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List of all Flag Officers 1914 20.07.07-Pierre de
JONQUIERES [1859-1919]
President Coast
Defence Committee
Chief of Naval Staff 2.5.15-9.3.16 13.01.08-Augustin BOUE DE LAPEYRERE [1852-1924] CinC Armee Navale
03.09.08-Louis de MAROLLES [1851-1941] 5th Maritime
Region, Toulon 6.14-3.16
12.02.11-Felix ARAGO [1849-1929] Supreme Naval Council 1.14-1.15 28.03.11-Paul AUVERT [1853-1933] 1st Light Squadron
6.14-Supreme Naval Council 5.15-Bizerte -9.15 12.15-Supreme Naval Council -3.16 14.10.11-Paul CHOCHEPRAT [1855-1928] 6.14-1st Battle
Squadron -3.16
3.16-Supreme Naval Council -6.17 [ret] 16.10.11-Lucien BERRYER [1850-1927] 2.14-2nd Maritime
Region, Brest -11.15
24.12.11-Jean GASCHARD [1850-1921] IG Fleet Services
1.14 -4.15
8.8.12-Jules le PORD [1851-1932] 1st Maritime
Region, Cherbourg-12.14
24.01.13-Pierre Le BRIS [1856-1940] Chief of the Naval
Staff 1.13-5.14
2nd Battle Squadron 2.6.14-26.3.16 IG Works 4.16- 2nd Maritime Region 3.17- IG Arsenals 12.17-2.19 15.02.13-Eduoard PERRIN [1852-1926] 3rd Maritime
Region, Lorient 15.10.13 -3.16
24.02.13-Louis PIVET [1855-1924] Chief of the Naval
Staff 2.5.14-7.12.14
1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 12.14-11.15 2nd Maritime Region, Brest 11.15-3.17 24.02.13-Louis DARTIGE DU FOURNET [1856-1940] Algeria &
Tunisia Maritime Region 11.13-
9.2.15-Syria/3rd Battle Squadron -7.9.15 10.10.15-CinC Fleet -18.12.16 22.04.14-Eduoard AMELOT [1852-1926] 4th Maritime
Region, Rochefort 12.13-
5.15-Fleet Services, Navy Ministry -3.16 18.06.14-Dominique GAUCHET [1857-1831] IG Works 5.14-
10.10.15-Dardanelles -Squadron Commander 26.3.16-2nd Battle Squadron 18.12.16-CinC Fleet & CinC Allied Naval Forces, Mediterranean-17.4.19 28.07.14-Charles FAVEREAU [1856-1936] 27.10.14-2nd
Light Squadron -6.11.15
.11.15-1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg -3.16 3.16-1st Battle Squadron 4.16-2nd Battle Squadron -26.1.17 .17-3rd Maritime Region, Lorient -3.18 VICE-AMIRAL [ex retired list] Vice-amiral Jacques AUBERT [1848-1915] 12.14-Chief of
the Naval Staff -2.5.15 [ died 7.6.15]
12.10.08-Alphonse GUILLAU [1852-1935] Vice President,
Technical Committee
21.01.09-Achille ADAM [1852-1942] Major General,
Brest 4.13-1.15
10.04.10-Marius CROS [1852-1935] -
18.06.10-Augustin BOUXIN [1853-1924] Training Division
- .14
Major General, Toulon 6.15-3.16? 02.08.10-Bertrand SOURRIEU [1853-1921]; 28.04.15-Vice-amiral Technical
4th Maritime Region, Rochefort , 5.15-4.16 01.10.10-Francis LECOURTOIS [1852-1930] Major General,
Cherbourg 10.10- 1.14
20.01.10-Henri GALLOCH DE KERILLIS [1856-1940] -
12.02.11-Ernst NICOL [1858-1917]; 13.05.15-Vice-amiral Chief of Staff,
Fleet -7.14
2.15-Prefect, Bizerte 13. 5.15-Dardanelles -9.15 [Squadron Commander] 7.16-4th Maritime Region, Rochefort -22.9.17 (died) 28.03.11-Felix JOURNET [1852-1929] Armaments
28.03.11-Frederic MOREAU [1858-1929]; 05.09.15-Vice-amiral Fishery
Protection Committee
5.15-4th Battle Squadron -10.15 16.11.15-2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron 28.3.16-Syria/3rd Battle Squadron 8.16-IG Naval Artillery & IG Works 8.17- 11.17-2nd Maritime Region, Brest -5.19 6.19-IG Arsenals -2.20 14.03.11-Comte RAMEY DE SUGNY [1856-1928] 1st Light
Division 8.14-10.03.15
.15-Ship Trials -11.17 14.10.11-Jean-Baptiste DEGOUY [1852-1942] Major General
Rochfort 24.11.11- 5.14 ret
16.10.11-Victor SENES [1857-1915] 2nd Light
Division -27.4.15 KIA [cruiser Leon Gambetta]
24.10.11-Lucien LACAZE [1860-1955]; 22.09.17-Vice-amiral 2nd Division/1st
Battle Squadron 8.13-3.15
5.15-Marseille 24.10.15-Navy Minister-9.8.17 11.17-5th Maritime Region, Toulon- .19 24.12.11-Jean-Francois CLEMENT [1853-1921] Major General,
Toulon 15.1.12--4.15
24.12.11-Albert HUGUET [1857-1930] Far East -3.15
3.15-Suez Canal Division -26.12.15 24.12.11-Albert ROUYER [1857-1930]; 10.3.16-Vice-amiral 2nd Light
Squadron -26.10.14
4.15-Major-General, Toulon -4.16 4.16-Prefect, 5th Maritime Region, Toulon-11.17 12.17-Inspector-General 10.18-Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg-9.19 01.01.12-Antoine TRACOU [1857-1937]; 10.3.16-Vice-amiral 2nd Division/2nd
Battle Squadron .13-11.15
3.16-Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg-10.17 11.17-Fleet Services -11.19 24.01.12-Pierre DARRIEUS [1859-1931] 10.3.16-Vice-amiral Special Division
du Ligne/2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron
7.9.15-Syria/3rd Battle Squadron 3.16-Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochfort 2.8.16-3rd Battle Squadron 26.1.17-2nd Battle Squadron 5.18-Aegean 8.18-Prefect, Bizerte 21.09.12-Emile GUEPRATTE [1856-1939] 10.10.15-Vice-amiral 9.3.14-Training
31.1.15-Dardanelles 1.4.15-2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron/Dardanelles 9.15-Prefect, Bizerte -8.18 28.10.12-Francois le CANNELLIER [1855-1933] 10.3.16-Vice-amiral Training
2nd Light Division 2.8.14-15.11.15 .15-Major-General, Brest 3.16-Fleet Services-12.17 07.01.13-Paul, Comte de GUEYDON [1857-1929] 11.6.16-Vice-amiral DG Naval
10.3.15-1st Light Division 3.16-Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 11.6.16-1st Division/1st Battle Squadron 26.1.17-3rd Battle Squadron -1.7.18 .18-Supreme Naval Council 24.01.13-Alexander YTIER [1855-1921] Toulon Coast
Defences 1.13- .15 [or 1917]
15.02.13-Elie SERRES [1859-1929] Ship Trials 1.14-
5.15-2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron 6.16-Algeria -1.19 24.02.13-Charles CHARLIER [1861-1935] 10.7.17-Vice-amiral Naval Academy
8.14-Le Havre 5.15-2nd Light Division 9.17-Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 30.04.13-Jules HABERT [1860-1934] Algerie
.14-Chief of Staff, Fleet 5.16--2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron-7.16 2.17-Major-General, Toulon ? -8.17 .17-Armaments Commission - .19 28.11.13-Ferdinand de BON [1861-1923] 29.2.16-Vice-amiral Deputy Chief of
Naval Staff 6.13-
1214-Major-General, Brest .15-Base Cmdr, Gallipoli 10.3.16-Chief of the Naval Staff-17.5.19 09.01.14-Gaston BARNOUIN [1858-1956]
2.14-Major-General, Rochefort
16.10.15-Chief of Staff, Fleet -24.11.16 15.01.14-Louis JAURES [1860-1937] 14.12.17-Vice-amiral 4.14-Technical
10.15-Dardanelles & 2 i/c Eastern Med. 1.5.16-4th Light Division/West Africa -10.8.17 10.17-Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg -8.18 23.02.14- Etienne AUBRY [1859-1921] 3.14-Coast
Defences/2nd Maritime Region
20.11.15-3rd Light Division 1.6.17-Reserve Cruiser Squadron 3.18-Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 27.03.14-Jean-Victor PRADIER [1855-1930] 1.15-Algeria
22.04.14-Henri de SPITZ [1959-1949]
4.14-Major-General, Cherbourg
10.11.15-Syria 21.2.17 3.17-Major-General, Cherbourg -3.19 16.05.14-Auguste Le FEVRE [1857-1920] Coast Defence
10.15-Marseille -4.17 16.05.14-Jules KERAUDREN [1852-1920]
6.14-Major-General, Lorient -3.15
4.15-Nantes Port -8.17 19.06.14-Pierre RONARCH [1865-1940] 5.11.15-Vice-amiral Marines 8.14-
11.15-Council 4.16-Channel Coast 4.19-Chief of Naval Staff -2.20 28.07.14-Ernest PAPAIX [1855-1926] Defences 5 MR
Defences 1 MR 9.14-3.16 09.02.15- Henri-Victor BARBIN [1856-1942] 10.14-Chief of
Staff, 2nd Light Squadron
12.15-Lorient -5.16 05.03.15- Jean-Francois AMET [1861-1940] 4.6.18-Vice-amiral Marines/North
East -3.16
12.16-2nd Battle Division 4.6.18-2nd Battle Squadron 10.18-Black Sea -5.19 27.04.15- Andre BIARD [1860-1917] 5.15-Le Havre
5.16-Major-General, Lorient 11.6.16-1st Light Division -29.9.17 died in accident 08.05.15- Charles de MARLIAVE [1858-1922] Coast Defences,
5th Maritime Region
2.11.15-Channel Flotillas -22.7.16 22.7.16-2nd Division, 3rd Battle Squadron-18.1.18 .1.18-Nantes Base 19.06.15- Louis-Ernest SAGOT-DUVAUROUX [1861-1934] 4.6.18-Vice-amiral 8.15-Coast
Defences,2nd Maritime Region
3.16-Major-General, Toulon 1.2.17-1st Division/1st Battle Squadron 15.7.18-2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron 19.06.15- Henri SALAUN [1866-1936] 4.6.18-Vice-amiral .15-Staff, Navy
11.15-Armaments Dept 7.3.16- Salonika Base-18.8.17 8.17- DG Submarine Warfare -12.18 05.09.15- Charles BOUSICAUX [1859-1932] Dunkirk 7.14-
10.15-Major-General, Rochefort -9.19 05.11.15- Zepherin SCHWERER [1862-1936] 16.6.18- Vice-amiral Staff, Navy
8.17-Patrol Service, Ocean & Channel 12.18-IG Personnel -7.21 PROMOTIONS
Amiral Eugene Clement Barthes (the initial on the enlargement is C, presumaby for Clement) 29.02.16- Maurice GRASSET 1863-1934] 11.15-Deputy
Chief of the Naval Staff
11.5.16-4th Light Division & Antilles 9.18-Naval Attache, London 15.03.16- Eugene BARTHES [1862-1950] 9.15-Dunkirk
4.16-Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region
10.17-Major-General, Algeria & Tunisia -1.20
15.03.16- Charles, Baron DIDELOT [1861-1933]
.16-Major-General, Cherbourg
2.17-Le Havre -10.19 15.03.16- Alfred de la TASTE [1863-1948] 4.16-2nd
Division/1st Battle Squadron -2.17
8.17-Major-General, Toulon -2.21 15.03.16- Benjamin MERVEILLEUX DU VIGNAUX [1865-1930] 4.16-Assistant
Chief of Staff for Submarines
18.8.17-Salonika & Division d'Orient -21.9.18 10.18-Chief of Staff, Fleet -1.20 15.03.16- Rene DAVELUY [1863-1929] 11.5-2nd
Division/2nd Battle Squadron
12.16-Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region-7.17 15.03.16- Maurice MORIER [1857-1918]
.16-Major-General, Brest -5.17 [or 1.18?]
15.03.16- Michel MORIN [1858-1918] 11.15-Coast
Defences. 5th Maritime Region -11.16
11.16-Chief of Staff, Fleet -27.7.18 [died] 15.03.16- Frederic PIGEON DE SANT-PAIR [1858-1934] 3.16-Naval
Attache, Rome -10.18
18.05.16- Georges VARNEY [1864-1930] 5.16- Le Havre
2.17-Syria Division -1.19 23.05.16- Louis LA PORTE [1859-??]
7.16-Major-General, Lorient -5.19
11.06.16- Louis-Ernest FATOU [1867-1957] 1.16-Patrols,
Eastern Mediterranean -11.17
1.18-2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron & 7.18-Ionian Sea - 5.19 24.11.16-Maurice-Henri, Baron MERCIER DE LOSTENDE [1860-1950] 3.16- Naval
Attache, London -9.18
9.18-Coast Defences, Toulon -5.19 PROMOTIONS TO CONTRE-AMIRAL 1917 23.02.17- Paul-Amable JEHENNE [1866-1931] 3 Heavy Artillery
Division, .17-
3.18-Marines -3.19 14.04.17- Jean ALLEMAND [1863-1920] 5.17-Marseille
17.10.17-1st Light Division-15.7.18 16.05.17- Gaston GROUT [1863-1947]
8.17-Major-General Brest
28.5.18-1st Light Division 16.05.17- Louis EXELMANS [1865-1944]
6.17-Major-General, Brest
11.8.17-2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron 16.7.18-1st Division/1st Battle Squadron 13.07.17- Gustave LEJAY [1862-1944] 8.17-Coast
Defences, 5th Maritime Region -6.18
1.7.18-2nd Division/2nd Battle Squadron 22.09.17- Alexandre LAUGIER [1863-1945] 11.17- Technical
4.18- Bordeaux -8.19 08.10.17- Eugene-Napoleon BENOIT [1860-1930] 11.17-Coast
Defences, 2nd Maritime Region
6.18- Major-General, Brest -8.20 14.12.17- Charles MORNET [1863-1942] .17- Marseille -
14.12.17- Jean-Etienne RATYE [1863-1946] 12.17-staff
Allied HQ, Malta
PROMOTIONS TO CONTRE-AMIRAL 1918 15.01.18- Robert De MARGUERYE [1865-1929] 27.7.17-Deputy
Chief of Naval Staff-4.6.18
6.18-Major-General, Lorient -6.19 04.06.18- Marcel-Jacques GRANDCLEMENT [1864-1923] 7.18-Coast
Defences, Brest -8.19
04.06.18- Louis CAUBET [1865-1945] 6.18-1st Light
Division/Med - .19
04.06.18- Alexandre LANXADE [1863-1924] 4.6.18-Deputy
Chief of the Naval Staff - .20
13.08.18- Pierre DELZONS [1863-1922]
6.9.18-1stDivision/1st Battle Squadron -6.19
13.08.18- Etienne PUGLIESI-CONTI [1866-1963] 9.18-Base
Commander, Salonika & Division d'Orient
08.09.18- Auguste-Rene BEAUSSANT [1864-1932] 9.18-Chief of
Staff, 5th Maritime Region -4.19
Achille ADAM [1852-1942]
21.01.09-Major-General, Brest 4.13-1.15 [ret]
Jean ALLEMAND [1863-1920] 14.04.17-
Port Admiral, Marseille 5.17- 1st Light Division, Mediterranean 17.10.17-15.07.18 Eduoard AMELOT [1852-1926]
[6.10-Major-General, Lorient 11.11-Tunisie Division ] Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 12.13- Fleet Services, Marine Ministry 5.15-3.16 ret.1.17 Jean-Francois AMET [1861-1940] 05.03.15-
Contre-amiral; 04.06.18- Vice-amiral
Marines/North-East 3.16-Blockade Commitee 03.12.16-2nd Division/2nd Battle Squadron 01.07.18-2nd Battle Squadron 10.18-Black Sea -5.19 Felix ARAGO [1849-1929] 12.02.11- Vice-amiral
Supreme Council 1.14-1.15 Jacques AUBERT [1848-1915] retired Vice Admital
-recalled 12.14
Chief of the Naval Staff 12.14-02.05.15 [died 07.06.15] Etienne AUBRY [1859-1921] 23.02.14-
Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region 09.03.14- 3rd Light Division/Atlantic 20.11.15-3.18 [Reserve Cruiser Division 01.06.17-] Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region 3.18-0.21 [died] Paul AUVERT [1853-1933] 28.03.11- Vice-amiral
1st Light Squadron -05.14 Supreme Naval Council .06.14- Prefect, Bizerte .05.15- .09.15 Supreme Naval Council 12.15-3.16 Henri-Victor BARBIN [1856-1942] 09.02.15-
Chief of Staff, 2nd Light Squadron, Atlantic 10.14- Major-General, Lorient 0.12.15-5.16 Gaston BARNOUIN [1858-1956] 09.01.14-
Major-General, Rochefort 2.14- Chief of Staff, Armee Navale 16.10.15-24.11.16 Eugene BARTHES [1862-1950] 15.03.16-
Contre-amiral; 26.12.19- Vice-amiral
Dunkirk 9.15- Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region 4.16- Major-General ,Algeria & Tunisia 10.17-01.20 [2.21-Prefect 1MR] Auguste-Henri BEAUSSANT [1864-1932] 08.09.18-
Chief of staff, 5th Maritime Region 09.18-04.19 Eugene-Napoleon BENOIT [1860-1930] 08.10.17-
Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region Major-General, Brest 6.18-8.20 Lucien BERRYER [1850-1927] 16.10.11- Vice-amiral
[Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient, 1911-14] Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region, Brest 2.14-11.15 Andre BIARD [1860-1917] 27.04.15-
Port Admiral, Le Havre 5.15-8.15 Major-General, Lorient 5.16- 1st Light Division, 11.06.16-29.09.17 [accidental death at Corfu] Ferdinand de BON [1861-1923] 28.11.13-
Contre-amiral; 29.02.16- Vice-amiral
Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff 6.13- Major-General, Brest 12.14- Base Commander, Gallipoli .15- Chief of the Naval Staff 10.03.16-17.o5.19 [CinC Armee Navale 5.19- Eastern Med Sqn 3.20-7.21] Augustin BOUE DE LAPEYRERE [1852-1924] 13.01.08- Vice-amiral
[Minister of Marine 7.09-2.11] CinC Armee Navale 3.11-10.10.15 Charles BOUSICAUX [1859-1932] 05.09.15-
Dunkirk 7.14 - 10.15 Major-General, Rochfort? 10.15-9.19 Augustin BOUXIN [1853-1924] 18.06.10-
Training Division - .14 Major-General, Toulon 6.15-3.16? Pierre le BRIS [1856-1940] 24.01.13- Vice-amiral
Chief of the Naval Staff 1.13-5.14 2nd Battle Squadron 02.06.14-26.3.16 Inspector-General, Works & Member Supreme Council .04.16- Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region, Brest 3.17-2.19 Inspector-General, Arsenals 12.17- Francois le CANNELLIER [1855-1933] 28.10.12-
Contre-amiral; 10.03.16- Vice-amiral
Training Squadron, Atlantic to 2nd Light Division 02.08.14-15.11.5 Major-General, Brest .15- .16 Fleet Services, Navy Ministry 3.16-12.17 Louis CAUBET [1865-1945] 04.06.18-
1st Light Division, Mediterranean 15.07.18-6.20 Charles CHARLIER [1861-1935] 24.02.13-
Contre-amiral; 10.07.17- Vice-amiral
Naval Academy 2.13- Port Admiral, Le Havre 8.14- 2nd Light Division, Mediterranean 5.15-12.08.17 Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 9.17- 1st Battle Squadron 06.19 & Western Mediterranean 3.20-1.22 Paul CHOCHEPRAT [1855-1928] 14.10.11- Vice-amiral
[Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region 1911- Prefect, 5th Maritime Region 1913-14] 1st Battle Squadron 6.14-3.16 Supreme Naval Council 3.16-6.17 [retired] Jean-Francois CLEMENT [1853-1921] 24.12.11-
Major-General, Toulon 15.01.12-4.15 Marius CROS [1852-1935] 10.04.10-
no appointment identified Pierre DARRIEUS [1959-1931] 24.01.12-
Contre-amiral; 10.03.16- Vice-amiral
Special Division 02.08.14-01.03.15 2nd Division, 3rd Battle Squadron 18.06.15 & Syria 07.09.15 Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 3.16- 3rd Battle Squadron 02.08.16-26.01.17 2nd Battle Squadron 14.02.17-01.07.18 Prefect, Tunisia & Algeria Maritime Region 08.18-02.21 Louis DARTIGE DU FOURNET [1856-1940] 24.02.13- Vice-amiral
Prefect, Algeria & Tunisia Region 11.13- Syria/3rd Battle Squadron 09.02.15-07.09.15 Squadron [Wing] Commander, Dardanelles 09.15- CinC Armee Navale 10.10.15-18.12.16 Rene DAVELUY [1863-1929] 15.03.16-
2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron 15.04.16-03.12.16 [sacked] Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region 12.16-7.17 Jean-Baptiste DEGOUY [1852-1942] 14.10.11-
Major-General, Rochefort 24.11.11-5.14 [retired] Pierre DELZONS [1863-1922] 13.08.18-
1st Division, 1st Battle Squadron Major-General, Lorient 6.19- Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region 2.20- Charles, Baron DIDELOT [1861-1933] 15.03.16-
Major-General, Cherbourg .16- Port Admiral, Le Havre 2.17-10.19 E Louis EXELMANS [1865-1944] 16.05.17-
Major-General, Brest 2nd Division, 1st Battle Squadron 11.08.17- 1st Division, 1st Battle Squadron 01.07.18- Major-General, Cherbourg .19-9.20 Louis-Ernest FATOU [1867-1957] 11.06.16-
Patrols, Eastern Mediterranean 1.16-11.17 1st Division, 3rd Battle Squadron 18.01.18- & Ionian Sea 7.18-5.19 Danube Commission Charles FAVEREAU [1856-1936] 28.07.14- Vice-amiral
2nd Light Squadron, Atlantic 27.10.14-06.11.15 Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 11.15-3.16 Commander, 1st Battle Squadron 3.16- Commander, 2nd Battle Squadron 4.16-26.01.17 [2 Wing?] Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 0.17-3.18 Auguste le FEVRE [1857-1920] 16.05.14-
Coast Defence Committee Port Admiral, Marseille 10.15-4.17 Henri GALLOCH DE KERRILLIS [1856-1940] 20.10.10-
no appointment identified Jean GASCHARD [1850-1921] 24.12.11- Vice-amiral
Inspector-General Depots & Schools Fleet Services 1.14- 4.15 Dominique GAUCHET [1857-1931] 18.06.14- Vice-amiral
Inspector-General, Works Squadron [Wing] Commander, Dardanelles 10.10.15- 2nd Battle Squadron 26.03.16- CinC Armee Navale & CinC Allied Naval Forces, Mediterranean 18.12.16-17.04.19 Marcel-Jacques GRANDCLEMENT [1864-1923] 04.06.18-
Coast Defences, Brest 7.18-8.19 Maurice GRASSET [1963-1934] 29.02.16-
Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff 11.15- 4th Light Division/Antilles 11.05.16-28.05.18 Naval Attache, London 9.18- German Armistice Commisssion .19- Prefect, 1st Maritime Region 9.19- .21 Chief of the Naval Staff 2.21-7.24 Gaston GROUT [1863-1947] 16.05.17-
Major-General, Brest 5.17- 1st Light Division 28.05.18- Emile GUEPRATTE [1856-1939] 21.09.12-
Contre-amiral; 10.10.15- Vice-amiral
Training Squadron, Mediterranean 09.03.14- & Dardanelles 9.14-- 2nd Division/3rd Battle Squadron & Dardanelles 01.04.15-18.06.15 Prefect, Bizerte 9.15-8.18 Paul, Comte de GUEYDON [1857-1929] 07.01.13-
Contre-amiral; 11.06.16- Vice-amiral
Inspector-General Naval Artillery - 2.15 1st Light Division/Mediterranean 10.03.15-12.07.16 [or 3.16] Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 3.16 - 6.16 Commander 1 Wing, Armee-Navale 11.06.16-1.17 3rd Battle Squadron 26.01.17-01.07.18 Supreme Naval Council 18- Alphonse GUILLAU [1852-1935] 12.10.08-
Vice President, Technical Committee- H
Jules HABERT [1860-1934] 30.04.13-
Algerie 6.13- Chief of Staff, Armee Navale .14- 2nd Division, 3rd Battle Squadron 16.05.16-09.07.16 Toulon 02.17-.8.17 Armaments Commission .17- .19 Albert HUGUET [1857-1930] 24.12.11-
Far East -16.03.15 Suez Canal Division 16.03.15-26.12.15 J
JAURES [1860-1937]
Contre-amiral; 14.12.17- Vice-amiral
Major-General, Cherbourg 2.14- Technical Committee .04.14- ? Dardanelles/2nd Division, 4th Squadron & 2i/c Eastern Mediterranean 10.15-15.04.16 4th Light Division, West Africa 01.05.16-10.08.17 Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 18.12.17-8.18 [4 MR, Rochefort 19-3.21] Paul-Amable JEHENNE [1866-1931] 23.02.17-
3rd Heavy Artillery Division/6th Armee/Western Front .17- Marines 3.18-3.19 New Ship Trials Pierre de JONQUIERES [1859-1919] 20.07.07- Vice-amiral
President, Coast Defence Committee Chief of the Naval Staff 02.05.15-09.03.16 Felix JOURNET [1852-1929] 28.03.11-
Armaments Commission - ? K
Jules KERAUDREN [1852-1920] 16.05.14-
Major-General, Lorient 6.14-3.15 Port Admiral, Nantes 4.15-8.17 Lucien LACAZE [1860-1955] 14.10.11-
Contre-amiral; 22.09.17- Vice-amiral
2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron 8.13- 10.03.15 Marseille Port Admiral .05.15- Navy Minister 24.10.15-02.08.17 Prefect, 5th Maritime Region, Toulon 11.17- .19 Alexandre LANXADE [1863-1924] 04.06.18-
Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff 4.06.18- .20 Training Division, Mediterranean .20-1.24 Louis LA PORTE [1859-1940] 23.05.16-
Major-General Lorient 01.07.16-5.19 Alexandre LAUGIER [1863-1945] 22.09.17-
Technical Committee 11.17- Port Admiral, Bordeaux 4.18-8.19 Training Division, Ocean .19- .21 Francis LECOURTOIS [1852-1930] 01.10.10-
Major-General, Cherbourg 10.10-1.14 Gustave LEJAY [1862-1944] 13.07.17-
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region 8.17- 2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron 01.07.18- Light Division, Eastern Mediterranean 5.20-10.21 Robert de MARGUERYE [1865-1929] 15.01.18-
Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff 27.07.17-04.06.18 Lorient 6.18-6.19 Charles de MARLIAVE [1858-1922] 05.05.15-
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region .15- Channel Flotillas 02.11.15-22.07.16 2nd Division, 3rd Battle Squadron 22.07.16-18.01.18 Base Commander, Nantes 1.18- Coast Defences, 4th Maritime Region, Lorient 5.18- Louis de MAROLLES [1851-1941] 03.09.08- Vice-amiral
Prefect, 5th Maritime Region, Toulon 6.14-3.16 Maurice-Henri, Baron MERCIER DE LOSTENDE [1860-1950] 21.11.16-
Naval Attache, London 3.16-9.18 Coast Defences, Toulon 9.18-5.19 Benjamin MERVEILLAUX DU VIGNAUX [1865-1930] 15.03.16-
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Submarines 4.16- Salonika/Division d'Orient 18.08.17-8.18 Chief of Staff, Armee Navale 10.18- 1.20 Frederic MOREAU [1858-1929] 28.03.11-
Contre-amiral; 05.09.15- Vice-amiral
Fishery Protection Newfoundland Committee 2.14- 4th Battle Squadron, 30.05.15-20.10.15 2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron 16.11.15-15.04.16 3rd Battle Squadron/Syria 28.03.16-02.08.16 Inspector-General, Naval Artillery 8.16- & Inspector-General, Works 8.17- Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region, Brest 11.17-5.19 Inspector-General, Arsenals 0.06.19-.2.20 Maurice MORIER [1857-1918] 15.03.16-
Major-General, Brest 01.01.17- 5.17 or 01.01.18? Michel MORIN [1858-1918] 15.03.16-
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region 11.15-11.16 Chief of Staff, Armee Navale 11.16-27.07.18 [died] Charles MORNET [1863-1942] 14.12.17-
Port Admiral, Marseille 1.17- .19 Syria .19- .21 N
Ernst NICOL [1858-1917] 12.02.11-
Contre-amiral; 13.05.15- Vice-amiral
Chief of Staff, Armee Navale - 11.07.14 Prefect, Bizerte 2.15- Squadron Commander, Dardanelles 13.05.15- 9.15 [ill] Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort 7.16-22.09.17 [died] Ernest PAPAIX [1855-1926] 28.07.14-
Coast Defences, 5th Maritime Region 14.02.13- 09.14 Coast Defences, 1st Maritime Region 9.14-3.16 Edouard PERRIN [1852-1926] 15.02.13- Vice-amiral
Prefect, 3rd Maritime Region, Lorient 15.10.13- 3.16 [retired] Frederic PIGEON DE SANT-PAIR [1858-1934] 15.03.16-
Naval Attache, Rome 3.16-10.18 Louis PIVET [1855-1924] 24.02.13- Vice-amiral
Chief of the Naval Staff 02.05.14-07.12.14 Prefect, 1st Maritime Region 12.14-11.15 Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region 11.15-3.17 [retired] Jules le PORD [1851-1932] 08.08.12- Vice-amiral
Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg - 12.14 Jean-Victor PRADIER [1855-1930] 27.03.14-
Algeria 01.01.15- 3.16 Etienne PUGLIESI-CONTI [1866-1963] 13.08.18-
Division d'Orient & Base Commander, Salonika 12.08.18- Major-General Cherbourg .19- Atlantic Division 5.20- Comte RAMEY DE SUGNY [1856-1928] 14.03.11-
1st Light Division, Mediterranean 8.14-10.03.15 Ship Trials .15-11.17 Jean-Etienne RATYE [1863-1946] 14.12.17-
Staff, Allied HQ, Malta 12.17- Pierre RONARC'H [1865-1940] 19.06.14-
Contre-amiral; 05.11.15- Vice-amiral
Marines Brigade/Flanders 8.14- Supreme Council 11.15- Commander, Channel Coast & North Sea 4.16- Chief of the Naval Staff 4.19-2.20 Albert ROUYER [1857-1930] 24.12.11-
Contre-amiral; 10.03.16- Vice-amiral
2nd Light Squadron, Atlantic 28.08.13-26.10.14 Major-General, Toulon 4.15-4.16 Prefect, 5th Maritime Region, Toulon 4.16-11.17 Inspector-General of the Navy 12.17- Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 10.18-09.09.19
Louis-Ernest SAGOT-DUVAUROUX [1861-1934]
Contre-amiral; 04.06.18- Vice-amiral
Coast Defences, 2nd Maritime Region Major-General, Toulon 3.16- 1st Division, 1st Battle Squadron 13.02.17-01.07.18 2nd Division, 1st Battle Squadron 15.07.18- Prefect, 5th Maritime Region 07.19-08..23 Henri SALAUN [1866-1936] 19.06.15-
Contre-amiral; 04.06.18- Vice-amiral
Staff, Navy Minister Armaments Department 11.15- Salonika Base 07.03.16-18.08.17 DG Submarine Warfare 8.17-12.18 Chief of the Naval Staff 2.20-1.21 & 7.24-1.28 Zepherin SCHWERER [1862-1936] 05.11.15-
Contre-amiral; 16.06.18- Vice-amiral
Chief of Cabinet, Navy Minister Patrol Forces, Ocean & Channel 8.17-12.18 IG Personnel 12.18- Prefect, 2nd Maritime Region 7.21- Victor SENES [1857-1915] 16.10.11-
[Morocco .11- .13] 2nd Light Division, Mediterranean .13-27.04.15 KIA [Leon Gambetta, cruiser] Elie SERRES [1859-1929] 15.02.13-
Ship Trials 1.14- 2nd Division/1st Battle Squadron 10.03.15-10.05.16 Algeria District .06.16-01.19 Bertrand SOURRIEU [1853-1921] 02.08.10-
Contre-amiral; 28.04.15- Vice-amiral
Technical Committee Prefect, 4th Maritime Region, Rochefort, 5.15-4.16 Henri de SPITZ [1859-1949] 22.04.16-
Major-General, Cherbourg 4.14- Syrian Division 10.11.15-2.17 Major-General, Cherbourg 3.17-3.19 T
Alfred de la TASTE [1863-1948]
2nd Division, 1st Battle Squadron 10.05.16-12.08.17 Major-General, Toulon 8.17-2.21 Antoine TRACOU [1857-1937] 01.01.12-
Contre-amiral; 10.03.16- Vice-amiral
2nd Division, 2nd Battle Squadron .13-16.11.15 Prefect, 1st Maritime Region, Cherbourg 3.16-10.17 Staff, Navy Minister & Director, Fleet Services 11.17-11.19
Georges VARNEY [1864-1930]
Port Admiral, Le Havre 18.5.16- Syria Division 2.17-1.19 Prefect, Bizerte 1.3.21-12.26 Y Alexander YTIER [1855-1921] 24.01.13-
Toulon Coast Defences 27.1.13- .15 [or 1917?] |
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