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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Light Cruiser, Calliope or Cambrian-class

Ordered 9.14, C5 (1914), 49 (1.18), 90 (4.18). Launched 12.9.15 Cammell Laird. 3,750 tons, 446(oa), 420(pp)x41x14ft. Turbine 40000shp, 29kts. Armament: 4-6in, 1-4in AA. Armour: 3in sides, 1in deck. Crew: 368. Grand Fleet from completion. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Jutland 31 May 1916. Sold 8.6.36 Arnott Young. (British Warships 1914-1919)

4th LCS, Grand Fleet, January 1916-1919, including Jutland. 8th LCS, North America and West Indies Station 1919-26 and recommissioned at Devonport January 1923. Refitted Chatham September 1926-December 1927, then Flagship, Portsmouth Reserve. 5th CS, China Station 1928-November 1930, paying off into reserve at Portsmouth, March 1931-July 1935. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


JP map Constance 1919


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H.M.S. "Constance"



Month of January 1919

I certify that this is a complete copy of the original Log. [Signed by] E.C. Wrey, Navigating Officer

The Monthly Navy List of February 1919 shows E.C. Wrey is Lieutenant Edward C. Wrey.

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[Empty pages]

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1 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Clean mess decks and flats

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands painting mess deck as requisite

4.00pm: Leave to part [of watch] to 8.30am

4.30pm: Quarters

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2 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed painting mess deck

2.00pm: Hands employed painting mess deck

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to part [of watch] to 8.30am

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3 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands painting mess deck and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to part [of watch] to 8.30am

4caf85c9cadfd34197011790: ( 53-38468-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

1.00pm: Landed liberty men and boys

4.00pm: Quarters

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5 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Wesleyans and Presbyterians landed. Landed Church of England party

1.00pm: Landed liberty men until 7.30am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd34197011792: ( 53-38468-006_0.jpg)

6 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting mess deck

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd34197011793: ( 53-38468-006_1.jpg)

7 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands cleaning ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd34197011794: ( 53-38468-007_0.jpg)

8 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed getting in stores and landed steel cordite boxes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd34197011795: ( 53-38468-007_1.jpg)

9 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd34197011796: ( 53-38468-008_0.jpg)

10 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.00am: Port watch returned from leave. Starboard watch proceeded on ten days leave

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to part [of watch] to 8.30am

4caf85c9cadfd34197011797: ( 53-38468-008_1.jpg)

11 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

12.30pm: Leave to part [of watch] to 8.30am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd34197011798: ( 53-38468-009_0.jpg)

12 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Wesleyan church parties

10.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

1.00pm: Landed liberty men

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd34197011799: ( 53-38468-009_1.jpg)

13 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's side and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands cleaning ship

4.30pm: Leave to part [of watch] to 8.30am

4caf85c9cadfd3419701179a: ( 53-38468-010_0.jpg)

14 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Lieutenant Wrey joined ship for navigation duties

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

The Monthly Navy List of February 1919 shows Lieutenant Wrey is Lieutenant Edward C. Wrey.

4caf85c9cadfd3419701179b: ( 53-38468-010_1.jpg)

15 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85c9cadfd3419701179c: ( 53-38468-011_0.jpg)

16 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed shifting ship and as requisite

10.00am: Cast off, tugs made fast and shifted berth to alongside H.M.S. "Undaunted"

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd3419701179d: ( 53-38468-011_1.jpg)

17 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon and embarking naval stores

4caf85c9cadfd3419701179e: ( 53-38468-012_0.jpg)

18 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed taking in culinary coal and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85c9cadfd3419701179f: ( 53-38468-012_1.jpg)

19 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

9.30am: Held divine service

10.00am: Divisions

1.00pm: Leave to percentage of watch

6.00pm: Lieutenant Commander Spreckley Royal Navy left ship

The Monthly Navy List of December 1918 shows Lieutenant Commander Spreckley is Lieutenant Commander Herbert M. Spreckley.

4caf85c9cadfd341970117a0: ( 53-38468-013_0.jpg)

20 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Shifted berth in basin

9.00am: Hands employed shifting ship and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Usual leave to percentage [of watch]

4caf85c9cadfd341970117a1: ( 53-38468-013_1.jpg)

21 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed working about boats and as requisite

1.30pm: Port watch as in forenoon. Starboard watch make and mend clothes

4caf85c9cadfd341970117a2: ( 53-38468-014_0.jpg)

22 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Shifted berth into lock

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

3.30pm: Discharged eight ratings to shore

4.12pm: Cast off

4.55pm: Secured to X5 buoy

4caf85c9cadfd341970117a3: ( 53-38468-014_1.jpg)

23 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: One rating joined from Royal Naval Barracks Davenport

1.00pm: Usual leave to percentage [of watch]

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4caf85c9cadfd341970117a4: ( 53-38468-015_0.jpg)

24 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Hands employed restowing wires paravane gear and as requisite

1.00pm: Discharged eight ratings to shore

2.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

4caf85c9cadfd341970117a5: ( 53-38468-015_1.jpg)

25 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.00am: Landed party to attend presentation of freedom of city of Edinburgh to Admiral Sir David Beatty, etcetera

1.00pm: Usual leave to percentage [of watch]

4.00pm: Quarters

Wikipedia has an article on Admiral Sir David Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty.

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26 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions. Held divine service for Roman Catholics

11.00am: Held divine service

1.00pm: Leave to usual percentage [of watch]. Boys till 6.30

4caf85c9cadfd341970117a7: ( 53-38468-016_1.jpg)

27 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed unfuzing lyddite shell and as requisite

1.00pm: Leave to usual percentage [of watch]

2.00pm: Hands employed restoring gear and as a requisite

3.00pm: Drifter came alongside with fresh provisions

4.00pm: Quarters

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28 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea and as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

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29 January 1919

At Rosyth

Lat 56.02, Long -3.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

1.35pm: Slipped and proceeded in company with H.M.S. "Cordelia"

2.38pm: Inchkeith abeam

2.40pm: Out paravanes

3.50pm: May Island abeam

4.55pm: St. Abbs Head S30°W

7.55pm: Sighted flashing light starboard beam

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30 January 1919

From Rosyth to Devonport

Lat 52.4, Long 1.9 [Estimated position]

3.55am: Light buoy bearing N36°W

5.35am: Spurn Point light S56°W

6.05am: Altered course S24°E in war channel

7.00am: Number 8 war channel buoy abeam

7.40am: Passed number 6 W.C. buoy

8.40am: Passed number 1 buoy

10.10am: Haisborough lightvessel abeam 1.7 miles

10.28am: Would lightvessel abeam

11.05am: Newarp lightvessel abeam

11.35am: Cross Sand lightvessel abeam

1.40pm: Passed number 9 buoy off Orfordness. Courses as requisite for passing through

2.20pm: Passed Sunk lightvessel. Shipway Black Deep Edinburgh Channel

2.57pm: Passed Northern Black Deep lightvessel

3.10pm: Passed South Black Deep lightvessel

3.50pm: Passed Tongue lightvessel. Course as requisite for passing through Downs

4.45pm: Passed Gull lightvessel

5.05pm: South Goodwin lightvessel abeam

5.24pm: Anglia lightvessel abeam

5.43pm: Red lightvessel abeam

7.32pm: Dungeness abeam

7.55pm: Beachy Head light abeam

10.25pm: Owers lightvessel abeam 8 miles

11.40pm: St. Catherine Point light abeam 10 miles

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31 January 1919

From Rosyth to Devonport, and at Plymouth Sound

Lat 50.36, Long -4.15

1.48am: Portland light abeam 16.1 miles

3.25am: Start Point N62°W

4.45am: Start Point light abeam

5.52am: Eddystone light N62°W

6.04am: Both paravanes carried away during voyage

8.00am: Came to with port anchor in 5 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles

9.30am: Hands employed getting up ammunition and disembarking it

1.00pm: Discharged 302 tons oil into "Blackol"

2.00pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.30am

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Blackol".

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H.M.S. "Constance"



Month of February and part of March 1919 (3/3/1919)

I certify that this is a complete copy of the original Log. [Signed by] N.D.B. Taylor, Navigating Officer

The Monthly Navy List of March 1919 shows N.D.B. Taylor is Lieutenant Neville D.B. Taylor.

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[Empty pages]

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1 February 1919

At Plymouth Sound

Lat 50.36, Long -4.15

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Aired night clothing

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85c9cadfd341970117b6: ( 53-38469-004_0.jpg)

2 February 1919

At Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and shortening in

6.25am: Pilot came on board. Weighed and proceeded up harbour

7.25am: Secured alongside H.M.S. "Cordelia" at number 2 buoy Hamoaze

9.30am: Roman Catholic church party to H.M.S. "Cordelia"

10.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

5.30pm: Pilot came on board. Slipped and proceeded to number 5 basin Keyham

7.00pm: Secured alongside south-east corner number 5 basin Keyham

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3 February 1919

At Keyham Yard

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and shortening in

9.30am: Divisions. Hands employed working about gear to be returned, etcetera

2.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

4.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117b8: ( 53-38469-005_0.jpg)

4 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning storerooms, preparing gear for returning and refitting

1.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117b9: ( 53-38469-005_1.jpg)

5 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Hands employed preparing gear for returning and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

5.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117ba: ( 53-38469-006_0.jpg)

6 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed refitting ship and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

8.00pm: Leave to watch and part of watch till 7.00am

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7 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed taking in culinary coal (10 tons)

1.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

2.00pm: Ten ratings discharged to shore

4.30pm: Leave to watch and part of watch till 7.00am

5.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117bc: ( 53-38469-007_0.jpg)

8 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting ship and as requisite

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to part of watch till 7.00am Sunday

2.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

3.30pm: Discharged twelve rating to shore

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

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9 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

1.00pm: Leave to part of watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85c9cadfd341970117be: ( 53-38469-008_0.jpg)

10 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and rigging hand capstan

9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed getting out cable for testing

1.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

4.00pm: Leave to port watch and second part starboard watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117bf: ( 53-38469-008_1.jpg)

11 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for shifting

9.00am: Hands employed shifting ship

10.30am: Hands employed getting out anchors, unreeving paravane chains

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Discharged eleven ratings to shore

4.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c0: ( 53-38469-009_0.jpg)

12 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

2.00pm: Discharged ten ratings to shore

4.00pm: Leave to fort watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c1: ( 53-38469-009_1.jpg)

13 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.30am: Hands employed hoisting out port lower beam and as requisite

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

11.00am: One rating joined from Royal Naval Barracks

1.00pm: Hands as in forenoon

2.00pm: Fifteen ratings discharged to shore

4.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c2: ( 53-38469-010_0.jpg)

14 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to barracks

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: One rating left ship (demobilized)

4.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c3: ( 53-38469-010_1.jpg)

15 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Twenty ratings joined ship from depot

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am Monday

2.00pm: Make or mend clothes

3.00pm: Fourteen ratings left ship (demobilized)

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c4: ( 53-38469-011_0.jpg)

16 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions. Prayer

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c5: ( 53-38469-011_1.jpg)

17 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Shifted into number 10 dock

1.00pm: Seven ratings joined ship from depot

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.00pm: Twenty-one ratings left ship (demobilized)

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and second part of port watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c6: ( 53-38469-012_0.jpg)

18 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Thirteen ratings left ship (demobilized)

4.00pm: Gave leave to port watch and second part of starboard watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c7: ( 53-38469-012_1.jpg)

19 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and first and second part of port watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

6.30pm: Three ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Defiance"

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c8: ( 53-38469-013_0.jpg)

20 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Discharged Mr. Truebody, Schoolmaster, to hospital [The log-keeper most probably made a spelling mistake and meant Mr. Trubody)

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and first part of starboard watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

The Monthly Navy List of February 1919 shows Schoolmaster Trubody is Warrant Schoolmaster Robert Trubody.

4caf85c9cadfd341970117c9: ( 53-38469-013_1.jpg)

21 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from depot

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and second part of starboard watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

6.00pm: One rating joined ship from H.M.S. "Defiance"

4caf85c9cadfd341970117ca: ( 53-38469-014_0.jpg)

22 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: One rating joined ship from depot

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and second part of port watch till 7.00am Monday

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.00pm: One rating left ship (demobilized)

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117cb: ( 53-38469-014_1.jpg)

23 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Read prayers

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117cc: ( 53-38469-015_0.jpg)

24 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: One sergeant R.M.L.I. joined ship from Royal Naval Barracks

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and first part of starboard watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85c9cadfd341970117cd: ( 53-38469-015_1.jpg)

25 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from depot

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and first part of port watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85cacadfd341970117ce: ( 53-38469-016_0.jpg)

26 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Discharged two ratings to depot

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and second part of starboard watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85cacadfd341970117cf: ( 53-38469-016_1.jpg)

27 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and second part of port watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

6.30pm: Mr. Hancock, Gunner, joined ship

The Monthly Navy List of March 1919 shows Gunner Hancock is Gunner Charles Hancock.

4caf85cacadfd341970117d0: ( 53-38469-017_0.jpg)

28 February 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and first part of port watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations


4caf85cacadfd341970117d1: ( 53-38469-017_1.jpg)

1 March 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and first part of starboard watch till 7.00am Monday

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85cacadfd341970117d2: ( 53-38469-018_0.jpg)

2 March 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85cacadfd341970117d3: ( 53-38469-018_1.jpg)

3 March 1919

At Keyham

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Paid money

4.00pm: Ship paid off

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and second part of port watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

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[Empty pages]

LOG BOOK – MARCH 4th 1919 TO FEBRUARY 22nd 1920

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H.M. Ship "Constance"

Commencing 4th March 1919

Ending 22nd February 1920

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[Empty page]

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Name: Commanding Officer, H.M.S. "Constance"

Address: Care of General Post Office, London



H.M.S. "Constance"

Commanded by Captain E.C. Kennedy


Commencing Tuesday, 4th of March 1919.

Ending Sunday, 22nd of February 1920.

Tonnage (Displacement)


Extreme Length

446 feet

Extreme Breadth

41 feet 6½ inches



Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.

Shaft Horsepower

30,000 Nominal, 40,000 on trial


Parsons Combined Ahead and Astern, Impulse and Reaction (Geared Turbines for Cruising)

When Fixed on Board




Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.


Yarrow, Small Tube, modified

When made


When put in Vessel


Screw Propeller


Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.


Solid Manganese Bronze, 3 Bladed, 4 in number

General State of Repair


[Signed by] E.C. Kennedy, Captain

The Monthly Navy List of February 1919 shows Captain E.C. Kennedy is Captain Edward C. Kennedy.

4caf85cacadfd341970117dc: ( 53-38470-003_0.jpg)

[Log Directions]

4caf85cacadfd341970117dd: ( 53-38470-003_1.jpg)

Establishment of Ship's Company









Engine-room Establishment


Other non-executive ratings





Mercurial or Aneroid


Name of Maker and number

Short and Mason Number 655

Height of cistern above sea

10 feet

Error of Mercurial Barometer


Thermometers for Air Temperature.

Position in Ship

Fore Bridge

Whether in screen


Maker and Number



J. Hicks, number 1768

March 4th 1919

February 22nd 1920

J. Hicks, number 1770

March 4th 1919

February 22nd 1920

Thermometers for Sea Temperature.

Maker and Number



A.C. Cossor and Son

March 4th 1919

February 22nd 1920

Position of Standard Compass.

Fore Upper Bridge

Deviation of Standard Compass.

Date obtained.


March 17th 1919

Latitude 50°20'N, Longitude 4°09'W

December 8th 1919

Latitude 32°20'N, Longitude 64°32'W



Nature and Number of Gun and Mountings

On Forecastle

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

Amidships on Booms

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

On After Superstructure

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

On Quarter Deck

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting


4 3-pounder Sub-Calibre Vickers

After end of Forecastle

2 3-inch 20 cwt. High Angle Guns

Torpedo Armament.

2 21-inch Submerged Tubes

7 21-inch Mark IV Torpedoes


Number of each carried

Length and Description


30 feet Motor Boat


34 feet Cutter


30 feet Cutter


30 feet Gig


27 feet Whalers


16 feet Skiff Dinghy


Draught of water with Bunkers full and complete with Provisions, Stores and Water

Forward 15 feet 7 inches

Aft 16 feet 8 inches

Load Draught

Forward 15 feet 9 inches

Aft 16 feet 9 inches

Number of Tons necessary to increase draught 1 inch


Number of Tons of Coal Carried (43 cubic feet per ton)

(a) At load draught

(b) With bunkers full

(c) In places other than Bunkers 15 for Culinary purposes

Number of Tons of Fuel carried


Quantity of Water carried


(a) For Boilers 96 tons

(b) For Drinking 49.5 tons

[Signed by] E.C. Kennedy, Captain

4caf85cacadfd341970117de: ( 53-38470-004_0.jpg)

4 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Ship recommissioned for service in 8th Light Cruiser Squadron

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Six ratings joined ship from depot, three privates R.M.L.I. joined ship from barracks

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Discharge two privates R.M.L.I. to barracks

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and second part of starboard watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85cacadfd341970117df: ( 53-38470-004_1.jpg)

5 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Paymaster Midshipman Lewis joined ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Three ratings joined ship from depot

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and first part of port watch. Exercised fire stations

The Monthly Navy List of May 1919 shows Paymaster Midshipman Lewis is Paymaster Midshipman Reginald W. Lewis.

4caf85cacadfd341970117e0: ( 53-38470-005_0.jpg)

6 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and second part of starboard watch till 7.00am

5.30pm: Undocked and berthed in south-east corner of number 5 basin

4caf85cacadfd341970117e1: ( 53-38470-005_1.jpg)

7 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and first part of starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cacadfd341970117e2: ( 53-38470-006_0.jpg)

8 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and first part of port watch till 7.00am Monday. Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from depot

4.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

4caf85cacadfd341970117e3: ( 53-38470-006_1.jpg)

9 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Read prayers

4.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

4caf85cacadfd341970117e4: ( 53-38470-007_0.jpg)

10 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Received 15 tons of coal (culinary)

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and first part of starboard watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85cacadfd341970117e5: ( 53-38470-007_1.jpg)

11 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85cacadfd341970117e6: ( 53-38470-008_0.jpg)

12 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and first part of starboard watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85cacadfd341970117e7: ( 53-38470-008_1.jpg)

13 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.387, Long -4.187

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Shifted by tugs from number 5 basin to alongside of oiler "Pearleaf" at number 10 buoy

3.10pm: Secured

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Pearleaf".

4caf85cacadfd341970117e8: ( 53-38470-009_0.jpg)

14 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.386, Long -4.190

5.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.30am: Finished oiling, took in 841 tons

7.45am: Shifted by tugs to number 11 buoy

8.30am: Secured to number 11 buoy

10.30am: Hands employed embarking ammunition

1.30pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition

2.30pm: Three ratings joined ship from Devonport depot

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition

7.00pm: Read warrant number 1

4caf85cacadfd341970117e9: ( 53-38470-009_1.jpg)

15 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.386, Long -4.190

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am Monday

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85cacadfd341970117ea: ( 53-38470-010_0.jpg)

16 March 1919

At Devonport

Lat 50.386, Long -4.190

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to boys till 6.00pm

10.00pm: Mr. Smith, Gunner, joined ship

The Monthly Navy List of May 1919 shows Gunner Smith is Gunner Frederick J. Smith.

4caf85cacadfd341970117eb: ( 53-38470-010_1.jpg)

17 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 50.386, Long -4.190

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.45am: Received 18 tons of oil fuel from "C81"

9.00am: Hands employed securing for sea and as requisite

10.00am: Discharged eight ratings to Devonport depot

Noon: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for Sound. Signal books correct

12.55pm: Stopped, secured to number 2 buoy, Plymouth Sound

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

3.00pm: Swung ship for deviation

4.00pm: Signal books correct

4.50pm: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

5.00pm: Passed breakwater lighthouse

5.15pm: Got out paravanes

5.51pm: Eddystone lighthouse abeam 1.6 miles

7.00pm: Sighted Lizard light N86°W

7.24pm: St. Anthony light N32°W, Lizard light N77°W

8.00pm: Signal books correct

8.25pm: Lizard light N21½°W 11.5 miles

9.00pm: Lizard light N15°E

11.06pm: St Mary's light N16°W, Bishop Rock light N32½°W

11.36pm: St Mary's light N13°E, Bishop Rock light N10°W

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117ec: ( 53-38470-011_0.jpg)

18 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 49.49, Long -11.08

Midnight: St Mary's light N36°E, Bishop Rock light N15°E

12.30am: Bishop Rock light N47°E

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.40am: Stopped, got in paravanes

11.47am: Proceeded

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117ed: ( 53-38470-011_1.jpg)

19 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 48.71, Long -19.80

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.30am: Lost overboard by accident in rough weather: mast and sails of 30 feet cutter; one wash deck locker; buckets, wood, pattern number 9, two in number; squeegees, pattern number 984, six in number; brooms, bass, broom-head, pattern number 457, ten in number; brushes, scrubber, hand, pattern number 459, eight in number

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident in rough weather: brushes, scrubber, deck, pattern number 458, ten in number; brooms, hair, broom-head, pattern number 46, six in number

12.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

4.00pm: Signal books correct

5.00pm: Lost overboard by accident in rough weather: brushes, dust, pattern number 37, four in number; handles for brooms, pattern number 457, twenty-four in number; handles for brooms, pattern number 46, twelve in number; hoses, canvas, number 3 size, three in number; branch pipes, copper number 3 size, three in number; bench, carpenter's, one in number

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117ee: ( 53-38470-012_0.jpg)

20 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 47.71, Long -25.08

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Secured cutter

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Remained hove to with sea slightly on starboard bow

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

4.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.30pm: Increased speed to avoid steamer

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117ef: ( 53-38470-012_1.jpg)

21 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 47.73, Long -28.95

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

4.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117f0: ( 53-38470-013_0.jpg)

22 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 45.10, Long -36.93

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.50am: Stopped owing to water in oil fuel

11.25am: Proceeded

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117f1: ( 53-38470-013_1.jpg)

23 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 42.03, Long -45.07

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

1.44pm: Stopped owing to water in oil fuel

1.48pm: Proceeded

4.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117f2: ( 53-38470-014_0.jpg)

24 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 39.13, Long -53.00

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

4.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117f3: ( 53-38470-014_1.jpg)

25 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda

Lat 35.17, Long -59.54

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.30am: Lost overboard by accident in rough weather: oars, fir, 8 feet, four in number; oars, fir, 10 feet, four in number

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

1.40pm: Secured paravane which had broken adrift

1.45pm: Starboard lower boom carried away in rough weather

4.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.45pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cacadfd341970117f4: ( 53-38470-015_0.jpg)

Operations in the West Indies

JP map Constance West Indies

26 March 1919

From Plymouth to Bermuda, and at Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

1.45am: Put clocks back 9 minutes

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.30am: Sighted St. David's lighthouse S78°W

8.00am: Signal books correct. St. David's lighthouse bore West

8.40am: St. David's lighthouse bore West 1½ miles

9.30am: Courses as requisite for Narrows and to Grassy Bay

9.55am: Stopped. Came to with starboard anchor in Grassy Bay in 7 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side south breakwater S69°W, conspicuous chimney West, dockyard clock tower N65°W

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

6.00pm: One rating discharged to Royal Naval Barracks

4caf85cacadfd341970117f5: ( 53-38470-015_1.jpg)

27 March 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed getting up ammunition

9.00am: Hands employed getting up ammunition

10.35am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requite

11.30am: Stopped. Secured alongside west wall of North Basin, Ireland Island

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Received 0.3 tons of coal (culinary)

2.00pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cacadfd341970117f6: ( 53-38470-016_0.jpg)

28 March 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.00pm: Received 0.8 tons of coal (culinary)

1.30pm: Divers carried out monthly dip

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cacadfd341970117f7: ( 53-38470-016_1.jpg)

29 March 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cacadfd341970117f8: ( 53-38470-017_0.jpg)

30 March 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.40am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd341970117f9: ( 53-38470-017_1.jpg)

31 March 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.40am: H.M.C.S. "Shearwater" shoved off

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Received 0.7 tons of coal (culinary)

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

Wikipedia has an article on H.M.C.S. "Shearwater".


4caf85cacadfd341970117fa: ( 53-38470-018_0.jpg)

1 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Received 1.2 tons of coal (culinary)

12.45pm: Paid monthly money

2.30pm: Hand employed storing ammunition ashore and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd341970117fb: ( 53-38470-018_1.jpg)

2 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed painting, scraping and as requisite

3.15pm: H.M.S. "Dauntless" secured alongside

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and second part of starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cacadfd341970117fc: ( 53-38470-019_0.jpg)

3 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed embarking ammunition

2.00pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and second part of port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cacadfd341970117fd: ( 53-38470-019_1.jpg)

4 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.30am: Received 35 tons of oil fuel from H.M.S. "Dauntless"

1.00pm: Received 1.2 tons of coal (culinary)

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and first part of starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cacadfd341970117fe: ( 53-38470-020_0.jpg)

5 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd341970117ff: ( 53-38470-020_1.jpg)

6 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011800: ( 53-38470-021_0.jpg)

7 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Fourteen dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Received 0.9 tons of coal (culinary)

1.00pm: Discharged marine detachment to Warwick Camp for musketry course

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011801: ( 53-38470-021_1.jpg)

8 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Twelve dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

1.30pm: Read warrants numbers 2 and 3

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011802: ( 53-38470-022_0.jpg)

9 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Eight dockyard workmen on board. Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: H.M.S. "Dauntless" proceeded to sea

11.00am: Received 1.1 tons of coal (culinary)

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011803: ( 53-38470-022_1.jpg)

10 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seven dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011804: ( 53-38470-023_0.jpg)

11 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Thirteen dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011805: ( 53-38470-023_1.jpg)

12 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Ten dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.00am: Received 0.9 tons of coal (culinary)

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cacadfd34197011806: ( 53-38470-024_0.jpg)

13 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011807: ( 53-38470-024_1.jpg)

14 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Received 1.2 tons of coal (culinary)

9.30am: Twenty-one dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011808: ( 53-38470-025_0.jpg)

15 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Twenty-three dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed fitting side screens and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011809: ( 53-38470-025_1.jpg)

16 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Twenty-nine dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed scraping and painting

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping and painting

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd3419701180a: ( 53-38470-026_0.jpg)

17 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Received 1.2 tons of coal (culinary)

9.30am: Twenty-nine dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed fitting awnings and as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd3419701180b: ( 53-38470-026_1.jpg)

18 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd3419701180c: ( 53-38470-027_0.jpg)

19 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Received 1.2 tons of coal (culinary)

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to first part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd3419701180d: ( 53-38470-027_1.jpg)

20 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.45am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd3419701180e: ( 53-38470-028_0.jpg)

21 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.00am: Lieutenant N.B.D. Taylor, Distinguished Service Cross, Royal Navy is herby cautioned for failing on April 11, 1919 to carry out the orders contained in North America and West Indies Station Captain's Temporary Memorandum N.142 of February 9, 1919. [Signed by] N.D.B. Taylor

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Fourteen dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

The Monthly Navy List of March 1919 shows Lieutenant N.D.B. Taylor is Lieutenant Neville D.B. Taylor.

4caf85cacadfd3419701180f: ( 53-38470-028_1.jpg)

22 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Exercised general quarters

11.00am: Eighteen dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011810: ( 53-38470-029_0.jpg)

23 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Received 3.5 tons of coal (culinary)

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Twenty-four dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011811: ( 53-38470-029_1.jpg)

24 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: H.M.S. "Dauntless" arrived and secured in North Basin

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.30am: Twenty dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

5.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011812: ( 53-38470-030_0.jpg)

25 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.30am: Thirty-four dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011813: ( 53-38470-030_1.jpg)

26 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Twenty dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011814: ( 53-38470-031_0.jpg)

27 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Optional church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to first part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011815: ( 53-38470-031_1.jpg)

28 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Discharged two ratings to Royal Naval Barracks, Bermuda

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Twenty-four dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Hands employed painting mess decks and as requisite

2.30pm: Discharged five ratings to H.M.S. "Devonshire"

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011816: ( 53-38470-032_0.jpg)

29 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Twenty-six dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed painting mess decks and as requisite

11.00am: H.M.S. "Dauntless" sailed for England

1.00pm: Hands employed painting mess decks and as requisite

2.15pm: H.M.S. "Devonshire" sailed for England

3.00pm: Discharged one rating to Royal Naval Barracks, Bermuda

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011817: ( 53-38470-032_1.jpg)

30 April 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.00am: Divers carried out monthly dip

11.00am: Twenty-seven dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm


4caf85cacadfd34197011818: ( 53-38470-033_0.jpg)

1 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Received 12.0 tons of coal (culinary)

9.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.00am: Discharged eight ratings to Royal Naval Barracks (temporarily)

11.00am: Twenty-eight dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Paid monthly money

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011819: ( 53-38470-033_1.jpg)

2 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

10.00am: Exercised fire control parties

11.00am: Twenty-nine dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd3419701181a: ( 53-38470-034_0.jpg)

3 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Twenty-four dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd3419701181b: ( 53-38470-034_1.jpg)

4 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cacadfd3419701181c: ( 53-38470-035_0.jpg)

5 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

9.30am: Hands employed painting ship

11.00am: Twenty-four dockyard workmen on board

1.08am: Petrol explosion on board United States Submarine Chaser number 343 which caught fire and sank in North Basin at 3.40pm

3.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

The Subchaser Archives and American Merchant Marine at War both list information on U.S. Submarine Chaser 343.

4caf85cacadfd3419701181d: ( 53-38470-035_1.jpg)

6 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed painting ship

11.00am: Twenty-nine dockyard workmen on board

1.00pm: Secured alongside S.S. "War Patriot" in North Basin

3.00pm: Received 59 tons of oil fuel from S.S. "War Patriot". Lost overboard by accident: brush, painter's, one in number. Hand employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

6.30pm: Marine detachment returned from Norwich Camp

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Patriot".

4caf85cacadfd3419701181e: ( 53-38470-036_0.jpg)

7 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed furling awnings and as requisite

8.30am: Shifted into floating dock

10.30am: 136 dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd3419701181f: ( 53-38470-036_1.jpg)

8 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions

10.00am: Hand employed as requisite

11.00am: Sixty-five dockyard workmen on board

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011820: ( 53-38470-037_0.jpg)

9 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.05am: Divisions

10.00am: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Seventy-five dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011821: ( 53-38470-037_1.jpg)

10 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.30am: Forty-nine dockyard workmen on board

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cacadfd34197011822: ( 53-38470-038_0.jpg)

11 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011823: ( 53-38470-038_1.jpg)

12 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Fifty-eight dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011824: ( 53-38470-039_0.jpg)

13 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.30am: Forty-nine dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011825: ( 53-38470-039_1.jpg)

14 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.00am: Seventy-two dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011826: ( 53-38470-040_0.jpg)

15 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Seventy-two dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011827: ( 53-38470-040_1.jpg)

16 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Seventy dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011828: ( 53-38470-041_0.jpg)

17 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Fifty dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011829: ( 53-38470-041_1.jpg)

18 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties (optional)

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: One rating joined ship from Royal Naval Barracks

4.00pm: Evening quarters

6.00pm: Six ratings joined ship from Royal Naval Barracks

4caf85cacadfd3419701182a: ( 53-38470-042_0.jpg)

19 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.00am: Fifty-six dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hand employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd3419701182b: ( 53-38470-042_1.jpg)

20 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.00am: Fifty-five dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd3419701182c: ( 53-38470-043_0.jpg)

21 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Fifty-six dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd3419701182d: ( 53-38470-043_1.jpg)

22 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: 109 dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd3419701182e: ( 53-38470-044_0.jpg)

23 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Sixty-seven dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd3419701182f: ( 53-38470-044_1.jpg)

24 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Fifty-five dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011830: ( 53-38470-045_0.jpg)

25 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cacadfd34197011831: ( 53-38470-045_1.jpg)

26 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Fifty-six dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cacadfd34197011832: ( 53-38470-046_0.jpg)

27 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

10.30am: 104 dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed assisting to coal S.S. "Bermudian"

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

Wear Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "Bermudian".

4caf85cacadfd34197011833: ( 53-38470-046_1.jpg)

28 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed assisting to coal S.S. "Bermudian"

10.30am: Ninety-two dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed assisting to coal S.S. "Bermudian"

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cacadfd34197011834: ( 53-38470-047_0.jpg)

29 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite

10.30am: Eighty-nine dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cacadfd34197011835: ( 53-38470-047_1.jpg)

30 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.30am: Flooded the dock

9.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.00am: Discharged one rating to hospital

11.00am: Sixty-seven dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cacadfd34197011836: ( 53-38470-048_0.jpg)

31 May 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Received 0.2 tons of coal (culinary)

9.40am: Shifted out of dock

10.45am: Secured alongside west wall of North Basin

11.00am: Sixty-five dockyard workmen on board

12.45pm: Paid monthly money

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to first part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters


4caf85cbcadfd34197011837: ( 53-38470-048_1.jpg)

1 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Received 12.0 tons of coal (culinary)

8.45am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

9.30am: Divisions

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011838: ( 53-38470-049_0.jpg)

2 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011839: ( 53-38470-049_1.jpg)

3 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Eighty-seven dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701183a: ( 53-38470-050_0.jpg)

4 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

11.00am: Sixty-seven dockyard workmen on board

1.00pm: Twelve ratings rejoined ship from Royal Naval Barracks (lent temporarily)

2.30pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701183b: ( 53-38470-050_1.jpg)

5 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

11.00am: Sixty-five dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701183c: ( 53-38470-051_0.jpg)

6 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: H.M.C.S. "Shearwater" left harbour

9.30am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.00am: Discharged seven ratings to Royal Naval Barracks (lent)

10.30am: Seventy-three dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

Wikipedia has an article on H.M.C.S. "Shearwater".

4caf85cbcadfd3419701183d: ( 53-38470-051_1.jpg)

7 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Fifty-six dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd3419701183e: ( 53-38470-052_0.jpg)

8 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.45am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to first part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd3419701183f: ( 53-38470-052_1.jpg)

9 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed returning stores and as requisite

11.00am: Sixty-six dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed returning stores and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011840: ( 53-38470-053_0.jpg)

10 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.30am: Discharged one rating to Royal Naval Hospital

11.00am: Fifty-four dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011841: ( 53-38470-053_1.jpg)

11 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Forty-six dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011842: ( 53-38470-054_0.jpg)

12 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Sixty-four dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011843: ( 53-38470-054_1.jpg)

13 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Sixty-two dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011844: ( 53-38470-055_0.jpg)

14 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Seventy-six dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011845: ( 53-38470-055_1.jpg)

15 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Landed church parties (optional)

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011846: ( 53-38470-056_0.jpg)

16 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.30am: Seventy-eight dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011847: ( 53-38470-056_1.jpg)

17 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Seventy-eight dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011848: ( 53-38470-057_0.jpg)

18 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed about shells and as requisite

10.30am: Seventy-six dockyard workmen on board

1.00pm: Hands employed about shells, drawing stores and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011849: ( 53-38470-057_1.jpg)

19 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

10.00am: Divers carried out monthly dip

11.00am: Eighty-nine dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd3419701184a: ( 53-38470-058_0.jpg)

20 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

10.30am: Ninety-two dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to first part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701184b: ( 53-38470-058_1.jpg)

21 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

Secured in North Basin

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Eighty-three dockyard workmen on board

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd3419701184c: ( 53-38470-059_0.jpg)

22 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

9.40am: Divisions

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd3419701184d: ( 53-38470-059_1.jpg)

23 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

10.30am: Eighty-one dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701184e: ( 53-38470-060_0.jpg)

24 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Eighty-four dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701184f: ( 53-38470-060_1.jpg)

25 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed embarking provisions

10.30am: Eighty-five dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed embarking provisions

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011850: ( 53-38470-061_0.jpg)

26 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed coaling and provisioning

9.30am: Hands employed coaling and provisioning

10.30am: Ninety-four dockyard workmen on board

2.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to second part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011851: ( 53-38470-061_1.jpg)

27 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed embarking ammunition

9.30am: Oiler "Cherryleaf" secured alongside

11.00am: Ninety-eight dockyard workmen on board

1.00pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition

1.40pm: Finished oiling, received 500 tons

2.30pm: Oiler "Cherryleaf" shoved off

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to first part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Cherryleaf".

4caf85cbcadfd34197011852: ( 53-38470-062_0.jpg)

28 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: 113 dockyard workmen on board

11.00am: Lost overboard by accident: pliers, side cutting, two pairs

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to first part of port watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011853: ( 53-38470-062_1.jpg)

29 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

9.40am: Divisions

10.15am: Landed Church of England church party

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am, to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011854: ( 53-38470-063_0.jpg)

30 June 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Sixty dockyard workmen on board

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to second part of port watch till 11.00pm


4caf85cbcadfd34197011855: ( 53-38470-063_1.jpg)

1 July 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Received 16 tons of coal (culinary)

9.30am: Hands employed painting ship

10.30am: Thirty-nine dockyard workmen on board

12.30pm: Received 16 tons of coal (culinary)

12.45pm: Paid monthly money

2.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to second part of starboard watch till 11.00pm

6.30pm: Eight ratings rejoined ship from wireless telegraphy station

4caf85cbcadfd34197011856: ( 53-38470-064_0.jpg)

2 July 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.82

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.35am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

9.55am: Stopped. Came to with port anchor in Grassy Bay in 7 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side of south breakwater N87°W, Stag Rock beacon S51°W, Hogfish beacon S1°W

Noon: Signal books correct

2.05pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for Narrows

3.13pm: Outer outer fairway buoy

5.40pm: Passed outer fairway buoy. Courses and speeds as requisite for Narrows and Grassy Bay

6.48pm: Stopped. Came to with port anchor in Grassy Bay in 7 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side south breakwater S70°W, left side northern breakwater S89°W, victualling yard chimney N43°W

4caf85cbcadfd34197011857: ( 53-38470-064_1.jpg)

3 July 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

2.00pm: Discharged one rating to hospital, one rating joined ship from hospital

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cbcadfd34197011858: ( 53-38470-065_0.jpg)

4 July 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Decorated ship overall in honour of American Independence Day

10.40am: Oiler "Cherryleaf" came alongside

11.55am: Oiler "Cherryleaf" shoved off. Received 123 tons of oil fuel

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Fired salute of 21 guns

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Read warrant number 4

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Discharged one rating to H.M.S. "Mutine". One rating joined ship from H.M.S. "Mutine"

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Cherryleaf".

4caf85cbcadfd34197011859: ( 53-38470-065_1.jpg)

5 July 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Landed party for funeral of ordinary seaman Snook.

1.00pm: Hands employed preparing for sea.

1.30pm: Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer, C.B., Royal Navy embarked for passage to Jamaica

3.31pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for Narrows

4.00pm: Read warrant number 5

5.00pm: Passed outer fairway buoy

5.11pm: St. David's Head lighthouse bore N65°W 2.5 miles

5.38pm: St. David's Head lighthouse bore N22°E, Hamilton cathedral N75½°W, Gibb's Hill lighthouse S87°W

6.00pm: Signal books correct

6.09pm: Gibb's Hill lighthouse abeam 4.9 miles

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission lists A. Snook, buried at Bermuda Royal Naval Cemetery.

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer.

The abbreviation C.B. stands for Companion in the Civil Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.

4caf85cbcadfd3419701185a: ( 53-38470-066_0.jpg)

6 July 1919

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 27.87, Long -67.55

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

11.10am: Sighted steamship WNW steering SE by South

Noon: Signal books correct

12.25pm: Put clocks back 20 minutes

12.55pm: Put clocks back 21 minutes

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cbcadfd3419701185b: ( 53-38470-066_1.jpg)

7 July 1919

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 21.92, Long -71.18

Time kept: +5 Zone Time, that is 5 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

Noon to 12.15pm: Working up from 12 to 18½ knots

1.00pm: Sighted Grand Turk Island lighthouse bearing S15°E

1.38pm: Grand Turk Island lighthouse N79°E, Commissioners house flagstaff S11°E

1.55pm: Stopped. Came to with port anchor off Grand Turk Island in 9 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles

4.00pm: Signal books correct

5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded

5.13pm: Commissioners house flagstaff S56°E 1.2 miles

5.30pm: Salt Cay lighthouse S15½°E, Cotton Cay abeam starboard S62°E. Signal books correct

5.35pm: Salt Cay light abeam

6.08pm: Sand Cay beacon abeam 4.8 miles

6.15pm: Sand Cay beacon S by E 5.5 miles

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cbcadfd3419701185c: ( 53-38470-067_0.jpg)

8 July 1919

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 18.22, Long -75.77

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.25am: Navassa Island bore S26°E 17 miles (approximately)

9.44am: Navassa Island abeam

11.30am: Exercised general quarters

Noon: Signal books correct

1.21pm: Point Morant lighthouse S71°W 7500 yards

1.30pm: Point Morant lighthouse N51°W 4700 yards

2.30pm: Abeam port Upper White Horses N40°W, Prospect Point, Point Morant N51°E

3.11pm: Albion chimney N23°E 9000 yards

3.38pm: Plum Point lighthouse N50°W. Courses and speeds as requisite

4.00pm: Signal books correct

4.30pm: Stopped. Came to with port anchor at Kingston in 7 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

4caf85cbcadfd3419701185d: ( 53-38470-067_1.jpg)

9 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed as requisite

9.30am: His Excellency the Governor visited Commander-in-Chief, saluted with 17 guns

11.00am: General officer commanding troops visited Commander-in-Chief, saluted with 11 guns

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed scraping upper deck and as requisite

2.30pm: Read warrant number 6

3.00pm: Discharged one rating to H.M.S. "Berwick"

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cbcadfd3419701185e: ( 53-38470-068_0.jpg)

10 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: crutch, boat, gunmetal, one in number

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Four ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Berwick"

4caf85cbcadfd3419701185f: ( 53-38470-068_1.jpg)

11 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer, C.B., transferred his flag to H.M.S. "Berwick"

9.10am: Divisions

10.00am: Saluted Commander-in-Chief on leaving with 17 guns

11.00am: Exercised general quarters

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer.

The abbreviation C.B. stands for Companion in the Civil Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.

4caf85cbcadfd34197011860: ( 53-38470-069_0.jpg)

12 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011861: ( 53-38470-069_1.jpg)

13 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Landed church parties.

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011862: ( 53-38470-070_0.jpg)

14 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.45am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

7.10am: Stopped: Secured alongside S.S. "War Patriot" in (approximate) B berth

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.00am: Read warrants number 7 and 8

11.55am: Received 514 tons of oil fuel from S.S. "War Patriot"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requite for Ship and South Channels

2.28pm: Three Fathoms Bank buoy bore West 2 cables

3.37pm: Bare Bush Cay N89°W, left side Pigeon Island N69°W, Big Pelican Island N45°W

4.00pm: Signal books correct

4.05pm: Left side Pigeon Island N38°W, Little Pelican Island N60°E, right side Pigeon Island N20°W

4.24pm: Goat Island right side N61°E

4.43pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Portland Bight in 6 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Cabrietta Point S69°E, right side Goat Island N65°E, left side Goat Island N34°W

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Patriot".

Cabrietta Point is also known as Cabarita Point.

4caf85cbcadfd34197011863: ( 53-38470-070_1.jpg)

15 July 1919

In Portland Bight

Lat 17.87, Long -77.10

5.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.00am: Carried out director test

7.00am: Guns crews carried out loader drill

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Carried out director test

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Exercised small arm company

2.30pm: Barge's cover burned and destroyed by accident

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011864: ( 53-38470-071_0.jpg)

16 July 1919

In Portland Bight

Lat 17.87, Long -77.10

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Guns crews at loader drill

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Exercised general quarters

11.00am: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Exercised small arm company

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011865: ( 53-38470-071_1.jpg)

17 July 1919

In Portland Bight

Lat 17.87, Long -77.10

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Exercised control parties

11.00am: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011866: ( 53-38470-072_0.jpg)

18 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.15am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

6.22am: Cabrietta Point S79°E, right side Goat Island N52°E, Careening Island N31°W

6.40am: Right side Pigeon Island N84°E

7.55am: Small Point N11°W, Drunkenman Cay N10°E, South Cay N25°E

8.25am: Port Royal Tower bearing East. Courses and speeds as requisite

9.00am: Stopped, secured alongside East side of number 3 pier

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Received 6.0 tons of coal (culinary)

2.00pm: Landed ship's company for review rehearsal

7.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 10.00pm

9.40pm: Landed armed party of 66 men to protect liberty men from natives. Party met with no resistance

Cabrietta Point is also known as Cabarita Point.

4caf85cbcadfd34197011867: ( 53-38470-072_1.jpg)

19 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

5.45am: Landed ship's company for peace celebration review at Up-Park Camp

10.00am: Exercised small arm companies

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.30pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

6.30pm: Landed armed party of 110 men in view of possible disturbances ashore

7.30pm: Landed armed party of 40 men for same reason

10.00pm: No disturbances ashore

4caf85cbcadfd34197011868: ( 53-38470-073_0.jpg)

20 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

12.10am: Armed party returned on board

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions

10.45am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and to boys till 10.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd34197011869: ( 53-38470-073_1.jpg)

21 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 10.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701186a: ( 53-38470-074_0.jpg)

22 July 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica, and to Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.45am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

7.10am: Stopped, secured alongside oiler S.S. "War Patriot" in approximately B berth. Anchor bearings: left side number 1 wharf N67°W, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company tower N21°W, Myrtle Bank tower N3°E

9.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea

10.55am: Finished oiling, received 384 tons

Noon: Signal books correct

12.32pm: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

1.11pm: Port Royal tower bore N55°E 6.5 cables

1.52pm: Great Pelican Island bore N87°W

2.54pm: Left side Portland Point N59°W, right side Portland point N26°W, Little Half Moon Cay N2½°W. Signal books correct

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Exercised close watertight doors, tow forward and away life boats crew. Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Patriot".

4caf85cbcadfd3419701186b: ( 53-38470-074_1.jpg)

23 July 1919

From Jamaica to Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -83.18

1.00am: Lost overboard by accident: rotators, for Trident log, pattern number 315c, one in number, and lines, log, pattern number 316a, one in number

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Exercised close watertight doors, and out kedge anchor (stations only)

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.03pm: Swan Island bore S71°W

1.40pm: Swan Island wireless telegraphy mast bore West 5.5 miles

2.00pm: Swan Island wireless telegraphy mast bore N5°W 5.5 miles, right side Swan Island bore N24°E

4.00pm: Signal books correct

5.30pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes. Signal books correct

8.20pm: Sighted Half Moon Cay light S78°W

8.30pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

8.47pm: Half Moon Cay light N71°W 8600 yards

9.08pm: Signal books correct

9.44pm: Bokel Cay light N42°W 5 miles

10.00pm: Bokel Cay light N57°E 4300 yards

10.47pm: English Cay light S70°W. Course and speed as requisite

11.15pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off English Cay in 12 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cbcadfd3419701186c: ( 53-38470-075_0.jpg)

24 July 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

Time kept: +6 Zone Time, that is 6 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

4.45am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

6.37am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Belize in 4½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: conspicuous chimney N2°W 3050 yards

8.45am: Landed armed party of 120 men to keep order in Belize Headquarters, the drill hall

11.00am: Hands employed getting up provisions for landing party as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Landed armed party of forty men to reinforce original party

2.30pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition sent off from shore

6.00pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition

4caf85cbcadfd3419701186d: ( 53-38470-075_1.jpg)

25 July 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

Time kept: 5 hours 40 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes to be in accordance with shore time

10.00am: Hands employed striking down ammunition into B magazine

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed striking down ammunition into B magazine

5.00pm: Hands employed embarking and stowing away explosives (detonators, dynamite and powder) brought off from shore

4caf85cbcadfd3419701186e: ( 53-38470-076_0.jpg)

26 July 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cbcadfd3419701186f: ( 53-38470-076_1.jpg)

27 July 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

4caf85cbcadfd34197011870: ( 53-38470-077_0.jpg)

28 July 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85cbcadfd34197011871: ( 53-38470-077_1.jpg)

29 July 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85cbcadfd34197011872: ( 53-38470-078_0.jpg)

30 July 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85cbcadfd34197011873: ( 53-38470-078_1.jpg)

31 July 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Make and mend clothes

3.30pm: Gave leave to 15% of ship's company till 6.00pm


4caf85cbcadfd34197011874: ( 53-38470-079_0.jpg)

1 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

5.00pm: Read warrant number 9

4caf85cbcadfd34197011875: ( 53-38470-079_1.jpg)

2 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cbcadfd34197011876: ( 53-38470-080_0.jpg)

3 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

3.15pm: Gave leave to 15% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011877: ( 53-38470-080_1.jpg)

4 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Read warrant number 10

3.15pm: Gave leave to 15% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011878: ( 53-38470-081_0.jpg)

5 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 15% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011879: ( 53-38470-081_1.jpg)

6 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Oiler S.S. "War Dogra" arrived from Kingston

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Fifty-six men returned on board from shore party

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 15% of ship's company till 6.00pm

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Dogra".

4caf85cbcadfd3419701187a: ( 53-38470-082_0.jpg)

7 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

1.32pm: Stopped, secured alongside oiler S.S. "War Dogra"

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

6.00pm: Received 465 tons of oil fuel from S.S. "War Dogra"

4caf85cbcadfd3419701187b: ( 53-38470-082_1.jpg)

8 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.15pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite. Oiler S.S. "War Dogra" sailed for Kingston

1.30pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Belize in 3½ fathoms (mud), veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: conspicuous chimney N5°W 2960 yards

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701187c: ( 53-38470-083_0.jpg)

9 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

Time kept: 5 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.05am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701187d: ( 53-38470-083_1.jpg)

10 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701187e: ( 53-38470-084_0.jpg)

11 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85cbcadfd3419701187f: ( 53-38470-084_1.jpg)

12 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Read warrant number 11

4caf85cbcadfd34197011880: ( 53-38470-085_0.jpg)

13 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011881: ( 53-38470-085_1.jpg)

14 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011882: ( 53-38470-086_0.jpg)

15 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011883: ( 53-38470-086_1.jpg)

16 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed embarking coal

10.30am: Received 8.5 tons of coal (culinary)

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011884: ( 53-38470-087_0.jpg)

17 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011885: ( 53-38470-087_1.jpg)

18 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011886: ( 53-38470-088_0.jpg)

19 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

6.00pm: Read warrant number 12

4caf85cbcadfd34197011887: ( 53-38470-088_1.jpg)

20 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011888: ( 53-38470-089_0.jpg)

21 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.30am: Lost overboard by accident: brushes, pattern number 5, four in number

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

6.00pm: Read warrant number 13

4caf85cbcadfd34197011889: ( 53-38470-089_1.jpg)

22 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701188a: ( 53-38470-090_0.jpg)

23 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Lost overboard by accident: brushes, painter's, two in number

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

6.00pm: Read warrant number 14

4caf85cbcadfd3419701188b: ( 53-38470-090_1.jpg)

24 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701188c: ( 53-38470-091_0.jpg)

25 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701188d: ( 53-38470-091_1.jpg)

26 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701188e: ( 53-38470-092_0.jpg)

27 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed surveying cable

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed surveying cable

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701188f: ( 53-38470-092_1.jpg)

28 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011890: ( 53-38470-093_0.jpg)

29 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011891: ( 53-38470-093_1.jpg)

30 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011892: ( 53-38470-094_0.jpg)

31 August 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm


4caf85cbcadfd34197011893: ( 53-38470-094_1.jpg)

1 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

Time kept: +5½, that is 5 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Gunnery (9) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Gunnery (9) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011894: ( 53-38470-095_0.jpg)

2 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Gunnery (9) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.15am: Oiler S.S. "War Dogra" arrived from Jamaica.

10.30am: Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander A.H.S. Richardson joined ship. Thirteen ratings joined ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

The Monthly Navy List of November 1919 shows Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander A.H.S. Richardson is Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander Arthur H.S. Richardson.

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Dogra".

4caf85cbcadfd34197011895: ( 53-38470-095_1.jpg)

3 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Gunnery (9) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011896: ( 53-38470-096_0.jpg)

4 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.26am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

7.00am: Stopped, secured alongside S.S. "War Dogra"

7.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed embarking coal

10.30am: Received 170 tons of oil fuel from S.S. "War Dogra"

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Received 15 tons of coal (culinary) from S.S. "War Dogra"

4.55pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

5.05pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor in 3½ fathoms (mud) off Belize, veered to 4 shackles

4caf85cbcadfd34197011897: ( 53-38470-096_1.jpg)

5 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to 10% of ship's company till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011898: ( 53-38470-097_0.jpg)

6 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Eighteen ratings returned on board from duty ashore

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd34197011899: ( 53-38470-097_1.jpg)

7 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Twelve ratings returned on board from duty ashore

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701189a: ( 53-38470-098_0.jpg)

8 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701189b: ( 53-38470-098_1.jpg)

9 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd3419701189c: ( 53-38470-099_0.jpg)

10 September 1919

From Belize, British Honduras, to Trujillo, Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea

Noon: Signal books correct

2.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for ship channel

4.08pm: English Cay bore S20° 6 cables. Signal books correct

4.13pm: Rendezvous Cay S8°W, right side Middle Long Cay S83°W, English Cay N14°W

4.50pm: Bokel Cay N50°E 6 cables

5.50pm: Half Moon Cay lighthouse N10°E 17000 yards, left side Long Cay N17°W

8.00pm: Signal books correct

8.15pm: Utila Island occulting light bore S11°E

8.45pm: Utila Island occulting light bore S19½°W, left side Utila Island bore S19½°E

8.57pm: Utila Island occulting light abeam

11.23pm: Cape Honduras extremity bore N25°E

11.40pm: Courses and speeds as requisite

Midnight: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Trujillo in 8 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Dead reckoning Cape Honduras extremity N39°W 5.5 miles. Signal books correct

Cape Honduras is also known as Punta Caxinas.

4caf85cbcadfd3419701189d: ( 53-38470-099_1.jpg)

11 September 1919

At La Ceiba and Trujillo, Honduras

Lat 15.98, Long -86.62

Time kept: +5½, that is 5 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

1.45am: Weighed and proceeded

2.05am: Cape Honduras extremity bore N10°E

3.14am: Hog Island (East) S33°W 4¾ miles

3.23am: Hog Island abeam

4.00am: Signal books correct

4.30am: Speeds as requisite

5.25am: Stopped, came to with port anchor off La Ceiba in 7 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.20am: Saluted American consul with 7 guns

9.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.08am: Weighed and proceeded

11.41am: Left side Hog (East) N74°W

Noon: Signal books correct

12.13pm: Hog Island (West) bore S57°E 3.9 miles

12.25pm: Hog Island (East) abeam

2.00pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Trujillo in 6 fathoms round to 4 shackles

8.33pm: Weighed proceeded N80°W

9.00pm: Cape Honduras extremity bore N11°E

11.00pm: Hog Island (East) bore S51½°W

11.30pm: Hog Island (East) bore S9°W 4.8 miles

4caf85cbcadfd3419701189e: ( 53-38470-100_0.jpg)

12 September 1919

At Tela and Puerto Cortez, Honduras

Lat 15.97, Long -87.80

Time kept: +5½, that is 5 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

1.30am: Utila occulting light bore S59°W

2.00am: Utila occulting light S42°W, left side Utila Island S19½°E

2.30am: Utila occulting light bore S3°W

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.27am: Tela light S10°W, Sal Rocks S84°W

5.42am: Tela light S3°W, Sal Rocks N85°W

6.25am: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Tela in 8 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Tela pier end S35°W 4 cables

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.30am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.47am: Weighed and proceeded

11.21am: Ulloa Point aligned with Sal Rocks

Noon: Signal books correct

12.20pm: Caballos Point S37½°W, Chimlico Peak S5°E, Ulloa Point S70°E

12.50pm: Caballos Point abeam 1 mile. Courses and speeds as requisite

1.06pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor Puerto Cortez in 9 fathoms, veered to 3½ shackles. Anchor bearings: Caballos Point lighthouse N36°W 1900 yards

3.30pm: Saluted British Consul with 7 guns

Ulloa is also spelled as Ulua.

Chimlico Peak is also known as Cerro Cardona.

4caf85cbcadfd3419701189f: ( 53-38470-100_1.jpg)

13 September 1919

From Puerto Cortez, Honduras, to Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

Time kept: +5½, that is 5 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.11am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

6.19am: Caballos Point lighthouse bore S85°E ½ mile

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.17am: South Water Cay bore N14°W

8.45am: South Water Cay bore N50°E 5.3 miles

9.45am: Right side Columbus Cay N89gW

10.11am: Cay Bokel abeam 2.6 miles

10.30am: Goff's Cay N17°W, Rendezvous Cay N75°N, right side Alligator Cay S59°W

10.50am: English Cay S70°N 1 mile. Course and speed as requisite for ship channel to Belize

Noon: Signal books correct

12.35pm: Stopped, secured alongside oiler S.S. "War Dogra" off Belize. Anchor bearing: government house flagstaff N4°E 3400 yards

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm. Received 370 tons of oil fuel from S.S. "War Dogra"

4.45pm: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

4.58pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Belize in 3½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Dogra".

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a0: ( 53-38470-101_0.jpg)

14 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a1: ( 53-38470-101_1.jpg)

15 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

1.00am: Lost during operations ashore at Belize: lamps, miner's, accumulator, one in number

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: boat hook (metal), pattern number 78K, one in number

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Discharged thirteen ratings to S.S. "War Dogra" for passage to England

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Dogra".

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a2: ( 53-38470-102_0.jpg)

16 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a3: ( 53-38470-102_1.jpg)

17 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

6.00pm: Two non-commissioned officers and eleven privates R.M.L.I. returned from duty ashore

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a4: ( 53-38470-103_0.jpg)

18 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a5: ( 53-38470-103_1.jpg)

19 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a6: ( 53-38470-104_0.jpg)

20 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a7: ( 53-38470-104_1.jpg)

21 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a8: ( 53-38470-105_0.jpg)

22 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118a9: ( 53-38470-105_1.jpg)

23 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions

10.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118aa: ( 53-38470-106_0.jpg)

24 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118ab: ( 53-38470-106_1.jpg)

25 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118ac: ( 53-38470-107_0.jpg)

26 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118ad: ( 53-38470-107_1.jpg)

27 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Twenty-two ratings returned on board from duty ashore

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Make and mend clothes

1.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118ae: ( 53-38470-108_0.jpg)

28 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.15am: Divisions

10.00am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd341970118af: ( 53-38470-108_1.jpg)

29 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Read warrant number 15

4caf85cbcadfd341970118b0: ( 53-38470-109_0.jpg)

30 September 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed about wire hawsers and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed about wire hawsers and as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters


4caf85cbcadfd341970118b1: ( 53-38470-109_1.jpg)

1 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (8) and seamanship (6) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed about wire hawsers and as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cbcadfd341970118b2: ( 53-38470-110_0.jpg)

2 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd341970118b3: ( 53-38470-110_1.jpg)

3 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed getting up ammunition

9.00am: Divisions. Seamanship (6) training class at instruction

9.30am: H.M.S. "Cambrian" arrived

10.00am: Hands employed transferring ammunition to H.M.S. "Cambrian"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed embarking stores from and transferring ammunition to H.M.S. "Cambrian"

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

6.00pm: Three ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Cambrian"

4caf85cbcadfd341970118b4: ( 53-38470-111_0.jpg)

4 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed embarking stores from and transferring ammunition to H.M.S. "Cambrian", and cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cbcadfd341970118b5: ( 53-38470-111_1.jpg)

5 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Landed Church of England, Roman Catholic. Wesleyan church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118b6: ( 53-38470-112_0.jpg)

6 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.05am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed refitting awning curtains, stowing booms and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting awning curtains and as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118b7: ( 53-38470-112_1.jpg)

7 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Gunnery (8) training class at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Eleven ratings rejoined ship from duty ashore

2.00pm: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

3.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cccadfd341970118b8: ( 53-38470-113_0.jpg)

8 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Make and mend clothes

1.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

4caf85cccadfd341970118b9: ( 53-38470-113_1.jpg)

9 October 1919

At Belize, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

Gear lost during landing operations at Jamaica and Belize – July, August and September 1919:

Web gear: water bottles 2; carriers for ditto 2; haversacks 3; shoulder straps 1

Leather gear: belts, waist 3

Other gear: whistle 1

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.00am: Took over motor schooner "San Carlos" (the property of the Admiralty) from British Honduras Government

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Make and mend clothes

1.15pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118ba: ( 53-38470-114_0.jpg)

10 October 1919

At Belize, and off Stann Creek, British Honduras

Lat 17.48, Long -88.19

Time kept: +5½, that is 5 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed securing for sea

10.00am: Ten ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Cambrian" for passage to Jamaica

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Saluted His Excellency The Governor with 17 guns

2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite, "San Carlos" in tow

2.45pm: College [?] flagstaff N21°W, Stake Bank N81°E

3.08pm: Right side One Man Cay aligned with left side Grennels Cay

3.38pm: Spanish Cay bore N64°E. Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

5.02pm: Left side Mosquito Cay aligned with right side Columbus Cay, Stann Creek S20°

5.15pm: Stann Creek bore S49°W

5.40pm: Pier extremity bore N50°W

5.50pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Stann Creek in 5 fathoms, veered to 3½ shackles

Stann Creek is also known as Dangriga.

4caf85cccadfd341970118bb: ( 53-38470-114_1.jpg)

11 October 1919

From Stann Creek, British Honduras, to Jamaica

Lat 16.98, Long -88.22

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite, "San Carlos" in tow

1.45pm: Pier extremity bore North 1 mile

2.05pm: Right side Blue Ground Range aligned with left side Wee Wee Cay

3.51pm: Right side Bugle Cay aligned with left side Colson Cay, left side Placentia Island S75°W

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised sea boats' crews. Signal books correct. Right side Colson Cay aligned with right side Scipio Cay

4.11pm: Scipio Cay N42°, Bugle Cay lighthouse N20°E, right side Placentia Island N8½°W

5.45pm: Snake Cay lighthouse N65°W 14 cables

6.41pm: Cape Three Points light S64°W

8.00pm: Signal books correct

9.09pm: Puerto Cortez light abeam 9 miles

Midnight: Signal books correct

Cape Three Points is also known as Cabo Tres Puntas.

4caf85cccadfd341970118bc: ( 53-38470-115_0.jpg)

12 October 1919

From Stann Creek, British Honduras, to Jamaica

Lat 16.51, Long -85.94

Time kept: +5½, that is 5 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

12.38am: Sighted Utila Island occulting light bearing N84½°E

1.55am: Stopped, pumped out "San Carlos"

2.50am: Utila light S66°E 4¾ miles

3.30am: Left side Utila Island S65½°E, Utila Island occulting light S8°E

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Left side Roatan Island N63½°W, left side Hog Island (East) S1°W

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.30am: Right side Bonacca Island N58½°E, right side Barbereta Island N4°W, right side Morat Island N31°W

9.35am: Black [Rock] Point N57°E, Pine Ridge Peak S75°E

10.08am: Stopped, came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2½ shackles. Repaired and pumped out "San Carlos". Anchor bearings: Black Point N57°E, Michael Rock S70°E, Pine Ridge Peak South

10.43am: Weight and proceeded as requisite. Lost overboard by accident in working "San Carlos": fenders, round, two in number; fender, coir, one in number

Noon: Signal books correct

12.24pm: Left side Bonacca Island S75°E, Michael Rock S11°E, Pine Ridge Peak S1°W

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

5.50pm: Stopped, pumped out "San Carlos"

6.25pm: Proceeded

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

Bonacca Island is also known as Guanaja Island.

Barbereta Island is also known as Barbareta Island.

Black Rock Point is also known as Punta Roca Negra.

Pine Ridge Peak is located on the north side of the western tip of Guanaja Island.

Michael Rock is located on the north side of the middle of Guanaja Island.

4caf85cccadfd341970118bd: ( 53-38470-115_1.jpg)

13 October 1919

From Stann Creek, British Honduras, to Jamaica

Lat 16.89, Long -81.41

Time kept: +5½, that is 5 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Aired bedding

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.25am: Stopped, changed crews in "San Carlos"

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

3.10pm: Sounded on Rosalind Bank, 26 fathoms

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.30pm: Exercised sea boats crews and close watertight doors for exercise

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.10pm: Put clocks on 15 minutes

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118be: ( 53-38470-116_0.jpg)

14 October 1919

From Stann Creek, British Honduras, to Jamaica

Lat 17.69, Long -77.01

Time kept: +5, that is 5 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

12.30am to 3.55am: Ran line of soundings over Pedro Bank

2.10am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.15am: [Great] Pedro Bluff N41½°W, Round Hill summit N29°E, Brazaletta Hill (right shoulder) N53°E [The log-keeper probably made a spelling mistake and meant Brazilletto Hill]

11.15am: Portland Point bore North

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.38pm: Small Point North, Goat Island summit N57°W, Great Pelican Island N74°W

1.35pm: Port Royal tower abeam 5 cables. Courses and speeds as requisite

2.00pm: Stopped, secured alongside oiler S.S. "War Dogra" off Kingston in approximate B berth. Anchor bearings: left side number 1 wharf N67°W, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company tower N27°W, yacht club flagstaff N59°E

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Dogra".

4caf85cccadfd341970118bf: ( 53-38470-116_1.jpg)

15 October 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

2.00am: Received 487 tons of oil fuel from S.S. "War Dogra"

5.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.40am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

7.15am: Stopped, secured alongside number 3 wharf, Kingston harbour

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Received 5.0 tons of coal (culinary) from Naval Stores Office, Jamaica

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Discharged one rating to Military Detention Quarters, Jamaica

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118c0: ( 53-38470-117_0.jpg)

16 October 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118c1: ( 53-38470-117_1.jpg)

17 October 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.05pm: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

4.38pm: Port Royal tower bore East 4 cables

5.00pm: Signal books correct

5.39pm: Goat Island summit 302½°, Great Pelican Island 285°

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118c2: ( 53-38470-118_0.jpg)

18 October 1919

From Kingston to Montego Bay, Jamaica

Lat 18.47, Long -77.94

2.18am: Cape Negril light 26° 7 miles

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Courses and speeds as requisite for carrying out 1-inch aiming rifle practice and for anchoring in Montego Bay

8.15am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Montego bay in 12 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Marine Hospital 13°, church 89°, pier extremity 107°

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.30pm and to chief and petty officers till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cccadfd341970118c3: ( 53-38470-118_1.jpg)

19 October 1919

At Montego Bay, Jamaica

Lat 18.47, Long -77.94

6.00am: Hand employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00am

4.00pm: Evening quarters

10.05pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

10.30pm: Montego Bay light 107° 2.4 miles

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118c4: ( 53-38470-119_0.jpg)

20 October 1919

From Montego Bay to Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

12.12am: Negril Point light bore 162°

12.41am: Negril Point light abeam 2.8 miles

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Portland Rock bore 209°

6.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite for 3-pounder sub-calibre firing

7.10am: Portland Rock bore 255° 2 miles

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.15am: Kingston Quarry 37°, Small Point 2°, Goat Island summit 306°

10.50am: Port Royal tower bore 90° 5 cables. Courses and speeds as requisite

11.30am: Stopped, secured alongside oiler S.S. "War Dogra" off Kingston in approximate B berth. Anchor bearings: left side number 1 wharf 295°, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company tower 335°, yacht club flagstaff 61°

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Received 181 tons of oil fuel from S.S. "War Dogra"

1.30pm: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

1.52pm: Stopped, secured alongside number 3 wharf Kingston Harbor

2.30pm: Read warrant number 17

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Read warrant number 16

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

Scottish Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "War Dogra".

4caf85cccadfd341970118c5: ( 53-38470-119_1.jpg)

21 October 1919

From Kingston, Jamaica, to Great Inagua Island, Bahamas

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.12pm: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for ship channel

2.30pm: Plum Point lighthouse 304°, Kingston Quarry 10°

3.00pm: Right side Yallahs Point 84½°, Albion chimney 28°, Martello tower 325°

4.00pm: Signal books correct

5.00pm: Emerald Island (Port Morant) 307½°, Morant Point lighthouse 20°

5.15pm: Morant Point lighthouse bore 356°. Signal books correct

5.49pm: Morant Point lighthouse bore 292½° 5.5 miles

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.50pm: Navassa light bore 139° 17.5 miles

Midnight: Signal books correct

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

4caf85cccadfd341970118c6: ( 53-38470-119a_0.jpg)

22 October 1919

From Kingston, Jamaica, to Great Inagua Island, Bahamas

Lat 20.45, Long -73.88

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.23am: Cape Maysi light 330° 14.7 miles

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.45am: Cape Maysi light 258½° 13 miles

Noon: Signal books correct

3.10pm: Inagua lighthouse 123°, Louisa Point lighthouse 82°

3.45pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Matthew Town in 6 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Louisa Point lighthouse 87° 750 yards, Great Inagua lighthouse 148°

Cape Maysi is also known as Cabo Maysi, and Punta de Maisi.

4caf85cccadfd341970118c7: ( 53-38470-119a_1.jpg)

23 October 1919

From Great Inagua Island, Bahamas, to Bermuda

Lat 22.06, Long -72.46

6.15am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

6.25am: Middle Point 348°, Louisa Point lighthouse 90°

6.43am: North West Point 33°, Middle Point 80°

7.05am: Left side North West Point 125°, right side North West Point 141°

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Left side Little Inagua Island 115°, northern 60 feet hill, Little Inagua Island 160½°, right side Little Inagua Island 187°

11.30am: Providenciales (high land) 121½°

Noon: Providenciales (high land) 151°. Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.15pm: Put clock on 10 minutes

Midnight: Signal books correct

Middle Point is also known as Devil's Point.

4caf85cccadfd341970118c8: ( 53-38470-120_0.jpg)

24 October 1919

From Great Inagua Island, Bahamas, to Bermuda

Lat 27.93, Long -68.18

Time kept: 4 hours 40 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.15am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship

11.00am: Courses as requisite for exercising hand wheel and steering engine steering positions

11.40am: Normal conditions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Lost by accident: rotator and governor for patent log, one in number

2.30pm: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.05pm: Stopped, dropped and picked up both lifebuoys

4.25pm: Proceeded

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.15pm: Put clock on 10 minutes

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crews

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118c9: ( 53-38470-120_1.jpg)

25 October 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.3, Long -64.6

Time kept: 4 hours 19 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

1.20am: Exercised sea boats crews

2.15am: Put clock on 11 minutes

4.00am: Signal books correct

4.45am: Exercised sea boats crews

6.45am: Gibb's Hill lighthouse 350° 7.0 miles

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.56am: St. David's lighthouse bore 303°

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.25am: Passed outer fairway buoy. Courses and speeds as requisite

9.25am: Stopped, came to with port anchor in Grassy Bay in B berth in 7 fathoms, veering to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Hogfish beacon 171°, south-east extremity of south breakwater 262°, dockyard clock tower 298°

10.14am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

10.40am: Stopped, secured in South Camber

Noon: Signal books correct

2.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

6.00pm: Received 521 tons of oil fuel from shore tanks

4caf85cccadfd341970118ca: ( 53-38470-121_0.jpg)

26 October 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cccadfd341970118cb: ( 53-38470-121_1.jpg)

27 October 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.38am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.40am: Stopped, secured in North Basin

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship and drawing stores

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118cc: ( 53-38470-122_0.jpg)

28 October 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed embarking provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed embarking provisions

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

7.00pm: Discharged [left blank] ratings to Royal Naval Barracks

4caf85cccadfd341970118cd: ( 53-38470-122_1.jpg)

29 October 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.00pm: Read warrant number 18

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118ce: ( 53-38470-123_0.jpg)

30 October 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Discharged one rating to Military Detention Quarters

10.30am: Hands employed embarking provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Paid War Gratuity

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118cf: ( 53-38470-123_1.jpg)

31 October 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Discharged one rating to Royal Naval Barracks


4caf85cccadfd341970118d0: ( 53-38470-124_0.jpg)

1 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Paid monthly money

2.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Made and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Discharged one rating to Royal Naval Barracks

4caf85cccadfd341970118d1: ( 53-38470-124_1.jpg)

2 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118d2: ( 53-38470-125_0.jpg)

3 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to Royal Naval Barracks

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Lost by accident from motor boat in heavy squall: hook, boat's, gunmetal, pattern number 78P, one in number

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118d3: ( 53-38470-125_1.jpg)

4 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship

10.00am: Discharged one rating to Royal Naval Hospital

11.00am: Captain Williams R.M.L.I. inspected Marine Detachment

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118d4: ( 53-38470-126_0.jpg)

5 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Santille" and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Discharged one rating to Royal Naval Barracks

Tyne Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "Santille".

4caf85cccadfd341970118d5: ( 53-38470-126_1.jpg)

6 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" sailed for Jamaica

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Three privates R.M.L.I. joined ship

2.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118d6: ( 53-38470-127_0.jpg)

7 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed coaling ship

9.00am: Hands employed ship [sic], unloading S.S. "Santille" and as requisite

10.30am: Received 15.0 tons of coal (culinary)

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Read Warrant number19

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

Tyne Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "Santille".

4caf85cccadfd341970118d7: ( 53-38470-127_1.jpg)

8 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed coaling Admiralty House and cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118d8: ( 53-38470-128_0.jpg)

9 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cccadfd341970118d9: ( 53-38470-128_1.jpg)

10 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed furling awnings, cleaning ship and as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed securing for sea

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed securing for sea

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 10.30pm

6.00pm: Four ratings from Royal Naval Hospital and seven ratings from Royal Naval Barracks joined ship for passage to New York and England

4caf85cccadfd341970118da: ( 53-38470-129_0.jpg)

11 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions.

9.30am: Exercised man slip

11.00am: Ceased all work and maintained silence on board for two minutes in memory of all fell in the war

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: One private R.M.L.I. joined ship from Royal Naval Barracks

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 10.30pm

4caf85cccadfd341970118db: ( 53-38470-129_1.jpg)

12 November 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Santille" and cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 10.30pm

Tyne Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "Santille".

4caf85cccadfd341970118dc: ( 53-38470-130_0.jpg)

13 November 1919

From Bermuda to New York

Lat 32.72, Long -64.78

7.35am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

8.20am: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Clarence Cove in 6 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Admiralty House flagstaff 224°, Hogfish beacon 259°, tide gauge 301°

9.00am: Hoisted flag of Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer

9.17am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

10.10am: Passed outer fairway buoy

11.00am: North Rock beacon 246½°, St. David's lighthouse 189½°

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.30pm: Exercised close watertight doors and sea boats crews

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.30pm: Put clocks back 14 minutes

11.15pm: Exercised sea boats crews

Midnight: Signal books correct

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer.

4caf85cccadfd341970118dd: ( 53-38470-130_1.jpg)

14 November 1919

From Bermuda to New York

Lat 37.00, Long -69.78

Time kept: +5, that is 5 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crews

2.20am: Put clocks back 14 minutes

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.20am: Put clocks back 13 minutes

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Lost overboard by accident in rough weather: lanterns, hand, pattern number 330, four in number; lantern, signal, complete, pattern number 57, one in number; safes, meat, pattern number 434, two in number

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118de: ( 53-38470-131_0.jpg)

15 November 1919

From Bermuda to New York, and at New York

Lat 40.74, Long -74.02

3.10am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

4.38am: Montauk wireless telegraphy 41°, Fire Island wireless telegraphy 21°, Mantoloking wireless telegraphy 321°

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.30am: Passed Ambrose lightvessel. Courses and speeds as requisite

10.20am: Saluted American flag with 21 guns

11.00am: Stopped, moored ship 5 [shackles] on each in [left blank] fathoms in number 5 berth, Hudson River

11.10am: Returned H.M.S. "Renown's" salute with 7 guns

11.20am: Returned U.S.S. "Columbia's" salute with 15 guns

11.42am: Saluted Rear-Admiral Huse, United States Navy, on leaving with 13 guns

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Transferred flag of Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer to H.M.S. "Renown"

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

3.10pm: Saluted Rear-Admiral Glennon, United States Navy, on leaving with 13 guns

The Naval Historical Center has an article on Rear-Admiral Harry McLaren Pinckney Huse.

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Morgan Singer.

The Naval Historical Center has an article on Rear-Admiral James H. Glennon.

Wikipedia has an article on U.S.S. "Columbia" (C-12).

4caf85cccadfd341970118df: ( 53-38470-131_1.jpg)

16 November 1919

At New York

Lat 40.74, Long -74.02

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.15am: Sent Roman Catholic church party to H.M.S. "Renown"

9.45am: Divisions

10.40am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cccadfd341970118e0: ( 53-38470-132_0.jpg)

17 November 1919

At New York

Lat 40.74, Long -74.02

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118e1: ( 53-38470-132_1.jpg)

18 November 1919

At New York

Lat 40.74, Long -74.02

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Dressed ship, overall, in honour of His Royal Highness the Price of Wales' arrival in New York

9.20am: Saluted General Butler, on leaving, with 15 guns

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.20am: Saluted His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, on going on board H.M.S. "Renown", with 21 guns

Noon: Signal books correct

1.20pm: Manned ship in honour of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales

2.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118e2: ( 53-38470-133_0.jpg)

19 November 1919

At New York

Lat 40.74, Long -74.02

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed rigging illuminating circuits and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

1.30pm: Received 300 tons of oil fuel from Texas Oil Company, New York

4caf85cccadfd341970118e3: ( 53-38470-133_1.jpg)

20 November 1919

At New York

Lat 40.74, Long -74.02

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed about illuminating circuits and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

7.00pm: Illuminated ship

4caf85cccadfd341970118e4: ( 53-38470-134_0.jpg)

21 November 1919

At New York

Lat 40.74, Long -74.02

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cccadfd341970118e5: ( 53-38470-134_1.jpg)

22 November 1919

From New York to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 40.74, Long -74.02

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Unmoored, weighed port anchor and shortened in to 4 shackles on starboard anchor

2.21pm: Weighed and proceeded, escorting H.M.S. "Renown". Course and speed as requisite

4.00pm: Signal books correct

4.55pm: U.S.S. "Delaware" parted company off Ambrose lightvessel and fired Royal Salute of 21 guns. H.M.S. "Renown" returned salute with 21 guns

5.15pm: Ambrose lightvessel bore 305°, 4.5 miles

6.55pm: Fire Island lighthouse 359°, Fire Island lightvessel 10°

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

Wikipedia has an article on U.S.S. "Delaware" (BB-28).

4caf85cccadfd341970118e6: ( 53-38470-135_0.jpg)

23 November 1919

From New York to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 41.18, Long -67.60

Time kept: +4½, that is 4 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.00am: Put clocks on 30 minutes

2.50am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.49am: Nantucket lightvessel abeam 8.5 miles

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crews

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118e7: ( 53-38470-135_1.jpg)

24 November 1919

From New York to Halifax, and at Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.6, Long -63.6

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.00am: Put clocks on 30 minutes

2.50am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.55am: Sighted Sambro Island light bearing 3°

6.15am: Sambro Island light bore 348°

7.25am: Chebucto Head lighthouse bore 230°, 1¼ miles. Courses and speeds as requisite for entering harbour

8.00am: Stopped, moored ship, 5 [shackles] on each, in 9 fathoms, in Halifax Harbour. Anchor bearings: citadel flagstaff 213°, Georges Island lighthouse 157°, Halifax Sugar Refinery chimney 119°

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.45am: Saluted His Excellency the Governor General of Canada, on leaving H.M.S. "Renown", with 19 guns

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118e8: ( 53-38470-136_0.jpg)

Operations in Canada

JP map Constance Canada

25 November 1919

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Dressed ship overall

8.10am: Oiler "Cherryleaf" came alongside

10.15am: His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales inspected ship

11.45am: Received 432 tons of oil fuel from "Cherryleaf"

11.55am: Oiler "Cherryleaf" shoved off

Noon: Signal books correct

1.15pm: Discharged one rating to Royal Canadian Naval Hospital

1.30pm: Unmoored, weighed starboard anchor and shortened in to 3 shackles on port anchor

2.30pm: Engineer Lieutenant W. J. Shute left ship for passage to England in H.M.S. "Renown"

2.45pm: Saluted His Excellency the Governor General of Canada, on leaving H.M.S. "Renown", with 19 guns

3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

3.45pm: Chebucto Head lighthouse bore 212°, 1.2 miles

4.00pm: Sambro Island lighthouse 237°, Devil's Island lighthouse 313°

5.30pm: Egg Island light bore 310°, 9 miles

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Cherryleaf".

4caf85cccadfd341970118e9: ( 53-38470-136_1.jpg)

26 November 1919

From Halifax, escorting H.M.S. "Renown", and back to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 45.15, Long -53.95

3.20am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Signal books correct

4.30pm: Burned searchlights ahead, looking for icebergs

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118ea: ( 53-38470-137_0.jpg)

27 November 1919

From Halifax, escorting H.M.S. "Renown", and back to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 45.55, Long -53.17

12.30am: Sighted H.M.S. "Danae's" searchlight bearing 55°

1.10am: Parted company with H.M.S. "Renown"

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm to 6.15pm: Stopped while clutching in cruising turbines [?]

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118eb: ( 53-38470-137_1.jpg)

28 November 1919

From Halifax, escorting H.M.S. "Renown", and back to Halifax, and at Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

2.00am: Cape Canso direction-finding station bore 299° (approximately) wireless telegraphy

3.28am: Cape Canso direction-finding station bore 327° wireless telegraphy

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.10am: Beaver Island light bore 341°, 13 miles

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.15am: Egg Island lighthouse 328°, Jeddore Island lighthouse 295°

9.45am: Chebucto Head lighthouse 210°, 1½ miles. Courses and speeds as requisite for entering harbour

10.23am: Stopped, secured alongside number 4 wharf Halifax Harbour

11.00am: Oiler "Cherryleaf" secured alongside

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Cherryleaf".

4caf85cccadfd341970118ec: ( 53-38470-138_0.jpg)

29 November 1919

At Halifax, Nova Scotia,

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

1.00am: Received 594 tons of oil fuel from "Cherryleaf"

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.05am: Oiler "Cherryleaf" cast off

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and embarking provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118ed: ( 53-38470-138_1.jpg)

30 November 1919

At Halifax, Nova Scotia,

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.50am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

6.00pm: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to H.M.C.S. "Niobe"

Wikipedia has an article on H.M.S.C. "Niobe".


4caf85cccadfd341970118ee: ( 53-38470-139_0.jpg)

1 December 1919

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda

Lat 44.23, Long -63.50

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

1.00am: Lost overboard by accident: crutch, boat's, gunmetal, one in number

6.00am: Hands employed securing for sea

9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

10.00am: Chebucto Head lighthouse 270°, Maugher Beach lighthouse 344°, Devil's Island lighthouse 14°

10.20am to 10.45am: Hove to, turning in starboard sea boat

10.45am: Sambro Island lighthouse 290°, 62000 yards

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.00pm: Maximum roll 25°, average roll 15°

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118ef: ( 53-38470-139_1.jpg)

2 December 1919

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda

Lat 39.75, Long -63.93

3.00am: Maximum roll 22°, average roll 12°

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.40am: Exercised general quarters

8.00am: Signal books correct

Noon: Signal books correct

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.15pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crews

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd341970118f0: ( 53-38470-140_0.jpg)

3 December 1919

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda, and at Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

Time kept: 4 hours 19 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.15am: Put clocks back 9 minutes

3.20am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.15am: St. David's light house bearing 223°

9.30am: St. David's light house bore 232°

10.22am: Passed outer fairway buoy. Course and speeds as requisite

11.50am: Stopped, secured in North Basin

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Struck flag of Vice-Admiral Sir Morgan Singer, K.V.C.O., C.B.

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Sir Morgan Singer.

The abbreviation K.V.C.O. stands for Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.

The abbreviation C.B. stands for Companion in the Civil Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.

4caf85cccadfd341970118f1: ( 53-38470-140_1.jpg)

4 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed drawing stores

10.30am: Divers carried out monthly dip

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Paid monthly money

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cccadfd341970118f2: ( 53-38470-141_0.jpg)

5 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed about paravanes and embarking provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118f3: ( 53-38470-141_1.jpg)

6 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Guns crews at loader drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118f4: ( 53-38470-142_0.jpg)

7 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118f5: ( 53-38470-142_1.jpg)

[Insert: Record Of Observations For Deviation]

4caf85cccadfd341970118f6: ( 53-38470-143_0.jpg)

[Insert: Description And Position Of Correctors]

4caf85cccadfd341970118f7: ( 53-38470-143_1.jpg)

8 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.38, Long -64.79 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for Narrows, running paravanes and swinging ship

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.10am: Passed outer fairway buoy

10.30am: Got out paravanes

11.15am: Got in and shifted paravanes

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Got in paravanes

12.55pm: Passed outer fairway buoy

1.50pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor in Grassy Bay in 8 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Stag Rock beacon 195°, north end of south breakwater 254°, victualling yard chimney 315°

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118f8: ( 53-38470-144_0.jpg)

9 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

10.30am: Tested gun sights

11.00am: Shifted by tug to approximate F berth. Anchor bearings: tide gauge 84°, Hogfish beacon 189°, Stag Rock beacon 228°

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118f9: ( 53-38470-144_1.jpg)

10 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice

10.00am: Exercised control parties

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

3.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cccadfd341970118fa: ( 53-38470-145_0.jpg)

11 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.38, Long -64.70 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.43am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for carrying out 3-pounder sub-calibre firing in Murray's Anchorage

Noon: Signal books correct

1.27pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Grassy Bay in 8 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Stag Rock beacon 195°, north end south breakwater 254°, victualling yard chimney 315°

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd341970118fb: ( 53-38470-145_1.jpg)

12 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.53am: Weight and proceeded as requisite

10.10am: Stopped, secured in South Basin

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed embarking provisions

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd341970118fc: ( 53-38470-146_0.jpg)

13 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed coaling ship

9.00am: Hands employed coaling, embarking provisions and cleaning ship

10.30am: Received 15 tons of coal (culinary)

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

6.00pm: Received 488 tons of oil fuel from shore tanks

4caf85cccadfd341970118fd: ( 53-38470-146_1.jpg)

14 December 1919

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cccadfd341970118fe: ( 53-38470-147_0.jpg)

15 December 1919

From Bermuda to Great Inagua Island, Bahamas

Lat 32.29, Long -64.65

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.05am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

9.30am: Returned "Jeanne d'Arc's" salute to Commander-in-Chief with 15 guns

10.54am: Passed outer fairway buoy

11.30am: St. David's lighthouse bore 305°, 7500 yards

Noon: Signal books correct

12.50pm: Gibbs Hill lighthouse 285°, Hamilton church 335°, St. David's lighthouse 33°

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.20pm: Put clocks back 14 minutes

Midnight: Signal books correct

Navypedia lists a reference to French cruiser "Jeanne d'Arc".

4caf85cccadfd341970118ff: ( 53-38470-147_1.jpg)

16 December 1919

From Bermuda to Great Inagua Island, Bahamas

Lat 27.13, Long -68.57

Time kept: -5, that is 5 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.20am: Put clocks back 14 minutes

4.00am: Signal books correct

4.20am: Put clocks back 13 minutes

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.00am: Shifted hygrometer onto fore bridge

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd34197011900: ( 53-38470-148_0.jpg)

17 December 1919

From Bermuda to Great Inagua Island, Bahamas

Lat 21.55, Long -73.13

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.30am: Sighted Caicos Island on port bow

9.50am: Providenciales Island bore 140°, 4 miles (approximately)

11.27am: Right side Little Inagua Island 238°, left side Little Inagua Island 180°

Noon: Signal books correct

2.10pm: North West Point abeam

2.28pm: Middle Point abeam

3.00pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Matthew Town in 6 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Louisa Point lighthouse 87°, 750 yards, Inagua lighthouse 148°

4.00pm: Evening quarters

Middle Point is also known as Devil's Point.

4caf85cccadfd34197011901: ( 53-38470-148_1.jpg)

18 December 1919

At Great Inagua Island, Bahamas, and to Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 20.94, Long -73.69

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.30pm: Weighed proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

2.54pm: Inagua lighthouse 108°, 1930 yards

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

5.20pm: Negra Point 238°, Cape Maysi lighthouse 264°, Rasa Point 280°

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.39pm: Navassa lighthouse bore 40° on bow (174°)

11.40pm: Exercised sea boat crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

Negra Point is also known as Punta Negra.

Cape Maysi is also known as Cabo Maysi, and Punta de Maisi.

Rasa Point is also known as, or is close to, Punta del Fraile.

4caf85cccadfd34197011902: ( 53-38470-149_0.jpg)

19 December 1919

From Great Inagua Island, Bahamas, to Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

12.24am: Navassa light bore 80° on bow (134°) 13.6 miles

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

4.07am: Morant Point light 292°, 16 miles

5.05am: Morant Point light abeam 358°, 8.3 miles

6.20am: Plum Point light 304°, Upper White Horses 34°

7.12am: Plum Point lighthouse bore 304°, 2 miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

8.00am: Stopped, secured alongside oiler "War Kookri" at number 3 wharf

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Received 454 tons of oil fuel from "War Kookri"

7.00pm: One rating joined ship from detention quarters

Tyne Built Ships lists a probable reference to oiler "War Kookri".

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

4caf85cccadfd34197011903: ( 53-38470-149_1.jpg)

20 December 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: H.M.S. "New Zealand" arrived

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cccadfd34197011904: ( 53-38470-150_0.jpg)

21 December 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd34197011905: ( 53-38470-150_1.jpg)

22 December 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica, and at sea, firing

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

5.00am: Hands employed securing for sea

7.07am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

7.45am: Port Royal tower bore 90°, 5 cables

8.00am: 3-fathoms Patch buoy bore 270°, 2 cables

8.10am: Polink Point 268°, Port Royal tower 10°, Kingston Quarry 43°

11.00am: Portland Rock North extremity bore 240°, 1 mile. Courses and speeds as requisite for carrying out firing with reduced charges

Noon: Signal books correct

12.55pm: Portland Rock North extremity bore 240°, 1 mile

3.00pm: Goat Island summit 2°, right side Portland Point 333½°, Round Hill summit 308½°

4.00pm: Signal books correct

4.13pm: Port Royal tower bore 90°, 6 cables. Courses and speeds as requisite

4.40pm: Stopped, secured alongside oiler "War Kookri" at number 3 wharf

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

10.00pm: Received 94 tons of oil fuel from "War Kookri"

Tyne Built Ships lists a probable reference to oiler "War Kookri".

4caf85cccadfd34197011906: ( 53-38470-151_0.jpg)

23 December 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011907: ( 53-38470-151_1.jpg)

24 December 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

5.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite.

7.12am: Stopped and came to with starboard anchor in C berth in 7 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Pond Mouth beacon 297°, left side number 1 wharf 337°, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company tower 33°

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Read warrant number 20

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cccadfd34197011908: ( 53-38470-152_0.jpg)

25 December 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cccadfd34197011909: ( 53-38470-152_1.jpg)

26 December 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica, and to Grand Cayman Island

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed securing for sea

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

5.32pm: Weighted and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

6.00pm: Port Royal tower bore 90°, 6 cables

6.14pm: 3-fathom Patch buoy bore 270°, 2 cables

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crews

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd3419701190a: ( 53-38470-153_0.jpg)

27 December 1919

From Kingston, Jamaica, to Grand Cayman Island, and at George Town, Grand Cayman Island

Lat 19.11, Long -81.03

2.05am: South Negril light bore 53°, 18 miles

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Sighted land (Old Isaac Point). Signal books correct

12.30pm: Old Isaac Point bore 360°, 8.5 miles

1.20pm: South-West Point bore 360°, Old Isaac Point 55½°

1.50pm: South-West Point bore 360°

2.10pm: George Town flagstaff bore 83°, 16 cables

2.22pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off George Town in 10 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: compound shed (Low Point) 28°, left-hand cotton tree (Low Point) 60½°, George Town flagstaff 145°

4.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

Old Isaacs is also known as East End.

4caf85cccadfd3419701190b: ( 53-38470-153_1.jpg)

28 December 1919

At George Town, Grand Cayman Island, and to St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica

Lat 19.30, Long -81.39

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed Wesleyan church party

9.40am: Divisions

11.00am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

2.50pm: Saluted Commissioner of Cayman Islands on leaving with 15 guns

4.13pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

4.23pm: George Town flagstaff bore 120°, 9¼ cables

4.33pm: Sand Cay bore 90°

5.50pm: East Point, Grand Cayman Island abeam (9°)

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd3419701190c: ( 53-38470-154_0.jpg)

29 December 1919

From Grand Cayman Island to St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica

Lat 18.45, Long -77.20

3.45am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.30am: Sighted land on starboard bow

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: St. Ann's Bay bore 205°

9.30am: Customs house, St. Ann's Bay bore 205°, 2 miles. Course and speeds as requisite

9.50am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off St. Ann's Bay in 10 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: white house, St. Ann's Bay, 212°, 1450 yards

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd3419701190d: ( 53-38470-154_1.jpg)

30 December 1919

From St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica to Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 18.43, Long -76.82

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.18am: Weighed and proceeded

10.45am: Galina Point 104°, Ocho Rios 203°, Roaring River Falls 219°

11.24am: Galina Point lighthouse bore 154°

11.39am: Galina Point lighthouse abeam 204°

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Port Antonio lighthouse bore 223°, 3.5 miles

2.56pm: Morant Point lighthouse bore 225°, 2.9 miles

3.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.37pm: Upper White Horses 24°, Albion chimney 330°

5.32pm: Plum Point lighthouse bore 300°, 2 miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

6.33pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Kingston in 7 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Bearings: Pond Mouth beacon 288°, left side number 1 wharf 308°, market pier light 354°

Roaring River Falls is also known as Dunn River Falls.

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

4caf85cccadfd3419701190e: ( 53-38470-155_0.jpg)

31 December 1919

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am


JP map Constance 1920


4caf85cccadfd3419701190f: ( 53-38470-155_1.jpg)

1 January 1920

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

Time kept: +5, that is 5 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Read warrant number 21

1.00pm: Paid monthly money

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00 pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd34197011910: ( 53-38470-156_0.jpg)

2 January 1920

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Tested all boats for buoyancy

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011911: ( 53-38470-156_1.jpg)

3 January 1920

From Kingston, Jamaica, to Trinidad

Lat 17.87, Long -76.86 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed securing for sea

8.36am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving harbour and for firing torpedoes

Noon: Practices completed. Courses and speeds as requisite for entering harbour. Signal books correct

1.00pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Kingston in 7 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side number 1 wharf 301°, statue 347°, Myrtle Bank tower 36°

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.55pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

5.41pm: Plum Point lighthouse bore 360°, 7 cables

6.00pm: Kingston Quarry 344°, Lower White Horses 48°, Cow Bay Point 94°

10.15pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

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4 January 1920

From Kingston, Jamaica, to Trinidad

Lat 16.03, Long -72.50

Time kept: +4½, that is 4 hours 30 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.10am: Exercised sea boats crew

2.15am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

4.00am: Signal books correct

4.15am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

6.45am: Exercised sea boats crew

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.15pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

11.45pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd34197011913: ( 53-38470-157_1.jpg)

5 January 1920

From Kingston, Jamaica, to Trinidad

Lat 13.38, Long -66.93

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.05am: Exercised sea boats crew

2.15am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

4.00am: Signal books correct

4.15am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.30pm: Exercised close watertight doors

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cccadfd34197011914: ( 53-38470-158_0.jpg)

6 January 1920

From Kingston, Jamaica, to Trinidad

Lat 10.90, Long -61.94

3.15am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions

10.00am: Exercised small arm companies, rigging hand capstan, towing forward, and away all boats crews (stations only)

11.20am: Sighted land bearing 150°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.48pm: Chacachacare Island lighthouse 155°, Peñas Point 218°

1.17pm: Chacachacare Island abeam 90°

3.00pm: San Fernando church bore 140° 2 miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

3.15pm: Stopped, secured to Trinidad Leasehold Ltd's jetty at Pierre Point

Pierre Point is also known as Pointe-a-Pierre.

4caf85cccadfd34197011915: ( 53-38470-158_1.jpg)

7 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

2.00am: Received 630 tons of oil fuel from Trinidad Leasehold Ltd.

6.10am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

6.25am: San Fernando church bore 145°, 2 miles

7.33am: Five Island bore 350°

8.08am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 60½°, red chimney 2°, 3150 yards

10.30am: Hands employed scrubbing canvas gear and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011916: ( 53-38470-159_0.jpg)

8 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.30pm and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd34197011917: ( 53-38470-159_1.jpg)

9 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad, and exercising

Lat 10.59, Long -61.82

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.51am: Weighed and proceeded

8.50am: Rendezvoused with H.M.S. "Calcutta". Courses and speeds as requisite for carrying out inclination exercises. Exercised control parties and ammunition supply parties

Noon: Left side Goose Island 302°, right side Goose Island 314°, Peñas Point 345°. Signal books correct

1.00pm: Courses and speeds as requisite for practice torpedo running and for entering harbour

4.12pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 61°, red chimney 359½°, 3050 yards

5.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

Goose Island is also known as Isla de Patos.

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10 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cccadfd34197011919: ( 53-38470-160_1.jpg)

11 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.40am: Divisions

10.00am: Rear-Admiral Sir A.F. Everett, K.C.M.G., C.B., commanding 8th Light Cruiser Squadron inspected ship

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 10.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Rear-Admiral Sir Allan Frederic Everett.

The abbreviation K.C.M.G. stands for Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.

The abbreviation C.B. stands for Companion in the Civil Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.

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12 January 1920

In Gulf of Paria, exercising

Lat 10.58, Long -61.83

6.32am: Weighed and proceeded, target in tow

7.30am: Goose Island 287°, Chacachacare lighthouse 315°, Five Island 13°

8.33am: Goose Island 318°, Chacachacare lighthouse 353½°, Five Island 37°

10.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite for towing target. H.M.S. "Calcutta" carried out two sub-calibre runs

Noon: Right side Goose Island 335°, Chacachacare lighthouse 35°, Five Island 73°. Signal books correct

1.00pm: Lost overboard by accident: grapnel, five, with chain, one in number

1.45pm: Anchored target 8.5 miles, 248½° from St. David's Tower. Courses and speeds as requisite for H.M.S. "Calcutta's" torpedo attack

3.00pm: St. David's tower 14½°, Five Island 348°, Chacachacare lighthouse 323°

4.00pm: Pitch Point, La Brea 98°, Chacachacare lighthouse 2°. Courses and speeds as requisite for torpedo attack

5.45pm: Picked up torpedoes and proceeded

6.55pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Carenage Bay in 5 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Right side Five Island 276°, left side Five Island 259°

8.30pm: Exercised night action stations

Goose Island is also known as Isla de Patos.

4caf85cccadfd3419701191b: ( 53-38470-161_1.jpg)

13 January 1920

In Gulf of Paria, exercising

Lat 10.48, Long -61.77

7.30am: Weighed and proceeded

7.45am: Right side Goose Island 274°, left side Diego Island 317½°, left side Five Island 2°

8.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite for carrying out three sub-calibre runs

10.45am: Took over target from H.M.S. "Calcutta". Courses and speeds as requisite for towing target for one sub-calibre run from H.M.S. "Calcutta"

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Right side Goose Island 328½°, Chacachacare lighthouse 3°, Five Island 44°

2.45pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Port of Spain in 3½ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 59°, red chimney 359½°, 3200 yards

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd3419701191c: ( 53-38470-162_0.jpg)

14 January 1920

At La Brea, Trinidad

Lat 10.25, Long -61.64

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.05am: Weighed and proceeded

9.15am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. Guns crews at loader drill

10.50am: Stopped, secured alongside Brighton jetty

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Gave leave to port watch, first part of starboard watch and to boys till 2.30pm

1.00pm: Lost overboard by accident: 6-inch practice projectile, one in number; hazel wood fender, one in number

4.05pm: Slipped and proceeded

5.00pm: Right side Chacachacare Island 326°, St. David's tower 29°

5.50pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 3½ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 57½°, red chimney 359½°, 3250 yards

4caf85cccadfd3419701191d: ( 53-38470-162_1.jpg)

15 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.38am: Weighed and proceeded, target in tow

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Goose Island 308°, Chacachacare lighthouse 348½°, Five Island 41°

9.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite for towing target and carrying out full-calibre firing

11.00am: Exercised general quarters

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 3½ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 58°, red chimney 359½°, 3270 yards

2.30pm: Hands employed spreading awnings and as requisite

4.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

Goose Island is also known as Isla de Patos.

4caf85cccadfd3419701191e: ( 53-38470-163_0.jpg)

16 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cccadfd3419701191f: ( 53-38470-163_1.jpg)

17 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.20am: Weighted and turned to 270°

6.30am: Proceeded

7.00am: Chacachacare lighthouse 310°, right side Caspar Grande Island 350°, Five Island 32½°

8.12am: Speeds as requisite for taking station astern of H.M.S. "New Zealand" 5 cables

9.00am: Took station on port beam of H.M.S. "New Zealand" 2½ cables

9.20am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor [in] 6 fathoms, 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 60°, red chimney 29½°, Five Island 316°

10.30am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

10.45am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 58½°, red chimney 359½°, 3270 yards

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

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18 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.40am: Divisions

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd34197011921: ( 53-38470-164_1.jpg)

19 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am, to first part of port watch and boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.00pm: Discharged one rating to H.M.S. "Calcutta"

4caf85cccadfd34197011922: ( 53-38470-165_0.jpg)

20 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" sailed

9.30am: Hands employed coaling ship

10.30am: Received 13.5 tons of coal (culinary)

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

2.00pm: Landed party of twelve men for funeral of Regulating Petty Officer Thorne of H.M.S. "New Zealand"

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission lists Sydney Robert Thorne, buried at Port of Spain (Lapeyrouse) Cemetery.

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21 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.15am: H.M.S. "New Zealand" sailed

10.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011924: ( 53-38470-166_0.jpg)

22 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Exercised landing parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 10.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cccadfd34197011925: ( 53-38470-166_1.jpg)

23 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

7.45am: Landed small arm company for route march and drill

10.30am: Landing party returned. Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011926: ( 53-38470-167_0.jpg)

24 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd34197011927: ( 53-38470-167_1.jpg)

25 January 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

9.30am: Ship's company mustered by ledger

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 10.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cccadfd34197011928: ( 53-38470-168_0.jpg)

26 January 1920

In Gulf of Paria, exercising

Lat 10.52, Long -61.68

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.32am: Weighed and proceeded

8.15am: Stopped, lowered boat. Goose Island 303°, Chacachacare Island lighthouse 333°, Five Island 20°

8.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite for carrying out turning trials

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Finished trials. Right side Goose Island 304°, Chacachacare Island lighthouse 334½°, Five Island 22°

2.15pm: San Fernando church bore 147°, 3 miles. Course and speeds as requisite

2.30pm: Stopped, secured alongside Trinidad Leasehold Company's jetty at Point Pierre

10.00pm: Received 403.4 tons of oil fuel from Trinidad Leasehold Ltd.

Pierre Point is also known as Pointe-a-Pierre.

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27 January 1920

At Chaguaramas Bay, Trinidad

Lat 10.68, Long -61.65

6.05am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

6.16am: San Fernando church bore 155°, 2.5 miles

6.40am: Chacachacare Island lighthouse 324°, white chimney 308°

8.10am: West Diego Island bore 90°, ½ mile. Courses as requisite

8.20am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Chaguaramas Bay in 15 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Gasparillo Island 295°, right side Gaspar Grande 253°, left side Gaspar Grande 169°

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

11.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7), torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

8.32pm: Weighed and proceeded

9.00pm: Left side Chacachacare Island 281°, right side Chacachacare Island 318°, left side Monos Island 19°

9.09pm: Chacachacare Island lighthouse bore 345°

Midnight: Signal books correct

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28 January 1920

From Chaguaramas Bay, Trinidad, to Grenada

Lat 12.05, Long -61.76

3.40am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.10am: Glover Island 66°, Point Saline light 37°

6.22am: Point Saline lighthouse abeam 1½ miles

6.50am: Stopped, moored ship, 4 [shackles] on each, in 5 fathoms off St. George. Anchor bearings: Point St. Eloy 13°, Roman Catholic cathedral 63½°, Fort George Point 108°

9.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7), torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00pm

Point St. Eloy is also known as Pointe Saint Eloi.

4caf85cccadfd3419701192b: ( 53-38470-169_1.jpg)

29 January 1920

At St. George, Grenada

Lat 12.05, Long -61.76

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Exercised all boats under sail

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd3419701192c: ( 53-38470-170_0.jpg)

30 January 1920

At St. George, Grenada

Lat 12.05, Long -61.76

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (6) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00pm

4caf85cccadfd3419701192d: ( 53-38470-170_1.jpg)

31 January 1920

At St. George, Grenada

Lat 12.05, Long -61.76

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.45am: Unmoored, weighed starboard anchor, shortened in to 4 shackles on port anchor

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Paid monthly money

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

6.42pm: Point Saline light 215°, Fort George light 88°

7.00pm: Point Saline 140°, Fort George 39°

7.28pm: Point Saline light bore 360°, 3.8 miles

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crews


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1 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

3.10am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.40am: South Point lighthouse 81½°, Needham's Point lighthouse 64½°

10.15am: Courses and speeds as requisite

11.12am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Bridgetown in 12 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Needham's Point lighthouse 149°, clock tower 123°, refinery chimney 61°

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 10.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cccadfd3419701192f: ( 53-38470-171_1.jpg)

2 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

5.30am: Exercised let go port anchor and weigh by hand, and away all boats crews

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Gunnery (7), seamanship (6) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: All boats away under sail

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011930: ( 53-38470-172_0.jpg)

3 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed refitting boats gear

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: All boats away under sail

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011931: ( 53-38470-172_1.jpg)

4 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (6) and gunnery (7) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed about boats

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: All boats away under sail

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011932: ( 53-38470-173_0.jpg)

5 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Landed small arm companies for drill

11.00am: Mister V.W. Harvey, Artificer Engineer, joined ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 10.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Artificer Engineer V.W. Harvey is Warrant Engineer Victor W. Harvey.

4caf85cccadfd34197011933: ( 53-38470-173_1.jpg)

6 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

5.30am: Exercised general quarters, out collision mat, and away all boats crews

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cccadfd34197011934: ( 53-38470-174_0.jpg)

7 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for shifting berth

5.15pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: mole head, Careenage, 348°, refinery chimney 94°, Needham's Point lighthouse 155°

4caf85cccadfd34197011935: ( 53-38470-174_1.jpg)

8 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.40am: Divisions

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Mister W. Smith, Artificer Engineer, left ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

8.02pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

8.20pm: Careenage red light 30°, Needham's Point light 108°

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crews

Midnight: Signal books correct

The Monthly Navy List of December 1919 shows Artificer Engineer W. Smith is Chief Artificer Engineer William Smith.

4caf85cccadfd34197011936: ( 53-38470-175_0.jpg)

9 February 1920

At Trinidad

Lat 10.32, Long -61.47

1.10am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Exercised sea boats crew. South end of Tobago Island bore 133°

8.15am: Chupara Point bore 205°, 4 miles

9.15am: Divisions

9.45am: Courses as requisite for Boca Mono

10.00am: Right side Gaspar Grande Island 90°, ¾ mile

11.30am: San Fernando lighthouse bore 142°, 3 miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

11.50am: Stopped, secured alongside Trinidad Leasehold Ltd. Jetty at Pierre Point

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: U.S.S. "Utah", U.S.S. "Florida" and U.S.S. "Delaware" arrived off Port of Spain

1.00pm: Received 145 tons of oil fuel from Trinidad Leasehold Ltd.

3.07pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

3.30pm: San Fernando lighthouse bore 145°, 3 miles

4.00pm: Signal books correct

4.45pm: Left side Five Island 325°, St. David's Tower 42°

5.00pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 54°, red chimney 360°, 3550 yards

6.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has articles on U.S.S. "Delaware" (BB-28), U.S.S. "Florida" (BB-30) and U.S.S. "Utah" (BB-31).

Boca Mono is also known as Boca de Monos.

Pierre Point is also known as Pointe-a-Pierre.

4caf85cccadfd34197011937: ( 53-38470-175_1.jpg)

10 February 1920

At Trinidad

Lat 10.60, Long -61.60

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Weighed. His Excellency the Governor embarked

10.40am: Proceeded close to U.S.S. "Utah"

11.00am: His Excellency the Governor paid official call

Noon: Signal books correct

12.05pm: His Excellency the Governor re-embarked. Proceeded

12.30pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 54°, red chimney 356½°, 3550 yards

12.40pm: Saluted His Excellency the Governor with 17 guns

4.12pm: Saluted Rear-Admiral E.W. Eberle, United States Navy, commanding 5th Battleship Division, with 13 guns

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

The Naval Historical Center has an article on Rear-Admiral Edward Walter Eberle.

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11 February 1920

At [Port of Spain,] Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed surveying cable

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed surveying cable

4.00pm: Read warrant number 22

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

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12 February 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Exercised small arm companies

10.00am: Seamanship (6) and gunnery (7) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed about cable lockers and boats falls

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Read warrant number 23

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13 February 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed painting down aloft

9.15am: Divisions

10.00am: Seamanship (6) and gunnery (7) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed surveying cable

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed about cable lockers and boats

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

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14 February 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

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15 February 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

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16 February 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

5.00am: Exercised tow forward, out kedge anchor, and away all boats crews

6.30am: Weighed starboard anchor and let go port anchor in same place, veered to 3 shackles

10.00am: Hands employed surveying cable and wire hawsers

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed surveying cable, about boats and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

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17 February 1920

From Trinidad to St. Lucia

Lat 11.95, Long -61.78

7.10am: Weighted and proceeded as requisite

7.25am: St. David's tower 45°, 500 yards

8.00am: Left side Chacachacare Island 281°, right side Chacachacare Island 310°, left side Monos Island 344°

8.10am: Right side Chacachacare Island 285°, left side Huevos Island 30°

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.35am: Point Saline lighthouse 349°, right side Granada Island 28°

Noon: Signal books correct. Point Salina lighthouse 348½°, Glover Island 5°, right side Granada Island 62°

12.10pm: Point Salina lighthouse bore 90°, ½ mile

12.20pm: Fort George 75°, Point Salina lighthouse 193°

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.30pm: Left side St. Vincent Island 70°, right side St. Vincent Island 144°

6.00pm: Signal books correct

6.50pm: Tapion Rock light bore 90°, 1¼ miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

7.42pm: Stopped secured alongside North Wharf, Port Castries

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18 February 1920

At Port Castries, St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: One rating joined ship from Devonport depot

9.30am: Hands employed coaling ship

11.45am: Saluted Administrator on leaving with 15 guns

Noon: Signal books correct

3.00pm: Finished coaling, received 13.5 tons

3.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

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19 February 1920

At Port Castries, St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.15am: Landed small arms company for route march and drill

9.04am: Slipped, shifted berth

9.35am: Stopped, came to with port anchor and secured stern to Rendezvous buoy. Anchor bearings: West extremity North Wharf 76°, South extremity West Wharf 140°, ruined windmill 232°

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

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20 February 1920

At Port Castries, St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

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21 February 1920

At Port Castries, St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

6.00pm: Landed seven marines for service on shore in the absence of the ship

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22 February 1920

From St Lucia to Barbados

Lat 13.39, Long -60.32

6.26am: Weighted and proceeded as requisite

6.50am: Tapion Rock bore 90°, ½ mile

7.30am: Grande Caille Point 159½°, La Ville Point 55°

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.06am: Ministre Point 110°, Gros Piton 36½°, Blanche Point 10°

8.51am: Brandon Point lighthouse abeam 1 mile

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

2.30pm: Left side Barbados 48°, Needham Point lighthouse 116°

3.25pm: Stopped, come to with port anchor off Bridgetown in 25 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: mole head 2°, refinery chimney 57°, Needham Point lighthouse 124°

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

Brandon Point is also known as Cape Moule à Chique.

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[Back cover]

LOG BOOK – FEBRUARY 23rd 1920 TO SEPTEMBER 26th 1920

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H.M. Ship "Constance"

Commencing 23rd February 1920

Ending 26th September 1920

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Name: Commanding Officer, H.M.S. "Constance"

Address: Care of General Post Office, London



H.M.S. "Constance"

Commanded by Captain E.C. Kennedy, Royal Navy


Commencing Monday, 23rd of February 1920.

Ending Sunday, 26th of September 1920.

Tonnage (Displacement)


Extreme Length

446 feet

Extreme Breadth

41 feet 6½ inches



Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.

Shaft Horsepower

30,000 Nominal, 40,000 on trial


Parsons Combined Ahead and Astern, Impulse and Reaction (Geared Turbines for cruising)

When Fixed on Board




Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.


Yarrow Small Tube modified

When made


When put in Vessel


Screw Propeller


Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.


Solid Manganese Bronze, 3 Bladed, 4 in number

General State of Repair


[Signed by] E.C. Kennedy, Captain

The Monthly Navy List of February 1919 shows Captain E.C. Kennedy is Captain Edward C. Kennedy.

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[Log Directions]

4caf85cdcadfd3419701194d: ( 53-38471-003_1.jpg)

Establishment of Ship's Company









Engine-room Establishment


Other non-executive ratings





Mercurial or Aneroid


Name of Maker and number

Short and Mason Number 655

Height of cistern above sea

10 feet

Error of Mercurial Barometer


Thermometers for Air Temperature.

Position in Ship

Fore Bridge

Whether in screen


Maker and Number



J. Hicks, number 1768

23rd February 1920

26th September 1920

J. Hicks, number 1770

23rd February 1920

26th September 1920

Thermometers for Sea Temperature.

Maker and Number



A.C. Cossor and Son

23rd February 1920

26th September 1920

Position of Standard Compass.

Fore Upper Bridge

Deviation of Standard Compass.

Date obtained.


September 20th 1920

Latitude 43°05'N, Longitude 66°15'W



Nature and Number of Gun and Mountings

On Forecastle

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

Amidships on Booms

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

On After Superstructure

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

On Quarter Deck

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting


4 3-pounder Sub-Calibre Vickers

After end of Forecastle

2 3-inch 20 cwt. High Angle Guns

June 1920:

In batteries amidships

4 3-pounder

Torpedo Armament.

2 21-inch Submerged Tubes

7 21-inch Mark IV Torpedoes


Number of each carried

Length and Description


30 feet Motor Boat


34 feet Cutter


30 feet Cutter


30 feet Gig


27 feet Whalers


16 feet Skiff Dinghy


Draught of water with Bunkers full and complete with Provisions, Stores and Water

Forward 15 feet 7 inches

Aft 16 feet 8 inches

Load Draught

Forward 15 feet 9 inches

Aft 16 feet 9 inches

Number of Tons necessary to increase draught 1 inch


Number of Tons of Coal Carried (43 cubic feet per ton)

(a) At load draught

(b) With bunkers full

(c) In places other than Bunkers 15 for Culinary purposes

Number of Tons of Fuel carried


Quantity of Water carried


(a) For Boilers 96 tons

(b) For Drinking 49.5 tons

[Signed by] E.C. Kennedy, Captain

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23 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (6) training class at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed about boats

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (7) training class at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

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24 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (6) and gunnery training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed about boats

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (6) and gunnery (7) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

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25 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (6) training class at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

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26 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised small arms companies

10.30am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

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27 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised general quarters

11.00am: Hands employed about boats

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: All boats away under sail

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

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28 February 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

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29 February 1920

From Barbados to St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

12.38am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

12.50am: Mole head light 38°, Needham Point light 105°

3.30am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.30am: Cape Moule à Chique light bore 287°

6.50am: Cape Moule à Chique light bore 351°, 4 miles

7.33am: Beaumont Point 349°, Cape Moule à Chique lighthouse 97°

7.48am: Petit Piton bore 132°

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.22am: Grande Caille Point bore 130°

9.04am: Tapion Rock bore 90°, 1 mile. Courses and speeds as requisite

9.26am: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Port Castries, secured stern to Rendezvous buoy. Anchor bearings: West extremity North Wharf 88°, front leading light 139°, ruined windmill 231°

10.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Haled divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

6.00pm: Seven marines returned on board from duty ashore

Beaumont Point is also known as Gros Piton Point.


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1 March 1920

At Port Castries, St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Exercised out bower anchor, and away all boats crews

9.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

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2 March 1920

From St. Lucia to Martinique

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed drawing stores from S.S. "Chaudiere", securing for sea and as requisite

10.30am: Mister R. Young, Artificer Engineer, joined ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

2.00pm: Pigeon Island 40½°, Vigie lighthouse 110°

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.05pm: Ramiers Island 68°, Salomon Point 118°

4.25pm: Saluted French flag with 21 guns

4.32pm: Stopped, moored ship

5.00pm: Shifted berth

5.15pm: Stopped, moored ship, 4 [shackles] on each, off Fort de France in 10 fathoms. Anchor bearings: lower conspicuous spire 32½°, Fort St. Louis flagstaff 64°, right side Fort St. Louis 97½°

Tees Built Ships lists a probable reference to S.S. "Chaudiere".

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Artificer Engineer R. Young is Warrant Engineer Robert Young.

Ramiers Island is also known as Îlet à Ramiers.

Salomon Point is also known as Cap Salomon.

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3 March 1920

At Martinique

Lat 14.59, Long -61.06

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

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4 March 1920

At Martinique

Lat 14.59, Long -61.06

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seamanship (6) and gunnery (7) training classes at instructions

10.30am: Marines at infantry drills

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 6.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

7.00pm: Send two officers and twelve petty officers to S.S. "Assouan" as navigating party

7.40pm: Weighed port anchor and shortened in to 2 shackles on starboard anchor. Prepared for sea and to tow aft

9.13pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

9.30pm: Stopped, secured alongside S.S. "Assouan" in position

11.00pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite with S.S. "Assouan" in tow

Midnight: Signal books correct

At January 9th 1921 the New York Times featured an article on the hard luck of S.S. "Assouan", titled "Hard-luck Ship 21 Months At Sea".

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5 March 1920

At St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

12.45am: Negro Point light bore 26°, 1.2 miles. Altered course, S.S. "Assouan" in tow

1.48am: Diamond Rock 120°, Ramiers Island 58°

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Petit Piton 174½°, Vigie lighthouse 123°, left side St. Lucia 73°

6.30am: Tapion Rock bore 130°, 2½ miles. Slipped tow. Courses and speeds as requisite

8.06am: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Port Castries, secured stern to Rendezvous buoy. Anchor bearings: West extremity North Wharf 88°, front leading light 139°, ruined windmill 231°

10.30am: S.S. "Assouan's" navigating party returned

11.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Divers employed examining S.S. "Assouan's" main inlet

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

6.00pm: Divers employed as before

Negro Point is also known as Pointe de Nègres.

Diamond Rock is also known as Rocher du Diamant.

Ramiers Island is also known as Îlet à Ramiers.

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6 March 1920

From St. Lucia to Trinidad

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

5.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.00am: Divers employed fitting plugs to main inlet of S.S. "Assouan"

9.00am: Hands employed as requisite

9.30am: Divers continuing work on S.S. "Assouan"

11.10am: Weight, shifted berth

11.45am: Stopped, secured alongside North Wharf

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Divers continuing work on S.S. "Assouan"

2.30pm: Hands employed about towing gear

4.00pm: Sent two officers and twelve petty officers to S.S. "Assouan" as navigating party

6.27pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour, S.S. "Assouan" in tow alongside

7.55pm: Vigie light 105°, Tapion Rock light 123°. Altered course, S.S. "Assouan" in tow astern

8.00pm: Signal books correct

9.30pm: Vigie light 50°, Petit Piton 136°

10.30pm: Vigie light 40°, Petit Piton 78½°, Brandon Point light 113°

Midnight: Signal books correct

Brandon Point is also known as Cape Moule à Chique.

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7 March 1920

From St. Lucia to Trinidad

Lat 12.77, Long -61.60

12.35am to 1.20am: Ship swinging between 311° and 195°, speed 4 knots, S.S. "Assouan" steering gear broken down. Hoisted Not Under Control

1.30am: S.S. "Assouan" steering gear repaired

3.40am: Porter Point, St. Vincent 118°, Brandon Point light 63°

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.18am: Left side St. Vincent 80°, right side St. Vincent 131°

7.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Left side St. Vincent 57°, right side St. Vincent 103°, left side Bequia Island 118½°. Signal books correct

10.00am: Division. Prayers

10.30am: Petit Nevis 82°, Petit Connouan 117°, right side Union Island 164½°

Noon: Signal books correct

2.50pm: Little St. Vincent 78°, Diamond Island 135°, Mount St Catherine 171°

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.30pm: Left side Grenada 50°, Fort George 107°, Point Saline 145°. Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

Little St. Vincent is also known as Petit St. Vincent.

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8 March 1920

From St. Lucia to Trinidad

Lat 10.68, Long -61.73

3.45am: Chacachacare Island light bore 162½°, 40 miles (approximately)

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: Left side Monos Island 137°, Peñas Point 166°

9.10am: Division. Prayers

9.30am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Right side Huevos 156°, Peñas Point 205°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.42pm: Chacachacare Island lighthouse bore 225°, 8 cables. Courses as requisite for Boca de Navios

1.05pm: Gimé Point bore 270°, 4 cables

1.36pm: Right side Gaspar Grande Island bore 30°, 5 cables

2.45pm: Right side Five Island 312°, red chimney 38°. Courses and speeds as requisite

2.55pm: Anchored S.S. "Assouan" 232°, 19 cables from St. Vincent jetty light, slipped tow

3.28pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 36°, red chimney 359°, 3400 yards

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

5.03pm: S.S. "Assouan" placed under orders of H.M.S. "Constance" by Rear-Admiral commanding 8th Light Cruiser Squadron

9.00pm: Maintained guard of one officer and seven men on board S.S. "Assouan", withdrew navigating party

Gimé Point is also known as Point Girod.

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9 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed about boats, reeling up and oiling 5½ inch wire and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed about boats and 5½ inch wire

3.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 10.00pm

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10 March 1920

At Trinidad

Lat 10.32, Long -61.47

6.25am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

6.45am: St. Vincent jetty lighthouse bore 60°, 2 miles

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.05am: San Fernando lighthouse bore 145°, 2.5 miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

8.25am: Stopped, secured alongside Trinidad Leasehold Company's jetty as Point Pierre

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

6.10pm: Finished oiling, received 600.2 tons

Pierre Point is also known as Pointe-a-Pierre.

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11 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.07am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

6.15am: San Fernando lighthouse bore 150°, 2.3 miles

8.05am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 3½ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. David's tower 58°, red chimney 359°, 3250 yards

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Withdrew guard from S.S. "Assouan" (one officer and six men)

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

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12 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (6), gunnery (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

5.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011961: ( 53-38471-013_1.jpg)

13 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

3.00pm: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to Plymouth barracks

4caf85cdcadfd34197011962: ( 53-38471-014_0.jpg)

14 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.40am: Divisions

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 10.00pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd34197011963: ( 53-38471-014_1.jpg)

15 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

5.30am: Exercised close watertight doors, manning ship, and away all boats crews

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (4) and gunnery (7) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011964: ( 53-38471-015_0.jpg)

16 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (4) and gunnery (7) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (4) and gunnery (7) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011965: ( 53-38471-015_1.jpg)

17 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed about boats

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011966: ( 53-38471-016_0.jpg)

18 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised small arm companies

11.00am: Hands employed about boats

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 10.00pm and to buoy till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd34197011967: ( 53-38471-016_1.jpg)

19 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Exercised general quarters, and away all boats crews

9.30am: Received 5 tons of coal (culinary)

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 10.00pm

4caf85cdcadfd34197011968: ( 53-38471-017_0.jpg)

20 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.18am: Weighed and proceeded

6.30am: Hands employed as requisite

7.54am: San Fernando lighthouse bore 145°, 2.5 miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

8.10am: Stopped, secured alongside Trinidad Leasehold Company's jetty at Point Pierre

10.10am: Finished oiling, received 99 tons

10.26am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

10.40am: San Fernando lighthouse bore 150°, 2.3 miles

Noon: Signal books correct

12.16pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 3½ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. George's tower 55°, red chimney 355°, 3450 yards

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

Pierre Point is also known as Pointe-a-Pierre.

4caf85cdcadfd34197011969: ( 53-38471-017_1.jpg)

21 March 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Lieutenant S.G. Cutler, Royal Marines, joined ship, two ratings joined ship

9.45am: Divisions. Prayers

11.00am: Mr G.A. Locker, Artificer Engineer, left ship

Noon: Signal books correct

5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded

5.57pm: Right side Chacachacare Island 312°, left side Monos Island 348°, Gasparillo Island 65°. Signal books correct

6.15pm: Chacachacare Island lighthouse bore 250°, 7 cables

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.15pm: Exercised sea boats crews

Midnight: Signal books correct

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Lieutenant S.G. Cutler is Lieutenant Selwyn G. Cutler.

The Monthly Navy List of December 1919 shows Artificer Engineer G.A. Locker is Warrant Engineer George A. Locker.

4caf85cdcadfd3419701196a: ( 53-38471-018_0.jpg)

22 March 1920

At St. Vincent

Lat 13.15, Long -61.23

12.57am: Point Salina light bore 90°, 3 miles

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crews

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.50am: Petit Nevis 73½°, Little Connouan 125°, Connouan Point 144°

7.30am: Left side Bequia Island 71°, Pigeon Island 119°, Connouan Point 169½°. Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.50am: Stopped, moored ship, 5 [shackles] on each, off Kingstown in 15 fathoms. Anchor bearings: Old Woman Point 296°, pier flagstaff 54°, Cane Garden Point 180½°

10.00am: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (7) training class at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

3.05pm: Saluted administrator on leaving with 15 guns

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.30pm

4caf85cdcadfd3419701196b: ( 53-38471-018_1.jpg)

23 March 1920

At St. Vincent

Lat 13.15, Long -61.23

6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (7), gunnery (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (7), gunnery (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.30pm. Unmoored, weighed port anchor and shortened in to 5 shackles on starboard anchor. Prepared for sea

8.53pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

9.08pm: Fort Charlotte light bore 30°, ¾ miles

10.00pm: Brandon Point light (St. Lucia) 39½°, Fort Charlotte light 139°

Midnight: Signal books correct

Brandon Point is also known as Cape Moule à Chique.

4caf85cdcadfd3419701196c: ( 53-38471-019_0.jpg)

24 March 1920

At Roseau, Dominica

Lat 15.30, Long -61.39

1.00am: Vigie light 61°, Brandon Point light 112½°

1.20am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.23am: Left side Martinique 13°, Negro Point 111°

5.40am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Courses as requisite, speed 8 knots, off St. Pierre

6.30am: La Perle Rock 12°, Cape Enragé 144°

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions. Seamanship (7), gunnery (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

9.12am: Roseau light standard bore 360°, 1½ miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

9.30am: Stopped, moored ship, 6 [shackles] on each, in 24 fathoms off Roseau. Anchor bearing: Roseau light standard 47°, 340 yards

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (7), gunnery (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.30pm: Saluted Administrator with 15 guns

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.30pm

La Perle Rock is also know as Îlet la Perle.

4caf85cdcadfd3419701196d: ( 53-38471-019_1.jpg)

25 March 1920

At Roseau, Dominica

Lat 15.30, Long -61.39

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.10am: Exercised small arm companies

10.30am: Seamanship (7) training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.30pm and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cdcadfd3419701196e: ( 53-38471-020_0.jpg)

26 March 1920

At Prince Rupert Bay, Dominica

Lat 15.57, Long -61.46

6.05am: Unmoored, weighted starboard anchor

6.54am: Weighed port anchor and proceeded as requisite

7.00am: Roseau light standard bore 70°, 1160 yards

7.05am: Exercised general quarters

7.30am: Stopped, let go and picked up both lifebuoys

7.40am: Proceeded

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.35am: Cape Melville 32°, Prince Rupert Bluff 45°, Barber's Block 128°

8.55am: Stopped, came to with port anchor in Prince Rupert Bay in 20 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Prince Rupert Bluff 301°, Roman Catholic cathedral spire 72°, Rollo's Head 203°

11.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (7), gunnery (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

Cape Melville is also known as Cape Capucin.

Barber's Block is also known as Morne Espagnol.

Rollo's Head in also known as Pointe Ronde.

4caf85cdcadfd3419701196f: ( 53-38471-020_1.jpg)

27 March 1920

From Dominica to Montserrat

Lat 16.51, Long -62.08

6.11am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

6.25am: Cape Melville 25°, Prince Rupert Bluff 79°

7.30am: Gros Cap (Terre d'en Bas) 342°, left side La Coche 5½°, right side Grand Island 24°. Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.30am: Basse Terre church 8½°, La Pate 109½°

9.00am: Basse Terre church 81°, Vieux Fort Point 114½°

10.00am: Kahouanne Island 27½°, Pointe Noire 54°, right side Goyave Islands 84°

11.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Bransby Point 330°, Shoe Rock Point 74°

1.18pm: Stopped, moored off Plymouth, 6 [shackles] on each, in 20 fathoms. Anchor bearings: Bransby Point 316½°, established church 21°, pier extremity 91°

3.30pm: Saluted Administrator with 15 guns

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

Grand Island is also known as Grand Îlet.

La Pate is also known as Pointe Paté.

Kahouanne Island is also known as Îlet à Kahouane.

Goyave Islands are also known as Pigeon Islands, and as Îlets à Goyaves.

4caf85cdcadfd34197011970: ( 53-38471-021_0.jpg)

28 March 1920

At Plymouth, Montserrat

Lat 16.70, Long -62.22

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Held divine service

11.00am: Landed Wesleyan church party

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cdcadfd34197011971: ( 53-38471-021_1.jpg)

29 March 1920

From Montserrat to Antigua

Lat 16.92, Long -62.12

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Unmoored, weight port anchor and shortened in to 5 shackles on starboard anchor

9.15am: Divisions. Prayers

10.12am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

10.24am: Bransby Point 334°, Plymouth pier 74°

10.35am: Bransby Point bore 70°

11.10am: North West Bluff bore 90°, 1½ miles

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Sandy Island lighthouse 33°, Maiden Island 68°, Johnson Island 113½°

1.35pm: Loblolly Point bore 122°

1.50pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor in St. John's Roads in 6 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: average between James Bluff and Rat [Island] Fort 120°, Pillar Rock lighthouse 194°, Fort Barrington flagstaff 230°

3.00pm: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

Johnson Island is also known as Pelican Island, off Johnson's Point.

4caf85cdcadfd34197011972: ( 53-38471-022_0.jpg)

30 March 1920

At St. John's, Antigua

Lat 17.13, Long -61.87

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.30am: Saluted Administrator with 15 guns

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00pm

4caf85cdcadfd34197011973: ( 53-38471-022_1.jpg)

31 March 1920

At Barbuda

Lat 17.57, Long -61.82

6.15am: Weighed and proceeded

6.33am: Sandy Island lighthouse bore 203°, 1 mile

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.45am: Martello tower bore 36°, 4.5 miles

9.15am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off south shore of Barbuda in 4½ fathoms, veered to 3½ shackles. Anchor bearing: Martello tower 5°, 1450 yards

10.30am: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite


4caf85cdcadfd34197011974: ( 53-38471-023_0.jpg)

1 April 1920

At Barbuda

Lat 17.57, Long -61.82

Time kept: + 4, that is 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 6.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cdcadfd34197011975: ( 53-38471-023_1.jpg)

2 April 1920

From Barbuda to St. Kitts

Lat 17.57, Long -61.82

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Prepared for sea

11.50am: Weighted and proceeded as requisite

Noon: Martello tower bore 360°, 9 cables. Signal books correct

2.00pm: Nevis Peak 242°, Redonda 199°, right side Antigua 135°

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct. Left side Nevis 284°, Nevis Peak 331°, right side Nevis 4°

5.30pm: Stopped, moored ship, 4 [shackles] on each, off Basseterre in 5 fathoms. Anchor bearings: flagstaff 269°, St. George church 345°, 1000 yards

4caf85cdcadfd34197011976: ( 53-38471-024_0.jpg)

3 April 1920

At Basseterre, St. Kitts

Lat 17.29, Long -62.72

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.30pm and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Saluted Administrator with 15 guns

4caf85cdcadfd34197011977: ( 53-38471-024_1.jpg)

4 April 1920

At Basseterre, St. Kitts

Lat 17.29, Long -62.72

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.40am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.30pm and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd34197011978: ( 53-38471-025_0.jpg)

5 April 1920

At Basseterre, St. Kitts

Lat 17.29, Long -62.72

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.15am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (7) training class at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as required

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.30pm and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd34197011979: ( 53-38471-025_1.jpg)

6 April 1920

At Basseterre, St. Kitts, and to St. Lucia

Lat 17.29, Long -62.72

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed embarking provisions

11.00am: Unmoored, weighed port anchor and shortened in to 4 shackles on starboard anchor

Noon: Signal books correct

12.10pm: Weighed, pointed ship

12.20pm: Proceeded

12.53pm: Horse Shoe Point 61 1/2°, Frigate Hill 13½°

3.00pm: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Redonda 17°, left side Montserrat 53½°, right side Montserrat 86½°. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

8.40pm: Guadeloupe light bore 60°, 18 miles

Midnight: Signal books correct

Frigate Hill is possibly a reference to Sir Timothy's Hill.

4caf85cdcadfd3419701197a: ( 53-38471-026_0.jpg)

7 April 1920

At St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.30am: Petit Piton 131°, Vigie Point 155°, Pointe du Cap 97°

7.00am: Vigie lighthouse bore 100°, 1 mile. Courses and speeds as requisite

7.21am: Stopped, came to with port anchor in 5 fathoms, 4 shackles, secured stern to Rendezvous Buoy. Anchor bearings: West end North Wharf 88°, front leading light 139°, ruined windmill 231°

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00pm

4caf85cdcadfd3419701197b: ( 53-38471-026_1.jpg)

8 April 1920

At St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Aired bedding

9.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd3419701197c: ( 53-38471-027_0.jpg)

9 April 1920

At St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00pm

4caf85cdcadfd3419701197d: ( 53-38471-027_1.jpg)

10 April 1920

At St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd3419701197e: ( 53-38471-028_0.jpg)

11 April 1920

At St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

9.45am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00pm

4caf85cdcadfd3419701197f: ( 53-38471-028_1.jpg)

12 April 1920

At St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

6.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

11.00am: Received 6 tons of coal (culinary)

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and to boys till 7.00pm

8.10pm: Sent armed guard on board S.S "War Soldier" on account of disturbances amongst the crew

The Red-Duster site lists a possible reference to S.S. "War Soldier".

4caf85cdcadfd34197011980: ( 53-38471-029_0.jpg)

13 April 1920

At St. Lucia

Lat 14.01, Long -61.00

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Armed guard returned on board

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed embarking provisions

10.00am: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (7) training class at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed about boats

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00pm

8.15pm: Sent armed guard on board S.S "War Soldier"

4caf85cdcadfd34197011981: ( 53-38471-029_1.jpg)

14 April 1920

From St. Lucia to Tortola, Virgin Islands

Lat 14.32, Long -61.25

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.15am: Armed guard returned on board. Embarked forty-one seamen and engine room ratings, ex S.S "War Soldier" for passage to Bermuda

9.45am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

10.15am: Vigie lighthouse bore 90°, 1 mile

Noon: Signal books correct

1.15pm: Left side Martinique 27°, Diamond Rock 104°

2.00pm: Seamanship (7) training class at instruction

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Left side Dominica 23½°, Scott's Head 59°, Mount Pelée 104½°. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

Diamond Rock is also known as Roche du Diamant.

Mount Pelée is also known as Montange Pelée.

4caf85cdcadfd34197011982: ( 53-38471-030_0.jpg)

15 April 1920

From St. Lucia to Tortola, Virgin Islands

Lat 18.28, Long -64.37

3.40am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.50am to 7.00am: Ran line of soundings on Saba Bank

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Saba summit bore 74°, 26 miles

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Seamanship (7) and torpedo (4) training classes at instruction

11.22am: Virgin Peak 340°, right side Peter Island 301°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.45pm: Right side Dead Chest 295½°, right side Salt Island 340°, right side Carval 31°

12.52pm: Right side Salt Island abeam

1.30pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Road Harbour in 10 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Slaney Point 225°, Commissioner's house flagstaff 267°, right side Wickham's Cay 314°

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

3.25pm: Saluted Administrator with 15 guns

4.00pm: Evening quarters

Wickham's Cay is a former island in Road Harbor, now part of Road Town.

4caf85cdcadfd34197011983: ( 53-38471-030_1.jpg)

16 April 1920

From Tortola to Virgin Gorda, and from Virgin Gorda to Bermuda

Lat 18.47, Long -64.42

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.10am: Weighed and proceeded

6.25am: Right side Buck Island 56°, right side Dead Chest 149°

6.52am: The Bluff abeam ¾ miles

7.40am: Stopped, secured alongside H.M.S. "Cambrian" in Savannah Bay, Virgin Gorda. Anchor bearings: left side Great Dog [Island] 273°, right side George Dog [Island] 302°, right side Seal Dogs 350°

9.00am: Supplied to H.M.S. "Cambrian" one torpedo complete with accessories and 180 pounds beef

10.30am: Received from H.M.S. "Cambrian" 130 tons of oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

4.06pm: Left side Great Dog [Island] 272°, right side George Dog [Island] 305°, right side Seal Dogs 354½°. All four engines in use

4.15pm: Right side George Dog [Island] abeam, left side Great Dog [Island] 189°

5.15pm: West Point, Anegada bore 115°, 1½ miles

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.10pm: Reduced to 12½ knots on account of a small fire in boiler room, having put one boiler temporarily out of action

10.52pm: Increased to 15 knots

10.55pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cdcadfd34197011984: ( 53-38471-031_0.jpg)

17 April 1920

From Virgin Gorda to Bermuda

Lat 23.45, Long -64.34

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

3.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.30pm: Exercised close watertight doors, and sea boats crews

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cdcadfd34197011985: ( 53-38471-031_1.jpg)

18 April 1920

From Virgin Gorda to Bermuda

Lat 28.97, Long -64.61

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.40am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.20pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes

12.50pm: Put clocks back 9 minutes

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cdcadfd34197011986: ( 53-38471-032_0.jpg)

19 April 1920

From Virgin Gorda to Bermuda, and at Bermuda

Lat 32.2, Long -64.7

Time kept: 4 hours 19 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.50am: Gibb's Hill lighthouse bore 347°

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.45am: Gibb's Hill lighthouse 303°, Hamilton church 325°, St. David's lighthouse 5°

8.00am: Gibb's Hill lighthouse 283°, St. David's lighthouse 359°. Signal books correct

8.37am: St. David's lighthouse abeam 1½ miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

8.43am: Passed outer fairway buoy

9.30am: Saluted Commander-in-Chief, North America and West Indies Station, with 15 guns

9.42am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Grassy bay in 8 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Stag Rock beacon 196°, left side south breakwater 241°, clock tower 290°

11.00am: Discharged three ratings to hospital and forty-one ratings ex S.S "War Soldier" to shore

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

The Red-Duster site lists a possible reference to S.S. "War Soldier".

4caf85cdcadfd34197011987: ( 53-38471-032_1.jpg)

20 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

7.14am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

7.42am: Stopped, secured alongside north breakwater, North Basin

10.00am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Two ratings joined ship from H.M.D. "Malabar"

2.00pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85cdcadfd34197011988: ( 53-38471-033_0.jpg)

21 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed coaling Admiralty House, disembarking ammunition and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011989: ( 53-38471-033_1.jpg)

22 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

3.00pm: Shifted ship to West side of North Basin

4caf85cdcadfd3419701198a: ( 53-38471-034_0.jpg)

23 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd3419701198b: ( 53-38471-034_1.jpg)

24 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition

10.00am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd3419701198c: ( 53-38471-035_0.jpg)

25 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd3419701198d: ( 53-38471-035_1.jpg)

26 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed disembarking cordite

9.30am: Fifteen dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed disembarking cordite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed disembarking cordite

2.30pm: Discharged one rating to H.M.D. "Malabar"

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85cdcadfd3419701198e: ( 53-38471-036_0.jpg)

27 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Fifty-seven dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd3419701198f: ( 53-38471-036_1.jpg)

28 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Seventy-eight dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed about stores and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed about stores and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011990: ( 53-38471-037_0.jpg)

29 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Twenty-eight dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011991: ( 53-38471-037_1.jpg)

30 April 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seventy-two dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf", refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Cherryleaf".


4caf85cdcadfd34197011992: ( 53-38471-038_0.jpg)

1 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Seventy dockyard workmen on board

11.30am: Paid monthly money

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Made and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd34197011993: ( 53-38471-038_1.jpg)

2 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd34197011994: ( 53-38471-039_0.jpg)

3 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Eighty-two dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Cherryleaf".

4caf85cdcadfd34197011995: ( 53-38471-039_1.jpg)

4 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Eighty-three dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011996: ( 53-38471-040_0.jpg)

5 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seventy-seven dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011997: ( 53-38471-040_1.jpg)

6 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Ninety-three dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd34197011998: ( 53-38471-041_0.jpg)

7 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Discharged one rating to Devonport depot

10.00am: Thirty-six dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed working on S.S. "Cherryleaf" and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd34197011999: ( 53-38471-041_1.jpg)

8 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Ninety-four dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd3419701199a: ( 53-38471-042_0.jpg)

9 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cdcadfd3419701199b: ( 53-38471-042_1.jpg)

10 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Ninety-eight dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd3419701199c: ( 53-38471-043_0.jpg)

11 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 103 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd3419701199d: ( 53-38471-043_1.jpg)

12 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Shifted berth to South Basin

9.30am: 113 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd3419701199e: ( 53-38471-044_0.jpg)

13 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.15am: Slipped berth into floating dock

10.00am: 143 dockyard workmen on board

11.00am: Hands employed about docking

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping ship's bottom

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd3419701199f: ( 53-38471-044_1.jpg)

14 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 153 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a0: ( 53-38471-045_0.jpg)

15 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 157 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Received 6.0 tons of coal (culinary)

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a1: ( 53-38471-045_1.jpg)

16 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a2: ( 53-38471-046_0.jpg)

17 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 156 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a3: ( 53-38471-046_1.jpg)

18 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 157 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a4: ( 53-38471-047_0.jpg)

19 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 157 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed coaling Admiralty House and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a5: ( 53-38471-047_1.jpg)

20 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 149 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a6: ( 53-38471-048_0.jpg)

21 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 157 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a7: ( 53-38471-048_1.jpg)

22 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 155 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cdcadfd341970119a8: ( 53-38471-049_0.jpg)

23 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Optional church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cecadfd341970119a9: ( 53-38471-049_1.jpg)

24 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 133 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed about stores and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119aa: ( 53-38471-050_0.jpg)

25 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" sailed

9.30am: 161 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119ab: ( 53-38471-050_1.jpg)

26 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 166 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119ac: ( 53-38471-051_0.jpg)

27 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 171 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 8.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119ad: ( 53-38471-051_1.jpg)

28 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Landed small arm compliment for field day with the army

9.30am: 166 dockyard workmen on board

11.30am: Landing party returned

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119ae: ( 53-38471-052_0.jpg)

29 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 152 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119af: ( 53-38471-052_1.jpg)

30 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119b0: ( 53-38471-053_0.jpg)

31 May 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: 145 dockyard workmen on board

9.30am: Sixteen ratings joined ship from Devonport depot and one Corporal and four Privates R.M.L.I. from Plymouth barracks

11.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's side and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed about paravane gear

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am


4caf85cecadfd341970119b1: ( 53-38471-053_1.jpg)

1 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: 137 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed coaling Admiralty House and as requisite

11.45am: Paid monthly money

2.00pm: Hands employed coaling Admiralty House and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119b2: ( 53-38471-054_0.jpg)

2 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 136 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed fitting quarterdeck awning and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119b3: ( 53-38471-054_1.jpg)

3 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cecadfd341970119b4: ( 53-38471-055_0.jpg)

4 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 156 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Received 10 tons of coal (culinary)

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119b5: ( 53-38471-055_1.jpg)

5 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.00am: Read warrant number 26

7.00am: Discharged one rating to detention barracks

9.30am: 149 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119b6: ( 53-38471-056_0.jpg)

6 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119b7: ( 53-38471-056_1.jpg)

7 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 153 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119b8: ( 53-38471-057_0.jpg)

8 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed marines for musketry instruction

10.00am: 155 dockyard workmen on board

11.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119b9: ( 53-38471-057_1.jpg)

9 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed marines for musketry instruction

10.00am: 151 dockyard workmen on board

11.00am: Hands employed provisioning and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed provisioning and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119ba: ( 53-38471-058_0.jpg)

10 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Discharged twelve ratings to hospital for observation

10.00am: 151 dockyard workmen on board

11.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed embarking stores and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119bb: ( 53-38471-058_1.jpg)

11 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed marines for musketry instruction

10.00am: 150 dockyard workmen on board

11.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119bc: ( 53-38471-059_0.jpg)

12 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 157 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

6.00pm: One rating joined ship from detention barracks

4caf85cecadfd341970119bd: ( 53-38471-059_1.jpg)

13 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cecadfd341970119be: ( 53-38471-060_0.jpg)

14 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 174 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.00pm: Twenty-six ratings joined ship from Devonport depot, two privates R.M.L.I. joined ship from Plymouth barracks

2.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119bf: ( 53-38471-060_1.jpg)

15 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.30am: Discharged nine ratings to Devonport barracks, discharged one Sergeant R.M.L.I. to Plymouth barracks

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 189 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119c0: ( 53-38471-061_0.jpg)

16 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 182 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.30pm: One rating rejoined ship from hospital

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119c1: ( 53-38471-061_1.jpg)

17 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 174 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed refitting and at musketry instruction and as requisite

2.30pm: One rating rejoined ship from hospital

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119c2: ( 53-38471-062_0.jpg)

18 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 192 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.30pm: Twelve ratings joined ship from hospital

2.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119c3: ( 53-38471-062_1.jpg)

19 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 192 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119c4: ( 53-38471-063_0.jpg)

20 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.40am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119c5: ( 53-38471-063_1.jpg)

21 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 168 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119c6: ( 53-38471-064_0.jpg)

22 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 176 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119c7: ( 53-38471-064_1.jpg)

23 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 165 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119c8: ( 53-38471-065_0.jpg)

24 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 150 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119c9: ( 53-38471-065_1.jpg)

25 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

9.30am: 160 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119ca: ( 53-38471-066_0.jpg)

26 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 162 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119cb: ( 53-38471-066_1.jpg)

27 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Ship's company inspected by Vice-Admiral Sir T.D.W. Napier, K.C.B., M.V.O.

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Evening quarters

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Sir Trevylyan Dacres Willes Napier.

The abbreviation K.C.B. stands for Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.

The abbreviation M.V.O. stands for Member of the Royal Victorian Order.

4caf85cecadfd341970119cc: ( 53-38471-067_0.jpg)

28 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 162 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Twenty-five ratings joined ship from Devonport depot

4caf85cecadfd341970119cd: ( 53-38471-067_1.jpg)

29 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 164 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Mister Harvey, Warrant Engineer, rejoined from hospital

3.00pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Warrant Engineer Harvey is Warrant Engineer Victor W. Harvey.

4caf85cecadfd341970119ce: ( 53-38471-068_0.jpg)

30 June 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 116 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am


4caf85cecadfd341970119cf: ( 53-38471-068_1.jpg)

1 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 132 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Received 12 tons of coal (culinary)

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

12.30pm: Paid monthly money

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119d0: ( 53-38471-069_0.jpg)

2 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: 138 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

11.00am: Discharged one rating to hospital

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119d1: ( 53-38471-069_1.jpg)

3 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 136 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119d2: ( 53-38471-070_0.jpg)

4 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119d3: ( 53-38471-070_1.jpg)

5 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 146 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed painting and refitting

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and refitting

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119d4: ( 53-38471-071_0.jpg)

6 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 150 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed painting, reeving paravane chain, refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and refitting

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119d5: ( 53-38471-071_1.jpg)

7 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 153 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed painting and refitting

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and refitting

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119d6: ( 53-38471-072_0.jpg)

8 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 154 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119d7: ( 53-38471-072_1.jpg)

9 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 169 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119d8: ( 53-38471-073_0.jpg)

10 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 167 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cecadfd341970119d9: ( 53-38471-073_1.jpg)

11 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119da: ( 53-38471-074_0.jpg)

12 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 171 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed embarking stores and as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119db: ( 53-38471-074_1.jpg)

13 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 161 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

2.30pm: Four ratings joined ship from Devonport depot

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.30pm: Sent armed guard of warrant officer and eleven men to S.S. "Indore" in response to a call for assistance

The Ships List lists a possible reference to S.S. "Indore".

4caf85cecadfd341970119dc: ( 53-38471-075_0.jpg)

14 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: 147 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed painting and refitting

11.00am: Armed guard returned from S.S. "Indore"

2.00pm: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119dd: ( 53-38471-075_1.jpg)

15 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: 162 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119de: ( 53-38471-076_0.jpg)

16 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: 172 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital

3.00pm: U.S.S. "Annapolis" arrived

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on U.S.S. "Annapolis" (PG-10).

4caf85cecadfd341970119df: ( 53-38471-076_1.jpg)

17 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 162 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore" and cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: One petty officer and ten hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore"

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119e0: ( 53-38471-077_0.jpg)

18 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cecadfd341970119e1: ( 53-38471-077_1.jpg)

19 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 158 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

2.30pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119e2: ( 53-38471-078_0.jpg)

20 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: 170 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119e3: ( 53-38471-078_1.jpg)

21 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: 154 dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

11.00am: One rating joined ship from Devonport depot

2.00pm: Hands employed unloading S.S. "Indore", painting, refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119e4: ( 53-38471-079_0.jpg)

22 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: 125 dockyard workmen on board

9.30am: Received 325.0 tons of oil fuel

10.00am: Hands employed transporting Government stores ex S.S. "Indore", painting and refitting

1.00pm: Hands employed transporting Government stores ex S.S. "Indore", painting and refitting and at musketry instruction

3.00pm: Four ratings joined ship from hospital

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119e5: ( 53-38471-079_1.jpg)

23 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital

9.30am: 101 dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed painting ship's bottom and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed painting ship's bottom, cleaning dock and as requisite

2.30pm: Discharged Lieutenant H.G. Parker to hospital

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

The Monthly Navy List of March 1920 shows Lieutenant H.G. Parker is Lieutenant Henry G. Parker.

4caf85cecadfd341970119e6: ( 53-38471-080_0.jpg)

24 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

8.30am: 107 dockyard workmen on board

9.00am: Undocked, shifted to North Basin

9.50am: Secured

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119e7: ( 53-38471-080_1.jpg)

25 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.15am: H.M.S. "Cambrian" arrived

9.45am: Divisions

11.00am: Landed church parties

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119e8: ( 53-38471-081_0.jpg)

26 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Seventy-four dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed painting, refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed painting, refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119e9: ( 53-38471-081_1.jpg)

27 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Fifty-five dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed coaling Admiralty House, painting, refitting and as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed coaling Admiralty House, painting, refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119ea: ( 53-38471-082_0.jpg)

28 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Twenty-seven dockyard workmen on board

10.00am: Divers carried out monthly dip

10.30am: Hands employed coaling ship

11.00am: Received 15.0 tons

1.30pm: Hands employed painting and refitting

2.30pm: Lieutenant H.G. Parker rejoined ship from hospital

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

The Monthly Navy List of March 1920 shows Lieutenant H.G. Parker is Lieutenant Henry G. Parker.

4caf85cecadfd341970119eb: ( 53-38471-082_1.jpg)

29 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

9.30am: Twenty-six dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed painting ship

1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119ec: ( 53-38471-083_0.jpg)

30 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.15am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" arrived

9.30am: Seventeen dockyard workmen on board

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Landed ship's company for funeral of Vice-Admiral Sir Trevylyan D.W. Napier K.C.B., M.V.O., Commander in Chief North America and West Indies Station, who died at 2.30am today of enteric fever

6.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Sir Trevylyan Dacres Willes Napier.

The abbreviation K.C.B. stands for Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.

The abbreviation M.V.O. stands for Member of the Royal Victorian Order.

4caf85cecadfd341970119ed: ( 53-38471-083_1.jpg)

31 July 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.15am: H.M.S. "Cambrian" sailed

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters


4caf85cecadfd341970119ee: ( 53-38471-084_0.jpg)

1 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Received 6.0 tons of coal (culinary)

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119ef: ( 53-38471-084_1.jpg)

2 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed embarking provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Paid monthly money

2.30pm: Hands employed embarking provisions

5.00pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital

5.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119f0: ( 53-38471-085_0.jpg)

3 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119f1: ( 53-38471-085_1.jpg)

4 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed embarking ammunition

10.00am: Hands employed embarking ammunition

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119f2: ( 53-38471-086_0.jpg)

5 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed embarking ammunition

10.00am: Hands employed embarking ammunition

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119f3: ( 53-38471-086_1.jpg)

6 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119f4: ( 53-38471-087_0.jpg)

7 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: H.M.S. "Cambrian" arrived

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119f5: ( 53-38471-087_1.jpg)

8 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119f6: ( 53-38471-088_0.jpg)

9 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119f7: ( 53-38471-088_1.jpg)

10 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: All boats away under sail

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Paid prize money

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119f8: ( 53-38471-089_0.jpg)

11 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119f9: ( 53-38471-089_1.jpg)

12 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" sailed.

10.00am: Hands employed painting, about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119fa: ( 53-38471-090_0.jpg)

13 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Carried out basin trial

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119fb: ( 53-38471-090_1.jpg)

14 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119fc: ( 53-38471-091_0.jpg)

15 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd341970119fd: ( 53-38471-091_1.jpg)

16 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119fe: ( 53-38471-092_0.jpg)

17 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

11.00am: Received 350 tons of oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd341970119ff: ( 53-38471-092_1.jpg)

18 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

10.30am: Divers carried out monthly dip

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a00: ( 53-38471-093_0.jpg)

19 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd34197011a01: ( 53-38471-093_1.jpg)

20 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a02: ( 53-38471-094_0.jpg)

21 August 1920

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd34197011a03: ( 53-38471-094_1.jpg)

22 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

6.00pm: Five ratings rejoined ship from H.M.D. "Malabar"

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85cecadfd34197011a04: ( 53-38471-095_0.jpg)

23 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Received 200 tons of oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a05: ( 53-38471-095_1.jpg)

24 August 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.04am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

10.20am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in 8 fathoms in Grassy Bay, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Stag Rock beacon 198°, left side south breakwater 242°, clock tower 288°

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd34197011a06: ( 53-38471-096_0.jpg)

25 August 1920

From Bermuda to Boston, Massachusetts

Lat 32.50, Long -64.63

Time kept: 4 hours 19 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.07am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

11.18am: Passed outer fairway buoy

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.45pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cecadfd34197011a07: ( 53-38471-096_1.jpg)

26 August 1920

From Bermuda to Boston, Massachusetts

Lat 37.68, Long -67.38

Time kept: 4 hours 19 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

3.15am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Lost overboard by accident one sponge rammer

Noon: Signal books correct

12.25pm: Put clocks back 20 minutes

12.55pm: Put clocks back 21 minutes

4.00pm: Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cecadfd34197011a08: ( 53-38471-097_0.jpg)

27 August 1920

From Bermuda to Boston, Massachusetts

Lat 41.94, Long -69.72

Time kept: 5 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

3.30am: Ran into patches of thin fog

4.00am: Signal books correct

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Took soundings every 15 minutes from 5.00am to 12.30pm

Noon: Signal books correct

12.37pm: Sighted land ahead

1.10pm: Cape Cod lighthouse bore 300°, 8800 yards

1.42pm: Race Point lighthouse bore 240°

3.20pm: Graves lighthouse 283°, Boston lighthouse 268°, Minots Ledge lighthouse 213°

3.25pm: Boston lightvessel abeam. Courses and speeds as requisite

4.00pm: Signal books correct

5.05pm: Stopped, secured alongside army wharf, Boston

6.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

6.30pm: Put clocks on 1 hour to adjust for summer time

4caf85cecadfd34197011a09: ( 53-38471-097_1.jpg)

28 August 1920

From Boston, Massachusetts, to Provincetown, Massachusetts

Lat 42.33, Long -70.76

Time kept: 4 hours slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.23am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

Noon: Boston lightvessel bore 70°, ½ mile. Signal books correct

12.52pm: Cape Cod daymark 111°, Duxbury monument 223°

1.40pm: Wood End light 90°, daymark 58½°, Race Point light 12°

1.50pm: Wood End lighthouse abeam

1.56pm: Long Point lighthouse abeam

2.07pm: Long Point lighthouse abeam. Courses and speeds as requisite

2.30pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor in 9 fathoms off Provincetown, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: monument 295°, Wood End lighthouse 217°, Long Point lighthouse 180°

5.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till midnight

4caf85cecadfd34197011a0a: ( 53-38471-098_0.jpg)

29 August 1920

At Provincetown, Massachusetts

Lat 42.04, Long -70.18

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Read prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 11.00pm

4caf85cecadfd34197011a0b: ( 53-38471-098_1.jpg)

30 August 1920

At Provincetown, Massachusetts

Lat 42.04, Long -70.18

5.45am: U.S.S. "Mason" arrived

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Lost by accident: whistles, pattern number 184, two in number

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Seamanship (11) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 11.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.30pm: U.S.S. "Mason" sailed

Wikipedia has an article on U.S.S. "Mason" (DD-191).

4caf85cecadfd34197011a0c: ( 53-38471-099_0.jpg)

31 August 1920

From Provincetown, Massachusetts, to Boston, Massachusetts

Lat 42.20, Long -70.53

Time kept: 4 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: French ship "Ville d'Ys" sailed

9.30am: U.S.S. "Florida" and U.S.S. "Delaware" sailed

10.02am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

10.09am: Long Point lighthouse bore 270°, 6 cables

10.36am: Race Point light house bore 356°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.15pm: Increased speed and altered course to close submarine apparently on fire, but was doing trials

12.21pm: Minots Ledge lighthouse 282°, Scituate lighthouse 242°

12.28pm: Minots Ledge lighthouse 285°, Scituate lighthouse 230°

1.00pm: Boston lightvessel bore 90°, ½ mile. Course and speeds as requisite

2.50pm: Stopped, secured at number 2 wharf, Navy Dockyard, Charlestown

4.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

Tyne Built Ships lists a probable reference to "Ville d'Ys", originally launched as "Andromede".

Wikipedia has articles on U.S.S. "Delaware" (BB-28) and U.S.S. "Florida" (BB-30).


4caf85cecadfd34197011a0d: ( 53-38471-099_1.jpg)

1 September 1920

At Boston, Massachusetts

Lat 42.37, Long -71.05

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Paid monthly money

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.30am

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cecadfd34197011a0e: ( 53-38471-100_0.jpg)

2 September 1920

At Boston, Massachusetts

Lat 42.37, Long -71.05

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

6.00pm: Received 270 tons of oil fuel from Navy Yard, Boston

4caf85cecadfd34197011a0f: ( 53-38471-100_1.jpg)

3 September 1920

Boston, Massachusetts, to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 42.41, Long -70.72

Time kept: 4 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

10.08am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.25am: Graves lighthouse bore 112°, 2830 yards

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.30pm: Read warrant number 27

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cecadfd34197011a10: ( 53-38471-101_0.jpg)

4 September 1920

Boston, Massachusetts, to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.02, Long -63.98

Time kept: 4 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

2.00am: Seal Island light bore 53°

3.22am: Seal Island light 19°, Cape Sable light 56°

4.00am: Seal Island light 351°, Cape Sable light 43°. Signal books correct

5.15am: Cape Sable light bore 350°

6.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.23pm: Sambro lighthouse 2°, Sambro lightvessel 25°

1.52pm: Sambro lightvessel bore 360°, 1 mile

2.40pm: Chebucto Head lighthouse bore 270°, 1 mile. Courses and speeds as requisite for entering harbour

3.35pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor in Halifax harbour in 10½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Pumping House chimney 303°, St. Patrick church spire 209°, citadel flagstaff 185°

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a11: ( 53-38471-101_1.jpg)

5 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

3.40pm: French ship "Ville d'Ys" arrived

4.00pm: Evening quarters

Tyne Built Ships lists a probable reference to "Ville d'Ys", originally launched as "Andromede".

4caf85cecadfd34197011a12: ( 53-38471-102_0.jpg)

6 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions

10.00am: Lost by accident: one fizgig [a type of harpoon], pattern number 13

10.30am: Discharged Lieutenant S.G. Cutler, Royal Marines, and one rating to Military Hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Lieutenant S.G. Cutler is Lieutenant Selwyn G. Cutler.

4caf85cecadfd34197011a13: ( 53-38471-102_1.jpg)

7 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised control parties

10.30am: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.30am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a14: ( 53-38471-103_0.jpg)

8 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

10.30am: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a15: ( 53-38471-103_1.jpg)

9 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised general quarters

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd34197011a16: ( 53-38471-104_0.jpg)

10 September 1920

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 44.48, Long -63.50

Time kept: 4 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.03am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

11.55am: Chebucto Head lighthouse bore 270°, 1 mile

Noon: Signal books correct

12.13pm: Sambro Island lighthouse 270°, Ketch Harbour lighthouse 324°

12.40pm: Sambro lightvessel bore 180°, ½ mile

2.30pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.10pm: Dropped depth-charge for practice. Courses and speeds as requisite

6.00pm: Signal books correct

6.12pm: Proceeded from 4.10pm position

7.15pm: Little Hope Island light bore 307½°

8.00pm: Signal books correct

8.06pm: Gull Rock light bore 275½°

11.15pm: Commenced sounding every 15 minutes

11.40pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cecadfd34197011a17: ( 53-38471-104_1.jpg)

11 September 1920

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to St. John, New Brunswick, and at St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

1.30am: Stopped sounding

3.40am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

7.00am: Brier Island lighthouse bore 85°. Course and speed as requisite to obtain good fix

7.25am: North Point [Brier Island] lighthouse 78°, Brier Island lighthouse 163°

7.35am: North Point [Brier Island] lighthouse abeam

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.50am to 9.00am: Investigate a fishing boat

9.00am: Resumed course

11.00am: Cape Spencer lighthouse 35°, Musquash Head lighthouse 302°

11.52am: Partridge Island lighthouse bore 290°, ½ mile. Courses and speeds as requisite for entering harbour

Time kept: 4 hours 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

Noon: Signal books correct

12.25pm: Stopped, secured to custom wharf

1.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.20am

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cecadfd34197011a18: ( 53-38471-105_0.jpg)

12 September 1920

At St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30 and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cecadfd34197011a19: ( 53-38471-105_1.jpg)

13 September 1920

At St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor visited ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.30am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a1a: ( 53-38471-106_0.jpg)

14 September 1920

At St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

2.30pm: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a1b: ( 53-38471-106_1.jpg)

15 September 1920

At St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.30am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cecadfd34197011a1c: ( 53-38471-107_0.jpg)

16 September 1920

At St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cecadfd34197011a1d: ( 53-38471-107_1.jpg)

17 September 1920

At St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Seamanship (12) and gunnery (8) training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.30am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cecadfd34197011a1e: ( 53-38471-108_0.jpg)

18 September 1920

At St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cecadfd34197011a1f: ( 53-38471-108_1.jpg)

19 September 1920

At St. John, New Brunswick

Lat 45.27, Long -66.07

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.30am

4caf85cecadfd34197011a20: ( 53-38471-109_0.jpg)

20 September 1920

From St. John, New Brunswick, to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.75, Long -66.24

Time kept: +4, that is 4 hour 0 minutes slow on Greenwich Mean Time

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

9.45am: Partridge Island lighthouse bore 360°, 1¾ miles

10.49am: Cape Lepreau lighthouse 288°, Musquash Head lighthouse 340°, Cape Spencer lighthouse 39°

Noon: Signal books correct

1.40pm: Bones Head lighthouse 80½°, North Point [Brier Island] 190°, Brier Island lighthouse 205½°

2.30pm: Brier Island lighthouse abeam 1½ miles. Worked up to full speed

2.50pm: Cape St. Mary lighthouse bore 122°

3.00pm: Cape St. Mary lighthouse 108°, Brier Island lighthouse 29½°. Commenced full speed trial

4.00pm: Cape Fourchu lighthouse 68°, Green Island 107°

4.11pm: Yarmouth fairway buoy abeam

5.00pm: Seal Island lighthouse bore 65°. Finished trial

5.45pm: Seal Island lighthouse bore 33°. Courses as requisite for swinging ship, speed 13 knots

5.30pm: Finished swinging ship. Dead reckoning positions: Seal Island lighthouse bearing 31°, 15 miles

8.49pm: Cape Sable light 335°, Baccaro light 5½°

11.30pm: Cape Roseway light 284°, Gull Island light 303½°, Little Hope Island light 15°

Cape Lepreau is also known as Point Lepreau.

Cape Fourchu is also spelled as Cape Forchu.

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[Insert: Record Of Observations For Deviation]

4caf85cecadfd34197011a22: ( 53-38471-110_0.jpg)

[Insert: Description And Position Of Correctors]

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a23: ( 53-38471-110_1.jpg)

21 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

12.33am: Little Hope Island light abeam 10 miles

3.20am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.50am: Sighted Sambro Island light bearing 38°

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.35am: Sambro light 3°, Sambro lightvessel 62°

5.50am: Sambro lightvessel abeam 2 cables

6.36am: Chebucto Head lighthouse bore 270°, 1 miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

7.37am: Stopped, secured alongside number 4 wharf, Halifax dockyard

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.30am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a24: ( 53-38471-111_0.jpg)

22 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a25: ( 53-38471-111_1.jpg)

23 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Lost by accident: one breech loader and quick fire tampeon without stave

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.30am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a26: ( 53-38471-112_0.jpg)

24 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Paid ship's company up to September 26

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.30am

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a27: ( 53-38471-112_1.jpg)

25 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed storing baggage

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Ship's company left ship for York Redoubt

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a28: ( 53-38471-113_0.jpg)

26 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: New crew arrived on board

9.00am: Paid off and recommissioned for service in 8th Light Cruiser Squadron

11.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

[Signed by] N.D.B. Taylor, Lieutenant-Commander (Navigating Officer)

The Monthly Navy List of March 1920 shows Lieutenant-Commander N.D.B. Taylor is Lieutenant-Commander Neville D.B. Taylor.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a29: ( 53-38471-113_1.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a2a: ( 53-38471-114_0.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a2b: ( 53-38471-114_1.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a2c: ( 53-38471-115_0.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a2d: ( 53-38471-115_1.jpg)

[Empty pages]

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a2e: ( 53-38471-116_0.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a2f: ( 53-38471-116_1.jpg)

[Back cover]


4caf85cfcadfd34197011a30: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-001_0.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a31: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-001_1.jpg)


H.M. Ship "Constance"

Commencing 26th September 1920

Ending 16th September 1921

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a32: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-002_0.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a33: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-002_1.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a34: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-003_0.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a35: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-003_1.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a36: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-004_0.jpg)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a37: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-004_1.jpg)

[Empty pages]

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a38: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-005_0.jpg)

Name: Commanding Officer

Address: H.M.S. "Constance", care of General Post Office



H.M.S. "Constance"

Commanded by Captain the Honourable A.C. Strutt


Commencing Sunday, 26th of September 1920.

Ending Friday, 16th of September 1921.

Tonnage (Displacement)


Extreme Length

446 feet

Extreme Breadth

41 feet 6½ inches



Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.

Shaft Horsepower

40,000 Forced Draught


Parsons Combined Ahead and Astern, Impulse

When Fixed on Board




Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.


Yarrow's Small Type modified

When made


When put in Vessel


Screw Propeller


Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.


Solid Manganese Bronze, 4 in number, 3 bladed

General State of Repair


[Signed by] A.C. Strutt, Captain

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral the Honourable Arthur Charles Strutt.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a39: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-005_1.jpg)

Establishment of Ship's Company









Engine-room Establishment


Other non-executive ratings





Mercurial or Aneroid


Name of Maker and number

Short and Mason Number 655

Height of cistern above sea

10 feet

Error of Mercurial Barometer


After 26th December 1920

Name of Maker and number

S.A. Calderara Number 2013

Height of cistern above sea

10 feet

Error of Mercurial Barometer


Thermometers for Air Temperature.

Position in Ship

Fore Bridge

Whether in screen


Maker and Number



J. Hicks, number 1768

26th September 1920

16th September 1921

J. Hicks, number 1720

26th September 1920

16th September 1921

Thermometers for Sea Temperature.

Maker and Number



A.C. Cossor and Son

26th September 1920

16th September 1921

Position of Standard Compass.

Fore Upper Bridge

Deviation of Standard Compass.

Date obtained.


December 14th 1920

Latitude 11°37'N, Longitude 60°37'W

August 10th 1921

Latitude 32°N, Longitude 64°W



Nature and Number of Gun and Mountings

On Forecastle

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

Amidships on Booms

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

On After Superstructure

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting

On Quarter Deck

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII* mounting


4 3-pounder Sub-Calibre Vickers

After end of Forecastle

2 3-inch 20 cwt. High Angle Guns

In Batteries Amidships

4 3-pounder (saluting)

Torpedo Armament.

2 21-inch Submerged Tubes

7 21-inch Mark IV Torpedoes


Number of each carried

Length and Description


30 feet Motor Boat


34 feet Cutter


30 feet Cutter


30 feet Gig


27 feet Whalers


16 feet Skiff Dinghy


Draught of water with Bunkers full and complete with Provisions, Stores and Water

Forward 15 feet 7 inches

Aft 16 feet 8 inches

Load Draught

Forward 15 feet 9 inches

Aft 16 feet 9 inches

Number of Tons necessary to increase draught 1 inch


Number of Tons of Coal Carried (43 cubic feet per ton)

(a) At load draught

(b) With bunkers full

(c) In places other than Bunkers 15 for Culinary purposes

Number of Tons of Fuel carried


Quantity of Water carried


(a) For Boilers 96 tons

(b) For Drinking 49.5 tons

[Signed by] Lieutenant Commander C.E. Hotham, Navigating Officer

The Monthly Navy List of November 1920 shows Lieutenant-Commander C.E. Hotham is Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. Hotham.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a3a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-006_0.jpg)

[Duplicate of 26 September of previous log-book]

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Paid off and recommissioned for service in 8th Light Cruiser Squadron

10.00am: New crew arrived on board

11.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a3b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-006_1.jpg)

27 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Boys at instruction

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a3c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-007_0.jpg)

28 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Commander H.E.H. Spencer-Cooper M.V.O. Royal Navy (Acting Captain) joined ship and assumed command

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Received 5.0 tons of coal (culinary)

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed about boats

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Commander Henry Edmund Harvey Spencer-Cooper.

The abbreviation M.V.O. stands for Member of the Royal Victorian Order.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a3d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-007_1.jpg)

29 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised fire stations, collision stations and control parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a3e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-008_0.jpg)

30 September 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed embarking stores

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am


4caf85cfcadfd34197011a3f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-008_1.jpg)

1 October 1920

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Sydney, Cape Breton Island

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea

10.30am: Marines as 6-inch gun drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.35pm: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

2.45pm: Chebucto Head lighthouse bore 204°, 1¾ miles

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

7.20pm: Beaver light bore 312°, 8.4 miles

8.00pm: Signal books correct

8.35pm: Liscomb [Island] light 328°, Wedge Island light 352½°

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.15pm: Commenced sounding every 15 minutes

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a40: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-009_0.jpg)

2 October 1920

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Sydney, Cape Breton Island

Lat 46.29, Long -59.93

3.25am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.48am to 10.00am: Altering 32 points to avoid steamer

10.52am: Flint Island lighthouse abeam (by sound) 5 miles (by sounding)

11.55am: Sighted land bearing 210°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.50pm: Flat Point lighthouse 185°, Coal Point 137°

13.25pm: Southeast bar light beacon abeam 2 cables. Courses and speeds as requisite

13.50pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off South Sydney in 8 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: South Sydney front leading light 159°, South Dominion Iron Works wharf 74½°, North Dominion Iron Works wharf 43°

15.45pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

Flat Point is also known as Low Point.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a41: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-009_1.jpg)

3 October 1920

At Sydney, Cape Breton Island

Lat 46.14, Long -60.20

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.15am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a42: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-010_0.jpg)

4 October 1920

From Sydney, Cape Breton Island, to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 46.14, Long -60.20

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed at 6-inch gun drill, loaders drill and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

2.07pm: Southeast Bar beacon bore 120°, 2 cables

2.45pm to 3.22pm: Speeds as requisite for getting out and in paravanes

3.22pm: Table Head 149½°, Coal Point 192½°, Flat Point lighthouse 257°. Proceeded

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.17pm: Flint Island lighthouse abeam 6200 yards

5.12pm: Scatarie Island lighthouse abeam

6.00pm: Signal books correct

7.00pm: Guyon Island light 270°, Louisbourg Harbour light 336°

8.00pm: Signal books correct

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.30pm: White Head [Island] light bore 297½°

Midnight: Signal books correct

Flat Point is also known as Low Point.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a43: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-010_1.jpg)

5 October 1920

From Sydney, Cape Breton Island, to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

12.05am: White Head [Island] light abeam 9 miles

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.35am: Egg Island light bore 288°

6.08am: Whistle buoy abeam 1 mile

7.00am: Hands employed as requisite

7.23am: Ran into thick fog. Reduced speed

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.40am: Stopped

8.53am: Came to with starboard anchor off Chebucto Head in 25 fathoms, veered to 7 shackles. Bearings: Chebucto Head lighthouse 240°, 1½ miles (approximately)

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.13am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for entering harbour

Noon: Signal books correct

12.15pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Halifax harbour in 8 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Richmond Point 308°, number 2 wharf 245°, citadel flagstaff 208°

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a44: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-011_0.jpg)

6 October 1920

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.33am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

8.50am: Stopped, secured alongside Imperial Oil Company's wharf

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite

10.00am: Received 58.0 tons of oil fuel

11.24am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

11.40am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Halifax harbour in 9 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Richmond Point 308°, number 2 wharf 255°, citadel flagstaff 213°

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

6.00pm: Received 2.5 tons of coal (culinary)

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a45: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-011_1.jpg)

7 October 1920

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Surgeon Commander A.H.S. Richardson left ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Ammunition supply parties at drill

11.00am: Remainder of hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed securing for sea

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.55pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course as requisite

5.48pm: Chebucto Head lighthouse bore 270°, 1 mile

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

The Monthly Navy List of March 1920 shows Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander A.H.S. Richardson is Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander Arthur H.S. Richardson.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a46: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-012_0.jpg)

8 October 1920

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda

Lat 40.57, Long -63.97

3.20am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters, and steering from left conning tower, and by the hand wheel

10.30am: Dropped seven unprimed depth charges which had been taken on board at Halifax as defective

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

4.30pm: Dropped and picked up both lifebuoys

4.40pm: Proceeded

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a47: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-012_1.jpg)

9 October 1920

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda

Lat 35.88, Long -64.50

2.40am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.10am: Exercised sea boats crew

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions

10.00am: Control parties at drill

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.15pm: Put clock back 10 minutes

12.35pm: Put clock back 9 minutes

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a48: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-013_0.jpg)

10 October 1920

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda, and at Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

2.40am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.20am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.12am: Sighted St. David's lighthouse bearing 215°

7.40am: Passed outer fairway buoy. Courses and speeds as requisite

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.48am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Grassy Bay (A berth) in 8 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Ireland Point 332°, clock tower 283°, left side south breakwater 239°

10.30am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Evening quarters

Ireland Point is also known as Commissioner's Point.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a49: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-013_1.jpg)

11 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.07am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

9.37am: Stopped, secured alongside oiler "Cherryleaf" in D berth, Grassy Bay

10.30am: Hands employed at 6-inch gun drill and as requisite

11.00am: Received 720.0 tons of oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.43pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

5.03pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Grassy Bay in 8 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Ireland Point 332°, clock tower 283°, left side south breakwater 239°

5.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Cherryleaf".

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a4a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-014_0.jpg)

12 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Seamanship (13) training class at instruction

10.00am: Control parties at drill

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (13) training class at instruction

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.25pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

3.20pm: Stopped, secured in South Basin

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a4b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-014_1.jpg)

13 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Rear-Admiral Sir A.F. Everett, K.C.M.G., C.B., inspected ship

10.00am: Ship's company mustered by ledger

10.30am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (13) training class at instruction

2.00pm: Marines at 6-inch gun drill

3.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

6.30pm: Received 12.0 tons of coal (culinary)

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Rear-Admiral Sir Allan Frederic Everett.

The abbreviation K.C.M.G. stands for Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.

The abbreviation C.B. stands for Companion in the Civil Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a4c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-015_0.jpg)

14 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a4d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-015_1.jpg)

15 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed embarking provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed embarking provisions

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a4e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-016_0.jpg)

16 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed embarking provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a4f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-016_1.jpg)

17 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a50: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-017_0.jpg)

18 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

10.15am: Stopped, came to with port anchor in Grassy Bay in A berth in 8 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Ireland Point 331°, clock tower 283°, left side south breakwater 238°

10.30am: Exercised clear ship for action, and general quarters

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Captain Honourable A.C. Strutt joined ship and assumed command

1.00pm: Seamanship (13) training class at instruction

2.00pm: Control parties at drill

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Received 1.5 tons of coal (culinary)

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral the Honourable Arthur Charles Strutt.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a51: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-017_1.jpg)

19 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised clear ship for action

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Surveyed starboard cable

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a52: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-018_0.jpg)

20 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised away all boats crews, and control parties

11.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed working about cable and as requisite

2.30pm: 6-inch guns crews at loader drill

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a53: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-018_1.jpg)

21 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice from 6-inch guns

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed working about cable and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a54: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-019_0.jpg)

22 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Exercised general quarters

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a55: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-019_1.jpg)

23 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a56: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-020_0.jpg)

24 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a57: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-020_1.jpg)

25 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.50am: Vice-Admiral Sir W.C. Pakenham K.C.B., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., Commander-in-Chief North America and West Indies Station arrived. H.M.S. "Constance" broke his flag

10.30am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" saluted Commander-in-Chief with 15 guns. H.M.S. "Constance" returned salute with 13 guns

11.30am: Guns crews at loader. Hands as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Seamanship (13) training class at instruction

2.00pm: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Sir William Christopher Pakenham.

The abbreviation K.C.B. stands for Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.

The abbreviation K.C.M.G. stands for Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.

The abbreviation K.C.V.O. stands for Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a58: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-021_0.jpg)

26 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

10.00am: Guns crews at loader drill

10.30am: Divers carried out monthly dip

11.00am: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

2.30pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a59: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-021_1.jpg)

27 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

11.00am: Hands employed about port cable and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a5a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-022_0.jpg)

28 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

10.30am: Exercised out kedge anchor, fire stations, collision stations

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

2.00pm: Control parties at drill

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a5b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-022_1.jpg)

29 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Guns crews at loader drill

10.30am: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a5c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-023_0.jpg)

30 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Party (12) employed on Moresby's Plain

10.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a5d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-023_1.jpg)

31 October 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters


4caf85cfcadfd34197011a5e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-024_0.jpg)

1 November 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed coaling ship and as requisite

10.30am: Received 9.5 tons of coal (culinary)

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a5f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-024_1.jpg)

2 November 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Seamanship (13) training class at instruction. Guns crews at loader drill. Control parties at drill. Remainder of hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Seamanship (13) training class at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a60: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-025_0.jpg)

3 November 1920

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital

10.00am: Seamanship (13) training class at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed embarking provisions (for transfer to H.M.S. "Cambrian"), scraping, painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: One rating rejoined ship from H.M.D. "Malabar"

5.30pm: Eight ratings joined ship for passage to H.M.S. "Cambrian".

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a61: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-025_1.jpg)

4 November 1920

From Bermuda to Antigua

Lat 32.06, Long -64.56

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

10.17am: Passed outer fairway buoy

11.00am: Exercised control parties. Hands as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.30pm: Put clock on 10 minutes

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a62: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-026_0.jpg)

5 November 1920

From Bermuda to Antigua

Lat 27.03, Long -63.68

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.20am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.30am: Divisions

10.00am: Exercised general quarters. Control parties and high angle guns crews at drill

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

9.15pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a63: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-026_1.jpg)

6 November 1920

From Bermuda to Antigua

Lat 21.85, Long -62.93

2.10am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a64: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-027_0.jpg)

7 November 1920

From Bermuda to Antigua, and at Antigua

Lat 17.13, Long -61.87

3.10am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Sighted St. Bartholomew Island bearing 257°

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.45am: Divisions. Prayers

10.10am: Sandy Island lighthouse 166°, left side Antigua 130½°

10.51am: James Bluff 120°, Sandy Island lighthouse 174°

11.12am: Stopped, came to with port anchor in St. John's Roads in 6 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearing: James Bluff 108°, Pillar Rock lighthouse 193°, Shipstern Point 248°

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gave leave to port watch and to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

St. Bartholomew Island is also known as St. Barthelemy Island.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a65: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-027_1.jpg)

8 November 1920

At Antigua

Lat 17.13, Long -61.87

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: High angle guns crews at drill

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.40pm: Gave leave to starboard watch and to boys till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a66: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-028_0.jpg)

9 November 1920

From Antigua to Guadeloupe

Lat 16.49, Long -61.88

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.45am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

8.55am: Sandy Island lighthouse 265°, Shipstern Point 153°

9.07am: Right side Five Islands bore 153°

9.27am: Johnson Island bore 107°

11.30am: Right side Montserrat 309°, left side Montserrat 285½°, right side Guadeloupe 163½°. Control parties at drill. Hands as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.25pm: Pères Point 149½°, Goyave Island 112°, Kahouanne Island 23½°

2.20pm: Basse Terre centre pier bore 103°

2.41pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Basse Terre Roads in 25 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles

3.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Gave leave to port watch and to boys till 7.00pm

Johnson Island is also known as Pelican Island, off Johnson's Point.

Pères Point is also known Pointe des Pères.

Goyave Islands are also known as Pigeon Islands, and as Îlets à Goyaves.

Kahouanne Island is also known as Îlet à Kahouane.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a67: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-028_1.jpg)

10 November 1920

At Guadeloupe

Lat 15.49, Long -61.74

6.00am: Exercised out bower and kedge anchors

9.00am: Seamanship (6) training class at instruction

10.00am: Guns crew at loader drill

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Seamanship (6) training class at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a68: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-029_0.jpg)

11 November 1920

From Guadeloupe to Trinidad

Lat 15.27, Long -61.77

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.42am: Weighed and proceeded

11.00am: Stopped engines and maintained silence on board for 2 minutes in commemoration of all who fell in the War

11.30am: Left side Dominica 46°, right side Dominica 113°. Seamanship (6) training class at instruction. Control parties at drill. Hands as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Signal books correct

6.00pm: Signal books correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a69: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-029_1.jpg)

12 November 1920

From Guadeloupe to Trinidad, and at Trinidad

Lat 10.32, Long -61.47

1.47am: Sighted Point Saline light bearing 158°

2.26am: Point Saline light 136°, Fort George light 115°

3.00am: Point Saline light bore 85°, 4 miles

3.15am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands employed as requisite

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.45am: Right side Chacachacare Island 196°, right side Huevos Island 174½°, left side Monos Island 140°

9.05am: Right side Chacachacare Island 243°, left side Chacachacare Island 170°

11.15am: San Fernando lighthouse bore 140°, 2.7 miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

11.50am: Stopped, secured alongside Trinidad Leasehold Company's jetty at Pierre Point

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations (watch)

5.30pm: Received 458.0 tons of oil fuel from Trinidad Leasehold Company

6.52pm: Slipped proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

7.06pm: San Fernando lighthouse bore 156°, 2 miles

8.55pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. Vincent jetty light 64°, 13¾ cables, red chimney 15°

Pierre Point is also known as Pointe-a-Pierre.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a6a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-030_0.jpg)

13 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed transferring provisions to H.M.S. "Cambrian" and cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a6b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-030_1.jpg)

14 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a6c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-031_0.jpg)

15 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

1.30pm: Guns crews at loader drill

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 9.30pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a6d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-031_1.jpg)

16 November 1920

In Gulf of Paria

Lat 10.5, Long -61.8 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses speeds as requisite for gunnery and torpedo exercises

10.30am: Carried out dummy torpedo attack and inclination exercises on H.M.S. "Cambrian" and H.M.S. "Cambrian" did the same on H.M.S. "Constance"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Carried out torpedo attack on H.M.S. "Cambrian" and H.M.S. "Cambrian" carried out torpedo attack on H.M.S. "Constance", each ship firing one torpedo

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

5.55pm: Came to with port anchor off Brighton in 12 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings Brighton pier extremity 126°, 10 cables

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a6e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-032_0.jpg)

17 November 1920

In Gulf of Paria

Lat 10.5, Long -61.8 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.12am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for exercises

10.00am: Exercised general quarters

10.30am: Carried out two sub-calibre runs from 6-inch guns

11.00am: H.M.S. "Cambrian" carried out two sub-calibre runs from 6-inch guns

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Carried out torpedo attack on H.M.S. "Cambrian" and H.M.S. "Cambrian" carried one on H.M.S. "Constance", each ship firing one torpedo

3.06pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor, [in] 12 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side Goose Island 348°, Naparima Hill 95½°

Goose Island is also known as Isla de Patos.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a6f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-032_1.jpg)

18 November 1920

In Gulf of Paria

Lat 10.5, Long -61.6 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Slipped berth 2 cable to work on target which had been overturned

9.50am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for exercises

10.30am: H.M.S. "Constance" and H.M.S. "Cambrian" carried out simultaneous torpedo attack on each other, H.M.S. "Constance" firing two and H.M.S. "Cambrian" one torpedo

Noon: Signal books correct

12.10pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor, [in] 12 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Chacachacare Island lighthouse 7½°, Naparima Hill 95½°

2.00pm: Hands employed working about target and as requisite

2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, target in tow

4.05pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Brighton in 8 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings Brighton pier extremity 167°, 4 cables, Pitch Point 109°

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a70: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-033_0.jpg)

19 November 1920

[At La Brea, Trinidad, and] in Gulf of Paria

Lat 10.25, Long -61.64

7.45am: Landed small arm companies

10.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.25pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for exercises

2.30pm: Carried out reduced charge firing from 6-inch guns and inclination exercise

4.00pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: H.M.S. "Constance" and H.M.S. "Cambrian" carried out night firing from sub-calibre guns, leading ship using star shell

7.55pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. Vincent jetty light 43°, 12½ cables, red chimney 3°

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a71: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-033_1.jpg)

20 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a72: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-034_0.jpg)

21 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a73: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-034_1.jpg)

22 November 1920

[At Port of Spain, Trinidad, and] in Gulf of Paria

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed as requisite

11.50am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for exercises

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Carried out firing with reduced charges from 6-inch guns and inclination exercise

4.06pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Chaguaramas Bay in 15 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side Gaspar Grande 162°, right side Gaspar Grande 252°, left side Gasparillo 279°

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a74: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-035_0.jpg)

23 November 1920

In Gulf of Paria

Lat 10.5, Long -61.6 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.55am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for exercises

10.00am: Carried out throw-off shoot from sub-calibre guns

10.30am: H.M.S. "Cambrian" carried out ditto

10.55am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in 12 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Chacachacare lighthouse 347½°, Naparima Hill 127°

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a75: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-035_1.jpg)

24 November 1920

In Gulf of Paria

Lat 10.6, Long -61.6 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.55am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for exercises

10.00am: Carried out full-calibre full charge throw-off shoot from 6-inch guns. H.M.S. "Cambrian" ditto

Noon: Signal books correct

1.03pm: Stopped, came to with port anchor in Chaguaramas Bay in 17 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side Gaspar Grande 168°, right side Gaspar Grande 252°, left side Gasparillo 292°

2.30pm: Hauled up target near floating dock

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a76: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-036_0.jpg)

25 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

9.15am: Left side Gaspar Grande 357°, right side Gaspar Grande 80°

9.50am: Red chimney bore 22°

9.55am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. Vincent jetty light 52°, 12¼ cables, red chimney 3°

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a77: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-036_1.jpg)

26 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Aired bedding

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed coaling ship

11.00am: Lieutenant W.A. Swyer joined ship (awaiting passage)

Noon: Signal books correct

12.20pm: H.M.S. "Cambrian" sailed

1.00pm: Paid fortnightly money

2.30pm: Hands employed coaling ship and as requisite

3.00pm: Received 11.0 tons of coal (culinary)

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: One rating joined ship from hospital

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Lieutenant W.A. Swyer is Lieutenant William A. Swyer.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a78: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-037_0.jpg)

27 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a79: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-037_1.jpg)

28 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a7a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-038_0.jpg)

29 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a7b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-038_1.jpg)

30 November 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am


4caf85cfcadfd34197011a7c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-039_0.jpg)

1 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Dressed ship, overall, in honour of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra's birthday

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite

Noon: Fired Royal Salute of 21 guns. Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a7d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-039_1.jpg)

2 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a7e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-040_0.jpg)

3 December 1920

In Gulf of Paria

Lat 10.6, Long -61.7 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

10.00am: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice

Noon: Signal books correct

1.19pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Chacachacare harbour in 24 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Chacachacare lighthouse 330°, Gimé Point 81°, Romain Point 187°

2.30pm: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

Gimé Point is also known as Point Girod.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a7f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-040_1.jpg)

4 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Weighed and proceeded

9.30am: Right side Gaspar Grande 349°, right side Diego Islands 46°, right side Five Islands 71½°

10.03am: Stopped, came to with port anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. Vincent jetty light 47°, 12¼ cables, red chimney 1°

11.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 6.30pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a80: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-041_0.jpg)

5 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 6.30pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a81: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-041_1.jpg)

6 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands provisioning ship and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Lieutenant W.A. Swyer left ship on passage to England

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.00pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Lieutenant W.A. Swyer is Lieutenant William A. Swyer.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a82: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-042_0.jpg)

7 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.53, Long -61.58 [Estimated position]

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Guns crews at loader drill

10.00am: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

11.26am: Weighed and proceeded

Noon: Signal books correct

12.50pm: Courses and speeds as requisite

1.15pm: Stopped, secured alongside Trinidad Leasehold Company's jetty

2.30pm: Seamanship (8) training class at instruction

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Received 339.0 tons of oil fuel

7.00pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

7.15pm: San Fernando light bore 145°, 2¼ miles

8.00pm: Signal books correct

8.55pm: Chacachacare Island lighthouse bore 360°, 6.5 miles

9.30pm: Chacachacare Island lighthouse bore 90°, 2.8 miles

11.10pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a83: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-042_1.jpg)

8 December 1920

From Trinidad to Barbados

Lat 12.94, Long -59.72

2.20am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Needham Point lighthouse 60°, South Point lighthouse 76°. Signal books correct

12.30pm: Needham Point lighthouse 65½°, South Point lighthouse 88½°

1.00pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Carlisle Bay in 24 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: refinery chimney 57°, engineers wharf 99°, Needham Point 133°

3.30pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Two ratings joined ship

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a84: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-043_0.jpg)

9 December 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

5.30am: Exercised tow ship, forward, out kedge anchor, and out fire engine

9.30am: Guns crews at divisional drill

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.15pm: U.S.S. "Florida" arrived, with Secretary of State on board. Returned U.S.S. "Florida's" salute with 21 guns. Saluted Secretary of State with 19 guns

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on U.S.S. "Florida" (BB-30).

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a85: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-043_1.jpg)

10 December 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Guns crews and control parties at drill

10.30am: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Paid fortnightly money

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: U.S.S. "Florida" sailed

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a86: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-044_0.jpg)

11 December 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a87: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-044_1.jpg)

12 December 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions. Read Articles of War

10.30am: Landed all church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a88: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-045_0.jpg)

13 December 1920

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Aired bedding

10.00am: Landed small arm companies

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

8.47pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

9.00pm: Careenage green light 24°, Needham Point light 111°

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a89: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-045_1.jpg)

[Insert: Record Of Observations For Deviation]

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a8a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-046_0.jpg)

[Insert: Description And Position Of Correctors]

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a8b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-046_1.jpg)

14 December 1920

From Barbados to Tobago

Lat 11.33, Long -60.56

3.40am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

6.30am: Swung ship for deviation. Courses as requisite

7.00am: Hands employed as requisite

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.10am: Finished swinging. Left side Little Tobago 186°, right side Tobago 220°

9.20am: Left side Man of War Bay bore 122°

9.35am: Stopped, moored ship, 5 [shackles] on each. Unmoored, rode to single anchor (port) in Man of War Bay in 19 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: chimney 153°, right side Booby Island 239°, Corvo Point 277°

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a8c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-047_0.jpg)

15 December 1920

At Tobago

Lat 11.33, Long -60.56

6.00am: Exercised out kedge anchor

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Guns crews at loader drill

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Guns crews at divisional drill

2.00pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

3.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a8d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-047_1.jpg)

16 December 1920

From Tobago to Trinidad

Lat 10.73, Long -61.65

6.18am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite

6.30am: Low Point 68°, Booby Island 138°

6.51am: Right side Sisters Island abeam 6 cables

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Control parties at drill

10.00am: Hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

12.10pm: Entrada Point bore 180°

12.27pm: Right side Gaspar Grande bore 101°

1.17pm: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor off Port of Spain in 4 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. Vincent jetty light 47°, 12¼ cables, red chimney 1°

3.30pm: Seamanship (12) training class at instruction

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: French ship "Antares" in harbour

Forum Pages 14-18 lists a probable reference to "Antares" (French text).

Sisters Island is also known as Sisters Rocks.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a8e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-048_0.jpg)

17 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

5.30am: Exercised boats under oars

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Read warrant number 5

9.30am: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to Royal Jail, Port of Spain

10.30am: Seamanship training class under examination

11.00am: Guns crews at loader drill. Hands as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Seamanship training class under examination

2.30pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a8f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-048_1.jpg)

18 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a90: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-049_0.jpg)

19 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Hands mustered by ledger

10.00am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a91: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-049_1.jpg)

20 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Aired bedding

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed painting, coaling and as requisite

11.00am: Landed marine detachment for drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed painting, coaling and as requisite

2.30pm: Received [left blank] tons of coal (culinary)

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a92: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-050_0.jpg)

21 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.10am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" arrived. Divisions. Prayers

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a93: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-050_1.jpg)

22 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a94: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-051_0.jpg)

23 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Guns crews at loader drill

11.00am: Hands employed painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a95: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-051_1.jpg)

24 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a96: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-052_0.jpg)

25 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a97: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-052_1.jpg)

26 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a98: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-053_0.jpg)

27 December 1920

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed embarking provisions, about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed painting, about boats and as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a99: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-053_1.jpg)

28 December 1920

At Trinidad, and from Trinidad to Tobago

Lat 10.25, Long -61.64

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.02am: Weighed and proceeded

9.37am: San Fernando lighthouse bore 140°, 2½ miles. Courses and speeds as requisite

9.50am: Stopped, secured alongside Trinidad Leasehold Companies jetty at Point à Pierre

11.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.15pm: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for torpedo attack by H.M.S. "Calcutta"

4.00pm: Evening quarters. St. David's Tower 12°, left side Goose Island 306°. Signal books correct

5.44pm: Left side Monos Island bore 25°

6.00pm: Signal books correct

6.06pm: Left side Monos Island abeam

8.00pm: Signal books correct

11.05pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

Goose Island is also known as Isla de Patos.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a9a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-054_0.jpg)

29 December 1920

From Trinidad to Tobago, and at Tobago

Lat 11.33, Long -60.56

2.50am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.41am: Left side Tobago 128°, The Sisters 230°

6.00am: Left side Man of War Bay 162°, The Sisters 230°

6.33am: Stopped, came to with port anchor in Man of War Bay in 20 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: chimney 153°, right side Booby Island 229°, Corvo Point 276½°

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a9b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-054_1.jpg)

30 December 1920

At Tobago

Lat 11.33, Long -60.56

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Man and armed barge for exercise

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

8.37pm: Weighed and proceeded

8.45pm: Low Rock abeam

11.15pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a9c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-055_0.jpg)

31 December 1920

At St. George, Grenada

Lat 12.05, Long -61.76

1.55am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.00am: Signal books correct

5.45am: Point Saline light bore 360°

6.15am: Point Saline light bore 90°, 1 mile

6.30am: Fort George lighthouse bore 93°

6.40am: Stopped, came to with port anchor in St. George's Harbour in 6 fathoms, veered to 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Point St. Eloy 18°, Scots Kirk town 86°, St. George Point 115½°

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised general quarters

11.00am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.15pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 9.30pm

Point St. Eloy is also known as Pointe Saint Eloi.


JP map Constance 1921


4caf85cfcadfd34197011a9d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-055_1.jpg)

1 January 1921

At St. George, Grenada

Lat 12.05, Long -61.76

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to port watch and boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening quarters

8.38pm: Weighed and proceeded

8.48pm: Point Saline light bore 205°

9.04pm: Point Saline light bore 100°, 1 mile

9.08pm: Point Saline light abeam

10.45pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Midnight: Signal books correct

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a9e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-056_0.jpg)

2 January 1921

From Grenada to Barbados, and at Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

3.25am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.50am: Altered course to avoid a passing steamer

4.00am: Resumed course. Signal books correct

5.05am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Signal books correct

8.25am: Needham Point lighthouse 58½°, South Point lighthouse 80°

9.00am: Stopped, came to with starboard anchor in Carlisle Bay in 14 fathoms, veered to 4.5 shackles. Anchor bearings: refinery chimney 48°, clock tower 120°, Needham Point lighthouse 150½°

10.15am: Divisions

11.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am and to boys till 6.20pm

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4caf85cfcadfd34197011a9f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-056_1.jpg)

3 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gunnery (9) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Guns crews at loader drill

11.00am: Hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (9) and torpedo (7) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed boat sailing and as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011aa0: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-057_0.jpg)

4 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gunnery (9) and torpedo (6) training classes at instruction

10.30am: Guns crews at loader drill

11.00am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (9) and torpedo (7) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011aa1: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-057_1.jpg)

5 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

5.30am: Exercised tow ship, aft, out collision mat, out kedge anchor, and fire diving pump

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Divers carried out monthly dip

10.00am: Gunnery (9) and torpedo (7) training classes at instruction

11.00am: Hands employed about boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (9) and torpedo (7) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening quarters

4.30pm: Gave leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011aa2: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-058_0.jpg)

6 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Landed small arm companies

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Gunnery (9) and torpedo (7) training classes at instruction

2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Gave leave to port watch till 7.00am

4caf85cfcadfd34197011aa3: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-058_1.jpg)

7 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Lieutenant Hotham, Lieutenant Abel-Smith, Sub-Lieutenant Windeyer, twenty ratings, also thirty-one ratings for H.M.S. "Calcutta" joined

10.00am: Gunlayers and 1-inch aiming classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed in parts of ship

11.00am: Received twelve cases paymaster's stores

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Held monthly payment

1.00pm: Hands employed scrubbing canvas gear and as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Lieutenant Hotham is Lieutenant Charles E. Hotham.

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Lieutenant Abel-Smith is Lieutenant Edward M.C. Abel-Smith.

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Sub-Lieutenant Windeyer is Sub-Lieutenant Gus S. Windeyer.

4caf85cfcadfd34197011aa4: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-059_0.jpg)

8 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam for slow speed

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to starboard watch till 7.00am

1.20pm: Weighed. Proceeded, speed as requisite, for shifting berth

2.00pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 20 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Piped down. Anchor bearings: Needham Point light S48°E, clock tower S68°E, tall chimney S61°E

3.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4.00pm: Quarters

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Calcutta" arrived

6.30pm: Discharged thirty-one rating to H.M.S. "Calcutta"

4caf85cfcadfd34197011aa5: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-059_1.jpg)

9 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

5.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Landed Roman Catholic church party

9.45am: Divisions

10.00am: Landed church party

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to port watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aa6: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-060_0.jpg)

10 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Gunnery and torpedo classes at instruction ashore, "X" and "Y" guns crews exercised at loader, wireless telegraphy ratings at physical drill. Remainder employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. Gunnery and torpedo classes exercised ashore at field exercises.

2.00pm: Lost overboard by accident: hand lantern, patent number 330, one in number

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aa7: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-060_1.jpg)

11 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed painting boats, and getting sand and as requisite

10.30am: Gunnery and torpedo classes landed for exercise ashore

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Lieutenant-Commander Taylor left the ship for passage home

2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon and preparing for general drill

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

The Monthly Navy List of March 1920 shows Lieutenant-Commander Taylor is Lieutenant-Commander Neville D.B. Taylor.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aa8: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-061_0.jpg)

12 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

5.30am: Prepared for drill

6.00am: Carried out general drill with H.M.S. "Calcutta"

6.30am: Exercised let go and pick up lifebuoys, furl awnings, shorten in by hand, away all boats crews

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Exercised all boats crews away sailing

10.30am: Gunnery and torpedo classes landed for drill

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident during drill: hoses, leather, suction 6½ feet long, number 3 size, two in number; strainers, copper, number 3 size, one in number

1.30pm: Hands employed striking down floor, painting on mess deck and as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aa9: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-061_1.jpg)

13 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Gunnery, torpedo and seamanship training classes at instruction. Hands employed painting on mess deck, painting boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aaa: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-062_0.jpg)

14 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Exercised general quarters. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder employed in parts of ship. Wireless telegraphy ratings employed at physical drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters. Read warrant number 9

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aab: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-062_1.jpg)

15 January 1921

At Barbados

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Ordinary seamen (7) sat exam test for able seaman

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Gave leave to watch till 7.00am, leave to boys attending concert till 11.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aac: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-063_0.jpg)

16 January 1921

From Barbados to Trinidad

Lat 13.09, Long -59.62

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Raised steam

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Prepared for sea

Noon: Signal books correct

1.25pm: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving Carlisle Bay

4.00pm: Quarters

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aad: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-063_1.jpg)

17 January 1921

At Chaguaramas Bay, Trinidad

Lat 10.68, Long -61.65

3.25am: Chacachacare light 209°

6.00am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Chaguaramas bay through Boca Mono

6.25am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 16 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: average between right side Gasparillo Island and Tranton Point [?] 294°, Reyna Point 165°, left side Gaspar Grande 252°

8.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

9.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Landed target party to launch and refit targets

10.30am: Remainder hands employed in parts of ship. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

Boca Mono is also known as Boca de Monos.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aae: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-064_0.jpg)

18 January 1921

From Chaguaramas Bay to Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.68, Long -61.65

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Raised steam

9.30am: Landed target party. Remainder of hands employed in parts of ship. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Prepared for sea

2.20pm: Weighted. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Port of Spain

3.52pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 3½ fathoms, [veered to] 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: St. Vincent jetty lighthouse 67°, Caroni buoy 147°, red chimney 7°

4.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aaf: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-064_1.jpg)

19 January 1921

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

12.45am: U.S.S. "Florida" arrived

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Remainder of hands cleaning boats and employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on U.S.S. "Florida" (BB-30).

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab0: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-065_0.jpg)

20 January 1921

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Hands employed repairing hoses and in parts of ship

11.55am: U.S.S. "Florida" sailed

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: H.M.C.S. "Aurora" and two destroyers Royal Canadian Navy arrived

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab1: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-065_1.jpg)

21 January 1921

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder of hands provisioning and coaling ship (4½ tons)

1.00pm: Hands employed scrubbing small gear

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab2: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-066_0.jpg)

22 January 1921

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

2.30pm: Leave to boys till 6.30pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab3: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-066_1.jpg)

23 January 1921

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab4: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-067_0.jpg)

24 January 1921

From Port of Spain to Brighton, Trinidad

Lat 10.25, Long -61.64

4.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.30am: Divisions. Prayers

10.42am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for towing targets to a position off Brighton pier

Noon: Signal books correct

1.39pm: Stopped, moored one target

1.55pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for anchorage off Brighton

2.40pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 3½ shackles. Anchor bearings: Pointe d'Or 135°, chimney 159°, right ride Brighton pier 205°

3.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to recreation parties till 6.00pm

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab5: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-067_1.jpg)

25 January 1921

At Brighton, Trinidad

Lat 10.25, Long -61.64

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice from all guns. Gunnery, torpedo and seamanship training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice from all guns. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab6: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-068_0.jpg)

26 January 1921

In Gulf of Paria, exercising

Lat 10.45, Long -61.75

6.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.12am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for towing target

9.00am: Veered target. H.M.S. "Calcutta" carried out sub-calibre firing

10.25am: Stopped, transferred target to H.M.S. "Calcutta"

10.50am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for sub-calibre firing

11.30am: Finished firing

1.20pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 16 fathoms, [veered to] 3½ shackles. Anchor bearings: Naparima Hill 95½°, Brighton pier 137½°

2.00pm: Hands employed in parts of ship. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction

4.00pm: Quarters

7.30pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite in company with H.M.S. "Calcutta"

8.15pm: Carried out night firing with sub-calibre, course and speed as requisite

8.20pm: Ceased firing. Course as requisite for anchorage off Brighton

8.48pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Brighton pier 153° 0.5 miles

9.30pm: Banked fires

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab7: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-068_1.jpg)

27 January 1921

In Gulf of Paria, exercising

Lat 10.25, Long -61.80

5.30am: Raised steam

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

7.25am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite

9.00am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching H.M.S. "Calcutta"

9.15am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" carried out torpedo attack on H.M.S. "Constance"

9.40am: Course and speed as requisite for opening H.M.S. "Calcutta"

11.20am: Carried out dummy torpedo attack on H.M.S. "Calcutta"

Noon: Course as requisite for closing target

1.25pm: Stopped. Weighed and took target in tow

1.30pm: Proceeded towards anchorage off Brighton, course and speed as requisite

2.15pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Pointe d'Or 115°, end of pier 150°, Cape Corbaray 182° [The log-keeper probably made a spelling mistake and meant Cape Courbaril]

3.30pm: Banked fires

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Read warrant number 12

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab8: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-069_0.jpg)

28 January 1921

In Gulf of Paria, exercising, and at Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.45, Long -61.72

5.30am: Raised steam

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for full calibre firing

7.00am: Furled all awnings

8.45am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite with targets in tow

9.30am: Veered targets

10.00am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" and H.M.C.S. "Aurora" carried out full calibre firings

11.10am: Stopped. Hauled in target and transferred it to H.M.S. "Calcutta"

11.40am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for carrying out full calibre firing

Noon: Opened fire with all guns

12.05pm: Ceased firing. Course and speed as requisite for Port of Spain

1.36pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 4 fathoms, [veered to] 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: red chimney 6°, chimney 36°, lighthouse 66°

2.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ab9: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-069_1.jpg)

29 January 1921

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship and drawing provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

1.00pm: Leave to boys till 6.30pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aba: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-070_0.jpg)

30 January 1921

At Port of Spain, Trinidad

Lat 10.65, Long -61.52

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed Roman Catholic (12) and Wesleyan (6) and Presbyterian (8) church parties

9.30am: One ordinary telegraphist joined from mail steamer

10.00am: Divisions

11.00am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: One ordinary telegraphist discharged to H.M.S. "Calcutta"

9.00pm: Discharged Sub-Lieutenant Barnes to H.M.C.S. "Patrician"

4caf85d0cadfd34197011abb: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-070_1.jpg)

31 January 1921

From Port of Spain to Point à Pierre, Trinidad, and at sea

Lat 10.25, Long -61.64

4.30am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

7.30am: One able seaman joined from H.M.S. "Calcutta" for detention

8.55am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite

10.15am: Course as requisite for approaching Point à Pierre oil fuel jetty

10.35am: Stopped, secured alongside jetty, starboard side to

11.30am: Divers at work examining pier

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Divers at work as in forenoon

1.00pm: Hands employed in parts of ship. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction

4.00pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Received 422 tons oil fuel

5.55pm: Cast off. Proceeded as requisite

8.22pm: Chacachacare light 50° 3 miles

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew


4caf85d0cadfd34197011abc: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-071_0.jpg)

1 February 1921

From Trinidad to St. Kitts

Lat 13.83, Long -62.28

3.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Grenada Island 107°. Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Exercised out and in paravanes. Speed as requisite

Noon: Signal clocks correct

1.00pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Watch employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.40pm: Dominica 53°

4caf85d0cadfd34197011abd: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-071_1.jpg)

2 February 1921

From Trinidad to St. Kitts

Lat 13.83, Long -62.28

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.40am: Redonda Island 80°

5.50am: Course as requisite for approaching St. Kitts

6.25am: Stopped. Dropped whaler as torpedo target

6.30am: Proceeded as requisite for torpedo firing

6.55am: Fired first torpedo

6.58am: Fired second torpedo. Course and speed as requisite for recovering same

8.00am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Basseterre

8.20am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 6 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: flagstaff 277°, spire 316°, Treasury tower 334°

11.00am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

11.15am: Fired salute of 15 guns for Administrator

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

3.45pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011abe: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-072_0.jpg)

3 February 1921

At Basseterre, St. Kitts, and to Bermuda

Lat 17.29, Long -62.72

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Remainder hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.30pm: Raised steam

3.00pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

7.00pm: Prepared for sea

8.55pm: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving Basseterre

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011abf: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-072_1.jpg)

4 February 1921

From St. Kitts to Bermuda

Lat 20.00, Long -62.83

12.50am: St. Bartholomew 300°

2.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Lost overboard by accident: thermometer, ordinary, pattern number 48A, one in number

9.00am: Divisions. Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct. Lost overboard while sounding: rope, steel wire, 300 fathoms, pattern number 1308; sinker 24 pounds, pattern number 1310; swivel, pattern number 1311; guards, brass, pattern number 1266; one in number each

1.00pm: Watch employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Furled all awnings

St. Bartholomew Island is also known as St. Barthelemy Island.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac0: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-073_0.jpg)

5 February 1921

From St. Kitts to Bermuda

Lat 24.85, Long -63.42

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Piped down

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac1: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-073_1.jpg)

6 February 1921

From St. Kitts to Bermuda

Lat 29.60, Long -63.83

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Quarters

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac2: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-074_0.jpg)

7 February 1921

From St. Kitts to Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

4.20am: Sighted Gibbs Hill 320°

4.30am: Put clocks back 19 minutes

4.55am: St. David's light 351°

6.30am: Course as requisite for approaching Narrows

6.55am: Fairway buoy NW 0.1 miles. Course as requisite for passing buoy

7.55am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: The Camber 240°, clock tower 286°, flagstaff 326°

9.30am: Hands employed in parts of ship

11.10am: Tugs came alongside and King's Harbor Master shifted ship alongside north-west wall of The Camber. Let fires die out

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition and preparing for docking

3.10pm: Tugs came at side and King's Harbor Master warped ship into floating dock

4.00pm: Secured in dock

4.30pm: Discharged one stoker to H.M.S. "Cambrian"

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac3: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-074_1.jpg)

8 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship's bottom

8.30am: Discharged five ratings to detention quarters

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship's bottom

10.30am: Discharged three ratings to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands cleaning ship's bottom

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac4: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-075_0.jpg)

9 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands scraping and cleaning ship's bottom

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

6.30pm: One able seaman rejoined from hospital

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac5: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-075_1.jpg)

10 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and painting ship's bottom

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4.30pm: Read warrant number 14

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac6: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-076_0.jpg)

11 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and painting ship's bottom

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship's bottom

Noon: Discharged three ratings to hospital. Signal books correct

12.30pm: Discharged ten ratings to hospital

2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon and clearing up dock

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac7: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-076_1.jpg)

12 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac8: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-077_0.jpg)

13 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ac9: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-077_1.jpg)

14 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands painting ship's bottom

10.00am: Hands painting ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.30pm: Discharged one stoker petty officer to H.M.D. "Malabar"

4.00pm: Quarters

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aca: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-078_0.jpg)

15 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and clearing up dock

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, spreading awnings and cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed refitting, scraping and painting

3.00pm: Discharged eight ratings to hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011acb: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-078_1.jpg)

16 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Read warrant number 15

8.00am: Discharged one rating to detention

9.00am: Ship undocked and placed alongside north-west wall of The Camber

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores, painting and scraping

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011acc: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-079_0.jpg)

17 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Held ordinary seamen educational examination

9.30am: Hands employed scraping, painting and drawing stores

11.00am: One leading stoker discharged to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Paid fortnightly payment

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: One stoker rejoined from detention

5.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011acd: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-079_1.jpg)

18 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and painting

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ace: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-080_0.jpg)

19 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged nine ratings to hospital

4caf85d0cadfd34197011acf: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-080_1.jpg)

20 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad0: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-081_0.jpg)

21 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores, refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 11.00pm

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad1: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-081_1.jpg)

22 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed armed party for field exercises. Remainder employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Landing party returned.

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad2: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-082_0.jpg)

23 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands provisioning ship, drawing stores and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Discharged five ratings to hospital

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad3: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-082_1.jpg)

24 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands provisioning and cleaning ship

11.00am: Marines mustered for medical inspection

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Held medical inspection of remainder of ship's company

1.30pm: Hands employed scraping, painting and refitting

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad4: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-083_0.jpg)

25 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad5: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-083_1.jpg)

26 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Discharged one rating to hospital

1.00pm: Leave to port watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad6: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-084_0.jpg)

27 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Hoisted flag of Vice-Admiral Sir W. Pakenham

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board and invested Captain Fanshawe with C.B.E.

10.30am: Commander-in-Chief left

11.00am: Landed church parties

Noon: Struck flag of Commander-in-Chief. Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to part [of watch] and boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral Sir William Christopher Pakenham.

The abbreviation C.B.E. stands for Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad7: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-084_1.jpg)

28 February 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands painting ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: One rating returned from hospital


4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad8: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-085_0.jpg)

1 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Training classes at instruction

10.00am: Held educational test part (1) and marines educational test

11.00am: Hands painting ship and employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ad9: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-085_1.jpg)

2 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ada: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-086_0.jpg)

3 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting boats and on upper deck

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011adb: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-086_1.jpg)

4 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed coaling ship and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Received [left blank] tons of coal

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011adc: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-087_0.jpg)

5 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011add: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-087_1.jpg)

6 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ade: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-088_0.jpg)

7 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

4.00am: Raised steam

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.00am: Tugs and King's Harbor Master shifted ship out of The Camber

8.20am: Stopped outside The Camber, hosted in sea boat

8.30am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Murray's Anchorage

9.25am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Tobacco Rock 82°, flagstaff 116°, Lloyd's signal station 172°

11.00am: Banked fires

11.30am: Hands painting ship's side

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice. Remainder hands painting ship's side

4.00pm: Quarters

8.30pm: Exercised night defence stations

4caf85d0cadfd34197011adf: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-088_1.jpg)

8 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

5.00am: Raised steam

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Cleared ship for action

9.00am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for carrying out 3-pounder sub-calibre practice in Murray's Anchorage

10.20am: Finished practice. Course and speed as requisite for anchoring

10.30am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Tobacco Rock 79°, flagstaff 111°, Lloyds flagstaff 167°

Noon: Banked fires. Signal books correct

12.30pm: Raised steam

1.40pm: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Grassy Bay

2.25pm: Stopped. Tug and King's Harbour Master came alongside

2.45pm: Proceeded into The Camber and secured to north-west wall, bows SE

3.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

3.30pm: Hands replacing gear

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae0: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-089_0.jpg)

9 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.00am: Hands cleaning ship

5.30am: Received 10 cwt. of coal

9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed cleaning ship and drawing stores

10.30am: Held Court of Enquiring on board

11.30am: Received 40 tons of oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

2.30pm: Six ratings rejoined from hospital

3.00pm: One rating joined from H.M.D. "Malabar"

4.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae1: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-089_1.jpg)

10 March 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Fired court martial gun for H.M.S. "Cambrian"

9.00am: Discharged Mr. Young, Warrant Engineer, to H.M.S. "Cambrian" for court martial

10.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea, boys at school and party painting on mess deck

11.30am: Mr. Williams, Warrant Engineer, joined from H.M.S. "Cambrian"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.40pm: Cast off. King's Harbour Master moored ship with tugs outside The Camber

1.50pm: Cast off tugs. Proceeded. Course as requisite for Narrow

2.50pm: Outer channel buoy 150°

4.30pm: Quarters

Midnight: Exercised sea boats crew

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Artificer Engineer Young is Warrant Engineer Robert Young.

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Artificer Engineer Williams is Warrant Engineer Reginald Williams.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae2: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-090_0.jpg)

11 March 1921

[From Bermuda to Jamaica]

Lat 28.40, Long -67.07

5.00am: Put clocks back 21 minutes

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.35am: Let go one depth charge

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Piped down

4.00pm: Quarters

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae3: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-090_1.jpg)

12 March 1921

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 23.91, Long -69.83

2.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

5.00am: Put clocks back 20 minutes

6.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

7.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

11.00am: Exercised all guns crews at loader

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Piped down

4.00pm: Quarters

9.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.15pm: Turks Island lit 183°

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae4: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-091_0.jpg)

13 March 1921

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 20.11, Long -73.23

12.35am: Turks Island light 118° 6 miles

1.04am: Salt Cay light 154°

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Cape St. Nicholas 230°. Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Piped down

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Quarters

9.12pm: Navassa Island light 212°

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.46pm: Navassa light 138° 10 miles

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae5: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-091_1.jpg)

14 March 1921

From Bermuda to Jamaica, and at Kingston

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.40am: Morant Point light 277°

7.50am: Plum Point 320° 2 miles

8.00am: Course as requisite for entering Kingston harbour

8.40am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles, in A berth. Anchor bearings: chimney 42°, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company tower 7°, left side railway wharf 308½°

9.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

10.00am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae6: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-092_0.jpg)

15 March 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

4.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite

7.40am: Stopped. Secured alongside oiler "Formosa" [?]

8.30am: Received [left blank] tons oil fuel

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

10.40am: Cast off. Proceeded as requisite

11.20am: Stopped. Secured alongside Royal Mail pier, port side to

11.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae7: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-092_1.jpg)

16 March 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Exercised towing ship, out fire engine, out collision mat and out kedge anchor

6.50am: Hands cleaning ship and replacing gear

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Remainder hands employed cleaning out boat and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Wistaria" arrived and anchored

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae8: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-093_0.jpg)

17 March 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands painting out boats and discharging stores for H.M.S. "Wistaria"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon and getting in beef

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011ae9: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-093_1.jpg)

18 March 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Hands employed carrying out small arm drill and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Mutine" arrived and anchored

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aea: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-094_0.jpg)

19 March 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Aired night clothing and hammocks

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

1.00pm: Piped down. Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aeb: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-094_1.jpg)

20 March 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed church parties

9.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am, boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aec: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-095_0.jpg)

21 March 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Hands employed in parts of ship. Exercised divers and "Y" guns crew at loader

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Discharged one wireless telegraphy rating to detention

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Received [left blank] tons of coal

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aed: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-095_1.jpg)

22 March 1921

From Jamaica to Turks Island

Lat 18.00, Long -75.93

2.30am: Raised steam

5.00am: Secured for sea

6.15am: Cast off. Proceeded as requisite clear of jetty

6.25am: Stopped, hoisted boats

6.40am: Proceeded. Course as requisite for leaving harbour

7.35am: Plum Point 300° 2 miles

10.30am: Morant Point 319° 3.5 miles

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Watch employed in parts of ship

3.15pm: Navassa Island 57°

4.00pm: Quarters

4.44pm: Navassa Island light 149° 4.5 miles

9.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aee: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-096_0.jpg)

23 March 1921

From Jamaica to Turks Island

Lat 20.85, Long -71.68

1.25am: Land 20°

2.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

5.00am: Right side Tortuga 151°

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.45pm: Sand Cay beacon 57°

3.30pm: Course as requisite for approaching Turks Island anchorage

4.15pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 15 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Turks Island lighthouse 20°, church 58°, Commissioner's house 161°

5.30pm: Steam at one hour's notice

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aef: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-096_1.jpg)

24 March 1921

From Turks Island to Havana

Lat 21.06, Long -71.43

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam

7.30am: Commissioner arrived on board

8.00am: Commissioner left, fired salute of 15 guns

8.30am: Prepared for sea

9.00am: Weighed. Cleaned cable

9.45am: Proceeded, course as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

8.20pm: Matthew light 306°

9.23pm: Matthew light 353° 12 miles

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af0: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-097_0.jpg)

25 March 1921

From Turks Island to Havana

Lat 21.78, Long -77.00

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.40am: [Cabo] Lucrecia light 231°

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Held divine service

11.25am: [Punta] Maternillos lighthouse 267°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.15pm: Maternillos lighthouse 221° 8 miles

1.00pm: Piped down

2.45pm: Lobos Cay light 338°

4.00pm: Quarters

5.55pm: [Cayo] Paredon [Grande] lighthouse 260°

7.45pm: [Cayos] Santa Maria lighthouse 264° 21.7 miles

9.04pm: [Cayos] Santa Maria lighthouse 201° 10.2 miles

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af1: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-097_1.jpg)

26 March 1921

From Turks Island to Havana

Lat 23.25, Long -82.08

2.40am: [Cayo] Bahia de Cadiz light 246°

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.18am: Piedras Cay 245°

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Havana harbour

2.04pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 6 fathoms, [veered to] 2 shackles

3.00pm: Fired salute of 21 guns

3.20pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite

3.45pm: Stopped. Secured to buoy South of observatory. Put clock backs 30 minutes. Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af2: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-098_0.jpg)

27 March 1921

[Mistakenly noted as 28 March in log]

At Havana

Lat 23.13, Long -82.34

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af3: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-098_1.jpg)

28 March 1921

[Mistakenly noted as 29 March in log]

At Havana

Lat 23.13, Long -82.34

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands painting boats, and as requisite. Stokers at small arm drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af4: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-099_0.jpg)

29 March 1921

[Mistakenly noted as 30 March in log]

At Havana

Lat 23.13, Long -82.34

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Guns crews at loader. Stokers at rifle drill. Remainder employed as requisite

11.30am: Saluted Cuban Minister of Marine with 19 guns

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed painting on mess deck, painting boats and as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 5.00pm

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af5: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-099_1.jpg)

30 March 1921

[Mistakenly noted as 31 March in log]

At Havana

Lat 23.13, Long -82.34

6.30am: Aired bedding

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Remainder hands painting on mess deck and employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af6: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-100_0.jpg)

31 March 1921

At Havana

Lat 23.13, Long -82.34

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Boys at school Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands getting in provisions and employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am


4caf85d0cadfd34197011af7: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-100_1.jpg)

1 April 1921

At Havana

Lat 23.13, Long -82.34

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Signal ratings and boys at rifle drill. Remainder of hands employed in parts of ship

11.30am: Received 226 tons oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Paid quarterly settlement

1.30pm: Hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af8: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-101_0.jpg)

2 April 1921

At Havana

Lat 23.13, Long -82.34

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.15pm

4.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d0cadfd34197011af9: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-101_1.jpg)

3 April 1921

At Havana

Lat 23.13, Long -82.34

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Held divine service and Holy Communion

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 11.15pm. Leave to boys till 7.15pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011afa: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-102_0.jpg)

4 April 1921

From Havana to Nassau

Lat 23.63, Long -81.80

2.00am: Raised steam

6.00am: Prepared for sea

8.00am: Slipped. Proceeded as requisite out of harbour

10.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

6.12pm: Alligator Rock light 332° [The log-keeper probably meant Alligator Reef]

7.52pm: Carysfort [Reef] light 360° 18 miles

11.00pm: Put clocks on 15 minutes

4caf85d0cadfd34197011afb: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-102_1.jpg)

5 April 1921

From Havana to Nassau

Lat 25.35, Long -77.45

1.00am: Great Isaac light 69°

2.15am: Great Isaac light 131° 10 miles

2.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.00am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

7.08am: Great Stirrup Cay light 120½°

9.40am: Exercised out and in paravanes. Course and speed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Course as requisite for approaching Nassau

1.52pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 11 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: average between Nassau light and obelisk 206½°, magazine 139°

3.00pm: Steam at 2½ hours' notice

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011afc: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-103_0.jpg)

6 April 1921

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.00am: Exercised out bower anchor

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands rigging target, painting boats and [employed] in parts of ship. Boys at school

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011afd: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-103_1.jpg)

7 April 1921

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

1.00pm: Torpedo training class away firing explosive charges in cutter. Acting gunlayers carried out 1-inch aiming rifle

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

8.30pm: Acting gunlayers, acting seaman gunners and gunnery training class carried out 1-inch night firing

4caf85d0cadfd34197011afe: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-104_0.jpg)

8 April 1921

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters. Acting seaman gunners and gunlayers carried out 3-pounder sub-calibre firing. Exercised one seaman company at rifle drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed in parts of ship, holystoning and scrubbing small gear

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011aff: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-104_1.jpg)

9 April 1921

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.15pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b00: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-105_0.jpg)

10 April 1921

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.15pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b01: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-105_1.jpg)

11 April 1921

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam at 2 hours' notice

9.10am: Let go starboard anchor 1½ shackles

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

11.00am: Hoisted all boats

11.30am: Raised steam

Noon: Signal books correct

1.40pm: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for shifting billet 0.4 miles 280°

2.00pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 20 fathoms, [veered to] 7 shackles. Anchor bearings: Hog Island lighthouse 143°, Tony breakwater 172°, left side Silver Cay 216°

2.15pm: Let go starboard anchor, [veered to] 2 shackles

3.00pm: Set anchor watch

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b02: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-106_0.jpg)

12 April 1921

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

6.30am: Fell out anchor watch

7.00am: Steam at 2 hours' notice

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands repairing awnings and employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Hands mustering bags and hammocks

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b03: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-106_1.jpg)

13 April 1921

At Nassau, and to Bimini

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.00am: Exercised clear ship for action, tow aft, weighed starboard anchor by hand

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as in forenoon

3.00pm: Prepared for sea

4.00pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Raised steam

7.30pm: Weighed. Proceeded

11.00pm: Great Stirrup Cay 281°

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b04: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-107_0.jpg)

14 April 1921

From Nassau to Bimini

Lat 25.71, Long -79.23

1.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.05am: Great Isaac light 247°

5.53am: Great Isaac light 157° 3.4 miles

7.40am: Course as requisite for approaching anchorage off Bimini

8.00am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 18 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: right side South Bimini 170°, Entrance Point 143°, 10 feet rock 42°

11.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Read warrant number 18

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b05: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-107_1.jpg)

15 April 1921

At Bimini

Lat 25.71, Long -79.23

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers, Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Signal

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship, scrubbing small gear

4.00pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Exercised burning searchlights

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b06: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-108_0.jpg)

16 April 1921

At Bimini

Lat 25.71, Long -79.23

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b07: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-108_1.jpg)

17 April 1921

At Bimini

Lat 25.71, Long -79.23

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions

10.00am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b08: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-109_0.jpg)

18 April 1921

At Bimini

Lat 25.71, Long -79.23

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

6.30am: Aired bedding

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning down aloft and mustering kits

10.30am: Training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b09: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-109_1.jpg)

19 April 1921

From Bimini to Savannah

Lat 26.32, Long -79.40

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Prepared for sea

9.25am: Weighed

9.30am: Proceeded

10.30am: Exercised control parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Watch employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b0a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-110_0.jpg)

20 April 1921

From Bimini to Savannah

Lat 31.53, Long -80.35

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

7.30am: Stopped. Lowered whaler

7.37am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for torpedo firing

8.07am: Fired two torpedoes. Course and speed as requisite

8.36am: Stopped. Recovered torpedoes and hoisted boats

9.46am: Proceeded

10.30am: Lost overboard by accident whilst sounding: rope, steel wire, 300 fathoms, pattern number 1308, two in number; sinkers, 24 pounds, pattern number 1310, two in number; swivel, pattern number 1311, two in number; guards, brass, pattern number 1266, two in number

1.55pm: Tybee lighthouse 316°

2.30pm: Outer bar buoy 335° 2 miles. Course and speed as requisite for approaching Savannah River entrance

2.45pm: Stopped. Embarked pilot

2.40pm: Proceeded as requisite up Savannah River. Pilot in charge. Course and speed as requisite

4.45pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor and swung to it. Ship's stern fouled lighters and jetty and did damage to our quarter. Took ship out of charge of pilot

4.50pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite

5.20pm: Stopped. Secured alongside jetty in South side of river, bows East

6.00pm: British Consul visited ship. Saluted 7 guns

7.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

7.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b0b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-110_1.jpg)

21 April 1921

At Savannah

Lat 32.08, Long -81.08

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Boats crews cleaning boats. Boys at school. Remainder hands employed as requisite

11.30am: Received 8.9 tons of coal

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon and coaling ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b0c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-111_0.jpg)

22 April 1921

At Savannah

Lat 32.08, Long -81.08

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Seamen division exercised as small arm drill

11.00am: Received 100 tons oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b0d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-111_1.jpg)

23 April 1921

At Savannah

Lat 32.08, Long -81.08

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.30pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b0e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-112_0.jpg)

24 April 1921

At Savannah

Lat 32.08, Long -81.08

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

2.00pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b0f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-112_1.jpg)

25 April 1921

From Savannah to Bermuda

Lat 32.06, Long -80.95 [Estimated position]

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam

8.30am: Divisions

9.00am: Prepared for sea

11.00am: Cast off. Proceeded as requisite down river under pilot

Noon: Signal books correct

1.09pm: Stopped off bar. Disembarked pilot

1.10pm: Proceeded

1.15pm: Outer bar buoy 180° 0.5 miles

1.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b10: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-113_0.jpg)

26 April 1921

From Savannah to Bermuda

Lat 32.38, Long -74.63

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Watch employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b11: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-113_1.jpg)

27 April 1921

From Savannah to Bermuda

Lat 32.48, Long -68.46

1.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Watch employed in parts of ship

1.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: rotators for patent log, pattern number 315c, one in number; governor for patent log, pattern number 315a, one in number

4.00pm: Quarters

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b12: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-114_0.jpg)

28 April 1921

From Savannah to Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

1.03am: Gibbs Hill lighthouse 123°

2.32am: North Rock lighthouse 109°

3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

5.05am: St. David's Head light 233°

5.30am: Course as requisite for approaching Narrows

5.50am: Outer channel buoy 270° 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for Narrows and ship channel

7.00am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 5 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: clock tower 284°, left side of The Camber 239°, flag staff 325°

9.15am: King's Harbor Master shifted ship into The Camber and secured alongside south wall, ship's head South, at 9.45am

10.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

11.00am: Hands employed getting out boats and ammunition

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed getting out ammunition and boats

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Lent one able seaman to petty officer's club. Lent one signaller to H.M.D. "Malabar"

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b13: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-114_1.jpg)

29 April 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed getting out ammunition and dismounting guns

10.30am: Discharged one able seaman to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b14: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-115_0.jpg)

30 April 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.20am: Arrived and anchored H.M.S. "Cambrian"

9.30am: Hands employed discharging ammunition and dismounting guns

11.00am: Returned to Naval Stores Office 71 tons oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Paid monthly money

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations


4caf85d0cadfd34197011b15: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-115_1.jpg)

1 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b16: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-116_0.jpg)

2 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Read warrant number 19

7.30am: Discharged one able seaman to detention

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and going through musketry course

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Discharged Mr. Williams, Warrant Engineer, to H.M.S. "Cambrian"

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Discharged five ratings to hospital

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Artificer Engineer Williams is Warrant Engineer Reginald Williams.

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b17: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-116_1.jpg)

3 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and doing musketry course

10.00am: Sailed H.M.S. "Cambrian"

11.00am: Discharged one rating to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b18: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-117_0.jpg)

4 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed refitting and doing musketry course

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged two ratings to H.M.S. "Valerian"

5.00pm: Two ratings joined from H.M.S. "Valerian"

5.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d0cadfd34197011b19: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-117_1.jpg)

5 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed refitting and doing musketry course

9.30am: Sailed H.M.S. "Valerian" and H.M.S. "Wistaria"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b1a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-118_0.jpg)

6 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Dressed ship

9.30am: Hands employed refitting and doing musketry course

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Discharged three ratings to hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b1b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-118_1.jpg)

7 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Read warrant number 20

7.30am: Discharged one rating to detention

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship and refitting

10.30am: Arrived H.M.S. "Wistaria" and H.M.S. "Valerian"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Read warrant number 21

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b1c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-119_0.jpg)

8 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b1d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-119_1.jpg)

9 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Sailed H.M.S. "Wistaria" and H.M.S. "Valerian"

9.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course and refitting

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b1e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-120_0.jpg)

10 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for docking

9.00am: King's Harbor Master shifted ship into floating dock

10.30am: Ship secured in dry dock

11.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course and cleaning ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands cleaning ship's bottom and doing musketry course

2.30pm: Discharged four ratings to hospital

3.00pm: Arrived H.M.S. "Wistaria" and H.M.S. "Valerian". One able seaman joined from H.M.S. "Wistaria"

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b1f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-120_1.jpg)

11 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course and refitting

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Discharged one rating to H.M.S. "Wistaria"

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Sailed H.M.S. "Wistaria" and H.M.S. "Valerian"

5.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b20: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-121_0.jpg)

12 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Discharged one rating to hospital

9.30am: Arrived and anchored H.M.S. "Cambrian"

10.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course and refitting

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b21: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-121_1.jpg)

13 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course and refitting

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b22: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-122_0.jpg)

14 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Arrived H.M.S. "Calcutta" flying flag of Commander-in-Chief

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship and dry dock

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.00pm: Landed funeral party

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged four ratings to hospital

5.00pm: One rating rejoined from Royal Naval Barracks

5.30pm: Marine detachment left for camp

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b23: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-122_1.jpg)

15 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b24: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-123_0.jpg)

16 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed doing musketry course, refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: One able seaman joined

6.30pm: Mr. Hyslop, Warrant Engineer, joined

7.00pm: Discharged one rating to H.M.S. "Calcutta"

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b25: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-123_1.jpg)

17 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course, refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b26: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-124_0.jpg)

18 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" sailed. Cleared ship

10.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course, refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b27: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-124_1.jpg)

19 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: H.M.S. "Cambrian" proceeded into Grassy Bay and anchored

9.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course and refitting

10.30am: Discharged one able seaman to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b28: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-125_0.jpg)

20 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed doing musketry course, refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

5.30pm: Discharged four able seamen to hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b29: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-125_1.jpg)

21 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Read warrant number 22. Discharged one able seaman to detention

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship and dry dock

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b2a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-126_0.jpg)

22 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

4.30am: Sailed H.M.S. "Cambrian"

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b2b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-126_1.jpg)

23 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed [doing] musketry course and refitting

9.00am: Five wireless telegraphy ratings rejoined ship from Daniel's Head

9.30am: One rating (stoker) reported on board, on leave from H.M.S. "Cambrian"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b2c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-127_0.jpg)

24 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed doing musketry course and refitting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Boats crews employed in boats during sailing race. Remainder of hands employed as in forenoon

3.00pm: One leading telegraphist and four telegraphists discharged to Daniel's Head wireless telegraphy station

4.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Rounds for ship and dock

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b2d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-127_1.jpg)

25 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Hands employed refitting ship. Seaman gunners and acting seaman gunners to instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Rounds for ship and dock

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b2e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-128_0.jpg)

26 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Moresby's Plain [party] and gunnery class landed. Remainder of hands refitting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.30pm: Exercised fire station. Leave to watch until 7.00am

6.00pm: Rounds in ship and dock

6.30pm: One offender rejoined ship from detention barracks

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b2f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-128_1.jpg)

27 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Gunnery class to musketry course

9.00am: Landed Moresby's Plain party. Remainder of hands refitting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: One leading stoker and five stokers joined ship from H.M.D. "Malabar"

4.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am

4.30pm: Exercised fire station

5.00pm: Rounds in ship and dock correct

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b30: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-129_0.jpg)

28 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning and refitting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am Monday

1.15pm: Leave to boys from 1.15pm till 7.00pm

1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

5.30pm: Rounds in ship and dock

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b31: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-129_1.jpg)

29 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and dock

9.45am: Divisions. Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am

1.00pm: Leave to boys until 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Rounds in ship and dock correct

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b32: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-130_0.jpg)

30 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed gunnery training class, Moresby's Plain party and provisioning party. Exercised divers. Remainder of hands employed refitting ship

10.30am: One rating discharged to hospital

12.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations. Rounds in ship and dock correct

5.30pm: Six ratings discharged to hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b33: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-130_1.jpg)

31 May 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.30am: Landed gunnery training class and Moresby's Plain working party. Remainder of hands employed refitting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.30pm: Landed remainder of marine detachment

4.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am. Signal books correct

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

6.00pm: Rounds correct

8.00pm: Signal books correct


4caf85d1cadfd34197011b34: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-131_0.jpg)

1 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Paid monthly money

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.30pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b35: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-131_1.jpg)

2 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b36: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-132_0.jpg)

3 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Piped down

10.00am: Held inter part of ship regatta

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b37: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-132_1.jpg)

4 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and dry dock

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b38: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-133_0.jpg)

5 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

1.30pm: Five ratings rejoined from hospital

2.00pm: Landed funeral party

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b39: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-133_1.jpg)

6 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: One able seaman joined from hospital

2.30pm: Read warrant number 23

3.00pm: Discharged one cell prisoner to H.M.D. "Malabar"

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b3a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-134_0.jpg)

7 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b3b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-134_1.jpg)

8 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Read warrant number 24

8.00am: Discharged one able seaman to detention

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b3c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-135_0.jpg)

9 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

1.30pm: Six ratings rejoined from hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Discharged four able seamen to H.M.D. "Malabar"

5.30pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital

6.00pm: Exercised fire stations

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b3d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-135_1.jpg)

10 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

10.30am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

1.30pm: Five wireless telegraphy rating rejoined from wireless telegraphy station

2.00pm: Discharged seven wireless telegraphy ratings to wireless telegraphy station

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b3e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-136_0.jpg)

11 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and dry dock

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Discharged five ratings to Royal Naval Hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b3f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-136_1.jpg)

12 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.50pm: Arrived and anchored H.M.S. "Cambrian"

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b40: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-137_0.jpg)

13 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Discharged one stoker to H.M.S. "Cambrian"

10.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

11.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Six ratings rejoined from hospital

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b41: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-137_1.jpg)

14 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital

11.00am: Nineteen ratings carried out educational task

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b42: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-138_0.jpg)

15 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and in parts of ship

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

11.00am: Received 15 tons of coal

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

3.00pm: Discharged five ratings to hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b43: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-138_1.jpg)

16 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and in parts of ship

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

11.00am: Discharged two ratings to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b44: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-139_0.jpg)

17 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed all seamen for field exercises

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Five ratings rejoined from hospital

2.00pm: Landing party returned

3.00pm: Sailed H.M.S. "Cambrian"

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b45: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-139_1.jpg)

18 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and dry dock

11.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b46: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-140_0.jpg)

19 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b47: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-140_1.jpg)

20 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

10.00am: Acting seaman gunners and gunlayers at instruction

10.30am: Marine detachment returned from field training in camp

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b48: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-141_0.jpg)

21 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Five ratings rejoined from hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b49: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-141_1.jpg)

22 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and scraping and painting mess decks

Noon: Signal books correct

2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b4a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-142_0.jpg)

23 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and painting mess decks

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b4b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-142_1.jpg)

24 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and painting mess decks

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: One able seaman rejoined from detention

5.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b4c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-143_0.jpg)

25 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Aired night clothing

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and dry dock

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b4d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-143_1.jpg)

26 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed church parties

9.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b4e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-144_0.jpg)

27 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, painting mess decks and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b4f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-144_1.jpg)

28 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting on mess decks and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b50: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-145_0.jpg)

29 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b51: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-145_1.jpg)

30 June 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite

10.00am: Discharged four able seaman to H.M.D. "Malabar"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.


4caf85d1cadfd34197011b52: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-146_0.jpg)

1 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and painting mess decks

10.00am: Gunnery training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: One able seaman rejoined from detention

5.30pm: Discharged one able seaman to H.M.S. "Mutine"

6.00pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

6.30pm: One able seaman joined from H.M.S. "Mutine"

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b53: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-146_1.jpg)

2 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and painting mess decks

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b54: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-147_0.jpg)

3 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Discharged two able seamen to Royal Naval Hospital for duty

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b55: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-147_1.jpg)

4 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and painting mess decks

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b56: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-148_0.jpg)

5 July 1921

[Mistakenly noted as June in log]

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, painting mess decks and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

8.30pm: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b57: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-148_1.jpg)

6 July 1921

[Mistakenly noted as June in log]

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite

9.30am: Gunnery training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b58: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-149_0.jpg)

7 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite

9.30am: Gunnery training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b59: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-149_1.jpg)

8 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b5a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-150_0.jpg)

9 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting mess decks and cleaning ship and dry dock

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

3.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged one private Royal Marines to hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b5b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-150_1.jpg)

10 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b5c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-151_0.jpg)

11 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and employed as requisite

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

10.30am: Two able seaman Royal Fleet Reserve joined for annual training

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b5d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-151_1.jpg)

12 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, cleaning ship and as requisite

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b5e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-152_0.jpg)

13 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting and painting mess decks

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b5f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-152_1.jpg)

14 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite

11.00am: Arrived H.M.S. "Valerian"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Exercised fire stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b60: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-153_0.jpg)

15 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite

9.30am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b61: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-153_1.jpg)

16 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and dry dock and painting mess decks

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Arrived and anchored H.M.S. "Wistaria"

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b62: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-154_0.jpg)

17 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Read Articles of War to ship's company

10.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b63: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-154_1.jpg)

18 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite

10.30am: Discharged Engineer-Commander Boxer to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Engineer-Commander Boxer is Engineer-Commander Arthur C. Boxer.

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b64: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-155_0.jpg)

19 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, painting mess decks and as requisite

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Received 100 tons oil fuel

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b65: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-155_1.jpg)

20 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed refitting, painting mess decks and as requisite

10.00am: Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b66: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-156_0.jpg)

21 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting and undocking ship

10.00am: Dockyard undocked ship and moved her into North Basin

11.20am: Ship secured in North Basin

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed refitting, painting mess decks and as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b67: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-156_1.jpg)

22 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite

10.00am: H.M.S. "Cambrian" arrived and anchored

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: H.M.C.S. "Aurora", H.M.C.S. "Patriot" and H.M.C.S. "Patrician" arrived

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b68: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-157_0.jpg)

23 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b69: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-157_1.jpg)

24 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b6a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-158_0.jpg)

25 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting and drawing war heads and torpedo stores

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Seven wireless telegraphy ratings rejoined from wireless telegraphy station

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Read warrant number 25

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b6b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-158_1.jpg)

26 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands painting down aloft and painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands painting ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: One rating rejoined from hospital

5.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b6c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-159_0.jpg)

27 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship

9.30am: Discharged one able seaman to detention. H.M.C.S. "Aurora", H.M.C.S. "Patriot" and H.M.C.S. "Patrician" sailed

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b6d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-159_1.jpg)

28 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Raised steam for auxiliary purposes

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed drawing mess traps [food utensils], painting and cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon and drawing provisions

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b6e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-160_0.jpg)

29 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands provisioning ship, paining on mess decks and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Sailed H.M.S. "Cambrian"

2.30pm: Two rating rejoined from hospital

3.30pm: One rating rejoined from H.M.S. "Wistaria"

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Discharged one leading stoker to H.M.S. "Wistaria", one leading stoker joined from H.M.S. "Wistaria"

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b6f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-160_1.jpg)

30 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Dockyard shifted ship into South Camber

9.00am: Secured in South Camber, bows North

10.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b70: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-161_0.jpg)

31 July 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: One able seaman rejoined from hospital

4.00pm: Quarters


4caf85d1cadfd34197011b71: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-161_1.jpg)

1 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed getting in ammunition

10.30am: Carried out basin trial

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Finished basin trial. Steam for auxiliary purposes only

1.00pm: Paid monthly money

2.00pm: Hands employed getting in ammunition

3.00pm: One leading stoker joined from H.M.D. "Malabar"

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: One able seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Mutine"

5.00pm: One able seaman joined from H.M.S. "Mutine"

5.30pm: Discharged one stoker and two ordinary seamen to H.M.S. "Valerian"

6.00pm: One able seaman joined from H.M.S. "Valerian"

6.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b72: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-162_0.jpg)

2 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands getting in ammunition, stores and coaling ship

11.30am: Completed with ammunition

12.30pm: Arrived and anchored H.M.S. "Calcutta"

1.00pm: Hands employed stowing ammunition and as requisite

3.00pm: Received 15 tons coal

3.30pm: Discharged one able seaman to hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b73: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-162_1.jpg)

3 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Hands employed painting, drawing boats and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b74: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-163_0.jpg)

4 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed provisioning ship and cleaning boats

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.30pm: One able seaman rejoined from hospital

3.30pm: Received 679 tons oil fuel

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b75: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-163_1.jpg)

5 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed holystoning decks and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b76: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-164_0.jpg)

6 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b77: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-164_1.jpg)

7 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

9.30am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: One stoker discharged to H.M.S. "Mutine"

5.00pm: One stoker joined from H.M.S. "Mutine"

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b78: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-165_0.jpg)

8 August 1921

From dockyard to Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.35am: Cast off. King's Harbor Master moved ship outside breakwater

8.55am: Proceeded, course as requisite for Murray's Anchorage

9.50am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Lloyd's flagstaff 176°, Fort Victoria flagstaff 133°, Tobacco Rock 108°

11.00am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

11.30am: Exercised general quarters and gun crews at loader

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed cleaning boats. Gunnery training class at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b79: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-165_1.jpg)

9 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

5.30am: Exercised clean ship for action, towing forward and aft

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Hands employed at .303-inch target practice, and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Engineer Lieutenant French, three stokers and one ordinary seaman third class joined from mail boat

1.30pm: Held medical inspection of ship's company

2.00pm: Control parties at .303-inch practice. Remainder of hands in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b7a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-166_0.jpg)

10 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda, and at sea for exercises

Lat 32.33, Long -64.50

6.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

9.00am: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for Narrow channel

9.25am: Narrows entrance buoy South 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for closing tug to fire torpedoes

10.07am: Fired first torpedo

10.11am: Fired second torpedo. Course as requisite for recovering torpedoes

10.30am: Stopped. Hoisted in torpedoes

11.05am: Proceeded as requisite to clear tug

11.20am: Fired torpedo at tug

11.45am: Stopped. Hoisted in torpedo

11.55am: Course and speed as requisite for adjusting compasses

1.00pm: Finished adjusting compasses. Altered course as requisite for Narrow

1.36pm: Narrows entrance buoy West 0.1 miles. Course as requisite for Murray's Anchorage

1.55pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Tobacco Rock 103°, Fort Victoria flagstaff 123°, Lloyd's flagstaff 171°

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b7b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-166_1.jpg)

11 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.00am: Exercised all boats crews away pulling

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gunlayers, trainers and control parties at .303-inch practice. Gunnery training class at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

1.30pm: H.M.S. "Raleigh" passed proceeding to Grassy Bay

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm

8.30pm: Exercised night defence stations

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b7c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-167_0.jpg)

[Insert: Record Of Observations For Deviation]

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b7d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-167_1.jpg)

[Duplicate of 11 August, scanned twice because inserts]

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b7e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-167a_0.jpg)

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b7f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-167a_1.jpg)

[Insert: Description And Position Of Correctors]

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b80: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-168_0.jpg)

12 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.00am: Aired and inspected bedding

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised general quarters

10.30am: Guns crews at loader drill. Remainder employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed in parts of ship and getting in provisions

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b81: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-168_1.jpg)

13 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch and boys till 7.00pm

1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b82: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-169_0.jpg)

14 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b83: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-169_1.jpg)

15 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.38, Long -64.65 [Estimated position]

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.30am: One chief petty officer and one able seaman joined from H.M.S. "Raleigh"

9.00am: Three midshipmen joined from H.M.S. "Raleigh"

10.20am: Weighted. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for sub-calibre firing in Murray's Anchorage

10.46am: Commenced first run

11.08am: Commenced second run

11.31am: Commenced third run

11.35am: Finished practice. Course and speed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.20pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for Narrows

12.44pm: Narrows entrance buoy West 0.1 miles. Course as requisite for opening target

1.39pm: Carried out reduced charge firing at target

1.45pm: Ceased firing closed target

2.00pm: Carried out two runs 6-inch [guns], acting gunlayers firing

2.10pm: Finished firing. Course as requisite for Narrows entrance

2.45pm: Narrows entrance boy West 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for Murray's Anchorage

3.04pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Lloyd's flagstaff 164°, Fort Victoria flagstaff 120°, Tobacco Rock 93°

5.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

5.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b84: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-170_0.jpg)

16 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed in parts of ship. Gunnery training class at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: H.M.S. "Wistaria" passed proceeded to sea

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b85: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-170_1.jpg)

17 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.50

5.30am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Stokers at physical drill

8.30am: Divisions. Cleared ship for action and prepared for sea

10.30am: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for Narrows

10.56am: Narrows entrance buoy SW 0.1 mile

11.00am: Course as requisite for closing H.M.S. "Calcutta"

11.30am: Stopped

Noon: Signal books correct

12.10pm: Proceeded slow, course as requisite

12.40pm: Stopped

2.00pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for sub-calibre firing

3.40pm: Ceased firing. Course as requisite for Narrows entrance

4.10pm: Narrows entrance buoy SW 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for Murray's Anchorage

4.23pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Tobacco Rock 84°, Fort Victoria flagstaff 127°, Lloyd's flagstaff 169°

6.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

6.30pm: Quarters. Replace gear

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b86: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-171_0.jpg)

18 August 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised fire and collision stations

10.30am: Hands employed in parts of ship. Training classes at instruction

11.30am: Carried out director test

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.00pm: Leave to watch and boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d1cadfd34197011b87: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-171_1.jpg)

19 August 1921

At sea for exercising, and at Grassy Bay, Bermuda

Lat 32.30, Long -64.52

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Cleared for action

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship and securing for sea

10.20am: Weighed. proceeded, course as requisite for Narrows

10.40am: Narrows entrance buoy SW 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for opening target

11.20am: Stopped during heavy rain

1.30pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for firing two torpedoes as H.M.S. "Calcutta"

2.00pm: Fired first torpedo

2.04pm: Fired second torpedo and closed it

2.16pm: Stopped and observed torpedo to sink

2.30pm: Proceeded to clear H.M.S. "Calcutta". Second torpedo sank

3.05pm: Proceeded as requisite for opening target

3.37pm: Carried out full calibre firing

3.43pm: Ceased firing

4.00pm: Got out paravanes

5.20pm: Got in paravanes. Course and speed as requisite

5.28pm: Course as requisite for Narrows

5.30pm: Narrows entrance buoy SW 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for Grassy Bay

5.50pm: Stopped. Communicated by boat with Tobacco Bay pier

6.05pm: Proceeded

6.50pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 7 fathoms, [veered to], 5 shackles in E berth

9.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b88: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-172_0.jpg)

20 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: One rating rejoined from hospital

10.00am: Received 184 tons oil fuel

11.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b89: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-172_1.jpg)

21 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b8a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-173_0.jpg)

22 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction

10.30am: Hands employed in parts of ship and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

1.35pm: Arrived and anchored H.M.S. "Calcutta"

1.40pm: H.M.S. "Raleigh" sailed

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b8b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-173_1.jpg)

23 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed drawing ammunition in boats and in parts of ship

11.00am: Gunnery training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed drawing ammunition and canteen stores

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b8c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-174_0.jpg)

24 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Exercised out bower anchor and out kedge anchor and out fire engine

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship, reeling up wires and drawing sand

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: One able seaman rejoined from hospital

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b8d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-174_1.jpg)

25 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Court of Enquiry held on board by Captain Compton of H.M.S. "Calcutta" to enquire into loss of two torpedoes

10.30am: Hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.30pm: Two ratings rejoined from hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b8e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-175_0.jpg)

26 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and blacking down rigging

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Hands employed getting in provisions and as requisite

11.00am: Received 10 tons coal

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed scrubbing gun gear and holystoning decks

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b8f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-175_1.jpg)

27 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b90: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-176_0.jpg)

28 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions. Four ratings joined from H.M.D. "Malabar"

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

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29 August 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Raised steam

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction

10.00am: Carried out director test

10.30am: Received 55 tons oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands preparing for sea

3.30pm: Read warrant number 26

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: H.M.S. "Raleigh" and H.M.S. "Calcutta" Proceeded

4.56pm: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for Ship Channel

5.52pm: Outer fairway buoy 180° 0.1 miles

6.22pm: Joined flag

7.00pm: Put clocks on 19 minutes

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b92: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-177_0.jpg)

30 August 1921

From Bermuda to Montreal

Lat 35.86, Long -63.67

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

6.50am: Stopped. Communicated with flag by boat

7.05am: Proceeded

9.48am: Course as requisite for inclination exercise

10.47am: Course as requisite for closing H.M.S. "Raleigh"

11.07am: Fired torpedo at H.M.S. "Raleigh". Course as requisite

11.36am: Stopped. Hoisted in torpedo

Noon: Signal books correct

12.04pm: Proceeded, altered course to open to 2 miles

2.24pm: Course and speed as requisite for sub-calibre throw off firing at H.M.S. "Raleigh"

3.00pm: Opened fire

3.08pm: Ceased firing, closed H.M.S. "Raleigh"

3.37pm: Took station astern

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b93: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-177_1.jpg)

31 August 1921

From Bermuda to Montreal

Lat 40.97, Long -62.55

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Course as requisite for inclination exercise. Exercised control parties

10.00am: H.M.S. "Calcutta" attacked with torpedoes

10.30am: Course and speed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.17pm: Course and sped as requisite for following H.M.S. "Calcutta's" torpedo

12.33pm: Stopped. Lowered whaler

1.30pm: Hoisted whaler. Proceeded slow, course as requisite for search for lost torpedo

2.30pm: Proceeded. Took station astern of H.M.S. "Calcutta". Course as requisite for H.M.S. "Calcutta's" sub-calibre firing

4.06pm: Took station astern of H.M.S. "Raleigh"

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew


4caf85d2cadfd34197011b94: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-178_0.jpg)

1 September 1921

From Bermuda to Montreal

Lat 45.05, Long -60.83

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Altered course and speed to open to 10 miles

7.30am: Resumed course and speed

9.52am: Course and speed as requisite for inclination exercises and torpedo firing

10.50am: Sighted land 320°

11.00am: Stopped. Lowered boat to pick up H.M.S. "Raleigh's" torpedo

11.40am: Hosted boat

Noon: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for H.M.S. "Calcutta's" torpedo firing. Signal books correct

12.30pm: Paid monthly money to ship's company

12.50pm: Stopped. Lowered boat to pick up H.M.S. "Calcutta's" torpedo

1.15pm: Formed single line ahead

1.40pm: Cape Canso 314° 15 miles

3.12pm: Marache Point 20°. Course as requisite for Gut of Canso

7.30pm: East Point light 330°

8.00pm: Sea Wolf [Island] light 85°

9.16pm: East Point 230° 7 miles

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Gut of Canso is also known as Strait of Canso.

Sea Wolf Island is also known as Margaree Island.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b95: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-178_1.jpg)

2 September 1921

From Bermuda to Montreal

Lat 49.16, Long -64.10

2.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.45am: Course and speed as requisite for full calibre throw off firing at H.M.S. "Raleigh"

9.53am: Opened fire

10.14am: Ceased firing

11.30am: Stopped

11.45am: Proceeded

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Watch employed in parts of ship

1.25pm: Fame Point 186° 3 miles

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

6.30pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

7.30pm: Sighted Cape Chat light 235°

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.10pm: Matane Point 155° 3 miles

Cape Chat is also known as Pointe de Cap-Chat.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b96: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-179_0.jpg)

3 September 1921

From Bermuda to Montreal, and at Murray Bay

Lat 47.62, Long -70.09

2.20am: Father Point light 158°

2.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Course as requisite for proceeding up River St. Lawrence

7.15am: White Island light 170° 1 mile

9.50am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Murray Bay

10.40am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 14 fathoms, [veered to] 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Cap à L'Aigle 74°, St. Etienne church 284°, Pointe au Pic 224°

11.00am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to chief petty officers and petty officers till 6.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

11.00pm: Put clocks on 30 minutes

Murray Bay is nownamed La Malbaie.

Father Point is also known as Pointe au Père.

White Island is also known as Ile Blanche.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b97: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-179_1.jpg)

4 September 1921

At Murray Bay

Lat 47.62, Long -70.09

3.00am: Put clocks on 30 minutes

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to chief petty officers and petty officers till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b98: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-180_0.jpg)

5 September 1921

From Murray Bay to Montreal, and at Cap à La Roche

Lat 47.26, Long -70.31

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

9.28am: Weighed. Proceeded, formed single line ahead. Course as requisite for proceeding up St. Lawrence

11.30am: Upper Traverse lighthouse SE 0.2 miles

Noon: Signal books correct

1.10pm: Beaujeu Beacon 310° 0.3 miles

3.00pm: St. Laurent light 360° 0.5 miles

4.20pm: Passed under Quebec bridge

4.30pm: Stopped

4.33pm: Let go port anchor in 12 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Pointe à Basile West light 148°, Pointe à Basile East light 102°, Confederation Point 276°

5.30pm: Banked fires

The Upper Traverse lighthouse no longer exists. It was located at 47°20'N, 70°16'W, in between Ile aux Coudres and Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies.

Pointe à Basile is located on the opposite bank of Anse du Cap Rouge.

Confederation Point is also known as Pointe de Confederation, and is located near Plage Saint Laurent.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b99: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-180_1.jpg)

6 September 1921

From Cap à La Roche to Montreal, and at Montreal

Lat 46.22, Long -72.76

5.00am: Raised steam

5.45am: Pilot embarked

6.00am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for proceeding up St. Lawrence. Pilot in charge

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed in parts of ship. Gunnery training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for proceeding up river St. Lawrence

4.04pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Montreal Harbour

4.55pm: Stopped. Secured alongside south side of Laurier pier, bows north-west

6.30pm: Leave to watch and part [of watch] till 7.00am

7.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b9a: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-181_0.jpg)

7 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed painting funnels and in parts of ship

10.30am: Training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.00pm: Leave to watch and part [of watch] till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b9b: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-181_1.jpg)

8 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: H.M.C.S. "Aurora", H.M.C.S. "Patriot", H.M.C.S. "Patrician" sailed

10.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Piped down

1.00pm: Ship open to visitors

1.30pm: Leave to watch and part [of watch] till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b9c: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-182_0.jpg)

9 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Piped down

1.30pm: Ship open to visitors

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.30pm: Received 480 tons oil fuel from oiler

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b9d: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-182_1.jpg)

10 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

12.30pm: Piped down

1.00pm: Ship open to visitors

1.30pm: Leave to watch and part [of watch] till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b9e: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-183_0.jpg)

11 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf85d2cadfd34197011b9f: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-183_1.jpg)

12 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised physical drill

10.00am: Held educational test part (1) examination

10.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Piped down

1.30pm: Ship open to visitors

2.00pm: Leave to watch and part [of watch] till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85d2cadfd34197011ba0: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-184_0.jpg)

13 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Physical drill

10.00am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands painting boats and employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Piped down

1.00pm: Ship open to visitors

1.30pm: Leave to watch and part [of watch] till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85d2cadfd34197011ba1: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-184_1.jpg)

14 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed coaling ship and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Piped down

1.00pm: Ship open to visitors

1.30pm: Leave to watch and part [of watch] till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85d2cadfd34197011ba2: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-185_0.jpg)

15 September 1921

At Montreal

Lat 45.51, Long -73.54

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Physical drill

9.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands getting in provisions. Guns crews at loader

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Piped down

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 2.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

6.00pm: Prepared for sea

4caf85d2cadfd34197011ba3: ( 53-74049/ADM 53-74049-185_1.jpg)

16 September 1921

From Montreal to Quebec

Lat 46.20, Long -72.85 [Mistakenly noted as 73°51'W]

2.00am: Raised steam

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

7.55am: Cast off. Pilot took charge. Course and speed as requisite for turning and proceeding down St. Lawrence river

8.30am: Proceeded to overtake flag

9.45am: Joined flag, proceeded as requisite down St. Lawrence, course and speed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding down St. Lawrence. Pilot in charge

4.00pm: Quarters

5.35pm: Passed under Quebec bridge. Course and speed as requisite for approaching Quebec

6.10pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor

6.13pm: Let go port anchor. Moored with 6 shackles on each in 10 fathoms. Anchor bearings: citadel flagstaff 343°, wireless telegraphy mast 312°, Notre Dame church 252°

8.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

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[Empty pages]

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[Back cover]


4caf85d2cadfd34197011baa: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-001_0.jpg)

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bab: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-001_1.jpg)


H.M. Ship "Constance"

Commencing 17th September 1921

Ending 7th September 1922

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bac: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-002_0.jpg)

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bad: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-002_1.jpg)

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[Empty pages]

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb1: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-004_1.jpg)

Name: Commanding Officer

Address: H.M.S. "Constance"



H.M.S. "Constance"

Commanded by Captain the Honourable A.C. Strutt


Commencing Saturday, 17th of September 1921.

Ending Thursday, 7th of September 1922.

Tonnage (Displacement)


Extreme Length

446 feet

Extreme Breadth

41 feet 6½ inches



Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.

Shaft Horsepower

40,000 Forced Draught


Parsons Combined Ahead and Astern, Impulse

When Fixed on Board




Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.


Yarrow's Small Type modified

When made


When put in Vessel


Screw Propeller


Cammell, Laird & Co. Ltd.


Solid Manganese Bronze, 4 in number, 3 bladed

General State of Repair


[Signed by] A.C. Strutt, Captain

The Dreadnought Project has an article on Vice-Admiral the Honourable Arthur Charles Strutt.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb2: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-005_0.jpg)


4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb3: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-005_1.jpg)

Establishment of Ship's Company









Engine-room Establishment


Other non-executive ratings





Mercurial or Aneroid


Name of Maker and number

S.A. Calderara Number 2031

Height of cistern above sea

10 feet

Error of Mercurial Barometer


Thermometers for Air Temperature.

Position in Ship

Fore Bridge

Whether in screen


Maker and Number



J. Hicks, number 1768

17th September 1921

7th September 1922

J. Hicks, number 1720

17th September 1921

7th September 1922

Thermometers for Sea Temperature.

Maker and Number



A.C. Cossor and Son

17th September 1921

15th June 1922

A.C. Cossor and Son

15th June 1922

7th September 1922

Position of Standard Compass.

Fore Upper Bridge

Deviation of Standard Compass.

Date obtained.


September 27th 1921

Latitude 50°N, Longitude 60°W

May 6th 1922

Latitude 33°N, Longitude 65°W

May 25th 1922

Latitude 45°N, Longitude 67°W



Nature and Number of Gun and Mountings

On Forecastle

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII mounting

Amidships on Booms

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII mounting

On After Superstructure

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII mounting

On Quarter Deck

1 6-inch Mark XII on P VII mounting

After end of Forecastle

2 3-inch High Angle Guns 20 cwt.

On Upper Deck Amidships

4 3-pounder saluting guns

Torpedo Armament.

2 21-inch Submerged Tubes

7 21-inch Mark IV Torpedoes


Number of each carried

Length and Description


30 feet Motor Boat


34 feet Cutter


30 feet Cutter


30 feet Gig


27 feet Whalers


16 feet Skiff Dinghy


Draught of water with Bunkers full and complete with Provisions, Stores and Water

Forward 15 feet 7 inches

Aft 16 feet 8 inches

Load Draught

Forward 15 feet 9 inches

Aft 16 feet 9 inches

Number of Tons necessary to increase draught 1 inch


Number of Tons of Coal Carried (43 cubic feet per ton)

(a) At load draught

(b) With bunkers full

(c) In places other than Bunkers 15 tons

Number of Tons of Fuel carried


Quantity of Water carried


(a) For Boilers 96.0

(b) For Drinking 49.5

[Signed by] Captain A.C. Strutt and Lieutenant Commander C.E. Hotham, Navigating Officer

The Monthly Navy List of November 1920 shows Lieutenant-Commander C.E. Hotham is Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. Hotham.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb4: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-006_0.jpg)

17 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00am: Divers examined port propeller

11.00am: Guns crews carried out loader drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and cleaning boats

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb5: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-006_1.jpg)

18 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands mustered by open list

10.00am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb6: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-007_0.jpg)

19 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands painting ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb7: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-007_1.jpg)

20 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands painting and cleaning ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb8: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-008_0.jpg)

21 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands painting boats and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bb9: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-008_1.jpg)

22 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed all available seamen and band for route march

11.30am: Landing party returned

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands getting in meat and employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bba: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-009_0.jpg)

23 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Marine detachment landed for exercises

9.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

11.00am: Exercised all guns crews at loader

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed scrubbing small gear and holystoning upper deck

1.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: brushes, paint, pattern number 5, one in number; ring, shackles, pattern number 1E, one in number; scrubbers, hand, pattern number 459, one in number

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bbb: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-009_1.jpg)

24 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bbc: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-010_0.jpg)

25 September 1921

At Quebec

Lat 46.83, Long -71.19

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Lost overboard by accident: broom, bass, pattern number 457, one in number

8.30am: Landed Wesleyan and Roman Catholic church parties

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

6.30pm: Prepared for sea

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bbd: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-010_1.jpg)

26 September 1921

From Quebec to Forteau

Lat 47.42, Long -70.20

1.00am: Raised steam

5.00am: Prepared for sea

6.00am: Unmoored, weighed port anchor

7.00am: Weighed starboard anchor

7.08am: Proceeded, course as requisite for river St. Lawrence

10.00am: Exercised control parties

10.45am: Stone Pillar lighthouse North 0.3 miles

Noon: Signal books correct

3.27pm: White Island lightvessel North 1 mile

4.00pm: Quarters. Exercised fire and collision stations

4.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for manoeuvres

5.15pm: Resumed course

6.05pm: Bicquette Island South 2 miles

9.16pm: Metis [sur Mer] light S54°W (magnetic)

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

White Island is also known as Ile Blanche.

Bicquette Island is also known as Ile Bicquette.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bbe: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-011_0.jpg)

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bbf: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-011_1.jpg)

[Insert: Record Of Observations For Deviation]

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc0: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-012_0.jpg)

[Insert: Description And Position Of Correctors, left blank]

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc1: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-012_1.jpg)

[Insert: Comparisons of Standard with Compasses not recorded on other, half page, left blank]

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc2: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-013_0.jpg)

27 September 1921

From Quebec to Forteau

Lat 50.10, Long -64.13

12.47am: Cape Chat light 150° 7.3 miles

1.00am: Sighted Martin River light 94°

6.15am: Course and speed as requisite for adjusting compasses

6.30am: Swung ship for deviation of compasses

8.15am: Finished swinging

9.10am: Course and speed as requisite for being target ship for throw off firing and inclination exercises

11.40am: Finished exercises. Course and speed to rejoin flag

Noon: Signal books correct

1.15pm: Rejoined flag

4.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for manoeuvres

5.00pm: Finished exercises

6.45pm: Natashkwan light 350°

7.40pm: Darkened ship

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Cape Chat is also known as Pointe de Cap-Chat.

Martin River is also known as Rivière à la Martre.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc3: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-013_1.jpg)

28 September 1921

From Quebec to Forteau, and at Forteau

Lat 51.47, Long -56.94

12.55am: St. Mary's light 3°

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

2.10am: St. Mary's light 320° 14 miles

5.28am: Flat Island 320° 13 miles

9.55am: Greenly Island 28° East

10.30am: Greenly Island 297° 3.5 miles. Course as requisite for Forteau harbour

11.30am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 16 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Amour Point 106°, Crow Head 85°, Buckle Point 324°

Noon: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

1.00pm: Hands cleaning ship

1.30pm: Training classes at instruction

4.00pm: Quarters

St. Mary's is also known as Les Iles-Sainte-Marie.

Greenly Island is also known as Ile Greenly.

Amour Point is also known as Pointe Amour.

Buckle Point is also known as Hawkins Point.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc4: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-014_0.jpg)

29 September 1921

From Forteau to Ariege [(Belvy)] Bay, and at Ariege [(Belvy)] Bay

Lat 51.47, Long -55.37

2.00am: Raised steam

6.10am: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour

6.40am: Thick fog, decreased speed

7.30am: Streamed log

7.31am: Fog cleared, increased speed

8.20am: Fog, decreased speed

9.30am: Fog cleared, increased speed. Cape Norman 98°

11.00am: Cape Bauld 153° 1.3 miles

11.08am: Parted company with flag

Noon: Signal books correct

12.55pm: Goose Cape 280° 2 miles

2.00pm: Course as requisite for entering Ariege Bay

2.25pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side Devarenne [(Bushy)] Island 216°, right side Devarenne [(Bushy)] Island 180°, Prince Edward Head 104°

4.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

5.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc5: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-014_1.jpg)

30 September 1921

At Ariege [(Belvy)] Bay

Lat 51.19, Long -55.99

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed scrubbing decks, painting down aloft and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands in parts of ship

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 5.30pm

4.00pm: Quarters


4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc6: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-015_0.jpg)

1 October 1921

At Ariege [(Belvy)] Bay

Lat 51.19, Long -55.99

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Paid monthly payment

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc7: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-015_1.jpg)

2 October 1921

From Ariege [(Belvy)] Bay to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 51.18, Long -55.50

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

9.20am: Ship's company mustered by open list

10.15am: Weighed. proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

11.30am: Cormandier Island 193° 1 mile [The log-keeper probably made a spelling mistake and meant Cormorandier Island]

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Quarters

5.19pm: Sighted small iceberg 43° 7 miles

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc8: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-016_0.jpg)

3 October 1921

From Ariege [(Belvy)] Bay to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 47.57, Long -50.65

2.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.45am: Cape Bonavista 247°

7.35am: Sighted H.M.S. "Calcutta" 180°, H.M.S. "Cambrian" 273°

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.50am: Course and speed as requisite for forming single line ahead on flag

Noon: Signal books correct

12.20pm: Cape Spear 270° 2 miles

1.30pm: Hands painting ship, mustering boys and as requisite

4.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for manoeuvrers and spreading from flag

7.00pm: In station 5 miles 163° from H.M.S. "Calcutta"

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bc9: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-016_1.jpg)

4 October 1921

From Ariege [(Belvy)] Bay to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 45.30, Long -58.72

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction

1.55pm: Course as requisite for closing flag

4.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for manoeuvres

4.40pm: Resumed course

6.30pm: Sounding continuously

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bca: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-017_0.jpg)

5 October 1921

From Ariege [(Belvy)] Bay to Halifax, and at Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Chebucto Head 122° by wireless telegraphy direction finder

9.10am: Sighted Chebucto Head 297°

9.20am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Halifax harbour

10.15am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor

10.20am: Let go port anchor and moored with 5 shackles on each in 7 fathoms. Anchor bearings: dockyard flagstaff 272°, right side number 5 pier 241½°, left side number 2 pier 192½°

11.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

1.00pm: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for Commander-in-Chief's inspection

2.00pm: Lieutenant Swanston and Engineer Commander Michell joined

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 11.00pm

6.00pm: Two able seaman absentees rejoined

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bcb: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-017_1.jpg)

6 October 1921

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.45am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board with flag flying and inspected ship

10.00am: Mustered ship's company by open list

11.55am: Commander-in-Chief left

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands preparing for drill

2.00pm: Piped down

3.00pm: Received 530 tons oil fuel

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 11.00pm

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bcc: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-018_0.jpg)

7 October 1921

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for drill

9.00am: Exercised general quarters

9.30am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board and inspected ship at drill

11.00am: Commander-in-Chief left

11.30am: Sent all boats to flagship for inspection

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Lieutenant Farlow left ship for passage home

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Lieutenant Farlow is Lieutenant George H. Farlow.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bcd: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-018_1.jpg)

8 October 1921

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bce: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-019_0.jpg)

9 October 1921

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bcf: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-019_1.jpg)

10 October 1921

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed drawing provisions, flour and meat.

10.30am: Training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed coaling ship

1.30pm: Received 4¼ tons coal

2.00pm: Training classes at instruction

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd0: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-020_0.jpg)

11 October 1921

At Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed marine detachment for drill

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands drawing provisions and employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Watch employed refitting boats falls and as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

6.00pm: Prepared for sea

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd1: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-020_1.jpg)

12 October 1921

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

4.00am: Raised steam

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.25am: Unmoored. Weighed port anchor and shortened in to 3 shackles on starboard anchor

9.00am: Steam at 20 minutes' notice

10.30am: Hands employed preparing paravanes for running and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

7.00pm: Steam at 1 hour's notice

9.00pm: Fog cleared. Raised steam

11.10pm: Weighed. Proceeded. Formed single line ahead. Course as requisite for leaving harbour

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd2: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-021_0.jpg)

13 October 1921

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda

Lat 42.07, Long -63.63

12.28am: Chebucto light 275° 1.5 miles

1.12am: Sambro lightvessel 275° 1 mile

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

2.10pm: Course and speed as requisite for inclination exercise

15.05pm: Resumed course

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd3: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-021_1.jpg)

14 October 1921

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda

Lat 37.30, Long -63.68

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.38am: Course and speed as requisite for tactical exercise

9.45am: Got out paravanes

10.00am: Exercised general quarters

11.30am: Got in paravanes

11.40am: Stopped

Noon: Signal books correct

12.04pm: Proceeded to rejoin flag

4.00pm: Rejoined flag

9.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd4: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-022_0.jpg)

15 October 1921

From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Bermuda, and at Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

12.30am: Put clocks back 19 minutes 30 seconds

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

7.00am: Land 175°

7.10am: North Rock lighthouse 211°

8.00am: Course as requisite for approaching Narrows entrance

8.25am: Narrows entrance buoy 220° 1 miles. Course and speed as requisite for passing buoy

9.35am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: wireless telegraph mast 296°, left side northern breakwater 252°, Stag Rock beacon 211°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Mr. Friendlase [?], Gunner Torpedo, one writer and one leading seaman joined

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd5: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-022_1.jpg)

16 October 1921

At Grassy Bay, Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed church parties

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Carried out director test

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd6: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-023_0.jpg)

17 October 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Prepared for sea

9.00am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Murray's Anchorage

9.44am: Carried out four runs of 3-pounder sub-calibre practice. Course and speed as requisite

10.30am: Ceased firing. Course and speed as requisite for anchorage

10.40am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Tobacco Rock 71½°, semaphore 95°, Lloyd's flagstaff 147°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed away boat sailing

4.00pm: Quarters

4.15pm: H.M.S. "Raleigh" anchored

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd7: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-023_1.jpg)

18 October 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda, and at sea for exercises

Lat 32.25, Long -64.57

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam

8.30am: Divisions. Cleared ship for action

10.15am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Narrows Channel

10.47am: Narrows outer buoy 180° 0.1 miles. Course and speed as requisite ahead of tug. H.M.S. "Raleigh" fired at target

11.35am: Proceeded, course and speed as requite to open target

Noon: Signal books correct

12.08pm: Opened fire. Carried out reduced charge full calibre firing

12.12pm: Ceased firing

12.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for opening H.M.S. "Raleigh"

2.30pm: Fired torpedo at H.M.S. "Raleigh" and closed

2.45pm: Stopped. Recovered torpedo

3.00pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Narrows

3.50pm: Narrows entrance buoy 180° 0.1 mile

4.15pm: Stopped in fairway Murray's Anchorage. Dropped night firing target

4.25pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for anchorage

4.35pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Tobacco Rock 72°, Lloyd's flagstaff 146°

8.30pm: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for sub-calibre night firing in Murray's Anchorage

8.50pm: Opened fire, carried out two runs

9.15pm: Ceased fire. Course and speed as requisite for anchorage

9.22pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Tobacco Rock 71°, Lloyd's flagstaff 141°, semaphore 95°

Midnight: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd8: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-024_0.jpg)

19 October 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction

10.00am: Boats crews about boats. Remainder of hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: All boats crews away sailing

1.00pm: H.M.S. "Calcutta" passed proceeding to sea

3.00pm: Leave to watch till 5.45pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bd9: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-024_1.jpg)

20 October 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda, and at sea for exercises

Lat 32.25, Long -64.40

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam

8.30am: Cleared ship for action

9.35am: Weighed

9.40am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Narrows

10.00am: Narrows entrance buoy 180° 0.1 mile. Course and speed as requisite for opening target and awaiting for weather to clear

Noon: Signal books correct

1.39pm: Opened fire at target. Course and speed as requisite for full calibre firing

1.45pm: Ceased firing. Course as requisite for Narrows

3.10pm: Narrow outer buoy 180° 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for Murray's Anchorage

3.27pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles

4.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4.30pm: Replaced gear

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bda: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-025_0.jpg)

21 October 1921

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Raised steam

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Prepared for sea

1.35pm: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Grassy Bay in company with H.M.S. "Raleigh"

2.25pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 7 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles, in A Berth. Anchor bearings: Commissioner's house flagstaff 322°, clock tower 284°, Stag Rock beacon 199°

3.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4.30pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bdb: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-025_1.jpg)

22 October 1921

At Grassy Bay, Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bdc: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-026_0.jpg)

23 October 1921

At Grassy Bay, Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bdd: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-026_1.jpg)

24 October 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Raised steam

9.20am: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite into The Camber, Master Attendant in charge

9.50am: Stopped. Secured in South Camber, bows North

10.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

11.00am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed drawing provisions and in parts of ship

2.00pm: Received 347 tons oil fuel. Received 15 tons coal

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bde: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-027_0.jpg)

25 October 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Mr. Bond, Gunner Torpedo, left the ship for passage home

9.30am: Divisions

10.00am: Hands employed provisioning ship, drawing stores and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed provisioning and drawing stores

4.30pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

The Monthly Navy List of December 1920 shows Gunner Torpedo Bond is Gunner Torpedo John M. Bond.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bdf: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-027_1.jpg)

26 October 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: All boats crews away sailing. Remainder hands employed drawing stores

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: All boats crews away sailing. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be0: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-028_0.jpg)

27 October 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: All boats crews away sailing. Boys at school. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Ship's shooting team at rifle practice. Boats crews away sailing. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be1: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-028_1.jpg)

28 October 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Boats crews preparing for sailing regatta. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Received hurricane warning

1.30pm: Hoisted boats and furled awnings

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be2: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-029_0.jpg)

29 October 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: All boats crews away sailing in squadron regatta

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be3: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-029_1.jpg)

30 October 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

1.00pm: All boats crews away competing in squadron sailing regatta

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be4: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-030_0.jpg)

31 October 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Boats crews away competing in sailing regatta

1.00pm: One leading telegraphist joined from hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am


4caf85d2cadfd34197011be5: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-030_1.jpg)

1 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Landed marine detachment for drill. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Paid monthly payment

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be6: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-031_0.jpg)

2 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship's side. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged one leading telegraphist to hospital

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be7: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-031_1.jpg)

3 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Physical drill.

10.00am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be8: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-032_0.jpg)

4 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed about boats and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.30pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011be9: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-032_1.jpg)

5 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Received 66 tons oil fuel

9.30am: All boats crews competing in sailing race. Remainder hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bea: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-033_0.jpg)

6 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed church parties

9.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged one leading telegraphist to hospital

4caf85d2cadfd34197011beb: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-033_1.jpg)

7 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Divers at exercise. Remainder of hands as requisite

11.15am: Master Attendant shifted ship into Grassy Bay

11.45am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles in F berth. Anchor bearings: tide gauge 89°, Hogfish beacon 190°, Stag [Rock] beacon 227°

12.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

1.00pm: Carried out director test. Remainder of hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bec: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-034_0.jpg)

8 November 1921

At sea for exercises, and at Bermuda

Lat 32.15, Long -64.50

4.30am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for firing

8.00am: Cleared ship for action

8.30am: Weighed

8.40am: Proceeded in company with flag, course as requisite for ship channel and Narrows

9.50am: Narrows entrance buoy 180° 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for opening target, speeds 12 to 20 knots

11.00am: Opened fire with all guns

11.05am: Ceased firing. Course and speed as requisite for other ships firing

Noon: Signal books correct

1.40pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for entering harbour

2.10pm: Narrows entrance buoy 180° 0.1 mile

3.12pm: Stopped in Grassy Bay

3.30pm: King's Harbor Master took ship into The Camber

4.00pm: Secured in South Camber, bows North. Quarters

4.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only. Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bed: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-034_1.jpg)

9 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed drawing provisions, blacking down rigging and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bee: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-035_0.jpg)

10 November 1921

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Raised steam

8.30am: Hands employed drawing provisions, painting boats and as requisite

9.30am: Discharged one shipwright to hospital

10.00am: Received 9 tons coal

11.20am: Master Attendant shifted ship into Grassy Bay

11.45am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles in F berth. Anchor bearings: tide gauge 89°, Hogfish beacon 189°, Stag Rock beacon 226°

Noon: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

12.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

1.00pm: Hands employed in parts of ship

2.30pm: H.M.S. "Cambrian" anchored

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged one able seaman to detention

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bef: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-035_1.jpg)

11 November 1921

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 31.87, Long -64.82

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

7.00am: Weighed

7.15am: Proceeded, course as requisite for ship channel

8.16am: Narrows entrance buoy 180° 0.1 mile

8.45am: Course and speed as requisite for tactical exercises and squadron throw off firing at H.M.S. "Cambrian"

9.30am: Put clocks on 19 minutes

11.00am: Observed two minutes silence being Armistice day

11.30am: Exercised general quarters

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for squadron throw off firing

2.00pm: Exercised general quarters

2.13pm: Opened fire, carried out full calibre throw off firing

2.16pm: Ceased firing

2.22pm: Stopped. Lowered life boat, H.M.S. "Raleigh" lost man overboard

4.00pm: Boats searching for man lost

4.13pm: Hoisted boats. Proceeded

5.30pm: Quarters

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf0: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-036_0.jpg)

12 November 1921

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 27.82, Long -67.25

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Piped down

4.00pm: Quarters

4.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

6.45pm: Put clocks back 30 minutes

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf1: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-036_1.jpg)

13 November 1921

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 23.38, Long -70.02

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

5.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Read Articles of War to ship's company

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Quarters

9.10pm: Turks Island light 194½°

11.06pm: Salt Cay light 181°

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf2: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-037_0.jpg)

14 November 1921

From Bermuda to Jamaica

Lat 23.25, Long -73.22

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.10am: Tortuga Island 213°

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Exercised control parties

9.45am: Course and speed as requisite for inclination exercises and squadron torpedo firing

11.00am: Stopped. Recovered H.M.S. "Raleigh's" torpedo

Noon: Signal books correct

12.10pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for spreading

1.00pm: Set course 227°

2.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for smoke screen exercise and closing H.M.S. "Raleigh"

3.40pm: Set course 227°

4.30pm: Quarters

10.06pm: Navassa light 202°

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf3: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-037_1.jpg)

15 November 1921

From Bermuda to Jamaica, and at Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.47am: Morant Point light 150° 12 miles

6.00am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Kingston harbour

7.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.15am: Plum Point 70° 0.7 miles. Course as requisite for Kingston harbour

9.54am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Royal Mail Steam Packet Company tower 8°, Pond Mouth beacon 271°, left side railway wharf 311°

10.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

11.00am: Hands spreading side screens and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

3.00pm: Oiler "Plumleaf" came alongside

3.30pm: Received 382 tons oil fuel

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

The Historical RFA site lists a probable reference to oiler "Plumleaf".

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf4: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-038_0.jpg)

16 November 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Sailed H.M.S. "Calcutta"

9.30am: Hands painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Piped down

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf5: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-038_1.jpg)

17 November 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

1.30pm: Piped down

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf6: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-039_0.jpg)

18 November 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed finishing painting and holystoning decks

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Piped down

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf7: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-039_1.jpg)

19 November 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

5.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf8: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-040_0.jpg)

20 November 1921

At Kingston, Jamaica

Lat 17.96, Long -76.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Landed church party

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

6.00pm: Discharged one able seaman to H.M.S. "Cambrian"

6.30pm: Major Sinclair Senior Intelligence Officer joined from H.M.S. "Raleigh"

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bf9: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-040_1.jpg)

21 November 1921

From Kingston, to St. Ann's [Bay], and at Port Antonio, Jamaica

Lat 17.86, Long -76.63

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

1010am: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour

11.20am: Plum Point 290°. Parted company with H.M.S. "Raleigh"

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

2.00pm: Morant Point 10° 2 miles

4.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Port Antonio

4.50pm: Stopped. Let go starboard in 7 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: [?] beacon 220½°, Folly Point 116°, left side Navy Island 136°

6.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

Plum Point is also known as Plumb Point.

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bfa: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-041_0.jpg)

22 November 1921

From Port Antonio to St. Ann's [Bay], and at St. Ann's [Bay], Jamaica

Lat 18.45, Long -77.20

5.00am: Raised steam

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

7.40am: Weighed. proceeded

7.50am: Ship Rock 205° 1.3 miles

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

11.30am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching St. Ann's [Bay]

Noon: Signal books correct

12.05pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 15 fathoms

12.10pm: Weighed. proceeded as requisite to shift billet

12.25pm: Let go port anchor in 29 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: red beacon 251° front light 229°, Drax Hall Point 186°

2.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

2.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bfb: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-041_1.jpg)

23 November 1921

St. Ann's [Bay], Jamaica

Lat 18.45, Long -77.20

6.00am: Aired bedding

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.30pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bfc: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-042_0.jpg)

24 November 1921

St. Ann's [Bay], Jamaica

Lat 18.45, Long -77.20

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

3.00pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

5.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bfd: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-042_1.jpg)

25 November 1921

St. Ann's [Bay], Jamaica

Lat 18.45, Long -77.20

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: All seamen ratings exercised in small arm drill

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bfe: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-043_0.jpg)

26 November 1921

From St. Ann's [Bay] to Santiago

Lat 18.45, Long -77.20

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Raised steam

5.30pm: Secured for sea

8.40pm: Weighed. Proceeded

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011bff: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-043_1.jpg)

27 November 1921

At Santiago

Lat 20.02, Long -75.84

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.15am: Put clocks back 30 minutes

5.20am: Santiago light 30°

6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour

7.00am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 4 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: cathedral 75°, right side new pier 182°, Buena Vista 333°

8.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

9.30am: Saluted British Consul with 7 guns

10.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

10.30pm: Put clocks on 25 minutes

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c00: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-044_0.jpg)

28 November 1921

At Santiago

Lat 20.02, Long -75.84

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gun crews at loader drill. Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands reeving boats falls and employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

3.00pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Saluted Governor of Santiago with 15 guns

5.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c01: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-044_1.jpg)

29 November 1921

At Santiago

Lat 20.02, Long -75.84

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Guns crews at loader drill

12.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 6.00pm

5.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c02: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-045_0.jpg)

30 November 1921

From Santiago to Cayman Islands

Lat 19.88, Long -76.05

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

9.00am: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour

9.33am: Morro Castle 90° 0.2 miles

9.50am: Stopped. Lowered whaler

9.55am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for torpedo firing

10.15am: Fired two torpedoes

10.25am: Stopped. Recovered torpedoes and hoisted boat

11.10am: Proceeded

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Watch employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

7.43pm: Cape Cruz 286° 14 miles

8.55pm: Stopped. Dropped target

9.00pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for night firing

10.05pm: Carried out full calibre night firing

10.20pm: Stopped. Hoisted in target

10.30pm: Proceeded

Morro Castle is also known as Castillo del Morro.

Cape Cruz is also known as Cabo Cruz.


4caf85d2cadfd34197011c03: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-045_1.jpg)

1 December 1921

From Santiago to Cayman Islands, and at Grand Cayman Island

Lat 19.55, Long -80.62

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

5.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Put clocks on 5 minutes

6.45am: Cayman Brac 302°

9.25am: Course as requisite for approaching Little Cayman Island

12.30pm: Paid monthly payment

1.30pm: Grand Cayman Island 222°. Training classes at instruction

3.30pm: Palmetto Point 142°. Course as requisite for approaching George Town

4.25pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: conspicuous shed 33°, church 138°, Jackson Point 186°

5.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c04: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-046_0.jpg)

2 December 1921

At Grand Cayman Island

Lat 19.30, Long -81.39

5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30am: Boats crew cleaning out boats ashore

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised night defence stations and night action stations

Noon: Put clocks back 20 minutes

1.00pm: Hands employed holystoning decks and scrubbing small gear

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Divers diving alongside ship

5.00pm: Saluted His Majesties Commissioner with 14 guns

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c05: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-046_1.jpg)

3 December 1921

At Grand Cayman Island

Lat 19.30, Long -81.39

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c06: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-047_0.jpg)

4 December 1921

At Grand Cayman Island

Lat 19.30, Long -81.39

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

4.30pm: Quarters

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c07: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-047_1.jpg)

5 December 1921

From Grand Cayman Island to Cienfuegos

Lat 19.30, Long -81.39

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Aired bedding

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship. Guns crews at loader

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon, also oiling and cleaning wire hawsers

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Raised steam

6.30pm: Prepared for sea

8.55pm: Weighed. Proceeded

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c08: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-048_0.jpg)

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c0a: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-049_0.jpg)

6 December 1921

[Scanned twice]

From Grand Cayman Island to Cienfuegos, and at Cienfuegos

Lat 21.95, Long -80.45

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

11.25am: Punta de los Colorados light 330°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Punta de los Colorados 350° 2 miles. Course as requisite for entering harbour

1.24pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Punta Arenas 15°, Punta Majaqua 47°, Punta Gorda 118°

2.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c09: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-048_1.jpg)

4caf85d2cadfd34197011c0b: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-049_1.jpg)

7 December 1921

[Scanned twice]

At Cienfuegos

Lat 22.11, Long -80.46

6.00am: Exercised out kedge anchor, out fire engine and away all boats crews

7.30am: Hands cleaning ship and replacing gear

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed surveying cable. Training classes at instruction and wireless telegraphy ratings doing pistol drill

11.00am: Lost overboard by accident: broom, bass, pattern number 457, one in number; broom, hair, pattern number 456, one in number

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning boats and surveying cable

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c0c: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-050_0.jpg)

8 December 1921

At Cienfuegos

Lat 22.11, Long -80.46

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed surveying cables and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

3.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c0d: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-050_1.jpg)

9 December 1921

At Cienfuegos

Lat 22.11, Long -80.46

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Exercised general quarters

10.30am: All seamen ratings exercised at small arm drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed swinging cable, holystoning decks and scrubbing small gear

3.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c0e: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-051_0.jpg)

10 December 1921

At Cienfuegos

Lat 22.11, Long -80.46

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship and drawing fresh provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. Leave to boys till 6.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c0f: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-051_1.jpg)

11 December 1921

From Cienfuegos to Galveston

Lat 22.11, Long -80.46

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Prepared for sea

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Raised steam

1.00pm: Landed patrol

3.00pm: Patrol returned with two absentees

5.03pm: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour

5.45pm: Punta de los Colorados light 66° 1 mile

5.00pm: Lost overboard by accident: brooms, bass, pattern number 457, two in number

7.50pm: East Rock light 267°

9.00pm: East Rock light 316°

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

East Rock is probably a reference to Cayo Guano del Este.

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c10: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-052_0.jpg)

12 December 1921

From Cienfuegos to Galveston

Lat 21.37, Long -83.77

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.15am: Put clock back 10 minutes

8.30am: Peak on Isle of Pines bore 71°

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder of hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Watch employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.28pm: Cape Corrientes 20° 4 miles

6.47pm: Cape San Antonio 18 4 miles

10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Isle of Pines is also known as Isle of Youth, and Isla de la Juventad.

Cape Corrientes is also known as Punta Corrientes.

Cape San Antonio is also known as Cabo de San Antonio.

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c11: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-052_1.jpg)

13 December 1921

From Cienfuegos to Galveston

Lat 24.38, Long -87.82

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.15am: Put clock back 10 minutes

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Wireless telegraphy ratings at physical drill. Hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Watch employed in parts of ship

5.00pm: Quarters

5.30pm: Exercised fire and collision stations

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c12: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-053_0.jpg)

14 December 1921

From Cienfuegos to Galveston

Lat 27.63, Long -91.97

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.15am: Put clock back 10 minutes

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Exercised steering from lower conning tower and by hand wheel

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder of hands employed in parts of ship

5.10pm: Let go both lifebuoys. Stopped. Picked up lifebuoys

5.20pm: Proceeded

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c13: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-053_1.jpg)

15 December 1921

From Cienfuegos to Galveston, and at Galveston

Lat 29.31, Long -94.80

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.20am: Heald Bank lightvessel 270°

4.15am: Put clock back 10 minutes

4.40am: Heald lightvessel 45° 0.4 miles

4.45am: Sighted Galveston South Jetty light 302°

6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Galveston entrance

6.40am: Stopped. Embarked pilot

7.00am: Proceed as requisite into harbour, pilot in charge

7.55am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, [veered to] 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: South Jetty light 105°, Bolivar light 347°, Fort Point 235°

8.30am: Obtained pratique. Weighted. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite, up harbour

9.10am: Stopped. Secured alongside Pier 21, bows south-west

11.00am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

11.30am: Fired salute 7 guns for His British Majesties Consul

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed surveying port cable, cleaning out cable lockers and as requisite

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c14: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-054_0.jpg)

16 December 1921

At Galveston

Lat 29.31, Long -94.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: All seamen to rifle drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed coaling, surveying port cable and cleaning out cable lockers

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c15: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-054_1.jpg)

17 December 1921

At Galveston

Lat 29.31, Long -94.80

5.50am: Norther [?] commenced wind NW

6.30am: Furled awnings

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and getting in coal

11.00am: Received 14 tons coal

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

7.15pm: Oil lighter came alongside

Midnight: Oil lighter case off. 268 tons oil fuel received

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c16: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-055_0.jpg)

18 December 1921

At Galveston

Lat 29.31, Long -94.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c17: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-055_1.jpg)

19 December 1921

From Galveston to New Orleans

Lat 29.12, Long -94.08

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.05am: Case off. Proceeded as requisite out of harbour, pilot in charge

9.10am: Stopped. Pilot disembarked

9.16am: Proceeded

9.22am: Whistle buoy 360° 0.1 mile

9.50am: Fog. Reduced speed

10.15am: Increased speed. Fog gradually cleared

11.35am: Heald [Bank] lightvessel 216° 2 miles

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Watch employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

9.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c18: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-056_0.jpg)

20 December 1921

[Mistakenly noted as 19 December in log]

From Galveston to New Orleans

Lat 28.93, Long -89.27

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

12.35pm: South Pass lightvessel 50° 1 mile. Course as requisite for approaching South Pass

12.40pm: Stopped. Embarked pilot

12.50pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Mississippi River

12.55pm: East Jetty light 90° 0.1 mile

2.25pm: Stopped off pilot tower, exchanged pilots

2.35pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for Mississippi River

10.00pm: Thick fog

10.05pm: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 14 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles in English Turn. No anchor bearings obtainable

11.00pm: Steam at 1 hour's notice

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c19: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-056_1.jpg)

21 December 1921

[Mistakenly noted as 20 December in log]

At New Orleans

Lat 29.95, Long -90.06

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Training classes at instruction

10.00am: Fog cleared

10.06am: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for river, pilot in charge

11.06am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 13 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Cotton Exchange 325°, Lee monument 307°, St. Louis cathedral 347°

11.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c1a: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-057_0.jpg)

22 December 1921

At New Orleans

Lat 29.95, Long -90.06

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed cleaning boats and in parts of ship

11.00am: Lost overboard by accident: boat hook, brass, pattern number 78K, one in number; wind chutes, pattern number 816D, three in number

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Saluted United States with 21 guns

1.30pm: Hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c1b: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-057_1.jpg)

23 December 1921

At New Orleans

Lat 29.95, Long -90.06

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: All seamen to small arm drill

11.00am: Saluted mayor with 7 guns

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed scrubbing small gear and in parts of ship

3.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c1c: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-058_0.jpg)

24 December 1921

At New Orleans

Lat 29.95, Long -90.06

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c1d: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-058_1.jpg)

25 December 1921

At New Orleans

Lat 29.95, Long -90.06

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.30am: Piped down

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

2.00pm: Piped down

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c1e: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-059_0.jpg)

26 December 1921

At New Orleans

Lat 29.95, Long -90.06

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised physical drill

10.30am: Hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c1f: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-059_1.jpg)

27 December 1921

From New Orleans to Mobile

Lat 29.87, Long -89.93

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Raised steam

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Prepared for sea

11.00am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for river Mississippi. Pilot in charge

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Passed French cruiser "Jeanne d'Arc"

4.00pm: Quarters

4.45pm: Stopped off pilot tower. Exchanged pilots

4.50pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for South Pass

6.10pm: Stopped of South Pass lightvessel. Pilot disembarked

6.20pm: Proceeded. South Pass lightvessel 300° 0.2 miles

10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Navypedia lists a reference to French cruiser "Jeanne d'Arc".

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c20: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-060_0.jpg)

28 December 1921

From New Orleans to Mobile, and at Mobile

Lat 30.70, Long -88.038

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

5.30am: Hands cleaning ship

6.50am: Sand Island lighthouse 47°. Course and speed as requisite for approaching Mobile bar

7.15am: Stopped. Embarked pilot

7.20am: Proceeded, courses and speed as requisite for Mobile Bay Channel

7.56am: Saluted American flag 21 guns

11.17am: Stopped alongside Municipal wharf, bows North

11.30am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c21: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-060_1.jpg)

29 December 1921

At Mobile

Lat 30.70, Long -88.038

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Stokers to physical drill. Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed painting ship's side and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c22: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-061_0.jpg)

30 December 1921

At Mobile

Lat 30.70, Long -88.038

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Exercised general quarters and small arm drill

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c23: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-061_1.jpg)

31 December 1921

At Mobile

Lat 30.70, Long -88.038

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 11.00pm, leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters


JP map Constance 1922


4caf85d3cadfd34197011c24: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-062_0.jpg)

1 January 1922

From Mobile to Pensacola

Lat 30.18, Long -87.75

5.00am: Raised steam

6.00am: Prepared for sea

7.10am: Cast off. Pilot in charge. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Mobile River

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.50am: Stopped. Disembarked pilot

10.55am: Proceeded

Noon: Signal books correct

1.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Pensacola

2.10pm: Stopped off outer buoy. Embarked pilot

2.15pm: Proceeded, pilot in charge, course and speed as requisite for approaching Texas oil pier

3.25pm: Stopped. Secured alongside Texas oil pier, starboard side to

5.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

6.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c25: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-062_1.jpg)

2 January 1922

At Pensacola

Lat 30.40, Long -87.22

2.00am: Received 520 tons oil fuel

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Received [left blank] tons coal

2.00pm: Hands employed coaling ship and as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters. Read numbers [left blank] warrants

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c26: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-063_0.jpg)

3 January 1922

From Pensacola to Tampa

Lat 30.30, Long -87.30 [Estimated position]

5.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Prepared for sea

11.05am: Cast off. Pilot in charge

11.15am: Stopped, disembarked pilot

11.20am: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving Pensacola Harbour

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Watch employed in parts of ship

9.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.00pm: Put clocks on 30 minutes

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c27: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-063_1.jpg)

4 January 1922

From Pensacola to Tampa

Lat 27.73, Long -83.03

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.00am: Put clocks on 30 minutes

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised general quarters

Noon: Signal books correct

12.05pm: Egmont Cay light 122°

1.00pm: Course as requisite for approaching Tampa entrance

1.15pm: Stopped. Embarked pilot. Tampa outer buoy 360° 0.1 mile

1.20pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for approaching Tampa, pilot in charge

4.00pm: Quarters

4.35pm: Stopped, secured alongside Mallory Dock Tampa, port side to. Steam for auxiliary purposes only

6.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Egmont Cay is also known as Egmont Key.

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c28: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-064_0.jpg)

5 January 1922

At Tampa

Lat 27.90, Long -82.55

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Physical drill

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning out fresh water tanks and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c29: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-064_1.jpg)

6 January 1922

At Tampa

Lat 27.90, Long -82.55

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: All seamen ratings to small arm drill

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Divers at work examining starboard propeller. Remainder hands employed scrubbing small gear

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c2a: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-065_0.jpg)

7 January 1922

At Tampa

Lat 27.90, Long -82.55

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and getting in provisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Watch employed getting in provisions

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c2b: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-065_1.jpg)

8 January 1922

At Tampa

Lat 27.90, Long -82.55

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Ship's company mustered by open list

10.00am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c2c: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-066_0.jpg)

9 January 1922

From Tampa to Key West

Lat 27.90, Long -82.55

5.30am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Prepared for sea. Hands employed in parts of ship

11.45am: Cast off. Proceeded down Tampa Bay. Pilot in charge. Course and speed as requisite

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed as requisite

3.40pm: Stopped off number 2 outer channel buoy, disembarked pilot

3.50pm: Proceeded. Number 2 buoy East 0.2 miles

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c2d: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-066_1.jpg)

10 January 1922

From Tampa to Key West, and at Key West

Lat 24.57, Long -81.80

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.10am: Loggerhead Cay light 208°

5.35am: Rebecca [Shoal] light 165°

6.45am: Rebecca [Shoal] lighthouse 93° 3.5 miles

10.40am: Sand Cay light 310° 1 mile. Stopped. Embarked pilot

10.47am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Key West

11.30am: Stopped. Lowered motor boat. Fired salute 21 guns

11.40am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite

11.55am: Secured alongside South coaling wharf, bows North

12.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed cleaning boats and in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Loggerhead Cay is also known as Loggerhead Key.

Sand Cay is also known as Sand Key.

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c2e: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-067_0.jpg)

11 January 1922

At Key West

Lat 24.57, Long -81.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed reeving boats falls and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c2f: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-067_1.jpg)

12 January 1922

At Key West

Lat 24.57, Long -81.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Signal and wireless telegraphy ratings at pistol drill. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: All seamen at small arm drill

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised land fire engine

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c30: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-068_0.jpg)

13 January 1922

At Key West

Lat 24.57, Long -81.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Received [left blank] tons oil fuel. Received 6 tons coal

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed holystoning decks and scrubbing small gear

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c31: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-068_1.jpg)

14 January 1922

From Key West to Bimini

Lat 24.57, Long -81.80

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Aired night clothing

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: broom, bass, pattern number 457, one in number

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

2.30pm: Raised steam

4.00pm: Prepared for sea

4.55pm: Cast off. Proceeded as requisite from jetty, pilot in charge

5.25pm: Stopped. Dropped pilot in anchorage

5.40pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving Key West by main ship channel

6.00pm: Outer whistle buoy 90° 0.1 mile

11.15pm: Alligator Rock light 20° [The log-keeper probably meant Alligator Reef]

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c32: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-069_0.jpg)

15 January 1922

From Key West to Bimini, and at Bimini

Lat 25.71, Long -79.23

12.27am: Alligator light 324°

2.40am: Carysfort [Reef] light 337°

2.59am: Carysfort [Reef] light 324°

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.24am: Gun Cay light 69°

7.10am: Gun Cay light 110° 6 miles. Course as requisite for approaching Bimini

7.50am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 14 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Entrance Point 62°, right side Bimini 152°, Turtle Rock 170°

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Steam at 2½ hour's notice

Noon: Signal books correct

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c33: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-069_1.jpg)

16 January 1922

From Bimini to Nassau

Lat 25.71, Long -79.23

6.00am: Aired bedding

7.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Marine detachment at rifle drill. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at demolition work and boat sailing. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Prepared for sea. Raised steam

8.50pm: Weighted. Proceeded

9.22pm: Great Isaac light 45°

11.00pm: Great Isaac light 158°

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c34: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-070_0.jpg)

17 January 1922

From Bimini to Nassau, and at Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.30am: Great Stirrup Cay light 143°

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for torpedo running

8.30am: Stopped. Lowered whaler as target

8.35am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for torpedo firing

9.08am: Fired two torpedoes

9.35am: Stopped. Recovered torpedoes and hoisted boats

10.35am: Proceeded, course as requisite for approaching Nassau

11.43am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 13 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side Silver Cay 226°, Fort Charlotte flagstaff 184½°, average between Hog Island lighthouse and Fort Fincastle flagstaff 139°

Noon: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

8.30pm: Exercised burning searchlights

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c35: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-070_1.jpg)

18 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

11.00am: Training class (gunnery) carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

6.40pm: Acting seaman gunners class carried out 3-pounder sub-calibre night firing. Burnt searchlights

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c36: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-071_0.jpg)

19 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. Physical drill

10.00am: Hands employed scraping funnels and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: All boats crews away sailing for exercise

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c37: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-071_1.jpg)

20 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters. Carried out 3-pounder sub-calibre practice at target

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed scrubbing small gear

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

5.30pm: Read warrant number 36

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c38: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-072_0.jpg)

21 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Aired night clothing

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c39: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-072_1.jpg)

22 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c3a: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-073_0.jpg)

23 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Landed marine detachment for drill

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed scraping funnels, painting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c3b: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-073_1.jpg)

24 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Boys at boat sailing. Remainder scraping funnels and employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed drawing provisions and as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c3c: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-074_0.jpg)

25 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Exercised towing, out kedge anchor, land fire engine and let go bower anchor and weigh by hand

11.00am: Hands employed replacing gear

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Guns crews at drill. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Saluted His Excellency the Governor with 17 guns

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c3d: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-074_1.jpg)

26 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Landed one platoon for field exercise

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed scraping funnels and in part of ship

11.00am: Lost overboard by accident: cow hair broom, pattern number 457, one in number

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Ship rolling to heavy northerly swell

1.30pm: Hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

10.00pm: Heavy northerly swell

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c3e: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-075_0.jpg)

27 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Carried out 1-inch aiming rifle practice

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c3f: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-075_1.jpg)

28 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c40: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-076_0.jpg)

29 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c41: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-076_1.jpg)

30 January 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands scraping funnels and employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Read warrant number 37

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c42: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-077_0.jpg)

31 January 1922

From Nassau to South West Bay, New Providence

Lat 25.13, Long -77.45

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Raised steam

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Prepared for sea. Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands scraping and painting funnels

11.35am: Weighed. proceeded, course as requisite for leaving Nassau

11.45am: Hog Island light 128° 2 miles

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching South West Bay

1.34pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 5 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: Clifton Bluff 319°, boat pier 7°, Conch Rocks 110½°

3.30pm: Steam at 2½ hours' notice

4.00pm: Quarters


4caf85d3cadfd34197011c43: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-077_1.jpg)

1 February 1922

At South West Bay, New Providence

Lat 24.99, Long -77.52

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Raised steam

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands scraping funnels, getting sand and employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to football team chief and first class petty officers till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c44: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-078_0.jpg)

2 February 1922

From South West Bay, New Providence, to Nassau

Lat 25.02, Long -77.62

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for painting ship

9.00am: Hands painting ship

10.00am: Raised steam

Noon: Signal books correct

1.31pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 11 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: left side Silver Cay 226°, average between Hog Island lighthouse and flagstaff 139°, Fort Charlotte flagstaff 184½°

2.00pm: Steam at 2½ hours' notice

2.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c45: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-078_1.jpg)

3 February 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed rigging ship for ship's company at home

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Ship's company held an "At Home" to residents of Nassau

2.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c46: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-079_0.jpg)

4 February 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c47: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-079_1.jpg)

5 February 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed Roman Catholic and Wesleyan church parties

10.00am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c48: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-080_0.jpg)

6 February 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c49: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-080_1.jpg)

7 February 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. 6-inch guns crews at loader drill. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Read warrant number 39

5.00pm: Let go starboard anchor, [veered to] 2 shackles

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c4a: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-081_0.jpg)

8 February 1922

From Nassau to South West Bay, New Providence

Lat 24.99, Long -77.52

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam

8.00am: Prepared for sea

8.50am: Weighed. Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving Nassau

10.10am: Goulding Cay 150° 2 miles. Course as requisite for approaching South West Bay

10.42am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 5 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles. Steam at 2½ hours' notice. Anchor bearings: Clifton Bluff 318°, boat pier 18°, Conch Rocks 111°

12.30pm: Exercised all seamen at rifle drill

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c4b: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-081_1.jpg)

9 February 1922

At South West Bay, New Providence

Lat 24.99, Long -77.52

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised all boats crews away sailing. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Exercised all boats crews away sailing. Training classes at instruction

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Read warrant number 40

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c4c: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-082_0.jpg)

10 February 1922

From South West Bay, New Providence, to Nassau

Lat 25.01, Long -77.60

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Raised steam

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

10.30am: Prepared for sea and getting out paravanes

11.35am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving South West Bay and getting out paravanes

12.17pm: Clifton Bluff 139°

1.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Nassau and getting in paravanes

1.20pm: Stopped

1.50pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for approaching anchorage

2.00pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Hog Island light 126°, Fort Charlotte flagstaff 173°, left side Silver Cay 207°

5.00pm: Steam at 2½ hours' notice

5.30pm: Lost overboard by accident: brushes, scrubber, pattern number 459, two in number

6.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c4d: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-082_1.jpg)

11 February 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Aired night clothing

10.00am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c4e: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-083_0.jpg)

12 February 1922

At Nassau

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c4f: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-083_1.jpg)

13 February 1922

From Nassau to Bermuda

Lat 25.09, Long -77.35

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction

10.00am: Boats crews sailing past in Nassau Regatta

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch and boys till 4.30pm

1.30pm: Hands preparing for sea

3.30pm: Raised steam

4.00pm: Quarters

5.50pm: Weighed

6.00pm: Proceeded

7.50pm: Egg Island light 71°

8.50pm: Egg Island light 110° 8 miles

8.55pm: Abaco light 30°

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c50: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-084_0.jpg)

14 February 1922

From Nassau to Bermuda

Lat 27.21, Long -74.27

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.25am: Got out port paravane

9.30am: Training classes at instruction

10.45am: In port paravane

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Watch employed in parts of ship

5.00pm: Quarters

5.30pm: Exercised collision stations

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c51: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-084_1.jpg)

15 February 1922

From Nassau to Bermuda

Lat 29.61, Long -69.92

2.00am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

9.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c52: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-085_0.jpg)

16 February 1922

From Nassau to Bermuda, and at Bermuda

Lat 32.13, Long -65.10

1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.30am: Put clocks on 11 minutes

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general quarters

11.00am: Sounded every 10 minutes

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident whilst sounding: rope, steel wire, pattern number 1302, one in number; swivels, pattern number 1311, one in number, guards, brass, patter number 1266, one in number; sinker, pattern number 1310, one in number

12.42pm: Gibbs Hill light 46°

1.20pm: Gibbs Hill lighthouse 325° 2.5 miles. Course as requisite for approaching Narrows

1.22pm: Changed over to lower conning tower steering gear

2.40pm: Narrows entrance buoy 180° 0.1 mile. Course as requisite for ship channel and Grassy Bay

3.43pm: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Anchor bearings: Stag Rock beacon 197°, clock tower 284°, flagstaff 325°

6.30pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

7.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c53: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-085_1.jpg)

17 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

3.10am: Let go starboard anchor, [veered to] 1 shackle

3.30am: Raised steam for slow speed

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Weighed port anchor

8.50am: Weighed. Proceeded into The Camber, King's Harbour Master in charge, course and speed as requisite

9.20am: Secured alongside coaling jetty, bows South

11.00am: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Training classes at instruction. Hands employed drawing provisions

2.30pm: Two shipwrights, one chief writer, two able seamen and private R.M.L.I. joined from H.M.D. "Malabar"

3.30pm: Sub-Lieutenant Gow joined ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

5.00pm: Discharged one able seaman to petty officer's club

5.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c54: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-086_0.jpg)

18 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.30pm: Quarters. Exercised fire quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c55: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-086_1.jpg)

19 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

10.00am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.30pm: Quarters

5.00pm: Exercised fire quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c56: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-087_0.jpg)

20 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

10.00am: Hands employed drawing stores, refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c57: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-087_1.jpg)

21 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed refitting and drawing stores

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c58: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-088_0.jpg)

22 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores, refitting and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.30pm: Quarters. Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c59: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-088_1.jpg)

23 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores, returning awnings and refitting

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c5a: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-089_0.jpg)

24 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands coaling ship.

9.30am: One able seaman discharged to hospital

10.00am: Received 15 tons coal

10.30am: Arrived and anchored H.M.S. "Raleigh"

11.00am: Dockyard warped ship into floating dock

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Dockyard warped ship into floating dock

2.20pm: Secured in dock

3.00pm: Hands employed scrubbing ship's bottom

4.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c5b: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-089_1.jpg)

25 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and scrubbing ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c5c: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-090_0.jpg)

26 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and dry dock

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c5d: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-090_1.jpg)

27 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and getting up cable

8.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed cleaning chain lockers and scraping ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c5e: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-091_0.jpg)

28 February 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed scraping ship's bottom, painting cable lockers and refitting. Training classes at instruction

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Read Warrant number 41

5.00pm: Exercised fire quarters


4caf85d3cadfd34197011c5f: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-091_1.jpg)

1 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's bottom and painting cable lockers

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Paid monthly payment

2.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.30pm: H.M.S. "Wistaria" proceeded

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c60: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-092_0.jpg)

2 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed scraping ship's bottom, painting cable lockers and as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c61: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-092_1.jpg)

3 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship's bottom

9.30am: Discharged one able seaman to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c62: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-093_0.jpg)

4 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting cable lockers and scraping ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am Monday. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.30pm: Quarters. Exercised fires stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c63: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-093_1.jpg)

5 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Landed church parties

9.30am: Divisions

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c64: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-094_0.jpg)

6 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c65: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-094_1.jpg)

7 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed sticking down cable and painting ship's bottom

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c66: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-095_0.jpg)

8 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship's bottom, repairing boats and oiling wire hawsers

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: One able seaman rejoined from hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c67: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-095_1.jpg)

9 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for undocking

7.30am: Raised steam for auxiliary purposes

8.30am: Dockyard commenced flooding dry dock

9.30am: Hands employed refitting and in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Discharged one stoker and one able seaman to H.M.S. "Cambrian"

2.00pm: Dockyard undocked ship

2.40pm: Secured alongside coaling jetty, bows South

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c68: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-096_0.jpg)

10 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.30am: Raised steam

8.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction

10.00am: Cast off. Proceeded out of The Camber, King's Harbor Master in charge

10.25am: Stopped. Let go port anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 5 shackles. Steam for auxiliary purposes only. Anchor bearings: Commissioner's house flagstaff 287°, chimney 263°, clock tower 249°

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: H.M.S. "Cambrian" sailed

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c69: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-096_1.jpg)

11 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Aired night clothing

10.30am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

2.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4.30pm: Quarters. Read warrant number 42

7.05pm: Let go starboard anchor, [veered to] 1 shackle

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c6a: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-097_0.jpg)

12 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions

9.30am: Held divine service

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c6b: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-097_1.jpg)

13 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

8.30am: Weighed starboard anchor

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Guns crews at loader drill. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

1.30pm: Discharged one chief stoker to H.M.D. "Malabar"

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Discharged one stoker to petty officer's club

5.00pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

Wikipedia has an article on Her/His Majesty's Dockyard "Malabar", the Royal Navy shore establishment at Bermuda.

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c6c: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-098_0.jpg)

14 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

11.00am: Raised steam

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands preparing for going alongside

1.42pm: Weighed. Proceeded as requisite into The Camber. Master Attendant in charge

2.00pm: Secured alongside coaling wharf, bows South

3.00pm: Steam for auxiliary purposes only

3.30pm: Two ratings returned from hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c6d: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-098_1.jpg)

15 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Hands employed rigging quarter deck for dance

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remaining hands preparing ship for dance

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c6e: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-099_0.jpg)

16 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and unrigging dance decorations

7.30am: Oil lighter secured alongside

8.30am: Hands employed provisioning and ammunitioning ship

10.00am: Received 679 tons oil fuel

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

1.30pm: One chief petty officer returned from hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.30pm: Oil lighter cast off

6.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c6f: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-099_1.jpg)

17 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Exercised general stations

10.00am: Control parties at drill. Hands provisioning ship, drawing new shackle of cable and employed as requisite

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Discharged one stoker to H.M.S. "Valerian"

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

2.00pm: One stoker joined from H.M.S. "Valerian"

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c70: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-100_0.jpg)

18 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Discharged one stoker petty officer to hospital

Noon: Signal books correct

1.00pm: Hands make and mend clothes

1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

8.30pm: Discharged one stoker to hospital

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c71: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-100_1.jpg)

19 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.00am: Divisions. Landed church parties

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am. Leave to boys till 7.00pm

4.00pm: Quarters

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c72: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-101_0.jpg)

20 March 1922

At Bermuda

Lat 32.32, Long -64.83

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

7.00am: Raised steam

8.40am: Cast off. Proceeded into Grassy Bay, Master Attendant in charge

8.55am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, [veered to] 4 shackles in A berth. Steam for auxiliary purposes only. Anchor bearings: clock tower 280°, left side breakwater 238°, Stag Rock beacon 197°

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands employed in parts of ship

3.00pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c73: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-101_1.jpg)

21 March 1922

At Murray's Anchorage, Bermuda

Lat 32.33, Long -64.84

6.00am: Raised steam

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.20am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Murray's Anchorage

8.50am: Course and speed as requisite for sub-calibre practice

10.30am: Completed practice. Course and speed as requisite for anchoring

10.32am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, [veered to] 6 shackles. Steam at 2½ hours' notice. Anchor bearings: Lloyds flagstaff 165°, semaphore flagstaff 118½°, Tobacco Rock 87°

11.30am: Hands employed blacking down rigging

Noon: Signal books correct

12.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder hands blacking down rigging and employed in parts of ship

4.00pm: Quarters

4.30pm: Leave to chief and first class petty officers till 6.30pm

8.30pm: Exercised burning searchlights

4caf85d3cadfd34197011c74: ( 53-74050/ADM 53-74050-102_0.jpg)

22 March 1922

At sea for exercises

Lat 32.30, Long -65.59

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

7.30am: Raised steam

8.30am: Cleared ship for action

10.40am: Weighed. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Narrows