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Armed Trawler (not to be confused with sloop/survey vessel HMS Merlin) Adty No 374. Built 1906, 172grt, Hull-reg H.924. Armament: 1 - 6pdr AA. In service 10.14.1919 as minesweeper. Renamed MERLIN Il 8.15. (British Warships 1914-1919) One of hundreds of fishing vessels taken into naval service in World War 1. This Merlin (another was also requisitioned) built Goole 1906, 172grt/52net, Hull-registered H.924, owned by Kelsall Brothers & Beeching Ltd, Hull, taken into naval service October 1914 as minesweeper, Admiralty Number 374, armed with 1-6pdr AA, renamed Merlin II August 1915. Based in Portland and returned to owner in Hull previous to 12 March 1919. (Thanks to |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes: The logs of the Merlin contain very few geographic positions. Where possible, positions have been added here based on sightings of land or light vessels in the logs. Positions should therefore be used cautiously, and the overview map should be viewed only as an approximation of Merlin’s movements. |
THE VOYAGES OF HMS MERLIN (2) 1915 (Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) LOG BOOK – 14th MARCH 1915 to 17th MAY 1915 LOGS FOR MARCH 1915 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8de: ( 53-49085-001_0.jpg) 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8df: ( 53-49085-001_1.jpg) 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e0: ( 53-49085-002_0.jpg) 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e1: ( 53-49085-002_1.jpg) 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e2: ( 53-49085-003_0.jpg) 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e3: ( 53-49085-003_1.jpg) 14 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.6 8:00 am: Left wharf at Fountain Lake Jetty. 8:20 am: Passing the Flagship VICTORY. 10:40 am: Off the Nab L.V. following JACKDAW. 4:30 pm: Off Newhaven. Examination boat requested me to give my name and number, also that of the JACKDAW. 9:00 pm: Off Dungeness Pt. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e4: ( 53-49085-004_0.jpg) 15 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long 0.4 Continued to Patrol in company with JACKDAW to the S and W. 10:00 am: Sighted the Roy. Sov. L.V. Patrolled on various courses. 12:45 pm: JACKDAW sighted a torpedo and put a boat out. I cruised round him whilst he was engaged in getting it alongside in the event of any enemy submarine being in the vicinity. After securing torpedo he instructed me to proceed to 50° 30’ N , 0° 40’ W about S and E 10’ from the Owers L.V. 1:15 pm: a/c to WxN1/2N full speed. JACKDAW heading to NWxN towing the torpedo with stern toward him. 9:00 pm: Nearly collided with a steamer, name unknown. She was on my port hand but refused to give way. Decided to patrol between Owers L.V. and position named until daylight. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e5: ( 53-49085-004_1.jpg) 16 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long 0.3 1:00 am: Spoke the TOWER and instructed him to patrol area 50° 30’N 0° 40’. He told me torpedo boats had been there all day. 11:30 am: Off Beachy Hd. a/c NW x for Hope Point. Instructed the ROBIN to follow me. 1:00 pm: Continued to patrol from Beachy Hd. to Hope Point with ROBIN following throughout the afternoon. 8:00 pm: Fog signals on Beachy Hd. and Roy. Sovereign heard going. Two or three Torpedo Boats also on Patrol at the same station. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e6: ( 53-49085-005_0.jpg) 17 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol or at Beachy Head Lat 50.7, Long 0.4 2:00 am: Continued to patrol between Beachy Hd., Royal Sovereign L.V. and back to Hope Point. ROBIN following about. 5:00 pm: [Should be am] Lost sight of ROBIN. Torpedo boat questioned the mate during his watch re number and business, etc. 8:45 am: Sighted the JACKDAW who came to us and instructed us to follow him. S/c south. 4:40 pm: Ran into a French Patrol of Trawlers who boarded us about 20’ south of the Roy. Sov. L.V. Proceeded at 5 pm. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e7: ( 53-49085-005_1.jpg) 18 March 1915 [On Patrol] Lat 50.8, Long 0.6 9:30 am: Sighted Beachy Hd. 11:00 am: In company with JACKDAW. 6:00 pm: Sighted the Roy. Sov. L. V. 7:30 pm: Missed the JACKDAW among many other stern lights in vicinity and followed another vessel. Finding mistake I decided to patrol to Dungeness Pt. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e8: ( 53-49085-006_0.jpg) 19 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.9, Long 0.9 8:50 am: Sighted the ROBIN off Hope Pt. She spoke to me and said her water tanks (fresh) were leaking and she had only 4” of water in tank. I went to Examination Boat and requested him to allow ROBIN in to fill her tanks. She went into Newhaven at 10:30 am, coming out again and joining me at 3:15 pm off Beachy Hd. 5:45 pm: Set course south. Continued on this course until 9 pm. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8e9: ( 53-49085-006_1.jpg) 20 March 1915 Portsmouth or Patrol Grounds Lat 50.9, Long 0.9 3:10 am: Owers L. V. abeam. 5:00 am: Nab. Continued to patrol off the Nab. Awaiting orders and fresh bread with the outcoming division. 8:00 am: Spoke the JACKDAW going in. 9:00 am: Placed GOZO on Owers L. V. station. 1:00 pm: a/c E1/4N for Beachy Hd. to see the station patrols on these grounds. 5:45 pm: Sighted LUCKNOW on patrol off Beachy Hd. Instructed him to keep a sharp lookout for submarines and patrol the area used by shipping up and down channel. I proceeded to visit the patrol at Dungeness Pt. 9:00 pm: Sighted a vessel at anchor about 7 miles ENE of Roy. Sov. I boarded him. He was the Dutch Steamer (?) and possesses a pass. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8ea: ( 53-49085-007_0.jpg) 21 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.7, Long 0.4 2:00 am: Off Dungeness and patrolled around looking for the TEUTON. 10:00 am: Sighted the TEUTON 10’ WSW and spoke him. Told him to keep near his patrol grounds. He gave me a message received from the AUCKLAND to proceed to the Owers L. V. and pick up the JACKDAW there. 11:00 am: I set course SW by W1/2W for the Roy. Sov L. V. 7:30 pm: Arrived at the Owers. No Trawlers in sight and I then proceeded to patrol to the southward. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8eb: ( 53-49085-007_1.jpg) 22 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.58, Long -1.2 5:00 am: Owers L. V. ahead, 2’ off. Steered various courses awaiting orders from JACKDAW. 9:30 am: Spoke the JACKDAW and boarded him. He instructed me to take the TOWHEE, ROBIN and MAGNOLIA and patrol throughout the night and day between St. Catherines Pt., Nab L. V. and the Owers. Also to find the KLONDYKE and place him on Owers patrol. 11:30 am: Found KLONDYKE 4’ east of St. Catherines and sent him to Owers L. V. 6:00 pm: Examined a trawler but had to fire rifle shots in order to stop her. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8ec: ( 53-49085-009_0.jpg) 23 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Ground off Owers L.V. Lat 50.6, Long -0.6 Continued on the triangular course between the Owers L. V., Nab L. V. and St. Catherines Pt. 12:00 am: Off the Owers. TOWHEE, ROBIN and MAGNOLIA line abreast astern. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8ed: ( 53-49085-009_1.jpg) 24 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.1 Continued to patrol from the Owers to St. Catherines and from St. Catherines to the Nab L. V. throughout the night. 6:00 am: Set course SSW to take a short sea patrol. 2:00 pm: Set course north back to St. Catherines. TOWHEE, MONGOLIA [MAGNOLIA] and ROBIN in company. 8:00 pm: Spoke the KLONDYKE who told me he had towed a vessel off the Owers shoals. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8ee: ( 53-49085-010_0.jpg) 25 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.55, Long -1.3 Continued to patrol between the Nab L. V., Owers L. V. and St. Catherines through the morning. 4:00 am: Ship overran her distance with slight haze. Made Needles. 7:00 am: Hauled out to the southward. TOWHEE, ROBIN and MAGNOLIA following. 4caf8849cadfd3419701f8ef: ( 53-49085-010_1.jpg) 26 March 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long -1.09 7:00 am: Off Nab. Set course for St. Helens Bay. 8:00 am: Got signal letters from Examination boat. 1:00 pm: Received orders to take vessel to Day and Summers’ Yard at Southampton. 6:15 pm: Off Day and Summers’ slip. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f0: ( 53-49085-011_0.jpg) 27 March 1915 Southampton Lat 50.9, Long -1.4 Lying off the slip at anchor. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f1: ( 53-49085-011_1.jpg) 28 March 1915 Southampton Lat 50.9, Long -1.4 9:50 am: Slip and ship hauled up. 12:00 pm: Finished scrubbing bottom. 1:00 pm: Commenced painting. Continued painting 3 coats until vessel was finished. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f2: ( 53-49085-012_0.jpg) 29 March 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Continued painting until Monday 9am. 1:00 pm: Made fast alongside of coal hulk No. 1. 4:00 pm: Fast alongside of Fountain Lake Jetty. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f3: ( 53-49085-012_1.jpg) 30 March 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Fast alongside of Fountain Lake. Cleaning ship. Half crew on liberty at 4 pm. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f4: ( 53-49085-013_0.jpg) 31 March 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Crew employed at drawing provisions from Barracks, drawing stores from the various sheds and getting ship ready for sea. LOGS FOR APRIL 1915 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f5: ( 53-49085-013_1.jpg) 1 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 7:40 am: Off the Nab L. V. 12:00 pm: Beachy Hd. ROBIN sent to Dungeness. EVEREST to Royal Sovereign L. V. 1:00 pm: TOWHEE from Hope Pt. to Beachy Hd. 3:00 pm: Spoke the ENID and relieved him on patrol. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f6: ( 53-49085-014_0.jpg) 2 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol off Beachy Hd. Lat 50.7, Long 0.4 4:30 am: Spoke the EVEREST off Roy. Sov. who told me that a German Submarine had been chased to a point 10’ SxE of Roy. Sov. and had then dived. She had been chased there by French trawlers from Dieppe. I proceeded and told the EVEREST to follow and have his sweeps ready for putting out. 6:00 am: Out sweeps. Patrolled this area from 10’ S to 15’ S. Also making a square of 5’ until 4:50 pm. 5:30 pm: Got all in and secured everything ready for putting out again if necessary. 6:40 pm: Off Roy. Sov. L. V. a/c NE by E for Dungeness Point. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f7: ( 53-49085-014_1.jpg) 3 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long 0.3 Position based on reference to Beachey Head. 4:30 am: Off the Roy. Sov. 5:30 am: Off Beachy Hd. 9:00 am: Spoke two Dover Patrol boats and the EVEREST. Also sighted the JACKDAW. 6:00 pm: Set co. SSW. Continued on the course until midnight. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f8: ( 53-49085-015_0.jpg) 4 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long 0.3 Position based on reference to Beachey Head. 8:00 am: Heard Roy. Sov. Signal. 11:00 am: Fog lifted. Set course for Beachy Hd. 6:30 pm: Off the Roy. Sov. L. V. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8f9: ( 53-49085-015_1.jpg) 5 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.7, Long 0.3 Position based on reference to Beachey Head. 4:00 am: Off Beachy Hd. Continued to patrol off Beachy and to a point SExW 10’ off the Roy. Sov. L. V. throughout the morning. 8:00 pm: Set Co. SxW. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8fa: ( 53-49085-016_0.jpg) 6 April 1915 Patrol off Beachy Hd. Lat 50.9, Long 1.0 Continued to patrol on east and west courses about 7’ south of Beachy Hd. TOWHEE and EVEREST also on patrol. Passing them occasionally. 12:30 pm: Spoke the ROBIN about 6’ (west by south) of Dungeness. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8fb: ( 53-49085-016_1.jpg) 7 April 1915 [off Beachy Head] Lat 50.7, Long 0.3 Position based on reference to Beachey Head. 6:00 am: Set co. WxS off Dungeness Pt. 12:00 pm: Off Beachy Hd. and continued on patrol in company with the EVEREST. 1:00 pm: Continued on patrol and waiting for the relief ship patrolling between Hope Point and Beachy Head. 6:00 pm: No relief arrived. Decided to patrol off Beachy for the night. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8fc: ( 53-49085-017_0.jpg) 8 April 1915 [Beachy Hd.] Lat 50.7, Long -0.2 Continued to patrol off Beachy Hd. Strong gale and high seas. EVEREST in company. 9:30 am: Spoke the JACKDAW who told me to follow him, that the relief was on its way up the coast. Followed the JACKDAW in company with EVEREST and TOWHEE. 12:00 pm: Set co. WxN1/2W. Strong gale and high head sea. Ship pitching and rolling heavily. 10:30 pm: Off the Owers L. V. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8fd: ( 53-49085-017_1.jpg) 9 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.55, Long -1.3 2:40 am: St. Catherines abeam 9’ off. a/c SEbyS Strong wind and high sea. Continued on this course, rolling heavily, until noon. 3:00 pm: Continued a NW to NWbyW course in company with JACKDAW, EVEREST and TOWHEE. 8:00 pm: St. Catherines Pt. abeam 6’ off. 11:30 pm: Owers L. V. abeam. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8fe: ( 53-49085-018_0.jpg) 10 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.0 Continued to patrol with the entire division, JACKDAW, TOWHEE, EVEREST, ROBIN and MAGNOLIA. 4caf884acadfd3419701f8ff: ( 53-49085-018_1.jpg) 11 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.0 Continued to follow the JACKDAW with the rest of the division. 12:00 pm: Towing the sweeps between St. Catherines 10’ south and the Owers L. V. 4:00 pm: Sweeps and kites on board and secured. 8:00 pm: Received orders from JACKDAW to take TOWHEE and ROBIN with me and find the CLEOPATRA who would take over the sea patrol. I asked if St. Catherines was the best place to find him and he said Yes. 12:00 am: Sighted St. Catherines. 4caf884acadfd3419701f900: ( 53-49085-019_0.jpg) 12 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Patrolled off St. Catherines until 1:30. Set course for Owers L. V. in order to find the CLEOPATRA. ROBIN and TOWHEE in company. 5:00 am: Off the Owers L. V. 2:00 pm: a/c NNW. ROBIN in company. 12:00 am: Strong wind . Wind increasing and heavy rain. Put ship under St. Catherines for shelter. ROBIN in company. 4caf884acadfd3419701f901: ( 53-49085-019_1.jpg) 13 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 1:00 am: Continued laying to off St. Catherines until gale moderated. 8:00 am: Off the Nab. Picked up TOWHEE whom I had lost in fog the previous day. Set course SxW, ROBIN and TOWHEE in company. 5:00 pm: Hoisted entering port signal. 4caf884acadfd3419701f902: ( 53-49085-020_0.jpg) 14 April 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Crew employed at the necessary work and afterward were called on board the leading ship JACKDAW to receive their pay. 1:00 pm: Petty Officer Stephens and 2nd Eng. Coggle, also one fireman Reid, granted long leave until Friday evening. Engineers from FISGUARD effecting repairs. Boiler blown down. Gang from Vernon repairing the sweep. 4caf884acadfd3419701f903: ( 53-49085-020_1.jpg) 15 April 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Mate granted permission to get customs papers signed for tobacco. 11:00 am: Received orders from Flag Captain’s office to stop all work repairs etc. going on board and to get the ship ready to sail as soon as possible. Put orders into execution. Ordered water for boiler. 4:30 pm: Mate not returned. Took mate of trawler EVEREST on board my ship. Reported myself and ROBIN ready for sea. 5:00 pm: Received orders cancelling sailing and orders to sail 4 p.m. next day. 8:00 pm: Mate did not return. Reported him to “Commander Richardson”. At this point, the dates for log entries become confused. The writer is initially unsure of the day and month, and then loses track of the day of the week. The dates on a number of pages have been overwritten. The confusion lasts until 2 May when the crew goes on four days' leave. From 7 May, when the crew returns, the days and dates are recorded correctly. For clarity, the correct date is shown for each day. 4caf884acadfd3419701f904: ( 53-49085-021_0.jpg) 16 April 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Crew sent to draw stores from dockyard with Petty Officer of ROBIN. Brought mate and two men who had been breaking leave before Commander Richardson R.N. 4:00 pm: Left wharf. 6:00 pm: Off Cowes. a/c WxS. 7:30 pm: Anchored in Yarmouth Roads. 4caf884acadfd3419701f905: ( 53-49085-021_1.jpg) 17 April 1915 Yarmouth Roads Lat 50.72, Long -1.5 1:00 am: At anchor in Yarmouth Roads awaiting the arrival of yacht. 11:00 am: Sighted yacht St. George and hove anchor. 12:00 pm: Spoke her and gave her my instructions. 1:00 pm: Set course off Needles S72W. Placed ROBIN on yacht star bow whilst I took position on port bow. 10:45 pm: Parted company with yacht having taken him the distance required by Flag Captain. 4caf884acadfd3419701f906: ( 53-49085-022_0.jpg) 18 April 1915 Start Pt. to Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 12:30 pm: Entering harbour. 2:30 pm: Moored with ROBIN alongside Fountain Lake Jetty. 4caf884acadfd3419701f907: ( 53-49085-022_1.jpg) 19 April 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 5:45 am: Alongside Coal Hulk C. 11. pm: Crew employed drawing 12 days provisions, also crew of ROBIN, and also drawing the ship’s stores and getting her ready for sea. 8:00 pm: Received orders to sail at 5:30 am: 4caf884acadfd3419701f908: ( 53-49085-023_0.jpg) 20 April 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds & at Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 6:45 am: Off the Nab L. V. 9:45am: Sighted the JACKDAW who instructed me to patrol areas 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 B and 1, 2, 3, 4 G taking ROBIN with me. Set course for area B 7. 5:40 pm: Sighted what appeared to be a German Submarine and opened fire. Turned out to be a large whale. 10:40 pm: Finished patrolling Area B. 8. 4caf884acadfd3419701f909: ( 53-49085-023_1.jpg) 21 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.0 1:00 am: Commenced patrol on area B. 10. 4:50 am: Finished area B. 10. Commenced patrol on area B. 11. 9:50 am: Finished area B. 12. ROBIN reported a breakdown. Patrolled round ROBIN in area B. 12. 4:50 pm: Put over target and fired 3 shots with 3 pounder at it. ROBIN also fired 3 shots. 6:30 pm: Set course SExS for area G. 1. 4caf884acadfd3419701f90a: ( 53-49085-024_0.jpg) 22 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.0 4:00 am: Finished patrolling area G. 1. 6:30 am: Set course NNE, slow, out sweepers. 5:45 pm: Sweeps on board. 6:00 pm: Set course NxE on area G. 2. 4caf884acadfd3419701f90b: ( 53-49085-024_1.jpg) 23 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.0 Continued patrol area G. 2 until 4 am on various courses. 4:10 am: Commenced patrol of area G. 3. 1:00 pm: Continued to re-patrol area G. 3. Saw French cruiser accompanied by Torpedo boat but they did not come close to us. 7:00 pm: Saw the Dover patrol of Trawlers line abreast steering to the westward. 4caf884acadfd3419701f90c: ( 53-49085-025_0.jpg) 24 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.0 Continued to patrol area G. 4 after midnight on the same courses as in area G. 3. 7:30 am: ROBIN again reported his fire has dropped. I patrolled around him whilst his repairs were being effected. 1:00 pm: Continued to patrol area G. 4 on Friday afternoon. ROBIN line abreast, distance about ½ mile. Saw very little shipping. 8:00 pm: Spoke Hospital ship ASTURIAS. 4caf884acadfd3419701f90d: ( 53-49085-025_1.jpg) 25 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.0 6:00 am: ROBIN reported a man very sick who could not stand on his feet. I told him to hand man over to JACKDAW and gave him the course to the Owers L. V. 3:00 pm: Took obs. Lat 50° 29’, Long 0° 14’ W. 6:00 pm: Handed over my report of patrol to the examination boat at Newhaven with instructions to him to post as soon as possible. Sighted JACKDAW when bound for Newhaven. 7:00 pm: Spoke ROBIN. He had handed T(?)nner over to JACKDAW and received instructions to again follow me and patrol throughout the night and tomorrow at a distance of 10’ south of Beachy and on that parallel of latitude between Beachy and Owers L. V. 4caf884acadfd3419701f90e: ( 53-49085-026_0.jpg) 26 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long 0.6 12:00 am: Arrived at position 10’ S. of Beachy Hd. a/c WNW. 11:00 pm: Arrived off Beachy Hd. and patrolled along the land between Beachy and Hope Pt. ROBIN in company. 4caf884acadfd3419701f90f: ( 53-49085-026_1.jpg) 27 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long 0.0 Continued on Patrol between Hope Pt. and Beachy Hd. keeping about 3 miles off the land. 7:00 am: Went to the eastward of Beachy to try and get a little fresh bread should I happen to see a shore boat by whom I could obtain same. I patrolled there for 1 ½ hrs. but could not see a boat. 9:00 am: Set course SW. Picked up the ROBIN and patrolled 10’ to the southward. 12:30 pm: When about 10’ west of Beachy Hd. I sighted the EVANDNE and he told me he had come to relieve me. I was apparently too far south yesterday to be relieved by him as he said he was about that position yesterday. 4:30 pm: Sighted JACKDAW [off the Owers L. V.]. I was there with the EVEREST, TOWHEE and ROBIN. I boarded him and received the new orders from the Flag Captain. 6:00 pm: Followed JACKDAW with the other trawlers, he leading and we followed line abreast about ½ mile apart. 4caf884acadfd3419701f910: ( 53-49085-027_0.jpg) 28 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -1.1 3:00 am: Sighted Cape Barfleur Light. 4:00 pm: Sighted St. Catherines Pt. 4caf884acadfd3419701f911: ( 53-49085-027_1.jpg) 29 April 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.5, Long -1.1 Continued on patrol following the JACKDAW line abreast with the other trawlers. 4:00 pm: Sighted Isle of Wight. Continued on patrol. JACKDAW sent TOWHEE toward the Nab L. V. 12:00 am: MAGNOLIA joined patrol somewhere about 20’ S. 4caf884acadfd3419701f912: ( 53-49085-028_0.jpg) 30 April 1915 On Patrol Lat 50.5, Long -1.1 Following the JACKDAW line abreast with the EVEREST, TOWHEE, ROBIN and MAGNOLIA. 1:30 pm: Out sweeps on EVEREST, TOWHEE, MAGNOLIA, ROBIN and myself. 6:00 pm: Sweeps on board. Set course after JACKDAW on port side quarter line. 8:00 pm: a/c south being 7’ SSE of St. Catherines Pt. LOGS FOR MAY 1915 4caf884acadfd3419701f913: ( 53-49085-028_1.jpg) 1 May 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.5, Long -1.3 Continued on patrol following the JACKDAW, line abreast, with ROBIN, MAGNOLIA, EVEREST and TOWHEE. 8:00 am: Set in dense fog. JACKDAW lay and we lay round him. 9:50 am: NAVAHO and tow passed close to me (Anglo American Oil Co. steamer towing her oil barge). pm: Laying to in dense fog. Could not see any of the others but could hear their two blasts. 4caf884acadfd3419701f914: ( 53-49085-029_0.jpg) 2 May 1915 Patrol Grounds or At Portsmouth Lat 50.7, Long -0.7 7:30 am: Slow ahead following JACKDAW. He was sounding to get a line of soundings. 3:00 pm: Passed the Owers L. V. 4:30 pm: Off the Nab. 3rd–6th May 1915 not included 4caf884acadfd3419701f915: ( 53-49085-029_1.jpg) 7 May 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long -0.5 5:15 am: Left wharf. 9:00 am: Owers L. V. Received instructions to proceed to New Shoreham with ROBIN. 11:15 am: Heard explosion to the southward. Set course SSE. Sighted JACKDAW, TOWHEE and EVEREST proceeding south. 3:40 pm: Arrived off New Shoreham. a/c WSW. 4caf884acadfd3419701f916: ( 53-49085-030_0.jpg) 8 May 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds or at Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 3:30 am: Stopped and lay until daylight (per Flag Captain’s instructions) 6:30 am: Out sweeps. Set course ENE. 11:00 am: ROBIN about 2’ on starboard quarter. 2:00 pm: In sweeps. Sweeps badly damaged. 4 charges missing. 6:00 pm: Lay in company with ROBIN. 4caf884acadfd3419701f917: ( 53-49085-030_1.jpg) 9 May 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 4:10 am: Nab L. V. Strong wind and high sea. Ship rolling and pitching heavily. 6:15 am: Owers L. V. Continued patrol toward New Shoreham. 3:00 pm: Sighted JACKDAW, EVEREST and TOWHEE off the Owers L. V. TOWHEE was sent by JACKDAW to follow me. 7:30 pm: Off Shoreham. Lay with TOWHEE and ROBIN. 4caf884acadfd3419701f918: ( 53-49085-031_0.jpg) 10 May 1915 Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -0.3 6:15 am: 8’ south of the Owers L. V. 11:00 am: Off Shoreham. 4:00 pm: Laid out target and commenced firing. ROBIN and TOWHEE instructed to fire 20 rounds with aiming tube and 1 round with practice ammunition. 9:00 pm: Nab, 5’ off. a/c SExE. 4caf884acadfd3419701f919: ( 53-49085-031_1.jpg) 11 May 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds or at Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 On patrol in areas C 3, 6 D 1,2 until 2:30 am: 11:30 am: Spoke JACKDAW. He took away TOWHEE, ROBIN and myself. Resuming coastal patrol toward New Shoreham. 9:00 pm: Resumed patrol. Patrolled area C 6 and D 1. 4caf884acadfd3419701f91a: ( 53-49085-032_0.jpg) 12 May 1915 Portsmouth to Coastal Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Continued on patrol until 4:00 am and then lay 8’ south of Owers L. V. 8:00 am: TOWHEE joined. 4:15 pm: Set out a target and fired 20 rounds. ROBIN and TOWHEE DID SAME. 7:00 pm: Resumed patrol in areas C 6, D 2 and 3. 4caf884acadfd3419701f91b: ( 53-49085-032_1.jpg) 13 May 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Continued patrol between Shoreham and a point 10’ south of the Owers L. V. ROBIN and TOWHEE in company. 7:30 pm: Sighted JACKDAW and EVEREST. 9:40 pm: Sighted CLEOPATRA and they took over patrol. I followed JACKDAW. 1:00 pm: Following the JACKDAW in company with EVEREST, ISLE OF MAN, TOWHEE and ROBIN. I took my position as the stern most ship 11:30 pm: I missed my Division in heavy rain storm and decided not to proceed north any further. a/c SE 12:30 am: When I was below (at the time) a torpedo boat or destroyer bumped us on port bow. I stopped and blew twice. He asked if I required assistance and I told him no. I think no damage was done 4caf884acadfd3419701f91c: ( 53-49085-033_0.jpg) 14 May 1915 Portsmouth to Sea Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 [continues previous entry in log] to him. I sustained no damage. I was about 4’ SS (?) of the Nab L. V. at the time and was carrying side lights. I think in the squall he misjudged his distance and ported too suddenly as his stern or port quarter struck my port bow. I had been on deck until midnight and was then relieved by the mate. 6:30 am: Picked up the division and led them, JACKDAW having gone to port. 5:00 pm: Sighted JACKDAW. Received instructions to follow. Set course SSE following slow ahead. 4caf884acadfd3419701f91d: ( 53-49085-033_1.jpg) 15 May 1915 Sea Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 3:00 pm: Sighted the Isle of Wight. 6:00 pm: Nab L. V. bearing north. 4caf884acadfd3419701f91e: ( 53-49085-034_0.jpg) 16 May 1915 Portsmouth to Sea Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 8:30 am: Received Flag Captain’s Reports and set course for the Nab L. V. NE1/2N. 12:00 pm: At St. Helen’s Examination boat. Handed over my papers to her for sending into Portsmouth. Set course for Nab ESE and SSE after clearing the Nab Rock Buoy. 2:00 pm: a/c SxE. Could not find division. Decided to look for them to the southward of St. Catherines Lighthouse Pt. 9:00 pm: Set course on patrol of Transport Route. Could not find division. 4caf884acadfd3419701f91f: ( 53-49085-034_1.jpg) 17 May 1915 Portsmouth to Sea Patrol Lat 50.4, Long -1.0 12:00 pm: Lat. 50 degrees 26’ N, Long. 1 degree 02’ W. 3:00 pm: Spoke the JACKDAW 3’ south of the nab L. V. 4:50 pm: Received signal letter at Examination Boat and proceeded to harbour. 18th to 26th May 1915 not included [Following are blank pages and back cover.] 4caf884acadfd3419701f920: ( 53-49085-035_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f921: ( 53-49085-035_1.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f922: ( 53-49085-036_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f923: ( 53-49085-036_1.jpg) LOG BOOK – 27th MAY 1915 to 30th JUNE 1915 4caf884acadfd3419701f924: ( 53-49086-001_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f925: ( 53-49086-001_1.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f926: ( 53-49086-002_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f927: ( 53-49086-002_1.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f928: ( 53-49086-003_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f929: ( 53-49086-003_1.jpg) 27 May 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 At south by jetty taking in stores. 3:10 pm: Adjusted compass, Proceeded to rendezvous to do Gun Trials. 4:20 pm: Moored at Pitch House Jetty. 4caf884acadfd3419701f929: ( 53-49086-003_1.jpg) 28 May 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Waiting for compass. 5:25 pm: Left Pitch House Jetty. Proceeded to rendezvous. 9:00 pm: Met JACKDAW. Patrolled till midnight in company with JACKDAW, GOZO and MAGNOLIA. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92a: ( 53-49086-004_0.jpg) 29 May 1915 Portsmouth On Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 In company with GOZO. 7:00 am: Met JACKDAW at Rendezvous 5 miles S. of Ower L. V. 3:00 pm: Commenced to get sweep in. 3:30 pm: Proceeded full speed for Nab L. V. having received message from JACKDAW to meet French Trawler and escort her across channel taking GOZO along with MERLIN. 9:00 pm: Arrived at Nab L. V. Ascertained that French Trawler had not passed that way. Returned to coast patrol. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92a: ( 53-49086-004_0.jpg) 30 May 1915 Portsmouth or on Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 8:00 am: GOZO left and EVEREST and TOWHEE joined patrol with MERLIN. 8:20 pm: Met JACKDAW. Set courses west in company with GOZO. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92b: ( 53-49086-004_1.jpg) 31 May 1915 Portsmouth on Coast Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Patrolling in company with GOZO. 5:00 am: Arrive near Nab L. V. Waiting for Trawler FALMOUTH to transfer skipper of GOZO to be sent ashore. 8:00 am: At Owers. a/c SSE. Joined JACKDAW and others. 3:30 pm: Aiming rifle practice. Sighted oil drum and took it for a mine. Sunk it. Fired 50 rounds aiming rifle tubes, 40 Winchester and 10 rounds 303 ammunition. 9:00 pm: Spoke JACKDAW. Patrolled in company with GOZO and TOWHEE. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92b: ( 53-49086-004_1.jpg) 1 June 1915 Portsmouth On Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 6:00 am: Met JACKDAW off Owers. Set course WSW. TOWHEE, MAGNOLIA, ISLE OF MAN and EVEREST in company. 10:35 am: Sent TOWHEE into port as per orders. 5:20 pm: Spoke JACKDAW. Received orders to look for CLEOPATRA re – orders for LUTON to proceed to port. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92c: ( 53-49086-005_0.jpg) 2 June 1915 Portsmouth or At Sea Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 7:35 am: Spoke CLEOPATRA. Delivered message and set course WxS. Looking for Cleopatra. 4:00 pm: Off Anvil Point. Looking for JACKDAW near Anvil Point. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92c: ( 53-49086-005_0.jpg) 3 June 1915 Portsmouth or At Sea Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 5:40 am: a/c to ExS. Anvil Pt. @ 12 miles. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92d: ( 53-49086-005_1.jpg) 4 June 1915 Portsmouth At Sea Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 6:30 am: Met JACKDAW a/c WxN1/2N in company with JACKDAW, EVEREST, MAGNOLIA and ROBIN. 3:00 pm: Parted company with all other trawlers. 10:15 pm: Set course SWxW1/2W in company with FALMOUTH and ROBIN. 11:30 pm: Missed other ships in the fog. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92d: ( 53-49086-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1915 Portsmouth On Patrol Lat 50.6, Long -1.1 Thick fog. 12:00 pm: St. Catherines Pt. @ 3 miles. 1:05 pm: Spoke Steamer ENIDWEN. 4:00 pm: Rejoined JACKDAW. Set course S1/2E. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92e: ( 53-49086-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1915 Portsmouth or Patrol Lat 50.65, Long -1.14 In company with JACKDAW and other ships of patrol. 7:05 pm: Left Sandown Bay. ELITE and ISLE OF MAN following from Nab L. V. Set course S1/2E. ELITE, ISLE OF MAN and ROBIN following. Proceeded along transport route. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92e: ( 53-49086-006_0.jpg) 7 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 7:25 am: Nab L. V. @ close. 9:05 am: Brought up in St. Helens Bay. 11:45 am: Got underway and proceeded into Portsmouth Harbour. 5:30 pm: Cast off and proceeded to sea. 8:15 pm: Met yacht at rendezvous. Following yacht on inner coast patrol. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92f: ( 53-49086-006_1.jpg) 8 June 1915 Portsmouth and At Sea Lat 50.75, Long -0.5 Following yacht on inner Coast Patrol. 9:00 am: St. Catherines Pt. 8:00 pm: Arrived off Owers. Patrolling between New Shoreham and Owers L. V. 4caf884acadfd3419701f92f: ( 53-49086-006_1.jpg) 9 June 1915 On patrol Lat 50.7, Long -1.3 Patrolling in company with Steam Yacht, Owers to New Shoreham. 7:15 am: Yacht proceeded into port. Patrolling between Owers L. V. and Fresh Water Gate. 12:00 pm: St. Catherines. 4caf884acadfd3419701f930: ( 53-49086-007_0.jpg) 10 June 1915 Portsmouth Log is blank with a line drawn across the entire page. 4caf884acadfd3419701f931: ( 53-49086-007_1.jpg) Blank page. 11-17 June 1915 not included 4caf884acadfd3419701f932: ( 53-49086-008_0.jpg) 18 June 1915 Portsmouth Patrol Grounds or Inner Coastal Lat 50.8, Long -0.3 5:15 am: Left wharf. Took up Inner Coastal Patrol. Set course for Shoreham NExE. 12:00 pm: Off New Shoreham. 3:30 pm: Nab L. V. Continued on patrol between Shoreham and Owers L. V. until midnight steering various westerly courses. 4caf884acadfd3419701f933: ( 53-49086-008_1.jpg) 19 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 50.7, Long -0.6 3:55 am: Nab L. V. 7:30 am: Owers L. V. Continued to patrol off the Owers and to Shoreham on various courses. 4caf884acadfd3419701f934: ( 53-49086-009_0.jpg) 20 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol from Portsmouth Lat 50.7, Long -0.6 4:30 am: Nab L. V. a/c SE by E. 7:00 am: Owers L. V. Continued to patrol on various easterly courses toward Shoreham until 11 am. 9:30 pm Off Owers L. V. a/c ENE toward New Shoreham. 4caf884acadfd3419701f935: ( 53-49086-009_1.jpg) 21 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Patrol Grounds off Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 1:10 am: a/c WSW off Shoreham. 10:00 am: Owers L. V. Set course ESE. Continued steering this course until noon. Out sweep. Sweep through 15 D and I on a SxW1/2W course. 12:00 pm: In area 14 Y. 2:00 pm: Swept 15 M and Q. 7:00 pm: Set course west [from Owers L. V.]. Sighted the Yacht AMALTHEA. Got instructions to steer to the Owers L. V. and then go well inshore and look out for shore signalling. 4caf884acadfd3419701f936: ( 53-49086-010_0.jpg) 22 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 1:00 am: Off Bognor. 4:10 am: Owers L. V. Rejoined Yacht AMALTHEA and took up position on his starboard quarter about 3’ astern. 2:00 pm: Went round the Isle of Wight to Freshwater Bay about 4’ off. 7:30 pm: Owers L. V. Set course NExE. Parted company with Yacht. Going well inshore and keeping a sharp lookout on coast from Bognor to New Shoreham. 4caf884acadfd3419701f937: ( 53-49086-010_1.jpg) 23 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 4:00 am: Off the Owers L. V. Rejoined the Yacht AMALTHEA and followed him keeping on his starboard quarter about 3’ off. 2:00 pm: St. Catherines Pt. a/c NW. 7:30 pm: Owers L. V. Received instructions from Yacht. Set course for Shoreham. 11:30 pm: Off Shoreham. 4caf884acadfd3419701f938: ( 53-49086-011_0.jpg) 24 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Steering along the coast thought I noticed suspicious signalling but not positive. Saw nothing from seaward. Reported occurrence to Yacht. 4:30 am: Joined Yacht. Set course WxN. 8:00 am: Off St. Catherines Pt. Continued to follow the yacht between St. Catherines and Owers L. V. 8:00 pm: Parted company with yacht. I proceeded ENE to New Shoreham and lay to watch the coast. 1:00 am: Spoke the patrol sailing vessel J. MAY. 4caf884acadfd3419701f939: ( 53-49086-011_1.jpg) 25 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 4:10 am: Joined Yacht AMALTHEA off the Owers L. V. Following Yacht down to St. Catherines. 11:00 am: Parted company with Yacht. Resumed patrol. 1:30 pm: Spoke CLEOPATRA. He told me to proceed to St. Helens and assist AMALTHEA in escort duties. 2:30 pm: Off St. Helens and lay there waiting for a MONATOR. 5:30 pm: Sighted MONATOR. Set course SW. Took up position on port quarter in company with GOZO and TEUTON, also Yacht. Distributed thus: starboard bow-GOZO, starboard quarter-MERLIN, port bow-TEUTON, port quarter-AMALTHEA. 4caf884acadfd3419701f93a: ( 53-49086-012_0.jpg) 26 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 50.4, Long -2.5 1:30 am: Passed Portland Bill. 7:00 am: Left MONITOR. Relieved by Devonport Trawler 10’ ExS of Start Pt. a/c ExS following Yacht. 6:00 pm: St. Catherine Pt. Laying for orders. 7:00 pm: Received orders to escort Oil Tank to Beachy Hd. 11:00 pm: Picked up Tank. AMALTHEA on starboard beam to seaward. MERLIN on port beam. 4caf884acadfd3419701f93b: ( 53-49086-012_1.jpg) 27 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 51.0, Long 1.1 Escorting Gov. Oil Tank. 2:30 am: Passed the Owers L. V. 8:00 am: Roy. Sove. L. V. 11:40 am: Left Oil Tank off Folkestone, she being taken over by a Dover escort. pm: Yacht signalled :Proceed to execute previous orders”. Set course SWxW. 5:40 pm: Beachy Hd. 11:30 pm: Owers L. V. 4caf884acadfd3419701f93c: ( 53-49086-013_0.jpg) 28 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 50.6, Long -0.6 3:40 am: St. Catherine abeam. 1:00 pm: Patrolling on the triangular course as per instructions from the Yacht AMALTHEA. St. Catherines, Nab L. V., Owers L. V. 4caf884acadfd3419701f93d: ( 53-49086-013_1.jpg) 29 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Continued on patrol toward Shoreham. 9:00 am: Arrived in Sandown Bay. Sent boat ashore for provisions and sent letter to Commander Richardson R.N. re same. 10:30 am: Set course for Nab L. V. and resumed patrol. 1:00 pm: Continued to patrol area 18 Z. U. throughout the day. 4caf884acadfd3419701f93e: ( 53-49086-014_0.jpg) 30 June 1915 Portsmouth to Inner Coastal Patrol Lat 50.6, Long -1.1 Continued on patrol toward Shoreham and keeping a sharp lookout on the coastline. 5:00 am: Off Owers. a/c WxN. Patrolling toward St. Catherine’s Pt. Continued to patrol between Owers L. V. , St. Catherines and Nab L.V. 4caf884acadfd3419701f93f: ( 53-49086-014_1.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f940: ( 53-49086-015_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f941: ( 53-49086-015_1.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f942: ( 53-49086-016_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f943: ( 53-49086-016_1.jpg) LOG BOOK – 6th JULY 1915 to 14th August 1915 4caf884acadfd3419701f944: ( 53-49087-001_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f945: ( 53-49087-001_1.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f946: ( 53-49087-002_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f947: ( 53-49087-002_1.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f948: ( 53-49087-003_0.jpg) 4caf884acadfd3419701f949: ( 53-49087-003_1.jpg) 6 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 4:50 am: Left wharf at Fountain Lake Jetty. TOWHEE, TEUTON and MAGNOLIA following. 10:40 am: Sighted the JACKDAW. Received instructions to follow him. 5:00 pm: Arrived at rendezvous in Sandown Bay. 7:00 pm: Nab L. V. Leading transport route patrol. 4caf884acadfd3419701f94a: ( 53-49087-004_0.jpg) 7 July 1915 [On patrol.] Lat 50.7, Long -1.09 3:00 am: Following on port quarter of PRIORY as stern-most ship. 8:00 am: Blowing a strong gale with a big sea. Shipping heavy water. 7:00 pm: Arrived in Sandown Bay. Received instructions to anchor. 8:00 pm: Arrived in St. Helens and anchored 30 fathom cable, 8 fathom water. Remained at anchor in company with Division and JACKDAW. 4caf884acadfd3419701f94b: ( 53-49087-004_1.jpg) 8 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.7, Long -0.6 4:30 am: Hove anchor following the JACKDAW. 8:00 am: Continued on patrol following the JACKDAW. Patrolling area D 1 and C 6, S and E of Owers L. V. 5:00 pm: Left [Sandown Bay], following Division as stern-most ship , JACKDAW leading along the transport route. 4caf884acadfd3419701f94c: ( 53-49087-005_0.jpg) 9 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 8:20 am: Owers L. V. a/c ExS. Continued to patrol areas between Owers L. V. and Shoreham Line. Following the JACKDAW. 6:00 pm: Arrived back at the Owers L. V. 7:00 pm: JACKDAW left. WARTER PRIORY took over Division. 4caf884acadfd3419701f94d: ( 53-49087-005_1.jpg) 10 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Following Division as stern-most ship along the transport route. 4:30 pm: Owers L. V. abeam. 7:00 pm: Off the Nab L. V. 4caf884acadfd3419701f94e: ( 53-49087-006_0.jpg) 11 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Following the WARTER PRIORY with the rest of the Division. 5:00 pm: Arrived at rendezvous in Sandown Bay. 6:30 pm: Left Sandown Bay. Set course SE, line abreast to starboard. My position 2nd ship, WARTER PRIORY No. 1. 10:30 pm: WARTER PRIORY LEFT and I took charge of Division. 4caf884acadfd3419701f94f: ( 53-49087-006_1.jpg) 12 July 1915 On Patrol Lat 50.7, Long -1.09 6:00 am: Joined the JACKDAW as per instruction. a/c ESE. Took up position as last ship of the line. 11:30 am: Received orders to proceed to St. Helens to Examination boat for escort duty. 2:30 pm: Left St. Helens with oil tank HYSCANIA being assisted by Trawler LUCKNOW. 10:15 pm: Left Oil Tank at a position 2’ south of Shambles L. V. Set course for St. Catherines. 4caf884acadfd3419701f950: ( 53-49087-007_0.jpg) 13 July 1915 [Portsmouth] Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 5:15 am: Examination steamer. 7:00 am: Arrived at Coal Hulk. No logs for 14–17 July 4caf884bcadfd3419701f951: ( 53-49087-007_1.jpg) 18 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 5:00 am: Left Fountain Lake Jetty. 9:00 am: Spoke CLEOPATRA. 10:10 am: Spoke the JACKDAW. 11:00 am: Followed the JACKDAW to the Nab. 5:00 pm: Arrived at Position 50°24’S, 1°0’W. Set course ExS taking ROBIN and MAGNOLIA with me. 6:00 pm: Patrolling areas 15 L. K. and 19 O. J. on various courses. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f952: ( 53-49087-008_0.jpg) 19 July 1915 [On Patrol] Lat 50.8, Long -0.3 6:00 am: I then went to the Eastward line abreast to a position south of Shoreham turning west about noon. 6:00 pm: Arrived at Position T. Set course WxN1/2N , patrolling Area 15 L. K., line abreast. Patrolled these areas until midnight. Sighted 4 transports about 11 pm. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f953: ( 53-49087-008_1.jpg) 20 July 1915 [On Patrol] Lat 50.6, Long -1.0 Patrolled Area 19 J. O. on courses as given until noon. Position 50° 24’, 0° 57’W. 1:00 pm: Spoke CLEOPATRA. 3:00 pm: Set for my Pos. as (?)C. Arrived 6 pm and commenced patrolling area 15 L. K. Continued patrolling these areas in company with MAGNOLIA and ROBIN until midnight. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f954: ( 53-49087-009_0.jpg) 21 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Continued on patrol at these areas 19 I. O. until 8 am and then set course NxE. Patrolling line ahead on Wly and Sly and line abreast on Ely and Wly courses. 1:00 pm: Spoke ERIN and CLEOPATRA 5’ south of Nab L. V. 1:30 pm: Set course on Transport Route in company with the MAGNOLIA and ROBIN. 6:00 pm: Arrived at 15 L. Steered various courses as given. Patrolling areas 15 L. K. and 19 J. O. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f955: ( 53-49087-009_1.jpg) 22 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long -1.09 10:00 am: Decided to run for shelter [Wind freshening to mod. Gale with high sea]. Full speed, set course for Sandown Bay. 2:00 pm: Arrived in Sandown Bay. Sighted ERIN at anchor. Did not like anchorage and set course for St. Helens. 4:30 pm: Dropped anchor at St. Helens in company with ROBIN and MAGNOLIA. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f956: ( 53-49087-010_0.jpg) 23 July 1915 St. Helens Bay Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 5:00 am: Hove anchor. Set course SSW followed by MAGNOLIA and ROBIN. Patrolled SSW (big sea and strong wind) until 11 am. 1:00 pm: Arrived back at the Nab L. V. Continued south until 6 pm. a/c SW and WE having to keep head or stern to sea. 12:00 pm: Sea moderating. Resumed the usual patrol on various courses of area 15 K. L., 19 O. J. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f957: ( 53-49087-010_1.jpg) 24 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Continued to patrol 15 K. L. and 19 J. O. on various courses. 12:00 pm: Took over A Patrol from ERIN. Relieved on C by EVADNE. Spoke CLEOPATRA. Picked up MAGNOLIA who had to effect temporary repairs on previous afternoon. 1:00 pm: Set course SxE. ROBIN and MAGNOLIA following line ahead. 9:00 pm: Set course WNW on patrol line abreast in areas 16 i. h. g. c. b. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f958: ( 53-49087-011_0.jpg) 25 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds or At Portsmouth Lat 50.7, Long -1.09 Continued to patrol areas 16 B. C. H. and I. 7:00 am: Position Lat 50° 15’N, Long 0° 48’W. 12:00 pm: Off the Nab. Spoke CLEOPATRA. 1:00 pm: Arrived St. Helens Exam. Boat and handed in weekly report. Spoke CLEOPATRA. 9:00 pm: Arrived on patrol grounds A. Continued to patrol on Area 16 I. H. G. C. B. throughout the night. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f959: ( 53-49087-011_1.jpg) 26 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Continued to patrol on the various courses over A Patrol Grounds. 12:00 pm: Arrived at Nab. Set course S1/2W. 4:00 pm: Put over a target and carried out firing practice, also ROBIN and MAGNOLIA. 9:00 pm: Arrived at patrol grounds. Commenced patrol on area 16 I. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f95a: ( 53-49087-012_0.jpg) 27 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds or at "A." Lat 50.3, Long -0.9 Position is at 8am. 8:00 am: Position 50° 15’N, Long 55’W. Put over sweep and towed it at speed of 3 knots. ROBIN and MAGNOLIA also sweeping. 3:30 pm: Cape Barfleur Bng. SSE. Dist. Off approx. 18’. 4:30 pm: In Sweep. Set course ExS for Position 16 I. 9:00 pm: Arrived 16 I. Set course WNW. MAGNOLIA and ROBIN line abreast. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f95b: ( 53-49087-012_1.jpg) 28 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.3, Long -0.7 Position is at approximately 5am. Strong wind and high sea. Ship rolling and pitching heavily. Continued to patrol on various courses until 8 pm. Took obs. Lat 50° 17’. Long 0° 44W. 1:00 pm: Off Dunnose Hd. Sighted CLEOPATRA and EVADNE. 4:00 pm: St. Catherines. Brg. NE 9’ off. a/c SSE. Sighted JACKDAW. 10:00 pm: Arrived 16 I. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f95c: ( 53-49087-013_0.jpg) 29 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.0, Long -0.5 Position is at 8pm. Continued to patrol on areas 16 E. B. I. H. G. throughout the night. 12:00 pm: Arrived 6’ south of Nab. Spoke the JACKDAW. 1:00 pm: Set course S1/2W. MAGNOLIA and ROBIN following. 8:00 pm: Arrived at Position 50° N. Lat., Long 0 27’W. Set course WxN, ROBIN leading. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f95d: ( 53-49087-013_1.jpg) 30 July 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.2, Long -0.7 Position is at 7.45am. 7:45 am: Lat. 50° 10’N, Long 0° 39’W. Set course NxW for Nab L. V. 1:10 pm: Sighted JACKDAW [near Owers] and spoke him. 6:00 pm: St. Helens Examination Boat. No log for 31 July LOGS FOR AUGUST 1915 4caf884bcadfd3419701f95e: ( 53-49087-014_0.jpg) 1 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 9:00 am: Crew and ships ready for inspection. 4:30 pm: Left wharf. 8:15 pm: Owers L. V. Spoke Yacht AMALTHEA. TOWHEE and EVEREST following. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f95f: ( 53-49087-014_1.jpg) 2 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 12:00 am: a/c south along the eastern edge of Area 15, Patrolled 16’ on course. 4:00 am: Spoke AMALTHEA. Followed AMALTHEA. 9:40 am: Received orders from Yacht to proceed into harbour. 12:00 pm: Nab L. V. Spoke CLEOPATRA. 1:30 pm: Arrived at Examination Vessel. No log for 3 August 4caf884bcadfd3419701f960: ( 53-49087-015_0.jpg) 4 August 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 [The edge of this page is not visible.] Crew employed at drawing provisions from barracks and stores from the dockyard. 2:30 pm: Commander Richardson read Articles of War to crews of the Trawlers EVEREST, TOWHEE, ROBIN, MERLIN and MAGNOLIA on board the MERLIN. Note: See signature on this on log page of Sunday, August 1, 1915. 4:00 pm: All ships report ready for sea. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f961: ( 53-49087-015_1.jpg) [Copy of a Naval Signal] 4caf884bcadfd3419701f962: ( 53-49087-016_0.jpg) [The back of the Naval Signal.] 4caf884bcadfd3419701f963: ( 53-49087-016_1.jpg) 5 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 5:05 am: Left wharf. TOWHEE, EVEREST, ROBIN and MAGNOLIA following. 11:00 am: Sighted CLEOPATRA. 3:00 pm: Spoke WARTER PRIORY, MAGNOLIA and EVEREST. Joined CLEOPATRA. Set course S1/2W for C patrol on Transport Route. 6:30 pm: On eastern line. Set courses for night – TOWHEE leading line at head and starboard side when line abreast. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f964: ( 53-49087-017_0.jpg) 6 August 1915 Patrol grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 9:00 am: Sighted the Isle of Wight. St. Catherines Pt. bearing NNW .a/c ExS. Continued to patrol to eastward until noon. Continued to patrol on various courses as log states. TOWHEE leading, ROBIN following when on east and west courses and TOWHEE on starboard side of MERLIN when line abreast. 2:30 pm: Nab L. V. Sighted CLEOPATRA. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f965: ( 53-49087-017_1.jpg) 7 August 1915 Patrol grounds Lat 50.5, Long -1.0 Position is at 8.30pm. Continued to patrol on Area C., transport route, on the various courses as mentioned in “Course Column”. TOWHEE and ROBIN in company. pm: Carried out signalling practice with the signalmen on board ship during patrol. 8:30 pm: Took obs. Lat by Pole Star 50° 17’N, Long by Arcturus (?) 0° 58’W. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f966: ( 53-49087-018_0.jpg) 8 August 1915 Patrol grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Continuing patrol in company with TOWHEE and ROBIN. 11:30 am: At Nab. Sent TOWHEE into St. Helens to Examination Vessel with Flag Captains Report. 1:00 pm: Laying in company with ROBIN awaiting return of TOWHEE. 3:00 pm: TOWHEE returned. Set course south. 4:30 pm: Sighted CLEOPATRA III escorting steam DAURIAN. Received signal and instructions from LILA BOGGS to escort DURIAN as far as Portland Bill and if not relieved to return when arriving off Portland. TOWHEE and ROBIN could not seam sufficiently fast. They followed and I escorted. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f967: ( 53-49087-018_1.jpg) 9 August 1915 Patrol grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 3:00 am: About 10’ W of Portland. Left Steamer. Set course east. Returned to Nab L. V. where I expected to pick up my Sub. Division. 12:00 pm: Sighted ROBIN and TOWHEE. 1:00 pm: Set course for Transport Route Area C. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f968: ( 53-49087-019_0.jpg) 10 August 1915 Patrol grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Continued to patrol in company with ROBIN and TOWHEE. 12:00 pm: Sighted Nab bearing North 7’. 1:00 pm: Went on board the ROBIN and put them through the International Code of Signals instructing the signalman. 2:00 pm: Exercised signals with MERLIN and TOWHEE from ROBIN. 7:30 pm: Lost ROBIN in fog. 9:10 pm: Lost TOWHEE in fog. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f969: ( 53-49087-019_1.jpg) 11 August 1915 Place: Portsmouth to Coastal Patrol A Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 4:30 am: Picked up ROBIN. 11:00 am: Passed Owers L. V. 1:00 pm: Arrived at rendezvous. Spoke ERIN. Sent 2nd Eng. Coggle to harbour in ERIN. Took over A patrol. Also spoke EVADNE. Could not find TOWHEE. Got news he was 10’ to the southward. Set course S1/2W. 8:00 pm: Arrived in area 16 g. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f96a: ( 53-49087-020_0.jpg) 12 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Area A Lat 50.7, Long -0.8 1:00 am: Patrolling area 16 I. in company with ROBIN. 12:00 pm: Owers L. V. 2:30 pm: Sighted TOWHEE. Set course toward him . Boarded him. Set course SxE. Exercised signals with my division. 9:00 pm: Arrived in 16 o. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f96b: ( 53-49087-020_1.jpg) 13 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds A. Lat 50.1, Long -0.7 Position is at the mid-point of the sweep carried out during the morning. Continued to patrol in Area 16 i, h, g, c, b. 6:30 am: Towed sweep from Lat 50° 12’, Long 0° 25’ to Lat 50° 0’, Long 0° 57’, approaches to Havre. 2:35 pm: Sweeps on board. 4:40 pm: Lay and put over target. ROBIN and TOWHEE with MERLIN steamed 1500 yds. to northward of target and fired 2 rounds of practice, 20 aiming tube and 20 with rifle. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f96c: ( 53-49087-021_0.jpg) 14 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds (A.) Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Patrolling Area 16 i, h, g, b, e on the courses as mentioned in course column. 8:00 am: Took obs. Duble alt. Lat 50° 16’, Long 0° 19 W. Set course NNW. ROBIN and TOWHEE following line ahead. 3:10 pm: 3’ south of Owers. Sighted CLEOPATRA and EVADNE. a/c S1/2W for Patrol A. 9:00 pm: Arrived in 16 i. LOG BOOK – 15th August 1915 to 21st September 1915 4caf884bcadfd3419701f96d: ( 53-49087-021_1.jpg) 4caf884bcadfd3419701f96e: ( 53-49087-022_0.jpg) 4caf884bcadfd3419701f96f: ( 53-49087-022_1.jpg) 4caf884bcadfd3419701f970: ( 53-49088-001_0.jpg) [Half of cover showing date 15 August 1915.] 4caf884bcadfd3419701f971: ( 53-49088-001_1.jpg) [Other half of cover showing date To 21 September 1915.] 4caf884bcadfd3419701f972: ( 53-49088-002_0.jpg) 4caf884bcadfd3419701f973: ( 53-49088-002_1.jpg) 4caf884bcadfd3419701f974: ( 53-49088-003_0.jpg) 4caf884bcadfd3419701f975: ( 53-49088-003_1.jpg) 15 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol A. Lat 50.65, Long -1.14 Continued to patrol Area 16 i, h, g, b, c. 6:00 am: Set course for Sandown Bay. 11:30 am: Arrived in Bay. Sent Trawler ROBIN to the Examination Steamer at St. Helens with the weekly report, for the flag Captain. 1:00 pm: ROBIN returned. Spoke CLEOPATRA and WARTER PRIORY, also EVADNE. Set course S1/2W. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f976: ( 53-49088-004_0.jpg) 16 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol (A) Lat 50.7, Long -0.8. Continued to patrol in Area 16 i, h, g, b, c, throughout the early morning on the various courses stated in the course column. 12:00 pm: Owers L. V. 1:00 pm: Sighted EVADNE. During the afternoon exercised signals with the ROBIN and TOWHEE. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f977: ( 53-49088-004_1.jpg) 17 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds A. Lat 50.7, Long -0.8 Continued to patrol Area 16 i, h, g, b, c throughout the night. 12:00 pm: Off Owers L. V. Spoke Trawlers ERIN and CLEOPATRA. 4:40 pm: [Patrolling on various courses] Was joined by EVEREST and MAGNOLIA. Set course for Nab L. V. 6:00 pm: Arrived at St. Helens. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f978: ( 53-49088-005_0.jpg) 18 August 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 5:00 am: Finished coaling. 8:00 am: Crew employed at washing decks. Got anchor chain cable on deck and chipped it. 4:00 pm: Liberty men fell in for shore leave. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f979: ( 53-49088-005_1.jpg) 19 August 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Crew employed at chipping chain locker and chain cable. 4:00 pm: Liberty men fell in. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f97a: ( 53-49088-006_0.jpg) 20 August 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 10:00 am: Finished chipping the locker and cable and put the chain cable below after knocking out shackle pins and putting in new wood plugs. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f97b: ( 53-49088-006_1.jpg) 21 August 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Cleaning ship throughout. All stores from dockyard drawn. 4:00 pm: Liberty men granted leave. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f97c: ( 53-49088-007_0.jpg) 22 August 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 8:00 pm: All provisions drawn from the Barracks. 9:30 pm: Inspection of crews and ships by Com. Richardson R. N. No leave today. All Crews on board. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f97d: ( 53-49088-007_1.jpg) 23 August 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 5:00 am: Left wharf. 6:30 am: Nab L. V. Set course SxE. Spoke EVADNE. Resumed and took over C. area from the ERIN. 4:30 pm: TOWHEE reported his engines broken down Area 15 K. I sent my 1st Engineman on board and also the 1st Engineman of ROBIN to assist with the repairs. ROBIN and myself patrolling around him. 11:00 pm: Finished repairs. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f97e: ( 53-49088-008_0.jpg) 24 August 1915 [On Patrol] Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 12:00 am: Resumed patrol. Steered the courses as given in the course column throughout the night and morning. ROBIN and TOWHEE following. 11:40 am: Set course for rendezvous 5’ south of Nab L. V. 2:00 pm: Arrived at rendezvous. Spoke ERIN and sighted WARTER PRIORY. 6:00 pm: Patrolled throughout the night on the courses as given in the course column. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f97f: ( 53-49088-008_1.jpg) 25 August 1915 Portsmouth Patrol Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 11:00 am: Set course for rendezvous. 6:30 pm: Arrived at 15 l. Set course WxN1/2N in company with ROBIN and TOWHEE. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f980: ( 53-49088-009_0.jpg) 26 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds No position in log or useful sightings. Patrolled throughout the night in company with ROBIN and TOWHEE. 7:00 pm: Arrived in Area [15 L]. a/c ExS and patrolled the area 15 l, w 19 o. j. throughout the night. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f981: ( 53-49088-009_1.jpg) 27 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds No position in log or useful sightings. 7:45 am: TOWHEE’S engines broke down and she was compelled to stop. I sent my 1st engineer on board, also the 1st Eng. of the ROBIN and we patrolled around him whilst the repairs were being done. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f982: ( 53-49088-010_0.jpg) 28 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds No position in log or useful sightings. Continued to patrol throughout the night in company with the TOWHEE and ROBIN on the courses as given in course column. 8:00 pm [should be am]: a/c SSE. Out sweeps. 3:00 pm: Sweep on board. Set course for 15 K. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f983: ( 53-49088-010_1.jpg) 29 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 7:00 am: Set course for rendezvous to relieve and take over the A Patrol and also to send in Flag Captain’s report. 11:00 am: Off Sandown Bay. 12:00 pm: Spoke the WARTER PRIORY. 1:00 pm: Spoke ERIN and gave him Flag Captain’s report to take to harbour. Took over A Patrol. 9:00 pm: Arrived Area 16 C and set course WxN1/2N. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f984: ( 53-49088-011_0.jpg) 30 August 1915 [Patrol Grounds] Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Patrolling on the various courses as in the course column on Area 16 c, b, g, h, i, ROBIN leading line ahead and on starboard side when line abreast. 6:30 am: Set course for rendezvous off the Nab. 12:00 pm: Spoke EVADNE 7’ south of Nab. pm: Steering west to a point 8’ south of St. Catherines. a/c SSE for Area 16 b. 9:00 pm: Arrived at position. a/c WxN1/2N TOWHEE leading. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f985: ( 53-49088-011_1.jpg) 31 August 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.4, Long -1.2 Patrolling on various courses. 2:00 pm: Cape Barfleur brg. SxW. 9:00 pm: Arrived area 16 b and a/c WxN1/2N. Patrolled throughout night with the ROBIN leading. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1915 4caf884bcadfd3419701f986: ( 53-49088-012_0.jpg) 1 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.4, Long -1.2 Blowing a strong wind with high sea and heavy rain squalls. Patrolling area 16 b, c, g, h, i, on various courses in company with ROBIN and TOWHEE. 2:00 pm: Barfleur Brg. SSW. 9:00 pm: Arrived in area 16 b. Set course WNW. 10:00 pm: ROBIN reported himself broken down (engines). Patrolled around him in company with TOWHEE. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f987: ( 53-49088-012_1.jpg) 2 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.5, Long -1.3 2:00 am: Heavy rain squalls. Patrolling with ROBIN and TOWHEE on the courses as mentioned in the course column. 7:00 am: Set course for rendezvous. 2:00 pm: Culver Cliff Bg. NWxN 8’. 9:00 pm: Arrived in area 15 b. 12:00 am: TOWHEE leading. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f988: ( 53-49088-013_0.jpg) 3 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Strong wind and high sea with fierce lightning. Continued to patrol on the various courses. 7:30 am: Set course for the Nab L. V. 2:00 pm: Nab L. V. a/c SxE1/2E for 16 i. 9:15 pm: 16 i. a/c WxN1/2N. Ship rolling heavily. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f989: ( 53-49088-013_1.jpg) 4 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Patrolling on north and south courses. 2:00 pm: Owers L. V. 4:30 pm: Spoke MAGNOLIA and EVEREST off the Nab L. V. 4:40 pm: Set course for St. Helens. 6:30 pm: Entered harbour. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98a: ( 53-49088-014_0.jpg) 5 September 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 7:00 am: Arrived alongside Fountain Lake Jetty. Crew employed cleaning mess and upper decks until 10 am. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98a: ( 53-49088-014_0.jpg) 6 September 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Crew employed at chipping and painting the outer shell plating until 4 pm. 7:00 pm: Liberty men for shore. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98a: ( 53-49088-014_0.jpg) 7 September 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Crew employed at chipping and painting throughout the day. 4:00 pm: Liberty men for shore. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98a: ( 53-49088-014_0.jpg) 8 September 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Most of crew employed at chipping and painting. Some employed at drawing dockyard stores, etc. 4:00 pm: Liberty men for shore. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98a: ( 53-49088-014_0.jpg) 9 September 1915 Portsmouth Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Crew employed in morning at drawing provisions and getting ready for sea, also signalling instruction carried out by Com. Richardson R.N. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98b: ( 53-49088-014_1.jpg) 10 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Left wharf in company with CLEOPATRA, EVEREST, MAGNOLIA, ROBIN, TOWHEE and ICERNIA. 8:00 am: Nab L. V. TOWHEE and ROBIN following. 10:40 am: a/c NWxN for rendezvous off the Nab L. V. Took over A Patrol Areas 15 F., K., L., 19 O., J. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98c: ( 53-49088-015_0.jpg) 11 September 1915 Portsmouth to "A" Patrol Grounds Lat 50.8, Long -1.1 Patrolling in company with the ROBIN and TOWHEE. 7:00 am: Set course to Patrol Area 19. 3:00 pm: a/c ExS1/2S for 15 L. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98d: ( 53-49088-015_1.jpg) 12 September 1915 [On Patrol] No position in log or useful sightings. 8:00 am: Set course for Nab L. V. 12:00 pm: Nab L. V. 1:00 pm: Sent TOWHEE to St. Helens with Flag Captain’s report (weekly). 3:00 pm: TOWHEE returned. Set course SxE1/2E for Area 15 l. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98e: ( 53-49088-016_0.jpg) 13 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.4, Long -0.7 Position is at 1.30am. 1:30 am: Steering SxW1/2W Area 15 L. 50° 24’ N, 0° 40’ W. TOWHEE collided with an unknown T. B. or Destroyer. The TOWHEE was following ROBIN leading on this course. According to Mates report (of TOWHEE) he was burning his side lights but had them screened. He exhibited the Red side light on sighting the destroyer. The destroyer was coming straight for his Mizzen rigging heading WxN and steaming very fast. There were also two other destroyers steaming line abreast with him on either side. The TOWHEE starboarded her helm when she saw collision could not be avoided. The destroyer ported but it was too late to clear. She struck the TOWHEE on her counter (star side) with her bow and did some damage to her counter but it was all above water. Report submitted to Flag Captain as told me by Mate of TOWHEE. (J. L. R.) Continued on patrol in company with trawlers TOWHEE and ROBIN. 2:30 pm: Off Dunnose Hd. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f98f: ( 53-49088-016_1.jpg) 14 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long -0.8 Continued on patrol in company with TOWHEE and ROBIN steering various courses. 12:30 pm: Owers L. V. 2:00 pm: South of Nab L. V. 6’. Set course SxE1/2E. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f990: ( 53-49088-017_0.jpg) 15 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds A Lat 50.7, Long -0.8 Patrolling Area 15 L, K, F, 19 O, J., throughout the night in company with trawlers TOWHEE and ROBIN on various courses as in course column. 12:30 pm: Arrived at Owers L. V. 2:15 pm: Set course SxE1/2E for patrol grounds and patrolled 15 L., K., L, 19 O., J. on various courses throughout the night. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f991: ( 53-49088-017_1.jpg) 16 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol C Lat 50.6, Long -1.1 5:00 am: Set in dense fog. ROBIN following, lost TOWHEE. 7:00 am: Set course for St. Catherines to try and find TOWHEE. 11:30 am: Sighted JACKDAW and took over patrol C. CLEOPATRA detailed trawlers TEUTON and LUCKNOW to take over my patrol. 3:00 pm: Having made Nab and Owers to try and find TOWHEE, set course SxE1/2E for patrol C followed by ROBIN. 10:00 pm: Sighted TOWHEE and told him to follow us. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f992: ( 53-49088-018_0.jpg) 17 September 1915 [On patrol] Lat 49.8, Long -1.2 Position is at 7am. 7:00 am: Out sweeps in Lat 49° 50’ N, Long 1° 10’ W. ROBIN also sweeping. TOWHEE patrolling. Sweeping the approaches to Havre from the westward in 30 fath. Sweep damaged. Report sent. 2:00 pm: Sighted St. Catherines 20’. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f993: ( 53-49088-018_1.jpg) 18 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.7, Long -0.8 8:30 am: ROBIN stopped to repair defects. 10:50 am: Finished repairs. 12:00 pm: Owers L. V. 1:00 pm: Spoke CLEOPATRA. 3:00 pm: Boarded French schooner FERNAND and examined his papers. Found all correct. 4:00 pm: ROBIN again stopped. 5:30 pm: Finished repairs. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f994: ( 53-49088-019_0.jpg) 19 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.7, Long -1.09 7:00 am: Set course for St. Helens with Flag Captains Office reports. 2:00 pm: Arrived at Examination Yacht. Handed in reports. Received signal by semaphore to meet CLEOPATRA off Owers L. V. between 5 and 6 pm. 5:00 pm: Barge X 61 asked for a tow. Instructed TOWHEE to take him in tow as tide was strong and he appeared to be making no headway. Told TOWHEE TO anchor for night and meet me at 1 pm at Nab on Monday. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f995: ( 53-49088-019_1.jpg) 20 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 [patrolling with ROBIN] 10:00 am: Set course for Nab. 12:30 pm: Picked up TOWHEE and set course for patrol grounds. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f996: ( 53-49088-020_0.jpg) 21 September 1915 Portsmouth to Patrol Grounds Lat 50.6, Long -0.9 Patrolling with ROBIN and TOWHEE. 7:30 am: Took obs. Lat 50 15’ N, Long 0 32’ S. 11:30 am: NW for Nab L. V. 12:00 pm: Sighted CLEOPATRA. 1:30 pm: Set course SxE1/2E for Area 16 i. 4caf884bcadfd3419701f997: ( 53-49088-020_1.jpg) 4caf884bcadfd3419701f998: ( 53-49088-021_0.jpg) 4caf884bcadfd3419701f999: ( 53-49088-021_1.jpg) |
Revised 01/05/2018 |