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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Drake-class Armoured Cruiser

Pendant Nos. P.10 (1914), P.98 (1.18). Launched 28.10.01 Vickers. 14,100 tons, 533(oa), 500(pp)x71x25ft. TE 30000ihp, 24kts. Armament: 2-9.2in, 16-6in, 14-12pdr, 2-18in tt. Armour: 6in sides, 3in deck, 6in guns. 6th CS Grand Fleet 1914, 9th CS West Africa 1915-17. Sold 30.1.20 F. Rijsdijk, Holland. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Launched 28/10/01, recommissioned as flagship, China Station in January 1906, where she remained until relieved by the Minotaur in 1913. On her return she joined the reserve at Portsmouth. After the Test Mobilisation she went to war with the 6th Cruiser Squadron but joined 9th CS, Grand Fleet in October 1915. Covered Atlantic convoys in 1917 and in January 1918 she and Leviathan escorted US troop convoys across Atlantic. Both ships were probably refitted like the Drake, with lower deck 6in casemate guns replaced by 6in guns in shields on the shelter deck, and light AA armament in place of the numerous light guns. Sold for BU 30/1/20. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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Front cover of September 1915 log

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Coal consumption table

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13 September 1915

At Portsmouth

Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

am: Ship's company came on board from ARGONAUT

am: Hands employed transhipping stores & personal gear

am: Sub Lieutenant Charles Harvey, R.N. and Sub Lieutenant John R. Caizley, R.N.R., boarded ship

pm: Discharged Lieutenant Edward R. Crouch, R.N.R., to Whale Island

4.00: Cast off from alongside ARGONAUT and secured alongside Fountain Lake wharf

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14 September 1915

At Portsmouth

Lat 50.81, Long -1.11

am: Hands employed drawing stores in dockyard

10.30 am: Commander in Chief visited ship

am: commenced basin trial

am: Mr. Francis S. Read, Signal Boatswain, joined

2.20 pm: shipped from wharf and proceeded into Spithead

4.30 pm: commenced steam trial

5.50 pm: stopped engines. Came to anchor

7.30 pm: weighed and proceeded to Stokes Bay

8.05 pm: Anchored in Stokes Bay

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15 September 1915

At Stokes Bay

Lat 50.8, Long -1.2

pm: Gun party fuzing lyddite shells

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16 September 1915

At Stokes Bay

Lat 50.8, Long -1.2

am: Engineer Lieutenant Commander Frederick F. May joined ship

am: Mr. William A. Lewis, Artificer Engineer, joined ship

am: Midshipmen, R.N.R., Cecil H. Bowyer, Cyril C. Edmonds, Charles A. Long, Algernon Lynes joined ship

pm: Mr. Robert A. Nodder, Artificer Engineer, discharged to Depot

pm: Lieutenant David G. Armstrong, R.N.R., joined ship

pm: TERRIBLE sailed

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17 September 1915

At Stokes Bay

Lat 50.8, Long -1.2

am: Lieutenant Harold J. Davison, R.N.R. ,discharged to Depot

pm: Fleet Paymaster Owen L. Penfold joined ship

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18 September 1915

At Stokes Bay

Lat 50.8, Long -1.2

Other: 11.45 Commenced steam trial in Solent

Person: Left ship: Fleet Paym. W.B. Penny RN

Person: Left ship: Discharged Fleet Payer W B Penny RN

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19 September 1915

At Stokes Bay

Lat 50.8, Long -1.2

10.06 am: weighed; 10.45 am: commenced steam trial in Solent

12.50 am: Came to anchor Stokes Bay

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20 September 1915

At Stokes Bay

Lat 50.8, Long -1.2

am: 9.2 Turrets crews at drill; Gunners party fuzing lyddite

2.00 pm: weighed and proceeded for carrying out steam trial in Solent

5.00 pm: anchored in Stokes bay

7.57 pm: weighed and proceeded

9.52 pm: St Catherines Light abeam

pm: H.M. T.B.D.'s. STAUNCH and FOYLE in company

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21 September 1915

En route Spithead to Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

3.04 am: Start Point Light abeam

5.15 am: Stopped; 5.16: Came to port anchor Plymouth Sound

10.30 am: Weighed and proceeded up harbour

11.20 am: Secured to No. 7 buoy

pm: Engineer Lieutenant Commander Frederick F. May discharged to hospital

pm: 61 boys joined from IMPREGNABLE

pm: Lieutenant Richard F.B. Hoskyn joined ship

pm: Major Percy Malloy, R.M.L.I. and ten privates, R.M.L.I., joined ship

pm: Acting Lieutenants, R.N.R., Saxon A. Turner, and Donald Mc.I. Dickson joined ship

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22 September 1915

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: MARS sailed

am: 29 ratings (care and maintenance party) joined

10.50 am: Tugs came alongside and ship proceeded into K. Lock

1.10 pm: Warped in Prince of Wales Basin

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23 September 1915

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am/pm: hands provisioning ship

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24 September 1915

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Coaling parties came on board from Camp, Depot and ARIADNE

8.30 am: commenced coaling; 6.35 pm: completed coaling; coaling parties left

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25 September 1915

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: working party came on board from Depot

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26 September 1915

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Landed Roman Catholic Church party

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27 September 1915

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

pm: Midshipmen, RNR, John P. Reed, Christopher Bird, George S. McReddie, and Scott joined ship

pm: 28 Marines discharged to depot

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28 September 1915

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

pm: one Warrant officer joined

7.30 pm: Proceeded out of Prince of Wales basin and down harbour

9.00 pm: Rounded breakwater and proceeded

pm: H.M. T.B.D.'s LANDRAIL and LINNET in company

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29 September 1915

En route Plymouth to Madeira

Lat 47.9, Long -8.7

6.00 am: zig zagging

7.00 am: T.B.D.'s parted company

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30 September 1915

En route Plymouth to Madeira

Lat 43.1, Long -13.9

43.09N, 13.54W

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Blank pages and back cover

Operations in the vicinity of the Canary Islands

JP map King Alfred Canaries


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Front cover October 1915 log

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Blank pages

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Mercurial or aneroid: Mercurial

Name of Maker and Number: Negretti Zambra: London; A110

Height of cistern above sea: 7’4”


Position in ship: in lee of control tower under fore bridge

Whether in screen: yes

Maker and number: Negretti Zambra, London; No. MO/A 9815 (dry). C.F. Cassell and Co., Ltd.: London; SW No. A/M 636 (wet)


Maker and Number: Negretti Zambra: London; No. A/M 2104

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1 October 1915

En route Plymouth to Porto Santo

Lat 38.1, Long -15.2

1.00 pm: Spoke S.S. TREHAWKE (British)

9.00 pm: Spoke S.S. PALERMO (Italian)

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2 October 1915

En route Plymouth to Porto Santo

Lat 33.7, Long -16.1

Position at 8am.

8.25 am: sank buoy by 12 pdr firing

8.55 am: Sighted Porto Santo

12.00 pm: Sighted and challenged OPHIR in Porto Santo Bay

12.33 pm: Stopped; 12.35 pm: Came to anchor Porto Santo Bay; hands transferring Admiral’s gear

3.10 pm: Rear Admiral Sir Archibald Moore came on board - hoisted Flag of Rear Admiral, Commanding 9th Cruiser Squadron

7.00 pm: weighed anchor; 7.15 pm: proceeded

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3 October 1915

Cruising from Porto Santo

Lat 31.4, Long -16.6

am: Held Divine Service

6.40 pm: Spoke S.S. TRECARNE (British)

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4 October 1915

Cruising from Porto Santo

Lat 31.4, Long -16.6

Other: Lost by accident:- 51 coal bags

Other: Complete with coal, 950 tons

Other: 10.10 weighed

am: sighted Funchal

6.19 am: came to anchor; 6.45 am: weighed and shifted berth; 7.15 am: came to anchor

8.53 am: collier secured alongside; 10.08 am: commenced coaling; lost by accident during coaling 51 coal bags

7.08 pm: completed coaling; 8.00 pm: collier proceeded

10.10 pm: weighed; 10.20 pm: proceeded

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5 October 1915

Cruising from Funchal

No position in log.

6.30 pm: sighted Funchal

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6 October 1915

En route Funchal to Great Piton

Lat 32.4, Long -17.0

4.15 am: Stopped and boarded S.S. NORFOLK (Norwegian)

6.45 am: Stopped engines in Funchal Bay

11.45 am: Spoke S.S. DURHAM CASTLE (British)

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7 October 1915

En route Funchal to Piton Islands

Lat 29.9, Long -16.0

Position at 8am.

7.18 am: Came to port anchor off Great Piton Island

am: carried out .303 rifle towing target practice from all guns

2.15 pm: S.S. THEMISTO ( Dutch) passed

6.57 pm: Weighed; 7.04 pm: Proceeded

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8 October 1915

En route Great Piton Island to Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.2, Long -15.8

Position at 8pm.

5.50 am: Sighted Great Salvage Island on port bow

7.10 am: Anchored off Great Salvage Island

am: 6” and 9.2” at .303 aiming rifle practice

6.40 pm Weighed and proceeded

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9 October 1915

En route Great Salvage Island to Funchal

Lat 32.5, Long -16.7

6.45 am: Dropped Targets; 7.25 am: commenced .303 arriving rifle practice from 6" & 12pdr guns

10.30 am: Completed practice; picked up targets

1.07 pm: Anchored off Funchal

pm: S.S. BALMORAL CASTLE arrived

6.25 am: weighed; 6.30 am: proceeded

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10 October 1915

En route Funchal to Great Salvage

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

07.00 am: sighted Great Salvage Island

7.20 am: Sighted OPHIR on port bow and challenged

8.00 am: Stopped engines and sent mails to OPHIR

9.38 am: anchored off Gt Salvage Island

11.00 am: Held Divine Service

pm: S.S. ANDORINHA (British) passed to southd.

6.50 pm: weighed; 7.00 pm: proceeded

pm: Spoke S.S. APPAM (British)

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11 October 1915

Off Salvage Islands

Lat 29.9, Long -16.0

Position at 8am.

9.00 am: stopped and dropped target; Carried out aiming rifle practice from 6" & 12 pdrs

11.30 am: picked up target and proceeded

8.15 pm: Stopped and dropped target; Carried out aiming rifle practice from 6" & 12 pdrs

9.45 pm: Picked up targets; 9.53 pm: proceeded

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12 October 1915

Off Great Salvage Islands

Lat 29.9, Long -16.0

9.15 am: stopped engines. Hoisted out target.

am: Carried out 9.2" & 6" firing

12.30 pm: stopped and hoisted in target

6.45 pm: sighted Great Salvage on starboard bow

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13 October 1915

En route Great Salvage Islands to Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

2.00 am: sighted Funchal ahead

4.30 am: spoke S.S. VERDUN

6.28 am: anchored off Funchal; S.S. HIGHCLIFFE came alongside.

8.30 am: commenced coaling

am: S.S. CRETIC (British) arrived

5.00 pm: completed coaling

8.29 pm: weighed; 8.33 pm: proceeded

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14 October 1915

Off Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

am: Spoke S.S. STURTON (British)

am: OPHIR arrived off Funchal

7.09 am: anchored off Funchal

am: S.S. ANTONY ( British) arrived

7.03 pm: Weighed; 7.10 pm: Proceeded

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15 October 1915

Off Great Salvage Island

Lat 29.9, Long -16.1

6.45 am: sighted Great Salvage Island

9.17: Stopped; dropped target for aiming rifle practice

12.17 pm: picked up target

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16 October 1915


Lat 28.5, Long -17.8

3.05 am: Stopped and dropped target aiming rifle practice.

4.34 am: picked up target

8.35 am: stopped and dropped target aiming rifle practice

10.40 am: picked up target.

2.0 am Came to anchor off Santa Cruz.

pm: received official calls from Spanish authorities and British Consul

5.40 pm: weighed; 5.51 pm: proceeded

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17 October 1915

En route Santa Cruz to Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

8.10 am: Anchored Great Salvage Island

11.00 am: Held Divine Service

6.30 pm: Weighed

6.40 pm: proceeded

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18 October 1915

Off Bocayna Strait

Lat 28.8, Long -14.2

6.10 am: sighted and challenged OPHIR

6.45 am: stopped engines in Bocayna Strait; Hoisted out target and transferred to OPHIR

10.50 am: Carried out firing from all gunds; 11.40 am: ceased firing

12.10 pm: Stopped engines; Took over target from OPHIR

2.10 pm: OPHIR carried out 6" firing

2.25 pm: Stopped; hauled in target

4.25 pm: Stopped engines in Bocayna Strait and hoisted in target

5.00 pm: OPHIR proceeded

10.20 pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. FREDRICIA (Danish); 11.12 pm: proceeded

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19 October 1915

En route Bocayne Strait to Santa Cruz - Teneriffe

Lat 28.47, Long -16.24

am: Spoke S.S. SANTOS (Uruguayan)

3.00 am: Spoke S.S .SANTA ANA (Spanish)

9.02 am: came to anchor Santa Cruz. Fired 21 gun salute

9.06 am: Saluted Spanish man of war REINA REGENTE (13 guns); Both salutes returned

am: Received and returned official visits

pm: Consul came on board; received 7 gun salute on leaving

6.07 pm: weighed

6.15 pm: proceeded

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20 October 1915

Cruising to eastward of Canaries

Lat 27.9, Long -13.9

Am: Spoke S.S. WANDERER (British) and PAUDO (or PANDO: not in British Signal Letters)(British)

12.55 am: Prodeeded to close steamer; Spoke S.S. COLON (Spain)

4.20 am: proceeded close steamer. Spoke S.S. VILLA REAL (Spain)

5.14 am: Sighted Jandia Point abeam

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21 October 1915

Cruising off African Coast

Lat 30.0, Long -12.1

7.10 am: stopped to examine waterlogged boat - no mark of identification

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22 October 1915

Cruising off African Coast

Lat 32.5, Long -10.2

am: Admiral inspected ship

10.00 am: Stopped engines; 10.06 am: proceeded

pm: Spoke S.S. PRINCIPE DE ASTURIAS (Spanish)

pm: Spoke S.S. ATLANTE (Spain)

pm: 9.11 stopped engines; Sent seaboat around ship; 9.30 pm: proceeded

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23 October 1915

Cruising off African coast

Lat 34.4, Long -11.8

10.20 am: stopped both engines to board S.S. UPO MENDI (Spanish); 11.03 am: proceeded

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24 October 1915

Cruising off African coast

Lat 33.6, Long -14.6

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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25 October 1915

En route to Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

12.25 am: stopped engines in Funchal Bay. Sent boat to S.S. GLENCLIFFE

6.18 am: Anchored off Funchal

6.30 am: S.S. GLENCLIFFE alongside

am: S.S. LLANSTEPHAN CASTLE, ARDEOLA, and BOYNTON arrived and anchored

9.10 am: commenced coaling.

am: Fired salute of 21 guns; Returned salute (13 guns) U.S.S. CHESTER

6.00 pm: Completd coaling; Lost by accident 10 coal sacks

8.00 pm: weighed; 8.10 pm: stopped engines; 9.15 pm: Proceeded

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26 October 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.45 am: Came to starb anchor at Funchal

6.35 pm: weighed; 6.40 pm: proceeded for Great Salvage Island

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27 October 1915

En route Funchal to Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

6.53 am: Sighted Great Salvage Island

8.50 am: Sighted OPHIR to South (challenged)

9.53 am: stopped engines. Came to t anchor at Great Salvage Island

11.15 am: OPHIR proceeded

6.03 pm: weighed; 6.15 pm: proceeded

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28 October 1915

Off Palma Island

Lat 28.7, Long -17.5

Latitude in log is incorrectly shown as 38ºN.

6.30 am: Sighted Tenerife

10.05 pm: Spoke S.S. KRONPRINSESSEN VICTORIA (Sweden)

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29 October 1915

En route Palma Island to Funchal

Lat 30.3, Long -15.9

6.52 am: Sighted Great Salvage Island

10.05 pm: closed S.S. MONT PELVAUX (French); 10.30 pm: proceeded

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30 October 1915

En route Palma Island to Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.50 am: anchored off Funchal

am: Lieutenant Chambers R.N.V.R., joined ship

1.40 pm: weighed

1.49 pm: Proceeded

2.25 pm: Closed two trawlers

2.57 pm: proceeded to pass through Bugio Channel

5.15 pm: Passed through Bugio Channel

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31 October 1915

En route Funchal to Porto Santo

Lat 32.8, Long -16.3

Position at 8pm.

4.30 am: Spoke S.S. ANTINOE (British)

6.30 am: sighted ESSEX to Eastboard

7.00 am: Anchored at Porto Santo

am: Held Divine Service

am: Hands employed transhipping stores from ESSEX

6.00 pm: weighed

6.02 pm: proceeded

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Blank pages and back cover


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Front cover for log November 1915

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Blank pages

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Mercurial or aneroid: Mercurial

Name of Maker and Number: Negretti Zambra: London; A110

Height of cistern above sea: 7’4”


Position in ship: in lee of control tower under fore bridge

Whether in screen: yes

Maker and number: Negretti Zambra, London; No. MO/A 9815 (dry). C.F. Cassell and Co., Ltd.: London; SW No. A/M 636 (wet)


Maker and Number: Negretti Zambra: London; No. A/M 2104

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1 November 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 31.5, Long -17.2

11.30 am: Spoke S.S. ALDGATE (British)

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2 November 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.18 am Anchored off Funchal

6.45 am: S.S. GLENCLIFFE secured alongside

am: Captain of U.S.N. Auxiliary CAESAR came on board

2.20 pm: completed coaling

7.10 pm: Weighed

7.18 pm: Proceeded

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3 November 1915

En route Funchal to Great Salvage Island and at Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

8.40 am: sighted OPHIR to East

10.26 am: anchored off Gt Salvage Island

6.00 pm: Weighed; 6.05 pm: proceeded

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4 November 1915

At Bocayna Strait and Papagayo Bay

Lat 28.8, Long -13.8

12.30 am: Stopped and boarded S.S. BYKARGI MENDI (Spanish); 1.35 am: proceeded

6.59 am: Anchored in Papagayo Bay

7.20 am: ESSEX anchored

Am: Discharged Staff Surgeon Norman S. Meiklejohn to ESSEX

10.00 am: ESSEX hoisted Court Martial Jack

Am: Fleet Surgeon Michael J. Smith, R.N., joined

1.30 pm: ESSEX proceeded

1.34 pm: weighed

1.53 pm: proceeded

8.20 pm: stopped and dropped target for service firing from 12 pdr and sub calibre from 6 inch

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5 November 1915

Off Grand Canary

Lat 28.4, Long -15.4

10.30 am: Spoke S.S. EL URAGUAYO (British)

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6 November 1915

At Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

10.37 am: anchored at Great Salvage Island

am: OPHIR arrived; received mails

12.10 am: OPHIR proceeded

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7 November 1915

Off Great Salvage Island

Lat 29.9, Long -15.8

6.47 am: Sighted Great Piton

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

12.50 pm: Sighted ESSEX to North; 1.50 pm: lowered cutter to communicate; 2.45 pm: Proceeded

7.10 pm: Spoke S.S. CORINTHIC (British)

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8 November 1915

En route Great Salvage Island to Madeira

Lat 31.3, Long -16.7

10.00 pm: sighted Funchal Light ahead

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9 November 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.2, Long -16.7

4.07 pm: Stopped engines; boarded SS DACIA (British); 4.50 pm: proceeded

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10 November 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

8.04 am: anchored off Funchal

am: hands red leading side and scrubbing water line

5.53 pm: Weighed

6.00 pm: proceeded

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11 November 1915

Off Funchal

Lat 31.0, Long -15.0

pm: Spoke S.S. ELIZABETH VILLE (Belgian) and S.S. HANJASTOL (Norwegian)

1.20 pm Stopped engines; Boarded S.V. ADONIS (British)

1.52 pm: proceeded

pm: Spoke S.S. BOMBAY (Norwegian)

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12 November 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.13 am: anchored Funchal

6.30 am: S.S. GLENCLIFFE came alongside

8.00 am: OPHIR arrived

8.20 am: commenced coaling

10.00 am: S.S. BRITON arrived

7.55 pm: Completed coaling; lost by accident during coaling 20 coal sacks

9.33 pm: Weighed; 10.00 pm: proceeded

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13 November 1915


Lat 31.7, Long -15.1

Other: Spoke S.S. UMZUMBI (British)

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14 November 1915


Lat 30.0, Long -15.2

7.41 am: sighted ESSEX to southwest

9.37 am: Spoke S.S. KINCARDINE (British)

10.30 am: Spoke S.S. HIGHLAND PIPER (British)

1.30 pm: sighted Great Salvage Island

2.00: Course to pass south of Great Salvage Island

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15 November 1915

At Salvage Islands

Lat 30.0, Long -16.0

7.14 am: sighted Great Salvage Island ahead

1.23 pm: Sighted OPHIR to northward

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16 November 1915

Salvage Islands to Porto Santo

Lat 33.05, Long -16.3

12.10 am: Spoke SPENSER (British)

1.15 am: Spoke S.V. ERA (Italian)

12.49 pm: anchored in Porto Santo Bay

5.58 pm: Weighed; 6.05 pm: proceeded

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17 November 1915

Off Porto Santo

Lat 33.05, Long -16.3

6.48 am: anchored Porto Santo Bay

5.08 pm: weighed

5.11 pm: proceeded

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18 November 1915

En route Porto Santo to Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.58 am: anchored off Funchal

9.30 am: S.S. NORMAN arrived

12.27 pm: weighed

12.40 pm: proceeded

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19 November 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.5, Long -16.9

9.01 am: anchored off Funchal

10.30 am: weighed

10.50 am: proceeded

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20 November 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.7, Long -17.8

am: Passed Admiralty Collier GORSEMORE

9.55 am: Stopped engines and boarded S.V. FLIDA (Brazilian)

8.00 pm: CARMANIA (coming out of Funchal) challenged

10.24 pm: Sighted Fora Island Light

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21 November 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.6, Long -16.5

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

3.25 pm: Stopped engines off Ribeira Brava

9.35 pm: sighted Funchal lights right ahead

9.45 pm: sighted R.M.S. SAXON on starboard quarter

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22 November 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.0, Long -16.9

12.25 am: stopped in Funchal Bay. Communicated with R.M.S. SAXON

3.47 am: Spoke S.S. AFRICA (Portuguese)

3.50 pm: stopped in Funchal Bay. Sent boat to S.S. EVERILDA (British)

4.10 pm: Proceeded to rounding Madeira to eastward

5.30 pm: off Machico Bay

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23 November 1915

At Machico Bay

Lat 32.7, Long -16.7

6.57 am: anchored off Machico Bay

7.30 am: S.S. EVERILDA came alongside

9.00 am: Commenced coaling

4.30 pm: Completed with coal; 41 coal sacks lost overboard by accident

8.20 Weighed

8.30 pm: proceeded.

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24 November 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.27 am: anchored off Funchal

9.00 am: Fired salute of 21 guns. OPHIR arrived

pm: Midshipman Stanley Scott, R.N.R., and Midshipman Cyril Edmonds, R.N.R., discharged to OPHIR.

5.00 pm: CARMANIA arrived with motor lighter in tow

6.40 pm: weighed; 6.55 pm: proceeded

pm: CARMANIA sailed

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25 November 1915


Lat 31.3, Long -17.8

pm: Spoke S.S. ORTEGA

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26 November 1915

Off Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

9.04 am: Stopped engines. Anchored off Funchal

am: S.S. GALWAY CASTLE (British) arrived

12.57 pm: Weighed; 1.08 pm: proceeded

2.20 pm: Spoke S.S. AMAZON (Brazilian)

4.40 pm: Spoke S.S. NORDSTJIMEN (sp ?) (Danish)

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27 November 1915


Lat 35.3, Long -15.2

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28 November 1915


Lat 35.1, Long -18.6

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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29 November 1915


Lat 34.0, Long -16.5

4.24 pm: spoke S.S. MASARUA (British)

5.00 pm: spoke S.S. VENUS (Italian); 5.36 pm: proceeded

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30 November 1915


Lat 31.9, Long -13.8

7.37 am: spoke S.S. ZENO (British)

9.30 am: spoke S.S. CONFIELD (sp ?) (British)

4.30 pm: Boarded S.S. OFHOR STATHATOS (sp ?) (Greek)

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Front cover December 1915 log

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Mercurial or aneroid: Mercurial

Name of Maker and Number: Negretti Zambra: London; A10 (change from preceeding months: A 110)

Height of cistern above sea: 7’4”


Position in ship: in lee of control tower under fore bridge

Whether in screen: yes

Maker and number: Negretti Zambra, London; No. MO/A 9815 (dry). C.F. Cassell and Co., Ltd.: London; SW No. A/M 636 (wet)


Maker and Number: Negretti Zambra: London; No. A/M 204 (change from preceeding last months: A/M 2104)

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1 December 1915


Lat 31.4, Long -15.3

3.45 am: Stopped engines and boarded Spanish S.S. in 30 19N 14 43W; 4.36 am: Proceeded

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

9.10 pm: Sighted Fora Light

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2 December 1915


Lat 33.8, Long -15.9

7.57 am: Stopped engines and boarded S.S. BYGDONES (Norwegian); 8.42 am: Proceeded

12.52 pm: Spoke S.S. MEDAN (Dutch)

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3 December 1915

Cruising and at Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.15 am: Stopped engines. Anchored off Funchal

9.15 am: Commenced coaling

10.40 pm: completed coaling; lost by accident 75 coal sacks

10.45 pm: collier proceeded

11.30 pm: Weighed; 11.36 pm: proceeded

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4 December 1915

En route Funchal to Salvage Islands

Lat 31.4, Long -16.2

1.30 pm: Spoke Sailing Ketch M.J.TAYLOR (British); 2.00 pm: proceeded

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5 December 1915

Off Salvage Islands

Lat 30.1, Long -15.6

7.05 am: sighted Great Salvage Island

9.05 am: Stopped engines; Communicated with CARMANIA; 10.05 am: proceeded

11.00 am: Held Divine Service

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6 December 1915

Off Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

8.05 am: anchored to east of Great Salvage Island

6.08 am: Weighed; 6.45 pm: proceeded

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7 December 1915

At Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

7.58 am: Stopped engines; anchored in East Bay

Pm: S.S. KANGAROO (British) passed

6.02 pm: weighed; 6.24 pm: proceeded

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8 December 1915

At Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

1.27 am: Spoke S.S. MENDI (British); 1.50 am: proceeded

8.40 am: Stopped engines; anchored in Salvage East Bay

6.30 pm: Weighed; Proceeded.

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9 December 1915

At Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

8.10 am: Anchored off Great Salvage in East Bay

6.06 pm: Weighed; 6.30 pm: proceeded

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10 December 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

4.18 am: Spoke S.S. POSEIDON (Dutch); 5.13 am: proceeded

11.15 am: Anchored off Funchal; 11.45 am: weighed and shifted berth; 11.52 am: anchored

1.45 pm; S.S. CORANDA sailed

7.10 pm: R.M.S. WALMER CASTLE arrived

pm: Lieutenant Percy Smith, R.N.R. joined for passage to ESSEX

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11 December 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.9, Long -17.0

9.00: Proceeded for entering Port do Cruz

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12 December 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.30 am: Spoke S.S. ANDORHINIA (British)

11.10 am: Anchored off Funchal

6.40 pm: Weighed; 6.45 pm: proceeded

9.17 pm: anchored off Funchal

10.40 pm: Weighed; 10.48 pm: proceeded

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13 December 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.4, Long -16.9

6.14 am: anchored off Funchal

am: R.M.S. LLANDOVERY CASTLE anchored (originally entered as LLANSTEPHEN CASTLE, but corrected)

am: Surgeon William Chalmers and Artificer Engineer Ernest Humphreys left ship

10.17 am: Weighed; 10.45 am: proceeded

11.45 am: spoke S.S. ALDERSGATE (British)

4.23 pm: sighted Agulha Point

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14 December 1915


Lat 31.2, Long -17.8

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15 December 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.6, Long -17.0

1.10 am: Sighted Funchal Lights

7.42 am: CARMANIA (in Funchal) challenged

9.33 am: Stopped in Funchal Bay. Communicated with CARMANIA; 10.27 am: proceeded

11.15 am: dropped target for aiming rifle practice; 12.08 pm: Stopped and picked up target

12.30 pm: proceeded

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16 December 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 31.8, Long -19.0

1.00 am: closing sailing vessel OBERON (Norwegian)

9.53 am: Spoke S.V. EHVGLIS (sp EHRGLIS ?) (Russian)

8.15 pm: Spoke S.S. JUPITER (Spain)

8.48 pm: Spoke S.S. HORACE (British)

10.15 pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. DECEMBRE (Spain); 10.50 pm: proceeded

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17 December 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

3.15 am: Sighted Funchal Light

6.10 am: Stopped engines; came to anchor off Funchal

7.00 am: S.S. ETHELBRYHTA came alongside; am/pm: hands coaling ship

am: Portuguese gunboat BEIRA arrived

3.25 pm: Captain of BEIRA came aboard

4.30 pm: Completed coaling

7.32 pm: Weighed; 7.35 pm: proceeded

8.30 pm: Closed S.V. HINEMOA (British)

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18 December 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.4, Long -16.9

1.56 pm: Anchored off Funchal

pm: water tank came alongside

6.30 pm: R.M.S. BALMORAL CASTLE arrived

7.06 pm: Weighed; 7.26 pm: proceeded

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19 December 1915

En route Funchal to Rio Strait

Lat 31.5, Long -15.0

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

2.32 pm: Spoke S.S. BULGARIAN PRINCE (British)

10.28 pm: Spoke RANGHILD (Danish)

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20 December 1915

Off Lanzarotte

Lat 29.5, Long -13.6

7.30 am: Sighted CARMANIA

8.57 am: Stopped engines off Rios Strait. Communicated with CARMANIA; 9.45 am: proceeded

1.30 pm: Stopped engines. Boarded S.S. NOVILLO (Argentina); 2.26 pm: proceeded

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21 December 1915


Lat 31.7, Long -14.0

9.42 am: Stopped and dropped target

Other: 9.48 Proceed to carryout aiming rifle practice; 11.00 am: Stopped; Picked up target; 11.06 am: proceeded

2.20 pm: Stopped and Boarded S.S. GLENESK ( British); 2.53 pm: proceeded

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22 December 1915

Off Fora Island

Lat 32.6, Long -16.7

6.10 am: Spoke Sailing Vessel VIAGANTI

1.30 pm: Stopped engines; anchored off Funchal; fired salute of 21 guns (returned)

2.42 pm ESSEX arrived

pm: Discharged Lieutenant Percy Smith, RNR, to ESSEX

pm: Lieutenant Harold Burrough, R.N. joined ship

8.00 pm: Spoke S.S. NIELS (Danish)

10.35 pm: Spoke S.S. DEDDINGTON (British); 11.17 pm: proceeded

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23 December 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

9.34 am: Anchored off Funchal

6.44 pm: weighed; 6.55 pm: proceeded

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24 December 1915

From Madeira to Salvages

Lat 30.7, Long -17.6

10.59 am: Stopped and boarded S.S. MONNIKENDAM (sp ?) (Dutch); 11.34 pm: proceeded

9.53 pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. ECUADOR (Dutch); 10.30 pm: proceeded

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25 December 1915

At Great Salvage Island

Lat 30.15, Long -15.85

6.40 am: sighted Great Salvage on starboard bow

6.45 am: sighted OPHIR

8.18 am: Anchored off Great Salvage Island; Communicated with OPHIR

am: Held Divine Service (Christmas Day)

5.51 pm: weighed and proceeded

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26 December 1915

At Funchal

Lat 33.0, Long -17.0

12.40 am: Sighted S.V. GERMANIA (French)

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

11.06 am: anchored off Funchal

11.30 am: R.M.S. DURHAM CASTLE anchored

12.00 pm: Lieutenant Harold Burrough left ship

1.38 pm: weighed; 1.48 pm: proceeded

5.30 pm: proceeding to approach Porto da Cruz

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27 December 1915

At Porto Da Cruz

Lat 32.8, Long -16.8

9.30 am: Stopped; dropped target

9.40 am: proceeded for rifle aiming practice; CARMANIA in company

10.40 am: Secured; proceeded into anchorage

11.40 am: Anchored off Porto da Cruz

6.38 pm: Weighed; 6.50 pm: proceeded

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28 December 1915

At Porto da Cruz

Lat 32.8, Long -16.8

8.13 am: Anchored off Porto da Cruz


6.18 pm: weighed; 6.38 pm: proceeded

9.45 pm: Challenged CARMANIA off Machico

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29 December 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

8.26 am: Anchored off Funchal

6.54 pm: weighed; 7.05 pm: Proceeded

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30 December 1915

Off Madeira

Lat 32.7, Long -17.2

9.00 am: turned head to swell; hoisted out picket boat and towing target; 11.45 am: finished firing; stopped

pm: hoisted in target; 12.25 pm: Proceeded

pm: communicated with collier at Funchal

pm: CARMANIA sailed

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31 December 1915

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

3.45 am: challenged ESSEX

8.20 am: anchored off Funchal

7.40 pm: ESSEX sailed

9.45 pm: Weighed; 10.00 pm: proceeded

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Front cover January 1916 log

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1 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

3.12 am: Stopped engines in Funchal; Communicated with R.M.S. NORMAN

11.48 am: anchored in Funchal Bay

1.38 pm: weighed; 1.40 pm: proceeded

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2 January 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

8.16: anchored off Funchal

10.00 am: Landed Roman Catholic Church Party

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

11.26 am: weighed

11.32 am: proceeded

10.00 pm: sighted Funchal

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3 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

5.03 am: anchored off Funchal

8.20 am: coal lighters came alongside; commenced coaling; 6.30 pm: finished coaling for night

7.36 pm: Weighed; 7.40 pm: Proceeded

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4 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.30 am: anchored off Funchal

7.40 am: coal lighters came alongside; commenced coaling; 12.00 pm: completed coaling

pm: S.S. GROESWEN (collier) arrived

6.55 pm: weighed; 7.00 pm: proceeded

11.50 pm: Spoke S.S. RENA (Norwegian)

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5 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.33 am: anchored off Funchal

8.00 am: OPHIR arrived and anchored

am: hands provisioning ships and drawing all stores from OPHIR

pm: Assistant Paymaster (not named), R.N.R., joined from OPHIR

7.30 pm: Weighed; 7.35 pm: proceeded

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6 January 1916

At Porto Santo

Lat 33.05, Long -16.3

8.22 am: Anchored in Porto Santo Bay.

am: Hands employed cleaning out boats, running torpedoes from picket boat, and transhipping empties to CARMANIA

1.30 pm: CARMANIA anchored

3.40 pm: ESSEX arrived

pm: Discharged 13 rating to CARMANIA for passage home

4.00 pm: ESSEX and CARMANIA sailed

5.37 pm: Weighed; 5.42 pm: proceeded

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7 January 1916


Lat 32.4, Long -14.1

2.40 am: Spoke S.S. MANISTEE (British)

9.36 am: Stopped and dropped target for aiming rifle practice; 11.30 am: Stopped and picked up target

5.00 pm: Stopped engines and boarded S.S. RYNLAND (Dutch); 5.45 pm: proceeded

9.40 pm: Closed and boarded Norwegian S.S. BAS (Norwegian)

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8 January 1916


Lat 29.9, Long -15.0

11.25 pm: Spoke S.S. UMVOTI (British)

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9 January 1916


Lat 32.3, Long -15.1

6.48 am: closed S.V. SAVA (Italian); 7.20 am: proceeded

10.00 am: Close S.S. LA NEGRO (British); 10.45 am: proceeded

11.20 am closed S.S. ASIE (French); 11.34 am: proceeded

am: Held Divine Service

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10 January 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 32.4, Long -17.4

11.00 am: Sighted Madeira to east

pm: Spoke S.S. PENTWYN

7.05 pm: Spoke S.S. ANSELM

10.40 pm: Stopped engines in Funchal Bay. Communicated with S.S. GALWAY CASTLE

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11 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

10.00 am: Stopped engines. Anchored off Funchal

8.40 pm: Weighed; 8.45 pm: proceeded

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12 January 1916


Lat 31.8, Long -15.6

9.30 am: Stopped and dropped target for rifle aiming practice; 11.45 am: picked up target

10.00 pm: Spoke S.S. SCANDINAIRE (Swedish)

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13 January 1916


Lat 31.0, Long -14.2

2.27 am: Spoke to S.S. SAN ANDRES (Norwegian)

6.54 am: ESSEX challenged from Southward

7.43 am: Stopped engines. Communicated with ESSEX

8.30 am: ESSEX sailed to southwest

12.38 pm: Stopped and Boarded S.S. PARTHENON (Greek); 1.13 pm: proceeded

pm: Spoke S.S. EL URUGAYO (British)

6.10 pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. FORDE (Norwegian); 6.50 pm: proceeded

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14 January 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 31.6, Long -16.7

12.00 am: Spoke S.S. ARACATACA (British)

8.00 am: Sighted Madeira on starboard bow

9.38 am: stopped and dropped target for aiming rifle practice

12.07 pm: picked up target

12.08 pm: proceeded

11.45 pm: Spoke S.S. KELVIN BANK (British)

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15 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

8.07 am: Anchored off Funchal

11.39 am: OPHIR arrived

1.45 pm: OPHIR sailed

3.22 pm: weighed; 3.30 pm: proceeded

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16 January 1916

At Porto da Cruz

Lat 32.8, Long -16.8

8.35 am: Anchored off Porto da Cruz

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

6.03 pm: weighed

6.06 pm: Proceeded

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17 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.31 am: Anchored off Funchal

7.20 am: Collier GROESWEN came alongside

am: S.S. ORANGE NASSAU arrived

8.45 am: Commenced coaling

8.45 pm: completed coaling; lost by accident 32 coal sacks

pm: S.S. BALMORAL CASTLE arrived

10.30 pm: weighed; 10.40 pm: proceeded

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18 January 1916


Lat 34.0, Long -19.3

10.45 am: pat. Log carried away

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19 January 1916


Lat 32.0, Long -20.1

3.05 am: Spoke S.S. RIO PALLARESA (British)

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20 January 1916


Lat 29.9, Long -20.7

2.50 pm: Spoke S.V. MARION HELENA; 3.04 pm: proceeded

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21 January 1916

Off Teneriffe

Lat 27.8, Long -16.6

1.30 am: Palma Island sighted on port bow

pm: Spoke S.S. OTHON STATHATOS (Greek)

7.05 pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. REINA VICTORIA (Spanish)

pm: Spoke S.S. SUSSEX (British)

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22 January 1916


Lat 29.7, Long -14.9

1.00 am: Spoke S.S. HIGHLAND PRIDE (British)

7.10 am: Spoke S.S. PRAHN (British).

8.43 am: Spoke S.S. VARING (Swedish)

3.20 am: Spoke S.S. Aberdour (British)

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23 January 1916


Lat 29.7, Long -14.6

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

10.10 pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. GUINE (Portuguese); 10.56 pm: proceeded

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24 January 1916


Lat 31.2, Long -14.2

7.40 am: Stopped and boarded S.S. REINA VICTORIA (Spanish)

9.36 am: Stopped and dropped target for rifle aiming practice; 11.55 am: picked up target

pm: Spoke S.S. FLANDRES (French)

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25 January 1916


Lat 31.5, Long -15.1

7.00 am: started working up for full speed trial; 12.00 pm: Started easing down

am: Spoke S.S. PENINSULAR (Portuguese)

am: Spoke S.S. CROSBY HALL (British)

12.30 pm: Spoke S.S. ARIADNE (French)

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26 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

5.40 am: anchored off Funchal

7.10 am: S.S. RAVENSTONE came alongside

8.20 am: commenced coaling; 5.55 pm: completed coaling

9.00 am: Fired 21 gun salute (returned)

8.35 pm: weighed; 8.43 pm: proceeded

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27 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.30 am: Anchored off Funchal

7.01 pm: Weighed; 7.06 pm: proceeded

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28 January 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.02 am: anchored off Funchal

7.08 am: OPHIR challenged from southwest ward

7.42 am: OPHIR anchored

8.00 am: Challenged HIGHFLYER to southeast

8.30 am: R.M.S. DURHAM CASTLE arrived and anchored

9.57 am: HIGHFLYER arrived and anchored

am: Lieutenant Eric Simonds, R.M.L.I., joined ship; Lieutenant John T. Hoseason, R.N.R., for passage to ESSEX

pm: Hands transhipping stores from HIGHFLYER

pm: 3 prisoners of war brought on board

7.11 pm: weighed; 7.18 pm: proceeded

11.40 pm: Spoke S.S. ALONDRA (British)

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29 January 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 32.7, Long -17.3

2.07 pm: Anchored off Funchal

7.00 pm: R.M.S. LLANSTEPHAN CASTLE arrived

7.36 pm: weighed; 7.45 pm: proceeded

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30 January 1916


Lat 33.9, Long -14.2

3.33 am: Spoke S.S. OLAF (Danish); 4.08 am: proceeded

4.25 am: Spoke S.S. CUMBERLAND British); 5.00 am: proceeded

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

11.00 am: Spoke S.S. ANCOLNA and S.S. WITHERNSEA (British)

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31 January 1916


Lat 31.4, Long -14.8

12.05 am: Spoke S.S. CALIFORNIA (British)

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Blank pages and back cover


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Front cover February 1916 log

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Blank page

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1 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.37 am: Anchored off Funchal

8.05 am: Collier RAVENSTONE secured alongside

9.00 am: Commenced coaling; 1.55 pm: Completed coaling; 3.15 pm: Collier cast off

4.05 pm: Weighed; 4.15 pm: Proceeded

5.00 pm: commenced zig zagging

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2 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.30 am: sighted ESSEX in Funchal

7.01 am: anchored at Funchal

9.00 am: CARMANIA arrived; three prisoners of war transferred to her

am: Lieutenant Hoseason, R.N.R., to ESSEX

3.00 pm: CARMANIA sailed

4.07 pm: weighed; 4.15 pm: Proceeded Westward along south coast of Madeira

8.05 pm: S.S. ARDGARRY (British)

10.45 pm: Spoke S.S. VERDUN (British)

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3 February 1916


Lat 33.6, Long -18.8

3.00 am: Spoke S.S. SAN MIGUEL (Portuguese)

7.30 am: Commenced zig zagging

4.30 pm: Stopped and boarded S.V. SKARV (Norwegian)

5.50 pm: sighted Madeira to South, southeast

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4 February 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 32.8, Long -16.4

6.30 am: Spoke S.S. IDA (British)

3.24 pm: anchored off Funchal

5.47 pm: weighed; 5.55 pm: proceeded

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5 February 1916


Lat 31.9, Long -17.8

9.05 am: Stopped engines. Communicated with OPHIR

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6 February 1916


Lat 34.4, Long -17.3

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

3.50 pm: Spoke S.S. EGYPTIAN TRANSPORT (British); 4.35 pm: proceeded

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7 February 1916


Lat 32.3, Long -17.9

10.25 am: Spoke S.S. MAGELLAN (British); 11.25 am: proceeded

6.40 pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. VALENTIA (British)

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8 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.00 am: anchored off Funchal

7.55 am: S.S. RAVENSTONE came alongside

8.55 am: commenced coaling; 3.00 pm: completed coaling

4.28 pm: weighed; 4.34 pm: proceeded

4.45 pm: commenced zig zagging

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9 February 1916

At Porto Santo

Lat 33.05, Long -16.3

7.01 am: anchored in Porto Santo Bay; Sighted F.R. "DUPETIT THOUARS" at anchor

7.45 am: shifted berth; 8.10 am: anchored in Porto Santo Bay

am: Call exchanged between French Rear Admiral and Admiral Commanding, In Charge Forces

4.13 pm: weighed; 4.17 pm: proceeded; 4.45 pm: commenced zig zagging

9.05 pm: stopped in Funchal Bay; 9.45 pm: proceeded to sea; 9.50 pm: stopped and proceeded back to Funchal

10.15 pm: Stopped off Funchal; 11.35 pm: proceeded; 11.45 pm: commenced zig zagging

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10 February 1916


Lat 31.2, Long -17.9

6.45 am: commenced zig zagging

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11 February 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 32.0, Long -17.2

4.00 pm: anchored off Funchal

7.35 pm: R.M.S. SAXON arrived

8.34 pm: weighed; 8.45 pm: proceeded

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12 February 1916


Lat 31.5, Long -18.2

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13 February 1916


Lat 31.8, Long -17.9

Ship: Sighted: HMS Essex

8.00 am: Sighted ESSEX challenged and replied correctly

9.00 am: ESSEX took station on starboard beam; 10.10 am: ESSEX parted company

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

5.00 pm: sighted Madeira on port bow

8.00: Stopped in Funchal Bay; sent boat ashore for telegram; 9.24 pm: proceeded

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14 February 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 33.6, Long -16.9

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15 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.10 am: sighted SUTLEJ and challenged; reply challenge correctly

9.03 am: anchored off Funchal

2.46 pm: weighed; 2.50 pm: proceeded

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16 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

5.40 am: anchored off Funchal

8.00 am: S.S. MONKSTONE secured alongside; hands coaling ship

2.50 pm: completed coaling; lost by accident during coaling 25 coal sacks

4.00 pm: S.S. DARNHOLME sailed

5.29 pm: weighed; 5.45 pm: proceeded

10.30 pm: Spoke S.S. VEGA (French); 11.10 pm: proceeded

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17 February 1916


Lat 33.6, Long -16.9

10.00 pm: spoke S.S. HIGHLAND GLEN (British)

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18 February 1916


Lat 34.5, Long -17.1

8.25 am: Spoke S.S. ANTONIETTA ACCAME (Italian)

10.45 am: Stopped and boarded S.S. DEMERARA (British)

11.55 pm: sighted Fora Island Light

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19 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.03 am: Anchored off Funchal

8.00 am: ESSEX arrived & anchored

1.30 pm: ESSEX sailed

8.25 pm: SWIFTSURE sighted and challenged

9.00 pm: SWIFTSURE anchored

10.47 pm: Weighed; 10.57 pm: proceeded

pm: SWIFTSURE sailed

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20 February 1916


Lat 31.6, Long -17.9

5.30 am: Spoke S.S. BENIN (British)


10.00 am: Held Divine Service

12.25 pm: Sighted OPHIR

1.22 pm: Stopped and Communicated with OPHIR

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21 February 1916

Off Palma Island

Lat 29.3, Long -18.1

9.20 am: Stopped and dropped target; 9.25 am: Proceeded on sub calibre firing

11.25 am: Stopped and picked up target; 11.35 am: proceeded

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22 February 1916

Off Tenerife

Lat 28.8, Long -16.5

10.03 am: Sighted SUTLEJ

12.07 pm: Stopped engines. Captain of SUTLEJ came on board; 12.48 pm: proceeded

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23 February 1916

En route from the Canaries to Madeira

Lat 30.2, Long -19.1

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24 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.22 am: Anchored off Funchal

am: S.S. BRENDON came alongside

8.46 am: Commenced coaling

2.45 pm: completed coaling

am: CARMANIA coaling

pm: R.M.S. WALMER CASTLE arrived

6.23 pm: Weighed; 6.31 pm: proceeded

9.09 pm: stopped off Funchal; 10.00 pm: proceeded

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25 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.50 am: Anchored Funchal

Am: Drawing stores from CARMANIA

pm: S.S. TOYOHASHI MARU (Japanese) arrived.

8.05 pm: weighed; 8.10 pm: proceeded

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26 February 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

6.05 am: Anchored off Funchal

am: SUTLEJ arrived

am: Hands transhipping provisions from CARMANIA

6.37 pm: weighed; 6.50 pm: proceeded

9.30 pm: Spoke ELIZABETH (Dutch)

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27 February 1916


Lat 33.1, Long -18.3

10.45 am: Stopped and boarded S.V. MAGDA (Swedish); 11.40 am: proceeded

am: Held Divine Service

1.09 am: Spoke S.V. LE GALION (French)

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28 February 1916


Lat 34.9, Long -16.9

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29 February 1916


Lat 33.2, Long -18.2

9.48 am: Spoke S.S. EASTVILLE (British)

10.45 am: proceeded

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Blank pages and back cover

Operations in the vicinity of the Cape Verde Islands

JP map King Alfred Cape Verde


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Front cover

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Blank pages

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1 March 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 33.3, Long -17.8

9.20 am: Stopped and dropped target. Carried out sub calibres from turrets and 1” aiming from 6”

11.30 am: Stopped and picked up target; 11.45 am: proceeded

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2 March 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

7.29 am: Anchored off Funchal

am: ESSEX arrived

5.55 pm: ESSEX sailed

pm: S.S. NELPAWAH arrived

8.37 pm: weighed; 9.00 pm: proceeded

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3 March 1916


Lat 31.7, Long -18.0

7.10 am: sighted and challenged CARMANIA

2.15 pm: Spoke S.S. GULFAXE (Danish)

9.11 pm: Spoke S.S. SKINFAXE (Danish)

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4 March 1916


Lat 31.4, Long -17.7

8.23 am: Spoke S.S. FALKA (Sweden); 8.56 am: Stopped and boarded FALKA; 9.38 am: proceeded

3.40 pm: Spoke S.S. ARAGUAYA (British)

4.55 pm: Passed S.S. BRENDON (British)

6.20 pm: Sighted SUTLEJ in Funchal; 7.17 pm: communicated with SUTLEJ

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5 March 1916

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

5.05 am: anchored off Funchal

7.18 am: Collier RERESBY secured alongside

am: S.S. SAN MIGUEL (Portuguese) arrived

8.36 am: commenced coaling

10.40 am: S.S. ADA (Norwegian) arrived

2.40 pm: S.S. ROLF JARL (Norwegian) arrived

3.00 pm: Completed coaling

6.57 pm: Weighed; 7.02 pm: proceeded

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6 March 1916

At Madeira to Gran Canaria

Lat 30.4, Long -16.3

12.40 pm: Sighted Salvage Islands on port bow

2.30 pm: Great Piton Island sighted abeam

pm: Coaming ventilator G.M. lost overboard bad weather

5.23 pm: Sighted OPHIR ahead

5.57 pm: Stopped and Communicated with OPHIR; 6.50 pm: proceeded

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7 March 1916

At Maspalomas, Gran Canaria

Lat 27.7, Long -15.5

7.40 am: sighted French Cruiser GLOIRE to Southwest

8.55 am: Anchored off Maspalomas Pt.

10.15 am: French admiral came on board

3.35 pm: Weighed; proceeded

8.24 pm: Spoke CORINTHIC (British)

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8 March 1916

En route Canaries to Madeira

Lat 29.6, Long -17.7

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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9 March 1916

Off Madeira

Lat 32.7, Long -16.9

1.00 am: Spoke S.S. STATHATOS (Greek)

7.30 am: Spoke S.S. SELENCE (Italian).

11.50 am: Anchored off Funchal

6.00 am: ESSEX sailed

6.30 pm: SUTLEJ arrived

7.05 pm: Weighed; proceeded

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10 March 1916


Lat 31.5, Long -14.6

12.48 pm: Spoke S.S. PALONIKA (Norwegian)

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11 March 1916


Lat 30.6, Long -15.7

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12 March 1916


Lat 31.0, Long -19.0

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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13 March 1916

En route Madeira to St Vincent

Lat 27.9, Long -18.6

10.25 am: Sighted CARMANIA to south, southeast

11.15 am: CARMANIA stationed on port beam

11.45 am: CARMANIA parted company

5.40 pm: Stopped engines and Boarded R.M.S. DURHAM CASTLE (British); 6.19 pm: Proceeded

9.15 pm: Spoke S.S. TYDEUS (British)

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14 March 1916

En route Madeira to St Vincent

Lat 24.6, Long -20.3

11.48 pm: Spoke S.S. TREVANION (British)

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15 March 1916

En route Madeira to St Vincent

Lat 21.6, Long -20.5

3.30 am: Spoke S.S. RIO DE LA PLATA (Norwegian); 3.53 am: proceeded

6.45 am: Spoke S.S. MUSICIAN (British)

9.30 am: Stopped and dropped target; 9.35 am: proceeded for rifle aiming practice

11.30 am: Stopped and picked up target; 11.35 am: proceeded

4.20 pm: stopped to pick up lifebuoy, dropped by accident; 4.36 pm: proceeded

pm: lost by accident 1 cwt. Coal sack

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16 March 1916

En route Madeira to St Vincent

Lat 18.9, Long -23.2

9.50 am: Spoke U.S. Auxiliary STERLING

1.40 pm: Spoke S.S. ZURICHMOOR

5.20 pm: Spoke S.S. RUNSWICK

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17 March 1916

At Porto Grande, St Vincent, Cape Verde Islands

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.25 am Portuguese gunboat BEIRA came out of harbour

6.58 am: Anchored in Porto Grande Bay.

In harbour: MARMORA, SUTLEJ, and OPHIR

3.00 pm: MARMORA sailed

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18 March 1916

At Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: S.S. EMMA arrived

5.10 am: S.S. IMPERIAL; commenced coaling

7.30 am: Sighted MARMORA to southwest

8.00 am: SUTLEJ hoisted Court Martial Jack (hauled down at 3.12 pm)

am: S.S. EMMA (British) and RAWSON (British) sailed

2.45 pm: S.S. TYNNINGHAME arrived

3.50 pm: S.S. LEBU sailed

4.20 pm: coaling completed

5.15 pm: MARMORA and OPHIR sailed

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19 March 1916

At Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.30 am: OPHIR arrived

7.00 am: SUTLEJ sailed

am : Lieutenant Chambers. R.N.V.R., to OPHIR

12.25 pm: OPHIR sailed

12.30 pm: Shortened in; 12.37 pm: KING ALFRED proceeded

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20 March 1916

Off Cape Verde Islands

Lat 18.6, Long -24.2

2.45 am: Spoke S..S. MOULESHAVEN (British)

3.30 am: Spoke S.S. LEBU (Chilean)

9.25 am: Spoke S.S. SCANDINAVIA (Swedish); 9.35 am: proceeded

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21 March 1916

Off Cape Verde Islands

Lat 17.6, Long -23.6

2.25 pm: sighted San Antonio Island on starboard bow

4.30 pm: Sighted and challenged MARMORA (ar anchor)

5.55 pm: Anchored off Cape Verde Islands

6.30 pm: weighed and shifted berths; 7.10 pm: anchored

8.35 pm: S.S. MOZAMBIQUE anchored

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22 March 1916


Lat 17.2, Long -24.9

1.30 am: Portuguese Governor came on board

3.10 am: Spoke S.S. TRESILLIAN arrived (Br)

9.07 am: weighed; 9.15 am: proceeded

pm: passed S.S. BALLUCIA (British)

3.00 pm: Spoke S.S. BEIRA (Portugal)

6.00 pm: Spoke S.S. ARRANMOOR (British)

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23 March 1916


Lat 19.4, Long -24.0

9.40 am: Stopped engines; Communicated with ESSEX

6.30 pm: Spoke S.S. GIBRALTAR (British)

8.15 pm: Stopped; Boarded S.S. BOGSTAD (Norwegian); 9.27 pm: proceeded

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24 March 1916


Lat 22.2, Long -22.8

5.50 am: sighted CARMANIA to Northward

6.20 am: Stopped; Communicated with CARMANIA; 6.42 am: proceeded; am: CARMANIA proceeded

3.40 pm: Stopped engines and communicated with LANCASTER; Embarked 16 ratings; 4.50 pm: proceeded

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25 March 1916


Lat 24.8, Long -20.3

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26 March 1916


Lat 26.6, Long -20.0

6.18 am: Stopped; Boarded S.S. HANS LARSEN (Danish); 6.46 am: proceeded

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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27 March 1916


Lat 27.2, Long -19.8

6.00 am: sighted Palma Island

7.50 am: Stopped; Boarded S.S. ALFRED HAGE (Danish); 8.40 am: proceeded

4.50 pm: Spoke S.S. PORT CURTIS (British)

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28 March 1916


Lat 24.6, Long -21.6

6.12 am: closed S.S. SLIEDRECHT (Dutch)

1.10 pm: Sighted ESSEX ahead; 2.05 pm: Stopped and communicated with ESSEX; 3.00 pm: proceeded

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29 March 1916


Lat 22.4, Long -23.2

6.12 am: sighted SUTLEJ on port quarter; closed and hoisted out target

7.51 am: proceeded; 9.10 am: carried out service firing from all guns; 10.00 am: ceased firing; proceeded to pick up target

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30 March 1916


Lat 17.8, Long -24.8

am: Spoke S.S. LEVATHO (Greek)

3.55 pm: anchored St Vincent, Cape Verde Islands


pm: U.S.S. CHESTER saluted 13 guns (returned)

6.00 pm: WEARSIDE came alongside

pm: CARMANIA sailed

9.45 pm: CHESTER sailed

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31 March 1916

At St. Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.15 am: commenced coaling

6.05 am: S.S. MAASDJIC (Dutch) arrived

6.30 am: S.S. LOANDA (Portuguese) arrived.

6.54 am: SUTLEJ arrived

am : S.S. DUX (Norwegian) arrived

3.15 pm: coaling completed; 4.05 pm: collier shoved off

pm: S.S. TRANSMITTER British) arrived; S.S VERMONT) (British) sailed; S.S. ZENOVIA (Greek) arrived; S.S. MAASDJIC (Dutch) sailed

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Mercurial or aneroid: Mercurial

Name of Maker and Number: Negretti Zambra: London; A110

Height of cistern above sea: 7’4”


Position in ship: in lee of control tower under fore bridge

Whether in screen: yes

Maker and number: Negretti Zambra, London; No. MO/A 9815 (dry). C.F. Cassell and Co., Ltd.: London; SW No. A/M 636 (wet)


Maker and Number: Negretti Zambra: London; No. A/M 2104

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1 April 1916

At Porto Grande, St. Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: S.S. MAASDJIC (Dutch) arrived

am: Governor came on board. Saluted 17 guns

pm: Portuguese gunboat BEIRA anchored

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2 April 1916

At St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

pm: S.S. TRANSMITTER sailed. S.S. IMPERIAL sailed. S.S. TOWERGATE (all three British) sailed

pm: Landed massed bands from KING ALFRED and ESSEX

9.53 pm: S.S. VICTORIA (British) arrived

10.15 pm: Sub Lieutenant Algernon Lynes, R.N.R., discharged to S.S. VICTORIA for passage to England

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3 April 1916

At Porto Grande, St. Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: S.S. AMBAEA (sp ?) (Portuguese) arrived.

am: S.S. TRUMPENBURG (Dutch) arrived.

am: Court of Enquiry assembled on board regarding damaged main derrick.

pm: S.S. VICTORIA (British) sailed

pm: Portuguese gunboat BEIRA sailed

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4 April 1916

At Porto Grande. St.Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

6.10 am: Arrivals at St Vincent: S.S. PROCONISSOS (French); S.S. ISSOPOGLU (sp ?) (Greek); S.S. PLUTARCH (British); S.S. DAISAI MARU (Japanese)

am: Portuguese gunboat BEIRA returned

am: unrigged and examined main derrick gear

4.02 pm: Weighed; proceeded

9.20 pm: sighted West Point Light, St. Nicholas

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5 April 1916

At Mordeira Bay. Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands

Lat 16.7, Long -23.0

7.32 am: anchored in Mordeira Bay, Sal Island

6.07 pm: weighed

7.30 pm: Stopped and dropped target; carried out night firing with aiming rifles

9.40 pm: Picked up target; 9.45 pm: proceeded

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6 April 1916

At Mordeira Bay. Sal

Lat 16.7, Long -23.0

6.14 am: Anchored in Mordeira Bay

6.13 pm: weighed

6.17 pm: proceeded

8.30 pm: Stopped and dropped target; carried out service firings from 12 pdr guns and sub calibre from other guns

9.55 pm: picked up target

10.00 pm: proceeded

11.14 pm: anchored in former berth at Mordeira Bay

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7 April 1916

At Mordeira Bay, Sal

Lat 16.7, Long -23.0

pm: Captain of Port paid official visit

6.00 pm: weighed; proceeded

6.25 pm: Sighted Passaro Island abeam 1 mile

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8 April 1916

At Porto Grande, St.Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

8.30 am: Challenged ESSEX in Porto Grande.

9.40 am: Stopped; anchored in Porto Grande.

am: Reprimanded Acting Lieutenant David Gordon Armstrong, R.N.R., for behaving with disrespect towards Fleet Surgeon Michael Joseph Smith, R.N. (Acknowledged by D.G. Armstrong)

6.55 pm: Portuguese gunboat BEIRA weighed and proceeded

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9 April 1916

At Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Potuguese gunboat BEIRA returned

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

pm: CARMANIA arrived

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10 April 1916

At Porto Grande. St.Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: HIGHFLYER arrived

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11 April 1916

At Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Governor and staff came on board

pm: 3 cell prisoners came on board from S.S. WILLOW BRANCH (British)

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12 April 1916

At Tarrafal Bay, San Antonio Island

Lat 15.3, Long -23.8

5.28 am: Weighed

5.30 am: proceeded

8.22 am: Anchored Tarrafal Bay.

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13 April 1916

At Porto Grande. St.Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

4.48 am: Weighed; proceeded from Tarrafal Bay

7.17 am: anchored off Porto Grande.


11.18 am: AVOCA arrived

pm: AVENGER and SWIFTSURE sailed

pm: Portuguese gunboat BEIRA sailed

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14 April 1916

At Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: BEIRA arrived and anchored

7.35 am CITY OF LONDON arrived

pm: S.S. GREKLAND (Swedish) sailed

5.50 pm: Weighed; 5.54 pm: proceeded

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15 April 1916

At Rolla Roads, St Nicholas

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

5.10 am: anchored off Prequiza

pm: Governor and Staff came on board

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16 April 1916

At Rolla Roads, St Nicholas

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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17 April 1916

At Rolla Roads, St Nicholas

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

7.03 pm: Weighed

7.15 pm: proceeded

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18 April 1916

At Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

3.45 am: sighted Machado Light abeam

4.30 am: Challenged SUTLEJ in Porto Grande.

5.13 am: Challenged MARMORA to Northward

6.00 am: anchored in Porto Grande

Ships in Harbour: HIGHFLYER and SUTLEJ

am: ESSEX arrived

pm: SUTLEJ and ESSEX sailed

6.00 pm: S.S. ETTON came alongside

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19 April 1916

At Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.10 am: commenced coaling

11.50 am: coaling completed

6.00 am: BEIRA returned to anchorage

pm: BEIRA sailed for patrol

10.00 pm: BEIRA anchored

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20 April 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

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21 April 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

am: Military governor boarded ship

pm: S.S. KELENSEE (sp ?) (British) and S.S. MYRTLE BRANCH (British) arrived

pm: S.S. JUPITER (Spanish) and NYLAND (Swedish) sailed

pm: MARMORA arrived

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22 April 1916


Lat 16.9, Long -25.1

am: Lieutenant Richard Kindirdine, R.N., discharged to MARMORA for passage home

am: 1 seaman & 2 trimmers (prisoners) received from S.S. KRINI

11.04 am: weighed; proceeded

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23 April 1916


Lat 19.0, Long -26.9

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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24 April 1916


Lat 21.2, Long -28.5

9.30 am: Stopped; dropped target for .303 practice; 10.53 am: Stopped; picked up target

10.13 pm: Port engine stopped for eight minutes

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25 April 1916


Lat 19.4, Long -27.2

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26 April 1916


Lat 16.9, Long -25.4

2.38 pm: Anchored off Porto Grande

Ships in Harbour: CARMANIA and MARMORA

pm: ESSEX and SWIFTSURE arrived

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27 April 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: S.S. BRITTANY (British) arrived

am: CARMANIA hoisted Court Martial Jack

pm: SUTLEJ arrived

4.45 pm: CARMANIA hauled down Court Martial Jack

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28 April 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

pm: Party on board S.S. DJERISSA (British) for stores

6.00 pm: ESSEX sailed

am: Reprimanded Lieutenant George Edwin Olaf Barnes, R.N., for slackness in performing his duty, in relieving the deck, as officer of the middle watch twenty minutes late. (acknowledged G.E. Barnes)

am: Reprimanded Lieutenant George Edwin Olaf Barnes, R.N., for acting to the prejudice of good order and naval discipline, in striking a subordinate officer, and saying to him "Don't tell me lies". (acknowledged G.E. Barnes)

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29 April 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: S.S. KRINI began to drag; towed back by steamboats of fleet

am: Hands transhipping empties to CARMANIA

am: HIMALAYA arrived

pm : Midshipman Christopher L Bird, RNR, and 7 ratings transferred to CARMANIA

pm: CARMANIA sailed

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30 April 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

6.30 am: S.S. ORITA

am: HIMALAYA shifted berth

8.00 am: Lieutenant David G. Armstrong, R.N.R., Discharged to S.S. ORITA for passage home

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

am: MARMORA sailed

pm: HIMALAYA shifted berth

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Front cover May 1916 log

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1 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Dutch cruiser NOORD BRABANT arrived; fired salute 13 guns (returned)

am: Sent kedge anchor to S.S. KRINI

pm: Governor came on board

pm: NOORD BRABANT sailed

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2 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

pm: S.S. ZAMBEZI came alongside

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3 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: AVENGER arrived

6.00 am: Commenced coaling; 10.20 am: completed coaling; collier shoved off

am: S.S. CHARILOS TRICOUPIS arrived; sailed P.M.

12.00 pm: Dressed ship: Portuguese Ensign at the main

pm S.S. MAGELLAN (French) sailed

pm: SUTLEJ sailed

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4 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: BEIRA returned and anchored

pm: BEIRA sailed for patrol

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5 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: S.S. NUTURATOVO (sp ?) (British) arrived

pm: S.S. MERCATOR (Russian) sailed; S.S. KRINI sailed

5.06 pm: Weighed; 5.10 pm: proceeded

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6 May 1916


Lat 18.9, Long -25.2

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7 May 1916


Lat 19.4, Long -22.7

7.30 am: Proceeded to intercept ESSEX with prize (TELDE) in tow; 10.00 am: Took station abeam of ESSEX

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

11.17 am: Spoke S.S. TRANSPORT (British)

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8 May 1916


Lat 19.6, Long -20.2

9.30 am: Stopped and dropped target for .303 rifle aiming practice; 11.15 am: Stopped picked up target

11.15 am: proceeded to speak S.S. HIGHLAND GLEN

1.15 pm: Stopped and boarded S.S. ROSARIO (Spanish); 2.15 pm: proceeded

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9 May 1916


Lat 18.4, Long -22.7

10.10 pm: proceeded to speak S.S. Lemland (sp ?) (Dutch)

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10 May 1916

At Porto Grande. St.Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

Midnight: Sighted Bull Point Light

5.49 am: anchored in Porto Grande Bay.

pm: S.S. MENDIHEL MENDI (Spanish) sailed

pm: S.S. WILLESDEN (British) sailed

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11 May 1916

En route Porto Grande to Mordeira Bay, Sal Island

Lat 16.8, Long -23.6

5.15 am: weighed; proceeded

3.33 pm: anchored in Mordeira Bay.

11.05 pm: S.S. DJERISSA arrived

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12 May 1916

At Mordeira Bay, Sal Island

Lat 16.7, Long -23.0

5.45 am: S.S. DJERISSA came alongside

6.37 am: coaling commenced

11.12 am: coaling completed

5.00 pm: weighed; proceeded out of harbour

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13 May 1916

En route Mordeira Bay to Porto Grande

Lat 18.6, Long -21.2

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14 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

4.00 am: Sighted Bull Point Light

8.03 am: anchored in Porto Grande Bay


11.00 am: Held Divine Service

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15 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

6.00 am: AMETHYST sailed

7.00 am: CARMANIA arrived

am: HIGHFLYER arrived

am: Working party on board CARMANIA

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16 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

7.45 am: S.S. HORNSGARTH cames alongside with stores; S.S. KRINI (water tank) came alongside

am: R.M.S.P. ARAGUAYA arrived

am: S.S. HORNSGARTH shoved off

pm: Lieutenant Thompson, R.N.R., and Midshipman Francis Poole, R.N.R. joined from ARAGUAYA

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17 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Held medical survey for squadron on board

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18 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: SUTLEJ sailed

am: Discharged 3 invalids to CARMANIA

pm: CARMANIA sailed

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19 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

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20 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Watertank KRINI came alongside

am: French cruiser GUICHEN arrived

pm: Sent Medical Officer to S.S. TELDE

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21 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Midshipman Charles Long, R.N.R., discharged for duty at Consulate

pm: French cruiser GUICHEN sailed

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22 May 1916

At Tarrafal Bay, San Antonio

Lat 15.3, Long -23.8

5.57 am: weighed

6.00 am: Proceeded to round south end San Antonio Island

9.27 am: Anchored at Tarrafal Bay

am: Boats away sweeping and diving for KRINI’s anchor

am: S.S. KRINI arrived

6.25 pm: weighed; 6.40 pm: proceeded

8.00 pm: Stopped and dropped target; proceeded for rifle aiming practice and 12 pdr firing

9.40 pm: Stopped and picked up target; proceeded to return to Tarrafal Bay

10.55 pm: Anchored at Tarrafal Bay

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23 May 1916

At Tarrafal Bay

Lat 15.3, Long -23.8

am: Boats away and sweeping for KRINI’s anchor

pm: Sent picket boat away to board S.V. ESTELE KREIGER (American)

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24 May 1916

Off Tarrafal Bay

Lat 17.3, Long -25.9

8.30 am: Weighed; proceeded for Porto Grande

am: 12 pdr and sub calibre firing; 12.32 pm: Stopped; 1.10 pm: proceeded to complete practice

2.20 pm: Stopped and picked up target and hoisted in picket boat

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25 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

4.50 am: Ponta do Sol Light abeam

9.03 am: anchored Porto Grande

Ships in Harbour: ESSEX and HIGHFLYER

10.38 am: water tank KRINI came alongside

pm: ESSEX sailed

4.15 pm: weighed to shift berth; 4.29 pm: anchored

6.00: S.S. DJERISSA came alongside

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26 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.20 am: commenced coaling; 9.30 am: coaling completed

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27 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

pm: Sent fresh provisions to TELDE (prize)

10.20 pm: Governor came on board

10.31 pm: Weighed; 10.40 Proceeded round south end of St. Vincent.

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28 May 1916

At Rolla Road, St Nicholas

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

3.10 am: sighted St. Nicholas Island on port beam

5.35 am: Anchored in Rolla Road

am: Captain of the port came on board

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

4.14 pm: weighed and proceeded

8.31 pm: Came to

8.40 pm: weighed and shifted berth

8.53 pm: Anchored off Porto Grande.

pm: Governor went ashore

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29 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: S.S. KRINI came alongside

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30 May 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

pm: Gave fresh provisions to TELDE

6.09 pm: weighed; proceeded

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31 May 1916


Lat 18.8, Long -27.1

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Blank pages and back cover


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Front cover for June 1916 log

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Blank pages

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1 June 1916


Lat 19.1, Long -27.3

6.40 am: Spoke S.S. TREVESSA (British)

9.30 am: Stopped and dropped target for rifle aiming practice; 11.15 am: practice completed; proceeded

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2 June 1916


Lat 17.0, Long -25.4

9.30 am: Stopped and dropped target for rifle aiming practice; 11.03 am: Practice completed; proceeded

3.46 pm: anchored off Porto Grande

10.00 pm: BEIRA sailed

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3 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: SUTLEJ sailed

pm: BEIRA arrived

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4 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: VINDICTIVE arrived

am: Portuguese troop ship PORTUGAL

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

pm: BEIRA sailed

4caf8772cadfd3419701af43: ( 53-45730-005_1.jpg)

5 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: ESSEX arrived

am: S.S. KRINI came alongside

am: AVENGER arrived

pm: Discharged 7 invalids to VINDICTIVE for passage

pm: VINDICTIVE sailed

pm: BEIRA arrived

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6 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

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7 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: S.S. KING JOHN came alongside; commenced coaling; 9.54 am: coaling completed

am: BEIRA arrived

pm: Half masted colours

pm: BEIRA sailed

4caf8772cadfd3419701af46: ( 53-45730-007_0.jpg)

8 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: BEIRA returned from patrol

am: AVENGER arrived

am: S.S. KRINI came alongside

pm: BEIRA sailed for patrol

4caf8772cadfd3419701af47: ( 53-45730-007_1.jpg)

9 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: BEIRA returned from patrol

pm: Hands drawing stores from S.S. WOODVILLE

4caf8772cadfd3419701af48: ( 53-45730-008_0.jpg)

10 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

5.00: BEIRA returned from patrol

am: Party working on board S.S. MASCONOMO (British)

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11 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

10.00 pm: BEIRA sailed for patrol

4caf8772cadfd3419701af4a: ( 53-45730-009_0.jpg)

12 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: BEIRA returned from patrol

am: SUTLEJ arrived

pm: Discharged Lieutenant Clarence Harvey, R.N.R., and 17 ratings to H.M. prize TELDE

pm: 11 Ratings (ex ESSEX) joined from TELDE

pm: BEIRA sailed for patrol

4caf8772cadfd3419701af4b: ( 53-45730-009_1.jpg)

13 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: BERIA returned from patrol

am: H.M. prize TELDE sailed in tow of S.S. MAREFIELD

pm: "BEIRA sailed for patrol

pm: AVENGER arrived

4caf8772cadfd3419701af4c: ( 53-45730-010_0.jpg)

14 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

am: BEIRA returned to anchorage

am: MARMORA sailed

pm: BEIRA sailed for patrol

4caf8772cadfd3419701af4d: ( 53-45730-010_1.jpg)

15 June 1916


Lat 17.2, Long -24.8

am: BEIRA returned to anchorage

9.04 am: weighed; 9.10 am: proceeded

1.20 pm: Spoke SWIFTSURE

4caf8772cadfd3419701af4e: ( 53-45730-011_0.jpg)

16 June 1916


Lat 21.1, Long -24.2

7.07 am: Stopped and boarded S.S. ANTWERPEN (Danish); 8.05 am: proceeded

1.10 pm: Spoke S.S. MARESFIELD and H.M. Prize TELDE; 1.15 pm: stopped; sent provisions to TELDE

1.55 pm: proceeded

4caf8772cadfd3419701af4f: ( 53-45730-011_1.jpg)

17 June 1916


Lat 22.0, Long -23.3

8.40 am: Sighted S.S. MARESFIELD and H.M. prize TELDE ahead

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18 June 1916


Lat 18.9, Long -24.5

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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19 June 1916

En route Porto Grande to Tarrafal

Lat 17.5, Long -25.8

5.12 am: stopped and boarded S.S. ARAGUAYA (British); took 1 prisoner of war from her

1.10 pm: Sighted San Antonia on port bow

pm: Sighted AVENGER and SUTLEJ at Tarrafal

4.09 am: anchored off Tarrafal

pm: AVENGER sailed

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20 June 1916

Off Tarrafal

Lat 15.3, Long -23.8

6.00: SUTLEJ sailed

7.40 am: weighed; proceeded

8.30 am: Carried out service firing from heavy guns; 10.20 am: Completed practice; 10.50 am: took over target from SUTLEJ; 12.30 pm: SUTLEJ completed practice; took over target

4.42 pm: anchored in Porto Grande Bay.

Ships in Harbour: SWIFTSURE and HIGHFLYER

6.00 pm: S.S. KING JOHN came alongside

pm: Received one officer and sixteen ratings from KRINI

4caf8772cadfd3419701af53: ( 53-45730-013_1.jpg)

21 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.55, Long -24.25

5.20 am: commenced coaling; 10.17 am: coaling completed

Am: SWIFTSURE sailed

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22 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Transferring stores from S.S. MASCONOMO

am: One Seaman (ex MARESFIELD) discharged to shore

pm: Divers employed diving for lost dismounting bogie wheel

4caf8773cadfd3419701af55: ( 53-45730-014_1.jpg)

23 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

7.00 am: BEIRA sailed

am: Discharged Sub Lieutenant Phillips and crew of KRINI to S.S. ORANZA (sp ?) for passage to England (also 1 German prisoner of war)

pm: SWIFTSURE arrived

pm: BEIRA arrived

pm: BEIRA sailed for patrol

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24 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: BEIRA returned from patrol

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25 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Received mails from AMAZON

am: The following officers were embarked from AMAZON: Temporary Surgeon John Morrison R.N., Chief Gunner. Alfred W. Knight R.N., Captain Richard Hyde RN for ESSEX; discharged same day

Acting Lieutenant Arthur A. Turnbull, R.N.R., and Mate (E) Richard C. Sloman, R.N., for SWIFTSURE ; discharged HIGHFLYER 26/6/16

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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26 June 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: BEIRA returned from patrol

am: Hands employed drawing stores from DJERISSA

4.04 pm: weighed; 4.10 pm: proceeded

5.18 pm: sighted Passaro Island

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27 June 1916


Lat 20.4, Long -23.9

7.25 am: Spoke S.S. CUSTOM (sp ?) (British)

11.00 am Spoke S.S. SOUTHVILLE (British)

pm: Spoke S.S. BLACKWELL (British)

4caf8773cadfd3419701af5a: ( 53-45730-017_0.jpg)

28 June 1916


Lat 24.7, Long -24.4

1.52 pm: Stopped; Boarded S.V. HEROEN (Danish)

6.20 pm: Spoke S.S. MYRTLEBANK (British)

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29 June 1916


Lat 25.9, Long -21.7

6.20 am: proceeded in company with S.S. EURIPIDES

4.30 pm: Stopped; sent boat to EURIPIDES with provisions and letters.

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30 June 1916


Lat 20.4, Long -24.0

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Blank pages and back cover


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Front cover log July 1916

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Blank pages

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1 July 1916


Lat 15.5, Long -25.5

10.00 am: Stopped; sent boat to S.S. EURIPIDES.

10.30 am: Proceeded; parted company with S.S. EURIPIDES

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2 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

4.30 am: Sighted SUTLEJ in Porto Grande

5.24 am: Anchored in Porto Grande Bay

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

pm: BEIRA sailed

pm: BEIRA returned

pm: BEIRA sailed for patrol

4caf8773cadfd3419701af69: ( 53-45731-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Sent party to salve S.S. MASSIS

6.20 am: Sighted ESSEX to westward

7.21 am: ESSEX anchored

9.00 am: H.M.O.T. MASSIS floated

pm: Received damaged torpedo from SUTLEJ

pm: Discharged 13 ratings to ESSEX

4caf8773cadfd3419701af6a: ( 53-45731-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

Other: Hands surveying cable and drawing stores from MASSIS and JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN

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5 July 1916

At Por Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

to Grande

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6 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: OPHIR arrived

am: drawing provisions from OPHIR

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7 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

4.45 am: S.S. HORNSGARTH came alongside; 5.45 am: commenced coaling

5.30 am: LACONIA arrived with 4 transports in convoy

Am: OPHIR sailed

12.30 pm: completed coaling

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8 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

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9 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: BEIRA arrived

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

am: Lieutenant Charles Cahill, R.N., discharged to LACONIA

pm: LACONIA sailed with transports

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10 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: PRINCESS arrived

am: HIGHFLYER and SUTLEJ arrived

pm: water tank came alongside

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11 July 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Hands transhipping Admiral’s gear to SUTLEJ

pm: Vice Admiral Sir Archibald G.W.Moore, Vice Admiral Commanding Ninth Cruiser Squadron and staff transferred to SUTLEJ

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12 July 1916

En route Porto Grande to Gibraltar

Lat 17.5, Long -24.8

8.00 am: weighed; 8.05 am: proceeded for Gibraltar

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13 July 1916

En route Porto Grande to Gibraltar

Lat 21.3, Long -23.1

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14 July 1916

En route Porto Grande to Gibraltar

Lat 25.2, Long -21.5

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15 July 1916

En route Porto Grande to Gibraltar

Lat 28.8, Long -19.4

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16 July 1916

En route Porto Grande to Gibraltar

Lat 30.7, Long -15.1

6.00 am: proceeded to examine Salvage Islands

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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17 July 1916

En route Porto Grande to Gibraltar

Lat 34.2, Long -10.8

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18 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

6.00 am: Tarifa Point sighted right ahead

7.45 am: Secured (fore and aft) to No's. 5 and 6 buoys in Gibraltar harbour

9.00 am: discharged 12 ratings to hospital

10.30 am: NARCISSUS arrived

pm: Lieutenant Clarence Harvey, R.N.R., rejoined from TELDE

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19 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Hands getting out ammunition

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20 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: shifted to alongside wharf

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21 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

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22 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 47 Dockyard men on board

am: French Gunboat IMPATIENTE, DELIQUITE (sp ? type ?) , Protected Cruiser COSMAO sailed

am: discharged two ratings to hospital

pm: French Destroyer MORTIER arrived

4caf8773cadfd3419701af7d: ( 53-45731-014_1.jpg)

23 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Landed all Church Parties

am: Held Divine Service

4caf8773cadfd3419701af7e: ( 53-45731-015_0.jpg)

24 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 41 dockyard men on board

am: discharged four ratings to hospital

4caf8773cadfd3419701af7f: ( 53-45731-015_1.jpg)

25 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Landed funeral party

am: Warped into No.2 dry dock

am: 66 dockyard men on board

4caf8773cadfd3419701af80: ( 53-45731-016_0.jpg)

26 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00 am: Court Martial assembled on board

am: 81 Dockyardmen on board

3.15 pm: Hauled down Court Martial Jack

Pm: WISTARIA arrived

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27 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 123 dockyard men on board

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28 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 123 Dockyard men on board

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29 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 247 Dockyard men on board

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30 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

10.00 am: Landed all hands for Church; only fire party remaining on board

4caf8773cadfd3419701af85: ( 53-45731-018_1.jpg)

31 July 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 89 Dockyard men on board

pm: French ALDEBARAN sailed

pm: WOODNUT sailed

pm : Discharged ten ratings to NORTHLAND for passage

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Blank pages and back cover


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Log cover

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Blank pages

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Front cover log book August 1916

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1 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 155 Dockyard men on board

4caf8773cadfd3419701af96: ( 53-45732-007_0.jpg)

2 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: French cruiser CASSARD arrived

am: 151 Dockyard men on board

4caf8773cadfd3419701af97: ( 53-45732-007_1.jpg)

3 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Discharged three ratings to hospital

pm: 140 Dockyardmen on board

pm: discharged one rating to hospital

4caf8773cadfd3419701af98: ( 53-45732-008_0.jpg)

4 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: discharged three ratings to hospital

am: Landed Church Party for war declaration anniversary intercessional service

am: 95 Dockyardmen on board

4caf8773cadfd3419701af99: ( 53-45732-008_1.jpg)

5 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: French cruiser CASSARD arrived

am: 95 Dockyardmen on board

4caf8773cadfd3419701af9a: ( 53-45732-009_0.jpg)

6 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4caf8773cadfd3419701af9b: ( 53-45732-009_1.jpg)

7 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: French CASSARD sailed

am: Dockyard holiday

4caf8773cadfd3419701af9c: ( 53-45732-010_0.jpg)

8 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 95 Dockyardmen onboard

am: one stoker rating to hospital

pm: Discharged Midshipman Charles Long, R.N.R., and 93 ratings to H.M. Transport HUNTSVILLE

pm: one seaman, R.N.R., joined ship from hospital

4caf8773cadfd3419701af9d: ( 53-45732-010_1.jpg)

9 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: French Cruiser CASSARD sailed

am: 136 Dockyardmen onboard

pm: One Bugler rating joined ship.

Pm: Received mails from S.S. HORNOGARTH and two seaman ratings joined ship

4caf8773cadfd3419701af9e: ( 53-45732-011_0.jpg)

10 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Band & funeral party landed

am: One Chief Cook and one Stoker rating to hospital

am: 115 Dockyardmen onboard

pm: SUFFOLK sailed

4caf8773cadfd3419701af9f: ( 53-45732-011_1.jpg)

11 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Discharged two Seaman, two Marines, one Stoker, and one P.O. 2c to S.S. CALEDONIA

am: 133 Dockyardmen onboard

4caf8773cadfd3419701afa0: ( 53-45732-012_0.jpg)

12 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 124 Dockyardmen onboard

pm: French cruiser COSMAO arrived

pm: Received one cot patient from ENDEAVOUR

4caf8773cadfd3419701afa1: ( 53-45732-012_1.jpg)

13 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

9.00 am: Landed all Church Parties

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14 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 124 Dockyard men onboard

4caf8773cadfd3419701afa3: ( 53-45732-013_1.jpg)

15 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Discharged one Marine to transport CAMERONIA

am: 124 Dockyard men onboard

pm: WOODNUT sailed

pm: One Sergeant, R.M.L.I. and One Stoker joined from hospital

4caf8773cadfd3419701afa4: ( 53-45732-014_0.jpg)

16 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Two cases to hospital

am: 135 Dockyard men onboard

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17 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 96 Dockyardmen onboard

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18 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 95 Dockyard men onboard

4caf8773cadfd3419701afa7: ( 53-45732-015_1.jpg)

19 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 104 Dockyard men onboard

4caf8773cadfd3419701afa8: ( 53-45732-016_0.jpg)

20 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Church parties landed

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21 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 145 Dockyardmen onboard

4caf8773cadfd3419701afaa: ( 53-45732-017_0.jpg)

22 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Dockyard men onboard 145

4caf8773cadfd3419701afab: ( 53-45732-017_1.jpg)

23 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am 198 Dockyard men onboard

pm: Engineer Captain and 125 ratings joined ship

4caf8773cadfd3419701afac: ( 53-45732-018_0.jpg)

24 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Dockyard men onboard 146

4caf8774cadfd3419701afad: ( 53-45732-018_1.jpg)

25 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: GLOUCESTER arrived

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26 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 218 Dockyard men onboard

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27 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Landed all Church Parties

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28 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 228 Dockyard men onboard

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29 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 243 Dockyardmen onboard

am: Four ratings of Admiral’s staff joined ship

pm: Three ratings joined from hospital

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30 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 245 Dockyard men onboard

pm: Rear Admiral Sydney Fremantle boarded ship with personal staff

1.18 pm: Broke Rear Admiral’s Flag

pm: Mr.Archibald Davies, Artificer Engineer, joined for passage

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31 August 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 143 Dockyardmen on board

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Blank page

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Front cover September 1916 log


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Blank pages

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1 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Flooded drydock

am: H.M. Yacht MARYENTHIA sailed

am: 201 Dockyard men on board

4caf8774cadfd3419701afba: ( 53-45732-024a_0.jpg)

2 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 185 Dockyard men on board

pm: French admiral came onboard

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3 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Landed all Church Parties and Ship’s Company for Divine Service

pm: French admiral sailed in yacht

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4 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: warped alongside East Wall

am: warped alongside South Mole

pm: 104 Dockyard men on board

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5 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

7.10 am: Coaling commenced

4.50 pm: Completed coaling

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6 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

Other: 54 Dockyardmen on board

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7 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 34 dockyard men on board

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8 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 54 dockyard men on board

am: H.M. Yacht EILEEN arrived

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9 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: HOLLYHOCK arrived

am: 84 Dockyard men on board

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10 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Landed Church Parties (all denominations)

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11 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Hands ammunitioning ship

am: 45 Dockyard men on board

1.45 pm: Started basin trial

5.30 pm: Completed basin trial

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12 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

9.45 am: Court of Enquiry assembled on board

am: 38 Dockyard men on board

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13 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: Shifted ship and secured to No.'s 4 and buoys

pm: 5 Dockyard men on board

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14 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

pm: 9 Dockyard men on board

pm: French Cruiser D'ENTRECASTREAUX arrived

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15 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: 30 Dockyard men on board

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16 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

Am: AFRICA arrived

pm: landed funeral party

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17 September 1916

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

am: H.M. Yachts EILEEN and SAPPHIRE II arrived

7.05 pm: Slipped and proceeded for St Vincent

9.25 pm: Sighted Cape Spartel abeam

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18 September 1916

En route Gibraltar to St Vincent

Lat 34.2, Long -10.5

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19 September 1916

En route Gibraltar to St Vincent

Lat 30.6, Long -16.5

10.28 am: Spoke S.S. ARDEOLA (British)

6.30 pm: Sighted Tenerife Peak on port beam

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20 September 1916

Gibraltar to St Vincent

Lat 26.3, Long -21.0

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21 September 1916

Gibraltar to St Vincent

Lat 20.8, Long -22.4

pm: Spoke S.S. ALMARIAN (British)

5.25 pm: Spoke S.S. BOLAMA (Portuguese)

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22 September 1916

En route Gibraltar to St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

6.29 am: anchored in Porto Grande Bay

am: H.E. the Governor, Vice Admiral Sir Archibald Moore, and H.B.M. Consul visited the ship

pm: Lieutenant Albert Kenyon R.N.R. joined from SUTLEJ

pm: Lieutenant Saxon A Turner, R.N.R. to discharged to SUTLEJ

5.20 pm: SUTLEJ with Vice Admiral on board sailed

5.25 pm: weighed and shifted berth; 5.50 pm: anchored

pm: Portuguese gunboat IBO proceeded on patrol

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23 September 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: IBO returned from patrol

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24 September 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Rear Admiral inspected ship’s company

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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25 September 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.25 am: S.S. PORTSEA came alongside; 5.30 am: commenced coaling

7.00 am: DONEGAL sailed

12.35 pm: completed coaling; 12.55 pm: collier shoved off

pm: IBO sailed on patrol

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26 September 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Transferring stores to and from S.S. DANUBIAN (British)

pm: Burnt search lights to look for missing boat of PORTSEA

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27 September 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Transferring stores for SUTLEJ from S.S. GALWAY CASTLE

am: All signal books returned to Captain for muster

pm: hoisted in steam pinnace, damaged in collision

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28 September 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.00 am: IBO returned from patrol

pm: water tanker KRINI came alongside

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29 September 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.30 am: IBO returned from patrol

am: Discharged Captain Henry B.T. Somerville, R.N., to R.M.S. AMAZON for passage home.

pm: SWIFTSURE arrived

pm: IBO sailed on patrol

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30 September 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: IBO returned from patrol

am: Diving party on KRINI

am: Portuguese Governor came on board

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Front cover log book October 1916

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Blank pages


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1 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

Am: IBO returned from patrol

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

pm: Captain Frank O. Lewis, R.N., joined from R.M.S. ARAGUAYA

pm: Received all mails on board

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2 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0


1.30 pm: ARMADALE CASTLE sailed

pm: BEIRA sailed

pm: BEIRA returned to anchorage

pm: IBO sailed on patrol

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3 October 1916

En route St Vincent to Bonavista

This should probably be Boa Vista Island, south of Sal Island.

Lat 17.5, Long -25.6

3.00 am: weighed; proceeded

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4 October 1916

En route St Vincent to Bonavista

Lat 17.0, Long -23.6

4.43 pm: anchored off Sal Rei

5.20 pm: SWIFTSURE arrived and anchored

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5 October 1916

Bonavista, Sal Island

Lat 16.7, Long -23.0

4.50 am: weighed and proceeded to Mordeira Bay, Sal Island

7.10 am: sighted OPHIR anchored in Mordeira Bay

8.09 am: Anchored in Mordeira Bay

pm: SWIFTSURE and DONEGAL arrived

pm: DONEGAL sailed

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6 October 1916

At Mordeira Bay

Lat 16.7, Long -23.0

5.36 am: S.S. HORNSGARTH came alongside; hands coaling ship

am: Embarked 37 ratings from OPHIR

am: Discharged 25 ratings to OPHIR for passage to England

9.50 am: OPHIR sailed

10.10 am: coaling completed; HORNSGARTH shoved off; lost by accident 24 coal bags

11.35 am: weighed; proceeded

2.34 pm: Spoke WILIENOSE (sp ?) (Danish)

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7 October 1916

En route Mordeira Bay to Las Palmas

Lat 20.8, Long -20.4

12.10 pm: Spoke S.S. KHARKASIA (British)

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8 October 1916

En route Sal Island to Las Palmas

Lat 24.1, Long -17.7

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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9 October 1916

En route Sal Island to Las Palmas

Lat 28.14, Long -15.4

5.50 am: Sighted Gran Canaria Island

11.39 am: anchored off La Luz

pm: Saluted Country with 21 guns (returned)

pm: Returned Spanish cruisers’ salute of 13 guns

pm: British Consul came on board

5.15 pm: weighed; proceeded

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10 October 1916

En route Tenerife to Agadir

Lat 28.6, Long -15.7

6.45 pm: Proceeded zig zagging

am: Spoke S.S. ZEALANDIA (Dutch)

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11 October 1916

En route Tenerife to Agadir

Lat 29.8, Long -12.9

6.55 am: Spoke PHOTES (sp ?) (Greek)

8.30 am: Stopped and dropped target; 8.40 am: proceeded for subcalibre and 1” firing

10.40 am: Stopped and picked up target

3.00 pm: Stopped and dropped target; proceeded for rifle aiming practice; 5.00 pm: picked up target

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12 October 1916

En route Tenerife to Agadir

Lat 30.4, Long -9.7

2.05 am: sighted Cape Ghir

6.27 am: anchored off Agadir

11.30 am: weighed; 11.40 am: proceeded

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13 October 1916

En route Agadir to Cape Juby and St Vincent

Lat 27.8, Long -13.3

7.40 am: Anchored off Cape Juby

9.37 am: Weighed and proceeded for St Vincent

12.45 pm: Boarded Spanish fishing schooner

1.10 pm: proceeded

6.50 pm: altered course to avoid fishing fleet

8.00 pm: Stopped to secure sounding gear; boom carried away

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14 October 1916

En route Cape Juby to St Vincent

Lat 24.1, Long -17.4

1.20 am: Spoke S.S. AMIRAL SALLANBOUGE DE LA MARMAIX (sp ?) (French)

am: Spoke S.S. CEREA (Italian)

6.15 pm: Stopped and Boarded S.S. REINA VICTORIA EUGENIE (Spain)

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15 October 1916

En route Cape Juby to St Vincent

Lat 20.9, Long -21.3

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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16 October 1916

En route Cape Juby to St Vincent and at St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

9.50 am: Sighted San Antonia Island on starboard bow

11.31 am: anchored Porto Grande Bay

Ships in Harbour: DONEGAL, KENT, and French Cruiser DESAIX

pm: Discharged Lieutenant John Caizley, R.N.R., to DONEGAL

pm: KENT sailed

pm: DESAIX sailed

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17 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.02 am: GASCONIA secured alongside; hands coaling ship

5.15 am: DONEGAL sailed

6.00 am: KENT sailed

2.49 pm: coaling completed; collier shoved off

5.45 pm: KENT sailed

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18 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: BEIRA returned from patrol

pm: Sent mail to R.M.S. BALMORAL CASTLE

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19 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

pm: Lost overboard by accident: one drum of oil; divers recovering same

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20 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: sent party to draw towing gear from S.S. MARESFIELD (British)

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21 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: party transferring stores from S.S. DANUBIAN (British) to S.S. CRESSINGTON COURT (British)

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22 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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23 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Exercised away all boats; crews pull round the fleet

am: Watch employed embarking projectiles ex S.S. MARESFIELD

pm: Hospital ship KAROOLA arrived

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24 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

3.00 pm: MARMORA arrived

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25 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: SWIFTSURE arrived

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26 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

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27 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.8, Long -25.0

am: Water tank KRINI came alongside

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28 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

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29 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Landed Roman Catholics

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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30 October 1916

At St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: OPHIR passed to southward

pm: MARMORA sailed

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31 October 1916

St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

6.05 am: weighed and proceeded to Tarrafal Bay

7.53 am: sighted OPHIR in Tarrafal Bay

8.30 am: Anchored in Tarrafal Bay

pm: One rating joined from OPHIR

5.29 pm: weighed; 5.40 pm: proceeded for Porto Praya

Operations in the vicinity of Sierra Leone

JP map King Alfred Sierra Leone


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Blank page

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Front cover of November 1916 log

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Blank pages

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1 November 1916

En route St Vincent to Porto Praya, St Jago

Lat 14.9, Long -23.5

8.53 am: anchored at Porto Praya, St Jago

am: fired 21 gun salute to Country

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2 November 1916

At Porto Playa

Lat 16.4, Long -24.9

12.05 am: weighed and proceeded for St Vincent

am: altered course to avoid S.S. MASARINE (sp ?) (Br)

9.50 am: sighted Monte Gondo, St Nicolas

3.14 pm: Anchored in Porto Grande Bay

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3 November 1916

Porto Grande Bay

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.20 am: S.S. HORNSGARTH came alongside; hands coaling

7.30 am: Sub Lieutenants McKay and Dickson, R.N.R., and 68 Ratings from S.S. DEMURARA (sp ?)

9.30 am: Coaling completed; slipped collier; Lost by accident 60 coal sacks

11.15 am: proceeded to sea

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4 November 1916

En route St Vincent to Dakar

Lat 15.1, Long -18.5

2.30 pm: Sighted Cape Verde

4.40 pm: French pilot came on board

5.05 pm: Secured to buoy in Inner Harbour

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5 November 1916

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: sent Church Parties to French Cruiser KLEIBER

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

pm: H.B.M. Consul came on board

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6 November 1916

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am:: Sent working party to DWARF

10.05 am: Governor General came on board to inspect ship

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7 November 1916

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: French Admiral came on board

pm: French Protected Cruiser DU CHAYLA arrived with Governor

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8 November 1916

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: Sent working party to DWARF

am: Diving party employed diving for 6” rammer

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9 November 1916

At Dakar

Lat 15.0, Long -17.6

am: Two tugs came alongside

10.20 am: Slipped from buoys; proceeded for Leivvier Bay

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10 November 1916

En route from Dakar to Leivvier Bay

Lat 20.3, Long -17.4

10.00 am: commenced soundings continuously

1.30 pm: Cape Blanco sighted

3.25 pm: Stopped; 3.26 pm: Went full speed astern; Took the ground with Cape Blanco Light. House 2250 yds;

Backed out astern & proceeded to sea.

9.50 pm: Sighted Large steamer

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11 November 1916

En route Leivvier Bay to St Vincent

Lat 19.1, Long -20.8

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12 November 1916

En route Leivvier Bay to St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Held Divine Service

7.15 am: Sighted land on both bows

10.30: Stopped in Porto Grande Bay. DONEGAL's picket boat came alongside with mails; Engineer Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Madden, R.N., joined.

1.41 pm: anchored off Ponta do Sol

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13 November 1916

Off Tarafal, San Antonio

Lat 15.3, Long -23.8

5.25 am: weighed; proceeded to rounding San Antonio to westward

7.50 am: Stopped; hoisted out picket board and dropped target; 11.50 am: Completed practices; proceeded towards Tarafal Bay

12.14 pm: anchored in Tarrafal Bay

5.57 pm: weighed; 6.00 pm: proceeded round south point of San Antonio

6.30 pm: Sighted Machado Point Light

7.50 pm: Dropped targets targets to Carry out night firing (aiming tube)

8.50 pm: Picked up targets; 9.15 pm: for San Pedro Bay anchorage

10.45 pm: Anchored in San Pedro Bay

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14 November 1916

At San Pedro Bay, St Vincent

Lat 16.82, Long -25.07

6.30 am: weighed and proceeded

7.30 am: Stopped; dropped target for Carring out submarine firing: service firing from 12 pdrs and sub calibre firings from 9.2" and 6"

9.15 am: Hoisted in target; proceeded for San Pedro Bay

10.49 am: anchored in San Pedro Bay

1.15 pm: OPHIR arrived and anchored

2.35 pm: Weighed and proceeded round St Vincent

3.46 pm: Anchored in Porto Grande Bay

4.10 pm: weighed to shift berth; 4.30 pm: anchored

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15 November 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

5.35 am: S.S. DJERISSA secured alongside; Hands coaling ship

1.12 pm: Coaling completed

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16 November 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Divers employed examining ship’s bottom

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17 November 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

pm: IBO proceeded on patrol

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18 November 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: S.S. PORTSEA came alongside with provisions

am: S.S. PORTSEA shoved off; S.S. EAST WALES came alongside with stores

pm: S.S. EAST WALES shoved off

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19 November 1916

At Porto Grande

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

am: Held Divine Service; landed Roman Catholic Church Party

12.08 pm: weighed and proceeded

1.20 pm: commenced zig zagging

4.07 pm: SWIFTSURE took station in the line.

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20 November 1916

En route Porto Grande to Sierra Leone

Lat 13.9, Long -21.7

6.25 am: commenced zig zagging

am: Ships spread on line bearing abeam

pm: Formed signal line ahead in close order

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21 November 1916

En route Porto Grande to Sierra Leone

Lat 11.1, Long -17.6

6.15 am: spread squadron on either beam

pm: DONEGAL and SWIFTSURE parted company

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22 November 1916

En route Porto Grande to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

9.25 am : Cape Sierra Leone

12.05 pm: Anchored in Sierra Leone

pm: DONEGAL and SWIFTSURE arrived

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23 November 1916

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Governor paid official visit

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24 November 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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25 November 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: OPHIR arrived

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26 November 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Landed Roman Catholic Church Party; Held Divine Service on board

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27 November 1916

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

pm: S.S. DJERISSA arrived

4caf8775cadfd3419701b01a: ( 53-45732-072_0.jpg)

28 November 1916

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: S.S. DJERISSA came alongside; 9.45 am: Completed coaling. Lost by accident 25 coal sacks.

4caf8775cadfd3419701b01b: ( 53-45732-072_1.jpg)

29 November 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Transport LINCOLN (British) (PORT LINCOLN ?) arrived and grounded on Middle Shoal

pm: Discharged six ratings to S.S. WILLOCHRA (sp ?)

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30 November 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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Front Cover December 1916 log book

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Blank pages


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1 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Working party of 50 hands in DJERISSA

pm: DONEGAL and S.S. PORT LINCOLN came up harbour

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2 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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3 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Landed Roman Catholic Party; Held Divine Service on board

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4 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2


pm: S.S. PORT LINCOLN sailed

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5 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: DONEGAL sailed

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6 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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7 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4caf8775cadfd3419701b028: ( 53-45732-079_0.jpg)

8 December 1916

At Freetown and at sea

Lat 8.7, Long -13.9

am: 12 ratings discharged to DJERISSA

8.15 am: weighed and proceeded

8.45 am: Cape Sierra Leone abeam

4caf8775cadfd3419701b029: ( 53-45732-079_1.jpg)

9 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

9.40 am: anchored at Freetown

10.15 am: S.S. EAST WALES came alongside; hands commenced coaling ship

am: OPHIR arrived

2.10 pm: Completed coaling; lost by accident 90 coal sacks

pm: Embarked 7 ratings from DJERISSA

pm: Discharged Sub Lieutenant Keith Ditcham, R.N.R., Midshipman Cecil H. Bowyer, R.N.R., and 12 ratings to DJERISSA

pm: OPHIR sailed

4caf8775cadfd3419701b02a: ( 53-45732-080_0.jpg)

10 December 1916


Lat 8.7, Long -14.3

5.40 am: Weighed and preceeded down river

8.10 am: Stopped; Communicated with MARMORA; 8.50 am: proceeded to sea

4caf8775cadfd3419701b02b: ( 53-45732-080_1.jpg)

11 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 9.8, Long -19.3

11.45 am: sighted DONEGAL ahead

12.50 pm: Stopped to Communicate with DONEGAL; 1.10 pm: proceeded

4caf8775cadfd3419701b02c: ( 53-45732-081_0.jpg)

12 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 10.1, Long -24.4

2.35 pm: Spoke S.S. REINA VICTORIA EUGENIE (Spanish)

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13 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 12.5, Long -28.1

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14 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 15.6, Long -29.9

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15 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 18.8, Long -30.1

4caf8775cadfd3419701b030: ( 53-45732-083_0.jpg)

16 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 22.5, Long -28.6

4.15 pm: Stopped; Spoke S.S. MICHAEL (British)

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17 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 25.7, Long -27.7

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18 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 22.9, Long -28.8

10.35 am: Stopped; Boarded S.V. HOUGOMONT (British)

pm: Spoke S.S. DUNVEGAN CASTLE; 12.50 pm: proceeded

4caf8775cadfd3419701b033: ( 53-45732-084_1.jpg)

19 December 1916

This page incorrectly dated as 20 December 1916.

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 19.1, Long -30.5

am: Admiral carried out inspection

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20 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 15.8, Long -30.6

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21 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 13.1, Long -29.0

9.30 am: Stopped; boarded S.S. GALLIER (British); 10.12 am: proceeded

6.00 pm: Stopped; Spoke S.S. SAXON (British)

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22 December 1916

From Sierra Leone Cruising

Lat 11.2, Long -24.5

4.40 am: Stopped; boarded S.S. CARASA (Spanish)

am: Stopped starboard engine for 3 minutes

2.30 pm: Sighted DONEGAL southeast by south

3.20 pm: Sighted SWIFTSURE to south

pm: DONEGAL stationed 10 miles on port beam

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23 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 9.8, Long -19.0

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24 December 1916

From Sierra Leone cruising

Lat 8.3, Long -13.6

12.50 pm: DONEGAL took station one mile astern

2.35 pm: anchored off Freetown

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25 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: SWIFTSURE arrived

am: Held Divine Service

6.00 pm: S.S. WILLOW BRANCH secured alongside

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26 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.08 am: Commenced coaling

7.30 am: SUTLEJ sailed

10.10 am: KENT sailed

pm: S.S. DJERRISA sailed

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27 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.05 am: Completed coaling; lost by accident 70 coal sacks

7.30 am: Collier shoved off

pm: Lieutenant Eric Simonds, R.M.L.I., and 38 ratings disembarked

pm: Embarked Lieutenant Randal MacDonnell, R.M.L.I., and 39 ratings

4caf8775cadfd3419701b03c: ( 53-45732-089_0.jpg)

28 December 1916

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Rear Admiral Thomas D.A. Sheppard and staff joined from S.S. APPAPA

pm: Chief School Master Henry Sharp joined ship

pm: Rear Admiral Sydney Fremantle and staff left ship

4caf8775cadfd3419701b03d: ( 53-45732-089_1.jpg)

29 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Broke Rear Admiral Sheppard's flag.

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30 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Governor paid official visit

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31 December 1916

At Freetown

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Held Divine Service; Landed Roman Catholics, Wesleyans, and Presbyterians


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Blank page

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Front Cover January 1917 log book

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Blank pages

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1 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.45 am: OROTAVA arrived in port

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2 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.40 am: SUTLEJ arrived and anchored

8.00 am: Eight Ratings joined ship from HIGHFLYER for disposal

9.30 am: HIGHFLYER weighed and proceeded to sea

am: MARMORA’s mail, 13 bags, sent to S.S. VOLUTE

4.15 pm: Discharged six ratings to SUTLEJ

4.30 pm: Landed Leading Signalman and four signalers to establish shore station

4.40 pm: Collier HORNGARTH secured alongside

5.00 pm: BALMORAL CASTLE sailed

8.00 pm: Gunner’s party returned from S.S. VINUT (sp ?)

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3 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.00 am: Commenced coaling; 7.10 am: Coaling completed; 7.30 am: collier cast off

10.00 am: Discharged six ratings to R.M.S. ALMERIA (sp ?) for passage to England

4.20 pm: Working party returned from S.S. WILLOW BRANCH

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4 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

Other: 5.40 Landed marines and one Division of stokers

Other: 7.00 Marines and stokers returned to ship

9.10 am: Working party sent to S.S. PRETORIA for stores

11.45 am: Relief party sent to S.S. PRETORIA; landed ammunition working party

1.30 pm: Working party returned from S.S. PRETORIA

3.45 pm: Working party returned from S.S. WILLOW BRANCH


7.40 pm: Two A.B.s R.N.R. joined ship from SS PRETORIA; two A.B.s, R.N.R., joined ship from SS ALLUSTAR (sp ?)

9.45 pm: Mr. Mark A.W. Sweney (Clerk, R.N.) joined ship from SWIFTSURE

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5 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.30 am: Working party sent to S.S. WILLOW BRANCH

4.30 pm: DONEGAL and OROTAVA sailed

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6 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.45 am: Working parties sent to WILLOW BRANCH; 4.10 pm: working parties returned to ship

8.00 am: Gunners party sent to S.S. SANDHURST

4caf8776cadfd3419701b04b: ( 53-45732-096_1.jpg)

7 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.20 am: Landed Roman Catholic and Presbyterian Church Parties; 10.40 am: Church parties returned

10.30 am: Held Divine Service

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8 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 7.6, Long -14.2

6.55 am: Collier ATLANTIC CITY alongside

am: One Stoker P.O., One yeoman of signals, Four officer stewards, Six ratings for guns left ship

7.20 am: Commenced coaling; Two signal ratings left ship for signal station

8.45 am: Left ship; 9.10 am: collier left ship

10.44 am: Weighed; proceeded down harbour

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9 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 6.0, Long -11.8

3:15 am: heavy rain squall from south, southeast

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10 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 3.0, Long -8.3

10.30 pm: Very heavy rain squall with thunder and lightning

11.15 pm: Wind shifted to north

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11 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 0.0, Long -4.8

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12 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat -2.7, Long -1.6

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13 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat -5.4, Long -1.8

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14 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat -5.8, Long -6.5

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15 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat -6.0, Long -11.4

Latitude is shown as ‘N’ in log, which must be incorrect.

10:15 pm: Rain squall

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16 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat -3.6, Long -14.0

2.30 pm: Ran into rain squall

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17 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 0.8, Long -14.2

1.40 pm: Stopped starboard engine for 10 minutes

pm: Wind drifting frequently

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18 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 5.3, Long -14.1

pm: Sounding continuously; no bottom

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19 January 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

9.28 am: Stopped both engines

9.30 am: Anchored Sierra Leone

10.15 am: Collier TREMAYNE came alongside

10.45 am: Commenced coaling

10.00 pm: Stopped coaling for night

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20 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.45 am: Sent ten Artisans to WILLOW BRANCH

8.16 am: Completed coaling; 8.44 am: cast off collier; lost accidentally 30 coal sacks

9.30 am: Collier S.S. CAMBRIA KING secured alongside with provisions;

1.45 pm: S.S. CAMBRIA KING cast off

4.45 pm: Artisans from WILLOW BRANCH returned

4caf8776cadfd3419701b059: ( 53-45732-103_1.jpg)

21 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Lost overboard by accident 94 lbs of beef and chain hooks

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22 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.45 am: Sent working party to S.S. VOLUTE; 11.50 am: Store party returned from VOLUTE

8.00 am: Artisans sent to S.S. WILLOW BRANCH; 5.00 pm: Artisans returned from WILLOW BRANCH

am: Lost overboard by accident, boat’s compass

12.15 pm: Landed escort with prisoner for detention barracks Mount Oriol (Warrant No. 81)

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23 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

pm: ORCOMA and convoy sailed

pm: 3 officers: Mr. McRaddon, Mr. Pool, and Mr. Reed to S.S. OBUSSA

5.30 pm: Mr. Harold Sandison (Clerk, R.N.) joined ship from SWIFTSURE

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24 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4.20 pm: French cruiser came to anchor in harbour

7.15 pm: Received 19 bags of mail and 2 confidential mails from R.M.S. ALBINSI for Squadron

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25 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.00 am: SWIFTSURE sailed

am: Carpenter ratings wotking on S.S. WILLOW BRANCH

10.05 am: French Admiral came on board

12.50 pm: SWIFTSURE arrived and anchored

1.45 pm: SUTLEJ arrived and anchored

pm: Delivered mails to SUTLEJ, WILLOW BRANCH, and ABINSI

5.40: Six ratings joined ship from R.M.S. ABINSI’s guns crew

4caf8776cadfd3419701b05e: ( 53-45732-106_0.jpg)

26 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Carpenters working party on S.S. WILLOW BRANCH

am: Armourers party working on S.S. VOLUTE

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27 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Working party on S.S. WILLOW BRANCH

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28 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.30 am: Carpenters to S.S. WILLOW BRANCH; 5.10 pm: Party returned

6.00 am: Gun mounting party went to S.S. ROCKPOOL; 8.20 am: Party returned

9.45 am: Roman Catholic party to French cruiser KLEBER

10.30 am: Held Divine Service

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29 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: gun mounting party on S.S. VOLUTE; 6.00 pm: Party returned

am: Carpenters party on S.S. WILLOW BRANCH; 6.00 pm: party returned

9.15 am: CORNWALL anchored with convoy

4caf8776cadfd3419701b062: ( 53-45732-108_0.jpg)

30 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.00 am: French Cruiser KLEBER sailed

am: Working parties sent to S.S. ORSOVA, S.S. WILLOW BRANCH, and S.S. WADDON; 5.00 pm: working parties returned

8.50 am: DONEGAL anchored

11.00 am: Bullion working party returned from discharging gold from S.S. ORSOVA

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31 January 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

9.05 am: Gun mounting party to S.S. WAVE; 3.40 pm: party returned

8.00 pm: 1 prisoner (A.B.) under escort returned on board

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Blank page

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Front page of February 1917 log book


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Blank pages

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1 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Gun mounting party went to VOLATE; 11.35 am: gun mounting party returned

8.55 am: Discharged invalid ratings to S.S. ORONTES and S.S. ORSOVA

6.45 pm: Collier MANSFIELD secured alongside

4caf8776cadfd3419701b06a: ( 53-45732-112_0.jpg)

2 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.05 am: Commenced coaling; 7.13 am: completed coaling

1.45 pm: CORNWALL and convoy weighed and proceeded to sea.

4caf8776cadfd3419701b06b: ( 53-45732-112_1.jpg)

3 February 1917

At Sierra Leone and at sea

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

10.30 am: KENT and four army transports, S.S. TITAN, SUSSEX, SEANG CHOON, and BANANA arrived and anchored

5.00 pm: Discharged Chief Artificer Engineer Robert Stewart, R.N., four seaman (merchant ship gun crews), and Capetown Mail to SWIFTSURE

8.05 pm: Weighed and proceeded to leave harbour

10.25 pm: Stopped both engines and spoke British S.S. PORTSEA.

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4 February 1917

At sea and at Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.30 am: replied to challenge from SWIFTSURE

7.15 am: anchored at Sierra Leone

10.30 am: Held Divine Service

3.00 pm: one rating joined from S.S. PORTSEA

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5 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.15 am: SUTLEJ sailed

9.00 am: One R.N.R. Signal ratings joined from SWIFTSURE

am: guns crews at .303 rifle aiming practice at Mark VII target, towed by picket boat

12.45 pm: SUTLEJ arrived and anchored

pm: Carried out 3 pdr sub calibre firing at Pat. VII target

3.45 pm: HIGHFLYER weighed and proceeded

4caf8776cadfd3419701b06e: ( 53-45732-114_0.jpg)

6 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.05 am: weighed and proceeded out of harbour

7.10 am: OROTAVA challenged and answered correct

8.45 am: Stopped and hauled out picket boat and target; 9.12 am: proceeded for target firing; 10.10 am: Stopped and hoisted in picket boat and target

12.50 pm: Sierra Leone Light House abeam

1.15 pm: Anchored at Sierra Leone Harbour

1.40 pm: Collier BARBARY came alongside; 2.40 pm: commenced coaling; 4.40 pm: completed coaling

5.08 pm: Collier BARBARY cast off

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7 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Fleet messenger PRINCESS MAUD with two trawlers arrived and anchored

10.00 am: Gun mounting crew to VOLUTE

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8 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

0.30 am: S.S. ROMA came alongside

am/pm: Hands employed provisioning ship

6.15 pm: S.S. ROMA cast off

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9 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

1.30 pm: Sent gun mounting party to S.S. VOLUTE; 6.45 pm: Gun party returned

6.00 pm: Two Signal ratings joined ship from DONEGAL

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10 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.05 am: DONEGAL weighed and proceeded

9.30 am: DONEGAL returned to harbour

am: one C.P.O. joined ship from S.S. KARINA

5.00 pm: DONEGAL proceeded to sea

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11 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

10.15 am: Held Divine Service and Roman Catholic service

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12 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

12.15 pm: GLOUCESTERSHIRE and convoy of 5 ships arrived and anchored

6.10 pm: one prisoner to PRINCESS MAUD

7.00 pm: Sent Boxing competitors to OROTAVA

7.40 pm: Sent party of 40 men to OROTAVA to witness boxing competitions; 10.20 pm: party returned

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13 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Gun mounting party landed

3.45 pm: Discharged 2 signal ratings to GLOUCESTERSHIRE

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14 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

2:00 am: strong thunderstorm with torrential rain

7.30 am: Gun mounting party landed

Person: Left ship: CPO, 3 ratings to SS Abinse

am: Sent nine artisans to MANSFIELD

am: C.P.O and three ratings discharged to S.S. ABINSI for passage to England

am: Commander Clement Long, R.N.R., and Mr. Thomas Crean (Boatswain, R.N.) left ship

5.30 pm: Artisans returned from MANSFIELD

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15 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.00 am: Sent working party to S.S.MANSFIELD. 11.55 am: party returned to ship

9.30 am: GLOUCESTERSHIRE and 5 transports weighed and proceeded

am: Gun mounting party sent ashore; 6.15 pm: gun mounting party returned to ship

4.45 pm: Collier AMERICAN TRANSPORT came alongside

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16 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.55 am: commenced coaling; 8.10 am: completed coaling; 8.35 am: collier cast off

7.45 am: gun mounting party sent to S.S. MABELLA; sent Artisans to S.S. MANSFIELD

10.15 am: gun mounting party returned; 11.30 am: Artisans returned

1.15 pm: sent working party to S.S. MELINA; 4.30 pm: working party returned

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17 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

2.45 pm: water boat KRINI alongside; 5.40 pm: KRINI cast off

pm: Sent one Maxim gun and ammunition to S.S. MANSFIELD

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18 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

10.00 am: Roman Catholic Church party to SWIFTSURE

10.15 am: Held Divine Service

pm: one rating joined ship from SWIFTSURE

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19 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

9.10 am: Weighed; proceeded to leave harbour for Dakar

9.45 am: Sierra Leone Light House abeam

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20 February 1917

En route Sierra Leone to Dakar

Lat 10.5, Long -17.1

6.15 am: Proceeded intercept steamer increased

7.50 am: Fired rocket and lowered seaboat; boarded S.S. CATALUNA

9.20 am: Boat returned; S.S. CATALUNA proceeded

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21 February 1917

En route Sierra Leone to Dakar

Lat 14.4, Long -17.5

9.35 am: Pilot came on board

9.46 am: Entered Dakar harbour moored to buoys

2.30 pm: Consul General visited ship

5.40 pm: Collier PENHALE secured alongside

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22 February 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

6.15 am: commenced coaling; 10.45 am: completed coaling; 11.10 am: Cast off collier

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23 February 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

3.50 pm: Slipped and proceeded with two tugs; 4.20 pm: Passed breakwater

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24 February 1917

En route Dakar to Sierra Leone

Lat 10.8, Long -17.4

8.52 am: examing American schooner A.E. WEYLAND

6.30 pm: Stopped and lowered sea boat; Boarded S.S. QANMEDIAN (sp ?); 7.10 pm: hoisted sea boat

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25 February 1917

En route Dakar to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.4, Long -13.5

10.45 am: proceeded to close S.S. TREMAYNE

1.10 am: Sierra Leone Light House abeam

1.42 pm: Anchored off Freetown

3.45 pm: Lieutenant John Caizley, R.N.R., joined ship

pm: 4.45 Collier S.S. CAMBRIA KING secured alongside

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26 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.50 am: commenced coaling; 9.40 am: coaling completed

am: artisan party sent to S.S. MANSFIELD; 5.25 pm: party returned to ship

10.30 am: MARMORA and six transports arrived and anchored

1.50 pm: Four officers joined from MARMORA

pm: Two signal ratings joined from shore

6.00 pm: Three signal ratings discharged to OPHIR

6.15 pm: R.M.S. DUNVEGAN CASTLE arrived

11.00 pm: Dr. Nielson discharged to OPHIR for passage to England

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27 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

Am: Working parties sent to MARMORA, S.S. VOLUTE, and shore; am: working parties returned

1.30 pm: three wireless ratings discharged to SWIFTSURE, two to SUTLEJ, one to OPHIR

Person: Left ship: 6 wireless ratings

7.10 pm: 26 ratings joined ship from MARMORA

pm: sent mails to DUNVEGAN CASTLE

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28 February 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.45 am: Sent working party to S.S. MANSFIELD

9.45 am: OPHIR proceeded to sea

6.00 pm: Working party returned from S.S. MANSFIELD

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Front cover March 1917 log book


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Blank pages

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1 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.45 am: Artisans sent to S.S. MANSFIELD

10.50 am: MARMORA and convoy proceeded to sea

4.50 pm: Artisans returned from S.S. MANSFIELD

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2 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.45 am: Sent artisan party to S.S. MANSFIELD

9.15 am: Sent escort ashore; 10.00 am: Escort returned with two prisoners

5.30 pm: Artisans and carpenters party returned from S.S. MANSFIELD

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3 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.45 am: Sent carpenters party to S.S. MANSFIELD; 5.05 pm: party returned to ship

1.00 pm: Hospital ship KAROOLA (sp ?) arrived and anchored

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4 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.00 am: Roman Catholic service held

8.30 am: Wesleyans Church Party landed

10.15 am: Held Divine Service

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5 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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6 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Sent Artisans to S.S. MANSFIELD

5.30 pm: Artisans returned from S.S. MANSFIELD

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7 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Sent mails to S.S. ELIZABETHVILLE; discharged Assistant Paymaster Lionel Northcott RN to S.S. ELIZABETHVILLE

8.40 am: S.S. HUNSBRIDGE secured alongside; Hands employed provisioning ship

11.15 am: S.S. HUNSBRIDGE cast off

3.30 pm: One A.B. boarded from hospital

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8 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: sent working party to S.S. VOLUTE; 11.45 am: working party returned to ship

4.45 pm: Collier PRETORIA secured alongside

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9 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.50 am: commenced coaling; 7.40 am: completed coaling; 7.50 am: collier cast off

9.30 am: one Marine joined from S.S. APAPA

3.00 pm: ORCOMA and convoy arrived and anchored

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10 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.15 am: Sent work party to S.S. ANCHISES; 1.20 pm: Working party returned from S.S. ANCHISES

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11 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.10 am: sent Gun mounting party to S.S. ESCRICK; 12.50 pm: Party returned

10.15 am: Sent Roman Catholic party to SUTLEJ; Held Divine Service on board

10.45 am: Landed marine detachment for escort; 1.50 pm: detachment returned.

3.30 pm: Sent three men for SIRIUS, ASTRAEA, and SWIFTSURE

pm: Asssitant Paymaster William Davison, R.N., sent to SWIFTSURE

9.45 pm: Sent mails to WALMER CASTLE

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12 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.05 am: Weighed and proceeded to leaving harbour

7.30 am: Passed boom defence

7.35 am: Sierra Leone Light House abeam

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13 March 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 6.2, Long -17.9

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14 March 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 3.6, Long -21.4

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15 March 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 1.2, Long -24.9

5:30 am: heavy rain squall

4.40 pm: Stopped both engines. Boarded S.S. EDDYSTONE

pm: Heavy rain throughout the watch

pm: Earthed (grounded ?) wireless aerials

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16 March 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat -1.1, Long -28.0

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17 March 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 1.4, Long -24.4

10.50 am: Starboard depth charge let go by accident; 10.51 am: stopped both engines; 10.55 am: proceeded

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18 March 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 4.3, Long -20.8

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

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19 March 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 6.5, Long -17.0

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20 March 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 8.4, Long -13.7

9.35 am: Stopped and boarded S.S. JUNIN (British)

10.15 am: Stopped and dropped target; 10.30 am: commenced firing submarine defence: 12 pdr service, 9.2” sub calibre; 6” 1” aiming; 11.50 am: ceased firing

12.10 pm: picked up target; 12.15 pm: proceeded

3.15 pm: Sierra Leone Light abeam

3.35 pm: anchored off Sierra Leone; 4.05 pm: Shifted berths; 4.12 pm: anchored

5.35 pm: Collier MALLINA secured alongside

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21 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.21 am: Commenced coaling; 3.45 pm: completed coaling; 4.05 pm: collier cast off

pm: two ratings sent to hospital

pm: Guns crew - four hands joined ship from SWIFTSURE

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22 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

10.50 am: Discharged sixteen ratings and nine Marines to SUTLEJ

11.50 am: discharged two cot cases to SUTLEJ

3.00 pm: Discharged Musician Bailey to SWIFTSURE

9.35 pm: SUTLEJ sailed

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23 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Artisans sent to S.S. BARANGA; 11.30 am: artisans returned to ship

3.00 pm: Sent working party to S.S. MALLINA; 4.50 pm: party returned

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24 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.10 pm: one Lieutenant, R.N.R., and 35 Ratings BACCHANTE

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25 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Landed Wesleyans

10.15 am: Sent Roman Catholic Party to BRITANNIA

10.30 am: Held Divine Service

3.50 pm: KENT and 6 transports arrived and anchored

Pm: Discharged 13 ratings to SWIFTSURE, 23 ratings to BRITTANIA

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26 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.30 am: Sent lighter parto to S.S. GALWAY CASTLE and OSTERLEY; 11.50 am: lighter party returned

7.00 am: Sent four Artisans to S.S. BARUNGA; 5.50 pm: artisans returned

8.45 am: Sent diving party to S.S. AGUNA (sp ?); 6.35 pm: divers returned

10.30 am: AFRICA and convoy anchored

5.40 pm: SWIFTSURE weighed and proceeded

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27 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Artisans went to S.S. BANANA

11.15 am: BRITANNIA and convoy sailed

6.10 pm: Eleven men boarded from shore

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28 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Sent Artisans to S.S. BARANCA; 6.30 pm: Artisans returned

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29 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Sent Artisans to S.S. BARUNGA; 4.45 pm: Artisans returned

10.00 am: KENT and convoy weighed and proceeded

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30 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Artisans sent to S.S. BARUNGA; 6.45 pm: Artisans returned

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31 March 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: sent Artisans to S.S. BARUNGA; gun mounting party to S.S. HUNSTRICK (sp ?); 6.00 pm: parties returned

am: MANTUA and convoy arrived and anchored

6.00 pm: 28 Ratings joined ship from MANTUA


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Front cover April 1917 log book

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Blank pages

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1 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Landed Roman Catholics and Wesleyans

10.15 am: Held Divine Service

5.00 pm: Collier came alongside

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2 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.40 am: commenced coaling; 8.10 am: completed coaling

7.30 am: Sent Artisans to S.S. BARINGA; 4.15 pm: artisans returned

8.30 am: Collier cast off; three shovels accidentally lost.

12.30 pm: Landed escort to bring off one detention prisoner; 3.30 pm: Escort and prisoner returned

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3 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.40 am: MAUTUA and convoy weighed and proceeded to sea

3.00 pm: Discharged two ratings to M.F.A. MALLINA

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4 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

2.00 pm: Sent working party to S.S. VOLUTE; 5.30 pm: working party returned from S.S. VOLUTE

5.00 pm: Discharged three ratings to hospital

5.10 pm: one AB joined ship from hospital

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5 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

Other: Ship swung to flood

6.40 am: AFRICA weighed and proceeded to sea

7.30 am: Two ratings from AFRICA joined ship

8.55 am: BACCHANTE weighed and proceeded to sea

2.50 pm: BACCHANTE arrived and anchored

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6 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.00 am: Roman Catholic Party landed; 8.30 am: Wesleyan Party landed

7.55 am: MARMORA and convoy arrived and anchored

9.30 am: Held Divine Service (Good Friday)

9.50 am: discharged one rating to MARMORA

pm: Working Party at S.S. SEANG BEE and S.S. BALLARAT

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7 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.30 am: Sent lighter parties and working parties to MARMORA

6.50 am: Landed Marine guard and stoker working parties

7.05 pm: ASTRAEA arrived and anchored

1.30 pm: Discharged one cot case to hospital

5.15 pm: Discharged 12 ratings to ASTRAEA

pm: one rating joined ship from ASTRAEA

9.25 pm: One Marine corporal from BACCHANTE

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8 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Landed Roman Catholics and Wesleyans

10.15 am: Held Divine Service (Easter Sunday)

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9 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.10 am: BACCHANTE weighed and proceeded to sea

1.55 pm: BACCHANTE anchored

2.00 pm: one Warrant Officer Mechanician joined ship from MARMORA

4.30 pm: Tugs JOLLIFFE and BLACKCOCK arrived with four lighters in tow

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10 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.10 am: BACCHANTE sailed

3.25 pm: One invalid, one A.B., and one prisoner sent to MARMORA

4.45 pm: MARMORA and convoy weighed and proceeded to sea

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11 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: working party on shore to draw provisions; 11.30 am: party returned to ship

2.50 pm: Sent mail to R.M.S. ABOSSO

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12 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Lighter party and party of working hands sent to S.S. VOLUTE

2.00 pm: landed working party and sent working party to S.S. VOLUTE

6.40 pm: Collier CLIFTONDALE secured alongside

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13 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.15 am: Commmenced coaling; 7.40 am: completed coaling; 122 coal bags lost by accident

7.45 am: Sent two Artisans to S.S. VOLUTE; 4.20 pm: Artisans returned

7.55 am: cast off collier

9.30 am: Sent working party to S.S. VOLUTE; 1.00 pm: working party returned

3.10 pm: two prisoners boarded from BACCHANTE

3.30 pm: BACCHANTE weighed and proceeded to sea

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14 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Received mails from BARUTU

12.15 pm: Discharged two prisoners to detention barracks

12.30 pm: Sent gun mounting party to M.F.A. BOMBALA; 6.00 pm: gun mounting party returned

5.45 pm: Two Marines joined ship

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15 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Sent Gun mounting party to S.S. KINROSS; 5.00 pm: Gun mounting party returned

8.30 am: Roman Catholic and Wesleyan Church parties landed

10.15 am: Held Divine Service

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16 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Sent gun mounting party to S.S. PADUA (sp ?)

8.30 pm: Sent relief gun mounting party to S.S. SEANG BEE

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17 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.05 am: BACCHANTE and convoy arrived and anchored

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18 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

1.45 am: Gun mounting party returned

7.00 am: water tank KRINI came alongside

am: two Ratings joined ship from hospital

12.00 pm: BACCHANTE proceeded to sea

12.50 pm: ASTRAEA proceeded to sea

1.00 pm: sent gun working party to S.S. LORD DUFFERIN

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19 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

3.00 pm: Gun mounting party went to S.S. ADANSI; 7.15 pm: gun mounting party returned

9.40 pm: Man overboard from S.S. BOMBALA; away all boats crews. Worked searchlights.

10.30 pm: Boats returned - man not recovered: Herbert Wilkinson, A.B., O.N. J 10484 (Ch)

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20 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4.20 am: Heavy wind and rain squall

7.45 am: Gun mounting party sent to S.S. ADINSI; 7.20 pm: gun mounting party returned

12.25 pm: AFRICA and convoy arrived and anchored

5.20 pm: Discharged two ratings to AFRICA

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21 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Recieved 12 bags of mail from S.S. KARINA

6.00 pm: Sent gun mounting party to S.S. PRAH; 10.20 pm: gun mounting party returned

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22 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Landed Roman Catholic and Wesleyan Church Parties

8.40 am: Gun mounting party to S.S. VOLUTE

10.15 am: Held Divine Service

4.30 pm: Lieutenant Pierce, R.N.R. sent to AFRICA

4.45 pm: two invalids and one prisoner for detention received from AFRICA

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23 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.50 am: Sent working party to S.S. PENLEE

7.45 am: Sent working party to M.F.A. BOMBALA gun mounting party to S.S. VOLUTE

8.00 am: AFRICA and transports sailed

11.30 am: Working parties returned from "Penlee" & "Bombola"

12.15 pm: Escort and one prisoner left ship

2.00 pm: Funeral party left ship; 5.30 pm: Funeral party returned

5.45 pm: Gun mounting party returned from S.S. VOLUTE

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24 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.00 am: weighed to shift berth; 6.19 am: anchored in D 8 berth

6.30 am: Sent artisans to water carrier KRINI

8.30 am: Sent working party to S.S. HUNSBRIDGE

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25 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

Am: Lost by accident: Hammer, Chipping, Patt. 1095 b from steam pinnace 544

9.30 am: Court of Enquiry commenced; 11.00 am: Court of Enquiry finished

11.45 am: Read Warrant No 107 to stokers; 12.30 pm: sent one stoker to detention quarters

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26 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.20 am: ASTRAEA arrived and anchored

8.00 am: sent gun mounting parties to S.S. BALAME and S.S. VOLUTE; 4.35 pm: gun mounting party returned

10.45 am: sent 50 hands to ASTRAEA

4.00 pm: weighed to shift berth; 4.12 pm: anchored in new berth

4.50 pm: M.F.A. BOMBALA secured alongside

6.30 pm: One stoker rejoined ship from Detention quarters

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27 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.15 am: commenced coaling and taking on stores; 8.25 am: completed coaling

am: 50 hands returned from ASTRAEA

7.45 am: Sent gun mounting party to S.S. MONADNOCK; 4.10 pm: gun mounting party returned

8.45 am: Collier cast off

1.30 pm: Rain squall commenced

pm: sent two ratings to hospital

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28 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.00 am: ASTRAEA proceeded to sea

7.45 am: Gun mounting parties to S.S. CHARMA (sp ?) and S.S. VOLUTE; 1.40 pm: gun mounting parties returned

am: Sent empty cordite cases, oil drums etc to M.F.A. BOMBALA

12.20 pm: WEYMOUTH and Swedish steamer ATLANTIC arrived and anchored

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29 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Landed Roman Catholic Party and Wesleyan party

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

10.15 am: two stoker ratings returned from hospital

1.30 pm: sent search party aboard Swedish S.S. ATLANTIC; 3.45 pm: search party returned

pm: sent mail to S.S. ANNESVILLE (sp ?) (Belgium)

10.30 pm: Heavy squall with lightning

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30 April 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

Am: Sent provisions to M.F.A. BOMBALA and M.F.A. MANSFIELD

7.30 am: armed tug JOLLIFFE arrived with one lighter in tow

9.30 am: discharged one signalman to tug GRAND CANARY

pm: Two ratings discharged to hospital


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Front cover May 1917 log book

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Blank pages

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1 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

10.30 am: Sent Naval Control Party to Norwegian S.S. RIO DE LA PLATA; 11.20 am: Naval Control Party returned

2.30 pm: Sent 13 bags of mail ashore to Commander in Charge

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2 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: one stoker returned from hospital

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3 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.50 am: KENT and convoy arrived and anchored

8.00 am: Sent working party to M.F.A. BOMBALA; 11.50 am: working parties returned

10.30 am: Discharged five Marines and three 3 invalids to WEYMOUTH for passage

pm: Sent working parties to shore and to M.F.A. BOMBALA; 5.30 pm: working parties returned

4.10 pm: two Ratings joined ship from hospital

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4 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Sent working party to M.F.A. BOMBALA; 11.45 am: returned to ship

7.15 am: Guard, working party, and lighter party landed; 11.30 am: returned to ship

am: Discharged one rating (steward) to tug BLACKCOCK

12.10 pm: BACCHANTE arrived and anchored

pm: Discharged one boy to BACCHANTE

9.30 pm: Sent mail to WEYMOUTH

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5 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.05 am: WEYMOUTH weighed and proceeded to sea

6.20 am: BACCHANTE weighed and proceeded to sea

7.20 am: CARNARVON arrived

7.30 am: Sent gun mounting party to S.S. SOUTHVIEW; discharged two ratings to S.S. SOUTHVIEW

12.45 pm: Discharged three stokers and one Leading Stoker to M.F.A. BOMBALA

2.00 pm: Received 24 bags of mail from S.S. AKABO

5.10 pm: collier PENLEE secured alongside

6.00 pm: Convoy weighed and proceeded to sea

6.50 pm: KENT weighed and proceeded to sea

9.30 pm: Four stoker ratings joined ship from M.F.A. BOMBALA

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6 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.15 am: commenced coaling; 6.50 am: completed coaling; 7.25 am: collier cast off

9.45 am: Discharged seven ratings to M.F.A. MANSFIELD (4'' guns crew)

11.00 am: Discharged search and control party to shore

11.30: Discharged Lieutenant John Caizley, R.N.R., to M.F.A. BOMBALA and one Petty Officer and one Stoker P.O. to shore (B.O. Boats crew)

2.00 pm: Mr. Niall Murray Assistant Paymaster, R.N.R., left ship

2.30 pm: Lieutenant Brock, R.N.R., joined ship from M.F.A. BOMBALA

2.30 pm: Landed four bags of mail

4.00 pm: weighed; 4.10 pm: proceeded to leave harbour

4.38 pm: Sierra Leone Light House abeam

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7 May 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 7.3, Long -16.2

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8 May 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 5.0, Long -19.6

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9 May 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 2.6, Long -23.0

1:00 am: heavy rain squall commenced

1:25 am: rain squall passed

1:55 am: passing showers with lightning

3:30 am: heavy rain squall commenced

am: Rain and lightning continuous throughtout watch.

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10 May 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 0.0, Long -26.5

11:00 am: rain shower commenced

11:45 am: passed out of rain

8:45 am: heavy rain squall

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11 May 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 2.1, Long -23.4

1:15 pm: heavy rain squall

3:00 pm: weather clearing, rain ceased

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12 May 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 5.0, Long -20.0

5:30 am: heavy rain squall

12.03 pm: Sighted sailing ship; 12.50 pm: Stopped. Heavy rain squall; Proceeded to intercept

2.05 pm: Boarded French Barque ALICE.

2.48 pm: Hoisted seaboat; 2.55 pm: Proceeded

8.00 pm: exercised night firing. Sub calibre 9.2” and 6”, service 12 pdr

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13 May 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 6.6, Long -17.0

10.15 am: Held Divine Service

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14 May 1917

From Sierra Leone at sea

Lat 8.5, Long -13.6

9.10 am: Sighted land ahead

12.45 pm: Sierra Leone Light House abeam

12.53 pm: passed through boom defence

1.03 pm: anchored at Sierra Leone

1.57 pm: BACCHANTE sailed

4.00 pm: weighed to shift berth; 4.20 pm: anchored in new berth

5.00 pm: KENT arrived and anchored

5.20 pm: Collier BELLAGIO secured alongside

5.45 pm: M.F.A. BOMBALA weighed and proceeded to sea

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15 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.15 am: commenced coaling

am: Gun mounting party to S.S. BELLAGIO; 2.30 pm: gun mounting party left ship

3.05 pm: completed coaling; 3.18 pm: collier cast off

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16 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Hoisted SWIFTSURE's steam pinnace inboard

9.45 am: Sent 3 boxes of ammunition to SIRIUS

10.50 am: Sent 10 bags of mail to R.M.S. BUXTON

pm : Two Marines from S.S. BENUE joined ship (Guns crew)

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17 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.10 am: M.F.A. MANSFIELD secured alongside; hands provisioning ship

12.30 pm: landed escort to bring back one prisoner from detention barracks

2.00 pm: discharged one P.O. to shore station

3.00 pm: M.F.A. MANSFIELD cast off

pm: one A.B. from BACCHANTE joined ship from hospital

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18 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.45 am: Sent working party to S.S. APARIMA for stores; 10.00 am: working party returned

am: one Artisan working on S.S. VOLUTE

pm: one stoker joined ship from hospital for BACCHANTE

pm: one Marine joined ship from hospital

6.20 pm: MARMORA and convoy arrived and anchored

6.30 pm: Sent 5 bags of mail to MARMORA

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19 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.30 am: MARMORA weighed and shifted berth

am: Gun mounting party at S.S. VOLUTE; 2.00 pm: gun mounting party returned

5.00 pm: three ratings joined ship from R.M.S. GALWAY CASTLE

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20 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

Ship: Met: SS Apalca

Ship: Met: HMS Sirius

Person: Boarded: 3 signal ratings

am: sent two E.R.A.s and 1 Stoker to tug GRAND CANARY

8.30 am: Landed Roman Catholic Church Party and Wesleyan Church Party

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

10.45 am: Received six bags of mail for S.S. APAPA

11.30 am: Small rain shower

pm: three signal ratings joined ship from H.M.S. SIRIUS to await passage

pm: one E.R.A. returned from duty on shore

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21 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

10.30 am: 230 ratings joined ship from S.S. GALWAY CASTLE

1.30 pm: Sent working party to S.S. CITY OF SPARTA to clear cable

3.20 pm: KENT and convoy proceeded to sea

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22 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

1.10 pm: SIRIUS weighed and proceeded to sea.

2.15 pm: Diving party went to S.S. VOLTURNO

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23 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

3:05 am: heavy rain commenced

8.30 am: Landed working party; 11.30 am: returned to ship

9.05 am: MANTUA and convoy arrived and anchored

3.00 pm: Discharged Home Draft to MANTUA; also 1 Private from AFRICA

2.30 pm: Sent diving party to S.S. VENTURA; 6.20 pm: Party returned

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24 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

pm: Working party employed taking stores from S.S. DENBIGH GRANGE

pm: Sent armed guard to S.S. READING; 4.50 pm: Armed guard returned with two prisoners from S.S. READING

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25 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.45 am: Landed Marine Guard; 12.00 pm: Guard returned

7.30 am: Landed working parties for bullion; 12.00 pm: working party returned

11.00 am: Discharged two prisoners to shore

6.00 pm: discharged three ratings to military hospital

6.40 pm: discharged one rating to MANTUA

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26 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

9.05 am: BRITTANIA arrived and anchored

am: Sent nine bags of mail to MANTUA.

10.15 am: MANTUA and convoy proceeded to sea

pm: water boat KRINI alongside

6.00 pm: Discharged three ratings to BRITTANIA

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27 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Five carpenter ratings working on S.S. ELSWICK LODGE

10.30 am: Held Divine Service on quarter deck; Roman Catholic service on starboard battery

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28 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.00 am: French Cruiser DUPLEIX arrived and anchored

am: Carpenter ratings working on S.S. ELSWICK LODGE

am: discharged two ratings to S.S. SALAGA

4.30 pm: Sent 4 bags of mail to S.S. ELIZABETHVILLE

5.00 pm: M.F.A MALLINA secured alongside

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29 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.00 am: commenced coaling; 7.50 am: coaling completed; 8.20 am: collier cast off

am: Gun mounting party at S.S. VOLUTE

1.20 pm: Heavy rain commenced

6.15 pm: Cleared lower deck. Read stations for precautions to be taken in the event of submarine being sighted in the vicinity. Darkened ship. Cleared for action. Went into 1st order of vigilance until 9.25 pm, during shore defence exercises

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30 May 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 7.4, Long -13.8

Position at 8pm.

am: six ratings to BRITTANIA

9.20 am: Weighed; proceeded to leave harbour

9.56 am: Sierra Leone Light House abeam

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31 May 1917

En route Sierra Leone to Monrovia

Lat 6.35, Long -10.82

9.53 am: sighted BACCHANTE and French DUPLEIX in Monrovia Bay

11.02 am: Anchored in Monrovia Bay. Fired salute of 21 guns

12.00 pm: Consul General came aboard

12.15 pm: BACCHANTE proceeded to sea

1.50 pm: weighed to shift berths

2.50 pm: anchored


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Blank page

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Front cover June 1917 log book

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Blank pages

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1 June 1917

At Monrovia Bay

Lat 6.35, Long -10.82

10.30 am: Admiral went on board French cruiser DUPLEIX

2.30 pm: Secretary of State for Liberian Government came on board

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2 June 1917

At Monrovia Bay

Lat 6.35, Long -10.82

9.45: Captain of French cruiser DUPLEIX came on board

5.45 pm: Consul General came on board

6.25 pm: Weighed; proceeded to sea

9.47 pm: Challenged by French VAUCTURES (sp ?); replied to same

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3 June 1917

En route Monrovia Bay to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.1, Long -14.2

4.35 pm: Passed boom defence

5.22 pm: anchored Sierra Leone

6.00 pm: M.F.A. MANSFIELD secured alongside

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4 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.15 am: commenced coaling ship; 10.30 am: completed coaling; 11.05 am: collier cast off

am: working party to S.S. VOLUTE

3.30 pm: HIGHFLYER and convoy arrived

4.30 pm: two ratings joined from BRITTANIA

6.30 pm: Received two bags of mail from R.M.S. DURHAM CASTLE

7.30 pm: Discharged one artificer engineer and one stoker to HIGHFLYER

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5 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

2:15 am: tornado with heavy rain; 2.50 am: wind dropped

9.00 am: sent two armourers to R.M.S. DURHAM CASTLE

am: 2 ratings, Officers’ Steward and Acting Boatswain, joined ship

4.30 pm: Discharged guns crew to tug GRAND CANARY

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6 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: divers working on ship’s bottom

7.20 pm: French cruiser DUPLEIX anchored

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7 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.45 am: Waterboat KRINI came alongside

am/pm: diver working at submerged tube

4.30 pm: discharged two ratings to hospital

5.30 pm: French cruiser DUPLEIX proceeded to sea

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8 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30 am: Sent working party to R.M.S. APAPA

8.00 am: Sent sailmaker to GRAND CANARY

am: Discharged two seaman ratings to S.S. PETERSHAM

am: Waterboat KRINI came alongside

am: Sent mail to R.M.S. APAPA; discharged C.P.O. Cook, W.R. (unreadable)

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9 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

9.20 am: Captain, Commander, Lieutenant N and Admiral’s secretary attended Court Martial at BACCHANTE

pm: Mr. John Kinsey, Assistant Paymaster, R.N.R., joined ship from HIGHFLYER

5.10 pm: HIGHFLYER weighed and proceeded to sea

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10 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

1:00 am: tornado with heavy rain

3:00 am: wind dropped

8.30 am: Landed Church Parties

10.00 am: Rear Admiral inspected divisions on board MARMORA

10.25 am: Held Divine Service

1.30 pm: received 16 bags of mail

6.45 pm: received 6 bags of parcel mail from shore

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11 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

10.30 am: SIRIUS arrived and anchored

5.15 pm: Discharged two Marines and three seaman ratings to SIRIUS

8.05 pm: Tornado with heavy rain; 10.00 pm: Wind dropped

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12 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

10.15 am: AFRICA and convoy arrived and anchored

11.00 am: two seamen boarded from BACCHANTE

5.00 pm: Discharged seven ratings to MARMORA

5.30 pm: Discharged one rating to AFRICA

6:10 pm: Tornado with heavy rain; 6:25 pm: wind dropped

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13 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: Gun mounting party in S.S. NAIRN

10.10 am: two seaman joined from hospital

1.30 pm: SUFFOLK and one transport arrived and anchored

5.00 pm: Four ratings joined ship from SUFFOLK

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14 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.20 am: MARMORA and convoy weighed and proceeded to sea

4.30 pm: three ratings rejoined ship from detention barracks

5.30 pm: M.F.A. MALLINA secured alongside

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15 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.15 am: commenced coaling and provisioning; 7.45 am: completed coaling; 8.00 am: collier cast off

9.00 am: Received mail from R.M.S. ABINSI

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16 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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17 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Landed Church Parties; 10.25 am: Held Divine Service

10.00 am: one A.B. and one stoker rejoined from hospital

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18 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.10 am : French cruiser DUPLEIX arrived and anchored

5.00 pm: discharged one seaman and one stoker to M.F.A. MALLINA; two ratings joined from MALLINA

6.15 pm: French cruiser DUPLEIX weighed and proceeded to sea

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19 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

12:30 am: tornado with heavy rain; 1.30 am: weather moderating; 2.30 am: wind dropped

5.55 am: weighed and shifted berth; 6.05 am: anchored in new berth

pm: seven seaman ratings discharged to M.F.A. MALLINA

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20 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.45 am: SUFFOLK weighed and proceeded to sea

11.00 am: French cruiser SURCOUF arrived and anchored

pm: discharged one rating to MALLINA and one rating to MANSFIELD

6.30 pm: Passing shower commenced

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21 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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22 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

1.40 pm: two seamen sent to S.S. FRIENFELS

3.20 pm: French cruiser SURCOUF proceeded to sea

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23 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.00 am: weighed to shift berth; 5.20 am: anchored in new berth

8.45 am: water boat alongside

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24 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.30 am: Landed Church Parties; 10.20 am: Held Divine Service

11.00 am: Mr. Alfred Knight, Chief Gunner, left ship for passage to England

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25 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

9:10 am: Tornado with rain; 9:45 am: weather moderating

pm: Artificer Engineer joined from SIRIUS

pm: three Marines discharged to BACCHANTE

10.00 pm: one stoker joined ship from M.F.A. MALLINA

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26 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.00 am: SIRIUS proceeded to sea

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27 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

12.35 am: Tornado with heavy rain; 1.30 am: Wind moderated

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28 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.38 am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour; 10.00 am: Carried out service firing with 3/4 charge at pat. target towed by GRAND CANARY; 11.30 am: secured firing

11.40 am: Proceeded for Sierra Leone

1.57 pm: anchored at Sierra Leone

5.10 pm: Collier FOYLEMORE secured alongside

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29 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.15 am: Commenced coaling

7.50 am: Received mail from R.M.S. KARINA

8.20 am: Completed coaling; 8.45 am: collier cast off

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30 June 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4.15 pm: Two privates and one Sergeant of Marines joined ship from BACCHANTE

5.10 pm: BACCHANTE and convoy weighed and proceeded to sea:

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LOGS FOR JULY 1917 not included

KING ALFRED left Freetown in July and arrived at Devonport


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1 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Working parties from depot arrived

am/pm: working parties refitting and returning stores

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2 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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3 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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4 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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5 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

Other: In No. 8 dock

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6 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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7 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Chief Gunner joined ship

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8 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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9 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Hands refitting and drawing stores

7.30 pm: Lieutenant Pearce joined ship

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10 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

pm: Lieutenants Kenny and Clarence Harvey, R.N.R., left ship

pm: Sub Lieutenant Mckay, R.N.R., left ship

pm: Sub Lieutenant Howe and Assistant Paymaster Howe, R.N.R., joined.

pm: Assistant Paymaster Stevenson joined

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11 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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12 August 1917

At Devonport in No. 8 Dock

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Landed Church Parties

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13 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.00 am: Warped out of dock and secured alongside east wall, No. 5 basin

pm: Lieutenant George Dingwall, R.N.R., joined ship

pm: Lieutenant Thomson, R.N.R., left ship

pm: ammunition lighters alongside

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14 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am/pm: ammunitioning ship

pm: Lieutenant Richard Hoskyn, R.N., left ship

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15 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am/pm: Ammunitioning ship

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16 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

Am: ammunitioning ship

pm: Warped alongside No. 8 wharf

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17 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

7.00 am: commenced coaling

am: Lieutenant Robert Lawson, R.C.N., joined ship

pm: Commander John Finlayson, R.N., joined ship

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18 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.30 am: commenced coaling; am: 38 Coal bags lost overboard; 1.50 pm: completed coaling

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19 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

pm: Lieutenant Money, RN, joined ship

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20 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: carried out basin trial

pm: Rear Admiral Henry Clarke and Engineer Captain Frederick Davis joined ship for passage

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21 August 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: completed with coal

8.20 pm: Cast off proceeded for anchoring in sound; 9.25 pm: anchored in Sound

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22 August 1917

At Plymouth and at sea

Lat 50.0, Long -7.5

Position at 8pm.

9.10 am: Weighed and proceeded with H.M. T.B.D.'s ACHERON and LANCE in company

9.30 pm: ceased zig zagging

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23 August 1917

En route Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 49.0, Long -10.9

6.10 am: Destroyers parted company; commenced zig zagging

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24 August 1917

En route Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 45.5, Long -14.8

6.20 am: commenced Zig Zagging

12.40 pm: Course and speed for repairing W/T aerial

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25 August 1917

En route Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 40.4, Long -18.2

6.00 am: commenced zig zagging

pm: one small carly float lost overboard

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26 August 1917

En route Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 35.1, Long -20.9

6.10 am: commenced zig zagging

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27 August 1917

En route Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 29.4, Long -23.5

5.35 am: commenced zig zagging

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28 August 1917

En route Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 24.1, Long -24.5

6.00 am: commenced zig zagging; 8.20 pm: finished zig zagging

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29 August 1917

En route Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 19.5, Long -21.2

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30 August 1917

En route Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 14.9, Long -18.0

3.20 pm: Came to in Dakar Roads; anchored

5.15 pm: Heavy rain squall.

pm: ORAMA came out of harbour

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31 August 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

6.05 am: weighed and proceeded into harbour; 7.30 am: moored stern to buoy and anchored

am: Rear Admiral Henry Clarke left ship

pm: Engineer Lieutenant Hoie (sp ?), RN, joined ship

5.30 pm: Collier NELLY (Danish) secured alongside

11.35 pm: tornado and heavy rain


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1 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: hands coaling ship

am: French Cruiser DESAIX sailed

pm: Captain John Armstrong, R.N., joined ship

pm: Other: Captain Frank Lewis, R.N., discharged to BACCHANTE

pm: Signal Bosun Robert Boyd, R.N., discharged to BACCHANTE

8.00 pm: ceased coaling for day

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2 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

5.08 am: commenced coaling

am: Discharged to BACCHANTE Fleet Paymaster Ernest Penfold, R.N., Major Percy Molloy R.M.L.I., Lieutenant McDormi (sp ?, margin chopped), R.N.

am: Joined from BACCHANTE Staff Paymaster FrederickDeVeulle, R.N., Captain Francis Jones R.M.L.I.

9.30 pm: completed coaling

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3 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: French Cruiser DUPLEIX sailed


pm: Collier NELLY shoved off

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4 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: BACCHANTE proceeded into outer Roads

pm: Discharged Surgeon John Morrison, R.N. to BACCHANTE; . Surgeon Richard Monahan, R.N., joined.


pm: Sent mails to KILDONAN CASTLE

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5 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: KILDONAN CASTLE and convoy HD 3 sailed. KING ALFRED to be the escort, but had boiler problems

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6 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

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7 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

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8 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

11.20 am: Heavy rain squall

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9 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: Landed Roman Catholic Party; Held Divine Service

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10 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: French Cruiser DUPLEIX arrived

pm: S.S. CLIFTON HALL came alongside

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11 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

5.20 am: Commenced coaling; 11.50 am: Completed coaling; am: Lost by accident 10 coal bags and 3 shovels

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12 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

Other: Both steamboats lit fires.

pm: Discharged eleven signal ratings to convoy and three to shore. Other: Prepared for sea.

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13 September 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.7

7.10 am: Weighed and proceeded into Roads

7.25 am: Anchored in Freetown Roads

8.00 am: Convoy proceeded out of harbour.

9.02 am: Weighed and proceeded to westward to pick up convoy HD 4.

12.43 pm: sighted Amadi Light House

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14 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 17.5, Long -18.2

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15 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 20.6, Long -18.8

am: S.S. DUNSTAN joined convoy

pm: S.S. ALGUNIANA (sp ?) parted company

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16 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 23.5, Long -19.3

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17 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 26.5, Long -19.7

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18 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 29.8, Long -20.0

am: Dropped astern to speak S.S. DUNSTAN

pm: Retook station ahead of convoy

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19 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 33.2, Long -19.6

am: Formed columns of subdivisions (5 columns).

8.00 am: Commenced zig zagging

5.00 pm: Spoke MOLDAVIA

6.00 pm: Stopped zig zag.

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20 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 36.0, Long -19.4

6.00 am: Commence zig zag (No. 2)

9.00 am: Ceased zig zag.

10.00 am: Commenced zig zag (No 1)

6.30 pm: Ceased zig zag.

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21 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 38.7, Long -19.1

6.00 am: commenced zig zagging

10.00 am: Dropped astern of convoy and tried paravanes

11.30 am: Resumed station at head of convoy

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22 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 41.4, Long -18.7

6.05 am: commenced zig zagging; 7.40 am: stopped zig zagging

8.00 am: commenced zig zag; 9.30 am: stopped zig zagging

am: proceeded to work paravanes

12.30 pm: Resumed zig zagging; 6.30 pm: stopped zig zagging

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23 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 43.9, Long -18.4

7.00 am: Commence zig zag ; 10.00 am: stopped zig zag

11.00 am: Commenced zigzag; 11.35 am: stopped zig zag.

12.00 pm: Commenced zig zag; 12.45 pm: stopped zig zag

1.00 pm: Commenced zig zag; 6.12 pm: stopped zig-zag

8.00 pm: Streamed fog bouy.

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24 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 45.7, Long -15.0

7.05 am: Commenced zig zag; 6.00 pm: stopped zig zag; Streamed fog buoy

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25 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 47.6, Long -11.3

6.30 am: Escort (6 American destroyers) joined

12.20 pm: commenced zig zag; 7.00 pm: stopped zig zag

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26 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 49.5, Long -7.0

8.00 am: commenced zig zag; 10.15 am: Stopped zig zag

2.20 pm: Sighted Bishop Rock Light

9.00 pm: Left convoy

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27 September 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth and at Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

12.00 am: Rounded Eddystone. Proceeded for entering sound

12.49 am: Anchored in Plymouth Sound

7.00 am: Weighed and proceeded up Hamoaze

8.00 am: Secured to No. 6 buoy

am: Hands returning stores

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28 September 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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29 September 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.30 am: Slipped from buoy and secured alongside No. 8 wharf

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30 September 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19


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1 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Temperly lighters came alongside

9.30 am: working parties arrived from depot

9.40 am: commenced coaling

pm: Lieutenant Frederick Pym, R.M.L.I., came aboard

7.30 pm: ceased coaling

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2 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.20 am: recommenced coaling; 4.00 pm: completed coaling

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3 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.00 am: Ship warped to No. 7 wharf

am/pm: Hands provisioning ship

am: Lieutenant Ernest Bearcroft, R.M.L.I., joined ship

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4 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: hands drawing stores

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5 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: hands drawing stores and shipping ammunition

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6 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

pm: Tugs came alongside and towed ship into stream

4.15 pm: Secured to No.6 Buoy

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7 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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8 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

7.15 am: Temperly lighter secured alongside

am: Commenced coaling; 2.00 pm: completed coaling

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9 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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10 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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11 October 1917

At Devonport

Lat 49.9, Long -4.8

2.09 pm: Slipped and proceeded to the Sound

3.00 pm: Convoy OD 16 sailed in single line

3.15 pm: KING ALFRED Stopped in Cawsand Bay

3.45 pm: Proceeded to take station in convoy line

9.00 pm: Sighted Lizard Light

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12 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 48.5, Long -7.2

6.00 pm: Parted company with convoy; destroyers returned to base

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13 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 46.0, Long -10.3

10.00 am: Passed drifter patrol in charge of "Q" boat

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14 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 44.5, Long -15.3

am: picked up paravanes, starboard paravane, No. 3533, lost

1.35 pm: commenced zig zag; 7.30 pm: ceased zig zag

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15 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 39.5, Long -19.0

6.00 am: commenced zig zag; 8.00 pm: ceased zig zagging

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16 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 34.1, Long -21.3

6.30 am: commenced zig zag; 7.00 pm: ceased zig zag

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17 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 28.7, Long -23.5

6.00 am: commenced zig zag; 6.00 pm: Stopped zig zag

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18 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 22.8, Long -23.6

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19 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 17.3, Long -21.1

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20 October 1917

From Plymouth to Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

4.35 am: Sighted Cape Verde Light House

7.47 am: anchored at Dakar

12.00 pm: ETHELARIC secured alongside

1.15 pm: commenced coaling

9.00 pm: ceased coaling for night

pm: landed nine bags of mail, containing confidential matter

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21 October 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

5.00 am: recommenced coaling; 1.15 pm: completed coaling; lost by accident five coal bags

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22 October 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.7, Long -17.4

am: Sent part of watch on board S.S. COLEMERE to assist in putting out fire; 11.30 am: Fire Party returned

am: Two Branch pipes and four 3" hoses burnt on board S.S. COLEMERE

am: Captain of convoy came aboard

pm: One boat’s compass lost out of 1st cutter due to fall parting

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23 October 1917

At Dakar

Lat 14.1, Long -17.9

6.00 am: Convoy proceeded out of roadstead for Plymouth

7.53 am: Weighed and proceeded to join convoy HD 9

10.30 am: Took station ahead of convoy

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24 October 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 16.9, Long -20.1

pm: S.S. KULAMBANGRA parted company with convoy

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25 October 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 19.5, Long -20.1

6.00 am: S.S.STANJA parted company. Fell out owing to all of crew having malaria

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26 October 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 22.6, Long -20.1

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27 October 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 25.8, Long -20.0

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28 October 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 29.0, Long -19.9

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29 October 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 32.0, Long -19.7

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30 October 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 35.2, Long -19.6

7.00 am: commenced zig zag

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31 October 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 38.3, Long -19.5

8.00 am: Ceased zig zag

9.00 am: commenced zig zag

6.00 pm: ceased zig zag

7.00 pm: commenced zig zag


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Front cover November 1917 log

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1 November 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 40.8, Long -18.6

2.00 am: ceased zig zag

3.00 am: commenced zig zag; 12.35 pm: ceased zig zag

3.05 pm: commenced zig zag; 5.30 pm: ceased zig zag

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2 November 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 42.8, Long -16.7

4.00 am: commenced zig zag; 5.30 pm: ceased zig zag; 8.00 pm: commenced zig zag

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3 November 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 45.0, Long -14.3

5.35 pm: ceased zig zag

6.45 pm: Sighted large object on port bow; increased to full speed, opened fire.; 6.55 pm: Resumed Normal course

9.00 pm: commenced zig zag

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4 November 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth

Lat 47.1, Long -11.6

5.55 am: Sighted American Destroyer

9.05 am: ceased zig zag

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5 November 1917

From Dakar to Plymouth and at Plymouth

Lat 49.4, Long -7.0

6.00 am: Dropped paravanes

7.00 am: Sighted H.M. T.B.D.'s

7.00 am: commenced zig zag; 5.00 pm: ceased zig zag

6.10 pm: Rounded Eddystone

7.10 pm: Passed breakwater

7.23 pm: Anchored in Plymouth Sound

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6 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.30 am: weighed to proceed up Hamoaze; 10.30 am: Secured to No. 9 Buoy

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7 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

12.30 pm: Shifted into North Lock

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8 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.00 am: Warped into No. 5 Basin

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9 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Hands provisioning ship

am: Provisions received: Fresh Meat 751 lb; Vegetables 2000 lb; Bread 400 lb

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10 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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11 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.30 am: Warped into North Lock

3.30 pm: Warped alongside No. 8 Wharf

pm: Lieutenant George Woodbridge, R.N., joined

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12 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.15 am: commenced coaling; 9.00 am: Barracks working party arrived

6.30 pm: ceased coaling

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13 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

7.30 am: recommenced coaling; 3.40 pm: completed coaling

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14 November 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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15 November 1917

At Plymouth and at sea

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

12.30 pm: Cast off from wharf and proceeded down harbour.

1.25 pm: anchored

4.10 pm: weighed and proceeded; 4.32 pm: anchored in Cawsand Bay

6.43 pm: Weighed and to sea; got out paravanes

pm: MOREA and three T.B.D.s in company

10.30 pm: Lizard Light abeam

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad26: (

16 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 48.8, Long -9.9

7.30 am: commenced zig zag

6.00 pm: ceased zig zag

11.12 am: reduced speed to get in paravanes

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad27: (

17 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 46.6, Long -17.9

3.00 am: MOREA and T.B.D.'s parted company

8.00 am: commenced zig zag; 6.30 pm: ceased zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad28: (

18 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 42.6, Long -22.6

7.00 am: commenced zig zag; 8.00 pm: ceased zig zag

10.00 am: Held Divine Service

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad29: (

19 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 37.4, Long -23.0

7.00 am: commenced zig zag; 10.00 pm: ceased zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad2a: (

20 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 32.4, Long -23.1

6.30 am: commenced zig zag; 8.00 pm: ceased zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad2b: (

21 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 27.3, Long -22.2

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad2c: (

22 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 22.4, Long -21.3

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad2d: (

23 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 17.1, Long -20.2

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad2e: (

24 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone

Lat 12.0, Long -18.1

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad2f: (

25 November 1917

From Plymouth to Sierra Leone and at Freetown

Lat 8.4, Long -14.3

10.20 am: reduced speed to drop

3.00 pm: stopped to hoist in paravanes

4.17 pm: anchored off Freetown.

pm: Sent mails to BACCHANTE

5.05 pm: S.S. HAWSKER (sp ?) secured alongside.

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad30: (

26 November 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.00 am: commenced coaling; 10.00 pm: ceased coaling for night

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad31: (

27 November 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.15 am: recommenced coaling; 9.30 am: completed coaling; 14 coal bags lost by accident

10.15 am: cast off collier

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad32: (

28 November 1917

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

am: water boat came alongside; am: trawler with lighter came alongside

pm: Bullion received: 613 gold from South Africa, 49 gold and 35 silver from West Africa.

pm: All masters of convoy came on board

pm: Received mails for England from Naval and Military authorities

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad33: (

29 November 1917

At Sierra Leone and at sea

Lat 8.8, Long -15.0

7.50 am: Weighed and proceeded for convoy escort of HL 14

8.00 am: Convoy proceeded out of harbour; Ships in company: BALMORAL CASTLE, NIRPURA, HOLLYWELL, MAGICIENNE, ELMINA, ABINSI, CASTALIA, CAMOENS, ANSELM

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad34: (

30 November 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 10.4, Long -17.2


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Front cover December 1917 log book

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Blank pages

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1 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 13.7, Long -19.5

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2 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 16.9, Long -21.2

10.30 am: Held Divine Service

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad3b: (

3 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 20.4, Long -21.6

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad3c: (

4 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 23.9, Long -22.1

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad3d: (

5 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 27.6, Long -22.7

10.00 am: end zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad3e: (

6 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 31.3, Long -22.9

7.20 am: commenced zig zag; 6.00 pm: ceased zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad3f: (

7 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 34.6, Long -22.7

8.00 am: commenced zig zag; 6.00 pm: ceased zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad40: (

8 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 38.0, Long -22.5

2.30 am: commenced zig zag; 6.00 pm: ceased zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad41: (

9 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 41.2, Long -21.3

6.00 am: commenced zig zag; 6.00 pm: ceased zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad42: (

10 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 44.1, Long -18.2

7.00 am: commenced zig zag; 1.00 pm: ceased zig zag

2.00 pm: commenced zig zag; 5.30 pm: ceased zig zag

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad43: (

11 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 46.1, Long -14.7

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad44: (

12 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 48.1, Long -10.7

7.30 am: commenced zig zag

8.15 am: Sighted T.B.D.'s ahead

9.15 am: Dropped paravanes

10.30 am: left convoy in company with BALMORAL CASTLE; pm: BALMORAL CASTLE parted company

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad45: (

13 December 1917

From Sierra Leone to Plymouth and at Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.20 am: Rounded Eddystone

7.11 am: Anchored in Cawsand Bay

10.20 am: Weighed and proceeded up harbour; 11.30 am: Secured to No. 6 Buoy

4.45 pm: Slipped from No. 6 buoy and secured in No. 5 Basin

pm: Mr. John Manley, Boatswain, R.N., joined ship

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad46: (

14 December 1917

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Hands disembarking bullion

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15 December 1917

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad48: (

16 December 1917

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad49: (

17 December 1917

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Hands disembarking explosives and provisioning ship

3.00 pm: Shifted into North Lock

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad4a: (

18 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

Am: disembarking explosives and provisioning ship

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad4b: (

19 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad4c: (

20 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

Am: Hands dismounting 12 pdr’s

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad4d: (

21 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad4e: (

22 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

pm: warped across basin

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad4f: (

23 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Landed Roman Catholic Party; am: Held Divine Service

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad50: (

24 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad51: (

25 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Held Divine Service. Landed Roman Catholic Party (another Christmas at war)

5.00 pm: magazine shut down

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad52: (

26 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad53: (

27 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad54: (

28 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad55: (

29 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad56: (

30 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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31 December 1917

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19


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Blank page

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Front cover January 1918 log book

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Blank page

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1 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Ship warped into No. 9 Dock

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad5e: (

2 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad5f: (

3 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad60: (

4 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876bcadfd3419701ad61: (

5 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad62: (

6 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

Am: Landed Roman Catholic party

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad63: (

7 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad64: (

8 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4.00 pm: Warped out of dock and secured along side East wall No. 5 Basin

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad65: (

9 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad66: (

10 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad67: (

11 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad68: (

12 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad69: (

13 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: Landed Roman Catholic Church party

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad6a: (

14 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad6b: (

15 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad6c: (

16 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad6d: (

17 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

7.00 pm: commenced coaling; coaling by watches

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad6e: (

18 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am: hands coaling ship

10.00 am: Started basin trial; port propellor fouled unknown obstruction; 11.15 am: Stopped engines

8.00 pm: Ceased coaling for night

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad6f: (

19 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.15 am: recommenced coaling; 5.00 pm: completed coaling

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad70: (

20 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

am/pm: hands ammunitioning ship

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21 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad72: (

22 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad73: (

23 January 1918

At Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

1.00 pm: Warped out of Basin; 3.15 pm secured to No. 2 Buoy.

Operations in the North Atlantic

JP map King Alfred North Atlantic

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad74: (

24 January 1918

At Devonport and at sea

Lat 49.6, Long -6.1

4.50 am: Slipped and proceeded with HIGHFLYER and three T.B.D.s

6.05 am: Sighted Eddystone abeam

7.00 am: commenced zig zag; 9.16 am: ceased zig zag; 9.35 am: resumed zig zag

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad75: (

25 January 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 49.2, Long -13.5

4.00 am: Destroyers parted company.

8.12 am: parted company with HIGHFLYER

9.18 am: stopped zig zag

10.00 pm: commenced zig zag

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad76: (

26 January 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 49.5, Long -20.5

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27 January 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 49.3, Long -26.6

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28 January 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 48.4, Long -33.6

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad79: (

29 January 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 47.1, Long -39.0

am: Passed convoy on starboard beam steering to eastward

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad7a: (

30 January 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 45.7, Long -44.3

pm: S.S. NORTHUMBERLAND passed steering west

pm: Passed S.S. SOUTHWAITE steering East

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad7b: (

31 January 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 44.6, Long -48.4


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Blank page

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Front cover February 1918 log book

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Blank pages

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1 February 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 43.8, Long -54.0

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2 February 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax

Lat 43.4, Long -60.2

8.05 pm: altered course to starboard avoid fishing boat

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad83: (

3 February 1918

En route Plymouth to Halifax and at Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

am: sighted ice ahead

6.00 am: sighted Sambro Island Light ahead

9.32 am: anchored at Halifax

pm: S.S. JEDMOOR came alongside

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad84: (

4 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

7.45 am: commenced coaling

9.00 am: U.S.S. SAN DIEGO arrived

10.15 pm: stopped coaling for night

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad85: (

5 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

6.45 am: recommenced coaling

am: Sent mail to TEUTONIC

3.15 pm: completed coaling

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad86: (

6 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

am: Ash & water tank came alongside

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7 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

am/pm: Hands drawing stores and provisions

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad88: (

8 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

am: ORCOMA sailed

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad89: (

9 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

pm: CALGARIAN arrived.

pm: U.S.S. OLYMPIA arrived

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad8a: (

10 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

am: Landed Roman Catholic Party; Held Divine Service on board

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad8b: (

11 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad8c: (

12 February 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

pm: coal lighter alongside; 2.05 pm: commenced coaling; 6.20 pm: completed coaling

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad8d: (

13 February 1918

At Halifax and at sea

Lat 44.5, Long -62.3

Position at 8pm.

2.00 pm: weighed

2.35 pm: Proceeded down harbour

4.20 pm: proceeded to overhaul convoy.

5.50 pm: Took station ahead of convoy HX 22

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad8e: (

14 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 44.7, Long -58.5

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad8f: (

15 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 45.3, Long -52.6

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad90: (

16 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 46.2, Long -47.1

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17 February 1918

En route Halifax to the the Clyde

Lat 48.7, Long -41.7

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad92: (

18 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 49.8, Long -36.7

pm: shipping heavy seas aft and in waist; Force 10 seas

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad93: (

19 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 51.2, Long -30.7

am: None of convoy in sight; seas Force 10 until 8.00 am when they begin to slightly improve

1.00 pm: sighted S.S. PEARLEAF

pm: Hands getting down hand and motor pumps and bailing

4.40 pm: Sighted S.S. ORANGELEAF

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad94: (

20 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 52.3, Long -25.9

am: Sighted S.S. LAPLAND

am: Hands replacing gear; clearing hand wheel flat and after hold of water

am: Shipping heavy seas in waist

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad95: (

21 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 54.9, Long -20.9

am: Hands employed bailing out water

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad96: (

22 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 56.1, Long -13.9

am: Sighted S.S. ATHENIC on port bow

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23 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 56.5, Long -12.2

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad98: (

24 February 1918

En route Halifax to the Clyde

Lat 55.4, Long -5.0

Above approximate position is based on the noon log observation of ‘off The Maidens’.

8.00 am: off Oversay Island

8.45 am: Proceeding to pass through North Channel

2.00 pm: Passed Cape Corsewell for passing up Firth of Clyde

7.50 pm: Passed through Dunoon boom

8.29 pm: anchored in Firth of Clyde

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad99: (

25 February 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

9.25 am: Weighed and proceeded for passing up river Clyde

12.30 pm: Secured alongside Meadowside Wharf

Other: 9.25 Weighed & Proceeded. Courses & speed as req for passing up rived Clyde

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad9a: (

26 February 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

am: Hands refitting and getting up damaged stores

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad9b: (

27 February 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

4caf876ccadfd3419701ad9c: (

28 February 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32


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Front cover of March 1918 log book

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Blank pages

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1 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

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2 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

4caf876ccadfd3419701ada3: (

3 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

am: Roman Catholic party landed; Landed church party

3.00 pm: CORNWALL arrived

4caf876ccadfd3419701ada4: (

4 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

pm: Five paints brushes lost by accident

4caf876ccadfd3419701ada5: (

5 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

4caf876ccadfd3419701ada6: (

6 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

4caf876ccadfd3419701ada7: (

7 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

4caf876ccadfd3419701ada8: (

8 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

Am: Two Warrant telegraphists joined for passage

4caf876ccadfd3419701ada9: (

9 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.8, Long -4.2

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

9.30 am: Secured alongside

11.15 am: commenced coaling; 10.00 pm: Ceased coaling for night

4caf876ccadfd3419701adaa: (

10 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

6.00 am: commenced coaling; 6.05 pm: completed coaling

4caf876ccadfd3419701adab: (

11 March 1918

At Glasgow

Lat 55.868, Long -4.32

10.10 am: cast off from wharf and proceeded down river

1.22 pm: Anchored off Greenock

3.15 pm: weighed and proceeded for passing down Firth

3.30 pm: Got out paravanes

11.30 pm: Sighted Oversay Island Light

4caf876ccadfd3419701adac: (

12 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 56.4, Long -11.4

7.45 am: reduced speed to get in paravanes

8.50 am: T.B.D's parted company

4caf876dcadfd3419701adad: (

13 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 56.8, Long -18.6

4caf876dcadfd3419701adae: (

14 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 54.6, Long -24.8

4caf876dcadfd3419701adaf: (

15 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 53.2, Long -28.7

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb0: (

16 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 50.6, Long -34.4

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb1: (

17 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 49.0, Long -37.2

00.30 am: Shipped heavy sea; carried away starboard bridge ladder and Blast screen

am/pm: Force 8 and 9 seas in this 24 hour period

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb2: (

18 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 48.4, Long -38.3

am: Heavy sea shifted launch & pinnace

am: Engines racing

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb3: (

19 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 46.7, Long -41.8

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb4: (

20 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 44.4, Long -46.7

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb5: (

21 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 43.5, Long -52.6

pm: Passed DEVONSHIRE with convoy HS 33 from St Johns, C.B., steering to east

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb6: (

22 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax

Lat 43.5, Long -59.1

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb7: (

23 March 1918

En route Glasgow to Halifax and at Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

5.23 am: Sighted Sambro Island Light

7.25 am: Secured alongside No. 4 wharf

am: hands cleaning and hoisting out damaged boats

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb8: (

24 March 1918

At Halifax, N.S.

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

am: Landed Roman Church party; held Divine Service on board

4.00 pm: U.S. collier LAKESIDE came alongside

4caf876dcadfd3419701adb9: (

25 March 1918

At Halifax, N.S.

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

6.00 am: Commenced coaling

7.50 pm: Completed coaling; lost overboard by accident 43 coal bags

4caf876dcadfd3419701adba: (

26 March 1918

At Halifax, N.S.

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

4caf876dcadfd3419701adbb: (

27 March 1918

At Halifax, N.S.

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

5.00 pm: S.S. CLINTONIA came alongside

4caf876dcadfd3419701adbc: (

28 March 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

6.00 am: Commenced coaling

12.00 pm: Completed coaling

4caf876dcadfd3419701adbd: (

29 March 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

Other: Hands cleaning ship

9.15 am: cast off from wharf and towed out into river

9.45 am: Anchored in the river

4caf876dcadfd3419701adbe: (

30 March 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

4caf876dcadfd3419701adbf: (

31 March 1918

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

am: Landed Roman Catholic Party; Held Divine Service on board


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Blank page

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Front cover April 1918 to 2 May 1918 log book

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Blank pages

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1 April 1918

At Halifax and at sea

Lat 44.2, Long -63.0

Position at 8pm.

pm: Lieutenant Robert Lawson, R.C.N., discharged to S.S. CARMANIA

4.10 pm: weighed and proceeded out of harbour

5.15 pm: Portugese shoal buoy abeam

7.40 pm: took station ahead of convoy HX 28


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2 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 43.5, Long -59.5

4.10 pm: proceeded to pick up S.S. CERAMIC

6.43 pm: resumed station ahead of convoy

pm: S.S. CERAMIC joined convoy

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3 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 43.2, Long -53.1

23.59 pm: Ran into fog

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4 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 43.5, Long -46.7

am: Carried away and lost during the night, 1 fog buoy, 1 swivel, 300 fathoms 1.5" wire

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5 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 46.2, Long -41.7

am: carried out subcalibre firing from heavy guns.

12.00 pm: Resumed station ahead of convoy

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6 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 48.8, Long -36.4

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7 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 50.8, Long -30.8

am: Held Divine Service

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8 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 52.9, Long -25.4

7.00 am: commenced zigzag

6.00 pm: Stopped zig zag

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9 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 54.1, Long -20.6

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10 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow

Lat 55.5, Long -13.6

6.30 am: Sighted destroyer escort

8.17 am: commenced zigzag

9.40 am: stopped zigzag

12.15 pm: Received dispatches from GRASSHOPPER

2.00 pm: started zigzag

pm: Got out paravanes

8.00 pm: Stopped zig zag

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11 April 1918

En route Halifax to Glasgow, off Rathlin

Lat 55.3, Long -6.1

Approximate position above based on noon observation in log of ‘off Rathlin’.

5.10 am: commenced zig zag

6.05 am: Stopped zig zag

6.15 am: resumed zig zag

7.19 am: Sighted track of torpedo on port beam, went hard starboard

7.20 am: Ship struck on port quarter. Starboard engine at "full speed"

Position when torpedoed 55 47N 7 33W

Departed this life: Nestor Wareing, Stoker 1c, O.N. SS102404

9.03 am: sighted Oversay Island

am: hands employed shoring up damage

12.30 pm: Parted company from convoy

3.20 pm: Anchored in Belfast Lough

pm: Divers examining damage to bottom

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12 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am/pm: Hands employed throughout the day in pumping and bailing out water

am: Discharged Mr. Green, Gunner, to hospital

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13 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am/pm: Hands employed pumping & bailing out water and cleaning out boats

am: Salvage vessel S.S. LARINA (sp ?)came alongside

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14 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am/pm: Hands employed clearing away wreckage

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15 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am/pm: Hands employed unfuzing lyddite and assisting salvage operations

pm: H.M. Tug GOLDEN WEST came alongside with stores

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16 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am/pm: Hands employed unfuzing lyddite and assisting salvage work

am: Lieutenant Robert Lawson, R.C.N., and two Artificer Engineers joined

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17 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am/pm: Hands employed on salvage work, unfuzing shell, etc

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18 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am: H.M. Submarine E 32 came alongside

am: Hands working with salvage company

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19 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am: Hands employed coaling S.S. LA NINA

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20 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am/pm: Hands working with salvage company

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21 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

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22 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

am: Hands Assisting salvage work

pm: H.M. T.B.D. OSSORY came alongside

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23 April 1918

At Belfast Lough

Lat 54.64, Long -5.87

6.58 am: Weighed

7.04 am: Proceeded

7.39 am: Passed boom defense

12.40 pm: Ayre Point Light abeam

6.50 pm: Stopped and picked up pilot; 7.10 pm: proceeded

8.05 pm: Anchored off North Wall, Mersey River

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24 April 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.30 am: weighed and proceeded into Brocklebank Basin

pm: disembarking ammunition

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25 April 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am: disembarking ammunition

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26 April 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am/pm: Hands getting out stores

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27 April 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am: Hands getting out stores

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28 April 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am: getting out stores

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29 April 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am: getting out stores

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30 April 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am: disembarking stores

am: warped into dry dock

pm: Recovered the mortal remains of Stoker Nestor Wareing


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1 May 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.00 am: Landed funeral party for Stoker Wareing

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2 May 1918

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am: Hands disembarking ship’s companies gear

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