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Pre-dreadnought Battleship, Canopus-class Pendant Nos. N.48 (1914), N.00 (1.18). Launched 21.6.98 Thames IW. 12,950 tons, 421(oa), 390(pp)x74x26ft. TE 13500ihp, 18kts. Armament: 4-12in, 12-6in, 12-12pdr, 4-18in tt. Armour: 6in sides, 2.5in deck, 9in guns. 7th or 9th (8th, then amalgamated with the 7th as the 7th) BS, Channel Fleet at outbreak of war, then abroad. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Dardanelles 1915. Sold 11.12.19 Ward, Morecambe. (British Warships 1914-1919) Served with Channel Fleet, but in April 1906 in Commissioned Reserve at Chatham, undergoing an engine and boiler refit, lasting until December. She joined the Home Fleet temporarily at Portsmouth in February 1907 and then a month later joined the Atlantic Fleet. Refitted 1908-9 and in August 1909 became Parent Ship of 4th Division, Home Fleet at the Nore; 3rd Fleet, Nore from May 1912, and refitted at Chatham; stationed at Pembroke in 1913. Joined 8th BS, Channel Fleet in August 1914, then sent to Cape of Good Hope and East Africa until February 1915, when she was sent to Dardanelles. Damaged by Turkish shellfire during bombardments on 28 April and 2 May 1915, including grounding off Gaba Tepe. Transported troops to Salonika in October 1915, and then returned Home to be stationed on East Coast as guardship, and in 1918 was sent to Devonport, where she was laid up as an accommodation ship. Sold December 1919 to Ward, Morecombe for breaking-up. (Jane's Fighting Ships/Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) LOGS FOR JULY 1914 4caf838ecadfd34197000c4c: ( 14 July 1914 Milford Haven Lat 51.7, Long -5.1 8.30am: 6 officers joined ship. 9.30am: Reservists joined ship. 8.30pm: 2 officers joined ship. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Exercised Fire and Collision Stations. 11.40pm: Drew fires in barge. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c4d: ( 15 July 1914 Milford Haven Lat 51.7, Long -5.1 Number on sick list: 1 1.00am: 1 Officer and 1 Rating joined ship. 8.30am: 1 Officer joined ship. 1.00pm: 1 Rating joined ship. 7.00pm: 1 Officer joined ship. 11.00pm: 24 Ratings joined ship. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c4e: ( 16 July 1914 Milford Haven and at sea Lat 51.7, Long -5.1 7.00am: 1 officer & 143 ratings: joined ship 10.05am: HM Ships Edgar & Royal Arthur proceeded. 10.25am: HM Ships Gibraltar & Grafton proceeded. 7.00pm: Reservemen and Marine Reserve Ratings joined ship. 9.00pm: RFR Ratings joined ship. 10.00pm: HMS Ocean weighed and proceeded. 10.15pm: HMS Goliath weighed and proceeded. 11.17pm: Weighed port anchor & proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving harbour. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c4f: ( 17 July 1914 At sea, Milford Haven to Spithead Lat 49.9, Long -5.1 Number on sick list: 1 1.10am: Ocean and Goliath took station astern. 8.55am: Sighted Longships S22ºE. 11.40am: Lizard Lt N43ºE 3’. 12 noon Paid weekly money. 3.11pm: Eddystone abeam. 9.13pm: Sighted Bill of Portland Lt N68ºE. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c50: ( 18 July 1914 At sea and at Spithead Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Number on sick list: 2 1.30am: Canopus took station astern. 2.35am: Sighted Needles N79ºE. 3.15am: Glory and Goliath joined company. 6.40am: Came to with Starb anchor. 11.00am: 1 Rating joined ship. 5.00pm: Saluted HM King George with 21 guns. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c51: ( 19 July 1914 Spithead Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Number on sick list: 2 4caf838ecadfd34197000c52: ( 20 July 1914 Spithead to Torbay Lat 50.3, Long -1.1 Number on sick list: 2 6.30am: 1 Rating discharged to hospital. 9.20am: Proceeded as requisite to take station for leaving harbour. 10.50am: Manned & cheered ship. 1.30-3.45pm: Target practice. 8.15pm: Came to with port anchor. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c53: ( 21 July 1914 Torbay and at sea on exercises Lat 50.1, Long -3.2 Number on sick list: 2 1.15am: 5th, 6th BS (Battle Squadrons) and 5th & 6th CS (Cruiser Squadrons) arrived and anchored. 4.00am: HMS Caesar arrived. 7.25am: Weighed. Proceeded in Divisions course SE. 8.00am: Course & speed as requisite for squadron torpedo firing. 1.15pm: Proceeded as requisite for towing target for Canopus and Glory firing. 4.53pm: Stopped. Hoisted in target. 7.00pm: Came to with port anchor. Connected up conning tower for exercise. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c54: ( 22 July 1914 Torbay to Weymouth Lat 50.2, Long -2.2 Number on sick list: 2 4.45am: Proceeded as requisite to join fleet. 7.05am: Proceeded to take station astern of Lord Nelson. 1.30pm: Parted company with 8 BS. 2.19pm: Stopped. Came to with starboard anchor. 8.00pm: Discharged 22 R.M.L.I. & 2 signals ratings to Glory. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c55: ( 23 July 1914 Weymouth to Plymouth Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 Number on sick list: 3 1.29pm: Weighed & proceeded. 6.15pm: Sighted Caesar & Victorious on port beam. 8.35pm: Came to with port anchor. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c56: ( 24 July 1914 Plymouth Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 Number on sick list: 3 7.00am: Secured alongside Jupiter in Prince of Wales Basin. 11.30am: Reservists left ship. 12.40pm: Discharged 3 Ratings to hospital. 6.30pm: Discharged 2 Ratings to Depôt. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c57: ( 25 July 1914 Plymouth Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 10.00am: R.A. commanding, Flag Captain & staff left ship. Navigating officer left ship. No logS FOR the period 26-31 July, 1914. HMS Albion was in Plymouth. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c58: ( 31 July 1914 Plymouth Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 9.15pm: Major Watts joined ship. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1914 4caf838ecadfd34197000c59: ( 1 August 1914 Plymouth Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 7.20am: Ship was moved into No 9 dock. 10.30am: 1 marine officer and private RMLI joined. 3.00pm: "Mobilise". 3.45pm: Captain RMA joined. 5.10pm: Navigation officer and engineering Lieutenant joined. 5.35pm: 42 ratings joined from ? 6.30pm: 2 Sergeants & 92 Privates RMLI joined. 6.40pm: 2 officers and 3 ratings joined from Impregnable. 8.00pm: 24 C.Q.s and 4 active ratings from R.N.B. 1 leading stoker and 10 stokers joined from ? 11.25pm: 1 rating joined ship. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c5a: ( 2 August 1914 Plymouth Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 2.30am: Flag Captain joined. 2.50am: Received orders to mobilise. 5.45am: Admiral Tottenham came on board. 8.00am: Broke Admiral’s Flag. Provisioning ship. Following crew joined during the day: Flag Lieut., Flag Commander, 6 ratings (signal), 1 shipwright, 1 clerk writer, 1 sick bay attendant, 1 P.O., 5 ratings, 20 R.F.R., 1 RNR officer, 1 signal ?, 1 CPO, a further 16 RFR and 1 RNR AP. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c5b: ( 3 August 1914 Plymouth Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 6.20pm: Came out of dock & temporarily halted in basin. 8.00pm: Left basin & secured to No 8 wharf. Following crew joined in order during the day: 17 RNR ratings; 1 RNR officer; 57 ratings RNR & RFR; 52 ratings RNR; 1 RNR surgeon; 11 RFR; 1 MAR RFR; 4 ratings RNR & 1 WO; 1 ERA RFR; 1 marine & 1 rating RNR; 2 RNR officers & 1 clerk; 9 FR ?; 9 cadets; 5 ratings; 1 SPO, 1 stoker & 14 RNR; and 22 RNR. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c5c: ( 4 August 1914 Plymouth Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 Editor’s note: Early on the morning of this day, Germany invaded Belgium. At 11 pm, Great Britain declared war on Germany. 1.45pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 3.00pm: Commenced coaling. 8.20pm: Ceased coaling for night. 8.30pm: 1 rating rejoined ship from hospital. Following crew joined in order during the day: 4 RNR; 3 RNR; 3 signals ratings; 2 St Johns Ambulance ratings; 1 sergt, 2 corporals & 79 gunners RMR; 8 RFR; 36 RMLI ratings; 3 ratings; 3 RFR & 1 RNVR ratings; 22 RNVR ratings; and 7 RVR. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c5d: ( 5 August 1914 Plymouth Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 5.00am: Commenced coaling. 8.45am: Finished coaling. Amount received 970 tons. 8.50am: Coal lighter left ship. 9.30am: Ammunition lighter came alongside. 5.30pm: Ship left coaling wharf. 5.55pm: Secured No 13 buoy. 8.40pm: Lighter for nets came alongside. B group employed getting nets in lighter. Following crew joined in order during the day: 3 RNR; 4 ratings; 2 E.R.A.s; Mr Clifton, artificer engineer. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c5e: ( 6 August 1914 Devonport Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 10.40am: Read articles of war and prayers. 1.55pm: 1 CERA joined from depot. 3.45pm: Provision lighter alongside. 6.30pm: Watch employed taking off torpedo booms. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c5f: ( 7 August 1914 Devonport Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 1.30pm: B & Y groups employed coaling ship. 4.40pm: Coal received 50 tons. 4.55pm: Coal lighter left ship. 7.30pm: Oil lighter left ship. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c60: ( 8 August 1914 Plymouth and at sea Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 7.00am: Slipped. Proceeded out of harbour with pilot. Ships in company - Prince George, Illustrious, Caesar, Albion, Ocean, Canopus. 8.03am: Draystone Buoy 3 cables on the beam. Formed single line ahead. 1.30pm: Exercised range keeping. 4.00pm: Course as requisite for rounding Shambles and entering Portland Harbour. 9.55pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 10.30pm: Commenced coaling. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c61: ( 9 August 1914 Portland and at sea. Lat 50.1, Long -1.7 1.00am: Finished coaling. 2.50am: Diamond left the harbour. 6.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded with fleet as requisite outside harbour. 10.45am: St Catherine Lighthouse N35ºE 13’. 1.10pm: Stopped. Communicated with Flagship. 4.00pm: Arrived at rendezvous. 8.00pm: Sighted Cape Barfleur: S67ºW 4caf838ecadfd34197000c62: ( 10 August 1914 At sea Lat 50.1, Long -2.0 5.20pm: Stopped. Sent boat to Sapphire for communications. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c63: ( 11 August 1914 At sea Lat 50.1, Long -2.0 4caf838ecadfd34197000c64: ( 12 August 1914 At sea Lat 50.1, Long -1.6
Carried out 1” aiming rifle practice. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c65: ( 13 August 1914 At sea and at Portland Lat 50.0, Long -1.5 1.05pm: Course NbyE to close Norwegian steamer Cuba of Stavanger. 5.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 7.55pm: Commenced coaling. 8.40pm: Water tank came alongside 4caf838ecadfd34197000c66: ( 14 August 1914 Portland Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 1.30am: Hailed Patrol boat. 5.20am: Completed coaling. Took in 375 tons. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c67: ( 15 August 1914 Portland Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 3.30am: Hailed guard boat. 9.00pm: Exercised night defence. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c68: ( 16 August 1914 Portland Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 7.30am: Held Holy Communion. 3.50pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 4.40pm: Commenced taking in coal. 6.00pm: Finished coaling. Took in 70 tons. 6.15pm: Received 34 ratings from HMS Prince George. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c69: ( 17 August 1914 Portland Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 9.00pm: Exercised Night Defence and burnt searchlights. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c6a: ( 18 August 1914 Portland and exercises at sea Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 7.25am: Shortened in cable. Lost by accident overboard 1 pin. 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 9.00am: Course and speed as requisite for firing in company with Goliath. 11.30am: Finished firing, veered target. 1.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for towing target for Goliath. 4.00pm: Picked up target. Swing ship for deviation. 6.23pm: Passed entrance of harbour. 6.42pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 9.00pm: Burnt searchlights. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c6b: ( 19 August 1914 Portland Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 4.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Divisions & prayers. 9.30am: Control Parties at drill. B & X groups and after turret at Divisional Drill. A & X spotting table, remainder stowing away 51/2 " wire in fiat. 1.30pm: A & X groups, Fore turret & supply Party at Drill. 3.00pm: B & Y groups to Drill. 6.00pm: Hands employed preparing for coaling. 7.15pm: Commenced coaling. 9.45pm: Finished coaling. Took in 74 tons. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c6c: ( 20 August 1914 Portland Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 1.00am: Hailed Patrol boat. 2.15am: Casting for Engineer arrived by Dockyard boat. 9.00am: Divisions. Prayers 9.10am: B & Y Groups & After Turret to Drill. 9.30am: Oil Tank came alongside. 10.30am: Water Tank alongside. 10.40am: Vice Admiral came on board. Discharged Mr Buckland, Mate to Hospital. 11.40am: Oiltank left ship. 2.00pm: A & X groups & Fore Turret at Drill. 4.30pm: Evening physical drill. 10.10pm: Hailed Patrol Boat. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c6d: ( 21 August 1914 Portland and at sea Lat 50.6, Long -2.44 Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.00am: Divisions. 9.10am: Prayers. 9.30am: A & X groups, After Turret and Control Parties at drill. 11.15am: Shortened to 3 shackles. 1.54pm: Weighed. 1.58pm: 6 knots. 2.14pm: Passed entrance to harbour. 2.16pm: 8 knots. 2.30pm: Co S40ºE 2.55pm: Shambles S65ºW 2'. 3.05pm: Co S 63W 10 knots 3.30pm: Portland Bill abeam 4'4' (Canopus in company) 4.00pm: Portland Bill N29ºE. Evening Quarters. Exercised physical drill. Streamed P.L. showing 0.0. 5.40pm: Sighted 2 steamers on starboard beam steering Eastward. 5.45pm: Canopus parted company. 10.00pm: a/c to avoid French destroyer (full speed). 4caf838ecadfd34197000c6e: ( 22 August 1914 At sea, Portland to Gibraltar Lat 47.9, Long -5.7 1.30am: Lizard N32ºW. 1.50am: Lizard N24ºW. Sighted steamer on either bow steering Westward. 2.25am: Sighted ship without lights on port bow. Challenge made and answered. 2.50am: Ushant S48ºW. 5.00am: Hauled in P. Log. a/c S47ºW. 8.00am: Canopus takes station on bow 8'. 8.37am: Sumeur abeam 5'2'. 10.45am: General quarters. 4.00pm: Divisions exercised physical drill. 6.00pm: Reduced to 9 knots. 8.00pm: Night Defence. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c6f: ( 23 August 1914 At sea, Portland to Gibraltar Lat 45.2, Long -8.0 5.00am: Unrigged night defence 5.15am: a/c to S 10W to investigate strange looking craft bearing E.S.E. 5.35am: resumed course. 7.15am: Celebration of Holy Communion 8.45am: Stopped both engines. Canopus communicated with Dutch steamer Sealandia. 11.35am: Proceeded. co. SW 6 knots 11.40am: 4 knots. 1.00pm: Canopus dropped target. stopped. 2.00pm: Proceeded as req to carry out 2 runs of heavy gun firing. 3.43pm: Stopped veered target. 4.00pm: Course as req for Canopus carrying out heavy gun firing. 7.00pm: Course S48ºW 10 knots. 10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c70: ( 24 August 1914 At sea, Portland to Gibraltar Lat 42.5, Long -9.4 Number on sick list: 10 1.30am: Exercised sea boats crew 3.00am: Exercised sea boats crew. 3.45am: Sighted C. Villano SWbS. 4.00am: Stopped and communicated with Swedish Steamer Hellinphy bound for 4.30am: Co S47ºW. 10 knots. 7.45am: Stopped. Communicated with Dutch Ship Bandoeng. Sent boarding party on board. 8.25am: Co S30ºW. 10 knots. 9.08am: Co S21ºW. 9.27am: Streamed log. 10.30am: Exercised Divisional Drill. 1.35pm: Mt Castila abeam. 4.00pm: Evening Quarters. 4–5.00pm: Exercised steering from second position (fore cross passage). 5.20pm: Closed sailing vessel flying Portuguese Ensign. 5.40pm: Resumed course. 10.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew 4caf838ecadfd34197000c71: ( 25 August 1914 At sea, Portland to Gibraltar Lat 38.7, Long -9.6 Note: Position given in the log is very close to Gibraltar and is clearly incorrect. The position given here is approximate and is partly based on the sighting of Cape Espichel at 1.30pm. 5.15am: a/c S9ºW. 5.45am: SSW. 6.10am: S7ºW. 12.40pm: a/c ESE. 1.20pm: Hauled in Patent Log 1.30pm: Stopped 7½ miles S50ºE of C. Espichel. 2.42pm: Proceeded 11 knots 2.47pm: Course S21ºW. C. Espichel NW 9'2' 2.55pm: Streamed Patent log. 4.00pm: Quarters exercised physical drill. 7.45pm: a/c for steamer. 7.48pm: Resumed course. 7.50pm: St Vincent Light S2W. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c72: ( 26 August 1914 At sea and at Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Cape Trafalgar 2.05–2.25am: Examined steamer. 6.55am: a/c S6SºE to close steamer 7.12am: Resumed co (S54ºE). 8.11am: a/c NE 1/2 N to close steamers. 11.15am: Sighted Cape Trafalgar. 11.50am: Sighted Cape Spartel. 4.18pm: 10 knots co N17ºE 4.23pm: 8 knots 4.24 6 knots 4.25pm: Stopped 4.42pm: Passed entrance to harbour. Stopped. 4.46pm: 6 knots. 4.50pm: Stopped. 4.55pm: Came alongside wharf. 6.20pm: Started coaling. Discharged 50 ratings to HMS Argonaut. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c73: ( 27 August 1914 Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 3.40am: Finished coaling. Took on 547 tons. 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Oil lighter came alongside. 9.10am: Hands employed cleaning ship and drawing stores. 10.30pm: Steam Pinnace drew fires. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c74: ( 28 August 1914 Gibraltar and at sea Lat 36.0, Long -5.8 2.40am: Hailed Police Boat. 7.40am: Cast off from jetty. 1.20pm: Course N55W. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c75: ( 29 August 1914 At Sea Lat 36.5, Long -10.0 1.45am: Observed St Vincent Lt N35ºW. 4.45am: St Vincent abeam 10'. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c76: ( 30 August 1914 At Sea Lat 37.3, Long -9.1 3.30am: Closed steamer to Northward. 11.35am: a/c N15ºE to close steamer. 11.40am: Resumed course (north). 1.20pm: Boarded S.S. Patroclus Lat 35.10N Long 7 28' W. 1.25pm: Hauled in Patent Log. 2.10pm: Proceeded. 4.00pm: Swing ship for deviation. 8.40pm: Cape St Vincent abeam. 10.10pm: St Vincent abeam 4½‘. 11.00pm: St Vincent N5ºE. 12 midnight St Vincent N25ºW. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c77: ( 31 August 1914 At sea Lat 36.2, Long -9.3 9.15am: Closed a steamer & turned round. 11.55am: Sighted transport on starboard bow. 7.12pm: Cadiz Light N32ºE. 7.38pm: a/c S40ºE. 7.47pm: Trafalgar Light S77ºE.
LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1914 4caf838ecadfd34197000c78: ( 1 September 1914 At sea and at Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 00.25am: Observed Sparkl Light: S9ºW. 7.36am: Course as requisite for entering harbour. 8.00am: Secured to coaling wharf. 9.30am: Commenced coaling. 12.50pm: Finished coaling. Took in 361 tons. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c79: ( 2 September 1914 Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 11.15am: Cast off from coaling jetty. 12 noon Made fast to No 6 buoy. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c7a: ( 3 September 1914 Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 12 noon Sent 2 ratings to Sick Bay. 4.15pm: Quarters. Read Warrants No 2, 3, 4, 5. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c7b: ( 4 September 1914 Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 9.10am: Divisions, prayers. Exercised ship’s company at salutes and rifle exercise. 7.30pm: Discharged 1 stoker rating to hospital. 9.45pm: Commenced coaling. 10.00pm: Admiral left ship. 10.40pm: Discharged 1 rating to Cormorant for detention. 11.30pm: Admiral’s staff left ship. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c7c: ( 5 September 1914 Gibraltar and at Sea Lat 35.2, Long -7.0 Number on sick list: 14 1.00am: Finished coaling. 1.30am: Slipped. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 3.36am: Tenerife light abeam. 6.00am: Alter course to WSW. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c7d: ( 6 September 1914 At sea, Gibraltar to St Vincent Lat 32.5, Long -10.7 Number on sick list: 14 7.35pm: Sighted steamer to westward steering NE. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c7e: ( 7 September 1914 At sea, Gibraltar to St Vincent Lat 29.2, Long -13.5 8.20am: Sighted Allegranza Island: on port bow. 10.19am: Allegranza light about 8½ miles distant 4caf838ecadfd34197000c7f: ( 8 September 1914 At sea, Gibraltar to St Vincent Lat 26.0, Long -16.6 2.15am: Sighted Carnarvon. 11.30am: Passed Empress of Britain. 1.38pm: Passed SS Gristola. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c80: ( 9 September 1914 At sea, Gibraltar to St Vincent Lat 22.5, Long -19.5 4caf838ecadfd34197000c81: ( 10 September 1914 At sea, Gibraltar to St Vincent Lat 19.4, Long -22.6 4caf838ecadfd34197000c82: ( 11 September 1914 St Vincent (Cape Verde Islands) Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 5.50am: Sighted SS Marmora. 6.25am: Sighted Antonio Island. 7.29am: Bull Rock Light house abeam 4¾ miles distant. 8.54am: Let go starboard anchor. 11.20am: Started coaling from lighters. 10.30pm: Finished coaling. Took in 650 tons. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c83: ( 12 September 1914 St Vincent and at sea Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 Number on sick list: 18 9.15am: Weighed. 9.17am: Proceeded. NW 10 knots. 10.20am: Passed SS Norminore(?). 10.47am: Machudo Lt House abeam. 2.13pm: Observed Raza Island S70E. Editor’s note: From mid-September to mid-October, HMS Albion was occupied patrolling in the vicinity of the Cape Verde Islands, approximately 400 miles west of Dakar, Africa. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c84: ( 13 September 1914 Sal Island to St Iago Island, Cape Verde Islands Lat 16.59, Long -22.9 5.30am: Observed Sal Island ahead by east. 8.20am: Stopped. Communicated with sailing vessel Elginshire. 9.20am: Proceeded. 10.24am: Let go starboard anchor. Communicated with Port St Maria. 11.50am: Weighed. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c85: ( 14 September 1914 At sea and at St Iago Island Lat 14.9, Long -23.5 Number on sick list: 24 5.20am: Sighted land ahead and on starboard bow. 7.27am: a/c to that requisite for entering harbour. 7.38am: Let go starboard anchor. 2.24pm: Weighed. 2.36pm: Proceeded. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c86: ( 15 September 1914 At sea and at St Nicholas Lat 16.65, Long -24.28 Number on sick list: 21 5.00am: Sighted land on port bow. 3.40pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 12 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. 5.02pm: Weighed. 5.04pm: Proceeded from Porto Grande. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c87: ( 16 September 1914 At sea Lat 16.4, Long -25.3 Number on sick list: 16 5.50am: Spoke SS Usworth of London. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c88: ( 17 September 1914 At sea, St Vincent to Sal Island Lat 16.5, Long -24.9 4.45am: Sighted C. Mechado Lt ahead. 5.15am: Sighted land on both bows. 5.06pm: a/c ENE to close sailing vessel. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c89: ( 18 September 1914 At sea, St Vincent to Sal Island Lat 16.3, Long -23.4 4.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing schooner. 5.00pm: Communicated with Elector of New Bedford. 11.00pm: St Vincent light N9ºW. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c8a: ( 19 September 1914 At sea and at St Vincent Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 12.35am: St Vincent Light abeam. 5.09am: Machado lt abeam 1¾ miles distant. 6.01am: Passaro light house abeam. 6.12am: Anchored with port anchor, cable veered to 6 shackles in 12 fathoms of water. 10.20am: Coal lighters came alongside. 10.30am: Commenced coaling. 5.55pm: Finished coaling. Took in 510 tons. 6.43pm: Weighed. 6.55pm: Proceeded. 8.40pm: Bull Rock light abeam 4 miles. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c8b: ( 20 September 1914 At Sea Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 7.11am: Sighted steamer on port bow. 7.15am: Sighted steamer on starboard. 8.00am: Communicated with SS Lango bound for St Vincent. 10.20am: Sighted two war ships bearing NW by W. 11.15am: Sounded off action. 11.25am: Ships hoisted Portuguese colours. 2.43pm: Porto do Sol abeam 3 miles distant. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c8c: ( 21 September 1914 At sea Lat 17.2, Long -25.3 7.55am: Sighted steamer on starboard quarter. 8.20am: Stopped both engines. 8.50am: Communicated with SS Poplar Branch. 9.33am: Proceeded 6 knots. 5.00pm: Read Warrants Nos 7 & 8. 7.28pm: Bull Rock distant abeam 8½ miles. 7.30pm: Sighted SS Baron Polworth. 7.45pm: Sighted SS Magellan. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c8d: ( 22 September 1914 At sea Lat 16.7, Long -23.1 Number on sick list: 20 10.45am: Sighted land on port bow. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c8e: ( 23 September 1914 At sea and at St Vincent Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 5.45am: Sighted HMS Carnarvon ahead. 6.45am: Proceeded 8 knots. Took astern of Carnarvon. 7.31am: Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms. 8.00am: 6 marines and one corporal taking passage also one cot case from Carnarvon. 2.00pm: Discharged Dr Pickles R.N.R and 2 ratings to H.M.S. Carnarvon. 2.30pm: Discharged 6 privates and one corporal R.M.L.I. to HMS Marmora. 3.30pm: Marmora proceeded to sea. 6.15pm: Weighed. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c8f: ( 24 September 1914 At sea Lat 16.7, Long -25.7 Number on sick list: 23 4.00am: Sighted land on port bow. 12.30pm: a/c S57ºW to close barque on port bow. 1.07pm: a/c S49ºW. Norwegian sailing vessel Dione of Christiania. 3.25pm: Gave vessel permission to proceed. 11.25pm: St Vincent Light east. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c90: ( 25 September 1914 At sea and at St Vincent Lat 16.9, Long -25.5 4.45am: Observed land on port bow and right ahead (St Vincent Is). 10.02am: Course and speed as requisite for coming to anchor. 11.30am: Weighed. 11.33am: Course as requisite for leaving harbour. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c91: ( 26 September 1914 At sea Lat 16.9, Long -25.5 Number on sick list: 26 5.26am: a/c to SEbyE to inspect sail on port bow. 6.35am: a/c S60oE Norwegian barque Maletta sailing SSW. 5.00pm: Quarters. Read Warrant No 9. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c92: ( 27 September 1914 At sea and at St Vincent Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 Number on sick list: 20 6.13am: Came to with starboard anchor in 12 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. 8.40am: Started coaling. 12 noon Finished coaling (received 382 tons). 6.32pm: Slow ahead both. 7.05pm: Called up Portuguese SS Malange. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c93: ( 28 September 1914 At sea Lat 16.6, Long -23.1 Number on sick list: 18 9.05am: Sighted Lion Rock S71ºE. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c94: ( 29 September 1914 At sea and at Porte Praya (St Iago Island) Lat 14.9, Long -23.5 Number on sick list: 16 11.39am: Let go starboard anchor in 12 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. 3.59pm: Weighed. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c95: ( 30 September 1914 At sea Lat 16.4, Long -24.9 Number on sick list: 16 6.30pm: Signalled S.S. Middlesborough.
LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1914 4caf838ecadfd34197000c96: ( 1 October 1914 At sea Lat 17.3, Long -24.7 Number on sick list: 15 4.30am: Observed Bull Rock Lt S61oW. 7.35pm: Helm jammed. 8.01pm: Stopped. 10.12pm: Proceeded. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c97: ( 2 October 1914 At sea Lat 17.3, Long -24.7 5.45am: Sighted Empress of Britain bearing S65ºW. 7.00am: Bull Rock Lt abeam 5’. 11.00am: Stopped engines. 4.08pm: Slow ahead, course East to close SS Bagdale. 4.28pm: Stopped. 7.12pm: Proceeded at 36 revs to close steamer. 7.30pm: Stopped. 8.35pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing SS Tapton. 9.11pm: Stopped. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c98: ( 3 October 1914 At sea and at St Vincent Lat 17.3, Long -24.7 12.30am: Engines worked slowly every ½ hour to keep head S59ºE. 5.30am: a/c as requisite for anchoring. 6.00am: Came to with starboard anchor in 12 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. 8.20am: Lieut Commander MacBarnet R.N.R joined. 54 Boys joined ship, 2 stokers and 1 chief stoker. 40 ABs discharged to Edinburgh Castle. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c99: ( 4 October 1914 St Vincent and at sea Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 5.57am: Weighed. 3.15pm: Sighted SS We? 4caf838ecadfd34197000c9a: ( 5 October 1914 At sea, no location provided, but probably near St Vincent Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 7.50am: Let go starboard anchor in 50 fathoms of water, veered to 10 shackles. 9.00am: Guncrews firing .303 at towing target and as requisite. 1.20pm: Shortened in – weighed. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c9b: ( 6 October 1914 At sea and at St Vincent Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 Number on sick list: 17 10.30am: Proceeded into harbour 10 knots. 10.55am: Came to with starboard anchor in 11 fathoms. Veered to 4 shackles. 6.30pm: Collier Withensea anchored. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c9c: ( 7 October 1914 Tarrafal Bay Lat 15.3, Long -23.7 Number on sick list: 20 6.00am: Collier came alongside. Hands employed coaling ship. 7.00am: Commenced coaling. 6.45pm: Completed with coal 900 tons. 7.45pm: Collier left ship. 9.50pm: Anchor aweigh. 12 midnight Stopped engines. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c9d: ( 8 October 1914 At sea Lat 16.7, Long -25.0 Number on sick list: 23 1.30am: Ship stopped. Moved engines every half hour. General direction of ship’s head NW. 5.30am: Sighted Carnarvon to southeastward. 5.45am: Sighted Empress of Britain to westward. 10.39am: Pt Machado Lt abeam. 11.40am: Stopped. Cleared away broken part of net shelf. 12.35pm: Proceeded SE. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c9e: ( 9 October 1914 At sea Lat 16.2, Long -23.3 Number on sick list: 24 12.31pm: Schooner sighted sailing SE. 1.28pm: Stopped. 1.33pm: Boarded schooner. 1.36pm: Proceeded slow. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c9f: ( 10 October 1914 At sea Lat 16.8, Long -25.8 Number on sick list: 21 7.00am: Machado Pt abeam. 8.45am: Signalled HMS Empress of Britain. 12 noon Sighted steamer. 1.00pm: Empress of Britain proceeded to intercept steamer. 2.30pm: Sighted steamer. 2.45pm: Distinguished to be Highland Pride. 5.30pm: Moving engines every ½ hour. 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca0: ( 11 October 1914 At sea Lat 16.5, Long -26.2 Number on sick list: 21 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca1: ( 12 October 1914 At sea Lat 16.8, Long -25.3 Number on sick list: 23 12.13pm: Sighted steamer SS Clivegrove bound for St Vincent. 12.50pm: Stopped and boarded her. 1.45pm: Gave her permission to proceed. 2.15pm: Sighted 2 steamers off St Vincent. 3.09pm: Stop. Signalled Admiralty collier 339. 3.29pm: Boarded SS Sidmouth. 3.50pm: Permitted Sidmouth to proceed. 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca2: ( 13 October 1914 At sea and at St Vincent Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 Number on sick list: 30 5.14am: Machada Light abeam. 6.06am: Came to in 10 fathoms with port anchor, veered to 6 shackles. 10.30am: Collier came alongside. 11.10am: Started coaling from collier. 1.40pm: Discharged 1 marine to hospital. 6.15pm: Finished coaling. 7.05pm: Collier cast off. Took in 486 tons. 9.06pm: Anchor aweigh. Slow ahead. 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca3: ( 14 October 1914 St Vincent Is and passage to Ascension Island Lat 16.0, Long -24.7 Number on sick list: 32 5.16am: Paosaro Lt abeam. Sighted Carnarvon to southwestward. 3.00pm: Sighted Fogo Is peak bearing South. 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca4: ( 15 October 1914 At sea, St Vincent (Cape Verdes Is) to Ascension Is Lat 12.3, Long -23.1 5.04pm: Dropped both lifebuoys and picked them up. 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca5: ( 16 October 1914 At sea, St Vincent (Cape Verdes Is) to Ascension Is Lat 9.0, Long -21.6 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca6: ( 17 October 1914 At sea, St Vincent (Cape Verdes Is) to Ascension Is Lat 5.2, Long -19.7 5.45pm: Neptune came aboard. 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca7: ( 18 October 1914 At sea, St Vincent (Cape Verdes Is) to Ascension Is Lat 2.1, Long -17.9 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca8: ( 19 October 1914 At sea, St Vincent (Cape Verdes Is) to Ascension Is Lat -1.1, Long -16.2 6.55pm: Sighted light 2 pts abaft starboard beam (SS Kiora). 8.03pm: Increased to 72 revs. Log carried away by Kiora. 9.40pm: Log replaced. 4caf838ecadfd34197000ca9: ( 20 October 1914 At sea, St Vincent (Cape Verdes Is) to Ascension Is Lat -4.6, Long -15.1 2.00am: Log running inaccurately. Hauled in seems nothing visibly wrong. 4.46pm: Log hauled in. 4caf838ecadfd34197000caa: ( 21 October 1914 At sea and at Ascension Is Lat -8.0, Long -14.4 Number on sick list: 23 6.05am: Made land, bearing south. 9.08am: Let go starboard anchor in 10½ fathoms of water. 9.15am: Landed one cot case for hospital. 12.47pm: Anchor aweigh. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cab: ( 22 October 1914 At sea, Ascension Is to St Helena Is Lat -10.7, Long -11.6 Number on sick list: 20 11.30pm: Exercised searchlights. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cac: ( 23 October 1914 At sea, Ascension Is to St Helena Is Lat -13.6, Long -8.5 Number on sick list: 22 4caf838ecadfd34197000cad: ( 24 October 1914 At sea and at St Helena Is Lat -15.9, Long -5.7 Number on sick list: 20 5.20am: Sighted St Helena Is S18ºE. 6.20am: Sighted 2 small steamers bearing S38ºE & S46ºE. 8.16am: Let go starboard anchor in 20 fathoms. 8.45am: Collier came alongside. 9.25am: Started coaling. 10.20pm: Finished coaling. Took in 1049 tons. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cae: ( 25 October 1914 St Helena and at sea Lat -15.9, Long -5.7 11.17am: Shortened in – up anchor. 4caf838ecadfd34197000caf: ( 26 October 1914 At sea, St Helena Is to Walfisch Bay Lat -17.1, Long -2.1 5.00pm: Read Warrants Nos 11 & 12. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb0: ( 27 October 1914 At sea, St Helena Is to Walfisch Bay Lat -18.3, Long 1.3 Number on sick list: 19 2.30am: Exercised searchlights. 11.00pm: Exercised searchlights. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb1: ( 28 October 1914 At sea, St Helena Is to Walfisch Bay Lat -19.5, Long 4.9 Number on sick list: 18 11.00pm: Rolling to considerable southerly swell. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb2: ( 29 October 1914 At sea, St Helena Is to Walfisch Bay Lat -20.6, Long 8.9 Number on sick list: 15 5.30am: Rolling to considerable southerly swell. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb3: ( 30 October 1914 At sea, St Helena Is to Walfisch Bay Lat -22.0, Long 11.5 Number on sick list: 15 2.30am: Rolling to southerly swell. 5.30am: Sighted steamer bearing south. 7.35am: Course & speed as requisite for closing and speaking steamer. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb4: ( 31 October 1914 At sea and at Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Editor’s note: Walfisch Bay, (German South-West Africa in 1914, now Namibia) is also known as Walvis Bay. 10.00am: Sighted 2 merchant cruisers (Kinfauns Castle & Armadale Castle). 11.22am: Came to with starboard anchor in 6½ fathoms. 12.30pm: Sent Mr Cubitt, signal boatswain to Armadale Castle for hospital.
LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1914 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb5: ( 1 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 14 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb6: ( 2 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 16 9.00am: Tender with escort left for Walfisch settlement. 11.00am: Tender with escort left pier Walfisch settlement. 11.25am: Tender alongside. 11.30am:– 7.14pm: Albion moved anchorage twice. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb7: ( 3 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 17 4.00pm: Rated 8 cadets midshipmen with seniority 3rd November 1914. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb8: ( 4 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay and at sea exercising Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 15 10.40am: Shortened in – weighed. 11.27am: Stopped. Dropped target. 2.45pm: Course as requisite for firing at standing target. 5.15pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cb9: ( 5 November 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 13 9.00am: Landed at 9 am: 1 Lieutenant, 2 midshipmen, 1 ? steward, 1 surgeon, 1 sergt, 1 corporal, 11 privates. 1.27pm: Landing parties returned. 8.30pm: One rum cask expended. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cba: ( 6 November 1914 Walfisch Bay and at Swakopmund Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 16 10.05am: Weighed. 10.50am: Course as requisite for firing at standing target. 12.30pm: Headed for Swakopmund. 2.48pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cbb: ( 7 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 18 2.30pm: Lost by accident 1 paint brush. 4.55pm: 1st and 2nd cutters broke adrift. Despatched steam launch to take them in tow. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cbc: ( 8 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 4caf838ecadfd34197000cbd: ( 9 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 15 10.00am: Weighed. 11.15am: Stopped both. Dropped target. 11.29am: Course as requisite for firing at target. 3.45pm: Let go starboard anchor in 6 fathoms. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cbe: ( 10 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 4caf838ecadfd34197000cbf: ( 11 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 13 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc0: ( 12 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 14 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc1: ( 13 November 1914 At Walfisch Bay and at sea Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 7.30am: Sighted SS Clan Stuart. 8.30am: Collier fast alongside. 10.00am: Commenced coaling. 3.10pm: Finished coaling. Received 500 tons. 3.50pm: Clan Stuart left. 4.08pm: Weighed. 10.00pm: Shipping heavy water at timeS FORward. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc2: ( 14 November 1914 At sea, Walfisch Bay to Simonstown Lat -26.6, Long 14.6 12 noon Shipping occasional water forward. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc3: ( 15 November 1914 At sea, Walfisch Bay to Simonstown Lat -31.2, Long 16.4 Number on sick list: 13 9.01am: Sighted Armadale Castle. 8.25pm: Sighted steamer on port bow. Signalled, found she was Walmer castle. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc4: ( 16 November 1914 At sea and at Simonstown Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 15 7.25am: Stop both. Moored to No 1 buoy. 7.25am: Sub Ensor RNR and another sick man left for hospital. 10.00am: Collier came alongside. 11.00am: Collier came alongside 2nd time. 11.15am: Commenced coaling. 11.55am: Magistrate left ship. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc5: ( 17 November 1914 Simonstown Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 17 2.10am: Finished coaling. Gunners party drawing stores and ammunition. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc6: ( 18 November 1914 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 16 8.40am: Marines landed. 9.30am: Prepared for immediate action. 4.00pm: Hoisted out launch. Marines landing party returned. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc7: ( 19 November 1914 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 16 7.35am: HMS Dartmouth arrived and anchored. 9.30am: Admiral’s inspection. 1.45pm: Tank vessel left. 2.45pm: Commander of HMS Hyacinth came aboard. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc8: ( 20 November 1914 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 17 4caf838ecadfd34197000cc9: ( 21 November 1914 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 20 1.36am: Clan Stuart dragged anchor and went aground. 4caf838ecadfd34197000cca: ( 22 November 1914 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 20 4caf838ecadfd34197000ccb: ( 23 November 1914 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 17 10.00am: Discharged one AB to hospital. 4caf838ecadfd34197000ccc: ( 24 November 1914 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 16 4caf838ecadfd34197000ccd: ( 25 November 1914 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 17 9.10am: Party on SS B. (Baron) Ardrossan drawing ammunition. Diving for CO2 cylinder. 9.30am: Dartmouth came out of dock. 10.45am: Hyacinth came out of channel ? and proceeded to target practice. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cce: ( 26 November 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 17 5.00pm: Two prisoners released from cells. 5.05pm: HMS Armadale Castle anchored. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ccf: ( 27 November 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 17 5.00am: HMS Weymouth shifted berth. 5.15am: SS Baron Ardrossan shifted berth. 5.15pm: Quarters. Read Warrant No17. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd0: ( 28 November 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay and at sea on exercises Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 17 6.45am: Target party to Afrikander. Sent stokers bricking layers to HMS Minotaur. 9.15am: Course and speed as requisite for firing ? 12 pdr 8 cwt and 6” 3 pdr sub-calibre at target towed by Afrikander. 1.25pm: Firing 6” service at target. Port side only. 4.00pm: Swing ship for deviation. 6.15pm: Moored to No 1 buoy. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd1: ( 29 November 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 23 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd2: ( 30 November 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 21 3.00am: HMS Dartmouth weighed and proceeded to sea. 6.02am: Slipped. 7.00am: Course and speed as requisite for firing 12” full charge and 6” service starboard side at towing target. 8.30am: Course and speed as requisite for firing 6” service port side at target. 10.02am: Moored to No 1 buoy. 11.40am: Collier came alongside. 1 leading seaman discharged to hospital. 1.00pm: Commenced coaling. 4.05pm: Finished coaling. Received 310 tons. GGG LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1914 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd3: ( 1 December 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 21 7.10pm: C in C transferred flag from H.M.S Hyacinth to H.M.S Minotaur. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd4: ( 2 December 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 18 5.30am: C in C transferred flag from HMS Minotaur to HMS Hyacinth. 10.20am: Discharged 1 rating to hospital. 7.10pm: C in C transferred flag from HMS Hyacinth to Minotaur. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd5: ( 3 December 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 14 1.15am: HMS Minotaur proceeded to sea. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd6: ( 4 December 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 12 5.40pm: HMS Weymouth returned. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd7: ( 5 December 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 13 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd8: ( 6 December 1914 No 1 buoy, Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 12 9.45am: Landed Church Parties (108) and Sub Lieut. Lowther. 5.15pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cd9: ( 7 December 1914 Simons Bay and at sea to Table Bay Lat -33.9, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 19 6.00am: Commenced coaling. 8.40am: Finished coaling. 11.03am: Slipped, proceeded 10 knots in company. Ships in company: Minotaur, Weymouth, Astrea, Hyacinth. 5.45pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cda: ( 8 December 1914 Table Bay and at sea Lat -33.9, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 15 1.28am: Weighed. 8.30am: Moving engines at intervals to keep station. 9.00am: As requisite for taking up station astern of Minotaur. 4.03pm: HMS Defence sighted on port bow. 4.18pm: Reduced to 36 revs to permit of Defence taking station astern of Minotaur. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cdb: ( 9 December 1914 At sea, Table Bay to Luderitz Bay Lat -30.1, Long 16.2 Number on sick list: 16 3.30am: Considerable westerly swell. 11.30am: Rolling to easterly swell. 3.30pm: Southwesterly swell. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cdc: ( 10 December 1914 At sea and at Luderitz bay Lat -26.5, Long 15.0 Number on sick list: 17 7.00am: Moderate easterly swell. 2.54pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 9 fms veered to 4 shackles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cdd: ( 11 December 1914 At Luderitz Bay Lat -26.5, Long 15.0 Number on sick list: 16 9.00am: Ship slewing to port. 4.50pm: Received 4 prisoners from HMS Defence for passage to prison. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cde: ( 12 December 1914 Luderitz Bay and at sea Lat -26.5, Long 15.0 Number on sick list: 19 4.45am: Discharged 4 prisoners to Hyacinth for passage to Simons Town Prison. 7.00am: Collier came alongside. 8.20am: Commenced coaling. 12:10pm: Finished coaling. 3.27pm: Anchor aweigh. 6:15pm: Ichabo beacon N84ºW 23 miles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cdf: ( 13 December 1914 At sea and at Walfisch Bay Lat -23.3, Long 14.1 Number on sick list: 20 3.00am: Sea strongly phosphorescent. Southwesterly swell. 12:20pm: Entered tropics. 7.14pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce0: ( 14 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 18 4.55am: Anchor aweigh. 10.22am: Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles. 1:35pm: Armed party came aboard 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce1: ( 15 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 20 1.40pm: Sighted Armadale Castle approaching Walfisch Bay bearing SW by W. 2.30pm: Armadale Castle anchored. Captain repaired on board. O.O. guard invited Armadale Castle. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce2: ( 16 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 18 7.30am: Armadale Castle weighed and proceeded. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce3: ( 17 December 1914 Walfisch bay and at sea exercising Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 18 9.58am: Weighed. 10.50am: Course as requisite for firing at target. 12 pdr and 6” sub-calibre port side only. 1.39pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce4: ( 18 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 12 10.00am: Fired a 6” practice over heads of supposed looters going to whaling station. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce5: ( 19 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 9.15am: Steam pinnace, launch and gig left ship in charge of Lieut Hampshire and party. 9.30pm: Shove boat arrived alongside. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce6: ( 20 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 11 6.00am: Sighted collier. 9.30am: Captain’s routine and divisions. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce7: ( 21 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 12 1.29pm: Weighed. 4.25pm: Course as requisite for swinging ship for deviation. 6.53pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce8: ( 22 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 15 7.48am: Collier Lamora made fast alongside. 2.30pm: Finished coaling. Took in 650 tons. 4.45pm: Sighted and challenged Armadale Castle. 5.48pm: Armadale Castle arrived and anchored. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ce9: ( 23 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 17 4caf838fcadfd34197000cea: ( 24 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 16 5.00am: At daybreak fired ~ (shrapnel) in launch at enemy who retreated. 11.30am: 6 tugs, 9 lighters & Hospital ship Ebani arrived. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ceb: ( 25 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 17 5.00am: At daybreak fired 3 pdr (steel shell) from sailing pinnace at enemy reconnoitring party who retreated. 6.30am: Tug Eland arrived alongside. 9.30am: HMS Hyacinth arrived with transports Galway Castle & Gailna. 12.30pm: HMS Astraea arrived with Transports Dan of Glames(?), Monarch, Kufidji & Glenarchy. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cec: ( 26 December 1914 Walfisch Bay Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 17 2.10pm: Hyacinth proceeded out of harbour. 4caf838fcadfd34197000ced: ( 27 December 1914 Walfisch Bay and at sea Lat -22.9, Long 14.5 Number on sick list: 16 9.00am: HMS Astraea and Armadale Castle weighed and proceeded at 11 knots. 11.00am: Captain, Major Darley, Lieut Comdr Gibson left ship. 2.05pm: Afrikander weighed to shift billet near SS Gaiha. 4.20pm: Weighed. 6.50pm: Swakopmund S77ºE. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cee: ( 28 December 1914 At sea off Swakopmund and Walfisch bay Lat -23.2, Long 14.2 Number on sick list: 16 8.00am: Course as requisite for entering harbour. 8.35am: Came to with starboard anchor. 11:25am: Collier Lamora alongside. 12.30pm: Commenced coaling. 3.25pm: Finished coaling. Received 360 tons. 11.00pm: HMS Astraea & Armadale Castle. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cef: ( 29 December 1914 Walfisch Bay and at sea Lat -23.2, Long 14.2 Number on sick list: 17 9.08am: Weighed. 9.45am: Pelican beacon abeam, 2.7 m. 6.00pm: a/c S13ºW Sighted 3 masted sail bearing southeasterly. Sail reported by Armadale Castle by W/T to be carrying rails to Walfisch. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf0: ( 30 December 1914 At sea, Walfisch Bay to Simons Bay Lat -27.4, Long 15.2 Number on sick list: 14 10.30am: Black Pt abeam 12½‘. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf1: ( 31 December 1914 At sea, Walfisch Bay to Simons Bay Lat -31.2, Long 16.4 Number on sick list: 17 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1915 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf2: ( 1 January 1915 At sea and at Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 17 12 midnight 16 bells. Editor’s note: Midnight 31 December / 1 January is marked by the striking of 16 bells – 8 for the old year and 8 for the new. The youngest officer on board has the privilege of doing this. 7.34am: Sighted Table Mountain bearing S73ºE. 1.00pm: Moored to No 6 buoy. 3.20pm: Collier came alongside. 5.00pm: Started coaling. 10.15pm: Finished coaling 520 tons. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf3: ( 2 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 18 8.00am: Discharge 2 ratings to hospital. ? Carpenter’s Mate Hayals. AB, RFR, 1 corporal of marines RMLI, 1 9.30pm: Steam pinnace left ship. 11.30pm: Returned with 5 absentees. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf4: ( 3 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 13 6.30am: Lost overboard 1 calvi(?) hair fender. 1.30pm: Liberty men fell in. 2 steam whalers arrived Sturnavorged & Seadler. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf5: ( 4 January 1915 Simons Town Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 13 2.00am: "X" magazines visited every hour. 7.45am: HMS Goliath came out of dock. 9.00am: Ship went into dry dock in Simons Town. Hands docking ship. Temp of magazines taken every ½ hour. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf6: ( 5 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 15 1.00pm: Discharged to Goliath: 1 Chief Stoker, 1 Stoker P.O, 1 AB RNR, 1 Shipwright. Received from Hospital, 1 Chief Stoker, 1 Stoker PO, 1 AB and 1 Shipwright. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf7: ( 6 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 15 4.15pm: Stretcher party sent to bathing pool east yard. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf8: ( 7 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 16 4.30am: Landed Marine reserve for course in musketry. 4.35pm: Marines returned. Read warrants 23 & 50. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cf9: ( 8 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 14 7.15am: Marine musketry party went ashore. 8.00am: Hyacinth came into basin. 9.30am: Discharged 1 patient to hospital. 1.00pm: Armadale Castle arrived. 4.40pm: RM musketry party returned. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cfa: ( 9 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 13 5.00pm: Read warrant No. 24. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cfb: ( 10 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 8 5.30am: Landed party of marines and bluejacketS FOR ammunition. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cfc: ( 11 January 1915 Simons Bay Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 8 1.50am: Flag ship left basin. 10.50am: 1 gunner RMLI discharged to hospital. 2.00pm: Hands emp. getting ready for going out of dock. 3.55pm: Commenced flooding dock. 6.45pm: Ship came out of dock and made fast to jetty. 9.00pm: Watch hoisted in oil. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cfd: ( 12 January 1915 Simons Bay and at sea Lat -34.18, Long 18.44 Number on sick list: 11 7.20am: Left jetty. 8.24am: Moored to No 6 buoy. 10.30am: Received 2 invalids, 1 man taking passage. 12.10pm: Ammunition lighter came alongside. 1.40pm: Lieutenant W A Usher came onboard. 5.20pm: 3 bags and hammocks belonging to absentees discharged to dockyard. 5.30pm: 2 absentees: returned. 7.07pm: Slipped. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cfe: ( 13 January 1915 At sea, Simons Bay to St Helena Is Lat -32.4, Long 15.6 Number on sick list: 12 12.10am: Robben Is Lt: bore N81ºE. 3.30am: Cape Town Fort searchlight bore S49ºE. 5.00pm: Sighted steamer on starboard bow. 4caf838fcadfd34197000cff: ( 14 January 1915 At sea, Simons Bay to St Helena Is Lat -29.4, Long 10.8 Number on sick list: 9 5.00am: Sighted steamer port quarter steaming SSE. 11.30am: Ship rolling, heavily at times, to considerable southerly swell. 12 midnight Ship rolling to considerable southerly swell. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d00: ( 15 January 1915 At sea, Simons Bay to St Helena Is Lat -25.9, Long 6.4 Number on sick list: 9 4caf838fcadfd34197000d01: ( 16 January 1915 At sea, Simons Bay to St Helena Is Lat -22.6, Long 2.1 Number on sick list: 11 6.00am: Ship entered tropics. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d02: ( 17 January 1915 Lat -19.1, Long -1.9 Number on sick list: 10 10.00am: Held Divine service. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d03: ( 18 January 1915 At sea and at St Helena Lat -15.9, Long -5.7 6.30am: Sighted St Helena N25ºW. 10.13am: Came to with starboard anchor. 10.20am: Officer of guard came onboard. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d04: ( 19 January 1915 St Helena Lat -15.9, Long -5.7 Number on sick list: 19 5.30am: Collier Daglestan came alongside. 6.20am: Commenced coaling. 1.40pm: Discharged 6 marines & 1 sergt at St Helena. 2.15pm: 6 marines & 1 sergt joined ship from St Helena. 6.30pm: Finished coaling. Took in 916 tons. 7.04pm: Collier shoved off. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d05: ( 20 January 1915 At St Helena and at sea Lat -15.1, Long -6.3 Number on sick list: 23 7.00am: Weighed. 7.00pm: No navigation lights used. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d06: ( 21 January 1915 At sea, St Helena Is to St Vincent Is Lat -11.0, Long -8.7 Number on sick list: 15 4caf838fcadfd34197000d07: ( 22 January 1915 Log is mis-dated as 21 January. At sea, St Helena Is to St Vincent Is Lat -6.9, Long -11.1 Number on sick list: 12 7.00am: Cornwall took station on starboard beam 3½‘. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d08: ( 23 January 1915 At sea, St Helena Is to St Vincent Is Lat -2.8, Long -13.5 Number on sick list: 16 2.30pm: Heavy rain squall. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d09: ( 24 January 1915 At sea, St Helena Is to St Vincent Is Lat 1.4, Long -16.3 Number on sick list: 17 4.15am: Passed equator. 3.00pm: Heavy rain throughout the watch. 5.00pm: Drizzling rain throughout watch. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d0a: ( 25 January 1915 At sea, St Helena Is to St Vincent Is Lat 5.6, Long -18.4 Number on sick list: 15 5.00am: Stella observations unobtainable. Cornwall took station starboard beam. Increasing northerly swell. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d0b: ( 26 January 1915 At sea, St Helena Is to St Vincent Is Lat 9.5, Long -20.9 Number on sick list: 17 7.00am: Cornwall took station 3½ miles on starboard beam. 1.00pm: HMS Cornwall proceeded ahead at increased speed. 10.00pm: Exercised searchlights. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d0c: ( 27 January 1915 At sea, St Helena Is to St Vincent Is Lat 13.4, Long -23.4 Number on sick list: 9 5.30pm: Sighted land bearing N21ºW. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d0d: ( 28 January 1915 At sea and at St Vincent Is Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 Number on sick list: 9 9.32am: Came to with starboard anchor. 11.15am: Collier Tremarsh came alongside. 1.45pm: Commenced coaling. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d0e: ( 29 January 1915 St Vincent and at sea Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 Number on sick list: 10 12.35am: Finished coaling. 1.25am: Collier shoved off. 12.35pm: Lost by accident 29 coal bags. Steps taken to recover same ? 5.56pm: Weighed. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d0f: ( 30 January 1915 At sea, St Vincent Is to Gibraltar Lat 19.5, Long -22.9 Number on sick list: 9 4caf838fcadfd34197000d10: ( 31 January 1915 At sea, St Vincent Is to Gibraltar Lat 22.8, Long -20.0 Number on sick list: 9
LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1915 4caf838fcadfd34197000d11: ( 1 February 1915 At sea, St Vincent Is to Gibraltar Lat 25.9, Long -16.9 Number on sick list: 9 3.15am: Leonard G Ellis Boy 1st class O. N. Chatham J 27376 departed this life. Death due to heart failure following cellulitis of neck. 3.30am: Ship rolling to considerable NE swell. 4.35pm: Stop both. Held funeral service and committed body of Leonard G Ellis Boy 1st class to the deep. 5.40pm: Sighted steamer bearing NW’N. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d12: ( 2 February 1915 At sea, St Vincent Is to Gibraltar Lat 29.3, Long -13.6 Number on sick list: 5 7.15am: Passed Spanish steamer Nem? 7.26am: Passed Norwegian steamer Jettau. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d13: ( 3 February 1915 At sea, St Vincent Is to Gibraltar Lat 32.8, Long -10.3 Number on sick list: 8 2.22pm: Sighted target port bow. 5.00pm: Steamer Colby passed south. 6.15pm: Passed steamer steering WSW. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d14: ( 4 February 1915 At sea and at Gibraltar Lat 35.8, Long -6.0 7.05am: Sighted land starboard bow. 9.15am: Sighted steamer. 11.50am: Sighted steamers on starboard bow and port beam. 12.36pm: Cape Spartel abeam 3½ miles. 4.50pm: Made fast to jetty. 7.00pm: 2 stokers, 1 steward’s assistant joined ship from Cormorant. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d15: ( 5 February 1915 Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Number on sick list: 9 5.55pm: Finished coaling. Received 694 tons. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d16: ( 6 February 1915 Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Number on sick list: 7 8.15am: HMS Cordelia slipped and proceeded to sea. 9.00am: 5 marines joined ship from Cornwall. 10.00am: Cornwall proceeded to sea. Discharged 1 stoker to hospital. 1.00pm: HMS Cordelia made fast to buoy. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d17: ( 7 February 1915 Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Number on sick list: 8 4caf838fcadfd34197000d18: ( 8 February 1915 Gibraltar Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Number on sick list: 7 10.00am: Discharged to hospital 1 marine, 1 stoker. 11.00am: Lost overboard by accident 1 Paint Brush. 12.20pm: Discharged 9 ratings and Lieut. Usher to Grantilly Castle for passage home. 5.00pm: Read warrant No 33. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d19: ( 9 February 1915 Gibraltar and at sea Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Number on sick list: 10 7.30am: Caesar left harbour. 9.00am: Queen Elizabeth proceeded out of harbour. Landed patrol. Cordelia proceeded into dock. 1.30pm: 2 privates RM joined ship from Cormorant. 4.05pm: Let go. 7.45pm: Overtook SS Elna of Copenhagen. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d1a: ( 10 February 1915 At sea, Gibraltar to Malta Lat 36.6, Long -0.4 Number on sick list: 8 9.30am: Passed SS Llangiven (British) of Cardiff steering westerly. 11.00am: Passed transport (British) A35 steering westerly. 2.45pm: Passed transport (British) A31 steering westerly. 10.35pm: Passed SS Fishperch(?) steering ? 4caf838fcadfd34197000d1b: ( 11 February 1915 At sea, Gibraltar to Malta Lat 37.2, Long 4.8 Position based on Cape Sigli at 10.36am. Number on sick list: 7 10.36am: Cape Sigli abeam S10ºW, 16 miles. 2.08pm: a/c to avoid steamer (Brookly) 4caf838fcadfd34197000d1c: ( 12 February 1915 Gibraltar to Malta Lat 37.5, Long 10.1 Position based on Cani Rocks at 11.33am. Number on sick list: 7 11.33am: Cani Rocks abeam, distant6 ½ miles. 3.08pm: Cape Bon Lt abeam distant 8 miles. 8.15pm: Pantalaria Lt 4½ miles abeam. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d1d: ( 13 February 1915 At sea and at Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 9 3.00am: Ship pitching to considerable head sea. 12.30pm: Moored to 1 and 1A buoys. 2.00pm: Started coaling. Discharge 1 Lieut RNR and 1 C ERA to hospital & 1 AB to HMS Dartmouth. 4.50pm: Discharged 1 RMLI to HMS Blenheim. 6.00pm: Finished coaling. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d1e: ( 14 February 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 9 9.30am: P & O Malwa arrived and landed Governor General. 10.30am: French warship arrived. 1 RNR Lieut. Joined ship from Prince George. 4.00pm: 2 engine artificers taking passage for HMS Inflexible. 9.05pm: 1 Lieut, 9 midshipmen &1 clerk: joined ship from Prince George. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d1f: ( 15 February 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 7 4caf838fcadfd34197000d20: ( 16 February 1915 Malta and at sea Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 6 6.00am: 1 private RM for Admirals staff came onboard. 11.12am: Slipped. 11.30am: Passed two French warships and exchanged salutes. 1.40pm: Passed Japanese steamer Gieshun Maru. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d21: ( 17 February 1915 At sea, Malta to Skyros Lat 35.7, Long 25.5 Position based on sighting of Ovo Islan (north of Crete) at 5.44pm. 6.00am: Lightning around horizon. 7.00am: French transport Sonta passed ahead 1½ miles, steering SE ½ S. 8.15am: Passed Perseus of Liverpool. 5.44pm: Ovo Island abeam 2 miles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d22: ( 18 February 1915 At sea and at Skyros Lat 38.9, Long 24.6 Number on sick list: 6 5.55am: Amethyst made ? 9.06am: Came to with port anchor. 10.18am: Admiral and staff left ship. 10.30am: Collier came alongside (Laviston). 2.16pm: Laviston left ship. 3.30pm: 3 ABs discharged to minelayer N402. 5.02pm: Weighed. Amethyst in company. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d23: ( 19 February 1915 At sea, Skyros to Dardanelles Lat 40.2, Long 26.2 Editor’s note: This day marks the effective beginning of naval operations at Gallipoli and the Dardanelles. The campaign ended on 9 January 1916 when the last troops were evacuated. Number on sick list: 5 3.08am: Plaho Lt abeam 7’. 8.30am: Trawlers & Amethyst took station ahead. 9.20am: Proceeded towards Gaba Tepe as requisite Minesweepers clearing channel and dropping buoys. 9.44am: Sounded off action. 10.24am: Opened fire on supposed forts at Gaba Tepe. Fired 8 rounds 6 inch. Proceeded courses as requisite for mine sweepers to sweep space. 4.34pm: Proceeded with Amethyst and minesweepers. 5.27pm: Parted company. 5.54pm: Proceeded in company with Vengeance, Cornwallis and Triumph. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d24: ( 20 February 1915 At sea and at Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 7 2.10am: Parted company. 7.30am: Came to with starboard anchor. 11.45am: Collier came alongside. 1.15pm: Commenced coaling. 5.30pm: 3 French minesweepers arrived. 8.00pm: Finished coaling. 535 tons. 8.30pm: Collier left. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d25: ( 21 February 1915 Port Mudros and at sea Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 7 8.30am: French minesweepers proceeded to sea and returned 10.30. 11.00am: French hospital ship dropped anchor in outer harbour. 12.28pm: Weighed. 4.54pm: Stop both. 5.00pm: Working engines to keep head to wind. 6.00pm: Took station astern of Vengeance. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d26: ( 22 February 1915 At sea and at Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 9 9.57am: Came to with starboard anchor. 10.30am: Lost overboard by {carelessness? / accident!} one sponging out brush to 6” gun. 3.00pm: HMS Dublin arrived. 6.20pm: Weighed. 6.34pm: Took station astern of Vengeance. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d27: ( 23 February 1915 At sea, at Tenedos and Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 9 6.47am: Sighted 3 battleships bearing ESE. 9.42am: Came to with starboard anchor. 12.45pm: HMS Dublin sailed. 5.55pm: Weighed. 6.03pm: Proceeded 10 knots course NW in company Irresistible, Cornwallis, Triumph. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d28: ( 24 February 1915 At sea, at Tenedos and Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 12 6.32am: Sighted Vengeance. 6.45am: Course for taking station astern of Vengeance. 8.00am: 2nd Division took station astern of 1st Division. 11.32am: Came to with starboard anchor. 2.10pm: 2 ratings joined ship from minesweeper 102. 6.00pm: Weighed. Ships in company Cornwallis, Irresistible, Triumph. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d29: ( 25 February 1915 off the Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 11 7.19am: Took station astern of Vengeance. 9.20am: Prepared for action. 10.15am: Ships opened fire on forts at long range. 2.50pm: Proceeded to run into entrance.3.27 pm. Stopped. Opened fire on Nos 4 & 6 forts. 4.00pm: 2 mines exploded just clear of ship. 4.03pm: Shot falling round ship. 5.38pm: Ceased firing. 6.00pm: Dropped buoys. Minesweepers proceeded to sweep. Course and speed as requisite for covering them. 9.00pm: Stopped off entrance to Dardanelles. Engines as requisite for maintaining position. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d2a: ( 26 February 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 14 2–6.00am: Lying off entrance. 8.10am: Proceeded into entrance. 8.38am: Opened fire on De Totts battery. 8.50am: Y group opened fire on No 3 fort, range 5000. 8.53am: Checked fire. 8.56am: Y group reopened. 9.00am: Shots falling round ship. 9.03am: Cease fire. 11.10am: 2 ships sighted off Chanak. 11.20am: Followed minesweepers up channel. 11.45am: Stopped. 11.51am: Fired 12” shell at No 8 fort. 11.58am: Shots fell round ship. 12 noon Continued firing at No 8 fort. 12.30pm: Aeroplane came and reported fall of shot. 2.20pm: Captain of Jed came to report. 2.25pm: Ceased firing with 12” guns. 3.00pm: Sank ? in channel marking range. 3.35pm: Opened fire with 12” guns at No 8. 3.45pm: Opened fire with 6” guns at howitzers. Proceeded to turn ship to avoid shells. 4.50pm: Observed demolition parties landing abreast No 6 fort. Proceeded out of entrance. 8.05pm: came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d2b: ( 27 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 12 7.47pm: Weighed. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d2c: ( 28 February 1915 off Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 11 6.50pm: Stopped engines. Incessant rain. 11.15pm: Came to with starboard anchor. LOGS FOR MARCH 1915
4caf838fcadfd34197000d2d: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d49: ( 1 March 1915 Tenedos & at sea Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 10.03am: Weighed. 12 noon Arrived off entrance. 12.43pm: Stopped. 12.44pm: Opened fire. 2.12pm: Shots began falling over ship. 2.14pm: Opened fire at battery on port side & howitzers on starboard side, did 2 runs (8 knots) in company with Ocean & Triumph. 3.08pm: Stopped. Ceased firing. Supported Majestic firing howitzers. 4.55pm: Demolition party landed. 5.20pm: Proceeded towards Tenedos at 12 knots to WSW. 7.18pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 7.45pm: Sent steam pinnace & cutter with 5 wounded to hospital ship Soudan. 9.07pm: Boats returned. Hit badly on QD & fo'c'sle. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d2e: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d4a: ( 2 March 1915 Tenedos and at sea off Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.33am: Weighed. 8.39am: Stop both and came to with starboard anchor. 5.04pm: Weighed. 6.20pm: Course & speed as requisite. Arrived at rendezvous 4 miles west of Cape Helles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d2f: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d4b: ( 3 March 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 9.00am: Proceeded towards entrance in company with Triumph & Prince George. 9.48am: Entered Dardanelles. Courses and speeds as requisite Weather too bad for operations. 11.30am: Proceed towards entrance to cover minesweeping operations. 1.25pm: Opened fire with starboard battery. 1.30pm: 12 knots altered to starboard. Shot falling round ship. 3.15pm: Anchored off Seddul Bahr. 3.54pm: Weighed. 4.30pm: Proceeded to cover minesweepers over southern shore. 5.53pm: Proceeded 12 knots, shots falling close round ship. 5.58pm: Stopped and opened fire. 6.02pm: Ceased firing. 6.10pm: Proceeded 12 knots, course WSW, with Triumph and Prince George. 10.59pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d30: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d4c: ( 4 March 1915 Port Mudros, Lemnos Island Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 4.30am: Two transports entered harbour. 6.00am: SS Carigan Head entered harbour. 12.05pm: HMS Dublin proceeded out of harbour. 4.05pm: SS Suffolk arrived with troops. 5.00pm: Collier came alongside. 5.35pm: Prince George proceeded to sea. 6.00pm: Commenced coaling. 9.30pm: Submarines B4 & B6 entered harbour. 10.30pm: Troopship Leonia entered harbour. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d31: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d4d: ( 5 March 1915 Port Mudros and at sea off Dardanelles Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 2.10am: Finished coaling. 756 tons. 2.50am: Collier left ship. 6.45am: HMS Vengeance proceeded to sea. 10.45am: Weighed. 12 noon Challenged A32. No reply. 2.50pm: Prepared for immediate action. 5.12pm: Stopped. 5.31pm: Proceeded towards mine sweepers who were being fired upon, action stations. 5.38pm: Turned and proceeded towards rendezvous 4 miles west of Cape Helles. 5.45pm: Stopped. 11.10pm: Challenged Prince George. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d32: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d4e: ( 6 March 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 11 9.00am: Proceeded towards entrance. 9.43am: Entered Dardanelles. 9.55am: Shot falling round ship, did 3 runs in company 8 knots. 11.33am: Took up station for spotting for Queen Elizabeth. 12 noon Working engine to keep in position. 12.48pm: Queen Elizabeth opened fire. 2.14pm: Shots began falling close. 2.40pm: Batteries on southern shore opened fire. 3.19pm: Replied. 4.27pm: Proceeded 8 knots out of Dardanelles. 5.40pm: Stopped. Discharged 3 ratings (signal) to Amethyst. 5.57pm: Proceeded 12 knots. 6.56pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d33: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d4f: ( 7 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 11 3.30am: Amethyst & sweepers arrived. 7.10pm: French submarine arrived. 7.50pm: HMS Dartmouth arrived. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d34: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d50: ( 8 March 1915 Tenedos and at sea off Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 11 5.08pm: Weighed. 6.34pm: Arrived off Dardanelles and stopped. 7.25pm: Sent picket boat to Amethyst. 10.00pm: Course as requisite for keeping west from Cape Helles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d35: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d51: ( 9 March 1915 Off Dardanelles and at Tenedos Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 12 9.30am: Proceeded towards entrance at 10 knots in company with Prince George. 10.15am: Entered Dardanelles. 10.26am: 5 knots. Courses and speeds as requisite for demolishing observation places off Seddul Bahr and Morto Bay. 3.12pm: Batteries on southern shore opened fire. 3.13pm: Replied. 3.17pm: Stopped, ceased firing. 3.32pm: Proceeded out of Dardanelles. 7.26pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d36: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d52: ( 10 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 9 11.00am: Collier came alongside. 12.30pm: Commenced coaling. 3.30pm: Finished coaling. Received 360 tons. 3.45pm: Collier left. 4.30pm: Amethyst and Canopus left. Jed left with Lieut Commander ? 5.55pm: Submarine AE2 entered. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d37: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d53: ( 11 March 1915 Tenedos and at sea off Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 9 4.20am: Lt Commander Middleton returned having cut the wire across the mouth of the narrows though subjected to heavy fire. 6.55pm: Weighed. 8.25pm: Stopped. Sent picket boat to Amethyst. 10.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 11.00pm: Closed entrance - communicated with trawlers. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d38: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d54: ( 12 March 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 9.00am: Proceeded towards entrance. 10.10am: Sighted and picked up sweepers kite. 10.52am: Proceeded 7 knotS FOR Entrance. 11.33am: Opened fire on Seddul Bahr. 11.34am: Entered Dardanelles. 12 noon Turned towards entrance. 12.03pm: One shot fell near submarine 1000 range. 1.10pm: Proceeded at 8 knotS FOR entrance. 1.29pm: Action. 1.42pm: Re-entered Dardanelles. 2.08pm: Fired one round at boat. 2.17pm: Turned towards entrance. 2.31pm: Stopped. 2.40pm: Secured fire. Proceeded out at 10knots. 3.00pm: Stopped off entrance. 5.10pm: Proceeded. 6.27pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 10.00pm: Six French trawlers left harbour. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d39: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d55: ( 13 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 2.00pm: Mr. Barber and Petty Officer (1st Class) joined ship from Hospital ship Soudan. 6.00pm: Sent Lt.Oliver, Torp Gunner Cox and 2 seamen to trawler. 10.45pm: Cutter took Lt. Middleton to trawler and returned. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d3a: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d56: ( 14 March 1915 Tenedos and at sea off Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 7.30am: Lt Commdr Middleton returned. Amethyst arrived. Sent cutter for wounded. Lt Oliver and Mr Cox returned with seamen. 1.30pm: Hands ammunitioning ship. 5.17pm: Weighed. 6.58pm: Stopped. Kept station 4 miles NbyW of Cape Helles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d3b: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d57: ( 15 March 1915 Dardanelles and Tenedos Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 2.00am: Working engines as required. 9.42am: 8 knots, proceeded towards entrance. 10.08am: Entered Dardanelles. 10.55am: Turned down channel – leaving French sweepers kite and floating object on port hand. 11.19am: Stopped. 12.08pm: Slow ahead both. 1.28pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 2.45pm: One Sub Lt RN, 1 Sub Lt RNR and 1 warrant officer joined ship. 3.20pm: Discharged 1 AB to Soudan. 4.00pm: Collier came alongside. 4.30pm: Commenced coaling. Baron Ardrossan made fast alongside. 9.00pm: Lt Commander Middleton, Lt Oliver and Mr Cox left ship for Dardanelles. 10.30pm: Baron Ardrossan and collier left. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d3c: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d58: ( 16 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 3.45am: Lt Commander Middleton and party return. 6.00pm: HMS Minerva returned. 9.00pm: HMS Irresistible anchored. 10.30pm: Submarine left harbour. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d3d: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d59: ( 17 March 1915 Tenedos and at sea Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.00am: HMS Inflexible arrived. 7.20am: Lt Oliver and Mr Cox returned on board from mine sweeping. 11.00am: HMS Minerva left with VA Carden for Malta. Editor’s note: Vice Admiral Carden, senior naval officer at the Dardanelles, was in seriously deteriorating health and had tendered his resignation to the Admiralty. 3.30pm: Dartmouth entered in anchorage. 4.29pm: Weighed. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d3e: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d5a: ( 18 March 1915 Dardanelles and at Tenedos Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Editor’s note: Massie, in ‘Castles of Steel’, says of this day: “... March 18 marked both the climax and the termination of the purely naval assault on the Dardanelles.” During the day, the French pre-dreadnought Bouvet was sunk (with the loss of most of her crew), the British pre-dreadnoughts Irresistible and Ocean were disabled by mines and gunfire and later sank, and the battlecruiser Inflexible also struck a mine and was subsequently towed (backwards) to Malta for major repairs. The land phase of the Gallipoli campaign began some five-and-a-half weeks later. 9.55am: Proceeded 12 knots towards Tenedos. 10.58am: Stopped. 11.02am: Came to with starboard anchor. 12.06pm: Weighed. 12.13pm: Proceeded 10 knots astern of Irresistible. 1.06pm: Prepared for immediate action. 1.25pm: Entered Dardanelles. Worked engines to keep station. 1.54pm: Bouvet turned over and sunk travelling at high speed. 2.09pm: Proceeded 12 knots to line B. 2.40pm: Opened fire 12”. 2.43pm: Fore turret out of action. 2.52pm: Opened fire with after turret and 6” on howitzers. 3.03pm: Right gun forward turret ready. 3.34pm: Extended distance from enemy. 3.55pm: Left gun after turret hung up. 3.58pm: Continued firing. 4.07pm: Irresistible listed to starboard. 4.08pm: Turned to starboard by her. 4.22pm: Turned to fire after turret. 4.30pm: Opened rapid fire on shore to keep fire off Irresistible. 5.15pm: Ocean proceeded to take Irresistible in tow, boat came alongside with men and officers from Irresistible. 6.00pm: Fore turret quite out of action. 6.06pm: Turned to bring after turret to bear. 6.20pm: Ocean listed to starboard, destroyers closed her and took off her men. 6.23pm: All ships recalled. 6.26pm: Proceeded down at 12 knots. 6.55pm: Proceeded out at 5 knots. 7.05pm: Stopped outside. 7.57pm: Proceeded 8 knots. 9.33pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 10.00pm: Sent wounded to Soudan. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d3f: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d5b: ( 19 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 4 Barometer broken. 10.00am: Lt Sandford joined ship. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite Carpenters employed repairing damage to searchlights and as requisite 6.00pm: Sent one wounded man to Soudan. 2 Midshipsmen, 1 clerk & 56 ratings joined from late Ocean. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d40: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d5c: ( 20 March 1915 Tenedos and at sea off Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 6 10.00am: Sent collision mat to Inflexible (urgent). 10.30am: HMS Phaeton arrived with mails. 1.00pm: Lieut Oliver discharged to Inflexible. 2 midshipman discharged to Agamemnon. 1 writer discharged to Phaeton. 3.00pm: HMS Phaeton weighed and proceeded. 4.38pm: Weighed. 6.00pm: Took station 3 miles WbyN of Cape Helles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d41: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d5d: ( 21 March 1915 Dardanelles and at Tenedos Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 5 12.30am: Closed torpedo boat who reported steering gear carried away. 3.30am: HMS Renard passed towing TB 070. 5.00pm: Proceeded towards Tenedos. 7.04pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 11.30pm: Two war correspondents came onboard. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d42: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d5e: ( 22 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 9 2.00am: Fleet auxiliary left harbour. 7.46am: SS Troston(?) came alongside. 11.00am: War correspondents left ship. 11.30am: SS Troston cast off. 1.00pm: Hands coaling ship. 6.35pm: Finished coaling. Received 413 tons. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d5f: ( 23 March 1915 Tenedos and at sea off Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 3.30pm: Discharged detachment of Ocean’s and Irresistible’s marines armed and equipped to Canopus. 4.24pm: Weighed. 4.36pm: Proceeded 12 knots in company with Swiftsure. 6.45pm: Stopped 4½ miles NW of Cape Helles. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d60: ( 24 March 1915 off Dardanelles and at Tenedos Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 8 1.00pm: Trawlers approached entrance. 5.57pm: Proceeded. 7.19pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 9.00pm: 1 private RM joined ship from hospital. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d61: ( 25 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 10 10.00am: 2 French battleships left harbour. 5.00pm: 1 RMLI discharged to Canopus. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d62: ( 26 March 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 8 12 noon Baron Ardrossan came alongside. 3.50pm: Baron Ardrossan cast off. 4.30pm: Aeroplane over Tenedos. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d63: ( 27 March 1915 Tenedos to Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 8 5.07am: Weighed. 5.16am: Proceeded 12 knots with Canopus. 5.56am: Altered to port to avoid T.B. 070. 9.00am: Came to with starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 5 shackles. 5.30pm: Lord Nelson sailed. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d64: ( 28 March 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 9 6.30am: Inflexible arrived. 7.50pm: HMS Minerva arrived. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d65: ( 29 March 1915 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 8 8.30am: Discharged 4 ratings to Vengeance & 1 to Swiftsure. 11.05am: Weighed. 3.05pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4.40pm: Collier came alongside. 4.58pm: 8 ratings discharged to Majestic. 5.10pm: Commenced coaling. 8.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 367 tons. 9.31pm: Weighed. 9.52pm: 8 knots. Took station astern of Queen. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d66: ( 30 March 1915 At sea and at Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 8 12.30am: Sighted Pt Sigri Lt. 1.30am: Cape Baba abeam. 6.05am: Came to with starboard anchor 8.30am: Party drawing oil from SS Baron Ardrossan, party in pinnace diving for printing machine. 1.00pm: Landed B group at Tenedos to work on wire net. 2.30pm: Party in launch drawing stores from SS Lamington. 3.40pm: Amethyst proceeded to sea. 4caf838fcadfd34197000d67: ( 31 March 1915 At Tenedos and off Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 1.15am: Diver dressed in suit to relieve suffering. 8.05am: 20 ratings discharged ashore. 10.57am: Weighed. 2.00pm: Patrolling off Dardanelles. 5.30pm: Hostile aeroplane sighted. 6.45pm: Sighted aeroplane bearing west steering east. 9.00pm: Patrolling 4 miles west of Cape Helles. LOGS FOR APRIL 1915 4caf838dcadfd34197000c1e: ( 4caf838dcadfd34197000c1f: ( 4caf838dcadfd34197000c20: ( 4caf838dcadfd34197000c21: ( 1 April 1915 Off Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Patrolling 4’ west of Cape Helles. 9.30am: Prepared for action. Followed minesweepers into entrance and covered them. 11.10am: Action. 4.00pm: Lying off entrance. Minesweepers under Canopus inside sweeping. 5.15pm: Two aeroplanes sighted. 9.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling west of Cape Helles. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c22: ( 2 April 1915 Off Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Patrolling 4’ west of Cape Helles. 7.30am: Proceeded towards entrance to cover minesweepers. 7.50am: Entered Dardanelles. 8.25am: Aeroplane dropped 2 bombs near ship. 10.00am: Relieved by Canopus and proceeded out of entrance. 11.15am: Hostile aeroplane sighted. 2.00pm: Proceeded into entrance to cover minesweepers. 3.30pm: Proceeded out of entrance. 4.00pm: Canopus and Albion proceeded line ahead 6 knots. 5.30pm: Closed entrance to cover minesweepers. 6.50pm: Proceeded out of entrance. 7.00pm: 12 knots, course as requisite for Tenedos. 8.15pm: Took station astern of Canopus. 9.24pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c23: ( 3 April 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 8.05am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.39am: Passed supply ship 72. 10.35am: Passed HMS Implacable. 11.53am: Came to with starboard anchor. 12.20pm: Collier came alongside. 1.40pm: Commenced coaling. Discharged 1 signal rating to SS Fauvette. 4.20pm: Finished coaling. Received 330 tons. 4.30pm: Collier shoved off. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c24: ( 4 April 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 11 9.30am: Divisions. Read articles of war. Captain and Eng. Captain of Canopus came on board to attend court of enquiry. 10.40am: Discharged 1 rating to hospital ship. 12.30pm: Ordnance officers on board examining guns. 4.00pm: Agamemnon arrived. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c25: ( 5 April 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 11 4.00pm: Lieutenant joined ship. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c26: (
6 April 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 9 6.30am: Prince George proceeded to sea. Minerva came into harbour. 8.00am: Received from Canopus 10 sinkers, 6 buoys; from Swiftsure 6 sinkers, 4 buoys; from Agamemnon 5 sinkers, 4 buoys. 12.30pm: Discharged 1 chief armourer, 1 sick berth steward to Fawcett. Rec’d from Queen Elizabeth 6 sinkers, 4 buoys. 5.00pm: Received from Inflexible 7 sinkers, 1 buoy. 5.30pm: 34 ratings joined ship from HMS Inflexible. 6.45pm: Inflexible and Canopus proceeded. 7.55pm: Assistant Paymaster RNR joined ship. 10.00pm: 1 Midshipman joined ship for passage. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c27: ( 7 April 1915 Port Mudros, at sea Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 7 5.58am: Weighed. 10.06am: Came to with port anchor. Sent 34 sinkers, 15 Reindeer buoys, 3 coils of wire 100 fathoms in each to Sapphire. 12.30pm: 1 AB rating joined ship. 4.05pm: Weighed anchor. 5.34pm: Came to with port anchor. 8.15pm: 2 AB joined ship from Tenedos. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c28: ( 8 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 7 9.00am: RA 2nd Div. came onboard. 10.40am: Minesweeper 448 came alongside. 11.30am: Mine Sweeper 102 came alongside. 1.00pm: Minesweeper 448 cast off. 2.35pm: 16 ratings joined from Blenheim. 3.45pm: SS Swanley came alongside. 5.00pm: 1 ERA joined ship. 6.30pm: 27 dockyard men joined ship from Blenheim. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c29: ( 9 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 8 7.00am: Discharged 1 P.O. to Trawler 43. 1.30pm: Sweepers 1043, 304, 362, 318 alongside. 3.30pm: Sweeper 700 alongside. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c2a: ( 10 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 7 8.00am: Trawler 102 cast off. Trawler 49 alongside. 10.00am: (?Trawler) 92 came alongside. 11.00am: Lt Commander Collett and Lt Ensor RNR joined ship. 2 mates joined. Trawlers alongside: 102, 49, 354, 1043, 362, 318. 10.00pm: 5 trawlers cast off. 4caf838dcadfd34197000c2b: ( 11 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 5.00am: Sent coaling party in trawler. 8.00am: Working party in Hindu Kush. 1 artificer engineer, 1 ERA joined ship from Swiftsure. 11.30am: No 324 came alongside. 2.30pm: No 102 came alongside. 4.00pm: No 49 came alongside. 8.30pm: Coaling party returned. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c2c: ( 12 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.20am: Collier alongside. 9.40am: Commenced coaling. 11.05am: Finished coaling. 11.15am: Collier shoved off. Received 357 tons. 12.45pm: Ammunition ship alongside. 2.30pm: Discharged 1 marine to Tenedos. 3.00pm: No 269, 293, 705, 43, 448, 324 came alongside. 4.10pm: No 705 shoved off. No 218 came alongside. 5.30pm: Discharged 2 Leading Seamen, 2 ABs, 2 Ordinary Seamen to Whitby Abbey. 6.30pm: Discharged ? to trawler 308. 7.00pm: Read warrants 37, 38. 1 Stoker joined No 308. Discharged 11 Signal Ratings to London. Discharged 1 Leading Seaman, 1 Ordinary Seaman, 1 Stoker to Folkestone. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c2d: ( 13 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 2.30pm: Sweepers alongside: 362, 43, 324, 318, 104, 10, 293, 269, 92. 6.30pm: Sweepers shoved off, except 10, 362, 269. 9.00pm: Trawler 362 shoved off. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c2e: ( 14 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 8.00am: No 43 came alongside. 9.30am: No 49, 308 came alongside. 2.30pm: 1 Stoker joined ship from Foxhound. 5.00pm: 1 PO, 1 AB, 2 leading seamen joined from Blenheim. 8.30pm: No 234 came alongside. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c2f: ( 15 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 5.30am: Nos 269, 284, 705 came alongside. 8.30am: Nos 49, 269 shoved off. 10.00am: Nos 1043, 354 came alongside. 12.10pm: HMS Dublin arrived. 1.00pm: No 1043 shoved off. No 10 came alongside. 2.40pm: Swiftsure weighed and proceeded. 5.38pm: Enemy aeroplane passed above Tenedos. 7.30pm: 1 sick rating from Folkestone joined. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c30: ( 16 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.30am: Coaling minesweepers. 10.00am: Sent diving party to Hythe. 5.00pm: No 448 came alongside. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c31: ( 17 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 16 6.00am: No 284 shoved off. 7.00am: Collier alongside. 11.00am: Finished coaling. Received 200 tons. 11.30am: Collier shoved off. 4.30pm: Sent 1 marine to Blenheim. 5.30pm: 18 ratings joined from Tenedos. 7.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to Gazelle. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c32: ( 18 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 5.20am: No 705 left. 7.30am: No 284 alongside. 8.00am: Discharged 58 ratings to Euryalus and 1 to Queen. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c33: ( 19 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Various trawlers came alongside or shoved off throughout the day. 10.00am: Sent party to Osiris. 12.30pm: Destroyer Ribble alongside. 1.00pm: Destroyer Usk alongside. 3.00pm: Ribble shoved off. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c34: ( 20 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 Number on sick list: 13 Various trawlers came alongside or shoved off throughout the day. 5.30am: Sent parties to Osiris and Tenedos Island. 6.40am: Sapphire left with Captain. 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite to south side of island. 10.30am: Stopped. Came to with starboard anchor. 1.30pm: Sent party to Osiris and SS Dangarth. 4.30pm: Discharged 27 ratings to OsiriS FOR minesweepers, 1 Assistant Paymaster to Osiris. 6.30pm: Discharged 2 SPOs, 1 chief steward to Osiris. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c35: ( 21 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 1.15am: Hailed guard boat. 10.30am: Collier came alongside Penhallow. 11.20am: Started coaling. 11.30am: Osiris working party returned. 1.45pm: Finished coaling. Received 150 tons. Collier shoved off. 3.30pm: Discharge 21 dockyard men to Osiris. 4.30pm: Discharged 1 midshipman to Newmarket. 5.10pm: Discharged Commander Mellor, 1 writer to Osiris. 5.20pm: Discharged 1 cot case to Hythe. 7.00pm: Irresistible’s picket boat and crew turned over to Osiris. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c36: ( 22 April 1915 Tenedos and off Dardanelles Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 6.00am: HMS Sapphire and Amethyst proceeded. 8.30am: Discharged 2 cot cases to Osiris and 4 sick. 9.30am: Discharged Lieut. Sandford and Lieut Commdr Collet to Osiris. 10.30am: Captain Heneage went to Osiris. 11.42am: Weighed. 2.10pm: Action. Courses and speeds as requisite for lying off Cape Helles. 3.22pm: A few shells fell near ship. Fired 12 pdr and 6” on northern shore. 4.45pm: Ceased firing. 5.00pm: Recommenced firing. 5.30pm: Secured. Proceeded WSW 12 knots. 7.30pm: Came to with port anchor. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c37: ( 23 April 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.8, Long 26.0 9.00am: Prepare for coaling. 10.25am: Collier ? alongside. 2 marines joined from SS Carrigan Head. 10.41am: Commenced coaling. 12.10pm: Finished coaling. 105 tons. 3.00pm: Discharged 2 ratings to Goliath. 4.40pm: Weighed. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c38: ( 24 April 1915 Dardanelles and at Tenedos Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 10.00am: Proceeded towards entrance of Dardanelles. 10.27am: Entered Dardanelles. 10.33am: Opened fire on North shore assisted by aeroplane. 10.45am: Enemy fired shrapnel on aeroplane. 11.11am: Proceeded out of entrance. 11.33am: Stopped. 12.25pm: Proceeded towards entrance. 12.54pm: Headed for No 5 buoy. 1.15pm: Cutter got hold of No 5, but mooring parted. Got buoy and ? on board. 1.35pm: Shot started falling round ship. 1.42pm: Shot hit wounding 3 men. 2.53pm: Proceeded 8 knots into entrance. 3.40pm: Let go No 1 buoy. 4.00pm: Let go No 4 buoy. Went outside to get other buoys ready. 6.30pm: Proceeded into entrance. 7.05pm: Let go No 3 buoy. 7.07pm: Let go No 5 buoy. 7.10pm: Fired 12 pdr anti-aircraft gun to test it. Proceeded outside. Closed Talbot to discharge wounded. Talbot ordered to proceed elsewhere. 8.00pm: Proceeded to Tenedos 11 knots. 9.16pm: Came to with port anchor. 11.00pm: Weighed. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c39: ( 25 April 1915 Off Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Editor’s note: On this day, the land campaign on the Gallipoli Peninsula commenced. 4.20am: Proceeded into Dardanelles. 4.30am: Went to action stations. 4.37am: Stopped. 5.00am: Ships opened fire. 5.04am: We opened fire. 5.45am: Sweeping commenced. 6.00am: Troops landed on various beaches. 6.45am: River Clyde beached near Seddul Bahr. 6.53am: Men landed on V beach. Met by heavy rifle & maxim fire. 7.30am: Boat came alongside with wounded - others came through-out the day. Troops & boats still under heavy rifle & maxim fire ashore. 8.15am: Queen Elizabeth entered straits. 9.00am: Launch and pinnace reached shore to act as bridge to troops landing. 9.50am: French troops started landing at Kum Kale. 10.40am: A few troops landed on V beach from River Clyde - Half a mile of net laid at Donny Diressi(?), but drifted down. 10.53am: Our troops on summit of Hill 138 all forenoon firing as requisite over Seddul Bahr & trenches. 1.20–1.30pm: Firing at Fort No 1. 1.30pm: Signal station established on W beach. Picked up several empty drifting boats in damaged condition. Fired 12" at Seddul Bahr. Fired at intervals at places where maxims firing on our men might be concealed. Fire on shore much diminished. 5.00pm: Reported we had 23 killed & 45 wounded. 6.05pm: Fired on Hill 141 by order of RA. 6.30pm: Ordered to close in. 6.34pm: Shifted billet. 7.10pm: Ceased firing - observed our forces attacking. 7.30pm: Newmarket came alongside. Discharging 23 dead and 45 wounded to her. Heard rifle fire going on. 11.00pm: Newmarket shoved off. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c3a: ( 26 April 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 5.40am: Action. Opened fire on ? in Seddul Bahr. Troops advancing into Seddul Bahr. 9.04am: Fired on Turks in trench near Hill 141 - our troops advanced a short way up hill and in village. 10.15am: Wounded came aboard. 10.35am: Troops had ? northeast of village. All forenoon shelling trenches to right of old castle. Troops continued landing from River Clyde. 12.52pm: Fired at enemy seen on left of castle. 1.00pm: Shells fell astern ship. 1.03pm: Our troops advanced up hill to capture 141. 1.24pm: Ceased fire at request of military. 1.37pm: Troops reached left summit. 1.45pm: Troops nearing summit of ? 1.48pm: Main party coming from Seddul Bahr. 1.56pm: ? party advancing past ? to assist attack. 1.57pm: Final assault on ? castle. 2.00pm: Troops entered old castle. 2.03pm: Mine exploded near Vengeance. 2.07pm: Support advancing up hill. 5.19pm: Shells falling near River Clyde from southern shore. 5.30pm: Open fire on southern shore. 10.00pm: Boat with 9 prisoners arrived alongside. 10.30pm: Boat with wounded left for hospital ship. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c3b: ( 27 April 1915:
Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 1.30am: French ships bombarding Kum Kale. French troops landing at Seddul Bahr. 3.00am: Enemy made unsuccessful assault on hills 138, 141. 3.12am: Submarine E14 proceeded up Dardanelles. 5.10am: Weighed. 5.20am: Proceeded up straits to Domuz Deresi. 6.30am: Opened fire on north shore. 7.10am: Shells fell round ship. Went astern to avoid them. 8.15am: Sweeping destroyer formed up. 8.47am: Opened fire with 12” on Northern Shore. 8.58am: Destroyer sank mines ahead. 9.19am: Shells began falling round ship. 10.00am: Fleet sweepers passed Folkestone laying buoys. 10.40am: DestroyerS FORmed for second sweep. 12 noon Sent cutter to De Totts to bring off wounded officers and ? 12.45pm: DestroyerS FORmed up for 3rd sweep. 3.15pm: DestroyerS FORmed up for 4th sweep. 3.30pm: ? Destroyers retired. 3.45pm: Occasional shot falling round ship. 3.50pm: Opened fire on north shore. 5.35pm: Fired on Turkish troops. 5.50pm: Shells fell ahead of ship. Went astern to avoid them. 5.52pm: Large one fell alongside. 6.15pm: Observed French troops advancing toward Morti(?) B. Continuous(?) firing. 6.20pm: Observed aeroplane dropping bombs up straits. 7.20pm: Anchored. 10.00pm: Heavy rifle fire near De Totts battery. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c3c: ( 28 April 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 4.45am: Weighed and proceeded up straits. 5.03am: Took up position off Domuz Deresi. 6.10am: Big shells began falling round ship. 6.20am: Proceeded 10 knots down channel & returned to former position. 6.25am: Sweeping destroyerS FORmed up. 6.45pm: Destroyers ordered to retire. Shells falling round ship. Co & speed as requisite to avoid them. 8.00am: Fired at trenches on slope. 8.01am: Troops left De Totts battery. 9.05am: Shelling enemy up Keresi Valley. 9.23am: Sighted mine, opened fire with 12 pdr & rifle. 9.42am: Mine sank. 9.50am: French troops observed moving towards Achi Data(?) 10.45am: Shrapnel bursting on French troops. 11.00am: Right gun, fore turret damage. 11.20am: One shell hit stern, others falling near, manoeuvred as necessary. 11.40am: French holding line in front of Synaldhi(?) 12 noon Firing(?) heavily on large body of Turks. 1.00pm: Shells began falling near ship, proceeded 12 knots. 1.03pm: Shell hit port side of ship. 1.05pm: Lord Nelson relieved Albion – proceeded as requisite down straits toward Rathir(?) Island. 2.35pm: Stopped. 2.39pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 3.30pm: Ammunition ship Tees came alongside. 3.45pm: Commenced taking in ammunition. Diving party getting up diving gear. 4.00pm: Diver examining stern. 11.10pm: Finished ammunitioning. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c3d: ( 29 April 1915 At sea and at Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 12.15am: Tees shoved off. Prepared for sea. 12.50am: Weighed. 4.51am: Passed through boom. 5.17am: Came to with starboard anchor. 9.00am: Diving party commenced operations. 10.00am: Employed taking in ammunition and preparing for coaling. 3.55pm: Provision ship Dago(?) alongside. 5.45pm: Finished getting in ammunition. 2 ratings joined from Hussar. 5.55pm: SS Don(?) shoved off. 6.00pm: SS Dago shoved off. 7.00pm: Commenced coaling. 11.45pm: Finished coaling. Received 370 tons. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c3e: ( 30 April 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 6.30am: Diving party at work. 3.30pm: Diving finished. LOGS FOR MAY 1915 4caf838ecadfd34197000c3f: ( END 4caf838ecadfd34197000c40: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c41: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c42: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c43: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c44: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c45: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c46: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c47: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c48: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c49: ( Messrs Maudslay Sons & Field: makers of the engines, boiler, and propellers. 4caf838ecadfd34197000c4a: ( 4caf838ecadfd34197000c4b: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d68: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d69: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d6a: ( 4caf838fcadfd34197000d6b: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000d6c: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000d6d: ( 1 May 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 9 2.00pm: Henry IV arrived. Editor’s note: Henry (Henri) IV was French coastal defence ship. 9.13pm: Weighed. 10.30pm: Received orders to return to Port Mudros. 11.18pm: Anchored in outer anchorage. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d6e: ( 2 May 1915 At Dardanelles and Tenedos Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 9 12.15am: Weighed and proceeded 12 knots towards Tenedos. 4.30am: 7 miles off entrance to east. Heavy fire observed. 5.15am: Arrived off De Totts. Heavy rifle and shrapnel fire. 5.25am: Shells falling near shore. 6.25am: Opened fire. Relieved Vengeance. 6.45am: Fired on Turks on ridge. 7.40am: Struck by shell port side. 7.53am: Small body of Turks ran advancing. 8.20am: Fired 12 pdr at trench. All forenoon firing at trenches and as requisite. 12.30pm: Concentrated fire on trenches, Turks on the run. Opened fire on Turks returning. Shells began falling about ship. 1.05pm: Shell went through Cutter carried away main derrick purchase. 1.08pm: Fired fore turret on supposed battery by Suandere point. 8 shells fell near, went astern & returned to position. 1.30pm: Ship was shelled again, went astern. 1.50pm: Opened fire on some battery firing at De Totts. 1.57pm: Shells falling near ship. 2.20pm: Large shell fell astern. Continued firing at battery firing on De Totts. 2.27pm: Shells began falling around ship. One went through port boat deck killing one Sergeant. Went astern. 2.50pm: Noticed ship had list to port was a little down by the bows. No water reported coming in & wells dry. 3.12pm: Opened fire by request of military on enemy’s trenches Kerever(?) valley. 3.20pm: Shells falling round ship. 4.30pm: Opened fire on enemy’s trenches. 4.43pm: Battery fired on French ship La Touche Treville. 4.58pm: Shells falling near ship. 5.31pm: Fired on Suandere point with fore turret. 5.33pm: Relieved by Goliath. Proceeded 10 knots towards Seddul Bahr. 6.10pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 9.58pm: Weighed. 10.20pm: Proceeded 7 knots out of entrance. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d6f: ( 3 May 1915 At sea and at Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 9 4.46am: Stop. Course as requisite. 4.58am: Committed the body of the late Sergeant Kershaw, Plymouth 12797. 6.08am: Came to with starboard anchor. 5.30pm: Prince George arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d70: ( 4 May 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 9 5.00am: HMS Doris arrived. 6.20am: Askold proceeded to sea. Editor’s note: Askold was a Russian cruiser serving in the Mediterranean at this time. Later in the war she redeployed to the Murmansk region where she was captured by the Royal Navy and renamed Glory IV. She is referred to on multiple occasions in the logs of the RN pre-dreadnought HMS Glory (see elsewhere on this site), which served as guard ship at Murmansk in 1918-19 during the Russian civil war. 7.30am: Discharged 1 SPO, 1 stoker to tug ? for Arcadian. 11.00am: Diving party working on side. 1.00pm: Employed dismounting guns and repairing damage done by gun fire on upper deck. 4.00pm: Diving party examining ship’s bottom. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d71: ( 5 May 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 9 5.00am: 1 PO and 20 hands coaling Hussar. 7.00am: Baron Ardrossan came alongside. 9.30am: French cruiser La Touche Treville arrived. 11.00am: Henry IV proceeded. 11.30am: Party from Hussar returned. 12.30pm: Discharged 1 seaman to tug? 11.45pm: HMS Prince George proceeded to Malta. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d72: ( 6 May 1915 Port Mudros and at sea Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 13 6.00am: Collier came alongside. 9.10am: Started coaling. 10.30am: Finished coaling. Received 263 tons. 11.15am: Collier shoved off. 2.00pm: Drew stores from SS Priestly. 10.50pm: Weighed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d73: ( 7 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 14 5.00am: Came to with starboard anchor. 7.00am: Lost overboard by accident: 1 pair pliers; 1 12” steel rule. 12.10am: Received mail from trawler 10. 7.05pm: Weighed and proceeded up straits. Action. 7.22pm: Relieved Canopus off de Totts. 8.30pm: Destroyers proceeded up strait. 11.30pm: Rifle fire going on continuously astern. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d74: ( 8 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 13 2.30am: Rifle fire on shore continuously. 5.04am: Relieved by Majestic. 5.41am: Came to with starboard anchor. 5.30pm: Trawler 341 came alongside for provisions. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d75: ( 9 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 14 4.20am: Weighed. 5.22am: Relieved Goliath. 6.51am: Shells began falling around ship. 7.15am: La Touche Treville under fire. 7.10am: Fired on Asiatic shore. 8.00am: Fire 6" on northern shore. 8.19am: S. battery fired on picket boat. 9.02am: Opened fire on European shore by request. Shells falling round ship. 9.00am: Sighted mine. 10.20am: Mine destroyed. 10.38am: Shot falling round ship. 11.45am: Observed Turks on run. 12.01pm: Shells fell near ship. 12.12pm: Relieved by Majestic. 12.46pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 5.40pm: Divine Service. 6.30pm: 1 leading seaman & 1 AB joined from Euryalus. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d76: ( 10 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 13 5.15am: Action. Asiatic shore firing at Seddul Bahr. 5.40am: Opened fire with 6” gun. 9.00am: 1 boat compass lost by accident. 10.00am: Collier Armi? Came alongside. 11.40am: Aweigh. 12 noon Relieved Goliath. 12.45pm: Observed 2 steamers & tug off Chanak. 1.00pm: Opened fire on Turks in gully on northern shore. 1.03pm: 2 shots fell near ship. Manoeuvred as requisite. 1.40pm: Opened fire with 6” & 12 pdr on Turk’s trenches. 2.18pm: Opened fire on northern shore. 3.03pm: Shells falling round ship, turned to starboard. 3.43pm: Opened fire with 12 pdr on trenches. 4.57pm: Opened fire with 12 pdr on Turks. 5.04pm: Shell pitched on starboard quarter. Turned to Port & kept steady heading down stream. 5.33pm: Opened fire with starboard battery on Turk. 5.41pm: Re-opened fire on Turkish trench. 5.50pm: Shells fell about ship. 6.20pm: Headed up stream. 6.45pm: Re-opened fire on trenches. 6.55pm: Relieved by Majestic. 7.30pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d77: ( 11 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 14 9.30am: Discharged 1 MAA to Soudan. 3.15pm: Trawler 357 came alongside for marine ? 3.40pm: Shoved off. 6.33pm: Aweigh. 6.38pm: Proceeded 5 knots to position off de Totts. 6.52pm: Action. 7.00pm: Relieved Goliath. 8.20pm: Destroyers proceeded on patrol. 9.30pm: ? watch rifle fire at de Totts. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d78: ( 12 May 1915 Dardanelles & Lemnos Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 13 2.00am: Rifle fire on de Totts. 4.30am: Destroyers proceeded to entrance. 5.07am: Relieved Majestic. 9.33am: Passed through boom. 9.56am: Came to with starboard anchor. 12 noon SS Caringowan came alongside. 12.45pm: Baron Ardrossan alongside with ammunition. 3.15pm: Baron Ardrossan shoved off. 5.00pm: Finished coaling. 5.10pm: Collier shoved off. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d79: ( 13 May 1915 Lemnos and Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 14 5.17am: Weighed. 11.20am: Proceeded to entrance. 12 noon Relieved Majestic. 12.10pm: Destroyers prepared to sweep covered by Agamemnon. Sweep cancelled. Albion remained outside stemming tide as ordered to keep out of range. Shells fell round Seddul Bahr and W beach. Cornwallis firing 12" on North shore. 4.55pm: Asiatic shore batteries firing on River Clyde, Cornwallis replied. 4.58pm: Albion opened fire on battery in 154 ? 5.20pm: River Clyde was hit. 5.35pm: Checked fire as aeroplane was spotting for Agamemnon. 6.55pm: Proceeded to De Totts on orders from R.A. 7.20pm: Off De Totts. 7.27pm: Shots fell close to ship, turned to starboard. 8.02pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d7a: ( 14 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 7 5.00am: Weighed. 5.30am: Proceeded to position of Seddul Bahr. 6.00am: Anchored off Seddul Bahr. 6.10am: Capt S came on board. 6.20am: DestroyerS FORmed up for sweep covered by Majestic. 6.35am: Action. 6.40am: Opened fire on Asiatic shore, batteries firing on destroyers. 7.50am: Opened fire on Asiatic shore to cover sweepers. 8.55am: Salvo fired at destroyers. 8.54am: Three or four enemy’s? ships with destroyers in attendance off Chanak. 1.00pm: Prepared to weigh. 3.10pm: Aeroplanes reported 5 submarines off Kephez Pt. 4.05pm: Shells fell port side & ahead. Action. 5.05pm: Opened fire on 169 K4. 6.20pm: Opened fire again. 6.35pm: Shells began to fall round. 6.50pm: Hit starboard side, shell penetrated mess deck. 6.54pm: Action. 7.00pm: Weighed. 7.22pm: Proceeded 10 knots to anchorage. 7.50pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 9.30pm: Sent 2 wounded & 2 sick to hospital ship. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d7b: ( 15 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 7 5.00am: Shortened in – weighed. 5.56am: Anchored off Seddul Bahr. 6.55am: Destroyers proceeded to sweep. Capt(s) on board. 7.45am: Opened fire on Asiatic shore. 8.40am: Destroyers proceeded to sweep again. 9.20am: Destroyers returned. Basilisk reported 1 killed, 4 wounded, required doctor. 12.47pm: Majestic came astern near as big shells fell near us. 1.00pm: Canopus relieved Majestic. 4.30pm: Asiatic battery firing on Seddul Bahr & River Clyde. 5.35pm: Enemy’s aeroplane passed overhead. Dropped 2 bombs over Cape Helles. 6.20pm: Opened fire on Asiatic shore. 7.10pm: Weighed. 7.49pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d7c: ( 16 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 12 5.00am: Weighed. 5.50am: Came to with starboard anchor off Seddul Bahr. Observed destroyers firing. 6.40am: Destroyers did 2nd sweep, Majestic covering. 6.55am: Opened fire on Asiatic shore. 7.35pm: Opened on European shore. 9.49am: Opened fire on Asiatic shore. 10.21am: Ceased firing. 11.10am: Weighed. 12 noon Fired one round on 177W. 12.15pm: Heavy firing on Seddul Bahr. 3.45pm: French ship opened fire. 4.00pm: Sighted mine, fired 12 pdrs. 4.12pm: Mine sank. 4.33pm: Opened fire with 6". 4.45pm: Opened fire with 12" on 177W, aeroplane spotting. 6.43pm: Opened fire on Asiatic shore. 7.04pm: Weighed. 7.46pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d7d: ( 17 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 9 3.00am: Trawler 43 sighted submarine off Rabbit Islands. 9.00am: Weighed – proceeded 12 knots. 9.41am: Anchored off Kum Kale. 10.06am: Opened fire on Asiatic shore with 6" with aeroplane spotting. 11.45am: Weighed and shifted berth. 12.20pm: Anchored. 3.30pm: Canopus fired on Asiatic shore. 3.41pm: Opened fire with 6" on Asiatic shore. 4.30pm: Weighed & anchored off Kum Kale. Fired a few rounds on South shore. 6.34pm: Opened fire on Asiatic shore to cover Canopus. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.34pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d7e: ( 18 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 14 8.45am: Shortened in – weighed. 9.45am: Anchored off Kum Kale. 1.37pm: St Louis after relieving Henry IV came under fire off Kereves Dire from guns N53ºE from Albion on ridge. Seddul Bahr being shelled. 3.20pm: Agamemnon hoisted mine flag. 3.25pm: E14 came to surface. 3.42pm: Mine sunk. 4.50pm: Fired on Asiatic shore. 5.20pm: St Louis fired on by Asiatic battery – Action. 6.10pm: Ceased fire, aeroplane went home. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.25pm: Came to with starboard anchor. Heavy firing on Beach Y. Fired 2 rounds of 6”. 10.00pm: Much rifle fire going on. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d7f: ( 19 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 15 3.00am: Submarine E11 proceeded up strait. 10.05pm: Aweigh. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d80: ( 20 May 1915 At sea and at Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 20 5.10am: Came to with starboard anchor. 6.15am: Collier Sawby alongside. 7.40am: Commenced coaling. 10.00am: SS Bondican(?) alongside. 12.40pm: Collier shoved off. Received 434 tons. 3.15pm: SS Bondican shoved off. 6.45pm: Rokely alongside. Getting in ammunition. 8.30pm: Rokely shoved off. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d81: ( 21 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 14 4.45am: Shortened in. Weighed. 10.20am: Closed Triumph. 10.45am: Stopped off Gaba Tepe. 11.25am: Sighted party of Turkish horsemen with white flag. 1.08pm: Destroyer approached shore with white flag. Man? approached with air ship. 1.25pm: Airship observing square 214R. 3.45pm: Airship observing 214M. 4.10pm: Opened fire with 12” on ship. 8.00pm: Hoisted in Triumph picket boat. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d82: ( 22 May 1915 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 13 4.50am: Air ship ascended to spot for Bacchante. 7.30am: Opened fire with 12 pdr on square 212 D. During forenoon shrapnel bursting over troops. 11.25am: Destroyer observed flying signal "submarine in sight". Battleships zig-zagged. 12 noon Stopped and proceeded slowly near covering position. 3.25pm: Submarine again reported to northward. Zig-zagged. Bacchante & Vengeance proceeded to Mudros. 6.40pm: Opened fire with 12 pdr aeroplane up. 6.50pm: Opened with 6" on 204 C5. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d83: ( 23 May 1915 Dardanelles (Gaba Tepe) to Malta Lat 40.0, Long 26.1 Number on sick list: 26 3.45am: Ship aground full astern both. 4.00am: Navigation officer sounded round ship. Hoisted out picket boat & launch. Commenced to lighten ship. Destroyers, trawlers & Canopus closed Albion. Destroyers attempted to take us in tow. 5.30am: Canopus took us in tow. 5.43am: Canopus went ahead. Albion full astern. Ship moved slightly. Bow moved ½ point to starboard. 6.00am: Canopus cast off tow & anchored off port quarter. 6.24am: Canopus took us in tow, hawser parted. 6.34am: Prepared 3rd tow. 6.51am: Canopus went ahead & Albion full astern. 7.00am: Usk & Ribble came alongside. 7.07am: Shrapnel began to fall over ship. 7.24am: Usk shoved off. 7.26am: Fired after turret. 7.37am: Fired 12". Let go starboard lower anchor. 8.05am: Ribble shoved off. 8.15am: Enemy commenced heavy fire having exact range, ship being continually hit. 8.30am: Cordite 12 pdr caught fire, threw all 12 pdr ammunition on deck overboard. 9.03am: Ship appeared to move slightly. 9.11am: Ship afloat, slipped starboard cable. 9.13am: Slipped tow, proceeded seaward 3 miles. 10.45am: Aeroplane dropped bomb 100 yards on starboard beam. Manoeuvred as requisite. 10.54am: Fired one 12 pdr at aeroplane. 12.30pm: Fired 6" at 212 D4. Refitting & repairing ship. Cleaning up decks. 1.00pm: Relieved by Triumph: 3.00pm: Proceeded 8 knots towards Canopus. 3.15pm: Cleared Canopus. 5.43pm: Stopped. Committed to the deep the remains of Sergeant A.J. Brown, Plymouth 6094, killed in action. 5.58pm: Proceeded 48 revs, course S45 W. Held thanksgiving service. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d84: ( 24 May 1915 At sea, Dardanelles to Malta Lat 36.3, Long 23.3 No position in log. Approximate position above based on sighting of Cape Malea (Maleas) at 5.16pm. Number on sick list: 20 11.40am: Passed hospital ship steering NE. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d85: ( 25 May 1915 At sea, Dardanelles to Malta Lat 36.1, Long 19.2 Number on sick list: 19 4caf8390cadfd34197000d86: ( 26 May 1915 At sea and at Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 19 6.30am: Sighted land ahead. 9.24am: Stopped. Tugs took ship in tow. 10.00am: Entered dock. 1.10pm: Ship landed on chocks and blocked up. Started to pump out and scrub bottom. 2.15pm: Discharged wounded men to hospital. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d87: ( 27 May 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 10 Editor’s note: Albion underwent refitting at Malta until 19 June 1915. Dockyard workmen working all night. 8.10am: Hands employed overhauling derrick blocks, refitting guys. Party with gunner returning ammunition. Sweepers on mess deck. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d88: ( 28 May 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 11 2.00pm: Discharged 5 men to hospital. 6.00pm: Read warrant No 39. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d89: ( 29 May 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 8 7.00am: Clearing up decks. 9.00am: 3 torpedo ratings discharged to Egmont, 3 ratings: to hospital. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d8a: ( 30 May 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 8 4caf8390cadfd34197000d8b: ( 31 May 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 6 11.00am: J. Hoskins ? sig. discharged to hospital. LOGS FOR JULY 1915 4caf8390cadfd34197000d8c: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000d8d: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000d8e: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000d8f: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000d90: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000d91: ( 1 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 10 5.10pm: Read warrants Nos 40, 41. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d92: ( 2 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 10 4caf8390cadfd34197000d93: ( 3 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 15 4.00pm: Read warrant No 42. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d94: ( 4 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 13 9.00am: Discharged Lieut Congdon RMLI to TDD Renard. 4.00pm: Read warrant No 43. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d95: ( 5 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 9 9.00am: Landed funeral party. 10.00am: Dartmouth arrived. 11.20am: Funeral party returned. 1.30pm: Discharged to hospital 8 ratingS FOR ? and 1 rating to Caronia. 3.00pm: Discharged 1 officer to hospital. 5.00pm: Read warrant No 44. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d96: ( 6 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 7 4caf8390cadfd34197000d97: ( 7 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 7 4caf8390cadfd34197000d98: ( 8 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 9 7.00pm: 3 stokers: joined from Canopus. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d99: ( 9 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 11 11.30am: Mr Houghton, mate, joined ship from minesweeper. 1.00pm: Discharged Mr Middleton, Lt Comdr (T) to Europa. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d9a: ( 10 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 11 4caf8390cadfd34197000d9b: ( 11 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 12 11.00am: Discharged 1 stoker, 1 AB, 1 PO2 to SS Trimsian. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d9c: ( 12 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 10 4caf8390cadfd34197000d9d: ( 13 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 12 4caf8390cadfd34197000d9e: ( 14 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 11 7.55am: Commenced flooding dock. 9.15am: Ship afloat. 9.30am: Ceased flooding dock. 10.30am: Ship proceeded out of dock and went alongside boiler wharf. 4caf8390cadfd34197000d9f: ( 15 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 9 10.00am: Discharged 1 stoker PO to hospital. 2.47pm: Commenced steam trial alongside wharf. 4.30pm: Trial finished. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da0: ( 16 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 9 7.30am: Coal lighters alongside. 7.45am: Commenced coaling. Native labour employed. 12.30pm: Discharged Fleet Paymaster to Egmont. One Lieut Commander (E) joined ship. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da1: ( 17 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 15 7.10am: Ship towed from Boiler Wharf to Palatoris Wharf while French ship was docked. 9.40am: Ship returned to Boiler Wharf. 10.30am: Discharged to hospital one Master at Arms, 1 seaman, 1 Armourers crew. 4.00pm: Mr Hogan (mate) & Mr Emery (corp) joined ship for passage. 10.00pm: 3 ratings joined ship from Egmont fro passage to fleet. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da2: ( 18 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Number on sick list: 13 11.00am: 2 assistant paymasters & 1 staff paymaster joined for passage. 12 noon 4 stoker ratings joined ship. 12.30pm: 1 seaman joined for passage. 6.15pm: 3 stokers RNR joined ship from Egmont for passage to Prince Edward. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da3: ( 19 June 1915 Malta and at sea to Dardanelles Lat 35.6, Long 14.9
on sick list: 14 9.54am: Passed through breakwaters. 10.00am: Started to zig-zag. 10.14am: Escorted by Harrier and T.B. 11.12am: Harrier and T.B. parted company. 3.45pm: Passed a transport bound west. 4.58pm: Steering gear jammed. Stopped. 5.12pm: Wheel correct. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da4: ( 20 June 1915 At sea, Malta to Dardanelles Lat 35.5, Long 20.8 Number on sick list: 13 5.10pm: Passed Swiftsure on port beam. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da5: ( 21 June 1915 At sea, Malta to Lemnos Island, and at Port Mudros Lat 39.1, Long 25.1 Number on sick list: 13 6.30am: Sighted trawler 293, also French trawler. 8.15am: Passed sailing vessel, apparently prize crew on board. 4.26pm: Came to with port anchor. 7.30pm: Lt Commander Howard and Lt Whitworth RMLI joined ship, 1 private RMLI and 5 seaman ratings. 10.00pm: Discharged ratingS FOR fleet. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da6: ( 22 June 1915 Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 13 6.00am: SS England alongside. 8.20am: Commenced coaling. 11.00am: Finished coaling. Complete 386 tons. 12.10pm: SS England shoved off. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da7: ( 23 June 1915 Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 13 11.30am: Discharged 1 CERA to Europa. 7.00pm: Discharged 1 ? and 1 mate to Hussar. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da8: ( 24 June 1915 Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 14 10.30am: Discharged 1 carpenters mate to Europa. 11.00am: Lost overboard 1 saw patt. 546. 5.30pm: Blenheim, Minerva and 5 destroyers arrived. 6.30pm: Talbot left harbour. 4caf8390cadfd34197000da9: ( 25 June 1915 Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 11 11.30am: Lord Nelson and 4 destroyers left harbour. 8.00pm: Lord Nelson returned. 4caf8390cadfd34197000daa: ( 26 June 1915 Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 13 8.00am: Sent working party to SS Ealington. 10.30am: 2 shipwrights, 2 marines returned from Fauvelle. 11.30am: 1 seaman rating returned from beach party. 9.00pm: Discharged 1 stoker to hospital. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dab: ( 27 June 1915 Lemnos to Mitylene Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Editor’s note: ‘Mitylene’ is probably now known as ‘Mitilini Strait’, which lies between the island of Lesbos (aka Mytilini)and the coast of Turkey. Number on sick list: 15 5.55am: Weighed. 10.00am: Wear joined company. 1.43pm: Slow both. Stopped. 1.53pm: Navigation Officer of Euryalus came on board. 2.07pm: Let go starboard anchor. 4.15pm: Destroyer Wear came alongside for provisions. 7.00pm: HMS Vengeance proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dac: ( 28 June 1915 Port Jero Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 15 5.40am: Collier came alongside. 7.20am: Commenced coaling. 8.00am: Sent 1 leading telegraphist to Euryalus. 9.45am: Finished coaling. Discharged one Q Sig(?) discharged to destroyer Wear. 6.00pm: French sweeper arrived. 7.00pm: French Destroyer left. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dad: ( 29 June 1915 Port Jero Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 16 10.30am: Discharged 1 stoker PO to Welland. 7.00pm: Discharged stoker to Welland. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dae: ( 30 June 1915 Port Jero Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 17 5.20am: 3 French sweepers arrived. 11.00am: Discharged 6 ratings to 102 trawler for relief. 2.30pm: Discharged 1 AB to Welland. LOGS FOR JULY 1915 4caf8390cadfd34197000daf: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000db0: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000db1: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000db2: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000db3: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000db4: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000db5: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000db6: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000db7: ( 1 July 1915 Port Jero Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 16 7.00am: Heroic (minesweeper) arrived. Sent coaling party 9 hands and 1 PO to her. 1.30am: Wear arrived. 3.30am: Wear left harbour. 4caf8390cadfd34197000db8: ( 2 July 1915 Port Jero Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 15 9.25am: French sweepers & one T.B. arrived. 1.55pm: French minesweepers left. Hands wash clothes. Trawler 102 arrived. 3.15pm: French trawler arrived. 7.00pm: Trawler 102, Heroic and French trawler left harbour. Gazelle arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000db9: ( 3 July 1915 Port Jero Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 12 6.00am: Coaling party of 2 POs & 11 seaman to Gazelle. 1.00pm: Coaling party returned. 4.00pm: 2 French destroyers went to sea. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dba: ( 4 July 1915 Port Jero Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 14 11.00am: RC parties from Euryalus and French cruiser Bruix on board. 12 noon Trawler 48 arrived. 1.25pm: Trawler 48 came alongside for water. 2.30pm: French destroyer arrived. 3.20pm: French trawler arrived. 7.15pm: Gazelle left. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dbb: ( 5 July 1915 Port Jero Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 18 5.30am: French torpedo boat sailed. 8.10am: Trawler 48 sailed. 1.30pm: Discharged 2 boys ? to Euryalus. 7.50pm: Canopus arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dbc: ( 6 July 1915 Port Jero to Port Mudros Lat 39.1, Long 26.57 Number on sick list: 15 5.00am: Unmoored ship. 7.00am: Discharged Father Bray to Euryalus. 8.05am: Weighed. 12 noon Trawler 48 arrived. 3.49pm: Passed boom defence. 4.07pm: Came to with starboard anchor. 6.30pm: 1 writer 1st class & 1 AB joined ship from hospital. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dbd: ( 7 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 15 10.30am: 1 chief yeoman of signals rejoined ship from hospital. 11.00am: Collier came alongside. 12.30pm: Commenced coaling. 3.00pm: Finished coaling. 3.15pm: Collier shoved off. 8.03pm: Trawler 703 came alongside. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dbe: ( 8 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 11.00am: Discharged 1 patient to hospital ship. 6.15pm: Captain Loring & valet joined ship. Steam pinnace and crew joined from Gallipoli Peninsula. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dbf: ( 9 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 6.30am: Venerable sailed. 9.55am: SS Ocean Transport came alongside. 12.30pm: Ocean Transport shoved off and returned at 2.30 pm. 7.00pm: Ocean Transport shoved off. 8.15pm: Albion’s steam pinnace returned from Dardanelles. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc0: ( 10 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 7.00am: Lost by accident: 1 can tin for oil (1 gall.); 1 lantern Patt. 275. 9.00am: Discharged Commander Watts Jones & one Private RMLI to Aragon. 10.20am: HMS Agamemnon sailed. 11.00am: HMS Bacchante drew motor boat Y10. 2.45pm: HMS Europa drew Y7 & Y8 motor boats. 5.30pm: Shifted billet to C2. 6.50pm: Discharged 1 ordinary seaman to hospital ship. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc1: ( 11 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 19 8.45am: 1 ERA, 1 PO, 2 leading seaman, 3 seamen, 1 leading stoker & 15 stokers to El Kahara. 11.30am: 32 hands El Kahara came on board waiting passage for Alexandria. 12.15pm: 20 hands coaling El Kahara. 1.55pm: El Kahara coaling party returned. 6.30pm: Prince George left harbour. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc2: ( 12 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 5.30am: Swiftsure arrived and anchored. 9.00am: Cornwall entered harbour. 9.30am: Theseus, Abercrombie & fleet sweeper came in. 1.00pm: French battleship & 2 destroyers came in. 3.00pm: 4 RNVR officers, 9 marines & 6 ratings joined for motor gun boats. 9.30pm: Prince George returned. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc3: ( 13 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 5.00am: HMS Abercrombie sailed. 6.00am: HMS Cornwallis sailed. 7.50am: HMS Cornwallis returned. 6.40pm: Askold arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc4: ( 14 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 6.30am: Hussar arrived. 2.00pm: Sent working party 14 hands and 1 PO to SS Woodville. 6.15pm: 10 boys joined from Theseus. 7.00pm: 3 motor gun boats left and proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc5: ( 15 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 8.40am: Trawler 703 shoved off. 10.00am: Mr Fletcher, Captain’s clerk, discharged to Hussar. Assist Paymaster & Fleet Paymaster: joined ship. 1.45pm: Hussar sailed. 2.50pm: Minerva & Endymion arrived. 3.20pm: Doris sailed. 3.55pm: Monitor Roberts arrived. 5.30pm: Discharged 10 ratings to Europa. 7.00pm: HMS Kaban came in. 8.10pm: Trawler 719 came alongside. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc6: ( 16 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 5.30am: Sent kedge anchor to SS Bangarth. 11.00am: Monitor Roberts left harbour. 2.00pm: 3 stokers & 2 ABs to El Kahara. 3.15pm: Queensland Transport came alongside. 6.00pm: Sent 1 steam boat to Cornwall and 1 to Bacchante. 9.00pm: Sent 3 steamboats to Europa. 10.30pm: Queensland shoved off. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc7: ( 17 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 7 5.30am: Venerable & Triad arrived. 7.15am: SS Ardcarry came alongside. 9.15am: Ardcarry left. 10.30am: French cruiser Klèber arrived with damaged bow having been in collision. Editor’s note: The spelling of this vessel’s name may be incorrect. Most sources show it as ‘Kléber’. 3.00pm: Discharged 3 boats str.(?) to SS Woodville. 6.00pm: Picket boat taken by Europa. 6.30pm: 22 boys joined from Endymion. 6.35pm: Chatham left. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc8: ( 18 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 8.00am: Sent RCs to HMS Venerable. 6.00pm: 32 coolies left ship for SS Ajax. 6.45pm: Collier came alongside. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dc9: ( 19 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 5.30am: Commenced coaling. 9.45am: Finished coaling. 10.20am: Collier shoved off. 2.00pm: Received our original picket boat from Reliance. 9.00pm: Mr 3 POs & 3 ABs discharged for prize crew. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dca: ( 20 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 19 6.15pm: HMS Endymion proceeded to sea. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dcb: ( 21 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 5.00pm: 2 leading seamen, 1 AB, 3 stokers discharged to El Kahara. 6.00pm: Discharged to HMS Europa 1 Petty officer, 2 leading seamen, 1 stoker PO, 3 leading stokers, 3 stokers. Placed under arrest 1 Lieut Raby RNVR from Europa. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dcc: ( 22 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 4.30am: French Battleship St Louis went out. 2.00pm: Rigged diving boat and sent diving party to 070 Torpedo boat. 3.00pm: Monitor came in. 4.30pm: Diving boat returned. 6.30pm: Monitor came in. 6.30pm: Lt Commander Cooper RNR joined ship. 8.00pm: St Louis returned. Discharged 1 ERA to El Kahara. 11.00pm: St Louis went out. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dcd: ( 23 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 5.30am: Monitor left and 2 submarines. 5.50am: Monitor and Doris went out. Transport Oceana, Lake M? & HMS Minerva arrived. 10.30am: Discharged Lieut Commander Cooper RNR to Europa. 5.20pm: Discharged 1 AB RNR to Adamant. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dce: ( 24 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 12 6.20am: HMS Doris arrived. 6.30am: 2 monitors arrived. 10.45am: French submarine left. 11.30am: French torpedo boat 353 left. 12.20pm: Hospital ship Gloucester Castle left. Russian cruiser Askold sailed. 7.30pm: E7 (submarine) arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dcf: ( 25 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 15 8.30am: Sent RCs to HMS Venerable. 9.50am: Sent a working party of 1 P.O. and 10 hands to Ramsay. 6.30pm: Small monitor sailed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd0: ( 26 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 14 6.00am: Swanley came alongside. Prepared for coaling. 8.10am: HMS Chatham arrived and small monitor sailed. 9.05am: M.32 monitor sailed. 12 noon Swanley shoved off. 5.00pm: Working party returned from Greek steamer and prize crew. 6.00am: 27 ratings returned from El Kahara. 8.45pm: 30 RND joined ship. 10.40pm: Tug came alongside for repairs. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd1: ( 27 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 15 5.30am: Minerva and Grafton arrived. 7.00am: Working party to Reliance 8 AB and 1 P.O. 10.30am: Carrigan Head came alongside. 11.00am: HMS Edgar arrived. 12.21pm: Carrigan Head shoved off. One boy joined ship from hospital. 4.30pm: One officer under escort joined ship. 6.00pm: French battleship arrived and anchored. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd2: ( 28 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 11.00am: Monitor put to sea. 7.00pm: General issue of slops. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd3: ( 29 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 6.30am: Sent horse boat to HMS Edgar. 11.40am: Discharged 1 signalman to Trawler for passage to Exmouth. 7.00pm: Lord Antrim came alongside. 8.10pm: Lord Antrim left ship. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd4: ( 30 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 25 5.15am: French battleship left harbour. 9.10am: Discharged 1 signal rating to HMS Europa. 11.00am: Turned over one steam pinnace and crew complete to HMS Aragon. 2.30pm: Discharged one wireless PO to Manica for passage to HMS Exmouth. 4.30pm: French battleship arrived. 8.30pm: Joined from HM Monitor Abercrombie one private RMLI and one stoker PO. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd5: ( 31 July 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 23 1.15am: Sent steam pinnace and working party for landing troops. 4.30am: Working party landing wounded 1 PO, 9 AB's. Working party SS Baron Androssan 1 PO, 15 AB's. 10.00am: Discharged 1 AB RMR to hospital ship. Eng Lieut White joined ship. 11.30am: Discharged 1 stoker PO 1 private RMLI to Abercrombie. 3.30pm: Tug Phoebus shoved off. 5.00pm: Discharged 2nd Yeoman of signals to Hazel. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1915 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd6: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd7: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd8: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000dd9: ( 1 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 23 6.00am: HMS Chatham arrived. 6.15pm: Collier Levenpool came alongside. 9.00pm: Commander Smart RNVR joined the ship, also one Sergeant marines RMA. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dda: ( 2 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 23 5.00am: Commenced coaling. 5.30am: HMS Triad arrived. 6.30am: HMS Hussar sailed. 8.30am: Picket boat and steam pinnace with crews complete and Midshipmen Maclean and Berridge left the ship. 9.20am: Finished coaling. Collier shoved off. (Lost overboard by accident sacks coal 2 cwt 3 in number.) 2.00pm: HMS Hussar sailed. 6.10pm: Small French cruiser sailed. 7.30pm: Two French Battleships sailed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000ddb: ( 3 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 25 5.15am: French Battleship sailed. 9.10am: Working party of 20 men to steamer Flemish. Lent one diving suite complete to Prince George. 2.00pm: Discharged Mr Campbell & Mr Marchant, midshipmen to HMS Doris. 3.00pm: Trawler 293 came alongside. HMS Partridge sailed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000ddc: ( 4 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 23 5.00am: Working party of stokers: to Swanley. 2 telegraphists to Chelmer. 9.00am: 1 TGM and 2 AB's left ship. 12.45pm: Left ship 99 seaman ratings. 11 officers landed for beach party. 2.00pm: Discharged one telegraphist: to Swiftsure. 5.30pm: Discharged Mr Bennett, prisoner to SS Barrymore. 6.30pm: HMS Lord Nelson arrived. 7.00pm: HMS Minerva sailed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000ddd: ( 5 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 24 5.30am: French battleship Patrie arrived, also French cruisers Bruix, Dupleix. British submarine went out. 8.30am: One signal rating to Sarnia. 3 signal ratings to Europa. 10.30am: Commander J. D. Campbell left the ship. 11.00am: Discharged one signal rating to Honeysuckle. 2.30pm: Discharged one leading signalman to Europa. 4.00pm: One signalman to Rowan,12 stretchers to Minnetonka. 5.00pm: Lent 2 capstan bars to Reliance. 6.30pm: Surgeon Ross left the ship. 6.55pm: Monitors 30 & 31 sailed. 7.30pm: HMS Chatham sailed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dde: ( 6 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 10.00am: HMS Bacchante proceeded. 10.45am: Trawler 362 came alongside for repairs. One monitor arrived. 11.40am: Discharged 1 stoker PO RFR to trawler for passage to Triad. 1.00pm: Discharged 35 ratings & one officer for transport party. 5.20pm: 2 SBR ratings joined ship from SS Aquarius. 6.45pm: Doris sailed. Small boats at 7.30. 7.30pm: Askold arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000ddf: ( 7 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 23 5.00am: French battleship Patrie weighed and left, also B9. 6.30am: Coaling party of 8 hands and 1 leading seaman to Reliance. 7.45am: Coaling party returned. 11.30am: Trawler 362 shoved off. 5.00pm: Lent 1 yeoman of signals to Redbreast. 7.00pm: Discharged one rating to hospital. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de0: ( 8 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 21 10.20am: Transport Z45 came alongside for repairs. 11.30am: HMS Doris arrived. 1.00pm: Working aboard for repairs 10 shipwrights, 6 blacksmiths from Prince George, Glory, Venerable, Lord Nelson, Agamemnon. 5.00pm: Minerva arrived, Doris sailed. 7.00pm: Commander ? Smart & 1 Sergeant RMQ left ship. Discharged 18 ratings to motor lighters. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de1: ( 9 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 21 5.45am: Russian Cruiser Askold sailed. 6.00am: SS Abbasich (Z45) left ship. Shipwrights and blacksmiths returned to their respective ships. 8.30am: Landed 12 seamen ratings and 4 marineS FOR beach party. 9.30am: Discharged 1 rating to hospital. 10.30am: Party drawing stores at SS Floridian. 1.00pm: Discharged 1 PO II, Leading Seaman, 1 Stoker PO, Stoker to Aragon for motor boat crew. 2.30pm: French Battleship arrived. Surgeon Nuttall rejoined ship. 3.00pm: Sent 4-5 cwt 1-1¾ cwt sinkers to Woodville. Honeysuckle & 3 Destroyers arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de2: ( 10 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 5.30am: Askold arrived. One midshipman rejoined ship. 9.00am: M15 arrived and anchored. 1.30pm: Party drawing stores from SS Woodville. 4.00pm: M17 arrived and anchored. 5.30pm: Issue of slops to all reserve men. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de3: ( 11 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 5.15am: French Battleship left. 8.00am: Discharged to Europa 2 leading stokers, 2 stoker Pos. 9.00am: Discharged 1 Private RMLI and one midshipman for beach party. 1.30pm: French battleship arrived. 4.00pm: M32 arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de4: ( 12 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 8.15am: M17 left harbour. 1.00pm: One French Battleship sailed. 1.30pm: Discharged one Leading Seaman to Queen Victoria. 2.15pm: HMS Anemone sailed. 3.00pm: One PO 2nd class joined ship from Queen Victoria. 7.00pm: HMS Doris sailed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de5: ( 13 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 19 11.30am: Venerable sailed. 1.40pm: 1 yeoman of signals joined ship from Hazel. 4.00pm: 2 St John's Ambulance attendants left ship for passage home. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de6: ( 14 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 9.50am: M16 sailed. 1.30pm: French Battleship sailed. 2.00pm: Working Party of 20 Hands to SS Bondicar transporting ammunition. 6.30pm: Rev de Jessey: left ship for Aquitania. 7.00pm: 1 POI and 2 AB's joined ship from HMS Chatham. 7.30pm: M29 arrived. 8.40pm: 16 men Horse boat party returned from the Europa. 9.30pm: Lt Commander Ram RNR joined ship from Europa. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de7: ( 15 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 15 5.15am: French Battleship weighed and left harbour. 6.30am: Aquitania sailed. 9.15am: HMS Cornwall arrived. 2.00pm: French battleship arrived and anchored. 5.30pm: Lt Comdr Ram RNR left ship for SS Euripides. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de8: ( 16 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 11.00am: 37 ratings: discharged to CornwalliS FOR beach party. 11.30am: HMS Chatham weighed and left harbour. 1.30pm: One AB: joined ship from hospital. 2.00pm: Two signal ratings joined ship from Honeysuckle & Rowan. 4caf8390cadfd34197000de9: ( 17 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 10.30am: Prize crew: returned from Greek SS Opirios. 7.15pm: HMS Cornwallis sailed. 7.45pm: 5 signal ratings rejoined ship from Swiftsure. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dea: ( 18 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 13 8.50am: Discharged ward room steward to Prince George. 9.20am: 57 ratings joined ship from Reliance. 10.45am: Discharged 1 signalman to Redbreast. 11.45am: Yeoman of signals joined ship from Redbreast. 4 ratings joined ship from Reliance. 2.00pm: 1 rating joined ship from Reliance. 2.30pm: 1 signal rating joined ship from HMS Sarnia. 4.00pm: Monitor Raglan arrived. 6.30pm: 57 ratings: discharged to Anwick Castle for passage to England. 4caf8390cadfd34197000deb: ( 19 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 13 12.30pm: French Battleship sailed. 2.00pm: Discharged 11 stokers to Reliance. 4.00pm: 1 ships steward assistant joined ship. HMS Chatham arrived. 5.30pm: French battleship arrived. 9.30pm: One AB joined ship from transport party. 10.00pm: Two shipwrights joined ship from Europa for beach party. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dec: ( 20 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 12 6.00am: 2 shipwrights & 2 marines discharged to beach party. 11.30am: 7 ratings belonging to beach party returned. 1.30pm: Hands employed rendering assistance to Hospital ship on fire. 8.00pm: 2 ratings from Dardanelles beach party returned. 9.00pm: Coaling party 20 seamen, 20 stokers, & 2 officers to hospital ship. 4caf8390cadfd34197000ded: ( 21 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 14 9.30am: Sir Hugh Bell, tug, came alongside. Court of Inquiry being held on board. 2.45pm: Mr Maclean midshipman rejoined ship as cot case. 3.00pm: Sir Hugh Bell, tug, shoved off. 7.15pm: 2 sub lieutenants RNR & 173 ratings joined ship from SS Franconia. 8.00pm: Sent working party 30 hands to SS Anglo Egyptian. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dee: ( 22 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 6.30am: Lent stokers working party to Anglo Egyptian 15 stokers, 2 chief stokers, 1 W.O. 9.00am: Sent RC's to Prince George. 12.30pm: Stokers working party returned to ship. 5.40pm: Collier Ennisbrook secured alongside. Tug Marsden came alongside. 6.30pm: HMS Cornwall sailed. 7.00pm: Tug Marsden shoved off. 4caf8390cadfd34197000def: ( 23 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 22 5.15am: Commenced coaling. 10.00am: Finished coaling. 10.30am: Collier shoved off. 10.30am: Lent Midshipman E S Felton to Suvla Bay for beach party. 1.30pm: Lent 1-1¾ cwt sinker to trawler 306 for Canopus. 3.30pm: French Battleship arrived. 5.00pm: 1 rating to beach party Mudros. 9.45pm: HMS Chatham sailed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000df0: ( 24 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 4.00am: HMS Cornwall arrived. 10.30am: Lt Robertson RNR & 4 Ratings discharged to Arcadian for passage. 11.45am: Mr Maclean, midshipman, discharged to hospital. Lost overboard by accident - one paintbrush. 5.30pm: HMS Doris arrived. 8.30pm: 1 signal rating rejoined ship. 4caf8390cadfd34197000df1: ( 25 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 6.15am: Monitor M31 arrived. Ship’s steward assistant rejoined ship from hospital. 10.30am: HMS Chalhan arrived. Editor’s note: Possible that this should be HMS ‘Chatham’. 11.30am: X.40, motor lighter, came alongside. 3.30pm: 1 ERA joined ship from Europa. Discharged 1 SB rating to Europa. 4.00pm: Discharged Lt Raby RNVR to Franconia for passage. 6.40pm: 2 stokers joined ship from Europa for motor lighters. 8.00pm: 3 ratings joined ship from Dardanelles. 4caf8390cadfd34197000df2: ( 26 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 5.30am: HMS Triad arrived. 6.15am: HMS Endymion. 10.30am: French battleship arrived. 2.20pm: X113 motor lighter came alongside. 4.15pm: French battleship Patrie weighed and left harbour. 6.00pm: Surgeon Ross rejoined ship from Aragon. 4caf8390cadfd34197000df3: ( 27 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 6.00am: 1 PO and 14 hands working party ashore. 7.45am: Working party of 53 hands to the beach. 12.30pm: 1 chief stoker and 3 stokers discharged to beach for distilling plant. 1.45pm: Discharged 70 RhRTs to Aragon. 6.30pm: Discharged Mr de Segundo, midshipman, to HMS Doris. M r Marchant rejoined ship from HMS Doris. 4caf8390cadfd34197000df4: ( 28 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 5.50am: HMS Triad sailed. 7.00am: HM Monitor Raglan sailed. Let 1 ERQ to Prince George. Stokers working party to SS Larriston. Landed beach working party and party to SS Floridian. 8.00am: Lieut Commander joined ship from beach party. 8.10am: HMS Euryalus weighed and left harbour. 3.00pm: French battleship arrived. 8.15pm: Discharged 31 RNRT ratings to Aragon. 4caf8390cadfd34197000df5: ( 29 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 20 7.45am: Mr Eley, Torpedo gunner, joined ship. 9.00am: Talbot arrived. 2.30pm: Discharged 1 RNVR signal rating to Prince Abbas. 7.15pm: Mr Twomly & Mr Cox returned to ship from Dardanelles. 1 sick man came on board from beach party. 4caf8390cadfd34197000df6: ( 30 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 22 5.30am: Stokers working party to Larietan. Editor’s note: ‘Larietan’ and ‘Larristan’ (see 28 August) are probably the same ship. 2.00pm: Discharged 1 rating to Johnquill. Editor’s note: This ship should probably be ‘Jonquil’, a Flower class sloop. 3.30pm: Returned 35 ratings from Dardanelles. 5.30pm: Fire engine sent to Whitby Abbey. 6.30pm: Discharged 1 ERA to Europa. 6.45pm: Talbot sailed. 4caf8390cadfd34197000df7: ( 31 August 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 21 7.30am: Stokers working party to Larristan. 8.00am: 1 Midshipman left to join Sarnia. 1 signal rating for beach party. 9.10am: 2 motor lighters X48 and X119 left ship with crew complete, one WO in charge. 1 midshipman joined 10.00pm: 1 AB joined ship from Europa. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1915 4caf8390cadfd34197000df8: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000df9: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000dfa: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000dfb: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000dfc: ( 4caf8390cadfd34197000dfd: ( 1 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 21 7.30am: Stokers working party to Larristan. Working party to SS Ascot. 9.15am: Discharged 3 RNR ratings to trawler for passage. 11.00am: 3 ratings to Prince George for Medical Survey. 1.00pm: Sent 1 motor lighter X180 to Prince George. 1.45pm: Hussar arrived. 4.30pm: M21 arrived. 6.00pm: 1 rating returned from Dardanelles. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dfe: ( 2 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 5.45am: HMS Venerable arrived. 6.30am: Submarine E7 left harbour. 7.40am: 1 monitor left harbour. 9.00am: Discharged 3 invalids to hospital. Discharged 1 stoker to Dardanelles. 10.30am: Working party to Woodville. 11.00am: Hussar sailed. 1.45pm: Trawler 102 came alongside with 46 R. Marines & 1 Captain joined ship from Tenedos. 1.55pm: Trawler shoved off. 3.30pm: 1 surgeon joined ship. 5.00pm: Collier Hurst came alongside. 6.30pm: Collier Hurst shoved off. Motor lighter X32 came alongside. 7.00pm: Staff surgeon Atkinson RN joined ship from Europa. 8.00pm: Cornwall left. 4caf8390cadfd34197000dff: ( 3 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 10.00am: HMS Hussar sailed. 10.30am: French battleship arrived. HMS Chatham sailed. 3.00pm: Working parties seamen and marines to Southlands. 5.00pm: Tug Flying Fish came alongside with marines bags and hammocks. 5.45pm: Tug shoved off. 6.30pm: 26 ratings and 2 officers: joined ship from A beach West. Submarine E11 and Honeysuckle arrived. 4caf8390cadfd34197000e00: ( 4 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 18 7.40am: Working party and diving party 46 hands to Southlands. 12.30pm: Sent 14 marines working party to SS Southlands. 1.30pm: Discharged 1 ERA to M21. 2.00pm: Discharged 1 surgeon and Mr Cox, mate, to SS Novian for passage to England. 3.00pm: 1 ERA: joined ship from Europa. 10.00pm: 11 ratings joined ship from A Beach. 4caf8390cadfd34197000e01: ( 5 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 20 6.00am: Working party to SS Southland and sanding party. 11.40am: Working party12 hands 2 POs to beach. 11.50am: Motor lighter X32 shoved off. 6.30pm: Working party return from Southland and Beach. 1 rating joined ship from Greek tug. 4caf8390cadfd34197000e02: ( 6 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 19 6.00am: Monitor arrived. Sent party to SS Southland with their bags. Sent sanding party working on shore about distilling plants. 9.30am: 1 monitor arrived. 10.30am: 1 rating came on board sick from beach party. 11.30am: 1 monitor arrived. 1.00pm: Discharged 2 ratings to hospital. 2.30pm: Staff surgeon Atkinson to Ermine. 3.30pm: French Battleship and Destroyers arrived. 4.00pm: Discharged 2 boys to Europa. 4caf8390cadfd34197000e03: ( 7 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 24 5.30am: HMS Euryalus arrived. Sent working party 18 seaman to SS Southland. 10.30am: 1 ERA joined ship from Prince George. 12.30pm: 18 ratings discharged to Europa. 1.00pm: HMS Latona arrived. 9.00pm: 1 rating joined ship from hospital. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e04: ( 8 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 20 6.15am: Landed sanding party. 7.50am: Landed rigging party. 12.30pm: French Battleship sailed. 2.45pm: 3 submarines arrived. 5.00pm: Father Bray joined the ship. 10.30pm: Lent wire gauger and 1 joining shackle to SS Southland. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e05: ( 9 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 22 12.30pm: Discharged 1 AB to Glory. 1 AB joined ship from Glory. 5.00pm: Discharged 1 Boy to Prince George. 1 Boy joined from Prince George. 6.10pm: Mauretania sailed. Aquitania arrived. Latonia sailed. Cornwall sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e06: ( 10 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 23 7.30am: HMS Chatham arrived. 10.30am: 22 ratings joined ship from Prince George. Motor lighter K20 came alongside. 12.45pm: Commander Gibson 1 AB and 1 RMLI joined ship from Dardanelles. 4.00pm: 1 seaman joined ship from Mudros beach party. 5.30pm: Motor lighter 194 alongside. 1 life raft from Glory. 7.10pm: Prince George sailed. Mr Cooper and 1 rating joined ship from Trawler 893. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e07: ( 11 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 23 1.30pm: Abercrombie arrived. 6.30pm: Cornwall arrived, one French Cruiser arrived, Jules Ferry sailed. 7.30pm: Lent 2 stokers to SS Southlands. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e08: ( 12 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 20 5.50am: Swiftsure arrived. Monitor sailed. 7.55am: Commander Campbell, Midshipman Berridge & 1 RMLI rejoined from Swiftsure. 8.00am: Lent 1 doctor to Europa. 10.30am: 2 shipwrights joined from Southland. 4.00pm: Sent party to Baron Ardrossan. Edgar arrived. 6.20pm: Cruiser Dupleix sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e09: ( 13 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 23 5.00am: Chaplain rejoined ship. 9.00am: Working party to Baron Ardrossan drawing stores. 2.20pm: Water tank shoved off after completing repairs. 4.14pm: Cutter Silver Ash came alongside. 3.00pm: Drew steam pinnace from Agamemnon. 6.00pm: 2 ratings & 1 Midshipman sent to hospital. 7.00pm: Monitor sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e0a: ( 14 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 24 6.00am: Commenced coaling. 8.00am: French battleship sailed. 11.00am: Finished coaling. 490 (tons). 11.35am: Collier Silver Ash shoved off. 4.45pm: French Battleship returned. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e0b: ( 15 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 25 6.30am: French battleship and Grafton arrived. 11.00am: Discharged 1 SSA to Trawler for passage to Ark Royal. 2.30pm: E2 submarine arrived. 6.00pm: Sent working party to Tug Slieve Foy. One seaman RNR rejoined from hospital. 6.30pm: Abercrombie sailed. 9.30pm: Surgeon Ross rejoined from Europa. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e0c: ( 16 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 29 9.10am: Turned over motor boat to Europa. Sent working party to recreation ground. Party drawing stores from Woodville & Baron Ardrossan. 1.30pm: Sent party to Aragon to repair cable. 1 stoker to hospital. 2.00pm: Motor lighter K29 left ship. 3.15pm: Raglan arrived. 2 submarines H class arrived. 5.30pm: French cruiser sailed and cable party returned. 7.45pm: 2 Egyptians came on board from Europa. 8.00pm: Sent 1 bag and hammock to Aquitania. 10.30pm: 1 lieutenant and 1 doctor joined from Europa. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e0d: ( 17 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 27 6.00am: 8 ratings discharged to beach. 1 marine corporal discharged M19. 10.00am: 1 stoker PO rejoined ship. 12.30pm: Discharged 2 seamen RNR & 1 midshipman’s bag to Aquitania. 2.00pm: E2 came in. 6.00pm: Grafton sailed. 6.45pm: Doris left. 7.00pm: Relieved guard marines on Mudros Beach. 8.00pm: 1 PO 1st class returned from beach sick. 8.30pm: Marine guard returned from Southland. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e0e: ( 18 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 22 6.00am: Discharged 18 marines to Endymion & Theseus. 8.30am: 24 marines discharged to Edgar. 10.20am: French Battleship & Chatham sailed. Working party to Baron Ardrossan. 1.15pm: Discharged 1 RMLI to Osiris. 3.15pm: Discharged 2nd Yeoman of signals to Sarnia & 1 RMLI to Europa. 7.10pm: Swiftsure sailed. 8.15pm: French Battleship Republic arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e0f: ( 19 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 20 9.45am: SS Boveric came alongside. 10.40am: SS Boveric shoved off. 1.00pm: Chief corp & Mate Houghton returned from Suvla. 4.15pm: Discharged 1 PO 2 to Europa. 7.00pm: Sent K28 motor lighter to Europa, K21 came alongside. 9.00pm: 3 ratings joined ship from Aragon. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e10: ( 20 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 19 1.00pm: Sent party to Baron Ardrossan to draw electric lamps, shades etc. Sent motor boat to Europa. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e11: ( 21 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 21 4.30am: Lieutenant & Surgeon: left for Trawler 102. 1 rating returned from Southland sick. 5.00am: SS Apollo came alongside. 11.15am: SS Apollo shoved off. 1.00pm: Sent one picket boat to Lord Nelson & pair of anchor slings. 2.30pm: French monitor arrived. 6.00pm: Monitor Raglan sailed. 6.30am: 1 ERA joined from El Kahara. 7.00pm: Hoisted in Prince George's picket boat for repairs. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e12: ( 22 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 1.30am: Chatham sailed. 5.30am: HMS Prince George arrived. 6.45am: Havelock arrived. 9.00am: Two H class submarines sailed. 11.00am: 2 patients to CornwalliS FOR survey. 5.00pm: Discharged 1 stoker to hospital. 6.00pm: Small monitor sailed. 7.00pm: 18 rankings: returned from Southland. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e13: ( 23 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 6.00am: Chatham arrived. 7.15am: Triad sailed. 1.30pm: Submarine H4 arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e14: ( 24 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 13 9.10am: Submarine N1 sailed. 9.30am: Held court of inquiry on board. 11.30am: Monitor sailed. 1.30pm: Sent steam cutter to trawler 270 for Osiris. 3.20pm: HMS Chatham came in. 7.00pm: French Battleship sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e15: ( 25 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 4 5.00am: Endymion came in. 10.00am: 1 shipwright rejoined from SS Southland. 11.00am: K21 motor lighter came alongside. 1.00pm: Special leave for Football Match. 2.00pm: Discharged 8 trawler ratings & 1 leading seaman to Europa. 4.00pm: 4 ratings rejoined from Southland and 1 torpedo gunner. 5.00pm: Chatham went out. 6.30pm: Cornwall sailed. Havelock sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e16: ( 26 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 15 7.20am: HMS Cornwallis proceeded. 11.30am: H1 submarine left. 3.20pm: HMS Bacchante arrived. 4.00pm: Picket boat returned from Dardanelles. 5.00pm: 7 trawler ratings &1 PO returned from Southland. 8.00pm: Euryalus sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e17: ( 27 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 6.00am: HMS Chatham arrived. 1.00pm: Lieutenant Heath returned from Suvla. 1.30pm: Exmouth came in. 2.00pm: Discharged 8 trawler ratings, 1 signalman & 1 telegraphist to Europa for Gallipoli Peninsula. 3.00pm: K21 motor lighter lent to Prince George. 5.30pm: Discharged Major Darley to Exmouth. 3 Monitors & Foresight arrived. HMS Endymion sailed. K21 motor lighter returned. HMS Sentinel sailed. Captain Strugnall joined ship from Exmouth. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e18: ( 28 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 11.00am: One signal rating joined from beach party. 9.30pm: One stoker joined from beach party. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e19: ( 29 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 5.40am: Venerable arrived. 7.10am: Exmouth and H1 sailed. 10.10am: V.A. came on board to inspect ship. 11.00am: 2 ratings rejoined from Dardanelles. 12.10pm: V.A. left ship. 1.30pm: 1 gunners mate & 1 private RMLI rejoined from beach party. 17 seamen ratings to Southland. Mr Abbot rejoined from Suvla. Sent19 trawler section to Cape Helles, 9 to West Beach. 3.45pm: Small Monitor arrived. 1 seaman rating joined from Suvla. 4.15pm: 1 wireless PO joined ship from Skirmisher. Venerable sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e1a: ( 30 September 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 16 7.00am: Collier Penhallow came alongside. 8.45am: Commenced coaling. 12.20pm: Finished coaling. 345 tons. 2.00pm: Court of inquiry held on board. 3.15pm: 1 AB joined from hospital. 3.50pm: 4 Ratings rejoined from Southland. 4.00pm: Discharged one seaman RNA to Glory. 5.00pm: 1 sub lieutenant joined ship from Europa. 6.45pm: 2 wireless ratings joined from Europa. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1915 4caf8391cadfd34197000e1b: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e1c: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e1d: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e1e: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e1f: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e20: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e21: ( 1 October 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 21 4.00am: Discharged ? boat and crew to Ferry Trawler. 7.50am: French Battleship sailed. 9.00am: SS Swanley came alongside. 9.45am: Mr Barber joined ship. HMS Edgar sailed. Divers employed taking off R41 Motor Lighter’s rudder. 11.00am: 10 ratings joined from Prince George. 12 noon 1 leading stoker joined from Europa. 1.15pm: Discharged 1 midshipman to HMS Doris. 1.30pm: Hands employed provisioning ship from SS Swanley. 3.00pm: SS Swanley shoved off. 4.10pm: HMS Doris sailed. 6.00pm: Wire hawser returned from SS Southland. 7.00pm: One wireless rating joined ship. 7.00pm: HMS Glory sailed. 9.40pm: Discharged Mr brown to Prince Edward. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e22: ( 2 October 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 22 3.00am: IE 21, IE 41 motor lighters came alongside. 7.10am: Discharged 3 POs to trawler for passage. 7.30am: 2 privates RMLI, 1 petty officer, 3 seamen to Europa. 9.30am: Sent one stoker RNR to hospital. 10.00am: One yeoman signalman rejoined ship. 2.30pm: HMS Terrible & HMS Bacchante arrived. 3.30pm: Lt Browning RNR joined ship from Caledonia. 7.30pm: 1 WO & 34 ratings rejoined ship from A Beach. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e23: ( 3 October 1915 Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.24 Number on sick list: 17 9.30am: S.S Kingsway came alongside. 11.00am: S.S. Kingsway shoved off. 1.00pm: Sent diving gear one attendant & one shipwright to SS Southland. 4.30pm: 50 RNR trawler Sections joined ship from Glimfrie. 6.00pm: Hussar arrived. 6.30pm: HMS Bacchante & Euryalus sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e24: ( 4 October 1915 Mudros, and at sea to Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 7.00am: Shifted billets. 1.10pm: Lt Commander joined ship from Monitor. 2.15pm: Diving gear, 1 shipwright, 1 attendant joined the ship from Southland. 5.00pm: 3 Lieutenants RNR, 1 asst Paymaster RNR joined ship. 10.10pm: Weighed. 10.43pm: Passed boom defence. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e25: ( 5 October 1915 At sea and at Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 9.35am: Passed nets. 10.10am: Came to with starboard anchor. 2.00pm: Hands employed assisting discharging troops. 6.10pm: IE 27 shoved off with remainder of troops. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e26: ( 6 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 19 6.00am: Coaling party of 30 hands to Flying Fish. 7.30am: Arrived French battleship St. Louis flying flag of R.A. 8.00am: Arrived French yacht flying flag of V. Cd. 2.30pm: Coaling party returned. 5.00pm: Working party returned from transporting troops. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e27: ( 7 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 24 10.00am: HMS Doris arrived. 12.15pm: 2 French signalmen came on board. 2.00pm: 2 French signalmen came on board. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e28: ( 8 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 7.05am: HMS Talbot: arrived. 8.00am: Lent 3 messengers to Transport Officer. 10.30am: HMS Talbot sailed. 1.15am: 2 signal ratings discharged to French Battleship. 5.00pm: Destroyer Louis arrived, also sweeper Lynn. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e29: ( 9 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 22 7.45am: Destroyer Louis sailed. 9.50am: Arrived transport Georgian. 10.30am: Discharged one RNTS to 324 Trawler. 10.55am: HMS Talbot arrived. 5.45pm: Officer of Guard went on board Italian SS Rumania. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e2a: ( 10 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 23 6.10am: Trawler No 705 came alongside for repairs. 7.50am: French Battleship arrived. 9.00am: Sent wharf party and one RNRT to Flying Fish. 10.10am: Russian Cruiser Askold arrived. 7.00pm: 1 wounded soldier joined ship. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e2b: ( 11 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 23 8.50am: Trawler 705 left ship. 9.30am: HMS Talbot weighed and relieved French cruiser. 10.30am: French Cruiser came to anchorage. French Battleship St Louis weighed and shifted berths. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e2c: ( 12 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 12 noon Mr Pittes midshipman RN joined ship. 1.40pm: Discharged 4 R.N.R.T to Lynn. 3.20pm: French steamer Campina came alongside. 4.15pm: Read No 845 warrant. 5.15pm: French Flagship sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e2d: ( 13 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 23 8.00am: HMS Triad arrived flying flag of V.A. 11.45am: Trawler 705 came alongside. 12.30pm: Hands employed unloading buoys from SS Campina. 1.30pm: Sent one cot case to hospital ship. 5.30pm: Read warrants Nos 46, 47, 48. 11.15pm: HMS Hussar arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e2e: ( 14 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 24 6.00pm: Discharged 1 stoker rating to Triad. 1 stoker rating prisoner received from Triad. 6.15pm: HMS Triad sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e2f: ( 15 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 25 7.30am: French cruiser shifted berth. 8.15am: HMS Talbot sailed. 1 Lieut RN and 1 Lieut RNR joined ship. 7 ratings joined ship from Dardanelles. French cruiser arrived. 5.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to K27 motor lighter. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e30: ( 16 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 28 7.30am: 1 rating returned from K27 for draft. 9.30am: 1 marine corporal & 1 orderly lent to Consulate. HMS Hussar sailed. 1.15pm: SS Campina shoved off. 5.00pm: Discharged 13 Trawler ratings to SS Abyssinia for passage to Europa. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e31: ( 17 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 27 12.50am: Escort with one prisoner came on board. 6.30am: Weighed anchor, proceeded course and speed as requisite for shifting billet nearer breakwater. 9.30am: TB 29 came alongside for water. Drifters 878, 697 came alongside. 1.00pm: TB 29 shoved off. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e32: ( 18 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 22 7.20am: HMS Magnificent arrived. 10.30am: 1 PO & 1 shipwright joined ship. 1 WO engineer joined ship. One trawler rating joined ship from Lynn. 3.30pm: Discharged 12 RNRT to Magnificent. 6.00pm: Magnificent sailed. 3 prisoners came on board from T18. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e33: ( 19 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 6.20am: Weighed. Shifted berth. 8.00am: Two drifters came alongside. 8.40am: Discharged 2 ratings to TB 18. 11.10am: Trawler 141 came alongside. 12.30pm: One signal rating joined ship from French TB. 2.10pm: Trawler 76 came alongside. 3.00pm: 76 Trawler shoved off. 5.00pm: Read warrant 51. 6.00pm: Drifter 76 came alongside. 2 drifters shoved off. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e34: ( 20 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 19 5.00pm: Read warrant No 51. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e35: ( 21 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 21 8.45am: Trawler 577 came alongside. 11.00am: 2 signalmen rejoined ship. 11.30am: 3 drifters came alongside. 3.00pm: Drifters 697, 878, 1181 came alongside. 5.10pm: Read warrant No 52. 7.30pm: Lent one signalman to V.A. Jeanne D'arc. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e36: ( 22 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 9.30am: Drifters 878, 1181 came alongside. 10.30am: 697 came alongside. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e37: ( 23 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 5.00am: Drifters 1181 ,3250 ,878 ,697 alongside. 8.15am: Patrie arrived. 8.50am: All drifters alongside shoved off. 9.00am: HMS Talbot sailed. 10.00am: Hospital Yacht Liberty arrived. OOG left ship to board yacht Liberty. 10.30am: French cruiser arrived. 3250 came alongside. 4.15pm: Read warrant No 54. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e38: ( 24 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 13 7.00am: Russian cruiser Askold. 11.00am: Engineer Lieutenant joined ship. 3.40pm: Discharged Lieutenant R.M.L.I. and escort with prisoners to S.S. Abbasich. 4.30pm: Discharged Eng. Lieut. Com. Stidoton to S.S. Abbasich. 6.00pm: SS Wisnal(?) came alongside. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e39: ( 25 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 12 6.25am: Commenced coaling. 10.30am: HMS Talbot arrived. 2.20pm: Finished coaling. Taken in 840 tons. 3.00pm: SS Wisnal(?)l shoved off. 3.30pm: Destroyers Wear & Ribble arrived. 5.00pm: French battleship Jeanne D'arc sailed, also Ribble. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e3a: ( 26 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 15 6.30am: 2 Greek TB sailed. 1.00pm: Sent coal party 20 hands to coal tug Rescue. 6.30pm: Discharged one rating to No 18 TB. 7.00pm: HMS Hussar arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e3b: ( 27 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 5.00am: Drifter 697 came alongside. 10.30am: 1 rating joined ship from Anzac. Editor’s note: This probably refers to Anzac Cove at Gallipoli. A ship with the name ‘Anzac’ was not completed until 1916. 11.30am: Lieut Whitworth RMLI and escort rejoined ship. 3.00pm: HMS Hussar sailed. 4.15pm: Sent 1 life raft to SS Abbasich. 6.00pm: One rating from K47, one officer & 1 seaman from S.S. Mercia joined. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e3c: ( 28 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 11.40am: Motor lighter K40 came alongside. 3.00pm RNRT ratings discharged to Abbasich for passage. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e3d: ( 29 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 7.00pm: Read warrant No 55. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e3e: ( 30 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 10.30am: 1 P.O. Telegraphist joined ship from Europa. 1.55pm: Henry Nancarrow, stoker, departed this life. Cause of death ‘Pneumonia’. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e3f: ( 31 October 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 10.15am: HMS Talbot sailed. 11.15am: French cruiser arrived. 12.30pm: Queen Victoria arrived. Landed funeral party of stoker Henry Nancarrow who died on board. 3.00pm: Discharged one W/T rating to Abbasich. 4.14pm: Ratings returned from Suvla Beach. Funeral party returned. 5.45pm: SS Floridian came alongside. 6.30pm: 3 prisoners received from Queen Victoria. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1915 4caf8391cadfd34197000e40: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e41: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e42: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e43: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e44: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e45: ( 1 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 10.30am: Discharged to hospital 2 cot cases, 4 sick cases. 1.15pm: SS Floridian shoved off. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e46: ( 2 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 19 7.55am: Snaefell arrived. Mr Corbett, midshipman, joined ship from her. 9.00am: Admiral Weymss and flag lieutenant came on board. 1.00pm: TB 18 came alongside for coal and K 27 came alongside for repairs. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e47: ( 3 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 17 7.00am: HMS Triad. 11.45am: HMS FORward arrived. 1.30pm: 1 WO joined ship from Triad. 9.30pm: Snaefell sailed with RA Weymss. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e48: ( 4 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 22 10.10am: HMS Talbot sailed. 11.00am: French cruiser arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e49: ( 5 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 19 4caf8391cadfd34197000e4a: ( 6 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 7.50am: HMS Exmouth arrived. 9.00am: Monitor 20 arrived. 1 warrant telegraphist: joined ship from HMS Exmouth. 4.15pm: Read warrant No 56. 5.30pm: HMS Triad sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e4b: ( 7 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 23 3.00am: Coaling party out of ship No1. Picket boat at work all night. 1.30pm: 705 trawler came alongside. 4.30pm: Talbot sailed. 5.15pm: Discharged 1 rating to Abbasich for passage to Mudros. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e4c: ( 8 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 6.00am: Fort saluted 21 guns. 7.30am: HMS Skirmisher arrived. 8.15am: Motor lighter 54 came alongside. 9.00am: Discharged 2 French signalmen to Exmouth. 12 noon M20, TB's 18 & 29 sailed. French cruiser arrived. 12.20pm: Motor lighter K54 shoved off. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e4d: ( 9 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 7.00am: TB 30 arrived. 5.30pm: 1 signal rating joined ship from Valiant II. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e4e: ( 10 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 23 6.00am: Lent 1 cooks mate to Wave. 7.00am: Discharged 9 trawler ratings to Exmouth for motor lighters. 10.00am: Discharged 3 RNRTS to No 53 motor lighter and 2 to water lighter. 1.30pm: Discharged 2 seaman ratings to Abbasich. 6.00pm: Discharged 3 seaman ratings to motor lighter no 54. Sent 1 stoker & 1 seaman to lighter 11. Received 2 prisoners from Exmouth. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e4f: ( 11 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 9.15am: Lent 1 signal rating to Valiant II. 11.15am: Lynn arrived. 4.00pm: Discharged 1 rating to TB 18. 4 ratings joined ship from motor lighters. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e50: ( 12 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 19 8.30am: 1 AB rejoined ship from TB 18. 9.30am: 1 rating rejoined ship from L11. Italian Cruiser arrived. Docking party of 40 hands and 4 POs to Prince Alberta. 11.15am: 57 ratings rejoined ship from lighter 54. 4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 57, 58. 6.30pm: 1 seaman received on board sick. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e51: ( 13 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 20 12.30am: Trawler No 878 came alongside. 6.30am: Working party of 20 hands to SS Alberta. 11.00am: French admiral arrived in yacht Eros. 11.30am: HMS Hussar arrived. 3.30pm: 1 signal rating rejoined ship from Valiant II. 4.15pm: Valiant II sailed. 5.30pm: Working party returned from Prince Alberta. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e52: ( 14 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 7.45am: Sent 1 cell prisoner to K41. 8.45am: HMS Raglan arrived. 9.00am: French Battleship Henri IV arrived. 10.30am: Discharged 3 ratings to K9 motor lighter. 1.00pm: Drawing stores from Newmarket. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e53: ( 15 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 7.52am: Discharged 3 ratings to motor lighter K52. 4.00pm: Working party returned from Prince Alberta. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e54: ( 16 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 4.14pm: SS Wirrall came alongside and rigged for coaling. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e55: ( 17 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 17 6.10am: Commenced coaling. 7.30am: HMS Triad, Chatham, Dartmouth & Newmarket arrived. 8.30am: One seaman rejoined ship from hospital. One trawler R joined ship for K52. 11.40am: Completed with coal. 12 noon Collier shoved off. 1.30pm: 1 rating rejoined ship from K50. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e56: ( 18 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 14 11.30am: Discharge 1 rating to K52. 1 rating joined ship from K52. 4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 57 and 58. 7.00pm: 1 sick seaman received onboard. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e57: ( 19 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 12 12.30am: Trawler 878 came alongside. 7.00am: Working party of 20 hands to SS Prince Alberta. 9.00am: French Admiral: arrived in yacht Eros. 11.30am: Hussar arrived. 3.30pm: 1 signal rating rejoined ship from Valiant II. 4.15pm: Valiant II sailed. 6.00pm: Working party returned from Prince Alberta. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e58: ( 20 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 13 10.40am: French Cruiser arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e59: ( 21 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 9.00am: Hannibal arrived. 5.30pm: M20 sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e5a: ( 22 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 3.30pm: HMS Hannibal sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e5b: ( 23 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 5.30am: Coaling party coaling drifters. 10.40am: Coaling party returned. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e5c: ( 24 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 10.50am: TB 17 came alongside. 11.20am: TB 17 shoved off. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e5d: ( 25 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 17 12 noon Skirmisher and Mars arrived. 4.45pm: HMS Sentinel sailed. 6.30pm: Read warrant No 59. 7.00pm: Discharged Prisoner to Abbasich for passage to Mudros. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e5e: ( 26 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 14 9.30am: HMS Terrible arrived. 12.30pm: Received court martial prisoner from HMS Mars. Divers working on TB29. Coaling party coaling drifters. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e5f: ( 27 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 14 3pm: Mr Horsley, Assistant Paymaster, left ship. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e60: ( 28 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 14 9.00am: 1 leading seaman rejoined ship from hospital. 11.20am: Drifter 1128 alongside. 2.00pm: Trawler shoved off. 5.30pm: HMS Magnificent and Mars proceeded. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e61: ( 29 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 14 4caf8391cadfd34197000e62: ( 30 November 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 12 12.30pm: Monthly issue of slops. 3.00pm: HMS FOResight arrived. 7.00pm: (1) Officer A.M.C. joined ship. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1915 4caf8391cadfd34197000e63: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e64: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e65: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e66: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e67: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e68: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e69: ( 1 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 13 4caf8391cadfd34197000e6a: ( 2 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 2.30pm: Collier came alongside. 6.00pm: Sent stores to SS Kinef? 4caf8391cadfd34197000e6b: ( 3 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 17 11.40am: Completed with coal. 12.20pm: Collier Thistle shoved off. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e6c: ( 4 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 8.50am: Read warrants Nos 62, 63 and 64. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e6d: ( 5 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 17 9.00am: Coaling party 26 hands, 1 Petty Officer to Thistle Branch. 11.30am: HMS Sentinel arrived. 1.00pm: 1 signalman joined ship from Europa. Captain Bullock RM joined ship from HMS Exmouth. 4.30pm: Coaling party finished. 4.40pm: Sentinel sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e6e: ( 6 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 19 6.00am: Lost overboard by accident one lamp belongs to boat’s compass. 11.30am: French Cruiser arrived. 2.30pm: Sent 1 bag & hammock to El Hurah for passage to Europa. 7.00pm: Commander W. Jones ship. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e6f: ( 7 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 2.45pm: Commander Wats Jones left ship for Mudros. 4.20pm: Hazel left. Recovered 1 sick man from Lynn. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e70: ( 8 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 15 1.30pm: Coaling party coaling drifters. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e71: ( 9 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 15 3.30am: Abbasich arrived. 5.00am: HMS Chatham shifted berth. 12.30pm: Party coaling HM Tug Moose. 4.15pm: Coaling party returned. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e72: ( 10 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 12 8.00am: Store ship Swanley came alongside. 11.40am: Swanley shoved off. 3.00pm: 12 invalids to Swanley for passage to Malta. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e73: ( 11 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 13 4.15pm: Chatham sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e74: ( 12 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 10 9.30am: R.A. came onboard & inspected ships company. 1.30pm: Captain Bullock RMLI and Sergeant Merryweather discharged to FL Folkestone. Folkestone sailed. 3.30pm: HMS Raglan sailed. 4.15pm: 1 stoker rating joined ship from hospital. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e75: ( 13 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 7 4.42am: Observed 3 flashes over the land bearing S42ºE. Lasted ½ sec each and at irregular intervals of 30 sec. to 1½ mins. Colour of flashes reddish brown. 5.20am: Observed more flashes in same place. 3.30pm: Discharged 1 AB to hospital ship Rewa. 5.00pm: Read warrants Nos 65 and 66. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e76: ( 14 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 7 6.30am: Party coaling SS Hector. 11.20am: M20 arrived. 4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 67 and 68. 6.30pm: Coaling party returned. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e77: ( 15 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 8 5.00am: Sent 5 stokers working party to TB17. 11.30am: One rating joined ship from hospital. 5.15pm: Askold arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e78: ( 16 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 11 4caf8391cadfd34197000e79: ( 17 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 6.00am: Sent two shipwrights to HMS Exmouth for electr? 7.00am: T.B. No 17 came alongside. 8.30am: Two French Battleships arrived. 10.00pm: T.B No 29 arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e7a: ( 18 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 14 6.00am: Party coaling drifters SS Thistle Bank. 1.00pm: Coaling party returned. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e7b: ( 19 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 8.00am: Dress ship mast head flags. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e7c: ( 20 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 18 11.30am: Collier came alongside. 2.00pm: Coaling party coaling trawler No 1128. 4.15pm: Read warrant No 69. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e7d: ( 21 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 15 7.10am: Commenced coaling. 7.30am: Party working onboard S.S. Moore. 12 noon Completed with coal. 553 tons. 12.30pm: Collier shoved off. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e7e: ( 22 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 14 7.00am: Party coaling SS Crispin. 9.00am: Party of stokers to Moore tug. 9.15am: 8 ratings joined ship from Folkestone. 9.45am: HMS Prince George arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e7f: ( 23 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 13 2.30pm: Discharged 4 ABs to Folkestone for passage to HMS Theseus. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e80: ( 24 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 15 4caf8391cadfd34197000e81: ( 25 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 15 5.00pm: French Cruiser sailed. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e82: ( 26 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 17 4.00pm: Coaling party returned from trawler No 325. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e83: ( 27 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 16 12.15pm: Lost overboard by accident one 4 ? ensign, one iron ensign staff from no 4 steam boat. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e84: ( 28 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 19 7.45am: Two Destroyers arrived. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e85: ( 29 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 12 7.30am: Diving party to tug Wave. 8.30am: Folkestone arrived. 9.00am: 4 boys joined ship from Folkestone. 11.00am: Monitor came alongside. 3.00pm: Monitor No 28 shoved off. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e86: ( 30 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 14 6.30am: Diving party to Wave. 2.00pm: Coaling party coaling drifters. 2.15pm: 2 St John's Ambulance brigade discharged to Folkestone for passage to Mudros. 6.30pm: Diving party returned. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e87: ( 31 December 1915 Salonika Lat 40.56, Long 22.9 Number on sick list: 15 7.30am: Sent diving party to SS Wave. 6.15pm: Diving party returned to ship. 4caf8391cadfd34197000e88: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e89: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e8a: ( 4caf8391cadfd34197000e8b: ( |
Revised 30/09/2014 |