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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Depot Ship, ex-Pelorus-class, 3rd class cruiser

Launched 15.12.96 Sheerness DY. 2,135 tons, 313(oa), 300(pp)x36x16ft. TE 7000ihp, 20kts. Armament: 8-4in, 8-3pdr, 2-18in tt. Armour: 2in deck. Bristol Channel patrol 1914, then Mediterranean, depot ship 1916. Sold 6.5.20 Ward, Grays. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Pelorus (launched 15/12/96, depot ship 1916, sold for BU 5/20), was on patrol in the Bristol Channel in August 1914, and was then sent to the Mediterranean. Converted to a depot ship in 1916 and sold for BU in May 1920. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1860-1905 and 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

(For the duration of these logs, she was based at Suda, Crete, indicated by the blue marker)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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1 August 1916

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

2.20 pm Ordinary Seaman Heaton while painting on ship fell into the sea and drowned.

2.45 pm body recovered; artificial respiration began; 3.25 pm artificial respiration ceased.

4.00 pm Leave cancelled

6.00 pm Court of Enquiry held on board on the drowning of Seaman Heaton

7.15 pm Court of Enquiry finished

4caf899fcadfd34197027696: ( 53-54779-004_0.jpg)

2 August 1916

At Suda

7.30 am sent mails to EDGAR

8.00 am Tug AQUIA alongside; hands stowing bags and hammocks onto tug. 8.47 am discharged 2 officers and 79 ratings to REINDEER for passage to Mudros.

9.50 am Drifter 82 alongside. 10.00 am funeral services for Seaman Heaton, conducted by Chaplain from EDGAR. 10.10 am body on board Drifter for burial at sea; 10.12 am drifter cast off

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3 August 1916

At Suda

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4 August 1916

At Suda

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5 August 1916

At Suda

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6 August 1916

At Suda

10.50 am despatched mail to EDGAR

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7 August 1916

At Suda

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8 August 1916

At Suda

8.15 am 1 Carpenters Crew from EDGAR to pass for joiner

4caf899fcadfd3419702769d: ( 53-54779-007_1.jpg)

9 August 1916

At Suda

8.15 am 1 Carpenters Crew from EDGAR to pass for joiner

(editor - this page appears to be a repeat of 8 August 1916, dated 9 August 1916)

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10 August 1916

At Suda

750 am despatched mail to EDGAR

10.45 am Admiral boarded ship. Walked around mess and upper deck

11.30 pm Admiral left

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11 August 1916

At Suda

6.20 pm despatched mail to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276a0: ( 53-54779-009_0.jpg)

12 August 1916

At Suda

4caf899fcadfd341970276a1: ( 53-54779-009_1.jpg)

13 August 1916

At Suda

10.00 am send Church of England Party to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276a2: ( 53-54779-010_0.jpg)

14 August 1916

At Suda

9.00 pm received three civilian prisoners from EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276a3: ( 53-54779-010_1.jpg)

15 August 1916

At Suda

8.10 am Greek interpreter came on board from EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276a4: ( 53-54779-011_0.jpg)

16 August 1916

At Suda

7.15 am discharged 3 Prisoners to EDGAR

9.50 am sent mails to REINDEER

4caf899fcadfd341970276a5: ( 53-54779-011_1.jpg)

17 August 1916

At Suda

1.40 pm discharged Acting Lieutenant Tweedie to PARTRIDGE II

4.00 pm Acting Lieutenant Conchar, RNR, joined ship from PARTRIDGE II

5.00 pm one Prisoner sent to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276a6: ( 53-54779-012_0.jpg)

18 August 1916

At Suda

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19 August 1916

At Suda

4caf899fcadfd341970276a8: ( 53-54779-013_0.jpg)

20 August 1916

At Suda

10.15 am send Church of England party to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276a9: ( 53-54779-013_1.jpg)

21 August 1916

At Suda

12.45 pm effects of Ordinary Seaman Keaton sold at auction

7.15 pm collier SAN DEMITRIOS secured alongside

4caf899fcadfd341970276aa: ( 53-54779-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1916

At Suda

6.00 am Ten stokers boarded from EDGAR to assist in coal trimming

7.00 am Commenced coaling

7.30 am one ventilator fan lost overboard accidently

4.10 pm completed coaling; collier cast off 4.40 pm

4caf899fcadfd341970276ab: ( 53-54779-014_1.jpg)

23 August 1916

At Suda

8.00 am sent mails to EDGAR

8.30 am two ratings sent to REINDEER for passage

4caf899fcadfd341970276ac: ( 53-54779-015_0.jpg)

24 August 1916

At Suda

10.30 am despatched mails to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276ad: ( 53-54779-015_1.jpg)

25 August 1916

At Suda

4caf899fcadfd341970276ae: ( 53-54779-016_0.jpg)

26 August 1916

At Suda

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27 August 1916

At Suda

10.15 am sent Church of England party to EDGAR

8.00 pm Lost overboard by accident from Skiff: Crutches, metal, Patt 73E, one in number

4caf899fcadfd341970276b0: ( 53-54779-017_0.jpg)

28 August 1916

At Suda

11.30 am one Greek interpreter boarded from EDGAR

5.45 pm 1 rating and 1 Greek interpreter discharged to EDGAR

6.00 am three ratings (2 Boys and 1 A.B.) joined ship from

4caf899fcadfd341970276b1: ( 53-54779-017_1.jpg)

29 August 1916

At Suda

6:30 pm Dispatched mails to HMS PETUNIA

4caf899fcadfd341970276b2: ( 53-54779-018_0.jpg)

30 August 1916

At Suda

7:45 am Dispatched mails to HMS EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276b3: ( 53-54779-018_1.jpg)

31 August 1916

At Suda


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4caf899fcadfd341970276bd: ( 53-54780-003_1.jpg)

1 September 1916

At Suda

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2 September 1916

At Suda

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3 September 1916

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to HMS EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276c0: ( 53-54780-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1916

At Suda

4:20 pm one shipwright loaned to HMS EDGAR

5:10 pm Received mails

4caf899fcadfd341970276c1: ( 53-54780-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1916

At Suda

4caf899fcadfd341970276c2: ( 53-54780-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1916

At Suda

8.00 am discharged on E.R.A. to HAZEL for passage

8.00 am Mails sent to EDGAR

1.30 pm received Two civilian prisoners from EDGAR

8:55 pm discharged two civilian prisoners to HMS EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276c3: ( 53-54780-006_1.jpg)

7 September 1916

At Suda

4caf899fcadfd341970276c4: ( 53-54780-007_0.jpg)

8 September 1916

At Suda

3:30 pm Received stores from collier FREDERICK KNIGHT

4caf899fcadfd341970276c5: ( 53-54780-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1916

At Suda

Saturday routine

4caf899fcadfd341970276c6: ( 53-54780-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1916

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England party to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276c7: ( 53-54780-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1916

At Suda

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12 September 1916

At Suda

7.45 am received mails from EDGAR

7.45 am one rating rejoined ship from HAZEL

2.30 pm dispatched mails for Malta to EDGAR

Other: 7:20 Leave and football parties returned

4caf899fcadfd341970276c9: ( 53-54780-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1916

At Suda

5:15 pm One shipwright joined from EDGAR

6:30 pm Sent mail aboard EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276ca: ( 53-54780-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1916

At Suda

8.40 pm Received four prisoners of war from EDGAR for temporary custody

4caf899fcadfd341970276cb: ( 53-54780-010_1.jpg)

15 September 1916

At Suda

6.45 pm discharged 4 prisoners to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276cc: ( 53-54780-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1916

At Suda

Saturday Routine

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17 September 1916

At Suda

10.20 am Church of England Party to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276ce: ( 53-54780-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1916

At Suda

5.35 pm Collier FREDERICK KNIGHT alongside

4caf899fcadfd341970276cf: ( 53-54780-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1916

At Suda

6.10 am commenced coaling

6.25 am shore labourers aboard to assist coaling

7.30 am received mails; one wireless rating arrived on ship

12.45 pm completed coaling; 2.10 pm collier cast off

4caf899fcadfd341970276d0: ( 53-54780-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1916

At Suda

6.40 pm dispatched mails to EDGAR

6.40 pm discharged one seaman, RNR, to PARTRIDGE II for passage to Mudros

8.00 am one Officers’ Steward sent ashore to hospital

4caf899fcadfd341970276d1: ( 53-54780-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1916

At Suda

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22 September 1916

At Suda

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23 September 1916

At Suda

8.00 am received provisions from Collier ROSARIO

4caf899fcadfd341970276d4: ( 53-54780-015_0.jpg)

24 September 1916

At Suda

10.20 am Church of England party to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276d5: ( 53-54780-015_1.jpg)

25 September 1916

At Suda

4caf899fcadfd341970276d6: ( 53-54780-016_0.jpg)

26 September 1916

At Suda

11.00 am received mails from EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276d7: ( 53-54780-016_1.jpg)

27 September 1916

At Suda

7.00 pm dispatched mails to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276d8: ( 53-54780-017_0.jpg)

28 September 1916

At Suda

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29 September 1916

At Suda

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30 September 1916

At Suda

3.00 pm 2 Greek military officers and 1 Greek private soldier received on board

5.00 pm 1 Greek officer sent to EDGAR


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1 October 1916

At Suda

10.20 am Church of England Party to EDGAR

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2 October 1916

At Suda

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3 October 1916

At Suda

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4 October 1916

At Suda

10:00 am Court of Inquiry assembled on board

pm dispatched stores to HAZEL for Elasa and Gavdo Islands

7.00 pm dispatched mail to EDGAR

4caf899fcadfd341970276e9: ( 53-54781-005_1.jpg)

5 October 1916

At Suda

9.45 am Greek officer and servant discharged to Greek S.S. OURANIA

9:30 pm two men placed under sentry's charge

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6 October 1916

At Suda

4.00 pm Lieutenant Stephenson Joined ship from hospital

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7 October 1916

At Suda

3:45 pm One rating (officers’ Steward) joined ship

5.30 pm Lieutenant Sayce, RNR joined ship from hospital

4caf899fcadfd341970276ec: ( 53-54781-007_0.jpg)

8 October 1916

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England party to EDGAR

10.45 am Lieutenant Stephenson to EDGAR

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9 October 1916

At Suda

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10 October 1916

At Suda

9.15 am Lieutenant Sayce, R.N.R. ,and servant left ship to join HAZEL

pm Hands drawing stores from collier MELANIE

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11 October 1916

At Suda

9.00 am Returned empties in cutter to ROSARIO and HAZEL

3.30 pm: HMT 804 alongside for stores; 3.47 pm left

5.00 pm Sent stores for Elasa Island to HAZEL

4caf899fcadfd341970276f0: ( 53-54781-009_0.jpg)

12 October 1916

At Suda

11.30 am Absentee stoker rating from HAZEL joined ship

5.15 pm discharged signal boy to HELIOTROPE; sent absentee stoker to EDGAR

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13 October 1916

At Suda

6.20 pm Discharged 1 Marine Private to hospital ship

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14 October 1916

At Suda

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15 October 1916

At Suda

10.20 am Church of England party to EDGAR

4.15 pm Landed Funeral party for burial of late J.A.Frith , Officers Steward 2c (died 15 Oct 1916 from illness; buried Suda Bay War Cemetery)

4caf89a0cadfd341970276f4: ( 53-54781-011_0.jpg)

16 October 1916

At Suda

5.10 pm Collier SS Melanie secured alongside; 1 Officers’ Steward 2c joined ship

4caf89a0cadfd341970276f5: ( 53-54781-011_1.jpg)

17 October 1916

At Suda

6.15 am native labourers arrived on board

6.20 am Commenced coaling

1.45 pm Completed coaling

2.10 pm collier cast off

4caf89a0cadfd341970276f6: ( 53-54781-012_0.jpg)

18 October 1916

At Suda

5.00 pm Watch employed taking provisions for Elasa W/T Station to REINDEER

6.45 pm Sent mails to EDGAR; Discharged one Officers’ Steward 1c to REINDEER for passage

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19 October 1916

At Suda

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20 October 1916

At Suda

5.04 pm two cell prisoners returned from EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd341970276f9: ( 53-54781-013_1.jpg)

21 October 1916

At Suda

11:30 am Sale of effects of late J.A.Frith, Officers’ Steward 2c

4caf89a0cadfd341970276fa: ( 53-54781-014_0.jpg)

22 October 1916

At Suda

10.20 am Church of England party to EDGAR

1:50 pm sent mail to T.B.D. (presume Torpedo Boat Destroyer; no ship listed of name as T.B.D.)

4caf89a0cadfd341970276fb: ( 53-54781-014_1.jpg)

23 October 1916

At Suda

9.30 am EDGAR’s launch and diver alongside for engineers’ purpose

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24 October 1916

At Suda

9.00 am cutter away to REINDEER for stores

1.40 pm received one prisoner, A.B., at large from EDGAR

3.55 pm Dispatched mails to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd341970276fd: ( 53-54781-015_1.jpg)

25 October 1916

At Suda

6.45 pm Dispatched mails to HMS EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd341970276fe: ( 53-54781-016_0.jpg)

26 October 1916

At Suda

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27 October 1916

At Suda

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28 October 1916

At Suda

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29 October 1916

At Suda

10.20 am Church of England party to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027702: ( 53-54781-018_0.jpg)

30 October 1916

At Suda

7.20 am weighed and shifted berths; 8.45 am came to anchor

11:50 am Lieut Merton, RNVR, and Mr W. Jones, RNR, and 1 rating joined ship to await passage to Mudros

4caf89a0cadfd34197027703: ( 53-54781-018_1.jpg)

31 October 1916

At Suda

8:50 pm Received 10 bags of mail from EDGAR


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4caf89a0cadfd3419702770c: ( 53-54782-003_0.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd3419702770d: ( 53-54782-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1916

At Suda

3.45 pm SS ROSARIO secured alongside

5.00 pm Dispatched mail to EDGAR

5.25 pm hands employed receiving stores from ROSARIO; 8.50 pm completed taking in stores

6:09 pm 2 Officers and 1 rating awaiting passage sent to GAZELLE

4caf89a0cadfd3419702770e: ( 53-54782-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1916

At Suda

6.15 am (time overstruck; 6.55 am ?) Collier cast off

4caf89a0cadfd3419702770f: ( 53-54782-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1916

At Suda

9.05 am weighed anchored; shifted berth. 9.29 am anchored

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4 November 1916

At Suda

8.40 am sent mail to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027711: ( 53-54782-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1916

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England party to EDGAR

5.20 pm One signal boy joined ship

5.45 pm discharged 1 leading signalman to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027712: ( 53-54782-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1916

At Suda

8.15 am One stoker rating (RFR) sick, joined ship from Gavdo Wireless Telegraph Station for treatment

4caf89a0cadfd34197027713: ( 53-54782-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1916

At Suda

8.00 am 1 officerand 1 seaman, RNR, joined ship to await passage

4caf89a0cadfd34197027714: ( 53-54782-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1916

At Suda

2.15 pm Trawler 306 alongside for stores for Gavdo W/T Station; 2.30 pm stores received and trawler cast off

3.45 pm Mr.H.W. Fookes, Warrant Officer Gunner) discharged to hospital ship

6.00 pm Warrant telegraphist and 1 seaman sent to HAZEL for passage

4caf89a0cadfd34197027715: ( 53-54782-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1916

At Suda

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10 November 1916

At Suda

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11 November 1916

At Suda

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12 November 1916

At Suda

10.30 am Church of England party to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027719: ( 53-54782-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1916

At Suda

5.25 pm Collier ROSARIO secured alongside.

4caf89a0cadfd3419702771a: ( 53-54782-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1916

At Suda

6.12 am commenced coaling; 3.20 pm completed coaling

3.40 pm sent mails to EDGAR

3.45 pm collier cast off

4caf89a0cadfd3419702771b: ( 53-54782-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1916

At Suda

9.45 am received mail

10.00 am discharged one stoker from sick bay to T. 1778

4caf89a0cadfd3419702771c: ( 53-54782-011_0.jpg)

16 November 1916

At Suda

1.45 am H.Mc. Lellan, A.B. discharged to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd3419702771d: ( 53-54782-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1916

At Suda

5.50 pm sent mail to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd3419702771e: ( 53-54782-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1916

At Suda

4caf89a0cadfd3419702771f: ( 53-54782-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1916

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England party to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027720: ( 53-54782-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1916

At Suda

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21 November 1916

At Suda

4caf89a0cadfd34197027722: ( 53-54782-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1916

At Suda

8.20 am received ten bags of mail from EDGAR

10.12 am sent stores and mail for Gavdo to T1778

4.45 pm sent mail to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027723: ( 53-54782-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1916

At Suda

4caf89a0cadfd34197027724: ( 53-54782-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1916

At Suda

4caf89a0cadfd34197027725: ( 53-54782-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1916

At Suda

4caf89a0cadfd34197027726: ( 53-54782-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1916

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England Party to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027727: ( 53-54782-016_1.jpg)

27 November 1916

At Suda

9.00 am first cutter and skiff ashore for overhaul

2.30 pm Trawler 1768 alongside for stores for Elasa Island

4caf89a0cadfd34197027728: ( 53-54782-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1916

At Suda

2.20 pm Trawler 1778 alongside for stores for Gavdo and Elasa Island; 3.15 pm trawler cast off

4caf89a0cadfd34197027729: ( 53-54782-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1916

At Suda

5.55 pm sent mails to EDGAR

pm received 42 Military officers on board from HMT MINNEWASKA

Ship: Met: Edgar

Person: Boarded: 42 Military Officers

4caf89a0cadfd3419702772a: ( 53-54782-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1916

At Suda


4caf89a0cadfd3419702772b: ( 53-54782-018_1.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd3419702772c: ( 53-54782-019_0.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd3419702772d: ( 53-54782-019_1.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd3419702772e: ( 53-54782-020_0.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd3419702772f: ( 53-54782-020_1.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd34197027730: ( 53-54783-001_0.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd34197027731: ( 53-54783-001_1.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd34197027732: ( 53-54783-002_0.jpg)

4caf89a0cadfd34197027733: ( 53-54783-002_1.jpg)

1 December 1916

At Suda

9.00 am dispatched mails to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027734: ( 53-54783-003_0.jpg)

2 December 1916

At Suda

4caf89a0cadfd34197027735: ( 53-54783-003_1.jpg)

3 December 1916

At Suda

7.45 am sent guard of six men and one P.O. to Trawler 340 for duty as salvage guard

10.15 am send Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a0cadfd34197027736: ( 53-54783-004_0.jpg)

4 December 1916

At Suda

3.50 pm sent mails to EDGAR

4caf89a0cadfd34197027737: ( 53-54783-004_1.jpg)

5 December 1916

At Suda

10.00 am received 13 bags of mail from THESEUS

2.45 pm two W/T ratings and one Officers’ Steward 3c joined ship

4caf89a0cadfd34197027738: ( 53-54783-005_0.jpg)

6 December 1916

At Suda

2.45 pm HMT 354 alongside for stores for Gavdo Island; 3.10 pm HMT 354 cast off

4.40 pm discharged Leading Telegrapher Julyan to PARTRIDGE II for passage

4caf89a0cadfd34197027739: ( 53-54783-005_1.jpg)

7 December 1916

At Suda

4caf89a0cadfd3419702773a: ( 53-54783-006_0.jpg)

8 December 1916

At Suda

5.15 pm two Telegraphist ratings discharged to THESEUS

4caf89a0cadfd3419702773b: ( 53-54783-006_1.jpg)

9 December 1916

At Suda

12.45 pm sent mails to THESEUS

4caf89a0cadfd3419702773c: ( 53-54783-007_0.jpg)

10 December 1916

At Suda

10.20 am sent Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a0cadfd3419702773d: ( 53-54783-007_1.jpg)

11 December 1916

At Suda

Am hands employed drawing stores from collier

4caf89a0cadfd3419702773e: ( 53-54783-008_0.jpg)

12 December 1916

At Suda

10.00 am one Officers’ Steward 2c joined ship

11.20 am Reverend C.S. Ritchie joined ship from THESEUS

2.15 pm HMT 308 alongside for stores for Elasa Island; 2.30 pm trawler cast off

4caf89a1cadfd3419702773f: ( 53-54783-008_1.jpg)

13 December 1916

At Suda

2.00 pm sent mails to EDGAR

4caf89a1cadfd34197027740: ( 53-54783-009_0.jpg)

14 December 1916

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027741: ( 53-54783-009_1.jpg)

15 December 1916

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027742: ( 53-54783-010_0.jpg)

16 December 1916

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027743: ( 53-54783-010_1.jpg)

17 December 1916

At Suda

7.15 am Roman Catholics attended service on THESEUS

10.15 am Church of England Party to EDGAR

4caf89a1cadfd34197027744: ( 53-54783-011_0.jpg)

18 December 1916

At Suda

7.30 am collier CONISTON secured alongside

7.55 am commenced coaling; 8.55 pm coaling completed

10.10 am discharged one Boy to hospital
3.30 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027745: ( 53-54783-011_1.jpg)

19 December 1916

At Suda

7.15 am collier CONISTON cast off

Am Three Ratings joined ship from HMS GAZELLE

4caf89a1cadfd34197027746: ( 53-54783-012_0.jpg)

20 December 1916

At Suda

7.30 am sent Guard of 4 hands to Wreck

4.00 pm send mail to THESEUS

4.40 pm dispatched 1 Shipwright and one O.S. 3c and provisions for Elasa W/T station to GAZELLE

5.15 pm Reverend C S Ritchie left ship for GAZELLE

4caf89a1cadfd34197027747: ( 53-54783-012_0.jpg)

21 December 1916

At Suda

(no page for 21 December. Link brings up duplicate 20 December)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027748: ( 53-54783-013_0.jpg)

22 December 1916

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027749: ( 53-54783-013_1.jpg)

23 December 1916

At Suda

9.30 am Diving launch from THESEUS alongside; eight hands employed on diving launch

10.50 am diving party finished

9.30 pm 17 Ratings & 2 Interpreters joined ship from HMS THESEUS

10.15 pm Lieutenant Lawson, RNVR, Mr Halliday, and Mr.Davies Signal Boatswain joined ship from THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd3419702774a: ( 53-54783-014_0.jpg)

24 December 1916

At Suda

7.15 am 17 Ratings to THESEUS

8.15 am Lieutenant Lawson, RNVR, Mr. Halliday, and Mr. Davies (no mention of what they did ?)

10.15 am Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd3419702774b: ( 53-54783-014_1.jpg)

25 December 1916

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England Party to THESEUS

(Merry Christmas)

4caf89a1cadfd3419702774c: ( 53-54783-015_0.jpg)

26 December 1916

At Suda

10.15 am Received 13 bags of mail from THESEUS

10.15 am 7 stoker ratings loaned to ship by THESEUS; 1 signal rating joined from GAZELLE

4caf89a1cadfd3419702774d: ( 53-54783-015_1.jpg)

27 December 1916

At Suda

9.30 am Court of Inquiry assembled on board

11.00 am Dispatched mail to THESEUS

3.50 pm Sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd3419702774e: ( 53-54783-016_0.jpg)

28 December 1916

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd3419702774f: ( 53-54783-016_1.jpg)

29 December 1916

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027750: ( 53-54783-017_0.jpg)

30 December 1916

At Suda

2.15 pm Sent mail to THESEUS

3.15 pm Discharged one Ordinary Seaman 2c to collier CONISTON

4.45 pm Discharged 1 Signal boy to ASTER

4caf89a1cadfd34197027751: ( 53-54783-017_1.jpg)

31 December 1916

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to THESEUS


4caf89a1cadfd34197027752: ( 53-54783-018_0.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027753: ( 53-54783-018_1.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027754: ( 53-54783-019_0.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027755: ( 53-54783-019_1.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027756: ( 53-54784-001_0.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027757: ( 53-54784-001_1.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027758: ( 53-54784-002_0.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027759: ( 53-54784-002_1.jpg)

1 January 1917

At Suda

10.35 pm Received on board 5 military officers, survivors from transport

4caf89a1cadfd3419702775a: ( 53-54784-003_0.jpg)

2 January 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd3419702775b: ( 53-54784-003_1.jpg)

3 January 1917

At Suda

10.30 am Received 13 bags of mail from THESEUS

12.00 pm sent mail to THESEUS

3.30 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS and stores to Elasa W/T Station per GAZELLE

4caf89a1cadfd3419702775c: ( 53-54784-004_0.jpg)

4 January 1917

At Suda

11.15 am Received 5 military officers and 6 mercantile ratings, survivors from HUNTSEND (damaged by submarine; towed to port)

4caf89a1cadfd3419702775d: ( 53-54784-004_1.jpg)

5 January 1917

At Suda

9.30 am Court of Inquiry assembled on board

4.50 pm Discharged six mercantile stewards to HUNTSEND

4caf89a1cadfd3419702775e: ( 53-54784-005_0.jpg)

6 January 1917

At Suda

9.30 am Court of inquiry assembled on board

4caf89a1cadfd3419702775f: ( 53-54784-005_1.jpg)

7 January 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027760: ( 53-54784-006_0.jpg)

8 January 1917

At Suda

9.25 am party drawing stores from collier

4caf89a1cadfd34197027761: ( 53-54784-006_1.jpg)

9 January 1917

At Suda

3.50 pm Sent mails to THESEUS

5.00 pm Two Ordinary Seaman joined ship from HMS GAZELLE

4caf89a1cadfd34197027762: ( 53-54784-007_0.jpg)

10 January 1917

At Suda

am Lost overboard, by accident, Small brass syringe from No. 431 Steam Cutter

3.50 pm Discharged 1 marine to GAZELLE for passage

3.50 pm Sent mail to THESEUS

5.00 pm One Signal boy joined ship from ASTER

5.20 pm Discharged 7 stoker ratings to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027763: ( 53-54784-007_1.jpg)

11 January 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027764: ( 53-54784-008_0.jpg)

12 January 1917

At Suda

am 1 Leading Hand and seaman ashore in arsenal painting 1st cutter

4caf89a1cadfd34197027765: ( 53-54784-008_1.jpg)

13 January 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027766: ( 53-54784-009_0.jpg)

14 January 1917

At Suda

Person: Ill: 2

Other: Number on sick list: 2

4caf89a1cadfd34197027767: ( 53-54784-009_1.jpg)

15 January 1917

At Suda

4.45 pm Discharged 1 ERA to JONQUIL. 1 ERA joined ship from JONQUIL

4caf89a1cadfd34197027768: ( 53-54784-010_0.jpg)

16 January 1917

At Suda

9.30 am 1 Private RMLI joined ship from Elasa W/T Station

7.15 pm collier secured alongside

4caf89a1cadfd34197027769: ( 53-54784-010_1.jpg)

17 January 1917

At Suda

7.20 am commenced coaling

10.00 am Received 17 bags of mail from THESEUS

10.15 am Mr Fookes, Gunner, joined ship from HMS GAZELLE

3.55 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

4.30 pm finished coaling; 5.10 pm collier cast off

4caf89a1cadfd3419702776a: ( 53-54784-011_0.jpg)

18 January 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd3419702776b: ( 53-54784-011_1.jpg)

19 January 1917

At Suda

9.00 am Sent guard of 4 hands to wreck

9.15 am 15 hands landed to launch and bring off 1st cutter

5.00 pm 1 cell prisoner released

4caf89a1cadfd3419702776c: ( 53-54784-012_0.jpg)

20 January 1917

At Suda

9.23 am T.344 alongside for stores for Gavdo W/T Station

9.25 am Discharged 2 Ordinary Seaman for passage to Gavdo.

9.25 am Discharged 1 Leading Stoker to hospital

pm Discharged one signal man to ASTER. One signal man joined ship from ASTER

4caf89a1cadfd3419702776d: ( 53-54784-012_1.jpg)

21 January 1917

At Suda

10.05 am Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd3419702776e: ( 53-54784-013_0.jpg)

22 January 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd3419702776f: ( 53-54784-013_1.jpg)

23 January 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027770: ( 53-54784-014_0.jpg)

24 January 1917

At Suda

11.43 am trawler T 804 alongside for W/T Station Stores; 11.45 trawler cast off

3.45 pm Despatched mail to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027771: ( 53-54784-014_1.jpg)

25 January 1917

At Suda

10.00 am wreck guard returned

4.00 pm landed funeral party; 6.00 funeral party returned

Other: Number on sick list: 2

4caf89a1cadfd34197027772: ( 53-54784-015_0.jpg)

26 January 1917

At Suda

am Lost overboard by accident Cloths deck 8ftx8ft 1 in number

4caf89a1cadfd34197027773: ( 53-54784-015_1.jpg)

27 January 1917

At Suda

12.45 pm sent coaling party of 4 hands to TRELISSICK

1.55 pm One Signal Boy joined ship from RN hospital

6.50 pm coaling party returned

4caf89a1cadfd34197027774: ( 53-54784-016_0.jpg)

28 January 1917

At Suda

10.20 am sent Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027775: ( 53-54784-016_1.jpg)

29 January 1917

At Suda

5.30 pm 1 Leading Stoker and 1 Stoker joined ship from THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027776: ( 53-54784-017_0.jpg)

30 January 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027777: ( 53-54784-017_1.jpg)

31 January 1917

At Suda

9.00 am Received 8 bags of mail from THESEUS.

1.55 pm Dispatched mail to THESEUS.

3.55 pm Discharged one Trimmer R.N.R. (T) to GAZELLE.

4.00 pm Dispatched mail to THESEUS


4caf89a1cadfd34197027778: ( 53-54784-018_0.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd34197027779: ( 53-54784-018_1.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd3419702777a: ( 53-54784-019_0.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd3419702777b: ( 53-54784-019_1.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd3419702777c: ( 53-54785-001_0.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd3419702777d: ( 53-54785-001_1.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd3419702777e: ( 53-54785-002_0.jpg)

4caf89a1cadfd3419702777f: ( 53-54785-002_1.jpg)

1 February 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027780: ( 53-54785-003_0.jpg)

2 February 1917

At Suda

3.40 pm water lighter alongside; 4.20 pm water lighter cast off

4caf89a1cadfd34197027781: ( 53-54785-003_1.jpg)

3 February 1917

At Suda

7.50 am Store party left ship to draw stores from Collier MARGIT

4caf89a1cadfd34197027782: ( 53-54785-004_0.jpg)

4 February 1917

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027783: ( 53-54785-004_1.jpg)

5 February 1917

At Suda

7.56 am T 1778 alongside for Elasa and Gavdo stores; 10.05 am trawler cast off

9.15 am Engineer Captain James joined ship from ASTER

10.00 am Court of inquiry assembled on board

4.00 pm One E.R.A. joined ship

4caf89a1cadfd34197027784: ( 53-54785-005_0.jpg)

6 February 1917

At Suda

am returned store cases to MARGIT

9.30 am 5 Ratings joined ship from EUROPA and Elasa Island

am Two RNAS Officers and two RNAS mechanics joined ship

2.25 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027785: ( 53-54785-005_1.jpg)

7 February 1917

At Suda

2.30 pm Discharged one rating to SNAPDRAGON

2.35 pm One Rating joined ship from SNAPDRAGON

4.00 pm Discharged 2 ratings to GAZELLE; sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027786: ( 53-54785-006_0.jpg)

8 February 1917

At Suda

7.30 am Two E.R.A.'s and 2 stokers on board from

1.15 pm Diving boat left ship, 8 hands pumping party, in Diving boat

4.45 pm Diving party returned.

8.00 pm Lost overboard from Steam Cutters by accident 1 Lamp, Patt No. 275

4caf89a1cadfd34197027787: ( 53-54785-006_1.jpg)

9 February 1917

At Suda

9.00 am unmoored and weighed ship; shifted to westward. 9.40 am anchored

10.23 am completed mooring in berth A 5

4caf89a1cadfd34197027788: ( 53-54785-007_0.jpg)

10 February 1917

At Suda

3.30 pm Dispatched mail to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027789: ( 53-54785-007_1.jpg)

11 February 1917

At Suda

10.10 am sent Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd3419702778a: ( 53-54785-008_0.jpg)

12 February 1917

At Suda

8.00 am One Private RMLI discharged to Elasa Island

8.00 am sent wreck guard to wreck.

3.20 pm Discharged one prisoner to HMS LOBELIA for passage to Malta

4caf89a1cadfd3419702778b: ( 53-54785-008_1.jpg)

13 February 1917

At Suda

10.50 am Discharged 1 sick stoker to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd3419702778c: ( 53-54785-009_0.jpg)

14 February 1917

At Suda

3.30 pm Dispatched mail to THESEUS; One Shipwright sent to GAZELLE for passage

4.20 pm Engineer Captain James and Flight Commander Field left ship for GAZELLE

6.30 pm 4 stoker ratings joined ship from THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd3419702778d: ( 53-54785-009_1.jpg)

15 February 1917

At Suda

7.15 am collier SELLASIA secured alongside

7.45 am commenced coaling

7.45 am Two Royal Marines joined ship from Gavdo Island

4.25 pm completed coaling

6.00 pm Discharged 1 Royal Marine to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd3419702778e: ( 53-54785-010_0.jpg)

16 February 1917

At Suda

9.45 am Court of Inquiry assembled on board

4caf89a1cadfd3419702778f: ( 53-54785-010_1.jpg)

17 February 1917

At Suda

4caf89a1cadfd34197027790: ( 53-54785-011_0.jpg)

18 February 1917

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to THESEUS

2.00 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027791: ( 53-54785-011_1.jpg)

19 February 1917

At Suda

7.55 am sent stores to Gavdo and Elasa W/T Stations in trawler T 1778

4caf89a1cadfd34197027792: ( 53-54785-012_0.jpg)

20 February 1917

At Suda

2.00 pm Lost overboard by accident when painting ships side, brushes, painters dusters, Patt 52 one in Number

4caf89a1cadfd34197027793: ( 53-54785-012_1.jpg)

21 February 1917

At Suda

8.20 am sent guard to wreck

2.45 pm Discharged 1 rating to GAZELLE

3.30 pm sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a1cadfd34197027794: ( 53-54785-013_0.jpg)

22 February 1917

At Suda

4.00 pm Lieutenant Commander Powell joined ship from HONEYSUCKLE

4caf89a1cadfd34197027795: ( 53-54785-013_1.jpg)

23 February 1917

At Suda

4caf89a2cadfd34197027796: ( 53-54785-014_0.jpg)

24 February 1917

At Suda

1.35 pm Discharged 1 Signal Boy to FORESIGHT

4caf89a2cadfd34197027797: ( 53-54785-014_1.jpg)

25 February 1917

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd34197027798: ( 53-54785-015_0.jpg)

26 February 1917

At Suda

8.00 am One telegraphist discharged to Elasa W/T Station.

8.30 am One E.R.A. and 2 writers joined ship from HEROIC

10.40 am wreck party returned on board

1.30 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd34197027799: ( 53-54785-015_1.jpg)

27 February 1917

At Suda

am Steam Cutter's boiler to SELLASIA for passage to Malta

11.35 am trawler 1133 alongside with stores

4.00 pm Lost overboard by accident, mallets serving, Lignum Vitae Patt 1025, 1 in number

4caf89a2cadfd3419702779a: ( 53-54785-016_0.jpg)

28 February 1917

At Suda

1.15 pm Discharged 1 Shipwright to hospital

3.30 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS; Lieutenant Commmander Powell left ship for GAZELLE

pm Discharged 2 boys to THESEUS; 2 AB's joined ship from THESEUS

7.40 pm 4 Officers + 28 ratings of R.N.A.S. joined ship from SS HOLMESBANK


4caf89a2cadfd3419702779b: ( 53-54785-016_1.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd3419702779c: ( 53-54785-017_0.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd3419702779d: ( 53-54785-017_1.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd3419702779e: ( 53-54785-018_0.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd3419702779f: ( 53-54785-018_1.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a0: ( 53-54786-001_0.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a1: ( 53-54786-001_1.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a2: ( 53-54786-002_0.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a3: ( 53-54786-002_1.jpg)

1 March 1917

At Suda

9.00 am hands drawing stores from MARGIT

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a4: ( 53-54786-003_0.jpg)

2 March 1917

At Suda

8.00 am Lost from moorings of Telephone cable Sinkers, iron, mushrom, Patt 741 1 in number

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a5: ( 53-54786-003_1.jpg)

3 March 1917

At Suda

9.00 am R.N.A.S. ratings left ship to live on shore.

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a6: ( 53-54786-004_0.jpg)

4 March 1917

At Suda

9.45 am R.N.A.S. Officers left ship

6.15 pm One Telegraphist joined ship from Elasa W/T Station.

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a7: ( 53-54786-004_1.jpg)

5 March 1917

At Suda

10.10 am sent stores to Gavdo and Elasa W/T Station on trawler T 1776

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a8: ( 53-54786-005_0.jpg)

6 March 1917

At Suda

3.01 pm Officers’ Steward Ic left ship for HMS RIFLEMAN for passage to Malta

4caf89a2cadfd341970277a9: ( 53-54786-005_1.jpg)

7 March 1917

At Suda

8.00 am sent Guard to wreck

10.30 am Sub Lt Hunter, R.N.R. joined ship from GAZELLE

3.30 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

3.45 pm Discharged one E.R.A. to GAZELLE

4caf89a2cadfd341970277aa: ( 53-54786-006_0.jpg)

8 March 1917

At Suda

5.00 pm one shipwright joined ship from hospital

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ab: ( 53-54786-006_1.jpg)

9 March 1917

At Suda

9.45 am Sub Lt Hunter R.N.R. left ship for ASTER

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ac: ( 53-54786-007_0.jpg)

10 March 1917

At Suda

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ad: ( 53-54786-007_1.jpg)

11 March 1917

At Suda

10.20 am Church of England party sent party to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ae: ( 53-54786-008_0.jpg)

12 March 1917

At Suda

8.45 am Trawler T1776 alongside for Gavdo and Elasa stores; 9.00 am trawler cast off

am Court of inquiry assembled on board

10.45 am Wreck guard returned

4.45 pm whaler drawing stores from S.S. HAMPSHIRE; 5.40 pm whaler returned

4caf89a2cadfd341970277af: ( 53-54786-008_1.jpg)

13 March 1917

At Suda

7.45 am 1 Leading Carpenters crew joined ship from THESEUS

7.50 am coaling party left for H.M.T. HUNTSEND; 6.20 pm coaling party returned

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b0: ( 53-54786-009_0.jpg)

14 March 1917

At Suda

7.45 am coaling party left for H.M.T. HUNTSEND; 7.30 pm coaling party returned

12.50 pm Reverend Ritchie, RC Chaplain joined ship

4.40 pm sent mail to THESEUS

4.45 pm Engineer Captain James: left ship for PARTRIDGE II

4.45 Discharged 3rd Writer and one Ordinary Seaman HMS PARTRIDGE for passage

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b1: ( 53-54786-009_1.jpg)

15 March 1917

At Suda

7.45 am Collier SS MARGIT secured alongside; 4.45 pm coaling complete

8.45 am commenced coaling

am One Private, R.M.L.I., joined ship from Gavdo Island

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b2: ( 53-54786-010_0.jpg)

16 March 1917

At Suda

2.15 pm Store carrier CHESTERFIELD secured alongside; hands taking in canteen supplies

3.05 pm Store carrier CHESTERFIELD cast off

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b3: ( 53-54786-010_1.jpg)

17 March 1917

At Suda

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b4: ( 53-54786-011_0.jpg)

18 March 1917

At Suda

10.00 am sent Church of England party to THESEUS

3.45 pm Despatched mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b5: ( 53-54786-011_1.jpg)

19 March 1917

At Suda

8.30 am Sent stores and discharged one Private R.M.L.I. to Gavdo & Elasa W/T Stations

6.30 pm Discharged one rating to hospital

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b6: ( 53-54786-012_0.jpg)

20 March 1917

At Suda

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b7: ( 53-54786-012_1.jpg)

21 March 1917

At Suda

3.00 pm sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b8: ( 53-54786-013_0.jpg)

22 March 1917

At Suda

12:10 pm Two Warrant Skippers ,RNR, & 2 mates joined ship for accommodation

1:10 pm Sent Wreck guard to wreck.

2:45 pm Sent mail to THESEUS

4:50 pm Despatch mail to THESEUS

5:50 pm Discharged 1 Leading Carpenters Crew to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277b9: ( 53-54786-013_1.jpg)

23 March 1917

At Suda

8:15 am T. 803 alongside for store party for GARDENIA; 8.30 am store party left ship

11:35 am T.803 returned with stores & working party; 1.30 pm T 803 cast off with working party.

3:30 pm T.803 alongside with stores. Hands employed taking in stores; 4.30 pm T 308 cast off.

7.50 pm Received 3 bags of mail from THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ba: ( 53-54786-014_0.jpg)

24 March 1917

At Suda

4caf89a2cadfd341970277bb: ( 53-54786-014_1.jpg)

25 March 1917

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to THESEUS

4.10 pm Discharged 2 ratings to Trawler 267

9.00 pm One sick rating joined ship from RENARD

4caf89a2cadfd341970277bc: ( 53-54786-015_0.jpg)

26 March 1917

At Suda

7:30 am One Rating joined ship from REINDEER

8.03 am Seven hands left ship for coaling TRIAD

8:45 am T1776 alongside for stores for Gavdo & Elasa W/T stations

9:10 am T1776 cast off. Discharged one P.O. Telegraphist to Gavdo

12:45 pm Coaling party returned.

1:45 pm Mr Fookes, Gunner, left ship

5:30 pm Discharged 1 Boy Telegraphist to RENARD

5:45 pm 3rd Writer and 1 Ordinary Seaman 2c joined from GAZELLE

7:30 pm Ten trawler ratings joined ship

4caf89a2cadfd341970277bd: ( 53-54786-015_1.jpg)

27 March 1917

At Suda

8.20 am T1600 alongside for stores for GARDENIA to draw stores

11.15 am T 1600 alongside with stores

5.00 pm Discharged 5 ratings to T.267 and 1 to T.1185

4caf89a2cadfd341970277be: ( 53-54786-016_0.jpg)

28 March 1917

At Suda

7.45 am Discharged 4 ratings to HAZEL

5.20 pm 1 Skipper & 14 Trawler ratings joined ship

5.20 pm discharged 2 sick ratings to THESEUS

7.35 pm Lieut Hope Johnson T.O: joined ship from THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277bf: ( 53-54786-016_1.jpg)

29 March 1917

At Suda

9.20 am Commodore Fizmaurice; Ships inspection by Commodore Fitzmauris of HMS TRIAD

Other: Divisions, Commodore's Inspection. Ship inspected by Commodore Fitzmaurice from HMS Triad

11.40 am HMS GAZELLE alongside to receive guns and ammunition; 3.40 GAZELLE cast off

5.00 pm Discharged 2 ratings to T.1768

5.30 pm dispatch mail to THESEUS

6.20 pm GAZELLE alongside. Hands employed getting in stores

4caf89a2cadfd341970277c0: ( 53-54786-017_0.jpg)

30 March 1917

At Suda

6.30 am Discharged 15 ratings to GAZELLE; 7.00 am GAZELLE cast off

8.00 am T.803 alongside; 8.30 am store party left in T.803 to draw stores from collier

10.15 am T.803 returned with stores

11.15 am Sent cot case to hospital

1.05 pm landed funeral party; 2.30 pm party returned to ship

6.20 pm Assistant Paymaster Foster, R.N.R. joined ship

4caf89a2cadfd341970277c1: ( 53-54786-017_1.jpg)

31 March 1917

At Suda

11.10 am sent mail to THESEUS

3.30 pm Surgeon Faisley, 1 Sub Lieutenant, R.N.R. and 1 Assistant Paymaster, R.N.R., left ship for PETUNIA and PENTSTEMON


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4caf89a2cadfd341970277c9: ( 53-54787-002_1.jpg)

1 April 1917

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England Party to THESEUS

5.40 pm Discharged one Trawler rating to T1778

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ca: ( 53-54787-003_0.jpg)

2 April 1917

At Suda

1.50 pm Tug JOHN PAYNE secured alongside. Hands employed getting out empty cases and drums

2.15 pm tug JOHN PAYNE cast off

3.50 pm tug JOHN PAYNE alongside with stores; 4.10 pm tug cast off

5.15 pm Engineer Captain James, Capt Ward R.M.A. & six ratings joined ship from GAZELLE

4caf89a2cadfd341970277cb: ( 53-54787-003_1.jpg)

3 April 1917

At Suda

1.20 pm lowered 2nd cutter to return empty cases to collier GARDENIA

8.55 pm sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277cc: ( 53-54787-004_0.jpg)

4 April 1917

At Suda

7.55 am One Engineer Sub Lieutenant, R.N.R., joined ship from OSMANIEH

9.30 am Captain Ward, R.M.A., one private, R.M.A., and 3 ratings left ship in T306 for Elasa W/T Station

4.00 pm Engineer Lieutenant Bell joined ship from GRAMPUS

5.00 pm one signal boy joined ship from FORESIGHT

4caf89a2cadfd341970277cd: ( 53-54787-004_1.jpg)

5 April 1917

At Suda

5.00 pm Engineer Sub Lieutenant, R.N.R., left ship

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ce: ( 53-54787-005_0.jpg)

6 April 1917

At Suda

8.15 am One Ordinary Telegraphist joined ship from Elasa W/T Station

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

10.30 am Engineer Lieutenant Bell left ship for BEAGLE

1.20 pm Funeral party landed

3.20 pm Funeral party returned

4caf89a2cadfd341970277cf: ( 53-54787-005_1.jpg)

7 April 1917

At Suda

1.30 pm landed Funeral party

3.00 pm funeral party returned

4.30 pm Engineer Lieutenant Bloor joined ship from BEAGLE

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d0: ( 53-54787-006_0.jpg)

8 April 1917

At Suda

10.15 am Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d1: ( 53-54787-006_1.jpg)

9 April 1917

At Suda

10.30 am One stoker joined ship from THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d2: ( 53-54787-007_0.jpg)

10 April 1917

At Suda

7.55 am T 803 alongside for stores for Gavdo and Elasa W/T Stations

8.55 am T 803 cast off

9.00 am Hands employed transporting cases of boiler tubes to aft end of Batteries

4.25 pm sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d3: ( 53-54787-007_1.jpg)

11 April 1917

At Suda

8.00 am Discharged one Joiner to THESEUS

12.50 pm Wreck guard returned

4.30 pm Engineer Lieutenant Bloor left ship for passage in MARGUERITE

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d4: ( 53-54787-008_0.jpg)

12 April 1917

At Suda

6.20 am collier NEVNET alongside

7.10 am commenced coaling

3.25 pm completed coaling; 3.55 pm collier cast off

8.30 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d5: ( 53-54787-008_1.jpg)

13 April 1917

At Suda

6.30 am Engineer Captain and 3 ratings left ship for GAZELLE

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d6: ( 53-54787-009_0.jpg)

14 April 1917

At Suda

8.25 am Captain Ward R.M.A. joined ship from Elasa W/T Station with five Telegraphist and 1 gunner, R.M.A.

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d7: ( 53-54787-009_1.jpg)

15 April 1917

At Suda

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

3.30 pm Discharged 2 W/T ratings to CHELMER

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d8: ( 53-54787-010_0.jpg)

16 April 1917

At Suda

7.50 am Sent guard to wreck

8.00 pm Lost overboard by accident painting ships side: Brushes, Painters, Dusters. Patt 4, 1 in number, Patt 5 1 in number

4caf89a2cadfd341970277d9: ( 53-54787-010_1.jpg)

17 April 1917

At Suda

8.15 am One rating joined ship from GAZELLE

4.10 pm sent mails to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277da: ( 53-54787-011_0.jpg)

18 April 1917

At Suda

7.45 am trawler T.803 for stores for Gavdo and Erymopolis W/T Stations.

7.45 am Discharged 2 W/T Ratings to Erymopolis; 8.45 am trawler cast off

9.30 am Court of Inquiry assembled; 11.45 Court adjourned

1.20 pm Court reassembled

6.50 pm Captain Ward R.M.A., 1 Private, R.M.A., and 1 W/T rating left ship for RENARD

8.00 pm Lost overboard by accident when painting ship’s side, Brushes, painters, dusters, Patt 5 2 in number

4caf89a2cadfd341970277db: ( 53-54787-011_1.jpg)

19 April 1917

At Suda

5.00 pm Discharged 1 Stoker to THESEUS

8.30 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

9.15 pm Discharged 1 Ordinary Telegraphist to HMS GAZELLE for passage to Mudros

4caf89a2cadfd341970277dc: ( 53-54787-012_0.jpg)

20 April 1917

At Suda

6.15 pm Wreck guard returned

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21 April 1917

At Suda

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22 April 1917

At Suda

10.05 am Church of England party to THESEUS

1.30 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277df: ( 53-54787-013_1.jpg)

23 April 1917

At Suda

8.00 am tug JOHN PAYNE alongside; 8.15 am tug cast off with store drawing party

8.45 am water lighter alongside

9.45 am water light cast off

11.40 am JOHN PAYNE alongside with stores from CLAN MCPHERSON

1.20 pm JOHN PAYNE left with store drawing party

3.20 pm JOHN PAYNE alongside with stores

4caf89a2cadfd341970277e0: ( 53-54787-014_0.jpg)

24 April 1917

At Suda

3.50 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277e1: ( 53-54787-014_1.jpg)

25 April 1917

At Suda

7.45 am 1 Leading Seaman and 3 Seaman left ship for wreck guard

8.10 am T 267 alongside for stores for Gavdo and Elasa W/T Stations; 9.15 am trawler cast off

5.00 pm Discharged 5 Stoker Ratings to REINDEER

4caf89a2cadfd341970277e2: ( 53-54787-015_0.jpg)

26 April 1917

At Suda

9.00 am hands employed returning empty cases to LEVNET

11.50 am Broken by accident, one thermometer Patt No. 739

4caf89a2cadfd341970277e3: ( 53-54787-015_1.jpg)

27 April 1917

At Suda

4caf89a2cadfd341970277e4: ( 53-54787-016_0.jpg)

28 April 1917

At Suda

4caf89a2cadfd341970277e5: ( 53-54787-016_1.jpg)

29 April 1917

At Suda

10.15 am sent Church of England party to THESEUS

1.20 pm Discharged 1 Signalman to RENARD

4caf89a2cadfd341970277e6: ( 53-54787-017_0.jpg)

30 April 1917

At Suda

7.55 am sent coaling party to HUNTSEND

5.45 pm 1 Stoker PO joined ship from FORESIGHT; 5 Stoker Ratings joined ship from REINDEER


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4caf89a2cadfd341970277e8: ( 53-54787-018_0.jpg)

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4caf89a2cadfd341970277ea: ( 53-54787-019_0.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277eb: ( 53-54787-019_1.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ec: ( 53-54788-002_0.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ed: ( 53-54788-002_1.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ee: ( 53-54788-003_0.jpg)

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ef: ( 53-54788-003_1.jpg)

1 May 1917

At Suda

12.30 am Engineer Captain and Lieutenant Tyrer R.N.R. joined ship

7.50 am Sent stores to Erymopoli and Gavdo W/T Stations.

7.50 am 6 ratings joined ship from GAZELLE

8.00 am sent coaling party to HUNTSEND

11.00 am Stoker PO joined ship for examination on Telegraphist Rating; left ship in T803

3.05 pm sent mails to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f0: ( 53-54788-004_0.jpg)

2 May 1917

At Suda

7.45 am coaling party left for HUNTSEND

8.30 pm coaling party returned

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f1: ( 53-54788-004_1.jpg)

3 May 1917

At Suda

1.35 pm Discharged Boy Telegraphist to HELIOTROPE

3.00 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

4.10 pm Lieutenant Commander Key left ship

5.40 pm Sent 2 Stoker PO's to GAZELLE for passage

6.50 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f2: ( 53-54788-005_0.jpg)

4 May 1917

At Suda

7.40 pm T.1452 for store party and empties

10.40 am store party returned

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f3: ( 53-54788-005_1.jpg)

5 May 1917

At Suda

11.00 am Two Telegraphist Ratings joined ship from THESEUS

3.20 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

4.30 pm Asstant Paymaster Colyer, R.N.R., left ship for CHESTERFIELD to take passage

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f4: ( 53-54788-006_0.jpg)

6 May 1917

At Suda

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f5: ( 53-54788-006_1.jpg)

7 May 1917

At Suda

5.40 pm Discharged 1 and received 1 Telegraphist Rating from HONEYSUCKLE

7.10 pm Reverend Father Barry joined ship

7.10 pm Discharged 1 telegraphist rating to ADAMANT

7.45 pm Mr H.O. Ellis Gunner, RN, joined ship; Lieutenant James R.N.R., joined to await REINDEER

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f6: ( 53-54788-007_0.jpg)

8 May 1917

At Suda

7.05 am collier CORINTHIAN secured alongside; 7.45 am commenced coaling

8.30 am sent stores and mails to Gavdo and Erymopoli W/T Stations in T.803

3.20 pm completed coaling; 3.25 pm collier cast off

6.15 pm Lieutenant James, R.N.R. left ship for REINDEER

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f7: ( 53-54788-007_1.jpg)

9 May 1917

At Suda

2.10 pm Lieutenant Stephenson R.N.R. joined ship

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f8: ( 53-54788-008_0.jpg)

10 May 1917

At Suda

5.00 pm One W/T Rating joined from ASTER

6.30 pm Discharged 1 Stoker Rating to GAZELLE for passage

4caf89a2cadfd341970277f9: ( 53-54788-008_1.jpg)

11 May 1917

At Suda

11.20 am received mails from THESEUS

3.45 pm sent mail to THESEUS

4.20 pm sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277fa: ( 53-54788-009_0.jpg)

12 May 1917

At Suda

4.15 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS; Discharged 1 W/T Rating to ERMINE for passage

4.15 pm Lieutenant Stevenson, R.N.R. left ship

4caf89a2cadfd341970277fb: ( 53-54788-009_1.jpg)

13 May 1917

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to THESEUS

2.30 pm 2 YMCA officers joined ship

4caf89a2cadfd341970277fc: ( 53-54788-010_0.jpg)

14 May 1917

At Suda

pm Lost by accident from Wreck of MINNEWASKA whilst doing Guard duty. Belts Waist, Patt number 1901, 1 in number

9.50 pm Surgeon Fairley, RN: joined ship from GAZELLE

4caf89a2cadfd341970277fd: ( 53-54788-010_1.jpg)

15 May 1917

At Suda

10.30 am: 1 Private, R.M.L.I., joined ship from Erymopoli

4caf89a2cadfd341970277fe: ( 53-54788-011_0.jpg)

16 May 1917

At Suda

9.45 am 1 Stoker joined ship from RACOON.

11.20 am 1 PO left ship for GRASSHOPPER

3.50 pm sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a2cadfd341970277ff: ( 53-54788-011_1.jpg)

17 May 1917

At Suda

6.55 pm sent mail to THESEUS

7.25 pm Sent 2 W/T. Ratings + 2 R.N.R. Seaman to GAZELLE for passage

4caf89a2cadfd34197027800: ( 53-54788-012_0.jpg)

18 May 1917

At Suda

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19 May 1917

At Suda

12.10 pm received 7 bags of mail

3.00 pm One Wireman rating joined ship from hospital

4caf89a3cadfd34197027802: ( 53-54788-013_0.jpg)

20 May 1917

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to THESEUS

am One Signal rating (sick) joined ship from RACOON

4.40 pm Sent 1 AB to THESEUS to undergo cell punishment

4caf89a3cadfd34197027803: ( 53-54788-013_1.jpg)

21 May 1917

At Suda

9.30 am Court of Inquiry assembled

am Discharged 1 Rating to H.M.H.S. KARAPARA

noon Court adjourned

1.20 pm Court reassembled; 2.00 pm Court terminated

4.40 pm mails to THESEUS

10.15 pm One Paymaster R.N.R. and 3 ratings joined ship

4caf89a3cadfd34197027804: ( 53-54788-014_0.jpg)

22 May 1917

At Suda

7.50 am Discharged 1 Marine to Erymopoli W/T Station

8.00 am Sent wreck guard to wreck

am Lost overboard by accident, Spitkid 1 in Number

4caf89a3cadfd34197027805: ( 53-54788-014_1.jpg)

23 May 1917

At Suda

1.40 pm Sub Lt Hunter R.N.R. joined ship

7.30 pm Sent concert party to YMCA Hut; 10.15 pm concert party returned

4caf89a3cadfd34197027806: ( 53-54788-015_0.jpg)

24 May 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

10.00 am Discharged 1 rating from sick list to RACOON for duty

4caf89a3cadfd34197027807: ( 53-54788-015_1.jpg)

25 May 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

6.45 am Discharged 1 P.O. 1c to GAZELLE for passage

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26 May 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

4caf89a3cadfd34197027809: ( 53-54788-016_1.jpg)

27 May 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

10.10 am Church of England Party to THESEUS

4.00 pm sent mail to THESEUS

5.00 pm Discharged 1 Bugler, R.M.L.I. to CYCLAMEN

6.40 pm 4 Seamen and 1 Stoker, RFR, joined ship from Gavdo W/T Station

4caf89a3cadfd3419702780a: ( 53-54788-017_0.jpg)

28 May 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

11.50 am Wreck party returned

noon 1 Signal rating joined ship from RENARD

10.50 pm Engineer Captain arrived by GAZELLEk Mr. Ross joined ship to await passage and 4 Ratings for accommodation

4caf89a3cadfd3419702780b: ( 53-54788-017_1.jpg)

29 May 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

10.15 am 1 sick rating from RENARD detained on board

1.20 pm hands employed returning empty cases into cutter for passage to Malta

pm 3 W/T boys sent to THESEUS to attend school

2.20 pm Discharged 1 sick rating to THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702780c: ( 53-54788-018_0.jpg)

30 May 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

8.30 am Sent stores and provisions and 4 ratings to Erymopoli & Gavdo W/T Stations in T803

4caf89a3cadfd3419702780d: ( 53-54788-018_1.jpg)

31 May 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

7.30 am Discharged 5 stokers to HMS PARTRIDGE II

8.00 am Diving party left ship; 2.05pm diving party returned

2.00 pm sent plummer to DALKEITH


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4caf89a3cadfd3419702780f: ( 53-54788-019_1.jpg)

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4caf89a3cadfd34197027815: ( 53-54789-002_1.jpg)

1 June 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

6.30 am Engineer Captain's staff left ship

5.30 pm Lost overboard by accident, 1 Pair Pliers, Patt number 468. 1 Screw driver Patt number 668

9.15 pm 3 ratings joined ship from Erymopoli W/T Station

4caf89a3cadfd34197027816: ( 53-54789-003_0.jpg)

2 June 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

12.40 pm Engineer Captain left ship

5.00 pm 5 Stokers rejoined ship from PARTRIDGE II

4caf89a3cadfd34197027817: ( 53-54789-003_1.jpg)

3 June 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

4caf89a3cadfd34197027818: ( 53-54789-004_0.jpg)

4 June 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

2.20 pm Sub Lieutenant Hunter left to rejoin ASTER

4caf89a3cadfd34197027819: ( 53-54789-004_1.jpg)

5 June 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

5.45 pm Discharged 1 W/T Rating to THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702781a: ( 53-54789-005_0.jpg)

6 June 1917

At Suda

3.25 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

pm Lost overboard by accident from Steam Cutter, Hooks, Boat GM, Large Patt Number 8E 1 in number

4caf89a3cadfd3419702781b: ( 53-54789-005_1.jpg)

7 June 1917

At Suda

6.30 pm sent mail to THESEUS

8.00 pm Discharged 3 Stoker Ratings to GAZELLE

4caf89a3cadfd3419702781c: ( 53-54789-006_0.jpg)

8 June 1917

At Suda

8.00 am store drawing party left for MELANIE; 11.50 am store party returned

3.20 pm store party returned; hands employed taking in provisions

4caf89a3cadfd3419702781d: ( 53-54789-006_1.jpg)

9 June 1917

At Suda

4.25 pm send mail to THESEUS

7.20 pm Discharged 1 AB to ASTER for passage to Malta Detention Barracks

4caf89a3cadfd3419702781e: ( 53-54789-007_0.jpg)

10 June 1917

At Suda

4caf89a3cadfd3419702781f: ( 53-54789-007_1.jpg)

11 June 1917

At Suda

1.20 pm Sent W/T boys class to school on THESEUS

2.45 pm Landed Funeral party. 3.55 pm Funeral party and W/T class returned

6.40 pm weighed and proceeded; anchored 7.05 pm

4caf89a3cadfd34197027820: ( 53-54789-008_0.jpg)

12 June 1917

At Suda

6.35 am collier MELANIE secured alongside

7.00 am commenced coaling; 5.15 pm completed coaling; 5.40 pm collier cast off

11.30 am 2 Officers and 21 Ratings joined ship from GAZELLE

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13 June 1917

At Suda

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14 June 1917

At Suda

12.00 pm received mail from THESEUS

6.40 pm sent mail to THESEUS

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15 June 1917

At Suda

10.00 am weighed and proceeded; 10.45 am moored in A 5 berth

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16 June 1917

At Suda

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17 June 1917

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to HMS THESEUS

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18 June 1917

At Suda

7.30 pm Engineer Lieutenant Mr Crowe, R.N.R. joined ship

8.30 pm Japanese Lieutenant Commander Morita joined ship

9.40 pm Engineer Lieutenant Mr. Crowe, RNR, left to join HMS HUNSTAN

4caf89a3cadfd34197027827: ( 53-54789-011_1.jpg)

19 June 1917

At Suda

8.05 am 1 Leading Seaman & 3 ratings left ship for Wreck guard duties

5.00 pm sent mail to THESEUS

pm Lost overboard from Steam Cutter, Spanner, 1 in number

Ship: Met: HMS Theseus

4caf89a3cadfd34197027828: ( 53-54789-012_0.jpg)

20 June 1917

At Suda

8.05 am sent provisions to wreck guard in tug JOHN PAYNE

4caf89a3cadfd34197027829: ( 53-54789-012_1.jpg)

21 June 1917

At Suda

09.00 am one Sailmaker and Mate lent from THESEUS

am water tanker L 9 came alongside

pm Reverend Harvey, YMCA, joined ship

5.50 sent mail to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702782a: ( 53-54789-013_0.jpg)

22 June 1917

At Suda

6.30 am Lieutenant Commander Morita, IJN left ship

6.30 am one E.R.A. discharged to GAZELLE

6.30 am 2 ratings joined ship from GAZELLE

8.05 am sent provisions to wreck guard in tug JOHN PAYNE

4caf89a3cadfd3419702782b: ( 53-54789-013_1.jpg)

23 June 1917

At Suda

10.50 am Lighter K36 came alongside

2.00 pm sent mail to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702782c: ( 53-54789-014_0.jpg)

24 June 1917

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702782d: ( 53-54789-014_1.jpg)

25 June 1917

At Suda

7.30 am Gunner and diver carrying out exercises on Submarine E 21

1.45 pm W/T Boys attended school on HMS THESEUS

3.30 pm one rating joined from HAZEL

7.45 pm Engineer Captain and Staff joined ship from GAZELLE

4caf89a3cadfd3419702782e: ( 53-54789-015_0.jpg)

26 June 1917

At Suda

am wreck guard returned to ship, relieved by party from THESEUS

pm W/T Boys to school in THESEUS

6.00 pm discharged 1 W/T rating to THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702782f: ( 53-54789-015_1.jpg)

27 June 1917

At Suda

10.30 am discharged 1 stoker rating to HMS CHELMER from sick list

4caf89a3cadfd34197027830: ( 53-54789-016_0.jpg)

28 June 1917

At Suda

pm sent mail to THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027831: ( 53-54789-016_1.jpg)

29 June 1917

At Suda

6.45 am Engineer Captain and Rev Harvey left ship to join GAZELLE

pm Lost overboard by accident while painting ship side, Brushes, Painters brushes Patt 404, 3 in number

5.00 pm water tanker alongside; 6.35 pm completed watering

4caf89a3cadfd34197027832: ( 53-54789-017_0.jpg)

30 June 1917

At Suda


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4caf89a3cadfd3419702783b: ( 53-54790-002_1.jpg)

1 July 1917

At Suda

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

2.45 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

4.50 pm five ratings left for THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702783c: ( 53-54790-003_0.jpg)

2 July 1917

At Suda

7.15 pm Major Hickson, RMLI, joined ship

8.10 pm 1 stoker rating left ship for HAZEL

4caf89a3cadfd3419702783d: ( 53-54790-003_1.jpg)

3 July 1917

At Suda

1.20 pm W/T boys attending school in THESEUS

2.25 pm sent mail to THESEUS

3.20 pm Major Hickson, RMLI, left ship

4caf89a3cadfd3419702783e: ( 53-54790-004_0.jpg)

4 July 1917

At Suda

8.50 am 3 ratings left ship for Erimopoli

4caf89a3cadfd3419702783f: ( 53-54790-004_1.jpg)

5 July 1917

At Suda

6.25 am SS BERESLY; 12.10 pm slipped and proceeded to anchorage

9.00 am Hands employed hoisting out N.H. Machine for transport to Malta

6.20 pm sent mails to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027840: ( 53-54790-005_0.jpg)

6 July 1917

At Suda

1.30 pm sent mails to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027841: ( 53-54790-005_1.jpg)

7 July 1917

At Suda

am 1 rating joined ship from Gavdo Island

8.05 pm received mails from HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027842: ( 53-54790-006_0.jpg)

8 July 1917

At Suda

10.10 am Church of England party to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027843: ( 53-54790-006_1.jpg)

9 July 1917

At Suda

7.20 am L 5 came alongside to water ship

11.00 am Discharged 1 Leading Seaman to Hospital on shore

3.20 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

8.10 pm Engineer Captain IIc rejoined ship

Ship: Met: HMS Theseus

4caf89a3cadfd34197027844: ( 53-54790-007_0.jpg)

10 July 1917

At Suda

8.30 am Mr Ellis, Gunner, and working party left ship to lay moorings (water lighter)

1.50 pm working party returned on board

3.20 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027845: ( 53-54790-007_1.jpg)

11 July 1917

At Suda

6.15 am: Mr Ellis, Gunner, and Working party left ship (lay moorings for water lighter)

Person: Ill: 2

4caf89a3cadfd34197027846: ( 53-54790-008_0.jpg)

12 July 1917

At Suda

8.35 am One Marine joined ship from Gavdo.

5.45 pm dispatched mail to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027847: ( 53-54790-008_1.jpg)

13 July 1917

At Suda

6.30 am Engineer Captain IIc and valet left ship for GAZELLE

9.30 am Court of Inquiry assembled on board

12.50 pm Court resumed Inquiry

4caf89a3cadfd34197027848: ( 53-54790-009_0.jpg)

14 July 1917

At Suda

4caf89a3cadfd34197027849: ( 53-54790-009_1.jpg)

15 July 1917

At Suda

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

3.50 pm Submarine E 12 moored alongside

4caf89a3cadfd3419702784a: ( 53-54790-010_0.jpg)

16 July 1917

At Suda

4.40 pm E.12 slipped & proceeded alongside HMS REINDEER

5.40 pm Collier PENSILVA moored alongside

6.45 pm ratings and mails arrived from GAZELLE

4caf89a3cadfd3419702784b: ( 53-54790-010_1.jpg)

17 July 1917

At Suda

5.40 am commenced coaling; 5.00 pm completed coaling; 5.15 pm collier slipped and proceeded

8.45 am two ratings left ship for Erimopoli Island

3.30 pm Reverend Rose, YMCA, left ship to join GAZELLE

3.30 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

7.25 pm Submarine E12 moored alongside

4caf89a3cadfd3419702784c: ( 53-54790-011_0.jpg)

18 July 1917

At Suda

10.40 am E.21 secured alongside E12

9.10 pm Submarine E21 slipped and proceeded

4caf89a3cadfd3419702784d: ( 53-54790-011_1.jpg)

19 July 1917

At Suda

4.30 pm dispatched mails to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702784e: ( 53-54790-012_0.jpg)

20 July 1917

At Suda

8.30 am Diver examining Kingston Valves of submarine E12

7.00 pm One stoker rating joined ship from HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd3419702784f: ( 53-54790-012_1.jpg)

21 July 1917

At Suda

am 1 W/T rating and 1 RNR Seaman joined ship

4.20 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027850: ( 53-54790-013_0.jpg)

22 July 1917

At Suda

10.00 am Church of England to HMS THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027851: ( 53-54790-013_1.jpg)

23 July 1917

At Suda

5.50 am Submarine E21 secured alongside

7.55 am 1 Leading Seaman and 4 ratings left ship for wreck guard duties

9.30 am Court of Inquiry assembled on board

1.50 pm W/T boys to THESEUS for school

3.15 pm Submarine E.12 slipped and proceeded

5.00 pm Court of Inquiry concluded

6.45 pm One Corporal RMLI joined ship from GAZELLE; received 6 bags of mail

4caf89a3cadfd34197027852: ( 53-54790-014_0.jpg)

24 July 1917

At Suda

8.05 am water tank L 5 secured alongside; 10.00 am water tank slipped and proceeded

5.50 pm one P.O. 1c joined from HMS GRASSHOPPER

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25 July 1917

At Suda

4caf89a3cadfd34197027854: ( 53-54790-015_0.jpg)

26 July 1917

At Suda

2.30 pm dispatches mails to THESEUS

6.00 pm Discharged 1 W/T rating to THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027855: ( 53-54790-015_1.jpg)

27 July 1917

At Suda

am received six bags of mail from GAZELLE

4caf89a3cadfd34197027856: ( 53-54790-016_0.jpg)

28 July 1917

At Suda

9.30 am Court of Inquiry assembled onboard

11.55 am Court of Inquiry concluded

4caf89a3cadfd34197027857: ( 53-54790-016_1.jpg)

29 July 1917

At Suda

8.08 am water tank L 5 secured alongside, watering Submarine E 21

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

4caf89a3cadfd34197027858: ( 53-54790-017_0.jpg)

30 July 1917

At Suda

am one Leading Seaman and three A.B.s rejoined ship from wreck guard duties

1.00 pm W/T boys to THESEUS for school

4caf89a3cadfd34197027859: ( 53-54790-017_1.jpg)

31 July 1917

At Suda

1.45 pm W/T boys to THESEUS for school

3.20 pm Lighter K.36 with stores; 3.35 pm slipped and proceeded


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1 August 1917

At Suda

8.30 am one P.O. and eight men as working party on supply ship; 11.50 am store party returned

8.45 am water lighter L 5 secured alongside; 9.45 am L 5 slipped and proceeded

4.45 pm Lighter K 36 secured alongside with stores; 5.30 pm cast off and proceeded

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2 August 1917

At Suda

8.05 am Divers cleaning and plugging evaporator blow out

5.20 pm Lighter K 36 alongside with stores; 6.15 pm cast off and proceeded

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3 August 1917

At Suda

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4 August 1917

At Suda

9.00 am tug JOHN PAYNE, alongside for embarking empty cases, etc

am Sub Lieutenant Butler, R.N.V.R. joined ship

10.00 pm W/T rating embarked from island

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5 August 1917

At Suda

3.30 pm dispatched mails to HMS THESEUS

5.45 pm Surgeon Fairley left ship for HMS GAZELLE

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6 August 1917

At Suda

8.00 am Four stoker ratings joined ship from HMS THESEUS

9.00 am Hands employed hauling up 4th cutter at Arsenal Yard

1.30 pm W/T boys to school in THESEUS

5.00 pm two W/T ratings arrived on board

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7 August 1917

At Suda

1.30 pm five W/T boys to school in THESEUS

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8 August 1917

At Suda

6.00 am Sent Roman Catholic party to Hospital ship for service

4.30 pm mail dispatched to THESEUS

6.30 pm One rating discharged to HMS HYDRANGEA

9.30 pm 4 military Officers, 2 N.C.O.s and 34 men arrived on board

11.30 pm 3 destitute seamen arrived from K.36

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9 August 1917

At Suda

8.15 am L.9 secured alongside; 9.20 cast off and proceeded

5.10 pm 35 men & 4 officers of R.F.C. left ship

6.40 pm Discharged 3 mercantile seamen to Transport CASHMERE

10.00 pm 1 Leading W/T rating and 1 stoker left ship for HMS FOLKESTONE

4caf89a4cadfd3419702786c: (

10 August 1917

At Suda

6.00 am Four stokers lent from HMS THESEUS left ship for HMS ANEMONE

9.00 am Tug JOHN PAYNE secured alongside

9.00 am Court of Inquiry assembled onboard, 11.50 am Court of Inquiry completed

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11 August 1917

At Suda

5.20 am E.21 secured alongside

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12 August 1917

At Suda

9.30 am Four seamen joined ship

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

1.20 pm E.21 cast off

2.10 pm One rating discharged to transfer 1772

2.40 pm E.21 secured alongside; 5.15 pm E 21 left

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13 August 1917

At Suda

1.30 pm sent Boy W/Ts to THESEUS for school; 3.45 pm returned

5.00 pm Engineer Lieutenant Tuke joined ship

10.10 pm Father Ritchie joined ship

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14 August 1917

At Suda

7.30 am sent stores to Trawler 803 for Gavdo Island and Erymopoli

1.30 pm W/T boys to THESEUS for school; 3.45 pm returned to ship

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15 August 1917

At Suda

09.00 am four hands to instruction in THESEUS

1.00 pm One E.R.A. left ship for HMS STAUNCH

1.30 pm two sick cases to hospital

8.15 pm Sub Lieutenants Metherell and Hawke joined ship from HMS THESEUS

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16 August 1917

At Suda

5.40 pm mails dispatched to THESEUS

7.00 pm Two ratings discharged to HMS FOLKESTONE

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17 August 1917

At Suda

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18 August 1917

At Suda

9.00 am Water tank L.5 secured alongside; 10.20 finished watering L 5 cast off and proceeded

12.20 pm Sub Lieut Mitchell left ship for HMS Fury

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19 August 1917

At Suda

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

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20 August 1917

At Suda

9.00 am six hands coaling H.M. Transport ARAGON; rest returning empties to Lighter 25

9.00 am One PO sick case discharged to TBD RATTLESNAKE

10.30 am coaling party left ship; 7.00 pm returned on board

1.30 pm five boys to school on THESEUS

6.50 pm Three ratings joined ship from HMS FOLKESTONE

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21 August 1917

At Suda

8.00 am five hands left to coal H.M.T. ARAGON; 7.05 pm returned on board

8.30 am One rating discharged to Erimopoli Island, also stores.

1.15 pm Sent Dental cases to Hospital Ship KARAPARA; returned 3.55 pm

3.55 pm dispatched mail to THESEUS

5.00 pm Sub Lieut Hawke discharged to HMS SCORPION

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22 August 1917

At Suda

9.00 am Received 1 Bag Registered mail from HMS STAUNCH for Surgeon Probationer Gray

7.20 pm S/S RIO PALLORESA tied up alongside

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23 August 1917

At Suda

6.00 am commenced coaling; 5.20 am coaling completed

6.45 pm one bag of mail left for THESEUS

7.35 pm Two ratings discharged to HMS FOLKESTONE

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24 August 1917

At Suda

7.00 am One rating W/T joined ship from Erymopoli

9.30 am water lighter L 5 came alongside

2.30 pm One rating discharged to hospital ship KARAPARA

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25 August 1917

At Suda

2.00 pm Sent Bag & Hammock of Ordinary Seaman Shaw to Hospital ship KARAPARA

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26 August 1917

At Suda

10.00 am Church of England party to THESEUS

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27 August 1917

At Suda

7.30 am sent wreck guard to S.S. MINNETONKA

10.00 am Gun Layers to THESEUS for sub calibre practice

1.35 pm Sent 1 bag and hammock of Ordinary Seaman Crook to hospital

1.35 pm sent boys to THESEUS for school; returned 3.40 pm

4caf89a4cadfd3419702787e: (

28 August 1917

At Suda

1.30 pm sent boys to THESEUS for school; returned 3.45 pm

2.20 pm sent two bags of mail to THESEUS

6.55 pm Capt Wodehouse, 3rd Norfolk Regiment, joined ship

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29 August 1917

At Suda

1.30 pm sent mails to THESEUS

3.30 pm Engineer Lieutenant Tuke discharged to trawler PRINCEPS

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30 August 1917

At Suda

6.00 pm sent mail to THESEUS

7.15 pm Sent One rating to HMS FOLKESTONE

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31 August 1917

At Suda

5.45 am Father Ritchie: discharged to HMS FOLKESTONE


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4caf89a4cadfd3419702788b: ( 53-54792-003_1.jpg)

1 September 1917

At Suda

4caf89a4cadfd3419702788c: ( 53-54792-004_0.jpg)

2 September 1917

At Suda

10.05 am Church of England party to THESEUS

2.10 pm dispatched mails to THESEUS

4caf89a4cadfd3419702788d: ( 53-54792-004_1.jpg)

3 September 1917

At Suda

Other: Sick list 1

Person: Boarded: Sub Lieut Davis RNVR

8.15 am: Sent 1 Leading Telegraphist to HMS THESEUS for examination; Leading Tel returned to ship

1.30 pm sent 3 Boys to school in THESEUS; returned 3.45 pm

8.00 pm Sub Lieut Davis R.N.V.R. joined ship

4caf89a4cadfd3419702788e: ( 53-54792-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1917

At Suda

7.00 am Sent stores to Trawler 803 for Gavdo & Erymopoli Island

9.00 am Lieut Davis R.N.V.R. left for Gavdo

1.30 pm sent boys to school on THESEUS

6.20 pm One AB joined ship from HMS REDPOLE

4caf89a4cadfd3419702788f: ( 53-54792-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1917

At Suda

4caf89a4cadfd34197027890: ( 53-54792-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1917

At Suda

10.30 am dispatched mails to THESEUS

6.45 pm dispatch bag of mail to THESEUS

7.20 pm Discharged 1 Electrician, 1 Leading Telegraphist, and 1 A.B. to HMS FOLKESTONE

4caf89a4cadfd34197027891: ( 53-54792-006_1.jpg)

7 September 1917

At Suda

5.20 am Capt Wodehouse, Norfolk Regiment left ship for HMS FOLKESTONE

7.30 am Sub Lieut Burrows, R.N.V.R. joined ship

9.00 am Discharged one signal rating to HMS HONEYSUCKLE

4caf89a4cadfd34197027892: ( 53-54792-007_0.jpg)

8 September 1917

At Suda

4caf89a4cadfd34197027893: ( 53-54792-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1917

At Suda

2.00 pm Warrant officer, Mr Smith joined ship

3.30 pm sent two bags of mails to THESEUS

10.50 pm Surgeon Greenhill, RN, joined ship

4caf89a4cadfd34197027894: ( 53-54792-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1917

At Suda

6.00 pm Lost by accident from skiff dinghy, Crutches, Boats Gun metal, Patt No. 73 one in number

7.00 pm Lieutenant Macrae (Intelligence Officer), 1 signal rating, and 1 cook's mate joined ship from FOLKESTONE

4caf89a4cadfd34197027895: ( 53-54792-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1917

At Suda

8.00 am dispatched mails and stores to Gavdo and Erymopoli Island

1.30 pm three boys to school in FORESIGHT; 3.30 pm boys returned

5.35 pm one rating discharged to hospital

4caf89a4cadfd34197027896: ( 53-54792-009_0.jpg)

12 September 1917

At Suda

11.00 am Court of Inquiry assembled onboard

4.00 pm Lieut Macrae discharged to FOLKESTONE

4caf89a4cadfd34197027897: ( 53-54792-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1917

At Suda

7.15 pm one rating discharged to FOLKESTONE

10.00 pm Sub Lieut Burrows R.N.V.R. left ship to HMS FOLKESTONE

4caf89a4cadfd34197027898: ( 53-54792-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1917

At Suda

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15 September 1917

At Suda

4caf89a4cadfd3419702789a: ( 53-54792-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1917

At Suda

6.30 pm1 seaman R.N.R. joined ship from HMS ACHERON

8.00 pm Lieutenant Hozier, RN, joined ship from ACHERON

4caf89a4cadfd3419702789b: ( 53-54792-011_1.jpg)

17 September 1917

At Suda

8.40 am L.9 came alongside to water ship

9.30 am sent mails to FORESIGHT

10.50 am Lieut Everitt joined ship

1.30 pm sent boys to FORESIGHT for school; returned 4.00 pm

4.00 pm Staff Paymaster Martin joined ship

4caf89a4cadfd3419702789c: ( 53-54792-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1917


1.30 pm sent boys to school in HMS FORESIGHT; 4.00 pm boys returned

4caf89a4cadfd3419702789d: ( 53-54792-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1917

At Suda

4.35 pm Lighter K.36 came alongside with stores; 5.45 pm lighter cast off

4caf89a4cadfd3419702789e: ( 53-54792-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1917

At Suda

4.30 pm Commander Cotterell, R.N.V.R. joined ship

5.30 pm Lieutenant Everett discharged to TBD RATTLESNAKE

7.30 pm Discharged 1 seaman R.N.R. to HMS FOLKESTONE; sent mails to FOLKESTONE

4caf89a4cadfd3419702789f: ( 53-54792-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1917

At Suda

9.00 am hands employed drawing stores from HMS BACCHUS

am Lighter K 36 came alongside with stores

2.15 pm sent 2 bags of mails to FORESIGHT

3.30 pm Commander Cotterell left ship

4caf89a4cadfd341970278a0: ( 53-54792-014_0.jpg)

22 September 1917

At Suda

4caf89a4cadfd341970278a1: ( 53-54792-014_1.jpg)

23 September 1917

At Suda

2.30 pm sent mails to FORESIGHT

8.45 pm Two ratings joined ship from Erymopoli

4caf89a4cadfd341970278a2: ( 53-54792-015_0.jpg)

24 September 1917

At Suda

1.30 pm sent boys to school in FORESIGHT

7.35 pm Surgeon Probationer Pudhope R.N.V.R. joined ship:

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25 September 1917

At Suda

1.30 pm sent three boys to school in FORESIGHT; 3.30 pm boys returned

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26 September 1917

At Suda

9.05 am lighter L 9 alongside for empties; 9.30 am cast off

am sent party to CHESTERFIELD for stores

2.45 pm sent 2 bags of mails to FORESIGHT

2.45 pm Surgeon Probationer Tweedhope R.N.V.R. discharged to HMS CLEMATIS

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27 September 1917

At Suda

9.00 am store party left ship drawing stores; 10.25 am returned

9.00 am Court of Inquiry held onboard

7.00 pm two ratings discharged to HMS FOLKESTONE

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28 September 1917

At Suda

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29 September 1917

At Suda

8.45 am Two scrubbers, hand, patt No. 459 lost overboard by accident

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30 September 1917

At Suda

Lat 35.5, Long 24.1

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