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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Light Cruiser/old 2nd Class Cruiser, Astraea-class

Launched 17.3.93 Devonport DY. 4,360 tons, 339(oa), 320(pp)x49x17ft. TE 9000ihp, 19.5kts. Armament: 2-6in, 8-4.7in, 8-6pdr, 3-18in tt. Armour: 2in deck, 4.5in guns. Cape and West Africa stations 1914-18. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Cameroons 1914. Sold 1.7.20 Castle, BU in Germany. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Launched 17/3/93, sold for BU 1/7/20, was serving on China Station in 1906, recommissioning at Hong Kong in September 1906, again at Colombo in September 1908 and September 1910. Returned to Home waters at the end of 1911, recommissioning in the 3rd Fleet at the Nore in June 1912. Recommissioned April 1913 for Cape of Good Hope and West Africa Station, where she remained throughout the war. Bombarded Dar-es-Salaam on 8 August 1914 and blockaded the Konigsberg in the Rufiji Delta. Paid off on I July 1919 and sold for BU, but resold and BU in Germany. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

LOG BOOK – APRIL 22nd 1913 TO APRIL 9th 1914

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Log of H.M.S. "Astræa"

Commanded by Captain A.C. Sykes R.N.

For the period commencing Tuesday 22nd of April 1913, ending Thursday 9th of April 1914.

Extreme breath: 49 feet 7.5 inches


Manufacturer: Devonport Dockyard

I.H.P.: 7,000 Natural Draught 9,000 Forced Draught

Description: Triple expansion, three vertical cylinders

When fixed on board: 1892

Boilers: Manufacturer: Devonport Dockyard

Description: Tubular High Cylindrical, Circular Section, Single ended, return tube

When made: 1892

When put in vessel: 1892

Twin screw propeller: Manufacturer: Devonport Dockyard

Description: Admiralty modified Griffiths (each 3 blades)

General state of Repair: Good

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Establishment of Ship's Company:

Officers: 26

Seamen: 111

Boys: 23

Marines: 31

Engine-room establishment: 94

Other non-executive ratings: 42

Total: 327


Mercurial: Adie number 453 one in number

Height of cistern above sea: 8 feet.

Thermometers for Air Temperature:

Position in ship: Fore bridge

Whether in screen: yes

Maker and number:

Negretti and Zambra M.O.A., 8713, from 22/4/13

Negretti and Zambra M.O.A., 7881, from 22/4/13

Thermometers for Sea Temperature:

Maker and number:

Negretti and Zambra M.O.A., 7079, from 22/4/13 to 4/6/13

Negretti and Zambra M.O.A., 9182, from 4/6/13 to 20/11/13

Negretti and Zambra M.O.A., 9181, from 20/11/13

Position of Standard Compass: The fore upper bridge in fore and aft line

Deviation of Standard Compass:

Date obtained: May 2nd 1913, Position: Latitude 51°25'N, Longitude 0°43'E

June 7th 1913


Position, Nature and Number of Guns and Mountings

Fore + quarterdeck, 2 – 6 inch Q.F. C.P.I.

Battery port + starboard, 8 – 4.7 inch Q.F. GII

Battery port + starboard, 8 – 6 pounder Hotchkiss

Fore shelter deck, 1 – 3 pounder Hotchkiss + 1 – 12 pounder 8 cwt Q.F., 4 - .303 Maxims

Torpedo Armament:

2 Broadside training tubes 18 inch

1 Stern tube 18 inch


Number of Men carried, Length and Description

40, 1 – 32 feet Steam Cutter

82, 1 – 32 feet Sailing Pinnace

49 + 49, 2 – 30 feet Cutter

26, 1 – 30 feet Gig

24, 1 – 27 feet Whaler

10 + 10, 2 – 16 feet Skiffs

8, 1 – Balsa Raft

Miscellaneous Information:

Draught of water with Bunkers full, and complete with Provisions, Stores and Water: Forward 20 feet 6 inches, Aft 22 feet 6 inches

Number of Tons necessary to increase draught 1 inch: 26

Number of Tons of Coal Carried (43 cubic feet per ton): With bunkers full 1000 tons

Number of Tons of Oil Fuel Carried: nil

Quantity of Water carried: For Boilers 90 tons, For Drinking 47 tons

[Signed by] Cecil E. Brooke, Lieutenant


JP map Astraea 1913


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22 April 1913

At Chatham

Lat 51.40, Long 0.54

8.45am: Marines arrived from R.M.L.I. barracks

8.45am: Ship's company arrived from Royal Navy barracks

9.00am: Captain A.C. Sykes R.N. commissioned ship

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23 April 1913

At Chatham

Lat 51.40, Long 0.54

10.00am: One stoker petty officer received from Royal Navy barracks

1.20pm: H.M.S. "Lowestoft" launched.

3.00pm: One ordinary seaman received from Royal Navy barracks. One stoker second class discharged to Royal Navy Hospital

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24 April 1913

At Chatham

Lat 51.40, Long 0.54

9.30am: Hands drawing gunner torpedo men, carpenter's and navigation officers stores

1.30pm: Hands employed drawing stores and drawing torpedoes

4.30pm: Paid ship's company

5.30pm: Duty part of watch employed drawing torpedoes

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25 April 1913

At Chatham

Lat 51.40, Long 0.54

8.55am: Ship's company medically examined by surgeon

9.30am: Both watches employed drawing stores and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed overhauling and refitting coaling and main derrick gear

3.00pm: One able bodied seaman discharged to Royal Navy Hospital

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26 April 1913

At Chatham

Lat 51.40, Long 0.54

8.30am: Hands employed drawing stores, cleaning booms and cleaning ship

9.30am: Four rating received from Royal Navy barracks

1.10pm: Starboard watch employed stowing 'target' spare

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27 April 1913

At Chatham

Lat 51.40, Long 0.54

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28 April 1913

At Chatham

Lat 51.40, Long 0.54

10.10am: Commander-in-Chief the Nore, Admiral Sir Richard Poore arrived on board and inspected ship

1.30pm: Hands employed drawing carpenter's stores

3.00pm: One rating received from H.M.S. "Aboukir"

4.15pm: Hands employed hoisting second cutter from jetty

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29 April 1913

At Chatham

Lat 51.40, Long 0.54

8.30am: Hands employed drawing carpenter's stores

9.30am: Captain inspected watertight doors and fittings and tested voice pipe communication

1.30pm: Hands employed drawing stores, fitting bottom lines, picking up rope and preparing for sea

2.30pm: Ship shifted from North wall Number 1 basin to North Lock

4.20pm: Secured to North Lock

Whilst at Chatham the hands have mostly been employed cleaning the ship and as requisite. The starboard and port watches have been alternately granted leave in the afternoon. Routinely fire stations have been exercised. On Sunday a church party has been landed.

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30 April 1913

From Chatham to Sheerness and at sea

Lat 51.41, Long 0.65

8.00am: Slipped from North Lock

8.03am: Proceeded down river Medway

9.00am: Secured to number 8 buoy

Noon: Commenced swinging ship for adjustment of compasses

1.25pm: Completed swinging ship

1.35pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea by Oaze Deep, Knob Channel and South Edinburgh Channel

2.06pm: Working up for full power trial

2.15pm: Commenced full power trial

2.25pm: West Oaze buoy abeam

3.11pm: North East Shingles buoy abeam

3.31pm: Tongue light vessel N30E. Steam trial continued as necessary between Tongue light vessel and 8 miles S60E from Tongue light vessel

5.15pm: Port engine as requisite on account of heated bearing

5.20pm: Tongue light vessel N30E 2 cables. Courses as requisite through South Edinburgh Channel, Knob Channel and Oaze Deep to Sheerness

6.05pm: Knob buoy abeam

6.30pm: West Oaze buoy abeam

7.08pm: Garrison Point abeam

7.28pm: Secured to number 8 buoy

7.40pm: Ammunition lighter secured alongside

11.30pm: One rating received from Royal Navy barracks Chatham


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1 May 1913


Lat 51.44, Long 0.77

6.30am: Hands employed ammunitioning ship

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting coaling gear and ammunitioning ship

5.00pm: Lighter left ship

6.00pm: H.M.S. "London" arrived

6.30pm: Hands employed stowing ammunition

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Records of Observations for Deviation [Sheet is filled in and signed by Cecil E. Brooke, Lieutenant (N)]

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Steering Compasses.

Size and position of Spheres:

Fore Bridge 7¼ inch sphere close up

Conning Tower 7¼ inch sphere close up

After Bridge 8½ inch sphere close up

Hand Wheel 8½ inch sphere close up

Length and position of Flinders Bars:

Fore Bridge 15 inch Flinders

Remainder not yet adjusted, will be on arrival at Cape.

Approved [signature of] A.C. Sykes, captain

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Comparison of Standard with Compasses not recorded on other side. [Sheet is filled in]

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2 May 1913

From Sheerness to Portsmouth and at Sheerness

Lat 51.44, Long 0.77

6.00am: Hands employed stowing ammunition and preparing for coaling

7.40am: Coal lighter arrived and secured alongside

10.25am: Complete with coal, received 100 tons

11.15am: H.M.S. "Implacable" arrived

11.20am: Received three ratings from Royal Navy barracks for passage to Portsmouth

2.00pm: Received three ratings from Royal Navy barracks for passage to Portsmouth

2.30pm: Commenced swinging ship for adjustment of compasses

3.30pm: One rating discharged to Royal Navy barracks Chatham

4.30pm: Completed swinging ship

4.55pm: Slipped

5.00pm: Proceeding to sea through Oaze Deep, Knob Channel and South Edinburgh Channel

5.11pm: Garrison Point abeam

5.37pm: Outer Bar buoy abeam

6.44pm: Knob buoy abeam

7.25pm: North East Shingles buoy abeam

8.05pm: Tongue light vessel N50E

8.29pm: North Foreland lighthouse S85W, North East Spit buoy S20W

9.22pm: Elbow buoy light N30W, North Foreland lighthouse N65W, North Goodwin light S19E

10.09pm: Grill light bearing S52E 2 cables

11.00pm: St. Margaret's buoy N61W 7 cables

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3 May 1913

From Sheerness to Portsmouth and at Portsmouth

Lat 50.80, Long -1.11

12.25am: Folkestone lighthouse N12E, Dungeness lighthouse S74W, Valne lighthouse S27E

1.17am: Dungeness lighthouse abeam 2.2 miles

3.20am: Royal Sovereign light vessel abeam 2.3 miles

7.47am: Owers light vessel N8E 1.4 miles

8.50am: Nab light vessel abeam

9.23am: Stopped

9.25am: Came to with starboard bower

10.30am: Discharged six ratings taking passage to Royal Navy barracks Portsmouth. Anchor bearings Gilkicker Point N45W, right side of Fort Blockhouse N20E, right side of Spit Fort N73E

1.51pm: Weighed

2.00pm: Proceeded

2.45pm: Egypt Point abeam 5 cables

3.33pm: Victoria Fort S3E 3½ cables

3.44pm: Warden buoy abeam

4.00pm: South West Shingles buoy abeam

7.56pm: Bill of Portland lighthouse N4E

11.15pm: Put clocks back 13 minutes

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4 May 1913

From Portsmouth to St. Vincent

Lat 48.29, Long -5.38

3.15am: Put clocks back 14 minutes

3.30am: Hove to, to secure lower boom and secure awning stanchion forecastle

4.25am: Sea swept ordinary seaman, securing awning stanchion, off the forecastle into the sea. Let go three lifebuoys. Stopped ship and went astern. Lowered sea boat.

4.40am: Ordinary seaman picked up by cutter. Hoisted cutter

4.40am to 5.20am: Watch employed securing stanchions

5.30am: Proceeded. Lost overboard one reindeer hair lifebuoy

8.16am: Vierge Island abeam

9.25am: Le Four lighthouse abeam 9 miles

10.25am: Ushant Island lighthouse abeam 4½ miles

4.47pm: Hove to with wind on port bow. Engines as requisite. Secured starboard cable and reshipped lifebuoys

5.32pm: Resumed course

St. Vincent is also known as Sao Vicente.

Ushant is also known as Ouessant.

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5 May 1913

From Portsmouth to St. Vincent

Lat 44.38, Long -8.83

8.30am: Put clocks back 16 minutes

1.30pm: Torpedo gunner's party fitting new gun circuits

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6 May 1913

From Portsmouth to St. Vincent

Lat 39.97, Long -11.97

8.00am: Put clocks back 6 minutes

11.00am: Marines at infantry drill

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7 May 1913

From Portsmouth to St. Vincent

Lat 35.62, Long -14.75

6.15am: Passed S.S. "Armadale Castle" steering NE and communicated by flags

8.15am: Put clocks back 8 minutes

9.00am: Seamen at inspection of small arms

10.40am: Connected up hand wheel and steered with ditto

10.48am: Stopped and disconnected hand wheel and connected up steam steering gear

10.55am: Slow

5.14pm: Slow and as requisite for swinging ship from west, then SW, to south

9.00pm: Connected up conning tower steering gear and steered from ditto

10.00pm: Connected up bridge steering gear

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8 May 1913

From Portsmouth to St. Vincent

Lat 31.18, Long -17.08

2.10am: Sighted Porto Santo lighthouse N82W

2.46am: Porto Santo lighthouse N51W 12.4 miles

3.46am: Sighted Flora lighthouse N81W

6.00am: Agulha Point abeam 5 miles

8.00am: Put clocks back 8 minutes

4.50pm: Dropped both lifebuoys, lowered both sea boats and picked up lifebuoys. Hoisted cutters. Connected up hand wheel, steered from ditto

5.12pm: Connected up steam steering gear. Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for swinging ship from south, then SE, to east

9.00pm: Lost overboard by accident one whistle

9.00pm to 10.00pm: Steered ship from conning tower

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9 May 1913

From Portsmouth to St. Vincent

Lat 26.77, Long -19.42

5.15am: Hierro Island on port beam

8.00am: Put clocks back 8 minutes

9.00pm to 10.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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10 May 1913

From Portsmouth to St. Vincent

Lat 21.27, Long -21.88

5.50am: Ship entered the tropics

8.30am: Put clocks back 12 minutes

9.00pm to 10.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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11 May 1913

From Portsmouth to St. Vincent

Lat 17.82, Long -24.45

8.20am: Put clocks back 10 minutes

8.50am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

1.00pm: Sighted land on the starboard bow

1.30pm: Put clocks back 6 minutes

3.03pm: Punta do Sol N78W, East Point S64W, Punta Santa Luzia S27W

3.50pm: Bull Point abeam 5 miles

4.25pm: Entering harbour

5.10pm: Came to with starboard bower

6.00pm: Staff surgeon W.H. Daw R.N. joined ship from H.M.S. "Forte"

9.00pm: Anchor bearings: custom's pier light S73E, Passaro light N9E, Punta do Riberia Julian: N40E

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, general quarters, fire stations, hand pumps, collision stations and abandon ship stations. The boys received seamanship instruction. The crew also refitted and cleaned the ship, washed clothes, aired bedding and night clothing.

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12 May 1913

At St. Vincent

Lat 16.89, Long -25.0

5.25am: Coaling lighter arrived

6.30am: Commenced coaling

9.00am: Ten steward ratings and five other ratings received from H.M.S. "Forte"

11.50am: H.M.S. "Forte" sailed

6.10pm: Complete with coal

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13 May 1913

At St. Vincent

Lat 16.89, Long -25.0

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14 May 1913

At St. Vincent

Lat 16.89, Long -25.0

6.30am: Received from shore 136 tons of fresh water (boiler water)

9.30am: Marines at small arms drill

3.40pm: Weighed

3.47pm: Proceeded

4.38pm: Punta Machado east 1 mile

9.00pm to 10.00pm: Steered from conning tower

11.30pm: Put clocks on 15 minutes

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15 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 13.82, Long -23.32

3.15am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

9.30am: Seamen at small arm companies, fully equipped

11.30am: Secured from ditto

9.00pm to 10.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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16 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 10.10, Long -21.05

3.30am: Put clocks back 6 minutes

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

9.00pm to 10.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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17 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 5.93, Long -19.08

3.30am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

3.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

9.00pm to 10.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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18 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 2.53, Long -16.60

3.40am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.15am to 10.20am: Steered from conning tower

5.05pm: Beck's valves closed

11.00pm: Battened down forecastle

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19 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat -1.03, Long -14.37

3.30am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

8.30am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

10.30am: Control party and starboard battery at divisional drill

5.00pm: Beck's valves closed

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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20 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat -4.55, Long -12.23

3.30am: Put clocks on 12 minutes

8.00am to 9.00am: Steered from conning tower

10.00am: Exercised fire control with port battery

5.00pm: Beck's valves closed except 10 inch valve on vertical bulkhead between engineering room and small arm magazine and 10 inch valve on vertical bulkhead of gunner's store room aft

5.15pm: Preparing for night defence

8.00pm: Exercised night defence stations

8.40pm: Secured from ditto

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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21 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat -8.32, Long -9.93

3.30am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

8.00am to 9.10am: Steered from conning tower

9.30am: 4.7 inch guns' crews at drill, boats' crew bending sails

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.00pm: Exercised night action – burnt searchlight

8.45pm: Secured

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22 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat -12.15, Long -7.66

3.30am: Put clocks on 9 minutes

8.30am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

5.00pm: Beck's valves closed except 10 inch valve on vertical bulkhead between engineering room and small arm magazine and 10 inch valve on vertical bulkhead of gunner's store room aft

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23 May 1913

From St. Vincent to St. Helena and at St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

3.30am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

6.05am: Sighted St Helena Island south

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

10.58am: Stopped

11.01am: Came to with port bower

1.00pm: Anchor bearings: Jamestown Church S13E, Buttermilk Point N80E, Munden Point S57E

1.15pm: Coal lighter commenced securing alongside

4.00pm: Coaling ship

6.55pm: Finished coaling for the night. Received 113 tons

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, place oil bow, stream searchlight and physical drill. The crew also refitted, painted and cleaned the ship, scrubbed and washed clothes. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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24 May 1913

At St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

6.45am: Commenced coaling ship

12.10pm: Finished coaling, received 200 tons (56 tons Welsh + 144 tons Patent fuel)

5.00pm: Received 84 tons of fresh water (boiler water)

7.40pm: Received two ratings, absentees from H.M.S. "Forte", from marine barracks

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25 May 1913

From St. Helena to Simon's Town and at St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

7.45am: Hoisted steam cutter

8.50am: Landed boys for exercise

3.53pm: Weighed

4.35pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite for proceeding to sea and swinging for deviation from east to south, through SE

5.15pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.28pm: Right side of island N52W, Gill Point S46W

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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26 May 1913

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -18.12, Long -2.82

Midnight to 12.25am: Steering gear broken down

12.25am: Steering gear repaired

3.10am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

1.30pm: Hands employed fuzing Lydite shell

4.54pm: Let go port lifebuoy, engines as requisite. Lowered port sea boat and picket up lifebuoy

5.07pm: Hoisted sea boat

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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27 May 1913

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -20.85, Long 0.87

3.00am: Put clocks on 16 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.30am: Inspected arms

5.00pm: Closed all Beck's valves except two: one between engineering room bulkhead and small arm magazine, one on fore bulkhead of after gunners storeroom

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28 May 1913

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -23.57, Long 4.65

3.30am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

11.00am: Ship left the tropics

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves except two

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29 May 1913

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -26.52, Long 8.25

3.15am: Put clocks on 14 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.30am: Small arms party at rifle drill

11.00am: Marines at gun drill

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves except two

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30 May 1913

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -29.40, Long 12.18

3.00am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

9.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.30am to 10.45am: Steered from conning tower

4.00pm: Prepared for night defence

5.00pm: Closed all Beck's valves except two

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31 May 1913

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -32.42, Long 15.77

3.30am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

8.30am: Opened Beck's valves

4.30pm: Closed Beck's valves except two

11.10pm: Put clocks on 20 minutes


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1 June 1913

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

3.20am: Put clocks on 20 minutes

4.45am: Sighted Cape of Good Hope lighthouse S46E

7.25am: Cape of Good Hope lighthouse N40E 3.5 miles

8.00am: Cape of Good Hope lighthouse N64W 2.8 miles

8.37am: Proceeding into harbour

9.00am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

9.14am: Saluted Rear Admiral King-Hall's flag with 13 guns. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" returned salute

9.25am: Came to with starboard bower

1.00pm: Anchor bearings: East breakwater occulting light S12E, Flagstaff Admiral's house S85W, Flagstaff Dockyard S70W, west pier head light S18W

4.35pm: Discharged one engine room artificer to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, general quarters, collision stations, fire stations, night action, abandon ship, prepare to take ship in tow and to connect hand and steam steering gear. The crew also refitted and cleaned the ship, make and mend clothes. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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2 June 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Working parties (engine room ratings) arrived from H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Pegasus"

7.45am: Weighed

7.52am: Proceeded alongside north east arm of eastern breakwater

8.45am: Secured alongside breakwater H.M. Dockyard

9.10am: Commenced coaling ship

4.15pm: Finished coaling, received 395 tons

4.20pm: Ship hauled off breakwater by dockyard wires

4.55pm: Engines as requisite for turning ship and proceeded to number 4 moorings

6.45pm: One second class tindal and four seedie boys received from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

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3 June 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.40am: Stoker working party from H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived on board

7.05am: Stoker working party from H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived on board

8.00am: Dressed ship in honour of His Majesty King George V's birthday

Noon: Fired a Royal Salute of 21 guns

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4 June 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Working parties consisting of engine room artificer and stoker ratings arrived from H.M.S. "Pegasus" and H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

9.00am: Painting ship and returning and drawing stores

11.00am: Received from shore 44 tons of boiler water

1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship and returning and drawing stores

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5 June 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.50am: Working parties from H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived on board

9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores, refitting and as requisite

3.30pm: Received from shore 30 tons of boiler water

4.00pm: Read warrants numbers 1 and 2

4.30pm: Provision lighter secured alongside

6.30pm: Provisioning ship

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6 June 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Working parties from H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived on board

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship, refitting and as requisite

11.00am: Received from shore 66 tons of fresh water (boiler water)

2.15pm: Received one 25 feet gig from H.M. Dockyard

4.20pm: Two tondals and sixteen seedie boys received from H.M. Dockyard

7.30pm: Working parties from H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" returned to their ships

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Records of Observations for Deviation [Sheet is filled in and signed by Cecil E. Brooke, Lieutenant (N)]

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Steering Compasses.

Size and position of Spheres:

Fore Bridge 7¼ inch sphere close up

Conning Tower 7¼ inch sphere close up

After Bridge 8½ inch sphere close up

Hand Wheel 8½ inch sphere close up

Length and position of Flinders Bars:

Fore Bridge 15 inch Flinders

After Bridge 15 inch Flinders

After Upper Bridge 12 inch Flinders

4caf8413cadfd34197004e79: (

Comparison of Standard with Compasses not recorded on other side. [Sheet is filled in]

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7 June 1913

Simon's Town to Port Elizabeth and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Received 30 tons of fresh water (boiler water)

1.30pm: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for swinging ship for adjustment of compasses

2.26pm: Finished swinging ship. Returned to anchorage. Engines as requisite for remaining close to number 4 mooring

3.15pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" slipped. Assumed first organisation. Squadron formed single line ahead. Took station 2.5 cables astern of H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

4.00pm: Read warrant number 3

4.17pm: Sharp Peak S55E, Cape Hangklip S40E, Cape Point S63W, Paulsberg N75W

8.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

7.58pm: Danger Point lighthouse N75E 5.1 miles

10.34pm: Sighted Agulhas lighthouse S89E

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8 June 1913

Simon's Town to Port Elizabeth

Lat -34.60, Long 22.58

12.11am: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N18E 6 miles

1.00am: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N35W

9.30am: Divisions. Read articles of war.

10.30am: Divine Service.

3.37pm: Witte Els Berg N79E, Formosa Peak N56E, Langs Kloof N35E

5.05pm: Witte Els Berg N69E, Formosa Peak N37E, Spitskop N11W

11.00pm: Sighted Seal Point lighthouse S76E

Witte Els Berg is most probably Witelskop.

Spitskop is also spelled as Spitzkop.

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9 June 1913

From Simon's Town to Port Elizabeth and at Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.96, Long 25.64

1.13am: Seal Point lighthouse N24E 2.9 miles

4.48am: Cape Recife lighthouse N81E

6.15am: Cape Recife lighthouse N35E 6.5 miles

7.27am: Stationed 2 cables ahead of flagship

7.55am: Centre of town N54W, East beacon N78W, Cape Recife lighthouse S52W

8.29am: Stopped

8.31am: Came to with starboard bower

11.00am: Anchor bearings: Lighthouse S72W, Dom Pedro Jetty light S23W, Beacon Point S13E, South Jetty light S38W

4.10pm: Read stations for out kedge anchor and act fire engine

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10 June 1913

At Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.96, Long 25.64

9.30am: Marines at musketry exercises

1.00pm: Ordinary seamen and boys away at boat pulling and sailing instruction

4.00pm: Landed patrol

4.15pm: Sent fire engine to flagship (watch evolution)

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11 June 1913

At Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.96, Long 25.64

9.41am: Replaced gear

9.50am: Shortened in, by hand, to 3 shackles

10.00am: Away all boats crews pull round the squadron

11.00am: Hoisted boats

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12 June 1913

At Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.96, Long 25.64

10.00am: Exercised small arm companies. Hands employed refitting coal whips, painting skiffs and scraping and painting ship inboard

1.00pm: Hands employed clearing out war head magazine and re-stowing ditto; painting skiffs and scraping and painting ship inboard

8.00pm: Closed B and C doors and Beck's valves

9.05pm: Weighed.

9.10pm: An accident occurred when catting starboard anchor

9.12pm: Squadron proceeded

9.25pm: Weighed.

9.35pm: Proceeded

10.01pm: Port Elizabeth lighthouse N75W, Cape Recife lighthouse S33W

11.18pm: Sighted Bird Island lighthouse bearing east

Midnight: Assumed position in the line, 2½ cables astern of H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

According to the Bahamas Maritime Authority bulletin there are four types of door:

  • Type "A": a door that is kept open.

  • Type "B": a door that shall be closed, but may be left opened for the length of time that personnel are working in the adjacent compartment. In the case of the crew accommodation area, the presence of a competent person, in the adjacent compartment will satisfy this requirement.

  • Type "C": a door that shall be closed, but may be opened to permit passage.

  • Type "D": a door that shall be closed BEFORE the voyage commences and shall be kept closed during Navigation. Additionally, watertight doors fitted in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo between deck spaces.

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13 June 1913

From Port Elizabeth to Durban

Lat -32.90, Long 28.15

12.05am: Bird Island lighthouse N60E

12.26am: Bird Island lighthouse abeam 5.2 miles

3.36am: Sighted Great Fish Point lighthouse N57E

5.05am: Great Fish Point lighthouse N11W 5½ miles

8.50am: Black Beacon N13W

9.26am: Black Beacon N51W

10.00am: Altered course as requisite for closing East London

10.30am: Hands employed refitting coal whips, steam cutter's falls and cleaning ship

10.43am: Hood Point lighthouse N81W, breakwater extreme N67W, point of land N13E, Kahoon Point N25E [Kahoon Point should most probably be spelled as Nahoon Point]

Noon: Black Beacon N6W, 237 feet hill N52W, remarkable peak N78W

4.16pm: Remarkable sand hill N23W, Juju Point N10E, Sandy Point N85W, Cape Morgan S82W

4.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

10.39pm: Sighted Cape Hermes lighthouse N27E

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14 June 1913

From Port Elizabeth to Durban

Lat -30.13, Long 30.92

12.05am: Cape Hermes lighthouse N23W 17.5 miles

8.20am: Port Shepstone lighthouse N63W 4¼ miles

10.36am: Aliwal lighthouse N33E, Scottsburgh beacon N27E, Park Rynie lighthouse N8E, Umzinto Junction N48W

11.16am: Green Point lighthouse N45W 1½ miles

12.34pm: Cape Natal lighthouse N46E, right Umlazi entrance N12W, right Umbogintwini entrance N41W, Illovo light S73W

1.18pm: Stopped. Pilot came on board

1.26pm: Proceeded astern of H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

1.54pm: Entered breakwater

2.09pm: Picket up number 2 buoy

2.20pm: Secured to number 2 buoy

4.45pm: Slipped from number 2 buoy

5.10pm: Secured alongside "B" sheds

5.15pm: Coal lighter secured alongside starboard side. Received from shore 30 tons of boiler water

6.15pm: Commenced coaling

9.30pm: Finished coaling, received 287.2 tons

11.00pm: Pilot came on board

11.05pm: Slipped from jetty

11.26pm: Stopped. Pilot left ship

11.30pm: Proceeded

Aliwal lighthouse is most probably the same as Green Point lighthouse.

Umzinto Junction is most probably the river Mzinto

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15 June 1913

From Durban to Aldabra Island

Lat -28.97, Long 33.65

9.00am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

7.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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16 June 1913

From Durban to Aldabra Island

Lat -25.08, Long 37.08

3.00am: Put clocks on 12 minutes

7.00am: Hoisted wind sails

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

5.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

9.00pm: Ship entered the tropics

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17 June 1913

From Durban to Aldabra Island

Lat -20.87, Long 39.90

3.30am: Put clocks on 13 minutes

8.25am: Sighted Bassas da India N45E

9.17am: North-west extreme of Bassas da India S48E 2 miles

10.00am: Read part I Health Lecture to ship's company

4.42pm: Let go both lifebuoys. Engines as requisite. Lowered both sea boats and picked up lifebuoys

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.05pm: Hoisted cutters

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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18 June 1913

From Durban to Aldabra Island

Lat -16.43, Long 42.52

3.00am: Put clocks on 9 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

4.57pm: Let go both life buoys. Engines as requisite

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves. Lowered both sea boats and picket up lifebuoys

5.10pm: Hoisted cutters

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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19 June 1913

From Durban to Aldabra Island

Lat -12.27, Long 44.78

3.05am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

9.20am: Exercised small arm companies

9.23am: Johanna Peak N15W, 1575 feet hill on Mayotta Island S87E, Mavegani Hill Mayotta Island S68E

Noon: Left side of Johanna Island S73W, right side of Johanna Island N49W

4.45pm: Rove catting pennant. Read stations for out stream and kedge anchors

5.15pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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20 June 1913

From Durban to Aldabra Island to Zanzibar and at Aldabra Island

Lat -9.38, Long 46.20

3.15am: Put clocks on 7 minutes

6.01am: Right side of Aldabra Island N69E, left side of Aldabra Island N82W

6.30am: Courses as requisite for closing wreck of S.S. "Glen Lyon". Position of wreck S7W 1.6 miles from Wilson's Well

6.50am: Stopped and sent in cutter under Lieutenant Davenport R.N. to investigate wreck and depth of water in vicinity of wreck. Courses and speed as requisite for keeping ½ mile off wreck

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

8.25 Cutter returned – hoisted ditto

8.30am: Proceeded

9.30am: Left side of Aldabra Island N45W. Altered course as requisite round south-west corner of Aldabra Island and to northward to West Point

9.45am: Observed French gunboat at anchor off West Point

10.02am: Left side of Aldabra Island N9E, right side of Aldabra Island S40E, Polymnie Island N40E

10.16am: Engines as requisite for communicating with French gunboat "Vaucluse"

12.30pm: Crew of S.S. "Glen Lyon" consisting of 5 European officers, 41 Lascars & 7 Goaneses arrived on board from French gunboat "Vaucluse"

12.45pm: Proceeding round south-west and south side of Aldabra Island to wreck

12.49pm: Flagstaff N55E, right side of Aldabra Island S20E

2.03pm: Right side of island N70E, left side of island N67W

3.10pm: Arrived in vicinity of wreck. Engines as requisite for keeping near wreck

3.15pm: Captain, first lieutenant and officers of S.S. "Glen Lyon" proceeded on board "Glen Lyon" in first and second cutters, to survey position of ship

4.40pm: Cutters returned to ship. Engines as requisite for giving a lee to cutters in turn for hoisting

5.15pm: Proceeded. Closed all Beck's valves

6.13pm: South-west extreme of Aldabra Island N10W 2.4 miles

No reference to a French gunboat "Vaucluse" has been found, but there is mention of a cruiser "Vaucluse" in the Sidney Morning Herald of 29 April 1907, and a picture of a warship "Vaucluse" in the State Library of Victoria.

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21 June 1913

From Aldabra Island to Zanzibar

Lat -8.42, Long 43.25

8.15am: Put clocks back 12 minutes

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

9.40pm: Observed position latitude 7°39'S, longitude 41°35'E [Lat -7.65, Long 41.58]

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22 June 1913

From Aldabra Island to Zanzibar

Lat -6.38, Long 39.23

8.25am: Put clocks back 17 minutes

8.30am: Sighted south extreme of Zanzibar Island N59W

9.23am: Right side of Zanzibar Island N9W, left side of Zanzibar Island N60W

9.30am: Ship's company mustered by the ledger

10.01am: Ras Kizimbazi N16W 4 miles [Should most probably be spelled as Ras Kizimkazi]

12.39pm: Chumbe lighthouse N50E 1½ miles

1.36pm: Stopped

1.38pm: Came to with starboard bower

3.30pm: Dressed ship with masthead flags in honour of the anniversary of the coronation of King George V

5.00pm: Anchor bearings: Flagstaff government hospital S47E, flagstaff battery N88E, right side of Chapani Island N31E

Chapani Island is also known as Grave Island.

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, to connect hand steering, collision stations and physical drill. The crew also refitted and cleaned the ship, make and mend clothes. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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23 June 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

7.15am: Landed boys for recreation

8.00am: Dressed ship in honour of the coronation of King George V

9.00am: Hands employed taking off sea gear, red leading ship's side and as requisite

Noon: Fired a royal salute of 21 guns in honour of the coronation of King George V

1.00pm: Discharged three Goanese ratings to shore

2.00pm: Hands employed red leading ship's side and preparing for coaling

3.30pm: Received from shore 75½ tons of boiler water

6.45pm: Coal lighters arrived

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24 June 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

5.40am: Commenced coaling

9.00pm: Finished coaling for the day

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25 June 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

5.00am: Commenced coaling ship

6.00pm: Completed with coaling, received 625 tons

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26 June 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

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27 June 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.00am: Landed boys for exercise

1.00pm: Received from shore 37½ tons of boiler water

6.00pm: Read warrants numbers 5 and 6

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28 June 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

4.30pm: Read warrant number 7

5.00pm: Landed patrol

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29 June 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

9.30am: The Commander-in-Chief, R.G. King-Hall R.N., arrived on board and inspected ship's company at divisions

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30 June 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.10am: Exercised out port bower anchor. Sent away small kedge anchor

7.45am: Replaced gear

2.30pm: Received from shore 9 tons of boiler water

4.10pm: Out kedge anchor

4.20pm: Replaced ditto


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1 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.30am: Rigged diving boat

8.15am: Divers away diving (monthly practice)

9.30am: Gunlayers second class at aiming practise at target towed by steam cutter. Maxims at musketry drill

12.30pm: Paid quarterly settlement

1.30pm: Gunlayers second class at aiming practise at target towed by steam cutter. Maxims at musketry drill

4.10pm: Exercised out kedge anchor

4.20pm: Replaced ditto

5.00pm: Landed patrol

8.00pm: Received from shore 40 tons of boiler water

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2 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.00am: Landed small arm companies

7.50am: Ditto returned to ship

9.00am to 11.50am: Held an examination for boatswain on board

12.35pm: His Highness The Sultan of Zanzibar visited Commander-in-Chief, fired a royal salute of 21 guns

2.15pm: His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar left H.M.S. "Hyacinth", fired a royal salute of 21 guns

6.00pm: Received from shore 30 tons of boiler water

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3 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Seychelles

Lat -5.66, Long 39.20

8.20am: Weighed

8.33am: Proceeded

8.35am: Formed single line ahead. Proceeded out through English Pass. Assumed third organisation

9.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.08am: Right side of Chango Island S75W, black buoy S70E, Sultan's palace N26E

9.20am: Formed divisions line ahead. Columns disposed abeam to port

10.00am: Commenced fleet manoeuvres

10.01am: Mwana Mwana N30E, Ras Obswawembe N62E, lighthouse S61E [Ras Obswawembe is most probably misspelled and should be Ras Oswawembe]

11.05am: Mwana Mwana N33E, right side of Tumbatu S12E

Noon: Finished manoeuvres. Squadron in divisions line ahead disposed to port. Mwana Mwana lighthouse S9E, Ras Nungwe S56E

12.44pm: Right side of Mwana Mwana S30W, right side of Daloni Island S8W, Ras Nungwe lighthouse South

2.30pm: Exercised fleet manoeuvres

3.30pm: Finished manoeuvres

4.07pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded at 10 knots to carry out screening exercise

4.19pm: Left side of Pemba Island N61W, Twins N45W, Ras Upembe N36W, right side of Pemba Island N11E

6.30pm: Darkened ship. Night defence stations

7.55pm: Sighted H.M.S. "Hyacinth" E by N

8.20pm: Fired a rocket. Engaged H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

8.28pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" engaged H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

8.40pm: Taking up station 2½ cables astern of H.M.S. "Hyacinth". H.M.S. "Pegasus" parted company with squadron

Chango Island is also spelled as Changu Island.

Ras Nungwe is also spelled as Ras Nungwi.

Whilst at Zanzibar the hands have been employed painting the ship's side, reeving new falls for the cutters, and cleaning the ship. They also aired night clothing and make and mend clothing. The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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4 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Seychelles

Lat -5.20, Long 42.87

2.30am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

8.25am: Opened Beck's valves

8.30am: Lost overboard by accident one hand lead

4.31pm: Replaced gear

6.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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5 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Seychelles

Lat -4.75, Long 47.07

2.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes

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6 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Seychelles

Lat -4.58, Long 51.58

2.30am: Put clocks on 20 minutes

8.30am: Opened Beck's valves

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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7 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Seychelles

Lat -4.72, Long 55.57

2.00am: Put clocks on 20 minutes

10.05am: Capucin Point N51E, Point Lazare N24E

11.15am: Capucin Point N25E, 2.3 miles

11.30am: Took station 2 cables astern of flagship

Noon: Right side of St. Anne's Island N21W, Castle Peak N79W, Capucin Point S22W

12.30pm: Courses as requisite for rounding St. Anne's Island and proceeding into harbour by Northern Channel

1.12pm: Stopped

1.14pm: Let go port anchor

1.16pm: Let go starboard anchor. Position when middled: slaughter house S89W, lighthouse S60W, right side of Cerf Island S40E

8.00pm: Read warrant number 8

10.00pm: Received from shore 45 tons of boiler water

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, prepare to tow aft and physical drill. The crew also refitted and cleaned the ship and cleaned out boats. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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8 July 1913

At Port Victoria, Mahé Island

Lat -4.63, Long 55.47

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9 July 1913

From Seychelles to Zanzibar and at Port Victoria, Mahé Island

Lat -4.63, Long 55.47

5.30am: Landed marines

9.40am: Marines returned on board

1.50pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" saluted the Governor of the Seychelles with 17 guns

2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded in single line ahead

3.08pm: Harrison Rock S14W. right side of Beacon Island S40W, right side of St. Anne Island S85W

4.00pm: Commenced war routine

4.56pm: Right side of SE Island N4W, Capucin Point N13W, Point Lazare N37W

5.04pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.30pm: Darkened ship

6.55pm: Closed up at night defence stations

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10 July 1913

From Seychelles to Zanzibar

Lat -4.70, Long 52.32

6.20am: Prepared for day action

8.10am: Put clocks back 20 minutes. Opened Beck's valves

10.40am: Dispersed left all gear cleared away

5.05pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.00pm: Darkened ship. Closed up at night defence stations

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11 July 1913

From Seychelles to Zanzibar

Lat -4.30, Long 48.53

6.10am: Prepared for day action

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

10.55am: Dispersed, left guns and gear cleared away

2.00pm: War routine

4.00pm: Completed war routine

10.28pm: Flagship let go lifebuoy – stopped – full speed astern and as requisite. Let go lifebuoy. Lowered starboard sea boat and picked up H.M.S. "Atræa's" lifebuoy. Hoisted sea boat

10.55pm: Proceeded. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" remained to pick up lifebuoy

11.50pm: Formed astern of flagship

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12 July 1913

From Seychelles to Zanzibar

Lat -4.23, Long 44.23

10.00am: Opened Beck's valves

4.03pm: Parted company with flagship

5.15pm: Closed Beck's valves

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13 July 1913

From Seychelles to Zanzibar

Lat -5.65, Long 39.63

8.10am: Put clocks back 14 minutes

11.29am: Right side of Pemba Island N20E, Ras Upembe N5E, left side of Pemba Island N33W

12.15pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes

12.18pm: Ras Nungwe S75W, left side of Pemba Island N19E

1.27pm: Ras Nungwe lighthouse S15E 2.3 miles

1.30pm: Courses as requisite for rounding Ras Nungwe lighthouse and Mwana Mwana lighthouse

2.10pm: Mwana Mwana lighthouse S84E 1.4 miles

2.51pm: Ras Owawembe S48E, right side of Tumbatu N80E [Ras Owawembe is most probably misspelled and should be Ras Oswawembe]

4.32pm: Stopped

4.34pm: Came to with port bower

9.00pm: Anchor bearings: Government Hospital flagstaff S47E, Battery flagstaff N88E, right side of Chapani Island N31E

Ras Nungwe is also spelled as Ras Nungwi.

Chapani Island is also known as Grave Island.

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, repel destroyer attack, physical drill and general quarters. The crew also refitted and cleaned the ship, scrubbed and washed clothes. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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14 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.00am: Boys and ordinary seamen away boat pulling

4.30pm: Read warrant number 9

6.00pm: Received from shore 50 tons of boiler water

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15 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.00am: Marines landed for drill. Carried out.

10.08am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived and anchored

1.30pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived and anchored

7.30pm: Landed patrol

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16 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.30am: Landed working party on Champani Island [Champani Island should most probably be spelled as Chapani Island, also known as Grave Island]

7.00am: Landed working party to work at Couper's Institute [Couper should most probably be spelled as Cooper]

10.20am: Provisions lighter secured alongside

6.00pm: Working parties returned on board

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17 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.00am: Landed working party on Champani Island

6.30am: Landed working party to work at Couper's Institute

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18 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

7.50am: Landed working party on Champani Island

8.00am: Landed working party to work at Couper's Institute

11.30am: Marines undergoing quarterly inspection by Lieutenant Glunicke R.M.L.I.

5.30pm: Received from shore 14 tons of boiler water

7.30pm: Landed patrol

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19 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

7.45am: Landed working party on Champani Island

8.00am: Landed working party to work at Couper's Institute

4.30pm: Discharged one able bodied seaman to hospital

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20 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

5.15pm: Coal lighters arrived alongside

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21 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

4.30am: Commenced coaling ship

5.15pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" sailed

11.40pm: Finished coaling, received 600 tons

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22 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

7.45am: Landed working party on Champani Island

8.00am: Landed working party to work at Couper's Institute

5.30pm: Received from shore 46 tons of boiler water

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23 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

7.45am: Landed working party on Champani Island

8.00am: Landed working party to work at Couper's Institute

5.30pm: Landed patrol

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24 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.00am: Hands employed rigging diving boat

7.30am: Divers away diving

10.30am: One back weight of diving dress lost overboard by accident

5.30pm: Received from shore 46 tons of boiler water

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25 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

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26 July 1913

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

5.30pm: Landed patrol

Whilst at Zanzibar the crew has been getting torpedoes ready for running, cleaned out boats, painting, refitting, provisioning, make and mend clothes, aired night clothing, aired bedding and exercised general quarters. The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon. On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held.

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27 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -6.40, Long 39.25

9.30am: Closed B and C doors and all Beck's valves

10.00am: Weighed and proceeded, single line ahead, two and a half cables astern of H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

10.34am: Ras Buyu S24E, beacon N66E, Ras Shangani N8E

10.35am: Courses as requisite for proceeding through Southern Pass

11.03 Chumbe lighthouse S73E 1 mile

Noon: Right side of Pungume Island S63E, left side of Pungume Island S78E, right side of Kwale Island N80E, Ras Yeketekambe N65E

1.00pm: Open Beck's valves

4.31pm: Ras Mwambamku S26W, Ras Kanzi lighthouse S60W, Ras Nedege N52W [Ras Nedege is also spelled as Ras Ndege]

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.00pm: Sighted Ras Mkumbi lighthouse S7E

10.00pm: Ras Mkumbi lighthouse S53W 5 miles

According to the Bahamas Maritime Authority bulletin there are four types of door:

  • Type "A": a door that is kept open.

  • Type "B": a door that shall be closed, but may be left opened for the length of time that personnel are working in the adjacent compartment. In the case of the crew accommodation area, the presence of a competent person, in the adjacent compartment will satisfy this requirement.

  • Type "C": a door that shall be closed, but may be opened to permit passage.

  • Type "D": a door that shall be closed BEFORE the voyage commences and shall be kept closed during Navigation. Additionally, watertight doors fitted in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo between deck spaces.

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28 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -9.42, Long 40.35

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

8.25am: Took station on beam of flagship 2 miles at 12 knots

8.45am: Ship in station

10.22am: Took station 2½ cables astern of flagship at 12 knots

10.39am: Ship in station

10.45am: Commenced manoeuvres. Senior lieutenant taking charge

11.40am: Finished manoeuvres.

3.15pm: Exercised manoeuvres, officer of the watch taking charge

4.00pm: Finished manoeuvres

5.22pm: Ras Matunda S38W

5.40pm: Ras Matunda S48W

5.58pm: Ras Matunda S61W

7.20pm: Cape Delgado lighthouse S4W, Keonga Village lighthouse S45W

8.30pm: Cape Delgado lighthouse abeam 5½ miles

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29 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -13.10, Long 41.02

7.30am: Opened Beck's valves

8.51am: Took station 2 miles on starboard beam of flagship at 12 knots

9.11am: Ship in station

9.30am: Read second health lecture

10.01am: Took station 6 cables on starboard beam of flagship at 12 knots

10.16am: Ship in station

11.24am: Finished manoeuvres

4.07pm: Let go both lifebuoys. Lowered both sea boats and picked up lifebuoys

4.20pm: Hoisted cutters and reported ready to proceed

4.23pm: Squadron proceeded

5.20pm: Closed Beck's valves

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30 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -17.20, Long 40.52

8.37am: Took station on starboard beam 4 miles

9.33am to 10.18am: Ship at rate keeping exercise

3.16pm to 4.00pm: Fleet at manoeuvres

4.14pm: Replaced gear

8.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

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31 July 1913

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -20.32, Long 38.17

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

4.30pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes

5.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.30pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes


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1 August 1913

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -24.00, Long 35.95

8.18am: Ship left the tropics

8.46am to 9.07am: Took station 3 miles on starboard beam of flagship at 12 knots

9.29am to 10.12am: Ship at rate keeping exercise

1.10pm: Sighted land bearing WNW

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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2 August 1913

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -28.03, Long 32.98

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

1.00pm: Sighted land on starboard bow

2.25pm: Took station astern of flagship 4 cables

2.44pm: 530 foot hill N66W, hill N57W, 650 foot hill N46W, Sugar Loaf N22W

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

10.05pm: Sighted Natal Bluff lighthouse S84W

11.50pm: Natal Bluff lighthouse S70W 4 miles

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3 August 1913

Zanzibar to Durban or at sea

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4.22am: Natal Bluff lighthouse N11W

6.00am: Natal Bluff lighthouse N29W 10 miles

7.00am: Stopped and picked up pilot

7.07am: Proceeded. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Astræa" independently into harbour

7.50am: Secured to number 2 buoy

10.45 Divine Service

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, abandon ship, physical drill, rate keeping, control parties, port battery, collision stations and land every available man. The crew also refitted, chipping, painted and cleaned the ship, make and mend clothes and aired night clothing. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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4 August 1913

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.30am: Rear Admiral King-Hall, Commander-in-Chief, arrived on board and inspected ship

10.00am: Hands mustered by the ledger

11.00am: Inspected bags and hammocks

Noon: One chief petty officer, one petty officer, on leading signaller and 33 seamen R.N.V.R. received on board

4.30pm: Landed patrol

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5 August 1913

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.00am: Cleared ship for action

10.10am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board

2.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

3.30pm: Landed patrol

4.15pm: Exercised land fire engine

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6 August 1913

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

11.30am: Exercised boats crews away under ones and sails

2.45pm: One leading signaller rejoined ship from hospital

4.30pm: Read warrants numbers 10 and 11

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7 August 1913

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

10.00am: Major F.E.C.B. Chichester R.M.L.I. arrived on board and inspected marine detachment

12.30pm: Special leave to port watch of men who have not previously broken their leave until 10 pm. Leave to boys until 6 pm

Whilst at Durban the crew has been cleaning the ship, cleaned out boats, make and mend clothes and exercised night stations, abandon ship, general quarters and physical drill.

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8 August 1913

From Durban to Simon's Town

Lat -30.53, Long 30.83

5.30am: Closed B and C doors

6.00am: Pilot came on board

6.05am: Slipped from buoy. Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Astræa" leaving harbour independently

6.33am: Stopped. Pilot left ship

6.36am: Course south 10 knots. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" 2½ cables astern of H.M.S. "Astræa"

7.04am: Natal Bluff lighthouse N13W 3.9 miles

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

8.45am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" took station 3 miles on starboard beam

9.30am: Port watch mustering bags

9.30am to 10.00am: Ship at rate keeping exercises

10.30am to 11.00am: Exercised manoeuvres, officer of the watch take charge

12:24pm: Shepstone lighthouse S83W

12.30pm: Starboard watch employed mustering bags

2.50pm to 3.40pm: Steered from conning tower

3.00pm to 3.50pm: Exercised manoeuvres, officer of the watch take charge

4.00pm: Read warrants numbers 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16

4.10pm: Prepared for night defence

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.30pm to 7.30pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Astræa" carried out one searchlight seen each, range 1200 yards, speed from 7 to 11 knots

9.31pm: Cape Hermes lighthouse abeam 6½ miles

According to the Bahamas Maritime Authority bulletin there are four types of door:

  • Type "A": a door that is kept open.

  • Type "B": a door that shall be closed, but may be left opened for the length of time that personnel are working in the adjacent compartment. In the case of the crew accommodation area, the presence of a competent person, in the adjacent compartment will satisfy this requirement.

  • Type "C": a door that shall be closed, but may be opened to permit passage.

  • Type "D": a door that shall be closed BEFORE the voyage commences and shall be kept closed during Navigation. Additionally, watertight doors fitted in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo between deck spaces.

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9 August 1913

From Durban to Simon's Town

Lat -33.97, Long 26.70

5.07am: Sighted Hood Point lighthouse N55W

6.12am: Hood Point lighthouse N14W 16.2 miles

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

10.56am: Glendower beacon N10E 18 miles

11.45am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" took station 2½ cables astern

1.39pm: Sighted Bird Island N2E

2.00pm: Bird Island abeam 10.5 miles

3.15pm to 3.45pm: Exercised manoeuvres, senior lieutenant taking charge

3.50pm: Wind shifted from NE by E to West

4.00pm: Read warrant number 17

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.10pm: Recife lighthouse N11W, Coega Kop N6E, St. Croix Island N28E

5.52pm: Cape Recife lighthouse N63E

8.53pm: Seal Point lighthouse N64W

9.41pm: Seal Point lighthouse N56W

10.54pm: Seal Point lighthouse N30W

11.30pm: Lost overboard by accident two wash-deck buckets and one small coir fender

Midnight: Seal Point lighthouse N4W 8.2 miles

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10 August 1913

From Durban to Simon's Town

Lat -34.40, Long 24.42

1.00am: Seal Point lighthouse N51W

1.20am: Seal Point lighthouse N57W

2.57am: Cape Recife lighthouse N86E

4.00am: Seal Point lighthouse N67W

5.05am: Seal Point lighthouse N57W

7.16am: Seal Point lighthouse N11W 5.7 miles

8.03am: Cape St. Francis N53E, Seal Point lighthouse N43E, Klippen Point N24W, Robhoek Point N39W

9.08am: Klippen Point N1E, Seal Point lighthouse N69E, White Point N25E

2.00pm: Lost overboard by accident two 25 gallon casks

3.00pm: Lost overboard by accident one masthead lantern pattern number 3725a

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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11 August 1913

From Durban to Simon's Town

Lat -34.83, Long 21.37

8.25am: Aasvogel's Kop mean average 4404 feet mountain N3W

8.30am: Opened Beck's valves

10.03am: Lang Berg N9E

11.11am: Lang Berg N21E

Noon: Lang Berg N30E

1.39pm: Potteberg N15W, Lang Berg N45W

3.34pm: Potteberg N11E

4.35pm: Potteberg N24E

4.30pm: Read warrant number 18

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.30pm: Wind shifting between NW and SW

6.31pm: Sighted Cape Agulhas lighthouse N34W

7.04pm: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N22W 11½ miles

8.00pm to midnight: Very heavy downpour of rain

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12 August 1913

From Durban to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

Lost overboard by accident: one sinker 24 lbs pattern 1310, one guard lease pattern 1266, one swivel pattern 1311, one stray line 10 feet pattern 1317, 130 fathoms rope steel wire galvanised pattern 1308

1.00am: Very heavy rain squall. Sighted Danger Point lighthouse N12E

1.55am: Cape Point lighthouse abeam 5½ miles

2.20am: Wind suddenly shifted to south

5.11am: Cape Point lighthouse N41W

7.00am: Cape Point lighthouse S62W 4 miles

7.38am: Courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour and proceeding alongside coaling wharf. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded independently

7.45am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N64E 4 cables

8.00am: Transferred Commander-in-Chief's flag to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

8.10am: Ship entered basin

8.30am: Secured alongside east breakwater

9.30am: Commenced coaling ship

1.00pm: Received from shore 30 tons of boiler water

10.00pm: Finished coaling for the night

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, general quarters and night defence. The crew also refitted, chipping, painted and cleaned the ship and aired night clothing.

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13 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.00am: Recommenced coaling ship

9.10am: Complete with coal, received 670 tons

9.30am: Slipped from breakwater. Ship hauled out into basin by Dockyard wires

9.55am: Left basin

10.20am: Secured to number 4 buoy

11.30am: Discharged to Royal Navy Hospital one leading signaller, one leading stoker, one able bodied seaman and one marine

4.00pm: Read warrant number 20. Discharged one rating to detention barracks

5.00pm: One boats anchor belonging to cutter lost overboard by accident

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14 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.00am: Hands ranging cable for survey

1.30pm: Hands employed ranging and surveying cable

4.30pm: Landed patrol

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15 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Hands employed stowing cable, setting up and recovering rigging screws, returning and drawing stores

9.30am: Landed marine guard of honour

8.00am: Hands employed setting up and recovering rigging screws

4.30pm: Read warrant number 21

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16 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.30pm: Landed patrol

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17 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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18 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.40am: S.E. boat arrived from dockyard [No definition for S.E. boat has been found, but a probable is Stores and Equipment boat]

9.00am: Hands employed drawing and returning stores, setting up rigging screws and making target sails

9.00am: Two ordinary seamen passing for higher rating

1.30pm: Landed Cape Town picket

9.00am: Hands employed drawing and returning stores, setting up rigging screws, making targets and recovering new boat falls

4.30pm: Landed Simon's Town picket

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19 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Hands employed setting up rigging screws and making targets

1.30pm: Hands employed drawing and returning stores

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20 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.45am: Hands employed returning and drawing stores

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to Royal Navy Hospital

1.30pm: Hands employed rattling down fore rigging and drawing stores

2.30pm: All guns crews at .303 towing target practice, deflection teacher and at loader

5.00pm: Landed Simon's Town patrol

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21 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Hands employed rattling down fore rigging and drawing stores

10.00am: Gunlayer and sight setters at .303 towing target practice, deflection teacher

11.20am: Provisions lighters secured alongside

1.30pm: Hands employed provisioning ship, rattling down fore rigging and drawing stores

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22 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Bowmen of all boats at signals

10.15am: Discharged two ratings to Royal Navy Hospital. Hands employed drawing stores, rattling down, guns crews at .303 towing target practice, deflection teacher. Marine recruits at field exercise

1.30pm: One rating received back from Royal Navy Hospital

2.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores, rattling down and as requisite

3.00pm: All guns crews at .303 towing target practice, deflection teacher and at loader. Torpedo tubes crews fitting torpedo's heads

7.00pm: One carpenters crew received back from detention barracks

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23 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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24 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4.30pm: Landed patrol

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25 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.10am: Discharged two ratings to Royal Navy Hospital

10.13am: Away all boat crews, pull round the squadron

10.55am: Hoisted boats

11.00am: Torpedo ratings employed preparing torpedo for running

1.30pm: All guns crews at .303 towing target practice, deflection teacher and at loader. Two ordinary seamen ratings passing for higher rating

5.30pm: Received 20 tons of boiler water

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26 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.00am: Divers away diving. Marines at riffle drill. Hands employed rattling down, covering rigging screws and dismounting fore 6 inch gun

1.00pm: Torpedo party preparing torpedoes for running. Divers examining under water fittings and propellers. Hands employed dismounting fore 6 inch gun and covering rigging screws

4.30pm: Landed patrol

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27 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.50am: Exercised control parties, sight-setters and gunlayers of 4.7 inch guns and gunlayers and breach-workers of 6 inch guns

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning out boats, recovering rigging screws and rattling down

1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning out boats, recovering rigging screws and making targets

5.30pm: Received from shore 30 tons of boiler water

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28 August 1913

At Simon's Town and in Simon's Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.45am: Slipped from moorings. Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for carrying out torpedo runs in False Bay

9.10am: Fired torpedo from port tube

9.20am: Fired torpedo from starboard tube

9.30am: Stopped and picked up torpedoes

10.20am: Proceeded to carry out stern tube run

10.33am: Fired stern tube

10.45am: Stopped and picked up torpedo

11.11am: Proceeded to carry out further run

11.20am: Fired starboard tube

11.30am: Stopped and picked up torpedo

11.45am: Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for harbour

Noon: Ordinary seamen passing for higher rating

12.10pm: Stopped and picked up moorings

12.12pm: Dropped mooring fender. Bunged ditto

12.20pm: Proceeded to anchorage

12.25pm: Came to with port bower

1.30pm: Sent away divers to dive for moorings. Torpedo party replaced torpedoes

4.30pm: Landed patrol. One rating received back from Royal Navy Hospital

6.00pm: Anchor bearings: Admiral's flagstaff S61E, lighthouse west pier S4E, Roman Rocks lighthouse N64E

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29 August 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Diving party away diving for lost moorings

1.30pm: Hands employed painting target sails, rattling down and as requisite. All gun crews at .303 towing target practice, deflection teacher and loader. Cleared diving boat. Discharged one officers steward third class to shore

3.30pm: Sent steam pinnace to dockyard

4.00pm: Received from shore 64 tons of boiler water

5.20pm: H.M.A.S. "Sydney" sailed

Whilst at Simon's Town the crew has been cleaning the ship, stowing cable, replacing gear, make and mend clothes and exercising physical drill, general quarters, out bower anchor and out kedge anchor. On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held. The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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30 August 1913

From Simon's Town to Walfisch Bay

Lat -34.00, Long 18.15

8.28am: Proceeded. Courses as requisite for proceeding to sea. Commenced working up for 3/5ths trial

9.26am: Cape Point lighthouse N77W 2.6 miles

9.26am: Cape Point lighthouse N37E 3 miles

10.00am: Commenced 3/5ths trial

11.31am: Green Point N67E, York Point S82E, Blaauwberg Point S11E, Slang Kop Point S37E

1.48pm: Devils Peak S22E, Mamre Berg S71E, Dassen Island lighthouse N72E, Groote Zwartberg N63E

2.09pm: Dassen Island abeam 11 miles

4.13pm: Kasteel N78E, conspicuous white house S82E, Schooner Point S57E, Constable Hill S46E

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.01pm: Cape St. Martin S82E, Kasteel S69E, Stoney Head S28E

Walfisch Bay is spelled today as Walvis Bay and Blaauwberg as Blouberg.

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31 August 1913

From Simon's Town to Walfisch Bay

Lat -28.37, Long 15.48

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

1.04pm: High range summit S89E

1.35pm: High range summit S74E

4.00pm: Finished 3/5ths trial

5.02pm: Left side of Possession Island N35E, Albatross Island S85E, Pomona Island S36E

5.20pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.54pm: Albatross Peak S74E

6.59pm: Diaz Point N69E

7.57pm: Diaz Point S49E

8.30pm: Diaz Point S32E

8.57pm: Port lifebuoy washed away. Engines as requisite for recovering ditto.

9.12pm: Resumed course and speed


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1 September 1913

From Simon's Town to Walfisch Bay

Lat -23.43, Long 14.27

10.00am: Hands preparing targets and moorings

11.00am: Closed Beck's valves

Noon: Paid monthly money

2.00pm: Sighted land on starboard bow

2.28pm: Pelican Point beacon N52E, beacon (35 feet) N80E, Walfisch Bay settlement S78E

2.54pm: Pelican Point beacon abeam 11 cables

2.56pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding to anchorage

3.36pm: Let go port bower

3.40pm: Let go starboard bower

7.00pm: Position when middled: two 34 feet beacons mean average N62W, two 34 feet beacons (St. Andrews Close) mean average S65W

9.00pm: Worked cables as requisite for calibrating

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, physical drill and general quarters. The crew also cleaned the ship, make and mend clothes.

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2 September 1913

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

5.00am: Lost overboard by accident one funnel belonging to steam cutter

6.30am: Recording party and target party with trot left ship

8.30am: Sailing pinnace away with divers working for stream cutter's funnel

9.30am: Working cables and wire hawsers as requisite for calibrating

12.30pm: Sailing pinnace away with diving party

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3 September 1913

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

7.00am: Recording party left ship

9.00am: Worked cables and hawsers as requisite for calibrating

9.32am: Commenced calibrating firing at 5500 yards

12.30pm: Turned ship 16 points by wire hawsers

1.30pm: Recommenced firing

3.00pm: Completed calibrated firing

3.15pm: Laid out target for lyddite firing. Carried out annual firing with lyddite

4.45pm: Weighed starboard anchor

8.30pm: Weighed.

8.47pm: Proceeded. Courses as requisite for rounding Pelican Point

9.39pm: Swakop lighthouse N58E, Walfisch Bay settlement S43E [Swakop is most probably Swakopmund]

Whilst at Walfisch Bay the crew has been cleaning the ship, painting targets and refitting.

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4 September 1913

Walfisch Bay to Simon's Town

Lat -25.25, Long 14.40

1.00am: Ship left the tropics

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.30am to 10.30am: Steered from conning tower

1.07pm: Dolphin Head S26E, Silvia Hill N81E

4.26pm: Saddle Hill S72E, remarkable cone N76E, Dolphin Head N63E, Mercury Island N60E, Spencer Hill N56E

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.15pm to 9.15pm: Steered from conning tower

8.48pm: Cape Diaz lighthouse abeam S73.5E 11.8 miles

10.00pm: Cape Diaz lighthouse N58E

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5 September 1913

Walfisch Bay to Simon's Town

Lat -28.85, Long 15.67

6.47am: High range summit S88.5E

7.30am: High range summit N80.5E

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.01am: High range summit N61E

Noon: Admiralty seamen under examination

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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6 September 1913

Walfisch Bay to Simon's Town

Lat -32.07, Long 17.12

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

5.15pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.45pm: Stoney Head S31E, Schooner Point N77E, Kasteel Hill N77E, Cape Castle N65E

8.05pm to 9.05pm: Steered from conning tower

8.12pm: Sighted Dassen lighthouse S14.5E

10.20pm: Dassen lighthouse S80E 7¾ miles

11.32pm: Sighted Robben lighthouse S37E

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7 September 1913

From Walfisch Bay to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.05am: Robben Island lighthouse abeam 17 miles

1.45am: Green Point lighthouse abeam 15½ miles

3.00am: Sighted Cape Point lighthouse S27E

5.40am: Cape Point lighthouse N59E 4.6 miles

6.22am: Cape Point lighthouse N40W 2.7 miles

7.15am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour

7.48am: Secured to number 4 mooring

8.30am: Discharged one patient and attendant to shore

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, connecting hand wheel, physical drill, general quarters, out collision mat, fire, wounded in action, man overboard stations and arm boat. The crew also cleaned the ship, aired night clothing and painting target sails.

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8 September 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.53

7.00am: Sent recording party to "Scotsman"

7.27am: Slipped from moorings. Proceeded to False Bay for firing. Courses and speed as requisite. "Scotsman" in attendance with targets

8.40am: Commenced runs. Carried out 1 inch aiming practice from all 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns. Range abeam 750 yards

9.10am: Seal Island summit N75W, Elsey Peak N53W, Cape Point S39W

10.35am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N40W, Cape Point S67W, white beacon S87W

10.40am: Completed 1 inch aiming practice

11.00am: Commenced runs for 6 pounder guns. Carried out 6 pounder firing. Range abeam 370 yards. All gunlayers firing

11.58am: Outland beacon S79W, Roman Rocks lighthouse N78W, Elsey Peak N50W

1.30pm: Completed firing. Proceeded. Courses as requisite for anchorage

2.05pm: Secured to number 4 moorings. Hands employed cleaning out guns, painting and refitting target sails. All guns crews at loader competition

4.50pm: Landed patrol

5.35pm: Discharged four seedie boys to Royal Navy Dockyard

Elsey Peak is spelled today as Elsie's Peak.

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9 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Marines at riffle drill. Forecastle 6 inch guns crew at loader competition

6.00pm: Received from shore 50 tons of boiler water

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10 September 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.22, Long 18.52

7.31am: Slipped from number 4 moorings

7.35am: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to sea and for carrying out gunlayers test in False Bay. "Scotsman" in attendance with targets

8.30am: Opened Beck's valves. Commenced first run. Fired P2 4.7 inch

9.15am: Commenced second run. Fired P3 and P4 4.7 inch

10.05am: Commenced third run. Fired P1 and forecastle 6 inch

10.17am: Elsey Peak N29W, White Diamond beacon N52W, Cape Point S47W

10.42am: Commenced fourth run. Fired after 6 inch

10.50am to 1.00pm: "Scotsman" employed shifting target sails and clearing her towing hawser (foul of the bottom). H.M.S. "Astræa" courses and speed as requisite for remaining in vicinity of "Scotsman"

11.36am: Seal Island N46E, Roman Rocks lighthouse N30W, Outlands beacon N48W

12.07pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N25W 3.4 miles

2.30pm: Commenced fifth run fired

3.10pm: Commenced sixth run fired

3.35pm: Commenced seventh run fired

3.44pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N47W, Elsey Peak N37W, Seal Island N21E

4.05pm: Commenced eighth run fired

4.10pm: Stopped. "Scotsman" set large sails on targets

4.40pm: Commenced ninth run fired

4.48pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N69W, Outlands beacon N85W, Elsey Peak N54W, left side of Seal Island N30E

5.45pm: Commenced tenth run fired

5.50pm: Courses and speed as requisite for harbour

6.43pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

7.00pm: Discharged one able bodied seaman to Royal Navy Hospital

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11 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.50am: Prepared for coaling

7.45am: Slipped from number 4 moorings. Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for entering basin

8.22am: Secured

9.35am: Commenced coaling

6.00pm: Finished coaling, received 446 tons

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12 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Slipped from wharf

8.25am: Secured to number 4 moorings

11.30am: Discharged one able bodied seaman to Royal Navy Hospital

4.35pm: Landed patrol

9.50pm: Landed patrol

11.00pm: Patrol returned on board

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13 September 1913

At Simon's Town and sea

Lat -34.90, Long 19.78

1.50am: Slipped from moorings. Engines as requisite. Proceeded courses as requisite for leaving harbour

2.02am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N70E 3 cables

5.47am: Danger Point lighthouse N62E 8.5 miles

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

8.40am: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N29E 6½ miles

11.00am: Cape Agulhas abeam 6½ miles

12.27pm: Duin Fontein Berg N15W, Gunners Quoin N19E, Cape Agulhas S73E

2.04pm: Danger Point lighthouse N50E 7 miles

4.26pm: Hangklip Berg N86E, Elsey Peak N11W, Cape Point N42W

5.17pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.55pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N79E 2½ miles

5.57pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding to moorings

6.05pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

Duin Fontein Berg is located at Danger Point.

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14 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4.30pm: Landed patrol

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15 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.35am: H.M.S. "Pegasus arrived"

2.30pm: Sent control party to H.M.S. "Hyacinth" for exercising control. Landed target party

4.00pm: One rating received back from Royal Navy Hospital

5.30pm: Received from shore 30 tons of boiler water

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16 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: Sent recording party to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

9.20am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded to sea

10.30am: Two ratings received back, one from hospital at Zanzibar and one from hospital at Durban via H.M.S. "Pegasus"

1.50pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived

4.30pm: Landed patrol

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17 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: All guns crews and control party exercised at .303 inch aiming practice at towed targets

1.30pm: All guns crews and control party exercised at .303 inch aiming practice at towed targets

4.30pm: Landed patrol

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18 September 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.55

8.45am: Closed B and C doors and Beck's valves

9.00am: Slipped from moorings

9.04am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to False Bay and for carrying out 1 inch aiming practice. Carried out four battle practice runs using 1 inch aiming, at ranges from 3000 yards to 800 yards. "South Eastern" steam launch towing pattern 3 target

10.10am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N20W, Outlands beacon S89W, Miller Point S34W

Noon: Ship stopper for dinner

12.15pm: Seal Island N55E, Muizenberg N15W, Roman Rocks lighthouse N61W

1.00pm: Drizzling rain with mist

2.10pm: Proceeded as requisite for returning to Simon's Bay

2.50pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour

2.58pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

According to the Bahamas Maritime Authority bulletin there are four types of door:

  • Type "A": a door that is kept open.

  • Type "B": a door that shall be closed, but may be left opened for the length of time that personnel are working in the adjacent compartment. In the case of the crew accommodation area, the presence of a competent person, in the adjacent compartment will satisfy this requirement.

  • Type "C": a door that shall be closed, but may be opened to permit passage.

  • Type "D": a door that shall be closed BEFORE the voyage commences and shall be kept closed during Navigation. Additionally, watertight doors fitted in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo between deck spaces.

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19 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.25am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded from anchorage to her moorings

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20 September 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded to False Bay for firing

8.48am: Slipped from moorings. Engines and courses as requisite for leaving harbour

8.55am: Engines and courses as requisite for carrying out battle practice runs in False Bay using 12 and 3 pounder guns and 1 inch aiming at towed target. "South Eastern" steam boat towing pattern 3 target

10.40am: Miller Point S41W, Roman Rocks lighthouse N72W, Seal Island N88E

11.30am: Firing completed. Courses and speed as requisite for returning to Simon's Bay

12.02pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

3.30pm: Discharged two ratings to Royal Navy Hospital

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21 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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22 September 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.15am: Slipped from number 4 moorings. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

8.20am: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out battle practice runs in False Bay using 6 pounders and 1 inch aiming at towed target. "Scotsman" towing pattern 3 target. Carried out 2 runs using 6 pounder guns and 4 runs using 1 inch aiming

9.00am: Sighted H.I.J.M.S. "Kongo" to southward

9.48am: Left side of Seal Island S44E, Elsey Peak N73W, Cape Point S40W

11.28am: Roman Rocks Lighthouse N8W, Outlands beacon N29W, white beacon S51W

11.20am: Completed firing

11.25am: Proceeded to Simon's Bay

12.04pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

1.15pm: H.I.J.M.S. "Kongo" arrived

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23 September 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Sent recording party to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

8.19am: Slipped from moorings

8.24am: Proceeded 8 knots, 2.5 cables astern of H.M.S. "Hyacinth". Courses as requisite for proceeding into False Bay.

8.43am: Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for taking up station as intermediate ship two points before the beam of H.M.S. "Pegasus" 3250 yards

9.00am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N40W, Outlands beacon N64W, white beacon S58W

9.50am: Took up station as counting ship 1000 yards 4 points before the beam of target. Counting party arrived on board from "Scotsman"

10.15am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" commenced battle practice run

10.28am: Battle practice run completed

10.38am: Elsey Peak N14W, white beacon N51W, Cape Point N69W

10.40am: Proceeded

Noon: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to moorings

12.14pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

1.10pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived

4.00pm: One leading signaller and two able bodied seamen passing for higher rating

7.00pm: Landed patrol

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24 September 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.10am: Sent target party to "Scotsman"

8.00am: Recording party arrived from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

8.32am: Slipped from moorings. Proceeded courses as requisite for leaving harbour 11 knots and as requisite for taking station on "Scotsman"

9.18am: Elsey Peak N48W, Cape Point S49W, Seal Island N29E

9.29am: Commenced first preliminary battle practice run, fired from starboard side.

10.10am: Commenced second preliminary battle practice run, fired port side

10.50am: Proceeded. Courses as requisite for Simon's Bay

10.53am: Elsey Peak N29W, Simon's Berg white beacon N46W, Buffalo white beacon S84W

11.37am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour

11.55am: Secured to number 4 moorings

1.30pm: Hands employed re-stowing magazines and shell rooms, oiling wire hawsers and as requisite

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25 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Inspected arms. Gunners mate and eight hands drawing ammunition from dockyard

10.00am: Marines at 4.7 inch gun drill

11.30am: Embarked ammunition from lighter. Discharged one rating to Royal Navy Hospital

5.00pm: Received from shore 40 tons of boiler water

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26 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: Recording parties embarked on board

7.35am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded to sea

7.40am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded into False Bay with battle practice target

7.45am: Military and R.N.V.R. officers arrived on board

8.15am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board, broke Commander-in-Chief's flag. Slipped from moorings. Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for rendezvous

9.22am: Elsey Peak N39W, Cape Point S81W, Hangklip Berg S15E

10.13am: Commenced battle practice run

10.21am: Opened fire, fired from starboard side. H.M.S. "Pegasus" carrying out duties of counting

10.27am: Closed target

10.44am: Proceeded to Simon's Bay. Seal Island N3W, Elsey Peak N50W, Outlands beacon N74W

11.50am: Secured to number 4 moorings

11.52am: Commander-in-Chief left ship

12.30pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived

1.15pm: Hands employed getting out port accommodation ladder, taking off sea gear and scrubbing deck cloths

4.30pm: Landed patrol. Chain slings to port accommodation ladder lost overboard by accident

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27 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Landed picket house party

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28 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4.30pm: Landed patrol

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29 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.10am: One engine room artificer and one leading stoker lent to H.M.S. "Mutine"

9.15am: Landed one petty officer and twelve seamen to work about battle practice target

5.30pm: Received from shore 50 tons of boiler water

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30 September 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Lieutenant R.C.A. Glunicke R.M.L.I. inspected hands at physical drill. Hands drawing ammunition. Examined gun-cotton and Whitehead pistols. Marines landed for drill [Although called Whitehead pistols, they are torpedoes]

1.00pm: Boats crews away in boats at boat drill

2.00pm: Ammunition lighter secured alongside. One able bodied seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital

4.30pm: Landed patrol

6.00pm: Midshipman M.B.A. Sinclair left ship and rejoined H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

6.20pm: Midshipman chief petty officer Van der Byl joined ship from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"


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1 October 1913

At Simon's Town and at anchor off Kalk Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.45am: Landed carpenters party for repairing battle practice target

9.00am: Major F.E.C.B. Chichester R.M.L.I. inspected marines

11.30am: Paid quarterly settlement

4.00pm: Read warrant number [not filled in]?

6.15pm: Slipped from moorings

6.18pm: Proceeded

6.48pm: Came to with port bower. Anchor bearings: Roman Rocks lighthouse S45W, Elsey Peak N83W, St. James Station N22W

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2 October 1913

At anchor off Kalk Bay and at sea in False Bay

Lat -34.13, Long 18.45

9.15am: Weighed and proceeded. Carried out six runs, between Elsey Peak and Seal Island. Courses and speed as requisite. Steam cutter towing target. Range of target on beam 800 yards. 6 pounders firing .45 inch, 4.7 inch guns and 6 inch guns firing 1 inch aiming

11.30am: Completed firing. Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for anchorage

11.48am: Came to with port bower. Anchor bearings: Elsey Peak N54W, Roman Rocks S50W, Seal Island S74E

1.20pm: Galley and first cutter away, crews exercised boat sailing

9.50pm: Secured, sent steam cutter to H.M.S. "Hyacinth" for the night

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3 October 1913

At anchor off Kalk Bay and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.28am: Weighed, proceeded courses and speed as requisite for Simon's Bay

7.16am: Secured to number 4 moorings

10.05am: Exercised away all boats crews pull around the squadron

10.45am: Hoisted all boats

3.00pm: One stoker received back from Royal Navy Hospital

6.00pm: Received from shore 50 tons of boiler water

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4 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: One fire bucket lost overboard by accident

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5 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.10am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived

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6 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.05am: Exercised away all boats crews pull around the squadron and hoist all boats

11.10am: Hands employed returning evolution gear

4.30pm: Landed patrol

8.15pm: Carried out night defence firing using .303 inch and .45 inch at target towed by steam cutter

10.10pm: Secured

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7 October 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.15am: Landed marines

1.30pm: Discharged one third class domestic to Royal Navy Hospital.

5.06pm: Slipped from moorings

5.12pm: Proceeded into False Bay courses and speed as requisite

5.59pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N44W, Outlands beacon N87W, Cape Point S29W

6.05pm: Dropped on buoy and moorings

6.25pm: Dropped one target and moorings

6.50pm: Dropped one target and moorings

8.00pm to 9.30pm: Carried out four night practice runs using 6 pounders, .45 inch and 1 inch aiming

9.30pm to 10.25pm: Weighed target moorings and hoisted targets

10.10pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N59W, Cape Point lighthouse S32W

10.25pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for Simon's Bay

10.50pm: Stopped. Engines as requisite for picking up moorings

11.00pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

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8 October 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.45am: Landed marine signallers

9.15am: Inspected arms

11.30am: Received from shore 36 tons of boiler water

5.30pm: Slipped from moorings

5.32pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding into False Bay

6.14pm to 6.40pm: Dropped three target buoys

6.40pm: Stopped

7.00pm: Cape Point S34W, Miller's Point S67W, Roman Rocks N33W

7.15pm: Proceeded

7.50pm to 10.35pm: Carried out 6 runs for night firing practice

10.38pm: Elsey Peak N33W, Roman Rocks lighthouse N64W, Miller's Point S43W

10.45pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for Simon's Bay

11.02pm: Stopped. Engines as requisite for securing to moorings

11.15pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

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9 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Exercised small arms companies. Hands employed fitting targets, getting up ammunition for night firing and as requisite

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10 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.20am: Carpenters party returning and drawing stores

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11 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

3.00pm: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to and received one private R.M.L.I from H.M. Dockyard

5.00pm: One engine room artificer received from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

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12 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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13 October 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Land marines fully equipped. Stokers pull round the squadron

1.35pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded into False Bay with targets

7.05pm: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board. Broke Commander-in-Chief's flag

7.12pm: Slipped from moorings

7.25pm: Proceeded 15 knots. Courses as requisite for proceeding into False Bay

7.50pm: Seal Island S70E, Roman Rocks lighthouse S84W, Cape Point lighthouse S57W

8.25pm to 8.50pm: Carried out night battle practice, two runs, firing at three moored targets

8.55pm: Proceeded. Courses as requisite for Simon's Bay

9.00pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N42W, Cape Point lighthouse S40W

9.16pm: Engines as requisite for picking up moorings

9.23pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

9.25pm: Commander-in-Chief left ship. Transferred flag to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

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14 October 1913

From Simon's Town to Saldanha Bay and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.50am: Slipped from moorings

5.57am: Proceeded into False Bay

6.25am: Stopped. Weighed target moorings and hoisted target

7.30am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N44W, Outlands beacon N69W, Buffalo white beacon S56W

7.35am: Proceeded back to Simon's Bay

8.10am: Stopped

8.25am: Sent target to new dockyard

9.20am: Proceeded in False Bay. Courses and speed as requisite. H.M.S. "Pegasus" took station astern of H.M.S. "Astræa" 2 cables

9.50am to 10.40am: Courses and speed as requisite. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" carried out long range torpedo firing, firing 4 torpedoes. "Scotsman" and boats in attendance picking up torpedoes

10.45am: Squadron carried out fleet manoeuvres, proceeding back to Simon's Bay

11.35am: Proceeded independently to moorings

11.52am: Secured to number 4 moorings

4.15pm: Midshipman J.W. Hallowes joined ship from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

5.00pm: Received from shore 32 tons of boiler water. Slipped from moorings

5.04pm: Proceeded 9 knots. Courses as requisite for proceeding to sea and rounding Cape Point

5.18pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N60E 2 cables

6.32pm: Cape Point lighthouse N82E 3.2 miles

7.33pm: Cape Point lighthouse N88E 4 miles

7.45pm to 9.00pm: Courses as requisite for swinging ship for deviation of standard compass

9.20pm: Robben Island lighthouse N50E

9.43pm: Green Point lighthouse N67E

11.30pm: Robben Island lighthouse S79E 15 miles

Whilst at Simon's Town the crew has been cleaning, scrapping, red leading and painting the ship, refitting, cleaning and painting out boats, repairing and painting targets, fitting target sails, reeving new boat falls and lifelines, make and mend clothes, scrubbing deck cloths, replace evolution gear and rigging main derrick. They also exercised physical drill, general quarters, sent wire hawser to flagship, control party, out bower anchor, replace bower anchor by hand, fire stations, night defence, aft lower booms and out collision mat. On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held. The starboard and port watches alternately have regularly been granted leave in the afternoon.

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15 October 1913

From Simon's Town to Saldanha Bay and at Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

12.08am: Sighted Dassen Island lighthouse N32E

2.33am: Dassen Island lighthouse S79E 7 miles

4.00am: Dassen Island lighthouse S25E

5.33am: Constable Hill S57E, South Head S67E, North Bay Hill N70E

6.00am: Courses as requisite for entering Houtjes Bay

6.27am: Marcus Island N55W 7 cables

6.47am: Stopped.

6.50am: Came to with starboard bower. Anchor bearings Dial Rock N18E, Baviaan Point N27W, Houtjes Point S9W

9.05am: Read articles of war and quarterly return of court martial

10.00am to 11.00am: Marine recruits away boat pulling

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16 October 1913

At Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

7.30am: Landed marines and Maxim gun

8.15am: Landed seaman battalion and Maxim gun

11.15am: Landing parties returned

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17 October 1913

At Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

9.05am: Surgeon Thursfield read health lecture, divers away diving

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18 October 1913

At Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

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19 October 1913

From Saldanha Bay to Simon's Town and at Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

9.30am: Hands mustered by the ledger

6.15pm: Weighed

6.28pm: Proceeded, courses as requisite for leaving harbour

6.45pm: Marcus Island N10W 6½ cables

7.06pm: Schooner Rock North 8 cables.

7.41pm: Dassen Island lighthouse S2W, South Head Hill N68E

9.45pm: Dassen Island lighthouse S67E 7.3 miles.

11.00pm: Sighted Robben Island lighthouse S30E

Midnight: Green Point lighthouse S33E

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20 October 1913

From Saldanha Bay to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.54am: Robben Island lighthouse abeam 15 miles

1.32am: Green Point lighthouse abeam 15½ miles

2.36am: Cape Point lighthouse S20E

5.32am: Cape Point lighthouse N34E 5 miles. Courses as requisite for rounding Cape Point

6.08am: Cape Point lighthouse N40W 2.8 miles

7.00am: Courses as requisite for Simon's Bay

7.29am: Stopped. Engines as requisite for picking up number 4 moorings

7.36am: Wire pendant belonging to number 4 moorings parted. Engines as requisite for picking up number 6 moorings

8.12am: Secured to number 6 moorings. Divers away diving for lost moorings

12.35pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" returned to harbour

1.40pm: Diving party returned to ship

2.10pm: Battle practice targets arrived and secured astern

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21 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.40am: Slipped from moorings. Proceeded in False Bay, courses and speed as requisite. Towing battle practice target

6.45am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" left harbour

8.00am: Seal Island N6E 2 miles. Stopped

8.15am: Veered target, courses and speed as requisite, for carrying out H.M.S. "Pegasus" battle practice. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" carrying out duties of counting ship

9.10am: Seal Island N22W, Elsey Peak N47W, Cape Point S72W

9.35am: Seal Island N15W, Elsey Peak N42W, Cape Point S76W

8.50am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" commenced firing

9.00am: Firing completed

11.24am: Engines as requisite for turning over target to "South Easter" steam boat.

11.36am: Engines as requisite for securing to number 4 moorings

Noon: Secured to number 4 moorings

3.00pm: Two ratings received back from Royal Navy Hospital

3.50pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived

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22 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Sent in steam cutter to dockyard for repairs

3.30pm: Received from shore 60 tons of boiler water

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23 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Exercised small arms companies. Starboard watch employed hauling up steam cutter on dockyard boat slip

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24 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.30pm: Hands employed drawing boatswain's stores

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25 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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26 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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27 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.55am: Slipped. Proceeded into False Bay

8.45am to 10.50am: Carried out five runs firing 1 inch aiming from 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns. Range 1600 yards to 800 yards. "Scotsman" towing target. Officer of Quarters carrying out control

10.06am: Left side of Seal Island S55E, Miller Point S51W, Roman Rocks S80W

10.55am: Proceeded into harbour

11.31am: Secured to number 4 moorings

2.00pm: Torpedo tasks crews transporting torpedoes

5.30pm: Received from shore 26 tons of boiler water

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28 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.15am: Landed marines

9.30am: Landed gunnery training class for field gun instruction

2.00pm: Sent 2½ inch wire hawser to "Scotsman". Landed gunnery training class for field gun drill

4.00pm: Marines returned on board

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29 October 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Sent carpenters working party to work on steam cutter

8.30am: Slipped. Proceeded into False Bay. Courses and speed as requisite. Carried out Officer of Quarters firing. "Scotsman" towing target

9.34am: Commenced first run

9.52am: Commenced second run

10.00am to 10:15am: Gave "Scotsman" a lee to furl target sail

10.10am: Elsey Peak N33W, Outlands beacon N65W, Buffalo white beacon S64W

10.15am: Proceeded into Simon's Bay at 12 knots

11.00am: Secured to number 4 moorings. Hands employed taking off sea gear, getting out port accommodation ladder

4.30pm: Received one rating rejoined from Royal Navy detention barracks

7.00pm: One brass crutch broken by accident

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30 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.15am: Landed battalion (two companies)

Noon: Battalion returned on board

5.00pm: Received from shore 36 tons of boiler water

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31 October 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43


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1 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.30am: Paid monthly money

4.00pm: One stoker received back from Royal Navy Hospital

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2 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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3 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.20am: Discharged one ordinary seaman for passage to England

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4 November 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.13am: Slipped. Proceeded courses, speed and disposition as requisite for carrying out squadron (H.M.S. "Hyacinth", H.M.S. "Astræa" and H.M.S. "Pegasus") firing using 1 inch aiming, in False Bay

10.22am: Seal Island N23E, Elsey Peak N44W, Cape Point S52W

11.30am: Squadron proceeded to moorings

Noon: Secured to number 4 moorings

6.00pm: Target adrift from steam pinnace. Lowered cutter and ran out gears line to steam pinnace

6.20pm: Target ashore

6.30pm: Hoisted cutter. Sent working party to haul up target on beach

8.00pm: Burnt searchlight on target and periodically during the night

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5 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.00am: Anchor watch kept during the night. Burnt searchlight every hour on target

9.15am: Inspected arms

10.30am: Inspected bedding

11.00am: Discharged one stoker to Royal Navy Hospital

1.30pm: Hands employed striking down ammunition

9.30pm: Burnt searchlight every hour during night on target

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6 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Exercised small arm companies. Marines as physical drill and at 4.7 inch gun drill

12.30pm: One metal boat hook lost overboard by accident

6.00pm: Received from shore 26 tons of boiler water

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7 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Landed port watch to float target. Sent away small kedge anchor in cutter to float target

11.30am: Target floated and towed in basin

1.30pm: Replaced kedge anchor

2.30pm: Dockyard divers examining rudder

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8 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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9 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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10 November 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.10am: Commander-in-Chief went on board H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

9.12am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses, speed and disposition as requisite for carrying out squadron (H.M.S. "Hyacinth", H.M.S. "Astræa" and H.M.S. "Pegasus") firing. "Scotsman" towing two targets. Steam launch "C372" slipping two targets on bow of squadron

9.47am: Opened fire

9.59am: Repelled torpedo boat attack

10.03am: Ceased firing

10.15am: Replaced gear. Proceeded into Simon's Bay courses and speed as requisite 2 cables astern of H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

10.20am: Elsey Peak N42W, Cape Point S56W, Seal Island N40E

11.25am: Secured to number 4 moorings

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11 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.45am: Landed marines

9.15am: Inspected arms. Gave health lecture

3.30pm: Three able bodied seamen under examination for higher rating

4.40pm: Two night firing targets arrived and secured astern

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12 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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13 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: H.M.S. "Mutine" shifted berth

8.30am: Landed small arm companies for drill

7.00pm: Received from shore 20 tons of boiler water

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14 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.50am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" slipped and proceeded into dock

9.17am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded into False Bay

9.20am: Landed provisioning party

10.20am: Sent small battle practice target to dockyard

2.00pm: Carpenters party and steam cutters crew in dockyard working on steam cutter

3.08pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived and secured to buoy

8.05pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded into False Bay for preliminary night firing

11.00pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" secured to buoy

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15 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.20am: Landed carpenters party working on steam cutter

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16 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board and inspected ship's company at divisions and presented ship with Battle Practice Cup

9.53am: Commander-in-Chief left ship

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17 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Man and arm boats. Carried out firing from sailing pinnace and from first and second cutters

11.00am: Discharged one petty officer and one stoker to Royal Navy Hospital

1.00pm to 3.00pm: Wind shifting between SW and SE (variable)

2.00pm: 3 Ordinary seamen under examination (seamanship)

7.00pm: Received from shore 10 tons of boiler water

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18 November 1913

At Simon's Town and in Simon's Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Hands employed returning ammunition

10.30am: Lieutenant L.S. Russell R.N. left ship on leave and for passage to England

11.50am: Sub Lieutenant J.R.P. Thompson joined ship (from England)

2.20pm: Secured two night firing targets astern

6.00pm to 8.00pm: Heavy squalls from SSE

8.00pm to midnight: Heavy squalls from SSE

8.12pm: Slipped from moorings. Proceeded courses and speed for False Bay. Towing two night firing target for H.M.S. "Hyacinth's" firing

8.25pm: Pattern VI target capsized. Stopped engines

8.30pm to 8.40pm: Hauled in targets

8.42pm: Came to with port bower

8.55pm: Lowered sea boat, sighted target and furled target sails

10.00pm: Hoisted sea boat

11.00pm: Anchor bearings: Dockyard Camber lighthouse S62W, east breakwater occulting light S13W, Roman Rocks lighthouse S61E

11.30pm to midnight: Wind moderating at times

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19 November 1913

In Simon's Bay and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.30am: Wind decreasing in force to 4. Blue sky visible in places

1.30am: Wind SE by S force 2

2.00am: Light airs. Wind shifting to NNE

7.00am: Sent target into basin

8.50am: Weighed. Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for moorings

9.20am to 9.40am: Squalls from SE force 6

9.25am: Secured to number 4 moorings

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20 November 1913

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: Received from shore 24 tons of boiler water

10.30am: Discharged one rating to Royal Navy Hospital

2.20pm: Secured night firing target astern

8.06pm: Slipped and proceeded with night firing target in tow. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding into False Bay

9.25pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" opened fire on target

9.30pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" ceased firing

9.48pm: Target capsized

9.54pm: Cape Point lighthouse S31W, Roman Rocks lighthouse N62E

10.12pm: Abandoned firing. Hauled up target and returned to Simon's Bay. Courses and speed as requisite. Target bottom up

10.50pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N56W 2.2 miles

11.40pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse S48W 5½ cables

11.59pm: Stopped

Midnight: Came to with port bower. Anchor bearings Admiral's jetty red light S69W, east breakwater occulting light S20W, Roman Rocks lighthouse S54E. Very heavy squalls from northward

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21 November 1913

At Simon's Town and in Simon's Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Heavy squall from N by W to N by E occasionally

9.52am: Weighed. Courses and speed as requisite for shifting berth

10.06am: Came to with port bower

10.30am: Hands employed righting target

11.30am: Sent target to basin

Noon: Anchor bearings: Admiral house flagstaff S69W, east breakwater occulting light S20W, Roman Rocks lighthouse S54E

3.23pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to number 4 moorings

3.56pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

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22 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4.30am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" sailed

7.20am: Landed carpenter's party to work on steam cutter

5.00pm: Returned two 2½ inch wire hawsers to H.M.S. "Pegasus"

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23 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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24 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.20am: Landed provisioning party and dockyard parties

10.30am: Hands employed provisioning ship

1.00pm: Heavy rain squall

2.30pm: Hands employed provisioning ship

4.50pm: Finished provisioning ship

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25 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.55am: Landed 20 seamen and 4 stokers and 2 petty officers for docking purposes

10.30am: Docking party returned on board

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26 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Landed docking party

7.20am: Landed carpenter's party to work on steam cutter

7.32am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for entering basin

7.40am: Entered basin

9.15am: Secured in dock

12.05pm: Hands commenced to scrub ship's bottom

3.00pm: Received two ratings rejoined from Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: Read warrant number 24. Discharged one prisoner to detention barracks

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27 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Landed carpenters party

7.30am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" slipped from jetty and proceeded to moorings

9.30am: Hands employed ranging cable at bottom of dock, scrubbing ship's bottom, dismounting guns and as requisite

4.00pm: Non swimmers of seamen branch at instruction

4.30pm: Day-men non swimmers at instruction

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28 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Stoker non swimmers at instruction

7.15am: Petty officers non swimmers at instruction

8.15am: Landed carpenters party to work on steam cutter

8.30am: Hands employed scraping ship's bottom, stripping awnings, dismounting guns and as requisite

1.30pm: Hands employed scraping ship's bottom, fitting awnings and ridge ropes, painting quarter deck. Gunners party dismounting number 1 4.7 inch port

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29 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Stokers non swimmers landed for instruction

10.30am: One ordinary seaman discharged to Royal Navy Hospital

8.30pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded with night firing target in tow, H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded to sea for night action practice

10.30pm: Both ships returned to harbour

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30 November 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43


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1 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Stokers non swimmers landed for instruction

8.00am: Dressed ship with masthead flags in honour of H.M. Queen Alexandra's birthday

9.30am: Hands employed dismounting PII 4.7 inch gun

Noon: Paraded guard of honour. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" fired 21 gun salute

4.00pm: Read warrant number 25

4.15pm: Seamen and day-men non swimmers at instruction

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2 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Stoker non swimmers at instruction

7.15am: Petty officers non swimmers at instruction. Launched boats for pulling regatta

9.30am: Cape squadron pulling regatta commenced

7.00pm: Regatta finished

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3 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Stoker non swimmers at instruction

9.00am: Boats crews employed preparing boats for squadron sailing regatta

1.00pm: Held squadron sailing regatta

1.35pm: Received one court martial prisoner from S.S. "Goorka" [No reference to S.S. "Goorka" has been found. It is most probably misspelled and should be H.M.H.S. "Goorkha"]

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4 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.50am: Landed carpenter's party to work on steam cutter

9.00am: Hands employed dismounting guns

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5 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Stoker non swimmers at instruction

8.00am: Hoisted court martial Jack

9.20am: Hands employed dismounting guns

9.30am: Court martial assembled on board

12.15pm: Court martial adjourned

1.20pm: Court martial re-opened

5.05pm: Court martial dissolved, hauled down court martial Jack

7.45pm: Discharged one prisoner to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

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6 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Steam cutter's crew working about steam cutter

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7 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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8 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Provisioning party drawing provisions for range party

7.00am: Landed range party

7.20am: Seamen and stokers non swimmers under instruction

9.00am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded into False Bay for Commander-in-Chief's firing

11.15am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" returned to harbour and secured to moorings

1.15pm: Read warrants numbers 26, 27 and 28

1.30pm: Landed steam cutter's crew to work on steam cutter

3.45pm: Engineer stores lighter arrive in basin and secured abreast the ship

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9 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Landed small arm companies and marine detachment for field operations with the military forces

9.00am: Hands employed shifting seamen messes to dockyard shed

3.00pm: Small arm companies and marine detachment returned on board

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10 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Stoker non swimmers at instruction

7.15am: Petty officers non swimmers at instruction

8.50am: Hands employed dismounting PIII 4.7 inch gun. Pinnace's and galley's crews preparing boats for sailing race

1.00pm: Held squadron sailing race for Commander-in-Chief's Cup

11.00pm to midnight: Heavy squalls from NW

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11 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Stoker non swimmers at instruction

1.10pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded into False Bay

3.10pm: Fire reported in "A" coal shed in dockyard, sent party to assist at fire

5.00pm: Stokers employed removing coal from coal shed

8.00pm: seamen and marines relieved stokers working at fire

10.45pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" returned to harbour

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12 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

Midnight: Stokers relieved seamen and marines at fire

2.10am: Fire extinguished

2.20am: Stokers returned on board

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13 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Stokers and petty officer non swimmers at instruction

9.45am: First range party returned on board

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14 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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15 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Second range party left ship

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

4.30pm: Read warrant number 29

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16 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

11.30am: Divers diving for boat's slings

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17 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

5.20pm: One court martial prisoner sent to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

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18 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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19 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

9.00am: Hands employed drawing gunner's stores and reeling up catting pendants

5.30pm: Discharged one able bodied seaman to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

4caf8414cadfd34197004f3e: (

20 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.35am: Second range party returned on board

10.40am: H.M.S. "Pegasus"

5.20pm: Received one signaller back from detention barracks

4caf8414cadfd34197004f3f: (

21 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.00pm: One acting Ship's Corporal second class received from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

4caf8414cadfd34197004f40: (

22 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

9.00am: Hands employed "staging down", restoring sheet locker, clearing up rigging shed and reeling up 5½ inch hawser. Carpenter's party drawing stores

10.30am: Discharged one engine room artificer and one stoker to Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: Read warrant number 30

4.30pm: Discharged one stoker to detention barracks

4caf8414cadfd34197004f41: (

23 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Hands employed drawing gunner's and carpenter's stores

2.00pm: Received two ratings back from Royal Navy Hospital

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24 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Stoker non swimmers at instruction

10.30am: Gunner's and carpenter's parties drawing stores

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25 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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26 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Marines and quarterdeck men employed shifting their messes over to rigging shed, second cutter's crew preparing their boat for painting, remainder of hands employed refitting hammock cloth lacing and as requisite

4caf8415cadfd34197004f45: (

27 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

9.00am: Discharged one leading signaller to Royal Navy Hospital

4caf8415cadfd34197004f46: (

28 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4caf8415cadfd34197004f47: (

29 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction. Third range party left ship

3.10pm: Sent working party to launch steam cutter from boat slip

5.00pm: Seamen and day-men non swimmers at instruction

4caf8415cadfd34197004f48: (

30 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

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31 December 1913

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Stokers non swimmers at instruction

4.20pm: Non swimmers at instruction

5.30pm: Received one stoker rating from detention barracks


JP map Astraea 1914


4caf8415cadfd34197004f4a: (

1 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.30am: Paid quarterly settlement

4.30pm: Read warrant number 31. Discharged one able bodied seaman to detention barracks

4caf8415cadfd34197004f4b: (

2 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Sent marksmen to range for firing. Non swimmers at instruction

1.00pm: Discharged 1 leading signaller and 3 seamen to Royal Navy Hospital to act as guard on on prisoner in hospital

4caf8415cadfd34197004f4c: (

3 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Ship's company medically examined

10.00am: Third range party returned on board

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4 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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5 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.30am: Received 15 tons of coal for culinary purposes

1.30pm: Landed Cape Town picket. Port watch employed dismounting guns, testing war heads and examining Whitehead pistols

7.00pm: Lost overboard by accident from first skiff crutches gunmetal pattern number 73C, two in number

4caf8415cadfd34197004f4f: (

6 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

11.30am: Cape Town picket returned on board

4caf8415cadfd34197004f50: (

7 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Sent ratings to commission torpedo boat

8.50am: Inspected arms

4.00pm: Read warrant number 32. Non swimmers at instruction

7.30pm: Discharged one able bodied seaman to detention barracks

4caf8415cadfd34197004f51: (

8 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Non swimmers at instruction

8.30am: Inspected bedding

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9 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.35am: Inspected arms

4.00pm: Non swimmers at instruction

4caf8415cadfd34197004f53: (

10 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

3.00pm: One stoker rejoined ship from Royal Navy Hospital

4caf8415cadfd34197004f54: (

11 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Hands mustered by the ledger. Read yearly assessments

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12 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Non swimmers at instruction

7.00am: Sent target and recording parties to "Scotsman"

8.00am: Sent recording party to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

9.10am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded into False Bay for Commander-in-Chief's firing

11.30am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" returned to moorings

4.00pm: Non swimmers at instruction

5.30pm: Received ten ratings from Royal Navy depot Chatham by S.S. "Galeka"

9.00pm: Landed marine guard for duty in old and new dockyards

4caf8415cadfd34197004f56: (

13 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Marine guard returned on board

9.10am: Landed field gun's crews and gunnery training class for instruction

9.20am: Landed marine detachment for small arm drill

1.30pm: Landed two officers and 52 petty officers and men to put out brush fire

3.50pm: One leading cook's mate received back from Royal Navy Hospital

7.00pm: Brush fire party returned on board

8.00pm: Landed marine guard for duty at old and new dockyards

4caf8415cadfd34197004f57: (

14 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Marine guard returned on board

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

4.00pm: Non swimmers at instruction

8.00pm: Landed marine guard for duty at old and new dockyards

4caf8415cadfd34197004f58: (

15 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Marine guard returned on board

3.30pm: Non swimmers at instruction

8.00pm: Landed marine guard for duty at old and new dockyards

4caf8415cadfd34197004f59: (

16 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Marine guard returned on board

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

9.30am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded into False Bay for firing

4.00pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" anchored in Simon's Bay. Non swimmers at instruction

7.45pm: Landed marine guard for duty at old and new dockyards

4caf8415cadfd34197004f5a: (

17 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.00am: Marine guard returned on board

11.00am: Crew from "T.B. 060" returned on board after paying off ["T.B. 060" is most probably torpedo boat "TB60"]

11.30am: Lost overboard by accident from "T.B. 060" one anchor buoy and 17 turns of rope

2.30pm: One engine room artificer received back from Royal Navy Hospital

7.45pm: Landed marine guard for duty at old and new dockyards

4caf8415cadfd34197004f5b: (

18 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Marine guard returned on board

2.15pm: Landed party to extinguish bush fire

3.30pm: Bush fire party returned on board

4caf8415cadfd34197004f5c: (

19 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Non swimmers at instruction

7.30am: Landed marines for annual musketry and field training course

3.30pm: Non swimmers at instruction

4caf8415cadfd34197004f5d: (

20 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Non swimmers at instruction

9.00am: Hands employed mustering bags

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21 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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22 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

9.00am: Landed small arm companies

9.45am: Discharged one rating to Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: Non swimmers at instruction

4caf8415cadfd34197004f60: (

23 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

9.00am: Hands employed drawing stores, mounting fore 6 inch gun, refitting, rigging torpedo nets around bathing pool and as requisite

4.00pm: Non swimmers at instruction

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24 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.45am: Landed party rigging torpedo nets around bathing pool

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25 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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26 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

8.00am: Hands employed rigging torpedo nets around bathing pool. Landed field gun for drill

4.10pm: Non swimmers at instruction

4.50pm: Hospital guard received back from Royal Navy Hospital

4caf8415cadfd34197004f64: (

27 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

8.45am: Inspected arms

9.00am: Hands employed rigging torpedo nets around bathing pool

5.30pm: One leading seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital

4caf8415cadfd34197004f65: (

28 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Non swimmers at instruction

9.15am: Landed guard of honour for drill

8.30am: Hands employed rigging torpedo nets around bathing pool

12.15pm: Read warrant number 33

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29 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Landed guard of honour for drill

3.30pm: Shipped lifebuoys

4.00pm: Non swimmers at instruction

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30 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: Non swimmers at instruction. Landed field gun's crew for drill

9.00am: Landed guard of honour for lining steps of Senate House

9.35am: Commenced flooding dock

10.10am: Ship afloat

3.55pm: Guard of honour returned on board

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31 January 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

3.30pm: One ordinary seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital


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1 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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2 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Discharged one engine room artificer to Royal Navy Hospital

Noon: Paid monthly money

4.00pm: Read warrant number 35

4caf8415cadfd34197004f6b: (

3 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Non swimmers at instruction

11.00am: Seaman Kloof guard returned on board

3.10pm: Marines returned on board from annual musketry and field training

4.20pm: Non swimmers at instruction

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4 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Non swimmers at instruction

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5 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Non swimmers at instruction

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6 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Non swimmers at instruction

10.30am: Field gun's crew landed for drill

3.00pm: Field gun's crew landed for drill

3.30pm: One engine room artificer and one stoker received back from Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: Non swimmers at instruction

4caf8415cadfd34197004f6f: (

7 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.00am: Re-stowed cable in after chain locker

6.30am: Non swimmers at instruction

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8 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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9 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.30am: Divers employed diving, monthly dip

3.00pm: Field gun's crew landed for drill

4.20pm: Read warrants numbers 36 and 37

4caf8415cadfd34197004f72: (

10 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.50am: Inspected arms

10.00am: Landed field gun's crew for drill

1.30pm: Landed field gun's crew for drill

3.45pm: Landed markers and register keepers for duty at range

4.00pm: Read warrant number 38. Discharged one stoker to detention quarters

4caf8415cadfd34197004f73: (

11 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Non swimmers at instruction

11.30am: Landed field gun's crew for drill

1.30pm: Landed field gun's crew for drill

3.30pm: Non swimmers at instruction

4caf8415cadfd34197004f74: (

12 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Non swimmers at instruction

8.45am: Inspected arms

10.00am: Hands employed drawing ammunition

10.30am: Landed field gun's crew for drill

12.05pm: Discharged ship's steward to Royal Navy Hospital

4.30pm: Read warrant number 39

4caf8415cadfd34197004f75: (

13 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

3.30pm: Non swimmers at instruction

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14 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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15 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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16 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Non swimmers at instruction

3.30pm: Received back from Royal Navy Hospital one ship's steward and one stoker

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17 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Landed marines for drill

11.00am: Discharged one stoker petty officer to Royal Navy Hospital

3.00pm: One stoker petty officer received back from Royal Navy Hospital for passage to H.M.S. "Pegasus"

4caf8415cadfd34197004f7a: (

18 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Landed field gun's crew for drill

9.15am: Discharged one chief petty officer to Royal Navy Hospital

2.00pm: Landed field gun's crew for drill

4caf8415cadfd34197004f7b: (

19 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Hands employed returning cordite for testing

5.30pm: One stoker received back from detention quarters

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20 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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21 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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22 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4caf8415cadfd34197004f7f: (

23 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.40am: Hands employed preparing for undocking. Discharged one ship's steward to Royal Navy barracks Chatham by S.S. "German"

8.00am: Hand employed undocking ship

9.15am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" slipped and proceeded into dry dock

9.30am: Ship secured alongside east wall of basin

10.00am: Major F.E.C.B. Chichester R.M.L.I. held quarterly inspection of marines

10.45am: Discharged one marine and one stoker petty officer to Royal Navy Hospital

11.00am: Shifted birth to west wall of basin

Whilst in dock the crew has been scraping and painting various parts of the ship, scraping, painting and oiling hawsers, dismounting and refitting guns, painted cutters and whaler and refitting all sorts of gear.

4caf8415cadfd34197004f80: (

24 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.10am: Sent provisioning party to old dockyard

8.40am: Commenced provisioning ship

9.30am: Landed field gun's crew for drill

2.00pm: Landed field gun's crew for drill

4caf8415cadfd34197004f81: (

25 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.30am: Discharged one leading cook's mate to Royal Navy Hospital

1.00pm: Torpedo ratings at submerged tube drill on board H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning out fresh water tanks and drawing gunner's stores and as requisite

3.30pm: Landed field gun's crew for drill

4caf8415cadfd34197004f82: (

26 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Landed field gun's crew for drill

9.15am: Inspected arms

9.35am: Exercised small arm companies

11.00am: Hands employed cleaning out fresh water tanks and drawing gunner's stores

3.00pm: One ordinary seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: S.S. "Goorka" arrived and anchored [No reference to S.S. "Goorka" has been found. It is most probably misspelled and should be H.M.H.S. "Goorkha"]

4caf8415cadfd34197004f83: (

27 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

3.00am: S.S. "Goorka" sailed

12.10pm: Landed field gun's crew for display at Rosebank Agricultural show

3.00pm: Non swimmers at instruction

3.45pm: Both watches employed working hand capstan, securing bower cables

4caf8415cadfd34197004f84: (

28 February 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.00am: Assistant paymaster H.G. Badger R.N. joined ship from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

11.30am: Mustered by the ledger – paid monthly advance

1.30pm: One marine received back from Royal Navy Hospital

2.45pm: Markers and register keepers returned from range

8.00pm: Received nineteen seedie boys from Royal Navy dockyard


4caf8415cadfd34197004f85: (

1 March 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board and inspected ship's company and walked round ship

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2 March 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: Shifted ship from west wall to north wall

8.30am: Secured alongside north wall

9.00am: Commenced coaling ship

10.10am: Paymaster N.F. Roy R.N. discharged to Royal Navy Hospital

3.45pm: One ordinary seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital

7.30pm: Finished with coal, received 690 tons

4caf8415cadfd34197004f87: (

3 March 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.30pm: Hands employed launching boats, drawing provisions and cleaning ship

4.00pm: Hoisted port boats

4caf8415cadfd34197004f88: (

4 March 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.15am: Ship hauled off wall by dockyard wires

7.40am: Slipped all wires. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to number 1 buoy

8.00am: Hands employed overhauling boat's gear, drawing boatswain's stores and cleaning ship

3.00pm: Preparing for Commander-in-Chief firing. Launched battle practice target

4.10pm: Landed working parties to launch first cutter and rig battle practice target

4.25pm: Read warrants numbers 40 and 41

5.40pm: Received two stoker petty officers and one stoker back from Royal Navy Hospital

Whilst at Simon's Town the crew has been cleaning, refitting, painting, scrubbing coaling screens, scrubbing boat's gear, cleaning out boats, refitting main derrick, oiling wire hawsers, reeving new falls for first and second cutters, refitting topsail yard, refitting wire hook ropes, oiling wire guys of boats davits, repairing target sails, refitting quarter boom, turning out helm signal blocks and refitting helm signals.

They also make and mend clothes, aired night clothing, aired bedding and exercised general quarters, physical drill, out collision mat, prepare to tow forward, stuck, topsail yard, out kedge anchor, fire stations, land fire engine and out diving gear.

On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held.

The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

4caf8415cadfd34197004f89: (

5 March 1914

From Simon's Town to Durban

Lat -34.40, Long 18.75

9.33am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as necessary for swinging ship for deviation of compasses

10.10am: Finished swinging

10.15am: Proceeded 12 knots. Courses as requisite for leaving harbour. Opened Beck's valves

10.18am: Roman Rocks lighthouse abeam 2½ cables

12.15pm: Cape Hangklip N64E 2½ miles

2.34pm: Danger Point lighthouse N64E 3.8 miles

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.56am: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N51E 8 miles

Midnight: Washed overboard by accident one kisby lifebuoy

4caf8415cadfd34197004f8a: (

6 March 1914

From Simon's Town to Durban

Lat -34.42, Long 24.22

5.30am: Communicated with S.S. "Atlantic" of Gothenburg

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.30am to 10.30am: Steered from conning tower

10.00am: Witte Els Berg N56E, Formosa Peak N22E

12.35pm: Kruisfontein's Berg N61E, Karedouw Peak N24E, Witte Els Berg N½E, Formosa Peak N19W [Karedouw should be spelled as Kareedouw]

2.15pm: Sighted Seal Island lighthouse N74E

2.58pm: Seal Island lighthouse N14E 5 miles

6.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.55pm: Cape Recife lighthouse N9E 3.3 miles

7.46pm: Bird Island lighthouse N83E, Port Elizabeth lighthouse N47W, Cape Recife lighthouse N62W

9.43pm: Bird Island lighthouse N6E 5 miles

11.35pm: Great Fish Point lighthouse N75E

Witte Els Berg is most probably Witelskop.

4caf8415cadfd34197004f8b: (

7 March 1914

From Simon's Town to Durban

Lat -32.50, Long 28.72

1.39am: Great Fish Point lighthouse North

2.52am: Great Fish Point lighthouse N70W

4.11am: Sighted East London lighthouse N58E

6.31am: Hood Point lighthouse N45W 4 miles

7.50am: Black beacon N16W 6 miles

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

12.26pm: Gnabbakka Point N48E, remarkable sand hill N66W, Sandy Point S84W

1.30pm: Sighted Banshee River beacon N31E

1.57pm: Banshee River beacon N25W 3.5 miles

4.06pm: Cape Hermes N59E, Rame Head N49E, Whale Rocks N1E, Hole in the Wall N84W

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.30pm: Cape Hermes North 3.6 miles

8.20pm: Lost sight of Cape Hermes lighthouse

Gnabbakka Point is located at the mouth of Gnabbakka River, which is the present day Nqabara River.

Banshee River is the present day Mbashe River.

4caf8415cadfd34197004f8c: (

8 March 1914

From Simon's Town to Durban and at Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

12.45am: Port Shepstone lighthouse N11E

2.19am: Sighted Aliwal lighthouse N38E

2.40am: Port Shepstone lighthouse N51W 6.8 miles

3.28am: Aliwal lighthouse N39E, Port Shepstone lighthouse S88W

5.45am: Courses as requisite for proceeding inside Aliwal Shoals

6.24am: Green Point lighthouse N63W 1.7 miles

7.42am: Cape Natal N43E, right Umlazi N31W, right Umbogintwini N65W

8.25am: Stopped. Pilot came on board

8.29am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour

8.53am: Secured to number 1 buoy

9.45am: Hands mustered by the ledger

4caf8415cadfd34197004f8d: (

9 March 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.40am: Prepared for coaling

6.45am: Cleaning out fresh water tanks

7.30am: Coal lighter arrived alongside

7.45am: Commenced coaling, native labour

10.30am: Complete with coal, received 172.85 tons

4.00pm: Read warrant number 42

4caf8415cadfd34197004f8e: (

10 March 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.40am: Exercised all boats away under sail

4.00pm: Read warrant number 43

4caf8415cadfd34197004f8f: (

11 March 1914

From Durban to Zanzibar

Lat -29.30, Long 32.72

6.00am: Pilot came on board

6.04am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

6.25am: Stopped and dropped pilot

6.30am: Proceeded. Commenced working up for full power trial

7.30am: Commenced 8 hours full power trial

8.30am: Inspected arms

3.30pm: Finished 8 hours full power trial, reduced 3/5ths power

5.00pm: Read warrant number 44

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12 March 1914

From Durban to Zanzibar

Lat -25.45, Long 36.98

12.35am: Observed position latitude 27°31'S, longitude 35°11'E [Lat -27.52, Long 35.18]

7.00am: Finished 3/5ths trial

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steering from conning tower

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

11.30pm: Ship entered the tropics

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13 March 1914

From Durban to Zanzibar

Lat -21.37, Long 39.98

6.40am: Put clocks on 7 minutes. Opened Beck's valves

9.30am to 13.00am: Steering from conning tower

10.15am: Sighted Bassas da India Island N16E

11.18am: Right side of Bassas da India Island N3W, left side of Bassas da India Island N38W

4.50pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steering from conning tower

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14 March 1914

From Durban to Zanzibar

Lat -16.82, Long 42.12

4.15am: Put clocks on 7 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steering from conning tower

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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15 March 1914

From Durban to Zanzibar

Lat -11.58, Long 42.18

2.15am: Put clocks on 7 minutes

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steering from conning tower

9.30am: Read articles of war and quarterly returns of court-martial

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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16 March 1914

From Durban to Zanzibar

Lat -7.00, Long 39.73

2.15am: Put clocks on 9 minutes

8.25am: Sighted Moresby Point lighthouse N76W. Opened Beck's valve

9.04am: Ras Mkumbi (Moresby Point) S70W 8.7 miles

9.00am to 10.00am: Steering from conning tower

11.30am: Ras Kanzi lighthouse N69W

12.23pm: Ras Kanzi lighthouse S61W 9.5 miles

2.31pm: Right side of Pungume Island N12W, right side of Zanzibar Island N53E, left side of Mbudya Island S70W, left side of Bongoyo Island S51W

4.00pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding through Southern Pass to Zanzibar

4.15pm: Chumbe lighthouse N46E 1½ miles

4.56pm: Stopped

5.00pm: Came to with starboard bower

Whilst at sea the watches have regularly been exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, night defence stations, general quarters, collision stations and abandon ship stations. The crew also cleaned the ship, make and mend clothes, making ropes, cleaning out shell rooms and refitting.

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17 March 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.30am: Prepared for coaling

7.30am: Seedie boys and native labour commenced coaling ship

4.45pm: Read warrant number 45

11.30pm: Complete with coal, received 430 tons

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18 March 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

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19 March 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

9.00am: Exercised small arm companies. Marines at gun drill

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20 March 1914

From Zanzibar to Kilindini and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding out by English Pass

6.34pm: Mungopani lighthouse N69E 2.5 miles

7.00pm: Mwana Mwana lighthouse N45E 13.4 miles

7.50pm: Mwana Mwana lighthouse East 9.3 miles

11.03pm: Sighted Ulenge lighthouse N22W

Mungopani is also spelled as Mangapwani.

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21 March 1914

From Zanzibar to Kilindini and at Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

12.15am: Ras Kigomacha lighthouse N58E

12.26am: Ras Kigomacha lighthouse N62E, Ulenge lighthouse N77W

1.48am: Ras Kigomacha lighthouse S56E 9.5 miles

4.25am: Sighted Mombasa lighthouse N18W

5.15am: Courses as requisite for entering Kilindini harbour

6.10am: Mbuyuni white beacon N5E 1 cable

6.24am: Stopped

6.26am: Came to with starboard bower

10.00am: Anchor bearings: Ras Kigangone N31W, Admiralty high white beacon S61W, Ras Shámanzi N5W

1.55pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived

4.20pm: Discharged one stoker petty officer to H.M.S. "Pegasus"

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22 March 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

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23 March 1914

From Kilindini to Lamu and at Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

6.00am: Man and arm boats

6.30am: Returned stores

9.30am: Divers away diving, monthly dip

4.00pm: Read warrant number 46. Discharged one able bodied seaman to H.M.S. "Pegasus" for passage to detention quarters Simon's Town. Closed Beck's valves

5.20pm: Weighed and turned to SE

5.30pm: Proceeded 10 knots. Courses as requisite for leaving Kilindini

5.48pm: Ras Serani lighthouse N7W 2¾ cables

11.07pm: Malindi lighthouse N36W

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24 March 1914

From Kilindini to Lamu and at Lamu

Lat -2.30, Long 40.89

5.57am: Shella Hills N10E, right side of Kanyika Island N16W, Tenewi Island N57W, Ras Shaka N89W [Shella is most probably misspelled and should be Shela]

6.32am: Kanyika Island N69W 2.1 miles. Courses as requisite for approaching Lamu anchorage

7.23am: Stopped

7.25am: Came to with port bower

9.00am: Signal staff N40E, right side of Manda Island S86E, Ra's Kitao N83E

6.00pm: Torpedo quarters engaged running torpedoes. Steam cutter employed towing target for ditto

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25 March 1914

From Lamu to Kisimayu and at Lamu

Lat -2.30, Long 40.89

6.30am: Torpedo quarters engaged running torpedoes. Steam cutter employed towing target for ditto

8.40am: Completed torpedo practice

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded

5.40pm: Kanyika Island S53W 3.8 miles

8.00pm to 9.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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26 March 1914

From Lamu to Kisimayu and at Kisimayu

Lat -0.38, Long 42.55

7.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.42am: Mear Island N10E, Fawatu Island N9W, left side of Mtanga Island N39W

10.12am: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding through Knott Pass

10.53am: Came to with port bower

Noon: Anchor bearings: Right side of Kisimayu Island N17E, observation spot Kisimayu Island N25W, Favatu white pillar S81W

4.15pm: Weighed

4.18pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour by Knott Pass

4.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

4.46pm: Right side of Mear Island N2W, Mark Hill mean average pillar rock N57W, left side of Mtanga Ya Papa S83W

Fawatu is now a days spelled as Favatu.

It seems that Mear Island no longer exists as it has been assimilated into Kismaayo Port.

Knott Pass is located between Kismaayo Port and the coast of main land Somalia.

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27 March 1914

From Kisimayu to Lamu and at Lamu

Lat -2.30, Long 40.89

6.05am: Sighted Kwyhu Island N15W

8.05am: Kanyika Island S75W, Shella flagstaff N61W, Ras Ukoye N24W [Shella and Ras Ukoye are most probably misspelled and should be Shela and Ras Ukove respectively]

9.11am: Kanyika Island S58W 3.4 miles

9.40am: Stopped

9.43am: Came to with port bower

Noon: Anchor bearings: Shella signal staff N37E, Ra's Kitao N73E, right side of Manda Island N88E

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28 March 1914

At Lamu

Lat -2.30, Long 40.89

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29 March 1914

At Lamu

Lat -2.30, Long 40.89

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30 March 1914

At Lamu

Lat -2.30, Long 40.89

6.00am: Read stations for prepare for battle

10.30am: Lost overboard by accident one wooden snatch block

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31 March 1914

From Lamu to Kisimayu and at Lamu

Lat -2.30, Long 40.89

12.14pm: Weighed

12.16pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite

1.00pm: Kanyika Island S59W 3.8 miles

2.05pm: Ras Kilindini N34W, Shella Hills N64W, Kanyika Island S81W, left side of Patta Rocks N9W [Shella is most probably misspelled and should be Shela]

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves


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1 April 1914

From Lamu to Kisimayu, to Lamu

Lat -0.38, Long 42.55

4.50am: Sighted Gobwen lighthouse N50W

4.55am: Stopped

6.00am: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to Kisimayu through north channel

7.02am: North Mear Rock N44W 1 mile

7.22am: Stopped

7.25am: Came to with port bower

9.00am: Anchor bearings: Fawatu Island white pillar S74W, left side of Kisimayu Island N22W, right side of Kisimayu Island N22E

11.28am: Weighed

11.37am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding through Knott Pass

12.09pm: Mear Tomb Island N1W, left side of Kisimayu Island N33W, left side of Mtanga Ya Papa N86W

5.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

Gobwen is most probably the present day city of Goobweyn.

Fawatu is now a days spelled as Favatu.

It seems that Mear Rock and Mear Tomb Island no longer exist as they have been assimilated into Kismaayo Port.

Knott Pass is located between Kismaayo Port and the coast of main land Somalia.

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2 April 1914

From Kisimayu to Lamu, to Kilindini and at Lamu

Lat -2.30, Long 40.89

7.05am: Shella Hills N75W, Ras Kilindini N48W, Patta Rocks N22W [Shella is most probably misspelled and should be Shela]

8.45am: Dropped one pattern 3 target and moorings for ditto. Kanyika Island S54W 3.9 miles

8.45am to 10.45am: Courses and speed as requisite for firing. Carried out 6 pounder firing

11.11am: Stopped

11.14am: Came to with port bower

12.30pm: Anchor bearings: Shella flagstaff N36E, Ra's Kitao N72E, right side of Manda Island N87E

3.18pm: Weighed

3.23pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving Lamu outer anchorage

4.18pm: Kanyika Island N47W 2½ miles

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

9.00pm: Lost overboard by accident one snatch block internal iron bound 13 inch and two cases fired 6 pounder quick fire

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3 April 1914

From Lamu to Kilindini and at Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

5.29am: Sighted Mombasa lighthouse West

7.00am: Courses as requisite for entering Kilindini harbour

7.05am: Ras Serani lighthouse N54W 2.2 miles

7.27am: Mbuyuni beacon N5E 1 cable

7.39am: Stopped

7.42am: Came to with starboard bower

8.00am: Anchor bearings: Admiralty high beacon S62W, left side of Mombasa Island N4W, Ras Kilindini S53E, Kilindini Reefs north-west beacon S6E

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4 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

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5 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

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6 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

5.10am: Painting ship

5.30am: Landed ordinary seamen for drill. Landed marines for drill

Noon: Lost overboard by accident whilst painting ship's side two paint brushes pattern number 4

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7 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

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8 April 1914

From Kilindini to Kisimayu and at Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

Left A.C. Sykes

8.00am: Discharged Captain A.C. Sykes R.N. to sick quarters Mombasa

8.50 Inspected arms.

12.06pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as required for leaving Kilindini harbour

12.54pm: Mombasa lighthouse N54W 4 miles

4.50pm: Prepared for night defence

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.00pm: Dropped three targets

8.00pm to 9.30pm: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out night firing. Carried out three runs

9.30pm: Proceeded

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9 April 1914

From Kilindini to Kisimayu

Lat -0.62, Long 42.58

9.50am: Sighted land on port bow

10.00am: Delivered hygiene lecture to ship's company

1.00pm: Mear Tomb Island N18W, column pillar mean average Rock N57W, left side of Mtanga Ya Papa N86W. Courses as requisite for entering Kisimayu harbour through Knott Pass

1.41pm: Stopped

1.45pm: Came to with starboard bower

2.00pm: Anchor bearings: right side of Kisimayu Island N29E, left side of Kisimayu Island N31W, Fawatu Island white pillar S75W

5.05pm: Weighed. Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for leaving Kisimayu outer harbour through north channel

5.30pm: Closed Beck's valves. Mear Tomb Island N56W

6.04pm: Gobwen lighthouse N30W, left side of Mtanga Ya Papa S74W

It seems that Mear Tomb Island no longer exists as it has been assimilated into Kismaayo Port.

Knott Pass is located between Kismaayo Port and the coast of main land Somalia.

Fawatu is now a days spelled as Favatu.

Gobwen is most probably the present day city of Goobweyn.

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LOG BOOK –APRIL 10th 1914 TO MARCH 26th 1915

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Log of H.M.S. "Astræa"

Commanded by Captain A.C. Sykes R.N.

For the period commencing Friday 10th of April 1914

Extreme breath: 49 feet 7½ inches

Engines: Manufacturer: Devonport Dockyard

I.H.P.: 7,000 Natural Draught 9,000 Forced Draught

Description: Triple expansion, three vertical cylinders

When fixed on board: 1892

Boilers: Manufacturer: Devonport Dockyard

Description: Tubular High Cylindrical, Circular Section, Single ended, return tube

When made: 1892

When put in vessel: 1892

Twin screw propeller: Manufacturer: Devonport Dockyard

Description: Admiralty modified Griffiths (each 3 blades)

General state of Repair: Good

[Signed by captain] A.C. Sykes

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Establishment of Ship's Company:

Officers: 26

Seamen: 111

Boys: 23

Marines: 31

Engine-room establishment: 94

Other non-executive ratings: 42

Total: 327


Mercurial: Adie number 453 one in number

Height of cistern above sea: 8 feet.

Thermometers for Air Temperature:

Position in ship: Fore bridge

Whether in screen: yes

Maker and number:

Negretti and Zambra M.O.A., 8713, from 22/4/13

Negretti and Zambra M.O.A., 7881, from 22/4/13

Thermometers for Sea Temperature:

Maker and number: Negretti and Zambra M.O.A., 9181, from 20/11/13

Position of Standard Compass: The fore upper bridge in fore and aft line


Position, Nature and Number of Guns and Mountings

Fore + quarterdeck, 2 – 6 inch Q.F. C.P.I.

Battery port + starboard, 8 – 4.7 inch Q.F. GII

Battery port + starboard, 8 – 6 pounder Hotchkiss

Fore shelter deck, 1 – 3 pounder Hotchkiss + 1 – 12 pounder 8 cwt Q.F., 4 - .303 Maxims

Torpedo Armament:

2 Broadside training tubes 18 inch

1 Stern tube 18 inch


Number of Men carried, Length and Description

40, 1 – 32 feet Steam Cutter

82, 1 – Sailing Pinnace

49 + 49, 2 – 30 feet Cutter

26, 1 – 30 feet Gig

24, 1 – 27 feet Whaler

10 + 10, 2 – 16 feet Skiffs

8, 1 – Balsa Raft

Miscellaneous Information:

Draught of water with Bunkers full, and complete with Provisions, Stores and Water: Forward 20 feet 6 inches, Aft 22 feet 6 inches

Number of Tons necessary to increase draught 1 inch: 26

Number of Tons of Coal Carried (43 cubic feet per ton): With bunkers full 1000 tons

Number of Tons of Oil Fuel Carried: nil

Quantity of Water carried: For Boilers 90 tons, For Drinking 47 tons

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10 April 1914

From Kisimayu to Lamu

Lat -2.08, Long 41.43

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

3.11pm: Shella Hills N68W, Ras Kilindini N40W, left side of Pazarli Rocks N14W [Shella is most probably misspelled and should be Shela]

4.41pm: Kanyika Island S56W 3.5 miles

5.08pm: Stopped

5.10pm: Came to with starboard bower

8.00pm: Anchor bearings: Shella flagstaff N37E, Ra's Kitao N73E, right side of Manda Island N88E

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11 April 1914

From Lamu To Manda Bay and at Manda Bay

Lat -2.21, Long 40.96

7.56am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for leaving Lamu outer anchorage

8.30am: Kanyika Island S53W 4 miles

9.09am: Left side of Pazarli Rocks N25E, Ras Ukove N3E, Shella flagstaff N47W [Shella is most probably misspelled and should be Shela]

9.25am: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding through Muhaji Channel to Manda Bay

9.55am: Southern Pazarli Rock N18E 4.2 miles

10.28am: Lower la Manda Island N61E 9 cables

10.45am: Stopped and came to with starboard bower

11.00am: Anchor bearings: Ras Kilindini S14E, lower la Manda Island S74E, Kilindini Creek S23W, left side of Chindikasi Island N6E

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12 April 1914

At Manda Bay

Lat -2.21, Long 40.96

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13 April 1914

From Manda Bay To Kilindini

Lat -2.24, Long 41.00

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving Manda Bay by Muhaji Channel

11.26am: Lower la Manda Island N72E 9 cables

11.50am: Shella flagstaff S83W, right side of Manda Toto N37W, right side of Pazarli Rocks N25E, lower la Manda Island N13W [Shella is most probably misspelled and should be Shela]

5.15pm: Manned both sea boats

5.40pm: Fired rocket

6.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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14 April 1914

From Manda Bay To Kilindini and at Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

3.50am: Sighted Mombasa lighthouse N70W

5.00am: Courses as requisite for entering Kilindini harbour

5.33am: Ras Serani lighthouse N54W 2.1 miles

5.52am: Mbuyuni beacon N5E

6.01am: Stopped

6.04am: Came to with starboard bower

9.10am: Inspected arms

2.00pm: Anchor bearings: High white beacon S62W, Ras Kigangone N31W, Kilindini Reefs north-west beacon S3E, Ras Kilindini S51E

5.10pm: Captain A.C. Sykes R.N. rejoined ship from hospital

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15 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

6.00am: Landed port watch for exercise

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16 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

6.00am: Starboard watch of hands landed for exercise

7.40am: Ditto returned on board

9.00am: Inspected arms

9.15am: Exercised small arm companies

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17 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

6.00am: Landed marines and stokers for exercise

10.30am: Divers away diving (monthly dip)

11.00am: Ship's company medically inspected

5.00pm: Discharged one petty officer to hospital

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18 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

6.00am: Landed day-men for exercise

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19 April 1914

At Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

9.30am: Mustered by the ledger

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20 April 1914

From Kilindini to Zanzibar and at Kilindini

Lat -4.07, Long 39.66

6.00am: Away all boats crews pulling

7.00am: Hoisted and secured all boats for sea

9.30am: Brushes dusters pattern 4 – two in number lost overboard by accident

12.30pm: One petty officer received back from hospital

4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for leaving Kilindini harbour

4.23pm: Mbuyuni white beacon N6E 1 cable

4.48pm: Ras Serani lighthouse N54W 3½ miles

4.50pm: Thrown overboard in accordance with Gunnery and Torpedo orders February 1914 – 162 cordite charges

7.50pm: Sighted Ras Kigomacha lighthouse South

9.57pm: Ras Kigomacha lighthouse S65E 7.6 miles

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21 April 1914

From Kilindini to Zanzibar and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

12.05am: Ulenge lighthouse N62W

2.25am: Ras Nungwe lighthouse S11W

2.30am: Mwana Mwana lighthouse S27W

3.11am: Mwana Mwana lighthouse S15W, Ras Nungwe lighthouse S17E

4.30am: Mungopani lighthouse S4E, Mwana Mwana lighthouse S42E, Ras Nungwe lighthouse S72E

5.30am: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding through English Pass to Zanzibar

6.20am: Mungopani lighthouse N51E 2½ miles

7.31am: Stopped

7.32am: Came to with port bower

10.00am: Commenced coaling, employing seedie boys

11.30am: Fired royal salute of 21 guns in honour of investiture of His Highness the Sultan with Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George by His Excellency the Governor of East Africa

1.00pm: Anchor bearings: end of pier S59E, hospital flagstaff N48E, left side of Chapani Island N15E

10.20pm: Completed with coal, received 260 tons

Ras Nungwe and Mungopani are also spelled as Ras Nungwi and Mangapwani respectively.

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22 April 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

11.00am: Lost overboard by accident southwesters, two in number

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23 April 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

7.30am: Landed working party to work at Cooper's Institute

9.30am: All gunlayers and acting seaman gunners at aiming practice at towed target

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24 April 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

7.30am: Landed working party to work at Cooper's Institute

9.00am: All gunlayers and acting seaman gunners at aiming practice at towed target

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25 April 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.00am: Acting seaman torpedo men away exercising in firing gun-cotton charges

7.30am: Landed working party to work at Cooper's Institute

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26 April 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

9.30am: Read articles of war and quarterly return of court martial

4.30pm: His Excellency the Governor of British East Africa visited ship

5.15pm: Saluted ditto on leaving ship with 17 guns

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27 April 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

7.45am: Landed working party to work at Cooper's Institute

9.00am: All gunlayers at aiming practice at target towed by steam cutter

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28 April 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.30am: Torpedo tube crews employed testing and adjusting torpedoes

7.30am: Landed working party to work at Cooper's Institute

9.00am: Divers away carrying out monthly practise

9.15am: President of Zanzibar visited ship

9.50am: Saluted ditto on leaving ship with 13 guns

Noon: Lost overboard by accident two southwesters

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29 April 1914

At sea and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.00am: Landed working party to work at Cooper's Institute

7.21am: Weighed and turned to north-east

7.26am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour through English Pass

7.50am: Stopped

7.50am: Bet-el Ra's Ruins S50E 8 cables

8.00am to 9.50am: Carried out three runs under way, firing three torpedoes, two from starboard tube and one from port tube at target towed by steam cutter

8.50am: Right side of Chango Island S62W, right side of Chapani Island S1E, Bet-el Ra's Ruins S48E

10.05am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding into harbour through English Pass

10.20am: Sultan's palace N56E 2 miles, left side of Chapani Island S10E

11.00am: Stopped

11.03am: Came to with starboard bower

1.00pm: Anchor bearings: Hospital flagstaff S37E, Funguni flagstaff N88E, Marhubi lower tower N63E

2.00pm: Metal boat hook pattern number 78e one in number lost overboard by accident

Chango Island is also spelled as Changu Island.

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30 April 1914

At sea and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

6.08am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

6.18am: Proceeded to sea by English Pass

7.00am: Sultan's palace S76E 1.8 miles, left side of Chango Island S27W

7.22am: Stopped and dropped target and moorings. Bawi Island S18W, left side of Chango Island S3E, Sultan's palace S55E

7.30am to 8.50am: Carried out six runs firing from 6 pounders. Acting seaman gunners firing

8.50am to 9.40am: Carried out one battle practice run firing 6 pounders and 1 inch aiming

9.50am to 10.20am: Picked up moorings and hoisted target

10.20am: Proceeded into harbour by English Pass

10.43am: Right side of Chango Island S23W, right side of Chapani Island S12E, Sultan's palace N86E

11.21am: Stopped

11.24am: Came to with port bower

11.35am: Shifted billet

11.42am: Came to with port bower

4.00pm: Lost overboard by accident: one 13 inch snatch block, one lantern pattern number 56

9.00pm: Anchor bearings: left side of pier (fixed red light) S37E, Hospital flagstaff S70E, Funguni flagstaff N76E, right side of Chapani Island N28E

Bawi Island is also spelled as Bawe Island.


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1 May 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

9.30am: Divers employed clearing circulator inlets

4.15am: Read warrant number 49

4.30am: Hands mustered by the ledger – paid monthly money

Whilst at Zanzibar the crew has been employed cleaning the ship, refitting and cleaning out guns. They also make and mend clothes, aired night clothing and exercised general quarters, control parties, out kedge anchor, land fire engine and searchlight crews. The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon. On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held.

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2 May 1914

From Zanzibar to Lourenço Marques

Lat -7.10, Long 39.72

5.10am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for proceeding to sea through Southern Pass

5.37am: Kiungani front beacon N83E 9 cables

6.14am: Chumbe lighthouse S88E 1 mile

7.10am: Right side of Pungume Island S64E, right side of Kwale Island N73E, left side of Kwale Island N50E

10.59am: Ras Kanzi lighthouse S60W 5 miles

2.17pm: Sighted Moresby lighthouse S5W

3.47pm: Moresby lighthouse S66W 7.7 miles

4.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

Moresby is also known as Ras Mkumbi.

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3 May 1914

From Zanzibar to Lourenço Marques

Lat -10.77, Long 40.80

6.00am: Opened Beck's valves

8.30am: Put clocks back 8 minutes

10.20am: Sighted land S69W

Noon: Cape Delgado lighthouse N58W, right side of Tekomaji Island N85W, left side of Tekomaji Island S72W, right side of Rongui Island S72W, left side of Rongui Island S58W [Tekomaji Island is most probably misspelled and should be Tecomagi Island]

1.47pm: Left side of Mtundo Island S60W, left side of Wanizi Island N78W, right side of Wanizi Island N56W [Wanizi Island is most probably misspelled and should be Uanize Island]

2.23pm: North extreme Mtundo Island N76W

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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4 May 1914

From Zanzibar to Lourenço Marques

Lat -15.15, Long 41.12

8.30am: Put clocks back 8 minutes. Opened Beck's valves

3.00pm: Fired one rocket for instructional purposes

5.15pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.30pm: Burnt searchlight for half an hour

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5 May 1914

From Zanzibar to Lourenço Marques

Lat -19.17, Long 38.85

8.30am: Put clocks back 8 minutes

9.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

9.15am: Inspected arms.

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

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6 May 1914

From Zanzibar to Lourenço Marques

Lat -23.15, Long 36.20

8.15am: Put clocks back 7 minutes

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

1.45pm: Sighted land N60W

2.00pm: Ship left the tropics

3.32pm: Sighted Burra lighthouse N66W [Burra is most probably misspelled and should be Barra]

4.00pm: Burra lighthouse N41W 12 miles

4.27pm: Left side of land S53W, Gumula beacon N88W, Burra lighthouse N19W

5.00pm: Prepared for night defence

5.28pm: Zavora Point S58W, Gumula beacon N13W, Cape Inhambane N15E

6.07pm: Sighted Zavora lighthouse S59W

8.00pm: Exercised night defence stations. Burnt searchlight

8.16pm: Zavora Point lighthouse N45W 6½ miles

9.00pm to 10.00pm: Steered from conning tower

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7 May 1914

From Zanzibar to Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.78, Long 32.87

7.15am: Limpopo beacon N24E

7.15am: Limpopo beacon N54E

8.15am: Put clocks back 7 minutes

9.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 10.00am: Steered from conning tower

9.20am: Exercised small arm companies

9.40am: Cape Inhaca S32W, Cutfield Hummock beacon N67W. Courses as requisite for proceeding to Delagoa Bay by Cutfield Channel

10.57am: Cutfield Hummock beacon North 3.8 miles

12.30pm: Cockburn lighthouse S78E 1.7 miles

1.00pm: Ribeiro lighthouse N6W 9 cables [This is most probably Baixo Ribeiro]

1.41pm: Chefina lighthouse N30W 3½ cables

2.15pm: Saluted Portuguese country with 21 guns

2.26pm: Stopped

2.27pm: Came to with starboard bower. Anchor bearings: pier green light N42E, pillar S75E, front beacon S9E

7.00pm: Landed patrol

10.15pm: Ditto returned on board

Delagoa Bay is also know at Maputo Bay.

Chefina is also spelled as Xefina.

Whilst at sea the watches have been regularly exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, collision stations and making ropes. The crew also cleaned the ship, aired blue clothing and has been refitting. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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8 May 1914

At Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.98, Long 32.57

6.10pm: Discharged one stoker first class to hospital

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9 May 1914

From Lourenço Marques to Durban and at Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.98, Long 32.57

1.05pm: Weighed. Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to sea by the Polana Channel, North Passage and Cockburn Channel

2.00pm: Chefina lighthouse N4E 3 cables

2.42pm: Ribeiro lighthouse N14E 7 cables

3.09pm: Cockburn lighthouse S25E 4 cables

4.04pm: Cape Inhaca high light S33W 2.2 miles

4.19pm: Cape Inhaca high light N79W 2.3 miles

5.31pm: 288 feet hill S51W, Dundas Hill S89W, Cape Santa Maria N22W, Cape Inhaca lighthouse N3E

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10 May 1914

From Lourenço Marques to Durban

Lat -29.27, Long 31.75

5.45am: Sighted Cape St. Lucia lighthouse S67W

7.07am: Cape St. Lucia N37W 5 miles

8.20am: Opened Beck's valves

9.24am: Durnford Point N55W, O'Neill Peak N18E

2.50pm: Sighted Cape Natal Bluff S70W

4.00pm: Cape Natal lighthouse S70W 6.8 miles. Courses as requisite for proceeding into Durban Harbour

4.30pm: Stopped. Pilot came on board

4.36pm: Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour

5.10pm: Secured to number 2 buoy

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11 May 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4.40am: Prepared for coaling

8.10am: Commenced coaling, native labour

12.50pm: Finished coaling ship, received 195 tons

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12 May 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

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13 May 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

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14 May 1914

From Durban to Port Elizabeth

Lat -30.70, Long 30.67

5.53am: Pilot arrived on board

5.57am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

6.10am: Stopped and dropped pilot

6.12am: Proceeded

6.24am: Port Natal lighthouse N54W 1 mile

6.56am: Stopped to adjust bearings

7.35am: Proceeded

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.15am to 10.15am: Steered from conning tower

9.20am: Exercised small arm companies

9.45am: Commenced 3/5ths half boiler power to test Durban navigation coal

9.58am: Aliwal lighthouse N43W 6½ miles

12.36pm: Port Shepstone lighthouse N34W 7½ miles

5.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.37pm: Cape Hermes lighthouse N65W

6.01pm: Cape Hermes lighthouse N25W 6¾ miles

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15 May 1914

From Durban to Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.92, Long 25.90

12.15am: Sighted East London lighthouse N77W

1.25am: East London lighthouse N19W 12 miles

2.11am: East London lighthouse N26E

3.10am: Finished 3/5ths half boiler power trial

3.48am: Great Fish Point lighthouse N66W

5.40am: Great Fish Point lighthouse North 12½ miles

7.09am: Nanquas Peak N58W, Glendower Peak beacon N6E, Great Fish Point N62E

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

8.45am: Sighted Bird Island lighthouse N63W

9.20am to 10.20am: Steered from conning tower

10.00am: Bird Island lighthouse N10E 4 miles

12.21pm: Port Elisabeth lighthouse N81W, Cape Recife lighthouse S65W, Brenton Rock N2E

12.45pm: Courses as requisite for anchorage

1.16pm: Stopped

1.18pm: Came to with port bower

8.00pm: Anchor bearings: Port Elizabeth lighthouse S81W, south jetty red light S44W, Dom Pedro jetty occulting lighthouse S26W, left side of land S15E

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16 May 1914

From Port Elizabeth to Simon's Town and at Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.96, Long 25.64

5.00am: Lost overboard by accident one grass fender

4.00pm: Fog banks to eastward

4.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for leaving harbour and rounding Cape Recife

4.33pm: Port Elizabeth lighthouse N62W, front beacon S52W, Cape Recife lighthouse S20W

5.04pm: Cape Recife lighthouse N72W 2.3 miles

5.42pm: Cape Recife lighthouse N53E 4.1 miles

7.58pm: Sighted Cape St. Francis lighthouse N68W

9.35pm: Cape St. Francis lighthouse N10E 3.7 miles

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17 May 1914

From Port Elizabeth to Simon's Town

Lat -34.73, Long 21.87

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

1.15pm: Sighted land on starboard bow

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

7.19pm: Sighted Cape Agulhas lighthouse N54W

9.42pm: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N18E 7 miles

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18 May 1914

From Port Elizabeth to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.10am: Sighted Danger Point lighthouse N18W

2.38am: Danger Point lighthouse N59E 6.4 miles

3.52am: Sighted Cape Point lighthouse, Danger Point lighthouse S57E

5.30am: Cape Point lighthouse N39W, Hangklip Berg N70E

6.57am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N2W, Cape Point lighthouse N87W

7.30am: Elsey Peak N4W, Buffel's high beacon N54W, left side of Cape Point N85W

8.45am: Courses as requisite for proceeding to number 4 moorings

9.00am: Secured to number 4 moorings

1.33pm: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and engine as requisite for entering basin

1.55pm: Secured alongside "A" coaling shed

5.00pm: Four ratings received from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

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19 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.55am: Commenced coaling

8.15am: One stoker received back from H.M.S. "Pegasus"

7.00pm: Complete with coal, received 450 tons

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20 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.40am: Slipped from coaling jetty. Ship hauled off by dockyard wires

7.45am: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to number 4 moorings

8.10am: Sent diving party to "Scotsman"

2.30pm: Divers away diving

5.00pm: Discharged eighteen seedie boys to H.M. Dockyard

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21 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Sent diving party to "Scotsman"

10.00am: Landed small arm companies

10.15am: Discharged two stokers to Royal Navy Hospital

2.00pm: Hands employed remounting 6 pounder guns and drawing paymaster's stores

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22 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.15am: Sent diving party to "Scotsman"

9.20am: 6 pounder gunlayers and crews at aiming practice, steam cutter towing target, and at loader

1.30pm: Divers away diving

5.00pm: Discharged one court martial prisoner to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

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23 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Fired one gun and hoisted Union Jack at peak

9.00am: Read warrant number 51

9.30am: Court martial assembled on board

10.10am: Court martial dissolved

11.00am: One leading cook's mate discharged to Royal Navy Hospital

2.20pm: Discharged one prisoner to detention quarters

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24 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board and inspected ship's company at divisions

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25 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Dressed ship in honour of Victoria Day

8.15am: Landed small arm companies

Noon: Ditto returned on board. Lost overboard by accident one boats crutch gunmetal pattern 73C

3.40pm: Ammunition lighter arrived alongside. Hands employed ammunitioning ship

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26 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Dressed ship in honour of Her Majesty Queen Mary's birthday

8.15am: Landed small arm companies

11.30am: Marines returned on board

Noon: Fired royal salute of 21 guns

12.20pm: Small arm companies returned on board

1.45pm: Stokers landing party landed for drill

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27 May 1914

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: "Scotsman" left harbour

8.30am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and proceeding into False Bay

8.45am to 10.45am: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out aiming practice with 6 pounder guns. All 6 pounder gunlayers firing. Carried out 8 runs firing at targets towed by "Scotsman", range 325 to 300 yards

9.35am: Elsey Peak N62W, Roman Rocks lighthouse S89W, Millers Point S50W

10.50am: Proceeded into harbour

11.17am: Stopped

11.20am: Secured to number 4 moorings

1.30pm: Discharged one yeoman of signals to Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: One stoker received back from Royal Navy Hospital. Read warrant number 52

4.50pm: Prepared for night defence

7.10pm: "Scotsman" left harbour

7.29pm: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. Carried out one run for night firing in False Bay. "Scotsman" towing two targets. Searchlight unable to pick up targets owing to weather conditions

8.35pm: Abandoned the practice and proceeded into harbour

8.48pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse North 5 cables

9.11pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

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28 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.15am: Landed small arm companies

1.30pm: Landed starboard watch to launch target

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29 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Inspected arms

12.30pm: One able bodied seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital

1.30pm: Hands employed returning damaged torpedo

6.46pm: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and proceeding into False Bay

7.03pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse North 5½ cables. Carried out five night firing runs, firing gun 6 pounders and # 1 inch aiming from 4.7 inch guns at 2 targets towed by "Scotsman" range 500 to 1100 yards

8.45pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N52W 2.6 miles. Courses as requisite for proceeding back to Simon's Bay

9.22pm: Secured to number 4 moorings. Target one in number pattern VII shot away and broken up beyond repair while carrying out night firing practice

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30 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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31 May 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43


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1 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Landed small arm companies for ceremonial drill

1.20pm: Paid monthly money

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2 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.20am: Landed small arm companies for ceremonial drill

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3 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Dressed ship

8.25am: Landed small arm companies for review at Green Point Cape Town

Noon: Fired royal salute of 21 guns in honour of H.M. King George V's birthday

4.20pm: Small arm companies returned on board

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4 June 1914

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: "Scotsman" left harbour

8.20am: Slipped and proceeded into False Bay

9.15am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N38W 1 mile, Outlands beacon S60W

9.30am to 11.45am: Carried out eight runs. Fired from all 6 pounders. Eight gun-layers firing at targets towed by "Scotsman". Range 325 to 300 yards

10.54am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N19W, Outlands beacon N53W, Buffel's front beacon S47W

11.45am: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding back to Simon's Bay

11.54am: Roman Rocks lighthouse S30W

12.15pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

5.00pm: Discharged two court martial prisoners to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

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5 June 1914

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Sent working party to dockyard to launch battle practice target

1.30pm: Cleared ship for action

3.30pm: Prepared for night defence

4.00pm: Read warrant number 53

8.20pm: Commander-in-Chief and staff arrived on board

8.22pm: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and proceeding into False Bay

8.30pm: Bright moonlight night

8.50pm: Commenced first run of night action practice

9.25pm: Commenced second run of night action practice. "Scotsman" towing target

9.34pm: Completed practice

9.48pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding to Simon's Bay

9.50pm: Breakwater occulting light N51W, Millers Point S64W, Cape Point S35W

10.22pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

10.25pm: Commander-in-chief left ship

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6 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.15am: Discharged one able bodied seaman to Royal Navy Hospital and two ratings to detention quarters

4.10pm: Read warrant number 54. Discharged one stoker to detention quarters

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7 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4.45pm: Sent port watch to spread target sail on battle practice target

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8 June 1914

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.22am: Commander-in-Chief and staff arrived on board

9.24am: Slipped and proceeded

9.25am: Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and proceeding into False Bay. Closed "Scotsman"

9.56am: Seal Island N53E, Elsey Peak N35W, Cape Point S42W

10.00am: Rain and heavy mist

10.24am: Turned 16 points and proceeded for Simon's Bay

10.55am: Courses and speed as requisite for taking up position for firing

11.27am: Fired blank charges and commenced run for Commander-in-Chief's firing. "Scotsman" towing target

11.40am: Closed target

11.49am: Proceeded courses as requisite for Simon's Bay

11.55am: Seal Island N16E, Elsey Peak N25W, Cape Point S72W

12.35pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse North 7 cables

12.42pm: Stopped

12.47pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

12.48pm: Commander-in-Chief and staff left ship

2.22pm: Hands employed replacing wire hawsers used by "Scotsman" and hoisting in targets in the dockyard

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9 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.45am: Landed marines

10.00am: Hands employed returning boatswain's stores, drawing carpenter's stores and as requisite

1.00pm: Hands employed drawing carpenter's stores, boatswain's stores returning paymaster's stores and as requisite

3.00pm: One able bodied seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: Read warrant number 55

4.30pm: Discharged one stoker to detention quarters

5.00pm: Read warrant number 56

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10 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.45am: Landed working party to draw stores

1.20pm: Exercised first and second cutters, galley and whaler at boat sailing

4.00pm: Read warrants numbers 57 and 58

6.30pm: Discharged two stokers to detention quarters

7.00pm: Suction hose, one in number, with strainer lost overboard by accident. H.M.S. "Hyacinth"'s divers diving for ditto on June 11th for four hours

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11 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.15am: Inspected arms

9.30am: Exercised small arm companies

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12 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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13 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.30am: Discharged one chief engine room artificer to Royal Navy Hospital

3.00pm: One able bodied seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital

5.00pm: One marine received back from detention quarters

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14 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.00pm: Prepared for coaling

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15 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.50am: Prepared for coaling

7.00am: Landed docking party

7.29am: Slipped. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeded into basin

7.55am: Secured alongside "A" coaling shed

10.10am: Commenced coaling ship

1.30pm: Complete with coal, received [not filled in] tons

5.10pm: One stoker received back from detention quarters

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16 June 1914

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.25am: Slipped from coaling jetty. Proceeded out of basin

10.35am: Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to moorings

10.47am: Secured to number 4 moorings

2.00pm: Slipped. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding into False Bay.

2.30pm: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out examination service exercises running between Millers Point and Roman Rocks

2.45pm: Buffel's front beacon S49W, Millers Point Rocks S72W, Bakkoven Rock N21W [Bakkoven Rock is most probably misspelled and should be Bakovenrots]

2.50pm: Commenced first day approach

3.34pm: First run completed

3.57pm: Commenced second day approach

4.20pm: Second run completed

4.32pm: Bakkoven Rock S22W, Outlands beacon S85W, Noah's Ark Island N44W

4.45pm: Commenced third day approach

5.25pm: Third run completed

5.37pm: Proceeded into Simon's Bay

5.52pm: Engines as requisite. Closed H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

6.00pm: Brigadier-General Thompson left ship

6.05pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for False Bay to carry out examination service exercises running between Millers Point and Romans Rocks

7.39pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N17W, breakwater occulting lighthouse N45W, Roman Rocks lighthouse N3E, breakwater occulting lighthouse N41W

7.02pm: Commenced first night approach

7.28pm: First run completed

8.02pm: Commenced second night approach

8.33pm: Second run completed

9.06pm: Commenced third night approach

9.25pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N10W 1 mile. Proceeded into Simon's Bay

9.33pm: Third run completed

9.49pm: Secured to number 4 moorings

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17 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.40am: Landed provisioning party

7.50am: Landed working party to scrape H.M.S. "Pegasus" bottom

10.00am: Provisioning ship

7.00pm: Finished provisioning ship

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18 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: Landed provisioning party and working party for H.M.S. "Pegasus"

10.10am: Discharged one stoker to Royal Navy Hospital.

5.00pm: Working party for H.M.S. "Pegasus" returned on board

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19 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.45am: Landed working party for H.M.S. "Pegasus"

2.30pm: Lost overboard by accident paint brushes pattern 4, two in number

5.00pm: Two stokers received back from detention quarters

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20 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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21 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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22 June 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Dressed ship in honour of His Majesty King George V's birthday

9.30am: Exercised man and arm boats. Carried out boat firing

10.30am: Unarmed boats. Exercised boats away pulling

Noon: Fired a royal salute of 21 guns

3.00pm: Five ratings received from Royal Navy Hospital

5.00pm: One stoker received back from detention quarters

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23 June 1914

[Scanned page is split down the middle vertically]

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Working party drawing gunner torpedo men stores

9.30am: Inspected arms

11.15am to 12.30pm: Swinging ship for deviation of compasses. "Scotsman" in attendance

3.00pm: One stoker received back from Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: Midshipman B.A.W. Lee R.N. joined ship from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

4.30pm: Eighteen seedie boys received from H.M. dockyard

Whilst at Simon's Town the crew has been employed cleaning and painting the ship, refitting awning, cleaning out boats, refitting steam cutters falls, fitting towing spans for targets, painting out second cutter and striking down torpedoes. They also make and mend clothes, aired night clothing, aired bedding and exercised physical drill, general quarters and searchlight.

On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held.

The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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[Description and Position of Correctors of the Steering Compasses]

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[Comparisons of Standard Compasses not recorded on the other side]

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[These two pages, though split down the middle vertically, are the Record of Observations for Deviation]

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24 June 1914

[Scanned page is split down the middle vertically]

From Simon's Town to Durban and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.15am: Received one prisoner from detention quarters

1.25pm: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite

1.30pm: Formed single line ahead

1.37pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N34E 3½ cables

1.40pm: Commenced working up for full power trial. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded in execution of previous orders

1.50pm: Commenced 3/5ths power trial

2.11pm: Cape Point S63W, Buffel's upper beacon N87E, Elsey Peak N15W, Hangklip Berg S40E

2.25pm: Commenced full power trial

4.00pm: Read warrant number 59

4.39pm: Danger Point lighthouse N64E 4.3 miles

7.00pm: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N43E 6 miles

8.14pm: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N57W

10.25pm: Completed eight hours full power trial. Reduced to 3/5ths power trial

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25 June 1914

From Simon's Town to Durban

Lat -34.22, Long 25.05

7.25am: Formosa Peak N23E, Karedouw Mountain N73E, Witte Els Berg N59E, 3764 feet mountain N50E [Karedouw should be spelled as Kareedouw]

9.10am: Exercised small arm companies

10.20am: Sighted Seal Point lighthouse N87E

11.19am: Seal Point lighthouse N11W 3.8 miles

2.20pm: Cape Recife lighthouse N5E 3 miles

4.00pm: Formed single line ahead – H.M.S. "Hyacinth" joining flag

4.20pm: Nanquas Peak N75E, Bird Island lighthouse N55E, Black Rocks N41E

4.30pm: Carried out officer of the watch manoeuvres

5.00pm: Manoeuvres completed

5.06pm: Bird Island lighthouse N54W, Nanquas Peak N64E

5.52pm: Nanquas Peak N2E, Woody Cape N50W, Bird Island lighthouse N71W

6.24pm: Great Fish Point lighthouse N79E, Bird Island lighthouse N77W

8.38pm: Great Fish Point lighthouse North 4.8 miles

10.32pm: East London lighthouse N67E

Witte Els Berg is most probably Witelskop.

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26 June 1914

From Simon's Town to Durban

Lat -32.13, Long 29.20

12.10am: East London lighthouse N11W 5½ miles

8.30am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" took station 3 miles on starboard beam

9.19am: Bashee River beacon N30W 6½ miles

9.30am: Carried out range keeping exercises with H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

10.45am: Completed exercises

11.15am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" took station 2½ miles on starboard beam

3.30pm: Exercised officer of the watch manoeuvres

4.00pm: Manoeuvres completed. Formed single line ahead

5.03pm: Cape Hermes lighthouse N38W 4 miles

5.20pm: Cape Hermes lighthouse N67W, Beagen Head West

Bashee River is the present day Mbashe River.

No reference to Beagen Head has been found, but it most probably is Beacon Rocks near Margate.

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27 June 1914

From Simon's Town to Durban and at Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

12.10am: Sighted Port Shepstone lighthouse N31E

1.34am: Port Shepstone lighthouse N40W 3.2 miles

2.30am: Sighted Aliwal lighthouse N43E

4.20am: Aliwal lighthouse N22W 4 miles

4.51am: Cape Natal lighthouse N41E, Aliwal lighthouse N80W

5.34am: Cape Natal lighthouse N37E, Aliwal lighthouse S71W

6.45am: Cape Natal lighthouse N60W 8 cables. Stopped. Pilot came on board

7.10am: Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for proceeding up harbour

7.30am: Stopped

7.35am: Secured to number [not filled in] buoy

10.45am: Twenty-two R.N.V.R. ratings received for drill

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28 June 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

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29 June 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.40am: Preparing for coaling

8.00am: Coal lighter arrived alongside

8.30am: Commenced coaling, native labour

10.00am: Hands employed dismounting after 6 inch gun

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30 June 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.15am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived. R.N.V.R. men employed stripping and dismounting S4 – 4.7 inch gun

11.00am: Marines at riffle drill

1.00pm: R.N.V.R. men employed stripping and dismounting S4 – 4.7 inch gun

4.30pm: Discharged two R.N.V.R. ratings to headquarters

5.10pm: One stoker received from hospital Lourenço Marques by S.S. "Gloucester Castle"


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1 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

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2 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.15am: Exercised small arm companies

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3 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.05am: Divers employed cleaning main inlet

3.00pm: Divers employed cleaning main inlet

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4 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

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5 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

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6 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.25am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board to conduct general drill

9.35am: Away all boats crews pull round the squadron

11.10am: Commander-in-Chief left ship

1.30pm: Away all boats – sail round the squadron (three times)

3.00pm: All boats returned to ship

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7 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.15am: Inspected arms

9.40am: Marines at riffle drill

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8 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.05am: Inspected bedding

9.45am: Hands employed dismounting S2 – 4.7 inch gun

1.30pm: Hands employed dismounting S2 – 4.7 inch gun. Ordinary seamen and R.N.V.R. men away at boat sailing instruction

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9 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.30am: Exercised small arm companies, with heavy marching orders

11.00am: Hands employed dismounting S2 – 4.7 inch gun

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10 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.40am: Rigging diving boat

10.40am: Divers employed clearing condenser inlets

1.00pm: Wireless telegraphy landing party landed with mast for portable wireless set. Divers employed clearing condenser inlets

4.30pm: Discharged three R.N.V.R. ratings to depot

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11 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

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12 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

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13 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

8.00am: Fired one gun and hoisted Court Martial Jack

9.15am: Discharged one able bodied seaman to hospital

9.30am: Court martial assembled on board

11.40am: Court martial rose

Noon: Divers employed clearing condenser inlets

1.00pm: Hands employed dismounting 6 pounder guns

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14 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

10.19am: Away all boats crews pull round the squadron

Noon: Lost overboard by accident one 5 inch double block

1.30pm: Hands employed dismounting 6 pounder guns and fitting towing span for small target

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15 July 1914

At Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.30am: Hands employed fitting towing span for towing target, reeling up 5 inch hemp and as requisite

1.30pm: All boats away sailing

3.00pm: Boats returned to ship

5.45pm: Discharged one prisoner and escort (one corporal and two privates) to S.S. "Durham Castle" for passage to Simon's Town

Whilst at Durban the crew has been employed cleaning and painting the ship, cleaning out boats, cleaning out spare chain locker and painting second cutter. They also make and mend clothes, aired bedding and night clothing and exercised physical drill, general quarters, out stream anchor, out bower anchor, abandon ship, replacing gear, out fire engine, land fire engine, send kedge anchor to flagship, send 5½ inch wire hawser to flagship, send 5 inch hemp hawser to flagship and searchlight.

On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held.

The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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16 July 1914

From Durban to Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -29.77, Long 31.93

6.15am: Pilot came on board

7.05am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour in sequence of fleet number

7.24am: Stopped

7.34am: Pilot left ship

7.41am: Formed single line ahead. Proceeded

9.00am: Opened Beck's valves

9.20am: Exercised small arm companies. Marines at gun drill

10.30am: Exercised officer of the watch manoeuvres

11.50am: Finished manoeuvres

4.15pm: Closed Beck's valves

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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17 July 1914

From Durban to Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -29.05, Long 36.12

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

8.00am: Altered course one point to starboard, H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" altered course one point to port

8.55am: Squadron resumed course S83E

9.34am to 11.00am: Exercised range keeping and rate finding exercises. Courses and speed as requisite

11.00am to 11.40am: Exercised officer of the watch manoeuvres. Courses and speed as requisite

11.40am: Squadron disposed quarterly to starboard. Flagship bearing N41E 4 cables

4.00pm: Formed single line ahead. Ships 2½ cables apart

7.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

8.30pm: Darkened ship. Carried out manoeuvres without lights

9.30pm: Finished manoeuvres

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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18 July 1914

From Durban to Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -28.32, Long 40.37

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

8.30am: Opened Beck's valves

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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19 July 1914

From Durban to Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -27.27, Long 44.85

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

7.30am: Opened Beck's valves

4.30pm: Closed Beck's valves

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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20 July 1914

From Durban to Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -25.12, Long 49.20

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

7.50am: Altered course one point to starboard, H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" altered course one point to port

8.35am: Resumed original course. Opened Beck's valves

9.00am to 9.28am: Courses and speed as requisite for taking up station 16 degrees to fore H.M.S. "Hyacinth"'s beam, range 7500 yards

9.28am to 10.07am: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out rate of change and range keeping exercise

10.07am to 10.30am: Courses and speed as requisite for taking up station 5 cables on H.M.S. "Hyacinth"'s beam

10.30am: Squadron in divisions line ahead disposed abeam to starboard

4.00pm: Took station astern of H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

5.00pm: Prepared for night defence

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" 3 miles N68E from H.M.S. "Pegasus" and 10 miles N68E from H.M.S. "Astræa".

6.00pm to 7.10pm: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out shadowing exercises

6.10pm: Closed Beck's valves

7.17pm: Formed single line ahead

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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21 July 1914

From Durban to Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -22.58, Long 52.82

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

4.00am: Ship entered the tropics

5.30am: Opened Beck's valves

8.00am: Altered course 1 point to starboard (H.M.S. "Pegasus" and H.M.S. "Astræa"), H.M.S. "Hyacinth" altered course 1 point to port

9.15am to 10.35am: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out P.Z. exercise. H.M.S. "Astræa" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" against H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

10.35am to 11.00am: Courses and speed as requisite for stationing exercise

11.00am: Squadron in single line ahead

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

9.11pm: Ships in column 3 cables apart

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

11.25pm: Assumed open order

P.Z. - the code used to give the order to commence exercises to accustom the two squadrons to work together, to gain practical experience of the difficulties of signalling to and of manoeuvring a large fleet.

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22 July 1914

From Durban to Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -20.30, Long 56.38

3.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

5.00am: Rolling maximum 18 degrees to port 15 degrees to starboard

12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident one sinker 24 lbs pattern 1310, one swivels pattern 1311, 30 fathoms wire pattern 1308, one line stray 10 feet pattern 1317, one guard brass pattern number 1266

1.38pm: Sighted land S56E

3.02pm: The [Le] Morne S35E, Piton Rivière Noire S45E, Mount Rempart S57E, the two Marnelles S70E

4.16pm: The [Le] Morne S4E, Mount Rempart S32E, Pieter Both S61E

5.06pm: Pieter Both S54E, Caves Point lighthouse South, Mount Tamarin S14W

5.15pm: Courses and speed as requisite for approaching Port Louis

5.26pm: Stopped

5.40pm: Pilot came on board

5.42pm: Proceeded into harbour

6.00pm: Secured to buoys head and stern. Let go both bower anchors under foot

8.15pm: Prepared for coaling

The parts that were lost overboard at 12.30pm seem to be parts of a Kelvin sounding machine, as described in a document called 1907 Seamanship Manual Sounding Techniques.

Whilst at sea the watches have been regularly exercised in sea boat crew, sounding, close watertight doors, collision stations, physical drill, general quarters and prepare to be towed. The crew also cleaned the ship, refitted, dismounting guns, make and mend clothes, made canvas buckets and worked about boats.

On Sunday a divine service was held.

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23 July 1914

At Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -20.16, Long 57.50

5.40am: Prepared for coaling

7.15am: Coal lighter arrived alongside

8.00am: Commenced coaling

3.00pm: Complete with coal, received 401 tons

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24 July 1914

At Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -20.16, Long 57.50

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25 July 1914

At Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -20.16, Long 57.50

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26 July 1914

At Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -20.16, Long 57.50

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27 July 1914

At Port Louis, Mauritius

Lat -20.16, Long 57.50

9.00am: Midshipman B.A.W. Lee R.N. discharged to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

9.30am: Midshipman A.G. Mack and E.L. Pawsey R.N. joined ship from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

10.30am: Lieutenant C.E. Brooke R.N. discharged to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

1.20pm: Prepared for sea. Weighed port anchor, rove ship ropes

4.40pm: Slipped. Engines as requisite for turning to NW

5.05pm: Weighed starboard anchor

5.14pm: Proceeded out of harbour

5.22pm: Formed single line ahead, 2½ cables astern of flag

Whilst at Port Louis the crew cleaned the ship and made and mend cloths. On Sunday a divine service was held. The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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28 July 1914

From Mauritius to Zanzibar

8.15am: Put clocks back 15 minutes. Opened Beck's valves

9.10am: Delivered health lecture to ship's company

12.30pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes

2.15pm: Parted company with H.M.S. "Hyacinth". H.M.S. "Pegasus" 2½ cables astern of H.M.S. "Astræa", under orders of H.M.S. "Astræa"

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

6.45pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes

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29 July 1914

From Mauritius to Zanzibar

8.15am: Put clocks back 15 minutes

8.40am: Sighted land west

10.00am: Gave hygiene lecture to ship's company

12.12pm: Thumb mountain S75W

1.00pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes. Square mountain N67W, Mount Raynaud N72W, thumb mountain S43W

3.00pm: Square mountain S33W, Massif de l'Ouest S65W, Olangia lighthouse N81W

3.15pm: Turned together 8 points to starboard

3.22pm: Stopped

4.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

4.37pm: Proceeded. Courses as requested. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" came out of Diego Suarez Harbour

5.35pm: Formed single line ahead

5.55pm: Cape Amber N33W, Suarez Island S73W, L'Ambongoaba S55W

7.05pm: Cape Amber lighthouse S42W

8.00pm: Cape Amber lighthouse S35E

11.00pm: Exercised placing oil navigation lights

No references found to Thumb Mountain and Square Mountain, so they are most probably descriptions of mountain shapes.

Also Olangia doesn't have any references, but most probably it is or is located near Cape d'Ambre.

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30 July 1914

From Mauritius To Zanzibar

Lat -10.25, Long 45.85

6.00am: Commenced war routine

6.30am: Cleared ship for action, hands preparing ship for war

7.55am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" stopped. Took station on port beam of H.M.S. "Hyacinth" 1 cable

7.57am: Stopped

7.58am: Captain proceeded on board flagship

9.10am: Captain returned on board

8.20am: Discharged midshipman A.G. Mack and E.L. Pawsey R.N. to H.M.S. "Hyacinth". Lieutenant C.E. Brooke R.N. rejoined H.M.S. "Astræa" from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

9.15am: H.M.S. "Astræa" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded in company (H.M.S. "Pegasus" 2½ cables astern of H.M.S. "Astræa"). In execution of previous orders

1.00pm: Put clocks back 13 minutes. Hands employed preparing for battle and painting ship grey

7.00pm: Prepared for night defence

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31 July 1914

From Mauritius To Zanzibar

Lat -7.08, Long 40.23

5.50am: Prepared for day action

8.00am: Opened Beck's valves

1.00pm: Put clocks back 13 minutes

1.05pm: Latham Island S84W

2.45pm: Ras Makunduchi N32W, Pungume Island N64W

3.13pm: Stopped

3.16pm: Ras Makunduchi N23W, left side of Zanzibar N77W

3.18pm: Captain of H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived on board

4.20pm: Ditto left ship

4.25pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded to Zanzibar

4.25pm to 5.30pm: Courses and speed as requisite for remaining in vicinity of Ras Kizimkazi

5.00pm: Closed Beck's valves

5.30pm to 6.00pm: As requisite for communicating with S.S. "Kafue"

6.00pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling to ESE at 6 knots

7.45pm: Turned and patrolled to WSW

8.34pm: Sighted suspicious steamer bearing S68W with no lights, evidently steamer of considerable speed

8.34pm to 9.20pm: Courses as requisite for shadowing suspicious steamer steaming SE by S

10.15pm: Ras Kanzi lighthouse S10W, Makatumbe lighthouse S89W


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1 August 1914

From Mauritius To Zanzibar

Lat -6.75, Long 39.57

12.25am: Sighted H.M.S. "Hyacinth". Courses as requisite for keeping clear of ditto

1.27am: Makatumbe lighthouse S38W

1.27am to 3.15am: Courses as requisite for patrolling N38E from Makatumbe lighthouse. Second watch at night defence stations

2.45am: S.S. "Berbera" passed steering a south-easterly course

3.15am: Altered course patrolling SE with Makatumbe lighthouse bearing S38W

5.18am to 6.30am: Courses and speed as requisite for remaining in vicinity of Makatumbe lighthouse

6.00am: Prepared for day action

6.30am: Right side of Mbudya Island N62W, right side of Bongoyo Island N79W, Makatumbe lighthouse S29W. Proceeded slow ahead, patrolling to northward

8.56am: Left side of Pungume Island N13E, right side of Zanzibar Island N77E

11.04am: Left side of land S6E, left side of Sinda Island S31W, Makatumbe lighthouse S57W

Noon: Makatumbe lighthouse S83W, right side of Sinda Island S73W, Ras Nedge S40W, right side of Zanzibar Island N5E [Ras Nedge is most probably misspelled and should be Ras Ndege]

12.44pm: Right side of Zanzibar Island N18E, wireless masts Dar es Salaam S63W, left side of Sinda Island S44W

2.00pm: Chumbe lighthouse N20W, right side of Pungume Island N36E, Ras Kizimkazi N86E

3.00pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding into Zanzibar harbour by Southern Pass

3.20pm: Chumbe lighthouse East 1.1 miles

4.07pm: Came to with port bower

6.00pm: Anchor bearings: fore red light pier extremity S31E, Government Hospital flagstaff S61E, Bet el Ras lower beacon N46E

6.35pm: Darkened ship

6.40pm: Night defence stations

Whilst at sea the watches have been regularly exercised in sea boat crew, sounding and close watertight doors. The crew also cleaned the ship, painted, refitted, turned boats falls, cleaned out boats, repaired gun covers and painted torpedo tubes.

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2 August 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

1.30am: First watch at night defence stations

4.30am: Second watch at night defence stations

5.45am: Returned ammunition and prepared for coaling

6.15am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" sailed

8.20am: Commenced coaling

5.45pm: Lent two Maxims with rounds of .303 ammunition to King African Rifles for defence of Bawi Island

11.05pm: Finished coaling for the night

Bawi Island is also spelled as Bawe Island.

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3 August 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

5.10am: Commenced coaling ship

11.00am: Received from shore thirteen seedie boys

8.30pm: Sent one Very's pistol, twenty white, twenty red Very's lights to the Residency, also six signal rockets and sticks [A Very's pistol is a flare gun]

8.45pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch at night defence stations

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4 August 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

2.00am: Watch at night defence stations

4.45pm: Paid monthly money. Prepared for night defence

6.40pm: Darkened ship

9.30pm: Watch at night defence stations

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5 August 1914

Patrolling off Dar es Salaam

Lat -6.60, Long 39.58

1.00am: Watch at night defence stations

2.35am: Received instructions war declared against Germany

3.40am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded to sea

3.55am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for leaving harbour

4.30am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" joined up 2½ cables astern of H.M.S. "Astræa"

4.56am: Chumbe lighthouse N50E 1.2 miles

6.00am: Sighted two dhows bearing S20W. Dhows flying German flag. Altered course as requisite for closing ditto

6.23am: Stopped and boarded dhows

7.04am: Ships and dhows proceeded. Squadron patrolling to ESE and SSE 6 to 10 knots in vicinity of position SSE 10 miles from Ras Kizimkazi

11.05am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" detached patrolling S38W 10 miles from H.M.S. "Astræa" at 6 knots. H.M.S. "Astræa" in vicinity of position S30E 7½ miles from Ras Kizimkazi at 6 knots

12.25pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" reported steamer leaving Dar es Salaam. Full speed. Courses as requisite for clearing steamer

12.50pm: Steamer put back to harbour

1.07pm: Stopped and communicated with H.M.S. "Pegasus"

1.30pm: Proceeded on patrol speed 4 knots in vicinity of position N55E 11½ miles from Makatumbe Rock lighthouse. H.M.S. "Pegasus" patrolling 5 miles nearer Dar es Salaam

4.00pm: Closed H.M.S. "Pegasus" at 9 knots

5.05pm: Captain of H.M.S. "Pegasus" came on board

5.40pm: Proceeded. H.M.S. "Pegasus" in company S32E at 6 knots

6.30pm: Closed Dar es Salaam at 12 knots

7.00pm: Very's lights fired by enemy on both bows. No ships sighted

7.09pm: Makatumbe lighthouse N27E 5.6 miles

7.24pm: Turned outwards and patrolled to eastward

7.24pm to midnight: Patrolling in vicinity of Dar es Salaam at 6 knots

11.00pm: Estimated position latitude 6°35'S, longitude 39°40'E [Lat -6.58, Long 39.67]. Watch at night defence stations

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6 August 1914

Patrolling off Dar es Salaam and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.58, Long 39.60

1.00am: Patrolling off Dar es Salaam at 6 knots. H.M.S. "Pegasus" in company

5.00am: Turned to eastward 11 knots. H.M.S. "Pegasus" left to make observations of Dar es Salaam harbour

7.00am: Turned to northward 6 knots. H.M.S. "Pegasus" in company

7.46am: Right side of Zanzibar Island N31E, Ras Kizimkazi North, Ras Bweni N29W

7.50am: Proceeded slow to rendezvous. Rendezvous S35E 8 miles from Ras Kizimkazi. H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded to patrol off Dar es Salaam

8.51am: Ras Kizimkazi N20W 5 miles

10.58am: Ras Kizimkazi N35W 7.8 miles

12.30pm: Patrolling in vicinity of rendezvous. H.M.S. "Pegasus" patrolling to SE distance 10 miles

2.20pm: Ras Kizimkazi N34W 10.5 miles

3.30pm: Ras Kizimkazi N53W 9.4 miles

4.15pm: Closed H.M.S. "Pegasus" at 6 knots

4.20pm: Ras Kizimkazi N24W 8.1 miles

4.30pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" took station astern 2½ cables

5.00pm: Stopped

6.00pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding to Zanzibar 10 knots

6.08pm: Ras Bweni N4W, left side of Pungume Island N35W, right side of Zanzibar Island N52E

6.40pm: Sighted Chumbe lighthouse N30W

8.35pm: Chumbe lighthouse N45E 13 cables

9.27pm: Stopped

9.30pm: Came to with port bower. Anchor bearings: Ras Shangani pier light S79E, coaling pier light S38E, Funguni flagstaff N73E

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7 August 1914

Patrolling off Dar es Salaam and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

2.00am: Watch at night defence stations

8.30am: One able bodied seaman, five seamen and one stoker R.N.R. received from S.S. "Llanstephan Castle"

1.00pm: Discharged five R.N.R seamen and one able bodied seaman to shore for duty. Six rifles and accoutrement complete, one box .303 ammunition, fifteen boxes 3 pounder ammunition and one 3 pounder gun complete landed

3.30pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" sailed

4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for proceeding to sea through Southern Pass

5.00pm: Convoyed S.S. "Llanstephan Castle" to sea

5.16pm: Chumbe lighthouse East 11 cables

6.15pm: Left side of Pungume Island N70E 4.4 miles

8.00pm: Estimated position latitude 6°35'S, longitude 39°35'E [Lat -6.58, Long 39.58]. S.S. "Llanstephan Castle" proceeded to eastward on passage to Durban. H.M.S. "Astræa" and H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded to patrol off Dar es Salaam at 6 knots. H.M.S. "Pegasus" 5 cables astern of H.M.S. "Astræa"

Midnight: Estimated position latitude 6°37'30"S, longitude 39°25'30"E [Lat -6.63, Long 39.43]

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8 August 1914

Patrolling off Dar es Salaam and in Dar es Salaam Bay

Lat -6.77, Long 39.37

1.00am: As requisite for patrolling off Dar es Salaam speed 6 knots. H.M.S. "Pegasus" 5 cables astern

3.20am: Observed position latitude 6°41'S, longitude 39°40'E [Lat -6.68, Long 39.67]

5.40am: Courses as requisite for entering Dar es Salaam Bay

5.50am: Makatumbe lighthouse S70W 9 miles

6.30am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" remained outside Dar es Salaam Bay

6.44am: Makatumbe lighthouse S40W 2 miles

7.00am: Stopped and turned to SE

7.07am: Commenced shelling wireless station. Makatumbe lighthouse S73E S73E 2.1 miles. Observed enemy's merchant ships as follows: Hospital ship S.S "Tabora" S21W 2.4 miles, two merchant ships S.S. "Konig" and S.S. "Feldmarschall" approximate position S6W 3.8 miles, also small craft in inner harbour. Later claimed all ships except "Tabora" as lawful prizes [S.S. "Feldmarschall" is also known under the English name S.S. "Field Marshall"]

7.12am to 11.25am: Ship in vicinity of following position: Makatumbe lighthouse S76E 1.4 miles, Hospital S41W

7.12am: Dar es Salaam hoisted white flags at all flagstaffs. Ceased firing

9.30am: H.M.S. "Pegasus" reconnoitring to eastward. Reported British merchant vessel

9.50am: Boat flying flag of truce and containing emissary from German Governor arrived alongside

10.15am: Ditto left ship. H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived in Dar es Salaam Bay

11.25am: Proceeded out of harbour

11.37am: Proceeded to position N24E 3.4 miles from Makatumbe lighthouse. Engines as requisite for remaining in this position

Noon to 2pm: Lieutenant Commander Turner of H.M.S. "Pegasus" acting on behalf Senior Naval Officer conferring with Governor as to terms of surrender

2.00pm: Dar es Salaam accepted terms of surrender

5.05pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" rejoined H.M.S. "Astræa"

5.40pm: Proceeded as requisite for patrolling off Dar es Salaam 6 knots. H.M.S. "Pegasus" 5 cables astern

6.45pm: Makatumbe lighthouse S10W 9.8 miles. Makatumbe light relit for first time since commencement of war

9.00pm: Position latitude 6°37'S, longitude 39°34'E [Lat -6.62, Long 39.57]

11.00pm: Position latitude 6°35'S, longitude 39°45'E [Lat -6.58, Long 39.97]

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9 August 1914

Patrolling off Dar es Salaam, in Dar es Salaam Bay and at Zanzibar

Lat -6.78, Long 39.32

1.00am to 5.00am: As requisite for patrolling off Dar es Salaam at 6 knots. H.M.S. "Pegasus" stationed 5 cables astern

1.00am: Position latitude 6°38'S, longitude 39°33'E [Lat -6.63, Long 39.55]

3.00am: Position latitude 6°38'S, longitude 39°43'E [Lat -6.63, Long 39.72]

5.00am: Position latitude 6°41'S, longitude 39°31'E [Lat -6.68, Long 39.52]. Courses as requisite for proceeding into Dar es Salaam Bay speed 6 knots

6.33am: Makatumbe lighthouse S38W 1.5 miles

6.56am: Stopped. Lieutenant Commander Turner from H.M.S. "Pegasus" came on board to confer with Senior Naval Officer re-surrender terms of Dar es Salaam

8.55am: Proceeded to vicinity of position N22W 2.6 miles from Makatumbe lighthouse. H.M.S. "Pegasus" remained in Dar es Salaam Bay

11.30am: Ship hove to off Dar es Salaam

3.30pm: Proceeded into Dar es Salaam Bay speed as requisite

4.00pm: Stopped. Makatumbe lighthouse N82E 12 cables

4.15pm: Lieutenant Commander Turner came on board to confer with Senior Naval Officer

4.20pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" weighed

5.15pm: Proceeded. Courses as requisite for proceeding to Zanzibar by Southern Pass 11 knots. Formed single line

6.03pm: Right side of Mbudya Island N81W, right side of Bongoyo Island S75W, Ras Kankadya S50W

8.17pm: Chumbe lighthouse N45E 1.3 miles

9.03pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded to anchorage independently

9.12pm: Stopped

9.15pm: Came to with port bower. Anchor bearings: Ras Shangani pier light S54E, sultan's pier light S76E, right side of Chapani Island N26E. Watch at night defence stations

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10 August 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

1.30am: Watch at night defence

4.30am: Coal lighter alongside

5.20am: Coaling ship

9.45am: Complete with coal, received [not filled in] tons

10.30am: Sent one Maxim complete and tripod with 500 rounds of .303 and two Webley pistols with 828 rounds to "Khalifa"

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" arrived and anchored

7.00pm: Night defence stations

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11 August 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

2.00am: Night defence stations

4.05pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" sailed

7.00pm: Night defence stations

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12 August 1914

From Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar

Lat -6.78, Long 39.32

5.27am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for proceeding to Dar es Salaam

6.26am: Chumbe lighthouse N53E 1.2 miles

7.43am: Ras Kizimkazi East, right side of Pungume Island N55E, right side of Kwale Island N16E

9.13am: Makatumbe lighthouse S16W 3.4 miles

9.31am: Stopped in Dar es Salaam Bay in vicinity of position N65W 12 cables from Makatumbe lighthouse. H.M.S. "Pegasus" in Dar es Salaam Bay. German authorities arrived on board to consult with Senior Naval Officer

11.20am: Proceeded out of Dar es Salaam Bay at 6 knots and as requisite to keep in vicinity of position N20E 3 miles from Makatumbe lighthouse

12.30pm: Hove to off Dar es Salaam. In vicinity of position N20E 3 miles from Makatumbe lighthouse. H.M.S. "Pegasus" left Dar es Salaam Bay

3.20pm: Proceeded into Dar es Salaam Bay

3.45pm: Stopped. Communicated with H.M.S. "Pegasus".

3.45pm to 5.20pm: Ship in vicinity of position N77W 12 cables from Makatumbe lighthouse

5.00pm: Harbour master of Dar es Salaam arrived on board under flag of truce

5.10pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" proceeded to north-eastward at 12 knots

5.20pm: Proceeded to sea

5.58pm: Left side of Sinda Island S4E, Makatumbe lighthouse S36W, Ras Kankadya S84W

6.36pm: Courses as requisite for proceeding to Zanzibar by Southern Pass

8.37pm: H.M.S. "Pegasus" rejoined

10.27pm: Chumbe lighthouse N45E 11 cables

10.50pm: Leading lights and buoy lit

11.23pm: Stopped

11.26pm: Came to with port bower. Anchor bearings: sultan's pier light S82E, Ras Shangani pier light S60E, oiling pier light S29E, right side of Chapani Island N26E

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13 August 1914

At Zanzibar

Lat -6.15, Long 39.19

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.45am: Coal lighter arrived alongside

8.00am: Commenced coaling

10.15am: Complete with coal, received [not filled in] tons

7.00pm: Night defence stations

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14 August 1914

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -7.63, Long 40.18

12.15am: Transferred portable wireless set and Signal Office East Coast boxes to H.M.S. "Pegasus"

2.08am: Weighed and proceeded. Proceeded to sea through Southern Pass

3.07am: Chumbe lighthouse East 1 mile

5.23am: Makatumbe lighthouse S46W 9½ miles

6.23am: Right side of Sinda Island N74W, Ras Kanzi lighthouse S12W

7.30pm: Night defence stations

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15 August 1914

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -12.72, Long 41.08

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.30pm: Night defence stations

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16 August 1914

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -17.87, Long 39.33

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.00pm: Night defence stations

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17 August 1914

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -21.67, Long 35.68

12.30am: Watch at night defence stations

9.00am: Courses and speed as requisite for searching bay to northward of Bazaruto Island

10.25am: Cape Bazaruto lighthouse S5W 9 miles

10.30am: Proceeded seaward

11.29am: Benguerra Island S45W, Bazaruto Island lighthouse N65W

1.20pm: Courses as requisite for closing steamer

2.08pm: Cape San Sebastian N49W, right side of Xeqine Island N34W, 170 feet hill Benguerra Island N80W

2.20pm: Stopped. Boarded S.S. "Beira" under Portuguese colours

3.00pm: Proceeded

6.33pm: Altered course as requisite for closing steamer

6.45pm: Stopped. Boarded S.S. "Chinde" under Portuguese colours

8.00pm: Watch at night defence stations

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18 August 1914

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -24.92, Long 35.08

12.45am: Burra lighthouse S55W [Burra is most probably misspelled and should be Barra]

5.00am: Courses and speed as requisite for searching Innamban Bay [Innamban Bay is most probably misspelled and should be Inhambane Bay]

6.00am: Burra lighthouse S40W 5½ miles

7.00am: Cape Coreientes S40W, Burra lighthouse N39W [Cape Coreientes is most probably misspelled and should be Cape Correntes]

10.28am: Zavora Point lighthouse N42W 8 miles

6.00pm to 6.17pm: Communicated with S.S. "Kwarra" of Liverpool, British colours, from Delagoa Bay to Port Louis, Mauritius

8.30pm: Watch at night defence stations

Delagoa Bay is also know at Maputo Bay.

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19 August 1914

From Zanzibar to Durban

Lat -28.15, Long 32.64

1.00am: Night defence stations

2.55am: Wind dropped and backed to SW

3.30am: Wind backed to east

7.05pm: Sighted Cape St. Lucia lighthouse N78W

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20 August 1914

From Zanzibar to Durban to Simon's Town and at Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4.30am: Watch at night defence stations

7.45am: Cape Natal lighthouse S84W

8.40am: Stopped. Pilot came on board

8.47am: Proceeded. Courses as requisite for entering harbour

9.15am: Proceeded alongside S.S. "Banffshire" collier

9.25am: Secured alongside ditto. Hands employed during the morning preparing for coaling, cleaning out guns, overhauling ammunition exposed to weather

10.20am: Commenced coaling. Native labour

12.30pm: S.S. "Banffshire" cast off and proceeded to buoy. H.M.S. "Astræa" secured to number [not filled in] buoy

2.00pm: Thirty R.N.V.R. ratings and one deserter received from depot

3.00pm: Received one rating from hospital

6.30pm: Complete with coal, received 517.7 tons

7.45pm: Slipped. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding out of harbour

8.05pm: Pilot left ship

8.22pm: Cape Natal Bluff lighthouse N7W 2½ miles

10.19pm: Aliwal lighthouse N49W 8 miles

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21 August 1914

From Durban to Simon's Town

Lat -33.08, Long 28.15

12.48am: Shepstone lighthouse N40W 6 miles

1.30am: Night defence stations

7.00am: Altered course as requisite to sight steamer. Increased to full power and chased ditto

8.45am: Stopped British steamer "Chenab" bound for Demarara. Communicated with ditto [Since Demarara is located in Botswana a more probable destination would be Demerara in Guyana]

8.55am: Proceeded on course West

12.30pm: Altered course as requisite for sighting steamer "Balmoral Castle"

12.42pm: East London N3E

3.44pm: Great Fish Point lighthouse N14W

5.15pm: Altered course as requisite for closing steamer

5.30pm to 5.40pm: Communicated by flags with S.S. "Angola", flying Portuguese colours

5.45pm: Nanquas Peak N73W, Glendower beacon N44E

6.38pm: Bird Island lighthouse N67W, Nanquas Peak N9W

7.00pm: Night defence stations

9.45pm: Cape Recife N4E 5 miles

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22 August 1914

From Durban to Simon's Town

Lat -34.48, Long 21.98

12.59am: Cape St. Francis lighthouse N13E 5 miles

2.30am: Night defence stations

6.44am: Witte Els Berg N85E, Formosa Peak N59E, Lange Kloof N34E

8.47am: Courses and speed as requisite for intercepting steamer S.S. "Colonial". Exchanged signals with ditto

9.00am: Cradock Berg N6E, Hoog Berg N37E, Spitzkop N65E

10.18am: Cape St. Blaize lighthouse N13W

1.21pm: Cape Barracouta N40W, left side of Buffel's Kop N41E, Cape Vacca N69E

3.27pm: Cape Infanta N8W

4.13pm: Cape Infanta N25E

4.35pm: Cape Infanta N39E

4.50pm: Courses as requisite for closing steamer

5.02pm to 5.18pm: Communicated with S.S. "Hellenic" of Göteborg under Swedish colours

6.40pm: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N43W

7.35pm: Cape Agulhas lighthouse N17E 7½ miles

9.00pm: Night defence stations

10.45pm: Danger Point lighthouse N53E 8.3 miles

Witte Els Berg is most probably Witelskop.

Hoog Berg is most probably Hoogpunt.

Spitzkop is also spelled as Spitskop.

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23 August 1914

From Durban to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.10am: Sighted Cape Point lighthouse N29W

1.58am: Cape Point lighthouse N80W 4 miles

2.15am: Altered course as requisite for entering harbour

2.30am: Exchanged signals with port war signal station

2.50am: Exchanged signals with examination vessel

3.25am: Came to with port bower

7.00am: Anchor bearings: Admiral's house flagstaff S76W, chimney S42W, east breakwater lighthouse S29E

7.10am: Weighed and turned to eastward

7.30am: Came to with port bower

11.30am: Anchor bearings: Admiral's house flagstaff S83W, chimney S37W, east breakwater lighthouse S53E

4.30pm: Discharged three R.N.V.R. ratings and one able bodied seaman to hospital

4.50pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived and anchored

4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded into basin [The time should most probably be 5.05pm]

5.20pm: Secured alongside "C" coal shed east breakwater

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24 August 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Marines at aerial defence stations

6.20am: Commenced coaling. Hands employed coaling, provisioning and drawing stores

8.10am: Discharged thirteen seedie boys and three stokers to H.M. Dockyard

2.30pm: Complete with coal, received 254.0 tons

3.20pm: Ship hauled off east breakwater and warped into dock

5.30pm: Secured in dock

7.00pm: Four marines and one signaller received from [not filled in]

7.03pm: One leading signaller and one stoker received from [not filled in]

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25 August 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.30am: Marines at aerial defence stations

8.10am: Drawing stores and scrubbing ship's bottom

9.30am: Two R.N.V.R. men received from [not filled in]

9.50am: Discharged one petty officer to S.S. "Battenhall" and one stoker petty officer to dockyard

11.45am: Received one rating from Royal Navy detention quarters

4.00pm: Commenced flooding dock

5.40pm: Proceeded out of dock. Courses and speed as requisite to anchorage in Simon's Bay

6.10pm: Came to with starboard bower

9.00pm: Anchor bearings: Admiral's house flagstaff S81W, chimney S58W, east breakwater lighthouse S18W

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26 August 1914

From Simon's Town to Table Bay and at Table Bay

Lat -33.91, Long 18.43

Midnight: Weighed and turned to SSE

12.10am: Courses as requisite for proceeding to sea and rounding Cape Point

1.25am: Cape Point lighthouse N75W 2.7 miles

2.15am: Cape Point lighthouse N30E 5 miles

7.50am: Duyker Point N46E, Slang Kop Point N88E

8.18am: Duyker Point N66E, Chapman Point S70E, Slang Kop Point S28E

9.30am: Green Point lighthouse S81E 3 miles

10.00am: Courses as requisite for proceeding to anchorage

10.10am: Stopped. Communicated with examination steamer

10.20am: Proceeded into harbour

10.45am: Came to with starboard bower. Anchor bearings: clock tower S68W, breakwater lighthouse N33W, left side of hospital S39W

1.30pm: S.S. "Guilford Castle" [No reference to S.S. "Guilford Castle" has been found. It is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Guildford Castle"]

3.00pm: Sent three boats flashing lamps to three transports

3.55pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived and anchored

Duyker Point is most probably Duikerklip.

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27 August 1914

From Table Bay to St. Helena

Lat -33.38, Long 17.58

6.55am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for clearing harbour. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" and transports "Kenilworth Castle", "Guilford Castle", "Goorkha", "Briton", "Dunluce Castle" and "Balmoral Castle" in company [No reference to "Guilford Castle" has been found. It is most probably misspelled and should be "Guildford Castle"]

8.05am: Robben Island lighthouse N80E 4.2 miles

4.30pm: Put clocks back 67 minutes

7.00pm: Night defence stations

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28 August 1914

From Table Bay to St. Helena

Lat -30.27, Long 12.68

2.30am: Night defence stations

7.30pm: Night defence stations

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29 August 1914

From Table Bay to St. Helena

Lat -27.03, Long 8.23

2.30am: Night defence stations

4.30pm: Put clocks back 17 minutes

7.30pm: Night defence stations

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30 August 1914

From Table Bay to St. Helena

Lat -23.67, Long 4.07

2.00am: Night defence stations

1.48pm: Ship entered the tropics

4.30pm: Put clocks back 16 minutes

7.30pm: Night defence stations

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31 August 1914

From Table Bay to St. Helena

Lat -20.40, Long 0.00

2.30am: Night defence stations

4.30pm: Put clocks back 16 minutes

7.30pm: Night defence stations


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1 September 1914

From Table Bay to St. Helena

Lat -17.05, Long -3.93

2.30am: Night defence stations

Noon: Paid monthly money

4.30pm: Put clocks back 7 minutes

7.00pm: Night defence stations

8.00pm: Sighted St. Helena Island N35W

9.00pm: Right side of St. Helena Island N45W, left side of St. Helena Island S89W

9.45pm: Altered course as requisite for rounding Sugarloaf Point

10.45pm: Stopped. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded into anchorage. Right side of St. Helena Island S34W, left side of St. Helena Island S64E

Whilst at sea the watches have been regularly exercised in physical drill, general quarters, fire stations and collision stations. The crew also cleaned and painted the ship, refitted coaling whips, made coaling strops and refitted ridge ropes. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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2 September 1914

At St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

1.00am: Night defence stations

5.23am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for anchorage. Transports proceeded independently to anchorage

6.25am: Stopped

6.27am: Came to with starboard bower

8.00am: Anchor bearings: Sugarloaf Point East, Munden Point S22E, cathedral South

9.30am: One stoker and one prisoner discharged to H.M.S. "Leviathan"

11.30am: Flashing lamps pattern number 4, three in number, supplied to transports

1.25pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier S.S. "Clan Stuart"

2.10pm: Secured alongside collier

2.35pm: Commenced coaling

5.00pm: Crutch gunmetal pattern number 73C one in number lost overboard by accident

10.50pm: Complete with coal, received 400 tons

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3 September 1914

At St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

6.00am: Collier S.S. "Clan Stuart" weighed and proceeded to anchorage. Came to with starboard bower

9.00am: Anchor bearings: cathedral S29E, Munden Point S85E, Buttermilk Point N74E

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4 September 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -16.77, Long -4.66

4.10am: Weighed

4.12am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving anchorage

4.47am: Sugarloaf Point S32E 12 cables

5.27am: Barn Point S66W 2.2 miles

8.00pm: Night defence stations

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5 September 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -19.58, Long -1.10

2.30am: Put clocks on 20 minutes

3.30am: Night defence stations

6.30pm: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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6 September 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -22.37, Long 2.90

2.00am: Put clocks on 14 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

6.30pm: Night defence stations

8.00pm: Ship left the tropics

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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7 September 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -25.43, Long 7.00

2.00am: Put clocks on 16 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

11.30am: Sighted barque bearing S11E

Noon: Courses and speed as requisite for communicating with barque "Silas" of Grimstad

6.30pm: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Put clocks on 15 minutes

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8 September 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -28.75, Long 10.88

2.00am: Put clocks on 16 minutes

3.30am: Night defence stations

7.30pm: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Put clocks on 15 minutes

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9 September 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -31.92, Long 15.42

2.00am: Put clocks on 16 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Put clocks on 16 minutes

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10 September 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Put clocks on 15 minutes

4.20am: Altered course as requisite for rounding Cape Point and for proceeding to Simon's Bay

4.30am: Cape Point lighthouse S40E

5.21am: Cape Point lighthouse N50E 5 miles

6.00am: Cape Point lighthouse N36W 3.8 miles

7.18am: Stopped

7.20am: Came to with starboard bower

8.00am: Anchor bearings: Admiral's house flagstaff S86W, right side of west pier head S33E, east breakwater lighthouse S54E

11.35am: Weighed and proceeded. Engines as requisite for proceeding alongside [not filled in]

12.05pm: Secured alongside collier S.S. "Drumlarig" [No reference to S.S. "Drumlarig" has been found. It is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Drumlanrig"]

1.30pm: Commenced coaling

2.00pm: Discharged one able bodied seaman to Royal Navy Hospital. One able bodied seaman received from Royal Navy Hospital. Received one armourer’s crew from dockyard

Whilst at sea the watches have been regularly exercised in physical drill, general quarters and action. The crew also cleaned and painted the ship, refitted and refitted coaling gear. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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11 September 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.10am: Complete with coal, received 465 tons

7.00am: Slipped from collier and proceeded engines as requisite to anchorage

7.30am: Came to with starboard bower

10.00am: Anchor bearings: Admiral's house flagstaff S86W, left side of west pier head S33E, east breakwater lighthouse S54E

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded, engines as requisite for number 4 moorings

11.25am: Secured to number 4 moorings

1.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores, preparing for provisioning ship and cleaning ship

2.30pm: Discharged one petty officer to H.M.S. "Afrikander" and one R.N.V.R. rating to Royal Navy Hospital

3.00pm: Landed docking party of 2 petty officer and 25 seamen to secure collier in basin

4.30pm: Ditto returned on board

4.15pm: Provision lighter secured alongside. Hands employed provisioning ship

5.40pm: H.M.S. "Kinfauns Castle" arrived

7.00pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" arrived with prize

7.45pm: One petty officer received back from H.M.S. "Afrikander"

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12 September 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.30pm: Discharged one stoker petty officer to Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: Fired salute of 19 guns in honour of His Excellency the Governor General

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13 September 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.30am: Discharged one armourer's crew and one stoker to Royal Navy Hospital

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14 September 1914

From Simon's Town to Cape Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.23

8.10am: Slipped and proceeded. Speed as requisite Course as requisite for leaving Simon's Bay and rounding Cape Point

9.40am: Cape Point lighthouse (high) N34W 3.8 miles

10.08am: Cape Point lighthouse (high) N31E 4.4 miles

12.02pm: Slang Kop Point S72E 4.4 miles

12.42pm: Duyker Point S65E 4.0 miles

1.50pm: Green Point lighthouse S32E 1½ miles

2.24pm: Stopped

2.25pm: Came to with starboard bower

3.00pm: Anchor bearings: clock tower S70W, left side of military hospital S41W, breakwater occulting lighthouse N31W

5.45pm: Read warrants numbers 61, 62 and 63

Duyker Point is most probably Duikerklip.

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15 September 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -33.25, Long 17.75

6.15am: Weighed and proceeded

6.50am: Transports "Galway Castle", "Clan McMillan", "Gaika" and "Monarch" in company

7.25am: Robben Island lighthouse N66E 1.6 miles

9.43am: Dassen Island lighthouse N53E 9.6 miles

10.56am: South Head N41E, Groote Zwartberg N86E, Dassen Island lighthouse S55E

7.30pm: Night defence stations

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16 September 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -29.83, Long 15.42

1.30am: Night defence stations

3.59pm: Stopped. Convoy stopped

4.00pm: Engines as requisite for closing transport "Galway Castle"

4.15pm: Commander Barry arrived on board to consult Senior Naval Officer

4.45pm: Ditto returned to "Galway Castle"

5.00pm: Proceeded. Course North

8.30pm: Night defence stations

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17 September 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -27.10, Long 14.60

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.40am: Sighted small sealer S.S. "Magnet" bearing NE

6.38am: Stopped. Convoy hove to

8.00am: Closed transport "Galway Castle"

10.30am: Convoy hove to. "Magnet" communicated with transports

Noon: Shaped course S30E 8 knots

2.25pm: Stopped. Convoy hove to. Five tugs with lighters sighted bearing SE

4.15pm: Proceeded to close tugs and convoy

4.40pm: Stopped. Officer in charge of tugs arrived on board to confer with Senior Naval Officer

5.00pm: Tugs and lighters proceeded

5.10pm: Transport "Galway Castle" proceeded to close the land

6.48pm: Proceeded with convoy

8.44pm: Stopped. Convoy hove to

Midnight: Night defence stations

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18 September 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.82, Long 15.12

2.30am: Convoy hove to

3.30am: Night defence stations

7.12am: Proceeded S35E speed as requisite. Convoy in company

8.34am: Dreizackberg S43E, Saddle Mountain S54E, Albatross Peak N76E

9.10am: Stopped. Convoy stopped

9.25am: Closed North Long Island, courses and speed as requisite

10.00am: S.S. "Magnet" proceeded out of anchorage behind North Long Island and closed H.M.S. "Astræa"

10.15am: Stopped

10.30am: Master of "Magnet" arrived on board to confer with Senior Naval Officer. Left side of North Long Island S52E, Elizabeth Point S4E, left side of land N19E

11.25am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for rejoining convoy

12.30pm: Sighted transport "Galway Castle"

1.00pm: Dreizackberg S42E, Saddle Mountain S57E, Albatross Peak N59E

1.20pm: Closed "Galway Castle"

1.40pm: Senior Naval Officer went on board "Galway Castle"

2.25pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for communicating with transports and tugs

3.45pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for Lüderitz Bay with transports "Gaika" and "Monarch"

5.03pm: Diaz Point lighthouse S6E 1.5 miles

5.10pm: Stopped. Transports "Gaika" and "Monarch" proceeded to anchorage

6.00pm: Transports "Clan McMillan" and "Galway Castle" and tugs and lighters arrived

6.10pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for the anchorage

6.43pm: Stopped

6.45pm: Came to with starboard bower

10.30pm: Anchor bearings: Angra Point S1W, Cape Diaz lighthouse S52W, right side of Seal Island S58E, left side of Seal Island S75E

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19 September 1914

At Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.64, Long 15.16

2.30am: Night defence stations

7.20pm: Transport "Gaika" sailed

9.00pm: Night defence stations

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20 September 1914

At Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.64, Long 15.16

2.30am: Night defence stations

7.00pm: Night defence stations

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21 September 1914

At Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.64, Long 15.16

7.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for Robert Harbour

7.28am: Stopped

7.30am: Came to with starboard bower

10.00am: Anchor bearings: Angra Point N61W, Shark Island lighthouse S39W, Nautilus Point N60E

11.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Engines as requisite for lying to off entrance to Robert Harbour

1.30pm: Hove to off entrance to Robert Harbour

3.55pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out firing in Lüderitz Bay

4.35pm: Dropped target. Carried out battle practice runs firing 12 pounder and 6 pounder guns firing full charges and firing from 1 inch aiming from 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns

4.41pm: Diaz Point lighthouse S58W, Angra Point S23E, right side of Penguin Island S52E

5.45pm: Exercised night defence and carried out night defence runs

6.05pm: Ceased firing

6.17pm: Stopped and picked up target

6.22pm: Diaz Point lighthouse S34W, Shark Island lighthouse S25E, right side of Penguin Island S37E

Midnight: Night defence stations

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22 September 1914

Patrolling off and at Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.64, Long 15.16

3.00am: Night defence stations

7.45am: Courses as requisite. Lüderitz Bay

9.20am: Stopped. Diaz Point lighthouse South 1.3 miles

10.15am: Courses as requisite for Robert Harbour. Diaz Point lighthouse S16W 1.3 miles

10.55am: Came to with port bower

1.27pm: Weighed and proceeded

2.00pm: Stopped in Angra Bay

3.50pm: Proceeded

4.15pm: Stopped

5.27pm: Course N50W 6 knots

7.00pm: Stopped starboard engine. Slow ahead port engine

9.00pm: Night defence stations

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23 September 1914

Patrolling off and at Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.64, Long 15.16

1.00am: Night defence stations

2.30am: Proceeded 30 revolutions both engines

7.40am: Stopped

8.15am: Courses as requisite for proceeding to Lüderitz Bay

8.22am: North Long Island S81E, South Long Island S60E, Zwei Spitz S35E

9.45am: Diaz Point lighthouse S58E 12 cables

10.15am: Diaz Point lighthouse S78W, Angra Point S48W, left side of Shark Island S11E

10.30am: S.S. "Galway Castle" sailed

10.49am: Stopped off entrance to Robert Harbour

1.10pm: Shark Island lighthouse S16E, right side of Penguin Island S47E, right side of Seal Island N71E

2.30pm: Hove to off entrance to Robert Harbour

5.13pm: Proceeded to sea. Angra Point N84W 9 cables

5.15pm: Prepared for night defence

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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24 September 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to Simon's Town and at Lüderitz bay

Lat -26.64, Long 15.16

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.48am: Diaz Point lighthouse S36E 1.5 miles

8.25am: Stopped. Engines as requisite for remaining at entrance to Robert Harbour. Shark Island lighthouse S4W 6 cables

9.35am: Proceeded into Lüderitz Bay

10.00am: Stopped and dropped target. Carried out two battle practice runs, firing from starboard and port sides

10.27am: Diaz Point lighthouse S2E 4.1 miles

11.00am: Stopped and picked up target

11.05am: Proceeded into Angra Bay

11.12am: Diaz Point lighthouse S4W 4.2 miles

11.50am: Stopped off entrance to Robert Harbour

1.30pm: Hove to off entrance to Robert Harbour

5.15pm: Prepared for night defence

7.30pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

7.40pm: Angra Point S32W 1.3 miles

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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25 September 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to Simon's Town

Lat -29.63, Long 15.75

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.20pm: Prepared for night defence

6.30pm: Night defence stations

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26 September 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to Simon's Town

Lat -33.93, Long 18.29

1.00am: Night defence stations

10.04am: Blaauwberg Point S5E, Green Point S41E, Robben Island lighthouse S60E

11.58am: Blaauwberg Point S16E, York Point N79E, Green Point N58E

1.00pm: Courses as requisite for rounding Cape Point and proceeding into Simon's Bay

2.04pm: Cape Point new lighthouse N7E 3.1 miles

3.40pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N48E 3 cables

4.05pm: Stopped

4.12pm: Proceeded into basin

4.40pm: Secured alongside "A" coaling ship shed. Prepared for coaling

Blaauwberg is spelled today as Blouberg.

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27 September 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.20am: Commenced coaling

11.50am: Complete with coal, received 367 tons

2.00pm: Discharged one able bodied seaman to Royal Navy Hospital

6.30pm: One stoker petty officer and one stoker received back from Royal Navy Hospital

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28 September 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship, drawing stores, refitting first and second cutters falls and preparing rigging for new fore topmast

1.30pm: Hands employed drawing stores, cleaning out boats, refitting quarterdeck's guard rails and refitting fore topmast gear

5.00pm: Drew sixty projectiles and sixty cartridges for H.M.S. "Kinfauns Castle"

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29 September 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning down aloft, cleaning out boats and rattling down fore rigging. Staff surgeon Daw rejoined ship from Royal Navy Hospital

1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning out boats, cleaning down aloft, drawing stores and rattling down fore rigging

4.15pm: Starboard watch employed drawing new topmast

5.50pm: Starboard watch employed swaying fore topmast. Seedie boys coaling ship, 120 bags

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30 September 1914

From Simon's Town to Cape Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.23

5.30am: Hands employed striking down coal and setting up fore topmast stays

7.50am: Commenced warping ship out of basin

8.00am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving Simon's Bay

8.08am: Courses as requisite for leaving False Bay and rounding Cape Point

9.37am: Cape Point Lighthouse (new) N25W 3.4 miles

10.04am: Cape Point Lighthouse (new) N41E 4.4 miles

12.05pm: Slang Kop Point S67E 4.5 miles

1.30pm: Courses as requisite for Table Bay

1.49pm: Green Point lighthouse S33E 1.6 miles

2.18pm: Stopped

2.20pm: Came to with port bower

6.00pm: Anchor bearings: breakwater occulting lighthouse N24W, clock tower S68W, left side of military hospital S36W


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1 October 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -33.30, Long 17.75

6.15am: Weighed. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to sea

9.23am: Dassen Island lighthouse N41E, 276 feet hill N50E, 828 feet hill N57E

12.04pm: Schooner Point N57E, South Head N70E, Vlag Berg N82E, Groote Zwartberg S74E [Vlag Berg is most probably misspelled and should be Vlaeberg]

1.00pm: S.S. "Llandovery Castle"

1.15pm: Schooner Point S83E, Constable Hill S62E, Cape Castle N59E

4.50pm: Paid quarterly settlement

5.30pm: Prepared for night defence stations

9.00pm: Night defence stations

Schooner Point is also known as Schooner Rock.

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2 October 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -30.17, Long 15.62

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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3 October 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay to St. Helena

Lat -26.63, Long 15.05

1.30am: Night defence stations

6.00am: Transport "Galway Castle" proceeded to Lüderitz Bay

9.10am: Took station 4 cables ahead of "Gaika"

10.15am: Albatross Peak N88E

10.30am: Albatross Peak S85E

11.00am: Albatross Peak S66E

11.50am: Courses as requisite for approaching Lüderitz Bay

12.18pm: Diaz Point lighthouse S4E 1.4 miles

12.29pm: Stopped

12.32pm: Courses and speed as requisite for communicating with transports "Colonial" and "Den of Glamis". Transports proceeded to anchorage

1.12pm: Proceeded 10 knots. Courses as requisite for Angra Bay

1.34pm: Stopped

1.35pm: Came to with port bower

2.00pm: Anchor bearings: Shark Island lighthouse S24E, right side of Penguin Island S75E, left side of Penguin Island N66E

4.30pm: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" sailed

4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for communicating with transports "Dover Castle" and "Garth Castle" at anchor in Shearwater Bay

5.50pm: Course N37W 9 knots. Transports "Dover Castle" and "Garth Castle" in company

6.00pm: Diaz Point lighthouse S12E 2.3 miles

8.00pm: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes

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4 October 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to St. Helena

Lat -24.80, Long 11.45

1.30am: Night defence stations

3.00am: Put clocks back 15 minutes

8.12am: Hauled out of line and took station on port bow of transports

8.30am: Put clocks back 30 minutes

8.50am: Returned to head of line

3.30pm: Put clocks back 21 minutes

7.30pm: Night defence stations

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5 October 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to St. Helena

Lat -22.55, Long 6.82

1.30am: Night defence stations

2.00am: Ship entered the tropics

2.00pm: Put clocks back 18 minutes

5.30pm: Read warrant number 64

9.00pm: Night defence stations

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6 October 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to St. Helena

Lat -20.32, Long 2.23

2.00am: Night defence stations

2.00pm: Put clocks back 17 minutes

8.30pm: Night defence stations

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7 October 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to St. Helena

Lat -17.83, Long -2.15

2.00am: Night defence stations

11.30am: Prepared for coaling

2.00pm: Put clocks back 17 minutes

5.20pm: Prepared for night defence stations

7.00pm: Night defence stations

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8 October 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to St. Helena and at St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

12.30am: Night defence stations

5.20am: Sighted St. Helena Island to northward

5.35am: Right side of St. Helena Island N55W, left side of St. Helena Island N71W

7.00am: Courses as requisite for anchorage

7.36am: Sugarloaf Point S58W 12 cables

7.58am: Stopped

8.02am: Came to with starboard bower. Anchor bearings: Ladder Hill flagstaff S8W, cathedral S15E, Munden Point S78E, Buttermilk Point N74E

8.30am: Commenced coaling

7.30pm: Complete with coal, received 350 tons

11.00pm: Weighed

11.10pm: Proceeded

11.15pm: Convoy formed single line ahead

11.17pm: Left side of St. Helena Island S72E, right side of St. Helena Island S56W

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9 October 1914

From St. Helena to Sierra Leone

Lat -13.68, Long -6.83

2.30am: Night defence stations

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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10 October 1914

From St. Helena to Sierra Leone

Lat -9.23, Long -8.33

2.00am: Night defence stations

3.30pm: Put clocks back 2 minutes

9.00pm: Night defence stations

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11 October 1914

From St. Helena to Sierra Leone

Lat -4.57, Long -9.62

2.00am: Night defence stations

3.00pm: Put clocks back 5 minutes

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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12 October 1914

From St. Helena to Sierra Leone

Lat -0.05, Long -11.15

2.00am: Night defence stations

3.30pm: Put clocks back 8 minutes

5.15pm: Prepared for night defence stations

9.00pm: Night defence stations

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13 October 1914

From St. Helena to Sierra Leone

Lat 4.28, Long -12.73

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.00am: Passed and signalled S.S. "Clan Macgillivray" bound for Cape Town

9.00am to 11.58am: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out firing practice with .303 and 1 inch aiming. Convoy steaming 8 to 10 knots. Transport "Dover Castle" towing target. Exercised control parties with gunlayers firing with 1 inch aiming

11.37am: Convoy stopped. Hoisted in target. Communicated with transport "Garth Castle"

11.58am: Convoy proceeded

3.30pm: Put clocks back 4 minutes

7.00pm: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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14 October 1914

From St. Helena to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.15, Long -13.75

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.20am: Sighted land on starboard bow

11.40am: Lion Mountain N80E, Ricketts Island S70E

Noon: Lion Mountain N83E, Ricketts Island S65E

1.05pm: Put clocks back 18 minutes

1.16pm: Cape Sierra Leone lighthouse N80E, Cape Shilling S40E, right side of Meheux Island S23E

2.15pm: Courses as requisite for anchorage

2.40pm: Cape Sierra Leone lighthouse S26W 5 cables

3.00pm: Stopped

3.06pm: Came to with port bower. Anchor bearings: Falcon Bridge Point S53E, right side of cathedral S14E, King Tom Ten store pier S55W

Although not mentioned H.M.S. "Astræa" had arrived at Freetown.

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15 October 1914

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.25

5.15am: Prepared for coaling

6.00am: P.1 gun's crew and gunners party dismounting P.1

6.25am: Collier "Gripwell" arrived alongside

7.00am: Commenced coaling

12.25pm: Complete with coal, received 290 tons

1.45pm: Collier left

3.00pm: Gunners party dismounting P.3 4.7 inch gun

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16 October 1914

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.25

10.00am: S.1 4.7 inch gun's crew and gunners party dismounting S.1. One 11 inch double block lost overboard by accident

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17 October 1914

From Sierra Leone to St. Vincent

Lat 8.78, Long -14.18

6.45am: Weighed and turned to NW

6.50am: Proceeded with transports "Dover Castle" and "Garth Castle". Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

9.00am: Passed and signalled S.S. "Falaba", Liverpool to Sierra Leone

7.30pm: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Night defence stations

St. Vincent is also known as Sao Vicente.

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18 October 1914

From Sierra Leone to St. Vincent

Lat 10.77, Long -18.03

3.30am: Night defence stations

3.55pm: Put clocks back 12 minutes

4.00pm: Transport "Dover Castle" stopped to hold burial service

11.00pm: Night defence stations

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19 October 1914

From Sierra Leone to St. Vincent

Lat 13.53, Long -21.72

2.00am: Night defence stations

3.30pm: Put clocks back 13 minutes

6.00pm: Transport "Dover Castle" stopped to hold burial service

9.00pm: Night defence stations

11.18pm: Sighted Ponta Temerosa lighthouse on starboard bow

11.24pm: Ponta Temerosa lighthouse N43E 17 miles

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20 October 1914

From Sierra Leone to St. Vincent

Lat 16.58, Long -24.97

1.52am: Fogo Island 8500 feet mountain N60W

3.00am: Night defence stations

9.00am: Monte Gorda N53E [Monte Gorda is most probably misspelled and should be Monte Gordo]

9.35am: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out rate of change exercises

10.00am: Green mountain N2W, right side of Branca Island N26E, highest peak Raza Island N44E, Mount Gorda N68E [Branca Island and Monte Gorda are most probably misspelled and should be Branco Island and Monte Gordo]

10.00am: Carried out rate of change exercises 10,000 yards to 2,000 yards

11.40am: Resumed position ahead of convoy

11.45am: Left side of St. Vincent Island N5W, right side of St. Vincent Island N36E, left side of Santa Lucia Island N55E, left side of Branca Island N85E [Branca Island is most probably misspelled and should be Branco Island]

1.30pm: Courses as requisite for Porto Grande harbour [Porto Grande is most probably Mindelo]

1.50pm: Punta Machado lighthouse S59E 2.4 miles

3.00pm: Stopped. Captain of H.M.S. "Kent" arrived on board to confer with Senior Naval Officer. Communicated with transports

4.00pm: H.M.S. "Kent" and transports "Dover Castle" and "Garth Castle" sailed to NNE

4.05pm: Proceeded to anchorage

4.20pm: Came to with port bower

4.40pm: Collier S.S. "Clifton Hall" secured alongside

5.40pm: Commenced coaling

10.00pm: Anchor bearings: Fort S70E, Punta do Riberia Julian N25E, Passaro Island lighthouse N8W

11.20pm: Complete with coal, received 186 tons

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21 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 16.83, Long -25.12

5.55am: H.M.S. "Defence" sailed

9.00am: H.M.S. "Empress of Britain" sailed

10.25am: Governor General arrived on board

10.40am: Ditto left ship, fired salute of 17 guns

11.07am: Weighed. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

Noon: Punta Machado lighthouse S58E 1.7 miles

12.24pm: Punta Machado lighthouse N17E, right side of St. Vincent Island S80E

1.17pm: Left side of St. Vincent Island N4W, right side of St. Vincent Island N48E, right side of Santa Lucia Island N81E, right side of Raza Island S79E

4.31pm: Left side of Fogo Island S2W

7.00pm: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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22 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 12.77, Long -22.67

12.30am: Glare of Punta Temerosa lighthouse N79E

2.00am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

6.20am: Sighted steam vessel bearing SW by W

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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23 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 8.73, Long -20.35

2.00am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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24 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 4.77, Long -17.92

2.00am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

8.30pm: Night defence stations

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25 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat 1.00, Long -15.45

2.00am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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26 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat -3.00, Long -12.97

2.00am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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27 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat -7.13, Long -10.83

2.00am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

3.30am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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28 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat -11.13, Long -8.57

2.30am: Night defence stations

5.00am: Put clocks on 7 minutes

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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29 October 1914

From St. Vincent to St. Helena

Lat -15.13, Long -6.18

2.00am: Put clocks on 8 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

1.03pm: Sighted St. Helena Island right ahead

3.33pm: Right side of St. Helena Island S18W, left side of St. Helena Island S16E

4.00pm: Altered course as requisite for anchorage

4.39pm: Stopped

4.55pm: Secured alongside collier S.S. "Clan Stuart"

5.30pm: Commenced coaling

10.30pm: Finished coaling for the night

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30 October 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

5.25am: Recommenced coaling ship

10.15am: Complete with coal, received 492 tons

10.40am: Collier proceeded. Came to with port bower

12.30pm: Dismounted and mounted

1.30pm: Anchor bearings: Buttermilk Point N77E, Munden Point S45E, cathedral S1W

5.57pm: Weighed. Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to sea

6.16pm: Barn Point S46E, Horse Pasture Point S67W, Sugarloaf Point S23E

7.10pm: Right side of St. Helena Island N47W, left side of St. Helena Island S83W

10.30pm: Night defence stations

11.30pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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31 October 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -17.88, Long -3.17

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

8.30pm: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes


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1 November 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -20.63, Long 0.35

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

9.00pm: Night defence stations

10.30pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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2 November 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -23.27, Long 3.90

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

1.35pm: Ship left the tropics

4.50pm: Paid monthly money

8.30pm: Night defence stations

11.30pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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3 November 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -26.12, Long 7.57

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

3.30am: Night defence stations

9.00pm: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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4 November 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -28.97, Long 11.28

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

7.00pm: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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5 November 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town

Lat -31.2, Long 14.8

Course S20E

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

3.00am: Night defence stations

7.30pm: Night defence stations

11.30pm: Put clocks on 10 minutes

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6 November 1914

From St. Helena to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.45am: Sighted Cape Town searchlight beam S40E

2.00am: Put clocks on 10 minutes

5.20am: York Point S66E, Slang Kop Mountain S35E, left side of Table Mountain N89E

6.51am: Cape Maclear S45E, Paulsberg S70E, Slang Kop lighthouse N35E

7.50am: Courses as requisite for rounding Cape Point and proceeding to Simon's Bay

8.15am: Cape Point lighthouse (new) N18W 3 miles

9.00am: Prepared for coaling

9.35am: Stopped

10.15am: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" sailed

10.20am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for entering basin

11.00am: Secured alongside collier S.S. "Camerata"

12.25pm: Commenced coaling

5.20pm: Complete with coal, received 385 tons

Whilst at sea the watches have been regularly exercised in physical drill, general quarters and fire stations. The crew also cleaned the ship, painted, refitted, chipped, scrapped and red leaded gun-shields and mountings, refitted and scrapped 5 inch hawses round upper bridge, overhauled coaling whips and cleaned out first cutter and whaler. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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7 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Ship shifted by dockyard wire to west wall

10.30am: Discharged one rating to Royal Navy Hospital

4.00pm: Read warrant number 65

4.30pm: Discharged one stoker to detention quarters

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8 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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9 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Hands employed drawing stores and provisioning, landing steam cutter's davits, cleaning out fresh water tank. Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom

11.40am: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" arrived

4.30pm: Read warrants numbers 66, 67 and 68

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10 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Hands employed cleaning out water tanks, returning and drawing stores. Struck fore yard and placed it in dockyard

2.10pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" arrived and anchored in basin

2.30pm: Divers employed re-coppering ship's bottom

5.00pm: One rating returned from Royal Navy Hospital

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11 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: Divers employed re-coppering ship's bottom

9.00am: Hands employed fitting jack stays for wind-sails. Gunners party employed dismounting 6 pounders

2.00pm: Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom. Gunners party mounting 6 pounders. Remainder of hands employed cleaning out fresh water tanks and fitting jack stays for wind-sails

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12 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.30am: Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom

9.00am: Gunners party employed dismounting 6 pounders. Remainder of hands employed fitting jack stays for wind-sails, cleaning out fresh water tanks and hauling galley up on boat slip

1.30pm: Hands employed fitting jack stays for wind-sails, drawing stores, cleaning out fresh water tanks and painting boats. Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom

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13 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" sailed

8.30am: Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom. Remainder of hands employed fitting jack stays for wind-sails, cleaning out fresh water tanks and unshipping cowls

1.00pm: Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom. Remainder of hands employed cleaning out after chain lockers, painting boat's davits, cleaning out fresh water tanks and unshipping and landing cowls

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14 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.45am: Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning out fresh water tanks, fitting jack stays for wind-sails and returning stores to dockyard

2.25pm: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" sailed

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15 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.50am: Commander-in-Chief, Rear Admiral King Hall, arrived and inspected ship's company and walked round ship

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16 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.00am: Ship's company landed for exercise

7.20am: H.M.S. "Albion" arrived

8.10am: Landing party returned on board

9.15am: Hands employed stowing away awnings and 5½ inch wire, fitting stays for wind-sails, cleaning out coffer dams. Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom

1.00pm: Hands employed rigging wind-sails, cleaning out coffer dams, cleaning out fresh water tanks. Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom

5.00pm: Read warrant number 69

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17 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.45am: Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom

9.30am: Marine detachment inspected by major Chichester R.M.L.I.

11.00am: Hands employed fitting wind-sails, rigging splinter nets on for upper bridge

1.00pm: Hands employed rigging wind-sails, cleaning out coffer dams, cleaning out fresh water tanks and as requisite. Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom

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18 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.10am: Landed small arm companies and marines

9.30am: Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom. Two hands cleaning out fresh water tanks

3.45pm: Small arm companies and marines returned on board

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19 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.20am: H.M.S. "Dartmouth" arrived

8.30am: Diving party employed re-coppering ship's bottom

11.00am: Hands employed cleaning out boats, rigging mantle round torpedo director tower, cleaning out fresh water tanks and as requisite

1.30pm: Discharged captain A.C. Sykes to Royal Navy Hospital

2.00pm: Hands employed fitting wind-sails, cleaning out fresh water tanks and as requisite, Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom

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20 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.40am: Landed target party to launch military targets

9.30am: Hands employed painting guns, chipping after screen, fitting wind-sails, cleaning out fresh water tanks and as requisite

7.00am: Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom

6.30pm: Captain A.C. Sykes rejoined ship from Royal Navy Hospital

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21 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: S.S. "Clan Stuart" dragged and grounded in Simon's Bay

2.45am: Landed starboard watch to stand by "Clan Stuart"

3.50am: Ditto returned on board

9.30am: Cleaning out fresh water tanks and fitting wind-sails

5.20am: H.M.S. "Weymouth" arrived

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22 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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23 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.20am: Landed provisioning party

9.30am: Hands employed rigging wind-sails, cleaning out fresh water tanks, painting out cabins and stowing away provisions

11.00am: Lost overboard by accident megaphone 15 inch one in number

1.00pm: Hands employed fitting wind-sails, chipping paintwork, stripping 6 inch and 4.7 inch breech blocks and cleaning out fresh water tanks

3.30pm: Read warrant number 72

4.25pm: Read warrant number 73. Discharged one prisoner to detention quarters

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24 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Hands employed fitting wind-sails, chipping paintwork and as requisite

2.45pm: Discharged one private of marines to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

4.00pm: One private R.M.L.I. received from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

4.27pm: S.S. "Baron Ardrossan" arrived

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25 November 1914

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.53

9.52am: Slipped from west wall. Engines as requisite for leaving basin

10.15am to 11.00am: Engines as requisite for remaining in vicinity of breakwater lighthouse

11.00am: Proceeded with three targets in tow into False Bay, courses and speed as requisite. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" carried out battle practice runs using 1 inch aiming

11.15am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N50E 5 cables

12.02pm: Left side of Seal Island N77E, Muizenberg conspicuous chimney N5W, Roman Rocks lighthouse N74W

12.25pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" completed 1 inch aiming practice

12.50pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" sub-calibre firing

1.59pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" completed firing

2.00pm: Control parties at range keeping exercises on H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

2.03pm: Muizenberg N14W, 2230 feet mountain N46W, Cape Point lighthouse S79W, Hangklip Berg S30E

2.30pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" commenced heavy firing. Carried out two runs

3.20pm: Firing completed. Muizenberg N9W, 2230 feet mountain N33W, Cape Point old lighthouse N87W

5.20pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N50E 3½ cables. Stopped and hauled in targets

6.11pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for moorings

6.27pm: Secured to number 5 moorings

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26 November 1914

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.53

8.00am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

8.40am to noon: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out four battle practice runs using 1 inch aiming, ranges from 2500 yards to 1000 yards, director firing at 2200 yards using 4.7 inch guns and two battle practice runs using 3 pounders range 4000 to 2000 yards. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" towing two targets

10.03am: Cape Point S45W, Outlands beacon N70W, Elsey Peak N38W, Seal Island N45E

Noon: Elsey Peak N33W. 2230 feet mountain N50W, Cape Point old lighthouse S83W, Hangklip Berg S24E

Noon to 3.30pm: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out two battle practice runs, firing heavy guns, range 10000 yards to 6500 yards. Speed 15 knots during runs. Carried out director firing using 4.7 inch guns at 6400 yards from both broadsides

3.30pm: Muizenberg N1E, Elsey Peak N14W, Buffel's upper beacon S88W, Cape Point S57W. Firing completed, proceeded courses as requisite for Simon's Bay. Speed 12 knots

4.32pm: Secured to number 5 moorings

5.00pm: Prepared for night defence

5.30pm: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" arrived

8.30pm: Watch at night defence stations

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27 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.30am: Night defence stations

8.45am: H.M.S. "Minotaur" arrived

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning down foremast, cleaning boat's davits, chipping round conning tower. Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom. Gunners party returning empty cylinders and drawing ammunition

1.00pm: Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom. Hands employed rigging helm signals, cleaning out first cutter and cleaning magazines and shell rooms

5.30pm: One stoker received from detention quarters

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28 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom

7.55am: H.M.S. "Afrikander" left with battle practice targets in tow

8.00am: H.M.S. "Albion" proceeded into False Bay for firing

9.30am: Hands employed rigging helm signals

11.30am: One rating received from Royal Navy Hospital

6.10pm: H.M.S. "Albion" returned to harbour

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29 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.10pm: Prepared for coaling

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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30 November 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.30am: Night defence stations

3.00am: H.M.S. "Dartmouth" sailed

4.45am: Sent recording party to H.M.S. "Afrikander"

5.00am: H.M.S. "Afrikander" left harbour with battle practice targets

5.45am: Coal lighter secured alongside

6.00am: H.M.S. "Albion" proceeded into False Bay for firing

6.10am: Commenced coaling

7.40am: Diving party re-coppering ship's bottom

10.10am: Complete with coal, received 125 tons

10.30am: H.M.S. "Albion" arrived

11.20am: Discharged four R.N.V.R. ratings to dockyard

11.50am: Received four R.N.V.R. signal ratings from dockyard

3.15pm: Received one engine room artificer from Royal Navy Hospital

6.00pm: Received one signaller from H.M.S. "Hyacinth"


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1 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.30am: Hands employed fitting sleeping screens, cleaning down booms and refitting

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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2 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30am: Hands employed fitting sleeping screens, refitting fog buoy, chipping paint work on mess deck and painting guns

5.00pm: Received one stoker back from detention quarters

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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3 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30am: Hands employed painting mess deck, fitting sleeping screens and cleaning out boats

1.20pm: H.M.S. "Minotaur" proceeded into False Bay for firing

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Minotaur" arrived

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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4 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.15am: H.M.S. "Minotaur" proceeded into False Bay for firing

7.35am: H.M.S. "Weymouth" ditto

10.30am: Hands employed chipping paintwork, fitting screens and jumping ladders

12.10pm: H.M.S. "Minotaur" arrived

5.00pm: Read warrant number 74

5.40pm: H.M.S. "Weymouth" arrived

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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5 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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6 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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7 December 1914

From Simon's Town to Cape Town

Lat -34.23, Long 18.52

11.06am: Slipped. Formed single line ahead. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and rounding Cape Point. Squadron consisting of H.M.S. "Minotaur" (flag), H.M.S. "Albion", H.M.S. "Weymouth", H.M.S. "Astræa" and H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

12.55pm: Cape Point old lighthouse N25W 3.5 miles

1.47pm: Cape Point S74E, Buffel's upper beacon N67E

2.49pm: Slang Kop lighthouse N48E, Cape Point S33E

3.40pm: Fog lifted

4.00pm: Read warrants numbers 75 and 76

4.26pm: Green Point lighthouse N84E, sandy patch S44E, Slang Kop lighthouse South

5.00pm: Courses as requisite for anchorage

5.07pm: Second division took station ahead of first division

5.30pm: Turned leaders together, remainder in succession, 8 points

5.35pm: Ships in column 2 cables apart, columns 2 cables apart

5.43pm: Stopped

5.45pm: Came to with starboard bower. Anchor bearings: clock tower S57W, south pier signal house S87W, north breakwater extremity N69W

Midnight: Night defence stations

Whilst at Simon's Town the crew has been employed cleaning and painting the ship and refitting. They also made and mend clothes, aired bedding and exercised physical drill and general quarters.

On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held.

The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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8 December 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -33.50, Long 17.97

12.12am: Weighed. Formed single line ahead

12.58am: Green Point lighthouse S22W 0.8 cables

1.27am: Robben Island lighthouse N51E, Green Point lighthouse S55E

2.00am: Night defence stations

2.17am: Robben Island lighthouse N82E, Green Point lighthouse S63E

5.00am: Turned 16 points. Formed divisions line ahead. Speed as requisite for taking station

5.25am: H.M.S. "Minotaur" with H.M.S. "Astræa" in company proceeded to Cape Town. Remainder of squadron proceeded to rendezvous off Robben Island

6.31am: Green Point lighthouse S55E, Robben Island lighthouse S82E, Duyker Point S7E

7.15am: Courses as requisite for Table Bay

7.30am: H.M.S. "Minotaur" proceeded to anchorage. Courses as requisite for communicating with transports

7.45am: Turned to seaward. Breakwater occulting red lighthouse N43W 6 cables

8.00am: Courses and speed as requisite for leaving Table Bay and joined H.M.S. "Albion" at rendezvous off Robben Island. Transports "Gaika", "City of Athens" and "Clan MacMillan" in company

10.00am: H.M.S. "Minotaur" joined squadron

11.49am: Dassen Island lighthouse N75E 7.7 miles

12.45pm: Left side of Jutten Island N34E, Constable Hill N47E, Dassen Island lighthouse S45E

4.07pm: Stoney Head S24E, Vondeling Island S22E, Cape St. Martin N75E

4.35pm: H.M.S. "Defence" joined squadron and took station 2½ cables astern of H.M.S. "Minotaur"

4.52pm: Stoney Head S16E, Cape St. Martin S80E

10.30pm: Night defence stations

Duyker Point is most probably Duikerklip.

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9 December 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -30.18, Long 16.32

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.30am: Squadron parted company to carry out P.Z. and range taking exercises

9.30am: Squadron commenced P.Z.

10.00am: Carried out rate of change exercises. Exercised director firing

10.40am: P.Z. completed. Squadron resumed position. H.M.S. "Weymouth" stationed 5 miles ahead of flag. H.M.S. "Hyacinth" stationed 5 miles on port bow of flag

4.50pm: First division took station on starboard beam of transports and H.M.S. "Astræa" at a distance of 6 cables

5.30pm: First division in station. Second division took station 4 cables on starboard beam to first division

10.30pm: Night defence stations

P.Z. - the code used to give the order to commence exercises to accustom the two squadrons to work together, to gain practical experience of the difficulties of signalling to and of manoeuvring a large fleet.

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10 December 1914

From Cape Town to Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.95, Long 14.97

2.00am: Night defence stations

2.45am: Sighted land on starboard bow

4.00am: H.M.S. "Weymouth" and H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded to search coast

9.47am: Albatross Peak N27E, Saddle Mountain N52E, Albatross Island N55E, Black Rock S36E

12.25pm: H.M.S. "Defence" proceeded to Lüderitz Bay

1.20pm: Diaz Point lighthouse N56E, Albatross Peak S66E

2.00pm: Squadron proceed to Shearwater Bay. H.M.S. "Astræa" proceeded courses and speed for Angra Bay

2.12pm: Diaz Point lighthouse S45E 3.1 miles

3.30pm: Transports anchored in Angra Bay. Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for Shearwater Bay

3.49pm: Came to with starboard bower

4.30pm: Read warrant number 78

7.00pm: Anchor bearings: Diaz Point lighthouse S68W, Angra Point S57E, right side of Seal Island N89E

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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11 December 1914

At Lüderitz Bay

Lat -26.64, Long 15.16

4.30am: Posted aeroplane guard

9.06am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for Angra Bay. Squadron shifted berth to Angra Bay

9.46am: Came to with starboard bower. Anchored NNE 2½ cables from H.M.S. "Defence". Anchor bearings: Shark Island lighthouse S23E, right side of Penguin Island East, Angra Point N50W

3.40pm: Commander-in-Chief's flag transferred from H.M.S. "Minotaur" to H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

6.30pm: H.M.S. "Minotaur" and H.M.S. "Defence" sailed

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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12 December 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to Cape Town

Lat -27.30, Long 15.25

1.30am: Night defence stations

2.30am: Wind dropped and shifted to SSW

4.10am: Posted aeroplane guard

6.00am: Weighed and turned to N by E

6.12am: Formed single line ahead, H.M.S. "Hyacinth" (flag), H.M.S. "Astræa" and H.M.S. "Weymouth". Courses as requisite

6.55am: Diaz Point lighthouse S53E 3.4 miles

9.40am to 11.35am: H.M.S. "Weymouth" detached searching coast

10.32am: Pomona Island S20E, Albatross Island S57E, left side of Possession Island N36E, right side of Possession Island N49E

11.48am: Black Point S27E, Albatross Island N30E

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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13 December 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to Cape Town

Lat -30.48, Long 16.20

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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14 December 1914

From Lüderitz Bay to Cape Town

Lat -33.08, Long 17.68

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.18am: Took station on starboard beam of flagship distance 5 cables, 10 knots

9.34am to 10.15am: Courses as requisite for carrying out rate of change exercise

10.15am: Courses as requisite for taking up position in line

10.34am: Resumed position in line

12.23pm: Constable Hill S61E, Vlag Berg S66E, Schooner Point S89E [Vlag Berg is most probably misspelled and should be Vlaeberg]

2.45pm: Dassen Island lighthouse East 4.6 miles

5.00pm: Robben Island lighthouse S80E 3.4 miles. Altered course as requisite for Table Bay

5.14pm: Formed single line abreast to port. Courses and speed as requisite for anchorage

5.54pm: Stopped

5.56pm: Came to with starboard bower

6.00pm: Anchor bearings: North breakwater lighthouse N55E, clock tower S64W, chimney S36W

8.00pm: H.M.S. "Weymouth" sailed. Broke Commander-in-Chief's flag

11.30pm: Night defence stations

Schooner Point is also known as Schooner Rock.

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15 December 1914

From Cape Town to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.05am: Weighed. Turned to northward

5.20am: Proceeded. Courses as requisite for leaving Table Bay. Formed single line ahead H.M.S. "Astræa" (flag) and H.M.S. "Hyacinth"

5.30am: Green Point lighthouse S45W 1.2 miles

6.39am: Duyker Point S54E 3.3 miles

7.34am: Slang Kop lighthouse N80E 5 miles

8.30am: Courses as requisite for rounding Cape Point

9.53am: Cape Point new lighthouse N45W 2.7 miles

10.50am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N50E 3½ cables

11.03am: Stopped

11.08am: Secured to number 5 moorings

1.30pm: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to Royal Navy Hospital

Duyker Point is most probably Duikerklip.

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16 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Hands employed refitting helm signals, rigging coaling stay, oiling towing wire and as requisite

1.30pm: Prepared for coaling

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17 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.37am: Collier S.S. "Bendew" secured alongside

7.30am: Commenced coaling ship

12.35pm: Complete with coal, received 321 tons

1.00pm: Collier left

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18 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning out boats, refitting and as requisite

2.10pm: Discharged two stokers to H.M.S. "Afrikander". Discharged four R.N.V.R. men to dockyard

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19 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.30am: Refitting wind-sails, fitting pendants to hawser plugs, returning empty provision casks and frapping round sailing pinnace

2.35pm: H.M.S. "Goliath" arrived

5.30pm: Read warrant number 79

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20 December 1914

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.30pm: H.M.S. "Weymouth" sailed

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21 December 1914

From Simon's Town to Cape Town

Lat -34.22, Long 18.48

11.29am: Slipped. Formed single line ahead, H.M.S. "Hyacinth" (flag) and H.M.S. "Astræa". Courses as requisite for rounding Cape Point

Noon: Noah's Ark N20W, Outlands beacon N37W, Batsata Point S38W, Bakkoven Rock S43W

12.46pm: Cape Point N66W 3.2 miles

4.44pm: Fog lifted. Duyker Point S22W, Little Lion's Head S7E, Green Point N83E

5.21pm: Green Point lighthouse S4E 1.5 miles

5.45pm: Stopped

5.46pm: Came to with starboard bower

6.00pm: Anchor bearings: North breakwater occulting light N46W, south pier extremity S77W, central jetty S47W

11.30pm: Night defence stations

Duyker Point is most probably Duikerklip.

Whilst at Simon's Town the crew has been employed cleaning the ship, made and mend clothes and aired night clothing. On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held. The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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22 December 1914

From Cape Town to Walfisch Bay

Lat -33.28, Long 17.78

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.35am: Weighed

5.55am: Took station 6 cables west of flagship, 10 knots

6.10am: Took station 10 cables west of flagship, speed as requisite

6.40am: H.M.S. "Astræa" stationed on port beam of flagship 1 mile. H.M.S. "Afrikander" 4 cables on starboard beam of flagship. Transports "Galway Castle", "Monarch", "Rufidgi", (first division, H.M.S. "Hyacinth"); "Gaika", "Glenarchy" and "Den of Glamis" (second division, H.M.S. "Astræa") in company [No references to S.S. "Rufidgi" and S.S. "Glenarchy" have been found. They are most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Rufidji" and S.S. "Glenorchy"]

6.44am: Robben Island lighthouse East 4.8 miles

9.15am: Hove to Downton pumps and found correct

10.15am: Dassen Island lighthouse N80E 6.7 miles

1.11pm: Left side of land N53E, Schooner Point East, Vlag Berg S71E, Groote Zwartberg S55E [Vlag Berg is most probably misspelled and should be Vlaeberg]

9.30pm: Night defence stations

Walfisch Bay is spelled today as Walvis Bay.

Schooner Point is also known as Schooner Rock.

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23 December 1914

From Cape Town to Walfisch Bay

Lat -30.28, Long 15.72

2.00am: Night defence stations

10.00am to 10.25am: Speed 12 knots. Courses as requisite for taking up station 4 miles on port beam of flagship

11.34am to noon: Resumed position in line at 12 knots

8.00pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" proceeded with "Galway Castle", "Gaika" and H.M.S. "Afrikander" at 10 knots

11.30pm: Night defence stations

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24 December 1914

From Cape Town to Walfisch Bay

Lat -26.82, Long 14.55

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.40am: Took station ahead of first division transports

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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25 December 1914

From Cape Town to Walfisch Bay

Lat -23.17, Long 14.30

1.00am: Night defence stations

10.00am: Ship entered the tropics

1.17pm: Transports "Glenorchy" and "Den of Glamis" proceeded to anchorage

2.00pm: Pelican Point 41 feet beacon S87E 19 cables

2.20pm: Transports "Monarch" and "Rufidgi" proceeded to anchorage [No reference to S.S. "Rufidgi" has been found. It is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Rufidji"]

2.45pm: Pelican Point 41 feet beacon S35W 27 cables. Proceeded courses and speed as requisite for anchorage

3.12pm: Stopped

3.18pm: Came to with port bower

3.30pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement church S1E, 34 feet rear beacon N72W, Pelican 41 feet beacon N38W

Whilst at sea the watches have been regularly exercised in physical drill, general quarters, control parties and range taking. The crew also cleaned the ship, refitted, stripping guns and mountings and shipping spare gear. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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26 December 1914

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

10.30am: Discharged one stoker to H.M.S. "Albion"

2.15pm: H.M.S. "Hyacinth" sailed

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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27 December 1914

From Walfisch Bay To Cape Frio

Lat -22.28, Long 14.28

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.00am: Weighed

9.08am: Proceeded. H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" in company. Formed single line ahead

10.03am: Swakopmund pier N66E, beacon S76E

11.43am: Beacon S58E, beacon S70E, Swakopmund S25E, Wüsten beacon N85E

2.16pm: 656 feet hill N22E

3.00pm: 656 feet hill N47E

3.13pm: Cape Cross beacon N7E, 656 feet hill N61E

4.03pm: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" proceeded N by W slow speed. Cape Cross beacon N86E 2 miles. Altered course as requisite for searching Cape Cross Bay. Speed as requisite. No ships in bay. Nothing suspicious observed ashore

4.30pm: Proceeded

5.00pm: H.M.S. "Armadale castle" in company

9.00pm: Night defence stations

Wüsten Bay is also knows as Rock Bay.

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28 December 1914

From Walfisch Bay to Cape Frio to Walfisch Bay

Lat -20.92, Long 13.27

2.00am: Night defence stations

11.00am: Hands employed re-stowing port cable locker, fitting ridge ropes and turning second cutter's falls

4.59pm: Cape Cross beacon N78E 4.8 miles

8.00pm: Night defence stations

9.53pm: Swakopmund whistle buoy abeam 2 cables

10.35pm: Reduced to 10 knots. Courses as requisite for Walfisch Bay

10.53pm: Passed H.M.S. "Afrikander" anchored off Pelican Point

11.15pm: Stopped

11.17pm: Came to with port bower

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29 December 1914

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

1.00am: Night defence stations

2.00am: Prepared for coaling

6.15am: S.S. "Zamora", collier, secured alongside

6.35am: Commenced coaling

9.25am: H.M.S. "Albion" sailed

11.15am: Complete with coal, received 275 tons

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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30 December 1914

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30am: Hands employed spreading splinter nets, fore wing awnings, refitting and as requisite

6.56pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for shifting billet

7.29pm: Came to with port bower

8.00pm: Anchor bearings: Whaling settlement chimney N79E, beacon 54 feet S11E, pier extremity Walfisch settlement S38W

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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31 December 1914

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning out boats, refitting cutters' life lines and as requisite

10.00pm: Night defence stations

Whilst at Walfisch Bay the crew has been employed cleaning the ship. They also aired bedding and exercised physical drill and quarters.


JP map Astraea 1915


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1 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay and at sea

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

8.40am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite. Carried out six control runs in vicinity of Walfisch Bay. H.M.S. "Afrikander" towing small target. Firing from all 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns using 1 inch aiming. Range 3000 to 1000 yards. Carried out director firing from 4.7 inch guns

11.10am: Returned to harbour

11.55am: Secured to collier S.S. "Zamora"

Noon: One lengthening staff 6 inch lost overboard by accident

4.41pm: Slipped from S.S. "Zamora". Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for anchorage

4.58pm: Stopped

5.02pm: Came to with port bower

7.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S35W, Walfisch settlement chimney S10E, 54 feet beacon N81.5E, Pelican Point 41 feet beacon N46W

7.30pm: S.S. "Gaika" sailed

10.00pm: Night defence stations

Walfisch Bay is spelled now a days as Walvis Bay.

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2 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.30am: Night defence stations

4.56am to 5.03am: Heard altogether at intervals sound of about six explosions from direction of Swakopmund

5.30am: Sound of one explosion same direction. Sent seedie boys to H.M.S. "Afrikander" for coaling

5.44am: Sound of one explosion same direction

6.27am: Sound of one explosion same direction

6.33am: Sound of one explosion same direction

9.00pm: Officer commanding His Majesty's Forces Walfisch Bay, with staff, arrived on board

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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3 January 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund and at Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

12.30am: Night defence stations

2.05am: Weighed

2.15am: Slow ahead

4.00am to 6.34am: Courses and speed as requisite for examining Swakopmund

5.43am: Swakopmund lighthouse S80E 12 cables

6.09am: Swakopmund lighthouse S53E 11 cables. Three horsemen seen riding away into interior

6.34am: Proceeded

8.11am: Stopped

8.13am: Came to with port bower

9.55am: Mustered by the ledger

11.00am: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S35W, Walfisch settlement chimney S10E, 54 feet beacon N81.5E, Pelican Point 41 feet beacon N46W

9.00pm: Night defence stations

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4 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

8.00am: Diving party employed cleaning inlet

11.30am: Lost overboard by accident one hydraulic jack 5 tons

1.30pm: Diving party employed cleaning inlet

5.30pm: Read warrant number 83

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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5 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

10.30am: Marines at small arm drill

4.40pm to 6.00pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" alongside to supply fresh water. Sent diving gear on board H.M.S. "Afrikander"

9.00pm: Night defence stations

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6 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.00am: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" and S.S. "Galway Castle" (transport) arrived

8.10am: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" sailed

8.30am: Divers employed clearing inlets to H.M.S. "Afrikander"

10.30am: 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns firing with .303. 6 pounders firing with .45 ammunition at target towed by steam pinnace

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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7 January 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund and at Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.85, Long 14.43

1.30am: Night defence stations

4.15am: Weighed.

5.47am: Courses and speed as requisite for examining town and neighbourhood of Swakopmund

5.41am: Swakopmund lighthouse N75E 2.2 miles

6.00am: Swakopmund lighthouse S40E 1.2 miles

8.37am: Stopped.

9.10am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for firing in vicinity of Walfisch Bay. Carried out battle practice runs, range 3000 to 1000 yards using 1 inch aiming from all 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns. Carried out director firing from 4.7 inch guns

10.50am to 11.45am: Carried out four night firing runs using 1 inch aiming from all 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns. H.MS. "Afrikander" towing small target

11.45am: Proceeded to anchorage at 12 knots. Pelican Point beacon 41 feet S5E 5½ miles

12.32pm: Stopped

12.34pm: Came to with port bower. Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S23W, Walfisch whaling settlement chimney S35E, beacon 54 feet N80E

4.00pm: One able seaman received from H.M.S. "Afrikander"

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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8 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.35am: S.S. "Zamora" secured alongside

7.25am: Commenced coaling

9.50am: Complete with coal, received 158 tons

10.30am: S.S. "Zamora" left

4.50pm: Discharged one able seaman to H.M.S. "Afrikander"

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9 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay and at sea

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

1.30pm: S.S. "Galway Castle" sailed

4.50pm: Discharged one leading signaller to H.M.S. "Afrikander"

8.17pm: Weighed

8.28pm: Proceeded

10.30pm: Stopped close to whistle buoy off Swakopmund

10.37pm: Turned 16 points

11.00pm: Night defence stations

Midnight: Courses as requisite for anchorage

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10 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

12.20am: Passed H.M.S. "Afrikander" at anchor

12.33am: Stopped

12.40am: Came to with port bower

4.00am: Anchor bearings: Whaling settlement chimney S28E, Walfisch settlement pier extremity S22W, beacon 54 feet N84E, beacon 30 feet S43W

9.45pm: Stokers mustered by the ledger

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11 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.30am: Seedie boys sent to S.S. "Zamora" to coal H.M.S. "Afrikander"

5.30pm: Seedie boys returned on board

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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12 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.00am: Discharged one R.N.R. rating to H.M.S. "Afrikander"

9.30am: Divers employed cleaning ship's inlets

1.00pm: Diving party cleaning ship's inlets

2.30pm: Transports S.S. "Gaika" and S.S. "McFadyen" arrived [S.S. "McFadyen" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Clan MacFadyen"]

3.45pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" secured alongside for supplying ship with fresh water

9.30pm: Night defence stations

Whilst at Walfisch Bay the crew has been employed cleaning the ship, fitting buoy ropes, fitting ask hoist whips, refitting seamen's bath, refitting wire guardrails on fore shelter deck and exercised general quarters, physical drill and control parties. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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13 January 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Cape Cross to Swakopmund

Lat -22.55, Long 14.40

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.35am: Weighed and proceeded

9.56am: Pelican Point beacon N76W 2.6 miles

11.00am: Hands employed chipping paintwork, cleaning out boats, refitting and as requisite

11.16am: Swakopmund lighthouse S52E 2.2 miles

11.30am: One thermometer ordinary lost overboard by accident

11.50am: Swakopmund pier extremity S19E, beacon S59E, beacon N76E

3.08pm: 656 feet hill N18E

4.21pm: Cape Cross beacon N8E, 656 feet hill N64E

5.00pm: Courses as requisite for rounding Cape Cross and examining Cape Cross Bay and settlement

5.01pm: Cape Cross beacon N28E 1.8 miles

5.05pm: Exercised collision stations

5.15pm: Exercised abandon ship stations

5.47pm: Cape Cross beacon S25E 1.4 miles

7.12pm: Cape Cross beacon S80E 2 miles

11.00pm: Night defence stations

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14 January 1915

From Cape Cross to Swakopmund and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.00am: Exercised general quarters

5.15am: Courses and speed as requisite for remaining off Swakopmund

5.38am: Swakopmund lighthouse S53E 1.2 miles

7.08am: Swakopmund lighthouse S86E 9 cables

7.48am: Came to with port bower

8.00am: Anchor bearings: Swakop signal beacon S24E, new customs pier extremity N78E, left side of old mole N64E

10.30am: Hands employed chipping paintwork, refitting and as requisite

4.30pm: Both cutter and whaler employed landing troops from tug "Sir John" at old mole

6.30pm: Exercised physical drill

6.50pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" proceeded to Walfisch Bay

8.00pm: Boats returned from landing troops

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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15 January 1915

From Swakopmund to Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

4.21am: Weighed and turned to W by S for catting anchor. Engines slow ahead and as requisite for remaining off Swakopmund

4.54am: Exercised general quarters

5.21am: Swakopmund lighthouse N71E 1.6 miles

6.06am: Swakopmund lighthouse N76E 1.3 miles

6.53am: Swakopmund lighthouse N70E 1.3 miles

7.30am: Came to with port bower

8.00am: Anchor bearings: New pier extremity S64E, lighthouse S82E, Swakop signal beacon S9E

10.39am: Weighed and proceeded

11.00am: Hands employed working about boats, refitting, scrapping and red leading

11.50am: Pelican Point beacon (41 feet) S77W 3.4 miles

Noon: Reduced to 10 knots. Courses as requisite for anchorage

12.10pm: Stopped. Communicated by signal with N.T.O. [N.T.O. could be the abbreviation for Naval Transport Officer or Naval Telegraph Officer]

12.15pm: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S10W 2.1 miles

1.52pm: Engines as requisite for turning head to swell. Lowered two cutters and whaler

2.00pm: Proceeded to anchorage

2.12pm: Came to with port bower

2.15pm: Tug "Sir John" with lighter arrived, conveying troops. Cutters and whaler landing troops from tug "Sir John"

6.45pm: Weighed and shifted billet

6.58pm: Came to with port bower

7.00pm: Anchor bearings: Swakop signal beacon S32E, new pier extremity N85E, old mole extremity N71E

11.00pm: Night defence stations

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16 January 1915

From Swakopmund to Walfisch Bay and at Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.30am: Cutter away with lieutenant (navy) buoying sunken wreckage

10.10am: Weighed

10.15am: Proceeded

11.20am: Courses as requisite for anchorage

11.44am: Stopped

11.47am: Came to with port bower

1.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S21W, whaling chimney S28E, beacon 54 feet N84E

7.20pm: Transport S.S. "Gaika" sailed

9.30pm: Night defence stations

11.00pm: Put clocks on 30 minutes

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17 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

1.30am: Night defence stations

3.00am: Put clock on 30 minutes i.e. to Cape Standard Time (2 hours fast on G.M.T.)

6.00am: Prepared for coaling

6.45am: Collier S.S. "Zamora" secured alongside

7.30am: Commenced coaling ship

10.00am: Complete with coal, received 161 tons

5.00pm: Hands mustered by the ledger to receive Christmas cards from their majesties King George and Queen Mary

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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18 January 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.00am: Weighed

7.30am: Courses as requisite for anchorage

7.40am: Came to with port bower

8.00am: Anchor bearings: Swakop signal beacon S6E, lighthouse S80E, old mole extremity N86E, new pier extremity N58E

7.10pm: Weighed and shifted berth. Courses and speed as requisite

7.24pm: Came to with port bower

10.00pm: Anchor bearings: lighthouse N77E, Swakop signal beacon S29E, old mole extremity N65E

11.30pm: Night defence stations

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19 January 1915

At Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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20 January 1915

From Swakopmund To Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.35pm: Weighed and proceeded

7.00pm: Courses as requisite for anchorage

7.12pm: Came to with starboard bower

8.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch pier extremity S21W, whaling chimney S30E, beacon 54 feet N83E

10.30pm: Night defence stations

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21 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30am: Divers employed cleaning inlets

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22 January 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch Bay and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.02am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite. Carried out firing from 6 inch, 4.7 inch and 6 pounders. Gunnery training class, seaman gunners and petty officer gunners firing. H.M.S. "Afrikander" towing small target, ranges 700 to 400 yards

10.09am: Caution Reef beacon N73E 6.5 miles

10.30am: H.M.S. "Afrikander" hoisted in target

10.45am to 11.40am: Carried out rate of change exercises, using deflection tracker for spotting

10.53am: Caution Reef beacon S85E 5.1 miles

11.24am: Caution Reef beacon S68E 7.4 miles

11.40am: H.M.S. "Afrikander" proceeded to Walfisch Bay. Proceeded to anchorage

12.08pm: Stopped

12.12pm: Came to with starboard bower

2.00pm: Anchor bearings: Swakop signal beacon S30E, lighthouse N76E, left side of old mole N65E

6.30pm: Read warrant number 84

8.37pm: Weighed and turned to SW

9.57pm: Passed H.M.S. "Afrikander" anchored of Pelican Point

10.00pm: Courses as requisite for anchorage

10.11pm: Came to with port bower

10.30pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch pier extremity S21W, whaling chimney S30E, beacon 54 feet N83E

11.00pm: Night defence stations

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23 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

8.30am: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" and transport S.S. "Galway Castle" arrived

8.35am: Discharged one prisoner to H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" for detention quarters Simon's Town

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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24 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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25 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

1.30am: Night defence stations

6.00pm: Transport S.S. "Galway Castle" sailed

7.20pm: Transport "Clan MacPhee" sailed

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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26 January 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch Bay and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

4.16am: Weighed

5.52am: Courses as requisite for approaching Swakopmund and for anchorage

6.20am: Stopped

6.24am: Came to with starboard bower

8.00am: Anchor bearings: Swakop signal beacon S8E, new pier extremity S63E, lighthouse S81E

4.49pm: Weighed

5.20pm: Caution Reef beacon S65E 1.8 miles

6.15pm: Stopped

6.17pm: Came to with starboard bower

9.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S21W, whaling settlement chimney S26E, beacon N85E

11.00pm: Night defence stations

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27 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.55am to 9.35am: H.M.S. "Afrikander" alongside supplying fresh water

9.30am: Hands employed dismounting 6 inch gun, refitting, divers clearing inlets.

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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28 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.50am: Collier S.S. "Cilicia" secured alongside

7.50am: Commenced coaling

11.15am: Complete with coal, received 175 tons

6.00pm: Hospital ship S.S. "Ebani" sailed

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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29 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.30am: Divers and diving party lent to transport "Den of Glamis"

9.30am: Preparing ship for provisioning and for going alongside H.M.S. "Laconia"

12.30pm: H.M.S. "Laconia" and transport S.S. "Gaika" arrived

1.04pm: Weighed

1.13pm: Proceeded. Courses and engines as requisite

1.37pm: Secured alongside H.M.S. "Laconia". One private R.M.L.I. joined ship from H.M.S. "Laconia". Hands employed taking in provisions and stores from H.M.S. "Laconia"

5.55pm: Slipped from H.M.S. "Laconia". Proceeded to anchorage. Courses and engines as requisite

6.14pm: Came to with starboard bower

8.00pm: Anchor bearings: Beacon N84E, Walfisch settlement pier extremity S19W, whaling settlement chimney S28E

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30 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.20am: H.M.S. "Laconia" sailed. Divers and diving party lent to transport "Den of Glamis"

5.00pm: Mustered by the ledger

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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31 January 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.35am: Transport S.S. "Gaika" sailed

5.00pm to 7.00pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" alongside supplying fresh water

10.00pm: Night defence stations


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1 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch Bay and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.10am: Sent seedie boys to H.M.S. "Afrikander" for coaling

10.08am: Weighed

10.22am: Proceeded. Turned to NNE

11.24am: Altered course as requisite for anchorage

11.59am: Came to with starboard bower

Noon: Lost overboard by accident one 6 inch double block

1.00pm: Anchor bearings: Swakop signal beacon S32E, lighthouse N62E, old mole pier head N51E

4.56pm: Weighed

5.27pm: Caution Reef beacon S78E 1.5 miles

6.00pm: Altered course as requisite for anchorage

6.28pm: Stopped

6.32pm: Came to with starboard bower

7.00pm to 7.30pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" alongside. Seedie boys returned on board

10.00pm: Anchor bearings: 54 feet beacon N84E, whaling settlement chimney S28E, Walfisch pier extremity S21W

11.30pm: Night defence stations

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2 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.30am: Divers employed examining inlets

10.32am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and engines as requisite

10.55am: Secured alongside collier S.S. "Cilicia"

4.50pm: Slipped from S.S. "Cilicia". Courses and engines as requisite for anchorage

5.02pm: Came to with starboard bower

9.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S18W, Walfisch whaling chimney S29E, beacon N85E

11.00pm: Night defence stations

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3 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.00pm: Read warrant number 85

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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4 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

4.50pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" secured alongside. Divers employed clearing inlets of H.M.S. "Afrikander"

7.25pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" left

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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5 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch Bay and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.02am: Weighed and proceeded. Carried out four battle practice runs using 1 inch aiming, firing from all 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns. H.M.S. "Afrikander" towing small target. H.M.S. "Afrikander" speed 6 to 8 knots, H.M.S. "Astraea" speed 6 to 11 knots

9.32pm: Pelican Point beacon S48E 2 miles

10.20am: Completed battle practice runs. H.M.S. "Afrikander" hoisted in target. Carried out four control runs, using deflection teacher for spotting. H.M.S. "Afrikander" as target ship

10.46am: Caution Reef beacon S70E 4.5 miles

11.10am: H.M.S. "Afrikander" returned to Walfisch Bay. Proceeded 11 knots. Courses as requisite for anchorage

11.37am: Stopped

11.40am: Came to with starboard bower

1.00pm: Anchor bearings: Swakop signal beacon S4E, lighthouse S81E, old mole extremity N83E

4.58pm: Weighed and proceeded

5.25pm: Caution Reef beacon S56E 2 miles

6.29pm: Stopped

6.30pm: Came to with port bower

9.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S25W, whaling chimney S24E, beacon N82E

11.00pm: Night defence stations

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6 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

11.10am: Port watch rigging triatic stay [A triatic stay is a stay connecting the mastheads]

11.40am: Transport "City of Athens" arrived

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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7 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.40pm: Transport "Rufidji" sailed

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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8 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.30am: Collier S.S. "Cilicia" secured alongside

7.55am: Commenced coaling

10.30am: Complete with coal, received 172 tons

11.30am: Transports "British Prince" and "Glenorchy" arrived

12.25pm: Collier S.S. "Cilicia" slipped and proceeded to anchorage

1.20pm: Hospital ship S.S. "Ebani" arrived

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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9 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.10am to 9.30am: H.M.S. "Afrikander" alongside supplying H.M.S. "Astraea" with drinking water

8.30am: Transport S.S. "Galway Castle" arrived

10.00am: Divers clearing inlets

12.40pm: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" arrived flying flag of Commander-in-Chief, Rear Admiral King-Hall, and with Premier of Union of South Africa on board

5.00pm: Read Warrant number 86

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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10 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

11.30am: Lent three aiming tubes to H.M.S. "Armadale Castle"

5.00pm: Read warrant number 87. Discharged one able seaman and one stoker to H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" for passage to Royal Navy Hospital Simon's Town

5.10pm to 7.10pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" alongside. Discharged one rating to H.M.S. "Afrikander"

9.00pm: Lost overboard by accident one thermometer ordinary

10.30pm: Night defence stations

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11 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch Bay and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

8.45am: Weighed

9.00am: Commander-in-Chief arrived on board, broke ditto's flag

9.15am: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" proceeded to sea for firing

10.25am: Caution Reef beacon S67E 2.2 miles

11.00am: Courses as requisite for anchorage. Engines as requisite

11.20am: General Botha landed from tug "Sir John"

11.32am: Came to with port bower

1.00pm: Anchor bearings: Old mole extremity N83E, new pier extremity S61E, Swakop signal beacon S5E

1.30pm: Commander-in-Chief landed

2.55pm: Weighed

3.00pm: Commander-in-Chief returned on board. Proceeded

3.30pm: Caution Reef beacon S58E 2.1 miles

4.28pm: Stopped

4.30pm: Came to with port bower

4.50pm: Commander-in-Chief left ship. Struck ditto's flag. H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" broke ditto's flag

10.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S25W, whaling chimney S24E, beacon N82E

11.30pm: Night defence stations

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12 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

12.45pm: H.M.S. "Laconia" and transport S.S. "Gaika" arrived.

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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13 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.30am: Received three aiming tubes back from H.M.S. "Armadale Castle"

12.30pm: Transports "Hyacinthus" and "Maclaren" arrived [The name "Maclaren" is most probably incomplete and should be "Clan Maclaren"]

2.00pm: H.M.S. "Laconia" sailed

4.00pm: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" sailed

5.00pm: Transport "Den of Glamis" sailed.

6.10pm: One petty officer second class received from H.M.S. "Afrikander" and discharged one leading signaller to H.M.S. "Afrikander". H.M.S. "Laconia" arrived

6.15pm: Transport S.S. "Galway Castle" sailed.

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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14 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

1.25pm: Transport "Glenorchy" sailed

5.45pm: Transport "City of Athens" sailed

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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15 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch Bay and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

1.30am: Night defence stations

8.35am: Weighed and proceeded

9.30am: Caution Reef beacon S77E 2.5 miles

9.50am: Courses as requisite for anchorage

9.58am: Stopped

10.01am: Came to with port bower

10.30am: Anchor bearings: Old mole extremity N83E, new pier extremity S60E, Swakop signal beacon S5E

11.45am: Weighed

12.21pm: Caution Reef beacon S54E 2½ miles

1.28pm: Stopped

1.31pm: Came to with port bower

4.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch pier extremity S25W, whaling chimney S24E, beacon N82E

5.30pm: Read warrant number 88

7.15pm: H.M.S. "Laconia" sailed.

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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16 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.00am: Collier S.S. "Cilicia" secured alongside

7.45am: Commenced coaling ship. Transport S.S. "Gaika" sailed

9.45am: Complete with coal, received 128 tons

1.10pm: S.S. "Cilicia" slipped and proceeded to anchorage

4.20pm: Sent diving party to clear inlets of S.S. "Cilicia"

5.15pm: Transport "Clan MacPhee" sailed

6.35pm: Diving party returned

6.45pm: Collier S.S. "Cilicia" sailed

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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17 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch Bay and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.10am: Proceeded 66 revolutions Turned to NNE

8.21am: Caution Reef beacon S67E 2.6 miles

8.42am: Courses as requisite for anchorage

8.52am: Stopped

8.55am: Came to with port bower

10.28am: Weighed

10.38am: Proceeded 72 revolutions

11.08am: Caution Reef beacon S54E 2½ miles

12.16pm: Stopped

12.18pm: Came to with port bower

3.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch pier extremity S25W, whaling chimney S24E, beacon N82E

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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18 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

8.15am: Divers employed clearing inlets

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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19 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.50am: Transport "Hyacinthus" sailed

7.30am: Transport "Clan McLaren" sailed [The name "Clan McLaren" is most probably incomplete and should be "Clan Maclaren"]

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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20 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

7.30am: H.M.S. "Afrikander" alongside supplying drinking water

6.25pm: Hospital ship S.S. "Ebani" sailed

8.30pm: Transport S.S. "Clan MacFadyen" sailed

10.30pm: Night defence stations

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21 February 1915

At Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30am: Transport S.S. "Ingerid" sailed

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22 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch bay and at Swakopmund

Lat -22.67, Long 14.52

2.30am: Night defence stations

7.30am: Sent diving party to H.M.S. "Afrikander" to clear inlets

10.15am: Weighed

10.30am: Proceeded

11.40am: Caution Reef beacon S67E 2 miles

12.03pm: Courses as requisite for anchorage

12.08pm: Stopped

12.10pm: Came to with port bower

3.00pm: Anchor bearings: Old mole extremity N83E, new pier extremity S59E, Swakop signal beacon S5E

5.00pm: Weighed

5.05pm: Proceeded

5.36pm: Caution Reef beacon S68E 2 miles

6.46pm: Stopped

6.49pm: Came to with port anchor

10.00pm: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S25W, whaling chimney S25E, beacon N82E

Midnight: Night defence stations

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23 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Swakopmund, to Walfisch Bay, to Simon's Town and at Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.94, Long 14.48

1.30am: Night defence stations

4.10am: Weighed

4.26am: Proceeded

5.50am: Stopped

6.00am: Engines and courses as requisite for anchorage

6.30am: Stopped

6.38am: Came to with port bower

8.00am: Anchor bearings: Lighthouse N56E, windmill N88E, Swakop signal beacon S39E

9.50am: Weighed

10.00am: Proceeded

10.26am: Caution Reef beacon S73E 1.6 miles

11.32am: Stopped

11.35am: Came to with port bower

Noon: Anchor bearings: Walfisch settlement pier extremity S25W, whaling chimney S24E, beacon N82E

12.20pm: Transport "Clan MacPhee" arrived

2.45pm: H.M.S. "Laconia" and transports "Glenorchy", "Professor Woerman" and "City of Athens" arrived ["Professor Woerman" is most probably misspelled and should be "Professor Woermann"]

4.38pm to 5.45pm: H.M.S. "Afrikander" alongside supplying drinking water and stores from H.M.S. "Laconia"

5.00pm to 6.30pm: Divers clearing inlets

7.10pm: Weighed

7.15pm: Proceeded, H.M.S. "Afrikander" in company. Courses as requisite for leaving harbour

7.34pm: Pelican Point beacon West 1.9 miles

11.00pm: Night defence stations

11.17pm: Ship left the tropics

Whilst at Walfisch Bay and Swakopmund the crew has been employed cleaning the ship, refitting, cleaning out boats, refitting wind sails, chipping and scraping paintwork, red leading, scrubbing and oiling catting pendants, fitting anchor buoys, refitting splinter nets, lubricating davits and blocks, refitting wind-sails and refitting main derrick guys.

They also aired night clothing and exercised general quarters, physical drill, control parties.

On Sunday a divine service was held.

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24 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Simon's Town

Lat -25.50, Long 14.33

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.00am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship, scraping and painting and as requisite

5.10pm: Physical drill

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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25 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Simon's Town

Lat -29.20, Long 15.83

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.15am: Exercised general quarters

10.00am: Hands refitting and as requisite

3.35pm: Fog lifted

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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26 February 1915

From Walfisch Bay to Simon's Town

Lat -33.02, Long 17.72

2.00am: Night defence stations

6.00am: General quarters

10.00am: Hands employed holystoning decks and small gear. Boats crews cleaning out boats

11.20am: Kasteel Hill S84E

Noon: Vondeling Island S33E, Schooner Point S52E, Kasteel Hill N71E

2.50pm: Dassen Island lighthouse S82E 8.7 miles

4.00pm: Devils Peak S27E, Robben Island lighthouse S39E, Mamre Berg S86E, Kapoc Berg N78E [Kapoc Berg is most probably misspelled and should be Kapokberg]

5.00pm: Exercised physical drill

6.00pm: Slang Kop lighthouse S14E, Lion's Head S79E, Robben Island lighthouse N72E

7.00pm: Slang Kop lighthouse S55E 4.6 miles

8.15pm: Courses as requisite for rounding Cape Point

8.58pm: Cape Point old lighthouse N53E 3.2 miles

9.54pm: Cape Point old lighthouse S69W 2.8 miles

10.43pm: Roman Rocks lighthouse N60E 3½ cables

10.46pm: Engines as requisite for anchorage

10.53pm: Came to with port bower

11.00pm: Anchor bearings: Admiral's jetty light S86W, Dockyard Camber light S69W, east breakwater lighthouse S24E

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27 February 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.10pm: Received two ratings from H.M.S. "Afrikander"

8.30pm: Set anchor watch

11.30pm: Anchor watch relieved

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28 February 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.33am: Weighed

7.40am: Engines and courses as requisite for proceeding into basin

7.50am: Entered basin, dockyard wires secured on board

8.17am: Secured alongside "A" coaling sheds

10.15am: Drew fires in South Easter and boat returned to dockyard


[1 to 26 March 1915 have duplicate pages. As the end of a year-long log book was reached, H.M.S. "Astraea" switched over to month-long log books, though they are all titled "COPY OF LOG".

The duplicate dates have been combined, showing the continuation of this log book first, followed by the link to the new month-long log book page, which had the same entries.

Though first the initial pages of the new month-long log book are listed.]

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1 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.20am: Mustered by the ledger. Paid monthly money

8.30am: Hands employed unrigging splinter nets, returning ammunition for test, cleaning out double bottoms and fresh water tanks

10.30am: Discharged five ratings to Royal Navy Hospital

1.30pm: Hands employed stowing away splinter nets, unshackling sheet cable and cleaning out double bottoms and fresh water tanks

5.30pm: One rating received back from detention quarters

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2 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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3 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am to 10.10am: Ship warped into dock by dockyard wires. Hands employed docking ship

11.15am: Discharged three ratings to Royal Navy Hospital

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4 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4.15pm: Received two stoker ratings from H.M.S. "Afrikander"

5.00pm: Read warrants numbers 89, 90 and 91. Discharged three ratings to detention quarters

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5 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

11.00am: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to Royal Navy Hospital

1.00pm: Landed funeral party of two officers and 121 men

3.50pm: Funeral party returned on board

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6 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: Hands employed main topmast for striking

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7 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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8 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

4.30pm: Read warrants numbers 92, 93 and 94

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9 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Hands employed refitting main topmast rigging and drawing carpenter's stores

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10 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

3.15pm: One stoker rating received from Royal Navy Hospital

6.00pm: Read warrant number 95

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11 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.40am: Discharged one leading signaller to Royal Navy Hospital

10.00am: Hands employed returning boatswain's stores

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12 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Hands employed drawing boatswain's stores

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13 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30pm: One stoker and one cook's mate received from detention quarters

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14 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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15 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.15am: Seamen and marines landed for exercise

7.45am: Ditto returned on board

4.15pm: Read warrant number 96. Discharged one stoker to detention quarters

5.00pm: Received one engine room artificer from detention quarters

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16 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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17 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.15am: H.M.S. "Armadale Castle" arrived and anchored

3.00pm: Discharged one engine room artificer to H.M.S. "Armadale Castle"

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18 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.00am: Hands employed sending boat's slings to dockyard for testing

5.10pm: Received one rating from detention quarters

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19 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.00am: One petty officer received from H.M. Dockyard. Discharged one petty officer second class to H.M. Dockyard

10.00am: Received four ratings from H.M.S. "Afrikander"

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20 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.00pm: Warrant officer telegraphist joined ship from H.M.S. "Armadale Castle"

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21 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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22 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.10am: Ship's company landed for exercise

7.45am: Ditto returned on board

2.30pm: Received one rating from Royal Navy Hospital

4.30pm: Read warrants numbers 97, 98, 99 and 100. Discharged four ratings to detention quarters

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23 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.00am: Cleaning ship and preparing for undocking

7.05am: Landed provisioning party

8.15am to 9.05am: Ship undocked and warped by dockyard wires to alongside "A" coaling sheds

10.00am: Provisioning ship

1.00pm: Provisioning ship

2.30pm: One rating received from Royal Navy Hospital

3.00pm: Completed provisioning

Whilst in dock the crew has been employed scrubbing ship's bottom, cleaning the ship, chipping and painting the ship, blacking, cleaning out double bottoms and fresh water tanks, ranging cable for survey, rigging stages, cleaning and oiling splinter nets, dismounting all guns and mountings, cleaned out chain lockers, uncovered rigging for examination, refitting various items, rattling down main rigging, stowing sheet chain locker and fore hold and oiling wire hawsers.

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24 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.30am: Hands employed ammunitioning ship

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25 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

9.30am: Lost overboard by accident one paint brush

4.30pm: Read warrant number 101. Discharged one marine to detention quarters

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26 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.20am: Landed provisioning party

9.00am: Provisioning ship, prepared for coaling, replacing splinter nets and rigging target

1.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores

2.15pm: Coal lighter secured alongside. Sent 2.5 inch and 4.5 inch wire hawsers to "Scotsman"

Midnight: Closed fair log (discontinued)

[End of 1 to 26 March 1915 duplications.

The following links are the final pages of the year-long log book, after which the month-long log book continues.]

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27 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.00am: Commenced coaling ship

10.20am: Complete with coal, received 310 tons

2.45pm: Received two ratings from Royal Navy Hospital Simon's Town

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28 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

2.30pm: Received two ratings from Royal Navy Hospital

10.00pm: Landed port watch to assist in floating target

11.30pm: Ditto returned

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29 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

8.15am: Commenced hauling ship out of basin by dockyard wires

8.30am: Left basin. Engines as requisite for proceeding to moorings

8.52am: Secured to number 1 moorings

2.00pm: Divers employed on ship's bottom

5.00pm: Read warrants numbers 102 and 103

6.00pm: Divers completed work

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30 March 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Sent target party and recording party to "Scotsman"

11.55am: Target party and recording party returned on board

4.30pm: Read warrant number 104

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31 March 1915

At Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.50am: Sent recording and target parties to "Scotsman"

7.30am: Slipped and proceeded into False Bay

7.40am to 10.35am: Courses and speed as requisite for carrying out four battle practice runs using 1 inch from 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns; and two battle practice runs using 6 pounders. Ranges 3000 to 1000 yards. Carried out experimental firing using directive firing

9.43am: Roman Rocks lighthouse N38W 5 miles

10.20am: Complete practice

10.35am to 11.45am: As requisite for swinging ship for adjustment of compasses

Noon: Secured to number 1 moorings

1.30pm: Discharged one R.N.V.R. man to Royal Navy Hospital. Target party repairing targets, carpenters and gunners party employed drawing skiff and getting up ammunition

3.30pm: Discharged 24 R.N.V.R. men to H.M. Dockyard

5.20pm: Received one able seaman R.N.R. from detention quarters

Whilst at Simon's Town the crew has been employed cleaning the ship, fitting guard rails on forecastle, chipping and scraping paintwork, red leading, cleaning out double bottoms and fresh water tanks, replaced quarter deck awning stanchions, cleaning out boats and refitting splinter nets. They also made and mend clothes and exercised fire stations daily and general quarters. On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held. The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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1 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Table Bay, to Simon's Town and in False Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.45am: Sent recording and target party to "Scotsman"

7.20am: "Scotsman" with targets in tow proceeded in False Bay

7.45am: H.M.S. "Laconia" arrived and anchored. One rating received from S.S. "Monarch"

7.55am: General Officer Commanding Cape Province and military officers arrived on board. Slipped, proceeded into False Bay, courses and speed as requisite for carrying out firing in False Bay. Carried out experimental director firing from 6 inch guns at 11,000 yards. Carried out experimental director firing from 4.7 inch guns at 10,500 yards. Carried out battle practice run, opposite courses, 7500 yards to 6000 yards, firing from 6 inch and 4.7 inch guns

10.38am: Firing completed. Cape Point S86W, Elsey Peak N33W, Hangklip Berg S22E. Proceeded back to Simon's Bay

11.50am: Stopped in Simon's Bay. Landed military officers

Noon: Proceeded 10 knots, as requisite for leaving harbour and closing "Scotsman"

12.27pm: Stopped. Lowered sea boat. Recording and target parties returned from "Scotsman"

12.45pm: Proceeded 12 knots. Courses as requisite for rounding Cape Point

1.00pm: Mustered by the ledger. Paid monthly money

1.57pm: Cape Point old lighthouse N30E 3.3 miles

3.38pm: Slang Kop lighthouse S68E 2.7 miles

4.14pm: Lion's Head N75E, Little Lion's Head S74E, York Point S37E

4.45pm: Courses as requisite for Table Bay

5.09pm: Green Point lighthouse S15W 9 cables

5.20pm: Stopped. Whaler H.M.S. "Afrikander" ("Bismarck") towed alongside by tug

6.20pm: Proceeded with H.M.S. "Afrikander" in tow

6.36pm: Green Point lighthouse S12W 11 cables

7.33pm: Green Point lighthouse N89W, Little Lion's Head S2W, Duyker Point S25W

7.35pm: Night defence stations

8.52pm: Lion's Head N71E, 2105 feet mountain S86E, Chapman Peak S57E

9.10pm: Reduced speed and veered towing hawser

According to a post on the World Naval Ships Forum there have been two ships named H.M.S. Afrikander during WW1. One of the replies states:

"There was an earlier vessel by this name, a Cape Town-based steam tug called the Ludwig Wiener, which the British Admiralty took up for war service in 1914. Armed with one 12-pounder and one 6-pounder gun and additional searchlights, she became the armed patrol vessel HMS Afrikander. She served under the White Ensign for a mere seven months before being returned to the South African Railways and Harbours Administration, reverting to her original name.

Later in the war, another merchant vessel – a Norwegian-owned (but German-registered) whalecatcher called Bismarck (a prize of war) - was pressed into service as HMS Afrikander (ii), which served as a base ship at Simon's Town between 1917-19."

Duyker Point is most probably Duikerklip.

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2 April 1915

From Table Bay to Simon's Town and at Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

12.53am: Cape Point lighthouse S64E

3.00am: Night defence stations

4.20am: Altered course as requisite for rounding Cape Point and for Simon's Bay

4.25am: Cape Point lighthouse N20E 3.9 miles

5.27am: Cape Point lighthouse N57W 2.4 miles

7.15am: Stopped and slipped H.M.S. "Afrikander" (taken in tow by "Scotsman")

7.20am: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for moorings

7.35am: Secured to number 5 moorings

8.10am: Coal lighter secured alongside

8.15am: Commenced coaling

9.30am: Complete with coal, received [not filled in] tons

9.30am: Acting mates A. Beauman and W.D. Rogers left ship for passage to England

11.00am: Gunners party returning empty cylinders to dockyard

11.10am: Six stokers R.F.R. ratings received from H.M.S. "Afrikander"

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3 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

10.00am: Target party replacing targets on dockyard wall

4.30pm: One private R.L.M.I. received back from detention quarters

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4 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

1.15pm: H.M.S. "Pyramus" arrived and anchored

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5 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.50am: H.M.S. "Pyramus" entered basin

8.45am: Landed ship's company for route march

11.15am: Landing party returned on board

5.00pm: Read warrant number 105

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6 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.00am: Hand rigging diving party

10.00am: Divers employed re-coppering ship's side

10.30am: H.M.S. "Laconia" sailed

2.00pm: Divers employed re-coppering ship's side

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7 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

6.30am: Divers employed re-coppering ship's side

10.15am: Discharged one officer's steward second class to Royal Navy Hospital

Noon: One fire bucket lost overboard by accident

3.00pm: Divers employed re-coppering ship's side

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8 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.15am: Landed signalmen for exercise

8.40am: Landed seamen and marines for route march

11.30am: Ditto returned on board

1.30pm: Carpenter's party returning stores

4.30pm: Read warrants numbers 106, 107 and 108. Discharged two stokers to Royal Navy detention quarters

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9 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.15am: Heliograph party landed for exercise

9.00am: Carpenter's party drawing stores

2.00am: One leading seaman received back from Royal Navy Hospital

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10 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

5.10pm: Received three ratings from Royal Navy detention quarters

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11 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

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12 April 1915

At Simon's Town

Lat -34.18, Long 18.43

7.00am: Landed marines for drill

8.10am: H.M.S. "Cornwall" arrived

9.00am: All seamen away in cutters, pinnace and whaler exercised at pulling

11.00am: Marine landing party returned on board

1.20pm: Hands employed preparing for sea and provisioning ship

5.00pm: Read warrants number 109, 110

8.15pm: Drew fires in "South Easter" and returned her to dockyard

Whilst at Simon's Town the crew has been employed cleaning the ship, chipping and scraping paintwork, cleaning out boats, refitting fenders, refitting boat's gripes and gear, drying boat's sails, refitting wind-sails and cleaning out fore hold. They also made and mend clothes and exercised physical drill. On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held. The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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13 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat -34.10, Long 18.17

6.00am: Three ratings received back from detention quarters

7.55am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour

8.17am: Courses as requisite for proceeding to sea and rounding Cape Point

8.58am: Cape Point lighthouse S88W 3.4 miles

9.30am: Hands employed securing and lashing boats, wash deck lockers forecastle, replacing protective mats around foremast, setting up fore topmast back-stays and refitting gun tackles

10.00am: Cape Point lighthouse N73E 4 miles

11.06am: Duyker Point N35E, Slang Kop lighthouse N48E, Cape Point S32E

3.30pm: Vlag Berg N50E, Constable Hill N54E, Groote Zwartberg N80E, Dassen Island lighthouse S75E [Vlag Berg is most probably misspelled and should be Vlaeberg]

5.00pm: Read warrant number 111

5.30pm: 624 feet Witteklip N86E, Schooner Point S78E, Vlag Verg S64E, Stoney Head S59E [Vlag Verg is most probably misspelled and should be Vlaeberg]

10.00pm: Night defence stations

Duyker Point is most probably Duikerklip.

Schooner Point is also known as Schooner Rock.

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14 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat -29.78, Long 15.62

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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15 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat -25.15, Long 13.53

2.00am: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Night defence stations

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16 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat -20.33, Long 11.80

2.00am: Night defence stations

4.30pm: Put the clocks back 20 minutes

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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17 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat -15.35, Long 10.63

2.00am: Night defence stations

4.30pm: Put the clocks back 10 minutes

5.30pm: Read warrant number 112

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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18 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat -10.26, Long 9.98

2.00am: Night defence stations

4.30pm: Put the clocks back 10 minutes

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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19 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat -5.18, Long 9.18

2.00am: Night defence stations

4.30pm: Put the clocks back 10 minutes

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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20 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat -0.18, Long 8.72

2.00am: Night defence stations

8.45am: Sighted Cape Lopez N80E

10.14am: Cape Lopez S37E 6.2 miles

4.30pm: Put the clocks back 10 minutes

10.00pm: Night defence stations

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21 April 1915

From Simon's Town to Cameroon River

Lat 3.94, Long 9.60

2.00am: Night defence stations

5.45am: Sighted Benge Point N85E

6.20am: Courses as requisite for making mouth of Cameroon River and proceeding up river

6.54am: Suellaba Point N44E 11.2 miles

8.00am: Suellaba Point S78E 5.8 miles

8.53am: Stopped

8.55am: Came to with port bower

9.00am: Anchor bearings: Manoka Point S47E, Suellaba Point S37W, Mutangari Point N11W. French cruiser "Posthuau" at anchor in quarantine anchorage ["Posthuau" is most probably misspelled and should be "Pothuau"]

9.30am: Hands employed rigging coaling whips

5.50pm: Hands employed discharging coal into lighters

10.00pm: Discharging coal into lighters

Suellaba Point is also known as Pointe Suellaba and Suelaba-Spitze.

Manoka Point is also known as Pointe Manoka.

Whilst at sea the watches have been regularly exercised in physical drill, general quarters and control parties. The crew also cleaned the ship, overhauled gear for awnings, spread awnings, refitted awning lacing, refitted ridge ropes, overhauled splinter protection for fore and after upper bridges and scrubbed hammocks. On Sunday a divine service was held.

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22 April 1915

At Cameroon River

Lat 3.94, Long 9.60

2.00am: Discharging coal into lighters

6.00am: Discharging coal into lighters

10.30am: Discharging coal into lighters

3.00pm: Discharging coal into lighters

9.00pm: Put clocks back 10 minutes

10.30pm: Discharging coal into lighters

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23 April 1915

At Cameroon River

Lat 3.94, Long 9.60

12.30am: Put clocks back 15 minutes

2.00am: Discharging coal into lighters

6.15am: Finished discharging coal

5.00pm: Read warrant number 113

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24 April 1915

At Cameroon River

Lat 3.94, Long 9.60

6.00pm: Lieutenant White left ship for special duty

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25 April 1915

At Cameroon River

Lat 3.94, Long 9.60

6.00pm: Lieutenant Clark left ship, taking passage on H.M.S. "Fullah", for special service

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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26 April 1915

At Cameroon River

Lat 3.94, Long 9.60

9.00am: Hands employed transporting projectiles from after shell room forward

10.30am: Mister Scott, chief torpedo gunner, left ship for special service

2.10pm: Hands employed transporting projectiles forward

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27 April 1915

At Cameroon River

Lat 3.94, Long 9.60

8.45am: French gunboat "Surprise" arrived

10.00am: Discharged one petty officer to H.M.S. "Magaret Elizabeth" ["Magaret Elizabeth" is most probably misspelled and should be "Margaret Elizabeth"]

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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28 April 1915

From Cameroon River to Duala and at Cameroon River

Lat 3.94, Long 9.60

6.00am: Getting out 5½ inch wire for salvage work

8.30am: Diving party of twelve hands and two divers left ship for salvage work with complete set of diving gear for two divers

4.06pm: Weighed

4.12pm: Proceeded. Courses as requisite for proceeding up river to Duala

5.01pm: Stopped, in vicinity of wrecks

5.03pm: Proceeded 10 knots

5.51pm: Stopped

5.53pm: Let go port anchor

5.55pm: Let go starboard anchor

10.00pm: Position when middled: pier head S10W, right side of Bonabeerie N5W, church N81E [Bonabeerie is most probably misspelled and should be Bonabéri]

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29 April 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.30am: Steamboats as requisite, including German steamboats in use

10.00am: Hands employed transporting shell

1.30pm: Various detached parties leaving to replace H.M.S. "Challenger's"

5.00pm: Hands employed transporting shell

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30 April 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.00am: Captain A.C. Sykes left ship and took over command of H.M.S. "Challenger"

9.30am: Captain C. Fuller took over command of H.M.S. "Astraea"

11.00am: Hands employed about shell

11.20am: Paid monthly money

2.30pm: Lieutenant C.E. Brooke left ship joined H.M.S. "Challenger". Lieutenant P.S.E. Maxwell joined. Discharged one officer's steward and two chief petty officers to H.M.S. "Challenger"

4.00pm: Discharged three ratings and 24 Seedy boys to H.M.S. "Challenger" [Seedy is most probably misspelled and should be Seedie]

5.30pm: Discharged assistant paymaster Vaughan to H.M.S. "Challenger"

6.00pm: 21 Kroomen and one petty officer joined from H.M.S. "Challenger"

9.00pm: One private R.M.L.I. and one ship's steward's assistant joined


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1 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: H.M.S. "Challenger" sailed for base (Lieutenant Maxwell on board)

9.00am: Hands employed transporting shell

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2 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.40am: Surgeon Thursfield left ship to join "Margaret Elizabeth"

9.30am: Hands mustered by the ledger

6.00pm: Send eleven ratings to S.S. "Remus"

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

4caf8404cadfd3419700474f: (

3 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed transporting shell

5.30pm: Hands employed transporting shell

4caf8404cadfd34197004750: (

4 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.30am: Steamboats as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed re-stowing shell

4caf8404cadfd34197004751: (

5 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00pm: Sent ratings for Nyong flotilla

4caf8404cadfd34197004752: (

6 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.30am: Steamboats as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed drawing stores

11.00am: One sergeant, one corporal and twelve privates R.L.M.I. joined ship

12.30pm: One sergeant and 59 privates R.L.M.I., two stoker petty officers, four petty officers, two leading seamen, fourteen able seamen, two sick berth stewards, two writers, Lieutenant-commanders Learmonth and McCullagh and ten junior officers joined ship [Learmonth is not clearly spelled and could also be Learmouth]

4caf8404cadfd34197004753: (

7 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30pm: Sent officers and ratings to Nyong River

4caf8404cadfd34197004754: (

8 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004755: (

9 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.00am: Discharged seven ratings to S.S. "Hans Woermann" for passage home

A probable reference to S.S. "Hans Woermann" mentions it was captured in 1914 by H.M.S. "Cumberland" and sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8404cadfd34197004756: (

10 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

3.00pm: R.L.M.I. detachment left ship for barracks

4caf8404cadfd34197004757: (

11 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.30am: Hands employed provisioning

10.33am: Weighed port anchor

11.13am: Weighed and proceeded to Woermann buoy and made fast.

4.30pm: Landed field gun's crew for drill

4caf8404cadfd34197004758: (

12 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004759: (

13 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed landing 6 pounder gun and ammunition

4caf8404cadfd3419700475a: (

14 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Field gun's crew landed for drill

10.00am: Hands employed getting out field gun and timber and as requisite

4caf8404cadfd3419700475b: (

15 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd3419700475c: (

16 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd3419700475d: (

17 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

11.00am: Discharged lieutenant Carter to "Margaret Elizabeth"

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd3419700475e: (

18 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd3419700475f: (

19 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

4caf8404cadfd34197004760: (

20 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004761: (

21 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004762: (

22 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004763: (

23 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004764: (

24 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004765: (

25 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.30pm: Collier S.S. "Diadem" came alongside

A probable reference to S.S. "Diadem" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

4caf8404cadfd34197004766: (

26 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.50am: Commenced coaling

3.30pm: Finished coaling, received 352 tons

4.00pm: Collier left ship

4caf8404cadfd34197004767: (

27 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

11.00am: Lieutenants Wilson and Mayall R.N.R. joined ship

4caf8404cadfd34197004768: (

28 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004769: (

29 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00pm: H.M.S. "Lagos" sailed [A contemporary H.M.S. "Lagos" doesn't exist, it should most probably be S.S. "Lagos"]

5.20pm: H.M.S. "Euromi" sailed [Spelling is not clear, might be "Elvromi". No reference found to either names. It could also be a misspelling of S.S. "Uromi"]

4caf8404cadfd3419700476a: (

30 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.45am: S.S. "Haussa" left

6.15pm: N.Y. "Ivy" arrived

N.Y. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

4caf8404cadfd3419700476b: (

31 May 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd3419700476c: (


4caf8404cadfd3419700476d: (

4caf8404cadfd3419700476e: (

4caf8404cadfd3419700476f: (

1 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.00am: Hands employed getting out two 6 pounders

10.15am: S.S. "Vauban" arrived

11.20am: Paid monthly advance

2.30pm: S.S. "Boma" arrived

3.20pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

3.50pm: S.S. "Vauban" left

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

4caf8404cadfd34197004770: (

2 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

10.50am: S.S. "Diana" arrives

4caf8404cadfd34197004771: (

3 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

2.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: "Ivy" proceeded

9.50am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

4caf8404cadfd34197004772: (

4 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004773: (

5 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.00am: H.M.S. "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd34197004774: (

6 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00pm: Officer joined ship from "Lala" (Lieutenant White)

3.10pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

"Lala" is a British armed lighter.

4caf8404cadfd34197004775: (

7 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004776: (

8 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

8.27am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

2.00pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

4.15pm: Landed funeral party

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd34197004777: (

9 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Marines landed for drill

4caf8404cadfd34197004778: (

10 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

2.20am: "Sir George" arrived

3.10am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

4caf8404cadfd34197004779: (

11 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

Noon: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

1.45pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

3.40pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

4.30am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd3419700477a: (

12 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.20am: "Sokoto" and "Sir George" sailed

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Sirius" arrived

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd3419700477b: (

13 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.12am: H.M.S. "Fullah" sailed

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd3419700477c: (

14 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

5.00pm: Both watches provisioned ship

6.00pm: "Uromi" arrived

4caf8404cadfd3419700477d: (

15 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed provisioning ship

2.15pm: S.S. "Diadem" sailed

2.45pm: "Uromi" sailed

A probable reference to S.S. "Diadem" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

4caf8404cadfd3419700477e: (

16 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.00am: John Diggett able seaman R.F.R. Official Number 170298 departed this life in hospital

9.20am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

4.15pm: Landed funeral party for the late J. Diggett

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

John Diggett is listed at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the National Archives.

4caf8404cadfd3419700477f: (

17 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004780: (

18 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

10.00am: Hands employed dismounting guns and as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004781: (

19 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.30pm: "Uromi" sailed

3.30pm: H.M.S. "Ivy" arrived

4.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

4caf8404cadfd34197004782: (

20 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

4caf8404cadfd34197004783: (

21 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

10.30am: "Surprise" arrived (French)

1.40pm: Field guns crew returned

2.35pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

2.50pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived

5.00pm: H.M.S. "Ivy" sailed

The "Surprise" is a French gunboat.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

4caf8404cadfd34197004784: (

22 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

2.10pm: S.S. "Parkgate" arrived

3.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

A probable reference to S.S. "Parkgate" mentions it was sunk in 1917 after being shelled.

4caf8404cadfd34197004785: (

23 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

10.05am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

4.35pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

4caf8404cadfd34197004786: (

24 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

10.50am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

4caf8404cadfd34197004787: (

25 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.10am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

11.25am: S.S. "Diadem" Sailed

2.00pm: "Sokoto", S.S. "Anna Woerman" and H.M.S. "Sirius" sailed [S.S. "Anna Woerman" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Anna Woermann"]

2.55pm: S.S. "Anna Woerman" anchored

A probable reference to S.S. "Diadem" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8404cadfd34197004788: (

26 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

9.45am: "Oshogbo" sailed

4caf8404cadfd34197004789: (

27 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.55am: "Oshogbo" arrived

3.30pm: Lieutenant Clark and party left to search Spanish ship S.S. "Isla Depanay" ["Isla Depanay" is most probably misspelled and should be "Isla de Panay"]

4caf8404cadfd3419700478a: (

28 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00pm: S.S. "Diadem" arrives

A probable reference to S.S. "Diadem" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

4caf8404cadfd3419700478b: (

29 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.40am: S.S. "Diadem" sailed

2.31pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

4caf8404cadfd3419700478c: (

30 June 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

8.30am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

9.15am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd3419700478d: (

[Page has been crossed out. It seems to be a duplicate of 1 July 1915]

4caf8404cadfd3419700478e: (

[Page has been crossed out. It seems to be a duplicate of 2 July 1915]


4caf8404cadfd3419700478f: (

4caf8404cadfd34197004790: (

4caf8404cadfd34197004791: (

1 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

10.00am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

1.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.15pm: S.S. "Antonico" sailed

4.00pm: Lieutenant Maxwell and search party returned from S.S. "Antonico"

6.10pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd34197004792: (

2 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

8.35am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

8.55am: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

10.30am: S.S. "Akabo" arrived

12.30am: Search party returned on board

4caf8404cadfd34197004793: (

3 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: S.S. "Towergate" sailed

8.40am: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

10.00am: S.S. "Boma" arrived

1.15pm: S.S. "Akabo" cast off from government pier and anchored and S.S. "Boma" secured alongside pier

6.30pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" arrived

A probable reference to S.S. "Towergate" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8404cadfd34197004794: (

4 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

8.10am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

9.10am: Le Vaisseau de Guerre "Vauban" arrived [Le Vaisseau de Guerre is French for warship, but the "Vauban" was stricken in 1905. There is however a contemporary S.S. "Vauban"]

4.20pm: "Vauban" sailed

5.30pm: Picket boats crew and boat sent to S.S. "Fullah" for passage to Nyong

8.10pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd34197004795: (

5 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: S.S. "Fullah" under way

6.25am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

6.40am: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

9.30am: Hands employed hoisting in life rafts and as requisite

12.30pm: S.S. "Diadem" sailed

4.30pm: Landed funeral party for late William J. McKenna stoker first class who passed peacefully away at Duala Hospital dying of fever Official Number 310751

A probable reference to S.S. "Diadem" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

William J. McKenna is listed at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the National Archives.

4caf8404cadfd34197004796: (

6 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

12.15pm: S.S. "Akabo" sailed. H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

4caf8404cadfd34197004797: (

7 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00pm: S.S. "Haussa" anchored

3.00pm: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

4caf8404cadfd34197004798: (

8 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.50am: One stoker and one able seaman discharged for passage to England

8.45am: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

10.15am: S.S. "Boma" sailed

11.15am: "Uromi" arrived

11.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

2.00pm: Discharged two able seamen and one officer to S.S. "Boma" for Campo

3.20pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

4.05pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" arrived. S.S. "Balmore" arrived

4.40pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

4caf8404cadfd34197004799: (

9 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

9.10am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" proceeded into dock

4caf8404cadfd3419700479a: (

10 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.30am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

9.20am: The sloop "Surprise" arrived

The "Surprise" is a French gunboat.

4caf8404cadfd3419700479b: (

11 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Working went to H.M.S. "Dwarf" four carpenters

8.30am: Torpedo gunner's mate and electrician working on "Uromi"

2.15pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" arrived

4.00pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

4caf8404cadfd3419700479c: (

12 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Search party went aboard S.S. "Balmore"

8.30am: Hands in boats, working about submarines, telephone cable and as requisite

10.30am: Search party returned aboard

4.00pm: "Uromi" sailed

4.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" went alongside government pier

4caf8404cadfd3419700479d: (

13 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Worked searchlights

1.30am: Patrol boat proceeded on rounds

3.15am: Worked searchlights

5.30am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

1.45pm: Torpedo party and repairing cable

3.00pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

8.10pm: Worked searchlights

8.45pm: Patrol boat proceeded on rounds

9.50pm: Worked searchlights

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd3419700479e: (

14 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

3.00am: Patrol boat went on rounds

4.00am: Burnt lights

6.00am: "Sokoto" under way

8.30am: S.S. "Elmina" arrived

5.00pm: Read warrant number 114

11.00pm: Burnt searchlights

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

4caf8404cadfd3419700479f: (

15 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4.30am: Burnt lights

6.15am: Steaming party left for S.S. "Anna Woerman" [S.S. "Anna Woerman" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Anna Woermann"]

7.00am: S.S. "Anna Woerman" left for trials

8.40pm: Burnt lights

10.00pm: Burnt lights

11.20pm: Guard boat went rounds

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8404cadfd341970047a0: (

16 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Burnt lights

2.00am: Patrol boat went rounds

3.45am: Burnt lights

11.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" swung compass

3.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

4.15pm: S.S. "Belmore" sailed [S.S. "Belmore" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Balmore"]

4.20pm: "Crocodile" arrived

6.00pm: "Uromi" arrived

6.15pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

8.30pm: Burnt lights and patrol boat left

10.20pm: Burnt lights

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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17 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite. "Keka" proceeded on rounds

1.20am: Burnt searchlights

2.30am: Guard boat returned

4.15am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: S.S. "Fullah" and S.S. "Le Gabon" anchored

1.00pm: One Krooman left ship for S.S. "Fullah" for passage to picket boat at Nyong

4.25pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived, "Uromi" sailed

4.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" proceeded

8.45pm: Night duty boat proceeded to H.M.S. "Dwarf"

9.10pm: Burnt searchlight

11.05pm: Burnt searchlight, duty boat arrived

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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18 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Patrol boat proceeded

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

3.20am: Burnt searchlights. Patrol boat returned

6.40am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

8.00am: S.S. "Saint André" sailed

9.30am: S.S. "Lomé" arrived

10.55am: "Sokoto" arrived

8.30pm: Burnt searchlight

11.00pm: Patrol boat proceeded on rounds

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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19 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

4.30am: Patrol boat proceeded

5.00am: Patrol boat returned

8.15am: "Margaret Elizabeth" left pier and anchored in steam

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning warhead and gun cotton magazines and overhauling carpenters stoppers and as requisite

12.30pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

8.30pm: "Keka" proceeded on rounds

10.30pm: Burnt searchlights

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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20 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

8.20am: S.S. "Boma" sailed

9.00am: Hands employed cleaning cutlasses and as requisite

1.00pm: Patrol boat proceeded. Burnt searchlights

4.00pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

8.45pm: Patrol boat proceeded

9.15pm: Burnt searchlights

10.30pm: Patrol boat returned

11.15pm: Burnt searchlight

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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21 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.00am: One sub-lieutenant R.N.R. joined ship. Sub-lieutenant R.N.R. (temporary) Crichton was received on board under open arrest from patrol vessel S.S. "Anna Woermann"

12.30pm: S.S. "Mendi" arrived

4.10pm: H.M.S. "Ivy" arrived

9.00pm: Burnt searchlights

11.15pm: Burnt searchlights

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

A probable reference to S.S. "Mendi" mentions it was sunk after a collision with steamer "Darco" in 1917, taking more than 650 lives with her.

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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22 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

3.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.30am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

9.00am: Hands employed getting out life rafts for H.M.S. "Sirius"

9.30am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

10.45am: S.S. "Mendi" sailed

2.45pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

8.30pm: Burnt searchlights

10.00pm: Burnt searchlights

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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23 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

9.00am: Hands employed overhauling coaling strops, cleaning rifles and as requisite

11.00am: S.S. "Le Gabon" arrived

11.25am: "Sokoto" held steam trial

2.00pm: Watch provisioning ship

9.20pm: "Keka" proceeded on rounds. Burnt searchlights

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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24 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

4.30am: Burnt searchlights

6.50am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

8.30pm: Burnt searchlights

10.30pm: Burnt searchlights

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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25 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.25pm: S.S. "Parkgate" sailed

8.30pm: Burnt searchlights

10.30pm: Burnt searchlights

A probable reference to S.S. "Parkgate" mentions it was sunk in 1917 after being shelled.

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26 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.10pm: "Crocodile" sailed

8.20pm: Burnt searchlights

10.30pm: Burnt searchlights

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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27 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.30am: Steamboats as requisite

3.00am: Burnt searchlights

9.30am: Hands cleaning arms, refitting and as requisite

10.30am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

2.25pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" arrived and secured

3.10pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

9.00pm: Burnt searchlights

9.30pm: Carried out canoe patrol

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28 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Searchlights burnt during night

12.30pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

1.15pm: S.S. "Parkgate" arrive

A probable reference to S.S. "Parkgate" mentions it was sunk in 1917 after being shelled.

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29 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Searchlights burnt during night

4.15pm: Collier made fast alongside

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30 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Searchlights burnt during night

6.00am: Commenced coaling

8.35am: Hands coaling ship

10.20am: S.S. "Apapa" arrived

11.00am: "Sokoto" arrived

12.45pm: Hands coaling ship

2.50pm: Completed with coal. Received 415 tons

3.45pm: "Uromi"

8.30pm: Patrol boat proceeded on rounds

11.00pm: Patrol boat returned

A probable reference to S.S. "Apapa" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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31 July 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Searchlights burnt during night

7.25am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

8.30am: S.S. "Apapa" sailed

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1 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Searchlights during night

5.30am: "Uromi" sailed

7.45am: Sent carpenter's working party to H.M.S. "Dwarf"

9.20am: Discharged ship's corporal to hospital

Noon: Working party returned on board

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2 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: One leading seaman discharged to "Lala"

7.05am: "Uromi" arrived and anchored in stream

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties and S.S. "Anna Woermann" party

9.00am: Hands employed hoisting out steam pinnace's boiler

1.45pm: Landed working party

7.55pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived and anchored in stream

"Lala" is a British armed lighter.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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3 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties

8.50am: Hands employed rigging davit for provisions under running telephone wire

9.30am: Marine discharged to hospital

10.20am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

10.40am: Hands employed provisioning ship

11.20am: Finished provisioning

9.30pm: Patrol boat proceeded on rounds

11.15pm: Patrol boat returned

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4 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties. Discharged ten engine room artificer and one stoker to "Margaret Elizabeth"

12.45pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

1.45pm: Dockyard parties landed and S.S. "Anna Woermann" party. One leading stoker (sick) discharged from "Margaret Elizabeth"

2.40pm: One officer joined ship and one leading seaman

3.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" anchored

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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5 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.30am: Landed dockyard parties

8.45am: Discharged one leading seaman and three able seamen to Dibombie post [Dibombie is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

9.30am: "Surprise" sailed

10.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured alongside government wharf

Noon: Read warrant number 115. Smith petty officer joined ship from H.M.S. "Lala"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties

1.50pm: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

7.15pm: "Uromi" arrived

The "Surprise" is a French gunboat.

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

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6 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.10am: "Uromi" proceeded alongside government wharf

7.45am: Dockyard and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties landed

7.50am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured alongside government pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties

3.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

6.00pm: Two ratings returned from S.S. "Fullah" (sick)

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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7 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Dockyard and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties

8.00am: Divers working on ship's bottom cleaning inlets

8.15am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored in steam

9.30am: Two ratings discharged to S.S. "Fullah" and one rating discharged to hospital. Two ratings joined ship from S.S. "Fullah" (sick)

Noon: Divers finished ship's bottom

12.15pm: "Hussah" cast off from government wharf and anchored in stream ["Hussah" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Haussa"]

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8 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Sent carpenter's party to H.M.S. "Dwarf". H.M.S. "Ivy" arrived and anchored

9.50am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

11.30am: Working party returned

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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9 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.30am: Eight hands employed dismounting S3 4.7 inch gun

7.04am: Landed dockyard party

10.30am: Private R.M.L.I. joined ship from Royal Marines barracks

11.00am: Private R.M.L.I. discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth" from sick list.

11.15am: One leading seaman and three able seamen joined ship from Delombie post [Delombie is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

12.10pm: One able seaman under arrest from S.S. "Akabo"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties

2.05pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" cast off from S.S. "Parkgate"

2.10pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" anchored in stream

2.15pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived government pier

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Ivy" sailed

5.20pm: "Surprise" and S.S. "Saint André" arrived and anchored in stream

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Parkgate" mentions it was sunk in 1917 after being shelled.

The "Surprise" is a French gunboat.

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10 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.45am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" under weigh and proceeded alongside S.S. "Saint André"

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.00pm: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

3.25pm: S.S. "Parkgate" sailed

4.00pm: Hands employed provisioning ship

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11 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties. Discharged one prisoner and one able seaman to S.S. "Remus"

7.50am: S.S. "Bamora" arrived and anchored

9.45am: Sent search party to S.S. "Thomas Holt". One officer joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

Noon: Search party returned on board

12.20pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" came out of floating dock

3.15pm: S.S. "Thomas Holt" sailed

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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12 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.55am: "Surprise" sailed

6.00am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" left government wharf and secured alongside collier S.S. "Parkgate"

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties and sent working party to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

8.50am: Hands employed provisioning. Gunner's party checking 4.7 inch ammunition

Noon: Working parties returned on board

12.05pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" cast off from collier and proceeded to sea

1.45pm: Dockyard and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties landed

2.50pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" under weigh and proceeded alongside S.S. "Parkgate"

5.00pm: One ship's corporal joined ship from hospital

The "Surprise" is a French gunboat.

A probable reference to S.S. "Parkgate" mentions it was sunk in 1917 after being shelled.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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13 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties. Discharged one engine room artificer to "Margaret Elizabeth"

10.50am: H.M.S. "Lagos" secured to government wharf [A contemporary H.M.S. "Lagos" doesn't exist, it should most probably be S.S. "Lagos"]

11.30am: "Sokoto" secured to government wharf

1.45pm: Landed dockyard, "Margaret Elizabeth" and S.S. "Anna Woermann" parties

3.00pm: H.M.S. "Lagos" left government wharf and secured alongside S.S. "Parkgate"

3.30am: S.S. "Le Gabon" weighed and secured alongside government wharf

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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14 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.55am: H.M.S. "Lagos" under weigh proceeded to Bona Beri [A contemporary H.M.S. "Lagos" doesn't exist, it should most probably be S.S. "Lagos". Bona Beri is misspelled as it should be Bonabéri]

7.45am: One rating discharged to H.M.S. "Lagos" for passage to Campo. Landed dockyard parties

8.30am: S.S. "Legation" sailed

10.00am: H.M.S. "Lagos" sailed

11.00am: Discharged one able seaman to hospital

2.15pm: One private R.M.L.I. joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

3.45pm: One leading seaman and one able seaman discharged to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

4.25pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

7.15pm: "Sir Cuthbert" drew fires

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15 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

9.15am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored in stream

9.30am: Hands mustered by the ledger

10.00am: One rating joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth" sick

Noon: Search party left ship

12.25pm: One rating discharged from hospital

2.30pm: Lieutenant-commander and one marine joined ship (marine from H.M.S. "Dwarf")

5.00pm: Three able seamen joined ship from "Sokoto"

5.15pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" secured to government wharf

7.30pm: Search party returned on board

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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16 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.15am: Three able seamen discharged to "Sokoto"

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties and sent working party to "Margaret Elizabeth"

7.40am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured to S.S. "Bamora"

8.05am: "Sokoto" sailed

8.50am: Hands employed getting up ammunition for test and stores for passage to England per S.S. "Bamora"

9.30am: One leading seaman and three able seamen discharged to S.S. "Anna Woermann". Sent mail and escort to H.M.S. "Sirius"

10.03am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

6.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

8.40pm: Search party returned on board. One able seaman joined from S.S. "Fullah"

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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17 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

11.30am: S.S. "Akabo" secured to government wharf. Dockyard parties returned

1.30am: "Sokoto" arrived and secured to marine pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.00pm: "Sokoto" left marine pier and secured to government wharf

2.50pm: S.S. "Akabo" left government wharf

2.55pm: S.S. "Fullah" secured alongside government wharf

3.10pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

3.40pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived and secured to government wharf

4.40pm: Two ratings discharged to S.S. "Fullah"

5.15pm: One rating joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

6.20pm: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

6.30pm: One rating joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

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18 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.10am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" cast off from S.S. "Bamora" and proceeded to base

7.30am: One sergeant and three privates, West Indian Regiment, joined ship for wireless telegraphy duties

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

10.00am: H.M.S. "Ivy" arrived and anchored

10.05am: Eleven marines joined ship

10.20am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" anchored

12.20pm: S.S. "Fullah" left government wharf and anchored

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and "Margaret Elizabeth" parties

2.00pm: Fourteen privates left for Nyong

2.05pm: Nine ratings discharged to S.S. "Bamora"

2.10pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" left government wharf

4.00pm: Two seamen rejoined ship from S.S. "Anna Woermann"

7.20pm: Two seamen rejoined ship from S.S. "Anna Woermann"

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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19 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: Stokers painting funnels

7.45am: Discharged one marine private to H.M.S. "Dwarf". Landed dockyard parties

8.30am: "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside government pier

9.15am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed. One marine bugler joined ship from marines barracks

11.00am: S.S. "Bamora" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

4.20pm: One able seaman discharged to diving boat

4.50pm: Read warrant number 117

4.55pm: Seven ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Ivy"

5.15pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" and H.M.S. "Vigilant" arrived. H.M.S. "Vigilant" secured to H.M.S. "Astraea"

5.30pm: One marine joined ship from hospital

5.50pm: One leading signalman and one marine joined ship from Nyong

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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20 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.30am: S.S. "Akabo" secured to government wharf

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

9.45am: H.M.S. "Vigilant" secured to government pier

10.00am: One electrical artificer discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth". Dockyard parties returned

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties and one rating discharged for duties on shore

2.15pm: Sent fire engine to marine pier to pump of dreadnought lighter

6.00pm: Read warrant number 318

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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21 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

9.30am: S.S. "Le Gabon" arrived and anchored

11.55am: Dockyard parties returned

12.30pm: Landed dockyard parties

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22 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.50am: Dockyard parties landed

9.30am: Read articles of war

1.55pm: Picked up lighter number 27 and took it to marine pier

2.10pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived and anchored

4.50pm: One corporal R.M.L.I. joined ship from Royal Marines Barracks

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23 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.45am: One able seaman to Edéa with provisions for H.M.S. "Lala"

6.00am: One engine room artificer discharged to S.S. "Fullah"

6.20am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" secured to S.S. "Parkgate"

6.45am: Stokers employed getting in coke

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.15am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

9.30am: One engine room wind-sail lent to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

9.45am: Finished getting in coke. Received 20 tons. One marine discharged to hospital

12.20pm: One rating joined ship from H.M.S. "Lala"

4.30pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" secured to S.S. "Parkgate"

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Parkgate" mentions it was sunk in 1917 after being shelled.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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24 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.30am: S.S. "Akabo" secured to government wharf

6.00am: Landed ship's stewards party

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.50am: Hands employed provisioning ship

10.00am: Finished provisioning ship

10.30am: Marines inspection of arms and exercise in signals. One able seaman discharged to diving boat. Dockyard parties returned

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.00pm: S.S. "Akabo" cast off government wharf and anchored in stream

2.30pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived and anchored in stream

3.00pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

3.45pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" cast off government wharf. S.S. "Niger" and "St. George" sailed

6.15pm: H.M.S. "Sirius" arrived and moored

7.10pm: One chief engine room artificer joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

9.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

A probable reference to S.S. "Niger" mentions it ran aground in 1916 and was wrecked.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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25 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.30am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

6.00am: One able seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Lala"

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.15am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" sailed

8.30am: Landed ship's stewards party

11.55am: Dockyard parties returned

2.00pm: Hands employed provisioning ship

4.50pm: Two ratings discharged to S.S. "Remus"

5.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from S.S. "Remus"

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

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26 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties and H.M.S. "Ivy" working party

9.00am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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27 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties and H.M.S. "Ivy" working party

8.15am: Four ratings discharged to S.S. "Lomé"

9.00am: One rating joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth" and one rating discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

9.30am: One rating discharged to hospital. Two ratings from H.M.S. "Sirius" for wireless instruction

Noon: One rating joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth" sick

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties and H.M.S. "Ivy" working party

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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28 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.00am: S.S. "Badagri" arrived and anchor in stream

Noon: Water-tank alongside with boiler water. Working parties returned

3.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and anchored in stream. S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored in stream

A probable reference to S.S. "Badagri" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a torpedo.

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29 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.30am: Divers employed clearing inlets on ship's bottom

1.00pm: One able seaman rejoined ship from hospital

5.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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30 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.30am: S.S. "Haussa" cast off from government pier and anchored in stream

6.20am: One derrick (wood) sent to H.M.S. "Sirius"

7.45am: Landed dockyard, S.S. "Anna Woermann", S.S. "Lomé" and H.M.S. "Ivy" parties

9.30am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

1.50pm: S.S. "Haussa" secured to government wharf

2.00pm: H.M.S. "Lala" arrived and secured to H.M.S. "Astraea". Mr. Wilson, one leading seaman and two able seamen returned to ship

3.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and anchored

3.55pm: One seaman and one marine joined ship from hospital

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

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31 August 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties. Sent outlaying parties

8.00am: S.S. "Badagri" sailed

9.00am: "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside government pier

9.20am: Two ratings from H.M.S. "Sirius" for wireless instruction

9.45am: "Margaret Elizabeth" under weigh and proceeded into floating dock

9.50am: S.S. "Fullah" secured alongside government pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

4.50pm: Dockyard parties returned

5.00pm: One leading seaman and three able seamen discharged to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

6.20pm: Discharged two ratings to S.S. "Anna Woermann" (one master at arms, one able seaman)

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

According to the same book "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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1 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlight

7.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

7.05am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

8.30am: Dockyard and outlying parties left

10.00am: Two ratings from H.M.S. "Sirius" for wireless instruction

11.00am: One rating discharged to hospital

11.30am: Dockyard parties etcetera returned

Noon: Paid money

1.10pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

1.15pm: S.S. "Fullah" under way

1.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" secured

1.45pm: Dockyard, H.M.S. "Ivy" and S.S. "Lomé" parties landed

3.40pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

6.15pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured to government wharf

7.20pm: Burnt searchlight

8.00pm to midnight: Burnt searchlight during night

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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2 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

3.00am: Burnt searchlight

7.15am: Seven able seamen and one signaller from H.M.S. "Porpoise"

8.45am: Seven able seamen and one signaller discharged to H.M.S. "Porpoise". Two wireless ratings from H.M.S. "Sirius" for instruction

9.50am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed. "Walrus" arrived

Noon: Dockyard parties returned

1.15pm: Two wireless ratings from H.M.S. "Sirius" for instruction

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.50pm: One commander sergeant and four privates R.M.L.I. and 54 ratings received on board from England

4.45pm: One sergeant and two privates discharged to barracks

5.00pm: Discharged one rating to H.M.S. "Sirius". S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed. One able seaman and one stoker rating discharged to S.S. "Fullah" for passage to H.M.S. "Dwarf" and "Crocodile". One marine joined ship from H.M.S. "Sirius" and two officers from England.

9.00pm: Burnt searchlight

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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3 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlight

3.00am: Burnt searchlight

7.10am: "Sokoto" sailed

7.45am: Landed parties, S.S. "Lomé" and H.M.S. "Ivy"

9.00am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

1.20pm: Two wireless ratings from H.M.S. "Sirius" for instruction

2.20pm: One rating joined ship from hospital

4.05pm: S.S. "Akabo" left wharf and anchored in stream

8.00pm: Burnt searchlight

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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4 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlight

4.20am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.30am: Lent 15 coal barrows to S.S. "Akabo"

9.30am: One leading stoker discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

11.30am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" and "Manatee" arrived

2.30pm: One petty officer and two able seamen joined ship from "Manatee"

8.00pm: Burnt searchlight

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

"Manatee" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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5 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

11.30am: One sick berth steward joined ship from hospital

8.00pm: Burnt searchlights

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6 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: Landed boys and ordinary seamen for exercise

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

9.00am: Hands employed dismounting 4.7 inch gun. Boys being weighed and measured

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.00pm: Discharged one petty officer and two able seaman to H.M.S. "Vigilant"

2.20pm: Hands dismounting 4.7 inch gun

4.35pm: S.S. "Le Gabon" arrived and moored

4.50pm: Three ratings joined from hospital

5.00pm: H.M.S. "Lagos" sailed [A contemporary H.M.S. "Lagos" doesn't exist, it should most probably be S.S. "Lagos"]

10.00pm: Burnt lights

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7 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Burnt searchlight

6.00am: Landed dockyard parties and outlying parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.10pm: Hands employed dismounting 4.7 inch gun

4.00pm: Eleven men joined ship from S.S. "Remus"

5.00pm: Ordinary seamen and boys at physical drill

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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8 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlight

4.35am: Burnt searchlight

6.00am: Boys landed for exercise

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

2.10pm: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

4.20pm: H.M.S. "Sirius" sailed

5.40pm: S.S. "Vaubon" arrived [S.S. "Vaubon" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Vauban"]

6.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from Campo

10.00pm: Burnt searchlights

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9 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlight

4.30am: Burnt searchlight

6.00am: "Sokoto" and S.S. "Haussa" sailed. Boys at boat pulling exercises

7.45am: Dockyard parties landed. 45 men discharged to S.S. "Sir Hugh"

9.10am: Hands employed dismounting 4.7 inch gun

1.45pm: Dockyard parties and S.S. "Anna Woermann" working parties landed

2.00pm: Inspection of boys

5.00pm: Boys and ordinary seamen to physics

10.00pm: Burnt searchlights

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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10 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

3.00am: Burnt searchlight

7.45am: Landed parties

11.30am: S.S. "Le Gabon" arrived and moored

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

10.30pm: Burnt searchlights

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11 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Burnt searchlight

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

2.30pm: S.S. "Parkgate" sailed

4.40pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

7.30pm: One petty officer joined ship from picket boat

10.00pm: Burnt searchlights

A probable reference to S.S. "Parkgate" mentions it was sunk in 1917 after being shelled.

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12 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

8.10am: S.S. "Keyingham" arrived and anchored

10.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

10.30am: S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

1.00pm: Two hair brooms lost overboard by accident

4.00pm: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

4.50pm: One rating left ship for S.S. "Haussa"

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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13 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlight

6.00am: Marines and boys landed for exercise

7.45am: Landed dockyard

8.30am: One leading telegraphist left ship for H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

1.45pm: Landed working parties and H.M.S. "Ivy" party

5.00pm: Boys and ordinary seamen to physical

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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14 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.30am: Landed dockyard parties

11.30am: One rating discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.00pm: Boys exercise boat sailing

5.00pm: One engine room artificer left ship for "Margaret Elizabeth". Seven stoker ratings and one engine room artificer joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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15 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.30am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed working parties

11.15am: Discharged one leading signaller to hospital

1.00pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.35pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

5.00pm: Boys at physical drill

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8405cadfd341970047e4: (

16 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: Boys exercised boat pulling

7.30am: Landed dockyard parties

11.30am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed. H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived

1.00pm: Landed working parties

3.00pm: Boys inspection of bedding

4.20pm: Landed funeral party for the late lieutenant R. Elliott of S.S. "Lagos" [Elliot is most probably misspelled and should be Elliott]

10.00pm: Burnt searchlights

R. Elliott is listed at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

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17 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.00am: Hands provisioning

6.00am: Boys landed for exercise

9.30am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" left collier

11.30am: One private and one able seaman discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Dockyard, S.S. "Lomé" and H.M.S. "Ivy" working parties landed

5.00pm: Boys and ordinary seamen to drill

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

H.M.S. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

4caf8405cadfd341970047e6: (

18 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: Landed dockyard parties

11.45am: One petty officer joined ship from H.M.S. "Ivy"

1.45pm: Dockyard and "Margaret Elizabeth" working parties landed

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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19 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Dockyard party landed

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

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20 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

5.00pm: Boys and men under 21 to physical drill

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

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21 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: Boys at boat pulling

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.10am: S.S. "Lagos" secured alongside government pier

10.00am: Four hands employed remounting SIV 4.7 inch gun

11.30am: One marine discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Working parties landed

2.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

10.00pm: Burnt searchlights

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22 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

11.15am: "Margaret Elizabeth" came out of dock

1.00pm: One carpenter rating joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.00pm: Hands employed provisioning ship

4.55pm: Three marines joined ship from barracks

5.00pm: Boys at physical drill

5.25pm: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and anchored

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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23 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.25am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

6.00am: Boys landed for exercise

7.45am: Landed working parties

8.50am: Hands employed refitting steam cutter's falls and unreeving sail pinnace's falls

1.45pm: Dockyard parties landed. Boys mustered bags

2.00pm: Gunner's party dismounting PIV 4.7 inch gun

4.10pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" left pier and anchored in stream

5.00pm: Boys at physical

5.50pm: S.S. "Amerique" weighed anchor and secured alongside government wharf

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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24 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.10am: "Sokoto" left for base

7.00am: Landed dockyard parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.30pm: One private R.M.L.I. discharged to H.M.S. "Dwarf", one discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

4.05pm: S.S. "Lagos" secured to H.M.S. "Astraea"

4.30pm: Five seamen ratings discharged to H.M.S. "Dwarf", one leading telegraphist discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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25 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.00am: S.S. "Lagos" cast off and anchored in stream

5.30am: One leading signalman discharged to Campo

6.30am: One carpenter's mate and one sick bay steward discharged to H.M.S. "Sirius"

7.00am: S.S. "Lagos" sailed

8.30am: Landed dockyard parties

10.30am: S.S. "Akabo" anchored

1.00pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.30pm: One man joined ship from hospital

2.45pm: S.S. "Anna Woerman" sailed [S.S. "Anna Woerman" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Anna Woermann"]

3.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

5.00pm: One carpenter's mate joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

7.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from S.S. "Sir Hugh"

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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26 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlight

6.00am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

8.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured to government wharf

11.40am: Dockyard party returned

5.00pm: One marine joined from hospital

9.30pm: Burnt searchlight

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27 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

12.55pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured to S.S. "Keyingham"

1.45pm: One private R.M.L.I. discharged to H.M.S. "Dwarf". Dockyard and outlying parties landed

3.45pm: Three privates R.M.L.I. discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

4.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital

6.00pm: S.S. "Keyingham" secured alongside

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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28 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.30am: Hands employed coaling ship

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.35am: Hands coaling

12.30pm: Hands coaling ship

2.55pm: Finished coaling. Coal taken in 415 tons

3.20pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

4.20pm: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

4.30pm: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

7.25pm: One sergeant marines discharged from hospital

9.30pm: Burnt searchlights

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29 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Burnt searchlights

3.00pm: S.S. "Keyingham" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

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30 September 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

11.30am: S.S. "Remus" undocked

Noon: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived and anchored

12.45pm: S.S. "Elmira" secured to government wharf

12.55pm: S.S. "Akabo" arrived and anchored in stream. Landed dockyard party

1.45pm: 51 ratings joined ship from England

4.00pm: Six seamen and one signalling rating discharged to S.S. "Remus"

8.00pm: Boat-hook lost by accident (iron)

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.


[The month of October has been scanned twice, the second log book has a handwritten "DUPLICATE" statement on it.

The dates have been combined, showing the normal log book first, followed by the "DUPLICATE" log book.

As there are some differences between the two log books, all relevant entries for both log books are given.]

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[Front page]

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[The front page is marked "DUPLICATE" (handwritten)]

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Barometer: mercurial, by Negretti and Zambra, number 286

Thermometer for Air Temperature: inside screen on fore-bridge, screened, one by Cassala, number 685, one by Negretti and Zambra, number 9181

Thermometer for Sea Temperature: one by Perken, number 1070

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1 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.30am: "Sokoto" sailed

7.45am: Dockyard and working parties landed

9.25am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

12.35pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" secured to S.S. "Elmira" at government pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" anchored in stream. Boys at sailing instruction

5.40pm: One signalling rating joined ship from Campo

7.15pm: Able seaman Frank Nelms official number Commissariat Staff Corps 237350 drowned off government wharf at 7.15pm

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: "Sokoto" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

9.25am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

12.35pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" secured to S.S. "Elmira" at government wharf

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" anchored in stream. Boys at sailing instruction

5.20pm: S.S. "Vauban" arrived and anchored in stream

5.40pm: One signaller joined ship from Campo

7.20pm: Able seaman Frank Nelms (official number 237350) drowned near government wharf

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

Frank Nelms is listed at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the National Archives.

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2 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlight

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties and discharged seventeen ratings for England

8.30am: Fifteen ratings discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

9.30am: Two ratings discharged to hospital

10.00am: S.S. "Elmira" cast off government wharf and sailed

4.45pm: One engine room artificer and one petty officer general joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard outlying parties and discharged seventeen ratings for England

8.30am: Fifteen ratings discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

9.30am: Two ratings discharged to hospital

10.00am: S.S. "Elmira" cast off government wharf and sailed

4.45pm: One engine room artificer and one petty officer general joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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3 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

11.05am: S.S. "Keyingham" sailed

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

11.05am: S.S. "Keyingham" sailed

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4 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: Landed boys for exercise

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

4.15pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

4.30pm: One leading seaman joined ship from hospital

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[Page is marked as "Cancelled"]

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Landed boys for exercise

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.15pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

4.30pm: One leading seaman joined ship from hospital

5.00pm: Hands under 21 at physical drill

7.00pm: Body of able seaman Nelms recovered near marine pier [See also 1 October 1915]

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5 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.30am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

12.20pm: S.S. "Keyingham" arrived and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.50pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived and secured to government pier

4.30pm: Landed funeral party for F. Nelms able seaman [See also 1 October 1915]

6.00pm: Funeral party returned

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

12.20pm: S.S. "Keyingham" arrived and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.50pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived and secured to government wharf

4.20pm: Landed funeral party for burial of late able seamen Nelms [See also 1 October 1915]

6.00pm: Funeral party returned

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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6 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

7.50am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived alongside collier (S.S. "Keyingham")

8.30am: One officer and two ratings joined from ship from Nyong

1.45pm: Landed dockyard party

2.00pm: Inspection boys' bedding

5.30pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" left S.S. "Keyingham" and anchored in stream

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

7.50am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" secured alongside collier

8.30am: One officer and two ratings joined from ship from Nyong

9.30am: Two lost marine soldiers discharged to barracks

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Boys' bedding inspected

4.55pm: Men under 21 to physical drill

5.30pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" left S.S. "Keyingham" and anchored in stream

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7 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard

8.30am: Landed salvage party government wharf

10.10am: One rating discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: Landed salvage party government wharf

10.10am: One rating discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

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8 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

8.30am: Landed salvage party

9.20am: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and anchored in stream

12.30pm: "Sokoto" arrived and secured to government pier

1.05pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties and discharged one able seaman to diving boat

3.05pm: S.S. "Amerique" secured to government wharf

4.50pm: Men under 21 at drill (physical)

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: Landed salvage party

9.20am: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and anchored in stream

12.30pm: "Sokoto" arrived and secured to government wharf

1.05pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties and discharged one able seaman to diving boat

2.00pm: Painters painting captain's cabin

3.05pm: S.S. "Amerique" secured to government wharf

4.50pm: Hands under 21 at physical drill

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

According to the same book "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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9 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.30am: Landed salvage party

8.50am: One leading seaman and one ordinary seaman joined ship from hospital

1.45pm: Dockyard parties landed

4.05pm: S.S. "Lagos" arrived and secured to government wharf

4.25pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored in stream

4.45pm: One private (marines) joined ship from Nyong

5.15pm: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: Landed salvage party

9.00am: One leading seaman and one ordinary seaman joined ship from hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.05pm: S.S. "Lagos" arrived and secured to government wharf

4.25pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored in stream. S.S. "Lagos" anchored in stream

4.45pm: One private R.M.L.I. joined ship from Nyong

5.15pm: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

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10 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.45am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

7.45am: S.S. "Bayonnaise" secured to government wharf

8.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

9.15am: H.M.S. "Lala" sailed for Edéa

3.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" proceeded to base

5.00pm: Two ratings joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth" – one telegraphist, one ordinary seaman

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.45am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

7.45am: S.S. "Bayonnaise" secured to government wharf

8.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

9.15am: H.M.S. "Lala" sailed for Edéa

3.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" proceeded to base

5.00pm: Two ratings joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

A probable reference to "La Bayonnaise" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a torpedo.

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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11 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: S.S. "Bayonnaise" sailed

6.10am: S.S. "Lagos" secured to government pier. Boys and marines landed for exercise

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

9.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured to government pier

Noon: S.S. "Lagos" left government pier and secured alongside

1.45pm: Dockyard and working parties landed

3.30pm: S.S. "Lagos" cast off and sailed. Four privates and one sergeant marines with one able seaman discharged to S.S. "Lagos" for passage to Campo

5.00pm: Read warrant number 119

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: S.S. "Bayonnaise" sailed

6.10am: S.S. "Lagos" secured to government pier. Marines and boys landed for exercise

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured to government wharf

Noon: S.S. "Lagos" left government wharf and secured alongside ship

1.45pm: Dockyard and outlying parties landed

3.30pm: S.S. "Lagos" cast off ship and sailed. One sergeant and four privates R.M.L.I. and one able seaman discharged to S.S. "Lagos" for passage to Campo

5.30pm: Read warrant number 119

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12 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

8.05am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" left government pier and anchored in stream

8.40am: S.S. "Akabo" secured to government pier

8.45am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" anchored in stream

8.50am: Hands employed provisioning ship and painting captain's cabin. Three hands with gunner re-stowing empties in magazine

9.10am: "Imerheti" arrived and anchored ["Imerheti" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Iméréthie"]

9.20am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

10.20am: "Imerheti" secured to government pier ["Imerheti" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Iméréthie"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.05pm: S.S. "Remus" secured alongside kerosine pier

4.50pm: Men under 21 at physical drill

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.05am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" left government wharf and anchored in stream

8.50am: Hands employed provisioning ship and painting captain's cabin. Three hands with gunner re-stowing empties in magazine

9.10am: "Imerhete" arrived and anchored ["Imerhete" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Iméréthie"]

9.20am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

10.20am: "Imerhete" secured to government wharf ["Imerhete" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Iméréthie"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.05pm: S.S. "Remus" secured alongside kerosine pier

4.50pm: Hands under 21 to physical drill

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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13 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.20am: Divers clearing inlets on ship's bottom

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.30am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.00pm: Seven ratings joined ship from mail boat

3.00pm: Discharged ratings for H.M.S. "Rinaldo" and H.M.S. "Sirius". Sent mails for Nyong and Campo by H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

4.00pm: "Sokoto" arrived

4.45pm: One leading seaman and three able seamen joined ship from S.S. "Remus"

5.00pm: One leading telegraphist joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.20am: Divers clearing inlets on ship's bottom

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Seven ratings joined ship from mail boat

3.00pm: Discharged ratings for H.M.S. "Rinaldo" and H.M.S. "Sirius"

4.00pm: "Sokoto" arrived

4.45pm: One leading seaman and three able seamen discharged to S.S. "Remus"

4.50pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

5.00pm: One leading telegraphist joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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14 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

1.55am: Sighted drifting lighter dredger

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.10am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

9.00am: Ordinary seamen's gunnery class landed for drill and two buglers for practise

9.10am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

11.30am: S.S. "Haussa" came out of dock and anchored in stream

2.10pm: Boys muster bags

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

1.55am: Sighted drifting lighter dredger. Picked up by H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.10am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

9.00am: Ordinary seamen gunnery class landed; also two buglers for practise

9.10am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

11.30am: S.S. "Haussa" left dock and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.10pm: Boys muster bags

4.50pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

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15 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Dockyard parties landed

8.50am: Ordinary seamen gunnery class landed for drill

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

6.00pm: Hands getting in stores from lighter

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Party painting captain's cabin

8.50am: Ordinary seamen gunnery class landed for drill

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

6.00pm: Hands getting in stores from lighter

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16 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.10am: "Sokoto" sailed

8.25am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

10.20am: "Imerithoe" sailed ["Imerithoe" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Iméréthie"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived and anchored in stream

4caf8406cadfd3419700482b: (

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties.

8.10am: "Sokoto" sailed

8.25am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

10.20am: "Imerithie" sailed ["Imerithie" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Iméréthie"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived and anchored in stream

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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17 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.15am: Commander sergeant, three seamen, one ship's steward assistant and one corporal of marines discharged to S.S. "Elmira" for passage to England

7.00am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" left government pier for base

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

1.55pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived. S.S. "Haussa" left government pier

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: Commander sergeant, three seamen, one ship's steward assistant and one corporal R.M.L.I. discharged to S.S. "Elmira" for passage to England

7.00am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" left government wharf for base

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

1.55pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sighted entering harbour. S.S. "Haussa" left government wharf

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18 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.30am: Hands getting 4.7 inch gun ready for leaving ship

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.30am: One sergeant and four privates West Indian Regiment discharged to barracks

9.10am: Hands getting 4.7 inch gun ready for leaving ship

10.00am: 4.7 inch gun placed in lighter

10.45am: Water tank arrived alongside

10.50am: 4.7 inch gun left ship for dockyard

1.45pm: Landed dockyard party

3.00pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

4.00pm: Hands getting in stores

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Hands getting 4.7 inch gun ready for leaving ship

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: One sergeant and four privates West Indian Regiment discharged to barracks

9.10am: Hands preparing 4.7 inch gun to leave ship

10.00am: 4.7 inch gun placed in lighter

10.50am: 4.7 inch gun left ship for dockyard

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.00pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

4.00pm: Hands getting in stores

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19 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.15am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

7.30am: S.S. "Lagos" arrived

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

9.00am: Ordinary seamen's class landed

11.30am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

11.55am: S.S. "Lagos" anchored in stream

12.10pm: "Sokoto" arrived

1.10pm: One officer joined ship from England

1.45pm: Dockyard and working parties landed. Men working about 4.7 inch gun landed

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: Boys landed for exercise

6.15am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

7.30am: S.S. "Lagos" arrived

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Ordinary seamen's gunner class landed

11.30am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

11.55am: S.S. "Lagos" anchored in stream

12.10pm: "Sokoto" arrived

1.10pm: One officer joined ship from England

1.45pm: Dockyard and outlying parties landed, together with men working about 4.7 inch gun

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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20 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

9.30am: One petty officer and eight hands returned from H.M.S. "Porpoise"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties and party painting after deck

9.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and anchored

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30am: One petty officer and eight hands returned from H.M.S. "Porpoise"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties and party painting after deck

5.00pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

9.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and anchored

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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21 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.00am: "Sokoto" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties. Twelve coal barrows lent to H.M.S. "Dwarf" for coaling

8.00am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived secured alongside S.S. "Keyingham"

9.30am: One officer discharged to hospital. Boys boat sailing

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties. One petty officer and five able seamen discharged to S.S. "Sir Hugh"

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.00am: "Sokoto" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Twelve barrows lent to H.M.S. "Dwarf" for coaling

8.00am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived secured alongside S.S. "Keyingham"

9.00am: Boys at boat sailing

9.30am: One officer discharged to hospital.

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. One petty officer and five able seamen discharged to S.S. "Sir Hugh"

2.00pm: Boys muster bags

4.50pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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22 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.45am: Ordinary seamen's training class landed for drill. Twelve coal barrows returned from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

9.15am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

12.25pm: S.S. "Fullah" cast off S.S. "Keyingham" and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard party

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.45am: Ordinary seamen's gunnery class landed. Twelve coal barrows returned from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

9.15am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

12.35pm: S.S. "Fullah" cast off S.S. "Keyingham" and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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23 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.40am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

10.30am: N.G.Y. "Ivy" weighed anchor and proceeded to dock

7.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.40am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

10.30am: N.G.Y. "Ivy" weighed anchor and proceeded to floating dock

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

N.G.Y. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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24 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.15am: S.S. "Burutu" sailed

7.45am: Landed carpenters' working party

8.05am: S.S. "Haussa" arrived alongside government pier

10.50am: Hands for survey from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

11.10am: S.S. "Haussa" left government pier

2.15pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" weighed anchor and proceeded to government pier

5.30pm: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.15am: S.S. "Burutu" sailed

7.45am: Landed carpenters' working party

8.05am: S.S. "Haussa" arrived alongside government wharf

10.50am: Hands for survey from H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived on board

11.10am: S.S. "Haussa" left government wharf

2.15pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" weighed anchor and proceeded to government wharf

3.55pm: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

A probable reference to S.S. "Burutu" mentions it was sunk after a collision with S.S. "City of Calcutta" in 1918, taking 148 lives with her.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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25 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" left government pier for base

6.30am: Field gun's crew landed for drill

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.00am: One officer returned from hospital

1.15pm: "Ivy" anchored

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.40pm: S.S. "Vauban" anchored in stream

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" cast off government wharf and proceeded to base

6.30am: Field gun's crew landed for drill

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: One officer returned from hospital

1.15pm: "Ivy" anchored

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.40pm: S.S. "Vauban" anchored in stream

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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26 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.15am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived and secured to government wharf. S.S. "Bayonnaise" anchored in stream

10.00am: One rating discharged to hospital

11.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" cast off government pier and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.50pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

4.45pm: One leading signalman discharged to "Ivy"

5.00pm: Watch reeling up 3½ inch wire and re-rigging side stays

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.15am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived and secured to government wharf. S.S. "La Bayonnaise" arrived and anchored in stream

10.00am: One rating discharged to hospital

11.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" cast off government pier and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.50pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

2.00pm: Boys mustering bedding

2.50pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

4.45pm: One leading signalman discharged to "Ivy"

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill. Watch reeling up 3½ inch wire and re-rigging side stays

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

A probable reference to "La Bayonnaise" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a torpedo.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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27 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

6.30am: Landed field gun's crew

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.25am: S.S. "Fullah" anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.00pm: One rating discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth" and one to S.S. "Remus". Field gun's crew to drill

7.25pm: One able seaman returned from S.S. "Remus"

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Landed field gun's crew

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.25am: S.S. "Fullah" anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Boys mustering bags

4.00pm: One rating discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth" and one to S.S. "Remus". Field gun's crew to drill

4.50pm: Ordinary seamen to physical drill

7.25pm: One able seaman returned from S.S. "Remus"

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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28 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

9.15am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

10.10am: S.S. "Mende" arrived alongside government pier [S.S. "Mende" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Mendi"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

4.00pm: Landed field gun's crew

4.50pm: Boys and ordinary seamen to physical drill

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.15am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

10.10am: S.S. "Mende" arrived alongside government wharf [S.S. "Mende" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Mendi"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.00pm: Landed field gun's crew

4.50pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

A probable reference to S.S. "Mendi" mentions it was sunk after a collision with steamer "Darco" in 1917, taking more than 650 lives with her.

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29 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlight

6.35am: S.S. "Mende" cast off government pier and anchored in stream [S.S. "Mende" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Mendi"]

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.00am: S.S. "Mende" and S.S. "Haussa" sailed [S.S. "Mende" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Mendi"]

10.00am: One ordinary seaman discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.50pm: Boys and ordinary seamen to physical drill

5.55pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" [arrived]

6.00pm: Two ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: Field gun's crew landed for drill

6.35am: S.S. "Mendi" cast off government wharf and anchored

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: S.S. "Mendi" and S.S. "Haussa" sailed

10.00am: One ordinary seaman discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Boys working clothes

4.50pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

5.55pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

6.00pm: Two ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

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30 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

7.00am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

10.20am: "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside government pier

11.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" cast off from S.S. "Keyingham" and anchored in stream

4.15pm: S.S. "Keyingham" removed to government pier

5.00pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" and S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

5.15pm: Eight able seamen discharged to "Ivy"

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.00am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

10.20am: "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

11.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" cast off from S.S. "Keyingham" and anchored in stream

4.15pm: S.S. "Keyingham" changed billet to government wharf

5.00pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" and S.S. "Le Gabon" sailed

5.15pm: Eight able seamen discharged to "Ivy"

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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31 October 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

9.40am: "Ivy" sailed

10.15am: Two ratings from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

2.20am: S.S. "Keyingham" arrived from base and secured alongside government wharf

6.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" for hospital

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12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.40am: "Ivy" sailed

10.15am: Received two ratings from H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

2.20am: S.S. "Keyingham" arrived from base and secured alongside government wharf

6.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" for hospital

[End of October 1915 duplications]

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[The front page is marked DUPLICATE. Previous copy sent in [R.M.S.] "Appam" (handwritten)]

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Barometer: mercurial, by Negretti and Zambra, number 286

Thermometer for Air Temperature: inside screen on fore-bridge, screened, one by Cassala, number 685, one by Negretti and Zambra, number 9181

Thermometer for Sea Temperature: one by Perken, number 1070

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1 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Landed field gun's crew for drill

7.30am: Discharged nine ratings to S.S. "Apapa" for passage to England

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.40am: S.S. "Keyingham" sailed for base

9.15am: Ordinary seamen landed for rifle drill with two buglers for practise

11.30am: Paid monthly money

1.30pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.50pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

5.30pm: Provision lighter made fast alongside

6.10pm: S.S. "Keyingham" arrived from base and secured alongside government wharf

A probable reference to S.S. "Apapa" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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2 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Field gun's crew landed for drill

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.00am: One able seaman discharged to hospital

12.35pm: S.S. "Keyingham" left government wharf and anchored

12.55pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived alongside government wharf

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.10pm: One stoker rating rejoined from S.S. "Lomé"

4.45pm: S.S. "Vauban" anchored in stream

4.55pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

5.35pm: S.S. "Belmore" anchored [S.S. "Belmore" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Balmore"]

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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3 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.45am: S.S. "Keyingham" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.45am: One boy discharged to hospital. S.S. "Remus" sailed

10.15am: One stoker rating discharged to S.S. "Lomé"

10.30am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

11.00am: S.S. "Haussa" left for wrecks

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and anchored

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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4 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.50am: "Sokoto" arrived alongside to take boys

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.15am: One signaller joined ship from Nyong

11.10am: Boiler water lighter secured alongside

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Three ratings discharged to S.S. "Fullah"

4.20pm: Landed funeral party

6.30pm: Funeral party returned

8.00pm: Three marines and corporal discharged to S.S. "Belmore" on duty [S.S. "Belmore" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Balmore"]

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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5 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.15am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" undocked

12.50pm: "Sokoto" secured alongside and discharged boys

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.55pm: "Sokoto" left for government wharf

4.50pm: Boys to physical drill

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6 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.45pm: Landed S.S. "Anna Woermann" party

1.55pm: One able seaman discharged to diving boat

2.30pm: "Sokoto" weighed anchor and made fast alongside government wharf

6.30pm: S.S. "Lagos" arrived and anchored in stream

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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7 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

8.45am: One rating discharged to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

9.50am: "Sokoto" sailed

1.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from diving boat

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8 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.45am: Landed ordinary seamen's rifle class and field gun's crew. Ordinary seaman Hiscock lost rifle overboard

6.15am: Landed boys

7.40am: H.M.S. "Sirius" anchored

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Marine arms inspected

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

5.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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9 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.45am: Landed ordinary seamen's rifle party

6.55am: S.S. "Lagos" secured alongside

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

7.55am: S.S. "Lagos" cast off

9.30am: One stoker rating discharged to hospital

11.45am: Holts' lighter and steamboat examined before passage to sea

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties and discharged lieutenant Thompson, one signaller and one marine for Campo

3.15pm: S.S. "Lagos" sailed. Landed range party

4.05pm: Three ratings joined from S.S. "Fullah"

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill. S.S. "Keyingham" left for base

6.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

Holts' lighter is most probably a reference to the John Holt plc company.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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10 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties; also ordinary seamen's rifle party and field gun's crew

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Hands muster hammocks

3.30pm: Landed range party

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

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11 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties and discharged three seamen to H.M.S. "Porpoise"

8.00am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

9.30am: One rating discharged to hospital

4.40pm: S.S. "Haussa" anchored

4.55pm: Boys to physical drill

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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12 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Temporary lieutenant J.A. Jones, R.N.R., joined ship under open arrest from H.M.T. "Lagos" [A contemporary H.M.T. "Lagos" doesn't exist, it should most probably be S.S. "Lagos"]

7.15am: One seaman petty officer first class (late H.M.S. "Rinaldo") and one boy discharged to S.S. "Mendi" en route for England

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.15am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

9.30am: One able seaman joined ship from S.S. "Haussa"

9.45am: One able seaman joined ship from S.S. "Haussa"

10.50am: S.S. "Lagos" anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored

2.00pm: Boys muster bags

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

A probable reference to S.S. "Mendi" mentions it was sunk after a collision with steamer "Darco" in 1917, taking more than 650 lives with her.

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13 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Rifle lost by ordinary seaman Hiscock recovered

11.40am: S.S. "Keyingham" left government wharf and anchored

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

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14 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.30am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

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15 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: One able seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Lala"

7.45am: Discharged dockyard and outlying parties

9.20am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

10.00am: Five ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sick. Two able seamen joined from picket boat. One sail-maker’s mate lent from H.M.S. "Rinaldo". One marine joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth" sick

12.15pm: S.S. "Lomé" proceeded on steam trial. One able seaman joined ship from Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.05pm: S.S. "Lomé" arrived and anchored

4.50pm: Ordinary seamen and boys to physical drill

6.30pm: One marine discharged to depot

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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16 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: "Sokoto" sailed for base

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.10am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

10.30am: S.S. "Lagos" arrived and secured alongside railway jetty. Lieutenants White and Jones joined ship from Nyong

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Received one seaman as prisoner from S.S. "Akabo"

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

7.25pm: One stoker rating placed under sentry charge

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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17 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

1.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: S.S. "Lagos" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30am: One signaller discharged to hospital

10.00am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one stoker petty officer and three stokers to S.S. "Fullah"

2.00pm: Boys muster bedding

3.50pm: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

3.55pm: Three ratings joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

5.00pm: Boys at physical drill

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18 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. S.S. "Remus" arrived alongside government wharf

5.00pm: Boys at physical drill

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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19 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.45am: Landed Roman Catholics funeral party

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: Roman Catholics funeral party returned

9.30am: Three able seamen discharged to Dibombi post. One boy discharged to hospital [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

11.00am: "Ivy" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

11.45am: "Lala" arrived alongside ship and "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside Woermann pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.30pm: Two able seamen joined ship from diving boat.

5.00pm: Boys at physical drill

9.00pm: Two ratings brought aboard under escort

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Lala" is a British armed lighter.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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20 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.10am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

2.15pm: Warrant officer's cook and one boy joined ship from hospital

2.30pm: Two able seamen discharged to S.S. "Haussa"

3.25pm: S.S. "Lagos" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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21 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored

5.00pm: One leading seaman discharged to "Manatee" and two able seamen to "Ivy"

6.15pm: One shipwright joined ship from H.M.S. "Sirius"

7.15pm: One corporal and four privates R.M.L.I. joined ship from H.M.T. "Lagos" [A contemporary H.M.T. "Lagos" doesn't exist, it should most probably be S.S. "Lagos"]

"Manatee" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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22 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

1.30am: Temporary lieutenant Jones R.N.R. freed from arrest and rejoined H.M.T. "Lagos" [A contemporary H.M.T. "Lagos" doesn't exist, it should most probably be S.S. "Lagos"]

6.00am: Marines landed for drill

7.30am: Marines returned

7.40am: S.S. "Lagos" cast off from government wharf and anchored

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.20pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived and anchored

4.30pm: One leading signaller joined ship from hospital. One ship's steward's assistant joined from H.M.S. "Sirius"

4.50pm: H.M.S. "Sirius" sailed

5.00pm: Ordinary seamen and boys at physical drill

6.30pm: Two ratings discharged to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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23 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: H.M.S. "Sirius" sailed from base

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.45am: Provisions lighter made fast alongside

8.50am: Hands provisioning ship

9.30am: One engine room artificer discharged to hospital

9.50am: S.S. "Haussa" left for wrecks

10.20am: "Lala" sailed

10.50am: Finished provisioning ship and dispatched lighter to government wharf

11.10am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" cast off government wharf and anchored

1.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Boys muster bags

8.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" for survey

"Lala" is a British armed lighter.

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24 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.15am: One able seaman discharged to Dibombi post [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

9.30am: S.S. "Abinsi" secured alongside government wharf

11.00am: S.S. "Egwanga" arrived and secured alongside collier "Keyingham"

11.30am: Five marines and two ratings joined ship from England

12.45pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

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25 November 1915:

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

11.45am: Three able seamen joined ship from Dibombi post [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.00pm: Discharged one prisoner to S.S. "Akabo"

4.50pm: Two ratings discharged to "Sokoto" and one to S.S. "Keyingham". One wind-sail 17 feet long lent to S.S. "Akabo"

5.00pm: Boys and ordinary seamen at physical drill

5.55pm: Two ratings joined from "Sokoto"

6.00pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived and anchored in stream

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

According to the same book "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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26 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

6.45am: Two Kroomen discharged to S.S. "Keyingham"

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: S.S. "Keyingham" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Watch employed taking in ammunition

2.30pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" anchored

3.45pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill. Six stoker ratings discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth". One seaman and one marine to H.M.S. "Dwarf"

6.10pm: Four leading stokers and two stoker ratings joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

6.30pm: One marine discharged to H.M.S. "Dwarf"

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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27 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.15am: Discharged nine ratings and one marine for passage to England

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.10am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

8.50am: "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside Woermann pier

10.00am: One petty officer first class, one sick berth steward, one cook's mate and two stoker ratings discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth" and one leading stoker joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth" sick

Noon: One officer joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth" sick

1.30pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed. One engine room artificer joined ship from hospital

4.00pm: One stoker discharged to hospital

4.50pm: Read warrant number 121

6.00pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived alongside government wharf

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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28 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.20am: S.S. "Egwanga" sailed

10.00am: S.S. "Sozette" sailed

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29 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

10.00am: "Ivy" and "Crocodile" arrived

11.55am: One able seaman and one marine joined ship

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Cable party drawing telephone cable from dockyard

3.45pm: One stoker rating joined ship from hospital

5.00pm: Boys at physical drill. Cable party laying cable from ship to H.M.S. "Challenger" pier

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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30 November 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged three marines to "Ivy" for Campo

3.30pm: "Ivy" sailed

4.30pm: Landed funeral party

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill


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Barometer: mercurial, by Negretti and Zambra, number 286, height of cistern above sea 10 feet

Thermometer for Air Temperature: inside screen on fore-bridge, screened, one by Cassala, number 685, one by Negretti and Zambra, number 9181

Thermometer for Sea Temperature: one by Perken, number 1070

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1 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.15am: "Sokoto" sailed

11.00am: S.S. "Accra" sailed

11.05am: Paid monthly money

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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2 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.20am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.00pm: One private R.M.L.I. discharged to hospital

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

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3 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.50am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" secured alongside government pier

1.00pm: Discharged one able seaman to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

1.40pm: One leading seaman from S.S. "Anna Woermann". "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside Woermann pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.50pm: Boys to physical drill

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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4 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: One leading seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Lala"

6.50am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured alongside government pier

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.45pm: One leading stoker discharged to hospital

3.15pm: Landed shooting team

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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5 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

8.30am: One rating joined ship from S.S. "Fullah" sick

9.00am: S.S. "Fullah" cast off from ship and took fifteen ratings to salvage wreck

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6 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.45am: "Sokoto" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.00am: Water lighter made fast alongside

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.15pm: Finished watering ship

3.15pm: Water lighter cast off

4.30pm: One leading seaman and one stoker joined ship from hospital

5.00pm: Hands clearing provision lighter

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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7 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.40am: Hands stowing provisions in lighter for outlying parties at Nyong and Campo

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.20am: One signal rating joined ship from hospital

11.30am: S.S. "Fullah" anchored

11.35am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" anchored

12.05pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" made fast to government pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one stoker to S.S. "Fullah"

2.45pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" anchored in stream

4.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

4.40pm: One R.N.R. seaman and two marines joined ship from hospital

11.15pm: One native Krooman died

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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8 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

7.15am: Landed dead Krooman

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.30am: S.S. "Knutsford" arrived

11.00am: One petty officer, two able seamen and five marines joined ship from England

1.40pm: One stoker rating joined ship from hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

2.45pm: Two ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

3.00pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

4.00pm: S.S. "Knutsford" made fast alongside

5.45pm: Messrs. Holts' lighter arrived alongside for examination

A probable reference to S.S. "Knutsford" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by the German submarine U-39.

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

Holts' lighter is most probably a reference to the John Holt plc company.

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9 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.40am: Commenced coaling

7.45am: Landed dockyard party

8.00am: French gunboat "Amerique" sailed [No reference found to a French gunboat "Amerique", but there was a trawler "Amerique" owned by the French Navy during the war and sunk by a torpedo in 1917]

8.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

10.50am: "Ivy" and S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

12.50pm: Hands coaling ship

1.45pm: Landed dockyard party

4.00pm: Finished coaling, having taken in 403 tons. Discharged one stoker to "Sokoto"

4.25pm: S.S. "Knutsford" cast off from alongside

4.45pm: One stoker joined ship from "Sokoto"

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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10 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.50am: S.S. "Fullah" left moorings and made fast alongside S.S. "Knutsford"

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

10.30am: S.S. "Akabo" arrived

10.45am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" left government pier and anchored in stream. S.S. "Akabo" proceeded alongside government pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

3.20pm: "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside marine pier

4.00pm: "Sokoto" proceeded to government pier

4.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" sailed. Hands clearing provisions lighter

6.00pm: "Sokoto" secured alongside

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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11 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.05am: One warrant officer, one sergeant, one chief stoker, seven privates, six seamen and six stokers sent to Dibombi post [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.30pm: "Ivy" sailed

4.00pm: "Sokoto" arrived

4.45pm: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

4.50pm: One prisoner from S.S. "Akabo" joined ship

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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12 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.50am: Landed floating dock party

9.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

Noon: Dock party returned

2.45pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived and made fast alongside collier

3.05pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" left collier and anchored in stream

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13 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.30am: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

11.10am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" cast off collier and anchored in stream

Noon: S.S. "Lagos" came out of dock and anchored in stream. S.S. "Akabo" under weigh and proceeded alongside collier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

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14 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.20am: Read warrant number 122

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Nine hands lent to diving boat to salvage wreck. Discharged one corporal, two privates R.M.L.I. and one prisoner to S.S. "Sir Hugh"

2.00pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

2.45pm: S.S. "Remus" secured alongside collier

3.10pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

6.15pm: S.S. "Remus" secured alongside government pier

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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15 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: S.S. "Remus" sailed for wrecks

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

9.30am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

10.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

10.45am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" secured alongside government pier

12.10pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" cast off from government pier and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

4.50pm: Boys to physical drill

11.20pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" changed anchorage

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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16 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.50am: One fire engine returned from wrecks

9.30am: One boy discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Boys mustering clean hammocks

2.35pm: "Sokoto" made fast alongside government pier

4.30pm: One boy joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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17 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.10am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

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18 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.00am: Discharged one stoker to "Sokoto" for passage to Dibombi post [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

11.50 "Sokoto" sailed. S.S. "Akabo" cast off from collier and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.20pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived and anchored in stream

4.15pm: Thirteen ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" to await passage to England

5.30pm: One able seaman joined ship from S.S. "Anna Woermann"

6.30pm: One rating (H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sail-maker’s mate) discharged to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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19 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

8.20am: S.S. "Lagos" secured alongside collier

9.10am: "Sokoto" arrived

10.15am: One leading stoker joined ship from "Sokoto"

10.40am: S.S. "Lagos" cast off from collier

10.55am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" weighed anchor and proceeded down stream

3.10pm: S.S. "Lagos" and French gunboat "Vauban" sailed [No reference to a French gunboat "Vauban" found, but there is a contemporary S.S. "Vauban"]

7.15pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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20 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: S.S. "Remus" under weigh and proceeded alongside government wharf

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.00am: One able seaman R.F.R. discharged to hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.55pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" anchored in stream

5.15pm: Lighter number 38 made fast astern

5.30pm: French transport S.S. "Loiret" arrived and anchored in stream

11.00pm: Two ratings joined ship from Dibombi accidentally wounded [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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21 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.45am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" weighed anchor and proceeded alongside collier

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties. Discharged one Krooman to "Margaret Elizabeth"

9.30am: Two ratings discharged to hospital. "Abo" left for Mayo river with lighter and two officers, one leading seaman and eight boys [No reference found to "Abo", but it might be misspelled and be S.S. "Akabo"]

10.30am: One private R.M.L.I. joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

11.50am: One sub-lieutenant joined ship from hospital

Noon: S.S. "Forcados" docked. H.M.S. "Dwarf" cast off from collier and proceeded to government wharf

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

2.45pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

5.00pm: One private R.M.L.I. joined ship from hospital

5.15pm: Leading stoker discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth". Two petty officers first class and one leading stoker joined ship from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

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22 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.50am: One petty officer first class and three marines discharged to H.M.S. "Dwarf" for Campo

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.10am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" sailed

Noon: Two able seamen joined ship from H.M.S. "Porpoise"

1.10pm: "Walrus" left for base

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties. "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

4.50pm: Hands clearing provision lighter

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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23 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.40am: Hands striking down provisions and clearing upper decks

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

7.50am: H.M.S. "Sirius" arrived

8.45am: One seaman petty officer first class and one marine joined ship from Nyong

9.45am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" weighed anchor and proceeded to base

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. One marine discharged to H.M.S. "Sirius"

2.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived and made fast government pier

3.15pm: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

4.30pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" anchored in stream

4.45pm: Two ratings joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth". S.S. "Haussa" secured alongside government wharf

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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[Page is marked CANCELLED]

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24 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.15am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

9.30am: One corporal and two marine privates joined ship from S.S. "Sir Hugh"

10.30am: S.S. "Forcados" undocked

2.40pm: Lighter secured alongside with fresh water (boiler)

3.30pm: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

5.30pm: Cast off water lighter

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25 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

8.10am: Holy communion

11.40am: S.S. "Freda" arrived and anchored in stream

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26 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlight

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

9.40am: French transport S.S. "Loiret" sailed

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27 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.00am: Discharged twenty-five ratings to S.S. "Karina" for England

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: S.S. "Karina" left government wharf and anchored in stream

8.30am: S.S. "Karina" sailed

8.50am: Divers examining propellers and cleaning valves. One signaller rating discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

1.00pm: Lighter with ship's stores secured alongside

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.15pm: Two carpenter ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Sirius"

4.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived from wrecks and secured alongside government pier

7.30pm: Twenty-one ratings joined ship from Dibombi post [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

A probable reference to S.S. "Karina" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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28 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.20am: "Sokoto" cast off from ship and proceeded to government wharf

7.50am: Landed dockyard and working parties

1.00pm: S.S. "Vauban" arrived

1.30pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived alongside kerosine pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" cast off from government pier and anchored in pier

2.30pm: Eight boys and one leading seaman joined ship from Victoria

5.30pm: One petty officer first class, three able seamen, one signaller and three ordinary seamen joined ship from S.S. "Remus"

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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29 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.45am: S.S. "Forcados" under weigh and proceeded alongside government wharf

11.30am: S.S. "Forcados" anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

5.15pm: Three ratings discharged to S.S. "Sir Hugh"

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30 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.50am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

9.40am: Prize ship S.S. "Lomé" proceeded on steam trial

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

2.20pm: S.S. "Fullah" cast off from government wharf and anchored in stream. S.S. "Forcados" secured government wharf

3.15pm: S.S. "Lomé" returned and anchored in stream

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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31 December 1915

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

11.45am: One able seaman (sick) joined ship from diving boat

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged two able seamen, one ordinary seaman and one armourer's crew to S.S. "Fullah"

2.40pm: S.S. "Vauban" sailed. Three able seamen and one armourer's crew joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

3.00pm: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

4.45pm: Two ratings discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

4.50pm: Boys to physical drill

6.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from from "Margaret Elizabeth"

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.


JP map Astraea 1916


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Barometer: mercurial, by Negretti and Zambra, number 286

Thermometer for Air Temperature: inside screen on fore-bridge, screened, one by Cassala, number 685, one by Negretti and Zambra, number 9181

Thermometer for Sea Temperature: one by Perken, number 1070

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1 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

9.15am: "Ivy" arrived

11.10am: S.S. "Freda" sailed

4.00pm: French transport S.S. "Loiret" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

4.10pm: S.S. "Relentless" arrived and anchored in stream

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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2 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.45am: S.S. "Loiret" cast off from government wharf and anchored in stream

1.45pm: One chief petty officer, one petty officer first class and eight boys discharged to S.S. "Sir Hugh" for passage to Victoria

2.15pm: S.S. "Freda" arrived

3.50pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

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3 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.10am: Water lighter secured alongside ship with boiler water

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

10.30am: Water lighter cast off. Thirty eight tons received

12.50pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.00pm: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

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4 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.45pm: One wireless operator discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth". Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.30pm: S.S. "Knutsford" sailed

5.15pm: S.S. "Elmina" arrived and secured to government wharf

5.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" under weigh and proceeded to wrecks

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Knutsford" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by the German submarine U-39.

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5 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Seven ratings discharged to S.S. "Remus"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: Two able seamen discharged to "Ivy" for H.M.S. "Vigilant"

2.30pm: "Walrus" arrived alongside with stores

4.00pm: S.S. "Loiret" sailed

4.20pm: "Ivy" left. S.S. "Forcados" arrived. S.S. "Amerique" sailed

4.50pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" and S.S. "Elmina" sailed

5.30pm: S.S. "Amerique" anchored in stream

5.50pm: S.S. "Akabo" secured alongside government wharf

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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6 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.40am: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.10am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

11.20am: Dockyard and outlying parties returned on board for payment

11.30am: Paid monthly money

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.30pm: S.S. "Akabo" cast off from government pier and anchored in stream

4.00pm: S.S. "Loiret" secured alongside government wharf

6.15pm: S.S. "Amerique" arrived

6.40pm: S.S. "Loiret" cast off government wharf and anchored in stream

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7 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

5.50am: "Sokoto" cast off from Woermann pier

6.15am: Discharged one able seaman to diving boat

7.20am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

7.50am: S.S. "Fullah" secured alongside government pier

8.50am: S.S. "Fullah" anchored in stream

9.00am: S.S. "Loiret" secured alongside railway pier. "Admiral Duperre" arrived and secured alongside government pier ["Admiral Duperre" is most probably misspelled and should be French transport "Amiral Duperre"]

9.30am: S.S. "Relentless" secured alongside S.S. "Lomé"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.50pm: One boy joined ship from hospital

5.00pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

According to the same book "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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8 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one engine room artificer to S.S. "Fullah"

8.15am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

9.15am: S.S. "Loiret" sailed

10.00am: One boy discharged to hospital

Noon: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

12.45pm: "Sokoto" arrived

1.00pm: Lieutenant Clark left ship for S.S. "Forcados" for passage to Campo

2.50pm: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

3.20pm: One petty officer first class, four able seamen, one ordinary seaman and one Q.S. joined ship from H.M.S. "Porpoise"

3.30pm: One able seaman from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" joined ship from hospital

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9 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

8.10am: "Admiral Duperre" sailed ["Admiral Duperre" is most probably misspelled and should be French transport "Amiral Duperre"]

3.50pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived and went alongside collier

5.00pm: Discharged one able seaman to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

6.10pm: One marine joined ship from Nyong sick

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10 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

9.30am: One stoker joined ship from hospital and one stoker (diver) joined from H.M.S. "Sirius"

9.35am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

11.00am: S.S. "Forcados" cast off government wharf and anchored in stream

11.30am: S.S. "Loiret" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.30pm: One stoker (diver) discharged to diving boat

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11 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.55am: One shipwright petty officer first class, one cooper petty officer first class, one marine private and for boys discharged to mail steamer for England

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.05am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

8.30am: S.S. "Loiret" sailed

11.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" cast off collier and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

6.40pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

7.30pm: Three able seamen joined ship from Campo

9.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sick

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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12 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.30am: Discharged one private R.M.L.I. to H.M.S. "Rinaldo" for passage to Nyong

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

8.35am: "Sokoto" sailed

8.45am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

1.00pm: Discharged one petty officer first class, four able seamen, one Q.S. and one ordinary seaman to H.M.S. "Porpoise"

1.30pm: S.S. "Loiret" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.30pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

2.50pm: "Sokoto" arrived

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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13 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.20am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.40am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

10.20am: "Sokoto" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

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14 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

8.20am: S.S. "Freda" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

2.50pm: "Sokoto" arrived

3.50pm: S.S. "Akabo" arrived

4.10pm: Lighter secured alongside with boiler water; also provisions lighter

4.20pm: Hands clearing provisions lighter

6.35pm: Provisions lighter cast off

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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15 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.45am: Water lighter cast off

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30am: Discharged one able seaman R.F.R. to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

10.20am: "Sokoto" sailed

Noon: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

2.20pm: French transport S.S. "Loiret" sailed and S.S. "North Wales" arrived and anchored in stream

3.45pm: S.S. "Vauban" arrived and secured alongside government wharf; "Manatee" anchored in stream

A probable reference to S.S. "North Wales" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

"Manatee" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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16 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite. Dibombi boat arrived [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

9.30am: Hands mustered by the ledger

9.45am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

10.45am: One chief petty officer, one ship's corporal and eight boys returned on board from S.S. "Sir Hugh"

1.40pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

3.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" cast off government wharf and secured alongside S.S. "North Wales"

5.00pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived alongside government wharf

5.35pm: S.S. "Vauban" arrived

6.50pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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17 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" under weigh and secured alongside collier

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. One leading seaman discharged to S.S. "Fullah"

9.30am: "Sokoto" arrived

10.00am: N.G.Y. "Ivy" arrived

11.30am: S.S. "Forcados" arrived. One leading seaman joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

12.20pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one rating to "Sokoto" and six marines to Campo

2.45pm: Two seamen and one stoker joined ship from "Sokoto"

3.55pm: Two marines joined ship from Royal Navy barracks

4.45pm: One corporal and one private R.M.L.I. discharged to Royal Navy barracks

5.00pm: One leading seaman, for able seamen, one ordinary seaman and one Q.S. joined ship from S.S. "Remus"

6.30pm: S.S. "Freda" and "Walrus" arrived

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

N.G.Y. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

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18 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one able seaman for duty on shore

9.00am: Gun dismounting party for S.S. "Lomé"

9.50am: S.S. "Fullah" docked

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged two ratings to "Ivy" for passage to Campo

2.00pm: One chief petty officer joined ship from S.S. "Haussa"

2.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived. One able seaman joined ship from signalling station

3.00pm: "Ivy" sailed

7.30pm: Two privates R.M.L.I. joined ship from hospital

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19 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: Discharged two petty officers to Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

1.00pm: One able seaman and one ordinary seaman returned to ship from H.M.S. "Salvator"

1.45pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" cast off from S.S. "North Wales" and anchored. Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.40pm: One petty officer and six hands joined ship from H.M.S. "Porpoise"; one armourer from S.S. "Fullah"

A probable reference to S.S. "North Wales" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

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20 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

4.45am: "Sokoto" sailed

6.20am: Sixteen hands rattling down rigging

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. One stoker discharged to S.S. "Fullah"

8.30am: Sixteen hands rattling down rigging

9.15am: S.S. "Remus" left for base

11.40am: "Walrus" arrived. Inspected boys hammocks

1.10pm: One leading seaman joined ship from "Manatee"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.15pm: S.S. "Forcados" anchored in stream

6.00pm: S.S. "Buruto" arrived [S.S. "Buruto" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Burutu"]

6.10pm: S.S. "Freda" arrived

7.30pm: Sixty-eight ratings joined ship from S.S. "Buruto" [S.S. "Buruto" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Burutu"]

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

"Manatee" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

A probable reference to S.S. "Burutu" mentions it was sunk after a collision with S.S. "City of Calcutta" in 1918, taking 148 lives with her.

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21 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.45am: Collier S.S. "Relentless" cast off S.S. "Lomé" and anchored in stream

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30am: S.S. "Relentless" shifted billet

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.10pm: One able seaman discharged to "Crocodile" and thirty-eight ratings for passage in S.S. "Forcados", nineteen for H.M.S. "Dwarf" and nineteen for H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

2.45pm: S.S. "Freda" arrived and secured to Woermann wharf

3.00pm: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

3.15pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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22 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: S.S. "Buruto" sailed [S.S. "Buruto" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Burutu"]

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed for wrecks

4.20pm: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

5.30pm: One leading stoker returned from hospital

5.40pm: S.S. "Haussa" returned and secured alongside government wharf

6.45pm: S.S. "Egba" arrived and anchored in stream

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23 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: S.S. "Haussa" left government wharf and anchored in stream

7.25am: One chief petty officer, one petty officer, twelve able seamen and two signallers wreck party left ship for S.S. "Haussa"

7.30am: S.S. "Remus" secured alongside government wharf

7.45am: S.S. "Haussa" left for wrecks

5.30pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

6.00pm: "Ivy" arrived and anchored in stream

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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24 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights. One rating joined from Dibombi sick [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Laid moorings for boats

9.30am: Lowered boats for soaking

10.00am: Two ratings joined ship from Nyong

11.25am: S.S. "Forcados" secured alongside S.S. "North Wales"

11.45am: "Ivy" shifted billet

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.25pm: S.S. "Forcados" cast off collier and anchored in stream

4.40pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

5.30pm: Wreck party returned on board

7.30pm: One stoker joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

A probable reference to S.S. "North Wales" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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25 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.20am: Second class stokers landed for drill

7.30am: Second class stokers returned on board

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Eight hands getting field gun on board

1.30pm: "Walrus" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

5.40pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

6.00pm: One rating joined ship from hospital

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

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26 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Second class stokers landed for drill

7.10am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

7.30am: Second class stokers returned

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. One ordinary seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

8.30am: S.S. "Egba" sailed

9.00am: Hands remounting 12 pounder gun

9.30am: One boy discharged to hospital

10.00am: "Ivy" sailed

11.00am: One boy joined ship from hospital

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

5.00pm: Ordinary seamen and boys physical drill

8.00pm: S.S. "Remus" arrived

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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27 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Landed second class stokers for drill

7.20am: Stokers returned

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Gunners' party preparing 4.7 inch gun (field) for shipment on board

10.45am: S.S. "Fullah" undocked

11.20am: S.S. "Aburi" arrived

Noon: S.S. "Haussa" cast off collier and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

5.20pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

5.45pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived

6.45pm: One petty officer and three able seamen rejoined ship from Nyong

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Aburi" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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28 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: One able seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Lala"

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

10.30am: Two boys discharged to H.M.S. "Sirius"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one stoker to S.S. "Fullah" for passage to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

2.30pm: Lieutenant Clark left ship for Campo

4.15pm: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

4.50pm: Boys to physical drill

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

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29 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

7.00am: One leading seaman and one marine discharged to S.S. "Akabo" for passage to England

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

7.50am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

9.30am: Two ratings discharged to hospital

9.35am: S.S. "Remus" sailed

3.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and anchored in stream

4.15pm: Landed funeral party

5.45pm: Funeral party returned. One able seaman joined from H.M.S. "Lala"

6.00pm: Discharged two carpenter ratings to H.M.S. "Sirius"

A probable reference to S.S. "Remus" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

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30 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

10.05am: Search party left ship for S.S. "Antonico"

10.45am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" and S.S. "Antonico" arrived

12.20pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" secured alongside government wharf

12.40pm: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

4.30pm: Two wireless telegraphist ratings rejoined ship

5.00pm: One carpenter rating left ship for "Margaret Elizabeth"

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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31 January 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlight

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" cast off government wharf and secured alongside collier S.S. "Relentless"

6.15am: S.S. "Antonico" sailed

6.30am: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and secured alongside government wharf. Landed second class stokers for drill

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.15am: Discharged one ordinary seaman and one telegraphist to H.M.S. "Dwarf"

11.15am: S.S. "Freda" left for base with lighter in tow

12.40pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

1.25pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.10pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" cast off collier and anchored in stream

4.30pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

5.30pm: Eleven ratings joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

5.40pm: "Sokoto" arrived

6.00pm: One chief stoker and eight stokers joined ship from S.S. "Apapa"

6.20pm: Four marines joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Apapa" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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Barometer: mercurial, by Negretti and Zambra, number 286

Thermometer for Air Temperature: inside screen on fore-bridge, screened, one by Cassala, number 685, one by Negretti and Zambra, number 9181

Thermometer for Sea Temperature: one by Perken, number 1070

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1 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.40am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed for wrecks

6.20am: Landed funeral party

7.00am: One leading stoker discharged to "Margaret Elizabeth"

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Eight hands clearing lighter alongside S.S. "Lomé". Boys mustering bags

10.45am: S.S. "Forcados" left

12.10pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

1.00pm: One petty officer, two stoker petty officers, three leading stokers and one able seaman joined ship from H.M.S. "Sirius"

1.45pm: S.S. "Relentless" sailed. Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one leading stoker to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

3.20pm: H.M.S. "Sirius" sailed

4.10pm: S.S. "Badagre" arrived. Four ratings joined ship from S.S "Lomé" [S.S. "Badagre" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Badagri"]

5.00pm: Boys at physical drill

5.40pm: S.S. "Europe" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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2 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Second class stokers landed for drill

7.00am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured alongside kerosine pier

7.30am: Second class stokers returned on board

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.30am: S.S. "Fullah" and "Alligator" arrived

11.45am: "Alligator" secured alongside

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Two stoker petty officers, four leading stokers and one shipwright discharged to S.S. "Lomé"

2.00pm: "Alligator" cast off

2.45pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived and anchored in stream. S.S. "Badagre" sailed [S.S. "Badagre" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Badagri"]

2.50pm: S.S. "Fullah" secured alongside

3.00pm: One sergeant and seven privates R.M.L.I., one sick berth steward and one able seaman joined ship from Nyong

4.05pm: S.S. "Fullah" cast off

4.45pm: S.S. "Europe" sailed

5.00pm: Discharged twelve privates marine to shore barracks. H.M.S. "Dwarf" shifted berth

6.05pm: S.S. "Fullah" and S.S. "Forcados" sailed

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

"Alligator" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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3 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Burnt searchlights

1.00am: Steamboats as requisite

3.00am: "Walrus" left

6.30am: Second class stokers at small arms drill

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: S.S. "Freda" arrived

8.30am: "Sokoto" secured alongside Holt's pier

9.15am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

9.30am: S.S. "Haussa" arrived from wrecks

10.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived and anchored

10.30am: "Alligator" sailed

11.00am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" cast off government wharf. One stoker rating joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sick

12.10pm: S.S. "Haussa" sailed for base

12.45pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" changed berth

1.00pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

6.00pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

Holt's pier is most probably a reference to the John Holt plc company.

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4 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Second class stokers at small arms drill. Lieutenant White left ship for passage to England per S.S. "Burutu"

7.30am: Party left for wrecks. One stoker discharged to S.S. "Fullah"

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.10am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

9.00am: Gunner's party scrubbing out magazines and shell-rooms

11.45am: Paid monthly money

1.10pm: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.10pm: S.S. "Relentless" and S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

5.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from S.S. "Haussa" sick

6.00pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

A probable reference to S.S. "Burutu" mentions it was sunk after a collision with S.S. "City of Calcutta" in 1918, taking 148 lives with her.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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5 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged two ratings to S.S. "Anna Woermann" for Campo

8.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

10.20am: One stoker joined from S.S. "Fullah"

10.40am: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

10.50am: "Sokoto" arrived

11.35am: S.S. "Amerique" arrived

Noon: S.S. "Sir Hugh" left

2.45pm: Wreck party returned

4.10pm: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

4.30pm: S.S. "Loiret" arrived and anchored

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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6 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

3.00pm: Lieutenant Meldrum, R.N.R., left ship for S.S. "Fullah"

3.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

3.35pm: S.S. "Akabo" secured alongside government wharf

6.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from hospital

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7 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged eight able seamen and one stoker to H.M.S. "Lomé" [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

7.55am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed. S.S. "Forcados" arrived

8.50am: "Sokoto" sailed and S.S. "Haussa" left for wrecks

9.45am: S.S. "Forcados" cast off government wharf and anchored. One marine joined ship from barracks sick

11.55am: Dibombi post party returned on board. S.S. "Forcados" secured alongside S.S. "North Wales" [Dibombi is most probably misspelled and should be Dibombé]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.00pm: Collier S.S. "Relentless" secured alongside

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "North Wales" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

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8 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: Hands restarted coaling ship. S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured to collier S.S. "North Wales"

11.15am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived

1.00pm: Hands restarted coaling ship

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.35pm: Finished coaling. Amount received: 400 tons

3.55pm: S.S. "Relentless" cast off

5.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived. One rating joined ship from hospital

6.30pm: One able seaman joined ship from Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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9 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" secured alongside collier S.S. "Haussa" and H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

7.00am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged two engine room artificers, two chief stokers and two stokers to H.M.S. "Lomé" [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

8.00am: Two engine room artificers left ship from H.M.S. "Lomé" and S.S. "Anna Woermann"

8.30am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

9.30am: One petty officer left for S.S. "Fullah"

10.30am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" left collier

11.00am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

11.30am: S.S. "Jn Holt" arrived [S.S. "Jn Holt" is most probably S.S. "Jonathan Holt"]

11.40am: S.S. "Relentless" shifted billet

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

5.00pm: Read warrants numbers 124 and 125 for cell punishments

6.30pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Jonathan Holt" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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10 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.40am: Hands provisioning ship and painting first cutter

6.30am: Second class stokers landed for drill. S.S. "Fullah" and H.M.S. "Porpoise" shifted berths

7.00am: S.S. "Forcados" shifted berth. Finished provisioning ship

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Hands preparing picket boat for towing

11.15am: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Nine ratings discharged to H.M.S. "Lomé" [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

6.40pm: Two hands discharged to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

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11 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

5.45am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

6.15am: One able seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Lomé" [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

6.30am: Second class stokers landed for drill

7.30am: Second class stokers returned

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

7.55am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

9.00am: Hands preparing to get in 4.7 inch gun, making a towing span for picket boat

10.15am: Lighter came alongside with 4.7 inch gun. S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

10.45am: Hoisted 4.7 inch gun on board

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.10pm: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

7.10pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and anchored

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12 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

10.00am: Boiler water lighter secured alongside

12.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" sailed. Diving party returned on board. One wind-sail returned from S.S. "Haussa"

1.45pm: One rating discharged to hospital

2.30pm: One able seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Lomé". Water tanker cast off [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

3.00pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

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13 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

11.20am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

12.40pm: French transport "Admiral Duperre" arrived ["Admiral Duperre" is most probably misspelled and should be "Amiral Duperre"]

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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14 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Second class stokers at drill

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties also diving party for S.S. "Relentless"

9.00am: Six ordinary seamen dismounting, cleaning and remounting for shelter deck 3 pounder guns

9.30am: "Ivy" arrived

11.15am: "Sokoto" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties, also diving party for S.S. "North Wales"

5.20pm: One boy joined ship from hospital

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "North Wales" mentions it was sunk in 1916 by a torpedo.

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15 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Second class stokers at drill

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties and diving party for S.S. "Relentless". Discharged one leading seaman to "Ivy"

9.00am: Six ordinary seamen dismounting and remounting 6 pounder guns

11.50am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" secured alongside S.S. "Relentless"

1.15pm: S.S. "North Wales" sailed; picket boat and crew left for Bone in tow of H.M.S. "Porpoise" [Bone is most probably the city of Bonabéri]

2.30pm: Dispatched diving party to "Ivy"

4.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" cast off S.S. "Relentless" and left with picket boat in tow

5.20pm: S.S. "Haussa" left

6.00pm: One leading seaman joined ship from H.M.S. "Lala"

8.30pm: One lieutenant, one carpenter and two carpenter ratings left ship for S.S. "Fullah" for passage to Kribi

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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16 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.45am: S.S. "Fullah" left

6.30am: Second class stokers at drill

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Six ordinary seamen dismounting 6 pounder guns

11.00am: S.S. "Forcados" arrived. Diving party dispatched to S.S. "Lomé"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one sick-berth steward to S.S. "Lomé"

3.00pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and anchored. S.S. "Forcados" left government wharf and anchored. S.S. "Haussa" proceeded alongside government wharf

5.00pm: S.S. "Mendi" secured alongside government wharf

6.00pm: Two ratings joined ship from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

A probable reference to S.S. "Mendi" mentions it was sunk after a collision with steamer "Darco" in 1917, taking more than 650 lives with her.

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17 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Hands transferring stores to H.M.S. "Lomé". Inspected boy's hammocks [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

9.10am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived and anchored

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Boys mustering hammocks

2.30pm: One stoker discharged to H.M.S. "Sirius" per H.M.S. "Dwarf"

2.45pm: One engine room artificer joined ship from S.S. "Anna Woermann"

4.15pm: Two petty officers first class, four able seamen, one leading cook's mate and four marines discharged to H.M.S. "Lomé" [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

4.50pm: Boys to physical drill

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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18 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: One Krooman joined ship from hospital

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Ordinary seamen working about 6 pounder guns

10.30am: S.S. "Akabo" arrived

10.45am: Diving party left for S.S. "Akabo"

11.05am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.15pm: Diving party returned

4.00pm: S.S. "Mendi" left

5.00pm: Unrigged and hoisted sailing pinnace (diving boat). Two able seamen joined ship from hospital

6.30pm: Four marines joined ship from barracks

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19 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: S.S. "Forcados" secured alongside government wharf

9.00am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

11.20am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

2.05pm: S.S. "Fullah" secured alongside government wharf

2.10pm: S.S. "Haussa" and H.M.S. "Vigilant" arrived

3.00pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" shifted berth

5.00pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and anchored

7.30pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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20 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed two armourers and six Kroomen for work on H.M.S. "Vigilant"

1.45pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" left S.S. "Anna Woermann" and anchored

5.00pm: One assistant paymaster R.N.R. discharged to H.M.S. "Lomé". S.S. "Egra" arrived [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

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21 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Landed ordinary seamen and second class stokers for riffle drill

6.10am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

6.30am: "Sokoto" sailed. S.S. "Sir Hugh" secured alongside government wharf. S.S. "Haussa" left

7.30am: Landing party returned

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.30am: H.M.S. "Lomé" sailed [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

9.00am: Hands repairing telephone cable

10.00am: Two stokers joined ship from H.M.S. "Fullah"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one able seaman to H.M.S. "Sirius" per H.M.S. "Forcados" and one ordinary seaman to S.S. "Sir Hugh". Party laying telephone cable [No reference found to H.M.S. "Forcados", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Forcados"]

Laying telephone cable.

4.20pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed and S.S. "Anna Woermann" shifted berth

4.40pm: S.S. "Egra" sailed

5.10pm: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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22 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Ordinary seamen and second class stokers landed for riffle drill

7.30am: Landing party returned

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Ordinary seamen working about 6 pounder gun. One signaller rating joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

10.30am: "Sokoto" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and secured alongside kerosine pier

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23 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.20am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" cast off government wharf and anchored

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

8.00am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

9.00am: Hands provisioning ship. Boys muster bags

9.40am: Provisions lighter made fast alongside

10.30am: Provisions lighter cast off

Noon: S.S. "Anna Woermann" changed berth

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.30pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived and secured to government wharf

4.40pm: S.S. "Vauban" arrived and anchored

4.50pm: S.S. "Loiret" changed billet

5.40pm: S.S. "Haussa" and S.S. "Freda" arrived

7.30pm: Carpenter, one shipwright and one chief carpenter rejoined ship from Kribi

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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24 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.05am: S.S. "Fullah" and S.S. "Loiret" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Boys at kit inspection

11.30am: H.M.S. "Alligator" undocked

12.10pm: H.M.S. "Fullah" and S.S. "Antonico" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

3.20pm: S.S. "Balmore" arrived

3.30pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" cast off government wharf and anchored

4.00pm: Discharged one engine room artificer to "Margaret Elizabeth"

5.00pm: One engine room artificer joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

"Alligator" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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25 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30am: S.S. "Haussa" left

11.15am: S.S. "Antonico" docked

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one boy to hospital

5.00pm: Boys at physical drill

7.30pm: S.S. "Forcados" secured alongside government wharf

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26 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.30am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.30am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived and anchored

11.30am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" secured to S.S. "Relentless" to coal

1.30pm: S.S. "Loiret" arrived and secured to government wharf

2.30pm: S.S. "Loiret" left government wharf and anchored

4.00pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" cast off S.S. "Relentless" and anchored

6.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured to government wharf

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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27 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

1.00am: Burnt searchlights

9.20am: S.S. "Relentless" weighed and proceeded alongside S.S. "Anna Woermann"

11.20am: One prisoner received from H.M.S. "Dwarf"

11.40am: S.S. "Lomé" arrived and anchored

Noon: One leading seaman and two able seamen discharged to H.M.S. "Dwarf" for passage to H.M.S. "Sirius". S.S. "Jeanne Marie" arrived and secured to government wharf

1.30pm: Discharged one petty officer first class to "Forcados"

2.50pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" and S.S. "Fullah" sailed

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

A probable reference to French transport S.S. "Jeanne Marie" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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28 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.30am: S.S. "Forcados" secured to Woermann pier

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

12.15pm: One private R.M.L.I. joined ship from H.M.S. "Lomé" sick [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. One leading wireless telegraphy operator, one Q.S. and one Krooman discharged from ship to S.S. "Forcados" for passage to Campo

3.10pm: S.S. "Forcados" and "Ivy" sailed. S.S. "Lomé" changed billet

5.00pm: Boys to physical drill

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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29 February 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

4.40am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Discharged one stoker petty officer to "Margaret Elizabeth"

9.00am: Hands taking in flour and getting up empty 4.7 inch cylinders

9.30am: S.S. "Fullah" secured alongside S.S. "Lomé"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties. Kroomen provisioning ship

5.45pm: Five stoker ratings joined ship from"Margaret Elizabeth"

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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Barometer: mercurial, by Negretti and Zambra, number 286

Thermometer for Air Temperature: inside screen on fore-bridge, screened, one by Cassala, number 685, one by Negretti and Zambra, number 9181

Thermometer for Sea Temperature: one by Perken, number 1070

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1 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Working party dispatched to S.S. "Lomé"

6.30am: S.S. "Vauban" arrived and anchored

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.00am: Hands cleaning GI 6 pounder gun

6.55am: "Ivy" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

10.50am: "Alligator" sailed

12.40pm: "Ivy" cast off government wharf and anchored in stream. "Alligator" secured alongside kerosine pier

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

4.20pm: S.S. "Jeanne Marie" sailed

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Alligator" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

A probable reference to French transport S.S. "Jeanne Marie" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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2 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: "Walrus" sailed for base

6.30am: S.S. "Relentless" changed billet

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

11.45am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed. One cooper, one ship's steward's assistant and one marine joined ship from S.S. "Abossa" [S.S. "Abossa" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Abosso"]

11.50am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

1.30pm: One leading seaman R.F.R. discharged to hospital

2.10pm: "Sokoto" sailed

3.50pm: "Ivy" sailed

4.00pm: S.S. "Relentless" secured alongside government wharf

5.25pm: S.S. "Abossa" secured alongside government pier [S.S. "Abossa" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Abosso"]

6.00pm: One able seaman joined ship from H.M.S. "Lala"

6.45pm: S.S. "Fullah" and "Alligator" arrived

7.05pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived and secured alongside Woermann wharf. Burned searchlight

8.30pm: One leading signaller and one marine joined ship from Campo

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Abosso" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo, taking 65 lives with her.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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3 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.35am: Commenced coaling ship

7.45am: Landed working parties

11.00am: Finished coaling, received 250 tons

1.15pm: S.S. "Relentless" cast off and anchored in stream

1.45pm: One marine discharged to S.S. "Fullah" for passage to H.M.S. "Sirius" at Campo. Landed dockyard parties

3.30pm: Paid monthly money

3.50pm: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

5.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

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4 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: S.S. "Abossa" sailed [S.S. "Abossa" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Abosso"]

6.20am: S.S. "Loiret" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

7.50am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

8.00am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

10.30am: "Sokoto" arrived and secured kerosine pier

1.50pm: S.S. "Balmore" sailed

2.50pm: Received prisoner for custody from H.M.S. "Lomé" [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

4.30pm: Eleven ratings discharged to H.M.S. "Lomé" [No reference found to H.M.S. "Lomé", but there is a contemporary S.S. "Lomé"]

5.30pm: S.S. "Forcados" and S.S. "Haussa" arrived

A probable reference to S.S. "Abosso" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo, taking 65 lives with her.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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5 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.00am: S.S. "Antonica" sailed [S.S. "Antonica" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Antonico"]

11.45am: One sick-berth steward returned from hospital

3.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and secured alongside Woermann wharf

5.40pm: Chief carpenter's mate joined ship from hospital

6.40pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and anchored in stream

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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6 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed, S.S. "Sir Hugh" proceeded alongside S.S. "Relentless", S.S. "Lomé" proceeded alongside government wharf

6.05am: Lieutenant Stopford and two able seamen left ship for Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

11.50am: One carpenter rating discharged to S.S. "Forcados" for passage to H.M.S. "Dwarf"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard party

4.00pm: One able seaman, one non-commissioned officer and four privates R.M.L.I. discharged to S.S. "Lomé", nine ratings discharged to S.S. "Lomé", two ratings discharged to "Sokoto"

4.50pm: One boy joined ship from hospital

5.10pm: One able seaman joined ship from "Sokoto"

5.30pm: Four ratings joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

According to the same book "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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7 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: S.S. "Fullah" and S.S. "Vauban" sailed

7.10am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

2.30pm: Landed diving gear at railway pier for passage to Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

3.55pm: S.S. "Relentless" sailed

4.00pm: One able seaman and one stoker discharged to S.S. "Lomé"

5.30pm: One leading seaman and two able seamen joined ship from H.M.S. "Lala"

6.40pm: One rating discharged to S.S. "Lomé"

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

H.M.S. "Lala" is a British armed lighter.

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8 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Discharged one warrant officer and six ratings to Edea and one third writer to S.S. "Lomé" [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.30am: S.S. "Lomé" left government wharf

9.45am: "Ivy" arrived and secured government wharf

10.30am: "Ivy" left government wharf and anchored in stream

11.30am: One non-commissioned officer and eleven privates R.M.L.I. joined ship from Campo

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

4.00pm: Discharged one telegraphist to "Ivy"

4.30pm: One telegraphist joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth" and one from "Ivy"

4.40pm: S.S. "Vauban" arrived and anchored in stream

5.15pm: S.S. "Haussa" secured alongside government wharf

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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9 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

6.20am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and outlying parties

9.15am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

10.00am: Discharged to H.M.S. "Porpoise" two non-commissioned officers and six privates R.M.L.I. for passage to S.S. "Lomé"

10.45am: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

11.45am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

Noon: One third writer joined ship from Campo

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.50pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

4.50pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

5.20pm: S.S. "Akabo" arrived

5.45pm: Lieutenant Stopford joined ship from Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

5.55pm: S.S. "Vauban" arrived

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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10 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.45am: Landed funeral party

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties and one petty officer to S.S. "Haussa"

9.30am: One marine discharged to hospital

9.50am: R.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived and anchored in stream

10.00am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

10.15am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed and S.S. "Fullah" secured alongside kerosine pier

11.30am: Hands provisioning ship

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties, disarmed "Ivy" two 6 pounders and 6 pounder ammunition returned on board

4.50pm: Read warrant number 126

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

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11 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

3.30pm: Seven ratings joined ship from "Ivy"

4.00pm: Two able seamen discharged to S.S. "Fullah" and two able seamen joined ship from S.S. "Fullah"

5.05pm: S.S. "Vauban" arrived

9.45pm: One leading signaller joined ship from "Ivy"

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12 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

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13 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

9.00am: Four men dismounting and cleaning after shelter deck 6 pounder guns

9.30am: "Sokoto" sailed

11.30am: S.S. "Jacques Fraissinet" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.10pm: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

3.20pm: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

5.00pm: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

5.30pm: Diving party, one warrant officer and four able seamen returned from Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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14 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: S.S. "Fullah" cast off from railway pier and proceeded to Bone-Beri [Bone-Beri is most probably the city of Bonabéri]

6.05am: Tug "Walrus" left for base

6.35am: S.S. "Fullah" left Bone-Beri and proceeded alongside Woermann wharf [Bone-Beri is most probably the city of Bonabéri]

7.45am: Landed working parties

9.15am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

9.50am: S.S. "Jacques Fraissinet" sailed

11.30am: Diving gear returned from Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

4.00pm: "Sokoto" arrived and secured Woermann pier

6.00pm: S.S. "Amerique" arrived, "Walrus" sailed

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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15 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.20am: "Ivy" proceeded and secured alongside government wharf

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

10.00am: "Ivy" and "Manatee" sailed

11.00am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

12.25pm: S.S. "Jeanne Marie" arrived

12.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" cast off Boniberi Pier and proceeded to government wharf [Boniberi is most probably the city of Bonabéri]

1.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

"Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Manatee" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

A probable reference to French transport S.S. "Jeanne Marie" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

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16 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

9.00am: Ordinary seamen to 4.7 inch gun drill

10.20am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

11.10am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

11.30am: S.S. "Haussa" secured government pier, S.S. "Sir Hugh" and "Alligator" sailed, S.S. "Fullah" secured government wharf

1.45pm: Landed working parties

2.20pm: One artificer engineer left ship for H.M.S. "Sirius"

3.50pm: S.S. "Jeanne Marie" and tug "Walrus" sailed

4.00pm: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

4.30pm: One marine joined ship from hospital

"Alligator" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

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17 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.20am: "Sokoto" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.45am: "Sokoto" arrived and sailed at 9.45am

9.10am: Ordinary seamen at 4.7 inch gun drill

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

4.00pm: One rating discharged to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

4.50pm: Hands employed provisioning ship

6.30pm: Provisioning lighter returned to government wharf

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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18 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: Discharged one chief engine room artificer, one chief stoker, one sick-berth steward, one able seaman and one stoker rating to H.M.S. "Sirius" per S.S. "Freda"

7.20am: Tug "Freda" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.10am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

5.00pm: One rating joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

5.15pm: S.S. "Eda" arrived

7.30pm: S.S. "Eda" shifted berths

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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19 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.35am: "Walrus" sailed

11.00am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

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20 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Eight hands and torpedo gunner's mate under-running telephone cable

7.00am: "Sokoto" arrived

7.15am: S.S. "Freda" sailed

8.55am: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and anchored in stream

11.45am: One marine joined ship from H.M.S. "Sirius"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties. Discharged one stoker rating to H.M.S. "Dwarf" per S.S. "Haussa"

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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21 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.00am: Tug "Freda" left for base

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

11.55am: Surveying party left ship

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

4.10pm: Secured water tank alongside

4.30pm: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

5.00pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived and secured to government pier

6.15pm: Water tank cast off

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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22 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.55am: "Margaret Elizabeth" cast off government wharf and anchored in stream

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

9.00am: Boys mustering bags

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23 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: "Sokoto" proceeded up river

7.30am: S.S. "Amerique" arrived

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.10am: S.S. "Eda" sailing

9.10am: Boys mustering bags

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

4.00pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived and secured alongside government wharf

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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24 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.15am: "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

6.30am: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

7.00am: S.S. "Loiret" sailed

7.30am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

10.00am: S.S. "Haussa" dry-docked

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.30pm: One able seaman R.F.R. joined ship from Bonebiri [Bonebiri is misspelled as it should be Bonabéri]

4.00pm: Tugs "Freda" and "Walrus" left

11.00pm: Two officers joined ship from S.S. "Lagos"

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

"Walrus" is a patrol vessel, an ex-German tug captured at Duala.

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25 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.45am: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

Noon: "Sokoto" arrived

2.30pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" sailed

3.00pm: "Sokoto" left Bonabéri pier and secured to Woermann pier

4.00pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

5.15pm: Lieutenant Mayall left ship for Tiko per H.M.S. "Beaver"

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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26 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

8.40am: "Sokoto" sailed

11.00am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived and secured alongside Woermann wharf

11.45am: S.S. "Fullah" cast off government pier and anchored in stream

12.50pm: S.S. "Loiret" arrived

1.30pm: S.S. "Eda" arrived

1.45pm: S.S. "Loiret" sailed

3.50pm: S.S. "Eda" left government wharf

4.20pm: S.S. "Eda" anchored

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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27 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.40am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" secured alongside collier S.S. "Eda"

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

7.55am: Diving party left for base

8.00am: S.S. "Amerique" arrived

9.15am: S.S. "Fullah" and H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

12.30pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" cast off collier and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

2.30pm: "Sokoto" arrived and secured alongside Woermann wharf

3.50pm: S.S. "Haussa" came out floating dock

5.15pm: One sub-lieutenant R.N.R. discharged to S.S. "Sir Hugh"

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28 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

10.00am: S.S. "Haussa" left for base

10.45am: Collier S.S. "Eda" weighed and secured to government wharf

11.20am: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.20pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived and secured alongside railway pier

4.00pm: Lieutenant Clark, surgeon Thursfield, three able seamen and one signaller joined ship from Campo

4.15pm: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

5.00pm: Three ratings joined ship from Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

7.00pm: "Sokoto" arrived

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29 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.20am: S.S. "Forcados" cast off railway pier and secured alongside collier at government pier

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

11.00am: Hands employed provisioning ship

12.50pm: S.S. "Loiret" arrived and anchored in stream

1.20pm: S.S. "Jeanne Marie" arrived and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed working parties. Hands employed provisioning ship

A probable reference to French transport S.S. "Jeanne Marie" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

4caf8407cadfd341970048e8: (

30 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Tug "Freda" left for base

7.20am: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.50am: S.S. "Fullah" proceeded alongside Woermann wharf

11.00am: S.S. "Eda" cast off government wharf and proceeded to base

Noon: "Sokoto" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.25pm: S.S. "Torquah" arrived [S.S. "Torquah" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Tarquah"]

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to French transport S.S. "Tarquah" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8407cadfd341970048e9: (

31 March 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

9.40am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

10.00am: S.S. "Fullah" paid off and one leading seaman and six able seamen joined ship

10.45am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

1.30pm: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived and anchored in stream

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

3.20pm: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and anchored in stream and one able seaman joined ship from S.S. "Anna Woermann"

4.20pm: S.S. "Tarquah" sailed

6.00pm: "Sokoto" arrived

7.00pm: Three ratings joined ship from "Sokoto"

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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Barometer: mercurial, by Negretti and Zambra, number 286

Thermometer for Air Temperature: inside screen on fore-bridge, screened, one by Cassala, number 685, one by Negretti and Zambra, number 9181

Thermometer for Sea Temperature: one by Perken, number 1070

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1 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

11.45am: Paid monthly money

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.50pm: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

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2 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

1.45pm: Dispatched working party to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

2.50pm: "Sokoto" secured to railway pier

5.30pm: Discharged one shipwright and one carpenter's crew to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8407cadfd341970048f1: (

3 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Torpedo party repairing telephone cable

7.00am: Discharged two able seamen to S.S. "Abinsi" for passage to England

7.45am: Landed working parties

8.05am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

8.30am: S.S. "Akabo" arrived and anchored in stream

11.00am: "Crocodile" arrived and anchored in stream and S.S. "Fullah" arrived

11.30am: "Crocodile" secured alongside. One wind-sail returned from S.S. "Akabo"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.10pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed with Major General Dobell on board

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

4caf8407cadfd341970048f2: (

4 April 1916:

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.40am: "Sokoto" secured to railway pier

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties. One officer discharged to S.S. "Fullah". Lighter cast off from ship and towed to S.S. "Akabo". S.S. "Anna Woermann" sailed

4.20pm: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

5.30pm: "Crocodile" sailed

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8407cadfd341970048f3: (

5 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.50am: "Sokoto" sailed

7.30am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

7.50am: H.M.S. "Sirius" arrived

8.00am: One able seaman discharged to H.M.S. "Sirius"

8.30am: S.S. "Bassam" arrived and anchored in stream, one Whitehead torpedo sweep and ½ cwt sinker lost by accident

10.00am: One lieutenant R.N.R. joined ship

Noon: Dockyard parties returned

1.45pm: Landed working parties

4.15pm: Water tank arrived alongside

4.45pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" arrived and anchored in stream

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

4caf8407cadfd341970048f4: (

6 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: "Margaret Elizabeth" proceeded alongside government wharf

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

9.00am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

9.45am: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

10.35am: "Sokoto" sailed

1.45pm: Landed dockyard and working parties

4.05pm: "Margaret Elizabeth" cast off from government pier and anchored in stream

7.40pm: Two carpenter ratings lent to S.S. "Akabo"

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7 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

2.30am: Called away lifeboats crew to pick up man from overboard, man saved

7.25am: S.S. "Akabo" sailed

7.45am: S.S. "Bassam" shifted berths, landed dockyard and working parties

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

4.30pm: One wireless telegraphy rating joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

5.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived and anchored in stream

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8 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

4.50am: Lieutenant Wilson left ship for Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

5.50am: S.S. "Forcados" proceeded to Woermann pier

6.15am: "Sokoto" sailed

6.20am: S.S. "Bassam" sailed

7.40am: S.S. "Jeanne Marie" proceeded to government wharf

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

1.45pm: Landed working parties

6.10pm: S.S. "Amerique" arrived and anchored in stream

7.30pm: S.S. "Eda" arrived and anchored in stream

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

A probable reference to French transport S.S. "Jeanne Marie" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

4caf8407cadfd341970048f7: (

9 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.15am: S.S. "Eda" arrived

8.05am: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

9.30am: S.S. "Loiret" sailed

5.05pm: S.S. "Eda" shifted berths

5.30pm: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived and anchored in stream

9.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

4caf8407cadfd341970048f8: (

10 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.10am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

6.30am: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

7.20am: S.S. "Jeanne Marie" sailed

7.30am: S.S. "Fullah" secured alongside government wharf

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

12.45pm: Lieutenant Wilson R.N.R. rejoined ship from Edea [Edea could refer to the city Edéa or the contemporary ship "Edea"]

12.55pm: Mister Scott chief gunner (torpedo) joined ship from "Sokoto"

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

6.20pm: One able seaman joined ship from S.S. "Haussa" sick

6.40pm: One petty officer first class and four able seamen lent back to S.S. "Fullah"

A probable reference to French transport S.S. "Jeanne Marie" mentions it was sunk in 1918 by a mine.

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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11 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.30am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" secured alongside collier S.S. "Eda"

6.15am: S.S. "Haussa" and S.S. "Fullah" left for wrecks

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

10.20am: S.S. "Amerique" sailed

11.55am: S.S. "Fourichon" arrived from base and secured alongside government wharf [S.S. "Fourichon" is most probably misspelled and should be S.S. "Amiral Fourichon"]

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

2.00pm: "Crocodile" arrived

2.10pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

3.35pm: S.S. "Loiret" arrived

5.00pm: One engine room artificer joined ship from "Margaret Elizabeth"

5.30pm: One third writer left ship for "Margaret Elizabeth"

6.05pm: S.S. "Forcados" arrived

6.15pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" cast off from collier

7.10pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

7.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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12 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and working parties

8.25am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

8.45am: S.S. "Forcados" proceeded alongside "Margaret Elizabeth"

9.10am: Exercised fire control parties

11.30am: S.S. "Forcados" cast off from "Margaret Elizabeth"

12.15pm: S.S. "Amerique" arrived. S.S. "Fullah" sailed

1.45pm: Landed working parties

3.30pm: S.S. "Haussa" arrived

5.30pm: S.S. "Forcados" sailed

8.45pm: Diving party returned on board from S.S. "Haussa" and S.S. "Fullah"

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13 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.10am: S.S. "Freda" sailed

9.05am: Divers cleaning propellers

10.30am: Provisioning ship

1.20pm: S.S. "Fullah" arrived

1.45pm: Landed working parties. S.S. "Mediterraneo" arrived

2.00pm: Port watch employed stowing fore-hold

2.20pm: S.S. "Freda" arrived from base

2.30pm: Divers working about inlet-valves

3.00pm: "Sokoto" arrived

4.30pm: Provisioning lighter returned to government wharf

5.00pm: Divers finished working on ship's bottom

"Sokoto" is a patrol vessel, the ex-German gunboat, according to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, called "Soden" captured at Duala.

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14 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.00am: Diving party lent to S.S. "Haussa" and S.S. "Mediterraneo" sailed

6.40am: S.S. "Haussa" sailed

7.00am: Water tank arrived alongside

7.20am: S.S. "Fullah" sailed

7.45am: Landed working parties

10.05am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" arrived

10.50am: S.S. "Sir Hugh" arrived

1.30pm: S.S. "Amiral Fourichon" arrived

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties. S.S. "Loiret" secured alongside government wharf

2.00pm: S.S. "Freda" arrived

4.40pm: Secured lighter alongside

4.50pm: Hands employed getting in stores

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15 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.40am: S.S. "Akabo" arrived

7.45am: Landed working parties

8.45am: Lost at Campo by accident one pair of telephone receivers pattern 1330, and one set of head gear pattern 1303 wireless telegraphy stores

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

3.10pm: "Crocodile" arrived

3.20pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

5.15pm: Hands employed clearing store lighter

5.20pm: Lieutenant-commander Maxwell and one able seaman joined ship from Victoria

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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16 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

7.45am: Landed dockyard and S.S. "Akabo" working parties

11.00am: S.S. "Anna Woermann" arrived and anchored in stream

12.40pm: S.S. "Loiret" cast of government wharf and anchored in stream and S.S. "Sir Hugh" cast off kerosine pier and secured alongside government wharf

1.45pm: S.S. "Akabo" cast off from collier, landed working parties

2.00pm: S.S. "Akabo" anchored in stream. One wireless telegraphy boy discharged to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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17 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

5.45am: S.S. "Vauban" sailed

7.45am: Landed dockyard parties

8.10am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

9.00am: Hands employed filling provision lighter for S.S. "Akabo" and mounting guns on S.S. "Akabo"

11.30am: Read warrants number 127 and 128

1.15pm: Discharged two prisoners to H.M.S. "Sirius" for passage to Simon's Town

1.45pm: Landed dockyard parties

1.50pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

2.30pm: S.S. "Loiret" sailed

3.10pm: S.S. "Eda" sailed

4.30pm: H.M.S. "Sirius" proceeded to base

5.00pm: One shipwright and one carpenter rating joined ship from S.S. "Akabo"

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18 April 1916

At Duala

Lat 4.05, Long 9.67

12.30am: Steamboats as requisite

6.30am: Seven ratings discharged to S.S. "Anna Woermann"

7.30am: Lighter secured alongside with stores

7.45am: Landed working parties. S.S. "Amerique" arrived

9.00am: Hands employed hoisting in oil and stores and filling boat's breakers

5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded at ½ speed, 56 revolutions

5.27pm: Through buoy channel

5.39pm: Pool buoy

5.47pm: Number 2 buoy

5.58pm: Stopped port engine

6.01pm: Resumed full speed

6.11pm: Stopped both. Passed through wreck barrage

6.47pm: Base buoy

6.54pm: Stopped both

6.59pm: Came to with port anchor

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

Whilst at Cameroon River and Duala the crew has been employed cleaning the ship, cleaning out boats, chipping and scraping paintwork, painting various parts of the ship, refitting, preparing stream anchor, fitting tackles for quarterdeck awning, spreading awnings, scrubbing side screens, rope making, holystoning (small) gear, unrigging splinter nets, fitting jumping ladders, refitting tower booms, refitting lower boom gear, scrubbing out magazines and shell rooms, scrubbing and oiling catting and mooring pendants, scrubbing and oiling 2 1/2 inch and 3 1/2 inch wires, repairing fenders, refitting whaler's falls, repairing provisioning nets, repairing wash deck hoses, fitting boat's ladders, painting captain's cabin, repairing wind-sails, painting first cutter, refitting jiggers for salvage work, cleaning torpedoes, fitting fog buoys, cleaning out boats' water breakers, rigging screws, reeving new main steaming light halyards, repairing masthead ladders, renewed hammock cloths, overhauling coaling whips and blocks, making and fitting jumping ladders, refitting navigation light halyards.

On Sunday church parties have been landed and a divine service was held.

The starboard and port watches alternately have been granted leave in the afternoon.

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19 April 1916

At Suellaba Base

Lat 3.82, Long 9.56

10.00am: Sub-lieutenant Meners discharged to H.M.S. "Porpoise". Six able seamen joined ship from S.S. "Haussa"

11.50am: H.M.S. "Rinaldo" cast off collier and anchored

2.00pm: One yeoman of signals discharged to H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

3.00pm: One leading signalman joined ship from H.M.S. "Rinaldo"

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20 April 1916

At Suellaba Base

Lat 3.82, Long 9.56

5.50am: Collier secured alongside

6.00am: Commenced coaling forwards

6.30am: Commenced coaling aft

10.30am: H.M.S. "Sirius" and H.M.S. "Rinaldo" sailed

11.00am: Lieutenant-commander left for Victoria by H.M.S. "Porpoise"

12.45pm: Restarted coaling

8.00pm: Stopped coaling for the night

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21 April 1916

At Suellaba Base

Lat 3.82, Long 9.56

5.40am: Collier secured alongside

6.15am: Restarted coaling

9.00am: Finished coaling, cast off collier

2.00pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" and S.S. "Eda" left for Duala

4.50pm: S.S. "Haussa" anchored abreast of ship

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22 April 1916

At Suellaba Base

Lat 3.82, Long 9.56

11.55am: S.S. "Amerique" anchored

2.30pm: S.S. "Amerique" proceeded alongside collier

6.00pm: S.S. "Amerique" cast off collier and anchored

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23 April 1916

At Suellaba Base

Lat 3.82, Long 9.56

7.50am: S.S. "Trojan" passed up river for Duala

10.00am: S.S. "Amerique" proceeded to sea

11.30am: Sub-lieutenant F. Meners R.N.R. rejoined ship from H.M.S. "Porpoise"

5.30pm: S.S. "Fullah" passed outward

According to the German Wikipedia page about H.M.S. "Cumberland" S.S. "Fullah" was a merchant navy vessel captured by H.M.S. "Cornwall" at Duala.

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24 April 1916

At Suellaba Base

Lat 3.82, Long 9.56

11.30am: S.S. "Mingrelie" arrived

12.25pm: S.S. "Mingrelie" proceeded to sea

12.50pm: H.M.S. "Anna Woermann" proceeded to sea [H.M.S. "Anna Woermann" should most probably be S.S. "Anna Woermann"]

3.10pm: H.M.S. "Haussa" made fast alongside, four ratings joined ship for Duala [H.M.S. "Haussa" should most probably be S.S. "Haussa"]

3.50pm: S.S. "Haussa" cast off

5.00pm: Weighed port anchor and came to with starboard anchor

A probable reference to S.S. "Anna Woermann" mentions it was renamed S.S. "Polanna" in 1916 and was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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25 April 1916

At Suellaba Base

Lat 3.82, Long 9.56

9.00am: Steam pinnace left for Victoria

11.50am: S.S. "Loiret" arrived and anchored

2.00pm: "Crocodile" secured alongside. Assistant paymaster Colles and three ratings joined ship from Duala

2.20pm: "Crocodile" left for Duala

3.45pm: S.S. "Elmina" arrived from sea

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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26 April 1916

At Suellaba Base

Lat 3.82, Long 9.56

12.35pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" passed inwards

3.30pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded for Victoria

4.09pm: Number 3 buoy

4.28pm: Number 2 buoy

4.50pm: Fairway buoy

7.38pm: Came to with starboard anchor

8.00pm: Anchor bearings: Ambras Island N8W, Mondoleh Island N45E, Cape Bimbai S68W [Ambras Island is most probably misspelled and should be Ambas Island]

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27 April 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded

7.13am: Stopped

7.15am: Came to with starboard anchor

7.20am: Steam pinnace returned ship

9.00am: Anchor bearings: governor house N72E, Lucke Island N53W, Bobbia N67W [Bobbia is most probably misspelled and should be Bobia Island]

2.00p: One signalman landed for signal station

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28 April 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

5.00pm: Lieutenant R.A. Clark, one engine room artificer and one able seaman discharged to hospital

8.45pm: Exercised night defence

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29 April 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

5.00pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived and anchored

6.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived and anchored

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30 April 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

9.40am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

[The following three pages, 1 to 3 May 1916, are duplications of the pages in the May 1916 log book.

Since the entries are identical, they are not listed here.]

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[End of duplicate log book entries 1 to 3 May 1916]

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4caf8408cadfd3419700491b: (

Distance run per hour – miles

Coal expended for all purposes per hour – tons

Distance run per ton of coal – miles

Date when this information was obtained by actual experiment

At authorised power with natural draught = the unit 7000




22nd May 1914

"With all despatch" (the maximum power attainable for 24 hours) = 4/5 the unit 5600




28th July 1914

"With despatch" (the maximum sea-going speed while the coal lasts) = 3/5 the unit 4200




22nd May 1914

"With moderate despatch" = 2/5 the unit 2800




17th August 1914

"At ordinary speed" = 1/5 the unit 1400




21st July 1914

"At most economical speed" 1000 HP = as determined by trial and in accordance with the varying conditions of wind and weather




Not known

4caf8408cadfd3419700491c: (

Barometer: mercurial, by Negretti and Zambra, number 286

Thermometer for Air Temperature: inside screen on fore-bridge, screened, one by Cassala, number 685, one by Negretti and Zambra, number 9181

Thermometer for Sea Temperature: one by Perken, number 1070

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1 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

7.00am: H.M.S. "Dwarf" sailed

Noon: H.M.S. "Margaret Elizabeth" [arrived]

2.00pm: Sixteen hands landed to re-float steam pinnace

6.30pm: Whilst hoisting first cutter, after fall parted the boat falling from a height of 15 feet doing slight damage to stern

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

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2 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

9.30am: Gunlayers aiming .303 practice

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3 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

9.00am: Torpedo crews examining war heads. Guns crews at drill

10.15am: "Crocodile" arrived and anchored

10.30am: Water lighter secured alongside

2.00pm: Renewing boats falls

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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4 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

5.45am: H.M.S. "Crocodile" sailed

6.35am: H.M.S. "Margaret Elizabeth" sailed

1.55pm: S.S. "Karina" passed inwards

4.30pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

According to the book "The Last Century of Sea Power, Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922", page 288, "Margaret Elizabeth" used to be the governor's steam yacht "Herzogin Elisabeth" before it was captured at Duala.

A probable reference to S.S. "Karina" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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5 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

6.30am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

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6 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

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7 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

10.00am: Read "Articles of War" and Court Martial returns

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8 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

8.45am: Weighed starboard anchor and came to with port

1.20pm: S.S. "Apapa" arrived

5.00pm: S.S. "Apapa" sailed. One wireless telegraphy rating discharged to shore station

7.30pm: One wireless telegraphy rating rejoined ship

A probable reference to S.S. "Apapa" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

4caf8408cadfd34197004925: (

9 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

11.45am: Paid monthly money

3.30pm: S.S. "Apapa" arrived

3.45pm: S.S. "Apapa" sailed.

4.45pm: Read warrant number 129

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10 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

7.10am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

9.00am: N.G.Y. "Ivy" arrived with governor on board

4.30pm: "Crocodile" arrived

5.00pm: S.S. "Eda" arrived. One ordinary seaman discharged to hospital

N.G.Y. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

4caf8408cadfd34197004927: (

11 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

9.00am: Gunlayers and control parties at drill

9.45am: Fired a salute of 17 guns for governor of Nigeria

11.00am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

1.55pm: S.S. "Eda" sailed

5.50pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" arrived and anchored

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12 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

9.00am: Guns crews at loader drill

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13 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

6.15am: "Crocodile" alongside for captain

7.30am: N.G.Y. "Ivy" left for [Cape] Bimbia

4.15pm: H.M.S. "Porpoise" arrived

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

N.G.Y. "Ivy" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government Yacht.

4caf8408cadfd3419700492a: (

[This page is marked "Cancelled" in red and seems to be an abandoned copy of the previous page, which is also 13 May 1616]

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14 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

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15 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

8.50am: Secured water lighter alongside

1.10pm: H.M.S. "Dwarf" sailed

6.15pm: Three ratings joined ship from shore station

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16 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

9.00am: Gunlayers at .303 aiming practice

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17 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

6.30am: Arrived H.M.S. "Dwarf"

7.45am: Steam pinnace left in tow of "Crocodile" for Tiko

9.00am: Guns crews drill and aiming practice

6.00pm: Arrived "Crocodile"

"Crocodile" is a patrol vessel, an ex-Nigerian Government motor launch.

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18 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

6.45am: H.M.S. "Porpoise" sailed

10.15am: Gunlayers aiming practice

5.15pm: One engine room artificer rejoined ship from hospital

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19 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

8.55am: Arrived H.M.S. "Porpoise"

9.00am: Guns crews at loader, gunlayers at aiming practice

11.20am: Hoisted and turned in steam cutter, sailed H.M.S. "Porpoise"

1.00pm: Took on voluntary charge 38 tons coal

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20 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

2.00pm: Arrived H.M.S. "Dwarf" and H.M.S. "Porpoise"

5.00pm: Read warrant number 130

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21 May 1916

At Victoria

Lat 4.00, Long 9.20

4.30pm: Sailed H.M.S. "Dwarf"

4.50pm: Three rating rejoined ship from hospital

6.30pm: Two wireless telegraphy ratings rejoined ship

Whilst at Victoria the crew has been employed cleaning the ship, painting various parts of the ship, overhauling boats, refitting, cleaning ship throughout. They also exercised general quarters. On Sundays a divine service was held.

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22 May 1916

From Victoria to Fernando Po

Lat 3.98, Long 8.57

6.30am: Weighed anchor

6.40am: Proceeded

6.55am: Ambas Island abeam

10.13am: Stopped both

10.19am: Came to with port anchor

10.50am: Vice-consul boarded

5.50pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded

6.37pm: Cape Bullen abeam 1¼ miles

9.00pm: Exercised sea-boats crew

Isla de Fernando Po is today known as Bioko, Equatorial Guinea.

Cape Bullen is, or is close to, Punta Europa on Bioko.

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23 May 1916

From Fernando Po to Bonny

Lat 4.41, Long 7.13

3.30am: Night defence stations exercised

4.40am: Sighted H.M.S. "Dwarf" searchlight

8.00am: Destroyed 6 pounder steel shell lot W.A. 1016

8.55am: Fairway buoy abeam 1 mile

9.01am: Came to with port anchor

9.40am: Control parties, gunlayers at drill

11.15am: Target got out

4.30pm: 6 inch and 4.7 inch gunlayers at .303 and 1 inch aiming practice

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24 May 1916

At Bonny

Lat 4.41, Long 7.13

6.30am: Exercised general quarters. Gunlayers at .303 aiming practice

10.00am: Weighed anchor waiting for H.M.S. "Dwarf"

12.20pm: Half speed to work up to 70 revolutions

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

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25 May 1916

From Bonny to Lagos

Lat 5.55, Long 4.22

3.30am: Exercised sea-boats crew and closed watertight doors

6.05am: Reduced to 6 knots, swung ship for deviations

7.00am: Proceeded on course

9.15am: Exercised control parties, guns crews at loader, sick bay stretcher party

2.30pm: S.S. "Sir Hugh" and S.S. "Apapa" passed commenced south

7.23pm: Came to with port anchor. Lagos lighthouse bore N3E 2½ miles

A probable reference to S.S. "Apapa" mentions it was sunk in 1917 by a torpedo.

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