1 9 4 2
30th - Commissioned for service in Home Fleet.
12th - Build completion and commenced Acceptance trials.
1 9 4 3
Defects found during Acceptance trials made good.
30th - On completion took passage to Scapa Flow.
Sustained significant structural damage in adverse weather conditions
during work-up and took passage to build shipyard for additional stiffening and damage
Nominated for passage to Canada for inspection by Royal Canadian Navy
Constructors and shipyard representatives. Sustained further structural
damage during passage to Halifax. Taken in hand and docked for repair work and
inspections. (Note: The need for additional stiffening in future warship construction
by Canadian shipyards was made evident during the examinations.)
Took return passage to UK for operational service. Nominated for
service in Plymouth Command.
24th - Sustained further weather damage.
On arrival taken in hand for
repair by HM Dockyard Devonport.
Under repair. On completion deployed for convoy defence on UK-Gibraltar route.
Deployed based at Plymouth for anti-submarine operations in Bay of Biscay (Operation
MUSKETRY. Note: Ship was part of a Support Group for these operations with HMCS
ATHABASKAN, and Polish destroyer ORP ORKAN as screen for HM Escort Aircraft Carrier
ARCHER to provide cover against attacks by German destroyers during MUSKETRY.
9th - Deployed with HM Destroyer
DOUGLAS and HM Frigate MOYOLA as escort for troopship convoy during passage
to Gibraltar. (Note: It may be assumed that ship was detached from MUSKETRY for this duty, or that she
detached from support duties for escort of these ships.)
11th - Under air attacks by He177 aircraft using Hs293 Radio Controlled
bombs (but see following) which hit ss CALIFORNIA and ss DUCHESS OF YORK in position 41.18N 41.24W, 300 miles
of Vigo, Spain despite AA defence from the escorts. Both ships ships sank
after extensive fires. A third ship mv PORT NAPIER survived the attacks. Took part in
rescue of 628 men from the two troopships.
12th - Passage to Casablanca with mv PORT FAIRY which was damaged in
further air attacks.
Update on this Attack, with thanks to Tim Gates, 4
Apr 2012:
The convoy, consisting of the troopships SS DUCHESS OF YORK
and SS CALIFORNIA, plus the merchant vessel MV PORT FAIRY, left the Clyde at
0800 hrs on July 8th 1943. At the Orsay rendezvous they were joined by
DOUGLAS and MOYOLA. On the morning of the 10th July IROQUOIS (ex Plymouth)
joined the escort 350 miles SW of the Scillies.
All went well till the evening of the 11th July when, 350
nautical miles W of Porto in Portugal and commencing at 2110 hrs, the convoy
was attacked by three FW200 Condors based at Merignac near Bordeaux. Only
conventional high-explosive bombs were used in the attack which lasted 30
minutes. The story that He177 aircraft deploying Hs292 radio-controlled
bombs were used in this attack is supported by absolutely no contemporary or
other evidence but has proved very persistent despite this. All those
who were there speak only of 3 x FW200 aircraft. This is corroborated by
contemporary Luftwaffe records which have been investigated by Chris Goss, a
serving RAF officer and well known historian of wartime avaiation - I could
even tell you the names of the German crew of the FW aircraft that were
Several hours after the attack, CALIFORNIA and DUCHESS OF YORK, both
blazing fiercely, were sunk by torpedoes fired by DOUGLAS. PORT FAIRY was
unscathed and headed for Casablanca (though she was attacked next day - but
that is another story). Survivors from CALIFORNIA and DUCHESS OF YORK were
picked up by escort vessels and taken to Casablanca where they arrived on
the morning of 13th July. At the start of the air attack on the evening of
the 11th, Gibraltar dispatched HMS SWALE to give help. She arrived on the
scene at 2235 hrs, ie after the attack had finished, and was ordered to
escort PORT FAIRY to Casablaca after helping to pick up survivors.
15th - Rescued an officer and
five ratings, sole survivors from U506 which had been sunk by US LIBERATOR
aircraft on 12th July. (Note: During return passage to Plymouth an insignia from the officers
uniform was stolen which resulted in disciplinary action. Stoppage of shore leave after
arrival caused significant disorder and the commanding officer had a heart attack and
was taken ashore. See AFRIDI TO NIZAM by J English and U-BOATS DESTROYED by P Kemp.)
Deployed at Plymouth
19th - Carried out support of anti-submarine operations with Polish
destroyer ORP ORKAN and HMCS ATHABASKAN and sailed from Plymouth for
anti-submarine operations after the disorder problems resolved. (See above
After return transferred to Scapa Flow for Home Fleet screening duties. Involved in
collision with HM Trawler KINGSTON BERYL in Irish Sea during passage to Scapa Flow. Repair
of damage arranged in commercial shipyard at Troon, Ayrshire.
2nd - Taken in hand for repair.
25th - On completion resumed passage to rejoin Home Fleet.
26th - On arrival nominated for work-up prior to deployment in defence
of Russian convoy.
Work-up in continuation. On completion resumed operational service with
Home Fleet for local escort and patrol duties.
1st - Deployed with HM Destroyers ONSLAUGHT and HURON (RCN) to take
replenishment stores and mail to North Russia for warships which had been based there during
summer months (Operation HOLDER).
11th - Returned to Scapa Flow from Kola Inlet..
14th - Joined HM Destroyers JANUS, VIGILANT, HARDY, HAIDA (RCN) and US
destroyer USS CORRY as escort for HM Battleship ANSON to provide cover for replenishment of
Spitzbergen garrison (Home Fleet Operation FQ).
16th - On completion of FQ
provided cover for passage of five minesweepers and six motor launches to North Russia.
(Home Fleet Operation FR. Note: HM Cruiser LONDON and US Cruiser AUGUSTA were also deployed in covering force. These Lease Lend warships were
destined for service with the Russian Northern Fleet and manned by
Russian crews. Close Escort was provided by nine Home Fleet destroyers.)
23rd - Detached and returned to Scapa Flow.
Home Fleet duties in continuation.
18th - Deployed with HM Destroyers IMPULSIVE, ONSLAUGHT, ONSLOW, ORWELL,
OBEDIENT HURON (RCN) and HAIDA (RCN) as Ocean Escort for Convoy JW54A during
passage to Kola Inlet.
19th - HMS OBEDIENT withdrawn from Close Escort due to defect and
returned to Scapa Flow.
24th - Detached from JW54A with Close Escort on arrival.
26th - Joined return Convoy RA54B with same ships as Close Escort for
passage to UK. (Note: For details of all Russian Convoy operations see CONVOYS TO
R. Woodman and CONVOY! by R Woodman.)
5th - Detached from RA54B and returned to Scapa Flow with Close Escort.
22nd - Deployed with HM Destroyers IMPULSIVE, ONSLAUGHT, ONSLOW, ORWELL,
SCOURGE, HMCS HURON and HMCS HAIDA as escort for Russian Convoy JW55 during
passage to Kola Inlet.
25th - Close Escort reinforced by HM Destroyers MATCHLESS, MUSKETEER,
OPPORTUNE and VIRAGO in view of the threat of attack by German Battleship SCHARNHORST. See
above references. (Note: German warship was engaged and sunk by ships of Home Fleet
providing cover for passage of this convoy and two others in the Arctic.)
sustained attacks by aircraft and submarines
29th - Detached with ships of Close Escort on arrival of JW55B at Kola
31st - Deployed as Close Escort for passage of return Convoy RA55B to UK
with same ships.
1 9 4 4
3rd - Under submarine attacks.
7th - Detached from RA55B with Close Escort and returned to Scapa Flow.
10th - Transferred with HMCS HAIDA for detached service and took passage
to Plymouth to join Plymouth Command for duty in English Channel.
13th - Deployed at Plymouth.
19th - Carried out patrol off French coast for interception of coastal
convoy traffic (Operation TUNNEL Series.)
20th - Returned to Plymouth.
Nominated for return to Canada for refit.
2nd - Carried out further TUNNEL Operation.
3rd - Returned to Plymouth.
4th - Recalled for duty in Home Fleet and took passage to Scapa Flow
with sister ships HMCS HAIDA and HMCS ATHABASKAN.
5th - Arrived at Scapa Flow for Home Fleet screening duties.
10th - Deployed with HMCS HAIDA and HMCS ATHABASKAN as part of destroyer
screen for HM Battleship ANSON and French battleship RICHELIEU, HM Cruisers BELFAST
and HMS NIGERIA during anti-shipping strike off Norwegian coast (Operation POST HORN)
12th - Returned to Scapa Flow after only secondary shore targets had
been attacked by aircraft.
13th - Released from Home Fleet duties and returned to Plymouth
15th - On arrival at Plymouth joined HM Destroyers TARTAR and HMS
ASHANTI of 10th Destroyer Flotilla with HMCS HAIDA and HMCS ATHABASKAN. (Note: This
Flotilla was deployed as Force 26.)
18th - Under torpedo attack by submarine which was avoided by prompt
action after sonar detection.
19th - On return to Plymouth replaced
by HMCS HURON in Flotilla and took passage to Canada
26th - Arrived at Halifax and taken in hand for refit.
March to May
Under refit (Note: Lattice foremast was fitted to replace original
tripod type for
installation of aerial outfit for new radar installation of new radar on
return to UK before resuming service.)
On completion of Post Refit Trials took passage to Liverpool for fit of
centimetric warning radar outfit. (Note: This was probably Type 276, later changed to
Type 293 when new aerial was available. Ship did not therefore take part
in support operations during allied landings in Normandy. See LANDINGS
8th - Arrived at Liverpool and taken in hand for fit of radar.
30th - On completion sailed from Liverpool to Scapa Flow.
Deployed at Scapa Flow for trials.
17th - Commenced work-up for operational service with Home Fleet ships
at Scapa Flow.
30th - Took passage to Plymouth to rejoin 10th Destroyer Flotilla for
patrol duties in Bay of Biscay and Channel.
5th - Deployed with HM Cruiser BELLONA, HMS TARTAR, HMS ASHANTI and HMCS
HAIDA for interception patrol in Bay of Biscay as Force 26.
6th - Intercepted evacuation convoy with several escorts near Ile d'Yeux. (Note: In this
action German minesweepers M286 and M486, Patrol Boat V414 and a launch were
sunk. Many hundreds of soldiers being evacuated lost their lives. Whilst taking
part in this engagement there was an accident in HMCS HAIDA but despite this
serious incident that ship remained with Force 26.) Took part in an attack on a
second convoy between Bellisle and Quiberon Bay the result of which was
inconclusive. Force 26 ordered to withdraw before daylight and return to Plymouth
8th - Flotilla deployment for interception operations in continuation.
14th - Deployed with HM Cruiser MAURITIUS and HM Destroyer URSA for
offensive patrol off coast of Brittany as Force 27.
15th - Carried out attack on convoy off Sables d'Olonne with ships of
Force during which German Minesweeper M385 was hit and became a total loss after
being beached. A Sperrbrecher (157), Torpedo Boat T24, Minesweeper
M275 and a coaster were also damaged. (Note: The enemy ships included
an aircraft repair Ship (RICHTOFEN).). Took passage to Plymouth after
the action.
23rd - During later patrol off Audierne with same ships carried out
attack on coastal convoy sinking patrol boats V702, V717, V720, V729 and V730 (Note: These
ships were identified by post-war analysis.)
30th - Deployed with HMCS HAIDA for escort of French cruiser JEANNE D
ARC for passage in SW Approaches from Algiers to Cherbourg.
31st - Met JEANNE D ARC which had members of the French Provisional
Government on board and escorted ship to her destination.
5th - Arrived at Cherbourg with French cruiser
8th - Deployed as escort for rms QUEEN MARY taking Prime Minister to
Quebec Conference with US President during Atlantic passage. (Note: Detached later near
Azores and returned to Plymouth for routine Boiler Cleaning.)
On completion
resumed Channel duties based at Plymouth.
Transferred to Scapa Flow for Home Fleet screening duties.
November to December
Resumed service in Channel based at Plymouth for interception patrols
and convoy escort.
1 9 4 5
January to February
Western Approaches duties in continuation.
Rejoined Flotilla for Home Fleet duties.
19th - Deployed with HM Destroyers ONSLOW, SERAPIS, ZEST and HAIDA (RCN) as screen for
HM Escort Aircraft Carriers PREMIER, SEARCHER, QUEEN and HM Cruiser
BELLONA deployed as Force 1 to cover air minelaying off the coast of Norway
(Operation CUPOLA – See Naval Staff History (Mining).)
21st - Returned to Scapa Flow with ships of Force 1 on completion.
24th - Joined HM Destroyers ONSLOW, SERAPIS, CARYSFORT, ZEALOUS and HAIDA (RCN) as
screen for HM Escort Aircraft Carriers SEARCHER, NAIRANA, QUEEN and
PUNCHER deployed as Force Two for air strikes on shipping off the coast of Norway
(Operation PREFIX I).
26th - In absence of shipping aircraft carried out attacks on shore
28th - Attacks made on shipping by carrier aircraft which destroyed two
Me109 for the loss of a BARRACUDA from HMS PUNCHER (Operation PREFIX II).
29th - Returned to Scapa Flow with ships of Force Two.
Home Fleet deployment with Flotilla in continuation.
3rd - Deployed with HM Destroyers ZEALOUS and ZEST as screen for HM
Cruiser DIDO for attacks on Norwegian coast shipping and identified as Force 3 (Operation
4th - Took part in attacks on convoy with ships of Force. (Note: Some
sources describe result as indeterminate but post war records suggest two of the
mercantiles were damaged.)
15th - Deployed with HM Destroyers ZEPHYR, ZODIAC, ZEALOUS, ZEST, OFFA HURON (RCN), HAIDA
(RCN) and Norwegian destroyer STORD as escort for JW66 with HM Cruiser
BELLONA, HM Escort Aircraft Carriers VINDEX and NAIRANA. In addition, HM Sloop
HONEYSUCKLE, LOTUS and OXLIP of 7th Escort Group were also part of
Close escort with Frigates of 19th Support Group in support for anti--submarine
25th - Detached from JW66 with Close Escort on arrival at Kola Inlet. (Note: Ships
of escort carried out anti-submarine attacks in entrance to Kola Inlet to
ensure safety of convoy.)
29th - Joined return convoy RA66 on departure from Kola Inlet. (Note: During
anti-submarine operations outside Kola Inlet before departure of RA66, U 307 and U286 were
sunk by ships of 19th Support Group, but HM Frigate GOODALL was torpedoed
and sunk by U968, although some survivors were rescued. See above references for
After departure came under torpedo attack by U427 which missed.
(See HITLER'S U-BOAT WAR, Vol II by C Blair.)
Nominated for return to Canada on release from service with RN.
8th - Detached from RA66 on arrival in Clyde and returned to Scapa Flow
with Home Fleet ships.
12th - Joined HM Cruisers DEVONSHIRE, ARIADNE and APOLLO with HM
Destroyers SAVAGE, SCOURGE AND Norwegian ARENDAL as escort during passage to Oslo. (Note: Crown
Prince Olaf of Norway was embarked in HMS APOLLO for his return to Norway.)
13th - Arrived in Oslo with same ships and took passage to Copenhagen
Destroyers ZEST and ZEPHYR as Guardships following German surrender.
14th - At Copenhagen.
24th - Passage
from Copenhagen to Wilhemshaven with HM Cruiser DIDO, HMS DEVONSHIRE and HMS SAVAGE as
escort for German cruisers PRINZ EUGEN and NURNBERG. (Note: The two German ships had
formally surrendered to the Royal Navy on 22nd May.)
26th - At Wilhemshaven.
30th - Passage to Greenock to join HMCS HAIDA and HMS HURON
At Greenock preparing for return to Canada.
4th - Took passage from Greenock for Halifax with her two sister ships.
10th - Arrived at Halifax to a resounding welcome.
Under refit including tropicalisation to suit service in the Pacific.
After VJ Day ship was nominated for reduction to Reserve status.