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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Cruiser, ex-armoured Cruiser, Drake-class

Pendant No. P.09 (1914). Launched 5.3.01 Pembroke DY. 14,100 tons, 533(oa), 500(pp)x71x25ft. TE 30000ihp, 24kts. Armament: 2-9.2in, 16-6in, 14-12pdr, 2-18in tt. Armour: 6in sides, 3in deck, 6in guns. Crew: 900. 6th CS Grand Fleet 1914-15, North America & West Indies 1916-17.Torpedoed by U.79 in North Channel, capsized 2.10.17 in Rathlin Sound. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Reduced to reserve at Portsmouth in 1913 but recommissioned for July 1914 Test Mobilisation. In January 1915 joined 6th CS, Grand Fleet, and was refitted in October. From 1916 used for ocean escort, and was refitted, with all lower deck casemate 6in guns replaced by four in shields on the shelter deck p&s. On 2 October 1917 she was torpedoed by U 79 off Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland. She drifted into Rathlin Sound and sank, but without heavy loss of life. Demolition of the wreck was started c 1970. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


4f961c72a2fc8e2def00292b: ( 53-40165-001_0.jpg)

Page signed: Fawcet Wray, Captain

4f961c72a2fc8e2def00292c: ( 53-40165-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

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4f961c73a2fc8e2def00292f: ( 53-40165-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2368: From 22 February 1916 To: In use

Operations in the North Atlantic 1916

JP map Drake North Atlantic 1916

4f961c73a2fc8e2def002930: ( 53-40165-003_1.jpg)

1 June 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

9.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.45am: 9 Ratings joined the Ship

1.30pm: Discharged 2 Privates Royal Marine Light Infantry to Hospital

2.30pm: Gave leave to Chief & 1st Class Petty Officers till 7.00am. Hands make & mend clothes

4.45pm: Quarters

Sick list 14

4f961c74a2fc8e2def002931: ( 53-40165-004_0.jpg)

2 June 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

6.00am: Landed working party & escort

9.40am: Tugs CHIEFTAIN & LINTIE came alongside with Bullion

11.00am: Hands employed clearing Tugs & as required

1.45pm: 2 Ratings joined the Ship

3.30pm: Discharged 1 Stoker to the Shore

4.40pm: Read Warrant No 53

9.40pm: 2 Privates Royal Marine Light Infantry joined

Sick list 18

4f961c74a2fc8e2def002932: ( 53-40165-004_1.jpg)

3 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

6.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea

8.30am: Discharged 1 Rating to HMS MARTIN

1.37pm: Weighed

1.41pm: Proceeded, Course & speeds as required, HM Torpedo Boat Destroyers MARTIN & NEREIDE took station ahead as Escort

2.20pm: Passed through Boom

3.05pm: Little Cumbrae Light abeam

4.02pm: Pladda Light abeam 5000yd

4.35pm: Ailsa Craig abeam 1.5 miles

6.16pm: Fair Head abeam

8.10pm: Malin Head abeam 1.25 miles

10.05pm: Tory Island Light abeam 3.5 miles

11.03pm: Aran Island Light abeam

Midnight: Escort parted company

Sick list 18

4f961c74a2fc8e2def002933: ( 53-40165-005_0.jpg)

4 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 53.96, Long -14.2

9.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961c75a2fc8e2def002934: ( 53-40165-005_1.jpg)

5 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 50.99, Long -21.92

1.00pm: Hands scrubbed hammocks

8.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961c75a2fc8e2def002935: ( 53-40165-006_0.jpg)

6 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 47.57, Long -29.13

10.00am: Passed SS THEODORE WILLIAM Norwegian from New York to Liverpool

4.00pm: Read Warrants No 56 & 57

8.45pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961c75a2fc8e2def002936: ( 53-40165-006_1.jpg)

7 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 43.83, Long -35.77

8.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961c76a2fc8e2def002937: ( 53-40165-007_0.jpg)

8 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 39.78, Long -41.58

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

9.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961c76a2fc8e2def002938: ( 53-40165-007_1.jpg)

9 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 37.92, Long -48.2

8.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 6

4f961c76a2fc8e2def002939: ( 53-40165-008_0.jpg)

10 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 40.78, Long -55.12

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

4.40pm: Read Warrant No 60

Sick list 6

4f961c76a2fc8e2def00293a: ( 53-40165-008_1.jpg)

11 June 1916

From Greenock to Halifax, or at Halifax

Lat 44.12, Long -62.53

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

3.05pm: Chebucto Fog Signal N80W

4.10pm: Course & speeds as required

4.20pm: Portuguese Shoal buoy abeam

5.26pm: Passed boom defence

5.35pm: Stopped, let go Port Bower in C berth

6.45pm: Collier CHARTERHOUSE came alongside

Sick list 8

4f961c77a2fc8e2def00293b: ( 53-40165-009_0.jpg)

12 June 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.26am: Commenced coaling

8.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 8

4f961c77a2fc8e2def00293c: ( 53-40165-009_1.jpg)

13 June 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.00am: Commenced coaling

6.00am: Tug GOPHER came alongside. Party disembarking Bullion

6.55am: Finished coaling

7.30am: Collier CHARTERHOUSE left

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & landing bullion

Sick list 9

4f961c77a2fc8e2def00293d: ( 53-40165-010_0.jpg)

14 June 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.00am: Exercised Divers monthly dip

9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores & getting in provisions

7.10pm: Read Warrant No 62

Sick list 10

4f961c78a2fc8e2def00293e: ( 53-40165-010_1.jpg)

15 June 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

11.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

4.40pm: Read Warrants Nos 61 & 63

6.00pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

Sick list 11

4f961c78a2fc8e2def00293f: ( 53-40165-011_0.jpg)

16 June 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.50pm: Mr Raven, Chief Gunner, joined from CALGARIAN

Sick list 10

4f961c78a2fc8e2def002940: ( 53-40165-011_1.jpg)

17 June 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 64

Sick list 8

4f961c79a2fc8e2def002941: ( 53-40165-012_0.jpg)

18 June 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.00am: Landed Roman Catholics & Wesleyan & Presbyterians

10.00am: Landed church party for Memorial Service

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 5

4f961c79a2fc8e2def002942: ( 53-40165-012_1.jpg)

19 June 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.00am: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

1.30pm: 27 Ratings joined from NIOBE for passage. 1 Acting Gunner & 1 Bugler, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined from ISIS

3.00pm: Hands employed preparing for sea

Sick list 4

4f961c79a2fc8e2def002943: ( 53-40165-013_0.jpg)

20 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea

8.00am: Dense fog

10.20am: EMPRESS OF BRITAIN proceeded

10.40am: MISSANABIE proceeded

10.40am: Weighed foul anchor

11.17am: Proceeded, course & speed as required

11.30am: Passed boom defence

Noon: Course South

12.26pm: Chebucto Fog Signal abeam

12.44pm: Left War Channel, altered course S47E

1.25pm: Eased 30 revs to allow Convoy (MISSANABIE & EMPRESS OF BRITAIN) to take station astern

8.40pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 6

4f961c7aa2fc8e2def002944: ( 53-40165-013_1.jpg)

21 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 43.45, Long -57.28

8.10am: Fog lifted

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

9.20pm: Darken ship

Sick list 10

4f961c7aa2fc8e2def002945: ( 53-40165-014_0.jpg)

22 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 43.09, Long -50.0

8.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961c7aa2fc8e2def002946: ( 53-40165-014_1.jpg)

23 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 45.32, Long -43.42

9.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961c7aa2fc8e2def002947: ( 53-40165-015_0.jpg)

24 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 48.93, Long -36.75

12.07pm: Signalled SS HERMES [?] (Russian) bound for Archangel

1.40pm: Took station ahead of convoy

9.45pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 12

4f961c7ba2fc8e2def002948: ( 53-40165-015_1.jpg)

25 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 51.8, Long -30.07

9.30am: Ship’s company mustered by Open List

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

9.45am: Darkened ship

Sick list 12

4f961c7ba2fc8e2def002949: ( 53-40165-016_0.jpg)

26 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 54.0, Long -23.32

9.50pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961c7ba2fc8e2def00294a: ( 53-40165-016_1.jpg)

27 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

[Lat 55.9, Long -15.2 estimated]

[Noon latitude shown in logbook as 59º 55’N, which is inconsistent with the 8am & 8pm positions]

3.30pm: Passed HMS COLUMBELLA

5.40pm: Sighted Destroyer Escort CAMELEON, ALARM & NEMESIS. NEMESIS took station ahead

6.30pm: Parted company with Convoy

Sick list 11

4f961c7ca2fc8e2def00294b: ( 53-40165-017_0.jpg)

28 June 1916

From Halifax to Greenock, or at Greenock

Lat 55.73, Long -4.93

5.05am: Rue Point abeam 3 cables

10.30am: Ailsa Craig abeam 1 mile

12.52pm: NEMESIS parted company

1.23pm: Stopped

1.24pm: Let go Starboard Bower

2.30pm: Discharged Mr Raven, Gunner, & 12 Marines to Portsmouth & 13 Ratings to Chatham

3.30pm: Discharged 60 Ratings to Devonport

4.10pm: Commenced coaling

4.40pm: Discharged 3 Ratings to Hospital

8.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 11

4f961c7ca2fc8e2def00294c: ( 53-40165-017_1.jpg)

29 June 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

5.25am: Commenced coaling

7.30am: Read Warrants Nos 67, 68 & 69. Discharged 3 Ratings to Detention Quarters

1.00pm: Discharged 1 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry to Hospital. Landed store party

5.05pm: Finished coaling

5.30pm: Collier WESTGARTH left

Sick list 9

4f961c7ca2fc8e2def00294d: ( 53-40165-018_0.jpg)

30 June 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

10.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

10.30am: 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship

11.45am: 11 Ratings joined from Royal Navy Barracks Devonport

1.00pm: Paid Quarterly settlement to Ship’s company

Sick list 12

4f961c7da2fc8e2def00294e: ( 53-40165-018_1.jpg)

4f961c7da2fc8e2def00294f: ( 53-40165-020_0.jpg)

4f961c7da2fc8e2def002950: ( 53-40165-020_1.jpg)

4f961c7ea2fc8e2def002951: ( 53-40165-021_0.jpg)

4f961c7ea2fc8e2def002952: ( 53-40165-021_1.jpg)


4f961c7ea2fc8e2def002953: ( 53-40166-001_0.jpg)

Page signed: Harry S Moore [?], Commander, for Captain

4f961c7fa2fc8e2def002954: ( 53-40166-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander (N), Navigating Officer

4f961c7fa2fc8e2def002955: ( 53-40166-002_0.jpg)

4f961c7fa2fc8e2def002956: ( 53-40166-002_1.jpg)

4f961c80a2fc8e2def002957: ( 53-40166-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2368: From 22 February 1916 To: In use

4f961c80a2fc8e2def002958: ( 53-40166-003_1.jpg)

1 July 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

9.00am: Hands employed drawing Warrant Officers Stores

10.00am: 34 Ratings joined from Royal Navy Barracks Devonport

11.00am: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

Sick list 9

4f961c80a2fc8e2def002959: ( 53-40166-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

10.30am: Performed Diving Service

10.30am: 1 Rating joined from Devonport

11.30am: Lieut Stock Royal Marine Light Infantry & 1 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry joined the ship


6.45pm: Discharged Lieut Parsons Royal Marine Light Infantry & 1 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry to Stonehouse

9.00pm: Mr [left blank] Act [? Acting] Sub [? Sub-Lieutenant] joined for passage

Sick list 7

4f961c80a2fc8e2def00295a: ( 53-40166-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

8.30am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

10.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea & as requisite

11.30am: Steam lighter PLOVER came alongside with stores

1.40pm: Weighed

1.45pm: Proceeded, Course as required

2.19pm: Passed boom defence

2.20pm: Destroyers MARTIN & LYRA took station on either bow

3.05pm: Little Cumbrae abeam

4.05pm: Pladda Lighthouse abeam

4.36pm: Ailsa Craig abeam

6.16pm: Tor Point abeam

6.35pm: Rue Point abeam

10.12pm: Skerryvore Light N76.5W

Sick list 8

4f961c81a2fc8e2def00295b: ( 53-40166-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 56.11, Long -14.77

7.30am: MARTIN & LYRA parted company

1.15pm: SS OLYMPIC passed to North, bound East

5.15pm: Read Warrant No 70

7.00pm: Passed steamer bound East

8.45pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 7

4f961c81a2fc8e2def00295c: ( 53-40166-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 53.67, Long -24.53

6.00pm: 6-inch guns crews at loading competition

9.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961c81a2fc8e2def00295d: ( 53-40166-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 50.36, Long -32.99

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

9.30pm: Darkened ship. Exercised search lights crew

Sick list 13

4f961c82a2fc8e2def00295e: ( 53-40166-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 46.9, Long -40.76

11.00am: Hands employed overhauling coaling gear

9.00pm: Darkened ship

10.15pm: Fog

Sick list 16

4f961c82a2fc8e2def00295f: ( 53-40166-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 43.7, Long -47.67

1.30pm: 6-inch guns crews at loading competition

8.40pm: Darkened ship

9.45pm: Commenced sounding on Newfoundland bank

10.45pm: Stopped sounding

Midnight: Fog lifting

Sick list 12

4f961c82a2fc8e2def002960: ( 53-40166-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 43.4, Long -56.22

7.40am: Fog

10.15am: Performed Divine Service

1.30pm: Passed a steamer bound West

9.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961c83a2fc8e2def002961: ( 53-40166-008_0.jpg)

10 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

4.34am: Commenced sounding

8.03am: Stopped

8.25am: Proceeded

9.00am: Stopped sounding

9.30am: Fog lifted. Course as requisite

9.37am: Entered War Channel

10.32am: Passed boom defence

10.45am: Stopped. Let go Port Bower

10.47am: Let go Starboard Bower

11.10am: Moored in C Berth

11.20am: Collier KINGFIELD came alongside

1.00pm: Commenced coaling

2.00pm: Discharged Mr Keogh, Sub-Lieutenant, & 1 Engineer artificer to NIOBE. Found here HMS LEVIATHAN, CUMBERLAND & NIOBE

7.45pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 9

4f961c83a2fc8e2def002962: ( 53-40166-008_1.jpg)

11 July 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.30am: Commenced coaling

9.30am: Hands employed coaling ship & drawing stores

3.12pm: Finished coaling received 1502 tons

3.35pm: Collier KINGFIELD left

Sick list 13

4f961c83a2fc8e2def002963: ( 53-40166-009_0.jpg)

12 July 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.45am: 1 Leading Seaman rejoined from Hospital

Sick list 9

4f961c84a2fc8e2def002964: ( 53-40166-009_1.jpg)

13 July 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.30am: 1 Telegraphist (Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve) joined from CUMBERLAND

4.30pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

5.00pm: HMS BERWICK arrived & anchored in Bedford Basin

Sick list 8

4f961c84a2fc8e2def002965: ( 53-40166-010_0.jpg)

14 July 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Sick list 3

4f961c84a2fc8e2def002966: ( 53-40166-010_1.jpg)

15 July 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

5.40pm: 1 Lieutenant, 1 Surgeon, 4 Warrant Officers & 51 Ratings from the NEWCASTLE joined for passage

Sick list 5

4f961c84a2fc8e2def002967: ( 53-40166-011_0.jpg)

16 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 44.17, Long -62.33

5.12am: Unmoored

5.40am: Weighed Starboard anchor

7.00am: Weighed

7.09am: Proceeded. Course as requisite

8.07am: Chebucto Head abeam

8.15am: Shaped course S43E

8.20am: Took station ahead of Convoy, LAPLAND & EMPRESS OF BRITAIN

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

9.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 7

4f961c85a2fc8e2def002968: ( 53-40166-011_1.jpg)

17 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 43.35, Long -54.73

5.10pm: SS OLYMPIC passed bound West

8.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 6

4f961c85a2fc8e2def002969: ( 53-40166-012_0.jpg)

18 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 43.02, Long -47.68

11.15am: SS MADELINE (CTA) [?] passed bound West

8.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 7

4f961c85a2fc8e2def00296a: ( 53-40166-012_1.jpg)

19 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 45.88, Long -41.07

10.42am: Dropped target. LAPLAND carrying out machine gun Firing at Towed Target

12.25pm: Hauled in Target. Took station ahead of convoy

8.45pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 12

4f961c86a2fc8e2def00296b: ( 53-40166-013_0.jpg)

20 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 48.65, Long -35.14

10.00am: Put over Towing Target, LAPLAND firing machine gun at Towed Target

12.30pm: LAPLAND & EMPRESS OF BRITAIN exchanged Stations

1.50pm: EMPRESS OF BRITAIN carried out machine gun practice

3.20pm: Hauled in Target. LAPLAND took station 4 cables astern

9.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 12

4f961c86a2fc8e2def00296c: ( 53-40166-013_1.jpg)

21 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 51.0, Long -29.2

6.15am: Passed Norwegian barque DELTA bound West

9.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961c86a2fc8e2def00296d: ( 53-40166-014_0.jpg)

22 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 53.05, Long -22.5

8.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961c87a2fc8e2def00296e: ( 53-40166-014_1.jpg)

23 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 54.78, Long -15.32

7.20am: Thick mist

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

4.00pm: Thick fog

6.02pm: Sighted Destroyer Escort to South

6.42pm: Destroyers BRISK & LARNE took over Convoy

8.50pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961c87a2fc8e2def00296f: ( 53-40166-015_0.jpg)

24 July 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 55.43, Long -5.07

2.20am: Sighted Tory Island Light

3.43am: Tory Island Light abeam 4 miles

6.03am: Inishtrahull Light abeam 1.5 miles

6.15am: Thick fog

8.45am: Fog lifting. Fair Head abeam

10.15am: Maidens S51W

11.30am: Ailsa Craig abeam 0.75 miles

12.15pm: Holy Island Light abeam 1.75 miles

12.58pm: Little Cumbrae Light abeam 1.5 miles

2.11pm: Stopped

2.13pm: Let go Starboard Bower

3.20pm: Collier CASTLE EDEN came alongside. Discharged 24 Marines to Chatham & 24 ratings to the PEMBROKE, 1 to VICTORY & 4 to VIVID

4.45pm: Commenced Coaling

5.38pm: Discharged 3 Ratings to Hospital

8.00pm: Stopped Coaling

Sick list 10

4f961c87a2fc8e2def002970: ( 53-40166-015_1.jpg)

25 July 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

5.30am: Commenced coaling

5.45am: Sent Divers to examine shafting of HMS LYRA

11.00am: Discharged 1 Stoker to Hospital

7.30pm: Finished coaling

7.55pm: Collier CASTLE EDEN left

Sick list 10

4f961c88a2fc8e2def002971: ( 53-40166-016_0.jpg)

26 July 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

8.30am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

9.30am: Working party drawing stores

10.00am: Major Boyle & 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship

11.30am: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

3.00pm: 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship

8.20pm: 1 Rating joined from VICTORY

9.30pm: Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, joined the ship

11.10pm: 23 Ratings joined from Devonport

Sick list 12

4f961c88a2fc8e2def002972: ( 53-40166-016_1.jpg)

27 July 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

6.45am: Landed working party to guard

8.35am: Tug CHIEFTAIN came alongside

9.25am: Tug MERLIN came alongside. Hands employed stowing Bullion

11.05am: 4 Ratings joined the ship

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

4.40pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

Sick list 10

4f961c88a2fc8e2def002973: ( 53-40166-017_0.jpg)

28 July 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

10.00am: Hands employed getting in Voice piping & as requisite

Noon: 1 Rating joined from VIVID

Sick list 8

4f961c88a2fc8e2def002974: ( 53-40166-017_1.jpg)

29 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax, or at Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

6.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea

1.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to NEMESIS

1.47pm: Weighed & proceeded, course & speed as requisite

2.26pm: Passed through boom defence. Course S30W. LYRA & NEMESIS took station on either bow

3.15pm: Little Cumbrae abeam

4.10pm: Pladda abeam

4.44pm: Ailsa abeam

6.32pm: Tor Point abeam 1.5 miles

7.00pm: Rue Point abeam

8.45pm: Darkened ship

8.45pm: Inishtrahull Light abeam 1.8 miles

Sick list 10

4f961c89a2fc8e2def002975: ( 53-40166-018_0.jpg)

30 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 54.87, Long -13.87

5.00am: LYRA & NEMESIS parted company

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

9.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961c89a2fc8e2def002976: ( 53-40166-018_1.jpg)

31 July 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 52.9, Long -23.42

8.30pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Passed SS GLENSPIAN [? GLENSPEAN] from Barry to Montreal

Sick list 11

4f961c89a2fc8e2def002977: ( 53-40166-020_0.jpg)

4f961c8aa2fc8e2def002978: ( 53-40166-020_1.jpg)

4f961c8aa2fc8e2def002979: ( 53-40166-021_0.jpg)

4f961c8aa2fc8e2def00297a: ( 53-40166-021_1.jpg)


4f961c8ba2fc8e2def00297b: ( 53-40167-001_0.jpg)

4f961c8ba2fc8e2def00297c: ( 53-40167-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

4f961c8ba2fc8e2def00297d: ( 53-40167-002_0.jpg)

4f961c8ca2fc8e2def00297e: ( 53-40167-002_1.jpg)

[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: Fawcet Wray, Captain

4f961c8ca2fc8e2def00297f: ( 53-40167-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2368: From 22 February 1916 To: In use

4f961c8ca2fc8e2def002980: ( 53-40167-003_1.jpg)

1 August 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 50.18, Long -32.22

2.00am: A1, B1 & 2 12-pounders manned

6.00am: A1, B1 & 2 12-pounders manned

9.00am: Exercised control parties

9.40am: Divisions, Prayers. Eased 70 revs. Hands employed as requisite. Daymen at physical drill

10.24am: Increased 78 revs

11.15am: Put clocks back 15 minutes

12.35pm: Paid monthly money & issued Soap & Tobacco to Ships company

1.30pm: Altered course S86W

3.00pm: A1, B1 & 2 12-pounders manned

4.00pm: Quarters

5.15pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes

7.00pm: A1, B1 & 2 12-pounders manned

8.30pm: Exercised Night defence

8.40pm: Darkened ship

10.30pm: A1, B1 & 2 12-pounders manned

Sick list 10

4f961c8da2fc8e2def002981: ( 53-40167-004_0.jpg)

2 August 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 46.96, Long -39.96

9.20am: Passed full rigged sailing ship LANTOCK [?] CASTLE standing ESE

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

8.30pm: Darkened ship. Wind veered to West

Sick list 15

4f961c8da2fc8e2def002982: ( 53-40167-004_1.jpg)

3 August 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 44.0, Long -46.03

9.00am: Passed SS URAL Russian bound for Archangel

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 76

9.00pm: Darken ship

Sick list 15

4f961c8da2fc8e2def002983: ( 53-40167-005_0.jpg)

4 August 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 43.32, Long -54.55

10.40am: All 6-inch guns closed up. Fired 2 rounds from each 6-inch gun

5.15pm: Fired 8 rounds from A1 6-inch & 8 rounds from B1 6-inch gun

8.20pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 15

4f961c8ea2fc8e2def002984: ( 53-40167-005_1.jpg)

5 August 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

2.32am: Sighted glare of West Sable Island Light N32E

2.40am: Sable Island Light abeam 22.5 miles

11.39am: Entered War Channel. Course as requisite

11.50am: Chebucto Head abeam

12.14pm: Thick fog

12.49pm: Passed boom defence

1.00pm: Stopped

1.10pm: Secured alongside No 4 Wharf, Halifax Dockyard

2.30pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

3.50pm: Commenced coaling from jetty

8.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 16

4f961c8ea2fc8e2def002985: ( 53-40167-006_0.jpg)

6 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.40am: Commenced coaling

2.50pm: Discharged 1 Stoker to Hospital

8.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 16

4f961c8ea2fc8e2def002986: ( 53-40167-006_1.jpg)

7 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.40am: Commenced coaling

9.00am: Discharged Major Boyle, Royal Marine Light Infantry, & Lieut Kitchen, Royal Marine Artillery, to the LEVIATHAN

12.30pm: Discharged 2 Privates, Royal Marine Light Infantry to LEVIATHAN

5.42pm: Finished coaling

Sick list 16

4f961c8ea2fc8e2def002987: ( 53-40167-007_0.jpg)

8 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

8.20am: HMCS CANADA arrived

1.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores & cleaning ship

Sick list 13

4f961c8fa2fc8e2def002988: ( 53-40167-007_1.jpg)

9 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64


4.30pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

Sick list 14

4f961c8fa2fc8e2def002989: ( 53-40167-008_0.jpg)

10 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

8.50am: Marines landed for drill

9.30am: Hands employed painting ship & boats away under oars

1.10pm: HMS BERWICK sailed

4.00pm: Read Warrants No 77, 78, 79

Sick list 12

4f961c8fa2fc8e2def00298a: ( 53-40167-008_1.jpg)

11 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.45am: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

Sick list 10

4f961c90a2fc8e2def00298b: ( 53-40167-009_0.jpg)

12 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

6.00pm: Read Warrant No 80

Sick list 11

4f961c90a2fc8e2def00298c: ( 53-40167-009_1.jpg)

13 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.30am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.00am: Landed Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 10

4f961c90a2fc8e2def00298d: ( 53-40167-010_0.jpg)

14 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.30am: Hands employed ranging cable

7.45am: 2 Ratings joined from LEVIATHAN

8.00am: Hoisted the Flag of Vice Admiral Sir George Patey

10.00am: Vice Admiral Sir George Patey, Fleet Paymaster Rodham, Flag Lieutenant Commander Eyre & Captain Maldon [?], Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship

1.00pm: Hands employed ranging Cable for survey & as requisite

4.00pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

Sick list 10

4f961c91a2fc8e2def00298e: ( 53-40167-010_1.jpg)

15 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

11.00am: Received 1 cell prisoner from LEVIATHAN

11.30am: HMS LEVIATHAN sailed

Sick list 10

4f961c91a2fc8e2def00298f: ( 53-40167-011_0.jpg)

16 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.30am: Rigged diving boat

11.00am: Divers clearing Inlet of CALGARIAN

1.20pm: Read Warrant Nos 83 & 84

3.00pm: Divers clearing propeller of tug MUSQUASH

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 81

Sick list 11

4f961c91a2fc8e2def002990: ( 53-40167-011_1.jpg)

17 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.45am: Sent divers to CALGARIAN

1.00pm: Hands employed painting ship & dismounting 6-inch gun

4.30pm: Divers returned

Sick list 9

4f961c92a2fc8e2def002991: ( 53-40167-012_0.jpg)

18 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

12.30pm: Hands employed painting mess decks, dismounting 6-inch gun & as requisite

Sick list 9

4f961c92a2fc8e2def002992: ( 53-40167-012_1.jpg)

19 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

1.00pm: Read Warrant No 85. Discharged 1 prisoner to Military detention Quarters. Hands make & mend Clothes

Sick list 11

4f961c92a2fc8e2def002993: ( 53-40167-013_0.jpg)

20 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.00am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.00am: Landed Wesleyans & Presbyterians

11.00am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 9

4f961c92a2fc8e2def002994: ( 53-40167-013_1.jpg)

21 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

11.35am: CUMBERLAND arrived & moored in B berth

2.00pm: HMS CALGARIAN sailed

5.30pm: 2 Ratings joined from the CUMBERLAND

Sick list 12

4f961c93a2fc8e2def002995: ( 53-40167-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

Sick list 13

4f961c93a2fc8e2def002996: ( 53-40167-014_1.jpg)

23 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.20am: Landed Royal Guard

8.45am: HRH Duke of Connaught & Staff arrived onboard [Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, was Governor General of Canada from 1911 to 1916]

9.15am: Divisions. HRH inspected the ship

1.30pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

Sick list 13

4f961c93a2fc8e2def002997: ( 53-40167-015_0.jpg)

24 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

Sick list 10

4f961c94a2fc8e2def002998: ( 53-40167-015_1.jpg)

25 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.45pm: HRH the Duke of Connaught & staff left the ship

Sick list 11

4f961c94a2fc8e2def002999: ( 53-40167-016_0.jpg)

26 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to HMS LAURENTIC

Sick list 11

4f961c94a2fc8e2def00299a: ( 53-40167-016_1.jpg)

27 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

3.15am: Sent party to assistance of ship on fire Cable ship SS MINIA

6.10am: Fire party returned

8.30am: HMS ISIS arrived & moored in A berth

9.00am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.15am: Landed Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.20am: Sent Church party to Dockyard Church

Sick list 10

4f961c95a2fc8e2def00299b: ( 53-40167-017_0.jpg)

28 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.30am: Hands scrub hammocks & clean ship

9.00am: Divers examining Inlets

10.00am: Exercised boats away under sail. Hands employed dismounting 6-inch guns & as requisite

1.10pm: Read warrant No 86. Discharged 1 prisoner to Military prison

2.00pm: Divers examining underwater fittings

Sick list 8

4f961c95a2fc8e2def00299c: ( 53-40167-017_1.jpg)

29 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.00am: Divers examining underwater fittings

2.00pm: Divers examining ship’s bottom

4.00pm: Hands scrub & wash Clothes

Sick list 8

4f961c95a2fc8e2def00299d: ( 53-40167-018_0.jpg)

30 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.30am: Hands employed oiling wire Hawsers, dismounting 6-inch guns & as requisite

10.00am: HMS ISIS sailed

12.30pm: Read Warrant No 87. Discharged 1 prisoner to Military prison

Sick list 9

4f961c96a2fc8e2def00299e: ( 53-40167-018_1.jpg)

31 August 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

Sick list 7

4f961c96a2fc8e2def00299f: ( 53-40167-020_0.jpg)

4f961c96a2fc8e2def0029a0: ( 53-40167-020_1.jpg)

4f961c96a2fc8e2def0029a1: ( 53-40167-021_0.jpg)


4f961c97a2fc8e2def0029a3: ( 53-40168-001_0.jpg)

Approved: Fawcet Wray, Captain

4f961c98a2fc8e2def0029a4: ( 53-40168-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

4f961c98a2fc8e2def0029a5: ( 53-40168-002_0.jpg)

4f961c98a2fc8e2def0029a6: ( 53-40168-002_1.jpg)

[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

4f961c98a2fc8e2def0029a7: ( 53-40168-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2368: From 22 February 1916 To: In use

4f961c99a2fc8e2def0029a8: ( 53-40168-003_1.jpg)

1 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

4.00am: Lit fires in Steam Pinnace

8.30am: HMS ROXBURGH arrived

9.15am: Divisions Prayers. 6-inch & 9.2 gun crews at Divisional drill. Exercised control parties. Divers away scrubbing bottom of Oil ship VOLUTE. Hands employed as requisite

12.30pm: Paid monthly money & issued soap & tobacco to Ship’s company

2.00pm: Dismounting party dismounting 6-inch guns

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters. Gave leave to Starboard Watch till 7.00am

4.15pm: Received 1 Court Martial prisoner from CUMBERLAND

5.00pm: Read Warrant No 85

7.00pm: Drew fires in Steam Pinnace

Sick list 8

4f961c99a2fc8e2def0029a9: ( 53-40168-004_0.jpg)

2 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.00am: Sent divers to oil ship VOLTU [presumably VOLUTE]

9.40am: Discharged 1 Court Martial prisoner to CUMBERLAND

11.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

1.00pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 89

8.00pm: Diving party returned

Sick list 8

4f961c99a2fc8e2def0029aa: ( 53-40168-004_1.jpg)

3 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.00am: Sent Divers to oil ship VOLTU [VOLUTE]

9.00am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.00am: Landed Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

5.30pm: Diving party returned. Hands employed preparing for sea

11.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

Sick list 9

4f961c9aa2fc8e2def0029ab: ( 53-40168-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1916

From Halifax to Firing & Trial, or at Halifax

Lat 44.48, Long -62.92

3.45am: Put clocks back 30 minutes to Winter Time, 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.40am: Slipped from No 4 Wharf

7.00am: Proceeded. Course as requisite

8.10am: Full speed for trying Condensers

8.24am: Halifax Whistle buoy NW abeam 7.5 cables

8.30am: Commenced Trial 116 revs [?]

9.30am: Finished Trial (Satisfactory)

9.32am: Course & speed as requisite

9.45am: Exercised action. Course & speed as requisite for Firing Sub Calibre, zigzagging to South of Target

2.38pm: Dropped Target

3.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for Night defence practice with Sub Calibre & 12-pounder

3.40pm: Finished the practice

5.45pm: Course N64W

5.15pm: Entered War Channel. Course as requisite

5.35pm: Passed HMS CUMBERLAND bound out

6.10pm: Stopped. Secured to No 4 Wharf, Halifax Dockyard

Sick list 10

4f961c9aa2fc8e2def0029ac: ( 53-40168-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.00pm: 1 Rating joined from HMCS NIOBE

10.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Sick Quarters

Sick list 10

4f961c9aa2fc8e2def0029ad: ( 53-40168-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.15am: HMS ANTRIM arrived

5.00pm: Read Warrant No 90

Sick list 10

4f961c9ba2fc8e2def0029ae: ( 53-40168-006_1.jpg)

7 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.00am: Received 31 cases of 3-pounder ammunition

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Sick list 11

4f961c9ba2fc8e2def0029af: ( 53-40168-007_0.jpg)

8 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.30am: Hands employed provisioning ship & overhauling coaling gear & as requisite

12.30pm: Hands employed preparing for coaling

4.50pm: Collier ANTAEUS came alongside

Sick list 13

4f961c9ba2fc8e2def0029b0: ( 53-40168-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.40am: Commenced coaling

1.15pm: Finished coaling

1.35pm: Collier ANTAEUS left

4.05pm: HMS ROXBURGH sailed

Sick list 14

4f961c9ba2fc8e2def0029b1: ( 53-40168-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

8.40am: HMS LEVIATHAN arrived & moored B berth

9.00am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.00am: Landed Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.10am: Performed Divine Service

Noon: Transport SCANDINAVIAN arrived

2.30pm: Discharged 1 Rating to LEVIATHAN

Sick list 10

4f961c9ca2fc8e2def0029b2: ( 53-40168-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00am: SS OLYMPIC arrived

6.15am: Transports CAMERONIA & METAGAMA arrived

10.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

11.45am: Lieut Walton joined from LEVIATHAN

1.00pm: 1 Rating joined from Hospital

4.30pm: Discharged Captain Malden, Royal Marine Light Infantry, Assistant Paymaster Brown & 2 Ratings to LEVIATHAN. 4 Sub-Lieutenants, Royal Canadian Navy, & 1 Boy joined from HMCS NIOBE

Sick list 9

4f961c9ca2fc8e2def0029b3: ( 53-40168-009_0.jpg)

12 September 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.35am: Hands scrub hammocks

12.30pm: Hands employed preparing for sea & as requisite

3.15pm: HMS LAURENTIC arrived

8.00pm: Discharged Admiral’s Barge to LEVIATHAN

Sick list 11

4f961c9ca2fc8e2def0029b4: ( 53-40168-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 44.68, Long -62.33

6.20am: Slipped from No 4 Wharf

6.40am: Proceeded. Course as requisite

7.30am: Chebucto Head abeam

7.44am: Convoy forming astern in order: NORTHLANDS, SCANDINAVIAN, CAMERONIA & METAGAMA

8.08am: Halifax Whistle buoy abeam. Shaped Course S80.5E. Convoy astern in Single line ahead

10.13am: Egg Island Buoy abeam 900 yards

12.28pm: Stopped both, Man overboard from NORTHLAND, picked up by SCANDINAVIAN

12.39pm: Proceeded

12.42pm: Formed Single line ahead

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961c9da2fc8e2def0029b5: ( 53-40168-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 45.95, Long -55.95

1.00pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

6.50pm: Darkened ship

9.22pm: Sighted Cape Race Light N66E

11.45pm: Cape Race Light abeam 11.3 miles

Sick list 12

4f961c9da2fc8e2def0029b6: ( 53-40168-010_1.jpg)

15 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 47.8, Long -50.22

0.45am: Cape Race Light N43W

1.10am: Fog

2.00am: Lost sight of Convoy

11.12am: Stopped Port engine owing to condenser

11.15am: 45 revs Starboard Engine

5.27pm: Sighted Transports N67W

5.42pm: Increased 50 revs Starboard engine

6.30pm: Stopped Starboard

6.33pm: Proceeded 45 revs both revs

7.04pm: Increased 55 revs. Keeping station 6 cables ahead of NORTHLAND

Sick list 13

4f961c9da2fc8e2def0029b7: ( 53-40168-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 49.34, Long -46.13

5.05pm: DRAKE took station 10 cables 3 points on Starboard bow of NORTHLAND

6.40pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961c9ea2fc8e2def0029b8: ( 53-40168-011_1.jpg)

17 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 51.13, Long -40.13

4.45am: Passed steamer bound West

10.25am: Performed Divine Service

10.30pm: Fog lifted, heavy rain

Sick list 11

4f961c9ea2fc8e2def0029b9: ( 53-40168-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 52.9, Long -33.77

7.00pm: Darkened ship

7.30pm: Passed steamer bound West

10.50pm: Passed steamer bound West

Sick list 12

4f961c9ea2fc8e2def0029ba: ( 53-40168-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 54.05, Long -27.22

4f961c9fa2fc8e2def0029bb: ( 53-40168-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 54.82, Long -20.47

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

5.00pm: NORTHLAND took station astern of METAGAMA

6.48pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961c9fa2fc8e2def0029bc: ( 53-40168-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock

Lat 55.3, Long -13.73

2.30pm: Sighted Destroyers right ahead to each bow

2.58pm: Parted company with Convoy. NEREIDE, BRISK, LARNE & RUBY took over the Convoy

3.10pm: NEMESIS took station ahead

6.15pm: Darkened ship

9.42pm: Sighted Arran Island Light S24E

10.15pm: Sighted Tory Island Light S68E

Sick list 15

4f961c9fa2fc8e2def0029bd: ( 53-40168-014_0.jpg)

22 September 1916

From Halifax to Greenock, or at Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

1.06am: Inishtrahull Light abeam 1.25 miles

5.24am: Ailsa Craig Light abeam 1.75 miles

6.14am: Holy Island Light abeam

6.42am: Cumbrae Light abeam

8.00am: Stopped

8.02am: Let go Starboard Bower

9.55am: SS LINTIE came alongside for baggage & Ratings. Discharged 17 Ratings. Hands preparing for Coaling

10.45am: Discharged Vice Admiral Sir G Patey, Flag Lieutenant Commander Eyre, Secretary Rodham to Admiralty

11.00am: Collier BANCHORY came alongside

12.30pm: Discharged 4 Ratings to Hospital

12.40pm: Commenced coaling

5.30pm: 12 Ratings joined from VICTORY

7.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 14

4f961c9fa2fc8e2def0029be: ( 53-40168-014_1.jpg)

23 September 1916

At Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

6.50am: Commenced coaling

7.45am: Discharged 1 prisoner to Calton prison

1.40pm: Finished coaling

1.50pm: Collier BANCHORY left

Sick list 9

4f961ca0a2fc8e2def0029bf: ( 53-40168-015_0.jpg)

24 September 1916

From Greenock to Halifax, or at Greenock

Lat 55.97, Long -4.8

6.50am: Landed Starboard Watch for drawing stores

9.30am: Tug SAMSON came alongside with Bullion

10.30am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

10.45am: Tug LINTIE with bullion came alongside. Discharged 4 Sub-Lieutenants Royal Canadian Navy to EXCELLENT

10.45am: Lieut Jones RNR joined

12.30pm: Hands employed preparing for sea & as requisite

1.35pm: 38 Ratings joined the ship

2.05pm: Discharged 4 Ratings to VIVID

4.30pm: Weighed

4.40pm: Proceeded. Course as required

5.12pm: Passed through boom. Torpedo Boat Destroyers RUBY & LARNE took station

6.00pm: Cumbrae Light abeam

7.02pm: Ailsa Craig abeam 2.25 miles

11.45pm: Inishtrahull abeam

Sick list 8

4f961ca0a2fc8e2def0029c0: ( 53-40168-015_1.jpg)

25 September 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 55.12, Long -14.23

0.34am: Sighted Tory Island Light S56W

1.26am: Tory Island Light abeam 7 miles

5.00am: Torpedo Boat Destroyers LARNE & RUBY parted company

11.30am: Passed HMS OROTAVA on patrol

6.35pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961ca0a2fc8e2def0029c1: ( 53-40168-016_0.jpg)

26 September 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 52.82, Long -24.08

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 8

4f961ca1a2fc8e2def0029c2: ( 53-40168-016_1.jpg)

27 September 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 49.67, Long -32.27

6.20pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961ca1a2fc8e2def0029c3: ( 53-40168-017_0.jpg)

28 September 1916

[From Greenock to Halifax]

Lat 46.58, Long -40.58

10.25am: Passed French schooner

10.30am: Fired 2 rounds fore [?] guns for practice

11.20am: Finished Firing

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 93

6.20pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961ca1a2fc8e2def0029c4: ( 53-40168-017_1.jpg)

29 September 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 43.32, Long -47.12

9.30am: Hands employed overhauling & repairing coaling gear

6.15pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961ca2a2fc8e2def0029c5: ( 53-40168-018_0.jpg)

30 September 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 42.78, Long -55.32

1.00pm: Paid monthly money & issued Soap & Tobacco to the Ship’s company

2.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

6.10pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961ca2a2fc8e2def0029c6: ( 53-40168-018_1.jpg)

4f961ca2a2fc8e2def0029c7: ( 53-40168-020_0.jpg)

4f961ca3a2fc8e2def0029c8: ( 53-40168-020_1.jpg)

4f961ca3a2fc8e2def0029c9: ( 53-40168-021_0.jpg)

4f961ca3a2fc8e2def0029ca: ( 53-40168-021_1.jpg)


4f961ca4a2fc8e2def0029cb: ( 53-40169-001_0.jpg)

Approved: Fawcet Wray, Captain

4f961ca4a2fc8e2def0029cc: ( 53-40169-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

4f961ca4a2fc8e2def0029cd: ( 53-40169-002_0.jpg)

4f961ca5a2fc8e2def0029ce: ( 53-40169-002_1.jpg)

[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

4f961ca5a2fc8e2def0029cf: ( 53-40169-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2368: From 22 February 1916 To: In use

4f961ca5a2fc8e2def0029d0: ( 53-40169-003_1.jpg)

1 October 1916

From Greenock to Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

1.00am: Altered course N44W

5.15am: Exercised day defence

9.15am: Sighted land on Starboard bow

9.50am: Altered course N50W

10.47am: Altered course N70W

11.00am: Entered War Channel. Course as required

11.15am: Eased 52 revs

11.52am: Mauger [Maugher] Light abeam

12.10pm: Passed boom defence. Course & speed as required

12.20pm: Secured No 4 Wharf Halifax Dockyard

4.00pm: Quarters

4.15pm: Discharged 5 Ratings to Hospital

5.30pm: Hands preparing for Coaling

Sick list 12

4f961ca5a2fc8e2def0029d1: ( 53-40169-004_0.jpg)

2 October 1916

At No 4 Wharf, Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.25am: Commenced coaling from Jetty

7.00am: Starboard Watch discharging Cargo

8.30am: HMS LEVIATHAN arrived & moored in B berth

2.50pm: Discharged 5 Ratings to Hospital

7.40pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 10

4f961ca6a2fc8e2def0029d2: ( 53-40169-004_1.jpg)

3 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.25am: Commenced coaling

11.00am: Dockyard joiners working onboard

7.25pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 13

4f961ca6a2fc8e2def0029d3: ( 53-40169-005_0.jpg)

4 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.24am: Commenced coaling

7.00am: Dockyard joiners came onboard

8.30am: Finished coaling

1.00pm: Hands employed provisioning & cleaning ship

2.10pm: 1 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry joined from Detention

5.30pm: HMS LAURENTIC sailed

Sick list 14

4f961ca6a2fc8e2def0029d4: ( 53-40169-005_1.jpg)

5 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

1.00pm: Read Warrant No 94. Discharged 1 prisoner to Detention

5.00pm: Rating joined from NIOBE

Sick list 11

4f961ca7a2fc8e2def0029d5: ( 53-40169-006_0.jpg)

6 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.00am: Dockyardmen came onboard

8.55am: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

Sick list 10

4f961ca7a2fc8e2def0029d6: ( 53-40169-006_1.jpg)

7 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.00am: Dockyardmen came onboard

8.45am: Aired night clothing

9.30am: Court of Enquiry sat on board

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Sick list 7

4f961ca7a2fc8e2def0029d7: ( 53-40169-007_0.jpg)

8 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.15am: Performed Divine Service

2.45pm: LEVIATHAN proceeded to Bedford basin

3.26pm: Tug ROBLING [probably F W ROEBLING] came alongside

3.29pm: Slipped from Jetty & proceeded, Course & speed as required, for Bedford Basin

3.51pm: Stopped, let go Port Bower

4.12pm: Weighed & slipped tug

4.25pm: Let go Port Bower

4.20pm: HMS ANTRIM anchored

7.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961ca8a2fc8e2def0029d8: ( 53-40169-007_1.jpg)

9 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 12

4f961ca8a2fc8e2def0029d9: ( 53-40169-008_0.jpg)

10 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

8.30am: HMS ARMADALE CASTLE arrived & anchored. Sent shore party & guard for landing cargo

9.00am: Divisions Prayers. Hands employed preparing for coaling

3.22pm: Shore party returned

4.20pm: Collier GERMANIC came alongside

5.15pm: Read Warrant No 96

7.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961ca8a2fc8e2def0029da: ( 53-40169-008_1.jpg)

11 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00am: Commenced coaling

10.10am: Finished coaling

10.30am: Collier GERMANIC left

2.20pm: 7 Ratings joined from Hospital

6.15pm: Steam Pinnace away Patrolling

7.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 12

4f961ca9a2fc8e2def0029db: ( 53-40169-009_0.jpg)

12 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

1.00am: Picket Boat away patrolling

5.45am: Picket Boat returned

6.00am: Hands scrub hammocks

6.25am: HMS LEVIATHAN weighed & proceeded

12.30pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

6.45pm: 1 Prisoner joined from ANTRIM

7.20pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 16

4f961ca9a2fc8e2def0029dc: ( 53-40169-009_1.jpg)

13 October 1916

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.16am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required through the Narrows

7.06am: Stopped. Let go Port Bower in D berth

10.30am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

1.00pm: Read Warrants Nos 98, 99

1.30pm: Hands employed preparing for sea

5.25pm: OLYMPIC sailed

5.32pm: Weighed

5.33pm: Proceeded. Course & speeds as required. HMS CALGARIAN took station astern

6.18pm: Portuguese Shoal buoy abeam

Sick list 17

4f961ca9a2fc8e2def0029dd: ( 53-40169-010_0.jpg)

14 October 1916

From Halifax

Lat 43.1, Long -57.77

2.33am: Lost sight of CALGARIAN. Altered course 32 points. Sighted CALGARIAN

5.45pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961ca9a2fc8e2def0029de: ( 53-40169-010_1.jpg)

15 October 1916

From Halifax

Lat 44.77, Long -49.08

10.00am: Altered course East to avoid sailing ship

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961caaa2fc8e2def0029df: ( 53-40169-011_0.jpg)

16 October 1916

From Halifax

Lat 47.07, Long -40.45

10.10am: Altered course S63E to avoid steamer

5.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961caaa2fc8e2def0029e0: ( 53-40169-011_1.jpg)

17 October 1916

From Halifax

Lat 48.97, Long -30.96

9.00am: Passed USA SS CHEMUNG bound West

5.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961caaa2fc8e2def0029e1: ( 53-40169-012_0.jpg)

18 October 1916

From Halifax

Lat 50.05, Long -21.22

10.00am: Hands employed examining coaling gear

5.40pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 16

4f961caba2fc8e2def0029e2: ( 53-40169-012_1.jpg)

19 October 1916

From Halifax to Devonport

Lat 49.82, Long -11.48

1.55am: HMS CALGARIAN took station 1 mile on Starboard beam

2.20am: Sighted Destroyers S62E

2.25pm: CALGARIAN parted company

7.15am: Escort took station 3 points before either beam 5 Cables

3.00pm: Read Warrants Nos 97, 100

6.30pm: Destroyers took station astern

9.32pm: Sighted Bishop Rock Light N79E

10.28pm: Bishop Rock Light abeam 12 miles

11.10pm: Sighted Wolf Rock Light N65E

Sick list 15

4f961caba2fc8e2def0029e3: ( 53-40169-013_0.jpg)

20 October 1916

From Halifax to Devonport, or at No 5 Basin

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

1.31am: Lizard Light abeam 3 miles

4.00am: Eddystone Light abeam

4.30am: Course & speed as required

5.05am: Stopped, let go Port Bower in B berth

5.25am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite. Captain Edwards in charge

6.15am: Entered & secured in Q Lock

10.30am: Discharged 12 ratings to Vivid

10.40am: Discharged 3 ratings to Hospital. Care & maintenance party came onboard from Depot

1.00am: Shifted ship into No 9 dock

3.00pm: Paid monthly money

5.00pm: Ship’s company proceeded on Leave

Sick list –

4f961caba2fc8e2def0029e4: ( 53-40169-013_1.jpg)

21 October 1916

At No 9 Dock [Devonport]

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

2.10pm: Rear Admiral came onboard

Sick list –

4f961caca2fc8e2def0029e5: ( 53-40169-014_0.jpg)

22 October 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.01pm: School master joined the ship

Sick list –

4f961caca2fc8e2def0029e6: ( 53-40169-014_1.jpg)

23 October 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.00am: Discharged 1 prisoner to Royal Navy Barracks

Sick list –

4f961caca2fc8e2def0029e7: ( 53-40169-015_0.jpg)

24 October 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

Sick list –

4f961cada2fc8e2def0029e8: ( 53-40169-015_1.jpg)

25 October 1916

From No 9 Dock to No 8 Jetty, at Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

0.25am: Commenced flooding the dock

1.15am: Ship floated

2.56am: Commenced undocking ship & shifting berth

4.45am: Secured to No 8 Wharf

9.00am: HMS DRAKE’s ship’s company returned from leave

9.30am: Discharged Care & maintenance party to Royal Navy Barracks. Hands preparing for coaling

11.00am: Commenced coaling

3.30pm: Discharged 1 Rating to HMS POWERFUL

8.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 2

4f961cada2fc8e2def0029e9: ( 53-40169-016_0.jpg)

26 October 1916

At No 8 Jetty, Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.20am: Commenced coaling

Lost overboard by accident adapter 3-inch, 1 in No

6.00pm: Finished coaling

6.20pm: 1 Royal Naval Reserve rating joined

4f961cada2fc8e2def0029ea: ( 53-40169-016_1.jpg)

27 October 1916

At No 8 Wharf, Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

2.30pm: Mr Chubb, Acting Carpenter, joined the ship. Mr Andrews, Carpenter Lieutenant, left the ship

4.30pm: Starboard Watch getting up Ammunition

5.15pm: 1 Surgeon & 6 Privates, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship. Discharged 3 Ratings to Depot

6.10pm: 2 Ratings joined from DEFIANCE

7.00pm: 41 Ratings joined from Depot

Sick list 5

4f961cada2fc8e2def0029eb: ( 53-40169-017_0.jpg)

28 October 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.20am: Tugs came alongside

6.30pm: Slipped from Jetty & proceeded, Course & speeds as required, Pilot in charge

7.20am: Secured to No 6 Buoy. 1 Rating joined from Depot

8.00am: Discharged 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, to Depot

10.00am: Discharged 1 Rating to Depot

11.00am: Tested through [?] communication

11.30am: Tested dropping gear for Depth Charges

4.40pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Depot

Sick list 6

4f961caea2fc8e2def0029ec: ( 53-40169-017_1.jpg)

29 October 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

1.30pm: Gave leave to Natives of Starboard Watch till noon Tuesday & leave to Starboard Watch till 7.00am Monday

Sick list 6

4f961caea2fc8e2def0029ed: ( 53-40169-018_0.jpg)

30 October 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.00am: Hands employed getting in Stores & as required

10.00am: Discharged 1 Rating to Depot

2.30pm: 11 Absentees rejoined from Depot

4.10pm: Discharged 7 Ratings to Depot & 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, to Depot

Sick list 6

4f961caea2fc8e2def0029ee: ( 53-40169-018_1.jpg)

31 October 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.30am: Discharged 1 Electrician to DEFIANCE

9.00am: Hands employed overhauling coaling gear

9.50am: Discharged 5 Ratings to Depot

1.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital & 5 Ratings to Depot. 2 Ratings joined from Depot

1.15pm: Gave leave to Natives of Port watch till 9.00am Thursday & Port watch till 7.00am Wednesday

2.50pm: 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, & 1 Rating joined the ship

4.30pm: 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship

Sick list 3

4f961cafa2fc8e2def0029ef: ( 53-40169-020_0.jpg)

4f961cafa2fc8e2def0029f0: ( 53-40169-020_1.jpg)

4f961cafa2fc8e2def0029f1: ( 53-40169-021_0.jpg)

4f961cb0a2fc8e2def0029f2: ( 53-40169-021_1.jpg)


4f961cb0a2fc8e2def0029f3: ( 53-40170-001_0.jpg)

4f961cb0a2fc8e2def0029f4: ( 53-40170-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

4f961cb1a2fc8e2def0029f5: ( 53-40170-002_0.jpg)

4f961cb1a2fc8e2def0029f6: ( 53-40170-002_1.jpg)

[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: Fawcet Wray, Captain, 3 December 1916

4f961cb1a2fc8e2def0029f7: ( 53-40170-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 8 November 1916 To: In use

4f961cb2a2fc8e2def0029f8: ( 53-40170-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4.00am: Lit fires in Picket Boat

5.40am: Coal lighter C75 came alongside

6.30am: Coal lighter C55 came alongside

7.45am: Commenced coaling

9.05am: Discharged 2 Ratings to Depot

Hands employed coaling ship

10.45am: Finished coaling

1.00pm: Gave special leave to Port Watch till 7.00am. Hands employed cleaning ship. Discharged 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, to Royal Marines Depot & 1 Stoker to Royal Navy Depot

11.30pm: Drew fires in Picket Boat

Sick list 8

4f961cb2a2fc8e2def0029f9: ( 53-40170-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.30am: 20 Ratings joined for passage to CAESAR, CARNARVON & LAURENTIC from Depot

10.30am: 2 Privates, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined for passage to LEVIATHAN from Chatham

11.30am: Mr Hamilton, Sub Lieutenant RNR, joined

2.05pm: 1 Rating joined from Depot

5.00pm: 37 Ratings joined from EXCELLENT for passage & 1 Rating from ARIADNE

7.30pm: 17 Ratings joined from Chatham for passage

Sick list 9

4f961cb2a2fc8e2def0029fa: ( 53-40170-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.15am: 1 Stoker joined from Chatham for passage

10.15am: 2 Privates, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined for passage. Tested lifebuoys

3.30pm: 1 Rating joined the ship

6.15pm: 2 Ratings joined from Depot

Sick list 12

4f961cb3a2fc8e2def0029fb: ( 53-40170-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.30am: Discharged 2 Ratings to Depot

10.00am: Mr Colwill, Gunner [?], joined the ship [On 16 November 1916 (see below) a schoolmaster was discharged to LEVIATHAN and her log records that Mr Colwill, Schoolmaster, joined the ship. “Gunner” may therefore be an error.]

1.30pm: Slipped & proceeded. Course & spe

5.00pm: 3 Ratings joined from Depot. Discharged 2 ratings to Depot. Mr Hunter, Warrant Officer, joined the ship

6.00pm: 1 Non-commissioned Officer, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship

Sick list 4

4f961cb3a2fc8e2def0029fc: ( 53-40170-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1916

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

7.30am: Port Watch embarking bullion

9.15am: Discharged 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, to Depot

10.00am: Port Watch embarking & stowing bullion

10.30am: Performed Divine Service. Discharged 2 Ratings to Depot & Mr Grace, Sub Lieutenant RNR, to Hospital

11.15am: 2 Ratings joined from Depot & 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry

12.30pm: 1 Rating joined from Depot

3.00pm: Mr Gulston, Sub Lieutenant RNR, joined from Depot

Sick list 7

4f961cb3a2fc8e2def0029fd: ( 53-40170-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.30am: METAGAMA sailed

8.45am: Tugs came alongside

9.00am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as required. Pilot in charge

9.45am: Secured No 6 buoy

10.00am: Discharged 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, & 1 Private joined. Read Warrants No 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 & 107

10.30am: Discharged 1 Stoker to Depot

11.30am: Issued soap & tobacco

2.30pm: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speeds as required. King’s Harbour Master in charge

3.05pm: Stopped. King’s Harbour Master left

3.16pm: Proceeded. Course & speed as required

3.23pm: Course S28W. CAMELEON & HYDRA took station on either bow

4.04pm: Eddystone Lighthouse abeam 2 miles

5.45pm: Destroyers took station astern

6.14pm: Lizard Light abeam 5 miles

7.32pm: Wolf Rock Light abeam

9.05pm: Destroyers parted company owing to Sea

Sick list 9

4f961cb3a2fc8e2def0029fe: ( 53-40170-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 47.63, Long -10.17

Sick list 10

4f961cb4a2fc8e2def0029ff: ( 53-40170-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 45.63, Long -15.18

12.45pm: Sighted METAGAMA WSW

1.10pm: METAGAMA took station 1 mile astern

5.35pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961cb4a2fc8e2def002a00: ( 53-40170-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 43.88, Long -21.78

0.40am: Passed steamer bound East

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Sick list 12

4f961cb4a2fc8e2def002a01: ( 53-40170-008_0.jpg)

10 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 42.38, Long -27.35

Sick list 10

4f961cb5a2fc8e2def002a02: ( 53-40170-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 40.53, Long -33.5

5.20pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961cb5a2fc8e2def002a03: ( 53-40170-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 38.83, Long -40.18

1.45am: Passed steamer bound East

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

5.10pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 15

4f961cb5a2fc8e2def002a04: ( 53-40170-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 36.88, Long -46.57

5.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961cb6a2fc8e2def002a05: ( 53-40170-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 35.08, Long -52.98

5.35pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 6

4f961cb6a2fc8e2def002a06: ( 53-40170-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda

Lat 33.55, Long -59.48

10.00am: Hands employed overhauling coaling gear & as required

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

5.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 5

4f961cb6a2fc8e2def002a07: ( 53-40170-011_0.jpg)

16 November 1916

From Devonport to Bermuda, or at Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

8.30am: Sighted land S80W

9.15am: Course as required through the Narrows

10.21am: Stopped

10.30am: Let go Starboard Bower in B berth. Found here HM Ships LEVIATHAN (in dock), ROXBURGH, CAESAR & ISIS

Noon: Hands preparing for coaling

12.45pm: Collier WEARWOOD came alongside

1.30pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

1.40pm: Commenced coaling

2.30pm: Discharged 42 ratings to CAESAR, 4 for CARNARVON & 12 to Barracks in Dockyard

4.30pm: Discharged 1 Schoolmaster to LEVIATHAN, 1 Schoolmaster & 2 Privates to CAESAR, 1 Signal Boatswain, 1 Schoolmaster to ROXBURGH. 6 Ratings joined from ROXBURGH

7.15pm: Discharged 1 Schoolmaster to ISIS

8.20pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 1

4f961cb7a2fc8e2def002a08: ( 53-40170-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1916

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

5.30am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: Mr Thomas, Signal Boatswain, joined from LEVIATHAN

10.30am: Discharged Mr Brown, Signal Boatswain, to LEVIATHAN

11.15am: HMS READY came alongside

12.30pm: Hands employed coaling ship & discharging Bullion to READY for ISIS

4.10pm: Discharged 7 Ratings to ISIS for LAURENTIC

6.25pm: Finished coaling

Sick list 2

4f961cb7a2fc8e2def002a09: ( 53-40170-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1916

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.20am: Collier WEARWOOD left

10.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

11.30pm: Set anchor watch

Sick list 4

4f961cb7a2fc8e2def002a0a: ( 53-40170-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1916

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.30am: Negative anchor watch

9.45am: Hands mustered by the Ledger

11.15am: Performed Divine Service

5.15pm: HMS CARNARVON arrived & anchored A berth

Sick list 5

4f961cb7a2fc8e2def002a0b: ( 53-40170-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1916

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.30am: CARNARVON proceeded into the Basin

11.30am: Read Warrants Nos 111, 112, 113, 114 & 115

Sick list 4

4f961cb8a2fc8e2def002a0c: ( 53-40170-013_1.jpg)

21 November 1916

From Grassy Bay to Shelly Bay

Lat 32.33, Long -64.74

6.30am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required

7.12am: Stopped, let go Starboard Bower

8.30am: Laid out Stream & Kedge anchor N80E 300 yards

11.30am: Read Warrants Nos 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 & 124. Discharged 9 prisoners to Detention Quarters

1.00pm: Guns crews at aiming rifle at Towed target

Sick list 4

4f961cb8a2fc8e2def002a0d: ( 53-40170-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1916

[At Shelly Bay, Bermuda]

Lat 32.33, Long -64.74

Sick list 5

4f961cb8a2fc8e2def002a0e: ( 53-40170-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1916

[At Shelly Bay, Bermuda]

Lat 32.33, Long -64.74

Sick list 5

4f961cb9a2fc8e2def002a0f: ( 53-40170-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1916

From Shelly Bay to Grassy Bay, or at Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.74

4.00pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speeds as required

4.40pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower in B berth

Sick list 4

4f961cb9a2fc8e2def002a10: ( 53-40170-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1916

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Sick list 6

4f961cb9a2fc8e2def002a11: ( 53-40170-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1916

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

8.00am: Landed Roman Catholics

8.45am: Landed Wesleyans

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 6

4f961cbaa2fc8e2def002a12: ( 53-40170-016_1.jpg)

27 November 1916

From Grassy Bay to Shelly Bay, or at Shelly Bay

Lat 32.33, Long -64.74

6.00am: Landed dockyard party

8.40am: Dockyard party returned

9.40am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required

10.16am: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower. Hands employed weighing Kedge anchor & as required

1.00pm: Hoisted in Kedge anchor & out Target

1.30pm: Guns crews at aiming rifle at Towed target

2.30pm: Party weighing & getting in Stream anchor

Sick list 6

4f961cbaa2fc8e2def002a13: ( 53-40170-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1916

At Shelly Bay

Lat 32.33, Long -64.74

7.00am: Rigged diving boat

8.30am: Divers cleaning underwater inlets. Guns crews at aiming rifles at Towed target. Torpedo party running torpedoes. Hands employed making Targets & as required

1.10pm: Read Warrant No 128

Sick list 10

4f961cbaa2fc8e2def002a14: ( 53-40170-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1916

From Shelly Bay to Murray’s Anchorage

Lat 32.33, Long -64.74

4.04pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required

4.29pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower

Sick list 12

4f961cbba2fc8e2def002a15: ( 53-40170-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1916

From Murray’s Anchorage to Heavy Gun Layers Test

Lat 32.38, Long -64.72

7.00am: Laid out buoys

9.10am: Tug CREOLE left with Targets in Tow

9.10am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required for Heavy Gun Layers Test from 6-inch & 9.2 guns, Creole towing Target

12.30pm: Course & speeds as required for carrying out Heavy Gun Layers Test from 9.2 & 6-inch guns in Murrays anchorage, Tug CREOLE towing

3.40pm: Completed the Practice

3.45pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower

4.30pm: Read Warrant No 129. Received Target from ROXBURGH

Sick list 11

4f961cbba2fc8e2def002a16: ( 53-40170-018_1.jpg)

4f961cbba2fc8e2def002a17: ( 53-40170-020_0.jpg)

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4f961cbda2fc8e2def002a1c: ( 53-40171-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

4f961cbda2fc8e2def002a1d: ( 53-40171-002_0.jpg)

4f961cbda2fc8e2def002a1e: ( 53-40171-002_1.jpg)

[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: Fawcet Wray, Captain, 9 January 1917

4f961cbea2fc8e2def002a1f: ( 53-40171-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 8 November 1916 To: In use

4f961cbea2fc8e2def002a20: ( 53-40171-003_1.jpg)

1 December 1916

From Murray’s Anchorage to Firing, or at Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

4.30am: Lit fires in Picket Boat

6.00am: Hands preparing Target

7.30am: ROXBURGH weighed & proceeded

7.34am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required through Narrows. Two Targets in Tow

8.10am: Cleared the Narrows

8.35am: Veered Targets & proceeded, course & speed as required

9.30am: ROXBURGH commenced Firing

10.25am: ROXBURGH finished, hauled in Target

10.55am: Slipped Targets for ROXBURGH. Course & speeds as required for taking up position. Heavy rain squalls

12.30pm: Course & speed as required

1.45pm: Exercised action

2.25pm: Commenced Long Range Firing at ROXBURGH’s Target

2.55pm: Finished firing

3.00pm: Course & speed as required for entering harbour

4.00pm: Cleared the Narrows

4.49pm: Stopped

4.50pm: Let go Starboard Bower in B berth


7.00pm: Hands preparing for coaling

11.00pm: Drew fires in Picket Boat

Sick List 12

4f961cbea2fc8e2def002a21: ( 53-40171-004_0.jpg)

2 December 1916

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.30am: Hands employed preparing for coaling

8.40am: Collier DALEBY came alongside

9.30am: Commenced coaling

6.40pm: Finished coaling

Sick list 10

4f961cbfa2fc8e2def002a22: ( 53-40171-004_1.jpg)

3 December 1916

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.20am: Collier DALEBY left & anchored F berth

7.00am: Divers clearing inlets

9.00am: Landed Wesleyans

9.45am: Landed Roman Catholics

1.30pm: Paid monthly money & issued soap & tobacco to ship’s company

Sick list 9

Operations in the West Indies

JP map Drake West Indies

4f961cbfa2fc8e2def002a23: ( 53-40171-005_0.jpg)

4 December 1916

From Bermuda to Trinidad, or at Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.00am: CAESAR sailed

8.30am: Landed dockyard parties

8.50am: CARNARVON sailed

10.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea & as requisite

11.30am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

2.47pm: Weighed

3.06pm: Proceeded. Course as required

3.58pm: Stopped off Fairway buoy

4.03pm: Proceeded as required through the Narrows

4.26pm: Shaped Course S4.5W

5.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961cbfa2fc8e2def002a24: ( 53-40171-005_1.jpg)

5 December 1916

From Bermuda to Trinidad

Lat 28.52, Long -64.3

7.15am: Hands scrub hammocks

5.40pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961cc0a2fc8e2def002a25: ( 53-40171-006_0.jpg)

6 December 1916

From Bermuda to Trinidad

Lat 24.01, Long -63.89

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961cc0a2fc8e2def002a26: ( 53-40171-006_1.jpg)

7 December 1916

From Bermuda to Trinidad

Lat 19.62, Long -63.58

10.20am: Dropped Target

10.34am: Dropped 2nd Target. Course & speed as required for Officer of Quarters Firing with Sub Calibre & 1-inch aiming at Fixed Target

12.05pm: Finished the practice. Picked up Target

1.04pm: Shaped Course S1W

4.00pm: Read Warrants Nos 135, 136 & 137

5.10pm: Sighted Virgin Gorda Island S65.5W

5.24pm: Sighted Sombrero Lighthouse S46E

6.00pm: Darkened ship

6.30pm: Sombrero Light abeam 15 miles

9.45pm: Sighted Saba Island S55.5E

11.06pm: Saba Island abeam

Sick list 16

4f961cc0a2fc8e2def002a27: ( 53-40171-007_0.jpg)

8 December 1916

From Bermuda to Trinidad

Lat 13.92, Long -62.78

9.00am: Hands employed overhauling coaling gear & as required

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

3.50pm: Sighted Grenada Island S42E

6.00pm: Darkened ship

9.10pm: Sighted Chacachacare Light S13E

11.23pm: Chacachacare Light abeam 2.5 miles

Sick list 8

4f961cc1a2fc8e2def002a28: ( 53-40171-007_1.jpg)

9 December 1916

From Bermuda to Trinidad, or at Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

0.33am: Stopped. Let go Port anchor off Port of Spain

Hands preparing for coaling

2.15am: Collier SAXILBY came alongside

3.00am: Commenced coaling

3.35pm: Finished coaling

4.30pm: Hands employed preparing for sea

5.00pm: Collier SAXILBY left

6.45pm: Weighed

6.48pm: Proceeded N84W

8.20pm: Chacachacare Light abeam 1.5 miles

Sick list 24

4f961cc1a2fc8e2def002a29: ( 53-40171-008_0.jpg)

10 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 12.32, Long -59.77

4.45am: NE of Tobago Island abeam 15.5 miles

2.15pm: Sighted Barbados Island N3W

5.50pm: Darkened ship

8.35pm: Spoke Leyland steamer NICOSSIAN [NICOSIAN] bound SW

Sick list 29

4f961cc1a2fc8e2def002a2a: ( 53-40171-008_1.jpg)

11 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 15.07, Long -57.2

8.15am: Read Warrants Nos 138, 139 &140

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 27

4f961cc1a2fc8e2def002a2b: ( 53-40171-009_0.jpg)

12 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 17.76, Long -54.7

5.00pm: Read Warrant No 141

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 23

4f961cc2a2fc8e2def002a2c: ( 53-40171-009_1.jpg)

13 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 20.51, Long -51.87

3.50pm: Sighted smoke N52W

4.00pm: Altered course North

4.20pm: Altered course N48W. Vessel hoisted Chilean colours

Sick list 19

4f961cc2a2fc8e2def002a2d: ( 53-40171-010_0.jpg)

14 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 23.33, Long -49.32

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 142

5.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 19

4f961cc2a2fc8e2def002a2e: ( 53-40171-010_1.jpg)

15 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 23.83, Long -48.47

11.00am: Hands employed repairing coaling gear & as requisite

4.10pm: Read Warrant No 143

5.50pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 17

4f961cc3a2fc8e2def002a2f: ( 53-40171-011_0.jpg)

16 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 21.03, Long -51.57

6.30am: Observed smoke S61W

6.34am: Altered course S64W

9.20am: Signalled Steamer to Stop

9.40am: Course & speed as required

9.50am: Boarded Spanish steamer ANDALUCIA of Sevilla for New Orleans (Correct)

10.40am: Proceeded S56W

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 17

4f961cc3a2fc8e2def002a30: ( 53-40171-011_1.jpg)

17 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 18.02, Long -54.58

10.15am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 16

4f961cc3a2fc8e2def002a31: ( 53-40171-012_0.jpg)

18 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising

Lat 15.0, Long -57.7

9.30am: Read Warrant No 144

10.30am: Hands employed refitting coaling gear & as requisite

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 14

4f961cc4a2fc8e2def002a32: ( 53-40171-012_1.jpg)

19 December 1916

From Trinidad to Cruising & Martinique, or at Fort de France

Lat 14.6, Long -61.08

4.45am: Sighted land S49W

9.00am: Course & speed as required

9.22am: Stopped

9.24am: Let go Starboard Bower in Flammand anchorage [Anchorage des Flamands]

1.00pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required

1.26pm: Passed net defence

1.45pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower in Lammentine anchorage [? Cohe du Lamentin]

2.55pm: Coal lighters came alongside

4.10pm: Commenced coaling

Hands employed coaling ship

Sick list 17

4f961cc4a2fc8e2def002a33: ( 53-40171-013_0.jpg)

20 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

3.00am: Stopped coaling, 6 lighters empty

7.15am: Coal lighter came alongside

Hands employed coaling ship

9.30am: Stopped coaling

10.30am: Coal lighters arrived

1.25pm: Commenced coaling

Hands employed coaling ship

10.50pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 19

4f961cc4a2fc8e2def002a34: ( 53-40171-013_1.jpg)

21 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

Coaling ship

3.10pm: Finished coaling. Lighter left

Sick list 20

4f961cc5a2fc8e2def002a35: ( 53-40171-014_0.jpg)

22 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

10.30am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

6.45pm: Read warrant No 145

Sick list 19

4f961cc5a2fc8e2def002a36: ( 53-40171-014_1.jpg)

23 December 1916

From Martinique to St Lucia, or at Port Castries

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

2.25pm: Weighed

2.44pm: Proceeded, Course as required

3.00pm: Passed net defence

3.15pm: Shaped Course S30W

6.14pm: Stopped. Let go Port Bower off Port Castries

Sick list 19

4f961cc5a2fc8e2def002a37: ( 53-40171-015_0.jpg)

24 December 1916

From St Lucia to Martinique

Lat 14.02, Long -61.0

7.30am: Discharged 1 Rating (Mental case) to Hospital

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

1.15pm: Weighed & proceeded

1.30pm: Shaped Course N7W

5.25pm: Passed net defence

5.42pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower in Lammentine anchorage

Sick list 15

4f961cc5a2fc8e2def002a38: ( 53-40171-015_1.jpg)

25 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 14

4f961cc6a2fc8e2def002a39: ( 53-40171-016_0.jpg)

26 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Sick list 12

4f961cc6a2fc8e2def002a3a: ( 53-40171-016_1.jpg)

27 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

9.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

1.00pm: Hands employed preparing for coaling

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 146

4.30pm: Coal lighters arrived

4.50pm: Commenced coaling

10.00pm: Finished coaling

Sick list 13

4f961cc6a2fc8e2def002a3b: ( 53-40171-017_0.jpg)

28 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

12.30pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

Sick list 12

4f961cc7a2fc8e2def002a3c: ( 53-40171-017_1.jpg)

29 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

12.30pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

Sick list 13

4f961cc7a2fc8e2def002a3d: ( 53-40171-018_0.jpg)

30 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

Sick list 13

4f961cc7a2fc8e2def002a3e: ( 53-40171-018_1.jpg)

31 December 1916

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

10.15am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 12

4f961cc8a2fc8e2def002a3f: ( 53-40171-020_0.jpg)

4f961cc8a2fc8e2def002a40: ( 53-40171-020_1.jpg)

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4f961cc9a2fc8e2def002a43: ( 53-40172-001_0.jpg)

4f961cc9a2fc8e2def002a44: ( 53-40172-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Navigating Officer

4f961ccaa2fc8e2def002a45: ( 53-40172-002_0.jpg)

4f961ccaa2fc8e2def002a46: ( 53-40172-002_1.jpg)

[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: Fawcet Wray, Captain, 6 February 1917

4f961ccaa2fc8e2def002a47: ( 53-40172-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 8 November 1916 To: In use

4f961ccaa2fc8e2def002a48: ( 53-40172-003_1.jpg)

1 January 1917

At Martinique

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

4.00am: Fires alight in Picket Boat & Steam Pinnace

9.10am: Divisions Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship & as required

11.00am: Boys & Ordinary Seamen[?] at Instructions

12.30pm: Hands scrub & wash Clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

6.15pm: 1 French midshipman joined for passage

Sick list 11

4f961ccba2fc8e2def002a49: ( 53-40172-004_0.jpg)

2 January 1917

From Martinique to St Lucia & Trinidad

Lat 14.58, Long -61.03

10.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea & as required

11.52am: Weighed. Engines as required

12.12pm: Proceeded. Course as required

12.25pm: Passed net defence

12.40pm: Shaped Course S34W

1.05pm: Cape Solomon abeam 3 miles

3.53pm: Stopped

3.56pm: Let go Port Bower off Port Castries

6.15pm: Darkened ship

7.15pm: Weighed

7.20pm: Shaped Course S61W

Sick list 9

4f961ccba2fc8e2def002a4a: ( 53-40172-004_1.jpg)

3 January 1917

From St Lucia to Trinidad, or at Port of Spain

Lat 11.03, Long -61.82

7.00am: Saline Point abeam 2.75

2.00pm: Chacachacare Lighthouse abeam 2.5 miles

3.30pm: Stopped, let go Starboard Bower

4.00pm: Found here French Cruiser MONTCALM

5.40pm: Discharged French midshipman to MONTCALM

6.00pm: Read Warrant No 147

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 7

4f961ccba2fc8e2def002a4b: ( 53-40172-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1917

At Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

12.30pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961ccca2fc8e2def002a4c: ( 53-40172-005_1.jpg)

5 January 1917

At Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

9.30am: Hands scrub Hammocks

12.30pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

6.50pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961ccca2fc8e2def002a4d: ( 53-40172-006_0.jpg)

6 January 1917

At Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

10.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

12.30pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961ccca2fc8e2def002a4e: ( 53-40172-006_1.jpg)

7 January 1917

At Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

3.30pm: French Cruiser MONTCALM sailed

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961ccda2fc8e2def002a4f: ( 53-40172-007_0.jpg)

8 January 1917

From Trinidad to St Lucia, or at Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

6.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea

10.00am: Hands employed preparing for coaling & as required

12.50pm: Weighed

1.00pm: Proceeded. Course N83.5E

2.17pm: Chacachacare Lighthouse abeam 1.5 miles

6.25pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961ccda2fc8e2def002a50: ( 53-40172-007_1.jpg)

9 January 1917

From Trinidad to St Lucia, or at Port Castries

Lat 14.02, Long -61.01

6.22am: Stopped. Let go Port Bower

10.30am: Hands employed preparing for coaling

3.27pm: Discharged 1 Chief Armourer to SS CHAUDIERE

4.45pm: Weighed

4.55pm: Proceeded. Course & speed as required for entering Harbour

6.00pm: Secured to Wharf. Read Warrant No 148

6.55pm: Commenced Coaling with Shore labour

Sick list 9

4f961ccda2fc8e2def002a51: ( 53-40172-008_0.jpg)

10 January 1917

At Port Castries

Lat 14.02, Long -61.01

Coaling ship with native labour

3.05am: Finished coaling

9.00am: Hands employed provisioning ship & as required

12.30pm: Starboard Watch striking down provisions

3.00pm: Shifted ship aft 20 yards

6.35pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961ccea2fc8e2def002a52: ( 53-40172-008_1.jpg)

11 January 1917

From St Lucia to St Vincent & Cruising

Lat 13.45, Long -61.2

6.05am: Slipped from wharf. Engines as required

6.50am: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower

7.34am: Weighed

7.45am: Proceeded S47W

9.30am: Hands employed stowing stores

3.08pm: Stopped

3.10pm: Let go Starboard Bower off Kingstown, St Vincent. Found here French Cruiser (Flag) JEANNE D’ARC (Admiral De Grassy [Grasset])

4.20pm: Weighed

4.32pm: Proceeded

4.40pm: Course S45E

6.20pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961ccea2fc8e2def002a53: ( 53-40172-009_0.jpg)

12 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising

Lat 15.11, Long -57.7

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961ccea2fc8e2def002a54: ( 53-40172-009_1.jpg)

13 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising

Lat 18.06, Long -53.27

5.45pm: Darkened ship

9.15pm: Sighted vessel

Sick list 11

4f961ccea2fc8e2def002a55: ( 53-40172-010_0.jpg)

14 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising

Lat 19.18, Long -48.97

6.10am: Sighted smoke N80E

6.14am: Altered course N78E

7.20am: Steamer was CROWN OF GALICIA, Glasgow for Barbados

9.30am: Hands mustered by Open List

10.45am: Performed Divine Service

5.50pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961ccfa2fc8e2def002a56: ( 53-40172-010_1.jpg)

15 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising

Lat 15.42, Long -44.71

5.45pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961ccfa2fc8e2def002a57: ( 53-40172-011_0.jpg)

16 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising

Lat 11.13, Long -41.1

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961ccfa2fc8e2def002a58: ( 53-40172-011_1.jpg)

17 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising

Lat 10.56, Long -44.07

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 9

4f961cd0a2fc8e2def002a59: ( 53-40172-012_0.jpg)

18 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising

Lat 11.8, Long -50.02

6.15pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961cd0a2fc8e2def002a5a: ( 53-40172-012_1.jpg)

19 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising

Lat 13.08, Long -55.85

1.03pm: Altered course West to close Schooner CHARLES WHITTEMORE (American)

1.53pm: Stopped

2.03pm: Proceeded. Course N72W

6.15pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 10

4f961cd0a2fc8e2def002a5b: ( 53-40172-013_0.jpg)

20 January 1917

From St Lucia to Cruising, or at Port Castries

Lat 14.02, Long -61.01

6.05am: Sighted land N84W

8.00am: Passed steamer WASCANA, Norwegian, bound Rio de Janeiro

9.30am: Course & speed as required for entering Harbour

9.45am: Stopped

10.00am: Secured to Coaling Wharf

11.15am: Commenced coaling with native labour

pm: Coaling ship with Shore labour

Sick list 10

4f961cd1a2fc8e2def002a5c: ( 53-40172-013_1.jpg)

21 January 1917

At Port Castries

Lat 14.02, Long -61.01

00.20am: Stopped coaling 1297 tons

5.50am: Commenced coaling with shore labour

9.00am: Tested lifebuoys, ditto correct

9.15am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.20am: Landed Wesleyans

12.20pm: Finished coaling

6.45pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961cd1a2fc8e2def002a5d: ( 53-40172-014_0.jpg)

22 January 1917

From St Lucia to Trinidad

Lat 14.02, Long -61.01

10.00am: Discharged 6 Midshipmen, Royal Naval Reserve, for passage to England

10.30am: Slipped from Wharf

11.04am: Slipped buoy. Proceeded. Course & speed as required

11.17am: Stopped

11.20am: Let go Starboard Bower

12.05pm: Weighed

12.15pm: Proceeded course West

2.30pm: Hands employed reeling up Wires & as required

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961cd1a2fc8e2def002a5e: ( 53-40172-014_1.jpg)

23 January 1917

From St Lucia to Trinidad, or Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

7.00am: Sighted land S19E

Noon: Course & speed as required

12.17pm: Stopped

12.19pm: Let go Port Bower. Found here French Cruiser DUPETIT-THOUARS

2.30pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 15

4f961cd2a2fc8e2def002a5f: ( 53-40172-015_0.jpg)

24 January 1917

At Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

9.00am: Discharged Mr Powell (Mate) to Hospital

11.30am: Read Warrants Nos 150, 151, 152 & 154

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961cd2a2fc8e2def002a60: ( 53-40172-015_1.jpg)

25 January 1917

At Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

2.00pm: Hands scrub & wash Clothes

3.40pm: Landed Funeral party

6.50pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 11

4f961cd2a2fc8e2def002a61: ( 53-40172-016_0.jpg)

26 January 1917

At Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

9.30am: Guns crews at deflection teacher

2.00pm: Hands scrub & wash Clothes

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961cd3a2fc8e2def002a62: ( 53-40172-016_1.jpg)

27 January 1917

From Trinidad to St Lucia, or at Port of Spain

Lat 10.66, Long -61.56

8.30am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

8.45am: 13 Ratings joined for SS CARAQUET from Bermuda

9.15am: French Cruiser DUPETIT-THOUARS sailed

1.00pm: Hands employed preparing for sea

4.22pm: Weighed

4.30pm: Proceeded N82W

6.00pm: Chacachacare Light abeam 2 miles

6.40pm: Darkened ship

7.30pm: Read Warrant No 154

Sick list 15

4f961cd3a2fc8e2def002a63: ( 53-40172-017_0.jpg)

28 January 1917

From Trinidad to St Lucia, or at Port Castries

Lat 13.88, Long -61.21

6.00am: Hands employed trimming ship

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

1.06pm: Course & speed as required for entering harbour

1.30pm: Stopped

2.00pm: Secured to Coaling wharf

2.45pm: Commenced coaling with Shore labour

7.00pm: Finished coaling

8.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 20

4f961cd3a2fc8e2def002a64: ( 53-40172-017_1.jpg)

29 January 1917

From St Lucia to Bermuda, or at Port Castries

Lat 14.48, Long -60.51

6.30am: Hands employed laying out wires

6.30am: Hauled off wharf

7.10am: Proceeded. Course & speed as required

7.20am: Stopped. Hoisted boat

7.35am: Proceeded N18E

8.15am: Pointe du Cap abeam 2.75

11.00am: Hands employed striking down steel cable & as required

1.30pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

5.00pm: Read Warrants Nos 155, 156

6.25pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 24

4f961cd3a2fc8e2def002a65: ( 53-40172-018_0.jpg)

30 January 1917

From St Lucia to Bermuda

Lat 16.74, Long -57.02

2.25pm: Sighted Schooner bearing N70E about 8 miles

2.40pm: Altered course N70E

3.10pm: Altered course N60E. Schooner hove to

3.25pm: Stopped

3.35pm: Boarded Schooner MILBOURNE N SMITH [? MELBOURN P SMITH] of New York, Las Palmas to Orange, Texas, Lat 17 10 N, Long 56 24 W [Lat 17.17, Long -56.4]

4.10pm: Proceeded

4.12pm: Course N66E

6.20pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 23

4f961cd4a2fc8e2def002a66: ( 53-40172-018_1.jpg)

31 January 1917

From St Lucia to Bermuda

Lat 18.91, Long -53.58

7.30am: Sighted Sail S60E

7.37am: Altered course S65E

8.45am: Engines as required

8.55am: Boarded Norwegian Barque FIDO, Havre for St Thomas

9.26am: Proceeded. Course N66E

2.00pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 163

6.10pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 25

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Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

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[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: Fawcet Wray, Captain, 13 March 1917

4f961cd7a2fc8e2def002a6f: ( 53-40173-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 8 November 1916 To: In use

4f961cd7a2fc8e2def002a70: ( 53-40173-003_1.jpg)

1 February 1917

From St Lucia to Bermuda

Lat 21.53, Long -50.12

2.00am: A1, B1, 6-inch & 2 12-pounders manned

5.32am: Exercised No 1 Watch at Day defence

6.00am: Increased 65 revs

9.00am: A1, B1, 6-inch & 2 12-pounders manned

9.00am: Exercised control drill

9.30am: Training Classes at Instruction. Hands employed as required

10.36am: Altered course N36W

12.30pm: A1, B1, 6-inch & 2 12-pounders manned

1.30pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

4.00pm: Quarters. Issued Soap & tobacco to Ship’s company

5.45pm: Exercised Night defence

6.00pm: Darkened ship. Eased to 50 revs

7.00pm: A1, B1, 6-inch & 2 12-pounders manned

10.00pm: A1, B1, 6-inch & 2 12-pounders manned

Sick list 24

4f961cd7a2fc8e2def002a71: ( 53-40173-004_0.jpg)

2 February 1917

From St Lucia to Bermuda

Lat 24.43, Long -53.88

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

6.10pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 23

4f961cd8a2fc8e2def002a72: ( 53-40173-004_1.jpg)

3 February 1917

From St Lucia to Bermuda

Lat 27.47, Long -57.59

10.30am: Read Warrant No 164

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

5.35pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 21

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[Page scanned twice to include an appended note]

4 February 1917

From St Lucia to Bermuda

Lat 29.9, Long -61.32

10.15am: Performed Divine Service

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 18

Note attached to page:

Cautioned Lieutenant Charles Matthew Nelson, Royal Naval Reserve,

(1) For having publicly made a slanderous statement of one of his messmates.

(2) For his Dilatoriness in making a suitable apology.

(3) For having behaved with contempt towards me by deliberately deferring his answers to my questions on the fact at issue.

Signed: C Nelson

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[Page scanned twice]

5 February 1917

From St Lucia to Bermuda, or at Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.15am: Sighted Mount Hill Light N48W [St David’s Lighthouse is situated on Mount Hill]

8.00am: Course as required

8.15am: Entered the Narrows

8.30am: Cleared the Narrows

9.24am: Stopped

9.26am: Let go Port Bower in B berth. Let go Starboard Bower

10.10am: Collier MARRACURA [? MERCURIA] came alongside

11.15am: Commenced coaling

2.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to CAESAR & 5 to Hospital

3.00pm: Read Warrant No 166

5.10pm: Discharged Mr Thomas, Signal Boatswain, & 6 ratings

11.45pm: Finished coaling

Sick list 21

4f961cd9a2fc8e2def002a77: ( 53-40173-007_0.jpg)

6 February 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.50am: Collier left

8.30am: Shore lighter & Pattern VII Target came alongside

10.00am: Hands employed drawing & taking in Stores

12.10pm: Provisions lighter arrived

1.30pm: Hands employed taking in Stores & provisions

3.30pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital & 4 to CAESAR

7.30pm: Lighter left

Sick list 17

4f961cd9a2fc8e2def002a78: ( 53-40173-007_1.jpg)

7 February 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

7.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

7.30am: Landed Dockyard party

1.30pm: Paid ship’s company

2.00pm: Hands employed getting up & discharging stores

Sick list 20

4f961cdaa2fc8e2def002a79: ( 53-40173-008_0.jpg)

8 February 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

7.30am: Two shore lighters came alongside

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship & returning stores

5.15pm: Read Warrants Nos 166, 167 & 168

Sick list 21

4f961cdaa2fc8e2def002a7a: ( 53-40173-008_1.jpg)

9 February 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.10am: Rigged Diving boat

10.00am: Tug arrived with Stores for DEVONSHIRE

5.00pm: Working parties returned

5.50pm: Let go Starboard anchor

Sick list 22

4f961cdaa2fc8e2def002a7b: ( 53-40173-009_0.jpg)

10 February 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

6.30am: Weighed Starboard anchor

8.30am: Divisions. Aired night clothing

10.20am: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

12.30pm: Divers examining underwater fittings

Hands make & mend clothes

2.00pm: Sub Lieut Clark joined from ANTRIM, 3 Ratings joined ship & Mr Thomas, Signal Boatswain

Sick list 24

Operations in the North Atlantic 1917

JP map Drake North Atlantic 1917

4f961cdba2fc8e2def002a7c: ( 53-40173-009_1.jpg)

11 February 1917

From Bermuda to Halifax, or at Grassy Bay

Lat 32.47, Long -64.53

6.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea

8.30am: Received 37 German prisoners from BERWICK

9.35am: Weighed. Turning ship

10.05am: Proceeded. Course as required

11.00am: Performed Divine Service

11.11am: Entered the Narrows

11.23am: Shaped Course N80E

5.50pm: Darkened ship

9.30pm: Passed steamer steering South

Sick list 23

4f961cdba2fc8e2def002a7d: ( 53-40173-010_0.jpg)

12 February 1917

From Bermuda to Halifax

Lat 37.4, Long -64.18

1.30pm: Divisions. Mustered boots & oilskins

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 24

4f961cdba2fc8e2def002a7e: ( 53-40173-010_1.jpg)

13 February 1917

From Bermuda to Halifax

Lat 41.12, Long -64.03

5.00am: Heavy snow squall

9.00am: Hands employed overhauling coaling gear

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 23

4f961cdca2fc8e2def002a7f: ( 53-40173-011_0.jpg)

14 February 1917

From Bermuda to Halifax, or at Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

4.30am: Commenced Snowing

5.00am: Commenced Sounding every 12 minutes

7.53am: Sighted CALGARIAN N50W steering SE

9.03am: Stopped. Visibility 0.5-1

9.12am: Sighted Devil’s Island Lighthouse N20E

9.30am: Proceeded. Course as required

9.50am: Portuguese Shoal Buoy S45E 3.5 cables

10.00am: Passed boom defence

10.50am: Stopped

10.56am: Secured to No 4 Wharf

12.15pm: Discharged 37 German prisoners to Military guard

2.55pm: Commenced coaling from Wharf

6.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 24

4f961cdca2fc8e2def002a80: ( 53-40173-011_1.jpg)

15 February 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.20am: Commenced coaling. Store party discharging stores for DEVONSHIRE

3.25pm: Finished coaling

Sick list 20

4f961cdca2fc8e2def002a81: ( 53-40173-012_0.jpg)

16 February 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

1.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores & as required

Sick list 21

4f961cdda2fc8e2def002a82: ( 53-40173-012_1.jpg)

17 February 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool, or at Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea

11.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

12.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

5.10pm: Tug secured astern

5.15pm: Cast off wires. Engines as required

5.23pm: Let go Tug

5.35pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower in D berth

8.00pm: Main derrick purchase carried away & dropped Picket Boat on its[?] Crutches

10.40pm: Weighed

10.50pm: Proceeded. Course as required

11.04pm: Passed boom defence

Sick list 19

4f961cdda2fc8e2def002a83: ( 53-40173-013_0.jpg)

18 February 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 43.65, Long -61.02

0.05am: Shaped course S40E

0.15am: Stopped. Sighted MISSANABIE. Boarded MISSANABIE

2.17am: Proceeded S40E. Transport SOUTHLAND & MISSANABIE took station astern

6.00am: Convoy took up Day station, SOUTHLAND 1 mile on Starboard Quarter, MISSANABIE 1 mile on Port Quarter

8.30am: Passed several Casks apparently full, Lat 43 56 N, Long 61 54 W [Lat 43.93, Long 61.9]

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

5.30pm: Convoy took up Night Station, Single Line ahead

5.40pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 23

4f961cdda2fc8e2def002a84: ( 53-40173-013_1.jpg)

19 February 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 44.1, Long -54.52

7.00am: Convoy took up Day Formation

5.20pm: Convoy formed Single Line ahead

5.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 23

4f961cdda2fc8e2def002a85: ( 53-40173-014_0.jpg)

20 February 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 45.35, Long -47.92

5.40pm: Darkened ship. Convoy took up night station, Single line ahead

Sick list 20

4f961cdea2fc8e2def002a86: ( 53-40173-014_1.jpg)

21 February 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 46.95, Long -41.55

5.20pm: Convoy took up “Night Station”, Single Line ahead

5.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 22

4f961cdea2fc8e2def002a87: ( 53-40173-015_0.jpg)

22 February 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 48.32, Long -33.85

5.20pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 20

4f961cdea2fc8e2def002a88: ( 53-40173-015_1.jpg)

23 February 1917

From Halifax to Devonport

Lat 49.0, Long -26.38

9.30am: Sent down & overhauled Main Derrick purchase blocks

10.00am: Steamer passed ahead bound West

5.40pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 19

4f961cdfa2fc8e2def002a89: ( 53-40173-016_0.jpg)

24 February 1917

From Halifax to Devonport

Lat 47.45, Long -19.9

11.00am: Hands employed overhauling coaling gear & as requisite

12.30pm: Hands make & mend Clothes

5.25pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 18

4f961cdfa2fc8e2def002a8a: ( 53-40173-016_1.jpg)

25 February 1917

From Halifax to Devonport

Lat 49.05, Long -13.33

8.10am: Sighted Destroyer escort

8.50am: Parted company with Convoy. Torpedo Boat Destroyer MARTIN took station ahead. Torpedo Boat Destroyers HOPE & LYRA escorting SOUTHLAND, & RUBY, MISSANABIE

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

11.55am: Dispatched [?] MARTIN to sink [?]

5.45pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 18

4f961cdfa2fc8e2def002a8b: ( 53-40173-017_0.jpg)

26 February 1917

From Halifax to Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

5.30am: Sighted Lizard Light N25E

7.45am: Sighted Eddystone Lighthouse N37E

8.17am: Eddystone Lighthouse N70W

8.55am: Course & speed as required

8.57am: Stopped. King’s Harbour Master Sound [Plymouth Sound] came onboard

9.03am: Proceeded, Course & speed as required up Harbour

9.45am: Stopped & secured No 5 buoy

11.30am: Coal lighters came alongside

12.05pm: Discharged Mr Thomas, Signal Boatswain, & 7 Ratings to Depot

1.30pm: Commenced coaling

7.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 23

4f961ce0a2fc8e2def002a8c: ( 53-40173-017_1.jpg)

27 February 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

7.30am: Landed Dockyard party

8.00am: Commenced coaling

5.35pm: Finished coaling

Sick list 25

4f961ce0a2fc8e2def002a8d: ( 53-40173-018_0.jpg)

28 February 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.00am: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as required. Pilot in charge

9.27am: Entered lock gates

10.15am: Secured No 5 Basin. Hands employed provisioning ship & getting out ammunition

12.40pm: Paid monthly money to the Ship’s company

3.00pm: Discharged 5 Ratings to Sick Quarters

3.15pm: 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship

Sick list 22

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Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

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[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: Fawcet Wray, Captain, 8 April 1917

4f961ce3a2fc8e2def002a97: ( 53-40174-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 8 November 1916 To: In use

4f961ce3a2fc8e2def002a98: ( 53-40174-003_1.jpg)

1 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

Dockyardmen working onboard

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & as required

9.35am: Discharged 1 NCO & 10 Privates Royal Marine Light Infantry to Royal Marine Barracks

1.00pm: Gave general leave to Ship’s company till 4pm Tuesday

3.30pm: Care & maintenance party from Depot took over the Ship

4f961ce4a2fc8e2def002a99: ( 53-40174-004_0.jpg)

2 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.30am: Slipped ship from No 5 Basin

11.30am: Secured in No 8 Dock. Hands employed taking in stores

5.00pm: Hands employed taking in Wireless Telegraphy stores

9.10pm: 3 Wireless Telegraphy ratings joined from Portsmouth

4f961ce4a2fc8e2def002a9a: ( 53-40174-004_1.jpg)

3 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.30am: Undocked ship

10.15am: Secured to West Wall of No 5 Basin

11.00am: Hands employed getting in Cordite Tanks

5.00pm: HMS LONDON secured alongside

4f961ce4a2fc8e2def002a9b: ( 53-40174-005_0.jpg)

4 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & getting in cordite cases

4f961ce5a2fc8e2def002a9c: ( 53-40174-005_1.jpg)

5 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.00am: Discharged 1 Able Seaman to Detention Quarters

1.15pm: 3 Royal Naval Reserve Signal Ratings joined from Chatham

4f961ce5a2fc8e2def002a9d: ( 53-40174-006_0.jpg)

6 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.00am: Hands employed drawing stores & as required

4.00pm: Ship’s company returned from leave

4.30pm: Discharged Care & maintenance party to Depot

4.45pm: 9 Privates, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined from Royal Marine Barracks

6.15pm: Discharged 7 Signal Ratings, 1 Able Seaman & 1 Petty Officer to Depot

4f961ce5a2fc8e2def002a9e: ( 53-40174-006_1.jpg)

7 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

7.30am: Commenced shifting ship

8.10am: Secured in lock

11.25am: Hauled out of the Lock. Engines as required

12.35pm: Secured to No 6 Buoy

1.15pm: Discharged Mr G Ford, Chief Boatswain, to Hospital

2.10pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital. 2 Privates, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined & 1 Engine Room Artificer to Depot

3.00pm: 11 Ratings joined from Depot

Sick list 10

4f961ce6a2fc8e2def002a9f: ( 53-40174-007_0.jpg)

8 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

10.30am: Mr Wilson, Boatswain, joined the ship. 1 Stoker joined the ship

2.00pm: 7 Ratings joined from Depot

4.00pm: 2 Ratings joined from Depot

7.40pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: 20 Ratings joined from Depot

Sick list 13

4f961ce6a2fc8e2def002aa0: ( 53-40174-007_1.jpg)

9 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.30am: Hands employed overhauling Main derrick blocks & as required

Sick list 15

4f961ce6a2fc8e2def002aa1: ( 53-40174-008_0.jpg)

10 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.45am: Discharged 1 Rating to Depot

11.15am: 2 Ratings joined from Depot

3.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

3.25pm: Coal lighter came alongside

3.45pm: Commenced coaling

4.00pm: Lieut Pickering RNR joined the ship

6.00pm: Finished coaling

6.10pm: Discharged Lieut French RNR to Depot

7.00pm: Coal lighter left

Sick list 14

4f961ce6a2fc8e2def002aa2: ( 53-40174-008_1.jpg)

11 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.15am: Performed Divine Service

6.00pm: Sent away Fire party to SS NANKING [NANKIN]

8.00pm: Fire party returned

Sick list 15

4f961ce7a2fc8e2def002aa3: ( 53-40174-009_0.jpg)

12 March 1917

From No 6 Buoy to No 5 Basin, at Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.40am: Landed funeral party for Funeral of late Chief Boatswain G Ford

11.30am: 6 Ratings joined the ship

12.10pm: Funeral party returned

1.47pm: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as required

2.15pm: Entered the lock

2.25pm: Muzzle of B3 6-inch gun caught on lock side

2.50pm: Secured in lock

3.30pm: Shifted ship to No 5 Basin

4.20pm: Secured to East Wall

7.00pm: 2 Ratings joined the ship

Sick list 14

4f961ce7a2fc8e2def002aa4: ( 53-40174-009_1.jpg)

13 March 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.20am: Commenced receiving Government cargo

8.20am: Cargo onboard

9.00am: Shifted ship to SW corner No 5 Basin, alongside VENGEANCE

10.15am: 10 Ratings joined

11.30am: Shifted ship to NW corner of No 5 Basin

Sick list 18

4f961ce7a2fc8e2def002aa5: ( 53-40174-010_0.jpg)

14 March 1917

From No 5 Basin to No 6 Buoy, at Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

7.20am: Commenced shifting ship

8.10am: Left the Basin, Course & speed as required

9.10am: Secured No 6 Buoy. Discharged 1 Rating to Depot

12.10pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Depot Hospital

3.30pm: 1 Stoker joined from Depot

Sick list 19

4f961ce8a2fc8e2def002aa6: ( 53-40174-010_1.jpg)

15 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.30am: Hands employed returning 14-inch Torpedoes & as required

11.00am: 2 Ratings joined the ship

12.30pm: Read Warrant No 184

Hands employed preparing for sea

3.25pm: King’s Harbour Master Sound came onboard

3.37pm: Slipped & proceeded. Course & speed as required

4.22pm: Stopped

4.24pm: Let go Port Bower in B berth

6.20pm: Darkened ship. 3 Ratings joined & Discharged 3 Ratings to Depot

7.00pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speeds as required

7.25pm: Penlee Point abeam, Course S48W. Destroyers HOPE & ACHERON took station on either bow

8.00pm: Eddystone Light abeam 1.75 miles

10.02pm: Lizard Light N30W

Sick list 18

4f961ce8a2fc8e2def002aa7: ( 53-40174-011_0.jpg)

16 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax

Lat 46.48, Long -9.26

4.00pm: HMS HOPE parted company. HMS ACHERON took station ahead 5 cables

6.10pm: Darkened ship

6.50pm: HMS ACHERON parted company

Sick list 19

4f961ce8a2fc8e2def002aa8: ( 53-40174-011_1.jpg)

17 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax

Lat 45.32, Long -19.28

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 25

4f961ce9a2fc8e2def002aa9: ( 53-40174-012_0.jpg)

18 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax

Lat 43.98, Long -26.67

10.20am: Performed Divine Service

4.20pm: Signalled French Barque VINCENNES of Havre bound East

4.40pm: French barque passed bound East

6.05pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 23

4f961ce9a2fc8e2def002aaa: ( 53-40174-012_1.jpg)

19 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax

Lat 42.06, Long -34.0

4.20pm: Altered course S20E to chase steamer. Spoke SS ARRIVAL of London for Gibraltar

4.41pm: Altered course West

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 17

4f961ce9a2fc8e2def002aab: ( 53-40174-013_0.jpg)

20 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax

Lat 40.1, Long -40.85

4.49am: Steering gear jammed. Ship turned 32 points to Starboard

4.59am: Steering gear correct

5.00am: Ship steady West

6.15pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 20

4f961ceaa2fc8e2def002aac: ( 53-40174-013_1.jpg)

21 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax

Lat 39.98, Long -47.87

6.10pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 21

4f961ceaa2fc8e2def002aad: ( 53-40174-014_0.jpg)

22 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax

Lat 41.98, Long -54.9

5.35pm: Wireless aerial carried away

Sick list 17

4f961ceaa2fc8e2def002aae: ( 53-40174-014_1.jpg)

23 March 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Halifax

Lat 43.67, Long -61.67

4.30am: Commenced sounding every 9 minutes

6.55am: Stopped sounding

1.43pm: Starboard engine stopped

2.02pm: Increased to 55 revs with Port Engine

4.30pm: Hands employed preparing for Coaling

7.26pm: Portuguese Shoal buoy abeam. Course as required

8.03pm: Passed through the gate

8.12pm: Stopped. Let go Port Bower in B berth

4f961ceaa2fc8e2def002aaf: ( 53-40174-015_0.jpg)

24 March 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.43am: Collier DARNHOLME came alongside

8.20am: Mr Powell (Mate) rejoined the ship

10.00am: 1 Boy joined the ship

6.30pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 21

4f961ceba2fc8e2def002ab0: ( 53-40174-015_1.jpg)

25 March 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.30am: Hands employed getting up & discharging Bullion & coaling ship

9.30am: HMS ANTRIM arrived & moored in A berth

10.30am: Hands employed coaling ship & loading bullion

3.00pm: Finished coaling

3.30pm: Collier left

Sick list 24

4f961ceba2fc8e2def002ab1: ( 53-40174-016_0.jpg)

26 March 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

12.30pm: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

1.20pm: Discharged Lieutenant Commander Back to Hospital

1.25pm: Weighed & proceeded with Port engine, Tug MUSQUASH assisting

1.56pm: Secured to No 4 Wharf

Sick list 23

4f961ceba2fc8e2def002ab2: ( 53-40174-016_1.jpg)

27 March 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.00am: Court of Enquiry sat

10.30am: Hands employed dismounting 6-inch gun & painting ship

Sick list 20

4f961ceca2fc8e2def002ab3: ( 53-40174-017_0.jpg)

28 March 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.10am: Discharged 4 Seaman Gunners RNR to NIOBE

10.00am: Hands employed dismounting 6-inch guns & as required

5.10pm: HMS CALGARIAN & 5 Transports sailed

Sick list 22

4f961ceca2fc8e2def002ab4: ( 53-40174-017_1.jpg)

29 March 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.00am: Hands employed dismounting 6-inch guns & as required

Sick list 20

4f961ceca2fc8e2def002ab5: ( 53-40174-018_0.jpg)

30 March 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

3.20am: Landed Fire party for Fire ashore

5.00am: Fire party returned

5.30pm: Discharged 2 Royal Naval Reserve ratings to NIOBE for Defensively Armed Merchant Ship

Sick list 16

4f961ceda2fc8e2def002ab6: ( 53-40174-018_1.jpg)

31 March 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

12.40pm: Paid monthly money to Ship’s Company

5.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

Sick list 18

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Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

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[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: Fawcet Wray, Captain, 4 May 1917

4f961cf0a2fc8e2def002abf: ( 53-40175-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 8 November 1916 To: In use

4f961cf0a2fc8e2def002ac0: ( 53-40175-003_1.jpg)

1 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

4.00am: Lit fires in Picket Boat

9.30am: Divisions

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

2.00pm: Gave special leave to Starboard Watch till 11.30pm & boys till 5pm

4.00pm: Quarters

Sick list 17

4f961cf0a2fc8e2def002ac1: ( 53-40175-004_0.jpg)

2 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

3.00pm: Landed Funeral party

5.50pm: Funeral party returned

Sick list 14

4f961cf0a2fc8e2def002ac2: ( 53-40175-004_1.jpg)

3 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

Sick list 17

4f961cf1a2fc8e2def002ac3: ( 53-40175-005_0.jpg)

4 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.00am: Hands employed ranging cable for survey & dismounting 6-inch gun

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 15

4f961cf1a2fc8e2def002ac4: ( 53-40175-005_1.jpg)

5 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.00am: Hands employed surveying chain cable, provisioning ship & as required

1.35pm: Discharged 2 Able Seamen to NIOBE for Defensively Armed Merchant Ship

Sick list 16

4f961cf1a2fc8e2def002ac5: ( 53-40175-006_0.jpg)

6 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

8.10am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 13

4f961cf2a2fc8e2def002ac6: ( 53-40175-006_1.jpg)

7 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

7.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

9.30am: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

Sick list 15

4f961cf2a2fc8e2def002ac7: ( 53-40175-007_0.jpg)

8 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 14

4f961cf2a2fc8e2def002ac8: ( 53-40175-007_1.jpg)

9 April 1917

From Halifax to Steam Trial, or at Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea

9.15am: Slipped from Jetty No 4

9.20am: Proceeded. Course as required

9.55am: Mauger Beach Lighthouse abeam

10.14am: Portuguese Shoal buoy abeam. Commenced working up

10.45am: Commenced Trial

11.45am: Finished trial (Satisfactory)

12.25pm: Portuguese Shoal buoy abeam. Course as required

1.02pm: Stopped

1.15pm: Secured to No 4 Wharf

3.00pm: Hands employed preparing for coaling

Sick list 16

4f961cf3a2fc8e2def002ac9: ( 53-40175-008_0.jpg)

10 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.30am: Commenced coaling from jetty

7.55am: Collier came alongside Starboard side

8.10am: Commenced coaling from Collier

4.45pm: Finished coaling

5.20pm: Collier left

Sick list 15

4f961cf3a2fc8e2def002aca: ( 53-40175-008_1.jpg)

11 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.05am: Slipped from No 4 Jetty. Course & speed as required

9.15am: French Cruiser CONDE proceeded alongside No 4 Wharf

9.34am: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower in D berth

am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

5.30pm: HMS ANTRIM & Transport sailed

Sick list 15

4f961cf3a2fc8e2def002acb: ( 53-40175-009_0.jpg)

12 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.10am: HMS DEVONSHIRE shifted to A berth & ISIS to C berth

Sick list 14

4f961cf4a2fc8e2def002acc: ( 53-40175-009_1.jpg)

13 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

11.45am: HMS DONEGAL arrived & moored in E berth

1.00pm: Hands employed dismounting 6-inch gun & as required

3.50pm: ISIS shifted berth

Sick list 16

4f961cf4a2fc8e2def002acd: ( 53-40175-010_0.jpg)

14 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.00am: HMS BERWICK arrived. Hands employed preparing for Coaling

2.50pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

Sick list 14

4f961cf4a2fc8e2def002ace: ( 53-40175-010_1.jpg)

15 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.30am: HMS LEVIATHAN arrived & moored in B berth

9.30am: Landed Church parties

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 15

4f961cf4a2fc8e2def002acf: ( 53-40175-011_0.jpg)

16 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00am: Collier MOLESBY [? MOLESEY] came alongside. Commenced coaling

7.45am: Finished coaling

8.10am: Collier left

Sick list 17

4f961cf5a2fc8e2def002ad0: ( 53-40175-011_1.jpg)

17 April 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

11.00am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

12.30pm: French Cruiser CONDE anchored in C berth

5.00pm: Mr Duggan, Chief Boatswain, joined for passage

Sick list 17

4f961cf5a2fc8e2def002ad1: ( 53-40175-012_0.jpg)

18 April 1917

From Halifax, or at Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

12.30pm: Discharged 2 Wireless Telegraphy ratings to DEVONSHIRE. 5 Ratings (Sick), 7 Military & 2 Warrant Officers joined for passage

3.15pm: HMS DEVONSHIRE sailed

4.30pm: Hands employed preparing for sea

6.10pm: Weighed

6.26pm: Proceeded. Course as required

7.13pm: Slow both

7.34pm: Portuguese Buoy at 5 cables. Shaped course S24E. Transports AUSONIA, GRAMPIAN, SCANDINAVIAN & NORTHLANDS formed Single Line Ahead astern

Sick list 23

4f961cf5a2fc8e2def002ad2: ( 53-40175-012_1.jpg)

19 April 1917

From Halifax to England

Lat 42.93, Long -59.98

5.20am: Transports took up Day formation

10.40am: Sighted HMS DEVONSHIRE bearing E’N

11.00am: DEVONSHIRE altered course to SW

5.50pm: HMS OLYMPIC passed to Northward bound West

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 24

4f961cf6a2fc8e2def002ad3: ( 53-40175-013_0.jpg)

20 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 42.25, Long -53.73

5.15am: Transports took up Day Formation

6.45pm: Convoy formed Single Line Ahead

7.05pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 23

4f961cf6a2fc8e2def002ad4: ( 53-40175-013_1.jpg)

21 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 41.08, Long -47.97

4.50am: Convoy took up Day formation

5.45pm: Passed 2 Funnel 4 Masted steamer bound West

7.00pm: Passed Steamer one Funnel 2 Masts steering SE

Sick list 26

4f961cf6a2fc8e2def002ad5: ( 53-40175-014_0.jpg)

22 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 42.37, Long -43.08

1.03am: Eased 56 revs Convoy dropping astern

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

6.50pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 26

4f961cf7a2fc8e2def002ad6: ( 53-40175-014_1.jpg)

23 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 43.92, Long -37.68

4.30pm: Read Warrants 190 & 191

Sick list 20

4f961cf7a2fc8e2def002ad7: ( 53-40175-015_0.jpg)

24 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 45.4, Long -32.65

4.45am: Eased 52 revs for Convoy to close up

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 20

4f961cf7a2fc8e2def002ad8: ( 53-40175-015_1.jpg)

25 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 47.52, Long -25.4

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961cf8a2fc8e2def002ad9: ( 53-40175-016_0.jpg)

26 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 50.55, Long -23.58

4.30am: AUSONIA & NORTHLAND took station astern. SCANDINAVIAN took station 3 miles on Starboard beam, & GRAMPIAN 3 miles on Port beam of AUSONIA

7.10pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 16

4f961cf8a2fc8e2def002ada: ( 53-40175-016_1.jpg)

27 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 53.67, Long -17.45

7.00pm: Convoy took station astern in Single line ahead

Sick list 16

4f961cf8a2fc8e2def002adb: ( 53-40175-017_0.jpg)

28 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 55.92, Long -9.82

4.55am: Sighted Destroyers ahead

5.05am: Destroyers HOPE, ALARM, ACHERON & GOSHAWK took over the Convoy

5.20am: Torpedo Boat Destroyer LYRA took station ahead

5.40am: Convoy parted company

1.00pm: Read Warrants No 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198

5.48pm: Sighted land bearing East

7.42pm: Rue Point abeam

9.13pm: Maidens Light abeam 5.5

Sick list 14

4f961cf8a2fc8e2def002adc: ( 53-40175-017_1.jpg)

29 April 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

4.17am: Skerries Light S17W 4 miles

5.05am: Lynas Point abeam 2 miles

7.10am: Stopped, picked up Pilot off Bar Light Vessel

7.20am: Proceeded. Course & speed as required

8.52am: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower

4.45pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required, Pilot in charge

5.23pm: Entered Sandon basin

5.47pm: Secured in Sandon Basin

9.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital. Discharge Mr Duggan, Chief Boatswain

Sick list 16

4f961cf9a2fc8e2def002add: ( 53-40175-018_0.jpg)

30 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

7.30am: Discharged 10 Ratings to Hospital

8.30am: Discharged Lieut Pittendrigh RNR to Hospital

10.27am: Discharged 6 prisoners to Walton prison

1.00pm: Hands employed rigging Coaling gear

10.00pm: Read Warrant No 199. Discharged 1 prisoner to Detention quarters Devonport

10.30pm: 23 Ratings joined from VIVID

Sick list 10

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4f961cfba2fc8e2def002ae4: ( 53-40176-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

4f961cfba2fc8e2def002ae5: ( 53-40176-002_0.jpg)

4f961cfca2fc8e2def002ae6: ( 53-40176-002_1.jpg)

[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: S Radcliffe, Captain, 3 June 1917

4f961cfca2fc8e2def002ae7: ( 53-40176-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 8 November 1916 To: In use

4f961cfca2fc8e2def002ae8: ( 53-40176-003_1.jpg)

1 May 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

7.45am: 5 Privates, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined the ship

9.10am: Divisions, Prayers. Training classes at instruction

10.00am: Hands employed as required

12.30pm: Paid monthly money to the Ship’s company. Training Classes at instruction. Hands employed preparing for coaling

4.00pm: Quarters. Gave special leave to Starboard Watch till 7.00am

7.45pm: Collier No 218 came alongside

Sick list 13

4f961cfda2fc8e2def002ae9: ( 53-40176-004_0.jpg)

2 May 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

5.15am: Commenced coaling

8.00pm: Stopped coaling

10.35pm: Discharged 2 Privates & 1 Boy to Hospital

Sick list 14

4f961cfda2fc8e2def002aea: ( 53-40176-004_1.jpg)

3 May 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

5.00am: Commenced coaling

11.00am: Finished coaling

6.50pm: Discharged Mr Lloyd, Artificer Engineer, to Hospital

7.20pm: 2 Privates, Royal Marine Light Infantry, joined from Plymouth

8.30pm: Collier left

Sick list 9

4f961cfda2fc8e2def002aeb: ( 53-40176-005_0.jpg)

4 May 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

7.00am: 1 Rating joined the ship

10.30am: Lieut Chisholm RNR joined the ship

Sick list 7

4f961cfea2fc8e2def002aec: ( 53-40176-005_1.jpg)

5 May 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

5.15pm: Captain S Radcliffe joined the ship [Stephen Herbert Radcliffe]

Sick list 7

4f961cfea2fc8e2def002aed: ( 53-40176-006_0.jpg)

6 May 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.00am: Performed Divine Service. Lieut H Boldero (Engineer) joined the ship

11.00am: Discharged Captain Fawcet Wray to Admiralty

2.00pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

3.00pm: 18 Ratings joined for passage

Sick list 7

4f961cfea2fc8e2def002aee: ( 53-40176-006_1.jpg)

7 May 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

10.00am: Mr Patterson, Artificer Engineer, joined the ship

12.30pm: Starboard Watch getting up ammunition

1.15pm: Coal lighter came alongside

2.05pm: Commenced coaling

6.25pm: Finished coaling

6.40pm: Lighters left

Sick list 7

4f961cffa2fc8e2def002aef: ( 53-40176-007_0.jpg)

8 May 1917

From Sandon Half Tide Dock to River Mersey, or at Liverpool

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

10.30am: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

Noon: 2 Tugs secured ahead & 2 Tugs secured astern

12.15pm: Slipped & proceeded as required in Tow, Pilot in charge

12.36pm: Cleared lock. Slipped bow Tugs & 1 Stern Tug. Engines as required

1.18pm: Let go Starboard Bower

3.15pm: Discharged 1 Petty Officer Telegraphy to Hospital

4.05pm: Received 3 bags of mail for Senior Naval Officer Halifax

6.30pm: Received 3 Bags Mail for ANTRIM

Sick list 6

4f961cffa2fc8e2def002af0: ( 53-40176-007_1.jpg)

9 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 53.45, Long -4.3

6.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea

8.25am: Weighed

8.47am: Proceeded. Course & speed as required, Pilot in charge

9.50am: Formby Light Vessel abeam. Stopped. Dropped Pilot

9.58am: Proceeded

10.15am: Shaped course S86W

10.20am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

10.25am: Torpedo Boat Destroyers HOPE & BRISK took station on either bow

5.10pm: Sighted land N70W

6.16pm: Maidens Lighthouse N55W

8.14pm: Rue Point abeam 1

10.00pm: Oversay Light N88E 4 miles

Sick list 4

4f961cffa2fc8e2def002af1: ( 53-40176-008_0.jpg)

10 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 55.33, Long -13.7

2.30pm: Torpedo Boat Destroyers HOPE & BRISK parted company

Sick list 7

4f961cffa2fc8e2def002af2: ( 53-40176-008_1.jpg)

11 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 52.15, Long -22.63

10.00am: Sighted steamer bearing SW

10.10am: Altered course S24W, Steamer flying Distress Signal “On Fire”

10.23am: Altered course East to Close

10.30am: Stopped & Signalled SS BAY NYSSA [BAYNYASSA] (British) Cargo of Sugar

11.20am: Sent boarding officer

12.20pm: Sent fire party to BAY NYSSA

12.48pm: Proceeded

12.50pm: Course S66E

12.53pm: SS BAY NYSSA in company

3.45pm: Stopped. Took off fire party

4.20pm: Proceeded

4.25pm: Course S66E

6.23pm: Parted company with SS BAY NYSSA Lat 52 9 N, Long 21 33 W [Lat 52.15, Long -21.55]

Sick list 10

4f961d00a2fc8e2def002af3: ( 53-40176-009_0.jpg)

12 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 49.9, Long -27.45

11.20am: Passed 2 Funnel 2 Mast steamer bound East

Sick list 12

4f961d00a2fc8e2def002af4: ( 53-40176-009_1.jpg)

13 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 46.76, Long -34.43

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 11

4f961d00a2fc8e2def002af5: ( 53-40176-010_0.jpg)

14 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 43.2, Long -40.27

Sick list 14

4f961d01a2fc8e2def002af6: ( 53-40176-010_1.jpg)

15 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 40.98, Long -46.77

6.00am: Passed steamer 4 masts one Funnel, bearing South 6 miles

8.00am: Spoke French barque MARGHARITA MOLINA [?] of Havre bound East

2.25pm: Passed SS KARAMEA bound East

3.00pm: Passed SS VITRUVIA bound East

Sick list 14

4f961d01a2fc8e2def002af7: ( 53-40176-011_0.jpg)

16 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 40.28, Long -52.58

7.30am: Norwegian steamer passed bound East

10.00am: Exercised action. Fired two rounds from 6-inch & 9.2 guns half charges

Sick list 15

4f961d01a2fc8e2def002af8: ( 53-40176-011_1.jpg)

17 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 42.55, Long -59.11

Sick list 17

4f961d02a2fc8e2def002af9: ( 53-40176-012_0.jpg)

18 May 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

3.45am: Sambro Ledge Light Vessel abeam

4.10am: Course as required. Chebucto Lighthouse abeam

5.20am: Stopped

5.40am: Secured to No 4 Wharf

7.30am: Hands employed preparing for coaling

8.30am: Collier MOLESBY [? MOLESEY] came alongside Starboard side. Commenced coaling from Wharf

9.30am: Commenced coaling from Collier

9.45am: Discharged 18 Defensively Armed Merchant Ship ratings to NIOBE

12.30pm: 1 Rating joined from NIOBE

10.00pm: Stopped coaling

Sick list 16

4f961d02a2fc8e2def002afa: ( 53-40176-012_1.jpg)

19 May 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.00am: Hands employed coaling ship

10.00am: Stopped coaling from Collier

3.30pm: Collier MOLESBY left

4.30pm: Finished coaling

5.09pm: Slipped from Wharf, Tug ROBLING [probably F W ROEBLING] astern

5.16pm: Slipped Tug, Course & speed as required

6.10pm: Stopped

6.12pm: Let go Starboard Bower

6.15pm: Let go Port Bower, moored in D berth. 1 Petty Officer Telegraphy joined from LEVIATHAN

7.00pm: Collier MOLESBY came alongside

7.10pm: Commenced coaling

10.10pm: Finished coaling

Sick list 17

4f961d02a2fc8e2def002afb: ( 53-40176-013_0.jpg)

20 May 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.20am: Collier left

7.50am: French Cruiser CONDE arrived & secured No 4 Wharf

8.15am: Landed Roman Catholics

9.00am: American Cruiser CHESTER arrived & moored C berth

Sick list 19

4f961d03a2fc8e2def002afc: ( 53-40176-013_1.jpg)

21 May 1917

From Halifax to Bermuda

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

1.30pm: Hands employed preparing for sea & as required

2.50pm: Received 24 boxes of 1-inch aiming ammunition from Georges Island

4.10pm: Lieut Col Homfray, Royal Marine Artillery, & 50 NCO’s & men joined for passage. Rev Baker & Dr Billings joined. Discharged Lieut Gulston RNR. 3 Ratings joined for passage

7.00pm: HMS CALGARIAN & 4 Transports sailed

7.12pm: Weighed

7.30pm: Proceeded. Course as required

5.22pm: Shaped Course SSE

Sick list 17

4f961d03a2fc8e2def002afd: ( 53-40176-014_0.jpg)

22 May 1917

From Halifax to Bermuda

Lat 41.15, Long -63.63

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 15

4f961d03a2fc8e2def002afe: ( 53-40176-014_1.jpg)

23 May 1917

From Halifax to Bermuda

Lat 36.32, Long -64.03

8.30pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 13

4f961d03a2fc8e2def002aff: ( 53-40176-015_0.jpg)

24 May 1917

From Halifax to Bermuda, or at Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

8.44am: Fort St Catherine S74W 12 miles

9.45am: Course as required. Entered Narrows

10.02am: Cleared the Narrows

10.52am: Stopped. Let go Port Bower in A berth

11.30am: Collier came alongside

11.46am: Commenced coaling

1.00pm: Hands employed coaling ship

2.15pm: Discharged Reverend Baker & 3 Ratings to BERWICK. Discharged Lieut Col Homfray & 50 NCO’s & men & Dr Billings to CAESAR

5.30pm: Finished coaling

6.00pm: Collier shoved off

Sick list 16

4f961d04a2fc8e2def002b00: ( 53-40176-015_1.jpg)

25 May 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & carrying out .303 aiming rifle at Towed target

12.30pm: Hands employed provisioning ship & firing .303 at Towed target

5.00pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

Sick list 17

4f961d04a2fc8e2def002b01: ( 53-40176-016_0.jpg)

26 May 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

7.00am: Rigged Diving boat

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship & at .303 aiming rifle at Towed target

12.30pm: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

Sick list 19

4f961d04a2fc8e2def002b02: ( 53-40176-016_1.jpg)

27 May 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

8.50am: Landed Wesleyans

9.00am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Admonished Lieut F C Alsop RNR for improper behaviour ashore on May 26th. Signed: F C D Alsop

Admonished Lieut C Nelson RNR for improper behaviour in the Picket boat on May 26th. Signed: C Nelson

Sick list 17

4f961d05a2fc8e2def002b03: ( 53-40176-017_0.jpg)

28 May 1917

From Grassy Bay to Shelly Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

12.40pm: Weighed

12.50pm: Proceeded. Course & speed as required

1.19pm: Stopped. Let go Port Bower. Torpedo party running torpedoes at towed target

8.35pm: Exercised Night defence. Firing aiming rifle at Towed Target

Sick list 23

4f961d05a2fc8e2def002b04: ( 53-40176-017_1.jpg)

29 May 1917

From Shelly Bay to Firing, or at Murray’s Anchorage

Lat 32.38, Long -64.72

9.11am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required for carrying our 1-inch aiming rifle & Sub Calibre in Murray’s Anchorage at Towed target

11.30am: Finished the practice

11.52am: Stopped

11.54am: Let go Starboard Bower

11.59am: Let go Port Bower

12.10pm: Moored in 9 fathoms. Torpedo Training Class away creeping

1.35pm: Unmoored. Weighed Port Bower

pm: Hands carrying out aiming rifle practice at Towed Target

5.00pm: Read Warrant No 202. Hands scrub & wash clothes

8.30pm: Exercised Night defence & Firing aiming rifle at Towed target

9.30pm: Finished the practice

Sick list 25

4f961d05a2fc8e2def002b05: ( 53-40176-018_0.jpg)

30 May 1917

From Murray’s Anchorage to Firing

Lat 32.38, Long -64.72

9.07am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required for 1-inch aiming & Sub Calibre at Towed target

11.36am: Completed the practice

11.47am: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower

1.05pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required for Firing 6-inch (half charges) & 12-pounder at Towed Target

1.46pm: Completed the practice

2.03pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower

8.35pm: Exercised Night defence. Carried out aiming rifle practice at Towed Target

9.30pm: Completed the practice

Sick list 25

4f961d06a2fc8e2def002b06: ( 53-40176-018_1.jpg)

31 May 1917

From Murray’s Anchorage to Sea, Firing

Lat 32.38, Long -64.72

9.24am: Weighed. Course & speed as required for carrying out Sub Calibre practice at Towed Target

10.45am: Completed the practice

10.52am: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower

12.35pm: Tug CREOLE left with Target

12.53pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as required for Sub Calibre practice

2.15pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard Bower

3.50pm: Weighed

4.04pm: Proceeded. Course as required

4.11pm: Entered Narrows

4.24pm: Cleared Narrows

4.25pm: Shaped Course S0.5E

8.42pm: Stopped. Dropped Target

8.44pm: Proceeded. Course & speed as required for carrying out Night Firing with 6-inch gun (half charges) & 12-pounder

9.30pm: Completed the practice. Picked up Target

9.53pm: Proceeded. Course S0.5E

Sick list 22

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4f961d07a2fc8e2def002b0b: ( 53-40177-001_0.jpg)

4f961d08a2fc8e2def002b0c: ( 53-40177-001_1.jpg)

Page signed: J A Williams, Commander(N), Navigating Officer

4f961d08a2fc8e2def002b0d: ( 53-40177-002_0.jpg)

4f961d08a2fc8e2def002b0e: ( 53-40177-002_1.jpg)

[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: S Radcliffe, Captain, 5 July 1917

4f961d09a2fc8e2def002b0f: ( 53-40177-003_0.jpg)



Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 18ft

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: Fore Bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2367: From 22 February 1916 To: In use; Negretti & Zambra A2365: From 22 February 1916 To: In Use


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 8 November 1916 To: In use

4f961d09a2fc8e2def002b10: ( 53-40177-003_1.jpg)

1 June 1917

From Murray’s Anchorage to Firing, or at Grassy Bay

Lat 32.2, Long -65.48

1.00am: A1, B1 & 2 12-pounders manned

1.40am: Altered course N0.5E

7.05am: Sighted land N22W

8.25am: Altered course N65E

8.50am: Sighted Tug with 2 Targets N20W

9.00am: Course & speeds as required for taking station on Targets. Exercised Action

9.50am: Fired Starboard Guns, half charges

10.42am: Fired Port guns (Full charges)

10.54am: Finished practice. Closed Target

11.26am: Course S85.5E 57 revs

Noon: Lit fires in Picket Boat

12.30pm: A1, B1 & 2 12-pounders manned

1.00pm: Altered course N52W

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes

2.55pm: Course as required. Entered the Narrows

3.11pm: Cleared the Narrows

3.36pm: 50 revs

4.00pm: 35 revs

4.07pm: Stopped

4.09pm: Let go Port Bower in 8 fathoms veered 6 shackles in A berth

5.30pm: Gave special leave to Port Watch till 10.00pm

6.30pm: Collier BENLAWERS came alongside

9.30pm: Drew fires in Picket Boat

Sick list 18

4f961d09a2fc8e2def002b11: ( 53-40177-004_0.jpg)

2 June 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

5.30am: Commenced coaling

9.40am: Finished coaling

10.00am: Collier left

10.15am: Discharged Lieut Nelson RNR

2.45pm: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital

Sick list 23

4f961d09a2fc8e2def002b12: ( 53-40177-004_1.jpg)

3 June 1917

At Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

8.15am: Landed Roman Catholics

8.45am: Landed Wesleyans

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 17

4f961d0aa2fc8e2def002b13: ( 53-40177-005_0.jpg)

4 June 1917

From Bermuda to Hampton Roads, or at Grassy Bay

Lat 32.32, Long -64.8

am: Divers examining underwater fittings

12.30pm: Tested life buoys, ditto correct

1.30pm: Hands employed preparing for sea

2.00pm: 15 Ratings joined for passage

4.00pm: Lieut C Nelson RNR rejoined from Hospital. Engineer Commander Evans & 5 ratings joined for passage

6.35pm: Weighed

6.44pm: Proceeded. Course as required

7.34pm: Entered the Narrows

7.45pm: Cleared the Narrows

7.50pm: Course N70E

Sick list 19

4f961d0aa2fc8e2def002b14: ( 53-40177-005_1.jpg)

5 June 1917

From Bermuda to Hampton Roads

Lat 33.54, Long -67.52

6.00pm: Altered course NNW to close sailing ship

Sick list 17

4f961d0aa2fc8e2def002b15: ( 53-40177-006_0.jpg)

6 June 1917

From Bermuda to Hampton Roads

Lat 35.72, Long -72.34

Sick list 16

4f961d0ba2fc8e2def002b16: ( 53-40177-006_1.jpg)

7 June 1917

From Bermuda to Hampton Roads

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

6.10am: Course as required

7.05am: Passed through net defence

8.39am: Stopped. Let go Port Bower. Found here US Navy ships COLUMBIA & ALBANY

1.00pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Sick list 16

4f961d0ba2fc8e2def002b17: ( 53-40177-007_0.jpg)

8 June 1917

At Hampton Roads

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

9.00am: Hands employed refitting coaling gear & as required

2.30pm: US Navy Ship UTAH arrived & anchored

Sick list 15

4f961d0ba2fc8e2def002b18: ( 53-40177-007_1.jpg)

9 June 1917

At Hampton Roads

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

9.30am: Hands employed preparing for coaling & as required

Sick list 14

4f961d0ca2fc8e2def002b19: ( 53-40177-008_0.jpg)

10 June 1917

At Hampton Roads

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

10.00am: Performed Divine Service

1.10pm: Coal lighter came alongside

3.00pm: Discharged 9 Special Ratings for signalling to Convoy

Sick list 14

4f961d0ca2fc8e2def002b1a: ( 53-40177-008_1.jpg)

11 June 1917

At Hampton Roads

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

4.45am: Commenced coaling

9.15am: Discharged Lieut Pickering RNR to SS STANDISH HALL & 4 Ratings for Signal duties to Convoy

Noon: Finished coaling

2.30pm: Coal lighter left

Sick list 14

4f961d0ca2fc8e2def002b1b: ( 53-40177-009_0.jpg)

12 June 1917

From Hampton Roads to Lynnhaven Roads, or at Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 36.93, Long -76.1

7.05am: Tug J ALVAH CLARK came alongside

7.20am: Weighed

7.30am: Tow parted

7.42am: Proceeded. Course & speed as required

7.52am: Passed net defence

8.10am: Dense Fog. Stopped

8.12am: Let go Port Bower

11.10am: Fog lifted

11.23am: Weighed

11.26am: Proceeded. Course as required

11.43am: Entered the Cut

12.25pm: Fog set in

12.35pm: Stopped. Let go Port Bower in Lynnhaven Roads

Sick list 14

4f961d0da2fc8e2def002b1c: ( 53-40177-009_1.jpg)

13 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 37.02, Long -75.63

4.44am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speeds as required towards the gate

5.06am: Stopped. Let go Port Bower

8.42am: Weighed

9.00am: Proceeded. Course & speeds as required

9.10am: Passed through net defence

9.14am: Stopped & communicated with CLYDESDALE, PENICHE & NEWLYN

9.40am: Proceeded S52E

10.20am: PENICHE took station astern

1.25pm: Put over Fog Buoy

6.15pm: Commenced sounding with sounding[?] Tubes

6.54pm: Crossed 100 fathom line

10.45pm: Fog cleared

11.15pm: Dense Fog

Sick list 15

4f961d0da2fc8e2def002b1d: ( 53-40177-010_0.jpg)

14 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 37.83, Long -71.77

6.10am: Fog lifted. Ships astern in Single Line SS PENICHE (Portuguese), CLYDESDALE & NEWLYN

9.15am: Altered course S75.5E closed STANDISH HALL

11.00am: PENICHE took station on Starboard beam

11.20am: Altered course N89.5E STANDISH HALL took station ahead of DRAKE

3.22pm: Hauled out of line to signal CLIFTONHALL

3.40pm: CLIFTONHALL took station astern of NEWLYN

5.00pm: Sighted SS DARA on Starboard Quarter. Read Warrant No 206

7.00pm: DARA took station astern of PENICHE

Sick list 17

4f961d0da2fc8e2def002b1e: ( 53-40177-010_1.jpg)

15 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 38.7, Long -68.28

9.40am: Hauled out of Line for Signalling

Noon: SS MONARCH joined Convoy

1.10pm: Resumed Station in the line

1.30pm: SS VANCOUVER & MASCANOMO joined the Convoy

Sick list 16

4f961d0da2fc8e2def002b1f: ( 53-40177-011_0.jpg)

16 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 39.65, Long -64.35

4.10am: Sighted SS MASSASOIT N40W

7.00am: SS MASSASOIT joined the convoy took M2

7.50am: Sighted American Cruiser & 5 ships N15E

2.35pm: Challenged & replied to American Cruiser CHARLESTON, Torpedo Boat Destroyers ALLEN, PRESTON & SWIFT [?], one Collier & 3 Ships

6.00pm: US Cruisers N79E

8.00pm: US Cruisers & convoy S89E. Darkened ship

Sick list 16

4f961d0ea2fc8e2def002b20: ( 53-40177-011_1.jpg)

17 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 40.27, Long -60.4

10.30am: Performed Divine Service

Disposition of Convoy:





Sick list 15

4f961d0ea2fc8e2def002b21: ( 53-40177-012_0.jpg)

18 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 40.72, Long -56.05

2.30pm: Special Signal Class at instruction

8.00pm: Darkened ship

Sick list 20

4f961d0ea2fc8e2def002b22: ( 53-40177-012_1.jpg)

19 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 40.88, Long -51.38

11.30am: Read Warrant No 207

4.30pm: Read Warrant No 208

Sick list 21

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20 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 42.0, Long -47.12

3.30am: Fog set in

4.00am: Fog lifted

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 209

Sick list 23

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21 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 43.28, Long -42.48

10.30am: Inspected bedding

11.30am: Signalled Steamer bearing NEward

11.55am: SS ETHELWOLF joined the convoy, took M3

5.00pm: SS MONARCH & DARA took up night station

Sick list 22

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22 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 44.51, Long -38.02

4.00am: SS MONARCH & DARA took up Cruising Station on beam of MASCANAMO & VANCOUVER

2.00pm: Passed Sailing ship RJUKAN of Copenhagen

6.00pm: Read Warrant No 210

Sick list 25

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23 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 45.48, Long -33.6

Sick list 24

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24 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 46.11, Long -28.77

10.15am: Performed Divine Service

Sick list 23

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25 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 46.6, Long -24.12

10.15am: Sighted American Destroyer MCCALL bearing East & bound West

5.00pm: Read Warrant No 211

Sick list 17

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26 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads

Lat 47.55, Long -19.46

Sick list 17

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27 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads to Plymouth

Lat 48.64, Long -15.14

10.00am: Sighted Destroyer N12W (VICTOR)

10.12am: Sighted LIBERTY, ACASTA & LOOKOUT

11.15am: OWL joined ACASTA & LOOKOUT took station on either bow

1.00pm: MIDGE & LENNOX joined OWL & Destroyers took over Convoy

Sick list 17

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28 June 1917

From Lynnhaven Roads to Plymouth

Lat 49.58, Long -4.8

2.15pm: Torpedo Boat Destroyers LOOKOUT & ACASTA took station astern

2.15pm: Eddystone abeam 3000 yards

3.00pm: Breakwater Lighthouse abeam

3.10pm: Stopped

3.12pm: Let go Port Bower in B berth

5.30pm: Shortened in. Discharged 10 Ratings & 2 Officers to Hospital & 20 Ratings to RN Barracks

6.00pm: King’s Harbour Master came onboard. Weighed & proceeded up Harbour

6.45pm: Secured to No 7 Wharf

Sick list 15

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29 June 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

12.30pm: Discharged 1 Mate (Engineer) to Depot

1.30pm: Discharged 1 Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve to Depot & 1 Able Seaman joined the ship

Sick list 10

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30 June 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.30am: Discharged 1 Petty Officer Telegraphy to Depot

9.30am: Hands employed Drawing Stores & as required

2.20pm: Coal lighter came alongside

2.35pm: Commenced coaling

5.00pm: Discharged 2 Ratings to Depot. 1 Stoker joined the ship

7.40pm: Finished Coaling

9.30pm: 2 Ratings joined from Depot

Sick list 10

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No log book for the month of July 1917


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Page signed: A Alison, Navigating Officer

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[Speed and coal consumption figures – see log page for full details]

Page signed: S Radcliffe, Captain

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Name of Maker and number: Negretti & Zambra 817

Height of cistern above sea: 11ft 1.5in

Error of Mercurial Barometer: –


Position in Ship: On Side of Chart House

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2365, 2367: From 1915


Maker and No: Negretti & Zambra 2366: From 1916

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1 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

7.45am: Working party from Depot arrived

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.25pm: Hands employed refitting, scraping & painting where necessary. 4 Ratings rejoined from hospital

3.30pm: Irish party returned from long leave

4.30pm: Gave leave to Port Watch till 7.00am

5.30pm: Exercised fire stations

Sick list 3

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2 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

7.45am: Working party from depot came on board

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, red leading & painting ship’s side. Party fitting paravane gear

Sick list 4

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3 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

0.15am: Lieut J P Wilson RNR joined ship

7.45am: Working party arrived from Depot

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship’s side, rigging party refitting & overhauling main derrick purchase & topping lift blocks. Party hauling taut & securing paravane chains

10.00am: Discharged Lieut Nelson RNR to RN Depot Devonport

11.15am: Joined ship 20 ratings from Devonport

Sick list 8

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4 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

7.44am: Working party from depot arrived

9.00am: Read warrant No 215. Discharged one rating to Detention Barracks

6.00pm: Read warrants No 216, 217

6.10pm: Worked main derrick replaced steam pinnace’s boiler

Sick list 10

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5 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

9.00am: Landed Church parties

10.00am: Held divine service

12.15pm: Church parties returned

2.30pm: Commenced flooding dock

3.10pm: Ship afloat

3.40pm: Opened dock caisson

3.45pm: Ship undocked

4.00pm: Passed out of dock

5.10pm: Secured alongside No 3 basin under No 18 20-ton crane

8.30pm: Joined ship Mr [blank] from Royal Navy Barracks Devonport

Sick list 11

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6 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

8.00am: Hands employed painting on upper deck. Party with Mate (Torpedo) employed fitting paravane gear

9.30am: Discharged Lieut Hamilton RNR & Artificer Engineer Patterson to hospital

10.00am: Joined ship 1 Chief Stoker & 9 ratings from Devonport Depot

3.00pm: Lieut Commander Grey discharged to Royal Navy Barracks

Sick list 12

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7 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

9.00am: Worked main derrick, hoisted out Carley life floats

10.30am: Joined ship 6 ratings from Royal Navy Depot, Devonport

1.15pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted in Carley floats

1.57pm: Carried out basin trial, engines to slow

2.03pm: Stopped. Adjusted wires

2.20pm: Slow ahead

2.40pm: Stop

3.00pm: Slow ahead

3.06pm: Stopped

3.09pm: Slow astern both

3.30pm: Stopped. Finished basin trial. Tested life buoys & found correct

3.30pm: Discharged 3 Seamen to Depot

7.30pm: 2 Ratings joined ship

8.10pm: Shifted berth. Dockyard in charge

9.56pm: Bow passed through No 9 dock

10.11pm: Stern passed through No 9 dock

11.30pm: Commenced to pump out No 9 dock

Sick list 11

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8 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

1.00am: Ship took docking chocks

10.00am: Joined ship Surgeon Frossard. Joined ship Artificer Engineer

6.45pm: Discharged 1 Sick Berth Attendant to depot

7.45pm: Received mails from Commander in Chief’s office

Sick list 15

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9 August 1917

At Chatham

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

9.00am: Joined ship Lieut C Stewart RNR. Hands employed refitting coaling gear and painting flats

1.45pm: Discharged 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, to depot

3.00pm: Make & Mend clothes

6.40pm: Discharged 4 ratings to depot

Sick list 16

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10 August 1917

From Chatham to Sheerness, or at Chatham & Sheerness

Lat 51.41, Long 0.55

9.30am: Discharged 12 marines to Royal Marine Depot. Joined ship 12 marines from Royal Marine Depot

10.05am: Commenced flooding dock

11.00am: Ship afloat

1.30pm: Shifted berth from dock into North Lock

3.00pm: Ship made fast in North Lock

5.40pm: Hands preparing for shifting berth

5.45pm: Ship proceeded out of lock, tugs assisting

5.50pm: Cast off tugs, proceeded down river, engines & helm as requisite. Pilot in charge

6.43pm: Stopped off No 10 buoy

6.58pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. Finished with engines, pilot left ship

8.30pm: Lieut Davies RNR joined ship for passage

10.30pm: Warrant Telegraphist Cherrett [?] joined ship for passage

Sick list 16

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11 August 1917

At Sheerness

Lat 51.45, Long 0.77

1.00am: Rain Squall

5.00am: Port watch employed embarking ammunition

9.45am: Tug alongside

10.05am: Joined ship 3 stokers

11.10am: Commenced swinging ship for adjustment of compasses

2.15pm: Finished ammunitioning ship

2.35pm: Finished swinging ship

2.45pm: Collier FORESTMOOR came alongside

3.55pm: Commenced coaling

5.00pm: Water Tank left ship

8.25pm: Ceased coaling

Sick list 17

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12 August 1917

At Sheerness

Lat 51.45, Long 0.77

5.00am: Commenced coaling

12.45pm: 2 Seamen joined ship from Devonport

3.09pm: Finished coaling. Took in 1808 tons

3.30pm: Cast off collier

Sick list 17

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13 August 1917

From Sheerness to Devonport, or at Sea

Lat 51.38, Long 1.54

6.00am: Cleaning ship & preparing for sea

7.50am: Worked main derrick. In Picket Boat

8.15am: Hoisted in steam pinnace

8.55am: Slipped & proceeded. Engines & helm as requisite

9.42am: Nore Light Vessel abeam 1.3 miles. Course & speed as requisite for passing through South Edinburgh Channel

10.04am: Commenced Paravane Trial

10.50am: Finished

11.18am: F71 & F93 in company. Course as requisite through Downs

12.26pm: Gull Light Vessel abeam

12.54pm: Streamed Paravanes & Patent Log

1.10pm: South Goodwin abeam to port 3.2 cables. Course as requisite for Folkestonegate

2.29pm: Dungeness abeam 2 miles

3.33pm: Course as requisite to pass Royal Sovereign [Light Vessel] to Northward

3.48pm: R8 abeam to port 2 cables

6.20pm: Owers Light Vessel abeam 10.2 miles

10.29pm: Portland Bill Light abeam 9.5 miles

Sick list 15

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14 August 1917

From Sheerness to Devonport, or at Sea & Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

0.47am: Start Point Light abeam 9.8 miles

2.45am: Hauled in Paravanes

3.15am: Breakwater Light abeam. Course & speed as requisite to anchorage

3.32am: Stopped

3.34am: Let go Starboard anchor

3.36am: Turned engines astern

3.40am: Finished with Engines

6.00am: Hands preparing for coaling

9.25am: Shortened in

9.30am: Weighed & proceeded with assistance of tug ROVER. Course & speed as requisite, King’s Harbour Master in charge

10.04am: Passed through Gate of Boom defence

10.26am: Slipped Tug

10.28am: Secured to No 8 buoy Hamoaze

11.10am: Coal lighters C75 & C69 alongside

11.30am: Joined ship one seaman

1.00pm: Discharged Lieut Stock, Royal Marine Light Infantry, to hospital

3.05pm: Discharged 1 Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry, to depot

4.30pm: Finished coaling. Took in 400 tons

5.05pm: Coal lighters shoved off

8.55pm: Discharged one boy to depot. Joined ship one boy from depot

Sick list 17

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15 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea

Lat 49.83, Long -5.18

2.50am: Hailed guard boat

4.51am: King’s Harbour Master boarded. Tug ASSURANCE towing ahead. Slipped from No 8 buoy. Turned ship & proceeded to Sound

5.19am: Passed boom defence gate

5.22am: Slipped ASSURANCE

5.34am: Stopped

5.35am: Turned engines astern

5.36am: Let go Starboard anchor

5.40am: Finished with Engines

8.00am: Escorting destroyers Nos 50 & 53 alongside

8.30am: Escort left harbour

8.45am: Hove short

8.47am: Weighed & turned ship with assistance of tug BOARHOUND

9.30am: Breakwater Lighthouse abeam. Shaped course S29W

9.42am: Eddystone Lighthouse abeam 1.4 miles

11.42am: Lizard Lighthouse abeam

1.00pm: Wolf Rock N33E 4.2 miles

2.41pm: Round Island Lighthouse S58.28E, Bishop Rock Lighthouse S10E, 19.0

Sick list 15

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16 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea

Lat 49.02, Long -15.92

6.00am: Scrubbed hammocks

8.00am: Destroyer escort parted company

Sick list 17

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17 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea

Lat 48.09, Long -23.93

10.00am: Passed small derelict 48 12 N, 23 20 W [Lat 48.2, Long -23.3]

Noon: Danish steamer bore Southeast

Sick list 16

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18 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea

Lat 46.92, Long -31.48

5.40am: Passed steamer bound opposite

7.30am: Passed sailing ship (American Colours)

9.00am: Saturdays Routine, Hands cleaning ship. Special class under instruction

11.00am: Captain’s rounds

2.30pm: Make & Mend clothes

7.00pm: Passed 4-masted schooner bound opposite

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19 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea

Lat 45.23, Long -38.42

10.00am: Held divine service

9.10pm: Switched on navigation lights

10.40pm: Switched off navigation lights

Sick list 17

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20 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea

Lat 43.09, Long -44.85

2.30pm: Scrub & wash clothes

6.55pm: Hauled taut & secured sheet cable

Sick list 16

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21 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea

Lat 41.12, Long -50.53

9.28am: Stopped & dropped target

9.40am: Course & speed as requisite for subcalibre firing from starboard guns

10.25am: Stopped & picked up target. Secured

10.36am: Proceeded, Course N51W

11.40am: Sighted cruiser with convoy

Sick list 16

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22 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea

Lat 42.58, Long -57.62

3.30am: Closed up submarine lookout

11.30am: Captain’s rounds between decks

Sick list 14

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23 August 1917

From Devonport to Halifax, or at Sea and Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00am: Hands employed preparing paravane gear and for coaling ship

7.15am: Put over paravanes

8.25am: Course as requisite to close outer whistle buoy

8.28am: Observed Patrol Vessel

8.32am: Outer whistle buoy abeam 0.25 cables

8.41am: Course & speed as requisite to anchorage

9.50am: Portuguese shoal buoy abeam

10.20am: Passed through outer gate

10.28am: Passed through inner gate

10.38am: Stopped

10.39am: Let go Port anchor

10.41am: Let go Starboard anchor. Moored ship. At No “D” Berth, Halifax

11.50am: Collier BROOKADRA [probably BOUKADRA] came alongside. Hands coaling ship

1.00pm: Discharged 1 rating to LEVIATHAN, 1 Warrant Telegraphist & 2 ratings to NIOBE

5.05pm: 1 Rating joined from NIOBE

6.00pm: Discharged Lieut Davies RNR

Sick list 13

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24 August 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.10am: Finished coaling. Took in 823 tons

5.25am: Collier shoved off

10.00am: Arrived CORNWALL

10.30am: CUMBERLAND shifted berth

6.00pm: Landed patrol

10.45pm: Patrol returned on board

Sick list 15

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25 August 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

10.00am: Tested life buoys & found correct

1.30pm: Make & Mend Clothes

Sick list 15

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26 August 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

8.10am: Landed Roman Catholics 57

9.30am: Mustered by open list

10.00am: Landed Presbyterians 22, Wesleyans 20

10.30am: Held divine service

10.40am: Roman Catholics returned

12.45pm: Wesleyans & Presbyterians returned

4.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to CORNWALL

6.00pm: Joined ship 2 ratings from COCHRANE

7.00pm: Boys Church of England party (14) left ship

9.00pm: Boys Church party returned

Sick list 14

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27 August 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

11.30am: Landed escort

1.00pm: Escort & prisoner returned

4.30pm: Landed patrol

6.00pm: Scrub & wash clothes

10.30pm: Patrol returned

Sick list 16

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28 August 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

9.00am: Patrol landed

11.45am: Patrol returned

1.30pm: Read warrant no 218

4.30pm: Landed patrol

7.00pm: Sailed CUMBERLAND

Sick list 11

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29 August 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00am: Sailed COCHRANE

7.00am: Rigged diving boat

9.45am: Commander in Chief came on board. Mustered officers

10.20am: Commander in Chief left

11.00am: Hands employed: Training classes under instruction, divers exercised quarterly dip. Remainder cleaning & painting

6.00pm: Scrub & wash clothes

Sick list 10

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30 August 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

5.30am: Aired bedding

7.30am: Tug MUSQUASH arrived for provisioning party & left for dockyard

11.00am: Tug MUSQUASH alongside with provisions. Party clearing same & stowing in holds

6.00pm: Landed patrol

10.40pm: Patrol returned

Sick list 10

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31 August 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.69, Long -63.64

6.00am: Scrubbed hammocks

6.45am: Worked main derrick

8.00am: Fired one gun salute

9.00am: Landed 260 seamen & stokers for route march

9.30am: Held Court Martial

10.00am: Hauled down Court Martial Jack

Noon: Landing party returned

12.40pm: Paid monthly monies

3.30pm: Inspected hammocks

pm: Scrub & wash clothes

4.30pm: Landed patrol

10.40pm: Patrol returned

Sick list 10

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[HMS DRAKE was torpedoed by U 79 on 2 October 1917 off Rathlin Island. Further details here, and the Casualty List is here.]