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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Cruiser, ex-Armoured Cruiser, Kent or Monmouth-class

Pendant Nos. P.27 (1914), P.80 (9.15), P.99 (1.18). Launched 6.3.01 Portsmouth DY. 9,800 tons, 463(oa), 440(pp)x66 x23ft. TE 21000ihp, 23kts. Armament: 14-6in, 10-12pdr, 2-18in tt. Armour: 4in sides, 2in deck, 5in guns. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Falkland Islands 8 Dec 1914. Sold 6.20 at Hong Kong. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Launched 6/3/01, sold for BU 6/20. Portsmouth for refit in August 1913. Sent to Falklands in September 1914 and took part in the Battle of the Falklands on 8 December 1914, sinking the light cruiser Nurnberg. On 14 March 1915 with HMS Glasgow discovered the Dresden at Mas a Fuera in Chile, and sank her. Sent to China Station in March 1915 but returned home in May 1915. Escorted Channel convoys in June 1918 and in July 1918 went to China. Sent to Vladivostok in January 1919 during American and Japanese operations against Bolshevik Russia. Put on sale list at Hong Kong in March 1920. She had been rearmed in 1917, with lower 6in casemate guns moved up two decks. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

HMS Kent's biography from "Conway's All The World's Fighting Ships 1906-21", quoted above, appears to contain inaccuracies for the years 1915-1918.
After the action with SMS Dresden in 1915, Kent was occupied with patrols on the West coast of the Americas until the end of February 1916.
She then transferred to the South Africa station, and escorted convoys between Cape Town and the UK until August 1918, when she sailed for the China Station.

For further information: a very interesting picture album from HMS Kent and Captain Allen’s diary of the Battle of Falklands.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 3rd 1914 TO SEPTEMBER 23rd 1915

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Blue front cover of log, October 3rd 1914 to 23rd September 1915.

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Above five pages blank.

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Commanded by Captain JD Allen, RN, CB

For the period 3rd October 1914 to 23rd September 1915.

Tonnage 9,800

Length 440’

Breadth 68’


Hawthorn, Leslie & Co, Newcastle.

IHP 22,000 Natural Draught

Inverted Triple Expansion

Fixed on board 1901-2


Hawthorn, Leslie & Co, Newcastle.

Belleville type.

Made and installed, 1902.


Admiralty pattern, straight, radially inclined.

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Printed page of instructions for logkeepers.

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Ship’s Company, Armament, Boats and Miscellaneous information.

Establishment of Ship’s Company:









Engine-room Establishment:


Other non-executive ratings:





Fore Barbette (Fore Castle):

Mark VIII 6 inch B.L.No 2

After Barbette (Quarter Deck):

Mark VII 6 inch B.L. No 2

Upper Deck:

Mark VII 6 inch B.L. No 4

Main Deck:

Mark VII 6 inch B.L. No 6

Upper Deck:

12 pounder 12 cast Q.F No 8

Upper Deck:

3 pounder Hotchkiss No 3

Upper Deck:

.303 Maxims No 2

Torpedo Armament:

Submerged tubes:

No 2


18 inch No 9 F. 3

14 inch No 4 R. G. F. 10


Barometer. J Hicks, No 618, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers.

On fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, No 9297.

Wet, No 9517 until 8th December 1914

Wet, No 9512 from 9th December 1914.

Sea thermometer.

Negretti & Zambra:

No 9511.


Picket boat 56’.

Steam pinnace 40’.

Launch 42’.

Sailing pinnace 36’.

Barges 2 x 32’, 1 x 30’, 1 x 26’.

Whaler 27’.

Gig 30’.

Dinghy 16’.

Balsa raft 13’ 6”.

Page signed by Lt/Cdr JR Harvey, Navigating Officer.


JP map Kent 1914-15


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3 October 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  7.30am: Captain JD Allen commissioned ship, including 42 officers, 296 seamen, 25 boys, 87 marines, 256 engine room establishment, 57 other non executive ratings.

  8.30am: Unmoored from wharf and proceeded out of No 3 Basin.

10.00am: Secured alongside Fountain Lake Jetty.

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4 October 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  Sunday routine.

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5 October 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  6.00am: Working parties with Gunner, Carpenter and Bo’sun ammunitioning ship and drawing stores.

  2.30pm: Discharged one Private RMLI to headquarters.

  2.30pm: One Private RMLI joined from headquarters.

  2.30pm: Discharged one RNR Seaman to hospital.

  6.00pm: Two ratings joined from RNB

  Sick list: 6.

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6 October 1914

Portsmouth, at sea for trials and return

Lat 50.71, Long -1.00

  8.30am: Admiralty Pilot arrived on board.

  8.40am: Unmoored from jetty and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

  9.00am: Course as requisite for swinging ship for deviation.

10.45am: Finished swinging. Admiralty Pilot left ship.

10.50am: Proceeded, course as requisite for Eastern entrance channel. Starboard engine stopped, port engine 77 revolutions.

11.29am: Warner Light Vessel abeam.

     Noon: Rounded Nab End buoy.

12.50pm: Speed as requisite for preliminary trials.

  2.05pm: Altered course S78E. Needles Light: N4E, 9 miles.

  4.30pm: Nab Light Vessel: N64E, 3¼ miles. Course as requisite for Eastern entrance and anchorage off Stokes Bay.

  5.50pm: Stopped.

  5.52pm: Let go starboard anchor.

  5.55pm: Let go port anchor, middled cables, 5 shackles on each.

  Sick list: 6.

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7 October 1914

Portsmouth, at sea for trials and return

Lat 50.52, Long -1.14 by X bearings

  8.20am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for Eastern entrance channel.

  9.42am: Nab Light Vessel: N88E, 2½ miles. Shaped course S52W. Speed as requisite for trials.

     Noon: Courses & DMG [distance made good], various, 90 miles.

  2.35pm: Nab Light Vessel: N72E, 4 miles. Course as requisite for cleared channel Eastern entrance.

  4.10pm: Stopped off House Fort, pilot boarded.

  5.00pm: Secured alongside Slip Jetty.

  5.35pm: 15 Stokers, one ERA and one RNVR Seaman joined ship.

  Sick list: 6.

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8 October 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  4.20pm: Read warrant No 1.

  5.30pm: Discharged one Corporal RMLI to headquarters.

  Sick list: 6.

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9 October 1914

Portsmouth, at sea for trials and return

Lat 50.53, Long -1.41 by X bearings

  7.50am: Pilot came on board.

  8.00am: Unmoored from Wharf and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

  8.35am: Stopped, discharged pilot.

  8.40am: Proceeded, course as requisite for Eastern entrance channel.

  9.10am: Rounded Nab End buoy. Course as requisite for trial. Working up to full power.

  9.23am: Outer channel buoy ahead.

10.25am: St Catherine’s Lighthouse: N5W, 2¼ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 56 miles.

12.15pm: Passed HMS Irresistible bound West.

12.17pm: St Catherine’s Light: N2W, 2¼ miles.

  2.06pm: Nab Light Vessel: N10E, 1 mile.

  2.35pm: Culver Cliff Semaphore: N30E, 7 miles.

  3.12pm: Nab Light Vessel: N30E, 7 miles.

  3.25pm: St Catherine’s Light: N38W, 4.5 miles.

  4.45pm: Nab Light Vessel: NE, 1 mile. Course as requisite for Spithead.

  5.30pm: Stopped, pilot came on board.

  5.35pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Portsmouth Harbour.

  6.02pm: Stopped and secured alongside C.I. Collier.

  7.10pm: Secured to C.I. Collier.

  Sick list: 6.

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10 October 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

  7.00am: Second and third part coaling ship. First part returning launch and sailing pinnace.

  1.25pm: Discharged one Ship’s Corporal to hospital.

  2.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 540 tons.

  2.45pm: Unmoored from C.I. and proceeded to Ship Jetty.

  2.45pm: Pilot came on board.

  3.20pm: Secured alongside Ship Jetty.

  3.20pm: Discharged pilot.

  3.45pm: Discharged four ratings to RNB and seven ratings joined from same.

  4.15pm: Worked main derrick and hoisted in two spare propeller blades.

  6.30pm: One Ship’s Corporal and three Stokers joined from RNB

  Sick list: 5.

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11 October 1914


Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

10.30am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 6.

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Records for compass deviation etc.

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12 October 1914

Portsmouth and at sea for St. Vincent

Lat 50.70, Long -0.98 by X bearings

  7.50am: Pilot came on board.

  8.00am: Unmoored from wharf and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Spithead.

  8.50am: Course and speed as requisite for swinging ship.

10.50am: Finished swinging. Discharged pilot. Worked main derrick and hoisted in Picket Boat.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 10 miles.

  1.00pm: St Catherine’s Lighthouse: N31½W, distant 5 miles.

  6.10pm: Sighted Start Point Light: N63W.

  6.15pm: Sighted Berry Head Light: N30W.

  7.35pm: Start Point Light: N8½E, 10 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 50°03’N, 3°44.5’W

  Sick list: 4.

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13 October 1914

At sea

Lat 46.88, Long -7.18

  2.45am: Sighted Ushant Light: S18E.

  3.05am: Altered course S49W, standard, S50W, magnetic. Ushant Light: S33E, 17 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 47°38’N, 6°32’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 357 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 45°26’N, 8°26’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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14 October 1914

At sea

Lat 42.72, Long -11.15

  3.00am: Patent log line jammed to, ditto carried away.

  4.00am: Streamed new log line.

  8.00am: Pos. 43°28’N, 10°40’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 315 miles.

  5.10pm: Put clocks back 31 minutes: Long 11°W ship’s time.

  6.00pm: Strong following sea.

  8.00pm: Pos. 41°05.5’N, 12°19’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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15 October 1914

At sea

Lat 37.62, Long -14.48

  6.00am: Position by stars: 38°49.5’N, 13°55’W

  8.00am: Pos. 38°23’N, 14°12’W.

  9.14am: Altered course to close steamer.

  9.25am: Resumed course.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 371 miles.

  3.00pm: Pos. 36°58’N DR, 14°57’W observed.

  5.00pm: Put clocks on 32 minutes: time Long 18°W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°44’N, 15°44’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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16 October 1914

At sea

Lat 32.17, Long -18.03

  5.30am: Sighted land bearing SSE, Madeira Island.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°03’N, 17°33’W

  9.35am: Madeira Light: S89E, 25½ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S28W, 370 miles.

  4.05pm: Stopped, dropped target.

  4.20pm: Course and speed as requisite for firing starboard guns.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 12 minutes.

  5.45pm: Proceeded, course S57W. 96 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°40’N, 18°46’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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17 October 1914

At sea

Lat 26.98, Long -20 42

  5.30am: Position by stars: 28°33’N, 19°43’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°54’N, 20°02’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S23W, 339 miles.

  4.15pm: Stopped, dropped target.

  4.50pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for firing port guns.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 8 minutes.

  5.45pm: Stopped, picked up target, lowered both sea boats for exercise.

  5.50pm: Proceeded, course S39W, 96 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°33’N, 21°10’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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18 October 1914

At sea

Lat 21.73, Long -20.83

  6.00am: Position by stars: 22°40’N, 22°24’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 22°45’N, 22°28’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S23W, 340 miles.

  5.40pm: Altered course to close merchant ship.

  6.35pm: Proceeded, course S38W, 96 revolutions.

  Sick list: 5.

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19 October 1914

At sea to St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  8.35am: Bull Rock Light: N50W 8½ miles.

  6.10am: Sighted Santo Antonio: S54W.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°16’N, 24°44’W.

  9.30am: Course as requisite for anchorage.

  9.34am: Stopped [in Porto Grande Bay].

  9.38am: Let go port anchor in 12½ fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  9.40am: Saluted Portuguese flag 21 guns.

10.30am: Collier secured alongside

11.25am: Coaling ship.

  Sick list: 6.

  Lost by accident when coaling ship from collier: Hazelwood fenders small 2. 20 in No. Sacks coal Patt. 3(a) 2 in No. Shovels steel Patt. 640b.

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20 October 1914

St Vincent and at sea towards Canary Islands

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  3.00am: Finished coaling. Received 1,233 tons.

  3.20am: Cast off collier.

  7.10am: HMS Defence arrived and anchored.

10.00am: Saluted Governor 17 guns.

  2.30pm: HMS Astraea arrived with Transports A and B.

  3.30pm: Weighed.

  3.38pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour.

  4.02pm: Stopped and picked up cutter.

  4.08pm: Proceeded, course as requisite, 70 revolutions with Transports (A) Dover Castle (B) Garth Castle.

  4.15pm: Passado Island abeam, ½ mile. Course N55E.

  5.30pm: Bull Rock Lighthouse abeam.

  6.06pm: Bull Rock Lighthouse: S80W, 7¼ miles.

  9.00pm: Pos. 17°39’N, 24°38’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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21 October 1914

At sea

Lat 20.08, Long -23.30

  8.00am: Pos. 19°28’N, 23°45’W.

10.00am: Reduced to 38 revolutions to hold a funeral in HMT Garth Castle.[There was an epidemic of measles on board some transport ships which caused several deaths.]

10.05am: Increased to 70 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various.

  2.00pm: Sighted HMS Highflyer: E by S.

  3.00pm: Lost sight of Highflyer.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°26’N, 22°37’W.

10.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 10.

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22 October 1914

At sea

Lat 24.08, Long -21.45

  1.55am: Put clocks on 8 minutes.

  8.00am: Pos. 23°26.5N, 21°37’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, N24E, 263 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°26’N, 20°40’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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23 October 1914

At sea

Lat 27.93, Long -18.97

  1.00am: Put clocks on 8 minutes.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, N30E, 267 miles.

  2.20pm: Sighted HMS Vindictive: N60E.

  3.30pm: Altered course to close as requisite.

  3.37pm: Position S73E, 36 miles from South Point of Palma Island. Met Vindictive. Stopped. Captain went onboard same.

  4.50pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for firing.

  5.12pm: Dropped target. Carried out firing port guns.

  5.50pm: Ceased firing.

  6.00pm: Picked up target.

  6.05pm: Proceeded, course S54E, 64 revolutions.

  7.20pm: Altered course N37E to close steamer.

  7.30pm: Altered course N43E to close steamer.

  7.50pm: Stopped.

  8.25pm: Proceeded, course N30E, 64 revolutions. L T Palma Island bearing N53E, 20 miles.

11.00pm: Cumplida Point Light: S64E, 10 miles.

  Sick list: 13.

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24 October 1914

At sea off Tenerife

Lat 28.55, Long -16.03

  1.02am: Cumplida Island Light abeam, 6½ miles.

  6.15am: Altered course S57E. Anaga Rocks bearing S51E, 37 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 28°31’N, 18°10’W.

  8.40am: Sighted HMS Victorian.

  9.10am: Altered course S50E to close Victorian.

10.17am: Stopped. Position 5 miles off Anaga Point, Tenerife. Captain went onboard Victorian.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 220 miles.

  2.15pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for boarding merchantman SS Chama.

  3.26pm: Shaped course S for South Point of Gran Canaria, 70 revolutions.

  4.35pm: Stopped, boarded SS Anders Irene [possibly Andorinha, see 25th October], merchantman.

  5.52pm: Shaped course S75E, 51 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28°15’N, 15°44’W.

  8.00pm: Sardina Point Light: S10W, 5¼ miles.

10.00pm: Isleta Lighthouse: S25E, 7½ miles.

10.52pm: Stopped.

11.04pm: Proceeded, course S40E. 51 revolutions.

11.22pm: Stopped.

  Sick list: 10.

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25 October 1914

At sea to Las Palmas, Gran Canary

Lat 28.13, Long -15.42

  3.10am: Proceeded, 51 revolutions, course NE.

  3.55am: Stopped.

  4.45am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for boarding merchantman SS Atlanta (Spanish).

  6.30am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for boarding merchantman SS Vasari.

  8.00am: Pos. 28°14’N, 15°30’W.

  8.06am: Stopped. Boarded SS Vasari.

  8.30am: Proceeded, course S77W, 77 revolutions.

  9.20am: As requisite for Las Palmas [La Luz] anchorage.

  9.55am: Came to in 16 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles, starboard anchor.

10.00am: Saluted Spanish Flag 21 guns.

10.15am: Second salute 17 guns, Spanish Admiral.

10.30am: Divisions. Divine Service.

  3.15pm: Saluted Spanish general 11 guns. Fort returned salute.

  5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded 51 revolutions. Course as requisite for leaving harbour.

  6.45pm: Isleta Light: N51W, 3½ miles.

  7.05pm: Isleta Light: S67W, 4 miles.

  7.22pm: Isleta Point: abeam 2½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°42’N, 16°43’W.

  8.15pm: Course as requisite for closing merchantman.

  8.50pm: Stopped and boarded SS Andorinha.

  9.35pm: Proceeded, course N81W.

  Sick list: 10.

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26 October 1914

At sea towards Dakar and Bissagos Islands

Lat 25.67, Long -16.73

  2.15am: Abona Point Light: N50W, 6 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 26°42’N, 16°43’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 210 miles.

  4.55pm: Passed a Danish sailing vessel.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°32’N, 17°11’W.

  Sick list: 3.

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27 October 1914

At sea

Lat 19.42, Long -17.82

  8.00am: Pos. 20°30’N, 17°52’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 390 miles.

12.03pm: Altered course S33W to close steamer.

12.15pm: Resumed course S18W.

  7.26pm: Altered course S to close steamer.

  7.43pm: Resumed course S18W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°15.5’N, 17°49’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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28 October 1914

At sea to Dakar

Lat 14.68, Long -17.42

  4.25am: Sighted Cape Verde Light: S57E.

  6.23am: Reduced to 70 revolutions. Course as requisite for Dakar.

  6.40am: Stopped, picked up Pilot.

  6.45am: Proceeded as requisite for Inner Harbour.

  7.05am: Came to with starboard anchor in 39 feet, veered to 2 shackles.

  8.30am: Coal lighters secured alongside.

  9.15am: Commenced coaling.

  7.20pm: Finished coaling. Received 722 tons.

  8.00pm: Pilot came on board.

  8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course as requisite for leaving harbour.

  8.40pm: Stopped, discharged pilot.

  8.48pm: Shaped course S26W. Working up to 108 revolutions.

  Sick list: 13.

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29 October 1914

At sea

Lat 12.03, Long -16.88

  5.10am: Sighted merchantman. Altered course S43E.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°50’N, 17°30’W.

  8.28am: Stopped.

  8.45am: Proceeded 64 revolutions.

10.25am: Stopped.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 310 miles.

12.12pm: Proceeded at 51 revolutions, course S29W.

  1.57pm: Stop.

  2.00pm: Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles. Cayo Buoy: N35W, ½ mile.

  6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded 51 revolutions, course S76W.

  8.00pm: Pos.11°39’N, 17°10’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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30 October 1914

At sea to Bissagos Is and at sea

Lat 9.93, Long -16.05

  7.42am: Stopped and boarded merchant ship SS Dakar [formerly Anversville].

  8.00am: Pos. 9°54’N, 16°27’W.

  8.12am: Proceeded 51 revolutions, course S77E.

10.08am: Course as requisite to close merchantman.

10.35am: Course and speed as requisite to close and board SS Jonathan Holt.

11.40am: Stopped.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 190 miles.

12.25pm: Proceeded 51 revolutions. Course and speed as requisite to close steamer.

  1.15pm: Stopped and boarded SS Ancobra.

11.43pm: Proceeded 51 revolutions. Course S71E.

  4.30pm: Sighted HMS Highflyer: N18E, steering out of Orange Channel.

  5.17pm: Stopped. Captain went on board Highflyer.

  6.40pm: Captain returned.

  6.46pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for taking station 5 miles on port bow of Highflyer.

  7.15pm: Ship in station, shaped course N72W, 64 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°16’N, 16°05.5W.

  Sick list: 16.

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31 October 1914

At sea

Lat 11.92, Long -17.88

  6.10am: Steamer's smoke on port bow.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°07’N, 17°50’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 249 miles.

  1.05pm: Altered course to close SS Spectator. Course and speed as requisite.

  1.40pm: Stopped.

  2.20pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing and boarding merchantman.

  4.30pm: Parted company with HMS Highflyer.

  6.20pm: Stopped, boarded SS Harvine [?]. Ship stopped in position 12°28’N, 17°51’W.

  8.00pm: Pos.12°27’N, 18°00’W.

  Sick list: 15.


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1 November 1914

At sea

Lat 12.37, Long -17.78

  7.30am: Sighted steamer.

  7.35am: Proceeded 64 revolutions, course as requisite.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°20’N, 18°04’W.

  8.27am: Stopped to board steamer.

  9.00am: Proceeded, course E, 38 revolutions.

10.15am: Stopped.

10.30am: Divine Service

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 49 miles.

  4.06pm: Proceeded to close steamer, 64 revolutions, course as requisite.

  4.50pm: Shaped course S9W, 70 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°40’N, 17°41’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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2 November 1914

At sea

Lat 9.48, Long -16.30

  8.00am: Pos. 9°54’N, 16°31’W.

10.05am: Dropped target and carried out aiming tube practice with all guns.

11.40am: Picked up target.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 228 miles.

12.10pm: Proceeded S53E, 70 revolutions.

  4.38pm: Pos. 9°12’N, 15°33’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°04’N, 14°54’W.

  8.30pm: Altered course S51E.

  Sick list: 16.

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3 November 1914

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

12.30am: Sighted glare of Sierra Leone searchlight 50 miles distant.

  3.25am: Sighted Sierra Leone light: S55E, 18 miles.

  4.35am: Course and speed as requisite for Sierra Leone River.

  5.30am: Cape Sierra Leone light abeam, 1 mile.

  5.50am: Stop.

  5.55am: Came to starboard anchor in 13 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  7.45am: Collier Trevince secured alongside and coal lighters port side.

  9.20am: Commenced coaling.

  Sick list: 19.

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4 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.15am: Finished coaling from collier Trevince.

  6.00am: Trevince unmoored from ship and proceeded to anchorage. Lost by accident whilst coaling Patt. No 3a sacks coal 9 in No.

  8.00am: Finished coaling. Received 1,120 tons.

  5.45pm: Landed patrol, one Petty Officer and six men.

  Sick list: 20.

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5 November 1914

Sierra Leone and at sea towards Abrolhos Rocks

Lat 7.09, Long -15.27

12.53am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour

  1.23am: Sierra Leone Lighthouse abeam, ½ mile

  8.00am: Pos. 7°49’N, 14°36’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 158 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°25’N, 16°43’W.

  Sick list: 16.

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6 November 1914

At sea

Lat 2.20, Long -19.19

  8.00am: Pos. 3°00’N, 19°00W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S38W, 380 miles.

  5.15pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 00°27N, 20°40’W.

  Sick list: 16.

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7 November 1914

At sea

Lat -2.89, Long -23.41

  8.00am: Pos. 2°12’S, 22°54’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S40W, 394 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  5.30pm: Repairing steering gear. Course S5E.

  6.00pm: Resumed course S66W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°21’S, 25°00’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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8 November 1914

At sea

Lat -7.89, Long -28.16

12.20am: Disconnected bridge steering gear and connected conning tower gear.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°38’S, 27°28’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S43W, 411 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°24’S, 29°46’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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9 November 1914

At sea

Lat -12.42, Long -32.84

  8.00am: Pos. 11°35’S, 32°09’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S46W, 389 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°55’S, 34°28’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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10 November 1914

At sea

Lat -16.50, Long -36.92

  8.00am: Pos. 15°50’S, 38°00’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S45W, 347 miles.

  1.35pm: Sighted merchantman: S60W.

  3.30pm: Altered course S35W to close steamer (Spanish) Ontaneda.

  3.55pm: Resumed course S55W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°54’S, 38°00’W.

  9.10pm: Sighted glare of Abrolhos Light bearing N70W, 32 miles.

10.00pm: Abrolhos Light: N54W, 31 miles, by sights: N55W, 31½ miles.

  Sick list: 9.

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11 November 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.00, Long -38.75 [approx]

  3.00am: Abrolhos Light [on Santa Barbara I.]: N15E, 25 miles.

  5.00am: Altered course N57W. Increased to 64 revolutions. Abrolhos Light N40E, 15 miles.

  5.15am: Sighted two colliers bearing N55W.

  6.00am: Course as requisite for going alongside colliers.

  6.32am: Stop.

  6.35am: Let go port anchor in 15½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  6.45am: Secured alongside collier.

  9.00am: Commenced coaling.

10.00am: 20 Boys joined from HMS Edinburgh Castle.

12.30pm: Lost by accident whilst coaling Patt 3a sacks coal 11 in No.

11.50pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.55pm: Unmoored from collier Thistledhu.

11.59pm: Proceeded.

  Sick list: 9.

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12 November 1914

Abrolhos Rocks and at sea towards Montevideo

Lat -19.84, Long -39.24

  2.00am: Abrolhos Lighthouse: N31E, 14 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 19°08’S, 39°05’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 121 miles.

  2.20pm: Altered course to close steamer.

  1.38pm: Stopped, boarded SS Amazon.

  2.35pm: Proceeded S30W, 64 revolutions, position: 19°45’S, 39°30’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20°44.5’S, 39°49’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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13 November 1914

At sea

Lat -23.75, Long -40.65

  8.00am: Pos. 22°50’S, 40 19’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 250 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24°58’S, 41°52’W.

10.55pm: Altered course 16 pts to port, to course N52E.

  Sick list: 15.

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14 November 1914

At sea towards Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -24.37, Long -41.24

  8.00am: Pos. 24°32’S, 41°28’W.

10.39am: Dropped target. Course and speed as requisite for carrying out target practice with 12 pounder guns.

11.40am: Picked up target, shaped course N39E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 223 miles.

  4.26pm: Course and speed as requisite for target practice.

  4.26pm: Dropped target. Carried out target practice with port guns, full charges 30 rounds.

  5.12pm: Target shot away.

  5.17pm: Dropped second target. Course and speed as requisite for carrying out target practice with starboard guns, full charge 30 rounds.

  6.50pm: Picked up target and proceeded, course N40E, 51 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°34’S, 40°50’W.

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15 November 1914

At sea

Lat -22.12, Long -40.00

  4.00am: Moderate wind and sea, weather cloudy.

  8.00am: Pos. 22°08’S, 40°02’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 152 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°28’S, 39°48’W.

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16 November 1914

At sea

Lat -20.17, Long -39.37

  5.55am: Course as requisite to close merchantman.

  8.00am: Pos. 20°10’S, 39°19’W.

  8.40am: Stopped boarded SS Japanese Prince.

  9.20am: Proceeded, course N30E, 54 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 120 miles.

  6.50pm: Stopped, boarded RMS Ortega.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°36’S, 39°05’W.

  8.23pm: Proceeded N27E.

  Sick list: 16.

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Compass deviation records.

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17 November 1914

To and at Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.00, Long -38.75 [approx]

  1.03am: Stopped.

  1.17am: Proceeded.

  5.00am: Sighted Abrolhos rocks.

  6.00am: Course and speed as requisite. Lighthouse: N45E, 14 miles.

  6.23am: Anchored off Abrolhos, port anchor in 15 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. Found at anchor: HM Ships Edinburgh Castle and Orama.

  8.20am: Collier Thistledhu secured alongside.

  9.00am: Commenced coaling.

  3.25pm: HM Ships Carnarvon and Cornwall arrived and anchored.

  3.45pm: HM Ships Defence and Otranto arrived and anchored.

  7.45pm: Finished coaling.

  8.10pm: Collier Thistledhu unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  8.15pm: Orama and Otranto weighed and proceeded.

  8.45pm: Defence weighed and proceeded.

  Sick list: 15.

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18 November 1914

Patrolling S. Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.27, Long -38.75 [approx]

10.30am: Discharged 4 ratings to [name of ship omitted].

11.50am: Weighed.

11.55am: Proceeded, course as requisite 51 revolutions.

12.05pm: Course as requisite for patrolling between Longs 38½W and 39W on parallel of 18°16’S.

  4.20pm: Quarters. Abrolhos Lighthouse: N45E, 15 miles.

  4.30pm: Stopped, lowered cutter.

  4.35pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for running torpedoes.

  6.00pm: Abrolhos Lighthouse: N45E, 17½ miles.

  7.25pm: Picked up cutter and proceeded 38 revolutions, course as requisite for swinging ship.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°09’S, 38°49’W.

  8.10pm: Finished swinging. Course as requisite for patrolling.

10.00pm: Abrolhos Lighthouse: N50E, 26 miles.

  Sick list: 8.

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19 November 1914

Patrolling and at anchorage off Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.20, Long -38.67 by X bearings

  5.00am: Course as requisite for closing merchantman.

  7.00am: Increased to 90 revolutions.

  7.04am: Decreased to 38 revolutions. Course as requisite for patrolling.

  9.30am: Abrolhos Lighthouse: NE, 14 miles.

10.40am: Dropped target, carried out 1” aiming tube practice with port guns.

11.50am: Picked up target.

11.55am: Proceeded as requisite for anchorage.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 144 miles.

12.05pm: Course as requisite for anchorage.

  1.30pm: Abrolhos Lighthouse: N35E, 16 miles.

  4.20pm: Came to starboard anchor in 14 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 10.

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20 November 1914

At anchor off Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.00, Long -38.75 [approx]

12.15pm: Edinburgh Castle weighed and proceeded.

  1.30pm: HMS Cornwall weighed and proceeded.

  3.00pm: HMS Carnarvon arrived and anchored.

  7.00pm: One Art. Eng. joined ship.

  Sick list: 6.

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21 November 1914

At anchor at Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.00, Long -38.75 [approx]

  7.45am: HMS Defence weighed and proceeded.

  1.45pm: HMS Cornwall arrived and anchored.

  6.15pm: HMS Orama arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 9.

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22 November 1914

Patrolling South of Abrolhos

Lat -18.07, Long -38.80 by X bearings

  7.00am: Weighed.

  7.25am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for patrolling grounds.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 29 miles.

  5.02pm: Lighthouse Abrolhos: N21E, 12½ miles.

  5.40pm: Lighthouse Abrolhos: N13E, 15 miles. Course as requisite for closing steamer.

  6.55pm: Course as requisite for patrolling.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°08’S, 38°57’W.

  9.13pm: Altered course to close steamer and increased to 16 knots.

10.30pm: Stopped, boarded merchantman SS [name omitted].

11.06pm: Proceeded, course as requisite 38 revolutions.

  Sick list: 9.

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23 November 1914

Patrolling and at anchor off Abrolhos rocks

Lat -18.24, Long -38.72

  6.30am: Stopped. Hands employed rigging target.

  7.55am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for towing target for HMS Carnarvon.

  9.34am: Transferred target to Carnarvon.

10.25am: Proceeded, course as requisite for firing full charge port guns.

11.25am: Cease fire, proceeded to pick up target.

11.50am: Stopped.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 150 miles.

12.45pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for anchorage, 64 revolutions.

  2.35pm: Stopped.

  2.36pm: Came to starboard anchor in 14 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  4.00pm: Collier Priestfield secured alongside.

  4.30pm: Commenced coaling.

  8.00pm: Finished coaling.

  8.30pm: Collier unmoored and proceeded to anchorage ahead of ship.

  9.00pm: HMS Glasgow arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 8.

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24 November 1914

Anchored off Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.00, Long -38.75 [approx]

  7.30am: HMS Cornwall weighed and proceeded.

  7.45am: HMS Defence weighed and proceeded.

  8.05am: HMS Carnarvon arrived and anchored.

     Noon: Defence returned and anchored.

  5.40pm: HMS Bristol arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 8.

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25 November 1914

Patrolling South of Abrolhos

Lat -18.25, Long -38.84

  7.20am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for patrolling grounds, 38 revolutions.

  9.35am: Abrolhos Lighthouse: N53E, 18 miles.

  9.50am: Divisions. Read prayers.

10.00am: Dropped target.

10.15am: Exercised general quarters and carried out aiming tube practice with port guns.

11.35am: Stopped, picked up target.

11.55am: Proceeded, course as requisite, 38 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 30 miles.

  3.21pm: Altered course N45E to close HMS Defence.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°08’S, 38°50’S.

11.00pm: Abrolhos Light bearing N61E, 20 miles.

  Sick list: 9.

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26 November 1914

Patrolling South of Abrolhos and at anchor

Lat -18.00, Long -38.75 [approx]

12.52am: Abrolhos Light: N53E, 24 miles.

  1.52am: Abrolhos Light: N41E.

  3.28am: Abrolhos Light: N18E.

  5.05am: Stopped. Abrolhos Light N6W, 18 miles.

  5.40am: Sighted HMS Invincible (Flag) and HMS Inflexible, proceeded, course as requisite, 38 revolutions for anchorage.

  7.00am: Altered course N50W as requisite for Abrolhos anchorage.

  9.24am: Stop.

  9.26am: Came to port anchor in 14 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  1.55pm: HMS Defence weighed and proceeded.

  Sick list: 13.

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27 November 1914

Off Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.00, Long -38.75 [approx]

  7.45am: Collier Priestfield secured alongside.

  8.30am: HMS Glasgow weighed and proceeded.

  8.55am: Commenced coaling.

10.30am: HMS Cornwall arrived and anchored.

12.05pm: Finished coaling.

12.20pm: Cast off from collier Priestfield.

  Sick list: 14.

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28 November 1914

At sea towards Falkland Islands

Lat -18.40, Long -38.74

  7.10am: HMS Orama arrived and anchored.

  9.45am: Fleet consisting of HM Ships Invincible, Inflexible, Carnarvon, Cornwall, Kent, and Glasgow weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving anchorage and for taking up cruiser lookout stations.

11.00am: Proceeded, course S19W, 80 revolutions, to take station 12 miles on starboard bow of Carnarvon.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 22.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°52’S, 38°12’W.

  9.19pm: Increased to 90 revolutions. In station 6 miles off starboard bow of Carnarvon.

  Sick list: 13.

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29 November 1914

At sea

Lat -22.82, Long -38.02

  8.00am: Pos. 22°07’S, 38°04’W.

  9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

  1.30pm: Signalled SS City of Karachi.

  7.45pm: Altered course N88E, 77 revolutions, to close to formation 2.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°52’S, 38°56’W,

  Sick list: 13.

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30 November 1914

From Abrolhos Rocks to Falkland Islands

Lat -25.95, Long -40.92

  8.00am: Pos. 25°21’S, 40°21’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S39W, 253 miles.

  3.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing Carnarvon and carrying out target practice. Carried out firing, port guns half charge.

  6.50pm: Stopped and picked up target.

  7.20pm: Proceeded 64 revolutions, course as requisite for taking station on Carnarvon.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°44’S, 41°36’W.

  9.10pm: Stopped. Position 26°45’S, 41°33’W, HMS Invincible having a wire foul of port propeller.

  Sick list: 10.


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1 December 1914

At sea

Lat -28.05, Long -42.90

  3.35am: Proceeded, course S54W, 70 revolutions.

  6.20am: Increased to 80 revolutions to open to No 1 formation in extension 12 miles distant.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°32’S, 42°19’W.

10.30am: Put clocks back 30 minutes.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S40W, 170 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 4.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°25’S, 43°58’W.

  8.20pm: Altered course as requisite for No 2 night formation.

  Sick list: 10.

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2 December 1914

At sea

Lat -30.74, Long -46.67

  8.00am: Pos. 30°30’S, 45°30’W.

  9.00am: Sighted HMS Bristol: S58W.

10.00am: Bristol took station N60W, 10 miles.

10.30am: Put clocks back 30 minutes.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S51W, 251 miles.

  7.34pm: Altered course N74E. Increased to 77 revolutions to close to No 2 night formation.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°06’S, 47°13’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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3 December 1914

At sea

Lat -34.82, Long -48.69

  7.40am: Sighted HMS Macedonia: N.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°08’S. 40°23’W.

10.00am: Macedonia joined Flag.

10.30am: Put clocks back 30 minutes.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S25W, 267 miles.

  3.30pm: Exercised Range Finder and Fire Control parties on Macedonia.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°04’S, 49°32’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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4 December 1914

At sea

Lat -38.65, Long -51.30

  8.00am: Pos. 37°49’S, 50°42’W.

10.30am: Put clocks back 30 minutes, 3 hours slow on GMT.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S30W, 269 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 40°18’S, 51°53’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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5 December 1914

At sea

Lat -43.27, Long -53.19

12.30am: HMS Carnarvon disappeared in mist bearing N55E, 6 miles.

  4.30am: Mist and drizzling rain.

  7.29am: Increased to 77 revolutions. Carnarvon: N84E, 3 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 42°13’S, 52°36’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S17W, 285 miles.

12.09pm: Altered course S13W.

12.30pm: Uncorrected time. Carnarvon: N76E.

12.30pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes. Lost sight of Carnarvon in fog.

  5.37pm: Altered course S11W, fog lifted. Sighted HMS’ Macedonia and Bristol on starboard bow.

  6.00pm: Sighted Carnarvon.

  8.00pm: Pos. 45°07’S, 53°48’W.

  8.40pm: Lost sight of Carnarvon bearing N72E.

  Sick list: 8.

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6 December 1914

At sea

Lat -47.80, Long -55.25

  3.25am: Sighted HMS Carnarvon: N78E.

  8.00am: Pos. 47°06’S, 54°59’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S19W, 287 miles.

  1.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 49°17’S, 55°55’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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7 December 1914

At sea to Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  3.00am: Sighted Flagship: S34E.

  6.45am: Altered course and speed as requisite to take station 2½ cables astern of HMS Carnarvon.

  9.14am: Stopped. Lighthouse Pembroke Point: S49W, 4½ miles.

  9.36am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Port William.

10.15am: Stopped off William Island.

10.50am: Proceeded, course as requisite for anchorage off Navy Point.

11.07am: Came to port anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 6 shackles. In Harbour: HM Ships Invincible (Flag), Inflexible, Carnarvon (Flag), Cornwall, Kent, Glasgow, Bristol, Macedonia, Canopus.

  9.10pm: HMS Macedonia weighed and proceeded to patrolling ground.

  Sick list: 3.

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8 December 1914

Battle of the Falklands

(for official plans – see Battle Of Falklands – 8 December 1914)

Written in red at the top of the page:

HMS Kent in ACTION with German Light Cruiser Nuernberg [sic]

Lat -51.70, Long -57.00

  8.00am: Two German cruisers reported approaching.

  8.45am: Weighed and proceeded to entrance of harbour.

  9.00am: Stopped off entrance. German cruisers Gneisenau and Nürnberg passed to Southward at about 7 miles.

  9.50am: Proceeded to follow enemy. Three more German cruisers reported in sight, Scharnhorst, Leipzig, and Dresden.

10.20am: HM Ships Inflexible, Invincible, Carnarvon, Cornwall and Glasgow proceeded out of harbour.

11.30am: Admiral hoisted signal: all ships chase at utmost speed, enemy’s course approximate SE, distant 12 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S19W, 287 miles. 130 revolutions and working up to maximum speed.

  1.00pm: HMS Inflexible fired first shot.

  1.30pm: Scharnhorst and Gneisenau turned 8 points to port, Inflexible and Invincible turned 8 points to port. Kent, Cornwall, and Glasgow proceeded to SE in chase of Leipzig, Dresden, and Nürnberg.

  4.40pm: Leipzig opened fire on Kent with port guns, being engaged with Glasgow with all other guns. Kent replied.

  5.00pm: Leipzig turned to starboard. Cornwall and Glasgow gave chase, Kent proceeded in chase of Nürnberg.

  5.09pm: Opened fire at 11,000 yards, range closing rapidly.

  6.00pm: Turned to port and range decreased to 3,000 yards.

  6.02pm: Turned to starboard and crossed Nürnberg’s bow.

  6.36pm: Cease firing.

  6.45pm: Opened fire and finally ceased fire at 6.57pm.

  7.25pm: Nürnberg sank in approximate position: 53°30’S, 55°00’W.

  7.28pm: Stopped and endeavoured to pick up survivors. 11 men picked up, 7 remaining alive. 4 died from exposure.

  8.00pm: Pos. 53°30’S, 55°00’W.

  9.30pm: Proceeded, course S48W, 64 revolutions, estimate bearing of Pembroke Lighthouse N50W, 150 miles.

  Sick list: 5.


RMLI Private W. Wood, killed in action.

RMLI Private Kelley, died of wounds 9.00pm on 8th.

Seaman RNR W. Young, died of wounds 9.30pm 8th.

RMLI Private A.C. Titheridge, died of wounds 11.40 pm 8th.

Private W.J. Kind, died of wounds 9th.

Officer Steward First Class GA Duckett [AC Duckitt in log], died of wounds 9th.

All these men are buried at the Stanley Cemetery Falkland Islands.

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9 December 1914

Falkland Islands

Lat -51.54, Long -57.42

  8.00am: Pos. 52°09’S, 57°00’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 280 miles.

  1.20pm: Volunteer Point: SW 4 miles.

  3.00pm: William Point: S32W. Course as requisite for anchorage in Port William.

  3.30pm: Stopped.

  3.35pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Found in harbour HMS Canopus.

  4.40pm: HMS Cornwall arrived and anchored.

  5.00pm: HMS Macedonia arrived and anchored.

  5.35pm: HM Collier secured alongside starboard side.

  6.15pm: Discharged six wounded to hospital as above.

  7.45pm: Commenced coaling ship.

10.30pm: Finished coaling ship.

11.45pm: HMS Glasgow arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 15.

Total casualties: 6 killed, 8 seriously wounded.

Private WJ Kind and Officer’s Steward First Class GA Duckett [A.C. Duckitt in log], died of wounds on 9th, included in total.

Discharged to hospital on 9th at 5.30pm, seriously wounded:

RMLI Sergeant T Spence RFR.

Lance Corporal E Joy RFR.

Private AB Sheridan

Private W Arnold

Private W Day

Stoker W Lindsey

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10 December 1914

Port William

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  5.15am: Commenced coaling.

  7.15pm: Finished coaling.

  7.30pm: Cast off Collier.

  Sick list: 7.

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11 December 1914

Port William

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  4.20am: HMS Bristol arrived and anchored.

  6.45am: HMS’ Invincible and Inflexible arrived and anchored.

  9.00am: Discharged seven German prisoners to HMS Canopus.

  1.30pm: Landed funeral party to funeral of 6 men who died in action in HMS Kent.

  2.10pm: Half masted colours.

  3.30pm: Rehoisted colours.

  5.00pm: Funeral party returned.

  6.35pm: HMS Carnarvon arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 8.

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12 December 1914

Port William

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  Censured Mr JLSG Lilley, Lt RNR, for being in Ward Room when he was Officer of the watch, 10.30 pm December 10th. Signed by JD Allen Captain and Lt J Lilley.

10.55am: HMS Orama arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 10.

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13 December 1914

Port William

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  5.35am: HMS Bristol weighed and proceeded.

  8.00am: Discharged one Chief Cook to SS Crown of Galicia.

  8.35am: HMS Inflexible weighed and proceeded.

10.30am: Divine Service.

  2.00pm: Discharged Private Snow to hospital.

  3.25pm: Master at Arms CA Smith discharged to HMS Invincible.

  4.15pm: HMS Carnarvon weighed and proceeded.

  5.30pm: One Able Seaman joined from Invincible.

  6.10pm: SS Pensilva secured alongside to take in boiler water.

  6.30pm: Discharged one SBS and one SBA to hospital for duty.

  7.45pm: Two Able Seamen joined from HMS Cornwall.

  Sick list: 9.

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14 December 1914

Port William

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  8.00am: One Able Seaman joined from HMS Invincible.

  8.30am: One Able Seaman joined from HMS Cornwall.

10.15am: HMS Cornwall weighed and proceeded.

  2.00pm: Discharged one Stoker to Invincible.

  3.05pm: HMS Macedonia weighed and proceeded.

  Sick list: 11.

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15 December 1914

The hunt for S.M.S. Dresden begins

(for official plan, see here)

Falkland Islands and at sea towards Magellan Straits

Lat -51.54, Long -57.55 by X bearings

  9.50am: HMS Orama weighed and proceeded.

10.20am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

10.40am: Passed Flagship, cheered ship. Course and speed as requisite for station on HMS Orama.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 14 miles.

12.50pm: Lighthouse bearing S6W, 15 miles.

  3.17pm: Salvador Hill: S28W, 18½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 51°05’S, 59°00’W.

  8.11pm: Eddystone Rock abeam.

  Sick list: 11.

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16 December 1914

At sea

Lat -50.67, Long -62.28

  6.50am: Fog set in. Lost sight of HMS Orama S3W, collier Trevanion [Trevannion in log] astern 1 mile.

  8.00am: Jasons W Cay: S4E, 13½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 50°45’S, 61°24’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 207 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 51°12’S, 64°02’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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17 December 1914

At sea to Cape Virgins

Lat -52.3, Long -68.3 [approx]*

  7.15am: Weather set in thick fog. Lost HMS Orama.

  8.00am: Pos. 51°58’S, 66°42’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 219 miles.

  1.20pm: Stopped.

  1.34pm: Came to starboard anchor in 26 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Anchored off Cape Virgins. HMS Orama anchored 2 miles to Northward.

  7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, shifted berth 1 mile to SE.

  7.20pm: Came to starboard anchor in 19 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  Sick list: 12.

  *Lat 66°34.5’W DR in log, to the East of the am position, so not feasible.

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18 December 1914

Anchorage off Virgins Light to Magellan Straits

Lat -52.70, Long -70.02

  2.35am: Weighed.

  2.50am: Proceeded as requisite for station on HMS Orama.

  4.00am: Proceeded as requisite for entrance to Magellan Straits.

  5.05am: Cape Virgins Light: N65W, 10 miles.

  6.14am: Dungeness Light abeam, 1¼ mile. Course as requisite for Magellan Straits.

  9.50am: Direction Hill Light abeam, 5 miles. Course as requisite for First Narrows.

10.33am: Menday Light abeam, ¾ mile. Course as requisite for Philips Bay and entrance of Second Narrows.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 130 miles.

12.45pm: Sweepstake Foreland: S44W, 5 miles. Course as requisite for Second Narrows.

  1.38pm: Stop.

  1.42pm: Came to with port anchor in 18½ fathoms, veered to 7 shackles. Anchored off Isla Isabel.

  2.10pm: Collier secured alongside.

  2.20pm: Commenced coaling. HMS Orama proceeded to Sandy Point.

  6.00pm: Finished coaling.

  6.20pm: Collier Trevanion unmoored from ship.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving anchorage, 64 revolutions.

  Sick list: 13.

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19 December 1914

Magellan Strait to Tamar Anchorage and at sea

Lat -53.55, Long -72.50 by X bearings

12.15am: Sandy Point Buoy abeam, 4.7 miles.

  5.25am: Cape San Isidro Lighthouse abeam, 2 miles.

  7.07am: Cape Froward: N62W, 3 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 53°53’S, 71°28’W.

  9.00am: Holland Point abeam, 1¾ miles.

10.00am: Cape Gallant: N54W, 4½ miles. Course as requisite for English and Crooked Reaches.

11.00am: Rupert Island: N30W, ½ mile.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 156 miles.

12.20pm: Course as requisite for Long Reach.

  3.35pm: Cooper’s Key Light: abeam.

  4.07pm: Entry Island Beacon abeam.

  5.10pm: Sighted HMS Orama anchored off Port Tamar.

  5.25am: Cape Upright Lighthouse abeam, 1¼ miles.

  6.10pm: Dolphin Island: N49W, 4 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage off Port Tamar.

  6.55pm: Stopped.

  7.01pm: Came to starboard anchor in 32 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  9.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving anchorage.

11.00pm: Felix Light: S11W, 4 miles.

  Sick list: 12.

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20 December 1914

At sea

Lat -51.57, Long -75.85

  6.20am: Lost sight of HMS Orama.

  6.25am: Thick mist.

  8.00am: Pos. 52°03S, 75°34’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 180 miles.

  4.30pm: Put clocks back 24 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 50°27’S, 76°19’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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21 December 1914

At sea

Lat -48.72, Long -76.19

  8.00am: Pos. 48°43’S, 76°31’W.

  9.15am: Course and speed as requisite for exercising change of range and range finding on HMS Orama.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 172 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 47°32’S, 76°19’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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22 December 1914

At sea to Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.70, Long -75.34

  3.30am: Cape Raper Light: S83E, 23 miles.

  5.30am: Altered course as requisite to investigate smoke. Speed as requisite.

  7.10am: Stopped, boarded Chilean merchantman.

  7.55am: Proceeded, 77 revolutions, course N10W.

  8.00am: Pos. 46°35’S, 75°42’W.

  8.00am: Pringle Point: N85E, 5 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 200 miles.

12.24pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing merchantman.

  1.54pm: Stopped and boarded British ship Canova of Liverpool.

  2.53pm: Proceeded, course N55E, 90 revolutions.

  6.00pm: Analao Island: S45E, 3 miles. Course as requisite for Vallenar anchorage.

  6.53pm: Stop.

  6.58pm: Came to port anchor in 12 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  Sick list: 1

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23 December 1914

Vallenar anchorage and patrolling

Lat -45.42, Long -75.50 by X bearings

  4.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour.

  4.50am: Anchila Point: N, 1 mile.

  8.00am: Pos. 45°26’S, 75°07’W.

10.00am: Dropped target. Course and speed as requisite for firing 1” aiming from port guns.

10.20am: Picked up target.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 122 miles.

12.25pm: Altered course and speed as requisite for closing merchantman.

  2.00pm: South Point Socorro Island: N32E, 21 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 45°45’S, 75°20’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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24 December 1914

At sea to Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6 [approx]

  7.10am: Analao Island: S40E, 5 miles. Course as requisite for Vallenar anchorage.

  8.00am: Pos. 45°25’S, 74°38’W.

  9.30am: Came to port anchor in 16 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

10.15am: Collier Pensilva secured alongside.

10.35am: Commenced coaling ship.

  2.30pm: Finished coaling.

  3.00pm: Unmoored from SS Pensilva.

  6.00pm: HMS Bristol arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 12.

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25 December 1914

Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6 [approx]

10.30am: Divine Service.

  4.18pm: HMS’ Bristol and Glasgow weighed and proceeded.

  Sick list: 15.

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26 December 1914

Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6 [approx]

  Clean ship. Make and mend in pm.

  Sick list: 11.

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27 December 1914

Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6 [approx]

  7.30am: Divine Service.

10.30am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 11.

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28 December 1914

Vallenar anchorage and at sea

Lat -45.35, Long -74.64

  9.27am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for entrance to Darwin Channel and for entrance to Port Yates.

11.00am: Turned 16 points to port and proceeded 77 revolutions. Course as requisite for leaving Darwin Channel.

11.30am: Analao Island: S48W, 8½ miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 22 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 44°49’S, 75°22’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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29 December 1914

At sea

Lat -43.55, Long -75.12 by X bearings

  8.00am: 43°47’S, 75°07’W.

  9.45am: Sighted HMAS Australia.

10.40am: Australia passed 3 miles to Eastward.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 130 miles.

  3.00pm: L.T. N. Point Huafo Island [Isla Guafo]: S59E, 29 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 42°32’S, 75°10’W.

11.16pm: HMS Orama: 3 miles abeam.

  Sick list: 9.

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30 December 1914

At sea

Lat -40.42, Long -75.15

  8.00am: Pos. 40°54’S, 75°15’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 194 miles.

  4.20pm: Altered course N10E. Increased to 67 revolutions. Course as requisite for closing HMS Orama.

  5.19pm: Proceeded independently. Course N1W, 90 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 39°02’S, 74°42’W.

11.45pm: Altered course N20W. Mocha Island Light: S83E, 19 miles.

  Sick list: 11.

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31 December 1914

At sea to Coronel and at sea

Lat -37.04, Long -73.17

  5.00am: Altered course N40E. Santa Maria Island Light: N73E, 29 miles.

  6.45am: S. Maria Light abeam, 12½ miles.

  7.40am: S. Maria Light: S21W, 7½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 36°32’S, 73°43’W.

  8.30am: Puchoco Light: E, 3 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage off Coronel.

  8.59am: Stopped.

  9.01am: Came to with port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  2.15pm: Weighed.

  2.26pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour.

  2.45pm: Puchoco Lighthouse: N53E, 1 mile.

  4.10pm: Santa Maria Light: S52E, 7 miles.

  6.50pm: Increased to 38 revolutions. Rejoined HMS Orama and two colliers.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°25’S, 73°09’W.

  Sick list: 6.


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1 January 1915

At sea

Lat -35.04, Long -73.02

  8.00am: Pos. 35°25’S, 73°09’W.

10.00am: Exercised general quarters and change of range on HMS Orama. Course and speed as requisite.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 150 miles.

  3.00pm: Passed through discoloured water, dark brown.

  4.19pm: Course as requisite to take station astern of HMS Orama.

  5.00pm: Pos.34°33’S, 72°49’W.

  5.30pm: HMS Orama proceeded independently to Valparaiso.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34°15’S, 72°43’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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2 January 1915

At sea

Lat -32.70, Long -72.24

  8.00am: Pos. 33°06’S, 72°17’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 144 miles.

  5.00pm: Stopped, ship remained stopped until 8.20am. Working engines to keep head to sea.

  6.00pm: HMS Newcastle: 10 miles to S.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°51’S, 71°47’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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3 January 1915

At sea

Lat -32.50, Long -71.88

12.30am: Sighted SS Burcombe, collier attached to HMS Newcastle, proceeding to Southward to join same.

  8.00am: Pos. 32°52’S, 71°47’W.

  8.20am: Sighted HMS Orama.

  8.30am: Proceeded 51 revolutions for taking station on Orama.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 45 miles.

  4.20pm: Stopped. Captain went on board Orama.

  6.20pm: Captain returned.

  6.40pm: Proceeded independently course N18W, 64 revolutions, SS Pensilva one mile astern.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31°43.5’S, 71°55’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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4 January 1915

At sea to Tongoy Bay

Lat -30.27, Long -71.55

  6.40am: Altered course S41E. Lengua de Vaca Light, S16W, 4 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage in centre of Tongoy Bay.

  7.10am: Anchored. Starboard anchor unshackled from cable.

  8.00am: Collier Pensilva secured alongside.

  9.45am: Commenced coaling.

  4.45pm: Finished coaling. Collier Pensilva unmoored and proceeded.

  4.50pm: Weighed starboard cable and proceeded, course N30E, 64 revolutions.

  4.55pm: Lengua de Vaca Light: S42W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°48’S, 71°43’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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5 January 1915

At sea

Lat -29.07, Long -71.95

  1.00am: Chanaral Light: N25E.

  3.20am: Chanaral Light abeam, 9 miles.

  5.00am: Chanaral Light: S73E, 11 miles. Altered course and speed as requisite to close sailing ship.

  8.00am: Pos. 28°46’S, 71°51’W.

  9.00am: Lat by Venus: 28°47’S. Long by sunrise: 72°05’W. Course and speed as requisite for towing target for HMS Orama and for firing aiming tube with starboard guns.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 125 miles.

12.18pm: Stopped, hoisted in target.

12.20pm: Proceeded, 58 revolutions. Course N36W.

  1.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing steamer.

  4.00pm: Chanaral Light: N87E, 16 miles. Course as requisite for closing steamer.

  5.00pm: Chanaral Light bearing E, 10 miles. Course as requisite for taking station astern of HMS Orama.

  6.25pm: Chanaral Light: N40E, 13 miles. Shaped course S12E, 32 revolutions. Stationed on starboard beam of HMS Orama.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°16’S, 71°49’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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6 January 1915

At sea to Coquimbo and at sea

Lat -29.93, Long -71.32

12.25am: Pajaros Light: abeam 13 miles.

  5.00am: HMS Orama proceeded to Coquimbo.

  5.06am: Increased 54 revolutions. Coquimbo light on Tortuga Point: N55E, 22 miles.

  7.10am: Colliers proceeded independently.

  7.10am: Tortuga Point Light: 11 miles. Course as requisite for Coquimbo anchorage.

  8.00am: Pos. 29°55’S, 71°28’W.

  8.40am: Tortuga Point Light: S86E, 9 ½ miles.

  9.40am: Came to in 11 fathoms with starboard anchor and veered to 5 shackles in Coquimbo Harbour.

  9.40am: Saluted the Chilean flag with 21 guns. Found here HMS Orama and two Chilean cruisers.

  4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite.

  5.00pm: Course N54W, 51 revolutions. Tortuga Point Light: N45W, 10 miles.

  6.45pm: Course as requisite to take position on starboard beam of Orama. Colliers astern of Kent.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°42’S, 71°36’W.

  8.14pm: Pajaros Light abeam.

10.30pm: Put clocks on 25 minutes.

  Sick list: 12.

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7 January 1915

At sea

Lat -28.57, Long -73.80

  8.00am: Pos. 28°52’S, 73°20’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various 150 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28°03S, 75°03’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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8 January 1915

At sea

Lat -27.25, Long -77.47

  8.00am: Pos. 27°19’S, 76°54’W.

  8.45am: Altered course and speed as requisite for carrying out 1” aiming at HMS Orama’s towed target and for towing target for Orama.

11.30am: Stopped, picked up target.

11.45am: Proceeded, course N65W, 77 revolutions.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N65W, 212 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°36’S, 78°55’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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9 January 1915

At sea to St Felix Island and at sea

Lat -26.28, Long -80.08

  2.20am: Ambrose Island: N64W, 10 miles [Isla San Ambrosio].

  3.35am: Ambrose Island: NW port beam.

  5.05am: Altered course as requisite for Felix [Isla San Felix] anchorage.

  5.28am: Stopped. Felix beacon: N20E, 5 miles.

  6.25am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for anchorage.

  7.50am: Came to starboard anchor in 22 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles.

  5.30pm: Put clocks back 19 minutes. Time: S.A.T. St Felix.

  6.00pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for taking position 3 miles on port beam of Orama.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°03’S, 80°07’W.

  8.20pm: Shaped course N2W, 45 revolutions. Peterborough Cathedral Rocks: S12E, 14 miles.

  Sick list: 13.

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10 January 1915

At sea

Lat -24.16, Long -79.90

  8.00am: Pos. 24°39’S, 79°53’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N8E, 130 miles.

  5.00pm: Course as requisite for swinging ship for deviation.

  6.55pm: Shaped course N, 64 revolutions..

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°13’S, 79°42’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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11 January 1915

At sea

Lat -21.19, Long -79.35

  8.00am: Pos. 21°38’S, 79°24’W.

  8.15am: Course and speed as requisite for towing target for HMS Orama and for firing 1” aiming tube.

11.00am: Stopped, picked up target.

11.10am: Proceeded, course N1W, 64 revolutions..

     Noon: Course and DMG, N10E, 181 miles.

  6.30pm: Reduced to 58 revolutions. Altered course N, stationed 3 miles abeam of HMS Orama.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°53’S, 79°03W.

  Sick list: 12.

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12 January 1915

At sea

Lat -18.42, Long -78.84

  5.50am: Course and speed as requisite for coaling at sea.

  7.45am: Stopped.

  8.00am: Pos. 18°21’S, 78°50’W.

  8.30am: SS Pensilva secured alongside.

  8.45am: Proceeded as requisite.

  9.30am: Commenced coaling.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N10E, 168 miles.

  4.15pm: Finished coaling. Received 668 tons.

  5.00pm: SS Pensilva unmoored.

  5.15pm: Proceeded, course N20E, 64 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°27’S, 78°51’W. Altered course N2E, in station 3 miles on starboard beam of HMS Orama.

  Sick list: 13.

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13 January 1915

At sea

Lat -16.27, Long -78.00

  8.00am: Pos. 16°37’S, 78°21’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N20E, 151 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°54’S, 77°00’W

  Sick list: 10.

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14 January 1915

At sea

Lat -14.69, Long -76.12 by X bearings

  6.10am: Harmless Point, Port San Nicolas, N78E, 18 miles. Course and speed as requisite for entering Port San Nicolas.

  7.45am: Altered course to take station astern of HMS Orama.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°14’S, 75°20’W.

  8.00am: Harmless Point: N85E, 3 miles.

  8.00am: Course and speed as requisite for closing steamer.

  9.35am: Cape Naxa: N37E, 7 miles. Course as requisite for taking station astern of Orama.

10.00am: Santa Maria Point: N49W, 21 miles. Course as requisite for closing steamer.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 230 miles.

12.05pm: Course as requisite for closing merchant ships.

  1.30pm: Dardo Rock: N10W, 5½ miles.

  3.40pm: Altered course N30W. Reduced to 58 revolutions. Colliers in station astern of Kent.

  5.00pm: Stopped. San Gallan Island [Isla San Gallan] peak E, 10 miles.

  5.30pm: Captain proceeded on board HMS Orama.

  6.55pm: Captain returned.

  7.00pm: Hoisted second cutter and proceeded. Course N45W, 38 revolutions.

  7.00pm: San Gallan peak: S12E, 12 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°42’S, 76°43’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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15 January 1915

At sea

Lat -12.20, Long -77.45

  8.00am: Pos. 12°36’S, 77°26’W.

10.00am: Cape San Lorenzo bearing N6E, 26 miles. Course as requisite for change of range. Increased to 58 revolutions.

11.00am: Cape San Lorenzo bearing N20E, 21 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 162 miles.

  3.00pm: Course as requisite for Ancon Bay [Bahia de Ancon]. Pescadores Island: N55E, 6½ miles.

  4.00pm: Mulatos Point, Ancon Harbour: S70E, 2½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°00’S, 77°30’W.

  8.00pm: Palomino Lighthouse: S70E.

  9.40pm: Palomino Light: N89E, 22 miles.

10.10pm: Palomino Light dipped, N84E.

  Sick list: 10.

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16 January 1915

At sea

Lat -12.00, Long -77.57

  5.55am: Palomino Light: S80W.

  7.31am: Stopped. Cape San Lorenzo bearing S84E, 15 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°04’S, 77°31’W.

  9.00am: Sighted HMS Orama.

  9.10am: Closed Orama.

10.45am: Stopped.

11.00am: Captain proceeded on board Orama.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 140 miles.

12.15pm: Captain returned.

12.30pm: Proceeded, course S25E, 58 revolutions. Cape San Lorenzo bearing S75E, 18 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°52’S, 77°16’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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17 January 1915

At sea

Lat -14.65, Long -76.32 by X bearings

  6.53am: A/C S67E. Reduced speed to allow colliers to close.

  6.55am: Carretas Head bearing N54E, 38 miles DR.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°30’S, 76°42’W.

  9.40am: Dardo peak: N27E.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 174 miles.

  1.08pm: Altered course S72E. Santa Maria Point N47E, 16 miles.

  4.05pm: Harmless Point, Port San Nicolas: S73E, 35 miles. Course as requisite.

  7.00pm: Beware Point [Punta Beware] bearing N18E, 3 miles. Course as requisite for Port San Nicolas.

  7.45pm: Stopped..

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°14S, 76°15’W.

  8.03pm: Proceeded. Course S80W, 38 revolutions..

  Sick list: 8.

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18 January 1915

Port San Nicolas and on patrol

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

  5.30am: Course and speed as requisite for Port San Nicolas.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°10’S 75°30’W.

  8.30am: Stopped. Came to starboard bower in 53 fathoms. Veered to 10 shackles.

  5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course W, 38 revolutions.

  Sick list: 9.

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19 January 1915

On patrol

Lat -15.39, Long -75.24

  0.01am: Altered course N50W.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°28’S, 75°15’W.

  3.55am: Altered course S50E.

  8.43am: Altered course N50W.

  9.40am: Exercised general quarters. Sugar Loaf: N30E, 9 miles. Course as requisite for closing SS Ortega and for 1” aiming tube.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 100 miles.

12.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing merchantman and for boarding SS Orissa.

  6.00pm: Steep Point: N6E, 6 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°18’S, 75°23’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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20 January 1915

Patrol, anchorage off Port San Nicolas, patrol

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

  5.00am: Course and speed as requisite for anchorage off Port San Nicolas.

  6.47am: Stopped, came to port anchor, veered to 10 shackles.

  7.45am: SS Pensilva secured alongside.

  8.45am: Commenced coaling.

  3.54pm: HMS Orama anchored.

  7.10pm: Orama weighed and proceeded.

  7.45pm: Finished coaling.

  8.00pm: Cast off from SS Pensilva. Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

10.00pm: Altered course N58W. Reduced to 51 revolutions. In station on starboard beam of Orama.

  Sick list: 20.

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21 January 1915

At sea

Lat -14.24, Long -76.64

  8.00am: Pos. 14°26’S, 76°23’W.

  8.05am: Course and speed as requisite to close HMS Orama and for towing target and firing 1” aiming tube.

11.00am: San Gallan: N3E, 32 miles. Course N30W, 45 revolutions. Proceeded independently.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 130 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 6.

  4.20pm: San Gallan beacon: N85E, 20 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°29’S, 76°56’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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22 January 1915

At sea to Callao

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

  3.50am: Palominos Light: N12E, 23 miles.

  6.02am: Altered course N30E. Palominos Light bearing N60E.

  8.00am: Cape San Lorenzo: S61E, 5 miles. Altered course as requisite for anchorage off Callao.

  9.25am: Came to starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 4½ shackles.

  9.30am: Saluted country 21 guns. Saluted Peruvian Rear Admiral 13 guns. Salutes returned by Peruvian Flagship.

  1.30pm: Divers employed cleaning ship’s bottom.

  Sick list: 15.

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23 January 1915

Callao and at sea

Lat -12.15, Long -77.55 by X bearings

  9.10am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

10.00am: Course as requisite for closing HMS Orama.

11.30am: Stopped. Captain went on board Orama.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 22 miles.

12.40pm: Captain returned. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for station keeping on Orama.

  4.00pm: Course as requisite to close Orama.

  4.52pm: Stopped. Captain went on board Orama.

  6.22pm: Captain returned.

  6.30pm: Proceeded, course as requisite to take position on starboard beam of Orama.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°37’S, 77°26’W.

  Sick list: 17.

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24 January 1915

At sea

Lat -14.60, Long -76.47

  8.00am: Pos. 14°09’S, 76°48’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 170 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°21’S, 75°32’W.

  Sick list: 18.

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25 January 1915

At sea

Lat -16.79, Long -73.75

  8.00am: Pos. 16°33’S, 74°16’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 215 miles.

  7.28pm: Course and speed as requisite to close steamer.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°00’S, 72°43’W.

  9.20pm: Pos. 17°11’S, 72°46’W.

  9.30pm: Course as requisite to close HMS Orama.

11.45pm: Course S75E, 38 revolutions, in station 3 miles port beam of Orama.

  Sick list: 13.

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26 January 1915

At sea

Lat -17.74, Long -72.04

  2.50am: Mollendo Light: abeam.

  5.11am: Altered course as requisite for coaling at sea. Speed as requisite.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°28’S, 71°56’W.

  8.20am: SS Trevanion secured alongside.

10.00am: Commenced coaling.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 130 miles.

  2.00pm: Finished coaling.

  2.40pm: Collier unmoored.

  3.00pm: Pos. 17°43’S, 72°03W. Proceeded, course S42E, 42 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°20’S, 71°37’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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27 January 1915

At sea

Lat -20.14, Long -70.50

  8.00am: Pos. 18°50’S, 70°43’W.

  9.45am: Altered course as requisite to close steamer. Increased to 77 revolutions.

11.45am: Iquique Lighthouse: S70E, 17 miles. Course as requisite to take station ahead of collier

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 210 miles.

  1.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for taking station ahead of SS Trevanion

  3.00pm: Mount Carrasco: S49E, 57 miles

  8.00pm: Pos. 20°52’S, 70°52’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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28 January 1915

At sea

Lat -22.32, Long -71.05

  8.00am: Pos. 22°33’S, 71°10’W.

  8.00am: HMS Orama proceeded to Iquique

  8.56am: Altered course N8W. Mount Mejillones bearing S45E, 45 miles

10.15am: Stopped. Exercised all boats crews away boat pulling

11.30am: Boats returned

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 200 miles.

  1.00pm: Pos. 22°19’S, 70°57’W.

  4.00pm: Hoisted out target. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for 12 pounder firing.

  6.05pm: Stopped. Hoisted in target.

  6.52pm: Proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°14’S, 71°02’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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29 January 1915

At sea

Lat -23.14, Long -70.75

  6.00am: Mejillones Mount: S55E, 25 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 22°58’S, 70°50’W.

  9.00am: Course and speed as requisite for closing merchantman.

  9.30am: Altao Light: N50E 16 miles.

10.00am: Boarded SS Strathord.

10.20am: Course N10E, 38 revolutions. Angamos Point: N45E, 18 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 110 miles.

  1.30pm: Sighted HMS Orama to Northward.

  4.52pm: Altered course N16E. Angamos Point N45E, 12 miles.

  5.00pm: HMS Newcastle and HMS Celtic sighted to Southward.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°55’S, 70°35’W. Altered course as requisite to close merchantman. Speed as requisite.

  9.18pm: Course S2W, 54 revolutions.

  Sick list: 13.

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30 January 1915

At sea to Blanco Encalada

Lat -24.36, Long -70.55

12.45am: Tetas Point Light: S62E, 11 miles.

  2.00am: Tetas Point Light abeam, 8 miles. Ships in company: HMS Kent, HMS Newcastle, HMS Orama. HMS Celtic. HMS Newcastle proceeded to Northward at midnight.

  7.50am: Reduced to 38 revolutions. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  8.00am: Pos. 22°58’S, 70°50’W. Remienda Point bearing SE, 4 miles.

  8.38am: Stopped.

  8.45am: Came to starboard anchor in Blanco Encalada Bay, 16 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  7.30pm: Three Seaman ratings joined from HMS Celtic.

11.59pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite, 38 revolutions.

  Sick list: 14.

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31 January 1915

Patrol, at Blanco Encalada and on patrol

Lat -24.36, Long -70.55

  5.30am: Course as requisite for anchorage.

  6.00am: Anchored in Blanco Encalada Bay in 16 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  4.30pm: Discharged two stokers and one RMLI to HMS Celtic.

10.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving anchorage.

  Sick list: 12.


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1 February 1915

Patrol, Blanco Encalada, patrol

Lat -24.36, Long -70.55

  6.00am: Altered course N40E for anchorage.

  8.07am: Stopped in Blanco Encalada Bay.

  8.12am: Came to starboard anchor in 17½ fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  6.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24°34’S, 70°45’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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2 February 1915

Blanco Encalada Bay and at sea

Lat -24.64, Long -71.00 by X bearings

  1.37am: Increased to 64 revolutions. Course as requisite to close SS Peru.

  2.30am: Stopped, boarded SS Peru. Blanco Encalada anchorage: S40E,1 mile.

  3.30am: Proceeded S14E, 32 revolutions.

  7.10am: Blanco Encalada anchorage: E, 1 mile. Course and speed as requisite for hoisting in steam pinnace.

  7.40am: Proceeded, course as requisite for taking station on HMS Celtic.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 130 miles.

  3.25pm: Reduced to 54 revolutions. In station 10 miles on starboard beam of HMS Celtic.

  6.15pm: Altered course S39E. Increased to 64 revolutions to close to 3 miles.

  7.20pm: Altered course S4E. Decreased to 51 revolutions. In station 3 miles on starboard beam of HMS Celtic.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°47’S, 71°06’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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3 February 1915

At sea

Lat -27.75, Long -71.62 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 26°50’S, 71°25’W

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 190 miles.

  6.46pm: Increased to 64 revolutions. Altered course S29E to close HMS Celtic.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28°49’S, 71°48’W.

  8.35pm: Altered course S9E. Chanaral Light bearing S41E, 14 miles.

10.00pm: Chañaral Island Light: N81E, 8 miles.

  Sick list: 9.

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4 February 1915

At sea to Tongoy Bay and at sea

Lat -30.28, Long -71.55

  2.20am: Sighted Pajaros Light: E.

  4.20am: Altered course S33E. Increased to 64 revolutions. Lengua de Vaca Light bearing S27E, 25 miles. Parted company with HMS Celtic.

  7.33am: Slow. Course as requisite for anchorage in Tongoy Bay.

  7.38am: Stopped.

  8.00am: Veered small kedge on starboard cable to 12 shackles in 68 fathoms.

  8.30am: Collier Trevanion secured alongside.

  9.00am: Commenced coaling.

  3.30pm: HMS Orama arrived from Coquimbo.

  5.00pm: Finished coaling.

  5.35pm: SS Trevanion cast off.

  5.55pm: Proceeded in company with Orama. Course N27W, 38 revolutions.

  7.00pm: Closed to 3 miles on port beam of Orama.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°01’S, 71°38’W.

10.30pm: Pajaros Light: N20E.

  Sick list: 11.

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5 February 1915

At sea, Tongoy bay, at sea

Lat -30.20, Long -71.59

12.13am: Pajaros Light abeam, 12½ miles.

  2.12am: Pajaros Light: S73E.

  4.05am: Pajaros Light abeam, N69E.

  8.00am: Pos. 29°57’S, 71°43’W.

  9.30am: Increased to 64 revolutions. Lengua de Vaca Point: S67E, 7 miles. Course as requisite for Tongoy Bay.

10.15am: Stopped. Captain went on board HMS Orama.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 96 miles.

12.05pm: Captain returned.

12.10pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving Tongoy Bay.

  1.05pm: Lengua de Vaca Lighthouse: S10E, 2 miles.

  4.45pm: Altered course S14E, reduced to 38 revolutions. Lengua de Vaca Lighthouse bearing N67E, 17½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°41’S, 72°05’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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6 February 1915

At sea

Lat -32.34, Long -71.99

  8.00am: Pos. 32°05’S, 72°00’W.

  9.40am: Stopped.

  9.50am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for firing 1” aiming and for towing target for HMS Orama.

11.16am: Stopped, picked up target.

11.26am: Proceeded, course S17E, 64 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 160 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 7.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°30’S, 72°24’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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7 February 1915

At sea

Lat -34.87, Long -73.00

  8.00am: Pos. 34°48’S, 73°04’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S20W, 162 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°39’S, 73°26’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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8 February 1915

At sea

Lat -37.32, Long -74.27 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 36°48’S, 74°05’W.

  9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised General quarters. Course and speed as requisite to exercise change of range.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 158 miles.

  3.35pm: Altered course S36E to close HMS Celtic, increased to 64 revolutions.

  4.15pm: Stopped. Sent mail to Celtic.

  4.55pm: Cutter returned. Proceeded. Course S, 64 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 38°15’S, 74°20’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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9 February 1915

At sea

Lat -40.19, Long -74.62

  3.00am: HMS Celtic: N76E.

  3.05am: Lost sight of Celtic in fog.

  6.47am: Altered course S9E. Reduced to 51 revolutions. Mist clearing slightly.

  8.00am: Pos. 39°38’S, 74°37’W.

  9.00am: Wind veered to S.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 173 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 40°43’S, 74°41’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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10 February 1915

At sea

Lat -42.44, Long -75.05

  8.00am: Pos. 42°03’S, 75°00’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 160 miles.

  6.40pm: Guafo Island Light: S52E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 43°20’S, 75°10’W.

  9.45pm: Guafo Light: N81E.

  Sick list: 11.

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11 February 1915

At sea to Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.20, Long -74.74

  1.30am: Guafo Light dipped: N26E.

  4.15pm: Altered course S44E. Increased to 64 revolutions. HMS Celtic parted company and proceeded to Falkland Islands.

  5.45am: North Point Guamblin Island bearing S37E, 16 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 44°41’S, 75°00’W.

  8.30am: Altered course S34E. Guamblin Island North Point: S77E, 8 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 184 miles.

12.45pm: Analao Island bearing S22E, 10 miles. Course as requisite for Vallenar anchorage.

  2.28pm: Stopped.

  2.32pm: Came to port anchor in 12 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchored 2½ cables E of HMS Orama. Hoisted out picket boat.

  Sick list: 10.

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12 February 1915

Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6

  7.30am: Landed observation party.

  9.40am: Divisions. Prayers. Diving party employed cleaning ship’s bottom. One Signalman RNVR joined from HMS Orama.

  Sick list: 10.

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13 February 1915

Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6

  8.00am: Divers cleaning ship’s bottom.

10.00am: Picket boat away running torpedoes with dropping gear.

  Sick list: 9.

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14 February 1915

Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6

10.30am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 8.

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15 February 1915

Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6

  7.15am: SS Braunton, collier, secured alongside.

  8.00am: Divers cleaning ship’s bottom.

  8.20am: Commenced coaling.

  2.50pm: Finished coaling. Braunton cast off.

  8.30pm: Picket boat left ship to patrol entrance of anchorage.

  Sick list: 8.

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16 February 1915

Vallenar anchorage

Lat -45.3, Long -74.6

  4.20am: Picket boat returned.

  9.30pm: Picket boat patrolling.

  Sick list: 8.

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17 February 1915

From Vallenar anchorage and at sea

Lat -45.25, Long -74.70 by X bearings

  6.30am: Hoisted picket boat.

  9.43am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving Vallenar anchorage.

11.10am: South point of Anchila Island: N57E, 3 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 14 miles.

  4.15pm: Arena point: S66W, 4½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 44°27’S, 78°06’W.

  9.00pm: Lost sight of Collier Braunton.

  Sick list: 7.

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18 February 1915

At sea

Lat -42.97, Long -75.29

12.30am: Guafo Light: N10E,10 miles.

  3.30am: Guafo Light: N52E, 21 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 43°17’S, 75°22’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 14 miles.

  5.45pm: Sighted collier Braunton.

  8.00pm: Pos. 42°03’S, 75°17’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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19 February 1915

At sea

Lat -39.69, Long -74.84

  8.00am: Pos. 40°16’S, 75°07’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 196 miles.

  7.00pm: Mocha Island: N45E, 28.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 38°28’S, 74°26’W.

  9.00pm: Mocha Island Light: N82E.

  Sick list: 7.

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20 February 1915

At sea to Santa Maria anchorage and on to Coronel

Lat -37.03, Long -73.55

  4.40am: Altered course N38E. Santa Maria Light: N55E, 27 miles.

  5.22am: Lavapie Point Light: S86E, 16 miles. Altered course as requisite for Boca Chica and for anchorage westward of Santa Maria Island.

  8.00am: Stopped.

  8.05am: Came to in 15 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  8.20am: Collier Braunton secured alongside.

  9.30am: Commenced coaling.

11.50am: Finished coaling.

     Noon: Collier Braunton unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N54E 54 revolutions.

  2.17pm: Course as requisite for anchorage at Coronel.

  2.33pm: Came to port anchor in 11 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 7.

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21 February 1915

From Coronel patrolling

Lat -37.04, Long -73.17

11.15am: Saluted HE Governor of Loti and Coronel with 13 guns.

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite, 51 revolutions.

  2.20pm: Coronel Lighthouse abeam, 2 miles.

  2.20pm: Sighted HMS Orama coming from northward.

  4.06pm: Stopped.

  4.11pm: Came to port anchor in 22 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Orama anchored 3 cables to westward.

  6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite, 45 revolutions.

  6.40pm: Course and speed as requisite for taking position.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°52’S, 73°30’W. Course N3E, 45 revolutions, stationed 2 miles on port beam of Orama.

  9.40pm: Gualpin Point Light: S75E, 10½ miles.

  Sick list: 7.

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22 February 1915

To Coronel and at sea

Lat -36.84, Long -73.30

  8.00am: Pos. 36°18’S, 73°14’W.

  9.20am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised control stations and change of range on HMS Orama.

11.00am: Shaped course S30E, 77 revolutions. Culluito Point bearing S60E, 10 miles.

  1.53pm: Course as requisite for Coronel.

  1.53pm: Came to port anchor in 11 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  3.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite. 64 revolutions.

  5.38pm: Stopped.

  5.40pm: Came to in 19 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  6.37pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for rounding Santa Maria Island.

  7.55pm: Shaped course S32W. Santa Maria Lighthouse: S52E, 5½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°55’S, 73°37’W.

10.30pm: Altered course South. Lavapie Light: N67E, 20½ miles.

  Sick list: 6.

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23 February 1915

At sea

Lat -39.54, Long -74.65

12.56am: Tucapel Point Light abeam.

  2.50am: Sighted Mocha Island Light: S50E.

  6.11am: Altered course S9E. Peak of Mocha Island: N56E, 25½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 38°50’S, 741 31’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 215 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 41°01’S, 74°56’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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24 February 1915

At sea

Lat -43.69, Long -74.44

  6.30am: Sighted smoke 4 points on port bow, altered course S47E.

  7.50am: Guafo Island Lighthouse: S25E, 32 miles. Altered course as requisite to close merchant steamer.

  8.00am: Pos. 43°04’S, 74°52’W.

  9.45am: Stopped, boarded SS Elm Branch of Sunderland.

10.00am: Proceeded, course S15E, 77 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 280 miles.

  4.14pm: Altered course S6E. Seale Point, Guamblin Island: S16E, 18 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 45°21’S, 75°30’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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25 February 1915

At sea

Lat -49.07, Long -76.25

  1.15am: Tres Montes Light: S51E.

  2.00am: Tres Montes Light abeam, 10½ miles.

  6.05am: Dora Peak: S79E, 40 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 48°11’S, 76°17’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 323 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 50°35’S, 76°09’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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26 February 1915

At sea to Isthmus Bay, Smyth Channel

Lat -52.44, Long -73.67

  3.15am: Evangelistas Light: N85E.

  6.00am: Evangelistas Light abeam.

  8.00am: Pos. 52°42’S, 74°34’W.

  9.20am: Altered course to close merchant steamer.

10.00am: Cape Phillip: N5E, 10 miles. Altered course as requisite for Smyth Channel [Fiordo Smyth], increased to 115 revolutions.

10.50am: Fairway Island abeam, ¼ mile.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 310 miles. Navy Point abeam ¼ mile. Reduced to 77 revolutions.

12.30pm: Cutter Rock abeam. Increased to 115 revolutions.

  1.00pm: Passed HMS Bristol and collier anchored in Isthmus Bay [Bahia Isthmus].

  1.40pm: Osprey Point abeam, ¼ mile. Course as requisite for Union Sound.

  2.15pm: Cape Ano Nuevo: abeam 1 mile. Reduced to 45 revolutions.

  3.00pm: Off Cape Earnest turned 16 points to southward, met HMS Glasgow.

  3.10pm: Stopped. Captain went on board Glasgow.

  4.35pm: Captain returned, proceeded, course as requisite for Isthmus Bay, 96 revolutions, in company with Glasgow.

  6.32pm: Stop.

  6.44pm: Lowered port anchor in 40 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles. Glasgow, Bristol and collier anchored inside.

  Sick list: 6.

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27 February 1915

Isthmus Bay, patrol and return

Lat -52.18, Long -73.62

  6.00am: HMS Bristol weighed and proceeded.

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for patrolling to northward.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 18 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course 16 points. Course as requisite for Isthmus Bay.

  5.00pm: Came to starboard anchor in 40 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles.

  Sick list: 6.

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28 February 1915

Isthmus Bay and at sea

Lat -52.18, Long -73.65

  6.05am: HMS Glasgow weighed and proceeded.

  6.20am: SS Cairnross collier secured alongside.

  7.50am: Commenced coaling.

  1.45pm: Finished coaling.

  3.00pm: Cast off Cairnross.

  3.20pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite.

  4.15pm: Cutter Rock abeam, ¼ mile. Course as requisite for Grey Channel.

  5.10pm: Put clocks back 50 minutes.

  6.15pm: Fairway Island West Point abeam, ½ mile.

  8.00pm: Pos. 52.93, Long -73.93

  8.05pm: Sentinel Island Light: S73E, 16 miles.

10.12pm: Sentinel Light abeam, 1 mile.

10.40pm: Castle Hill: S33W, 2 miles.

  Sick list: 6.


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1 March 1915

From Isthmus Bay to Sholl Bay

Lat -54.02, Long -71.15

12.10am: Cooper Key Light: N5E, ¾ mile.

12.30am: Altered course S72E. Cooper Key: 2 miles, N44W.

  2.30am: Cape Hunter: S15W, 1 mile.

  4.00am: Beware Island: N30W, ¾ mile. Course as requisite for Crooked Reach.

  4.50am: Cape Cross Tide: S70W, 2 miles. Course as requisite for English Reach and Fortescue Bay.

  6.20am: Cape Gallant N85E, 2 miles. Course as requisite for Fortescue Bay.

  6.47am: Stopped. Hoisted out Picket Boat.

  8.00am: Pos. 53°43’S, 72°00’W. Picket boat proceeded to HMS Bristol at anchor in Fortescue Bay.

  8.05am: Proceeded, course as requisite for Froward Reach.

11.35am: Froward beacon: N43W

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 170 miles.

12.45pm: Course as requisite for Magdalen Sound.

  1.40pm: Course as requisite for Sholl Bay

  2.20pm: Stopped.

  2.25pm: Came to in 23 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles in Sholl Bay. Found there, HMS Glasgow anchored in Bay.

  Sick list: 9.

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2 March 1915

From Sholl Bay to Fortescue Bay and return

Lat -54.04, Long -71.12

  9.50am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving Sholl Bay. 58 revolutions.

10.30am: Course as requisite for Magdalen Sound.

11.40am: Periagua Island: S60W, 1½ miles. Course as requisite for Froward Reach.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 17 miles.

12.53pm: Cape Froward: N30E, 2 miles.

  2.00pm: Sighted picket boat.

  2.38pm: Stopped, picked up picket boat.

  3.00pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Froward Reach and Magdalen Sound, 77 revolutions.

  4.30pm: Cape Froward: N66E, 5 miles.

  6.00pm: Periagua Rock: S8W, 1¼ mile.

  7.00pm: Course as requisite for Sholl Bay.

  7.16pm: Stopped.

  7.20pm: Came to starboard anchor in 23 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 10.

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3 March 1915

Sholl Bay to Broderip Bay.

Lat -54.14, Long -72.19 by X bearings

  Lost by accident from Picket Boat, 81 fathoms coir hawser, old.

  4.36am: Weighed and proceeded in company with HMS Glasgow. Course as requisite for leaving Sholl Bay.

  5.15am: Cape Turn: S57W, 2¾ miles. Course as requisite for Adelaide Passage.

  8.00am: Pos. 54°21’5’S, 72°00’W.

  8.30am: Parted company with Glasgow.

  8.30am: Reduced to 32 revolutions. Course as requisite for passage East of Staines Islands, Barbara Channel.

10.00am: Course as requisite for Barbara Channel.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 124 miles.

  2.25pm: Entrance of Gonzales Channel: SW, 1 mile. Course as requisite for Barbara Channel.

  3.35pm: Anchored South of Browell Island in 32 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  4.24pm: Weighed and proceeded, Glasgow ahead 2 miles. Course as requisite for South Narrows, 45 revolutions.

  5.00pm: Cleared South Narrows. Course as requisite for Broderip Bay.

  6.00pm: Stopped.

  7.00pm: Proceeded as requisite for anchorage.

  7.33pm: Came to port anchor in 65 fathoms, veered to 12 shackles in Broderip Bay.

  Sick list: 8.

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4 March 1915

Broderip Bay and at sea for rendezvous

Lat -53.35, Long -73.04 by X bearings

  4.15am: Picket boat left with Navigating Lieutenant to sound in Shag Narrows [Paso Shag].

  7.10am: Picket boat returned. Hoisted in.

  7.25am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for Shag Narrows, 96 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 53°52.5’S, 72°15’W.

  8.15am: Cleared Narrows. Course as requisite for English Reach.

  8.15am: HMS Orama sighted in English Reach.

10.00am: Bonet Island abeam. Course as requisite for Crooked Reach in company with Orama and Glasgow. Reduced to 70 revolutions.

10.35am: Beware Island: N50W 1.3 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 100 miles.

  1.40pm: Shaped course N77W: Sentinel Light: S87W, 5 miles.

  2.50pm: Parted company with Orama and Glasgow.

  3.23pm: St Felix Light: S13W, 4¼ miles.

  6.46pm: Evangelistas Light: N13E, 5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 52°16.5’S, 75°40’W.

  8.15pm: Evangelistas Light: S85E, 23.6 miles.

  Sick list: 8.

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5 March 1915

At sea

Lat -48.30, Long -77.85

  8.00am: Pos. 49°15’S, 77°17’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 367 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 46°11’S, 78°16’W.

10.00pm: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  Sick list: 8.

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6 March 1915

At sea

Lat -42.14, Long -78.93

  2.10am: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  8.00am: Pos. 43°12’S, 78°51’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 369 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 39°54’S, 79°23’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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7 March 1915

At sea to Rendezvous

Lat -36.95, Long -80.00

  7.00am: Stopped both.

  8.00am: Pos. 36°58’S, 79°57’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 312 miles.

  4.05pm: Proceeded, course S80W, 32 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°55’S, 80°07’W. Stopped both engines.

  Sick list: 10.

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8 March 1915

Written in red on top of page:

Chased H.M. German Cruiser Dresden from 3.20 pm to 8.20 pm

(for official plan, see here)

From Rendezvous to Westward in chase of Dresden

Lat -37.05, Long -79.99

  8.00am: Pos. 37°02’S, 80°02’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 18 miles.

  3.17pm: Sighted SMS Dresden: N76W, 26,000 yards, heading NE, apparently stopped. Altered course N76W, working up to full speed.

  3.37pm: Dresden turned and ran, course N81W. Distance of Dresden: 8½ miles.

  4.00pm: Distance between ships increasing. [Kent worked up to 21.4 knots at 145 revs and maintained that speed for four hours]

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°30’S, 81°17’W. Dresden: N81W, 15 miles.

  8.30pm: Lost sight of Dresden: N81W. Reduced to 96 revolutions.

  8.48pm: Altered course S81E. Position of Dresden last seen at 8.30 pm, steaming N81W, 23.5 knots: 36°16’S, 81°52’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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9 March 1915

At sea to Rendezvous and patrolling

Lat -37.05, Long -79.80

  8.00am: Pos. 37°07’S, 79°48’W.

10.10am: Stopped. Hands employed cleaning ship’s bottom and as requisite.

11.47am: Proceeded, course S88W, 37 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 177 miles.

  1.30pm: Stopped both engines. Hands employed as in forenoon. Lost by accident when scraping ship’s bottom: Scrapers Patt. 572. No 6.

  4.00pm: Proceeded S89W, 32 revolutions.

  6.00pm: Altered course N68E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 37°00’S, 79°53’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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10 March 1915

Rendezvous towards anchorage off Santa Maria

Lat -36.70, Long -76.59

  8.00am: Pos. 36°47’S, 77°33’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 155 miles. Altered course N76E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°44’S, 75°08’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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11 March 1915

At sea to Santa Maria Island

Lat -37.03, Long -73.55

  2.40am: Santa Maria Light: S74E

  4.30am: Santa Maria Light bearing S45E, 15 miles, a/c S64E.

  6.00am: Santa Maria Light: S, 6½ miles. Altered course as requisite for anchorage off Santa Maria Island.

  7.54am: Stopped. Hoisted out picket boat.

  8.25am: Picket boat left ship for Coronel.

  8.25am: Proceeded as requisite for anchorage, 32 revolutions.

  9.58am: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 15.

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12 March 1915

Santa Maria Island anchorage to Coronel

Lat -37.04, Long -73.17

  4.00am: Weighed.

  4.15am: Proceeded, course N55E, 38 revolutions.

  6.15am: Coronel Light: N26E, 3 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  6.55am: Stopped.

  7.06am: Came to port anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  7.10am: Secured to buoy by stern with 5” wire.

  8.00am: Coal lighters secured alongside. Diving party cleaning ship’s bottom.

  8.40am: Commenced coaling.

10.40am: Discharged Boy Simpson to hospital.

  Sick list: 16.

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13 March 1915

Coronel and at sea towards Juan Fernandez

Lat -36.89, Long -73.50

  2.00am: Finished coaling.

  8.16am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour, 51 revolutions.

  8.35am: Course N70W. Coronel Light bearing N38E, 1 mile.

11.00am: Altered course S77W. Santa Maria Light S7W

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 26 miles.

  7.30pm: Sighted two ships on port bow bearing S72W and S69W, approx 18 miles.

  7.45pm: Lost sight of ships.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°57’S, 75°15’W.

  Sick list: 16.

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14 March 1915

End of chase of S.M.S. Dresden

(for official plan, see here)

Written in at the top of the page:

Kent in action with GLC Dresden. Dresden sank at 12.15 pm.

At sea to Juan Fernandez

Lat -33.8, Long -78.85

  Burnt for fuel: Drums wood, old, 11 in number, casks wood, old, 1 in number.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°58’S, 78°40’W.

  8.00am: East Point Juan Fernandez: N45W, 26 miles [The largest island of the archipelago, then known as Mas A Tierra, now Isla Robinson Crusoe].

  9.15am: East Point Juan Fernandez: N78W, 4 miles. Course and speed as requisite. Sighted HMS’ Glasgow and Orama to northward of Island.

  9.30am: Sighted German Light Cruiser Dresden anchored in Cumberland Bay [on the North side of the island], distant 5 miles.

  9.50am: Dresden 5,000 yards.

  9.51am: Glasgow opened fire.

  9.52am: Kent opened fire.

  9.54am: Cease firing. Dresden hoisted white flag and hauled down German ensign. Kent fired 29 rounds.

11.00am: Explosion on board SMS Dresden, Dresden sinking. Fore magazine blown up by Dresden’s crew. All Dresden’s crew seen ashore and a party returning to blow up the ship after having landed.

12.15pm: Dresden sank approx position N62E, 4½ cables from Lighthouse.

  1.15pm: Came to port anchor in 53 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles. Of the Dresden’s crew: 37 killed or missing, 14 seriously wounded, 30 wounded, not serious. The 14 serious cases taken on board Orama. Remainder landed on Island.

  8.45pm: Orama proceeded to Valparaiso.

  Sick list: 14.

This event led to a protest from the Chilean Government to Germany and England. The British Government answered promptly by sending apologies for this action of war in neutral Chilean waters. They were accepted. The Germans did not answer. Subsequently the sympathy that the Chileans might have had for the Germans was reduced and more help was given to British ships.

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15 March 1915

From Juan Fernandez patrolling to Westward

Lat -33.34, Long -78.70

  9.20am: Kent weighed and Proceeded, course as requisite.

  9.27am: HMS Glasgow weighed and proceeded to Vallenar anchorage.

10.00am: East Point Juan Fernandez: SW, 1 mile, course N3E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 18 miles.

  2.15pm: Altered course S40E. Juan Fernandez Lighthouse bearing S8W, 32 miles.

  5.15pm: 1,969 feet peak Island: S53W, 23 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°44’S, 78°19’W.

11.00pm: Altered course N68W.

  Sick list: 12.

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16 March 1915


Lat -33.20, Long -76.59 by X bearings

  4.45am: Juan Fernandez Light: S72W.

  6.25am: Juan Fernandez Light: S54W, 9 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°32’S, 78°42’W.

  8.20am: Altered course N3E.

11.45am: Altered course S30E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 130 miles.

  6.15pm: Altered course S3W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°42’S, 78°33’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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17 March 1915

Patrolling and course for Rendezvous

Lat -34.80, Long -79.09 by X bearings

  7.00am: R T Juan Fernandez: N10W, 47 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°32’S, 78°56’W.

  9.00am: Peak 3,000’ Juan Fernandez: N9W, 53 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 130 miles. Altered course S2W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°43’S, 79°27’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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18 March 1915

At sea to Rendezvous

Lat -36.69, Long -79.89

  8.00am: Pos. 37°06’S, 80°09’W.

  8.00am: At Rendezvous. Altered course N72E.

  8.25am: Altered course N40E to close smoke.

  9.20am: Altered course N18W. Hands overhauling coaling gear.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 178 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°47’S, 79°54’W. Altered course N20W.

  Sick list: 12.

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19 March 1915

From Rendezvous to Mas a Fuera

Lat -34.12, Long -80.20

  7.30am: Sighted HMS Orama on starboard bow.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°34’S, 79°50’W.

  8.15am: Altered course N50W.

  8.23am: West Point of Mas a Fuera [now Alexander Selkirk Island]: N61W. Rain and wind squalls, misty.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 166 miles.

  1.40pm: Altered course N62W. North Point Mas a Fuera: N70W, 28 miles.

  4.00pm: North Point Mas a Fuera: S62W, 6½ miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  5.14pm: Came to port anchor in 21 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles. Orama anchored 3 cables SW.

  7.15pm: Orama proceeded.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°55’S, 80°35’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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20 March 1915

Mas a Fuera and patrolling

Lat -33.92, Long -80.59

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. Port engine stopped.

  7.00pm: Proceeded, 32 revolutions both engines

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°52’S, 80°35’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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21 March 1915

Mas a Fuera and patrolling

Lat -33.67, Long -80.92

     In am: Courses as requisite for patrolling.

  7.00am: Stopped starboard engine. Increased to 45 revolutions port engine.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°40’S, 81°00’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 94 miles. Proceeded 32 revolutions both engines.

  6.00pm: Course as requisite for anchorage off Mas a Fuera.

  7.00pm: Came to port anchor in 47 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles

  Sick list: 12.

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22 March 1915

Mas a Fuera and at sea to Rendezvous

Lat -33.92, Long -80.59

  8.00am: Collier Braunton secured alongside.

  8.40am: Commenced coaling.

  3.10pm: Finished coaling. Average 167 tons an hour.

  4.20pm: Collier Braunton unmoored.

  4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  6.10pm: Mas a Fuera Lighthouse: S83W, 2½ miles. Shaped course S26E.

  Sick list: 16.

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23 March 1915

From Mas a Fuera to Rendezvous.

Lat -35.07, Long -80.28

12.24am: Altered course N2E.

12.55am: Altered course S22E.

  5.34am: Altered course N35W.

  7.35am: Altered course S26E.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°40’S, 80°28’W.

  9.20am: Altered course S60E. Increased to 50 revolutions to communicate with collier.

10.35am: Altered course S27E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 134 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 8.

  5.30pm: Altered course S16E to close collier.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°29’S, 80°17’W. Altered course S27E.

  Sick list: 17.

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24 March 1915

At sea to Rendezvous and to Valparaiso

Lat -37.20, Long -80.04

  8.00am: Pos. 36°52’S, 80°03’W.

  9.00am: At Rendezvous.

11.00am: Altered course N50W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 165 miles.

  1.40pm: Altered course N44E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°35’S, 79°18’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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25 March 1915

At sea

Lat -35.65, Long -77.10

  8.00am: Pos. 35°51’S, 77°23’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 187 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°12’S, 76°06’W

  Sick list: 11.

  Censured Mr JLSG Lilley, acting Lieutenant RNR, for going down to his cabin during his watch on deck.

Followed by the signature of Mr Lilley.

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26 March 1915

At sea

Lat -34.20, Long -74.37

  8.00am: Pos. 34°29’S, 74°35’W.

  9.10am: Altered course as requisite for rate of change and exercising range finder.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N57E, 162 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°47’S, 73°23’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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27 March 1915

At sea

Lat -33.00, Long -71.75 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 33°08’S, 71°48’W.

  8.10am: Curaumilla Lighthouse: N72E, 2 miles. Altered course N. Reduced to 32 revolutions.

  8.20pm: Altered course N40W.

10.42am: Altered course S63E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 171 miles. Altered course S28W.

12.12pm: Stopped. Communicated with merchant steamer. Proceeded.

  1.25pm: Altered course S.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°24’S, 71°55’W. Curaumilla Light: N12E. Altered course S18W.

10.07pm: Curaumilla Light dipped: N8E.

Sick list: 12.

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28 March 1915


Lat -34.44, Long -72.45

  6.35am: Altered course S.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°08’S, 72°35’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 110 miles.

  3.15pm: Altered course and speed as requisite to close steamer.

  4.15pm: Resumed course S, 38 revolutions.

  7.07pm: Altered course N12W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34°55’S, 72°25’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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29 March 1915


Lat -33.95, Long -72.37

  7.00am: Altered course S60E.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°55’S, 72°17’W.

  8.00am: Stopped.

11.43am: Proceeded, course S65E, 38 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 120 miles.

12.04pm: Altered course as requisite, speed as requisite for closing steamer.

  1.30pm: Stopped. Hands employed cleaning ship’s bottom.

  6.00pm: Proceeded N8W, 32 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°48’S, 72°04’W.

11.35pm: Curaumilla Light: N20E.

  Sick list: 7.

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30 March 1915


Lat -33.45, Long -71.95 by X bearings

12.30am: Curaumilla Light: N6E.

  1.08am: Altered course N6E.

  4.00am: Punta Angeles Light: N50E.

  5.30am: Curaumilla Light abeam, S84E, 10 miles.

  7.15am: Course as requisite to close small Chilean steamer.

  7.58am: Resumed course S20E, 32 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°10’S, 71°55’W.

11.00am: Altered course as requisite to close SS Orita.

11.58am: Stopped, boarded SS Orita.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 120 miles.

  1.45pm: Proceeded, course N, 64 revolutions.

  1.50pm: Curaumilla Light: N12E 20 miles.

  3.35pm: Altered course N25E. Curaumilla Light: N80E, 4 miles.

  5.00pm: Stopped.

  7.24pm: Proceeded, course as requisite to close SS Oriana.

  7.55pm: Stopped, boarded SS Oriana.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°49’S, 71°41’W.

  8.50pm: Cutter returned.

  9.00pm: Proceeded, course N38W, 90 revolutions.

  Sick list: 6.

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31 March 1915

At sea

Lat -30.95, Long -72.14

  7.30am: Reduced to 32 revolutions. Course as requisite for SS Braunton securing alongside.

  8.00am: Pos. 30°50’S, 71°55’W. SS Braunton secured alongside, Proceeded, course S30W, 32 revolutions, starboard engine.

  9.05am: Commenced coaling.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 176 miles.

  3.45pm: Finished coaling. Received 950 tons.

  4.15pm: Unmoored from collier.

  4.30pm: Proceeded, course N27W, 70 revolutions, in company with SS Braunton.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°27’S, 72°23’W.

  Sick list: 4.


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1 April 1915

At sea

Lat -27.57, Long -73.20

  8.00am: Pos. 28°19’S, 73°00’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 210 miles. Altered course N25E.

12.55pm: Altered course N27W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°12’S, 73°27’W.

  Sick list: 5

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2 April 1915

At sea

Lat -23.49, Long -74.29

  8.00am: Pos. 24°08’S, 74°01’W.

10.20am: Altered course N40E to close collier.

10.30am: Divine Service.

11.05am: Altered course N27W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 251 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°10’S, 74°31’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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3 April 1915

At sea

Lat -19.47, Long -75.47

  8.00am: Pos. 20°08’S, 75°06’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N16W, 252 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N25W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°08’S, 75°51’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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4 April 1915

At sea

Lat -15.49, Long -76.75

  8.00am: Pos. 16°15’S, 76°20’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N17W, 252 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°06’S, 77°04’W.

11.03pm: Altered course S19E.

11.25pm: Altered course S57E.

  Sick list: 10.

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5 April 1915

At sea to Port San Nicolas

Lat -14.82, Long -75.90 by X bearings

  6.50am: Carretas Head [Punta Carreta].

  8.00am: Pos. 14°31’S, 76°15’W.

  9.27am: Altered course S67E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 231 miles. Altered course S62E.

  5.00pm: Beware Point: N24E, 2 miles.

  6.11pm: Stopped.

  6.15pm: Came to port anchor in 55 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles. HMS Orama at anchor bearing N, 3 cables.

  6.50pm: SS Braunton collier secured alongside.

  Sick list: 10.

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6 April 1915

From Port San Nicolas to Patrolling

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

  6.45am: Commenced coaling.

10.55am: Finished coaling. Received 520 tons.

11.00am: Put clocks back 20 minutes.

  2.00pm: Put clocks back 20 minutes.

  6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour and for patrolling off Port San Nicolas. 32 revolutions.

  Sick list: 12.

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7 April 1915


Lat -14.80, Long -76.10 by X bearings

  5.50am: Harmless Point: S, ¾ miles. Shaped course N75W. Increased to 64 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°06’S, 75°33’W.

  9.30am: Altered course N53W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 120 miles. Altered course N36W.

  4.15pm: Carretas Head: N83E, 9 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°43’S, 75°42’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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8 April 1915

At sea to Callao and at sea

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

  5.50am: Altered course to close sailing ship.

  7.22am: Old Lighthouse Callao, San Lorenzo Point: N50E, 7 miles. Course as requisite for Callao.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°04’S, 77°10’W.

  8.37am: Stop.

  8.40am: Came to starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Saluted country 21 guns.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 190 miles.

  1.40pm: Discharged one Boy to hospital.

  5.25pm: Saluted Belgium ambassador 15 guns.

  7.22pm: RNR Lieutenant Lilley discharged to mail boat for passage home.

  8.50pm: Weighed.

  9.10pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour.

10.34pm: Palominos Light bearing S66E, 4 miles. Shaped course S30E, 51 revs.

  Sick list: 12

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9 April 1915

At sea

Lat -13.67, Long -76.65 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 13°12’S, 76°51’W.

10.55am: San Gallan Island: S46E, 22 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 112 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°29’S, 76°20’W. Altered course S56E.

  Sick list: 9.

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10 April 1915

At sea to Port San Nicolas

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

  6.05am: Sugar Loaf peak: S68E, 17 miles.

  7.50am: Harmless Point: N68E 3 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  8.32am: Stopped.

  8.38am: Came to starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. HMS Orama and collier anchored in Bay.

  Sick list: 9.

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11 April 1915

Port San Nicolas and at sea

Lat -15.00, Long -75.70 by X bearings

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

  8.25am: Harmless Point: S20W, 1 mile. Course N70W, 51 revolutions.

  9.25am: Beware Point: N20E, 1½ miles.

10.30am: Divine Service.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°19’S, 76°30’W. Altered course N30W.

  Sick list: 10.

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12 April 1915

At sea

Lat -12.50, Long -77.29

  8.00am: Pos. 12°54’S, 77°02’W.

  9.45am: Exercised general quarters and change of range on SS Braunton. Position at 9.45am: 12°42’S, 77°07’W.

11.00am: Course N20W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 186 miles.

12.55pm: Palominos Light: N10E, 15 miles.

  4.21pm: Cape San Lorenzo [Islas San Lorenzo]: N53E, 10.3 miles.

  5.45pm: Cape San Lorenzo bearing S85E, 7.3 miles. Course as requisite to close SS Orita.

  6.18pm: Stopped. Communicated with SS Orita.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°04’S, 77°19’W.

  8.24pm: Proceeded 51 revolutions.

  8.29pm: Course N60W

10.30pm: Palomino Light dipped bearing S54E.

10.55pm: Mazorca Light: N28W.

  Sick list: 10.

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13 April 1915

At sea

Lat -10.79, Long -78.67

  2.10am: Mazorca Light: N28E,15 miles.

  3.25am: Mazorca Light N54E. 20 miles. Altered course N44W.

  4.53am: Mazorca Light dipped: N76E.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°06’S, 78°21’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 143 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°00’S, 78°40’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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14 April 1915

At sea

Lat -8.54, Long -80.34

  8.00am: Pos. 8°51’S, 80°01’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N36W, 167 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N29W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°41’S, 80°42’W.

  Lost overboard by accident whilst sponging out 6” gun at sea, cleaners Piasaba BL 6” heads: one. Spindle head brush: one.

  Sick list: 9.

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15 April 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -6.07, Long -81.34 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 6°21’S, 81°12’W.

  9.30am: Altered course N14E.

  9.50am: Sighted Aguja Point: N29E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 159 miles.

  3.25pm: Altered course S86E.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 9.

  5.06pm: Came to in 19 fathoms, veered to 11 shackles in Sechura Bay.

  6.00pm: SS Braunton collier secured alongside.

  Sick list: 10.

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16 April 1915

Sechura Bay and at sea

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.35am: Commenced coaling.

  3.45pm: Finished coaling. Received 725 tons.

  4.00pm: SS Braunton unmoored and proceeded for Panama and Santa Lucia.

  4.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, course W, 51 revolutions.

  5.25pm: Altered course S37W. R T Aguja Point: S3W

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°01’S, 81°16’W.

11.15pm: Lobos de Tierra Light: S80E

  Sick list: 10.

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17 April 1915

At sea

Lat -7.60, Long -80.67

12.45am: Lobos de Tierra Light abeam.

  4.30am: Altered course S50E.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°13’S, 80°56’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 125 miles.

  2.05pm: Altered course N34W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°18’S, 80°43’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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18 April 1915

At sea, Isla Lobos de Tierra and at sea

Lat -6.68, Long -81.08

  6.30am: Stopped.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°26’S, 81°20’W.

  9.10am: Proceeded, course N84E, 32 revolutions.

10.30am: Divine Service

11.30am: Altered course N43E.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 120 miles. Altered course N30E.

  1.40pm: Course as requisite for anchorage in Vivaro Bay, Lobos de Tierra Light: N68E, 5½ miles.

  2.42pm: Stopped.

  2.49pm: Came to port anchor in 17½ fathoms, veered to 8 shackles. Found here HMS Orama and collier [SS Eggesford].

  6.30pm: Orama and collier proceeded.

  7.13pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.20pm: Shaped course N63W, 51 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°20’S, 80°55’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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19 April 1915

At sea to Payta anchorage and at sea

Lat -5.07, Long -81.1

  8.00am: Pos. 5°12’S, 81°22’W.

  9.16am: Altered course as requisite for Payta anchorage.

  9.50am: Payta Point: N82E, 4½ miles.

11.00am: Came to in 9½ fathoms, veered to 6 shackles in Payta Bay [Bahia de Paita].

  6.41pm: Weighed.

  6.43pm: Proceeded, course as requisite, 45 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°03’S, 81°10’W

  8.00pm: Payta Point: S60E, 3 miles. Shaped course S46W.

  Sick list: 5.

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20 April 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.20am: Pisura Point: S60E, 8 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage in Sechura Bay.

  8.10am: Stopped.

  8.16am: Anchored in 35 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles. Found here HMS Orama and collier.

  1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. Diving party cleaning under water fittings.

  Sick list: 5.

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21 April 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 6.

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22 April 1915

At sea

Lat -5.84, Long -81.35

  7.40am: Weighed.

  7.51am: Proceeded. Course S70W, 45 revolutions. Collier Eggesford astern.

  9.05am: Aguja Point: S51E, 9 miles. Course and speed as requisite for carrying out towing target practice with 1” aiming and 3 pounder.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 22 miles.

  2.30pm: Finished firing.

  2.42pm: Proceeded 51 revolutions, course S22E.

  2.45pm: Aguja Point: E, 21 miles. Collier Eggesford astern 1 mile.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°24’S, 81°29’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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23 April 1915

At sea

Lat -8.38, Long -80.99

  8.00am: Pos. 7°50’S, 81°09’W.

  8.32am: Stopped.

  8.50am: Proceeded, course as requisite for carrying out target practice 1” aiming and 3 pounder. Collier Eggesford towing target.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 150 miles.

  1.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for target practice. Training classes firing 1” aiming and 3 pounder.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°56’S, 80°31’W.

  8.30pm: Exercised quarters and carried out 3 pounder practice at towing target.

  9.30pm: Secured. Shaped course S50E, 41 revolutions. Collier Eggesford astern 1 mile.

  Sick list: 11.

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24 April 1915

At sea

Lat -10.22, Long -79.39

  7.17am: Stopped. Sent cutter to collier.

  7.30am: Cutter returned.

  7.40am: Proceeded, course S50E, 42 revolutions.

  9.30am: Divisions with night clothing.

  8.00am: Pos. 9°49’S, 79°46’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 146 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°51’S, 79°48’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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25 April 1915

At sea

Lat -12.07, Long -77.54 by X bearings

  3.45am: Mazorca Light: N66E.

  5.45am: Mazorca Light: abeam 28 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°53’S, 77°56’W.

  9.45am: Islas Hormigas de Afuera: N30E, 4½ miles.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 156 miles.

  1.30pm: Palominos Lighthouse: S83E, 6½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°35’S, 77°11.5’W.

10.42pm: Palominos Light: N15E.

  Sick list: 10.

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26 April 1915

At sea to Callao

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

  2.55am: Palominos Light: abeam 6 miles.

  4.40am: Palominos Light: S85E.

  6.24am: Altered course as requisite for anchorage off Callao. Palominos Light bearing S85E, 6 miles.

  8.00am: Stopped.

  8.08am: Came to starboard anchor in 6½ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  8.30am: Fired salute of 21 guns saluting country. Peruvian Flagship returned salute.

  9.30am: Hands provisioning ship.

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27 April 1915

Callao and at sea

Lat -11.64, Long -77.74

  7.40am: Weighed.

  7.52am: Proceeded. Shaped course N60W, 64 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°04’S, 77°12’W.

  8.04am: R. T. San Lorenzo: S70W, 3 miles. Collier Eggesford in station astern.

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Lost overboard by accident obturating pad (pad only).

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 40 miles.

  1.32pm: Mazorca Lighthouse: N30E, 10 miles.

  1.39pm: Pelado Rock abeam, N30W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°55’S, 78°33’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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28 April 1915

At sea

Lat -9.74, Long -80.29

  8.00am: Pos. 10°00’S, 79°41’W.

10.00am: Exercised general quarters. Course and speed as requisite for exercising change of range on SS Eggesford.

11.00am: Secure.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 191 miles. Course N24W.

  2.47pm: Altered course N16W.

  3.45pm: Altered course N24W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°38’S, 80’ 35’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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29 April 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -6.43, Long -81.16

  8.00am: Pos. 7°00’S. 81°02’W.

  9.00am: Altered course N10W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 207 miles.

  1.50pm: Aguja Point: N21E, 17 miles by bearings.

  1.50pm: Aguja Point: N26E, 18 miles by DR.

  3.50pm: Pisura Point: N63E, 12½ miles. Course as requisite for anchorage in Sechura Bay.

  4.07pm: Stopped, boarded American merchantman.

  4.35pm: Proceeded as requisite for Sechura Bay.

  6.35pm: Stopped.

  6.40pm: Came to port anchor in 27 fathoms, veered to 10 shackles.

  7.05pm: SS Eggesford secured alongside.

  Sick list: 10.

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30 April 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling ship.

     Noon: Finished coaling, Received 676 tons.

  1.15pm: HMS Orama and collier [SS Llandudno] arrived.

  3.40pm: Collier SS Eggesford unmoored and proceeded to anchorage 3 cables astern of Kent.

Sick list: 13.


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1 May 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

11.00am: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Orama.

  Sick list: 13.

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2 May 1915

Sechura Bay to Payta Bay and at sea

Lat -5.14, Long -81.25

  7.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.20am: Course N42W, 58 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°40’S, 81°00W.

  9.35am: Payta Saddle: N2E, 14½ miles.

10.30am: Divine Service.

11.00am: Altered course N8E. Payta Saddle: N60E, 11 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 40 miles.

12.15pm: Payta Point: N76E, 7 miles. Course as requisite for Payta anchorage.

12.20pm: Collier proceeded, course N35W, 7 knots for Cocos Island.

  1.35pm: Stopped.

  1.42pm: Came to port anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles.

  3.47pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite, 58 revolutions.

  4.10pm: Payta Church: S16E, 2 miles. Course N54W. Increased to 64 revolutions.

  5.10pm: Saddle of Payta: S28E.

  7.42pm: Altered course N35W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°38’S, 81°30’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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3 May 1915

At sea

Lat -2.47, Long -82.84

  8.00am: Pos. 2°56’S, 82°26’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 210 miles. Altered course N27W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°23’S, 83°12’W. Altered course N35W.

  9.10pm: Sighted Collins Light: N33W.

  Sick list: 15.

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4 May 1915

At sea

Lat 0.80, Long -84.26

12.55am: Altered course N30W.

  4.20am: Altered course N35W.

  5.07am: Reduced to 50 revolutions. Collier Llandudno in station astern, 1 mile.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 212 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°01’N, 83°52’W.

  Sick list: 17

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5 May 1915

At sea

Lat 3.44, Long -85.65

  8.00am: Pos. 3°21’N, 85°30’W.

10.00am: Exercised general quarters. Course and speed as requisite for change of range.

10.30am: Secure.

11.02am: In station 1 mile astern of collier. Course N35W, 45 revolutions.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N27W, 180 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°05’N, 86°07’W.

  Sick list: 18.

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6 May 1915

At sea to Cocos Island and at sea

Lat 5.6, Long -87.00 [approx]

  6.30am: Observed Cocos Island: N33W.

  6.45am: Position DR Lat 5°32’N, 86°41’W. By sight and bearings on Cocos I., 4°54’N, 86°42’W.

  7.34am: Altered course N25W.

11.45am: Sighted HMS Newcastle anchored in Chatham Bay [on the NE corner of the island].

     Noon: Course as requisite for anchorage.

12.53pm: Stopped.

12.57pm: Came to port anchor in 27 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  2.15pm: Collier secured alongside.

  4.00pm: Commenced coaling. Three prisoners from Newcastle joined for passage.

  5.00pm: HMS Newcastle proceeded to Southward.

  7.45pm: Finished coaling.

  8.30pm: Collier Llandudno unmoored and proceeded for Callao.

  8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite.

  9.10pm: Stopped. Cleared foul anchor.

  9.40pm: Proceeded, course N65W, 70 revolutions. North Point Nuez Island [an islet just North of Cocos I.]: S43W, 1 mile.

  Sick list: 18.

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7 May 1915

At sea

Lat 6.74, Long -89.02

  8.00am: Pos. 6°19’N, 88°21’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N59W, 138 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°14’N, 89°52’W.

  Sick list: 22.

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8 May 1915

At sea

Lat 8.78, Long -92.42

  8.00am: Pos. 8°26’N, 91°59’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N59W, 237 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°26’N, 93°34’W.

  Sick list: 19.

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9 May 1915

At sea

Lat 10.77, Long -96.54

  8.00am: Pos. 10°25’N, 95°18’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N64W, 275 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.11°24’N, 97°51’W.

  Sick list: 22

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10 May 1915

At sea

Lat 12.94, Long -100.62

  8.00am: Pos. 12°22’N, 99°49’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N62W, 275 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.13°38’N, 101°53’W.

  Sick list: 26.

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11 May 1915

At sea

Lat 14.90, Long -104.50

  8.00am: Pos. 14°42’N, 103°37’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N62W, 255 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°37’N, 105°44’W.

  Sick list: 29.

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12 May 1915

At sea

Lat 17.09, Long -108.32

  8.00am: Pos. 16°42’N, 107°36’W.

11.00am: Clocks retarded 15 minutes.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N59W, 257 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N65W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°47’N, 109°24’W.

  Sick list: 27.

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13 May 1915

At sea to Socorro Island

Lat 18.73, Long -110.98 [approx]

  6.00am: Altered course N10W. Socorro Island peak: N15W, 18 miles.

  7.00am: Cape Rule: N32W, 4 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  7.30am: Came to port anchor in 17 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Found here, American oil ship Maverick.

  Sick list: 25.

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14 May 1915

Socorro Island and at sea

Lat 18.74, Long -110.88 [approx]

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite, 38 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 18°44’N, 110°50’W.

  8.00am: Socorro peak: N85W, 9½ miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  9.10am: Stopped.

  9.15am: Came to port anchor in 15 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

10.00am: Boarded SS Maverick.

11.55am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

     Noon: Course as requisite for leaving anchorage.

12.55pm: Shaped course N34W, 64 revolutions. Peak Socorro Island: S86W,10 miles.

  4.00pm: Benedicto Island: N60E, 15 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.19°50’N, 111°20’W.

  Sick list: 25.

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15 May 1915

At sea

Lat 22.02, Long -112.49

  8.00am: Pos. 21°33’N, 112°06’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N25W, 225 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°10’N, 113°03’W.

  Sick list: 20.

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16 May 1915

At sea

Lat 25.22, Long -113.59

  8.00am: Pos. 24°53’N, 113°20’W.

  9.18am: Altered course N19W to close steamer.

  9.40am: Resumed course N34W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N24W, 211 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.26°22’N, 114°27’W.

  Sick list: 21.

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17 May 1915

At sea to San Bartolome Bay

Lat 27.67, Long -114.89

  5.05am: Altered course N45E to close land.

  5.20am: Sighted land ahead.

  5.25am: Entrance San Bartolome Bay: N23E, 15 miles.

  6.46am: Stop both.

  6.51am: Came to port anchor in 6¾ fathoms, veered to 3½ shackles. Found there HMCS Rainbow and two Japanese cruisers

  8.22am: Collier Trevanion secured alongside

  9.00am: Commenced coaling.

12.20pm: Finished coaling.

  2.30pm: Collier unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  3.00pm: One PO 1c for hospital joined ship from Rainbow.

  4.50pm: Clocks retarded 15 minutes.

  6.30pm: One Chief Yeoman of Signals joined ship from Rainbow for passage to hospital.

  Sick list: 23.

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18 May 1915

San Bartolome Bay and at sea

Lat 27.94, Long -115.57

  6.22am: HMCS Rainbow weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  7.20am: Shaped course S60W. Entrance Rock bearing N40E, 1½ miles. 72 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°38’N, 115°00’W.

  8.35am: Altered course N59W. Entrance Rock bearing N63E, 14 miles.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 50 miles.

  1.20pm: Islas San Benito: N33E, 16 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°04’N, 116°45’W.

  Sick list: 23.

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19 May 1915

At sea

Lat 30.39, Long -119.00

  8.00am: Pos. 30°27’N, 118°27’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N51W, 231 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31°13’N, 120°10’W. Altered course N42W.

  Sick list: 19.

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20 May 1915

At sea

Lat 33.29, Long -121.42

  8.00am: Pos. 32°53’N, 121°12’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 215 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34°22’N, 122°08’W.

  Sick list: 16.

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21 May 1915

At sea

Lat 36.85, Long -123.64

  8.00am: Pos. 35°57’N, 123°05’W.

     Noon: Course and DMG, N27W, 240 miles.

  6.30pm: Altered course N27W.

  7.00pm: Observed position by sun and moon: 37°47’N, 124°21’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 38°03’N, 124°24’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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22 May 1915

At sea

Lat 40.72, Long -124.94 by X bearings

  4.50am: King's Peak: N20E, 42 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 40°05’N, 124°47’W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 235 miles. Altered course N20W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 42°03’N, 125°03’W.

10.45pm: Cape Blanco: N41E.

11.35pm: Cape Blanco: N60E, 21 miles.

  Sick list: 13.

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23 May 1915

At sea

Lat 45.12, Long -125.04 DR

  1.15am: Cape Blanco Light: S82E.

  8.00am: Pos. 44°07’N, 125°03’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: DMG 260 miles (DR).

  8.00pm: Pos. 46°28’N, 124°57’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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24 May 1915

At sea to Esquimalt

Lat 48.35, Long -124.20 by X bearings

  2.32am: Destruction Island: N39E, 23 miles.

  3.30am: Destruction Island: N67E, 20 miles.

  5.30am: Altered course North. Cape Flattery: N12E, 29 miles.

  7.16am: Umatilla Light Vessel abeam, 4.7 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 48°19’N, 124°53W.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 230 miles.

  3.15pm: Race Rock Light bearing N37E, 5 miles. Course as requisite.

  3.55pm: Race Rock Light abeam.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Hoisted out picket boat.

  4.20pm: Picket boat proceeded to Esquimalt.

  4.25pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for anchorage in Parry Bay.

  5.18pm: Came to starboard anchor in 14 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Anchorage in quarantine anchorage.

  Sick list: 11.

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25 May 1915

Parry Bay anchorage to Esquimalt

Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Esquimalt.

  7.30am: Secured to buoy 1¾ cables North of Signal Tower.

  9.30am: Discharged one prisoner to Work Point Barracks.

  9.00am: Divisions. Prayers.

  9.30am: Hands employed hoisting out launch and steam pinnace. Discharged six ratings to hospital. Mr Murtagh joined ship as Signal Boatswain.

  2.00pm: Discharged one Petty Officer to HMS Shearwater. One Stoker joined from RNVR Barracks.

  Sick list: 7.

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26 May 1915

HMS Kent is being refitted and the damages suffered during the Battle of the Falklands

made good. She is here until the 8th of July.


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  7.30am: Dockyardmen working about defects.

  8.30am: Discharged one Able Seaman RNR to hospital.

  Sick list: 9.

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27 May 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyardmen employed about defects.

  Dockyard party drawing stores.

  Sick list: 8.

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28 May 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  7.30am: Dockyardmen employed about defects.

11.10am: His Excellency Governor of British Columbia [at this time FS Barnard] arrived on board.

11.30am: Saluted Governor with 15 guns.

12.30pm: Mr Croncher, Signal Boatswain, discharged to shore for passage to England, RNB Portsmouth.

  Sick list: 9.

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29 May 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  Sick list: 9.

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30 May 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

10.20am: Performed Divine Service.

  Sick list: 10.

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31 May 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.45am: Landed gunnery training class for field gun drill. Hands employed ranging cables for surveying and as requisite.

  Sick list: 9.


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1 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  Sick list: 10.

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2 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

  4.30pm: One Leading Seaman joined ship for passage to HMS Newcastle.

  Sick list: 12.

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3 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.00am: Divisions, prayers. Landed training classes for field training. Hands employed surveying cable and as requisite.

  1.20pm: HMS Shearwater shifted berth.

  7.00pm: Discharged Captain Laing RMLI to hospital.

  Sick list: 12.

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4 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

11.55am: HMS Shearwater shifted berth.

  Sick list: 9.

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5 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  Sick list: 10.

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6 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.45am: Landed church parties.

10.20am: Divine Service.

11.20am: Church parties returned.

  Sick list: 11.

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7 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  9.00am: Hands employed surveying cable. Gunnery training classes at drill. Divers cleaning ship’s bottom. Remainder as requisite.

  Sick list: 11.

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8 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  Gunnery training classes at drill. Divers cleaning ship’s bottom. Remainder as requisite.

  Sick list: 11.

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9 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  Sick list: 10.

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10 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  2.30pm: Laid out kedge anchor.

  Sick list: 9.

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11 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  Gunnery training classes at drill. Divers cleaning ship’s bottom. Remainder as requisite.

  Sick list: 6.

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12 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Dockyard men working onboard.

  3.00pm: One Stoker rating joined ship for passage to HMS Newcastle.

  Sick list: 4.

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13 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.40am: Landed church parties.

10.20am: Divine Service.

11.30am: Church parties returned.

  Sick list: 4.

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14 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Gunnery training classes at drill. Divers cleaning ship’s bottom. Remainder as requisite.

  Sick list: 4.

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15 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  8.50am: HMS Shearwater slipped and proceeded.

  9.00am: Divisions. Read prayers. Divers down, training classes etc.

  Sick list: 5.

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16 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.00am: Read warrant No 10. Divers employed cleaning ship’s bottom. Discharged one Able Seaman to Victoria Prison.

  2.30pm: HMS Shearwater arrived.

  4.00pm: Read warrant No 11.

  Sick list: 3.

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17 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.00am: Divisions. Read prayers. Divers down, training classes etc.

  Sick list: 3.

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18 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  8.00am: Read warrants Nos 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

  9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Discharged four Stokers to Victoria Prison. Gunnery training classes to drill. Remainder employed refitting.

  1.30pm: One Stoker joined from detention barracks.

  Sick list: 3.

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19 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Saturday: Clean ship. Make and mend in the pm.

  Sick list: 3.

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20 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.00am: Landed church parties.

  9.30am: Discharged Engineer Lieutenant Foreman to St Joseph’s Hospital.

11.30am: Church parties returned.

  Sick list: 6.

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21 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Divers employed cleaning ship’s bottom. Remainder employed refitting. One Leading Stoker and one Stoker discharged to hospital.

10.50am: HMCS Rainbow arrived and moored.

  6.15pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations. One Stoker joined ship from hospital.

  Sick list: 5.

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22 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Gunnery training classes landed. Remainder refitting etc.

  Sick list: 6.

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23 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.00am: Divisions. Read prayers. Gunnery training classes at instruction. Divers employed cleaning ship’s bottom. Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

  Sick list: 6.

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24 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Refitting, drawing stores etc.

  Sick list: 8.

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25 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Refitting, drawing stores etc.

  Sick list: 4.

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26 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  2.30pm: Captain Laing RMLI rejoined from hospital.

  Sick list: 4.

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27 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.30am: Divisions. Landed church parties.

10.30am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 3.

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28 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.15am: Divisions. Read prayers. Gunnery training classes at drill. Divers employed cleaning ship’s bottom. Remainder refitting and drawing stores. One Lance Corporal RMLI joined from hospital.

  Sick list: 4.

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29 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.00am: Divisions. Read prayers. Hands employed drawing stores and refitting. Read warrant No 18. Divers employed cleaning ship’s bottom. Gunnery training classes at drill.

  Sick list: 4.

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30 June 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  7.00am: Hands employed coaling ship.

  9.00am: Divers cleaning ship’s bottom.

11.59pm: Stopped coaling.

  Sick list: 3.


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1 July 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  6.30am: Commenced coaling.

  9.00am: One Leading Stoker joined from HMS Shearwater.

  2.30pm: Finished coaling.

  5.00pm: Paid monthly money.

  Lost by accident on June 17th: Hose from fire engine. Hose suction 1, strainer copper 1.

  Sick list: 4.

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2 July 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  7.00pm: Discharged Commander Wharton to HMS Vernon. Surgeon Burn to HMS President. Gunner Erridge [?] to HMS Excellent.

  Sick list: 4.

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3 July 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  3.45pm: Provision lighters secured alongside.

  Sick list: 4.

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4 July 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.45am: Landed church parties.

10.30am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 4.

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5 July 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  8.30am: Divers cleaning ship’s bottom. Remainder provisioning ship.

  Sick list: 4.

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6 July 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  8.30am: Divers cleaning ship’s bottom. Remainder provisioning ship.

  Sick list: 5.

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7 July 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  Provisioning ship.

  Sick list: 5.

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8 July 1915


Lat 48.44, Long -123.44

  9.00am: Read warrant No 19. Discharged one RNR Seaman to gaol. One Stoker joined from detention barracks.

12.20pm: Commenced steam trial. Slow ahead one engine.

  2.30pm: Weighed stream anchor.

  4.00pm: Finished steam trial.

  Sick list: 9.

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9 July 1915

Esquimalt and at sea

Lat 48.25, Long -123.56

  9.00am: Worked main derrick. Hoisted in launch, whaler and picket boat.

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving Esquimalt Harbour.

10.25am: Albert Head: S22W, 14 miles. Course S20E, 58 revolutions.

11.05am: Race Rock Lighthouse: S35W, 3½ miles. Course S14W.

11.45am: Race Rock Lighthouse: N20W. Course S20W.

  2.10pm: Sheringham Lighthouse abeam.

  6.00pm: Tatoosh Lighthouse: N54E 14 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 48°20’N, 125°05’W.

  8.00pm: Tatoosh Lighthouse: S, 4 miles. Altered course S19E.

  9.17pm: Umatilla Light Vessel: N59E, 10 miles.

  Sick list: 7.

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10 July 1915

At sea

Lat 45.76, Long -125.25

  8.00am: Pos. 46°25’N, 125°04’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 233 miles.

  5.45pm: Observed Distant Peak: N75W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 44°20’N, 125°19’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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11 July 1915

At sea

Lat 41.42, Long -125.47

  7.50am: Preston Peak: N52E, 82 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 42°09’S, 125°24’W.

10.20am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S3W, 260 miles. Altered course S39E.

  3.00pm: Weather fine, misty at intervals.

  8.00pm: Pos. 40°04’N, 124°50’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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12 July 1915

At sea

Lat 37.26, Long -123.42

  2.30am: Arena Point Light: N67E.

  3.30am: Arena Point Light: N46E.

  8.00am: Pos. 38°00’N, 123°50’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S22E, 266 miles. Altered course S39E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°58’N, 122°33’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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13 July 1915

At sea

Lat 33.39, Long -120.79

  8.00am: Pos. 34°02’N, 121°16’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S29E, 267 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°06’N, 119°53’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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14 July 1915

At sea

Lat 29.59, Long -117.94

  8.00am: Pos. 30°13’N, 118°36’W

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32.5E, 269 miles.

  7.00pm: Altered course S76E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28°33’N, 117°02’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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15 July 1915

At sea to San Bartolome and at sea

Lat 27.67, Long -114.89

  4.50am: Sighted Japanese Cruiser Chitose.

  6.00am: Natividad Island peak: N40E, 18 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°36’N, 115°05’W.

  8.00am: Altered course as requisite for San Bartolome. Kelp Point N55E, 10 miles.

  9.30am: Stop.

  9.32am: Came to starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

10.35am: Collier Lena* secured alongside.

11.05am: Commenced coaling.

  4.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 500 tons.

  4.30pm: Collier Lena unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

  6.40pm: Entrance Rock abeam, 6 cables. Course S12W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27°29’N, 114°58’W.

  Sick list: 10.

* More than one ship had this name at this time; this one may be Lena, registered in Cardiff.

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16 July 1915

At sea

Lat 25.29, Long -113.20

  1.30am: Passed American ship Grace Dollar* bound NW.

  8.00am: Pos. 25°53’N, 113°38’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 174 miles.

  3.50pm: Sighted Cape San Lazaro.

  4.05pm: 1,275 feet peak Cape San Lazaro: N86E, 23 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24°17’N, 112°16’W.

10.00pm: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  Sick list: 11.

  *Grace Dollar, the first of two Dollar Line ships of this name, 1913, 1,927grt.

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17 July 1915

At sea

Lat 22.84, Long -110.10

  6.07am: Sighted land: E.

  8.00am: Pos. 23°11’N, 110°42’W.

  9.50am: Altered course S52E. Cape San Lucas: S65E, 28 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 233 miles.

12.05pm: Cape San Lucas: N75E, 8 miles. Altered course S77E.

12.48pm: Cape San Lucas: abeam.

  1.10pm: Altered course N73E.

  1.15pm: Cape San Lucas: N38W, 6½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°54’N, 108°45’W.

  Sick list: 12.



18 July 1915

At sea to Mazatlan and at sea

Lat 23.22, Long -106.43

  7.30am: Creston Lighthouse: N80E, 20 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 23°11’N, 106°42’W.

  8.30am: Creston Lighthouse: N80E, 12 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  9.59am: Stop.

10.02am: Came to starboard anchor in 16 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

10.30am: Divine Service.

  6.30pm: Weighed.

  6.45pm: Proceeded 64 revolutions, course as requisite.

  7.00pm: Course S16W. Creston Lighthouse: N24E, 2½ miles

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°02’N, 106°32’W.

10.15pm: Creston Light dipped N18E, 34½ miles.

  Sick list: 14.

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19 July 1915

At sea

Lat 20.74, Long -106.54 by X bearings

  5.00am: Altered course S44E,

  7.30am: 2,020 feet peak on Maria Madre Island: N44E, 25 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 21°14’N, 106°57’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 173 miles.

  3.15pm: Cape Corrientes: N82E, 31 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°45’N, 105°43’W.

  8.45pm: Passed steamer 2 masts and one funnel steering W by N.

  Sick list: 14.

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20 July 1915

At sea to Manzanillo and at sea

Lat 19.09, Long -104.32

  1.00am: Altered course N85E.

  3.10am: Manzanillo Lighthouse: S85E.

  4.00am: Altered course S80E.

  5.33am: Anchorage off Manzanillo, 7 miles. Course as requisite.

  6.17am: Stopped.

  6.22am: Came to port anchor in 12 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

11.15am: American Cruiser Denver arrived and anchored.

  6.55pm: Weighed.

  7.06pm: Proceeded, course as requisite, 66 revolutions.

  7.50pm: Punta de Campos Light: N25E, 2½ miles. Set course S46E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°58’N, 104°22’W.

10.05pm: Campos Light: N43W

10.51pm: Campos Light: N43W. Dipped from UB.

  Sick list: 17

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21 July 1915

At sea

Lat 17.47, Long -102.21

  6.30am: Heavy rain and wind squall, thunder and lightning.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°40’N, 102°80’W.

  9.40am: Chutla peak, 7,528 feet: N66E, 63 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 166 miles.

  7.00pm: 3,340 feet peak: N3W, 20 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.17°03’N, 101°01W.

  Sick list: 19.

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22 July 1915

At sea

Lat 16.02, Long -99.64 by X bearings

12.15am: Acapulco Light: N82E, 30½ miles.

  1.42am: Acapulco Light: N62E, 17½ miles.

  3.00am: Acapulco Light abeam, N17E, 12 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°17’N, 99°14’W.

  8.20am: Cerro del Concoyal: N35E, 25 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 224 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°40’N, 97°18’W.

10.10pm: Angeles Point Light: N67E.

11.57pm: Angeles Point Light: N10E.

  Sick list: 19.

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23 July 1915

At sea to Salina Cruz

Lat 16.15, Long -95.21

12.55am: Port Angeles Light bearing N28W, 15 miles. Altered course N61E.

  3.35am: Observed Morro Ayuta Light: N29E [Morro Ayutla].

  5.20am: Morro Ayuta Light: N29W, 12½ miles.

  7.50am: Chepique Point: N18W, 11 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°52’N, 95°19’W.

  9.45am: Salina Cruz Lighthouse: N45W, 16 miles. Course and speed as requisite for anchorage.

12.05pm: Stopped.

12.10pm: Came to with port anchor in 11 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  4.00pm: Fired salute of 7 guns to British Vice Consul.

  Sick list: 19.

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24 July 1915

Salina Cruz and at sea for Sechura Bay

Lat 16.15, Long -95.21

  5.40am: Collier Karma secured alongside.

  6.20am: Commenced coaling ship. Hands coaling ship and taking in stores for HMS Newcastle.

     Noon: Finished coaling.

12.20pm: Collier Karma unmoored and proceeded.

12.40pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving Salina Cruz anchorage.

12.45pm: Set course S40E, 70 revolutions. Salina Cruz Lighthouse: N50W, 1 mile.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°12’N, 94°33’W.

  Sick list: 21.

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25 July 1915

At sea

Lat 12.69, Long -92.85

  8.00am: Pos. 13°20’N, 93°16’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33E, 252 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°25’N, 92°01’W.

  Sick list: 19.

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26 July 1915

At sea

Lat 9.19, Long -90.49

  1.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  8.00am: Pos. 9°34’N, 90°48’W.

11.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32E, 252 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°59’N, 89°41’W.

  Sick list: 20.

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27 July 1915

At sea

Lat 5.59, Long -87.92

  1.30am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°13’N, 88°31’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S35E, 265 miles.

  4.43pm: Stopped port engine.

  4.47pm: Proceeded port engine.

  6.56pm: Stop port engine.

  6.59pm: Proceeded port engine.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°17’N, 87°04’W.

10.40pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 25.

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28 July 1915

At sea

Lat 1.65, Long -85.19

  2.30am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

  8.00am: Pos. 2°20’N, 85°47’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S34E, 285 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°19’N, 84°19’W.

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 25.

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29 July 1915

At sea

Lat -2.50, Long -82.94

  1.42am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  8.00am: Pos. 1°45’S, 83°13’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S28E, 282 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°55’S, 82°11’W.

10.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 22.

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30 July 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.15am: Sighted land on port beam and ahead.

  7.20am: Sighted HMS Otranto: S88E.

  7.30am: Altered course S88E. Aguja Point: S33E,15 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°42’S, 81°08’W.

  8.30am: Stopped.

  8.32am: Came to in 30 fathoms starboard anchor, veered to 10 shackles.

  9.20am: Collier Otto Trechmann [Otto in log] secured alongside. Hands employed discharging stores for HMS Newcastle.

  1.25pm: Newcastle arrived and anchored.

  1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. Lieutenant Commander Young joined from Otranto, discharged Lieutenant Dankwertz to Otranto for passage to hospital, Callao.

  4.00pm: Discharged four ratings to Newcastle.

  5.15pm: Collier Otto Trechmann unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  Sick list: 23.

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31 July 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  7.15am: SS Trader, in securing alongside, struck starboard propeller.

  8.30am: Hands provisioning ship.

  3.00pm: HMS Otranto weighed and proceeded.

  7.00pm: Finished provisioning ship.

  Sick list: 22.


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1 August 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  Sunday routine.

  Sick list: 20.

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2 August 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.30am: Commenced coaling

  3.45pm: Finished coaling. Collier unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  Sick list: 18.

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3 August 1915

From Sechura Bay to Payta

Lat -5.07, Long -81.11

  5.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  5.10am: Course N45W, 64 revolutions. Pisura Point: S28W, 7 miles.

  7.50am: Foca Island [Isla Foca] bearing N14E, 10 miles. Altered course N12W.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°20’S, 81°14’W.

  8.45am: Foca Island: N78E, 5 miles. Altered course N9E.

  9.40am: Payta Point: N78E, 7 miles. Course as requisite.

10.44am: Stopped.

10.49am: Came to with starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  1.00pm: Paid monthly money.

  Sick list: 17

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4 August 1915

From Payta to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.34, Long -81.54 by X bearings

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

  6.35am: Payta Point: S40W, 2 miles. Course S78W, 64 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°05’S, 81°21’W.

  8.00am: Payta Saddle: S73E, 15.7 miles. Sighted HMS Newcastle.

  8.50am: Stopped. Hoisted out target.

  9.15am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for towing target for Newcastle.

11.00am: Stopped. Newcastle closed and took target in tow.

11.30am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

Course and speed as requisite for carrying out target practice.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 38 miles.

  2.15pm: Cease firing.

  2.20pm: Pisura Point: S56E, 21 miles. Set course S67E, 64 revolutions for Sechura Bay.

  3.20pm: Sighted colliers right ahead.

  3.48pm: Sighted HMS Otranto coming from Southward.

  4.56pm: Stopped.

  5.00pm: Anchored, starboard anchor in 32 fathoms, veered to 10 shackles.

  5.45pm: Newcastle arrived and anchored.

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Above eight pages records for deviation etc.

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5 August 1915

From Sechura Bay and at sea for Callao

Lat -6.46, Long -81.02 by X bearings

  6.15am: Hoisted in picket boat.

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded in company with HMS Newcastle, 64 revolutions. Course and speed as requisite for keeping station.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°52’S, 81°10’W.

  9.10am: Parted company with HMS Newcastle. Shaped course S33E, 70 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 52 miles.

12.39pm: Lobos de Tierra: N57E, 9 miles.

  3.31pm: Lobos de Afuera: N57E, 4½ miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 29.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°41’S, 80°23’W.

  Sick list: 18.

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6 August 1915

At sea

Lat -9.75, Long -78.95

  8.00am: Pos. 9°26’S.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 238 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S39E.

  2.00pm: Mount Mongon: N40E, 37 miles.

  4.00pm: Mount Mongon: N16E, 46 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°40’S.

11.10pm: Huanca Light: S64E, 28 miles.

  Sick list: 17

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7 August 1915

At sea to Callao

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

12.20am: Huanca Light: S78E, 18 miles.

  1.45am: Huanca Light: N50E, 11 miles. Altered course S61E.

  5.15am: Palominos Light: S40E, 20 miles.

  6.07am: Stopped. Palominos Light: S25E, 13 miles.

  6.20am: Sighted HMS Newcastle.

  7.00am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Callao anchorage, 2 cables astern of Newcastle.

  8.10am: Came to in 9 fathoms, starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 15.

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8 August 1915

Callao and at sea for Iquique

Lat -12.60, Long -77.35

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded in company with HMS Newcastle. Course and speed as requisite.

  9.15am: Palominos Light: S70E, 3 miles. Set course S7W, 80 revolutions to take station SW by W, 15 miles from HMS Newcastle.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 39 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°51’S, 76°50’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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9 August 1915

At sea

Lat -15.45, Long -75.50 by X bearings

  3.50am: Altered course S55E.

  7.35am: Increased to 70 revolutions and altered course to close HMS Newcastle.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°32’S, 75°50’W.

  9.00am: Sugar Loaf: N76E, 32 miles. Course and speed as requisite for towing target and carrying out aiming tube 1”.

11.45am: Sugar Loaf: N58E, 22 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 220 miles.

  4.00pm: Mono Chola: N60E. Dropped target, reduced to 38 revolutions.

  4.52pm: Stopped, picked up target.

  5.00pm: Proceeded to take station, 10 miles SW by W of Newcastle.

  6.15pm: Position by stars: 16°12’S, 74°51’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16°25’S, 74°38’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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10 August 1915

At sea

Lat -18.27, Long -72.67

  6.10am: Altered course S57W to close HMS Newcastle.

  6.35am: Proceeded, course S54E.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°50’S, 73°11’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 249 miles.

12.40pm: Altered course S57E.

  5.20pm: Altered course S53E.

  6.25pm: Altered course S57E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°04’S, 71°43’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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11 August 1915

At sea to Iquique

Lat -20.22, Long -70.17

  5.40am: Altered course and speed to close HMS Newcastle.

  6.55am: Mount Taraface S57E, 18 miles. Course and speed as requisite for keeping station and for anchorage.

  8.40am: Came to starboard anchor in 22 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 171 miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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12 August 1915

Iquique and at sea for Mejillones Bay

Lat -20.57, Long -70.50

  9.10am: Weighed and proceeded in company with HMS Newcastle.

  9.20am: Course S41W.

11.00am: In station 10 miles W by S of Newcastle. Altered course S7E, reduced to 58 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 32 miles.

  2.40pm: Observed Pabellon de Pica abeam.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°44’S, 70°35’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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13 August 1915

At sea to Mejillones Bay and at sea

Lat -23.07, Long -70.45

  3.50am: Angamos Light: S12E.

  7.10am: Course as requisite for anchorage. Angamos Lighthouse: S15W, 15 miles.

  8.27am: Stopped. Came to in 67 fathoms port anchor, 3 cables SW of HMS Newcastle.

12.30pm: Collier Otto Trechmann secured alongside.

  1.00pm: Commenced coaling.

  6.00pm: Newcastle weighed and proceeded.

  7.00pm: Finished coaling. Collier unmoored and proceeded.

  9.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite.

10.30pm: Angamos Light: S15W, 6 miles. Course S74W, 51 revolutions.

10.55pm: Angamos Light: S16E, 6 miles.

  Sick list: 16.

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14 August 1915

At sea

Lat -24.20, Long -70.97

12.35am: Altered course S3E.

  3.30am: Observed Tetas Point [Punta Tetas] Light: S40W.

  5.42am: Tetas Light abeam, 12 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 23°46’S, 70°55’W.

  9.30am: Jason Point: N72E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 90 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°10’S, 71°07’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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15 August 1915

At sea

Lat -27.39, Long -71.45

  8.00am: Pos. 26°42’S, 71°22’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 192 miles.

  4.30pm: Altered course S6W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28°22’S, 71°33’W.

11.59pm: Chanaral Light bearing S42E.

  Sick list: 14.

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16 August 1915

At sea

Lat -30.10, Long -72.07

  1.38am: Chanaral Light abeam, 12 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 29°40’S, 72°07’W. Altered course S17E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 180 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31°18’S, 71°59’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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17 August 1915

At sea to Valparaiso

Lat -33.03, Long -71.62

  7.10am: Curaumilla Lighthouse: S28E, 12 miles. Altered course S74E.

  8.00am: Pos. 32°58’S, 71°40’W.

  8.00am: Angeles Point Light: S40E, 3 miles. Course as requisite.

  8.22am: Stopped. Pilot came on board.

  8.30am: Anchored in 14 fathoms with 8 shackles.

  9.00am: Saluted country with 21 guns returned by shore battery. Saluted Chilean Commodore 11 guns. Returned by Chilean cruiser Ministro Zenteno [Zentino in log].

  Sick list: 15.

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18 August 1915

Valparaiso and at sea

Lat -33.49, Long -71.97

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  8.50am: Angeles Point Light: S40E, 1.2 miles, Course S50W, 70 revolutions.

  9.34am: Curaumilla Light: S55E 3 miles. Altered course S5W.

11.20am: Curaumilla Lighthouse: N16E, 19 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 37 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34°35’S, 72°28’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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19 August 1915

At sea to Talcahuano and at sea

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  2.05am: Cabo Carranza Light abeam, 14 miles.

  6.10am: Altered course S32E.

  6.12am: Quiriquina Island Light: S28E, 33 miles

  8.00am: Pos. 36°23’S, 73°05’W. Altered course S25E.

  9.30am: Quiriquina Island Light: S65W, 1 mile. Course as requisite for Talcahuano.

10.10am: Came to in 6¾ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Hands employed discharging ammunition.

  3.10pm: Chilean Squadron arrived and anchored.

  7.30pm: Shortened in. Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour.

  8.30pm: Course N46W. Quiriquina Light: S40W, 1½ miles.

11.30pm: Quiriquina Light dipped, S42E.

  Sick list: 16.

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20 August 1915

On patrol and to Talcahuano

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  2.15am: Raised Quiriquina Light: S42E.

  5.25am: Altered course as requisite for Talcahuano.

  5.35am: Quiriquina Light: S8E, 3 miles.

  6.40am: Course and speed as requisite for going alongside.

  8.00am: Secured alongside dock jetty.

  Sick list: 14.

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21 August 1915

Talcahuano [dry dock]

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  5.30am: Commenced docking ship.

  7.00am: In Talcahuano Dock. Hands cleaning ship’s bottom.

  Sick list: 14.

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22 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  Hands cleaning ship’s bottom.

  Sick list: 13.

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23 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  Hands and dockyard men painting ship.

  Sick list: 15.

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24 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  Hands and dockyard men painting ship.

  Sick list: 15.

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25 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  Hands and dockyard men painting ship.

  Sick list: 16.

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26 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  7.00am: Hands and dockyard men painting ship.

  9.00am: HMS Newcastle arrived and anchored.

  9.30am: Read warrant No 30.

  3.00pm: Discharged one Able Seaman RNR to hospital.

  Sick list: 15.

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27 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  9.00am: Landed funeral party to attend the funeral of A Munro RNR Seaman, who died in hospital on August 26th.

  Sick list: 14.

  AB Alexander Munro, Service Number 4241/B, age 35, son of the late Roderick and Henrietta Munro, is buried at the Talcahuano No. 1 Cemetery.

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28 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1


  Sick list: 11.

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29 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

10.00am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 11.

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30 August 1915

Talcahuano Dock

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  7.35am: Commenced to flood dry dock.

  8.30am: Three Chilean men of war and one TB proceeded out of harbour.

12.50pm: Proceeded out of dry dock. Course and speed as requisite.

  1.20pm: Came to starboard anchor in 6 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  Sick list: 10.

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31 August 1915

Talcahuano to Arauco Bay

Lat -36.72, Long -73.1

  2.05pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite.

  2.20pm: Belen Light: S70W, ½ mile.

  3.00pm: Lighthouse Quiriquina Island: S10E, 1½ mile. Course W, 76 revolutions.

  3.35pm: Tumbes Point: S50E, 4½ miles. Altered course S4W.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 31.

  4.37pm: Hualpen Lighthouse abeam, 2½ miles. Sighted HMS Otranto and collier ahead.

  6.10pm: Stopped.

  6.20pm: Came to starboard anchor in 33 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles.

  Sick list: 12.


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1 September 1915

At anchor off Santa Maria Island

Lat -37.03, Long -73.55

  6.45am: Collier Otto Trechmann came alongside.

  7.25am: Commenced coaling.

  3.00pm: Finished coaling.

  4.15pm: Collier unmoored and proceeded to anchorage. Hands clean ship.

  Sick list: 14.

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2 September 1915

Santa Maria Island and patrolling to Northward.

Lat -36.90, Long -73.30

  9.42am: Weighed and proceeded, course N2W, 38 revolutions.

  9.44am: HMS Otranto weighed.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 8 miles.

  2.50pm: Hualpen Lighthouse: N75E, 3½ miles.

  3.10pm: Altered course N55W.

  7.00pm: Stopped.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°35’S, 73°25’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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3 September 1915

On patrol

Lat -36.52, Long -73.62

  2.20am: Hualpen Point Light: S55E. Tumbes Point Light: N64E.

  6.00am: Tumbes Point Light: N51E, 8 miles.

  6.26am: Proceeded 32 revolutions, course N64E.

  6.30am: Tumbes Lighthouse: N50E, 8½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 36°36’S, 73°21’W.

  9.30am: Exercised general quarters and change of range. Course and speed as requisite.

10.10am: Tumbes Point: 15 miles. Course S60W, 38 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 45 miles.

  4.00pm: Tumbes Point: S60E, 15 miles.

  5.00pm: Tumbes Point: S64E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°20’S, 73°40’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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4 September 1915

Patrol to Santa Maria Island anchorage

Lat -37.03, Long -73.55

  2.30am: Santa Maria Lighthouse: S23E.

  7.00am: Stopped. Santa Maria Lighthouse: S28W, 8 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 36°53’S, 73°25’W.

10.42am: Proceeded, course as requisite for anchorage off Santa Maria Island, 54 revolutions.

11.50am: Stopped.

     Noon: Came to in 35 fathoms, veered to 7 shackles.

  5.50pm: Weighed.

  6.00pm: Proceeded, course N33W, 32 revolutions. Santa Maria Lighthouse: S88W, 8 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°52’S, 73°26’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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5 September 1915

Patrol to Coronel and at sea

Lat -37.04, Long -73.17

  5.30am: Santa Maria Light: S10E, 21 miles. Altered course S42E, increased to 38 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 36°46’S, 73°20’W. Altered course as requisite for Coronel, increased to 51 revolutions.

  9.30am: Performed Divine Service.

10.40am: Stopped.

10.45am: Came to port anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

  6.55pm: Coronel Light bearing N84E, 3½ miles. Course N34E, 51 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°54’S, 73°18’W. Cape Hualpen Light: N22E, 10 miles.

  9.12pm: Altered course N. Tumbes Light: N53E, 12½ miles.

  Sick list: 13.

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6 September 1915

At sea toward Valparaiso

Lat -34.70, Long -72.67

  4.00am: Sighted Carranza Light: N51E.

  5.40am: Carranza Point Light: N85E.

  8.00am: Pos. 35°14’S, 72°51’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 149 miles.

12.30pm: Altered course N5E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34°00’S, 72°27’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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7 September 1915

At sea to Valparaiso

Lat -33.03, Long -71.62

  3.30am: Curaumilla Light bearing N49W.

  5.20am: Altered course N63E´

  6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for Valparaiso.

  7.00am: Curaumilla Lighthouse: N78E, 10 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°00’S, 71°42’W.

  9.12am: Came to in 42 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles. Discharged two ratings to Orissa. Saluted British minister, 17 guns.

  2.30pm: Discharged one Marine to hospital.

  Sick list: 6.

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8 September 1915

Valparaiso and at sea

Lat -32.67, Long -71.89 by X bearings

  8.45am: Weighed.

  9.10am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

10.25am: Curaumilla Lighthouse: S40E, 9.5 miles. Altered course N23W.

10.45am: Curaumilla Lighthouse: S36E, 15½ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 30 miles.

  4.25pm: Saddle 2,000 feet peak: S76E, 25.7 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31°25’S, 72°06’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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9 September 1915

At sea to Tongoy Bay and at sea to Coquimbo

Lat -30.28, Long -71.55

  1.14am: Altered course N8W.

  3.00am: Altered course N38E.

  6.00am: Lengua de Vaca point: S45E.

  6.10am: Course and speed as requisite for Tongoy Bay.

  8.00am: Came to in 55 fathoms, veered to 7 shackles.

  9.00am: Court Martial sitting on board.

11.00am: Court adjourned till 1.00 pm.

  1.00pm: Court Martial sitting.

  3.15pm: Court Martial finished.

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

  4.30pm: Lengua de Vaca Lighthouse: S31W, 5½ miles.

  5.50pm: Tortuga Point: S60E, 5 miles.

  6.30pm: Came to in 9 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchored off Coquimbo.

  Sick list: 6.

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10 September 1915

Coquimbo Harbour and at sea

Lat -29.94, Long -71.32

  5.50pm: Weighed.

  6.05pm: Proceeded, course as requisite.

  6.10pm: Tortuga Point Light: S25W, 1 mile. Course N54W, 64 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°41’S, 71°35’W.

  8.15pm: Pajaros Islet Light: N23E, 5½ miles.

  Sick list: 5.

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11 September 1915

At sea

Lat -27.00, Long -71.44

12.25am: Chanaral Light: N87E, 9 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°45’S, 71°30’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 186 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°37’S, 71°10’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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12 September 1915

At sea to Antofagasta

Lat -23.65, Long -70.43

  6.30am: Antofagasta: N45E, 39 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 23°50’S, 70°47’W.

  8.15am: Altered course N45E. Jara Head Beacon: S83E, 10½ miles.

  9.40am: Divine Service.

10.00am: Antofagasta Pier: N60E, 5 miles. Course and speed as requisite for anchorage.

10.30am: Stopped.

10.40am: Came to in 43 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles, starboard anchor.

  Sick list: 3.

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13 September 1915

Antofagasta to Mejilllones Bay.

Lat -23.40, Long -70.80 by X bearings

  6.50am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite.

  7.10am: Shaped course N80W, 45 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 23°37’S, 70°32’W.

  8.55am: Tetas Point abeam, 3 miles.

  9.45am: Tetas Point bearing N82E, 9 miles. Dropped target. Course and speed as requisite for firing aiming tube from 12 pounder guns.

10.50am: Picked up target.

11.00am: Proceeded, course N3W, 48 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 37 miles.

  3.00pm: Angamos Point: S84E, 9 miles.

  4.00pm: Angamos Point: S25E, 3 miles. Course as requisite.

  4.44pm: Stopped.

  4.48pm: Came to starboard anchor in 60 fathoms, veered to 12 shackles.

  Sick list: 4.

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14 September 1915

Mejillones Bay and at sea

Lat -23.1, Long -70.7

  6.30am: Collier Gisella [formerly Gisella Groedel] secured alongside.

  7.00am: Commenced coaling.

  1.10pm: Finished coaling.

  2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

  3.15pm: Leading Bluff: S40E, 2½ miles. Course S58W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°12’S, 71°18’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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15 September 1915

At sea

Lat -23.87, Long -73.62

  8.00am: Pos. 23°49’S, 73°09’W,

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 177 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24°19’S, 74°47’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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16 September 1915

At sea

Lat -25.04, Long -77.07

  8.00am: Pos. 24°46’S, 76°36’W

  9.40am: Course and speed as requisite for firing.

  9.48am: Dropped target. Carried out aiming tube practice.

11.00am: Proceeded, course S45W, 60 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S70W, 201 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°34’S, 78°16’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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17 September 1915

At sea to St Felix Island and at sea for Callao

Lat -26.28, Long -80.08

  6.10am: Ambrose Light: S10E, 24 miles.

  6.20am: Altered course S20W.

  8.00am: Pos. 26°03’S, 80°02’W.

  8.00am: Anchorage St Felix Island: S10W, 12½ miles.

  9.37am: Stop.

  9.30am: Came to with starboard anchor in 17 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite.

  5.15pm: Increased to 64 revolutions. Cathedral Rocks: S20W, 3½ miles. Shaped course N1E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°44’S, 80°01’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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18 September 1915

At sea

Lat -23.05, Long -79.37

  8.00am: Pos. 23°45’S, 79°38’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N12E, 197 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°43’S, 79°02’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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19 September 1915

At sea

Lat -18.85, Long -78.45

  8.00am: Pos. 19°43’S, 78°32’W.

10.20am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N12E, 258 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°28’S, 78°08’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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20 September 1915

At sea

Lat -15.02, Long -77.79

  8.00am: Pos. 15°23’S, 77°39’W.

  9.50am: Dropped target. Course and speed as requisite for carrying out 1” aiming practice.

11.15am: Picked up target.

11.25am: Proceeded, course N9W, 58 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N14E, 237 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°46’S, 77°49’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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21 September 1915

At sea to Callao

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

  6.30am: Altered course East.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°05’S, 77°28’W.

  8.15am: Cape San Lorenzo: N80E, 7½ miles. Altered course as requisite for Callao anchorage.

  8.50am: Cape San Lorenzo: S85E, 2½ miles.

  9.35am: Stop.

  9.38am: Came to in 7 fathoms, starboard anchor, veered to 5 shackles.

  6.30pm: One rating rejoined from hospital.

  Sick list: 9.

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Duplicate scans of the page below.

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22 September 1915

Callao and at sea for Sechura Bay

Lat -11.79, Long -77.59

  9.05am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  9.45am: Cape San Lorenzo: S17W, 3 miles. Course N62W, 66 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 28 miles.

  2.20pm: Poledo Rock: N32E, 7½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°43’S, 78°28’W.

  Sick list: 8.

  Page signed by Captain Allen.

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Article 158. Typewritten instruction on rendering ship’s log during hostilities.

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Duplicate scan of the page below

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23 September 1915

At sea

Lat -8.22, Long -80.22

  8.00am: Pos. 9°00’S, 79°36’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 260 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course N37W.

  4.18pm: Dropped target. Carried out aiming tube practice with 12 pounder guns crews.

  4.55pm: Picked up target.

  5.00pm: Proceeded, course N18W, 66 revolutions.

  7.08pm: Lobos de Afuera: N27E

  7.40pm: Lobos Light: abeam, 5½ miles. Altered course N36W

  8.00pm: Pos: 6°56’S, 80°49’W.

10.20pm: Lobos de Tierra Light abeam, 12 miles.

  Sick list: 11.

The following pages contain lists of stores used for fuel or broken and lost, or used for repairs during the Battle of Falkland Islands.

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No 1, HMS Kent, December 8th 1914.

Stores from permanent account:


Article used


Target, total 1 in number


Target, total 1 in number

Oars, ash, total 14 in number

Oars, fir, total 6 in number


Bottles water, total 5 in number


Tumblers for [sic], total 9 in number

Stores consumable account:

All remaining stock of timber of sorts

Stores inventory account boats' gear:


Article used

Gaff from launch 1 in number

Boom from cutters, 1 in number

Yards from cutters, 2 in number

Mast from cutters, 2 in number

Mast from steam pinnaces, 2 in number

Yard from steam pinnaces, 2 in number

Coops poultry, 2 in number

Coops turkey, 2 in number


Bench, carpenter's, 1 in number


Horse, vaulting, 1 in number


Sl and jumping, 1 in number


Bars, capstan, 14 in number


Lifebelts, cork, 7 in number

Trays soap, 2 in number

From launches:

Benches, sheers, bottomboards (sorts)

Signatures of W.H. Venning Carpenter and Navigating Officer J.R. Harvey

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No 2, HMS Kent, December 8th 1914.

The undermentioned carpenter’s fixtures from ship burnt for fuel; or used for repairs during or after the battle of the Falklands:

Starboard accommodation ladder and platforms

1 in number

Wood ladders between decks and bridge

6 in number

Wood lockers – gymnasium and wash deck

6 in number

Wood boxes for searchlights, cruiser arc, yard arm jumps, coaling arc, night leads and night sight boxes

12 in number

Wood cook's table in galley and bakery drawers

3 in number

Wood seamen's mess tables

9 in number

Wood seamen's mess stools

12 in number

Wood lids from copper dams

3 in number

Wood lining from boat's cushions

4 in number

Wood spreader and stowing chocks from launch

2 in number

Signatures of W.H. Venning and J.R. Harvey Navigating Officer

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Above two pages blank.

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HMS Kent, December 8th 1914.

Boatswain's gear shot away and lost in action:

Inventory stores:

Patt 310

Fenders, hazelrod, large

6 in number

Patt 311

Fenders, hazelrod, small

1 in number


First and second cutter falls cordage, HL, tarred, 4”

fathoms 149

Fore and after guys of lower booms cordage, HL, tarred, 4”

fathoms 160

Purchases for lower boom topping lifts cordage, HL, tarred

fathoms 64

Fore topgallant mast rope cordage, tarred, 3”

Main topgallant mast rope cordage, tarred, 3”

SIG after wireless halyards cordage, tarred, 2”

fathoms 57

Windsail halyards cordage, tarred, 2”

fathoms 113

Fore upper pole halyards cordage, tarred, 2½”

Main upper pole halyards cordage, tarred, 2½”

Canvas gear:

Protector cover

1 in number

6½” hawser reel cover

1 in number

6” gun cover

1 in number

Funnel cover

1 in number

Coal hoist cover

1 in number

Signatures of W.T. Dunning Boatswain and J.R. Harvey, Lieutenant Commander (N)

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Gunners and torpedo store, HMS Kent, December 8th 1914.


That the undermentioned store articles were destroyed by shell fire, also, through a fire in A III Casemate during the Action off the Falkland Islands December 8th 1914.

Description of stores


Pistol, Webley, No 31158


Belt, waist, pouch


Carriers cartridge, pistol




Bracers .303, pairs


Cases, pistol, Webley


Bandoleers electric tube


Haversacks .303


Bottles, water, enamelled


Carriages water bottle


Case cartridge No 42


Extractor tube, hand, special box slide


Bags, shell projectiles


Fuses table, electric, 12”, 100 Volts


Signatures of T.P Collins, Gunner and J.R. Harvey, Lieutenant Commander (N)

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Above two pages blank

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HMS Kent, March 14/15.

List of stores and fittings burnt for fuel, or lost, belonging to Carpenter’s accounts during action and sinking of the Dresden.

Inventory stores:

Cutter's mast

total 2 in number

Capstan bars

total 9 in number

Stretchers, ambulance

total 1 in number

Permanent and consumable account:

Target, Patt VI

total 1 in number

Pillows, hair, Patt 37

total 2 in number

Timber and sorts

total sorts

Ship's fixtures:

Lower boom

total 2 in number

Mining Derrick from Launch

total 1 in number

Inventory store:

Mast of sailing launch

total 1 in number

Signatures of W.H. Venning, Carpenter and J.R. Harvey, Lieutenant Commander (N)

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Above six pages blanks and covers.

Copies of logs have been scanned for 1 April 1914 to 23 September 1915 and have identical content as above.

For readability these scans have been omitted, but can be found here.

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Front cover of copy log, signed by Lt/Cdr JR Harvey (N)

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Coal consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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24 September 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  5.45am: Pisura Point: S50E, 6 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  6.28am: Stop.

  6.30am: Came to with starboard anchor in 35 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles.

  7.11am: Collier Gisella secured alongside.

  8.00am: HMS Otranto hoisted court martial jack.

  8.20am: Commenced coaling ship.

  9.30am: Court martial sitting in Otranto.

  2.10pm: Finished coaling ship.

  2.00pm: Court martial finished.

  2.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship.

  4.40pm: Collier Gisella unmoored and proceeded.

  7.45pm: Three prisoners joined from Otranto.

  Sick list: 12.

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25 September 1915

Sechura Bay and at sea

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  8.15am: Diving party left for HMS Otranto.

10.10am: HMS Newcastle weighed and proceeded.

10.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

  6.00pm: Otranto proceeded.

10.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N45W, 36 revs.

  Sick list: 11.

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26 September 1915

At sea to Payta Bay

Lat -5.07, Long -81.12 by X bearings.

  4.00am: Altered course N34E

  6.00am: Increased to 42 revolutions. Altered course N60E. Payta Point [Punta Paita]: N73E, 9 miles.

  7.00am: Payta Point: S82E, 5 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage, 45 revolutions.

  8.02am: Stopped.

  8.05am: Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

10.00am: Divine Service.

11.25am: Weighed.

11.35am: Course and speed as requisite.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 5 miles.

12.15pm: Payta Point: S77E, 2 miles. Course S28W.

  1.00pm: Altered course S9E. R T Foca Island: S66E, 4½ miles.

  2.00pm: Passed steamship SS Curzo.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°30’S, 81°05’W.

  8.27pm: Lobos de Tierra Light abeam, 15 miles.

  9.45pm: Lobos de Afuera Light: S70E.

11.00pm: Lobos de Afuera Light abeam, 11 miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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27 September 1915

At sea

Lat -9.32, Long -79.84

  Between 3.00 and 6.00am: Francis Henry Barrett, Petty Officer, jumped overboard. D.D. [He is commemorated at the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.]

  5.00am: Lost overboard shell Q.F. 12 pounder, 12 counterweights 3 in number and one 6” shell bag.

  7.30am: Divisions. Read prayers. Read Articles of War to ship’s company.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°31’S, 80°07’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 276 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°41’S, 79°08’W. Altered course S46E.

  8.35pm: Altered course S64E for Callao.

  Sick list: 10.

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28 September 1915

At sea to Callao and at sea

Lat -12.07, Long -77.29

  2.18am: Huanca Light: N84E.

  4.00am: Huanca Light abeam, 14 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°00’S, 77°15’W.

  8.00am: Naval School Callao: S31E, 5½ miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  8.20am: Stop.

  8.23am: Came to starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  9.20am: Divisions. Read prayers. Landed one Boy to hospital.

11.52am: Weighed.

11.55am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 234 miles.

12.15pm: Cape San Lorenzo: S, 1 mile.

12.35pm: Altered course S21E. Cape San Lorenzo Palominos Light: S53E, 5 miles.

12.55pm: Palominos Light abeam, 2½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°28’S, 77°00’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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29 September 1915

At sea to Port San Nicolas and at sea

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

12.15am: Altered course S64E.

  5.50am: MT Criterion [Cerro Criterion]: N77E, 33½ miles.

  7.50am: Sugar Loaf peak: N88E, 16.8 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°15’S, 75°27’W.

  8.00am: Altered course as requisite for Port San Nicolas anchorage.

  9.10am: Stop.

  9.15am: Came to starboard anchor in 12½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

11.50am: Weighed.

     Noon: Proceeded.

12.25pm: Harmless Point: N82E, 1½ mile. Course S.

  1.00pm: Harmless Point: N21E, 5½ miles. Altered course S47E.

  4.20pm: Sugar Loaf peak: N28W, 23½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16°03’S, 74°46’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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30 September 1915

At sea

Lat -17.25, Long -72.69

  8.00am: Pos. 16°53’S, 73°23’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 198 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°49’S, 71°42’W.

  Sick list: 9.


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Front cover of copy log, signed by Lt/Cdr JR Harvey (N)

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Coal consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 October 1915

At sea to Arica and at sea

Lat -18.46, Long -70.32

  5.00am: Arica Light: S76E, 17 miles.

  5.34am: Altered course as requisite for anchorage.

  5.30am: (Arica) Lighthouse: S80E, 11 miles.

  7.00am: Came to starboard anchor in 10½ fathoms, veered 4 shackles.

  9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

  9.30am: Saluted country with 21 guns.

11.00am: Saluted Governor of Port with 11 guns.

10.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S50E, 40 revolutions.

11.00pm: Arica Light: N65E, 2½ miles. Altered course S16W.

  Sick list: 9.

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2 October 1915

From Arica to Mejillones Bay

Lat -19.52, Long -70.84

  8.00am: Pos. 19°20’S, 70°47’W.

  9.25am: Dropped target. Carried out aiming tube with all guns.

10.50am: Picked up target.

11.00am: Proceeded, course S15E, 44 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 70 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20°34’S, 70°44’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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3 October 1915

At sea to Mejillones Bay

Lat -22.89, Long -70.54 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 22°10’S, 70°33’W.

  8.30am: Angamos Point: S3E, 35 miles.

  8.50am: Altered course S for R.V. collier.

10.00am: Divine Service.

11.05am: Angamos Point Light: S5E, 16 miles. Course as requisite.

11.30am: Angamos Point: S4E,10 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 203 miles.

  1.33pm: Stopped.

  1.35pm: Came to in 15 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  5.00pm: Weighed.

  5.10pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for anchorage in Mejillones Bay.

  6.00pm: Came to with port anchor in 63 fathoms, veered to 11 shackles.

  Sick list: 11.

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4 October 1915

Mejillones Bay

Lat -23.07, Long -70.45

  6.15am: Collier [SS Elleslie] secured alongside.

  7.10am: Commenced coaling.

  1.40pm: Finished coaling.

  2.10pm: Collier unmoored and proceeded.

  Sick list: 14.

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5 October 1915

Mejillones Bay to Antofagasta and at sea

Lat -23.62, Long -70.49 by X bearings

  3.48am: Weighed.

  4.00am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  5.45am: Leading Bluff Light: N60E, 7½ miles. Altered course S4E, 3 cables astern of HMS Newcastle.

  8.00am: Pos. 23°28’S, 70°43’W.

  8.30am: Altered course S87E. Tetas Point Light: N46E, 5 miles.

10.00am: Custom House: S62E, 2 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

10.10am: Came to in 40 fathoms, starboard anchor, veered to 9 shackles.

11.20am: Weighed.

11.35am: Proceeded. Course W, 40 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 69 miles.

  2.08pm: Tetas Point: N44E, 6 miles. Altered course S1E.

  4.30pm: Gara Head: S78E, 14 miles. Dropped target, carried out aiming tube with 12 pounder guns and 6” guns.

  5.15pm: Picked up target.

  5.30pm: Proceeded, course N, 40 revolutions.

  7.00pm: Altered course S. Tetas Point Light: N40E, 6 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°40’S, 72°46’W.

  9.15pm: Tetas Point Light dipped, N24E.

  Sick list: 11.

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6 October 1915

Patrolling off Antofagasta and Mejillones Bay

Lat -23.57, Long -70.69 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 23°39’S, 70°48’W.

  9.15am: Tetas Point: N85E, 8 miles. Altered course S47E.

11.00am: Stopped. HMS Newcastle closing.

11.30am: Proceeded, course N10W, 54 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 144 miles.

  3.00pm: Leading Bluff Light: N80E, 6 miles. Course as requisite for Mejillones Bay.

  3.54pm: Stopped. Angamos Point SW, 5 miles.

  4.00pm: Three Court Martial prisoners discharged to Newcastle.

  5.40pm: Angamos Point: S52W, 4 miles. Proceeded, course N49W, 36 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°49’S, 70°36’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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7 October 1915

On patrol

Lat -23.35, Long -70.90 by X bearings

  6.20am: Mount Mejillones: N60E, 12 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 23°18’S, 70°47’W.

  9.45am: Tetas Point: S62E, 17½ miles.

10.00am: Dropped off target and carried out 1” aiming practice and 12 pounder firing.

11.20am: Picked up target.

11.30am: Proceeded, course S30E, 40 revolutions (port engine). Starboard engine under repair.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 115 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped, communicated with collier. Tetas Point: N78E, 11 miles.

  4.30pm: Proceeded, course S70E, 40 revolutions (port engine only), starboard engine stopped.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°34’S, 71°09’W.

10.50pm: Half speed ahead starboard, reduced to 34 revolutions both engines.

  Sick list: 12.

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8 October 1915

At sea towards Callao

Lat -22.19, Long -71.87

  8.00am: Pos. 22°42’S, 71°42’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 112 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°16’S, 72°28’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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9 October 1915

At sea

Lat -19.35, Long -73.65

  8.00am: Pos. 19°53’S, 73°21’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 199 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°24’S, 74°15’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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10 October 1915

From Mejillones Bay to Callao

Lat -16.55, Long -75.49

  8.00am: Pos. 16°59’S, 75°09’W.

10.10am: Divine service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N32W, 199 miles.

  4.15pm: Position by sun: 16°04’S, 75°48’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°36’S, 76°06’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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11 October 1915

At sea

Lat -13.8, Long -76.87

  5.50am: Carretas Head: N45E, 21½ miles.

  7.50am: San Gallan Island: N33E, 23 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°07’S, 76°44’W.

  9.45am: Exercised general quarters. Dropped target and carried out 1” aiming tube with all guns.

11.20am: Picked up target.

11.30am: Proceeded, course N26W, 43 revolutions.

11.30am: San Gallan: N80E, 23 miles.

11.40am: Palominos Light: N12W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 183 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°53’S, 77°06°W.

  Sick list: 11.

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12 October 1915

At sea to Callao

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

  2.20am: Palominos Light: N25E, 7 miles.

  3.08am: Palominos Light abeam, 6½ miles.

  4.40am: Palominos Light: S66E, 10½ miles. Altered course N80E.

  5.40am: Palominos Light: S45E, 9 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  7.15am: Stopped.

  7.22am: Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 5½ shackles.

  Sick list: 7.

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13 October 1915

Callao and at sea towards Payta

Lat -11.60, Long -77.8

  6.30am: Weighed

  6.40am: Proceeded, course N64W, 58 revolutions.

  6.45am: Cape San Lorenzo: S88W, 5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°57’S, 77°20’W.

11.30am: Palado Rock: N16W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 49 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°51’S, 78°53’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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14 October 1915

At sea

Lat -8.50, Long -80.25

  8.00am: Pos. 9°12’S, 79°44’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 236 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course N33W.

  7.45pm: Lobos de Afuera Light: N10E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°29’S, 81°28’W. Altered course N30W.

  9.47pm: Lobos de Afuera Light: abeam, 16 miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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15 October 1915

At sea to Payta

Lat -5.07, Long -81.11

  7.30am: Pisura Point: S78E, 29 miles. Altered course N18E.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°33’S, 81°30’W.

10.00am: Payta Point: N33E, 16½ miles. Course as requisite.

12.10pm: Stopped.

12.15pm: Came to port anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 10.

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16 October 1915

Payta to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.34, Long -81.19 by X bearings

  7.15am: Weighed.

  7.45am: Proceeded, course as requisite, 45 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°03’S, 81°08’W.

  8.05am: Course S80W. Payta Point: S35W, 2 miles.

  8.35am: Stopped. Foca Island: S5E, 9 miles. Communicated with HMS Otranto.

  9.10am: Proceeded.

  9.30am: Altered course South. Payta Point: N80E, 5 miles.

10.45am: Foca Island: S80E, 3½ miles. Altered course S33E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 23 miles.

  3.40pm: Pisura Point: S10W, 4½ miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  4.06pm: Stopped.

  4.13pm: Came to with port anchor in 35 fathoms, veered to 10 shackles.

  Sick list: 10.

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17 October 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  5.47am: HMS Otranto proceeded.

10.00am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 11.

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18 October 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.10am: Collier [SS Ellerslie] secured alongside.

  6.45am: Commenced coaling.

12.15pm: Finished coaling.

  Sick list: 14.

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19 October 1915

Sechura Bay and at sea towards Santa Elena Bay

Lat -5.65, Long -81.60 by X bearings

  6.45am: Weighed.

  7.00am: Proceeded, course W, 49 revolutions. HMS Otranto 6 cables on starboard beam.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°43’S, 81°09’W’.

  9.00am: Pisura Point: S78E, 16 miles.

  9.10am: Stopped. Dropped target.

  9.15am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for 1” aiming practice.

  9.45am: Finished firing. Pisura Point: S79E, 19½ miles.

11.20am: Stopped, hauled in target.

11.30am: Proceeded, course W, 45 revolutions. Saddle Payte: N34E, 38 miles.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N80W, 35 miles.

  3.11pm: Passed brownish water.

  5.55pm: Altered course N58W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°25’S, 82°26’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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20 October 1915

At sea

Lat -4.18, Long -83.85

  7.00am: Stopped. Hoisted out towing target.

  7.30am: Proceeded, course N45W, 38 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 4°36’S, 83°25’W.

  9.00am: HMS Otranto carried out target practice.

  9.50am: Otranto finished.

10.30am: HMS Kent carried out target practice, half charge 6” guns, course and speed as requisite.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 178 miles.

  1.15pm: Stopped.

  1.20pm: Pos. 4°01’S, 83°51’W.

  1.30pm: Proceeded, course E, 45 revolutions.

  1.50pm: Stopped.

  2.00pm: Proceeded, course N15E, 45 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°23’S, 83°35’W.

  8.30pm: Burnt and exercised searchlights.

  Sick list: 13.

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21 October 1915

At sea

Lat -1.89, Long -83.02

  8.00am: Pos. 2°02’S, 83°00’W.

  8.45am: Pos. 2°00’S, 83°00’W. Course and speed as requisite for running torpedoes.

11.00am: Stopped, picked up torpedo. Pos 1°49’S, 83°03’W.

11.30am: Proceeded, course S87E, 54 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 168 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°00’S, 82°12’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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22 October 1915

At sea to Santa Elena Bay [Bahia de Santa Elena]

Lat -2.1, Long -80.9

  5.00am: Santa Elena Light: S37E, 8½ miles. Altered course S60E.

  7.00am: Santa Elena Light abeam, 3 miles.

  7.28am: Stopped.

  7.35am: Came to in 8 fathoms port anchor, veered to 5 shackles.

  9.30am: Divisions. Read prayers. Midshipman Lilley discharged to HMS Otranto.

  5.00pm: Midshipman Marsden Jones joined from Otranto.

  Sick list: 16.

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23 October 1915

Santa Elena Bay to Salango Bay

Lat -1.55, Long -80.83

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.12am: Lighthouse Santa Elena: N73E, 4½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°04’S, 80°55’W.

  9.10am: Pelado Island abeam, N80E. HMS Otranto proceeded independently.

  9.55am: Altered course N4E. Pelado Island: S63E, 12 miles.

11.50am: Salango Island E, 1½ mile. Course as requisite for anchorage.

12.05pm: Stopped.

12.12pm: Came to starboard anchor in 28 fathoms, Veered to 9 shackles.

  Sick list: 14.

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24 October 1915

Salango Island to Manta Bay

Lat -1.54, Long -80.92 by X bearings

10.00am: Divine Service.

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.15am: Salango Island: S20W, ¾ mile. Course N57W, 45 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 5 miles.

  1.30pm: Plata Lighthouse: N14W, 8 miles.

  2.20pm: Plata Lighthouse: N42E, 5½ miles. Altered course N39E.

  4.15pm: Cape San Lorenzo: N66E, 8 miles. Altered course N39E.

  6.20pm: Altered course E. Cape San Matteo: S, 4 miles.

  7.10pm: Reduced to 32 revolutions. Manta Light: S20E, 4 miles. Course as requisite.

  7.25pm: Stopped.

  7.30pm: Came to starboard anchor in 24 fathoms, veered to 7 shackles.

  Sick list: 14.

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25 October 1915

From Manta Bay and at sea for Santa Elena Bay.

Lat -0.93, Long -80.7

  6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course W, 48 revolutions.

  6.30pm: Manta Light: S70E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°59’S, 80°56’W.

11.10pm: Altered course S22E. La Plata Light: S54E, 6 miles.

11.59pm: La Plata Light: S54E, 6 miles.

  Sick list: 14.

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26 October 1915

At sea to Santa Elena Bay

Lat -2.1, Long -80.9

  6.00am: Pelado Island: S70E, 7 miles. Altered course S4W.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°07’S, 80°55’W.

  8.00am: Santa Elena Lighthouse: S40W, 6½ miles. Course as requisite.

  8.40am: Stopped.

  8.52am: Came to starboard anchor in 7½ fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  1.30pm: Picket Boat running torpedoes.

  Sick list: 10.

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27 October 1915

Santa Elena Bay and at sea

Lat -2.44, Long -81.15

  7.00am: Weighed.

  7.15am: Proceeded, course as requisite, 45 revolutions.

  7.50am: Stopped.

  7.55am: Proceeded, course S80W.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°07’S, 80°55’W.

  9.20am: Altered course S. Santa Elena Lighthouse: S77E, 6 miles.

10.40am: Shaped course S, 54 revolutions. Santa Elena Lighthouse: N59E, 10½ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 30 miles.

  4.15pm: Altered course S6W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°39’S, 81°17’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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28 October 1915

At sea to Payta

Lat -5.07, Long -81.11

  0.45am: Talara Light: S63E.

  1.25am: Talara Light abeam S84E, 15½ miles.

  5.55am: Payta Point: N77E, 11½ miles.

  7.11am: Course as requisite.

  7.29am: Came to port anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 11.

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29 October 1915

Payta to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.42, Long -81.12

  7.35am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite, 45 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°04’S, 81°07’W.

  8.00am: Payta Point: S49W, 2 miles. Course S80W.

  8.30am: Altered course S7W. Payta Point N88E, 2½ miles.

10.00am: Foca Island: E, 2 miles. Altered course S30E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 29 miles.

  2.56pm: Altered course as requisite for anchorage.

  3.00pm: Stopped.

  3.07pm: Came to starboard anchor in 34 fathoms, veered to 10 shackles.

  5.30pm: HMS Otranto anchored.

  Sick list: 12.

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30 October 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  Sick list: 9.

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31 October 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

10.00am: Divine Service.

  6.45pm: Collier Ellerslie [Ellersie in log] arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 12.

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Front cover.

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Coal consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 November 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

11.55am: HMS Otranto sailed.

  1.00pm: Paid monthly money.

  Sick list: 11.

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2 November 1915

From Sechura Bay to Chimbote

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.15am: Collier Ellerslie secured alongside.

  6.45am: Commenced coaling.

11.25am: Finished coaling.

  2.20pm: Collier unmoored and proceeded.

  4.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S70W, 45 revolutions.

  6.00pm: Altered course S28W: Pisura Point bearing S85E, 6 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°59’S, 81°17’W. Altered course S29E.

11.20pm: Lobos de Tierra Light: S65E.

  Sick list: 11.

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3 November 1915

From Sechura Bay to Chimbote

Lat -7.44, Long -80.47

  1.35am: Lobos de Tierra Light: N61E, 13 miles.

  6.00am: Altered course S54E.

  7.12am: Lobos de Afuera: N30E.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°10’S, 80°44’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 124 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°03’S, 79°50’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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4 November 1915

At sea to Chimbote Bay

Lat -9.12, Long -78.59

12.45am: Guanape Light bearing S77E.

  4.52am: Guanape Light: N36E, 11½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°56’S, 78°47’W. Altered course S45E. Vuidal Island: N71E, 10½ miles.

  9.30am: 100 feet Santa Island: N70E, 2 miles. Course as requisite for Ferrol Bay [now Bahia Chimbote].

10.50am: Came to port anchor in 6½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 8.

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5 November 1915

Chimbote and at sea towards Port San Nicolas

Lat -9.55, Long -78.59 by X bearings

  7.50am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite, 47 revolutions.

  8.25am: Course S, 47 revolutions. N. Ferrol Island peak: N62E, 1½ miles.

  9.35am: Altered course S30E. Seal Island R T bearing N62E, 7 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 28 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°32’S, 78°08’W [entered in 8.00am box].

11.45pm: Mazorca Light: S50E.

  Sick list: 7.

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6 November 1915

At sea

Lat -12.29, Long -77.25 by X bearings

  1.40am: Mazorca Light: E, 13 miles.

  5.40am: Hormigas de Afuera: S6E.

  6.20am: Hormigas de Afuera: S38W, 6½ miles.

  8.00am: 12°03’S, 77°30’W.

  9.00am: Cape San Lorenzo bearing N69E, 6½ miles. Course as requisite to close HMS Otranto.

  9.45am: Stopped, communicated with Otranto.

10.15am: Proceeded, course S, 56 revolutions, Otranto 5 cables astern. Cape San Lorenzo: SE, 2 miles.

10.45am: Altered course S25E. Palominos Light: S76E, 3½ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 184 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°19’S, 76°55’W..

  Sick list: 7.

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7 November 1915

At sea to Port San Nicolas an on patrol

Lat -14.92, Long -75.70

  8.00am: Pos. 14°38’S, 76°07’W.

  8.25am: Table Mount [Mesa de Dona Maria]: N80E, 15½ miles. Course as requisite to close steamer (Peruvian destroyer).

  9.00am: Shaped course S53E. Table Mount: N74E, 11 miles.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 197 miles. Altered course S55E.

  3.00pm: Beware Point: N43E, 2½ miles. Course as requisite for Port San Nicolas.

  4.10pm: Stopped.

  4.15pm: Came to starboard anchor in 20 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for patrolling.

  Sick list: 6.

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8 November 1915

Patrol to Port San Nicolas

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

  5.30am: Course as requisite for anchorage.

  6.00am: Came to starboard anchor in 20 fathoms.

  Sick list: 5.

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9 November 1915

Port San Nicolas and at sea towards Iquique

Lat -15.57, Long -75.15

  7.15am: HMS Otranto proceeded.

  7.25am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite, 35 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°13’S, 75°17’W.

  8.00am: Course S36W, 35 revolutions. Harmless Point S34E, 1½ miles.

  9.12am: Course and speed as requisite for change of range on Otranto. Sugar Loaf bearing N75E, 11 miles.

  9.45am: Exercised general quarters and change of range on Otranto.

10.30am: Secure.

11.15am: Course S47E, 56 revolutions to take station 2 miles on starboard quarter of Otranto.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 184 miles.

12.30pm: Sugar Loaf: N21W, 22 miles, Morro Chala: N89E.

  4.10pm: Morro Chala peak: N42E, 23 miles.

  5.55pm: Altered course S59E to take station 1 mile astern of Otranto.

  7.05pm: In station, course S55E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16°20’S, 74°21’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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10 November 1915

From Port San Nicolas to Iquique

Lat -17.98, Long -72.64

  1.45am: Altered course S50E.

  6.30am: HMS Otranto took station 2 miles on starboard beam.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°27’S, 73°09’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 203 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Exercised physical drill. Read warrant No 32.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°52’S, 70°31’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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11 November 1915

At sea off Iquique

Lat -20.49, Long -70.67 by X bearings

  6.00am: Iquique Lighthouse: S42E, 17 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 20°11’S, 70°17’W.

  8.15am: HMS Otranto proceeded to Iquique.

  8.15am: Altered course N67E. Iquique Lighthouse: N77E, 5 miles.

  8.30am: Altered course S45E. Iquique Lighthouse: N72E, 5 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 219 miles.

  4.08pm: Dropped target. Course and speed as requisite for 12 pounder firing.

  5.30pm: Stopped, picked up target.

  6.00pm: Proceeded, course S45W, 42 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20°53’S, 71°17’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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12 November 1915

At sea off Iquique

Lat -20.29, Long -70.44 by X bearings

  2.30am: Loom of Iquique Lights: N47E.

  7.00am: Iquique Lighthouse: N73E.

  8.00am: Pos. 20°17’S, 70°25’W.

  9.00am: Iquique Lighthouse: S57E, 17 miles. Course requisite to close HMS Otranto.

  9.50am: Stopped, communicated with Otranto. Iquique Lighthouse: N53E, 15 miles.

11.30am: Iquique Lighthouse: N50E, 13½ miles. Course N55W, 47 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 120 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°36’S, 71°08’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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13 November 1915

From Iquique to Port Mollendo and at sea

Lat -17.31, Long -72.05

  8.00am: Pos. 18°0°’S, 71°54’W.

  9.10am: Coles Point: N62E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 208 miles. Altered course N5W. Mount Islay [Punta Islay]: N15W, 21 miles.

  1.25pm: Mollendo Lighthouse: N20E, 2½ miles. Course as requisite.

  1.38pm: Stop.

  1.40pm: Came to starboard anchor in 30 fathoms, veered to 7 shackles.

  7.45pm: Weighed.

  8.25pm: Proceeded, course S60W, 60 revolutions.

  9.10pm: Altered course N76W.

  Sick list: 7.

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14 November 1915

At sea to Port San Nicolas

Lat -15.97, Long -74.50 by X bearings

  6.50am: Altered course N68W.

  7.00am: Passed British steamer Azov from Talara, bound South.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°17’S, 73°54’W.

10.00am: Performed Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 173 miles. Morro Chala [Maro Chala in log]: N8E, 15 miles.

12.30pm: Passed through patches of discoloured water.

  4.19pm: Altered course N42W. Sugar Loaf peak: N18W, 18 miles.

  6.00pm: Altered course as requisite for Port San Nicolas. Harmless Point: N2E, 6½ miles.

  7.01pm: Stopped.

  7.04pm: Came to port anchor in 12 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 6.

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15 November 1915

Port San Nicolas and at sea towards Callao

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

  6.15pm: Collier secured alongside.

  6.30am: Hands employed coaling ship.

  1.55pm: Finished coaling.

  3.50pm: Collier unmoored and proceeded.

  6.20pm: Weighed.

  6.30pm: Proceeded 43 revolutions, course as requisite.

  6.55pm: Harmless Point: S40E, 1½ miles. Course S30W.

  7.10pm: Harmless Point: N70E, 2 miles. Course S20E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15.35, Long -75.28

  Sick list: 6.

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16 November 1915

At sea

Lat -14.19, Long -76.47 by X bearings

  6.45am: Viedas Island [Isla de la Viejas]: N9W, 28 miles, a/c N34W.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°35’S, 76°16’W.

11.50am: Carretas Head: N75E, 10½ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 126 miles.

  4.00pm: R T San Gallan: N87E, 12½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°23’S, 76°51’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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17 November 1915

At sea to Callao

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

  3.45am: Palominos Light: N17E.

  6.30am: Palominos light: N25E, 8 miles.

  7.50am: Cape San Lorenzo: N60E, 3½ miles. Course as requisite.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°04’S, 77°18’W.

  9.10am: Came to starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 3.

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18 November 1915

Callao and at sea towards Huarmey

Lat -11.99, Long -77.29 by X bearings

  8.37am: Weighed.

  9.02am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  9.10am: Course N68W, 43 revolutions. Cape San Lorenzo: S68W, 3½ miles.

  9.45am: Stopped. Communicated with SS Intaba.

10.00am: Lieutenant Woollerton joined from Intaba and 16 privates RMLI and one Electrical Artificer.

11.48am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite to close SS Guatemala.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 8 miles.

12.30pm: Stopped and communicated with SS Guatemala.

  1.00pm: Proceeded, course N80W.

  1.10pm: Cape San Lorenzo bearing S13E, 7 miles.

  3.00pm: Course and speeds as requisite for firing.

  3.00pm: Cape San Lorenzo bearing S52E, 18 miles.

  4.20pm: Exercised general quarters. Carried out 1” aiming tube, collier Ellerslie towing target.

  4.55pm: Stopped, picked up target.

  5.35pm: Proceeded, course N62W, 45 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°34’S, 77°49’W.

  8.00pm: Mazorca Light: N12E, 11 miles.

  9.15pm: Altered course N23W. Mazorca Light: N60E, 13 miles.

  Sick list: 8.

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19 November 1915

At sea to Huarmey

Lat -10.09, Long -78.17

  8.00am: Pos. 10°08’S, 78°17’W.

  8.30am: Lagarto Head [Punta Cabeza de Lagarto] Lighthouse: N85E, 4 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  9.20am: Came to starboard anchor in 12½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 33, 34, 35 and 36.

  Sick list: 7.

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20 November 1915

Huarmey Bay and at sea towards Chimbote

Lat -10.04, Long -78.64

  7.35am: Weighed.

  7.45am: Proceeded, course S87W, 37 revolutions. Lagarto Lighthouse: S, 1½ mile

  8.00am: Pos. 10°05’S, 78°12’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N82W, 26.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°55’S, 79°31’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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21 November 1915

At sea to Chimbote

Lat -9.12, Long -78.59

  6.00am: N. Ferrol Island bearing N20E, 10½ miles. Currut 3 miles northward.

  7.00am: N. Ferrol Island bearing N6W, 10 miles. Altered course N17W.

  7.55am: N. Ferrol Island bearing N58E, 2 miles. Course as requisite for Ferrol Bay.

  8.00am: Pos. 9°09’S, 78°38’W.

  8.50am: Came to port anchor in 6 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  9.50am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 6.

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22 November 1915

Chimbote [Ferrol Bay] and at sea towards Sechura Bay

Lat -8.74, Long -79.04 by X bearings

  7.36am: Weighed.

  7.43am: Proceeded as requisite

  8.00am: Altered course N56W, 54 revolutions. South Point of Blanca Island: N57E, 1½ miles.

  9.50am: Viudal Island: N55E, 8 miles.

11.50am: Guanape Lighthouse: N16E,12 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 36 miles.

  4.25pm: Dropped target, carried out aiming tube practice with 12 pounder guns and exercised physical drill.

  5.10pm: Proceeded, course N56W, 56 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°00’S, 79°49’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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23 November 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -6.00, Long -81.30

  1.00am: Lobos de Afuera Light: N19W.

  4.00am: Lobos de Afuera Light: N34E, 14¼ miles.

  7.48am: Altered course N30W to close steamer Buyo Maru, Japanese merchant ship.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°38’S, 81°08’W.

  8.15am: Resumed course N18W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 230 miles.

  1.40pm: Pisura Point: N63E, 14 miles. Altered course N50E.

  2.30pm: Pisura Point N87E, 5½ miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  3.50pm: Stopped.

  3.53pm: Came to in 13½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 6.

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24 November 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.30am: Collier Ellerslie [Ellersie in log] secured alongside.

  6.45am: Commenced coaling.

  9.00pm: Finished coaling.

  Sick list: 6.

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25 November 1915

Sechura Bay and at sea towards Pacasmayo

Lat -5.64, Long -81.35 by X bearings

  7.30am: Weighed.

  7.53am: Proceeded.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°46’S, 80°58’W. Course N80W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 25 miles.

  4.05pm: Stopped. Lowered cutter for exercise.

  4.20pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for swinging ship.

  6.00pm: Shaped course N80W, 40 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°29’S, 82°03’W.

  8.10pm: Altered course S45E.

  Sick list: 9.

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26 November 1915

At sea

Lat -6.56, Long -81.11

  8.00am: Pos. 6°46’S, 81°21’W.

  9.50am: Dropped target, carried out aiming tube practice with 12 pounder guns.

10.05am: Exercise completed, picked up target.

10.20am: Proceeded, course S45E, 40 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 144 miles.

  3.30pm: Sighted Lobos de Afuera: S70E.

  4.00pm: Lobos de Afuera: S75E, 11 miles.

  4.05pm: Stopped.

  4.40pm: Lobos de Afuera: S79E, 11 miles. Proceeded, course S45E, 40 revolutions.

  6.25pm: Lobos de Afuera abeam, 6½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°09’S, 80°04’W.

  9.18pm: Altered course S80E to clear steamer.

11.35pm: Lobos de Afuera: N48W, 22 miles.

  Sick list: 11.

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27 November 1915

At sea to Pacasmayo

Lat -7.4, Long -79.58

12.22am: Lobos de Afuera Light: N34W, 26½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°21’S, 79°46’W. Pacasmayo Point: S80E, 12½ miles.

  9.57am: Stopped.

10.01am: Came to starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 11.

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28 November 1915

Pacasmayo and at sea towards Payta

Lat -7.27, Long -79.84

  9.00am: Weighed.

  9.10am: Proceeded, course N68W, 51 revolutions.

  9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 16 miles.

  5.40pm: Lobos de Afuera abeam, 11 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°38’S, 8°56’W. Altered course N84W. Lobos de Tierra Light: N28E, 11 miles.

  9.35pm: Lobos de Tierra Light: N68W, 20 miles. Altered course N18W.

10.10pm: Lobos de Tierra Light: E (true).

11.00pm: Lobos de Tierra Light dipped: S80E.

  Sick list: 13.

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29 November 1915

At sea to Payta and at sea

Lat -5.07, Long -81.1

  5.49am: Altered course N30E.

  5.50am: Saddle of Payta: N64E, 21 miles.

  7.35am: Altered course N58E.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°04’S, 81°14’W. Altered course N82E. Payta Point: S87E, 6 miles.

  8.40am: Course and speed as requisite for anchoring.

  9.04am: Came to starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  8.20pm: Weighed.

  8.30pm: Proceeded as requisite.

  8.57pm: Payta Pier S8E, 1 mile. Course N45W, 45 revolutions.

  9.35pm: Altered course S30W. Payta Point: S64E, 2½ miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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30 November 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  5.45am: Pisura Point: S78E, 8 miles. Course as requisite for Sechura Bay.

  7.15am: Came to starboard anchor in 33 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  7.45am: SS Intaba secured alongside. Hands employed provisioning ship.

  Lost overboard: Obturators 6” B L Mark VII, 6 in number whilst transporting stores from SS Intaba to Kent.


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Front cover of copy log.

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Coal consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 December 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  7.30am: Hands employed provisioning ship.

  4.05pm: SS Intaba unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  Sick list: 12.

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2 December 1915

Sechura Bay and at sea for target practice

Lat -5.75, Long -81.44 by X bearings

  7.30am: Weighed.

  7.50am: Proceeded, course S80W, 32 revolutions. SS Intaba proceeded in company with HMS Kent.

  9.30am: Pisura Point: S77E, 8 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 23 miles.

  4.00pm: Course as requisite for carrying out target practice. SS Intaba bearing N30W, ¾ mile. Intaba’s course: S80W, 5 knots.

  4.35pm: Carried out target practice, sub calibre with 6” guns.

  5.40pm: Secure. Intaba bearing N18W, 2.1 miles.

  5.50pm: Shaped course S44W, 32 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°57’S, 82°05’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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3 December 1915

At sea

Lat -6.85, Long -83.15

  8.00am: Pos. 6°33’S. 82°53’W.

  9.00am: Course and speed as requisite for target practice.

10.00am: Carried out target practice, full charges, 6” guns.

11.50am: Secure. Course as requisite to close Intaba.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 125 miles.

12.25pm: Course S45E, 5 knots.

  1.45pm: Stopped, picked up and hoisted in target.

  2.10pm: Pos. 6°58’S, 83°05’W. Shaped course N60E, 40 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°44’S, 82°35’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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4 December 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.92, Long -81.24 by X bearings

  8.00am: Pos. 6°15’S, 81°27’W. Avoca Point: N35E

  8.10am: Sighted HMS Otranto

  8.55am: Stopped. Communicated with Otranto

  9.33am: Proceeded, course N15E, 51 revolutions.

11.35am: Altered course N35E. Pisura Point N46E, 17 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 146 miles.

  1.07pm: Altered course N55E.

  2.00pm: Pisura Point bearing S20W, 4 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  2.10pm: Stopped.

  2.15pm: Came to in 32 fathoms with starboard anchor, veered to 8 shackles.

  Sick list: 14.

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5 December 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

10.00am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 18.

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6 December 1915

Sechura Bay and at sea

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.20am: Collier Germanic secured alongside.

  7.30am: Coaling ship.

10.50am: Finished coaling.

11.20am: SS Germanic unmoored and proceeded to anchor berth.

  4.20pm: Discharged 10 ratings and 4 warrant officers to SS Intaba for passage home.

10.00pm: Weighed.

10.15pm: Proceeded, course N42W, 48 revolutions.

  Sick list: 9.

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7 December 1915

At sea

Lat -4.20, Long -81.50

  6.10am: Altered course N.

  8.00am: Pos. 4°43’S, 81°33’W.

  8.15am: Altered course S80E to close steamer.

  8.30am: Resumed course N.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 102 miles.

  Sick list: 9.

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8 December 1915

At sea to Santa Elena Bay

Lat -2.1, Long -80.9

  3.00am: St Elena Light: N51E

  4.15am: Altered course N69E. St Elena Light: N79E, 15 miles.

  6.25am: Altered course S55E. St Elena Light: N20E, 2½ miles.

  6.50am: Stopped.

  6.56am: Came to starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 8.

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9 December 1915

St Elena Bay and at sea

Lat -2.02, Long -81.90

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.55am: St Elena Light: S68W, 2 miles. Course N40W, 62 revolutions.

  6.10am: Same bearing S5E, 2½ miles. Altered course N87W.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°05’S, 81°15’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 57 miles.

  8.00pm: 1°47’S, 83°11’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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10 December 1915

At sea

Lat -1.25, Long -85.74

  8.00am: Pos. 1°25’S, 85°05’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N79W, 235 miles.

  4.40pm: Reduced to 54 revolutions. Altered course S60E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°25’S, 86°09’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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11 December 1915

At sea

Lat -2.69, Long -84.59

  8.00am: Pos. 2°28’S, 84°48’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 194 miles.

  5.00pm: Altered course N86E. Reduced to 45 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°07’S, 81°24’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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12 December 1915

At sea

Lat -3.10, Long -82.34

  8.00am: Pos. 3°14’S, 82°37’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 142 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°05’S, 81°17’W.

  9.30pm: Altered course S84E.

  Sick list: 8.

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13 December 1915

At sea to Puna Island [Isla Puna] and at sea

Lat -3.21, Long -80.30

12.03am: Santa Clara Light: N83E, 26 miles.

  2.00am: Santa Clara Light: N65E.

  2.50am: Altered course S40E.

  3.30am: Altered course N59E,

  5.30am: Arena Point Light: N25E. Clara Light: N85E. Altered course N25E.

  6.40am: Stopped.

  6.45am: Came to port anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  8.32am: HMS Newcastle anchored.

  9.30am: Received 8 prisoners from Newcastle.

  9.45am: Newcastle weighed and proceeded.

10.00am: One Assistant Paymaster RNVR joined from Newcastle.

10.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course S53W, 56 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 160 miles.

12.30pm: Altered course S42W. Clara Lighthouse bearing N53W, 6 miles.

  3.40pm: Point Zorritos abeam, S48E.

  4.30pm: Altered course S35E. Mount Castro bearing S23E. 14 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°02’S, 81°11’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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14 December 1915

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.75, Long -81.12

  8.00am: Pos. 5°23’S, 81°28’W.

  8.40am: Saddle Payta: N41E, 24 miles.

11.25am: Pisura Point S59E, 9 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 192 miles. Course as requisite for Sechura Bay.

  1.00pm: Stopped.

  1.05pm: Came to starboard anchor in 35 fathoms, veered to 12 shackles.

  Sick list: 7.

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15 December 1915

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  8.00am: Hoisted Court Martial Jack.

  9.30am: Court Martial sitting.

     Noon: Finished Court Martial.

  Sick list: 8.

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16 December 1915

Sechura Bay to Payta

Lat -5.07, Long -81.11

  5.47am: Weighed and proceeded, course N34W, 54 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°32’S, 81°06’W.

  9.30am: Altered course N3W. Foca Island: N15E, 6 miles.

11.00am: Payta Point: N53E, 4½ miles. Course as requisite.

11.52am: Stopped.

11.55am: Came to starboard anchor in 9½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 8.

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17 December 1915

Payta to Sechura

Lat -5.09, Long -81.15

11.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 4 miles.

12.05pm: Shaped course S25W. Payta Point: S, 3 miles.

  1.20pm: Altered course S30E. Foca Island R T: S60E, 3 miles.

  5.20pm: Course as requisite for anchorage.

  5.55pm: Stopped.

  6.00pm: Came to port anchor in 30 fathoms, veered to 9 shackles.

  7.00pm: Collier Germanic secured alongside.

  Sick list: 9.

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18 December 1915

Sechura and at sea towards Callao

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.20am: Commenced coaling.

11.00am: Discharged 8 prisoners to SS Intaba.

11.30am: Discharged 4 cell prisoners to HMS Otranto.

11.30am: Collier Germanic unmoored.

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S75W, 75 revolutions.

12.50pm: Altered course S45W. Pisura Point: S10E, 2 miles.

  2.05pm: Aguja Point: N80E, 6 miles. Altered course S25E

  4.30pm: Lobos de Tierra: S73E

  5.30pm: Lobos de Tierra Lighthouse: S73E, 15½ miles.

  6.07pm: Lobos de Tierra: N53E.

  7.20pm: Lobos de Afuera: S61E, 17 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°54’S, 80°52’W.

  8.55pm: Lobos de Afuera abeam, 7½ miles.

10.48pm: Lobos de Afuera dipped: N21W.

  Sick list: 12.

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19 December 1915

At sea

Lat -9.35, Long -79.43

  8.00am: Pos. 8°50’S, 79°40’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 250 miles.

  4.23pm: Altered course as requisite to take station S50W from HMS Newcastle.

  5.25pm: In station, course S42E, 77 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°27’S, 78°43’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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20 December 1915

At sea to Callao

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

  1.40am: Mazorca Light: S75E.

  2.45am: Altered course S.

  3.05am; Altered course S56E.

  6.00am: Increased to 85 revolutions. Altered course as requisite to take station 2½ cables astern of HMS Newcastle.

  6.25am: In station. Course and speed as requisite.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°58’S, 77°18’W. Cape San Lorenzo Old Tower: S30E, 7 miles.

  8.55am: Came to starboard anchor in 6½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 10.

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21 December 1915

Callao and at sea towards Port San Nicolas

Lat -12.15, Long -77.54 by X bearings

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed for leaving harbour and keeping station on HMS Newcastle.

10.15am: Exercised control parties, carried out 1” aiming tube at towed target, course and speed as requisite. Remainder as requisite.

11.25am: Palominos Light: N75E, 16 miles. Course S4E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 24 miles.

  1.35pm: Altered course S40E.

  3.00pm: Altered course N30W. Cape San Lorenzo N25E, 19 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 37. Exercised physical drill.

  5.00pm: Palominos Lighthouse: N70E, 16 miles. Altered course S.

  7.10pm: Altered course N. Palominos Light: N51E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°16’S, 77°32’W.

  9.30pm: Palominos Light: N83E. Altered course S.

10.00pm: Palominos Light: N80E.

  Sick list: 10.

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22 December 1915

At sea

Lat -12.57, Long -77.42

  1.00am; Altered course N.

  4.35am: Altered course E.

  5.30am: Altered course S. Cape San Lorenzo: N80E, 9 miles. Course as requisite to close HMS Newcastle.

  6.20am: Stopped.

  7.07am: Proceeded S56E, 38 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°10’S, 77°29’W.

  8.40am: Cape San Lorenzo peak: N51E, 18½ miles.

11.25am: San Lorenzo peak: N13E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 122 miles.

  3.45pm: Altered course S34E.

  8.00pm: Pos.13°19’S, 77°56’W.

  9.45pm: Altered course S47E.

  Sick list: 11.

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23 December 1915

At sea

Lat -14.47, Long -76.34

  3.15am: Altered course S40E.

  5.40am: Carretas Head: N71E, 15½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°15’S, 76°24’W.

  8.55am: Dardo Head: N52E, 7 miles. Altered course S30E to take station on HMS Newcastle.

  9.50am: Dardo Head: N19E, 10 miles.

10.50am: Course as requisite to close Newcastle.

11.00am: Discharged one rating to Newcastle for hospital, John Smith, Seaman RNR.

11.30am: Newcastle proceeded.

11.50am: Proceeded, course S30W, 32 revolutions. Dardo Head: N30W 15 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 136 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°59’S, 76°34’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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24 December 1915

At sea to Port San Nicolas

Lat -15.29, Long -75.75

  8.00am: Pos. 15°31’S, 75°50’W.

  8.50am: Mount Criterion: N53E, 45 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 102 miles.

  3.45pm: Harmless Point: N57E, 6 miles. Altered course as requisite for Port San Nicolas.

  4.50pm: Harmless Point: S23E, 1½ miles.

  5.14pm: Stopped.

  5.17pm: Came to starboard anchor in 13 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 7.

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25 December 1915

Port San Nicolas

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

  9.20am: HMS Newcastle arrived and anchored.

10.00am: Divine Service. Church party from Newcastle came on board.

  Sick list: 7.

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26 December 1915

Port San Nicolas and at sea for Callao

Lat -15.24, Long -75.25 by X bearings

  9.30am: John Smith, Seaman RNR*, died in Callao hospital.

10.00am: Divine Service

11.30am: HMS Newcastle proceeded with collier Manchester Port.

11.36am: Weighed.

11.50am: Proceeded, course N80W, 34 revolutions, SS Germanic (collier) one mile astern.

12.30pm: Put clocks on half an hour: 4½ hours slow on GMT

  1.55pm: Beware Point: N23W, 2¼ miles.

  2.10pm: Beware Point abeam.

  4.00pm: Cape Nasca: N8E, 10 miles.

  6.00pm: Mount Criterion: N74E, 30.1 miles.

  7.00pm: Altered course N50W. Increased to 38 revolutions. Mount Criterion: N77E, 30.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°57’S, 75°54’W.

  Sick list: 6.

  *Smith John, Seaman, service Number 2380/D, age 46, son of Donald and Mary Smith, of 32, Lower Shader, Barvas, Isle of Lewis, is buried at the Bellavista Old British Cemetery, Callao, Peru. He died of illness. (From CWGC).

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27 December 1915

At sea

Lat -13.70, Long -76.84

  7.00am: Altered course N20W.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°01’S, 76°40’W.

  9.45am: Exercised general quarters and change of range. Course and speed as requisite.

10.45am: Secure.

10.00am: Connected hand wheel steering gear.

10.45am: Connected bridge steering gear.

11.00am: Course N20W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 134 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°54’S, 77°12’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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28 December 1915

At sea

Lat -11.64, Long -77.67

12.10am: Palominos Light: N16E.

  3.00am: Palominos Light: N60E, 16½ miles.

  3.30am: Altered course N36E. Palominos Light: N70E, 17 miles.

  6.00am: Cape San Lorenzo: S82E, 7½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°53’S, 77°28’W.

  9.40am: Exercised control parties.

10.10am: Dropped target. Carried out aiming tube practice with 12 pounder guns.

11.15am: Picked up target and proceeded N39W, 38 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 148 miles.

12.30pm: Mazorca Island: N30W, 12½ miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course N45W. Mazorca Island: N23W, 10 miles.

  2.50pm: Altered course as requisite to close mail steamer.

  3.15pm: Proceeded. Course N45W, 38 revolutions.

  4.00pm: Altered course as requisite for swinging ship.

  7.15pm: Mazorca Island Lighthouse: S66E, 12 miles. Shaped course S15W, 38 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°21’S, 77°56’W.

  9.00pm: Mazorca Light: N75E.

11.05pm: Altered course N12E. Mazorca Light: N52E.

  Sick list: 8.

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29 December 1915

At sea to Supe

Lat -10.82, Long -77.75

  1.25am: Mazorca Light: N12E.

  8.05am: Came to starboard anchor in 20 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  9.37am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for Supe, 48 revolutions.

10.25am: Stopped. Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 8.

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30 December 1915

Supe Bay and at sea for Huarmey Bay

Lat -10.75, Long -77.97

  9.11am: Weighed and proceeded, course N85W, 32 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 12 miles.

  3.00pm: Stopped.

  3.30pm: Collier proceeded, course N85W, 5 knots towing target.

  3.35pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  4.00pm: Carried out 1” aiming tube practice with 6” guns.

  5.00pm: Collier stopped. Course and speed as requisite to pick up target.

  5.10pm: Stopped.

  5.25pm: Proceeded N85W, 38 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°32’S. 78°38’W.

10.15pm: Man overboard. Stopped.

10.20pm: Man saved.

10.40pm: Proceeded, course N85W, 38 revolutions.

  Sick list: 8.

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31 December 1915

At sea to Huarmey Bay

Lat -10.10, Long -78.54

12.15am: Altered course N63E. Collier proceeded to Rendezvous.

  6.47am: Altered course 16pts to S63W.

  8.00am: Pos. 10°14’S, 78°28’W.

  9.20am: Altered course N77E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 140 miles.

12.45pm: Observed land bearing N67E. Altered course N86E.

  3.30pm: Lagarto Lighthouse: S86E, 3 miles. Course as requisite for Huarmey Bay.

  3.55pm: Stopped.

  3.58pm: Came to in 15 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 6.

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JP map Kent 1916


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Front cover of log book copy.

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Fuel consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 January 1916

Huarmey Bay and at sea for Chimbote

Lat -10.09, Long -78.17

  3.56pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.25pm: Lagarto Lighthouse: S35E, 1 mile.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°57’S, 78°82’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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2 January 1916

At sea to Chimbote

Lat -9.20, Long -78.60 by X bearings

12.20am: Altered course N28E.

  4.45am: Fog set in.

  5.40am: Altered course S20W.

  6.20am: Fog clearing.

  6.40am: Altered course N28E.

  7.20am: Altered course N12W. Fog.

  8.00am: Pos. 9°21’S, 78°36’W.

  8.45am: Stopped.

  8.50am: Came to in 43 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

10.00am: Divine Service.

10.45am: Weighed and proceeded, course N25W, 38 revolutions.

11.50am: North Ferrol Island: N10E, 3½ miles. Altered course as requisite for Ferrol Bay.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 103 miles.

12.48pm: Stopped.

12.50pm: Came to starboard anchor in 6½ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  Sick list: 9.

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3 January 1916

Chimbote and at sea for Pacasmayo

Lat -9.12, Long -78.59

  1.00pm: Weighed.

  1.10pm: Proceeded 45 revolutions, course as requisite.

  1.45pm: South point of Blanca Island: N70E, 1½ miles. Shaped course N70E.

  4.00pm: Altered course N45W. Corcovado Island: N82E, 8 miles.

  7.30pm: Altered course N60W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°37’S, 79°06’W.

10.00pm: Guanape Light dipped bearing S79E.

  Sick list: 8.

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4 January 1916

At sea to Pacasmayo

Lat -7.77, Long -79.95

  8.00am: Pos. 7°55’S, 79°57’W..

  9.00am: Stopped. Hoisted out target. Collier Germanic: S, 1 mile.

  9.30am: Collier Germanic proceeded towing target, course N85E, 4 knots.

  9.45am: Exercised general quarters, carried out 1” aiming practice.

10.35am: Stopped.

11.00am: Proceeded N15E, 32 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 119 miles.

  4.00pm: Altered course N76E. Mount Arcana: E, 18 miles.

  6.45pm: Altered course as requisite. Pacasmayo Pier: N80E, 3 miles.

  7.11pm: Stopped.

  7.15pm: Came to starboard anchor in 6¾ fathoms, Veered to 4½ shackles.

  Sick list: 11.

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5 January 1916

Pacasmayo and at sea for Sechura Bay

Lat -7.04, Long -79.58

  7.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.25pm: Course N68W,45 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°22’S, 79°38’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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6 January 1916

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -6.27, Long -81.17 by X bearings

  2.00am: Lobos de Afuera Light bearing S87W.

  5.15am: Same bearing S22W, 10.5 miles.

  7.05am: Lobos de Tierra Lighthouse: N15W. Altered course N45W.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°37’S, 80°52’W.

  8.40am: Lobos de Tierra Lighthouse: N45E, 7 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 117 miles. Altered course N20W.

  2.15pm: Aguja Point bearing N42E, 6 miles. Altered course N18E.

  1.10pm: Sighted collier Germanic.

  4.00pm: Altered course N70E. Pisura Point: S87E, 7 miles.

  5.00pm: Course as requisite.

  5.12pm: Stopped.

  5.17pm: Came to starboard anchor in 36 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  Sick list: 11.

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7 January 1916

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  7.45am: Collier Germanic secured alongside. Hands employed provisioning ship.

  7.00pm: Finished provisioning.

  Sick list: 9.

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8 January 1916

Sechura Bay and at sea for Santa Elena Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.50am: Commenced coaling.

  4.05pm: Finished coaling.

  6.20pm: Collier Germanic unmoored and proceeded.

  7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N45W, 38 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°43’S, 81°02’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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9 January 1916

At sea

Lat -4.34, Long -81.65

  8.00am: Pos. 4°40’S, 81°45’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 103 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°20’S, 81°29’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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10 January 1916

At sea to Santa Elena Bay

Lat -2.1, Long -80.9

  4.50am: Santa Elena Light: N42E.

  6.20am: Santa Elena Light: N68E, 15 miles. Altered course N58E.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°10’S, 81°04’W.

  8.00am: Santa Elena Lighthouse: N85E, 5 miles. Course as requisite.

  9.18am: Stopped.

  9.23am: Came to starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 7.

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11 January 1916

Santa Elena Bay and at sea for Galapagos Islands.

Lat -2.10, Long -81.17

  9.40am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

10.25am: Santa Elena Lighthouse: S10E, 2½ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 14 miles. Altered course N89W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°58’S, 82°05’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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12 January 1916

At sea

Lat -1.74, Long -83.92

  8.00am: Pos. 1°46’S, 83°30’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, N82W, 166 miles.

  5.25pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  6.15pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes: 5 hours slow on GMT

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°34’S, 84°52’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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13 January 1916

At sea

Lat -1.29, Long -86.97

  8.00am: Pos. 1°21’S, 86°33’W.

10.00am: Dropped target and carried out .303 aiming from 12 pounder guns.

11.00am: Stopped, picked up target.

11.20am: Proceeded, course N89W, 95 revolutions.

  1.30pm: Altered course S88W.

  3.00pm: Sighted small sailing craft on starboard bow.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°12’S, 87°57’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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14 January 1916

At sea to Chatham Island [now Isla San Cristobal]

Lat -0.9, Long -89.62

  6.15am: Observed Mount Pitt: N14W.

  8.00am: Pos. 1°06’S, 89°25’W.

  9.45am: Altered course as requisite for Wreck Bay [now Bahia Breck]. Wreck Point: N28W, 7 miles.

11.35am: Came to in 40 fathoms, port anchor, veered to 9 shackles.

  Sick list: 6.

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15 January 1916

Chatham Island to Hood Island [now Isla Española]

Lat -0.9, Long -89.62

12.45pm: Weighed.

12.50pm: Proceeded, course as requisite, 54 revolutions.

  1.30pm: Altered course S14E, Dalrymple Rock bearing N39E, 4½ miles.

  4.30pm: Gardner Island: S65E, 2 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  4.53pm: Came to port anchor in 20 fathoms, veered to 7 shackles.

  Sick list: 9.

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16 January 1916

At anchor in Gardner Bay

Lat -1.38, Long -89.65

  Censured Mr WH Speed, Boatswain, for going into the WT office (which is against Captain’s orders) at 1.30 am on Dec 25th 1915 and remaining in there two hours alone with the operator on watch, Telegraphist BW Cranch.

Signatures of JD Allen, Captain and WH Speed.

10.00am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 10.

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17 January 1916

Hood Island to Charles Island [now Isla Floreana]

Lat -1.24, Long -90.09 by X bearings

  9.05am: Weighed.

  9.10am: Proceeded 54 revolutions.

  9.20am: Gardner Island: S73E, 2½ miles.

  1.25pm: Onslow Island: S70W, 8 miles. Altered course S80W.

  2.16pm: Course and speed as requisite.

  2.16pm: Onslow Island: S35W, 2½ miles.

  2.52pm: Stopped.

  2.54pm: Came to port anchor in 7½ fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  Sick list: 10.

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18 January 1916

From Charles Island to Wreck Bay, Chatham Island

Lat -1.09, Long -90.14 by X bearings

  8.48am: Weighed.

  8.55am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  9.10am: Onslow Island: S85E, 2¾ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 23 miles.

  3.56am: Reduced to 34 revolutions. Wreck Bay Lighthouse: S35E, 2½ miles. Course as requisite.

  4.00pm: Stopped.

  4.01pm: Commenced veering cable.

  4.07pm: Veered to 10 shackles in 44 fathoms.

  Sick list: 12.

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19 January 1916

Chatham Island and at sea for Payta

Lat -0.62, Long -89.32

  8.50am: Weighed and proceeded 51 revolutions, course N10E.

  9.38am: Kicker Rock: N61E, 5½ miles.

10.00am: Kicker Rock: S80E. Altered course N48E.

11.30am: Altered course N70E. Mount Pitt: S62E, 10 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 25 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S65E. Mount Pitt: S18W, 8 miles.

  4.15pm: Mount Pitt: N79W, 30 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°14’S, 88°21’W. Altered course S67E.

  Sick list: 10.

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20 January 1916

At sea

Lat -2.34, Long -86.25

  8.00am: Pos. 2°10’S, 86°48’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S61E, 211 miles.

  3.15pm: Sighted collier Germanic.

  4.12pm: Altered course to close collier.

  4.25pm: Stopped, communicated with collier Germanic.

  5.10pm: Proceeded, course S68E, 64 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°57’S, 85°21’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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21 January 1916

At sea

Lat -3.86, Long -83.45

  8.00am: Pos. 3°45’S, 83°55’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S62E, 191 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°18’S, 82°37’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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22 January 1916

At sea to Payta and at sea

Lat -5.07, Long -81.11

  5.20am: Observed Parena Light: N42E.

  7.10am: Payta Point: S53E, 16 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 4°57’S, 81°14’W.

  9.10am: Payta Point: S32E, 2 miles. Altered course as requisite.

  9.27am: Stopped.

  9.34am: Came to starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  8.50pm: Weighed.

  9.00pm: Proceeded, course N45W, 51 revolutions.

  9.07pm: Signal Station: S65W, ¾ mile.

  Sick list: 11.

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23 January 1916

At sea to Sechura Bay and at sea

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  5.00am: Stopped.

  5.05am: Came to starboard anchor in 35 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles, in Sechura Bay.

  6.00am: Collier Germanic secured alongside..

  6.40am: Commenced coaling.

  4.10pm: Finished coaling.

  4.30pm: Collier unmoored and proceeded.

  4.35pm: Weighed.

  5.00pm: Proceeded S80W, 66 revolutions.

  6.00pm: Altered course S18W. Pisura Point: N73E, 6 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°06`S, 81°17’W.

  8.55pm: Observed Lobos de Tierra Light: S63E.

11.00pm: Lobos de Tierra Light: N56E, 14 miles.

11.40pm: Lobos de Afuera Light: S54E, 25 miles.

  Sick list: 13.

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24 January 1916

At sea

Lat -8.42, Long -80.07

  2.00am: Lobos de Afuera Light abeam, 10 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°55’S, 80°24’W.

11.24am: Altered course to close steamer.

11.45am: Stopped. Boarded Danish ship Chumpon.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 181 miles.

12.08pm: Proceeded, course S44E, 70 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°30’S, 79°18’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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25 January 1916

At sea

Lat -11.57, Long -77.80 by X bearings

  6.30am: Fog set in.

  7.00am: Cleared.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°07’S, 78°11’W.

  9.40am: Sighted Pelado Island: S44E

10.00am: Altered course S30E. Pelado Rock: N60E, 15 miles.

11.20am: Altered course S42E. Pelado Rock: N60E, 3 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 237 miles.

  3.10pm: Sighted collier: S34E.

  3.20pm: Palominos Lighthouse: S74E, 16 miles.

  4.00pm: Altered course to close collier.

  4.00pm: Palominos Lighthouse: N84E, 12 miles.

  4.25pm: Stopped, communicated with collier South Pacific.

  4.45pm: Proceeded, course S30E, 70 revolutions. Palominos Lighthouse: N68E, 12 miles.

  7.00pm: Fog set in.

  7.35pm: Reduced to 38 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°47’S, 77°15’W.

  9.30pm: Weather cleared.

  Sick list: 10.

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26 January 1916

At sea

Lat -13.97, Long -76.67

  8.00am: Pos. 13°35’S, 76°53’W.

  8.30am: Fog set in.

  9.30am: Cleared.

  9.30am: Divisions. Read prayers. Read warrant No 38.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 161 miles.

  3.55pm: Dardo Head: N13E, 13½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°34’S, 76°12’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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27 January 1916

At sea to Port San Nicolas and at sea

Lat -15.25, Long -75.23

  5.30am: Sugar Loaf: S86E, 20 miles.

  6.00am: Sugar Loaf: E, 16 miles.

  7.40am: Sugar Loaf: S73E, 12½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°11’S, 75°23’W.

  8.20am: Sighted collier Bertrand.

  8.30am: Altered course as requisite for Port San Nicolas anchorage.

10.34am: Stopped.

10.30am: Came to port anchor in 16 fathoms, veered to 7 shackles.

11.15am: Collier Bertrand secured alongside.

12.56pm: Commenced coaling.

  3.15pm: Finished coaling.

  4.00pm: Collier Germanic arrived and secured alongside Bertrand.

  4.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and shifting provisions and stores from SS Germanic to SS Bertrand. Divers employed cleaning underwater inlets.

10.20pm: Unmoored and weighed.

10.30pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour.

10.55pm: Harmless Point: S48W, 2 miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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28 January 1916

At sea to Mollendo

Lat -16.57, Long -73.15 by X bearings

  7.00am: Altered course S75E. Atico Point: N88E, 27 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 16.26, Long -73.98

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 158 miles. Altered course S73E.

  4.00pm: Altered course S70E. Islay Point: S78E, 10 miles.

  5.10pm: Mollendo Lighthouse: N67E, 6 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  5.30pm: Stopped.

  5.35pm: Came to starboard anchor in 25 fathoms, veered to 7 shackles.

  Sick list: 10.

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29 January 1916

Port Mollendo

Lat -17.02, Long -72.02

12.55pm: Weighed.

  1.10pm: Proceeded, course S60W, 45 revolutions.

  1.45pm: Altered course S82W. Mollendo Lighthouse: S60E, 5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°00’S, 73°00’W. Altered course S87W.

11.50pm: Altered course N45W.

11.59pm: Altered course S86W.

  Sick list: 11.

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30 January 1916

At sea

Lat -16.65, Long -74.82

  6.55am: Altered course N20W.

  7.35am: Altered course S45W to close steamer.

  7.58am: Altered course S30E to close HMS Newcastle.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°48’S, 74°38’W.

  8.25am: Sighted Newcastle: S14E.

  8.50am: Altered course S10W to close Newcastle.

  9.15am: Stopped.

  9.45am: Proceeded, course N45W, 45 revolutions. SS Edna*, 1 mile astern. Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 182 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°43’S, 75°30’W.

  Sick list: 12.

  * SS Edna was an American registered vessel seized by HMS Newcastle on the grounds that it was owned by a German and was not acting as a neutral, see Reports of International Arbitral Awards (PDF).

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31 January 1916

At sea

Lat -13.99, Long -76.92

  8.00am: Pos. 14°21’S, 76°20’W.

  8.45am: Fog lifted.

10.53am: San Gallan peak: N42E, 28 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 199 miles. Altered course N25W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°57’S, 77°15’W.

  Sick list: 11.


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Front cover.

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Fuel consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 February 1916

At sea

Lat -11.17, Long -78.08 by X bearings

12.15am: Sighted collier Manchester Port.

12.35am: Altered course N44W.

12.48am: Altered course N50W.

12.58am: Altered course S86W.

  1.13am: Altered course N12W.

  1.40am: Palominos Light: N55E, 13½ miles.

  1.50am: Altered course to close collier Breconian, course and speed as requisite.

  3.30am: Palominos Light: N78E, 11 miles. Proceeded, course N42W, 56 revolutions, Breconian astern, SS Edna on port beam, 1 mile.

  5.20am: Palominos Light dipped: S67E.

  7.00am: Observed Mazorca Island: S67E.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°38’S, 77°45’W.

  9.15am: Pelado Rock: N, 3.4 miles.

  9.30am: Pelado: N51E, 2.3 miles.

10.10am: Exercised general quarters. Course and speed as requisite. Pelado Rock: S63E, 6 miles.

10.45am: Secure, course N42W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 207 miles.

  4.15pm: Stopped. Communicated with Breconian.

  4.45pm: Proceeded, course N42W, 62 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°14’S, 78°42’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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2 February 1916

At sea

Lat -8.35, Long -80.05

  6.20am: Lost sight of SS Breconian.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°49’S, 79°38’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 202 miles.

  8.25pm: Lobos de Afuera: N. Altered course N30E.

  9.30pm: Lobos de Afuera: N14E.

11.27pm: Lobos de Afuera: N60E, 16 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°27’S, 80°44’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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3 February 1916

At sea to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  4.12am: Lobos de Tierra: N85E.

  6.10am: Sighted HMS Newcastle on starboard beam.

  6.35am: Altered course N2W. Aguja Point: N14E.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°58’S, 81°11’W.

  9.05am: Aguja Point: S23E, 4 miles.

10.00am: Course as requisite for anchorage.

10.40am: Stopped.

10.44am: Came to starboard anchor in 25 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  5.00pm: One Stoker rating discharged to Newcastle.

  Sick list: 14.

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4 February 1916

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.45am: Collier Breconian anchored.

  6.50am: Collier Bertrand anchored.

  8.30am: HMS Newcastle proceeded.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Discharged one Signal rating to Breconian.

  Sick list: 16.

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5 February 1916

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.28pm: HMS Newcastle arrived.

  Sick list: 18.

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6 February 1916

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

10.00am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 17

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7 February 1916

Sechura Bay to Payta

Lat -5.07, Long -81.11

  5.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°26’5’S, 81°07’W.

  9.20am: R T Foca Island N83E, 5 miles.

11.00am: Signal Station: S, ¾ miles. Slow.

11.08am: Stopped.

11.10am: Came to starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 39.

  Sick list: 14.

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8 February 1916

Payta to Sechura Bay

Lat -5.08, Long -81.17

  2.10am: SS Loya proceeded.

11.00am: Weighed.

11.10am: Proceeded, course as requisite.

     Noon: R T Foca Island: S2E, 9 miles. Course S20W.

  1.00pm: Altered course S37E. Saddla Payta: N72E, 8 miles.

  2.55pm: Sighted ships in Sechura Bay.

  4.15pm: Pisura Point: S14W, 7 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  4.29pm: Stopped.

  4.32pm: Came to port anchor in 27 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  Sick list: 15.

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9 February 1916

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  5.50am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite to secure alongside SS Bertrand.

  6.30am: Came to port anchor in 25 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Secured alongside Bertrand.

  7.00am: Commenced coaling ship.

11.40am: Finished coaling.

  1.00pm: Hands employed provisioning ship.

  6.00pm: Finished provisioning ship.

  6.40pm: Unmoored from Bertrand, weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  7.02pm: Came to port anchor in 27 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  Sick list: 15.

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10 February 1916

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  3.10am: Sighted steamer bearing N52W and approaching the anchorage.

  7.45am: Sent working party to SS Edna.

  8.30am: Discharged to SS Edna three Midshipmen, eight Seamen, four Stokers, two Signal ratings and one Chief Petty Officer.

  1.00pm: Working party employed in SS Edna

  Sick list: 13.

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11 February 1916

Sechura Bay

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  3.00am: Working party in SS Edna.

  1.00pm: SS Circassian Prince secured alongside Newcastle.

  5.20pm: Edna working party returned.

  5.20pm: Edna proceeded alongside Circassian Prince.

  Sick list: 13.

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12 February 1916

Sechura Bay and at sea for Callao

Lat -5.7, Long -81.0

  6.15am: SS Edna unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  6.30am: SS Circassian Prince unmoored and proceeded.

  6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, S50W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°51’S, 81°11’W.

  8.50pm: Altered course S10E.

10.10pm: Altered course S30E.

  Sick list: 12.

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13 February 1916

At sea

Lat -7.70, Long -80.45

  2.30am: Lobos de Tierra Light: N60E.

  2.50am: Altered course S15E to close steamer.

  3.25am: Lobos de Tierra Light: N39E. Altered course S30E.

  4.33am: Altered course to close steamer.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°09’S, 80°43’W.

10.30am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 140 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°36.S, 79°54’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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14 February 1916

At sea

Lat -10.30, Long -78.75

  8.00am: Pos. 10°00’S, 79°04’W.

  8.00am: Fog.

  8.20am: Fog cleared.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S31E, 195 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°14’S, 78°13’W.

10.45pm: Altered course S62E.

  Sick list: 10.

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15 February 1916

At sea to Callao

Lat -12.05, Long -77.15

  6.20am: Cape San Lorenzo: N70E, 8 miles.

  7.35am: Cape San Lorenzo: S5W, 2½ miles.

  7.37am: Course as requisite for Callao.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°03’S, 77°14’W.

  8.27am: Came to starboard anchor in 6½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  9.50am: Weighed and shifted berth.

10.10am: Came to starboard anchor, veered to 4 shackles in 6 fathoms.

10.15am: Fired 21 gun salute.

  Sick list: 10.

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16 February 1916

Callao and at sea for Port San Nicolas

Lat -12.56, Long -77.16

  7.00am: Weighed.

  7.25am: Proceeded 70 revolutions, course as requisite.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°02’S, 77°18’W.

  8.45am: Reduced to 58 revolutions. Course as requisite to close steamer.

  9.25am: Shaped course S26E. Palominos Light: N89E, 2¾ miles

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 45 miles.

  4.10pm: Sighted HMS Newcastle and two colliers bearing S10E.

  4.42pm: San Gallan Island: S39E, 34 miles.

  5.52pm: Course as requisite to close Newcastle.

  6.10pm: Stopped. Communicated with Newcastle.

  6.30pm: Peak San Gallan: S59E, 17 miles. Proceeded, course S30E, 83 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°58’S, 76°35’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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17 February 1916

At sea to Port San Nicolas and at sea

Lat -15.20, Long -75.35

  4.30am: Altered course N51E to close collier.

  5.30am: Harmless Point: N74E. 10 miles. Course as requisite for Port San Nicolas.

  6.40am: Stopped.

  6.43am: Came to port anchor in 16 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  7.00am: SS Bertrand secured alongside

  7.50am: Commenced coaling ship

10.30am: Finished coaling.

10.45am: SS Bertrand unmoored.

11.10am: Weighed and proceeded, course N83W, 64 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 214 miles.

12.10pm: Stopped. Communicated with HMS Newcastle.

  1.30pm: Newcastle parted company.

  1.35pm: Proceeded, course S15E, 58 revolutions. Harmless Point: S88E, 7 miles. SS’ Edna and Manchester Port in company.

  4.15pm: Altered course to close SS Edna.

  4.20pm: Stopped.

  4.30pm: Edna proceeded, course S22E.

  4.48pm: Proceeded, course as requisite to take station 1 mile on starboard beam of Edna.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16°03’S, 75°16’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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18 February 1916

At sea

Lat -18.03, Long -74.75

  2.35am: Altered course S20E.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°33’S, 74°57’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 184 miles.

  2.00pm: SS Manchester Port proceeded to Coquimbo.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°03’S, 74°33’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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19 February 1916

At sea

Lat -20.90, Long -74.10

  3.20am: Stopped for SS Edna to repair engine room defect.

  3.51am: Proceeded 54 revolutions.

  3.55am: Patent log carried away. Lost by accident 1 rotator.

  8.00am: Pos. 20°31’S, 74°11’W.

  9.00am: Altered course and speed as requisite to carry out change of range.

10.30am: Secure. Course as requisite to take station.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 176 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 40.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°57’S, 73°53’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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20 February 1916

At sea

Lat -23.78, Long -73.40

  8.00am: Pos. 23°28’S, 73°36’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

11.45am: Stopped port engine. Increased to 65 revolutions starboard engine.

11.50am: Proceeded, half speed both, 54 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S12E, 177 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S20E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24°46’S, 73°13’W.

  Sick list: 16.

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21 February 1916

At sea

Lat -26.57, Long -72.85

  8.00am: Pos. 26°14’S, 72°59’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S10E, 170 miles.

  5.15pm: Altered course S16E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27°31’S, 72°40’W.

  Sick list: 16.

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22 February 1916

At sea

Lat -29.28, Long -72.52

  2.23am: Stopped.

  2.48am: Proceeded, 50 revolutions, course S16E.

  8.00am: Pos. 28°53’S, 72°30’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S8E, 165 miles.

  4.40pm: Sighted SS Manchester Port.

  5.28pm: Altered course S26E.

  6.00pm: Altered course S3E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°05’S, 72°27’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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23 February 1916

At sea

Lat -31.60, Long -72.73

  8.00am: Pos. 31°16’S, 72°39’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 137 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°21’S, 72°52’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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24 February 1916

At sea

Lat -33.53, Long -73.13

  8.00am: Pos. 33°30’S, 73°04’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S10W, 117 miles.

  2.30pm: Parted company with SS Edna.

  4.55pm: Edna: N5W, 10 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34°26’S, 73°20’W.

  9.20pm: Edna’s light dipped.

  Sick list: 15.

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25 February 1916

At sea

Lat -36.45, Long -73.75

  8.00am: Pos. 35°45’S, 73°36’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S10W, 176 miles.

  2.30pm: Sighted SS Manchester Port.

  2.55pm: Altered course N7W.

  4.00pm: Stopped and communicated with Manchester Port.

  4.30pm: Proceeded, course N7W, 40 revolutions.

  5.48pm: Altered course S10E (magnetic). SS Edna and Manchester Port in company.

  7.40pm: Santa Maria Light: S69E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°50’S, 73°49’W. Santa Maria Light: S74E.

  9.30pm: Santa Maria Light: N74E, 19½ miles.

  Sick list: 16.

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26 February 1916

At sea

Lat -38.82, Long -74.40

  1.00am: Sighted Tucapel Light: S61E, 15 miles.

  1.55am: Altered course S5W.

  6.20am: Mocha Island: S53E.

  7.12am: Altered course S8E.

  8.00am: Pos. 38°16’S, 74°16’W.

  8.40am: Mocha Island 1,084 feet peak: N71E, 17 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 178 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 39°51’S, 74°38’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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27 February 1916

At sea

Lat -41.80, Long -75.02

  8.00am: Pos. 41°33’S, 74°54’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S10W, 181 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 42°48’S, 75°14’W.

  8.35pm: Glare of Huapo Island Light: S40E.

11.20pm: Huapo Island Light: S52E.

  Sick list: 14.

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28 February 1916

At sea

Lat -44.53, Long -75.33

  2.30am: Huapo Light abeam, 26 miles.

  5.00am: Huapo Light: N44E.

  7.25am: Altered course S2E.

  8.00am: Pos. 44°06’S, 75°23’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 148 miles.

  4.20pm: L T Socorro Island: N71E, 23 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 45°10’S, 75°43’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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29 February 1916

At sea

Lat -47.02, Long -76.03

  7.40am: Altered course S19E.

  8.00am: Pos. 46°26’S, 76°02’W.

  9.05am: Tres Montes peak: N77E, 19.7 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 161 miles. Altered course S10E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 47°54’S, 76°07’W.

  9.45pm: Altered course S.

  Sick list: 12.


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Front cover.

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Fuel consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 March 1916

At sea

Lat -49.60, Long -76.60

  8.00am: Pos. 49°12’S, 76°32’W. Altered course S19E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 159 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 50°32’S, 76°36’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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2 March 1916

At sea

Lat -52.12, Long -75.92

  6.35am: Altered course S56E.

  8.00am: Pos. 51°49’S, 76°09’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 154 miles. Altered course S70E.

  1.30pm: Altered course S60E.

  2.20pm: Evangelistas Lighthouse: S87E, 18 miles.

  2.55pm: Reduced to 50 revolutions. Altered course as requisite to close SS Edna. Course and speed as requisite.

  4.00pm: Evangelistas Lighthouse: N74E.

  4.25pm: Course S63E. Speed as requisite to keep station on SS Edna.

  4.50pm: Course S75E.

  5.50pm: Evangelistas Lighthouse: N52E, 12 miles.

  7.00pm: Evangelistas Lighthouse: N17E, 9½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 52°34’S. 75°05’W.

  9.30pm: Evangelistas Light dipped: N63W.

10.00pm: Cape Pillar [Cabo Pilar]: S12E, 5 miles.

  Sick list: 14.

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3 March 1916

Magellan Straits

Lat -53.58, Long -72.31

  2.20am: San Felix Light abeam S27W, 4½ miles. Altered course S56E.

  2.46am: Altered course S80E. San Felix Light: S30W.

  4.50am: Cape Upright Light: S37W, 2 miles.

  5.00am: Altered course S61E. Increased to 54 revolutions.

  7.05am: Altered course S67E. Cooper Key Light: N37W, 1 mile.

  8.00am: Pos. 53°48’S, 73°00’W.

  8.35am: Altered course S72E.

10.20am: Altered course as requisite for Crooked and English Reaches. Beware Island abeam, ¾ mile.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 175 miles.

  1.30pm: Monmouth Island: S73W, 2½ miles. Altered course S83E.

  4.20pm: Cape Froward bearing E, 11 miles.

  5.55pm: Altered course N41E. Cape Froward: N42W, 2.8 miles.

  7.40pm: Cape San Isidro: N75W, 3 miles. Altered course N6W, reduced to 35 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 53°46’S, 70°55’W.

10.50pm: Cape San Isidro Light dipped S2W.

11.00pm: Observed Lights of Punta Arenas: N32W.

  Sick list: 16.

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4 March 1916

Magellan Straits

Lat -52.61, Long -69.73 by X bearings

  2.45am: Punta Arenas: S84W, 10 miles.

  4.25am: Magdalene Island: N15W, 10 miles.

  4.27am: Altered course N10E. Increased to 56 revolutions.

  5.24am: Altered course N14W

  5.43am: Altered course as requisite for Second Narrows.

  6.40am: Cape Saint Vincent: N70E, 1½ miles.

  7.59am: Second Narrows Lighthouse, Cone: N85W, 6 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 52°42’S, 70°12’W.

  8.40am: Cone Lighthouse, Second Narrows: S78W, 8¾ miles.

10.00am: Baxa Point Refuge Beacon: N53E, 13 miles. Course as requisite for entrance to First Narrows.

11.18am: Baxa Point Beacon: N49E, 7½ miles. Course as requisite for First Narrows.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 154 miles.

12.40pm: Satellite Point: N40W, 1.6 miles.

  1.20pm: Delgado Point: N37W, 1.4 miles.

  2.10pm: Direction Lighthouse: S67W, 6 miles.

  2.50pm: Course E. Cape Possession Lighthouse: N72E, 14 miles.

  4.05pm: Dungeness Lighthouse: N72E, 14 miles.

  6.10pm: Dungeness Lighthouse abeam, 4 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 52°28’S, 68°08’W.

  8.00pm: Cape Virgins: N64W, 11½ miles. Altered course N41E.

  8.35am: Altered course N50E.

  9.00pm: Altered course N41E.

10.50pm: Cape Virgins Light: S60E.

  Sick list: 16.

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5 March 1916

At sea

Lat -51.47, Long -65.30

  8.00am: Pos. 51°39’S, 65°55’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 186 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 51°10’S, 63°34’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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6 March 1916

At sea

Lat -50.80, Long -60.50

  8.00am: Pos. 50°47’S, 61°05’W.

  9.45am: Course and speed as requisite for change of range on SS Edna.

11.10 am Put clocks back 20 minutes.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 188 miles.

  2.00pm: Put clocks on 30 minutes: 4 hours slow on GMT.

  2.40pm: Sighted land on starboard beam.

  6.00pm: Course as requisite for swinging ship.

  6.20pm: Course S53E, 58 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 51°05’S, 58°58’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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7 March 1916

At sea to Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  5.35am: Cape Pembroke: S31W, 13 miles.

  6.00am: Cape Pembroke Lighthouse: S22W. Altered course S19W.

  6.45am: Cape Pembroke Lighthouse: S28W, 3½ miles. Course as requisite for Port William.

  7.37am: Stopped.

  7.42am: Came to starboard anchor in 7½ fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Found here HMS Edinburgh Castle. SS Edna proceeded into Port Stanley.

  6.20pm: SS Manchester Port secured alongside.

  Sick list: 12.

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8 March 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  6.35am: Commenced coaling.

  3.15pm: HMS Orbita arrived and anchored.

  3.45pm: HMS Edinburgh Castle proceeded.

  7.30pm: Finished coaling.

  7.50pm: SS Manchester Port unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  Sick list: 14.

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9 March 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  3.30pm: Let go port anchor.

  Sick list: 14.

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10 March 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  Hands drawing stores and ammunition.

  Sick list: 14.

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11 March 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  7.20am: Divers away diving for Manchester Port’s anchor.

  8.00am: First and second part of B. watch employed coaling Manchester Port.

  Sick list: 15.

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12 March 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  7.30am: Coaling party sent to SS Manchester Port.

10.00am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 16.

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13 March 1916

Port William to Port Stanley

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  7.30am: Sent working party to SS Manchester Port.

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Port Stanley.

  9.39am: Came to in 29 feet with starboard anchor.

  9.42am: Came to with port anchor. Moored ship, 6 shackles on each.

10.15am: Middled depth 29 feet.

     Noon: Discharged one Sergeant RMLI and two Able Seamen to hospital.

  2.45pm: Discharged Engineer Commander Andrew and seven ratings to RMS Victoria for passage to England.

  8.00pm: J Munro, Seaman RNR, discharged to SS Victoria was reported by wireless as having jumped overboard at sea from same and was drowned.

From CWGC: Joseph Munro, Seaman RNR, Service Number 3499B, age 34, son of Duncan and Crissie Munro, of Talmine, Tongue, Lairg, Sutherlandshire, is remembered at the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.

Sick list: 17

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14 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  Sick list: 12.

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15 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.00am: Divers cleaning underwater fittings

  Sick list: 11.

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16 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.00am: Divers employed cleaning underwater fittings.

  8.30am: Landed Marines and Maxim guns’ crews for drill.

11.30am: Landing parties returned.

  Sick list: 13.

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17 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.30am: B Company and band landed for drill.

  9.30am: Divisions. Read prayers. Read warrant No 41.

10.00am: One Sergeant RMLI and two Able Seamen returned from hospital.

  Sick list: 14.

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18 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.30am: Landed A Company for drill.

12.30pm: Paid monthly money.

  Sick list: 13.

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19 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  9.30am: Landed Roman Catholic church party.

  9.45am: Landed Church of England party.

10.00am: One Seaman RNR joined from SS Edna.

  Sick list: 12.

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20 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.30am: Landed C company for drill.

  8.45am: Weighed sheet anchor.

  9.30am: Discharged one Seaman to SS Edna.

11.30am: Landing party returned.

  Sick list: 12.

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21 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.30am: Landed D Company for drill.

  Sick list: 13.

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22 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.20am: Landed small arms companies for drill.

12.15pm: Small arms companies returned.

  Sick list: 12.

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23 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  5.45am: Lit fires in second picket boat (i.e. HMS Inflexible's picket boat lent by Governor of the Falkland Islands).

  8.05am: First and second part of B watch to SS Edna, employed coaling.

  8.20am: Marines and Maxim guns’ crews landed for drill.

11.30am: Landing parties returned.

  Sick list: 12.

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24 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.30am: Landed A and B companies for drill.

11.30am: Landing parties returned.

  Sick list: 13.

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25 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  Sick list: 12.

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26 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  9.30am: Divine Service.

10.30am: Landed Roman Catholics.

Sick list: 11.

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27 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.30am: C and D companies landed for drill.

10.15am: Weighed sheet anchor.

11.30am: C and D companies returned.

  Sick list: 11.

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28 March 1916

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.85

  8.30am: Landed small arm companies for drill.

11.15am: Landed parties returned.

  Sick list: 12.

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29 March 1916

Port Stanley to Port William

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  8.40am: Unmoored.

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving Port Stanley to anchorage in Port William.

  9.40am: Came to starboard anchor in 7½ fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  Sick list: 11.

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30 March 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  8.30am: Landed small arm companies and Marines.

12.30pm: Collier Exmouth arrived and anchored.

  3.30pm: Landing parties returned

  Sick list: 11.

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31 March 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  6.30am: SS Gorsemore secured alongside.

  8.00am: Commenced coaling.

  1.30pm: Finished coaling.

  2.40pm: Gorsemore unmoored and proceeded into Port Stanley.

  Sick list: 11.


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Front cover.

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Coal consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 April 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  Sick list: 9.

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2 April 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

10.00am: Divine Service.

10.30am: Landed Roman Catholic church party.

12.15pm: Church parties returned.

  Sick list: 9.

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3 April 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  8.30am: Landed A and B small arm companies for drill.

  9.30am: Divisions. Read warrants Nos 43, 44 and 45.

11.30am: Small arm companies returned.

  Sick list: 10.

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4 April 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  8.30am: Landed C and D companies for drill.

11.30am: Landing parties returned.

  Sick list: 10.

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5 April 1916

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

  8.30am: Landed Marines and Maxim guns’ crews for drill.

10.30am: Chief Cook Lovett died.

11.30am: Landing parties returned.

  Sick list: 9.

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6 April 1916

Port William and at sea for Simon’s Bay via South Georgia

Lat -51.67, Long -57.84

11.00am: HMS Macedonia arrived and anchored.

  1.30pm: Landed funeral party*. Two Sergeants of Marines and one RNR Seaman discharged to Macedonia.

  3.20pm: Funeral party returned.

  4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. course and speed as requisite.

  5.35pm: Pembroke Lighthouse: S38W, 1¾ miles. Course S89E

  8.00pm: Pos. 50°38’S, 57°02’W.

  Sick list: 11.

   * For Frank Westbrook Lovett, Chief Ship’s Cook, Service Number: 159802, age 41. Son of Samuel and C. Lovett: husband of Ellen Lovett, of 14, Shearer Road, Buckland, Portsmouth, England. Born in Isle of Man. He is buried at the Stanley Cemetery, Falkland Islands. From CWGC.

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7 April 1916

At sea

Lat -51.95, Long -52.95

  8.00am: Pos. 52°01’S, 54°20’W

     Noon: Course & DMG, S85E, 175 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 52°05’S, 51°02’W.

10.00pm: Put clocks on 26 minutes.

  Sick list: 6.

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8 April 1916

At sea

Lat -52.10, Long -47.00

12.05am: Reduced to 32 revolutions.

12.12am: Increased to 68 revolutions. Heavy hail squall.

  2.00am: Put clocks on 26 minutes.

  8.00am: Pos. 52°19’S, 48°09’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S88E, 219 miles. Altered course S80E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 52°22’S, 44°59’W.

10.00pm: Put clocks on 30 min.

  Sick list: 7.

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9 April 1916

At sea

Lat -52.80, Long -41.13 DR

  1.45am: Put clocks on 30 minutes: 2 hours slow on GMT

  8.00am: Pos. 52°42’S, 42°12’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

  6.00pm: Observed position: 52°46’S, 39°32’W. Altered course S52E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 52°59’S, 38°46’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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10 April 1916

At sea to South Georgia and at sea for Simon’s Bay

Lat -54.23, Long -36.40

  6.05am: Sighted two icebergs, height about 200 feet, direction about 2 miles, in 53°40’S, 36’ 04’W. Altered course S15E.

  7.08am: Altered course S30W.

  8.00am: Pos. 53°58’S, 36°08’W.

  9.30am: Larsen Point: S68W, 5 miles. Course as requisite.

10.30am: Course and speed as requisite for coast of South Georgia and for entrance of King Edward Cove.

Lost by accident 1 lead 30 lb, Patt. 1310, one swivel Patt. 1311 and 150 fathoms wire Patt. 1308.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S85E, 175 miles.

12.45pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 17 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles in King Edward Cove.

  6.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving Cumberland Bay.

  6.55pm: Course N10E. L T Island off Banff Point: N73E, 1¾ mile.

  7.35pm: Altered course N69E, Larsen Point Light: S58W, 2½ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 54°10’S, 36°15’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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11 April 1916

At sea

Lat -53.07, Long -32.87 DR

  7.00am: Sighted iceberg: S12W, 10 miles. Bearings: 53°35’S, 33°54’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 53°20’S, 33°43’W.

11.00am: Pos. 53°09’S, 33°06’W. Passed iceberg, height 100 feet. Sighted 2 icebergs.

11.20am: Three bergs in sight to Southward.

12.55pm: Sighted iceberg: N61E, 10 miles.

  2.20pm: Sighted ice: N65E, 12 miles.

  3.00pm: Passed numerous small bergs.

  3.00pm: Position: 52°36’S, 32°37’W.

  5.30pm: Passed two small icebergs. Position 52°12’S, 32°25’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 51°50’S, 32°20’W.

10.30pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 8.

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12 April 1916

At sea

Lat -49.43, Long -31.45

  1.30am: Put clocks on 10 minutes: 1 hour 40 minutes slow on GMT

  8.00am: Pos. 50°12’S, 31°25’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N15E, 227 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course N71E.

  Sick list: 7.

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13 April 1916

At sea

Lat -47.33, Long -27.02

  1.30am: Put clocks on 20 minutes: 1 hour 20 minutes slow on GMT.

  8.00am: Pos. 47°55’S, 27°43’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N55E, 221 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course N82E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 46°50’S, 25°25’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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14 April 1916

At sea

Lat -45.82, Long -22.32

  1.50am: Put clocks on 20 minutes: 1 hour slow on GMT

  8.00am: Pos. 46°11’S, 23°03W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 45°15’S, 20°49’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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15 April 1916

At sea

Lat -43.95, Long -17.83

  8.00am: Pos. 44°26’S, 18°38’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N62E, 212 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S84E (m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 43°38’S, 16°15’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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16 April 1916

At sea

Lat -42.95, Long -13.05

  8.00am: Pos. 43°11’S, 13°58’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N74E, 218 miles (cal).

  8.00pm: Pos. 42°36’S, 11°23’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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17 April 1916

At sea

Lat -42.07, Long -8.30 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 42°10’S, 9°01’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG,219 miles (cal). Altered course S78E (m).

  6.00pm: Stellar pos. 41°24’S, 7°15’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 41°19’S, 7°15’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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18 April 1916

At sea

Lat -40.62, Long -3.82

  8.00am: Pos. 40°52’S, 4°38’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N73E, 218 miles.

  5.10pm: Stopped port engine.

  5.12pm: Half ahead port.

  8.00pm: Pos. 40°27’S, 2°13’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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19 April 1916

At sea

Lat -40.00, Long 0.72 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 40°09’S, 0°01’E.

  9.50am: Dropped target, carried out aiming tube practice with 6” and 12 pounder guns.

10.30am: Picked up target.

10.35am: Proceeded, course S80E, 62 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, 212 miles (cal).

  8.00pm: 39°34’S, 2°13’E.

  Sick list: 4.

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20 April 1916

At sea

Lat -38.72, Long 5.17

     Noon: Course & DMG, 220 miles (cal).

  8.00am: Pos. 38°56’S, 4°25’E

  8.00pm: Pos. 38°20’S, 6°16’E.

  Sick list: 4.

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21 April 1916

At sea

Lat -37.45, Long 9.10

  8.00am: Pos. 37°43’S, 8°20’E.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N68E, 218 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36°56’S, 10°30’E.

  Sick list: 4.

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22 April 1916

At sea

Lat -35.95, Long 13.55

  8.00am: Pos. 36°16’S, 12°48’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N68E, 233 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35°23’S, 15°03’E. Altered course S75E.

  Sick list: 5.

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23 April 1916

At sea to Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.55, Long 17.90

  8.00am: Pos. 34°50’S, 17°05’E. Altered course S82E (s).

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 227 miles.

12.45pm: Sighted land on port Bow.

  1.20pm: Cape Point Lighthouse: S86E, 18 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course S67E

  3.07pm: Altered course N72E. Cape Point Lighthouse: N24E, 3.8 miles.

  3.25pm: Altered course N18E. Cape Point Lighthouse: N34W, 3.1 miles.

  4.30pm: Course as requisite for anchorage.

  4.46pm: Stop.

  4.48pm: Came to starboard anchor in 11 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  Sick list: 5.

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24 April 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for entering basin.

  9.00am: Course as requisite for entering dock.

  9.15am: Secured inside dock

  1.30pm: Paid ship’s company.

  1.30pm: Mr Hooper, Acting Mate, joined ship from HMS Armadale Castle.

  2.15pm: Discharged four ratings to RN hospital.

  4.40pm: Armadale Castle proceeded.

  Sick list: 5.

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25 April 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Cleaning ship’s bottom.

  Sick list: 4.

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26 April 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

    Cleaning the dock.

  Sick list: 4.

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27 April 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Cleaning the dock and rigging stages for painting.

  Sick list: 4.

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28 April 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Painting the bottom.

  Sick list: 4.

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29 April 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Rigging stages and cleaning mess decks.

  Sick list: 4.

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30 April 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 4.


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Front cover.

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Fuel consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Surveying cable and painting.

  Sick list: 5.

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2 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Surveying cable and painting.

  2.00pm: Discharged Lieutenant Roman Catholic Woollerton and one Leading Seaman to shore for passage to England.

  Sick list: 5.

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3 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Mr Griffiths, Mate, discharged to shore for passage to England.

  4.30pm: One Sergeant, one Corporal, five Marines, one Captain’s Cook and two Cook’s Mates joined ship from RMS Norman.

  Sick list: 4.

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4 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Painting and dismounting guns.

10.00am: Read warrants Nos 46 and 47.

10.30am: Five ratings discharged to hospital.

  Sick list: 2.

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5 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Cleaning, painting etc.

  9.00am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

  Sick list: 1.

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6 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Cleaning, painting etc.

  8.30am: Read warrant No 49.

  Sick list: 2.

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7 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.40am: Landed Roman Catholic Church parties.

10.00am: Landed Church of England parties.

11.50am: Church parties returned.

  2.00pm: HMS City of London arrived.

  3.30pm: Four Marines discharged to hospital for guard duties.

  5.10pm: Discharged Mr Murtagh, Signal Boatswain, to HMS City of London to await trial by Court Martial.

  Sick list: 3.

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8 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: HMS City of London hoisted Court Martial Jack.

  9.20am: Court Martial sitting in City of London.

10.30am: Court Martial finished. Mr Murtagh rejoined ship.

  3.00pm: HMS’ Rinaldo and Sirius arrived.

  9.30pm: Engineer Lieutenant Warren joined ship.

  Sick list: 3.

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9 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.00am: HMS City of London weighed and proceeded.

  Sick list: 4.

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10 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

  1.15pm: Funeral party* left ship.

  3.40pm: Funeral party returned.

  Sick list: 1.

  * For John Richard Burridge, Private RMLI, from HMS Thistle, who died 9 May 1916. He is buried at Simon’s Town (Dido Valley) Cemetery.

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11 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Refitting, drawing stores.

  Sick list: 1.

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12 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44


  Sick list: 1.

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13 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44


  Sick list: 1.

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14 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Divine Service.

10.00am: Landed church parties.

  Sick list: 0.

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15 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Discharged Mr Murtagh, Signal Boatswain, to shore for passage to England.

  1.40pm: Landed Guard of Honour, one Lieutenant, 20 men for the uncovering of the Scott Memorial in Cape Town.

  8.15pm: Guard of Honour returned.

  Sick list: 1.

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16 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.30pm: One rating joined from HMS Sirius.

  6.10pm: HMS Himalaya arrived.

  Sick list: 5.

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17 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44


  Sick list: 5.

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18 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Discharged one Seaman RNR to hospital.

  7.00pm: 50 Ordinary Seamen, one Able Seaman and two Petty Officers joined ship from SS Kenilworth Castle.

  Sick list: 9.

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19 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  3.30pm: One rating rejoined from hospital.

  Sick list: 3.

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20 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44


  Sick list: 11.

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21 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.25am: Sent Church of England party to HMS Himalaya.

10.00am: Landed Church parties.

11.30am: Church parties returned.

  Sick list: 13.

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22 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Refitting, painting etc.

  Sick list: 12.

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23 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: Read warrant No 51.

10.35am: Commenced to flood dock.

11.00am: 6 feet in dock. Hands employed refitting and painting ship’s bottom.

  2.00pm: Flooded dock to depth 8 feet.

  2.00pm: Half masted colours*.

  3.00pm: Rehoisted colours.

  4.10pm: One Stoker joined from hospital.

  Sick list: 12.

  * For the funeral of George Hall, Stoker, late of HMS Sirius, who died the previous day after falling into the dock. He is buried at the Simon’s Town (Dido Valley) Cemetery.

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24 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

12.30pm: Received 20 tons coal, Welsh, from NSO Simon’s Town.

  Sick list: 13.

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25 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

  Sick list: 10.

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26 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Cleaning and painting.

  Sick list: 11.

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27 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.15am: Read warrant No 52.

  1.30pm: One rating rejoined from hospital.

  Sick list: 11.

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28 May 1916

In dock, Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Landed church parties.

11.30am: Church parties returned.

  Sick list: 13.

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29 May 1916

From Simon’s Town Dock to No 1 Moorings, Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Opened dock gate.

  9.15am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for No 1 moorings.

10.00am: Secured to No 1 moorings. Hands employed as requisite. One Stoker returned from hospital.

  2.00pm: Seven Stokers joined from hospital.

  Sick list: 18.

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30 May 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.15am: Collier Antinoe secured alongside.

12.55pm: Commenced coaling.

  2.00pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

  4.00pm: Two ratings joined ship for passage as ordered.

  6.10pm: Ceased coaling.

  Sick list: 21.

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31 May 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  7.15am: Hands employed coaling ship.

  3.25pm: Finished coaling.

  3.40pm: Collier Antinoe unmoored and proceeded to anchorage.

  Sick list: 32.


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Front cover.

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Coal consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: HMS Himalaya proceeded.

11.00am: Four Stokers rejoined from RN hospital.

  1.00pm: Paid monthly money.

  4.00pm: Quarters: Read warrant No 53.

  Sick list: 30.

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2 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.00am: Aiming tube practice.

  Sick list: 28.

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3 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 26.

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4 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.45am: Landed Church parties.

10.00am: Performed Divine Service.

11.35am: Church parties returned.

  4.50pm: Four Marines rejoined from RN hospital.

  Sick list: 24.

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5 June 1916

Simon’s Bay to False Bay and return

Lat -34.22, Long 18.62 by X bearings

  7.33am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite.

  7.45am: Course S54E. Roman Rock: S80E, 8 cables.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°11’S, 18°27’E.

  8.50am: Altered course S12E. Roman Rock: N51W, 7½ miles.

  9.15am: Dropped target. Roman Rock: N42W, 10 miles. Course and speed as requisite for carrying out aiming tube with all guns.

11.30am: Roman Rock: N45W, 8 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 31 miles.

12.10pm: In target.

  1.00pm: Roman Rock N45W, 3½ miles. Course as requisite.

  1.30pm: Roman Rock: N30E, 2 cables

  1.42pm: Stopped.

  1.46pm: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  4.15pm: quarters. Read warrant No 54.

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6 June 1916

Simon’s Bay to False Bay and return

Lat -34.28, Long 18.58 by X bearings

  7.20am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  7.50am: Noah's Ark Rock: N62W, 1½ mile. Course S5E, 32 revolutions.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°12’S, 18°29.5’E.

  9.00am: Dropped target carried out aiming tube practice with all guns.

  9.30am: Picked up target.

  9.35am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for carrying out sub-calibre at towing target with all guns.

11.00am: Stopped picked up torpedo.

11.05am: Dropped target and carried out aiming tube practice.

11.50am: Picked up target. Proceeded N41W, 45 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 38 miles.

  1.18pm: Stopped.

  1.22pm: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 22.

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7 June 1916

Simon’s Bay to False Bay and return

Lat -34.45, Long 18.77

  7.20am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°11’S, 18°28’E.

  8.00am: Lower Bar Whittle: S70E, 1.2 miles. Course S5E, 58 revolutions.

  8.40am: Dropped target.

  8.47am: Carried out 1” aiming tube practice.

  9.25am: Picked up target.

10.00am: Carried out sub calibre at towing target with all guns.

10.15am: 70 revolutions. Working up for speed trials.

11.55am: 136 revolutions: 4/5th power.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 63 miles.

  1.00pm: At 136 revolutions, average speed for one hour: 21.6 knots.

  1.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for Simon’s Bay.

  2.05pm: Roman Rock: N5W

  2.14pm: Stopped.

  2.14pm: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 22.

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8 June 1916

Simon’s Bay to False Bay and return

Lat -34.25, Long 18.52

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  8.45am: Noah's Rock: S53W, 8 cables. Course S5E, 58 revolutions.

  9.16am: Outer Whittle Beacons abeam. Corus Beacon, 4½ miles.

  9.30am: Stopped. Course as requisite to pick up target.

11.00am: Hoisted in target.

11.35am: Proceeded, course N6W, 58 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 48 miles.

12.54pm: Course and speed as requisite for Simon’s Bay.

  1.20pm: Roman Rock: N45E, 5 cables

  1.40pm: Secured to No 1 mooring.

  5.00pm: Coal lighter secured alongside

  Sick list: 23.

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9 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  7.15am: Commenced coaling.

11.15am: Finished coaling.

  3.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

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10 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  5.10pm: One Stoker joined from detention barracks, waiting passage home.

  Sick list: 27.

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11 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.40am: Landed Church parties.

10.00am: Divine Service.

11.30am: Church parties returned.

  7.53pm: HMS Laconia arrived and anchored.

  Sick list: 26.

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12 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Divisions.

10.00am: Carried out aiming tube practice with all guns at towing target.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 55.

  4.45pm: Discharged 53 ratings to HMS Laconia for passage to England.

  7.05pm: Hadden, deserter, brought onboard.

  Sick list: 23.

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13 June 1916

Simon’s Bay, at sea and return

Lat -34.28, Long 18.53

10.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

10.30am: Roman Rock: N5W, 1 mile. Course S5E, 58 revolutions.

11.07am: Stopped. Roman Rock bearing N5W, 7 miles.

11.40am: Roman Rock: N5W, 7 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 8 miles.

12.45pm: Proceeded, course and speed as required for target practice.

12.50pm: Carried out target practice with 6” and 12 pounder guns.

  2.30pm: Finished firing.

  2.40pm: Fired torpedo port tube.

  3.00pm: Stopped, picked up torpedo.

  3.10pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for anchorage.

  3.10pm: Roman Rock: N48W, 9.3 miles.

  4.00pm: Course as requisite. Roman Rock: N55W, 1 mile

  4.17pm: Came to with port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  Sick list: 12.

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14 June 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  7.00am: Coaling ship.

11.00am: Finished coaling.

  Sick list: 10.

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15 June 1916

Simon’s Bay and at sea for Table Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.20am: HMS Laconia proceeded.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 56.

  8.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

  9.05pm: Roman Rock: S49E, 11 cables. Course S35E.

  9.22pm: Roman Rock: N5W, 8 cables. Course S5E.

10.55pm: Altered course S53W. Cape Lighthouse: N73W, 4½ miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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16 June 1916

At sea to Table Bay and at sea with convoy

Lat -33.75, Long 18.20

  2.10am: Altered course N8E. Cape Point Lighthouse: S72E, 10.8 miles.

  5.15am: Altered course N63E. Robben Island Light: N61E, 17 miles.

  7.25am: Course as requisite for anchorage.

  7.55am: Stopped.

  8.00am: Came to port anchor in 6 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  9.00am: Discharged one Wireless Telegraphy Warrant Officer to HMS Laconia.

10.20am: Weighed and proceeded. Convoying troopships SS Benalla, SS Beltana, SS Marathon, SS Argyllshire.

10.34am: Break[water] Light: S12E, 5 cables. Course N28W

11.00am: Robben Island Lighthouse: N66E, 2.7 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 91 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32.55, Long 16.90

  Sick list: 10.

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17 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -30.17, Long 15.76

12.10am: Altered course N14W.

  8.00am: Pos. 30°44’S, 15°03’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N39W, 278 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°08’S, 13°48’E.

  Sick list: 12.

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18 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -26.60, Long 11.42

12.40am: Altered course N12W.

  1.20am: Altered course N14W.

  2.45am: Altered course N19W to close steamer.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°26’S, 12°14’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N39W, 277 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°22’S, 10°20’E.

10.10pm: Altered course N11W.

11.45pm: Altered course N14W.

  Sick list: 12.

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19 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -22.72, Long 8.05

  8.00am: Pos. 23°32’S, 8°39’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N40W, 307 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°25’S, 6°59’E.

  Sick list: 12.

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20 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -18.82, Long 4.78

  8.00am: Pos. 19°27’S, 5°21’E.

  9.30am: Divisions. Read prayers. Exercised control parties.

10.00am: Course and speed as requisite for change of range.

10.45am: Secure.

11.00am: Course N14W, 73 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N40W, 304 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°34’S, 3°46’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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21 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -15.22, Long 1.80

  8.00am: Pos. 15°39’S, 2°16’E.

  9.30am: Divisions. Read prayers. Exercised control parties. Carried out 1” aiming tube with after guns. Exercised stations for abandon ship.

11.00am: Course N14W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N38W, 277 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°53’S, 0°48’E.

  Sick list: 11.

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22 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -11.40, Long -1.17

  8.00am: Pos. 12°03’S, 0°34’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37W, 286 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°07’S, 2°09’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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23 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -7.63, Long -3.92

  8.00am: Pos. 8°15’S, 3°28’W.

  9.30am: Divisions. Read prayers. Read Articles of War and returns of Courts Martial. Exercised general quarters.

10.30am: Secure. Carried out aiming tube with 12 pounder guns. Course and speed as requisite.

11.34am: Exercise completed. Course N14W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 278 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°20’S, 4°53’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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24 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -3.93, Long -6.77

  8.00am: Pos. 4°32’S, 6°11’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N38W, 281 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°44’S, 7°51’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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25 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -0.27, Long -9.53 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 0°56’S, 9°13’W.

10.00am: Performed Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N40W, 305 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.1°10’N, 11°11’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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26 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 3.70, Long -13.10

  8.00am: Pos. 3°05’N, 12°48’W.

10.00am: Dropped target. Carried out sub calibre with 6” guns.

10.40am: Picked up target.

10.50am: Proceeded, course N20W, 77 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N40W, 291 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°00’N, 13°56’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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27 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 7.52, Long -15.52 (cal)

  6.15am: Sighted steamer in 6°36’N, 14°58’W. Altered course N10W.

  6.20am: Altered course N45E.

  6.48am: Altered course N15W.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°51’N, 15°08’W. Altered course N18W.

  9.50am: Altered course N23W.

11.40am: Altered course N15W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°23’N, 16°14’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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28 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 10.85, Long -17.88 DR

  5.00am: Passed steamer steering NNE in position 9°50’N, 17°02’W (approx).

  8.00am: Pos. 10°04’N, 17°15’W.

  4.15pm: Altered course as requisite for firing.

  4.25pm: Exercised firing aiming tube .303, 12 pounder and after 6” guns.

  5.10pm: Proceeded, course N25E, 73 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos.12°25’N, 17°57’W.

  9.05pm: Altered course N28E.

  Sick list: 12.

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29 June 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy to Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

  2.00am: Passed a steamer steering to SW.

  6.00am: Observed position: 14°10’N, 17°49.5’W.

  7.50am: Goree Island: N18E, 18 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°24’N, 17°38’W.

  8.35am: Course as requisite for anchorage, Dakar.

  9.20am: Came to in 6 fathoms, veered 6 shackles. Convoy anchored on line of bearing S20W. Found here HMS Swiftsure.

  4.15pm: Collier Monksgarth secured alongside.

  Sick list: 8.

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30 June 1916


Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

  5.45am: Commenced coaling.

  5.05pm: Finished coaling.

  6.15pm: Collier unmoored and proceeded.

  6.20pm: Weighed.

  6.30pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite. [HMS Swiftsure sailed Northward with the convoy, Kent South for Table Bay.]

  6.50pm: Cape Manuel Light: N30W, 1 mile. Shaped course S63W, 51 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos.14°31’N, 17°33’W.

10.15pm: Cape Verde Light dipped, N46E.

  Sick list: 7.

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Above 14 pages blanks and covers.


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Front cover.

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Coal consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 July 1916

At sea

Lat 13.12, Long -18.85

  8.00am: Pos. 13°27’N, 18°36’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°25’N, 19°31’W.

  Sick list: 9.

  Noon course & DMG omitted; clearly incorrect. Course S63W all day at 7.5 knots.

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2 July 1916

At sea

Lat 11.18, Long -20.42

  Censured Mr RH Kitchin, Assistant Paymaster, for neglect of duty in wrongly coding a wireless telegraphy message. Signatures of JD Allen, Captain and RH Kitchin, Assist. Paymr.

  8.00am: Pos. 11.26, Long -20.65

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 171 miles.

  1.30pm: Sighted smoke: N63E.

  1.45pm: Altered course S27E.

  2.00pm: SS Euripides: N70W, 17 miles.

  3.15pm: Sighted smoke ahead.

  4.00pm: Overhauled steamer, course about E 10 knots, in position 10°51’N, 19°55’W.

  4.20pm: Altered course to take station 1 mile abeam of SS Euripides.

  7.30pm: In station, course S33E, 94 revolutions.

  Sick list: 12.

  8.00pm position omitted, clearly incorrect, apparently copied in error from 1st July.

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3 July 1916

At sea

Lat 8.12, Long -16.20

  6.00am: Altered course to close SS Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°21’N, 17°00’W.

  8.05am: Altered course S37E.

  9.00am: Altered course S32E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S53E, 310 miles.

12.20pm: Altered course S29E(m).

  4.20pm: Altered course S34E(s).

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°49’N, 14°41’W.

  Sick list: 1.

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4 July 1916

At sea

Lat 4.47, Long -11.55

  8.00am: Pos. 5°00’N, 12°39’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S53E, 349 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Exercised physical drill. Read warrant No 57.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°06’N, 10°10’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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5 July 1916

At sea

Lat 0.71, Long -7.51

  8.00am: Pos. 1°10’N, 8°10’W.

  8.40am: Altered course S34E.

  9.10am: Altered course S27E.

10.30am: Hauled in patent log. Carried out aiming tube practice with after 6” and 12 pounder guns.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S47E, 332 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S16E(m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°49’S, 6°14’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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6 July 1916

At sea

Lat -3.60, Long -4.50

  8.00am: Pos. 3°03’S, 4°38’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S35E, 315 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S17E(m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°00’S, 3°30’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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7 July 1916

At sea

Lat -8.03, Long -1.37

  7.11am: Altered course S22E.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°04’S, 2°00’W.

10.40am: Passed troop ship SS Persic bound to Northward in DR position 7°45’S, 1°35’W.

11.15am: Altered course S17E(m).

     Noon: Course & DMG, S35E, 326 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°36’S, 0°14’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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8 July 1916

At sea

Lat -12.48, Long 2.13

  8.00am: Pos. 11°48’S, 1°25’E.

  9.55am: Altered course S15E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S38E, 338 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°02’S, 3°22’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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9 July 1916

At sea

Lat -16.97, Long 5.62

  5.00am: Passed steamer (2 masts, 1 funnel) steering NNW, distant 1 mile, in position 15°42’S, 4°32’E.

  7.00am: In station 1 mile on starboard beam of SS Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°14’S. 5°01’E.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S37E, 336 miles.

  1.25pm: Altered course S13E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°30’S, 6°46’E.

  Sick list: 9.

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10 July 1916

At sea

Lat -21.37, Long 9.12

  8.00am: Pos. 20°47’S, 8°32’E.

10.00am: Parted company with SS Euripides.

10.30am: Course S11E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S37E, 330 miles.

  1.30pm: In position 21°35’S, 9°17’E, lost sight of SS Euripides bearing S21E, 22 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°30’S, 9°55’E.

  Sick list: 7.

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11 July 1916

At sea

Lat -24.72, Long 11.6

  7.30am: Passed steamer bound NNW, distant 12 miles, in approx position 24°08’S, 10°52’E.

  8.00am: Pos. 24°12’S, 11°07’E.

10.15am: Course as requisite for firing.

10.45am: Course S9E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S34E, 243 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°55’S, 12°22’E.

  Sick list: 9.

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12 July 1916

At sea

Lat -28.17, Long 14.05

  8.00am: Pos. 27°37’S, 13°33’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33E, 246 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°22’S, 14°51’E.

  9.20pm: Altered course S5W to close sailing ship.

  9.23pm: Proceeded, course S5E

  Sick list: 9.

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13 July 1916

At sea

Lat -31.65, Long 16.50

  8.00am: Pos. 31°06’S, 16°06’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S31E, 243 miles.

  1.28pm: Altered course S3E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°01’S, 17°29’E.

10.23pm: Dassen Island Light: S57E, 16½ miles.

10.30pm: Altered course S5W. Dassen Island Light: S61E, 16 miles.

10.35pm: Passed steamer bound North.

10.58pm: Dassen Island Light abeam, S85E.

11.55pm: Robben Island Light: S41E, 22½ miles.

  Sick list: 13.

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14 July 1916

At sea to Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.00am: Cape Point Light: S62E, 9½ miles.

  4.30am: Altered course S40E. Cape Point Light: S88E, 8 miles.

  5.30am: Altered course S88E. Cape Point Light: S28E, 6½ miles.

  6.15am: Cape Point Light: N38W, 7 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°15’5’S, 18°31’5’E.

  8.00am: Roman Rock: N5W, 5½ miles.

  8.45am: Roman Rock: N5W, 1 mile. Course as requisite for basin.

  9.30am: Secured inside basin.

  9.45am: Secured alongside coaling jetty.

12.30pm: Hands employed coaling ship.

  1.15pm: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

  6.35pm: Stopped coaling.

  Sick list: 16.

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15 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Commenced coaling.

  5.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 1,534 tons.

  Sick list: 14.

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16 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 10.

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17 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.10pm: AB Thomas John Mernin, RFR, ON 180561, died on board.

  Sick list: 9.

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18 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  2.30pm: Landed funeral party*.

  3.20pm: Half masted colours.

  4.15pm: Read warrant No 58

  Sick list: 8.

  * For Able Seaman Thomas John Mernin. He is buried at the Simon’s Town Dido Valley Cemetery.

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19 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Picket boat’s funnel lost overboard.

11.00am: Diving party employed recovering picket boat funnel.

  Sick list: 12.

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20 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  2.00pm: Lieutenant WGB Jones RNR discharged to shore for passage to HMS Hyacinth.

  Sick list: 10.

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21 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

  Sick list: 9.

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22 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 10.

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23 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.45am: Landed Church parties.

  5.00pm: Discharged one Able Seaman to HMS Astraea for Court Martial.

  Sick list: 8.

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24 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.20am: One Able Seaman returned from HMS Astraea after Court Martial.

  3.30pm: Discharged one Able Seaman to detention barracks.

  Sick list: 11.

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25 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: Marines landed for drill.

11.15am: Marines returned.

  Sick list: 3.

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26 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: Landed Battalion Seamen and Marines for drill.

11.40am: Landing parties returned.

  8.00pm: Read warrant No 59.

  Sick list: 12.

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27 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 11.

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28 July 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Two parts of B.W. employed coaling ship.

10.15am: Finished coaling.

  2.00pm: One Stoker rejoined from RN hospital.

  Sick list: 15.

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29 July 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Unmoored from jetty.

  8.15am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for anchorage.

  8.50am: Came to starboard anchor in 10½ fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

12.55pm: HMS Princess anchored.

  1.30pm: Officer’s Steward First Class V. Falzon (Maltese) died in RN hospital, Simon’s Town.

Sick list: 15.

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30 July 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.15am: Divisions. Divine Service.

  9.45am: Landed Roman Catholic church party.

11.30am: Church parties returned.

  1.15pm: Landed funeral party*.

  Sick list: 16.

  * For Vincent Falzon, Officer’s Steward First Class, age 51, son of Peter and Francesca Falzon; husband of Dolores Falzon, of 52, Piazza Fosse, Floriana, Malta. He is buried at Simon’s Town Dido Valley Cemetery. From CWGC.

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31 July 1916

Simon’s Bay to Table Bay

Lat -34.42, Long 18.45

  8.05am: HMS Princess weighed and proceeded into basin.

  9.55am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

10.10am: Course S6E. Roman Rock: N5W, 9 cables.

10.43am: Course S35W. Cape Point Lighthouse: N78W, 3.5 miles.

11.15am: Altered course S75W. Bellows Rock: N60W, 3.3 miles.

  1.53pm: Slang Kop Light: S66E, 2¾ miles.

  2.40pm: Altered course N51E. Slang Kop: S6W, 8 miles.

  3.35pm: Green Point Light: S60E, 3 miles. Altered course S75E for Table Bay.

  4.00pm: Green Point Light: W. Break[water] Light: S17W. Robben Island Light: N3W. Pilot took charge. Course as requisite for entering basin and going alongside coaling wharf.

  4.15pm: Tugs manoeuvring ship.

  4.30pm: Secured alongside coaling wharf.

  7.30pm: Lieutenant Tilling RNR discharged to mail steamer for passage to HMS Hyacinth. Coaling ship.

  8.08pm: Finished coaling.

  Sick list: 17


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Front cover.

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Coal consumption figures.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 August 1916

Table Bay and at sea for St Vincent with convoy

Lat -33.55, Long 17.90 by X bearings

  8.00am: 30 fathoms 3½” wire hawser carried away.

  8.15am: Unmoored from Jetty No 3 and proceeded as requisite for leaving basin. Pilot taking charge, 2 tugs secured to turn ship.

  8.30am: Cleared entrance to basin. Pilot left ship. Course as requisite for Table Bay. Break[water] Light N7E.

  9.00am: Course N25W, 77 revolutions. Convoy following. Ships in convoy: SS Berrima, SS Tahiti [formerly Port Kingston], SS Maunganui.

  9.30am: Robben Lighthouse: N65E.

12.42pm: Dassen Island Lighthouse: S85E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°16’S, 17°01’E.

  Sick list: 17.

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2 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -29.27, Long 14.88

  8.00am: Pos. 30°08’S, 15°31’E. Altered course N5W.

  2.30pm: In position 28°49’S, 14°36’E, passed SS Perseus of Liverpool, bound to Southward.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27°48’S, 13°46’E.

  Sick list: 15.

  Noon course & DMG omitted; clearly incorrect. Courses West of North all day, 12.8 knots.

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3 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -24.90, Long 11.53

  8.00am: Pos. 25°41’S, 12°07’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N34W, 317 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°25’S, 10°30’E.

  Sick list: 17

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4 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -20.48, Long 8.57

  8.00am: Pos. 21°14’S, 9°02’E.

  9.50am: Course as requisite for change of range.

10.35am: Secure.

10.40am: Course N8W, 80 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N32W, 312 miles.

  4.00pm: Altered course N7W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°00’S, 7°36’E.

  Sick list: 18.

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5 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -15.99, Long 5.82

  8.00am: Pos. 16°50’S, 6°17’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30.5W, 311 miles.

  2.00pm: Altered course N9W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°34’S, 4°54’E.

  Sick list: 29.

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6 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -11.53, Long 3.30

  7.20am: Altered course N11W to close steamer.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°22’S, 3°39’E. Passed steamer SS Roxen* from Gothenburg to Cape Town.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N29W, 306 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°10’S, 2°31’E.

  Sick list: 36.

  * 1916, 1,822 grt, built by Lindholmens Varv, Gothenburg for Fornyadae Angfartygs AB Viking, wrecked 1966.

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7 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -7.24, Long 0.93

  8.00am: Pos. 8°01’S, 1°23’E.

  9.40am: Course as requisite for target practice with 12 pounder guns.

10.50am: Course N14W, 77 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N29W, 295 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°56’S, 0°00’

  Sick list: 39.

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8 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -2.93, Long -2.13

  8.00am: Pos. 3°50’S, 1°20’W.

  9.00am: N15W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N35.5W, 318 miles.

  5.00pm: Altered course N24W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11 34’S, 3°13’W.

  Sick list: 44.

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9 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 0.53, Long -6.03

  7.00am: Altered course N43W.

  8.00am: Pos. 0°11’N, 5°14’W.

  9.40am: Course as requisite for target practice with 12 pounder guns.

10.20am: Practice completed. Course N45W, 78 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N50W, 307 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.1°16’N, 7°50’W.

  Sick list: 44.

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10 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 2.95, Long -10.90

  8.00am: Pos. 2°31’N, 10°15’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N63W, 324 miles.

  1.15pm: Altered course N27W.

  4.00pm: Passed Dutch steamer Oranje in position 3°31’N, 11°28’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°03’N, 12°16’W.

  Sick list: 43.

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11 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 6.53, Long -14.52

  8.00am: Pos. 5°39’N, 14°02’W.

  9.40am: Course and speed as requisite for change of range.

10.20am: Secure.

10.25am: Course N26W, 76 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N45W, 303 miles.

  5.50pm: Altered course N18W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°50’N, 15°34’W.

  Sick list: 40.

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12 August 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 10.35, Long -17.43

  8.00am: Pos. 9°38’N, 16°59’W.

  9.00am: Altered course to close steamer.

  9.15am: Passed British SS Tofua Southbound in position 9°48’N, 17°05’W.

  9.15am: Resumed course N19W.

10.20am: Altered course to close steamer.

10.30am: Passed Australian SS Kulambangra* bound South. Position 10°02’N, 17°15’W.

11.00am: Course N17W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37.5W, 289 miles.

  6.30pm: Passed British SS Baron Kelvin [Iformerly Thimbleby], Southbound, in position 11°44’N, 17°33’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°01’N, 17°30’W.

  Sick list: 38.

  * 1910, 2,005 grt, built in Old Kilpatrick.

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13 August 1916

At sea with convoy

Lat 14.78, Long -18.37

  7.00am: Cape Verde Light: N7E.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°26’N, 17°24’W. Parted company with SS’ Berrima, Maunganui and Tahiti. Set course N52W.

  8.26am: Cap Manuel Lighthouse: N41E, 12 miles.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 312 miles.

12.10pm: Altered course N47W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°27’N, 20°12’W.

  8.10pm: Altered course N45W.

  Sick list: 34.

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14 August 1916

At sea to St Vincent

Lat 16.67, Long -23.67 by X bearings

  5.53am: Position by stars: 16°23’N, 22°16’W.

  7.00am: Altered course N79W.

  7.55am: Lion’s Head Peak, Sal Island bearing N25W, 20 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°27.5’N, 22°45’W.

  8.30am: Altered course N55W. Lions Head: N, 17 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 324 miles.

  4.00pm: L T Saint Vincent: S67W, 9 miles. Altered course N47W.

  5.00pm: Altered course as requisite for Porto Grande.

  5.00pm: Passaro Lighthouse: S40W, 5½ miles.

  5.53pm: Stopped.

  5.55pm: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

  Sick list: 31.

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15 August 1916

Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

12.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for anchoring berth.

12.51pm: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  4.15pm: Collier Joseph Chamberlain secured alongside.

  Sick list: 29.

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16 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  5.30am: Commenced coaling.

  6.40pm: Finished coaling.

  7.05pm: Collier cast off and proceeded to anchorage.

  Sick list: 32.

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17 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Sick list: 38.

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18 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Sick list: 38.

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19 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Sick list: 38.

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20 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  8.50am: Landed Roman Catholic Church party.

10.45am: Roman Catholic Church party returned.

  Sick list: 33.

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21 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Sick list: 29.

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22 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Sick list: 24.

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23 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Sick list: 23.

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24 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Sick list: 21.

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25 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  Sick list: 19.

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26 August 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

12.45pm: Commenced coaling.

  4.20pm: Finished coaling.

  Sick list: 22.

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27 August 1916

St Vincent and at sea for Simon’s Bay

Lat 16.14, Long -25.00

  7.20am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°54’N, 25°04’W.

  8.00am: Passaro Island Lighthouse: E, 3 miles. Course S60W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

  1.30pm: Passed collier SS Iddesleigh of Cardiff bound Northward in position 15°54’N, 24°57’W.

  3.10pm: Sighted Fogo I.

  3.15pm: Sighted Brava Island [Ilha Brava].

  8.00pm: Pos.14°49’N, 24°52’W.

  8.00pm: R T Brava Island: S65E, 10 miles.

  Sick list: 21.

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28 August 1916

At sea

Lat 13.02, Long -22.610

  8.00am: Pos. 13°30’N, 23°12’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 49 miles.

10.50pm: Advanced clocks 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 22.

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29 August 1916

At sea

Lat 10.43, Long -19.45

  8.00am: Pos. 10°51’N, 19°59’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S50E, 243 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°34’N, 18°24’W.

  Sick list: 29.

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30 August 1916

At sea

Lat 7.85, Long -16.20

  8.00am: Pos. 8°18’N, 16°45’W.

  9.30am: Divisions. Read prayers. Read Articles of War to ship’s company.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S51E, 248 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°59’N, 15°09’W

  Sick list: 18.

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31 August 1916

At sea

Lat 5.35, Long -12.83

  8.00am: Pos. 5°42’N, 3°30’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S53E, 250 miles.

  2.06pm: Altered course S58E to close SS Tydeus of Liverpool, in position 5°06’N, 12°31’W.

  2.28pm: Resumed course S32E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°29’N, 11°36’W.

  Sick list: 18.


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Front cover.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 September 1916

At sea

Lat 2.95, Long -9.50

  8.00am: Pos. 3°19’N, 9°58’W.

  9.50am: Dropped target. Course and speed as requisite for target practice, 6” guns, sub-calibre and 1” aiming.

10.35am: Picked up target and proceeded, course S32E, 68 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S54E, 246 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°04’N, 8°24’W.

  9.55pm: Observed a bright meteor, bearing South, lightning up the heavens for a space of 7 seconds.

  Sick list: 20.

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2 September 1916

At sea

Lat 0.45, Long -6.13

  8.00am: Pos. 0°46’N, 6°40’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S53E, 251 miles. Altered course S14E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°36’S, 5°32’W.

  Sick list: 21.

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3 September 1916

At sea

Lat -2.78, Long -4.10

  8.00am: Pos. 2°25’S, 4°25’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32E, 230 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°58’S, 3°28’W.

  Sick list: 19.

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4 September 1916

At sea

Lat -5.97, Long -2.15

  8.00am: Pos. 5°33’S, 2°25’W.

  9.48am: Dropped target. Course and speed as requisite for sub-calibre and 1” aiming with 6” guns.

10.30am: Picked up target, resumed course S14E, 68 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32E, 224 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°05’S, 1°25’W.

  Sick list: 19.

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5 September 1916

At sea

Lat -9.20, Long 0.15

  8.00am: Pos. 8°47’S, 0°21’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33.5E, 237 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°22’S, 0°55’E.

  Sick list: 18.

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6 September 1916

At sea

Lat -12.73, Long 2.57

  4.00am: Sighted steamer bound to the Northward, bearing E by S. Position: 11°12’S, 1°46’E.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°08’S, 2°09’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S34E, 257 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°56’S, 3°24’E.

  Sick list: 15.

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7 September 1916

At sea

Lat -16.23, Long 5.02

  8.00am: Pos. 15°43’S, 4°38’E.

  9.40am: Course as requisite for firing 12 pounder guns.

10.25am: Secure. Proceeded, course S12E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S34E, 255 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°27’S, 5°50E.

  Sick list: 14.

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8 September 1916

At sea

Lat -19.70, Long 7.38

  8.00am: Pos. 19°15’S, 7°04’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33E, 249 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20°52’S, 8°10’E.

  Sick list: 12.

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9 September 1916

At sea

Lat -23.14, Long 10.00

  8.00am: Pos. 22°35’S, 9°24’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S35.5E, 253 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course S8E.

  5.15pm: Sighted steamer bound North.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24°23’S, 10°50’E.

  Sick list: 11.

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10 September 1916

At sea

Lat -27.07, Long 12.80 DR

  7.00am: Position by stars: 26°08’S, 12°11’E.

  8.00am: Pos. 26°17’S, 12°18’E.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S34.5E, 270 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course S5E (m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 28°05’S, 13°40’E.

  Sick list: 11.

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11 September 1916

At sea

Lat -30.57, Long 15.28

  8.00am: Pos. 29°57’S, 14°50’E.

11.30am: Sighted steamer, SS Warrior: S35E. Position 30°31’S, 15°13’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S30E, 260 miles. Altered course S7E (m).

  4.15pm: Passed steamer bound North, bearing E, 9 miles. Position 31°11’S, 15°45’E.

  7.00pm: Position by stars: 31°39’S, 16°03’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31°48’S, 16°10’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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12 September 1916

At sea to Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.08

  6.15am: Sighted land: S75E

  8.00am: Pos. 33°39’S, 17°35’E.

  8.15am: Table Mount peak: S40E, 44.7 miles.

  8.30am: Altered course S10E.

11.30am: Altered course S25E (m).

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 262 miles.

  2.15pm: Altered course S65E. Cape Point Light: N48E, 3.8 miles.

  2.25pm: Altered course N75E. Cape Point Light: N20E, 3.6 miles.

  2.43pm: Altered course N20E. Cape Point Light: N40W, 2.2 miles.

  3.20pm: Roman Rock: N5W, 4½ miles.

  3.40pm: Roman Rock: N5W, 1 mile. Altered course as requisite for Simon’s Bay.

  4.00pm: Entered basin.

  4.40pm: Secured alongside coaling wharf.

  Sick list: 13.

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13 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.30am: Commenced coaling ship.

  9.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

  9.45am: Lieutenant Wright RNR joined ship from HMS Armadale Castle.

11.20am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

  6.00pm: Finished coaling for day.

  Sick list: 15.

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14 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.30am: Commenced coaling.

10.00am: Captain G Trewby DSO RN assumed command, Captain John D Allen CB RN having been appointed to HMS Victory.

10.55am: Finished coaling. Received 1,500 tons.

12.05pm: Captain Allen left ship for passage to England.

  5.10pm: Discharged Commander Redhead to shore for passage to England.

  Sick list: 15.

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15 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.40am: Discharged Midshipman Williams RNR to shore for passage to England.

  Sick list: 14.

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16 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: 10 ratings discharged to shore for passage to England.

  Sick list: 4.

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17 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.45am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 4.

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18 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 60.

  Sick list: 5.

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19 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 61, 62, 63, 64.

  Sick list: 7.

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20 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.45pm: Read warrant No 65.

  Sick list: 8.

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21 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 66, 67, 68.

  Sick list: 11.

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22 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 69 and 70.

  Sick list: 8.

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23 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 8.

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24 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.45am: Landed Church parties.

  9.50am: Divine Service.

12.10pm: Church parties returned.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 71.

  Sick list: 7.

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25 September 1916

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Divers examining underwater fittings.

12.15pm: Landed funeral party.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 72, 73

  5.30pm: One Stoker rating joined from HMS Hyacinth. One Stoker discharged to same.

  6.45pm: Funeral party returned.

  Sick list: 8.

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26 September 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Unmoored from coaling wharf.

  9.40am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for anchorage.

  9.55am: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

10.30am: Tug secured alongside to swing ship.

     Noon: Finished swinging.

  1.30pm: Divers employed cleaning underwater fittings.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 79.

  4.20pm: One Marine discharged to detention barracks.

  Sick list: 9.

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27 September 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  2.15pm: Five ratings returned from hospital.

  4.30pm: Read warrants Nos 73, 74.

  Sick list: 10.

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28 September 1916

Simon’s Bay to Table Bay

Lat -34.05, Long 18.27

  7.00am: Weighed.

  7.05am: Proceeded as requisite 66 revolutions.

  7.20am: Roman Rock: N5W 1.4 miles.

  7.50am: Altered course S14W. Roman Rock: N5W.

  8.24am: Bellows Rock: N68W 3.8 miles. Altered course S77W.

  8.56am: Altered course N33W. Bellows Rock: N3E, 2.3 miles.

11.20am: Slangkop [Slang Kop in log] Lighthouse abeam.

     Noon: Lion’s Head: N70E, 9 miles.

  1.08pm: Green Point Light: S10E. Course as requisite.

  1.15pm: Stop.

  1.20pm: Pilot came on board and took charge.

  1.20pm: Breakwater Lighthouse: S12E. Green Point Lighthouse: S60W. Robben Island Lighthouse: N2E. Course and speed as requisite.

  1.32pm: Entered basin.

  1.50pm: Secured alongside East Pier.

  2.00pm: Commenced coaling, shore labour.

  4.20pm: Read warrant No 83.

  6.15pm: Finished coaling.

  Sick list: 15.

  8.00am Position in log omitted; clearly incorrect.

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29 September 1916

Table Bay and at sea with convoy

Lat -33.88, Long 18.45

  7.00am: Unmoored from wharf and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. Pilot in charge of navigation.

  7.20am: Came to starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  4.15pm: One rating rejoined from detention barracks and three ratings joined for passage to HMS Astraea.

  7.25pm: Weighed.

  7.30pm: Proceeded, course as requisite.

  7.52pm: Green Point Light: S60W, 1.3 miles. Course N37W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°52’S, 18°23’E.

  8.15pm: Robben Island Light: N54E, 3 miles. Transports SS Aparima, SS Mokoia and SS Navua in company.

10.00pm: Dassen Island Light: N36E, 16½ miles.

  Sick list: 15.

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30 September 1916

At sea with convoy for Dakar

Lat -31.48, Long 16.45

  In company with SS Aparima, SS Mokoia, SS Navua

  1.00am: Passed steamer bearing E, 3 miles, steering S. Dassen Island Light dipped: S26E.

  6.15am: Position by stars: 32°27’S, 16°58’E.

  7.15am: Sighted smoke: S62W.

  8.00am: Pos. 32°03’S, 16°48’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, Various, 179 miles.

  5.00pm: Passed SS Lesbian of Liverpool steering S, distant 3 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°06’S, 15°35’E.

  Sick list: 13.


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Front cover.

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Above two pages blank.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -27.45, Long 13.86

  8.00am: Pos. 28°10’S, 14°18’E.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30W, 279 miles.

12.35pm: Altered course N10W.

  1.20pm: Altered course N6W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°10’S, 12°59’E.

  Sick list: 13.

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2 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -23.36, Long 11.25

  2.00am: Altered course N10W.

  2.15am: Weather foggy.

  3.40am: Fog lifted.

  6.00am: Altered course N6W.

  6.10am: Position by stars: 24°25’S, 11°55’E.

  8.00am: Pos. 24°06’S, 11°43’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30W, 284 miles.

  1.10pm: Altered course N8W.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 81.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°02’S, 10°23’E.

  Sick list: 12.

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3 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -19.33, Long 8.72

  8.00am: Pos. 20°09S, 9°11’E.

  9.27am: Altered course as requisite for change of range.

  9.50am: Exercised change of range.

10.20am: Secure.

10.20am: Course N6W, 80 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30.5W, 279 miles.

12.10pm: Altered course N10W.

  4.16pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 75 and 76.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°02’S, 7°44’E.

  Sick list: 13.

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4 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -15.31, Long 5.93

  8.00am: Pos. 16°06’S, 6°26’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N33W, 290 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°58’E, 15°06’E.

  Sick list: 17

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5 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -11.10, Long 3.47

  8.00am: Pos. 11°56’S, 3°51’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30.5W, 291 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°44’S, 2°40’E.

  9.30pm: SS Aparima out of station on port beam of SS Mokoia.

11.15pm: SS Aparima in station.

  Sick list: 19.

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6 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -7.03, Long 1.03

  8.00am: Pos. 7°41’S, 1°24’E.

  9.40am: Hauled in patent log. Course and speed as requisite for change of range.

10.50am: Secure. Course N10W, 78 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30W, 285 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°39’S, 0°13’E.

  Sick list: 15.

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7 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -2.93, Long -1.32

  8.00am: Pos. 3°42’S, 0°53’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30W, 284 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°36’S, 2°02’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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8 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 0.62, Long -4.03

  3.30am: Lost sight of SS Aparima.

  5.30am: Sighted Aparima.

  6.00am: Altered course N50W.

  8.00am: Pos. 0°11’N, 3°17’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37W, 268 miles.

  6.10pm: Aparima: S58E, 5¼ miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.1°10’N, 5°25’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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9 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 2.21, Long -8.17

  3.55am: SS Mokoia turned 16 points to starboard to take station astern of SS Navua.

  4.05am: SS Mokoia turned 16 points into station astern of SS Navua.

  8.00am: Pos. 1°59’N, 7°26’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N69W, 267 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°44’N, 9°33’W.

  Sick list: 16.

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10 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 3.95, Long -12.35

  8.00am: Pos. 3°33’N, 11°35’W.

  9.50am: Course and speed as requisite for change of range.

10.26am: Course N49W, 73 revolutions.

11.30am: Altered course N22W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N67W, 271 miles.

  1.15pm: Mist and heavy rain.

  3.20pm: Weather cleared.

  4.00pm: Read warrant No 85.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°00’N, 13°09’W.

  Sick list: 18.

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11 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 7.38, Long -15.45

  1.15am: Sighted vessel: S80W

  1.20am: Altered course to close vessel.

  1.50am: Altered course to close convoy.

  2.07am: Observed position: 5°47’N, 14°13’W.

  4.32am: Altered course N22W.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°41’N, 14°56’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N41.5W, 279 miles.

  1.00pm: Mokoia hauled out of line.

  2.00pm: Sighted smoke S34W.

  4.10pm: Sighted smoke N17W.

  5.55pm: Altered course N14W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°40’N, 16°22’W.

  9.25pm: Altered course as requisite to close SS Shuna of Glasgow.

  9.34pm: Stopped.

  9.47am: Proceeded, course N16W, 80 revolutions.

  Sick list: 14.

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12 October 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 11.23, Long -17.38

12.05am: Altered course N17W.

  5.40am: Sighted steamer: N60E, bound to Northward. Altered course N17E.

  8.00am: Pos. 10°36’N, 17°20’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N66W, 259 miles.

  6.10pm: Observed position: 12°22’N, 17°29’W.

  8.00pm: Pos.12°44’N, 17°30’W.

10.00pm: Passed steamer on port beam, distant 4 miles, bound South.

  Sick list: 11.

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13 October 1916

At sea with convoy to Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

  1.10am: Sighted steamer steering SW.

  4.30am: Cape Verde Light: N19E.

  5.15am: Sighted Cap Manuel Light: N34E.

  5.35am: Cape Verde Light: N19E, 19 miles.

  7.05am: Stopped.

  7.10am: Came to port anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

  7.15am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for Inner Harbour.

  7.35am: Came to starboard anchor in 5 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles, secured stern to mooring buoy.

  Sick list: 13.

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14 October 1916

Dakar and at sea for St Vincent

Lat 14.73, Long -17.85 by X bearings

  9.33am: Slipped stern hawser and weighed starboard anchor.

  9.35am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  9.46am: Cleared entrance to Inner Harbour.

10.15am: Cap Manuel: N42E, 2 miles. Course N51E, working up to 94 revolutions.

11.00am: Almadi Reef Lighthouse: N39E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 27 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.15°19’N, 19°35’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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15 October 1916

At sea

Lat 16.48, Long -23.27

  7.00am: Altered course N39W.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°08’N, 22°23’W.

  8.15am: Sighted land: W.

  8.30am: Passed Greek steamer Photis.

  9.08am: Altered course N52W.

  9.10am: Mount Oxello, Bonavista Island [Ilha da Boa Vista]: S58W, 10 miles.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 338 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes.

  5.00pm: L T St Nicholas I.: S75W, 12½ miles.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes: 2 hours slow on GMT

  8.00pm: Pos.16°50’N, 24°06’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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16 October 1916

At sea to Porto Grande and at sea

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  3.15am: Sighted Bull Rock Light: N75W.

  3.58am: Bull Point Light: N58W.

  4.34am: Bull Point Light: N14W, 6 miles.

  5.20am: Passaro Island: S4E. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  6.01am: Stopped.

  6.05am: Came to port anchor in 11 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  7.15am: Collier secured alongside.

  8.30am: Commenced coaling.

  2.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Donegal.

  4.30pm: Finished coaling.

  5.00pm: Collier cast off.

  5.20pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  5.47pm: Passaro Island: N70E.

  7.20pm: Stopped.

  8.00pm: Pos.16°49’S, 25°07’W.

  8.00pm: Machado Point [Ponta Machado]: N40E, 2½ miles.

  9.00pm: Course and speed as requisite.

10.20pm: Point Machado: N76E, 3½ miles.

  Sick list: 17

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17 October 1916

At sea, return to Porto Grande and at sea

Lat 16.88, Long -25.0

  1.25am: Lost sight of land.

  2.10am: Sighted Machado Point.

  2.15am: Stopped.

  3.00am: Proceeded 64 revolutions, port engine.

  3.12am: Course N80E.

  3.30am: Point Machado: S83E

  4.15am: Altered course N70E.

  4.45am: Point Machado: S26E, 3 miles. Course as requisite for Porto Grande.

  5.55am: Stopped.

  6.03am: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  6.50am: Collier Willow Branch secured alongside.

  7.15am: Commenced coaling.

  4.00pm: Finished coaling. Collier cast off.

  5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  5.58pm: Course North. Passaro Lighthouse: S65E

  6.21pm: Passaro Lighthouse: S17E, 3 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.17°03’N, 24°55’W.

  8.20pm: Altered course S60E. Bull Point R T: N38W, 5½ miles.

11.00pm: Advanced clocks 15 minutes.

  Sick list: 17

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18 October 1916

At sea for Bathurst, Gambia River

Lat 16.33, Long -22.63 by X bearings

  5.45am: Observed position: 16°50’N, 23°31’W.

  6.30am: 1,340 feet peak, Sal Island: S76E, 26 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°39’N, 23°12’W.

  8.40am: South Point Light [Ponta do Sino Light], Sal Island: S78E, 13½ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 156 miles.

  1.10pm: Sighted smoke of steamer: N80E.

  2.30pm: Altered course NE to close steamer.

  2.45pm: Resumed course S45E. Passed SS Polyktor, Greek steamer bound to South Westward, in position 16°10’N, 23°00’W.

  9.45am: Advanced clocks 30 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos.15°48’N, 21°30’W.

  Sick list: 18.

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19 October 1916

At sea

Lat 14.72, Long -19.32

  8.00am: Pos. 15°02’N, 19°54’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S64.5E, 216 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S46E.

  8.00pm: Pos.14°15’N, 18°24’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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20 October 1916

At sea to mouth of Gambia River and at sea

Lat 13.57, Long -16.92 [approx]

  8.00am: Pos. 13°36’N, 17°00’W.

  8.35am: Sighted land ahead.

  9.00am: Cape St Mary: S50E, 14 miles.

  9.07am: Came to starboard anchor in 8½ fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  9.10am: Hoisted out picket boat.

10.00am: Picket boat proceeded to Bathurst [now Banjul, Gambia].

  1.30pm: Dropped life buoys electrically.

  3.57pm: Picket boat returned.

  4.00pm: Hoisted in picket boat.

  4.13pm: Weighed.

  4.15pm: Proceeded, course S70W, 64 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos.13°13’N, 17°22’W.

  8.30pm: Passed steamer steering N20E.

  Sick list: 17

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21 October 1916

At sea for Sierra Leone

Lat 10.93, Long -17.19

  7.50am: Sighted smoke: WNW.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°23’N, 17°32’W. Altered course S15E.

  8.00am: Sighted smoke: N84W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 178 miles.

  6.30pm: Altered course S46E.

  Sick list: 18.

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22 October 1916

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.79, Long -13.92

  3.55am: Passed HMS Highflyer steering to North Westward.

  6.30am: Observed position: 9°10’N, 14°48’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 9°04’N, 14°34’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

11.00am: Observed land: S43E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 242 miles.

12.40pm: Lion Mount: S42E, 43½ miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S57E.

  3.40pm: Sierra Leone Lighthouse: S60E, 5 miles. Course as requisite for anchorage.

  4.51pm: Stopped.

  4.56pm: Came to starboard anchor in 14 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  6.00pm: Coal lighters secured alongside.

  6.15pm: Ship swung to ebb tide.

  Sick list: 18.

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23 October 1916

Sierra Leone and at sea for Ascension

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  1.15am: Ship swung to flood tide.

  6.45am: Commenced coaling.

  7.00am: Ship swung to ebb tide.

10.30am: Received 7,000 gallons = 30 tons of fresh water from S.L. Coaling Co.

  1.45pm: Swung to flood tide.

  1.30pm: Discharged one Stoker Petty Officer, one Steward and one Cook’s Mate to SS Mendi for HMS Astraea.

  4.40pm: Finished coaling. Received 576 tons.

  6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N60W.

  6.45pm: Cape Sierra Leone Lighthouse: S54E, 3 miles. Altered course S86W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°26’N, 13°32’W.

10.40pm: Sighted steamer bound to NW.

11.59pm: Altered course S21W.

  Sick list: 23.

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24 October 1916

At sea

Lat 6.02, Long -14.20

  8.00am: Pos. 6°46’N, 14°16’W.

  9.15am: Sighted smoke on starboard bow.

10.30am: Signalled SS Themistocles bearing S, 10 miles and steering S. Position: 6°19’N, 14°12’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 189 miles.

12.10pm: Sighted smoke on starboard bow.

  Sick list: 23.

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25 October 1916

At sea

Lat 2.63, Long -14.18

  8.00am: Pos. 2°31’N, 14°17’W.

  9.00am: Stopped, dropped target.

  9.05am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for target practice, 1” aiming, 6” and 12 pounder guns.

11.00am: Secure, exercised control parties.

11.55am: Picked up target and proceeded S21W, 70 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 203 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos.1°18’N, 14°12’W.

  Sick list: 22.

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26 October 1916

At sea

Lat -1.35, Long -14.27

  8.00am: Pos. 0.70, Long -14.28

     Noon: Course & DMG, S1W, 239 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2.68, Long -14.31

11.00pm: Log foul.

11.10pm: Clear.

  Sick list: 23.

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27 October 1916

At sea

Lat -4.97, Long -14.50

  8.00am: Pos. 4°41’S, 14°21’W.

  9.00am: Stopped, dropped target.

  9.05am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for target practice, 1” aiming.

  9.10am: Exercised general quarters. Carried out target practice 1” aiming port guns.

11.25am: Secure.

11.30am: Picked up target.

11.33am: Shaped course S18W, 70 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S1W, 239 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°01’S, 14°31’W.

  Sick list: 20.

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28 October 1916

At sea to Ascension Island

Lat -7.92, Long -14.41

  6.00am: Sighted land: S16W.

  7.00am: Sighted Signal Hill, Ascension: S20W, 20 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°47’S, 14°25’W..

  8.00am: Signal Hill: S15W, 8.2 miles.

  8.35am: Fort Thornton: S10W, 4 miles. Course as requisite.

  8.55am: Stopped.

  9.00am: Came to port anchor in 11 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  2.02pm: Fort Thornton: S78E, 2 miles. Course S16W.

  2.35pm: Signal Hill: N38E, 5¼ miles. Altered course S16W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°23’S, 13°53’W.

  Sick list: 20.

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29 October 1916

At sea towards St Helena

Lat -10.33, Long -11.85

  8.00am: Pos. 9°57’S, 12°25’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°14’S, 10°55’W.

  Sick list: 18.

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30 October 1916

At sea

Lat -12.97, Long -8.93

  8.00am: Pos. 12°34’S, 9°27’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S47.5E, 233 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°54’S, 7°59’W.

  Sick list: 17

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31 October 1916

At sea to St. Helena

Lat -15.47, Long -6.22

  8.00am: Pos. 15°19’S, 6°26’W.

  9.00am: Stopped, dropped target.

  9.10am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for firing sub-calibre 6” guns.

10.30am: Secure.

10.50am: Stopped, picked up target.

11.00am: Proceeded, course S22E, 70 revolutions.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S46.5E, 218 miles.

  1.10pm: Sighted land ahead.

  1.50pm: Barn Peak, 2,028 feet: S29½E, 26½ miles.

  3.40pm: Lighthouse on pier: S33E, 4½ miles. Course as requisite for anchorage in James Bay.

  4.02pm: Stopped.

  4.06pm: Came to port anchor in 21 fathoms, veered to 8 shackles.

  Sick list: 21.


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Front cover.

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Above two pages blank.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 November 1916

St. Helena and at sea towards Simon’s Bay

Lat -15.92, Long -5.73

  3.45pm: Weighed.

  3.59pm: Proceeded, course as requisite, 70 revolutions.

  4.22pm: Munden’s Point: S50W, 2.2 miles.

  4.53pm: Barn peak: S83W 2.5 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16°14’S, 5°14’W.

10.30pm: Advanced clocks 15 minutes: 15 minutes fast on GMT

  Sick list: 20.

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2 November 1916

At sea

Lat -17.93, Long -3.21

  8.00am: Pos. 17°29’S, 3°44’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 195 miles.

  5.00pm: Passed Swedish SS Mereddio bound for New York, in position 18°28’S, 2°33’W.

  Sick list: 20.

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3 November 1916

At sea

Lat -20.15, Long -0.63

  8.00am: Pos. 20°03’S, 0°40’W.

  9.00am: Stopped. Hoisted out target.

  9.30am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for firing half and full charges 6” guns.

11.10am: Secure.

11.30am: Picked up target.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S48E, 198 miles.

     Noon: Proceeded, course S24E, 70 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°01’S, 0°19’E.

  Sick list: 20.

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4 November 1916

At sea

Lat -22.60, Long 2.37

  8.00am: Pos. 22°23’S, 1°49’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S48E, 224 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°36’S, 3°23’E.

  Sick list: 20.

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5 November 1916

At sea

Lat -24.92, Long 5.38

  8.00am: Pos. 24°39’S, 4°58’E.

10.00am: Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S50E, 217 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°43’S, 6°26’E.

  Sick list: 19.

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6 November 1916

At sea

Lat -27.13, Long 8.55

  8.00am: Pos. 26°55’S, 8°01’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S52E, 217 miles.

  1.40pm: Altered course S22E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27°55’S, 9°31’E.

  Sick list: 19.

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7 November 1916

At sea

Lat -29.53, Long 11.75

  8.00am: Pos. 29°10’S, 11°07’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S49E, 223 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course S20E.

  1.40pm: Log foul. Shifted to starboard side.

  5.20pm: Sighted two funnelled steamer on port beam, hull down.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°23’S, 12°53’E.

  Sick list: 22.

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8 November 1916

At sea

Lat -32.12, Long 15.23

  8.00am: Pos. 31°39’S, 14°31’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S49E, 237 miles.

  1.10pm: Altered course S19E (m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°57’S, 16°27’E. Altered course S17E.

  9.50pm: Passed steamer steering NNW, 2 miles distant.

  Sick list: 19.

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9 November 1916

At sea to Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.23, Long 18.50 by X bearings.

  2.45am: Observed loom of light: S50E

  5.10am: Sighted land on port bow.

  5.43am: Lion’s Head peak, 2,178 feet: S69E, 33 miles.

  7.32am: Lion’s Head peak: N81E, 25.3 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°14’S, 18°03’E.

  9.05am: Altered course S38E. Cape Point Old Lighthouse: S62E, 14 miles.

10.30am: Bellows Rock: N40E, 3½ miles. Altered course N80E

11.20am: Roman Rock: N5E, 11½ miles. Altered course N5W

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 232 miles.

12.23pm: Noah’s Ark Rock: N76W, 7 cables. Course and speed as requisite for anchorage.

12.30pm: Stopped.

12.33pm: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  1.30pm: One rating rejoined from detention.

  5.00pm: One Marine joined from HMS Glasgow.

  Sick list: 21.

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10 November 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  1.30pm: Paid monthly money.

  5.00pm: Two ratings joined from RN hospital.

  Sick list: 21.

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11 November 1916

Simon’s Town East Pier

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for entering basin.

  7.50am: Entered basin.

  8.05am: Secured alongside coal shed (A), East Pier.

  Sick list: 21.

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12 November 1916

Simon’s Town East Pier

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Landed church parties.

  9.40am: Divine Service.

11.00am: Two ratings rejoined from RN hospital.

     Noon: Church parties returned.

  Sick list: 21.

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13 November 1916

Simon’s Town East Pier

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.00am: Commenced coaling.

  6.10pm: Finished coaling for the night.

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14 November 1916

Simon’s Town East Pier

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.00am: Hands employed coaling ship.

  9.30am: Eight ratings discharged to Sanatorium.

10.50am: Finished coaling. Received 1,609 tons.

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15 November 1916

Simon’s Town East Pier to dry dock

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Unmoored from wharf.

  7.40am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving basin.

  7.50am: Came to starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

10.12am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for entering dry dock.

11.00am: Secured in dry dock.

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16 November 1916

Simon’s Town dry dock

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s bottom

  8.00am: Leading Stoker FJ Calcutt died on board.

  4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 86 to 93.

  Sick list: 26.

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17 November 1916

Simon’s Town dry dock

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  1.20pm: Landed funeral party [for Leading Stoker FJ Calcutt, 170792. He is buried at the Simon’s Town Dido Valley Cemetery. From CWGC.]

  3.45pm: Funeral party returned.

  Sick list: 28.

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18 November 1916

Simon’s Town dry dock

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.15pm: Flooded dock 12 feet.

  Sick list: 22.

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19 November 1916

Simon’s Town dry dock

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Divine Service.

10.30am: Broke Commander in Chief's flag [Rear Admiral Edward Charlton] in HMS Kent.

  Sick list: 22.

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20 November 1916

Simon’s Town dry dock

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.55am: HMS Hyacinth arrived and anchored.

10.30am: Transferred Commander in Chief’s flag to Hyacinth.

  3.30pm: Discharged Lieutenant FC Howard RNR to shore for passage to England

  Sick list: 23.

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21 November 1916

Simon’s Town dry dock

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Hands painting the bottom and provisioning ship.

  Sick list: 22.

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22 November 1916

Simon’s Town dry dock

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Dock flooded and gate opened.

  9.40am: Read warrants Nos 94, 95, 96. Three ratings discharged to detention barracks.

  5.00pm: Gate closed. Ship secured in dock.

  Sick list: 23.

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23 November 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Course and speed as requisite for leaving dry dock.

  7.45am: Course and speed as requisite for No 1 moorings.

  8.10am: Secured to No 1 moorings.

  4.30pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 97, 98.

  5.30pm: Two RMLI Buglers joined.

  Sick list: 23.

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24 November 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands painting ship.

  Sick list: 18.

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25 November 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Cleaning and painting.

  Sick list: 18.

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26 November 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Divisions. Commander in Chief inspected ship.

10.00am: Landed church parties.

10.30am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 20.

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27 November 1916

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 20.

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28 November 1916

Simon’s Bay to Table Bay

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

11.45am: Eight ratings rejoined from Sanatorium.

  1.30pm: Six ratings discharged to HMS Hyacinth.

  2.00pm: Mr Dunning, Boatswain, discharged for passage to England.

  2.30pm: One Marine joined from detention. One Ordinary Seaman joined from hospital.

  3.20pm: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  3.42pm: Roman Rock: N5W, 1 mile. Course S7E.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 101 and 102.

  4.30pm: Bellows Rock: S77W, 5¾ miles. Altered course S40W.

  4.50pm: Bellows Rock: S56W, 3¼ miles. Altered course S76W.

  5.00pm: Bellows Rock: N, 2 miles. Altered course N70W.

  5.11pm: R T Cape Point: N45E 4 miles. Altered course N24W.

  5.20pm: Passed SS Kathiawar [formerly Buluwayo] bound Durban.

  5.58pm: Slang Kop Lighthouse: N35E, 8½ miles. Altered course N6E.

  6.32pm: Slang Kop Lighthouse: S68E, 4¼ miles. Altered course N25E.

  7.02pm: Slang Kop Lighthouse: 58E, 7½ miles. Altered course N62E.

  7.43pm: Green Point Lighthouse: S76E, 3½ miles. Course as requisite.

  8.08pm: Stop.

  8.15pm: Came to starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  Sick list: 17.

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29 November 1916

Table Bay

Lat -33.88, Long 18.45

  3.15pm: One Warrant Officer and 21 ratings discharged to Boonah [HMAT Boonah, A36, formerly the German SS Melbourne].

  3.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for entering basin, ship in charge of pilot.

  4.20pm: Secured alongside.

  4.30pm: Commenced coaling.

  7.11pm: Finished coaling. Received 161 tons.

  Sick list: 14.

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30 November 1916

Table Bay

Lat -33.88, Long 18.45

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants 103 and 104

  Sick list: 13.


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Front cover.

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Blank, signature of Captain Trewby.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 December 1916

Table Bay and at sea with convoy for Sierra Leone

Lat -33.17, Long 17.68

  6.00am: Unmoored from wharf.

  6.12am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite. Pilot in charge.

  6.25am: Dropped pilot. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

  6.40am: Course N40W, 70 revolutions. Green Point Lighthouse: S85W, 2 miles. HM Australian Transports Boonah, Marathon and Argyllshire in company.

  7.25am: Altered course N10W. Robben Island Lighthouse: S76E, 4½ miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°46’S, 18°14’E.

  9.45am: Dassen Island Lighthouse: N80E, 6½ miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 60 miles.

  4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised collision stations. Read warrants Nos 105 and 107.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°03’S, 16°41’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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2 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -29.57, Long 14.65

  8.00am: Pos. 30°20’S, 15°12’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 267 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28°23’S, 13°40’E.

  Sick list: 13.

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3 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -26.12, Long 11.82

  8.00am: Pos. 26°36’S, 12°13’E.

  9.05am: Altered course to close steamer.

  9.10am: Signalled SS Wiltshire bound Southward, in position 26°25’S, 12°04’E.

  9.40am: Resumed course N10W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 256 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 106.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24°58’S, 10°53’E.

  Sick list: 14.

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4 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -22.53, Long 8.95

  8.00am: Pos. 23°11’S, 9°26’E.

  8.35am: Altered course to close steamer. SS Italian [formerly Fantee] bound South, in position 23°05’S, 9°20’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 266 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°23’S, 7°59’E.

  Sick list: 12.

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5 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -19.02, Long 5.93

  8.00am: Pos. 19°48’S, 6°40’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N39W, 270 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°49’S, 4°55’E.

  Sick list: 9.

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6 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -15.58, Long 2.98

  8.00am: Pos. 16°09’S, 3°40’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N39W, 269 miles.

  4.45pm: Altered course to close steamer SS Orari bound South.

  5.30pm: Resumed course N14W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°23’S, 2°03’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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7 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -11.98, Long 0.07

  8.00am: Pos. 12°36’S, 0°37’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N38W, 273 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°48’S, 0°51’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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8 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -8.42, Long -2.72

  8.00am: Pos. 9°03’S, 2°10’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37.5W, 269 miles.

  2.00pm: Altered course N13W.

  Sick list: 9.

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9 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -4.72, Long -5.23

  3.15am: Sighted light ahead.

  3.45am: Passed steamer bound South.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°27’S, 4°48’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N34W, 268 miles.

  3.30pm: Altered course to close SS Argyllshire.

  3.38pm: Stopped, sent medical officer to Argyllshire.

  4.10pm: Medical officer returned.

  4.22pm: Convoy proceeded N13W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°38’S, 5°53’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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10 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -1.27, Long -7.55

  8.00am: Pos. 1°54’S, 7°08’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

10.20am: Sighted steamer on port bow.

10.50am: Course and speed as requisite to close.

11.00am: Passed steamer SS Musician from Dakar to Cape Town, in position 1°27’S, 7°26’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N34W, 250 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°07’S, 8°21’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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11 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 2.32, Long -10.05

  8.00am: Pos. 1°31’N, 9°30’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N35W, 261 miles.

  2.00pm: Altered course N19W.

  8.00pm: Pos.3°25’N, 10°55’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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12 December 1916

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 5.62, Long -12.63 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 5°03’N, 12°11’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N34W, 255 miles.

  3.30pm: Sighted smoke on starboard bow: N7E.

  6.00am: Took station half a mile ahead of SS Boonah. Kent leading convoy.

  7.00pm: Boonah hauled out of line to remedy engine room defects.

  7.22pm: Boonah in station.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°45’N, 13°09’W

  Sick list: 16.

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13 December 1916

At sea with convoy to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.20, Long -13.63

  3.35am: Sighted 4 masted schooner: N14W

  6.00am: Altered course N79E.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°04’N, 14°00’W.

  9.00am: Altered course N75E.

11.00am: Altered course N66E. Sighted land. Position by bearings 8°07’N, 13°45’W. Banana Island peak: S70E, 32 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 232 miles.

  1.17pm: Cape Sierra Leone: N72E, 14 miles.

  1.45pm: Cape Sierra Leone: N75E, 9 miles. Altered course as requisite for Sierra Leone anchorage.

  3.20pm: Stop.

  3.21pm: Came to port anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  4.30pm: Retarded clocks 30 minutes.

  7.00pm: Collier SS Portsea secured alongside.

  7.15pm: Retarded clocks 30 minutes.

10.00pm: Commenced to swing to ebb.

10.45pm: Ship swung to ebb.

  Sick list: 16.

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14 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.00am: Commenced to swing to flood.

  5.40am: Ship swung to flood.

  6.15am: Commenced coaling.

  3.02pm: Finished coaling. Received 950 tons.

  3.30pm: Collier SS Portsea unmoored and proceeded.

  5.15pm: Commenced to swing.

  5.40pm: Swung to ebb.

  Sick list: 19.

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15 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sick list: 18.

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16 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 108.

  Sick list: 16.

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17 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.30am: Landed church parties.

  9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service.

11.20am: Church parties returned.

  Sick list: 16.

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18 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.30pm: Discharged to SS Boonah one Stoker Chief Petty Officer, two Stoker Petty Officers and 18 Stokers.

  5.20pm: 20 Stoker ratings and one Warrant Engineer rejoined from SS Boonah.

  Sick list: 17

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19 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sick list: 16.

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20 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sick list: 16.

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21 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sick list: 13.

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22 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.30am: Commenced coaling.

11.45am: Finished coaling.

  Sick list: 14.

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23 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.00am: Received 6,000 gallons of fresh water from Sierra Leone Coaling Company.

  Sick list: 15.

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24 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.30am: Landed church parties.

  9.40am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 12.

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25 December 1916

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  9.40am: Divine Service.

  Sick list: 11.

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26 December 1916

Sierra Leone and at sea for Devonport.

Lat 8.53, Long -13.47

  9.50am: Weighed.

10.10am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite. Ships in company: SS Durham Castle, SS Borda, SS City of Sparta and SS Marathon following astern.

10.45am: Cape Sierra Leone: S25E, 9 cables. Course N58W, 51 revolutions.

11.30am: Took station 1 mile on port beam of Durham Castle.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 16 miles.

12.20pm: Took station ahead of convoy. Convoy in divisions in line ahead. Division I: SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon. Division II: SS City of Sparta, SS Borda.

  8.00pm: Pos.8°56’N, 14°53’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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27 December 1916

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 9.67, Long -17.55

  8.00am: Pos. 9°33’N, 17°00’W.

  8.50am: Sighted steamer steering North.

  9.00am: Altered course to close. Course and speed as requisite.

  9.30am: Closed steamer SS Cazengo in position 9°33’N, 17°05’W.

10.15am: Resumed station ahead of convoy. Course N55W (m), 70 revolutions.

10.57am: Passed HMS Sutlej steering to Eastward.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N74W, 252 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°07’N, 18°54’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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28 December 1916

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 11.00, Long -21.82

  8.00am: Pos. 10°47’N, 21°00’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N72W, 264 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course N51W (m).

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°27’N, 23°11’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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29 December 1916

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 12.45, Long -25.33

   7.00am: Observed position 12°02’N, 24°48’W. Sighted French cruiser steering North.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°01’N, 24°54’W.

  8.20am: Sighted HMS Orotava and convoy [left Dakar on the 27th], course and speed as requisite to take station ahead of convoy. 10.00am: In station ahead of convoy, course N17W, speed 11 knots.

10.00am: Oratava returned to Sierra Leone. French cruiser Kléber in company.

10.00am: Convoy in divisions line ahead. Division I: SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta. Division II: SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda. Division III: SS Afric, SS P. Nichollas*, SS Benalla.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N67W, 225 miles.

  3.40pm: Altered course to close SS Boonah. Speed of convoy 6 knots.

  4.40pm: Stopped, communicated with Boonah.

  4.50pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite to regain station.

  5.10pm: Speed of convoy increased to 11 knots, course N17W.

  6.13pm: Ship in station ahead of convoy.

  7.00pm: Parted company with French cruiser Kléber.

  8.00pm: Pos.13°20’W, 25°59’W.

  Sick list: 15.

* See January 1st 1917.

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30 December 1916

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 15.87, Long -28.02

  8.00am: Pos. 15°08’N, 27°20’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37W, 258 miles.

  5.20pm: Altered course N42E.

  6.10pm: Observed position 16°49’N, 28°36’W.

  8.00pm: Pos.17°08’N, 28°27’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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31 December 1916

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 19.73, Long -27.33

  In company, SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta, SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda, SS Afric, SS Port Nichollas*, SS Benella.

  8.00am: Pos. 19°09’N, 27°27’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

10.30am: Sighted steamer on port bow steering SW.

10.50am: Passed Admiralty collier 1341 bound Southward, in position 19°30’N, 27°20’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N9E, 235 miles.

  2.40pm: Sighted steamer on port bow. Course and speed as requisite to close.

  3.15pm: Passed steamer SS Albuera bound to Southward in position 20°16´N, 27°09’W.

  3.20pm: Course and speed as requisite to take station ahead of convoy.

  3.35pm: Course N42E, 66 revolutions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 21°00’N, 26°48’W.

  Sick list: 11.

  * See January 1st 1917.


JP map Kent 1917


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Front cover, signatures of Lt/Cdr Harvey and Lt/Cdr Henderson.

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Blank except for Captain Trewby’s signature.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 January 1917

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 23.48, Long -25.75

  8.00am: Pos. 22°51’N, 26°00’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N22E, 243 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 24°45’N, 25°12’W.

  Sick list: 10.

  In company, SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta, SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda, SS Afric, SS Port Nicholson*, SS Benalla.

  *Previously referred to as Port Nichollas and altered for the first time here, this is SS Port Nicholson, formerly Makarini.

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2 January 1917

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 27.35, Long -24.00

  In company, SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta, SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda, SS Afric, SS Port Nicholson, SS Benalla.

  8.00am: Pos. 26°41’N, 24°21’W.

10.00am: Passed large 4-masted sailing ship bound to Southward. Course and speed as requisite.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N22.5E, 251 miles.

  5.00pm: Sighted smoke on port bow.

  5.40pm: Reduced to 40 revolutions. SS Marathon stopped to repair engine room defect.

  6.55pm: Increased to 58 revolutions.

  7.25pm: Increased to 67 revolutions. Marathon in station.

  8.00pm: Pos. 28°37’N, 23°22’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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3 January 1917

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 31.20, Long -22.03

  In company, SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta, SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda, SS Afric, SS Port Nicholson, SS Benalla.

  8.00am: Pos. 30°38’N, 22°16’W.

  8.45am: Sighted sailing ship on port bow. Course and speed as requisite to close.

  9.10am: Course and speed as requisite to resume station.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N23.5E, 252 miles.

  1.00pm: Sighted smoke 4 points on port bow.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°31’N, 21°28’W.

10.50pm: Advanced clocks 20 minutes.

  Sick list: 12.

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4 January 1917

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 35.00, Long -20.13

  In company, SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta, SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda, SS Afric, SS Port Nicholson, SS Benalla.

  1.45am: Passed steamer bound to South Westward.

  7.00am: Passed steamer bound to South Westward, distance 6 miles to Eastward.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°24’N, 20°30’W.

  8.50am: Sighted smoke port bow.

  9.15am: Altered course to close.

  9.00am: Passed French steamer Afrique* bound to Northward, in position 30°30’N, 20°25’W.

10.40am: Smoke bearing NE by E.

11.35am: Passed Italian steamer bound to South Westward.

11.40am: Smoke bearing NE by E.

11.50am: Course as requisite to resume station.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 246 miles.

12.15pm: In station.

  8.00pm: Pos.36°15’N, 19°21’W.

  Sick list: 11.

  * At least two French steamers of this name at this time.

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5 January 1917

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 38.82, Long -17.96

  In company, SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta, SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda, SS Afric, SS Port Nicholson, SS Benalla.

  8.00am: Pos. 38°11’N, 18°19’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N25E, 252 miles.

  1.40pm: Sighted smoke of steamer bearing NW. Steamer steering to Southward.

  8.00pm: Pos. 39°57’N, 17°23’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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6 January 1917

At sea with UK convoy

Lat 42.37, Long -15.98

  In company, SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta, SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda, SS Afric, SS Port Nicholson, SS Benalla.

  8.00am: Pos. 41°48’N, 16°19’W,

10.05am: Sighted smoke 5 points on starboard bow.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N24E, 238 miles.

  5.15pm: Sighted smoke: NW.

  7.05pm: Sighted smoke on starboard bow.

  8.00pm: Pos. 43°42’N, 15°10’W.

  8.00pm: Lost by accident one thermometer whilst taking sea temperature.

10.00pm: Sighted sailing vessel ½ point port bow. Altered course to close.

10.20pm: Resumed course N42 E.

Sick list: 11.

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7 January 1917

At sea with UK convoy to destroyer rendezvous

Lat 46.57, Long -13.10 DR

  In company, SS Durham Castle, SS Marathon, SS City of Sparta, SS Boonah, SS Argyllshire, SS Borda, SS Afric, SS Port Nicholson, SS Benalla.

  8.00am: Pos. 45°47’N, 13°53’W.

10.00am: Divine Service.

  1.20pm: Altered course N36E.

  1.30pm: Course and speed as requisite to close SS Afric.

  3.30pm: Course and speed as requisite to resume station.

  5.00pm: Altered course N82E.

  5.10pm: Sighted Destroyers ahead.

  5.15pm: Proceeded independently. Destroyers taking over convoy.

  6.10pm: Destroyer HMS Martin in company.

  8.00pm: Pos. 47°49’N, 11°34’W.

  Sick list: 13.

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8 January 1917

At sea to Devonport

Lat 49.58, Long -5.30

  1.10am: Observed position by stars: 48°19’N, 9°35’W.

  3.00am: Commenced steering zig zag course.

  4.00am: Carried away patent log. Lost by accident one rotator Patt. 316, one governor Patt. 315.

  5.50am: Observed position by stars: 48°48’N, 7°36’W.

  8.00am: Pos. 49°14’N, 6°36’W.

  8.00am: Altered course: N73E centre course, N51E port zig, S85E starboard zag.

  9.50am: Sighted steamer on port bow.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 379.5 miles. Altered course N64E centre course.

12.40pm: Sighted land: North.

12.45pm: Lizard Lighthouse: N2E.

  3.20pm: Eddystone Lighthouse: N60E, 1.8 miles.

  3.27pm: Altered course N25E. Eddystone abeam, 1½ miles.

  4.07pm: Rame Head abeam, 2 miles. Altered course as requisite for Plymouth Sound.

  4.17pm: Stopped inside breakwater.

  4.30pm: King’s Harbour Master came onboard. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for going up harbour.

  6.00pm: Secured alongside No 8 Wharf. Engineer Lt/Cdr Davis and Engineer S/Lt Barker joined ship.

  Sick list: 12.

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9 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 9.

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10 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  7.30am: Commenced coaling ship from jetty and lighters.

  2.30pm: Temporary Surgeon Vey RN joined ship. Discharged four ratings to hospital and six ratings to Vivid.

  4.00pm: 26 ratings joined from Vivid.

  8.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 1,450 tons.

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11 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  7.30am: Paid monthly advance.

  8.30am: General leave to ship’s company till 9.00 am, 19th January.

  9.30am: 156 ratings joined ship from Portsmouth depôt.

10.30am: Care and maintenance party from depôt joined ship.

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12 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  8.00am: Discharged 80 ratings and 29 Marines to Portsmouth and Chatham depôts.

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13 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.00pm: Fleet Surgeon Eastment joined from HMS Research.

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14 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  9.00am: Landed church parties.

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15 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  4.30pm: Lt/Cdr PWS Henderson RN joined ship.

  Sick list: 1.

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16 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  Hands employed as requisite.

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17 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  4.30pm: Reverend Gough joined ship from HMS Indomitable.

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18 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  3.30pm: Discharged Lieutenant Commander JR Harvey to HMS Victory.

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19 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  9.00am: Ship’s company returned onboard. Discharged seven ratings to hospital.

10.00am: Discharged care and maintenance party to depôt. Discharged three Sub-Lieutenants and four Midshipmen RNR to HMS Victory.

  2.00pm: Discharged Lt/Cdr Dunn RNR

  5.00pm: 29 ratings joined from Victory.

  7.45pm: Lieutenant Howard RNR joined ship.

  Sick list: 1.

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20 January 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  2.00pm: Warped out of basin. Proceeded in charge of King’s Harbour Master (Sound) to Plymouth Sound.

  2.50pm: Came to port anchor in 8½ fathoms, veered to 5 shackles.

  4.30pm: Discharged 34 ratings to HMS Victory.

  9.00pm: Hoisted refrigerating machinery on board

  Sick list: 1.

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21 January 1917

From Devonport and at sea for Sierra Leone.

Lat 49.22, Long -7.50

  0.57am: Weighed.

  1.15am: Proceeded as requisite, 12 knots.

  1.23am: Breakwater Lighthouse: SE, 1 cable. Shaped course SW.

  1.31am: Altered course S18W, 15 knots. HMS’ Martin and Tigress in company.

  2.15am: Eddystone Lighthouse: N28W, 3 miles.

  7.30am: Commenced zig-zagging (2 and 4 points every 10 minutes).

  9.15am: Passed ship’s boat with survivors in position 49°18’N, 6°29’W. Tigress picked up survivors (Captain and 13 survivors from SS Tremeadow) and parted company.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 155 miles.

  2.00pm: Passed several floating bales and wreckage.

  3.00pm: Passed HMS Archer escorting Transport Suffolk.

  8.00pm: Altered course N70W. Reduced to 83 revolutions. Ceased zig-zagging.

  Sick list: 7.

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22 January 1917

At sea

Lat 48.80, Long -14.13

  8.00am: Altered course S70E.

  8.45am: 8 knots. Transports Titan, Port Sydney [formerly Star of England] and Boorara [formerly SS Pfalz] joined company.

10.30am: Transport Seang Choon [formerly Cheshire] joined company.

10.45am: Altered course ESE. Transports formed in line ahead.

  2.00pm: HMS Martin and flotilla parted company.

  4.30pm: Observed position 48°13’N, 14°31’W.

  6.00pm: Transport Suffolk joined company.

  6.30pm: Convoy increased to 12 knots and formed divisions.

  8.00pm: Pos. 47°44’N, 14°55’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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23 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 45.20, Long -17.03 DR

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara, Port Sydney.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S30W, 258 miles.

  3.30pm: Reduced speed to signal convoy.

  4.15pm: Resumed 11 knots.

  7.30pm: Sudden change of wind, from S by E to WNW.

  Sick list: 4.

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24 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 41.65, Long -19.85 DR

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara, Port Sydney.

  7.30am: Cleaning ship. Transport Port Sydney parted company.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S30W, 245 miles.

  4.00pm: Altered course S45W.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants No 109 and 110.

  Sick list: 6.

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25 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 38.23, Long -21.75

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara

     Noon: Course and DMG, S23W, 223 miles.

  Sick list: 6.

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26 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 34.20, Long -23.77

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S22W, 261 miles.

  5.30pm: Speed of convoy reduced to 9 knots.

  8.30pm: Starboard lifebuoy washed away by sea [at 8pm: Wind: W, force 8, state of sea: 6].

  Sick list: 6.

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27 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 30.52, Long -25.18

  Transport ships in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon. Transport Boorara out of sight all day.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S17W, 231 miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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28 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 26.25, Long -26.38

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon.

  9.00am: Transport Boorara rejoined company.

  9.30am: Divisions. Mustered hands by the ledger.

  Speed of convoy 12 knots.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S15W, 265 miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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29 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 21.50, Long -27.77

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

  9.00am: Stopped starboard engine.

  9.30am: Both engines half ahead (12 knots)

     Noon: Course and DMG, S15W, 290 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course S34W.

  Sick list: 7.

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30 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 16.92, Long -28.98

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

  9.00am: Exercised Action. Course and speed as requisite. Connected up all steering positions.

10.45am: Resumed station with convoy.

11.00am: Altered course S7E.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S14W, 293 miles.

  Sick list: 16.

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31 January 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 12.57, Long -26.77

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S26E, 290 miles.

  4.00pm: Altered course S57E.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Exercised prepare to tow aft. Read warrant No 111.

  Sick list: 13.


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Front cover.

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Mercurial barometer: J Hicks, A 618, 11’ asl.

Thermometers, on fore bridge, screened.

Negretti & Zambra:

Dry, 9297, since 4th October 1914.

Wet, 9512, since 4th October, 1914.

Sea, 9511, since 4th October, 1914.

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1 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 11.07, Long -22.42

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S70E, 272 miles.

Sick list: 14.

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2 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 9.85, Long -17.73

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

  4.00am: Steamer passed ahead steering SE by S

     Noon: Course and DMG, S70E, 272 miles.

  5.00pm: Convoy formed into single line astern of Kent.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°46’N, 16°08’W.

  Sick list: 15.

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3 February 1917

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  2.50am: Passed steamship steering WNW.

  7.48am: Observed land (Sierra Leone Mountains): SE by S.

  9.30am: Altered course S31E, then various courses for anchorage.

10.55am: Cape Sierra Leone: S8W, 4 cables. Altered course as requisite.

11.30am: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

HMS’ King Alfred (Flag), Sutlej, Swiftsure, Donegal and Highflyer in harbour.

11.30am: SS Maresfield collier secured alongside.

  1.15pm: Commenced coaling.

  1.30pm: Discharged Mr Amsden, Boatswain, to Highflyer and Mr Jordan, Artificer Engineer, to King Alfred.

  3.00pm: Discharged one Canteen Server to civil hospital.

  6.00pm: Finished coaling for the night.

  Sick list: 16.

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4 February 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.00am: Commenced coaling.

  5.00pm: Finished coaling, received 1,380 tons.

  5.15pm: Collier left ship.

  Sick list: 16.

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5 February 1917

Sierra Leone and at sea for Simon’s Bay

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  3.20pm: Weighed.

  3.26pm: Proceeded in company with transports Titan, Boorara, Suffolk and Seang Choon.

  4.30pm: Cape Sierra Leone: S74E, 4 miles. Shaped course W by S. Quarters. Read warrant No 112. Transports formed divisions with Titan as guide.

  8.00pm: Altered course SSW.

10.30pm: Pos. 7°38’N, 14°00’W. Altered course S8E

  Sick list: 16.

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6 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 5.07, Long -12.73

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Courses and DMG, various, 247 miles.

  Sick list: 10.

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7 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 0.82, Long -10.48

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S28E, 287 miles.

  4.45pm: Altered course S30E.

  Sick list: 14.

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8 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -2.52, Long -7.02

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S46E, 284 miles.

  Sick list: 19.

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9 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -5.72, Long -3.50

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S48E, 284 miles.

  3.45pm: Transports Titan and Seang Choon hauled out of line for firing practice.

11.00pm: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  Sick list: 19.

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10 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -9.07, Long -0.33

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes: meridian of 15°E.

  6.30am: Passed British SS Hartland steering NW.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S44E, 294 miles.

  Sick list: 15.

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11 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -13.38, Long 2.10

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

10.30am: Held divine Service.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S31E, 298 miles.

  Sick list: 15.

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12 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -17.52, Long 4.72

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S31E, 291 miles.

  Sick list: 14.

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13 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -21.53, Long 7.43

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S32E, 286 miles.

  1.00pm: Speed of convoy 11½ knots.

  5.55pm: Speed of convoy 12 knots.

11.00pm: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  Sick list: 10.

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14 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -25.13, Long 10.10

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes: meridian 30°E

     Noon: Course and DMG, S34E, 258 miles.

  1.00pm: Speed of convoy 11 knots.

  Sick list: 11.

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15 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -28.77, Long 12.87

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S35E, 269 miles.

  Sick list: 7.

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16 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -32.05, Long 15.82

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

     Noon: Course and DMG, S36E, 250 miles.

  1.30pm: Reduced speed of convoy to 10 knots.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Convoy formed single line astern of Kent.

  7.45pm: Passed steamer bearing S, steering NNW.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°51’S, 16°30’E.

10.00pm: Altered course S20E.

10.30pm: Passed steamer steering NNW, distant ¾ mile.

  Sick list: 7.

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17 February 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Transports in company: Titan, Suffolk, Seang Choon, Boorara.

  5.30am: Observed land (Lion’s Point): S60E.

  6.00am: Lion’s Head: S70E, 21 miles. Altered course South, 13½ knots. Convoy parted company and proceeded to Cape Town.

  9.00am: Cape Point: N64E, 9½ miles. Altered course S66E.

11.00am: Altered course as requisite for False Bay and Simon’s Bay.

     Noon: Came to port anchor in 11½ fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Found HMS’ Hyacinth, Challenger, Himalaya and Trent in harbour.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 113.

  Sick list: 8.

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18 February 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.55am: Weighed. Proceeded into basin and secured alongside Eastern Breakwater.

  8.20am: Two ratings joined from HMS Hyacinth.

  9.45am: Held divine service.

  Sick list: 5.

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19 February 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.30am: Hands employed coaling ship.

  4.00pm: Discharged two ratings to detention quarters.

  6.30pm: Finished coaling for the day.

  Sick list: 5.

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20 February 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.00am: Commenced coaling ship.

  9.30am: Finished coaling. Received 1,411 tons.

  2.00pm: Proceeded out of basin and came to in Simon’s Bay, starboard anchor, 6 shackles in 11½ fathoms.

  Sick list: 4.

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21 February 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.00am: Paid monthly advance.

  Sick list: 5.

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22 February 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  1.30pm: Landed working parties in dockyard.

  Sick list: 5.

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23 February 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Landed dockyard working parties.

  8.45am: Weighed, proceeded into basin and secured alongside Eastern Breakwater. Hands employed as requisite.

11.35am: HMS Hyacinth sailed.

11.45am: Divers employed clearing propeller.

  1.00pm: Landed dockyard working party.

  1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. Divers employed clearing propellers.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 114, 115, 116.

  Sick list: 4.

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24 February 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Landed dockyard working parties.

  1.00pm: Landed dockyard working parties.

  Sick list: 9.

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25 February 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Divisions. Landed church parties (Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

  6.45pm: HMS Hyacinth arrived.

  Sick list: 5.

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26 February 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Landed dockyard working parties.

  1.00pm: Landed dockyard working parties.

  Sick list: 9.

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27 February 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Sent working parties to dockyard.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 117.

  4.30pm: HMS Hyacinth sailed.

  Sick list: 7.

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28 February 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: Sent working parties to dockyard. Remainder painting etc.

  Sick list: 7.


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Front cover.

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Blank, signature of Captain Trewby.

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Negretti & Zambra:

Mercurial barometer, AM 811, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers, Nos 9277 (dry) and 9512 (wet).

Sea thermometer, No 9511.

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1 March 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Landed dockyard working parties.

  Sick list: 10.

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2 March 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Hands employed surveying cable, painting ship, drawing and stowing provisions in stores. Divers examining underwater fittings.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 118 and 120 to 126 (inclusive).

  Sick list: 11.

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3 March 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Hands employed painting mess decks, surveying cables and painting out chain lockers, dismounting guns and as requisite

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 127.

  Sick list: 11.

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4 March 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Divisions. Landed church parties (Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

  Sick list: 9.

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5 March 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.00am: Lit fires in picket boat.

  7.00am: Cleaning ship

  8.30am: Landed dockyard working parties. Remainder surveying cables, painting chain lockers and mess decks, dismounting guns and as requisite. Divers examining underwater fittings.

  1.30pm: Surveying cables, cleaning and painting chain lockers, painting mess decks and dismounting guns. Blacking down aloft.

  Sick list: 8.

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6 March 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Two Privates RMLI, one ERA and one Cooper 2c joined ship.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 128.

  Sick list: 12.

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7 March 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.55pm: HMS Himalaya sailed.

  Sick list: 11.

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8 March 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  2.05pm: Warped off from jetty and out of basin.

  2.40pm: Proceeded as requisite.

  2.50pm: Came to in Simon’s Bay, starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Discharged one Stoker to detention.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants 119, 129 and 130.

  Sick list: 12.

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9 March 1917

Simon’s Bay to Cape Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.01

  6.30am: Weighed.

  6.40pm: Proceeded as requisite, 13 knots.

  7.00am: Roman Rocks: NW by N, 2½ miles. Shaped course SE½S.

10.00am: Cape Point: N54E, 12½ miles.

  3.00pm: Green Point: SE, 2 miles. Altered course as requisite for Table Bay.

  3.12pm: Stopped to pick up pilot.

  3.17pm: Proceeded in charge of pilot.

  3.30pm: Passed into Victoria Basin, Cape Town.

  4.00pm: Secured to No 3 Jetty, East side. HMS Himalaya in harbour.

  4.12pm: Commenced coaling, native labour.

  6.15pm: Read warrant No 131.

10.45pm: Finished coaling. Received 216 tons.

  Sick list: 11.

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10 March 1917

Cape Town

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 132.

  5.00pm: Discharged one Ordinary Seaman to HMS Himalaya for detention.

  6.00pm: Himalaya sailed.

  Sick list: 13.

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11 March 1917

Cape Town and at sea with convoy

Lat -33.91, Long 18.44

  0.30 am: Embarking and stowing bullion.

  7.30am: Cast off from jetty and warped off.

  7.45am: Proceeded through entrance.

  7.54am: Came to in Table Bay, starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles.

12.15pm: Weighed.

12.20pm: Proceeded 10 knots, course as requisite.

12.50pm: Shaped course N63W, 11 knots. Convoy formed in line ahead astern of Kent. Transports SS Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire in company.

  1.00pm: Green Point: S60E, 4 miles. Sighted HMS Himalaya ahead.

  3.00pm: Altered course N5W. Convoy formed divisions.

  5.15pm: Speed of convoy 10½ knots. HMS Himalaya following convoy, to the South Westward. SS Malakand joined convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°09’S, 17°20’E.

  Sick list: 14.

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12 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -30.97, Long 14.72

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  7.00am: HMS Himalaya out of sight at daybreak.

  8.00am: Pos. 31°22’S, 16°01’E.

10.30am: Passed HMS Marmora and convoy (5 ships) steering South.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 232 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°56’S, 15°00’E. Speed of convoy, 10 knots.

  Sick list: 13.

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13 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -27.52, Long 13.38

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 28°13’S, 13°49’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30W, 240 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Physical drill. Read warrant No 133.

  4.30pm: Log hauled in for adjustment.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°18’S, 12°35’E.

  Sick list: 13.

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14 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -23.83, Long 10.85

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  6.00am: Increased to 12 knots and drew ahead of convoy with SS Osterley in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 24°26’S, 11°24’E.

10.30am: Hauled in patent log. Stopped engines and sent target to Osterley, drew fresh meat from same.

11.30am: Resumed station with the convoy, streamed patent log.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N32W, 260 miles.

  4.00pm: Altered course N4W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°36’S, 10°08’E.

  Sick list: 14.

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15 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -20.28, Long 8.68

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 20°50’S, 9°08’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N28W, 240 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°01’S, 8°40’E.

  Sick list: 13.

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16 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -16.57, Long 6.68

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°14’S, 7°04’E.

10.00am: Carried out aiming rifle practice at target towed by SS Osterley.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N27W, 250 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°14’S, 6°23’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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17 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -13.00, Long 4.92

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 13°27’S, 5°31’E.

  9.15am: Dropped target and towed same for SS Osterley.

10.10am: Hauled in target.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N26W, 239 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped, sent cutter to communicate with Osterley and draw fresh provisions.

  4.40pm: Proceeded as requisite and took position with convoy. Course N2E.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°47’S, 4°26’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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18 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -9.33, Long 3.67

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 9°53’S, 3°49’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N19W, 234 miles.

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

  8.00pm: Lat 8°09’S, 3°19’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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19 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -6.53, Long 1.25

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°57’S, 1°39’E.

  9.15am: Dropped target and towed same for Galway Castle.

11.05am: Hauled in target.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 234 miles.

  2.00pm: Speed 10½ knots to draw ahead of convoy with SS Teucer.

  4.15pm: Stopped sent boat with correspondence to Teucer.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read Articles of War.

  4.30pm: Proceeded 10½ knots, resumed station in convoy

  5.15pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes (to meridian 0°30’ E).

  8.00pm: Lat 5°41’S, 0°09’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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20 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -3.95, Long -1.80

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 4°25’S, 1°15’W.

10.00am: Carried out aiming rifle practices at target towed by SS Osterley.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N51W, 233 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped, sent sea-boat to Osterley for fresh provisions.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 135.

  4.45pm: Proceeded, resumed station with convoy.

  5.00pm: Altered course N36W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°13’S, 2°48’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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21 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -1.97, Long -4.78

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°20’S, 4°14’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N56W, 216 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read Articles of War to Stoker divisions. Read warrant No 136.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to GMT).

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°08’S, 6°01’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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22 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 0.15, Long -8.43

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 0°01’S, 7°40W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N60W, 252 miles.

  1.25pm: Altered course N33W.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 137.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°56’N, 9°30’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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23 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 2.60, Long -11.82

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  7.05am: Observed steamer ahead, altered course and examined SS Vinstra of Tonberg, Norway.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°09’S, 11°06’W. Course to regain station in the convoy.

  9.30am: Carried out aiming rifle practice at target towed by SS Osterley.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N54W, 251 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Osterley for fresh provisions.

  4.35pm: Proceeded, resumed station in convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°24’N, 12°50’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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24 March 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 4.9, Long -14.93

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire, SS Malakand.

  8.00am: Pos. 4°38’N, 14°25’W.

  9.15am: Dropped target and towed same for Wiltshire's .303 and 12 pounder practice.

11.20am: Hauled in target.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N53W, 233 miles.

  2.10pm: SS Malakand parted company.

  5.00pm: Took guide of convoy.

  6.00pm: Speed of convoy 10 knots.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°11’N, 14°45’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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25 March 1917

At sea with convoy to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.38, Long -13.77

  In company, HM Transports Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire, Ayrshire.

  7.30am: Convoy formed single line ahead.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°09’N, 14°23’W. Altered course E.

  9.30am: 9 knots.

10.00am: Held divine service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 239 miles.

12.05pm: Observed land E¼S.

  1.00pm: Altered course E by N.

  3.45pm: Altered course S51E.

  4.00pm: Sierra Leone Lighthouse: S29W, 5½ cables. Altered course as requisite.

  4.40pm: Stopped.

  4.43pm: Came to off Freetown, port anchor in 8½ fathoms, veered to 5½ shackles. HMS’ King Alfred, Bacchante, Swiftsure and Britannia at anchor.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 1 hour (to meridian of 15°W).

  Sick list: 8.

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26 March 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.50am: SS Barunga [Baragua in log]* collier secured alongside.

  6.45am: Commenced coaling and disembarking bullion.

10.20am: Arrived, HMS Africa and convoy (3 ships).

  2.00pm: Discharged five ratings to HMS Swiftsure.

  4.00pm: Swiftsure sailed.

  7.45pm: Finished coaling, received 1,247 tons.

  8.10pm: Collier left ship.

  * Barunga, 1913, 7,484 grt, ex-Sumatra of the German-Australian Line.

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27 March 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

11.00am: HMS Britannia and convoy sailed [Galway Castle, Ajana, Osterley, Teucer, Wiltshire and Ayrshire, en route for Bermuda].

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28 March 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 7.

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29 March 1917

Sierra Leone and at sea for Simon’s Bay

Lat 8.35, Long -13.53

  9.50am: Weighed, proceeded out of harbour with transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne [formerly Star of Victoria] and Hororata in company.

10.35am: Shaped course S70W, 11½ knots. Port Lincoln guide of convoy.

11.00am: Advanced clocks 20 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°00’N, 14°18’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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30 March 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 4.63, Long -14.23

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  3.00am: Advanced clocks 20 minutes.

  5.00am: Advanced clocks 20 minutes (to GMT)

  8.00am: Pos. 4°59’N, 14°59’W.

10.00am: Carried out sub-calibre from starboard 6” and 12 pounder at target towed by SS Horarata.

     Noon: DMG, 273 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°44’N, 12°55’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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31 March 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 2.02, Long -10.15

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°23’N, 10°56’W.

11.55am: Observed smoke on starboard bow.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S57E, 291 miles.

  1.00pm: Passed steamer steering NW.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Hororata for fresh provisions.

  4.30pm: Proceeded. Resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°07’N, 8°51’W.

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 5.


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Front cover.

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Above two pages blank.

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Negretti & Zambra:

Mercurial barometer, AM 811, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers, Nos 9277 (dry) and 9512 (wet).

Sea thermometer, No 9511.

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1 April 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -0.45, Long -6.60

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  3.00am: Advanced clocks 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Advanced clocks 10 minutes (to meridian 7°30’E)

  8.00am: Pos. 0°11’S, 6°55’W.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S55E, 260 miles.

11.00pm: Advanced clocks 10 minutes.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°20’S, 5°17’W.

  Sick list: 3.

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2 April 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -2.93, Long -3.10

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  3.00am: Advanced clocks 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Advanced clocks 10 minutes (to meridian 15°).

  8.00am: Pos. 2°28’S, 3°44’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S55E, 258 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°50’S, 1°46’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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3 April 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -5.57, Long 0.85

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°10’S, 0°13’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S56E, 285 miles.

  1.25pm: Altered course S30E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°34’S, 2°07’E.

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

  Sick list: 3.

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4 April 1917

At sea with convoy

Lat -8.92, Long 4.18

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes (to meridian of 22.50)

  8.00am: Pos. 8°11’S, 3°51’E.

10.00am: Passed steamer steering North (hull down).

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 287 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°24’S, 4°47’E.

  Sick list: 7.

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5 April 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -13.38, Long 6.05

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

12.10am: Passed SS Balmoral Castle steering North.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°37’S, 5°42’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S22E, 290 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°52’S, 6°35’E.

  Sick list: 12.

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6 April 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -17.75, Long 8.07

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  6.45am: Observed position: 16°51’S, 7°35’E.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°06’S, 7°41’E.

  9.30am: Divisions. Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S24E, 287 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to SS Hororata for fresh provisions.

  4.45pm: Proceeded and took station in convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°02’S, 8°40E.

  Sick list: 10.

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7 April 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -21.78, Long 9.92

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  8.00am: Pos. 21°10’S, 9°44’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S24E, 264 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°15’S, 10°41’E.

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

  Sick list: 10.

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8 April 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -26.03, Long 12.96

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes (to meridian 30°)

  8.00am: Pos. 25°25’S, 11°50’E.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S25E, 281 miles.

  1.50pm: Altered course S5E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27°25’S, 12°58’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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9 April 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -30.23, Long 14.88

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata.

  8.00am: Pos. 29°35’S, 14°24’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S30E, 293 miles.

  1.55pm: Altered course S7E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31°35’S, 15°53’E.

  Sick list: 11.

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10 April 1917

At sea to Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.12, Long 18.07

  In company: Transports Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Hororata

  3.20am: Passed steamer steering North.

  6.30am: Observed land: E½S.

  6.40am: Observed position: 33°17’S, 17°12’E.

  8.00am: Pos. 33°30’S, 17°23’E.

  8.20am: Altered course SSE.

  8.30am: Observed Table Mountain: S38E.

10.50am: Sighted HMS Challenger: SW.

11.00am: Lion’s Head: S59E, 26 miles. Altered course to S½E, increased to 14 knots. Convoy parted company and proceeded to Table Bay.

11.40am: HMS Challenger passed close steering E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S35E, 283 miles.

  3.40pm: Stopped. Hauled in patent log. Met in False Bay by tug and target. Sent record party to tug.

  4.15pm: Proceeded as requisite. Carried out two full calibre runs 6” and 12 pounder at towed target.

  5.30pm: Finished firing. Proceeded as requisite, 13 knots, for Simon’s Bay.

  6.53pm: Stopped. Secured to No 1 moorings, Simon’s Bay. HMS’ Hyacinth and Orama in harbour.

  Sick list: 9.

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11 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.00am: Discharged one Able Seaman to hospital.

11.00am: Coal lighters secured alongside.

12.30pm: SS Tafna, collier, secured alongside.

  1.25pm: Commenced coaling.

  2.00pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

  6.55pm: Stopped coaling for the night.

  Sick list: 8.

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12 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  6.50am: Commenced coaling.

  9.00am: HMS Hyacinth sailed.

  2.35pm: HMS Challenger arrived.

  3.45pm: Finished coaling. Received 1,662 tons.

  5.00pm: One rating returned from detention.

  Lost overboard whilst coaling: Sacks, coal 12 cwt. Patt 3a, 14 in No.

  Sick list: 8.

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13 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  3.40pm: HMS Challenger sailed.

  Sick list: 5.

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14 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  5.00pm: One rating rejoined from detention.

  6.00pm: HMS Challenger arrived.

  Sick list: 5.

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15 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Landed church parties (Roman Catholics, Wesleyan and Presbyterians).

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

  Sick list: 3.

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16 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  2.00pm: Two ratings joined from HMS Hyacinth.

  2.30pm: HMS Challenger sailed.

  9.20pm: HMS Mantua arrived.

  Sick list: 5.

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17 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 4.

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18 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Landed working parties to draw stores and provisions. Remainder as requisite.

  1.30pm: Hands provisioning ship.

  Sick list: 4.

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19 April 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  6.55am: Coal lighter secured alongside.

  7.50am: Commenced coaling. Hands employed coaling, embarking ammunition, drawing stores and as requisite.

10.15am: Finished coaling. Received 71 tons.

  4.00pm: Read warrants Nos 138 to 144 inclusive, discharged one Stoker to detention.

  4.15pm: One Able Seaman and one Stoker joined from detention.

11.55pm: Slipped moorings.

11.59pm: Proceeded as requisite, 11 knots.

  Sick list: 6.

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20 April 1917

Table Bay and at sea with convoy for Sierra Leone

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

12.18am: Roman Rocks: S76W, 1.3 miles. Shaped course SE, 13 knots.

  1.00am: Cape Point Light: S69W, 9 miles. Altered course SSW.

  2.00am: Cape Point Light: N27W, 9½ miles. Altered course West.

  6.05am: Altered course East.

  7.20am: Altered course ESE.

  7.30am: Green Point: S60E, 7 miles. Altered course as requisite.

  8.20am: Stopped. Came to in Table Bay, starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  2.55pm: Weighed.

  3.00pm: Proceeded 11½ knots with transports Ruapehu and Euripides in company.

  3.15pm: Green Point: S4E, 1½ miles. Shaped course N63E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°28’S, 17°34’E.

  Sick list: 7.

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21 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -30.83, Long 15.73

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 31°34’S, 16°03’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 239 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 145-148 inclusive.

  4.45pm: Altered course and speed as requisite for standing off whilst Ruapehu picked up a man overboard.

  5.10pm: Man saved. Resumed course N7W, 11½ knots.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°45’S, 14’ 55’S.

  Sick list: 8.

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22 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -27.13, Long 13.17

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°54’S, 13°34’E.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N31W, 260 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 25°53’S, 12°18’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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23 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -23.33, Long 10.57

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides

  8.00am: Pos. 24°00’S, 11°03’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N32W, 268 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 22°30’E)

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°04’S, 9°45’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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24 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -19.46, Long 8.13

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 20°04’S, 8°31’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N31W, 271 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Euripides for fresh provisions.

  5.00pm: Proceeded 12 knots, course N5W. Resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°15’S, 7°22’E.

  Sick list: 6.

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25 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -15.72, Long 5.77

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°17’S, 6°22’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N30W, 261 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 15°E)

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°17’S, 5°03’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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26 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -11.80, Long 3.57

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 12°27’S, 3°54’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N29W, 268 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 149, 150, 151. Hands at physical drill.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°26’S, 3°02’E.

  Sick list: 11.

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27 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -8.35, Long 1.00

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°50’S, 1°37’E.

10.00am: Carried out 1” aiming rifle and .303 practice at target towed by SS Euripides.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 260 miles.

  1.00pm: Put over and towed target. Boys at instruction. SS Euripides carried out 4.7” practice.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Euripides to draw fresh provisions.

  4.35pm: Proceeded. Resumed station with convoy.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 7°30’E)

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°23’S, 0°03’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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28 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -5.40, Long -2.27

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°49’S, 1°48’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N48W, 265 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 152

  5.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: Pipe, Boatswain's, Patt. No 2, 1 in No.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°24’S, 3°18’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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29 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -2.45, Long -5.28

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°53’S, 4°53’W.

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N46W, 254 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N29W.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to GMT).

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°30’S. 6°21’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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30 April 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 0.18, Long -8.92

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 0°03’S, 8°00’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N54W, 269 miles.

  3.58pm: Stopped. Sent boat to SS Euripides for fresh provisions.

  4.30pm: Proceeded, resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos.1°07’N, 9°59’W.

  Sick list: 11


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Front cover.

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Above two pages blank.

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Negretti & Zambra:

Mercurial barometer, AM 811, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers, Nos 9277 (dry) and 9512 (wet).

Sea thermometer, No 9511.

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1 May 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 3.05, Long -12.42

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°39’N, 11°56’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N51W, 272 miles.

  2.10pm: Course and speed as requisite for taking engine diagrams.

  2.35pm: Resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°55’N, 13°20’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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2 May 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 6.15, Long -14.38

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°33’N, 14°24’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 231 miles.

  3.00pm: Put out target. Ruapehu carried out 4.7” practice.

  4.35pm: Hauled in target.

  6.00pm: Convoy formed line ahead astern of Kent.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°24’N, 14°23’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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3 May 1917

At sea with convoy to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  In company: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  1.00am: Altered course East.

  4.40am: Observed Cape Sierra Leone: S88E.

  7.00am: Altered course as requisite for entering harbour.

  7.15am: Passed through defences.

  7.30am: SS Maylands, collier, secured alongside.

  7.45am: Stopped.

  7.47am: Came to off Freetown, port anchor in 10½ fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. HMS’ King Alfred and Weymouth in harbour.

  8.00am: Put clocks back 1 hour (to meridian 15°W)

  8.30am: Commenced coaling ship.

  6.30pm: Finished coaling for the day.

  Sick list: 8.

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4 May 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Commenced coaling.

  8.45am: Finished coaling. Received 1,300 tons.

11.30am: HMS Bacchante arrived.

  1.00pm: Read warrant No 153. Discharged one Stoker to detention.

  4.00pm: Read warrant No 154.

  Sick list: 9.

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5 May 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.00am: HMS Weymouth sailed.

  6.40am: HMS Bacchante sailed.

  7.30am: HMS Carnarvon arrived.

  4.30pm: Weighed port anchor, anchor found foul. Let go starboard anchor. Employed clearing port cable.

  6.15pm: Transports Ruapehu and Euripides sailed.

  6.45pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite, 80 revolutions.

  7.00pm: Put clocks on 1 hour (to GMT).

  8.15pm: Passed though defences. Shaped course NW by W.

10.00pm: Joined company with Transports Ruapehu and Euripides.

  Sick list: 9.

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6 May 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 9.02, Long -16.17

  Transports in company: Ruapehu and Euripides.

  3.00am: Altered course N50W.

  6.00am: Commenced zig-zagging (N50W making good 10.3 Knots)

Scheme of zig-zag: In one hour, 30°to starboard of course for 10 minutes, 30°to port of course for 10 minutes, 10°to starboard for 20 minutes, 10°to port for 20 minutes. Making good 90% of speed.

  7.30am: Steamer in sight (hull down) steering North Westerly: N by W.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°50’N, 15°29’W.

  9.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 186 miles.

  4.00pm: Speed of convoy 9 Knots.

  7.45pm: Took station on starboard bow of Ruapehu.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°28’N, 17°22’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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7 May 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 10.32, Long -19.75

  Transports in company: Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 10°04’N, 18°57’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, N70W, 226 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°43’N, 20°49’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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8 May 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 11.38, Long -23.20

  Transports in company: Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°20’N, 22°29’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N73W, 214 miles.

  2.15pm: Took over guide of convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 11°56’N, 24°07’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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9 May 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 13.18, Long -25.98

  Transports in company: Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 13°00’N, 25°24’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 197 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°53’N, 26°52’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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10 May 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 15.53, Long -28.18

  Transports in company: Ruapehu and Euripides.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°00’N, 28°14’W.

10.10am: Observed steamer N30W, steering SSW.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 204 miles.

  3.30pm: Passed SS Glenrazan of Liverpool*, bound for Dakar.

  3.30pm: Passed SS Largo Law of Glasgow, bound for Buenos Aires.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16°35’N, 28°10’W.

  8.30pm: Observed position: 16°40’N, 28°16’W.

  Sick list: 6.

  * Built in Belgium, 1913, 4,044 grt.

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11 May 1917

At sea

Lat 17.28, Long -27.53

  Transports in company: Ruapehu and Euripides.

  0.30am: Passed 4-masted schooner, steering South.

  6.55am: Sighted HMS Weymouth: SE.

  7.20am: Altered course East 12 knots. Relieved from charge of convoy by HMS Weymouth and parted company.

  7.40am: Altered course S17E, 13 Knots.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°58’N, 28°02’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 206 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°53’N, 26°53’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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12 May 1917

At sea

Lat 13.68, Long -23.97

  4.30am: Altered course S42E.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°02’S, 24°35’W. Observed island of Fogo bearing NE¼N.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 308 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°51’N, 22°26’W.

  Sick list: 3.

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13 May 1917

At sea

Lat 11.12, Long -19.57

  8.00am: Pos. 11°36’N, 20°09’W.

10.15am: Held divine services

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S59E, 300 miles.

  1.40pm: Altered course S48E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°20’N, 17°52’W.

  Sick list: 1.

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14 May 1917

At sea

Lat 8.98, Long -14.50

  8.00am: Pos. 9°20’N, 15°22’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S67E, 329 miles.

  3.25pm: Passed steamer bearing South, steering West. Lit fires in picket boat and steam pinnace.

  4.00pm: Observed Cape Sierra Leone ahead. Passed HMS Bacchante.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back ½ hour.

  5.00pm: Altered course as requisite.

  5.14pm: Passed through defences.

  5.30pm: Stopped. Came to starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Found HMS’ King Alfred and Sirius at anchor.

  6.35pm: Penlee collier, secured alongside.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back ½ hour (to meridian 15°W)

  Sick list: 3.

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15 May 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.45am: Commenced coaling ship.

  3.32pm: Finished coaling. Received 953 tons.

  4.08pm: Collier left ship

  Sick list: 5.

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16 May 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

10.30am: Tested life-buoys: correct.

  Sick list: 8.

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17 May 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 158.

  Sick list: 7.

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18 May 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30pm: Arrived HMS Marmora and convoy (10 ships).

  Sick list: 7.

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19 May 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Sick list: 6.

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20 May 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  8.30am: Landed church parties (Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

  Sick list: 5.

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21 May 1917

Sierra Leone and at sea for Simon’s Bay

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  6.45am: Two coal lighters secured alongside.

  8.00am: Hands coaling ship.

  8.30am: Finished coaling, received 131 tons.

10.30am: Let go port anchor and veered to 3 shackles.

  3.20pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite with convoy (13 ships) in company.

  3.40pm: Passed through defences.

  4.00pm: Sierra Leone Lighthouse: S40E, 2 miles. Shaped course N71W, 11 Knots.

  5.05pm: Reduced to 8 knots. Convoy formed divisions.

  6.30pm: Proceeded 11 knots with SS Chepstow Castle as guide of convoy. Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Runic, Osterley.

  8.00pm: Pos.8.51, Long -13.91

10.00pm: Transport Runic hauled out of line (defective steering gear).

11.00pm: Put clocks on 20 minutes.

11.40pm: Altered course S64W.

  Sick list: 6.

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22 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 6.73, Long -13.98 DR

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°15’N, 14°28’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 193 miles.

  2.15pm: Observed steamer bearing SSE½E, steering S by E.

  3.00pm: Altered course S17E to close steamer.

  4.00pm: Steamer hoisted Spanish colours. Altered course to resume station.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 159.

  5.00pm: Observed position: 6°02’N, 13°26’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°39’N, 13°04’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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23 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 3.43, Long -10.97

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley

  8.00am: Pos. 4°03’N, 11°34’W.

  8.00am: Increased to 12 knots (SS Galway Castle in company).

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S43E, 269 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to SS Galway Castle to draw fresh provisions,

  4.40pm: Proceeded 11 knots. Resumed station with convoy.

  7.00pm: Observed smoke: N73W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°24’N, 10°00’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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24 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 0.25, Long -7.82

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 0°46’N, 8°29’W.

11.00am: Sighted Transport Runic: W by S, 16 miles.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S44E, 269 miles.

  7.00pm: Transport Runic took up position in the convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°50’S, 6°47’W.

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 7.

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25 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -2.65, Long -4.90

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°20’S, 5°20’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S45E, 246 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°42’S, 3°53’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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26 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -5.67, Long -2.32

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°15’S, 2°23’W.

  9.00am: Increased to 12 knots (SS Galway Castle in company).

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S41E, 239 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to SS Galway Castle to draw fresh provisions,

  4.25pm: Proceeded. Resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°37’S, 1°18’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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27 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -8.58, Long 0.22

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°02’S, 0°06’W.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 233 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°44’S, 0°55’E.

  Sick list: 5.

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28 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -11.97, Long 2.18

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  8.00am: Pos. 11°28’S, 1°38’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S30E, 234 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°07’S, 2°54’E.

  Sick list: 6.

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29 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -15.35, Long 4.28

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  8.00am: Pos. 14°46’S, 3°54’E.

  9.00am: Increased to 12 knots (SS Galway Castle in company).

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S31E, 237 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to SS Galway Castle to draw fresh provisions,

  4.30pm: Proceeded. Resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16°28’S, 5°00’E.

  Sick list: 7.

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30 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -18.62, Long 6.50

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  7.40am: Observed steamer ahead. Increased to 12 knots.

  8.00am: Pos. 18°11’S, 6°09’E.

10.00am: Spoke to SS Gryfevale of Glasgow (Admiralty collier No 1555) bound to Cape Town.

10.12am: Reduced to 9 knots to resume station.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S33E, 234 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°44’S, 7°16’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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31 May 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -21.73, Long 8.65

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  8.00am: Pos. 21°19’S, 8°22’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S33E, 224 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°49’S, 9°24’E.

  Sick list: 6.


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Front Cover.

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Negretti & Zambra:

Mercurial barometer, AM 811, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers, Nos 9277 (dry) and 9512 (wet).

Sea thermometer, No 9511.

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1 June 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -25.02, Long 11.17

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  8.00am: Pos. 24°31’S, 10°38’E.

  9.00am: Increased to 11½ knots (Galway Castle in company).

10.00am: Passed SS Subik (Admiralty oiler No 57) bound for Dakar.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S35E, 241 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Galway Castle to draw fresh provisions.

  4.35pm: Proceeded 10 knots. Resumed station with convoy.

  4.40pm: Course S6E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°10’S, 11°59’E.

10.35pm: Passed SS Port Augusta bound to Northward.

  Sick list: 2.

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2 June 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -28.45, Long 13.52

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  4.45am: Observed steamer SW by W, steering N.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°55’S, 13°10’E.

10.00am: Observed HMS Africa and convoy (hull down to starboard) steering N. Reorganised the order of the convoy.

11.30am: Galway Castle guide, 9 knots.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S31E, 241 miles.

  5.00pm: Passed SS Trehawke of St Ives, Cape Town to Sierra Leone.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°27’S, 14°14’E.

  Sick list: 6.

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3 June 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -31.23, Long 15.55

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  8.00am: Pos. 30°55’S, 15°17’E.

10.30am: Held divine service

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S32E, 198 miles.

  1.15pm: Increased speed of convoy to 10 knots

  4.15pm: Altered course S10E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°14’S, 16°26’E.

10.45pm: Passed SS Roscommon [formerly Oswestry Grange], bound for Sierra Leone

  Sick list: 5.

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4 June 1917

At sea to Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.43, Long 18.37

  Transports in company: Galway Castle, Chepstow Castle, Tainui, Ulimaroa, City of Sparta, Omrah, Themistocles, Persic, Anchises, Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Osterley, Runic.

  7.00am: Observed Table Mountain: SE by S.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°40’S, 17°47’E.

  9.00am: Ordered convoy into Table Bay and parted company.

  9.00am: Shaped course SSE, 100 revolutions.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, S37E, 241 miles.

     Noon: Cape Point bore N81E, 8 miles. Altered course S50E.

  2.00pm: Altered course as requisite for Simon’s Bay.

  2.40pm: Stopped.

  3.00pm: Lost No 1 moorings whilst taking them in.

  3.15pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Found in harbour: HMS’ Challenger, Orama and Princess.

  Sick list: 6.

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5 June 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.00am: Sent diver down to recover No 1 moorings.

11.00am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

  1.00pm: Paid monthly advance.

  1.30pm: Dismounting guns, refitting and as requisite.

  5.50pm: Weighed, hove ship to, and took in No 1 moorings

  Sick list: 7.

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6 June 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.10am: HMS Orama sailed.

10.45am: Orama arrived.

11.10am: Orama sailed.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 161. Discharged one ERA to detention.

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7 June 1917

Simon’s Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.30am: Discharged Commander Bedford, one Petty Officer and one Private RMLI to hospital.

  2.15pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite into basin.

  2.35pm: Secured ship alongside C wall.

  Sick list: 8.

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8 June 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 9.

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9 June 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Hoisted Court Martial Jack.

  9.30am: Held two Courts Martial on board.

10.30am: Dipped and hoisted Court Martial Jack.

11.10am: Hauled down Court Martial Jack.

  Sick list: 6.

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10 June 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Landed church parties (Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

  Sick list: 6.

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11 June 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 6.

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12 June 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 162.

  Sick list: 5.

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13 June 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Sick list: 6.

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14 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Cast off from jetty and warped ship into dry dock.

11.30am: Discharged one Stoker RFR to hospital.

  4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 163, 164, 165.

  Sick list: 6.

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15 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Scraping the bottom and cleaning the dock.

  Sick list: 9.

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16 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Scraping funnels, dismounting guns etc.

  Sick list: 10.

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17 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: Landed Church parties (Wesleyans, Presbyterians and Roman Catholics).

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

  Sick list: 9.

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18 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Funeral party at drill.

  1.30pm: Landed funeral party. [For Stoker 1c JW Redford, Service No 289016, who died of illness, 16th June 1917. He is buried at the Simon’s Town Dido Valley Cemetery. (From CWGC and Naval-History).]

  Sick list: 11.

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19 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.30pm: HMS Britannia arrived.

  Sick list: 10.

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20 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: One Stoker joined from HMS Britannia.

  2.30pm: Discharged one ERA to hospital.

  Sick list: 10.

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21 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 166 and 167.

  Sick list: 9.

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22 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 168. Discharged one Stoker to detention.

  Sick list: 11.

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23 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.00am: One Stoker rejoined from hospital.

  Sick list: 11.

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24 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Landed church parties (Church of England, Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

  Sick list: 13.

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25 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.45am: HMS Britannia sailed.

  Sick list: 12.

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26 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Painting down aloft, oiling hawsers etc.

  Sick list: 10.

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27 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Painting store rooms, oiling hawsers, dismounting guns etc.

  Sick list: 9.

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28 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Japanese cruisers Tsushima and Niitaka arrived.

  2.30pm: Landed working party in dockyard to secure collier.

  Sick list: 7.

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29 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Painting mess decks, oiling hawsers etc.

  Sick list: 9.

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30 June 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.15pm: One ERA rejoined from detention.

  Sick list: 8.


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Front cover.

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Above three pages blank.

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1 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Landed church parties (Church of England, Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

  2.30pm: HMS Talbot arrived.

  Sick list: 4.

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2 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

12.30pm: Paid quarterly settlement.

  6.15pm: HMS Exmouth arrived.

  Sick list: 6.

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3 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Sent working party to cast off collier from jetty.

  Sick list: 5.

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4 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Landed field guns crew.

  1.30pm: Landed funeral party. [For Warrant Wardmaster John H Amy, late of HMS Hyacinth, who died 3rd July 1917 and is buried at Simon’s Town Dido Valley Cemetery. (From CWGC).]

  5.00pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 169 and 170.

  Sick list: 5.

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5 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Landed sailmaker’s party in dockyard.

  Sick list: 10.

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6 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.00am: Cleaning ship. Cutter’s crew at boat pulling exercise. Landed Sailmaker’s party in dockyard.

11.00am: Landed escort.

11.30am: Escort and three absentees arrived on board.

  3.00pm: HMS Challenger arrived.

  5.30pm: Discharged one Private RMLI to Challenger.

  Sick list: 7.

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7 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.30pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 171 and 172.

  Sick list: 7.

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8 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: HMS Challenger sailed.

10.00am: Landed church parties (Church of England, Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

  Sick list: 7.

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9 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Refit continues, sailmaker’s party in dockyard, painting, dismounting guns, getting out ammunition etc.

  Sick list: 7.

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10 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  2.00pm: Discharged one Stoker Petty Officer to hospital.

  Sick list: 4.

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11 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.00am: Sent working party to assist in unberthing a collier.

  8.00am: HMS Suffolk sailed.

  2.00pm: Discharged one Leading Stoker to HMS Hyacinth for Cape Yard.

  3.50pm: HMS Talbot sailed.

  5.00pm: Discharged one Trimmer (mercantile) to detention quarters.

  5.30pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 173.

  7.00pm: One Leading Stoker joined from Cape Yard.

  Sick list: 4.

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12 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Cutter’s crew at boat pulling exercise.

  5.00pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 174-175.

  Sick list: 6.

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13 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Landed working party to assist in berthing a collier.

  1.30pm: Landed 30 mourners for funeral. [For Commander Allen Fielding, RNR, late of HMS Orama, who died 11th July 1917 from illness. He is buried at Simon’s Town Dido Valley Cemetery. (from CWGC and Naval History).]

  Sick list: 10.

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14 July 1917

Simon’s Town [dry dock]

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.00pm: One Stoker rejoined from detention.

  7.00pm: One Stoker (absentee from HMS Talbot) joined under escort from HMS Himalaya.

  Sick list: 6.

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15 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Hands employed undocking ship and securing ship to wall.

  2.00pm: First part both watches employed assisting in docking collier Shadwell.

  5.00pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 176.

  Sick list: 7.

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16 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: HMS Exmouth sailed with Japanese cruisers Tsushima and Niitaka.

11.00am: Landed Marine detachment to rifle range.

  2.00pm: Read warrants Nos 177, 178, 179. Discharged three ratings to military detention quarters, Wynberg.

  6.30pm: HMS Astraea arrived.

  Sick list: 4.

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17 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Landed company of 40 Seamen for review in Cape Town.

10.30am: Discharged one Ship’s Corporal and three Ordinary Seamen to HMS Astraea.

  1.00pm: HMS Africa arrived.

  5.00pm: Read warrant No 180.

  Sick list: 3.

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18 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: No 1 cutter’s crew at boat pulling exercise.

  1.00pm: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Africa.

  4.30pm: Read warrants Nos 181, 182 and 183.

  6.00pm: Discharged one Stoker to Africa and one Stoker to HMS Talbot. One Stoker joined from detention quarters.

  Sick list: 5.

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19 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  5.30pm: HMS Princess sailed.

  5.35pm: HMS Himalaya arrived.

  Sick list: 6.

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20 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: HMS Talbot sailed.

  2.00pm: Discharged one Ship’s Steward’s Assistant to shore.

  4.30pm: Japanese cruisers Tsushima and Niitaka arrived.

  5.00pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 184.

  Sick list: 6.

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21 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: HMS Himalaya sailed.

  Sick list: 5.

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22 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Landed church parties (Church of England, Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

  4.30pm: One Court Martial prisoner brought on board from HMS Astrea.

  Sick list: 5.

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23 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Hoisted Court Martial Jack.

  9.30am: Held Court Martial on board.

11.25am: Hauled down Court Martial Jack.

  2.00pm: Two prisoners brought on board from HMS Astraea.

  2.30pm: Discharged one prisoner to Astraea.

  4.00pm: Read warrants Nos 185 and 186. Discharged one Stoker to detention and one Stoker to prison.

  Sick list: 5.

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24 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: HMS’ Africa and Astraea sailed.

11.00am: Discharged one Stoker RFR to hospital.

  2.30pm: Discharged one Court Martial prisoner to Africa.

  4.30pm: Read warrant No 187.

  5.00pm: One Stoker (deserter from HMS Himalaya) brought on board by escort.

  Sick list: 3.

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25 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: Discharged Mr Woods, Artificer Engineer, for passage to England.

  8.00am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima sailed.

  1.30pm: Discharged one recovered deserter to HMS Himalaya.

  Sick list: 6.

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26 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Discharged one ERA to hospital.

  Sick list: 7.

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27 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Hands refitting, painting store rooms and provisioning ship.

10.30am: Sent working party to secure collier alongside jetty.

  6.00pm: One Stoker rejoined from detention.

  9.00pm: Three Able Seamen (deserters from HMS Africa) brought on board in charge of escort.

  Sick list: 5.

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28 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: Hands employed painting ship’s side, upper deck, store rooms and flats, drawing stores, overhauling gun mountings, refitting and as requisite.

  9.30am: Discharged one Blacksmith and Mate to HMS Talbot.

10.30am: One rating rejoined from hospital.

  3.00pm: Marine detachment rejoined from rifle range.

  Sick list: 7.

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29 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Landed church parties of all denominations.

  Sick list: 7.

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30 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Parties employed drawing stores.

  Sick list: 6.

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31 July 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Refitting, painting etc.

  Sick list: 6.


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Front cover.

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Above two pages blank.

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Negretti & Zambra:

Mercurial barometer, AM 811, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers, Nos 9277 (dry) and 9512 (wet).

Sea thermometer, No 9511.

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1 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Refit continues.

  Sick list: 6.

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2 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  Refitting, painting etc.

  Sick list: 7.

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3 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to detention.

  6.00pm: One Schoolmaster joined ship.

  Sick list: 6.

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4 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Landed ship’s company for anniversary service in dockyard.

  Sick list: 3.

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5 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Landed church parties of all denominations.

11.00am: HMS Macedonia arrived.

  Sick list: 3.

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6 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.30am: Gunnery training class at instruction.

  9.30am: Lieutenant AH Dean* RNR joined from Himalaya to await trial by Court Martial.

11.00am: Read warrants Nos 188, 189, 190. Discharged three Able Seamen to military detention quarters, Wynberg.

  2.30pm: Discharged one stoker (RFR) to HMS Hyacinth (Cape Yard).

  3.03pm: Read warrants Nos 191, 192 and 193.

  6.00pm: One Stoker joined ship from Hyacinth (Cape Yard).

  Sick list: 5.

  * Blank here; name added from Himalaya’s log.

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7 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Hoisted Court Martial Jack.

  8.30am: Landed party to secure collier to jetty.

  9.30am: Held Court Martial on board.

10.20am: Hauled down Court Martial Jack.

  8.00pm: One Able Seaman joined from military detention quarters, Wynberg.

  Sick list: 5.

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8 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Hands employed ammunitioning ship.

11.30am: HMS Talbot sailed.

  3.00pm: One Stoker rejoined from hospital.

  Sick list: 6.

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9 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: One absentee from HMS Talbot brought on board by escort.

  2.00pm: Landed working party to assist in undocking collier.

  2.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Macedonia.

  4.30pm: Read warrant No 194.

  5.30pm: One Able Seaman and one Stoker rejoined from detention.

11.30pm: Two Stokers from HMS Macedonia brought on board under escort.

  Sick list: 9.

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10 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Commenced coaling.

  2.30pm: HMS Princess arrived.

10.00pm: Ceased coaling.

10.35pm: One absentee of HMS Talbot brought on board by police.

  Sick list: 8.

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11 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  1.30am: One absentee of HMS Macedonia reported himself on board.

  7.00am: Commenced coaling ship.

  8.00am: HMS Princess hoisted Court Martial Jack.

10.00am: HMS Talbot arrived. Discharged three absentees to Talbot.

10.30am: Carried out basin trials.

     Noon: Finished coaling, received 1,581 tons.

  2.30pm: Discharged one absentee to Macedonia.

  9.00pm: Three absentees of Macedonia brought on board by police.

  Sick list: 8.

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12 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Landed working party to undock collier.

  6.00pm: Surgeon [name omitted] RNVR joined from HMS Macedonia for passage.

  Sick list: 6.

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13 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.57, Long 18.77

  8.00am: Cast off from jetty and warped out of basin.

  8.30am: Course and speed as requisite.

  8.45am: Shaped course SE by E, 10 knots.

  8.40am: Roman Rock: N42W, 1 mile.

  9.45am: Stopped port engine.

10.10am: Half ahead port.

11.30am: Working up speed as convenient for trial of machinery.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 35 miles.

  3.10pm: Altered course N10E. Cape Hangklip bearing N40E, 13 miles.

  4.30pm: 12 knots. Altered course as requisite for Simon’s Bay.

  5.25pm: Stopped. Secured to No 1 moorings in Simon’s Bay.

  Lost overboard by accident during steam trial: buoy night, life, complete, Patt. 1500, one in number.

  Sick list: 6.

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14 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  6.00am: Coal lighter secured alongside.

  7.50am: Commenced coaling.

  8.45am: HMS Talbot arrived.

10.00am: Discharged one Able Seaman to HMS Himalaya.

11.00am: Finished coaling, received 165 tons.

  2.30pm: One Private RMLI joined from hospital.

  4.30pm: Read warrant No 195.

  Sick list: 8.

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15 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.15am: HMS Himalaya sailed.

10.40am: HMS Talbot arrived.

  Sick list: 9.

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16 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

  Sick list: 6.

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17 August 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  7.00am: Coal lighter secured alongside.

  8.00am: Hands coaling, painting flats, rigging diving boat and as requisite.

  9.30am: Finished coaling, received 39 tons.

  5.00pm: Discharged one Leading Stoker to hospital.

  Sick list: 9.

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18 August 1917

From Simon’s Town to Table Bay

Lat -34.37, Long 18.27

  7.55am: Slipped.

  8.00am: Proceeded 12 knots. Course as requisite.

  8.10am: Noah's Ark: S65W, 3 cables. Shaped course SE.

10.00am: Altered course WNW.

11.20am: Altered course N4W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 47 miles.

  1.00pm: Fog cleared.

  1.30pm: Duyker Point: S78E, 13½ miles.

  3.15pm: Green Point: S76E, 2½ miles. Altered course as requisite.

  3.50pm: Stopped. Came to off Cape Town, starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  5.00pm: One Stoker rejoined from detention.

  Sick list: 7.

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19 August 1917

Table Bay and at sea for Sierra Leone with convoy

Lat -33.88, Long 18.42

10.15am: Held Divine Service.

11.45am: Weighed.

11.50am: Proceeded NW by W, 11 knots with Transports Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle and Osterley in company.

12.30pm: Green Point: S69E, 3 miles.

  2.15pm: Altered course N12W. Ordered Athenic to take up guide of convoy.

  3.20pm: Passed SS Waitemata, New Zealand, for Cape Town.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°11’S, 17°09’E.

  Sick list: 6.

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20 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -30.82, Long 14.88

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 31°28’S, 15°31’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 274 miles.

  5.00pm: Read warrants Nos 196 and 197.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°39’S, 13°50’E.

  Sick list: 7.

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21 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -27.33, Long 11.48

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°55’S, 12°17’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N41W, 276 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 22°30’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°07’S, 10°25’E.

  Sick list: 7.

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22 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -23.73, Long 8.17

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 24°22’S, 8°58’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N40W, 281 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N10W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°32’S, 7°14’E.

  Sick list: 5.

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23 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -19.92, Long 5.20

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 20°44’S, 5°53’E.

  9.15am: Increased to 12½ knots (SS Osterley in company).

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 282 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Osterley for fresh provisions.

  4.30pm: Proceeded 6 knots.

  5.10pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  5.15pm: 11 knots, in station.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back minutes (to meridian 15°E).

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°40’S, 4°19’E.

  Sick list: 9.

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24 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -16.12, Long 2.47

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 16°50’S, 3°03’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N34W, 276 miles.

  1.45pm: Hauled out of station and communicated with Portuguese Transport, Cape Verde to Cape Town (name unknown).

  2.15pm: Resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 14°53’S, 1°36’E.

  Sick list: 9.

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25 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -12.25, Long -0.25

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 13°02’S, 0°25’E.

10.30am: Increased to 12 knots (SS Osterley in company).

     Noon: Course & DMG, N34W, 281 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Osterley for fresh provisions.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 198.

  4.30pm: Proceeded 11 knots.

  5.00pm: Resumed station in convoy.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 7°30’E).

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°58’S, 1°04’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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26 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -8.45, Long -2.70

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 9°05’S, 2°14’W.

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N32W, 270 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N12W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°13’S, 3°32’W.

  Sick list: 4.

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27 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -4.68, Long -5.33

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°22’S, 4°44’W.

10.00am: Hauled in patent log. Put over and towed target for SS Osterley, firing.

10.45am: Hauled in target. Proceeded 12 knots (Osterley in company).

     Noon: Course & DMG, N35W, 275 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Osterley for fresh provisions.

  4.20pm: Proceeded.

  4.30pm: Course N12W, 11 knots.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to GMT).

  8.00pm: Pos. 3°24’S, 6°08’W.

  Sick list: 3.

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28 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat -0.83, Long -8.10

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 1°32’S, 7°18’W.

  9.00am: Speed as requisite.

  9.30am: Exercised Action.

10.00am: Carried out 1” aiming rifle practice at target towed by SS Osterley.

10.45am: Practice completed.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 284 miles.

  1.15pm: Altered course N14W.

  3.40pm: Hauled in patent log. Put over and towed target.

  4.00pm: SS Port Melbourne carried out 4.7” firing.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Physical drill. Hauled in target.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°22’N, 9°00’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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29 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 2.82, Long -10.90

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 2°11’N, 10°14’W.

  9.30am: Put over and veered target.

  9.45am: Target line parted.

  9.50am: Altered course as requisite to recover target.

10.03am: Stopped. Hoisted in target.

10.15am: Proceeded N11W, 12½ knots.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N38W, 273 miles.

  3.10pm: Put over and veered target.

  3.30pm: Convoy altered course N22W.

  4.00pm: SS Llanstephan Castle carried out firing practice.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Physical drill. Streamed patent log. Hauled in target.

  4.30pm: Took station on port bow of convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°03’N, 11°46’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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30 August 1917

At sea with Northbound convoy

Lat 6.28, Long -13.63

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 5°43’N, 13°13’W.

11.50am: Increased to 12 knots (SS Osterley in company).

     Noon: Course & DMG, N38W, 264 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Osterley for fresh provisions.

  4.30pm: Proceeded N22W, 11 knots. Took guide of convoy and formed single line ahead.

  7.00pm: Altered course N15E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 7°24’N, 14°28’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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31 August 1917

At sea with convoy to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Transports in company: Athenic, Port Melbourne, Llanstephan Castle, Osterley

  2.45am: Altered course S71E.

  6.30am: Observed land bearing S50E.

  6.35am: Observed steamer bearing N60E.

  7.10am: Observed steamer bearing SW.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°27’N, 13°28’W.

  8.00am: Cape Sierra Leone: S86E, 10 miles. Altered course as requisite.

  9.00am: Passed through defences.

  9.30am: Stopped. Came to off Sierra Leone. Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. HMS’ Marmora and Mantua at anchor.

  9.45am: SS Priestfield, collier, secured alongside.

10.00am: Commenced coaling.

  2.00pm: Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

  4.30pm: Two Able Seamen (of HMS Suffolk) joined from detention.

  6.25pm: Finished coaling for the night.

10.30pm: Lost by accident, anchor, boat’s, Admiralty Patt., 120 lbs, 1 in number and chain 3/8”, 40 fathoms.

  Sick list: 8.


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Front cover.

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Above two pages blank.

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Mercurial barometer: Negretti & Zambra, AM 811, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers: Negretti & Zambra, Nos 9297 (dry) and 9512 (wet).

Sea thermometer: T Reynolds.

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1 September 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  3.00am: Lost by accident through swamping of cutter: Ash oars: 7 in number. Hand lantern, Patt. 813: 1 in number. Boat’s liquid compass, Patt, 20: 1 in number. Biscuit: 58 lb (2 cases). Boat’s signal book: 1 in number.

  6.00am: Commenced coaling ship.

10.15am: Finished coaling, received 1,190 tons.

11.40am: Collier left ship.

  1.30pm: Read warrant No 199. Discharged one Stoker to detention.

  2.30pm: Discharged Surgeon-Probationer Morison, one Petty Officer RNVR and one Leading Stoker to HMS Marmora.

  4.00pm: Five Stoker ratings joined from Transport Ascanius. Two ratings joined from detention quarters and one Sick Berth Attendant joined from HMS Mantua.

  7.00pm: Lost overboard by accident whilst coaling: Coal sacks, 2 cwt, Patt. 3a: 20 in number.

  9.00pm: Lost overboard by accident from steam pinnace: Brass hydrometer pot (Patt. 144a): 1 in number.

  Sick list: 6.

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2 September 1917

Sierra Leone and at sea with convoy for Simon’s Town

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Lost on various duties during August: Hand scrubbers: 4 in number. Bass brooms: 2 in number. Hair broomheads: 2 in number. Brushes dust: 2 in number.

  1.30pm: Lent two Able Seamen to HMAT Ascanius (as gun’s crew).

  4.30pm: Put clocks on 1 hour to GMT. HMS Marmora and convoy sailed.

  5.30pm: Weighed. Proceeded 10 knots, course as requisite with convoy (Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka and Tofua) in company.

  6.03pm: Passed through defences.

  6.15pm: Cape Sierra Leone: SW, 2 miles. Shaped course West. Convoy in line ahead. Ascanius took guide of convoy. Rimutaka keeping station as convenient. Took station on starboard bow of convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°25’N, 13°36’W. Altered course WSW.

11.59pm: Altered course South.

  Sick list: 4.

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3 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 5.90, Long -12.97

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  7.50am: Altered course S25E.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°27’N, 13°43’W.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 210 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Exercised collision and abandon ship stations. Read warrant No 200.

  7.20pm: Observed position: 4°48’N, 11°54’W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°41’N, 11°48’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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4 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 2.53, Long -9.70

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  8.00am: Pos. 3°02’N, 10°12’W.

10.00am: Exercised Action. Carried out 1” aiming rifle practice at target towed by Tofua.

10.30am: Finished firing. Increased to 12½ knots.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S44E, 281 miles.

  4.08pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Ascanius for fresh provisions.

  4.25pm: Proceeded 8 knots.

  5.00pm: Altered course S28E, 11½ knots. Resumed station in convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°22’N, 8°32’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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5 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -0.63, Long -6.53

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes (to meridian 7°30’E.

  8.00am: Pos. 0°07’S, 6°55’W.

10.00am: Got up coal bags on forecastle to dry.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S45E, 269 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°42’S, 5°21’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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6 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -3.90, Long -3.50

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  8.00am: Pos. 3°18’S, 3°34’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S43E, 266 miles. Increased to 13 knots (Ascanius in company).

  1.00pm: Passed steamer (hull down) steering NW.

  4.05pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Ascanius for fresh provisions.

  4.25pm: Proceeded 11 knots. Resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°55’S, 2°23’W.

  Sick list: 5.

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7 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -6.90, Long -0.17

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes (to meridian 15°E).

  8.00am: Pos. 6°24’S, 0°43’W.

  9.00am: Altered course to take station on port bow of Tofua.

  9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised Action.

10.00am: Carried out sub-calibre practices at target towed by Tofua.

10.45am: Target broke adrift. Resumed station on starboard bow of convoy.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S48E, 269 miles.

  5.00pm: Read Articles of War and Court Martial returns.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°14’S, 0°42’E.

  Lost by accident whilst towing target: Line, signal halyard, 122 fathoms.

Sick list: 6.

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8 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -11.08, Long 2.27

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  8.00am: Pos. 10°14’S, 1°55’E.

11.00am: Increased to 12 knots (Shropshire in company).

     Noon: Course & DMG, S30E, 291 miles.

  4.05pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Shropshire for fresh provisions.

  4.35pm: Proceeded 9 knots.

  6.00pm: Sighted smoke S80E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 12°17’S, 3°01’E.

  Sick list: 6.

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9 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -14.83, Long 4.52

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes (to meridian 22°30’E.)

  8.00am: Pos. 14°09’S, 4°13’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S30E, 261 miles.

  1.45pm: Altered course S8E.

  4.30pm: Held Divine Service.

  8.00pm: Pos. 16°10’S, 5°19’E.

  Sick list: 5.

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10 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -18.80, Long 6.78

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  8.00am: Pos. 18°10’S, 6°34’E.

10.30am: Passed steamer (10 miles distant) steering NNW.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S29E, 272 miles.

  4.10pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Shropshire for fresh provisions.

  4.40pm: Proceeded. Resumed station with convoy.

  8.00pm: Pos. 20°03’S, 7°35’E.

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  Sick list: 5.

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11 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -22.33, Long 8.97

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes (to meridian 30°E)

  8.00am: Pos. 21°51’S, 8°47’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S30E, 245 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°27’S, 9°45’E.

  Sick list: 6.

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12 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -25.25, Long 10.80

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua

  8.00am: Pos. 25°01’S, 10°52’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S30E, 201 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°26’S, 11°37’E.

  Sick list: 5.

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13 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -28.92, Long 13.40

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  8.00am: Pos. 28°16’S, 12°59’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32E, 259 miles.

  4.00pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Shropshire for fresh provisions.

  4.05pm: Speed of convoy: 10½ knots.

  4.25pm: Proceeded 12½ knots to rejoin station.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°06’S, 14°17’E.

  Sick list: 5.

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14 September 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -32.37, Long 16.07

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  8.00am: Pos. 31°50’S, 15°39’E.

10.30am: Passed SS Keemun steering NNW (Capetown to Sierra Leone).

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33E, 249 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 33°15’S, 16°41’E.

  8.45pm: Altered course SSE.

  Sick list: 5.

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15 September 1917

At sea to Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Transports in company: Ascanius, Shropshire, Rimutaka, Tofua.

  3.30am: Observed glare of searchlight: S70E.

  5.30am: Observed Green Point: East.

  6.20am: Green Point bearing S87E, 21 miles. Ordered convoy into Table Bay and parted company. Altered course SW, 15 knots.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°24’S, 18°13’E. Cape Point bearing S76E, 14 miles.

11.00am: Altered course as requisite for Simon’s Bay.

11.35am: Stopped. Secured to No 1 moorings in Simon’s Bay. HMS’ Britannia, Talbot and Macedonia and Japanese cruiser Tsushima in harbour.

  2.00pm: Discharged five ratings to Talbot.

  3.00pm: Two Able Seamen rejoined from SS Ascanius.

  Sick list: 3.

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16 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.40am: Prayers.

  9.15am: Read warrants Nos 201 and 202.

  4.00pm: SS Hebburn, collier, secured alongside.

  Sick list: 4.

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17 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  6.10am: Commenced coaling.

  5.15pm: Finished coaling. Received 1,395 tons.

  6.40pm: Collier left ship. Striking down coal and cleaning ship.

  Sick list: 5.

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18 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Slipped moorings. Proceeded as requisite into basin and secured to East wall.

  2.00pm: Paid prize bounty (Nürnberg and Dresden).

  6.00pm: Discharged two Court Martial prisoners to HMS Talbot.

  Sick list: 6.

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19 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  2.15am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima sailed.

  8.00am: Talbot hoisted Court Martial Jack.

  3.15pm: Japanese cruiser Tsushima arrived.

  Sick list: 5.

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20 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Landed working parties in dockyard to draw stores. Hands cleaning and painting down masts and funnels. Gunnery training class at instruction.

  Sick list: 5.

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21 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Landed working parties in dockyard to draw stores. Hands cleaning and painting down masts and funnels. Gunnery training class at instruction.

  Sick list: 5.

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22 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.00am: Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

10.30am: One Stoker rejoined from hospital.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Discharged one Stoker to detention quarters.

  Sick list: 4.

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23 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Discharged one Stoker to HMHS Guildford Castle for passage to England.

  9.00am: Landed church parties (Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

10.15am: Held Divine Service.

  Sick list: 8.

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24 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  2.30pm: Discharged one ERA and one Able Seaman to hospital.

  Sick list: 6.

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25 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  2.30pm: Discharged one Court Martial prisoner to HMS Britannia.

  4.00pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 203.

  Sick list: 5.

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26 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  7.30am: HMS Britannia sailed.

  8.30am: Landed Marines for drill.

10.30am: HMS Himalaya arrived.

  Sick list: 4.

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27 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  6.00pm: Two Privates RMLI (absentees of HMS Britannia) reported on board.

  Sick list: 5.

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28 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

  4.00pm: Quarters. Read warrant Nos 204 and 205.

  4.30pm: One AB joined from HMS Himalaya.

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29 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  7.50am: Cast off from jetty and warped out of basin.

  8.10am: Proceeded as requisite.

  8.25am: Secured to No 1 Moorings in Simon’s Bay.

  Sick list: 5.

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30 September 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Landed church parties (Roman Catholic, Wesleyan and Presbyterian).

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

  Sick list: 5.

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Mercurial barometer: Negretti & Zambra, AM 811, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers: Negretti & Zambra, Nos 9297 (dry) and 9512 (wet).

Sea thermometer: T Reynolds.

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1 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

12.30pm: Read warrant No 206. Discharged one Stoker to military detention quarters, Wynberg.

  1.00pm: Paid quarterly settlement.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 207 and 208.

  Sick list: 3.

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2 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.2, Long 18.6 [approx]

  8.30am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite into False Bay. Carried out 6” full calibre practices at target towed by tug Scotsman.

12.30pm: Completed firing practice. Shaped course for Simon’s Bay 10 knots.

  1.50pm: Stopped. Prepared to secure to moorings and as requisite.

  2.20pm: Proceeded.

  2.40pm: Secured to No 1 Moorings.

  Sick list: 3.

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3 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hands employed as requisite.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 209.

  Sick list: 4.

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4 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  Hoisting in and stowing ammunition etc.

  Sick list: 7.

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5 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Landed small arm companies and Marines for drill.

  4.00pm: One Able Seaman rejoined from hospital.

  Sick list: 5.

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6 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.30am: Discharged one Petty Officer to hospital.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 210, 211, 212.

  Sick list: 6.

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7 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.00am: Landed church parties (Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Wesleyan).

  9.50am: Held Divine Service.

  Sick list: 7.

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8 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.50am: HMS Macedonia sailed.

  Sick list: 4.

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9 October 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  1.00pm: Slipped. Proceeded into False Bay.

  2.00pm: Carried out torpedo practices (fired 2 torpedoes).

  3.00pm: Requisite for recovering torpedoes.

  5.30pm: Picked up and dropped No 1 moorings.

  6.10pm: Came to starboard anchor in 11 fathoms sand, veered to 6 shackles.

  7.00pm: One recovered deserter of HMS Britannia brought on board under escort.

  Sick list: 5.

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10 October 1917

Simon’s Town and at sea

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  6.00am: Weighed and shifted berth.

  6.35am: Came to starboard anchor, 4 shackles in 8 fathoms.

  7.30am: Preparing for coaling and securing coal lighters alongside.

  9.30am: Hands coaling ship from lighters.

11.00am: Three Petty Officers, one Leading Stoker and one Officer’s Steward joined from Cape Yard for passage.

     Noon: Finished coaling. Received 362 tons.

  2.00am: Discharged one Leading Seaman to Cape Yard. One ERA rejoined from hospital.

  4.10pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite.

  4.30pm: Roman Rock Lighthouse: N15W, ½ mile. Shaped course SE.

  5.00pm: Cape Point: S54W, 9.5 miles.

  5.05pm: Altered course S18W.

  6.10pm: Altered course W½N.

  7.25pm: Altered course N10W.

  7.30pm: Cape Point: N65W, 11 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34°25’S, 18°17’E.

  Sick list: 5.

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11 October 1917

At sea for Sierra Leone

Lat -31.75, Long 15.83

  8.00am: Pos. 32°30’S, 16°34’E.

     Noon: Courses & DMG, various, 240 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 214, 215, 216.

  8.00pm: Pos. 30°25’S, 14°42’E.

  Sick list: 6.

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12 October 1917

At sea

Lat -27.70, Long 12.38

  8.00am: Pos. 28°25’S, 13°03’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37W, 304 miles.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Physical drill. Read warrants No 217 and 218.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°20’S, 11°19’E.

  Sick list: 6.

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13 October 1917

At sea

Lat -23.48, Long 9.12

  3.45am: Passed steamer (passenger type), bearing to Eastward and steering South.

  8.00am: Pos. 24°17’S, 9°45’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N35W, 307 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N12W.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back ¼ hour.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back ¼ hour (to meridian 22°30’E).

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°03’S, 8°00’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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14 October 1917

At sea

Lat -19.32, Long 5.88

  8.00am: Pos. 20°02’S, 6°26’E.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 308 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 17°57’S, 4°52’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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15 October 1917

At sea

Lat -15.23, Long 2.75

  8.00am: Pos. 15°54’S, 3°22’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 303 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N14W.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 15°E).

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°48’S, 1°41’E.

  Sick list: 10.

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16 October 1917

At sea

Lat -11.12, Long -0.43 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 11°47’S, 0°11’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37W, 309 miles.

  4.00pm: Quarters. Physical drill. Read warrant No 219.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°46’S, 1°26’W.

  Sick list: 11.

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17 October 1917

At sea

Lat -7.05, Long -3.38

  8.00am: Pos. 7°42’S, 2°54’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 300 miles.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 7°30’E).

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°35’S, 4°24’W.

  Sick list: 12.

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18 October 1917

At sea

Lat -2.88, Long -6.40

  8.00am: Pos. 3°32’S, 6°00’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 309 miles.

  1.00pm: Altered course N18W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 1°34’S, 7°26’W.

  Sick list: 14.

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19 October 1917

At sea

Lat 1.33, Long -9.72

  8.00am: Pos. 0°24’N, 8°58’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N38W, 322 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N20W.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 221 and 222.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to GMT).

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°43’N, 10°54’W.

  Sick list: 10.

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20 October 1917

At sea

Lat 5.43, Long -12.95

  8.00am: Pos. 4°40’N, 12°28’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N38W, 313 miles.

  4.10pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 223.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°39’N, 13°57’W.

11.59pm: Altered course N17E.

  Sick list: 10.

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21 October 1917

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.52, Long -13.321

  3.30am: Passed steamer (1 funnel and 2 masts) steering South.

  6.00am: Altered course S71E.

  7.30am: Observed land ahead.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°21’N, 14°08’W.

10.05am: Cape Sierra Leone: S83E, 26 miles.

11.30am: Altered course as requisite for entering Sierra Leone River.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 288 miles.

12.15pm: Passed through defences.

12.30pm: Stopped.

12.35pm: Came to port anchor in 14 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. HMS’ Bacchante and Morea at anchor.

  1.00pm: Put clocks back 1 hour.

  1.05pm: Weighed. Shifted berth.

  1.40pm: Came to port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

  2.25pm: Collier SS Mallina [Mellina in log] secured alongside.

  3.20pm: Commenced coaling.

  5.00pm: Discharged 13 ratings to Morea for passage and two ratings to Bacchante.

  5.45pm: Finished coaling for the day.

  6.00pm: Small tornado struck ship.

  Sick list: 11.

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22 October 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  4.45am: Lit fires in picket boat and steam pinnace.

  5.00am: Submarine reported by patrol vessel. Darkened ship, watch at night defence stations. Manned and armed picket boat

  5.30am: Commenced coaling.

  8.00am: HMS Bacchante hoisted Court Martial Jack.

  8.30am: HMS Morea sailed with convoy.

10.30am: Bacchante hauled down Court Martial Jack.

  4.30pm: Finished coaling. Received 1,283 tons.

  Sick list: 12.

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23 October 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  3.00pm: HMS Armadale Castle arrived.

  4.00pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 224.

  Sick list: 3.

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24 October 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  Hands variously employed.

  Sick list: 10.

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25 October 1917

Sierra Leone and at sea with convoy for Cape Town

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  2.35pm: Weighed. Proceeded 10 knots with convoy in company. Courses as requisite.

  3.12pm: Shaped course, S70W.

  3.30pm: Cape Sierra Leone: S59E, 4¼ miles. Convoy formed into cruising order (3 divisions). Ships in convoy: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  5.15pm: Altered course N73W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 8°17’N, 14°08’W.

  9.00pm: Altered course S4W.

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26 October 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 5.70, Long -12.80

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  3.00am: Altered course S22E.

  7.15am: Passed SS City of Naples, 2 miles to Westward, steering NNW.

  8.00am: Pos. 6°15’N, 13°21’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 246 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 4°27’N, 11°42’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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27 October 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat 2.18, Long -9.48

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes (to meridian 7°30’E).

  8.00am: Pos. 2°39’N, 10°07’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S43E, 290 miles.

12.10pm: Observed smoke: SSW.

  8.00pm: Pos. 0°58’N, 8°23’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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28 October 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -1.37, Long -6.43

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 0°51’S, 6°45’W.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S41E, 281 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°35’S, 5°21’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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29 October 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -4.93, Long -3.27

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes. (to meridian 15.00).

  8.00am: Pos. 4°22’S, 3°46’W.

  9.20am: Hauled in patent log. Veered target for Port Melbourne, firing practice.

10.15am: Hauled in target.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S42E, 287 miles.

  3.10pm: Altered course S16E, 9 knots. Osterley sending doctor to Athenic.

  7.10pm: Osterley and Athenic rejoined.

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°01’S, 2°25’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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30 October 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -8.57, Long -0.47

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°00’S, 0°58’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S37E, 274 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course S12E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 9°56’S, 0°26’E.

  Sick list: 9.

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31 October 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -12.60, Long 2.10

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes. (to meridian 22°30’E).

  8.00am: Pos. 11°54’S, 1°44’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S32E, 286 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 13°37’S, 3°22’E.

  Sick list: 8.

  Lost accidentally during month of October: Squeegees with I.R. tongues, Patt. 984, 2 in No. Brooms, bass, Patt. 757, 3 in No. Scrubbers, hand, Patt. 459, 4 in No. Brooms, hair, Patt. 46, 1 in No. Brush scrubbing, bristle, Patt. 36, 2 in No. Boatswain’s pipes, Patt. 3, 1 in No. Marline spikes, Patt. 2427, 1 in No.


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Captain’s signature.

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Mercurial barometer: Negretti & Zambra, AM 811, 11’ asl.

Air thermometers: Negretti & Zambra, Nos 9297 (dry) and 9512 (wet).

Sea thermometer: T Reynolds.

Negretti & Zambra A9296 (from 28th November).

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1 November 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -16.68, Long 4.87

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 15°57’S, 4°23’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33E, 293 miles.

12.40pm: Observed smoke: SSW.

  1.30pm: Altered course S10E.

  5.00pm: Passed and exchanged signals with SS Wanderer of Liverpool steering S by E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 18°03’S, 5°47’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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2 November 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -20.73, Long 7.63

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 20°01’S, 7°08’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33E, 289 miles.

  3.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes.

  5.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes (to meridian 30°E).

  1.00pm: Observed smoke W by S.

  8.00pm: Pos. 22°05’S, 8°37’E.

10.30pm: Passed hospital ship Konorona* bound N.

  Sick list: 8.

  * Clearly written in the log but probably Kanowna is intended.

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3 November 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -24.75, Long 10.50

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 24°05’S, 10°07’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33E, 288 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course S8E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26°00’S, 11°24’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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4 November 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -28.27, Long 13.00

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  3.10am: Passed HMS Britannia, 3 miles East, bound North.

  8.00am: Pos. 27°50’S, 12°46’E.

  9.00am: Mustered ship’s company by the ledger.

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S33E, 251 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29°28’S, 13°54’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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5 November 1917

At sea with Southbound convoy

Lat -31.75, Long 15.88

  Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

  8.00am: Pos. 31°15’S, 15°21’E.

  8.30am: Observed steamer bearing SE, 17 miles, steering NW.

     Noon: Course & DMG, S35E, 257 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32°54’S, 16°49’E.

10.00pm: Passed 3 whales.

  Sick list: 9.

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6 November 1917

At sea with convoy to Table Bay and Simon’s Town

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

Ships in company: Llanstephan Castle, Somali, Port Lincoln, Port Melbourne, Norman, Athenic, Osterley.

1.00am: Passed steamer steering SSE.

3.30am: Observed land: ESE.

4.15am: Altered course SE.

5.00am: Green Point: S88E, 19 miles. Convoy formed single line.

6.00am: Altered course as requisite for Table Bay.

6.55am: Stopped. Came to in Table Bay in 8 fathoms, port anchor, 6 shackles.

7.00am: Hoisted out steam pinnace. Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. Convoy proceeded into Cape Town docks.

10.30am: Six officers and 262 men joined from SS Llanstephan Castle for passage to HMS Hyacinth.

12.57pm: Weighed.

  1.00pm: Proceeded, 15 knots, course as requisite.

  1.15pm: Green Point Light: S16E, 1 mile.

  2.30pm: Slangkop: S38E, 8½ miles.

  4.00pm: Cape Point: ESE, 9½ miles.

  6.00pm: Cape Point: S80W, 8 miles.

  6.10pm: Altered course as requisite for Simon’s Bay.

  6.45pm: Stopped, secured to No 1 Moorings. Found HMS’ Hyacinth, Talbot and Astraea in harbour.

  Sick list: 14.

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7 November 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.30am: Discharged two Able Seamen and one Stoker Petty Officer to hospital.

  4.00pm: Discovered small fire in coal by locker and extinguished same. Hands employed getting coal bags on deck.

  5.30pm: Four Leading Stokers joined from HMS Talbot.

  Sick list: 9.

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8 November 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.30am: Discharged 12 ratings to HMS Hyacinth.

  1.30pm: Discharged five ratings to Hyacinth.

  Sick list: 8.

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9 November 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Hyacinth.

  1.30pm: Discharged two Stoker ratings and one Marine to hospital.

  Sick list: 3.

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10 November 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  8.00am: Discharged draft (ex SS Llanstephan Castle) to HMS Hyacinth.

  9.00am: Discharged one Chief Petty Officer to HMS Astraea.

11.00am: Divers examining under-water fittings.

  Sick list: 3.

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11 November 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  1.30pm: One Able Seaman joined from HMS Hyacinth.

  2.00pm: One deserter brought on board from HMS Astraea.

  4.15pm: SS Moorlands, collier, secured alongside.

  Sick list: 3.

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12 November 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  5.45am: Commenced coaling.

  8.00am: HMS Astraea sailed.

  4.30pm: Read warrant No 225. Discharged one Stoker to detention quarters.

  7.05pm: Finished coaling, Received 1,609 tons. Lost by accident whilst coaling: Coal sacks, 2 cwt, Patt. 3a, 20 in No.

  7.30pm: Collier Moorland left ship.

  9.00pm: Lieutenant Eastman RMLI, Engineer Sub-Lieutenant Proctor and Artificer Engineer Jones joined ship.

  Sick list: 3.

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13 November 1917

Simon’s Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

  9.30am: One Canteen Manager joined from HMS Talbot.

10.00am: Landed working party in dockyard to draw stores.

  5.00pm: One prisoner joined from HMS Hyacinth.

  5.30pm: Discharged one prisoner to same.

  Sick list: 3.

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14 November 1917

Simon’s Town and Cape Town

Lat -34.52, Long 18.37

  9.00am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite.

  9.30am: Roman Rocks Lighthouse: N, ½ mile. Shaped course SE.

10.55am: Altered course W½N.

11.00am: Cape Point: N30W, 9 miles.

     Noon: Cape Point: N58E, 11½ miles. Altered course N½W.

  1.00pm: Passed HMS Trent bound into Cape Town.

  3.30pm: Green Point Light House: S65E, 3 miles.

  3.40pm: As requisite. Took pilot on board. Waiting for HMS Trent to berth.

  4.45pm: Proceeded into Cape Town Docks. Secured alongside No 2 Jetty (East side).

  5.30pm: Read warrants Nos 226, 227, 228.

10.40pm: Commenced coaling (native labour).

  Sick list: 4.

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15 November 1917

Cape Town and at sea for Sierra Leone

Lat -33.26, Long 17.38

12.10am: Watch employed embarking and stowing bullion.

  5.00am: Finished coaling. Received 76 tons.

  6.05am: Cast off from jetty and proceeded in charge of pilot.

  6.12am: Stopped, discharged pilot.

  6.15am: Proceeded 12½ knots with Transport Balmoral Castle in company astern.

  6.30am: Green Point: S6W, 8 cables. Shaped course W. Streamed patent log.

  8.00am: Pos. 34°01’S, 18°53’E. Altered course N10W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 74 miles.

  4.10pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 229, 230, 231, 232.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31°53’S, 16°09’E.

  Sick list: 7.

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16 November 1917

At sea

Lat -29.15, Long 13.70

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 29°48’S, 14°21’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37W, 313 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 27°47’S, 12°36’E.

  Sick list: 8.

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17 November 1917

At sea

Lat -24.95, Long 10.35

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 25°43’S, 10°59’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N35W, 309 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N12W.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 22°30’E).

  8.00pm: Pos. 23°31’S, 9°31’E.

  Sick list: 9.

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18 November 1917

At sea

Lat -20.45, Long 6.92

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 21°29’S, 7°37’E.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37W, 315 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 19°29’S, 5°51’E.

  Sick list: 11.

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19 November 1917

At sea

Lat -16.50, Long 3.73

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 17°20’S, 4°17’E.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N35W, 313 miles.

  1.30pm: Altered course N14W.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 15°E).

  8.00pm: Pos. 15°05’E, 2°38’E.

  Sick list: 13.

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20 November 1917

At sea

Lat -12.35, Long 0.48

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 13°05’S, 1°03’E.

  9.30am: Veered target. Hauled in patent log. Exercised Action. Balmoral Castle carried out firing practices.

11.00am: Hauled in target. Hands as requisite. Streamed patent log.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N37W, 312 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 10°59’S, 0°31’W.

  Sick list: 9.

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21 November 1917

At sea

Lat -8.22, Long -2.57

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 8°56’S, 2°06’W.

10.30am: Hauled in patent log and veered small target. Balmoral Castle carried out .303 aiming rifle practices.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 307 miles.

  1.30pm: Hauled in target and streamed patent log.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes (to meridian 7°30’E).

  8.00pm: Pos. 6°45’S, 3°36’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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22 November 1917

At sea

Lat -3.98, Long -5.53

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 4°41’S, 5°03’W.

  9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Physical drill. A company at small arm drill. Hands as requisite. Boys and training classes at instruction.

10.00am: Hauled in patent log. Veered small target for Balmoral Castle to carry out .303 aiming practise from 3” guns.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N35W, 310 miles.

  1.00pm: Hauled in target and streamed patent log.

  8.00pm: Pos. 2°35’S, 6°33’W.

  Sick list: 7.

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23 November 1917

At sea

Lat 0.17, Long -8.62

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 0°30’S, 7°58’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N36W, 309 miles.

  4.00pm: Altered course N18W.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes to GMT

  8.00pm: Pos.1°36’N, 9°40’W.

  Sick list: 8.

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24 November 1917

At sea

Lat 4.20, Long -11.97

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 3°36’N, 11°12’W.

     Noon: Course & DMG, N40W, 315 miles.

  8.00pm: Pos. 5°31’N, 12°53’W.

  Sick list: 6.

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25 November 1917

At sea to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.28, Long -14.23

  SS Balmoral Castle in company.

  8.00am: Pos. 7°38’N, 14°26’W. Altered course NNE.

11.30am: Crossed 100 fathom line by sounding. Altered course E by S.

     Noon: Course & DMG, various, 305 miles.

  3.20pm: Observed Sierra Leone Lighthouse: N85E.

  3.30pm: Altered course N75E.

  4.00pm: Cape Sierra Leone bearing S83E, 3½ miles. Altered course as requisite.

  4.20pm: Passed through defences.

  4.38pm: Stopped.

  4.40pm: Came to in Sierra Leone River off Freetown in 10 fathoms with starboard anchor, veered to 6 shackles. HMS Bacchante in harbour.

  5.00pm: Put clocks back ½ hour. HMS King Alfred arrived.

  5.25pm: SS Trevanion, collier, secured alongside.

  7.00pm: Put clocks back ½ hour (to meridian 15°W).

  Sick list: 6.

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26 November 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.49, Long -13.24

  5.30am: Commenced coaling.

  2.00pm: One Stoker rejoined from HMS Bacchante and one Chief Stoker from Bacchante joined for passage.

  4.00pm: Read warrant No 233.

  5.40pm: Finished coaling. Received 1,347 tons.

  Lost by accident whilst coaling: Coal sacks, 2 cwt, Patt. 3A, 19 in number.

  Sick list: 7.

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27 November