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World War 1 at Sea


by Dr Graham Watson

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Admiral Ronarc'h and his staff ("Dover Patrol" by Admiral Bacon RN, click to enlarge)

return to World War 1, 1914-1918


My thanks again to Graham Watson, retired from the History Department of Cardiff University, Wales, for this contribution to the French Navy in World War 1. This is part of a larger study aimed at introducing English-speakers to the role of the Marine Nationale 1914-1918. The sources used for for this page on French Admirals can be found here.

Note: these lists only covers the equivalent of Royal Navy Executive/Military officers, and not Civil Branch officers e.g. engineering, medical etc

Two of the images are from Admiral Bacon's account of the Dover Patrol, and the remainder from French Wikipedia and the French World War 1 forum at I believe all are in the public domain but my thanks to these sites for making them available.

DG - Director General
IG - Inspector General
MR - Maritime Region
VA - Vice-amiral  - Vice Admiral
CA - Contre-amiral - Rear Admiral

Links to French Navy in World War 1

- The French Navy: Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline 1900-1922
- World War 1 and Major Warship Lists in Outline

- Flag Officers, 1914-1918

Those Who Served:
- Louis Bechennec, Fireman/Stoker, including Serbian Evacuation
- French Navy Sailors commemorated in a New York Cemetery

Gordon Smith, Naval-History.Net


1. Flag Officers listed by Seniority

2. Flag Officers by Name

Noticing that the only flag ranks in use were those of Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral, Graham explains:

"The rank of Admiral was not introduced until the 1930's and even then it was Vice-amiral with the temporary rank of Admiral.

"Both French forces had only two ranks at this level during WW1 - General de Brigade and General de Division in the Army, and Contre-Amiral and Vice-Amiral at sea.  The same arrangement applied in the USA - the other major republic at this time.  The rank of Marshal of France was a very rarely bestowed rank which was more honorific than related to commands and offices.


List of all Flag Officers 1914


Amiral Boue de Lapeyrere

20.07.07-Pierre de JONQUIERES [1859-1919]
President Coast Defence Committee
Chief of Naval Staff 2.5.15-9.3.16

13.01.08-Augustin BOUE DE LAPEYRERE [1852-1924]
CinC Armee Navale 3.11-10.10.15

03.09.08-Louis de MAROLLES [1851-1941]
5th Maritime Region, Toulon 6.14-3.16

12.02.11-Felix ARAGO [1849-1929]
Supreme Naval Council 1.14-1.15

28.03.11-Paul AUVERT [1853-1933]
1st Light Squadron -5.14
6.14-Supreme Naval Council
5.15-Bizerte -9.15
12.15-Supreme Naval Council -3.16

14.10.11-Paul CHOCHEPRAT [1855-1928]
6.14-1st Battle Squadron -3.16
3.16-Supreme Naval Council -6.17 [ret]

16.10.11-Lucien BERRYER [1850-1927]
2.14-2nd Maritime Region, Brest -11.15

24.12.11-Jean GASCHARD [1850-1921]
IG Fleet Services 1.14 -4.15

8.8.12-Jules le PORD [1851-1932]
1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg-12.14

24.01.13-Pierre Le BRIS [1856-1940]
Chief of the Naval Staff 1.13-5.14
2nd Battle Squadron 2.6.14-26.3.16
IG Works 4.16-
2nd Maritime Region 3.17-
IG Arsenals 12.17-2.19

15.02.13-Eduoard PERRIN [1852-1926]
3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 15.10.13 -3.16

24.02.13-Louis PIVET [1855-1924]
Chief of the Naval Staff 2.5.14-7.12.14
1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 12.14-11.15
2nd Maritime Region, Brest 11.15-3.17

24.02.13-Louis DARTIGE DU FOURNET [1856-1940]
Algeria & Tunisia Maritime Region 11.13-
9.2.15-Syria/3rd Battle Squadron -7.9.15
10.10.15-CinC Fleet -18.12.16

22.04.14-Eduoard AMELOT [1852-1926]
4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 12.13-
5.15-Fleet Services, Navy Ministry -3.16

18.06.14-Dominique GAUCHET [1857-1831]
IG Works 5.14-
10.10.15-Dardanelles -Squadron Commander
26.3.16-2nd Battle Squadron
18.12.16-CinC Fleet & CinC Allied Naval Forces, Mediterranean-17.4.19

28.07.14-Charles FAVEREAU [1856-1936]
27.10.14-2nd Light Squadron -6.11.15
.11.15-1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg -3.16
3.16-1st Battle Squadron
4.16-2nd Battle Squadron -26.1.17
.17-3rd Maritime Region, Lorient -3.18

VICE-AMIRAL [ex retired list]

Vice-amiral Jacques AUBERT [1848-1915]
12.14-Chief of the Naval Staff -2.5.15 [ died 7.6.15]


Amiral Senes

12.10.08-Alphonse GUILLAU [1852-1935]
Vice President, Technical Committee

21.01.09-Achille ADAM [1852-1942]
Major General, Brest 4.13-1.15

10.04.10-Marius CROS [1852-1935]

18.06.10-Augustin BOUXIN [1853-1924]
Training Division - .14
Major General, Toulon 6.15-3.16?

02.08.10-Bertrand SOURRIEU [1853-1921]; 28.04.15-Vice-amiral
Technical Committee
4th Maritime Region, Rochefort , 5.15-4.16

01.10.10-Francis LECOURTOIS [1852-1930]
Major General, Cherbourg 10.10- 1.14

20.01.10-Henri GALLOCH DE KERILLIS [1856-1940]

12.02.11-Ernst NICOL [1858-1917]; 13.05.15-Vice-amiral
Chief of Staff, Fleet -7.14
2.15-Prefect, Bizerte
13. 5.15-Dardanelles -9.15 [Squadron Commander]
7.16-4th Maritime Region, Rochefort -22.9.17 (died)

28.03.11-Felix JOURNET [1852-1929]
Armaments Commission

28.03.11-Frederic MOREAU [1858-1929]; 05.09.15-Vice-amiral
Fishery Protection Committee
5.15-4th Battle Squadron -10.15
16.11.15-2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron
28.3.16-Syria/3rd Battle Squadron
8.16-IG Naval Artillery & IG Works 8.17-
11.17-2nd Maritime Region, Brest -5.19
6.19-IG Arsenals -2.20

14.03.11-Comte RAMEY DE SUGNY [1856-1928]
1st Light Division 8.14-10.03.15
.15-Ship Trials -11.17

14.10.11-Jean-Baptiste DEGOUY [1852-1942]
Major General Rochfort 24.11.11- 5.14 ret

16.10.11-Victor SENES [1857-1915]
2nd Light Division -27.4.15 KIA [cruiser Leon Gambetta]

24.10.11-Lucien LACAZE [1860-1955]; 22.09.17-Vice-amiral
2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron 8.13-3.15
24.10.15-Navy Minister-9.8.17
11.17-5th Maritime Region, Toulon- .19

24.12.11-Jean-Francois CLEMENT [1853-1921]
Major General, Toulon 15.1.12--4.15

24.12.11-Albert HUGUET [1857-1930]
Far East -3.15
3.15-Suez Canal Division -26.12.15

24.12.11-Albert ROUYER [1857-1930];  10.3.16-Vice-amiral
2nd Light Squadron -26.10.14
4.15-Major-General, Toulon -4.16
4.16-Prefect, 5th Maritime Region, Toulon-11.17
10.18-Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg-9.19

01.01.12-Antoine TRACOU [1857-1937]; 10.3.16-Vice-amiral
2nd Division/2nd Battle Squadron .13-11.15
3.16-Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg-10.17
11.17-Fleet Services -11.19

24.01.12-Pierre DARRIEUS [1859-1931] 10.3.16-Vice-amiral
Special Division du Ligne/2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron
7.9.15-Syria/3rd Battle Squadron
3.16-Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochfort
2.8.16-3rd Battle Squadron
26.1.17-2nd Battle Squadron
8.18-Prefect, Bizerte

21.09.12-Emile GUEPRATTE [1856-1939] 10.10.15-Vice-amiral
9.3.14-Training Sqn/Med
1.4.15-2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron/Dardanelles
9.15-Prefect, Bizerte -8.18

28.10.12-Francois le CANNELLIER [1855-1933] 10.3.16-Vice-amiral
Training Sqn/Atlantic
2nd Light Division 2.8.14-15.11.15
.15-Major-General, Brest
3.16-Fleet Services-12.17

07.01.13-Paul, Comte de GUEYDON [1857-1929] 11.6.16-Vice-amiral
DG Naval Artillery
10.3.15-1st Light Division
3.16-Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient
11.6.16-1st Division/1st Battle Squadron
26.1.17-3rd Battle Squadron -1.7.18
.18-Supreme Naval Council

24.01.13-Alexander YTIER [1855-1921]
Toulon Coast Defences 1.13- .15 [or 1917]

15.02.13-Elie SERRES [1859-1929]
Ship Trials 1.14-
5.15-2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron
6.16-Algeria -1.19

24.02.13-Charles CHARLIER [1861-1935]  10.7.17-Vice-amiral
Naval Academy 2.13-
8.14-Le Havre
5.15-2nd Light Division
9.17-Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort

30.04.13-Jules HABERT  [1860-1934]
.14-Chief of Staff, Fleet
5.16--2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron-7.16
2.17-Major-General, Toulon ? -8.17
.17-Armaments Commission - .19

28.11.13-Ferdinand de BON [1861-1923] 29.2.16-Vice-amiral
Deputy Chief of Naval Staff 6.13-
1214-Major-General, Brest
.15-Base Cmdr, Gallipoli
10.3.16-Chief of the Naval Staff-17.5.19

09.01.14-Gaston BARNOUIN [1858-1956]
2.14-Major-General, Rochefort
16.10.15-Chief of Staff, Fleet -24.11.16

15.01.14-Louis JAURES [1860-1937] 14.12.17-Vice-amiral
4.14-Technical Committee
10.15-Dardanelles & 2 i/c Eastern Med.
1.5.16-4th Light Division/West Africa -10.8.17
10.17-Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg -8.18

23.02.14- Etienne AUBRY [1859-1921]
3.14-Coast Defences/2nd Maritime Region
20.11.15-3rd Light Division
1.6.17-Reserve Cruiser Squadron
3.18-Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient

27.03.14-Jean-Victor PRADIER [1855-1930]
1.15-Algeria -3.16

22.04.14-Henri de SPITZ [1959-1949]
4.14-Major-General, Cherbourg
10.11.15-Syria 21.2.17
3.17-Major-General, Cherbourg -3.19

16.05.14-Auguste Le FEVRE [1857-1920]
Coast Defence Committee
10.15-Marseille -4.17

16.05.14-Jules KERAUDREN [1852-1920]
6.14-Major-General, Lorient -3.15
4.15-Nantes Port -8.17

19.06.14-Pierre RONARCH [1865-1940] 5.11.15-Vice-amiral
Marines 8.14-
4.16-Channel Coast
4.19-Chief of Naval Staff -2.20

28.07.14-Ernest PAPAIX [1855-1926]
Defences 5 MR 2.13-9.14
Defences 1 MR 9.14-3.16


Amiral Amet with 2nd Battle Division staff

09.02.15- Henri-Victor BARBIN  [1856-1942]
10.14-Chief of Staff, 2nd Light Squadron
12.15-Lorient -5.16

05.03.15- Jean-Francois AMET [1861-1940] 4.6.18-Vice-amiral
Marines/North East -3.16
12.16-2nd Battle Division
4.6.18-2nd Battle Squadron
10.18-Black Sea -5.19

27.04.15- Andre BIARD [1860-1917]
5.15-Le Havre -8.15
5.16-Major-General, Lorient
11.6.16-1st Light Division -29.9.17 died in accident

08.05.15- Charles de MARLIAVE [1858-1922]
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region
2.11.15-Channel Flotillas -22.7.16
22.7.16-2nd Division, 3rd Battle Squadron-18.1.18
.1.18-Nantes Base

19.06.15- Louis-Ernest SAGOT-DUVAUROUX [1861-1934] 4.6.18-Vice-amiral
8.15-Coast Defences,2nd Maritime Region
3.16-Major-General, Toulon
1.2.17-1st Division/1st Battle Squadron
15.7.18-2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron

19.06.15- Henri SALAUN [1866-1936] 4.6.18-Vice-amiral
.15-Staff, Navy Minister
11.15-Armaments Dept
7.3.16- Salonika Base-18.8.17
8.17- DG Submarine Warfare -12.18

05.09.15- Charles BOUSICAUX [1859-1932]
Dunkirk 7.14- 10.15
10.15-Major-General, Rochefort -9.19

05.11.15- Zepherin SCHWERER [1862-1936] 16.6.18- Vice-amiral
Staff, Navy Minister
8.17-Patrol Service, Ocean & Channel
12.18-IG Personnel -7.21


Amiral Eugene Clement Barthes
(the initial on the enlargement is C, presumaby for Clement)

29.02.16- Maurice GRASSET 1863-1934]
11.15-Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff
11.5.16-4th Light Division & Antilles
9.18-Naval Attache, London

15.03.16- Eugene BARTHES  [1862-1950]
4.16-Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region
10.17-Major-General, Algeria & Tunisia -1.20

15.03.16- Charles, Baron DIDELOT [1861-1933]
.16-Major-General, Cherbourg
2.17-Le Havre -10.19

15.03.16- Alfred de la TASTE [1863-1948]
4.16-2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron -2.17
8.17-Major-General, Toulon -2.21

15.03.16- Benjamin MERVEILLEUX DU VIGNAUX [1865-1930]
4.16-Assistant Chief of Staff for Submarines
18.8.17-Salonika & Division d'Orient -21.9.18
10.18-Chief of Staff, Fleet -1.20

15.03.16- Rene DAVELUY [1863-1929]
11.5-2nd Division/2nd Battle Squadron
12.16-Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region-7.17

15.03.16- Maurice MORIER  [1857-1918]
.16-Major-General, Brest -5.17 [or 1.18?]

15.03.16- Michel MORIN [1858-1918]
11.15-Coast Defences. 5th Maritime Region -11.16
11.16-Chief of Staff, Fleet -27.7.18 [died]

15.03.16- Frederic PIGEON DE SANT-PAIR [1858-1934]
3.16-Naval Attache, Rome -10.18

18.05.16- Georges VARNEY  [1864-1930]
5.16- Le Havre
2.17-Syria Division -1.19

23.05.16- Louis LA PORTE [1859-??]
7.16-Major-General, Lorient -5.19

11.06.16- Louis-Ernest FATOU [1867-1957]
1.16-Patrols, Eastern Mediterranean -11.17
1.18-2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron
& 7.18-Ionian Sea - 5.19

24.11.16-Maurice-Henri, Baron MERCIER DE LOSTENDE [1860-1950]
3.16- Naval Attache, London -9.18
9.18-Coast Defences, Toulon -5.19


23.02.17- Paul-Amable JEHENNE [1866-1931]
3 Heavy Artillery Division, .17-
3.18-Marines -3.19

14.04.17- Jean ALLEMAND  [1863-1920]
17.10.17-1st Light Division-15.7.18

16.05.17- Gaston GROUT   [1863-1947]
8.17-Major-General Brest
28.5.18-1st Light Division

16.05.17- Louis EXELMANS [1865-1944]
6.17-Major-General, Brest
11.8.17-2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron
16.7.18-1st Division/1st Battle Squadron

13.07.17- Gustave LEJAY [1862-1944]
8.17-Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region -6.18
1.7.18-2nd Division/2nd Battle Squadron

22.09.17- Alexandre LAUGIER [1863-1945]
11.17- Technical Committee
4.18- Bordeaux -8.19

08.10.17- Eugene-Napoleon BENOIT [1860-1930]
11.17-Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region
6.18- Major-General, Brest -8.20

14.12.17- Charles MORNET [1863-1942]
.17- Marseille - .19

14.12.17- Jean-Etienne RATYE [1863-1946]
12.17-staff Allied HQ, Malta


15.01.18- Robert De MARGUERYE [1865-1929]
27.7.17-Deputy Chief of Naval Staff-4.6.18
6.18-Major-General, Lorient -6.19

04.06.18- Marcel-Jacques GRANDCLEMENT [1864-1923]
7.18-Coast Defences, Brest -8.19

04.06.18- Louis CAUBET [1865-1945]
6.18-1st Light Division/Med - .19

04.06.18- Alexandre LANXADE [1863-1924]
4.6.18-Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff - .20

13.08.18- Pierre DELZONS  [1863-1922]
6.9.18-1stDivision/1st Battle Squadron -6.19

13.08.18- Etienne PUGLIESI-CONTI [1866-1963]
9.18-Base Commander, Salonika & Division d'Orient

08.09.18- Auguste-Rene BEAUSSANT [1864-1932]
9.18-Chief of Staff, 5th Maritime Region -4.19  



Amiral Aubry

Achille ADAM [1852-1942]
21.01.09-Major-General, Brest 4.13-1.15 [ret]

Jean ALLEMAND [1863-1920]
14.04.17- Contre-amiral
Port Admiral, Marseille 5.17-
1st Light Division, Mediterranean 17.10.17-15.07.18

Eduoard AMELOT [1852-1926] Vice-amiral
[6.10-Major-General, Lorient 11.11-Tunisie Division ]
Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 12.13-
Fleet Services, Marine Ministry 5.15-3.16 ret.1.17

Jean-Francois AMET [1861-1940]
05.03.15- Contre-amiral; 04.06.18- Vice-amiral
3.16-Blockade Commitee
03.12.16-2nd Division/2nd Battle Squadron
01.07.18-2nd Battle Squadron
10.18-Black Sea -5.19

Felix ARAGO [1849-1929]
12.02.11- Vice-amiral
Supreme Council 1.14-1.15

Jacques AUBERT [1848-1915]
retired Vice Admital -recalled 12.14
Chief of the Naval Staff 12.14-02.05.15 [died 07.06.15]

Etienne AUBRY [1859-1921]
23.02.14- Contre-amiral
Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region 09.03.14-
3rd Light Division/Atlantic 20.11.15-3.18 [Reserve Cruiser Division 01.06.17-]
Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region 3.18-0.21 [died]

Paul AUVERT [1853-1933]
28.03.11- Vice-amiral
1st Light Squadron -05.14
Supreme Naval Council .06.14-
Prefect, Bizerte .05.15- .09.15
Supreme Naval Council 12.15-3.16


Amiral Berryer

Henri-Victor BARBIN [1856-1942]
09.02.15- Contre-amiral
Chief of Staff, 2nd Light Squadron, Atlantic 10.14-
Major-General, Lorient 0.12.15-5.16

Gaston BARNOUIN [1858-1956]
09.01.14- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Rochefort 2.14-
Chief of Staff, Armee Navale 16.10.15-24.11.16

Eugene BARTHES [1862-1950]
15.03.16- Contre-amiral; 26.12.19- Vice-amiral
Dunkirk 9.15-
Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region 4.16-
Major-General ,Algeria & Tunisia 10.17-01.20
[2.21-Prefect 1MR]

Auguste-Henri BEAUSSANT [1864-1932]
08.09.18- Contre-amiral
Chief of staff, 5th Maritime Region 09.18-04.19

Eugene-Napoleon BENOIT [1860-1930]
08.10.17- Contre-amiral
Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region
Major-General, Brest 6.18-8.20

Lucien BERRYER [1850-1927]
16.10.11- Vice-amiral
[Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient, 1911-14]
Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region, Brest 2.14-11.15

Andre BIARD [1860-1917]
27.04.15- Contre-amiral
Port Admiral, Le Havre 5.15-8.15
Major-General, Lorient 5.16-
1st Light Division, 11.06.16-29.09.17 [accidental death at Corfu]
Ferdinand de BON [1861-1923]
28.11.13- Contre-amiral; 29.02.16- Vice-amiral
Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff 6.13-
Major-General, Brest 12.14-
Base Commander, Gallipoli .15-
Chief of the Naval Staff 10.03.16-17.o5.19
[CinC Armee Navale 5.19- Eastern Med Sqn 3.20-7.21]
Augustin BOUE DE LAPEYRERE [1852-1924]
13.01.08- Vice-amiral
[Minister of Marine 7.09-2.11]
CinC Armee Navale 3.11-10.10.15

Charles BOUSICAUX [1859-1932]
05.09.15- Contre-amiral
Dunkirk 7.14 - 10.15
Major-General, Rochfort? 10.15-9.19

Augustin BOUXIN [1853-1924]
18.06.10- Contre-amiral
Training Division - .14
Major-General, Toulon 6.15-3.16?

Pierre le BRIS [1856-1940]
24.01.13- Vice-amiral
Chief of the Naval Staff 1.13-5.14
2nd Battle Squadron 02.06.14-26.3.16
Inspector-General, Works & Member Supreme Council .04.16-
Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region, Brest 3.17-2.19
Inspector-General, Arsenals 12.17-


Amiral Chocheprat

Francois le CANNELLIER [1855-1933]
28.10.12- Contre-amiral; 10.03.16- Vice-amiral
Training Squadron, Atlantic to 2nd Light Division 02.08.14-15.11.5
Major-General, Brest .15- .16
Fleet Services, Navy Ministry 3.16-12.17

Louis CAUBET [1865-1945]
04.06.18- Contre-amiral
1st Light Division, Mediterranean 15.07.18-6.20

Charles CHARLIER [1861-1935]
24.02.13- Contre-amiral; 10.07.17- Vice-amiral
Naval Academy 2.13-
Port Admiral, Le Havre 8.14-
2nd Light Division, Mediterranean 5.15-12.08.17
Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 9.17-
1st Battle Squadron 06.19 & Western Mediterranean 3.20-1.22

Paul CHOCHEPRAT [1855-1928]
14.10.11- Vice-amiral
[Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region 1911- Prefect, 5th Maritime Region 1913-14]
1st Battle Squadron 6.14-3.16
Supreme Naval Council 3.16-6.17 [retired]

Jean-Francois CLEMENT [1853-1921]
24.12.11- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Toulon 15.01.12-4.15

Marius CROS [1852-1935]
10.04.10- Contre-amiral
no appointment identified


Amiral Dartige du Fournet

Pierre DARRIEUS [1959-1931]
24.01.12- Contre-amiral; 10.03.16- Vice-amiral
Special Division 02.08.14-01.03.15
2nd Division, 3rd Battle Squadron 18.06.15 & Syria 07.09.15
Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 3.16-
3rd Battle Squadron 02.08.16-26.01.17
2nd Battle Squadron 14.02.17-01.07.18
Prefect, Tunisia & Algeria Maritime Region 08.18-02.21

Louis DARTIGE DU FOURNET [1856-1940]
24.02.13- Vice-amiral
Prefect, Algeria & Tunisia Region 11.13-
Syria/3rd Battle Squadron 09.02.15-07.09.15
Squadron [Wing] Commander, Dardanelles 09.15-
CinC Armee Navale 10.10.15-18.12.16

Rene DAVELUY [1863-1929]
15.03.16- Contre-amiral
2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron 15.04.16-03.12.16 [sacked]
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region 12.16-7.17

Jean-Baptiste DEGOUY [1852-1942]
14.10.11- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Rochefort 24.11.11-5.14 [retired]

Pierre DELZONS [1863-1922]
13.08.18- Contre-amiral
1st Division, 1st Battle Squadron
Major-General, Lorient 6.19-
Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region 2.20-

Charles, Baron DIDELOT [1861-1933]
15.03.16- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Cherbourg .16-
Port Admiral, Le Havre 2.17-10.19


Louis EXELMANS [1865-1944]
16.05.17- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Brest
2nd Division, 1st Battle Squadron 11.08.17-
1st Division, 1st Battle Squadron 01.07.18-
Major-General, Cherbourg .19-9.20


Amiral Fatou (credit, Family Fatou)

Louis-Ernest FATOU [1867-1957]
11.06.16- Contre-amiral
Patrols, Eastern Mediterranean 1.16-11.17
1st Division, 3rd Battle Squadron 18.01.18- & Ionian Sea 7.18-5.19
Danube Commission

Charles FAVEREAU [1856-1936]
28.07.14- Vice-amiral
2nd Light Squadron, Atlantic 27.10.14-06.11.15
Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 11.15-3.16
Commander, 1st Battle Squadron 3.16-
Commander, 2nd Battle Squadron 4.16-26.01.17 [2 Wing?]
Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 0.17-3.18

Auguste le FEVRE [1857-1920]
16.05.14- Contre-amiral
Coast Defence Committee
Port Admiral, Marseille 10.15-4.17


Amiral  Gauchet

Henri GALLOCH DE KERRILLIS [1856-1940]
20.10.10- Contre-amiral
no appointment identified

Jean GASCHARD [1850-1921]
24.12.11- Vice-amiral
Inspector-General Depots & Schools
Fleet Services 1.14- 4.15

Dominique GAUCHET [1857-1931]
18.06.14- Vice-amiral
Inspector-General, Works
Squadron [Wing] Commander, Dardanelles 10.10.15-
2nd Battle Squadron 26.03.16-
CinC Armee Navale & CinC Allied Naval Forces, Mediterranean 18.12.16-17.04.19

Marcel-Jacques GRANDCLEMENT [1864-1923]
04.06.18- Contre-amiral
Coast Defences, Brest 7.18-8.19

Maurice GRASSET [1963-1934]
29.02.16- Contre-amiral
Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff 11.15-
4th Light Division/Antilles 11.05.16-28.05.18
Naval Attache, London 9.18-
German Armistice Commisssion .19-
Prefect, 1st Maritime Region 9.19- .21
Chief of the Naval Staff 2.21-7.24
Gaston GROUT [1863-1947]
16.05.17- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Brest 5.17-
1st Light Division 28.05.18-
Emile GUEPRATTE [1856-1939]
21.09.12- Contre-amiral; 10.10.15- Vice-amiral
Training Squadron, Mediterranean 09.03.14- & Dardanelles 9.14--
2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron & Dardanelles 01.04.15-18.06.15
Prefect, Bizerte 9.15-8.18

Paul, Comte de GUEYDON [1857-1929]
07.01.13- Contre-amiral; 11.06.16- Vice-amiral
Inspector-General Naval Artillery - 2.15
1st Light Division/Mediterranean 10.03.15-12.07.16 [or 3.16]
Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 3.16 - 6.16
Commander 1 Wing, Armee-Navale 11.06.16-1.17
3rd Battle Squadron 26.01.17-01.07.18
Supreme Naval Council 18-

Alphonse GUILLAU [1852-1935]
12.10.08- Contre-amiral
Vice President, Technical Committee-


Jules HABERT [1860-1934]
30.04.13- Contre-amiral
Algerie 6.13-
Chief of Staff, Armee Navale .14-
2nd Division, 3rd Battle Squadron 16.05.16-09.07.16
Toulon 02.17-.8.17
Armaments Commission .17- .19
Albert HUGUET [1857-1930]
24.12.11- Contre-amiral
Far East -16.03.15
Suez Canal Division 16.03.15-26.12.15


Louis JAURES [1860-1937]
15.01.14- Contre-amiral; 14.12.17- Vice-amiral
Major-General, Cherbourg 2.14-
Technical Committee .04.14- ?
Dardanelles/2nd Division, 4th Squadron & 2i/c Eastern Mediterranean 10.15-15.04.16
4th Light Division, West Africa 01.05.16-10.08.17
Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 18.12.17-8.18
[4 MR, Rochefort 19-3.21]

Paul-Amable JEHENNE [1866-1931]
23.02.17- Contre-amiral
3rd Heavy Artillery Division/6th Armee/Western Front .17-
Marines 3.18-3.19
New Ship Trials

Pierre de JONQUIERES [1859-1919]
20.07.07- Vice-amiral
President, Coast Defence Committee
Chief of the Naval Staff 02.05.15-09.03.16
Felix JOURNET [1852-1929]
28.03.11- Contre-amiral
Armaments Commission - ?


Jules KERAUDREN [1852-1920]
16.05.14- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Lorient 6.14-3.15
Port Admiral, Nantes 4.15-8.17


Amiral Lacaze

Lucien LACAZE [1860-1955]
14.10.11- Contre-amiral; 22.09.17- Vice-amiral
2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron 8.13- 10.03.15
Marseille Port Admiral .05.15-
Navy Minister 24.10.15-02.08.17
Prefect, 5th Maritime Region, Toulon 11.17- .19

Alexandre LANXADE [1863-1924]
04.06.18- Contre-amiral
Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff 4.06.18- .20
Training Division, Mediterranean .20-1.24

Louis LA PORTE [1859-1940]
23.05.16- Contre-amiral
Major-General Lorient 01.07.16-5.19

Alexandre LAUGIER [1863-1945]
22.09.17- Contre-amiral
Technical Committee 11.17-
Port Admiral, Bordeaux 4.18-8.19
Training Division, Ocean .19- .21
Francis LECOURTOIS [1852-1930]
01.10.10- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Cherbourg 10.10-1.14

Gustave LEJAY [1862-1944]
13.07.17- Contre-amiral
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region 8.17-
2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron 01.07.18-
Light Division, Eastern Mediterranean 5.20-10.21


Amiral Marguerye

Robert de MARGUERYE [1865-1929]
15.01.18- Contre-amiral
Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff 27.07.17-04.06.18
Lorient 6.18-6.19

Charles de MARLIAVE [1858-1922]
05.05.15- Contre-amiral
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region .15-
Channel Flotillas 02.11.15-22.07.16
2nd Division, 3rd Battle Squadron 22.07.16-18.01.18
Base Commander, Nantes 1.18-
Coast Defences, 4th Maritime Region, Lorient 5.18-
Louis de MAROLLES [1851-1941]
03.09.08- Vice-amiral
Prefect, 5th Maritime Region, Toulon 6.14-3.16
Maurice-Henri, Baron MERCIER DE LOSTENDE [1860-1950]
21.11.16- Contre-amiral
Naval Attache, London 3.16-9.18
Coast Defences, Toulon 9.18-5.19

Benjamin MERVEILLAUX DU VIGNAUX [1865-1930]
15.03.16- Contre-amiral
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Submarines 4.16-
Salonika/Division d'Orient 18.08.17-8.18
Chief of Staff, Armee Navale 10.18- 1.20

Frederic MOREAU [1858-1929]
28.03.11- Contre-amiral; 05.09.15- Vice-amiral
Fishery Protection Newfoundland Committee 2.14-
4th Battle Squadron, 30.05.15-20.10.15
2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron 16.11.15-15.04.16
3rd Battle Squadron/Syria 28.03.16-02.08.16
Inspector-General, Naval Artillery 8.16- & Inspector-General, Works 8.17-
Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region, Brest 11.17-5.19
Inspector-General, Arsenals 0.06.19-.2.20

Maurice MORIER [1857-1918]
15.03.16- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Brest 01.01.17- 5.17 or 01.01.18?

Michel MORIN [1858-1918]
15.03.16- Contre-amiral
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region 11.15-11.16
Chief of Staff, Armee Navale 11.16-27.07.18 [died]

Charles MORNET [1863-1942]
14.12.17- Contre-amiral
Port Admiral, Marseille 1.17- .19
Syria .19- .21


Ernst NICOL [1858-1917]
12.02.11- Contre-amiral; 13.05.15- Vice-amiral
Chief of Staff, Armee Navale - 11.07.14
Prefect, Bizerte 2.15-
Squadron Commander, Dardanelles 13.05.15- 9.15 [ill]
Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 7.16-22.09.17 [died]


Amiral Pivet

Ernest PAPAIX [1855-1926]
28.07.14- Contre-amiral
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region 14.02.13- 09.14
Coast Defences, 1st Maritime Region 9.14-3.16

Edouard PERRIN [1852-1926]
15.02.13- Vice-amiral
Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 15.10.13- 3.16 [retired]

Frederic PIGEON DE SANT-PAIR [1858-1934]
15.03.16- Contre-amiral
Naval Attache, Rome 3.16-10.18

Louis PIVET [1855-1924]
24.02.13- Vice-amiral
Chief of the Naval Staff 02.05.14-07.12.14
Prefect, 1st Maritime Region 12.14-11.15
Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region 11.15-3.17 [retired]

Jules le PORD [1851-1932]
08.08.12- Vice-amiral
Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg - 12.14

Jean-Victor PRADIER [1855-1930]
27.03.14- Contre-amiral
Algeria 01.01.15- 3.16

Etienne PUGLIESI-CONTI [1866-1963]
13.08.18- Contre-amiral
Division d'Orient & Base Commander, Salonika 12.08.18-
Major-General Cherbourg .19-
Atlantic Division 5.20-


Admiral Pierre Ronarc'h
("Dover Patrol" by Admiral Bacon RN)

Comte RAMEY DE SUGNY [1856-1928]
14.03.11- Contre-amiral
1st Light Division, Mediterranean 8.14-10.03.15
Ship Trials .15-11.17

Jean-Etienne RATYE [1863-1946]
14.12.17- Contre-amiral
Staff, Allied HQ, Malta 12.17-
Pierre RONARC'H [1865-1940]
19.06.14- Contre-amiral; 05.11.15- Vice-amiral
Marines Brigade/Flanders 8.14-
Supreme Council 11.15-
Commander, Channel Coast & North Sea 4.16-
Chief of the Naval Staff 4.19-2.20

Albert ROUYER [1857-1930]
24.12.11- Contre-amiral; 10.03.16- Vice-amiral
2nd Light Squadron, Atlantic 28.08.13-26.10.14
Major-General, Toulon 4.15-4.16
Prefect, 5th Maritime Region, Toulon 4.16-11.17
Inspector-General of the Navy 12.17-
Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 10.18-09.09.19


Amiral Salaun

Louis-Ernest SAGOT-DUVAUROUX [1861-1934]
19.06.15- Contre-amiral; 04.06.18- Vice-amiral
Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region
Major-General, Toulon 3.16-
1st Division, 1st Battle Squadron 13.02.17-01.07.18
2nd Division, 1st Battle Squadron 15.07.18-
Prefect, 5th Maritime Region 07.19-08..23

Henri SALAUN [1866-1936]
19.06.15- Contre-amiral; 04.06.18- Vice-amiral
Staff, Navy Minister
Armaments Department 11.15-
Salonika Base 07.03.16-18.08.17
DG Submarine Warfare 8.17-12.18
Chief of the Naval Staff 2.20-1.21 & 7.24-1.28
Zepherin SCHWERER [1862-1936]
05.11.15- Contre-amiral; 16.06.18- Vice-amiral
Chief of Cabinet, Navy Minister
Patrol Forces, Ocean & Channel 8.17-12.18
IG Personnel 12.18-
Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region 7.21-

Victor SENES [1857-1915]
16.10.11- Contre-amiral
[Morocco .11- .13]
2nd Light Division, Mediterranean .13-27.04.15 KIA [Leon Gambetta, cruiser]

Elie SERRES [1859-1929]
15.02.13- Contre-amiral
Ship Trials 1.14-
2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron 10.03.15-10.05.16
Algeria District .06.16-01.19

Bertrand SOURRIEU [1853-1921]
02.08.10- Contre-amiral; 28.04.15- Vice-amiral
Technical Committee
Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort, 5.15-4.16

Henri de SPITZ [1859-1949]
22.04.16- Contre-amiral
Major-General, Cherbourg 4.14-
Syrian Division 10.11.15-2.17
Major-General, Cherbourg 3.17-3.19


Alfred de la TASTE [1863-1948]
15.03.16- Contre-amiral
2nd Division, 1st Battle Squadron 10.05.16-12.08.17
Major-General, Toulon 8.17-2.21

Antoine TRACOU [1857-1937]
01.01.12- Contre-amiral; 10.03.16- Vice-amiral
2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron .13-16.11.15
Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 3.16-10.17
Staff, Navy Minister & Director, Fleet Services 11.17-11.19


Amiral Varney

Georges VARNEY [1864-1930]
18.05.16- Contre-amiral
Port Admiral, Le Havre 18.5.16-
Syria Division 2.17-1.19
Prefect, Bizerte 1.3.21-12.26


Alexander YTIER [1855-1921]
24.01.13- Contre-amiral
Toulon Coast Defences 27.1.13- .15 [or 1917?]

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