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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Yacht, Hired

Ex‑LORENA, Pendant No 020. Built 1903, 1303grt/1393TM. Armament: 2‑3 in. In service 5.6.15‑21.2.19. May have served as wireless-equipped A/P Group Leader or in special yacht squadrons, at home or in Mediterranean. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

(A more detailed plot follows in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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Mercurial or aneroid: aneroid

Hight of cistern above sea: 26 feet

Thermometer for Air Temperature:

Position in Ship: pilot house

Whether in screen: no

Maker: Heath & Co. Ltd.

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10 August 1915

From Southampton to Portsmouth

Lat 50.80, Long -1.11

9.30am: Singled up. Pilot on board

10.05am: Let go. Engines as required for undocking

10.30am: Clear of docks. Courses and engines pilots orders

11.06am: Calshot Spit

11.45am: Spit buoy. Time on M.M. 4 minutes 50 seconds

11.56am: Fort Blockhouse

12.05pm: Stopped, made fast to NW jetty

2.00pm: Crew employed preparing for coaling

2.20pm: Commenced coaling

7.30pm: Stopped coaling, received 89 tons

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11 August 1915

At Portsmouth

Lat 50.80, Long -1.11

7.00am: Commenced coaling

7.30am: Crew employed variously and drawing stores

7.30pm: Stopped coaling, received 301 tons

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12 August 1915

At Portsmouth

Lat 50.80, Long -1.11

7.00am: Commenced coaling

9.30am: Crew employed variously

10.30am: Taking in stores and ammunition

1.00pm: Crew employed variously and cleaning ship

2.00pm: Taking in ammunition

3.30pm: Finished coaling, received 405 tons

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13 August 1915

At Portsmouth

Lat 50.80, Long -1.11

8.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Completed with fresh water

1.30pm: Singled up. Pilot on board

2.00pm: Cast off and proceeded out of harbour. Engines and courses as per pilot for gun and compass trials

5.00pm: Returned to harbour

5.20pm: Made fast to Number 3 buoy starboard cable. Finished with engine

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14 August 1915

From Portsmouth to Milford Haven

Lat 50.38, Long -2.42

4.30am: Unshackled from buoy Number 3

5.00am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. Courses and engines as pilot's orders

5.45am: Warner abeam 1½ miles. Through swept channel to Nab end buoy. Set lookouts.

7.15am: St. Catherine abeam 2 miles

8.30am: Crew employed variously. Zigzag course

Noon: Portland abeam distance 10 miles. Fine and clear, with strong wind and slight sea

2.40pm: Passed H.M.H.S. "Glenarth Castle" [H.M.H.S. "Glenarth Castle" is most probably misspelled and should be H.M.H.S. "Glenart Castle"]

3.48pm: Start Point lighthouse N45W

4.00pm: Fresh breeze, rough sea, pitching, fine and clear

4.11pm: Start Point abeam 4 miles. Zigzag course to west (magnetic)

5.30pm: Crew practised attack, boat and fire stations

6.12pm: Eddystone abeam 6 miles

6.20pm: Passed S.S. "Bernisse", Rotterdam

7.10pm: British transport and trawler 1047

7.30pm: Ship pitching. Shipping sprays forward

9.45pm: Lizard Head Island abeam distance 4 miles

Midnight: Ship pitching and shipping water ford

A probable reference to S.S. "Bernisse", sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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15 August 1915

From Portsmouth to Milford Haven

Lat 51.69, Long -5.14

12.50am: Longships light bearing east [Longships is most probably Longships Watch, Sennen]

1.40am: Pendeen abeam

4.30am: String wind, vessel rolling to rough beam sea, spraying fore and aft, squally, overcast

9.30am: ½ speed to signal H.M.Y. "Narcissus"

10.20am: Courses various approaching St. Ann's Head

10.50am: Entered harbour

11.30am: Let go port anchor in Examination harbour

11.45am: Orders to proceed to Number A buoy

Noon: Hove up anchor and proceeded up harbour

1.30pm: Made fast to mooring buoy and rung off

2.00pm: Bilges dry and draught aft 16 feet 1 inches, forward 14 feet 5 inches

2.50pm: Cast off from buoy and proceeded to anchorage off Milford Haven

3.20pm: Came to port anchor in Milford Roads. Stack Fort bearing N½W, St. Catherine church N by E

6.00pm: Anchor lights and bearings taken carefully

7.00pm: Fire and boats all ready

Operations in the Celtic Sea

JP map Atalanta Celtic Sea

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16 August 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

6.00am: Routine carried out

6.30am: Hoisted out steam boat

9.00am: H.M.S. "Atalanta" took fleet number 4

5.45pm: Hove short

6.15pm: Anchor aweigh. Foul anchor

6.36pm: Proceeded. Courses and engine as required

7.07pm: St. Ann's abeam ½ mile

8.30pm: Small's lighthouse abeam

9.00pm: Zigzag course 1 point either way

10.00pm: Fire and boat gear ready

11.00pm: Passed through fishing fleet

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17 August 1915

Lat 51.17, Long -7.83

4.00am: Gentle breeze, moderate sea, fine and clear

4.25am: Passed large steamer bound E by N name unknown

7.40am: Made number to H.M.Y. "Valiant"

2.00pm: Sighted and signalled H.M.Y. "Saphire" steering northwesterly [H.M.Y. "Saphire" is most probably misspelled and should be H.M.Y. "Sapphire"]

4.00pm: Light breeze and slight sea, fine and clear

4.45pm: Exercised submarine attack and boat drill

6.00pm: Fire and boat gear ready

7.00pm: Zigzag 4 and 2 points alternately

Midnight: Misty and overcast

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18 August 1915

Lat 51.15, Long -7.87

4.00am: Gentle breeze, slight sea, misty and fine.

5.30am: Zigzag 1 point each way

10.45am: Altered course to escort S.S. "Sagamore"

11.30am: Zigzag ½ point each side

4.00pm: Light breeze, slight sea, hazy and fine

5.30pm: Escorted S.S. "Saint Cecilia"

7.00pm: Zigzagging

8.00pm: Fine hazy, sea smooth

10.00pm: Zigzagging

Midnight: Hazy and overcast

A probable reference to S.S. "Sagamore", sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

A probable reference to S.S. "Saint Cecilia", sunk in 1916 by a mine.

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19 August 1915

Lat 51.63, Long -7.12

2.45am: Suspicious ship courses various, approximately N46°W

4.30am: Courses various for speak ship

5.00am: Made out ship's name etcetera and what bearing

6.00am: Zigzag alternately

7.00am: Clock put back 15 minutes

9.30am: Trawler "Lord Haldane" (LT1141) steering SE

11.00am: Clock put back 17 minutes

11.30am: Three funnelled cruiser sighted on horizon steering NE

Noon: Fine and clear

1.30pm: Passed S.S. "North Head" and signalled

4.00pm: Slight wind, smooth, fine and clear

8.00pm: Fine, sea smooth

Midnight: Hazy and overcast

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20 August 1915

Lat 51.23, Long -7.73

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, overcast and fine

5.00am: Trawler patrol steering NW by N½W

7.00am: Zigzagging

8.00am: Fine and bright

11.00am: Zigzagging

Noon: Fine and clear

3.00pm: Passed Cruiser outline cruiser steering S by E [The log-keeper most probably drew the outline of a ship with two masts and two funnels]

4.00pm: Light wind, slight sea, fine, passing clouds, clear

7.00pm: Large four funnelled cruiser steering to NW

Midnight: Fine and overcast, wind rising

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21 August 1915

Lat 51.35, Long -7.05

4.00am: Gentle breeze, slight sea, slight southwesterly swell, fine and clear

7.00am: Spoke H.M.Y. "Narcissus"

10.40am: Passed Norwegian barque steering W by S

Noon: Fine, clear

4.00pm: Light wind, slight sea, overcast and fine

6.30pm: American liner passed Hull down steering ENE

8.00pm: Overcast. Wind moderating

Midnight: Fine but overcast

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22 August 1915

On patrol and to Pembroke Dockyard

Lat 51.45, Long -6.40

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, overcast to fine and clear

4.11am: Zigzagging

5.00am: Clock put on 15 minutes

10.30am: Clock put on 15 minutes

Noon: Fine and clear

12.05pm: Manoeuvring round float engines various

2.10pm: Observed Smalls lighthouse N71W

3.07pm: Smalls lighthouse abeam distance 6.3 miles

3.05pm: Observed St. Ann's lighthouse east

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

4.05pm: Skokholm abeam

4.25pm: Entered Milford Haven. Courses and Engines as required

5.15pm: Made fast to buoy in North Channel

5.30pm: Finished with engines

7.30pm: Took in fresh water 70 tons

8.00pm: Hoisted out steam launch

Midnight: Fine, overcast

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23 August 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

6.00am: Commences. Fine

6.30am: Hands preparing for coaling

7.00am: Colliers came alongside

7.45am: Commenced coaling

9.00am: Hands employed variously

2.00pm: Hands employed variously

4.30pm: Patrol left ship

5.00pm: Liberty men left

7.45pm: Finished coaling for day. Total 232 tons.

8.00pm: Colliers left ship

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24 August 1915

[At Pembroke]

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

4.00am: Commences. Hazy

7.15am: Colliers alongside

7.40am: Commenced coaling

10.50am: Finished coaling, received 320 tons

11.00am: Colliers left ship

Noon: Received fresh water 15 tons

1.00pm: Crew employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea

4.45pm: Unshackled from buoy

5.00pm: Cast off and proceeded. Engines and courses as requisite

5.40pm: St. Ann's Head abeam ½ mile

7.11pm: Smalls lighthouse abeam 4 miles

8.00pm: Fine, cloudy, sea smooth

8.30pm: Passed through fishing fleet

9.30pm: Two torpedo boats came up and signalled

Midnight: Hazy and overcast

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25 August 1915

Lat 51.52, Long -6.62

2.30am: Passed yacht with three trawlers

4.00am: Fine, clear and dry

7.00am: Clock put back 15 minutes

8.55am: Sighted steamer and altered course

9.00am: Escorted S.S. "Borderdale"

10.20am: Clock put back 17 minutes

Noon: Fine and clear

1.30pm: Passed yacht armed bearing easterly

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, slight sea, moderate swell, fine, clear and dry

Midnight: Fine but overcast

A probable reference to S.S. "Borderdale" mentions she was renamed S.S. "Tritonia" in 1915 and sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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26 August 1915

Lat 51.02, Long -7.82

4.00am: Gentle breeze, moderate sea and swell, fine, clear and dry

8.00am: Fine

9.25am: Altered course to escort S.S. "Comanchee" (oil tank steamer, from Texas to Manchester)

Noon: Passed Norwegian steamship outward

4.00pm: Moderate breeze and sea, misty and fine

5.00pm: Crew exercised at torpedo attack, boat stations and fire

8.00pm: Fine, hazy

9.30pm: Passed three trawlers

Midnight: Fine and clear

S.S. "Comanchee" is featured on Tyne Built Ships.

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27 August 1915

Lat 50.91, Long -6.75

2.00am: Passed three trawlers

4.00am: Fresh breeze, moderate sea and swell, fine and clear

8.00am: Fine

9.30am: Passed S.S. "Sotero", Palermo to Liverpool

10.55am: Altered course to signal steamer

Noon: Fine and clear

3.00pm: Passed tramp steamer

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, slight sea, fine, clear and dry

4.35pm: Cleared steamer "Kilnsea", gave reports

8.00pm: Two trawler patrol steering SSE. Fine, hazy, sea smooth

Midnight: Fine and clear

A probable reference to S.S. "Kilnsea", sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

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28 August 1915

Lat 50.78, Long -7.25

1.30am: S.S. "Beacon" sighted, passed and hailed

3.50am: Reduced to ½ speed to pass ships

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, overcast, fine and clear

5.00am: Hailed S.S. "Vasconia" Swedish steamer

8.00am: Fine, cloudy

10.00am: Passed three trawlers

Noon: Fine and clear

1.40pm: Liner American Line passed bearing NNE

2.40pm: Passed two armed trawlers bearing south

4.00pm: Light wind, slight sea, overcast

5.10pm: Passed H.M.Y. "Valiant"

6.30pm: Passed fleet of trawlers mod. sweeping

7.00pm: Passed patrol trawler

7.45pm: Passed two trawler patrols

8.00pm: Fine, hazy

9.40pm: Passed two trawlers

Midnight: Overcast and hazy

A probable reference to S.S. "Beacon" mentions she was renamed S.S. "Reim" in 1917 and sunk in 1917 by explosives.

A probable reference to S.S. "Vasconia", sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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29 August 1915

Lat 50.87, Long -6.23

3.20am: Moderate breeze and sea, heavy rain and overcast

4.30am: Passed patrol yacht steering south by east

5.45am: S.S. "Rowanmore", Liverpool

7.00am: Wind and sea increasing

11.45am: Norwegian steamer "Sjorest" [?] bound south

Noon: Weather clearing

3.55pm: Steamer passed bearing south

4.00pm: Fresh gale, rough sea, high swell, spraying, cloudy and clear.

6.10pm: Trawler patrol to southeaster

8.00pm: Fine, sea and wind decreasing

10.15pm: Passed two trawlers bound north

Midnight: Wind and sea moderating

A probable reference to S.S. "Rowanmore", sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

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30 August 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

4.00am: Gentle breeze, moderate high sea and swell, fine, clear and dry

5.00am: Clock put on to G.M.T.

8.00am: Fine, sea moderating

9.20am: Smalls abeam, distance 4 miles

Noon: Fine and clear. Entering Milford Haven

12.30pm: Came to starboard anchor off Milford Haven. Received orders to proceed to letter A buoy

12.40pm: Hove up and proceeded

1.30pm: Made fast to A buoy. Port cable

3.00pm: Hoisted out steam launch

3.30pm: Hands preparing for coaling

5.00pm: Took in fresh water 50 tons

6.00pm: Anchor cables and lights carefully tended

7.30pm: Boat and fire gear ready

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31 August 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

4.00am: Commences. Fine, hazy

7.30am: Colliers came alongside

7.45am: Commenced coaling

Noon: Fine but dull

5.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 200 tons

5.10pm: Colliers left

6.00pm: Crew employed cleaning ship, etcetera

7.00pm: Anchor lights and bearings carefully tended

7.30pm: Fire and boat gear ready

8.30pm: Vessel darkened and watertight doors closed


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1 September 1915

[At Milford Haven]

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

6.00am: Commences, dull and overcast

7.00am: Hands employed preparing for sea

7.30am: Swing out boats, etcetera

8.00am: Took in fresh water 12 tons. Draught aft 16 feet 1 inch, forward 15 feet 6 inches

9.30am: Stand by and slipped buoy

9.38am: Full ahead and proceeded down harbour

9.50am: Rounded Weave Point

9.55am: Slow approaching Milford

10.00am: Let go starboard anchor (30 fathoms cable)

11.50am: Hoisted steam launch

11.58am: Stand by and commenced to hove up anchor

Noon: Fine and clear

12.15pm: Anchor aweigh and full ahead and proceeded out of harbour

12.45pm: Passed St. Ann's Head

2.00pm: Passed vessel steering northeasterly, also two yachts bearing SW

2.15pm: Smalls lighthouse abeam 4½ miles bearing N10E

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, moderate sea and swell, rainy and overcast

4.30pm: Received news of submarines. Altered course, zigzag

5.00pm: Cruised and returned to Tuskar buoy

7.18pm: Barrels light vessel abeam

8.03pm: Connibeg light vessel abeam 3½ miles [Connibeg is most probably misspelled and should be Coningbeg]

Midnight: Overcast and hazy. Fresh gale

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2 September 1915

Lat 52.16, Long -6.27

1.23am: Tuskar light abeam 4 miles

2.35am: Barrels light vessel abeam 4 miles bearing N21W

3.25am: Coningbeg light ship abeam 6 miles bearing N21W

3.30am: Hook Point light abeam bearing N21W

4.00am: Moderate breeze and sea, rain squalls and overcast

6.12am: American liner "New York" commenced west

8.00am: Strong wind, sea increasing

11.00am: Passed through fleet of drifters

11.30am: Courses various making Tuskar Rock

11.45am: Tuskar abeam

Noon: Weather moderating, fine and clear

12.30pm: Barrels light vessel abeam ½ mile bearing N13W

1.28pm: Coningbeg light vessel abeam 2 miles bearing N13W

1.42pm: Coningbeg light vessel bearing NE

3.40pm: Hook Point lighthouse abeam 2 miles

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, slight sea, rain and hail squalls occasionally, fine generally

5.40pm: Mine Head light abeam 2 miles

6.40pm: Mine Head light bore north 2 miles

7.00pm: H.M.Y. "Valiant" rejoined, took station on quarter 1 mile

10.00pm to 10.45pm: Increased speed to avoid fleet of trawlers

Midnight: Fine and clear

Hook Point is also known as Hook Head.

The American liner "New York" is most probably the S.S. "City of New York".

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3 September 1915

Lat 51.52, Long -6.12

1.00am: Log line governor and rotator lost overboard, fouled and carried away

2.15am: Observed Smalls light bearing N46E

4.00am: Moderate breeze and sea, lightning to NW, cloudy, clear

5.30am: Coningbeg light vessel bearing north, South Saltee N18E

7.35am: Tuskar abeam

10.50am: Smalls abeam distance 2 miles

Noon: Fine and clear

3.00pm: Passed trawler steering N79E

3.20pm: Passed Spanish ship steering WSW

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, moderate sea and swell, fine, clear and dry

6.00pm: Smalls abeam. Altered courses variously and cruised around

8.15pm: Smalls abeam 6 miles

9.08pm: Smalls bore ESE 7 miles

Midnight: Overcast and Hazy

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4 September 1915

Lat 52.00, Long -6.27

4.00am: Gentle breeze, slight sea, fine, clear and dry

6.03am: H.M.Y. "Valiant" sighted

7.10am: S.S. "Quernmore"

10.55am: Left S.S. "Quernmore"

Noon: Clear but cloudy

12.10pm: Barrels light vessel abeam bearing N41W

12.30pm: Passed passenger steamship bearing NE, also tramp steamship light same course, also patrol ship same course

3.00pm: Passed monitor signal steering SE

3.15pm: Tuskar lighthouse abeam 3.5 miles

3.55pm: Barrels light abeam

4.00pm: Calm, smooth, overcast, fine and hazy

7.30pm: Spoke H.M.Y. "Valiant", opened out 1½ miles

Midnight: Overcast and Hazy

A probable reference to S.S. "Quernmore", sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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5 September 1915

Lat 51.70, Long -6.40

3.30am: Passed several small trawlers steering various courses

4.00am: Calm, smooth, misty, cloudy and fine

7.30am: H.M.Y. "Valiant" in sight

8.00am: Fine

9.30am: Patrolling on ten mile runs. H.M.Y. "Valiant" in sight whole watch

Noon: Fine, clear

12.20pm: Passed tramp steamship steering ENE and numerous drifters

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

4.11pm: Made S.S. [left blank by log-keeper]. Signalled

5.15pm: Steam steering gear jammed. Connected hand gear and not under control signal. Eased engines

7.30pm: Steam gear repaired. H.M.Y. "Valiant" in sight

Midnight: Overcast and dull

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6 September 1915

Lat 52.02, Long -6.58

3.30am: Passed numerous trawlers during watch

4.00am: Moderate breeze and sea, high southerly swell, heavily overcast and hazy

7.30am: H.M.Y. "Valiant" in sight and trawlers on SE end of patrol

8.00am: Dull and overcast

10.55am: Making Coningbeg light vessel

Noon: Overcast and hazy

12.48pm: Barrels light vessel abeam 3 miles

12.55pm: Reduced speed and manoeuvred round to ascertain whether suspicions aroused on sighting black object in water was mine, disappointed

1.15pm: Full speed

2.05pm: Tuskar lighthouse abeam 4 miles

4.00pm: Misty and overcast

5.20pm: Smalls abeam 5½ miles

7.00pm: Trawler "Rambler" of Hull

8.00pm: Sea moderating

9.50pm: Hook Point abeam

10.30pm: Mine Head light in sight

Midnight: Overcast and hazy

Hook Point is also known as Hook Head.

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7 September 1915

[At Pembroke]

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

4.00am: Gentle breeze, moderate sea, high southerly swell rolling heavily, fine, clear and dry

4.30am: Made Smalls light bearing S49E

5.30am: Smalls bearing S30E

7.00am: Passed several trawlers on fishing ground

9.55am: Smalls abeam

11.15am: Reduced to ½ speed approaching St. Ann's Head

11.30am: Passed Stack Fort and received signal

11.45am: Passed Milford. Engines as required

12.05pm: Rounded Weare Point

12.25pm: Made fast to North Channel East buoy and rung off engines

2.00pm: Collier alongside and commenced coaling

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

7.00pm: Colliers left ship. Total on board 104 tons

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8 September 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

7.30am: Colliers came alongside. Commenced to coal

8.00am: Discharged A. Teessider to naval barracks

9.00am: Two signal boys joined ship

10.00am: Crew employed variously

Noon: Fine and clear

3.00pm: Finished port side. Collier left

3.20pm: Finished coaling. Collier left. Total received 281 tons

5.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship etcetera

6.00pm: Took in fresh water 60 tons

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9 September 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

7.00am: Commences. Fog and haze

8.00am: Hands employed turning out boats and preparing for sea

Noon: Draught 16 feet 6 feet aft, 15 feet 5 feet forward. Haze, dry

12.05pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded down harbour

12.45pm: Let go starboard anchor off Milford Haven

2.30pm to 2.45pm: Vice Admiral visited ship

2.55pm: Heave up and proceeded out of harbour, engine as requisite

3.40pm: St. Ann's Head N30E 1 mile

4.05pm: Grassholm bearing N12E

5.05pm: Smalls abeam 3 miles

7.15pm: Trawler patrol, nothing to report

9.55pm to 10.15pm: ½ speed approaching North Arklow light vessel

10.15pm: North Arklow light vessel abeam distance 1 mile

Midnight: Overcast and hazy

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10 September 1915

Lat 52.78, Long -4.88

12.50am: Observed Bardsey Island lighthouse bearing S47E (compass)

4.00am: Calm, smooth, fine and hazy

5.53am: North Arklow abeam ½ mile

6.00am: Haze. Courses various to communicate to Wicklow Head war signal station

9.00am: North Arklow light vessel abeam distance ½ mile

Noon: Clear sky, horizon hazy

12.30pm: Bardsey Island lighthouse bearing S14W

3.45pm: Observed Strumble Head lighthouse bearing S14W

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, slight sea, fine and hazy

4.20pm: Rounded Strumble buoy and signalled

4.30pm: Strumble Head lighthouse abeam

7.25pm: Observed Tuskar light bearing N80W

8.00pm: Light wind, slight sea, fine and hazy

Midnight: Wicklow Head light on 4 points. Fine and hazy

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11 September 1915

Lat 52.75, Long -4.87

1.20am: Whitton light abeam 13½ miles bearing N71W [No reference to Whitton found, could be a misspelled Wicklow]

3.40am: Blackwater light abeam

4.00am: Gentle breeze, slight sea, fine, clear

7.00am: Spoke trawler patrol "Spray", nothing to report

8.00am: Fine, clear

11.55am: Bardsey Island lighthouse abeam

None: Fine with light haze

1.30pm: Ellerman Lines passed steering ESE and ENE, also small collier [?]

2.30pm: Passed through strong tide rips

4.00pm: Light wind, slight sea, fine and hazy

7.00pm: Passed trawler patrol

11.00pm: Passed through nets

Midnight: Fine and hazy

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12 September 1915

Lat 52.78, Long -5.92

1.30am: Passed numerous small steamships during watch steering southeasterly

3.45am: Wicklow light observed bearing N43W (compass)

4.00am: Gentle breeze, slight sea, fine, hazy and damp

4.15am: Arklow light vessel abeam

6.00am: Codling light vessel N5W, Wicklow Head N62W 13 miles

6.20am: Norwegian steamer S.S. "Sijne" [?] passed south

8.30am: Bardsey lighthouse S37E

10.55am to 11.20am: Various courses making North Arklow light vessel

11.21am: North Arklow light vessel abeam 1¾ miles

Noon: Fine but hazy

12.47pm: South Arklow light vessel abeam 2 miles

1.00pm: Passed ship "Procyon" of Nystad

3.00pm: Passed through severe tide rips

3.10pm: Sighted S.S. "Avocat" of Liverpool and numerous small ship

4.00pm: Light wind, slight sea, foggy to fine and misty

7.22pm: Strumble Head bearing south 2 miles

10.40pm: Bardsey abeam 7½ miles

Midnight: Overcast and hazy

A probable reference to "Procyon", ran aground in 1918.

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13 September 1915

Lat 52.97, Long -5.98

2.00am: Passed two sailing vessels steering south

2.47am: Strumble Head light bearing S10E (compass)

3.18am: Observed Bishops light bearing S15W

3.30am: Two trawlers, courses various without lights

3.40am: Strumble Head light abeam 15 miles bearing S53E

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, fine and clear

6.30am: Smalls bearing S6W. Grassholm bearing S46E

9.00am: Tuskar abeam 2½ miles

9.35am: Lucifer light vessel abeam 2½ miles

10.15am: Blackwater light vessel abeam ½ mile

11.00am: Courses various inside Arklow Bank

Noon: Fine and clear, signalling Wicklow Head

1.00pm: North Arklow abeam ¼ mile bearing S70W (compass)

1.55pm to 3.27pm: Chasing suspicious steamer

3.26pm: Passed blue funnel line boat steering southwesterly

3.35pm: Observed Holyhead lighthouse bearing N82E (compass)

4.00pm: Moderate breeze and sea, fine and clear

5.00pm: Spoke S.S. "Cheyenne"

5.32pm: South Stack lighthouse bearing S59E 2 miles

6.25pm: Carnavon light vessel ½ mile

8.00pm: Gloomy and overcast

8.04pm: Bardsey light abeam 7 miles

11.30pm: Strumble Head on 4 points

Noon: Overcast and showery [The log-keeper wrote noon, but most probably meant midnight]

S.S. "Cheyenne" is featured on Tyne Built Ships.

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14 September 1915

Lat 52.50, Long -5.93

12.18am: Strumble Head light abeam 5 miles

2.30am: Observed Bardsey Island light bearing N51E (compass)

3.25am: Bardsey Island light bearing N74E (compass)

3.30am: Passed several sailing vessels during watch

4.00am: Gentle to moderate breeze and sea, heavy rain occasionally, heavily overcast

4.05am: Bardsey light abeam

6.30am: Bardsey light bearing S60E, North end S61E

8.00am: Rain, overcast and gloomy

9.35am: Stop to obtain soundings

9.40am: Half speed

11.00am: Weather moderating and clearing

11.30am: Blackwater light vessel in sight

Noon: Fine but cloudy

12.05pm: Blackwater light vessel abeam 5 miles

1.10pm: Lucifer light vessel abeam 4 miles

1.26pm: Stopped for information from S.S. "Cameo" [?] of Glasgow. Reports from Barrels light vessel: floating mines drifting eastward 6pm 13th, also buoy and mine off Waterford today.

1.52pm: Passed S.S. "Lacidon" [?] Liverpool steering northerly

4.00pm: Passed several American schooners during watch steering northeasterly

5.00pm: S.S. "Saint Hugo" of Liverpool bound south

5.10pm: S.S. "Lingfield" of London bound south

Noon: Fine and clear [The log-keeper wrote noon, but most probably meant midnight]

A probable reference to S.S. "Saint Hugo", renamed S.S. "Beppe" in 1915.

A probable reference to S.S. "Lingfield", renamed S.S. "Gerrit Fritzen" in 1929.

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15 September 1915

Lat 51.78, Long -5.50

2.15am: Strumble Head light abeam 4½ miles bearing S56E (compass)

2.30am: Passed several sailing vessels eastbound

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, moderate westerly swell, fine, cloudy and clear

6.30am: Stopped and spoke H.M.T. "Pelican"

8.00am: Overcast. Long southwester swell

11.20am: Weather setting in thick

Noon: Misty with southwesterly swell

1.01pm: Smalls lighthouse bearing S by E

1.34pm: Smalls lighthouse abeam 2 miles

1.45pm: Smalls bearing N24E (compass)

1.47pm: Smalls abeam

3.10pm: Rounded St. Ann's Head

3.35pm: Stopped off Milford to lower launch

3.40pm: Full ahead

3.50pm: Rounded Weare Point

4.10pm: Made fast to letter "A" buoy and rung off engines

A probable reference to H.M.T. "Pelican" is featured on the Bosun's Watch website.

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16 September 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

5.00am: Commences. Overcast and drizzly rain

6.00am: Hands preparing for coaling

7.15am: Collier came alongside

7.45am: Commenced coaling both sides

3.00pm: Hands employed variously, drawing stores

6.30pm: Finished coaling. Received 205 tons

7.00pm: Colliers left

8.00pm: Took in fresh water. Total 67 tons

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17 September 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

6.00am: Commences. Hazy, calm and dull

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Received lifeboat from dockyard

Noon: Stand By. Slipped buoy and turned ship engines as requisite

12.15pm: Full ahead and proceeded down harbour

12.30pm: Rounded Weare Point

12.50pm: Anchored off Milford

2.00pm: Valve spindle on number 4 boiler broken. Under repair

4.00pm: Hands preparing for sea

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18 September 1915

Lat 51.93, Long -5.78

4.30am: Commenced to heave short

4.50am: Awaiting daylight. Land obscured by fog

7.30am: Hove up anchor and proceeded out of harbour

8.30am: St. Ann's Head abeam

9.40am: Reduced to slow on account of fog

10.25am: Half speed

10.53am: Full speed, fog lifting

Noon: Fine but hazy

1.20pm: S.S. "Chrysopolis" (Greek) bearing S2W

2.10pm: Ship "William Mitchell" bearing NW. Starboard tack.

3.25pm: Ship "Chili" bearing NE. Starboard tack.

3.30pm: South Arklow light vessel abeam. Slowed on approach for engines as required

4.00pm: Smooth, foggy and fine

7.00pm: Bardsey light bearing S85E

8.00pm: Smooth, fine, foggy

9.00pm: Commenced to zigzag

10.00pm: Strumble Head bearing S3E

Midnight: Fine but hazy

A probable reference to S.S. "Chrysopolis", ran aground in 1936.

A possible reference to "William Mitchell", was the last working British square-rigged sailing ship.

There is also a reference to William Mitchell's grave, with a quote of a newspaper mentioning him as the namesake and first owner of the "William Mitchell".

A probable reference to "Chili", sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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19 September 1915

Lat 53.47, Long -4.02

1.15am: Observed Bardsey Island light bearing S62E abeam

4.00am: Gentle breeze, moderate sea, fine and hazy

7.55am: Full speed. Courses and speed various hailing drifter

11.20am: Point Lynas abeam 1¾ miles

Noon: Fine and clear

1.00pm: Passed several sailing vessels and steamers, various courses

2.15pm: Observed Bar light vessel: engines and course as requisite

3.00pm: Stopped for pilot

3.05pm: Full ahead. Entered channel

4.00pm: Weather moderate, fine and clear.

4.45pm: Made fast alongside Wallasley stage Birkenhead

6.00pm: Hoisted out steam launch

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20 September 1915

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

8.00am: Hazy. Fresh wind

3.35pm: Shifted ship one berth astern. Engines as required

5.00pm: Gave leave to Port watch

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21 September 1915

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

7.00am: Commences. Hazy. Fresh wind

8.00am: Crew employed cleaning ship

3.00pm: Gave general leave to Starboard watch

4.00pm: Hands employed variously

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22 September 1915

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

6.00am: Commences, dull and overcast

6.30am: Hands preparing for sea

10.15am: Singled up

10.20am: Cast off. Pilots orders and engines as required. Hoisted launch

11.02am: [Perch] Rock light close

11.40am: Formby light vessel

11.50am: Dropped pilot

Noon: Fine but hazy. Awaiting S.S. "Canning"

12.30pm: Bar light vessel

2.00pm: Clocks put back to A.T.S. 5°W [A.T.S.: Apparent Time Ship, the local mean time of the meridian where a ship is located]

3.30pm: Gentle breeze, slight sea, foggy to fine and clear

7.00pm: Following S.S. "Canning"

10.30pm: Codling light vessel abeam 1 mile

11.15pm: North Arklow abeam 3 miles

Midnight: Overcast and showery. S.S. "Canning" in sight

S.S. "Canning" might be H.M.S. "Canning", a kite balloon ship.

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23 September 1915

Lat 51.22, Long -6.70

2.10am: Observed Tuskar bearing S83W (compass)

2.35am: Tuskar abeam bearing N72W distance 10 miles

3.50am: Observed Smalls light bearing S12E (compass)

4.30am: Moderate gale, high swell, heavy rain, overcast

8.00am: Fresh gale, high sea, heavy rain squalls

9.00am: Clock put back 6 minutes

Noon: Fine and clear, weather moderating

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, high swell, vessel pitching and spraying, fine, rain squalls

7.00pm: Moderate breeze, high swell, vessel pitching and labouring. S.S. "Canning" on port bow

11.00pm: S.S. "Canning" on port bow

Midnight: Fine and clear. Wind and sea rising

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24 September 1915

Lat 48.08, Long -9.93

4.00am: Moderate breeze, rough sea and high southwesterly swell, pitching, occasional rain squalls

8.00am: Fine, cloudy. Passing rain squalls. High WSW swell

11.00am: S.S. "Canning" on port bow

Noon: Cloudy and squally

3.00pm: Passed five sailing vessels fishing

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, moderate sea, fine and clear

4.40pm: Hauled log. Exercised target practice

8.00pm: Fine. Cloudy. Rain squalls

10.30pm: Occasional Rain Squalls

Midnight: Fine, clear and cloudy

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25 September 1915

[At Milford Haven]

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

1.30am: Passed several armed trawlers during watch

2.40am: Bishops lume abeam [the log-keeper most probably made a spelling mistake and meant loom]

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, high following swell, fine, clear and dry

6.05am: Clock put on 25 minutes. Passed trawlers

8.00am: Fine

10.45am: Passed St. Ann's Head and proceeded up harbour, engines as required

10.55am: Stack Fort

11.15am: Let go starboard anchor off Milford Haven and landed two stokers

12.35pm: Hove up anchor and proceeded up harbour

12.55pm: Weare Point

1.15pm: Made fast to letter A buoy and rung off engines

2.00pm: Draught: 16 feet 6 inches aft, 12 feet forward

4.00pm: Water boat alongside, received 70 tons

5.00pm: Crew employed variously

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26 September 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

7.15am: Colliers came alongside

7.40am: Commenced coaling

3.30pm: Finished coaling

3.45pm: Colliers left, received 204 tons

5.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

5.15pm: Water boat alongside, 8 tons

6.00pm: Water boat left

6.15pm to 6.30pm: Vice Admiral and Com. Secretary visited ship

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27 September 1915

[At Pembroke]

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea

Noon: Rain and overcast

2.10pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded down harbour

2.45pm: Passed Milford

3.05pm: St. Ann's Head abeam

3.45pm: St. Ann's lighthouse bearing NE by N

4.57pm: Bishop light abeam 1 mile

5.25pm: Bishop bearing SSE 5 miles

9.40pm: Bardsey abeam 8 miles

11.05pm: Carnavon light vessel abeam 4 miles

Midnight: Stack abeam 4½ miles

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28 September 1915

[At Bootle]

Lat 53.45, Long -3.02

12.35am: Skerries light bearing S54E 5½ miles

1.00am: Skerries light bearing SSE (compass)

2.50am: Point Lynas abeam bearing S32W (compass) 4 miles

4.00am: Fine, clear and dry

4.53am: Great Orme light abeam 8 miles

6.30am: Made Bar light vessel bearing S77E

6.50am: Hauled in log. Stopped and took in pilot

7.05am: Bar light vessel close. Pilot's orders

7.30am: Formby light vessel

8.00am: Fog closed in. Eased and stopped

8.45am: Let go port anchor off New Brighton

9.00am: Board of Trade regulations carried out

11.00am: Fog lifting and heave up anchor and proceeded swing ship

11.20am: Let go anchor off North Wall

Noon: Hazy but fine

12.30pm: Draught 16 feet 2 inches [aft], 15 feet forward

1.00pm: Commenced heave up and proceeded down river, engines as required

2.00pm: Bar light vessel abeam

2.10pm: Dropped pilot

2.50pm: Signalled H.W.O.R. and proceeded. Departed Bar light vessel

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

6.00pm: Clock put back 10 minutes

7.30pm: S.S. "Clan Macewen" ahead ½ mile

10.000m: S.S. "Clan Macewen" ahead

Midnight: Overcast and showery

S.S. "Clan Macewen" is most probably one of the vessels of the Clan Line.

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29 September 1915

Lat 50.70, Long -7.52

4.00am: Fresh wind, moderate rough sea, overcast, occasional rain

7.00am: Clock put back 5 minutes

8.00am: Fresh wind, rough sea, rain squalls

10.00am: Signalled

11.00am: S.S. "Clan Macewen" ahead

Noon: Fine and clear, rough sea

4.00pm: Fresh wind, rough sea, high southwesterly swell, overcast, rain squalls

4.15pm: Armed boarding sloop

8.00pm: Fresh wind, moderate sea

10.00pm: S.S. "Clan Macewen" ahead

10.30pm: Boat boom carried away lost overboard by long sea

11.00pm: Signalled

11.55pm: Left S.S. "Clan Macewen"

Midnight: Overcast and squally and rough sea

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30 September 1915

Lat 49.83, Long -7.17

4.00am: Moderate head gale, vessel pitching and straining, fine and clear

6.00am: Passed ship's lifeboat. Empty. Black. Liverpool on side

6.30am: S.S. "Romera" steering east

8.00am: Fine, cloudy, moderate gale. Vessel pitching and shipping water

9.00am: Altered course to chase steamer

9.50am: Resumed course

11.30am: Reduced to half speed to signal trawler

Noon: Fine, clear with rough sea

1.45pm: Sighted S.S. "Atlas" Hartlepool bound

3.00pm: Sighted S.S. "Don Benito" London bound north

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry, rough sea

8.00pm: Fine, moderate sea

11.30pm: Smalls and St. Ann's Head lights in sight

Midnight: Fine and clear, moderate sea

S.S. "Romera" is featured in the Clydebuilt database.

A probable reference to S.S. "Atlas", sunk in 1918 by a torpedo.

A probable reference to S.S. "Don Benito", sunk in 1917 after a collision.


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1 October 1915

[At Pembroke]

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

2.30am: Passed numerous fishing vessels during watch

4.00am: Fine, clear and dry

4.42am: Smalls abeam 10 miles

5.00am: Cruised off St. Ann's awaiting daylight

6.30am: St. Ann's Head abeam

6.40am: Passed through net defence and proceeded up harbour, engines as required

7.00am: Anchored off Milford

8.30am: Hove up anchor and proceeded up harbour

9.10am: Rounded Weare Point

9.20am: All fast to "A" buoy and rung off engines

10.00am: Hands employed preparing for coaling

11.00am: Collier came alongside, commenced coaling

2.00pm: Hands employed variously, drawing stores, etcetera

6.45pm: Finished coaling

7.00pm: Collier left, received 150 tons

7.30pm: Reservoir of all round red lantern lost overboard while passing into boat

8.00pm: Water boat finished, received 45 tons

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2 October 1915

[At Pembroke]

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

5.00am: Commences. Dull, overcast and rain

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship, swinging out boats, etcetera

Noon: Hands employed variously

3.00pm: Hands employed variously

4.00pm: Water boat alongside for boilers. About 50 tons

8.00pm: Fine hazy

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3 October 1915

[At Milford Haven]

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

7.00am: Commenced. Fine, calm and hazy

11.15am: Slipped buoy, proceeded down harbour, engines as required

11.30am: Let go starboard anchor off Milford waiting captain

12.10pm: Received orders to remain. Steam at an hours notice

6.30pm: Received sailing orders

6.43pm: Hove up anchor and proceeded out of harbour

7.32pm: St. Ann's Head bearing NE by N 1 mile

9.00pm: Smalls abeam 2 miles

9.30pm: Smalls abeam

11.30pm: Strumble Head abeam distance 11 miles

Midnight: Fine but hazy

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4 October 1915

Lat 52.05, Long -5.50

1.18am: Observed Bardsey Island light bearing N51E (compass)

2.35am: Bardsey Island light abeam 2 miles bearing N45E

4.00am: Calm, smooth, fine and hazy

7.15am: Sighted S.S. "San Dunstano" steering SW escorted by trawlers "Raetia" and "Peparto" [?]

7.39am: Signalled them of escort. Bardsey abeam 2½ miles

11.00am: S.S. "San Dunstano" ahead

Noon: Overcast and hazy

1.35pm: Observed Smalls lighthouse bearing S24W

2.32pm: Smalls lighthouse abeam 3¾ miles SE¼S

3.00pm: Sighted S.S. "New Pioneer" of Manchester bearing N19E

4.00pm: Fine, clear and fine

7.30pm: S.S. "San Dunstano" ahead

11.00pm: Pendeen and Longships lights sighted [Longships is most probably Longships Watch, Sennen]

Midnight: Fine and hazy

A probable reference to S.S. "San Dunstano", ran aground in 1929.

A probable reference to "Raetia" is featured on the Bosun's Watch website.

A probable reference to S.S. "New Pioneer", was later named "SS Assimi" and is also featured on Tyne Built Ships.

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5 October 1915

Lat 51.69, Long -5.14

12.50am: Pendeen light abeam 7 miles bearing S22W

2.15am: Signalled two trawlers for escorting S.S. "San Dunstano"

2.35am: Trawlers took over escorting

2.45am: Turned around. Longships two point starboard bow [Longships is most probably Longships Watch, Sennen]

3.25am: Longships light abeam 2½ miles

3.45am: Longships light bearing ESE (compass)

3.50am: Observed Pendeen light 4 points starboard bow

4.00am: Fine, clear, damp

4.25am: Pendeen light abeam 7 miles

8.00am: Fine, sea slight

11.25am: Various courses making St. Ann's Head

Noon: St. Ann's Head abeam 1 mile and proceeded up harbour

12.10pm: Stack Fort

12.30pm: Let go starboard anchor off Milford and lowered launch

2.00pm: Hoisted out launch

3.00pm: Crew employed variously

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

4.30pm: Proceeded to get launch aboard

4.45pm: Hove up anchor and turning ship

4.50pm: Full ahead down harbour.

5.10pm: Stack Fort

5.25pm: St. Ann's Head abeam

5.27pm: St. Ann's Light bearing NE by N

6.50pm: Smalls light abeam 2¾ miles

7.05pm: Smalls bearing N63E

8.00pm: Fine. Hazy. Sea smooth

10.55pm: Celestial phenomena commencing with vivid flashes of light, the "tail" being visible for 10 minutes bearing east, in shape of Celestial symbol Impossible to mistake aircraft or rocket for above.

Midnight: Fine and hazy

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6 October 1915

Lat 52.13, Long -6.05

2.35am: Observed Mine Head light bearing N27W (compass)

3.00am: Passed several fishing vessels during watch

4.00am: Fine, clear and dry

7.22am: Mine Head light N35W 3 miles

8.00am: Fine, cloudy

9.10am: Hook Point abeam 3 miles

9.55am: Coningbeg light vessel abeam 1 mile

10.50am: Barrels light vessel abeam ¾ mile

11.35am: Tuskar abeam 2½ miles

Noon: Fine and clear

1.00pm: Passed through drifters nets

1.20pm: Observed Coningbeg light vessel bearing NW (compass)

1.45pm: Coningbeg light vessel abeam 6 miles bearing N1W

2.30pm: Passed steamship heading east

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

4.50pm: Mine Head light bearing N27W 3 miles

5.45pm: St. Elmo. Passed trawler patrol

6.30pm: Hook light Abeam

7.10pm: Coningbeg light vessel abeam 2 miles

7.57pm: Hook light abeam

9.55pm: Mine Head bearing N25W

Midnight: Fine and clear, wind rising

Hook Point is also known as Hook Head.

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7 October 1915

Lat 51.97, Long -6.78

4.00am: Fresh breeze, moderate sea and swell, hazy and fine

6.20am: Made the Smalls

7.22am: Smalls abeam 2 miles

8.00am: Fresh breeze and increasing moderate sea

9.35am: Tuskar on bearing

10.25am: Barrels light vessel abeam 2 miles

11.20am: Coningbeg light vessel abeam 4 miles

Noon: Overcast with rough sea

2.50pm: Mine Head lighthouse abeam 2 miles

4.00pm: High gale, heavy sea, rain and overcast

4.40pm: Brought ship head to sea

6.00pm: Wind increasing. Heavy sea

7.00pm: Heavy rain

8.00pm: Strong gale. High sea, confused

Midnight: Sinister weather

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8 October 1915

Lat 51.99, Long -6.63

4.00am: Weather moderating, high southwesterly swell, pitching and spraying fore and aft

5.00am: Wind moderating. High southwester swell

6.25am: Altered course to NNW to make land

6.30am: Mine Head

8.00am: High southwesterly swell

11.00am: Hook Point abeam

Noon: Fine and clear

12.30pm: Signalled "Kenmore" of Cork heading S75W

12.45pm: Sighted trawlers "A170" and "R176"

1.00pm: Barrels abeam 2 miles bearing N5W

2.00pm: Tuskar abeam 2 miles

2.50pm: Barrels abeam 1½ miles. Sighted H.M.Y. "Beryl"

3.00pm: Sighted S.S. "Anglo Mexican" heading N31E

3.45pm: Coningbeg abeam ½ mile

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

6.44pm: Mine Head light bearing N26W

7.15pm: H.M.Y. "Beryl" steering west

8.00pm: Fine, clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

A probable reference to S.S. "Kenmore", sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

Hook Point is also known as Hook Head.

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9 October 1915

[At Milford Haven]

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

2.30am: Passed through drift net fishermen during watch

4.00am: Fine, hazy and damp

4.20am: Made Smalls light N63E

8.00am: Hazy

9.00am: Smalls abeam 1 mile

9.45am: Smalls bearing NE 3 miles

11.00am: Courses various making St. Ann's Head

11.30am: St. Ann's Head abeam and proceeded up harbour

11.45am: Stack Fort

Noon: Stopped off Milford Haven for signals

12.05pm: Proceeded up harbour

12.15pm: Weare Point

12.30pm: All fast to N.C.E. buoy and rung off engines

3.00pm: Crew preparing for coaling

4.00pm: Hazy, dull and rain

5.00pm: Water boat alongside, received 55 tons

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10 October 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

7.15am: Colliers alongside

7.30am: Commenced

8.00am: Overcast. Hazy

10.00am: Hands employed variously

Noon: Cloudy

4.05pm: Finished coaling, received 220 tons

7.30pm: Ship swung

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LOG BOOK – October 11th 1915 to December 11th 1915

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Mercurial or aneroid: aneroid

Hight of cistern above sea: 26 feet

Thermometer for Air Temperature:

Position in Ship: in pilot house

Whether in screen: no

Maker: Heath & Co. Ltd.

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11 October 1915

[At Pembroke]

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

6.00am: Day commences fine and clear

6.55am: Stand by

7.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded down harbour, engines as required

7.10am: Weare Point

7.22am: Let go starboard anchor off Milford in 13 fathoms

10.30am: Vice Admiral Dare visited ship

Noon: Draught 16 feet 4 inches forward 14 feet 8 inches

12.10pm: Hove short

12.15pm: Hove up anchor and proceeded swinging ship

12.40pm: Full ahead proceeding down harbour

12.50pm: Stack Fort

1.07pm: St. Ann's Head abeam

2.50pm: Smalls lighthouse abeam 1½ miles bearing N32E (compass)

2.55pm: Smalls lighthouse bearing N8W

3.00pm: Passed several sailing trawlers during watch

4.00pm: Moderate breeze, slight sea, cloudy to clear and fine, dry

5.00pm: Searchlight tested

7.45pm: Made Trevose light bearing S13E

8.00pm: Fine, clear, moderate sea

9.15pm: Trevose Head abeam distance 6 miles

Midnight: Overcast and hazy, confused sea

According to The Dreadnought Project Vice Admiral Charles Holcombe Dare was the Senior Naval Officer at Milford Haven.

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12 October 1915

Lat 50.95, Long -5.07

3.00am: Passed several small sailing vessels

4.00am: Moderate to fresh wind, moderate sea, heavily overcast and hazy, damp

6.47am: Smalls bearing NE 3 miles

8.00am: Overcast and rain squalls, sea rough

9.15am: St. Govan's light vessel abeam 3 miles

Noon: Overcast and squally

1.45pm: Trevose lighthouse abeam 4 miles bearing S72E

2.00pm: Passed Norwegian steamship steering northeasterly, light

4.00pm: Moderate breeze and sea, fine, clear and dry

7.00pm: Passed Norwegian barque steering NE

8.00pm: Fine, clear, moderate sea

10.00pm: Passed sailing vessel bound ENE

Midnight: Overcast and hazy

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13 October 1915

Lat 50.95, Long -5.30

2.30am: Passed several sailing and fishing vessels during watch

4.00am: Light airs, slight sea, fine, hazy and damp

6.19am: St. Ann's bearing N74E, Smalls light N20W

7.29am: Smalls abeam 3 miles

Noon: Fine and clear

1.25pm: Trevose Head lighthouse bearing S15E (compass)

2.08pm: Trevose Head lighthouse abeam 4 miles bearing S3E

2.30pm: Sighted trawler "Osprey II" steering southwesterly

3.00pm: Sighted S.S. "Trident" of Newcastle steering northeasterly, light

4.00pm: Moderate breeze, fine, clear and dry

6.00pm: Armed liner [M.Y. O.N.]

8.00pm: Fine, cloudy

8.30pm: Trevose Rock S21E distance 9 miles

Midnight: Overcast, hazy and squally

A probable reference to "Osprey II" is featured on the Bosun's Watch website.

A probable reference to S.S. "Trident", sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

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14 October 1915

Lat 51.03, Long -5.80

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, heavily overcast and fine, rainy first part watch

5.40am: Smalls bearing NE 2½ miles

6.30am: S.S. "Spectator" of Liverpool bound NNE

8.00am: Overcast and hazy

9.10am: Connected hand steering gear to execute repairs

10.10am: Resumed steam steering gear

11.30am: Sighted monitor Monitor escorted by yacht

Noon: Fine and clear with westerly swell

12.45pm: Sighted monitor H.M.S. "Earl of Peterborough" escorted by yacht and trawler

3.40pm: Sighted armed trawler in company with two others, "Drypool", heading N72W

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry, high westerly swell

6.22pm: Trevose light bearing S37E 6 miles

8.00pm: Fine, clear. High westerly swell

Midnight: Fine and hazy with high westerly swell

A probable reference to S.S. "Spectator", sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

"Drypool" could refer to the trawler "Drypool" H375 from Hull, or to the company Drypool Group Ltd. which owned several trawlers.

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15 October 1915

Lat 51.43, Long -5.70

2.32am: Observed Small light bearing N35E (compass)

3.25am: Observed Cape St. Ann light bearing N80E (compass)

3.35am: Smalls light abeam 11 miles bearing N10W

3.50am: Observed South Bishop light bearing N30E (compass)

3.55am: Passed numerous drift net fishermen and two steamships heading east

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, high westerly swell, fine, clear and damp

4.50am: St. Ann's light N77E, Smalls N57W

6.40am: Smalls abeam 4 miles

6.58am: Smalls bearing N62E

7.30am: Norwegian steamer "Thor" bound NNE

8.00am: Fine and clear. Westerly swell

11.30am: Signalled S.S. "City of Dortmund"

Noon: Fine and clear with light swell

12.30pm: Sighted S.S. "Embla" of Grangemouth bound to Glasgow

1.45pm: Observed Govan light ship bearing S80E [Govan is St. Govan's Head]

2.20pm: Govan light vessel 2 miles

3.00pm: Searchlight tested

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

4.30pm: Signalled S.S. "Royal George" steering westerly

5.00pm: Crew exercised in torpedo attack, fire and boat drill

7.07pm: Trevose light abeam 9 miles

8.00pm: Fine and clear

8.14pm: Stopped for engines room repairs

Midnight: Fine and clear

A probable reference to S.S. "City of Dortmund" in the National Archives lists the crew of the ship in 1915.

A probable reference to S.S. "Embla", sunk in 1915 by a mine.

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16 October 1915

Lat 51.35, Long -6.17

3.30am: Passed several sailing vessels and steamship bound west

4.00am: Gentle breeze, slight sea, moderate westerly swell, fine, clear and damp

7.32am: Smalls abeam 2 miles

8.00am: Fine. Hazy. Liner passed bound NNE

9.20am: Slow and stop to obtain fish from trawler "Ebor" of Hull

Noon: Fine but hazy, wind rising

4.00pm: Slight wind, slight sea, foggy, fine

4.05pm: Altered course for Govan light vessel [Govan is St. Govan's Head]

4.20pm: St. Govan's light vessel abeam ½ mile

5.30pm: S.S. "Multistone" passed bound northerly

8.00pm: Fine. Hazy. Sea slight

9.20pm: Sighted Trevose Head light

Midnight: Overcast and hazy

A site on Milford Trawlers lists a probable reference to "Ebor".

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17 October 1915

[At Milford Haven]

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, fine and hazy

7.15am: Stopped and lowered boat to examine floating object, "Straw bed"

8.00am: Hazy, sea smooth

10.20am: St. Govan's light vessel abeam ¼ mile

11.35am: St. Ann's Head abeam

11.50am: Stack Fort and received orders to proceed Wear Reach

Noon: Passed Milford

12.15pm: Let go starboard anchor off Wear Point. Draught 16 feet, 12 feet

3.20pm: Received orders to proceed N.C.E. buoy, Pembroke and rung off engines

5.00pm: Water boat alongside, received 70 tons

8.00pm: Weather fine, hazy

Midnight: Thick fog

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18 October 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

4.00am: Thick fog

7.50am: Collier alongside port side and commenced coaling

8.00am: Thick fog continues

9.45am: Coal barge alongside starboard side

10.15am: Ship swung

Noon: Weather somewhat clear

1.00pm: M. Russel stoker and H. Faulkener [?] able seaman discharged to ship from hospital

4.55pm: Finished coaling starboard side, barge left

5.50pm: Finished coaling, collier left

6.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.00pm: Ship swing to flood tide

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19 October 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Steam launch proceeded to Milford with captain

11.00am: Ship delayed to get stores aboard

11.40am: Slipped buoy and proceeded down harbour, engines as required

Noon: Stopped of Milford

12.15pm: Received orders to anchor and remain on two hours notice

12.18pm: Let go starboard anchor. Draught 16.1 feet, 15 feet

3.00pm: Hands employed variously

4.00pm: Fine. Hazy

5.15pm: Launch left for Pembroke with captain

6.00pm: Weather coming in thick

7.00pm: Launch returned to ship with captain

9.00pm: Officers on anchor watch

11.15pm: Ship swung to flood tide

Midnight: Fine and hazy

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20 October 1915

At Milford Haven Roads

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

4.00am: Fine. Hazy

4.56am: Ship swung to ebb tide

8.00am: Overcast

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.25am: Received signal for commanding officer to repair on shore

9.40am: Duty drifter "Nesmar" with lieutenant R.N.R. in charge came alongside with mail and despite our fender, lifted and strained rail on port quarter through not going astern quickly enough

9.45am: Captain repaired on shore in steam launch

11.15am: Water boat alongside

Noon: Overcast but clear

12.15pm: Water boat left, received 23 tons

1.00pm: Launch returned to ship and commenced heave up anchor

1.05pm: Launch hoisted and anchor weighed and proceeded down harbour. Engines as required

1.30pm: Passed through "Gates"

1.45pm: St. Ann's abeam

1.55pm: Cape St. Ann's bearing NE by N (compass)

2.40pm: Skomer north bearing NE

3.30pm: South Bishop lighthouse abeam bearing N80E

4.00pm: South Bishop bearing S30E. Fine, clear and dry

5.25pm: Strumble Head on 4 points

5.34pm: Strumble abeam distance ¾ mile

8.00pm: Fine, cloudy

10.00pm: Bardsey abeam 4 miles

Midnight: Cloudy and hazy, wind freshening

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21 October 1915

Lat 52.18, Long -5.92

1.20am: North Arklow bearing N45W 3 miles

4.00am: Moderate gale, high sea and swell, spraying forward, pitching, overcast and hazy

7.45am: Passed fleet collier "Moyle"

8.00am: Moderate gale. High sea

10.00am: Weather improving

10.20am: Passed tug towing lighter steering NE

Noon: Cloudy with hazy horizon

12.25pm: Made land: Kemmaes Head S48E, Strumble Head S62W

3.00pm: Passed two colliers steering SW by W (compass)

3.45pm: Passed two trawlers steering SW by W (compass)

4.00pm: Weather moderate, sea moderate, fine and clear

7.45pm: Observed North Arklow light vessel, Wicklow Head light vessel

8.00pm: Codling light vessel, Wicklow Head light bearing N70W (compass)

11.50pm: Bardsey light in sight

Midnight: Cloudy and hazy

Kemmaes Head is also known as Cemaes Head.

Collier "Moyle" is featured in the Clydebuilt database.

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22 October 1915

Lat 52.56, Long -5.98

1.25am: Bardsey Island light 4 miles

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, fine, clear and dry

5.50am: Fishguard light south, Strumble Head S67W

6.15am: Made number on demand from war signal station Strumble Head

8.00am: Overcast, cloudy

9.10am to 9.20am: Slow to signal H.M.T. "Dane"

10.50am: Lucifer light vessel abeam

11.45am: Blackwater light vessel abeam 2 miles

Noon: Fine but cloudy

12.30pm: Passed steamship heading S45W (compass)

1.00pm: South Arklow abeam distance 1 mile

2.25pm: Passed Spanish S.S. "Ason" steering N42E (compass)

2.30pm: North Tuskar bearing N77W

3.00pm: Passed H.M.Y. "Bacchante" bearing N40E (compass)

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, moderate sea, overcast, rainy

4.07pm: South Arklow light vessel abeam 2½ miles

4.25pm: S.S. "Cheyenne" of Newcastle passed bound to Barrow

5.15pm: Blackwater light vessel abeam distance 3 miles

6.30pm: Lucifer light vessel abeam 2½ miles

8.00pm: Gentle breeze, moderate sea, fine, overcast and clear.

10.40pm: Strumble light abeam 3½ miles

Midnight: Overcast, fine and clear

A probable reference to H.M.T. "Dane", sunk on 28 August 1915 by a mine, so the one mentioned here most probably was H.M.T. "Dane II".

A probable reference to S.S. "Ason", lost in 1916.

S.S. "Cheyenne" is featured on Tyne Built Ships.

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23 October 1915

Lat 52.35, Long -4.95

2.15am: Observed Bardsey Island light bearing NE by N½N (compass)

4.00am: Moderate breeze and sea, rainy and overcast

4.15am: Bardsey abeam, about 5 miles

8.00am: Moderate gale. Sea rough

10.07am: Fishguard buoy abeam

Noon: Fine but cloudy

2.30pm: Observed schooner tacking off Bardsey close reefed

2.45pm: Bardsey Island lighthouse abeam distance 1 mile

4.00pm: Fresh wind, rough sea, overcast and clear

5.30pm: Sea moderating slightly

7.45pm: Strumble Head buoy [?] light close

8.00pm: Heavy continuous rain

8.30pm: Rain abated

9.30pm: Weather unsettled and showery

Midnight: Bardsey abeam 4¾ miles. Weather unsettled, overcast and showery

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24 October 1915

Lat 52.38, Long -5.87

2.00am: Passed steamship escorted by two destroyers bound ENE

2.45am: Passed steamship bound WSW (compass)

3.00am: Passed Great Western steamship bound ENE (compass)

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, overcast and rainy to fine and clear

5.05am: South Arklow abeam 3½ miles

6.23am: Blackwater abeam

6.38am: Received news of sinking ship and proceeded to spot indicated and searched spot than proceeded east and north

7.00am: Abandoned cleared for action, guns crews all prepared submarine attack

8.00am: Found and rescued two boats crews as follows: captain and fourteen men of Norwegian Steamer S.S. "Ydun" of Bergen and after five men of the S.S. "Isabel Monks" of Liverpool who had been in collision. Approximate position N60E 17 miles of Tuskar, 52° 25N, 5° 52W [Lat 52.42, -5.87]. Later on 7 men were transferred from H.M.Y. "Bachantee" [The log-keeper most probably meant H.M.Y. "Bacchante"]

11.00am: Log hauled in as required to escape wreckage

11.30am: Passed signal to "Bachante" to stand by derelict [The log-keeper most probably meant H.M.Y. "Bacchante"]

11.45am: Set course S¼W for Milford

11.52am: S.S. "Isabel Monk" sunk bow first

Noon: Cloudy and hazy

1.20pm: Observed Bishop lighthouse bearing S25E

2.00pm: Bishop lighthouse abeam 2¾ miles

3.00pm: Log hauled in

3.05pm: St. Ann's Head abeam

3.14pm: Passed through "Gates"

3.45pm: Let go port anchor off Milford

4.00pm: Heavily overcast and rainy

4.50pm: Commenced to heave up

4.55pm: Anchor aweigh and proceeded to turn ship

5.15pm: Ship round and proceeded up harbour

5.30pm: Let go port anchor Weave Reach

5.38pm: Ship brought up and finished with engines

7.15pm: Ship swung to ebb

8.00pm: Weather overcast and squally

Midnight: Heavy rain

References to S.S. "Ydun" and S.S. "Isabel Monks" can be found on Wreck Site.

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25 October 1915

[At Pembroke]

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

2.30am: Weather moderating

3.10am: Ship swung to flood

4.00am: Weather fine and clear

7.30am: Commenced to heave up

7.35am: Anchor aweigh and proceeded up harbour

7.55am: All fast to "A" buoy

8.00am: Ship all secure and finished with engines

8.15am: Colliers alongside and commenced coaling

10.00am: Hands employed variously

10.30am: Launch left for Milford with engineer, paymaster and three sick men

11.30am: Duty drifter visited ship

Noon: Weather fine and clear

4.00pm: Weather overcast and unsettled

5.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 186 tons

7.30pm: Water boat cast off, received 50 tons

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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26 October 1915

At Pembroke

Lat 51.70, Long -4.96

4.00am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Crew employed cleaning ship and drawing stores from dockyard

7.45am: Ship swung to ebb tide

8.00am: Weather fine and clear

2.00pm: Crew employed variously

2.30pm: Painted funnel

9.30pm: Fire and boat parties told off

8.00pm: Fine, cloudy and dry

Midnight: Fine, cloudy and dry

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27 October 1915

[At Milford Haven]

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

4.00am: Weather fine and cloudy

6.00am: Hands employed various on vessel's [?]

7.00am: Unmoored vessel, prepared for slipping

7.30am: Slipped buoy and proceeded down harbour, engines as required

8.00am: Slow approaching Milford

8.02am: Let go port anchor off Milford

8.05am: Rung off

Noon: Fine and clear. Launch hoisted

1.05pm: Stand by and commenced to heave up

1.12pm: Anchor weighed and proceeded to turn ship

1.25pm: Full ahead down harbour

1.40pm: Passed "Gates"

1.50pm: St. Ann's Head abeam

2.50pm: St. Govan light vessel abeam close

4.00pm: Moderate breeze and sea, fine, overcast

4.30pm: South Lundey abeam [The log-keeper most probably meant Lundy Island]

8.00pm: Fresh breeze. Moderate sea. Rain

8.15pm: Trevose Head abeam

Midnight: Fresh gale, rough sea, continuous rain

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28 October 1915

Lat 51.42, Long -6.15

4.00am: Strong wind high east swell, vessel rolling and lurching, rainy and overcast

8.00am: Moderate gale. High sea. Rain squall

8.45am: Smalls abeam 2½ miles

Noon: Moderate gale. Rough sea, fine and clear

3.40pm: Passed collier "Welshman" of Glasgow steering north

4.00pm: Moderate breeze and sea, high westerly swell, weather moderating fine and clear

7.03pm: St. Govan's light vessel N74W 1½ miles

8.05pm: Overcast and rain squalls

Midnight: Fine and clear with moderate swell

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29 October 1915

Lat 50.65, Long -5.17

4.00am: Gentle breeze, slight sea, high westerly swell, fine, passing clouds and clear

6.48am: Trevose light bearing S50E about 16 miles

8.00am: Fine, clear, high westerly swell

Noon: Trevose Head bearing S27E 8 miles. Weather fine and clear, occasional light showers

1.00pm: Passed transport steering WSW (compass)

1.45pm: Passed trawler H.M.T. "Michael Angelo"

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, slight sea, moderate westerly swell, fine and clear

4.38pm: St. Govan's light vessel abeam ½ mile

7.30pm: Small light abeam 3 miles

8.00pm: Fine, clear, moderate swell

Midnight: Fine, clear and cloudy

A probable reference to H.M.T. "Michael Angelo" mentions she was later renamed "Worsley" (GY506).

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30 October 1915

Lat 51.67, Long -5.58

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, passing clouds, fine and clear

6.22am: Trevose light bearing S85E 9 miles

7.45am: Trawler "Seaplane" BM83 SSW

8.00am: Fine, clear, moderate swell

9.15am: Lundy Island abeam

11.25am: Smalls abeam

Noon: Fine and clear

1.00pm: Passed trawler "Emerald" M37

2.00pm: St. Govan's light vessel bearing N25E close. Sighted trawler "Michael Angelo" heading variously

4.00pm: Fresh wind, rough sea, heavily overcast and clear

7.10pm: Trevose bearing SE by E 10 miles

8.00pm: Strong wind, rough following sea. Rain squalls

11.30pm: Ship taking water off

Midnight: Overcast and squally. Fresh gale, rough sea

"Seaplane" is featured in the Brixham Heritage Sailing Trawler Archive.

A probable reference to H.M.T. "Emerald" mentions she was later renamed "Respondo" (HL63).

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31 October 1915

Lat 50.73, Long -5.18

4.00am: Strong wind, high rough confused sea, heavy continuous rain to fine and clear

7.00am: Heavy rain squalls from south-westward

8.00am: Strong wind, confused sea

10.00am: Made land. Pentire Head S17W, Trevose S18W

11.00am: Trevose abeam 3½ miles

Noon: Overcast, moderate gale. Rainy with southwesterly swell

4.00pm: Moderate gale, rainy to brighter appearance of weather

7.00pm: Strong wind, confused sea, southwesterly swell

8.00pm: Overcast

11.00pm: Hospital ship passed bound south

Midnight: Overcast and rough


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1 November 1915

Lat 51.17, Long -5.93

3.45am: Passed three drifters

4.00am: Strong wind, rough sea, high southwesterly swell, heavily overcast and squally

6.12am: Smalls abeam about 13 miles

8.00am: Strong wind, rough sea

8.50am: St. Ann's Head bearing N54E 5 miles

Noon: Fine and hazy and overcast

12.55pm: Passed Dutch schooner heading NW

4.00pm: Fresh wind, rough sea, heavily overcast and rainy

8.00pm: Fresh wind, rough sea, overcast and cloudy

10.30pm: Numerous sailing fishing crafts

Midnight: Overcast and clear

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2 November 1915

[At Milford Haven]

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

4.00am: Moderate breeze and sea, fine, clear and dry

5.30am: St. Ann's light bearing N57E 11 miles

8.00am: Fine and clear

9.45am: St. Govan's light vessel abeam 1 mile

11.10am: Hauled in log and courses variously approaching St. Ann's

11.30am: St. Ann's abeam

11.45am: Passed through "Gates"

Noon: Fine and clear

12.10pm: Let go starboard anchor off Milford

12.15pm: Lieutenant-commander boarded and hove up anchor and proceeded into Milford Dock

12.30pm: Passed through dock gates

1.00pm: All fast in dock and rung off engines. Draught 16 feet 6 inches, 11 feet 4 inches

4.00pm: Liberty men left ship

8.00pm: Weather fine and clear

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3 November 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

5.30am: Day commences fine and clear.

6.00am: Hands employed painting hull, etcetera.

6.30am: Working parties on board cleaning boilers, etcetera. Plumbers and caulkers working.

7.30am: Ordnance official visited ship and tested guns

1.00pm: Work proceeding in boilers, etcetera

8.00pm: Weather calm, fine and clear

10.00pm: Taking in water

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4 November 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

6.00am: Day commences fine and clear with frost

7.00am: Work proceeding in boilers, etcetera

8.00am: Crew employed painting hull

1.00pm: Work proceeding in boilers, etcetera

8.00pm: Weather calm, fine and clear

10.00pm: Engineers taking water for boilers

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5 November 1915

[At Milford Haven]

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

5.30am: Day commences fine and clear

7.00am: Crew employed painting ship

8.00am: Work proceeding in boilers, etcetera

9.00am: Working party proceed Pembroke for stores

10.30am: Coaling delayed owing to repairs in bunkers being carried out

4.30pm: Lights, gangways, moorings carefully tended

6.30pm: Weather calm, fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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6 November 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

3.30am: Fine and clear

4.30am: Lights, gangways, moorings carefully tended

6.00am: Crew employed painting ship

7.00am: Forward bunker read for coal

8.00am: Fine and clear

Noon: Fine and clear

1.00pm: Crew employed washing and mending cloths

4.00pm: Fine and clear

4.30pm: Monday crew recalled 2.00pm Monday. Captain informed

5.00pm: Received orders ship leaving dock

6.00pm: Lights, gangways, moorings carefully tended

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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7 November 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

3.30am: Lights, gangways, moorings carefully tended

4.30am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Commenced coaling forward bunker

8.00am: Overcast and clear

Noon: Overcast and clear

3.30pm: Overcast and clear, occasional rain squalls

4.30pm: Lights, gangways, moorings carefully tended

6.00pm: Stopped coaling for the day

8.00pm: Overcast and rainy

Midnight: Fine and clear

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8 November 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

4.00am: Overcast and rainy

5.00am: Lights, gangways, moorings carefully tended

6.00am: Recommenced coaling

8.00am: Overcast and rainy

11.45am: Coaling finished

Noon: Overcast and rainy

1.00pm: Received 80 tons fresh water

4.15pm: Singled up

4.30pm: Cast off. Hove to into lock-entrance

4.50pm: Let go and proceeded to anchorage in Milford Roads

5.00pm: Let go starboard anchor. Engines and courses as requisite

5.30pm: Hoisted launch up

9.00pm: Ship swung to ebb tide

11.00pm: Duty drifter alongside with liberty men

Midnight: Strong wind, weather overcast and hazy

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9 November 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Moderate gale. Raining and gloomy

9.00am: Weather improving

Noon: Fresh wind, fine and cloudy

2.20pm: Ship swung to flood tide

3.00pm: Duty drifter alongside with "Fireman"

6.00pm: Heavy rain and hail squalls

7.00pm: Hoisted steam launch

8.00pm: Hard squalls with rain

8.35pm: Ship swung to tide

11.30pm: Duty drifter alongside with liberty men

Midnight: Fresh wind, confused sea, overcast

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10 November 1915

At Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

1.45am: Swung to flood tide

2.00am: Water boat came alongside. Received 10 tons

4.00am: Strong wind, clear

7.00am: Crew employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Strong wind, cloudy. Hard squalls

9.50am: Ship swung to ebb tide

11.00am: Drifter visited ship with stores

Noon: Strong wind, cloudy. Squally

2.30pm: Drifter "Buchan" came alongside and damaged after rail. Awaiting return of party and oil from Pembroke

3.00pm: Party returned from Pembroke

3.05pm: Commenced to heave up

3.15pm: Anchor weighed and proceeded down harbour

3.40pm: Passed "Gates"

3.53pm: St. Ann's abeam

5.20pm: Hauled to wind. Slowed engines. Fixing shutters on main deck

5.40pm: Full speed

7.30pm: Strong wind, rough sea. Squally

11.00pm: Clock put back 5 minutes

Midnight: Gale of wind, overcast and squally

Drifter "Buchan" might not be the name of the drifter, is might be a reference to Buchan and Co. Ltd.

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11 November 1915

[From Milford Haven to Gibraltar]

Lat 48.65, Long -8.52

1.00am: Carpenter and chief petty officer went rounds and reported all well

2.00am: Ship slowed down an account of bad steam

2.20am: Full ahead again

4.00am: Moderate breeze and sea, fine and clear

7.00am: Clock put back 5 minutes

7.30am: Overcast and rain squalls, moderate sea. Fresh wind

10.30am: Weather increasing

11.15am: Slowed down to half speed for bad weather

11.30am: Clock put back to 8° 30' W 3 minutes

Noon: Gale of wind with high head sea. Overcast. Squally with continuous rain

4.00pm: Strong gale, heavy head sea and swell, shipping water fore and aft

8.00pm: Strong gale. Heavy high and confused sea. Hard rain squalls

Midnight: Similar weather

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12 November 1915

[From Milford Haven to Gibraltar]

Lat 47.03, Long -9.50

2.30am: Rounds every half hour. All well

4.00am: Wind and sea increasing, lurching and shipping water fore and aft

6.30am: Wind hauling to westward in squall

7.30am: Strong gale. Heavy confused sea, shipping water

11.30am: Altered course to bring ship head on

Noon: Weather remaining unchanged

1.15pm: Shipped sea and smashed deck house on starboard side. Stave in port lifeboat, injured thee men, cuts. A door and six shutters, starboard and alley, smashed in and other damage. Electric circuit for navigation and engine room lights failed, oil lamps in inaccessible room on account of seas. Brought ship to wind and reduced pressure

5.00pm: Extreme roll: 50° port, 39° starboard.

6.00pm: More damage done to port alley. Captain's bath turned over. Room pretty well wrecked. Two windows smashed. Wheel gear jammed, put into hand gear

8.30pm: Tremendous seas and confused with hard rain and hail squalls, wind hauling to northward in same

11.30pm: Weather continues unabated

Midnight: Vessel shipping heavy water

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13 November 1915

From Milford Haven to Gibraltar

Lat 47.03, Long -9.87

1.30am: Port lifeboat washed away. Davit bent down flush with deck. Aft boxes smashed

4.00am: Hard squalls with hail and rain. Heavy and high confused sea. Shipping much water

6.00am: Aft Lazarette covers washed adrift. Place full with water, also cabins and saloon, great damage. Crew pumping out the same

8.00am: Fresh wind, high sea and swell, vessel easier

11.30am: Weather moderating, fine and clear

3.30pm: Weather moderating, fine and clear, spraying

7.30pm: Fine, clear. Squalls with rain

11.00pm: 12 knots not obtainable owing to bad steam

Midnight: Clear and cloudy, occasional squalls

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14 November 1915

From Milford Haven to Gibraltar

Lat 42.73, Long -11.88

1.30am: Rounds gone all well

4.00am: Moderate breeze and sea, fine with occasional rain squalls

8.00am: Fresh wind, moderate sea, dull and cloudy

Noon: Fine but cloudy, occasional squalls

4.00pm: Gentle breeze, moderate sea, overcast and clear

8.00pm: Light wind, slight sea and northerly swell, slight rain and wind squalls

Midnight: Fine, overcast and gloomy with light southwesterly swell

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15 November 1915

From Milford Haven to Gibraltar

Lat 37.58, Long -10.28

4.00am: Light wind, slight sea, heavily overcast and fine

7.00am: Exhaust pipe broken of steam steering gear. Using hand gear

8.00am: Fine, sea smooth, overcast and clear

9.00am: Resumed steam steering gear

10.00am: Clock put on 4 minutes

Noon: Fine, clear and cloudy

3.45pm: Observed land bearing S80E (compass)

4.00pm: Fine, clear and dry

4.30pm: Made St. Vincent bearing S78E

5.10pm: Cape St. Vincent on 4 points

5.45pm: Cape St. Vincent abeam 9 miles

7.00pm: Destroyer passed bound NW by W

8.00pm: Fine and clear

11.50pm: Hospital ship passed bound northwesterly

Midnight: Fine and clear

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16 November 1915

From Milford Haven to Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

1.30am: Rounds gone all well

4.00am: Fine, clear and dry

5.45am: Trafalgar abeam

7.23am: Tarifa abeam 2 miles

8.00am: Carnero bearing NW by N

8.30am: Log hauled in approaching Gibraltar

8.45am: Awaiting pilot off South Mole

9.05am: Pilot boarded and proceeded in harbour, engines as required

9.30am: Entered harbour

10.00am: All fast alongside North Mole

3.00pm: Crew employed cleaning ship and painting masts

4.00pm: Fine and clear

8.00pm: Fine, clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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17 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Crew employed washing decks and cleaning ship

8.00am: Cloudy and fine

10.00am: Hands employed painting masts and variously

Noon: Fine and clear

2.00pm: Hands employed variously

4.00pm: Overcast and fine

4.50pm: Rear Admiral Currey visited ship

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Heavy rain storm with thunder and lightning

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18 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Overcast

6.00am: Hands employed washing decks and variously

8.00am: Overcast and rain

10.00am: Painting masts, boat's davits and overside

Noon: Overcast with occasional rain

4.00pm: Light Rain

8.30pm: Weather fine but overcast

Midnight: Fine and clear but overcast

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19 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Crew employed cleaning ship, drawing stores, etcetera

8.00am: Fine and clear

11.00am: Took in fresh water 50 tons

Noon: Fine and clear

3.00pm: Hands employed painting, etcetera

5.00pm: Fine and clear

8.00pm: Similar weather

Midnight: Fine and clear

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20 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

3.00am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Fine and clear

10.00am: Singled up and prepared to shift ship

Noon: Fine and clear

12.15pm: Tug alongside and proceeded to shift ship. Pilot directing

12.55pm: All tied up and fast alongside Pocket number 5

4.00pm: Fine and clear

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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21 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Clear and fine

6.00am: Hands employed washing decks

8.00am: Clear and fine

10.00am: Sabbath observed

Noon: Clear and fine

4.00pm: Clear and fine

8.00pm: Weather fine but cloudy and wind increasing

Midnight: Fresh wind, fine and clear


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22 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Gusty wind, fine and clear

6.00am: Hands employed variously

8.00am: Fresh wind, fine and clear

2.00pm: Hands employed painting rails, etcetera

4.00pm: Fine, cloudy. Fresh wind

8.00pm: Fine, cloudy

Midnight: Fresh wind, cloudy weather

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23 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fresh wind, cloudy and rain squalls

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting, etcetera

8.00am: Cloudy

10.00am: Hands employed variously

Noon: Overcast. Wind moderating

2.00pm: Hands employed variously, drawing stores, etcetera

4.00pm: Overcast and dull, showery

8.00pm: Overcast, moderate breeze

Midnight: Similar weather

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24 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Overcast. Showery

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.00am: Reeving boat's falls, etcetera

8.00am: Cloudy. Fine

9.00am: Water boat alongside, received 70 tons

Midnight: Fine, cloudy

2.00pm: Hands employed reeving off falls, etcetera

4.00pm: Light breeze, fine and cloudy

8.00pm: Light breeze, fine and cloudy

Midnight: Fine and clear

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25 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Hands employed washing down, etcetera

8.00am: Light breeze, fine and cloudy

Noon: Fine and clear

2.00pm: Hands employed variously

4.00pm: Fine and clear

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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26 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine weather

6.00am: Hands employed painting overside, scrubbing boat topping, etcetera

8.00am: Fine and clear

11.00am: Painting overside, funnel and ventilators

Noon: Fine and clear

2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship

4.00pm: Light breeze, fine and clear

8.00pm: Light breeze, fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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27 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Light breeze, fine and clear

6.00am: Hands employed variously

8.00am: Light breeze, fine but overcast

Noon: Light wind, fine and overcast

4.00pm: Thunder and lightning, heavy rain

8.00pm: Light wind, overcast, heavy rain

Midnight: Heavy continuous rain

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28 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Unsettled weather. Occasional rain

8.00am: Sky heavily overcast, occasional rain

Noon: Overcast and continuous rain

4.00pm: Overcast. Heavy rain

8.00pm: Heavy rain. Hard squalls

Midnight: Heavy rain

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29 November 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Continual rain. Fresh wind

6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.00am: Fresh wind. Heavy rain squalls

10.00am: Hands employed overhead main deck and variously

Noon: Heavy rain, continual hard squalls

3.30pm: Strong wind. Heavy rain showers

5.30pm: Lights, moorings, gangways carefully tended. Fire gear ready

7.30pm: Light easterly wind, squally, overcast

Midnight: Light wind, squally

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30 November 1915

[At Gibraltar]

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

3.30am: Fine and clear

4.30am: Lights, gangway, moorings carefully tended

7.30am: Light wind and showery

9.03am: Cast off from number 5 shed, one tug assisting

9.53am: Entered number 1 dry dock. Draught 16 feet aft, 12 feet 1 inch forward

Noon: Light wind and showery

2.00pm: Hands employed in rigging, etcetera

4.00pm: Weather showery. Sky overcast

7.30pm: Fine and clear

8.00pm: Fire precautions taken

Midnight: Fine, clear weather


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1 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Hands employed variously

8.00am: Fine and clear

11.00am: Hands employed painting and clearing out aft Lazarette

Noon: Fine and bright

2.00pm: Hands employed variously, clearing out Lazarette, painting, etcetera

4.00pm: Fine, clear weather

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine, clear weather

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2 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine, clear

6.00am: Hands employed painting, varnishing, clearing out aft watertight compartment and variously

8.00am: Fine and clear

10.00am: Employed as above

Noon: Fine, clear

3.30pm: Fine and clear

4.30pm: Lights, gangways, moorings carefully tended. Fire gear ready

7.30pm: Fine and clear

11.30pm: Fine and clear

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3 December 1915

[At Gibraltar]

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine and clear

5.00am: Lights and gangways carefully tended

8.00am: Fine and clear

Noon: Fine and clear

2.30pm: Hands employed varnishing, etcetera and in aft Lazarette

4.00pm: Light breeze, fine and clear

7.00pm: Lights and gangway tended

8.30pm: Light breeze, fine and clear

Midnight: Light breeze, fine and clear

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4 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Light breeze, fine and clear

5.00am: Lights and gangway tended

6.00am: Hands employed variously and in aft Lazarette

8.00am: Fine and clear

11.00am: Hands employed varnishing deck house

Noon: Fine and clear

2.00pm: Made and mend clothes

4.00pm: Fine and clear

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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5 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Hands cleaned up decks, etcetera

8.00am: Fine and overcast

10.00am: Sabbath observed

Noon: Fine, cloudy

4.00pm: Moderate wind, fine and cloudy

8.00pm: Strong breeze, cloudy with light showers

Midnight: Fresh wind, occasional showers

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6 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fresh wind, cloudy and showery

8.00am: Moderate breeze, cloudy and fine

9.00am: Hands employed painting and clearing out Lazarette

Noon: Fine. Cloudy, moderate breeze

3.00pm: Hands employed painting and varnishing

4.00pm: Fine, cloudy, moderate breeze

8.00pm: Fine cloudy

Midnight: Light breeze, fine and clear

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7 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine and cloudy

4.30am: Lights and gangway tended

5.30am: Hands employed painting hull, etcetera

8.00am: Light breeze, fine and cloudy

11.00am: Hands employed painting overhead on main deck, varnishing, etcetera

Noon: Fine, cloudy

3.00pm: Hands employed variously

4.00pm: Fine, cloudy

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear. Heavy dew

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8 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine, clear

6.00am: Hands employed varnishing and painting

8.00am: Fine, cloudy

11.00am: Hands employed variously

Noon: Overcast and showery

2.00pm: Hands employed painting, varnishing and cleaning out boats

4.00pm: Fine, cloudy

5.30pm: Lights and gangway carefully tended. Fire gear ready

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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9 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine and clear

6.00am: Hands employed varnishing and painting, etcetera

8.00am: Fine and clear

10.00am: Hands employed as previously

Noon: Fine and clear

2.00pm: Hands employed painting, etcetera

4.00pm: Fine and clear

6.30pm: Gangway and lights tended

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine, clear weather

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10 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Weather fine and clear

5.00am: Hands employed painting and scraping decks, etcetera

8.00am: Fine and clear

10.00am: Hands employed as before

Noon: Fine and clear

3.00pm: Hands employed painting overhead main deck, varnishing, fitting boat's guy's, lashings, etcetera

4.00pm: Fine, clear

8.00pm: Fine and clear

Midnight: Fine, clear weather

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11 December 1915

At Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

4.00am: Fine, clear

6.00am: Hands employed clearing up deck and variously

8.00am: Fine, cloudy

11.00am: Hands employed clearing decks, etcetera and preparing for undocking

Noon: Fine. Overcast

1.45pm: Commenced flooding dock

2.45pm: Ship off blocks OK

3.00pm: Fine, overcast

4.00pm: Hauled out of dry dock and proceeded with tug to number 4 pocket North Mole for coal

4.45pm: Made fast alongside

7.00pm: Water boat alongside, received 60 tons

8.00pm: Fine, clear

Midnight: Fine and clear

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Isabel Monks Liverpool

[See 24 October 1915, she was involved in a collision with S.S. "Ydun"]

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