r E P Wood, Lt Laird and Paymaster J. A. Ring, met to examine Private T. B. Bull for advancement to the rank of Corporal. The com'd'g. officer of the Naval Militia paid an official visit to the ship.
Steam Trawler Stoninging - At 8. hoisted guard flag and sent steam cutter, towing 1'st and 2'nd cutters, to str "Stoninging" to bring off Naval Reserve Artillery.
Lt Laird - A board, Lt Com'd'r, Lt Laird and Paymaster J. A. Ring, met to examine Private T. B. Bull for advancement to the rank of Corporal.
Paymaster J. A. Ring - A board, Lt Com'd'r, Lt Laird and Paymaster J. A. Ring, met to examine Private T. B. Bull for advancement to the rank of Corporal.
Lt Commander E P Wood - A board, Lt Com'd'r E P Wood, Lt Laird and Paymaster J. A. Ring, met to examine Private T. B. Bull for advancement to the rank of Corporal.
Private T. B. Bull - A board, Lt Com'd'r, Lt Laird and Paymaster J. A. Ring, met to examine Private T. B. Bull for advancement to the rank of Corporal.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Clear bright pleasant weather, light airs increasing to moderate breezes from NW and West. At 1:26 flagship made general signal preparitory 5455 followed 5455, loosed sail. At 1:35 the officers of the R.N.A. of the state of new york detailed for this vessel reported on board. At 1:45 the poweder division was called to quarters and the officers of the R.N.A. were instructed in the duties of the division and the handling and care of powder. From 2:45 to 4:00 instruction was given in drill and service of secondary battery.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 6 P.m. - Weather clear bright and pleasant. Barometer rising. Light and gentle breeze from West. Flagship made, during watch, general signals 2984, and 4826. Furled sail.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
6 to 8 P.m. - Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from West. Stopped distilling at 7:30
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
8 P.m. to midnight - Clear and pleasant. Bright moonlight first hour of watch. Barometer steady. Light airs from N and NW. Rufus Taylor (lds) was confined in the cell in compliance with punishment assigned by the commander
Rufus Taylor - Rufus Taylor (lds) was confined in the cell in compliance with punishment assigned by the commander
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009c49: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_174_0.jpg)
at anchor off fishers island li sound
Lat 32.0, Long 120.4
50874dd209d4090755009c4b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_174_1.jpg)
28 July 1891
trained reserve in gun practice and marines on rowing
g h r taylor - punish
Rufus Taylor - released from confinement as per previous order of commanding officer
J.F. Gordan (2ca) - absent over leave
C.M. White (3ca) - absent over leave
Astelmbold - absent over leave
Newark - a general court martial met on board the "Newark"
M. Sanigan (CN) - absent over leave
Cushing - came in
Taylor - confined to double irons pursuance to punishment awarded by the commanding officer
Newark - a general court martial on board at 10:05
USS Cushing - Came in at 8:30
GHR Taylor - confined in double irons
50874dd209d4090755009c4d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_175_0.jpg)
at anchor off fishers island l i sound and underway in black isld sound
Lat 32.0, Long 120.4
50874dd209d4090755009c4f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_175_1.jpg)
29 July 1891
By order of the Com'dg officer the following named men were declared deserters: J.F. Gordon (2ca) from July 18th, C.M. White (3ca) 19th inst and W. Larigan (ch) 20th inst.
Rufus Taylor - released from confinement
Overcast, cloudy and rainy. Barometer steady. Light airs from South till last hour, then light breeze from SSE.
light breeze to light airs from S by E and SE, calm last hour. Weather overcast, indications of clearing weather.
At 7:00 Flagship made general signal 3357 followed by 3955, 6375.
Overcast and cloudy. Light, gentle and moderate breezes from SE. Barometer steady.
Cloudy with drizzling rain last two hours. Light breeze from ESE to SE by S.
Cloudy unsettled weather, light airs from SE and light breeze from ESE. Barometer steady. Passing drizzle and mist first hour.
Cloudy weather, light breeze from SE. At 6:30 Flagship fired a salute of 17 guns, the flag of the state of New York at the main, in honor of Gov. D.B. Hill.
Clear and pleasant. Bright starlight. Light airs and breeze from ESE. Barometer steady.
50874dd209d4090755009c51: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_176_0.jpg)
at anchor off fishers island li sound
Lat Gickers Island L. D. Lound, Long 120.4
At anchor off Fishers Island, L.I. Sound
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 8 tons 784 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 288" 183"
50874dd209d4090755009c53: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_176_1.jpg)
30 July 1891
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. - Clear and cool weather. Light breeze from NNE and NE.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
4 to 8 am. - Cloudy unsettled weather, mist hanging over water. Tendency to clear at closeof watch; light breeze from NE. Barometer steady. At 6:55 Flagship made signal 3357, at 7: time signal, at 7:02 - 3955, at 7:04 - 6375, at 7:10 "How many blank rifle cartridges have you", answered "Three thousand".
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 am to meridian - Fair pleasant weather light breezes to gentle breezes from SSE. At 9:30 drilled landing company. A. Helmbold (ldr) absent from the ship without leave. At 9 am. made routine signal, absentees 1 and at 10: sick 2. At 9:25 Flagship signalled (A + K code) to this ship "How much ammunition will you require to give to each rifleman 30 rounds", answered "None". At 9:45 Flagship to this vessel "Repeat number of rounds" Answered "Have on board 3000, 1800 used for 30 rounds each man". At 10:05 Flagship to this vessel "We do not want to know how many you have on hand, we want to know how many you need" Answered "None". At 10:25 flag ship to this vessel "How many cartridges have you over 30 rounds each". Answered 1000. At 10:55 Flagship made general signal, telegraphic, 3779, 3688, 7977, 0970, 9318, 8044, 1532, 2208. At 11:30 Flagship made general signals (telegraphic) 816, 6398, 0935, 1267, 7495, 0970, 1532, 609. At noon made coal report 288 tons.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Gentle breeze from SE, SSE, and South. Barometer falling. Flagship made tactical signal 58 at 1 pm. and 60 at 1:30. Landed marines, one company and pioneers as part of squadron's landing brigade, for exercise, on Fishers island.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 6 Pm - Overcast cloudy and rainy. Gentle breeze from South. Landing party returned at 6:05. Expended 1087 - 45cal blank cartridges. Flagship at 4:25 made general signal 2987. Upon examination of the starboard 6pdr (Hotchkiss) gun it was found that the inner sides of the cradle had spread and the sliding gunbed had sheared the ends of the recoil stops. The probable cause was, that, during the firing on the 29'th inst. the gun did not return fully to battery and consequently had too little recoil space. Chicago fired a salute of 17 guns.
Chicago - Chicago fired a salute of 17 guns.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
6 to 8 P.m. - Overcast and cloudy with light rain, light breeze from ESE. Barometer steady.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 P.m to midnight - Overcast and rainy, light breeze and light airs from SE first part calm latter part of watch. A. Helmbold (ldr) returned on board 11 days 12 hrs overtime. At 8.05 flagship made general signal "Send for orderly"
A. Helmbold (ldr) - A. Helmbold (ldr) returned on board 11 days 12 hrs overtime.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
typical navy, flag asked question, gets answer, can not subtract asked same question 3 times
rain in the afternoon
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fishers island
Lat 32.0, Long 120.4
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 5 tons 1232 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 282" 1191"
L Teawer Concord -
coal: 1191 -
50874dd209d4090755009c57: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_177_1.jpg)
31 July 1891
thames river
Lat 51.5, Long 59.5
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am - Clearing weather. light and gentle breezes from WNW and NW; Barometer stationary
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 8 a.m. - Cloudy and threatening but clearing last hour. Light to moderate breeze from NW at 7:00. Flagship made routine signals 3340, 3955 and 6375 for uniforms. Commenced distilling at 7:
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
8 am to meridian - Cloudy first part, fair latter part; fine pleasant weather. Gentle to stiff breeze from NW, barometer steady. At 9:30 inspected crew at quarters. At 9: made signal absentes 1, at 10: sick 2. At 9:30 Flagship made signal (tel) 2990, 0935, 6746, 6396, 9319, 6504, and at 11:40 Tel. 3780, 4204, 6398, 629, 6352, 8131, 817, 0082, 3854, 2122. At 12 made coal report 282 tons.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. clear bright pleasant weather, gentle to light breeze from NNW to NNE. At 1:30 pm Flagship made general signal 2784, at 2: general signal 60. Marines and infantry company embarked in first and second cutters and sailing launch for landing on Fishers Isld. The steam cutter in accordance with orders, was sent with the landing force as a reserve. At 2:25 Flagship made signal to this ship (A + K code) "Send steam cutter alongside".
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 6 P.m. - Clear bright and pleasant; barometer rising. Light breezes from NNE. At 5 pm landing part returned to the ship. Made preparations for getting under way. Hoisted all boats. Flagship made following signals: at 5:37 tactical 240; at 5:42 tac. 256; at 5:56 tac. 262,. Got under way at 5:37 following Flag ship in column of vessels, (Newark dropping astern) and steamed towards New London, Conn.
USS Newark - Got under way at 5:37 following Flag ship in column of vessels, (Newark dropping astern) and steamed towards New London, Conn.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
6 to 8 pm. Clear fine weather. Light breeze from NNE. At 6:07 received signal 247, at 6:10 - 100 north, numeral 45, at 6:15 Tac. 276, at 6:20 Tac 233, at 6:37 moored ship in 4 3/4 fms water in Thames River. Hove up both anchors and shifted moorings; at 7:45 coming to in 5 1/2 fms 45 fms on each chain, port anchor up stream, line of bearing north. New London light bearing (pc) SW by S, distant about 3 1/4 miles. At 6:55 received signal from Flagship (Tel) 1267, 7672, 2414, g~~ 9777 and cheered the "Stonington". Draft 11'10"ford, 15'9" aft.
Stonington - cheered the "Stonington"
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
8 Pm to midnight - Clear and pleasant, fine weather. Bright starlight, barometer steady. Light airs form calms. Finished mooring ship at 9:00 with 45 fms on both anchors, put on mooring swivel, riding by port chain on bridle, Transported sheet anchor to starboard bow bending on starboard bow chain at 45 fm shackle. Squadron exercised search lights from 8:45 to 9:20. Banked fires, repeated following signal from "Atlanta" "Atlanta enters 4'th cutter and Ensign Britton as referee" Tide running ebb.
Atlanta - repeated following signal from "Atlanta" "Atlanta enters 4'th cutter and Ensign Britton as referee"
Ensign Britton - repeated following signal from "Atlanta" "Atlanta enters 4'th cutter and Ensign Britton as referee"
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
atlanta - repeated signals
moved to new london conn, thames river
steamed towards New London, Connecticut
moved ship in Thames River
Atlanta -
50874dd209d4090755009c59: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_178_0.jpg)
moored in thames river below new london conn
Lat 51.5, Long -0.1
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 7 tons 1344 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 274" 2087"
coal consumed during the preceding 24 hours: 7 tons 1344 lbs
50874dd209d4090755009c5b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_178_1.jpg)
1 August 1891
new london
Lat 51.5, Long -0.1
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight: Light airs from NW. Calms latter part of watch. Commenced swinging to flood at 2:20 and finished at 3:15.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 Am. Clear bright and pleasant, calm. Steady barometer. Began distilling at 4:15. Flagship made general signals: at 6:55 - 3340, at 7:02 - 3955, at 7:05 - 6395, at 7:35 - 5455. Loosed sail as per signal.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
8 Am. to meridian. - Cloudy and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from West. Commenced swinging to flood at 10:00 and rode between wind and flood tide rest of watch. At 9:45 mustered at quarters and inspected clothing. At 9:00 flagship signalled "Court martial will meet on board "Newark" at 10 am. At 9:00 made absentee signal, 0; at 9:25 flagship signalled 3094. At 10 a.m. made signal sick report 4. At 10:40 Newark signalled "Court is in session. Furled sail at 11:00. At Flagship signalled "No signal has been made to furl sail." Loosed sail. At 12:00 made signal coal report num. 275.
USS Newark - At 9:00 flagship signalled "Court martial will meet on board "Newark" at 10 am.
USS Newark - At 10:40 Newark signalled "Court is in session.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Fair and pleasant weather. Light fall in barometer. Light breeze from SSW first hour, gentle to moderete breeze from SW afterwards. At 1:45 flagship made signal 4826; furled sail. Tide running flood.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
4 to 6 P.m. - Fair pleasant weather. Light to moderate breeze from SW and SSW.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
6 to 8 Pm. Clear and pleasant Light and moderate breeze from SSW. Barometer falling slowly
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
8 P.m to midnight - Cloudy and pleasant. Light breeze from SW. At 8:30 flagship signalled "Admiral will leave flag-ship at 9:15. Swinging to Ebb between 9:20 and 10:30
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
Newark - Court martial will be held onboard Newark
court marshal on newark
50874dd209d4090755009c5d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_179_0.jpg)
2 August 1891
moored in thames river below new london conn
Lat 51.5, Long -0.1
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 4 tons 1344 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 270" 743"
coal: 4 tons 1344 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 270 tons 743 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd209d4090755009c5f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_179_1.jpg)
2 August 1891
Jno Dunn (2ca) - Reduced to 4th class for being drunk on duty.
Jno Dunn (2 ca) - By order of the commanding officer was reduced to 4th class for being drunk on duty.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. - Fair first part of watch, cloudy latter part with light passing rain showers. Barometer falling slowly. Light breeze from SW and South. Swinging to flood tide between 1:15 and 2:15.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
4 to 8 am. Weather overcast threatening rain. Light breeze from South. Commenced to swing to the ebb tide at 5:45 finished swinging at 7:35. At daylight the USS "Dispatch" flying the flag of the secretary of the Navy was discovered to be anchored in the outer harbor. At 6:45 USS Dispatch got under way and stood in and anchored in the inner harbor above the USS Boston. At 6:55 flagship made general signals 3350, 3962.
USS Dispatch - At daylight the USS "Dispatch" flying the flag of the secretary of the Navy was discovered to be anchored in the outer harbor. At 6:45 USS Dispatch got under way and stood in and anchored in the inner harbor above the USS Boston.
USS Boston - At daylight the USS "Dispatch" flying the flag of the secretary of the Navy was discovered to be anchored in the outer harbor. At 6:45 USS Dispatch got under way and stood in and anchored in the inner harbor above the USS Boston.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 am. to meridian - Generally overcast. Barometer steady. Calm and light airs from North and SE. At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters and commanding officer inspected the ship and crew, followed by reading "An act to provide a more efficient discipline of the Navy". By order of the commanding officer Jno Dunn (2ca) was reduced to 4'th class for being drunk on duty. At 11:00 commanding officer paid an official visit to the Hon. Secy of the Navy on board of the "Dispatch". Flag ship made general signals 6370 at 8:45, and 3837. Numeral 10;30 at 9:10. We signalled 0 absentees at 9:00, 3 sick at 10: and coal on hand 270 tons at noon.
Jno Dunn (2ca) - By order of the commanding officer Jno Dunn (2ca) was reduced to 4'th class for being drunk on duty.
USS Dispatch - At 11:00 commanding officer paid an official visit to the Hon. Secy of the Navy on board of the "Dispatch".
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
Meridian to 4 Pm. Fair and warm. Light airs and breezes from SE to SW. Swinging to flood between 1:15 and 3.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
4 to 6 P.m. Fair and pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light breeze from SSW first hour from north afterwards.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
6 to 8 P.m. Clear pleasant weather. Calm. Hoisted in steam cutter and made preparations for sea.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 P.m. to midnight - Clear and bright starlight. Barometer rising. Light airs from NW. Flagship signalled (Ardois system) at 8:45 "Be ready to get under way at 6:45 tomorrow, unmoored, hove short, and steam for 9 knots.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
juo durese - reduced to 4th class for being drunk on duty
boston - anchored near dispatch
light rain in the early hours
dispatch - sec. of navy on board
USS Dispatch and USS Boston - USS Dispatch got under way and stood in and anchored in the inner harbor above the USS Boston
USS Dispatch - USS "Dispatch" flying the flag of the navy was discovered to be anchored in the outer harbor
Jno Burne (2ca) - reduced to 4th class for being drunk on duty
U.S.S. "Dispatch" - flying the flag of the Secretary of the Navy was discovered to be anchored inthe outer harbor. At 0645 moved to inner harbor above the U.S.S. Boston
Juo Dunn - drunk on duty reduced to 4th class
50874dd209d4090755009c61: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_180_0.jpg)
3 August 1891
moored in thames river below new london conn and underway
Lat 51.5, Long -0.1
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 11 tons 1120 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 258" 1863"
coal: 11 tons 1120 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 258 tons 1863 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd209d4090755009c63: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_180_1.jpg)
3 August 1891
stratford shoal lt bearing pc w 12 s distant 2 miles
Lat 30.0, Long -168.1
USS Dispatch - With Secy of the Navy onboard standing to the east.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. - Clear until last hour. Light to gentle breezes from NNW and North. Riding to ebb tide.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
4 to 8 A.m. Cloudy and pleasant. Slight rise in barometer. Light airs from North. At 5:30 transported sheet anchor in place and commenced to unmoor ship. At 7:00 got under way and stood out of New London harbor taking place in column. Remainder of watch following Flagship through the Race to the E'd. Ships draft ford 11 ft 10 in, aft 15 ft 9 in. Flagship made following signals: at 6:50 - 240, at 6:55 - 256, at 7 time signal and 3340, 3955, 6375. Average steam pressure 130 lbs. Average revolutions stbd 65, port 65. USS Dispatch bearing flag of Secy of Navy left the harbor at 7.
USS Dispatch - USS Dispatch bearing flag of Secy of Navy left the harbor at 7.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 am. to meridian - Clear pleasant weather, light airs from North. From 8 to 9 standing to the E'd in Long Island Sound the squadron being in column of vessels. At 9.10 the Hon. Secy of the Navy B. F. Tracy onboard the USS Dispatch reviewed the fleet; on passing the Flag ship a salute of 17 guns was fired; on passing this vessel the marine guard was paraded and regulation naval salute given. At 9:20 follow'd the movements of the Flagship and shaped course to the W'd standing up Long Island Sound. The USS Dispatch with the Secy of the Navy on board standing to the E'd. At 9:30 mustered and inspected crew at quarters, after which drilled the first division at skirmish drill, the second division at small arms, the third at instruction at great guns, the powder division at instructions at stations for general and Fire quarters. At 9 made routine signal absentees none and at 10: sick 3. At 10:22 Flagship made general signal 256. At 10:30 drilled infantry company and instructed them in duties for landing, powder division was instructed in the mechanism and nomenclature of the great guns. At 11:00 put over patent log reading 81.5. At 12 made coal report 259 tons. Average steam 120 lbs, average revolutions stbd 86.5 port 84.3.
B. F. Tracy, Secretary of the Navy - At 9.10 the Hon. Secy of the Navy B. F. Tracy onboard the USS Dispatch reviewed the fleet; on passing the Flag ship a salute of 17 guns was fired; on passing this vessel the marine guard was paraded and regulation naval salute given. At 9:20 follow'd the movements of the Flagship and shaped course to the W'd standing up Long Island Sound. The USS Dispatch with the Secy of the Navy on board standing to the E'd.
USS Dispatch - At 9.10 the Hon. Secy of the Navy B. F. Tracy onboard the USS Dispatch reviewed the fleet; on passing the Flag ship a salute of 17 guns was fired; on passing this vessel the marine guard was paraded and regulation naval salute given. At 9:20 follow'd the movements of the Flagship and shaped course to the W'd standing up Long Island Sound. The USS Dispatch with the Secy of the Navy on board standing to the E'd.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. Clear and pleasant light airs form SW. Barometer steady. Standing to W'd in Long Isl'd Sound following flagship. Column of vessels. At 1:30 apprentices were given instruction in knotting, splining and heaving the lead. Average revolutions stbd 88.5 port 87.6. Average steam 102 lbs. At 4 Stratford Shoal light bore (pc) W 1/2 S distant 2 miles.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 6 P.m. - Cloudy and pleasant, light airs from SW, at 4:15 passed Stratford Shoal light 1/2 mile on stbd beam. Standing along in column formation, flagship guiding. At end of watch Stafford Lt bore (pc) N by E. Average revolutons stvd 88.5 port 88.8, average steam 115 lbs.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
6 to 8 P.m. Overcast and cloudy. Barometer steady. Light airs form SW. Standing to W'd in Long Island Sound til 7:25 when came to with port anchor in 6 1/2 fms water off Hempstead Bay; veered to 30 fms chain. Draft of ship forward 10' 6" aft 15' 11". Bearings at anchor: Great Captains Isld Lt (pc) NNE, Execution Rock Lt (pc) W by S, At 7:45 banked fires under boilers D and E. Flagship made following signals at 7: Prep 250 "We shall anchor in half an hour" at 7.15 - 230 and at 7:25 general 2121. Tide running flood.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 Am. to meridian - Overcast. Raining during last two hours of watch. Light airs from SE and east. Pilot came on board.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
B.F. Tracy - on board the USS Dispatch, reviewed the fleet
USS Dispatch - USS Dispatch bearing flag of lecy of Navy left the harbor
USS Dispatch - The USS Dispatch with the secy of the navy on board standing to the E
At 0700 got underway and stood out of New London harbor
U.S.S. "Dispatch" - 0700 left harbor
Secy. of Navy B.F. Tracy - on board U.S.S. "Dispatch" reviewed the fleet. On passing the Flag ship a Salute of 17 guns was fired
Ai 1925 came to anchorage off Hampstead Bay
50874dd209d4090755009c65: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_181_0.jpg)
4 August 1891
at anchor hempstead bay l i underway moored in north river off 32nd st
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
at anchor Hempstead Bay L.I., under way, moored in North River off 32'nd st
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 16 tons 1456 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 242" 407"
coal: 242 tons 407 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
coal: 16 tons 1456 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 16 tons 1456 lbs. -
50874dd209d4090755009c67: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_181_1.jpg)
4 August 1891
Lat , Long
C.H. Higbie (1ca) - Who had been previously been declared a deserter, returned on board.
C. H. Higbie (1 ca) - having previously been declared a deserter returned on board at 2:30 and was confined in the cells to await the action of the Commander.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 a.m.- Overcast and cloudy. Raining last hour of watch. Barometer steady. Light and gentle breeze from East.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
4 to 8 am. Overcast cloudy and rainy. Gentle breeze from east. At 7:30 hove in to 15 fms. when flagship signalled 240. Got underway and stood to westward at 7:35 in column formation, pilot at the conn. Draft of ship 10' 6" forward, 15' 10" aft.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
8 am to meridian - Overcast and cloudy, light rain between 11 and 12. Slight rise in Barometer. Light breeze from east. Standing to w'd through Long Isl'd sound and through East and North Rivers in charge of the pilot and the commander till 10:45, when anchored off 32'nd st in 6 1/2 fms water on the ebb tide with fleet in formation column of vessels. Flag ship to the Sd. In mooring clear hawse pennant link slipped, though having been seized, letting 45 fms of port chain on bottom attached to port anchor. Draft of ship ford 10' 6" aft 15' 10". Flag ship made following signals at 10:05 prep 234, at 10:20 - 90, at 10:30 234, at 12: "If you have any sick to go to hospital have them ready to go" answered "Have none". Concord made at 9 Num 0, at 10 num. 3, and at 12: num 242.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Weather overcast with light airs to light breezes from ENE, drizzling rain last hour of watch. Grappled and caught port chain. Transported sheet anchor to port bow. Picked up end of port chain and hauled in slack, shackled and paid port chain below. Veered to 45 fms on stbd chain. At 2:10 flagship made general signal 4557. Received in Equipment dept from NY Navy Yard, 2 red lenses, 2 white lenses, 3 W.T. switches and receptacles, 1 nw.T.D.T.S. switch. Greatest strength of ebb 3 knots. CH Higbee (1ca) who had previously been declared a deserter returned on board at 2:30 and was confined in the cells to await the action of the commander.
CH Higbee (1ca) - CH Higbee (1ca) who had previously been declared a deserter returned on board at 2:30 and was confined in the cells to await the action of the commander.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 P.m. - Overcast and cloudy, Barometer steady. Light and genette breezes from ENE. Finished mooring ship at 5 pm. with 45 fms chain on both anchors, starboard anchor up stream. Bent port chain at 45 fm. shackled to sheet anchor and got it ready for letting go. Swinging to flood tide between 6:00 and 6:45. Strength of flood at 7:30 - 2.4 knots per hour.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
8 Pm to midnight. - Overcast and cloudy first part of watch, fair and pleasant latter part. Bright and starlight last hour. Light breeze from East and NE. Tide running flood force of current at 10:15 - 2.6 knots.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
Oliver Batchelleo - ship commander
50874dd209d4090755009c69: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_182_0.jpg)
moored in north river ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 4 tons 112 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 238" 295"
coal: 4 tons 112 lbs. -
50874dd209d4090755009c6b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_182_1.jpg)
5 August 1891
Punishments were awarded by the Com'd'g officer as follows: E. Jones (lds) neglect of duty 4 hrs extra duty; W.G. Jansen (~) slow in getting in boat, 1 weeks extra duty; C.A. Higbee (1ca) Desertion, 5 days solitary confinement.
W. G. Jansen (sea) - Punishment awarded by the Commander, for being slow in getting in boat; 1 week extra duty.
E. Jones (lds) - Punishment awarded by the Commander, for neglect of duty; 4 hrs extra duty
C. H. Higbie (1 ca) - Punishment awarded by the Commander, for desertion; 5 days solitary confinement
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. - Fair pleasant weather, light breeze from NE. Riding to the ebb tide. Force of current at 2:10 - 3.2 knots per hour.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 a.m. - Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from NE. Barometer steady. At 6:55 flagship made general signal 3357, at 7:05 - 6375. Began swinging to flood tide at 7:10.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
8 a.m. to meridian - Cloudy pleasant weather, slight shower at 11:30. Finished swinging to flood at 8:30, strengt of current at end of watch 3 knots. Punishments were awarded by the comd'g officer as follows: E. Jones (lds) neglect of duty, 4 hrs extra duty; W.G. Jansen (~~~~) slow in getting in boat, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Higbee (1ca) Desertion, 5 days solitary confinement. At 9:30 mustered at quarters when T.L. Currie (pm) was reported absent over time. Exercised at fire quarters and abandon ship. At 9: made routine signal 5 absentees, at 9:18 flagship signalled to us "Send coal requisition on board" answered "Lt has gone in the guard boat" At 10: signalled 3 sick. At 10:30 flagship made general signal 5455. Lowered sail. At 12 made routine signal (coal report) numeral 238.
E. Jones (lds) - Punishments were awarded by the comd'g officer as follows: E. Jones (lds) neglect of duty, 4 hrs extra duty; W.G. Jansen (~~~~) slow in getting in boat, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Higbee (1ca) Desertion, 5 days solitary confinement.
W.G. Jansen - Punishments were awarded by the comd'g officer as follows: E. Jones (lds) neglect of duty, 4 hrs extra duty; W.G. Jansen (~~~~) slow in getting in boat, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Higbee (1ca) Desertion, 5 days solitary confinement.
C.A. Higbee (1ca) - Punishments were awarded by the comd'g officer as follows: E. Jones (lds) neglect of duty, 4 hrs extra duty; W.G. Jansen (~~~~) slow in getting in boat, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Higbee (1ca) Desertion, 5 days solitary confinement.
T.L. Currie (pm) - At 9:30 mustered at quarters when T.L. Currie (pm) was reported absent over time.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Cloudy, overcast last two hours. Light breeze from NE to NNE, slight drizzling rain at intervals. Finished swinging to the ebb tide at 12:30. At 1:30 exercised apprentices at classes in signals, the lead of gear and dismounting and assembling ordnance. At 3:00 ebb running 3.4 knots per hour. Sent liberty party ashore. At 2:54 flagship made general signal 4826 and at 3:05, 2987.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
4 to 8 P.m. Overcast and cloudy threatening rain. Barometer steady. Light breeze from NNE and NE. At 6: mustered crew at quarters. T.C. Currie (pm) absent overstaying leave. H.C. Buhr (1ca) jumped the steam launch when ashore on duty, on the 9:15 trip. USS "Vesuvius" weighed anchor and steamed down the river at 4:55. Swinging to flood tide between 5:45 and 6:15.
T.C. Currie (pm) - At 6: mustered crew at quarters. T.C. Currie (pm) absent overstaying leave.
H.C. Buhr (1ca) - H.C. Buhr (1ca) jumped the steam launch when ashore on duty, on the 9:15 trip.
USS Vesuvius - USS "Vesuvius" weighed anchor and steamed down the river at 4:55.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 P.m. to midnight - Cloudy unsettled weather, light airs from SE. Barometer steady. Tide running flood, force of current at 10: 3 knots. E. Jones (lds) performed 4 hrs extra duty punishment assigned by the commander.
E. Jones (lds) - E. Jones (lds) performed 4 hrs extra duty punishment assigned by the commander.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
Oliver Batchelleo - ship commander
E. James - 4 hrs extra duty
W.J. Jansen - slow in getting in boat, 1 week extra duty
C.A. Stigbee (1ca) - Disertion, 5 days solitary confinement
T.L. Curnie - reported absent over time
H.C. Buhr (1ca) - jumped the steam lauch when ashore on duty
USS Vesuvins - "USS Vesuvins" weighed anchor and steamed down the river
T.C. Curnie (pm) - absent oberstaying leave
E.Jones (lds) - performed 4 hrs extra duty punishment assigned by the Commander
50874dd209d4090755009c6d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_183_0.jpg)
moored in north river ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 2 tons 896 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 235" 1639"
coal: 2 Tons 896lbs. -
50874dd209d4090755009c6f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_183_1.jpg)
6 August 1891
Nels Alun (2cF) - Transfered from the USRS "Vermont" reported on board, with bags and hammock, for duty.
F.R. Winegard (lds) - Was enlisted for 3 years general service.
On recomendation of Board of Ratings and by order of the Com'd'g officer the following changes were made: Jas F Flynn 2nd cf to 1st CF, Michael Sullivan, Daul Griffin and J.J. Doherty coal heavers, to 2nd class firemen.
Nils Olsen (2cf) - Transferred from USRS Vermont reported on board with bag and hammock
F. R. Winegard (lds) - was enlisted for 3 years general service
Jas. F. Flynn (s cf) - On recommendation of board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg officer was changed to 1st C.F.
David Griffin (ch) - On recommendation of board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg officer was changed to 2 C.F.
J. J. Doherty (ch) - On recommendation of board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg officer was changed to 2 C.F.
Michael sullivan (CH) - On recommendation of board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg officer was changed to 2 C.F.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. - Overcast and cloudy, light airs from NE swinging to ebb tide between 12: and 12:30. Strength of current 3 knots at end of watch.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
4 to 8 am. Begins overcast, clearing during last hour. Light airs from NNE. At 5:30 current running ebb 2.5 knots per hour. A. Waldmeier jr (3ca) left the dinghy without permission while at the dock at 6:10. Ship began swinging to flood tide at 7:30. At 7:00 flagship made uniform signals 3357, 3955 and 6375.
A. Waldmeier jr (3ca) - A. Waldmeier jr (3ca) left the dinghy without permission while at the dock at 6:10.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
8 a.m. to meridian - Cloudy unsettled weather, barometer steady. Light breeze from SE then light airs form East and NNE. At 9:30 coal lighter came alongside, made preparations and at 10: commenced coaling. The following men were absent overstaying leave:- C. Cattela (carp), W'm Emery (sea), J.J. Byrne (lds) H.G. Drew (1ca), J Healey (1ca), W Albert (1ca), T.L. Currie (pm) and without leave H.C. Buhr (1ca) and A. Waldmeier(3ca). Made the following routine signals: at 9: numeral 9, at 10: numeral 4. Flagship made signal at 9:30 "Court martial will convene at 10:". Tide running flood, force at 10: 2.8 knots. Commenced swinging to ebb at 12:.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Light airs from SE and South. Cloudy pleasant weather. Coaling ship. H.G. Drew (1ca), J. Healey (1ca) and W. Albert (1ca) returned on board 18 3/Ġhours overtime. Nils Olsen (2cF) transfered from the USRS "Vermont" reported on board, with bag and hammock, for duty. F.R. Winegard (lds) was enlisted for 3 years general service.
Nils Olsen (2cF) - Nils Olsen (2cF) transfered from the USRS "Vermont" reported on board, with bag and hammock, for duty.
USRS Vermont - Nils Olsen (2cF) transfered from the USRS "Vermont" reported on board, with bag and hammock, for duty.
F.R. Winegard (lds) - F.R. Winegard (lds) was enlisted for 3 years general service.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 P.m. - Clear and pleasant, light airs and breezes from east and SSW. Barometer rising slowly. W'm Emery (sea) returned on board 9 3/4 hrs overtime. On recommendation of Board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg. officer the following changes were made: Jas F. Flynn 2'nd c.F. to 1'st c.F., Michael Sullivan, Daul Griffin and J.J. Doherty coalheavers, to 2'nd class Firemen. Coaling ship.
Jas F. Flynn - On recommendation of Board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg. officer the following changes were made: Jas F. Flynn 2'nd c.F. to 1'st c.F., Michael Sullivan, Daul Griffin and J.J. Doherty coalheavers, to 2'nd class Firemen.
Daul Griffin - On recommendation of Board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg. officer the following changes were made: Jas F. Flynn 2'nd c.F. to 1'st c.F., Michael Sullivan, Daul Griffin and J.J. Doherty coalheavers, to 2'nd class Firemen.
Michael Sullivan - On recommendation of Board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg. officer the following changes were made: Jas F. Flynn 2'nd c.F. to 1'st c.F., Michael Sullivan, Daul Griffin and J.J. Doherty coalheavers, to 2'nd class Firemen.
J.J. Doherty - On recommendation of Board on Ratings and by order of the Comdg. officer the following changes were made: Jas F. Flynn 2'nd c.F. to 1'st c.F., Michael Sullivan, Daul Griffin and J.J. Doherty coalheavers, to 2'nd class Firemen.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
8 P.m. to midnight - Pleasant weather, slight mist at intervals. Calm. Tide running flood.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009c71: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_184_0.jpg)
moored in north river ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 3 tons 784 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 232" 855"
coal: 3 tons 784lbs -
50874dd209d4090755009c73: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_184_1.jpg)
7 August 1891
John Joseph McClennan (1cf) - Enlisted this day for 3 years general service.
J.B. Ludington (s.a.2c) - Received on board from the USS "Minnesota"
P. Schultz (2nd class apprentice) - Received on board from the USS "Minnesota"
J. Talcult (2nd class apprentice) - Received on board from the USS "Minnesota"
R. McCauley (2nd class apprentice) - Received on board from the USS "Minnesota"
E. Queen (ch) - Enlisted for 3 years.
J.J. Kelly (ch) - Enlisted for 3 years.
M.R. Breckenridge (mach) - Was transfered from the "Wabash" to this vessel.
coal: 136 1384/2240 Tons -
John Joseph McClennan (1 cf) - enlisted this day for three years general service
J. B. Judington (sa 2c) - Received on board from the USS Minnesota
R> McCauley (2 ca) - Received on board from the USS Minnesota
J. Talcult (2 ca) - Received on board from the USS Minnesota
P. Schultz (2 ca) - Received on board from the USS Minnesota
M. R. Breckenridge (mach) - was transferred from the Wabash to this vessel
J. J. Kelly (CH) - enlisted this day for three years general service
E. Queen (CH) - enlisted this day for three years general service
James Joseph Kelly (CH) - enlisted this day for three years general service
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Calm and light airs from NW. Clear and pleasant. Bluesky and starlight. Barometer steady. Swinging to ebb tide from 12 to 12:15. Force of current 3.4 knots at end of watch.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
4 to 8 a.m. - Clearing weather, calms and light airs from North and SW. At 7:00 Flagship made general signals 3357, 3955, 6375. At 8: took the guard. Coaling ship.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 a.m. to meridian - Clear and pleasant, light airs from SW. Barometer steady. Crew engaged in coaling ship. At 9: made signal 5 absent, at 10: 4sick, at noon coal 232 tons. L. Cattila (carp) returned on board drunk, 24 hrs overtime. Absent without leave H.C. Buhr (1ca), A. Waldmeier(1ca), absent overstaying leave J.J. Byrne (lds), H. M'cFadden (pm) and T.L. Currie (pm). John Joseph M'cGlennan(1cF) enlisted this day for 3 years general service. Swinging to flood tide from 8 until 8:45. USS "Boston" got underway at 8:30 and steamed down the river. At 10:00 Flagship made signal to the "Yorktown" "Go to Navy Yard".
L. Cattila (carp) - L. Cattila (carp) returned on board drunk, 24 hrs overtime
John Joseph McGlennan(1cF) - John Joseph M'cGlennan(1cF) enlisted this day for 3 years general service.
USS Boston - USS "Boston" got underway at 8:30 and steamed down the river.
Yorktown - At 10:00 Flagship made signal to the "Yorktown" "Go to Navy Yard".
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Fair and warm, light airs from SSW. Swinging to ebb between and 2: Crew engaged in coaling ship. Received on board from the USS "Minnesota" J.B. Ludington (s.a.3c), R. M'cCauley, P. Schultz and J. Talcult 2'nd class apprentices. Enlisted for 3 years J.J. Kelly (CH) E. Queen (CH), M.R. Breckenridge (mach) was transfered from the "Wabash" to this vessel. The "Yorktown" stood down the river. Received in ordnance dept from Navy Yard NY 10 - 6 pdr drill cartridges and 2 practice barrels, Mark III for 6" guns.
USS Minnesota - Received on board from the USS "Minnesota" J.B. Ludington (s.a.3c), R. M'cCauley, P. Schultz and J. Talcult 2'nd class apprentices.
Wabash - M.R. Breckenridge (mach) was transfered from the "Wabash" to this vessel.
M.R. Breckenridge (mach) - M.R. Breckenridge (mach) was transfered from the "Wabash" to this vessel.
Yorktown - The "Yorktown" stood down the river.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
4 to 8 P.m. - Partly cloudy and warm, light airs to light breeze from South to SW. James Joseph Kelly (CH) was enlisted on board for 3 years general service. T.L. Currie (pm) returned on board 56 3/4 hrs overtime. Finished coaling ship at 5:30 pm received on board in all 136 1384/2240 tons. Received on board in Engineers Dept from Navy Yard 6 brass bushings 1/2" to 3/8", 6 brass ties. assd, 2 brass plugs 1/2", 2 sand glasses, 8 brass unions, 24 - 6" valve seats, 8 - 3" valve seats, 5 yds tracing cloth, 2 pipe taps and 2 pipe dies, 26 brass elbows 3- 1/4", 6- 3/8", 9- 1/2", 4- 3/4", 4- 1", 100 rubber grommets, 2 guage glasses, 2 globe valves 1", 24 valve stems for Davidson pumps, 8 valve stems for same, 1 set 5/8" dies and 1 set 1/4" dies (pipe). Finished swinging to flood tide at 7:50. At 5:55 signalled by Army and Navy code to Flagship "May we scrub clothes tomorrow morning" at 6: Flagship made "Yes" Received in Equipt. Dept. 40 yds bunting.
James Joseph Kelly (CH) - James Joseph Kelly (CH) was enlisted on board for 3 years general service.
T.L. Currie (pm) - T.L. Currie (pm) returned on board 56 3/4 hrs overtime.
coal: 136 1384/2240 tons. - Finished coaling ship at 5:30 pm received on board in all 136 1384/2240 tons.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
8 Pm to midnight - Fair pleasant weather, light airs to light breezes from SW by S and SW. Tested search lights.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
L. Cattela (Carp) - returned on board drunk, 24 hrs overtime
A. Waldmeier (1ca) - absent without leave
H.C. Buhr (1ca) - absent without leave
T.L. Currie - absent overstaying leave
Yorktown - Flag ship made signal to the "Yorktown" "Go to Navy Yard"
H. McFadden - absent overstaying leave
J.J. Burne (lds) - absent overstaying leave
John Joseph McClennan (1cf) - enlisted this day for 3 yers general service
USS "Boston" - got underway at 8:30 and steamed down the river
M.R. Breckenridge (mach) - transfered from the "Wabash" to this vessel
USS "Minnesota" - Received on board from the USS "Minnesota" J.B. Ludington (sa.2c), R. McCauley, P. Schultz and J. Falcult 2nd class apprentices
J.J Kelly (CH) - enlisted for 3 years
J.B. Ludington (sa.2c) - received on board from the "Minnesota"
R. McCauley - received on board from the "Minnesota"
J. Falcult - received on board from the "Minnesota"
P. Schultz - received on board from the "Minnesota"
"Yorktown" - The "Yorktown" stood down the river
coal: 136t tons -
James Joseph Kelly (CH) - enlisted on board for 3 years general service
T.L. Currie - returned on board 56 3/4 hrs overtime
50874dd209d4090755009c75: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_185_0.jpg)
moored in north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 3 tons 1008 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 368" 1231"
50874dd209d4090755009c77: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_185_1.jpg)
8 August 1891
Jas Couley (ch) - Enlisted for 3 years general service.
Thos Rielly (ch) - Enlisted for 3 years general service.
W.J. Moffitt (ch) - Enlisted for 3 years general service.
Jno Duncan (lds) - Enlisted for 3 years general service.
G.W. Connors (os) - Enlisted for 3 years general service.
Chas O'Neil (1cf) - Enlisted for 3 years general service.
Frank P. Miles (lds) - Enlisted for specific cruise of "Concord"
W. J. Moffit (CH) - Enslisted for 3 years general service
Jas. Couley (CH) - Enslisted for 3 years general service
Jno Duncan (lds) - Enslisted for 3 years general service
Thos Reilley (CH) - Enslisted for 3 years general service
G. W. connors (os) - Enslisted for 3 years general service
Chas O'Neil (1 cf) - Enslisted for 3 years general service
Frank P. Miles (lds) - Enlisted for special service, cruise of Concord
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Overcast and cloudy, light airs and breezes from WSW. Barometer steady. Strength of ebb tide at 3:30 - 3.2 knots.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 8 am Cloudy to fair and warm, light breeze from NW. Riding to ebb tide, current 3 knots. At 7: received uniform signals 3340, 3955, 6375 and 6378.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
8 am to meridian - Partly cloudy and warm, light airs to light breezes from NW to NE. Enlisted for 3 years general service Jas. Conley (CH), Jno Duncan (lds) Thos Reilly (CH), W.J. Moffitt (CH) and G.W. Connors (os). Began swinging to flood tide at 8:30 finished swinging at 9:20. At 9: the admirals flag was hauled down on the USS "Chicago" and the senior officers pennant was hoisted on the USS "Newark". Made routine signals as follows:- at 9: numeral 4, at 10: numeral 3 and at 12: numeral 372.
USS Chicago - At 9: the admirals flag was hauled down on the USS "Chicago" and the senior officers pennant was hoisted on the USS "Newark".
USS Newark - At 9: the admirals flag was hauled down on the USS "Chicago" and the senior officers pennant was hoisted on the USS "Newark".
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Weather clear and very warm, light airs from NE first hour, calm rest of watch. Barometer falling. Enlisted for 3 years general service Chas O'Neill (1cF), Enlisted for special service, cruise of "Concord", Frank P Miller (lds). Received on board from General Storekeeper Navy Yard Brooklyn, in pay dept 15 mattrasses, 30 mattress covers, 20 blankets and 1 box, 24, rating badges, in Construction Dept.; 2 deck tackle blocks, 4 double blocks 8" iron strap sister hook, 2 single blocks 9" iron strap, single hooks, 3 double blocks 6" iron strap single hook, 1 single block 6" iron strap, single hooks, 1 single block 6" iron strap single hook, 1 swiwel block 7" iron strap, single hooks, 1 single block 7" iron strap single hook; in Equipment (exempt) 1 red signal lantern, electric. Received from "Croton" water boat and ran into tanks 3000 gals fresh water and into boilers 15000 gals. Swinging to ebb tide from 1:15 to 2:15.
Frank P Miller (lds) - Enlisted for special service, cruise of "Concord", Frank P Miller (lds).
Croton - Received from "Croton" water boat and ran into tanks 3000 gals fresh water and into boilers 15000 gals.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 8 P.m. - Cloudy pleasant weather, light airs from West. At 4:05 made interrog. 2984 and 904. At 6:40 USS Yorktown came up the river and anchored. Commenced to swing to the flood at 7:48.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 P.m. to midnight - Clear and warm, calm. Swinging to flood between. 8: and 8:40. Current 2.5 knots at end of watch.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
coal: 100+ tons -
g w couerious - enlisted
w j moffet - enlisted
chicago - admiral flag down
newark - had officers party
yorktown - moored
joe conley - enlisted
thos reilly - enlisted
juo dusecon - enlisted
chas oneal - enlisted
frank p miles - enlisted
Jas Cowley - enlisted for 3 years general service
Thos. Reilly - Enlisted for 3 years general service
G.W. Chasmore - Enlisted for 3 years general service
W. J. Moffit - Enlisted in general service for 3 years
9.00 Admirals flag hauled down on th USS Chicago and the senior officers pennant was hoisted on the USS Newark
Chas O'Neal - Enlisted for special services
Provisions taken on board: 15 mattresses, 30 mattress covers, 70 blankets, 1 box of rating badges, deck tackle blocks, 1 red signal lantern, 3000 galleons fresh water
50874dd209d4090755009c79: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_186_0.jpg)
north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 2 tons 1456 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 365" 2015"
50874dd209d4090755009c7b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_186_1.jpg)
9 August 1891
C. H. Moore (cqm) - returned from liberty drunk and was placed in the cell to await further action.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Clear and warm, calm. Began swinging to ebb tide at 1:20 finished swinging at 2:00.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
4 to 8 am. Cloudy and warm threatening rain. Calm and light airs from North. Passing drizzle about 6 o'clock and at end of watch. At 7: the "Newark" flying senior officers flag made general signal 3340 followed by 3955, 6375. Tide running ebb force at 6:- 3 knots.
USS Newark - At 7: the "Newark" flying senior officers flag made general signal 3340 followed by 3955, 6375.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 am to meridian - Weather overcast and threatening, light airs from NNE. At 9: made signal absentees 9, at 10: sick 2, At 9:30 mustered and inspected crew at quarters after which commander inspected ship. The following named men absent from the ship overstaying leave: J.J. Byrne (lds), H M'cFadden (pm) C.H. Kramer(gg), J. Hackel (1cf) J.B. Ludington (sea of 2'nd c). W'm Davis (oiler). Absent without leave: H.C. Buhr (1ca), A.W. Waldmeier (3ca). The term of confinement of C.H. Higbie (1ca) having expired he was, by order of the commander, released from confinement. C.H. Moore (CQM) returned from liberty drunk and was placed in the cell to await further action. Commenced swingind to the flood at 9:14 riding to flood at 10:15. At noon coal report 366.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. Overcast and cloudy, damp warm and uncomfortable. Calms and light airs from SW. Barometer steady. Swinging to ebb tide from 2:50 to 3:15.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
4 to 8 P.m. Cloudy and sultry, calms and light airs and breezes variable in direction. Riding to ebb tide current 2 knots at end of watch.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
8 P.m. to midnight. - Overcast, cloudy first part clearing up latter part. Warm and close. Tide running flood after first hour swinging from 9: to 9:30. Force of current at end of watch 2.6 knots. Paymaster Jas A. Ring USN returned from leave.
Paymaster Jas A. Ring - Paymaster Jas A. Ring USN returned from leave.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
j b ludington - late on board
c h highie - released from confinement
c s moore - placed in cell
h mcfadden - late on board
w davis - late on board
h c buho - absent for 4 day
jas a ruig - paymaster returned
j hackel - late being on board
Clear and warm, calm. Began swinging to ebb tide at 1:20 finished swinging at 2:00.
Cloudy and warm threatening rain. Calm and light airs from North. Passing drizzle about 6 o'clock and at end of watch. Tide running ebb. Force at 6 - 3 knots.
Newark - Flying senior officer flag made general signal 3340 followed by 3955, 6375.
Weather overcast and threatening, light airs from N.N.E.
Commenced swinging to the flood at 9:14 riding to flood at 10:15.
Overcast and cloudy, damp warm and uncomfortable. Calm and light airs from SW. Barometer steady. Swinging to ebb tide from 2:50 to 3:15.
Cloudy and sultry, calm and light airs and breezes variable in direction. Riding to ebb tide current 2 knots at end of watch.
Overcast, cloudy first part clearing up latter part. Warm and close. Calm. Tide running flood after first hour swinging from 9 to 9:30. Force of current at end of watch 2.6 knots.
50874dd209d4090755009c7d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_187_0.jpg)
moored in north river of 32nd st ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 2 tons 448 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 363" 1567"
50874dd209d4090755009c7f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_187_1.jpg)
10 August 1891
The Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows: H.G. Drew and W. Albert (1cf) 18 1/2 hrs overtime, 4th class; Wm. Emery (sea) 9 3/4 hrs overtime, 3rd class; L. Cattella (carp) overleave 24 hrs, 4th class; J.J. Long (la 2c) coming from leave unfit for duty 2nd class; T.L. Curry (pm) overleave 56 3/4 hrs 4th class and 14 hrs extra duty; F Muller (s~~) returned on board unfit for duty 2nd class; H. Moran (bm) returned on board unfit for duty, 2nd class; E. Moore (cqm) returned on board drunk and making disrespectful gestures at officer, disrated of deck.
Wm. Blunt (lds), special service, - Was discharged from this vessel and the naval Service at his own request.
D.F. Ahern (3ca) - Was brought on board and delivered to ship and was, by order of the Commander, confined in the cell to await investigation.
Eliza Kummers (2ct) - Was this day shipped for 3 years general service.
H. G. Drew (1 ca) - Reduced to 4th class for being 18 1/4 hours overtime
W. Albert (1ca) - Reduced to 4th class for being 18 1/4 hours overtime
L. Cattella (carp) - Reduced to 4th class for being 24 hours overtime
Wm. Emery (sea) - Reduced to 3rd class for being 9 1/2 hours overtime
T. Lo. Currie - Reduced to 4th class and 14 hrs extra duty for being 56 3/4 hours overtime
J. J. Long (sa rc) - Reduced to 2nd class for coming from leave unfit for duty
F. Muller (~~~) - Reduced to 2nd class for returning on board unfit for duty
E. Moore (CQM) - Returned on board drunk and making disrespectful gesture at officer; disrated of deck
Wm Blunt (lds) - special service, was discharged from this vessel and the Naval Serivie at his own request
D. F. Ahearn (3 ca) - was brought on board and delivered to ship and was, by order of the Commander, confined in the cell to await investigation
Eliza Kummers (2 cf) - was this day shipped for three years general service
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Clear first hour fair pleasant weather remainder of watch. Light breeze and light airs from SW and West.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 am. Calm, misty, very sultry, and warm. Barometer rising. E. Fountain (3ca) was discovered absent from the ship without leave. J.B. Ludington (sa 2c) returned from liberty 22 hours overtime. Received on board in pay department and issued to crew 101 1/4 lbs each of fresh beef and vegetables and 77 lbs of fresh bread. USS Newark flying senior officers pennant made at 7 am general signal 3340 followed by 3957, 6377, 6378, 6379. Ship riding to ebb tide, strength of same at 6: - 3.2 knots.
USS Newark - USS Newark flying senior officers pennant made at 7 am general signal 3340 followed by 3957, 6377, 6378, 6379.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
8 am to meridian. Calm and light airs from NW. Cloudy and warm. At 9: made routine signal 11 absent. At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters when the following named men were reported absent over time: G.A: Wicks (2ca), P.J. Fitzgerald (2cF), O. Flaundre (C of T), H. McFadden (pm), G.H. Kramer (2g), W'm Davis (oiler), J. Blocktye (CBM). The commanding officer awarded punishments as follows: H.G. Drew and W. Albert (1ca), 18 1/4 hrs overtime, 4'th class; W'm Emery (sea) 9 3/4 hrs overtime, 3'rd class; L. Cattella (carp) overtime 24 hrs. 4'th class; J.J. Long (sa 2c) coming from leave unfit for duty 2'nd class; T.L. Curry (pm) overtime 56 3/4 hrs 4'th class and 14 hrs extra duty; F. Muller (smm) returned on board unfit for duty 2'nd class; H. Moran (Bm) returned on board unfit for duty, 2'nd class; E. Moore (CQM) returned on board drunk and making disrespectful gestures at officer, disrated of deck. Absent without leave H.C. Buhr (1ca), A. Waldmeier (3ca) and E. Fountain (3ca). By order of comd'g officer E.L. Moore (CQM) was released from confinement. At 10: made routine signal num. 1 sick. USS Atlanta stood down the river. Senior officers pennant was hauled down on the Newark and hoisted on the Chicago at 10: Jno Blocktye (CBM) returned to the ship 2 hrs overtime. Exercised 1'st div infantry, 2'nd division aiming, 3'rd div great guns and powder division small arms. During 2'nd period exercised infantry company at small arms. Swinging to flood between 10:30 + 11.
USS Atlanta - USS Atlanta stood down the river.
USS Newark - Senior officers pennant was hauled down on the Newark and hoisted on the Chicago at 10:
USS Chicago - Senior officers pennant was hauled down on the Newark and hoisted on the Chicago at 10:
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
Meridian to 4 P.m. Clear and warm, calms to light airs from SW. At 1:30 called away all boats armed and equipped and inspected boat gear. At 2:15 exercised apprentices at signals and general instruction and recruits at infantry. At 3:12 senior officers pennant was hauled down on the Chicago and the Admirals flag broken. W'm Blunt (lds), special service, was discharged from the vessel and the Naval service at his own request. Ship began swinging to the ebb at 3:30. T.L. Currie (pm) performed 2 hrs extra duty according to order of cmd'g officer.
W'm Blunt (lds) - W'm Blunt (lds), special service, was discharged from the vessel and the Naval service at his own request.
USS Chicago - At 3:12 senior officers pennant was hauled down on the Chicago and the Admirals flag broken.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
4 to 8 P.m. - Fair warm and close. Light breeze and airs from SW till last hour then calm. Finished swinging to ebb at 4:30, force of current at 6:20 - 3 knots. At 6 mustered crew at quarters, G.A. wicks (2ca), P.J. Fitzgerald (2cF), O. Faundre (C of T), A. McFadden (pm), G.H. Kramer (QG), W. Davis (oiler) absent over leave, H.C. Buhr (1ca), A.Waldmeier (3ca) and E. Fountain absent without leave. D.F. Ahern (3ca) was brought on board and delivered to ship and was, by order of the commander, confined in the cell to await investigation. Elija Kummers (2cF) was this day shipped for 3 years general service. Hove in on stbd chain, saw that chains were clear and secured them again.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 P.m. to midnight - Calm first three hours, light airs from SSW last hour. Warm and sultry. Swinging to flood tide from 10:10 till 11: T.L. Curry (pm) performed 2 hrs extra duty.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
wm blunt - was discharged
11 crew members returned and were drunk and disrespectable, 6 pm they were quarrentined
atlanta - downriver
took on food
Stores Received 101 pounds beef and vegetables, 77 pounds bread, per man.
Midnight to 4 am. Clear first hour fair pleasant weather remainder of watch. Light breeze and light airs from SW to West. Charles Laird Lieut.
4 to 8 am. Calm, misty, very sultry and warm. Barometer rising. F. Fountain (3ca) was discovered absent from the ship without leave. J.B. Ludington (s.a.2c) returned from liberty 22 hours overtime. Received on board in bay department and issued to crew 101 1/4 lbs each of fresh beef and vegetables and 77 lbs of fresh bread. USS Newark flying senior officers pennant made at 7 am general signal 33,LO followed by 3957, 6377, 6378, 6379. Ship riding to ebb tide. Strength of same at 6: - 3.2 knots. A W Grant Lieut.
8 am - Meridian. Calm light airs from N.W. Cloudy and warm. At 9: made routine signal 11 absent. At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters when the following named men were reported absent overtime: G A Wicks (2ca) P. J. Fitzgerald (2cf) O. Foundre ic of N, H McFadden priv, G. H. Kramer (2c) Wm Davis (oiler) J Blacktye (c o m). The commanding officer awarded punishments as follows: H. G. Drew and W Albert (1ca), 18 1/4 hrs overtime, 4th class; Wm Emery (sea) 9 1/2 hours overtime, 3rd class; L. Catella (carp) overleave 24 hrs, 4th class; J. J. Long (la 2c) Comming from leave unfit for duty 2nd class; T. L. Curry (prv) overleave 56 3/4 hrs 4th class and 14 hrs extra duty; F, Muller H.M.M.S. returned onboard unfit for duty 2nd class; H. Moran (BW) returned onboard unfit for duty, 2nd class; E Moore (CQM) returned on board drunk and making disrespectful gestures at officer, disrated for deed. Absent without leave H. C. Buhr (1ca), A Waldmeier (3ca) and E. Fountain (3ca). By order of Comd'g officer E. L. Moore (C.Q.M.) was released from confinement. At 10: made routine signal unfit sick. USS. Atlanta stood down the river. Senior officers pennant was hauled down on the Newark and hoisted on the Chicago at 10: Jno Blacktye (C.Q.M.) returned to the ship 4 hrs overtime. Exercised 1st div infantry, 2nd division aiming, 3rd div great guns and powder division small arms. During 2nd period exercised infantry company at small arms. Swinging to flo~d between 10:30 & 11.
Meridian tp 4 p.m. Clear and warm, calm to light airs from S.W. At 1:30 called away all boats aremed and equipped and inspected boat gear. At 2:15 exercised apprentices at signals and general instruction and recruits at infantry. At 3:12 Seniour Officers pennant was hauled down on the Chicago and the Admirals flag broken. Wm Blunt (lds), special service, was discharged from the vessel and the Naval service at his own request. Ship began swingin to the ebb at 3:30. T.L. Currie prv, performed 2 hrs extra duty according to the order of comdg officer. L. C. Bertolette, Ensign.
4 to 8 P.M. - Fair warm and close light breeze and airs from the S.W. till last hour then calm. Finished swinging to ebb at 4:30, force of current at 6:20 - 3 knots. At 6 mustered crew at quarters G.A. Wicks (2ca), P.J. Fitzgerald (2ca), O Fandre (cof~) A McFadden prv, G.H. Kramer (Q5) W Davis (oiler) absent over leave, H.C. Buhr (1ca) A Waldmeier (sea) and E Fountain absent without leave. D.F. Ahern (3.ca) was brought on board and delivered to ship and was by order of the Commander, confined in the cell to await investigation. Eliza Kummers (2ct) was this day shipped for 3 years general service. Hove in on stbd chain saw that chains were clear and secured them again. V. L. Cottman Lieut.
8 p.m. to Midnight - Calm first three hours, light airs from S.W. last hour. Warm and sultry swinging to flood tide from 10:10 till 11: T L Curry (prv) performed 4 hrs extra duty. A. W. Grant, Lt. J. B. Briggs. Lt. Navigator.
50874dd209d4090755009c81: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_188_0.jpg)
11 August 1891
moored in north river ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 3 tons 784 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 360" 783"
coal: 3 tons 784 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 360 tons 783 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd209d4090755009c83: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_188_1.jpg)
11 August 1891
The Commander assigned the following punishments: J. Healey (1ca) overstaying leave 18 1/4 hrs, 4th class; J.J. Byrne (lds) overleave 96 hrs, 4th class; J.B. Ludington (sa 2c) overleave 22 hrs, 4th class; G.C. Rymer (pm) Talking on post and insolent to corporal, confined for 5 days on bread and water.
S.F. Ahern (2ca) - desertion, prisoner at large.
Geo Wm. Greitz (lds) - Shipped for 3 years general service.
Nelson Koming (ch) - Shipped for 3 years general service.
J.A. Burnett (wr cook) - Sentenced to be confined in double irons for 5 nights, by Commanding officer for theft.
J. Healey (1 ca) - reduced to 4th class for overstaying leave 18 1/4 hrs
J. J. byrne (lds) - reduced to 4th class for being 96 hrs overtime
J. B. Ludington (sa 2c) - reduced to 4th class for being 22 hrs overtime
G. C. Rymer (pm) - FOr talking on post and insolent to corporal, confined for five days on bread and water
D. F. Ahern (2 ca) - disertion, prisoner at large
J. R. Burnett (W R Cook) - sentenced to be confined in double irons for 5 nights for theft
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Clear and sultry, calms and light airs from south. Swinging to ebb tide between 3:10 and 3:45. T.L. Curry (pm) performed 2 hrs extra duty.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
4 to 8 am. Clear and sultry, light airs form South to SW. At 6:30 current running ebb at 3.2 knots per hour. At 7: Flagship made uniform signals as follows. 3340, 3957, 6377, 6378, 6379.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
8 am to meridian. Fair and warm, light breeze from SSW. Barometer steady. Commenced swinging to flood tide at 10:05 finished at 10:55. Force of current at end of watch 2 knots. At 9:30 inspected crew at quarters. Exercised 1'st div at great guns, 2'nd and 3'rd at small arms, marines manual of arms and powder div at infantry. Absent over leave G.A. Wicks (2ca), P.J. Fitzgerald (2cF), O. Faundre (CofT), H. McFadden (pm) and W'm Davis oiler, without leave H.C. Buhr (2ca), A. Waldmeier (3ca) and E. Fountain (3ca). At 10:30 exercised powder div at aiming, 1'st 2'nd + 3'rd div's engaged taking off trucks and making weekly inspection of battery. The commander assigned the following punishments: J. Stealey (1ca) overstaying leave 18 1/4 hrs, 4th class; J.J. Byrne (lds) overleave 96 hrs, 4'th class; J.B. Ludington (sa 2c) overleave 22 hrs, 4'th class; G.C. Rymer (pm) talking on post and insolent to corporal, confined for 5 days on bread + water. D.F. Ahern (2ca), desertion, prisioner at large; G.H. Kramer (QG) returned on board 49 hrs overtime; The quarterly board of survey condemned and recommended to be thrown overboard 54 lbs tomatoes + 8 lbs sausage, in tins, which were so disposed of. Geo W'm Greitz (lds) and Nelson Koming (CH) were this day shipped for 3 years general service. At 9: made signal num 9 and at 10: num 1. T.L. Currie (pm) performed 2 hrs extra duty.
G.C. Rymer (pm) - G.C. Rymer (pm) talking on post and insolent to corporal, confined for 5 days on bread + water.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. Cloudy unsettled weather, during second hour of watch passing showers accompanied by thunder. Received in pay dept 2200 gals fresh water and in equipment dept 2500 gals fresh water. The afternoon drills were not held on account of the excessive heat. T.L. Currie (pm) performed 2 hrs extra duty.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 P.m. clear very warm and sultry. Light airs from SE, WSW and SW by W. Barometer rising. At 6 pm mustered crew at quarters, absent over leave G.Q. Wicks (2ca), P.J. Fitzgerald (2cF), O. Faundre (CofTop), H. McFadden (pm) W'm Davis (oiler); Absent without leave H.C. Buhr (1ca), A. Waldmeier (3ca) and E. Fountain (3ca). At 6:00 made signal to Flag ship "May I unbend topsails". Flagship answered "Yes". At 6:06 unbent and sent below, topsails.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
8 Pm to midnight - Partly cloudy with occasional flashes of lightening. Light breeze from SW. J.A. Burnett (WR cook) was sentenced to be confined in double irons for 5 nights, by commanding officer, for theft. Began swinging to flood tide at 9:35, finished swinging at 11:00. At 8:07 Flagship made "general" "Do not scrub clothes tomorrow morning". Received on board from Navy pay office NY: 280 ft Habishaw linen covered, portable double conductor.
J.A. Burnett (WR cook) - J.A. Burnett (WR cook) was sentenced to be confined in double irons for 5 nights, by commanding officer, for theft.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
7 absent without leave, buho still gone
j a burnett - confined in irons for 5 days, theft
4 received punishment
geo w gacity and nelson rowing - enlisted
50874dd209d4090755009c85: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_189_0.jpg)
12 August 1891
moored in north river ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 5 tons 2016 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 354" 1007"
coal: 5 tons 2016 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 354 tons 1007 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd209d4090755009c87: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_189_1.jpg)
12 August 1891
execution rock lt h bearing nnw 14 w pc distant 14 mile
Lat 15.5, Long 73.9
By order of the Com'd'g officer the following punishments were awarded Wm Allen (bm) for "Returning from liberty unfit for duty" 8 hrs extra duty; L. Anderson, for "smoking out of hours". 8 hrs extra duty; G.H. Kramer (qg) for returning from liberty 49 hrs overtime, reduced 4th class; A. Hasler (sa 2c) for leaving post without being relieved 4 hrs extra duty.
Wm Allen (BM) - For returning from liberty unfit fo duty, 8 hrs extra duty
G> H. Kramer (QS) - Reduced to 4th class for returning from liberty 49 hrs overtime
A. Hasler (sa 2c) - for leaving post without being relieved, 4 hrs extra duty
loaded food
buho and 4 others - absent wo leave
weighted anchor and heading for new london
j a burnett - placed in double irons
Stores. Received 81 pounds bread, 101 pounds beef and vegetables
Weighed anchor and moved out to sea, 12:20 pm
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Clear and pleasant, light breeze from SW. Starlight. Tide running flood force of current at commencement of watch 2.8 knots. T.L. Currie (pm) performed 2 hrs extra duty.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
4 to 8 am. Light breezes to light airs from WSW. Hot sultry weather. At 4:10 started fires under boilers A, B and C. Unmoored ship and hove up port anchor, hove in to 30 fms on starboard chain, transported and secured sheet anchor. Received in Pay Dept 81 lbs bread and 101 1/4 lbs each fresh beef and vegetables. At 7 Flagship made general signals 3340, 3957, 6377, 6378, 6379. C.H. Richardson (CH) was shipped for 3 yrs general service. At 4: J.A. Burnett (WR Cook) was released from confinement as per order.
C.H. Richardson (CH) - C.H. Richardson (CH) was shipped for 3 yrs general service.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 am to Meridian - Clear very warm, barometer steady. Light airs and breezes from WSW and SW. Mustered crew at quarters at 9:30. Absent overleave G.A. Wicks (2ca) P.J.Fitzgerald (2cf) O. Faudre (C of T) H. McFadden (pm) W'm Davis (oiler). Absent without leave H.C. Buhr (1ca) A.Waldmeier (3ca) and E. Fountain (3ca). By order of the comd'g officer the following punishments were awarded W'm Allen (Bm) for "Returning from liberty unfit for duty" 8 hrs extra duty; L. Anderson, for "Smoking out of hours", 8 hrs of extra duty; G.H. Kramer (QG) for returning from liberty 49 hrs overtime, reduced to 4'th class; A. Hasler (sa 2c) for leaving post without being relieved 4 hrs extra duty. At 9:00 a.m. made signal to flagship 8 absentees; at 10:00 - 2 sick and at 12~ coal on hand 354 tons. Flagship made following signals: At 9:30 Telegraphic 8277, 1623, 9409, 4097, 4204, 7171, 945, numeral 11.30; at 9:30 general signals 3663 numeral 11:30. Made preparations for getting underway. Pilot came on board.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. Cloudy and warm. Gentle to moderate breeze from WSW. Becoming squally and shifting to NNW at 3: and to SSE at 4: At 12 hoisted routine signal numeral 354 coal report. At 12:15 Flagship made signal 240, got underway at 12:21, at 12:30 Flagship made signal 256 and at 1:45 signal 255. Stood through Hell Gate in charge of pilot. At 3:10 Flagship made signal 297, at 3:20 stopped and discharged pilot off Sands Pt. At 3:25 put over patent log reading 77.8 Execution Rock Lt. H. bearing NNW 1/4 W (pc) distant 1/4 mile. Draft of ship ford 13'3" aft 15'10"; Average revolutions stbd 79.1 port 77.6; Aver. steam 115.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
4 to 6 P.m. Cloudy with passing rain squalls, light breeze from SSW. At 6:05 mustered at quarters. Absent over time G.A. Wicks (2ca), P.J. Fitzgerald (2cf), O. Faudre (C of T), H. McFadden (pm), W'm Davis (oiler). Absent without leave H.C. Buhr (1ca), A.Waldmeier (3ca), E. Fountain (3ca). Average revolutions starb. 83.9 port 84.1, aver. steam 128.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
6 to 8 P.m. Cloudy but pleasant weather, light breeze from SSW and airs from SW. Standing to E'd in column of vessels heading E 3/4 S. At 6:55 Middle Ground light house on stbd beam. Revolutions 82.9 stbdm, 84.7 port. Steam 130 lbs.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 P.m. to midnight - Fair first part clear latter part of watch. Light airs and light breeze from West and N by E. At Flagship made general signal "Shall anchor near Bartletts reef. If morning is clear, will swing for compass errors, optional for other ships to do the same. If not clear shall go into New London early". Average steam pressure 115 lbs, aver. revolutions stbd 84.8 port 83.9. Placed J.A. Burnett (WR C) in double irons in accordance with orders.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009c89: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_190_0.jpg)
at anchor off barletts reef conn
Lat 22.6, Long 59.5
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 19 tons 640 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 335" 367"
50874dd209d4090755009c8b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_190_1.jpg)
13 August 1891
little gull light s by w 14 w
Lat 22.6, Long 59.5
t rahupin - extra duty
chicago, newark, vesuvis - anchored in line to repeat signals
ja burnett - released
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Weather clear cool and pleasant. Light and gentle breezes from North. At 12:15 Flagship made tactical signal 230 and repeated it, at 12:31 general signal 2121. At 12:29 came to anchor in 11 fms of water veering to 35 fms on starboard chain. Bearings at anchor (pc) Little Gull Light S by W 1/4 W, Bartletts Reef Light vessel West 1/2 S. Banked fires. Riding to flood tide. Swinging to ebb from 3:30 until end of watch.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 8 am. Cloudy pleasant weather. Light breeze from NW. At 5:30 got underway and swung ship for compass error. The Chicago, Newark and Vesuvius got underway and swung ship. At 7: Flagship made uniform signals 3340, 3956, 6375, 6379. At 7:30 Flagship made signal 4562, and at 7:35 - 237 and 251. At 7:45 Flagship signalled Concord 306 and at 8, Concord 306. Took our position in column of vessels. Released J.A. Burnett (WR C) from confinement in accordance with order of comdg. officer. Average revolutions port 66.8 stbd 67.2. Average steam pressure 130 lbs.
USS Chicago - The Chicago, Newark and Vesuvius got underway and swung ship.
USS Newark - The Chicago, Newark and Vesuvius got underway and swung ship.
USS Vesuvius - The Chicago, Newark and Vesuvius got underway and swung ship.
Joe Strauss - Jos Strauss Ens.
8 am to meridian - Partly cloudy and pleasant weather. Light breeze from N by E. Squadron steering course for New London. At 8:15 Flagship made general signal 255, prep 233, 246, 165, num 1 ans 5; at 8:50 - 247, army and navy code to this vessel "You will anchor ships length to westward of line in order to repeat signals", 100, num 45, At 8:50 Concord signalled to Flagship Army and Navy code "Shall we use single anchor" Flagship answered "No! Moor as ordered". At 9: made routine signal num 8 and at 10: num 4. At 9:05 let go starboard anchor in 4 1/2 fms of water tide running ebb afterward let go port anchor and moored ship, mooring swivel on, 45 fms on each chain, anchors bearing north and south. Bearings of anchorage, New London Lt. Ho. SSW 1/2 W (pc) distant 3/4 miles. Draft forward 12'11" aft 15'11"
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Fair and pleasant weather. Gentle breeze from North first hour, afterwards light breeze from SSE. Barometer steady. Crew engaged in scrubbing ship outside. At 1:30 started distiller. Commenced swinging to flood tide at 1:45 finished at 2:30.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
4 to 8 P.m. - Light breeze from SSE. Clear warm pleasant weather. At 6:05 mustered crew at quarters. Crew engaged during watch in cleaning ships outside. F. Rahn (pm) performed four hours extra duty in accordance with the order of the commander. Served out clothes on monthly requisitions.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 P.m. to midnight - Clear fine weather. Light airs from SE and SSE. Ship riding to flood tide. Confined J.A. Burnett (WR C) as per order of comdg officer.
V L Cottman - Joe Strauss Ensign
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
Vesuvius - Chicago, Newark and Vesuvius got underway and swung ship
Newark - Chicago, Newark and Vesuvius got underway and swung ship
Chicago - Chicago, Newark and Vesuvius got underway and swung ship
J.A. Burnett (WRC) - Released J.A. Burnett (WRC) from confinement in accordance with order of commanding officer
T.Rahu (pm) - performed four hours extra duty in accordance with the order of the commander
J.A. Burnett (WRC) - Confined J.A. Burnett (WRC) as per order of commanding officer
50874dd209d4090755009c8d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_191_0.jpg)
fort adams newport ri
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 9 tons 1872 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 325" 735"
50874dd209d4090755009c8f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_191_1.jpg)
14 August 1891
falg ordered concord to stay in line and they flew the topsail
j g walder, rear admiral - saluted by richmond
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
* Absent over leave:- S.A. Wicks (2ca), P. Fitzgerald (2cF), O. Faudre (C of T), H. McFadden (pm) W'm Davis (oiler); absent without leave: H.C. Buhr (1ca), A. Waldmeier (3ca), E. Fountain (3ca).
J.A. Burnett - released from double irons
G.A. Wicks - absent over leave
P.Fitzgerald - absent over leave
O. Fandon - absent over leave
H. McFadden - absent over leave
Wm Davis - absent over leave
A. Waldmeier - absent without leave
E. Fountain - absent without leave
H.C. Buho - absent without leave
F. Rahn - stood four hours extra duty
50874dd209d4090755009c91: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_192_0.jpg)
at anchor off fort adams newport r i
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 9 tons 1872 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 325" 735"
50874dd209d4090755009c93: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_192_1.jpg)
14 August 1891
race isld lighthouse n by w 34 w
Lat 43.1, Long 16.7
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Clear and pleasant. Light breeze to light airs from SW to SE. At 2:20 called port watch, hove up starboard anchor, and hove into 20 fms on port chain. At 4:00 released J.A. Burnett (WR C) from double irons pursuant to order of comdg officer.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
4 to 8 am. Fair and pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light airs and breeze from SE. At 5:20 hove up port anchor and stood out of New London harbor taking place in column of vessels. Draft of vessels ford 12'10" aft 15'9". Flagship made following signals: at 5:20 - 240; at 5:35 - 234; at 6:05 - 2983; at 7: time signal and 3357, 3955, 6375. Average steam pressure 125 lbs, revolutions stbd 85.7, port 85.6.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 am to meridian - Cloudy pleasant weather. Light breeze and light airs from SE, South and SSE. At 8:30 the rod of the circulating pump of the port engine broke. Hauled out of line and made signal to Flagship 6457. At 8:40 Flagship made signal to this ship, A + N code, "How long will you be delayed and how fast can you steam with one engine". At 8:45 answered, same code, "About two hours, can steam about seven knots one engine". At 8:50 Flagship to Concord 306, took position in line. At 8:51 Flagship made general signal 5547, at 9: general 277 followed by numeral 28. At 9: made signal to Flagship, A + N code, "We steer very badly" also report of absentees 8. At 9:05 made signal to Flagship "Can we have permission to unbend main trysail". At 9:09 Flagship to this vessel 294 and at 9:20 (A + N code) "Steam as fast as you can towards Flagship". Unbent trysail. At 9:25 Flagship made general signal prep 235, followed by 257, 105, num 1, answering 5. At 9:35 mustered and inspected crew at quarters.* Drilled 1'st 2'nd and 3'rd divisions at great guns, marine guard at manual of arms. Tested all flood cocks and sluice valves except the after fixed ammunition room which was not tested on account of inaccesibility. Valves and flood cocks tested found to be in good working order. Upon entering the port found USS Richmond and USShip Constellation anchored in the harbor. Repairs to engine were completed at 9:45, made signal to Flagship 3184. Flagship made general signal 277, num 36, at 10 made routine signal sick 4. At 10:40 Flagship made general signal prep. 1040; At 10:41 255. At 10:45 sounded the alarm for closing watertight doors, all doors reported closed in 1 min, 30 sec. At 10:55 - Flagship signalled general 90. At 11:25 came to with starboard anchor in 9 fms of water and moored ship with 45 fms on each chain. At 11:35 USS Richmond saluted the Flag of Rear Admiral J.G. Walker with 13 guns which salute was returned by the Flagship with 7 guns. Line of anchorage N by E 1/4 E and S by W 1/4 W. Flood tide. Bearings at anchorage (pc) Bell on Ft Adams wharf SW by W 1/2 W, Race Isld Lighthouse N by W 3/4 W. Draft forward 12'6" aft 15'6". At 11:45 Flagship made general signals 3340, 3957, 6377, 6378, 6379. At 11:57 Flagship made general signal 2121. Banked fires. At 11:55 USS Torpedo boat Cushing came in and stood up the harbor. At 12m. made coal report to Flagshp 325 tons. Average steam 101, average revolutions stbd 84.9, port 85. F. Rahn (pm) stood four hours extra duty in accordance with the orders of the commander.
USS Richmond - Upon entering the port found USS Richmond and USShip Constellation anchored in the harbor.
USS Constellation - Upon entering the port found USS Richmond and USShip Constellation anchored in the harbor.
USS Richmond - At 11:35 USS Richmond saluted the Flag of Rear Admiral J.G. Walker with 13 guns which salute was returned by the Flagship with 7 guns.
Rear Admiral J.G. Walker - At 11:35 USS Richmond saluted the Flag of Rear Admiral J.G. Walker with 13 guns which salute was returned by the Flagship with 7 guns.
USS Cushing - At 11:55 USS Torpedo boat Cushing came in and stood up the harbor
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Clear and pleasant, light breeze from South. Barometer steady. Comd'g officer of Torpedo station paid an official visit to the ship.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 8 P.m. - Cloudy and cool, light breeze from SSW. At 4:30 received signal 2984 and piped down wash clothes. Flagship made signal at 5: 3955, 6375, 5040. Prepared to scrub hammocks. Mustered at quarters at 6:15 when G.A. Wicks (1ca), O. Faudre (C of T), P. Fitzgerald (2ca), H. McFadden (pm) and W'm Davis (oil) were reported over leave. H.C. Buhl (1ca), A. Waldmeier (3ca) and E. Fountain (3ca) were reported absent without leave. Started distiller at 6:45.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
8 P.m. to midnight - Fair and pleasant weather, barometer steady. Light breeze from SW.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
8 am left New London harbor
Flag ship mad following signals: at 5:40 - vilo; at 5:35 - vsl; at 6:05 - vg83; at 7: time signal and 3357, 3955, 6375. Average steam pressure 175 lbs. revolutions stbd 85.7 port 85.6
At 8:30 rod of circulting pump of port engine broke
Midnight to 4 am. Clear and pleasant. Light breeze to light airs from W to S.E. At 2.20 called port watch, hove up starboard anchor, and hove into 20 fms on port chain. At 4:00 released J.A. Burnett (WRC) from double irons pursuant to order of Comdg Officer. L. E. Bertolette, Ensign.
4 to 8 am. Fair and pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light airs and breeze from S.E. At 5:20 hove up port anchor and stood out of New London harbor taking place in column of vessels. Draft of vessels ford 12' 10" aft 15' 9" Flag ship made following signals: at 5:20 - 240; at 5:35 - 254; at 6:05 - 2983; at 7: time signal and 3357, 3955, 6375. Average steam pressure 125 revolutions ltbd 85.7 port 85.6 V L Cottman Liet
8 A.M. to Meridian - Cloudy pleasant weather, light breezes and light airs from S.E., South and S.S.E. At 8:30 the rod of the circulating pump of the port engine broke. Hauled out of line and made signal to Flag ship 6457. At 8:40 the Flag ship made signal to this ship, A and N code, "How long will you be delayed and how fast can you steam with one engine" At 8:50 Flag ship to Coveord 306, took position in line. A 8:51 Flag ship made general signal 5549, at 9: general 277 followed by numeral 28. At 9: made signal to Flag ship, A & N code, "We steer very badly" also report of absentees 8. At 9:05 made signal to Flag ship "Can we have permission to unbend main trytail". At 9:09 Flag ship to this vessel 294 and at 9:20 (A & N code) "Steam as fast as you can towards Flagship". Unbent trytail. At 9:25 Flag ship made general signal prep 235, followed by 257, 105Umm 1, answering 5. At 9:35 mustered and inspected crew at quarters. *Drilled 1st 2nd and 3rd divisions at great guns, marine guard at manual of arms. Tuted all flood cocks and sluce valves except the after fixed ammunitions room which was not tested on account og in ansibility. Valve and flood cocks tested found to be in good working order. When entering the port found USS. Richmond and USShip Constellation anchored in the harbor. Repair to engine were completed at 9:45., made signal to Flag ship 3184. Flag ship made general signal 277, num 36, At 10 made routine signal sick 4. At 10:40 Flag ship made general signal prep. 10:40; at 10:41-255. At 10:45 sounded the alarm for closing watertight doors, all doors reported closed in 1 min. 30 sec. At 10:55 Flagship signalled general - 90. At 11:25 came to with starboard anchor in 9 fms of water and moored ship with 45 fms on each chain. At 11:35 USS Richmond saluted the flag of Rear Admiral J. G. Walker with 13 guns which salute was returned by the Flag-ship with 7 guns. Line of anchorage N by E 1/4 E and S by W 1/4 W. Flood tide. Bearings at anchorage (pe) Bell on at Adams Wharf SW by W 1/2 W, Ross fild light house N by W 3/4 W. Draft forward 12'6" aft 15'6". At 11:45 Flagship made general signals 3340, 3957, 6377, 6378, 6379. At 11:57 Flagship made general signal 2121. Banked Fires. At 11:55 USS Torpedo Boat Bushing came in and stood up the harbor. At 12 we made coal report to Flag ship 325 tons. Average steam 101, average revolutions stbd 849, port 85. F Rahn (prv) stoof 4 hours extra duty in accordance with the orders of the Commander. Charles Laird Lieut
4 to 8 p.m. - Cloudy and cool, light breeze from S.S.W. at 4:30 received signal 2984 and piped down wash clothes. Flag ship made signal at 5: 3955, 6375, 5040. Prepared to scrub hammocks. Mustered at quarters at 6:15 when G A Wickes (2ca) O Faudre (c of t), P Fitzgerald (2ca), H McFadden (prv) and Wm Davis (oil), were reported overleave. H.C. Buhl (1ca) A. Waldmeier (3ca) and E Fountain (3ca) were reported absent without leave. Started distiller at 6:45. Joseph Strauss Ensign
8 pm to Midnight - Fair and pleasant weather, barometer steady, light breeze from sea. V. L. Cottman Lieut J. B. Briggs Lt. Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009c95: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_193_0.jpg)
at anchor off newport ri
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 4 tons 328 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 321" 507"
50874dd209d4090755009c97: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_193_1.jpg)
15 August 1891
530 pm off jamestown
Lat , Long
L.C. Bertolette (ensign) - Received orders from the Dept assigning him to duty as a watch and division officer.
H.C. Buhr (1ca) - Declared a deserter to date from Aug 5th
L. C. Bertoleete - received orders from the Dept assigning him to duty as a watch and division officer
H. C. Buhr (1 ca) - was declared a deserter to date from Aug 5
constellation - got under way for jamestown
h c buho - declared a deserter from 8-5
l c bertoletta - mades division officer
coal: -
50874dd209d4090755009c99: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_194_0.jpg)
moored at newport ro
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
50874dd209d4090755009c9b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_194_1.jpg)
16 August 1891
Lat , Long
P. J. Fitzgerald (2 cf) - was brought on board by guard boat from USS Atlanta 6 days 9 hrs overtime, the Atlanta having received him from USRS Vermont Navy Yard, N.Y.
got food
atlanta - had fitzgerald for 6 days
barometer rose 7/100 in a hour? i think it was changed
vermont navy yard - had fitzgerald
p j fitzgerald - brought on board under guard
50874dd209d4090755009c9d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_195_0.jpg)
at anchor newport ri
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 3 tons 408 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 314" 1175"
50874dd209d4090755009c9f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_195_1.jpg)
17 August 1891
A. Waldmeier (3ca) - Was declared a deserter from Aug 7th 1891.
A. Waldmeir (3 ca) - was declared a deserter from Aug 7, 1891
50874dd209d4090755009ca1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_196_0.jpg)
at anchor newport ri and making passage to new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
50874dd209d4090755009ca3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_196_1.jpg)
18 August 1891
H. McFadden (pm) - Was declared a deserter from Aug 8th 1891
H. McFadden (pm) - was declared a deserter from 8 Aug. 1891
50874dd209d4090755009ca5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_197_0.jpg)
making passage to new york from newport ri and at anchor tompkinsville s i
Lat 40.6, Long -74.1
50874dd209d4090755009ca7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_197_1.jpg)
19 August 1891
50874dd209d4090755009ca9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_198_0.jpg)
at sea to the southward of long island
Lat 65.0, Long -168.1
coal: -
50874dd209d4090755009cab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol011of040/vol011of040_198_1.jpg)
20 August 1891
LOG BOOK – AUGUST 21st 1891 TO FEBRUARY 27th 1892
50874dd209d4090755009cad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_001_0.jpg)
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50874dd209d4090755009cb1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_002_0.jpg)
50874dd209d4090755009cb3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_002_1.jpg)
50874dd209d4090755009cb5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_003_0.jpg)
50874dd209d4090755009cb7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_003_1.jpg)
coal: -
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50874dd209d4090755009cbf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_005_1.jpg)
Lat , Long
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Lat , Long
50874dd209d4090755009cc3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_006_1.jpg)
50874dd209d4090755009cc5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_007_0.jpg)
at sea to the southward of long island
Lat 65.0, Long -168.1
50874dd209d4090755009cc7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_007_1.jpg)
21 August 1891
USS Bennington - Exchanged numbers
U.S.S. Bennington - At 3:45 exchanged numbers with USS Bennington anchored inside of Sandy Hook
50874dd209d4090755009cc9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_008_0.jpg)
tompkins ville si north river off 26th st
Lat 40.6, Long -74.1
50874dd209d4090755009ccb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_008_1.jpg)
22 August 1891
50874dd209d4090755009ccd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_009_0.jpg)
at anchor off 26th st north river
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
coal: -
50874dd209d4090755009ccf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_009_1.jpg)
23 August 1891
The following punishments were awarded by the Comd'g officer: S.L. Lomax (sa rc), out of uniform 2 hrs extra duty, F.S. Kirk (1ca) leaving station with out being releived, 8 hrs extra duty: D.~. Aher~ (2ca) not scrubbing clothes when told to and lying about it, very dirty clothes at inspection, 24 hrs extra duty; G.H.R. Taylor (lds) clothes in lucky bag, 4 hrs extra duty; D. McCarthy (q~) absenting himself from the watch and turning in, reduced to seaman; H.F. Lang (2ca) skirking, 8 hrs extra duty;
The following men were declared deserters: Wm. Davis (oiler) from Aug 9; O. Faudre (C of T) from Aug 10; G.A. Wicks (2ca) from Aug 10; E. Fountain (3ca) from Aug 10.
S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) - for being out of uniform, 2 hrs. extra duty
F. S. Kirk (1 ca) - for leaving station without being relieved, 8 hrs. extra duty
D. H. Ahearn (2ca) - for not scrubbing clothes when told to and lying about it, 24 hrs extra duty
D. McCarthy (QG) - for absenting himself from the watch and turning in, reduced to seaman
G. H. R. taylor (lds) - for clothes in lucky bag, 4 hrs extra duty
H. F. Lang (2ca) - for shirking, 8 hrs extra duties
O. Faudre (C of T) - was declared a deserter from Aug. 10
Wm. Davis (oiler) - was declared a deserter from Aug. 9
G. A. Wieks (2 ca) - was declared a deserter from Aug. 10
E. fountain (3 ca) - was declared a deserter from Aug. 10
50874dd209d4090755009cd1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_010_0.jpg)
at anchor off 26th st north river
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009cd3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_010_1.jpg)
24 August 1891
Received 1 Sir W Thompson's depth recorder.
Jno Roberts (sea) who was - who was declared a deserter from June 20th returned to the ship in Navy Yard tug USRS Vermant. No papers accompanied him.
Jno. Roberts (sea) - who was declared a deserter from June 20th returned to the ship in Navy Yard tug from the USRS Vermont. No papers accompanied him.
50874dd209d4090755009cd5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_011_0.jpg)
at anchor north river ny and making passage from ny to bar harbor me
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874dd209d4090755009cd7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_011_1.jpg)
25 August 1891
C.S. Curtis (lds) - Enlisted for 3 yrs general service.
USS Bennington - talked
C. S. Curtis (lds) - enlisted for 3 yrs general service
50874dd209d4090755009cd9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_012_0.jpg)
at sea making passage from nyew york to bar harbor me
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
50874dd209d4090755009cdb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_012_1.jpg)
26 August 1891
50874dd209d4090755009cdd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_013_0.jpg)
at sea making passage from n y to bar harbor me
Lat 56.0, Long 117.1
50874dd209d4090755009cdf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_013_1.jpg)
27 August 1891
50874dd209d4090755009ce1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_014_0.jpg)
at anchor off little duck isld me and bar harbor me
Lat 3.6, Long 98.7
50874dd209d4090755009ce3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_014_1.jpg)
28 August 1891
C. I. Johnson (3 ca) - Awardedthe following punishements by the Commanding Officer, viz: slow in the performance of duty, 8 hrs extra duty; not promptly obeying the orders of a petty officer, 8 hrs extra duty; not promptly obeying the orders of a petty officer, repeated offence, 8 hrs extra duty
R. McCauley (2 ca) - careless and insolent in performance of duty, 8 hrs extra duty
Entered the harbor and found the other vessels of the Squadron of Evaluation at anchor within the inner harbor.
an Aurora borealis occured, the display lasted between 11. and 11:40
50874dd209d4090755009ce5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_015_0.jpg)
at anchor bar harbor me
Lat 43.1, Long 16.7
coal: -
50874dd209d4090755009ce7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_015_1.jpg)
29 August 1891
USS Yorktown - THe Commanding officer of USS Yorktown paid official visit to the ship
USS Vesuvius - THe Commanding officer of USS Vesuvius paid
USS Chicago - Received one pump rod from USS Chicago
USS Yorktown and USS Vesuvius - Commanding officers paid official visit to the ship.
A board of Survey, of which Chief Engineer Edw.d Farmer USN was the Senior member, met on board for the purpose of surveying certain articles in the Engineers Dept.
USS Chicago - Mentioned
Commander Oliver A Batcheller - Captain of ship
L C Bentolello - Ensign
USS Yorktown USS Vesuvius - Captains paid official visit
Edward Garmier - Chief Engineer senior member of survey team checking certain items in the engineering department
I M Laird - Lieutenant
coal: 317 tons -
A N Grant - Lieutenant
USS Chicago - sent over pump rod
J Straines - Ensign
V S Callman - Senior
50874dd209d4090755009ce9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_016_0.jpg)
at anchor bar harbor me underway and at anchor belfast me
Lat 54.6, Long -6.0
coal: 309" 2148' -
coal: 309 tons 2148 lbs - fuel on board
coal: 6 tons 1788 lbs - fuel used last 24 hours
50874dd209d4090755009ceb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_016_1.jpg)
30 August 1891
50874dd209d4090755009ced: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_017_0.jpg)
belfast me
Lat 54.6, Long -6.0
coal: 9 tons 468 lbs - used in past 24 hours
coal: 300 tons 1680 lbs - coal remaining
50874dd209d4090755009cef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_017_1.jpg)
31 August 1891
Lieut. J. B. Griggs - left ship to report on board the Chicago as member of Board of Survey
Lieut. Chas. Laird - left ship to report on board the Chicago as member of Board of Survey
D. F. Ahern (2 ca) - for skulking was assigned 24 hrs extra duty
C. A. Barns (3 capp) - for delaying 1 pm boat, 4 hrs extra duty
C. A. Barns (3 capp) - for leaving the deck while on messenger watch without permission, 24 hrs extra duty
H> Scott (WR boy) - for washing his person in wardroom scullery, 12 hrs extra duty
R. McCauley (2 capp) - for being impudent to Boatswains mate when giving an order, 5 days bread and water.
E. Janes (WR boy) - for washing his person in wardroom scullery, 12 hrs extra duty
c j johnson - extra duty
r mccauley - imprudent, double irons, b and w for 5 days
e james - punished for washing himself
h scott - punished for washing himself
c a burns - punished for delaying and leaving the deck
d f atkins - punished for skulking
D A Batcheller - Commander
50874dd209d4090755009cf1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_018_0.jpg)
belfast me
Lat 54.6, Long -6.0
50874dd209d4090755009cf3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_018_1.jpg)
1 September 1891
barometer changed 5/100 in a hour, feeling it was reset at noon
morning excersized gun, admiral wants good turnout of officiers on vesuvis, and did search light drill
Midnight to 4 am. - Overcast and cloudy. Light airs from N.E. Barometer steady. C. A. Barns 3capp performed 4 hours extra duty. V L Cottman Lieut
4 to 8 am. Cloudy and overcast. Light airs from W.N.W. Scrubbed hammocks. At 7: Flag ship made general signals 3351, 3955, 6375. Charles Laird Lieut.
8 am to Meridian - Overcast and cloudy. Light airs from W.N.W. At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters. Exercised 1st and 3rd div's. at infantry, 2nd div single sticks, powder div general instruction. During 2nd period crew exercised at landing organization and company drill. Dynamo in operation from 9:45 to 11:30. C. J. Johnson (3capp) stood 4 hours extra duty. Made general signals to flagship:- at 9 am; 0 absentees; at 10: 5 sick; at noon 496 tons coal on hand. A W Grant Lt
Meridian to 4 pm. Overcast cloudy and rainy. Light northerly airs. At 12:50 Flag ship signalled "Send steam launch when men have had dinner" Answered " Steam Cutter is not down, shall I lower it?" Flag ship answered "No." At 1: Flagship signalled to squadron " Relay steam cutters" C. A. Barnes (3capp) stood 2 hrs extra duty. J Strauss Ens
4 to 8 p.m. Overcast, cloudy with drizzling rain becoming slightly clear at end of watch. Calm to light airs from S.E. to E.S.E. Flagship made signals as follows: 5:20 to squadron, telegraph 7747, 4809; 5:30 to this vessel " Send boat"; 6: General " The Admiral wants a good turnout of officers tonight"; 6: to this vessel "Repeat to Vesuvius"; 6:20 to Squadron "Exercise search lights as per last programme at half past seven"; 6:10 This vessel made signal to Vesuvius " The Admiral wants a good turnout of officers tonight". E Johnson (3capp) and C. A. Barnes (3capp) each performed 2 hrs extra duty. L. C. Bertolette. Ensign.
8 pm to Midnight - Weather overcast. Misty during latter part of watch. Light airs from N.E. during first part and calm during latter part of watch. At 8:30 started fires under boiler A. H. Scott (lds) and R. Jones (lds) stood 4 hrs extra duty. C. J. Johnson (3capp) stood 3 hours extra duty. Chat Laird Lieut
50874dd209d4090755009cf5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_019_0.jpg)
belfast me and bath me
Lat 54.6, Long -6.0
50874dd209d4090755009cf7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_019_1.jpg)
2 September 1891
C. A. Barns (3 capp) - for being 13 minutes late in relieving messenger and turning in again after having gotten out of his hammock, 24 hrs extra duty, 4th class
W. H. Getty - for disobedience of Boatswain's mate's order, 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water, 4th class
Quarterly board of inspection inspected 3 cans of sausage (12 lbs) and recommended that they be thrown overboard which was done by order of the Commanding officer
C.A. Barnes - stood & has extra duty
c.a. Barnes - 15 mins. late in in releaving messenger, turning in again after having gotten out of his hammock, 24 hrs extra duty 4th class
WH Getty - Disobedience of Boat-twain master order, 5 days solitary confinement on bread & water, 4th class
C Johnson - performed 2 hrs extra duty
C.a. Barnes - performed 2 hrs extra duty
C.J. Johnson - stood 2 hrs extra duty
C.a. Barnes - stood 2 hrs extra duty
C.J. Johnson - stood 2 hrs extra duty
Commander O A Batcheller - Captain
C A Barnes - has extra duty
A N Grant - Lt
50874dd209d4090755009cf9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_020_0.jpg)
bath me
Lat , Long
50874dd209d4090755009cfb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_020_1.jpg)
3 September 1891
C A Barnes - 2 hours extra duty
L C Bertolette - Ensign
H Laird - Lieut
C I Johnson And C A Barnes - 2 Hours extra duty
A W Graut - Lt.
J Strauen - Exec.
3000 gals fresh water
V F Collway - Lieut.
odd, wind went to strength 3 and barometer did not move
50874dd209d4090755009cfd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_021_0.jpg)
bath me and portland me
Lat 50.5, Long -2.4
50874dd209d4090755009cff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_021_1.jpg)
4 September 1891
kennebec river
Lat 50.5, Long -2.4
A. Helmbold (lds) - By order of comdg Officer a reward of $10 each was sent onshore for the apprehension and delivery on board of A. Helmbold (lds) and H. T. Halderman (2 ca) who absented themselves from the ship without leave during the night.
H. T. Halderman (2 ca) - By order of comdg Officer a reward of $10 each was sent onshore for the apprehension and delivery on board of A. Helmbold (lds) and H. T. Halderman (2 ca) who absented themselves from the ship without leave during the night.
Lieut. Laird - with Comdr Batcheller's consent requests permission for one guest to take passage as far as Portsmouth.
By order of Comdg officer rewards of $10-00 each were sent on shore for the apprehension and delivery on board of A Helmbold (lds) and H.T. Halderman (2ca) who absented themselves from the ship without leave during the night.
small steam line burst that went to a thermometer, no one hurt
h s teliebold - left ship at night
h t haldeous - left ship at night
50874dd209d4090755009d01: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_022_0.jpg)
at anchor portland me
Lat 50.5, Long -2.4
50874dd209d4090755009d03: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_022_1.jpg)
5 September 1891
At 9:50 AM. "uniform for the reception this afternoon will be undress without swords or belts"
50874dd209d4090755009d05: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_023_0.jpg)
portland me
Lat 50.5, Long -2.4
coal: 2 tons 56 lbs - consumed preceding 24 hours
50874dd209d4090755009d07: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_023_1.jpg)
6 September 1891
7 officers accept invitation to white mountain
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - commander
50874dd209d4090755009d09: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_024_0.jpg)
at anchor at portland me and underway
Lat 50.5, Long -2.4
50874dd209d4090755009d0b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_024_1.jpg)
7 September 1891
Quarterly board of Survey inspected 11 1/4 lbs fresh meat and recommended that it be thrown overboard which was done
10:50 .... Got underway and stood out of harbor in column of vessels. Flag ship leading.
10:30 pm Left Harbor
Received on board in Pay Sept. 83 lbs bread and 103 3/4 lbs each of fresh beef and vegetables
C.a. Barnes (2 ca) - stood 2 hrs extra duty
A. Helmbold - Absent without leave
H.T. Halderman (2 ca) - Absent without leave
W.H. Getty (ca) - was released by comd'g officer his term of confinement having expired.
50874dd209d4090755009d0d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_025_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 41.83, Long 69.83
50874dd209d4090755009d0f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_025_1.jpg)
8 September 1891
50874dd209d4090755009d11: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_026_0.jpg)
bridgeport conn
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
coal: 46 tons -
50874dd209d4090755009d13: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_026_1.jpg)
9 September 1881
At 09:40 Stbd circulating pump rod broke
USS Yorktown - At 10:05 signalled to Yorktown Will you lend us material to repair pump rod?
S. A. Lomax - was awarded 3 days in cell on bread and water for disobeying coxn's orders
A. Hopson (lds) - was awarded 4 hrs extra duty for gross carelessness
Yorktown - mention
50874dd209d4090755009d15: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_027_0.jpg)
bridgeport conn
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
coal: 5 tons -
50874dd209d4090755009d17: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_027_1.jpg)
10 September 1891
H. T. Halderman (2 ca) - was declared a deserter to date from Sep 3, 1891
A. Helmbold (lds) - was declared a deserter to date from Sep 3, 1891
New pump rod is completed
H.T. Halderman (2ca) and A. Helmbold (lds) - Declared deserters to date from Sept 3rd 1891.
50874dd209d4090755009d19: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_028_0.jpg)
north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009d1b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_028_1.jpg)
11 September 1891
S. A. Moulton (sa 2nd class) - Absent over leave
A. Audette (sa 2c) - for not keeping proper lookout, 24 hrs extra duty
G. H. R. Taylor (W R Boy) - for neglect of duty, not keeping ward room cleaned, 8 hrs extra duty
M. Henry Dennis (WR boy) - for neglect of duty not properly cleaning ward room, 8 hrs extra duty
J. M. Foley (1st Sgt) - for neglecting to form guard when getting underway, suspended from duty 1 week
50874dd209d4090755009d1d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_029_0.jpg)
north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009d1f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_029_1.jpg)
12 September 1891
P. Myers (Sea) - absent from the ship overstaying leave
P. Curley (CH) - absent from the ship overstaying leave
A. Olsen (2 CF) - absent from the ship overstaying leave
p wyeas, p custey, a olsen - overstayed leave
a l lomax - punishment over
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am - Overcast and cloudy. Calm to light airs from West. Began swinging to flood tide at 1:10, finished swinging at 2:00. At 4: strength of current .6 knots per hour.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
4 to 8 am. Clear and pleasant. Calms and light airs from NE by N and NNW. Riding to ebb tide. Strength of current at 6 am 2 knots. At 7 am Flagship made general signal 3357 followed by 3955 and 6375.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut..
8 am to Meridian - Fair pleasant weather. Light airs and breezes from North and SW by W shifting to South. At 9: made routine signal num. 0 absentees; at 10; signalled num 3 sick. By order of comd'g officer released A.L. Lomax (app), his term of punishment having expired. P. Myers (Sea) P. Curley (CH) A. Olsen (2cF) absent from the ship overstaying leave. Swinging to flood between 11:40 and meridian. Current 1 knot at 11:
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear and pleasant weather. Light airs from south. 12:20 finished swinging to flood tide. Started dynamo at 1:00. 2:30 strength of current 2.7 knots per hour.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
4 to 8 pm. Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SSE and South. Swinging to ebb between 6:45 and 7:15. Current at 5:30 - 1.5 knots. Mustered at quarters at 6: - A. Olsen (2cf), P. Myers (Sea) P. Curley (CH) absent overtaying leave.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
8 pm to midnight - Begins clear and pleasant becoming cloudy during latter part of watch. Light breeze from WSW to SE by S. 11: stopped dynamo. 11: strength of current 2.4 kntos per hrs running ebb.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009d21: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_030_0.jpg)
north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009d23: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_030_1.jpg)
13 September 1891
T. Muller (S~~~) - returned to the ship 1 3/4 hrs overtime
J. J. Kalbert (CH) - returned on board 2 1/2 hrs overtime
11 sailors - overstayed their leave
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Fair first part cloudy latter part of watch. Barometer falling slowly. Light airs from WNW first two hours then calm and light airs from SW last hour. Commenced swinging to flood tide at 1:45, finished at 2:40, force of current at end of watch 2 knots.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
4 to 8 am Fair pleasant weather. Calms and light airs variable in direction. Swung to ebb between 6:30 and 7. At 7: Flagship made uniform signals: 3350, Dispatch flag, 3962, 6373.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ens.
8 am to meridian - Clear and pleasant. Light airs and light breeze from SSW. 9:30 mustered and inspected crew and the comd'g officer inspected ship and crew at quarters. Absent overleave: P. Myers (sea) A. Olsen (2cF), P. Curley (CH) T. Muller (smm) W'm Griffin (WF) M. Halvorsen (gm) J Delaney (corp) J.J. Kalbert (CH) P Schulz (2ca). 10:30 T Muller (smm) returned to the ship 1 3/4 hrs overtime; 11:15 Kalbert (CH) returned on board 2 1/2 hrs overtime. The following signals were made: Concord to Flagship:- 9:00 num 3; 10: num 4; 12: num 197. Flagship to squadron:- 3837, num 10, ans 30. 10:30 strength of current was 1.7 knots per hour. Ship began swinging to flood tide at 11:45. Dynamo running from 9:30 to 10:30.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
Meridian to 4 pm. Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from SSW. Barometer falling. Tide running flood, force of current at end of watch 2 knots.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
4 to 8 pm Partly cloudy pleasant weather. Light breeze from SSW to South. At 5:30 started dynamo. 7:30 ship began to swing to the ebb tide. 7:45 P. Curley (CH) returned on board 35 hrs overtime.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
8 pm to midnight - Cloudy unsettled weather. Light breeze between SW and West. Light passing drizzle latter part of watch. At 8:30 finished swinging to ebb, force of current at end of watch 2.7 knots. Stopped dynamo at 11:.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009d25: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_031_0.jpg)
moored in north river new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
coal: 1 tons 1648 lbs - Coal remaining at hand at Noon: 195" 1008
50874dd209d4090755009d27: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_031_1.jpg)
14 September 1891
D. Sullivan (CH) - D. Sullivan being under the influence of liquor, fell overboard out of first cutter. Geo Henry (Sea) who was in the same boat also returning from liberty, immediately jumped overboard and held Sullivan up until the cutter dropped down and picked them both up. Sullivan was in immenant danger from which he was rescued by Henry's prompt cool and timely action.
Geo. Henry (Sea) - D. Sullivan being under the influence of liquor, fell overboard out of first cutter. Geo Henry (Sea) who was in the same boat also returning from liberty, immediately jumped overboard and held Sullivan up until the cutter dropped down and picked them both up. Sullivan was in immenant danger from which he was rescued by Henry's prompt cool and timely action.
M. Halvarsen (gm) - returned on board 30 3/4 hrs overtime
J. Blocktye (CBM) - returned on board 26 1/2 hrs overtime
Corporal Delany - returned on board 34 3/4 hrs overtime
USS Yorktown - Saluted flagship (USS Chicago) in passing downriver.
P. Myers - absent over leave
A. Olsen - absent over leave
J. Hacket - absent over leave
Wm Griffin - absent over leave
M. Halverson - absent over leave
P. Schultz - absent over leave
D. Sullivan - under influence of liquor fell overboard out of first cutter returning with liberty party
J. Delaney - absent over leave
Geo. Henry - jumped out of first cutter returning with liberty party and held up D. Sullivan who had fallen overboard
A. Wright - absent over leave
J. Blocktye - absent over leave
J.F. Burns - absent over leave
W. Griffin - absent over leave
P. Myers - absent over leave
A. Olsen - absent over leave
P. Schultz - absent over leave
J. Hacket - absent over leave
J. Delaney - absent over leave
A. Wright - absent over leave
J. Blocktye - absent over leave
J.F. Burns - absent over leave
J. Blocktye - returned 26 1/2 hrs overtime
Corporal Delaney - returned 34 3/4 hrs overtime
Wm Griffin (WF) - Absent over leave
A. Olsen (2 cf) - Absent over leave
P Myers (Sea) - Absent over leave
M. Halvarsen (gm) - Absent over leave
J. Hacket (1 Cf) - Absent over leave
R. Schultz (2 ca) - Absent over leave
O. Lundblad (sea) - Absent over leave
A. Wright (sea) - Absent over leave
J. Delaney (corp) - Absent over leave
J. Blacktye (CBM) - Absent over leave
G F Burns (corp) - Absent over leave
Geo Henry (Sea) - immediately jumped overboard and held Sullivan up until the cutter dropped down and picked them both up.
D. Sullivan (CH) - being under the influence of liquor, fell overboard out of first cutter
Geo Henry (Sea) - Sullivan was in imminant danger from which he was rescued by Henry's prompt, cool and timely action
M. Halvarsen (gm) - returned on board 30 3/4 hours over time
J. Blacktye - returned on board 26 1/2 hrs over time
Corporal Delaney - returned on board 34 3/4 hrs overtime
50874dd209d4090755009d29: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_032_0.jpg)
north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009d2b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_032_1.jpg)
15 September 1891
north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
S. A. Moulton (sa 2c) - for being overleave 9 hrs, 4th class
Jno. Blocktye (CBM) - for being overleave 26 1/2 hrs, 4th class
P. Curley (CH) - for being overleave 35 hrs, 4th class
M. Halvarsen (gm) - for being overleave 30 3/4 hrs, 4th class
J. delany (Corp) - for being overleave 34 3/4 hrs, 4th class
Daul Sullivan (CH) - coming off leave unfit for duty, 2nd class
coal: D. F. Ahern (2 ca) - By order of the Bureau of Navigation, D. F. Ahern (2 ca) was discharged from this ship and from the Naval Service from this date.
chicago - made signals
7 sailors - absent wo leave
divisions preformed gun drills, marines completed pistol drills
received equipment onboard
d f aherns - discharged
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Clear cool and pleasant, bright starlight. Light airs and breezes from NNW. Barometer rising slowly. Strength of ebb tide at 1 am 1.7 knots. Began swinging to flood tide at 3:10.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut
4 to 8 am. Fair fine and pleasant weather. Light airs from NW and West and breeze from West. Slight change in barometer. Finished swinging to flood at 4:15, force of current at 6:- 2 knots. Chicago made the following signals at 7: time + 3357, 3955, 6375.
USS Chicago - Chicago made the following signals at 7: time + 3357, 3955, 6375.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 am to meridian - Fair pleasant weather with light airs and gentle breeze from NNW and NW. At 9; made routine signal to Flagship num 9, at 10: num 5. At 9:30 mustered and inspected crew at quarters, absent over time:- P. Myers (sea) A. Olsen (2cF) W'm Griffin (WT) J. Hackett (1cf) P. Schultz (2ca) A. Wright (sea) O. Sundblad (sea). By order of the commander the following punishments, for offences noted, were assigned:. S.O. Moulton (sa 2c), overleave 9 hrs, 4'th class; P. Curley (CH) overleave 35 hrs, 4'th class; Jno Blocktye (CBM) overleave 26 1/2 hrs, 4'th class; M. Halvorsen (gm) overleave 30 3/4 hrs, 4'th class; J. Delany (corp) overleave 34 3/4 hrs, 4'th class; Danl Sullivan (CH) coming off liberty unfit for duty, 2'nd class. During 1'st drill period exercised 1'st and 2'nd divisions at great guns, 3'rd division at small arms, Powder div at small arms and marine guard at manual of arms. During second period instructed 1'st and 2'nd divisions, exercised 3'rd divis. at pistol drill. J.F. Burns (carpenter) returned to the ship 24 hrs overtime. D. Quill (oiler) returned on board 1 1/4 hrs overtime. Received in pay dept 1500 gals fresh water. Commenced swinging to ebb at 8:20 riding to the ebb at 9:05
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear and pleasant, threatening rain at end of watch. Light and gentle breeze from West and WSW. Barometer falling. Riding to ebb tide. Strength of current at 2 pm 1.7 knots. Swinging to flood tide from 2:30 to 3:15 pm. Exercised the apprentices at heaving the lead and marlin spike semanship. Received on board from Asst Quartermasters office USMC Philadelphia Pa the following clothing:- 84 prs cotton socks, 150pr gloves, 30 prs linen trousers, 10 ventilators, 5 ponpons, 45 fatigue jackets, 15 pr plain woolen trousers, 5 corporal chevrons, 30 linen collars and 20 undress caps.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut..
4 to 8 pm. Weather overcast with rain. Gentle breeze to light airs from SW and NW. At 6: mustered crew at quarters. By order of the Bureau of Navigation D.F. Ahern (2ca) was discharged from this ship and from the naval services from this date.
D.F. Ahern (2ca) - By order of the Bureau of Navigation D.F. Ahern (2ca) was discharged from this ship and from the naval services from this date.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 pm to midnight - Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight. Barometer steady. Light airs from SSW and calms. Swinging to ebb tide between 9 and 10. Strength of current at 11:30 - 2.7 knots. Rufus Taylor (lds) stood 4 hrs and McHenry Dennis (lds) 2 hrs extra duty.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009d2d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_033_0.jpg)
north river ny
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
50874dd209d4090755009d2f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_033_1.jpg)
16 September 1891
J. W. Chase (2 CF) - transferred to the Naval Hospital at Brooklyn, NY
A.Wright (Sea) - returned on board 57 3/4 hrs over time
Clear and Pleasant Weather
10 sailors - absent wo leave
chicago - signaled
j w chase - transfered to hospital, brooklyn navy yard
50874dd209d4090755009d31: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_034_0.jpg)
north river ny
Lat 11.02, Long -111.02
50874dd209d4090755009d33: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_034_1.jpg)
17 September 1891
August Be~~~ (sea) - was sent on board U. S. Tug Nina with his effects to be transferred to the Naval Hospital in Brooklyn NY. At same time, sent effects of J. W. Chase (2 CF)
G. H. R. Taylor (lds) - discharted from the Naval Service at his own request
P. F. Larkin (os) - Enslisted for 3 years general service
Henry Campbell (lds) - was enlisted for 3 years general service
J. J. McCarrol (2 CF) - was enlisted for 3 years general service
A. Generlotte (lds) - Elisted for the cruise and special service
J. F. Rogan (lds) - shipped for 3 years general service
Fair warm weather
boston to chicago - boston underway
atlanta - when were we leaving
tug nina - transfered sick sailor
j w chase - discharged
O.A. Batcheller - Commander
Swinging to flood tide between 4:45 and 5:30
AN. Grout Sceut -
A. Andette (sa 2c) - performed 1 hr extra duty
Boston - got underway at 6:45 and stood up the river
P. Myers (Sea) - Absent over leave
Wm Griffin (WF) - Absent over leave
A Alsen (2 cf) - Absent over leave
B. Dougherty (oiler) - Absent over leave
J Hackett (sea) - Absent over leave
O. Lundblad (sea) - Absent over leave
WS Halden (qm) - Absent over leave
P. Schultz (sea) - Absent over leave
E. Queen (ch) - Absent over leave
R. Miller (ids) - Absent over leave
Gugnet Burmann (lds) - was sent on board US tug Nina with his effects to be transferred to naval hospital, Brooklyn
GHR Taylor (lds) - Discharged from the naval service at his own request
Henry Campbell (lds) - Enlisted for 3 years general service
P.F. Larkin (as) - Enlisted for 3 years general service
J.J. McCarroul (2 cf) - Enlisted for 3 years general service
A. Geuerlette (lds) - enlisted for the cruise, special service
J.F. Rogan (lds) - shipped for 3 yrs general service
A. Andette (ld 2c) - performed 4 hrs extra duty
50874dd209d4090755009d35: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_035_0.jpg)
at anchor north river underway and moored at ordinance dock navy yard
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 3 tons 1920 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 184" 1132"
50874dd209d4090755009d37: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_035_1.jpg)
18 September 1891
Lieut. H. H. Hosby - A Borad of Survey, senior member, Lieut. H. H. Hosby, came on board at 10 a.m. for Survey of articles in Construction and Equipment departments.
Asst. Engineer Robt. Griffin - Another board senior member, Asst. Engineer Robt. Griffin, inspected articles in engineer's deapartment.
M. Henry Dennis (lds) - special service, was discharged from this vessel and the Naval Service at his own request
Wm Griffin (1 CF) - returned on board 131 hrs overtime
B Doherty (oiler) - returned on board 59 hrs over time
Clear and pleasant, hazy over the water
chicago - were moving to dock
h h hasby - inspected construction and equipment
robt griffin - inspected engineers
mchenry dennis - discharged
received new equipment
10 sailors wo leave, 2 returned
O.A. Batcheller - ship commander
50874dd209d4090755009d39: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_036_0.jpg)
ordnance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
50874dd209d4090755009d3b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_036_1.jpg)
19 September 1891
Clear, warm, and pleasant weather
took on food while general cleaning
O.A. Batcheller - ship commander
50874dd209d4090755009d3d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_037_0.jpg)
ordnance dock navy yard ny
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 1 tons 1756 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 180" 2100"
50874dd209d4090755009d3f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_037_1.jpg)
20 September 1891
Clear, pleasant weather with fog hanging over the river
8 sailor absent wo leave
received food
Oliver Batcheller - ship commander
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Clear, bright moonlight. Barometer steady. Light airs form East and NE.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
4 to 8 am. Fair and pleasant though damp. Fog hanging over the river. Light airs from East and North. Received in Paymaster dept 100 lbs vegetable. Jos Conley (CH) was discovered to be absent from the ship without leave.
V L Cottman - V L Cottman Lieut
8 am to meridian - Clear pleasant weather with calms and light airs from W, SE and South. At 9:45 the commander inspected ship and crew at quarters, the following named men absent from the ship without and over leave: O. Sundblad (sea), Westolden (Qm) E. Queen (CH), A. Miller (lds), W.J. Moffitt (CH) J.J. Long (sa 2c), E. Brant (arm) Jos Conley (CH).
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear and pleasant. Light airs from South. Steady barometer.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
4 to 8 pm. Clear pleasant weather, light airs from south and SSE. J.J. Long (sa 2c) returned on board 10 hrs overtime.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 pm to midnight - Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight, steady barometer. Light airs from south and NW.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009d41: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_038_0.jpg)
ordnance dock navy yard new york
Lat 40.7, Long -149.8
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 1 tons 1972 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 179" 128"
50874dd209d4090755009d43: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_038_1.jpg)
21 September 1891
Clear, warm, and pleasant
4 sailors wo leave
h e fawig - drunk on board wo leaving ship
a wright - overleave
f mueller - moving slowly when told to hurry
e jones - carelessly sfilting slops
t snook - careless bring boat to ship
t l currie - dirty equipment
atwood - on board from engineering
comdr. batsheller - one week leave
7 sailors sent to shore brig
o suiedblad - returned after 180 hours wo leave
H. F. Lanig (2 capp) - for being unfit for duty, under the influence of liquor, not being on shore, 5 nights in double irons and 4th class
A. Wright - for being over leave 57 3/4hrs, 4th class
F> Muller (S~~~~) - for moving very slowly when told to hurry, 2nd class
E. Jones (WR Boy) - for carelessly spilling slops on deck, 4 hrs extra duty
C. A. Barnes (3 capp) - for being out of uniform, 24 hrs extra duty, 2 on & 4 off
F. S. Kirk (1 capp) - for neglect of duty singing out to boats alongside of the ship while on watch on the bridge, 8 hrs extra duty
W. J. Moffit (CH) - for being over leave 28 hrs, 4th class
S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) - for coming off liberty unfit for duty, 2nd class
T. L. Currie (pm) - for dirty equipments, 12 hrs extra duty
J. J. Long (sa rc) - for being overleave 10 hrs, 3rd class
Wm Griffin (WT) - By order of the Commanding Officer he was placed under sentry's charge for safekeeping to await further action
Andrew Olsen (2 CF) - By order of the Commanding Officer he was placed under sentry's charge for safekeeping to await further action
Jno Hackett (1 CF) - By order of the Commanding Officer he was placed under sentry's charge for safekeeping to await further action
B. Doherty (oiler) - By order of the Commanding Officer he was placed under sentry's charge for safekeeping to await further action
P. Meyers (Sea) - By order of the Commanding Officer he was placed under sentry's charge for safekeeping to await further action
P. Schultz (2 ca) - By order of the Commanding Officer he was placed under sentry's charge for safekeeping to await further action
E. Queen (CH) - By order of the Commanding Officer he was placed under sentry's charge for safekeeping to await further action
Comdr Batcheller - left the ship on one week's leave of absence
Jno Hackett (1 CF) - was confined in the Cob dock prison by order of Comdg officer and on the authority of the Commandant for overstaying leave
Wm Griffin (WT) - was confined in the Cob dock prison by order of Comdg officer and on the authority of the Commandant for overstaying leave
A. Olsen (2 CF) - was confined in the Cob dock prison by order of Comdg officer and on the authority of the Commandant for overstaying leave
E. Queen (CH) - was confined in the Cob dock prison by order of Comdg officer and on the authority of the Commandant for overstaying leave
P. Schultz (2 ca) - was confined in the Cob dock prison by order of Comdg officer and on the authority of the Commandant for overstaying leave
P. Myers (Sea) - was confined in the Cob dock prison by order of Comdg officer and on the authority of the Commandant for overstaying leave
B. Doherty (oiler) - was confined in the Cob dock prison by order of Comdg officer and on the authority of the Commandant for overstaying leave
Jas. Couley (CH) - was brought on board by the M. A. A. and N. Y. Police and by order of the comdg officer confined in the cell with irons for safe keeping
S. E. O. Sundblad (Sea) - returned to the ship 180 hrs over time
50874dd209d4090755009d45: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_039_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 1 tons 1864 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 177" 504"
50874dd209d4090755009d47: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_039_1.jpg)
22 September 1891
Weather was mostly clear and pleasant, but they had one writing where it was overcast with fog
sent for repairs 2 vacuum gauges, 2 thermometers
small equipment removed ashore
W. S. Holden (2 ~~) - returned from liberty 141 1/2 hrs overtime
Otto Sundblad (Sea) - was confined in solitary confinement on 5 days bread and water by order of the Comdg officer for 180 hours over time
Turned into store the following named articles, condemned by board of survey approved by Bureau of Equipment Sept 21st 1891 and ordered to be turned into store: 8 coaling bags, 28 hand lanterns, 3 deck dark lanterns, 2 water bottles, 1 slop jar, 3 wash basins, 1 galley top, 1 thermometer, 2 binoculars
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am - Clear and pleasant. Heavy dew. Calm to light airs from NE to E. T.L. Currie (pm) performed 2 hrs extra duty
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
4 to 8 am. Overcast with heavy fog. Light easterly airs. Barometer steady. WS Holden (QM) returned from libert 141 1/2 hrs overtime. Private T.L. Currie usmc and A. Andette (sa 2c) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lieut ..
8 am to meridian - Clear and warm. Light easterly airs. R. Miller (lds) absent from the ship overtaying liberty. Crew engaged in breaking out from hold, and after store rooms. Two machinists on board from Ordnance Dept of Navy Yard.
Joe Strauss - Jos Strauss, Ensign
Meridian to 4 P.m. Clear and pleasant. Light airs to light breeze from S by E. Otto Sundblad (sea) was confined in solitary confinement on 5 days bread and water by order of the comd'g officer for 180 hours over time. Sent ashore for repair 2 vacuum guages and 2 thermometer guages.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
4 to 8 Pm. Fair pleasant weather. Light airs from S by E. Mustered at quarters at 5:45. R. Miller (lds) absent overstaying liberty. Turned into store the following named articles, condemned by board of survey approved by Bureau of Equipment Sept 21'st 1891 and ordered to be turned into store:- 8 coaling bags, 23 hand lanterns, 3 deck dark lanterns, 2 water bottles, 1 slop jar, 3 wash basins, 1 galley top, 1 thermometer, 2 binoculars.
Joe Strauss - Joe Strauss Ensign
8 pm to midnight - Pleasant weather. Light airs from south. Stopped dynamo at 11: C.A. Barns (3ca) and F.S. Kirk (1ca) each performed 2 hrs extra duty.
L C Bertolette - L C Bertolette Ensign
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd209d4090755009d49: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_040_0.jpg)
ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 1 tons 1648 lbs.
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 175" 1096"
50874dd209d4090755009d4b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_040_1.jpg)
23 September 1891
Mostly clear and pleasant, foggy in the morning
Jus. E. Hendrickson (lds) and Thomas Francis Doran (lds) - Shipped for general service.
took on food
ensin bertolette - 6 days leave
machinist from ordinance and engineering on board
Ensg Bertolette - left ship having been granted 6 days leave from this date.
Thomas Francis doran (lds) - shipped for general service
Jno. E. Hendrickson (lds) - shipped for general service
50874dd209d4090755009d4d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_041_0.jpg)
23 September 1891
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
50874dd209d4090755009d4f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_041_1.jpg)
24 September 1891
fair and pleasant weather for the most part
USS Atlanta - passed standing to the Est.
atlanta - passed to the east
ratting and tarring down
Asst. Eng. H. P Norton U. S. N. - left the ship on leave of absence till Tuesday, 29th inst.
W> Allen (bm) - returned to the ship 8 3/4 hrs over time
50874dd209d4090755009d51: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_042_0.jpg)
ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
50874dd209d4090755009d53: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_042_1.jpg)
25 September 1891
starts out cloudy and clears up
A. Geuralletta (lds) - was by order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged from this ship and the naval service.
Edw. Scott (lds) - Shipped for the cruise, special service
Aug. Bumann (lds) *** question spelling *** - Sent a working party to the Naval Hospital to dig a grave for Aug. Bumann (lds) lately transfered from this ship and who died Sept 24th.
food brought on board
cleaning ship and setting rigging
vermont - sec. of navy , 15 guns salute
edw scott - party send ashore to dig his grave
A. Generelotte (lds) - A. Generelotte (lds) was by order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged from this ship and the naval service.
Edw. Scott (lds) - Edw. Scott (lds) sent a working party to the Naval Hospital to dig a grave for Aug. Bumann (lds) lately transferred from this ship and who died Sept. 24th.
Aug. Bumann (lds) - Edw. Scott (lds) sent a working party to the Naval Hospital to dig a grave for Aug. Bumann (lds) lately transferred from this ship and who died Sept. 24th.
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - ship commander
4 to 8 AM - Overcast cloudy and foggy. Light air from SSW & South. Received on board in Paymasters department 100.5 lbs fresh beef, 100.5 lbs vegetables and 83 lbs bread.
8 AM to Meridian - Cloudy first part clear latter part of watch. Light airs from West and WNW. At 9:30 mustered and inspected crew at quarters, R. Miller has absent from the ship over leave. A. Barues (3 Ca) stood 2 hrs extra duty. Received in Pay dept 2500 gals fresh water. A. Geueralette (lds) was by order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged from this ship and the naval service. Crew engaged in cleaning ship outside and in setting up rigging.
Meridian to 4 PM - Light airs and breeze from West and WSW. Barometer falling. At 12:10 a salute of 15 guns was fired by the Rec'g ship Vermont in honor of the Asst. Secy. of the Navy. The magazine and shell room flood locks were tested and found in good working order. Shipped for the cruise, special service, Edw Scott (lds) sent a working party to the Naval Hospital to dig a grave for Aug. Bunnaun (lds) lately transferred from this ship and died Sept 24th. Engagaed in cleaning rigging screws and painting ship. Received in Equipment (exempt) 1 log chip, 1 thermometer, 1 red lead light (et. launch), 1 9 lb lead.
4 to 8 PM - Clear bright pleasant weather. Light airs from WSW. at 5:45 mustered crew at quarters, R. Miller (lds) absent over leave. A. Barus (3 ca) stood 2 hrs extra duty. HG Saing (2 ca) was confirmed in double rows in accordance with previous orders.
50874dd209d4090755009d55: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_043_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long 7.2
50874dd209d4090755009d57: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_043_1.jpg)
26 September 1891
Thunderstorm during the evening hours
A. Olsen (2 cf) - The following named men having served their time of confinement in Cob. dock prison were returned on board and restored to duty: Jno. Hacket (1 cf), Wm Griffin (W.T.), A. Olsen (2 CF) B. Doherty (oiler), P. Myers (Sea), P. Schultz (2 ca) and E. Queen (CH).
Jno. Hacket (1 CF) - The following named men having served their time of confinement in Cob. dock prison were returned on board and restored to duty: Jno. Hacket (1 cf), Wm Griffin (W.T.), A. Olsen (2 CF) B. Doherty (oiler), P. Myers (Sea), P. Schultz (2 ca) and E. Queen (CH).
Wm. Griggin (W. T.) - The following named men having served their time of confinement in Cob. dock prison were returned on board and restored to duty: Jno. Hacket (1 cf), Wm Griffin (W.T.), A. Olsen (2 CF) B. Doherty (oiler), P. Myers (Sea), P. Schultz (2 ca) and E. Queen (CH).
E. Queen (CH) - The following named men having served their time of confinement in Cob. dock prison were returned on board and restored to duty: Jno. Hacket (1 cf), Wm Griffin (W.T.), A. Olsen (2 CF) B. Doherty (oiler), P. Myers (Sea), P. Schultz (2 ca) and E. Queen (CH).
P. Schultz (2 ca) - The following named men having served their time of confinement in Cob. dock prison were returned on board and restored to duty: Jno. Hacket (1 cf), Wm Griffin (W.T.), A. Olsen (2 CF) B. Doherty (oiler), P. Myers (Sea), P. Schultz (2 ca) and E. Queen (CH).
P. Myers (Sea) - The following named men having served their time of confinement in Cob. dock prison were returned on board and restored to duty: Jno. Hacket (1 cf), Wm Griffin (W.T.), A. Olsen (2 CF) B. Doherty (oiler), P. Myers (Sea), P. Schultz (2 ca) and E. Queen (CH).
B. Doherty (oiler) - The following named men having served their time of confinement in Cob. dock prison were returned on board and restored to duty: Jno. Hacket (1 cf), Wm Griffin (W.T.), A. Olsen (2 CF) B. Doherty (oiler), P. Myers (Sea), P. Schultz (2 ca) and E. Queen (CH).
Lieut. Grant - Sent a funeral party and firing escort to Naval Hospital in charge of Lieut. Grant to attend the funeral of the late Aug. Bumann (lds)
J. A. Ring Paymaster - Paymaster J. A. Ring left the ship on three days leave of absence.
Aug. Bumann (lds) - Sent a funeral party and firing escort to Naval Hospital in charge of Lieut. Grant to attend the funeral of the late Aug. Bumann (lds)
7 sailors - restored to rank
aug burnman - buried
sent funeral party and escort to attend funeral
50874dd209d4090755009d59: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_044_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long 7.2
50874dd209d4090755009d5b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_044_1.jpg)
27 September 1891
Overcast and misty all day
R. Miller (lds) - Was declared a deserter from this date.
R. Miller (lds) - By order of the Comdg officer R. Miller (lds) is declared a deserter from this date.
boats and ship were discolored by river gas during the night
r miller - declared a disserter
50874dd209d4090755009d5d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_045_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
50874dd209d4090755009d5f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_045_1.jpg)
28 September 1891
Started out cloudy with dew, turned into a partly cloudy pleasant day
J. F. Burns (Corp) - The commander assigned the following punishments to J. F. Burns (Corp) and W Allen (B M) reduced to 4th class for overstaying leave, former 24 hrs, latter 8 3/4 hrs
W. Allen (BM) - The commander assigned the following punishments to J. F. Burns (Corp) and W. Allen (B M) reduced to 4th class for overstaying leave, former 24 hrs, latter 8 3/4 hrs
drilled marines
Midnight to 4 am. Fair first part cloudy latter part of watch. Heavy dew. Calm and light airs from SSE.
4 to 8am Overcast and cloudy with light fog. Light airs from SSW and West.
8 am to Meridian Overcast, cloudy and foggy first hour fair and warm afterwards. Light airs SW to W~W.
The commander assigned the following punishments to J. ~. Burns (corp) and W. Allen ~ reduced to 4th class for overstaying leave, former 24 hrs, latter 8 3/4 hrs.
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear warm pleasant weather with light airs from SSW.
4 to 8 pm Cloudy but pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light airs from South and light breeze from SW to SE.
8pm to Midnight. Fair pleasant weather, light breeze from SE.
Ensign S.C. Bartlette ~ - reported his return from leave of absence
50874dd209d4090755009d61: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_046_0.jpg)
ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
50874dd309d4090755009d63: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_046_1.jpg)
29 September 1891
Started pleasant with rain showers in the afternoon
workers working on ship
Midnight to 4 am - Light breeze from SW. Barometer steady.
4 am to 8 am - Overcast and cloudy first hour fair and pleasant afterwards.
8 am to Meridian Cloudy pleasant weather with light airs from S by E.
Navy Yard workmen engaged in work on board as follows: in Equipment dept, 2 carpenters; in construction dept, 2 carpenters; in ordnance, 1 machinist.
Meridian to 4 pm. Overcast and cloudy. Barometer falling. Light airs and breezes from South. Raining during last three hours.
At work on board from Navy Yard, in Equipt. Dept 2 carpenters; in ordnance 1 machinist & 1 helper; in construction 2 carpenters. Crew engaged scraping boat spars.
4 to 8 pm. Light airs from SSW. Weather overcast with passing showers during first part of watch.
8pm to Midnight - Light, gentle and moderate breeze from WSW wind and NNW. Barometer steady. Stopped dynamo(?) at 11:40.
50874dd309d4090755009d65: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_047_0.jpg)
at ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
50874dd309d4090755009d67: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_047_1.jpg)
30 September 1891
Clear, cool, and pleasant weather
Jas. Couley (CH) - At 10 am a Summary Court Martial for the trial of Jas. Couley (CH) convened on board.
Asst Engineer H. P. Norton - reported his return from leave of absence
Jas Conley (CH) - Summary Court Martial convened on board. Ajourned to await action of revising authority.
50874dd309d4090755009d69: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_048_0.jpg)
moored to ord dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874dd309d4090755009d6b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_048_1.jpg)
1 October 1891
Jas. Counley (CH) - Boy order of the Comdg Officer removed Jas Counley (CH) from the cell and placed him in double irons under sentry's charge on boat deck.
F. P. Myles (stg Cook) - was confined in the cell for safe keeping by order of Comdg officer.
Miles - was lashed in his hammock mattress to prevent his injuring himself between 8:30 and 11: am upon recommendation and under superintendance of sergeon
J M O'Keeffe - Reported absent overstaying leave
Jas Connley (CH) - Removed from the cell and placed him in double irons
G. P. Wiles (Stg Cook) - Confined in the cell for safe keeping. Wilkes was lashed in his hammock mattress, to prevent his injuring himself between 8:30 and 11 am
Vermont - A salute of 11 guns was fired
50874dd309d4090755009d6d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_049_0.jpg)
moored to ord dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874dd309d4090755009d6f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_049_1.jpg)
2 October 1891
USS Atlanta - Stood down East River.
Jno Ferguson (Mach) - Transfered to USRS "Vermont"
W.C. Bennett (Mach) - Received from USRS "Vermont"
F. P. Miles (St Cook) - was released from double irons by order of teh Comdg officer
Jno. Connelly (CH) - was placed in cell to await sentence of Summary Court Martial.
J. Talcott (2 ca) - The comdg officer awarded the following punishments: J. Talcott (2ca), slow in obeying orders, 8 hrs extra duty
F. P. Miles (St Cook) - The comdg officer awarded the following punishments: F> P. Miles (st Cook) coming off liberty unfit for duty and making a disturbance, 5 nights in double irons
Jno. Ferguson (Mach) - transferred to R. S. Vermont with bag and hammock.
W. C. Burnett (Mach) - Received from U.S.R.S. Vermont with bag and hammock.
50874dd309d4090755009d71: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_050_0.jpg)
moored to rd dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874dd309d4090755009d73: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_050_1.jpg)
3 October 1891
Chas Kundsen (os) - Shipped for 3 years general service.
J.M. Boyd (1st Sgt) - Reported on board for duty
Ivan Kare Berlin (OS) - Shipped as OS for 3 years general service.
Chas Knudsen - shipped this day for 3 years general service as o.s.
J. Couley (CH) - At 10: called all hands to muster and read sentence of Summary Court Martial in the case of J. Couley (CH). Punishment as mitigated:- To be confined in solitary confinement for 15 days with full rations every 5th day. He was confined on board in cell as sentenced.
J. N. Boyd (1st Sgt) - with orders from the Colonel Commandant reported on board for duty.
I~ Karl Berlin - shipped this day as os for 3 years general service.
J. Conley sentenced to solitary confinement for 15 days, in cell on board. Given full rations every 5th day.
50874dd309d4090755009d75: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_051_0.jpg)
moored to rd dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874dd309d4090755009d77: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_051_1.jpg)
4 October 1891
At 9:15 called all hands to muster, read "The articles for the better government of the Navy" and published general order #17 issued by the Bureau of Navigation.
M. Halvorsen (gm) - At 5:45 M. Halvorsen (gm) was brought on board by the 1st Sgt of the U.S.R.S. Vermont he having been caught in an attempt to swim across the basin from the Cob dock. By order of the Comdg officer, Mr. Halvorsen (gm) was placed under the sentry's charge in double irons to await the action of the Comdr.
W. Halverson was caught trying to swim across the basin to the dock. By order of the CO he was placed under sentry's charge in double irons.
50874dd309d4090755009d79: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_052_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long 7.2
i feel that someone reset the barometer, gained 35/100 and stayed steady, strong winds would be w a high
50874dd309d4090755009d7b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_052_1.jpg)
5 October 1891
D. Breslin (CH) - The following punishments were awarded by order of the Commanding Officer:- J. Cosgrove (2 cf), over leave 4 hrs, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm), over leave 7 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Breslin (CH) over leave 29 hrs, 4th class; T. Sullivan (pm) overleave 8 1/2 hrs, 4th class; M. Halvorsen (Gm), attempting to evade sentry by swimming across basin from Cob dock, 5 nights in double irons.
J. Cosgrove (2 cf) - The following punishments were awarded by order of the Commanding Officer:- J. Cosgrove (2 cf), over leave 4 hrs, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm), over leave 7 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Breslin (CH) over leave 29 hrs, 4th class; T. Sullivan (pm) overleave 8 1/2 hrs, 4th class; M. Halvorsen (Gm), attempting to evade sentry by swimming across basin from Cob dock, 5 nights in double irons.
J. J. Fuller (pm) - The following punishments were awarded by order of the Commanding Officer:- J. Cosgrove (2 cf), over leave 4 hrs, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm), over leave 7 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Breslin (CH) over leave 29 hrs, 4th class; T. Sullivan (pm) overleave 8 1/2 hrs, 4th class; M. Halvorsen (Gm), attempting to evade sentry by swimming across basin from Cob dock, 5 nights in double irons.
M. Halvorsen (gm) - The following punishments were awarded by order of the Commanding Officer:- J. Cosgrove (2 cf), over leave 4 hrs, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm), over leave 7 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Breslin (CH) over leave 29 hrs, 4th class; T. Sullivan (pm) overleave 8 1/2 hrs, 4th class; M. Halvorsen (Gm), attempting to evade sentry by swimming across basin from Cob dock, 5 nights in double irons.
T. Sullivan (pm) - The following punishments were awarded by order of the Commanding Officer:- J. Cosgrove (2 cf), over leave 4 hrs, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm), over leave 7 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Breslin (CH) over leave 29 hrs, 4th class; T. Sullivan (pm) overleave 8 1/2 hrs, 4th class; M. Halvorsen (Gm), attempting to evade sentry by swimming across basin from Cob dock, 5 nights in double irons.
Segt J. M. Foley USMC - having been relieved by 1st Seagt Jno Boyd USMC was this day, by order of teh Colonel Commandant, transferred to the Marine Barracks Brooklyn.
1st Seagt Jno. Boyd USMC - Segt. J. M. Foley USMC having been relieved by 1st Seagt Jno Boyd USMC was this day, by order of teh Colonel Commandant, transferred to the Marine Barracks Brooklyn.
J.M. Foley (Segt) USMC - Having been relieved by 1st Seagt Jno Boyd USMC was this day, by order of the Colonel Commandant, transfered to the Marine Barracks Brooklyn
6 sailors absent wo leave
w halverson - attempted to evade sentry by swimming across basin
took on food
exercised recuits at infantry drill
something is wrong with weather data, log state light breezes and direction, report force 6 w no direction
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - under the command of Commander Oliver A. Batcheller
Midnight to 4 am. Heavy fog first part, clear slartight night latter part of watch. Light airs from NNE.
Jos Strauss - Jos Strauss, Ensign
4 to 8 am. - Pleasant hazy weather. Light airs from NNE and North. By order of the comdg officer M. Halvorsen (gg) was released from sentrys charge.
Charles Laird - Charles Laird Lieut
8 am to Meridian - Weather clear warm and pleasant. Misty around horizon. Light airs from North + NNW. At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters, absent overleave JJ McClennan (1cg) JJ Doherty (2cf) D Quill (oiler) L. Deugan (pm) E. Kummers (2cf) J.M. O'Keefe. Exercised divisions, 1'st 2'nd 3'rd + powder divisions at infantry drill, the manual of arms and marching. Received on board in Pay Dept and issued to crew 86 'lbs bread, 107 1/2 lbs each fresh beef and vegetables. S.L. Lomax (sa 2c) returned on board 24 hrs overtime. The following punishments were awarded by order of the commanding officer:- J Corgrove, (2cf), over leave 4 hrs, 3'rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), overleave 7 1/2 hrs, 4'th class, D. Breslin (CH) over leave 29 hrs, 4'th class; T. Sullivan (pm) overleave 8 1/2 hrs 4'th class; M. Halvorsen (gm), attempting to evade sentry by swimming across basin from Cob. dock, 5 nights in double irons; Crew engaged in cleaning bilges. Received on board form the hydrant on ordnance dock and ran into boilers 470 cu. ft. fresh water.
M. Halvorsen (gm) - M. Halvorsen (gm), attempting to evade sentry by swimming across basin from Cob. dock, 5 nights in double irons;
A W Grant - A W Grant Lt..
Meridian to 4 P.m. - Clear and cool, light breezes from West to NNW with very fresh squalls at times. Exercised recruits at infanftry drill. At work on board from Navy yard 6 boiler makers, 2 machinists and 2 helpers in Steam Engineering Dept. Cleaning bilges under after shell rooms. T. Sullivan (Dy mac.) left the ship on 5 days leave of absence. Received in Pay Dept 530 gals fresh water.
Jos Strauss - Jos Strauss, Ensign
4 to 8 pm - Weather clear and cool with moderate breeze from NNW + NW. Barometer rising. Segt J.M. Foley USMC having been relieved by 1'st seagt Jus Boyd USMC was this day, by order of the Colonel Commandant, transfered to the Marine Barracks Brooklyn. Mustered crew at quarters at 5.45 pm, absentees same as in morning. USS Yorktown left the Navy Yard and anchored abeam of this ship. M. Halvorsen (og) and FP Miles (ster cook) were confined in double irons under sentrys charge as per previous order of comdg officer.
USS Yorktown - USS Yorktown left the Navy Yard and anchored abeam of this ship.
A W Grant - A W Grant Lt..
8 pm to midnight - Clear and cool. Gentle to stiff breeze in squalls from NW, J.J. McClennan (1cf) returned to the ship 63 1/2 hrs overtime.
Jos Strauss - Jos Strauss, Ensign
J B Briggs - J B Briggs Lt Navigator
50874dd309d4090755009d7d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_053_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long -149.8
barometer reduced 25/100 from hour before, seams to be ore in order, but wind force is large
50874dd309d4090755009d7f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_053_1.jpg)
6 October 1891
P. Jessen (QM) - The comding officer awarded the following punishments:- P. Jessen (QM) 9 hrs over leave, 4th class; J. J. Lang (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; A. Hasler (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. Healey (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; W. G. Jansen (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) over leave 24 hrs extra duty and 4th class; J. Talcott dirty clothes at morning inspection, 4hrs extra duty.
J. J. Lang (sa 2c) - The comding officer awarded the following punishments:- P. Jessen (QM) 9 hrs over leave, 4th class; J. J. Lang (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; A. Hasler (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. Healey (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; W. G. Jansen (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) over leave 24 hrs extra duty and 4th class; J. Talcott dirty clothes at morning inspection, 4hrs extra duty.
A. Hasler (sa 2c) - The comding officer awarded the following punishments:- P. Jessen (QM) 9 hrs over leave, 4th class; J. J. Lang (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; A. Hasler (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. Healey (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; W. G. Jansen (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) over leave 24 hrs extra duty and 4th class; J. Talcott dirty clothes at morning inspection, 4hrs extra duty.
J. Healey (sa 2c) - The comding officer awarded the following punishments:- P. Jessen (QM) 9 hrs over leave, 4th class; J. J. Lang (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; A. Hasler (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. Healey (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; W. G. Jansen (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) over leave 24 hrs extra duty and 4th class; J. Talcott dirty clothes at morning inspection, 4hrs extra duty.
J. Talcott (2 ca) - The comding officer awarded the following punishments:- P. Jessen (QM) 9 hrs over leave, 4th class; J. J. Lang (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; A. Hasler (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. Healey (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; W. G. Jansen (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) over leave 24 hrs extra duty and 4th class; J. Talcott dirty clothes at morning inspection, 4hrs extra duty.
W. G. Jansen (sa 2c) - The comding officer awarded the following punishments:- P. Jessen (QM) 9 hrs over leave, 4th class; J. J. Lang (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; A. Hasler (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. Healey (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; W. G. Jansen (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) over leave 24 hrs extra duty and 4th class; J. Talcott dirty clothes at morning inspection, 4hrs extra duty.
S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) - The comding officer awarded the following punishments:- P. Jessen (QM) 9 hrs over leave, 4th class; J. J. Lang (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; A. Hasler (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. Healey (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; W. G. Jansen (sa 2c) out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; S. L. Lomax (sa 2c) over leave 24 hrs extra duty and 4th class; J. Talcott dirty clothes at morning inspection, 4hrs extra duty.
J.J. Lang - Out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty
6 sailors absent
single sticxs exercised by marines
3 sailors punished for out of uniform
goodtown taken in tow by tug -
50874dd309d4090755009d81: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_054_0.jpg)
at ord dock navy yard ny
Lat , Long
50874dd309d4090755009d83: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_054_1.jpg)
7 October 1891
Received from Pay Dept. 78 lbs bread, 97 1/2lbs beef and 97 1/2lbs vegetables
E. Moore (Sea) - was brought on board at 7 am by a Navy Yard Sentry and, by order of Comd'g officer was placed under sentry's charge for safe keeping.
E. Moore (Sea) - Delivered to E. Moore (Sea) copy of charges prefered against him by Comdr. O. A. BVatcheller USN for trial by Summary Court Martial.
50874dd309d4090755009d85: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_055_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874dd309d4090755009d87: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_055_1.jpg)
8 October 1891
J. McCaffrey - overleave 4 3/4hrs, 4 hrs extra duty
D. Quill (oiler) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. McClennan (Sea) overleave 65 1/2 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, H.M.O. 4th class; J. McCaffery (lds), overleave 4 3/4 hrs, 3rd class; L. Dugan (Bck Sm) overleave 39 1/4 hrs, 14 hrs extra duty H.M.O. 4th class; H. Moran (B Mate) coming off liberty unfit for duty 2nd class; D. Quill (oiler) overleave 59 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty HMO 4th class; R. McDonald (pm) overleave 5 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Arm) overleave 12 1/2 hrs, 4th class.
H. Moran (B Mate) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. McClennan (Sea) overleave 65 1/2 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, H.M.O. 4th class; J. McCaffery (lds), overleave 4 3/4 hrs, 3rd class; L. Dugan (Bck Sm) overleave 39 1/4 hrs, 14 hrs extra duty H.M.O. 4th class; H. Moran (B Mate) coming off liberty unfit for duty 2nd class; D. Quill (oiler) overleave 59 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty HMO 4th class; R. McDonald (pm) overleave 5 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Arm) overleave 12 1/2 hrs, 4th class.
J. J. McClennan (1 cf) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. McClennan (Sea) overleave 65 1/2 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, H.M.O. 4th class; J. McCaffery (lds), overleave 4 3/4 hrs, 3rd class; L. Dugan (Bck Sm) overleave 39 1/4 hrs, 14 hrs extra duty H.M.O. 4th class; H. Moran (B Mate) coming off liberty unfit for duty 2nd class; D. Quill (oiler) overleave 59 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty HMO 4th class; R. McDonald (pm) overleave 5 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Arm) overleave 12 1/2 hrs, 4th class.
L. Dugan (Bck Sm) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. McClennan (Sea) overleave 65 1/2 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, H.M.O. 4th class; J. McCaffery (lds), overleave 4 3/4 hrs, 3rd class; L. Dugan (Bck Sm) overleave 39 1/4 hrs, 14 hrs extra duty H.M.O. 4th class; H. Moran (B Mate) coming off liberty unfit for duty 2nd class; D. Quill (oiler) overleave 59 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty HMO 4th class; R. McDonald (pm) overleave 5 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Arm) overleave 12 1/2 hrs, 4th class.
J. McCaffrey (lds) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. McClennan (Sea) overleave 65 1/2 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, H.M.O. 4th class; J. McCaffery (lds), overleave 4 3/4 hrs, 3rd class; L. Dugan (Bck Sm) overleave 39 1/4 hrs, 14 hrs extra duty H.M.O. 4th class; H. Moran (B Mate) coming off liberty unfit for duty 2nd class; D. Quill (oiler) overleave 59 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty HMO 4th class; R. McDonald (pm) overleave 5 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Arm) overleave 12 1/2 hrs, 4th class.
R. McDonald (pm) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. McClennan (Sea) overleave 65 1/2 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, H.M.O. 4th class; J. McCaffery (lds), overleave 4 3/4 hrs, 3rd class; L. Dugan (Bck Sm) overleave 39 1/4 hrs, 14 hrs extra duty H.M.O. 4th class; H. Moran (B Mate) coming off liberty unfit for duty 2nd class; D. Quill (oiler) overleave 59 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty HMO 4th class; R. McDonald (pm) overleave 5 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Arm) overleave 12 1/2 hrs, 4th class.
E. Brant (Arm) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. McClennan (Sea) overleave 65 1/2 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, H.M.O. 4th class; J. McCaffery (lds), overleave 4 3/4 hrs, 3rd class; L. Dugan (Bck Sm) overleave 39 1/4 hrs, 14 hrs extra duty H.M.O. 4th class; H. Moran (B Mate) coming off liberty unfit for duty 2nd class; D. Quill (oiler) overleave 59 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty HMO 4th class; R. McDonald (pm) overleave 5 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Arm) overleave 12 1/2 hrs, 4th class.
H. F. Laing (2 ca) - By order from the Bureau of Navigation the following named apprentices were transfered to USS Yorktown with their bags & hammocks: F. S. Kirk (1ca), H. F. Laing (2ca), S. L. Lomax (sa 2c), C. J. Johnson (2ca), A. Hasler (sa 2c), C. A. Barnes (3 ca), R. McCauley (2 ca)
F. S. Kirk (1ca) - By order from the Bureau of Navigation the following named apprentices were transfered to USS Yorktown with their bags & hammocks: F. S. Kirk (1ca), H. F. Laing (2ca), S. L. Lomax (sa 2c), C. J. Johnson (2ca), A. Hasler (sa 2c), C. A. Barnes (3 ca), R. McCauley (2 ca)
C. J. Johnson (2 ca) - By order from the Bureau of Navigation the following named apprentices were transfered to USS Yorktown with their bags & hammocks: F. S. Kirk (1ca), H. F. Laing (2ca), S. L. Lomax (sa 2c), C. J. Johnson (2ca), A. Hasler (sa 2c), C. A. Barnes (3 ca), R. McCauley (2 ca)
C. A. Barnes (3 ca) - By order from the Bureau of Navigation the following named apprentices were transfered to USS Yorktown with their bags & hammocks: F. S. Kirk (1ca), H. F. Laing (2ca), S. L. Lomax (sa 2c), C. J. Johnson (2ca), A. Hasler (sa 2c), C. A. Barnes (3 ca), R. McCauley (2 ca)
R. McCauley (2 ca) - By order from the Bureau of Navigation the following named apprentices were transfered to USS Yorktown with their bags & hammocks: F. S. Kirk (1ca), H. F. Laing (2ca), S. L. Lomax (sa 2c), C. J. Johnson (2ca), A. Hasler (sa 2c), C. A. Barnes (3 ca), R. McCauley (2 ca)
Thos. Mellette (2 cf) - The following name men were shipped this day for 3 yrs general service: Carl Carlsen (Sea) on Continuous Serivice Certificate # 8273; Geo. Amerson (1 cf); Thos Mellette (2 cf)
A. Hasler (sa 2c) - By order from the Bureau of Navigation the following named apprentices were transfered to USS Yorktown with their bags & hammocks: F. S. Kirk (1ca), H. F. Laing (2ca), S. L. Lomax (sa 2c), C. J. Johnson (2ca), A. Hasler (sa 2c), C. A. Barnes (3 ca), R. McCauley (2 ca)
Carl Carlsen (Sea) - The following name men were shipped this day for 3 yrs general service: Carl Carlsen (Sea) on Continuous Serivice Certificate # 8273; Geo. Amerson (1 cf); Thos Mellette (2 cf)
Geo. Amerson (1 cf) - The following name men were shipped this day for 3 yrs general service: Carl Carlsen (Sea) on Continuous Serivice Certificate # 8273; Geo. Amerson (1 cf); Thos Mellette (2 cf)
USS Yorktown - At 4:45 USS Yorktown passed the Navy Yard bound to sea. Cheered ship.
5 sailors absent wo leave
painted bildges
yorktown - 7 sailors transferred
yorktown - went to sea
painted inner hull
By order of the Bureau of navigation the following named apprentices were transfered to the USS Yorktown with there bags and hammock. F.S Kirk (1ca), H.F. Laing (2ca), S.L. Lomax (sa 2c), C.J. Johnson (2ca), A Hasler (sa 2c), C.A. Barnes (3ca), R. McCauley (2ca).
The following named men were shipped this day for 3 yrs General Service: Carl Carlsen (sea) on continuous service certificate #8273; Geo Anderson (1cf); Thos Mellette (2cf)
USS Yorktown - Passed the Navy yard bound for sea.
By order of the Bureau of navigation the following named apprentices were transfered to the USS Yorktown with there bags and hammock. F.S Kirk (1ca), H.F. Laing (2ca), S.L. Lomax (sa 2c), C.J. Johnson (2ca), A Hasler (sa 2c), C.A. Barnes (3ca), R. McCauley (2ca).
The following named men were shipped this day for 3 yrs General Service: Carl Carlsen (sea) on continuous service certificate #8273; Geo Anderson (1cf); Thos Mellette (2cf)
USS Yorktown - Passed the Navy yard bound for sea.
50874dd309d4090755009d89: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_056_0.jpg)
moored to ornance dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874dd309d4090755009d8b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_056_1.jpg)
9 October 1891
Oskor Kajander (os) - was shipped this day for 3 years general service.
E. Moore (Sea) - At 10:00 a Summary Court Martial of which Lieut V. L. Cottman was senior member met for the trial of E. Moore (Sea). Summary Court took recess at 11 til 1 p.m.
Lieut V. L. Cottman - At 10:00 a Summary Court Martial of which Lieut V. L. Cottman was senior member met for the trial of E. Moore (Sea). Summary Court took recess at 11 til 1 p.m.
J J McClennan - stood 2 hours extra duty
L Deegan - Stood 2 hrs extra duty
USS Dispatch - At 6: USS Dispatch left the Navy Yard
M Havlorsen - released M Halvorsen (gun m) from Confinement in accordance with punishmant assigned by the Commander.
J M O'keeffe - absent from the ship over leave
J J Doherty - absent from the ship over leave
J P Powers (Mach) - absent from the ship over leave
G C Ryder (CH) - absent from the ship over leave
Ashlor Ka~ander - shipped this day for 3 years general service
Lieut ~.L. Cottinam - |At 10:00 a Summary Court Martial of which Lieut ~.L. Cottinam was a senior member
E. Moore(Lea) - At 10:00 a summary court martial ... met for the trial of E Moore.
Weather was clear, cool, and pleasant
USS Dispatch - Left Navy Yard at 0600
M. Halverson - Released from confinement
LT V.L. Cottman/Seaman E. Moore - LT Cottman presided over Summary Court Martial of Seaman Moore
50874dd309d4090755009d8d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_057_0.jpg)
moored to ordnance dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
coal: 11 tons, 24 lbs - on hand at noon, 145 tons, 756 lbs
coal: 10.5 tons 756 lbs - 11 tons consumed since last refuel
50874dd309d4090755009d8f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_057_1.jpg)
10 October 1891
J J McClennan - stood 2 hrs extra duty
L Deegan (BSmith) - Stood 2 hrs extra duty
J J Doherty - absent over leave
J P Powers (Mach) - absent over leave
G C Ryder - absent over leave
J J Kelley (CN) - absent over leave
J M O'Keefe - absent over leave
~ J Rymer - having finished terms of punishment, were by order of the Comdg officer restored to duty
USS Fautic - left the yard at 11:30 am
M Halvorsen (qr gr) - having finished terms of punishment, were by order of the Comdg officer restored to duty
G C Ryder (CN) - returned on board 58 hrs overtime
J J Kelley (CN) - returned on board 10 hrs overtime
J J McClennan - 4 to 8 performed 2 hrs extra duty
J P Powers (mach) - returned to the ship at 9:15 - 84 hrs overtime.
T Sullivan (Dy Mach) - returned from leave at 11:30
L Deegan (Bsmith) - 8 pm to midnight performed 2 hrs extra duty
50874dd309d4090755009d91: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_058_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874dd309d4090755009d93: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_058_1.jpg)
11 October 1891
J. M. O'Keefe (pm) - By order of the Comdg Officer, J. M. OKeefe (pm) was declared a deserter from Oct 1.
T. Cosgrove (2 cf) - was rated (1 cf) from Oct. 1.
J J McClennan - Midnight to 4 AM. performed 2 hrs extra duty
L Deegan (BSmith) - Midnight to 4 AM. performed 2 hrs extra duty
J J McClennan - 4 to 8 AM stood 2 hrs extra duty
D ~uill (oiler) - 4 to 8 AM. stood 2 hrs extra duty
J J Docherty - reported for overstaying leave
J M O'Keefe - By order of the Comdg officer J M O'Keefe was declared a deserter from Oct1.
W Toumey (olier) - 09:30 reported about overstaying leave. Returned to the ship at 11:30
T Cosgrove - was rated ~~ ~~~ from Oct 1
USS Atlanta - At 2:50 unmoored from Navy Yard and at 3:05 stood down East River.
J J McClennan - 4 to 8 pm. Preformed 2 hrs extra duty
97.5 lbs beef & vegetables issued to each man in dock men on leave, men overstaying leave
j w okeefe - declared a deserter
atlanta - stood down east river
barometer steady, but jumped 10/100 at shift change, and then steady again, don't they cared
50874dd309d4090755009d95: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_059_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat -17.5, Long -0.6
50874dd309d4090755009d97: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_059_1.jpg)
12 October 1891
G. C. Ryder (CH) - The Comdg officer awarded the following punishments viz:- G. C. Ryder (CH) overleave 58 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, heavy marching order, 4th class, loss of 2 days pay; J. J. Kelley (CH) overleave 10 hrs, 4th class
J. J. Kelly (CH) - The Comdg officer awarded the following punishments viz:- G. C. Ryder (CH) overleave 58 hrs, 24 hrs extra duty, heavy marching order, 4th class, loss of 2 days pay; J. J. Kelley (CH) overleave 10 hrs, 4th class
C. H. Parks USN (Chaplain) - At 6:00 Chaplain C. H. Parks USN held divine Service on board this vessel.
Restocking water for the boilers, etc. and other needed sundries.
J.J. Doherty (2cf) and E. Kemmens (2cf) - absent overleave
50874dd309d4090755009d99: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_060_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long -149.8
50874dd309d4090755009d9b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_060_1.jpg)
13 October 1891
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
E. Q. C. Moore (Sea) - At 4:30 called all hands to muster and read findings and sentence of Summary Court Martial in the cases of E. Q. C. Moore (Sea). Sentence as mitigated by the Commander: solitary confinement in single irons on bread and water for 15 days, full ration every 5th day. The prisoner was placed under Sentry's charge to await confinement, the cell being occupied.
Some refitting at Navy Yard
EQC Moore - placed in solitary confinement following court martial
50874dd309d4090755009d9d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_061_0.jpg)
moored to ordinance dock navy yard ny in wooden dry dock
Lat -17.5, Long 45.0
50874dd309d4090755009d9f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_061_1.jpg)
14 October 1891
E. Q. C. Moore (Sea) - By order of the Commanding officer E. Q. C. Moore (Sea) was released from confinement on berth deck and was imprisoned in cell.
E J C Moore - released from solitary confinemtn on order of the Commanding Officer and placed in cell
G C Ryder - stood 2 hrs extra watch
nina and catalfa - navy tugs to move to dry dock
crew cleaning ships bottom
50874dd309d4090755009da1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_062_0.jpg)
in wooden dry dock navy yard ny
Lat 12.8, Long 45.0
50874dd309d4090755009da3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_062_1.jpg)
15 October 1891
at dock, taking on stores and supplies, cleaning bottom
at dock, taking on stores and supplies, cleaning bottom
Ensign L. C. Bertolette - left the ship to report for duty on the USS Boston.
Lieut. Chas. Laird - left the ship to report for duty on the USS Boston.
E. Kemmers (2 cf) - was declared a deserter from Oct 15, 1891.
Fred Stanley Topping - Elisted Fred Stanley Topping as 2 cf for three years general service.
50874dd309d4090755009da5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_063_0.jpg)
in wooden dry dock navy yard ny
Lat 12.8, Long 45.0
50874dd309d4090755009da7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_063_1.jpg)
16 October 1891
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
USS Atlanta arrived at ship yard. crew cleaning bottom, crew got paid
William Allen (B W...) returned on board, placed him in charge of sentry to await action of commander
D. Quill (1 cf) - Transferred to "Boston"
Ensign W. A. Edgar USN - reported on board for duty.
Wm. Toomey (1 cf) - Transferred to "Boston"
M. Halvorsen (Sea) - Transferred to "Boston"
wm allen - returned and arrested
atlanta - arrived
received food
cleaning bottom, received manhattan packing and cotton waste
4 sailors transferred to boston
50874dd309d4090755009da9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_064_0.jpg)
wooden dry dock navy yard ny
Lat 12.8, Long 45.0
coal: 13 tons 2052 lbs - on hand at noon 131 tons 944 lbs
coal: 13tons, 2052lbs consumed since last report - 131tons, 944lbs on hand
50874dd309d4090755009dab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_064_1.jpg)
17 October 1891
Lat , Long
yards painters painting bottom, ensign F.J.Hacseler USN reported on board for duty. set top sail to check repairs.
F. J. Haeseler USN - reported for duty.
F. P. Miles (St Cook) - The following punishments were assigned by the commander:- F. P. Miles (St Cook) disobedience of orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm. Allen (B Maker) absent from ship from 8 pm to 2 am and returning under influence of liquor, 5 nights in double irons; C. R. Smith (2 cf) taking hammock out of nietting before "pipe down", carry hammock 4 hrs at night
Wm. Allen (B Maker) - The following punishments were assigned by the commander:- F. P. Miles (St Cook) disobedience of orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm. Allen (B Maker) absent from ship from 8 pm to 2 am and returning under influence of liquor, 5 nights in double irons; C. R. Smith (2 cf) taking hammock out of nietting before "pipe down", carry hammock 4 hrs at night
C. R. Smith (2 cf) - The following punishments were assigned by the commander:- F. P. Miles (St Cook) disobedience of orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm. Allen (B Maker) absent from ship from 8 pm to 2 am and returning under influence of liquor, 5 nights in double irons; C. R. Smith (2 cf) taking hammock out of nietting before "pipe down", carry hammock 4 hrs at night
Private J. P. Smith - was transferred from the Marine Barracks, Navy Yar, to this ship.
Private A. A. Abbott - was transferred from the Marine Barracks, Navy Yar, to this ship.
Wm. S. Kimer - shipped this day as landsman, Special Service
Chas. R. Smith (2cf) - absent without leave, thorough search about the ship was made for him but he could not be found
naval cadets - filling in log
painting ships bottom
j p smith a a abbott - marines transferred on board
chas r smith - ship searched and found gone
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wooden dry dock navy yard ny
Lat 12.8, Long 45.0
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18 October 1891
crew members in double irons others in confinement, one found going overboard.
S. A. Molton (sa 2c) - was discovered at 12 am absent from the ship with out leave.
S. A. Molton (sa 2c) - was seen to come aboard over the gang plank at 5:45, he was placed under surveillance to await action of the Commander.
J. J. Doherty (2 cf) - returned to the ship from the U.S.R.S. Wabash where he had gone after overstaying his leave of Oct. 3rd.
C. R. Smith (2 cf) - was brought on board by the M. A. A. having been arrested in Brooklyn. He was placed in double irons to await the action of Comd'g officer.
J. J. McCarron (2cf) - At 4:30 J. J. McCarron (2cf) was brought aboard by the Sergeant of Navy Yard gate. He had been confined there since 7 am for creating a disturbance. He was placed under Sentry's charge to await investigation.
S A Molton (4a2c) - discovered at 12 am, absent from the ship without leave
J J Doherty - returned to the ship from the USRS Wabash, where he had gone after overstaying his leave of Oct 3rd.
J J Doherty (2 of), T Salton, D Griffin, J McCarron, C P Smith, W J Moffat - absent without leave
Jas Couley - released from confinement; his term of confinement expired.
C R Smmith - brought on board by the M A A, having been arrested in Brooklyn.
J J McCarron - was brought aboard by the Sgt of Navy Yard Gate. Had been confined there for creating a isturbance. Placed under sentry's charge to await investigation.
Wm Allen (B Maker) - was confined in double irons in accordance with previous order off the Commanding Officer
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dry dock navy yard ny
Lat , Long
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19 October 1981
painting ship
painting ship
J. J. Doherty (2 cf) - The following punishments were assigned by the Commander:- J. J. Doherty (2 cf) overleave 15 days 2 hrs, loss 15 days pay and 4th class; C. R. Smith (2cf) leaving ship without permission, to await trial by S. G.; J. J. McCarron (2cf) overleave 12 1/2 hrs and raising disturbance at guard house, 4th class.
C. R. Smith (2 cf) - The following punishments were assigned by the Commander:- J. J. Doherty (2 cf) overleave 15 days 2 hrs, loss 15 days pay and 4th class; C. R. Smith (2cf) leaving ship without permission, to await trial by S. G.; J. J. McCarron (2cf) overleave 12 1/2 hrs and raising disturbance at guard house, 4th class.
J. J. McCarron (2cf) - The following punishments were assigned by the Commander:- J. J. Doherty (2 cf) overleave 15 days 2 hrs, loss 15 days pay and 4th class; C. R. Smith (2cf) leaving ship without permission, to await trial by S. G.; J. J. McCarron (2cf) overleave 12 1/2 hrs and raising disturbance at guard house, 4th class.
Lieut. Briggs - A board for the competitive examination for the position of dynamo machinist, Lieut. Briggs Senior member, met on board.
W. J. Moffit (CH) - was brought on board by the Master at Arms and was placed in single irons under Sentry's charge for safe keeping.
Midnight to 4am Cloudy and cool. Light breeze from East
4 to 8 am Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from East. Barometer falling slowly.
8 am to Meridian Cleaf and pleasant, light breeze from East. Barometer falling slowly.
Meridian to 4 pm Cloudy and cool. Light breeze from ENE and ESE.
4 to 8 pm Overcast and cloudy, drizyling rain last hour. Light breeze from ESE.
8 pm to Midnight Overcast and rainy. Light breeze from SE and ESE.
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navy yard ny
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
secured to wharf out side of dock
Secured to wharf out side of day dock
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20 October 1891
ship afloat tied to wharf, Jas. Couley (ch) discharged from Navy oct. 19 1891
P Schultz - discovered absent without leave at 6AM
10:13 the caisson of the dock raised and swung towards the ship and immediately after the port radical arm of the forward steering yoke carried away. Upon reporting the accident to the commandant , a board with the Chief constructor of the yard as senior member was appointed to investigate the cause of the break.
F P Miles (sto Cook) - performed 4 hours extra duty
Jas Conley - discharged from the Naval Service by order of Bureau of Navigation Oct 19 1891
caisson of the dock raised and swung toward the ship and immediately after the port radical arm fo the forward steering yoke carried away, accident
james couley - discharged from navy
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secured to wharf
Lat 34.2, Long 132.6
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22 October 1891
towed to ordunance dock by tug Nina
received food
rudder struck by caisson
nina pulled ship to ordinance dock
vermont - docked just aheas
L. Deagan (BM) - Released from confinement
Wm Allen (Boiler M) - Released from confinement
Jas Chilton - Absent without leave
P. Schultz (2 ca) - Absent without leave
11am to 8 pm cloudy
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ordnance dock navy yard ny
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
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22 October 1891
D. Griffin - D. Griffin stood 2 hrs extra duty
L. Deegan (BM 1m) - Released L. Deegan (BM 1m) and Wm Allen (Boiler M) from confinement
Wm Allen (Boiler M) - Released L. Deegan (BM 1m) and Wm Allen (Boiler M) from confinement
J.A. Burnett (W.R. Cook) - J.A. Burnett (W.R. Cook) is this day discharged from the naval service
J.J. Byrne (Sea) - By order of the commander J.J. Byrne (Sea) was rated ships cook to date from Oct 1st
C. Carlson - C. Carlson from Sea Gun to Gun Mate from Oct 17
S.F. Swift - and S.F. Swift from O.S. to Seaman from Oct 22nd
J. Sheehan (oiler) - J. Sheehan (oiler) returned on board, he was placed under Sentry's charge to await action of the Commander.
Uscallwam - Seis
4 to 8 am overcast and cloudy
tied up at ord. dock
tied up at ord. dock
J. A. Burnett (W. R. Cook) - is this day discharged from the Naval Service.
J. J. Byrn (Sea) - By order of the Commander, J. J. Byrn (Sea) was rated ships cook to date from Oct 1st; C. Carlsen from Sea Gun to Gun. Mate from Oct. 17 and L. T. Swift from O.S. to Seaman from Oct 22nd.
L. T. Swift - By order of the Commander, J. J. Byrn (Sea) was rated ships cook to date from Oct 1st; C. Carlsen from Sea Gun to Gun. Mate from Oct. 17 and L. T. Swift from O.S. to Seaman from Oct 22nd.
C. Carlsen - By order of the Commander, J. J. Byrn (Sea) was rated ships cook to date from Oct 1st; C. Carlsen from Sea Gun to Gun. Mate from Oct. 17 and L. T. Swift from O.S. to Seaman from Oct 22nd.
J. Sheehan (oiler) - returned on board, he was placed under Sentry's charge to await action of the Commander.
Two promotions on board
Phrase-Blowing in squalls
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navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
As of 9am wind dir. changed to N.N.W. Bar. from 29.90 to 29.78. Small changes in temp. and other stats.
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23 October 1891
Frank Alsich - shipped this day for 3 years, general service, as Ord. Sea.
Nicolas Mitchell - shipped this day as 1 cf for 3 yrs general service
Thomas Thomas (Sea) - Received from "Vermont" Thomas Thomas (Sea) Jno Flynn (Sea) Nicholas Sarre (Sea), Henry Nelson (Sea) Robt Allston (Sea) Hermann Kassner (Sea) and Jas McCue (CH)
Nicholas Sarre - Received from "Vermont" Thomas Thomas (Sea) Jno Flynn (Sea) Nicholas Sarre (Sea), Henry Nelson (Sea) Robt Allston (Sea) Hermann Kassner (Sea) and Jas McCue (CH)
Joe flynn (Sea) - Received from "Vermont" Thomas Thomas (Sea) Jno Flynn (Sea) Nicholas Sarre (Sea), Henry Nelson (Sea) Robt Allston (Sea) Hermann Kassner (Sea) and Jas McCue (CH)
Robt. Allston (Sea) - Received from "Vermont" Thomas Thomas (Sea) Jno Flynn (Sea) Nicholas Sarre (Sea), Henry Nelson (Sea) Robt Allston (Sea) Hermann Kassner (Sea) and Jas McCue (CH)
Henry Nelson (Sea) - Received from "Vermont" Thomas Thomas (Sea) Jno Flynn (Sea) Nicholas Sarre (Sea), Henry Nelson (Sea) Robt Allston (Sea) Hermann Kassner (Sea) and Jas McCue (CH)
Hermann Kassner (Sea) - Received from "Vermont" Thomas Thomas (Sea) Jno Flynn (Sea) Nicholas Sarre (Sea), Henry Nelson (Sea) Robt Allston (Sea) Hermann Kassner (Sea) and Jas McCue (CH)
Jas McCue (CH) - Received from "Vermont" Thomas Thomas (Sea) Jno Flynn (Sea) Nicholas Sarre (Sea), Henry Nelson (Sea) Robt Allston (Sea) Hermann Kassner (Sea) and Jas McCue (CH)
repairs to broken quuadrant of steering gear
took on food
unshiffing broken quadrant of steering gear
vermont - received 6 sailors
Received in pay deft the following fresh provsions: 84 lbs bread, 99 lbs beef and 99 lbs vegetables
Workers from yard fitting door and shutters to galley, making repairs in Engineers Dept and unshipping broken quadrant of steering gear.
Nicolas Mitchell - shipped this day as 1 of for 3 yrs general service
- Received from "Vermont" Thomas Thomas (sea), Jno Flynn (sea), Nicholas Jarne (sea) Henry Nelson (sea), Rolf Allston (sea), Hermann Kassner (sea) and Jas McCue (ch).
Received on board, 84 lbs. bread, 99 lbs. beef and 99 lbs. vegetables
Yard workmen on board for repairs in Engr. Dept. One new crewman, 1 AWOL
oil: 3 gallons -
1 crewman AWOL
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ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
coal: 15 tons 1176 lbs - on hand at noon 115 tons 2008 lbs
Wind varied W.N.W (3) to NW (3-5), clouds variable, temp from 57 to 60 and bar. 29.87 to 29.91
Coal consumed for period 15 tons- 115 tons on hand remaining
To midnight wind, NW to N.N.W. force 3-5, bar 20.88 to 30.01 @5pm% of sky 10
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24 October 1891
Jas. Sheehan (W.T.) - By order of the Comd'g officer Jas. Sheehan W.T. was awarded 5 nights in double irons under Sentry's charge for leaving ship without permission.
W. J. Moffit (CH) - C. R. Smith and W. J. Moffitt (CH) were each presented with copies of the specifications preferred against them.
C. R. Smith (2 cf) - C. R. Smith and W. J. Moffitt (CH) were each presented with copies of the specifications preferred against them.
W. Jansen (sa 2c) - K. Knudson (sea) jumped overboard from the poop to the rescue of W. Jansen (sa 2c)
E. Knudson (Sea) - jumped overboard from the poop to the rescue of W. Jansen (sa 2c)
USS Boston - At 2:30 the USS "Boston" cast off from the wharf and left the Navy yard bound for the Pacific Station.
USS "Boston" cast off bound for Pacific Station.
took on clothing
e knudson - jumped from poop deck to rescue sailor
boston - left yard
Dan Griffin - stood 2hrs extra duty in accordance with previous order of commanding officer.
L Deegan - released from confinement at 6:00 carrying out punishment assigned by the Commander.
P Schultz (2 ca) - absent over leave
Jas Shuler - awarded 5 nights in double irons under sentry- for leaving ship without permission.
received on board 5 mattresses, 25 prs calf shoes, 25 prs BC Trowheas, 100 prs woolen socks, 100 watch caps
C R Smith, 2 of, W J Moffit (ch) - presented with copies of the specificaitons proferred against them.
E Kundeone - jumped overbard from the poop to the rescue of W Jansen
USS Boston - cast off from the wharf and left the Navy yard for the Pacific station.
P Schultz (2 ca) - absent without leave
L Dugan (Be 2) - at sundown confined in double irons
D Griffin (2cf) - stood 1 hr extra duty, heavy marching order, in accordance with previpus order of Commanding Officer.
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at ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long -5.5
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25 October 1891
L Deegan, J Sheehan - released
received on board in Pay Department and issued to crew 110 1/2 lbs each beef and vegetables and fresh bread.
P Shultz (2 co) - absent without leave
F R Winegard, E H Erickson - absent over leave.
J Sheehan - confined in double irons in accordance with previous order of commanding officer.
received food
Oliver A. Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 am - clear and cold. Light air and breezes from NW.
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ordonance dock navy yard ny
Lat Navy yard N.Y., Long 7.2
Steamer Concord -
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26 October 1891
E H Erickson - returned. 16 hours overtime
J Sheehan - released from confinement in accordance with previous order of Commanding Officer.
P Schultz - reported absent without leave
F R Winegard - absent overstaying liberty
D Griffin - performed 4 hours extra duty
USRS Viscount - received C L Hubbard
P Schultz - absent without leave
J Sheehan - placed in double irons under sentrys charge
F R Winegard - absesnt overstaying leave
Dan Griffin - stood 2 hours extra duty
working on steering gear
2 sailors court marshalled
Commander LA Batcheller - Commander
Midnight to 4 A.M. - Overcast first two hours, cloudy last hour. Light airs from SSW and SW. ESS Erickson (car) returned 16 hrs overtime.
E. H. Erickson - Returned after 16 hrs. overstay
W. A. Irlger & Wriger - names under entry
4 to 8 a.m. Overcast and misty. Light airs from SW. Released J. Shulin (W ) from confinement in accordance with previous order of coudy officer.
J. Shulian - Released from confinement
J.J Hairselm and Ensign - names under entry
8 a.m. to meridian - Overcast cloudy and misty. Light breeze from SW. At 9:30 mustered at quarters when P. Schulty (200) was reported absent without leaves and F.R. Wingard (lds) absent overstaying Liberty. Evereised (first period) 1st and 3rd livs at infantry, 2nd livs. Small wows; food powder liv at quarters; after Powder Siv at stations; Mariners at company srile. Exercised (2nd period) at equiping boats for cutting out. Navy yard workmen at work on staring year. A summary courtmartial conceived at 10: for the trial of C.R. Fwicth and W.J. Moffitt at 11:30 the court adjourned to await the action of the wiery authority S. Siffin performed L hous extra duty.
F. R. Wingard - Absent overstaying liberty
P Schulty - Reported absent without leave
C.R. Smith - Had the court trail
W. J. Moffitt - Also had a court visit
S Griffin - Had extra duty
Jashaws and Ensign - names under entry
meridian to 4 pm - Clear and pleasant, light airs from W.S.W. Received from USRS Vermont CS Huffard her guns
USRS Vermont - Ship delivering the personn
C.L. Hubbard - Brought by the USRS Vermont to their ship
W.R Edger and Ensign - names under entry
4 to 8 pm. Clear and pleasant until last hour when it rained heavely at times. Light airs from SW and West. At 5:35 mustered at quarters, P Scharlty (sea) absent without leave, F. R. Wingard (lds) absent overstaying leave. Crufired J. Shuface (W ) in double ironns on betach dock under Leutrys charge, for the night in pursuance of punishment wrared by couidy officer.
P. Schulty - Absent
T.R Wingard - Overstaying leave
J. Shuchan - Was fulfilling his punishment
Sentrys - Watching Shuhan
Joshaws and Ensign - names under entry
8 pm to Midnight - Overcast and rainy. Thunder and lightning first half of watch. Light airs and breezes from WSW. Sam Griffin stood 2 hrs extra duty.
Sam Griffin - Had 2 hrs. extra duty.
W.A Edger and Ensign - names under entry
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ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
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27 October 1891
exercised divisions in gun and infantry
removing steering yoke
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navy yard ny
Lat , Long
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USS "Chicago" - Came up East River.
By Order of the Comdg Officer the following men were rated dating from to day:- K. Quaney from Oiler to Dynamo Mach and C.L Hubbard from Sea Gun. to Oiler.
At 4:00 called all hands to muster and read Sentence of Summary Court Martial in the cases of Chas R. Smith (2cf) and Wm. J. Moffitt (CH). The former was sentenced to be discharged from the service with bad conduct discharge the latter as commuted by the Commander, the officer ordering the court, to be confined on bread and water, full rations every 5th day, for 15 days, in single irons, solitary confinement.
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navy yard ny
Lat , Long
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29 October 1891
drilled in boats and marching order
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ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
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30 October 1891
Peter Schultz (2ca) - Declared a deserter from 10 Oct
Received from USRC "Vermont" the following named Ordinary Seamen: J.H. Bartlett, J.C. Martin, Wm Keough and Michael Brennan.
w j mofitt - court marshalled
new field coil in forward dynamo
vermont - sent over 4 seamen
8-midnight, joe thomas changed the barometer reading 31/100 wo mention, otherwise steady
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ordnance dock navy yard ny
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
coal: 15 tons 1252 lbs - on hand at noon 100 tons 756 lbs
Coal consumed since last report 15 tons 1252 lbs.
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31 October 1891
Edison's men fitting field coil in forward ~~~~~~~
~~~ at quarters at 4:45 when ~.R.Winegard (las) was reported absent without leave.
At 10:45 fire alarm in Navy yard was sounded, 10:50 called all divisions to quarters, marched 1st 2nd and 3rd divisions to timber dry dock. ~~~ fire extinguished. Divisions returned on board at 11:15
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ordnance dock navy yard ny
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
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1 November 1891
USS Petrol - Left the navy yard and steamed down the East River.
USS Kearsarge - Passed down the East River.
F.Rywer (pm) was brought on board at 12:10 by corporal at navy yard gate who reported that he had jumped the wall and was under the influence of liquor; he was ~ under the influence of liquor when brought on board; placed him under sentrys charge for safe keeping to await action of ~.
received on board for issue to crew 94 lbs bread, 111 1/2 lbs each of beef and vegetables.
At 9:30 ~ and inspected crew at quarters. Reat the " Articles for the Better Government of the US Navy" and general court martial orders #30 to #37. F.R.Winegard (lds) H N~ (~), A Andette (sa 2c) C Hardy (~), L. Cottela (Car) F.Ward (~ cf) C Bentson (CH) R McDonald (pm) P.F. Larkin (os) absent over leave.
USS Petad - left the navy yard and steamed down the east river
By order of C~~dy offiser confined F.J.Rywer (pm) in double irons for safe keeping.
USS Kearsarge - passed down the East River.
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ordnance dock navy yard ny
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
50874dd309d4090755009deb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_080_1.jpg)
2 November 1891
At 9:30 inspected crew at quarters. Absent over leave F R Winegard (lds) A Andette (Sa 2c) L. Cottela (Car) F. Ward (~ cf) C Bentson (CH) R McDonald (pm) R F Larkin (os) H Moran (~) M R Brechenridge (mach) G. Anderson (1cf) J.J Long (sa 2c).
Exercised 1st and ~ divisions and marine guard at infantry and powder division at stations.
At 10:30 called away all boats around and equipped for distant service.
Received from USS Philadelphia 100 rounds 6pdr saluting powder and from general store keeper navy yard 9 chests for ~.
C Hardy (sh wr) returned 24 hrs overtime.
Received on board in Steam Engineers Dept 50 lbs pully, 8 hitchcock, 200 lbs cotton wa~~~, 4 bearing bars and 6 steel spiral springs.
Took on board from hydrant 3448 gals fresh water for ships use. Received from USRS Vermont Johann Romer (os) and H. Anderson (os) transferred to this vessel. Received on board from navy yard in Construction Dept 10 gals boiled oil, 50 lbs metal lie paint, 100 lbs Hert~~gs Butt cement paint, 100 lbs fluching cement piant, 1 bench vise, 1 hand vise, 1 hat s~ages 1'14", 1 set saws 1'12", 1 set fullers, 1 mach. hammer, 12 carp. pencils, 12 a~~d chisels, 12 files taper raw, 1 pr tongue & groove planes, 1 brest drill, 24 twist drills, 3/16",12 ~, 1/4", 12 ~ 1/8", 12 gi~let bitts, 1 expansion bitt, 15 bering bitts, 5 lbs lbs copper burns, 1 rabbit plane
G. Anderson (1 cf) returned on board 13 hrs overtime T.F. Doran (lds) and GH Higbie (3 ca) left, with out permission about 7:30 pm, a visiting party to the Atlanta and did not return to the ship. R McDonald (pm0 returned on board 39 hrs overtime.
took onboard 3448 gals. fresh water,
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navy yard ny
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
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3 November 1891
USS Philadelfhia left Navy Yard
L. Cattela (carp) returned on board 49 hrs overtime.
At 9:30 mustered crew at quarters. Absent with out leave T F Doran (lds) and C H Higbie (1 ca), absent overleave: F R. Winegard (lds) H Moran (sea) A. Andette (sa 2c) F Ward (1 cf) C Bentson (CH) P.F. Larkin (os) J.J. Long (sa 2c) J Roberts (sea) Wm Rhodes (oiler) D McCarthy (sea) J.M. Pluncket (lds) C O'Neil (1 cf0 and G.H. Kramer (sea)
Tested magazine and shell room flood cocks and found them in good working order. The weekly inspection of the inner hull surface, outlet, and ~~tilating valves and water tight doors was made and every thing found in good order
USS Philadelphia - left the nvay yard and steamed down East River
By order of the Co~dy officer released from confinement and restores to duty C A Richardson (CH); also M R Breckenridge (mach) was this day declared a deserter from Nov 2nd 1891
J.M. Plunckett (lds) was brought on board at 1:50 by the sentry at the navy yard gate. H McFadden (pm) was brought on board at 3:45 under gaurd he having delivered himself at the Marine Barracks as a deserter. By order of the C~~~dy Officer placed McFadden in double irons under sentry charge to await the action of the dept.
D McCarthy (sea) returned aboard 12 hrs overtime.
50874dd309d4090755009df1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_082_0.jpg)
orduance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
50874dd309d4090755009df3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_082_1.jpg)
4 November 1891
half the crew found to be a desaster
50874dd309d4090755009df5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_083_0.jpg)
orduance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
50874dd309d4090755009df7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_083_1.jpg)
5 November 1891
loaded lots of supplies, 3633 pounds of sugar
12 sailors absent wo leave
50874dd309d4090755009df9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_084_0.jpg)
ordinance dock navy yard ny
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
50874dd309d4090755009dfb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_084_1.jpg)
6 November 1891
crew stored 3000 lbs. of food
10 sailors absent wo leave
50874dd309d4090755009dfd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_085_0.jpg)
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
50874dd309d4090755009dff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_085_1.jpg)
7 November 1891
50874dd309d4090755009e01: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_086_0.jpg)
navy yard new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
50874dd309d4090755009e03: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_086_1.jpg)
8 November 1891
USS Jamestown - Passed up the river at 11 am.
50874dd309d4090755009e05: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_087_0.jpg)
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
50874dd309d4090755009e07: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_087_1.jpg)
9 November 1891
J.H. Connors (2nd CF) - Enlisted for general service
50874dd309d4090755009e09: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_088_0.jpg)
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
50874dd309d4090755009e0b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_088_1.jpg)
10 November 1891
50874dd309d4090755009e0d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_089_0.jpg)
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
50874dd309d4090755009e0f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_089_1.jpg)
11 November 1891
coal: 250.1 tons - total coaling 305.1 tons
coal: 55 tons -
minnasota - received 6 sailors
patrick j gleason - enlisted for 3 years
50874dd309d4090755009e11: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_090_0.jpg)
navy yard new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
50874dd309d4090755009e13: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_090_1.jpg)
12 November 1891
F.P. Miles (str Cook) and Wm. Brown (wr cook) - Discharged from the naval Service by reason of order of Bureau of Navigation.
Har~y Scott (lds) - Discharged from this ship and the naval Service at own request approved by Bureau of Navigation
Louis Harper and Jno Christian - Shipped as Landsmen, special service, and for 3 yrs general service.
Michael McDonald - Shipped as Ord Sea
J.F Dunn (ref) returned to the ship at midnight 160 hours overtime.
By direction of cousdy officer released J Moffit (CH) his term of confinement having expired, and placed F.J. Rywer (pm) under sentrys charge in single irons to await trial by general court martial. Loosed tail. H.G. Drew (sa 2c) returned to the vessel having been 4 days 1 1/2 hours overtime.
F.P. Miles (str cook) and Wm Brown (WR cook) were discharged from the navel service by reason of order of Bureau of Navigation.
h.W. Harvy teo~~ (lds) was this day discharged from this ship and the Naval Service at his own request approved by Bureau of Navigation.
At 4:45 mustered crew at quarters, about without leave W Albert (app), overleave, G.H. Kramer (sea) j Cosgrove (ref), J.J Hughs (app) returned to the ship 3 days and 9 hrs over time. G H Kramer (sea) returned to the ship 9 days and 11 hrs overtime. J.J Fitzgerald (ref) was confined in double irons in accordance with previous order of cou~d~ officer.
Shipped as ~, special service Louis Harper and Jus Christian and for 3 years general service, Michael McDonald as Ord. sea.
Jus Hacket (1 cf), Wm Rhodes (2 cf), J. O'Neil (1 cf) and J F Larkin (os) stood each 2 hrs extra duty.
50874dd309d4090755009e15: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_091_0.jpg)
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
50874dd309d4090755009e17: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_091_1.jpg)
13 November 1891
J Roberets, J O'Neill, J. Hackett - each stood 2 hrs extra duty
W Albert - reported absent without leave
L Kuhn - absent over staying leave
The crew were mustered on the spar deck and the Sentence in the case of Hugh McFadden (pm) was read. The Sentence of the court was that he be confined in such prison as the Secy. of the Navy may name for the period of one year and that he loose all pay the may become due him except 2 dollars per month for necessary prison expenses. ...... the navy yard Boston designated as the place of confinement.
USS Atlanta - Came out of dock at 4:30
J.H. Kennedy and C.P. Nolan (Privates) - Received from Marine Barracks, Brooklyn with bags hammocks and transfer papers.
J Roberts (sea), J. CO. Neill (ref) and j. Hackett (ref) each stood 2 hrs extra duty
Lieut J. B. Briggs USN returned from leave of absence.
At 9:30 mustered at quarters when W Albert (1 CA) was reported absent without leave and L. Kuhn absent over staying leave.
The crew were mustered on the ~~ar deck and the sentence in the case of Hugh McFadden (pm) was read. The sentence of the court was that he be confined in such prison as the Seey. of the Navy may name for the period of one year and that he loose all pay that may become due to him exept 2 dollars per month for necessary prison expences. The sentence was approvd and the Navy yard, Boston delegated as the place of confinement. By order of the secretary MdFadden was transfered to the marine barracks of the yard for confinement preparatory to being sent to Boston.
f.J. Rywer (pm) was tried by a G.C.M. conv~~d at the Navy Yard. The Coud'g officer awarded punishments as follows: H Nelson (sea) (1) drunk on duty, awaiting trial by S.C.M., (2) absent from the ship without permission, awaiting trial by S.C.M.; GH Kramer (g~~), overleave 9 days 11 hrs, disrated to seaman.
USS Atlanta - came out of dock at 4:30
Received from Marine Barracks Brooklyn Privates J.H. Kennedy and C.P. Nolan with bags, hammocks and transfer papers.
P.F. Larkin (os) and W. Rhodes 9oiler) stood each 2 hrs extra watch. Confined P.J. Fitzgerald 2(cf) for the night in accordance with punishment assigned by Coud'g Officer.
50874dd309d4090755009e19: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_092_0.jpg)
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
USS Miantonomah - moored along side
50874dd309d4090755009e1b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_092_1.jpg)
W.R. Rhodes (oiler), J Roberts (sea) and F.J. Larkin (os) stood 2 hrs extra duty. J. Hackett (1 cf) and J O'Neill stood 1 hr extra duty.
Overcast and pleasant, light breeze and airs from NW.
Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NW.
Cloudy and cool. Light breeze from NW and North.
Clear and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from NW and NNW.
Clear and cool, calm windy all the watch.
50874dd309d4090755009e1d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_093_0.jpg)
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
USS Miantonomoh - Moored to
50874dd309d4090755009e1f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_093_1.jpg)
14 November 1891
Clear and cold. Barometer steady. Calm.
Clear and cool. Calm with light airs from West and WSW.
Bemmington - Placed in the Simpson Dock
Clear and pleasant. Light airs from West.
Cloudy but pleasant weather. Barometer steady. Light airs and breeze from West.
Cloudy and pleasant. Light breeze from West.
Clear and cool but pleasant weather. Light breeze between NW and NNE.
Midnight to $ am - Clear and cold. Barometer steady. W.R. Rhodes (oier), Jus Roberts (sea) stood 2 hrs extra duty. Moonlight.
Released P.J. Fitzgerald (2cf) his term of confinement having expired. Moored ship to former position.
At 4:45 mustered at quarters. Absent without leave W. Albert (1 CH) G.C. Ryder (CH), J.J. McCarrou (2 cf)) J.M. Pluncket (lds) CH Ficher (1 CF), A. Connelly (CH) A Curtier (lds), E. Jones (lds). J. Hackett (1 cf) and J. O'Neill (1 CH) stood 2 hrs extra duty.
Bennington - Placed in the Simpson Dock.
50874dd309d4090755009e21: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_094_0.jpg)
navy yard ny
Lat , Long
USS Maintonomoh - moored to
50874dd309d4090755009e23: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_094_1.jpg)
15 November 1891
Wm Rhodes - J. Dwyer (1 CH), Jus Roberts (sea), J Hackett (1 CH) and Wm Rhodes (oiler) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
J. Dwyer (1 CH) - J. Dwyer (1 CH), Jus Roberts (sea), J Hackett (1 CH) and Wm Rhodes (oiler) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
J. Hackett (1 CH) - J. Dwyer (1 CH), Jus Roberts (sea), J Hackett (1 CH) and Wm Rhodes (oiler) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
Jus Roberts (sea) - J. Dwyer (1 CH), Jus Roberts (sea), J Hackett (1 CH) and Wm Rhodes (oiler) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
J.J. McCarrou (2cf) - J.J. McCarrou (2cf) was found to be absent from the ship without leave.
L. Kuhn (pm) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
W. Albert (1 ca) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
G.C. Ryder (CH) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
J.J. McCarrou (2 cf) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
C.A. Ficher (1ca) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
J.M. Plunckett (lds) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
C.S. Curtis (lds) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
R. Connelly (CH) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
P. Curley (CH) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm), absent without leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) J.J. McCarrou (2cf) J.M. Plunckett (lds) C.A. Ficher (1 ca) R. Connelly (CH), C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
P. Curley (CH) - P. Curley (CH) returned on board at 2:15, dirty and drunk, and was, by order of the Coud'g Officer, placed in single irons under sentrys charge to await investigation.
J Dwyer (1 cf) - J Dwyer (1 cf) Jus Roberts (Sea) J Hackett (1 cf) and Wm Rhodes (oiler) each stood 2 hrs extra duty
Jus Roberts (Sea) - J Dwyer (1 cf) Jus Roberts (Sea) J Hackett (1 cf) and Wm Rhodes (oiler) each stood 2 hrs extra duty
J Hackett (1 cf) - J Dwyer (1 cf) Jus Roberts (Sea) J Hackett (1 cf) and Wm Rhodes (oiler) each stood 2 hrs extra duty
Wm Rhodes (oiler) - J Dwyer (1 cf) Jus Roberts (Sea) J Hackett (1 cf) and Wm Rhodes (oiler) each stood 2 hrs extra duty
J.J. McCarrou (2 cf) - J.J. McCarrou (2 cf) was found to be absent from the ship without leave.
L. Kuhn (pm) - Absent over leave L. Kuhn (pm)
W Albert (1 ca) - Absent with out leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) JJ McCarrou (2 cf) J.M. Plunkett (lds) CA Fisher (1 ca) R Connelly (CH) C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
G.C Ryder (CH) - Absent with out leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) JJ McCarrou (2 cf) J.M. Plunkett (lds) CA Fisher (1 ca) R Connelly (CH) C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
C.A. Fisher (1 ca) - Absent with out leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) JJ McCarrou (2 cf) J.M. Plunkett (lds) CA Fisher (1 ca) R Connelly (CH) C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
J.M. Plunkett (lds) - Absent with out leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) JJ McCarrou (2 cf) J.M. Plunkett (lds) CA Fisher (1 ca) R Connelly (CH) C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
R. Connelly (CH) - Absent with out leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) JJ McCarrou (2 cf) J.M. Plunkett (lds) CA Fisher (1 ca) R Connelly (CH) C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
C.S. Curtis (lds) - Absent with out leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) JJ McCarrou (2 cf) J.M. Plunkett (lds) CA Fisher (1 ca) R Connelly (CH) C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
P. Curley (CH) - Absent with out leave W Albert (1 ca) G.C Ryder (CH) JJ McCarrou (2 cf) J.M. Plunkett (lds) CA Fisher (1 ca) R Connelly (CH) C.S. Curtis (lds) and P. Curley (CH)
P. Curley (CH) - P. Curley (CH) returned on board at 2:15, dirty and drunk, and was, by order of Comd'g Officer, placed in single irons under Sentrys charge to await investigation.
50874dd309d4090755009e25: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_095_0.jpg)
navy yard new york
Lat 40.7, Long -74.0
USS Miantonomoh - Moored along side Miantonomoh
50874dd309d4090755009e27: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_095_1.jpg)
16 November 1891
C.H. Ficher (1 ca) - C.H. Ficher (1 ca) returned on board at 6:15 placed him under sentry's charge for safe keeping to await action of the comd'r.
At $:00 started fires under boilers B & D. Put on steaming covers.
J.J. McCarou ( 2cf) - mustered crew at quarters at 11:00. Absent overleave, J.J. Carou (2 cf). the following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Pluncket (lds), R. Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13h.
J.M. Pluncket (lds) - Mustered crew at quarters at 11:00. Absent overleave, J.J. Carou (2 cf). The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Pluncket (lds), R. Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
W. Albert (1 ca) - Mustered crew at quarters at 11:00. Absent overleave, J.J. Carou (2 cf). The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Pluncket (lds), R. Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
E. Jones (lds) - Mustered crew at quarters at 11:00. Absent overleave, J.J. Carou (2 cf). The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Pluncket (lds), R. Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
R. Connelly (CH) - Mustered crew at quarters at 11:00. Absent overleave, J.J. Carou (2 cf). The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Pluncket (lds), R. Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
C.S. Curtis (lds) - Mustered crew at quarters at 11:00. Absent overleave, J.J. Carou (2 cf). The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Pluncket (lds), R. Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
G.C. Ryder (CH) - Mustered crew at quarters at 11:00. Absent overleave, J.J. Carou (2 cf). The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Pluncket (lds), R. Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
B. Abbott - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
J.E. Davis (CH) - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
T.E. Fallan (CH) - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
U.S.R.S. Vermont - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
J.C. Martin (os) - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
Jst Barthett (os) - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) Jst Barthett (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
~ Brennan (os) - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) Jst Barthett (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
Private T. Rymer - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) Jst Barthett (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
J.D. Su~~~ (lds) - Shipped as landsman special service ~ B. Abbott. Received from U.S.R.S Vermont with bags hammocks and their ~ papers J.E. Davies (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH). Transfered to U.S.R.S Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (os) Jst Barthett (os) and ~ Brennan (os). By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Su~~~ (lds). Private T. Rymer ~~~~ was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barrakcs by order of the Command out of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
Kearsarge - Received on board mail and stores for U.S.S. "Philadelphia" & Kearsarge.
U.S.S. Philadelphia - Received on board mail and stores for U.S.S. "Philadelphia" & Kearsarge.
USS Bennington - USS Bennington came out of Simpson dry dock at 9 am.
USS Philadelphia - Received on board for the USS "Philadelphia" 2 ~~~ ail, 2 boxes and one bale received for the Medical Dept. (see appended list)
J.J. McCarrou (2 cf) - At 2:30 pm J.J. McCarrou (2 cf) returned to the ship having been about without permission since the ~~rning of the 15 i~~t.
J.J. Doherty (2 cf) - Transfered to the U.S.R.S "Vermont" J.J. Doherty (2 cf) together with his clothing hammock and papers.
U.S.R.S Vermont - Transfered to the U.S.R.S "Vermont" J.J. Doherty (2 cf) together with his clothing hammock and papers
P.F. Larkin (os) - P.F. Larkin (os) stood two hours extra duty.
J. Roberts (sea) - J. Roberts (sea) stood 2 hrs extra duty, heavy marching order in accordance with previous order of Comdg officer.
Overcast and drizzling most of the time.
C.N. Ficher (1 ca) - C.N. Ficher (1 ca) returned on board at 6.15 placed him under the Sentry's charge for safe keeping to await action of the comd'r.
J.J. McCarou (2 cf) - Absent over leave, J.J. McCarou (2 cf)
E. Jones (lds) - The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Plunkett (lds), R.Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
J.M. Plunkett (lds) - The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Plunkett (lds), R.Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
W. Albert (1 ca) - The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Plunkett (lds), R.Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
G.C. Ryder (CH) - The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Plunkett (lds), R.Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
R. Connelly (CH) - The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Plunkett (lds), R.Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
C.S. Curtis (lds) - The following absentees were declared deserters: W. Albert (1 ca) from Nov 9th, E. Jones (lds) from Nov 14th, J.M. Plunkett (lds), R.Connelly (CH) and C.S. Curtis (lds) from Nov 15th, G.C. Ryder (CH) from Nov 13th.
Israel B. Abbott - Shipped as landsman special service Israel B. Abbott
T.E. Fallan (CH) - Received from U.S.R.S. Vermont with bags hammocks and necessary papers J.E. Davis (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH)
J.E. Davis (CH) - Received from U.S.R.S. Vermont with bags hammocks and necessary papers J.E. Davis (CH) and T.E. Fallan (CH)
J.C. Martin (OS) - Transfered to USRS. Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (OS), J.H. Bartlett (OS) and S. Brennan (OS).
S Brennan (OS) - Transfered to USRS. Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (OS), J.H. Bartlett (OS) and S. Brennan (OS).
J.H. Bartlett (OS) - Transfered to USRS. Vermont with bags, hammocks and necessary papers J.C. Martin (OS), J.H. Bartlett (OS) and S. Brennan (OS).
J.D. Smith (lds) - By order of the Bureau of Navigation discharged J.D. Smith (lds).
Private T. Rymer USMC - Private T. Rymer USMC was transfered, a prisoner in irons, to the Marine Barracks by order of the Commandant of the N.Y. Navy Yard.
USS Bennington - USS Bennington came out of Simpson dry dock at 9 am.
J.J. McCarrou (2 cf) - At 2.30 pm J.J. McCarrou (2 cf) returned to the ship having been absent without permission since the morning of the 15 inct
J.J. Doherty (2 cf) - Transfered to the USR.A. "Vermont" J.J. Doherty (2 cf) together with his clothing hammock and papers.
P.F. Larkin (os) - P.F. Larkin (os) stood two hours extra duty.
Received on board in Equipment Dept 18 national flags.
J. Roberts (sea) - J. Roberts (sea) stood 2 hrs extra duty, heavy searching order, in accordance with previous order of Comdg Officer.
50874dd309d4090755009e29: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_096_0.jpg)
tomkinsville staten island
Lat 40.6, Long -74.1
USS Miantonomoh - Moored to Miantonomoh
50874dd309d4090755009e2b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_096_1.jpg)
17 November 91
P.F. Larkin (os) - P.F. Larkin (os) performed 2 hrs extra duty.
Jus Roberts (sea) - Jus Roberts (sea) performed 2 hours extra duty.
USS Miantonomoh - At 8:45 am mustered crew at quarters. No absentees. At 9:55 called all hands unmoor ship, at 10:20 cast of from the Miantonomoh and stood down East River co~~ed by the Comd'g officer.
Overcast and raining most of the day
50874dd309d4090755009e2d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_097_0.jpg)
anchor off tamfrinsville s d and underway
Lat 39.72, Long -73.70
50874dd309d4090755009e2f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_097_1.jpg)
18 November 1891
At 5:45 called all hands up anchor and at 6: stood down New York Bay towards Sandy Hook. At 6:20 passed the Narrows, at 7:30 passed Sandy Hook and hoisted our name (international code). Stood out for scottland St Ship.
Day starts clear and cool, becomes cloudy
50874dd309d4090755009e31: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_098_0.jpg)
from new york to st thomas w
Lat 35.18, Long -72.30
50874dd309d4090755009e33: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_098_1.jpg)
19 November 1891
American ship - At 10:00 exchanged colors with an American ship standing to the Nd &Ed.
Mostly cloudy and windy
passed first sea weed
exchanged colors with passing american ship
50874dd309d4090755009e35: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_099_0.jpg)
20 November 1891
noon 290 k traveled
Lat 31.18, Long -71.10
Rough sea.
50874dd309d4090755009e37: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_099_1.jpg)
20 November 1891
traveling under steam and sail
50874dd309d4090755009e39: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_100_0.jpg)
at sea making passage from new york to st thomas wi
Lat 27.05, Long -68.60
50874dd309d4090755009e3b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_100_1.jpg)
21 November 1891
H. Nelson (Sea) - was presented with the specification of offences preferred against him.
Passed a three masted schooner standing to the SW at 1 pm.
steam and reduced sail, cleaning ship and drying sails
- 3 masted schooner to sw
50874dd309d4090755009e3d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_101_0.jpg)
at sea making passage from ny to st thomas w i
Lat 23.43, Long -67.12
50874dd309d4090755009e3f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_101_1.jpg)
22 November 1891
50874dd309d4090755009e41: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_102_0.jpg)
at sea making passage from new york to st thomas wi
Lat 19.37, Long -65.58
50874dd309d4090755009e43: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_102_1.jpg)
23 November 1891
H. Nelson (Sea) - At 9:45 a Summary Court Martial, for the trial of H. Nelson (Sea), met and adjourned at 10:55 to await the action of the revising authority.
A. Audette (sa 2c) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
J. J. Long (sa rc) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
J. F. Dunn (1 ca) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
H. G. drew (1 ca) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
P. Curley (CH) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
C. H. Fischer (1 ca) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
T. B. Bell (Cpl) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
J. Talcott (1 ca) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
J. J. Fuller (pm) - The Commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (sa 2rc), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J. J. Long (sa 2c) overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J. F. Dunn (1 ca) overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H. G. Drew (1 ca) overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; C. H. Fischer (1 ca) leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T. B. Bell (Cpl) playing cards, 3rd class; J. J. Fuller (pm) playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (1 ca) not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
took in all sails
h nelson - court marshall
sighted land at 9 am
10 sailors punished, 2 for playing cards
At end of watch nothing in sight.
At 1: mustered at quarters and turned in pea coats. Overhauled gun trunks. Made weeklyy inspection of inner hull, water tight doors, sluice valves and floor cocks.
A. Audette (Sa 2c) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
J.J. Long (Sa 2c) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
J.F. Dunn (1ca) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
H.G. Drew (1ca) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
P. Curley (CH) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
C.H. Ficher (1ca) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
J. Talcott (1ca) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
T.B. Bell (CH) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
J.J. Fuller (pm) - The commander assigned the following punishments: A. Audette (Sa 2c), overleave 219 hrs, 219 hrs extra duty; J.J. Long (Sa 2c), overleave 195 hrs, 195 hrs extra duty; J.F. Dunn (1ca), overleave 160 hrs, 160 hrs extra duty; H.G. Drew (1ca), overleave 97 1/2 hrs, 97 1/2 hrs extra duty; P. Curley (CH), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water, C.H. Ficher (1ca), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread & water; T.B. Bell (CH), playing cards, 3rd class; J.J. Fuller (pm), playing cards, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Tolcott (1ca), not turning out with watch when mustered after being called 3 times, 48 hrs extra duty.
Mustered crew at quarters at 4:30 and turned in clean hammocks.
At 4:05 sighted St Thomas bearing SE by S (pc). At 5:50 sighted Culebrita held light bearing S 5/8 E (pc).
St Thomas on port bow distant about 6 miles. Culebrita light bearing SW 1/4 S distant about 6 miles.
Got both anchors ready for letting go.
Stood in towards St Thomas harbor under various courses.
Flagship - sent mail to Flagship.
Navigator Conning - Comdg Officer and navigator conning made signals (ardois) as follows: Coruct 29, Gen 1211, Flagship answered 904.
50874dd309d4090755009e45: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_103_0.jpg)
st thomas west indies
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd309d4090755009e47: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_103_1.jpg)
24 November 1891
Spanish gunboat "Ferdinando el Catholico" - Received an official visit by a boarding officeer from the Spanish gun boat "Ferdinando el Catholico" and later the Comdg Officer of the same vessel paid a visit to this ship.
Rear Admiral Gherardi USN - At 8: saluted the Rear Admiral Gherardi USN with 13 guns which was returned with 7 guns by the "Philadelphia".
At 10: the U. S. Consul visited the ship and upon his departure fired a salute of 7 guns.
Comdg Officer made an official call on the Governor of the Island and returned the call of the American Minister, the captain of the port and the Captain of the Spanish gun boat.
Scrubbed hammocks. Engaged, cleaning ship.
Flagship - Commanding Officer paid an official visit to the Flagship.
Ferdinando el Catholico - Received an official visit by a boarding officer from the Spanish gun boat "Ferdinando el Catholico" and later the Comdg Officer of the same vessel paid a visit to this ship.
Flagship Philadelphia - At 8: saluted the Rear Admiral Gherardi USS with 13 guns which was returned with 7 guns by the Flagship "Philadelphia".
Rear Admiral Gherardi USS - At 8: saluted the Rear Admiral Gherardi USS with 13 guns which was returned with 7 guns by the Flagship "Philadelphia".
At 10: the US Consul visited the ship and upon his departure fired a salute of 7 guns.
Flagship Philadelphia - Delivered to the "Philadelphia", the consignment of stores sent from the Navy Yard, N.Y. Made the following signals to the "Philadelphia" at 9:30 - 5 sick; at 10:00 no absentees; at noon 200 tons coal on hand. 13 tons coal used and general signal, interrogatory 1122.
A. Audette (Sa 2c) - H.G. Drew (1ca) and A. Audette (Sa 2c) each stood 4 hrs extra duty.
H.G. Drew (1ca) - H.G. Drew (1ca) and A. Audette (Sa 2c) each stood 4 hrs extra duty.
Comdg Officer made an official call on the Governor of the Island and returned the call of the American Minister, the Captain of the port and the Captain of the Spanish gunboat.
J.J. Long (Sa 2c) - J. Tolcott (app) served 3 hrs extra duty and J.J. Long (Sa 2c) and J.F. Dun (app) served 4 hrs extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comdg officer.
Flagship Philadelphia - At 1 pm Flagship made general signal 2984 and in obedience there to piped down scrubbed wash cla~~es.
J. Tolcott (app) - J. Tolcott (app) served 3 hrs extra duty and J.J. Long (Sa 2c) and J.F. Drew (app) served 4 hrs extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comdg officer.
J.F. Dun (app) - J. Tolcott (app) served 3 hrs extra duty and J.J. Long (Sa 2c) and J.F. Dun (app) served 4 hrs extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comdg officer.
A. Audette - Mustered at quarters at 5:40. A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), H.G. Drew (1ca) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty and J. Tolcott (1ca) 4 hrs.
J.J. Long (Sa 2c) - Mustered at quarters at 5:40. A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), H.G. Drew (1ca) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty and J. Tolcott (1ca) 4 hrs.
J.F. Dunn (1ca) - Mustered at quarters at 5:40. A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), H.G. Drew (1ca) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty and J. Tolcott (1ca) 4 hrs.
H.G. Drew (1ca) - Mustered at quarters at 5:40. A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), H.G. Drew (1ca) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty and J. Tolcott (1ca) 4 hrs.
J. Tolcott (1ca) - Mustered at quarters at 5:40. A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), H.G. Drew (1ca) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty and J. Tolcott (1ca) 4 hrs.
schooner - At 11:30 schooner came in and anchored
Ferdinando el Catholico - Spanish Gun boat
Philadelphia - Flagship
J. Tolcatt - served extra duty
J. J. Long - served extra duty
J F Dunn - served extra duty
J. J. Long - served extra duty
J F Dun - served extra duty
H. G. Drew - served extra duty
J. Tolcatt - served extra duty
50874dd309d4090755009e49: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_104_0.jpg)
at anchor st thomas w i
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd309d4090755009e4b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_104_1.jpg)
25 November 1891
Flagship - At 10:00 made signal to flagship "No Absentees".
coal: 174.53 tons -
Flagship - At 2 pm made signal to Flagship, gen 2122, answer affirmative. At 3 Flagship signalled 1087 sent boat in obedience to signal.
Flagship - At 7:45 Flagsip commenced exercise with Ardois signals.
At 8:15 made signal to Flagship "Can i scrub clothes in the morning" answer "yes".
coaling ship at dock and then to anchor in bay
50874dd309d4090755009e4d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_105_0.jpg)
at anchor st thomas wi
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd309d4090755009e4f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_105_1.jpg)
26 November 1891
Spanish Gunboat Ferdinando el Cathalico - At 7:40 Spanish gun boat "Ferdinando el Cathalica" left the harbor.
USS Philadelphia - 9:40 sent church party on board "Philadelphia". Danish Man of War came in, anchored in the harbor and fired salute of 13 guns with United States Ensign at the fore. "Philadelphia" answered gun for gun with Danish flag at fore. Watering ship. Comd'g officer of USS "Philadelphia" called on board officially
A. Audette (Sa 2c) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.F. Drew (1ca) and J. Tolcott each performed 2 hrs extra duty.
J. Tolcott - A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.F. Drew (1ca) and J. Tolcott each performed 2 hrs extra duty.
J.T. Drew (1ca) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.F. Drew (1ca) and J. Tolcott each performed 2 hrs extra duty.
Governor Arendrup - Governor Arendrup of St. Thomas paid an informal visit and the captain of the port on official visit to the ship
J.H. Long (sa 2c) - J.H. Long (sa 2c) & J.F. Dunn (Sa 2c) each stood 4 hrs extra duty.
J.F. Dunn (Sa 2c) - J.H. Long (sa 2c) & J.F. Dunn (Sa 2c) each stood 4 hrs extra duty.
Flagship - Made at 3:15 made interrogatory signal 2984 which was answered in the affirmative by the Flagship. Leut. Liberty on shore.
A.Audette (Sa 2c) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), J.F. Dunn (1ca) and H.G. Drew (1ca) stood 2 hrs extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comdg officer.
J.J Long (Sa 2c) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), J.F. Dunn (1ca) and H.G. Drew (1ca) stood 2 hrs extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comdg officer.
H.G. Drew (1ca) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), J.F. Dunn (1ca) and H.G. Drew (1ca) stood 2 hrs extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comdg officer.
J.F. Dunn (1ca) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), J.J. Long (Sa 2c), J.F. Dunn (1ca) and H.G. Drew (1ca) stood 2 hrs extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comdg officer.
J. Roberts (sea) - J. Roberts (sea), J.F. Rogan (CH) and J.J. Tolcott (1ca) stood 3 hrs extra duty.
J.F. Rogan (CH) - J. Roberts (sea), J.F. Rogan (CH) and J.J. Tolcott (1ca) stood 3 hrs extra duty.
J.J. Tolcott (1ca) - J. Roberts (sea), J.F. Rogan (CH) and J.J. Tolcott (1ca) stood 3 hrs extra duty.
ferdinando el custaiiso - spanish gunboat left harbor
philadelphia - church services
danish man of war - saluted ships
govenor anendorp - visited ship
Spanish gunboat "Ferdinando el Catholico" - At 7:40 Spanish gun boat "Ferdinando el Catholico" left the harbor.
Danish Man of War - Danish Man of War came in, anchored in the harbor and fired salute of 13 guns with United States Ensign at the fore. "Philadelphia" answered gun for gun with Danish flag at fore.
USS Philadelphia - Danish Man of War came in, anchored in the harbor and fired salute of 13 guns with United States Ensign at the fore. "Philadelphia" answered gun for gun with Danish flag at fore.
Governor Arendrup - Governor Arendrup of St. Thomas paid an informal visit and the Captain of the port an official visit to the ship.
50874dd309d4090755009e51: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_106_0.jpg)
st thomas wi
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd309d4090755009e53: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_106_1.jpg)
27 November 1891
J. Tolcott (1ca) - J. Tolcott (1ca) stood 1 hour extra duty.
At 10:05 Flagship made signal "Have you steam enough to move?" answered "Will have steam enough to move in 3/4 hrs." At 11:00 am Flagship made signal "Have steamup and be ready to shift berth" At 11:30 Flagship made signal "move to new position when you are ready."
Danish Man of War - At 9:50 Danish Man of War fired a salute of 15 guns with the Danish flag at the fore.
A. Audette (Sa 2c) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), H.G. Drew (1ca) stood four hours extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comd'g Officer. I. Christianson (CGC) was ordered to wear a cutlass and keep watch on the forecastle until he can detect a man spitting on deck; for spitting on deck.
H.G. Drew (1ca) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), H.G. Drew (1ca) stood four hours extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comd'g Officer. I. Christianson (CGC) was ordered to wear a cutlass and keep watch on the forecastle until he can detect a man spitting on deck; for spitting on deck.
I. Christianson (CGC) - A. Audette (Sa 2c), H.G. Drew (1ca) stood four hours extra duty in accordance with previous order of Comd'g Officer. I. Christianson (CGC) was ordered to wear a cutlass and keep watch on the forecastle until he can detect a man spitting on deck; for spitting on deck.
At 1:15 made signal to Flagship "Is the Comd'g Officer of the Danish gunboat a Comd'r or Captain?" Signed Capt Batcheller. Flagship answered "We do not know". At 3:50 recieved signal "Send all cadets to Flagship that want to come".
J.F. Tolcott (1ca) - J.J. Long (1ca), J. Dunn (1ca) and J.F. Tolcott (1ca) each performed 4 hrs extra duty.
J. Dunn (1ca) - J.J. Long (1ca), J. Dunn (1ca) and J.F. Tolcott (1ca) each performed 4 hrs extra duty.
J.J. Long(1ca) - J.J. Long (1ca), J. Dunn (1ca) and J.F. Tolcott (1ca) each performed 4 hrs extra duty.
H. Nelson (sea) - At 5:35 mustered at quarters, at 5:40 called hands to muster and published sentence of summary Court Martial in the case of H. Nelson (sea), to be reduced to the next inferior rating, that of O.S. In compliance with this sentence H. Nelson (sea) was reduced to the next inferior rating and was releasd from confinement by order of Comdg Officer.
J.J. Long (Sa 2c) - J.J. Long (sea), J. Dunn (1ca), A. Audette (Sa 2c) & H.G. Drew (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
J. Dunn (1ca) - J.J. Long (sea), J. Dunn (1ca), A. Audette (Sa 2c) & H.G. Drew (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
A. Audette (Sa 2c) - J.J. Long (sea), J. Dunn (1ca), A. Audette (Sa 2c) & H.G. Drew (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
H.G. Drew (1ca) - J.J. Long (sea), J. Dunn (1ca), A. Audette (Sa 2c) & H.G. Drew (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty
At 9:50 Danish Man of War fired a salute of 15 guns with the Danish flag at the fore.
I. Christianson (C F C) - was ordered to wear a cutlass and keep watch on the forecastle until he can detect a man spitting on deck, for spitting on deck.
H. Nelson (Sea) - At 5:40 called all hands to muster and published sentence of Summary Court Martial in the case of H. Nelson (Sea), to be reduced to next inferior rating, that of O.S. In compliance with this sentence H. Nelson (Sea) was reduced to the next inferior rating, and was released from confinement by order of Comdg Officer.
- Danish Man of War.
- J. Christianson (CGC) was ordered to wear a cutlass and keep watch on the forecastle until he can detect a man spitting on deck, for spitting on deck.
50874dd309d4090755009e55: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_107_0.jpg)
st thomas wi
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
coal: 5 tons 1442 lbs -
coal: 359 tons 1633 lbs -
50874dd309d4090755009e57: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_107_1.jpg)
28 November 1891
A. M. S. S. Co Steamer - A. M. S. S. Co Steamer anchored in the harbor at 6:00
C.H. Ficher (Sa 2c) - P. Curley (CH) and C.H. Ficher (Sa 2c) were confined on bread and water for 5 days for leaving ship without permission
P. Curley (CH) - P. Curley (CH) and C.H. Ficher (sa 2c) were confined on bread and water for 5 days for leaving ship without permission.
H.M. Russel - The following passengers were taken on board for Santa Cruz: Col S.B. Horn US Consul, Lt Thomas, H.M. Russel and E. Gautier ~y Camps, of Santa Cruz.
Col S.B. Horn - The following passengers were taken on board for Santa Cruz: Col S.B. Horn US Consul, Lt Thomas, H.M. Russel and E. Gautier ~y Camps, of Santa Cruz.
Lt Thomas - The following passengers were taken on board for Santa Cruz: Col S.B. Horn US Consul, Lt Thomas, H.M. Russel and E. Gautier ~y Camps, of Santa Cruz.
E. Gautier - The following passengers were taken on board for Santa Cruz: Col S.B. Horn US Consul, Lt Thomas, H.M. Russel and E. Gautier ~y Camps, of Santa Cruz.
Standing for Santa Cruz till 2:30 when came to with stbd anchor off Frederickstadt.
Consular Agent Moore - Upon the departure of Consular Agent Moore from the ship at 5:30 fired a salute of 5 guns.
H.G. Drew (1ca) - H.G. Drew (1ca), J.J. Long (sa 2c) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
J.J. Long (Sa 2c) - H.G. Drew (1ca), J.J. Long (sa 2c) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
J.H. Dunn (1ca) - H.G. Drew (1ca), J.J. Long (sa 2c) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) each stood 2 hrs extra duty.
50874dd309d4090755009e59: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_108_0.jpg)
fredericksted santa cruz wi
Lat Fredericksted, Santa Cruz, W. I., Long -2.7
50874dd309d4090755009e5b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_108_1.jpg)
29 November 1891
50874dd309d4090755009e5d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_109_0.jpg)
fredericksted santa cruz
Lat 59.0, Long -2.7
50874dd309d4090755009e5f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_109_1.jpg)
30 November 1891
J McCarron - awarded punishment of 5 days bread and water for leaving ship without permission
J Cosgrove - awarded punishment of 4 days extra duty for 4 days, 1 hr overleave
J E Davis - awarded punishment of 5 days bread and water for absenting himself from fire room during said watch hours Nov 25th, going to sleep on deack while on watch below
C P Nolan - awarded punishment of 24 hours extra duty for answering back to an officer when he ought not to
A Hapson - awarded punishment of 12 hours extra duty for taking food from the store room and carrying it forward
J B Abbot - awarded punishment 8 hours extra duty for taking ice water from W R Coalet and serving it to men forward
Chas Peters - was rated BM from Nov 15th
Thomas Thomas - rated to C Tap from Oct 24th
E Knudsen - to G M Nov 14th
E Knudsen - to GM Nov 1st
L T Swift - to C Forecastle from Nov 10
N Mitchell - to Oiler from Oct 25
P J Gleason - to CST Nov 17th
C O'Neill - to Oiler from Nov 16th
JJ McClennan - to water tender from Nov 16th
US Counsel to St. Thomas - came on board with visitors
about 12 sailors were issued punishment, one for taking ice water to fellow sailors forward
captain visited consulars office
sent party to bath on beach after supper
practice small arm firing
J. Cosgrove (1 CF) - The Comdg Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Cosgrove (1 CF) overleave 4 days, 1 hr, 4 days extra duty; J. McCarron (2 cf), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread and water; J. E. Davis (CH), absenting himself from fireroom during mid watch Nov. 23rd and going to sleep on deck while on watch below, 5 days bread and water; T. L. Currie (pm) carelessly loosing hammock, 48 hrs extra duty; C. P. Nolan (pm) answering back to an officer when he ought not to, 24 hrs extra duty; T. Dalton (pm) having ink bottle on deck, 24 hrs extra duty; N. Hofson (lds) taking food from store room and carrying it forward, 12 hrs extra duty at night; J. B. Abbott (lds) taking ice water from W. R. Cooler and seriving it to men forward, 8 hrs extra duty.
J. McCarron (2 cf) - The Comdg Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Cosgrove (1 CF) overleave 4 days, 1 hr, 4 days extra duty; J. McCarron (2 cf), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread and water; J. E. Davis (CH), absenting himself from fireroom during mid watch Nov. 23rd and going to sleep on deck while on watch below, 5 days bread and water; T. L. Currie (pm) carelessly loosing hammock, 48 hrs extra duty; C. P. Nolan (pm) answering back to an officer when he ought not to, 24 hrs extra duty; T. Dalton (pm) having ink bottle on deck, 24 hrs extra duty; N. Hofson (lds) taking food from store room and carrying it forward, 12 hrs extra duty at night; J. B. Abbott (lds) taking ice water from W. R. Cooler and seriving it to men forward, 8 hrs extra duty.
J. E. Davis (CH) - The Comdg Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Cosgrove (1 CF) overleave 4 days, 1 hr, 4 days extra duty; J. McCarron (2 cf), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread and water; J. E. Davis (CH), absenting himself from fireroom during mid watch Nov. 23rd and going to sleep on deck while on watch below, 5 days bread and water; T. L. Currie (pm) carelessly loosing hammock, 48 hrs extra duty; C. P. Nolan (pm) answering back to an officer when he ought not to, 24 hrs extra duty; T. Dalton (pm) having ink bottle on deck, 24 hrs extra duty; N. Hofson (lds) taking food from store room and carrying it forward, 12 hrs extra duty at night; J. B. Abbott (lds) taking ice water from W. R. Cooler and seriving it to men forward, 8 hrs extra duty.
T. L. Currie (pm) - The Comdg Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Cosgrove (1 CF) overleave 4 days, 1 hr, 4 days extra duty; J. McCarron (2 cf), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread and water; J. E. Davis (CH), absenting himself from fireroom during mid watch Nov. 23rd and going to sleep on deck while on watch below, 5 days bread and water; T. L. Currie (pm) carelessly loosing hammock, 48 hrs extra duty; C. P. Nolan (pm) answering back to an officer when he ought not to, 24 hrs extra duty; T. Dalton (pm) having ink bottle on deck, 24 hrs extra duty; N. Hofson (lds) taking food from store room and carrying it forward, 12 hrs extra duty at night; J. B. Abbott (lds) taking ice water from W. R. Cooler and seriving it to men forward, 8 hrs extra duty.
C. P. Nolan (pm) - The Comdg Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Cosgrove (1 CF) overleave 4 days, 1 hr, 4 days extra duty; J. McCarron (2 cf), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread and water; J. E. Davis (CH), absenting himself from fireroom during mid watch Nov. 23rd and going to sleep on deck while on watch below, 5 days bread and water; T. L. Currie (pm) carelessly loosing hammock, 48 hrs extra duty; C. P. Nolan (pm) answering back to an officer when he ought not to, 24 hrs extra duty; T. Dalton (pm) having ink bottle on deck, 24 hrs extra duty; N. Hofson (lds) taking food from store room and carrying it forward, 12 hrs extra duty at night; J. B. Abbott (lds) taking ice water from W. R. Cooler and seriving it to men forward, 8 hrs extra duty.
T. Dalton (pm) - The Comdg Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Cosgrove (1 CF) overleave 4 days, 1 hr, 4 days extra duty; J. McCarron (2 cf), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread and water; J. E. Davis (CH), absenting himself from fireroom during mid watch Nov. 23rd and going to sleep on deck while on watch below, 5 days bread and water; T. L. Currie (pm) carelessly loosing hammock, 48 hrs extra duty; C. P. Nolan (pm) answering back to an officer when he ought not to, 24 hrs extra duty; T. Dalton (pm) having ink bottle on deck, 24 hrs extra duty; N. Hofson (lds) taking food from store room and carrying it forward, 12 hrs extra duty at night; J. B. Abbott (lds) taking ice water from W. R. Cooler and seriving it to men forward, 8 hrs extra duty.
N. Hofson (Lds) - The Comdg Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Cosgrove (1 CF) overleave 4 days, 1 hr, 4 days extra duty; J. McCarron (2 cf), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread and water; J. E. Davis (CH), absenting himself from fireroom during mid watch Nov. 23rd and going to sleep on deck while on watch below, 5 days bread and water; T. L. Currie (pm) carelessly loosing hammock, 48 hrs extra duty; C. P. Nolan (pm) answering back to an officer when he ought not to, 24 hrs extra duty; T. Dalton (pm) having ink bottle on deck, 24 hrs extra duty; N. Hofson (lds) taking food from store room and carrying it forward, 12 hrs extra duty at night; J. B. Abbott (lds) taking ice water from W. R. Cooler and seriving it to men forward, 8 hrs extra duty.
J. B. Abbott (Lds) - The Comdg Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Cosgrove (1 CF) overleave 4 days, 1 hr, 4 days extra duty; J. McCarron (2 cf), leaving ship without permission, 5 days bread and water; J. E. Davis (CH), absenting himself from fireroom during mid watch Nov. 23rd and going to sleep on deck while on watch below, 5 days bread and water; T. L. Currie (pm) carelessly loosing hammock, 48 hrs extra duty; C. P. Nolan (pm) answering back to an officer when he ought not to, 24 hrs extra duty; T. Dalton (pm) having ink bottle on deck, 24 hrs extra duty; N. Hofson (lds) taking food from store room and carrying it forward, 12 hrs extra duty at night; J. B. Abbott (lds) taking ice water from W. R. Cooler and seriving it to men forward, 8 hrs extra duty.
Chas Peters (Sea) - was rated B. M. from Nov. 15th
E. Knudson (Sea) - to G. M. Nov. 14th
Thomas Thomas (Sea) - to C Top from Oct 24.
L. T. Swift (Sea) - to C. Forecastle from Nov. 10
P. J. Gleason (Lds) - to C.S.S. Nov. 17
N. Mitchell 1 C.F. - to Oiler from Oct. 25
C. O'Neill (1 CF) - to Oiler from Nov. 16th
The Comd'g Officer returned official call of U. S. Consular Agent and Cmd'r of garrison and called on Colonel.
J. J. McClennan (1 cf) - to Water Tender from Nov. 16th
Party of visitors came of with U. S. Consul to St. Thomas.
Sent swimming party to bath on the beach.
From 2 to 3 exercised 1st 2nd & 3rd Divs. at Sub Calibre target practice, main battery 300 yds, Secondary battery, 200 yds, Powder Div. small arms target practice with 22 cal rifle. Expended in Ordinance Dept. 842 cartridges 45 cal., 22 Cartidges, 22 cal, and 48 - 38 Cal.
50874dd309d4090755009e61: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_110_0.jpg)
fredericksted santa cruz wi
Lat 59.0, Long -2.7
50874dd309d4090755009e63: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_110_1.jpg)
1 December 1891
one sailor punished for bringing water on deck for drinking when ordered not to
moved coal because of excessive heat
moved coal to expose a steam pipe that was heating the coal
j knight - left swimming party wo leave
N. Olsen (2 CF) - Confined, by order of Commander, N. Olsen (2 CF) in double irons on deck for taking water on berth deck from feed tank in disobedience of a direct order of the Machinist on watch not to do so.
W. B. Knowlton (pm) - , and W. B. Knowlton (pm) was reduced to 3rd Class for loosing his helmet when ashore on liberty.
Transferring coal from one of the stbd bunkers on account of excessive heat.
Finished transferring coal to forward bunker, having exposed the steam pipe that caused the heat in the after bunker.
J. Knight (os) - left swimming party on shore without permission and did not return.
50874dd309d4090755009e65: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_111_0.jpg)
fredericksted santa cruz wi
Lat 59.0, Long -2.7
50874dd309d4090755009e67: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_111_1.jpg)
2 December 1891
concreted locations that held water
3 sailors left the swimming party wo leave
gun drills at 200 yards
tested search light
J. J. McCarron (2cf) - J. J. McCarron (2cf), J. J. Calbert (CH) and W. J. Moffitt (CH) left the swimming party without leave while on shore.
J. J. Calbert (CH) - J. J. McCarron (2cf), J. J. Calbert (CH) and W. J. Moffitt (CH) left the swimming party without leave while on shore.
W. J. Moffitt (CH) - J. J. McCarron (2cf), J. J. Calbert (CH) and W. J. Moffitt (CH) left the swimming party without leave while on shore.
J. J. McCarron (2cf) - J. J. McCarron (2 cf), J. J. Kalbert (CH) and W. J. Moffitt (CH) returned on board the ship drunk at 9:00 and were, by order of the Comdg Officer, placed in double irons under Sentry's charge to await investigation.
J. J. Kalbert (CH) - J. J. McCarron (2 cf), J. J. Kalbert (CH) and W. J. Moffitt (CH) returned on board the ship drunk at 9:00 and were, by order of the Comdg Officer, placed in double irons under Sentry's charge to await investigation.
W. J. Moffitt (CH) - J. J. McCarron (2 cf), J. J. Kalbert (CH) and W. J. Moffitt (CH) returned on board the ship drunk at 9:00 and were, by order of the Comdg Officer, placed in double irons under Sentry's charge to await investigation.
50874dd309d4090755009e69: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_112_0.jpg)
fredericksted santa cruz wi
Lat 59.0, Long -2.7
Barometer taken down for great gun practice.
Barometer taken down for great gun practice.
barometer taken down for great gun practice
50874dd309d4090755009e6b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_112_1.jpg)
3 December 1891
C~ Richardson - Placed under Sentrys charge in double irons.
barometer taken down for great guns to practice, at anchor in port
fired different shells from main guns at target with a range of 1500 yards
c t richardson - comdg officer struct the corporal of the guard
J.F. Burns (carp) - J.F. Burns (carp) returned to the ship at 6:40 having been absent, without permission, from the ship since the evening of the 2nd Dec.
J.J. Kalbert (CH) - J.J. McCarrou (2cf), J.J. Kalbert (CH) and W.J. Moffitt (CH) were released from confinement by order of Comdg Officer. J.J. McCarrou (2cf) was confined on bread and water for five days for leaving ship without permission. J.E. Davis (CH) was confined on bread and water for 5 days for absenting himself from fire room, during mid-watch, without permission and going to sleep on deck. Wm LKinner (lds) was placed under sentry's charge to await investigation.
W.J. Moffitt (CH) - J.J. McCarrou (2cf), J.J. Kalbert (CH) and W.J. Moffitt (CH) were released from confinement by order of Comdg Officer. J.J. McCarrou (2cf) was confined on bread and water for five days for leaving ship without permission. J.E. Davis (CH) was confined on bread and water for 5 days for absenting himself from fire room, during mid-watch, without permission and going to sleep on deck. Wm LKinner (lds) was placed under sentrys charge to await investigation.
J.J. McCarrou (2cf) - J.J. McCarrou (2cf), J.J. Kalbert (CH) and W.J. Moffitt (CH) were released from confinement by order of Comdg Officer. J.J. McCarrou (2cf) was confined on bread and water for five days for leaving ship without permission. J.E. Davis (CH) was confined on bread and water for 5 days for absenting himself from fire room, during mid-watch, without permission and going to sleep on deck. Wm LKinner (lds) was placed under sentry's charge to await investigation.
J.E. Davis (CH) - J.J. McCarrou (2cf), J.J. Kalbert (CH) and W.J. Moffitt (CH) were released from confinement by order of Comdg Officer. J.J. McCarrou (2cf) was confined on bread and water for five days for leaving ship without permission. J.E. Davis (CH) was confined on bread and water for 5 days for absenting himself from fire room, during mid-watch, without permission and going to sleep on deck. Wm LKinner (lds) was placed under sentrys charge to await investigation.
Wm LKinner (lds) - J.J. McCarrou (2cf), J.J. Kalbert (CH) and W.J. Moffitt (CH) were released from confinement by order of Comdg Officer. J.J. McCarrou (2cf) was confined on bread and water for five days for leaving ship without permission. J.E. Davis (CH) was confined on bread and water for 5 days for absenting himself from fire room, during mid-watch, without permission and going to sleep on deck. Wm LKinner (lds) was placed under sentrys charge to await investigation.
J.F. Dunn (1ca) - J.F. Dunn (1ca) and J.J. Long (Sa 2c) each performed 2 hrs extra duty.
J.J. Long (sa 2c) - J.F. Dunn (1ca) and J.J. Long (Sa 2c) each performed 2 hrs extra duty
C.A. Richardson (CH) - By order of Comdg Officer C.A. Richardson (CH) was placed under sentry's charge in doube irons to await investigation, being drunk of board, resisting police, and having stuck the Corporal of the Guard twice.
50874dd309d4090755009e6d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_113_0.jpg)
fredericksted santa cruz wi
Lat 59.0, Long -2.7
50874dd309d4090755009e6f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_113_1.jpg)
4 December 1891
frederiksted fort
Lat 56.2, Long -3.0
J. Roberts (sea) - J. Roberts (sea) and P.F. Larkin (os) each stood one hour extra duty.
P.F. Larkin (os) - J. Roberts (sea) and P.F. Larkin (os) each stood one hour extra duty.
J.F. Dunn (1ca) - J.J. Long (Sa 2c) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) stood 4 hours extra duty.
J.J. Long (Sa 2c) - J.J. Long (Sa 2c) and J.F. Dunn (1ca) stood 4 hours extra duty.
J. Moffitt (CH) - By direction of Comdg officer the following punishments were assigned: J. Moffiitt (CH), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. McCarrou (2ca), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. Kalbert (CH), leaving swimming party without permission, 4th class; J.F. Burns (carp), leaving swimming party without permission, 3rd class; T. Sullivan (pm), while on post allowing prisoner to read novel, 48 hrs extra duty; Wm Skinner (lds), continually disobeying stewards orders, using threatening language and fomenting discontent, 48 hrs extra duty; J. Knight (os), leaving swimming party without leave, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Richardson (CH), drunk on board, resisting police, striking Corporal of guard twice and using profane and vulgar language, S.J. to await trial by ~.C. Martial.
J.J. McCarrou (2ca) - By direction of Comdg officer the following punishments were assigned: J. Moffiitt (CH), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. McCarrou (2ca), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. Kalbert (CH), leaving swimming party without permission, 4th class; J.F. Burns (carp), leaving swimming party without permission, 3rd class; T. Sullivan (pm), while on post allowing prisoner to read novel, 48 hrs extra duty; Wm Skinner (lds), continually disobeying stewards orders, using threatening language and fomenting discontent, 48 hrs extra duty; J. Knight (os), leaving swimming party without leave, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Richardson (CH), drunk on board, resisting police, striking Corporal of guard twice and using profane and vulgar language, S.J. to await trial by ~.C. Martial
J.J. Kalbert (CH) - By direction of Comdg officer the following punishments were assigned: J. Moffiitt (CH), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. McCarrou (2ca), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. Kalbert (CH), leaving swimming party without permission, 4th class; J.F. Burns (carp), leaving swimming party without permission, 3rd class; T. Sullivan (pm), while on post allowing prisoner to read novel, 48 hrs extra duty; Wm Skinner (lds), continually disobeying stewards orders, using threatening language and fomenting discontent, 48 hrs extra duty; J. Knight (os), leaving swimming party without leave, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Richardson (CH), drunk on board, resisting police, striking Corporal of guard twice and using profane and vulgar language, S.J. to await trial by ~.C. Martial
J.F. Burns (carp) - By direction of Comdg officer the following punishments were assigned: J. Moffiitt (CH), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. McCarrou (2ca), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. Kalbert (CH), leaving swimming party without permission, 4th class; J.F. Burns (carp), leaving swimming party without permission, 3rd class; T. Sullivan (pm), while on post allowing prisoner to read novel, 48 hrs extra duty; Wm Skinner (lds), continually disobeying stewards orders, using threatening language and fomenting discontent, 48 hrs extra duty; J. Knight (os), leaving swimming party without leave, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Richardson (CH), drunk on board, resisting police, striking Corporal of guard twice and using profane and vulgar language, S.J. to await trial by ~.C. Martial
T. Sullivan (pm) - By direction of Comdg officer the following punishments were assigned: J. Moffiitt (CH), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. McCarrou (2ca), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. Kalbert (CH), leaving swimming party without permission, 4th class; J.F. Burns (carp), leaving swimming party without permission, 3rd class; T. Sullivan (pm), while on post allowing prisoner to read novel, 48 hrs extra duty; Wm Skinner (lds), continually disobeying stewards orders, using threatening language and fomenting discontent, 48 hrs extra duty; J. Knight (os), leaving swimming party without leave, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Richardson (CH), drunk on board, resisting police, striking Corporal of guard twice and using profane and vulgar language, S.J. to await trial by ~.C. Martial
Wm Skinner (lds) - By direction of Comdg officer the following punishments were assigned: J. Moffiitt (CH), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. McCarrou (2ca), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. Kalbert (CH), leaving swimming party without permission, 4th class; J.F. Burns (carp), leaving swimming party without permission, 3rd class; T. Sullivan (pm), while on post allowing prisoner to read novel, 48 hrs extra duty; Wm Skinner (lds), continually disobeying stewards orders, using threatening language and fomenting discontent, 48 hrs extra duty; J. Knight (os), leaving swimming party without leave, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Richardson (CH), drunk on board, resisting police, striking Corporal of guard twice and using profane and vulgar language, S.J. to await trial by ~.C. Martial
J. Knight (os) - By direction of Comdg officer the following punishments were assigned: J. Moffiitt (CH), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. McCarrou (2ca), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. Kalbert (CH), leaving swimming party without permission, 4th class; J.F. Burns (carp), leaving swimming party without permission, 3rd class; T. Sullivan (pm), while on post allowing prisoner to read novel, 48 hrs extra duty; Wm Skinner (lds), continually disobeying stewards orders, using threatening language and fomenting discontent, 48 hrs extra duty; J. Knight (os), leaving swimming party without leave, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Richardson (CH), drunk on board, resisting police, striking Corporal of guard twice and using profane and vulgar language, S.J. to await trial by ~.C. Martial
C.A. Richardson (CH) - By direction of Comdg officer the following punishments were assigned: J. Moffiitt (CH), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. McCarrou (2ca), leaving swimming party without leave, 4th class; J.J. Kalbert (CH), leaving swimming party without permission, 4th class; J.F. Burns (carp), leaving swimming party without permission, 3rd class; T. Sullivan (pm), while on post allowing prisoner to read novel, 48 hrs extra duty; Wm Skinner (lds), continually disobeying stewards orders, using threatening language and fomenting discontent, 48 hrs extra duty; J. Knight (os), leaving swimming party without leave, 1 week extra duty; C.A. Richardson (CH), drunk on board, resisting police, striking Corporal of guard twice and using profane and vulgar language, S.J. to await trial by ~.C. Martial
8 sailors punishes, one drunk and punched corporal of the guard
turned ship around and practiced guns
50874dd309d4090755009e71: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_114_0.jpg)
fredericksted santa cruz wi
Lat 59.0, Long -2.7
50874dd309d4090755009e73: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_114_1.jpg)
5 December 1891
J. Tolcott (1ca) - J. Drew (1ca), J. Tolcott (1ca) and J. Knight (os) stood each four hours extra duty
J. Drew (1ca) - J. Drew (1ca), J. Tolcott (1ca) and J. Knight (os) stood each four hours extra duty
J. Knight (os) - J. Drew (1ca), J. Tolcott (1ca) and J. Knight (os) stood each four hours extra duty
J.F. Dunn (1ca) - J.J. Long (Sa 2c), J.F. Dunn (1ca) and J. Knight (os) stood each four hours extra duty.
J.J. Long (Sa 2c) - J.J. Long (Sa 2c), J.F. Dunn (1ca) and J. Knight (os) stood each four hours extra duty.
A large party from shore came on board.
D. Breslin (CH) - D. Breslin (CH) left steam launch when ashore on duty and did not return until two hours later on following trip of launch when he came on board tight; by order of the Commander placed him under sentrys charge.
Officers entertainment to citizens on shore until 6pm.
J. Duffy (os) - By direction of Comd'g officer placed J. Duffy (os) in double irons under sentrys charge to await investigation, he being under the influence of liquor also removed J.E. Davis (CH) and J.J. McCarrou (2cf) from the brig and placed them in double irons under sentrys charge and placed T.F. Doran (lds) in double irons in the brig for being drunk on board ship, noisy and violent. Also placed S. Wright (sea) under sentrys charge for safe keeping, he being drunk on duty while in charge of boat. E. Kundson (G.W) returned to ship 1 hour overtime. H. Moran (sea) returned to ship 5 hrs overtime.
J.E. Davis (CH) - By direction of Comd'g officer placed J. Duffy (os) in double irons under sentrys charge to await investigation, he being under the influence of liquor also removed J.E. Davis (CH) and J.J. McCarrou (2cf) from the brig and placed them in double irons under sentrys charge and placed T.F. Doran (lds) in double irons in the brig for being drunk on board ship, noisy and violent. Also placed S. Wright (sea) under sentrys charge for safe keeping, he being drunk on duty while in charge of boat. E. Kundson (G.W) returned to ship 1 hour overtime. H. Moran (sea) returned to ship 5 hrs overtime.
J.J. McCarrou (2cf) - By direction of Comd'g officer placed J. Duffy (os) in double irons under sentrys charge to await investigation, he being under the influence of liquor also removed J.E. Davis (CH) and J.J. McCarrou (2cf) from the brig and placed them in double irons under sentrys charge and placed T.F. Doran (lds) in double irons in the brig for being drunk on board ship, noisy and violent. Also placed S. Wright (sea) under sentrys charge for safe keeping, he being drunk on duty while in charge of boat. E. Kundson (G.W) returned to ship 1 hour overtime. H. Moran (sea) returned to ship 5 hrs overtime.
T.F. Doran (lds) - By direction of Comd'g officer placed J. Duffy (os) in double irons under sentrys charge to await investigation, he being under the influence of liquor also removed J.E. Davis (CH) and J.J. McCarrou (2cf) from the brig and placed them in double irons under sentrys charge and placed T.F. Doran (lds) in double irons in the brig for being drunk on board ship, noisy and violent. Also placed S. Wright (sea) under sentrys charge for safe keeping, he being drunk on duty while in charge of boat. E. Kundson (G.W) returned to ship 1 hour overtime. H. Moran (sea) returned to ship 5 hrs overtime.
S. Wright (sea) - By direction of Comd'g officer placed J. Duffy (os) in double irons under sentrys charge to await investigation, he being under the influence of liquor also removed J.E. Davis (CH) and J.J. McCarrou (2cf) from the brig and placed them in double irons under sentrys charge and placed T.F. Doran (lds) in double irons in the brig for being drunk on board ship, noisy and violent. Also placed S. Wright (sea) under sentrys charge for safe keeping, he being drunk on duty while in charge of boat. E. Kundson (G.W) returned to ship 1 hour overtime. H. Moran (sea) returned to ship 5 hrs overtime.
E. Kundson (G.W) - By direction of Comd'g officer placed J. Duffy (os) in double irons under sentrys charge to await investigation, he being under the influence of liquor also removed J.E. Davis (CH) and J.J. McCarrou (2cf) from the brig and placed them in double irons under sentrys charge and placed T.F. Doran (lds) in double irons in the brig for being drunk on board ship, noisy and violent. Also placed S. Wright (sea) under sentrys charge for safe keeping, he being drunk on duty while in charge of boat. E. Kundson (G.W) returned to ship 1 hour overtime. H. Moran (sea) returned to ship 5 hrs overtime.
H. Moran (sea) - By direction of Comd'g officer placed J. Duffy (os) in double irons under sentrys charge to await investigation, he being under the influence of liquor also removed J.E. Davis (CH) and J.J. McCarrou (2cf) from the brig and placed them in double irons under sentrys charge and placed T.F. Doran (lds) in double irons in the brig for being drunk on board ship, noisy and violent. Also placed S. Wright (sea) under sentrys charge for safe keeping, he being drunk on duty while in charge of boat. E. Kundson (G.W) returned to ship 1 hour overtime. H. Moran (sea) returned to ship 5 hrs overtime.
officers partied on shore
t t doran - drunk on board, noisy and violent
50874dd309d4090755009e75: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_115_0.jpg)
frederickstad santa cruz wi
Lat 59.0, Long -2.7
50874dd309d4090755009e77: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_115_1.jpg)
6 December 1891
50874dd409d4090755009e79: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_116_0.jpg)
frederickted santa cruz and at st thomas west indies
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009e7b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_116_1.jpg)
7 December 1891
6 am left frederickted santa cruz
Lat 59.0, Long -2.7
advance - steamer from rio de jameios
Steamer Advance - At 9:45 the steamer "Advance" from rio de Janeiro via Barbadoes came to anchor in the harbor. Sent a boarding officer to visit her.
50874dd409d4090755009e7d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_117_0.jpg)
at anchor st thomas wi underway for martinique
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009e7f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_117_1.jpg)
8 December 1891
at 5 pm got underway and stemed out of st thomas harbor
Lat 14.7, Long -61.0
C.J. Bogest - Br Bark came in and anchored.
received food
overhauled turning equipment that needed grease in main guns
ordered to discount water alarm
Daul Breslin (CH) - Delivered specification of offences to T. F. Doran (Lds) and Daul Breslin (CH)
T. F. Doran (Lds) - Delivered specification of offences to T. F. Doran (Lds) and Daul Breslin (CH)
Br. Bark C. J. Bogert - came in and anchored.
Mr. Ober - Mr. Ober Worlds Fair Commissioner to West INdies came aboard for passage to St. Vincent
50874dd409d4090755009e81: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_118_0.jpg)
at sea from st thomas to martinique w is
Lat 14.7, Long -61.0
50874dd409d4090755009e83: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_118_1.jpg)
9 December 1891
at 1 pm sighted montserrat isld bearing ebyn
Lat 16.7, Long -62.2
Lieut. Comdr E. P. Wood - Summary Court Martial of which Lieut. Comdr E. P. Wood is Senior member met at 10:00 and adjourned until 10 am Dec 10th on account of stress of weather.
considerable water coming over weather bow and waist, ship pitching 3 to 10 degrees
repaired and set up spreader gaff
guadalupe in sight, set sails
50874dd409d4090755009e85: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_119_0.jpg)
at sea making passage from st thomas to martinique at anchor st pierre martinique
Lat 14.7, Long -61.0
50874dd409d4090755009e87: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_119_1.jpg)
10 December 1891
Philadelphia (Flagship) - Standing.
Magan (French Corvette) -
French Corvette Magan - French Corvette "Magan" sent an officer on board. The "Magan" saluted Admiral Gherardi with 13 guns. Philadelphia returned the salute gun for gun.
Philadelphia - The "Magan" saluted Admiral Gherardi with 13 guns. Philadelphia returned the salute gun for gun.
Admiral Gherardi - The "Magan" saluted Admiral Gherardi with 13 guns. Philadelphia returned the salute gun for gun.
United States Counsel at S. Pierre Martinique made an official visit to the Commanding officer.
50874dd409d4090755009e89: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_120_0.jpg)
at anchor st pierre martinique west indies
Lat 14.7, Long -61.0
50874dd409d4090755009e8b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_120_1.jpg)
11 December 1891
A lunar rainbow was visible.
Admiral Bancroft Gherardi USN - Made an official visit on board.
admiral bancroft gherardi usu - made a visit
french corvette wagon - captain visited
french man of war wagon - captain visited
50874dd409d4090755009e8d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_121_0.jpg)
st pierre martiniquewi
Lat 14.7, Long -61.0
50874dd409d4090755009e8f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_121_1.jpg)
12 December 1891
quarterly board condemmed 196 pounds of flour and tossed overboard
50874dd409d4090755009e91: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_122_0.jpg)
st pierre martinique
Lat 14.7, Long -61.0
50874dd409d4090755009e93: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_122_1.jpg)
13 December 1891
540 pm left st pierre martinique
Lat 24.5, Long 118.1
British Steamer Godalaing - Came in and anchored in the harbor.
t a abbott - u s commissioner to the world fair in wi left ship
philadelphia - flag ship received commissioner
set fore and aft sails
50874dd409d4090755009e95: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_123_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009e97: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_123_1.jpg)
14 December 1891
HMS Buzzard. - Received a visiting party from the ship.
island of st lucia in site
hms buzzard - fired 21 gun salute, got back 11
left barbados under steam and sail
Island of St. Lucia in sight until 3:30. Anchored Bridgetown Harbor Barbados 10:05. left harbor 5:30 course N.W.1/4W.
50874dd409d4090755009e99: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_124_0.jpg)
14 December 1891
at anchor st vincent
Lat 13.9, Long -61.0
50874dd409d4090755009e9b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_124_1.jpg)
15 December 1891
standing in for anchorage kingston harbor st vincent till 450 when came to with port anchor
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
HMS Canada - In port.
Steamer Carribu - British mail steamer
anchored harbor Port Castus 5:40. left harbor 10.20 course S.S.W.5/8W. to St. Vincent. Kingston Harbor, St. Vincent 4:50
philadelphia - delivered mail
hms canada - officer visited
kearsarges - wait for mail
read the results of 4 court marshalls
fired 21 gun english salute that was returned by shore battery
HMS Canada - Delivered mail to Philadelphia and received official visits from an officer of HMS "Canada" and from the garrison on shore. Sent an officer to the "Canada" to return their visit.
Philadelphia - Delivered mail to Philadelphia
British mail steamer Carribu - Passed British mail steamer Carribu
F. J. Doran (Lds) - At 2: called all hands to muster and read the sentences of the Summary Court Martial in the cases of F. J. Doran (Lds) and D. Breslin (CH) viz:- T. J. Doran, deprivation of liberty on shore on foreign station for a period of 3 months and extra police duty for a period of 2 months, for being drunk on board and resisting ships police; D. Breslin , deprivation of of liberty on shore on foreign station for a period of 3 months, to loose one months pay amounting to twenty two (22) dollars and extra police duty for a period of 2 months, for leaving steam cutter without permission and remaining absent about 2 hrs.
D. Breslin (CH) - At 2: called all hands to muster and read the sentences of the Summary Court Martial in the cases of F. J. Doran (Lds) and D. Breslin (CH) viz:- T. J. Doran, deprivation of liberty on shore on foreign station for a period of 3 months and extra police duty for a period of 2 months, for being drunk on board and resisting ships police; D. Breslin , deprivation of of liberty on shore on foreign station for a period of 3 months, to loose one months pay amounting to twenty two (22) dollars and extra police duty for a period of 2 months, for leaving steam cutter without permission and remaining absent about 2 hrs.
50874dd409d4090755009e9d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_125_0.jpg)
15 December 1891
at anchor st vincent
Lat 16.8, Long -25.0
50874dd409d4090755009e9f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_125_1.jpg)
16 December 1891
up anchor 1:45 . at 2:20 left Johnson Pt. bearing E.byN.
The U.S. Consular Agent called officially on board. When he left the ship fired a salute of 5 guns. The Administrator of St. Vincent made official call on board, upon his departure fired salute of 13 guns.
T. E. Fallon (2 CF) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- T. E. Fallon (2 CF) overleave 12 hrs, 4th class; F. Thomas (CH) over leave 16 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. J. Hughes (sa 2c), late at quarters, 4 hrs extra duty; S. B. Abbott (lds), assault, 5 days bread & water in cell; J. H. Kennedy (pm), sitting down while on post, 24 hrs extra duty; N Hofson (lds) drinking from bottle which he was opening for officer, 24 hrs extra duty.
F. Thomas (CH) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- T. E. Fallon (2 CF) overleave 12 hrs, 4th class; F. Thomas (CH) over leave 16 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. J. Hughes (sa 2c), late at quarters, 4 hrs extra duty; S. B. Abbott (lds), assault, 5 days bread & water in cell; J. H. Kennedy (pm), sitting down while on post, 24 hrs extra duty; N Hofson (lds) drinking from bottle which he was opening for officer, 24 hrs extra duty.
J. J. Hughes (sa 2c) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- T. E. Fallon (2 CF) overleave 12 hrs, 4th class; F. Thomas (CH) over leave 16 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. J. Hughes (sa 2c), late at quarters, 4 hrs extra duty; S. B. Abbott (lds), assault, 5 days bread & water in cell; J. H. Kennedy (pm), sitting down while on post, 24 hrs extra duty; N Hofson (lds) drinking from bottle which he was opening for officer, 24 hrs extra duty.
S. B. Abbott (lds) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- T. E. Fallon (2 CF) overleave 12 hrs, 4th class; F. Thomas (CH) over leave 16 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. J. Hughes (sa 2c), late at quarters, 4 hrs extra duty; S. B. Abbott (lds), assault, 5 days bread & water in cell; J. H. Kennedy (pm), sitting down while on post, 24 hrs extra duty; N Hofson (lds) drinking from bottle which he was opening for officer, 24 hrs extra duty.
J. H. Kennedy (pm) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- T. E. Fallon (2 CF) overleave 12 hrs, 4th class; F. Thomas (CH) over leave 16 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. J. Hughes (sa 2c), late at quarters, 4 hrs extra duty; S. B. Abbott (lds), assault, 5 days bread & water in cell; J. H. Kennedy (pm), sitting down while on post, 24 hrs extra duty; N Hofson (lds) drinking from bottle which he was opening for officer, 24 hrs extra duty.
N. Hofson (lds) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- T. E. Fallon (2 CF) overleave 12 hrs, 4th class; F. Thomas (CH) over leave 16 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. J. Hughes (sa 2c), late at quarters, 4 hrs extra duty; S. B. Abbott (lds), assault, 5 days bread & water in cell; J. H. Kennedy (pm), sitting down while on post, 24 hrs extra duty; N Hofson (lds) drinking from bottle which he was opening for officer, 24 hrs extra duty.
50874dd409d4090755009ea1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_126_0.jpg)
16 December 1891
at sea for st thomas
Lat 16.23, Long -63.18
following Flagship
50874dd409d4090755009ea3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_126_1.jpg)
17 December 1891
U.S. Flagship "Philadelphia" - Made out steamer abeam to be the U.S. Flagship "Philadelphia"
50874dd409d4090755009ea5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_127_0.jpg)
at sea for st thomas and at anchor st thomas
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009ea7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_127_1.jpg)
18 December 1891
at 1345 am sighted santa cruz isld bearing w by s
Lat , Long
coal: 161 tons -
coal: 161 tons -
50874dd409d4090755009ea9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_128_0.jpg)
at anchor st thomas underway
Lat 18.28, Long -65.03
50874dd409d4090755009eab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_128_1.jpg)
19 December 1891
A man of war came to anchor in the harbor.
50874dd409d4090755009ead: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_129_0.jpg)
at sea for port au prince haytii
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
50874dd409d4090755009eaf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_129_1.jpg)
20 December 1891
sighted porta plata light, steaming under sail also behind flagship
50874dd409d4090755009eb1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_130_0.jpg)
at sea for port au prince hayti
Lat 19.98, Long -72.82
50874dd409d4090755009eb3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_130_1.jpg)
21 December 1891
at 2:20 lost steam to soot and finds will not burn, can make 9 knots under sail
Made following signals to Flagship:- at 2:20 "Cannot keep position at this speed, tubes choked with soot", fires will not burn. Flagship signalled "How much speed can you keep" answered "about 9 knots" Flagship signalled "Speed 9 knots"
At 5:15 exercised man overboard. The life buoy was dropped and sank probably being struck by the porpeller.
50874dd409d4090755009eb5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_131_0.jpg)
at sea for port au prince hayti and at anchor port au prince
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
50874dd409d4090755009eb7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_131_1.jpg)
22 December 1891
fired 21 gun salute, cleaned ship
50874dd409d4090755009eb9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_132_0.jpg)
at anchor port au prince hayti
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
coal: 373 2207 -
50874dd409d4090755009ebb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_132_1.jpg)
23 December 1891
Flagship made signal "Do you wish to call on the President at 9:00? Admiral says do exactly as you wish" Answered "Yes!" What uniform" Received answer "Be on board at 8:20, uniform full dress."
took food onboard
small arms practice
full dress uniforms to meet the president of hayti
50874dd409d4090755009ebd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_133_0.jpg)
port au prince hayti
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
50874dd409d4090755009ebf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_133_1.jpg)
24 December 1891
in company with Adml Ghirardi, paid an official visit to the President of the Republic of Hayti. Crew engaged in small arms target practice.
50874dd409d4090755009ec1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_134_0.jpg)
at anchor port au prince hayti
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
50874dd409d4090755009ec3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_134_1.jpg)
25 December 1891
Naval Caet Calwell - By direction of Comdg Officer, Naval Cadet Caldwell was placed under suspension for neglect of duty.
received food
naval cadet was placed under suspension for neglect
50874dd409d4090755009ec5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_135_0.jpg)
port au prince hayti
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
50874dd409d4090755009ec7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_135_1.jpg)
26 December 1891
cleaned ship
50874dd409d4090755009ec9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_136_0.jpg)
at anchor port au prince hayti
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
50874dd409d4090755009ecb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_136_1.jpg)
27 December 1891
50874dd409d4090755009ecd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_137_0.jpg)
at anchor port au prince underway at anchor gonaives underway and at anchor port au prince hayti
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
50874dd409d4090755009ecf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_137_1.jpg)
28 December 1891
at 755 came to anchor
Lat 55.0, Long -1.5
sighted arcadaus light
h caldwett - naval cadet removed from suspension
js duchman - minister to hayti, took ride to port au prince
philadelphia - had to signal that were back? couldn't they see us
50874dd409d4090755009ed1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_138_0.jpg)
at anchor port au prince hayti at sea for barbados
Lat 18.5, Long -72.3
50874dd409d4090755009ed3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_138_1.jpg)
29 December 1891
at 815 stood out of port au prince harbor
Lat 36.9, Long 7.8
following flagship
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port au prince to barbados
Lat 17.15, Long -72.37
50874dd409d4090755009ed7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_139_1.jpg)
30 December 1891
At 11:55 Flagship signalled "Can you not keep in position" ans. "Am doing the best I can"
At 7: stopped port engine to ascertain cause of unusual noise in P cylinder. Signalled to Flagship "Will have to stop port engine for a short while" Answered "All right, go ahead" Hoisted fore staysail to assist in steering. Signalled Flagship "Something wrong with one cylinder, dont knowshat" Flagship asked "When will you be able to go ahead again" Ans. "Can not tell what the matter is yet, am taking off cylinder head"
E. Scott (Lds) - The comd'r assigned the following punishments:- C. Scott (Lds) cursing W. R. Steward, 12 hrs extra duty; J. Romer (Lds), J. McCaffrey (Lds), H. Campbell (Lds) Stowing themselves away while on anchor watch so they could not be found, 3 extra anchor watches.
J. Romer (Lds) - The comd'r assigned the following punishments:- C. Scott (Lds) cursing W. R. Steward, 12 hrs extra duty; J. Romer (Lds), J. McCaffrey (Lds), H. Campbell (Lds) Stowing themselves away while on anchor watch so they could not be found, 3 extra anchor watches.
J. McCaffrey (lds) - The comd'r assigned the following punishments:- C. Scott (Lds) cursing W. R. Steward, 12 hrs extra duty; J. Romer (Lds), J. McCaffrey (Lds), H. Campbell (Lds) Stowing themselves away while on anchor watch so they could not be found, 3 extra anchor watches.
H. Campbell (Lds) - The comd'r assigned the following punishments:- C. Scott (Lds) cursing W. R. Steward, 12 hrs extra duty; J. Romer (Lds), J. McCaffrey (Lds), H. Campbell (Lds) Stowing themselves away while on anchor watch so they could not be found, 3 extra anchor watches.
- At 10:30 went ahead on port engine. ... Flagship signalled at 8:20 (Ardois) "How long will it take to take cylinder hear off" Ans "At least another hour" 10:40 signalled Flagship "All right now"
flagship wanted us to keep up, answer was that we are doing our best
port engine off line and cylinder head being removed, can't keep up
50874dd409d4090755009ed9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_140_0.jpg)
Lat 15.82, Long -68.25
50874dd409d4090755009edb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_140_1.jpg)
31 December 1891
Philadephia - "Philadelphia" disapeared at 4:.
At 1:35 slowed down for five minutes and at 2:35 for 10 minutes to replace plug in ford torpedo port.
philadelphia disapeared at 4 pm, replaced plug inforward torpedo port
50874dd409d4090755009edd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_141_0.jpg)
port au prince hayti to barbados
Lat 14.67, Long -64.47
50874dd409d4090755009edf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_141_1.jpg)
1 January 1892
Jas Strauss - cloudy with passing showers
cloudy with passing showers
W.A. Edgar Susijar - moderate breeze from SE x E
US Colluan - clear and pleasant, moderate breeze from SE x E
S.W. Graut Lieut. - pleasant and moderate breeze from SE x E.
T.J. Haisele - pleasant gentle breeze from SE x E.
Jas Strauss - clear and pleasant, moderate breeze from SE x E
W.A. Edgar Eurojin - moderate breeze from SE x S with rain
50874dd409d4090755009ee1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_142_0.jpg)
port au prince
Lat 13.33, Long -60.02
50874dd409d4090755009ee3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_142_1.jpg)
2 January 1892
4 pm in carlisle bay barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009ee5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_143_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009ee7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_143_1.jpg)
50874dd409d4090755009ee9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_144_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009eeb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_144_1.jpg)
4 January 1892
Clear and pleasant weather
50874dd409d4090755009eed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_145_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009eef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_145_1.jpg)
Mostly fair and pleasant with a breeze from the east
50874dd409d4090755009ef1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_146_0.jpg)
at anchor bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009ef3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_146_1.jpg)
6 January 1892
At 7:30 commenced coaling.
Dr. Parsons - is wanted on board as member of Survey.
During the afternoon a loaded coal lighter in collision with 1st cutter, at the Stbd gangway, carried away both of the cutters masts.
Wm. Allen (Boiler M) - By order of Comdg officer placed Wm. Allen (Boiler M) and J. H. Connors (2 cf) in cell to await investigation, both being drunk on duty.
J. H. Connors (2 cf) - By order of Comdg officer placed Wm. Allen (Boiler M) and J. H. Connors (2 cf) in cell to await investigation, both being drunk on duty.
At 4:05 the dinghy upset under sail, none hurt. Sent an officer to the English Flagship with Comdg Officers thanks for their attempted assistance in sending boat.
C. A. Richardson (CH) - By order of Comd'g Officer placed C. A. Richardson (CH) in single irons under charge of the Sentry to await trial by Court Martial.
dr parsons - wanted on flagship
received food, coaling
coal lighter collided with cutter and carried away masts
dingby proclaimed unfit, english flagship sent boat for officiers party
coal: 135 tons -
50874dd409d4090755009ef5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_147_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
coal: 3 tons 300 lbs -
50874dd409d4090755009ef7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_147_1.jpg)
7 January 1892
C. A. Richardson (CH) - The specifications perfered by Rear Admiral B. Gherardi USN against C. A. Richardson (CH) were delivered at 8:55 AM.
At 4:30 finished coaling having received in all tons.
Monongahela - At 5:40 Flagship signalled "Monongahela" signalled to send Captains gig at 6:
rear admiral b gherardi - delivered specification c a richardson
coal: 14 tons -
J H Commons - released from confinement
Wm ALbert Boiler Mr - released from confinement
Tested Ardais System
50874dd409d4090755009ef9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_148_0.jpg)
at anchor bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 20 tons short here expended 22 tons 380 lbs
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 388" 167 "
50874dd409d4090755009efb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_148_1.jpg)
8 January 1892
Commander Oliver A. Batcheller - At 10: General Court Martial of which Commander Oliver A. Batcheller is president met on board this ship for the trial of such persons as may be legally brought before it. Court closed at 11:15, repoened at 11:25 and took recess at 11:25 until 1 P.M.
At 1:05 General Court Martial reconvened and at 3:40 adjourned until 1:15 pm Jany 9th.
A. Lander (Lds) - shipped as landsman (Special Service) from the 4th inst.
J. Knight (os) - By order of the Comd'g Officer J. Knight (OS), for using profane language, on Quarter deck, was ordered to parade deck with cutlass and belt until he found another using profane language. Daul Sullivan (CH) brought to the mast by J. Knight (OS) was ordered to parade the deck from 8 am till 5 pm or until he found another guilty of profanity according to previous orders of Comdg Officer.
Daul Sullivan (CH) - By order of the Comd'g Officer J. Knight (OS), for using profane language, on Quarter deck, was ordered to parade deck with cutlass and belt until he found another using profane language. Daul Sullivan (CH) brought to the mast by J. Knight (OS) was ordered to parade the deck from 8 am till 5 pm or until he found another guilty of profanity according to previous orders of Comdg Officer.
At 10: General Court Martial of which Commander Oliver A. Batcheller is president met on board this ship for the trial of such persons as may be legally brought before it. Court closed at 11:15, reopene at 11:25 and took recess at 11:25 until 1 PM
Oliver A Batcheller - presiding over the court martial
At 1:05 General Court Martial reconvened and at 3:45 adjorned until 1:15 pm Jan'y 9th
At 1:30 sent liberty party on shore
By order of the Comd'g Officer J. Knight (OS), for using profane language on Quarter deck, was ordered to parade deck with cutlass and belt until he found another using profane language. Paul Sillivan (CS) brought to the court by J. Knight (OS) was ordered to parade the deck from 8 am till 5 pm or until he found another guilty of profanity according to the previous orders of Comdg Officer
50874dd409d4090755009efd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_149_0.jpg)
at anchor bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
Water distilled during the preceeding 24 hours, 400 gallons
Coal consumed during the preceeding 24 hours, 2 tons 1028 lbs.
Coal remaining at Noon, 366 " 643 '
50874dd409d4090755009eff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_149_1.jpg)
9 January 1892
At 1:15 the General Court Martial reassembled in conformity with its adjournment of yesterday.
Wm. Emery (C of T) - Wm. Emery (C of T) and J. Roberts (Sea) were brought back to the ship by the shore authorities and a reward of 5 dollars each paid for their delivery.
At 4:20 the Court Martial adjourned to await the orders of the Comd'r in Chief.
Flag ship - At 7:15 made signal int 5455. Flag ship answered "yes"
Wm Emery, J Roberts, J Sheehan, and J Hacket - did not return with Liberty party
J Hackett - returned on board, 3 hours overtime
J Sheehan - returned on board, one hour overtime
S Audette and H Dow - each stood 4 hours extra duty
Wm Emery and J Roberts - brought back to the ship by the shore authorities and a reward of 5 dollars each paid for their delivery
J F Dunn and T F Doran - stood 4 hours extra duty each
O.A. Batchuller - Commander
W. A. Edgar Ensign - signature on the Record of the Miscellaneous Events of the Day
VS Cott~ ~ - signature on Record of the Miscellaneous Events of the day 4 to 8 am
Wm. Emory (C of T), J. Roberts (Leu), J. Shubau (WT), and J. Hacket (1CT) - Liberty party returned on board except
V. S. Cott~~~~~ - signature on the Record of the Miscellaneous Events of the Day
J. Snub~ - retuned on board 1 hr overtime
J. Hasket - 3 hours overtime
S. Sudette - stood 4 hours extra duty
H. Drew - stood 4 hours extra duty
Receved in Commissary Dept. 92 lbs soft bread, 115 lbs frsh beef and 115 lbs fresh vegetables
F.B. Zahn Naval Cadet - signature on the Record of the Miscellaneous Events of the Day
At 1:15 the General Court Martial reassembled in conformity with its adjournment of yesterday.
Wm. Emory and J. Roberts - were brought back to the ship by the shore authorities and a reward of 5 dollars each paid for their delivery
J F D~~~~ and T F Doran - stood 4 hours extra duty each in conformity with previous order of Comdg Officer
F. J. Ha~selu Ensign - signature on the Record of the Miscellaneuos Events of the Day
At 4:20 the Court Martial adjourned to await the orders of the Comd'r in Chief.
At 5:40 mustered at quarters.
Jos St~~~~ Ens - signature on the Record of the Miscellaneous Events of the Day
J. ~. ~~~~ Lt. - Navigator
50874dd409d4090755009f01: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_150_0.jpg)
at anchor bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009f03: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_150_1.jpg)
10 January 1892
H.M.S. Buzzard - H.M.S. Buzzard came in and anchored at 9:30.
J. Roberts (Sea) - By order of the Comdg Officer, J. Robers,(Sea) was confined in the cell to await action he having been brought aboard by the police, 10 dollars reward, after having left the ship without permission.
W. S. Holden (Q M) - W. S. Holden (Q M), C. O'Neill (Oiler), W. G. Moffitt (CH) were brought on board by the police, 5 dollars reward each, overime and under the influence of liquor.
W. G. Moffitt (CH) - W. S. Holden (Q M), C. O'Neill (Oiler), W. G. Moffitt (CH) were brought on board by the police, 5 dollars reward each, overime and under the influence of liquor.
C. O'Neill (Oiler) - W. S. Holden (Q M), C. O'Neill (Oiler), W. G. Moffitt (CH) were brought on board by the police, 5 dollars reward each, overime and under the influence of liquor.
E. Moore (Sea) - By order of the Comdg Officer, placed E. Moore (Sea) in the cell for safe keeping and to await investigation of his case he being drunk on board, unfit for duty and causing disturbance about deck
buzzard - arrived
roberts - 10 $ reward to police for returning him
after sailors returned by police, 5 $, no shore leave by flagship
e moore - placed in cell for drunk and disorderly on ship
HMS Buzzard - Entered port.
50874dd409d4090755009f05: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_151_0.jpg)
at anchor bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009f07: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_151_1.jpg)
11 January 1892
R. McDonald (pm) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
Wm. Allen (Boiler M) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
J. H. Connors (2 cf) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
J. J. Lang (sa 2c) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
J. Talcott (1 ca) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
A. Wright (Sea) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
Wm. Emery (C of T) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
E. Moore (Sea) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- R. McDonald (pm) slow in obeying orders, 12 hrs extra duty; Wm Allen (Boiler M), getting under the influence of liquor while on duty, 5 nights in double irons; J. H. Connors (2 CF), same as Allen, 5 nights in double irons, J. J. Lang (Sa 2c), J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) and J. Talcott (1 ca) slow in manning 2nd cutter when called away, boat keepers for 3 days; A. Wright (Sea) late at muster of anchor watch, 2 extra anchor watches; Wm Emery (C of T) overleave 9 hours, 3rd class; E. Moore (Sea) drunk on board, unfit for duty and creating a disturbance on spar deck, 5 nights in double irons.
H.M.S. Buzzard - Commanding officer made an official visit to HMS Buzzard.
50874dd409d4090755009f09: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_152_0.jpg)
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009f0b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_152_1.jpg)
12 January 1892
50874dd409d4090755009f0d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_153_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009f0f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_153_1.jpg)
13 January 1892
H. Campbell - returned to ship drunk and disorderly
coal: 25 tons - continued coaling ship
coal: 25 tons -
coal: 25 tons -
one sailor returned drunk and paid 5 $ reward, coaling ship
50874dd409d4090755009f11: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_154_0.jpg)
barbados wi and at sea
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009f13: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_154_1.jpg)
14 January 1892
Charles A Richardson - General court martial convened on Concord found him guilty of charges
Rear Admiral Baucraft Gherardi USN - Convened General Court Martial aboard the Concord off Bridgetown Barbados
John Blake USN - Court martial in process on 3 counts
charles a richardson - court marshall order over page
50874dd409d4090755009f15: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_155_0.jpg)
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd409d4090755009f17: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_155_1.jpg)
14 January 1892
50874dd409d4090755009f19: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_156_0.jpg)
50874dd409d4090755009f1b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_156_1.jpg)
14 January 1892
coal: 5 tons. -
coal: 25 tons -
coal: 5 tons - stored on deck
50874dd409d4090755009f1d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_157_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 11.03, Long -56.25
50874dd409d4090755009f1f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_157_1.jpg)
15 January 1892
punished sailors
J Lt. Cormons - Released from confinement to go on watch by order of Commd'g Officer.
J Abbott (~Ld) - Commanding Officer awarded punishment as follows: disobedience, 8 hrs extra duty, neglect of duty, 4 hrs extra duty, fighting, screaming and creating disturbance in steerage before 7 am, 8 hrs extra duty
W S Stalden (2. M) - [Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows ... ] overleave 7 hours, 4th class;
W J Moffitt (CN) - [Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows ... ] overleave 7 hours, 4th class;
C. O'Neile sailor - [Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows ... ] overleave 7 hours, 4th class;
C. ~Rimdem (as) - [Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows ... ] spitting on deck, carry ~cutline until he finds another
J. J. Murphy (1.Ct) - [Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows ... ] overleave 81/2 hours, 4th class;
H Campbell (Lds) - [Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows ... ] overleave 3 hours, dirty and drunk, 4th class;
~T. L. Currie (~kin) - [Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows ... ] insolent to corporal of the Guard, 3 nights in double irons;
A Summary Court martial met at 10 and adjourned at 11:40 to await the action of the revising authority.
C.P. ~Nalone (pm) - [Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows ... ] leaving night order book on bridge, 4 hrs extra duty;
50874dd409d4090755009f21: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_158_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 9.25, Long -53.27
50874dd409d4090755009f23: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_158_1.jpg)
16 January 1892
- Passed a steamer steaming to Westwards
At 4:30[PM] went to quarters and secured the main battery after which formed for muster and read the sentence of the Summary Court Martial in the case of John Roberts, Seaman, said sentence being that he be confined in double irons for 30 days except such time as is his watch on deck; to be given two months extra police duty and to take two months pay said ~lois of pay amounting to forty eight (48) dollars. By direction of the Commanding Officer placed John Roberts, seaman, in double irons in accordance with the aforementioned sentence.
John Robert, seaman - Sentenced by court martial
John Roberts, Seaman - Court Martial sentence read: double irons for 30 d when off work duties and loss of 2 months pay - $48
50874dd409d4090755009f25: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_159_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 7.53, Long -50.37
50874dd409d4090755009f27: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_159_1.jpg)
17 January 1892
At 9:30[AM] mustered at quarters and trained the main battery through extreme train after which secured it as before.
J B Abbott (Lds) - stood 2 hrs extra duty.
trained main battery
steaming with sail
50874dd409d4090755009f29: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_160_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 6.05, Long -48.35
50874dd409d4090755009f2b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_160_1.jpg)
18 January 1892
Hauled in pat log for 10 minutes, to clear it, between 2 and 3 o'clock
At 6:10[AM] port air pump was reported disabled; stopped port engine until 6:40 when went ahead again on both engines, temporary repairs having been made
At 10:30 stopped port engine to repair port circulating pump, went ahead on port engine at 11:55
Port engine stopped from 12:05 to 12:20 to repair circulating pump.
Mustered at quarters at 5:40[PM] and exercised at closing watertight doors. Closed all doors in 2 minutes.
J S Hatt (Ln) - stood 2 hours extra duty
temporary repair to both engines
port circulating water pump repaired
repaired port water pump again
50874dd409d4090755009f2d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_161_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 4.08, Long -45.48
50874dd409d4090755009f2f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_161_1.jpg)
19 January 1892
At 2:46 stopped port engine to repair circulating pumb, went ahead on port engine at 3:05
At 6:20 stopped port engine for repairs in pump gear, started ahead again with port engine at 6:32
Drill on multiple divisions
repaired port pump gears
greased all moving parts, cleaned and oiled port guns from weather
50874dd409d4090755009f31: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_162_0.jpg)
Lat 2.15, Long -42.72
50874dd409d4090755009f33: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_162_1.jpg)
20 January 1892
At 9:30[AM] exercised all divisions at General Quarters. Division cast loose as follows: - 1st, 7 min, 2nd, 2 1/2 min; 3rd, 3 1/2 min; For'd powder, 5 1/2 min; After Powder, 7 1/2 min; Engineers, 7 min and Marines, 1 min, Second call divisions cast loose as follows: - 1st, 3 min; 2nd, 1 1/2 min; 3rd, 2 mins; Ford Powder, 3 min; Aft. Powder, 2 mins; Eng, 3 min and Marines 1/2 min.
At "arm and away all boats" boats reported ready as follows: - Steam Cutter, 4 min; Sailing launch, 5 min;
Examined watertight doors and ~sluice values in Engineers ~Dept and found them in good conditions. Bilges in good condition, some undrained pockets need filling in with cement.
At 5:20[PM] sounded fire alarm, 1st stream 1 min, 3 streams in 1 1/2 min, all ready in 2 min.
At 8:25[PM] stopped port engine to set up an strut needed for securing air pump. Went ahead again at 8:58
J Abbott (Lds) - stood two hours extra duty
timed crew to general quarters and away all boats
stopped port engine to secure air pump
50874dd409d4090755009f35: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_163_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 0.45, Long -40.35
50874dd409d4090755009f37: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_163_1.jpg)
21 January 1892
At 9:30[AM] exercised at general quarters, times of cutting loose: - 1st Div, 3 min; 2nd Div, 3 min; 3rd Div, 2 min; for.d powder Div, 3 min; After powder div, 4 min; Eng. div, 2 min; Marines 1 min. At 10:15 exercised Batallion landing party.
50874dd409d4090755009f39: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_164_0.jpg)
Lat -1.35, Long -38.07
50874dd409d4090755009f3b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_164_1.jpg)
22 January 1892
At 9:30[AM] went to general quarters, cast loose as follows:- 1st div, 3 min; 2nd div, 5 min; 3rd div, 4 1/2 min; ford powder, 3 1/2 min, after powder dic 2 min; Marines, 1/2 min; Engineers, 4 min. At 9:25 set stay sail, at 10:10 set ~sfander, 10:40 ~stood in staysail and sfander. At 10:15 exercised at abandoning ship.
exercised abandoning ship
50874dd409d4090755009f3d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_165_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -2.88, Long -35.83
50874dd409d4090755009f3f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_165_1.jpg)
23 January 1892
50874dd409d4090755009f41: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_166_0.jpg)
Lat -4.48, Long -33.80
50874dd409d4090755009f43: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_166_1.jpg)
24 January 1892
50874dd409d4090755009f45: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_167_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -7.20, Long -33.50
50874dd409d4090755009f47: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_167_1.jpg)
25 January 1892
Passed a bark bound North with no colors flying.
At 11:30 stopped port engine in order to repack stuffing box of air pump. Went ahead again at 11:55.
At 9:30[AM] mustered at quarters and exercised Divisions as follows: - 1st Div, great guns; 2nd Div, ~; 3rd, ford and after powder, small arms; Second perios, Abandon ship.
- Passed a bark bound North with no colors flying
At 11:30[PM] stopped port engine in order to repacj stuffing box of air pump. Went ahead again at 11:55.
50874dd409d4090755009f49: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_168_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -10.42, Long -34.93
50874dd409d4090755009f4b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_168_1.jpg)
26 January 1892
Lower surface of hull in good condition except that some undrained pockets need filling with cement.
overhauled main guns
50874dd409d4090755009f4d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_169_0.jpg)
a sea and at anchor bahia brazil
Lat -12.82, Long -38.72
50874dd409d4090755009f4f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_169_1.jpg)
27 January 1892
at 1150 sighted light house on itapuan point bearing w by n pc
Lat 54.1, Long -165.7
Fired a national salute of 21 guns, Brazilian flag at main, this was returned gun for gun from the fort.
At 8 am sighted land over starboard bow.
At 3:58 at harbor of Bahia, Brazil.
50874dd409d4090755009f51: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_170_0.jpg)
at anchor bahia brazil
Lat -13.0, Long -38.5
50874dd409d4090755009f53: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_170_1.jpg)
28 January 1892
Segmanca - American Mail steamer came in.
coal: 72.6 tons -
Commenced coaling with one lighter on port side. Natives doing the coaling and stowing.
US. Consul paid an official visit to the Comdg Officer. ON his departure a salute of 7 guns was fired.
The Comdg Officer of the Brazilian Training Brig paid an official visit to the Comdr.
At 5 pm an English mail steamer came in and anchored.
American Mail Steamer Seguanca - At 6 PM the American Mail Steamer Seguanca came in. Sent an officer on board.
coal: 726 tons - at 40 cu ft to the ton
M. Dwyer (2 CF) - Placed M. Dwyer (2 DF) under sentrys charge to await investigation.
50874dd409d4090755009f55: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_171_0.jpg)
bahia brazil
Lat -13.0, Long -38.5
coal: 01 ton 2080 lbs -
50874dd409d4090755009f57: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_171_1.jpg)
29 January 1892
The commading officer of the Brazilian man of war (unnamed) paid an official call on the Commander
Received on board 15,000 gal of fresh water.
An English Mail Steamer left the harbor and a German Steamer came in. Comdg Officer made official calls on the Governor and Captain of the Port and returned the call of the Brazilian training vessel. Received in Pay Dept 98 lbs bread, 122.5 lbs beef and 122.5 lbs vegetables.
The Comdg. Officer of the Brazilian man of war paid an official call on the Commander.
Water lighter came along side. Hoisted boats and prepared for Sea.
Received on board 15,000 gals fresh water.
Midnight to 4 a.m. clear and pleasant, light breeze from the East. ? ? ? swinging to ebb at 3:20. Maximum strength of flood 1.4 knots. W.A. Edger, Enegie
4 to 8 a.m. Fair and pleasant till last hour true cloudy. Light to moderate breeze from North to N.E. Tide running ebb, strength of current 1.6 knots at 6:00. ( unknown )
8 a.m. to meridian, clear and pleasant, light variable winds. Scrubbed hammocks. An English Mail steamer left the harbor and German steamer came in. Commanding Officer made official call on the Governor and Captain of the Port and returned the call of the Brazilian training vessel. Received in Pay Dept 98lbs bread, 122 1/2 lbs beef and 122 1/2 lbs vegetables. Strength of tide 1.4 knots. Theo J. Sinn Naval Cadet
Meridian to 4 p.m. clear and warm, light to gentle breeze from South East and East. Current swinging to ebb tide at 3:40. The The Commanding Officer of the Brazilian man of war paid an official call on the Commander. T.J. Sfaeselu
4 to 8 p.m. clear and pleasant. Gentle breeze from ENE and ESE. At 5:40 mustered at quarters and turned in scrubbed hammocks. Water lighter came alongside. Hoisted boats and ??? for sea. Finished swinging to ebb at 4:30. Current 1.8 knots at end of watch. Jes Straus
8 p.m. to midnight in clear and pleasant weather. Gentle to light breeze South East to East South East. Ship swinging to flood tide from 10:15 to 10:45. Received on Board 15,000 gals ??? water.
50874dd409d4090755009f59: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_172_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -14.80, Long -38.48
50874dd409d4090755009f5b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_172_1.jpg)
30 January 1892
clear and warm in the morning, with afternoon squalls in the afternoon
Passed through yellowish colored particles floating on the surface of the water.
50874dd409d4090755009f5d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_173_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -18.47, Long -37.98
50874dd409d4090755009f5f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_173_1.jpg)
31 January 1892
Clear, warm, and pleasant weather
50874dd409d4090755009f61: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_174_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -21.98, Long -40.22
50874dd409d4090755009f63: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_174_1.jpg)
1 February 1892
Started clear and pleasant, ended squally and stormy
Lee Dickinson - Upon the recommendation of the Board of Ratings, Lee Dickinson (Sea Gun) was rated Gunners Mate from Jan 15th.
JF Dunn; Joe Tolcott - Upon the recommendation of the Board for the examination of apprentices the following changes were made: J.F. Dunn (1CA) to SA2C; Joe Tolcott (1CA) to SA2C from Jan 1, 1892
50874dd409d4090755009f65: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_175_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -22.47, Long -40.22
50874dd409d4090755009f67: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_175_1.jpg)
1 February 1892
50874dd409d4090755009f69: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_176_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -24.77, Long -42.75
50874dd409d4090755009f6b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_176_1.jpg)
2 February 1892
painting around blacksmiths and boats
50874dd409d4090755009f6d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_177_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -27.60, Long -45.77
50874dd409d4090755009f6f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_177_1.jpg)
3 February 1892
50874dd409d4090755009f71: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_178_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -30.68, Long -48.80
50874dd409d4090755009f73: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_178_1.jpg)
4 February 1892
No name given - At 4:05 exchanged colors with Danish Brigantine, which made signal I. C. F. G. H., she made F.O.T. and G. V. D., she then made V. K. B.
sighted brigantine, danish and colored same
50874dd409d4090755009f75: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_179_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -33.38, Long -52.25
50874dd409d4090755009f77: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_179_1.jpg)
5 February 1892
stopped engines and got cast of lead aft
stopped engines for sounding
took more sounding and took in mud, sand and shells
Jos Strauss - Midnight to 4 - Cloudy with light to gentle breeze from north. Heavy dew. At 3:45 passed a sailing vessel
50874dd409d4090755009f79: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_180_0.jpg)
50874dd409d4090755009f7b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_180_1.jpg)
5 February 1892
At 3:45 passed a sailing vessel bound to the Nd.
Passed two steamers bound to Nd.
50874dd409d4090755009f7d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_181_0.jpg)
at anchor montevideo uruguay south america
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009f7f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_181_1.jpg)
7 February 1892
English Man of War - No name given
Rear Admiral Gherardi - Paid a official call.
At 9:30 mustered and inspected at quarters, afterwards read General Court Martials Nrd 38 to 54 inclusive and "An act to provide a More Efficient Discipline in the Navy."
The English man of war in the inner harbor fired a salute of 13 guns with the American flag at the fore and hoisted her jib in honor of Read Admiral Gherardi when he left that vessel, having paid an official call.
6:30 Quarantine officer came alongside and took vessel out of quarantine. Hauled down quarantine flag.
At 6:10 Flagship signalled "Coal will come in bags of 500 lbs each" "You will get it on board;"
Rear Admiral Gherardi - Paid and official visit to EnglishMan of War
50874dd409d4090755009f81: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_182_0.jpg)
montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009f83: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_182_1.jpg)
8 February 1892
HMS Beagle. -
Chicago - Fired salute.
HBMS Cleopatra. - accombanied by another war vessel left the harbor.
Chicago - At 8 hrs fired a salute of 13 guns which was returned by a salute of 7 guns from the Chicago.
Cleopatra - Sent boarding officer to return the visit to the Cleopatra, ~ ship of the Senior English officer in the harbor.
H.M.S. Beagle - Boarding officer from H. M. S. Beaglecame on board with the usual official questions and offer of assistance.
The Commander made official call upon the Commander in Chief of the Squadron of Evolution.
At 11: signalled to Flagship "Shall requisitions for fresh provisions be made open purchase or on sealed proposal. At 11:05 Flagshp signalled "Open purchase"
HBNMS Cleopatra - H.B.M.S. Cleopatra accompanied by another war vessel left the harbor.
received food
hms beagle - boarding officer, darwin on board
chicago - saluted
cleopatra - called
bms cleopratra and another - left harbor
50874dd409d4090755009f85: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_183_0.jpg)
at anchor montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009f87: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_183_1.jpg)
9 February 1892
HBMS Beagle , Basalick, USS Essex, H Spanish Magistys ships Nautilus and Colon, H. Hatian, MS Audria - Comd'g Officer paid official visits to
Italian ship "Provano" -
coal: 86 tons -
USS Atlanta - At 6: pm the U.S.S. Atlanta left the harbor bound down the river.
USS Essex - The Comdg Officer paid official visits to HBMS Beagle, Basalisk, USS Essex, H. Spanish Majesty's ships Nautilus and Colon, H. Hatian M.S. Andrea Provano, Senior Uruguayan officers ship and Minister to Uruguay.
H. Spanish Majesty's Ship Colon - The Comdg Officer paid official visits to HBMS Beagle, Basalisk, USS Essex, H. Spanish Majesty's ships Nautilus and Colon, H. Hatian M.S. Andrea Provano, Senior Uruguayan officers ship and Minister to Uruguay.
HBMS Basalisk - The Comdg Officer paid official visits to HBMS Beagle, Basalisk, USS Essex, H. Spanish Majesty's ships Nautilus and Colon, H. Hatian M.S. Andrea Provano, Senior Uruguayan officers ship and Minister to Uruguay.
H. Spanish Majesty's Ship Nautilus - The Comdg Officer paid official visits to HBMS Beagle, Basalisk, USS Essex, H. Spanish Majesty's ships Nautilus and Colon, H. Hatian M.S. Andrea Provano, Senior Uruguayan officers ship and Minister to Uruguay.
HBMS Beagle - The Comdg Officer paid official visits to HBMS Beagle, Basalisk, USS Essex, H. Spanish Majesty's ships Nautilus and Colon, H. Hatian M.S. Andrea Provano, Senior Uruguayan officers ship and Minister to Uruguay.
H. Itatian M. S. Andrea Provano - The Comdg Officer paid official visits to HBMS Beagle, Basalisk, USS Essex, H. Spanish Majesty's ships Nautilus and Colon, H. Hatian M.S. Andrea Provano, Senior Uruguayan officers ship and Minister to Uruguay.
Captain J. N. Miller - Captain J. N. Miller paid an official visit to the ship.
J. Talcott (sa 2c) - The Commanding Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Talcott (Sa 2c) carelessly spilling varnish from aloft, 8 hrs extra duty; C. Comley (sa 2c) using improper language and cursing corpl of the Guard, 5 nights in double irons.
C. Cromley (sa 2c) - The Commanding Officer awarded punishments as follows:- J. Talcott (Sa 2c) carelessly spilling varnish from aloft, 8 hrs extra duty; C. Comley (sa 2c) using improper language and cursing corpl of the Guard, 5 nights in double irons.
Began coaling at 2:00.
Commanding officers of Italian ship "Provano" and USS Exxex returned official calls of Comd'g Officer of this ship.
coal: 50 tons - Received during watch 50 tons coal.
coal: 86 tons - Stopped coaling at 5:30 having finished one lighter of about 86 tons.
50874dd409d4090755009f89: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_184_0.jpg)
montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
24-hr coal consumption: 2 tons, 977 lbs
50874dd409d4090755009f8b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_184_1.jpg)
10 February 1892
coal: 135 tons -
Began coaling at 6:45.
Spanish Vessel Colon - Commanding Officers of Spanish vessels "Nautilus" and "Colon" paid an official visit to the Commanding officer of this ship.
Spanish Vessel Nautilus - Commanding Officers of Spanish vessels "Nautilus" and "Colon" paid an official visit to the Commanding officer of this ship.
coal: 135 tons - Stopped coaling at 5:30 having received this day 135 tons.
C. A. Richardson (CH) - By order of the Comd'g Officer released C. A. Richardson (CH) from the cell and placed him under sentrys charge on berth deck and placed J. McDonald in cell he being drunk disorderly and noisy.
J. McDonald - By order of the Comd'g Officer released C. A. Richardson (CH) from the cell and placed him under sentrys charge on berth deck and placed J. McDonald in cell he being drunk disorderly and noisy.
Began coaling at 6:45.
Spanish Vessel Colon - Commanding Officers of Spanish vessels "Nautilus" and "Colon" paid an official visit to the Commanding officer of this ship.
Spanish Vessel Nautilus - Commanding Officers of Spanish vessels "Nautilus" and "Colon" paid an official visit to the Commanding officer of this ship.
coal: 135 tons - Stopped coaling at 5:30 having received this day 135 tons.
C. A. Richardson (CH) - By order of the Comd'g Officer released C. A. Richardson (CH) from the cell and placed him under sentrys charge on berth deck and placed J. McDonald in cell he being drunk disorderly and noisy.
J. McDonald - By order of the Comd'g Officer released C. A. Richardson (CH) from the cell and placed him under sentrys charge on berth deck and placed J. McDonald in cell he being drunk disorderly and noisy.
50874dd409d4090755009f8d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_185_0.jpg)
montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
24-hr coal consumprion: 2 tons 977 lbs
50874dd409d4090755009f8f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_185_1.jpg)
11 February 1892
L. Catella (carp) - Sent $10 reward on shore for the apprehension and delivery on board of ....
L. Catella (Corp) - Sent reward of $10 on shore for the apprehension and delivery on board of L. Catella (Corp).
sent reward on shore for the apprehension and delivery on board of L. Catilla /Casp/
Sent liberty party on shore
British mail steamer and German steamer left port
L. Catella (Carp) - AWOL
C.A. Richardson - crew member
J. Crowley - crew member
J. Dwyer - crew member
50874dd409d4090755009f91: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_186_0.jpg)
montevideo uruguay at anchor
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009f93: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_186_1.jpg)
12 February 1892
coal: 351 tons - altogether
psn company - anchored
coal: 93 tons - supplies
coal: 351 - total amount
P.S.N. Company Steamer - British steamer anchored
Commenced coaling and watering of ship at 6:30
J. Swyer - released from confinement by commander
J. Crowley - released from confinement by commander
coal: 93 tons coal -
Received 2000 gal water for cooking/drinking; plus 4500 gal additional water
coal: 351 tons total loaded - coaling finished
50874dd409d4090755009f95: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_187_0.jpg)
montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009f97: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_187_1.jpg)
13 February 1892
the Chicago - At 3:00 fired a salute of 15 guns
the Philadelphia - At 1:00 fired a salute of 15 guns US flag
J. Blactye (C.B.M.) - returned to the ship 6 hrs over time.
50874dd409d4090755009f99: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_188_0.jpg)
montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009f9b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_188_1.jpg)
14 February 1892
M.M. Taylor (cadet) - Reported for duty.
50874dd409d4090755009f9d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_189_0.jpg)
at anchor montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009f9f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_189_1.jpg)
15 February 1892
coal: 50 tons, 1359 lbs -
Began coaling at 7:00.
At 9:; Flagship to Concord, "We will be detained on account of engines, you can have till Thursday to get ready for sea"
coal: 50 tons, 1359 lbs - At 5: finished coaling
50874dd409d4090755009fa1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_190_0.jpg)
montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
coal: 2 tons 118 lbs - during preceding 24 hrs
50874dd409d4090755009fa3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_190_1.jpg)
16 February 1892
Examined sluice valves and water tight doors, tested flood cocks, drain and overflow valves, sluice gate valves found all in good order except Eng. Dept. there are some undreained pockets in bilges which need filling with cement.
USS Chicago - At 3:30 the U.S.S. Chicago got under way and stood down the river. Admiral Walker transfered his flag to the U.S.S. Essex.
USS Essex - At 3:30 the U.S.S. Chicago got under way and stood down the river. Admiral Walker transfered his flag to the U.S.S. Essex.
Admiral Walker - At 3:30 the U.S.S. Chicago got under way and stood down the river. Admiral Walker transfered his flag to the U.S.S. Essex.
The Comd'g Officer made an official call on the Governor of Uruguay.
O A Batcheller - commander
received 96 lbs bread, 112 lbs fresh beef, 112 lbs vegetables for ships company
Philadelphia - made signal to them
received 119 lbs oatmeal in engineering
USS Chicago - got underway and stood down the river
USS Essex - Adm. Walker transferred his flat to it.
Admiral Walker - transferred his flag to the USS Essex
J Clifford - crew member
A Abbott - crew member
T Sullivan - crew memver
commanding officer - visited gov. of Uruguay
USS Chicago - Got under way and stood down the river
Commanding Officer (O.A.Batcheller) - Made an official call on the Govenor of Uruguay
50874dd409d4090755009fa5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_191_0.jpg)
at anchor montevideo uruguay
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009fa7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_191_1.jpg)
17 February 1892
coal: 20 1497/2240 tons - At 9:30 commenced coaling ship, finished at 11:30
At 10: French man of war came in and anchored in the inner harbor. She fired a salute of 13 guns, American flag at the fore which was returned by the Philadelphia gun for gun.
At 11:50 signalled Flagship "Total coal received here 422 tons."
J. H. Conners (2 cf) - At 6: mustered at quarters, L. Catella (Carp) and J. H. Conners (2 CF) absent over leave.
L. Cattella (carp) - At 6: mustered at quarters, L. Catella (Carp) and J. H. Conners (2 CF) absent over leave.
At 8:05 Flag ship signalled "Start fires so as to have steam ready to move at one hour's notice from eight o'clock tomorrow morning, send report of changes early in the morning." At 8:30 signalled to Flag ship "Have stewards on shore and two mess caterers did not return. Stewards have orders to be on board before 11 AM."
coal: 20 tons - Total coal received here 422 tons
coal: -
50874dd409d4090755009fa9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_192_0.jpg)
at anchor montevideo uruguay and at sea
Lat -34.9, Long -56.2
50874dd409d4090755009fab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_192_1.jpg)
18 February 1892
at 333 flores isld bore n by w mag dist 3 miles
Lat 36.9, Long 7.8
J. H. Conners (2 cf) - L. Catella (Carp) and J. H. Conners (2 CF) are this day declared deserters from this ship and the Naval Service.
L. Cattella (carp) - L. Catella (Carp) and J. H. Conners (2 CF) are this day declared deserters from this ship and the Naval Service.
A. A. Abbott (pm) - By direction of the Commanding Officer W. F. Raham (Sea) and A. A. Abbott pm, for overstaying the sailing hour of the ship when ashore on duty, were assigned the following punishments:- Five days confinement in the cell on bread and water.
W. F. Raham (Sea) - By direction of the Commanding Officer W. F. Raham (Sea) and A. A. Abbott pm, for overstaying the sailing hour of the ship when ashore on duty, were assigned the following punishments:- Five days confinement in the cell on bread and water.
J. H. Conners (2 cf) - L. Catella (Carp) and J. H. Conners (2 CF) are this day declared deserters from this ship and the Naval Service.
L. Cattella (carp) - L. Catella (Carp) and J. H. Conners (2 CF) are this day declared deserters from this ship and the Naval Service.
A. A. Abbott (pm) - By direction of the Commanding Officer W. F. Raham (Sea) and A. A. Abbott pm, for overstaying the sailing hour of the ship when ashore on duty, were assigned the following punishments:- Five days confinement in the cell on bread and water.
W. F. Raham (Sea) - By direction of the Commanding Officer W. F. Raham (Sea) and A. A. Abbott pm, for overstaying the sailing hour of the ship when ashore on duty, were assigned the following punishments:- Five days confinement in the cell on bread and water.
L. Catella - This day declared deserters from the ship and the Naval Service.
J. H. Co~~eos - This day declared a deserter of the ship and the Naval Service.
Leave harbor PM.
L. Catella (carp) & J.H. Conners (2cf) - Are declared deserters from this ship and the Naval Service.
50874dd409d4090755009fad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_193_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -33.92, Long -52.70
50874dd409d4090755009faf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_193_1.jpg)
19 February 1892
50874dd409d4090755009fb1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_194_0.jpg)
Lat -31.37, Long -49.50
50874dd409d4090755009fb3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_194_1.jpg)
20 February 1892
coal loaded on deck, worried about making port, can not keep distance with flagship, do not get to close that they can not do hard over
50874dd409d4090755009fb5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_195_0.jpg)
Lat -28.70, Long -46.85
coal: 366 tons 153 lbs remaining - 23 tons 245lbs used in last 24 hrs
50874dd409d4090755009fb7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_195_1.jpg)
21 February 1892
Signals between the "Concord" and Flagship
under the Command of Commander O. A. Batcheller
coal: 105lbs -
50874dd409d4090755009fb9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_196_0.jpg)
Lat -26.08, Long -44.28
50874dd409d4090755009fbb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_196_1.jpg)
22 February 1892
B. F. Stowe (S.a.2.c.) - Punishment: Slow in obeying orders and disrespectful to Officer of the Deck; 3 nights in bouble irons, when not on watch.
J. J. Hugh (S.a.2.c.) - Punishment for interfering with Bugler when sounding calls; 24 hrs extra duty
50874dd409d4090755009fbd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_197_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -23.45, Long -41.82
50874dd409d4090755009fbf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_197_1.jpg)
23 February 1892
50874dd409d4090755009fc1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_198_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -20.95, Long -39.58
50874dd409d4090755009fc3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_198_1.jpg)
24 February 1892
Exchanged colors with an English steamer bound SW.
At 9:30 flagship signalled (telegraphic) "What speed would two boilers give, and what would consumption of coal be" Ans about 7 miles and about 16 tons. Have never found two boilers econonomical"
At 1:30 Flagship signalled telegraphically, "Aver speed 9.2 knots, coal consumed 39 tons. What has your been" Ans "Speed 9.2 coal consumed 22 tons."
- Exchanged colors with an English steamer bound SW
J Roberts (sea) - served 3 hours extra duty
S. Sudette (app) - served 3 hours extra duty
J. J. Hughs (app) - served 3 hours extra duty
50874dd409d4090755009fc5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_199_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -17.83, Long -37.85
50874dd409d4090755009fc7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_199_1.jpg)
25 February 1892
exercised crew in infantry and target practice with small arms
50874dd409d4090755009fc9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_200_0.jpg)
Lat -14.23, Long -36.87
50874dd409d4090755009fcb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_200_1.jpg)
26 February 1892
practice abandon ship, 6 minutes
50874dd409d4090755009fcd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_201_0.jpg)
Lat -10.67, Long -35.72
50874dd409d4090755009fcf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_201_1.jpg)
27 February 1892
Made telegraphic signal to Flagship "Have deficiency of 11 tons coal, think can yet make destination by running slow in fair current. Perhaps less annoyance to you will be to continue present rate and you spare us a few tons coal at last if necessary, could take it in our own boats." At 2:40 Flagship answered, "Continue present rate, I will decide either to coal or tow you." At 3: we received telegraphic signal "What explanation for being short coal third time in 2 months? All coal receipted for was on your weight." Answered teleg. signal "Insufficient allowance for waste and stealing."
11 tons short of port insufficient allowance for waste and stealing
50874dd409d4090755009fd1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_001_0.jpg)
50874dd409d4090755009fd3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_001_1.jpg)
50874dd409d4090755009fd5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_002_0.jpg)
50874dd409d4090755009fd7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_002_1.jpg)
50874dd409d4090755009fd9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_003_0.jpg)
50874dd409d4090755009fdb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_003_1.jpg)
new log book
50874dd409d4090755009fdd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_004_0.jpg)
28 February 1892
new log book with list of officiers
50874dd409d4090755009fdf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_004_1.jpg)
april 11 1892, captain transferred to naval hospitable in new york
50874dd409d4090755009fe1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_005_0.jpg)
50874dd509d4090755009fe3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_005_1.jpg)
list of weather instruments
50874dd509d4090755009fe5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_006_0.jpg)
list of armaments
50874dd509d4090755009fe7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_006_1.jpg)
compass deviations
50874dd509d4090755009fe9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_007_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -7.80, Long -34.03
50874dd509d4090755009feb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_007_1.jpg)
28 February 1892
930 am perucambuco light abeam
Lat 37.2, Long -1.5
At 12:20 wheel rope parted on drum, shifted to after wheel. Engaged fitting new wheel ropes.
At 5:30 Flagship signalled (Tel) "Present consumption of coal how long will your coal last" Ans "About eight days" At 5:45 Flagship Signalled "When coal you, bag average 180 lbs, total 45 tons, using boats both ships"
At 7:15 made signal "Have about reached the limit of economical conbustion under 3 boilers. Cannot burn more than 2 or 3 tons more. At that rate 45 tons will leave a very large margin.
Under both steam, and all sail
50874dd509d4090755009fed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_008_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -4.22, Long -35.23
50874dd509d4090755009fef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_008_1.jpg)
29 February 1892
did not transfer coal from flagship, might make barbados, manual steering wheel lose
50874dd509d4090755009ff1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_009_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat -1.78, Long -38.23
50874dd509d4090755009ff3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_009_1.jpg)
1 March 1892
S.E.Jackson (C Cook) - Commanding Officer awarded punishment for disobedience of orders - disrated to landsman.
William Skinner (Lds) - Commanding officer awarded punishment for cursing W.R. Steward - 5 nights in double irons
flagship stopped to take our picture with sails flying
Set clock ahead 3 minutes during last hour of watch.
At 8:20 Flagship signalled "We are going to stop our engines, you go ahead." At 8:30 received signal "I would like to take a photograph of you with all sail set, only you are too far off." At 9: Flagship signalled "All right, we have you."
Wm Skinner (lds) - Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows:- Wm. Skinner (lds) cursing W.R. Steward, 5 nights in double irons; A. E. Jackson (C Cook) disobedience of orders, disrated to landsman.
A. E. Jackson (C. Cook) - Commanding officer awarded punishments as follows:- Wm. Skinner (lds) cursing W.R. Steward, 5 nights in double irons; A. E. Jackson (C Cook) disobedience of orders, disrated to landsman.
50874dd509d4090755009ff5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_010_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 0.43, Long -41.45
50874dd509d4090755009ff7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_010_1.jpg)
2 March 1892
50874dd509d4090755009ff9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_011_0.jpg)
3 March 1892
at sea
Lat 3.02, Long -44.70
coal: 21 tons 590 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 107 tons 294 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd509d4090755009ffb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_011_1.jpg)
3 March 1892
Daul Sullivan - By direction of the Commanding Officer the following ratings were established to date from March 1st:- Daul Sullivan from CH to 2nd C.F., Chas Haflin from 2nd to 1st class apprentice, J. Romer from Ordinary Seaman to Seaman.
J. Romer - By direction of the Commanding Officer the following ratings were established to date from March 1st:- Daul Sullivan from CH to 2nd C.F., Chas Haflin from 2nd to 1st class apprentice, J. Romer from Ordinary Seaman to Seaman.
Chas Haflin - By direction of the Commanding Officer the following ratings were established to date from March 1st:- Daul Sullivan from CH to 2nd C.F., Chas Haflin from 2nd to 1st class apprentice, J. Romer from Ordinary Seaman to Seaman.
At 9:40 Flagship signalled "Continue most economical coal consumption. If we go ahead we will not leave you, when the wind increases you will pick up."
50874dd509d4090755009ffd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_012_0.jpg)
4 March 1892
at sea
Lat 5.10, Long -47.70
coal: 86 tons 689 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
coal: 20 tons 1845 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
50874dd509d4090755009fff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_012_1.jpg)
4 March 1892
Lat 5.07, Long -48.02
G. Colter (pm) - The following punishment was assigned by the Commanding officer:- G. Colter (pm) 8 hrs extra duty for not closing decklight in morning watch.
At 6:10 Flagship signalled "How fast are you going" Ans. About 10 knots," have not struck steady speed yet. Have bent new log lin." At 6:30 Flagship signalled "Regularity of speed is very important. We are doing the best we can with two boilers and will not start third. We will not lose sight of you astern but are willing to ahead. Our greatest speed wil be 10.3 knots" At 7:55 Flagship signalled "What speed wil you make"
At 8:05 Flagship signalled "What speed wil you make" Ans "Expect to make 9.2 knots" Flagship signalled "Do you not mean 10.2 knots" Ans. "Yes"
G. Colter - Punishment assigned by Commanding Officer: 8 hr extra duty for not closing decklight in morning watch.
Flagship - distant about 1000 yds.
G. Colter - punishment: 8 hrs. extra duty for not closing docklight in morning watch
Flagship - under steam and sail
Flagship - signalled to Flagship: "can I go ahead to work off steam" Flagship answered "Go ahead, we have increased consumption."
Flagship - signalled "Santa Cruz is a good place to fire at a target underway." Ans "No"
Flagship - signalled "How fast are you going?" ans. "About 10 Knots; have not struck steady speed yet. Have bent new log line"
Flagship - at 6:30 Flagship signalled "Regularity of speed is very important. We are doing the best we can with two boilers and will not start third. We will not loose sight of you astern but are willing to ahead. Our greatest speed will be 10.3 knots."
Flagship - at 7.55 Flagship signalled "What speed will you make."
Flagship - on port quarter of Flagship about 600 yds distant.
Flagship - at 8.05 Flagship signalled "What speed you make." Ans "Expect to make 9.2 knots. Flagship signalled "Do you not mean 10.2 Knots" Ans "Yes."
50874dd509d409075500a001: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_013_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 7.48, Long -51.28
50874dd509d409075500a003: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_013_1.jpg)
5 March 1892
ordered not to reach barbados before flagship
flagship 3 to 4 miles to the port quarter
50874dd509d409075500a005: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_014_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 9.73, Long -54.68
50874dd509d409075500a007: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_014_1.jpg)
6 March 1892
flagship 1200 yards ahead, speed reduced to 8 k
fourth boiler shut down, burning as much coal as possible in 3 boilers
50874dd509d409075500a009: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_015_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 11.92, Long -57.58
50874dd509d409075500a00b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_015_1.jpg)
7 March 92
50874dd509d409075500a00d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_016_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a00f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_016_1.jpg)
8 March 1892
saluted english with 21 guns, they returned same, overhauling guns
have enough oil and oatmeal to make it to st thomas, asked for 12,000$
advance - mail steamer
flagship is leaving for a few days, waiting for field coils
Steamer "Advance" - American mail steamer came in at 1: and left harbor at 2:30.
50874dd509d409075500a011: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_017_0.jpg)
9 March 1892
bridgetown barbadas
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
coal: 2 tons 665 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 16 tons 164 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd509d409075500a013: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_017_1.jpg)
9 March 1892
50874dd509d409075500a015: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_018_0.jpg)
10 March 1892
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
coal: 2 tons 980 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 13 tons 1424 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd509d409075500a017: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_018_1.jpg)
10 March 1892
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
coal: 275 -
coal: Received 275 tons - 1740 finished coaling
coal: -
coal: 295 -
50874dd509d409075500a019: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_019_0.jpg)
11 March 1892
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
coal: 2 tons 455 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 286 tons 969 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd509d409075500a01b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_019_1.jpg)
11 March 1894
50874dd509d409075500a01d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_020_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a01f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_020_1.jpg)
12 March 1892
1500 gals water received for ship's use
50874dd509d409075500a021: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_021_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a023: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_021_1.jpg)
13 March 1892
Received in Pay Dept. 97 lbs bread, 113 1/4 lbs beef, 113 1/2 lbs vegetables
C. Carlsen G.M. - was delivered a good conduct badge
Edw. Graty - Given good conduct bar
received food
issued 3 good conduct awards
Received in Pay Dept. 97 lbs bread, 113 1/2 lbs beef, 113 1/2 lbs vegetable
received 97 lbs of bread, 113 1/2 lbs of beef and 113 1/2 of vegetables from pay department
Caneseu Gui? - delivered a badge of conduct
Ed Graty? - delivered a good conduct bar and certificate for continuous service
50874dd509d409075500a025: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_022_0.jpg)
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a027: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_022_1.jpg)
14 March 1892
Received in Pay Dept. 91 lbs bread 113 1/2 lbs beef, 113 1/2 lbs vegetables.
British Mail S.S. Muriel and ~ - came in and anchored
SS Muriel & SS Orouoco? - Came in and anchored.
Oronaeo?, Salan, Eden. - Royal Mails Steamers left the harbor.
50874dd509d409075500a029: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_023_0.jpg)
bridgetown barbados and at sea
Lat 13.1, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a02b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_023_1.jpg)
15 March 1892
Lat , Long
50874dd509d409075500a02d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_024_0.jpg)
15 March 1892
Lat 15.77, Long -62.38
50874dd509d409075500a02f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_024_1.jpg)
16 March 1892
drilled crew and marines
50874dd509d409075500a031: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_025_0.jpg)
st thomas w i
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a033: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_025_1.jpg)
17 March 1892
hauled fines from boilers c and d
will take on 5000 gallons of drinking water
50874dd509d409075500a035: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_026_0.jpg)
st thomas wi
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
Water distilled during the preceding 24 hours = 70 gallons
Coal consumed during the preceding 24 hours= 2 tons 238 lbs
Coal remaining on hand at Noon = 234 tons 1913 lbs
50874dd509d409075500a037: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_026_1.jpg)
18 March 1892
USS Saratoga - came in and anchored
Received an official from Comd'g Officer of the U.S. School Ship "Saratoga." Comd'g Officer pain official call on Consul.
USS "Saratoga" - came in and anchored.
Received in Pay Dept. 91 lbs bread, 113.25 lbs beef and 113.25 lbs vegetables.
At 9.30 went to general quarters. By direction of the Comdg. Officer the following punishments were assigned: JJ Fuller has extra duty for evading inspection before going on post;
At 10:05 Flagship signalled "Send" a boat". At 10:20 made signal "Can I have ash lighter at 6 pm" Ans "Yes"
Received an official from Comd'g. Officer of the US School ship "Saratoga". Comd'g Officer paid official call on Consul.
Released C.T. Richardson (CN) from confinement for the watch.
At 5:40 went to fine quarters. Time 3.5 minutes. Tested Ardois System.
50874dd509d409075500a039: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_027_0.jpg)
st thomas west indies
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a03b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_027_1.jpg)
19 March 1892
Lat , Long
American schooner J. R. Ho~~ius - left harbor
A. A. Abbate, James - summary Court Martial held on ship
USS Neward - came in port, fired salute of 13 guns
Received on board for issue to crew, 91 lbs bread and 113.5 lbs each fresh beef and vegetables. Flagship made routine time and dress signals at 7:30
At 9:40 Flagship made general signal 1087. Sent boat in obedience thereto.
At 10:20 made signal 5455. Ans. Affirmative. Loosed sail. At 10:25 Flagship made signal Gen. 1087. Sent a boat in obedience to signal.
A summary court martial for the trial of A.A. Abbott went on board this ship at 10: and took a recess at 11:30. By order of Comd'g. Officer released C.A. Richardson (CH) his time of confinement having expired.
Received in Pay Dept 200 gals fresh water and in Equipment Dept 1200 gals fresh water.
USS Seward - USS Seward came in port at 12:30 and anchored. She fired a salute of 13 guns which was answered by Flagship ? and one of 21 guns which was returned by battery on shore.
At 5:30 Flagship signaled "Send boat". At 7:14 Flagship signalled "Be ready to use search lights at 9 o'clock and follow our motions with search lights.
The squadron exercised search lights at 9:.
50874dd509d409075500a03d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_028_0.jpg)
st thomas west indies
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
Water distilled during preceeding 24 hours, 20 gallons
Coal consumed during preceding 24 hours, 2 tons 121 lbs
Coal remaining on hand at Noon, 230 tons 1886 lbs
50874dd509d409075500a03f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_028_1.jpg)
20 September 1892
At 9:30 Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship.
USS Seward - Comd'g. Officer made official call on Comd'g. Officer of U.S.S. "Seward"
50874dd509d409075500a041: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_029_0.jpg)
st thomas west indies at anchor
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a043: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_029_1.jpg)
21 March 1892
J.J Kelley - punishment for being dilatory in turning - 4 hr extra duty
Received on board 2800 gals fresh water for boilers and 1900 gals for ships use.
J.J.McCarrou - Punishment for being dilatory in turning - 4 extra hours duty
T. Reiley - Punishment for being dilatory in turning - 4 hr extra duty
J. S. Smythe - Punishment for disobeying order of Captain F.C. - 3 days in cell
Comd'r Casey - visited ship
Newark -
T. Riley, CST - punished
J.J. McCarrou - punished
JJ Kelley, est - punished
J.S. Suiythe - punished for disobeying orders
A. Abbott - aquitted by court of offence
50874dd509d409075500a045: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_030_0.jpg)
st thomas and target practice
Lat 13.2, Long -59.6
50874dd509d409075500a047: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_030_1.jpg)
22 March 1892
target practice with main guns and smaller, removed barometer during practice
leguranca - steamer arrived from new york
American Steamer Leguranea - arrived in port from New York.
50874dd509d409075500a049: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_031_0.jpg)
23 March 1892
st thomas
Lat 18.05, Long -65.37
50874dd509d409075500a04b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_031_1.jpg)
23 March 1892
forward magazine sea cock opened. dried out magazine and closed sea cock
sighted pureto rico
Bright starlight
50874dd509d409075500a04d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_032_0.jpg)
at sea from st thomas wi to kingston jamaica
Lat 17.53, Long -69.52
coal: 210 tons -
coal: 210 tons -
50874dd509d409075500a04f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_032_1.jpg)
24 March 1892
3 sailors punished for sleeping on duty, drunk, and fighting
E. Acatl and J. R. Abbott - 8 hrs. extra duty for fighting
50874dd509d409075500a051: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_033_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 17.83, Long -73.70
coal: 168 -
50874dd509d409075500a053: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_033_1.jpg)
25 March 1892
Weather clear and pleasant
At 8:45 Flagship signalled "How is Capt. Batcheller?" Ans "No change."
50874dd509d409075500a055: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_034_0.jpg)
at sea and at anchor kingston jamaica
Lat 18.0, Long -76.8
coal: 149 -
50874dd509d409075500a057: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_034_1.jpg)
26 March 1892
off eastern entrance of kingston harbor
Lat 22.4, Long 114.2
Clear and pleasant, bright starlight.
50874dd509d409075500a059: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_035_0.jpg)
at anchor kingston ja and at sea
Lat 17.65, Long -77.08
50874dd509d409075500a05b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_035_1.jpg)
27 March 1892
Bright starlight
blown packing out of capstan engine, slow in raising anchor and getting underway
50874dd509d409075500a05d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_036_0.jpg)
Lat 19.23, Long -80.88
Current 4/10 knots to NE
50874dd509d409075500a05f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_036_1.jpg)
28 March 1892
sounded general quarters, crew took 4 minutes
Jno Donavan (Sea) - By order of Comd'g Officer Jno Donavan (Sea) was rated to Gunners Mate to date from today.
Clear, bright, and pleasant
50874dd509d409075500a061: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_037_0.jpg)
at sea
Lat 21.57, Long -84.30
At noon, was travelling 6/10 knots/hr SW.
50874dd509d409075500a063: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_037_1.jpg)
29 March 1892
cape san antonio bearing nnw 6 miles
Lat 22.8, Long 113.6
Nicholas Sarre (Sea) - By order of Comd'g Officer Nicholas Sarre (Sea) was rated coxswain from March 15th.
F. S. Topping (2 cf) - Comd'g Officer assigned the following punishments:- F. S. Topping (2 cf) for losing hammock, 4th class for 1 month; C. A. Richardson (CH), not scrubbing hammock, 4th class for 1 month.
C. A. Richardson (CH) - Comd'g Officer assigned the following punishments:- F. S. Topping (2 cf) for losing hammock, 4th class for 1 month; C. A. Richardson (CH), not scrubbing hammock, 4th class for 1 month.
Midnight-4 AM Partly clear and pleasant
50874dd509d409075500a065: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_038_0.jpg)
by bearings
Lat 23.15, Long -82.48
50874dd509d409075500a067: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_038_1.jpg)
30 March 1892
midday enter havana harbor
Lat 23.1, Long -82.4
The Flagship fired a salute of 21 guns with the Spanish Flag at the fore, the salute being answered gun for gun by the shore battery. The Philadelphis then fired a salute of 13 guns with the Spanish flag at the fore which was answered with a salute of 13 guns from the Flagship of the Spanish Admiral.
At 2:30 Flagship signalled "Keep your men out of the sun. What is the least amount of money you can get along with" Ans. Paymaster ashore will send word.
Spanish Flagship fired a salute of 13 guns American ensign at fore which was returned by the Philadelphia gun for gun.
Flagship signalled "Make out requisition for fresh provisions, specify amount" At 6:35 signalled "The least amount of money is twelve thousand dollars."
American steamer Harlan - left the harbor.
Philadelphia - firing salute close by
Harlan - leaving port
50874dd509d409075500a069: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_039_0.jpg)
havana cuba
Lat 23.1, Long -82.4
50874dd509d409075500a06b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_039_1.jpg)
31 March 1892
Recieved visits from the Spanish Admiral and Comd'r of Austrian schoolship.
Wm. Schueeman (Sh Wr) - The Comd'g Officer awarded the following punishments:- Wm. Schueeman, Sh. Wr, not turning out after being called by ships corporal, 4th class for 1 mo; E. P. Middlebrook, 1 CA, not relieving boat keeper, extra duty as boat keeper for 1 week, F. Alsich, OS, leaving boat before relieved, extra duty as boat keeper for 1 week, C. H. Fisher, 1 CF, moving with intentional slowness after being hurried ona message, 8 hours extra duty and J. B. Abbott, Lds, insolent language, 5 days confinement in cell.
E. P. Middlebrook (1 CA) - The Comd'g Officer awarded the following punishments:- Wm. Schueeman, Sh. Wr, not turning out after being called by ships corporal, 4th class for 1 mo; E. P. Middlebrook, 1 CA, not relieving boat keeper, extra duty as boat keeper for 1 week, F. Alsich, OS, leaving boat before relieved, extra duty as boat keeper for 1 week, C. H. Fisher, 1 CF, moving with intentional slowness after being hurried ona message, 8 hours extra duty and J. B. Abbott, Lds, insolent language, 5 days confinement in cell.
F. Alsich (OS) - The Comd'g Officer awarded the following punishments:- Wm. Schueeman, Sh. Wr, not turning out after being called by ships corporal, 4th class for 1 mo; E. P. Middlebrook, 1 CA, not relieving boat keeper, extra duty as boat keeper for 1 week, F. Alsich, OS, leaving boat before relieved, extra duty as boat keeper for 1 week, C. H. Fisher, 1 CF, moving with intentional slowness after being hurried ona message, 8 hours extra duty and J. B. Abbott, Lds, insolent language, 5 days confinement in cell.
J. B. Abbott (Lds) - The Comd'g Officer awarded the following punishments:- Wm. Schueeman, Sh. Wr, not turning out after being called by ships corporal, 4th class for 1 mo; E. P. Middlebrook, 1 CA, not relieving boat keeper, extra duty as boat keeper for 1 week, F. Alsich, OS, leaving boat before relieved, extra duty as boat keeper for 1 week, C. H. Fisher, 1 CF, moving with intentional slowness after being hurried ona message, 8 hours extra duty and J. B. Abbott, Lds, insolent language, 5 days confinement in cell.
At 12:10 Flagship signalled "No salutes by steamers will be returned by blowing the whistle."
50874dd509d409075500a06d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_040_0.jpg)
havana cuba
Lat 23.1, Long -82.4
50874dd509d409075500a06f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_040_1.jpg)
1 April 1892
Austrian Corvette "Aurora" - The Comd'g Officer paid an officail visit on board the Austrain Corvette "Aurora".
COmd'g Officers of two Spanish men-of-war called officially on board. Consul General called officially on board, when he left fired a salute of 9 guns.
U. S. S. Kearsarge came in and anchored at 11:05. -
At 12:50 Flagship hoisted guard flag with Concord's distinguishing pennant over it.
Spanish gunboat "Contra Maestris" - At 3 pm received an official visit from the Comd'g Officer of the Spanish gun boat "Contra Maestris".
50874dd509d409075500a071: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_041_0.jpg)
havana cuba
Lat 23.1, Long -82.4
doesn't the barometer readings seam high, did they spill when taken down for gunnery or is someone stealing it
50874dd509d409075500a073: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_041_1.jpg)
2 April 1892
Kearsarge - Commanding officer made and official visit to the "Kearsarge"
Olivette - Mail steamer "Olivette" left the harbor
received food
kersarge - commander visited
olivette - mail ship left harbor
can't used search light, no power
50874dd509d409075500a075: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_042_0.jpg)
havana cuba
Lat 23.1, Long -82.4
50874dd509d409075500a077: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_042_1.jpg)
3 April 1892
S.A. Rofer - American Scr. left the harbor.
Juo Roberts (Sea) - Held general muster, read order from Navy Dept affording sentence of Summary Courts Martial in the case of Juo Roberts (Sea).
50874dd509d409075500a079: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_043_0.jpg)
matangas cuba
Lat 35.9, Long 14.4
coal: 9 tons 1950 lbs -
50874dd509d409075500a07b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_043_1.jpg)
4 April 1892
Saratoga - American ship came into port
Olivette - American ship came into port
50874dd509d409075500a07d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_044_0.jpg)
matanzas cuba
Lat 35.9, Long 14.4
50874dd509d409075500a07f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_044_1.jpg)
5 April 1892
K. Quaney (Mech) - Diving under ship bottom forward to ascertain damane done to ship when it grounded yesterday.
K. Quaney - In diving suit for 2.5 hours, found no injury to ship.
USS Consul paid official visit on board, when he left ship a 7 gun salute fired.
50874dd509d409075500a081: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_045_0.jpg)
matanzas cuba
Lat 35.9, Long 14.4
50874dd509d409075500a083: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_045_1.jpg)
6 April 1892
E.J.Bourke (oiler) - Was employed during one and one half hours.
J. Duffy - Punishment of 8 hours extra duty for not manning boat properly.
B.F.Stow - Punishment of 12 hours extra duty for not moving when given an order..
T.L.Cuonie - Punishment of 8 extra duty hours for dirty cloths at general muster.
D.G.Flanagan (painter) - Commanding Officer placed him under Sentry's charge for safe keeping , he being under the influence of liquor.
punished 3 sailors, not moving fast enough, painting hull
1 sailor painting was drunk
50874dd509d409075500a085: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_046_0.jpg)
matanzas cuba
Lat 23.77, Long -81.65
50874dd509d409075500a087: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_046_1.jpg)
7 April 1892
timed small boats cutting out
kersarge - hailed and do they have the mail
commanding officer need not trouble himself to report
50874dd509d409075500a089: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_047_0.jpg)
sand key key west
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
Barometer removed for target practice 7am to noon.
Barometer below for target practice.
50874dd509d409075500a08b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_047_1.jpg)
8 April 1892
target practice, ship's starboard list gave some guns trouble
Fired 6 rounds with port main battery except with #2 port which did not run out after third fire, ship having a list to starboard and a bad kink coming in the preventer brushing, fired three rounds from stbd #2 gun.
Commandant of Naval Station paid official visit on board.
50874dd509d409075500a08d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_048_0.jpg)
at key west fla
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874dd509d409075500a08f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_048_1.jpg)
9 April 1892
received pay dift 5000$
Comd'g Officer made an official call on the Commandant of the Station.
P. Curley (CH) - Chief of Police delivered on board P. Curley (CH) and B. Daugherty (oiler) 3 1/2 hrs overtime.
B. Daugherty (Oiler) - Chief of Police delivered on board P. Curley (CH) and B. Daugherty (oiler) 3 1/2 hrs overtime.
50874dd509d409075500a091: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_049_0.jpg)
at key west fla
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874dd509d409075500a093: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_049_1.jpg)
10 April 1892
J. Duffy (OS) - Awaiting trial by Court Martial.
A. Abbott (pm) - Confined, by order of Comd'g Officer, A. Abbott (pm) in double irons to await investigation for assault and neglect of duty.
J. Duffey (OS) - Confined J. Duffey (OS) to await investigation for being absent from the ship without permission.
B. Doherty (oiler) - B. Doherty (Oiler) was brought back in charge of Master-at-Arms and confined in cell for safe keeping.
P. Curley (CH) - P. Curley (CH) was brought off by Key West police and confined in cell for safe keeping.
J. J. McCarron (CH) - J. J. McCarron (CH) returned on board under the influence of liquor 6 1/2 hrs overtime. By order of Comd'g Officer Confined him in cell and took B. Doherty (Oiler) out of the cell and confined him on berth deck.
J. Duffy (OS) - J. Duffy (OS) was placed in double irons by order of Comd'g Officer to await trial by Court Martial.
j duffy - going to get court marshalled
sailors punished for leaving and being drunk
O. A. Batcheller - Commander
J. B. Zahm - Naval Cadet (writing weather information)
At 7:30 Flag ship made the usual time and dress signal.
J. Duffy (OS) - mentioned having left the ship sometime during the night without permission
J. F. Rogan (Lds) - Absent on leave
J. J. McCarron (2cf) - Absent on leave
B. Doherty (Oiler) - absent without leave
P. Curley (CH) - absent without leave
A. Abbott - Confined by order of Comd'g Officer, put in double irons to await investigation for assault and neglect of duty
J. Duffy (OS) - Confined to await investigation for being absent from the ship without permission
B. Dohenty (Oiler) - was brought back in charge of Master-at-arms and confined in cell for safe keeping.
P. Curley (CH) - was brought off by Key West police and confined in cell for safe keeping.
J. J. McCarron - returned on board under the influence of liquor, by order of Comd'g Officer confined him in cell
B. Doherty (Oiler) - out of the cell and confined him on deck.
J. F. Rogan (Lds) - returned on board 8 hrs overtime
J Duffy (OS) - Placed in double irons by order of Comd'g. Officer to await trial by Court Martial.
50874dd509d409075500a095: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_050_0.jpg)
key west fl government dock
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874dd509d409075500a097: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_050_1.jpg)
11 April 1892
198 tons -
Commenced coaling at 5:50.
coal: 157 tons - Continued coaling ship having taken aboard, at end of watch, 157 tons.
Commander O. A. Batcheller U.S.N. - A board of Medical Survey, of which Medical Inspector F. L. Dubois U.S.N. was senior member, convened on board at 1:10 and acted on the case of Commander O. A. Batcheller U.S.N.
Medical Inspector F. L. Dubois U.S.N. - A board of Medical Survey, of which Medical Inspector F. L. Dubois U.S.N. was senior member, convened on board at 1:10 and acted on the case of Commander O. A. Batcheller U.S.N.
coal: 198 tons - Stopped coaling for the night at 5:45 having received during the day 198 tons.
received food
medical inspection team acted on the case of commander o a batchiller, went to naval hospital, ny
f l du bois - senior member medical inspector
coal: 198 tons -
50874dd509d409075500a099: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_051_0.jpg)
key west fla
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874dd509d409075500a09b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_051_1.jpg)
12 April 1892
coal: 390 1/2 tons - received in all.
Commenced coaling at 5:55 A.m.
Comd'g Officer paid an official visit on the Mayor of Key West.
coal: 390 1/2 tons - Stopped coaling at 6: having received in all 390 1/2 tons.
Comd'g. Officer paid an official visit to the Mayor of Key West.
Delivered specifications of charges to J. Duffy (OS), A. A. Abbott, B. Doherty (Oiler), and P Curley (CH).
T. E. Fallon was brought back by M. A. A. 3 1/2 hrs overtime.
H. Campbell (Lds) returned to the ship 2 3/4 hrs overtime.
50874dd509d409075500a09d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_052_0.jpg)
government dock key west florida
Lat 51.1, Long 1.3
Coal consumed during preceding 24 hrs: 2 tons/ 320 lbs; coal remaining on hand at Noon, 400 tons/428 lbs.
coal: 7 tons 1370 lbs -
50874dd509d409075500a09f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_052_1.jpg)
13 April 1892
Summary Court Martial for the trial of A.A. Abbott and others initiated.
coal: 402.5 tons -
Recieved 13,500 gals fresh water for use in Engineers Dept.
Olivette - Steamer came in at 8:30 and left the wharf at 11:50.
Olivette -
Fair and pleasant weather
- Flag ship made record time
- 13,500 gallons of fresh water
50874dd509d409075500a0a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_053_0.jpg)
key west florida
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874dd509d409075500a0a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_053_1.jpg)
14 April 1892
W. Cargrove - Placed under Sentrys' charge because he was unfit to perform his duties in steam launch.
J.H.Kennedy - Returned on board 23 hours overtime.
other: 1 cord of wood -
A. Wrighthead - At 10:45 Chief of Police returned him to ship 28 hours overtime.
oil: 250 gal -
50874dd509d409075500a0a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_054_0.jpg)
at key west fla
Lat 51.1, Long 1.3
50874dd509d409075500a0a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_054_1.jpg)
15 April 1892
received food
other: 5000$ gold -
1 division went on shore for target practice
steamer olivette - left wharf and back concord against wharf and carried away tackle
J. Cosgrove (oiler) - By order of Comd'g Officer J. Cosgrove (oiler) was reduced to the 4th class for being drunk on duty.
J. M. Cusack (pm) - was brought off by ships police 3 hrs overtime.
D. Breslin (CH) - was brought off by police of Key West and by order of Comd'g Officer confined in double irons for safe keeping.
A. Wright (Sea) - A reward of ($10) ten dollars was payed to the Key West police for the arrest of A. Wright (Sea).
Frederick Birkin - shipped as Coal Heaver for 3 yrs general service.
Stmr "Olivette" - left her dock at 10 pm. backing us against wharf and carrying tackle away on ford spur shore.
Steamer Nulus - came in at 11 pm.
J. Cosgrove (oiler) - By order of Comd'g Officer J. Cosgrove (oiler) was reduced to the 4th class for being drunk on duty.
J. M. Cusack (pm) - was brought off by ships police 3 hrs overtime.
D. Breslin (CH) - was brought off by police of Key West and by order of Comd'g Officer confined in double irons for safe keeping.
A. Wright (Sea) - A reward of ($10) ten dollars was payed to the Key West police for the arrest of A. Wright (Sea).
Frederick Birkin - shipped as Coal Heaver for 3 yrs general service.
Stmr "Olivette" - left her dock at 10 pm. backing us against wharf and carrying tackle away on ford spur shore.
Steamer Nulus - came in at 11 pm.
J. M. Cusack (Prv) - absent
J. Sheehan - absent
D. Breslin (CH) - absent
J. Cosgrove (Oiler) - By order of Comd'g Officer J. Cosgrove (oiler) was reduced to the 4th class for being drunk on duty.
J. M. Cusack (Prv) - J. M. Cusack (prv) was brought off by ships police 3 hrs overtime.
D. Breslin (CH) - D. Breslin (CH) was brought off by police of Key West and by order of Comd'g Officer confined in double irons for safe keeping
A. Wright (Sea) - A reward of ($10) ten dollars was payed to the Key West police for the arrest of A. Wright (Sea).
J. Sheehan (~F) - J. Sheehan (~F) absent over liberty.
Frederick Birkin shipped at Coal.
Olivette - "Olivette" left her dock at 10 pm. backing us against wharf and carrying tackle away
50874dd509d409075500a0a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_055_0.jpg)
at dock and at anchor key west fla
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874dd509d409075500a0ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_055_1.jpg)
16 April 1892
Commander O. A. Batcheller - Commander O. A. Batcheller was this day transferred to Naval Hospital N.Y. on recommendation of Medical Board of Survey of Apr. 11th. Surgeon R. C. Persons left the ship under orders of Comd'r in Chief to proceed to Naval Hospital N.Y. with Comd'r Batcheller and to rejoin the ship at New Orleans. Wm Turner (Cab. Steward) left the ship under orders from Comd'r in Chief to accompany Comd'r. Batcheller and to return to the ship.
Surgeon R. C. Persons - Commander O. A. Batcheller was this day transferred to Naval Hospital N.Y. on recommendation of Medical Board of Survey of Apr. 11th. Surgeon R. C. Persons left the ship under orders of Comd'r in Chief to proceed to Naval Hospital N.Y. with Comd'r Batcheller and to rejoin the ship at New Orleans. Wm Turner (Cab. Steward) left the ship under orders from Comd'r in Chief to accompany Comd'r. Batcheller and to return to the ship.
Wm Turner (Cab Steward) - Commander O. A. Batcheller was this day transferred to Naval Hospital N.Y. on recommendation of Medical Board of Survey of Apr. 11th. Surgeon R. C. Persons left the ship under orders of Comd'r in Chief to proceed to Naval Hospital N.Y. with Comd'r Batcheller and to rejoin the ship at New Orleans. Wm Turner (Cab. Steward) left the ship under orders from Comd'r in Chief to accompany Comd'r. Batcheller and to return to the ship.
Jas. Sheehan (W.T.) - was brought off by the Key West police at 3:30 - 391/2 hours over time.
J. Donovan (G.M.) - The Comd'g Officer assigned punishments as follows:- J. Donovan (G.M.) under influence of liguor at target practice, disrated; P. Myers (Sea) drunk at target practice, 4th class; E. Brant (Arm.) under influence of liquor at target practice , and disobedience of orders, not leaving firing but when ordered to do so, thereby delaying target practice, and not returning on board ship as ordered, distrated to Seaman Gunner.
P. Meyers (Sea) - The Comd'g Officer assigned punishments as follows:- J. Donovan (G.M.) under influence of liguor at target practice, disrated; P. Myers (Sea) drunk at target practice, 4th class; E. Brant (Arm.) under influence of liquor at target practice , and disobedience of orders, not leaving firing but when ordered to do so, thereby delaying target practice, and not returning on board ship as ordered, distrated to Seaman Gunner.
E. Brant (Arm) - The Comd'g Officer assigned punishments as follows:- J. Donovan (G.M.) under influence of liguor at target practice, disrated; P. Myers (Sea) drunk at target practice, 4th class; E. Brant (Arm.) under influence of liquor at target practice , and disobedience of orders, not leaving firing but when ordered to do so, thereby delaying target practice, and not returning on board ship as ordered, distrated to Seaman Gunner.
J. Donovan (G.M.) - was placed in double irons to await trial by Summary Court Martial for committing an assault.
Commander O.S. Batcheller was this day transfered to the Navel Hospital on recommendation of Medical Board of Survey of Apr 11th.
Commander O. A. Batcheller was this day transfered to Naval Hospital ~Y on recommendation of Medical Board of Survey of Apr 11th.
Surgeon R. C. Persons - Surgeon R. C. Persons left the ship under orders of Comd'r. in chief to pro-ceed to Naval Hospital ~Y with Comd'r. Batcheller and to rejoin the ship at New Orleans.
Wm Turner (Cab. Steward) - Wm Turner (Cab. Steward) left the ship under orders from Comd'r. in chief to accompany Comd'r Batcheller and to return to the ship.
Jas. Sheehan - Jas. Sheehan was brought off by the Key West police at 3:30 - 39 1/2 hours over time.
P. Myers (Sea) - drunk at target practice
E. Brant - Under influence of liquor at target practice, and disobedience of orders, not leaving firing but when ordered to do so, thereby delaying target practice, and not returning on board ship as ordered, disrated to Seaman Gunner.
J. Donovan (Sea) - J. Donovan (Sea) was placed in double irons to await trial by Summary Court Martial for committing an assault.
50874dd509d409075500a0ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_056_0.jpg)
key west fla
Lat , Long
50874dd509d409075500a0af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_056_1.jpg)
17 April 1892
By order of Comd'g. Officer released J. McClelland (1CF) and W. McDonald (OS) from the cell and placed them under sentrys charges on bench deck, and placed J. Gleason (CH) in the cell for safe keeping.
At 7:30 released J. McClelland (1cf) and M. McDonald (OS) and restored them to duty.
P. J. Gleason (cst) - was released by order of Comdg Officer
Mascott - Steamer "Mascott" left harbor at 10:45.
W. McDonald - Took out of cell and placed on the deck
J. McClelland - Took out of cell and placed on the deck
J. Gleason - Put in the cell for safe keeping
W. McDonald - Released to duty
J. McClelland - Released to duty
J. Gleason - Released by order of commanding officer
J. McCelland - released... and restored to duty
M McDonald (os) - released... and restored to duty
Mascott - Steamer "Mascott" left harbor at 10:45
50874dd509d409075500a0b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_057_0.jpg)
key west fl
Lat , Long
50874dd509d409075500a0b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_057_1.jpg)
18 April 1892
Morgan S.S. "Whitney" - Morgan S.S. "Whitney" came in at 5:00.
Jas Dwyer (2cf) - Jas Dwyer (2cf) was brought on board by the police 3 1/2 hrs overtime under the influence of liquor.
M M. Taylor, Naval Cadet - Delivered Navy Dept. orders to M M. Taylor, Naval Cadet, detaching him from this ship on the 20th
Ensign W. A. Edgar - Delivered Navy Dept. orders to ... Ensign W. A. Edgar detaching him on his relief.
Jas Dwyer (2cf) - By order of Comd'g. Officer confined Jas Dwyer (2cf) in the cell.
At 1: delivered to Jas Danovan (Sea) and to Daul Breslin (CH) copies of specifications of charges prefined against them by Comd'g Officer.
J. Dwyer (2cf) - At 7: released J. Dwyer (2cf) from Confinement and restored him to duty.
Mascott - "Mascott" came in at 8:30 and left again at 10:30.
e p wood - lieut comdr in command of ship
received food
mm taylor - naval cadet detached from this ship
w a edgar - detached from ship
50874dd509d409075500a0b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_058_0.jpg)
key west fl
Lat , Long
Coal consumed during the preceding 24 hours: 3 tons 134 lbs
50874dd509d409075500a0b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_058_1.jpg)
19 April 1892
Juo Damouar and Dane Breslin - Court Martial
50874dd509d409075500a0b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_059_0.jpg)
at anchor key west florida
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874dd509d409075500a0bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_059_1.jpg)
20 April 1892
James Duffy (OS) - Punishment for absent from ship with out leave noted as 2 months confinement, except work time, and loss of 1 months pay; sentence approved and commuted to 2 months confinement by Commanding Officer
Peter Curley - Punishment for absent from ship without leave was confinement for 30 days, except work, and loss of 1 months pay; sentence approved and loss of pay remitted by Commanding Officer
Bernard Doherty (Oiler) - Punishment for absent from ship without leave, sentence of confinement for 30 days except when at work, and loss of 1 months pay. Sentence approved and loss of pay remitted by Commanding Officer
A. Abbott - Punishment for permitting a man to pass his post without stopping him or giving the alarm, sentenced to be discharged from the service with bad conduct discharge. Sentence disapproved by Commanding Officer and Private Abbott was restored to duty.
M.M.Taylor - Left ship having been detached from the ship by orders from the Department.
50874dd509d409075500a0bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_060_0.jpg)
at anchor key west florida
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874dd509d409075500a0bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_060_1.jpg)
21 April 1892
USSU Str. Olivette - left at 12:30
Quarterly Board of Survey Condemned 100 lbs coffee and recommended that it be thrown overboard which was done by order of Comdg Officer.
J. F. Rogan (Lds) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
J. J. McCarron (2 CF) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
F. E. Fallon (2 CF) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
D. Griffin (2 CF) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
H. Campbell (Lds) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
J. H. Kennedy (pm) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
A. Wright (Sea) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
J. M. Cusack (pm) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
W. S. Holden (Q. M.) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
J. Sheehan (W. T.) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
J. J. McClennan (W. T.) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
J. Dwyer (2 CF) - Comd'g Officer assigned following punishments: J. F. Rogan (Lds) overleave 8 hrs, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; D. Griffin (2 CF), overleave 18 hrs, 4th class; F. E. Fallon (2 CF), overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; H. Campbell (Lds) overleave 2 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. H. Kennedy (pm) overleave 23 hrs, 4th class; A. Wright (Sea), overleave 28 hrs, 4th class; J. M. Cusack (pm) overleave 3 hrs, 3rd class; W. S. Holden (Q. M.) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class; J. Sheehan (W.T.) overleave 39 1/2 hrs 4th class; J. J. McClennan, (W.T.) overleave 1 1/4 hrs, 3rd class; J. Dwyer (2 CF) overleave 3 1/2 hrs, 3rd class.
olivette - left at noon
100 lbs of coffee thrown overboatd
13 sailors punished for overleave
50874dd509d409075500a0c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_061_0.jpg)
at anchor key west fla
Lat , Long
my estimate is that they loss or stolen 0.15 inches of hg and are 150 in elevation
50874dd509d409075500a0c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_061_1.jpg)
22 April 1892
received food, sent division ashore for small arms practice
greased guns and ran them in, flagship wanted white working clothes
stmr frammers - norwegian ship eft port
50874dd609d409075500a0c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_062_0.jpg)
at anchor key west fla and underway
Lat 41.1, Long 37.3
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23 April 1892
at 650 took departure rebecca shoal light bearing sw pc distant 3 miles
Lat 36.9, Long 7.8
target practice with main guns
did extended target practice
spotted rebecca shoals light
saw loggerhead light
Set out target out of harbor, shortly after 10:40 began firing at target slip. Finished target practice at 2:25.
At 9: passed Loggerhead Light and changed course; lost Loggerhead light at 11:
0900 got underway Stood out of the harbor
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23 April 1892
at sea
Lat 25.93, Long -84.38
coal: 19 tons 244 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 342 tons 235 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
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24 April 1892
Daul Breslin (CH) - Immediately after quarters went to muster and read approval of proceedings of S. M. C. in case of D. Breslin (CH) Dec 9th 1891, and then Sentence of the S.M.C. in the case of Daul Breslin (CH) "Solitary confinement for 30 days when off watch, to lose 1 months pay" and in the case of Jno Donovan (Sea) "Solitary confinement for 30 days, extra police duty for 2 months, loss of 1 months pay."
Jno Donovan (Sea) - Immediately after quarters went to muster and read approval of proceedings of S. M. C. in case of D. Breslin (CH) Dec 9th 1891, and then Sentence of the S.M.C. in the case of Daul Breslin (CH) "Solitary confinement for 30 days when off watch, to lose 1 months pay" and in the case of Jno Donovan (Sea) "Solitary confinement for 30 days, extra police duty for 2 months, loss of 1 months pay."
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25 April 1892
at sea
Lat 27.63, Long -87.17
coal: 322 tons 2231 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
coal: 19 tons 244 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
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25 April 1892
E. Moore (Sea) - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments:- E. Moore, Sea, out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. B. Abbott (Lds) dumping dirty water on deck, 8 hrs extra duty; G. W. Connors (OS), slow in obeying orders and smoking out of hour, 24 hrs extra duty; J. H. Kennedy (pm), borrowing money on shore, 4th class; R. McDonald (pm), unsoldierly and unmilitary conduct on post, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (Sa2c), not shifting during supper hour thereby delaying boat, 12 hrs extra duty; A. Audette (Sa2c) not cleaning bright work after having been told to do so on 3 different days, 12 hrs extra duty; F. B. Bell (Corpl), spitting tobacco juice on deck, 4 hrs extra duty.
J. B. Abbott (Lds) - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments:- E. Moore, Sea, out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. B. Abbott (Lds) dumping dirty water on deck, 8 hrs extra duty; G. W. Connors (OS), slow in obeying orders and smoking out of hour, 24 hrs extra duty; J. H. Kennedy (pm), borrowing money on shore, 4th class; R. McDonald (pm), unsoldierly and unmilitary conduct on post, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (Sa2c), not shifting during supper hour thereby delaying boat, 12 hrs extra duty; A. Audette (Sa2c) not cleaning bright work after having been told to do so on 3 different days, 12 hrs extra duty; F. B. Bell (Corpl), spitting tobacco juice on deck, 4 hrs extra duty.
G. W. Connors (OS) - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments:- E. Moore, Sea, out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. B. Abbott (Lds) dumping dirty water on deck, 8 hrs extra duty; G. W. Connors (OS), slow in obeying orders and smoking out of hour, 24 hrs extra duty; J. H. Kennedy (pm), borrowing money on shore, 4th class; R. McDonald (pm), unsoldierly and unmilitary conduct on post, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (Sa2c), not shifting during supper hour thereby delaying boat, 12 hrs extra duty; A. Audette (Sa2c) not cleaning bright work after having been told to do so on 3 different days, 12 hrs extra duty; F. B. Bell (Corpl), spitting tobacco juice on deck, 4 hrs extra duty.
J. H. Kennedy (pm) - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments:- E. Moore, Sea, out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. B. Abbott (Lds) dumping dirty water on deck, 8 hrs extra duty; G. W. Connors (OS), slow in obeying orders and smoking out of hour, 24 hrs extra duty; J. H. Kennedy (pm), borrowing money on shore, 4th class; R. McDonald (pm), unsoldierly and unmilitary conduct on post, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (Sa2c), not shifting during supper hour thereby delaying boat, 12 hrs extra duty; A. Audette (Sa2c) not cleaning bright work after having been told to do so on 3 different days, 12 hrs extra duty; F. B. Bell (Corpl), spitting tobacco juice on deck, 4 hrs extra duty.
R. McDonald (pm) - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments:- E. Moore, Sea, out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. B. Abbott (Lds) dumping dirty water on deck, 8 hrs extra duty; G. W. Connors (OS), slow in obeying orders and smoking out of hour, 24 hrs extra duty; J. H. Kennedy (pm), borrowing money on shore, 4th class; R. McDonald (pm), unsoldierly and unmilitary conduct on post, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (Sa2c), not shifting during supper hour thereby delaying boat, 12 hrs extra duty; A. Audette (Sa2c) not cleaning bright work after having been told to do so on 3 different days, 12 hrs extra duty; F. B. Bell (Corpl), spitting tobacco juice on deck, 4 hrs extra duty.
J. Talcott (Sa2c) - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments:- E. Moore, Sea, out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. B. Abbott (Lds) dumping dirty water on deck, 8 hrs extra duty; G. W. Connors (OS), slow in obeying orders and smoking out of hour, 24 hrs extra duty; J. H. Kennedy (pm), borrowing money on shore, 4th class; R. McDonald (pm), unsoldierly and unmilitary conduct on post, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (Sa2c), not shifting during supper hour thereby delaying boat, 12 hrs extra duty; A. Audette (Sa2c) not cleaning bright work after having been told to do so on 3 different days, 12 hrs extra duty; F. B. Bell (Corpl), spitting tobacco juice on deck, 4 hrs extra duty.
A. Audette (sa 2c) - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments:- E. Moore, Sea, out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. B. Abbott (Lds) dumping dirty water on deck, 8 hrs extra duty; G. W. Connors (OS), slow in obeying orders and smoking out of hour, 24 hrs extra duty; J. H. Kennedy (pm), borrowing money on shore, 4th class; R. McDonald (pm), unsoldierly and unmilitary conduct on post, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (Sa2c), not shifting during supper hour thereby delaying boat, 12 hrs extra duty; A. Audette (Sa2c) not cleaning bright work after having been told to do so on 3 different days, 12 hrs extra duty; F. B. Bell (Corpl), spitting tobacco juice on deck, 4 hrs extra duty.
F. B. Bell (Corpl) - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments:- E. Moore, Sea, out of uniform, 8 hrs extra duty; J. B. Abbott (Lds) dumping dirty water on deck, 8 hrs extra duty; G. W. Connors (OS), slow in obeying orders and smoking out of hour, 24 hrs extra duty; J. H. Kennedy (pm), borrowing money on shore, 4th class; R. McDonald (pm), unsoldierly and unmilitary conduct on post, 24 hrs extra duty; J. Talcott (Sa2c), not shifting during supper hour thereby delaying boat, 12 hrs extra duty; A. Audette (Sa2c) not cleaning bright work after having been told to do so on 3 different days, 12 hrs extra duty; F. B. Bell (Corpl), spitting tobacco juice on deck, 4 hrs extra duty.
Midnight to 4 AM Pleasant weather, heavy dew, sharp lightning from West to NW A.W. Grant, Lt.
- 8AM to Meridian Passed two steamers passing Ed.
Meridian to 4 PM Cloudy and warm first part with light to gentle breeze from S.E. shifting suddenly in the third hour into a heavy rain squall from West. Light airs from N.W. last hour. On course NW by W 7/8 (pc). Under steam alone
Meridian to 4 P.M. CLoudy and warm first part with light to gentle breeze from S.E. shifting suddenly in the third hour into a heavy rain squall from West. W.A. Edgar
6 to 8P.M. Cloudy but pleasant weather, light variable airs, occasional lightning to E. Barometer steady. Sea smooth. F.B. Zahn, Naval Cadet
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at sea and steaming up the mississippi river
Lat , Long
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26 April 1892
at 845 came to in 7 12 fms water with stbd anchor ing to 45 fms chain below poverty pt under eastern bank
Lat 55.0, Long 114.2
At 9:55 stopped and took on board jetty pilot and at 10:10 entered So. Pass
Stopped at So. Pass Lt and took on board River Pilot.
Changed time 19 minuts slower.
At 12:25 stopped off Pilot Station and discharged South Pass Pilot. Started ahead at 12:28 in charge of New Orleans pilot. At 12:40 stopped at quarantine station; boarded by health officer, received pratique and started ahead again at 12:50.
took sounding, 38 fam, sand and mud
took on pilots, passed quarantine station
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anchor mississippi river off new orleans la
Lat 30.0, Long -90.1
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27 April 1892
at 1125 came to anchor in 16 fms water of canal street new orleans stbd anchor 60 fms chain
Lat 30.0, Long -90.1
Ensign Marbury Johnson - Ensign Marbury Johnson reported for duty relieveing Ensign W. A. Edgar who was therefore detached and, by order of Navy Dept, granted 3 months leave of absence.
Ensign W. A. Edgar - Ensign Marbury Johnson reported for duty relieveing Ensign W. A. Edgar who was therefore detached and, by order of Navy Dept, granted 3 months leave of absence.
aT 11:25 anchored off Canal St. New Orleans.
Ensign Warburg Johnson - Reported for duty releiving Ensign W.A. Edgar who was detachec and granted 3 months leave of absence.
Commander EdwinWhite - On orders from the Navy Dept. he assumed command of of the ship.
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at anchor off canal st new orleans la
Lat 30.0, Long -90.1
coal: 277tons 951lbs - no refuel
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28 April 1892
Surgeon R. C. Persons USN - returned to the ship having completed the duty of accompanying Comd'r O. A. Batcheller to New York.
Pilot H. C. Porter - came on board to take the ship to Memphis.
r c persons - returned after traveling to ny with batchcilller
received food
pilot came board to direct the ship to memphis
took on food 92lbs fresh bread, 115lbs fresh beef,115lbs fresh vegetables surgeon returns to ship called all hand a 1000 hours to set sail at 1600
50874dd609d409075500a0dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_068_0.jpg)
at anchor new orleans underway and at anchor donaldsonville la
Lat 30.0, Long -90.1
coal: 11 tons 764 lbs -
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29 April 1892
at 654 came to off donaldsonville la below ferry landing with port anchor in 6 34 fms water 45 fms chain
Lat 29.9, Long 113.9
J. Tolcott - Given 2 hours extra duty.
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saualdrlaulla la
Lat 54.8, Long 168.3
coal: 19 tons 1056 lbs -
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30 April 1892
at noon abreast baton rouge la
Lat 43.7, Long 7.2
The Lee Military Academy of Baton Rouge fired a salute of 11 guns which was returned gun for gun by the ship.
Commander Edwin White -
Passed Baton Rouge where received a salute of 11 guns from the Lee Military Academy of Baton Rouge.
At 8:10 came to anchor abreast northern end of Tunica Island.
Meridian to 4PM Clear and pleasant. Light airs from SE. The Lee Military Academy of Baton Rouge fired a salute of 11 guns which was ~netureed~ gun for gun by the ship. Expended in Ordnance Dept. 11-2 lb saluting charges, 11 wads and 11 prinirs
6 to 8 PM partly cloudy, cool and pleasant, light SE breeze. Barometer steady. Rain + squalls to N'd with occasional thunder and lightning.
At 8:10PM came to anchor abreast northern end of Turica, Isle
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at anchor off tunica isld la underway and at anchor off rifle point
Lat 50.4, Long -125.6
coal: 40 tons 4064lbs -
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1 May 1892
at end of watch abreast moreville landing
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
At 9:30 sounded call to quarters and the Commander inspected ship and crew after which formed for general muster and read Articles fo Better Government of Navy and mustered crew, after which the Commander inspected the store rooms and compartments below.
Commander Edwin White -
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at anchor off rifle point at anchor vicksburg ms on mississippi
Lat 50.4, Long -125.6
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2 May 1892
at end of watch abreast thrashers point
Lat 55.0, Long -1.5
Steamer Cityof Cairo - At 11:07 passed the Steamer City of Cairo, bound down the river.
A field battery with American flag flying on the heights of Vicksbury fired a salute of 21 guns, which was returned by this vessel gun for gun, at 4:
fired 21 gun salute at vicksburg
time to general quarters, 2 minutes
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vicksburg and then glenora
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
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3 May 1892
at end of watch abreast buches lake one mile below arkansas line
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
At 2:30 -2 of the deck stopper laniards carried awway, and the chain veered through the other two, seven fms going out before it was controlled and secured.
Started ahead at 5:02 and stood up Mississippi River, pilot at the Con.
Steamer "Smokey City" - At 2:40 passed steamer "Smokey City" bound up stream off Wilsons Point and at 3:40 steamer "Future City" bound down stream in Bunches Bend.
Steamer "Future City" - At 2:40 passed steamer "Smokey City" bound up stream off Wilsons Point and at 3:40 steamer "Future City" bound down stream in Bunches Bend.
dead stopped, laniards carried away and chain verred through the other 2
exercised divisions, and overhauled battery, checked valves
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at anchor glenora underway and at anchor terrene miss
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
50874dd609d409075500a0f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_073_1.jpg)
4 May 1892
at end of watch opposite mouth of arkansas river
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
At 4:30 called all hands up anchor, hove up stbd anchor and at 4:49 started ahead up river in charge of pilot.
Steamer "Ruth" - At 5: passed Steamer "Ruth" bound down stream.
At 7:30 passed Greenville, close to the shore; the river bank in front of the town was lined with people and steam tug and other craft saluted with steam whistle which were similarly answered.
Tow-boat Harry Brown - At 10:30 passed tow-boat Harry Brown with 32 coal barges.
Wm Skinner (lds) - By order of Comd'g Officer Wm Skinner (lds) for using W. R. fresh water bucket to wash his person in and carrying rugs from W. R. forward to sleep upon, was given 1 week extra duty.
Str. "Smokey City" - At 10: Str. "Smokey City" passed up the river.
Ruth - Passed steamer bound down stream.
At 7:30 passed Greenville, close to shore; riverbank lined with people and steam tug and other water craft - gave a steam whistle salute, which was similarly answered
Harry Brown - At 10:30 passed tow boat with 32 coal barges.
At noon abreast Gaines Landing.
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at anchor terrene miss underway and at anchor helena ark
Lat 66.2, Long -169.8
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5 May 1892
at end of watch one mile above westover landing
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
Str. "City of St. Louis" - At 12:30 Str. "City of St. Louis" passed up the river.
At 4:30 called all hands up anchor, underway at 4:45. Standing up Mississippi River conned by the pilot.
Steamer Beaver - At 5: passed steamer Beaver bound down stream in Moulezinna Bend.
At 6: a salute of 21 bo~s was fired from the water front at Helena.
The citizens of Helena tendered a reception to the Officers of this vessel, at 7:30 pm.
Steamer "City of Cairo" - At 6:45 Steamer "City of Cairo" passed up the river.
Jas Rogan (Lds) - At 9:40 discovered a man swimming ashore, picked him up and found him to be Jas Rogan (Lds)
City of St. Louis - passed up the river Mississippi
Beaver - bound down stream
City of Cairo - passed up the river Mississippi
Jas Rogan (Lds) - swimming ashore, picked up by watch
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at anchor helena ark underway and at anchor off hartleroads landing
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
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6 May 1892
at end of watch abreast bordeaux point landing
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
P. Curly (CH) - P. Curly's (CH) absence from the ship was discovered.
Ship was crowded with visitors from 8 to 11.
At 11:10 called all hands up anchor, hove up stbd anchor and at 11:30 started ahead up river in charge of pilot.
P. Curly (cst) - absence from ship discovered
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at anchor hartleroads landing underway and at anchor memphis tenn
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
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7 May 1892
at end of watch abreast memphis standing up for anchorage
Lat 52.1, Long 37.3
At 7: called "All hands up anchor" and at 7:15 started ahead in charge of pilot.
A salute of 21 guns was fired from shore which was returned gun for gun.
J. F. Rogan (Lds) - for being under the influence of liquor, was by order of the Commanding Officer, placed inthe 4th class for 3 months.
The mayor and a delegation of citizens visited the ship at 2 pm.
R. Allston (OS) - reported his term of enlistment as having expired.
R. Allstore - Reported his term of enlistment as having expired.
At 11:40 passed under the Memphis Bridge.
The Mayor of Memphis and a delegation of citizens visited the ship at 2 pm.
Off Memphis, a salute of 21 guns was fired from shore, which was returned gun for gun.
J. F. Rogan - For being under the influence of liquor, was by order placed in the 4th class for 3 months.
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at anchor memphis ten
Lat , Long
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8 May 1892
R. Street (Cap Hold) - returned on board from liberty 6 1/2 hrs overtime and was placed under surveillance for safe keeping.
G. Amerson (1 C.F) - was brought on board by Memphis police and confined in double irons.
W. S. Holden (Q. M.) - returned on board 8 hrs overtime and was placed under surveillance for safe keeping.
J. Dwyer (2 CF) - By order of comd'g officer confined J. Dwyer (2 CF) in double irons under sentrys charge and J. J. McCarron in the cell for safe keeping both being drunk and disorderly.
J. J. McCarron (2cf) - By order of comd'g officer confined J. Dwyer (2 CF) in double irons under sentrys charge and J. J. McCarron in the cell for safe keeping both being drunk and disorderly.
A fire broke out in the City of Memphis.
B. Doherty (oiler) - Released D. Breslin (CH) and B. Doherty (oiler) from cell and placed them under sentrys charge for the night.
D. Breslin (CH) - Released D. Breslin (CH) and B. Doherty (oiler) from cell and placed them under sentrys charge for the night.
Commander Edwin White -
4-8 P.M. Cloudy with passing showers with passing thunder and lightening at end of watch. Light airs from ESE
8 PM to Midnight Cloudy and squally with frequent squalls of rain accompanied by lightening and thunder.
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at anchor memphis tenn
Lat , Long
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9 May 1892
Corporal Jno Deleney - was brought on board by the police and a reward of $20\00 was paid for his delivery. By order of the Comd'g Officer confined hime in single irons.
C. Mueller (Sa 2c) - J. F. Burns (Corp), overleave 5 1/2 hrs, T. Millett (2 CF), E Queen (CH), C Mueller (Sa 2c) 29 1/2 hrs overleave were brought on board by shore police and a reward of 10\00 was paid for the delivery for each of them on board.
J. F. Burns (Corp) - J. F. Burns (Corp), overleave 5 1/2 hrs, T. Millett (2 CF), E Queen (CH), C Mueller (Sa 2c) 29 1/2 hrs overleave were brought on board by shore police and a reward of 10\00 was paid for the delivery for each of them on board.
E. Queen (CH) - J. F. Burns (Corp), overleave 5 1/2 hrs, T. Millett (2 CF), E Queen (CH), C Mueller (Sa 2c) 29 1/2 hrs overleave were brought on board by shore police and a reward of 10\00 was paid for the delivery for each of them on board.
T. Millett (2 CF) - J. F. Burns (Corp), overleave 5 1/2 hrs, T. Millett (2 CF), E Queen (CH), C Mueller (Sa 2c) 29 1/2 hrs overleave were brought on board by shore police and a reward of 10\00 was paid for the delivery for each of them on board.
Wm Allen(B. Mkr) - Wm Allen (B. Mkr) and J Holmes (2 CF) returned on board the former 29 1/2 hrs and the latter 6 hrs overtime.
J. Holmes (2 CF) - Wm Allen (B. Mkr) and J Holmes (2 CF) returned on board the former 29 1/2 hrs and the latter 6 hrs overtime.
Wm. Allen (B Maker) - By order of Comdg Officer placed E. Queen (CH) and Wm Allen (B. Maker) uner sentrys charge they being drunk on board ship.
E. Queen (CH) - By order of Comdg Officer placed E. Queen (CH) and Wm Allen (B. Maker) uner sentrys charge they being drunk on board ship.
Ship crowded with visitors
J. Dwyer (2 CF) - Placed J. Dwyer (2 CF) in the cell for safe keeping and removed J. J. McClennan (2 CF) to the berth deck under sentrys charge, by order of Comdg Officer.
J. J. McClennan (2 CF) - Placed J. Dwyer (2 CF) in the cell for safe keeping and removed J. J. McClennan (2 CF) to the berth deck under sentrys charge, by order of Comdg Officer.
F. Alsich (OS) - W. F. Rham (Sea) and F. Alsich (OS) left the steam launch while ashore on duty about eleven oclock without permission and did not return.
W. F. Rahm (Sea) - W. F. Rham (Sea) and F. Alsich (OS) left the steam launch while ashore on duty about eleven oclock without permission and did not return.
Midnight to 4 AM Overcase and cloudy with steady heavy rain accompanied by lightening and thunder. Slight change in barometer. Light to moderate breeze from WNW and West. Ship riding to current heading from North to NNE
Meridian to 4 PM Overcast and cloudy with passing showers, till last hour. Barometer steady. Light breeze and airs from East. Ship riding to current heading NNE.
Ship crowded with visitors
8 PM to Midnight Fair and pleasant weather. Bright moonlight. Light airs from ESE first hour then light airs and breeze from SSW. Ship riding to current heading N.
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at anchor memphis tenn
Lat , Long
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10 May 1892
Tug N. M. Jones - At about 2:45 ship became uneasy at her anchorage and soon after began to drag her anchor. At 3:10 let go port anchor veering to 65 fms on port chain. After dragging both anchors some distance, ship was brought up about 1/2 mile below custom House abreast Bryans elevator; 100 yds from shore, in 20 fms water. The tug N. M. Jones came to assistance at once, towing float ashore and afterwards standing by to assist in returning ship to anchorage.
Tug "White Oak" - Hove up both anchors at 6: and proceeded to old anchorage, foot of Washington Street under steam and tow of tugs "White Oak" and "Jones"
Tug "Jones" - Hove up both anchors at 6: and proceeded to old anchorage, foot of Washington Street under steam and tow of tugs "White Oak" and "Jones"
J. Hacket ( 1 CF) - J. Hacket (1 CF), J. J. McClennan (W.T.) and D. Flanagan (Painter) were brought off by the Memphis police 24 hours overtime and a reward of $10 each paid for their apprehension.
J. J. McClennan (WT) - J. Hacket (1 CF), J. J. McClennan (W.T.) and D. Flanagan (Painter) were brought off by the Memphis police 24 hours overtime and a reward of $10 each paid for their apprehension.
D. Flannigan (Painter) - J. Hacket (1 CF), J. J. McClennan (W.T.) and D. Flanagan (Painter) were brought off by the Memphis police 24 hours overtime and a reward of $10 each paid for their apprehension.
Wm Rhodes (oiler) - Wm Rhodes who left ship without permission and F. S. Topping were brought off by shore police the latter 27 1/2 hrs overtime and rewards of $20 for the former and $10 for the latter were paid for their delivery on board. Confined Wm Rhodes (oiler) to await investigation and placed F. S. Topping (2 CF) under sentrys charge by order of the Comd'r.
F. S. Topping (2 CF) - Wm Rhodes who left ship without permission and F. S. Topping were brought off by shore police the latter 27 1/2 hrs overtime and rewards of $20 for the former and $10 for the latter were paid for their delivery on board. Confined Wm Rhodes (oiler) to await investigation and placed F. S. Topping (2 CF) under sentrys charge by order of the Comd'r.
The Rosier Zanavas visited the ship in a body in uniform, under arms and the Officer of the Second Brigade Ntional Guard, State of Tennessee made official call on Comd'r.
G. Amerson (1 C.F) - The following punishments were assigned by the Comd'r:- G. Amerson (1 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. E. Overton, (Eng yeo) drunk on duty, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2nd CF) drunk on duty, confinement in Single irons after supper not to exceed 8 days; J. Dwyer (2 CF), drunk on duty, same as McCarron, J. Delaney (Cpl) leaving ship without permission, 4th class.
J. E. Overton (Eng yeo) - The following punishments were assigned by the Comd'r:- G. Amerson (1 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. E. Overton, (Eng yeo) drunk on duty, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2nd CF) drunk on duty, confinement in Single irons after supper not to exceed 8 days; J. Dwyer (2 CF), drunk on duty, same as McCarron, J. Delaney (Cpl) leaving ship without permission, 4th class.
J. J. McCarron (2d CF) - The following punishments were assigned by the Comd'r:- G. Amerson (1 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. E. Overton, (Eng yeo) drunk on duty, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2nd CF) drunk on duty, confinement in Single irons after supper not to exceed 8 days; J. Dwyer (2 CF), drunk on duty, same as McCarron, J. Delaney (Cpl) leaving ship without permission, 4th class.
J. Dwyer (2 CF) - The following punishments were assigned by the Comd'r:- G. Amerson (1 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. E. Overton, (Eng yeo) drunk on duty, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2nd CF) drunk on duty, confinement in Single irons after supper not to exceed 8 days; J. Dwyer (2 CF), drunk on duty, same as McCarron, J. Delaney (Cpl) leaving ship without permission, 4th class.
J. Delaney (Cpl) - The following punishments were assigned by the Comd'r:- G. Amerson (1 CF) overleave 6 1/2 hrs, 4th class; J. E. Overton, (Eng yeo) drunk on duty, 4th class; J. J. McCarron (2nd CF) drunk on duty, confinement in Single irons after supper not to exceed 8 days; J. Dwyer (2 CF), drunk on duty, same as McCarron, J. Delaney (Cpl) leaving ship without permission, 4th class.
Received visitors on board from one till four pm.
let go port anchor, ship moved downstream by current dragging anchor and rescued by tug
received food
sailors punished and returned by local police, visit by the national guard
50874dd609d409075500a10d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_080_0.jpg)
11 May 1892
at anchor memphis tenn
Lat , Long
coal: 2 tons 1900 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 98 tons 1131 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd609d409075500a10f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_080_1.jpg)
11 May 1892
N. Hughes (Lds0 - was placed under sentrys charge having returned from liberty drunk.
Chas Peters (Sea) - Discharged Chas Peters (B. M.) his term of enlistment having expired.
Chas Grasser (1 CF) - was placed in double irons for safe keeping for attempting to leave the ship without permission.
P. Gleason (CH) - D. Duffy (O.S.) undergoing sentence of L.C.M. , P. Gleason (CH) and J. Kelley (CH) were found to have left the ship without permission at some time during the watch.
J. Duffy (OS) - D. Duffy (O.S.) undergoing sentence of L.C.M. , P. Gleason (CH) and J. Kelley (CH) were found to have left the ship without permission at some time during the watch.
J. Kelly (CH) - D. Duffy (O.S.) undergoing sentence of L.C.M. , P. Gleason (CH) and J. Kelley (CH) were found to have left the ship without permission at some time during the watch.
received food
chas petras - discharged
preparation for dressing the ship, 2 sailors left wo permission
50874dd609d409075500a111: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_081_0.jpg)
12 May 1892
memphis tenn
Lat , Long
coal: 2 tons 320 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 96 tons 811 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd609d409075500a113: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_081_1.jpg)
12 May 1892
At sunrise dressed ship rainbow style celebrating the opening of the Memphis Bridge.
At 1: fired a salute or 21 guns in honor of the formal opening of the Memphis Bridge.
received food, dressed ship rainbow style for the opening of the memphis bridge
9 sailors absent
fired 21 gun salute for bridge
Salute of 21 guns in honor of the formal opening of the Memphis Bridge
50874dd609d409075500a115: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_082_0.jpg)
13 May 1892
at anchor memphis tenn
Lat , Long
coal: 3 tons 588 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
coal: 93 tons 223 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
50874dd609d409075500a117: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_082_1.jpg)
13 May 1892
Wm Griffin (WT) - By direction of the Comd'g officer the following men were confined for being drunk on duty: Wm Griffin (WT), J. J. McClennan (1 CF) Wm Rhodes (oiler) R. Street (C of H)
R. Street (C of H) - By direction of the Comd'g officer the following men were confined for being drunk on duty: Wm Griffin (WT), J. J. McClennan (1 CF) Wm Rhodes (oiler) R. Street (C of H)
Wm Rhodes (oiler) - By direction of the Comd'g officer the following men were confined for being drunk on duty: Wm Griffin (WT), J. J. McClennan (1 CF) Wm Rhodes (oiler) R. Street (C of H)
J. J. McClennan (1 cf) - By direction of the Comd'g officer the following men were confined for being drunk on duty: Wm Griffin (WT), J. J. McClennan (1 CF) Wm Rhodes (oiler) R. Street (C of H)
J. Duffy (OS) - Rewards were sent ashore for the apprehension of the following men: - J. Duffy (OS) $20, W F Rham (Sea) $20, F. Alsich (OS) $20, P. J. Gleason (CH) $20, J. J. Kelly (CH) $20, C. H. Fisher (1 ca) $10
W. F. Rahm (Sea) - Rewards were sent ashore for the apprehension of the following men: - J. Duffy (OS) $20, W F Rham (Sea) $20, F. Alsich (OS) $20, P. J. Gleason (CH) $20, J. J. Kelly (CH) $20, C. H. Fisher (1 ca) $10
F. Alsich (OS) - Rewards were sent ashore for the apprehension of the following men: - J. Duffy (OS) $20, W F Rham (Sea) $20, F. Alsich (OS) $20, P. J. Gleason (CH) $20, J. J. Kelly (CH) $20, C. H. Fisher (1 ca) $10
P. J. Gleason (CH) - Rewards were sent ashore for the apprehension of the following men: - J. Duffy (OS) $20, W F Rham (Sea) $20, F. Alsich (OS) $20, P. J. Gleason (CH) $20, J. J. Kelly (CH) $20, C. H. Fisher (1 ca) $10
J. J. Kelly (CH) - Rewards were sent ashore for the apprehension of the following men: - J. Duffy (OS) $20, W F Rham (Sea) $20, F. Alsich (OS) $20, P. J. Gleason (CH) $20, J. J. Kelly (CH) $20, C. H. Fisher (1 ca) $10
C. H. Fisher (1 ca) - Rewards were sent ashore for the apprehension of the following men: - J. Duffy (OS) $20, W F Rham (Sea) $20, F. Alsich (OS) $20, P. J. Gleason (CH) $20, J. J. Kelly (CH) $20, C. H. Fisher (1 ca) $10
Commander Edwin White - Captain
Recieved 115 3/4 lbs of fresh beef, 113 3/4 lbs of fresh vegetables, and 9 lbs of bread
P. Curly - Absent without leave
W Griffins, J J McClauson, W Rhodes, R Stout, - Drowned on duty
J Duffy, W C Rhone, F Alsich, P.J. Gleason, J J Kelly - Rewards for apphrending
50874dd609d409075500a119: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_083_0.jpg)
at anchor memphis tenn underway and at anchor off id no 25
Lat 41.1, Long 37.3
50874dd609d409075500a11b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_083_1.jpg)
14 May 1892
Several named as absent without leave: P Curley, W.F.Rhaux, F.Slsich, P.J.Gleason, J.Duffy, J.Kelly.
W.W.O'Neil, Steamer - Passed as rounding Plum Point, it was bound down stream with coal tow (about 4 pm).
AT 5:40 read order from Dept. confirming sentences in the cases of J.Donavan and D.Bresli~.
Fulton - At 1:30 (?) passed "Fulton"
W. W. O'Neil - passed steamer
stopped starboard engine to replace a gasket
repaired starboard engine
50874dd609d409075500a11d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_084_0.jpg)
at anchor mississippi river off isld 25 underway and at anchor off isld 6
Lat 52.6, Long -174.4
9 PM At anchor off Island #6
50874dd609d409075500a11f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_084_1.jpg)
15 May 1892
7 sailors absent wo leave, 35 sailors punished
Commander Edwin White - Ships command line at top
4 to 8 AM Cloudy with light drizzling rain. Got underway at 4:48 and stood up the river. Passed Missouri State line at 7:00. At end of watch abreast Cottonwood Pt.
8 Am to Meridian Cloudy with light passing rain first part.
Meridian to 4 PM Passed Kentucky State Line at 3:40. At end of watch passing New Madrid
8 AM to midnight Clear and pleasant. Bright starlight. Calm. Barometer steady. At 8:07 came to with stbd anchor 3 miles below Hickman, KY
50874dd609d409075500a121: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_085_0.jpg)
at anchor cairo illinois
Lat -10.0, Long 39.7
50874dd609d409075500a123: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_085_1.jpg)
16 May 1892
fired 21 and 13 gun salute, gun for gun
coal bunker alarms out or order
paducah city officials visited ship
At 11 am a reception committee from the city of Cairo, IL (on the Ohio River) paid an official visit to the ship.
At 5:00 a reception committee form the city of Paducah, KY visited the ship.
50874dd609d409075500a125: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_086_0.jpg)
cairo illinois
Lat -10.0, Long 39.7
50874dd609d409075500a127: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_086_1.jpg)
17 May 1892
Commander Edwin White - Captain
coal: 108.78 tons Anthracite coal - Actually long tons is what was recorded 2240 lb per long ton
coal: 40.52 tons Pittsburg coal - listed as tons, but actually measured as "long tons", i.e., 2240 lb/long ton.
coal: 148tons -
50874dd609d409075500a129: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_087_0.jpg)
cairo illinois
Lat -10.0, Long 39.7
coal: 2tons 1668lbs. - 185tons 1577lbs remaining
50874dd609d409075500a12b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_087_1.jpg)
18 May 1892
W7 Rhane, 7Alsich, P.g. Gliston, J.J. Kelly, J. Duffy, - Absent without leave
received food
6 sailors absent wo leave
50874dd609d409075500a12d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_088_0.jpg)
cairo ills
Lat -10.0, Long 39.7
50874dd609d409075500a12f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_088_1.jpg)
19 May 1892
J. Duffy - reported absent without leave
P. J. Gleason - reported absent without leave
J. J. Kelly - reported absent without leave
C. H. Fisher - absent over leave
W. F. Rhane (?) - declared deserter
Frank Gleich (?) - declared deserter
P. J. Gleason - reported absent
C. H. Fisher - reported absent
J. J. Kelly - reported absent
J. Duffy - reported absent
received food
3 sailors absent wo leave, 2 sailors absent over leave, and 2 sailors declared deserters
juo w keasury - enlisted 3 years
Frank ~lsich - Commander declared him deserter from 05/09/1892
W.F.Rhane - By order of Commanding Officer declared deserter from 09/05/1892.
W.F. Rhane (sea) and Frank Slsick (os) - Were declared deserters from May 9th.
Jno McKearney (OS) - enlisted for 3 years general service
50874dd609d409075500a131: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_089_0.jpg)
canadian reach
Lat 35.2, Long 24.8
50874dd609d409075500a133: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_089_1.jpg)
20 May 1892
J. Duffy - reported absent without leave
J. Kelly - reported absent without leave
P. J. Gleason - reported absent without leave
C. H. Fisher - absent over leave
Bernard Doherty - finished his term of confinement, released and restored to duty
J Duffy - absent without leave
P.J. Gleason, J.Kelly - abs. w-out leave
CSS Fisher -
50874dd609d409075500a135: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_090_0.jpg)
canadian reach and friars point miss
Lat 35.2, Long 24.8
50874dd609d409075500a137: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_090_1.jpg)
22 May 1892
J. J. Kelly - declared deserter
J. Duffy - declared deserter
P. J. Gleason - declared deserter
Jas. Nelson - reported his time as expired
J. Duffy (os), P.J. Gleason (CH) and JJ Kelly (CH) - are this day declared deserters from this ship and the Naval Service from May 11th 1892.
50874dd609d409075500a139: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_091_0.jpg)
friars point miss and grunville miss
Lat -17.7, Long 168.3
50874dd609d409075500a13b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_091_1.jpg)
22 May 1892
Jus. Donovan - rest of sentence remitted
C. H. Fisher - declared deserter
J. Divyer (?( - finished his term of confinement
D. Breslin - rest of sentence remitted
50874dd609d409075500a13d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_092_0.jpg)
greenville mississippi
Lat -17.7, Long 168.3
50874dd609d409075500a13f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_092_1.jpg)
23 May 1892
J. B. Abbott - awarded 5 days confinement on bread and water for being absent from quarters and insolent to the officer of his division
E. Scott - placed under charge for safe keeping
J.B.Abbott - Commanding Officer awarded him 5 days confinement on bread and water for being absent from quarters and insolent to the officer of his division.
at 10:30 a party of 326 people from Greenville visited the ship.
E. Scott - By direction of Commanding Officer, he was placed under the Sentry's charge for save keeping.
50874dd609d409075500a141: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_093_0.jpg)
vicksburg mississippi
Lat -17.7, Long -1.5
50874dd609d409075500a143: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_093_1.jpg)
24 May 1892
E. Scott - released from charge
S. E. W. C. Bennett - reported his time of enlistment as having expired
W.C.Bennett (Mach) - He reported his time of enlistment as having expired.
c burnnet - enlistment expired
21 gun salute at vicksburg
50874dd609d409075500a145: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_094_0.jpg)
25 May 1892
vicksburg miss
Lat 55.0, Long -1.5
coal: 102 tons 41 lbs. - Coal remaining on hand at Noon
coal: 4 tons 1364 lbs. - Coal consumed during the proceeding 24 hours
50874dd609d409075500a147: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_094_1.jpg)
25 May 1892
J. J. Kalbert - punished
F. Thomas - punished
T. F. Doran - punished
E. Brant - punished
J. J. Kalbert (CH) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. Kalbert (CH), shirking, not reporting at muster for work; 10 hrs extra duty; F. Thomas (CH), overleave 11 hrs, 4th class, T. F. Doran (Lds), overleave 5 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Sea Gun), smuggling liquor, 10 days confinement in double irons; J. A. Sherwood (Sa 2c), going ashore with non-regulation hat after being told not to do so, 2nd class.
F. Thomas (CH) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. Kalbert (CH), shirking, not reporting at muster for work; 10 hrs extra duty; F. Thomas (CH), overleave 11 hrs, 4th class, T. F. Doran (Lds), overleave 5 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Sea Gun), smuggling liquor, 10 days confinement in double irons; J. A. Sherwood (Sa 2c), going ashore with non-regulation hat after being told not to do so, 2nd class.
T. F. Doran (Lds) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. Kalbert (CH), shirking, not reporting at muster for work; 10 hrs extra duty; F. Thomas (CH), overleave 11 hrs, 4th class, T. F. Doran (Lds), overleave 5 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Sea Gun), smuggling liquor, 10 days confinement in double irons; J. A. Sherwood (Sa 2c), going ashore with non-regulation hat after being told not to do so, 2nd class.
E. Brant (Sea Gun) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. Kalbert (CH), shirking, not reporting at muster for work; 10 hrs extra duty; F. Thomas (CH), overleave 11 hrs, 4th class, T. F. Doran (Lds), overleave 5 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Sea Gun), smuggling liquor, 10 days confinement in double irons; J. A. Sherwood (Sa 2c), going ashore with non-regulation hat after being told not to do so, 2nd class.
J. A. Sherwood (sa 2c) - The Commander assigned the following punishments:- J. J. Kalbert (CH), shirking, not reporting at muster for work; 10 hrs extra duty; F. Thomas (CH), overleave 11 hrs, 4th class, T. F. Doran (Lds), overleave 5 hrs, 3rd class; E. Brant (Sea Gun), smuggling liquor, 10 days confinement in double irons; J. A. Sherwood (Sa 2c), going ashore with non-regulation hat after being told not to do so, 2nd class.
The decks have been crowded, during the afternoon with visitors from Vicksburg and vicinity.
50874dd609d409075500a149: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Concord/vol013of040/vol013of040_095_0.jpg)
25 May 1892
vicksburg miss
Lat 55.0, Long -1.5
coal: 96 tons 2229 lbs. - Coal remaining on han