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London Gazette editions 30494- 32154 (January 1918-December 1920)

HM Hospital Ship Dongola; foreign awards included officers of such vessels  (Photo Ships, click to enlarge)

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30494 - 25 JANUARY 1918


Admiralty, 25th January, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the President of the French Republic on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war.


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.



Adml. Sir Lewis Bayly, K.C.B., C.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Reginald G. O. Tupper, K.C.B., C.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Herbert L. Heath, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Montague E. Browning, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. (actg. Vice-Adml.) Sir Henry F. Oliver, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Alexander L. Duff, K.C.B.



Capt. Maurice S. Fitzmaurice, C.M.G., R.N. (Cdore., 2nd Cl.).

Capt. John P. de Montmorency, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Edward Reeves, C.B., R.N.

Capt. John C. T. Glossop, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Dennis B. Crampton, M.V.O., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Thomas D. Pratt, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Albert C. Scott, R.N.

Capt. Percy M. R. Royds, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. David M. Hamilton, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Charles P. R. Coode, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Albert P. Addison, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Gordon Campbell, V.C., D.S.O., R.N.

Eng. Capt. John G. Liversidge, R.N.

Payr.-in-Ch. Charles E. Byron, C.M.G., R.N.



Cdr. Gerald L. Parnell, R.N.

Capt. John L. Pearson, R.N.

Cdr. Neston W. Diggle, R.N.

Cdr. Douglas B. le Mottee, R.N.

Cdr. Roger M. Bellairs, R.N.

Cdr. Wellwood G. C. Maxwell, R.N.

Cdr. Hubert H. de Burgh, D.S.O., R.N.

N.I. Thomas Y. Baker, B.A., R.N.

N.I. Arthur W. Veater, B.A., R.N.

N.I. George C. Avery, B.A., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Robert H. T. Raikes, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Guy R. Livingstone, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (act. Cdr.) Robert H. B. Hammond-Chambers, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Sydney Hopkins, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Patrick B. Crohan, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Richard H. L. Bevan, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. John Brooke, D.S.C., R.N.

Eng. Lieut.-Cdr. George W. Cannan, R.N.

Major Arthur Peel, R.M.

Lieut. Arthur E. Buckland, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. Charles H. F. Woolley, R.M.


Medaille Militaire.


Warrant Officers.


Ch. Gnr. Alfred Rivett, R.N.

Ch. Gnr. Richard T. T. Lovell, R.N.

Ch. Gnr. James Hill, R.N.

Ch. Bosn. Alexander Turner, R.N.

Ch. Sig. Bosn. Robert Alexander, R.N.

Ch. Sig. Bosn. Philip J. Jones, R.N.

Ch. Art. Eng. John F. Watt, R.N.

Gnr. Ernest J. R. Staple, R.N.

Gnr. John Bellis, R.N.

Gnr. Albert E. Seymour, R.N.

Gnr. Herbert Denton, R.N.

Gnr. (T) Henry J. Epworth, R.N.

Bosn. William H. Tucker, R.N.

Sig. Bosn. Ernest T. Veryard, R.N.

Sig. Bosn. Edward J. Pigg, R.N.

Sig. Bosn. (now Mate) Ernest M. Manners, R.N.

Ch. Skpr. Andrew Lyall, R.N.R., 920W.S.A.

Skpr. William H. Collins, R.N.R., 47W.S.A.

Skpr. Walter G. Mayhew, R.N.R., 1860W.S.A.

Skpr. William G. Smith, R.N.R., 1100W.S.A.

Skpr. Wallace Watson, R.N.R., 1689W.S.A.

Warrt. Teleg. Harry Noble, R.N.R.


Petty Officers and Men.


Ch. Arm. Henry Arnold, O.N. 340240 (Ch.).

A.B. John W. Davies, O.N. J.50425 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. John Vigus, O.N. 129261 (R.F.R. Dev. /A. 1468).

P.O. Donald Morrison, R.N.V.R., O.N, 2/156 (Clyde).

Ch. Sto. Richard Goodhew, O.N. 282350 (Ch.).

P.O. Albert W. Cuell, O.N. 176439 (Po.).

P.O. William V. Baron, O.N. 236247 (Dev.).

2nd Hnd. Alfred H. Phelps, R.N.R., O.N. 611D.A.

C.P.O. William A. Burtonshaw, O.N. 163277 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Arthur G. Hill, O.N. 284374 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Gr., Alexander Robb, O.N. 270432 (Po.).

A.B. Robert W. Ellis, O.N. 225825 (Po.).

Engmn. James H. Pearson, R.N.R., O.N. 2343E.S.

C.P.O. Samuel G. Lambert, O.N. 187454 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Gr., Thomas Pratt, O.N. 268931 (Po.).

Ch. Writer Charles C. Nicholson, O.N. 343397 (Po.).

C.P.O. William J. Stacey, O.N. 160655- (Dev.).

2nd S.B.S. Harry C. Pridmore, O.N. M.1677 (Po.).

A.B. Ernest B. Dandridge, O.N. 239478 (Po.).

Ch. Sto. Richard Kennedy, O.N. 306205 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Robert Jolley, O.N. 192517 (Ch.).

P.O. Frederick W. Vinnicombe, O.N. 198783 (Dev.).

Sea. William Williams, V.C., R.N.R., O.N. 6224A.

A.B. Frederick E. Pym, O.N. 197183 (R.F.R. Dev./B.3258).

P.O. Henry H. Rickard, O.N. 167996 (Dev.).

Sergt. Frank Lefevre, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./7574.

Corpl. (Lce.-Sergt.) Charles Butler, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./8416.

Sergt. George R. Vale, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./14304.





30536 - 19 FEBRUARY 1918


Admiralty, 22nd February, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during, the war.


His Majesty The King of ITALY


Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.


Grand Cross.

Vice-Adml. Ernest C. T. Troubridge, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.



Rear-Adml. Sir W. Reginald Hall, K.C.M.G., C.B.


Order of the Crown of Italy



Cdr. Douglas W. O'B. Forsyth, R.N.

Eng. Cdr. Ernest E. Bartlett, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Frederick C. Finnis, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur D. D.Smyth, R.N.



Lieut. Guy O. Lydekker, R.N.

Lieut. Arthur R. Farquhar, R.N.

Lieut. Robert H. Baunton, D.S.C., R.N.R.


Silver Medal for Military Valour.


Cdr. (Act. Capt.) Walton C. G. Ruxton, R.N.



The President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC


Croix de Guerre


Capt. Edward H. F. Heaton-Ellis, C.B., M.V.O., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Capt. George B. Powell, C.M.G., R.N.

Cdr. John Brown, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ronald Langton-Jones, D.S.O., R.N.

Flt. Lieut. Henry V. Worrall, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Lieut. Arthur E. Popham, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Lieut. Cecil G. Bronson, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Lieut. Eliot M. King, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Lieut. Edward J. P. Burling, R.N.A.S.

Lieut. John Jenkins, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Gerald D. Smith, R.N.A.S.

Sig. George E. V. Jarvis, O.N. 227775 (Ply.).



His Majesty the King of SERBIA


Order of the White Eagle


Fourth Class (with Swords)

Lieut. Leslie D. Baas-Thomson R.N.V.R. 



His Majesty the King of The BELGIANS


Order of Leopold (with Swords)



Maj.-Genl. Sir Archibald Paris, K.C.B., R.M.A.



Wing Capt. Eugene L. Gerrard, D.S.O., R.N.A.S. (Maj., tempy. Lieut.-Col., R.M.L.I.).

Lieut. Llewellyn V. Morgan, R.N.,


Order of the Crown



Flt. Lieut. George M. T. Rouse, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Lieut. Eric J. K. Buckley, R.N.A S. (since killed).

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Langley F. W. Smith, R.N.A.S. (since killed).

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Geoffrey W. Hemming, R.N.A.S.


Croix de Guerre


Flt. Lieut. George M. T. Rouse, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Lieut. Eric J. K. Buckley, R.N.A.S. (since killed).

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Langley F. W. Smith, R.N.A.S. (since killed).

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Geoffrey W. Hemming, R.N.A.S. SPECIAL





30581 - 15 MARCH 1918


Admiralty, 16th March, 1918.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on officers and men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered.during the war.


His Majesty The King of ITALY


Silver Medal for Military Valour


Cdr. Albert J. Robertson, R.N.


Bronze Medal for Military Valour


Cdr. Francis F. Tower, R.N.V.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Eustace R. D. Long, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur A. Scott, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Edward O. Broadley, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Edward S. Graham, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. William E. B. Magee, R.N.

Eng. Lieut. Samuel R. Baker, R.N.

Lieut. Reginald J. Green, R.N.R.

Lieut. Helmar A. Dillner, R.N.R.

Lieut. John Whitefield, R.N.R.

Lieut. Alfred J. Watkins, R.N.R.

Actg. Lieut.-Cdr, William W. Watson, R.N.V.R.

Eng. Sub-Lieut. Gerald W. Traylor.

Ch. Skpr. Alexander Forbes, D.S.C., R.N.R., 175 S.A.

Ch. Skpr. Samuel V. Cox, R.N.R., 479 W.S.A.

Skpr. John R. Swift, R.N.R., 979 W.S.A.

Skpr. John Reeve, R.N.R., 1180 S.A.

Skpr. Alfred H. Phelps, R.N.R., 611 D.A.

2nd Hnd. Christopher Aisthorpe, R.N.R., O.N. 1507 S.A.

2nd Hnd. David Aitchison, R.N.R., O.N. 2725 S.A.

A.B. William T. Ball, O.N. S.S. 2083 (R.F.R., Ch./B. 8965).

Sto., 1st Cl., Charles W. Bennett, O.N. K. 8152 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. William Bennetts, R.N.R., O.N. 1555 D.

C.P.O. William H. Busser, O.N. 129071 (R.F.R., Ch./A. 1134).

2nd Hnd. George A. Cain, R.N.R., O.N. 3174 C.

C.P.O. Robert G. Carson, O.N. 188419 (Po.).

A.B. George S. Chisman, Mercantile rating.

A.B. Albert Clegg, O.N. 213973 (Dev.).

Sea. John Coghlan, R.N.R., O.N. 2907 C.

Engmn. Charles F. N. Copland, R.N.R., O.N. 6434 T.S.

Sto., 1st Cl., Harry Couchman, O.N. K 12174 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sig. Edward J. Cowles, O.N. J 12334 (Ch.).

Trmr. George Cox, R.N.R., O.N. 974 T.S.

Ch. Motor Mech. Arthur F. Cribb, O.N. M.B. 753

P.O. Robert F. P. Darby, O.N. 216788 (Ch.).

P.O. John Denby, O.N. 166746 (R.F.R. Ch./B. 4277).

P.O. William F. Dennis, O.N. 190208 (Ch.).

Engmn. George H. Dodds, R.N.R., O.N. 1012 E.S.

Ldg. Sig. John W. Dudley, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Tyneside) 5/140.

Ldg. Sto. John A. Ebrey, O.N. K. 7001 (Ch.).

Pte. Thomas Eldridge, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./11534.

Engmn. Alexander Fowler, R.N.R., O.N. 2040 E.S.

P.O. Arthur Garrett, O.N. 197414 (R.F.R. Po./B. 4883).

Offr. Std., 1st Cl., James T. Gawthrope, O.N. 239479 (Ch.).

Ch. Armr. Herbert W. Goble, O.N. 345424 (Po.).

Ch. Armr. Harry Goodwin, O.N. 345418 (Po.).

Engmn. Herbert Gregson, R.N.R., O.N. 1113 E.S.

Ch. Shipwt. William S. Gurney, O.N. 342916 (Po.).

A.B. Edward J. Hales, O.N. 208051 (R.F.R. Po./B. 6571).

P.O. William Hancock, O.N. 180127 (Dev.).

Engmn. Ralph Haslam, R.N.R., O.N. 1174 T.S.

Ldg. Sto. Harry W. Hawkes, O.N. 12086 (Ch.).

P.O. Alfred J. Hazelgrove, O.N. 198628 (Po.).

Ch. Motor Mech. Gerald H. Hebblethwaite. O.N. M.B. 1423.

E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Edgar Hooper, O.N. M. 55 (Po.).

Yeo. Sigs. Frank Hunt, O.N. 231422 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. James J. Irvine, R.N.R., O.N. 7071 D.A.

Dkhnd. James Jenkins, R.N.R., O.N. 471D.A.

P.O. George E. Johncock, O.N. 187314 (Ch.).

P.O. William G. Johnson, R.N.R., O.N. 1970D.

Ldg. Sea. Charles D. Jones, O.N. J. 16752: (Ch.).

Serjt. Henry J. Jordon, R.M.A., No. R.M.A. 9682.

Trmr. John Kelly, R.N.R., O.N. 494T.S.

Sto. P.O. Roley Lambert, O.N. 221805 (Po.).

Dkhnd. Matthew C. Larke, R.N.R., O.N. 2374D.A.

Serjt. Bertram E. Lawson, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./H.9894.

P.O. John W. Lee, O.N. 194719 (Ch.).

Dkhnd. William H. Lewis, R.N.R., O.N. 371D.A.

Elec. Art., 3rd Cl., Squire Lilley, O.N. M.2894 (Ch.).

Dkymn. Hubert N. Longly, Mercantile Rating.

Fireman Barclay McCann, M.M.R., No. 458641.

P.O. Frederick McDonald, O N. 204921 (Ch.).

Sea. Malcolm McLean, R:N.R., O.N. 4280B.

A.B. Bertie R, Manders, O.N. J.17867 (Po.).

Dkhnd. James Manson, R.N.R., O.N. 15467 D.A.

2nd Hnd. Andrew May, R.N.R., O.N. 1343

Sto. P.O. James H, Mills, O.N. 298864 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. John Murray, R.N.R., O.N. 1165U.

Mech. Frederick A. Neal, O.N. 301050 (Po.).

P.O., 1st Cl., William A. Newman, O.N. 188774 (R.F.R. Ch./B2590).

Dkhnd. Edgar J. Nichols, R.N.R., O.N. 1832D.A.

2nd Hnd. Thomas Nicholson, O.N. 8798D.A.

A.B. Francis S. Nicoll, O.N. 210751 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Harold P. Parfitt, O.N. 157857 (Po.).

Act. E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Arthur G. Pedder, O.N. 271351 (Ch.).

C.P.O. John E. Perritt, D.S.M., O.N. 117897 (R.F.R., Ch./A.754).

2nd Hnd. Bertie C. Phillips, R.N.R., O.N. 4172D.A.

Dkhnd. Joseph A. Reid, R.N.R., O.N. 70D.A.

A.B. John Roberts, O.N. 213642 (Ch.).

Dkhnd. Hugh Rodgers, R.N.R., O.N. 6227A.

Trmr. William Rollo, R.N.R., O.N. 782T.S.

Ldg. Sea. Sidney Shea, O.N. 225954 (Ch.).

Engmn. John W. Siddle, R.N.R., O.N. 1152 E.S.

P.O. Arthur R. L. Skinner, O.N. 222066 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Charles R. Smith, O.N. 190479 (Ch.).

Engmn. James Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 2083T.S.

C.P.O. Tom Smith, O.N. 175260 (Ch.).

Dkhnd. William Swan, R.N.R., O.N. 4870 D.A.

Ldg. Sig. Stephen D. Tawney, O.N. 166386 (R.F.R. (Po.), B1086).

Ch. Sto, Lewis Taylor, O.KT. 279337, (Po.).

Dkhnd. Thomas Taylor, R.N.R., O.N. 8102 D.A.

Yeo. Sigs. John Thirsk, O.N. 188930 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sig. James T. Turner, R.N.V.R., O.N. (London) 2470.

Ord. Sig. William J. Wallman, O.N. J.28622 (Dev.).

Dkhnd. Gilbert Watt, R.N.R., O.N. 5614 D.A.

Ldg.Sto. Walter W. West, O.U. 279695 (R.F.R., Ch./B.4422).

Yeo. Sigs. William R. Wilkinson, O.N. 206828 (Dev.).

W.T. Oper., 1st C1., Walter F. Whitehead, R.N.R., O.N. 268W.T.S.

Shpwt., 1st C1., Herbert I. Whitelock, O.N. 201853 (Ch.).

Dkhnd. Herbert C. Wright, R.N.R., O.N. 8412D.A.

Ldg. Sto. Alfred R. Young, O.N. K.1144 (Ch.).



His Majesty the King of The HELLENES


Order of the Redeemer



Capt. Francis R. Scarlett, D.S.O., R.N.





30616 - 5 APRIL 1918


Admiralty, 6th April, 1918.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on officers and men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war.


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC


Croix de Guerre


Surg. Alfred G. Williams, R.N.

Lieut (tempy. Capt) Capt. George H. Littleton, Qr.-Mr., R.M.A.

Lieut. William Russell, R.M.A.

A.B. Walter J. Brett, O.N. 195033 (R.F.R. Ch/B7702).

A.B. Reginald J. Parr, O.N. J. 13080 (Po.).

Sig. Walter G. J. Fry, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Mersey) Z/2273.

A.B. Arthur G. Jordan, O.N. 1894S7 (R.F.R. Ch/B6607).

Sea. Cornelius Luck, R.N.R., O.N., 4354 A.

A.B. Victor G. A. Seager, R.N.V.R., O.N. (London), Z/4610.

A.B. Samuel Taylor, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Bristol) Z/4751.

A.B. Ernest Walker, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Mersey) Z/1013.

A.B. Alfred C. W. Watkins, R.N.V.R., O.N. (London) Z/3549.



His Majesty The King of ITALY


The Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus


Grand Officer

Vice-Adml. The Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough- Calthorpe, K.C.B., C.V.O.



Rear-Adml. George P. W. Hope, C.B.

Rear-Adml. Allan F. Everett, C.B.



Cdr. Gerald A. Steel, R.N.V.R.

Flt. Payr. Charles E. Lynes, R.N.

Lieut.-Col. J. G. Beharrell, D.S.O.

Lieut.-Col. William McLellan, R.M.


Order of the Crown of Italy



Capt. Richard Webb, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Reginald G. H. Henderson, R.N.

Capt. Gilbert O. Stephenson, R.N.



Lieut.-Cdr. Brian D. Holberton, R.N.

Lieut. Archibald B. Bannatyne, R.N.R.

Lieut. Michael O'Neill, R.N.R.

Lieut. Henry M. Howard, R.N.V.R.


Silver Medal for Military Valour


Capt. George J. Todd, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Robert G. Fane, R.N.

Engr.-Cdr. Frank R. Goodwin, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. George R. Barling, R.N.R.


Bronze Medal for Military Valour


Lieut. Henry K. Garnier, R.N.

Lieut. Edward C. Wrey, R.N.



His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN


Order of the Rising Sun.


4th Class.

Flt.-Surg. Samuel Conner, M.B., R.N.


7th Class.

C.P.O. Ernest J. Bright, O.N. 168335 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. Samuel T. Burchill, O.N. 310758 (Dev.).

Act. C.P.O. Robert C. B. Jenkins, O.N. 201026 (Dev.).

Act. Mech. Charles S. Lyne, O.N. 310238 (Dev.).


8th Class.

A. B. Samuel Bickley, O.N. 224495 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sto. Robert McCoy, O.N. 300584 (Dev.).

Sto., 1st Cl., William T. Taylor, O.N. K. 12468 (Dev.).

A. B. Richard C. Trevithick, O.N. 224420 (Dev.).

Sig. Thomas W. Woolcock, O.N. J. 11335 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Charles. Yendle, O.N. 229153 (Dev.).


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


3rd Class.

Engr. Rear-Adml. Charles J. James, R.N.

Capt. Arthur K. Macrorie, M.V.O., R.N.


4th Class.

Lieut.-Cdr. (actg.-Capt.) Charles K. Borrissow, R.N.R.

Lieut. Harold P. Keeley, R.N.


5th Class.

Sub-Lieut. William A. Elliot, R.N.


6th. Class.

Art. Engr. James McOustra, R.N.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES


Order Of The Redeemer.



Capt. Cecil V. Usborne, R.N.

Staff-Surg. Ernest D. Rutherford, M.B., R.N.



His Highness The Bey of TUNIS


Order of Nichan Iftikhar


Cdr. Archibald T. Stewart, R.N.





30631 - 12 APRIL 1918


War Office, 15th April, 1918.


The following are among the Decorations and medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various dates to the British Forces for distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign (including):


His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Decoration Militaire


Deal/3496(S) Corporal George Bate, Medical Units, Royal Marines (Waldridge Fall, Chester-le-Street).





30635 - 16 APRIL 1918


Admiralty, 11th April, 1918


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war:


The President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


Wing-Cdr. Charles H. K. Edmonds, D.S.O., R.N.A.S.

Sqd.-Cdr. Conway W. H. Pulford, R.N.A.S.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Order of the White Eagle (with Swords).


Grand Cross.

Vice-Adml. Ernest C. T. Troubridge, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.


Grand Commander.

Vice-Adml. Sir Cecil F. Thursby, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.

Vice-Adml. Arthur H. Christian., C.B., M.V.O.



Rear-Adml. Sydney R. Fremantle, C.B., M.V.O.

Cdre. Maurice S. Fitz-Maurice, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Theobald W. B. Kennedy, R.N.

Capt. F. Clifton Brown, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Frank Larken, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Arthur K. Macrorie, M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. Henry E. Grace, R.N.

Capt. Gilbert O. Stephenson, R.N.

Maj. (tempy. Brig.-Gen.) Godfrey L. Beaumont, R.M.

Cdr. (Actg. Capt.) Sydney R. Olivier, R.N.

Cdr. (Actg. Capt.) Harold Escombe, C.M G , R.N.

Cdr. Aubrey W. Peebles, D.S.O., M.V.O., R.N.

Sqdn. Cdr. Reginald J. Bone, D.S.O., R.N.A.S.





30654 - 23 APRIL 1918


Admiralty, 26th April, 1918


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war:


His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.



Capt. Walter J. C. Lake, R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Archibald Cochrane, C.M.G , R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Arthur E. Dunn, R.D., R.N.R.

Cdr. Charles T. Borrett, R.N.

Cdr. Cecil G. Chichester, R.N.

Cdr. Cloudesley V. Robinson, R.N.

Cdr. Basil R. Poe, R.N.

Cdr. Basil H. Piercy, R.N.

Cdr. Percival S. Ram, R.N.R.

Engr.-Cdr. Henry O. Andrews, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (actg. Cdr.) Fitzroy H. Hall, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (actg. Cdr.) Gerald Talbot, R.N.V.R.

Maj. and Bt. Lieut.-Col. (tempy. Lieut.-Col.) William W. Godfrey, C.M.G., R.M.L.I.

Maj. (tempy. Lieut.-Col.) Arthur G Barnby, R.M.L.I., Sqdn. Cdr., R.N.A.S.

Lieut.-Cdr. Spencer R. S. Richards, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Edward P. U. Pender, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Edward B. C. Dicken, D S.C., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Horace H. Tatham, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Ernest A. Gardner, R.N V R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Hugh C. Whittall, R.N.V.R.

Staff Payr. Thomas R. Waterhouse, R.N.

Lieut. (actg. Lieut.-Cdr ) John L. Sinclair, R.N.R.

Engr.-Lieut. (actg. Engr. Lt.-Cdr.) Robert G. Knox, R.N.

Payr. (actg. Staff Payr.) Victor C. G. Eason, D S.C., R.N.



Lieut.-Cdr. Donald P. MacGregor, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Ralph Neville, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. William O. Hozier, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Hugh G. B Bentley, R.N.R.

Payr. Richard Hawkesworth, R.N.

Flt Lieut. Sydney H. Gaskell, R.N A.S.

Lieut. Arthur V. Hemming, R.N.

Actg. Flt.-Cdr. Charles Gilmour, R.N.A S.

Capt. Edward M. C. Mackenzie, R.M.

Lieut. (actg. Cdr.) William H Rogers, R.N.R.

Lieut. (actg. Lieut.-Cdr.) John C. Lawson, M.A., R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Frederick W. P. Slade, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Charles H W. Tucker, R N.V.R.

Lieut. James L. Campbell, R.N V R.

Lieut. William R. Halliday, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Richard McG. Dawkins, M.A , R.N.V R.

Lieut. Frederick G. Burns, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Oswald H. T. Rishbeth, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Wilfred E. J. Lafontaine, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Harry S. Moore, R.N V.R.

Lieut. Frank Musker, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. John L. Rees, R.N.V R.

Sub-Lieut. William Hutchinson, R.N.V R.

Sub-Lieut. Harold Wood, R.N.V.R.

Skpr. Samuel Hawkes, R.N.R., 816 W.S.A.

Mid. Edmund A. R. Wildermuth, R.N.R.

Mid Thomas G. Woodcock, R.N R.


Medal for Military Merit


Warrt. Offr., 2nd Gr., Albert H. Mitchell, R.N.A.S.

S.S.A. John W. Bradshaw, O.N. M.13468 (Ch.).

Ldg. Mech. Frank Coller, O.N. F.241S.

Ldg. Mech. Arthur Copp, O.N. F.560.

Ldg. Mech. Herbert M. Green, O.N. F.7728.

2nd S.B.S. Charles P. Hart, O.N. M.3904 (Ch.).

P.O. Mech. Charles W. Lovendge, O.N. F.3703.

P.O. Mech. Ernest H. Purdy, O.N. F.1494.

Air Mech., 1st Gr., Walter S. Stevens, O.N. F.8986.

P.O. Robert White, O.N. F.2402. 





30687 - 14 MAY 1918


Admiralty, 17th May, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war:


The President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour



Capt. Montagu W. W. P. Consett, R.N. (believed duplicated in 30732 following)

Capt. George P. Bevan, D.S.O., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).


Croix de Guerre


Capt. Charles W. Bruton, R.N.

Capt. Henry G. E. Lane, R.N.

Capt. Graham R. L. Edwards, R.N.

Capt. Robert A. Hornell, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. (Act. Capt.) Percy G. Brown, R.N.

Cdr. Alexander G. Hamilton, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Wyndham Forbes, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Gerald L. Parnell, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. James V. Creagh, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Alan F. W. Howard, R.N.

Cdr. George P. Sherston, R.N.

Cdr. Arthur H. DeKantzow, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (Act. Cdr.) Leslie D. Fisher, D.S.O., R.N.

Engr.-Cdr. Elias G. Pallet, R.N.

Engr.-Cdr. Bertie Prophet, R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Stephen C. Lyttleton, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. George L. Browne, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. St. Andrew O. St. John, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Reginald C. Richardson, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Patrick B. Crohan, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Malcolm R. J. Maxwell-Scott, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Christopher J. F. Wood, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Salisbury H. Simpson, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Christopher J. F. Eddis, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Geoffrey D'O. Earwaker, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Edward N. Syfret, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Rowland K. C. Pope, R.N.

Lieut. (Act. Lieut.-Cdr.) Charles L. Gamble, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Henry Forrester, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. Gerald P. Bowen, R.N.

Lieut. Claude B. Elbrow, R.N.

Lieut. John Myers, D.S.C., R.N.

Sqdn.-Cdr. Henry R. Busteed, O.B.E., R.N.A.S.

Act. Lieut. Hon. Cecil E. R. Spencer, R.N.

Lieut. Frederick W. Gray, D.S.O., R.N.R.

Lieut. John H. Pitts, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Thomas E. Price, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. James W. Naylor, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Charles S. Burgon, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Henry J. Osborne, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Harold L. Forster, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Frederick H. Peterson, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. James E. Fawcett, R.N.R.

Lieut. Clarence S. D. B. Wright, R.N.R.

Lieut. John D. Macfarlane, R.N.R.

Lieut. Arnold E. McNab, R.N.R.

Lieut. Robert E. Andrews, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Nathaniel G. Burgess, R.N.R.

Lieut. Herbert Sutor, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Martin Smith, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Louis G. D. Parkes, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. John D. Hindmarsh, R.N.R.

Lieut. Allan T. Muir, R.N.R.

Lieut. Frederick W. Weeks, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ernest W. King, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Gilbert McD. McC. Smith, R.N.R.

Lieut. Win. J. Thompson, R.N.R.

Lieut. David McClymont, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Engr.-Lieut. John Griffith, R.N.R.

Payr. C. Duncan Cross, R.N.R.

Lieut. Leonard Ratcliffe, R.N.V.R.

Ch. Gnr. John Steel, D.S.C., R.N.

Ch. Gnr. Walter A. Austin, R.N.

Ch. Gnr. Alfred R. Taylor, R.N.

Gnr. Ernest J. Manning, R.N.

Ch. Skpr. Edward S. Rilatt, R.N.R., 110 D.A.

Skpr. Andrew Taylor, R.N.R., 355 W.S.A.

Skpr. James Kiiby, R.N.R., 343 W.S.A.

Skpr. Robert H. Bickford, R.N.R., 514 W.S.A.

Skpr. Alexander Slater, R.N.R., 1275 W.S.A.

Skpr. James Lawn, R.N.R., 1834 W.S.A.

C.P.O. William J. Brown, O.N. 160889 (Po.).

Yeo. Sigs. Wilfred C. Chapman, O.N. 213631 (Po.).

C.P.O. Charles Darton, O.N. 187656 (Ch.).

P.O. Richard H. Germain, O.N. 179369 (Dev.).


Medaille Militaire


C.P.O. Mech., 1st Gr., Arthur H. Simmonds, O.N. M.443.



His Highness the Sultan of EGYPT


Order of the Nile


Second Class.

Rear-Adml. Thomas Jackson, C.B., M.V.O.

Cdr. Viscount Broome, R.N.

Cdr. Cecil J. Crocker, R.N.

Cdr. Edmond A.B. Stanley, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Henry D. Pridham-Wippell, R.N.

Lieut. George Brand, R.N.R.

Ch. Gnr. Frederick C. Russell, R.N.





30732 - 4 JUNE 1918


Admiralty, 7th June, 1918. 


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC


Legion of Honour



Capt. George P. Bevan, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Capt. Montagu W. W. P. Consett, R.N. (believed to be a duplication of 30687 above)

Cdr. Lord Herschell, K.C.V.O., R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Sacred Treasure


Third Class.

Capt. William B. S. Wrey, C.M.G., R.N.


Order of the Rising Sun.


Eighth Class.

Teleg. Edwin Y. Landon, R.N.V.R., O.N. (London), Z 3785.



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Croix Civique.


Asst. Principal Margaret S. Cole-Hamilton, W.R.N.S.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Capt. Richard G. A. W. Stapleton-Cotton, M.V.O., R.N.

Cdr. (act. Capt.) Dennis A. H. Larking, C.M.G., R.N.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer


Fourth Class

Wing Cdr. (act. Wing Capt.) Robert Gordon, D.S.O., R.N.A.S. (Maj., Temp. Lieut.-Col., R.M.L.I.).

Cdr. Lawrence H. Strain, D.S.C., R.N.V.R.

Staff Pay. George H. Thomson, R.N.


Fifth Class.

Hon. Lieut. Frank F. Ponsford, R.N.V.R.

Hon. Lieut. Geoffrey G. Knox, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Frank Hiscock, R.N.V.R.



The President of the PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC


Order of the Tower and Sword.


Second Class

Vice-Admiral William de Salis, M.V.O.


Third Class.

Lieut. William A. Westgarth, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ernest H. Vann, R.N.R.

Asst. Payr. Thorburn Quarry, R.N.R.

Gnr. William Dunlop, R.N.


Military Order of Avis.


Second Class.

Cdr. Hugh F. Hopkinson, R.N.


Third Class.

Asst. Payr. Basil J. Tigar, R.N.R.

Asst. Payr. Leslie N. Ennor, R.N.V.R





30756 - 18 JUNE 1918


Admiralty, 21st June, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war.


The President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion Of Honour.


Grand Officer.

Adml. the Hon. Sir Stanley C. J. Colville, G.C.V.O., K.C.B.

Adml. Sir Richard H. Peirse, K.C.B., M.V.O.



Adml. Sir George E. Patey, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Sydney R. Fremantle, C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. George A. Ballard, C.B.

Rear-Adml. Douglas R. L. Nicholson.

Rear-Adml. Sir W. Reginald Hall, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Col. (tempy. Maj.-Gen.) Sir David Mercer K.C.B., R.M.L.I.



Rear-Adml. John S. Luard.

Rear-Adml. Philip H. Colomb.

Surg.-Genl. James L. Smith, C.B., M.V.O., M.B.

Eng.-Rear-Adml. Henry Humphreys, C.B.

Capt. Marcus R. Hill, R.N.

Capt. William J. S. Alderson, R.N.

Capt. Henry B. T. Somerville, R.N.

Capt. Edward L. Booty, C.B., M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. Raymond A. Nugent, R.N.

Capt. Frederic G. Bird, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. John R. Segrave, R.N.

Capt. Cecil M. Staveley, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Arthur K. Macrorie, M.V.O., R.N.

Col. (tempy. Brig.-Genl.) Charles N. Trotman, C.B., R.M.L.I.

Col. Herbert E. Blumberg, C.B., R.M.L.I.

Cdr. (acting Capt.) Sydney R. Olivier, R.N.



Capt. Casper B. Ballard, R.N.

Cdr. (act. Capt.) Henry C. R. Brocklebank, R.N.

Cdr. (act. Capt.) Archibald Cochrane, C.M.G., R.N.

Cdr. (act. Capt.) Percy G. Brown, R.N.

Cdr. (act. Capt.) John P. R. Marriott, R.N.

Cdr. Thomas C. Armstrong, D.S.C., R.N.

Cdr. Ralph Eliot, R.N.

Cdr. John C. H. Lindsay, R.N.

Cdr. Alan J. Mackenzie-Grieve, R.N.

Cdr. Richard A. S. Hill, R.N.

Cdr. Harry W. C. Hughes, R.N.

Cdr. Gerald C. Dickens, R.N.

Cdr. the Hon. Alexander R. M. Ramsay, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Henry de B. Tupper, R.N.

Eng.-Cdr. Harry Williams, R.N.

Eng.-Cdr. James Legate, R.N.

Eng.-Cdr. Frank R. Goodwin, D.S.O., R.N.

Eng.-Cdr. Thomas G. Coomber, R.N.

Eng.-Cdr. Richard W. Martell, R.N.

Major (Bt. Lieut.-Col.) William W. Godfrey, C.M.G., R.M.L.I.

Lieut.-Cdr. (act. Cdr.) Sir George E. Armstrong, Bt., C.M.G., R.N.

Major Arthur S. Cantrell, R.M.A.

Major Harold E. W. Iremonger, R.M.A.

Lieut. Donald J. S. Oswald, R.N.

Payr. (act. Staff-Payr.) George A.P. Webster, R.N.

Lieut. (act. Lieut.-Cdr.) Henry C. Summers, R.N.R.

Lieut. Herbert L. Upton, D.S.C., R.N.R.


Medaille Militaire.


Gnr. Richard Gould, R.N.

Gnr. Anthony Beard, R.N.

Gnr. Arthur J. Cock, R.N.

Gnr. Ernest J. Manning, R.N.

Gnr. Ernest G. Hillier, R.N.

Warrt.-Shipwt. William F. Rowe, R.N.

Skpr. William, Brewster, R.N.R., 738 W.S.A.

Skpr. George E. Welch, R.N.R., 925 W.S.A.

Skpr. Robert Stephen, D.S.C., R.N.R., 1384 W.S.A.

Skpr. William J. Smith, R.N.R., 1397 W.S.A.

Ch. Sto. Thomas Allen, O.N. 282253 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. George Amery, O.N. 302102 (Ch.).

Pte. Herbert Atkinson, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./20316.

P.O. Herbert Bailey, O.N. 198831 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Arthur Bambrick, O.N. 175133 (Po.).

S.B.A. Walter O. Banks, O.N. M4365 (Dev.).

Dkhnd. Richard Barber, R.N.R., O.N. 10171 D.A.

A.B. Robert H. Bee, O.N. J23988 (Po.).

Dkhnd. Bertie Bramwell, R.N.R., O.N. 7605 D.A.

Ldg. Sea. Arthur E. Brown, O.N. 186770 (R.F.R. Ch./B6915).

C.P.O. Walter C. Buckland, O.N. 179332 (Ch.).

Trmr. George H. Chantry, R.N.R., O.N. 746 T.S.

Sea. John Coghlan., R.N.R., O.N. 2907 C.

C.P.O. Thomas Coleman, O.N. 178948 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. John Collins, O.N. 277156 (Dev.).

Dkhnd. Albert Cross, R.N.R., O.N. 728 D.A.

P.O. Alma Dougherty, R.N.R., O.N. 2196 D.

Ldg. Sea. Thomas Dwyer, O.N. J8737 (Dev.).

P.O. Thomas Griffiths, O.N. 180086 (Dev.).

A.B, Harold E. Hewett, O.N. SS1971 (R.F.R. Dev./B.4384).

Ldg.-Sea. Charles C. Higgins, O.N. J10417 (Po.).

Col.-Sergt. Ernest F. Hobbs, R.M.L.I., No. Po./9900.

E.R.A. 1st CL, William Hudson, O.N. 271688 (Dev.).

Pte. George T. James, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./14546.

A.B. Albert E. Martin, O.N. 232115 (Po.).

P.O. Frederick McDonald, O.N. 204921 (R.F.R., Ch./B. 10143).

Ldg. Sea. Henry J. Neville, O.N. J6385 (Ch.).

A.B. Francis S. Nicholl, D.S.M., O.N. 21075 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Thomas O'Regan, O.N. 181706 (Dev.).

Sto., 1st Cl., George W. Pitchers, O.N. 310958 (Ch.).

C.P.O. William H. Pysden, O.N. 182248 (Ch.).

Yeo. Sigs. Charles E. Robins, O.N. 233480 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Sidney Shea, O.N. 225954 (Ch.).

Pte. James A. Short, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./11379.

Ldg. Sea. James H. Smith, O.N. J11025 (Ch.).

Col.-Sergt. Percy J. Strachan, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./6452 (R.F.R. A./644).

2nd Hnd. William Tinmurth, R.N.R., O.N. 2758 D.A.

Ldg. Sea. James H. Trewartha, O.N. J1058 (Dev.).

Ord. Sig. William J. Wallman, O.N. J28622 (Dev.).

Corp. Thomas H. Wedge, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./14717.

Ldg. Sto. Frank Whitehead, O.N. SS.108800 (R.F.R. Dev./B.5926).

Engmn. Edgar H. Wilby, R.N.R., O.N. 928 E.S.

Yeo. Sigs. William R. Wilkinson, O.N. 206828 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sto. Alfred R. Young, O.N. K.1144 (Ch.).



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Lieut.-Cdr. Philip G. Wodehouse, D.S.O., R.N.



Lieut. George A. Sharp, R.N.R.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Order Of The White Eagle.


5th Class.

Eng. Cdr. Arthur E. Ewart, R.N.

Commd. Shipwt. Franklin P. Andrews, R.N.

Warrt. Engr. William H. Northcott, R.N.R.





30807 - 19 JULY 1918



NAVAL DESPATCH dated 23 July 1918


Honours for Services in the Operations against Zeebrugge and Ostend on the Night of the 22nd-23rd April, 1918.


Admiralty, 23rd July, 1918.


Foreign Decorations.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces in recognition of their services during the operations off Zeebrugge and Ostend on the night of the 22nd-23rd April, 1918:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


Rear-Adml. (act. Vice-Adml.) Sir Roger J. B. Keyes, K.C.B., C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O.

Capt. (act. Rear-Adml.) Sir Reginald Y. Tyrwhitt, K.C.B., D.S.O.

Capt. (Cdre., 1st Class) The Hon. Algernon D. E. H. Boyle, C.B., M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.) Hubert Lynes, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Ralph Colling R.N.

Capt. Alfred F. B. Carpenter, R.N.

Capt. Ralph S. Sneyd, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Wilfred Tomkinson, R.N.

Cdr. Alfred E. Godsal, R.N.

Cdr. Henry N. M. Hardy, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Francis H. Sandford, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Ion Hamilton Benn, D.S.O., M.P., R.N.V.R.

Major (Bt. Lt.-Col.) Bernard G. Weller, D.S.C., R.M.L.I.

Lieut. Harold G. Campbell, R.N.

Lieut. Stuart S. Bonham-Carter, R.N.

Lieut. Oscar Henderson, R.N.

Lieut. Arthur E. P. Welman, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. Edward W. Billyard-Leake, R.N.

Lieut. Theodore F. V. Cooke, R.M.L.I.



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order of Leopold.


Grand Officer.

Rear-Adml. (act. Vice-Adml.) Sir Roger J. B. Keyes, K C.B., C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O.





30812 - 23 JULY 1918


War Office, 25th July, 1918.


The following are among the Decorations and medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various dates to the British Forces for distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign:



His Majesty The King of The BELGIANS.


Ordre de la Couronne



Temporary Lieutenant Thomas William Lewis, Royal Marine Artillery.

Temporary Captain John Hugh Percy, Royal Marine Artillery.


Ordre de Leopold II.



R.M.A./10544 Serjeant Frank Hill, Royal Marine Artillery (Eastney).

RMA/6465 (R.M.A.R. B/636) Gunner (acting Corporal) James Robinson, Royal Marine Artillery (Eastney).


Croix de Guerre.


Temporary Lieutenant Thomas William Lewis, Royal Marine Artillery.

Temporary Captain John Hugh Percy, Royal Marine Artillery.

R.M.A./5710 Gunner James Henry Butler, Royal Marine Artillery (Tottenham, N.).

RMA/10544 Serjeant Frank Hill, Royal Marine Artillery (Eastney).

R.M.A./625 (S) Corporal Driver Alfred John Levy, Royal Marine Artillery (New Barnet)

RMA/6465 (RMAR B/636) Gunner (acting Corporal) James Robinson, Royal Marine Artillery (Eastney).





30815 - 26 JULY 1918


Whitehall, July 24, 1918.


The KING has been pleased to give and grant unto the undermentioned Gentlemen His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to wear Decorations (as stated against their respective names), which have been conferred upon them by the President of the French Republic in recognition of valuable services rendered by them:


Order of the Etoile Noire



William Tattersall Pine, Esq., Chief Naval Constructor at Malta.



William Hogarth, Esq., Superintendent and Victualling Store Officer, Victualling Yard, Malta; and

Ernest Addison Stanley Hayward, Esq., Assistant Director. of Stores, Victualling Yard, Malta.





30821 - 30 JULY 1918


Whitehall, July 26, 1918.


The KING has been pleased to give and grant unto Mr. Graham Hutcheson Stewart, Master of the Steamship "Figuig," and Mr. Arthur Pitto, Agent of the "Sante Maritime" at Casablanca, Morocco, His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to wear the Insignia of the Fourth Class of the Shereefian Order to the Ouissam Alaouite, which Decoration.has been conferred upon them by His Imperial Majesty the Sultan of MOROCCO in recognition of valuable services rendered by them.





30833 - 6 AUGUST 1918


Admiralty, S.W., 7th August, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers an Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.



Cdr. Roger L'E. M. Rede, R.N.



Lieut.-Cdr. Percy R. P. Percival, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. Basil R. Willett, R.N.


Croix de Guerre.


Capt. Charles S. Wills, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Neston W. Diggle, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Edward Hilton Young, D.S.C., M.P., R.N.V.R.

Staff Payr. Henry P. Williams, R.N.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Military Order of Savoy.



Vice-Adml. Mark E. F. Kerr, C.B., M.V.O. (Major-Gen., R.A.F.).


Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.



Lieut.-Cdr. Kenneth Michell, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. Colin G. MacArthur, D.S.C., R.N.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Lieut. Hugh E. Heaton, R.N.

Lieut. Herbert L. Rendel, R.N.


Silver Medal for Military Valour.


Lieut. Oliver North, R.N.



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order of Leopold.



Vice-Adml. Charles H. Dare, C.B., M.V.O.


Order of the Crown.



Capt. Alfred A. Ellison, C.B., R.N. (Cdre. 2nd Cl.).



Staff Payr. Archibald F. Cooper, R.N.


Croix de Guerre.


Lieut. Matthew F. Cope, R.M.A.

2nd Lieut. Harry L. Hunt, R.M.A.



His Imperial Majesty The Sultan of MOROCCO.


Order of Ouissam Alaouite.



Major (tempy. Lieut.-Col.) Charles J. Thoroton, C.M.G., R.M.L.I.



Lieut. Oliver Baring, R.N.V.R. 





30848 - 16 AUGUST 1918


War Office, 17th August, 1918.


The following are among the Decorations and Medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various dates to the British Forces for distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign:



The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


R.M.A./345(S) Gunner William Brown, Royal Marine Artillery (Liverpool).


Medaille Militaire.


RMA/13298 Corporal (Acting Serjeant) Herbert Mann, Royal Marine Artillery, attached South African Heavy Artillery (Kirdford, Sussex).

R.M.A./7981 Serjeant Herbert Henry Usborne, Royal Marine Artillery, attached Royal Garrison, Artillery (Eastney).





30870 - 27 AUGUST 1918



NAVAL DESPATCH dated 24 July 1918


Admiralty, 28th August, 1918.


Foreign Decorations.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for services in the operations against Zeebrugge and Ostend:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.


Grand Officer.

Rear-Adml. (actg. Vice-Adml.) Sir Roger J. B. Keyes, K.C.B., C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O.



Cdre. Hubert Lynes, C.B., C.M.G., R.N.



Capt. Charles S. Wills, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Charles W. Bruton, R.N.

Capt. Alfred F. B. Carpenter, V.C., R.N.



Cdr. Bertram H. Ramsay, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Geoffrey H. Drummond, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Stuart S. Bonham-Carter, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. Richard D. Sandford, V.C., R.N.

Lieut. Edward W. Billyard-Leake, D.S.O., R.N.


Croix de Guerre.

Ch. Motor Mech. James Attwood, C.G.M., R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B. 1915.

Sto., 1st Cl., Henry C. Bindall, C.G.M., O.N. K. 5343 (Po.).

Sig. Thomas C. Bryant, C.G.M., O.N. 215297 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. William G. Cleaver, C.G.M., O.N. 221196 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. Albert O. Davis, C.G.M., O.N. 189243 (Ch.).

Ch. Motor Mech. Sydney H. Fox, C.G.M., R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B. 1872.

C.E.R.A. Frank M. Gale, C.G.M., O.N. 272503 (Ch.).

A.B. Arthur Geddes, D.S.M., O.N. J. 30822 (Ch.).

P.O. Walter Harner, C.G.M., O.N. 228795 (Dev.)

Pte. William Hopewell, C.G.M., R.M.L.I., No. Ply./15995.

Sergt. Frank J. Knill, C.G.M., R.M.A., No. R.M.A./12738.

A.B. Ferdinand E. M. Lake, C.G.M., O.N. J. 22273 (Po.).

Sig. Clement E. Page, D.S.M., R.N.V.R., O.N.(London) Z. 3892.

Pte. John D. L. Press, C.G.M., R.M.L.I., No. Po./15394.

E.R.A., 3rd Cl., Allan G. Roxburgh, C.G.M., O.N. 272442 (Ch.).

P.O. David P. Smith, C.G.M., O.N. 225904 (Po.).

P.O. Ernest S. Tanner, D.S.M., O.N. J. 16136 (Ch.).

Ldg. Dkhnd. William G. Weeks, C.G.M., R.N.R., O.N. 13682 D.A.

Ldg. Dkhnd. William Wigg, D.S.M., R.N.R., O.N. 2722 S.D.

P.O., 1st Cl. Edwin G. Youlton, C.G.M., O.N. 183625 (Po.).



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order Of Leopold.



Capt. Hubert Lynes, C.B., C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).



The following Decorations have also been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.


Grand Officer.

Vice-Adml. (act. Adml.) Sir Charles E. Madden, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.

Vice-Adml. (act. Adml.) Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, G.C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.



Vice-Adml. Sir William L. Grant, K.C.B.

Rear-Adml. (act. Vice-Adml.) Sir William C. Pakenham, K.C.B., K.C.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Heathcoat S. Grant, C.B.

Rear-Admiral Allan F. Everett, C.B.



Rear-Adml. Cecil F. Dampier.

Rear-Adml. Thomas W. Kemp, C.B., C.M.G., C.I.E.

Rear-Adml. George C. Cayley, C.B. (tempy. Major-Genl., R.A.F.).

Rear-Adml. Algernon W. Heneage, C.B., M.V.O.

Capt. Sir Douglas E. R. Brownrigg, Bart., C.B., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Capt. Crawford Maclachlan, C.B., R.N.

Capt. William W. Fisher, C.B., M.V.O., R.N.

Depy. Surg.-Genl. Alexander G. Wildey, R.N.

Payr.-in-Chief James E. V. Morton, C.B., R.N.

Cdr (act. Capt.) Alfred E. H. Marescaux, C.M.G., R.N.

Fleet-Payr. (act. Payr.-in-Chief) Charles F. Pollard, C.B., R.N.



Capt. Francis E. Massy Dawson, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Charles N. Tindal-Carill-Worsley, R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Ernest E. A. Betts, R.N.

Cdr. Cecil G. Chichester, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. T. Bodley Scott, R.N.

Cdr. Harold B. Bedwell, R.N.

Cdr. Archibald C. W. Domvile, R.N.

Cdr. John H. K. Clegg, R.N.

Fleet-Surg. Frederick J. A. Dalton, C.M.G, R.N.

Fleet-Surg. Robert D. Jameson, R.N.

Fleet-Surg. Alfred J. Hewitt, R.N.

Fleet-Payr. Frederick R. Waymouth, C.M.G. R.N.

Fleet-Payr. Charles S. Inglis, R.N.

Fleet-Payr. Henry Horniman, R.N.

Fleet-Payr. Walter Gask, C.B., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Francis L. Back, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Gordon C. Wilkinson, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. David R. Ritchie, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. David Blair, O.B.E., R.N.R.

Lieut. William A. Floyer, R.N.

Eng. Lieut. Albert E. Marden, R.N.

Lieut. Harper MacLean, R.N.V.R.


Medaille Militaire.


Pte. Henry G. Bartlett, C.G.M., R.M.L.I., No. Po./15558.

Sea. William H. Bennison, C.G.M., R.N.R., O.N. 7595 A.

Ch. Yeo. Sigs. Albert A. Bishop, C.G.M., O.N. 201787 (Ch.).

A.B. William Blackburn, D.S.M., O.N. 226897 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Sidney F. Brooks, D.S.M., O.N. S.S. 111490 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Harry Broom, D.S.M., O.N. K.1521 (Po.).

P.O., 1st Cl., Thomas J. Clark, C.G.M., O.N. 178489 (R.F.R. Dev./B.1530).

Dkhnd. Alexander M. Donald, D.S.M., R.N.R., O.N. 2198 D.A.

Dkhnd. Leonard Findlay, D.S.M., R.N.R., O.N. 4842 D.A.

W/T. Op., 1st Cl. Thomas E. Fletcher, C.G.M., D.S.M., R.N.R., O.N. 404 W.T.S.

P.O. Thomas A. Gallagher, C.G.M., O.N. 222943 (Dev.).

P.O. Frederick Gibson, C.G.M., O.N. 191025 (R.F.R. Ch./B. 3829).

C.P.O. Henry Hill, C G.M., O.N. 173927 (Ch.).

A.B. Harry Johns, C.G.M., O.N. 183788 (R.F.R, Dev./B.3019).

Air Mech., 1st Gr., Robert G. Kimberley, D.S.M., R.N.A.S., O.N. F.4T66.

Ldg. Sto. James Leach, C.G.M., O.N. K. 11874 (Po.).

A.B. Jesse Lovelock, C.G.M., O.N. J.28798 (Ch.).

Sea. John S. Martindale, C.G.M., D.S.M., R.N.R., O.N. 8556 A.

Sgt. James F. McLoughlin. C.G.M., R.M.L.I.,No. Po./8873.

Ldg. Sig. Charles H. B. Morrison. D.S.M., O.N. J.2319 (Ch.).

A.B. Denis Murphy, C.G.M., O.N. J.25416 (Dev.).

P.O. William Norman, D.S.M. O.N. 184442 (Dev.).

Sea. Joseph O'Connell, D.S.M., R.N.R., O.N. 4409 D.A.

Ldg. Sto. George H. Pascall, C.G.M., O.N. 221595 (R.F.R. Dev./B.4016).

A.B. George H. H. Peacey. D.S.M., O.N. 206507 (R.F.R. Dev./B.4454).

P.O. Ernest Pitcher, V.C., D.S.M., O.N. 227029 (Po.).

Teleg. Herbert W. Prior, D.S.M., O.N. J.32080 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. William G. Rawles, C.G.M., O.N. 201767 (Po.).

P.O. Mech. Geoffrey C. P. Rumming, C.G.M., R.N.A.S., O.N. F.813.

P.O. Mech. John H. Russell, C.G.M., R.N.A.S., O.N. F.839.

P.O. George McK. Samson, V.C., R.N.R., O.N. 2408 A.

A.B. Richard W. Sheppard, C.G.M., D.S.M., O.N. J.25419 (Ch.).

A.B. Joseph T. Smith, D.S.M., O.N. 239979 (Po.).

Yeo. Sigs. William Smith, D.S.M., O.N. 213714 (Po.).

Pte. Thomas M. Symons D.S.M., R.M.L.I., No. Ply./9603.

Dkhnd. Ernest Taylor, D.S.M., R.N.R., O.N. 10375 D.A.

P.O., 1st Cl., Thomas H. Thompson, D.S.M., O.N. 183642 (Ch.).

Sea. James Thomson, C.G.M., D.S.M., R.N.R., O.N. 6029 A.

Sea. Lawrence J. Walsh, C.G.M., R.N.R., O.N. 2131 A.

Ldg. Sea. George Whitfield, D.S.M., O.N. 182706 (Po.).





30900 - 13 SEPTEMBER 1918


Admiralty, S.W., 14th September, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.



Vice- Admiral Edward F. B. Charlton, K.C.M.G., C.B.



Capt. Reginald J. N. Watson, R.N.

Squad, Cdr. Edwin R. Meon, D.S.O., R.N.A.S. (now Major, R.A.F.).


Croix de Guerre.


Sto. P.O. Henry Broom, D.S.M., O.N. K.1521 (Po.).

P.O., 1st Cl., Thomas Clark, C.G.M., O.N. 178489 (R.F.R.Dev./B.1535).

Corpl. Ernest V. Dean, C.G.M., R.M.L.I., No. Ply./ 12447.

P.O. Thomas A. Gallagher, O.N. 222943 (Dev.).

A.B. Harry Johns, C.G.M., O.N. 183788 (R.F.R. Dev./B.3019).

Ldg. Sto. James Leach, C.G.M., O.N. K.11874 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. Frederick Miller, D.S.M., O.N. 189620 (R.F.R. Po./B.3647).

Ldg. Sto. George H. Pascall, C.G.M., O.N. 221595 (R.F.R. Dev./B.4016)

Ord. Sea. John G. Vigor, D.S.M., O.N., J.50949 (Ch.).

Sea. Lawrence J. Walsh, C.G.M., R.N.R., O.N. 2131A.


Medaille Militaire.


Actg. Yeo. Sigs. Harold Chare, O.N. J.3307 (Dev.).

Ch. Yeo. Sigs. Charles Dowling, O.N. 193479



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Capt. Philip Streatfeild, M.V.O., R.N.



Cdr. George C. Hardy, R.N.



Lieut.-Cdr (act. Cdr.) Guy P. Lewis, R.N.R.


Silver Medal for Military Valour.


Skpr. Henry Newman, D.S.C., R.N.R. 515W.S.A.

Skpr. George E. Stubbs, D.S.C., R.N.R. 837W.S.A.



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown of Belgium



Staff Surg. Henry Cooper, D.S.O., R.N.


Croix de Guerre.


Lieut.-Col. (tempy. Brig.-Gen.) Frederick W Lumsden, V.C., C.B., D.S.O., R.M.A.

Cdr. Astle S. Littlejohns, C.M.G., R.N (actg. Capt., R.A.N.).

Flt.-Cdr. Richard B. Munday, R.N.A.S. (now Major, R.A.F.).

Capt. Francis G. Eliot, M.C., R.M.L.I.

Lieut. Henry A. Stevens, R.N.V.R.

Gnr. Thomas J. Potter, R.N.

Pte. Harry Bardsley, R.M., No. Deal/4049 S.

P.O. Ernest R. Bingham, R.N.V.R., O.N Tyneside/Z5522.

A.B. Alexander W. Boath, R.N.V.R., O.N. Clyde/Z4860.

Sergt. William Clewes, R.M., No. Deal/3577 (S.).

A.B. Fred Crabtree, R.N.V.R., O.N. Tyneside/ Z8339.

C.P.O. Frederick Oram, O.N. 193219 (Po.).

Pte. (actg. Sergt.) Charles F. Cumiskey, R.M.L.I., No. Po./633 (S).

Gnr. (actg. Sergt.) Wilfred Green, R.M.A., No. R.M.A.5515 (R.M.A. B736).

Sergt. Reginald F. Hurford, R.M., No. Deal/ 2406 (S.).

P.O. James Inglis, R.N.V.R., O.N. Tyneside/ 3389.

Actg. C.P.O. William A. Lavers, O.N. 192765 (Po.).

C.P.O. James Leckie, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Clyde/Z1979.

C.P.O. Harry Mewett, O.N. 172044 (Po.).

C.P.O. Joseph Noble, R.N.V.R., O.N. K.P./837.

Teleg. Leonard Roberts, R.N.V.R., O.N. Bristol/Z9716.

A.B. Joseph Robinson, R.N.V.R., O.N. Tyneside/Z2907.

Pte. (actg. Corpl.) John Sherman, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./424 (S.).

C.P.O. Arthur Stoddart, R.N.V.R., O.N. Clyde 1/2618.

C.P.O. Richard H. Tobin, R.N.V.R., O.N. Mersey 7/174.

Ch. Arm. William G. Williams, O.N. 340452 (Po.).

Pte. (actg. Sergt.) William Young, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./15578.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.



Maj. (tempy. Lieut.-Col.) Robert Gordon, D.S.O., R.M.L.l. (now tempy. Col., R.A.F.).



Capt. Charles N. Tindal-Carill-Worsley, R.N.

Staff-Surg. James Campbell Bringan, R.N.



His Highness The Sultan of ZANZIBAR.


Order of the Brilliant Star.


Second Class.

Capt. Alfred C. Sykes, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. David M. Anderson, C.M.G., M.V.O., R.N. 





30923 - 27 SEPTEMBER 1918


Whitehall, September 26, 1918.


The KING has been pleased to give and grant unto the undermentioned gentlemen His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to wear the Insignia of the Legion of Honour of the classes indicated against their respective names, which Decorations have been conferred upon them by the President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC:


Commander of the Legion of Honour.

Sir Eustace Henry William Tennyson d'Eyncourt, K.C.B., Director of Naval Construction


Officer of the Legion of Honour.

Walter St. David Jenkins, Esq., C.B.E.


Chevaliers of the Legion of Honour.

Ernest Addison Stanley Hayward, Esq., Assistant Director of Stores (Acting), Naval Store Department, Admiralty.

Charles James William Hopkins, Esq., Naval Constructor, Royal Corps of Naval Constructors.

William Hogarth, Esq., Superintendent of the Royal Clarence Yard, Gosport.





30936 - 4 OCTOBER 1918


Admiralty, 5th October, 1918.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for Distinguished Services rendered during the war:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


Vice-Adml. Ernest C. T. Troubridge, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.

Cdr. Alfred Stead, R.N.V.R.

Payr. Henry M. Fitch, R.N.

Lieut. Alan V. Coutts, R.N.R.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Order of St. Sava.


Third Class.

Payr. Henry M. Fitch, R.N.


Order of the White Eagle.


Fifth Class.

Cdr. Alfred Stead, R.N.V.R.


Gold Medal for Military Virtue.


C.P.O. Walter Neden, D.S.M., O.N. 195949 (Ch.).


Gold Medal for Zealous Service.


Shipwt. William Bevans, O.N. 342920 (Ch.).



His Highness The Sultan of EGYPT.


Order of the Nile.


Third Class.

Lieut.-Cdr. (act. Cdr.) Guy P. Lewis, R.N.R.



His Highness The Bey of TUNIS.


Order of Nichan Iftikhar.



Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur E. W. Cripps, R.N.R.



Lieut. Septimus A. Michells, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Gordon E. Burdick, R.N.V.R.



3rd Writer Alan George, O.N. M.11632 (Po.).

Ch. Motor Mech. James Hodgson, O.N. M.B. 1357.

Ldg. Dkhnd. Peter S. Taylor, R.N.R., O.N. 4654 S.D.





30979 - 25 OCTOBER 1918


Admiralty, 29th October, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion Of Honour.



Cdr. Frederick C. Halahan, D.S.O., M.V.O. (now tempy. Colonel, R.A.F.).


Croix de Guerre.

Major Robert S. Morrison-Scott, D.S.O., R.M.

Lieut.-Cdr. Malcolm MacLaren, R.N.V.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Henry P. Dix, M.C., R.N.V.R.

Lieut. David L. Robinson, R. M. (lent Tank Corps as tempy. Capt.).



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of the Crown Of Italy.



Cdr. Francis G. G. Chilton, R.N.



His Majesty The King of The BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown of Belgium.



Cdr. Geoffrey B. Spicer-Simson, D.S.O., R.N.



His Highness The Sultan of EGYPT.


Order of the Nile.


First Class.

Adml. Sir Richard H. Peirse, K.C.B., K.B.E., M.V.O.


Third Class.

Capt. Percival H. Warleigh,, R.N.


Fourth Class.

Cdr. Henry G. Thursfield, R.N.

Cdr. Richard L. Hamer, R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. Andrew J. Carter, R.N.





31038 - 26 NOVEMBER 1918


Admiralty, 29th November, 1918.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for Distinguished Services rendered during the war:


His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Rising Sun.


Grand Cordon.

Vice-Adml. (act. Adml.) Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, G.C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Cecil F. Thursby, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.

Vice-Adml. Sir Herbert L. Heath, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir William C. Pakenham, K.C.B., K.C.V.O.


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


Grand Gordon.

Vice-Adml. Sir Montague E. Browning, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Eng. Vice-Adml. K.C.B. Sir George G. Goodwin,


Order of the Rising Sun.


2nd Class.

Vice-Adml. Trevylyan D. W. Napier, C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. (act. Vice-Adml.) Sydney R. Fremantle, C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml Sir Richard F. Phillimore, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Douglas R. L. Nicholson.

Rear-Adml. William E. Goodenough, C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. William C. M. Nicholson, C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir Hugh H. D. Tothill, K.C.M.G., C.B.


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


2nd Class.

Rear-Adml. Edward F. Bruen, C.B.

Rear-Adml. George H. Borrett, C.B.

Surg. Rear-Adml. Patrick B. Handyside, C.B., M.B.


Order of the Rising Sun.


3rd Class.

Capt. Charles B. Miller, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Crawford Maclachlan, C.B., R.N.

Capt. John Luce, C.B., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Capt. Arthur A. M. Duff, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Hugh T. P. Sinclair, C.B., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Capt. Louis C. S. Woollcombe, M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. Albert P. Addison, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Charles W. R. Royds, R.N.

Capt. Hugh J. Tweedie, R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Eng. Capt. Charles C. Sheen, C.B., R.N.


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


3rd Class.

Eng. Cdr. Cecil H. A. Bermingham, R.N.

Eng. Cdr. William H. Ham, R.N.



The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion Of Honour.



Capt. Christopher R. Payne, R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).


Etoile Noire.



Cdr. George H. T. Steer, R.N.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of the Crown Of Italy.



Hon. Lt.-Col. Henry M. Grayson, R.M.



Hon. Capt. Thomas G. Holland, R.M.



His Majesty The King of The BELGIANS.


Order of Leopold


Grand Cordon.

Adml. Sir Cecil Burney, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.

Adml. (actg.) Sir David Beatty, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., D.S.O.


Grand Officer.

Adml. (actg.) Sir Charles E. Madden, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.


Grand Commander.

Rear-Adml. Cecil F. Lambert.



Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) Walter L. Huntingford, R.M.A.



His Highness The Sultan of ZANZIBAR.


Brilliant Star of Zanzibar.


3rd Class.

Cdr. Oswald C. M. Barry, D.S.O., R.N.





31060 - 10 DECEMBER 1918


Admiralty, 11th December, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President Of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


Skipper Thomas Sandham, R.N.R., S.A. 458



His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Rising Sun.


3rd Class.

Cdr. (act. Capt.) Thomas E. Crease, C.B., R.N.



His Majesty The King of The BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown.



Adml. Richard B. Farquhar, C.B.





Military Order of Avis.


2nd Class.

Lieut.-Col. Chetwode G. C. Crawley, R.M.A.





31063 - 10 DECEMBER 1918


Admiralty, 12th December, 1918.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.


Grand Officer.

Vice-Adml. the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough-Calthorpe, K.C.B., C.V.O.



Vice-Adml. Trevylyan D. W. Napier, C.B., M.V.O.

Surg. Vice-Adml. Sir William H. Norman, K.C.B.

Rear-Adml. George P. W. Hope, C.B.

Rear-Adml. Cecil F. Lambert.

Rear-Adml. Sir Hugh H. D. Tothill, K.C.M.G., C.B.



Rear-Adml. Walter H. Cowan, C.B., D.S.O., M.V.O.

Capt. the Hon. Hubert G. Brand, C.B., C.V.O., R.N. (Cdre., 1st Cl.).

Capt. Hugh F. P. Sinclair, C.B., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Capt. Rudolph M. Burmester, C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Capt. Henry L. Mawby, R.N.

Capt. Frederick L. Field, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Frederic C. Dreyer, C.B., R.N.

Capt. William D. Paton, D.S.O., M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. William J. B. Law, R.N.

Capt. Reginald G. H. Henderson, R.N.

Capt. Ralph S. Sneyd, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Sir Malcolm MacGregor, Bart., C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 1st Cl.).

Capt. William F. Benwell, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Thomas E. Crease, C.B., R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Richard L. Nicholson, D.S.O., R.N.



Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Ferdinand H. Elderton, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.

Maj. (Bt. Lieut.-Col.) Reginald C. Temple, R.M.A.

Cdr. James W. G. Innes, R.N.

Cdr. Kenneth Brounger, R.N.

Cdr. Joseph G. Walsh, R.N.

Cdr. Alfred B. Humphery, R.N.

Chapl. and Instr. Cdr. the Rev. Robert McKew, B.A., B.D., R.N.

Eng. Cdr. Mark Rundle, D.S.O., R.N.

Eng. Cdr. Henry F. Smith, D.S.O., R.N.

Surg. Cdr. William W. Keir, C.M.G., M.B., R.N.

Payr. Cdr. George C. A. Boyer, R.N.

Cdr. Gerald A. Steel, R.N.V.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. (actg. Cdr.) Bertram O. F. Phibbs, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (actg. Cdr.) Archibald T. Stewart, O.B.E., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Roland Bourke, V.C., D.S.O., R.N.V.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Harry Pine-Gordon, D.S.C., R.N.V.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. the Hon. Bertrand G. Sackville West, R.N.V.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Eric W. Gandy, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Oliver North, D.S.O., R.N.

Payr. Lieut. (actg. Payr. Lieut.-Cdr.) Lewis A. da C. Ricci, R.N.

Payr. Lieut. (actg. Payr. Lieut.-Cdr.) Charles H. A. Crouch, R.N.

Capt. Lionel S. Wilkinson, R.M.L.I.

Actg. Chapl. the Rev. Father Alexius Calderbank, R.N.

Lieut. William P. Meldrurn, R.N.R.

Lieut. Arthur Dickinson, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ernest S. Daniels, R.N.R.





31065 - 13 DECEMBER 1918


Whitehall, December 12, 1918.


The KING has been pleased to give and grant unto Captain Frank Ramsay, Master of the S.S. "Irish Monarch," His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to wear the Cross of Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy, which Decoration has been conferred upon him by His Majesty the King of ITALY in recognition of valuable services rendered by him.








31130 - 14 JANUARY 1919


Admiralty, S. W. 17th January, 1919. 


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.


Grand Cross.

Adml. (act.) Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, G.C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.



Cdr. Claud P. Serocold, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.


Medaille Militaire.


Ldg. Sig Ashton Collinge, O.N. 237482 (Dev.).


Croix de Guerre.


Cdr. James W. Murray, R.N.

Surg. Lieut. Neville H. Smith, R.N.

Lieut. Thomson Philpots, R.N.R.

Lieut. Edwin J. Holmes, R.N.R.

Capt. John A. Bath, R.M.

Gnr. John H. Moffatt, R.N.

Skpr. Harry E. Myhill, R.N.R., 9201 D.A.

Dkhnd. Richard Benney, R.N.R., O.N. 16406 D.A.

Engmn. Edward Knight, R.N.R, O.N. 2261 E.S.

Teleg. Hollis W Long, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Palace) Z1357.

Trmmr. Cook (sic) Andrew Millar, R.N.R., O.N. 523 T C

Trmmr. William Noble, R.N.R., O.N. 2633 T.S.

Dkhnd. John H. Wardle, R.N.R., O.N. 22179 D.A.

2nd Hnd. Francis W. Watt, R.N.R., O.N. 2790 D.A.

Trmmr. James Wright, R.N.R., O.N. 2181 T.S.



His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


First Class.

Surg. Vice-Adml. Sir William H. Norman, K.C.B.


Order of the Rising Sun.


Third Class.

Capt. Edward H. F. Heaton-Ellis, C.B., M.V.O., R.N. (Cdre. 2nd Class).

Capt. George P. England, R.N.

Capt. Reginald G. H. H. Henderson, R.N.

Cdr. (Act. Capt.) Fitzmaurice Acton, C.M.G., R.N.


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


Third Class.

Cdr. Douglas Faviell, M.V.O., R.N.


Order of the Rising Sun.


Fifth Class.

Lieut. Lancelot King, R.N.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Lieut.-Cdr. Charles L. Kerr, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Henry P. Dix, M.C., R.N.V.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Edward C. B. Collins, M.C., R.N.V.R.

Maj. Frank Holmes, R.M.

Sub-Lieut. Roy L. Cantle, R.N.V.R. (now Lieut., R.A.F.).


Silver Medal for Military Valour.


Capt. Alister F. Beal, R.N.

Capt. Herbert W. W. Hope, C.B., R.N.

Capt. George K. Chetwode, R.N.

Capt. The Hon. Bertram T. C. O. Freeman Mitford, R.N.

Cdr. James M. Pipon, R.N.

Cdr. Geoffrey Corlett, R.N.

Cdr. Basil R. Poe, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (Act. Cdr.) John K. B. Birch, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Herbert W. Wyld, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Henry D. Pridham-Wippell, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Walter R. M. Wynne, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Aubrey C. Thursfield, R.N.

Lieut. Stuart S. Bonham-Carter, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. James C. Mansfield, R.N.

Lieut. Robin E. Jeffreys, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. Lionel S. Holland, R.N.


Bronze Medal for Military Valour.


Cdr. Henry de B. Tupper, R.N.

Lieut. Frederick A. Tollemache. R.N.

Lieut. Guy O. Maund, R.N.


War Cross.


Payr. Lieut. (Act. Payr. Lieut.-Cdr.) Edwin H. Wethey, R.N.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Order of Karageorge (with Swords).


Grand Officer.

Vice-Adml. Ernest C. T. Troubridge, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.


Fourth Class.

Cdr. Alfred Stead, R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown of Belgium.



Capt. The Hon. Algernon D. E. H. Boyle, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O., A.d.C., R.N. (Cdre., 1st Cl.).

Capt. Frank Larken, C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).


Order of Leopold.



Capt. Charles W. Bruton R.N.

Capt. Ernest Wigram, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. John A. Moreton, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Henry P. Douglas, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Wilfred Tomkinson, C.B., M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. George R. B. Blount, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Ralph S. Sneyd, D.S.O., R.N.


Order of the Crown Of Belgium.



Capt. Patrick E. Parker, R.N.

Cdr. Neston W. Diggle, R.N.

Cdr. Sydney B. Boyd-Richardson, R.N.

Cdr. Charles A. Scott, R.N.

Cdr. James L. C. Clark, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Francis E. B. Haselfoot, R.N.


Order of Leopold.



Payr. Lieut. John McL. More, D.S.C., R.N.


Croix de Guerre.


Cdr. Frederick E. K. Strong, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Andrew B. Cunningham, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Bertram H. Ramsay, R.N.

Cdr. Oliver M. F. Stokes, R.N.

Eng.-Cdr. George F. H. Parsons, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. George H. I. Parker, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur C. Fawsett, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Hubert S. Braddyll, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Eberhard W. E. Callwell, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Norman C. Moore, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Frank G. Fowle, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. William L. Jackson, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Lionel S. Chappell, D.S.C., R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Ronald G. Studd, R.N.

Lieut. Arthur E. Buckland, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. Frank H Pegram, R.N.

Lieut. Paul A. M. Long, R.N.

Lieut. Aubrey B. Fanshawe, R.N.

Lieut. Edward E. Hill, R.N.

Lieut. Edward Broad, R.N.R.

Lieut. Sidney D. Gowing, R.N.V.R.

Eng. Lieut. Charles F. Holt, R.N.R.

Ch. Sig. Bos'n Arthur H. Farnley, R.N.

Gnr. Horace P. Hamlyn, R.N.

Gnr. Frederick Phillips, R.N.

Gnr. Louis B. Sparks, R.N.

Gnr. Sidney U. Barnes, R.N.

Gnr. William J. Stride, R.N.

Gnr. James Davis, R.N.

Actg. Gnr. John A. de Ste Croix, R.N.

Mid. Felix J. Mossop, R.N.R.

P.O. Thomas P. Bennington, O.N. 209768 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Harry J. Clode, O.N. 206173 (Dev.).

C.P.O. Albert E. Cocks, O.N. 176269 (Ch.).

E.R.A., 4th Cl., George A. Davey, O.N. M13500 (ch.)

Actg. C.P.O Tom English, O.N. 191500 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Arthur Fagg, O.N. 186034 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Herbert H. Foster, O.N. 186357 (Ch.).

P.O. Michael Hannan, O.N. 217443 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Peter Lowrie, D.S.M., O.N. 178721 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Stephen H. L. Macey, O.N. 164791 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Charles W. Mills, O.N. 174165 (Ch.).

Ldg. Dkhnd. William Munro, R.N.R., O N 1231 S.D.

P.O. William H. E. Pike, O.N. 188405 (Dev.).

Ch. Arm. William H. R. Rich, O.N. 344468 (Dev.).

Ch. Motor Mech. Robert J. Rudd, O.N. MB1730.

Ldg. Dkhnd. Thomas A. Sloan, R.N.R., O.N. 1201 S.D.

P.O. Joseph Ward, O.N. 205927 (Ch.).

Ch. Motor Mech. Garnet W. Wickson, O N M.B.1483.

P.O. Staunton B. Wilson, O.N. 162818 (Ch.).



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.


Fourth Class.

Cdr. George I. S. More, R.N.


Fifth Class.

Ch. Gnr. Charles R. Tribe, R.N.

Warrt. Shpt. Samuel E. Sleeman, R.N.

Ch. Writer Ernest W. Wakeham, O.N. 344209 (Ch.).



His Majesty The King of SIAM.


Order of the White Elephant.


First Class.

Adml. (actg.) Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, G.C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.


Third Class.

Instr. Cdr. Guy V. Rayment, B.A., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Roger V. de Halpert, R.N.



His Highness The Sultan of EGYPT.


Order of the Nile.


Third Class.

Eng. Capt. Harry Lashmore, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.





Order of the Tower and Sword.


Second Class.

Capt. Edward R.G. R. Evans, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.



The President of The CHINESE REPUBLIC.


Order of the Striped Tiger.


Third Class.

Capt. Frederick K. C. Gibbons, R.N.


Fourth Class.

Instr. Cdr. Guy V. Rayment, B.A., R.N.



31150 - 29 JANUARY 1919


War Office, 29th January, 1919.


The following are among the Decorations and medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various dates to the British Forces for distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign:


(included in Army lists)


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


R.M.A./1270 Serjeant George Fry, Howitzer Battery No. XI., Royal Marine Artillery (Sevenoaks).





31222 - 7 MARCH 1919


War Office, 11th March, 1919.


The following are among the Decorations and Medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various dates to the British. Forces for distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign:


(included in Army lists)


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC


Legion d'Honneur


Croix d'Officier.

Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Hugh Ferguson Montgomery, D.S.O., Royal Marine Light Infantry.





31236 - 14 MARCH 1919 


Admiralty, 17th March, 1919. 


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war:


His Majesty The King of ROUMANIA.


Order of the Star of Roumania.


Grand Cross.

Adml. Sir David Beatty, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., D.S.O.


Grand Officer.

Vice-Adml. the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough-Calthorpe, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.



Eng. Vice-Adml. Sir George G. Goodwin, K.C.B.

Surg. Vice-Adml. Sir William H. Norman, K.C.B.



Cdr. Edwin A. Homan, R.N.

Eng. Lieut.-Cdr. (Act. Eng. Cdr.) George W. Le Page, D.S.O., R.N.

Payr. Cdr. Ernest W. H. Jackman, R.N.



Cdr. Arthur W. Barber, R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Claude A. Merriman, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. William L. Jackson, D.S.O., R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. Edward W. Whittington-Ince, R.N.

Lieut. Harold H. Anderson, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. William N. Lucas-Shadwell, D.S.C., R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Christopher G. Carr, O.B.E., R.N.R,

Capt. Thomas L. Hunton, R.M.L.I.


Order of the Crown of Roumania.


Grand Cross.

Adml. Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, G.C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.


Grand Officer.

Vice-Adml. Sir John M. de Robeck, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.



Rear-Adml. Frederick L. Field, C.B.

Payr. Rear-Adml. William M. C. Beresford Whyte, C.M.G.

Capt. Sydney S. Hall, C.B. (Cdre., 1st Cl.).



Cdr. Walter D. Smiles, D.S.O., R.N.V.R.

Eng. Cdr. Ronald G. Morton, R.N.

Surg. Lieut.-Cdr. Gilbert B. Scott, D.S.O., R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. Thomas M. FitzGerald, R.N.

Major James C. Farmer, R.M.L.I.



Lieut. David O. Evans, R.N.R.

Lieut. Edwin J. Couch, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Arthur W. Wenlock, R.N.R.

Eng. Lieut. Frank Kydd, R.N.R.

Surg. Lieut. William L. Glegg, D.S.C., M.B., R.N.

Mid. John M. Dick, R.N.V.R.

Ch. Bos'n. Ernest R. Parrott, R.N.

Gnr. (T.) Frederick C. Way, R.N.

Warrt. Teleg. James P. Cleary, R.N.

Skpr. James Duthie, R.N.R., 1762 W.S.A.


Order of Michael the Brave.


Third Class.

Lieut.-Cdr. Richard B. Davies, V.C., D.S.O., R.N.


Cross of Military Virtue.


First Class.

E.R.A., 3rd Cl , Thomas Atkinson, O.N. M. 16894 (Po.).

E.R.A., 2nd Cl, Percy R. Blacklock, O.N. M.1355 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A. Percy W. Dewsbury, R.N.R., O.N. 1089 E.A.

C.P.O. William Hester, O.N. 159153 (Dev.).

Ch. Motor Mech. James Marland, R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B.1214.


Second Class.

A.B. Thomas J. Blundell, O.N. S.S.3171 (Po.).

Ldg. Sto. Walter E. Breed, O.N. K.8273 (Ch.).

A.B. Albert H. Buckett, O.N. 196213 (Po.).

A.B. Herbert F. Bundey, O.N. 220853 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. Albert E. Callaway, O.N. J.6814 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Frederick A. Calver, O.N. J.21929 (Ch.).

Sto., 1st Cl, Richard W. Carey, O.N. 311916 (Ch.).

Shipwt., 2nd CI., Alfred Distin, O.N. M.6749 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sto. Stephen J. Dodge, O.N. 312316 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. William G. Fentiman, O.N. J.1842 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. William T. C. Hawkes, O.N. 229617 (Po.).

P.O. Richard Healy, O.N. 216962 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. William G. Hillman, O.N. 230621 (Po.).

Sergt. Hart Jinks, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./13256.

Motor Mech. John W. Merrick, R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B.1989.

P.O. Frederick C. Mott, O.N. J.5860 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sig. George Pankhurst, O.N. 229356 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. Alfred M. Polyblank, O.N. 223681 (Po.).

A.B. Walter J. Reed, O.N. 211726 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. Randle G. Shenton, O.N. J.8164 (Po.).


Distinguished Conduct Medal.


First Class.

Sergt. Edward J. Banks, R.M.L.I., No. Po/10598.

Yeo. Sigs. Frank Coombes, O.N. 205280 (Po.).

P.O. John C. W. Hamon, O.N. 184089 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Charles J. Osmond, O.N. 306650 (Dev.).

P.O. Arthur J. Read, O.N. 237122 (Ch.).

P.O. Ernest C. Tibbals, O.N. 216984 (Po.).

P.O. Walter Webb, O.N. 191348 (Ch.).

Sto. P.O. Henry E. Woodland, O.N. 297947 (Po.).


Second Class.

A.B. Francis W. Baker, O.N. 203568 (Po.).

Sea. Harold J. Baund, R.N.R., O.N. 7338 A.

A.B. Hugh Betts, O.N. 236353 (Po.).

A.B. William G. Cleeter, O.N. J.21405 (Po.).

A.B. George E. Crittenden, O.N. 202731, R.F.R. Po/B6474.

A.B. Morgan R. Flynn, O.N. 232778 (Dev.).

S.B.A. James Gradwell, O.N. M.16759 (Po.).

A.B. James G. Lawrence, O.N. J.26878 (Ch.).

A.B. Jeremiah Leary, O.N. 228557 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. Stephen W. H. Love, O.N. J.954 (Ch.).

A.B. William H. Platt, O.N. 188429 (R.F.R., Ch./B.7349).

A.B. Joseph A. Short, O.N. J.9713 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. Thomas G. Steven, O.N. J.4001 (Ch.).

Ord. Sea. Sidney J. T. Taylor, O.N. SS.7576 (Po.).

Sig. Boy Edward H. Vine, O.N. J.52643 (Po.).

A.B. George H. Wanbon, O.N. J. 19939 (Po.).


Third Class.

Ldg. Sea. John T. Annis, O.N. 203675 (Dev.).

Dkhnd. Neil Beaton, R.N.R., O.N. 1805 S.D.

Ldg. Sea. William J. Bryant, O.N. 194752 (Dev.).

Ord. Sea. William S. Bunton, O.N. J.56200 (Dev.).

Sea. John Burk, R.N.R. O.N. 5045A.

A.B. Joseph Eccles, O.N. 227060 (Dev.).

A.B. Sydney W. V. Edgecombe, O.N. J.5362 (Dev.).

Dkhnd. Frank Evans, R.N.R. O.N. 693 D.A.

A.B. Walter E. Fielding, O.N. 238791 (Dev.).

Ord. Sea. William H. Fydell, O.N. J.55763 (Po.).

Sig. Arthur A. Golding, O.N. J.11614 (Ch.).

Dkhnd. Cyril J. Green, R.N.R., O.N. 13001 D.A.

Ldg. Sea. George A. Hmsley, O.N. 216958 (Dev.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Thomas H. Humphries, O.N. K. 14672 (Po.).

Boy, 1st Cl., Edward G. May, O.N. J.37942 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Henry McGrath, R.N.R., O.N. 2517 C.

2nd hnd. John W. Morris, R.N.R., O.N. 1626 S.A.

Sea. James Norman, R.N.R., O.N. 2153 C.

Lce.-Corpl. Luther Peach, R.M.L.I., No. Po/15282).

Dkhnd. Charles H. Proctor, R.N.R., O.N 4996 D.A.

Actg. Ldg. Sto. Frank C. E. Rapley, O.N. K.7995 (Po.).

Sig. Percy B. Richens, O.N. 237049 (Ch.).

Ord. Sea. Herbert H. Redman, O.N. J.55140 (Po.).

Sea. John Roberts, R.N.R., O.N. 3559 C.

Pte. L. H. Sands, R.M.L.I., No. Ch/16901.

Ldg. Sig. Edward J. Scholar, O.N. J.10046 (Dev.).

Ldg. Teleg. George B. Sutherland, O.N J.7160 (Dev.).

A.B. William Tanner, O.N. 187232 (Ch.).

Shipwt., 2nd Cl., George L. Thomas, O.N. M.6529 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. Frederick G Tolchard, O.N. 233976 (Ch.).

Dkhnd. William Wallace, R.N.R., O.N. 2156 D.A.

Engmn. John T. Williams, R.N.R., O.N. 4073 E.S





Distinguished Service Medal.


Lieut. Francis W. Craven, R.N.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


War Cross.


Capt. Hugh G. C. Somerville, D.S.O., R.N, (Cdre. 1st Class).

Cdr. (Act. Capt.) Walton C. G. Ruxton, R.N.

Cdr. (Act. Capt.). Denis A. H. Larking, C.M.G., R.N.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES


Order of the Redeemer.


Grand Officer.

Adml. Ernest C. T. Troubridge, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Silver Medal for Zealous Service.


Ch. Offrs. Std. Sidney S. Palmer, O.N, L8658 (Ch.).



The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Medaille Militaire.


Sto. P.O. William Ackerman, C.G.M., O.N. 301992 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. Arthur J. Ade, C.G.M., O.N. K. 14283 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Frederick T. Birchall, O.N. 271185 (Po.).

P.O. Ernest R. Cremer, C.G.M., D.S.M., O.N. 214235 (Po.).

Act. Ldg.Sto. John Darroch, C.G.M., O.N. K.5718 (Ch.).

Ch. Engmn. James Ewing, C.G.M., R.N.R., O.N. 2637 E.S.

P.O., 1st Cl., Frederick Ghom, C.G.M., O.N. 171173 (Ch.).

P.O. Robert G. Greenfield, C.G.M., O.N. 185253 (Po.).

Ch. S. B. S. Henry A. Hamlin, C.G.M., O.N. 150438 (Ch.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Joseph H. Hughes, C.G.M., O.N. 302261 (Dev.).

S.B.S. Alfred E. Jones, C.G.M., O.N. 350868 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Arthur Jones, C.G.M., O.N. 227970 (Ch.).

A.B. Samuel J. Livingstone, C.G.M., O.N. J.39103 (Dev.).

A.B. Aaron Lumsden, C.G.M., O.N. 218195 (Ch.).

Colr.Sergt. Charles Mayes, C.G.M., R.M.L.I., No. Po/3307 (R.F.A. Po/A.0484).

A.B. Edward J. Moore, C.G.M., O.N. 200003 (Dev.).

Ch. Engmn. Alexander Noble, C.G.M., R.N.R., O.N. 2651E.S.

A.B. Francis G. Noble, C.G.M., O.N. 205234 (Po.).

Colr.-Sergt. Abraham Spooner, C.G.M., R.M.A., No. RMA/4980.

Offrs. Std., 2nd Cl., Reginald J. Starling, C.G.M., O.N. L.6027 (Dev.).

Ch. Sto. Frederick J. H. Wherry, C.G.M. O.N. K.5157 (Dev.).

P.O. William J. A. Willis, C.G.M., O.N. J.11010 (Ch.).


Croix de Guerre.


Sig. Joseph T. Jackson, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Bristol) Z./10142.


Medaille de Reconnaissance.


Miss Marjorie Monkhouse, Asst. Dir., W.R.N.S.



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown of Belgium.



Surg. Vice-Adml. Sir William H. Norman, K.C.B.

Surg.-Gen. John J. Dennis, C.B., R.N.

Brig.-Gen. Sir Alexander Gibb, K.B.E., C.B., R.M.



Surg.-Cdr. John O'Hea, R.N.

Lt.-Col. J. G. Beharrell, D.S.O.



His Highness The Sultan of EGYPT.


Order Of The Nile.


Third Class.

Capt. Percy Johnson, R.N.

Capt. Herbert A. Buchanan-Wollaston, R.N.

Capt. Charles J. C. Kendall, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. (Act. Capt.) Edward Unwin, V.C., C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Cl.).

Cdr. (Act. Capt.) Arthur W. Lowis, R.N.

Cdr. (Act. Capt.) Edward E. A. Betts, R.N.

Cdr. (Act. Capt.) Gerard C. Pigou, R.N.


Fourth Class.

Cdr. James S. C. Salmond, R.N.

Cdr. George Gregory, D.S.O., O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Henry L. M. Cary, R.N.

Lieut. Horace B. Smith, D.S.O., R.N.R.

Payr. Lieut. Sigmund W. Farman, R.N.

Lieut. Harold F. Addenbrooke-Kent, D.S.C., R.N.R.





31248 - 21 MARCH 1919


Admiralty, S.W., 24th March, 1919.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix De Guerre.


Capt. Bernard St. G. Collard, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Ernest Wigram, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. John A. Moreton, D S.O., R.N.

Capt. George R. B. Blount, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Reginald St. P. Parry, D.S.O., M.V.O., R.N.

Cdr. Henry G. L.'Oliphant, D.S.O., M.V.O., R.N.

Cdr. Wallace E. Whittingham, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R.

Cdr. Charles L. Backhouse, R.N.

Cdr. Reginald T. Amedroz. R.N.

Cdr. Arthur J. Landon, R.N.

Cdr. Hubert E. Gore-Langton, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Astley D. C. Cooper-Key, D.S.O., R.N.

Actg. Cdr. Claude. P. Champion-de-Crespigny, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. William H. Sandford, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. George C. H. Lawson, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Kenneth C. Helyar, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Guy L. Warren, R.N.

Lieut. Christopher H. Petrie, R.N.

Lieut. Jack S. Hoffmann, R.N.

Lieut. Francis T. Hare, R.N.

Lieut. Christopher H. Ringrose, R.N.

Lieut. Henry J. Hartnoll, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. Wyndham C. Johnson, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. John W. Grimston, R.N.R.

Lieut. Henry Millward, R.N.R.

Mid. Norman S. Herbert, R.N.R.

Ch. Sig. Bosn. Arthur H. Farnley, R.N.

Sig. Esmond K. Birchall, R.N.V.R., O.N. (London) Z/4141.

P.O. Edward W. Blakiston, O.N. J7727 (Ch.).

3rd Writer Reginald Cartwright, O.N. M18296 (Ch.).

Ch. Motor Mech. John E. Clark, R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B. 1468.

P.O. Alfred H. Feen, O.N. 172644 (Ch.).

Ch. Motor Mech. Atholstone Foster, R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B. 1846.

Shipwt. 2nd Cl., James H. McLaren, O.N. 13893 (Ch.).

Ch. S.B.S. Charles H. Pert, O.N. 350450

Ord. Sea. John C. H. Smith, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Bristol) Z/6025.

Yeo. Sigs. Joseph P. Warham, O.N. 230823 (Ch.).

Ch. Motor Mech. Edward G. Windley, R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B. 1457.

Yeo, Sigs. William H. White, O.N. 224985 





31262 - 28 MARCH 1919


Admiralty, 1st April, 1919. 


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Petty Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


C.P.O. Sydney A. Cuticliffe, O.N. 1648.55 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Alexander T. Cuthbert, O.N. 345060 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sig. William C. Eglinton, O.N. 195404 (Dev.).

Cpl. Charles F. Harris, R.M.L.I., No. Ply/ 15727.

E.R.A., 3rd Cl., Thomas1 R. Jones, O.N. 272474 (Ch.).

Sto. P.O. Edward A. Kemp, O.N. 295109 (Ch.).

A.B. George W. Kingston, O.N. 163864 (Ch.).

E.R.A., 4th Cl., William J. Libby, O.N. M.19402 (Ch.).

Ch. Yeo. Sigs. Alfred J. McDonald, O.N. 188517 (Dev.).

P.O. George R. Mill, O.N. 181011 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Harry W. Norris, O.N. 162260 (Ch.).

C.P.O. John O'Rourke, O.N. 188303 (Dev.).

A.B. Alfred G. Roberts, O.N. 210334 (Dev.).

Mech. Albert E. Smith, O.N. 305082 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A. William Smith, O.N. 269837 (Ch.).

P.O., 1st Cl., Thomas Stephens, O.N. 114718 (Po.).

Teleg. William H. Timbury, R.N.V.R., O.N. London 3/3149.

Yeo. Sigs. Arthur C. Warner, O.N. 233395 (Dev.).





31286 - 8 APRIL 1919


Admiralty, S.W., 11th April, 1919 


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre


Capt. Frank Larken, C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Class.)

Cdr. James L. C. Clark, D.S.O., R.N.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.



Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Thomas Crease, C.B., C.B.E., R.N.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Lieut. Edward Wilkinson, D.S.C., R.N.R.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Order of St. Sava.


Fourth Class.

Lieut. Charles H. W. Tucker, R.N.V.R.


Order of the White Eagle.


Fourth Class (with Swords).

Capt. Cecil V. Usborne, C.M.G., R.N.


Fifth Class.

Payr. Lieut. Thomas E. R. Harris, R.N.R.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.



Capt. John E, T. Harper, M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. Claude A. Rombulow-Pearse, R.N.

Capt. Leonard L. P. Willan, R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Halton S. Lecky, C.B , A.M., R.N.

Eng.-Cdr. (actg. Eng.-Capt.) Charles F. Dunn, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (actg. Cdr.) Guy P. Lewis, R.N.R.



Lieut.-Cdr. Gerald C. Muirhead-Gould, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. Edward A. O'Leary, R.N.


Medal for Military Merit.


Eng.-Lieut.-Cdr. (actg. Eng.-Cdr.) George W. Cannan, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Colin A. G. Hutchison, R.N.

Surg. Sub-Lieut. Alexander L. Brough, R.N.V.R.


Order of George I.



Lieut. Cdr. Richard F. Woods, R.N.R.





Military Order of Avis.


First Class.

Adml. The Hon. Sir Alexander E. Bethell, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir Arthur J. Henniker-Hughan, Bart, R.N.


Second Class.

Major (tempy. Lieut.-Col.) Hubert L. Jones, O.B.E., R.M.L.I.


Third Class.

Lieut. John B. Robertson, R.N.V.R.



The President of The CHINESE REPUBLIC.


Order of the Striped Tiger.


Third Class.

Lieut.-Cdr. (actg. Cdr.) Illtyd A. S. Hutton, R.N.



His Highness The Sultan of ZANZIBAR.


Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar.


First Class.

Vice-Adml. Sir Edward F. B. Charlton, K.C.M.G., C.B.


Third Class.

Payr. Cdr. (tempy. Payr. Capt.) William F. Cullinan, R.N.

Lieut. Cdr. (actg. Cdr.) Cyril Goolden, D.S.O., R.N. 





31302 - 18 APRIL 1919


Whitehall, April 16, 1919.


The KING has been pleased, by Warrants under His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, to grant permission to wear the undermentioned French, Italian, Belgian and Serbian Decorations, which have been conferred in recognition of valuable services rendered (by) (including):


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.



Commander the Right Honourable Frederick Leverton Harris, R.N.V.R.





31315 - 29 APRIL 1919


The following Decorations have been conferred by the President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services during the War:


Distinguished Service Medal.


Adml. Sir William Lowther Grant, K.C.B.

Vice-Adml. Sir Montague E. Browning. G.C.M.G., K.C.B., M.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Dudley R. S. De Chair, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Sir Guy R. A. Gaunt, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Capt. Lionel de L. Wells, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Arthur L. Snagge, R.N.


Navy Cross.


Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Hugh B. Mulleneux, R.N.

Cdr. Philip H. Trimmer, D.S.O., R.N.





31345 - 16 MAY 1919


War Office, 17th May, 1919.



The following are among the Decorations and Medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various dates to the British Forces for distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign:


His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Croce di Guerra.


Sub-Lieutenant Hugh Merton Graham, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.





31354 - 23 MAY 1919


Admiralty, S.W., 24th May, 1919.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers, Lady, and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services, rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


Capt. Vernon H. S. Haggard, R.N.

Eng. Lieut.-Cdr. Edward F. Briggs, D.S.O., R.N. (now Lieut.-Col., Act. Col., R.A.F.).

Lieut.-Cdr. Frederick A. P. Williams-Freeman, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. Henry B. S. Beresford, R.N.

Lieut. Griffith P. Evans, R.N.V.R.

Sig. Harry B. Morgan, R.N.V.R., O.N. (London) Z3128.


Medaille D'Honneur des Epidemies.


Silver Medal.

Surg. Cdr. Charles R. Sheward, M.B., R.N.

Surg. Lieut. Abel Evans, R.N.

Surg. Lieut. Richard Wilkins, M.B., F.R.C.S., R.N.


Bronze Medal.

Miss Alice M. Shrewsbury, Nursing Sister, Q.A.R.N.N.S.

S.R.A. Arthur Bannister, O.N. M16020 (Dev.).



His Majesty The King of ITALY


Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.



Capt.George J. Todd, D.S.O., R.N.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Lieut. Henry E. Garle, R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Rising Sun.


3rd Class.

Capt. Christopher R. Payne, C.B.E., R.N.


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


3rd Class.

Lieut. (Act. Cdr.) Henry M. Howard, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES


Order of the Redeemer.


Grand Cross.

Vice-Adml. the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough-Calthorpe, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.



Cdr. T. Bodley Scott, R.N.

Cdr. Alfred Stead, R.N.V.R.



Lieut. Reginald Godsell, R.N.

Payr. Lieut. (Act. Payr. Lieut.-Cdr.) Henry L. Jackson, R.N.


Order of George I.



Eng. Lieut. -Cdr. George Cocks, R.N.

Surg. Lieut.-Cdr. Douglas A. Mitchell, M.B. R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. Dudley Braithwaite, R.N.R.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Order of the White Eagle.


4th Class.

Lieut.-Cdr. Gerald A. Wilson, R.N.


5th Class.

Lieut. William W. Rickard, R.N.R.

Lieut. Laurence H. Wightman, R.N.V.R.


Gold Medal for Military Valour.


A.B. Alexander Dedman, O.N. J7139 (Po.).

A.B. Henry J. Gibbs, O.N. J12267 (Ch.).

Act. Ldg. Sto. George A. Mantle, O.N. •S.S. 106401 (Po.).

Sto, 1st Cl. Walter R. Palmer, O.N. S.S.100538 (R.F.R., Po/B4097).

E.R.A. Horace J. S. Smith, R.N.R., O.N.1917E.A.

Sig. William C. Steele, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Sussex) 2/149.

Ldg. Sea. Edwin J. Streets, O.N. J6210 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. George G. Sutton. O.N. 197354 (Dev.).

C.P.O. Edward Townsend, O.N 163729 (R.F.R. Po./B2999).


Silver Medal for Military Valour.


Sto., 1st Cl. John F. Bushby, O.N. K7775 (Po.).

Ldg. Sto. George Britt, O.N. K14434 (Dev.).

Ldg. Teleg. Harold Fraser, O.N. J37874 (Ch.).

A.B. Herbert Harrison, O.N. J59666 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., William Rodway, O.N. K35082 (Ch.).

Sig. Herbert A. Shepherd, R.N.V.R., O.N. (London) Z1960.

Ldg Cook's Mate Leonard W. White, O.N. M2961 (Po.).


Gold Medal for Zealous Service.


A.B. Earnest Barfoot, O.N. 224303 (Po.).

A.B. Ernest S. Buckland, O.N. 172075 (Po.).

A.B, Arthur Cannon, O.N. 214275 (R.F.R. Po./B6463).

A.B. Frederick W. Carroll, O.N. 224437 (Po.).

S.B.A. Sidney Collins, O.N. M6534 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., George W. Dormer, O.N. K40036 (Po.).

Arm.'s.Mate Frederick G. Eaton, O.N. 346915 (Po.).

P.O. Alfred Evans, O.N. 207152 (Ch.).

A.B. Horace Green, O.N. S.S.6081 (Po.).

Shipwt., 1st Cl., Dennis Herlihy, O.N. 346115 (Po.).

E.R.A., 4th Cl., Thomas Johnson, O.N. M22127 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. William J. O'Brien, O.N. 187798 (R.F.R. Dev. B/3438).

A.B. Edwin A. Satterly, O.N. S.S.6075

Offr.'s Std., 1st Cl., Paul Spiteri, O.N, 365399 (Po.).

C.P.O. Alfred J. Titmuss, O.N. 157185 (Ply.).

Sto. P.O. Albert Turner, O.N. 295300 (R.F.R. Ch./B8646).

E.R.A., 4th Cl., Victor F. Williamson, O.N. M2606 (Ch.).


Silver Medal for Zealous Service.


Sto., 2nd Cl., Karl Brant, O.N. K. 43241 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Henry Finch, O.N. K. 14803 (Ch.).

A.B. Charles Gee, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Bristol), Z4422.

A.B. Joseph A. Gough, O.N. J59001 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., William Hart, O.N. K32096 (Ch.).

A.B. Joseph H.Horton, O.N. S.S.6083 (Po.).

Vict. Asst. Arthur London, O.N. M14624

Ldg. Sto. William E. McComb, O.N. K.12050 (Ch.).

A.B. Silas Pembury, O.N. S.S.6087 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., John Rensch, O.N. K5522 (Ch.).

A.B. Collin Renshaw, O.N. J10975 (Po.).

Sea. Henry George Ridout, R.N.R. (Newfoundland), O.N. 1783X.

A.B. Ben Schofield, O.N. S.S.6086 (Po.).

Teleg. Thomas Smith, O.N. J46848 (Ch.).

A.B. Wilfred Swallow, O.N. J55113 (Dev.).

A.B. Walter R, Whitmore, O.N. S.S.6082 (Po.).

Sto., 2nd Cl., Elias J. Williams, O.N. K50791



His Majesty The King of ROUMANIA.


Order of the Star of Roumania.


Grand Cross.

Adml. Ernest C. T. Troubridge, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O.



Lieut. Griffith P. Evans, R.N.V.R.


Order of the Crown of Roumania.



Lieut. Griffith P. Evans, R.N.V.R.





Military Order of Avis.


1st Class.

Rear Adml. (act. Vice-Adml.) Heathcoat S. Grant, C.B.



His Highness The Bey of TUNIS.


Order of Nichan Iftikhar.



Lieut. John H. Lucas, R.N.R.

Lieut. William G. Bowen, R.N.V.R.





31360 - 23 MAY 1919




The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.


Grand Cross.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir David Beatty, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., D.S.O.



Admiral Richard B. Farquhar, C.B.

Rear-Admiral Sir Richard F. Phillimore, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Admiral Thomas Jackson, C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Admiral Frederick C. Learmouth, C.B., C.B.E.

Rear-Admiral Richard Webb, C.B.

Capt. Sydney S. Hall, C.B., A.D.C. (Cdre., 1st Class).

Capt. Edward H. F. Heaton-Ellis, C.B., M.V.O., A.D.C. (Cdre., 2nd Class).



Eng. Rear-Admiral Archie R. Emdin, C.M.G.

Capt. George H. Baird, C.B., R.N. (Cdre., 1st Class).

Capt Frank Larken, C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Class).

Capt. Artnur W. Craig, C.B., R.N.

Capt. John D. Kelly, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Bertram H. Smith, R.N.

Capt. John W. L. McClintock, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Alexander Lowndes, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Alister F. Beal, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Bernard St. G. Collard, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Cecil V. Usborne, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. George K. Chetwode, C.B., C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. William M. James, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Edward Altham, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Charles W. Thomas, C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. Francis E. Travers, C.M.G., R.N.

Surg.-Capt. George T. Broatch, C.B.E., M.B., R.N.

Lieut.-Col. Henry M. Grayson, R.M.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) James O. Hatcher, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Joseph Man, O.B.E., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (actg. Cdr.) Sidney B. Mainguy, M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. (Bt. Major) Edward Bamford, V.C., D.S.O., R.M.L.I.



Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Ernest F. Gregory, R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) Halton S. Lecky, C.B., A.M., R.N.

Cdr. (actg. Capt.) George F. T. F. Ellis, R.N.

Cdr. Malcolm H. S. MacDonald. D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Reginald G. Copleston, R.N.

Cdr. George S. Hewett, R.N.

Cdr. James L. C. Clark, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Harold F. J. Young, R.N.

Cdr. Edward E. Cadou, R.D., R.N.R.

Cdr. Reginald M. Cartridge, R.D., R.N.R.

Eng.-Cdr. Alfred W. Littlewood, O.B.E., R.N.

Eng.-Cdr. Lionel M. Hobbs, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr, Arthur E. P. Welman, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Archibald R. J. Southby, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Francis P. O. Bridgeman, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Gerald C. Muirhead Gould D.S.C., R.N.

Major (tempy. Lieut.-Col.) Richmond C. S Waller, R.M.L.I.

Major William J. Douglas, R.M.

Capt. (Bt. Major) Thomas L. Hunton, R.M.L.I.

Lieut. (actg. Lieut.-Cdr.) George H. Pierce, R.N.R.

Lieut. (actg. Cdr.) Henry M. Howard, O.B.E. R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Michael O'Neill, R.N.R.

Lieut. Wilfred Storey, D.S.C., R N R.

Lieut. Leslie D. Bass-Thompson, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Albert Fava, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. William B. Ousley, R.N.V.R.

Payr.-Lieut. John McL. More, D.S.C., R.N.

Payr.-Lieut. Edward W. H. Travis, R.N.


Officier d'Instruction Publique.

Surg. Lieut. Michael E. T. D. Vlasto, R.N.


Officier d'Académie.

Lieut. Frederick W. J. Tonge, R.N.V.R.

Actg. Payr. Lieut. William B. Mitchell R.N.R.





31409 - 17 JUNE 1919


War Office, 19th June, 1919.


The following are among the Decorations and Medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various dates to the British Forces for distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign:




The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre


Temporary Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Harold Hutchinson, Royal Marine Artillery.

Captain Herbert Basil Vincent, Royal Marines.





31413 - 20 JUNE 1919


Admiralty, 21st June, 1919.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion Of Honour.



Vice-Adml. Sir Arthur C. Leveson, K.C.B.

Vice-Adml. (act.) Sir Osmond De B. Brock, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Lewis Clinton-Baker. C.B., C.B.E.



Capt. Hugh J. Tweedie, C.B., R.N. (Commodore, 2nd Class).

Capt. Ernest K. Loring, R.N.

Capt. Colin K. MacLean, C.B., D.S.O., R.N,



Lieut. Albert Fava, R.N.V.R.


Croix De Guerre.


Vice-Adml. (act.) Sir Osmond De B. Brock, K.G.B., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.

Capt. Cyril T. M. Fuller, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. John C. Annesley, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. Sidney B. Smith, R.N.R.

Lieut. Henry F. Angold, R.M.


Officier d'Academie.


Commander (act.) Dion C. Calthrop, R.N.V.R.


Ordre Du Merite Ageicole.



Lieut. Michael Isaacs, R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.


Grand Cross.

Adml. of the Fleet Sir David Beatty, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., D.S.O.



Cdr. Ralph P. Seymour, C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.

Payr. Cdr. Frank T. Spickernell, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.



Payr. Sub-Lieut. Frederick G. Crawford, R.N.V.R.


Greek Medal of Military Merit.


1st Class.

Capt. Francis C. Brown, C.B., C.M.G., R.N.


2nd Class.

Cdr. George I. S. More, R.N.

Surg. Cdr. Thomas W. Myles, M.D., F.R.C.S., B.A., R.N.

Eng. Cdr. (Act.) Robert G. Knox, O.B.E., R.N.R.


3rd Class.

Lieut. John C. Lawson, R.N.V.R.

Eng. Lieut. Lawrence Farnon, R.N.R.

Payr. Lieut. Richard A. Hawkesworth, R.N.

Ch. Gnr. George Prince, R.N.


4th Class.

Art. Eng. (Act.) William Ayling, R.N.

Ch. Writer Ernest W. Wakeham, O.N. 344209 (Ch.).



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Order of the White Eagle (with Swords).


5th Class.

Lieut. Richard S. Bird, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Harold J. Seymour, R.N.V.R.


Gold Medal for Military Valour.


Ldg. Dkhnd. Alexander Douglas, R.N.R., O.N. 3259 S.D.


Silver Medal for Military Valour.


Dkhnd. Angus Martin, R.N.R., O.N. 4610S.D.

Dkhnd. Angus Morrison, R.N.R., O.N. 3692S D.

A.B. Stanley Smith, R.N.V.R, O.N. (Bristol)


Gold Medal for Zealous Service.


A.B. Herbert Croft, O.N. J.64638 (Dev.).

Ch. Motor Mech. John O. Moore, R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B.2235.

Ch. Motor Mech. John J. Shimmin, R.N.V.R., O.N. M.B.1067.

Sea. William Sutherland, R.N.R., O.N. 5436B.


Silver Medal for Zealous Service.


Dkhnd. Ritchie F. Heard, R.N.R., O.N 4178 S.A.

Tel. Joseph Jones, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Mersey) Z.3134.

Dkhnd. Angus Macleod, R.N.R., O.N. 3559 S.A.





Order of Christ.


Warrt. Tel. George H. Carkeet, R.N.



His Highness The Sultan of EGYPT.


Order of the Nile.


4th Class.

Cdr. Richard H. L. Bevan, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. John W. T. Salt, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. George T. W. Perkins, R.N.

Lieut. the Hon. Francis E. H. J. Feilding, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.



His Highness The Bey of TUNIS.


Order of Nichan Iftikhar.



Cdr. George F. L. K Page, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. George P. M. FitzGerald, R.N.



Lieut. Fred Rhodes, R.N.R.

Lieut. Michael H. Sheard, R.N.V.R.

Payr. Lieut. Clement H. Loveday, R.N.R.





31445 - 8 JULY 1919


Admiralty, 10th July, 1919. 


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on the undermentioned Officers and Man of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.



Capt. Dennis A. H. Larking, C.M.G., R.N.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.



Cdr. (acting) John A. Gregory, R.N.


Order of George I.



Surg. Cdr. Edward C. Sawdy, R.N.



Lieut. John Pollock, R.N.R.

Lieut. Harold Gange, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Charles Cassils, R.N.V.R.

Eng.-Lieut. Lawrence Farnon, R.N.R.

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Frederick G. Kirkman, O.N.270083 (Ch.).





Order of Christ.



Cdr. Hugh F. Hopkinson, R.N.


Military Order of Avis.



Lieut. Geoffry D. Garrett, R.N.V.R.





31499 - 8 AUGUST 1919


Admiralty, 11th August, 1919.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on the undermentioned Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the war:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.



Eng. Capt. John A. Richards, R.N.


Etoile Noire.



Ch. Bosn. Joseph D. Cleall, R.N.


Croix de Guerre.


Lieut. Percy W. Mitchell, R.N.V.R.


Medaille D'Honneur des Epidemies.


Miss Catherine C. Renwick (Superintending Sister. Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service).



His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Rising Sun.


2nd Class.

Rear-Adml. Algernon W. Heneage, C.B., M.V.O.


3rd Class.

Capt. George H. Baird, C.B., R.N. (Cdre,, 1st Class).


4th Class.

Cdr. Charles E. Maconochie, R.N.


5th Class.

Lieut. Albert F Masters, R.N.R.


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


2nd Class.

Rear-Adml. Vivian H. G. Bernard, C.B.


3rd Class.

Capt. George A. C. Ward, O.B.E., R.N.

Capt. Sydney F. S. Rotch, R.N.

Cdr. George S. Hockin, R.N.

Cdr. Henry G. Giffard, R.N.

Cdr. Frederic Giffard, D.S.O., R.N.

Eng. Cdr. Arthur W. Sutlton, R.N.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.


Grand Commander.

Rear-Adml. Richard Webb, C.B.



Lieut. George C. Gollman, R.N.V.R.


Order of George I.



Surg Cdr. Thomas W. Myles, M.D., F.R.C.S., B.A., R.N.


Military Cross.


Cdr. John P. Vibart, C.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. Clifford E. H. Smith, R.N.V.R.

Payr. Cdr. (tempy.) Martin G. Bennett, O.B.E., R.N.

Lieut. Clarence E. S. Palmer, D.S.C., R.N.V.R,

Lieut. Frederic W. P. Slade, R.N.V.R.





Military Order of Avis.


2nd Class.

Capt. Charles W. Thomas, C.B.E., R.N.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Gold Medal for Zealous Service.


C.E.R.A. 2nd Cl., John Healy, O.N. M. 33743 (Po.).


Silver Medal for Zealous Service.


Offrs'. Std., 2nd Cl., Paolo Mizzi, O.N. L, 11774 (Egmont).

Offrs'. Cook, 3rd Cl., Said Awad Salem. 





31553 - 12 SEPTEMBER 1919




The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.


Grand Officer.

Adml. Sir Richard Poore, Bart., K.C.B., C.V.O.



Rear-Adml. Michael Culme-Seymour, C.B., M.V.O.



Eng. Cdr. Charles E. Eldred, R.N.

Payr. Cdr. (tempy.) Percy D'E. Marks, C.M.G., R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. (actg.) Reginald H. Pearce, R.N.

Lieut. John L. Sinclair, D.S.O., R.N.R.


Croix de Guerre.


Capt. Sir Malcolm Macgregor, Bart., C.B., C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 1st Class).



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order Of The Crown Of Italy.


Grand Cross.

Adml. Sir Richard Poore, Bart., K.C.B., C.V.O.

Adml. the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough-Calthorpe, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.



Capt. Humphrey W. Bowring, D.S.O., R.N.


War Cross.


Lieut. Henry C. Carlyon-Britton, R.N.





Distinguished Service Medal.


Adml of the Fleet Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O.

Adml. of the Fleet Sir David Beatty, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., D.S.O., D.C.L.

Adml. Sir Cecil Burney, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.

Adml. Sir Lewis Bayly, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.

Adml. Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, G.C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O., D.C.L.

Adml. the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough-Calthorpe, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Herbert L. Heath, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Alexander L. Duff, K.C.B.

Vice-Adml. Sir Sydney R. Fremantle, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Eng. Vice-Adml. Sir Henry J. Oram, K.C.B., F.R.S.

Eng. Vice-Adml. Sir George C. Goodwin, K.C.B.

Surg. Vice-Adml. Sir William H. Norman, K.C.B.

Vice.-Adml. (actg.) Sir Roger J. B. Keyes, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O.

Rear-Adml. the Hon. Edward S. Fitzherbert, C.B.

Rear-Adml. Heathcoat S. Grant, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir John Parry, K.C.B.

Rear-Adml. Laurence E. Power, C.B., C.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Sir Hugh H. D. Tothill, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir Lionel Halsey, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir W. Reginald Hall, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.P.

Rear-Adml. Lewis Clinton-Baker, C.B., C.B.E.

Rear-Adml. Edward M. Phillpotts, C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir Douglas E. R. Brownrigg, Bart., C.B.

Rear-Adml. Frederick L. Field, C.B., C.M.G.

Rear-Adml. Sir Charles M. de Bartolomé, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Payr. Rear-Adml. William M. C. Beresford Whyte, C.B., C.M.G.

Capt. Sydney S. Hall, C.B., A.D.C., R.N. (Cdre., 1st Class).

Capt. Frederic C. Dreyer, C.B., C.B.E. (Cdre., 2nd Class).

Brig.-Genl. (tempy.) Sir Alexander Gibb, K.B.E., C.B., R.M.

Capt. William A. H. Kelly, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. William W. Fisher, C.B., M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. Harry R. Godfrey, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Gilbert O. Stephenson, C.M.G., R.N.

Lieut. Spenser D. A. Grey, D.S.O., R.N.


Navy Cross.


Capt. Fred W. Young, O.B.E., R.N.R. (Cdre., 2nd Class).

Capt. John H. Trye, C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. Edward R. G. R. Evans, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.

Eng. Capt. Henry R. Teed, R.N.

Cdr. Richard T. Down, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. George P. Sherston, R.N.

Cdr. Sidney A. Geary Hill, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Harold Isherwood, O.B.E., R.N.V.R:

Lieut.-Cdr. Herbert O. Mock, R.N.V.R.

Payr. Cdr. (tempy.) William P. Putt, R.N.

Lieut. Ronald N. Stuart, V.C., D.S.O., R.N.R.



His Majesty The King of The BELGIANS.


Order of Leopold.



Maj. (tempy. Brig.-Genl.) Eugène L. Gerrard, R.M. (late Sqdn. Cdr., R.N.A.S.).


Croix de Guerre.


Maj.-Genl. Sir Archibald Paris, K.C.B., R.M.A.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES.


Military Cross.


Capt. Maurice S. Fitzmaurice, C.M.G., R.N. (Cdre., 1st Class).


Medal of Military Merit.


Adml. the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough-Calthorpe, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.





Military Order of Avis.



Surg. Cdr. Percy H. Boyden, M.D., R.N.



His Highness The Bey of TUNIS.


Order of Nichan Iftikhar.



Lieut.-Cdr. James D. Irving, R.D., R.N.R.





31564 - 23 SEPTEMBER 1919


Whitehall, September 20, 1919.


The KING has been pleased, by Warrants under His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, to grant to each of the undermentioned gentlemen permission to wear the Cross of the Legion of Honour of the Class indicated against his name, which decorations have been conferred by the President of the FRENCH REPUBLIC in recognition of valuable services rendered by them during the War:


Legion of Honour.


Cross of Commander.

Sir Oswyn Alexander Ruthven Murray, K.C.B., Permanent Secretary, Admiralty.


Cross of Officer.

George Henry Ashdown, Esq., C.B.E., I.S.O., Director of Stores, Admiralty.


Cross of Chevalier.

George Francis Story, Esq., Armament Supply Officer, Portsmouth, lately of Malta.

Arthur Charles Hearn, Esq., Assistant Director of Stores, Admiralty.

Roger Charnock Richards, Esq., Principal Clerk, National Health Insurance Commission, lately serving at the Admiralty.





31604 - 14 OCTOBER 1919


Admiralty, S.W., 11th October, 1919.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix De Guerre.


Cdr. Sir George E. Armstrong, Bt., C.M.G., R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. John W. E. Gilhespy, O.B.E., R.N.

Lieut. Arthur Thomson, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. David Sandison, R.N.R.

Lieut. Wilfred W. Storey, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Alexander H. Kirk, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Pierre C. Amos, R.N.V.R.

Ch. Skpr. James Duthie, R.N.R., 1762 W.S.A.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.



Vice-Adml. George A. Ballard, C.B.



Payr. Capt. Charles F. Pollard, C.B., C.M.G., R.N.



Maj. Cuthbert E. Binns, O.B.E., R.M.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Capt. Edward H. F. Heaton-Ellis, C.B., C.B.E., M.V.O., A.D.C., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Class).

Capt. (actg.) Richard L. Nicholson, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. (Act.) Sir J. Malcolm Fraser, R.N.V.R.



Cdr. George B. Villiers, O.B.E., R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. (actg.) Edward W. H. Travis, R.N.

Lieut. John C. Henderson, R.N.R.



Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. John W. E. Gilhespy, O.B.E., R.N.



His Majesty The King of The BELGIANS.


Croix de Guerre.


Maj. (Bt. Lieut.-Col.) Harold E. W. Iremonger, D.S.O., R.M.A.

Maj. John B. Chancellor, R.M.A.

Surg. Lieut. Walter G. Bigger, D.S.C., R.N.

Capt. Rupert A. G. Stewart, R.M.A.

Capt. Ernest W. Husey, R.M.

Capt. Mostyn H. W. Webb-Bowen, R.M.

Capt. (actg.) Thomas F. Connew, R.M.

Capt. (actg.) Richard F. Reynolds, R.M.

Capt. (actg.) Samuel T. Mathieson, R.M.

Capt. (actg.) John H. Hollingsworth, D.S.C., R.M.

Lieut. Charles A. Pearce, R.M.

Lieut. Edwin A. L. Clogg, R.M.

2nd Lieut. Daniel Harding, D.S.C., R.M.

2nd Lieut. Alfred C. Bishop, R.M.

Ch. R.M. Gnr. William E. Petley, R.M.

W.O.II (actg.) George Barton, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./6273.

Sergt. Joseph Brooksbank, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./12743.

Gnr. Edward J. Brown, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./2303 (s).

Gnr. Ernest G. Brown, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./12073.

Gnr. David Burke, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./296(s).

Sergt. Alfred E. Chave, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./7465.

Gnr. James W. Cooper, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./6184.

Gnr. Reginald W. Cox, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./2105(s).

Corpl. Frederick Cray, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./13755.

Gnr. Lawrence W. Dale, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./13453.

Gnr. Matthew J. Daly, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./8497.

Gnr. John Drake, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./1561(s).

Gnr. Harry G. Dunstall, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./5600.

W.O.ll (actg.) Ernest E. Edwards, R.M.A., No. R.M.A. /5885.

Gnr. Walter George, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./10361.

Gnr. Howard T. S. Goodwin, R.M.A. No. R.M.A./2304(s).

Gnr. Alexander Gray, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./2156(s).

Gnr. George W. Gurney, R.M.A., No. R.M. A./14166.

S. B. S. Charles T. Harris, O.N. 351166 (Ch.).

Gnr. George F. Hickman, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./2562 (s).

Ch. Arm. Albert H. Hinks, O.N. 343208 (Ch.).

Corpl. Thomas H. Hucker, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./12267

Sergt. James E. Kersey, R.M.A., No. R.M. A./12989.

Corpl. Theodore McArdle, R.M. A., No. R.M.A./12785.

Sergt. Thomas McCubbin, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./6058.

Ch. Arm. Arthur E. Mitchell, O.N. 340546 (Dev.).

W.O.ll (actg.) William H. Rann, R.M A., No. R.M.A./4240.

Gnr. Henry C. Rendall, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./ 14088.

W.O.I (actg.) Edward Rolf, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./6443.

Gnr. George E. Sadler, R.M A., No. R.M.A./ 10189.

Sergt. Lawrence H. L. Simmons, R.M.A., No. R.MA./11944.

Gnr. Albert Smith, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./ 1297 (s).

Gnr. George W. Starbuck, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./968 (s).

Sergt. Jesse Ward, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./ 5654.

Sergt. (actg.) Job B. Wareing, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./14215.

Gnr. John R. Warrington, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./2541 (s).

Gnr. Alexander Watson, R.M.A., No. R.M.A. 13852.

Gnr. Albert Webb, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./ 13940.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES.


Order of George I.



Eng. Cdr. Francis A. Chater, O.B.E., R.N.


Medal of Military Merit.


Sig. William Cargill, O.N. J23542 (Dev.).

Yeo. Sigs. Alexander Rintoul, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Clyde) Zl/1960.



His Highness The Sultan of ZANZIBAR.


Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar.


First Class.

Adml. Sir Herbert G. King-Hall, K.C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O.





Croix de Guerre.


Adml. Ernest C. T. Troubridge, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.V.O.

Cdr. Alfred Stead, C.M.G., R.N.V.R. 





31638 - 11 NOVEMBER 1919


Admiralty, S.W., 11th November, 1919.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


Cdr. Victor L. A. Campbell, D.S.O., O.B.E., R.N.



Hls Majesty The King of The BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown.



Capt. Bertram H. Smith, C.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. John A. Leighton, C.B.E., D.S.O., R.N.R.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.



Cdr. Edward L. Grieve, R.N.



His Highness The Sultan of ZANZIBAR.


Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar.


Third Class.

Capt. (act.) John A. Ingles, R.N.





31683 - 9 DECEMBER 1919


Admiralty, S.W., 12th December, 1919.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of tihe British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion of Honour.



Rear-Adml. Sir John E. Barry, K.C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir Edwyn S. Alexander-Sinclair, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Brian H. P. Barttelot, C,B. M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Sir Rudolf W Bentinck, K.C.M.G., C.B.



Vice-Adanl. Bentinck J. D. Yelverton, C.B.

Rear-Adml. Henry W. Grant, C.B.

Capt. Edward Unwin, V.G., C.B., C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Alan G. Hotham, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Harry H. Smyth, C.M.G., D.S.O. R.N.

Capt. Alfred D. P. R. Pound, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Stanley L. Willis, R.N.

Capt. Charles J. C. Little, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Archibald B. W. Higginson, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Berkeley Holme-Sumner, C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. Alfred W. Gush, C.B.E., R.N.

Eng. Capt. Sydney Rider, G.M.G., R.N.

Surg. Capt. Octavius W. Andrews, C.B.E., M.B., R.N.

Payr. Capt. Grenville A. Miller, C.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. Ernest Stevenson, O.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. Vivian R. Brandon, O.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. Sir George E. Armstrong, Bt., C.M.G. R.N.



Capt. Frederick A. Sommerville, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Ernest W. Lear, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Frederick W. Talbot-Ponsonby, R.N.

Cdr. Cecil P. Talbot, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. John C. Hodgson, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Edward J. Beaumont, R.N.

Cdr. Lachlan D. I. MacKinnon, R.N.

Cdr. Geoffrey Layton, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Genald B. Villiers, O.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. Charles M. Dammers, D.S.O., R.N.

Payr. Cdr. Hugh Miller, D.S.O., R.N.

Act. Cdr. Henry M. J. Rundle, O.B.E., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. John H. Godfrey, R.N.

Eng. Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur C. Wippell, R.N.

Lieut. Alexander Petrie, R.N.R.

Lieut. Paul H.Smith, R.N.R.

Lieut. Benjamin Swinhoe-Stothard, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Henry C. H. Highton, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Alexander H. Kirk, R.N.V.R.

Payr. Lieut. William A. Bickley, R.N.R.


Officier de l' Instruction Publique.


Payr. Cdr. Ernest W.C. Thring, C.B., R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. William S. Skinner. O.B.E., R.N.


Etoile Noire.



Ch. Sig. Bos'n Arthur H. Farnley, M.B.E., R.N.

Ch. Writer Bernard Higgins, R.N.V.R., O.N., (London) Z/7858.


Croix de Guerre.


C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Thomas Scott, O.N. 271528 (Dev.).


Medaille d'Honneur des Epidemies.


Surg. Lieut. Lovel Moss, M.D., R.N.





Distinguished Service Medal.


Adml. Sir Reginald H. S. Bacon, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., D.S.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Henry F. Oliver, K.C.B. K.C.M.G., M.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Edmund R. Pears, K.B.E., C.B.

Vice Adml. Alfred E. A. Grant.

Rear-Adml. Thomas Jackson, C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. Sir George P. W. Hope, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir Edwyn S. Alexander-Sinclair, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Surg. Rear-Adml. Sir Robert-Hill, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.V.O.

Capt. William B. S. Wrey, C.M.G., C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. Cyril T. M. Fuller, C.B., C.M.G , D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Francis M. Leake, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Charles P. R. Coode, C.B,, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Alfred D. P. R. Pound, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Rafe G. Rowley-Conwy, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Henry E. F. Aylmer, R.N.

Capt. John W. Carrington, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Howard F. J. Rowley, C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. Herbert M. Perfect, C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. Ernest E. Lacy, C.B., R.N.

Surg. Cdr. Edward Sutton, C.M.G., R.N.


Navy Cross.


Cdr. Henry L. Hitchins, R.N.

Cdr. Henry R. Sawbridge, R.N.

Cdr. Arthur T. Blackwood, R.N.

Act. Lieut.-Cdr. Louis C. Bernaochi, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Hugh P. Winslow, R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.



Lieut.-Cdr. William A. Dye, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. William F. Boaden, R.N.R.

Lieut. Edmund A. Stone, R.N.V.R.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Capt. Sir Mansfield G. Smith-Cumming, K.C.M.G., C.B,, R.N.

Cdr. Clarence R. Rowsell, C.B.E., R.N.



Major Andrew B. Wilson, R.M.

Lieut. Stanley Gibbs, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.



Cdr. Thomas W. Bennett, D.S.O. R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut. Oliver Baring, R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The King of The BELGIANS.


Medaille Civique.


Capt. Edward R. G. R. Evans, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.



His Majesty The King of The HELLENES.


Medal of Military Merit.


1st Class.

Capt. William A. H. Kelly, C.B., C.M.G , M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. George K. Chetwode, C.B., C.B.E., R.N.


2nd Class.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. Edwin H. Wethey, O.B.E., R.N.








31736 - 13 JANUARY 1920


War Office, 16th January, 1920.


(included in Army lists)

The following are among the Decorations and medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various dates to the British Forces for distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion d'Honneur.



Temporary Major (acting Lieutenant-Colonel). Cuthbert Evelyn Binns, O.B.E., Royal Marines


Medaille d'Honneur avec Glaives en Bronze


 LZ/629 Petty Officer William Ewart Hessenauer, 63rd, (Royal Naval) Division (Streatham Common, S.W.).



His Majesty The King of ROUMANIA.


Medaille Barbatie si Credinta,


3rd Class.

LZ/439 Able Seaman Arthur Edward.Cruse, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (attached Headquarters, 63rd (Royal Naval) Division (Oxford).

S/1561 Private Arthur White, Royal Marines (attached (Royal Naval) Divisional Train) (Kingston-on-Thames).





31748 - 20 JANUARY 1920


Admiralty, S.W. 22nd January, 1920.


The following Decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


Adml. Sir Cecil Burney, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.

P.O. Francis P. Le Ber, O.N. 225809 (Po.)



His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


1st Class.

Vice-Adml. Frederick C. T. Tudor, K.C.M.G., C.B.



His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of the Crown of Italy.


Grand Officer.

Rear-Adml. Sir W. Reginald Hall, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.C.L., M.P.



Cdr. Charles S. Penning, D.S.O., R.N



Lieut. Leslie D. Bass-Thomson, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Ferrand Paget, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Eric T. Brooks, R.N.V.R.


War Cross.


Adml. Thomas P. Walker; D.S.O. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Vice-Adml. Arthur C. Clarke, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Vice-Adml. Frederick O. Pike, C.M.G., D.S.O. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Vice-Adml. Morris H. Smyth, C.B.E. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Rear-Adml. Ernest J. Fleet, C.B.E. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Rear-Adml. Frank E. C. Ryan, C.B.E. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Capt. Claude G. R. Brandon, R.N.

Capt. Herbert N. Hunter, R.N.

Capt. Robert H. R. Mackay, O.B.E., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Evelyn J. J. Southby, R.N.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.


Grand Commander.

Admiral Sir Charles Dundas of Dundas, K.C.M.G.



Brig.-Genl. (tempy.) Herbert E. Blumberg, C.B., R.M.L.I.



Capt. the Hon. William S. Leveson-Gower, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Ernest B. A. Betts, C.B.E., R.N.

Surg. Cdr. Robert W. B. Hall, R.N.



Payr. Lieut. Charles F. Phillips, R.N.R.


Order of George I.



Lieut.-Cdr. Charles L, Kerr, D.S.O., R.N.



Lieut. Ernest S. Daniels, O.B.E., R.N.R.

Lieut. Harry A. Watkins, R.N.V.R.



The President Of The Republic of CHINA.


Order of the Excellent Crop.


Grand Cordon (Preciously Brilliant).

Adml. of the Flt. Earl Beatty, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., D.S.O., D.C.L.

Adml. of the Flt. Baron Wester Wemyss of Wemyss, G.C.B. C.M.G., M.V.O., D.C.L.


Grand Cordon.

Adml. the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough-Calthorpe, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.

Adml. Sir Montague E. Browning, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., M.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir John M. de Robeck, Bt., G.C.M.G., K.C.B.

Vice-Adml. Sir William C. Pakenham K.C.B., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.


Order of the Striped Tiger.


1st Class.

Adml. Sir T. H. Martyn Jerram, G.C.M.G.,, K.C.B.

Adml. Sir F. C. Doveton Sturdee, Bt., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.

Adml. Sir William L. Grant, K.C.B.

Adml. Sir Charles E. Madden, Bt,, G.C.B.,. K.C.M.G., C.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Frederick C. T. Tudor, K.C.M.G.,. C.B.


2nd Class.

Vice-Adml. Sir Osmond De B. Brock, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.



His Majesty The King of BELGIUM.


Order of the Crown of Belgium.



Capt. Frederic A. Whitehead, C.B., R.N.



Lieut. Norman Wilkinson, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Charlie J. Payne, R.N.V.R



His Majesty The King of HEDJAZ.


Order of El Nahda.


2nd Class.

Cdr. David G. Hogarth, C.M.G., R.N.V.R.


4th Class.

Lieut. The Hon. Francis E. H. J. Feilding, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.





31770 - 6 FEBRUARY 1920


Foreign Office, February 3, 1920.


The KING has been pleased to grant unrestricted permission to the undermentioned officers of the Hospital Ships "Devanha" and "Dunluce Castle" to wear decorations which have been conferred upon them by His Majesty the King of THE SERBS, CROATS AND SLOVENES, as indicated below, in recognition of valuable services rendered by them during, the War:


S.S. "Devanha"


Order of the White Eagle with Swords


Class IV.

Walter Raleigh Fayrer Hickey (Commander).


Class V

Horace John Smith (1st Officer).

Edric Edmund Hill Starling (2nd Officer).

Samuel Hart William Gibson (2nd Officer).

Eric Parker (3rd Officer).


Order of St. Sava


Class V

William Caie Robertson (Chief Engineer).

Ashley Wynne Randall (Purser).


S.S. "Dunluce Castle."


Order of the White Eagle with Swords.


Class IV.

Matthias Dewar Butterwick (Commander).


Class V.

Charles Everard Mumford (1st Officer).

John Walter Beckh. (2nd Officer)

Vivian Arthur Endean (3rd Officer, since deceased).

Walter Edward Sneydi (4th Officer).


Order of St. Sava,


Class V.

James Ernest Henderson (Purser)





31811 - 5 MARCH 1920


Admiralty, S.W., 8th March, 1920.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services during the War:


His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Rising Sun.


Grand Cordon.

Adml. the Hon. Sir Somerset A. Gough-Calthorpes G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.

Vice-Adml. Sir Edward F. B. Charlton, K.C.M.G., O.B.


2nd Class.

Rear-Adml. Michael Culme-Seymour, C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Adml. James A. Fergusson, C.B.

Rear-Adml. Sir William R. Cresswell, K.C.M.G., K.B.E. (Royal Australian Navy).

Eng. Rear-Adml. John G. Liversidge.

Eng. Rear-Adml. Archie R. Emdin, C.M.G.


3rd Class.

Capt. William. W. Fisher, C.B., M.V.O., R.N. (Cdre., 2nd Class).

Capt. Philip Streatfeild, M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. Raymond A. Nugent, C.M.G., A.D.C. R.N.

Capt. Hubert Stansbury, C.B., R.N.

Capt. David M. Anderson, C.M.G., M.V.O., R.N.

Capt. Henry R. Veale, R.N.

Capt. Charles P. R. Coode, C.B., D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Francis A. L Andrews, C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. P. H. Hall Thompson, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Alan G. Hotham, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Frederic C. Dreyer, C.B., C.B.E., R.N.

Capt. Rudolf M. Burmester, C.B., O.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Alfred D. P. R. Pound, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Thomas E. Wardle, D.S.O., R.N.

Capt. Henry K. Kitson, R.N.

Capt. Frederick C. Fisher, R.N.

Capt. John P. R. Marriott, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Chapman J. Clare, C.M.G., A.D.C., R.A.N.

Capt. Walter H. C. S. Thring, R.A.N.

Eng. Capt. John McLaurin, C.B., R.N.

Surg. Capt. George T. Broatch, C.B.E., M.B., R.N.

Payr. Capt. Charles F. Pollard, C.B., C.M.G., R.N.


4th Class.

Maj. (tempy. Lieut.-Col.) Francis H. Griffiths, R.M.L.I.

Maj. (tempy. Lieut.-Col.) Hubert L. Jones, O.B.E., R.M.L.I.

Maj. & Bt. Lieut.-Col. William W. Godfrey, C.M.G., R.M.L.I.

Cdr. Cyril Goolden, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Richard H. K. Hope, R.N.

Maj. St. George F. G. Caulfeild, R.M.A.

Maj. Robert Sinclair, R.M.L.I.


5th Class.

Lieut. Keith W. Newall, R.N.

Capt. Harold E. Ravenshaw, R.M.L.I.


8th Class.

Gnr. William G. May, R.N.

Sigmn. Robert W. Fielder, O.N.J.8591 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. George A. Hutchins, O.N. 229816 (Ch.).

Sigmn. Robert C. G. Iron, O.N. J.3282 (Ch.).

Sigmn. Alfred F. Trinder, O.N. 223395 (Po.).


Order of the Sacred Treasure.


Grand Cordon.

Vice-Adml. George A. Ballard, C.B.

Vice-Adml. Owen F. Gillett, C.B.


3rd Class.

Capt. Duncan C. MacIntyre, O.B.E., R.N.R.

Eng. Capt. John A. Richards, C.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. George C. Hardy, R.N.

Cdr. Ernest E. A. Betts, C.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. Reginald G. Copleston, O.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. James D. Campbell, O.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. James M. Pipon, O.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. Charles H. N. James, R.N.

Cdr. Clement C. Swift, O.B.E., R.N.

Cdr. Claud P. Serocold, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.

Eng. Cdr. Percival R. T. Brown, R.N.

Eng. Cdr Ebenezer J. Allen, R.N.

Payr. Cdr. Frederick A. F. Banbury, R.N.

Payr. Cdr. Hugh Miller, D.S.O., R.N.

Instr. Cdr. Guy V. Rayment, C.B.E., B.A., R.N.


4th Class.

Lieut.-Cdr. Robert F. D. FitzGibbon, R.N.


5th Class.

Sub-Lieut. George Marsden, R.N.V.R.



His Highness The Sultan of EGYPT.


Order of the Nile.


2nd Class.

Rear-Admiral Henry B. Pelly, C.B., M.V.O.


4th Class.

Cdr. William R. W. Kettlewell, R.N.

Eng. Cdr. Edward R. Amor, R.N.

Eng. Cdr. Arthur W. Reader, R.N.

Surg. Cdr. John Thornhill, M.B., R.N.

Payr. Cdr. Wilfrid Cooper, R.N.

Payr. Cdr. Charles M. Meeson, O.B.E., R.N.

Act. Cdr. Charles L. Brendon, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Hugh R. Troup, R.N.

Maj. Gordon H. H. Prynne, R.M.L.I.

Payr. Lieut. Henry B. John, M.B.E., R.N.



The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Legion Of Honour.



Cdr. William H. Cottrell, C.M.G., O.B.E., R.N.V.R.



Hls Majesty The King of BELGIUM.


Order of Leopold II.



Lieut.-Col. Henry M. Grayson, R.M.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.



Cdr. Gerald Talbot, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.


Military Cross.


Cdr. Gerald Talbot, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.


Medal of Military Merit.


Cdr. Gerald Talbot, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Charles H. W. Tucker, R.N.V.R.





31876 - 23 APRIL 1920


Admiralty, S.W. 1, 23rd April, 1920.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services during the War:


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Etoile Noire.



Lieut.-Cdr. Hastings E. Taylor, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown of Belgium.



Lieut.-Col. Pryce Peacock, C.M.G., R.M.A.


Croix de Guerre.


Lieut.-Col. Pryce Peacock, C.M.G., R.M.A.



His Majesty The King of ROUMANIA.


Order of the Crown of Roumania.



Cdr. Sir Harry S. Mainwaring, Bt., R.N.V.R.



His Majesty The King of SERBIA.


Order of the White Eagle.


4th Class.

Lieut.-Cdr. William J. Donohue, O.B.E., R.N.R.



His Majesty The King of The HEDJAZ.


Order of El Nahda.


1st Class.

Adml. of the Flt. Baron Wester Wemyss of Wemyss, G.C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O., D.C.L.

Rear-Adml. Henry B. Pelly, C.B., M.V.O.


2nd Class.

Capt. William H. D. Boyle, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Raymond Fitzmaurice, D.S.O., R.N.


3rd Class.

Cdr. Charles A. Poignand, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Thomas H. Linberry, R.N.

Lieut. Evan G. C. Cavendish, R.N.



His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Medal of Military Merit.


4th Class.

Teleg. David Barclay, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Clyde), Z/5504.

Teleg. Ernest J. Brand, R.N.V.R., O.N. (London), Z/6654.

P.O. Teleg. Thomas R. Brimmer, O.N. 221996 (Ch.).

Teleg. Thomas W. Norrish, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Bristol), Z/10120.

Teleg. David West, R.N.V.R., O.N. (Clyde), Z/8722.





31886 - 4 MAY 1920


Admiralty, S.W., 4th May, 1920.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers and Men of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services during the War-


The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Croix de Guerre.


Capt. John D. Kelly, C.B., R.N.

Capt. Albert P. Addison, C.M.G., R.N.

Sub-Lieut. George R. Barling, R.N.R.

Ch. Skpr. Denis J. Nichols, D.S.C., R.N.R., W.S.A. 834.

Ch. Skpr. Joseph Watt, V.C., R.N.R., W.S.A. 1206.

Ch. Skpr. Harold J. Goldspink, D.S.C., R.N.R., W.S.A. 1937.

Ch. Skpr. David Watson, R.N.R., W.S.A. 1115.

Ch. Skpr. James Strachan, R.N.R., W.S.A. 1963.

Skpr. David S. Ralph, R.N.R., S.A. 2371.



His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown of Belgium.



Lieut. John E. Jones, R.N.R.





31928 - 1 JUNE 1920


Whitehall, May 31, 1920.


(included in general lists)

The KING has been pleased, by Warrants under His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, to grant permission to wear the undermentioned Decorations, which have been conferred in recognition, of valuable services rendered during the War:


 By The President of The FRENCH REPUBLIC.


Order of the Legion of Honour.



Herbert Stanley Vaughan, Esq., Superintendent, Naval Victualling Yard, Malta.



By His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.



Commander the Rt. Hon. Frederick Leverton Harris, R.N.V.R.



By His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Rising Sun.


Fourth Class.

George Worrall, Esq., late Deputy Naval Store Officer, Portland.



By His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of the Redeemer.


Grand Commander.

Admiral Sir Charles Hope Dundas of Dundas, K.C.M.G





31933 - 8 JUNE 1920


Admiralty, S.W. 1, 3th June, 1920.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services during the War:


His Majesty The King of ITALY.


Order of the Crown of Italy.



Capt. Cyril T. M. Fuller, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N. (Cdre., 1st Class).

Capt. John P. R. Marriott, C.M.G., R.N.

Capt. Gerald C. Dickens, C.M.G., R.N.

Cdr. Edward L. D. Boyle, C.M.G., R.N.



Cdr. The Duke of Sutherland, R.N.R.

Cdr. (act.) William T. Davis, O.B.E., R.N.V.R.



Payr. Sub-Lieut. Edwin E. Fieldhouse, R.N.R.

Bos'n Frederick W. Mason, R.N.



By His Majesty The King of THE HELLENES.


Order of George I.



Cdr. John A. Gregory, R.N.



Lieut.-Cdr. Charles Hadkinson, R.N.V.R.


Military Cross.


Lieut. (act.) Basil T. Brewster, D.S.C., R.N.


Medal of Military Merit.


Cdr. John A. Gregory, R.N.



By His Majesty The King of THE HEDJAZ.


Order of El Nahda.


3rd Class.

Cdr. Vernon S. Rashleigh, C.B.E., R.N.





31942 - 15 JUNE 1920


Admiralty, S.W. 1, 15th June, 1920.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on Officers of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services during the War:


His Highness The Sultan of EGYPT.


Order of the Nile.


3rd Class.

Capt. Robert F. Thorn, R.N.

Capt. Alfred G. Alston, C.M.G., R.N.


4th Class.

Cdr. Malcolm K. de M. Burgess, R.N.

Cdr. John F. Vibart, C.B.E., R.I.M.

Eng. Cdr. Frederick B. Phillips, O.B.E., R.I.M.

Payr. Cdr. Edward T. M. Green, R.N.

Payr. Cdr. Francis W. Walshe, O.B.E., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. John W. Clayton, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Walter J. B. Barton, R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. Charles H. Heaton, O.B.E., R.N.

Payr. Lieut.-Cdr. John M. Bell, R.N.

Lieut. Evan G. C. Cavendish, R.N.

Capt. Geoffrey M. Crick, R.M.L.I.




31965 - 6 JULY 1920


Admiralty, 6th July, 1920.


The following decorations have been conferred by the Allied Powers on the under-mentioned Officers and Man of the British Naval Forces for distinguished services rendered during the War:


His Majesty The King of THE BELGIANS.


Order of the Crown of Belgium.


La Medaille en Or.

P.O. Edward W. Blakiston. O.N. J.7727 (Ch.).



His Majesty The Emperor of JAPAN.


Order of the Rising Sun.


2nd Class.

Rear-Adml. James C. Ley, C.B., C.V.O.





Military Order of Avis.


2nd Class.

Capt. Denis B. Crampton, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.V.O., R.N.