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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Pre-Dreadnought Battleship, Duncan-class

Pendant Nos. 12 (1914), 63 (1.18), N.44 (4.18). Launched 31.8.01 Laird. 14,000 tons, 432(oa), 405(pp)x75x27ft. TE 18000ihp, 19kts. Armament: 4-12in, 12-6in, 12-12pdr, 4-18in tt. Armour: 7in sides, 2.5in deck, 11in guns. Complement: 750. 3rd BS 8.14, later 6th BS at the Nore, few months in Mediterranean, harbour service from 1917. Battle Honours (and links to despatches, casualties, awards) Belgian Coast 1914, Dardanelles 1915. Sold 15.1.20 Forth S. Bkg. Co. Bo'ness, resold and BU in Holland. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Launched 31/8/01, sold for BU 15/2/20, was flagship of the Home (later Channel) Fleet in 1906, but reduced to nucleus crew in April 1907 before recommissioning as flagship of the Atlantic Fleet. Flagship, Mediterranean Fleet from November 1908, and in July 1912 became flagship of Vice-Admiral, 4th Battle Squadron, Home Fleet. Became gunnery TS at Devonport in July 1913. Joined 6th BS, Grand Fleet on outbreak of war, and then worked on Northern Patrol as part of the 3rd BS. In November 1914 went to Portland, where with the Lord Nelson's and seven Fomidable's reformed the Channel Fleet. She bombarded Zeebrugge on 21 November and in May 1915, after being fitted with extra-heavy nets, was sent to the Dardanelles. As flagship of Admiral Nicholson at Kephalo she was the only battleship allowed to remain off the beaches after the torpedoing of the Goliath, Majestic and Triumph. Returned home in 1917 and paid off into reserve. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

General notes on log transcription: A number of log entries are almost ubiquitous, particularly when HMS Exmouth was in port. These will not be transcribed here on a regular basis. These entries include:

early am: A listing of the boilers that are in use and those that are banked and turned off.

early am: Lit fires in picket boat/launch/barge.

9–9.30am: Divisions, sometimes with Prayers and followed by physical drill.

4–4.30pm: Evening Quarters.

late pm: Draw fires in picket boat/launch/barge.

am and/or pm: ‘Hands cleaning ship’, or ‘Hands employed as requisite’.

Advancing or retarding clocks

The number on the sick list is noted periodically, or when there is a significant change in the number.

Where times have not been noted against a log entry, a time will generally be assigned from the ‘Hours’ column on the left-hand edge of the log page or by interpolating between log entries that have time entries. In some circumstances, particularly where an entry covers a period of time (e.g. ‘Hands getting ammunition into ‘Princess Alberta’), the time will only be entered as ‘am’, ‘pm’ or ‘am/pm’ (the latter covering an activity taking place throughout the day).

Ship’s names will be shown in italics. Editor’s comments will also be shown in italics.

Abbreviations in the logs will be written in full in the transcription for all but the common abbreviations.

Operations from April, 1916, to August, 1917

Operations during the period covered by these logs can be divided into three phases:

April 1916 to March 1917: Based in the eastern Mediterranean, with most time being spent in port at Salonika (Thessalonika), Malta, Mudros, Milo (or Milos) and Piraeus/Salamis.

March to June 1917: Convoy escort duty between Aden, Bombay, Colombo and the Seychelles.

June to August 1917: Voyage from Aden back to Plymouth, via Zanzibar, Durban, Cape Town / Simon’s Town and Sierra Leone. There is nothing in the logs to indicate the reasons for this long voyage. HMS Exmouth was paid off at Devonport on 31 August, 1917.


JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

Operations in the Mediterranean, Red Sea and Arabian Sea

JP map Exmouth Red Sea to Sri Lanka


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‘Copy of Log’ page for April, 1916

Signed by Ernest J. F.(?) Tisdall

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank) signed by Captain, 1 May 1916

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Barometer and thermometer details. Only the information for the air temperature thermometer is filled out:

Position in ship: Upper deck

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker & No.: N & Z (Negretti & Zambra)    1272 & 2396

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1 April 1916


Spelt as ‘Salonica’ on this and other pages in these logs. For consistency, ‘Salonika’ will be used throughout as this appears to be the more common spelling. Usually shown as ‘Thessalonika’ on maps.

Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 6

am: 3 Boilers for auxiliary purposes. 5 Boilers banked and shut off.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

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2 April 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

am: 3 Boilers for auxiliary purposes. 5 Boilers banked and shut off.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

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3 April 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

am: 3 Boilers for auxiliary purposes. 5 Boilers banked and shut off.

6.30am: Hoisted out sailing pinnace.

7.00am: SS Princess Alberta secured alongside.

am: Hands getting ammunition into SS Princess Alberta and as requisite.

11.30am: Princess Alberta cast off.

3.15pm: Hoisted in sailing pinnace and motor boat.

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4 April 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

am: 3 Boilers for auxiliary purposes. 5 Boilers banked and shut off.

am: Hands rigging stage and as requisite.

pm: Hands make and mend.

6.00pm: Read warrant 286.

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5 April 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

am: 3 Boilers for auxiliary purposes. 5 Boilers banked and shut off.

7.15am: Lieutenant Treharne (or ‘Treherne’) joined ship.

5.00pm: Read warrant 287.

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6 April 1916

Salonika, and at sea to Malta

Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

am: 3 Boilers for auxiliary purposes. 5 Boilers banked and shut off.

Details of boiler numbers in use or banked and shut off will not be shown from this date onwards.

pm: Hands make and mend.

2.00pm: HMS Agamemnon took over harbour steam pinnace.

HMS Agamemnon was a pre-dreadnought, launched in 1906 (after HMS Dreadnought) at Beardmore on the Clyde, and sold and scrapped in 1926–27. Images at

3.30pm: Lit fires in and connected main boilers.

5.30pm: Hoisted in steam barge and 1st picket boat. Closed B and C doors. Shortened in.

6.00pm: Weighed & Proceeded. Course & speed as requisite.

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7 April 1916

At sea, Salonika to Malta

Lat 38.7, Long 24.7

No position given in log. Position above based on sighting of Lithari Point (Skyros) at 6.45am.

6.45am: Lithari Point abeam 5 miles.

9.00am: Streamed patent log.

11.00am: Point Oregas(?) abeam 3.5 miles.

4.00pm: Exercised Fire Quarters.

4.08pm: Belo Pulo Light abeam.

5.30pm: Read warrant No. 288.

7.20pm: HMS Wear took station astern.

8.35pm: Kapoali Bay Light abeam.

11.10pm: Wear reported starboard engine broken down.

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8 April 1916

At sea, Salonika to Malta

No position given in log.

Number on sick list: 4

5.30am: Commenced zig-zagging.

10.00am: Passed SS Transylvania steering E.

11.30am: Tested life buoys (correct).

5.00pm: Hauled in patent log.

6.45pm: Stopped zig-zagging.

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9 April 1916

At sea and at Malta

Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

5.30am: Commenced zig-zagging.

5.58am: Sighted land on starboard bow.

7.52am: Course and speed as requisite to enter Grand Harbour.

8.10am: Secured to No. 4 buoy. Hoisted out steam barge and 2nd picket boat.

8.45am: Secured stern to Club House wharf.

1.00pm: Gave leave to Red watch and for part White watch till 8am Wednesday.

6.00pm: Sub Lieutenant Sonnenschein joined ship.

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10 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.00am: Hands cleaning ship and drawing stores.

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11 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

9.00am: Cast off from No. 4 buoy and proceeded to No. 4 dock.

10.20am: Secured in No. 4 dock.

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12 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

am/pm: Hands drawing stores and as requisite.

1.00pm: Gave leave to Blue watch and after part White watch till 8.0am Saturday.

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13 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

am: Hands refitting and as requisite.

pm: Hands drawing stores and as requisite.

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14 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 7

11.00am: Proceeded out of No. 4 dock.

12 noon: Secured alongside boat slip wharf.

6.20pm: Coal lighters secured alongside.

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15 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.00am: Commenced coaling ship. Shore labour.

am: Hands drawing stores and as requisite.

11.45am: Finished coaling. Took on board 705.0 tons.

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16 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 8

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17 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

6.40am: Hands employed shifting ship.

am/pm: Hands provisioning ship and as requisite.

4.45pm: Read Warrant No. 290.

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18 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

am/pm: Hands drawing stores and rigging main topmast.

4.00pm: Read Warrant No. 291.

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19 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

am: Hands drawing stores and as requisite.

pm: Hands drawing stores and as requisite . Hoisted main topmast.

5.00pm: Read Warrant No. 292.

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20 April 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

4.10pm: Read Warrant No. 293.

8.45pm: Discharged Midshipman Donovan to Theseus.

HMS Theseus was a 1st class cruiser of the Edgar class, launched at the Thames Iron Works (Blackwall) in 1892 and sold in 1921. Images at .

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21 April 1916

Malta and at sea

Lat 36.0, Long 15.0

9.00am: Hands preparing ship for sea. Hoisted in 1st and 2nd picket boats.

10.15am: Cast off from jetty.

10.35am: Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

11.00am: Commenced zig-zagging.

12.35pm: Streamed patent log.

7.00pm: Stopped zig-zagging.

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22 April 1916

At sea, Malta to Mudros

Lat 36.0, Long 21.5

Number on sick list: 11

5.30am: Commenced zig-zagging.

10.00am: Tested life buoys (correct).

5.30pm: Sighted Pitho Island.

7.00pm: Stopped zig-zagging.

7.56pm: Cape Malea Light abeam, 6.5 miles.

10.09pm: Belo Pulo abeam, 2.4 miles.

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23 April 1916

At sea and at Mudros

Lat 39.4, Long 25.1

0.54am: St Georges Light abeam, 10 miles.

2.04am: Tamelos Light abeam, 4 miles.

3.10am: Point Neido Light abeam, 3½ miles. Exercised sea boats crew.

5.10am: Phassos Light abeam, 2¼ miles.

5.30am: Commenced zig-zagging.

10.30am: Hauled in patent log.

1.12pm: Sighted Mudros.

1.20pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour.

2.13pm: Let go starboard anchor in 10½ fathoms. Veered to 4 shackles. Hoisted out 2nd picket boat.

am: Hands preparing ship for coaling.

5.00pm: Collier SS Luciston secured alongside.

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24 April 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 13

5.00am: Commenced coaling.

9.30am: Finished coaling. Took on 540.0 tons. Collier cast off.

pm: Hands working main derrick and as requisite.

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25 April 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

8.30am: Marine detachment landed for route march.

pm: Hands make and mend.

4.30pm: Detachment returned on board.

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26 April 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 15

4.00pm: A.P. (Assistant Paymaster) Green left ship.

4.35pm: Veered to 6 shackles.

6.15pm: Let go port anchor. 1 shackle.

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27 April 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

1.00am: 10 boilers alight. Steam at 1 hour’s notice.

9.00am: Weighed port anchor.

pm: Hands make and mend.

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28 April 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 15

8.00am: Sent working parties to SS Trostin and SS Skirmish and landed airship shed working party.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

4.00pm: Read Warrant 296.

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29 April 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

8.00am: Sent working parties to SS Trostin, Swansea Vale, and to Airship shed. Gun sights and life buoys correct

11.30am: Assistant Paymaster Green rejoined.

pm: Hands make and mend.

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30 April 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

5.00am: Patrol boat returned.

7.15am: Hoisted out motor boat and picket boat from SS Trostin for reliance.

10.00am: Sent 29 Roman Catholics to Angora.

HMS Angora was a minelayer, converted from mercantile use. Image at .

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

3.15pm: Landed recreation party and band.

4.50pm: Furled quarter deck awning.


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‘Copy of Log’ page for May, 1916

Signed by Ernest J. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

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Mercury or Aneroid:  Mercury

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra A7789 (dry)

Negretti & Zambra A1273 (wet)

Thermometer for sea temperature

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra A7789

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1 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

0.10am: Hailed picket boat.

am: Hands employed painting ship.

am: 2nd picket boat employed running torpedoes with dropping gear.

12.40pm: Paid monthly settlement.

1.30pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted in 2nd picket boat.

4.00pm: Quarters, Physical drill. Hands to bathe. Arrived HMS Brighton.

7.45pm: Darken ship. Close B & C doors.

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2 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 13

6.30am: Prepare for out nets.

9.25am: Out nets.

9.35am: In nets.

10.15am: Hands replacing gear. Arrived HMS Endymion.

HMS Endymion was a 1st class cruiser of the Edgar class, launched in 1891 at Earle (Hull), and sold in 1920. Details and image at .

pm: Hands employed painting ship.

4.30pm: Working parties returned on board.

5.45pm: Enemy seaplane spotted. Manned anti-aircraft(?) gun.

6.10pm: Sent away working party.

7.40pm: Darkened ship and closed B & C doors.

9.45pm: Working party returned.

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3 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

5.00am: Sailed HMS Lowestoft. Arrived HMS Sentinel.

HMS Lowestoft was a Birmingham-class cruiser, launched at the Chatham Dockyard in 1913 and sold in 1931. Image and details at . HMS Sentinel was a scout cruiser and name-ship of a class of two. She was launched at Vickers (Barrow) in 1904 and sold for scrap in 1920. Image at

6.00am: Aft port boom.

6.30am: Collier secured starboard side. Worked main derrick, hoisted 2 boats into her.

7.00am: Arrived HMS Lord Nelson.

HMS Lord Nelson was a pre-dreadnought, launched in 1906, sold in 1920 and eventually scrapped in Germany. She was a sister-ship to HMS Agamemnon, mentioned previously. Images of HMS Lord Nelson (and Agamemnon) at

1.00pm: Upper deck painting party turned to.

1.30pm: Discharged 9 RNR Ratings to HMS St George.

4.25pm: TBDs Usk and Bacchus left.

HMS Usk was a destroyer of the E (River) class, launched in 1903 at Yarrow (Clyde) and sold in 1920. Image at .

HMS Bacchus was a stores ship / water carrier, not a TBD.

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4 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 11

5.40am: M.29 arrived.

M29 was an M class coastal monitor, launched at Harland & Wolff (Belfast) in 1915 and broken up at Dover in 1947. Images of M class monitors at

6.20am: HMS Endymion sailed.

7.00am: Worked main derrick, out steam picket.

8.35am: Landed route march party.

am: Special parties as requisite. Remainder painting ship.

11.00am: Landing party returned.

pm: Hands make and mend.

2.00pm: Discharged 1 seaman RND to hospital.

6.45pm: HMS Triad arrived.

HMS Triad was a hired yacht, built in 1909 and sold in 1933. Image at

12 midnight:  Hailed Patrol Boat.

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5 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

4.30am: Arrived HMS Heroic.

HMS Heroic was an armed boarding steamer.

9.00am: Working party to SS Swanley.

9.30am: General Quarters.

10.15am: Secured.

pm: Hands employed holystoning upper deck.

2.00pm: Discharged 1 cot and 1 walking case to hospital.

8.45pm: Darkened ship. Closed B and C doors.

11.20pm: Observed gun fire WNW, apparently on shore.

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6 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

5.30am: Hailed Patrol Boat.

7.00am: Arrived HMS Skirmisher.

HMS Skirmisher was a scout cruiser and sister ship to HMS Sentinel (see entry above for 3 May). She was launched at Vickers (Barrow) in 1905 and sold in 1920. Details and image at .

9.30am: Lifebuoys and gunsights tested and correct.

4.30pm: Lieutenant Commander Leslie left ship for passage in Wal---(?) to Malta.

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7 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 10

5.00am: Airship on patrol.

6.30am: Sarnia arrived.

7.15am: Spread quarterdeck awning.

8.00am: Sent working party to Clacton.

9.00am: Worked main derrick, out Motor Boat.

9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection.

10.00am: Roman Catholics to Angora.

10.20am: Divine Service.

4.00pm: Quarters. Hands to bathe.

8.00pm: Closed B and C doors. Darkened ship.

8.15pm: Picket boat proceeded on patrol.

10.00pm: Triad left harbour.

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8 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

8.35am: Landing party landed.

am: Special parties employed as requisite. Remainder about ship.

9.30am: Discharged 1 Leading Signalman to French Cruiser Republique (lent).

Republique was a pre-dreadnought battleship, not a cruiser. She was built at the Arsenal de Brest, 1901–06, and was eventually stricken in 1921 and broken up. Images and history at .

11.50am: Landing party returned.

4.00pm: 1 Marine joined ship from Air Service camp.

5.45pm: Discharged 1 officers cook to HMS Skirmisher.

6.30pm: Hoisted 1st and 3rd cutters and whaler.

8.00pm: Closed B and C doors and darkened ship.

10.45pm: Sent working party to HMS Rowan.

HMS Rowan was an armed boarding steamer.

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9 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 13

2.15am: Working party returned from Rowan.

1.10pm: Arrived HMTBs Scourge and Savage.

HMS Scourge and Savage were both G (Basilisk) class destroyers. Scourge was launched in 1910 at Hawthorn Leslie on the Tyne, and Savage was launched in 1910 at Thornycroft, Southampton; both were sold in 1921. Images of HMS Scourge at and of HMS Savage at

5.15pm: Discharged to, and received from Skirmisher 1 rating.

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10 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

5.35am: Stations. Air bedding.

6.15am: HMS Lord Nelson proceeded to entrance.

6.30am: Hands clean ship. Respread quarterdeck awning.

1.30pm: Discharged 2 French signalmen to Princess Ermine(?) for passage to Salonica.

2.30pm: HMS Lord Nelson returned to anchorage.

4.00pm: Quarters, physical drill, bathing.

6.15pm: Skirmisher proceeded.

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11 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 12

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Respread quarterdeck awning.

8.00am: Sent working parties.

8.10am: Hands to bathe.

11.00am: HMS Cornwallis proceeded.

HMS Cornwallis was a Duncan class pre-dreadnought battleship, launched at Thames Iron Works, Blackwall, in 1901. She was sunk by U.32 east of Malta on 9 January 1917. Images at

11.15am: Worked main derrick, out 2nd picket boat.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.00pm: Hands to bathe.

4.40pm: Working parties returned.

6.40pm: Hoisted pulling boats.

8.00pm: Darkened ship. Closed B and C doors. Sloped quarterdeck awning.

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12 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

8.00am: Sent away working party.

8.30am: Landed Red and Blue watches for route march.

9.30am: HMS Racoon, Grasshopper and M17 sailed.

Racoon and Grasshopper were G class destroyers, while M17 was a monitor. Racoon was launched in 1910 at Cammell Laird, Birkenhead, and was wrecked on the west coast of Ireland on 9 January 1918. Grasshopper was launched in 1909 at Fairfield, on the Clyde, and was sold in 1921. Images of HMS Racoon at and of HMS Grasshopper at

11.10am: M32 and 1 motor gunboat arrived.

4.00pm: Landing party returned.

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13 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

5.00am: Arrived HMS Endeavour.

8.00am: Sent working party. Sailed M19 and HMS Beagle.

9.15am: Tested lifebuoys (correct).

9.30am: HMTBs Grampus and Renard sailed.

10.00am: Received 14 bags mail. Gunsights correct.

10.30am: 1 AB joined ship from Wal---(?)

11.00am: 1 Stoker joined from Europa.

1.30pm: HMS Folkestone sailed.

2.30pm: HMTBs Harpy and Mosquito arrived.

3.00pm: HMS Lowestoft sailed.

4.30pm: Midshipman Martineau and Lieutenant Commander Pirie Gordon RNVR left ship.

7.00pm: HMS Wear proceeded.

Of the ships referred to on this day and not previously summarised:

HMS Endeavour was a requisitioned trawler (built 1894; sunk in a collision off Kirkwall on 10 March, 1918), M19 was a monitor (launched in 1915 at Raylton Dixon, Middleborough, and sold in 1920) and HMS Beagle was a G class destroyer (launched in 1909 at John Brown, Clydebank, and sold in 1921).

Grampus and Renard were G class destroyers. Grampus was launched in 1910 at Thames Iron Works, Blackwall, and sold in 1920, while Renard was launched in 1909 at Cammell Laird, Birkenhead, and also sold in 1920.

Europa was a 1st class cruiser of the Diadem class, launched in 1897 at John Brown, Clydebank, and sold in 19120. Image at PhotoWW1-05csEuropa1PS.JPG .

Folkestone was a minesweeper, built in 1903.

Harpy and Mosquito were G class destroyers. Harpy was launched in 1909 at White & Co, Cowes, and was sold in 1921, while Mosquito was launched in 1910 at Fairfield, Glasgow, and sold in 1920. An image of HMS Harpy is at , while an image of HMS Mosquito is at .

HMS Wear was an E (River) class destroyer, launched at Palmers on the Tyne in 1905 and sold in 1919.

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14 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 10

8.30am: Respread quarterdeck awning.

10.00am: Angora’s church party arrived.

11.15am: Above left ship.

4.20pm: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling.

5.30pm: Collier SS Hannah came alongside.

6.00pm: Discharged Midshipman Donovan to SS Arago(?)

7.15pm: Lowestoft arrived.

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15 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

4.48am: Commenced coaling.

6.10am: HMS Jed and submarine E12 arrived.

HMS Jed was an E (River) class destroyer, launched in 1904 at Thornycroft, Southampton, and sold in 1920. Images of HMS Jed are at .

6.20am: Rowan arrived. Heroic sailed.

8.25am: Resumed coaling.

9.20am: Finished coaling. Collier shoved off. Took on board 460 tons of coal.

1.30pm: HMS Grasshopper arrived, and HMS Racoon.

4.00pm: Hands to bathe.

5.30pm: Working party returned.

10.00pm: HMS Triad arrived.

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16 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

7.00am: Worked main derrick, out launch.

8.00am: Sent away working party.

9.00am: Discharged 1 PO Telegraphist to Grasshopper for Tenedos. Exercised away all boats. Worked main derrick, in launch.

am: Special parties as requisite.

pm: Hands to make and mend.

5.00pm: HMS Sentinel left.

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17 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

8.00am: Sent working party to Polshannon.

8.20am: Red and White watches landed for route march.

11.00am: Landing party returned.

1.20pm: Special parties employed. Remainder as requisite painting flats.

8.00pm: Darkened ship.

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18 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

9.05am: 1 Wireless PO left ship.

pm: Hands to make and mend.

1.30pm: SP ashore with range party.

2.00pm: Sent 1 rating to hospital. 1 ERA to Reliance.

4.30pm: Hands to bathe.

5.00pm: Heroic arrived.

6.30pm: Sailed SS Franconia with RND.

7.30pm: Patrol boat proceeded.

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19 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 9

4.00am: Picket boat returned from Patrol.

6.30am: HMS Rattlesnake arrived.

HMS Rattlesnake was a G (Basilisk( class) destroyer, launched in 1910 at Harland & Wolff, Govan, and sold in 1921. An image of HMS Rattlesnake is at .

8.00am: Sent working party away to rifle range.

pm: Hands employed as requisite. Swimming class under instruction.

4.00pm: Worked main derrick, in 1st picket boat. Discharged 1 PO to Europa.

5.30pm: Read Warrants nos. 298 and 300.

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20 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

8.30am: Hands to bathe.

9.30am: Proceeded HMS Harpy and Mosquito.

10.00am: Lifebuoys tested and gunsights (correct).

6.40pm: Arrived HMS Sentinel.

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21 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

10.25am: Held Divine service.

10.30am: Lieutenant Gore rejoined ship.

1.00pm: Sent working party to SS Wyandra.

6.00pm: Triad sailed. HMS Duncan arrived.

HMS Duncan was a pre-dreadnought and sister-ship of HMS Exmouth. She was launched in 1901 at Thames Iron Works, Blackwall, and sold in 1920. Details and image of HMS Duncan are at .

8.30pm: HMS Lord Nelson sailed.

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22 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 14

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers. Lowestoft returned and anchored.

am: Gunnery Training Class under instruction.

11.00am: HMS Theseus arrived.

3.35pm: Sent mails to HMS Abercrombie.

HMS Abercrombie was a monitor, launched in 1915 at Harland & Wolff, Belfast, and sold in 1917. An image of HMS Abercrombie is at .

5.00pm: Road Warrant No. 29 and 27.

Possible that these warrant numbers are incorrect. The previous warrants read (19 May) were 298 and 300.

8.00pm: HMTB Chelmer and Abercrombie sailed.

HMS Chelmer was an E (River) class destroyer, launched in 1904 at Thornycroft, Southampton, and sold in 1920.

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23 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

8.00am: Sent away working parties.

9.30am: Hands as requisite. Gunnery Training class as requisite.

2.00pm: 1 cot case discharged to hospital.

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24 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

8.00am: Sent working party to HMS Lowestoft.

9.00am: Landed landing party.

1.00pm: M.16 left harbour.

1.20pm: HMS Scourge arrived. Raglan arrived.

HMS Raglan was a monitor and a sister ship to HMS Abercrombie. She was launched in 1915 at Harland & Wolff, Govan, and sunk by Breslau and Goeben on 20 January, 1918, off Imbros.

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25 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 12

8.35am: Arrived HMS Scorpion.

10.00am: HMS Mosquito proceeded.

10.30am: SS Karapara arrived.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.30pm: HMS Forward arrived.

HMS Forward was a ‘scout’ cruiser, launched in 1904 at Fairfield on the Clyde, and sold in 1921. Details and image at .

5.15pm: HMS Skirmisher and Sarnia sailed.

10.00pm: HMS Raglan sailed.

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26 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

6.00am: HMS Heroic arrived.

7.00am: HMS Fury sailed.

HMS Fury was an H (Acorn) class destroyer, Built by Inglis, Glasgow, and launched in 1911. She was sold in 1921.

9.30am: Exercise Action.

10.20am: Exercise Aerial guns crews.

1.00pm: Landed Red watch for recreation.

4.00pm: Quarters. Bathing.

4.30pm: Sent 2 ratings and 2 released prisoners.

5.00pm: Read warrant No. 299.

5.30pm: 2 ratings joined from Europa.

7.30pm: Picket boat left on patrol.

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27 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 13

4.00am: 2nd picket boat returned from patrol.

8.00am: Sent working party to Lynx.

HMS Lynx was a hired trawler, built in 1906. She should not be confused with the K class destroyer of the same name that was mined in Moray Firth on 9 August, 1915.

9.00am: Divisions. Aired night clothing.

9.30am: Lifebuoys tested. Correct.

11.00am: HMS Arno left harbour.

The destroyer HMS Arno had been building at Ansaldo, Genoa, for Portugal as the Liz. She was purchased by Britain in March 1915,before completion. She was sunk on 23 March 1918, following a collision with the H class destroyer HMS Hope. Details and image of HMS Arno at .

11.30am: Rattlesnake arrived.

pm: Hands make and mend.

2.00pm: Discharged 1 walking case to hospital.

4.00pm: Landed recreation party.

5.00pm: Discharged Assistant Paymaster A.N. Green RN to HMS Agamemnon.

7.00pm: Recreation party returned.

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28 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

5.00am: Italian Cruiser Piemonte arrived.

9.00am: Sent away church parties.

10.00am: Divine Service.

11.00am: Worked main derrick, out 1st picket boat, in 2nd picket boat.

1.00pm: Grasshopper proceeded.

2.00pm: Assistant Paymaster Calloway joined ship from Europa.

7.00pm: Piemonte left harbour.

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29 May 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 9

5.30am: Forward left harbour.

8.30am: Sent working party to SS Dago.

11.00am: SS Dago’s party returned.

11.30am: Worked main derrick, hoisted boiler out of 2nd picket boat.

1.20pm: SS Baron Ardrossan came alongside.

pm: Hands employed getting in stores.

4.00pm: Baron Ardrossan shoved off.

5.00pm: Sent working party to French pier.

5.30pm: Discharged 1 AB to HMS Skirmisher.

6.00pm: 1 AB joined from HMS Skirmisher.

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30 May 1916

Mudros and at sea to Salonika

Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

4.00am: Picket boat returned from Patrol.

6.45pm: HMS Skirmisher left harbour.

8.00am: Duncan left harbour.

9.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea and as requisite.

10.00am: 1 Signalman joined ship from French ship Republique.

11.07am: Harpy and Mosquito sailed.

pm: Hands make and mend.

2.15pm: 12 ratings joined for passage to Salonica.

2.45pm: Sent working party to Dago.

3.15pm: 1 Lieutenant RN joined for passage to Salonica.

4.00pm: Read warrant No. 301.

4.30pm: Exercised Night Defence Stations.

4.50pm: Latona sailed.

HMS Latona was a minelayer of the Apollo class, built at Vickers, Barrow, and launched in 1890. She was sold in 1920 at Malta. An image of HMS Latona is at .

6.00pm: Worked main derrick, in sailing pinnace.

6.30pm: Shortened in to 2 shackles.

7.30pm: Prepared to weigh.

8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. Passed boom defence 8.40pm.

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31 May 1916

At sea and at Salonika

Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

3.02am: Kassandra Light abeam, 8 miles.

4.40am: Commenced zigzagging.

5.30am: French destroyer Poignard took station on port bow.

Poignard was launched in 1909 and stricken in 1926. Image at .

6.25am: Cape Kara Light House abeam, 1 mile.

6.30am: Course as requisite for passing boom defence.

7.13am: Stopped.

7.15am: Let go port anchor, veered to 4 shackles in 10¾ fathoms. Worked main derrick, out steam barge.

8.15am: Discharged 1 Lieutenant RN and 12 ratings to Lord Nelson.

pm: Make and mend.

2.15pm: Received set wireless gear from Agamemnon.

4.00pm: Assistant Paymaster Green joined ship.

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Blank log page


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‘Copy of Log’ page for June, 1916

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

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Mercury or Aneroid:  Mercury

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra A2396

Negretti & Zambra A2397

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1 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 11

8.30am: TB29 left harbour.

9.20am: Hands employed – coaling party, gunnery training, 6” guns crews drill, remainder as required.

11.00am: TB29 entered harbour.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

12.10pm: Hoisted in steam pinnace 207 for repairs.

1.45pm: HMS Triad left harbour.

7.40pm: Agamemnon sailed.

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2 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.25am: Colne and Chelmer left harbour.

HMS Colne and Chelmer were both E (River) class destroyers. Both were built by Thornycroft at Southampton, being launched in 1905 and 1904, respectively. Colne was sold in 1919 and Chelmer was sold in 1920. An image of HMS Colne is at PhotoWW1-10ddColne1PS.JPG while HMS Chelmer is shown at .

8.15am: Shortened in.

8.30am: Weighed. Course and speed as required to shift berth.

8.47am: Came to port bower, veered to 4 shackles.

9.30am: 6” groups to divisional drill.

1.20pm: Gunnery training class at instruction.

3.15pm: Gave leave to Chief and POs, 30 men and 3 boys till ?

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3 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

12.15pm: V.A.E.M.S. in Triad arrived in harbour.

V.A.E.M.S.’ may be Vice Admiral, East Mediterranean Station’.

1.30pm: Landed Red and White watches fire party.

2.00pm: Returned.

2.45pm: Hoist flag of Rear Admiral Fremantle MVO.

5.40pm: TB17 entered harbour.

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4 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 9

7.10am: HMS Sentinel sailed.

9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection.

10.30am: Church.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.30pm: M20 sailed.

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5 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.15am: M22 sailed.

8.15am: HMS Colne arrived.

9.15am: French Cruiser Bruix left harbour.

Bruix was an armoured cruiser, built by Rochefort from 1890–96 and broken up in 1920. Details and image at .

9.20am: Gunnery training class and Fore T.S. (Transmitting Station?) at drill.

10.20am: Major Harner and Paymaster Condé-Williams joined ship from Hussar. T.B.29 arrived.

HMS Hussar was originally a twin-screw gunboat (launched 1894 at Devonport Dockyard). She was eventually converted into a special service ship for the C-in-C Mediterranean and was sold for scrap in 1920. Details and image of HMS Hussar at .

11.30am: Lieutenant Jefferies joined ship.

12 noon:  Rear Admiral S.R. Fremantle joined ship.

5.00pm: Italian cruiser Piedmonte arrived.

This last name should be ‘Piemonte’.

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6 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.15am: Hands employed, Gunnery Training class and as required.

5.15pm: M22 entered harbour.

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7 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 8

9.30am: Hands employed, 6” crews at loader and deflection teacher, remainder as required.

3.30pm: Gave leave to Chief and P.O., 30 men and 3 boys of Red watch till 6.30pm.

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8 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

8.55am: M.17 sailed.

9.25am: Gunnery training class at instruction. Aft turret crew at drill, remainder as required.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

3.30pm: Gave leave to 30 men and 3 boys of White watch till ?

4.45pm: Hands prepare for coaling.

5.40pm: SS Treverlyn collier came alongside.

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This page, although dated ‘9 June’ has been struck through.

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9 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 6

4.25am: Commenced coaling.

7.00am: HMS Skirmisher sailed.

8.30am: Hands employed coaling ship.

10.15am: Finished coaling. Took on board 600.0 tons.

11.30am: Collier SS Treverlyn shoved off.

3.15pm: Leave to Blue watch.

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10 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

8.55am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Coaling party sent to Queen Hellena.

Spelling is more likely to be ‘Helena’. However, the log spelling will be used here.

9.40am: Lifebuoy tested and found correct.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

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11 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

8.00am: Sent coaling party to Queen Hellena.

9.25am: Divisions. Admiral’s inspection.

10.05am: Divine Service.

3.15pm: Leave to White watch till 6.30pm.

5.30pm: HMS Triad sailed.

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12 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 11

6.55am: French battleship St Louis left harbour.

St Louis was a pre-dreadnought battleship built at the Arsenal de Lorient from 1893–1900, and scrapped in 1933. Details and image at .

9.00am: Exercise out nets.

10.00am: In nets.

am: Hands employed working main derrick and as required.

10.45am: SS Queen Hellena came alongside. Hoisted steam pinnace No. 286 into her.

12.30pm: Queen Hellena shoved off.

1.30pm: Hands employed, coaling party in SS Queen Hellena and as required.

3.10pm: SS Pebble came alongside.

3.15pm: Leave to PO and 30 men.

5.00pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted in and out steam pinnace No. 207 for repairs.

7.30pm: HMS Lord Nelson, with Vice Admiral de Roebuck, Wolverine and Colne sailed.

HMS Wolverine was a G (Basilisk) class destroyer, launched in 1910 at Cammell Laird, Birkenhead, and sunk in collision with the sloop Rosemary of the NW coast of Ireland on 12 December, 1917. Image at .

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13 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

5.45am: TB30 arrived and anchored.

8.00am: Coaling party to SS Queen Hellena.

9.30am: Hands employed, Bosuns, Gunners and Torpedo Gunners parties. Gunnery training class. Range finder operators and aerial guns’ crews at drill. Remainder as requisite.

3.30pm: Leave to POs and 30 men.

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14 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.45am: Sent coaling party to SS Queen Hellena.

am: Hands employed, Gunners, Bosuns and Torpedo Gunners parties. Gunnery training class under instruction. Remainder as requisite.

1.30pm:  Hands employed, Bosuns, Gunners and Torpedo Gunners parties. Both turrets’ crews at drill.

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15 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

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Blank log page, crossed through.

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16 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

10.00am: Assistant Paymaster Green left ship.

pm: Training classes at instruction.

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17 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

10.00am: Tested life buoys (correct).

11.00am: Monitor 17 and TBs 17, 18, 30 arrived.

1.00pm: Sent coaling party to SS Treverlyn.

3.30pm: Leave to PO and 30 men.

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18 June 1916

Salonika, and at sea to Mudros

Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 9

Cautioned Mr W.E. Prideaux Acting Mate for improperly performing his duty as OOW in that he did not take the necessary action to send an important letter to the Flagship of the French Admiral by a certain time.

6.00am: French C-in-C arrived in cruiser Chateau Renault.

Chateaurenault (one word) was a protected cruiser, built from 1895–1902, and sunk by the German submarine UC38 on 14 December, 1917. Details and image at .

8.50am: HMS Duncan arrived.

1.00pm: Mr Fau(?) naval instructor joined ship.

2.00pm: Leave to CPO ?

4.10pm: Prepared for sea.

4.30pm: Hoisted in and drew fires in picket boats.

6.45pm: Shortened in.

7.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour.

8.25pm: Passed through boom.

11.35pm: Observed Kassandra Light N73ºE.

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19 June 1916

At sea and at Mudros

Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

4.30am: Commenced zig-zagging.

7.30am: Course as requisite for entering harbour.

8.10am: Came to starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, 4 shackles.

am: Training classes at instruction.

5.45pm: HMS Staunch sailed.

HMS Staunch was an H (Acorn) class destroyer, launched in 1910at William Denny, Dumbarton and sunk by UC38 off the coast of Palestine on 11 December, 1917. Image at .

7.40pm: HMS Triad with Vice Admiral Sir John de Roebuck sailed. Cheered ship.

8.30pm: Rear Admiral Fremantle shifted Flag to HMS Forward.

8.35pm: HMS Forward and Harpy sailed.

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20 June 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

6.50am: SS Swanley came alongside.

am: Hands employed provisioning ship and as requisite.

10.30am: Aerial guns crews to drill.

12.40pm: SS Swanley shoved off.

12.45pm: HMS Basilisk arrived and anchored.

1.45pm: Discharged 1 rating to hospital ship.

pm: Hands employed, Gunners, Bosuns and Torpedo Gunners parties. Gunnery training class at instruction. Remainder as requisite.

3.20pm: HMS Basilisk sailed.

5.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to HMS Europa.

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21 June 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

Number on sick list: 8

9.10am: HMS Usk and Basilisk sailed.

9.30am: HMS Renard sailed.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.00pm: Evening quarters. Read warrants 303, 305, 306 and 307.

5.30pm: 1 Rating joined ship from HMS Blenheim.

HMS Blenheim was formerly an armoured cruiser of the Blake class, launched in 1890. She was converted to a depot ship in 1906, and served as depot ship for Mediterranean destroyers from 1914–18. Image at .

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22 June 1916


Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling.

6.10am: Collier SS Trewellard came alongside.

6.30am: Commenced coaling.

6.45am: French battleships Republique and Democratie arrived.

Democratie was a French pre-dreadnought of the Liberté class, built at the Arsenal de Brest from 1903–08 and stricken in 1921. Details and image at .

10.00am: Finished coaling. Took in 390 tons.

10.20am: Collier Trewellard shoved off.

2.00pm: Discharged Midshipman Elliott and 2 ratings to Hospital Ship Princess Margaret of Scotland.

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23 June 1916

Mudros, and at sea to Salonika

Lat 39.89, Long 25.24

7.20am: HMS Sentinel arrived.

9.30am: Exercised Action.

10.30am: Disperse. Hands employed, Gunners, Bosuns and Torpedo Gunners parties, working parties in SS Polsharmon.

11.30am: Discharged 2 French signalmen.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Hands to night defence stations, disperse. Hands employed preparing ship for sea. Hoisted out steam barge.

6.30pm: HMS Raglan arrived, HMS Savage and E25 arrived.

7.10pm: French ships Patrie and Republique sailed.

Patrie was a pre-dreadnought, built at the La Seyne shipyard from 1902–06, and broken up in 1928. Details and image at .

7.20pm: HMS Harpy arrived.

7.45pm: French ships Suffren and Democratie sailed.

Suffren was a pre-dreadnought, built at the Arsenal de Brest from 1898–1904, and torpedoed by U52 on 26 November, 1916. Image at PhotoWW1-01bbFrSuffren1MQ.JPG .

8.00pm: HMS Forward arrived. Rear Admiral Fremantle and staff rejoined ship.

10.00pm: Anchor aweigh. Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving harbour.

10.23pm: Passed through gate.

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24 June 1916

At sea, and at Salonika

Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

0.45am: TB.29 took station ahead.

2.15am: Sathura Light abeam.

The correct spelling appears to be ‘Psathoura’.

4.59am: Kassandra Light abeam 7½ miles.

5.00am: Commenced zigzagging.

6.00am: Stopped zigzagging.

8.45am: Passed through outer gate, course and speed as requisite.

9.27am: Came to port anchor in 11 fathoms. Veered to 4 shackles.

10.30am: Out barge and 1st picket boat.

10.00am: Life buoy and gunsights tested and found correct.

pm: Hands make and mend.

3.30pm: Leave to the Blue watch.

5.00pm: Took on charge 5.5 tons of coal for steam barge.

7.30pm: HMS Duncan sailed.

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25 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.45am: HMS Lord Nelson and HMS Triad arrived.

10.15am: Divine Service.

11.05am: HMS Colne sailed.

11.35am: HMS Chelmer sailed.

4.00pm: Leave to POs and 30 men.

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26 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 8

pm: Training class under instruction.

4.15pm: Leave to POs and 30 men.

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27 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.10am: Divisions, Prayers, physical drill. Aerial guns’ crews closed up.

9.45am: Fell out.

10.25am: Sent working party to SS Trocas.

am: Training class at instruction. After turret, shell room, magazine and 6” layer parties at drill. Sent relief party to Trocas.

12.30pm: HMTB No. 29 arrived.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.00pm: Leave to Blue watch.

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Blank log page crossed through.

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28 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 9

am: Training class under instruction.

2.10pm: Worked main derrick, in steam pinnace No. 36.

4.15pm: Leave to Red watch.

10.50pm: Landed fire party of 50 men and 1 warrant officer.

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29 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.00am: Sent coaling party to SS Mauce.

am: Training class under instruction.

10.45am: HMS Lord Nelson sailed.

11.50am: Coaling party returned.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

3.30pm: Trawler 141 came alongside.

5.15pm: Worked main derrick, out sailing pinnace.

6.30pm: Trawler 141 shoved off.

7.30pm: Motor boat moored up.

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30 June 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

5.30am: Sent engineers working party to breakwater.

6.00am: Sent Bosuns working party, consisting of White watch, to salve captain’s motor boat.

8.45am: SS Wexford Coast came alongside.

am: Party employed drawing stores.

am: Training class under instruction.

10.00am: SS Wexford Coast shoved off.

11.00am: Bosuns working party returned.

11.15am: Worked main derrick, hoisted in sailing pinnace.

2.30pm: Trawlers 719, 218, 325 came alongside.

2.45pm: Princess Ena came alongside.

3.15pm: Princess Ena shoved off.

5.00pm: Trawlers 719, 218, 325 shoved off.

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Blank log page


4caf868fcadfd341970168f5: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for July, 1916

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

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Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra A2397 and A2396

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1 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.45am: Trawler 0211 came alongside. Tested gunsights (correct).

8.15am: Trawler 0211 cast off.

9.30am: Tested lifebuoys (correct).

10.00am: Drifters 42 and 141 came alongside.

11.30am: Worked main derrick, out steam pinnace 36.

12.15pm: Drifters 42 and 141 cast off.

4.00pm: Hands received monthly payment.

4.30pm: Landed Liberty Men (Red watch).

7.45pm: Liberty Men returned.

8.15pm: Motor Boat moored up.

8.30pm: Barge drew fires and moored up.

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2 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.30am: Divisions. Sent Roman Catholics to St George.

HMS St George was a destroyer deport ship. She was originally a cruiser of the ‘Edgar’ class, launched 1892 at Earle’s Shipbuilding, Hull, and sold in 1920. Details and image at .

10.15am: Divine Service.

10.30am: Princess Alberta arrived and anchored.

HMS Princess Alberta was a fleet messenger and was mined on 21 February, 1917, between Stavros and Mudros.

11.00am: Received Fleet mail. Roman Catholics returned.

2.00pm: Escort arrived with 2 prisoners.

3.40pm: Trawler 327 came alongside.

4.00pm: Trawler 696 came alongside.

5.45pm: Trawlers 327 and 696 cast off.

6.40pm: Drifter 76 came alongside.

6.50pm: Drifter 76 cast off.

8.30pm: Barge moored up and drew fires.

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3 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 9

6.30am: Sent coaling party to Trewellard.

7.40am: HMS Pincher arrived.

HMS Pincher was a G (Basilisk) class destroyer, launched in 1910 at William Denny, Dumbarton, and wrecked on the Seven Stones reef, west of Lands End, on 24 July, 1918.

9.20am: Hands employed:- Acting Seamen Gunners class at instruction; aerial gun sight setters at drill. Remainder as requisite.

12.30pm: Diving party went away.

1.00pm: Vice Admiral’s Flag transferred to Pincher.

2.00pm: HMS Pincher sailed.

3.00pm: HMS Triad sailed.

3.40pm: Sent Mail for England to SS Canada.

4.00pm: Held Court of Inquiry.

5.00pm: Diving party returned.

5.15pm: Finished Court of Inquiry.

7.30pm: Barge moored up and drew fires.

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4 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.30am: Drifter 685 came alongside.

7.45am: Drifter 685 cast off.

8.15am: Drifter 3250 came alongside.

8.25am: Drifter 3250 cast off.

9.30am: Hands employed, Control Parties at drill, Gun Training class at instruction. Remainder as requisite.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.30pm: Sent mail to Asturias and Princess Alberta.

5.00pm: 1 French Signalman joined ship from Verité.

Verité was a French pre-dreadnought of the Liberté class, built at Bordeaux from 1903–08, and stricken in 1922. Details and image at .

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5 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.40am: D.01181 came alongside

7.45am: TB.18 came alongside.

8.05am: D.01181 cast off.

8.15am: Hoisted in torpedo from TB.18.

8.25am: TB.18 cast off.

9.30am: Work main derrick. Hoisted in steam pinnace 418.

am: Hands employed: 6” and 12 pdr sightsetters and control tower parties at drill. Remainder as requisite.

11.00am: T.102 came alongside.

12.15pm: T.102 cast off.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

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6 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.00am: Furled quarterdeck awning.

7.30am: Shortened in to 2 shackles.

8.00am: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite.

8.30am: Closed up Control Parties – Gunlayers, Trainers and Sightsetters.

8.45am: Started control run with TB.29 as target.

9.30am: Finished first run. Stopped.

9.55am: Proceeded.

10.05am: Started second run.

10.50am: Finished second run.

10.55am: Stopped both.

11.00am: Let go port anchor, 3 shackles. Out port boom.

11.15am: Hoisted out target and wire into picket boat. Spread quarterdeck awning.

11.25am: TB.29 closed and anchored.

12 noon: Hands to bathe.

12.10pm: TB.29 weighed and proceeded.

1.00pm: Carried out .303” practice with Plate Target towed by picket boat.

4.30pm: Read Warrants 309, 311, 312.

4.30pm: Finished .303 practice.

4.50pm: Worked main derrick. Hoisted boiler out of steam pinnace 418.

5.30pm: Hoisted in target.

9.00pm: Exercised searchlights.

9.30pm: Watch secured quarterdeck awning.

11.00pm: Lost overboard by accident from Motor Boat, 1 anchor.

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7 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 9

8.30am: Hoisted out target.

8.45am: Commenced .303” practice.

9.20am: Hands employed, Acting Seamen Gunners at Aiming Practice, Search Lights crews at drill. Remainder employed as requisite.

10.47am: SS Princess Ena came alongside.

11.00am: Red and Blue watches getting in stores.

11.15am: Sent escort and 2 prisoners to Princess Ena and 1 ERA for passage to Malta.

12.10pm: Discharged 1 Chief Stoker to Princess Ena for passage to hospital.

12.40pm: Sent Recording Party to TB.30.

12.45pm: Shortened in to 1½ shackles.

1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. Carried out Acting Seamen Gunners tests with sub-calibre at target towed by TB.30.

2.40pm: Finished practice. Tested aerial guns.

4.30pm: Courses and speeds as requisite for coming to anchorage.

4.57pm: Let go port anchor, 4½ shackles.

5.00pm: Major Horne RMLI left ship. Sent mail for Mudros to Princess Ena.

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8 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.30am: Tested Gunsights and Lifebuoys (correct).

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.15pm: Commander W.W. Sillem left ship.

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9 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.30am: Divine Service.

9.40am: Sent Roman Catholics to St George.

11.00am: Roman Catholics returned.

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10 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

8.45am: Received Fleet Mail from Princess Alberta.

9.30am: Hands employed, 6” Deflection parties, 12 pdr Sightsetters and Spotting Table crew at drill, Gunnery Training Class at instruction.

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11 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 9

8.50am: HMS Lowestoft arrived.

9.20am: Hands employed, Boys at physical drill, Anti-aircraft crews at drill.

2.15pm: Party employed clearing away stern cable locker.

3.00pm: Motor Boat sent inshore for repairs with Bosun’s Party.

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12 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.40am: HMS Lowestoft sailed.

10.00am: HMS Lowestoft returned.

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13 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.30am: Gunnery training class at instruction. Marines at drill.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.15pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling.

5.00pm: Collier Trewellard came alongside.

5.30pm: Discharged 2 ratings to M32 and 1 released prisoner to St George.

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14 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.45am: Discharged 1 Ordinary Telegraphist to Arno for passage to Kassandra (Lent).

9.45am: Ceased coaling.

10.00am: Collier cast off.

10.00am: Took on board 540 tons of coal.

11.30am: Spread foc’sle and quarterdeck awnings. Out port lower boom.

12.30pm: T.218 came alongside for coaling party.

12.40pm: T.218 cast off.

2.00pm: D.517, T.1128 came alongside for water.

2.10pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted out 2nd picket boat, 418 steam pinnace. Hoisted in 1st picket boat and steam pinnace 207.

4.30pm: Sent Mudros Mail to Princess Alberta.

7.15pm: HMS Lowestoft weighed and proceeded.

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15 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 12

7.30am: HMS Hussar arrived.

9.30am: Test Lifebuoys (correct). Tested Gunsights (correct).

4.15pm: Sent mail for England to SS Ernest Simons.

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16 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 14

6.20am: HMS Triad arrived with Vice Admiral.

6.30am: HMS Kennet.

HMS Kennet was an E (River) class destroyer, launched in 1903 at Thornycroft, Southampton, and sold in 1919. Image at PhotoWW1-10ddKennet1PS.JPG .

9.35am: Sent Roman Catholics to St George.

10.30am: Divine Service.

11.25am: Roman Catholics returned.

1.45pm: Princess Ermine arrived with Fleet Mail.

2.10pm: Lieutenant Flinn RNR joined ship.

5.00pm: Sent gun mounting party to Ermine.

HMS Ermine was a fleet messenger. She was torpedoed in the Aegean Sea on 2 August, 1917.

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17 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.40am: Gun mounting party left ship in Wave.

9.20am: Hands employed, Gunnery Training Class at instruction, and Acting Seamen Gunners at instruction.

7.25pm: HMS Kennet sailed.

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18 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

4.45am: Sent coaling party (70 Hands) to HMS Triad.

am: Hands employed – Gunnery and Torpedo Training Classes at instruction.

11.30am: Worked main derrick, out sailing pinnace.

4.30pm: Sent mail for England to SS Berdigala, Mudros – Ermine, Egypt – Menomine. Lieutenant Commander Ho.B. Holberton left ship.

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19 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.30am: Sent working party to Triad. Hands employed rigging diving boat and as requisite.

9.35am: Hands employed – 6” deflection parties – Aerial sightsetters at drill.

11.45am: Triad’s working party returned.

5.10pm: HMS Skirmisher proceeded.

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20 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 11

7.00am: Diving boat left ship.

9.20am: Divisions with bedding.

9.40am: Hands employed, gunnery training class at instruction.

10.30am: SS Princess Alberta arrived.

11.00am: 2 ABs joined ship and 20 boys joined ship.

12.15pm: 2nd picket boat returned in sinking condition in tow of tug Moose.

12.20pm: Sent White watch and diving party to Moose.

1.15pm: SS Princess Alberta secured alongside.

pm: Hands employed, White watch and diving party working about picket boat. Remainder drawing store from Princess Alberta and as requisite.

2.30pm: SS Princess Alberta cast off.

3.00pm: Worked main derrick. Hoisted out steam pinnace 36. Hoisted 2nd picket boat clear of water to pump her out. Pumping party in cutter.

5.00pm: Worked main derrick. Hoisted in 2nd picket boat.

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21 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.30am: Recording party with Gunner left in D.0325.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

2.45pm: D.327 secured alongside.

4.45pm: Worked main derrick, out 1st picket boat.

5.00pm: 1 O.D. discharged sick to Princess Alberta for passage to Mudros.

11.25pm: HMS Triad sailed with VAEMS.

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22 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.30am: Tested Gunsights (correct). Tested Lifebuoys (correct).

3.30pm: Italian cruiser Piemonte sailed.

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23 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 12

9.20am: 1 Leading Seaman and 4 ABs joined ship.

9.45am: Sent Roman Catholics to St George.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

5.20pm: Worked main derrick, in steam pinnace 36. Discharged 1 French Signalman to Eros.

HMS Eros was a hired trawler, built in 1903.

5.30pm: Recording party returned.

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24 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.00am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite.

8.45pm: Hands employed. Torpedo training class at instruction. Remainder painting ship and as requisite.

1.30pm: Discharged 1 AB to HM Transport Maryland.

3.30pm: 1 French Signalman joined ship from Eros.

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25 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

8.30am: Hands employed – High angle range party at drill – remainder painting ship and as requisite. Marines at infantry drill.

2.10pm: Hands employed – Painting party painting launch and cutters.

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26 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 11

9.00am: Salvage tug Dalkeith came alongside.

Dalkeith was built in 1889 and was torpedoed by a submarine at San Pietro Island, Sardinia, on 18 May, 1918.

11.00am: Tug Dalkeith cast off.

4.15pm: Sent English mail to Abda.

4.30pm: Sent Mudros mail to Ermine, and 4 cot cases and 10 prisoners.

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27 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.40am: Hands employed – Working party in Andros. Range and deflection parties at drill. Remainder as requisite. Boys mustering bedding.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

6.20pm: Working party returned from Andros.

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28 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.20am: Worked main derrick. Out steam pinnace 36.

9.30am: Hands employed – Working party in SS Maryland – Remainder as requisite.

2.00pm: Sent diving party to E21.

3.15pm: Relief party sent to SS Maryland.

5.00pm: Sent Mudros mail to SS Princess Alberta.

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29 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 7

9.30am: Working party in SS Maryland.

10.00am: Tested Gunsights (correct). Tested lifebuoys (correct).

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30 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

8.30am: Commander S. Nevile joined ship.

9.40am: Sect G.A.P. Webster joined ship. Assistant Paymaster C.J. Taite RNR joined ship.

Sect’ may be an abbreviation of ‘Secretary’.

11.35am: Rear Admiral A. Hayes-Sadler C.S.1 joined ship. Flag Lieutenant Commander C.D. Fenn RN joined ship.

Hayes-Sadler’ is regularly miss-spelt in the log. The correct spelling has been used in this history.

3.45pm: SS Ermine secured alongside.

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31 July 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 15

8.50am: HMS Ermine cast off.

9.00am: Secretary M.M. Conde Williams RN and Assistant Paymaster Crane RNR left ship.

9.30am: Hands employed – Torpedo and Gunnery classes at instruction. Boys at drill. Remainder as requisite.

9.45am: Rear Admiral S.R. Fremantle left ship. Lieutenant E. Jeffreys left ship.

1.40pm: Sent Mudros mail to SS Ermine and English mail to French ship Saint Anna.

7.30pm: Struck flag of Rear Admiral S.R. Fremantle.

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Blank log page


4caf8690cadfd34197016919: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for August, 1916

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

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Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra A2397 and 1272

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1 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 10

am: Sent two ratings to Kassandra Signal Station.

9.30am: Hands employed, Torpedo Gunnery training classes and as requisite.

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2 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.30am: Hands preparing for out net defence.

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised out and in net defence.

12.35pm: Italian warship Piemonte arrived and anchored.

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3 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.10am: Divisions, Prayers, physical drill. Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Disperse.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.15pm: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling.

4.40pm: Collier Scaldier came alongside.

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4 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 13

4.50am: Commenced coaling.

8.30am: Hands employed coaling ship.

9.10am: Finished coaling.

9.30am: Collier Scaldier cast off.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

am: Took on board 390 tons of coal.

10.15pm: Hailed Guard Boat.

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5 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

0.45am: Hailed patrol boat.

3.15am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.30am: Gunsights correct. Lifebuoys correct.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.00pm: Discharged 1 rating for sentry duties at White Tower.

For a history of the White Tower, see .

10.10pm: Picket boat patrolled.

11.30pm: Picket boat patrolled.

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6 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

1.45am: Picket boat patrolled.

9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. Sent Roman Catholics to St George.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

11.30am: Discharged 1 rating to St Margaret of Scotland.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

2.45pm: Landed Fire Party.

3.00pm: Closed C doors.

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7 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

am: Hands employed 2 diving parties and as requisite.

pm: Hands employed gunnery training class and as requisite.

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8 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.00am: HMS Triad with VA EMS and HMS Foxhound sailed.

HMS Foxhound was a G (Basilisk) class destroyer, built by John Brown, Clydebank, and launched in 1909. She was sold in 1921. Images at .

am: Gunnery and torpedo classes to instruction.

10.00am: Worked main derrick. Hoisted out 2nd picket boat and in steam barge.

12.30pm: 1 Signal Rating joined ship.

pm: Hands employed ammunitioning ship. Training classes to instruction.

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9 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.00am: Worked main derrick. Hoisted in Steam Pinnace No. 418.

11.30am: HMS Grafton arrived and anchored.

HMS Grafton was a 1st class cruiser of the Edgar Class, built by Thames Iron Works, Blackwall, and launched in 1892. She was sold in 1920. Details and image at .

2.15pm: Hands employed Seaman Gunners class, Gunnery and Torpedo classes to instruction, and as requisite.

3.00pm: HMS Grafton shifted berth.

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10 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 8

5.00am: G21 came alongside.

am: Hands employed provisioning ship and as requisite.

11.30am: G21 cast off.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.00pm: Discharged 1 Signal Rating to and received to (sic) cell prisoners from HMS St George.

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11 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.30am: Court Martial assembled.

9.30am: Sent 1 hospital case to St Margaret of Scotland.

12 noon: Court martial adjourned.

1.30pm: Court Martial reassembled.

pm: Hands employed gunnery training class to instruction, remainder as requisite.

2.30pm: Court Martial finished.

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12 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.20am: Wave came alongside and embarked provision for Tuzla and cast off.

10.30am: Tested life buoys and found correct. Tested gunsights and found correct.

1.00pm: Grafton sailed.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.00pm: Hoisted in 1st picket boat. Hoisted out steam barge.

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13 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.00am: Arno and HMS Staunch weighed and proceeded.

The second name appears to be written ‘Stauch’; ‘Staunch’ is the most likely interpretation. HMS Staunch was an H (Acorn) class destroyer.

9.30am: Divisions. Read Admiral Hayes-Sadler inspected ship’s company.

10.15am: Divine Service.

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14 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 9

9.30am: Out bower and kedge anchors.

10.30am: HMS Kennet arrived and anchored.

10.40am: Hands employed Bosuns(?), Gunners, and torpedo gunners parties, remainder as requisite.

pm: Sight setters and trainers of 12” and 6” guns and control parties at drill.

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15 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.45am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. Closed B and C doors.

7.10am: Shortened in to 2 shackles.

7.21am: Anchor aweigh.

7.25am: Proceeded at 40 revs, course as requisite.

9.14am: Commenced 1st run firing practice.

10.14am: Commenced 2nd run firing practice. Courses and speeds as requisite.

10.55am: Finished practice. Proceeded to anchor.

11.07am: Came to port bower in 10 fathoms, 12½ shackles(?). Guns crews at their stations. remainder as requisite.

pm: 12” and 6” firing numbers carried out 1” and .303” practice at moving target.

3.30pm: Sent 2 ratings to HMS St Margaret of Scotland.

4.30pm: Shortened in.

4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded in to harbour.

5.20pm: Came to port bower in 10½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles.

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16 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.00am: HMS Renard arrived.

am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Fire control parties at drill.

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17 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.40am: HMS Endymion arrived and anchored.

8.45am: HM Monitor No. 32 came alongside.

1.25pm: SS Princess Alberta came alongside.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

3.00pm: Red watch work main derrick shifting and exchanging 6” gun between M32 and Princess Alberta.

4.40pm: Princess Alberta shoved off.

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18 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 11

9.50am: HM Monitor 32 cast off.

am: Gunnery class and boys at instruction.

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19 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

5.30am: Discharged 1 PO Telegraphist to HMS Endymion.

6.00am: Electrical working party to HMS Endymion.

9.00am: Life buoys and gun sights tested and found correct.

6.10pm: HMS Fury weighed and proceeded.

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20 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

6.45am: HMS Savage arrived.

7.40am: HMS Scourge, Staunch and Triad arrived.

8.00am: HMS Savage proceeded.

9.30am: Divisions, Captain's inspection.

9.50am: HMS Scourge weighed and proceeded.

10.20am: Divine Service. Sent working party to SS Ermine.

11.30am: 2 stokers and 1 signalman rejoined from TB.17.

12 noon:  Various working parties returned.

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21 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.30am: HMS Wave came alongside.

7.45am: SS Waterwitch came alongside.

11.00am: Sent working party to SS Southgate.

2.00pm: Waterwitch cast off.

5.40pm: Jessie came alongside. Blue watch employed shifting stores into her.

This vessel might be HMS ‘Jessie Nutten’, a hired trawler.

6.10pm: HMS Redpole weighed and proceeded.

HMS Redpole was an H (Acorn) class destroyer, built by Samuel White & Co., Cowes, and launched in 1910. She was sold in 1921. Image at .

pm: Red watch employed in Jessie.

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22 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 13

6.25am: HMS Staunch weighed and proceeded.

7.25am: HMS Scourge arrived.

8.00am: HMS Arno arrived.

8.40am: Sent away diving party.

10.40am: Southgate working party returned.

11.45am: Diving party returned.

6.07pm: HMS Savage weighed and proceeded.

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23 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

7.30am: HMS Grampus arrived and anchored.

am: 6” guns crews to drill. Coaling party away.

1.30pm: Discharged 7 hospital cases. Gunnery and training classes under instruction.

5.00pm: Coaling party returned.

6.00pm: HMS Scourge weighed and proceeded.

4caf8690cadfd34197016934: (

24 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.00am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.00am: Coaling party away.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

pm: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling.

5.10pm: SS Scaldin(?) came alongside.

7.00pm: HMS Fury and Staunch weighed and proceeded.

4caf8690cadfd34197016935: (

25 August 1916


Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

Number on sick list: 13

5.30am: Commenced coaling.

9.50am: Finished coaling.

10.00am: SS Scaldin shoved off. Took on board 410 tons of coal.

2.30pm: Life buoys tested and found correct.

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26 August 1916

Salonika, and at sea to Milo

Lat 40.6, Long 22.9

9.30am: Life buoys and gun sights tested and found correct.

2.00pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted in all boats.

4.00pm: Hoisted in picket boat.

4.55pm: Shortened in.

5.16pm: Anchor aweigh, proceeded course and speed as requisite.

6.00pm: passed through boom.

8.00pm: Arno parted company. TBs 29 and 17 took station astern.

4caf8690cadfd34197016937: (

27 August 1916

At sea, and at Milo

Milo’ is probably the island of ‘Milos’, approximately 70 miles north of Crete, in the Aegean Sea. The log spelling will be used here.

Lat 37.8, Long 24.5

Number on sick list: 18

2.01am: Psathura Island Light abeam 10 miles.

6.50am: Lithari Light House abeam 9 miles.

10.50am: Phassa Light abeam 3 miles, altered course S50ºW.

5.30pm: Passed through boom defence.

6.04pm: Came to starboard bower in 21 fathoms, veered to 6 shackles.

7.00pm: Hoisted out 1st picket boat, motor boat and barge.

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28 August 1916


Lat 36.715, Long 24.41

5.55am: HMS Forward and Savage arrived.

6.15am: HMS Sentinel arrived.

6.55am: HMS Honeysuckle and Aster arrived.

HMS Honeysuckle and Aster were Flower class sloops. Honeysuckle was built by Lobnitz & Co., Renfrew, launched in 1915 and sold in 1922.

7.00am: HMS Scourge and Rattlesnake arrived.

8.20am: Received Poulsen w/? gear from HMFA Empress.

am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. Divers examining underwater fittings. Diving party working at propellers.

1.30pm: Coaling party at HMS Prince Edward.

HMS Prince Edward was a paddle steamer, operating as a Boom Defence and Anti-Submarine vessel, requisitioned by the Admiralty from the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company.

10.20pm: Coaling party returned.

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29 August 1916


Lat 36.715, Long 24.41

1.20pm: HMS Aster and Honeysuckle proceeded.

5.00pm: Landed No. 1 Company and Marines.

5.45pm: HMS Aster and Honeysuckle arrived.

6.30pm: Landing party returned.

4caf8690cadfd3419701693a: (

30 August 1916


Lat 36.715, Long 24.41

9.30am: Control parties to drill.

10.15am: Coaling party in SS Rossario.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8690cadfd3419701693b: (

31 August 1916


Lat 36.715, Long 24.41

Number on sick list: 19

am: Hands employed sweeping down decks and preparing for coaling.

9.40am: Collier 1096 came alongside.

10.05am: Commenced coaling.

2.00pm: Ceased coaling.

2.45pm: Collier shoved off.

pm: Took on board 390 Tons of coal.

8.00pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. Worked main derrick, hoisted in barge and motor boat.

8:30pm: Lit fires in main boilers for steaming.

4caf8690cadfd3419701693c: (

Blank log page


4caf8690cadfd3419701693d: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for September, 1916

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

4caf8690cadfd3419701693f: (

Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

4caf8690cadfd34197016940: (

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra A1272 and 1273

4caf8690cadfd34197016941: (

1 September 1916

Milo, at sea, and at Piraeus

Lat 37.1, Long 24.1

5.00am: HM Ships Scourge, Savage, Pincher and Rattlesnake sailed.

5.30am: HMS Forward sailed.

8.40am: Hoisted in 1st picket boat.

9.25am: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

10.15am: Took station 2 cables astern of French Flagship La Provence.

La Provence was a dreadnought battleship, built at the Arsenal de Lorient in 1912–16, and scrapped in 1949. Details and image at .

11.50am: Hauled out of line.

1.40pm: St Georgio Light abeam.

4.00pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour.

4.30pm: Came to port bower in 15 fathoms. Veered to 4 shackles.

6.00pm: Hoisted out barge.

7.15pm: HMTBs 18 and 29 arrived.

4caf8690cadfd34197016942: (

2 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 19

6.30am: Hoisted out 1st picket boat.

7.30am: Tested lifebuoys and gunsights (correct).

1.00pm: Hands received monthly pay.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8690cadfd34197016943: (

3 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

10.15am: Divine Service.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.15pm: Sent 5 prisoners to HMS Sentinel.

4.30pm: Surgeon Loutit RNVR left ship.

5.00pm: HMS Sentinel sailed.

4caf8690cadfd34197016944: (

4 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 15

6.20am: HM Monitors Earl of Peterborough, 29 and 33 sailed.

HMM Earl of Peterborough belonged to the Lord Clive class of monitors. She was built by Harland & Wolff, Belfast, and launched in 1915. She was sold in 1921 and broken up in Germany. Details and image at .

7.30am: Hoisted in barge and out 2nd picket boat.

9.30am: After turret’s crew to drill.

am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction.

2.00pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes to instruction.

4caf8690cadfd34197016945: (

5 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Bosun’s, Gunners and Torpedo Gunners parties about their work. Gunnery and torpedo training classes to instruction.

2.00pm: HMS Sentinel arrived. Lieutenant Sargent RNR joined ship.

2.00pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction.

6.30pm: Lieutenant Buck RNR left ship.

7.00pm: HMS Forward sailed.

4caf8690cadfd34197016946: (

6 September 1916


HMS Exmouth has not moved (and the latitude and longitude are unchanged). However, the location recorded in the log has changed from Piraeus to Salamis.

Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Hands employed. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Diving party examining underwater fittings.

1.40pm: SS Pebble came alongside with stores.

2.00pm: Diving party about their work.

pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder getting in stores and as requisite.

4caf8690cadfd34197016947: (

7 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training class at instruction. Divers examining underwater fittings.

12 noon:  Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8690cadfd34197016948: (

8 September 1916:


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 18

9.00am: Hoisted out barge.

9.30am: Exercised Action.

10.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training class and boys at instruction.

2.10pm: Hands employed. Gunnery and torpedo training class at instruction.

6.00pm: Hoisted in 1st picket boat.

4caf8690cadfd34197016949: (

9 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

4caf8690cadfd3419701694a: (

10 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

11.00am: Exercised landing party, 2 companies of seaman and marines.

4caf8690cadfd3419701694b: (

11 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Exercised fire, collision and net defence stations.

10.00am: Surgeon Milligan RN joined ship.

2.00pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training class at instruction. Gunnery, Bosuns and Gunnery torpedo parties about their work.

4.15pm: Exercised landing party.

4caf8690cadfd3419701694c: (

12 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.50am: Acting Seamen Gunners class from HMS Sentinel onboard for drill.

am: No. 1 Company at drill. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys to instructions.

pm:  Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys to instructions.

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations.

6.30pm: Hoisted 2nd and 3rd cutters and whaler. Furled Quarterdeck awning.

4caf8690cadfd3419701694d: (

13 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 20

9.30am: Exercised Collision Stations.

9.50am: Exercised Fire Stations.

9.50am: HMS Duncan arrived.

am: Gunnery and Torpedo training class at instructions. Remainder prepare ship for coaling.

10.30am: 1 Yeoman of Signals joined ship from HMS Duncan.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.00pm: Read Warrant No. 313.

4.30pm: Collier SS Rosario came alongside.

4caf8690cadfd3419701694e: (

14 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

5.35am: Commenced coaling.

9.50am: Finished coaling.

10.05am: Collier shoved off. Took on board 400 tons.

10.30am: HMS Skirmisher arrived and anchored.

4caf8690cadfd3419701694f: (

15 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 13

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys to instruction.

4caf8690cadfd34197016950: (

16 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.00am: Air night clothing.

9.30am: Life buoys tested and found correct. Gunsights (correct).

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

6.30pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted in 1st picket boat.

4caf8690cadfd34197016951: (

17 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.00am: Sent Prize Crew to SS Athena.

10.15am: Divine Service.

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18 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: General Drill:- prepare to be taken in tow. Out all wire hawsers. General Fire Stations. Away all boats’ crews. Remainder of hands at physical drill.

11.00am: Hands employed replacing gear and as requisite.

2.10pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction.

5.00pm: Discharged 6 ratings to HMS Scourge.

4caf8690cadfd34197016953: (

19 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 15

9.30am: Fore turret’s crew and magazine and shell room parties, 6” and 12 pdr sightsetters at drill.

am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes, acting Gun-layers and boys at instruction.

2.10pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes, acting Seamen Gunners and boys at instruction.

4caf8690cadfd34197016954: (

20 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: General Drill:- Out bower anchor, let go starboard anchor and weigh by hand.

10.30am: Away all boats’ crews, pull around fleet.

2.10pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and acting Gun-layers 2 & 3 under instruction.

4caf8690cadfd34197016955: (

21 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

6.00am: Aired bedding.

am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and acting Gun-layers 2 & 3 at instruction. 6” guns’ crews at loader. After turret’s crew and 6” and 12 pdr Sightsetters to drill.

11.30am: Engineer Lieutenant Hind joined ship.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8691cadfd34197016956: (

22 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Hands employed:- Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction.

4.30pm: Discharged Engineer Lieutenant Vine to HMS Sarnia.

HMS Sarnia was an armed boarding steamer. She was torpedoed on 12 September, 1918.

4caf8691cadfd34197016957: (

23 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

10.00am: Life buoys tested and found correct. Gunsights (correct).

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

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24 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.25am: Sent Roman Catholics to La Provence.

10.00am: SS Sarnia arrived. Sent working party for stores.

10.15am: Divine Service.

4.15pm: Worked main derrick. Hoisted out 1st picket boat and in 2nd picket boat.

4caf8691cadfd34197016959: (

25 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 17

9.25am: General Drill:- Prepare to be taken in tow, General Fire Stations, out all wire hawsers.

10.30am: Away all boats. Remainder of hands at physical drill.

10.40am: Hands employed replacing gear – acting Seamen Gunners at instruction.

2.00pm: HMS Duncan weighed and shifted billets.

pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instructions. Hoisted out gig.

3.15pm: HMS Savage arrived.

9.57pm: HMS Foxhound and Greek TB arrived and anchored.

10.55pm: HMS Foxhound weighed and proceeded.

4caf8691cadfd3419701695a: (

26 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.20am: Sent Seamen Gunners class to Foxhound for firing practice.

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. Fore turret’s crew at drill.

pm: Divers and diving party cleaning underwater fittings. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Acting Gunlayers 2 and 3 at deflection teacher. Boys at instruction.

3.45pm: Foxhound returned and Seamen Gunners returned onboard.

4.20pm: HMS Foxhound sailed.

5.00pm: Discharged Mr Fryer midshipman and 2 cot cases to HMS Sarnia.

5.30pm: HMS Sarnia sailed.

4caf8691cadfd3419701695b: (

27 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.30am: Sent Acting Seamen Gunners to Scourge.

9.00am: HMS Scourge weighed and proceeded.

9.30am: Out net defence.

11.00am: In net defence.

11.30am: Hands employed replacing gear.

1.05pm: HMS Scourge arrived. Acting Seamen Gunners returned.

1.10pm: HMS Foxhound arrived.

1.45pm: HMS Scourge weighed and proceeded.

pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instructions. Remainder of hands refitting net defence and as requisite.

4caf8691cadfd3419701695c: (

28 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 12

5.50am: Hands aired bedding.

9.30am: Inspection of bedding.

10.15am: Heroic arrived.

10.00am: After turret’s crew to drill, Torpedo training class and boys to instruction.

Time on previous log entry is incorrect, or log entries are out of order.

12.20pm: Greek TB joined fleet.

4.20pm: SS Pebble came alongside.

4.30pm: White watch employed getting in stores.

pm: Blue watch employed getting in stores.

pm: Red watch employed getting in stores.

9.05pm: SS Pebble drew fires.

4caf8691cadfd3419701695d: (

29 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

6.30am: Sent Divers and Diving party to Tug Wapping

7.00am: Worked main derrick, out 2nd picket boat and in steam barge.

7.30pm: Sent Carpenters Party of 4 Shipwrights and 1 Seaman to Tug Wapping.

am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and Acting Gunlayers II and III at instruction. 6 inch and 12 pdr sightsetters at sightsetting exercise.

4.15pm: Discharged Lieutenant. Sonnenschein and 1 RMLI rating to HMS Heroic for passage to hospital ship Karapara.

5.30pm: Diving Party returned.

4caf8691cadfd3419701695e: (

30 September 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

am: Took on 11.0 tons of coal.

8.40am: HMS Foxhound weighed and proceeded.

9.00am: Tested life buoys (correct).

9.25am: HMS Savage arrived and anchored.


4caf8691cadfd3419701695f: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for October, 1916

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

4caf8691cadfd34197016962: (

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra 2396 and 2397

4caf8691cadfd34197016963: (

1 October 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

10.00am: Sent Roman Catholics to HMS Duncan.

10.20am: Held Divine Service.

11.40am: Roman Catholics returned.

4caf8691cadfd34197016964: (

2 October 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 12

6.30am: Sent coaling party of 2 POs and 20 hands to Tug Wapping.

9.15am: Exercise Fire Stations.

9.40am: Out all wire hawsers.

10.00am: Away all boats’ crews, pull around fleet. Remainder at physical drill.

10.20am: Secure.

10.30am: Torpedo and Gunnery training classes at instructions.

11.30am: Worked main derrick; hoisted in launch.

1.00pm: Paid Quarterly settlements.

2.00pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and Acting Gunlayers 2 and 3 at instructions.

4caf8691cadfd34197016965: (

3 October 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

6.50am: Sent coaling party to SS Etoba.

9.30am: Worked main derrick. Hoisted out steam barge.

am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instructions.

1.25pm: Coaling party returned from SS Etoba.

2.00pm: Hands employed:- Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instructions.

4caf8691cadfd34197016966: (

4 October 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.45am: Sent one Chief Telegraphist to HMS Duncan.

9.30am: Hands employed:- Gunnery and Torpedo training classes, Seamen Gunners class and boys at instructions, Gunlayers and Sightsetters of 6” and 12 pdrs at drill.

1.00pm: HMS Heroic arrived and anchored.

2.00pm: Five Ordinary Seaman joined ship from HMS Heroic.

2.15pm: Red watch employed drawing stores from HMS Heroic.

7.20pm: Worked main derrick. Hoisted in 2nd picket boat and launch.

4caf8691cadfd34197016967: (

5 October 1916

Salamis, and at sea to Malta

Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 16

am: Took on charge 70.65 tons of coal.

8.30am: Sent 11 ratings to HMS Duncan.

9.30am: Torpedo and Gunnery training classes and boys at instructions.

10.20am: Rear Admiral Hayes-Sadler and staff left ship for HMS Duncan.

11.30am: Tested life buoys – found correct.

2.00pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea.

3.30pm: Shortened in to 1 shackle.

3.47pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving harbour.

4.14pm: Passed Inner Net Defence.

6.35pm: St Georgio Light abeam, 10 miles.

9.13pm: Bello Pulo Light abeam, 6 miles.

11.37pm: Cape Malea Light abeam, 9 miles.

4caf8691cadfd34197016968: (

6 October 1916

At sea, Salamis to Malta

Lat 35.2, Long 20.9

0.40am: Moon set. Foxhound took station astern.

2.03am: Cape Apolitares abeam, distant 6 miles.

2.45am: Cape Apolitares abeam, distant 4 miles.

6.00am: Foxhound took station ahead.

6.20am: Commenced zigzagging ( 2 points).

8.00am: Streamed patent log.

3.00pm: Passed 4-funnelled French Cruiser bound East (challenge answered).

5.35pm: Finished zigzagging.

6.00pm: Position by stars: Lat 35º 18’N, Long 19º 26’E.

10.00pm: Latitude Pole 35º 20’N. Long Altair 18º 20’E.

4caf8691cadfd34197016969: (

7 October 1916

At sea, and at Malta

Lat 35.7, Long 14.6

1.15am: Moon Set. Foxhound took station astern.

5.05am: Foxhound took station ahead.

7.30am: Commenced zigzagging.

11.19am: Observed Dellemara Point Light House bearing N38ºW.

2.40pm: Entered Grand Harbour. Courses and speeds as requisite and proceeded alongside Somerset Wharf.

3.30pm: Discharged 1 rating from Foxhound to hospital.

4.10pm: Leave to White and Blue Watches and 1st part Red Watch till 7am.

6.00pm: Leave to youths under 20 till 11pm.

4caf8691cadfd3419701696a: (

8 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 9

9.30am: Landed 25 Roman Catholics, 6 Presbyterians and 11 Wesleyans.

10.00am: Held Divine Service.

11.00am: HMS London proceeded.

HMS London was a pre-dreadnought and near-sister to HMS Exmouth.

1.00pm: Leave to Red and Blue Watches and 1st part of White Watch till 7am.

4.40pm: Landed Patrol.

6.00pm: HMS Snapdragon proceeded.

HMS Snapdragon was an Arabis-type sloop. She was built by Ropner at Stockton on Tees, and launched in 1915. She was sold in 1934. Image at .

11.30pm: Patrol returned on board.

4caf8691cadfd3419701696b: (

9 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.00am: Red and Blue Watches employed getting up ammunition.

3.00pm: Engineer Lieutenant Sonnenschein rejoined ship.

pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition.

7.00pm: 1 boy rejoined ship from Europa.

8.30pm: Gave leave to Red and White Watches and 1st part Blue Watch.

4caf8691cadfd3419701696c: (

10 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.45am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition.

11.00am: Discharged Engineer Lieutenant Sonnenschein, 1 Ordinary Seaman and 1 Stoker to hospital.

1.00pm: Hands employed disembarking ammunition.

5.00pm: Landed Patrol.

11.15pm: Patrol returned.

4caf8691cadfd3419701696d: (

11 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 8

7.45am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition.

1.00pm: Hands employed getting up and discharging ammunition.

4.00pm: Gave leave to Blue Watch and 2nd part White Watch until 8am Saturday.

7.30pm: Gave leave to Red Watch until 7am.

4caf8691cadfd3419701696e: (

12 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

6.30am: Read Warrant No. 316.

9.00am: Gave leave to boys of Blue and 2nd part of White Watch until 7pm.

11.50am: Sent Prize crew of 1 Lieutenant, 1 WO and 21 ratings to Tug Alice for passage to Milo.

pm: Hands employed:- Gun(?) Wharf Party, Part about Defence as requisite.

4.15pm: Read No. 315 and 317 Warrants.

5.00pm: Gave leave to 1st parts of Red and White Watches until 7am.

4caf8691cadfd3419701696f: (

13 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.45am: Wharf party and WOs parties about their work.

10.10am: Discharged 1 AB and 1 Ordinary Seaman to hospital.

11.45am: Wharf party returned.

4.00pm: Read Warrant 319.

4.30pm: Gave leave to 2nd part Red and 1st part White Watch until 7am Saturday.

5.30pm: Landed Patrol.

11.35pm: Patrol returned on board.

4caf8691cadfd34197016970: (

14 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 7

4.30pm: Leave to 1st part White Watch until 8am Tuesday.

6.00pm: Tested C and D pumps.

4caf8691cadfd34197016971: (

15 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.10am: Landed Notabile Patrol.

9.00am: Gave leave to boys Red and 1st part of White Watches until 7pm.

9.30am: Ship’s company attended Divine Service at Dockyard Church.

11.00am: Landed 25 Roman Catholics, 12 Wesleyans, 7 Presbyterians.

6.00pm: Tested A and B pumps.

4caf8691cadfd34197016972: (

16 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

1.00pm: Discharged 8 ratings to HMS Egmont.

HMS Egmont was the Shore Base at Malta.

4.15pm: Read Warrants 321 and 322.

5.30pm: Gave leave to 2nd part of White and 1st

6.30pm: Landed small patrol.

7.30pm: Tested C and D pumps.

11.30pm: Patrol returned.

4caf8691cadfd34197016973: (

17 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 9

6.30am: Read Warrant No. 320.

8.15am: Sent party to Naval Ordnance wharf.

8.50am: Shifted berth and secured alongside Burmola Wharf.

10.45am: Discharged 1 AB to RN Hospital.

1.00pm: Leave to boys of Red and Blue watches until 7pm.

4.05pm: Read Warrants Nos 322, 324 and 325.

5.00pm: Gave leave to Red and Blue Watches and 2nd part of White Watch until 7am.

6.30pm: Tested A and B pumps.

8.00pm: 1 Private RMLI joined from hospital. 3 Privates RMLI joined from Cornwallis.

4caf8691cadfd34197016974: (

18 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.45am: Sent party to Ordnance wharf.

8.15am: Acting Seamen Gunners class and Boys to instructions.

10.30am: Engineer Lieutenant Sonnenschein joined ship from hospital.

pm: Acting Seamen Gunners class at instructions.

4.15pm: Ordnance party returned.

4.45pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

5.00pm: Tested C and D pumps.

5.00pm: Gave leave to Red and White and 2nd part of Blue Watches until 7am.

4caf8691cadfd34197016975: (

19 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

6.45am: Discharged 3 Privates RMLI for passage to HMS Cornwallis.

7.45am: Sent party to Ordnance Wharf.

am: Hands employed embarking ammunition and repairing net defence and as requisite.

11.45am: Ordnance party returned.

1.15pm: Discharged 3 Officers Stewards to HMS Egmont.

2.00pm: Sent working party to Ordnance Wharf.

4.00pm: Discharged Acting Sub-Lieutenant Mitchell to HMS Acorn.

HMS Acorn was an H class destroyer, built by John Brown at Clydebank, and launched in 1910. She was sold in 1921. Image at .

4.30pm: Tested A and B pumps.

5.00pm: Read Warrant No. 325. Gave leave to White, Blue and 1st part of Red Watches until 7am.

4caf8691cadfd34197016976: (

20 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

am: Read Warrant No. 326.

7.45am: Working Party to Ordnance Wharf.

8.15am: Carpenter’s party drawing stores from Dockyard. Remainder of hands embarking 6” projectiles, repairing net defence and as requisite.

11.45am: Ordnance party returned.

1.15pm: Sent working party to Ordnance wharf.

pm: Carpenter’s party drawing stores from Dockyard. Remainder employed embarking 6” projectiles, repairing net defence and as requisite.

4.30pm: Gave leave to Red and Blue Watches until 7am.

pm: White Watch employed embarking ammunition.

5.30pm: Landed Patrol.

5.55pm: Tested C and D pumps.

4caf8691cadfd34197016977: (

21 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 11

9.20am: Slipped and proceeded into No. 5 dock.

10.30am: Hands employed scrubbing ship’s bottom.

12.40pm: Prize crew returned from Milo.

12.45pm: Landed Marsa patrol.

1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship’s bottom and as requisite.

1.15pm: Gave leave to stokers of Red and White Watches and 1st part of Blue Watch until 7am.

3.05pm: Sent Prize crew to Tug Alice for passage to Milo.

5.00pm: Gave leave to Red and White and 1st part of Blue Watches until 7am.

5.30pm: Exercised 2nd part of Blue watch at Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016978: (

22 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.30am: Blue Watch employed scraping out bottom of deck.

Likely that the previous entry should read ‘bottom of dock’.

9.15am: Held Divine Service in Dockyard Church.

9.45am: Landed 23 Wesleyans, 73 Presbyterians and 48 Roman Catholics.

10.10am: Church party returned.

10.20am: Discharged 1 ERA and 1 boy telegraphist to RN Hospital.

1.15pm: Gave leave to White and Blue Watches and 2nd part of Red Watch till 7am. Leave to boys till 7pm.

4.30pm: Exercise 1st part Red Watch at Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016979: (

23 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.00am: Sent Ordnance party.

8.15am: Hands employed:- WO’s working parties returning stores.

pm: Hands employed refitting work and as requisite.

1.30pm: Gave leave to boys till 7pm.

5.00pm: Exercised 1st part White Watch at Fire Stations.

5.30pm: Landed Valletta Patrol.

11.30pm: Valletta Patrol returned on board.

4caf8691cadfd3419701697a: (

24 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.50am: Sent Ordnance party.

1.30pm: Gave leave to Prize Crew till Friday Noon. Leave to boys till 7pm.

4.30pm: Gave leave to Red and White Watches and 2nd part Blue Watch till 7am.

6.00pm: Exercised 1st part Blue Watch Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701697b: (

25 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 9

Log contains details of leave arrangements to Watches. These details will not be repeated from here on.

7.50am: Sent Ordnance Party

8.15am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. Acting Seaman Gunners and boys at instructions.

5.30pm: Exercised 2nd part Red watch at Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701697c: (

26 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.00am: Sent Party to Ordnance Wharf.

8.30am: Hands employed surveying cable and as requisite. Acting Seamen Gunners Class at instructions.

1.15pm: Hands employed surveying cable and as requisite. Acting Seamen Gunners class at instructions. Leave to boys till 7pm.

4.30pm: Landed Valletta Patrol.

12 midnight: Patrol returned on board.

4caf8691cadfd3419701697d: (

27 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.45am: Sent Ordnance Party.

8.15am: Hands employed:- cleaning out chain-lockers, drawing stores, refitting and as requisite. Acting Seamen Gunners Class at instruction.

1.15pm: Sent Ordnance Party. Hands employed drawing stores, refitting and as requisite. Acting Seamen Gunners Class at Instruction.

4.30pm: Leave to Red, White and 1st part of Blue watch.

5.00pm: Exercised 2nd Part Blue Watch at Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701697e: (

28 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 10

7.45am: Sent Ordnance Party.

8.15am: Hands employed:- Marsa Working Party, remainder of hands drawing stores and as requisite.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

1.30pm: Leave to White and Blue and 2nd Part Red Watch till 7am. Leave to Boys till 7pm.

5.0pm: Exercised 1st Part Red Watch at Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701697f: (

29 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.40am: Sent 17 Roman Catholics for Mass.

9.10am: Sent Church of England church party to Dockyard church.

9.45am: Landed 20 Wesleyans and 9 Presbyterians.

10.00am: Discharged Lieutenant Feeley RMLI to RN Hospital.

11.15am: Discharged 1 ERA to HMS Snapdragon.

1.15pm: Gave Leave to Red and Blue and 2nd Part of White Watches until 7am. Leave to boys until 7pm.

4.30pm: Landed Patrol.

4.45pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

5.00pm: 1 ERA joined ship from HMS Snapdragon.

4caf8691cadfd34197016980: (

30 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 12

6.30am: Landed boys for field training.

7.15am: Landed picket house party.

8.15am: Hands employed:- WO's working party. Acting Seaman gunner's class at instruction. Sent working party to ordnance wharf. Remainder refitting and as requisite.

1.15pm: Hands employed:- WO's working party. Working party at Ordnance Wharf. Acting Seamen Gunners class at instruction. Remainder refitting and as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave to Red and White and 2nd part of Blue Watch till 7.0am.

4.45pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016981: (

31 October 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. Landed boys for field training.

7.30am: Boys returned. Sent party to Ordnance Wharf.

8.15am: Hands employed: WO's working party. Acting Seamen Gunners class and boys at instruction. Remainder refitting and as requisite.

1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. Gave leave to boys till 7.0pm.

3.10pm: Prize crew returned.

4.30pm: Gave leave to White and blue watches and first part of Red till 7.0am.

5.30pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016982: (

Blank log page


4caf8691cadfd34197016983: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for November, 1916

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Lieutenant Commander (N), Navigating Officer

4caf8691cadfd34197016984: (

Blank page

4caf8691cadfd34197016985: (

Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain, 16th December, 1916

4caf8691cadfd34197016986: (

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra 2396 and 2397

4caf8691cadfd34197016987: (

1 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.15am: Hands refitting and as requisite. Acting Seamen Gunners class at instruction.

12.45pm: Paid monthly allowance.

5.00pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016988: (

2 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 12

8.15am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

10.30am: Sent Prize Crew to Tug Alice for passage to Milo.

1.15pm: Hands deployed drawing stores and as requisite.

5.00pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016989: (

3 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 10

8.15am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701698a: (

4 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 10

8.15am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

12.15pm: Discharged Mr Prideaux, Mate, to hospital.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.00pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701698b: (

5 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 11

9.00am: Divisions. Landed ship’s company for Divine Service in dockyard church.

11.00am: Surgeon Walker joined the ship.

4.50pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701698c: (

6 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 12

8.15am/1.15pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

5.00pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701698d: (

7 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 13

8.15am/1.15pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

am: Training classes at instruction.

10.00am: Discharged Mr Sonnenschein Lieutenant (E) to hospital.

4.00pm: Read Warrants Nos 329, 330, 331.

5.00pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701698e: (

8 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 13

8.15am/1.15pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

6.15pm: Major Harmare(?) RMLI joined ship.

4caf8691cadfd3419701698f: (

9 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 11

8.15am/12.30pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

1.15pm: Read Warrant No. 332.

4caf8691cadfd34197016990: (

10 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 9

8.15am/1.15pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

9.10am: Captain Veale RN and Surgeon Hurst RN left ship.

4.45pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016991: (

11 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 9

8.15am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. Training classes at instruction.

9.30am: Red Watch employed getting in bower cables.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.45pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016992: (

12 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 8

9.00am: Divisions. Landed ship’s company for Divine Service in dockyard church.

4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016993: (

13 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 9

8.15am: Hands refitting and as requisite.

1.10pm: Sub Lieutenant Mitchell rejoined ship.

5.00pm: Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016994: (

14 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 10

7.00am: Commenced flooding dock.

9.00am: Commenced undocking ship.

11.45am: Secured alongside Burmola Wharf.

3.30pm: Prize Crew returned.

4caf8691cadfd34197016995: (

15 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.20am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder of hands ammunitioning ship.

11.00am: Captain Mitchell RN joined ship.

1.15pm: Hands ammunitioning ship and as requisite.

6.15pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016996: (

16 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.20am: Hands refitting and as requisite. Training classes at instruction. Marines at drill.

1.15pm: Hands employed taking in ammunition and as requisite.

4.45pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016997: (

17 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

8.20am: Hands employed taking in ammunition, drawing stores and as requisite.

4.45pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016998: (

18 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

am: Gunsights correct.

8.15am: Sub Lieutenant Mitchell left ship for passage to Mudros.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd34197016999: (

19 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

9.00am: Divisions. Landed ship’s company for Divine Service.

6.00pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701699a: (

20 November 1916:


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 7

8.20am/1.15pm: Hands ammunitioning ship.

4caf8691cadfd3419701699b: (

21 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

7.50am:1.15pm: Hands provisioning ship.

4.10pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701699c: (

22 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

6.15am: Hands preparing ship for coaling.

7.45am: Coal lighters secured alongside.

8.45am: Commenced coaling with shore labour.

1.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.00pm: Read Warrant No. 333.

5.00pm: Finished coaling. Received 1047 tons.

4caf8691cadfd3419701699d: (

23 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

9.00am: Commenced steam trial.

11.30am: Finished steam trial.

pm: Hands ammunitioning ship.

6.00pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd3419701699e: (

24 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

6.15am: Hands cleaning ship and painting down aloft.

1.15pm: Hands painting down aloft and as requisite.

4caf8691cadfd3419701699f: (

25 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

am/pm: Hands painting ship and as requisite.

am: Gunsights correct.

4caf8691cadfd341970169a0: (

26 November 1916


Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

Number on sick list: 10

9.10am: White Watch and Chief Gunners’ parties working in magazines and shell rooms. Quarterdeck men painting on quarter deck. Remainder of ship’s company landed for Divine Service.

2.00pm: Lieutenant Sonnenschein rejoined ship.

5.00pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8691cadfd341970169a1: (

27 November 1916

Malta, and at sea to Salamis

Lat 35.9, Long 14.52

9.00am: Mr Lennard WO left ship for HMS Egmont.

am: Hands preparing ship for sea and as requisite.

10.00am: Lifebuoys tested and found correct.

12.10pm: Lieutenant Wardell RNR joined ship.

12.45pm: Tug secured alongside.

1.10pm: Cast off from jetty.

1.40pm: Tugs cast off. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. Close up submarines guns crews.

1.50pm: Cleared breakwater.

4.00pm: Streamed patent log.

4.15pm: Course S62ºE. Commenced zigzagging.

6.10pm: Finished zigzag.

7.45pm: Observed searchlight on starboard beam.

8.30pm: HMS Redpole took station astern.

4caf8691cadfd341970169a2: (

28 November 1916

At sea, Malta to Salamis

Lat 34.4, Long 19.8

Number on sick list: 11

6.30am: Commenced zigzag.

9.30am: Divisions. Hands mustered with life saving gear.

9.40am: Exercised collision and abandon ship stations.

2.30pm: Corrected deviation.

4caf8691cadfd341970169a3: (

29 November 1916

At sea and at Salamis

Lat 37.5, Long 23.7

2.30am: Passing through Anti Kithera Channel.

6.15am: HMS Redpole took station ahead.

6.40am: Commenced zigzag.

8.30am: Hauled in patent log.

1.00pm: Course as requisite for swept channel.

1.15pm: Course as requisite for entering Salamis Bay.

2.20pm: Passed through net defence.

2.35pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 15 fathoms. Veered to 5 shackles.

3.50pm: Collier SS Newfield secured alongside.

4caf8691cadfd341970169a4: (

30 November 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

6.50am: Commenced coaling.

11.25am: Finished coaling. Received 570 tons.

1.15pm: Collier cast off.

1.30pm: Hands cleaning ship. Nos 1 and 2 Landing parties assembling in marching order.


4caf8692cadfd341970169a5: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for December, 1916

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Lieutenant Commander, Navigating Officer

4caf8692cadfd341970169a6: (

Blank page

4caf8692cadfd341970169a7: (

Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain

4caf8692cadfd341970169a8: (

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra 2396 and 2397

4caf8692cadfd341970169a9: (

1 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 13

2.30am: Landed Royal Marines and small arm Company

8.00am: Hauled flag of Rear Admiral Hayes-Sadler.

11.15am: Rear Admiral Hayes-Sadler and staff joined ship.

Killed in action:

Colour Sergeant William Cartlidge Plymth 10333

Private Albert Davenport Plymth 16047

Private Albert Falloon Plymth 16053

Private Frank Thorpe Plymth 16054

Private William Bremma Plymth 16018

This Private is listed as ‘Wilfred Bremma’ at xDKCas1916-12Dec.htm .

Corporal James Ellis Plymth 15223

According to xDKCas1916-12Dec.htm , Corporal Ellis was injured on 1 December (this day in the log), but died on 4 December.

Able Seaman Thomas W Martin Chatham 170379

Seaman RNR Timothy Driscoll A2412

4caf8692cadfd341970169aa: (

2 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.55am: 26 Marines returned on board.

10.00am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.20am: Secured.

1.00pm: Paid monthly allowance. Hands make and mend clothes.

7.40pm: Small arm Company returned.

4caf8692cadfd341970169ab: (

3 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.50am: Divisions. Held Divine Service.

1.20pm: Landed Funeral Party.

2.40pm: Landed 1 NCO and 24 privates on Lipso Island.

6.10pm: Funeral Party returned.

4caf8692cadfd341970169ac: (

4 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.40am: Training classes at instruction.

4caf8692cadfd341970169ad: (

5 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 15

am: After turret’s crew and Landing Party at drill.

11.30am: Mr Bernard Assistant Paymaster RNR joined ship.

1.30pm: Fore turret’s crew at drill.

4caf8692cadfd341970169ae: (

6 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.10am: Hailed guard boat.

4.40am: Hailed patrol boat.

6.30am: Hands preparing for ‘out net defence’.

7.15am: Sent coaling party to trawler 1130.

am: Sent guard 1 PO 1 Leading Seaman and 8 men with Lieutenant in charge to Constantinos.

Constantinos’ is written in quotes in the log, and is therefore probably a ship. No ship in the Royal Hellenic Navy at that time bore that name. It is likely that Constantinos was a merchant vessel.

9.30am: Out net defence.

11.30am: Coaling party returned.

11.30am: Lieutenant in Constantinos guard returned.

1.15pm: Sent 8 marines to Lipso Isle. 8 other marines returned.

pm: Gunnery training class to instruction. 6” breech(?) workers and all sightsetters to drill. Remainder painting, refitting and as requisite.

4caf8692cadfd341970169af: (

7 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 13

1.30am: Hailed guard boat.

am: Gunnery training class and boys at instruction. 6” magazine and shell room parties to drill. Remainder painting flats and as requisite.

1.30pm: Gunnery training class and boys at instruction.

2.20pm: HMS Rowan came alongside.

4.30pm: Discharged Lieutenant ? to Rowan.

5.00pm: HMS Rowan cast off.

5.30pm: 1 Chief Yeoman, 1 Signalman, 2 ABs returned from Phalava.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b0: (

8 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

2.00am: Hailed patrol boat.

7.30am: Discharged 1 signalman to French cruiser Jurien de la Gravière.

Jurien de la Gravière was the last protected cruiser built for the French navy. She was built at Lorient from 1897–1903 and was sold for scrap in 1923. Details and image at .

1.15pm: Sent 1 Chief Yeoman, 1 signalman, 1 Leading Seaman, 1 AB, 1 stoker to Lipso Island.

3.05pm: Sent working party of 1 PO, 1 Leading Seaman, 20 hands to Piraeus.

6.00pm: Received two patients from No. I Military Hospital Athens.

7.10pm: Hailed patrol boat.

9.00pm: Working party returned.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b1: (

9 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

10.00am: Tested life buoys, found correct.

pm: Hands to make and mend clothes.

5.15pm: Sent 1 Lieutenant, 1 PO, 5 ABs to Greek Submarine.

10.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b2: (

10 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 14

1.25am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.00am: Sent engineers working party to SS Constantinos.

9.20am: Sent 24 Roman Catholics to Verité.

9.45am: HMS Savage arrived.

10.30am: HMS Scourge arrived.

10.35am: Roman Catholics returned on board.

10.40am: Held Divine Service.

3.30pm: Worked main derrick. Hoisted out 2nd picket boat, hoisted in barge.

8.45pm: Sent engineers working party under Lieutenant E to SS Constantinos.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b3: (

11 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.40am: Hailed guard boat.

4.40am: Hailed guard boat.

7.00am: Sent engineers party to SS Constantinos.

9.35am: Submarine party returned.

9.40am: Exercised general drill, ‘Prepared to be taken in tow, and ‘prepare to tow’. Hands employed painting flats and as requisite.

12.20pm: Sent 1 warrant engineer and 1 Leading Seaman to SS Constantinos.

pm: Hands employed – acting Seamen Gunners and training class and boys at instruction. Fore turret’s crew and fore magazine and shell room parties to drill.

4.00pm: Quarters, read warrant 334.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b4: (

12 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Sent 1 PO, 9 men to Verité for memorial service.

am: Hands employed – aft turret’s crew to drill. Acting Seamen Gunners and gunnery training class at instruction. Remainder painting flats and as requisite.

11.15am: HMS Rowan arrived.

1.30pm: Hands employed – Gunnery training class and acting Seamen Gunners at instruction, 6” breech workers and sight setters at drill, remainder painting flats and upper deck and as requisite.

3.35pm: HMS Rowan sailed.

10.15pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b5: (

13 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.20am: Hailed patrol boat.

8.15am: Stoker joined ship for passage to Mudros.

8.55am: HMS Scourge and Savage sailed.

am: Hands employed – Gunnery training class and acting Seamen Gunners to instruction. All 6” groups at loader drill, remainder painting flats and as requisite.

11.20am: Ernest Renan French cruiser arrived.

Ernest Renan was an armoured cruiser, built at St Nazaire and entering service in 1906. She left naval service in 1931. Details and images at .

pm: Hands employed – 6” Deflection teacher party at drill, Gunnery training class and acting Seamen Gunners to instruction. Remainder painting on upper deck and in flats and as requisite.

4.00pm: Quarters. Read warrant 335.

10.30pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b6: (

14 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.40am: Hailed patrol boat.

am: Aired bedding.

am: Hands employed – acting Seamen Gunners and gunnery training class at instruction. Aerial guns’ crews and 6” magazine party at drill.

pm: Hands to make and mend clothes.

2.00pm: HMS Rowan came alongside.

2.30pm: Discharged 1 Leading Seaman, 1 Private RMLI, ?, 1 AB for hospital. Six ratings for Mudros, Mr Callaway Paymaster for passage to Malta.

4.00pm: Sent divers and party to Scourge.

4.30pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted out barge.

6.00pm: Diving party returned from HMS Scourge.

10.25pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b7: (

15 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

4.25am: Hailed guard boat.

am: Hands employed, acting Seamen Gunners and gunnery training classes at instruction. Remainder painting and as requisite.

11.30am: French cruiser Ernest Renan.

2.50pm: HMS Scourge sailed.

3.20pm: Hoisted in 1st picket boat.

10.40pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b8: (

16 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.25am: Hailed guard boat.

9.00am: Gunsights correct. Tested life buoys, found correct.

10.00am: HMS Scourge and Savage sailed.

1.25pm: 1 French signalmen joined ship from Democratie.

pm: Engineer working party returned from SS Constantinos.

10.10pm: Hailed guard boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169b9: (

17 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 8

4.20am: Hailed guard boat.

10.40am: Held Divine Service.

10.20pm: Hailed guard boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169ba: (

18 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

4.20am: Hailed guard boat.

9.30am: Exercised out net defence.

1.30pm: Hands employed – 6” groups to loader, control parties to drill, acting Seamen Gunners and Seamen Torpedo men to instructions.

4caf8692cadfd341970169bb: (

19 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.30am: Sent coaling party to collier Calliope.

8.50am: HMS Savage and Scourge proceeded.

9.30am: Hands employed acting Seamen Torpedo men, acting Seamen Gunners and gunnery training class at instruction. Remainder painting flats and as requisite.

11.20am: Coaling party returned.

12.30pm: French cruisers Waldeck Rousseau, Edgar Quinet proceeded.

Waldeck-Rousseau (hyphenated) and Edgar Quinet were armoured cruisers and sister-ships. Rousseau was built between 1905–10 and was destroyed in harbour at Kolombangara, Indochina, in 1943. Details and images at Quinet was launched in 1907 and struck in 1930. Details and image at .

1.30pm: Hands employed – after turret’s crew, magazine and shell room parties to drill. Acting Seamen Torpedo men, acting Seamen Gunners and gunnery training class to instruction.

3.30pm: Hoisted in sailing pinnace.

5.00pm: 7 ratings returned from hospital.

4caf8692cadfd341970169bc: (

20 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.25am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.35am: Exercised out stream anchor.

1.30pm: Hands employed – acting Sightsetters, acting Seamen Gunners, gunnery training class and boys to instruction. Remainder painting flats and casemates and as requisite.

10.35pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169bd: (

21 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 8

7.40am: HMS Rowan arrived.

am: Hands employed – Aerial guns’ crews to drill. Acting Seamen Torpedo men, acting Seamen Gunners and boys at instruction.

11.00am: Sent working party to HMS Rowan.

pm: Hands to make and mend clothes.

1.30pm: Discharged 2 ratings to Rowan for passage to Mudros.

2.30pm: Discharged Lieutenant Commander Feru(?) to hospital.

4.00pm: HMS Rowan sailed.

pm: Prepared ship for coaling.

4.45pm: Collier SS Calliope came alongside.

4caf8692cadfd341970169be: (

22 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

4.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

am: Preparing to coal ship.

7.50am: Hands coaling ship.

Lost on active service - two telescopes (small).

10.30am: HMS Scourge arrived.

10.55am: Finished coaling. 450 tons.

11.15am: HMS Duncan and Savage sailed.

11.45am: SS Calliope cast off.

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23 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.25am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.30am: Tested life buoys, found correct. Tested gun sights, found correct.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c0: (

24 December 1916


Lat 38.0, Long 23.58

1.25am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.30am: Divisions. Sent 32 Roman Catholics to Verité.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

11.00am: Roman Catholics returned.

8.30pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c1: (

25 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.50am: Hailed patrol boat.

4.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.00am: Divine Service. Sent 33 Roman Catholics to Verité.

Divine Service for Christmas Day.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c2: (

26 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

4.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.30am: Hands employed – acting Seamen Gunners, gunnery and torpedo training class at instruction.

10.30am: Sent coaling party to SS Calliope.

1.15pm: Hoisted out 1st picket boat.

1.30pm: Sent coaling party to SS Calliope.

1.30pm: Hands employed – acting Seamen Gunners, acting Seamen Torpedomen, gunnery training class and boys at instruction.

4.15pm: HMS Rowan came alongside.

10.15pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c3: (

27 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 8

1.20am: Hailed patrol boat.

4.35am: Hailed patrol.

7.00am: HMS Rowan sailed.

am: Hands employed – Fore turret’s crew, magazine and shell room parties to drill. Acting Seamen Torpedomen, acting Seamen Gunners and gunnery training class at instruction.

1.30pm: Hands employed – Acting Seamen Torpedomen, acting Seamen Gunners and gunnery training class at instruction.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c4: (

28 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.00am: HMS Redpole sailed.

9.30am: Hands employed – After turret’s crew, magazine and shell room parties to drill. Acting Seaman Torpedomen, acting Seaman Gunners and gunnery training class at instruction.

10.05am: HMS Scourge and Savage arrived.

12.45pm: HMS Rowan came alongside.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

3.15pm: Discharged Mr T.E. Ross, Chaplain RN, and 1 AB for passage to Mudros.

4.00pm: HMS Rowan sailed.

10.20pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c5: (

29 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 8

4.20am: Hailed patrol boat.

7.15am: Furled awning.

8.25am: French cruiser Jules Michelet arrived.

Jules Michelet was an armoured cruiser, built at Lorient between 1904–08 and sunk as a target in 1937. Details and images at .

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Hands employed – acting Seaman Gunners, gunnery training and torpedo training classes and boys at instruction.

1.30pm: Gunnery training class under instruction.

7.30pm: Burned searchlights.

10.45pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c6: (

30 December 1916

This page has the date ’30 September 1916’.


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.15am: Hailed patrol boat.

4.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.30am: Recording party left ship.

10.00am: Gunsights correct. Life buoys correct.

3.20am: Greek destroyer Thetis arrived.

5.00pm: Received 1 cell offender from Scourge.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c7: (

31 December 1916


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.45am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.30am: Sent 20 Roman Catholics to Verité.

9.30am: Hands mustered by open list.

10.40am: Roman Catholics returned on board.

10.45am: Held Divine Service.

3.45pm: French cruiser Jules Ferry arrived.

Jules Ferry was an armoured cruiser, built at Cherbourg between 1901–05. She was scrapped in 1927. Details and image at .

10.25pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169c8: (

Blank log page


4caf8692cadfd341970169c9: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for January, 1917

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Lieutenant Commander (N), Navigating Officer

4caf8692cadfd341970169ca: (

Blank page

4caf8692cadfd341970169cb: (

Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain, 13th February, 1917

4caf8692cadfd341970169cc: (

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra 2396 and 2397

4caf8692cadfd341970169cd: (

1 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.15am: Hailed patrol boat.

4.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.30am: Exercised out collision mat, out kedge anchor, out fire engine and diving gear.

10.30am: Hands employed – gunnery training classes and boys at instruction.

12 noon: Coaling party at Calliope and as requisite.

1.15pm: Coaling party returned. Sent relief guard to SS Constantinos.

pm: Hands employed – acting Seaman Torpedomen, acting Seaman Gunners and gunnery training classes and boys at instruction.

4caf8692cadfd341970169ce: (

2 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

4.25am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.30am: Hands employed – acting Seaman Gunners, acting Seaman Torpedomen, gunnery training classes and boys to instructions.

4.35pm: HMS Rowan came alongside. 1 Sergeant, 9 Privates joined ship.

pm: Watch storing ship.

10.20pm: HMS Scourge arrived.

4caf8692cadfd341970169cf: (

3 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 11

1.35am: Hailed patrol boat.

4.15am: Hailed patrol boat.

7.15am: HMS Rowan cast off.

8.05am: Lieutenant (C) and party went to dockyard.

10.00am: HMS Savage arrived.

11.40am: HMS Scourge sailed.

1.00pm: Issued monthly settlement.

1.30pm: Hands employed acting Seaman Gunners, acting Seaman Torpedomen, training classes and boys at instruction.

5.00pm: Hoisted in field guns from dockyard.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d0: (

4 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

4.20am: Hailed patrol boat.

am: Hands employed – training classes at instruction. Sightsetters to drill.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

1.30pm: Blue watch employed preparing gear for Heroic.

2.40pm: HMS Heroic came alongside.

3.00pm: Sent coaling party to trawler 1185.

5.00pm: Discharged Major Huntingford to Heroic for Mudros.

5.00pm: Heroic sailed.

8.50pm: Coaling party returned.

10.20pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d1: (

5 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.30am: Trawler 1185 came alongside for a gun.

9.00am: Exercised General Quarters.

am: Hands employed – training classes, acting Seaman Gunners, acting Seaman Torpedomen, acting Gunlayers at instructions.

5.00pm: Read warrant No. 325.

10.20pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d2: (

6 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.20am: Hailed patrol boat.

8.30am: Tested gunsights and lifebuoys. Found correct.

10.00am: Sent coaling party to trawler 386.

10.30am: Guard and coaling party returned from SS Constantinos.

12.20pm: SS Constantinos sailed.

pm: Blue Watch and coaling party to make and mend clothes.

2.00pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted out 2nd picket boat, hoisted in sailing pinnace.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d3: (

7 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.20am: Hailed patrol boat.

7.30am: Sent coaling party to trawler 362.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

1.00 pm: Coaling party returned. Trawler 362 came alongside.

4.10pm: Hoisted in steam barge.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d4: (

8 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.15am: Divisions, Prayers. Exercised out bower anchor.

9.55am: Replaced gear.

11.05am: Away all boats crews.

11.30am: Hands employed preparing all boats for sailing.

1.30pm: Hands employed – training classes and boys at instruction.

2.00pm: Away all boats under sail.

3.00pm: Sent coaling party to collier.

4.30pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted in sailing pinnace.

7.00pm: Coaling party returned.

10.10pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d5: (

9 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.30pm: Hailed patrol boat.

am: Hands employed – after turret’s crew, magazine and shell room parties to drill. Gunnery and torpedo training classes, acting Seaman Gunners, acting Seaman Torpedomen, acting Gunlayers at instruction.

10.05am: HMS Savage arrived.

1.30pm: Hands employed, WOs parties about their work. Acting Seaman Gunners and Seaman Torpedomen and ‘G’ training class at instruction. Remainder shifting mine sweeping booms.

4.20pm: HMS Heroic arrived.

5.00pm: Reverend J. Ross, Chaplain, rejoined ship.

10.20pm: Hailed patrol boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d6: (

10 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.20am: Hailed patrol boat.

7.00am: HMS Heroic sailed.

9.30am: Hands employed. Fore turret’s crew to drill. Boys and G training class to instruction.

Likely that ‘G’ is abbreviation for ‘Gunnery’.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.45pm: Sub Lieutenant Cameron left ship for HMS Savage.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d7: (

11 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 7

1.25am: Hailed patrol boat.

6.20am: Divers and diving party rigging diving boat.

8.45am: Diving party left ship.

9.30am: Hands employed Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. WOs parties about their work. All 6” Sightsetters and acting Gunlayers at deflection teacher.

1.15pm: Hoisted out and lit fires in steam barge.

1.20pm: Diving party returned.

pm: Hands employed WOs parties about their work. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder preparing for coaling.

1.55pm: HMS Heroic arrived.

3.35pm: Sub Lieutenant Cree (?) left ship.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. HMS Heroic sailed.

4.20pm: SS Calliope came alongside.

4caf8692cadfd341970169d8: (

12 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

6.55am: Hands commenced coaling.

9.10am: HMS Savage weighed and proceeded.

10.30am: Finished coaling (370 tons).

11.30am: SS Calliope cast off.

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13 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

am: Tested gunsights (correct).

11.05am: French battleship Provence sailed.

1.30pm: Hands employed. WOs parties about their work. ‘G’ training class at drill.

3.30pm: Hoisted in 1st picket boat. Tested life buoys (correct).

4.00pm: Read warrant No. 326.

4caf8692cadfd341970169da: (

14 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Divisions. Sent 31 Roman Catholics to Verité.

10.00am: Presentation of Croix de Guerre.

10.30am: Divine Service.

4caf8692cadfd341970169db: (

15 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 7

1.10am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.15am: Divisions. HMS Savage and Scourge arrived.

9.30am: Prepared for out nets.

9.40am: Out nets.

11.00am: Secured nets. Away all boats crews.

1.30pm: Hands employed. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes, acting Seaman Gunners and acting Seaman Torpedomen to instruction. Remainder getting up port cable.

4caf8692cadfd341970169dc: (

16 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

1.30am: Hailed patrol boat.

7.45am: Sent diving party to HMS Scourge.

9.30am: Hands employed WOs parties about their work. Acting Seaman Gunners and Seaman Torpedomen at instructions.

9.45am: Royal Marine detachment paraded in marching order.

1.15pm: WOs parties about their work. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. Acting Gunlayers and Seaman Gunners at deflection teacher.

5.10pm: Diving party returned. HMS Heroic came alongside. Lieutenant Cavendish joined ship.

4caf8692cadfd341970169dd: (

17 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.00am: HMS Heroic shoved off.

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction. 6” control parties at drill. WOs parties about their work. Remainder getting up cable and as requisite.

12.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

1.00pm: Sold effects of late Colour Sergeant Cartledge, RM.

6.30pm: Exercised searchlights crews.

4caf8692cadfd341970169de: (

18 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.00am: Acting Sub Lieutenant Donovan left ship for Scourge.

9.00am: HMS Savage and Scourge sailed.

9.20am: Fore turret’s crew to drill. Training classes and boys to instruction.

9.45am: French battleship Patrie arrived.

1.30pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction. Acting Seaman Gunners, Seaman Torpedomen and boys to instruction. WOs parties about their work. Turret rangefinders at drill.

2.20pm: HMS Sarnia arrived.

3.30pm: Lieutenants O'Conor and Sonnenschien left ship.

The second of these names has been spelt ‘Sonnenschein’ previously.

4caf8692cadfd341970169df: (

19 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on Sick List 8

1.25am: Hailed patrol boat.

9.00am: Sent acting Seaman Gunners and Gunlayers to HMS Scourge for firing.

9.15am: Divisions. Exercised General Quarters.

10.25am: Secured.

10.45am: WOs parties about their work. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e0: (

20 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.50am: Sent acting Seaman Gunners and Gunlayers to HMS Scourge for firing. Tested gunsights (correct) and life buoys (correct).

11.10am: French battleship Justice sailed.

Justice was a pre-dreadnought battleship, built at the La Seyne shipyard, Toulon, between 1903–08. She was scrapped in 1922. Details and image at .

3.00pm: Acting Seaman Gunners and Gunlayers returned.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e1: (

21 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Hands to muster by open list.

10.15am: HMS Savage and Scourge arrived.

10.30am: Divine Service.

1.25pm: Let go port anchor. Veered to 2 shackles.

4.30pm: Hoisted out 1st picket boat and in 2nd picket boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e2: (

22 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 3

9.20am: Exercised Collision Stations, prepared to tow, out fire engines, let go sheet anchor. Away all boats.

10.40am: Hoisted boats. Replaced gear.

1.30pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction. 6” Gunlayers and Sightsetters at drill. WOs parties about their work. Cox’ns of boats away in pinnace.

5.40am: HMS Savage arrived.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e3: (

23 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Hands employed Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Guard and after turret’s crew at drill. WOs parties about their work.

1.30pm: Hands employed. Fore turret’s crew at drill. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder refitting main derrick guys and as requisite.

6.05pm: HMS Scourge arrived.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e4: (

24 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 3

9.00am: HMS Savage sailed.

9.30am: Exercised General night defence stations.

10.20am: Hands employed. WOs parties about their work. Torpedo training class at instruction. Boys and Guard and 6” deflection teachers at drill.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.20pm: HMS Redbreast came alongside.

HMS Redbreast was a fleet messenger vessel and a ‘Q’ ship during 1916. She was torpedoed and sunk in the Aegean Sea on 15 July, 1917, with the loss of 44 men.

pm: Blue and Red watches getting in stores.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e5: (

25 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys to instruction. WOs parties about their work. Remainder cleaning fresh water tanks and as requisite.

1.30pm: Landed guard and colour party for drill. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys to instruction. WOs parties about their work.

4.00pm: Acting Sub Lieutenants Field, Price, Stanley and Elliot RN left ship.

4.30pm: HMS Redbreast sailed.

5.00pm: Sold effects of late Private Davenport and Private Faloon RMLI.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e6: (

26 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.15am: Divisions. Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Secured.

10.40am: Hands employed Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction.

1.30pm: Sub Lieutenant Donovan rejoined ship.

1.30pm: Hands employed. Boys and Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e7: (

27 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.50am: HMS Grampus arrived.

9.50am: HMS Grampus sailed.

9.50am: Tested life buoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

10.00am: HMS Scourge and Savage arrived.

1.30pm: Guard landed for drill.

3.00pm: Hoisted out 2nd picket boat and in 1st picket boat.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e8: (

28 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Divisions. Sent Roman Catholics to Verité.

10.30am: Divine Service.

10.40am: Roman Catholics returned.

11.45am: Presented Russian colours to Russian Minister.

4caf8692cadfd341970169e9: (

29 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 5

9.30am: Hand employed Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Guard at drill.

1.00pm: Sent Guard and Colour party to French tug Indefatigable.

1.30pm: WOs parties about their work. Boys and Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Aerial guns crews at drill.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant 338.

4caf8692cadfd341970169ea: (

30 January 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.30am: Acting Sub Lieutenant Cameron rejoined from HMS Savage.

9.30am: Hands employed Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. Aerial guns crews at drill. Remainder mess deck and as requisite.

1.30pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Boys at boat sailing. Fore turret’s crew at drill.

5.55pm: HMS Redbreast came alongside.

6.15pm: Hands getting in stores from Redbreast.

10.30pm: Finished getting in stores.

4caf8692cadfd341970169eb: (

31 January 1917:


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.05am: HMS Redbreast cast off.

7.45am: HMS Scourge arrived.

9.15am: Divisions. HMS Basilisk arrived.

9.30am: Hands employed. After turret’s crew to drill. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. WOs parties about their work.

11.30am: HMS Basilisk sailed.

12 noon: Hands make and mend clothes.

1.15pm: Blue watch employed dismounting X3 6” gun.

6.15pm: HMS Savage weighed and proceeded.

4caf8692cadfd341970169ec: (

Blank log page


4caf8692cadfd341970169ed: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for February, 1917

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Lieutenant Commander, Navigating Officer

4caf8692cadfd341970169ee: (

Blank page

caf8692cadfd341970169ef: (

Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain, 12th March, 1917

4caf8692cadfd341970169f0: (

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra 2397 and 2398

4caf8692cadfd341970169f1: (

1 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 10

9.00am: SS Ermine came alongside.

9.20am: Hands employed, Blue Watch hoisting 6” gun into Ermine.

12.45pm: Hands received monthly payment.

1.30pm: Hands preparing for coaling.

2.10pm: HMS Redbreast arrived.

4.15pm: Lieutenant Palliser RN and Sub Lieutenants Donovan and Cameron RN left ship for passage to Mudros in Redbreast.

4.30pm: HMS Redbreast sailed.

5.10pm: SS Firfield came alongside. Hands rigging collier.

4caf8692cadfd341970169f2: (

2 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

6.00am: Commenced coaling.

8.30am: Hands employed coaling ship.

10.00am: Finished coaling, 390 tons.

10.05am: HMS Scourge arrived.

11.00am: Collier cast off.

11.15am: HMS Basilisk arrived.

5.15pm: French cruiser Jules Michelet sailed.

4caf8692cadfd341970169f3: (

3 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Mr Henry W.L. Puxley and Mr Kenneth W.G. Duke, were this day each deprived of 2 months time for direct disobedience of orders in exceeding the limits laid down by me for the daily consumption of liquor by subordinate officers, and secondly, for being drunk on board Exmouth on 2nd February 1917.

8.00am: Tested gunsights (correct) and life buoys (correct).

9.30am: Held educational test for POs.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants Nos 339 and 340.

4.15pm: French battleship Jules Ferry sailed.

Jules Ferry was actually an armoured cruiser.

5.30pm: Sold effects of late T. Driscoll AB, RNR. Amount realised £67 3s.

4caf8692cadfd341970169f4: (

4 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Divisions. Sent Roman Catholics to Verité.

10.30am: Divine Service.

10.30am: Roman Catholics returned.

12 noon: Hands to make and mend clothes.

4.00pm: Hoisted in steam barge.

6.05pm: HMS Basilisk sailed.

4caf8693cadfd341970169f5: (

5 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 13

8.20am: French battleship shifted berth.

9.05am: HMS Scourge sailed.

9.30am: Exercised ‘out nets, ‘in nets’, ‘General Quarters, ‘Close all WT doors’, ‘Out collision mat’, Stations for abandon ship’, ‘Away all boats’.

11.45am: Secured. Replaced gear.

1.45pm: Hands employed. Boys and Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. 6” deflection teacher parties at drill. Remainder as requisite.

4caf8693cadfd341970169f6: (

6 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.00am: Reverend T.E. Ross, Chaplain, left ship.

9.30am: Hands employed. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. A and X 6” groups at drill. WOs parties about their work.

1.15pm: Trawler 1796 came alongside with body of Arthur William Mudd and 1 prisoner.

Arthur William Mudd, Trimmer, RNR (TS 3485) died on the hired trawler 1796 ( ‘Johannesburg’) on 5 February, 1917.

1.30pm: WOs working parties about their work. Boys and Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction.

5.15pm: HMS Redbreast arrived.

6.00pm: Mr Brigg AP, RNR, and 24 ratings joined ship.

pm: Watch getting in stores.

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7 February 1917


Lat 38.0, Long 23.58

6.30am: Hoisted out launch.

9.00am: Landed funeral party.

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys to instruction.

10.00am: Funeral party returned.

10.30am: After turret’s crew to drill.

11.00am: Held court of inquiry on death of Arthur William Mudd Trimmer, RNR.

pm: Hands to make and mend clothes.

4.55pm: HMS Scourge arrived.

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8 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 10

9.30am: Aerial guns crews at drill.

10.00am: Hands mustered bags for inspection.

10.15am: HMS Basilisk arrived.

1.30pm: Hands employed. WOs parties about their work. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction.

3.30pm: Discharged 12 ratings and 1 prisoner to HMS Redbreast.

4.30pm: HMS Redbreast sailed.

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9 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

6.20am: Hoisted out barge and sailing pinnace.

8.35am: Sent Diving party to Greek tug.

9.35am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.15am: Secured.

10.30am: WOs parties about their work. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. Remainder as requisite. Hoisted in sailing pinnace. Diving party returned.

4caf8693cadfd341970169fa: (

Identical scan to that above for 8 February 1917.

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Identical scan to that above for 9 February 1917.

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10 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Tested life buoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

5.00pm: Sold effects of late Corporal Ellis RMLI, amount realised £19-6-00.

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11 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Divisions. Sent Roman Catholics to Verité.

10.30am: Divine Service. Roman Catholics returned.

4.55pm: French battleship Democratie anchored.

5.30pm: Hoisted out 2nd picket boat, in 1st picket boat.

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12 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.30am: Sent Diving party to Greek tug.

9.30am: Exercised ‘Fire stations’, ‘prepare to be taken in tow’ and ‘away all boats’.

11.30am: Replaced gear.

1.30pm: Hands employed. WOs parties about their work. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction.

5.40pm: HMS Scourge arrived.

6.40pm: Diving party returned.

11.20pm: HMS Scourge sailed with Rear Admiral Hayes-Sadler.

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13 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

8.45am: Landed RM (Royal Marine) detachment for drill.

9.30am: Hands employed. WOs parties about their work. After turret’s crew at drill. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at drill.

3.20pm: Assistant Paymaster Beran RN left ship.4.00pm: HMS Redbreast came alongside.

pm: Hands getting in stores.

4.00pm: Lieutenant Palliser RN rejoined ship.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant No. 342.

5.55pm: HMS Redbreast sailed.

6.50pm: HMS Scourge arrived with Rear Admiral.

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14 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 9

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. WOs parties about their work. Aerial guns crews and 12” Gunlayers at drill.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

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15 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.45am: Aired bedding.

am: Hands employed. Fore turret’s crew at drill. Boys and Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction.

10.45am: HMS Forward arrived.

1.30pm: Boys and Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. 6” magazine and supply parties and telephone exchange parties at drill. WOs parties about their work.

2.40pm: HMS Forward sailed.

6.40pm: HMS M33 arrived.

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16 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Secured. Hands employed Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. WOs parties about their work.

4.30pm: Sent guard of 1 PO and 12 hands to Lipso Island.

7.55pm: Lieutenant Spicer and 12 prisoners rejoined ship from Lipso Island.

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17 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.00am: HMS Basilisk sailed.

10.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

2.00pm: HMTB 17 sailed.

2.10pm: HMS Scourge arrived.

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18 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.00am: Lieutenant Spicer RMLI and 12 marines left ship for passage to Cerigo in HMS Scourge.

10.30am: Divine Service.

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19 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Exercised ‘out sheet anchor’ and ‘away all boats’.

11.00am: Replaced all gear.

1.30pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instructions. WOs parties about their work.

2.00pm: HMS Basilisk arrived.

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20 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 5

7.00am: Diving party rigging diving boat.

8.30am: Sent divers down to clean propellers.

9.00am: RM detachment landed at Lipso for drill.

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. After turret’s crew at drill.

9.50am: HMS Scourge arrived.

4.30pm: Hoisted in 2nd picket boat and out 1st picket boat.

5.00pm: HMS Redbreast came alongside. Hands getting in stores.

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21 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.00am: HMS Redbreast shoved off.

8.15am: Divers employed cleaning underwater fittings.

9.30am: WOs parties about their work. Fore turret’s crew at drill. Training classes and boys at instruction.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.15pm: Let go port anchor. 4 shackles.

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22 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. WOs parties about their work. Divers cleaning underwater fittings.

1.30pm: WOs parties about their work. Training classes at instruction. Remainder preparing for coaling.

4.15pm: SS Firfield, collier, came alongside.

4.40pm: Read warrant No. 343.

5.30pm: HMS Redbreast sailed.

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23 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

6.30am: Commenced coaling.

9.00am: HMS Scourge sailed.

9.30am: Finished coaling.

2.00pm: Diving party recovering Firfield’s anchor.

5.45pm: SS Firfield cast off.

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24 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Tested lifebuoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

1.30pm: WOs parties about their work.

5.00pm: Red Watch hoisted out SS Firfield’s anchor and returned it to her.

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25 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

10.30am: Divine Service.

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26 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 4

9.30am: Exercised ‘out net defence’, ‘general quarters’, ‘away all boats’.

11.00am: Replaced gear.

1.15pm: Divers at work on underwater fittings.

1.30pm: WOs parties about their work. Training classes and boys at instruction.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant No. 444.

4.15pm: HMS M17 arrived.

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27 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

am: Lost overboard by accident by S.B. No. 9 2/5 R. Morton, Musician, an instrument (euphonium).

9.00am: Landed RM Detachment for drill.

9.30am: Fore turret’s crew to drill. Boys and training classes at instruction.

1.30pm: Training classes and boys at instruction. After turret’s crew at drill. WOs parties about their work.

4.50pm: HMS Redbreast arrived. Watch employed getting in stores.

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28 February 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

7.30am: HMS Redbreast cast off.

9.30am: Training classes and boys at instruction. WOs parties about their work. 6” and 12 pdr sightsetters, deflection teacher parties and spotting table crews at drill.

11.15am: Motor Launches 474 and 447 arrived.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

6.45pm: Burnt searchlights.


4caf8693cadfd34197016a0f: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for March, 1917

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

4caf8693cadfd34197016a10: (

Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain, 12th May, 1917

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Details of barometer and thermometers: blank

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1 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.00am: HMS Basilisk and Scourge weighed and proceeded.

9.30am: Hands employed. WOs parties about their work. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. 6” crews at loader.

12.45pm: Paid monthly money.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Lieutenant C. Lubbock left for passage to Mudros.

4.30pm: HMS Redbreast sailed.

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2 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 4

9.15am: Divisions. Divers clearing ML 474’s screw.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Secured.

am: Hands employed. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction.

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3 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

10.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

11.00am: HMS Savage arrived.

12.30pm: Red Watch employed pumping out Greek tug.

4.30pm: Sold effects of late T. Martin, Ordinary Seaman {£24-4-00}.

7.00pm: HMS Savage sailed.

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4 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

10.00am: HMS Scourge and Basilisk arrived.

10.30am: Divine Service.

4.30pm: Hoisted out 2nd picket boat and in steam barge.

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5 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.30am: Out nets.

9.45am: Furled nets.

10.15am: Out bower anchor.

10.50am: Away all boats crews.

11.00am: Replaced gear.

1.30pm: Hands employed. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. WOs parties about their work. All sightsetters, deflection teacher and spotting table parties at drill. Remainder as requisite. All boats away sailing.

4.30pm: Hoisted in launch.

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6 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 3

9.15am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes, boys, acting Seaman Gunners and acting Seaman Torpedomen classes at instruction. Remainder painting ship and as requisite.

5.30pm: HMS Redbreast arrived.

6.00pm: Lieutenant O’Conor rejoined ship.

pm: Watch getting stores on board.

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7 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

9.00am: HMS Scourge and Basilisk sailed.

9.30am: Training classes and boys at instruction. Remainder painting ship and as requisite.

2.00pm: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes, boys, acting Seaman Gunners and acting Seaman Torpedomen classes at instruction. Remainder painting ship and as requisite.

5.50pm: HMS Scourge arrived.

6.50pm: HMS Scourge sailed.

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8 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 1

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. WOs parties about their work. Tower and TS (Transmitting Station) parties at drill. Remainder painting down aloft and as requisite.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

2.40pm: HMS Scourge arrived.

5.00pm: HMS Redbreast sailed.

6.15pm: HMS Scourge sailed.

4caf8693cadfd34197016a1b: (

9 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 1

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Secured.

10.45am: HMS Beagle arrived.

am: Hands employed. Training classes and boys at instruction.

1.30pm: WOs parties about their work.

4.30pm: HMS Scourge arrived.

8.15pm: HMS Scourge sailed.

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10 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 1

9.30am: Tested lifebuoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

5.45pm: Sold effects of late Private Bromma (£8-15-6) and Private Torp (£1-2-6).

These names should be ‘Bremma’ and ‘Thorpe’, respectively.

4caf8693cadfd34197016a1d: (

11 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

10.30am: HMS Implacable, Ribble and Savage arrived.

HMS Implacable was a pre-dreadnought of the Formidable class. She was built at Portsmouth Dockyard, launched in 1899 and sold in 1921 to be broken up in Germany. Images at .

HMS Ribble was a destroyer of the E (River) class built by Yarrow & Co., Scotstoun, launched in 1904 and sold in 1920. Images at .

10.45am: Divine Service.

2.30pm: HMS Ribble sailed.

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12 March 1917


Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 2

9.30am: Exercised General Night Defence Stations.

10.00am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. WOs parties about their work.

3.30pm: Guard returned from Lipso Island.

9.00pm: Hauled down Rear Admiral’s flag.

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13 March 1917

Salamis, and at sea to Port Said

Lat 38.00, Long 23.58

Number on sick list: 2

7.00am: Lieutenant Spicer RMLI and 12 marines rejoined ship from Cerigo Island.

9.00am: HMS Beagle and Basilisk sailed.

9.15am: Sent Poulsen WT set to HMS Implacable.

9.30am: Training classes at instruction. Remainder preparing for sea.

10.30am: HMS Doris arrived.

HMS Doris was a 2nd class cruiser of the Eclipse class, built by Vickers, Barrow, and launched in 1896. She was sold in 1919 at Bombay. Images at .

11.30am: Rear Admiral’s staff left ship.

1.30pm: Hands preparing ship for sea.

2.00pm: Tested lifebuoys (correct).

3.00pm: Read Admiral Hayes-Sadler left ship.

3.50pm: HMS Redbreast arrived.

4.00pm: Read warrant 346.

4.15pm: Shortened in.

4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded in company with HMS Doris, Basilisk and Beagle.

4.50pm: Submarine guns crews closed up.

5.05pm: Passed boom.

9.26pm: Belo Poulo Light abeam, distant 10 miles.

11.50pm: Cape Malea Light abeam, distant 9 miles.

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14 March 1917

At sea, Salamis to Port Said

Lat 34.3, Long 24.6

Number on sick list: 1

0.10am: Commenced zig-zagging.

2.00am: Stopped zig-zagging.

6.40am: Destroyers and Doris took up day cruising stations. Commenced zig-zagging.

9.00am: Streamed log.

am: Hands employed. WOs parties about their work.

6.50pm: Stellar position 33º 45’N, 26º 20’E.

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15 March 1917

At sea and at Port Said

Lat 32.1, Long 31.1

Number on sick list: 2

5.40am: Destroyers and Doris took up day cruising stations.

am: Hands employed. WOs parties about their work. Boys and training classes at instruction.

3.00pm: Passed HMS Hollyhock steaming west.

5.10pm: Proceeded through outer swept channel.

6.00pm: Took pilot on board. Course and speed as requisite.

6.30pm: Stopped.

6.40pm: Came to with port anchor and secured head and stern to buoys in Ismail basin.

7.00pm: Gave leave to POs of Blue and 2nd part White Watch till 10.30pm.

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16 March 1917

Port Said

Lat 31.3, Long 32.3

Number on sick list: 2

6.45am: Commenced coaling by native labour. Hoisted out 2nd picket boat.

9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores.

11.30am: Finished coaling.

1.00pm: Gave leave to boys from 1.30-5.00pm.

4.30pm: Gave leave to Red and Blue Watches till 10.30.

6.00pm: Canteen leave to 1st part White Watch till 9.00pm.

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17 March 1917

Port Said

Lat 31.3, Long 32.3

Number on sick list: 2

9.00am: WOs parties drawing stores. Party drawing provisions.

10.30am: Tested lifebuoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

1.30pm: Hands provisioning ship.

6.00pm: Took pilot on board. Cast off from buoys. Weighed and proceeded through Suez Canal.

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18 March 1917

Port Said to Aden, in the Suez Canal and Red Sea

Lat 30.52, Long 32.33 (noon position, south of Lake Timsah, Ismailia)

Number on sick list: 2

1.45am: Came to with starboard anchor, 6 fathoms in Lake Timsah. Veered to 2 shackles.

7.30am: Hoisted out 2nd picket boat.

11.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

1.35pm: Entered Bitter Lakes, increased to 75 revs.

3.30pm: Entered canal again. Speed reduced as requisite.

6.23pm: Pilot left ship.

6.30pm: Proceeded 70 revs.

6.48pm: Newport Rock Light abeam.

10.15pm: Tafarana Light abeam 6 miles.

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19 March 1917

Red Sea, Port Said to Aden

Lat 26.8, Long 34.6

Number on sick list: 2

2.20am: Ras Gharib Light abeam, 1½ miles.

6.10am: Ashrafi Light abeam, 1.8 miles.

8.18am: Shadwan Island Light abeam, 6½ miles.

am: Both turret’s crews at drill. WOs parties about their work.

2.25pm: Brothers Light abeam, distant 7.5 miles.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant 347.

10.20pm: Daedalus Light abeam, 1.8 miles.

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20 March 1917

Red Sea, Port Said to Aden

Lat 22.6, Long 37.5

Mr George E. Gimblett, Torpedo Gunner was drunk on board HMS Exmouth at 8.00pm on 17th March, whilst the ship was proceeding through the Suez Canal. (Signed by George E. Gimblett)

9.30am: Cleared ship for action. General Quarters.

10.30am: Training classes and boys at instruction. Hands working about boats and as requisite.

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations.

4.30pm: Lat DR 21º 42’N, Long obs 37º 53’E.

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21 March 1917

Red Sea, Port Said to Aden

Lat 18.3, Long 39.9

5.30am: Stellar observation: 19º 25’N, 39º 15½‘E

am: Training classes and boys at instruction.

pm: Hands to make and mend clothes.

4.00pm: Exercised collision stations.

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22 March 1917

Red Sea, Port Said to Aden

Lat 14.5, Long 42.2

Number on sick list: 4

6.03am: Jebel Tier abeam, distant 5 miles.

am: Training classes and boys at instruction. 6” crews at drill. Gunnery, Bosuns and Gunnery Torpedo parties about their work.

3.15pm: Jebel Zukin Island (highest part) abeam, distant 19 miles.

5.27pm: NE Haycock Rock abeam, 1¼ miles.

10.12pm: Perim High Light S39ºE.

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23 March 1917

Gulf of Aden, and at Aden

Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

0.50am: Perim High Light abeam, 8 miles.

7.30am: Sounded – no bottom, 200 fathoms.

am: WOs parties about their work. Boys and training classes at instruction.

11.10am: Reduced to 70 revs. Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour.

1.20pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 5½ fathoms. Secured astern to No. 8 buoy.

4.00pm: Leave to White and 1st part of Red Watches till 9.00pm.

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24 March 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

6.30am: Commenced coaling.

10.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

1.30pm: 8 ratings joined for passage from SS Havildar.

5.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part Red Watch till 9.00pm.

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25 March 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

11.00am: Somali crew joined ship.

11.00am: HMS Doris arrived.

4.00pm: Leave to White and 1st part Red Watch to 9.00, boys 6.30pm.

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26 March 1917

Aden and at sea to Bombay

Lat 12.6, Long 45.0

Number on sick list: 4

6.30am: Hands preparing for sea.

8.50am: Shortened in.

9.10am: Weighed starboard anchor. Cast off from buoys.

9.15am: Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

11.30am: Set course N76ºE, 60 revs, with convoy. Streamed patent log.

2.30pm: Passed HMS Fox steaming west.

HMS Fox was a 2nd class cruiser of the Astraea class, built at Portsmouth Dockyard and launched in 1893. She was sold in 1920. Image at WW1Memoir-SmithGC1918Fox.JPG .

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27 March 1917

At sea, Aden to Bombay

Lat 13.4, Long 49.1

7.25am: Course as requisite for range finding practice.

9.30am: Boys and Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction.

4.30pm: Exercised stations for Abandon Ship.

6.35pm: Lat observation 13º 55’N, long 50º 12’E.

4caf8693cadfd34197016a2e: (

28 March 1917

At sea, Aden to Bombay

Lat 14.4, Long 53.4

7.00am: Passed HMS Sapphire and convoy steering west.

HMS Sapphire was a 3rd class cruiser of the Gem class, built by Palmers on the Tyne, and launched in 1904. She was sold in 1921. Image at PhotoWW1-05csSapphire1PS.JPG .

7.35am: Altered course S89ºE for range-taking exercises.

10.05am: Course as requisite for fire control exercises. Both turret Gunlaying and Cabinet parties, Fore top, FTS (Fore Transmitting Station?), 6” gunlayers, sightsetters and trainers and tower men(?) closed up. WOs parties about their work.

4caf8693cadfd34197016a2f: (

29 March 1917

At sea, Aden to Bombay

Lat 15.2, Long 57.5

6.40am: Training classes at instruction.

9.30am: Course and speed as requisite for range-keeping exercises.

11.40am: In station 6 cables on port Beam SS Chupra, course N76ºE.

4.50pm: Took station 2½ cables ahead of SS Chupra.

4caf8693cadfd34197016a30: (

30 March 1917

At sea, Aden to Bombay

Lat 16.1, Long 60.5

5.40am: Course and speed various. Course as requisite to take station on convoy.

am: Training classes to instruction. 6” crews at drill.

4caf8693cadfd34197016a31: (

31 March 1917

At sea, Aden to Bombay

Lat 16.4, Long 63.4

Number on sick list: 4

7.00am: Altered course N65ºE for range-finding exercises.

4caf8693cadfd34197016a32: (

Blank log page


4caf8693cadfd34197016a33: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for April, 1917

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

4caf8693cadfd34197016a34: (

Blank page

4caf8693cadfd34197016a35: (

Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain, 29th May, 1917

4caf8693cadfd34197016a36: (

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship:  Upper deck, aft

Whether in screen:  Yes

Maker and number:   Negretti & Zambra 2397 and 2396

4caf8693cadfd34197016a37: (

1 April 1917

At sea, Aden to Bombay

Lat 17.4, Long 67.3

10.30am: Divine Service.

3.30pm: Lat DR 17º 46’N, Long obs. 68º 16’E.

5.20pm: SS Chupra took station ahead of convoy. Exmouth 4 cables on port beam of Chupra.

6.25pm: Took station 2½ cables astern of Chupra.

4caf8693cadfd34197016a38: (

2 April 1917

At sea and at Bombay

Lat 18.3, Long 72.0

10.00am: Read warrant 348.

3.10pm: Altered course N60ºE. Speed as requisite to take station ahead of convoy.

3.55pm: Entered swept channel.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant 349.

6.00pm: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms. Veered to 5 shackles.

8.00pm: Gave leave to Blue and 2nd part White Watch till 7.00am.

10.00pm: Commenced coaling, shore labour.

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3 April 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

Mr Albert McQueen, Warrant Engineer Royal Naval Reserve, was drunk on board HMS Exmouth on 3rd April, 1917. (Entry signed by Albert McQueen.)

9.00am: Hands drawing stores and as requisite.

10.30am: Took on charge 1100 tons of coal.

11.40 HMS Juno arrived.

HMS Juno was a protected cruiser of the Eclipse class, completed in 1898 and sold for scrapping in 1920.

1.00pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White Watch till 7.00am.

9.40pm: Finished coaling (1100 tons).

4caf8693cadfd34197016a3a: (

4 April 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

Number on sick list: 5

9.10am: Hands cleaning ship, taking in ammunition, drawing stores and as requisite.

2.00pm: Leave to ER (Engine Room?) ratings till 7.00am.

3.00pm: Leave to Boys till 8.00pm.

pm: Red Watch getting in engineers stores.

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5 April 1917

Bombay and at sea to Colombo

Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

9.00am: Hands cleaning ship. Landed Patrol.

10.15am: Hands provisioning ship, preparing for sea and as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands provisioning ship. WOs parties about their work. Remainder as requisite.

2.35pm: Hoisted in sailing pinnace and 2nd picket boat.

4.00pm: Hoisted in 1st picket boat.

4.45pm: Shortened in.

5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite.

7.05pm: Cleared swept channel. Convoy dropped pilots.

8.00pm: Log streamed and set.

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6 April 1917

At sea, Bombay to Colombo

Lat 17.2, Long 70.3

4.30am: Sounded 35 fathoms. Sounding every ½ hour.

6.00am: Passed 100 fathom line.

9.40am: Hands cleaning ship. WOs parties about their work. Remainder as requisite.

8.00pm: Man overboard. Stopped engines – man saved. Log carried away.

Wind force and sea state were both 1 at this time.

8.20pm: Resumed.

8.40pm: Log streamed.

10.50pm: 64 revs, in station with convoy.

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7 April 1917

At sea, Bombay to Colombo

Lat 13.6, Long 65.1

Number on sick list: 9

4.30am: Observed position 14º 45.4’N, 68º 53’ E.

10.00am: Commenced ranging exercises on SS Caronia.

10.55am: Finished ranging exercises.

11.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct, gunsights (correct).

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants 351–362.

This an unusually large number of warrants (12) to be read on the one occasion. On the morning of 5 April, before Exmouth sailed from Bombay, a patrol was landed at 9.00am. Crew had been on leave until only 7.00am (see 4 April). It could be speculated that this batch of warrants was related to crew being late back from leave.

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This scan is identical to that above for 6 April.

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This scan is identical to that above for 7 April.

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8 April 1917

At sea, Bombay to Colombo

Lat 11.2, Long 67.2

5.30am: Stellar observation 11º 32’N, 66º 28’E.

10.30am: Divine Service.

11.30pm: Exercised close WT (watertight) doors.

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9 April 1917

At sea, Bombay to Colombo

Lat 9.4, Long 71.3

3.15am: Exercised close WT doors.

4.30am: Exercised close WT doors.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.15am: Secured.

am: Training classes at instruction.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants 353–357. Exercised collision stations.

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10 April 1917

At sea, Bombay to Colombo

Lat 7.5, Long 75.3

Number on sick list: 10

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crews and close WT doors.

4.30am: Exercised close WT doors.

am: Hands cleaning ship. Training classes at instruction. Marines as musketry drill. WOs parties about their work.

3.30pm: Lat DR 7º 33’N, Long observed 76º 17’E.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised fire stations.

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11 April 1917

At sea and at Colombo

Lat 6.9, Long 79.8

2.30am: Exercised close WT doors.

5.30am: Steering gear jammed for 3 minutes. Course and speed as requisite to resume station.

9.00am: Altered course S60ºE. Huntsgreen took station astern of Caronia.

11.00am: Sighted buoy.

11.45am: Stopped for instructions from pilot.

1.10pm: Stopped for pilot.

1.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour.

1.25pm: Entered harbour and secured in No. 9 berth.

1.40pm: Let go port anchor in 6½ fathoms. Veered to 2½ shackles.

3.00pm: Commenced coaling.

3.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White Watch till 10.00pm. Hoisted out 2nd picket boat.

5.20pm: HMS Fox arrived.

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12 April 1917


Lat 6.9, Long 79.8

Number on sick list: 8

4.10am: Finished coaling.

1.45pm: EL.P. employed. Remainder cleaning ship.

Not clear what ‘EL.P.’ refers to.

2.00pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White Watch.

3.30pm: HMS Fox sailed.

3.50pm: HMS Raven II and French cruiser sailed.

Raven II was a hired trawler, built in 1906.

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13 April 1917

Colombo, and at sea to the Seychelles

Lat 6.9, Long 79.8

6.30am: Hoisted in steam pinnace and galley. Hands reeving slip ropes and preparing for sea.

9.00am: Hands preparing for sea. 6” gunlayers and sightsetters and 12 pdr sightsetters at competition drill.

9.35am: Convoy proceeded.

9.45am: Shortened in.

9.50am: Weighed, slipped moorings and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for going out of harbour.

5.20pm: SS Antilochus took station astern.

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14 April 1917

At sea, Colombo to the Seychelles

Lat 4.0, Long 76.3

Number on sick list: 11

2.10am: Exercised close WT doors and seaboats crews.

10.00am: Commenced ranging exercise on SS Caronia. Course as requisite.

10.55am: Finished exercise.

11.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct, gunsights (correct).

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15 April 1917

At sea, Colombo to the Seychelles

Lat 1.4, Long 73.2

8.10am: hauled in patent log, foul.

8.15am: Streamed log.

10.15am: Sighted Hadumatti Atoll (Maldive Islands) N37 W.

This should probably be ‘Haddhunmathi’.

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16 April 1917

At sea, Colombo to the Seychelles

Lat 0.2, Long 69.9

8.00pm: Streamed Cherub log.

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17 April 1917

At sea, Colombo to the Seychelles

Lat -1.0, Long 66.2

Number on sick list: 15

3.00am: Exercised sea boats crews and close WT doors.

7.00am: SS Caronia took station for ranging exercises.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

9.45am: Course and speed as requisite for ranging exercises.

10.40am: Caronia rejoined convoy.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised collision stations.

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18 April 1917

At sea, Colombo to the Seychelles

Lat -2.3, Long 62.6

2.30am: Exercised sea boats crews.

3.00am: Exercised close WT doors.

10.45am: Hauled in Cherub log.

10.50am: Streamed patent log (zero).

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19 April 1917

At sea, Colombo to the Seychelles

Lat -3.7, Long 58.9

2.10am: Exercised sea boats crews.

3.15am: Exercised close WT doors.

5.20am: Stellar observation 3º 22½‘S, 59º 53’E.

9.30am: Gunnery and Bosuns parties about their work. Training classes at instruction.

6.00pm: Convoy took station astern, speed 10 knots.

11.00pm: Exercised sea boats crew.

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20 April 1917

At sea and at the Seychelles

Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

Number on sick list: 17

3.00am: Commenced sounding every ½ hour (no bottom).

4.50am: Found bottom 80 fathoms.

5.20am: Sighted La Digue Island N76ºW.

9.40am: Course as requisite for entering harbour.

9.56am: Came to with port bower in 16½ fathoms. Veered to 4 shackles.

12.10pm: Weighed and proceeded into harbour.

2.00pm: HMS Minerva and convoy sailed.

HMS Minerva was a 2nd class cruiser of the Eclipse class, built at Chatham Dockyard and launched in 1895. She was sold in 1920. Image at .

2.20pm: Moored with 4 on port and 10 on starboard.

4.30pm: Hands spreading awnings, sidescreens etc.

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21 April 1917


Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

Number on sick list: 20

10.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct), gunsights (correct).

1.00pm: Leave to Red Watch 2.00–6.00pm, POs 7.00pm.

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22 April 1917


Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

8.20am: Landed Roman Catholics.

10.15am: Divine Service.

11.45am: H.E. the Governor came on board.

1.00pm: Leave to White Watch 2.00–6.00pm.

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23 April 1917


Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

6.40am: Hands preparing for coaling. Training classes to instruction.

7.00am: Commenced coaling (shore labour).

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction.

11.45am: Laid out kedge on port quarter and hauled stern up to windward.

12.15pm: Leave to Blue Watch till 6.30pm, POs till 7.00pm.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants 365 and 366.

5.30pm: Stopped coaling.

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24 April 1917


Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

6.45am: Commenced coaling.

am: Training classes to instruction.

1.30pm: Leave to Red Watch till 6.30pm, POs till 7.00pm.

5.00pm: Stopped coaling.

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25 April 1917


Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

Number on sick list: 19

6.40am: Training classes to instruction.

7.00am: Commenced coaling.

12.30pm: Leave to White Watch and boys 2.00–6.30pm, POs 1.30–7.00pm. Landed Patrol.

4.45pm: Finished coaling.

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26 April 1917


Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

6.00am: Hands hoisting in boats.

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27 April 1917


Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

9.10am: Gunnery training class, acting Seaman Gunners at instruction. Gunlayers, Sightsetters and Trainers of 6” and 12” guns at .303” practice.

1.10pm: Turrets and 6” crews at .303” practice. Leave to Red Watch and boys 3.00–6.30pm, POs 1.30–7.00pm. Landed patrol.

3:25pm: HMS Gloucester and convoy arrived.

HMS Gloucester was a 2nd class cruiser of the Bristol class, built by Beardmore, Dalmuir, and launched in 1909. She was sold in 1921. Image at PhotoWW1-06clGloucester1CHTerryPhillips.JPG .

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28 April 1917

Seychelles, and at sea to Bombay

Lat -4.6, Long 55.48

7:00am: Hoisted out launch. Rigged diving boat.

8.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct), gunsights (correct).

8.10am: Diving party left ship.

9.10am: Weighed starboard anchor, shortened in to 4 on port. Red Watch unmooring ship. White Watch getting out steam anchor. Blue Watch cleaning ship.

am: Gunnery training class – passing out.

11.00am: Diving party returned.

1.05pm: Weighed steam anchor. Blue Watch working cable. Hoisted in launch and 1st picket boat.

2.10pm: Boats crews securing boats for sea.

3.30pm: Hoisted in galley and 2nd picket boat.

4.05pm: Shortened in.

4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

5.10pm: Streamed log.

5.10pm: Mamella Light abeam, 1 mile.

6.15pm: Read warrant 367.

8.05pm: Dennis Island abeam, 4 miles.

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29 April 1917

At sea, Seychelles to Bombay

Lat -4.1, Long 53.6

10.20am: Divine Service.

11.30am: Sighted convoy.

12.15pm: Stopped.

12.45pm: Proceeded.

5.10pm: On station 4 cables ahead of Empress of Britain.

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30 April 1917

At sea, Seychelles to Bombay

Lat -0.3, Long 56.3

Number on sick list: 16

3.30am: Exercised seaboats crew.

8.00am: Altered course 2 points to port, increased to 76 revs. Course as requisite for ranging exercises on convoy.

9.30am: WOs parties about their work. Training classes and boys to instruction. Acting Seaman Gunners passing examination.

11.50am: Resumed station.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised fire stations.


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‘Copy of Log’ page for May, 1917

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain

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Details of barometer and thermometers: blank

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1 May 1917

At sea, Seychelles to Bombay

Lat 3.1, Long 59.4

5.00am: Aired bedding.

6.40am: Training classes to instruction.

9.30am: Inspected bedding.

9.40am: RM detachment at drill. 12 pdr crews at drill. Training classes at instruction. WOs parties about their work.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised fire stations.

7:55pm: Increased to 11½ knots.

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2 May 1917

At sea, Seychelles to Bombay

Lat 7.1, Long 62.2

9.15am: Divisions. Prepared for immediate action. Cleared for action. Exercised General Quarters. Course as requisite.

10.55am: Secured.

1.00pm: Course N33ºE to regain station.

1.35pm: In station.

pm: Compass error amplitude ½ºE 1½ºE.

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3 May 1917

At sea, Seychelles to Bombay

Lat 10.5, Long 64.6

1.00am: Exercised sea boats crew.

3.30am: Exercised close WT doors.

9.15am: Divisions. Boys, Gunnery training class and acting Seaman Gunners to instruction. 12 pdr and aft turret sightsetters, 6” gunlayers, sightsetters and trainers at drill. Remainder as requisite.

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4 May 1917

At sea, Seychelles to Bombay

Lat 14.3, Long 67.5

1.30am: Exercised close W.T. doors.

3.30am: Exercised sea boats crew.

7.30am: Courses various for ranging exercises.

9.30am: Range taking parties at drill. Acting Seaman Gunners, Boys, Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. 12 pdr sightsetters and 6” gunlayers and trainers at drill. WOs parties about their work.

11.25am: In station.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant 368. Exercised collision stations.

4.30pm: Took station ahead of convoy.

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5 May 1917

At sea, Seychelles to Bombay

Lat 17.3, Long 70.1

10.30am: Tested lifebuoys, correct.

3.00pm: Convoy formed in line ahead.

5.15pm: Deviation 1½ºE.

4.45pm: Commenced sounding every ¼ hour. No bottom.

5.15pm: Found bottom, 65 fathoms. Sounding every ½ hour.

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6 May 1917

At sea and at Bombay

Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

List of soundings every ½ hour from 12.30–4.00am.

9.10am: Course as requisite for entering swept channel. Hauled in patent log.

10.20am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour.

10.40am: Sunk Rock abeam, 1420 yards.

11.25am: Came to with starboard bower in 9 fathoms. Veered to 6 shackles.

12.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch from 2pm to 7.00am.

5.20pm: landed Patrol.

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7 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

9:00am: Commenced coaling (shore labour).

4.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part Red watch till 7.00am.

5.00pm: Landed Patrol.

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8 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

6.30am: Read Warrant 369. Discharged 1 AB to Detention Barracks.

9.30am: Finished coaling.

12.35pm: Reverend A. Turner, Chaplain RN, joined ship.

4.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7am on 10th May.

5.30pm: Landed Patrol.

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9 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

1.10pm: Hands drawing stores and as requisite.

4.30pm: Read Warrants 370 and 371.

5.30pm: Landed Patrol.

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10 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

6.30am: Hands drawing stores and provisioning ship.

1.10pm: Hands getting in stores and as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 7.00am on 12th May.

5.30pm: Landed Patrol.

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11 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

am/pm: Hands drawing stores and as requisite.

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12 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

10.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct), gunsights (correct).

3.55pm: HMS Fox sailed.

4.00pm: Landed funeral party.

4.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White Watch till 7.00am.

5.30pm: Landed Patrol.

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13 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

7.30am: Roman Catholics and Wesleyans landed.

10.30am: Divine Service.

10.35am: HMS Euryalus arrived.

HMS Euryalus was an armoured cruiser of the Cressy class, built at Vickers, Barrow, and launched in 1901. She was sold in 1920. Images at .

1.00pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 7.00am, Boys till 7.00pm.

5.30pm: Landed Patrol.

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14 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

6:00am: Hands painting ship.

4.30pm: Leave to Red Watch and 1st part White Wwtch till 7.00am.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant 372.

5.00pm: Landed Patrol.

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15 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

6.00am: Hands painting and cleaning ship.

4.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White Watch till 7.00am.

6.00pm: Landed Patrol.

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16 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

6.20am: Hands cleaning and painting ship.

10.15am: HMS Sapphire arrived.

4.30pm: leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7.00am.

6.00pm: Landed Patrol.

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17 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

am: Educational test for POs held on board. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction. Remainder drawing stores and as requisite.

1.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 7.00am.

3.30pm: HMS Euryalus sailed.

5.20pm: Read warrants 373, 374 and 375.

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18 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

8.30am: Commenced coaling (native labour).

9.15am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite.

11.30am: Mr Snell, Carpenter, left ship for passage to England.

2.00pm: Finished coaling.

4.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7.00am.

5.00pm: Landed Patrol.

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19 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

10.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct), gunsights (correct).

1.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 7.00am.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants 376, 377.

5.30pm: landed Patrol.

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20 May 1917


Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics.

10.20am: Roman Catholics returned.

10.30am: Divine Service.

1.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7.00am.

5.30pm: Landed Patrol.

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21 May 1917

Bombay, and at sea to Aden

Lat 19.0, Long 72.8

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction. Remainder preparing for sea and as requisite.

12.45pm: Hands preparing for sea. Hoisted in launch, pinnace and 2nd picket boat.

1.35pm: Shortened in.

1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite.

2.43pm: Passed Bombay Light Ship. Entered swept channel.

3.45pm: Cleared swept channel.

4.45pm: Passed HMS Brisbane.

This should presumably be ‘HMAS’ Brisbane, a 2nd class cruiser of the Chatham class, built at the Cockatoo Dockyard, Sydney, and launched in 1915. She was sold in 1936. Details and image at .

5.45pm: 48 revs. Took station on starboard bow of convoy.

7.00pm: Streamed Patent log.

10.00pm: Exercised Night Defence Stations.

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22 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 17.4, Long 70.0

3.00am: Exercised Night Defence Stations.

4.30am: Exercised Night Defence Stations.

9.10am: Divisions. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. 6” groups at drill. Marines at drill. WOs parties and remainder as requisite.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant 378.

4.50pm: 38 revs. Exercised clear ship for action and General Quarters.

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23 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 16.9, Long 66.6

6.30am: Altered course N88ºW to take station for ranging exercises.

9.15am: Divisions. Control parties for ranging exercises. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes to instruction.

10.30am: Finished ranging. Course as requisite to rejoin convoy.

12.20pm: In station. 58 revs.

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24 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 16.2, Long 63.2

6.30am: Course and speed various for aiming rifle practice.

9.45am: Took station ahead of Kinfauns Castle. Speed 7 knots.

am: Training classes and boys at instruction.

10.50am: Turned to look for Akbar.

11.50am: Akbar bore N30ºE.

12.30pm: Course as requisite for regaining station.

5.50pm: Course and speed various. Keeping station with Akbar.

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25 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 15.5, Long 61.0

Minor course and engine revolution changes during the day.

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26 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 15.3, Long 59.1

7.15am: Hove to secure port nets.

7.50am: Course and speed as requisite to rejoin convoy.

10.00am: Rejoined convoy.

11.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct).

1.00pm: Passed dhow. Kinfauns Castle closed same to ascertain if assistance required.

2.30pm: Kinfauns Castle resumed station.

7.55pm: Hove to. Secured cowl on foc’sle.

8.20pm: Proceeded.

10.20pm: Rejoined convoy.

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27 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 15.0, Long 57.1

Minor changes in engine revolutions during the day.

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28 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 14.3, Long 55.1

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction.

9:55am: Felt severe shock.

10.20am: Felt second shock, apparently earthquake. Position 14º 53’N, 55º 23’E.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations.

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29 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 14.0, Long 53.1

9.30am: Training classes at instruction.

9.30pm: Longitude observation 52º 03’E.

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30 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 13.8, Long 50.1

am: Training classes and boys at instruction.

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31 May 1917

At sea, Bombay to Aden

Lat 12.9, Long 46.9

5.30am: Took station on starboard beam of convoy for aiming rifle practice.

6.40am: Training classes at instructions. Acting Seaman Gunners at aiming rifle.

9.30am: Exercised 6” and 12 pdr crews and acting Seaman Gunners at aiming rifle. Training classes to instruction.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants No. 379 and 380.

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Blank page


4caf8694cadfd34197016a7b: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for June, 1917

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

4caf8694cadfd34197016a7c: (

Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain, 4th July, 1917

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Details of barometer and thermometers: blank

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1 June 1917

At sea and at Aden

Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

5.00am: SS Kinfauns Castle and Khorru left convoy.

9.45am: Passed outer buoy of swept channel. Course and speed as requisite.

11.15am: Came to with starboard anchor in 6½ fathoms. Veered to 6 shackles. Moored stern to No.8 buoy.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to Blue watch till 9.00pm.

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2 June 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

6.30am: Commenced coaling (shore labour).

10.00am: HMS Raven II sailed.

11.00am: Tested lifebuoys.

4.30pm: Leave to Red watch till 9.00pm.

6.30pm: Ceased coaling for the night.

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3 June 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

6.00am: Commenced coaling.

10.00am: HMS Clio arrived.

HMS Clio was an Espiegle class sloop, built at Sheerness Dockyard and launched in 1903. She was sold in 1920 at Bombay. Image at'ormeggio_sulla_boa_di_prora_1908.htm .

2.45pm: Finished coaling.

4.30pm: Leave to White Watch till 9.00pm.

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4 June 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

1.30pm: Leave to Stokers Blue watch till 9.00pm.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to Blue watch till 9.00pm.

5.00pm: Lieutenant Spicer RMLI left ship for hospital.

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5 June 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

6.20am: Hands cleaning ship and painting messdeck.

9.30am: Boys at instruction. Messdeck painting party carrying on.

10.30am: Spread side screens.

1.30pm: Leave to Boys till 7.00pm.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to Red watch till 9.00pm.

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6 June 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

6.20am: Hands painting mess deck and cleaning ship.

9.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to White watch till 9.00pm.

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7 June 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

am: Training classes and boys at instruction.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to Blue watch till 9.00pm.

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8 June 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

6.55am: Cleared ship for action.

7.25am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes, acting Seaman Gunners and Boys at instruction.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to Red watch till 9.00pm.

4.55pm: HMS Northbrook arrived.

HMS Northbrook was a troopship of the Royal Indian Marine, built by John Brown, Clydebank, in about 1907. Image PhotoWW1-75transportNorthbrook1PS.JPG .

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9 June 1917


Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

10.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct).

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrant 382. Leave to White watch till 10.00pm.

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10 June 1917

Aden, and at sea to Zanzibar

Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

7.30am: Commenced coaling (shore labour).

9.30am: Hands securing nets and preparing ship for sea.

9.45am: Tested lifebuoys (correct).

11.20am: HMS Northbrook sailed.

1.00pm: Discharged 45 Seedie Boys ashore.

1.30pm: Finished coaling. Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea.

3.20pm: HMS Topaze sailed.

HMS Topaze was a 2nd class cruiser of the Gem class, built by Laird Brothers, Birkenhead, and launched in 1903. She was sold in 1921. Image at .

4.50pm: Shortened in.

5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite.

5.50pm: Entered swept channel.

6.45pm: Cleared swept channel.

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11 June 1917

At sea, Aden to Zanzibar

Lat 12.4, Long 48.5

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12 June 1917

At sea, Aden to Zanzibar

Lat 10.8, Long 51.5

5.35am: Hove to secure starboard nets.

am: Training classes at instruction.

3.00pm: Ras Hafun Lighthouse abeam, 15 miles.

4.50–5.05pm: Eased down to secure foc’sle hatches.

4caf8694cadfd34197016a8b: (

13 June 1917

At sea, Aden to Zanzibar

Lat 7.8, Long 50.4

9.40am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes at instruction.

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14 June 1917

At sea, Aden to Zanzibar

Lat 5.3, Long 49.4

Having had occasion to limit Lieutenant Commander A.N. Lubbock's Wine Bill, it is now recorded that he has disobeyed my orders by exceeding his limit on three occasions, viz:- 8th, 10th and 11th June 1917 after being previously warned. (Signed) A.N. Lubbock, Lieutenant Commander, F.N. Mitchell Captain.

9.30am: Training classes and boys to instruction. Boats crews cleaning out boats.

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15 June 1917

At sea, Aden to Zanzibar

Lat 2.0, Long 48.1

am: Training classes at instructions.

4.40pm: Exercised General Quarters.

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16 June 1917

At sea, Aden to Zanzibar

Lat -1.3, Long 46.0

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrant 383.

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17 June 1917

At sea, Aden to Zanzibar

Lat -3.7, Long 42.3

10.00am: Divine Service.

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18 June 1917

At sea and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.2, Long 39.2

9.10am: Ras Nungive Light abeam, 2 miles.

9.50am: Boys and training classes at instruction. Remainder preparing ship for entering harbour and as requisite.

12.15pm: Stopped engines.

12.19pm: Came to with port anchor in 12½ fathoms. Veered to 5 shackles.

1.45pm: Blue Watch preparing for coaling.

2.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White till 6.30pm.

5.00pm: Collier came alongside. Hands preparing for coaling.

Anchor bearing: French Cathedral spire S58ºE.

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19 June 1917


Lat -6.2, Long 39.2

4.30am: Commenced coaling.

11.15am: Finished coaling.

12.40pm: Collier cast off.

4.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 6.30pm.

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20 June 1917

Zanzibar, and at sea to Durban

Lat -6.2, Long 39.2

8.45am: Hands cleaning ship and repairing brails and securing for sea. Embarking ammunition.

10.15am: HMS Thistle and 10.45 HMS Hyacinth arrived.

HMS Thistle was a Bramble class gunboat, built by London & Glasgow Ltd, Glasgow, and launched in 1899. She was sold in 1926. Image at PhotoWW1-19gbBramblePS.JPG .

HMS Hyacinth was a 2nd class cruiser of the Highflyer class, built by London & Glasgow Ltd, Glasgow, and launched in 1898. She was sold in 1923. Images at .

pm: Hands preparing for sea and as requisite.

4.20pm: Shortened in.

4.37pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite.

5.47pm: Chumbe Lighthouse abeam, distant 1.7 miles.

8.55pm: Dar-es-Salaam Light abeam 16 miles.

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21 June 1917

At sea, Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -8.1, Long 40.6

9.30am: Boys and training classes at instruction. Fore turret’s crew at drill.

6.20pm: Latitude observed 8º 59’S, Longitude 40º 49’E.

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22 June 1917

At sea, Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -11.8, Long 40.9

7.00am: Sighted land bearing S62ºW.

8.40am: Intunclo Island abeam, distant 10 miles.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Training classes to instructions. WOs parties about their work.

1.30pm: Red Watch refitting derrick guys.

7.05pm: Sighted Maunbane Point Light N88ºW magnetic.

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23 June 1917

At sea, Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -15.8, Long 40.9

0.10am: Exercised Night Action.

1.00am: Secured.

3.00pm: Lat DR 16º 18’S, long observed 40º 37’E.

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24 June 1917

At sea, Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -19.8, Long 38.8

10.30am: Divine Service.

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25 June 1917

At sea, Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -23.8, Long 36.7

6.00am: Lat observed 22º 44’S, Long observed 37º 11’E.

9.30am: After turret’s crew at drill. 6” Sightsetters at drill. Training classes at instruction.

1.10pm: Altered course to close SS Baron Herries.

1.35pm: Resumed course.

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26 June 1917

At sea, Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -27.0, Long 33.9

8.00am: Passed Hospital Ship Oxfordshire, steering N.

9.15am: Divisions. 6” crews at loader. WOs parties about their work.

4.40pm: Read Warrant 384.

9.20pm: Cape St Lucia Light abeam, distant 12 miles.

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27 June 1917

At sea and at Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4.40am: Sighted Cape Natal Light N67ºW.

7.05am: Course as requisite for entering harbour.

7.20am: Stopped to pick up pilot.

7.27am: Proceeded. Course and speed as requisite.

7.40am: Passed breakwater.

8.10am: Secured to No. 1 buoy.

1.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7.00am.

2.40pm: Commenced coaling (shore labour).

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28 June 1917


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.00am: Finished coaling.

9.00am: HMS Talbot sailed.

HMS Talbot was an 2nd class cruiser of the Eclipse class, built by the Devonport Dockyard and launched in 1895. She was sold in 1921. Image at PhotoWW1-05csTalbot2PS.JPG .

1.00pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watches till 7.00am.

pm: Hands painting ship’s side.

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29 June 1917

Durban, and at sea to Simon’s Town (aka Simonstown)

Lat -30.1, Long 31.3

6.20am: Hands preparing for sea.

9.03am: Slipped from buoy. Proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

9.35am: Cleared breakwater.

9.40am: Stopped and dropped pilot.

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30 June 1917

At sea, Durban to Simon’s Town

Lat -33.8, Long 27.7

3.30pm: Position observed 34º 16’S, 27º 6’E.

4.50pm: Read Warrant 385.


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‘Copy of Log’ page for July, 1917

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain, 10th August, 1917

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Details of barometer and thermometers: blank

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1 July 1917

At sea, Durban to Simon’s Town

Lat -35.7, Long 22.8

1.00pm: Sounded 250 fathoms out, no bottom.

2.00pm: 100 fathoms, rocky bottom.

3.00pm: 80 fathoms, rocky bottom.

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2 July 1917

At sea and at Simon’s Town

Lat -35.1, Long 19.2

4.00am: 90 fathoms.

5.00am: 90 fathoms.

6.00am: 90 fathoms.

7.00am: 95 fathoms.

8.00am: 95 fathoms.

9.00am: 95 fathoms.

10.00am: 95 fathoms.

11.00am: No bottom.

2.30pm: Sighted land N55ºE.

4.55pm: Cape of Good Hope abeam.

6.15pm: Stopped.

6.20am: Secured to flagship’s buoys.

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3 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.15am: Collier came alongside.

10.15am: Commenced coaling.

7.30pm: Stopped coaling for night.

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4 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.00am: Commenced coaling.

11.15am: Finished coaling.

3.55pm: HMS Suffolk arrived.

HMS Suffolk was a Kent class armoured cruiser, built by the Portsmouth Dockyard and launched in 1903. She was sold in 1920. Images at .

4.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 7.45am.

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5 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.10am: Hands provisioning ship, cleaning ship, drawing stores and as requisite.

1.10pm: Hands provisioning ship and as requisite.

3.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7.45am.

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6 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

am: Hands refitting net defence and as requisite.

9.00am: HMS Challenger sailed.

HMS Challenger was a 2nd class cruiser and name-ship of a class of two (sister HMS Encounter). She was built by Chatham Dockyard, launched in 1902, and sold in 1920. Image at .

1.30pm: Hands refitting net defence.

3.15pm: Furled nets.

3.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 7.45am.

5.00pm: HMS Challenger arrived.

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7 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.00am: Court martial assembled on board.

9.35am: Court opened.

11.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct).

1.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7.45am.

3.00pm: 21 ratings and 1 prisoner joined ship from HMS Challenger.

4.20pm: Court martial finished.

11.45pm: Mr Bennett, Corporal, joined ship from HMS Challenger.

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8 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.10am: HMS Challenger sailed.

9.15am: Landed Roman Catholics and Wesleyans.

10.30am: Divine Service.

11.50am: Church parties returned.

1.30pm: Leave to Blue and 1st part White watch till 7.45am. Seamen till 11pm.

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9 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.00am: Hands employed returning and drawing stores and ammunition. Remainder painting ship.

1.30pm: Hands painting ship and as requisite.

3.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7.45am.

4.50pm: Read Warrant 386.

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10 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.30am: Hands employed painting ship, securing net defence and as requisite.

1.20pm: Hands stowing ammunition, securing nets, painting and as requisite.

3.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 7.45am.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, and 395.

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11 July 1917

Simon's town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.00am: HMS Suffolk sailed.

am: Hands painting ship and as requisite.

3.30pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 11.0pm.

4.50pm: Collier came alongside.

5.00pm: Hands rigging collier and preparing for coaling.

6.00pm: Read Warrant 396.

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12 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

3.30pm: Finished coaling.

4.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 11.0pm.

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13 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.00am: Tested lifebuoys (correct).

9.20am: Collier shoved off.

1.10pm: Funeral party landed.

3.55pm: Funeral party returned.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrants 398, 399, 400, 401.

5.00pm: Leave to Red and 1st part White watch till 7.45am.

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14 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

1.30pm: Leave to Blue and 2nd part White watch till 7.45am.

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15 July 1917

Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.25am: Divine Service.

10.45am: HMS Kent came out of dock.

HMS Kent was an armoured cruiser and name ship of her class. She was built at Portsmouth Dockyard, launched in 1901, and sold in 1920. Details and image at .

4.30pm: Hands preparing for sea.

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16 July 1917

Simon's Town, at sea and at Cape Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.20am: Hands preparing for sea.

8.05am: Slipped from buoy. Course and speed as requisite.

9.40am: Cape Point Light abeam, 2½ miles.

10.05am: Bellows Rock Light abeam.

4.15pm: Stopped.

4.16pm: Came to with port bower in 8 fathoms. Veered to 8 shackles.

4.30pm: Read Warrant 402.

5.10pm: HMS Africa and convoy arrived.

HMS Africa was a pre-dreadnought of the King Edward class. She was built at Chatham Dockyard, launched in 1905, and sold in 1920. Details and image at .

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17 July 1917

Cape Town

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

7.10am: HMS Africa sailed.

9.15am: Divisions. Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Secured.

1.20pm: White watch preparing for sea.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrants 403 and 404. 66 Naval ratings and 1 fireman from SS Corona joined for passage.

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18 July 1917

Cape Town, and at sea to Sierra Leone

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

9.35am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. WOs parties about their work.

11.40am: Shortened in to 2 shackles.

12 noon: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

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19 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -32.6, Long 14.7

6.25am: Lat 32º 40’S, Long 15º 20’E.

9.40am: Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction. Fore turret’s crew at drill. 6” Sightsetters at drill.

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20 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -29.3, Long 11.3

3.35am: Exercised watch at Night Defence stations.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

1.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Red watch stowing sheet cable. Remainder as requisite.

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21 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -26.0, Long 8.4

5.00pm: Exercised Collision stations and abandon ship.

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22 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -22.8, Long 5.7

10.30am: Divine Service.

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23 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -19.4, Long 3.2

No location given in log. Above position is an estimate based on the course and speed on adjacent days.

am: Training classes at instruction.

9.30am: Aft turret’s crew at drill. Gunnery and Torpedo training classes and boys at instruction.

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24 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -16.0, Long 0.7

9.30am: Training classes and boys at instruction. 6” crews at loader. 12 pdr Gunlayers and Sightsetters at deflection teacher.

1.30pm: Training classes at instruction. Blue watch working about fore derrick and as requisite.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised collision stations and abandon ship.

11.40pm: Exercised Night action.

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25 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -12.6, Long -1.6

0.30am: Secured from Night action.

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26 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -9.2, Long -4.1

9.15am: Divisions. 12 pdr Gunlayers and Sightsetters to Deflection Teacher. Training classes to instruction.

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27 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -5.7, Long -6.4

5.37am: Lat observed 6º 37’S, Long observed 5º 50’W.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.40am: Boys and training classes at instruction. 12 pdr Gunlayers and Sightsetters at Deflection Teacher. Remainder holystoning deck and as requisite.

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28 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -2.0, Long -9.1

1.00pm: Carried out 12 pdr firing.

2.00pm: Ceased firing.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrant 405.

11.00pm: Exercised Night Defence Stations.

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29 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat 1.8, Long -11.9

3.30am: Exercised Night Defence Stations.

11.35am: Patent log hauled in and cleaned.

11.40am: Streamed.

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30 July 1917

At sea Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat 5.7, Long -14.2

am: Training classes at instruction.

6.00pm: Convoy formed single line ahead.

10.00pm: Commenced soundings.

10.00pm: No bottom, 250 fathoms out.

11.00pm: No bottom, 250 fathoms out.

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31 July 1917

At sea and at Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

Soundings taken at regular interval from 0.15am and 6.00am and seabed type noted. See log for details.

4.10am: Observed Cape Sierra Leone Light S76ºE.

5.30am: Observed Cape Sierra Leone Light dipping S61½ ºE.

6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour.

7.12am: Passed Sierra Leone Lighthouse, distant 5 cables.

7.13am: Passed boom defence.

7.40am: Stopped.

7.45am: Came to with starboard bower in 12 fathoms. Veered to 6 shackles.

8.30am: Hands preparing for coaling, scrubbing waterline etc.

9.30am: Diving party away at oiler.

10.30am: SS Itwell, collier, came alongside.

10.30am: French cruiser sailed.

1.00pm: Commenced coaling.

10.00pm: Ceased coaling.

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Blank log page


4caf8695cadfd34197016ac1: (

‘Copy of Log’ page for August, 1917

Signed by Ernest J.F. Tisdall, Navigating Officer

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Blank page

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Distance run and coal consumption page (blank).

Signed by F.H. Mitchell, Captain

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Details of barometer and thermometers: blank

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1 August 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4.30am: Hands coaling ship.

7.00am: Finished coaling ship for night.

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2 August 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.30am: Hands coaling ship.

9.00am: One artificer engineer joined for passage.

11.15am: Finished coaling.

12.10pm: Collier shoved off.

4.30pm: Discharged 27 ratings to SS Orana(?) 27 engine room ratings joined from ?

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3 August 1917

Sierra Leone, and at sea to Plymouth

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.35am: Shortened in.

5.57am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

7.00am: Passed Sierra Leone Lighthouse, distant 5 cables.

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4 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 10.1, Long -18.1

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5 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 14.0, Long -18.8

5.10am: Passed steamer steering South. Closed up anti-submarine guns crews.

11.00am: Commenced zig-zagging.

7.05pm: Stopped zig-zagging.

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6 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 18.0, Long -19.4

am: Training classes at instruction.

8.30am: Hauled in patent log.

8.45am: Streamed log.

9.30am: Formed Divisions on line of bearing N10ºW.

9.30am: Training classes to instruction. 6” and 12” Sightsetters at drill.

4.40pm: Read Warrant 406. M. Whitfield AB run 2/4. A. McAlley Stoker DD £12-2-00. A. Bain Stoker run 2/5. J. Brown Stoker run 1/8.

6.20pm: Formed Divisions in line ahead.

4caf8695cadfd34197016acb: (

7 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 22.0, Long -19.9

5.00am: Commenced zig-zagging ‘A’.

9.30am: Fore turrets crew at drill. Training classes and boys at instruction.

7.10pm: Finished zig-zagging.

4caf8695cadfd34197016acc: (

8 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 25.9, Long -20.5

5.00am: Commenced zig-zagging.

4.30pm: Quarters. Read Warrant 407.

7.10pm: Ceased zig-zagging.

4caf8695cadfd34197016acd: (

9 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 29.8, Long -21.2

4.30am: Formed line of bearing N10ºW. Commenced zig-zagging.

5.35pm: Stopped zig-zagging.

6.00pm: Continued zig-zagging.

7.40pm: Ceased zig-zagging.

4caf8695cadfd34197016ace: (

10 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 33.8, Long -20.3

4.00am: Commenced zig-zagging.

9.40am:General Quarters.

10.15am: Secured.

10.30am: Training classes at instruction.

7.45pm: Ceased zig-zagging.

9.50pm: Hauled in and cleaned patent log.

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11 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 37.2, Long -18.5

8.36am: Sighted submarine periscope bearing West. Turned 8 points to starboard proceeded full speed.

8.55am: Altered course N64ºE, 72 revs.

11.30am: Lifebuoys (correct) and gunsights (correct).

7.35pm: Ceased zig-zagging.

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12 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 40.7, Long -16.0

4.00am: Commenced zig-zagging.

10.15am: Divine Service.

8.10pm: Ceased zig zagging.

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13 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 44.4, Long -14.2

4.00am: Commenced zig-zagging.

9.40am: General Quarters.

8.10pm: Ceased zig zagging.

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14 August 1917

At sea, Sierra Leone to Plymouth

Lat 46.6, Long -11.0

5.00am: Commenced zig-zagging.

9.45am: HMS Victor took station ahead, 1 cable.

HMS Victor was a destroyer of the K (Acasta) class.

am: Training classes at instruction. Boats crews about their boats.

11.25am: Sighted destroyer bearing W.

1.45pm: Sighted 4 destroyers bearing WSW.

3.00pm: HMS Lysander, Lochinvar, Leonidas and Acasta joined company.

The first three ships were destroyers of the L class; Acasta was the name ship of the K class.

Lysander was built by Swan Hunter, Wallsend on Tyne, launched in 1913, and sold in 1922. Images at .

Lochinvar was built by Beardmore & Co., Dalmuir, launched in 1915, and sold in 1921. Image at .

Leonidas was built by Palmers Shipbuilding, Hebburn on Tyne, launched in 1913, and sold in 1921.

Acasta was built by John Brown on the Clyde, launched in 1912, and sold in 1921.Image at .

9.10pm: Ceased zig-zagging.

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15 August 1917

At sea and at Plymouth

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4.30am: Commenced zig-zagging.

9.45am: Training classes to instruction and as requisite.

11.45am: Lizard bore N10ºW, 9½ miles.

1.30pm: Hands preparing for entering harbour.

1.37pm: Sighted Eddystone, bearing N67ºE.

2.20pm: Formed single line ahead. Ceased zig-zagging.

2.20pm: Altered course to pass through swept channel.

3.30pm: Passed breakwater.

3.30pm: Came to with port bower in 9 fathoms. Veered to 3 shackles.

3.53pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite.

4.30pm: Helm jammed off North Rubble buoy. Collided with HMS Laggan.

HMS Laggan was a mercantile conversion to a ‘Q’ ship, built in 1907.

4.35pm: Helm correct. Proceeded as requisite.

5.00pm: Secured alongside No. 7 wharf.

6.45pm: Leave to Blue, White and 1st part Red Watch till 7.00am. Landed Patrol.

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16 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.00am: Discharged 88 ratings to RNB.

10.10am: Discharged 1 prisoner to RNB. Mr Bennet, Carpenter, and Mr Butler Artificer Engineer left ship.

12.05pm: Cast off from No. 7 wharf.

12.45pm: Secured to No. 7 buoy.

pm: Hands cleaning ship’s side and as requisite.

3.00pm: Discharged 10 cases to hospital.

4.15pm: Leave to Red and Blue watches till 7.00am.

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17 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

5.30am: Discharged 2 Privates RMLI to Bodmin Naval Prison.

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18 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship and painting side.

1.00pm: Leave to White and Blue watches till 7.00am. Boys 7.00pm.

7.50pm: Discharged 1 cot case to hospital.

10.50pm: Hailed guard boat.

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19 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

3.10am: Hailed guard boat.

8.30am: Landed Roman Catholics.

9.30am: Wesleyans. Divisions.

10.30am: Divine Service.

11.30am: Discharged 1 cot case to hospital.

12 noon: Leave to Red and Blue watches till 7.00am.

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20 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

12.45pm: Discharged 1 cot case to hospital.

4.30pm: Leave to Red and White watches till 7.00am.

10.30pm: Hailed guard boat.

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21 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

2.20am: Hailed guard boat.

am: Hands employed getting up ammunition and as requisite.

1.00pm: Discharged 1 rating to hospital.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to Blue and White watches till 7.00am.

11.30pm: Hailed guard boat.

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22 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

3.30am: Hailed guard boat.

am/pm: Hands disembarking ammunition.

6.00pm: Leave to Red and Blue watches till 7.00am.

9.15pm: Hailed guard boat.

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23 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.00am: Hands getting out ammunition.

12.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to hospital.

4.30pm: Leave to Red and White watches till 7.00am.

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24 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

2.00pm: Hailed guard boat.

11.30am: Lieutenant Maxse RN left ship.

12.30pm: Discharged 1 seaman and 1 marine to hospital.

4.30pm: Leave to White and Blue watches till 7.00am.

11.15pm: Hailed guard boat.

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25 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

3.30am: Hailed guard boat.

8.45am: Hands getting out provisions, cleaning ship and as requisite.

9.15am: Landed funeral party.

1.30pm: Leave to the Red watch till 11.00pm Sunday. Blue watch till 7.00am on Sunday.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

11.25pm: Hailed guard boat.

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26 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.15am: Divine Service.

11.45am: Leave to White watch till 11.00pm.

10.15pm: Hailed guard boat.

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27 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

2.00am: Hailed guard boat.

6.45am: Commenced coaling.

11.15am: Finished coaling.

4.30pm: Leave to White and Blue watches till 7.00am.

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28 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

3.10am: Hailed guard boat.

1.00pm: Shifted berth into Prince of Wales basin.

1.30pm: Read Warrant 408.

4.30pm: Leave to Red and Blue and 1st part White watch till 7.00am.

5.30pm: Exercised fire stations.

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29 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

6.00pm: Leave to Red, White and 2nd part Blue till 7.00am.

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30 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

barometer unshipped by 12 noon.

1.00pm: Paid off ships company.

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31 August 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.00am: Paid off ship.

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