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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Cruiser, ex-Armoured Cruiser, Warrior or improved Duke of Edinburgh-class

Pendant Nos 18 (1914). Launched 25.11.05 Pembroke DY. 13,550 tons, 505(oa), 480(pp)x73x26ft. TE 23000ihp, 23kts. Armament: 6-9.2in, 4-7.5in, 1-12pdr, 29-3pdr, 3-18in tt. Armour: 6in sides, 1in deck, 6in guns. Mediterranean 1914, 1st CS Grand Fleet 1914-16. Foundered in tow 1.6.16 after damage at Jutland. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Jutland 31 May 1916. (British Warships 1914-1919)

1st CS, Mediterranean Fleet 1913-14, and was sent to Adriatic in August 1914 to try to prevent the breakout of the German battlecruiser Goeben. Returned to Egypt to defend the Suez Canal. To Gibraltar and then Sierra Leone in November and joined Grand Fleet in December 1914. Heavily damaged by German gunfire during the opening action at Jutland, 31 May 1916; taken in tow by seaplane carrier HMS Engadine but foundered next day. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

HMS Warrior has much time in port during the time covered by these logs. Repetitive entries, such as morning (usually about 0600) cleaning, 0800 Divisions, prayers, physical drill, 1600 Quarters, and minor entries such as burning (testing) searchlights, are mostly omitted. Sundays and religious holidays can be identified by Divine services being held that day. HM ships are hyperlinked only on their first mention.


JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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[LHS of front cover of logbook]

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[RHS of front cover of logbook]

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[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d56: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-002_1.jpg)

1 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.15am: Landed Marines.

9.10am: Divisions and prayers.

9.30am: Landed No. 1 and 3 divisions and boys. Hands employed as required.

12.45pm: Paid the hands.

1.15pm: Gave leave to part of ship’s company. Carried out .303 aiming rifle practice. Hands employed as required.

4.40pm: Marines returned on board.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d57: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-003_0.jpg)

2 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

10.0am: Held Divine Service.

1.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d58: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-003_1.jpg)

3 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d59: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-004_0.jpg)

4 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

10.45am: Divine Service.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d5a: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-004_1.jpg)

5 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.05am: Divisions and prayers. General Drills. Hoisted in launch. Hoisted launch in & out by hand. Out sheet anchor. Weigh sheet anchor by hand.

1.0pm: Landed 2 divisions for route march. Leave to part of ship’s company.

4.0pm: Carried out .303 aiming rifle.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d5b: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-005_0.jpg)

6 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.30am: Exercise General Quarters.

11.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Carried out .303 aiming rifle.

1.10pm: Landed 1st watch and 2nd watch.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d5c: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-005_1.jpg)

7 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.15am: Landed Marines. Aired bedding.

10.55am: Hands employed as requisite.

12.40pm: Landed 2nd watch and boys.

1.20pm: Hands as requisite.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d5d: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-006_0.jpg)

8 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Drills.

pm: Leave. Make and mend clothes.

4.15pm: Read warrant 121.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d5e: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-006_1.jpg)

9 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

10.35am: Collier 247 alongside.

11.07am: Commenced coaling

12.15pm: Finished coaling. 218 tons. Cleaning ship.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d5f: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-007_0.jpg)

10 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Aired night clothing. Cleaning ship throughout.

pm: Leave. Make and mend clothes.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d60: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-007_1.jpg)

11 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.30am: Mustered by the ledger.

10.25 Held Divine Service.

pm: Leave to Chief Petty Officers and Petty Officers till 6pm.

7.45pm: Weighed anchor.

8.12pm: Proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d61: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-008_0.jpg)

12 April 1915

At sea

Lat 60.4, Long 1.4

[am and pm: unspecified manoeuvres]

6.47pm: Took up cruising formation no. 3.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d62: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-008_1.jpg)

13 April 1915

At sea

Lat 58.2, Long 2.5

[am and pm: unspecified manoeuvres]

6.0pm: Course and speed for taking station on Shannon.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d63: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-009_0.jpg)

14 April 1915

At sea

5.46am: Took station 1 mile on starboard beam of Defence.

pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour.

6.33pm: Came to with port bower anchor in E6 billet, 6 shackles.

7.15pm: Collier came alongside.

7.55pm: Commenced coaling.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d64: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-009_1.jpg)

15 April 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.35am: SS Kharki came alongside.

5.40am: Hands finished coaling. 730 tons.

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d65: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-010_0.jpg)

16 April 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.0am: Orvieto arrived.

9.30am: General Quarters.

1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning paintwork and as requisite.

4.45pm: Quarters. Read warrants nos: 132 and 133.

7.30pm: Read warrant no. 134.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d66: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-010_1.jpg)

17 April 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

4.55am: Weighed and proceeded to carry out firing in the Flow.

7.58am: Let go port bower anchor, veered to 6 shackles.

8.40am: Collier "Dykland" came alongside.

9.30am: Commenced coaling.

10.20am: Finished coaling. 198 tons.

11.0am: Hands cleaning ship.

6.35pm: Discharged Lieutenant Commander Stewart to RN Depot Chatham & Mr McCarthy, Warrant Officer, to HMS Exmouth.

8.18pm: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d67: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-011_0.jpg)

18 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.7, Long 3.4

6.15am: Took station on port beam of Defence.

6.50am: Action stations.

11.50am: Took up cruising disposition LS2-10.

[pm: manoeuvring]

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d68: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-011_1.jpg)

19 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.0, Long 0.2

[am and pm: manoeuvring]

8.0pm: Courses as requisite for carrying out night firing.

10.30pm: Finished night firing.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d69: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-012_0.jpg)

20 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.9, Long 0.2

am: Carried out full calibre firing.

11.15am: Buckle Flaggen S62W. [perhaps Muckle Flugga]

1.04pm: Out Skerries S64W.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d6b: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-013_0.jpg)

21 April 1915

At sea

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.01am: Came to with Port Bower anchor in No.7 berth. [at Scapa Flow?]

5.10am: Collier came alongside.

7.35am: Commenced coaling.

12.05pm: Finished coaling 911 tons. Hands employed cleaning ship.

7.0pm: Mr Robinson Assistant Paymaster RNR joined ship.

9.35pm: Weighed anchor. As requisite for leaving harbour.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d6c: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-013_1.jpg)

22 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.8, Long 2.8

[various manoeuvres]

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d6d: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-014_0.jpg)

23 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.2, Long 0.1

[various manoeuvres]

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d6e: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-014_1.jpg)

24 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

2.05am: Came to with port bower anchor in No 7 berth.

4.15am: Collier came alongside.

8.07am: Commenced coaling.

10.45am: Finished coaling 630 tons. Hands employed cleaning ship.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d6f: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-015_0.jpg)

25 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

11.30am: Prayers.

1.40pm: Leave.

4.15pm: Quarters. Read quarterly returns of Courtmartials

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d70: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-015_1.jpg)

26 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Landing party left and returned.

1.55pm: Leave.

3.0pm: Carried out .303 aiming practice.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d71: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-016_0.jpg)

27 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.20am: Divisions prayers and physical drill.

9.45am: Exercised General Quarters.

1.0pm: Hands painting ship and as requisite.

2:15pm: Funeral party & Fxmen [?] landed.

3.0pm: Half-masted colours.

4.0pm: Leave. Rehoisted colours.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d72: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-016_1.jpg)

28 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Landed Marines.

9.15am: Divisions with bedding.

10.30am: Divisions and prayers. Hands as requisite.

1.15pm: Hands employed ammunitioning ship and as requisite.

6.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d73: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-017_0.jpg)

29 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.55am: Landing party landed for route march. Remainder of hands painting down aloft.

10.35am: Landing party returned.

1.0pm: Make and mend.

2.30pm: Leave.

4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrant no 135.

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d74: ( 53-68157/ADM 53-68157-017_1.jpg)

30 April 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Obstruction party left ship.

9.35am: Exercised General Quarters.

11.0am: Hands employed painting ship.

1.30pm: Landing party left ship. Carried out .303 aiming rifle. Hands employed painting and as requisite.

4.0pm: Leave.

4.35pm: Landing party returned.


4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d79: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d7a: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d7b: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-002_0.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c8fcadfd34197036d7c: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-002_1.jpg)

1 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

3.0am: Armed picket boat left for patrol.

8.20am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

1.05pm: Landed funeral party. Hands make and mend clothes.

3.45pm: Funeral party returned.

4.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d7d: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-003_0.jpg)

2 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.10am: Landed church parties.

10.15am: Held Divine Service.

1.0pm: Leave.

11.35pm: Princess Royal arrived.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d7e: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-003_1.jpg)

3 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

6.10am: Collier came alongside.

6.43am: Commenced coaling.

7.15am: Finished coaling. 245 ton. Hands employed cleaning ship.

4.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d7f: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-004_0.jpg)

4 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.0am: Hands cleaning and painting ship.

12.40pm: Storeship came alongside. Hands employed provisioning, painting, and as requisite.

4.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d80: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-004_1.jpg)

5 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Landed Marines for route march. Employed painting, fitting obstruction nets and as requisite.

pm: Training classes under instruction. Employed as in forenoon.

2.30pm: Landed patrol.

3.45pm: Leave.

4.15pm: Quarters. Read warrants 137,138.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d81: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-005_0.jpg)

6 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.0am: Training classes under instruction. Remainder fitting obstruction nets and as requisite.

pm: Make and mend clothes. Leave.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d82: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-005_1.jpg)

7 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.0am: Training classes under instruction. Obstruction party refitting and replacing nets. Remainder painting, fitting, and as requisite.

1.0pm: Hands employed holystoning upper deck.

4.0pm: Leave from 4 – 6.30pm. Exercised divers at monthly dip.

4.30pm: Read warrant no 139.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d83: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-006_0.jpg)

8 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Divisions with night clothing.

9.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

1.0pm: Make and mend clothes.

1.30pm: Discharged Lieutenant Wodehouse to hospital ship "China."

2.55pm: Leave.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d84: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-006_1.jpg)

9 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

3.30pm: Discharged Lieutenants Peploe & Parry to hospital ship "China."

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d85: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-007_0.jpg)

10 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Landed men for route march. Remainder of hands painting ship.

10.45am: Landing party returned.

pm: Hands employed as requisite. Landed Fxmen for drill. Carried out .303 aiming

3.0pm: Discharged Fleet Paymaster Walker & Sub Lieutenant Price to hospital ship.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d86: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-007_1.jpg)

11 May 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

9.40am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Training classes at instruction.

1.0pm: Training classes at instruction. Remainder as requisite.

4.0pm: Discharged Engine Lieutenants Morgan & Reece and Assistant Clerk Bull to hospital ship.

9.40pm: Weighed.

10.02pm: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d87: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-008_0.jpg)

12 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

1.50am: Pentland Skerries Light N10W.

4.0am: Let go starboard anchor in E3 billet.

8.0am: Collier came alongside.

8.45am: Commended coaling.

10.10am: Finished coaling. 270 tons. Hands employed cleaning ship.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d88: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-008_1.jpg)

13 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.30am: Duke of Edinburgh arrived.

am: Hands employed with Gunner and as requisite.

11.30am: SS Skipton came alongside.

pm: Hands employed ammunitioning ship.

4.45pm: Quarters. Read Articles of War and Court Martial returns. Read Warrant no. 140.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d89: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-009_0.jpg)

14 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.0am: Divisions and medical inspection.

10.40am: Hands employed as requisite.

1.15pm: Training classes at instructions. Hands employed painting and as requisite.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d8a: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-009_1.jpg)

15 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

11.40am: Hoisted in all boats.

pm: Make and mend.

4.15pm: Discharged Lieutenant Munro to "Agadir."

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d8b: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-010_0.jpg)

16 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.15am: Armed picket boat left ship on patrol.

10.0am: Divine Service.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d8c: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-010_1.jpg)

17 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.29am: Out launch and barge by hand. Lay out bower anchor, weigh anchor by hand.

10.40am: Secure.

1.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. Training classes at instructions.

8.12pm: Weighed and proceeded.

9.37pm: Skerries Light N60E 1 mile.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d8d: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-011_0.jpg)

18 May 1915

At sea

Lat 56.5, Long 2.5

4.0am: General Quarters.

9.0am: Examined sailing drifter. [fishing boat]

[various manoeuvers]

8.0pm: Taking station astern of 2nd Battle Squadron.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d8e: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-011_1.jpg)

19 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

1.20am: Sighted Skerries Light

1.55am: Sighted Mosshead Light. As requisite for entering harbour.

3.42am: Came to with starboard anchor in 20 fathoms.

6.30am: Collier came alongside.

8.21am: Commenced coaling.

11.10am: Finished coaling. 560 tons.

pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4.20pm: Quarters, Medical inspection. Read warrant no. 141.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d8f: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-012_0.jpg)

20 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.05am: Divisions, medical inspection, drill and prayers. Training classes at instructions, remainder cleaning paintwork.

1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Stokers air bedding. Fore and aft turrets taking in ammunition.

4.30pm: Quarters. Read warrant no. 142.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d90: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-012_1.jpg)

21 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Obstruction party left ship. Preparing ship for sea.

10.0am: Proceeded into Flow to carry out torpedo running.

11.50am: Let go starboard anchor in 20 fathoms.

1.30pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d91: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-013_0.jpg)

22 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Aired night clothing.

10.30am: Lieutenants Wodehouse, Parry & Peploe joined ship.

1.30pm: Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Quarters. Read warrants no. 143 &144.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d92: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-013_1.jpg)

23 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.15am: Divine Service.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d93: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-014_0.jpg)

24 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Divisions, medical inspection, physical drill and prayers.

9.45am: Exercise General Quarters.

am: Training classes at instructions, remainder cleaning paintwork.

1.0pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

9.45pm: Fleet Paymaster Walker, Engine Lieutenants Rees & Morgan & Assistant Clerk Bull joined ship from Agadir.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d94: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-014_1.jpg)

25 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.30am: Armed Patrol Boat left for ~~~~ Skerry patrol.

9.05am: Divisions, medical inspection, prayers. Training classes at instructions, remainder overhauling coaling gear and as requisite.

1.30pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

pm: Prepared ship for coaling. Read warrant no. 145.

7.15pm: Essex arrived.

11.30pm: Black Prince sailed.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d95: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-015_0.jpg)

26 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

3.00am: HMS Queen Elizabeth arrived.

6.10am: Collier came alongside.

7.20am: Commenced coaling.

8.23am: Finished coaling. 230 tons.

9.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

4.0pm: Lieutenant Munroe joined ship from Agadir.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d96: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-015_1.jpg)

27 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.45am: Picket boat left for patrol.

8.15am: Aired bedding.

9.30am: Divisions, medical inspection, prayers. Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

pm: Make and mend clothes.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d97: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-016_0.jpg)

28 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.05am: Divisions, medical inspection, drill and prayers.

9.30am: Exercise General Quarters. Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d98: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-016_1.jpg)

29 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Aired night clothing. Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Make and mend clothes.

9.25pm: Weighed.

9.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d99: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-017_0.jpg)

30 May 1915

At sea

Lat 56.3, Long 0.7

2.20am: Took Station 5 miles from Defence.

[am: various manoeuvres]

3.52pm: Took Station 3 miles from Defence.

[pm: various manoeuvres]

4caf8c90cadfd34197036d9a: ( 53-68158/ADM 53-68158-017_1.jpg)

31 May 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: As requisite for entering harbour.

11.03am: Let go starboard anchor in 20 fathoms.

11.14am: Collier came alongside. Hands employed preparing ship for coaling.

12.43pm: Commenced coaling.

4.13pm: Finished coaling. 600 tons.


4caf8c90cadfd34197036d9f: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da0: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da1: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-002_0.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da2: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-002_1.jpg)

1 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite.

pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da3: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-003_0.jpg)

2 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite and provisioning ship.

pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da4: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-003_1.jpg)

3 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Out stream anchor.

10.05am: Prepare for towing.

1.0pm: Weighed & proceeded into Flow for Drill.

1.30pm: Warrior took Duke of Edinburgh in tow.

3.30pm: Duke of Edinburgh took Warrior in tow.

5.30pm: Came to with port bower anchor in E3 berth.

5.50pm: Read warrant no. 147.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da5: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-004_0.jpg)

4 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Landing party left ship.

9.20am: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

am: Landing party returned to ship.

1.0pm: Make and mend clothes.

8.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

10.0pm: Pentland Skerries abeam 1¼ miles.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da6: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-004_1.jpg)

5 June 1915

At sea

Lat 56.5, Long 1.7

am: hands employed cleaning ship.

11.15am: Sighted Swedish steamer.

[pm: various manoeuvers]

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da7: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-005_0.jpg)

6 June 1915

At Sea

[Various manoeuvers, no position given]

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da8: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-005_1.jpg)

7 June 1915

At sea

[Various manoeuvers, no position given]

6.45pm: As requisite for entering harbour.

8.0pm: Collier came alongside.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036da9: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-006_0.jpg)

8 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.0am: Commenced coaling.

10.23am: Finished coaling. 1013 tons.

pm: Hands employed cleaning ship.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036daa: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-006_1.jpg)

9 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship and painting funnels.

1.15pm: Aired night clothing. Training classes at instructions remainder as requisite.

4.30pm: Quarters. Physical drill and medical inspection.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036dab: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-007_0.jpg)

10 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Training classes at instructions remainder as requisite.

pm: Make and mend clothes. Stokers aired bedding.

5.0pm: Exercise boat pulling.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036dac: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-007_1.jpg)

11 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am and pm: Training classes at instructions remainder as requisite.

8.45pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.50pm: Sighted Sule Skerry Light N50W.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036dad: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-008_0.jpg)

12 June 1915

At sea

Lat 62.1, Long -3.6

12.30am: Sule Skerry Light N78W 13.3 miles

5.35am: Sighted 2nd Cruiser Squadron on starboard bow.

5.55am: Took station 2.5 miles on port beam of Shannon.

6.50am: Defence on port beam.

2.20pm: As requisite for carrying out sub calibre firing.

8.05pm: As requisite for night firing.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036dae: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-008_1.jpg)

13 June 1915

At sea

Lat 63.2, Long -1.8

[Manoeuvres with 2nd Cruiser squadron]

4caf8c90cadfd34197036daf: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-009_0.jpg)

14 June 1915

At sea

Lat 61.1, Long -3.4

2.52pm: Foula Island S49E.

[various manoeuvres]

4caf8c90cadfd34197036db0: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-009_1.jpg)

15 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

12.25am: Tarbet Ness Light N58W.

2.10am: Came to with port bower anchor in no. 8 berth.

5.30am: Collier came alongside.

6.21am: Commenced coaling.

11.45am: Finished coaling. 1037 tons.

pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036db1: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-010_0.jpg)

16 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Hands employed as requisite.

pm: Usual leave to part of ship’s company.

4caf8c90cadfd34197036db2: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-010_1.jpg)

17 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: hands employed painting ship.

pm: Usual leave to part of ship’s company.

1.15pm: Hands painting ship.

11.0pm: "Neptune" sailed.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036db3: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-011_0.jpg)

18 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Hands employed refitting and painting. Divers monthly dip.

1.15pm: Usual leave to part of ship’s company. Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036db4: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-011_1.jpg)

19 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite.

pm: Leave to part of ship’s company. Make and mend clothes.

3.0pm: Sub Lieutenant Abbott discharged to "Flirt.”

pm: Read warrant no. 148.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036db5: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-012_0.jpg)

20 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Church parties landed and returned.

9.55am: Divine Service.

1.0pm: Usual leave to part of ship’s company.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036db6: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-012_1.jpg)

21 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.30am: Held Court Martial on board. Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Usual leave to part of ship’s company. Hands as requisite.

3.0pm: Landed 40 men for drill.

4.0pm: Landing party returned.

5.0pm: Quarters. Exercised flake down all hawsers. Read Warrants 149 and 150.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036db7: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-013_0.jpg)

22 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Preparing for coaling.

1.02pm: Commenced coaling.

1.41pm: Finished coaling. 150 tons.

4.0pm: Sub Lieutenant Shawe & Vernon discharged to President and Pembroke.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036db8: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-013_1.jpg)

23 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

5.0am: Provisioning ship.

am: Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Usual leave to part of ship’s company.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036db9: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-014_0.jpg)

24 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Training classes to instructions. Landed seamen and marines landing party.

1.0pm: Usual leave to part of ship’s company. Make and mend clothes.

3.15pm: Landing party returned. Commander Noble joined ship.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dba: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-014_1.jpg)

25 June 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.45pm: Half-masted colours.

2.45pm: Rehoisted colours. Hands as requisite.

8.45pm: Shifted berth.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dbb: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-015_0.jpg)

26 June 1915

At sea

Lat 59.7, Long -1.8

3.35am: Sighted 2nd Battle Squadron.

4.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

4.30pm: Read warrant no 151.

6.35pm: Pentland Skerries abeam.

7.55pm: Let go port anchor in D1 berth.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dbc: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-015_1.jpg)

27 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.30am: Collier came alongside.

7.35am: Commenced coaling.

8.30am: Finished coaling. 280 tons. Hands cleaning ship.

1.0pm: Read prayers.

1.30pm: Landed church party for Drumhead Service.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dbd: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-016_0.jpg)

28 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

pm: Hands preparing ship for sea.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dbe: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-016_1.jpg)

29 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.0pm: Discharged Acting Gunner Collins to Vivid.

9.0am: Divisions. Read Court martial returns, prayers. Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dbf: ( 53-68159/ADM 53-68159-017_0.jpg)

30 June 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Training classes to instructions, remainder preparing ship for coaling.

3.0pm: Weighed and proceeded into flow.

4.30pm: Lost torpedo.

5.0pm: Let go port bower anchor in 19 fathoms. Rigged diving boat.


4caf8c91cadfd34197036dc5: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dc6: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dc7: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-002_0.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dc8: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-002_1.jpg)

1 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Hands preparing ship for coaling and sweeping for lost torpedo.

5.20am: Weighed and proceeded. Anchored with starboard bower anchor at 5.40am and veered to 6 shackles.

6.20am: Collier came alongside.

7.15am: Commenced coaling.

8.53am: Finished coaling. 300 tons. Hands employed cleaning ship.

10.0am: Shifted berth.

1.40pm: Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

7.30pm: Boats away sweeping for torpedo.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dc9: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-003_0.jpg)

2 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.0am: Boats away sweeping for torpedo.

8.35am: Training classes to instructions, remainder cleaning paintwork.

1.0pm: Training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite. Boats sweeping for torpedo.

5.0pm: Quarters. Read warrant 153.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dca: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-003_1.jpg)

3 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.0am: Sweeping for torpedo.

9.45am: Divers recovered torpedo.

11.0am: Weighed and proceeded to berth. Came to with starboard bower anchor.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dcb: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

1.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dcc: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.02am: Weighed and proceeded to shift berth.

6.38am: Came to with starboard bower anchor in E6 berth.

9.30am: General drill. Exercised Flake down 4 hawsers. In and out launch by hand. Out stream anchor. Lay out sheet anchor. Let go port bower anchor and weigh by hand. Weigh stream anchor.

1.0pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dcd: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

4.0am: 2nd Battle Squadron arrived.

am: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

5.0pm: Exercised man ship.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dce: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4.15pm: H.M. The King [George V] arrived in Destroyer Oak. Manned & cheered ship.

[Manned ship: in this usage it means all the sailors stood along the ship’s rails as a sign of respect or honour to someone, while dressed in their best uniform. In sailing ship days they would stand on the yards. Cheered ship means the sailors would holler as loud as they could, also as a sign of respect.]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dcf: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Exercised marching for inspection.

1.0pm: 85% of ship’s company embarked on board Defence for inspection by H.M. The King.

4.15pm: Ship’s company returned from Defence.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd0: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.0am: Sub Lieutenant Kershaw discharged to HMS Primrose.

am: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.50pm: Manned & cheered ship on departure of H.M. The King in H.M.S. Oak.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd1: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-008_0.jpg)

10 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

3.0am: HMS Lancaster arrived.

4.30am: HMS Campania arrived.

am and pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

pm: Exercised firing 1 torpedo from each tube.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd2: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-008_1.jpg)

11 July 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

1.0am: HMS Lancaster sailed.

3.0am: HMS Minotaur & Hampshire arrived.

8.20am: Landed church parties.

11.0am: Hands preparing ship for sea.

8.05pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd3: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-009_0.jpg)

12 July 1915

At sea

Lat 61.6, Long -3.2

[Various manoeuvers]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd4: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-009_1.jpg)

13 July 1915

At sea

Lat 60.9, Long -3.2

1.05pm: Sighted Foula Island S18E.

9.15pm: Pentland Skerries abeam.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd5: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-010_0.jpg)

14 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

1.55am: Tarbet Ness Light abeam 4 miles.

3.12am: Came to with Port bower in 9 fathoms.

6.15am: Collier 418 alongside.

8.05am: Commenced coaling.

12.30pm: Finished coaling 900 tons. Cleaning ship.

3.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd6: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-010_1.jpg)

15 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

2.30am: 2nd Battle Squadron arrived.

am: Cleaning ship throughout.

1.0pm: Leave.

2.0pm: Make and mend clothes.

3.40pm: Fleet Surgeon Bolster joined from Pembroke.

4.30pm: Quarters. Read warrants 154 and 155.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd7: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-011_0.jpg)

16 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Landed seamen, 9 marine platoons. Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Discharged Fleet Surgeon Barriston to Pembroke.

2.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd8: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-011_1.jpg)

17 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Aired night clothing. Cleaning ship throughout.

2.0pm: Leave.

3.0pm: Make and mend clothes.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dd9: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-012_0.jpg)

18 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

3.0am: Iron Duke arrived.

10.0am: Landed church parties.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

3.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dda: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-012_1.jpg)

19 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Training classes under instructions, remainder painting and as requisite

11.45am: Queen Mary arrived.

1.0pm: Landed 40 seamen for drill.

2.0pm: Training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036ddb: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-013_0.jpg)

20 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

6.45am: Held Divine Service for Roman Catholics.

am: Training classes under instruction, gun crews at drill. Remainder as requisite.

2.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036ddc: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-013_1.jpg)

21 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.20am: Landed seamen 5 marine platoons.

am: Training classes under instruction, remainder as requisite.

2.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036ddd: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-014_0.jpg)

22 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Aired bedding, cleaning ship. Training classes under instruction, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Leave.

3.0pm: Make and mend clothes.

10.05pm: Australia sailed.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dde: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-014_1.jpg)

23 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.35am: Landed seamen and stokers for route march.

11.05am: Collier 540 alongside.

12.37pm: Commenced coaling.

2.25pm: Finished coaling. 300 tons. Cleaning ship.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036ddf: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-015_0.jpg)

24 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Aired night clothing. Cleaning ship throughout.

1.0pm: Leave. Make and mend clothes.

4.30pm: Quarters. Read warrants 156 and 157.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036de0: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-015_1.jpg)

25 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.30am: Divisions. Read Articles of War and Courts Martial returns. Landed church parties.

10.40am: Held Divine Service.

10.45am: Held Roman Catholic service.

pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036de1: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-016_0.jpg)

26 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.30am: Exercise General Quarters. Exercise Launching rafts.

pm: Training classes under instruction. Gun crews at drill. Remainder loading rafts and as required. Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036de2: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-016_1.jpg)

27 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Training classes under instruction. Remainder painting, refitting, and as requisite.

3.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036de3: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-017_0.jpg)

28 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Discharged Sub-Lieutenant J.G. Ollerhead to Magnolia.

am: Training classes under instruction. Guns crews at drill. Remainder painting, refitting, and as requisite.

1.0pm: Discharged Surgeon J.G. Danson to Veronica.

4.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036de4: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-017_1.jpg)

29 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Training classes under instruction. Guns crews at drill. Remainder painting, refitting, and as requisite.

11.30am: Aired duffle clothing.

1.0pm: Leave. Make and mend clothes.

1.30pm: Duke of Edinburgh proceeded into dock.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036de5: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-018_0.jpg)

30 July 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Training classes under instruction. Remainder as requisite.

pm: Training classes under instruction. Divers examining propellers. Remainder as requisite.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036de6: ( 53-68160/ADM 53-68160-018_1.jpg)

31 July 1915’

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

am: Aired night clothing. Cleaning ship throughout.

pm: Make and mend clothes. Leave.

5.35pm: Assistant Clerk Cars joined.

6.40pm: "China" sailed.


4caf8c91cadfd34197036deb: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dec: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036ded: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-002_0.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dee: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-002_1.jpg)

1 August 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.30am: Landed church parties.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

3.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036def: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-003_0.jpg)

2 August 1915

From Cromarty to Scapa and at Scapa

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. Formed single line ahead.

2.16pm: Carried out squadron firing.

8.01pm: Pentland Skerries abeam to starboard.

8.52pm: Came to with port bower anchor in 13 fathoms in F1 berth.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df0: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-003_1.jpg)

3 August 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

3.45am: Iron Duke & 2nd Battle Squadron arrived.

9.05am: Divisions. Prayers. Physical drill. Gunnery, Torpedo, Seamanship classes and Boys at instruction. Remainder as requisite.

1.15pm: Training classes at instructions. Remainder provisioning ship.

4.30pm: Evening quarters read warrant No. 159.

9.30pm: IV Battle Squadron and Blanche sailed.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df1: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-004_0.jpg)

4 August 1915

At Scapa

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Hands clean ship.

7.15am: Ammunition party left ship.

8.30am: Seamen and Marines landed.

9.05am: Divisions and Prayers. Gunnery, Torpedo training classes and boys at instructions.

11.15am: Landing party returned on board.

1.45pm: Gunnery, Torpedo and seamanship classes of the 1st watch to instructions.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Physical drill.

4.45pm: Hoisted in boats.

11.30pm: Pilot and Surgeon joined ship.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df2: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-004_1.jpg)

5 August 1915

At Scapa

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

4.0am: Aired bedding. Hoisted out and rigged obstruction boat and 1st Patrol boat. Ammunition part left ship remainder cleaning ship.

8.30am: Ammunition party left ship.

9.05am: Divisions. Physical Drill. Prayers.

9.25am: Gunnery, Torpedo, Seamanship classes and boys to instructions.

10.0am Oil ship Kharki secured alongside. Marines at infantry drill.

10.45am: Discharge 1 rating to hospital ship Drina.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

3.40pm: Obstruction party returned.

4.30pm: Evening quarters. Hands to bathe. One stoker discharged to Defence and one joined from Defence.

5.0pm: Ammunition party returned.

Received {16 cases 9.2 cartridges, 3 cases 7.5 cartridges, 6 cases 9.2 projectiles}

Returned {6 cases 9.2 cartridges, 2 cases 7.5 cartridges}

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df3: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-005_0.jpg)

6 August 1915

At Scapa

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Hands worked ~ derrick hoisted out I Patrol boat and cleaned ship.

7.30am: Ammunition party 1 PO and seaman left ship.

10.20am: Gunnery, Torpedo, Seamanship classes and boys to instructions.

pm: Training classes under instruction. Remainder as requisite.

4.10pm: Discharge 1 Gunner RMAD [to] HMS Royal Arthur.

4.30pm: 1 Warrant Officer Telegraphist joined ship from Defence.

6.20pm: Carpenter's mates rejoined ship from the Royal Arthur.

6.30pm: Sent skiff to "Black Prince."

8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

10.50pm: Sighted Cape Warath [bearing] West.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df4: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-005_1.jpg)

7 August 1915

At Sea

[no position]

2.32am: Lubister Rock NExN.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite.

4.15pm: Course as requested for carrying out submarine firing exercises.

11.22pm: Dropped target. Course as required for night firing.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df5: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-006_0.jpg)

8 August 1915

At sea

Lat 55.4, Long -6.3

12.0pm: Sighted Rathlin Island starboard bow. [North coast of Ireland]

12.26pm: Altacarry Head Light House abeam distance .2 mile

12.50pm: Sighted Mull of Cambyre SExE

6.59pm: Sighted Call of Storm bearing SE.

10.45pm: Sighted Bar lighted vessel.

11.0pm: Course as required for entering harbour.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df6: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-006_1.jpg)

9 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.23am: Let go port anchor.

4.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship and getting out ammunition.

6.25am: 1st Lieutenant rejoined ship.

8.15am: Weighed port anchor and proceeded to dry dock.

10.15am: Secured in No 7 dock Messrs Cammel Laird and Company.

11.0am: Commenced pumping out dock.

[pm: Working in dry dock. Leave.]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df7: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-007_0.jpg)

10 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.15am: Hands clean mess deck.

1.35pm: Hands employed working with gunner and boatswain getting up torpedo and surveying cable.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df8: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-007_1.jpg)

11 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.10am: Hands employed getting down coaling stay and as requisite.

1.35pm: Hands employed with the boatswain getting out cable. Gunner’s party with gunnery and as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036df9: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-008_0.jpg)

12 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.10am: Hands employed with gunner and boatswain drawing and cleaning stores.

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dfa: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-008_1.jpg)

13 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.10pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

10.0am: Read warrants 160 and 161. Sent one Private RMLI and 1 ship’s steward assistant to Chatham Detention Barracks.

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dfb: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-009_0.jpg)

14 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.10pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and working with gunnery and boatswain and as requisite.

9.43pm: Part of II Watch proceeded on leave until 11PM 21st of August.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dfc: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-009_1.jpg)

15 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

6.30am: 1 Ordinary seaman joined ship from Devonport Depot.

9.30am: Remainder of II Watch went on long leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dfd: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-010_0.jpg)

16 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.0am: Hands employed as requisite.

1.15am: Hands employed as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dfe: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-010_1.jpg)

17 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.10am: Hands employed as requisite. Transports part proceeded on leave until 4pm Monday 23rd August.

1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036dff: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-011_0.jpg)

18 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

6.0am: Hands employed painting funnels.

1.15am: Hands employed as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e00: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-011_1.jpg)

19 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e01: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-012_0.jpg)

20 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e02: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-012_1.jpg)

21 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am: Hands employed as requisite.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e03: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-013_0.jpg)

22 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.0am: Embarking cable, cleaning ship. Refitting, painting and as requisite.

1.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e04: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-013_1.jpg)

23 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

6.0am: Hands stowed cable and clean upper deck.

1.15pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

8.45pm: Proceeded out of dock.

10.20pm: Came to with port anchor.

11.42pm: Observed ship dragging.

11.43pm: Slow ahead both [engines]. Lost port anchor with swivel piece and joining shackle.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e05: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-014_0.jpg)

24 August 1915

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.0am: Weighed Port cable, no anchor.

[4.0am: Anchor bearings listed, no re-anchoring time logged.]

10.0am: Collier "Westfield" came alongside.

11.10am: Commenced coaling.

7.30pm: Finished coaling 935 tons.

9.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e06: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-014_1.jpg)

25 August 1915

At sea [but the header says at Birkenhead]

Lat 55.9, Long -7.9

1.0am: Sighted Chicken Rock Light bearing N38W 2 miles.

3.07am: Sighted Mull of Galloway Light N30½E.

4.23am: Mew Island Light N65W, Black Head N10½E.

5.15am: Sighted Craswall Light N50E.

9.0am: Hands clean ship.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e07: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-015_0.jpg)

26 August 1915

At sea

Lat 58.4, Long -10.7

9.12pm: Sighted Cape Warth Signal Light S75E.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e08: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-015_1.jpg)

27 August 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.20am: Anchored to starboard bower in 19 fathoms.

6.20am: Collier alongside.

8.0am: Commenced coaling.

12.25pm: 8 Ratings joined ship from Depot.

2.10pm: Finished coaling. Hands clean ship. 1010 tons.

5.30pm: Discharged two ratings to Defence, and Defence two to Warrior.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e09: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-016_0.jpg)

28 August 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Aired night clothing. One rating joined ship.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrants 173 to 188.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e0a: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-016_1.jpg)

29 August 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.15am: Held Divine Service.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e0d: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-018_0.jpg)

30 August 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.15am: SS Skipton secured alongside. Hands unloading shell, and discharged 3 [medical] cases to hospital ship.

1.30pm: Hands employed painting, taking in ammunition and as requisite.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e0b: ( 53-68161/ADM 53-68161-017_0.jpg)

31 August 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Obstruction party left ship.

8.50am: Hands employed painting and as requisite.

1.15pm: Hand refitting and as requisite.

4.48pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants 192-194.


4caf8c91cadfd34197036e11: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e12: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e13: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-002_0.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e14: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-002_1.jpg)

1 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Court of Enquiry. Hands clean ship.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e15: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-003_0.jpg)

2 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.15am: Collier 212 came alongside.

6.27am: Commenced coaling.

8.35am: Collier left. Received 190 tons.

8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea. Two ratings discharged to SS Elina.

10.30am: Oiler Carol came alongside.

1.40am: Discharged 4 ratings to Inflexible for passage to Detention Barracks. Received 120 tons oil fuel.

4.10pm: Read warrants 196 to 202. Discharged six rating to Inflexible for detention.

5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

7.55pm: Sul Skerry N38W.

9.0pm: Formed single line ahead open order.

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e16: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-003_1.jpg)

3 September 1915

At sea

Lat 60.5, Long -9.8

[various manoeuvers]

4caf8c91cadfd34197036e17: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-004_0.jpg)

4 September 1915

At sea

Lat 58.9, Long -12.1

[various manoeuvers]

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e18: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-004_1.jpg)

5 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

1.50am: Butt of Lewis Light abeam 19 miles.

8.41am: Anchored with starboard anchor. Hands prepare for coaling.

9.45am: Commenced coaling.

11.30am: One rating joined.

1.40pm: Finished coaling, received 690 tons. Clean ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e19: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-005_0.jpg)

6 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Hands clean ship.

11.0am: One rating joined ship.

11.50am: Discharged 1 rating to hospital ship.

1.15pm: Hands clean ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e1a: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-005_1.jpg)

7 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Obstruction party left ship.

9.05am: Divisions and prayers. Training classes at instructions, hands employed as requisite.

10.0am: Lieutenant Wodehouse left ship.

12.45pm: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo and S.G. training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

5.55pm: SS "Stavely" alongside, hands taking in stores.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e1b: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-006_0.jpg)

8 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.05am: Divisions and prayers. Training classes at instruction. Remainder as requisite.

12.45pm: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo and S.G. training classes to instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e1c: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-006_1.jpg)

9 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.05am: Divisions and prayers. Gunnery, torpedo and S.G. training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite. 2 ratings joined ship.

12.40pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.10pm: Read warrant No 205.

11.0pm: 5 ratings joined ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e1d: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-007_0.jpg)

10 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Held Court of Inquiry on board.

10.0am: Hands make and mend clothes. 1st Cruiser Squadron Regatta.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4.0pm: Hands preparing for sea.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e1e: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-007_1.jpg)

11 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Hands clean ship. Mr Bull left ship.

1.31pm: Hands working with gunnery and boatswain party. Remainder as requisite.

2.30pm: 1 rating rejoined ship from hospital.

5.30pm: Four ratings rejoined ship on completion of punishment.

7.10pm: Storeship came with port bower anchor. [see 24 August 1915]

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e1f: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-008_0.jpg)

12 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.30am: HMS Emperor of India arrived.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e20: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-008_1.jpg)

13 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Exercised Action Stations.

10.45am: Gunnery, torpedo and Seamanship classes at instructions, remainder as requisite and replace sheet anchor.

1.15pm: Gunnery, torpedo and S.G. class at instructions, replacing bower anchor. Lost overboard 20 table napkins.

8.25pm: II Battle Squadron and Boadocia sailed. [probably Boadicea]

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e21: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-009_0.jpg)

14 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Collier 26 came alongside.

6.28am: Commenced coaling. Received 300 tons.

8.35am: Hands clean ship.

2.0pm: Hands cleaning ship. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instructions.

4.30pm: Evening quarters. Read warrant no 206.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e22: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-009_1.jpg)

15 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.0am: Nine ratings joined ship.

9.05am: Gunnery and torpedo and Ordinary Seaman classes at instructions, remainder as requisite. Carried out mine sweeping. Read warrants no. 207,208. Discharged two ratings to Thrunder. [sicperhaps7.55pm: Weighed and turned to East.

9.10pm: Shaped course N71W.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e23: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-010_0.jpg)

16 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

12.25am: Dannet Head Light abeam 4 miles.

1.40am: Came to with starboard bower in 22 fathoms.

7.0am: Carried out sub calibre firing.

10.30am: Came to with starboard bower in 18 fathoms.

11.0am: Hands clean ship.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

3.20pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e24: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-010_1.jpg)

17 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.45am: SS Borodina came alongside.

10.40am: Hands employed as requisite.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo and A.S.G. classes at instructions, remainder prepare for coaling.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e25: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-011_0.jpg)

18 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.55am: Collier 78 came alongside.

6.19am: Commenced coaling. Received 170 tons.

8.30am: Hands clean ship.

1.40pm: Hands employed cleaning ship as requisite.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e26: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-011_1.jpg)

19 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.45am: Landed church parties.

9.15am: Held Roman Catholic service.

10.0am: Held divine service.

6.10pm: Read warrant no 208.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e27: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-012_0.jpg)

20 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Gunnery, torpedo, and seamanship classes at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e28: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-012_1.jpg)

21 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.05am: Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship classes and boys at instructions

11.30am: Weighed and proceeded into the Flow to carry out sub calibre firing.

12.30pm: Carried out sub calibre firing and torpedo exercises. Hands employed as requisite.

pm: 2nd patrol boat, 1st and 2nd cutters sweeping for lost torpedo.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e29: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-013_0.jpg)

22 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.30am Discharged 1 rating to Stonehouse.

9.20am: Boys as seamanship, remainder as requisite.

1.10pm: Gunnery, torpedo, and RNVR training classes at instructions, remainder as requisite. Two ratings sent to hospital ship.

5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to anchorage. Came to with port bower in G1 berth.

7.0pm: Discharged 1 rating to Marlborough. Read warrant no. 209.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e2a: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-013_1.jpg)

23 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.15am: Gunnery, torpedo, Acting S.G. classes and boys at instruction, remainder as requisite.

Discharged 1 rating to Defence for detention.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave to 6 chief and 1st class P.O.s. 12 ratings joined ship from depot.

7.05pm: HMS Defence proceeded out of harbour.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e2b: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-014_0.jpg)

24 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.10am: 12 ratings discharged to Depot.

10.15am: Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

10.40am: One SBS joined ship.

1.40pm: Collier 108 came alongside.

2.09pm: Commenced coaling. Received 200 tons.

4.05pm: Hands employed cleaning ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e2c: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-014_1.jpg)

25 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

1.30pm: Gunnery, torpedo training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4.30pm: Read warrant no. 210.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e2d: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-015_0.jpg)

26 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.10am: Held Divine Service and Roman Catholic held service.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e2e: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-015_1.jpg)

27 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.30am: Gunnery, torpedo, S.G. classes, RNR men and boys at instruction, Third and Fourth divisions mustering bags.

2.30pm: Collier Moilwood No. 26 came alongside. Received 130 tons.

4.45pm: Hands clean ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e2f: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-016_0.jpg)

28 September 1915

[At sea]

Lat 58.8, Long -3.8

7.0am: General Quarters. Shortened in to 3 shackles.

7.15am: Weighed.

7.40am: Course and speed as required for leaving harbour and gunnery exercises.

9.05am: Carried out range finding exercises. Hands as requisite.

2.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for carrying out range finding exercises.

4.15pm: Came to with starboard bower in G2 billet.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e30: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-016_1.jpg)

29 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Hocca patrol left ship.

9.30am: Exercised small arms platoon and Marines platoon. Torpedo, RNVR training classes and boys at instructions.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e31: ( 53-68162/ADM 53-68162-017_0.jpg)

30 September 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Gunnery, Acting S.G.s, RNR classes and boys at instruction, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.


4caf8c92cadfd34197036e37: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e38: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e39: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-002_0.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e3a: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-002_1.jpg)

1 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship training classes and boys at instructions.

10.0am: Discharged Lieutenant Peploe to turret Sup [?]. Lieutenant Nunnely joined ship.

1.0pm: Hands employed as during forenoon.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e3b: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-003_0.jpg)

2 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

11.35 Eight RNR rating joined ship.

1.40pm: Hands working with gunnery, boatswain, remainder as requisite.

4.40pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant No. 211.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e3c: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-003_1.jpg)

3 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Landed church parties.

9.50am: Hands mustered by ledger for Rear Admiral’s inspection.

10.45am: Held Divine Service. Lieutenant Twiner joined ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e3d: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-004_0.jpg)

4 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.05am: Collier Ladywood alongside.

6.30am: Commenced coaling.

8.30am: Finished coaling. Received 210 tons. Obstruction party left ship, hands cleaning ship.

11.0am: Discharged 1 rating to hospital ship.

1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e3e: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-004_1.jpg)

5 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.05am: Discharged 1 rating to detention.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Gunnery, torpedo, RNR training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.45pm: Hands employed as during forenoon.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e3f: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-005_0.jpg)

6 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.20am: Marines landed.

9.40am: Gunnery, torpedo, RNR training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

11.05am: SS Stavely came alongside.

1.40pm: Hands employed as requisite. Discharged 1 rating to hospital ship.

8.45pm: Weighed and left harbour.

10.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for night manoeuvers.

11.50pm: Dunnet Head abeam.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e40: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-005_1.jpg)

7 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

1.25am: Let go starboard bower in 18 fathoms.

6.05am: Anchor up. Proceeded.

6.35am: Let go port bower in G2 berth.

8.45am: Aired and inspected bedding.

9.0am: Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e41: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-006_0.jpg)

8 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters. Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo, RNR training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e42: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-006_1.jpg)

9 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.0am: Hands clean ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e43: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-007_0.jpg)

10 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.40am: Landed church parties.

9.15am: Roman Catholic service on board.

10.15am: Held Divine Service.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e44: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-007_1.jpg)

11 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.35am: Collier 132 alongside. Received 220 tons.

9.25am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 3 ratings joined ship.

4.45pm: Evening quarters. 1 rating joined ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e45: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-008_0.jpg)

12 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.40am: Exercised General Quarters. II Watch mustered bags, remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Hands employed as during forenoon.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e46: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-008_1.jpg)

13 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.30am: Discharged 3 ratings.

9.30am: RNR training class and boys at instructions. Marines at small arms drill. Remainder as requisite.

1.45pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. Ordinary seamen, gunners classes at instructions.

3.15pm: Weighed port bower and left harbour.

5.25pm: Line abreast to starboard.

5.55pm: Formed single line ahead.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e47: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-009_0.jpg)

14 October 1915

At sea [header says At Scapa Flow]

Lat 61.3, Long -2.3

[Various manoeuvers]

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e48: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-009_1.jpg)

15 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.30am: Sighted land bearing N30W.

6.35am: Sighted Portland Skerries.

8.19am: Came to with port bower veered to six shackles in J1 berth.

9.10am: Collier came alongside.

9.40am: Commenced coaling.

12.0pm: Finished coaling. Received 450 tons.

1.0pm: Hands cleaning ship. Received 15 tons oil fuel.

5.15pm: Discharged 1 rating to Monarch.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e49: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-010_0.jpg)

16 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.30am: Dr. Scott left ship.

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e4a: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-010_1.jpg)

17 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.20am: Landed church parties.

10.15am: Divine service. Roman Catholics from Defence attended Roman Catholic service aboard. 1 rating returned from detention.

1.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e4b: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-011_0.jpg)

18 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Hands prepare ship for sea.

9.01am: Came to with Port bower veered to six shackles in No 1 Scapa berth.

9.35am: Exercised General Quarters. Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship training classes and boys at instructions, 3 watch of 3 powders at aiming rifle practice. [???]

1.0pm: Hands employed as during forenoon.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e4c: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-011_1.jpg)

19 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.10am Discharged Lieutenant Noel to HMS "Victory."

9.30am: Gunnery, torpedo, RNR training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

1.15pm: Leave to 12 G.P.Os until 8 pm.

1.45pm: Hands employed as during forenoon.

9.0pm: .303 aiming practice carried out.

9.20pm: Prepare for sea.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e4d: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-012_0.jpg)

20 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.50am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite to follow Defence.

6.35am: Let go port bower in J11 berth. Hands cleaning ship.

7.30am: 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron arrived.

8.15am: Hosca patrol left ship. [Perhaps they mean Hoxa patrol; Hoxa Sound is the South entrance to Scapa Flow.]

9.0am: Marines landed.

9.30am: Gunnery, torpedo, RNR training classes and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4.40pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant No. 217.

7.30pm: Read Warrant No 218. Discharged 3 prisoners to detention.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e4e: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-012_1.jpg)

21 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.05am: Exercised General Quarters. Carried out Rate of change Exercise.

1.35pm: As requisite for carrying out range finding exercises.

2.30pm: Finished RFE (range finding exercises). Shaped course for harbour.

4.10pm: Came to with port bower in F1 berth.

7.05pm: 1 rating returned from detention.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e4f: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-013_0.jpg)

22 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Hands prepare ship for coaling. Lent 2 officers and 3 men to armed trawler for patrol duties.

8.15am: No. 145 SS Bertley came alongside.

8.50am: Commenced coaling.

10.25am: Finished coaling. Received 300 tons.

10.48am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

1.15pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e50: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-013_1.jpg)

23 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e51: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-014_0.jpg)

24 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.30am: Surgeon Drummond left ship.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.

11.0am: Surgeon MacDonald joined ship.

4caf8c92cadfd34197036e52: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-014_1.jpg)

25 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.0am: Party for Portland Patrol left ship.

8.30am: Obstruction party left ship.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters, abandon ship.

10.30am: Training class and boys at instructions, remainder as requisite.

4.30pm: Evening Quarters, read warrant No. 220.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e53: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-015_0.jpg)

26 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Gunnery, Torpedo, RNVR, Training classes and boys at instructions.

1.15pm: 4 rating joined ship from depot. Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e54: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-015_1.jpg)

27 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.0am: HMS Achilles arrived.

6.45am: Discharged 11 ratings to Devonport Depot.

7.0am: Collier 227 alongside.

7.27am: Commenced coaling.

8.18am: Finished coaling. Hands cleaning ship. Received 160 tons.

1.30pm: "SS Vollirnus” [?] came alongside.

3.40pm: Weighed and left harbour.

5.28pm: Took station 1 mile on starboard beam of Defence.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e55: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-016_0.jpg)

28 October 1915

At sea

Lat 60.5, Long -4.1

[Various manoeuvers]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e56: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-016_1.jpg)

29 October 1915

At sea

Lat 61.5, Long -3.0

6.35am: Alter course to close with a Swedish sailing ship.

[Various manoeuvers with HMS Defence]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e57: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-017_0.jpg)

30 October 1915

At sea

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

2.40am: Skule Skerry Light abeam.

7.0am: Let go port bower in F1 berth. [Scapa Flow]

8.30am: Collier came alongside.

9.0am: Commenced coaling. Surgeon Leake joined ship. Received 480 tons coal.

1.0pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e58: ( 53-68163/ADM 53-68163-017_1.jpg)

31 October 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.20am: Church parties landed.

8.50am: Obstruction party left ship.

10.30am: Held Divine Service.


4caf8c93cadfd34197036e5d: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e5e: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e5f: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-002_0.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e60: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-002_1.jpg)

1 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Gunner and boatswain party working as requisite. Divers examining underwater fittings.

3.55pm: Collier Adamton came alongside.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e61: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-003_0.jpg)

2 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.32am: Commenced coaling.

7.27am: Finished coaling. Received 130 tons. Hands cleaning ship.

3.20pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

8.15pm: Cape Wrath abeam.

10.40pm: Butt of Lewis abeam.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e62: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-003_1.jpg)

3 November 1915

At sea

Lat 59.1, Long -11.5

[Various exercises]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e63: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-004_0.jpg)

4 November 1915

At Sea

[No position]

[Various exercises]

11.55pm: Butt of Lewis Light S21E.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e64: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-004_1.jpg)

5 November 1915

[At sea and Scapa Flow]

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

1.0am: Butt of Lewis abeam 14.5 miles.

7.54am: Dunnet Head abeam.

8.58am: Came to with starboard anchor.

9.30am: Collier came alongside. Commander Lambert and Mr Turney, Mate joined ship.

9.55am: Commenced coaling.

11.20am: Commander Noble left ship.

12.30pm: Finished coaling received 550 tons. Hands employed cleaning ship.

5.0pm: 1 Lieutenant Commander, 1 Warrant Officer, 1 Leading Seaman & 8 ABs left for patrol duties.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e65: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-005_0.jpg)

6 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e66: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-005_1.jpg)

7 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.30am: Divine Service on board.

12.55pm: SS Stavely secured alongside. Watch employed taking in stores and provisions.

2.55pm: Storeship left ship.

4.15pm: Evening quarters. Read warrants 222 and 223.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e67: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-006_0.jpg)

8 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.0am: Exercised Action Stations.

11.0am: Hands employed. Torpedo, Training class instructions, boys. School and physics.

1.35pm: Gunnery, Torpedo, RNVR and boys at instructions. Target party away.

11.45pm: Hove up anchor. Engines as required.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e68: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-006_1.jpg)

9 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Course and speed as required for night firing practice.

1.40am: Anchored in F.I. berth.

8.15am: Hoy Patrol left ship for 48 hrs. [Hoy Sound is the West entrance to Scapa Flow.]

8.30am: Hand employed cleaning ship.

9.45am: Divisions, Physical Drill, Prayers. Gunnery, Torpedo, RNVR and boys at instructions.

10.0am: Patrol party returned.

pm: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo, and boys training classes at instructions. Remainder replacing target and as requisite.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e69: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-007_0.jpg)

10 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.45am: Divisions and prayers. Hands employed. Bosuns party fitting P.B. [patrol boat?] slings. RNVR, boys, and training classes at instructions. Gunnery appliance party at instruction.

pm: Hands employed working with gunners and bosuns party fitting P.B. slings. RNVR, boys, training classes at instruction.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e6a: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-007_1.jpg)

11 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.55am: Commenced coaling.

10.55: Cease firing. [Surely they mean coaling!] Received 245 tons.

pm: Hands cleaning ship.

7.0pm: Weighed. Proceeded as required for night firing.

9.05pm: Anchored in F.I. berth.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e6b: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-008_0.jpg)

12 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.10am: Exercised action stations.

10.45am: Secured. [from action stations.] Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo, RNVR training classes at instructions. Boys at school.

pm: Make and mend clothes.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e6c: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-008_1.jpg)

13 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

pm: Hands employed. Boys at school. RNVR training class at instructions. Remainder cleaning ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e6d: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-009_0.jpg)

14 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.15am: Held Divine service.

1.0pm: Leave to 1st class and Chief Petty Officers.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e6e: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-009_1.jpg)

15 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.0am: Worked main derrick. Hoisted out boats.

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

8.40am: Obstruction party left ship.

10.45am: Gunnery, torpedo, RNVR and B class of boys at instructions.

1.30pm: Hands employed. Training classes at instructions. Gunnery appliance party drill. Bosun’s party fitting slings, remainder oiling derrick topping lift and purchase.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e6f: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-010_0.jpg)

16 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.0am: Hands employed hoisted out boats.

8.30am: Cleaned ship.

10.0am: Rigged Whitehead Torpedo Boat. RNVR, gunnery, and torpedo training classes. B boys at school. Remainder cleaning paintwork.

11.55am: Unrigged Whitehead Torpedo Boat.

12.40pm: Landed football parties.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo, and ALG class. Boys at instructions.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e70: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-010_1.jpg)

17 November 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.0am: Hoisted out boats.

7.30am: Landed Marine detachment.

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Divers examining under water fittings.

8.45am: Divisions and physical drill. Gunnery and torpedo training classes. RNVR and boys at instructions.

12.15pm: Landing Marines Detachment came aboard.

1.0pm: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo, RNVR training classes. A class boys at instructions. Remainder refitting, paintwork and as requisite.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e71: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-011_0.jpg)

18 November 1915

From Scapa to Cromarty

Lat 57.8, Long -3.8

7.0am: Weighed and left harbour.

8.48am: Noss Head abeam.

10.0am: Fire control exercises.

11.50am: Tarbert Ness abeam.

12.52pm: Anchored in 8 fathoms, starboard anchor. [Cromarty]

1.40pm: SS Upcerno collier came alongside.

2.05pm: Commenced coaling.

2.50pm: Mr Robinson joined ship.

3.15pm: Coaling finished. Received 270 tons.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e72: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-011_1.jpg)

19 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

7.0am: Worked main derrick. Cleared up decks. Mr Hegarty Gunner left for Devonport.

8.30am: Saturday routine. Cleaning ship.

pm: Hands employed. Boys at school. Gunnery appliance party at instructions. Gunners and bosuns party.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e73: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-012_0.jpg)

20 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

7.0am: Hands employed getting out boats and as requisite.

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

12.30pm: Hands make and mend.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e74: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-012_1.jpg)

21 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.35am: Divisions. Held Divine service.

pm: Leave. 1 able seaman joined the ship from RN Depot Devonport.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e75: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-013_0.jpg)

22 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.20am: Landing party left ship. Hands employed painting funnels.

11.0am: Landing party returned.

12.0pm: Leave. Gunnery and RNVR classes at instructions. Remainder painting ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e76: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-013_1.jpg)

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.40am: Training classes to instructions. Boys at school. 24 hand painting down aloft, remainder painting ship. 1 Boilermaker from "Duke of Edinburgh" working on board.

pm: Leave. Hands employed. Training classes at instructions, remainder at painting ship as requisite.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e77: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-014_0.jpg)

24 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.0am: Hands employed. Gunnery and torpedo training classes. Boys at instructions.

12.30pm: Leave.

1.45pm: Hands employed. Gunnery and torpedo training classes. Boys at instructions. Remainder painting and refitting as requisite.

4.30pm: Trawler patrol left ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e78: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-014_1.jpg)

25 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Armed drifter patrol arrived on board. Hands employed cleaning ship. Gunners and boatswains party, gunnery and torpedo training classes and boys at instructions.

pm: Make and mend clothes.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e79: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-015_0.jpg)

26 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Landing party left ship. Remainder cleaning ship.

10.40am: Landing party returned.

11.15am: Mr Parry left ship.

12.30pm: Leave.

1.30pm: Hands employed. Training classes at instructions.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e7a: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-015_1.jpg)

27 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

Other: Drifter patrol left ship

7.45am: Discharged 1 Gunner RMA to Depot.

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Leave. Hands make and mend clothes.

4.0pm: Drifter left ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e7b: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-016_0.jpg)

28 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

10.30am: Held Divine service.

12.30pm: Leave.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e7c: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-016_1.jpg)

29 November 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

7.30am: Collier 91 alongside.

7.59am: Commenced coaling.

9.01am: 1 boilermaker from "Duke of Edinburgh" working on board.

9.22am: Finished coaling. Hands cleaning ship. 1 ERA joined ship from Devonport. Received 260 tons.

pm: Leave. Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e7d: ( 53-68164/ADM 53-68164-017_0.jpg)

30 November 1915

[From Cromarty to Scapa Flow]

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

Noon: Entering Pentland Firth & Scapa Flow

1.19pm: Came to with port anchor.

1.30pm: Hand employed working with gunner and bosuns. Gunnery and torpedo training classes. RND, A class boys at instructions.

Other: Washed overboard by heavy sea 1 wash deck locker with cleaning gear of brooms, scrubbers, squeegees and 4 canvas no. 8 hoses.


4caf8c93cadfd34197036e83: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e84: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e85: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-002_0.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e86: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-002_1.jpg)

1 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.45am: SS Dykeland 463 came alongside.

9.03am: Commenced coaling.

9.38am: Finished coaling. 170 tons.

10.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

1.32pm: Weighed and proceeded.

2.0pm: Passed Skule Skerry Gate.

7.0pm: Butt of Lowes S64W.

11.46pm: Flannan Light abeam S13W.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e87: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-003_0.jpg)

2 December 1915

At sea

[No position]

[Various manoeuvers]

9.05am: "Iron Duke" S70E.

3.52pm: Took stations astern of Defence.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e88: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-003_1.jpg)

3 December 1915

At sea

[No position]

[Various manoeuvers]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e89: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-004_0.jpg)

4 December 1915

From Scapa to Cromarty

[No position]

3.38am: Butt of Lewes abeam S22W 14.2 miles

6.0am: Cape Wrath abeam.

10.12am: Ness Head abeam 3 miles.

2.03pm: Let go port anchor.

2.30pm: Collier No. 700 came alongside.

3.0pm: Commenced coaling. Discharged 1 rating to Hospital. Received 510 tons.

6.0pm: 1 P.O. Telegraphist joined from Portsmouth.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e8a: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-004_1.jpg)

5 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Cleaned ship.

8.45am: Landed Roman Catholics at Invergordon.

10.40am: Held Divine service on board.

pm: Leave. Landed boys for recreation.

9.40pm: 1 Gunner RMA & 1 Corporal RMLI joined from Headquarters.

[Note: header mistakenly says November]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e8b: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-005_0.jpg)

6 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Hand employed cleaning ship.

12.30pm: Gave usual leave until 4 pm.

1.15pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instructions. Boys at school. Leading seamen and ABs to Medical Lecture.

pm: Received 180 tons of oil fuel.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e8c: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-005_1.jpg)

7 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

7.0am: Discharged P.O. Telegraphist, 1 Sgt RMLI to Depot.

8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

9.45am: Divisions and prayers. Hands employed working with gunner and bosuns party. Training classes at instructions. Divers examining under water fittings.

12.30pm: Leave to part of ship’s company.

pm: Hands employed hoisting in boats, replacing diving gear. Boys at school, training classes at instructions.

4.15pm: 1 Ordinary Seaman and 1 stoker rejoined from Detention.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e8d: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-006_0.jpg)

8 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Hands cleaning ship.

9.0am: Obstruction party left ship. Landed pier patrol.

10.0am: Hands employed. Small arms companies, training classes and boys at instructions. Carried out .303 aiming.

12.30pm: Leave.

1.45pm: Hands employed working with bosuns and gunners party. Gunnery and torpedo training classes, A class boys at instructions.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e8e: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-006_1.jpg)

9 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Obstruction party left.

8.40am: Cleaning ship. Diving party in 2nd barge.

10.10am: Seamen and Marine aired bedding.

10.30am: Obstruction party returned.

11.50am: Obstruction party left in launch.

12.30pm: Leave to both of boys until 4 pm. Hands employed. Training classes at instructions. Obstruction party away. RNRs at instructions.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e8f: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-007_0.jpg)

10 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

7.30am: HMS Barham under weigh.

10.15am: Exercised action stations.

10.45am: Dispersed. Hands employed. Training classes at instructions.

1.10pm: Obstruction party left ship.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo, and A class of boys at instructions.

3.10pm: Both watches attended lecture.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e90: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-007_1.jpg)

11 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

12.30pm: Usual leave until 4 pm. Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e91: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-008_0.jpg)

12 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Hands cleaning ship.

10.0am: Divine service.

12.30pm: Usual leave.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e92: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-008_1.jpg)

13 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Cleaning ship.

8.50am: Ceremonial party left.

9.0am: Obstruction party left. 1 boilermaker from Duke of Edinburgh working on board.

9.45am: Gunnery training classes at instructions. 8 hands demonstrating 12 pounder.

pm: Leave. Hands employed. Training classes at instructions. Boys at school. RNR’s at instruction.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e93: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-009_0.jpg)

14 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

10.10am: Exercised action stations.

10.40am: Secured. Hands then employed. Gunnery and torpedo, training classes, and boys at instructions, remainder cleaning paintwork and refitting as requisite.

12.30pm: Leave. One armourer rating for examination from Defence, 3 men from N. Ord. working on board.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo training and RNR at instructions, remainder rigging concert awning on starboard battery.

3.45pm: Sent party in armed drifter.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e94: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-009_1.jpg)

15 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

8.35am: Marines landed.

9.15am: Drifter patrol party returned on board

10.0am: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo, I class at instructions. RNR and B class of boys at instructions.

11.50am: Marines landing party returned.

pm: Usual leave to starboard watch. Hands employed. Gunnery and torpedo training classes, Boys at instructions.

3.15pm: Captain Moltins joined ship.

4.50pm: Captain Borrett left ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e95: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-010_0.jpg)

16 December 1915

At Cromarty

Lat 58.8, Long -3.2

9.26am: Weighed and proceeded.

1.21pm: Ness Head abeam.

1.54pm: Formed single line ahead, 3 cables apart. Course as required for entering harbour. [Scapa Flow]

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17 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.15am: Collier 56 came alongside.

9.33am: Commenced coaling.

9.40am: 4th Battle Squadron sailed.

11.17am: Finished coaling. Received 400 tons.

pm: Hands cleaning ship.

3.45pm: 1 P.O. 1st C. joined ship.

5.0pm: Drifter patrol left ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e97: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-011_0.jpg)

18 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.0am: Hands cleaning ship.

12.45pm: Storeship "Staveley" came alongside, starboard watch provisioning ship.

3.10pm: Stavely shoved off.

5.0pm: Read warrant No 223.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e98: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-011_1.jpg)

19 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.40am: Held Divine service.

10.0am: Roman Catholics sent to Defence for Divine service.

11.30am: RCs returned.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e99: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-012_0.jpg)

20 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.45am: Discharged 1 rating to Devonport Depot and 1 rating to Detention.

8.25am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to North Shore.

8.58am: Anchored North Shore port anchor.

10.30am: Hands employed, carried out .303 aiming from starboard guns, training classes at instructions. Boys at instructions.

1.45pm: Training classes and boys at instructions. Hands employed working with gunners and bosuns. .303 aiming from starboard guns.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e9a: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-012_1.jpg)

21 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

10.0am: Firing numbers of B and Y and after turret, Fore, I.S., Aft I.S. port passages, firing .303. Gunnery, RNR and boys at instructions. Bargees and launches clearing out. Acting S.I.s at instructions. 1st Patrol boat towing target.

1.45pm: Hands employed, carried out .303 aiming from port turrets. Boys, RNRs and training classes at instructions.

6.20pm: Carried out .303 aiming. Night defence stations.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e9b: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-013_0.jpg)

22 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.10am: Lieutenant Miller RNR left ship. Hands cleaning ship. Weighed and proceeded to carry out sub calibre and torpedo practice in the Flow.

2.0pm: Carried out range finding exercises.

2.50pm: Let go port anchor in E1 berth.

3.10pm: Sub Lieutenant Bate RNR joined ship.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e9c: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-013_1.jpg)

23 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.0am: Hands employed. Gunnery and torpedo training classes and boys, RNRs at instructions. Remainder of hands muster bags and as requisite.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e9d: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-014_0.jpg)

24 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

12.45am: Weighed and proceeded leaving Flow and Pentland Firth.

2.47pm: Pentland Skerry abeam.

pm: 1 Mine Depth Mk II and 1 Hammer washed overboard. Port lifebuoy washed overboard. [Wind SE force 7-8]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e9e: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-014_1.jpg)

25 December 1915

At sea

[No position]

Lost overboard during Heavy Sea 2 Hazelwood Fenders. [Wind force 8-10 all day.]

4caf8c93cadfd34197036e9f: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-015_0.jpg)

26 December 1915

At sea

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

[Various manoeuvers and zig zagging]

5.10pm: As requisite for entering Pentland Firth.

6.32pm: Anchored in E1 berth.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036ea0: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-015_1.jpg)

27 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.0am: Collier 81 came alongside.

9.15am: Commenced coaling.

12.05pm: Finished coaling, received 660 tons.

pm: Hands cleaning ship. Received 90 tons oil fuel.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036ea1: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-016_0.jpg)

28 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.0am: Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

3.30pm: SS "West Phalia" alongside with stores.

5.50pm: SS West Phalia shoved off.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036ea2: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-016_1.jpg)

29 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship.

9.30am: Prayers.

9.45am: Pipe down.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036ea3: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-017_0.jpg)

30 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.10am: Hands employed. Gunnery torpedo RNR training class. Boys at instructions. Remainder painting and as requisite.

1.45pm: Gunnery torpedo RNR training classes. A class boys at instructions. Remainder as requisite. Fx men painting No 1 funnel.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036ea4: ( 53-68165/ADM 53-68165-017_1.jpg)

31 December 1915

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.05am: General Quarters.

11.15am: Secure. Hands employed painting funnels and as requisite.

1.0pm: 1 Rating Officers steward joined ship. Hand employed. Gunnery torpedo training classes at instructions. B class boys at school. Remainder painting and cleaning paintwork.

3.0pm: 8 Ordinary Seamen rating joined ship.

4.30pm: Discharged 1 rating to Defence.


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[LHS of front cover of logbook]

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[RHS of front cover of logbook]

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[Log information page – not filled out]

[Note: several dates this month are mistakenly marked 1915 in the page headers.]

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1 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.0am: Trawler patrol left ship. Hands cleaning ship.

11.0am: Discharged 1 PO to hospital ship.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c93cadfd34197036ead: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-003_0.jpg)

2 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.35am: Held Divine service.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eae: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-003_1.jpg)

3 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.55am: Collier "Boscastle" alongside.

9.25am: Commenced coaling.

10.25am: Finished coaling. Received 275 tons.

Noon: Hands employed cleaning ship.

2.45pm: Hands to bath and scrub coaling suits.

3.45pm: Evening quarters with coaling suits.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eaf: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-004_0.jpg)

4 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.0am: Hands employed. Gunners and bosuns party. Gunnery and torpedo training classes. RND and boys at instructions. Remainder as requisite.

pm: Hands employed. Gunnery and torpedo training classes RND at instructions. A class of boys at school. Remainder as requisite.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb0: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-004_1.jpg)

5 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

4.30am: Attempted to weigh starboard anchor but failed, so veered to 4 shackles.

8.30am: Hands employed as requisite cleaning ship.

10.10am: Gunnery and torpedo and RND training classes at instructions. B class of boys at school.

Bosuns and gunners party. Remainder as requisite.

1.0pm: Watch close B & C Doors. Make and mend clothes.

7.0pm: Engineer Lieutenant Reed left ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb1: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-005_0.jpg)

6 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.0am: Hands employed as requisite cleaning ship.

10.10am: Hands employed. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instructions. Boys at instructions.

B2 and Y2 turrets at divisional drill. Remainder cleaning and refitting.

11.15am: Discharged 1 Leading Stoker to Hospital Ship.

1.45pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instructions. Boys at school.

Bosuns and gunners party. Remainder as requisite.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb2: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-005_1.jpg)

7 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: A class of boys at school. Gunners and bosuns party. Gunnery and torpedo and RNR training classes at instructions. Remainder as requisite.

pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instructions. A class of boys at school. Full Maxim guns crews at divisional drill.

5.40pm: 1 Stoker rating left for Black Prince.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb3: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-006_0.jpg)

8 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.57am: Collier Brllilis [sic] came alongside.

9.15am: Commenced coaling.

10.36am: Finished coaling. Received 300 tons.

pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb4: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-006_1.jpg)

9 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.15am: Divine service.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb5: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-007_0.jpg)

10 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.05am: Clean ship.

10.05am: General Quarters.

11.0am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instructions. Gunners and bosuns parties.

pm: G. and T. training classes. RN Division special services. A class boys at school. Remainder of boys at seamanship.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 226.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb6: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-007_1.jpg)

11 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.35am: Weighed and proceeded to carry out sub-calibre firing.

2.0pm: Gunnery and torpedo. T. and RNR Ordinary seamen’s training class and A & B classes of boys. Gunners and bosuns party.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb7: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-008_0.jpg)

12 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.0am: Gunnery and torpedo training classes. Ordinary seamen, turret sight setters and Navy phonemen. Hands working with gunners and bosuns party.

pm: Hands employed. Gunnery and torpedo training classes at instructions. Boys at school and seamanship. Remainder cleaning out magazines and shell rooms.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb8: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-008_1.jpg)

13 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.45am: Gunnery and torpedo, RNR, ordinary seaman’s training classes to instructions. B class boys to school. Gunners, bosuns and carpenters party.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eb9: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-009_0.jpg)

14 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.10am: Weighed and proceeded to D6 berth.

9.30am: Let go port anchor.

10.35am: Gunnery, torpedo training classes and boys to instructions. Remainder getting in stores from SS Volturno.

pm: Hands employed. Training classes at instructions. Remainder preparing for coaling.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eba: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-009_1.jpg)

15 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Wind very squally very heavy accompanied by driving rain.

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ebb: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-010_0.jpg)

16 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.45am: Collier 483 alongside.

9.07am: Commenced coaling. Received 325 tons. Hands employed cleaning ship.

12.0pm: 1 Rating from "Defiance" joined ship.

pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ebc: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-010_1.jpg)

17 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing ship for sea.

1.45pm: Hands employed working with gunner and boatswain’s party. Gunnery and torpedo training classes, RND and ordinary seamen at instructions.

4.0pm: Discharged 1 Shipwright to Cyclops.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ebd: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-011_0.jpg)

18 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

9.30am: General Quarters.

10.10am: Secure.

10.25am: Gunnery, torpedo, RND, ordinary seamen, boys at instructions.

11.15am: Storeship FG Fulton came alongside with stores.

pm: Hands employed. Training classes. Boys, RND’s at instructions.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ebe: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-011_1.jpg)

19 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.10am: Hands employed. RND gunnery torpedo training classes at instructions. Boys at school and seamanship.

1.45pm: Gunnery and torpedo training classes. A class boys at school.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ebf: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-012_0.jpg)

20 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.0am: Hoy patrol left ship.

9.15am: Divisions, Physical drill and prayers. A1 and X1 turrets crews and supply party at drill. Gunnery, torpedo training classes and RND Ordinary seamen. B class boys at school.

pm: Gunnery, torpedo training classes. RND Ordinary seamen. B class boys at school. No 3 group of 3 pounder at drill.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec0: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-012_1.jpg)

21 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Hands employed. Training classes. RND and boys at instructions. 4 hand with carpenter, gunnery, appliance party.

1.45pm: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo training classes. RND. Boys at instructions.

5.0pm Commander Lambert left ship for HMS Monarch.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec1: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-013_0.jpg)

22 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Hands cleaning ship. Heavy hail, squall. Steam for 12 knots at command.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

2.30pm: Heavy squall accompanied by hail.

3.30pm: 1 Rating joined ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec2: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-013_1.jpg)

23 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Divisions. Landed church parties. Roman Catholics to Black Prince.

10.15am: Held Divine service on board.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec3: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-014_0.jpg)

24 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.40am: Collier 92 alongside.

9.02am: Commenced coaling.

10.03am: Finished coaling. Received 335 tons.

pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec4: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-014_1.jpg)

25 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Remainder cleaning ship and as requisite.

1.45pm: Hands employed working with gunner and bosun’s party. Gunnery, torpedo, and seamanship training classes at instructions. A class of Boys at school.

5.0pm: Weighed starboard anchor and shortened in to 6 shackles port.

6.30pm: Steam on capstan. Anchor watch kept.

9.40pm: Heavy squall. Observed Defence. [Possibly in case Defence dragged her anchor.] Veered to 10 shackles on port anchor.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec5: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-015_0.jpg)

26 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

12.42am: Shortened in cable.

9.10am: Exercised platoon on board. Gunnery, torpedo training classes at instructions. Remainder making obstruction nets. Discharged 1 AB to Hospital Ship.

[11.30am: shifted berth.]

12.07pm: Weighed. Swung ship for (compass) deviation.

3.0pm: Came to with port anchor in D6 berth. Training classes at instructions. Boys at school. Remainder fitting obstruction nets.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec6: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-015_1.jpg)

27 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.10am: Discharged 1 AB, RNR to Depot.

8.30am: 1/2 speed ahead for deviation and range finding exercise.

11.10am: Came to port anchor No 4 berth Scapa.

12.45pm: Diving Party examining propellers and rudder.

1.15pm: Net party working on obstruction nets. Gunlayers, trainers, sightsetters, and recorders at sub calibre firing, training classes at instructions. 1 ERA from Duke of Edinburgh working on board. 2nd boat towing spar target.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec7: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-016_0.jpg)

28 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Hands employed working with gunner and boatswain. Turret’s crews preparing for firing. Training classes and boys at instructions.

11.40am: Weighed and proceeded out of Flow.

1.0pm: General Quarters. Exercised OOQ firing.

2.10pm: Secured. Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour.

3.0pm: Came to with port anchor.

5.0pm: Sent drifter patrol.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec8: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-016_1.jpg)

29 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

am: Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ec9: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-017_0.jpg)

30 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Landed church parties. Clean ship.

10.40am: Divine service on board. S. Gott, Shipwright rejoined ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eca: ( 53-68166/ADM 53-68166-017_1.jpg)

31 January 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.0am: 5th Battle Squadron & Canada proceeded out of harbour.

8.10am: SS "Ladywood" came alongside.

8.22am: Commenced coaling.

9.0am: Finished coaling, Received 240 tons. Hands cleaning ship.

11.0am: Staveley came alongside. Port watch provision ship.

1.30pm: Hands employed provisioning ship.

2.40pm: Hands to scrub and wash coaling suits.


4caf8c94cadfd34197036ecf: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ed0: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

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[Log information page – not filled out]

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[Barometer and thermometer information]

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1 February 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.0am: Hoxa patrol left ship. [Hoxa Sound is the South entrance to Scapa Flow.]

8.40am: Obstruction party left ship.

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Boys at instructions.

pm: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo, RND training classes at instructions. Obstruction party placing obstruction, remainder cleaning paintwork.

4.15pm: Read warrant No 227.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ed5: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-004_0.jpg)

2 February 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.10am: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo, RND training classes. Gunners and bosuns party.

2.10pm: Hands employed. Torpedo training class at instructions. B class boys at school.

[Wrong month in header, this is February.]

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ed6: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-004_1.jpg)

3 February 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

9.40am: General Quarters.

10.35am: Gunnery torpedo RND classes and C class boys at instructions.

1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for shifting berth.

1.30pm: Came to port anchor in F7 berth. Hands to make and mend clothes.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ed7: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-005_0.jpg)

4 February 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.45am: SS Lancashire Coast came alongside.

10.10am: Secure. Hands employed painting boats, fitting obstruction net. Boys at school, remainder embarking ammunition.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo, RND and boys at instructions. Net party making obstruction net. 20 hands stowing ammunition.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ed8: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-005_1.jpg)

5 February 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Divisions and air night clothing.

8.35am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

pm: Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ed9: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-006_0.jpg)

6 February 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

10.37am: Let go port anchor.

10.39am: Let go starboard anchor.

11.15am: Ship moored 5 shackles on each.

1.15pm: Leave.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eda: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-006_1.jpg)

7 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.15am: Port watch cleaning ship. Starboard watch disembarking 9.2 ammunition.

9.15am: Divisions. Training classes at instructions. B class boys at school.

2.05pm: Weighed and proceeded into floating dock.

2.45pm: Secured in dock. Hands employed as requisite for docking.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036edb: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-007_0.jpg)

8 February 1916

At Invergorden (Dock)

Lat 57.7, Long -4.2

8.0am: Hands employed arranging cables, painting ship and as requisite. Boys at school.

11.0am: Engineer Commander Kitchen discharged to Hospital.

1.15pm: Leave to starboard watch until 5 pm. Port watch painting ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036edc: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-007_1.jpg)

9 February 1916

At Invergorden (Dock)

Lat 57.7, Long -4.2

8.30am: Hands working with gunner and boatswain surveying cable. Painting funnels as requisite.

pm: Hands employed about cables, painting aloft and as requisite. Usual leave to port watch.

4.15pm: Read warrants 228 to 233 inclusive.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036edd: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-008_0.jpg)

10 February 1916

At Invergorden (Dock)

Lat 57.7, Long -4.2

8.0am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. Boys at instructions.

1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite.

3.45pm: Came out of dock.

4.0pm: Came to with port anchor in 10 fathoms.

7.28pm: Commenced coaling.

9.35pm: Finished coaling. Received 350 tons.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ede: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-008_1.jpg)

11 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

5.55am: Weighed and proceeded through obstructions.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship as requisite. [Various manoeuvers.]

6.0pm: Defence bearing S51W 3 miles. [Various manoeuvers.]

4caf8c94cadfd34197036edf: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-009_0.jpg)

12 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

3.23am: Kinnaird Head Light W by N.

6.15am: Coversea Light N79W.

6.58am: Tarbet Ness Light N58W.

9.02am: Came to with port anchor in Cromarty harbour.

9.30am: Collier 69 alongside.

10.0am: Commenced coaling.

11.0am: Finished coaling, received 310 tons.

1.15pm: Hands cleaning ship. Received 30 tons fuel oil.

3.0pm: Leave.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee0: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-009_1.jpg)

13 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

10.10am: Held Divine service. Roman Catholics to "Black Prince" for divine service.

11.30am: RCs returned on board.

pm: Usual leave.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee1: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-010_0.jpg)

14 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

6.15am: Hoisted out boats. Foc’stle men getting up sheet cable, obstruction party rigging boats. Gunner’s party and gunnery hands working about communications.

8.0am: Ammunition ships Blackloft and Solent alongside. Hands employed returning and drawing ammunition, reftting cleaning ship and as requisite.

9.45am: Let go starboard anchor and veered to 2 shackles. Engineer Commander returned from hospital. Veered to 6 shackles on port anchor.

1.30pm: Hands employed working with gunner and bosun storing away ammunition. Torpedo training classes at instruction.

3.0pm: Obstruction party returned.

3.50pm: 2nd Battle Squadron returned.

7.0pm: Discharged Party "D" for the Trenches - and 1 AB for detention.

11.40pm: Drifter patrol left ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee2: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-010_1.jpg)

15 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.15am: Hoisted out boats. Cleaning ship. Obstruction party working with Bosun.

8.50am: Drifter patrol. All training classes and boys at instruction. Remainder painting ship and as requisite.

pm: Leave. Hands employed, training classes and boys at instructions, remainder painting, refitting etc.

4.15pm: Evening quarters. [Read warrant] 235.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee3: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-011_0.jpg)

16 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Hands employed, and fitting and placing obstruction. Starboard watch of boys landed for exercise. Remainder cleaning out boats and as requisite.

12.30pm: Leave. Training classes at instructions. Reverend Bredin discharged to Hospital Ship "China."

4.47pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded to ship billets 4.58.

5.10pm: Read warrant 236. Let go port anchor in 5 shackles.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee4: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-011_1.jpg)

17 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.10am: Hands employed working with Gunner and Bosun. Obstruction party. Remainder of hands painting ship’s side and as requisite.

pm: Hands employed working with painting and refitting. Leave to starboard watch.

5.10pm: Drifter night patrol left ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee5: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-012_0.jpg)

18 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Hands employed painting and as requisite. Obstruction party away. Landed B & C classes of boys for recreation.

pm: Usual leave.

1.30pm: Hands employed working with Gunner and Bosun. C class of boys at school. Remainder of hands holystoning upper deck.

4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 237, 238, 239.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee6: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-012_1.jpg)

19 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.20am: Aired night clothing.

8.30am: Send obstruction party.

8.45am: Hands cleaning ship.

11.50am: Obstruction party returned.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee7: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-013_0.jpg)

20 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.10am: Held Divine service for Roman Catholics. Landed other church parties.

10.30am: Held Divine service.

pm: Usual leave.

5.30pm: Drifter patrol left ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee8: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-013_1.jpg)

21 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.10am: Divisions, physical drill and prayers.

9.30am: Exercise General Quarters.

10.25am: Hands employed working with Gunner and Bosun. Gunners, torpedo training classes at instructions. Boys boat pulling.

pm: Usual leave. Hands employed refitting guard rails. Training classes and boys at instructions. Turret gunlayers at .303 aiming.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ee9: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-014_0.jpg)

22 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

10.0am: Landed boys for recreation. Marines at small arms drill. Training classes at instructions. Gunlayers and acting gunlayers at .303 aiming.

12.0pm: Discharged Chief Stoker to Hospital Ship.

pm: Usual leave.

1.45pm: Hands employed working with gunner and boatswain. Training classes and boys RND men at instructions.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eea: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-014_1.jpg)

23 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.0am: Landed Marines for drill.

9.10am: Landed boys for exercise. Gunnery, torpedo, RND at instructions.

pm: Usual leave. Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo training classes at instruction.

4.15pm: SS Volturness came alongside with stores.

7.50pm: SS Volturness left ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eeb: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-015_0.jpg)

24 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.15am: Seamen and stokers landed for route march. Hands not landed preparing to coal.

10.25am: Landing party returned.

12.30pm: Usual leave. Held Court of Enquiry concerning Warriors liberty men. Hand make and mend clothes.

3.0pm: Watch placing empties in puffer Jennie.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eec: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-015_1.jpg)

25 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

7.20am: Collier "Wychwood" No 228 came alongside.

7.40am: Commenced coaling.

8.30am: Finished coaling, received 265 tons. Hands clean ship.

11.0am: Band discharged to depot for leave.

pm: Usual leave. Remainder of hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eed: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-016_0.jpg)

26 February 1916

At Sea

[No position]

2.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

5.30am: Sighted Ness Head N30E.

8.10am: Took Station N8 E4 miles from Defence. [Various manoeuvers all day]

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eee: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-016_1.jpg)

27 February 1916

At Sea

[No position]

[PZ and fire control exercises]

4caf8c94cadfd34197036eef: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-017_0.jpg)

28 February 1916

At sea

[No position]

1.45am: Fair Isle Light North N35W.

6.18am: Stroma Light N74W.

11.05am: Rounded Whistle Buoy.

11.33am: Came to with starboard anchor.

12.0pm: Discharged 1 Boy to Hospital.

4.30pm: Collier Wychwood secured alongside,

4.52pm: Commenced coaling.

6.20pm: Finished coaling. Received 485 tons. Hands clean ship.

4caf8c94cadfd34197036ef0: ( 53-68167/ADM 53-68167-017_1.jpg)

29 February 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.0am: hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite.

10.45am: SS Staveley came alongside with stores.

Pm: Usual leave. Hands employed embarking stores fitting up projectiles for disembarking.

2.15pm: Stavely left ship.

5.10pm: Stavely came alongside.

6.0pm: Stavely left ship.

6.30pm: SS Bison secured alongside.

9.15pm: SS Bison left.

9.45pm: Hands preparing ship for sea.

10.35pm: Drifter patrol returned.


4caf8c95cadfd34197036ef5: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-001_0.jpg)

[LHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036ef6: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-001_1.jpg)

[RHS of front cover of logbook]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036ef8: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-002_1.jpg)

[Log information page – not filled out]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036ef9: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-003_0.jpg)

[Barometer and thermometer information]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036efa: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-003_1.jpg)

1 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.05am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill. Inspection of duffel suits.

10.0am: Hands employed. Training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Remainder refitting and as requisite.

12.30pm: SS Kremlin left ship.

1.45pm: Hands employed. Training classes at instruction. Boys at school. Working with Gunner and Bosun refitting.

4.40pm: Recovered the body of D. Owens AB of HMS Natal.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036efb: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-004_0.jpg)

2 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

9.10am: Divisions and physical drill.

9.30am: Exercised 1st watch of turrets. Boys at physical drill and school. Marines exercising hoisting out wounded.

pm: Leave. Hands employed. Training classes at instruction. Working party on board Stephen Furness. Hospital party on shore.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036efc: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-004_1.jpg)

3 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

7.40am: SS Stephen Furness working party left ship.

8.15am: Seaman, stokers and marines landed for route march. Remainder cleaning ship.

10.40am: Landing party returned.

pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Leave.

1.30pm: Landed funeral party

3.50pm: Funeral party returned.

6.0pm: Drifter party patrol left ship.

6.35pm: SS Stephan Furness working party returned on board.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036efd: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-005_0.jpg)

4 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

7.45am: Stephen Furness working party left ship.

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

10.30am: Discharged 1 SB Steward to Hospital Ship.

pm: Usual leave.

12.20pm: Stephan Furness working party returned on board. Hands employed cleaning ship.

7.45pm: Three ratings joined ship for passage.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036efe: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-005_1.jpg)

5 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.15am: Sent Roman Catholics to Black Prince.

9.30am: Landed church parties.

10.30am: Divine service.

pm: Usual leave.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036eff: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-006_0.jpg)

6 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.05am: Recovered body of "Hartle" late of HMS Natal.

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

9.10am: Divisions, physical drill, and prayers.

9.30am: General Quarters.

10.0am: Secure. Training classes and boys at instructions.

12.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. [Various manoeuvers.]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f00: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-006_1.jpg)

7 March 1916

At sea

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

9.40am: Came to with starboard anchor in C6 berth. [At Cromarty]

10.35am: Collier Moyle No 146 secured alongside.

10.55am: Commenced coaling.

12.12pm: Finished coaling, received 370 tons. Hands clean ship.

2.30pm: Oil tanker "Attendant" alongside, received 15 tons of oil fuel.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f01: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-007_0.jpg)

8 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.45am: Hands cleaning ship and paintwork launch and 2nd barge.

9.30am: Marines at drill.

pm: Training classes at instructions. Boys mustering kit. Remainder as required.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f02: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-007_1.jpg)

9 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Exercised divers monthly dip. Man and arm patrol boat and carried out dropping gear. Training classes at and boys at instructions. Remainder painting and as requisite.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

6.15pm: Discharged Lieutenant Turner to "Conqueror."

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f03: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-008_0.jpg)

10 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. Received 1 stoker from Crocus for cell punishment.

10.05am: Gunnery, torpedo and boys training classes at instructions. Turret crews getting up shell.

11.35am: Weighed and proceeded for gunnery practice.

1.06pm: Commenced firing.

1.14pm: Finished firing. As required for entering harbour.

2.30pm: Came to with starboard anchor in C6 berth.

2.46pm: Training classes at instructions.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f04: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-008_1.jpg)

11 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

7.5am: Collier 740 came alongside,

8.0am: Discharged 1 rating to Devonport Depot.

9.04am: Finished coaling, received 280 tons.

9.30am: Collier shoved off. Hands cleaning ship.

10.30am: Discharged 3 Telegraphist ratings to "Sokoto", "Marksman" & "Skipjack."

2.0pm: Secured for sea.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f05: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-009_0.jpg)

12 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

[Location appears to be incorrect, ship was in Scapa yesterday and will be tomorrow.]

am: Church parties landed and returned.

10.30am: Divine service.

6.15pm: 1 Offender from "Jason" joined ship for Cell Punishment.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f06: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-009_1.jpg)

13 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.40am: X1 turret crew at loader drill.

9.40am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.0am: Drifter patrol returned on board. Hands preparing for firing and torpedo running. Training classes at instructions.

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for torpedo and gunnery exercises.

3.15pm: Secured. Course and speed as required for firing.

3.35pm: Came to with starboard anchor in C6 berth.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f07: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-010_0.jpg)

14 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

9.45am: Exercised fire stations, out kedge anchor. Gunnery, torpedo training. Classes at instructions. Boys at school. Remainder preparing ship.

12.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as required for leaving harbour. [Various manoeuvers.]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f08: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-010_1.jpg)

15 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

[Location given as Scapa but clearly at sea all day]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f09: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-011_0.jpg)

17 March 1916

At Cromarty

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

[Location given as Cromarty but clearly at sea all day]

8.15pm: Out Skerries abeam.

11.35pm: Fair Isles N80W.

12.0am: Fair Isle Light N52W.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f0a: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-011_1.jpg)

16 March 1916

At Sea

[No position, various manoeuvers.]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f0b: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-012_0.jpg )

17 March 1916

[17 March page left blank]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f0c: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-012_1.jpg)

18 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.13am: Pentland Skerry abeam.

6.12am: Let go starboard anchor in C6 berth.

8.15am: Aired night clothing. Hands getting in ammunition. Remainder cleaning ship.

9.40am: Oiltank Innovative came alongside. Prepared for coaling.

2.45pm: SS Gurkho and SS Arrowsheaf [alongside].

4.14pm: Commenced coaling.

4.30pm: Received 185 tons oil fuel.

8.30pm: Finished coaling, received 515 tons.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f0d: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-013_0.jpg)

19 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.20am: Collier Beechtree came alongside. Hands prepare for coaling.

8.12am: Commenced coaling.

9.50am: Finished coaling. Received 290 tons. Hands cleaning ship.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f0e: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-013_1.jpg)

20 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.0am: Weighed and proceeded to carry out OOG Firing.

10.15am: Commenced firing.

10.30am: Finished firing. As required for entering harbour.

11.55am: SS Borodino came alongside.

pm: Hands employed cleaning paintwork and mess deck.

4.30pm: Rigged Patrol Boat with explosive charge.

7.15pm: Drifter left ship.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f0f: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-014_0.jpg)

21 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.50am: Weighed and proceeded at various speeds to exercise torpedo on torpedo range.

9.0am: Carried out sub calibre firing ~ 3 pounder on turrets

10.32am: Hands employed exchanging ammunition, cleaning ship and as requisite.

1.10pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [Parties] taking in ammunition.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f10: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-014_1.jpg)

22 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

9,20am: Marines parading on board.

9.45am: Gunnery, torpedo and B class of boys at instructions.

9.50am: Drifter patrol returned.

pm: Hands employed. Training classes at instructions. RND men at boat pulling. Boys at school.

4.15pm: Read warrant No 242. Starboard watch provide all hawsers rigged. Hand capstan. Brought to starboard cable and hove in 2 shackles.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f11: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-015_0.jpg)

23 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.15am: Hands employed. Training classes at instructions. Boys at school. Remainder refitting coaling gear.

pm: Make and mend clothes.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f12: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-015_1.jpg)

24 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.45am: Collier J. Duncan came alongside.

7.50am: Commenced coaling.

8.32am: Finished coaling. Received 250 tons.

8.50am: Collier J. Duncan shoved off.

9.10am: HMS Gloucester arrived.

9.50am: Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Hands employed embarking ammunition and cleaning ship.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f13: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-016_0.jpg)

25 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.0am: Hands cleaning ship.

1.15pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. Gunners party make and mend.

1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded into Flow. As required for carrying out exercises.

3.50pm: Came to with starboard anchor in F4 berth.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f14: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-016_1.jpg)

26 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.15am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. [Various exercises.]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f15: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-017_0.jpg)

27 March 1916

At sea

5.10am: Ness Head: 2.5 points on port bow.

8.19am: Passed Pentland Skerries.

9.10am: Came to starboard anchor.

10.10am: SS J. Duncan came alongside.

10.35am: Commenced coaling.

11.45am: Finished coaling.

12.05pm: SS J. Duncan left ship.

pm: Hands clean ship. 1 rating discharged to depot.

7.30pm: Discharged 1 Cot Case to Hospital Ship.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f16: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-017_1.jpg)

28 March 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo, seamanship training classes. B1 class of boys at school.

12.45pm: Oiler Cassol came alongside. Hands employed. Training classes and boys instructions.

3.15pm: Oiler Cassol left ship.

5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour.

6.36pm: Passed Pentland Skerries Light House abeam.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f17: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-018_0.jpg)

29 March 1916

At sea [but apparently in Scapa at noon for coaling.]

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.25am: Copensay Light House N35W. [Various manoeuvers.]

9.06am: Came to starboard anchor in F6 berth.

10.05am: SS Hyltonia came alongside.

10.28am: Commenced coaling.

11.40am: Finished coaling. Received 300 tons.

11.55am: SS Hyltonia left ship.

12.05pm: Discharged Lieutenant Best to Gloucester.

3.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. [Various manoeuvers.]

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f18: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-018_1.jpg)

30 March 1916

At sea

[No position, various manoeuvers.]

2.0am: Station astern of Defence.

1.25pm: Iron Duke bore N17E.

6.30pm: Station astern of Minotaur.

11.19pm: Fair Isle South Light [bearing] North.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f19: ( 53-68168/ADM 53-68168-019_0.jpg)

31 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

1.30am: Copensay Light N73W.

3.57am: Passed Pentland Skerries. Course and speed for entering harbour.

5.20am: Let go port anchor in F6 berth. [At Scapa Flow]

6.45am: Collier J. Duncan came alongside.

8.08am: Commenced coaling, received 300 tons.

9.0am: 1 Rating joined ship from Depot.

11.0am: Oil tank alongside, received 80 tons oil fuel.

1.50pm: Make and mend clothes. SS Gourko secured alongside.


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[LHS of front cover of logbook]

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[RHS of front cover of logbook]

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[Log information page – not filled out]

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[Barometer and thermometer information]

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1 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: SS Staveley secured alongside.

6.15am: Hands provisioning and cleaning ship.

pm: Hands employed cleaning out ~ Magazine, cleaning, painting and as requisite.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f25: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-004_0.jpg)

2 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.09am: Received one Offender from Dahlia for 14 days cells.

8.0am: Roman Catholics to Black Prince.

10.15am: Divine service.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f26: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-004_1.jpg)

3 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship. A1 and B1 turrets at loader. Engineer Captain's boilermaker working on board.

10.40am: Gunnery, torpedo I. class at instructions. B1 class boys at school.

pm: Hands employed. Training classes at instructions. Boys at school and boat pulling. Remainder cleaning ship, refitting as requisite.

4.30pm: Starboard [watch] provide all hawsers. Out kedge anchor, weigh by hand.

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4 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.0am: Advance party proceeded on long leave.

6.15am: Hands employed scraping funnels and cleaning ship.

9.30am: Exercised “Take in tow aft.”

10.15am: Replaced gear. Boys at school. Training classes.

12.40pm: Funnel party painting funnels.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo and seamanship training classes at instructions.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f28: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-005_1.jpg)

5 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.10am: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo training classes at instructions. Marines at drill.

pm: Hands employed painting and as required. Classes at instructions.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f29: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-006_0.jpg)

6 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.45am: Discharged 1 ERA to depot.

6.15am: Rigged in lower and stern booms, furled and stowed away tent. Hands cleaning ship.

7.07am: Weighed and proceeded to North Shore.

7.40am: Anchored in 17 fathoms port anchor.

9.0am: Hands air bedding.

9.10am: Divisions. Inspection of bedding. Physical drill and prayers.

10.0am: Hands employed. Training classes at instructions. Boys at school. Carried out .303 aiming practice.

1.45pm: Gunnery, torpedo training classes at instructions. Boys and RND men mustering bags. Carried out .303 aiming.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f2a: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-006_1.jpg)

7 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

6.50am: Weighed and proceeded for F6 berth.

7.0am: Came to port anchor in F6 berth.

11.0am: Collier 219 Marsden secured alongside.

11.21am: Commenced coaling.

12.102pm: Finished coaling, received 275 tons. Hands clean ship.

10.0pm: Lieutenant Commander Oppen rejoined ship.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f2b: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-007_0.jpg)

8 April 1916

At Cromarty [or Scapa Flow?]

Lat 57.7, Long -4.0

8.45am: Weighed and proceeded into Flow to carry out evolution tow ship.

11.30am: Came to with port anchor in F4 berth.

pm: Make and mend clothes.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f2c: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-007_1.jpg)

9 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.30am: Divisions. Held Divine service.

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10 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

10.30am: Hands employed. Training classes, remainder cleaning ship and rigging boats gear and as requisite.

1.15pm: Hands employed, working Gunner and Boatswain. Training classes and boys at instructions.

3.0pm: Boys at physical drill.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f2e: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-008_1.jpg)

11 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.15am: Hoisted out boats. Hands cleaning ship.

9.10am: Divisions. Physical drill and prayers.

9.45am: All training classes and boys at instructions. RND men inspection of bedding.

pm: Hands employed. Training classes and boys at instructions. Launches crew replacing sailing gear and rigging.

4.30pm: Watch evolution “rig sheer legs.”

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f2f: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-009_0.jpg)

12 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.0am: Drifter patrol returned on board.

6.0am: Oiler Carrol came alongside.

9.15am: Division and prayers. Exercised action stations and abandon ship. Boys at instructions.

1.45pm: Training classes and boys at instructions.

pm: Discharged 360 tons oil fuel.

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13 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

12.20am: Oiler Carol shoved off. [Spelling different than yesterday]

9.10am: Hands employed. Gunnery, torpedo training classes and boys at instructions. Divers monthly dip.

pm: Hands employed. Training classes and boys at instructions.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f31: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-010_0.jpg)

14 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.50am: Hands employed. Training classes and boys at instructions. Gunnery appliance party at drill.

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes.

10.20pm: Slight Fire in Ship's Office.

10.25pm: Fire extinguished.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f32: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-010_1.jpg)

15 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

8.40am: Hands cleaning ship.

pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f33: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-011_0.jpg)

16 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

9.15am: Divine service for Roman Catholics on board.

9.30am: Divisions.

10.20am: Church of England Divine service on board.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f34: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-011_1.jpg)

17 April 1916

At Scapa Flow

Lat 58.9, Long -3.1

5.45am: Hands prepare for coaling.

6.0am: Collier 483 came alongside.

6.45am: Commenced coaling.

7.58am: Finished coaling. Received 320 tons.

8.07am: Collier shoved off. Hands cleaning ship.

10.30am: Discharged 1 Rating to Hospital Ship.

11.30am: Starboard watch rigged 2nd patrol boat with torpedo armament.

pm: Hands cleaning ship and as required. Carried out torpedo practice with 2nd patrol boat.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f35: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-012_0.jpg)

18 April 1916

At sea

[No position]

7.50am: Shortened in. [Weighed and proceeded. Various manoeuvers.]

5.0pm: Neist Head Lighthouse abeam.

11.25pm: Oversay Light bearing S5E.

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19 April 1916

At sea

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

2.50am: Mull of Cantyre Light abeam 1.5 miles.

11.15am: Passed Formby Light Ship [Liverpool]

12.18pm: Came to with starboard anchor.

1.30pm: Ammunition lighter came alongside.

1.45pm: Starboard watch discharging ammunition.

2.20pm: Port watch proceeded on long leave.

3.20pm: Irish party started long leave.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f37: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-013_0.jpg)

20 April 1916

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.15am: Hands cleaning ship.

11.50am: Entered into dry dock.

pm: Hands employed painting, scraping, and refitting.

4.15pm: Leave.

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21 April 1916

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

6.40am: Hands employed cleaning guns.

8.0am: 1 Boy Telegraphist joined ship. Divisions.

8.30am: Hands employed about cables & refitting.

1.20pm: Hands employed refitting.

5.0pm: Exercised fire stations.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f39: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-014_0.jpg)

22 April 1916

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

1.20pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f3a: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-014_1.jpg)

23 April 1916

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.30am: Hands employed refitting.

12.0am: Dinner. Leave to part of watch until 7.0 am.

5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f3b: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-015_0.jpg)

24 April 1916

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.30am: Hands employed refitting scraping painting and as requisite.

pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite.

5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f3c: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-015_1.jpg)

25 April 1916

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.30am: Hands employed scraping and as requisite.

pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Fire Stations.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f3d: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-016_0.jpg)

26 April 1916

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.15am: Hands working about torpedoes.

pm: Hands employed on aft shelter deck.

5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Fire Stations.

7.15pm: 1 rating joined ship.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f3e: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-016_1.jpg)

27 April 1916

At Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.15am: Hands employed as requisite.

9.30am: 3 ratings joined ship.

pm: Hands employed as requisite.

4caf8c95cadfd34197036f3f: ( 53-68169/ADM 53-68169-017_0.jpg)

28 April 1916

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

am and pm: Hands employed as requisite.

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29 April 1916

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.30am: Divisions. Hands employed as requisite.

pm: Hands employed refitting.

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30 April 1916

At Birkenhead

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

1.0pm: Leave to 1st part of watch.

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations.