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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

M.29-class Monitor

Ordered 15.3.15. Launched 22.5.15 Harland & Wolff. 535 tons, 170(pp)x31x6ft. Bolinders oil engines 640bhp, 12kts. Armament: 2-6in from Queen Elizabeth-class battleships, 1-6pdr. Served in Mediterranean 1915-18. Battle Honour Dardanelles 1915/16. Minelayer 1919, renamed MEDUSA 12.25, depot ship 9.41, renamed TALBOT 9.41, MEDWAY II 1943, MEDUSA 9.44. Sold 9.9.46, BU 1947 at Dover. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Built by Harland & Wolff, Belfast, laid 3/15, launched 22/5/15, completed 6/15, sold 1946. Served in Mediterranean from July 1915-December 1918 and in Black Sea May-September 1919. Paid off and towed home. Laid up at Devonport until converted to minelayer September 1923-January 1925, and named Medusa in December 1925. Commissioned in May 1925 as tender to Egmont at Malta. Converted to repair ship in May 1941; renamed Talbot September 1941 as depot ship for 10th Submarine Flotilla. Damaged by bombs in March 1942 and renamed Medway II in February 1944 when she became depot ship to 1st S/M Flotilla. Towed back home post-war and sold for BU in 1946. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

Spelling for place names has been preserved to indicate the names used at the time and the variability in spelling within the logs. Names of places and light houses, etc have also been taken from the 1920 publication “The Black Sea Pilot: The Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosporus, and Sea of Azov” which can be found here.

Reference has also been made to an 1859 map here, an 1847 map here and a 1929 map here.

Positions (Latitude and Longitude) are given for noon each day, correcting or estimating the position given in the logs where necessary, based on a plot on a Google map. Where exact times are not indicated in the log they have been estimated from the position of the entries (which show times on the left hand side of the log page).

There is more information about M.29 here and here. There is also a photo of this ship (later known as HMS Medusa) here taken in about 1930 and showing a false bow wave painted on her to give the impression of great speed.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log, from April 25th to May 26 1919]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed by HL Wills, Navigating Officer]

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[Blank page]

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[Page not filled in but signed by A Dixon, Commander in Command, dated 1 June 1919]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as follows:]


Mercurial or Aneroid


Name of Maker and number

Short Mason Ltd

Height of cistern above sea

12 [feet]

Thermometers for Air Temperature

Position in Ship

QD [Quarterdeck]

Whether in screen


Maker and No.

AC Cossor & Son, London

Thermometer for Sea Temperature

Maker and No.

AC Cossor & Son, London

Operations in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov

JP map M.29 Black Sea - Sea of Azov

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cd95: ( 53-50778-003_1.jpg)

25 April 1919

From Kalloni to Mudros [Moudros]

Lat 38.87, Long 26.32

5.30am: Proceeded, Set Course N22W.

2.15pm: Entering (Kalloni).

2.30pm: Anchored in 10 fathoms, 2 shackles.

6.38pm: Weighed and Proceeded, Course and Speed Various.

7.55pm: Brisa abeam 1.25 miles, altered course N55W.

9.15pm: Cape Sigri abeam, altered course N35W.

10.0pm: All clocks retarded half hour.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 42 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 25.5 cwt, Oil 32.18 tons]

[Weather mostly fine, noon temperature 62F]

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26 April 1919

From Kalloni to Mudros and at Mudros

Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [estimated]

0.45am: Sighted Kombi Light N20W.

4.0am: All clocks retarded half hour.

5.25am: Kombi Light abeam 1 mile.

6.30am: Made fast alongside “oiler”.

7.35am: Cast off and proceeded. 7.50am: Anchored in 7 fathoms, 1.5 shackles.

1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, anchored in 4 fathoms, 1.5 shackles.

[Wind force 5 at 4am, then much lighter, temperature peaked at 65F at noon]

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27 April 1919

From Mudros to Constantinople [present day Istanbul]

Lat 40.03, Long 26.20

4.0am: Weighed and Proceeded, Course and Speed various leaving harbour.

4.40am: Kombi Light abeam 1 mile, altered course S64E.

9.30am: J [?] Position, altered course N66E.

10.30am: Gadaro Island abeam.

0.20pm: Altered course N60E, Position E, Courses Various through Dardanelles 1.45.

2.20pm: Nagarra [Nagara] Kalessi abeam.

3.49pm: Karatova [Karakova] Burnu abeam.

5.0pm: Gallapoli [Gallipoli] abeam. 5.10pm: Eski Fanar Burnu abeam, altered course N56E.

7.20pm: Injeh Burnu abeam.

7.47pm: Observed Kora Burnu Light bearing N53E.

9.38pm: Kora Burnu abeam 4 miles.

10.0pm: All clocks put forward half hour.

10.45pm: Khairsiz Ada [now Hayirsiz Ada] abeam 3.5 miles.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 57 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles 228 degrees, distant 3.5 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 46 cwt, Oil 43.53 tons]

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28 April 1919

From Mudros to Constantinople and at Constantinople

Lat 41.00, Long 28.97 [estimated]

0.30am: Fanar Adosi [Adasi] abeam 6.5 miles.

2.0am: Clocks advanced half hour.

2.45am: Erekli abeam 10.5 miles.

4.0am: Cape Stefano Lighthouse ahead 4 points.

7.38am: Cape Stefano Light House abeam 3.5 miles, altered course N49E.

8.35am: Entering, Courses Various.

9.46am: Anchored 6.75 fathoms, 2 shackles.

pm: Hands employed as requisite.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 153 miles]

[Noon Position] [Constantinople]

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29 April 1919

From Constantinople to Theodosia

Lat 41.00, Long 28.97

3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded 220 revs, courses various passing through Bosphorous [Bosphorus].

6.0pm: Altered course N47E passing through swept channel.

7.40pm: Clear of swept channel. Bosphorous Light Vessel abeam, Streamed Patent Log, altered course N52E. Reduced to 220 revs.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cd9a: ( 53-50778-006_0.jpg)

30 April 1919

From Constantinople to Theodosia

Lat 42.42, Long 31.48

7.40pm: Taken in tow by Trawler escort HMT Gertrude Cappleman [listed here].

[Course and Distance made good: Various 138 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Cape Kerempt [probably Kerempeh Burnu]

[Winds force 5 in pm, from E; noon temperature 58F]

[Note: “Gertrude Cappleman” was a steam trawler built in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1915 (details here); she was requisitioned by the Admiralty in June 1915 and converted to a boom defence vessel; she was returned to her owners in 1920 and was registered in Hartlepool (HL74); in 1936 she was registered in North Shields (SN78) and was renamed “Ben Screel”; she foundered in 1942 (details here).]


4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cd9b: ( 53-50778-006_1.jpg)

1 May 1919

From Constantinople to Theodosia

Lat 43.40, Long 34.03

pm: 3 Signal Flags lost by Signalman Lambourne, half payment made.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 132 miles, 70 degrees 5 knots]

[True Bearing and Distance: Zanch [or Zauch] Point 343 degrees, distant 60 miles]

[Winds force 5 in am, force 6 from noon, from E and ESE, sea state rough in pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cd9c: ( 53-50778-007_0.jpg)

2 May 1919

From Constantinople to Theodosia and at Theodosia Harbour [also known as Caffa or Kaffa at the time, now Feodosiya, Crimea, Ukraine]

Lat 45.03, Long 35.39 [estimated]

6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Reduced speed. Cast off towing Trawler Gertrude Cappleman. Cape Megannon [Meganon or Meganom] Light House N73W, distant 2.5 miles.

9.50am: Cape Elias Light House abeam distant 0.5 miles. Courses various making Theodosia Harbour anchorage.

10.0am: Reduced speed entered harbour.

10.45am: Stop. Anchored in 5 fathoms, 2 shackles cable on port anchor.

Noon: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds various.

1.15pm: Anchored in Theodosia Bay, 9 fathoms, 2 shackles. Stop.

7.15pm: Darken Ship.

[Noon Position] [Theodosia Harbour]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 36 cwt, Oil 18.13 tons]

[Rain for much of the day]

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3 May 1919

From Theodosia Bay to Arabat Bay [on Crimea's eastern coast on the Azov Sea]

Lat 45.17, Long 36.52

4.40am: Weighed and proceeded, 220 revs, courses various.

5.0am: Set course S65E, Patent Log Streamed.

7.5am: Altered course N77E. HMT Gertrude Cappleman (Escort).

9.4am: Karay Rocks abeam distant 0.25 miles.

10.0am: Gertrude Cappleman returned to Theodosia Bay (Kaffa).

0.35pm: Altered course N37E. Patent Log Hauled in.

1.0pm: Altered course N. Entered Kerek [Kerch or Kertch] Straits.

1.40pm: Courses various through buoyed channel.

2.20pm: Yenikale Light House abeam, altered course N.

7.44pm: Stop. Anchored in 6.5 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchored for Engine defects

8.5pm: Weighed and proceeded, 220 revs.

11.10pm: Courses and speeds various approaching Arabat Bay anchorage.

11.47pm: Anchored in 4 fathoms, Port anchor, 2 shackles.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 61 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Takel [Cape Takli or Mys Takil] 245 degrees, distant 2 miles]

[Rain in am, winds force 5 through middle of day, noon temperature 52F]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cd9e: ( 53-50778-008_0.jpg)

[Page dated 4 May 1919, just showing weather observations in am (which differ in parts from the weather shown on the next page) and information about water and fuel on board (which is identical to that shown on the next page)]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda0: ( 53-50778-009_0.jpg)

4 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.37, Long 35.57 [estimated from information in Log of HMS Centaur for this date]

11.15am: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Centaur for oil fuel.

11.50am: Moored alongside HMS Centaur.

pm: Sunday Routine.

8.5pm: Cast off from HMS Centaur and proceeded to anchorage. Course and speeds various. Received 35 tons oil fuel.

8.25pm: Anchored in 3 fathoms, Port anchor, 2 shackles cable. Arabat Fort bearing S60W (True), Windmill bearing S40E (True): Error 3 E.

[Distance run through the Water: 7 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 32 cwt, Oil 10.44 tons]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda1: ( 53-50778-009_1.jpg)

5 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.37, Long 35.55 [estimated]

10.45am: Diving boat alongside clearing discharge pipes (Engine).

pm: Engines at short notice day and night 0.5 - 1 hour.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 30 cwt, Oil 44.33 tons]

[Winds force 5 or 6 from 6pm, from NNE, sea state rough during evening; peak temperature 69F at 4pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda2: ( 53-50778-010_0.jpg)

6 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.37, Long 35.55

am: Engines at short notice day and night.

6.0pm: 6" Guns crews closed up. Opened fire on shore positions 134 and 136 with after 6" gun. Fired 7 rounds.

8.55pm: After 6" gun crews closed up for exercise.

[Winds force 5 from ExN all am, force 6 from ENE all pm, sea state rough throughout]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda3: ( 53-50778-010_1.jpg)

7 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.37, Long 35.55

6.15am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

8.0pm: 1st Watch Guns crews Closed up.

[Winds force 6 from ENE all am, varying from force 5 to 7, from NNE in pm; sea state rough; noon temperature 51F]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda4: ( 53-50778-011_0.jpg)

8 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.37, Long 35.55

10.35am: No 1 gun crew closed up. Opened fire on Karpatch [probably Parpatch or Parpach - now Yachmennoe or Yachminne].

Noon: Cease fire.

1.0pm: No 3 gun crew closed up, opened Fire on Karpatch.

pm: 30 rounds Fired on Karpatch throughout day.

4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded, Courses various and speeds.

5.12pm: Anchored in 4 fathoms, 2.25 shackles port anchor.

6.0pm: Cease fire.

[Distance run through the Water: 3 miles]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda5: ( 53-50778-011_1.jpg)

9 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46 [estimated]

7.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Asteria [listed here], Course and speeds various.

7.55am: Secured alongside. Received 91 6" shells.

8.55am: Cast off from SS Asteria and proceeded to anchorage.

9.13am: Anchored in 3 fathoms, Arabat Fort S13E [blank] yards distant.

2.0pm: Pipe Down.

[Distance run through the Water: 4 miles]

[Note: SS “Asteria” was a cargo ship built in Scotland in 1891 for William Robertson, Glasgow; she was in commission from July 1915 to January 1921 as Fleet Messenger No 29; she was broken up in 1923 (more details here).]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda6: ( 53-50778-012_0.jpg)

10 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

am: Main Engines at 1 hours notice.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

[Winds force 4 to 5 from N and E in pm with sea state becoming rough; peak temperature 55F at 4pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda7: ( 53-50778-012_1.jpg)

11 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

am: Engines at 1 hours notice.

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda8: ( 53-50778-013_0.jpg)

12 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

8.0pm: 6" Guns Crews closed up.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cda9: ( 53-50778-013_1.jpg)

13 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

9.30am: Fired 3 rounds 6" at Sjanteri [or possibly Spanteri?].

[Rain during afternoon]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdaa: ( 53-50778-014_0.jpg)

14 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

am: Main engines at 1 hours notice.

8.0pm: 6" Guns Crews closed up.

[Barometric pressure relatively low and falling during day; peak temperature 66F at 4pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdab: ( 53-50778-014_1.jpg)

15 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

8.30pm: 6" Guns Crew closed up. Ship at moments notice for steam and slipping cable.

[Winds force 6 from NNE from 6pm, with sea state rough]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdac: ( 53-50778-015_0.jpg)

16 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

am: Exercised sightsetters, Control Party and Range Takers.

pm: Food stores condemned: 5 Tins Rabbit, 1 Bottle Pickles.

7.0pm: 6" Guns Crew closed up. Ship at short notice for steam and slipping anchor.

10.30pm: Received mail and provisions from SS Asturia [presumably Asteria].

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 128 lbs, Vegetables 1200 lbs]

[Barometric pressure relatively low, rain on and off in pm]

[Note: For details of SS “Asteria” see 9 May 1919 in this log.]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdad: ( 53-50778-015_1.jpg)

17 May 1919

At Arabat Bay [though not stated at top of page]

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

am and pm: Saturday Routine.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

8.0pm: 6" Guns Crews closed up.

[Winds force 4 to 5 in am, force 5 to 6 in pm, from WxS and WxN; peak temperature 54F at noon]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdae: ( 53-50778-016_0.jpg)

18 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

8.30am: Hands repel aircraft (enemy).

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection and Church.

pm: Following Stores Condemned: Rabbit 10 Tins; Pickles 1 Bottle.

8.0pm: (1) 6" Guns Crew closed up for night, steam at short notice.

[Peak temperature 70F at 4pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdaf: ( 53-50778-016_1.jpg)

19 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

6.35pm: Open fire 3 rounds on village.

8.0pm: (1) 6” Guns crew closed up. Steam at short notice for main engines day and night. Darken ship.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 24.80 cwt, Oil 9.5 tons] [almost certainly these two figures have been transposed - see figures for next day]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdb0: ( 53-50778-017_0.jpg)

20 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.37, Long 35.50 [estimated]

8.55am: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Tobago for oil fuel. Helm and Engines various.

9.30am: Made fast alongside HMS Tobago. Stop. Received 22 tons oil Fuel.

0.3pm: Cast off from HMS Tobago and proceeded, Helm and Engines various.

0.30pm: Anchored in 3.25 fathoms, 3 shackles. Stop.

7.30pm: Open fire on village. 7.45pm: Cease fire.

8.0pm: (1) 6" Guns crew closed up for night. Main Engines at short notice day and night. Darken ship.

[Distance run through the Water: 4 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: 0.30pm Arabat Fort S16E, 1950 yards]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 9 cwt, Oil 44.19 tons]

[Rain during pm, peak temperature 73F at noon]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdb1: ( 53-50778-017_1.jpg)

21 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46 [estimated]

8.0pm: 6" Guns Crew closed up for night. Darken Ship. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

[Wind, from NE, increasing during day, force 6 from 8pm onwards, sea becoming rough; weather information logged hourly from 10pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdb2: ( 53-50778-018_0.jpg)

22 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

8.0pm: (1) 6" Guns Crew closed up for night. Darken Ship. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

[Barometric pressure and temperature being logged every hour all day, pressure falling; temperatures ranging from 49 to 59F; wind from NE, force 6/7 at 4am, force 5 from noon onwards; sea state rough all day; rain for most of pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdb3: ( 53-50778-018_1.jpg)

23 May 1919

[shown as 22 May in error]

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

10.30am: Exercised sightsetters, Control Party and Range Takers.

8.0pm: 6" Guns Crew closed up for night. Darken Ship. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 6.5 cwt, Oil 41.01 tons]

[Barometric pressure starting to rise slowly, wind force 4 in am, lighter in pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdb4: ( 53-50778-019_0.jpg)

24 May 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46 [estimated]

5.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside SS Asteria for coal and ammunition. Helm and engines various.

6.15am: Secured alongside SS Asteria.

7.50am: Complete with Coal and Ammunition. Coal 4 tons. Shells, Cartridges, Fuses. Cast off and proceeded to anchorage. Helm and Engines various.

8.15am: Anchored in 3.25 fathoms. Stop. Arabat Fort S16E, 2150 yards

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

9.0pm: 6" Guns crew closed up for night. Darken Ship. Main engines at short notice.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 4.5 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Arabat Fort S16E, 2150 yards]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 75.5 cwt, Oil 39.58 tons]

[Note: For details of SS “Asteria” see 9 May 1919 in this log.]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdb5: ( 53-50778-019_1.jpg)

25 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection, Church, etc.

9.0pm: 6" Guns crew closed up for night. Darken Ship. Main Engines at short notice.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdb6: ( 53-50778-020_0.jpg)

26 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6" Guns crew closed up for night. Main engines at short notice.

[Distance run during month: 265 miles]

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 59lbs [though it is not clear where it came from]]

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[Blank page]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdb8: ( 53-50778-021_0.jpg)

[Blank page]

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[Blank page]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdba: ( 53-50779-001_0.jpg)

[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log, from 27 May to 29 June 1919]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdbb: ( 53-50779-001_1.jpg)

[Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdbc: ( 53-50779-002_0.jpg)

[Blank page]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdbd: ( 53-50779-002_1.jpg)

[Page indicating distances and oil fuel consumption for dates in 1915 and 1918]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdbe: ( 53-50779-003_0.jpg)

[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as follows:]


Mercurial or Aneroid


Name of Maker and number

Short & Mason, London. No 1642

Height of cistern above sea

10 feet

Thermometers for Air Temperature

Position in Ship


Whether in screen


Maker and No

SA Caldrar [S&A Caldera or Calderara], London

Thermometer for Sea Temperature

Maker and No.

[Not filled in]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdbf: ( 53-50779-003_1.jpg)

27 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: Guns crew Fall out.

6.30am: Hands Fall in and employed as requisite.

pm: Make and mend.

4.0pm: Physical drill

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6" guns crew closed up for night. Main engines at short notice.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc0: ( 53-50779-004_0.jpg)

28 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fallen out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

1.30pm: Hands “Stand Off”.

4.0pm: Physical Drill.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns crew closed up for night.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc1: ( 53-50779-004_1.jpg)

29 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fallen out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

6.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

2.0pm: Hands Stand Off.

4.0pm: Physical Drill.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns crew closed up for night.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc2: ( 53-50779-005_0.jpg)

30 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

11.0am: Exercised Sightsetters, Control Parties and Range Takers.

1.0pm: Hands Stand Off.

4.0pm: Hands Fall in for Physical Drill.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns Crew closed up for night.

10.0pm: Darken ship.

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 68 lbs [though it isn’t clear where it came from]]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc3: ( 53-50779-005_1.jpg)

31 May 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am: Saturday Routine.

pm: Make and Mend clothes.

5.0pm: HMS Spear alongside. Provisioned Ship.

9.0pm: 6” Guns crew closed up for night. Darken ship.


4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc4: ( 53-50779-006_0.jpg)

1 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fallen out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

10.0am: Divisions and Inspection.

10.15am: Church.

9.0pm: 6” Guns crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc5: ( 53-50779-006_1.jpg)

2 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

pm: Hands Stand Off.

9.0pm: 6” Guns crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc6: ( 53-50779-007_0.jpg)

3 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

1.0pm: Hands Stand Off. Make and mend.

9.0pm: 6" guns crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

[Foggy at 4am, then clear; winds force 3 or 4 for most of day; barometric pressure falling; noon temperature 65F]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc7: ( 53-50779-007_1.jpg)

4 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

pm: Hands Stand Off. Make and mend.

4.0pm: Physical Drill.

9.0pm: 6” Guns crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

[Barometric pressure relatively low; temperature peaked at 77F at 4pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc8: ( 53-50779-008_0.jpg)

5 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

pm: Hands make and mend.

4.0pm: Physical Drill.

9.0pm: 6” Guns crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdc9: ( 53-50779-008_1.jpg)

6 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

10.0am: Exercised gunlayers, control parties and rangetakers.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.0pm: Physical Drill.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” guns crew closed up for night.

[Barometric pressure still relatively low but weather quiet; temperature peaked at 69F at 4pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdca: ( 53-50779-009_0.jpg)

7 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am: Saturday Routine.

pm: Make and mend clothes.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns Crew closed up for night.

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 146 lbs]

[Still relatively low pressure; south easterly wind force 5 from noon to 6pm, then moderating]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdcb: ( 53-50779-009_1.jpg)

8 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am: Sunday Routine.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection, Church.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

9.0pm: 6” Guns crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 52.5 cwt, Oil 17.46 tons]

[Barometric pressure starting to rise; weather unremarkable]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdcc: ( 53-50779-010_0.jpg)

9 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Calypso, courses and speeds various.

3.30pm: Made fast astern HMS Calypso.

7.15pm: Complete with oil, 29 tons. Cast off from HMS Calypso and proceed to previous anchorage. Courses and speeds various.

7.45pm: Anchored in 3.25 fathoms, 2.25 shackles on port anchor.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns crew fall out.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 51 cwt, Oil 29.89 tons]

[Rain on and off until mid afternoon]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdcd: ( 53-50779-010_1.jpg)

10 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am: 16 lbs Fresh meat condemned.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns crew closed up for night.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdce: ( 53-50779-011_0.jpg)

11 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns Crew Fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns crew closed up for night.

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 68 lbs]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdcf: ( 53-50779-011_1.jpg)

12 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns crew closed up for night.

[One feels the crew must be getting pretty bored by now but at least it’s warm, 69F at 4pm]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdd0: ( 53-50779-012_0.jpg)

13 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am: Exercised sightsetters, rangetakers and control parties.

1.0pm: Dinner. Hands make and mend clothes.

5.0pm: Foremost 6” guns crew closed up. Fired 1 round HE 6" at Kiet [?].

5.30pm: Fall out.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns crew closed up for night.

[Wind force 4 to 5 in am, force 6 to 4 in pm, mostly from W and NNW; temperature peaked at 80F at noon]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdd1: ( 53-50779-012_1.jpg)

14 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am: Saturday Routine.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns crew closed up for night.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdd2: ( 53-50779-013_0.jpg)

15 June 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

9.35am: Repel hostile aircraft.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection, Church.

9.0pm: 6” Guns crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

[A cooler day, peak temperature 59F at 8am, then dropping; rain at midnight]

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdd3: ( 53-50779-013_1.jpg)

16 June 1919

At Arabat Bay (Sea of Azov)

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

4.0pm: Physical Drill.

9.0pm: 6” Guns Crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdd4: ( 53-50779-014_0.jpg)

17 June 1919

At Arabat

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

5.0am: 6” Guns crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4.0pm: Physical Drill.

9.0pm: 6” Guns guns [sic] crew closed up for night. Darken ship.

4caf8dd3cadfd3419703cdd5: ( 53-50779-014_1.jpg)

18 June 1919

At Arabat Bay

Lat 45.32, Long 35.46

4.2am: Open Fire on shore positions.

5.55am: Cease Fire.

6.0am: 6” Guns Crew fall out. Main engines at short notice day and night.

11.22am: Open Fire on Kiet [?].

11.45am: Cease Fire.

4.5pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds various.

4.35pm: Anchored in 3 fathoms, 1.5 shackles. M18 Range 2600 yards.

9.0pm: Darken ship. 6” Guns Crew closed up.

11.0pm: Gun Fire (S80E).

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19 June 1919

At Arabat Bay and from Arabat to Kertch [Kerch]

Lat 45.42, Long 35.73

5.0am: 6” Guns crew fall out. Main Engines at short notice day and night.

10.30am: Weighed and proceeded. Closed HMS Calypso. Courses and speeds various.

11.15am: Set course N50E, 220revs.

1.25pm: Kazantip Point abeam, altered course East.

1.30pm: Patent log streamed and set.

5.35pm: Cape Chroni [Khroni] abeam, altered course S45E.

6.20pm: Yenikale Light House bearing West (true), distant 2 miles, altered course S16W.

7.30pm: Courses various approaching Kerch [Kertch].

8.5pm: Stop. Secured alongside HMS Forester.

[Course and Distance made good: 50 degrees, 7 knots. Total various 84 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Kazantip 64 degrees, distant 8 miles]

[Weather relatively quiet, temperature peaked at 70F at noon]

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20 June 1919

At Kertch [Kerch] Harbour

Lat 45.36, Long 36.48 [estimated]

8.0am: Cast off from HMS Forester. Courses and speeds various.

8.25am: Anchored in 3 fathoms, 1.75 shackles, stern secured to piers.

10.0pm: Received stores and mails from HMS Martin and 15 tons oil fuel.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 34.5 cwt, Oil 31.38 tons]

[Rain for most of the day]

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21 June 1919

At Kerch

Lat 45.36, Long 36.48

5.15am: HMS Martin proceeded.

4.10pm: Cast off. Hove up anchor and proceeded courses and speeds various.

4.30pm: Anchored in 2 fathoms, 2 shackles, stern secured to pier.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 31 cwt, Oil 40.57 tons]

[Rain in early morning and late evening]

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22 June 1919

At Kerch

Lat 45.36, Long 36.48

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

10am: Divisions, Inspections and Church.

[Wind force 4 or 5 for much of day, mostly from W and WSW]

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23 June 1919

At Kerch

Lat 45.36, Long 36.48

[Nothing of note in log, temperature peaked at 69F, at noon]

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24 June 1919

At Kerch

Lat 45.36, Long 36.48

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 72 lbs]

[Nothing else of note in log]

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25 June 1919

At Kerch

Lat 45.36, Long 36.48

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4.30pm: Physical Drill.

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26 June 1919

At Kerch

Lat 45.36, Long 36.48

[Temperatures in high 60’s to low 70’s all day]

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27 June 1919

At Kerch

Lat 45.36, Long 36.48

10.0am: Exercised control parties, sightsetters and rangetakers.

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28 June 1919

At Kerch and from Kerch to Theodosia

Lat 45.02, Long 36.50

8.15am: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds various.

8.40am: Light vessel abeam, course S66W.

9.24am: Altered course S3E.

9.50am: Western Buoy (end of minefield abeam).

11.0am: Wreck of SS “Yalta” abeam.

11.8am: Streamed Patent Log.

11.13am: Cape Takil abeam (Tower).

3.58pm: Cape Chauda Light House abeam 1 mile, altered course N81W.

6.10pm: Courses various approaching Theodosia.

6.35pm: Secured alongside "Oiler". Stop.

9.15pm: Slipped oiler and proceeded course S62E. Patent log streamed and set.

9.40pm: Cape St Elias abeam altered course S26W.

10.25pm: Cape Kip Abalasia [?] abeam 1 mile, altered course S55W.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 23 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Takil Tower 343 degrees, distant 5.5 miles]

[Note: SS “Yalta” was a Russian cargo ship built in Sunderland, UK in 1896 and owned by Azov Sea State Shipping Company, Odessa and part of the Russian Volunteer Fleet; she was sunk by a mine near Takil Lighthouse in October 1914 (more details here).]

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29 June 1919

From Theodosia to Yalta and at Yalta

Lat 44.49, Long 34.17 [estimated]

1.0am: Megannon [Meganon or Meganom] Point abeam, distant 0.5 miles, altered course S65W.

5.30am: Cape Ayu Dagh [Aiyu Dagh] abeam, distant 1.25 miles, log 56.6.

6.0am: Altered course S80W.

6.30am: Courses various approaching Yalta.

6.45am: Stop. Secured to buoy in Yalta Harbour.

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

10.0am: Divisions, Church and Inspection.

[Temperature peaked at 83F at 4pm]

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[Blank page]

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[Blank page, apart from some numbers - a jotted calculation]

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[Blank page]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cde5: ( 53-50780-001_1.jpg)

[Right hand side of cover, indicating dates from 30/6/19 to 29/7/19, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

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[Blank page]

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[Page indicating some data for distances run and fuel expended for dates in 1915 and 1918, signed by Dixon, Commander in Command, dated 1 August 1919]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cde8: ( 53-50780-003_0.jpg)

[Details of Barometer and Thermometers as follows:]


Mercurial or Aneroid


Name of Maker and number

Short and Mason, London No 1642

Height of cistern above sea


Thermometers for Air Temperature

Position in Ship


Whether in screen


Maker and No.

SA Caldrar [sic], London

Thermometer for Sea Temperature

Maker and No.


4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cde9: ( 53-50780-003_1.jpg)

30 June 1919

At Yalta

Lat 44.49, Long 34.17

[Nothing of note in log]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 14.5 cwt, Oil 40.44 tons]


4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdea: ( 53-50780-004_0.jpg)

1 July 1919

At Yalta

Lat 44.49, Long 34.17

[Nothing of note in log, temperature peaked at 76F at 4pm]

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2 July 1919

At Yalta

Lat 44.49, Long 34.17

7.35pm: Slipped and proceeded, courses and speeds various.

8.0pm: Taken in tow by HMS Martin.

8.30pm: Proceeded at 200 revs. Patent log streamed, course S33W.

8.44pm: Cape Aitador [Cape Ai-Todor] abeam, distant 0.5 miles, log 3.9.

9.30pm: Reduced to 12 knots (tow).

[Temperature peaked at 87F at 4pm]

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3 July 1919

From Yalta to Constantinople (in tow)

Lat 42.52, Long 31.03

8am: Lat 43 4 N, Long 32 E.

7.55pm: Bosphorous [Bosphorus] light vessel [?] S47W, altered course S45W.

8.40pm: Bosphorus light vessel abeam 0.25 miles.

8.58pm: First Channel Buoy abeam.

9.25pm: Second Channel Buoy abeam.

9.45pm: Stop. Cast off from HMS Martin.

9.50pm: Proceeded at 220 revs, course S68W.

10.5pm: Anatolia Light House abeam distant 0.75 miles, courses various through Bosphorous.

10.35pm: Kavak point abeam.

11.46pm: Anchored in 20 fathoms, 3 shackles.

[Distance run through the Water: 185 miles]

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4 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.98 [estimated]

0.2am: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds various.

0.30am: Anchored in 16 fathoms, 3 shackles.

7.0am: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds various.

7.31am: Anchored in 17.25 fathoms, 3 shackles.

10.0am: Exercised control parties, gun layers, sightsetters and rangetakers.

4.0pm: Physical Drill.

[Distance run through the Water: 2 miles]

[Temperature peaked at 76F at 6pm]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdee: ( 53-50780-006_0.jpg)

5 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.98

am: Saturday Routine.

1.0pm: Make and mend clothes.

4.0pm: Physical drill.

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdef: ( 53-50780-006_1.jpg)

6 July 1919

From Constantinople to Prinkipo and at Prinkipo [modern-day Büyükada]

Lat 40.93, Long 29.06

11.10am: Weighed and proceeded courses and speeds various.

11.20am: Leander Tower abeam, set course S17E, 220 revs.

11.55am: Fanar Burnu abeam, altered course S67E.

0.19pm: Vorthomas [Vorthonas] Bank abeam 0.75 miles.

0.30pm: Courses various approaching Prinkipo anchorage.

0.40pm: Anchored in 3.5 fathoms, 1 shackle.

pm: Sunday routine

8.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds various.

9.0pm: Stop. Anchored in 3 fathoms, 1 shackle.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 13.5 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Fanar Burnu 333 degrees, distant 2.25 miles]

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7 July 1919

At Prinkipo

Lat 40.87, Long 29.12 [estimated]

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

[Temperature peaked at 82F at noon]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdf1: ( 53-50780-007_1.jpg)

8 July 1919

At Prinkipo

Lat 40.87, Long 29.12

[Nothing of note in log, still hot, quiet weather]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdf2: ( 53-50780-008_0.jpg)

9 July 1919

At Prinkipo

Lat 40.87, Long 29.12

[Temperature peaked at 92F at 6pm, barometric pressure relatively low]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdf3: ( 53-50780-008_1.jpg)

10 July 1919

From Prinkipo to Constantinople and at Constantinople

Lat 40.87, Long 29.12

4.56pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds various.

4.57pm: Set course N42W.

5.24pm: Vorthomas [Vorthonas] abeam, distant 0.5 miles.

5.55pm: Fanar Burnu abeam, altered course N17W.

6.40pm: Leander Tower abeam, courses and speeds various approaching anchorage.

6.50pm: Anchored 12.5 fathoms, 2 shackles.

[Distance run through the Water: 12.5 miles] [this entry should presumably be on next page]

[Temperature peaked at 87F, at 4pm]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdf4: ( 53-50780-009_0.jpg)

11 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.98 [estimated]

0.30am: Weighed and proceeded (shifting berth to clear “Queen Victoria”.

0.50am: Moored in 11 fathoms, Starboard 1 shackle, Port 1.5 shackles.

10.0am: Exercised Gunlayers, Control Parties, Sightsetters and Rangetakers.

pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdf5: ( 53-50780-009_1.jpg)

12 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97 [estimated]

4.0am: Foul hawse. 4.40am: Working cable, clearing hawse.

5.40am: Proceeded, Courses and speeds various.

5.55am: Entered Golden Horn (Galata Bridge).

6.20am: Anchored in Dockyard, 2 fathoms, 3.25 shackles. Stern secured to quay. Stop.

am and pm: Saturday Routine.

[Temperature peaked at 90F at 4pm]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdf6: ( 53-50780-010_0.jpg)

13 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. Sunday Routine.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection and Church.

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdf7: ( 53-50780-010_1.jpg)

14 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

[Another hot day (up to 90F) with nothing of note in log]

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15 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

[A slightly cooler day, temperature peaking at 79F at noon]

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16 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

[Nothing of note in log]

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17 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

am: Refitting

[Barometric pressure relatively low but weather still warm, the mention of the weather code for snow (s) at 8pm appears to be a mistake, as the temperature was 79F!]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdfb: ( 53-50780-012_1.jpg)

18 July 1919

At Constantinople [though not stated]

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

10.0am: Exercised Gunlayers and sightsetters, control parties and rangetakers.

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 704 lbs, Vegetables 21 lbs]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdfc: ( 53-50780-013_0.jpg)

19 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. Saturday Routine.

[Provisions received: Vegetables 560 lbs]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703cdfd: ( 53-50780-013_1.jpg)

20 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

10.0am: Divisions, Church, etc.

[Temperature peaked at 81F at noon]

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21 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. Refitting.

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22 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite and refitting.

3.30pm: Weighed anchor by hand and proceeded to Dock in tow.

4:50pm: Entered Dock (Secured).

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23 July 1919

[shown as 24 July, in error]

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97 [estimated]

9.0am: Ship Taken Blocks.

pm: Hands employed as requisite, refitting.

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703ce01: ( 53-50780-015_1.jpg)

24 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

5.15pm: Flooded Dry Dock.

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703ce02: ( 53-50780-016_0.jpg)

25 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.97 [estimated]

5.50am: Taken in tow. Left Dry Dock and proceeded to Anchorage.

6.25am: Anchored in 4 fathoms and moored to Quay.

6.35am: Cast off Tugs.

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite and refitting.

[Number on Sick list: 1 Hospital]

[Provisions received: Meat 70 lbs, Vegetables 1120 lbs]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 12.5 cwts, Oil 23.62 tons]

[Weather still warm, peaking at 85F at noon]

4caf8dd4cadfd3419703ce03: ( 53-50780-016_1.jpg)

26 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.03, Long 29.00 [estimated]

5.20am: Up anchor. 5.25am: Weighed and cast off and proceeded, Course and speeds various through Golden Horn to Dolma Bagche.

6.20am: Stop. Secured to Oiler War Ghurkha [War Ghurka listed here].

11.30am: Cast off from Oiler. Proceeded to Anchorage.

11.45am: Moored open hawse. Port 2 shackles, Starboard 2 shackles in 11 fathoms, Dolma Bagche.

am: Lost overboard by accident 1 Copper Hammer by Engine Room Department.

pm: Saturday Routine.

[Number on Sick list: 1 Hospital]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 41 cwts, Oil 44.68 tons]

[Note: SS “War Ghurka” was an oil tanker built in West Hartlepool, UK in 1918 for The Shipping Controller, London; in 1920 she was owned by Anglo-Saxon Petroleum, London and in 1921 was renamed “Caprella”; in 1925 she went to British Molasses Company, London and was renamed “Athelfoam”; in 1930 she was sold to D/S A/S Vard, Oslo and was renamed “Hird”; in 1936 she returned to United Molasses Company, London and was renamed “Athelstane”; in 1939 she was requisitioned by the Admiralty as a Fleet Auxiliary; she was bombed and sunk off Ceylon (Sri Lanka) by Japanese aircraft in 1942 (more details here, here and here).]

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27 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.03, Long 29.00

10.0am: Divisions, Church, etc.

pm: Sunday Routine.

[Number on Sick list: 1 Hospital]

[Temperature peaked at 78F at noon]

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28 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.03, Long 29.00

am: Condemned 18 lbs preserved meats.

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 65 lbs]

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29 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.03, Long 29.00

[Nothing of note in log]

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[Blank page]

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[Blank page]

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[Blank page]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log]

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[Right hand side of cover, July 30 to August 31 1919, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

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[Blank page]

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[Page indicating some previous data for distances run and fuel expended, signed by Commander Dixon, date 31st August 1919]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers as before but with manufacturer for Thermometer for Sea Temperature given, the same as for Thermometer for Air Temperature, SA Caldra [sic]]

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30 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.03, Long 29.00

[Nothing of note in log]

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31 July 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.03, Long 29.00

[Nothing of note in log, temperature peaked at 80F at 4pm]


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1 August 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.03, Long 29.00

10.0am: Exercised Control Parties, Sightsetters, Gunlayers and Rangetakers.

6.30pm: Weighed Port anchor.

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2 August 1919

From Constantinople to Sevastopol

Lat 41.50, Long 29.73

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded, Courses various, 220 revs.

7.58am: Anatolia light house S41W, 7 cables, set course N70E.

8.17am: Altered course N47E through swept Channel.

8.35am: First Channel Buoy.

9.25am: Second Channel Buoy.

9.50am: Bosphorous [Bosphorus] light vessel abeam, set course N45E. Streamed Patent Log.

0.18pm: Sighted HMS Emperor of India [battleship].

[Distance run through the Water: 50 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Anatolia light house 330 degrees, distant 33 miles]

[Temperature peaked at 84F at noon]

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3 August 1919

From Constantinople to Sevastopol

Lat 43.73, Long 32.73

am: Sunday Routine.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection, Church.

3.20pm: 2nd Boiler connected up, log 250.5, 240 revs.

6.17pm: Feolent [Fiolent] Point 60 degrees, distant 1 mile, altered course N34W.

6.45pm: Cossack Point abeam.

7.5pm: Cape Khersonese [Chersones] Light House abeam, distant 0.25 miles. 7.8pm: Altered course N60E, second Boiler discontinued.

7.40pm: Obelisk abeam (Red and White), altered course N80E.

7.50pm: Passed through outer boom courses various entering Sebastapol [Sevastopol].

7.58pm: Passed through inner boom. Reduced speed.

8.10pm: Secured to Buoy. Stop. Clocks retarded 1 hour.

Total distance 307 [miles]

[Distance run through the Water: 193 + 54 (to Sevastopol) miles]

[Course and Distance made good: 45 degrees, 187 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Sarish [Sarich or Sarych] point light house 51 degrees, distant 48 miles]

[Temperature peaked at 91F at noon]

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4 August 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.56 [estimated]

8.0am: Cast off from Buoy, proceeded alongside oiler Baphodel [actually Oiler RFA Rapidol]. Helm and engines various.

9.25am: Cast off from oiler and proceeded to S Bay [Sevastopol Bay].

9.45am: Secured to Buoy in S Bay. Stop.

am: Received 17 tons oil.

pm: Hands employed as requisite.

[Fuel remaining: Coal 27.5 cwt, Oil 28.24 tons]

[Note: RFA “Rapidol” was an Admiralty tanker built in Hartlepool in 1917. Information in the reference above notes “4 August 1919 at Sevastopol HM Monitor M29 alongside to be refuelled with 17 tons of fuel oil”. She also served in WW2 and was sold to Moller Line, Hong Kong in 1948 and renamed “Louise Moller”; in 1951 she was renamed “Mount Cameron”; she was broken up in Hong Kong in 1955 (more details here).]

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5 August 1919

From Sevastopol to Ochakov [also known as Ochakiv]

Lat 44.62, Long 33.56

3.0pm: Cast off from Buoy and Proceeded, Courses and speeds various.

3.25pm: Rounded Battery, set course N1E, 220 revs.

4.0pm: Streamed Patent Log.

5.10pm: Lukul Bluff abeam, log 7.4.

5.40pm: Cape Lukul abeam 1 mile.

5.45pm: Courses various, closing HMS Swallow. Patent Log hauled in.

6.15pm: Taken in tow by HMS Swallow and proceeded Course N7W. Patent Log Streamed and set.

7.40pm: Eupatoria Light N31W, log 16.5 (True).

8.0pm: Eupatoria Light 6 degrees, distant 3.5 miles. 8.10pm: Eupatoria light abeam.

10.0pm: Cape Tarkhan light bearing N61W.

11.15pm: Cape Tarkhan light abeam, distant 1 mile. 11.22pm: Cape Tarkhan light bearing 72 degrees, altered course N36W (true).

11.25pm: Helm and Engines various to clear HMS Swallow (stopped). Patent log carried away whilst working engines.

[Log] [Cut by propeller]

[Course and Distance made good: Various 74 miles (to Midnight)]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 26 cwt, Oil 43.84 tons]

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6 August 1919

From Sevastopol to Ochakov and at Ochakov

Lat 46.58, Long 31.47 [estimated]

0.20am: Proceeded. 0.40am: Speed of Towing vessel (HMS Swallow) 12 knots.

6.22am: Tendra light house bearing N3W (true).

7.20am: Tendra light house abeam, distant 5 miles, altered course N20W.

7.30am: Reduced speed and cast off from HMS Swallow.

8.0am: Set course N20E. Proceeded at 240 revs.

9.55am: Reduced speed. 10.06am: Anchored in 5 fathoms, Kinburn Beacon bearing 34 degrees distant 2650 yards.

8.0pm: Exercised Guns Crew (night). Steam at moments notice.

[Distance run through the Water: 87 miles]

[Sea temperature recorded from pm onwards, 78F at 6pm]

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7 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.58, Long 31.47

am: Main engines at 1 hours notice.

8.0pm: Exercised 6” Guns Crew (night). Engines at moments notice.

[True Bearing and Distance: Kinburn Beacon 34 degrees, distant 2650 yards]

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8 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.58, Long 31.47

am: Exercised 6” night Guns Crew. Main engines at 1 hours notice.

8.0pm: Exercised 6” night guns Crew.

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9 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.58, Long 31.47

4.0am: Russian ships rounding Kinburn Spit opened fire in Ochakov Batterys.

am and pm: Saturday Routine.

[Temperature peaked at 69F at noon]

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10 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.58, Long 31.47

2.0am: Exercised night guns crew. Time taken to assemble 2 minutes.

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection, and church.

11.30am: French Motor Boat alongside.

0.30pm: French Motor Boat left.

8.0pm: Night Guns Crew mustered.

[Peak temperature 66F at 4pm, sea temperature 62F]

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11 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.58, Long 31.47

2.45am: Exercised 6” night guns crew.

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4.0pm: Evening Quarters.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 14 cwt, Oil 31.58 tons]

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12 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.58, Long 31.47

4.13am: Weighed and proceeded, set course S20W.

4.36am: Anchored in 4 fathoms, 2 shackles.

10.0am: Fired 12 rounds 6" on Ochakov Batterys.

11.0am: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds various closing Russian Destroyer.

11.44am: Set course S40W. Received 1/2 ton coal (culinary [?])

0:11pm: Anchored.

[Distance run through the Water: 11 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 21.5 [cwt], Oil 29.97 tons]

[Peak temperature 73F at noon, sea temperature 63F]

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13 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.61, Long 31.46 [estimated]

9.0am: Physical drill.

9:30am: Weighed and proceeded at 220 revs, set course North. 9:57am: Altered course N30W.

10:25am: Courses various anchoring.

10:45am: Anchored in 4.5 fathoms.

10:50am: Opened Fire on Ochakov Batterys.

11.28am: Cease Fire.

11.30am: Weighed and proceeded slow ahead with HMS Caradoc.

11.49am: Anchored. 11.53am: Shore Batterys replied. Weighed and proceeded, Courses various.

0.5pm: Opened Fire on Ochakov Batterys.

0.10pm: Cease Fire. Stop. 0.12pm: Proceeded, Courses and speeds various. 0.25pm: Anchored.

2.20pm: Opened Fire on Ochakov Batterys.

3.35pm: Cease Fire. 3.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to previous (AM) Anchorage. Set course S13E, 220 revs.

4.35pm: Anchored in 7.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. Stop.

[Anchor bearings] Fort Nicolau [Fort Nikolaev] 13 degrees, Berezan 338 degrees.

[Distance run through the Water: 17 miles]

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14 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.48, Long 31.50 [estimated]

5.17am: Shore Batterys opened Fire.

6.27am: Weighed and proceeded to new anchorage 2.5 miles S8W. Set course S8W, 220 revs.

6.58am: Anchored in 9 fathoms, 3 shackles.

9.48am: Proceeded alongside HMS Caradoc for oil fuel. Courses and speeds various.

10.05am: Stop. Secured alongside HMS Caradoc. Received 14 tons oil fuel.

3.10pm: Cast off from HMS Caradoc and proceeded to anchorage, Courses and speeds various.

3.30pm: Stop, anchored in 6 fathoms, 3 shackles.

[Anchor bearings] Berezan Light 321 degrees, Tendra Light House 191 degrees.

[Distance run through the Water: 7 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 17 cwt, Coal 26.38 tons]

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15 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.46, Long 31.56 [estimated]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 15 cwt, Coal 38.55 tons]

[Nothing of note in log, temperature peaked at 71F at noon, sea temperature 62F]

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16 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.46, Long 31.56

am: Hands employed as requisite. Saturday Routine.

1.3pm: Weighed and proceeded 220 revs set course S6E.

1.59pm: Tendra Light House abeam 2.5 miles distant.

2.07pm: Helm and engines various approaching Tendra anchorage.

2.08pm: Anchored in 6.75 fathoms, 1.75 shackles.

[Anchor bearings, True] Tendra Light House N78W, Tendra point Beacon NE extreme N23W.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 17 cwt, Oil 36.58 tons]

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17 August 1919

At Tendra Bay

Lat 46.47, Long 31.61 [estimated]

7.35am: Weighed and proceeded alongside oiler Rapidol, Courses and speeds various.

7.55am: Secured alongside Rapidol.

9.35am: Cast off from Rapidol and proceeded alongside SS Asteria, Courses and speeds various.

9.55am: Secured alongside SS Asteria for ammunition.

am: Received 10 tons oil fuel. Received 1 ton of Coal.

1.24pm: Cast off and proceeded 220 revs, course West.

1.34pm: Anchored in 6.5 fathoms, 3 shackles.

6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded to new anchorage, courses and speeds various.

6.15pm: Anchored in 2 fathoms, 1 shackle. Tendra Light House 293 degrees, distant 12 cables.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 4 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Tendra Lighthouse 293 degrees, 16 cables]

[Provisions received: Vegetables 654 lbs]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 35.33 tons]

[Temperature peaked at 67F, sea temperature 64F]

[Note: For details of RFA “Rapidol” see 4 August 1919 in this log. For details of SS “Asteria” see 9 May 1919 in this log.]

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18 August 1919

At Tendra Anchorage

Lat 46.50, Long 31.56

[True Bearing and Distance: Tendra light house 293 degrees, distant 12 cables]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 29.5 cwt, Coal 44.03 tons]

[Nothing of note in log, temperature peaked at 74F at 4pm]

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19 August 1919

At Tendra Bay

Lat 46.50, Long 31.56

9.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, Courses and speeds various.

9.34pm: Stop. Anchored in 6 fathoms, 2 shackles. Tendra Light House 295 degrees, distant 16 cables.

[Distance run through the Water: 1.5 miles] [this should presumably be on next page]

[True Bearing and Distance: Tendra light house 293 degrees, distant 12 cables]

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20 August 1919

At Tendra Anchorage

Lat 46.48, Long 31.57 [estimated]

am: Coaling Party supplied to SS Dago.

[True Bearing and Distance: Tendra light house 295 degrees, distant 16 cables]

[Note: SS “Dago” was a British cargo ship built in Dundee, Scotland in 1902 and owned by Wilson Line, Hull; she was lengthened in 1909; in 1917 she went to Ellerman Wilson Line, Hull; she was sunk in an air raid off Portugal in 1942 (more details here).]

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21 August 1919

From Tendra Anchorage to Ochakov Anchorage and at Ochakov Anchorage

Lat 46.48, Long 31.57

am: Physical Drill.

5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded 220 revs, set course North.

5.28pm: Tendra Point abeam distant 0.75 miles.

5.40pm: Stopped for Engine Defects.

6.2pm: Anchored in 7 fathoms.

6.12pm: Weighed and proceeded, set course N12W.

6.25pm: Courses and speeds various closing HMS Tumult.

6.37pm: Proceeded, course N12W, 220 revs.

7.8pm: Anchored in 6.75 fathoms, 2 shackles cable.

[Distance run through the Water: 10 miles] [this should presumably be on next page]

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 103 lbs]

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22 August 1919

At Ochakov (Anchorage)

Lat 46.60, Long 31.46 [estimated]

10.30am: Exercised Range Takers, Sightsetters, Gunlayers, Control parties.

4.0pm: Heard gunfire from direction of Nicolaeff [Nikolaev].

[Peak temperature 79F at 8am, sea temperature 67F]

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23 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.60, Long 31.46

4.0am: Heard Gun Fire in direction of Nicolaeff [Nikolaev].

am: Saturday Routine.

am: Following stores Condemned:- 284 lbs potatoes, 14 lbs corned beef, 3 tins milk, 2 tins Salmon, 1 tin rabbit.

7.48pm: Heavy gunfire in direction of Ochakov.

10.55pm: Observed Star Shells being fired on shore to northward at Ochakov.

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24 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.60, Long 31.46

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

8.30am: Wind shifted to NExN.

8.40am: Turkish motor boat approaching from direction of Ochakov.

9.0am: Divisions, Inspection and Church.

5.30pm: Heard gunfire from direction of Ochakov (inland).

6.17pm: Ochakov Batterys opened fire.

[Rain from noon onwards]

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25 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.60, Long 31.46

4.0am: Wind shifted to WNW.

6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded at 220 revs, set course S1W.

7.57pm: Stop. Anchored in 7 fathoms, 3 shackles. Tendra light house 285 degrees, distant 22 cables.

[Course and Distance made good: 181 degrees, distant 11 miles]

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 120 lbs]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 16.5 cwt, Oil 33.35 tons]

[Peak temperature 71F at noon, sea temperature 67F]

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26 August 1919

From Tendra to Ochakov

Lat 46.46, Long 31.58 [estimated]

5.20am: SS Dago and Asteria proceeded to Sevastopol.

6.5am: Weighed and proceeded alongside oiler Montenol.

6.25am: Secured alongside oiler.

7.20am: Cast off from oiler and proceeded, course and speed various.

7.33am: Anchored in 3.5 fathoms, 2 shackles.

am: Received 13.5 tons oil fuel.

2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded at 220 revs, set course N4W.

2.42pm: Tendra Point abeam distant 0.5 miles.

4.20pm: Stop. Picked up target. 4.25pm: Proceeded.

4.40pm: Kinburn Spit abeam (North end).

5.0pm: Courses and speeds various approaching Ochakov anchorage.

[Distance run through the Water: Tendra light house 285 degrees, distant 22 cables]

[Fuel remaining: Coal 15 cwt, Oil 45.25 tons]

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27 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.62, Long 31.56 [estimated]

10.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Pier, Courses and Speeds various.

11.25am: Stop. Secured alongside Pier (Ochakov).

7.30pm: Cast off from Pier and proceeded to Anchorage, helm and engines various.

7.37pm: Anchored in 3.75 fathoms, 1.75 shackles off Ochakov Pier.

[Distance run through the Water: 2 miles]

[Temperature peaked at 69F at noon, sea temperature 66F]

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28 August 1919

At Ochakov

Lat 46.61, Long 31.57 [estimated]

4.0am: Russian armed steamer weighed and proceeded West.

8.15am: Russian Destroyer proceeded into Kherson Bay.

9.30am: Russian ML 405 arrived.

9.45am: Russian Destroyer proceeded to Kherson Bay.

4.15pm: Russian Cruiser anchored off Ochakov.

5.0pm: Skiff capsized.

5.30pm: Skiff towed back to M29 (righted).

7.30pm: Wind shifted to WNW.

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29 August 1919

From Ochakov to Odessa and at Ochakov

Lat 46.57, Long 31.02

2.20am: Wind shifted to NE.

9.8am: Weighed and proceeded 220 revs, set course S75W.

9.53am: Berezan Island (SW extreme) bearing N true distant 0.75 miles, altered course N88W.

0.46pm: Coast Guard Station Chimney abeam, distant 1.25 miles.

1.45pm: Stop. Secured alongside oiler Montenol, received 7 tons oil fuel.

2.26pm: Cast off from Montenol and proceeded to Odessa Harbour, courses and speeds various.

2.36pm: Entered Harbour (Odessa).

2.41pm: Stop. Secured to Buoy.

[Distance run through the Water: Total 35 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Fontana light house 225 degrees, distant 12 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 12 cwt, Oil 40.07 tons]

[Temperature peaked at 78F, sea temperature 66F]

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30 August 1919

At Odessa

Lat 46.51, Long 30.77 [estimated]

am: Saturday Routine.

[Provisions received. Victualling Stores, Fresh Meat 132 lbs]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 11 cwt, Oil 44.81 tons]

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31 August 1919

At Odessa

Lat 46.51, Long 30.77

am and pm: Sunday Routine.

am: 1 Officer (Lieutenant Renfree RNR) discharged for demobilisation, 1 seaman AB Page discharged to Hospital.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection and Church.

Noon: HMS Hibiscus proceeded to Constantinople.


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[Log page not filled in]

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[Blank page]

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[Blank page]

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[Blank page]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log]

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[Right hand side of cover indicating September 1st to October 4th 1919, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

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[Blank page]

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[Page indicating some previous data for distances run and fuel expended]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before, Thermometer manufacturer given as SA Caldra]

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1 September 1919

From Odessa to Sevastopol

Lat 46.51, Long 30.81 [estimated]

4.45am: HMS Empress proceeded.

9.10am: Russian cruiser Kargol entered Harbour.

11.10am: Cast off and proceeded, Courses and speeds various.

11.20am: Stop. 11.40am: Proceeded at 220 revs, Courses and speeds various.

0.55pm: Cape Fontana abeam, altered course S33W.

2.14pm: Rounded red buoy marking West end of minefield, set course S53E.

3.0pm: Altered course S49E. East minefield buoy abeam. Streamed Patent Log.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 3 miles]

[Noon Position] [Odessa Bay]

[Peak temperature 74F, at 4pm, sea temperature 61F]

[Note: It has not been possible to trace a Russian Cruiser named “Kargol” - there was a “Kagul” (listed here) - a Bogatyr Class Protected Cruiser built in 1902; in 1917 she was renamed “Ochakov” and was captured by Germany in 1918, then by Britain and delivered to the White Army in 1918, when she was renamed “General Kornilov”; she was interned by France in Bizerte in 1920, returned to Russia in 1924 and was broken up in 1933 (see also listing here).]

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2 September 1919

From Odessa to Sevastopol and at Sevastopol

Lat 45.57, Long 33.12

3.10am: Stopped for engine defects (vacuum lost), steering gear jammed.

6.0am: Cape Tarkhan Light House N64E.

6.30am: Cape Tarkhan N42E, distant 8.5 miles.

7.45am: Second boiler connected up. 8.0am: Increased to full speed 240 revs.

11.25am: Eupatoria [Yevpatoriya] light house N63E, log 126.5.

0.45pm: Eupatoria light house abeam, distant 8 miles.

4.5pm: Lukul Bluff abeam, distant 1.5 miles.

5.30pm: Rounded Battery, Courses various entering Sevastopol Harbour.

5.55pm: Stop. Secured alongside HMS M22.

pm: Total distance Odessa - Sevastopol 196 miles.

[Distance run through the Water: Various 152 miles = 44 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Eupatoria light house 66 degrees, distant 9 miles]

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3 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52 [estimated]

11.5am: M22 proceeded to Yalta.

0.30pm: Russian SS Yorade Karoco [?] proceeded, Russian SS VEPHOMOPb [possibly an attempt to indicate Cyrillic name, could be Chernomorets] arrived.

1.0pm: French sloop Suipe [probably La Suippe] arrived.

[Temperature peaked at 74F at 4pm]

[Note: Attempts to find the first Russian ship mentioned have not been successful. The exact identity of Chernomorets is also uncertain - there was a Russian naval gunboat of this name (shown here) but she sank in 1911. There was also Russian cargo ship of this name built in Italy in 1899 which was based in Odessa (details here) but she didn’t become “Chernomorets” until 1922.

La Suippe” was a French Scarpe-class naval sloop built in France in 1918 and was known to be in the Crimea in June 1919 (information given here); she was seized by the English in 1940 and was sunk during a German bombing raid on Falmouth in 1941; she was refloated and was scrapped in 1953.]

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4 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

6.30am: Russian SS Kargarits [or Kargarita] entered harbour.

4:22pm: Russian tug alongside, received 1 ton coal from Ark Royal.

5.30pm: HMS Tumult arrived.

5.40pm: SS Polonia sailed.

5.45pm: HMS Tumult proceeded

6.45pm: 1 Russian SS arrived, name unknown.

6.55pm: 1 Russian SS arrived, name unknown.

[Note: It has not been possible to identify the Russian ship mentioned at 6.30am.

There was an SS “Polonia” [listed here] built in 1910 as “Kursk” for Russian American Line but she was not renamed “Polonia” until 1920 or 1921 (more details here).]

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5 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

6.30am: Shifted Berths to Buoy.

10.0am: Exercised control parties, gunlayers, sightsetters and rangetakers.

Noon: French destroyers R1 and R2 arrived (ex Russian to be turned over to Russians) [both vessels listed here].

1.0pm: SS Elegetheran [?] arrived.

4.45pm: Russian SS ПOTИ [presumably Cyrillic - SS Poti] entered harbour.

9.30pm: 1 SS sailed, name and nationality unknown.

[Note: “R1” was a Russian Derzky-class destroyer built in 1913 and originally named “Bespokoiny”, captured by Germany in 1918, then by France (and renamed R1); she was delivered to the White Army in 1919 and reverted to her previous name; she was interned in France in Bizerte in 1920, returned to Soviet Russia and was broken up in 1930.

R2” was a Russian Lieutenant Shestakov-class cruiser built in 1907 as “Lieutenant Pushchin”; she was captured by Germany in 1918 and was renamed R04, then by France (and renamed R2); she was delivered to the White Army in 1919 and was renamed “Kapitan Saken”; she was interned in France in Bizerte in 1920, returned to Soviet Russia and was broken up after 1924.

It has not been possible to identify the ships mentioned at 1.0pm.

There was a Russian Torpedo Boat named “Poti” (details here), built in 1883 in France, reclassified as harbour craft in 1908 but active as a dispatch vessel from October 1916; she was laid up in March 1918, was then captured by the Germans, then the British/French in November 1918; she was transferred to the White Army in April 1919 but at this time she was renamed “Okhotnik”,so the entry here may be a reference to her previous name; she was abandoned in November 1920 and was then commissioned in the Red Fleet; she went out of service in 1923.]

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6 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

9.0am: Cast off and proceeded alongside HMS Ark Royal for oil fuel, Courses and speeds various.

10.11am: French Sloop “Escaut” sailed.

Noon: Cast off from “Ark Royal” proceeded to berth, helm and engines various.

2.50pm: HMS Stuart proceeded

5.30pm: Russian SS Koketchtubl [?] arrived.

[Note: “Escaut” was a French Navy Ailette-class sloop built in France in 1918 and broken up in 1934 (limited details here).

It has not been possible to identify the ship mentioned at 5.30pm. ]

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7 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

7.30am: HMS Ark Royal weighed and proceeded.

9.50am: HMS Heliotrope arrived.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection, Church.

1.30pm: HMS Heliotrope sailed.

2.10pm: Monthly Payment. Sunday Routine.

5.10pm: Russian SS [name given in Cyrillic letters, possibly Frnoya Kulla] arrived.

5.20pm: Russian TBD sailed.

Midnight: Russian TBD arrived.

[Wind force 5 during middle part of day, temperature peaked at 81F at 4pm, sea temperature 69F]

[Note: It has not been possible to identify the Russian ship mentioned at 5.10pm.]

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8 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

am: Physical Drill.

1.30pm: Russian Gunboat Georgis [or Giorgio] sailed.

[Wind force 5 during afternoon]

[Note: Tracing the Russian gunboat mentioned at 1.30pm has been challenging. This could have been Russian ship “Georgi Pobieodnosets” (listed here), an Ekaterina II-class battleship built in Sevastopol in 1892 and in commission from 1892 to 1920; she spent most of WW1 in Sevastopol, was captured by both sides during the Russian Civil War and was towed to Bizerte in 1920 and scrapped between 1930 and 1936 (more details here). There is also an outside possibility that this was in fact the Greek armoured Cruiser “Georgis Averof” (listed here) as it is likely she was in this area at this time; she was built in Italy in 1911 and also saw service in WW2; she was decommissioned in 1952 and became a museum ship in Athens in 1984, a role she still fulfils (details here).]

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9 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

10.30am: Russian SSs Gertan and Kinolan arrived.

0.55pm: Russian TBD arrived.

5.25pm: HMS Rapidol arrived.

8.35pm: Russian SS sailed.

[Note: It has not been possible to trace the Russian ships mentioned at 10.30am.]

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10 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

8.0am: Two Russian SSs arrived.

9.5am: Russian seaplane proceeded (west).

10.0am: Russian ML 405 entered.

11.30am: Russian cruiser Kargoul [probably the same ship as “Kargol”, seen on 1 September] entered.

0.35pm: Russian SS CBSTb [? - this looks like an attempt at the Cyrillic name but does not make sense] entered.

6.15pm: Greek Destroyer Pantheon proceeded alongside Rapidol (oiled).

9.10pm: Greek Destroyer proceeded to anchorage.

[Note: It has not been possible to trace a destroyer named “Pantheon” but it is more likely that this was “Panthir”, an Aetos-class Destroyer built in UK in 1911; she was rebuilt in 1924/25 and served with the Royal Navy Mediterranean Fleet from 1941 to 1944; she was broken up in 1946 (details here, here and here). ]

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11 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

am: Physical Drill.

2.30pm: HM oiler Rapidol proceeded to Odessa.

[Peak air and sea temperature 69F at 4pm]

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12 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

6.10am: HMS Stuart arrived.

10.0am: Exercised Gunlayers and Trainers, sightsetters, rangetaker[s] and control parties.

pm: Captain left ship for hospital. Passage by HMS Stuart and servant.

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13 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

am and pm: Saturday Routine.

7.30am: French sloop “Ypres” arrived.

[Note: “Ypres” may have been a Terre Neuve 4-masted schooner built in Seattle, USA in 1918 and requisitioned by the French Navy; in 1922 she was sold and renamed “Blue Bird”; she was to founder at Perth Amboy, USA in 1932 (details here and here).]

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14 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

9.0am: Russian tug “Odessa” proceeded.

10.0am: Divisions, Inspection, Church.

pm: Sunday Routine.

1.0pm: Russian SS Constantine arrived.

3.30pm: Russian SS Pymanousz [?] sailed.

4.10pm: Russian SS Constantine sailed.

[Note: It has not been possible to trace any of the Russian ships mentioned on this page.]

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15 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

7.35am: Russian SS arrived.

9.30am: Physical Drill.

1.20pm: Russian submarine and Tug arrived.

9.55pm: HMS Dianthus arrived.

[Temperature peaked at 76F at 4pm, sea temperature 69F]

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16 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

9.0am: Employed coaling ship.

Noon: Russian Admiral Nenukoff came aboard.

0.30pm: Hands employed coaling.

3.45pm: HMS “Dianthus” proceeded.

[Weather unremarkable but still warm, 73F at noon, sea temperature 69F]

[Note: The Russian Admiral referred to was DG Nenyukov (1869 - 1929) (listed here), a Rear Admiral from 1916; he was Commander of the Black Sea Fleet (White) from August 1919 to February 1920 and again from April to October 1920.]

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17 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

7.35am: Russian auxiliary cruiser Georgie [? or Georgic - it is unclear whether this is the same ship given as “Gunboat Georgis” on 8 September] proceeded.

8.20am: Russian steamer Marie arrived.

4.40pm: Russian SS proceeded.

[Note: It has not been possible to identify the Russian steamer mentioned at 8.20am.]

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18 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

Noon: Greek SS KEΘAVVHNIA [attempt at Cyrillic equivalent - probably Cephalonia, given the entry the following day] arrived.

[Note: There was an SS “Kephalonia” in Greek ownership at this time; she was a yacht built in Scotland in 1880 as “Catarina”; she then changed hands many times and had many names and nationalities (she was requisitioned by The Admiralty from 1915 to 1918 as auxiliary patrol yacht HMS “Sayonara”); she was to sink off Syria in 1942 (details here).]

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19 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

10.15am: Russian SS arrived with tug and TBD in tow.

4.50pm: Greek steamer “Cephalonia” proceeded.

[Temperature peaked at 69F, sea temperature 68F]

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20 September 1919

At Sevastopol

Lat 44.62, Long 33.52

0.55am: Russian steamer proceeded.

am and pm: Saturday Routine.

9.40am: Russian steamer entered towing lighter.

3.10pm: Greek Destroyer arrived.

[Provisions received: Vegetables 94 lbs]

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21 September 1919

From Sevastopol to Yalta and at Yalta

Lat 44.39, Long 34.06 [estimated]

5.30am: Slipped and proceeded, Courses and speeds various.

5.50am: Passed outer boom, set course S80W, 220 revs.

6.38am: Cape Khersonese Light House abeam 0.25 mile, altered course S35E.

7.0am: Cossack Point abeam, altered course S45E.

7.55am: Cape Feolent bearing N, altered course S27W.

8.25am: Cape Aia bearing East, altered course S70E.

9.47am: Sarich Point abeam, altered course East.

11.32am: Stop. Exploded 1 Guncotton charge. 11.35am: Proceeded.

11.43am: Cape Ilumen [Ilmen or Mys Il’men-Burnu] abeam distant 0.5 miles.

0.28pm: Cape Aitador Light House abeam 1.5 cables.

0.45pm: Courses various approaching Yalta.

1.15pm: Secured alongside oiler Rapidol.

1.55pm: Cast off from Rapidol and proceeded to Harbour. Helm and engines various.

2.10pm: Secured alongside M22. Stop.

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22 September 1919

At Yalta

Lat 44.49, Long 34.17 [estimated]

0.15am: Russian SS proceeded.

[Nothing else at all in log, apart from weather information]

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23 September 1919

From Yalta to Constantinople

Lat 44.00, Long 33.50

7.8am: Cast off and proceeded out of Harbour, Helm and engines various.

7.50am: Taken in Tow astern of M22 by HMS “Heliotrope”.

8.0am: Proceeded. Patent Log streamed.

8.28am: Cape Aitador abeam 1 mile, log 5.5, set course S50W.

6.45pm: Connected up 2nd boiler.

[Course and Distance made good: 230 degrees, distant 43 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Sarich point 22 degrees, distant 0.5 miles]

[Lightning from 4 to 8pm, with temperature of 72F]

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24 September 1919

From Yalta to Constantinople

Lat 41.60, Long 29.82

4.0am: Ship rolling heavily to NW swell.

2.30pm: Bosphorous [Bosphorus] light vessel abeam, altered course S47W, Patent Log hauled in.

3.40pm: Western Channel Buoy abeam, Helm and Engines various.

4.3pm: Slipped tow.

4.33pm: Anatolia light house abeam. Stop, shackled on anchor to towing cable.

4.35pm: Proceeded at 240 revs, courses various through Bospharous [Bosphorus].

5.4pm: Kavak point abeam.

5.27pm: Yeni Kioir [Yeni Kioi] abeam,

6:15pm: Moored 7 fathoms, 3 shackles on each Anchor. Stop. Constantinople.

[Course and Distance made good: 230 degrees, distance 221 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance; Anatolia light house 226 degrees, distant 36 miles]

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25 September 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.98 [rough estimate]

[Nothing of note in log]

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26 September 1919

At Constantinople

Lat 41.02, Long 28.98

10.0am: Exercised gunlayers, sightsetters, rangetakers and control parties.

10.40am: Weighed and proceeded alongside M22.

11.0am: Secured alongside M22.

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 112 lbs, Vegetables 560 lbs]

[Temperature peaked at 72F at 4pm, sea temperature 68F]

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27 September 1919

From Constantinople to Malta via Salamis

Lat 41.02, Long 28.98

2.8pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside War Ghurkha [War Ghurka] for oil fuel.

4.29pm: Cast off from oiler and proceeded to anchorage. 4.50pm: Anchored.

5.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, Courses and speeds various.

5.45pm: Seraglio Light House abeam.

6.0pm: Set course S66W, Patent Log streamed, 240 revs.

6.40pm: Cape Stepano [Stefano] Light House abeam 1 mile.

10.35pm: Cape Eripi [?] light bearing N50W.

Midnight: Eripi Light abeam, distant 11 miles. Fanar Adasi [Fener Adasi] Light bearing S60W.

[Note: For details of “War Ghurka” see 26 July in this log.]

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28 September 1919

From Constantinople to Malta via Salamis

Lat 40.06, Long 26.28

1.5am: Fanar Adasi S35E. Increased to 240 revs.

3.40am: Kairzi [Khairsiz] Ada light abeam, distant 2.1 miles, altered course S80W.

8.48am: Gallipoli light house abeam.

9.35am: Karakova abeam, Courses various through Bosphorous [should be Dardanelles, as corrected in details of Currents in the 24 hours ending at Noon - shown as “Southwesterly various through Dardenelles [sic] Bosphorous].

0.15pm: Kum Kali [Kum Kale] abeam. 0.30pm: Set course S23W.

1.10pm: Bashika point abeam 2 miles.

1.45pm: Gadaro light house abeam, 6 cables, altered course S14E.

2.0pm: Courses various closing M22. Stop.

2.45pm: In tow astern of M22 by [HMS] “Spiraea”. Set course S36W. Patent Log streamed.

7.0pm: Clocks retarded 1 hour.

11.30pm: Cape Phassa light bearing S24W.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 142 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Kum Kali 228 degrees, distant 15 miles]

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29 September 1919

From Constantinople to Malta via Salamis and at Salamis

Lat 37.96, Long 23.49 [estimated - note that 8am longitude should probably read 23 57 E]

3.15am: Cape Phassa light abeam distant 2 miles, altered course S47W.

5.20am: Angastero light S61W; Port St Nikols S21W: True.

6.0am: Port St Nikols light abeam 2.5 miles, log 149.4.

10.30am: Stop. Slipped tow and proceeded, courses and speeds various, entering Salamis roads.

11.27am: Lipso Island light house abeam, 2 cables.

Noon: Stop. Anchored in 12 fathoms, 2.75 shackles.

[Temperature peaked at 85F at noon, sea temperature 71F]

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30 September 1919

From Constantinople to Malta via Salamis and at Salamis

Lat 37.87, Long 23.70

7.10am: HMS Tilbury arrived.

8.37am: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Tilbury for oil fuel.

10.5am: Cast off and proceeded, Courses various, 220 revs.

10.40am: Atlanta Light abeam, set course S51W.

am: Received 11.5 tons oil fuel.

2.48pm: Entered East side Corinth Canal, courses various passing through.

3.23pm: Passed through West end Corinth Canal.

3.40pm: Stop. Taken in tow astern of M22 by HMS Spiraea

3.45pm: Patent Log streamed. Course N56W.

4.30pm: Cape Melangor abeam 2 miles, altered course N66W.

7.20pm: Cape Psaromyta [Psaromita] N49W.

8.0pm: Cape Psaromyta N33W distant 4 miles.

8.30pm: Cape Psaromyta abeam distant 2.25 miles.

9.0pm: Morno light [Cape Mornos] N67W, altered course N47W.

9.15pm: Drepano light [Cape Drepano] N82W.

10.13pm: Morno light abeam 1.25 miles.

10.22pm: Drepano Light abeam 0.75 miles, altered course S62W.

10.45pm: Rhion Light (Narrows) abeam 0.5 miles, altered course S71W.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 14 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Cape Khouki [?] 88 degrees, 2.5 miles]


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1 October 1919

From Constantinople to Malta via Salamis

Lat 37.48, Long 19.20

0.45am: Cape Pappas light S68W.

4.45am: Cape Skinnari [Skinari] light abeam, distant 2 miles, log 120.

4.0am: Clocks retarded 1 hour.

[Course and Distance made good: Various 151 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Skinnari 70 degrees, distant 78 miles]

[Temperature peaked at 84F at 4pm, sea temperature 77F]

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2 October 1919

From Salamis to Malta and at Malta

Lat 36.03, Long 14.87

2.5pm: Slipped tow. 2.15pm: Courses and speeds various entering Malta.

2.22pm: Passed Breakwater. 2.35pm: Secured to Buoy

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3 October 1919

At Malta

Lat 35.90, Long 14.52 [estimated]

[Provisions received: Fresh Meat 100 lbs, Bread 70 lbs]

[Nothing of note in log]

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4 October 1919

At Malta

Lat 35.90, Long 14.52

6.0am: Hands employed Returning stores and as Requisite. Ship paying off.

2.0pm: Hands employed Returning stores and as requisite.

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