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Battlecruiser, Invincible-class

Pendant No. 85 (1914). Launched 13.4.07 Armstrong. 17,250 tons, 567(oa), 530(pp)x78x26ft. Turbine 41000shp, 25.5kts. Armament: 8-12in, 16-4in, 4-18in tt. Armour: 6in sides, 2in deck, 7in guns. Complement: 750. At Queenstown 8.14, then Humber area, detached to South Atlantic 1914 (Battle of the Falklands), joined Grand Fleet Battlecruiser Force late 1914. Sunk 31.5.16 at Jutland. Battle Honours (and links to despatches, casualties, awards) Heligoland 28 Aug 1914, Falkland Islands 8 Dec 1914, Jutland 31 May 1916. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Commissioned in the 1st Cruiser Squadron, attached to 1st Division, Home Fleet. Refitted 1909-10 and in March 1911 reduced to nucleus crew at Portsmouth for further refit lasting until May 1911. Joined 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron in January 1913, and collided with submarine C 34 in March. To Mediterranean between August and December 1913, and then paid off for refit from March to August 1914. On 3 August 1914 ordered to Queenstown to guard against German breakout, and then to Humber, to form 2nd BCS with New Zealand. At Battle of Heligoland Bight 28 August 1914, supporting light forces. Ordered to Falklands 4 November 1914, leaving Devonport on the 11th and arriving at Port Stanley on 7 December 1914 (flagship of Admiral Sturdee). The following day she and her sister destroyed Vice-Admiral von Spee's armoured cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau (Invincible fired 513-12in shells). She was docked at Gibraltar on 1 January 1915 for two month refit before joining Battlecruiser Force at Rosyth. Joined by Indomitable in March and by Inflexible in June, after which the class formed the 3rd BCS. Refitted in May 1916 and with her sisters was detached to Scapa Flow for gunnery exercises and to replace the 5th BS in the Grand Fleet. Flew the flag of Rear-Admiral The Hon Horace Hood, and engaged light cruisers of the German 2nd Scouting Group at 10,000yds. Although her fire disabled the Wiesbaden and Pillau and then infficted two serious hits on the battlecruiser Lutzow, her target, the Derfflinger scored five hits on her. The last shell blew the roof off Q-turret and set fire to the cordite propellant. The flash quickly reached the magazine and the Invincible was blown in half by a massive explosion. All but six of her complement were lost, including the Admiral. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.


JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

Operations in UK waters

JP map Invincible UK waters


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3 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

9.00am: Commissioned ship, Captain C.M. de Bartelomé in command.

Drawing Stores etc. Dockyard parties working on board in day & night shifts.

4.00pm: Special leave to Port Watch 4.30 till 8.0 pm.

8.00pm: 1 Band Sergt 4 Band Corp. & 10 Mus. joined from Forton.

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4 August 1914

Portsmouth, North Railway Jetty

Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

6.25am: Commenced basin trial.

7.30am: Finished trial.

8.50am: Shifted to N. Railway jetty in charge of Dockyard pilot & tugs.

10.30am: Secured to N. Railway jetty.

Drawing stores, landing peace fittings, etc.

Dockyard parties onboard working day and night shifts

4.30pm: Special leave to S. watch 4:30 till 8.0pm.

4.30pm: Minerva and Venus sailed.

8.40pm: Picket boat patrol of Invincible commenced.

11.45pm: Orders to commence hostilities against Germany received.

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5 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

5.00am: Provisioning ship, drawing torpedoes etc

9.00am: Whale Island experimental party onboard

11.15am: HMS Glory proceeded

9.15pm: Chaplain joined ship

10.00pm: 1 W.O. joined ship

10.20pm: Coal lighter alongside

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6 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

4.00am: Preparing for coaling ship. Torpedo party drawing stores, ammunition etc

6.30am: Commenced coaling

12.30pm: Coaling and ammunitioning ship.

5.00pm: Discharged 2 ratings to R.N. Barracks.

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7 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

7.00am: 6 ratings joined from R.N. Barracks.

9.00am: Hoisting in ammunition, drawing stores, etc.

10.00am: Whale Island party on board.

12.30pm: Ammunitioning ship etc.

1.00pm: Working party from R.N. Barracks on board.

2.00pm: 2 ERAs joined ship from R.N. Barracks.

2.30pm: Discharged 1 cot case to hospital.

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8 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

9.30am: R.N. Barracks working party onboard.

10.00am 8 stokers joined from R.N. Barracks.

11.00am: Whale Island experimental party onboard

1.00pm: Paid monthly money

(Signature of Captain)

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9 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

1.30pm: 1 ERA joined ship from R.N. Barracks. 1 ERA discharged to Dolphin.

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10 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

9.00am: Boys working Party from R.N. Barracks on board. Experimental Party from Whale Island on board

11.00am: 1 Rating joined ship from R.N. Barracks

11.30am: Exercised Collision Stations and General Quarters.

12.30pm: Preparing ship for sea

2.00pm: Proceeded from N Railway jetty out of harbour

2.30pm: Swing ship for deviation of compasses

6.15pm: Commenced full speed trial

7.00pm: Completed full speed trial. Reduced to 132 revs.

6.27pm: Owers Lt Vessel abeam.

6.42pm: Turned 16 pts Starb.

9.50pm: Weighed and proceeded into harbour.

11.00pm: Secured alongside N. Railway jetty.

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11 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

2.00pm: Boys working parties from R.N. Barracks onboard.

3.00pm: 2 Stoker Petty Officers joined ship from HMS King Alfred.

5.00pm: Discharged 1 ERA to R.N. Barracks.

6.25pm: Collier Tees secured alongside. Rigged coaling gear.

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12 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

6.15am: Commenced coaling & ammunitioning

9.30am: Finished coaling. Received 250 tons.

12 Noon HMS Hermione shifted birth

2.00pm: 7 Signals Ratings joined ship

6.00pm: Mr Duke, Clerk joined ship

9.00pm: 5 Cadets joined ship

12 Midnight: Instructions to commence hostilities with Austria received

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13 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

12.30pm: HMS Hermione sailed.

9.00pm: Staff Paymaster R. Johnson joined.

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14 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

5.20am: Transport S.S. Intaba left.

8.30am: Barrack working party on board.

9.30am: 2nd Lieut G.J. Le Seelleur(?) R.M. joined ship.

10.00am: 2 bandsmen joined ship.

12.30pm: Embarking ammunition, cleaning out boats etc. Barracks working party on board.

4.00pm: Special leave to Starb. watch from 4.0 to 8.0pm.

6.00pm: 1 marine joined ship.

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15 August 1914


Lat 50.8, Long -1.12

7.00am: Landed escort.

7.45am: Escort & prisoner returned.

9.30am: 25 RNR stokers and 25 RFR stokers joined ship.

10.30am: 1 stoker 1st class joined ship.

12.30pm: Striking down shells, preparing ship for sea..

4.00pm: Read warrants No. 6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 7.

5.00pm: 1 Private Marines joined ship.

9.00pm: HMS Excellent Experimental party arrived on board.

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16 August 1914

Portsmouth & at sea

Lat 50.4, Long -2.2

7.00am: Slipped from N. Railway jetty and proceeded out of harbour

10.10am: Connected up conning tower steering gear.

10.41am: Set course S89W 175 revs.

11.00am: Exercised General Quarters.

2.25pm: Ship not under control due to shifting over steering engine.

2.57pm: Resume control. Set course S80W 175 revs (port shafting(?) engine in use F.U.C.T.).

5.40pm: Sighted HMTBD Bittern.

6.40pm: Sighted four funnel cruiser.

6.50pm: Connected up bridge steering gear.

7.10pm: Connected up conning tower steering gear.

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17 August 1914

At sea and at Dale Roads, Milford Haven

Lat 51.7, Long -5.1

2.05am: a/c to avoid fishing boat. 2.10 resumed course.

4.20am: Sighted St Gowens Lt vessel bg. N61E (S).

4.40am: Sighted St Annes Hd bg. N29.5E (S).

5.50am: a/c S10W.

8.55am: Reduced to 10 knots.

9.29am: a/c N56E.

9.34am: Course & speed as requisite for firing.

10.20am: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour.

10.50am: Let go port anchor in 10 fms, veered to 10 shackles. Banked fires. Excellent party left ship.

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18 August 1914

Dale Roads, Milford Haven

Lat 51.7, Long -5.1

1.30pm: Hands preparing for coaling.

6.00pm: 4 electricians and 2 dockers joined ship from dockyard.

8.30pm: Commenced coaling.

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19 August 1914

Dale Roads, Milford Haven

Lat 51.7, Long -5.1

10.30am: Finished coaling.

12.30pm: Cleaning ship. Preparing ship for sea.

3.35pm: Shortened in cable.

3.55pm: Weighed and proceeded 135 revs course as requisite for leaving harbour.

5.00pm: Streamed patent log showing 17.6.

6.20pm: a/c 10o to starb to avoid steamer.

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20 August 1914

Dale Roads, Milford Haven

Lat 51.7, Long -5.1

Note: Position in log is given as Lat 58.1, Long -3.5, which is in northern Scotland and obviously incorrect.

2.00pm: Swing ship for adjustment of compasses.

4.45pm: Set course N89E 165 revs.

7.30pm: Sighted St. Catherine's Lt N64E.

7.56pm: St. Catherine's Lt N50E.

9.25pm: Sighted Owens Lt. N63E.

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21 August 1914

Milford Haven to Deal

Lat 51.2, Long 1.41

12.06am: Beachy Hd. Lt. N46E (on the bow).

12.20am: Beachy Hd. Lt. Abeam.

12.45am: R. Sovereign Lt Ship N55E.

12.53am: R. Sovereign Lt Ship abeam. a/c S77E.

4.00am: Dorn(?) High Lt N30E.

4.30am: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour.

6.55am: Stopped. Came to with port anchor 6 shackles in 9 fms.

8.45am: HMS Niger proceeded.

9.00am: Read articles of war.

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22 August 1914


Lat 51.2, Long 1.41

1.00am: Watch at Night Defence stations.

4.45am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

10.30am: Exercised action.

6.07pm: Came to with starb anchor 6 shackles in 18 ½ fms.

6.45pm: Collier Kilmato(?) alongside.

8.40pm: Commenced coaling.

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23 August 1914


Lat 53.6, Long 0.0

12.25am: Commenced coaling.

5.00am: Finished coaling recd. 800 tons.

9.00am: HMS New Zealand arrived.

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24 August 1914


Lat 53.6, Long 0.0

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25 August 1914


Lat 53.6, Long 0.0

9.00pm: Watch to Night Defence station.

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26 August 1914


Lat 53.6, Long 0.0

5.00am: Weighed and proceeded course speed as requisite.

9.30am: Carried out firing with practice and 3/4 change from all 12" guns. Carried out firing with service practice from 4" guns.

2.46pm: Came to with starboard anchor with 6 shackles in 9 fathoms.

5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded course speed as requisite for entering Humber River.

6.14pm: Came to with starboard anchor with 6 shackles in 13 fathoms.

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27 August 1914

Grimsby & at sea

Lat 53.6, Long 0.0

5.15am: 1st flotilla arrived and anchored.

10.10am: Shortened in.

10.30am: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

10.35am: Formed single line ahead.

1.18pm: Outer Dowsing Lt. Ship abeam.

5.15pm: Mine reported from aft. (passed on S. hand).

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28 August 1914

Heligoland Bight (or Deutsche Bacht)

Lat 54.2, Long 6.5

(In the log, the latitude is given as 34 11’ – this is in north Africa and unlikely)

The battle described on this day is the Battle of the Bight, or the Battle of the Heligoland Bight. A useful reference for this battle is: R.K. Massie, 2004, Castles of steel, multiple publishers and years.

3.59am: Sighted first Battle Cruiser Squadron.

4.45am: Took station on starboard beam of HMS Lion 17 knots.

8.15am: a/c S1/4 E Course and speed as requisite for bringing enemies vessel to action

Noon Firing heard to eastward.

12.50pm: Lion opened fire, passed cruisers out of action, nationality not known.

1.00pm: New Zealand observed to open fire at German cruiser visible on P. Bow.

1.10pm: Opened fire engaged German light cruiser Lat. 54-7N 7-10E.

1.25pm: Ceased fire.

1.30pm: German observed to be sinking. (This was probably the Ariadne, or possibly the Köln.)

2.20pm: Closed Lion.

4.35pm: a/c S45W parted company from Lion.

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29 August 1914

At sea

Lat 55.8, Long 2.6

5.00am: War routine

2.27pm: Stopped. Lowered seaboat and fetched 1 German and 2 men from Sandfly.

3.40pm: Dispersed Beaver(?) to examine Swedish merchantman.

Note: Beyond the first three letters, the name of this vessel is unclear.

(Signature of Captain)

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30 August 1914

At sea and Rosyth

Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

3.45am: Sighted Ball Rock N 61 ½ W.

5.20am: May Island S 80 W.

6.30am: Preparing for entering harbour and coaling.

8.17am: Came to with P. anchor 6 shackles 13 ½ fms.

9.10am: Collier Moto(?) secured alongside.

10.30am: Commenced coaling 1490 tons. 126 men shore labour.

3.30pm: Discharged 2 ratings to hospital.

4.30pm: Discharged 1 German officer to hospital and 2 German prisoners to station.

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31 August 1914


Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

12.25am: Cast off Collier.

1.00pm: Cleaning paintwork, sponging out guns etc.

2.30pm: Discharged Fleet Surgeon W. Stanton and 1 boy to hospital.

4.00pm: Read Warrants Nos 10, 11, 12 & 13.

9.00pm: Staff Surgeon A. Davidson joined ship.


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1 September 1914


Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

5.00am: Cleaning ship.

7.15pm: Darkened ship.

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2 September 1914


Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

1.00pm: Exercised Action. Cleaned ship as requisite.

11.30pm: Night defence stations.

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3 September 1914


Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

1.00pm: Refitting coaling gear, cleaning paintwork etc.

11.00pm: 67 RNR ratings arrived for Inflexible.

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4 September 1914


Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

9.00am: Exercised action. Working about masts.

4.30pm: Discharged 10 Dockyardmen for passage to Portsmouth.

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5 September 1914


Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

1.00am: Fleet surgeon Bearblock(?) joined ship.

7.10am: HM ships Lion, Queen Mary and Princess Royal arrived and anchored.

8.20am: Discharged staff surgeon Davidson to hospital ship Drina(?)

Discharged 68 Royal Fleet Reservemen and boys to Inflexible.

13 fitters joined from Portsmouth Dockyard.

(Signature of Captain)

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6 September 1914


Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

7.10am: HM Ships Southampton, Birmingham, Falmouth, Lowestoft, Nottingham, Liverpool arrived & anchored.

4.30pm: Prepare ship for coaling.

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7 September 1914

Rosyth and at sea

Lat 56.0, Long -3.4

4.53am: Commenced coaling.

7.55am: Finished coaling, received 400 tons.

1.30pm: HMS Lowestoft weighed and proceeded.

5.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds as requisite for leaving harbour with 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron.

6.30pm: Shaped course S58ºE (stand(?)) 7 knots.

7.30pm: Increased to 20 knots.

10.23pm: Proceeded 12 knots.

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8 September 1914

At sea

Lat 57.8, Long 1.3

5.15am: Formed single line ahead.

11.12am: Formed on line of bearing from Lion NE by E.

4.00pm: Flag a/c South forming on her port beam.

4.35pm: In station on port beam of Lion 2 miles.

6.50pm: Formed single line ahead.

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9 September 1914

At sea

Lat 56.5, Long 2.9

5.20am: Took station 3’ astern of Lion.

6.30am: Increased to 165 revs to investigate steamer. Course as req.

12.15pm: a/c S57W - altering course 4 points to port and starb even quarters of an hour.

6.35pm: a/c to W by S. Closed Inflexible.

6.49pm: a/c to rejoin squadron.

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10 September 1914

At sea

No location in log.

5.00am: Zigzagging 2 points to port and starboard alternately of S73E

8.00am: Exercised General Quarters

10.45am: Course and speed as requisite for forming ‘Grand Fleet’

1.00pm: Courses and speeds as requisite for closing minesweepers.

2.25pm: Minesweepers took station one mile ahead in line abreast.

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11 September 1914

At sea

Lat 57.6, Long 0.2

10.15am: a/c to investigate trawler.

10.25am: Stopped and lowered cutter.

11.00am: Proceeded.

11.45am: Stopped, lowered boat and investigated Danish steamer. - Course as required for Inflexible (?) investigating.

1.26pm: Course and speeds as requisite for closing SS Alfred Stage(?) for investigation

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12 September 1914

At sea and Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.30am: a/c 15o to starboard to avoid fishing vessel.

5.25am: a/c as requisite for taking station astern of 3rd Battle Fleet.

6.45am: Entered swept channel.

9.26am: Came to with Port anchor 6 shackles in 24 fms.

10.50am: Collier secured alongside.

11.45am: Commenced coaling.

3.00pm: 6 dockyard men joined from Blake.

6.30pm: Discharged 1 cot case (RNR) to hospital ship with broken leg.

8.40pm: Finished coaling.

9.45pm: Cast off collier.

9.50pm: Cell prisoner from Boadicea arrived on board.

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13 September 1914

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.40am: HMS Sappho weighed and proceeded.

5.55am: 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron and 1st Light Cruiser Squadron arrived and anchored.

5.30pm: Arrived merchant ship sailed.

10.25pm: HMS Naiad sailed.

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14 September 1914

Scapa Flow and at sea

Lat 58.2, Long -2.3

6.35am: Weighed

6.45am: Proceeded S31W at 10 kts .

6.50am: Increased to 12 knots courses as required for leaving Scapa Flow.

10.00am: Zigzagging every quarter hour between S17E and S62E.

11.30am: a/c Starb. helm jammed.

11.35am: Zigzagging as before.

2.11pm: As req. for closing trawler Sea King British A223.

2.45pm: Lowered seaboat.

2.55pm: Picked up and hoisted seaboat.

3.00pm: Resumed zigzagging.

3.30pm: Inflexible took station astern.

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15 September 1914

At sea

Lat 56.9, Long -0.7

6.55am: a/c N37W to investigate steamer. Course & speed as req. for investigation.

9.00am: Lost overboard by accident 4" gun.

11.39am: a/c to investigate trawler Exporter of Aberdeen.

3.00pm: a/c to starb. to investigate sailing trawler Etna V.L. 45.

4.08pm: a/c SE (starb.). Courses as required for boarding Swedish cargo steamer Carl.

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16 September 1914

At sea

Lat 57.7, Long 1.2

10.15am: a/c N52½ W. Commenced 15 min zig zagging 127 rev.

11.30am: Closed steamer Fantoft. Stopped. Lowered seaboat, circled(?).

12.10pm: Stopped & hoisted seaboat.

4.35pm: Courses as requisite. to investigate trawler (A 175 Ocean Queen)

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17 September 1914

At sea

Lat 57.7, Long 2.0

7.00am: Course and speed as requisite for boarding SS Bretagne. Lowered sea boat.

8.00am: Picked up sea boat.

8.15am: Proceeded S33W(?) 110 Revs.

9.30am: Stopped: dropped target. Course & speed as requisite for gunnery practice.

12.20pm: Picked up target.

3.27pm: Lowered sea boat for investigation of Danish cargo steamer Snorvaldsen.

4.12pm: Hoisted seaboat.

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18 September 1914

At sea

Lat 56.7, Long 0.8

10.00am: Exercised General Quarters.

6.00pm: a/c as req. to investigate steamer.

8.10pm: a/c N65W to avoid steamer.

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19 September 1914

At sea

Lat 56.7, Long 0.6

10.14am: as required to investigate steamer Else of Allburg(?)

(Signature of Captain)

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20 September 1914

At sea and at Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

4.55am: Land sighted on Port bow.

7.55am: came to with Port anchor 6 shackles in 17½ fathoms in A berth.

8.30am: 6 Ratings joined ship.

10.00am: Roman Catholics arrived on board for service.

10.30am: HMS Africa arrived and anchored.

2.45pm: HMS King Alfred arrived and anchored.

5.05pm: Collier alongside.

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21 September 1914

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.30am: Commenced coaling.

9.15am: Vanguard arrived and anchored.

10.00am: 1 rating joined from Cyclops.

2.40pm: Finished coaling.

4.00pm: 1 Rating joined ship from Inflexible.

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22 September 1914

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.40am: Latona arrived and anchored.

9.40am: Bellerophon arrived and anchored.

12 Noon Bellerophon proceeded.

4.55pm: Drake arrived and anchored.

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23 September 1914

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.30am: Duncan, London proceeded.

10.30am: Naiad proceeded.

11.00am: Destroyer flotilla arrived.

5.20pm: Boadicea arrived.

6.00pm: Thetis arrived.

6.05pm: Discharged 6 fitters to Cyclops.

6.30pm: Iron Duke arrived.

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24 September 1914

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.15am: 1st, 2nd, and 4th Battle squadrons arrived.

8.25am: 1st Light Cruiser Squadron arrived.

12 noon 1 S.P.O. joined from hospital.

1.55pm: Boadicea arrived.

4.00pm: Received 10 boxes 3 pdr ammunition from Skipjack.

5.00pm: Received 3 pdr gun from Cyclops.

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25 September 1914

Scapa Flow and at sea

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

11.30am: 3rd Battle squadron arrived and anchored.

5.20pm: Weighed and proceeded as req. out of harbour.

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26 September 1914

Scapa Flow to Faroe(?) Is

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

1.00pm: Came to with starb anchor 7 shackles in 18½ fms.

2.30pm: Consul visited Admiral.

2.40pm: Consul left with Admiral.

4.03pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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27 September 1914

At sea

Lat 62.8, Long -4.0

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28 September 1914

At sea

Lat 60.8, Long -4.7

9.30am: Land on port bow.

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29 September 1914

At sea

Lat 57.9, Long 3.7

5.10am: Challenged HMS Birmingham.

8.50am: Sighted 1st BCS and LCS.

10.45am: Course & speed as req. to close Pedro Christian of Stockholm.

1.00pm: Read Warrants No 15, 16, 17 and 18.

7.30pm: Challenged HMS Drake.

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30 September 1914

At sea

Lat 57.8, Long 5.0

6.22pm: In station astern of 1st BCS.


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1 October 1914

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.20am: Came to with starb. anchor 21 fathoms 6 shackles.

8.50am: Commenced coaling.

3.00pm: Discharged 3 Ratings to hospital ship Rotulla.

6.00pm: HMS Fisgard II arrived.

6.20pm: Finished coaling.

7.00pm: Discharged 1 rating to Hospital ship Rotulla.

4caf870acadfd34197018f94: (

2 October 1914

Scapa Flow and at sea

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.40am: Discharged 2 Dockyard electricians and 3 contractor’s men.

1.55pm: Half speed ahead (12 kts). Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving harbour and navigating swept channels.

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3 October 1914

At sea

Lat 61.7, Long 0.8

From 3-12 October, Invincible was At sea, patrolling to the NNE of the Shetland Islands, zigzagging much of the time.

5.45am: Sighted SS Alsatian

4.14pm: a/c to starboard to avoid black object.

4.15pm: Stopped. Full astern. Fire 2 4” shells and maxim at object.

4.25pm: Proceeded.

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4 October 1914

At sea

Lat 61.3, Long 1.3

2.05am: Sighted steamer with lights on horizon WSW.

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5 October 1914

At sea

Lat 61.5, Long 0.5

3.35pm: Sighted Teutonic N62E.

8.30pm: Observed searchlight S10E.

10.00pm: Mr Robert Connolly, Gunner T. was informed that the Captain considered his consumption of alcohol for the month of September was excessive and that his wine bill was stopped

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6 October 1914

At sea

Lat 61.4, Long 0.5

5.47am: Course & speed as req. to investigate SS Felicana.

7.48am: Course & speed as req. for investigating Russian schooner.

10.30am: Connected up aft Conning tower steering gear.

1.40pm: Dropped target, carried out sub-calibre practice.

3.30pm: Picked up target.

8.30pm: Night Defence Stations. Dropped target – carried out night firing from 4” and A & Y turrets subcalibre.

9.30pm: Pick up target.

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7 October 1914

At sea

Lat 61.5, Long 0.5

5.15am: Commenced zigzagging 8.5 kts

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8 October 1914

At sea

Lat 61.5, Long 0.5

4.22pm: Sighted HMS Latona. a/c to close Latona.

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9 October 1914

At sea

Lat 61.5, Long 0.5

9.50am: Course & speed as req. for closing Teutonic.

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10 October 1914

At sea

Position unclear/incorrect.

4.00pm: Read Warrant No 21.

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11 October 1914

At sea

Position unclear/incorrect.

3.45pm: Sighted SS Teutonic.

5.00pm: Teutonic took station astern.

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12 October 1914

At sea

Lat 59.7, Long -5.8

4.50pm: S.S. Teutonic took station ahead 1 mile.

4:54pm: Inflexible took station astern 4 cables.

5.30pm: Teutonic returned to Northern patrol

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13 October 1914

At sea & Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.55am: Came to with starb. anchor 6 shackles in 20½ fathoms.

8.30am: Minesweeping flotilla arrived.

8.30am: Discharged 2 ERA (Engine Room Artificers) to RNB, 1 foreman and 10 Electrical fitters to dockyard (Portsmouth).

9.15am: Commenced coaling.

10.00am: Discharged 2 cases to Rotulla.

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14 October 1914

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.15am: Cast off collier. King Edward VIII and Dominion arrived.

9.30am: 2 ERAs joined ship.

3.20pm: 1 signal rating joined from hospital ship.

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15 October 1914

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.40am: HMS Exmouth arrived.

8.00am: Landing party landed for route march. Lieut. Levenson RNR and contractor’s men discharged to shore.

1.30pm: Party landed for route march.

5.20pm: Discharged 1 ERA (?) to S.S. Cambria.

6.45pm: 2 RFR men discharged to HMS Inflexible.

7.45pm: 2 RNR men joined ship from Inflexible.

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16 October 1914

Scapa Flow & at sea

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.00am: 1st and 4th Battle squadron and Blonde weighed and proceeded.

9.50am: Party landed for route march.

1.15pm: Gave special leave from 1:30 until 4pm.

6.45pm: Secured 4 colliers alongside.

8.30pm: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

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17 October 1914

At sea

Lat 59.5, Long -4.7

3.09am: Cape Wrath abeam.

4.40am: Sighted Bute Lt N87W.

5.15am: a/c to avoid steamer.

9.30am: Dropped target. Carried out aiming rifle practice from starb. 4”.

10.30am: Ceased fire. Closed Inflexible.

5.20pm: a/c 16 pts to port to close Sappho.

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18 October 1914

At sea

Lat 56.6, Long -7.3

7.18am: Stopped. Lowered seaboat to receive two ratings from Sappho.

2.08pm: Sighted land on starboard bow S10ºE.

3.45pm: Inflexible took station astern.

8.57pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing Inflexible.

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19 October 1914

At sea

Lat 60.3, Long -3.8

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20 October 1914

At sea and at Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

6.25am: Stopped both. Came to with port anchor 7½ fms, 5 shackles.

8.12am: Commenced coaling.

10.00am: Received 400 gallons of oil.

1.45pm: Finished coaling.

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21 October 1914


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

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22 October 1914

Cromarty and at sea

Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

2.53am: Lt. C. Shore, Lt. Sandford left ship in steam trawler.

10.30am: Discharged one non-cot medical case to Drina.

1.20pm: Store ship Calder alongside.

11.34pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

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23 October 1914

At sea

Lat 58.2, Long 0.6

9.45am: Streamed Patent Log.

5.30pm: Destroyers took station astern.

(Captain’s signature)

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24 October 1914

At sea

Lat 57.7, Long 2.7

5.00pm: Destroyers took station astern.

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25 October 1914

At sea

Lat 54.8, Long 5.5

5.25am: Action stations.

5.40am: Destroyers took station ahead.

8.10am: Sighted HMS Fearless and destroyers.

8.20am: HMS Fearless and destroyers took station astern.

9.05am: Sighted enemy seaplane ESE (magnetic).

9.45am: Sighted Arethusa, Undaunted, destroyers and 2 seaplane carriers.

5.30pm: Destroyers took station astern.

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26 October 1914

At sea

Lat 58.9, Long 1.0

4.30pm: Destroyers took station.

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27 October 1914

At sea and Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

6.04am: Came to with port anchor 5 shackles in 7 fathoms.

7.51am: Commenced coaling.

1.19pm: Weighed and shifted to No 19 berth.

3.30pm: Lt Lloyd RNR joined ship.

6.49pm: Finished coaling.

8.15pm: 1 RNR & 1 ERA joined ship.

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28 October 1914


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

9.00am: Provisioning ship - store ship Norman alongside.

10.00am: Received 12 pdr high angle gun.

11.00am: Store ship Mersey and trawler Winchester alongside.

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29 October 1914


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

7.10am: S.S. Chesterfield alongside with stores.

9.30am: Hospital ship Drina left harbour.

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30 October 1914


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

8.50am: Landed party for route march.

11.45am: Landing party returned.

4.20pm: HMS Sapphire arrived and anchored.

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31 October 1914


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

8.40am: Landed party for route march.

11.30am: Landing party returned.

1.30pm: Party of marines landed for exercise.

2.30pm: 6 dockyard men left ship. 4 electricians and 6 armourers ? joined ship from RNB Portsmouth.

3.50pm: Marine landing party returned.

4.25pm: HMS New Zealand came out of dock.

(Signature of Captain)


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1 November 1914:


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

Note: The Battle of Coronel took place on this day off the coast of Chile. This battle has major implications for the Invincible (and her sister Inflexible) during November and December.

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2 November 1914


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

8.05am: Captain C.M. de Bartelomé left ship.

7.10pm: 25 RFR stokers joined ship from RNB Portsmouth.

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3 November 1914


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

10.00am: Captain Beamish joined ship.

2.10pm: Weighed. Proceeded out of harbour with 1st B.C. Squadron

8.05pm: Came to with port anchor 5 shackles in 7 fathoms.

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4 November 1914


Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

7.15am: Collier Restormel (?) secured alongside.

9.04am: Commenced coaling.

11.15am: Finished coaling. Received 400 tons.

12.15pm: HMS Southampton arrived.

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5 November 1914

Cromarty and at sea

Lat 57.7, Long -4.1

Note: On this day, the Admiralty made the decision to send Invincible and Inflexible to the South Atlantic with the aim of intercepting the German cruiser squadron under Admiral Spee which had defeated a Royal Navy force at the Battle of Coronel on 1 November.

8.40am: Store packet Cossack alongside

12 Noon Rear Admiral Sir A.G.W. Moore left ship with staff for HMS New Zealand.

6.55pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

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6 November 1914

Cromarty to Plymouth

Lat 57.8, Long -8.7

5.38am: Bute of Lewis abeam.

7.00pm: Altered course as requisite to investigate steamer – HMS Mantua.

10.00pm: HMS Conqueror steering NE.

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7 November 1914

Cromarty to Devonport

Lat 51.8, Long -10.7

1.55am: Sighted Black Rk S21E.

2.20pm: Fastnet Rk ? S by E.

7.48pm: Searchlight N29E.

(Captain’s signature)

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8 November 1914


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4.23am: Parted company from Inflexible.

6.26am: Course and speed as req. for entering harbour.

7.15am: Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms

8.40am: Weighed. Proceeded as req. to No 1 buoy.

9.00am: Stopped. Secured to No 1 buoy.

10.08am: Discharged 3 ratings to Stonehouse Hospital.

12.49pm: Slipped. Proceeded up harbour.

1.11pm: Came to with Starboard anchor.

1.57pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite up harbour – entered lock.

4.00pm: Sub Lieutenant (E) McMullen, Mr ? Clerk and ? Pay RNR joined ship. Captain RMLI, 30 RNR stokers, 10 Admirals staff , 1 RNVR writer and Captain Marines servant joined ship.

5.30pm: Entered dock.

8.15pm: 3 ratings joined ship.

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9 November 1914


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

4.00pm: 2 Ratings joined ship from Devonport Barracks.

7.55pm: Flooded dock.

8.00pm: Mr Montague, Reid, Morse, MacEwan, Paul, Pullock & O'Callaghan joined ship.

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10 November 1914


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

8.00am: Received 2 cases of confidential books.

9.00am: Discharged 4 acting gunners (T) to HMS Vernon.

2.30pm: 1 chief yeoman, 1 yeoman of signals and 1 Sgt & 4 marines joined ship.

8.30pm: Ship left No 9 dock.

10.30pm: ? alongside coaling jetty.

10.30pm: 17 ratings joined ship from RN barracks Portsmouth.

11.45pm: Commenced coaling.

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11 November 1914

Devonport and at sea

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

9.00am: Escort returned on board with 3 leave breakers.

11.00am: Finished coaling.

11.00am: 3 Ratings joined from barracks. 4 Privates RMLI joined from barracks.

4.00pm: 3 Stokers 2nd class joined ship.

8.33pm: Dugard Lt N61W

8.37pm: Pendmais Lt N28W. Lizard Lt N61W.

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12 November 1914

At sea, on passage to South Atlantic

Lat 46.5, Long -7.7

12.50am: Ushant Lt S30ºE.

3.05am: Inflexible bore(?) NNW.

8.20am: Passed Staines(?) Coy steamer (NE).

9.15am: SS Glenapie steering NNE & 7miles dist.

11.20am: Stopped Greek steamer Vasilof Georgio (NE). Sighted Spanish steamer SS Beimeo(?) of Bilbao.

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13 November 1914

At sea, Devonport to Cape Verde Islands

Lat 40.8, Long -12.3

2.15am: Challenged SS Mordent of Leith bound for Genoa via Lisbon.

5.10pm: Inflexible 4 miles on Starb. beam.

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14 November 1914

At sea, Devonport to Cape Verde Islands

Lat 35.5, Long -16.3

9.18am: Reduced to halt. Dropped target. Carried out firing rifle practice with turrets and 4”.

10.45am: Finished practice.

1.35pm: Sighted White Star Lines Corinthic of Liverpool.

(Signature of Captain)

4caf870bcadfd34197018fc2: (

15 November 1914

At sea, Devonport to Cape Verde Islands

Lat 29.6, Long -19.7

1.31am: a/c as req. to investigate Dutch steamer.

12.35pm: Altered course to investigate Dutch cargo steamer Sliedrecht steering ENE.

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16 November 1914

At sea, Devonport to Cape Verde Islands

Lat 23.9, Long -21.9

2.13pm: Inflexible N13ºW.

7.36pm: Examined SS Malange bound for Lisbon.

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17 November 1914

At sea and at Cape Verde Islands

Lat 18.2, Long -24.5

10.00am: Commenced ranging exercises.

2.20pm: Sighted S. Antonio Point S55ºW

5.17pm: Came to with Port anchor 6 shackles in 15 fms.

8.33pm: Commenced coaling.

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18 November 1914

St Vincent, Cape Verde Islands, and at sea

Lat 16.8, Long -25.0

9.00am: Discharged 1 rating to Inflexible. 1 Rating joined from Inflexible.

2.45pm: Finished coaling.

4.00pm: Discharged I writer RNVR for duties at consulate.

5.05pm: Armed merchantman Victorian sailed.

6.10pm: Proceeded as req. out of harbour, Inflexible in company.

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19 November 1914

At sea, Cape Verde Islands to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat 13.2, Long -26.3

11.05am: Sighted merchant steamer N35W 15 miles. Co & speed as requisite for closing.

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20 November 1914

At sea, Cape Verde Islands to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat 8.3, Long -27.6

9.45pm: Sub calibre practice - Inflexible towing target.

2.20pm: Dropped target

4.38pm: Inflexible 10000 yds on port beam.

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21 November 1914

At sea, Cape Verde Islands to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat 3.7, Long -30.7

10.00am: H.M. King Neptune held his court. Carried out customary rites for a ship crossing the line.

1.00pm: Inflexible SbyE.

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22 November 1914

At sea, Cape Verde Islands to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -1.4, Long -33.6

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23 November 1914

At sea, Cape Verde Islands to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -5.3, Long -33.7

2.40am: Sighted Rocas I Light S78ºE.

2.04pm: Inflexible N 73E - 26000 yds.

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24 November 1914

At sea, Cape Verde Islands to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -10.2, Long -34.0

12.15pm: Course & speeds as requisite for closing merchant vessel sighted.

4.00pm: Courses & speeds as requisite for range finding exercises.

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25 November 1914

At sea, Cape Verde Islands to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -14.7, Long -36.8

8.10am: Stopped, lowered seaboat. Examined steamer (SS Vesuvio, Genoa Italy).

1.30pm: Sighted Danish steamer a/c as necessary for closing.

7.50pm: Signalled to Pennsylvania of Copenhagen

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26 November 1914

At sea and at Abrolhos Rocks (Brazil, north of Rio de Janeiro)

Lat -18.0, Long -38.7

3.00am: Sighted C. Abrolhos N85W.

5.15am: Sighted HMS Kent.

7.31am: Stopped.

10.30am: 1 W/T rating discharged to Defence. 1 W/T rating joined ship from Defence.

1.50pm: Defence weighed and proceeded.

2.30pm: Disembarking provisions and stores. Preparing for coaling.

4.50pm: Collier Arlington Court alongside.

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27 November 1914

Abrolhos Rocks, Brazil

Lat -18.0, Long -38.7

7.05am: Commenced coaling.

8.50am: HMS Glasgow weighed and proceeded.

10.28am: HMS Cornwall arrived and anchored.

1.05pm: HMS Orama weighed & proceeded to relieve Glasgow.

2.15pm: Glasgow arrived and anchored.

6.00pm: 2nd Picket Boat smashed rudder post.

10.00pm: Finished coaling. Replacing gear & sweeping down

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28 November 1914

Abrolhos Rocks and at sea

Lat -18.5, Long -38.7

7.05am: SS Orama arrived.

10.10am: Weighed.

4.30pm: HM Ships Cornwall, Inflexible, Glasgow spread as No 1 diagram.

(Captain’s signature)

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29 November 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Falkland Islands

Lat -22.6, Long -37.7

7.45pm: Sighted SS Milepool.

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30 November 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Falkland Islands

Lat -25.9, Long -40.6

3.30pm: Action stations. Courses and speeds as req for firing 2 practice from each gun and 2 practice for calibration purposes at target towed by Inflexible, & for Inflexible carrying out a similar practice

7.34pm: Wire foul of propellers. Sent divers down to clear wire from starboard outer propeller.


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1 December 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Falkland Islands

Lat -28.0, Long -42.6

12.30am: Clearing wire round propellers.

2.20am: Wire partly cleared.

4.40pm: Bristol ordered to close.

4.53pm: Stopped - lowered seaboat. Sent to Bristol for correspondence.

5.13pm: Hauled sea boat - I/2 speed ahead

4caf870bcadfd34197018fd3: (

2 December 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Falkland Islands

Lat -30.7, Long -46.5

11.25am: Passed Lamport Holt Line, steering NNE.

4.00pm: Commenced range finding exercise.

4.20pm: Finished exercise.

4caf870bcadfd34197018fd4: (

3 December 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Falkland Islands

Lat -34.6, Long -48.8

10.15am: Sighted HMM Cruiser Macedonia.

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4 December 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Falkland Islands

Lat -38.7, Long -51.3

4.30am: Aired stokers' bedding

True Bearing and Distance: P. Stanley S19W 835

(Signature of Captain)

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5 December 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Falkland Islands

Lat -42.8, Long -53.0

5.25am: Thick haze. Doubled lookouts.

7.40am: Clearer – observed Inflexible.

2.45pm: Lowered Forbes Log.

4.45pm: Thick fog. Closed watertight doors - placed lookouts.

5.15pm: Fog lifted.

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6 December 1914

At sea and at Falkland Islands (Port Stanley)

Lat -47.8, Long -55.3

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7 December 1914

Falkland Islands

Lat -51.69, Long -57.83

6.55am: Sighted land bearing S26ºW.

10.26am: Came to with Port anchor 5 shackles in 8½ fms.

10.30am: Diver examining propeller. Preparing for coaling etc

4.00pm: Divers clearing propeller.

6.20pm: 1 Leading & 3 stokers joined ship from Canopus.

4caf870bcadfd34197018fd9: (

8 December 1914

Falkland Islands and at sea

Lat -51.8, Long -57.0

The battle described on this day is the Battle of the Falkland Islands. Useful references for this battle are: Robert. K. Massie, 2004, Castles of steel, multiple publishers; and Geoffrey Bennett, 1962, Coronel and the Falklands, multiple publishers.

5.10am: Collier Trelawny alongside.

6.05am: Commenced coaling. Divers clearing starb. propeller.

8.00am: Strange vessels reported from Sappers Hill look out Station on horizon to southward.

8.20am: Stopped coaling & unrigged collier.

8.30am: Action stations.

9.00am: Enemy in sight off Port William.

9.15am: Cast off collier.

9.22am: Canopus opened fire.

10.00am: Weighed and proceeded at full speed, course as req. for leaving Port William and proceeding in chase of German squadron, now observed to consist of Scharnhorst (flagship of Admiral Count von Spee), Gneisenau, Nuremburg, Dresden and Leipzig. The following ships also under way, Carnarvon, Cornwall, Kent, Glasgow, Bristol, Macedonia.

12.55pm: Inflexible opened fire.

12.57pm: Invincible opened fire.

1.25pm: Enemy’s light cruisers observed to spread to starb.

1.35pm: Scharnhorst and Gneisenau altered course to port ? lines and came into action.

2.45pm: Observed full rigged ship steering about N (true).

4.00pm: Scharnhorst hauls out of line and lists to starb.

4.17pm: Scharnhorst sinks. The Carnarvon now in company and engaged later. Cornwall, Kent, Glasgow and Bristol engaging enemy’s light cruisers, but not in sight.

6.00pm: Gneisenau stopped and listing to starb.

6.02pm: Gneisenau sinks. Invincible, Inflexible and Carnarvon proceeded at full speed to pick up survivors.

7.30pm: Proceeded S56½ W – 18 kts.

4caf870bcadfd34197018fda: (

9 December 1914

At sea

Lat -54.6, Long -61.9

Number on sick list: 11

1.20am: Searched ship for fire – correct.

2.45am: Searched ship for fire – correct.

8.40am: Cleaning up decks etc. Carpenters and shipwrights repairing shot holes etc.

9.50am: Stopped Port. Funeral service for dead German sailors.

1.00pm: Clearing away wreckage.

6.55pm: Smoke N55ºE.

7.30pm: Sighted cruiser – HMS Bristol.

9.10pm: a/c for investigating whales.

4caf870bcadfd34197018fdb: (

10 December 1914

At sea

Lat -50.7, Long -62.8

2.25pm: Sighted Jason Is bearing S43E.

5.25pm: Sighted Bristol green 40, 20 miles.

5.30pm: Land sighted along starboard side.

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11 December 1914

At sea and at Port Stanley

Lat -51.69, Long -57.83

6.45am: Let go Port anchor moored ship – 6 on each ~9 fms.

10.00am: Getting up empty cordite cases - diving party overhauling waterline.

12.30pm: Distributing ammunition. Diving party examining ship’s side. Band landed for funeral party ashore.

6.30pm: HMS Carnarvon arrived and anchored.

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12 December 1914

Port Stanley

Lat -51.69, Long -57.83

5.00am: Getting up empty ammunition cases etc.

8.00am: Diving party at ship's side.

11.55am: HM merchant cruiser Orama arrived and anchored.

12.15pm: Received H.E. the Governor of the Falkland Is

1.30pm: Read warrant No 28. Disembarking cordite cases. Diving party at ship's side.

2.55pm: H.E. the Governor left ship. Fired salute 17 guns.

5.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to Inflexible.

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13 December 1914

Port Stanley

Lat -51.69, Long -57.83

5.35am: HMS Bristol weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

6.00am: Diving party doing repairs etc.

7.00am: Received German prisoners from Inflexible (51 men, 10 officers).

8.30am: Inflexible weighed and proceeded.

9.30am: HMS Glasgow weighed and proceeded.

9.40am: Discharged 61 prisoners to Crown of Galicia.

5.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to Kent.

(Captain’s signature)

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14 December 1914

Port Stanley

Lat -51.69, Long -57.83

10.45am: Discharged German prisoners to Macedonia.

3.05pm: Macedonia sailed.

5.40pm: Collier Royal Transport secured alongside.

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15 December 1914

Port Stanley

Lat -51.69, Long -57.83

4.00am: Commenced coaling.

10.30pm: Finished coaling. Received 2200 tons.

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16 December 1914

Port Stanley and at sea

Lat -51.69, Long -57.83

9.00am: 1 cot case arrived from hospital.

2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

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17 December 1914

At sea, Port Stanley to Montevideo

Lat -47.7, Long -57.3

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18 December 1914

At sea, Port Stanley to Montevideo

Lat -42.7, Long -56.8

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19 December 1914

At sea, Port Stanley to Montevideo

Lat -37.3, Long -55.7

3.15pm: SS Zero of London bound for Liverpool.

6.40pm: Sighted full rigged ship (red 40).

11.45pm: Lobos I. Lt abeam (N48E).

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20 December 1914

At sea and at Montevideo

Lat -34.9, Long -56.2

4.35am: Flores I. abeam.

5.55am: Stopped. Came to with starb. anchor.

8.00am: Fired salute 21 guns. Vice Consul visited ship.

10.15am: British Minister visited ship.

2.00pm: Quarter of beef lost overboard.

7.45pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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21 December 1914

At sea, Monte Video to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -35.5, Long -53.0

12.15am: Lobos Lt abeam.

2.35pm: Sighted smoke red 5. (SS Ague, London, bound to St Vincent from Monte Video.)

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22 December 1914

At sea, Monte Video to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -34.7, Long -47.6

8.48am: Lowered seaboat to investigate Palmer.

Multiple sailing vessels sighted during the day.

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23 December 1914

At sea, Monte Video to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -30.3, Long -44.9

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24 December 1914

At sea, Monte Video to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -25.6, Long -42.6

5.30pm: Read warrant No 30.

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25 December 1914

At sea, Monte Video to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -21.0, Long -39.7

1.31pm: Sighted land red 60.

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26 December 1914

At sea and at Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.0, Long -38.7

2.19am: Sighted glare of Abrolhos Lt N25½ E.

5.27am: Came to with port anchor

8.55am: HMS Canopus arrived and anchored.

10.15am: Commenced coaling.

4.30pm: Discharged 1 corporal marines to HMS Canopus.

11.00pm: Finished coaling, cast off collier.

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27 December 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Pernambuco

Lat -17.6, Long -38.0

1.35am: William Laney, Stoker 1st class died.

Note: William Laney, Stoker 1st class, K 19409 (Po), died of illness.

5.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.35am: Dutch steamer Sakand from Buenos Aires to Amsterdam approximately east.

4.00pm: Performed divine service.

4.14pm: Stopped both. Committed to the deep the body of William Laney, stoker 1st class in Lat 16º 41’S Long 37º 34’W.

5.47pm: Stopped. Lowered seaboat & boarded SS Sute from Cape Verde to Monte Video, cargo salt.

9.05pm: Course as requisite for speaking SS Boston for Santes(?)

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28 December 1914

At sea, Abrolhos Rocks to Pernambuco

Lat -12.7, Long -36.2

1.10am: Sighted ship (without lights) on port bow red 30.

1.15am: Course & speed as req to close. "Action Stations". Challenged stranger (SS Celtic).

Stores, wire destroyed during action Dec 8 by enemy's shell fire, heat from damaged ford. funnel & the blast of ships turrets which were constantly fired on extreme bearings. Flags Sig - 12 in no. Brooms hair 7 in no; Fire Buckets 6 - Blocks wood 5 - Hatchet 1 - Clocks Deck 3 - Claw Iron 1 - Coaling whips 4 & coaling ropes 11 - life buoys 8 - megaphone 2 - Fenders hazelwood large 6 - Buckets wood 2 - Fenders large 2 small 1 - Brooms Boss 20 - Coal shoots, Searchlight cases 2, gun cases 3 - life buoys 8.

2.40pm: Smoke sighted green 80

4.35pm: Courses & speeds as req for closing steamer.

5.00pm: Stopped lowered seaboat. Investigated Bielaye-Mondi of Bilbao bound from Newport to Rosario(?) with coal.

5.35pm: Hoisted seaboat.

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29 December 1914

At sea and at Pernambuco (Recife)

Lat -8.05, Long -34.86

10.15am: Co & speed as req for entering Pernambuco.

11.08am: Came to with port anchor

4.25pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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30 December 1914

At sea, Pernambuco to St Vincent

Lat -5.0, Long -36.2

12.30pm: Sounding with machine every 5 mins.

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31 December 1914

At sea, Pernambuco to St Vincent

Lat -1.3, Long -35.2

6.15am: Boarded steamer Byron of Liverpool with mails and passengers from New York to Buenos Aires.


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1 January 1915

At sea, Pernambuco to St Vincent

Lat 3.8, Long -32.8

4.10pm: Read warrant no 30.

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2 January 1915

At sea, Pernambuco to St Vincent

Lat 8.7, Long -29.8

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3 January 1915

At sea, Pernambuco to St Vincent

Lat 13.5, Long -26.7

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4 January 1915

At sea and at St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.01

6.26am: Came to with 6 shackles in 12 fms.

8.00am: Preparing ship for coaling. Collier Indiana alongside.

8.15am: Lighter alongside with cordite.

9.20am: HMS Highflyer entered harbour.

1.00pm: Ammunitioning ship.

5.00pm: Governor of St Vincent visited ship. Fired salute 17 guns

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5 January 1915

St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.01

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

9.30am: SS Marmora armed liner arrived and anchored.

5.10pm: SS Empress of Britain armed liner arrived and anchored.

8.10pm: Finished coaling.

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6 January 1915

St Vincent and at sea

Lat 16.9, Long -25.01

10.00am: 2 acting warrant officers, 1 C.P.O., 1 stoker & 1 ? prisoner joined ship.

3.18pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speeds as req. for leaving harbour.

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7 January 1915

At sea, St Vincent to Gibraltar

Lat 20.8, Long -22.0

1.38am: a/c to close British steamer SS Penveran.

2.00pm: Full speed trial No 6 Boiler room.

4.15pm: Read warrants No 32, 33.

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8 January 1915

At sea, St Vincent to Gibraltar

Lat 25.5, Long -17.8

8.00am: Altered Walker log to correspond with Forbes log.

10.45pm: Maspalomas Lt N35E.

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9 January 1915

At sea, St Vincent to Gibraltar

Lat 29.7, Long -13.5

12.20am: Isla Palmas light abeam.

1.25am: Areynaga Lt Abeam.

4.05am: Fuerte Ventura Lt: abeam.

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10 January 1915

At sea, St Vincent to Gibraltar

Lat 33.7, Long -8.7

2.05am: Sighted steamer green 40 going southward.

1.30pm: Carried out steam trial in No 2 stokeholds.

7.30pm: Finished steam trial.

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11 January 1915

At sea and at Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

3.15am: Cape Spartel Light N84E.

8.40am: HMS Inconstant passed leaving harbour.

8.50am: HMS Penelope passed leaving harbour.

9.35am: Made fast alongside S Mole abreast No 4 shed.

11.45am: Discharged 7 cases to hospital.

12.20pm: HMS Prince George berthed alongside mole.

2.30pm: French commodore came on board.

2.30pm: Calgarian armed liner left mole and proceeded to sea.

5.30pm: Made fast in dock, shores placed and gate shut.

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12 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

9.20am: HMS Amphitrite left dock.

11.15am: H.E. The Governor came on board.

12.30am: H.E. the Governor left ship.

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13 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

9.30am: Discharged 2 acting warrant officers to HMS Prince George.

11.00am: Discharged 1 stoker rating to hospital.

12.27pm: HMS Prince George ? berth and anchored alongside detached mole.

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14 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

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15 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

6.00pm: HMS Caesar arrived.

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16 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

7.30am: French Cruiser Cassard slipped and proceeded.

10.00am: HMS Amphitrite proceeded.

2.10pm: Read No 36 warrant.

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17 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

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18 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

11.15am: Discharged 3 men to hospital.

5.00pm: Read warrant No 38.

5.00pm: HMS Inflexible proceeded outside breakwater.

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19 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

11.30am: Patrol returned with 1 absentee (Inflexible).

1.00pm: Discharged absentee from Inflexible to Cormorant.

9.20pm: 2 absentees from Inflexible discharged to Cormorant.

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20 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

5.30pm: Read warrants 40 & 41.

10.30pm: Patrol returned with 1 absentee.

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21 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

Lost overboard 22.12.14 ? small patt. 332.

9.45am: HMS Caesar shifted berth.

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22 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

5.30pm: Discharged 1 C.P.O. to Penelope.

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23 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

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24 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

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25 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

9.00am: HMS Argonaut entered dock.

1.25pm: 3 stokers and 1 marine discharged to detention.

1.30pm: Read warrants no 42, 43, 44.

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26 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

9.00am: Section of marines landed for drill.

5.00pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

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27 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

10.30am: Discharged 2 cot cases to hospital.

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28 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

9.10am: HMS Cordelia arrived.

1.00pm: Lieutenant R.H.E.M.P. de Lisle joined ship.

2.00pm: Discharged 3 ratings to hospital.

3:30pm: Vice Admiral Sir Doveton Sturdee KCB, CVO, CMG left ship, with Paymaster C.S. Johnson, secretary, Lt. R. Blake, Commander E.B.S. Bingham, and Clerk Duckworth.

5.00pm: Read warrants No 46 & 47.

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29 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

2.45am: HMS Vengeance arrived.

8.55am: HM merchant cruiser Carmania arrived.

9.00am: HMS Sapphire arrived.

10.15am: HMMC Calgarian arrived.

2.30pm: Four artificer boys joined ship.

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30 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

8.20am: HMS Dartmouth arrived.

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31 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38


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1 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

5.40pm: HMS Bacchante arrived.

6.00pm: HMS Cornwallis proceeded.

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2 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

12.20pm: HMS Baccante sailed.

5.00pm: 1 rating joined ship from hospital.

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3 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

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4 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

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5 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

2.45pm: Flooded dock.

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6 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

10.50am: HMS Cornwall proceeded.

11.15am: HMMC Calgarian proceeded.

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7 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

10.00am: HMS Diana arrived.

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8 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

8.00am: Ammunitioning ship.

1.00pm: Read Warrant No 52.

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9 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

4.00am: Ammunitioning and cleaning ship.

7.40am: HMS Caesar proceeded out of harbour.

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10 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

7.30am: Slipped from jetty and proceeded to detached mole.

8.55am: Collier Calcutta secured alongside.

9.15am: HMS Queen Elizabeth arrived.

10.00am: Commenced coaling.

11.15am: Spanish dreadnought Espana anchored in Algeciras Bay.

7:30pm: Finished coaling for night.

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11 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38


6.00am: Recommenced coaling.

10.10am: Finished coaling.

1.00pm: Collier Calcutta shoved off.

2.15pm: HMS Pelorus arrived and anchored.

4.20pm: HMS Queen Elizabeth arrived.

6.10pm: Read Warrant No 53.

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12 February 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

6.40am: HMS Pelorus proceeded.

1.25pm: HMS Euryalus entered harbour.

5.35pm: HMS Pelorus entered.

(Signature of Captain Beamish)

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13 February 1915

Gibraltar and at sea

Lat 36.15, Long -5.38

3.10am: HMS Cordelia proceeded out of harbour.

6.40am: HMS Pelorus proceeded.

10.15am: French man o’ war Fuant(?) entered harbour.

2.05pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour.

4.30pm: Read Warrant No 53.

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14 February 1915

At sea, Gibraltar to Scapa Flow

Lat 38.8, Long -11.0

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15 February 1915

At sea, Gibraltar to Scapa Flow

Lat 44.5, Long -11.7

5.00pm: Read Warrants No 56, 57, 58,59.

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16 February 1915

At sea, Gibraltar to Scapa Flow

Lat 49.0, Long -12.0

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17 February 1915

At sea, Gibraltar to Scapa Flow

Lat 53.7, Long -12.2

5.35pm: Sighted and challenged HMS Juno.

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18 February 1915

At sea, Gibraltar to Scapa Flow

Lat 58.5, Long -10.9

4.12pm: Sighted armed boarding ship Eskimo.

4.18pm: a/c towards Eskimo, challenge and demand answered.

11.30pm: Butt of Lewis Lt S?E.

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19 February 1915

At sea and at Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.00am: Course and speed as req. for entering Scapa Flow harbour.

7.30am: Came to with port anchor.

8.10am: Collier Queensgate alongside.

9.30am: Commenced coaling.

5.45pm: Finished coaling.

6.28pm: Collier shoved off.

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20 February 1915

Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.45am: 2nd light cruiser squadron entered harbour.

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.35am: Dropped torpedo target. Co and speeds as req. for torpedo firing.

1.25pm: Stopped. Hoisted on torpedoes and whaler.

2.20pm: Carried out sub-calibre firing from 12” guns and 2 rounds practice from each 4” gun.

3.20pm: Stopped to pick up target.

3.50pm: Came to with port anchor.

5.05pm: HMS Benbow returned and anchored.

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