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Light cruiser, ex-Scout Cruiser, Adventure-class Pendant Nos P.03 (1914), P.06 (1.18). Launched 24.11.04 Armstrong. 2,670 tons, 395(oa), 374(pp)x38x13ft. TE 15000ihp, 25.5kts. Armament: 9-4in, 1-3in AA (originally 10-12pdr, 8-3pdr), 2-14in tt (2-6in, 6-4in, 1-3in AA in 1918). Armour: 2in deck. Crew: 268. 6th DF Leader Dover Patrol 1914-18, then White Sea. Battle Honours (and links to despatches, casualties, awards) Belgian Coast 1914/18, Zeebrugge 23 Apr 1918. Sold 12.4.20 Ward, Preston. (British Warships 1914-1919) Launched 24/11/04, sold for BU 12/4/20, went into reserve at the Nore on completion in June 1906. Commissioned at Chatham in March 1907 for Nore Division, Home Fleet. On 6 August 1907 collided with destroyer Quail off Portland. On 27 April 1908 was involved in double collision with destroyers, sinking the Gala (1 life lost) and holing the Ribble. On commissioning at Chatham in July 1909 she became leader of the 3rd Destroyer Flotilla but transferred to 2nd DF in 1910, and recommissioned at Devonport in October 1911. Refitted at Devonport in August 1912 and joined 3rd Light Cruiser Squadron for the 1913 Annual Manoeuvres. Commissioned at Devonport for 1st DF in July 1913, but transferred to 6th DF (Dover) early in 1914. Spent April 1914 in Ulster but spent most of the war with the Dover Patrol, including the Zeebrugge Raid on 25 April 1918. Sent to Gibraltar to escort convoys (but not in logbook), and then sent to North Russia. Paid off in December 1918 and sold for BU. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes:
The hands spend a lot of time cleaning the ship and also painting. Typically at around 9am - Divisions, Prayers and physical drill; at around 4pm – Evening Quarters.
From Belgian Coast 1914 – 18 HMS Attentive is mentioned on 18th October 1914 and 7th September 1915.
![]() (Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) 4caf841dcadfd34197005302: ( 4caf841dcadfd34197005303: ( [duplicate scans] 4caf841dcadfd34197005304: ( 4caf841dcadfd34197005305: ( 4caf841dcadfd34197005306: ( 4caf841dcadfd34197005307: ( [Front page of log book. Signed] R G Duke Navigating Officer 4caf841dcadfd34197005308: ( 4caf841dcadfd34197005309: ( 4caf841dcadfd3419700530a: ( BAROMETER Mercurial Name of Make and number: A. Adie London No. 539 Height of cistern above sea: 12 feet Thermometers for Air Temperature. Position in Ship: Fore Bridge Whether in screen: Yes Make and No.: Hicks 284 From 1/7/13 to Date; Hicks 285 From 1/7/13 to Date Thermometer for Sea Temperature. On loan from ER Dept
![]() LOGS FOR AUGUST 1917 4caf841dcadfd3419700530b: ( 1 August 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.00pm: Landed Patrol. 10.40pm: Patrol returned. 4caf841dcadfd3419700530c: ( 2 August 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Landed seamen’s & stokers working parties to draw stores. 12.30pm: Leave to general leavemen till 9.30pm. Leave to boys till 6.30pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf841dcadfd3419700530d: ( 3 August 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am 5.30pm: Landed Patrol. 10.30pm: Patrol returned. 4caf841dcadfd3419700530e: ( 4 August 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.30am: Landed working party 12.51pm: Ship slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 2.00pm: Exercised General Quarters. 1.50pm: No. 5 buoy abeam. Course as requisite for Dunkirk Roads. 3.05pm: Came to. Dunkirk West Pier Head S34°W 7 cables. 9.00pm: Man & arm ship stations. 4caf841dcadfd3419700530f: ( 5 August 1917 [Dunkirk – ‘At Sea’ written on log but haven’t mentioned leaving Dunkirk] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 11.00am: Held Divine Service. 3.20pm: Closed up High Angle guns crews. 4caf841dcadfd34197005310: ( 6 August 1917 [Dunkirk – ‘At Sea’ written on log but haven’t mentioned leaving Dunkirk] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf841dcadfd34197005311: ( 7 August 1917 At Sea Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 4.05am: GMT. Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank. Proceeded for B.B. [Belgian Barrage] Patrol Line. 1.00pm: Weather thickening. 4.00pm: Course as requisite for returning. 5.45pm: Ran into fog. Came to. Position (approx) N4°W 1.2 miles from Y buoy. 8.40pm: GMT. Weighed. Closed Y buoy. Fog lifted. 9.05pm: GMT. Came to. X buoy N14E 5.6 cables. 4caf841dcadfd34197005312: ( 8 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 10.50am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite on Patrol. 4.45pm: Read warrant No. 119. 6.50pm: Heavy thunder storm. 7.00pm: Came to. Dunkirk West Pier Head S35W 5½ cables. 4caf841dcadfd34197005313: ( 9 August 1917 Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 Mr Charles H Coles, Gunner of HMS Attentive for T.B. No 15 ordered to be logged by Vice Admiral Dover Patrol for carelessness as officer of the watch which resulted in the grounding of that vessel on this date (9th Aug). [signed] CH Coles 7.40am: GMT. Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to. Dunkirk West Pier Head bearing S19W 13 cables. 10.00am: Closed up High Angle guns crews. Hostile aircraft over Dunkirk. 12.45pm: Weighed. Closed Pier to embark hospital cases. 2.25pm: Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 2.50pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 4.00pm: As requisite for Dover Harbour. 4.35pm: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 6.00pm: 1st class leave to the watch till 9.30pm. Lieut. Jack S. Hoffman HMS Attentive for HMS P21 in command incurred the severe displeasure of the Vice Admiral Dover Patrol for carelessly handling HMS P21 this date (9 Aug) [signed] JS Hoffman 4caf841dcadfd34197005314: ( 10 August 1917 Dover [to Dunkirk] Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 5.15am: Collier Intent secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 10.00am: Finished coaling. 12.30pm: Leave to the watch from 1.30 to 3.30pm. 3.45pm: GMT. Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 4.42pm: No. 5 [buoy?] abeam. 5.21pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 5.55pm: Came to. Dunkirk West Pier Head S50W 9 cables. 4caf841dcadfd34197005315: ( 11 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 5.00am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite across Hills Bank & as requisite for Patrol Line. 11.20am: Hostile seaplane north. 6.00pm: Proceeded up line in company with HMS Swift & destroyers. 6.30pm: Enemy destroyers in sight. Opened fire with 6" gun. Enemy put up smoke screen. Shore batteries opened fire on flotilla. 7.05pm: GMT. Proceeded full speed. Course as requisite for returning to Dunkirk Roads. 9.20pm: GMT. Came to. East Pier Head S47°W 1 mile. 4caf841dcadfd34197005316: ( 12 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 3.00am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. 11.15am: GMT. Attacked by hostile aircraft with bombs. Bombs dropped near ship & High Angle guns in action. 6.20pm: HMS Terror fired on hostile ship at long range. Shore batteries opened fire on HMS Terror. 8.00pm: Course as requisite for returning via Pillar Buoy. 9.05pm: GMT. Came to. West Pier Head S59W 10.5 cables. 4caf841dcadfd34197005317: ( 13 August 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 am: Ordinary seamen and boys at seamanship instruction. 4caf841dcadfd34197005318: ( 14 August 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 1.00pm: British airship (small type) drifted past ship broken down. Caught fire and exploded over HMS Mastiff's funnels. Sent Doctor to Mastiff. 4caf841dcadfd34197005319: ( 15 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 5.15am: GMT. Weighed crossed Hills Bank & proceeded as requisite for Patrol. 10.00am: Exercised general quarters. 4.00pm: Course as requisite for returning to Dunkirk. 4.48pm: Came to in Brack Deep. Dunkirk West Pier Head S20W 13 cables. 4caf841dcadfd3419700531a: ( 16 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 6.35am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol. 7.00am: Drifters sent back owing to wind. 7.00pm: Came to in Brack Deep. West Pier Head S9°W 13.8 cables. 4caf841dcadfd3419700531b: ( 17 August 1917 Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.10am: GMT. Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank into Dunkirk Road & proceeded as requisite for Dover. 9.41am: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 11.20am: Entered harbour and secured to No. 3 buoy. 12.40pm: Collier Carrow Park alongside. Complete to full stowage of coal. 6.40pm: Finished coaling. 4caf841dcadfd3419700531c: ( 18 August 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 11.35am: GMT. Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 12.37pm: No. 5 buoy abeam. Course as requisite for Dunkirk Roads. 1.45pm: Came to. West Pier Head S56W 10 cables. 4caf841dcadfd3419700531d: ( 19 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 4.45am: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to in Brack Deep. 7.05am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. 12.30pm: Patrol withdrawn on account of weather. [At noon wind force 5 – 6] 2.00pm: GMT. Came to Brack Deep. West Pier Head S30W 13.6 cables. 4caf841ecadfd3419700531e: ( 20 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 5.45am: Weighed. Proceeded on patrol. 8.00pm: Course as requisite for returning. 8.35pm: Came to in Brack Deep. 11.00pm: Heavy explosions in Westerly direction. 4caf841ecadfd3419700531f: ( 21 August 1917 [Dunkirk – ‘At Sea’ written on log] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 9.00am: Rev. Jackson came aboard. 10.00am: Held Divine Service. 12.30pm: GMT. Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank into Dunkirk Roads & came to. West Pier Head S59W 10.7 Cables. 10.30pm: Heavy explosions to westward. 4caf841ecadfd34197005320: ( 22 August 1917 [Dunkirk – ‘At Sea’ written on log] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 6.00am: Weighed and crossed Bank into Brack Deep. 6.20am: Came to. 8.50am: High Angle guns crews closed up. Hostile aircraft bombing Dunkirk. 2.30pm: GMT. Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to in previous berth in Dunkirk Roads. 9.00pm: Lightning to south-westward. 4caf841ecadfd34197005321: ( 23 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 5.40am: Weighed. Proceeded across Hills Bank as requisite for Patrol line. 8.50am: HMS Broke reported enemy in sight SE. Closed Broke. Destroyers opened fire. 11.00am: Heavy rain squall. 4.00pm: Patrol withdrew on account of weather. 5.35pm: Came to. West Pier Head S56W 8½ Cables. 11.45pm: Heavy thunderstorm & rain. 4caf841ecadfd34197005322: ( 24 August 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 4.45am: Weighed. Proceeded on Patrol. 5.30am: Turned near No. 2 buoy & returned to harbour. Weather unsuitable for Patrol. 6.35am: Came to in previous berth. 4caf841ecadfd34197005323: ( 25 August 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 pm: Hands make & mend clothes. Mr Alfred E Haynes, Gunner (T), HMS Attentive for HMS Matchless ordered to be logged by Vice-Admiral Dover Patrol for neglect of duty on 24th Aug in not seeing that the tampion was removed from 2 pounder Pom-Pom when live ammunition was placed in gun. [Signed] A.E. Haynes 4caf841ecadfd34197005324: ( 26 August 1917 Dunkirk [to Dover] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 8.40am: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to in Brack Deep. Lost by accident snatch blocks wooden, one in no. 3.35pm: Weighed. Crossed Bank into Dunkirk Road and proceeded as requisite for Dover. 4.12pm: Dyck abeam. 4.25pm: Gravelines Buoy abeam. 6.00pm: Course as requisite for Dover. 6.35pm: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 4caf841ecadfd34197005325: ( 27 August 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 5.45am: Collier Intent alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 11.40am: Finished coaling 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Wednesday. [It’s Monday] 4caf841ecadfd34197005326: ( 28 August 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.00am: Veered to 1½ shackles. Set anchor watch. Raised steam for slow speed. [At 8am wind force 5-6; noon to 8pm wind force 6-7] 10.30pm: Took off anchor watch. 4caf841ecadfd34197005327: ( 29 August 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 1.00pm: Landed store parties. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Friday. [It’s Wednesday] 6.00pm: Landed patrol. 10.30pm: Patrol returned. 4caf841ecadfd34197005328: ( 30 August 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.00pm: Landed patrol. 11.00pm: Patrol returned. 4caf841ecadfd34197005329: ( 31 August 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 7.00am: Landed working party. pm: Employed provisioning ship. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 6.00pm: Landed patrol. 11.00pm: Patrol returned. [Signed] NW Diggle Commander-in-command [Neston William Diggle] LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1917 4caf841ecadfd3419700532b: ( 4caf841ecadfd3419700532c: ( 4caf841ecadfd3419700532d: ( 4caf841ecadfd3419700532e: ( Thermometers for Air Temperature. Position in Ship: Fore Bridge Whether in screen: Yes Make and No.: Hicks 284 From 1/7/13 to Date; Negretti & Zambra 2848 From 28/9/17 to Date [Others as above] 4caf841ecadfd3419700532f: ( 1 September 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 1.00pm: Leave to the watch from 4.30 to 7am. Leave to Boys till 7pm. 2.00pm: Paid monthly money. 5.30pm: Landed Patrol. 10.30pm: Patrol returned. 4caf841ecadfd34197005330: ( 2 September 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Landed church parties. 10.30am: Held Divine Service. 1.00pm: Leave to the watch 4.30 to 7am. Boys till 6pm. 6.00pm: Landed patrol. 11.00pm: Patrol returned. Enemy aircraft dropped bombs on town of Dover. 4caf841ecadfd34197005331: ( 3 September 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.1, Long 2.0 [Estimate from location of Dyck Light Vessel] 10.45am: GMT. Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 12.31pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 1.05pm: Came to in Dunkirk Roads. Dunkirk West Pier Head S70W 9.8 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005332: ( 4 September 1917 [Dunkirk – ‘At Sea’ written on log] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 4.45am: GMT. Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to in Brack Deep. 2.55pm: GMT. Weighed, returned into Roads & came to in previous berth. 4caf841ecadfd34197005333: ( 5 September 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 2.30am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for crossing Hills Bank and for Patrol line off Belgian Coast. am: Patrolling as requisite in company with monitors and destroyers. 9.00am: Exercised General Quarters. 9.50am: GMT. Hostile Gotha machine passed nearly overhead steering West. Opened fire with High Angle gun. [Gotha - German bomber] 1.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for laying out Aga buoy near No. 8 Patrol line buoy. [Aga buoy photo and diagram] 4.30pm: Course as requisite for returning to Dunkirk Roads. 5.30pm: Came to. Anchorage bearings Dunkirk West Pier Head S55W 11 cables. 9.00pm: Enemy aircraft raiding Dunkirk. 4caf841ecadfd34197005334: ( 6 September 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 2.40am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol line. 5.35am: Hostile aircraft in sight. 7.30am: Monitor M23 attacked by explosive motor boat near No. 5 buoy, which she sank by gunfire. 10.00am: Exercised General Quarters 4.00pm: Fired a few rounds of 3" & 4" at hostile seaplanes. 5.30pm: Came to in Dunkirk Roads. Anchorage bearings Dunkirk West Pier Head S53W 11 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005335: ( 7 September 1917 Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 7.00am: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to in Brack Deep. Weather thick. 1.25pm: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite down Roads. 2.01pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 2.12pm: Gravelines Buoy abeam. 3.45pm: Entered Dover harbour & secured to No 2 buoy. 4.30pm: Prepared for coaling. Leave to the watch till 9pm. 4caf841ecadfd34197005336: ( 8 September 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 5.50am: Collier Lecoutain [?] alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal 11.40am: Finished coaling. 3.00pm: GMT. Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour and for Dunkirk. 4.37pm: Gravelines Buoy abeam. 4.46pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 5.20pm: Came to. Anchorage bearings West Pier Head WSW 11½ cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005337: ( 9 September 1917 Dunkirk [& at Sea] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 4.30am: Weighed. Proceeded across Hills Bank as requisite for Patrol Line. 9.00am: Hands at cruising stations. 12.30pm: Fired a few rounds from High Angle guns at hostile seaplanes. 4.35pm: Fired at hostile seaplane with appeared close out of low clouds. 6.30pm: GMT. Came to. Anchorage bearings West Pier Head S57°W 11 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005338: ( 10 September 1917 Dunkirk [& at Sea] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 6.15am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. Ran into patch of fog. 7.00am: Fog lifted. 10.30am: 4 hostile seaplanes in sight. 1.20pm: 2 hostile seaplanes in sight. 4.00pm: Observed our aircraft bring down hostile seaplane near Nos. 6 & 7 buoys. Closed barrage but could see no sign of wreckage. 7.45pm: GMT. Hostile aircraft raiding Dunkirk. 7.55pm: Came to. Anchorage bearings West Pier Head S60W 9½ cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005339: ( 11 September 1917 Dunkirk to Dover, Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.30am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for passing down Roads & for Dover. 10.45am: Entered Dover Harbour & secured to No. 4 buoy. 1.00pm: Collier Querida secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 4.15pm: Finished coaling. 6.00pm: Leave to the watch till 9.30pm. 9.45pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & for Dunkirk. 11.00pm: Watch at cruising stations. 4caf841ecadfd3419700533a: ( 12 September 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 0.22am: GMT. Came to in Dunkirk Roads. 5.15am: GMT. Shifted berth & came to. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 6.00pm: Weighed. Crossed Bank and came to in Brack Deep. 4caf841ecadfd3419700533b: ( 13 September 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 3.05am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. 4.30am: Exercised General Quarters. 6.00am: Watch at cruising stations. pm: Patrolling barrage as requisite. 4.00pm: Returning from Patrol. 4.50pm: Came to in Brack Deep. Anchorage bearings: Dunkirk Light House S20W; Pier Head S35W; Belfry S10E. 6.50pm: Weighed. Crossed Bank & came to in Dunkirk Roads. Anchorage bearings West Pier Head S60W 6¾ cables. 4caf841ecadfd3419700533c: ( 14 September 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 4caf841ecadfd3419700533d: ( 15 September 1917 Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 [Location at 12.20] 9.35am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite down Roads. 10.14am: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 10.25am: Gravelines Buoy abeam. Course as requisite for Dover. 12.20pm: GMT. Entered Dover harbour & secured to No. 2 buoy. 1.30pm: Collier Wedgewood alongside. Completed to full stowage. 5.10pm: Finished coaling. Leave to the watch till 9.30pm. 4caf841ecadfd3419700533e: ( 16 September 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 6.00am: Discharged 3 marines to Forton Barracks. 8.45am: GMT. Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour and for Dunkirk. 9.50am: No. 5 buoy abeam. 11.00am: Came to. Anchorage bearings Dunkirk West Pier Head S71W 10 cables. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 6.50pm: Weighed and shifted berth. 7.20pm: Came to. N34°W 3 cables from No. 9 buoy in Dunkirk Roads. 4caf841ecadfd3419700533f: ( 17 September 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 3.40am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for crossing Hills Bank by No. 8 buoy and for Patrol Line. 7.30am: Observed 2 allied seaplanes on water near Pillar buoy. 8.00am: HMS Marshal Soult and HMS Nugent hoisting in remains of seaplanes near No. 2 buoy. Wind & sea increasing. Patrol withdrawn. 11.23am: Came to. Anchorage bearing West Pier Head S70°W 9½ cables. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 8.00pm: Weighed. Proceeded East. 8.25pm: Came to. Anchorage bearing No. 6 Buoy (East of Dunkirk) NE 3½ cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005340: ( 18 September 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 3.15am: GMT. Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for crossing Hills Bank near No. 8 buoy & for Patrol Line. 5.25am: Observed HMS Broke & destroyers firing at enemy destroyers to the SE. Enemy closed land. 7.00am: Fired at hostile seaplane bearing SE. 8.30am: Patrol withdrawn. 10.07am: Came to. Anchorage bearing West Pier Head S62W 7½ cables. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 6.40pm: Shifted berth to Eastward. 7.10pm: Came to 5 cables S42°E from No. 6 buoy. 4caf841ecadfd34197005341: ( 19 September 1917 Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.1, Long 2.0 [Estimate from location of Dyck Light Vessel] 4.30am: Weighed. Shifted berth to position ENE 10.3 cables from West Pier Head. 4.50am: Came to. 11.30am: Weighed. Proceeded down Roads. 12.10pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 12.21pm: Gravelines buoy abeam. Course as requisite for Dover. 2.15pm: Entered Dover harbour. Secured to No. 4 buoy. 3.15pm: Collier Ludworth secured alongside. Completed to full stowage. 6.00pm: Finished coaling. 6.30pm: Leave to the watch till 9.30pm. 4caf841ecadfd34197005342: ( 20 September 1917 Dover to Dunkirk & at Sea Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.06pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour and for Dunkirk. 1.45pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 2.15pm: Came to. Anchorage bearings West Pier Head S61°W 7.8 cables. 5.00pm: Weighed. Crossed Bank & proceeded full speed to No 3 BB Buoy to take HMS Marshal Soult in tow. [BB – Belgian Barrage] 6.30pm: Anchored ahead of Soult. 6.45pm: Soult in tow. Weighed. 6.55pm: Course as requisite for Y buoy & Dunkirk Roads with Soult in tow. 9.15pm: Slipped tow in Hills Pocket after passing X buoy. 9.30pm: Came to. Anchorage bearings West Pier Head S1°W 13.8 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005343: ( 21 September 1917 At Sea & Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 6.50am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. 9.15am: Patrol ordered back to base. 10.15am: Returned. 12.10pm: Came to. Anchorage bearing West Pier Head S56°W 8.3 cables. 2.00pm: HMS Erebus ordered to tow HMS Marshal Soult to Dover. 6.30pm: Weighed. Shifted berth. 6.45pm: Came to. Anchorage bearing No. 6 buoy N54°W 3.5 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005344: ( 22 September 1917 At Sea [& Dunkirk] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 0:45am: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. am: Supporting HMS Meteor laying a line of mines off Zeebrugge. Cruising in vicinity of No. 9 buoy. 4.50am: Meteor rejoined. 6.25am: HMS Terror commenced to bombard Ostend. 6.55am: Terror ceased firing. Resumed Patrol. 1.00pm: Patrol withdrew. 2.35pm: Came to. Anchorage bearing West Pier Head S64°W 7 cables. 6.20pm: Weighed. Shifted berth to Eastward. 6.50pm: Came to. Anchorage bearing No. 6 buoy N31W 4.5 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005345: ( 23 September 1917 Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 4.50am: Weighed. Proceeded west and let go in previous berth. 6.30am: Heavy explosions in vicinity of Dunkirk. 12.30pm: Embarked 3 ratings for passage to Dover. 3.05pm: Weighed. Proceeded for Dover. 3.45pm: Gravelines Buoy abeam. 3.54pm: “20A” abeam. [Off West Dyke see Dover Straits map] 5.25pm: Entered Dover harbour and secured to No 4 buoy. 6.00pm: Leave to the watch till 9.30pm. 4caf841ecadfd34197005346: ( 24 September 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 0.05am: Air raid syren sounded ashore. 2.15am: All clear sounded. 6.15am: Collier Holmpark secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 9.40am: Finished coaling. 1.30pm: Embarked 14 ratings for passage to Dunkirk. 4.00pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for Dunkirk. 5.42pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. Course as requisite for Dunkirk Roads. 6.10pm: Came to. 7.10pm: Weighed. Proceeded East and came to. Anchorage bearing No. 6 buoy N30W 2.8 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005347: ( 25 September 1917 Dunkirk, At Sea, Dunkirk to Downs Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 5.25am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for crossing Hills Bank & for Patrol Line. 6.45am: Observed HMS Faulknor and HMS Nugent returning - damaged by mines. 3.00pm: Took up stations for monitor bombarding Ostend. 3.34pm: HMS Terror opened fire. Observed fall of shot from shore batteries about 1000 yards from Terror. 4.00pm: Resumed patrol. Course as requisite for returning to Dunkirk Roads by Y, X & No. 8 buoys. 6.25pm: Course as requisite for passing down Dunkirk Roads. 6.50pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 7.36pm: No. 6 Calais Buoy abeam. 8.00pm: Course as requisite for Dover. 8.30pm: South Goodwin abeam (close). 9.00pm: Course as requisite for Downs. [Off Kent coast see Dover Straits map] 9.27pm: Let go. South Goodwin bearing S7°E. [From 26th September to 2nd October: at around 6pm: Landed Patrol and around 11pm: Patrol returned] 4caf841ecadfd34197005348: ( 26 September 1917 Downs to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 5.20am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 6.00am: Entered Dover harbour and secured to No. 4 buoy. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf841ecadfd34197005349: ( 27 September 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Landed store parties. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Saturday 29th. 7.00pm: Air raid alarm sounded. 10.00pm: All clear sounded. 4caf841ecadfd3419700534a: ( 28 September 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Landed store parties. 7.35pm: Air raid warning sounded. 10.30pm: All clear sounded. 4caf841ecadfd3419700534b: ( 29 September 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Leave to boys till 9pm. 2.00pm: Leave to the watch from 4.30 to 7am Monday. [It’s Saturday] 8.15pm: Air raid warning sounded. 4caf841ecadfd3419700534c: ( 30 September 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Held Divine Service. 12.30pm: Leave to boys from 1.30 to 6pm. 7.00pm: Air raid warning sounded. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1917 4caf841ecadfd3419700534d: ( 4caf841ecadfd3419700534e: ( 4caf841ecadfd3419700534f: ( 4caf841ecadfd34197005350: ( 4caf841ecadfd34197005351: ( 1 October 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 11.00am: Paid monthly money. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 9.30pm 7.00pm: Air raid warning sounded. 4caf841ecadfd34197005352: ( 2 October 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.00am: Collier John O Scott secured alongside. Completed to full stowage. 9.10am: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 8.45pm: Air raid warning sounded. 10.15pm: All clear sounded. 4caf841ecadfd34197005353: ( 3 October 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.1, Long 2.0 [Estimate from location of Dyck Light Vessel] 10.10am: Slipped. Proceeded by Western entrance. Course as requisite for Dunkirk. 12.05pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. Course as requisite for Dunkirk Roads. 12.33pm: Let go. West Pier Head S70°W 11½ cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005354: ( 4 October 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 4caf841ecadfd34197005355: ( 5 October 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 3.45pm: Weighed. Shifted berth. Let go. West Pier Head S65°W 11 cables. 7.30pm: Thunderstorm with high wind and heavy rain from the northwest. 4caf841ecadfd34197005356: ( 6 October 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf841ecadfd34197005357: ( 7 October 1917 Dunkirk & at Sea Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 [Location at 12.35] 8.15am: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & let go in Brack Deep. 10.05am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. 11.00am: Patrol withdrawn on account of bad weather. 12.35pm: Let go. West Pier Head S65W 9 cables. 2.00pm: Thunderstorms from SW with heavy rain and high wind, veering to west'ard. 4caf841ecadfd34197005358: ( 8 October 1917 [Date written at 6th October] Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 9.50am: Exercised control parties. 3.05pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 3.37pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. Course as requisite for Dover. 5.30pm: Entered Dover harbour & secured to No. 4 buoy. 6.00pm: Leave to the watch till 9.30pm. 4caf841ecadfd34197005359: ( 9 October 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.50am: Collier Prime alongside. Completed to full stowage. 11.55pm: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 9.30pm. 5.00pm: Read warrants Nos. 124 & 125. 4caf841ecadfd3419700535a: ( 10 October 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 6.00am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & for Dunkirk. 7.05am: No. 5 buoy abeam. Course as requisite for Dunkirk Roads. 8.15am: Let go. West Pier Head S57W 8½ cables. 4caf841ecadfd3419700535b: ( 11 October 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.50pm: Weighed. Proceeded East. 6.07pm: Let go. No. 6 buoy N55W 3.7 cables. 4caf841ecadfd3419700535c: ( 12 October 1917 Dunkirk [& At Sea] Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 5.40am: Weighed. Proceeded west. 5.55am: Came to. West Pier Head S46W 8.8 cables. 10.05am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. am: Supporting sweepers examining area near No. 3 buoy for reported mines. 1.45pm: Patrol withdrew. 2.28pm: Came to. West Pier Head S6E 15.8 cables. 9.10pm: Weighed. Shifted berth. 10.05pm: Let go. Anchorage bearings: X buoy N23W; No. 8 buoy N78W. 4caf841ecadfd3419700535d: ( 13 October 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 9.00am: Enemy aircraft in sight for 5 minutes. 11.30am: Weighed. Shifted berth. Let go. West Pier Head S60W 7.3 cables. 8.45pm: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to. West Pier Head S6°W 14.3 cables. 4caf841ecadfd3419700535e: ( 14 October 1917 Dunkirk & At Sea Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 6.00am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. 4.30pm: Sighted 7 enemy destroyers E by S. 5.00pm: HMS Erebus fired a few rounds of 15" at enemy destroyers at long range. 6.30pm: Patrol returned. 6.45pm: Let go in Brack Deep. Anchorage bearing West Pier Head S by E 4.6 cables. 4caf841ecadfd3419700535f: ( 15 October 1917 Dunkirk & At Sea Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 8.15am: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank. Let go. West Pier Head S28W 7½ cables. 9.15am: Collier alongside. Commenced coaling. 10.40am: Cast off collier. Weighed. Proceeded on patrol to relieve HMS Terror. pm: Patrolling Belgian Barrage as requisite. 4.30pm: Returned to base. 5.40pm: Came to. West Pier Head S10°E 15 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005360: ( 16 October 1917 Dunkirk to Downs Lat 51.0, Long 1.6 [Estimate from location of No. 5 Buoy – See Barrage map at top of page] 9.00am: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to off Pier Heads. 10.00am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 10.45am: Gravelines Buoy abeam. 11.30am: No. 5 [buoy] abeam. 12.30pm: Course as requisite for the Downs. 12.55pm: Came to. Anchorage bearing Deal Pier Head S62W 1 mile. 4caf841ecadfd34197005361: ( 17 October 1917 Downs to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.30am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 7.30am: Entered harbour & secured to No. 4 buoy. 9.00am: Collier Magdeburg alongside. Commenced coaling. 10.40am: Cast off collier. Wind & sea increasing. pm: Leave to the watch from 1.30 to 9.30 pm. Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf841ecadfd34197005362: ( 18 October 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.1, Long 2.0 [estimate from location of Dyck Light Vessel] 6.10am: Collier Magdeburg secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 7.50am: Finished coaling. 10.30am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & for Dunkirk. 12.11pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. Course as requisite for Dunkirk Roads. 12.40pm: Let go. West Pier Head S48W 5½ cables. 5.15pm: Weighed. Proceeded East. 5.33pm: Let go. No. 6 buoy N61W 4 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005363: ( 19 October 1917 Dunkirk & At Sea Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 0.30am: Enemy destroyers attacked town of Dunkirk by gunfire & fired torpedoes at shipping. HMS Terror torpedoed and beached off Malo. Chased to Y buoy. Returned to Roads & [blank] 2.10am: Let go. No. 6 buoy bearing N40W. 5.30am: Weighed. Shifted berth. Let go. 10.15am: Weighed. Proceeded on Patrol. pm: Patrolling as requisite in sight HMS Marshal Soult. 3.00pm: Patrol withdrawn. 4.50pm: Came to in Dunkirk Roads. 5.30pm: Weighed. Proceeded East. 5.55pm: Let go. No. 6 buoy N63W 8.3 cables. [More details on HMS Terror in Belgian Coast 1914 – 18 ] 4caf841ecadfd34197005364: ( 20 October 1917 Dunkirk & At Sea Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 4.50am: Weighed. Proceeded west & as requisite for Patrol Line. 2.30pm: Took up stations for monitor bombarding Ostend. HMS Marshal Soult fired 2 rounds but spotting machines couldn't spot on account of smoke screen over Ostend. 4.30pm: Patrol withdrawn. 5.50pm: Let go. No. 6 buoy N78W 12 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005365: ( 21 October 1917 Dunkirk & At Sea Lat 51.4, Long 2.7 [Estimate from location of Patrol Line] 5.45am: Weighed. Crossed Hills Bank & came to in Brack Deep. 7.50am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Patrol Line. am: HMS Marshal Soult bombarded Ostend from 11.30 to 11.55. 3.00pm: Patrol withdrawn. 4.20pm: Let go. West Pier Head S50W 5.6 cables. 5.20pm: Weighed. Proceeded East. 5.45pm: Let go. No. 6 buoy bearing N78°W 1½ cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005366: ( 22 October 1917 Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.00am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 5.12am: Gravelines Buoy abeam. 6.45am: Entered Dover harbour & secured to No. 2 buoy. 9.50am: Collier Holm Park secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 1.55pm: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 9.30pm, natives till 7am. 4caf841ecadfd34197005367: ( 23 October 1917 Dover to Dunkirk Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.55pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & for Dunkirk. 2.10pm: No. 5 buoy abeam. 2.55pm: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 3.20pm: Let go. West Pier Head S18°W 4½ cables. 5.20pm: Weighed. Proceeded East. 5.40pm: Let go. No. 6 buoy N80°W 7 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005368: ( 24 October 1917 Dunkirk [& at Sea] Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 5.40am: Weighed. Proceeded West. 6.00am: Let go. West Pier Head S70°W 17 cables. 1.45pm: Weighed. Proceeded to Patrol Line to lay Mark Buoy. 2.52pm: Passed 2 German moored mines west of Pillar Buoy. 3.50pm: Laid Dan Buoy near No. 8 Patrol Line Buoy. Returned to base. [Dan buoy – small buoy, sometimes made of cork with a small flag] 6.46pm: Let go. No. 6 buoy N85W 12.6 cables. 4caf841ecadfd34197005369: ( 25 October 1917 Dunkirk Lat 51.07, Long 2.36 am: Exercised sight setters at drill. pm: Hands make & mend clothes. [From 26th October to 1st November: at around 6pm: Landed Patrol and around 11pm: Patrol returned] 4caf841ecadfd3419700536a: ( 26 October 1917 Dunkirk to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 5.55am: Weighed. Closed Pier Heads to pick up 1 officer & 6 ratings for Dover. 6.40am: Proceeded down Roads for Dover. 7.15am: Dyck Light Vessel abeam. 7.26am: Gravelines Buoy abeam. 9.15am: Entered Dover harbour & secured to No. 4 buoy. Commenced boiler cleaning. 10.00am: Collier Holm Park alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 1.05pm: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf841ecadfd3419700536b: ( 27 October 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Aired night clothing. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Monday 29th Oct. 7.20pm: Air raid warning sounded. 7.55pm: All clear sounded. 4caf841ecadfd3419700536c: ( 28 October 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.00am: Sent working party of 4 hands to assist in salvage of Tug ashore at Dungeness. 10.30am: Held Divine Service. pm: Leave to boys from 1.30 to 6pm. 9.00pm: Working party returned. 4caf841ecadfd3419700536d: ( 29 October 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.00am: Landed working party for tug ashore at Dungeness. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Wednesday 31st Oct. 5.00pm: Read warrant No. 127. 10.00pm: Dungeness working party returned. 4caf841ecadfd3419700536e: ( 30 October 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Employed cleaning out magazines & as requisite. 4.00pm: Read warrant No. 126. 4caf841ecadfd3419700536f: ( 31 October 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.25am: Air raid warning sounded. Hostile aircraft dropped bombs in the harbour. 5.25am: All clear sounded. am&pm: Employed provisioning ship & as requisite. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. Leave to boys 1.30 to 6pm. 5.00pm: Shifted berth by warping to No. 3 buoy. 10.35pm: Air raid warning sounded. 10.40pm: Hostile aircraft dropped bombs ashore. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1917 4caf841ecadfd34197005371: ( 4caf841ecadfd34197005372: ( 4caf841ecadfd34197005373: ( 4caf841ecadfd34197005374: ( 4caf841ecadfd34197005375: ( 1 November 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 3.15am: All clear signal sounded ashore. 12.30pm: Paid monthly money. 1.00pm: Leave to Boys till 6pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf841ecadfd34197005376: ( 2 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.25pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & for The Downs. Ran into fog. 5.15pm: Let go port anchor. 11.20pm: Weighed, shifted berth and let go port anchor. Goodwin Fork Buoy S50E 4caf841ecadfd34197005377: ( 3 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.20am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover Harbour. 7.00am: Secured to No. 3 buoy. 10.00am: Exercised fire control. pm: Leave to natives from 1.15 to 3.15 pm. Hands make and mend clothes. 4.20pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 5.00pm: Let go starboard anchor. Deal Pier Head S63°W 13 cables. [Until 12th November the above is a typical day: at Dover in the day with leave for the natives (and sometimes badgemen of the watch) and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf841ecadfd34197005378: ( 4 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Sent church party to HMS Lord Clive. 4caf841ecadfd34197005379: ( 5 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Exercised General Drills, Fire and Collision stations. 4caf841ecadfd3419700537a: ( 6 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841ecadfd3419700537b: ( 7 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.30am: Collier Eleanor secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 11.40am: Discharged Mr Dell, Gunner (T) [Torpedo], to hospital with broken jaw. 1.00pm: Finished coaling. Cast off collier. 6.30pm: Exercised night action. 4caf841ecadfd3419700537c: ( 8 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841ecadfd3419700537d: ( 9 November 1917 Dover and the Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.30am: Exercised General Drills. 6.30pm: Exercised night action. 4caf841ecadfd3419700537e: ( 10 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Lost overboard by accident from the Steam cutter. Engineers stores
4caf841ecadfd3419700537f: ( 11 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Discharged Lieut. (RNR) Eglington to hospital. 4caf841ecadfd34197005380: ( 12 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.15pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for the Downs. Ran into fog. 4.59pm: Came to. 4caf841ecadfd34197005381: ( 13 November 1917 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.30am: Weighed. Proceeded to close South Goodwin Light Vessel. 11.09am: At South Goodwin Light Vessel. Thick fog. 11.28am: Let go starboard anchor. South Foreland Cliff distant 5.5 cables by sound. 11.50am: Weighed. Proceeded for Dover. 12.10pm: Entered harbour & secured to No. 2 buoy. Prepared for sea. 2.17pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & for Downs. 3.00pm: Came to. Deal Pier Head N70W 6½ cables. 6.00pm: Exercised night action stations. 4caf841ecadfd34197005382: ( 14 November 1917 Downs to Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 8.00am: Weighed. Proceeeded. Course as requisite for passing through The Gate & for North Downs. 8.45am: Rounded No. 2 Elbow Buoy. 9.15am: NE Spit buoy abeam. 9.23am: Tongue Light Vessel abeam. Course as requisite for passing through South Edinburgh channel. Course as requisite for Thames estuary. 11.05am: Entered Sheerness. 11.40am: Secured to No. 5 buoy. pm: Employed disembarking ammunition. 4caf841ecadfd34197005383: ( 15 November 1917 Sheerness [& River Thames] Lat 51.45, Long 0.35 [estimate from location of Gravesend] 9.25am: Slipped. Proceeded out of harbour, & came to with port anchor 2 cables SW from Nore Light Vessel. 10.10am: Weighed. Proceeded up river as requisite for Gravesend. Pilot took charge. 11.40am: Changed pilots at Gravesend. 12.45pm: Ran into thick fog at Royal Albert Dock. 1.45pm: Secured to buoys head & stern in Blackwall Reach. 4.00pm: Leave to natives till 7am. [Each afternoon to 8th December while the ship is being refitted: Leave to part of the watch till 7am and around 6pm Exercised fire stations] 4caf841ecadfd34197005384: ( 16 November 1917 [Blackwall Reach to] Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 am: Leave to the Port Watch from 9am to noon Friday November 23rd. 1.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to Messrs Fletcher, Fearnall & Sons Union Dry Dock, Poplar. 2.30pm: Berthed in dry dock. 4caf841ecadfd34197005385: ( 17 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf841ecadfd34197005386: ( 18 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841ecadfd34197005387: ( 19 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 pm: Employed getting out both bower anchors and cables for survey. 10.30pm: Mr Pearce, Gunner (T) [torpedo], joined ship. 4caf841ecadfd34197005388: ( 20 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841ecadfd34197005389: ( 21 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841ecadfd3419700538a: ( 22 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 10.00am: Lieut. (RNR) A Hutton joined ship. 4caf841ecadfd3419700538b: ( 23 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841fcadfd3419700538c: ( 24 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Union Docks, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 7.45am: Undocked. Proceeded with tugs to West India (Import) Dock. 11.15am: Secured to West India (Import) Dock. pm: General leave to starboard watch from 7.30am till noon 1st December. 4caf841fcadfd3419700538d: ( 25 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841fcadfd3419700538e: ( 26 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841fcadfd3419700538f: ( 27 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841fcadfd34197005390: ( 28 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 am&pm: Employed taking in and stowing provisions. 4caf841fcadfd34197005391: ( 29 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841fcadfd34197005392: ( 30 November 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 2.30pm: Read warrants Nos. 128 & 129. [Signed] MR Diggle Commander in Command HMS Attentive. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1917 4caf841fcadfd34197005393: ( 4caf841fcadfd34197005394: ( 4caf841fcadfd34197005395: ( 4caf841fcadfd34197005396: ( 4caf841fcadfd34197005397: ( 1 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 pm: Make & mend clothes. 4caf841fcadfd34197005398: ( 2 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 10.00am: Divine Service. 9.00pm: One 5" hemp hawser (113 fathoms) stolen from ship during this night. 4caf841fcadfd34197005399: ( 3 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4.00pm: Leave to the Port Watch from 4.30 to 7am Thursday. [It’s Monday] 4caf841fcadfd3419700539a: ( 4 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841fcadfd3419700539b: ( 5 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841fcadfd3419700539c: ( 6 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4.20am: Air raid warning sounded. 6.00am: All clear sounded. 10.00am: Lost overboard paint brushes two (2) in no. 2.00pm: PLA [Port of London Authority] floating crane secured alongside for lifting 6" gun. 4caf841fcadfd3419700539d: ( 7 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf841fcadfd3419700539e: ( 8 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 12.30pm: Leave to the watch & part till 9.30pm. 4caf841fcadfd3419700539f: ( 9 December 1917 Messrs Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Poplar to Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 7.00am: Slipped from jetty. Proceeded into lock with tugs. 8.00am: Proceeded from lock to river. 8.30am: Slipped tug & proceeded down river in charge of Pilot. 10.15am: Changed pilots at Gravesend. 11.15am: Course as requisite for Sheerness. 11.55am: Secured to No. 5 buoy Sheerness. 1.00pm: Ammunition lighter alongside. pm: Employed ammunitioning ship. 4caf841fcadfd341970053a0: ( 10 December 1917 Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 7.40am: Slipped. Proceeded alongside coaling depot C109. am&pm: Employed coaling ship. 3.40pm: Slipped from C109. 4.00pm: Proceeded down harbour & secured to No. 5 buoy. 4caf841fcadfd341970053a1: ( 11 December 1917 Sheerness to Dover [& the Downs] Lat 51.4, Long 1.4 [estimate part way between Edinburgh Channel and Dover] 8.25am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 8.50am: Outer Bar abeam. Proceeded down Thames. 9.45am: Let go starboard anchor. Edinburgh Light Vessel N76E 1.5 [cables?]. 10.50am: Weighed. Proceeded through South Edinburgh Channel & as requisite for the Downs and Dover. 1.25pm: Entered Dover harbour & secured to No. 12 buoy. 3.45pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & for Downs. 4.30pm: Came to. Deal Pier Head S29W 2 miles. [From 12th to 22nd December return to routine of spending the day at Dover with afternoon leave for the natives (except when coaling) and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf841fcadfd341970053a2: ( 12 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.20pm: Ran into fog. 4.45pm: Let go starboard anchor. Approx. position:- Deal Pier Head bearing SW½W 14 cables. 4caf841fcadfd341970053a3: ( 13 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053a4: ( 14 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053a5: ( 15 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053a6: ( 16 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.20pm: Let go starboard anchor. Golf Hotel N52W; Wreck S60W. 4caf841fcadfd341970053a7: ( 17 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.20pm: Collier Plumley [?Thornley?] alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 4.15pm: Cast off collier. 4caf841fcadfd341970053a8: ( 18 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053a9: ( 19 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053aa: ( 20 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053ab: ( 21 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.28pm: Let go starboard. Marcella wreck buoy bearing approx WNW. Weather thick. [Marcella – hired yacht sunk in collision 24th March 1916 – see Auxiliary patrol vessels - Hired Yachts] 7.10pm: Weighed. Shifted berth to position with Goodwin Fork bearing S31E 15½ cables. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ac: ( 22 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.20am: Weighed. Proceeded to lay out target in Trinity Bay & to carry out 1" aiming practice. 11.15am: Finished practice. Weighed target & proceeded for Dover. 10.00pm: Heard hostile aircraft. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ad: ( 23 December 1917 Downs to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.45am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 7.25am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 8.00am: Collier Querida secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 11.45am: Cast off collier. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch from 4pm to 7pm, natives till 9.30pm. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ae: ( 24 December 1917 Dover to Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Employed mounting pom pom & as requisite. 12.30pm: Leave to natives and caterers of messes till 3.15pm. pm: Make & mend clothes. 4.00pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for Downs. 4.46pm: Let go starboard anchor. Deal Pier Head S29W 19 cables. [25th , 26th and 28th December return to routine of spending the day at Dover with afternoon leave for the natives and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf841fcadfd341970053af: ( 25 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Sent church party to HMS Marshal Soult. am: Leave to Chief Petty Officers, Petty Officers and natives from 10.30 to 3.15pm. 4caf841fcadfd341970053b0: ( 26 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Read warrant No. 130. 4caf841fcadfd341970053b1: ( 27 December 1917 Downs Lat 51.2, Long 1.5 [estimate from location off Deal] 9.50am: Weighed. Proceeded. Carried out 1" aiming practice at wrecks on Goodwin Sands. Heavy snow storms. 11.20am: Let go starboard anchor. Deal Pier Head NW 17 cables. 1.15pm: Weighed. Proceeded. 1.30pm: Let go starboard anchor. Deal Pier Head S59W 10½ cables. 4caf841fcadfd341970053b2: ( 28 December 1917 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 [Each day from 29th December to 4th January a Patrol is landed around 6pm and returns at around 10.45pm] 4caf841fcadfd341970053b3: ( 29 December 1917 Downs to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 7.10am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 7.45am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 8.00am: Commenced boiler cleaning. Collier Carronpark alongside. 11.15am: Finished coaling. 3.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Monday. [It’s Saturday] 4caf841fcadfd341970053b4: ( 30 December 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Leave to boys till 6pm 4caf841fcadfd341970053b5: ( 31 December 1917 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 3.00pm: Scrubbed duffle coats. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Wednesday. [It’s Monday] [Signed] MR Diggle Commander in Command HMS Attentive. [See Chap.6, Vol. 5, Great War - NAVAL OPERATIONS by Henry Newbolt for details of operations in the Dover Straits in early 1918] LOGS FOR JANUARY 1918 4caf841fcadfd341970053b7: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053b8: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053b9: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053ba: ( BAROMETER Mercurial (New instrument 27th Jan J. Hicks London No. 851) 4caf841fcadfd341970053bb: ( 1 January 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Paid monthly money 4caf841fcadfd341970053bc: ( 2 January 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 5.00pm: Mr Fawcett Ch.A.E. [Chief Artificer Engineer?] RNR joined ship 4caf841fcadfd341970053bd: ( 3 January 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Leave to Boys from 1.30pm to 9.30pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 5.58pm: Aircraft warning sounded ashore. 4caf841fcadfd341970053be: ( 4 January 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Seamanship class at instruction. pm: Training class at boat pulling. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf841fcadfd341970053bf: ( 5 January 1918 Dover [to the Downs] Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Eng. Lieut. D.M. Chapman left ship. 12.30pm: Leave to natives 1.15 to 3pm. pm: Make & mend clothes. 3.45pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & for the Downs. 4.30pm: Came to. 6.00pm: Exercised night action stations. [6th to 13th January return to routine of spending the day at Dover with afternoon leave for the natives and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf841fcadfd341970053c0: ( 6 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Sent church party to HMS Marshal Soult. 4caf841fcadfd341970053c1: ( 7 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.30am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite to carry out 1" aiming practice & Pom Pom & Lewis Gun practice at moored target in Trinity bay. Lost in laying out target: Tarred Hemp Rope 50 fathoms; Anchor buoy, 1 in no.; Sinker 1¾ cwt, 1 in no. 4caf841fcadfd341970053c2: ( 8 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053c3: ( 9 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Fire stations. Small fire on booms extinguished. 4caf841fcadfd341970053c4: ( 10 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Ordinary Seamen at boat pulling. 4caf841fcadfd341970053c5: ( 11 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Leave to natives & A group till 3pm. 4caf841fcadfd341970053c6: ( 12 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Leave to natives & B group till 3pm. 4caf841fcadfd341970053c7: ( 13 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.00am: Collier Santon[?] secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 3.00pm: Finished coaling. 4caf841fcadfd341970053c8: ( 14 January 1918 Downs & Dover [& at Sea] Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 7.15am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 8.00am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 10.00am: Exercised Fire Control. 1.00pm: Leave to natives & C group till 3.10pm. 4.05pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for Downs. 4.40pm: Let go starboard anchor. Deal Pier Head S56N 15½ cables. 7.15pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 8.20pm: VADP [Vice Admiral Dover Patrol] embarked. Proceeded out of harbour as requisite for Eastern Barrage Patrol. HMS Termagant and destroyers in company patrolling Eastern barrage patrol. 4caf841fcadfd341970053c9: ( 15 January 1918 [At Sea &] Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 2.00am: Parted company with destroyers. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 3.30am: Entered harbour & secured to No. 4 buoy. 1.00pm: Leave to natives & A group till 3.15pm. 3.50pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 4.45pm: Let go Port anchor. Deal Pier Head S62W 15 cables. [16th to 27th January return to routine of spending the day at Dover with afternoon leave (except when coaling) for the natives (and sometime A, B or C group) and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf841fcadfd341970053ca: ( 16 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Cautioned Commander FC Thomas RNR to be more alert in the duties entrusted to his supervision, than he was on the night of 15/16 January 1918. [Signed] FC Thomas Commander RNR. [Signed] Hubert Lynes Commodore Dunkirk 30/1/18 Cautioned Mr. R Hambleton Farnley Chief Signal Boatswain to be more alert in the carrying out of his signal duties than he was on the night of 15/16 January 1918. [Signed] RH Farnley Chief Sig. Bosn. [Signed] Hubert Lynes Commodore Dunkirk 30/1/18 4caf841fcadfd341970053cb: ( 17 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 11.30am: Exercised General Quarters. 4caf841fcadfd341970053cc: ( 18 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Collier Boudica [?] secured alongside. 12.15pm: Finished coaling. 4caf841fcadfd341970053cd: ( 19 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.20pm: Read warrant No. 133. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ce: ( 20 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 0.20am: Observed white rocket NE. 0.20 to 1.05am: Hands at night action stations. 0.30am: Weighed. 1.15am: Let go starboard anchor. Goodwin Fork Buoy S58W 12½ cables. 9.30am: Hands mustered by the “Open list". 4caf841fcadfd341970053cf: ( 21 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.40am: Weighed. Proceeded to carry out ranging exercise. 10.30am: Finished exercise. Proceeded for Dover 4caf841fcadfd341970053d0: ( 22 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Exercised General Drills. 4caf841fcadfd341970053d1: ( 23 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Read "Articles of War". 4caf841fcadfd341970053d2: ( 24 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters. 1.30pm: Mr Fawcett Artificer Engineer joined ship. 4caf841fcadfd341970053d3: ( 25 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 7.55am: Mr McQueen Artificer Engineer left ship. 9.30am: Slipped. Proceeded with Captain Don on board to carry out full calibre firing. 10.30am: Finished firing. Returned as requisite for Dover. 12.40pm: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 1.00pm: Leave to natives & C group till 7am. 4caf841fcadfd341970053d4: ( 26 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.30am: Collier Querida alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 1.15pm: Finished coaling 4caf841fcadfd341970053d5: ( 27 January 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Landed church parties. [Each day from 28th Jan to 2nd Feb a Patrol is landed at 6pm and returns at 10.45pm (except 31st Jan)] 4caf841fcadfd341970053d6: ( 28 January 1918 Downs to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 7.08am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 7.45am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf841fcadfd341970053d7: ( 29 January 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. Leave to Boys till 6pm. General leave till 9.30pm. 9.10pm: Air Raid warning sounded ashore. 4caf841fcadfd341970053d8: ( 30 January 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 0.45am: Closed up AA guns crews. Air raid ashore. 8.30am: Steam cutter sunk in collision with Dockyard steamboat No. 555. 1.00pm: Steam cutter raised & taken to Submarine Basin. 3.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. General leave till 9.30pm. Lost in steam cutter
4caf841fcadfd341970053d9: ( 31 January 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 2.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am 2nd Feb. [Signed] RG Duke Lieut. for Commander. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1918 4caf841fcadfd341970053db: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053dc: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053dd: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053de: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053df: ( 1 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 7.15am: Patrol returned. 4caf841fcadfd341970053e0: ( 2 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Leave to the watch till 11am 3rd Feb. Leave to Boys till 9.30pm. 4caf841fcadfd341970053e1: ( 3 February 1918 Dover [to Downs] Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Sent Church of England party to HMS General Craufurd. 12.30pm: Leave to natives till 3.45pm. 4.45pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for Downs. 5.30pm: Let go starboard anchor. Approx 2 cables SE from Marcella Wreck Buoy. [4th to 20th February return to routine of spending the day at Dover with afternoon leave (except when coaling) for the natives (and sometime A, B or C group) and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf841fcadfd341970053e2: ( 4 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Employed provisioning ship. 4caf841fcadfd341970053e3: ( 5 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.40am: Weighed. Proceeded to carry out 1” aiming practice in Trinity Bay. 11.00am: Finished Practice. Course as requisite for Dover. 4caf841fcadfd341970053e4: ( 6 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Lost laying out target in Downs [previous day?]:- Tarred Hemp 2”, 50 fathoms Buoys Anchor ,1 in No Sinkers ½ cwt, 3 in No. 4caf841fcadfd341970053e5: ( 7 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.30am: Collier Moto came alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 12.30pm: 1 Fender (coir large) destroyed by collier coming alongside. 2.30pm: Finished coaling. 3.00pm: Read warrant No. 134. 4caf841fcadfd341970053e6: ( 8 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053e7: ( 9 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Lost overboard by accident: Hammers hand, 1 in No.; Punch-rivet, 1 in No. 1.30pm: Staff Surgeon Harrison left ship. Surgeon Rollason RNVR joined ship. 4caf841fcadfd341970053e8: ( 10 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd341970053e9: ( 11 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Aired night clothing. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ea: ( 12 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Employed drawing ammunition. 4caf841fcadfd341970053eb: ( 13 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Sent divers to HMS Lightfoot. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ec: ( 14 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Collier Moto secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 1.05pm: Finished coaling. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ed: ( 15 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Sent divers to HMS Melpomene. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ee: ( 16 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 0.05am: Heard gunfire in direction of Dover. Night action stations. 9.00am: Aired Night clothing. 8.35pm: Flashes & shrapnel bursts to Southeastward. Heard gunfire. Night action stations. 11.00pm: Night Defence stations. 4caf841fcadfd341970053ef: ( 17 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Landed church parties. 4.15pm: 3 loud explosions WSW. 4caf841fcadfd341970053f0: ( 18 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Boys at school. 1.30pm: Read warrant No. 136. 9.45pm: Explosion to seaward. 4caf841fcadfd341970053f1: ( 19 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.00am: Collier Querida alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 11.35am: Finished coaling. 4caf841fcadfd341970053f2: ( 20 February 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 [Each day from 21st to 27th Feb a Patrol is landed at 6pm and returns at around 11pm.] 4caf841fcadfd341970053f3: ( 21 February 1918 Downs to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 7.10am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 8.00am: Commenced boiler cleaning. 12.30pm: Read warrant No. 137. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am 4caf841fcadfd341970053f4: ( 22 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf841fcadfd341970053f5: ( 23 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: General leave till 9.30pm. Leave to Boys till 6pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Monday 25th. 4caf841fcadfd341970053f6: ( 24 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Sent Church of England party to HMS Terror. 12.30pm: Leave to Boys till 6pm. 4caf841fcadfd341970053f7: ( 25 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 2.00pm: General leave till 9.30pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Wednesday 27th. 4caf841fcadfd341970053f8: ( 26 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am&pm: Employed provisioning ship. 4caf841fcadfd341970053f9: ( 27 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Employed turning port bower cable end for end. 4.00pm: Leave to Petty Officers & Leading Seamen [?] Rates till 7am. 4caf841fcadfd341970053fa: ( 28 February 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.30am: Exercised General Drills. 12.30pm: Leave to natives & A group till 4pm. 5.40pm: Slipped. Proceeded for Downs. 6.20pm: Let go Port anchor. Deal Pier Head S58W 17 cables. LOGS FOR MARCH 1918 4caf841fcadfd341970053fb: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053fc: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053fd: ( 4caf841fcadfd341970053fe: ( [1st to 9th, 11th to 19th March return to routine of spending the day at Dover with afternoon leave (except when coaling) for the natives (and sometime A, B or C group and sometimes steaming watch of stokers), except on days when coaling, and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf841fcadfd341970053ff: ( 1 March 1918 Dover & the Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.20am: Collier Querida secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 10.50am: Finished coaling. 8.00pm: Exercised night action stations. 4caf841fcadfd34197005400: ( 2 March 1918 Dover & the Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Hands make & mend clothes. 6.45pm: Gun flashes to southward. Apparently practice at Dover. 4caf841fcadfd34197005401: ( 3 March 1918 Dover & the Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 1.00pm: Landed party to attend distribution of decorations & medals to officers & men of the Trawler & Drifter Patrols, by the 1st Sea Lord. [Lord Wester Wemyss] 4.00pm: Paid monthly money. 4caf841fcadfd34197005402: ( 4 March 1918 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Make & mend clothes. 8.00pm: Exercised night action stations. 4caf841fcadfd34197005403: ( 5 March 1918 Dover & The Downs Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Read warrants Nos. 138 and 139. 11.00am: Ordinary Seaman at boat sailing. pm: Make & mend clothes. Lieutenant Daniel H Rainier RN of Attentive for Melpomene in command, cautioned by Vice Admiral Dover Patrol, to be more careful in future, with reference to the grounding of HMS Melpomene in Dover Harbour on 15th February 1918. [Signed] DH Rainer Lieutenant RN Lieutenant Commander William H Sandford RN of Attentive for Mansfield in command, cautioned by Vice Admiral Dover Patrol, to be more careful in future, with reference to the striking of a submerged object by HMS Mansfield in Dover Harbour on 13th February 1918. [Signed] WH Sandford Lieutenant Cdr RN Lieutenant Commander H E Gore-Langton RN of Attentive for Phoebe in command, cautioned by Vice Admiral Dover Patrol, to be more careful in future, with reference to the grounding of HMS Phoebe near "Y" Buoy Dunkirk on 27th January 1918. [Signed] HE GoreLangton Lieutenant Cdr RN Commander Frederick E K Strong, DSO RN of Attentive for Lightfoot in command, cautioned by Vice Admiral Dover Patrol, to be more careful in future, with reference to the striking of a submerged object by HMS Lightfoot in Dover Harbour on 12th February 1918. [Signed] FEK Strong Commander RN 4caf841fcadfd34197005404: ( 6 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf841fcadfd34197005405: ( 7 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.45am: Collier John O Scott secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. 11.40am: Finished coaling. 11.00pm: Heavy gunfire to northward. 11.25pm: Continuous gunfire to northward. 4caf841fcadfd34197005406: ( 8 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 1.45am: Heavy gunfire to Northwestward. Enemy aircraft returning. pm: Make & mend clothes. 4caf841fcadfd34197005407: ( 9 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Aired night clothing. pm: Aired bedding. 4caf841fcadfd34197005408: ( 10 March 1918 Downs Lat 51.23, Long 1.44 am&pm: Thick fog. 6.50pm: Exercised night actions stations 10.00pm: Fog lifted. 4caf841fcadfd34197005409: ( 11 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Seamanship class boat sailing. pm: Make & mend clothes. 4caf841fcadfd3419700540a: ( 12 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Exercised all boats crews. pm: Make & mend clothes. 11.45pm: Heavy explosion to southward. 4caf841fcadfd3419700540b: ( 13 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.12am: Preussen wreck abeam. Thick fog. [Preußen German steel hulled five-masted ship sank near Dover in 1910] 8.17am: Let go Port anchor in 8½ fathoms near Eastern Entrance. 9.20am: Fog lifted. 9.25am: Weighed entered harbour. 10.30am: Collier Querida alongside. 2.30pm: Finished coaling. 7.00pm: Thick fog. [Don’t return to the Downs in the evening] 4caf841fcadfd3419700540c: ( 14 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 3.15am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 3.45am: Let got port anchor. South Goodwin Light Vessel - S18°E 2¼ miles. 5.45am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. pm: Make & mend clothes. 9.50pm: Weighed. Proceeded through Gate. 10.25pm: Returned to anchorage. 10.53pm: Let go starboard anchor. Goodwin Fork Buoy S27°E 1 mile. 4caf841fcadfd3419700540d: ( 15 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Seamanship class at instruction. Boys at school. pm: Make & mend clothes 4caf841fcadfd3419700540e: ( 16 March 1918 Downs & Dover [& on Patrol] Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Make & mend clothes. 10.25pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for rounding South Goodwin Light Vessel & for Patrol Line SE by E from buoy laid near North Goodwin. 11.00pm: Patrolling on Northern Patrol. 4caf8420cadfd3419700540f: ( 17 March 1918 Downs & Dover [& on Patrol] Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 3.25am: Left patrol. Proceeded round South Goodwin Light Vessel for Downs. 4.35am: Let go port anchor. South Goodwin Light Vessel S16°W 2¾ miles. pm: Make & mend clothes. 4caf8420cadfd34197005410: ( 18 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am: Boys at school. Ordinary Seamen at seamanship instruction. pm: Make & mend clothes. 4caf8420cadfd34197005411: ( 19 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 7.45am: Collier Carron Park secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal 11.10am: Finished coaling. [Each day from 20th to 25th March a Patrol is landed at 6pm and returns at around 10.45pm.] 4caf8420cadfd34197005412: ( 20 March 1918 Downs to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.45am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 7.15am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. Commenced boiler cleaning. 11.00am: Read warrant No. 141. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf8420cadfd34197005413: ( 21 March 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Leave to Boys 1.30 to 6pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Saturday 23rd inst. 4caf8420cadfd34197005414: ( 22 March 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Reprimanded Lieutenant James C McCrae, Royal Naval Reserve, of HMS Attentive for M27, for being absent without leave during the days of 21st & 24th February 1918. [Signed] JC McCrae Lieut RNR 4caf8420cadfd34197005415: ( 23 March 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Leave to Boys till 9.30pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Monday 25th inst. 4caf8420cadfd34197005416: ( 24 March 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 1.00am: Put clocks on 1 hour to BST. 7.30am: Landed Roman Catholics. 10.00am: Sent Church of England party to HMS Erebus for Divine Service. 12.30pm: Leave to Boys till 6pm. 4caf8420cadfd34197005417: ( 25 March 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.00am: Landed Pier working party. 2.00pm: General leave till 9.30pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf8420cadfd34197005418: ( 26 March 1918 Dover to Dutch Coast Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 am&pm: Employed drawing stores and provisioning ship. 12.30pm: General leave to the watch till 9.30pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 6.10pm: Recalled libertymen. Raised steam. 9.55pm: VADP [Vice Admiral Dover Patrol] hoisted flag on board. Slipped. Proceeded out of harbour. 11.00pm: Rendezvoused with flotilla at 11 A Buoy. [See Dover Straits map] 11.10pm: Course N70E 160 revs (17 knots). Simple line ahead. 4caf8420cadfd34197005419: ( 27 March 1918 Dutch Coast to Dover [& Downs] Lat 51.3, Long 2.3 [Estimate from location of West Hinder] 3.03am: Schouewen Bank Buoy abeam. Commenced patrolling on a line East by South from buoy. [Schouwen - see map of North Sea Sandbanks] 7.02am: Schouewen Bank Buoy abeam. 7.40am: Sighted 3 hostile aircraft south-eastward. Opened fire at hostile aircraft with 3" High Angle gun & Pom Poms. 8.35am: Detached "Swift's Division". [HMS Swift?] 11.35am: Sighted West Hinder Spar buoy abeam. 1.25pm: Course as requisite for passing between Barrage mooring buoys near No. 7A buoy & as requisite for Dover. 2.10pm: Secured to No. 4 buoy. VADP disembarked. 6.35pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for Downs. 7.15pm: Came to. Deal Pier Head S73°W 13½ cables. 4caf8420cadfd3419700541a: ( 28 March 1918 Downs & Dover [& Patrol] Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.45am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 7.25am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 8.30am: Collier Bondicar secured alongside. Completed to full stowage of coal. Noon: Finished coaling. 7.15pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for Western Barrage Patrol. 4caf8420cadfd3419700541b: ( 29 March 1918 [Patrolling &] Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 1.00am: Observed star shell east. am: Patrolling as requisite on Western Barrage Patrol. 6.00am: Course as requisite for Eastern Entrance. 6.30am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 1.00pm: Leave to natives till 4pm. 7.08pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for Downs. 7.50pm: Let go Port anchor. Deal Pier Head S67W 16 cables. [30th March to 10th April return to routine of spending the day at Dover with afternoon leave for the natives (and sometime A, B or C group), except on days when coaling, and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf8420cadfd3419700541c: ( 30 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Aired night clothing. 4caf8420cadfd3419700541d: ( 31 March 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.30am: Landed Roman Catholic church party. 10.00am: Sent Church of England party to HMS Terror. LOGS FOR APRIL 1918 4caf8420cadfd3419700541f: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005420: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005421: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005422: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005423: ( 1 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Paid monthly money & quarterly settlement. 4.00pm: Read warrant No. 142. 4caf8420cadfd34197005424: ( 2 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Exercised General Drills & Boat Pulling. 4caf8420cadfd34197005425: ( 3 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.55am: Weighed. Proceeded to carry out 1" aiming practice in Trinity Bay. 8.00am: Finished practice. 10.30am: Collier Spanker secured alongside. 1.50pm: Finished coaling. 4caf8420cadfd34197005426: ( 4 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf8420cadfd34197005427: ( 5 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 1.00pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for carrying out Torpedoe Practice west of Folkestone Gate. 3.30pm: Finished practice. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. [No leave today] 4caf8420cadfd34197005428: ( 6 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4.00pm: Read warrant No. 143. 4caf8420cadfd34197005429: ( 7 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.00am: Sent Church of England party to HMS Terror. 4caf8420cadfd3419700542a: ( 8 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.00am: Collier Ludworth secured alongside. 10.30am: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Read warrant No. 144. 4caf8420cadfd3419700542b: ( 9 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf8420cadfd3419700542c: ( 10 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Lieutenant Arthur Knight RNR of Attentive for Violet in command, cautioned by the Vice Admiral Dover Patrol to be more careful in future with reference to the grounding of HMS Violet in Dover Harbour on 30th March 1918. [Signed] A Knight 4caf8420cadfd3419700542d: ( 11 April 1918 [Downs to ]Dover to Belgian Coast or at Sea Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.15am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 7.00am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 3.35pm: Chief of Staff embarked. 4.00pm: BST Slipped. Proceeded out of harbour. 4.57pm: “7A” SSW 2 cables. 5.30pm: Sighted 2 aeroplanes SE steering southerly. 6.10pm: Sighted 2 aeroplanes East high up steering easterly. 6.30pm: Passed 2 French seaplanes steering WSW. 6.48pm: Sighted HMS M21 ahead. 7.00pm: Stopped. Embarked Lieut. Commander Haslefoot. 7.08pm: Proceeded. 7.20pm: Passed “C” aga close. [aga buoys] 8.14pm: Passed “D” aga close. 8.23pm: “G” abeam. Passed through gap in B Barrage. 8.30pm: Commenced patrolling ENE & WSW inside barrage. 9.20pm: Let go Port anchor. G Buoy bearing N3°E, D Buoy bearing N56W. Destroyers Patrolling. [The Zeebrugge and Ostend raids were originally planned for 11th- 12th April but were abandoned due to changes in wind direction which would have made the smoke screens ineffective.] 4caf8420cadfd3419700542e: ( 12 April 1918 Belgian Coast to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 0.20am: Commenced flashing G’s to westward every 2 minutes. 0.30am: Made G’s to WNW every 2 mins. 0.52am: Sighted HMS Vindictive. 1.02am: HMS Vindictive passed gate. 1.10am: Observed gunflashes south-westward. 1.40am: Weighed. Passed through gap. Closed D Buoy. 1.55am: Observed “Demand” flashed NNE. Patrolling near D & G Buoys. 3.30am: Ordered to take station astern of HMS Warwick. 4.20am: In station astern of HMS Warwick. Patrolling as requisite. 4.55am: Formed line abreast. Proceeded N65E. 5.45am: Sighted HMS Brilliant NW. Closed Brilliant. 6.55am: Passed SW Hinder Buoy. 7.10am: Stopped. Sent steaming watch of stokers to HMS Brilliant & HMS Sirius. Embarked Capt. D. 7.30am: Proceeded for Dover. 9.05am: Passed through Barrage (Goodwin – Ruytingen). 9.40am: Entered harbour & secured to No. 4 Buoy. Chief of Staff & Capt. D disembarked. 12.30pm: Piped down. 8.00pm: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for Downs. 9.10pm: Let go Port anchor. Goodwin Fork Buoy S84E 6½ cables. [13th to 16th April return to routine of spending the day at Dover with afternoon leave for the natives, except on days when coaling, and anchored in the Downs for the night usually off Deal.] 4caf8420cadfd3419700542f: ( 13 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.50am: Collier Brooke secured alongside. Employed coaling ship. 4caf8420cadfd34197005430: ( 14 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 [No leave today] 4caf8420cadfd34197005431: ( 15 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 10.30pm: HMS Lord Clive & HMS General Craufurd arrived & anchored in Downs. 4caf8420cadfd34197005432: ( 16 April 1918 Downs & Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 [Each day from 17th to 21st April a Patrol is landed at 6pm and returns at around 11pm.] 4caf8420cadfd34197005433: ( 17 April 1918 Downs to Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 5.40am: Weighed. Proceeded for Dover. 6.15am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. 7.20am: Collier San Pan secured alongside. 9.45am: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 4caf8420cadfd34197005434: ( 18 April 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 12.30pm: Leave to boys till 9.30pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Saturday. [It’s Thursday] 4caf8420cadfd34197005435: ( 19 April 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 4caf8420cadfd34197005436: ( 20 April 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 1.00pm: Leave to Boys till 7.15pm. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am Monday. [It’s Saturday] 4caf8420cadfd34197005437: ( 21 April 1918 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 9.00am: Landed Church Parties. 1.00pm: Leave to Boys till 7.15pm. 4caf8420cadfd34197005438: ( 22 April 1918 Dover to Belgian Coast Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 pm: Make & mend clothes. 4.00pm: Chief of Staff embarked. [Commodore the Hon. Algernon D. E. H. Boyle – from report below] 4.15pm: Slipped. Proceeded out of harbour. 4.26pm: Shaped course S83E 150 revs. Scott's division in company. 4.50pm: Sighted main force NE by N. 5.20pm: “7A” buoy abeam altered course N75°E. 6.20pm: Sighted BB Patrol S75E. 7.15pm: Stopped. Embarked Lieut. Commander Haselfoot. 7.25pm: Proceeded N72E 155 revs. 7.52pm: SW Hinder buoy abeam. 8.05pm: Sighted HMS Erebus & HMS Terror ahead. 8.39pm: No. 7 BB Buoy ("D") abeam. Passed through gap in Belgian Barrage & let go port anchor in 15 fathoms close to nets. Veered to 3 shackles. Anchorage bearings "G" N by E, "D" N51W 10.35pm: HMS Vindictive & HMS Warwick & main force passed through gap. 10.48pm: Weighed. Passed through gap. Closed D buoy & commenced patrolling. [Continued on next page] 4caf8420cadfd34197005439: ( 23 April 1918 Belgian Coast to Dover [& Downs] Lat 51.2, Long 1.9 [Estimate from location of Goodwin & Ruytingen Barrage – see Barrage map at top of page] [22nd April]: Patrolling on a line ENE from D buoy, HMS Scott’s Division in company at 11 knots. 11.20pm[22nd April]: Observed 12" monitors firing SSW. Observed flares, star shells & searchlights in direction of Ostende. 3.30am: Challenged HMS Tetrarch at gap. 3.40am: Proceeded N65E 14 knots. Passed ships MLs & CMBs. 4.20am: Eased to 11 knots. Patrolling east of Thornton Ridge. 5.10am: Altered course W¼N. 5.18am: Altered course S72W 12 knots. Swept in line abreast down Patrol Line from Thornton Ridge. 6.15am: D buoy SE ½ mile. 6.20am: Closed & picked up 1 Engineering Lieutenant & 11 men from HMS Sirius’ whaler pulling seaward near nets. Sank whaler. Proceeded West 17 knots. 7.20am: SW Hinder abeam. 15" monitors in company. Proceeded S64W 9 knots. 8.05am: Course S74W 9 knots HMS Erebus, HMS Iris, HMS Daffodil & destroyers in company. 9.45am: Stopped. HMS Termagant trying unsuccessfully to take HMS Iris in tow. 10.30am: Proceeded S77E 8 knots. Revs as requisite for keeping station on Iris. 12.30pm: Passed through Goodwin & Ruytingen Barrage. Course as requisite for Dover. 2.30pm: Secured to No. 2 buoy. Leave to natives till 5.30pm. 7.00pm: Slipped. Proceeded for Downs. 7.30pm: Let go starboard anchor. Deal Pier Head N16N 14 cables. [Vice-Admiral’s report on raids on Zeebrugge and Ostend – Attentive mentioned in item nos. 44, 45 & 100, she formed part of the outer patrol off Zeebrugge.] [Also see Chap.7, Vol. 5, Great War - NAVAL OPERATIONS by Henry Newbolt] 4caf8420cadfd3419700543a: ( 24 April 1918 [Downs to ]Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 6.15am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite for Dover. 6.50am: Entered by Western Entrance & secured to No. 2 buoy. pm: Make & mend clothes. 3.00pm: Leave to natives till 5.15pm. 8.30pm: Darken ship. 4caf8420cadfd3419700543b: ( 25 April 1918 Dover to Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 [Location at 12.30] 6.30am: Body of late Captain Halahan killed in action in HMS Vindictive brought on board. 9.10am: Slipped. Proceeded out of Eastern Entrance. 9.30am: Stopped. Buried body of late Captain Halahan near South Goodwin light vessel. 9.35am: Proceeded for Downs. 10.05am: Gull Light Vessel abeam. Course as requisite for Thames Estuary. 10.25am: No. 2 Elbow Buoy abeam. Course as requisite for passing up Thames estuary & for Sheerness. 12.30pm: Secured to No. 27 buoy Sheerness. pm: Employed disembarking ammunition. 7.15pm: Finished disembarking ammunition. [Henry Crosby Halahan from Commonwealth War Graves - Officer of the Legion D'honneur. Croix de Guerre Avec Palme et Etoile (France). Order of the Crown of Italy. Order of Leopold II. (Belgium). Son of Colonel and Mrs. Samuel Handy Halahan, of Sydenham Hill, Surrey; husband of Brenda Cecil Halahan, of Old Pickhurst, Chiddingfold, Surrey; Vice-Admiral’s report mentioned in items 30, 61 & 67.] 4caf8420cadfd3419700543c: ( 26 April 1918 Sheerness to West India Docks – Messr. Fletcher & Fearnall’s Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 8.00am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite for leaving Sheerness & for River Thames. 8.30am: Nore Light Vessel abeam. Course as requisite up river for Gravesend. 9.40am: Stopped off Gravesend. Embarked river pilot. Proceeded 10 knots up river. 11.40am: Let go starboard anchor off West India Docks. 1.40pm: Weighed. Entered West India Dock & berthed alongside. 4.00pm: Leave to the watch till 7am. 11.30pm: Air raid warning. 4caf8420cadfd3419700543d: ( 27 April 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 0.20am: All clear sounded. 10.00am: Leave to the watch till Noon Monday 6th May. pm: Make & mend clothes. Leave to the Part till 7am. 4caf8420cadfd3419700543e: ( 28 April 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 12.30pm: Leave to the Part till 7am. 4caf8420cadfd3419700543f: ( 29 April 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4.00pm: Leave to the Part till 7am. 4caf8420cadfd34197005440: ( 30 April 1918 West India Docks[ & Millwall Dock] Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 11.30am: Landed funeral party to attend funeral of late Chief Stoker Brown [? – unable to confirm the name with casualty lists] of HMS Iphigenia. 3.30pm: Slipped and proceeded in tow of tugs to Millwall Dock. 4.00pm: Berthed in Millwall Dry Dock. LOGS FOR MAY 1918 4caf8420cadfd34197005441: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005442: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005443: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005444: ( [From 1st to 19th May: at about 4pm leave to part of the watch till 7am (or landed libertymen), at about 6pm Exercised fire stations.] 4caf8420cadfd34197005445: ( 1 May 1918 Messr. Fletcher & Fearnall, Millwall Dock Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 7.00am: Docked ship in Millwall dry dock. 8.00am: Paid monthly money. 4caf8420cadfd34197005446: ( 2 May 1918 Millwall Dock Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 1.00pm: Commander N.W. Diggle left ship. Commander E. Altham joined ship in command. [Edward Altham] 4caf8420cadfd34197005447: ( 3 May 1918 Millwall Dock Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 6.00pm: Lieut. H. Rendall joined ship. 4caf8420cadfd34197005448: ( 4 May 1918 Millwall Dock Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 12.30pm: Mr Prideaux, mate, left ship. 1.30pm: Lieut. G.C. Cooke left ship. 4caf8420cadfd34197005449: ( 5 May 1918 Millwall Dock Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf8420cadfd3419700544a: ( 6 May 1918 Millwall Dock Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 5.20am: Discovered body of late Able Seaman Mitchell at the bottom of the dry dock. 10.00am: Sub Lieut. Dick joined ship. 10.30am: Leave to the Port Watch till 7am 14th inst. [From - MITCHELL, William, Able Seaman (RFR B 1951), 172225 (Po); from CWGC - Husband of H. Mitchell, of 10, St. George's St., Leek, Staffs.] 4caf8420cadfd3419700544b: ( 7 May 1918 Millwall Dock & West India Dock Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 am: Employed preparing to undock. 10.00am: Shifted ship to West India Dock. 11.00am: Collided with barge, name unknown, while leaving Millwall Dock. Ship in charge of pilot & 3 tugs. No steam or steering available. Damage to ship nil. Barge at anchor. Speed of ship about 1 knot. 4caf8420cadfd3419700544c: ( 8 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf8420cadfd3419700544d: ( 9 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 11.30am: Lieut. H.J.F. Cavendish joined ship. 1.00pm: Discharged 1 stoker to RN Barracks Portsmouth. 3.00pm: Lieut. R.G. Duke left ship. 4caf8420cadfd3419700544e: ( 10 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 1.30pm: Landed funeral party. 3.30pm: Funeral party returned. 4caf8420cadfd3419700544f: ( 11 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 1.00pm: Make & mend clothes. 7.10pm: 3 stokers 1st class joined ship from Attentive II. [Shore establishment?] 4caf8420cadfd34197005450: ( 12 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4caf8420cadfd34197005451: ( 13 May 1918 Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 1.00pm: Discharged 2 stokers to RN Barracks. 4caf8420cadfd34197005452: ( 14 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 4.30pm: Hands getting up cable. 5.00pm: 2 marine privates joined ship. 9.00pm: 1 Shipwright joined ship. 4caf8420cadfd34197005453: ( 15 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 7.00am: Port Watch returned off leave am: Hands employed cleaning out cable lockers, getting up cable and as requisite. 12.30pm: 5 musicians joined ship. 4.00pm: Leave to starboard watch & 1st part Port from 5pm - 7am. 4caf8420cadfd34197005454: ( 16 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 7.00pm: One Canteen assistant joined ship. 4caf8420cadfd34197005455: ( 17 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 am: Hands provisioning ship. pm: Leave to starboard & 2nd part Port 6pm - 7am. 9.00pm: 15 ratings joined ship from HMS Victory. 1 Yeoman of Signals joined ship from HMS Pembroke. 4caf8420cadfd34197005456: ( 18 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 7.30am: 2 ratings joined ship from HMS Victory. am: Hands employed provisioning. 12.30pm: 3 ratings discharged to RN Hospital Chatham. 2.30pm: Paid Monthly money. 10.30pm: One AB joined ship. 4caf8420cadfd34197005457: ( 19 May 1918 West India Docks Lat 51.50, Long -0.03 pm: Leave to starboard & 1st part port watch 4.30 - 10pm. 7.00pm: 1 SBA [Sick Berth Attendant] discharged to hospital. 11.10pm: Air raid warning sounded. 4caf8420cadfd34197005458: ( 20 May 1918 West India Docks to Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 [Location at 12.40] 1.35am: All clear bugles sounded. 6.55am: Breakfast. 12.40pm: Secured to No. 8 Buoy Sheerness. pm: Ammunitioning ship. 7.30pm: Supper. 4caf8420cadfd34197005459: ( 21 May 1918 Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 am: Ammunitioning ship. 10.30am: Lighter shoved off. 10.35am: 3 ratings joined ship. 10.45am: Slipped buoy & proceeded alongside coaling depot. 11.30am: Secured alongside. am: 2 ratings left for HMS Diamond. 1.30pm: Commenced coaling. 2.00pm: Discharged 1 stoker to Chatham Detention Quarters. 5.00pm: Discharged 1 Petty Officer to HMS Diamond. 8.45pm: Shoved off form Depot. Secured to No. 2 Buoy. 10.30pm: 1 SBA [Sick Berth Attendant] joined ship. 4caf8420cadfd3419700545a: ( 22 May 1918 Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 12.45pm: Exercised General Quarters. 2.00pm: Secured. 5.30pm: Swung ship for adjustment of compasses. 6.30pm: Discharged 8 ratings & 2 marines. 7.30pm: Read warrant No. 149. 4caf8420cadfd3419700545b: ( 23 May 1918 Sheerness to Rosyth Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 2.40pm: Courses as requisite for war channel. 4caf8420cadfd3419700545c: ( 24 May 1918 Sheerness to Rosyth Lat 56.1, Long -2.8 [Estimate from location of Fidra] 0.40am: Passed trawler. Altered course N45°W. 0.45am: Altered course N50°W. 0.57am: Trawler Othello collided amidships port side. Stopped engines. 1.15am: Proceeded slow N49°W. 3.30am: Sounding every 15 minutes. 9.50am: St. Abbs Head abeam 1 ½ miles. 10.20am: Passed HMS Vesper. 10.50am: May Island abeam. 11.12am: May Island abeam 1.3 miles. 11.48am: Stopped. 11.55am: Proceeded. 11.58am: Passed through Fidra Gap. 12.48pm: Passed through South Black Rock Gate. 7.00pm: Up all wash clothes. 4caf8420cadfd3419700545d: ( 25 May 1918 Rosyth Lat 56.02, Long -3.45 7.20am: Clean guns. 4.30pm: Tea. Shift night clothing. 4caf8420cadfd3419700545e: ( 26 May 1918 Rosyth Lat 56.02, Long -3.45 10.30am: Discharged 1 stoker to hospital. pm: Special leave to port watch 2.30 - 6pm. 4caf8420cadfd3419700545f: ( 27 May 1918 Rosyth to Sheerness Lat 56.02, Long -3.45 4.06pm: Slipped. 4.12pm: Proceeded. 4.20pm: Passed under bridge. 4.30pm: As req. for Oxcars & Black Rock Booms. 5.30pm: Passed through Fidra Gap. 6.02pm: May Island abeam. 4caf8420cadfd34197005460: ( 28 May 1918 Rosyth to Sheerness Lat 51.5, Long 1.3 [Estimate from location of South Edinburgh Channel] 4.00am: Sounding every 15 mins. 5.05am: Altered course to clear line of trawlers. 5.25am: Altered course to close War Channel. 5.40am: Sighted War Channel Buoy. Stopped sounding. Courses as req. for War Channel. 8.47am: Cockle Light Vessel abeam. 9.04am: St. Nicholas Light Vessel abeam. 10.27am: Orfordness Light abeam. 11.28am: North Black Deep Light Vessel abeam. 11.56am: South Edinburgh Light Vessel abeam. 12.28pm: Mouse Light Vessel abeam. 12.45pm: Nore Light Vessel abeam. 12.55pm: Passed through boom. 1.10pm: Secured to No. 7 buoy Sheerness. 1.30pm: Ammunition lighter secured alongside. 2.15pm: Commenced getting out ammunition. 8.05pm: Ammunition lighter left ship. [From 29th May to 2nd June at 5pm Exercised fire stations.] 4caf8420cadfd34197005461: ( 29 May 1918 [Sheerness to ]Chatham Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 6.30am: Slipped and proceeded to Chatham (Pilot in charge of ship). 7.55am: Berthed in North Lock. 8.51am: Proceeded to No. 9 dock. 9.30am: Secured in No. 9 dock. 12.06pm: Ship took the chocks. pm: Special leave to Starboard Watch from 4.30pm till 10pm Friday. [It’s Wednesday] 5.00pm: Drew 3" High Angle ammunition. 6.30pm: Mr Woods, Warrant Shipwright, joined ship. 4caf8420cadfd34197005462: ( 30 May 1918 Chatham Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 9.30am: Working party 1 Petty Officer 15 hands from RN Barracks. 3.00pm: Mr. Bradbear, Warrant Shipwright, left ship. 5.00pm: Leave to 1st part of Port Watch 5pm - 7am. 4caf8420cadfd34197005463: ( 31 May 1918 Chatham Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 6.00pm: Landed libertymen (2nd part Port Watch till 7am). 10.00pm: Starboard watch returned off leave. LOGS FOR JUNE 1918 4caf8420cadfd34197005465: ( [Signed]~ Cavendish Lieutenant RN Navigating Officer 4caf8420cadfd34197005466: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005467: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005468: ( 4caf8420cadfd34197005469: ( 1 June 1918 Chatham Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 12.30pm: 2 stokers discharged to RN Barracks Portsmouth. pm: Hands employed provisioning, cleaning magazines etc. 5.45pm: Landed libertymen. 4caf8420cadfd3419700546a: ( 2 June 1918 Chatham Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 pm: Leave to 1st part Starboard Watch 4pm to 7am. 4caf8420cadfd3419700546b: ( 3 June 1918 Chatham Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 8.35am: Started to flood dock. 10.30am: Shifted to South Lock. 2.30pm: One ERA [Engine room artificer] joined ship from HMS Egmont. 4caf8420cadfd3419700546c: ( 4 June 1918 Chatham to Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 6.00am: Left South Lock and proceeded as req. for Sheerness. 7.05am: Secured to No. 7 Buoy Sheerness. 7.20am: Ammunition lighter came alongside. 7.55am: Started ammunitioning. 1.00pm: Ammunition lighter shoved off. 2.15pm: Slipped and proceeded alongside Coal Hulk (C8). 3.05pm: Commenced coaling. 5.00pm: 1 officers cook joined ship. 9.55pm: Finished coaling. 4caf8420cadfd3419700546d: ( 5 June 1918 Sheerness to Lerwick Lat 52.4, Long 1.8 [Estimate - approaching Lowestoft and Yarmouth] 1.30am: Envelope No. 7 received. 7.27am: Cast off from collier and proceeded as req. 7.37am: Passed through gate. am: Courses as req. for passing through Oaze Deep, Black Deep & War Channel. 12.39pm: Cockle Light Vessel abeam. Courses as req. for passing through Yarmouth & Lowestoft Roads. 2.30pm: Passed HMS E~~~ [unable to find a name to match this] bound south. 4.30pm: Exercised collision stations. 5.10pm: Passed HMS Sylvia. 11.35pm: Coquet Island Light House abeam 2.1 miles. 4caf8420cadfd3419700546e: ( 6 June 1918 Sheerness to Lerwick Lat 58.7, Long -2.4 [Estimate - south of Copinsay] 0.39am: Farne Island Light abeam 3 miles. 2.12am: St. Abbs Light House abeam 1.5 miles. 3.30am: Passed HMS Osiris bound south. 3.52am: Bell Rock Light House abeam 1.5 miles. 7.25am: Buchan Ness Light abeam. 10.20am: Exercised General Quarters. 1.20pm: Copinsay Light abeam. 1.25pm: Secured TG [Topgallant] mast. 3.30pm: TG Mast carried away. 5.00pm: Starboard sounding boom carried away. 5.26pm: Fair Isle abeam 1.5 miles. 7.39pm: Bard Head abeam. 7.48pm: Kirkabister Light abeam. 7.55pm: Passed through gate. 8.00pm: Came to. 4caf8420cadfd3419700546f: ( 7 June 1918 Lerwick Lat 60.16, Long -1.15 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded alongside coal hulk. 7.10am: Commenced coaling. 1.15pm: Finished coaling. 3.38pm: Cast off from coal hulk. 3.46pm: Came to. 6.00pm: 1 stoker rating joined ship. 4caf8420cadfd34197005470: ( 8 June 1918 Lerwick to Murmansk [No noon location] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.26am: Passed gate. 9.30am: Out Skery [Skerries] abeam. N49°W 3 miles. 4.00pm: Read warrants 150 & 151. 4caf8420cadfd34197005471: ( 9 June 1918 Lerwick to Murmansk Lat 67.0, Long 7.0 [Obs] 5.40am: Sighted barquentine. 4caf8420cadfd34197005472: ( 10 June 1918 Lerwick to Murmansk Lat 71.0, Long 18.2 [Obs] 8.35am: Exercised General Quarters. 8.20am: Closed & boarded Norwegian trawler "Alden of Pl~~". 9.25am: Proceeded. 10.05am: Spoke Trawler Neath Castle. 1.45pm: Spoke Norwegian trawler "Hobart". 5.00pm: Rigging party fitting yard. 10.30pm: Put clocks on 30 minutes.
![]() 4caf8420cadfd34197005473: ( 11 June 1918 Lerwick to Murmansk Lat 69.7, Long 34.1 [Estimate off Kola Inlet] 2.00am: Put clocks on 40 minutes. 11.30am: Sighted land on starboard bow. 12.20pm: Stopped & sounded 55 fathoms. 1.47pm: Entered Kola Inlet. 2.24pm: Course as req. for passing up Kola Fiord. 3.06pm: Stopped. 3.16pm: Passed thro’ boom. 3.28pm: Pinagori Point [Mys Pinagoriy] abeam. (observed large swing of compass) 3.55pm: Came to starboard anchor off Murmansk. 10.30pm: Put clocks on 54 minutes. [See Rear-Admiral Kemp’s despatch for overview of situation in North Russia in 1918 and more details of the naval operations. Also the beginning of Rear-Admiral Green’s despatch gives a summary of activity in 1918] 4caf8420cadfd34197005474: ( 12 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 2.00am: Put clock on 54mins (Russian Summer Time). 5.55am: Preparing for coaling. Collier secured alongside. 8.20am: Commenced coaling. 3.00pm: Finished coaling (364 tons). Collier shoved off. Corrected Mr F C Hansum, Artificer Engineer, for improperly performing his duty in not keeping the Double Bottom Record properly written up and absence from his place of duty in charge of the Upper Deck Party of stokers for coaling. [Signed] FC Hansum 4caf8420cadfd34197005475: ( 13 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 4.20pm: Landed Fire party. [From the log of HMS Glory there was a fire at Naval Transport House] 5.20pm: Landed Marine Detachment. 8.20pm: Marines & Fire Party returned. 4caf8420cadfd34197005476: ( 14 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 8.25am: Read warrant 152. One AB discharged to HMS Glory for cells. 5.45pm: Landed libertymen. 7.20pm: Libertymen returned on board. 9.00pm: Lieut. Williams RNR discharged to HMS Glory. 4caf8420cadfd34197005477: ( 15 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 7.00am: Stokers landing party to drill. pm: Hands to make & mend clothes. Leave to starboard watch from 5.15 - 7pm. 4.20pm: Read warrants 153 – 156. 4caf8420cadfd34197005478: ( 16 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 pm: Leave to port watch 4.45 - 7.15pm. 4caf8420cadfd34197005479: ( 17 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 10.35am: Marine detachment inspected by Marine Officer of HMS Glory. 1.50pm: Landed landing parties for exercise. 4caf8420cadfd3419700547a: ( 18 June 1918 [Murmansk] Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 4caf8420cadfd3419700547b: ( 19 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 2.00pm: Landed landing party for exercise. 4caf8420cadfd3419700547c: ( 20 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 9.45am: Landed libertymen for exercise. 12.15pm: Landing parties returned on board. pm: Make & mend clothes. 5.00pm: Read warrant No. 157. 4caf8420cadfd3419700547d: ( 21 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 9.45am: Exercised General Quarters. 11.00am: Secure. 1.50pm: Landed landing party. pm: Leave to starboard watch 5.30 - 7.15pm. 4.30pm: Landing party returned. 4caf8420cadfd3419700547e: ( 22 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 7.20am: Weighed and shifted berth. 7.45am: Came to. 9.00am: Up all bags. 9.15am: Divisions with night clothing. 4caf8421cadfd3419700547f: ( 23 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 6.00am: Collier Wyvisbrook secured alongside. 6.30am: Commenced coaling. 8.00am: Finished coaling (90 tons). 11.15am: Hands to wash & scrub coaling decks. 11.40pm: Arrived HMS Southampton. 4caf8421cadfd34197005480: ( 24 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 9.45am: Exercised landing parties. 10.30am: Landed party at rifle range. 12.55pm: Sailed HMS Southampton & Yacht Salvator. 1.00pm: Landed landing party for rifle range. 4.30pm: Landing parties returned. 4caf8421cadfd34197005481: ( 25 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 am&pm: Landed party at rifle range. 5.00pm: Landing parties returned. 4caf8421cadfd34197005482: ( 26 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 7.15am: Exercised General Quarters & Landing Parties. 10.50am: Secure. Landed "A" Company. 1.25pm: Landed B Company at rifle range. 5.00pm: Landed "A" company at rifle range. 8.05pm: "A" company returned on board. 4caf8421cadfd34197005483: ( 27 June 1918 [Murmansk] Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 9.30am: Exercised fire & collision stations. pm: Make & Mend Clothes. 4caf8421cadfd34197005484: ( 28 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 7.30am: Sent working party to "Nigeria". 10.25am: Landed A & B companies. 12.30pm: Landing parties returned (Lost overboard by accident 1 pair of binoculars, position buoyed). 1.55pm: Landed A company at rifle range. 4.30pm: Landed B company. A company returned. 6.05pm: Landed fire party. 6.45pm: Fire party returned. 7.20pm: A company returned. 10.30pm: Steam cutter drew fires. 4caf8421cadfd34197005485: ( 29 June 1918 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 am: Hands cleaning ship and fitting topgallant mast. 9.00pm: Divers away looking for binoculars. 10.00pm: Diving party returned (glasses not recovered). 4caf8421cadfd34197005486: ( 30 June 1918 [Murmansk] Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 6.30am: Mercurial barometer discovered broken. 3.00pm: Landed libertymen. 7.10pm: Libertymen returned. 10.55pm: Hoisted steam cutter. 4caf8421cadfd34197005487: ( The following water tanks have been cleaned out & inspected between June 27th & July 5th 1 on Seaman’s Mess Deck 1 on Stoker’s Mess Deck 1 on Petty Officer’s Mess Deck 1 in WO’s Flat [Warrant Officers] After Stewards Tank [Signed] HE Rendall Lieutenant Commander for Captain (on duty) [Signed]~ Cavendish Lieutenant (N) [Note on Russian place names: the main sources used to check the place names in the log were the 1922 North European map from the David Rumsey collection and the Kola Peninsula and Southern White Sea pages of the Lighthouse Directory. Where these don’t match the log entry or a current name can be identified these have been added in brackets.] LOGS FOR JULY 1918 4caf8421cadfd34197005489: ( [Signed] AH Hutton Lieut. for Navigating Officer 4caf8421cadfd3419700548a: ( 4caf8421cadfd3419700548b: ( 4caf8421cadfd3419700548c: ( 4caf8421cadfd3419700548d: ( 1 July 1918 Murmansk to Kandalashka [Kandalaksha] Lat 67.2, Long 41.6 [Estimate of location at 10pm] 0.59am: Weighed and proceeded down Kola Fiord. 3.17am: Kildin Island abeam 4 miles. 4.36am: Mali Oleni abeam. [Ostrov Malyy Oleniy] 6.33am: Bolshoi Oleni Island abeam. [Ostrov Bol'shoy Oleniy] 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters. 10.30am: Thick fog and drizzle. 12.19pm: Passed ice. 3.05pm: Slow. Courses and speeds as req. for clearing ice-packs. 3.50pm: Came to. 6.30pm: Fog lifted. Sighted land. 8.05pm: Weighed & proceeded. 8.36pm: Slow. Passing thro’ ice. 10.08pm: Cape Orlov abeam 2.6 miles. [Cape Orlof/Cape Terski-Orlov/Mys Orlov] 11.45pm: Var. [?] to avoid ice packs. [From Rear-Admiral Kemp’s despatch – “On July 1st I sent "Attentive," with a detachment of trawlers, to Kandalaksha and Kem, with orders to co-operate with the Army in the southern advance down the railway line. Ice was encountered, but the passage was practicable. At Kem she found that the Red Army had retreated to the south of Soroka, partially destroying the railway behind them. "Nairana," which had arrived on July 11th, was sent to assist with seaplanes. Both ships did good work in harrying the enemy south of Soroka, enlisting the sympathies of the local authorities, and supplying the needy with food. They remained on this service until recalled to Murmansk late in July to prepare for the Archangel operations.”] 4caf8421cadfd3419700548e: ( 2 July 1918 Murmansk to Kandalashka [Kandalaksha] Lat 66.6, Long 33.7 [No noon location – estimate from location Shednya Island] 0:47am: Stopped. Passed through ice. Course and speeds as rec. 1.47am: Sosnovets Light abeam 2.3 miles. 1.55am: Slow. Passed ice. 3.00am: Sounding every ¼ hour. 5.12am: Sighted steamer on starboard bow. 5.14am: Sighted land on starboard bow. 6.51am: Chavanga village abeam. 12.21pm: Shednya Island Light abeam ¾ mile. [Ostrov Sredniye Ludy] 12.44pm: Kochinnoi Point abeam 4 miles. [Mys Kochinnyy] 1.54pm: Kibrinski Light abeam 1 mile. Courses as rec. for Kandalaska approaches. [Ostrov Kibirinskiye Ludy] 2.50pm: Stopped. 2.55pm: Came to. 3.45pm: Paid monthly money. 4caf8421cadfd3419700548f: ( 3 July 1918 Kandalashka [Kandalaksha] to Kem Lat 66.8, Long 33.0 [Estimate from location Kibrinski & Kochinnoi] 6.00am: 1 AB & 1 stoker discharged to HM Yacht Kathleen. 10.10am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for passing down Gulf of Kandalashka. 11.11am: Kibrinski abeam 1 mile. [Ostrov Kibirinskiye Ludy] 11.55am: Vahev [?] Light abeam. 12.40pm: Kochinnoi Light abeam. [Mys Kochinnyy] 1.04pm: Srednya Island abeam 3 miles. [Ostrov Sredniye Ludy] 2.58pm: Sharapov Head abeam 5 miles. [Mys Sharapov] 5.15pm: Samba Light abeam. [Ostrov Samba-Luda] 6.08pm: Khenek~~gskoi abeam. [Khenekorgskiy?] 7.27pm: Courses and speeds as rec. for Port of Kem. 8.30pm: Stopped. 8.33pm: Proceeded. 8.37pm: Came to. 8.40pm: Weighed. 9.05pm: Came to. 4caf8421cadfd34197005490: ( 4 July 1918 Kem Lat 64.96, Long 34.78 11.00am: Arrived Russian steamer. 5.20pm: Landed armed party. 9.15pm: 4 Finnish prisoners brought onboard. 4caf8421cadfd34197005491: ( 5 July 1918 Port of Kem Lat 64.96, Long 34.78 3.40am: Armed party returned onboard. 1.20pm: Landed armed guard. 3.15pm: Landed Maxim gun crews. 8.00pm: Landed Finnish prisoners. 9.00pm: Armed guard returned. 11.45pm: 1 Bolshevik Commisar brought onboard. 4caf8421cadfd34197005492: ( 6 July 1918 Port of Kem [to Soroka] Lat 64.7, Long 35.1 [Estimate part way between Kem and Soroka] 4.45am: Discharged Lieut. Wilham [?] RNR and 4 ratings to HM Yacht Kathleen. 6.25am: Weighed. Proceeded as rec. for leaving Kem. 8.10am: Ran into fog bank. 8.55am: Weather cleared. 10.07am: Came to. 11.10am: Weighed. 11.15am: Proceeded. 12.30pm: Altered course to close Russian SS Solovetski. 1.30pm: Came to. Landed 1st Lieut. and armed guard and two Russians on duty. 4caf8421cadfd34197005493: ( 7 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 7.30am: Landing parties fell in. 9.45am: Landed B Company and Maxim guns and one 12 pounder field gun. 1.55pm: SS Mitrofan. 2.30pm: Russian SS Solumbola arrived. 9.45pm: Landing party returned. 10.25pm: Discharged armed guard of 5 men and 1 Russian prisoner to SS Mitrofan 4caf8421cadfd34197005494: ( 8 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 7.55am: Landing party fallen in. 9.30am: Armed party landed. Fired one round of blank to stop steamer. 6.30pm: Armed guard sent to SS Nord[?]. 4caf8421cadfd34197005495: ( 9 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 2.45am: Landing party returned. 7.45am: Tug came alongside with captured arms. 10.30am: Hands finished discharging tug. 11.00am: Fired blank round to stop a steamer. 1.40pm: Relief guard landed [?]. 6.45pm: Guard returned. 4caf8421cadfd34197005496: ( 10 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 2.50am: HM Trawler Sarpedon came alongside with coal. Sub Lieut. Dick and 4 marines guard 4 seamen and 1 stoker from HM Yacht Kathleen returned onboard. 8.30am: Coal ship. 2.55pm: Relief guard landed. 7.15pm: Guard returned. 7.45pm: Finished coaling. 10.15pm: HM Trawler Sarpedon sailed. 4caf8421cadfd34197005497: ( 11 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 10.30am: Landed Guard. 1.15pm: Two ratings joined from HM Yacht Kathleen. 2.45pm: Guard returned. 4caf8421cadfd34197005498: ( 12 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 0.15am: Dropped port anchor. 0.30am: SS Solvetzky arrived. 6.00am: Picked up port anchor. 10.25am: Guard landed. 1.20pm: Armed guard returned. 10.45pm: Armed guard returned from SS Mitrofan. 4caf8421cadfd34197005499: ( 13 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 1.00am: Two prisoners sent to SS Mitrofan. 9.00am: Guard landed. 11.45am: Guard returned. 10.30pm: Guard and prisoners sent to SS Solvetzki. 11.15pm: Captain left in SS Solvetzki. 4caf8421cadfd3419700549a: ( 14 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 1.50am: HM trawler Sarpedon secured alongside. 10.30am: Guard landed. 12.45pm: Guard returned. 4caf8421cadfd3419700549b: ( 15 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 7.25am: Coal ship. 9.45am: Guard landed. 11.55am: Relieved guard returned. 2.30am: Coaling finished. 9.35am: Captain returned. 11.20pm: Armed guard returned from SS Nord[?]. 4caf8421cadfd3419700549c: ( 16 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 1.20am: HM Trawler Sarpedon sailed. 9.00am: Guard landed. 12.30pm: One chief ERA [Engine room artificer] discharged to HM Yacht Kathleen. 1.15pm: Relieved guard returned. 4caf8421cadfd3419700549d: ( 17 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 10.00am: Guard landed. 12.20pm: Guard returned. 10.30pm: Eng. Sub Lieut. McBride RNR sent to SS Mitrofan with Armed Guard. 4caf8421cadfd3419700549e: ( 18 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 5.50am: SS Mitrofan sailed. 6.35am: Tug Unze [Unge?] arrived. 6.55am: Tug Rombaki [?] arrived. 12.25pm: Guard returned from shore. 4caf8421cadfd3419700549f: ( 19 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 10.00am: Relief guard landed. 10.35am: Sighted British seaplane approaching from eastward. 10.50am: Seaplane arrived & secured to ship. 12.10pm: Guard returned. 12.20pm: Seaplane left. 7.55pm: HMS Nairana arrived. [Seaplane carrier] 4caf8421cadfd341970054a0: ( 20 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 8.45am: Divisions with night clothing. 9.15am: Guard landed. 11.20am: Relieved guard returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054a1: ( 21 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 3.00am: Tug Unze [Unge?] arrived with two Schooners. 8.10am: Landing party left ship with guard. 11.45am: Relieved guard returned. 5.00pm: Gave tug Unze [Unge?] 2 tons of coal. 6.00pm: Tug Unze [Unge?] left with two schooners in tow. 9.05pm: Landing party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054a2: ( 22 July 1918 Soroka [Belomorsk] [to Kem] Lat 64.53, Long 34.81 2.20am: Tug Brebiah [?] arrived alongside with mails. Noon: Tug returned from shore with field gun. 1.00pm: Guard returned from shore. 1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.00pm: Course & speed as recquisite for approaching Kem. 4.17pm: Rombaki Island abeam. 5.04pm: Let go starboard anchor and secured alongside jetty. 4caf8421cadfd341970054a3: ( 23 July 1918 Kem Lat 64.96, Long 34.78 7.40am: Coal ship. 1.10pm: HM Trawler Sarpedon arrived. 3.15pm: HM Trawler Sarpedon sailed. 4.00pm: Finished coaling. 4caf8421cadfd341970054a4: ( 24 July 1918 Port of Kem Lat 64.96, Long 34.78 am: Saturday Routine. [Although it’s Wednesday] 4caf8421cadfd341970054a5: ( 25 July 1918 [Kem] Lat 64.96, Long 34.78 2.10pm: HM Trawler arrived (Sarpedon). 10.00pm: Guard returned from Solovetski Island. 4caf8421cadfd341970054a6: ( 26 July 1918 [Kem] Lat 64.96, Long 34.78 8.35am: Sent funeral party to HM Trawler Sarpedon. 9.45am: HMS Nairana and Sarpedon sailed. 12.15pm: HM Trawler Sarpedon returned. 12.40pm: Funeral party returned on board. [From Casualty lists presumably the funeral of Samual Hannant RNR, killed on 24th July ashore by machine gun fire from Red Guards] 4caf8421cadfd341970054a7: ( 27 July 1918 Port of Kem & at Sea Lat 65.0, Long 35.0 [Estimate from location of Rombaki Island] 9.02am: HM Trawler Sarpedon sailed. 10.55am: Cast off from jetty and weighed. Course & speed as requisite for leaving port. 11.49am: Passed Rombaki Island. 1.00pm: General Quarters. Carried out target practice. 3.45pm: Secure. 4.20pm: Proceeded. 4.28pm: Aerial carried away. 5.15pm: Troitski Point abeam. [Cape Troitskaya – Anzeri Island] 8.20pm: Thick fog. Soundings taken every 15 minutes. 11.50pm: Anchored. 4caf8421cadfd341970054a8: ( 28 July 1918 At sea [No noon location] 9.00am: Weighed Anchor. am&pm: Soundings taken every 15 minutes. 4caf8421cadfd341970054a9: ( 29 July 1918 At sea [& Murmansk] Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 8.00am: Thermometer lost by accident. 8.37am: Stopped & sounded. 9.19am: Entered Kola Inlet. 11.00am: Came to. 1.15pm: Sent working party to cruiser Askold. [Russian cruiser seized and renamed to Glory IV] 4.00pm: Sent 1st & 2nd cutters to HMS Glory for landing parties. 7.00pm: Seven ratings joined from HMS Glory. 8.45pm: Cutters returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054aa: ( 30 July 1918 Murmansk [& at Sea] Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 6.15am: Collier Chiswick alongside. 6.40am: Commenced coaling. 11.12am: Finished coaling. 6.50pm: Read warrants 158 & 159. 7.10pm: Sent 2 prisoners to HMS Glory for cells. 7.40pm: Working party from Askold returned. 8.50pm: French troops embarked. 9.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as required. 4caf8421cadfd341970054ab: ( 31 July 1918 Murmansk [Written on log but at Sea] [No noon location] 1.10am: Took soundings. 3.00pm: Sounding taken every five minutes. 7.20pm: Spoke Russian Schooner. 8.10pm: Sighted HMS Nairana. 8.47pm: Revs. as req. for keeping station on Flagship. 10.45pm: Sounding taken every five minutes. [Signed] HE Rendall Lieutenant Commander for Captain on duty LOGS FOR AUGUST 1918 4caf8421cadfd341970054ad: ( 4caf8421cadfd341970054ae: ( 4caf8421cadfd341970054af: ( 4caf8421cadfd341970054b0: ( 4caf8421cadfd341970054b1: ( 1 August 1918 At Sea [& Modjugski Island] Lat 64.9, Long 40.2 [Estimate from location of Modjugski] 4.10am: Came to. 5.58am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as required. 6.00am: General quarters. 6.36am: Came to. Captain with guard boarded Light Vessel. 7.50am: Captain returned. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.36am: Came to. 9.25am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.49am: Dropped port anchor off Modjugski Island. [Modiagski Island/Ostrov Mud’yugskiy] 10.22am: Engaged battery. Landed troops. 10.49am: Ceased firing. 5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as required. 5.45pm: General Quarters. 6.23pm: Came to. 7.17pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.41pm: Dropped anchor. 10.40pm: Trawler came alongside with 3 pilots. 11.00pm: Naval landing party returned. [From Rear-Admiral Kemp’s despatch –“ "Attentive" was sent on to the lightship (which, contrary to our expectations, was in place), with orders to seize her and any pilots found, and to telephone an ultimatum to the Island. The Island was required to surrender within half-an-hour. "Nairana" followed as soon as the last seaplane was in the air. The Island agreed to surrender, and to hoist the white flag on the battery, "Nairana" and "Attentive" accordingly stood in, and prepared to land troops. A tug then arrived from the lightship with a message from the battery refusing to submit, and saying that landing parties would be fired on. Troops were therefore re-embarked, and "Attentive" and "Nairana" anchored close to the north point of the Island. "Attentive" was ordered to open fire and seaplanes to bomb. The fort, which was about 5,000 yards distance, replied, and made pretty good shooting. "Attentive" was hit through the base of the foremost funnel, putting one boiler-room out of action, but without casualty. "Attentive" made good shooting, and the seaplanes bombed effectively. The fort gradually ceased fire, and the troops were landed in ships' boats with some difficulty owing to the necessity of finding a channel and the shelving nature of the beach. The troops were under the command of Captaine Alliez, of the French Army, who had orders to work down South and occupy the battery and all mine-firing posts found. It was afterwards found that the battery and minefield arrangements were in good order. The landing party encountered slight opposition from rifles and machine-guns, and the Island was in our possession by 8 p.m. Some prisoners were made, but the majority of the garrison escaped in boats. Our casualties were slight. In the meantime the "Amiral Aube" got off and joined me at 3 p.m. on August 1st. The result of the action at Modjuga was so discouraging to the Red garrison in Archangel that they retreated by rail and river, leaving the town temporarily in the hands of the pro-Ally element. They were afforded no time to rally.”] [See worlnavalships for some photos of Attentive including one of one of the guns being manned off Arkhangel] 4caf8421cadfd341970054b2: ( 2 August 1918 Off Modjugski Island [& Dvina River] Lat 64.66, Long 40.41 [Estimate in Dvina but not as far upstream as Solumbola] 6.40am: Weighed. 6.45am: Action stations. 7.30am: Anchored at mouth of Dvina River. Found ice breakers aground in channel. 8.00am: Sent cutter with Lieut. Richardson RNR and Guard onboard. 10.00am: Cutter returned 10.40am: Embarked troops off HM Trawler Willam Butler. 10.50am: Weighed and proceeded. 11.27am: Came to. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.30pm: Anchored. 3.43pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.40pm: Came to off Solumbola. [Solombola] 5.35pm: Disembarked French troops. 6.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.57pm: Came to. 7.50pm: Weighed and proceeded up river. Action stations. 8.20pm: Proceeded alongside armed yacht Gorislava. Put Lieut. Richardson RNR and armed guard on board. 8.30pm: Shoved off. 9.05pm: Came to. [From Rear-Admiral Kemp’s despatch – “It was found that two large icebreakers, "Sviatogor" and "Mikula," had been sunk, with the intention of blocking the channel at a narrow point in the river, but fortunately leaving enough room for ships to pass. The two icebreakers were raised shortly afterwards and refitted. The squadron anchored off Archangel, which was occupied, troops having been landed at Solumbola and other places on the way up. The Russian tricolour and naval flag had everywhere replaced the red flag of the Soviet. At 7 p.m. the "Attentive" captured the armed yacht "Gorislava," which was firing on the town, and brought her down. Early on August 3rd I ordered "Attentive" to Bakaritzan to assist the Army in warding off an attack. She took up a good position in shoal and confined waters, and did excellent work both with guns and a landing party in helping to save this important terminus.”] 4caf8421cadfd341970054b3: ( 3 August 1918 Arkhangel [Arkhangelsk & Bakaritsa] Lat 64.49, Long 40.62 6.35am: Weighed and proceeded up river to Bakaritsa. 7.05am: Came to. 7.40am: Disembarked naval landing party. 8.25am: Action stations. 8.53am: S1 fired one shot at enemy advancing down Railway. 9.35am: Commenced firing. 9.45am: Check. 10.00am: Commenced. 10.25am: Ceased. 11.25am: Hosited Rear Admiral's flag. 11.30am: Commenced. Landed 2 field guns. 11.35am: Ceased. 11.50pm: Naval landing party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054b4: ( 4 August 1918 Bakaritsa Lat 64.49, Long 40.62 7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded down river. 7.51pm: Came to. 8.30pm: Landed libertymen. 10.00pm: Libertymen returned. [Most days from 5th August to 13th October, at around 5pm: Landed libertymen; around 7pm: Landed Patrol; around 9pm: Libertymen and Patrol returned] 4caf8421cadfd341970054b5: ( 5 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 8.50am: Landing party fell in 9.50am: Landing party landed. 1.25pm: Landing party returned. 6.00pm: 27 cases of small arm ammunition, 6 cases of biscuit and 1 case of corn beef belonging to French troops sent ashore. 6.30pm: 1 Russian prisoner brought onboard. 4caf8421cadfd341970054b6: ( 6 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 8.00am: Fixed new barometer No. MO 648/A. 12.30pm: Working Party of stokers sent to Yacht Gorislava. 1.30pm: 1 prisoner sent ashore. 5.15pm: Working party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054b7: ( 7 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 9.30am: Armed guard sent to Solumbola. 12.10pm: Guard returned. 1.00pm: Hands fell in for monthly payment. 5.10pm: French ammunition sent ashore. [No leave today] 4caf8421cadfd341970054b8: ( 8 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 3.30pm: 1 Russian prisoner brought on board. 6.55pm: Weighed and shifted berth. 7.05pm: Anchored. 7.30pm: Two paddle river steamers made fast alongside. [No leave today] 4caf8421cadfd341970054b9: ( 9 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 9.00am: Sent collision mat to Trawler Garton. 1.30pm: River guns boats crews employed in cleaning and stowing provisions. 4.00pm: 1 Shipwright joined. 10.00pm: Lighter with 2 seaplanes made fast alongside. [From Rear-Admiral Kemp’s despatch – Four river paddle-craft were manned and armed, and, together with "M.25," and two small seaplanes from "Nairana," were placed under the immediate command of Captain Edward Altham, R.N., of the "Attentive," with orders to co-operate with Army. "M.25" drew 9 feet of water, and it was not possible to reduce her draft materially. Only abnormally high water in the river during the summer permitted her employment. During the latter half of August, September and until the advent of ice-conditions in October caused the flotilla to be withdrawn to Archangel, it was in constant action with the enemy gunboats and shore batteries. Three enemy ships were sunk and twenty-four mines swept up. Much zeal and gallantry was shown by the flotilla, and the value of their services in assisting the Army to establish themselves in their advanced positions some 200 miles up the river before winter was warmly appreciated by the General Officer Commanding.] 4caf8421cadfd341970054ba: ( 10 August 1918 [Arkhangel] Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 6.15am: Gunboats left for gun trials. 7.40am: Gunboats returned to ship. 10.15am: Landing party put ashore. 11.50am: Paddle gunboats Advocat [Advokat] and Gorodok left for upriver. 1.45pm: Landing party returned. 4.00pm: Fire stations. 4caf8421cadfd341970054bb: ( 11 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 11.00am: Church on mess deck. 3.20pm: Russian Torpedo Boat No. 3 anchored. 4caf8421cadfd341970054bc: ( 12 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 7.30am: Collier Wilaton secured alongside. 8.35am: HM Monitors M25 M23 anchored. 9.45am: Field guns crews returned. 3.24pm: Finished coaling. 4.20pm: Collier left. 5.40pm: Lent 120 coal bags & 19 barrows to HMS Askold. [No leave today] 4caf8421cadfd341970054bd: ( 13 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 12.20pm: Admiral Aube anchored. [French cruiser Amiral Aube] 1.00pm: HMS Nairana sailed. 1.45pm: Funeral party landed. 7.30pm: Funeral party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054be: ( 14 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 7.00am: Relief steamer for river expedition sailed. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside. 2.45pm: Secured alongside. 4caf8421cadfd341970054bf: ( 15 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 9.30am: Two Russian prisoners discharged to prison. 10.00am: Armed guard sent to HM Trawler William Spencer. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.30pm: Sent to HMS Glory IV one prisoner. 4caf8421cadfd341970054c0: ( 16 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 am: Hands employed fitting of River gunboat R~~~. 6.30pm: One corporal RMA lent to training Depot. 4caf8421cadfd341970054c1: ( 17 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 10.30am: Mr Kewish (Gunner) and 1 AB returned from expedition wounded. pm: Hands employed working on river gun boat and ML [Motor Launch]. 3.05pm: Handed 1 prisoner over to military. [From London Gazette – William Henry Kewish received Distinguished Service Cross for commanding the Gunboat Gorodok ‘until he was wounded, fighting her with much courage and ability’.] 4caf8421cadfd341970054c2: ( 18 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 Midnight: HMS M25 arrived and anchored. 4caf8421cadfd341970054c3: ( 19 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 8.05am: Field guns crew left for the front. 9.10am: HM Yacht Salvator sailed with Rear Admiral. 2.00pm: HMS M25 made fast alongside. pm: Hands employed in gunboat. [No leave today] 4caf8421cadfd341970054c4: ( 20 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 9.45am: Paddle gunboat Raslif sailed for gun trials. [Razlyff?] 11.20am: Gunboat returned. 1.15pm: Hands employed as required on Motor Launch. 2.45pm: Landed 2 Russian prisoners. 4caf8421cadfd341970054c5: ( 21 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 2.30am: Seven military machine gunners arrived for river gunboat. 1.45pm: Funeral party landed. 5.30pm: Funeral party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054c6: ( 22 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 6.15am: Sent landing party ashore. 5.30pm: Landing party returned. 9.36pm: HMS M25 left for up river. 4caf8421cadfd341970054c7: ( 23 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4caf8421cadfd341970054c8: ( 24 August 1918 [Arkhangel] Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 5.20pm: One ERA rating joined from HMS Glory IV. 4caf8421cadfd341970054c9: ( 25 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 3.45pm: Russian destroyers B & C [?] arrived. 6.45pm: Russian Destroyer A arrived. 9.10pm: Hands employed embarking 12 pounder ammunition. 4caf8421cadfd341970054ca: ( 26 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 7.15am: Tug left for Bakaritza [Bakaritsa] with ammunition & stores. 9.00pm: 35 Russian rifles and 303 ammunition sent onboard river gunboat Opyt. 4caf8421cadfd341970054cb: ( 27 August 1918 [Arkhangel] Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 3.20am: Gunboat Opyt left for up river. [No leave today] 4caf8421cadfd341970054cc: ( 28 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 am: Hands employed working on MLs [Motor Launches]. 1.15pm: ML2 left for gun trials. 2.30pm: ML2 returned. [No leave today] 4caf8421cadfd341970054cd: ( 29 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 8.30am: Motor Launch No. 2 sailed up river with Captain. 11.15am: HM Yacht Kathleen arrived. pm: Make & mend. 4caf8421cadfd341970054ce: ( 30 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 am: Lost overboard during action from river gunboat Advocat: 1 oar whaler, 2 Rowlocks brass, 1 hurricane lamp ~~~ 1 candle lamp. 4.25pm: HM River gunboat Gorodok returned & made fast alongside with killed & wounded from HMS M25. [From Casualty Lists M25 damaged in action with Bolshevik gunboats near Beresnik, four killed and seven wounded on 28th August] [No leave today] 4caf8421cadfd341970054cf: ( 31 August 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 10.15am: ML No. 1 left for up river. 2.15pm: HM Yacht Kathleen left for up river. 8.30pm: River gunboat Gorodok paid off. Approved [Signed] H.E Rendall Lieutenant Commander for Captain (on detached service). LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1918 4caf8421cadfd341970054d1: ( [Signed] UH Hutton [?] Lieut. RNR ~~ for Navigating Officer Approved [Signed] E. Altham Captain, RN 4caf8421cadfd341970054d2: ( 4caf8421cadfd341970054d3: ( 4caf8421cadfd341970054d4: ( 4caf8421cadfd341970054d5: ( 1 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 1.10pm: Funeral Party landed. 4.00pm: Funeral Party returned. 6.30pm: Sighted Seaplane on the water. Sent away steam cutter. 7.45pm: Steam cutter with hostile Seaplane in tow arrived alongside. Made 2 airmen prisoners. 4caf8421cadfd341970054d6: ( 2 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 6.20am: Collier Wilaton alongside. 6.50am: Commenced coaling. 4.25pm: Finished coaling. 4.40pm: Cast off collier. 6.30pm: HMS Nairana arrived. 4caf8421cadfd341970054d7: ( 3 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 am: Saturday routine. [Although it’s Tuesday] 12.45pm: Hands mustered for monthly payment. 8.00pm: HMS Nairana sailed. 4caf8421cadfd341970054d8: ( 4 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 8.10am: Tug Runkin [?] left with provisions for up River. 4caf8421cadfd341970054d9: ( 5 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 2.00pm: Two Prisoners left for Bakaritza [Bakaritsa] with escort. 4caf8421cadfd341970054da: ( 6 September 1918 [Arkhangel] Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 5.15pm: Tug L~ama [?] arrived with 6" & 4" ammunition. 4caf8421cadfd341970054db: ( 7 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4caf8421cadfd341970054dc: ( 8 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 11.00am: Field guns crew returned. 9.00pm: HMS Nairana arrived. 4caf8421cadfd341970054dd: ( 9 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 8.00am: Hands employed preparing ML3. [Motor Launch] 12.30pm: Hoisted flag of Rear-Admiral. 4caf8421cadfd341970054de: ( 10 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 11.00pm: Clocks put back 1 hour & 20 minutes. 4caf8421cadfd341970054df: ( 11 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 3.45pm: Armed guard returned from Power station. 5.00pm: Diver down examining ML3. 6.00pm: Finished diving operations. [No leave] 4caf8421cadfd341970054e0: ( 12 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 2.00pm: Coaling party of 1 PO & 20 men left for Bakaritza to coal HM Yacht Kathleen. 5.15pm: HMS Nairana sailed. 7.00pm: Coaling party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054e1: ( 13 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 7.20am: Coaling party left for Bakaritza. 8.30pm: Discharged 1 WT [Wireless Telegraphy] Rating for HMS Cochrane. 11.30pm: Coaling party returned. 4.30pm: Received from Admiral Aube [French cruiser Amiral Aube] 100 boxes 303 ammunition. 4caf8421cadfd341970054e2: ( 14 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4caf8421cadfd341970054e3: ( 15 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4caf8421cadfd341970054e4: ( 16 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4caf8421cadfd341970054e5: ( 17 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 1.30pm: Funeral Party landed. 3.30pm: 1 SB [? Sick Bay?] Steward and W/T Rating returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054e6: ( 18 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 1.30pm: Funeral Party landed. 3.15pm: Funeral Party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054e7: ( 19 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 10.00am: Exercised "bombarding stations” Noon: HMS M23 arrived. 4caf8421cadfd341970054e8: ( 20 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 1.15pm: Funeral Party landed. 3.20pm: Funeral Party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054e9: ( 21 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4caf8421cadfd341970054ea: ( 22 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4caf8421cadfd341970054eb: ( 23 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 10.00am: Cleaned out after fresh water tank. 4caf8421cadfd341970054ec: ( 24 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 10.00am: Cleaned out forrard [??] fresh water tank. 3.30pm: Coaling party left for HM Yacht Gorislava. 7.30pm: Coaling party returned. 4caf8421cadfd341970054ed: ( 25 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 6.00am: Coaling party left for HM Yacht Gorislava. 7.30pm: Coaling party returned. Number on sick list: 2 4caf8421cadfd341970054ee: ( 26 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 pm: Hands make & mend. 2.00pm: HMS M23 sailed. 5.45pm: Sent two ratings to hospital. Number on sick list: 5 4caf8421cadfd341970054ef: ( 27 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 2.30pm: 4 ratings discharged to hospital. Number on sick list: 6 4caf8421cadfd341970054f0: ( 28 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 9.00amr: Read warrant No. 160 and discharged 1 prisoner to detention. 10.30am: 4 ratings discharged to hospital. 2.00pm: 1 Rating Boy joined ship. Lieut. Commander Hastings RN joined ship. Number on sick list: 4 4caf8421cadfd341970054f1: ( 29 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4.00pm: HM Gunboat Advocat came alongside from up River. Number on sick list: 24 [Spanish flu?] 4caf8421cadfd341970054f2: ( 30 September 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 6.00am: Russian hospital ship left for Base. 7.15pm: One prisoner fetched onboard from HMS Glory IV. Number on sick list: 29 LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1918 4caf8422cadfd341970054f3: ( [Signed] ~ Cavendish Navigating Officer 4caf8422cadfd341970054f4: ( 4caf8422cadfd341970054f5: ( 4caf8422cadfd341970054f6: ( 4caf8422cadfd341970054f7: ( 1 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 7.00am: Sent 1 Prisoner to HMS Glory IV. 12.30pm: Hands mustered for monthly payment. 4.30pm: Hands employed stowing ammunition of 5.9 in lighter. Number on sick list: 21 4caf8422cadfd341970054f8: ( 2 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 8.15am: HMS Nairana sailed. 9.00am: Gun barge left for trials. 3.15pm: Gun barge returned trials satisfactory. Number on sick list: 20 4caf8422cadfd341970054f9: ( 3 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4.30pm: 1 Stoker rejoined from hospital. Number on sick list: 12 4caf8422cadfd341970054fa: ( 4 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 Number on sick list: 13 4caf8422cadfd341970054fb: ( 5 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 5.15pm: HMS M25 and 2 ML's returned from up River. 10.00pm: Rear-Admiral and Staff left ship. Number on sick list: 12 4caf8422cadfd341970054fc: ( 6 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 Number on sick list: 6 4caf8422cadfd341970054fd: ( 7 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 5.30pm: HMS M25 made fast alongside for coal. 6.30pm: HMS M25 left. Number on sick list: 7 4caf8422cadfd341970054fe: ( 8 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 1.30pm: Landed funeral party. 2.00pm: ML No. 2 proceeded up river. 3.20pm: Funeral party returned. 6.00pm: 1 man returned from hospital. Number on sick list: 9 4caf8422cadfd341970054ff: ( 9 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 Number on sick list: 6 4caf8422cadfd34197005500: ( 10 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 2.30pm: Struck top gallant mast. Number on sick list: 7 4caf8422cadfd34197005501: ( 11 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4.00pm: Read warrant No. 161. Number on sick list: 9 4caf8422cadfd34197005502: ( 12 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 6.35am: Left jetty. 7.25am: Secured alongside jetty at Station Wharf. 8.30am: Commenced coaling. 2.30pm: Finished coaling. 3.00pm: Left Railway Wharf. 3.30pm: Secured alongside wharf at Arkhangel Number on sick list: [blank] 4caf8422cadfd34197005503: ( 13 October 1918 Arkhangel Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 am: Saturday routine. [Although it’s Sunday] 11.00am: 7 men returned from hospital. 1.15pm: Landed Funeral Party. 3.40pm: Funeral Party returned. Number on sick list: 7 4caf8422cadfd34197005504: ( 14 October 1918 Arkhangel [& at Sea] Lat 65.2, Long 39.6 [Estimate – part way between Arkangel & Keretz] 8.30am: General Goole and staff onboard. 8.45am: Left jetty. Course and speed as requisite for proceeded down River. 11.30am: Stopped off lightship, Pilot left. 11.33am: Proceeded. 1.20pm: Keretz [Mys Kerets] Light House bore East. 4.22pm: Sosnovetz [?] Island Light abeam 3 miles. [Ostrov Sosnovets?] 6.45pm: Cape Orlov [Orlof] abeam 3 miles. 9.40pm: Sighted White light. 10.00pm: Took soundings. Number on sick list: 15 4caf8422cadfd34197005505: ( 15 October 1918 At Sea & Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 2.40am: Starboard ash shute [??] washed overboard. 8.20am: Courses as requisite for passing through Kola Inlet. 10.23am: Came to. 11.25am: Collier Naseby [?Haseby/Haxby?] made fast alongside. 1.00pm: Commenced coaling. 9.45pm: Finished coaling. 10.30pm: Cast off collier. 1 ERA [Engine room artificer] and 6 stokers joined. Number on sick list: 14 4caf8422cadfd34197005506: ( 16 October 1918 Murmansk [& at Sea] Lat 69.7, Long 34.1 [Estimate off Kola Inlet] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for proceeding down Kola Inlet. 10.00am: Passed through Boom. Number on sick list: 14 [From Rear-Admiral Kemp’s despatch Captain Edward Altham and Engineer Commander Francis H. Lyon mentioned for good services in N. Russia. From Royal Navy Honours – Appointed Companion of the Distinguished Service Order: Eng.-Cdr. Francis Howard Lyon, He was mainly responsible for the rapidity with which the ships and motor launches were armed, and the engines of the latter put into working order for the Dwina operations. His energy and tireless devotion to duty are deserving of the highest praise. Lieut.-Cdr. Henry Edward Rendall, R.N. As gunnery and control officer he was largely responsible for the silencing of the battery on Modyugski Island, which disputed the Allied entry to Archangel, on the 1st August, 1918. He also landed in command of a naval detachment, and secured the railway to Bakaritsa against Bolshevik attack. To receive the Distinguished Service Cross. Payr. Lieut, (now Payr. Lieut.-Cdr.) John Geoffrey Elgar, R.N., Controlled the fire of 4-inch guns which assisted to silence the battery on Modyugski Island on the 1st August, 1918. He also rendered most valuable services in connection with supplies during both the Archangel operations and those on the West Coast of the White Sea in July, 1918.] 4caf8422cadfd34197005507: ( 17 October 1918 At Sea Lat 71.4, Long 16.7 [DR] 2.45am: Exercised sea boats crew. 10.30am: General quarters. 10.40am: Clocks put back half an hour. 11.05am: Disperse. 3.00pm: Clocks put back half an hour. 4.00pm: Exercised control party and sight setters. 11.10pm: Exercised sea boats crew. Number on sick list: 14 4caf8422cadfd34197005508: ( 18 October 1918 [At Sea] Lat 66.2, Long 1.0 [Obs] 9.56am: Fall in for Drill. Exercised Collision Stations and Abandon Ship Stations. 11.03am: Put clocks back ½ an hour. 3.00am: Put clocks back half an hour. 4.00pm: Exercised fire stations. Exercised control parties and sight setters. 5.50pm: Darken ship. Number on sick list: 14 4caf8422cadfd34197005509: ( 19 October 1918 At Sea [& Lerwick] Lat 60.16, Long -1.15 [Location at 12.36pm] 7.20am: Put clocks back 20 minutes. 8.50am: Sighted land ahead. 10.25am: Put clocks back 20 minutes. 11.30am: Course as requisite for making Lerwick. 12.36pm: Came to. 1.20pm: Collier Hemalite [?] alongside. 1.35pm: Commenced coaling. 6.00pm: Finished coaling. 6.25pm: Cast off collier. Number on sick list: 8 4caf8422cadfd3419700550a: ( 20 October 1918 Lerwick & at Sea Lat 59.16, Long -2.72 [Estimate from location of Eday Sound] 2.55am: Weighed and proceeded. 3.15am: HMS Kempenfelt took station 4 cables. 6.00am: Fair Isle Light House abeam 6½ miles. 7.21am: Ronaldsay Lighthouse abeam 3.7 miles. 8.42am: Starboard air pump broke down. Stopped starboard engine. 9.43am: Engine repaired. Proceeded. Courses various during breakdown. 10.05am: Passed convoy 35 ships steaming NE. 11.00am: Courses as required for passing through Eday Sound. 3.20pm: Girdleness [?] Lighthouse abeam 3 miles. 5.21pm: Bell Rock Light abeam ¾ mile. 6.00pm: Courses various for passing through boom. 7.30pm: Came to. Number on sick list: 7 4caf8422cadfd3419700550b: ( 21 October 1918 Leith Lat 56.0, Long -3.2 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded to North Bridge. 8.00am: Secured to 81 Buoy. Collier Melton made fast alongside. 8.50am: Commenced coaling. 3.25pm: Finished coaling. 4caf8422cadfd3419700550c: ( 22 October 1918 Rosyth Lat 56.02, Long -3.45 5.45am: Hands scrub upper deck with sand. 4caf8422cadfd3419700550d: ( 23 October 1918 Rosyth & at Sea Lat 56.02, Long -3.45 2.45pm: Slipped and proceeded course & speed as req. 3.35pm: Passed through boom. 4.00pm: Exercised control parties & sight setters. 4.45pm: May Island abeam 2 miles. 4caf8422cadfd3419700550e: ( 24 October 1918 At Sea Lat 51.6, Long 1.4 [Estimate of location at 12.54pm] 1.32am: Whitby Light abeam 1¼ miles. 1.45am: Fired blank charge at trawler. 3.12am: Flamborough Light abeam 1½ miles. 3.50am: Stopped to examine ship at anchor. 3.55am: Proceeded. 6.47am: Passed NE Docking Buoy. Courses as req. for proceeding down War Channel. 11.25am: Sighted Aeroplane over the Land WNW. Bombs dropping. 12.54pm: Black Deep Light Vessel abeam. 1.20pm: Edinburgh Light Vessel abeam. 2.00pm: Proceeded through Downs awaiting orders. 4.45pm: Came to. 5.30pm: Darken ship. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.40pm: Came to. [From 25th October to 2nd Dec at around 5pm and/or 1pm: Landed Libertymen] 4caf8422cadfd3419700550f: ( 25 October 1918 The Downs & Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 6.50am: Passed Folkestone Gate. 9.40am: Hands employed unfuzing shell & cleaning paintwork. 11.30am: Owers Light Vessel abeam. 11.45am: Passed Spithead. 11.57am: Let go port anchor. 3.20pm: Weighed and proceeded into harbour. 3.50pm: Secured to No. 10 buoy. 4caf8422cadfd34197005510: ( 26 October 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 7.00am: Libertymen returned. 7.50am: Ammunition lighter alongside. am&pn: Hands employed discharging ammunition. 10.00am: 6 ratings discharged to Haslar Hospital. 4caf8422cadfd34197005511: ( 27 October 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 7.00am: Libertymen returned. 10.00pm: Libertymen returned. 4caf8422cadfd34197005512: ( 28 October 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 11.30am: Landed Port watch long leave men. 3.45pm: Sent boats to boat shed. 10.20pm: Libertymen returned. [From 29th October to 7th Dec at around 6pm: Exercised Fire Stations] 4caf8422cadfd34197005513: ( 29 October 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 7.15am: Secured tugs alongside. 7.30am: Proceeded into basin alongside No. 10 berth. 4.00pm: Secure. 4.45pm: 1 stoker Petty Officer and 6 ratings discharged to RN Barracks. Corrected Mr T.James, Boatswain (Tempy.) for improperly leaving his place of duty in charge of men working aloft. [Signed] Thomas James Bosn. 4caf8422cadfd34197005514: ( 30 October 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 am: Gunners party employed unshipping 4'' gun shields. 3.30pm: Discharged 1 Ordinary Seaman to 14 days detention. 4caf8422cadfd34197005515: ( 31 October 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 8.00am: Shifted ship to No. 4 berth. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1918 4caf8422cadfd34197005517: ( 4caf8422cadfd34197005518: ( 4caf8422cadfd34197005519: ( 4caf8422cadfd3419700551a: ( 4caf8422cadfd3419700551b: ( 1 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 7.50am: Working party from RN Barracks arrived. 11.40am: Paid monthly money. 4caf8422cadfd3419700551c: ( 2 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 pm: Make & mend clothes. Leave to 1st part Starboard watch from 1pm - 7am Monday. [It’s Saturday] 4caf8422cadfd3419700551d: ( 3 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd3419700551e: ( 4 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 8.15am: Working Party from RN Barracks arrived 4caf8422cadfd3419700551f: ( 5 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005520: ( 6 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005521: ( 7 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 12.30pm: 1 AB joined from RN Barracks, 2 Stokers joined from HMS Vernon [Shore establishment], 2 OD [?] joined from Haslar camp, 2 Stokers joined from RN Barracks. 4caf8422cadfd34197005522: ( 8 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005523: ( 9 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 9.00am: Entered No. 12 Dock. 1.00pm: Leave from 1pm - 7am Monday. [It’s Saturday] 4caf8422cadfd34197005524: ( 10 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005525: ( 11 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005526: ( 12 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 pm: Make and mend clothes 4caf8422cadfd34197005527: ( 13 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005528: ( 14 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005529: ( 15 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd3419700552a: ( 16 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 2.00pm: Paymaster Lieut. HJ Ridge - RNR joined ship. 4caf8422cadfd3419700552b: ( 17 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 1.30pm: Paid monthly money. 4caf8422cadfd3419700552c: ( 18 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 8.15am: Working Party from RN Barracks onboard. 2.00pm: Lieut. Commander HE Rendall left ship. 4caf8422cadfd3419700552d: ( 19 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 9.00am: Working Party from RN Barracks onboard. 4caf8422cadfd3419700552e: ( 20 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 pm: Hands employed getting out cable and as req. 4caf8422cadfd3419700552f: ( 21 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 2.00pm: 1 Stoker discharged to RN Barracks. 4caf8422cadfd34197005530: ( 22 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005531: ( 23 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 am: Working Party 16 hands from RN Barracks onboard. pm: Leave to 2nd part Port watch till 7.0am Monday. [It’s Saturday] 4caf8422cadfd34197005532: ( 24 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005533: ( 25 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005534: ( 26 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 11.30am: Left No. 12 dock. 11.50am: Berthed in No. 4 Berth 3 Basin. 4caf8422cadfd34197005535: ( 27 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005536: ( 28 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005537: ( 29 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005538: ( 30 November 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave to 1st part Port Watch till 7.0am Monday. [It’s Saturday] LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1918 4caf8422cadfd34197005539: ( 4caf8422cadfd3419700553a: ( 4caf8422cadfd3419700553b: ( 4caf8422cadfd3419700553c: ( 4caf8422cadfd3419700553d: ( 1 December 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd3419700553e: ( 2 December 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd3419700553f: ( 3 December 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf8422cadfd34197005540: ( 4 December 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 12.15pm: Discharged 1 Stoker to RN Barracks. 4caf8422cadfd34197005541: ( 5 December 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Noon: [Barometer] unshipped. 4caf8422cadfd34197005542: ( 6 December 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 2.00pm: Shifted to C lock. 4caf8422cadfd34197005543: ( 7 December 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 7.50am: Shifted to South Railway Jetty. 10.00pm: Libertymen returned from long leave. 4caf8422cadfd34197005544: ( 8 December 1918 Portsmouth Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 9.45am: Commander in Chief presented medals. 4caf8422cadfd34197005545: ( 9 December 1918 [Portsmouth] Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 9.00am: Paid off. [Signed] E. Altham Captain [Summary of Edward Altham’s career in his obituary] 4caf8422cadfd34197005547: ( 4caf8422cadfd34197005548: ( 4caf8422cadfd34197005549: ( [End pages of log book] |
Revised 18/11/2014 |