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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion

Pendant Nos M.59 (on coming into service), MI.76 (1.18, cancelled 6.18), (no pendant No. was assigned 4.18). Built 1904, 10512grt, 18kts. Armament: 8-4.7in (later 8-6in.). In service 2.8.14- 17.11.18. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Falkland Islands 8 Dec 1914. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

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[These pages are cover pages or pages with no relevant information.]

Voyage from UK to South America

JP map Macedonia UK-South America

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8 August 1914

Tilbury Dock

Lat 51.45, Long 0.35

8.00am: Commissioned

am: Armourers etc working

     Ship’s stores arriving on board & general preparations for sea

     RNR Officers told off, stations, divisions etc

     Examined fresh water supply, arranging economic conditions

pm: Plumber fixing fresh water taps etc

4.30pm: Liberty men went ashore

     Two guns mounted on fore promenade deck, others in state of preparation

Number on sick list - nil

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9 August 1914

Tilbury Dock

Lat 51.45, Long 0.35

All day: Armourers etc preparing ship for service

     Ammunition deposited in outer hatches

     Ship’s stores arriving on board throughout the day

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list - nil

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10 August 1914

Tilbury Dock

Lat 51.45, Long 0.35

am: Two guns mounted on foc’sle head

     Ship’s stores arriving on board throughout morning

     Overhauling & preparing lifeboats for sea

     Hands cleaning ship & removing deck furniture to store

pm: All guns mounted

     Preparing ship for sea

     All stores on board

7.00pm: Libertymen ashore

8.00pm: Darkened ship & carefully examined same

Number on sick list - nil

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11 August 1914

Tilbury Dock to Gravesend Buoy

Lat 51.44, Long 0.37

10.58am: Pilot TJ Laft boarded, ‘Stand by’

11.10am: Let go from Quay

11.43am: Entered lock, made fast, exchanged pilots, Pilot G Donst taking charge

12.21pm: Let go from lock

12.52pm: Ship in position to moor

1.35pm: Moored to no 1 Lower Buoy off Gravesend, finished with engines

9.00pm: Tested ship darkened

Number on sick list - nil

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12 August 1914

Gravesend to sea

Lat 50.25, Long 0.5

4.17am: Engines & helm to pilot’s orders

4.34am: Slipped from buoy & proceeded down river

4.46am: Stopped & anchored, dense fog

7.14am: Anchor aweigh & commenced to ‘Turn ship round’

7.55am: Mucking Light House abeam

9.35am: Gridler Light Vessel

10.45am: Eased engines to swing ship for compass adjustment

     Exercised ship’s company at General Quarters

12.38pm: North Goodwin Light Vessel abeam

1.37pm: South Foreland abeam, ¾ mile

1.44pm: Stopped. Discharged pilot

2.00pm: Dover Light House abeam, 2½ miles

3.17pm: Dungeness Light House abeam, 1¾ miles

4.50pm: Royal Sovereign Light Vessel abeam, 12 miles

     Exercised ‘Man & arm ship’

7.35pm: Owers Light Vessel abeam, 4 miles

     Darkened ship

8.30pm: Nab Light Vessel

11.16pm: Passed Battleship of Majestic class, darkened, heading NW, when on quarter she altered course SE

Number on sick list - nil

[Mucking Light House is on the River Thames at Lat 51.5, Long 0.45

Gridler Light Vessel was moored at the entrance to the Princes Channel in the Thames Estuary at about Lat 51.47, Long 1.25

The North Goodwin Light Vessel is no longer in place

South Foreland Lighthouse is now owned by the National Trust and lies at Lat 51.15, Long 1.38

There are several lighthouses with ‘Dover’ in the title all clustered about the harbour.

Dungeness Lighthouse is at Lat 50.92, Long 0.98.

Royal Sovereign Light Vessel is at Lat 50.72, Long 0.43

The Owers Light Vessel was moored off Selsey Bill at Lat 50.73, Long -0.78

Nab Light Vessel has been replaced by Nab Tower which is at Lat 50.67, Long -0.96.]

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13 August 1914

At sea

Lat 48.93, Long -5.13

12.56am: Portland Light House abeam, 1¾

4.00am: Start Light House N61W, 4 miles

5.41am: Stop. Received charts & messages from destroyer

6.06am: Full speed

6.27am: Eddystone Light House abeam, 1½’

11.18am: Sighted French Man of War steering NE

pm: Making & mending

6.00pm: Quarters, gun drill & fire stations

8.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list - nil

[Portland Bill Lighthouse is in Dorset at Lat 50.52, Long -2.47. This is the new lighthouse, the earlier ones near this site were discontinued in 1906.

Start Point Lighthouse is in Devon at Lat 50.23, Long -3.65

Eddystone Rocks Lighthouse is in Devon at Lat 50.18, Long -4.27.]

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14 August 1914

At sea

Lat 44.03, Long -8.93

4.30am: Signalled SS Malakand bound to NE

9.30am: Signalled SS Gripwell, Manchester (all well)

am: General quarters, gun drill & stations

12.10pm: SS Henley of London

1.15pm: Arracan of Glasgow

2.35pm: Cabo Villano S3W

     Sarapio S70W

3.50pm: Cabo Villano abeam 3½ m

4.28pm: Finisterre S35E

     Torinana: N 83 E

     General Quarters, exercised collision stations

8.00pm: Fired one round per gun to test gun mountings

11.30pm: Sighted a steamer’s light, turned round to NE & examined her with a searchlight

Number on sick list - nil

[SS Malakand, 7653 tons, was built in 1905 by Harland & Wolff for T&J Brocklebank, Liverpool. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of one life

SS Gripwell, 3842 tons, was built in 1903 as “Knutsford” by Robert Stephenson & Co, Hebburn. In 1913 she was renamed “Gripwell” but reverted to “Knutsford” later in 1914. In 1916 she was captured by a U-boat & sunk.

SS Henley, 3249 tons, was built in 1894 by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow as SS Janeta. In 1905 she was sold & renamed “Henley”. She was torpedoed in 1918 with the loss of 6 lives.

SS Arracan, 5525 tons, was built in 1912 by William Denny & Brothers, Dumbarton for British & Burmese S.N.Co Ltd. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1938 and finally wrecked in 1948

Cabo Villano is in Spain at Lat 43.17, Long -9.2

Sarapio has proved confusing, no geographical feature would seem to have been visible on that bearing, it is possible that this is a mis-written entry for the Sisargas Islands which could be at a bearing of S70E

Cabo Finisterre is in Spain at Lat 42.88, Long -9.27

Cabo Torinana is in Spain at Lat 43.05, Long -9.3.]

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15 August 1914

At sea

Lat 39.6, Long -12.53

9.30am: Reduced speed to slow, dropped target for gun practice, fired 3 rounds (practice) per gun

11.17am: Resumed course & speed

2.00pm: Demand steamer to stop

2.20pm: Altered course to pass alongside SS Pentwyn of Cardiff

2.37pm: Stop, obtained information

3.00pm: Full speed

7.45pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 1

[SS Pentwyn, 3587 tons, was built in 1910 by JL Thomson & Sons, Sunderland and owned by FH Lambert, Barnet & Co, Cardiff when she was torpedoed in 1918 with 1 casualty.]

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16 August 1914

At sea

Lat 35.67, Long -15.75

All day: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 2

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17 August 1914

At sea

Lat 31.28, Long -17.68

2.15am: Sighted west end Madiera S17E

3.15am: Examined Funchal harbour from 4m offing, turned steamer round & proceeded S44W to make S26W true

8.00am: General quarters & drill. Exercised control officers & first aid classes

11.50am: Observed ship on port bow, altered course to ascertain nationality & found Brazilian

4.30pm: Boat drill & muster stations for ‘Abandon ship’ & ‘Fire in action’

9.00pm: Rounds made & reported every hour during watch

Midnight: No vessels sighted this watch

Number on sick list 2

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18 August 1914

At sea

Lat 26.18, Long -20.68

8.00am: General quarters & drill. Exercised ‘Fire in action’

9.00am: Divisions & Prayers. General quarters & gun drill

4.16pm: “Stopped” dipped bottom line

4.24pm: Resumed course & speed

     Evening quarters & fire stations, tested telephones etc & exercised same

Number on sick list 3

[Continuing to darken ship.]

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19 August 1914

At sea

Lat 21.08, Long -21.75

6.15am: Altered course to meet Admiral & flagship

am: General quarters & gun drill

     Officers gun drill & control stations

     First aid classes

1.00pm: Altered course in position as ordered by Admiral

     Received a wireless from Admiral pos 20º 37’, 20º 36’W

3.50pm: Received orders to proceed to a position N40E 20m from Passaro Light House

4.05pm: General quarters & cleared away guns for night defences

5.30pm: Exercised ship’s company at boat stations

Number on sick list 3

[Passaro Lighthouse would seem to be the one indexed as Ilheu dos Passaros which is in the Cape Verde Islands at Lat 16.92, Long -25.02.]

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20 August 1914

At sea

Lat 17.2, Long -24.8

10.40am: Bull Point S51W 6m, reduced speed

11.16am: Bull Point S82W 6m

11.25am: Stopped both engines at rendezvous, observed HMS Cambrian N5W & proceeded towards her & stopped

12.15pm: Captain Evans boarded Flagship

1.45pm: Captain Evans returned

2.20pm: Proceeded

Number on sick list 3

[HMS Cambrian, 4360 ton cruiser, was launched in 1893 at Pembroke Dockyard. She became a depot ship in 1916 and was renamed HMS Harlech. She was sold in 1923.]

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21 August 1914

At sea

Lat 18.78, Long -23.68

2.30am: Passed steamer bound opposite & to port

4.50am: Slow after S/tug Lauwerzee who responded ‘No news of importance’

pm: Hands washing clothes

11.40pm: Exercised ship’s company at General Quarters & ‘Action’

Midnight: Sounded ‘Disperse’

Number on sick list 3

[ST Lauwerzee, 181 tons, was built in 1897 by L Smit & Zoon, Kinderdijk and was registered in Rotterdam. She moved to Buenos Aires in 1928 and changed owner & name in 1935.]

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22 August 1914

At sea

Lat 20.2, Long -23.12

5.30pm: Manoeuvred to speak French ship Biarictz (French)

Number on sick list 2

[SS Biarrictz was probably the SS Biarritz, 2758 tons, built in 1914 by Robert Thompson & Sons Ltd, Sunderland. She was torpedoed in 1918 without loss of life.]

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23 August 1914

At sea

Lat 19.55, Long -24.0

1.00am: Guns’ crews closed up for practice

9.30am: Divine Service held on promenade deck

12.40pm: Sighted French ship “Biarritz” steering South West

7.55pm: Sighted SS Kinfauns Castle & exchanged signals

10.30pm: Guns’ crews exercised

Number on sick list 2

[SS Kinfauns Castle, 9664 tons, was built in 1899 by Fairfield’s, Govan. She became an Armed Merchant Cruiser during WW1 and is part of the OW fleet. She was scrapped in 1927.]

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24 August 1914

At sea

Lat 17.43, Long -23.28

1.25am: Sighted steamer & altered course

2.30am: Spoke New Zealand SS Co ship Ruahine bound SW & received information

am: General quarters. Action & Fire Stations.

     Midshipmen & boats crews practiced at pistol drill, ambulance drill etc

12.35pm: Sighted Sal Island S34E

5.00pm: Served out washing water, hands washing clothes

11.20pm: Full speed manoeuvred & spoke SS Gwdladys of Cardiff

Number on sick list 1

[SS Ruahine, 10,758 tons, had a long and eventful career after she was built in 1909 by William Denny & Bros, Dumbarton. For most of the time she was managed by subsidiaries of P&O and was finally scrapped in 1957.

Sal Island or Ilha do Sal is one of the Cape Verde Islands at Lat 16.72, Long -22.93

SS Gwdladys is probably SS Gwladys, 3929 tons, built in 1908 by Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd, Hebburn for P Samuel & Co Ltd, Cardiff. After several changes of owner and name she was wrecked in 1935.]

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25 August 1914

Gravesend to Porto Grande, Cape Verde

Lat 16.88, Long -25.02

1.30am: Guns’ crews exercised

5.00am: Called Captain Evans

8.50am: Observed San Antonio SSW

9.40am: Bull Point West, 2m

10.35am: Rounded Passaro Light House 7 cables

10.45am: Arrived at anchorage & anchored

11.30am: Medical Officer boarded & granted 'Pratique'

     Captain Evans landed

     Hands at rest

2.00pm: HMS Kinfauns Castle left

2.40pm: Captain Evans returned

6.35pm: Up anchor, slow ahead

8.13pm: Rounded South Point, San Antonia [probably the Island of Santo Antao]

Number on sick list 1

[Santo Antonio is on the Island of Morro, one of the Cape Verde Islands at Lat 15.27, Long -23.13

Bull Point seems to be also known as Lombo de Boi where there is a disused lighthouse and lies off the island of Santo Antao. It is sometimes referred to as Ilheu Lombo de Boi or Ilheu do Boi and is situated at Lat 17.13, Long -24.98.]

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26 August 1914

At sea

Lat 17.63, Long -24.7

1.00am: Guns’ crews closed up & exercised

3.00am: Signal books said to be in Captain’s cabin

am: Crew washing paintwork

     Officers ambulance lecture

     Carpenters at work in cabins

11.30am: Sighted small steamer, manoeuvred & examined her

5.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at collision & boat stations

9.00pm: Darkened ship

11.00pm: Guns’ crews exercised

Number on sick list 3.

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27 August 1914

At sea

Lat 16.43, Long -23.53

3.00am: Guns’ crews closed up for exercise

9.26am: Sighted SS Armdal of Whitby. Instructed him to report to first English port

am: Exercised crew at ‘Action’

     Officers cutlass drill & ambulance lecture

3.07pm: Proceeded towards HMS Cornwall

3.59pm: Stop, engines as required to maintain position

4.00pm: Captain Evans repaired on board “Cornwall”

4.10pm: “Cornwall's” boat alongside for provisions

5.30pm: Captain Evans returned

7.30pm: Raza Island Peak North 4 miles

9.53pm: Machado Light N39W

Number on sick list – nil

[SS Amdal may have been SS Armadale,6153 tons, built by Charles Connell, Scotstoun in 1909. She was torpedoed in 1917 with 11 casualties.

HMS Cornwall, 10.000 ton cruiser, was launched in 1902 at Pembroke Dockyard. She was scrapped in 1920 and is part of the OW fleet.

Ilheu Raza is one of the Cape Verde Islands at Lat 16.62, Long -24.6

Ponta Machado Lighthouse is on Sao Vicente at Lat 16.83, Long -25.1]

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28 August 1914

Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.02

6.40am: Machado Point South 5 miles

7.32am: Anchored

9.00am: 6 coal lighters alongside

11.10am: Postman & officers landed

2.30pm: HM Consul visited ship

3.30pm: HM Consul left ship

6.45pm: HMS Cornwall arrived with German prisoners of war

7.00pm: Embarked German Reservists

8.40pm: HMS Cornwall left harbour

9.00pm: Coal lighters left ship for shore, labourers refused to work later

Number on sick list 2

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29 August 1914

Porto Grande

Lat 16.88, Long -25.02

7.00am: Hands employed coaling & as requisite

1.45pm: Finished coaling ship, lighters towed ashore

2.00pm: Gig hoisted

2.30pm: Commenced to weigh

2.58pm: Sighted steamer NNE, altered course & speed, SS Maple Branch

Number on sick list 2.

[SS Maple Branch, 4647 tons, was built in 1905 as SS Den of Mains by Gourlay Bros, Dundee. She was purchased by the Nautilus Line in 1913 and sunk on 3 Sep 1914 by the Karlsruhe.]

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30 August 1914

At sea

Lat 16.68, Long -23.22

10.30am: Divisions & Divine Service on promenade deck; all prisoners attended

2.30pm: Carefully examined West coast of Sal Island

Number on sick list 2

[They continue to darken the ship and exercise the guns’ crew.]

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31 August 1914

At sea

Lat 15.3, Long -24.53

am: German prisoners mustered on boat deck & told off for boats

     Midshipmen at rifle drill, hands washing screens

2.30pm: Cover guns, heavy rain

11.30pm: Sighted: Jago Islands N42E mag

Number on sick list 3 (1 German).

[Jago Islands may refer to the 19th century name for Santiago, the largest island of the Cape Verde archipelago.]

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages signed by TCN Thompson, Navigating Officer.]

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[Note saying that: ‘This copy of the log has been examined and is correct as regards to all questions relative to the Engine room department. Signed WF Pamphlett, Rear Admiral.]

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1 September 1914

At sea

Lat 15.07, Long -28.3

4.30am: Heavy rain, turned ship round to SW

6.00am: Returned to NE course & approached land

9.30am: Spoke French barque anchored off Porto Praya

     Exercised ‘Action’, ‘Fire’ & ‘Collision’ stations

10.24am: Ship stopped for 7 minutes to pass bottom line for collision mat

12.30pm: Arrived off English Roads, no vessels anchored there

Number on sick list 3

[They are still exercising guns’ crews overnight.]

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2 September 1914

Porto Grande, St Vincent

Lat 16.88, Long -25.02

6.15am: Sighted “Empress of Britain” [The log names her sister ship the “Empress of Ireland” which had sunk in May.]

6.50am: Stopped, Machado Light bearing N true, 5m

7.40am: Captain of "Empress of Britain" repaired on board here [Log names “Empress of Ireland”]

8.30am: Captain returned to his ship

8.40am: Half speed

9.20am: Machado Point E, 2.2 miles

10.32am: Anchored

11.00am: Captain went ashore

12.45pm: Captain Evans: returned

3.30pm: 2nd Gig left ship for “Empress of Britain”

3.45pm: Returned with Dr of "Empress of Britain"

5.00pm: Captain "Empress of Britain" came on board

5.30pm: Prisoners transferred to "Empress of Britain"

9.30pm: Captain Evans visited Pacific Steam Navigation Co steamer & returned

     Dr Reed left to join PSNC "Oriana", being sick & invalided home

10.20pm: All boats hoisted

11.00pm: Weighed & proceeded under Captain’s order

11.35pm: Machado Light S, 4 miles

Number on sick list 3

[“Empress of Ireland”, 14,190 tons, was built at the Fairfield Yard, Govan, in 1906 for the Canadian Pacific line. In May 1914 she collided with the “Storstad” in the St Lawrence River with the loss of over 1000 lives.

Empress of Britain, 14,189 tons, was built at the Fairfield Yard, Govan in 1905 for the Canadian Pacific line. On the outbreak of war she became an Armed Merchant Cruiser, then troopship and is part of the OW fleet. In 1924 she was renamed “Montroyal” until she was scrapped in 1930.

PSNC “Oriana” 8086 tons, was built by Barclay Curle & Co in 1906. She served as a troopship during WW1 and was scrapped in 1926.]

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3 September 1914

St Vincent to South America

Lat 14.07, Long -26.22

12.35am: Spoke RMS Corcovado

am: Midshipmen at rifle practice

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at General Quarters

Number on sick list 3

[SS Corcovado, 4568 tons, was built in 1896 by Swan Hunter, Wallsend for the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool. She was broken up in 1922.]

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4 September 1914

St Vincent to South America

Lat 8.78, Long -28.01

am: Hands cleaning out fore hold & fixing up padding round upper bridge as protection against gunfire

pm: Hands make & mend

5.40pm: Observed steamer NNW, altered course & spoke her, SS Sorata

6.50pm: Resumed course

Number on sick list 2

[SS Sorata, 4851 tons, was built in 1897 by Swan Hunter, Wallsend for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co, Liverpool. She was sold & renamed “Otto Fischer” in 1922. In 1923 she foundered off Cape Vilano.]

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5 September 1914

St Vincent to South America

Lat 4.48, Long -29.92

2.10am: Heavy rain squall

4.00am: Weather squally

9.55am: Sighted HMS Cornwall, altered course to intercept

11.07am: Stopped. Sent gig to “Cornwall”

11.21am: Gig returned & hoisted

11.30am: Full speed

Number on sick list 3

[Still darkening ship & exercising guns overnight.]

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6 September 1914

St Vincent to South America

Lat -0.6, Long -31.93

1.09am: Ordered ‘Close Engine Room Water Tight doors

1.25am: ER WT doors closed

4.35am: ‘Close ER WT doors’

4.51am: Doors reported closed

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

All day: Hands at rest

10.00pm: Closed water tight doors. Time occupied 8 minutes

Midnight: Ship labouring to rough sea, shipping sprays fore & aft

Number on sick list 3

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7 September 1914

St Vincent to South America

Lat -5.2, Long -33.48

1.34amm: Engine Room Water Tight Doors closed, time taken 7 minutes

5.03am: Ordered ‘Close ER WT doors’

5.09am: Doors reported closed

am: Exercised General Quarters

1.45pm: Altered course to steamer on starboard bow, ascertained her to be SS Maltby of West Hartlepool bound to St Lucia

2.30pm: Resumed course & speed

6.35pm: Sighted vessel ½ pt before starboard beam.

     Altered course towards her but lost sight of her owing to gathering darkness

9.30pm: Closed ER WT doors

Number on sick list 3

[SS Maltby, 3977 tons, was built in 1906 by Ropner & Sons, Stockton-on-Tees for Sir R Ropner & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool. She was torpedoed in 1918 with the loss of 5 men.]

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8 September 1914

St Vincent to Pernambuco

Lat -8.05, Long -34.9

6.00am: Made land right ahead

8.15am: Anchored

10.25am: German steamship “Walburg” shifted berth nearer shore

10.45am: His Britannic Majesty’s Consul visited ship

2.30pm: HBM Consul left ship

3.37pm: Weighed & proceeded

5.35pm: Altered course to steamer on starboard bow

6.00pm: Ascertained name & nationality, resumed course

7.43pm: Tamandare Light N68W, 16 miles

9.50pm: Observed steamer on starboard side bound opposite

11.16pm: Closed water tight doors in 6 minutes

Number on sick list 4

[A ship named “Walburg”, 3081 tons, was built in 1905 and operated by the Hamburg, Bremer, Afrika Line until 1917 when she was seized by the Brazilian Government & renamed “Curytiba”. She was scrapped in 1956.

Tamandare Lighthouse is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -8.77, Long -35.1]

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9 September 1914

Pernambuco to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -12.4, Long -35.88

1.20am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed

1.28am: Reopened

5.45am: ER WT door closed & opened, time taken 7 minutes

11.05am: Altered course for steamer on Starboard bow, “American” of New York bound North

3.30pm: Observed sailing ship hull down

     Altered course & spoke to French ship “Thiers” & SS Leucadia of Whitby

5.50pm: Resumed course & speed

8.50pm: Spoke “Germanic” of Hull, cargo coals, Hull to Buenos Ayres

Number on sick list 4

[SS American, 5591 tons, was built in 1900 in Chester, Pennsylvania

SV Thiers, 2613 tons, was built in 1901. She was still sailing in 1918 as 2 sailors from her died of ‘flu in the October & were buried in St Mary’s Cemetery, Baltimore. The 4 French sailors buried there are commemorated in November each year.

SS Leucadia, 3748 tons, was built in 1910 by the Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co. She had several owners and her first name change to “Stroma” occurred in 1919. She was torpedoed in 1941 as the Greek SS Papalemos with the loss of 2 men

SS Germanic, 3377 tons, was built in 1905 for the Cockerline Co, Hull. She was eventually sold to a Japanese company and renamed Yeiro Maru. She went missing in 1934.]

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10 September 1914

Pernambuco to Abrolhos

Lat -17.2, Long -38.05

5.00am: Closed Engine Room Water Tight doors

12.10pm: Spoke SS Poplar Branch

2.15pm: Abrolhos Light House S66W

     Hands employed constructing ship’s side fenders

6.04pm: Anchored

6.30pm: Captain Evans boarded Flagship

7.00pm: “Good Hope” picket boat alongside & received provisions, 950 lbs beef, 2000 lbs potatoes

9.38pm: Sent Wardroom provisions to “Good Hope”

11.00pm: HMS Good Hope left

Number on sick list 4

[SS Poplar Branch, 5387 tons, was built in 1902 for the Nautilus Line. She was scrapped in 1931.

Archipelago Abrolhos Lighthouse is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -17.97, Long -38.7.

HMS Good Hope, 14,380 ton cruiser, was launched in 1901 at the Fairfield Yard, Govan. She was sunk with all 919 hands at the Battle of Coronel, 1 November 1914.]

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11 September 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.7.

7.30am: Boat from collier “Brierton” arrived alongside

9.00am: Out steam pinnace

9.30am: Prize crew left to raise steam on German steamer

4.45pm: Steam pinnace & cutter returned from prize

6.00pm: Hoisted boats

6.50pm: Prize “Santa Catharina” anchored on port side

9.50pm: Cutter returned with all crew, secured cutter astern

Number on sick list 5

[SS Brierton, 3255 tons, was built in 1911 by Irvines Shipbuilding & Drydock Co, West Hartlepool for S Hogg & Co. She was torpedoed in November 1916.

SS Santa Catharina, 4247 tons, was built in 1907 for Hamburg Sudamerikanische Dampschiffer. Brazilian divers found a wreck which they believe to be Santa Catharina in 2007 at Lat -18.03, Long -38.72 and they claim it was sunk by “Glasgow” on 16 Aug 1914 which is obviously untrue.]

Operations between South America and West Africa

JP map Macedonia South America - West Africa

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12 September 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.7

6.55am: Anchors aweigh, engines as required, proceeded for target practise but owing to heavy rains had to bring too [sic]

7.45am: Anchored

11.30am: Up anchor, engines as required, steered south, stop, dropped target, continuous rain, target obscured

12.30pm: Fired 2 rounds at each gun approaching & retreating

3.30pm: Anchored, picked up target, afterwards up anchor

4.06pm: Dropped anchor

     Ordered steam 6.30am & on prize “Santa Catharina”

Number on sick list 5

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13 September 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.7

1.30am: Sighted vessel approaching anchorage

1.40am: Replied to challenge, ‘HMS Bristol with Dutch steamer “Kelbergen” of Rotterdam’

2.00am: HMS Bristol anchored

6.29am: Hove short, proceeded, course & speed to Captain’s order

7.03am: Anchored, hauled “Santa Catharina” alongside

8.00am: Secured prize on port side, finished with engines

10.00am: Hands preparing to discharge flour from “Santa Catharina”

10.45am: Commenced discharge & stowed flour on main deck

1.30pm: Captain Evans returned from visiting HMS Bristol

     Discharge from “Santa Catharina” continued

     Sacks of flour being stowed alongside engine casing to protect against shell fire

5.45pm: Stopped loading flour

6.15pm: “Santa Catharina” cast off

6.17pm: Up anchor & cleared prize, proceeded course & speed to Captain’s orders

6.30pm: Anchored

7.00pm: Supplied HMS Bristol provisions

Number on sick list 5

[HMS Bristol, 4800 ton cruiser, was launched in 1910 by John Brown, Clydebank. She was the first ship to see action in the war, engaging the German raider “Karlsruhe”. She was scrapped in 1921 & is part of the OW fleet.

SS Kelbergen, 4751 tons, was built in 1914 by W Pickersgill, Sunderland. After a varied career and several names she was scrapped in 1958.]

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14 September 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.7

3.00am: HMS Bristol commenced coaling

6.40am: Cutter with spotting crew sent to SS Kelbergen

7.03am: Weighed, course & speed to Captain’s orders

7.30am: Dropped target

8.00am: Breakfast

9.00am: Clean guns, tested sights etc

10.00am: ‘Action’. Carried out target practise & expended 64 rounds of ammunition on firing approaching & retreating from target

11.45am: ‘Cease fire’, ‘Stop engines’, secure return ammunition

1.15pm: Engines & helm under Captain’s orders to get target on board

2.00pm: Dropped anchor & picked up target

2.05pm: Up anchor & proceeded to anchorage

2.40pm: Anchored

2.55pm: Cutter returned from marking fall of shot SS Kelbergen & proceeded to HMS Bristol for Engineer Commander

5.25pm: Engineer Commander returned to HMS Bristol

6.10pm: Collier “Brierton” receiving stores & provisions

10.47pm: HMS Bristol weighed & proceeded to sea

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15 September 1914

Abrothos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.7

5.00am: ‘Hands fall in, coal ship’

     Collier “Brierton” alongside “Cornwall”, “Repton” to “Macedonia”

8.00am: “Macedonia” commenced to coal

     Coaling at two hatches. Coaling greatly delayed difficulties in working coal to “Macedonia’s” bunkers & steamers ranging about

12.30pm: Collier “Brierton” cast loose, HMS Cornwall proceeded to sea, shipped 450 tons

4.00pm: Master Dutch steamer “Kelbergen” boarded us & received advices

4.30pm: Master returned to ship

     “Repton”, “Macedonia” ranging about & hindering work & losing quantities coal

7.50pm: Finished coaling for day

     Darkened ship, water tight doors closed

Number on sick list 8

[SS Repton, 2881 tons, was built in 1894 by Swan & Hunter Ltd, Newcastle-on-Tyne for Galbraith, Pembroke & Co Ltd. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 3 lives.]

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16 September 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.7

5.00am: Resumed coaling, work delay in same manner as yesterday, steamers rolling more frequently

8.46am: HMS Cornwall anchored after convoying HMS Carmania to berth

12.30pm: Captain Evans visited HMS Carmania

3.17pm: Ceased coaling, shift collier “Repton” to port side

4.30pm: Our captain returned

5.30pm: Collier “Repton” alongside

6.00pm: Resumed coaling port side

8.00pm: Finished coaling for day

9.30pm: Darkened ship. Man & arm ship, crew remaining in vicinity of guns

Number on sick list 9

[HMS Carmania, 19,524 tons, was built in 1905 by John Brown & Co, Clydebank for the Cunard Line. She became an Armed Merchant Cruiser on the outbreak of war and returned to civilian service in 1919. She was scrapped in 1932 and is part of the OW fleet.]

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17 September 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.7

5.00am: SS Repton left for HMS Cornwall

7.25am: HMS Carmania left port, flags at half mast

9.30am: Cleared lower deck. Captain addressed crew regarding shot firing & fire stations etc

11.45am: Captain visited “Carmania”

2.30pm: Captain returned

2.55pm: Cutter returned with coaling gear (correct)

5.20pm: Anchor up, slow ahead

5.30pm: HMS Carmania in position, 5 cables astern

6.08pm: Abrolhos Light House NW

8.30pm: Spoke USS California

Number on sick list 8

[These sailors died of wounds after “Carmania’s” encounter with the German auxilliary cruiser “Cap Trafalgar” on 14 Sept; Diaper, Cecil R, Seaman, RNR, B 4999, Dugan, Peter, Seaman, RNR, A 4613, Pierce, Richard, Seaman, RNR, D 1684.

A USS California was a 13,900 ton cruiser, launched in 1904 by the Union Iron Works, San Francisco. She was renamed “San Diego” 1 Sept 1914 but I think this was the ship referred to as her successor of the same name had not been launched.]

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18 September 1914

Abrolhos Rocks to Pernambuco

Lat -14.43, Long -36.87

  HMS Carmania’s position ascertained every half hour throughout the night

11.00am: Overhauled Den of Ochil (Dundee)

9.00pm: Darkened ship, guns’ crews closed up independently

Number on sick list 2

[SS Den of Ogil, 5689 tons, was built in 1913 by Russell & Co, Greenock for the Den Line. She was sold to Cunard in 1915 & renamed SS Volodia. In 1917 she was torpedoed with the loss of 10 lives.]

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19 September 1914

Abrolhos Rocks to Pernambuco

Lat -8.7, Long -34.59

6.55am: Observed HMS Canopus & 2 steamers N65E, reduced speed & altered course towards HMS Canopus

7.40am: Stop. Received papers etc from HMS Canopus by cutter

7.50am: Boat clear, set course & speed

11.52am: Tamandare Light House abeam, 8 miles

1.22pm: Cape Agostinho Light House abeam, 6½ miles

3.35pm: Olinda Light House N65W

6.30pm: HMS Carmania’s position checked every quarter hour throughout the night

Number on sick list 2

[HMS Canopus, 12,950 ton battleship, was launched in 1897 at Portsmouth Dockyard. Too slow to be an asset in fleet operations she was eventually converted into an accommodation ship then sold in 1920. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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20 September 1914

Pernambuco to Porto Praya

Lat -3.28, Long -32.18

7.15am: Observed Fernando Noronha Peak N34E

9.36am: Fernando Noronha Peak S60E, 4 miles

1.00pm: Spoke SS Barbary of Liverpool

1.40pm: Sighted “Victoria de Larrinaga”, gave warning

3.10pm: “Dartmouth” of Cardiff gave warning

10.20pm: HMS Carmania increased speed 16 knots

Number on sick list 2

[Fernando Noronha is an island off the coast of Brazil at Lat -3.85, Long -32,42

SS Barbary, 4185 tons, was built in 1901 by Richardson Duck & Co, Stockton-on-Tees for the McIver Line. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 3 lives.

SS Victoria de Larrinaga, 4648 tons, was built in 1909 by Russell & Co Ltd, Greenock for the Larrinaga Line. She ran aground & was wrecked in 1922

SS Dartmouth, 3322 tons, was built in 1903 by Richardson Duck & Co, Stockton-on-Tees for Anning Bros, Cardiff. She was sold & renamed “Greldon” in 1915 then torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 28 men.]

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21 September 1914

Pernambuco to Porto Praya

Lat 2.18, Long -29.e2

  HMS Carmania’s position determined at intervals

9.05am: Altered course to intercept steamer S35E

9.20am: Recalled

12.30pm: HMS Carmania: N30W, 2¾’

3.25pm: HMS Carmania took up position astern 1½ miles

4.45pm: HMS Carmania performed Burial Service

4.55pm: Two cutters left for HMS Carmania

5.45pm: Hoisted cutters

Number on sick list 2

[The seaman buried was Lawrenson, James, Trimmer, 393494 (MMR) who died from wounds received in the encounter with “Cap Trafalgar” on 14 September.]

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22 September 1914

Pernambuco to Porto Praya

Lat 7.83, Long -26.7

8.00am: HMS Carmania position ascertained at intervals

2.15pm: Received orders from & parted company with HMS Carmania

     Proceeded on course to Sierra Leone for coal, etc

4.00pm: HMS Macedonians subscribed £61.0.0 for the relatives of those who fell in the Carmanian "Action”

9.00pm: Heavy rain squalls with lightning

Number on sick list 3.

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23 September 1914

Pernambuco to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -20.52

am: Midshipmen to rifle drill & navigation

4.00pm: Exercised ‘Collision – out mat’, boat stations etc

Number on sick list 2

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24 September 1914

Pernambuco to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -14.08

9.00am: Hands employed preparing for coaling instantly on arrival

     Midshipmen at physical drill

3.18pm: Slow, reported to signal station

3.30pm: Sierre Leone Light House South, 6 cables

4.07pm: Anchored, hands preparing for collier

7.00pm: Collier “Gripwell” fast alongside (starboard)

7.40pm: Hoisted gig

8.15pm: Midshipman Brown left for shore for signals & cables

9.10pm: Gig fast astern

Number on sick list 2

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25 September 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

8.00am: Hands to breakfast

8.20am: Coal ship. Coaling commenced from SS Gripwell

10.00am: Captain Evans: left for shore in 2nd gig

11.30am: Ship swinging to ebb

12.30pm: Captain returned

     Coaling continues, difficulty found in stowing coal away quickly in bunkers

4.00pm: Hands to supper

4.30pm: Coal ship

5.20pm: Lieutenant Commander Good: landed to military Mess on sick leave

7.00pm: Ship swinging to flood

8.00pm: Finished coaling for day

Number on sick list 3

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26 September 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4.00am: Resumed coaling from SS Gripwell

6.20am: SS Mendi arrived, Lieutenant Cross RNR: boarded Mendi

7.20am: Coaling party from “Empress of Britain” arrived

9.08am: HMS Carnarvon arrived

9.30am: Captain Evans: boarded Flagship

11.00am: Captain returned

12.35pm: Commenced coaling from a lighter on port side with shore labour

1.15pm: Part Lieutenant Commander Good's effects sent ashore to Hospital

     Coaling continues, difficulty experienced in getting it quickly stowed away in bunkers

6.00pm: Returned mails to SS Mendi by Admiral’s instructions, finished lighter

8.00pm: Finished coaling for the day

8.40pm: “Empress of Britain” party left in Gig

Number on sick list 4

[SS Mendi, 4230 tons, was built in 1905 by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow for Elder Dempster Lines. She sank in 1917 after a collision with SS Darro while carrying troops. More than 600 men were lost, mainly South African.

HMS Carnarvon, 11,020 ton cruiser, was launched in 1903 by William Beardmore & Co, Dalmuir. She was sold in 1921 and is part of the OW fleet.]

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27 September 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.00am: Shipped collier round to port side

8.20am: Commenced coaling SS Gripwell also lighter on Starboard side, shore labour employed

     Received fresh water

10.15am: Officer of the Guard boarded SS Brinkburn, Cardiff & reported to Rear Admiral

10.40am: “Empress of Britain” left

10.50am: Cranes stopped owing to hydraulic inlet being chocked

     Rope foul SS Brinkburn's propeller therefore being unable to shift

12.40pm: Hands resumed coaling

1.05pm: Lighter empty & left ship

4.00pm: Beira (Portugal gunboat) arrived & boarded

7.00pm: Hands finished coaling for day

Number on sick list 5

[SS Brinkburn, 3827 tons, was built in 1909 by JL Thompson & Sons Ltd, Sunderland. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1919 and eventually torpedoed in 1942 as SS Marion Moller.

Beira” was built in 1910, converted to a survey ship in 1936 and disposed of in 1948.]

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28 September 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.30am: Hands coal ship

6.10am: Diving party from HMS Cornwall to clear rope from Collier Gripwell propellor

7.55am: SS Abumna arrived

8.45am: Captain Evans visited Flagship & Portuguese gunboat "Biera"

10.00am: Gig returned with Captain

8.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

Number on sick list 5

[SS Abumna may have been SS Abonema, 2982 tons, built in 1907 by Irvine’s Shipbuilding & Drydock Co, West Hartlepool for the British & African Steam Navigation Co Ltd. She was renamed for the first time in 1920 and after a long & varied career torpedoed in 1942 with the loss of 9 lives.]

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29 September 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.30am: Resumed ‘Coal ship’

7.00am: Received barrows from HMS Carnarvon

7.30am: Relieved Guard

9.30am: Commander Good returned & with Captain Evans visited Flagship

10.45am: SS Karina arrived & boarded by Officer of Guard & Second Engineer

4.30pm: Lieutenant Commander Good to SS Karina for passage home, being invalided. Lieutenant Pollard - Ex Lieutenant

5.00pm: Finished coaling

5.25pm: Up anchor & canted round, helm & engines to Captain’s orders

10.30pm: Covered guns, passing rain squalls

Number on sick list 4

[SS Karina, 4230 tons, was built in 1905 by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow for the African Steamship Co (Elder Dempster & Co). She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 11 lives.]

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30 September 1914

At sea

Lat 8.3, Long -17.3

10.05am: Sighted HMS Orana NW, altered course to intercept her

     Captain Evans: boarded “Orana”

1.30pm: Captain Evans: returned from HMS Orana

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. General Quarters, exercised control parties, checked range finder with HMS Orana

Number on sick list 3

[HMS Orana is probably HMS Orama, 12,927 ton Armed Merchant Cruiser. She was built in 1911 by John Brown & Co, Clydebank for the Orient Steam Navigation Co Ltd. She was converted to an AMC in 1914 and torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 5 lives. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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[Cover page signed TCN Thompson, Navigating Officer.]

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1 October 1914

Sierra Leone to Pernambuco

Lat 5.28, Long -20.0

5.45am: HMS Orana astern 4½ miles

7.25am: Altered course to examine SV Maorilands of Landscrona bound to Balua with coals

am: Hands cleaning ship & arranging improvements in saving rain water

1.50pm: Spoke Barque “Australia” of Bergen Norway

10.05pm: Spoke Barque “Norma” of Lillesand (Norway)

Number on sick list 3

[SV Maorilands, 884 tons, was built in 1876 as SV Fulda by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow. She was sold & renamed in 1910 then renamed for the last time in 1927. She was destroyed by fire in 1928.

SV Australia, 2268 tons, was built in 1886 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow. After a number of owners and names she was scrapped in 1926.

SV Norma, 852 tons, was built in 1884 as SV Elizabeth by Friedrich Krupp Germaniaswerft AG, Kiel. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1894 and finally to Norwegian owners in 1907. In 1917 she was sunk by gunfire from a U-boat with 1 casualty.]

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2 October 1914

Sierra Leone to Pernambuco

Lat 2.28, Long -23.08

6.00am: Altered course S55W to close HMS Orana:

10.07am: Stop. HMS Orana dropped target & commenced to carry out firing exercise

     HMS Macedonia manoeuvered to spot fall of shot

11.45am: HMS Orana "cease fire", “up target”

6.10pm: Closed on HMS Orana to keep station ahead about 7 miles

Number on sick list 3

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3 October 1914

Sierra Leone to Pernambuco

Lat -1.45, Long -27.12

Midnight: HMS Orama in sight astern throughout the watch

am: Tested telephones

4.40pm: Spoke Swedish barqe “Bellville” bound to Glasgow

5.40pm: Swung round to close on HMS Orama

11.30pm: HMS Orana N86E

Number on sick list 2

[“Bellville”, 982 tons, was built in 1877 as “Furst Bismark” and was sold & renamed in 1912. In 1917 she was sunk by a U-boat without loss of life.]

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4 October 1914

Sierra Leone to Pernambuco

Lat -5.03, Long -31.08

6.40am: Altered course to take station ahead of HMS Orana

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service conducted by Captain Evans

pm: Hands at rest

5.00am: Altered course to close in with HMS Orana

Number on sick list 3

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5 October 1914


Lat -8.05, Long -34.88

5.45am: Sighted land on starboard bow

8.28am: Olinda abeam, 3½ miles, altered course to anchorage

8.55am: Anchored

9.30am: Captain boarded HMS Bristol

1.07pm: Weighed & proceeded

4.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’

Number on sick list 3

[Olinda is in Brazil at Lat -8.01, Long -34.86.]

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6 October 1914

Pernambuco to Fernando Noronha

Lat -5.73, Long -32.28

6.37am: Arrived at rendezvous, 6º35’S 32º8’W, altered course as pre-arranged at Pernambuco

am: Midshipmen rigging crows nest

     Hands employed painting after part of breakwater & ventilators on Foc’sle Head, painting fire buckets red & making large nets

Number on sick list 4

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7 October 1914

Pernambuco to Fernando Noronha

Lat -3.7, Long -33.01

5.40am: Rat Island Light House S81E, 6 miles

5.45am: Observed steamer on starboard bow standing to Eastward. Course & speed to intercept

6.50am: Stopped. Board steamer “Rags” of Bergen from Baltimore to La Plata, papers in order & she was allowed to proceed. Captain Jordan at once proceeded on voyage

am: Hands painting ship, midshipmen at rifle drill

4.30pm: Hands at physical drill

Number on sick list 4

[Rat Island Lighthouse would seem to be on Ilha Rata, part of the Fernando Noronha archipelago. Ilha Rata lies at Lat -3.8. Long -32.38

SS Rags, 3524 tons, built 1904 by William Gray & Co, West Hartlepool. After several changes of owner & name she was scrapped in 1935.]

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8 October 1914

At sea

Lat 2.7, Long -37.42

10.42-11.30am: Exercised connecting up after steering gear

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 4

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9 October 1914

At sea

Lat 1.85, Long -39.85

pm: Hands at rest

6.30pm: Evening quarters, physical drill

Number on sick list 5

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10 October 1914

At sea

Lat 3.6, Long -37.13

am: Hands scrubbed & washed decks

     Boatswain & Carpenter employed rigging up visual control range boards

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, exercised fire control with visual board, found some improvement with telephone etc

Number on sick list 4

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11 October 1914

At sea

Lat 3.52, Long -35.48

All day: Hands at rest

9.05pm: Rocas Light S57E (C)

11.20pm: Rocas Light S72E true

[Atol das Rocas Lighthouse seems not to be functioning today. The Atol which housed it is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -3.88, Long -33.82.]

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12 October 1914

At sea

Lat -3.6, Long -32.7

8.30am: Observed Fernando Noronha Peak S70E (T)

9.00am: Coaling party commenced to shift coal from No III [hatch]

9.30am: Divisions. Hands coaling, rifle & gun drill

pm: Coaling bunkers from no III, remainder of hands at rest

Number on sick list 5

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13 October 1914

At sea

Lat -2.88, Long -32.8

Am: Hands employed, coaling passing coal no III [hatch] to bunkers

     Midshipmen at rifle drill

     Classes of instruction to seamen

pm: Hands at rest except for coaling party

4.30pm: Exercised physical drill & fire control

9.27pm: Sighted Rocas, altered course

Number on sick list 6

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14 October 1914

At sea

Lat -3.02, Long -32.55

6.30am: Hands scrubbing decks & passing coal from no III [hatch] to bunkers

am: Hands at rifle drill, midshipmen ammunition lecture & physical drill

1.40pm: Altered course to speak with Royal Mail Steam Packet “Polaris” & communicated with her

2.17pm: Altered course & spoke SS Petritzies (Greek to Amsterdam)

Number on sick list 6

[RMSP Polaris, 2018 tons, built in 1899 & operated by the Finland Steamship Co Ltd is probably the ship referred to in the log although she was requisitioned by the Russians sometime in 1914. A vintage postcard with RMS Polaris in 1907 was on sale during the editing of the log.

SS Petritzis, 3692 tons, was built in 1905 by Joseph L Thompson & Sons, Sunderland as SS Abbotsford. She was sold to Greek owners & renamed in 1912 then torpedoed in 1917.]

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15 October 1914

At sea

Lat -2.18, Long -32.12

6.30am: Coaling party turned to, remainder cleaning ship

am: Hands rifle & patrol drill, coaling from no III [hatch]

pm: Coaling proceeded from no III

Number on sick list 6

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16 October 1914

At sea

Lat -4.88, Long -34.15

4.42am: Rocas abeam, 4¾ miles

5.38am: Sighted a wreck under the lighthouse

Number on sick list 6

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17 October 1914


Lat -8.05, Long -34.88

1.30am: Commenced ½ hourly soundings

9.35am: Anchored

10.00am: Gig left for RMS Orcoma with Lieutenant Cross

11.30am: British Consul arrived on board with 20 bags mail

12.33pm: SS Navigator anchored

1.30pm: Brazil SS Rio de Janeiro left

4.50pm: Captain of Port boarded ship

5.00pm: Captain of Port left ship

5.35pm: British Consul left ship

5.40pm: Up anchor & proceeded

7.50pm: Agostinho Light abeam, 14 miles

Number on sick list 6

[SS Orcoma, 11,564 tons was built in 1908 by William Beardmore & Co, Dalmuir for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. She served as an Armed Merchant Cruiser from 1915-9 and is part of the OW fleet. She was scrapped in 1933.

SS Navigator, 3846 tons, was built in 1914 for Thomas & James Harrison. She was sold & renamed “Laconikos” in 1932

SS Rio de Janeiro, was built in 1907, sold & renamed for the first time in 1939 and scrapped in 1949.]

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18 October 1914

Pernambuco to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -11.78, Long -35.508

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.30am: Overhauled Admiralty collier “Corinth”

     Hands at rest

11.30am: Passed SS Tosdal of Tonsberg

Number on sick list 6

[SS Corinth, 3669 tons, was built in 1904 by JL Thompson & Sons, Sunderland. In 1916 she was sunk by a German U-boat without loss of life.

The ship at 11.30am was probably SS Torsdal, 3620 tons, built in 1894 as SS Strathkelvin by the Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co Ltd. She was bought by Norwegian owners in 1909 & renamed. In 1916 she was sunk by a U-boat without loss of life.]

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[CANCEL written across page dated 19 October 1914.]

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19 October 1914

Pernambuco to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.05, Long -37.95

am: Hands passing coal no III [hatch] to bunker

     Shipped funnel guys & prepared ship for coaling

12.45pm: Altered course to intercept steamer

1.30pm: Resumed course, French ship “Florida”

4.15pm: Abrolhos Light House S86W

7.08pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 7

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20 October 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

8.00am: Collier “Boldwell” made fast alongside

9.00am: Commenced coaling from collier “Boldwell”

11.30am: Captain Evans visited HMS Edinburgh Castle

12.30pm: Collier ranging & bumping alongside

1.00pm: Sent gig with mails to “Edinburgh Castle”

2.05pm: Sent assistance to sailing gig HMS Edinburgh Castle which had capsized. Lieutenant Commander F Whitton RNR being drowned

3.00pm: Captain Evans returned

6.15pm: HMS Edinburgh Castle left, tested rangefinder 3500 yards upwards

7.15pm: Collier “Corinth” anchored

7.45pm: Ceased coaling for day

Number on sick list 5

[SS Boldwell, 3118 tons, was built in 1901 as SS Voorburg by Nederlandsche Scheepsbouw Mij, Amsterdam. She was sold for the first time and renamed “Boldwell in 1911. She was sold several times without change of name before she was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 3 men

SS Edinburgh Castle, 13,229 tons, was built in 1910 by Harland & Wolff for the Union Castle Mail Steamship Co. She served as an Armed Merchant Cruiser in WW1 & is part of the OW fleet. After the war she returned to civilian service until WW2 when she served as an accommodation ship in Freetown. After the war she was sunk as a gunnery target.

Lieutenant Commander Frederick William Whitton RNR, aged 44, son of William & Elizabeth Jane Whitton of Liverpool is commemorated on panel 5 of the Plymouth Naval Memorial.]

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21 October 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

5.00am: Call the hands

5.30am: Commenced coaling

7.30am: SS Crown of Galicia, supply ship, made fast to port side

8.30am: Commenced taking in store from supply ship

     Steamers “Boldwell” & “Crown of Galacia” ranging & bumping alongside

6.30pm: Crown of Galicia cast off &proceeded for Falkland Islands

7.30pm: Ceased coaling for the night

8.30pm: Watch man & arm ship for night, range 3000 yards

Number on sick list 4

[SS Crown of Galicia, 4821 tons, was built in 1906 by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow for the Crown Steamship Co. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1920 and finally wrecked in 1942.]

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22 October 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

5.30am: Resumed coaling from collier “Boldwell” on starboard side

6.00am: Collier “Ellerslie” alongside & commenced coaling on port side

1.00pm: Returned barrows borrowed from HMS Bristol

7.00pm: Collier “Boldwell” finished coaling and left for St Lucia

7.30pm: Ceased coaling, darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch man & arm ship

Number on sick list 3

[SS Ellerslie, 3854 tons, was built in 1906 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields for Hansen Shipping Ltd. She was wrecked in 1917.]

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23 October 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

5.00am: Call hands

5.30am: Coal ship

5.45am: Collier Priestfield sent to HMS Bristol

6.00am: Collier Corinth to HMS Cornwall

2.00pm: HMS Bristol finished coaling

2.10pm: HMS Bristol left

2.50pm: HMS Cornwall finished coaling

7.10pm: Left off coaling

8.00pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch man & arm ship, range 3000 yards

Number on sick list 3

[SS Priestfield, 4033 tons, was built in 1901 by Irvine’s Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co Ltd, West Hartlepool for the Priestfield Steamship Co Ltd. She was sold then renamed for the first time in 1919 and finally scrapped in 1934.]

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24 October 1914

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

5.30am: Resumed coaling collier “Ellerslie”

7.50am: HMS Carnavon anchored

8.30am: Captain Evans visited Flagship

10.00am: Captain returned on board

11.30am: Finished coaling

1.20pm: Collier “Ellerslie” cast off, commenced to heave up

1.30pm: Weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list 3

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25 October 1914

At sea

Lat -13.75, Long -37.83

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 2

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26 October 1914

At sea

Lat -9.48, Long -34.9

am: Hands cleaning ship, junior officers at wireless instruction

4.00pm: Signalled HMS Defence bound South

5.45pm: Passed SS Boldwell bound North

10.51pm: Ordered ‘Close Engine Room Water Tight doors’


Number on sick list 2

[HMS Defence, 14,800 ton cruiser, was launched in 1907 at Pembroke Dockyard. She was sunk at the Battle of Jutland in 1916 with no survivors. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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27 October 1914

At sea

Lat -3.88, Long -33.93

1.40am: Ordered ‘Close Engine Room Water Tight doors’

1.43am: ER WT doors reported closed

4.22am: Ordered ‘Close WT doors’

4.27am: ER WT doors reported closed

7.00am: Intercepted SS Vigil of Liverpool

8.30am: Sighted man of war, altered course to intercept

am: Hands cleaning ship, junior officers physical drill

10.40am: Stop close to HMS Bristol

Noon: Received orders to patrol between 2º 30’ & 4º 30’ S

1.00pm: Rocas Light House S28E, 11m

7.30pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill to stokers

Number on sick list 2

[The ship at 7am may have been SS Virgil, 3338 tons, built in 1896 by D & W Henderson Ltd, Glasgow & operated by Lamport & Holt Ltd, Liverpool. She was scrapped in 1924.]

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28 October 1914

At sea

Lat -3.83, Long -33.95

4.40am: Rocas Light abeam E, 10 miles

am: Hands cleaning ship, carpenters at sounding booms, junior officers physical drill

11.43am: Light House N80E

pm: Hands clearing coal out of no 4 holdway

5.00pm: General Quarters. Exercised ‘Connecting up after & bridge steering gear’, ‘Fire stations’

Number on sick list 2

Note against fresh water status: see remarks on 29th Oct

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29 October 1914

At sea

Lat -3.88, Long -34.03

4.17am: Rocas Light E true

9.15am: Rocas N66E 'T'

10.00am: Stopped in company with HMS Bristol & HMS Edinburgh Castle

10.10am: Captain Evans boarded “Bristol”

Noon: Captain returned

Number on sick list 3

Note in log: Having enquired into the circumstances attending the pumping of salt water into a ballast tank containing fresh water on Oct 27th 1914, I consider that Engineering Sub Lieutenant JE Hawthorn was responsible for this. He was in so doing guilty of negligence in a most important duty & a notation is thus made to that effect in the ship's log. JE Hawthorn Sub Lieut Eng, BS Evans, TCW Thompson Lieutenant Commander RNR, E Hannan Lieut RNR

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30 October 1914

At sea

Lat -4.5, Long -36.2

5.53am: Ponta del Mel L S34W

9.00am: Steered for Mangue Secco

9.30am: Patent & hand leads going continuously

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 2

[Ponta do Mel is in Brazil at Lat -4.95, Long -36.88

There is a Mangue Seco in Brazil at Lat -2.84, Long -40.55.]

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31 October 1914

At sea

Lat -4.65, Long -36.3

2.55am: Ponta do Mel L: S50W

5.15am: Sighted HMS Bristol with collier “Ellerslie” bound into the land

7.45pm: Ponta do Mel: S11W

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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1 November 1914

At sea

Lat -4.7, Long -36.28

8.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.00am: Observed HMS Bristol: coaling from Collier "Ellerslie" of Cardiff

All day: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 3

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2 November 1914

At sea

Lat -3.9, Long -34.2

12.50am: Altered course to intercept SS San Melito

2.00am: Resumed course after interchanging signals with HMS Bristol

2.10pm: Rocas Light House S68E

Number on sick list 4

[SS San Melito, 10,160 ton tanker, was built in 1914 at Palmer’s Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow for the Eagle Oil Transport Co. She was scrapped in 1954.]

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3 November 1914

At sea

Lat -2.3, Long -31.2

9.30am: Junior officers gymnastics, 2nd & 3rd Divisions under 25 at physical drill

     Remainder stripping woodwork & making splinter nets

2.40pm: Observed HMS Bristol & collier “Ellerslie”

5.30pm: Evening quarters. Boat stations & lowered away & secured to hurricane deck

8.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 3

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4 November 1914

At sea

Lat -1.12, Long -31.05

6.30am: Intercepted SS Kennemerland (Holland Lloyds Mail service of Amsterdam)

     She was examined by HMS Argonaut on Oct 18th, no entry appeared in the log:

am: Hands breaking down cabin, making splinter nets, junior officers at Morris tube practice

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised control parties, stokers at physical drill

Number on sick list 3

[SS Kennemerland, 4074 tons, was built in 1905 by William Hamilton & Co, Port Glasgow as SS Cara. She was sold to Koninklijke Hollandsche Lloyd, Amsterdam in 1912 & renamed. She was sold & renamed again in 1934 then torpedoed in 1942.

HMS Argonaut, 11,000 ton cruiser, was launched in 1898 at the Fairfield Yard, Govan. She was sold in 1920 and is part of the OW fleet.]

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5 November 1914

At sea

Lat -1.45, Long -30.9

5.00pm: ‘Action’. Tested time taken passing projectiles up & connecting up after bridge steering gear

Number on sick list 4

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6 November 1914

At sea

Lat -3.88, Long -32.0

4.40am: Sighted Fernando Noronha S17W

5.15am: Examined SS Dart of London from Monte Video

8.15am: Let go port anchor, rang ‘finished with engines’, steam at 30 minutes notice

9.45am: Hove up & proceeded after a suspicious steamer

10.10am: Arrived alongside & found her to be SS Bramley (of London, Buenos Ayres to Manchester)

     Found her in order & allowed to proceed

11.45am: Returned to Fernando Noronha

1.04pm: Arrived at anchorage, boat returned from shore with telegrams

1.14pm: Boat hoisted up anchor & proceeded slow ahead, turned round & stood to Windward

1.30pm: Intercepted SS Atlantico (Italian of Genova)

pm: Hands wash clothes

     Physical drill

     Junior officers Morris tube

Number on sick list 4

[SS Dart may have been the ship of 3207 tons, built in 1898 for JL Thompson & Sons, Sunderland for E Hain & Sons, London. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 4 lives.

SS Bramley, 4290 tons, was built in 1906 by the Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howden. She was renamed in 1915 then captured by a U-boat and scuttled in 1917.

SS Atlantico, 3346 tons, was built in 1898 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow. She was renamed for the first time in 1928 & scrapped in 1932.]

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7 November 1914

At sea

Lat -8.09, Long -34.82

10.30am: Olinda Point S37W (C)

12.18pm: Anchored

12.48pm: Captain Way, HMM Consul boarded

2.00pm: Captain of Port sent message to Captain Evans, boat leaving again

4.40pm: Consul left ship

5.30pm: Evening Quarters, hands exercised physical drill

10.10pm: RMS Araguaya arrived & anchored, gig at once alongside & received mails

10.35pm: Gig returned & hoisted

11.05pm: Weighed & proceeded

11.25pm: Olinda N, Breakwater Light N54W

Number on sick list 3

[RMS Araguaya, 10,196 tons, was built in 1906 by Workman Clark & Co Ltd, Belfast for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. She served as a hospital ship from 1917 to 1920 & was sold & renamed for the first time in 1930. She was eventually broken up in 1942.]

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8 November 1914

At sea

Lat -6.43, Long -33.92

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 2

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9 November 1914

At sea

Lat -4.3, Long -31.4

6.30am: Altered course & spoke British ship "Benlee" of Liverpool

11.30am: Altered course to intercept steamer & increased speed, steamer altered course

12.51pm: Signalled SS King Frederick of Sunderland, Rosario to Falmouth, cargo sugar

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, hands exercised at physical drill, hands washing clothes

Number on sick list 3

[“Benlee” may have been the sailing vessel “Ben-Lee”, 2341 tons, built in 1893 by Barclay, Curle & Co, Glasgow for JJ Rae & Co, Liverpool. She sank off Holyhead in 1916 after a collision with the American SS St Paul. The ship was raised in 1918 and converted to a hulk.

King Frederick, 3756 tons, was built in 1906 by Short Brothers Ltd, Sunderland for the King Line. She was sold & renamed in 1915 and sunk by an Austrian submarine in 1917.]

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10 November 1914

At sea

Lat -3.73, Long -33.73

5.30am: Rocas Light S80W (M)

7.28am: Rocas Light House S10W, 8'

9.50am: Stopped. Captain boarded HMS Bristol

10.45am: Captain Evans: returned, hoisted gig

11.30am: Rocas Light House S true, 7m

pm: Coaling party working no III [hatch]

4.45pm: Intercepted SS Student (Liverpool to Maceio)

Number on sick list 1

[SS Student, 3579 tons, was built in 1910 for the Harrison Line, she was sold & renamed in 1930.]

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11 November 1914

At sea

Lat -0.1, Long -31.3

3.00am: ‘Close Engine Room Water Tight doors’

3.12am: Doors reported closed

4.58am: Ordered ER WT doors closed

5.05am: Doors reported closed

am: Hands filling water barricoes, repairing hoses, cleaning boats

     Junior officers physical drill

1.45pm: Lookout reports steam ship. Altered course & intercepted “Holly Branch” of Liverpool.

     Exchanged signals, resumed course

3.30pm: Altered course to intercept Norwegian SS Siljestad of Christiana

     Sent boarding officer, she cleared Cardiff for River Plate in ballast

Number on sick list 2

[A barrico is a small barrel used to store fresh water in ship’s boats.

SS Holly Branch, 3568 tons, was built in 1911 by Bartram & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for the Nautilus Steam Ship Co. She was sunk by a U-boat on 1 Jan 1917 without loss of life.

SS Siljestad, 4298 tons, was built in 1912 by the Sunderland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Sunderland for AF Klaveness & Co, Oslo. She was sunk by a U-boat in 1918 without loss of life.]

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12 November 1914

Pernambuco to Sierra Leone

Lat 3.78, Long -29.23

am: Hands cleaning out lifeboats & coaling

     Marines at gun drill

     Junior officers at navigation lecture

4.30pm: Hands at physical drill

4.50pm: Stopped coaling

Number on sick list 3

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13 November 1914

Pernambuco to Sierra Leone

Lat 5.45, Long -23.83

am: Hands variously employed

     Junior officers rifle drill

pm: Hands at rest

2.30pm: Altered course to intercept steamer seen from crow’s nest Italian SS Fortunata

5.00pm: Physical drill

Number on sick list 2

[SS Fortunata was probably the 3348 ton transport built in 1893 by DP Garbutt, Hull as SS Bell Rock. She was sold & renamed in 1887. She was torpedoed in 1917 without loss of life.]

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14 November 1914

Pernambuco to Sierra Leone

Lat 7.35, Long -17.97

Number on sick list 2

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15 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

6.30am: Made Cape Sierra Leone ahead

10.10am: Anchored

10.15am: King’s Harbour Master boarded

pm: Hands at rest

5.30pm: SS Trevince came alongside ready to commence discharging

Number on sick list 4

[SS Trevince, 3874 tons, was built in 1907 by John Readhead & Sons, South Shields for the Hain Steamship Co Ltd. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1926 finally sinking in 1932.]

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16 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.00am: Commenced coaling from collier “Trevince”

9.00am: Commenced coaling from lighter on starboard side & also water

6.00pm: Finished coaling from lighters

7.30pm: Finished coaling from collier for night

Number on sick list 4

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17 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.30am: Hands coal ship from collier on port side

     Native labour from lighters on starboard side

7.30pm: Stopped coaling for the day, about 1000 tons shipped

Number on sick list 4

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18 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

5.30am: Received coaling gear from collier “Trevince”

6.00am: Collier let go & proceeded to anchorage

am: Hands clean ship & working coal from lighters both sides assisted with native labour

6.30pm: Finished coaling, lighters left for shore

Number on sick list 4

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19 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

7.30am: HMS Empress of Britain: anchored

10.45am: General's Aide de camp visited ship

2.30pm: Libertymen ashore

3.00pm: HMS Donegal: arrived in harbour

6.30pm: Libertymen returned

9.30pm: Gig left ship for telegrams & HMS Donegal

Number on sick list 4

[HMS Donegal, 10,000 ton cruiser, was launched in 1902 at the Fairfield Yard, Govan. For most of the war she was on convoy protection duties. In 1920 she was sold but remains part of the OW fleet.

This is the first mention of hands gong on shore for weeks!]

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20 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

12.15am: Gig left ship for telegram, conveyed it to HMS Donegal

11.50am: SS Badagri arrived

1.30pm: Gig left with officers for shore

2.40pm: Libertymen for shore

5.45pm: Warrent Read 5A 8s, William Adams, coal trimmer sentenced to 14 days cells, first three low diet, offence for striking Fireman James Russell when in execution of his duty

Number on sick list 4

[SS Badagri, 2956 tons, was built in 1907 by the Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Willington for Elder Dempster Lines Ltd. She was torpedoed in 1918 without loss of life.]

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21 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4.15pm: Fresh water lighters empty & towed away

5.16pm: Weighed & proceeded

5.40pm: Cape Sierra Leone Light House bore S, 5 cables

11.00pm: Close Engine Room Water Tight doors

11.12pm: Reported closed

Number on sick list 5

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22 November 1914

At sea

Lat 7.55, Long -16.63

Midnight: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed 7 minutes

5.00am: ER WT doors closed 9 minutes

7.30am: Captain & staff inspected ship

9.45am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.30am: Heavy rain squall

pm: Hands at rest

4.45pm: Altered course to intercept steamer & resumed course on distinguishing British colours

Number on sick list 5

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23 November 1914

At sea

Lat 6.38, Long -20.43

am: Junior officers navigation lecture from Lieutenant Cross

8.00pm: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 9 minutes

Number on sick list 4

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24 November 1914

At sea

Lat 4.73, Long -24.43

6.30am: Observed steamer, altered course to intercept & boarded her, SS Otto Sverdrup (Norwegian), Rosario to Copenhagen via Bristol Channel with maize

8.20am: Resumed course & speed

4.30pm: Hands wash clothes

Number on sick list 4

[SS Otto Sverdrup, 3526 tons, was built in 1904 by John Readhead & Sons, South Shields for Bergh & Helland, Bergen. She was broken up in 1935.]

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25 November 1914

At sea

Lat 2.92, Long -28.65

3.00am: Rounds & cells visited

6.40am: Altered course & intercepted SS Tempus, Cardiff Buenos Aires, wheat

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

[SS Tempus, 2981 tons, was built in 1904 by Craig, Taylor & Co, Stockton-on-Tees for WH Seager & Co, Cardiff. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 1 man.]

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26 November 1914

At sea

Lat -0.45, Long -31.18

3.00am: Rounds & cells visited

4.40am: Intercepted steamer showing Danish colours, resumed course & speed

pm: Hands at rest

9.30pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 5

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27 November 1914

Anchorage at Fernando Noronha

Lat -3.83, Long -32.4

6.30am: Hands holystoning decks & scrubbing ladders

8.46am: Fernando Noronha Peak S17W

11.35am: Stop, laying off Antonio Bay

Noon: Proceeded to anchorage

12.06pm: Anchored

12.45pm: Gig left for shore

1.30pm: Returned with telegrams

1.55pm: Weighed & turned round using engines

Number on sick list 4

[Baia de Santo Antonio is on the Island of Fernando Noronha at Lat -3.83. Long -32.4]

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28 November 1914


Lat -8.05, Long -34.88

11.03am: Anchored

11.40am: Vice Consul came on board

1.39pm: Anchor aweigh

1.48pm: Altered course to intercept SS Terjeviken (Norwegian)

3.00pm: Cape Agostinho Light House N75W

10.00pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 3

[SS Terje Viken,3579 tons, was built in 1902 by the Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co, Wallsend for Wilh Wilhemsen, Tonsberg. She hit a mine in 1916.]

Operations between South America, Falklands and UK

JP map Macedonia Falklands - UK

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29 November 1914

Pernambuco to Abrolhos

Lat -13.55, Long -36.57

1.30am: Rounds & cells visited.

9.30am: Divisions. Captain's inspection. Divine Service.

11.0am: Hands at rest.

pm: Hands at rest.

4.30pm: Evening quarters & boat stations.

Number on sick list 3.

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30 November 1914

Pernambuco to Abrolhos

Lat -19.47, Long -38.9

6.30am: Crows nest reported Abrolhos Light House & vessels at anchor?

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers.

     Hands overhauling boat gear & as requisite

pm: Hands at rest

3.10pm: Exchanged signals with SS Horatius of Liverpool

5.00pm: Observed Brazilian “Minas Geraes”, exercised ‘Fire Control’ on her

Number on sick list 4

[SS Horatius, 3552 tons, was built in 1898 for the Houston Line. She was sold in 1918.

Minas Geraes” or “Minas Gerais”, 19,281 ton battleship, was launched in 1908 by Armstrong Whitworth. She was scrapped in 1954.]

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[These are blank or cover pages.]


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[Cover page signed by TCN Thompson, Navigating Officer, but Navy Lists show him as TCW Thompson.]

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[These pages are blank.]

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1 December 1914

At sea

Lat -24.75, Long -42.82

2.30am: Rounds & cells visited

5.30am: Observed Tug GO2

pm: Hands at rest

8.30pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 7

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2 December 1914

At sea

Lat -29.05, Long -48.08


All day: Coaling party at no III hatch

am: Marines at ammunition

10.30pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 4

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3 December 1914

At sea

Lat -34.67, Long -48.52

7.20am: HMS Bristol made challenge replied & pendants made

am: Junior officers at compass lecture

     Crew coaling at no III hatch

11.00am: Reduced revolution in company with Flagship HMS Invincible

2.00pm: Received orders from HMS Carnarvon to take position midway between “Carnarvon” & “Kent”

8.30pm: Officers range finding practice

Number on sick list 3

[HMS Invincible, 17,530 ton battlecruiser, was launched in 1907 by Armstrong Whitworth. She took part in the Battles of Heligoland Bight & the Falkland Islands but was sunk at the Battle of Jutland with only 6 survivors. She is part of the OW fleet.

HMS Kent, 10,000 ton cruiser, was launched in 1901 at Portsmouth Royal Dockyard. Her refit was completed too late to be involved in the Battle of Coronel but was involved in the Battle of the Falklands and its aftermath. She spent much of the rest of the war on escort duties and was sold in 1920. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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4 December 1914

Pernambuco to Falkland Islands

Lat -38.55, Long -51.3

All day: Hands coaling at no III hatch

am: Ship making all possible means to reply to signal from "Bristol" & "Kent"

5.00pm: Hands at physical drill, range finder exercise

8.00pm: Exchanged signals with “Bristol” and “Kent” throughout the watch

9.00pm: Darkened ship

     Guns’ crew SL control, supply parties exercised

Number on sick list 4

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5 December 1914

Pernambuco to Falkland Islands

Lat -43.1, Long -53.5

3.00am: Rain. Covered guns & SL

6.15am: Altered course to close on "Kent"

am: Hands coaling at no 3 hatch, remainder washing decks

9.00am: “Kent” not in sight, visible at intervals

12.30pm: Dense fog, “Bristol” visible at intervals

3.00pm: Coaling party finished coaling at no 3 hatch

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. All boats hoisted & landed

5.35pm: Fog clearing from SW

6.00pm: Sighted “Kent” N62E, 7 miles, turned round to take up position midway between “Kent” & “Bristol”

     Signalling with “Kent” & “Bristol” till 9.30

Number on sick list 4

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6 December 1914

Pernambuco to Falkland Islands

Lat -47.63, Long -55.03

11.00am: Altered course to intercept Flagship for mails

11.30am: Sighted HMS Invincible

1.00pm: Stop, away gig

1.13pm: Boat returned, hoisted. Proceeded

     Took up station on HMS Cornwall

9.00pm: Speed raised to keep station

Number on sick list 3

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7 December 1914

Port William, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.8

am: Preparing ship for coaling

     Closed on Flag

9.50am: Cape Pembroke Light House S65W

11.50am: Anchored

2.30pm: Captain Evans boards HMS Carnarvon

4.30pm: Captain returned hoisted boat

8.50pm: Anchor aweigh, turned round using helm & engines as required

9.38pm: Cape Pembroke abeam

Number on sick list 3

[Cape Pembroke Light House is on the Falkland Islands at Lat -51.68, Long -57.72.]

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8 December 1914

Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

2.23am: Cape Pembroke Light abeam

2.30am: Altered course to return to anchorage

4.02am: Stopped engines & anchored

5.15am: Royal Transport entered harbour & made fast to HMS Invincible

     [According to the log of “Invincible” it was the collier “Trelawny”]

9.30am: Enemy's ships sighted & reported by Flagship

     Fleet ordered to weigh

8.45am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded to anchorage inside the mine field [I think the time was 9.45am]

9.55am: Anchored with entrance to Port Stanley SSE

10.30am: Fleet proceeded to sea & Eastwards

11.05am: HMS Bristol: left harbour

11.30am: Three merchant ships reported off Point Pleasant, weighed anchor & proceeded to sea

12.20pm: Ordered to close on HMS Bristol, full speed

2.20pm: Observed smoke to SE, altered course S80E & gave chase

3.20pm: "Action", two colliers ordered to stop or we would fire

4.30pm: Eased engines

4.37pm: "Stopped", captured SS Baden, HMS Bristol the “Santa Isabel"

     All prisoners put on board "Macedonia" & both prizes fired at from short range, 500yds

5.40pm: Opened fire on SS Baden

7.53pm: Baden sank

8.00pm: “Bristol” steered ENE, “Macedonia” standing by until "Santa Isabel" disappeared, we fired 8 shots into “Santa Isabel” to hasten her despatch

8.15pm: Opened fire on "Santa Isabel"

9.30pm: “Santa Isabel” sank, set course & speed for Port Stanley

Number on sick list 3

[Pleasant Point is on the Falkland Islands at Lat -51.82. Long -58.17

SS Baden, 7678 tons, was built in 1913 by Bremer Vulkan, Bremen for the Hamburg America Line.

SS Santa Isabel, 5200 tons, was built in 1914 by Bremer Vulkan, Bremen for the Hamburg America Line.]

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9 December 1914

Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

Midnight: Guns’ crews & supply parties closed up

     Rounds made regularly & prisoners correct

3.30am: Land observed on port beam

4.10am: Observed land port bow, course various to Cape Pembroke

7.05am: Lieutenant Bennett, HMS Canopus, boarded & piloted us to anchorage

8.00am: Overcast with rain , wind increasing to a gale

9.25am: Captain Evans left ship for HMS Canopus

11.30am: 7 German officers & 50 men sent to HMS Canopus

2.30pm: Anchor aweigh & proceeded out of harbour to search for HMS Kent

     At entrance “Kent” made challenge & proceeded up harbour

3.05pm: “Macedonia” turned & reentered harbour

4.08pm: Anchored

5.40pm: Collier “Trelawny” came alongside & made fast to starboard

Number on sick list 3

[HMS Canopus, 12,950 ton battleship, was launched in 1897 at Portsmouth Dockyard. She was stationed as guard ship after the Battle of Coronel and fired the first shots at the German Squadron before the Battle of the Falklands. Later she served in the Dardanelles and was scrapped in 1920. She is part of the OW fleet.

SS Trelawny, 3877 tons, was built in 1906 for the Hain Line. She sank in 1926 after a collision with SS Gaelic Prince.]

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10 December 1914

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

12.10am: HMS Glasgow arrives & enters harbour

5.30am: Hands coal ship from Collier “Trelawny”

2.00pm: All ensigns half-mast

2.15pm: Launch & barge with funeral party passed ashore

5.00pm: Collier passed from starboard to port side

7.30pm: Finished securing collier

10.30pm: Rounds visited & prisoners

Number on sick list 4

[HMS Glasgow, 4800 ton cruiser, was launched in 1909 at the Fairfield Yard, Govan. She was the sole survivor of the Battle of Coronel & took part in the Battle of the Falklands. She was scrapped in 1927 & is part of the OW fleet.]

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11 December 1914

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

4.10am: HMS Bristol arrived

5.30am: Hands coal ship

6.40am: HMS Invincible & HMS Inflexible arrived

7.30am: PSNCo Orissa arrived

9.30am: Captain Evans repaired on board Flagship

5.00pm: HMS Carnarvon arrived

7.45pm: Finished coaling for the day

Number on sick list 3

[HMS Inflexible, 17,570 ton battlecruiser, was launched at the John Brown yard, Clydebank in 1907. She took part in the Battles of the Falkland Islands & Jutland and the campaign in the Dardanelles. She was scrapped in 1922 and is part of the OW fleet.

SS Orissa, 5358 tons, was built in 1895 by Harland & Wolff for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. She was torpedoed in 1918 with the loss of 6 lives.]

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12 December 1914

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

5.30am: Hands coal ship

6.30am: Preparing for prisoners of war, wounded and sick

9.00am: HMS Orama anchored

10.30am: Captain Evans left ship for Flagship

11.30am: Captain Evans returned & went ashore with Paymaster

     Finished coaling

11.35am: Collier “Trelawny” left for HMS Inflexible

pm: Hands washing decks & cleaning ship

     Preparing for prisoners of war, wounded, sick

6.30pm: Sub Lieutenant Shike [?] RNR joined ship for duty

7.30pm: Engineering Commander Denbow (invalid) for passage, ex-“Canopus”

9.40pm: HMS Inflexible Packet Boat received 1 cutter from “Macedonia”

Number on sick list 3

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13 December 1914

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

6.00am: HMS Bristol left

8.45am: HMS Inflexible left

9.30am: HMS Glasgow left

10.00am: Launch from “Invincible” sent 9 prisoners

10.30am: 1 German cot case received from “Canopus"

12.15pm: Cot case received from “Canopus”

pm: Preparing accommodation of prisoners & invalids

5.00pm: Naval Instructor Franklin joined us ex HMS Cornwall

Number on sick list 4

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14 December 1914

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

6.00am: Hands fall in, told off for working parties etc

9.30am: Captain Evans visited Flagship

10.15am: “Cornwall” weighed anchor & left

10.45am: Commenced to receive prisoners from “Invincible” & “Canopus”

3.15pm: Weighed. Slow both, turned round & manoeuvred to avoid shipping

3.34pm: Proceeded out of harbour

3.47pm: Half speed to avoid “Crown of Galicia”

4.48pm: “Crown of Galicia” joined us to be convoyed to England

8.00pm: Altered course to keep in wake of “Crown of Galicia”

10.00pm: Guns’ crews & sentries at their posts

Number on sick list 4

[SS Crown of Galicia, 4821 tons, was built in 1906 by Stephen & Sons, Glasgow for the Crown Steamship Co. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1920 and finally ran aground & was wrecked in 1942.]

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15 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -48.68, Long -54.63

2.20am: Closed Engine Room Water Tight doors 15 minutes

     Ship keeping station 1½’ astern of “Crown of Galicia”

4.35am: ER WT doors closed in 10 minutes

am: From position astern took up position ahead so as to verify course to be steered during night etc

4.30pm: Hands at physical drill

8.00pm: Ship turned on starboard helm to take up position astern

8.15pm: In position, course & speed resumed

11.15pm: ER WT doors closed 11 minutes

     Rounds, sentries visited at intervals

Number on sick list 10

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16 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -45.18, Long -51.58

2.11am: Closed Engine Room Water Tight doors 11 minutes

     Rounds correct, prisoners visited

am: Prisoners exercised drill

     Youths physical drill, junior officers boxing

pm: Hands at rest

7.00pm: Turned round & took station astern of “Crown of Galicia”

Number on sick list 12

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17 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -41.23, Long -48.78

6.30am: Hands & prisoners scrubbing decks etc

7.15am: Altered course to take up station on port beam of “Crown of Galicia”

11.00am: “Crown of Galicia” on station astern

pm: Hands at rest

4.30pm: Prisoners physical drill

7.50pm: Turned ship around to take station astern

9.00pm: Darkened ship

     Rounds correct, prisoners visited

Number on sick list 11

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18 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -37.38, Long -46.48

     Rounds correct prisoners visited, guns crews closed up for exercise

6.00am: Hands & prisoners scrubbing decks etc

am: “Macedonia” in station ahead

     Hands cleaning paintwork

     Marine magazine party at pistol drill

4.30pm: Prisoners exercised

6.15pm: Turned ship round & took up station astern

8.00pm: Darkened ship, rounds visited irregularly, prisoners correct

Number on sick list 12

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19 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -34.08, Long -43.33

am: Prisoners & guard correct

     Hands & prisoners cleaning ship

10.00am: Passed ahead “Crown of Galicia”

pm: Hands at rest

6.15pm: Turned round to take station astern

8.00pm: Darkened ship

     Rounds correct, prisoners visited

     Ship labouring to considerable easterly swell, drizzling rain throughout watch

Number on sick list 12

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20 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -30.93, Long -40.72

6.00am: Hands & prisoners washing decks etc

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

6.00pm: Hands & prisoners physical drill

Number on sick list 10

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21 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -27.58, Long -38.12

5.00am: Took up station ahead

6.30am: Hands & prisoners washed decks & cleaned paintwork

am: Small arm drill

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening & General Quarters. Course various & used “Crown of Galicia” as target for range & gun laying

5.30pm: Stopped, received one patient from “Crown of Galicia”

5.48pm: Resumed course & speed

8.30pm: Signal books locked up in strong box

Number on sick list 11

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22 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -24.13, Long -35.55

5.00am: Took up station ahead 5' "Crown of Galicia"

6.00am: Hands & prisoners washing decks

am: Hands & prisoners cleaning mess decks

     Junior officers lecture

pm: Hands at rest

5.15pm: Turned ship to take station 1½ - 2 miles astern "Crown of Galicia"

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 13

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23 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -20.77, Long -33.07

6.30am: Hands & prisoners washing decks & cleaning paintwork

am: Prisoners & youths physical drill

pm: Hands at rest

4.30pm: Evening Quarters & physical drill

6.00pm: Turned ship to take station astern of "Crown of Galicia"

8.00pm: Darkened ship

     Rounds & prisoners correct

Number on sick list 11

Other: 4caf87fbcadfd3419701da24: ( 53-47693-015_0.jpg)

24 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -17.0, Long -31.27

5.00am: Signal Books continued lock up in iron safe

6.30am: Hands & prisoners washing decks etc

am: Officers lecture by Captain Evans on Signals and Signal Books

pm: Hands at rest

5.25pm: Altered course to intercept steamer steaming to SW, steamer altered course, “Macedonia” increased speed & gave chase

7.15pm: “Crown of Galicia” S46W (mag), 8’, lost sight of steamer & “Crown of Galicia”

9.00pm: Set course N40W to resume station 3’ astern “Crown of Galicia”

10.28pm: “Macedonia” in station

Number on sick list 10

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25 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -13.17, Long -29.55

6.00am: Hands & prisoners scrubbed decks etc

9.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

am: Hands at rest

     “Crown of Galicia” astern 5’

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Youth & prisoners physical drill

6.00pm: Turned round for night station astern "Crown of Galicia"

Number on sick list 10

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26 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -9.32, Long -27.95

6.30am: Hands & prisoners holystoning decks

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill for youths & prisoners

6.10pm: Turned ship round & took up station astern

8.00pm: Darkened ship & cleared away for night defences

9.50pm: Observed darkened steamer passing to SW

Number on sick list 11

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27 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat -5.43, Long -26.35

1.55am: Closed Engine Room Water Tight doors

2.06am: ER WT doors closed & reopened, 11 minutes

5.00am: Closed ER WT doors for exercise

6.30am: Hands & prisoners washing down etc

9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection

10.00am: Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

3.25pm: Altered course to intercept steamer

4.00pm: Steamer “Highland Scot”, Monte Video to London

6.10pm: Returned & took up station 2 miles astern of "Crown of Galicia"

Number on sick list 11

[SS Highland Scot, 7343 tons, was built in 1910 by Russell & Co Ltd, Greenock for the Nelson Line. She ran aground & was wrecked in 1918.]

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28 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat 1.45, Long -25.12

6.00am: Hands & prisoners wash decks & clean ships

am: Divisions. Prayers

      Prisoners physical drill

     Junior officers gunnery drill

pm: Hands at rest

5.10pm: ‘General Quarters’, exercised ‘Fire control’ on “Crown of Galicia”

5.30pm: Secure

5.45pm: Fritz Lange died

     Took station on “Crown of Galicia”

Number on sick list 11

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29 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat 3.3, Long -25.4 [estimated, no noon position given]

6.00am: Hands & prisoners scrubbed & washed decks

9.30am: Divisions

9.36am: Stop. Committed the body of German prisoner Fritz Lange late stoker S/S Santa Isabel to the deep. Captain Evans conducting funeral service, ship’s company & prisoners attending

9.46am: Resumed course & speed

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 10

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30 December 1914

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat 7.08, Long -25.33

1.30am: Rounds visited, prisoners correct

6.30am: Hands & prisoners scrubbed & washed decks

10.00am: Hands cleaning & painting ship

11.00am: Junior officers physical drill & sword exercise

1.00pm: Hands at rest

2.00pm: Italian mail steamer "Luisiana" passed SW

5.30pm: Turned round for night station

Number on sick list 10

[SS Luisiana, 4983 tons, was built in 1906 by Soc. Esercizio Bacini, Riva Trigoso for Societa di Navigazione Lloyd Italiano. In 1917 she ran aground & was wrecked.]

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31 December 1914

[am only]

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat 10.95, Long -25.28

2.00am: Rounds visited, prisoners correct

6.00am: Hands & prisoners scrubbed & washed decks

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers

     Hands painting & varnishing ship

Number on sick list 12

[Afternoon section of log is blank.]

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31 December 1914 [pm only]

Port Stanley to St Vincent

pm: Hands at Rest.

5.30pm: Quarters & physical drill

     Took station astern of “City of Galicia”

[For some reason the entries for the morning and afternoon sections of the log for 31 December were written in different log books.]


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1 January 1915

Port Stanley to St Vincent

Lat 14.8, Long -25.28

6.00am: Hands & prisoners scrubbed & washed decks

am: Hands preparing ship for coaling

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Evening Quarters. Physical drill

7.00pm: Cleared away for night defence, darkened ship

Number on sick list 10

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2 January 1915

St Vincent

Lat 16.8, Long -25.0

12.15am: Stop, waiting for daylight. Machada Point Light N43E, Topeda Corra N70W by compass, ship’s head NNW

3.40am: Proceeded for St Vincent, courses as requisite

6.12am: Stopped & anchored

6.50am: Officer of the Guard visited

8.15am: Coal lighters alongside

10.30am: Commenced coaling

2.30pm: Water boat arrives alongside, coaling continues slowly

8.20pm: Finished coaling, hoisted steam launch & gig

9.18pm: Anchor aweigh

9.35pm: Stopped & received a letter sent by His Britannic Majesty’s Consul

9.51pm: Full speed

11.00pm: Bull Point abeam, 3½’

Number on sick list 10

[Ponta Machado Lighthouse is on the westernmost point of Sao Vicente, one of the Cape Verde Islands. It is situated at Lat 16.83, Long -25.1

Topeda Corra is probably Tope de Coroa, a mountain on Sao Vicente. It is at Lat 17.03, Long -25.28.]

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3 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 19.03, Long -24.22

1.50am: Observed "Crown of Galicia" N30E & took up station 3’ astern

6.00am: Hands & prisoners washed decks

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

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4 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 22.68, Long -23.12

am: Junior officers at classes

pm: Hands at rest

6.00pm: Evening Quarters & physical drill

11.30pm: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed 11 minutes

Number on sick list 8

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5 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 26.38, Long -21.45

6.00am: Hands & prisoners scrubbed & washed decks

am: Hands painting, varnishing etc

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Hands & prisoners physical drill

Number on sick list 8

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6 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 30.05, Long -19.58

6.00am: Hands & prisoners scrubbed & washed decks

am: Hands painting ship

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 10

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7 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 33.98, Long -17.47

5.30am: Station 1' astern "Crown of Galicia"

6.00am: Hands & prisoners wash decks

pm: Hands at rest

6.00pm: Station 1.5’ astern "Crown of Galicia"

Number on sick list 8

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8 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 38.17, Long -15.5

pm: Hands at rest

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9 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 41.6, Long -12.78

11.50am: Passed SS El Argentino bound South

pm: Hands at rest

[SS El Argentino, 6809 tons, was built in 1907 at the Fairfield’s Yard, Govan for the Neptune Steam Navigation Co. She hit a mine in 1916 and sank but without loss of life.]

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10 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 45.08, Long -10.25

9.00am: Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

7.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

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11 January 1915

St Vincent to UK

Lat 48.32, Long -6.73

4.00pm: Received orders to proceed to Liverpool

9.20pm: Wolf Rock N20E

11.32pm: Wolf Rock abeam N85E, 3'

Number on sick list 8

[Wolf Rock is off the Cornish Coast at Lat 49.95, Long -5.8.]

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12 January 1915

St Vincent to Liverpool

Lat 51.67, Long -5.93

12.13am: Longships N73E, distance 5'

3.06am: Seven Stones Light dipped, S23E

12.27pm: Smalls Light House abeam S70E, 8’

1.25pm: South Bishop Rock S67E, 12'

pm: Hands at rest

4.45pm: Bardsley Island N59E (T)

8.45pm: South Stack S70E, 6'

10.14pm: Skerries abeam, 5'

     Point Lynus S60E

Number on sick list 8

[Longships Lighthouse is at Lat 50.08, Long -5.73

Sevenstones Lightship is at Lat 50.07, Long -6.07. There are 71 named wrecks on the Sevenstones Reef and it is believed that more than 200 wrecks have occurred. The vessel is now fully automated but in 1915 was still manned with the crew having to climb the mast every morning to trim & refill the lamp.

Smalls Light House is in the Irish Sea, off the coast of Wales from St Davids at Lat 51.72, Long -5.67

Bishop Rock Lighthouse is off the Scilly Islands at Lat 49.87, Long -6.43

Bardsley Island is probably Bardsey Island off the coast of Wales at Lat 52.77, Long -4.8. It was a place of pilgrimmage for centuries and is now a nature reserve

South Stack Lighthouse is off the coast of Holyhead, Wales at Lat 53.3, Long -4.7.

Skerries Lighthouse is also off the coast of Holyhead at Lat 53.42, Long –4.61. It was the last privately owned lighthouse to be purchased by Trinity House who run the lights off the coast of England & Wales.

Point Lynas Lighthouse on Anglesea at Lat 53.62, Long -4.29. It was built by the Mersey Docks & Harbour Board but since 1973 has been run by Trinity House.]

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13 January 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.20am: Stopped & received pilot on board

1.55am: Great Ormes Head abeam, 10.5'

3.10am: Anchored & rang off engines

8.00am: Up anchor & proceeded into Mersey

8.43am: Examination

8.47am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

9.37am: Formby Light Vessel

11.00am: Anchored

     Received orders for Sandon Docks tonight

7.20pm: Anchors aweigh

8.50pm: Arrived in dock

11.20pm: Rang off engines & made fast fore & aft

Number on sick list 8

[Great Ormes Head is in Llandudno, Wales at Lat 53.37, Long -3.92

Sandon Dock at Lat 53.43, Long -3.00 has been filled in.]

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14 January 1915

Sandon Dock, Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.30am: Hands on short leave returned

     Started coaling

All day: Ship under repairs

1.00pm: Short leave given to part of watch

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15 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.00am: Hands turned to

7.30am: Hands on short leave returned

All day: Ship under repairs

11.00am: Port watch went on leave

1.00pm: Firemen paid off, short lave given to part of watch

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16 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

9.00am: Started to take in stores and ammunition for the Fleet

All day: Ship under repairs

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17 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

All day: Ship under repairs

3.00pm: Finished coaling

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18 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

All day: Ship under repairs

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19 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

am: Crew employed taking in stores & as requisite

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20 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.00am: Hands turned to, Carpenter, shipwrights etc employed variously

am: Two pistols were discovered missing from the armoury. Presumably stolen. This was reported to the Commanding Officer. Numbers 20112, 30393

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21 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.0 0am: Hands turned to. Men on short leave returned

am: Ship undergoing alterations & repairs

     Hands Employed taking in stores.

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22 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.00am: Hands turned to, getting up all ammunition to return to shore

9.30am: Leave granted to Starboard watch.

     Hands employed taking in stores for various ships

pm: Stores for various ships arriving on board throughout day & all stowed in No 5 hatch

8.00pm: 1st part of Port watch on short leave

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23 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

2.30pm: 2nd part of port watch on short leave

7.30pm: Commenced shifting ship to opposite side of dock

8.30pm: All fast, piped down.

Captain BS Evans RN held investigation into loss of the two Webley pistols reported lost on 20th January. Result of investigation was forwarded to the Admiralty. Official numbers of lost pistols 23112 & 30893. This loss was reported to Police on shore to investigate.

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24 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

1.00pm: Leave granted to 1st part of Port watch

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25 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

am: Hands employed taking in ammunition & clearing out store rooms

2.30pm: 2nd part of Port watch on leave, remainder of hands employed shifting ship

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26 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.00am: Hands turned to, clearing out storerooms

am: Shifted ship to South side of dock

Noon: ‘A’ watch (Officers) returned

1.00pm: 1st part of Port watch on leave

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27 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

11.30am: Shifted over to North side of dock

pm: Hands employed taking in stores in No 5 & as requisite

7.00pm: 2nd part of Port watch on leave

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28 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

am: Hands employed taking in stores & discharged “Vengeance’s” stores to depot

pm: Hands employed taking in ammunition to nos N2

     Two after gun mountings & starboard after gun in position

4.00pm: First part of Port watch on short leave

9.00pm: Finished taking in ammunition forward

[HMS Vengeance, 12,950 ton battleship, was launched in 1899 by Vickers. She served in the Dardanelles and was sold in 1921. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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29 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

9.30am: Starboard watch returned from leave

3.30pm: 2nd part of port watch on leave

5.00pm: Sent line from stern to “Bencrove” for heaving out in morning

[“Bencrove” may have been SS Bengrove, 3840 tons, built in 1910 by Craig, Taylor & Co Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees for Joseph Hoult & Co, Liverpool. She was torpedoed in March 1915 without loss of life.]

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30 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

9.00am: Hauled out stern from quay to allow Samson crane to come alongside to port

     Hands employed taking in ammunition & stores & as requisite

[According to a 1909 report on the Liverpool Docks, “Samson” was a floating barge crane able to lift up to 30 tons.]

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31 January 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.00am: Lieutenant Proctor RNR joined ship ex-“Vivid”

am: All guns mounted in position

Noon: Officers on leave returned

[HMS Vivid was the shore establishment at Devonport.]


[Pages for 1 & 2 February occur in 2 different volumes of logs, written in different hands. The data from the pages has been merged and the links for the pages moved to a single entry in the later volume.]

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1 February 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.00am: Hands turned to taking in stores

7.30am: Hands to breakfast

8.30am: Hands resume work

     Shore labourers refitting

Noon: All officers on leave returned

3.00pm: Tugs alongside, commenced to warp to dry dock

4.00pm: Made fast in dry dock

5.30pm: All fast in Brocklebank Graving Dock

6.00pm: Finished taking in stores

8.00pm: Mail closed

Number on sick list 5

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2 February 1915

Brocklebank Graving Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.00am: Hands turned to

7.30am: Breakfast piped

8.30am: Men turned to taking stores aboard

     Shore labourers refitting vessel

pm: Hands employed taking in stores (ice & general)

5.00pm: Finished taking in stores

Number on sick list 4

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3 February 1915

Brocklebank Graving Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

am: Taking in stores for HMS Carnarvon

6.15pm: Took on board 264 bags mail for various ships

6.30pm: Finished taking in stores for night

9.00pm: Round of ship made

Number on sick list 6

[HMS Carnarvon, 11,020 ton cruiser, was launched in 1903 by William Beardmore & Co, Dalmuir. She took part in the Battle of the Falklands and subsequent search for SMS Dresden. She was sold in 1921 and is part of the OW fleet.]

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4 February 1915

Brocklebank Graving Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

7.30am: Commenced to run up dock. Hands employed preparing to shift ship

9.00am: Clean guns, vessel afloat

9.30am: Proceeded out of dock, under tow, towards Sandon Basin

11.45am: All fast in Sandon Basin

pm: Hands taking in stores & as requisite

5.00pm: Finished taking in stores for the day

9.00am: Shore gangs working all night

Number on sick list 7

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5 February 1915

Sandon Basin

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

Midnight: Shore gang working at refit

pm: Hands taking in stores & as requisite

8.00pm: Finished taking in stores for night. Mail cleared & postman left for shore

Number on sick list 9

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6 February 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

pm: Hands taking in stores & stowing same in no V hatch

7.00pm: Finished taking in stores for the day

Number on sick list 8

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7 February 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

9.45am: Divisions. Exercised ‘Action’

pm: Hands employed securing fenders on ship’s side & preparing for ‘Darkening ship’

3.00pm: Ship open to visitors until 4.30pm

6.00pm: ‘All leave withdrawn’

8.00pm: Mail closed

Number on sick list 9

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8 February 1915

Sandon Dock

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

2.25am: Tugs made fast fore & aft

2.40am: Let go fore & aft & proceeded from berth, engines & helm to pilot’s orders

2.53am: Passed through inner dock gate

3.10am: Made fast on inner station

3.20am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed & opened for exercise

3.32am: Let go from inner basin & proceeded out of dock

3.40am: Passed through outer dock gates

4.00am: Anchored

6.00am: Shipping master left ship

1.32pm: Weighed & proceeded

2.35pm: Formby Light Vessel abeam

3.00pm: Pilot left

4.05pm: General Quarters, guns’ crews told off for night defence

5.20pm: Hands darken ship

5.40pm: No II warrant read

6.47pm: Skerries Light S14E, 10 miles distance

8.55pm: Carnarvon Light Vessel abeam, 11½ miles distant

Number on sick list 12

[Carnarvon Bay Light Vessel was situated off the coast of Wales at Lat 53.11, Long -4.72. It functioned from 1869 to 1925.]

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9 February 1915

At sea

Lat 50.2, Long -7.08

1.00am: Strumble Head Light S61E

     South Bishop Light S18E

     Tuskar Light N89W

2.00am: Tuskar Light abeam, 22’ distant

3.20am: Smalls Light abeam S60W, distance 10’

4.00am: Strong wind, rough sea, vessel shipping water forward

6.00am: Ship pitching to westerly sea & taking water forward

Noon: Vessel pitching to long westerly sea & swell, taking water forward

5.45pm: Darkened ship

6.00pm: Guns cleared away for night defences

11.35pm: Port engine stopped for gland slacking lock

11.40pm: Port engine full speed

Midnight: Vessel rolling heavily

Number on sick list 12

[Strumble Head Lighthouse is on the coast of Wales at Lat 52.02, Long -5.07

Tuskar Rock Lighthouse is off the coast of County Wexford, Ireland at Lat 52.2, Long -6.2.]

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10 February 1915

Liverpool to St Vincent

Lat 45.92, Long -10.42

8.00am: Rolling heavily to westerly swell

9.30am: Half speed for engine room purposes

9.37am: Crew employed as requisite, parties at gun drill, full speed

6.00pm: Ship rolling heavily to rough westerly swell

10.30pm: Engine Room Water Tight doors ordered to be closed

10.39pm: Reported closed, ordered re-opened

Number on sick list 14

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11 February 1915

Liverpool to St. Vincent

Lat 41.57, Long -13.38

2.25am: Engine Room Water Tight doors ordered to be closed

2.33am: Reported closed & re-opened

5.10am: ER WT doors ordered closed. Time taken 11 minutes

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Evening Quarters & exercised ‘Action’

5.30pm: Darken ship

Number on sick list 14.

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12 February 1915

Liverpool to St. Vincent

Lat 37.07, Long -15.72

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: ‘General Quarters’

Number on sick list 15

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13 February 1915

Liverpool to St. Vincent

Lat 32.52, Long -17.82

6.30am: Pargo Point, Madeira, South

9.50am: Sol Point S51E

     Exercised gun layers & sightsetters on steamer bound south showing Russian colours, SS "Frixos" of Ado Finland

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill, fire control

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 13

[Ponta do Pargo is on Madeira at Lat 32.8, Long -17.27

Ponta do Sol is on Madeira at Lat 32.67, Long -17.1

SS Frixos, 2447 tons, was built in 1888 as SS Hawkhurst by Richardson, Duck & Co Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees. After several changes of owner & name she became “Frixos” in 1914. She was torpedoed in 1917 with 20 casualties.]

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14 February 1915

Liverpool to St. Vincent

Lat 27.45, Long -20.3

pm: Hands at rest

6.30pm: Sighted steam ship

Number on sick list 13.

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15 February 1915

Liverpool to St Vincent

Lat 22.95, Long -22.45

9.00am: Divisions. Prayers. hand gun and squad drill

11.00am: Intercepted SS Newholm of Newcastle, warned re submarines in channel

     Stokers at physical drill

pm: Hands at rest

5.30pm: Exercised ‘Action’. Cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 11

[SS Newholm, 3399 tons, was built in 1899 by Swan & Hunter Ltd, Newcastle-on-Tyne for the Newcastle Steam Ship Co. She was torpedoed in 1917 with 20 casualties.]

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16 February 1915

Liverpool to St Vincent

Lat 17.92, Long -24.67

7.20am: Spoke SS Margam Abbey, Port Talbot to Rio Janeiro. Requested to be reported to Lloyds

am: 6" gun drill for officers

     Hands preparing ship for harbour

1.30pm: Sighted Pico de Cruz S33W (T)

pm: Hands at rest

4.46pm: Hands fell in for entering harbour

4.55pm: Anchored

5.37pm: Hove up anchor & shifted further ahead

5.50pm: Anchored

6.30pm: HMS Edinburgh Castle gig delivered 6 bags mails for HMS Highflyer

7.00pm: Captain Farie, HMS Marmora came on board

Number on sick list 10.

[SS Margam Abbey, 4471 tons, was built in 1907 by the Ropner Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees for Williams & Mordey Ltd, Cardiff. She was shelled & sunk by a U-boat in 1916 without loss of life.

Pico da Cruz is a mountain on Cape Verde at Lat 17.12, Long -25.03

HMS Marmora, 12,358 ton Armed Merchant Cruiser, was built in 1903 by Harland & Wolff for P&O. She became an Armed Merchant Cruiser on the outbreak of war and was torpedoed in 1918 with the loss of 10 men, she is part of the OW fleet.]

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17 February 1915

St. Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

5.30am: HMS Edinburgh Castle left harbour

6.30am: Hands turned to, coal lighters alongside

8.40am: HMS Marmora proceeded to sea

     Coaling from two lighters each side

9.30am: Captain Evans left ship

11.00am: Captain of Port boarded us

11.30am: Captain Evans returned

11.45am: Hove up anchor to shift berth, engines as required

12.33pm: Anchored

pm: Hands employed coaling

     Boys at squad drill

6.00pm: Finished coaling for night. Lighters cast off

8.40pm: Mail bag sent to RMSS Esmeralda for England

Number on sick list 12

[“Esmeralda” was probably SS Esmeraldas, 4491 tons, built in 1906 by James Laing & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co Ltd. She was captured by the German raider “Moewe” in 1917 & scuttled.]

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18 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

6.25am: Coal lighters arrived alongside

6.45am: Commenced coaling, hands employed as requisite

12.20pm: Finished coaling ship

     Hands scrubbed & washed down decks

5.00pm: Squally, fine & clear

8.30pm: Anchor bearings frequently checked

Number on sick list 12

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19 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

am: Clean ship & painting over side

     Youths’ squad rifle drill

Number on sick list 13

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20 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

am: Mails delivered to SS Tregantle for home

5.30pm: Stormy gale

6.30pm: Hoisted all boats, darkened ship, 2 guns’ crews standing by

9.30pm: Gale moderating

Number on sick list 10

[SS Tregantle, 3091 tons, was built in 1903 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields for the Hain Steamship Co. In 1916 she was torpedoed but managed to beach although she was declared a total loss. There was no loss of life.]

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21 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

9.45am: Divine Service held by Reverend Mr Payne

10.30am: Leave to officers

7.30pm: Partial darkened ship

Number on sick list 10

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22 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

6.30am: Hands scrubbed decks, blackened down

7.00am: Firemen under 25 physical drill

1.30pm: HMB Consul visited ship

3.00pm: Consul returned to shore

Number on sick list 7

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23 February 1915

At sea

Lat 17.0, Long -25.42

6.25am: Up anchor

6.35am: Signalled HMS Otranto

6.50am: Bird Island N77E, 1'

8.08am: South Point abeam, 2.5'

8.52am: Stop to drop target

9.50am: Launched target, found not sufficiently buoyant, proceeded to take target in & adjust same

10.50am: Relaunched target & proceeded to carry out firing SS Cisella spotting

11.05am: ‘Action’, fired 2 rounds from each gun

12.10pm: Target aboard, proceeded

1.00pm: Rounded South Point

3.08pm: Anchored

3.45pm: Captain Evans left in steam pinnace

5.25pm: SS Yorkmoor leaving we shifted billet, using engines & helm to Captain’s orders

Number on sick list 9

[HMS Otranto, 12,124 ton Armed Merchant Cruiser, was built in 1909 by Workman Clark & Co Ltd for the Orient Steam Navigation Co. She was involved in the Battle of Coronel and sank in 1918 while carrying American troops after a collision with HMS Kashmir. Some 431 men were lost. She is part of the OW fleet.

Bird Island is indexed as Ilheu dos Passaros, an islet off St Vincent, at Lat 16.92, Long -25.02

SS Cisella was probably SS Gisella, 2502 tons, built as SS Gisella Groedel in 1904 by William Gray & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool for SS Groedel Bros, London. She was renamed “Gisella” in 1914 and torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 3 men.

SS Yorkmoor, 4253 tons, was built in 1912 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shield for Walter Runciman & Co Ltd. In 1918 she ran aground & was wrecked.]

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24 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised fire control

     Hands cleaning boats & overhauling boat gear

     Squad rifle drill

pm: Hands employed same as forenoon

3.15pm: Masters of the following British steamers boarded & received instructions from Captain B S Evans RN: “Gisella”, “Roumanian Prince”, “Quantock”, “Richmond”, “Rosslyn”, “Tremorvah”, “Djerissa”

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, hoisted all boats

8.00pm: Partial darken ship

10.40pm: Received telegrams from shore

Number on sick list 8

[SS Roumanian Prince, 4147 ton tanker, was built in 1913 by the Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Willington for the Prince Line Ltd. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1918 and eventually sank in 1933.

SS Quantock, 4410 tons, was built in 1910 by W Doxford & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for Tatem Steam Navigation Co, Cardiff. She was sold in 1919 and eventually came to be called “Valverde” with Italian owners. In 1943 she was torpedoed by a German Motor Torpedo Boat.

SS Richmond was probably the ship of 3214 tons, built in 1904 by Napier & Miller, Yoker. She was shelled & sunk by a U-boat in July 1915.

SS Rosslyn, 3679 tons, was built in 1902 by Northumberland Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Howdon-on-Tyne for John Cory & Sons Ltd. In 1916 she ran aground & was wrecked.

SS Tremorvah, 3653 tons, was built in 1905 by John Readhead & Sons, South Shields for the Hain SS Co Ltd. She was shelled & sunk by a U-boat in 1917.

SS Djerissa, 3723 tons, was built in 1910 by William Gray & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool for the Strick Line Ltd. In 1927 she ran aground & was wrecked.]

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25 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

1.40am: PSN Co “Orissa” arrived

6.30am: Hands washed down & scrubbed hammocks

9.00am: Target party preparing to tow target to SS Gisella

10.30am: Control party exercised

     Gunnery & rifle class instruction

2.00pm: Instructional classes, physical & gun drill continued

     Whaler took party to SS Gisella to rig target

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, firemen squad drill

Number on sick list 7

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26 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

6.15am: Hoisted steam pinnace

6.20am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded to sea

6.25am: Sighted HMS Otranto entering port, exchanged signals

8.55am: Collier “Gisella” dropped target

9.20am: ‘Action’ & proceeded to calibrate starboard guns, afterwards carrying on salvo firing

12.25pm: ‘Secure’. SS Gisella proceeded to pick up target

12.30pm: Proceeded for St Vincent, shaping course to sight SS Djerissa in San Pedro Bay

2.30pm: Anchored

2.45pm: Proceeded to shift berth

3.15pm: Anchored

9.20pm: SS Gisella anchored

11.50pm: SS York Castle left

     SS Helmsman arrived

Number on sick list 7

[Baia de Sao Pedro is on St Vincent at Lat 16.82, Long -25.07

SS York Castle, 5517 tons, was built in 1901 for the Castle Line. She was sold & renamed in 1924

SS Helmsman may have been the store carrier of 458 tons, built in 1903 and in service from 1915 to 1919.]

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27 February 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

1.05am: HMS Laurentic entered harbour & anchored

2.40am: HMS Amphitrite arrived off the port & exchanged signals

3.00am: Steam pinnace left ship for cablegrams

6.00am: HMS Amphritite anchored

6.15am: Lieutenant Drew RNR boarded HMS Amphritite

6.45am: Amphitrite shifted berths

8.45am: Captain Evans left ship

     Hands scrubbing decks

     Junior officers loader drill

10.45am: HMS Laurentic shifted berth

10.50am: Captain returned from HMS Amphitrite

11.30am: Captain left ship for "Otranto"

pm: Hands make & mend

2.35pm: Captain Evans returned

8.30pm: Large two funnelled steamer passed from N to S

Number on sick list 7

[HMS Laurentic, 14,892 ton Armed Merchant Cruiser, was built in 1908 by Harland & Wolff for the White Star Line. She struck a mine in 1917 and sank with 354 casualties. She is part of the OW fleet.

HMS Amphitrite, 11,000 ton cruiser, was launched in 1898 by Vickers Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness. She was converted to a mine layer in 1917 & sold in 1920. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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[The morning entries are on the first page and the afternoon & evening entries on the second. The data has been amalgamated into one entry.]

28 February 1915

On patrol duty covering approaches to St Vincent

Lat 16.87, Long -25.48

7.53am: Weighed & proceeded

8.18am: Bird Island S80E, 2'

9.26am: Machado Point E, 1.¼ miles

11.00am: South Point N10E, 4'

pm: Hands at rest

8.00pm: Machado Light dipped S66E

Number on sick list 7 [on am list]

Number on sick list 10 [on pm list]

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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]


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1 March 1915

St Vincent

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

5.25am: Point Machado S70E (C)

9.15am: Anchored

9.45am: Received 4 cases ammunition from HMS Amphitrite all 3 1" aiming tubes & gear

12.06pm: Weighed & proceeded

1.27pm: Machado Light House East, 2.5 miles

2.20pm: Launched target & exercised ‘Action’

     Manoeuvred ship as required for firing 1” aiming rifles

4.34pm: Cease firing. ‘Stop’. Picked up target

5.30pm: Lowered steam pinnace, rehooked forward fall & rehoisted her again

5.45pm: Passed Portuguese SS Malange

6.45pm: Machado Light House abeam, 4'

Number on sick list 10

[SS Malange, 3544 tons, was built in 1890 by Scotts, Greenock for Empreza Nacional de Navegacao a Vapor, Lisbon. She was taken over by the Portuguese Navy in 1916 & renamed. She was scrapped in 1924.]

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2 March 1915

Off St Vincent

Lat 16.8, Long -25.2

9.15am: Dropped target, exercised ‘Action’, firing with 1” aiming

11.00am: Stop, secure, picked up target

11.10am: Set course for harbour

1.15pm: Anchored

2.30pm: Returned 3 1" aiming tubes to HMS Amphitrite

3.15pm: 7 breakers returned from SS Gisella

7.00pm: Sent mails by HMS "Otranto",. AP Coldwell & Assistant Sick Bay Abbott to "Laurentic" for "Highflyer"

8.10pm: HMS Otranto left harbour

8.45pm: HMS Laurentic left

Number on sick list 10

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3 March 1915

St. Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

7.30am: SS Ciudad de Monte Video anchored

am: Junior officers gun drill

All day: Hands employed painting aloft, scraping paint outside life boats & cleaning boats

Number on sick list 10.

[The only ship I can find at this time is the “Ciudad de Montevideo”, 3754 tons, launched in 1915 by Laird Bros, Birkenhead.]

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4 March 1915

St Vincent, Cape Verde

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

6.45am: SS Consols arrived

8.15am: SS Argo arrived, boarded by Officer of the Guard

8.53am: SS Venus departed

9.00am: SS Clan Macquarrie arrived & boarded

11.15am: SS Consols departed to North

11.30am: Junior officers gun drill

pm: Hands painting down boats etc, gun & squad drill

3.00pm: Officer of the Guard boarded SS Elfland

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, stokers physical drill

Number on sick list 11

[SS Consols, 3756 tons, was built in 1906 by William Pickersgill & Sons Ltd, Southwick as SS Shira. In 1913 she was bought & renamed by Fisher, Alimonda & Co. She was sunk by gunfire in Dec 1917 after being torpedoed. Three men died.

SS Argo may have been the cargo ship of 3071 tons, built in 1895 by William Gray & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool. She was torpedoed in 1917 without loss of life.

Venus is a popular name for ships but this one may have been SS Venus, 3152 tons, built in 1905 by William Gray & Co, West Hartlepool. She was renamed “Unkai Maru” in 1921 when sold to Japanese owners and eventually sunk in 1944 in a US air strike.

Clan Macquarrie, 6471 tons, was built in 1913 by Alexander Stephen & Sons Ltd, Glasgow for the Clan Line. She was sunk by shells from a U-boat in 1942 with 1 casualty.

The only “Elfland” I can find was renamed in 1914.]

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5 March 1915

St Vincent

Lat 16.95, Long -25.08

8.00am: Commenced coaling from lighters

8.40am: Officer of Guard boarded SS Junin

am: Crew employed holystoning boat decks, chipping ventilators, coaling proceeding throughout

Noon: SS Junin departed

12.15pm: SS Arechonde (Spanish) arrived from South

5.00pm: SS Arechonde & SS Elfland left bound North

6.37pm: Steam pinnace left for shore, all officers recalled

9.00pm: Received from HMS Amphitrite 40 bags mails & 3 loose packages

     Sent HMS Highflyer's stores to shore

11.00pm: Weighed & proceeded

11.20pm: Sighted Bird Island Light House S77E

Number on sick list 11

[SS Junin, 4536 tons, was built in 1907 for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. She was sold & renamed in 1926.

SS Arechondo, 2099 tons, was built in 1899 by Craig, Taylor & Co Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees for Uribe & Equiraun, Bilbao. She was sold & renamed in 1916 then ran aground & was wrecked in 1926.]

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6 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 14.23, Long -25.32

Midnight: Machado Point abeam, 2.5'

5.00am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 8 minutes

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’, changed steering position

5.20pm: Secured

Number on sick list 11

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7 March 1915

St Vincent to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat 9.13, Long -25.68

12.20am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 6 minutes

9.13-9.45am: Advised SS Inchmore that 3 submarines had been sunk in Channel by British merchantmen

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’, Evening Quarters

8.30pm: ER WT doors closed in 3½ minutes

Number on sick list 11

[SS Inchmoor, 3445 tons, was built in 1900 by Ropner & Sons, Stockton-on-Tees for the Moor Line. She was renamed in 1920 & scrapped in 1934.]

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8 March 1915

St Vincent to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat 3.88, Long -25.83

1.26am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 3½ minutes

4.19am: ER WT doors closed in 4 minutes

am: Hands cleaning ship, youths drill, junior officers classes

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Exercise ‘Action’, Evening Quarters, 'Abandon ship', told hands off ‘Collision stations’

Number on sick list 8

[All those drills with the water tight doors are paying off at last.]

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9 March 1915

St Vincent to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -1.12, Long -26.13

am: Hands employed scraping iron railings, teak woodwork & seamanship

     Youths’ squad drill

     Officers at loader

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: General Quarters

Number on sick list 10

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10 March 1915

St Vincent to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -6.17, Long -27.18

5.00am: Dawn. Guns crews closed up ready for action

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, exercised control parties

Number on sick list 11

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11 March 1915

St Vincent to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -10.48, Long -30.62

11.30am: Spoke SS Dowgate from River Plate to London

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, exercised control supply ammunition

Number on sick list 11

[SS Dowgate, 3111 tons, was built in 1904 by Richardson & Duck & Co, Stockton-on-Tees for the Dowgate Steamship Co. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1915. In 1941 she was torpedoed by an Italian U-boat while under Greek ownership.]

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12 March 1915

St Vincent & Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -14.28, Long -34.23

6.00pm: Dawn, guns crews closed up

am: Hands chipping & scraping bulwarks & rails

     Cleaning & painting boats

     Youths gun squad drill

     Junior officers classes

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Exercise ‘Action’, Evening Quarters, ‘Fire stations’

Number on sick list 11

Operations off South America 1915

JP map Macedonia South America 1915

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13 March 1915

St Vincent to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.02, Long -38.25

am: Saturday routine

     Lieutenant L Procter RNR: having been under the influence of liquor at 4.0am, this notation in the ship's log is placed on record against him [signed L Procter]

2.45pm: Abrolhos Light House N10E

4.20pm: Stopped & anchored

5.00pm: Captain Evans visited HMS Sydney

5.45pm: "Vindictive" cutter left with 30 bags mails

6.10pm: Captain Evans: returned

6.25pm: HMS Sydney received potatoes

Midnight: Fine cloudy weather, vivid lightning

Number on sick list 10

[HMS Sydney, 5400 ton cruiser, was launched in 1912 by the London & Glasgow Engineering & Iron Shipbuilding Co. She was victorious in a single ship action with SMS Emden & was scrapped in 1929. She is part of the OW fleet.

HMS Vindictive, 5750 ton cruiser, was launched in 1897 at Chatham Dockyard. She was badly damaged during the Zeebrugge raid in 1918 and sunk as a blockship outside Ostend in 1918. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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14 March 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.0, Long -38.7

9.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.20am: “British Transport” left

3.25pm: “Vindictive’s” cutter received papers & mails

6.00pm: Hands getting up & placing hawsers ready for collier

Number on sick list 10

[SS British Transport, 4143 tons, was built in 1910 for the Houlder Line. She rammed & sank a U-boat in 1917 and was scrapped in 1932.]

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15 March 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.0, Long -38.7

6.30am: Preparing for coaling

7.20am: Collier “Bampton” arrived alongside (Starboard), secured

8.30am: Hands coal ship & pass HMS Carnarvon's stores on board collier

9.00am: Received coal bags from SS Celtic

3.00pm: Finished discharging “Carnarvon's” stores

6.15pm: Hoisted whaler & cutter

6.30pm: Finished coaling for the night

11.30pm: Collier “Bampton” lying alongside quietly

Number on sick list 7

[SS Bampton, 4496 tons, was built in 1910 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Stockton-on-Tees. She was renamed for the first time in 1922 and, as SS Ninuccia, finally sunk by a British submarine in 1942.

SS Celtic, 20,904 ton liner, was launched in 1901 by Harland & Wolff, Belfast for the White Star Line. She became an Armed Merchant Cruiser 1914-16 and was then used for transporting troops. After the war she returned to civilian service. Two collisions later she ran aground in 1928 and was wrecked. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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16 March 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.0, Long -38.7

6.00am: Hands coal ship

10.00am: Finished coaling from collier, SS Bampton left for anchorage to NW

1.10pm: Delivered 3 bags mails to "Edinburgh Castle"

1.30pm: Stores to HMS Sydney

2.15pm: Captain Evans visited Flagship "Vindictive"

     Hands scrub & clean ship

Number on sick list 9

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17 March 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.0, Long -38.7

4.45am: SS Fullerton weighed & left

6.15am: HMS Sydney left

6.18am: Captain of HMS Celtic boarded

6.30am: Captain of HMS Celtic left

     Hands clearing coal & passing coal from no 2

2.00pm: Received from SS Impoco 12 gallons fuel oil

3.30pm: Captain of HMS Celtic visited

5.00pm: SS Ceara (Brazilian) passed South

Number on sick list 9

[SS Fullerton, 2811 tons, was built in 1912 by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co, Middlesbrough for Denaby & Cadeby Main Collieries Ltd, Hull. She was renamed for the first time in 1924 and was scrapped in 1959.

SS Ceara, 3324 tons, was built for Brazil Lloyd in 1907. She was renamed in 1927 and scrapped in 1962.]

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18 March 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.0, Long -38.7

All day: Hands passing coal from no 2 to bunkers

7.00pm: Dispatched 3 armourers to “Celtic” for “Carmania”

10.00pm: Pinnace from HMS Vindictive received mails

Number on sick list 9

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19 March 1915

At sea

Lat -18.63, Long -37.82

5.57am: Anchor aweigh, helm & engines as required to turn ship

9.00am: Sighted “Edinburgh Castle”

11.15am: “Sydney” bearing Red 67º

am: Hands employed coaling & cleaning ship

12.28pm: Captain Evans: boarded Flagship HMS Sydney

1.00pm: Captain returned hoisted whaler

3.30pm: “Macedonia” in station, E 24' from Flagship

5.30pm: Course & speed altered to examine passing steamers

9.00pm: Darkened ship

     Guns’ crews closed up for exercise

Number on sick list 11

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20 March 1915

At sea

Lat -21.18, Long -38.93

4.00am: Continuous rain squalls, clear & cloudy weather

5.30am: Dawn, guns’ crews closed up ready for instant action

6.30am: Coaling party shifting coal & as requisite

am: Junior officers at lecture

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’, Evening Quarters

Number on sick list 12

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21 March 1915

At sea

Lat -24.45, Long -40.98

5.30am: Dawn, guns’ crews closed up ready for instant action

9.30am: Divisions, Captain’s inspection, Divine Service

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Evening Quarters & General Quarters

Number on sick list 10

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22 March 1915

At sea

Lat -27.12, Long -42.87

am: Hands scrubbed decks, coal ship & variously

pm: Hands at rest

5.20pm: Read warrant no 3, Articles of War

Number on sick list 6

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23 March 1915

At sea

Lat -29.65, Long -44.97

3.30am: Observed steamer's lights, altered course to ascertain particulars

5.45am: Found steamer to be SS Runswick of London, San Nicolas to Las Palmas

     Resumed course

8.45am: Altered course to ascertain steamer sighted, SS John H Barry, Whitby

9.25am: Proceeded

am: Physical drill & training classes

pm: Hands washing clothes & scrubbing hammocks

5.00pm: Evening quarters, exercised control parties

Number on sick list 6

[SS Runswick, 3060 tons, was built in 1904 by William Gray & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool. She was torpedoed and sank without loss of life in 1918

SS John H Barry, 3083 tons, was built in 1899 by Joseph L Thompson & Sons, Sunderland for the Rowland & Marwood Steam Ship Co Ltd. She was torpedoed in 1918 with 3 casualties.]

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24 March 1915

At sea

Lat -32.57, Long -46.47

5.30am: Dawn. Guns’ crews control & SL [Searchlight or Special Lookout?] parties closed up

am: Hands employed as requisite, junior officers lecture

2.45am: Increased revolutions & altered course to intercept sail S5W

pm: Hands at rest

5.10pm: Spoke Norwegian Barque “Charles Racine”, Port Nolloth, South Africa to Buenos Ayres

10.30pm: Closed Engine Room Water Tight doors (5 minutes)

Number on sick list 7

[SV Charles Racine, 2652 tons, was built in 1892 by John Blumer & Co, Sunderland. She was damaged in a storm in 1921 and broken up in 1923. Her major claim to fame is the voyage where her crew included the playwright Eugene O’Neill. He used the experience in several of his plays.]

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25 March 1915

At sea

Lat -35.62, Long -48.43

12.30am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 6 minutes

4.28am: ER WT doors closed in 4 minutes & re-opened

am: Hands rifle & physical drill

pm: Hands at rest

     Guns’ crews closed up during thick intervals [It was misty]

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, hands squad drill

Number on sick list 8

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26 March 1915

At sea

Lat -36.3, Long -51.57

am: Squad rifle drill

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, youths physical drill, firemen exercised at fire stations

Number on sick list 7

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27 March 1915

At sea

Lat -35.42, Long -54.5

10.30am: Sighted: HMS Sydney

pm: Hands at rest

1.30pm: “Edinburgh Castle”, ordered by Admiral to proceed sweeping with “Edinburgh Castle”

4.30pm: Made rendezvous & proceeded

6.45pm: “Edinburgh Castle” in station 30' due E

Number on sick list 7

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28 March 1915

At Sea

Lat -38.82, Long -53.27

10.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

Noon: Ship pitching & shipping water forward

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Cloudy & fine ship pitching heavily at times & shipping water forward

5.00pm: Exercise ‘Action’ & Evening Quarters

Number on sick list 7

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29 March 1915

At sea

Lat -42.88, Long -51.38

am: Hands squad & rifle drill, seamanship classes etc

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

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30 March 1915

At sea

Lat -38.08, Long -51.23

am: Hands to drill & variously

Number on sick list 6

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[The forenoon part of the log is in the volume containing the March logs, the later part is in the April volume. The two pages have been amalgamated into a single entry.]

31 March 1915

At sea

Lat -34.02, Long -51.67

am: Hands at instruction, seamanship & gunnery, physical drill etc

pm: Hands at rest

3.15pm: Sighted HMS Edinburgh Castle

4.20pm: Closed “Sydney”, made pendants

Number on sick list 8

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1 April 1915

At sea

Lat -32.07, Long -50.68

1.00am: Spoke SS Glenmorag of Glasgow, Oran to Buenos Aires

1.25am: Altered course to intercept SS Nyanza of Glasgow from Greenock

2.00-8.00am: Sounded every hour

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Exercise ‘Action’, physical drill, Evening Quarters

Number on sick list 7

[SS Glenmorag, 3535 tons, was built in 1906 by A Rodger & Co, Port Glasgow for the Glenmorag Steamship Co, Glasgow. She was sold & renamed in 1932 and scrapped in 1935.

SS Nyanza, 6695 tons, was built in 1906 by Caird & Co, Greenock for the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. She was scrapped in 1927.]

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2 April 1915

At sea

Lat -28.42, Long -48.58

4.00-6.00am: Sounding every hour

10.50am: Observed steamship, altered course to intercept

11.15am: Steamship turned away

11.40am: Fired blank charge

11.50am: Steamship stop. Hoisted French colours, SS Sequana of Bordeaux

Noon: Lowered seaboat, despatched Midshipman Millar to SS Sequana

12.20pm: Boat returned & hoisted, instructed “Sequana” to proceed

12.54pm: Tacami abeam

7.23pm: Arvoredo Island Light House abeam, 1½ miles

Number on sick list 7.

[SS Sequana, 5557 tons, was built as SS City of Corinth in 1898 by Workman Clark, Belfast. She was sold & renamed in 1912 and torpedoed in 1917 with 205 casualties.

Ilha Tacami is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -28.35, Long -48.6

Ilha do Arvoredo Lighthouse is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -27.3, Long -48.35.]

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3 April 1915

At sea

Lat -27.43, Long -46.68

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

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4 April 1915

At sea

Lat -26.17, Long -45.28

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.40am: Spoke SS Ruahine bound North

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

[SS Ruahine, 10,758 tons, was built in 1909 by William Denny & Bros, Dumbarton for the New Zealand Shipping Co. She was sold in 1949 & renamed “Auriga” then scrapped in 1957.]

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5 April 1915

At sea

Lat -24.28, Long -42.42

am: Hands employed as requisite. Training classes proceeding

     Domestics at physical drill

2.55pm: Sighted collier

pm: Hands at rest

5.05pm: Stopped engines to dispatch our mails to Flagship HMS Sydney & receive official documents

     Lowered whaler

5.20pm: Hoisted whaler, proceeded

Number on sick list 6

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6 April 1915

At sea

Lat -22.8, Long -39.85

11.00am: Domestics at physical drill

1.00pm: SS Dagmar (Swedish) passed bound South

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.45pm: Observed land N45W

Number on sick list 6

[SS Dagmar, could have been the ship of1142 tons, which was built in 1908 by Akers Mekaniske Verksted A/S Oslo for Rederi A/B Union, Stockholm. She foundered and was sunk in 1926.]

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7 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

5.45am: Sighted Albrohas Light N36E

6.40am: Altered course & speed as requisite to get alongside collier “Richmond”

9.25am: HMS Edinburgh Castle arrived

9.40am: Commenced coaling, HMS Carnarvon shifted berths

1.20pm: Collier “Bampton” arrived alongside to port, commenced coaling from her

8.00pm: Ceased coaling for day

9.10pm: Collier “Bampton” cast off

10.00pm: Collier “Richmond” cast off

Number on sick list 7

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8 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

6.30am: Collier “Bampton” arrived alongside resumed coaling from her

7.45am: “Sydney” & “Glasgow” arrived with Collier “Fullerton”

8.40am: Collier “Thornhill” anchored

11.00am: Captain Evans: boarded HMS Carnarvon

12.30pm: Captain returned

3.00pm: Captain Mellor RMLI joined for passage

6.45pm: Ceased coaling

7.25pm: “Bampton” cast off & proceed to anchor

11.00pm: Weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list 8

[SS Thornhill, 3848 tons, was built in 1911 by Short Bros Ltd, Sunderland. In 1917 she was damaged by a torpedo with the loss of 1 life while acting as a ;Q’ ship. Her crew managed to beach her and she was repaired, survived WW2 and was finally scrapped in 1960.]

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9 April 1915

At sea

Lat -16.08, Long -37.62

12.25am: Abrolhos Light N

1.35am: Abrolhos Light N25W

3.33am: Abrolhos Light N87W

6.45am: Taking close order astern of “Sydney” 1m

pm: Hands at rest

8.00pm: Turned ship round to intercept SS Wascana

10.30pm: Closed Engine Room Water Tight door in 15 minutes

Number on sick list 11

[SS Wascana, 4970 tons, was built in 1913 by Sir Raylton Dixon & Co Ltd, Middlesbrough. She was renamed “Ingerseks” in 1934 and sunk in an air raid in 1945.]

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10 April 1915

At sea

Lat -11.57, Long -35.88

4.00am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed 5 minutes

6.00am: Dawn. Guns’ crews closed up

11.45am: Observed sailing ship

1.00pm: Intercepted Norwegian barque steering South, “Deveron” of Kragero for Bahia

9.40pm: Maceai town loom N68W

Number on sick list 11

[SV Deveron, 1323 tons, was built in 1875 by Robert Steele & Co, Greenock. At this time she was owned by CA Larssen, Kragero. In 1917 she was torpedoed with the loss of 4 men.

Maceai town may refer to the city of Maceio in Brazil at Lat -9.67, Long -35.73.]

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11 April 1915

At sea

Lat -7.08, Long -34.08

3.00am: Soundings taken every ½ hour

4.34am: Cape Agostinho Light abeam

5.30am: Turned ship round to examine strange steamship

7.10am: Intercepted SS Huron London, bound South

9.45am: HMS Vindictive bearing G 70º, courses various to resume station

11.15am: “Vindictive” crossed ahead to take up station on our port beam

7.30pm: Flagship S80E

Number on sick list 11

[SS Huron, 2949 tons, was built in 1902 for the Clyde Line. She was scrapped in 1932.]

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12 April 1915

At sea

Lat -2.65, Long -35.22

4.04am: Observed HMS Liverpool: 25º G, altered course to intercept

am: Training classes at gunnery & seamanship, & physical drill. Hands variously employed

2.00pm: HMS Sydney right ahead, distance 10 miles

Number on sick list 7

[HMS Liverpool, 4800 ton cruiser, was launched in 1909 by Vickers Ltd. She took part in the Battle of Heligoland Bight and was scrapped in 1921. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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13 April 1915

At sea

Lat 1.03, Long -35.6

6.00am: Courses & speeds altered to remain in station astern HMS Sydney

7.00am: “Vindictive” S10E, 10 miles

am: Hands employed as requisite

     Training & physical classes proceeding

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

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14 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks to Rocas

Lat -0.3, Long -34.4

1.15am: Flagship using navigation lights observed steering South, turned ship on port helm

9.45am: ‘A’ Watch firemen at physical drill

Noon: Station 5 cables abeam of HMS Sydney

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

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15 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks to Rocas

Lat -2.38, Long -33.8

7.00am: Hands scrubbed decks, washing blankets

am: ‘B’ Watch firemen physical drill

     Junior officers at lecture

3.00pm: Received orders to anchor NW 2 cables from “Glasgow”

3.40pm: Anchored

5.10pm: Commenced to send stores to “Glasgow”

5.20pm: “Laurentic” left

7.10pm: Last of light stores despatched

7.25pm: “Liverpool” anchored

9.30pm: HMS Celtic left

10.55pm: HMS Gloucester anchored

Number on sick list 9

[Rocas Atoll is west of the Fernando Noronha archipelago and is now a nature reserve.

HMS Gloucester, 4800 ton cruiser, was launched in1909 by William Beardmore & Co. She fought in the Battle of Jutland & is part of the OW fleet.]

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16 April 1915

Rocas Island

Lat -4.4, Long -34.6

7.20am: HMS Vindictive & Edinburgh Castle anchored

9.30am: Captain Evans: visited Flagship

10.10am: Admiral’s flag transferred from HMS Sydney to “Liverpool”

10.30am: Transferred Captain Mellar, one Marine, one 3rd Writer to HMS Gloucester

12.05pm: Captain returned from flagship, hoisted whaler

12.10pm: HMS Liverpool & Gloucester left

12.40pm: :HMS Sydney left

1.01pm: HMS Vindictive left

3.42pm: Weighed & proceeded, station 1 mile on HMS Glasgow’s starboard beam, “Edinburgh Castle” same distance to port

Number on sick list 9

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17 April 1915

Rocas Island to Pernambuco

Lat -7.35, Long -34.45

     Keeping station on HMS Glasgow

pm: Hands at rest

5.45pm: Cable officers. Course & speed as requisite for anchoring

6.00pm: Anchored

6.45pm: Cutter left for “Glasgow” with 350lb beef

Number on sick list 6

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18 April 1915


Lat -8.3, Long -34.5

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.30am: Discharged to HMS Glasgow, 336lbs ice

3.00pm: Dutch SS Runland sailed, bound South

5.45pm: Cable officers

6.00pm: Anchor up, ordered to take station 4 cables astern

8.00pm: Cape Argostina abeam 9’

10.15pm: Altered course to intercept steamer

10.45pm: Name SS Poseidon of Amsterdam

Number on sick list 5

[SS Runland is probably SS Rijnland, 4170 tons, built in 1900 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow. She was scrapped in 1933.

Cape Argostina is probably Cabo de Santo Agostinho in Brazil at Lat -8.29, Long -35.04. The 8pm position of the ship is given as Lat -8.5, Long -34.82 and the hill is somewhat inland.

SS Poseidon, 1909 tons, was built in 1914 for the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij. In 1918 - 1919 she was requisitioned by U.S. Government. In 1942 she was scuttled at Tjilatjap to avoid capture by Japanese, 1943 raised by Japanese renamed Hosei Maru”. In 1945 she was shelled and sunk by a Dutch submarine.]

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19 April 1915

Pernambuco to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -11.1, Long -35.45

am: Hands cleaning & painting boats

     Junior officers lecture

12.40pm: Greek Steamer passed, bound North

2.30pm: Officers of Watches inspected & checked arms kits in their divisions

3.20pm: Observed HMS Carnarvon ahead

4.08pm: Carnarvon’s cutter received 5 cases

5.00pm: Evening Quarters & physical drill

     Warrant no 4 read

Number on sick list 5

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20 April 1915

Pernambuco to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -15.08, Long -35.98

am: One prisoner in cells

     In company with “Glasgow”

     Firemen & domestics at physical drill

     Training class at signalling, seamanship instruction

pm: Hands chipping, painting & preparing to coal ship

5.00pm: Evening Quarters. Physical drill

     Hands scrub & wash clothes

9.30pm: Rounds & cell visited

Number on sick list 5

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21 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

     Rounds correct, cell visited

5.55am: Observed Abrolhos Light N79W

7.15am: Abrolhos Light House abeam, 18’, turned together taking station abeam of “Glasgow” 4 cables

9.30am: Anchored

Noon: Collier “British Transport” fast alongside to port

1.00pm: Commenced coaling

2.30pm: HMS Edinburgh Castle arrived

6.30pm: Colliers “Fullarton”, “Djerissa” & “Gisella” arrived

7.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

9.00pm: Rounds & cell correct

Number on sick list 6

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22 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

6.00am: Resumed coaling from “British Transport”

7.10am: Collier “Richmond” fast alongside starboard, commenced at once to coal from her

2.00pm: Brazilian SS Maranhoe passed North

7.00pm: Finished coaling for the night

11.00pm: Steam pinnace left with Captain Luce - HMS Glasgow

Number on sick list 7

[SS Maranhoe was SS Maranhao, 1916 tons, was built in 1887 by J&G Thomson, Clydebank. She was scrapped in 1923.]

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23 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

     Rounds correct, cell visited

6.30am: Resumed coaling from colliers “Richmond” & “Bristol”

10.30am: Finished coaling from “British Transport”

12.15pm: “British Transport” cast off and proceeded to anchor

1.30pm: “Richmond” completed her discharge, shifted to billet as ordered by “Glasgow” to effect repairs to a brass pipe before sailing for St Lucia

5.08pm: Weighed, courses & speeds as requisite

5.55pm: Alongside AMC "Celtic"

10.00pm: Rounds correct, cell visited

Number on sick list 8

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24 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

     Rounds correct, cell visited

6.30am: Turned to, preparing ship for working stores

7.40am: “Richmond:” weighed & left

7.45am: Commenced discharge of stores from No 5 hold

am: Hands employed discharging stores & ammunition to HMS Celtic

11.00am: Captains of “Macedonia” & “Celtic” left for "Glasgow" in “Celtic” pinnace

12.45pm: Captain Evans: returned & left in steam pinnace for HMS Vindictive

pm: Hands discharging stores to “Celtic” & receiving stores from her

9.00pm: Stopped work for supper

9.30pm: Resumed same

10.30am: Finished working stores

Number on sick list 8

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25 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks & at sea

Lat -18.42, Long -38.92

1.30am: Disturbance among seamen on forward mess deck, same seen to & quelled, necessary sentries posted

     Frequent rounds visited

6.30am: Hands fall in

     Hands working shipping stores & washing down

10.00am: Let go from HMS Celtic & proceeded

pm: Duty part of watch stowing engine room stores in no 5 hold

     Hands at rest

5.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’, cleared away for Night Defences

6.45pm: Altered course to intercept, signalled ‘which ship’ & received reply "Greek"

7.30pm: Resumed course

11.00pm: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 8½ minutes

Number on sick list 10

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26 April 1915

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -21.15, Long -40.33

12.30am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed 5 minutes

6.00am: ER WT doors closed 5 minutes

8.28am: SS Araguary (Brazilian) passed, bound North

5.15pm: Evening Quarters, warrants nos 5, 6, 7 & 9 read

6.30pm: Observed Cape Frio S80W

Number on sick list 10

[I have been unable to identify a Brazilian SS Araguay or Araguary, there was however a Royal Mail Ship “Araguaya” who was sailing in the area in this period.]

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27 April 1915

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.5, Long -43.2

1.15pm: Negra Point N64W

     CapeFrio Light N70E

7.20am: Raza N true

9.05am: Redondo: Island abeam, 3'

9.15am: Raza Island abeam, 1¾'

10.15am: Anchored

1.20pm: Captain Evans returned from Brazilian Battleship "Minas Geraes

2.00pm: Steam pinnace left with officers for shore leave

3.00pm: Waterboat cast off

3.30pm: Finished discharging stores to HMS Bristol

4.30pm: Receiving stores and water

6.20pm: Water boat left

7. 30pm: Large water boat alongside

     Taking in water throughout

Number on sick list 9

[Ponta Negra is at Lat -22.97, Long -42.7

Cabo Frio Lighthouse is at Lat -23.02, Long -42.0

Ilha Redonda is at Lat -23.07, Long -43.19

Ilha Rasa is at Lat -25.07, Long -43.15

Minas Geraes”, 19,281 tons, was a Brazilian battleship and launched by Armstrong Whitworth in 1908. She was scrapped in 1954.]

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28 April 1915

Rio de Janeiro to sea

Lat -23.53, Long -43.4

     Rounds & cells visited

7.40am: 1st whaler returned from "Bristol"

9.20am: Weighed & proceeded

10.40am: Raza Light House N56W, 3'

pm: 2nd part port watch working stores in saloon

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

9.30pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 6

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29 April 1915

At sea

Lat -27.67, Long -46.37

     Rounds & cells correct

9.30am: Divisions. Cleared lower deck, search party searched ship for pillaged stores

pm: Hands employed painting promenade deck, working stores in saloon & as requisite

3.00pm: Spoke SS Giulio Cedare (Italian) bound N

9.00pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 6

30 April is duplicated

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[The morning entries are on the first page and the afternoon & evening entries on the second. The data has been amalgamated into one entry.]

30 April 1915

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -31.67, Long -50.25

     Rounds & cells visited

     Fine clear & cloudy weather, sheet lightning to Eastward

4.30am: Sighted SS Amstelland from Amsterdam

6.30am: Hands scrubbed decks, working stores out of saloon

am: Hands employed chipping & as requisite

5.10pm: Read warrants 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14

     Exercised ‘Action’ & connected up after steering gear

10.00pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 7 [am log page]

Number on sick list 8 [pm log page]

[SS Amstelland, 5404 tons, was built in 1900 by Russell & Co, Greenock for Royal Holland Lloyd. In 1917 she was torpedoed without loss of life.]

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[The above pages are cover pages or blank.]


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1 May 1915

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -34.67, Long -53.9

     Sounded at ½ hourly intervals throughout watch

     Rounds & cells visited

10.00am: Cape Polonio Light House N81W

2.12pm,: Cape Santa Maria abeam, 8 miles

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

11.45pm: Lobos Island Light abeam, 4½’

     Rounds & cells correct

     Ship’s position frequently checked by cross bearings

Number on sick list 8

[Cabo Polonio Lighthouse is in Uruguay at Lat -34.41, Long -53.78

Cabo de Santa Maria is at Lat -43.67, Long -54.17

Isla de Lobos Lighthouse is in Uruguay at Lat -35.02, Long -52.98.]

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2 May 1915

English Bank

Lat -35.2, Long -55.92

     Rounds & cells correct

2.30am: Punta Negra abeam, 10’

6.05am: Punta Negra N10E, 8’

9.48am: Flores Light House N80W

     Sierra de Animas N41E

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.20am: SS Highcliffe passed for East

12.15pm: Anchored

1.00pm: Sighted HMS Glasgow coming from westward

2.10pm: “Glasgow” anchored

2.20pm: Captain Evans left ship in 2nd whaler

2.45pm: Received 5 bags mail & 2 cases

5.00pm: Captain Evans returned

8.30pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 8

[Punta Negra is in Uruguay at Lat -34.89, Long -55.22

Isla de Flores is in Uruguay at Lat -34.95, Long -55.93

Sierra de las Animas is a hill range whose highest point is Cerro de las Animas

SS Highcliffe, 3238 tons, was built in 1909 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields. In 1918 she was torpedoed with the loss of 1 man.]

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3 May 1915

English Bank

Lat -35.03, Long -55.55

     Rounds & cells visited

6.00am: Collier “Thornhill” arrived & anchored

9.25am: Weighed & proceeded

6.40pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

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4 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.75

     Rounds & cells correct

9.10am: Weighed & proceeded on patrol

10.00am: Altered course to intercept steamer

6.40pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

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5 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.05, Long -55.63 [the log-keeper mistakenly had noted a latitude of 33°03'N]

     Rounds correct, cells visited

am: 1st & 2nd cutters & 2nd whaler away

     Seamanship training class

     Exercised boat pulling etc

     Remainder hands painted ship

12.10pm: Weighed & proceeded

3.30pm: Altered course to intercept steamer

4.05pm: Stopped. RMSP Deseado

4.50pm: Proceeded, course as requisite

5.30pm: Sighted HMS Glasgow

7.01pm: Anchored, 3 cables on Glasgow's port beam

8.25pm: HMS Glasgow's cutter left with 900 lbs fresh beef

11.30pm: Rounds & cells correct

     Clear & cloudy, lightning

Number on sick list 8

[SS Deseado, 11,475 tons was built in 1911 for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. She was scrapped in 1934.]

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6 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.05, Long -56.1

3.00am: Squally accompanied with vivid thunder & lightning

4.30am: Rounds & cells correct

9.35am: Cutter from “Glasgow” with mails

9.55am: Cutter left with 5cwt ice

10.25am: “Glasgow” weighed & proceeded

am: Training classes seamanship & physical drill etc

12.25pm: Weighed & proceeded

3.40pm: Received pratique

4.05pm: Vice Consul came on board

4.20pm: Captain Evans: & officers left for the shore in tugboat with Vice Consul

11.30pm: Rounds & cells correct

Number on sick list 8

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7 May 1915

Place: Monte Video

Lat -34.9, Long -56.2

1.45am: Captain Evans: & officers returned

5.00am: Spanish mail steamer anchored

10.00am: Captain Evans: left ship for shore

12.20pm: Tug with provisions arrived

1.45pm: Captain returned, finished receiving provisions

2.45pm: Contractor left with mails

2.50pm: Weighed & proceeded

5.47pm: Flores Island abeam 2½’

7.00pm: Stopped & anchored

10.00pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dadf: ( 53-47698-007_1.jpg)

8 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.4

     Rounds & cells correct

9.10am: Anchor stations, hove up, proceeded

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill, HMS Glasgow bearing Red 5º

6.30pm: Course & speed as requisite for anchorage

7.15pm: Anchored 1000yds from “Glasgow”

7.30pm: Cutter from “Glasgow” alongside for provisions

10.30pm: Rounds & cells correct

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae0: ( 53-47698-008_0.jpg)

9 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.13, Long -56.2

     Rounds & cells correct

9.25am: Captain Evans left in 2nd whaler for HMS Glasgow

10.00am: Divisions & Prayers conducted by Captain

10.43am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

11.50am: Passed Argentine Man o’war at anchor

1.50pm: Recalada Light Vessel 2', observed collier “Thornhill” Red 50º

5.30pm: Stopped & anchored

10.00pm: Rounds & cells correct

Number on sick list 10

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae1: ( 53-47698-008_1.jpg)

10 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.53, Long -56.27

     Rounds & cells correct

6.30am: Hands passing coal to no 3 hold

am: Hands scrubbing ship’s side from 1st & 2nd cutters, shifting coal & as requisite

11.45am: “Thornhill” shifted anchor billet to close

3.00pm: Hoisted 1st & 2nd whalers

4.50pm: Watch fell in to secure collier “Thornhill”

5.20pm: Collier fast alongside to port

Number on sick list 10

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae2: ( 53-47698-009_0.jpg)

11 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.3

     Collier “Thornhill” lying quiet alongside

6.30am: Commenced coaling

Noon: 269 tons shipped

6.30pm: Cease coaling, collier “Thornhill” cast off & anchored 4 cable NW

8.00pm: SS Prikismos (Greek): passed bound South

     Hands cleared up decks

Number on sick list 9

[SS Prikismos possibly SS Prikonisos, 3537 tons built in 1914 by William Gray & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool for Pandelis Bros, Piraeus. In 1917 she was sunk by gunfire from a U-boat with 4 casualties.]

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae3: ( 53-47698-009_1.jpg)

12 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.35, Long -56.32

am: Hands scrubbing & cleaning ship

9.28am: Weighed & proceeded

3.00pm: Observed HMS Glasgow Red 40º

3.40pm: Stopped & anchored

5.20pm: Cutter from “Glasgow” alongside for stores etc

7.36pm: Captain Evans visited HMS Glasgow

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae4: ( 53-47698-010_0.jpg)

13 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.53, Long -55.9

9.25am: Weighed & proceeded

11.00-11.30am: Domestics physical drill

     Junior officers lecture

     Able Seamen for instruction in chain sounding

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

6.40pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae5: ( 53-47698-010_1.jpg)

14 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.1, Long -55.37

6.30am: Hands scrubbing deck, clean ship

     Overhauled starboard cable paying same out to end. Cleaned cable locker out

11.20am: Weighed & proceeded

1.00pm: SS Saicelis bound West

4.20pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

[I have been unable to trace SS Saicelis.]

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae6: ( 53-47698-011_0.jpg)

15 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -34.98, Long -55.17

9.15am: Seamanship classes, boat pulling, clean ship

11.10am: Hoisted cutters

11.40am: Weighed & proceeded

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

4.10pm: HMS Glasgow Red 10º

5.00pm: Altered course for anchor billet

5.35pm: Anchored

6.25pm: “Glasgow's” cutter left with stores

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae7: ( 53-47698-011_1.jpg)

16 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.6

9.30am: Up anchor, slow ahead

10.00am: Captain’s Inspection & Divine Service

1.30pm: Hands piped down

5.15pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 10

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae8: ( 53-47698-012_0.jpg)

17 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.15, Long -53.45

9.00am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

9.30am: Divisions. ‘Action’

10.00am: Secure

11.00-11.30am: Seamen navigation class

     Domestics physical drill

3.00pm: Moore RMLI put under arrest being found under influence of liquor

5.10pm: Stopped. Anchored

6.30pm: Moores released

Number on sick list 10

4caf87fdcadfd3419701dae9: ( 53-47698-012_1.jpg)

18 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.52, Long -55.72

9.30am: Anchor up, half speed

am: Hands painting ship etc

1.40pm: Sighted SS Thornhill Green 30º

2.40pm: Gunlayers, Sight Setters exercised

2.45pm: Sighted HMS Glasgow, Green 60º

3.57pm: Anchored

4.00pm: Evening Quarters

     Hung up all washed hammocks on boat deck

     Supplied SS Thornhill with fresh beef

10.20pm: Captain Evans returned from HMS Glasgow

Number on sick list 11

4caf87fdcadfd3419701daea: ( 53-47698-013_0.jpg)

19 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.46, Long -55.73

9.25am: Anchor aweigh, half speed

9.30am: Divisions, read warrant no 15

     Domestics at physical drill

11.00am: Made advance payment to hands

2.30pm: Sighted Lobos Light House N79E, 22'

4.12pm: Anchored

5.00pm: Officers ashore on leave

7.20pm: 2nd cutter returned with officers

11.15pm: Officers returned from shore

Number on sick list 12

4caf87fdcadfd3419701daeb: ( 53-47698-013_1.jpg)

20 May 1915


Lat -34.67, Long -54.95

9.30am: Steam Pinnace left with officers on leave

     1st & 2nd cutters to load sand

11.30am: Cutters returned & hoisted

3.30pm: Officers returned from shore, Steam pinnace hoisted

3.45pm: Weighed & proceeded

4.10pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.26pm: Punta Negra Light abeam, 4.5'

6.30pm: Flores Light bore Green 10º

8.30pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf87fdcadfd3419701daec: ( 53-47698-014_0.jpg)

21 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -34.98, Long -56.21

8.00am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

9.08am: Flores abeam, 3.5'

11.30am: Sent mails to Collier “Thornhill”

11.40am: Hoisted 1st whaler

pm: Hands make & mend

6.05pm: Courses & speed as requisite to intercept schooner “Monte Protegido”

7.30pm: Boarding Officer Lieutenant Thompson RNR

8.35pm: Ordered schooner to anchorage

8.50pm: Captain and Mate of schooner examined by Captain Evans

9.10pm: HMS Glasgow SE

9.20pm: Captain & Mate returned to schooner

Number on sick list 8

[I have been unable to find an SV Monte Protegido sailing under that name at that time. The only one which appeared on searches was this Argentinian vessel but she was under a different name in 1915.]

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22 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.07, Long -55.58

7.00am: Whaler left with examination party for schooner

8.35am: “Glasgow's” cutter left with provisions

9.30am: Examination Party returned, hoisted whaler, schooner allowed to proceed

9.40am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.55pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fdcadfd3419701daee: ( 53-47698-015_0.jpg)

23 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.43, Long -55.68

6.30am: 2nd part starboard watch shifting coal from no 3 hold

9.30am: Weighed & proceeded

10.00am: Stokers to Divisions. 1st part starboard watch working coal out of fore hatch

pm: 2nd part starboard watch working coal

2.30pm: Sighted HMS Glasgow & collier “Thornhill” Green 10º

4.35pm: “Thornhill” up anchorage

4.40pm: Anchored

5.45pm: “Thornhill” fast alongside to port

6.00pm: HMS Glasgow left anchorage to examine schooner “Pax”

Number on sick list 10

[SV Pax, 285 tons, was built in 1914 in the Netherlands as SV Hieronymous Ipland for Gustavo Ipland, a German company. Later that year she was interned in Buenos Aires then sold to an Argentinian company & renamed “Pax”. She was declared a Prize of War by the British and renamed “Kelp” but wrecked at Spanish Point, County Clare in 1916 with 1 casualty.]

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24 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.51, Long -56.28

6.00am: Hands coaling ship

10.00am: HMS Glasgow left

7.20pm: 1 Stoker Petty Officer discharged to “Thornhill” for passage

7.30pm: Finished coaling. “Thornhill” cast loose & proceeded to anchorage

Number on sick list 10

4caf87fdcadfd3419701daf0: ( 53-47698-016_0.jpg)

25 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.51, Long -56.28

7.00am: Fog. Bell in accordance to Board of Transport

12.22pm: Aweigh, set course East

5.50pm: English Bank buoy S70W

6.00pm: Fog lifted

6.20pm: Sighted “Glasgow” ahead

6.40pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fdcadfd3419701daf1: ( 53-47698-016_1.jpg)

26 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.92

7.20am: Boat from “Glasgow” with mails

9.30am: Weighed, slow ahead

     Hands variously employed, officers at pistol drill

1.42pm: Anchored

2.30pm: Pratique granted

3.30pm: Tug with captain, officers & liberty men left

Evening: Port watch taking in stores

8.30pm: Finished taking in stores

Number on sick list 9

[The first mention of the ‘men’ going ashore for months.]

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27 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

1.00am: Tug returned with liberty men

9.20am: Tug returned with officers

9.30am: Tug departed with mails

1.55pm: Anchor aweigh, slow

4.30pm: Altered course towards HMS Glasgow

5.45pm: Anchored

5.55pm: Cutter arrived from “Glasgow” for stores

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fdcadfd3419701daf3: ( 53-47698-017_1.jpg)

28 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.09, Long -55.83

4.50am: Fog bell sounded as required by Board of Trade regulations

8.15am: Boat from “Glasgow” received 6 brass castings

8.30am: Fog cleared entirely

9.38am: Up anchor, slow ahead

9.40am: Divisions. Prayers.

     Exercise ‘Action’, ‘Out collision mat’, ‘conned up after steering gear’

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Physical drill

6.05pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 9

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29 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.3, Long -55.63

4.15am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

5.25am: Stop to obtain mails from SS Essequibo

5.30am: Cutter left

6.00am: Returned with 11 bags mails

8.22am: Flores abeam

11.15am: English Bank buoy abeam, 2’

am: Hands holystoning decks

Noon: Overcast & cloudy, thunder & lightening

pm: Hands holystoning & scrubbing decks

5.20pm: Stopped & anchored

5.30pm: Boat from “Glasgow” for mail & stores

Number on sick list 6

[SS Essequibo, 8489 tons, was built in 1914 for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. In 1922 she was sold to the Pacific Steam Navigation Co who sold her in 1935 to the USSR when she was renamed “Neva”.]

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30 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.08

9.45am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded slow

10.00am: Captain’s inspection, Divisions, Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

4.30pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.00pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 6

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4caf87fecadfd3419701db01: ( 53-47699-003_1.jpg)

[The morning entries are on the first page and the afternoon & evening entries on the second. The data has been amalgamated into one entry.]

31 May 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.2, Long -55.37

9.20am: Up anchor, proceeded slow ahead

am: Hands employed painting ship, pistol drill

4.20pm: Flores Island Green 10º

5.45pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 7

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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1 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.05, Long -55.4

9.20am: Up anchor, slow ahead

am: Hands painting ship & drills

2.45pm: 1 Man placed under close arrest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.51pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf87fecadfd3419701db03: ( 53-47699-004_1.jpg)

2 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.04, Long -55.28

9.28am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

am: Domestics physical drill

     Junior officers lecture

     Hands holystoning decks

pm: Hands holystoning decks

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.37pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fecadfd3419701db04: ( 53-47699-005_0.jpg)

3 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.85, Long -55.92

[Estimated; incorrect longitude in log]

9.30am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

10.30am: Various courses to intercept steamer

am: Hands holystoning & as requisite, Seamanship class at lecture

1.30pm: Passed SS Oldfield Grange

2.00pm: Turned round to Westward

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.40pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 9

[SS Oldfield Grange, 4653 tons, was built in 1913 by Irvine’s Shipbuilding & Drydock Co, West Hartlepool for the Houlder Line. She was torpedoed in 1917 without loss of life.]

4caf87fecadfd3419701db05: ( 53-47699-005_1.jpg)

4 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.2, Long -55.72

7.20am: Collier "Ilwin" closed & anchored

9.30am: Anchor aweigh

10.00am: Sent boat to "Glasgow" for confidential letters

10.10am: Boat returned, slow ahead

10.20am: “Glasgow” proceeded to SE with collier

pm: Hands make & mend

5.07pm: Stop wait for information re RMS Essequeto

Number on sick list 9

[SS Ilwin may have been SS Ilwen, 4072 tons, built in 1904 by John Readhead & Sons, Ltd, South Shields for W & CT Jones Steamship Co Ltd, Cardiff. She was renamed in 1920 and scrapped in 1936.

SS Essequeto is almost certainly SS Essequibo.]

4caf87fecadfd3419701db06: ( 53-47699-006_0.jpg)

5 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

9.20am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

     Junior officers attending navigation class

10.00am: Stop

11.20am: Sent whaler with mails to RMS Essequibo

pm: Hands at rest

5.35pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 10

4caf87fecadfd3419701db07: ( 53-47699-006_1.jpg)

6 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.57

9.45am: Anchor aweigh

10.00am: Divisions, Divine Service

12.15pm: SS Zola passed bound East

pm: Hands at rest

5.15pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 11

[I cannot find an SS Zola sailing at this time.]

4caf87fecadfd3419701db08: ( 53-47699-007_0.jpg)

7 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Hands painting ship, domestics physical drill, seaman’s class navigation

11.45am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

pm: Hands painting & chipping

2.40pm: RMS Oriana passed for Monte Video

5.00pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

6.40pm: Stopped & anchored

7.00pm: HMS Glasgow WSW, 4 cables

Number on sick list 10

[RMS Oriana, 8086 tons, was built in 1906 by Barclay Curle & Co, Glasgow for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. She was used as a troopship during the war and scrapped in 1926.]

4caf87fecadfd3419701db09: ( 53-47699-007_1.jpg)

8 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.09, Long -55.8

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Physical drill

10.15am: Captain Evans left for "Glasgow"

11.30am: Boat from Glasgow for beef

1.15pm: HMS Otranto anchored

2.20pm: Received mails from "Otranto"

3.50pm: Received stores from "Otranto"

Number on sick list 9

4caf87fecadfd3419701db0a: ( 53-47699-008_0.jpg)

9 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

7.45am: HMS Otranto left steering southward

9.00am: “Glasgow” weighed & proceeded

am: Hands painting overside using 1st & 2nd cutter

pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

Number on sick list 7

4caf87fecadfd3419701db0b: ( 53-47699-008_1.jpg)

10 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

9.25am: Anchor aweigh

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

9.55am: Whistle Buoy ahead

1.45pm: Observed “Glasgow” & collier “Ilwen”

3.25pm: Engines as requisite to manoeuvre close to "Glasgow"

4.00pm: Received mails & confidential books, delivered 600 lb beef

6.45pm: Stopped for tug to come alongside, Lieutenant Commander English embarking for home

7.00pm: Tug left

Number on sick list 6

4caf87fecadfd3419701db0c: ( 53-47699-009_0.jpg)

11 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters & exercised ‘Action’

12.25pm: Anchor up, slow ahead

1.45pm: Anchored

3.20pm: Captain, officers, liberty men left for shore

     Received parcel mails & stores

4.00pm: Health officer boarded

     Commenced taking in stores

5.30pm: Finished stores

7.30pm: Tender left with officers

Number on sick list 5

4caf87fecadfd3419701db0d: ( 53-47699-009_1.jpg)

12 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

1.00am: Tug returned with libertymen

8.45am: Tug returned with officers & left with officers

am: Hands taking in stores & cleaning ship

1.15pm: Tug returned with officers

2.20pm: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

5.25pm: Stopped engines

5.30pm: Let go port anchor; cable parted owing to cable shackle pin dropping out abaft the Naval [sic] pipe

5.32pm: Let go Starboard anchor

Number on sick list 5

[According to the Admiralty Manual of Seamanship the correct spelling is Navel pipe.]

4caf87fecadfd3419701db0e: ( 53-47699-010_0.jpg)

13 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

7.00am: Hands scrubbed decks, turned out steam pinnace

9.00am: Lowered steam pinnace commenced to drag round anchorage for Port anchor

9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s Inspection, Divine Service

Noon: 2nd whaler relieved steam pinnace

12.15pm: Hoisted & turned in steam pinnace

1.40pm: Anchor aweigh

1.45pm: 2nd whaler returned with mails, hoisted 2nd whaler

2.00pm: Set course, full speed

5.10pm: Stopped & anchored

5.20pm: 1st whaler left with mails for "Glasgow"

5.40pm: Cutter departed with provisions to "Glasgow”

Number on sick list 6

4caf87fecadfd3419701db0f: ( 53-47699-010_1.jpg)

14 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -56.12

7.05am: Anchor aweigh

9.15am: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 1.5'

     Courses & speeds various to pick up anchor buoys

11.55am: Let go starboard anchor alongside anchor buoys. Commenced operations

12.20pm: Pin of starboard shackle appeared loose, up anchor secured pin of shackle

1.20pm: Let go starboard anchor

1.30pm: Cutter from "Glasgow" with 4 divers & apparatus arrived. Divers examined by Dr Russell

2.00pm: Divers commenced operations

5.10pm: Lifted starboard anchor & shifted further ahead

6.45pm: Warp fast to wire commenced to heave in

8.15pm: Port anchor hanging at hawse pipe

Number on sick list 6

4caf87fecadfd3419701db10: ( 53-47699-011_0.jpg)

15 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.00am: Lowered steam pinnace. Hands working port anchor & cable

8.30am: Hoisted all boats

10.25am: Anchor aweigh, half speed ahead

am: Hands variously employed

     Marine small arm drill

2.30pm: Stopped to overhaul & re-connect port cable

3.45pm: Finished overhauling cable, engines as requisite throughout

4.00pm: Evening Quarters & physical drill

4.20pm: Anchored

5.00pm: Connect port cable to port anchor

Number on sick list 8

4caf87fecadfd3419701db11: ( 53-47699-011_1.jpg)

16 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.37, Long -55.65

6.00am: 2nd part port watch shifting coal from fore hold

9.15am: Examined cable shackle pin in chain locker etc

9.40am: Anchor aweigh, half speed ahead

     1st part port watch shifting coal

pm: Hands at rest

3.10pm: Sighted Glasgow, Green 40º, altered course to bring same ahead

3.30pm: Stopped & anchored

5.10pm: Cutter arrived from "Glasgow", lost one side beef overboard, weight 135 lbs

5.35pm: Cutter left

Number on sick list 7

4caf87fecadfd3419701db12: ( 53-47699-012_0.jpg)

17 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.37, Long -55.65

6.00am: Hands for coaling ship

6.15am: Collier "Ilwen" raised anchor

7.30am: Collier secured alongside to port

8.00am: Commenced to coal ship

11.00am: Sent 10 bags of flour ex "SS Santa Catharina" to   Glasgow  

5.10pm: Finished coaling

5.20pm: Collier cast off

     Hands washing down

Number on sick list 7

4caf87fecadfd3419701db13: ( 53-47699-012_1.jpg)

18 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.37, Long -55.65

6.30am: Hands scrubbing decks & clean ship

11.00am: “Glasgow's” cutter arrived for stores

11.45am: Cutter left

11.50am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

3.08pm: Sighted Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 1 mile

     Hands cleaning ship

4.55pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 6

4caf87fecadfd3419701db14: ( 53-47699-013_0.jpg)

19 June 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.08, Long -56.12

6.30am: Hands scrubbing decks, clean ship

am: Hands preparing ship for sea

11.15am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

11.35am: 2nd whaler left with Petty Officer Chapman & mails for RMS Araguaya

12.15am: Whaler returned, full speed

pm: Hands scrubbing & washing clothes

1.41pm: English Bank Light Vessel abeam, 1.5'

3.20pm: English Bank Buoy abeam

5.00pm: Committed the body of the late John Pritchard to the deep, 35º 27’S, 55º 38’W

5.12pm: Full speed ahead

Number on sick list 6

[John Pritchard was a fireman in the Mercantile Marine Reserve. He is commemorated on panel 9 of the Plymouth Naval Memorial.]

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20 June 1915

River Plate to Falkland Islands

Lat -38.78, Long -55.85

10.00am: Divisions, Captain’s Inspection, Divine Service

Noon: Fine clear weather, fierce squalls, ship pitching to rough sea

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Fine clear weather, pitching & taking heavy water forward at times, rough sea

Number on sick list 5

4caf87fecadfd3419701db16: ( 53-47699-014_0.jpg)

21 June 1915

River Plate to Port Stanley

Lat -43.28, Long -56.35

6.30am: Hands placing screens in ward room & saloon

10.11am: Junior officers at instruction

Number on sick list 5

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22 June 1915

River Plate to Port Stanley

Lat -48.65, Long -57.43

am: Gunlayers exercised "time on run"

     Junior officers at instruction

1.00pm: Crew mustered for payment

     Rigged accommodation ladder

10.00pm: Rounds & cells visited

Number on sick list 4

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23 June 1915

Port William

Lat -51.62, Long -58.58

3.30am: Sounding every ½ hour

5.30am: Observed Cape Pembroke Light 12º Red

8.00am: Sighted “Pax” schooner

9.45am: Engines & courses as requisite to take “Pax” in tow

11.30am: “Pax” secured on hawsers, proceeded ‘slow’ for Port William

     Hands preparing ship for harbour

Noon: Blizzard interrupting navigation

1.35pm: Dead slow

1.42pm: Slow

2.05pm: Slipped "Pax" to tug “Samson”, Pembroke Light House S52E

2.30pm: Stopped in heavy snow squall

2.40pm: Anchored

3.20pm: Officer of Guard boarded

6.00pm: Captain Evans: returned from shore

Number on sick list 4

[“Pax”, 285 tons, was built in 1914 by Bodewes, Martenshoek, as “Hieronymus Ipland” for Gustavo Ipland (German). She was interned in Buenos Aires in 1914, sold to an Argentinian Co and renamed “Pax”. She was captured by HMS Glasgow and despatched to Port Stanley. She was declared a Prize of War and renamed “Kelp”. On her voyage to the UK in 1916 she was wrecked off Spanish Point with the loss of 1 man.]

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24 June 1915

Port William

Lat -51.7, Long -57.8

4.00am: Hydraulic gear kept slowly working periodically

7.00am: Hands clearing snow from decks & as requisite

9.45am: A Field gun's crew left ship to take charge of guns ashore

1.30pm: Crew mustered for payment

2.30pm: Liberty men for shore

5.55pm: Field gun's crew returned

7.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 4

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25 June 1915

Port William

Lat -51.7, Long -57.8

3.00am: Hydraulic gear attended to

7.00am: Hands turned to, lowered cutters

8.00am: Fine & clear with snow

9.00am: Steam cutter & lighter left for shore with gun's crew

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

2.00pm: Liberty men left for shore

7.25pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 2

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26 June 1915

Port William

Lat -51.7, Long -57.8

7.00am: Hands turned to, lowered 2 & 4 cutters

9.00am: Gunner’s shore party left for Naval Depot & Ordnance Point Battery

2.00pm: Liberty men and Patrol party left for shore

4.30pm: Picket boat & cutter returned with guns etc that had been mounted on the island at Ordnance Point

7.00pm: Liberty men and patrol returned

9.00pm: Rounds correct, cells visited

Number on sick list 5

[Ordnance Point is at Lat -51.67, Long -57.81]

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27 June 1915

Port William

Lat -51.7, Long -57.8

1.00am: Rounds correct, cells visited

2.30am: Hydraulic gear seen to

9.30am: Divisions

9.45am: Divine Service conducted by Rev Hobley

pm: Hands at rest

1.30pm: Leave granted to Petty Officers

9.30pm: Rounds visited, cells correct

Number on sick list 6

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28 June 1915

Port William

Lat -51.7, Long -57.8

1.00am: Gale moderating

8.00am: RMS Ortega: arrived off entrance of harbour

8.30am: “Freshfield” & Naval store parties left

11.00am: “Ortega” anchored in Port William, boarded by Officer of the Guard

     Sent over mail for England

11.30am: Cutter with Naval stores alongside

1.20pm: Liberty men for payments

1.40pm: Liberty men left for shore

3.30pm: Cutter with stores alongside

3.45pm: Patrol Boat left with Patrol

3.55pm: “Ortega” weighed & left

5.15pm: “Freshfield” & Naval store party returned.

     Lighter alongside with flour

6.00pm: Commenced taking in flour

7.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 4

[Freshfield may refer to the ship of 2730 tons built in 1892 by JL Thompson & Sons, Sunderland.]

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29 June 1915

Port William

Lat -51.7, Long -57.8

8.30am: Store parties left ship

9.30am: Samson (Tug) arrived & left with gun party

10.45am: Lighter with flour alongside

11.00am: Captain left for shore

1.30pm: Working parties left

3.30pm: Steam Pinnace left with cutter "Freshfield"

4.00pm: Lighter with stores arrived

5.30pm: Tug "Samson" with gun party

5.45pm: Lighter with stores finished

6.00pm: Captain left for shore

Number on sick list 4

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30 June 1915

Port William

Lat -51.7, Long -57.8

1.20pm: Liberty men received payment

1.30pm: Liberty men left for shore

5.00pm: Hoisted cutter

6.00pm: Firing [?] party returned

7.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 6

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[The above pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These two pages are both headed 1 July but the first page has been cancelled so the only entries here are from the second page.]

1 July 1915

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.85

     Hands, varying in number from 18 to 36, employed on SS Freshfield since Monday 28th June discharging Government plans for wireless & cable stations

pm: Hands employed, Gunner’s party on shore

     Dockyard party assembling stores in Naval Depot

     Exploded away from ship, detonators extracted from mines raised protecting harbour entrance

4.30pm: Dockyard party returned

5.55pm: Gunner’s party returned

10.10pm: James Hattle, seaman, departed this life

Number on sick list 6

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2 July 1915

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.85

9.45am: Court of Inquiry held regarding accidental death of James Hattle RNR

     Gunners & Dockyard parties, also men to assist discharge of SS Freshfield, left ship

5.00pm: All working parties returned

Number on sick list 5

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3 July 1915

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.85

     Hydraulic gear attended to

     Frequent, thick, snow squalls

7.00am: Hands washing decks etc

8.45am: Store, “Freshfield”, Dockyard parties left for to resume work

10.30am: Colonial Secretary & party arrive in government launch

11.30am: Government Officials left ship

1.00pm: Shore parties returned to ship

3.00pm: Funeral party left to inter the body of James Hattle, seaman, RNR

5.00pm: Funeral party returned

7.00pm: All liberty men returned

9.00pm: Rounds correct, cells visited

Number on sick list 5

[James Burgon Hattle, 3683/B, seaman aged 32, was the son of John & Isabella Hattle, 77 Low Greens, Berwick-on-Tweed. He is buried in Grave E791, Stanley Cemetery.]

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4 July 1915

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

9.45am: Divine Service conducted by Reverend Hobley

2.00pm: Officers & liberty men left for shore

7.00pm: Officers & liberty men returned

Number on sick list 6

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5 July 1915

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

9.00am: Naval store party to survey & check stores in Depot

1.35pm: Officers & liberty men left for shore

10.00pm: Rounds correct, cell visited

Number on sick list 6.

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6 July 1915

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

9.00am: SS Graham Land came alongside to store

11.30am: Received stores from SS Samson

1.20pm: SS Samson left

9.30pm: Rounds correct, cell visited

Number on sick list 6

[SS Grahamland, 1295 tons, was built in 1899 by Robert Duncan & Co, Glasgow as SS Josephina. She had a long & chequered history being torpedoed in 1917, then repaired and eventually completed her active service owned by the Japanese Government.

SS Samson, 96 ton tug, was built in 1888 by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co, Hull for the Falkland Islands Trading Co. She ran aground & was wrecked in 1945.]

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7 July 1915

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

3.30am: Hydraulic gear attended to

9.50am: Steam pinnace left with Prize crew for SS Bayor

     Engineering Surveyor for SS Freshfield

     Party for charts’ department & to assist SS Grahamland

10.00am: Surgeon & one passenger arrived on board

1.30pm: Hands scrub & wash clothes

3.30pm: SS Grahamland left for sea

3.50pm: Steam Tug Samson alongside with passengers & ratings

5.10pm: “Samson” left

6.02pm: Anchor aweigh, half speed

6.09pm: Ordnance Point abeam S30E

6.43pm: Pembroke Light S25W

10.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 8

[SS Bayor may have been SS Bayern, 8006 tons, built in 1911 by Harland & Wolff for the Hambourg-America Line. In 1916 she was sold to the Italian government & renamed “Alessandria” then torpedoed & sunk in 1917.]

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8 July 1915

Port Stanley to Puerto Militar

Lat -48.47, Long -58.32

     Rounds correct, cells visited

Number on sick list 7

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9 July 1915

Port Stanley to Puerto Militar

Lat -43.27, Long -60.3

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters

10.00am: Exercise ‘Action’ & ‘Control’

     Hands washing out boats & paint work

Noon: Observations not reliable on account of hazy horizon

pm: Hands make & mend

5.15pm: Fog, shut down "Half Speed", whistle sounded as per Board of Trade regulations

7.40pm: Fog lifted, engines to "Full"

Number on sick list 7

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10 July 1915

Port Stanley to Puerto Militar

Lat -39.03, Long -61.86

1.00am: Commenced to sound & take line of soundings at 15 min intervals, bottom carefully noted

5.55am: Observed Recalada Light N3W

7.10am: Observed Bahia Blanca Light Vessel N53W

8.05am: Dismissed deep sea lead & used “hand lead”

9.04am: Bahia Blanca Light Vessel abeam

9.20am: 1st Buoy

9.38am: 2nd Buoy

9.45am: 3rd Buoy

9.47am: 4th Buoy

9.49am: 5th Buoy

9.54am: 6th Buoy

10.03am: After rounding No 7 at ½ cable & steadied on N81W ship took the ground, head swinging to starboard resting N70W. [continued on second log page] No 7 buoy bearing S61E, 100 yds, No 8 buoy N63W. Soundings taken showing ship to be aground in 3½ fms touching port bilge from fore well to after well. Whaler lowered

showed depths of 5-6 fms to starboard & starboard bow. Engines used as required. Hands employed canting ship & as necessary. Ballast tanks used to cant ship, ammunition carried from aft forward. [return to original page]

12.25pm: Ship moved ahead slightly N75W. Took frequent soundings around ship

1.10pm: Ship started to move ahead

1.12pm: Ship clear, half speed

1.15am: No 9 buoy

1.26am: No 10 buoy

1.49am: No 11 buoy

2.07am: No 12 buoy

2.10pm: Stopped & anchored

3.00pm: Officer of the Guard from Argentine Battleship “Moreno” boarded

3.10pm: Captain Evans visited Argentinian Flagship

3.25pm: Water boat arrived

3.45pm: Captain Evans returned

8.30pm: 2nd water boat arrived

Number on sick list 7

[ARA Moreno, 27,900 ton battleship, was launched in 1911 by New York Shipbuilding, Camden. She was sold for scrap in 1957.]

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11 July 1915

Puerto Militar

Lat -39.3, Long -60.6

2.30am: 3rd water boat alongside

5.30am: Water boat finished & left ship

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

12.18pm: Anchor aweigh, ‘slow ahead’

12.25pm: ‘Full speed’, proceeded down river assisted by Government Pilot

1.23pm: Passed 1st buoy

1.31pm: 2nd buoy

1.37pm: Red buoy & steered for North Channel (this channel has only been opened during the last 25 days & is not used by other than Argentine warships)

2.35pm: Abreast of Bahia Blanca Light Vessel, sent Pilot aboard Light Vessel

2.55pm: Hoisted whaler & proceeded

4.28pm: Recalada Light House abeam, 13’

8.00pm: Dark, vivid lightening

Midnight: Cloudy & fine, sheet lightening to NE

Number on sick list 6

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12 July 1915

Puerto Militar to River Plate

Lat -38.48, Long -57.28

6.30am: 2nd part port watch shifting coal to no 3

All day: Hand shifting coal etc

9.00pm: Soundings taken every half hour

Number on sick list 5

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13 July 1915

Puerto Militar to River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.3

1.15am: Weather thickened, started whistle to Board of Trade regulations

     Sounded every half hour, carefully noted bottom

2.57am: Stopped & anchored

6.30am: Hands washed down & shifting coal

7.09am: Up anchor, weather clearing

am: Hands scraping cranes, ventilators & shifting coal

11.30am: Passed Barque "Windrush" (Boston)

11.55am: Anchored, HMS Glasgow bearing SW, 2½ cables

12.50pm: Received mails from HMS Glasgow

1.30pm: Fog shut down, Board of Trade regulations complied with

     Hands employed as requisite

5.30pm: Ceased shifting coal

8.30pm: Whaler left for HMS Edinburgh Castle with mail & 3 passengers

     Board of Trade regulations strictly attended to

Midnight: Thick foggy weather

Number on sick list 5

[SV Windrush, 1513 tons, was built in 1892 by Robert Thompson & Sons Ltd for RH Gaynor, Sunderland. She sank after colliding with SS Buenos Aires in 1920 with the loss of 5 crew.]

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14 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.35am: HMS Edinburgh Castle weighed & proceeded

6.55am: HMS Glasgow weighed

7.40am: HMS Glasgow fast alongside to receive stores

am: Hands as requisite & working stores to “Glasgow”

Noon: Foggy

pm: Hands continued to pass stores to HMS Glasgow

4.15pm: “Glasgow” cast off & proceeded to anchorage

     Hands rigged coaling gear

11.00pm: Fog signals executed

Number on sick list 5

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15 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

     Fog bell to Board of Trade regulations

     Thick fog

6.15am: Collier “Ilwen” underway

6.30am: Hands preparing for collier

7.00am: Collier alongside & secured

8.00am: Commenced coaling

12.30pm: Resumed coaling fore & aft

3.00pm: HMS Edinburgh Castle arrived at anchorage

4.15pm: Received mails from HMS Edinburgh Castle

4.30pm: Dispatched confidential letters to HMS Glasgow

7.00pm: Cease coaling

10.00pm: Cast collier off

Number on sick list 5

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16 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.00am: Collier “Ilwen” weighed anchor to come alongside

7.55am: Collier fast alongside

8.30am: Resumed coaling

3.15pm: Started work down promenade deck

4.00pm: Collier “Ilwen” discharged

4.15pm: Discharged Thomas Blackburn, fireman, to collier

5.10pm: Collier cast off

Number on sick list 5

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17 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.03, Long -56.12

6.33am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

7.40am: Recalada Light Vessel Green 7º

10.40am: Stopped & anchored, observed RMSP “Avon” leaving Montevideo

11.40am: Up anchor & proceeded alongside SS Avon

12.45pm: Moored alongside “Avon”, commenced to discharge guns & ammunition to her

2.50pm: Cast off from her & proceeded for Whistle Buoy

5.35pm: Darkened ship

6.15pm: Sighted collier “Neilrose” & took her in charge to anchorage, engines & helm to her requirements

11.30pm: Anchored. Boat from “Edinburgh Castle” arrived for mails

Number on sick list 5

[SS Avon, 11,073 tons, was built in 1907 for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. In 1914 she served as a troopship and became an Armed Merchant Cruiser in 1915 when she was renamed HMS Avoca. She returned to civilian service in 1919, reverting to her original name & was scrapped in 1930. HMS Avoca is part of the OW fleet.

SS Neilrose, 3542 tons, was built as SS Garscube in 1906 by A McMillan & Son, Dumbarton. She changed names & owners several times before she was scrapped in 1932 but was known as “Neilrose” 1913-18.]

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18 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

7.05am: 1st whaler away for mails from collier “Neilrose”

9.05am: Whaler returned with Roman Catholic priest

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.00am: Roman Catholic priest returned to HMS Edinburgh [Castle?]

2.15pm: Captain Evans, officers and men exchanged visits with HMS Edinburgh Castle

5.30pm: Darkened ship

6.40pm: Captain, officers & men returned

Number on sick list 5

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19 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

11.00-11.30am: Domestics physical drill

1.00pm: Hands as required, scrubbing hammocks

2.40pm: Anchor aweigh, half speed ahead

7.45pm: Stopped, lowered 2nd whaler for RMS “Deseado” for mails

9.15pm: Whaler returned & hoisted

Number on sick list 7

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20 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

10.00-11.00am: Training classes, stewards physical drill, Guns’ crews exercised on ‘Time on aim’

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 7

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21 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

3.30am: No wireless telegraphy books issued

9.30am: Hands washing paintwork, scraping cranes, training classes

11.00-11.30am: Stewards physical drill

pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.30pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

6.00pm: No wireless telegraphy books issued

Number on sick list 7

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22 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.27, Long -55.48

9.45am: Anchor away [sic], half speed

9.50am: Abandon ship stations, turned all boats out

10.15am: Secured all boats

     Training classes, physical drill

2.00pm: Hands chipping & scraping cranes etc

     Rifle drill, classes etc

3.00pm: Observed “Edinburgh Castle” Green 10º

4.55pm: Stopped & anchored

5.10pm: Sent whaler to “Edinburgh Castle” with mail

Number on sick list 6

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23 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Hands variously employed

     Domestics physical drill

     No wireless telegraphy books issued [continues all day]

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 6

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24 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

pm: Hands at rest

     No wireless telegraphy books issued

8.00pm: Passing fog banks of short duration

Midnight: Foggy weather, Board of Trade Regulations complied with

Number on sick list 6

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25 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

4.00am: No wireless telegraphy books issued

6.25am: Fog set in

7.30-8.00am: Roman Catholic Service conducted by priest from HMS Edinburgh Castl

     Foggy weather

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

Noon: Thick foggy weather, fog bell to regulation

pm: Hands at rest

Midnight: Thick foggy weather. Fog bell to Board of Trade regulations

Number on sick list 6

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26 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.39, Long -56.28

     Soundings taken every hour since 9.0am yesterday gives 6½ to 7 fm, no change being observed for High & low water

     Fog bell to Board of Trade regulations

4.30am: Fog commenced to lift

     No W/T books issued

8.00am: Foggy. Fog bell kept going

9.30am: Fog lifted, received mail from "Edinburgh Castle"

10-11.00am: Training classes, physical drill

11.00am: Anchor weighed

1.49pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 1½'

2.35pm: Observed Whistle buoy ahead, 6'

3.00pm: Let go starboard anchor in 5½ fm

     Examined 1st & 2nd shackles

3.40pm: “Oriana” passed, bound in from South

5.00pm: Pratique granted

5.30pm: Liberty men and officers left for shore

11.15pm: “Orduna” (Tug): returned with officers & liberty men

Number on sick list 6

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27 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

5.00am: Sighted RMSP Deseado arrived homeward

6.15am: Fog set in, bell to Board of Trade regulations

9.20am: Officers & liberty men returned in “Orduna” (Tug)

9.35am: Officers & liberty men left for shore, also one hospital case & all neutrals from prizes "Pax" & "Bayern"

11.50am: Marine party returned with 5 absentees

Noon: Thick fog, Board of Trade regulations strictly attended to

12.10pm: Tug with barge provisions arrived

2.30pm: Fog lifted

3.30pm: Provision lighter & tug left

3.45pm: “Orduna” returned with Captain & officers

4.10pm: Anchor aweigh

6.07pm: Flores abeam, 3m

7.30pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 6

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28 July 1915

Maldonado Bay, River Plate

Lat -34.95, Long -55.0

Midnight: Continuous thunder & lightning with heavy rain

7.20am: Anchor aweigh

8.30am: Slow ahead

9.45am: Anchored

10.05am: Secured steam at 1 hours notice

8.00pm: Fierce SW gale, rough to high sea & westerly swell, overcast gloomy weather

11.20pm: Up anchors

11.30pm: Full speed

Number on sick list 5

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29 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.23, Long -56.28

2.55am: Lobos Light E, 18 miles

5.24am: Flores Light N76W

6.38am: English Bank Light Vessel S58W

10.44am: Recalada Light Vessel W, 1mile

     Hands preparing ship for coaling

11.00am: Observed strange steamer Green 58º altered course to ascertain particulars

1.20pm: Altered course for “Edinburgh Castle”

2.40pm: Anchored

3.00pm: “Edinburgh Castle E 2½ cables. Sent mails to “Edinburgh Castle” & collier “Neilrose”

4.45pm: Sent stores to “Edinburgh Castle”

7.30pm: El Cerro Light N4W

Number on sick list 5

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30 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.2

6.30am: Collier “Neilrose” weighed to come alongside

7.45am: Collier secured alongside, commenced coaling

11.00am: HMS Edinburgh Castle left for Monte Video

7.00pm: Finished coaling

7.30pm: Collier cast off & proceeded to anchorage

     Cleaned up decks & unrigged coaling gear

Number on sick list 5

[Cerro de Montevideo Lighthouse is in Uruguay at Lat -34.89, Long -56.26.]

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31 July 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.22

     No W/T books issued

[This log page finishes at Noon and, unlike previous log books, the afternoon entries have not been written up in the next volume.]

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1 August 1915

River Plate to Rio Janeiro

Lat -35.13, Long -55.4

7.40am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.45am: Observed "Edinburgh Castle" Red 25º

12.55pm: Stopped. Received mails & target from “Edinburgh Castle”

4.30pm: Sighted Lobos Island abeam, 6 miles

7.48pm: Cape Santa Maria N21E

9.45pm: Cape Santa Maria N32W, 9 miles

10.00pm: Cape Polonio Red 45º, N8E

11.10pm: Ran into thick fog. Engines to Half speed

11.25pm: Slow. Whistle to Board of Trade regulations

Number on sick list 4

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2 August 1915

River Plate to Rio Janeiro

Lat -33.3, Long -52.0

     Thick fog throughout the watch, whistle sounded to Board of Trade Regulations

5.40am: Fog lifted

7.35am: Passed SS Scottish Prince, on opposite course

12.10pm: Stop to close RMS “Orissa”

12.50pm: 2nd whaler returned with mails & hoisted

11.00pm: Closed Engine Room Water Tight doors in 5 minutes

Number on sick list 4

[SS Scottish Prince, 2897 tons, was built in 1910 by Short Bros Ltd, Sunderland for the Prince Line. She was renamed for the first time 1937. She was seized by the Germans from the Italians who had in turn seized her from Greek owners in 1940. In 1944 she was damaged by a mine and sunk by allied bombers in July 1945.]

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3 August 1915

River Plate to Rio Janeiro

Lat -29.73, Long -48.88

2.30am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 6 minutes

am: Reprimended wireless operator EL Warner for disobedience of orders and inefficient watch keeping

     [Signed EL Warner & Acting Sub Lieutenant Jeffery Elliott, RNR]

Number on sick list 4

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4 August 1915

River Plate to Rio Janeiro

Lat -24.95, Long -45.52

11.00am: Domestics at physical drill

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 6

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5 August 1915

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -25.3, Long -43.3

7.49am: Redonda Island N25E

9.22am: Raza abeam, 2’

10.17am: Stopped & anchored

1.30pm: Steam pinnace left with officers

2.30pm: Commander of Brazil "Floriano" boarded us

3.30pm: Whaler returned with mails

4.30pm: RMSS Essequibo sailed

11.45pm: Steam pinnace returned with officers

Number on sick list 4

[“Marshal Floriano”, 3162 ton coastal defence battleship, was launched in 1899 at the La Seyne Dockyard. She was scrapped in 1936.]

4caf87fecadfd3419701db5a: ( 53-47701-006_0.jpg)

6 August 1915

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.15, Long -43.07

6.45am: Steam pinnace left with whaler in tow for sand

9.40am: Water boat left

9.55am: Hoisted all boats

10.17am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

11.22am: Raza Island abeam, 1¾’

11-11.30am: Domestics physical drill

10.00pm: Sea boats’ crews & lower[er]s inspected

Number on sick list 4

4caf87fecadfd3419701db5b: ( 53-47701-006_1.jpg)

7 August 1915

At sea

Lat -24.62, Long -46.38

3.50am: Sighted Boi Light abeam, 13'

6.55am: Alcatrazes Island abeam, 14¾ miles

10.00am: Laje de Santos abeam, 12½'

1.34pm: Queimada abeam, 13 miles

pm: Hands make & mend

5.44pm: Mos d'Iguape: N52½W

     Needle Peak N12W (T)

7.55pm: Sighted Bom Abrigo S74½W

9.12pm: Slow, when light bore S51W, turned round on starboard helm, carefully examined anchorage & found no vessels there

Number on sick list 4

[Pontado Boi Lighthouse is in Brazil at Lat -23.97, Long -45.25

Ilha de Alcatrazes is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -24.12, Long -45.7

Laje de Santos is a rock off the coast of Brazil at Lat -24.32, Long -46.18

Queimada probably refers to Ilha Queimada Grande at Lat -24.48, Long -46.68 but could refer to nearby Ilha Queimada Pequena

Mos d’ Iguape may be a mis-spelling of Morro de Iguape which forms the tip of the Bay of the same name

Needle Peak may be Pico das Agulhas Negras which translates as Black Needles Peak and is the 5th highest mountain in Brazil. It lies at Lat -22.38, Long -44.63

More likely Needle Peak refers to the central peak of Point Guarahu, the Eastern projection of the Serra Guarahu, which the South American Pilot refers to on p527. Serra Guarahu lies at Lat -24.35, Long -47.07

Ilha do Bom Abrigo Lighthouse is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -25.12, Long -47.87]

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8 August 1915

At sea

Lat -24.63, Long -46.45

6.30am: Observed Queimada Island Red 46º

8.27am: Queimada Grande Island abeam, 11'

8.35am: Observed steamship bearing Red 5º steering West

9.20am: Spoke Brazilian SS Itapuca

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

3.00pm: Slight fog set in

3.35pm: Board of Trade regulations adhered to

5.00pm: Firemen to Evening Quarters

6.00pm: Thick fog

7.00pm: Darkened ship

9.10pm: Thick fog set in, altered course 16 points to port, N77E. Board of Trade regulations adhered to

9.30pm: Fog cleared.

10.42pm: Bom Abrigo Light S80½W

Number on sick list 4.

[Ilha Queimada Grande is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -23.08, Long -44.32

SS Itapuca, 1849 tons, was built in 1909 by Ailsa Shipbuilding Co, Troon. She was broken up in 1961.]

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9 August 1915

At sea

Lat -25.93, Long -47.03

5.15am: Observed Queimada Island Light N27E

am: General Quarters. Fire control. Connected & disconnected hand steering gear 4½minutes.

     ‘Time on aim’, courses as requisite

pm: Gunnery training classes etc

6.28pm: Bom Abrigo Light right ahead

Number on sick list 6.

[Ilha Queimada Grande Lighthouse is at Lat -24.48, Long –46.68. It is also known as Snake Island.]

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10 August 1915

At sea

Lat -24.67, Long -46.73

4.50am: Observed O Grande Light N35E [Queimada Grande Island?]

7.30am: Queimada Island abeam, 12 miles

8.37pm: Queimada Light N42E

Number on sick list 5

[She seems to be circling round at slowish speed.]

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11 August 1915

At sea

Lat -24.83, Long -47.42

1.10am: Queimada Light dipped N48E

5.12am: Observed Queimada Light N40E

10.30am: Bom Abrigo Light House S69W

pm: Hands make & mend

3.15pm: Bom Abrigo Light House ahead

4.30pm: General Quarters & Evening Quarters

5.00pm: Warrant no 17 read

11.00pm: Examined Bom Abrigo anchorage, no vessels there

Number on sick list 6

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12 August 1915


Lat -25.4, Long -48.2

12.50am: Observed Concas Point Light S69W

9.30am: Stopped & anchored

9.40am: Pilot boarded, lowered Steam Pinnace

10.20am: Steam Pinnace with Lieutenant Thompson & Sub Lieutenant Thomas left for shore

     Gunnery training class to drill

4.30pm: Evening Quarters, Physical drill

5.00pm: Firemen to Evening Quarters

6.00pm: Steam Pinnace returned & hoisted

Number on sick list 6

[Ponta das Conchas or Ilha do Mel Lighthouse is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -25.53, Long -48.28

Paranagua is a major port in the South of Brazil which was founded in the 16th Century.]

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13 August 1915

At sea

Lat -25.72, Long -48.1

6.30am: Steam pinnace coaled & watered

7.00am: SS Hammesburg entered river for Paranagua

9.22am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

2.10pm: Stopped, anchored

2.45pm: Steam pinnace left with whaler in tow

4.35pm: Lieutenant Pullen RNVR joined ship for passage Santos, hoisted steam pinnace & whaler

5.00pm: Weighed & proceeded half speed

6.50pm: Bom Abrigo N22E

Number on sick list 6

[SS Hammesburg may be the mis-spelt SS Hammershus, 3931 tons, was built in 1903 as SS Mercury by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow. She sailed as SS Astoria until 1910 when she was renamed Hammershus. She was scrapped in 1933]

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14 August 1915

Santos Bay

Lat -24.3, Long -46.4

2.10am: Observed Queimada Light N41E

5.00am: Queimada Light abeam, 10’

10.15am: Stop, let go starboard anchor

10.30am: Rang off both engines. Lowered steam pinnace

2.20pm: Officers for shore in steam pinnace, cutter left for sand

4.30pm: Cutter returned

6.30pm: Sharp squall, veered cable to 3 shackles

Number on sick list 6.

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db63: ( 53-47701-010_1.jpg)

15 August 1915

At sea

Lat -24.12, Long -46.9

4.00am: Heavy rain with thunder & lightning

5.30am: Weather cleared

7.20am: Steam Pinnace returned with officers

9.00am: Steam Pinnace left for shore with mails

10.00am: Mustered by open list

10.15am: Steam Pinnace returned & hoisted

10.40am: Anchors aweigh, slow ahead

10.55am: Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

1.00pm: Laje de Santos abeam, 15'

4.44pm: Queimada Light House abeam, 5¾’

6.30pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db64: ( 53-47701-011_0.jpg)

16 August 1915

At sea

Lat -25.6, Long -48.25

     Rounds correct, cells visited

1.15am: Heavy rain squalls

11.05am: Observed Conxas Light House N74W

11.56am: Anchored

12.15pm: Steam Pinnace left with Lieutenant Pullen for shore

2.00pm: Steam Pinnace returned

5.00pm: Read Warrants 18 & 19

7.00pm: Darkened ship

10.00pm: Rounds correct, cells visited

Number on sick list 6

[Conxas Lighthouse is Ponta das Conchas.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db65: ( 53-47701-011_1.jpg)

17 August 1915

Off Paranagua Bay

Lat -25.5, Long -48.5

6.00am: Port watch coaling from no 3 to no 5, starboard watch painting ship

10.00am: Launch arrived with Lieutenant Pullen RNVR & Captain of Port

10.28am: Launch left, up anchor & proceeded

1.30pm: Stopped & anchored

1.55pm: Lieutenant Commander Thompson RNR & Lieutenant Pullen RNVR left for shore

2.30pm: Whaler sounded channel

7.50pm: Steam Pinnace returned & hoisted

8.15pm: Anchor aweigh

9.30pm: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 9 minutes

11.40pm: San Francisco Light dipped, approx S65W

Number on sick list 7

[San Francisco Light is probably Ilha dos Franceses Lighthouse at Lat -22.98, Long -42.03.]

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18 August 1915

San Francisco to Rio

Lat -24.8, Long -46.18

     Engine Room Water Tight doors closed in 8 minutes & reopened

5.35am: ER WT doors closed in 5 minutes

6.30am: Hands transporting coal, port watch scrubbing decks

am: Starboard watch transporting coal, remainder of hands chipping paintwork

11-11.30am: Stewards physical drill

pm: Hands make & mend

3.00pm: Alcatrasses Island N10E

4.43pm: Alcatrasses Island abeam, 23’

6.05pm: Boi Point Light N5E

7.25pm: Boi abeam, 14'

Number on sick list 9

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19 August 1915

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.2, Long -43.4

8.05am: Sighted land Red 20º

9.15am: Raza Light House abeam 2 m

10.25am: Anchored

1.30pm: Steam Pinnace left with Captain & officers for shore

2.00pm: Royal Mail Steam Packet launch alongside with mails

5.20pm: Boat arrived with stores

6.00pm: RMS “Araguaya” left

6.40pm: Steam Pinnace arrived with officers

10.00pm: Rounds correct, cells visited

Number on sick list 9

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20 August 1915

At sea

Lat -23.05, Long -43.05

12.10pm: Steam pinnace returned

     Rounds correct, cells visited

7.30am: Received provisions

7.50am: Steam Pinnace left for shore with Private Murray RMLI: for hospital

10.00am: Captain Evans returned

     Domestics to physical drill

     Junior officers to rifle drill

10.20am: Anchor aweigh, half speed

1.15pm: Marica's Island bearing N

pm: Hands chipping beams on promenade deck

4.30pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.50pm: Observed Cape Frio Light N80E

9.22pm: Cape Frio abeam, 2½ miles

Number on sick list 7

[Ilha de Marica is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -23.02, Long -42.92.]

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21 August 1915

At sea

Lat -23.25, Long -41.85

     Rounds correct, cells visited

2.05pm: Cape Frio Light House N10E, 8½'

pm: Hands make & mend

5.15pm: Passed SS Infanta Isabel bound E

6.15pm: Point Negra N38W

7.15pm: Raza Light House N73W

8.50pm: Negra Light dipped N22E

10.16pm: Raza Light dipped N29W

Number on sick list 7

[SS Infanta Isabel, 8182 tons, was built in 1912 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow for Pinillos Izquilerdo y Col. She was renamed Mizuho Maru in 1927 and torpedoed by USS Redfish with 1394 casualties.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db6a: ( 53-47701-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1915

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -24.68, Long -44.22

     Rounds correct, cells visited

2.40am: Turned round to examine open boat

3.00am: Resumed course

pm: Hands at rest

9.00pm: Rounds correct, cells visited

Number on sick list 7

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db6b: ( 53-47701-014_1.jpg)

23 August 1915

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -27.73, Long -46.72

     Rounds correct, cells visited

am: Junior officers sword drill

     Hands chipping & painting

10.00-10.30am: Stewards to physical drill

pm: Hands make & mend

4.10pm: Slow for Engine Room purposes

4.50pm: Half speed

Number on sick list 7

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db6c: ( 53-47701-015_0.jpg)

24 August 1915

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -30.52, Long -49.57

10.00-11.30am: Junior officers rifle drill

     Physical training classes

pm: Hands at rest

4.30pm: Hands physical drill

Number on sick list 9

[All this physical drill may be intended as a substitute for going ashore.]

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25 August 1915

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -33.6, Long -52.23

     Rounds correct, cells visited

6.30am: Hands scrubbed decks, port watch coaling

10.00am: Turned ship to practice ‘time on aim’

10.00-10.30am: Seaman’s physical drill

10.00-11.00am: Junior officers rifle drill

pm: Hands make & mend

4.30pm: Two men released from cells

7.20pm: Cape Polonio N87W

8.00pm: Colonio abeam 14½' [probably Polonio]

11.50pm: Cape Maria abeam, 14'

     Sea boats crews exercised

Number on sick list 9

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db6e: ( 53-47701-016_0.jpg)

26 August 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.45, Long -56.18

12.56am: St Maria dipped N

     Rounds & cells correct

2.40am: Lobos Island Light N71½W

4.00am: Lobos abeam N37W, 19'

6.30am: Hands coaling & washing decks

am: Hands unshipping accommodation ladder, chipping etc

10.45am: Observed HMS Glasgow Green 38º

12.20pm: Stopped & anchored

12.40pm: Sent whaler for mails etc

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 10

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27 August 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.22

5.30am: Hands fall in coaling rig

7.30am: Closed mail for England

8.30am: Collier “Fullerton” alongside

All day: Coaling proceeded throughout

1.20pm: “Glasgow” weighed & left

7.00pm: Ceased coaling, 478 tons

Number on sick list 10

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28 August 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

     Collier's moorings carefully attended to

5.30am: Resumed coaling, “Fullerton's” No 3 & 4 available

2.00pm: “Edinburgh Castle” left anchorage

5.00pm: Heavy rain, vivid lightning to NW, sky overcast, wind increasing

6.45pm: Let go Port anchor on bottom

6.50pm: Ceased coaling

9.00pm: Quarter spring carried away

9.30pm: Renewed spring carried away

10.00pm: Collier cast off & anchored

Number on sick list 7

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db71: ( 53-47701-017_1.jpg)

29 August 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.30am: Port aerial down, lead carried away

10.00am: Divisions & prayers

     Hands at rest

6.00pm: Semi-darken ship

8.20pm: El Cerro bearing N2W

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db72: ( 53-47701-018_0.jpg)

30 August 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

     Recalada Light Vessel N19W

     El Cerro N5W

5.45am: Up port anchor, collier under weigh

8.20am: Collier “Fullerton” alongside, commenced work

3.15pm: Finished coaling 1081 tons

3.30pm: Cast off collier, washed down

4.05pm: Surgeon Russell RN attended injured seaman on collier “Fullerton”

Number on sick list 7

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[Only the morning entries are on the first page which is headed 31 August. The second page contains only afternoon & evening entries and although it is headed 1 September is almost certainly the missing data from 31 August. The data from both pages has been amalgamated into a single entry.]

31 August 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Hands cleaning ship

3.15pm: Received injured seaman from collier “Fullerton”

7.00pm: Semi-darkened ship

Number on sick list 8

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1 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

9.20am: Divisions. Divine Service

9.45am: Sent 1st & 3rd cutters to "Edinburgh Castle" for stores

     Hands rigged targets

pm: Hands working stores & rigging targets

6.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 8

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db7f: ( 53-47702-004_1.jpg)

2 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.3, Long -56.28

6.00am: Hands washed down & rigged target

7.00am: Up anchor

7.40am: In position, dropped target & veered to 2 shackles

9.00am: Up anchor & proceeded

10-12.30: Carried out 1” aiming practice

1.35pm: Slow ahead, helm as required for for target practice

3.25pm: Finished firing 5 rounds at each gun, = 40, & proceeded back to target

3.55pm: Let go starboard anchor & proceeded to pick up target

4.45pm: Target on board, lost target kedge anchor, rope parted

     “Edinburgh Castle” arrived N73E, 10 cables

5.00pm: Anchor aweigh

5.45pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db80: ( 53-47702-005_0.jpg)

3 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.3, Long -56.28

10-11.30am: Officers gunnery classes, company drill

     Hands physical drill

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

Number on sick list 8

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db81: ( 53-47702-005_1.jpg)

4 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.3, Long -56.28

Noon: Overcast with rain and thunder

pm: Hands make & mend

7.00pm: Overcast with rain, thunder & rain

Number on sick list 10

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5 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.3, Long -56.28

9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection, Divine Service

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 10

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db83: ( 53-47702-006_1.jpg)

6 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

2.00am: Distance between ships verified. “Edinburgh Castle” anchored N26W, 3½ cables

6.00am: Coaling party working coal. Main deck sections

am: Junior officers at company drill

     Stewards physical drill

     Hands clean ship

pm: Hands washing paintwork

     Gunnery & physical training

Number on sick list 9.

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db84: ( 53-47702-007_0.jpg)

7 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.45

1.05am: Anchor aweigh

2.33am: Recalada Light Vessel: W, 1'

4.30am: Flores Light House N3E

5.15am: Observed steamer, single masthead light Red 30º

5.28am: Altered course to intercept steamer, proved to be “Eastern Prince”

10.15am: Passed Greek SS Andriana

10.20am: Domestics physical drill, Marines at small arms

     Gunnery instruction, hands cleaning paintwork etc

12.30pm: Nor[wegian] motor ship “Brazil” bound W

pm: Hands washing paintwork, gunnery & physical training classes

4.17pm: Stop. Whaler left with boarding officers to Spanish SS Monserrat

5.30pm: Whaler returned, proceeded

6.30pm: Punta Negra abeam

7.55pm: Flores Light N77W

9.20pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 10

[SS Eastern Prince, 2885 tons, was built in 1910 by John Priestman & Co Ltd, Southwick for the Prince Line. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 5 men.

An SS Andriana, 2958 tons, was built by Short Bros, Sunderland for A Embiricos.

MV Brazil, 2388 tons, was built in 1914 by Akers Mekaniske Versted A/S, Oslo. After spending 1929-33 as “Rio” she reverted to her original name. In 1942 she was involved in a collision & foundered.

SS Monserrat was probably SS Montserrat, 4076 tons, built as SS Dania in 1889. She sailed as “Montserrat” 1897-1926 for Compania Trasatlantica Espanola SA when she was sold and scrapped.]

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8 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.03, Long -55.83

am: Hands painting promenade deck beams, gunnery classes

11.38am: Anchor aweigh

2.15pm: Stopped, anchored

3.05pm: Pratique granted

4.00pm: Contractor arrived with mails

4.05pm: Tug "Onduna" left with officers & liberty men

11.45pm: “Onduna” returned with officers & part liberty men

Number on sick list 10

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db86: ( 53-47702-008_0.jpg)

9 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -34.9, Long -57.0

9.25am: Tug returned with officers & liberty men

1.15pm: Boat alongside with stores

3.30pm: “Orduna” returned with officers & men

3.40pm: Up anchor

3.50pm: Tug left ship

6.10pm: Stop. Fog thickened. Engines as required to pick up “Edinburgh Castle”

6.30pm: Anchored, “Edinburgh Castle” S8E, 3¾ cables

6.45pm: "Edinburgh Castle" boat alongside for mails

Number on sick list 10

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db87: ( 53-47702-008_1.jpg)

10 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Training classes & physical drill, hands employed as requisite

2.10pm: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

4.38pm: Whistle Buoy E true, tug “Ondina” alongside with leave-breakers

4.55pm: Tug left, proceeded for anchorage

6.15pm: "Edinburgh Castle" Red 25º

7.15pm: Stopped & anchored

7.30pm: Boat from “Edinburgh Castle” for mails

Number on sick list 10

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db88: ( 53-47702-009_0.jpg)

11 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

8.00am: Thick fog

am: Placed steel pin in 3rd shackle port cable, hands cleaning ship

Noon: Fine weather

pm: Hands make & mend

4.00pm: Foggy weather

Midnight: Thick foggy weather, Board of Trade regulations attended to

Number on sick list 10

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db89: ( 53-47702-009_1.jpg)

12 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

     Thick foggy weather, Board of Trade regulations carried out

9.00am: Fog lifted

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 10

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db8a: ( 53-47702-010_0.jpg)

13 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Company drill, f’csle

     Seaman & domestics physical drill

pm: Hands as requisite

     Quarter deck men at company drill

Number on sick list 10

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db8b: ( 53-47702-010_1.jpg)

14 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

10-11.30am: Junior officers at company drill

11-11.30am: Stewards at physical drill

pm: Hands as requisite

     3rd Division at company drill

Number on sick list 7

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db8c: ( 53-47702-011_0.jpg)

15 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Hands chipping promenade beams overhead

     Training classes at rifle instruction

Number on sick list 8.

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db8d: ( 53-47702-011_1.jpg)

16 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Seamen at rifle drill

     Boat pulling training classes

     Hands chipping overhead promenade deck

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

Number on sick list 8

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db8e: ( 53-47702-012_0.jpg)

17 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

9.30-11.00am: Gunnery training classes

     Hands employed as requisite

11.45am: “Edinburgh Castle” weighed & proceeded

pm: Hands chipping paintwork

     Gunnery training classes at rifle exercises

Number on sick list 7

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db8f: ( 53-47702-012_1.jpg)

18 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

2.00pm: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

2.25pm: Recalada Light Vessel Green 2º

5.30pm: Stop

5.45pm: Sent whaler to PSN Co "Orissa" with mails

6.24pm: Up whaler, proceeded

8.35pm: Sighted “Edinburgh Castle” Red 25º

9.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db90: ( 53-47702-013_0.jpg)

19 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.9

7.00am: Sighted RMS Avon, Green 45º

7.20am: Sent whaler to “Avon”

8.10am: “Avon” proceeded

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.10am: Received mails from “Edinburgh Castle”

11.25am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded

3.45pm: Anchored.

     Flores Light House West

     Sharp Peak N48E

     Sierra [de las] Animas N68E

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db91: ( 53-47702-013_1.jpg)

20 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -34.92, Long -55.64

7.50am: RMS Darro passed bound Monte Video

am: Domestics boat pulling instruction

     Classes rifle drill

     Hands chipping & painting

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, hands physical drill

Number on sick list 5

[SS Darro, 11,484 tons, was built in 1912 by Harland & Wolff Belfast for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. She was scrapped in 1933 and is notorious for her collision with SS Mendi which resulted in the loss of 636 men.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db92: ( 53-47702-014_0.jpg)

21 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

am: Hands at Rifle meeting

pm: Hands at Rifle meeting

Number on sick list 5

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db93: ( 53-47702-014_1.jpg)

22 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Gunnery training classes

     Stewards physical drill

     Hands chipping & painting

pm: Hands at Rifle meeting

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db94: ( 53-47702-015_0.jpg)

23 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -34.94, Long -55.52

am: Hands variously employed

     Rigged lower boom

     Seaman & stewards at physical drill

11.20am: Anchor aweigh, full speed

2.35pm: Stopped & anchored

3.30pm: Sent cutters for sand

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db95: ( 53-47702-015_1.jpg)

24 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

7.30am: Lowered steam pinnace

9.15am: Steam pinnace left with cutters in tow for sand

11.06am: Sand party returned

2.00pm: Hoisted all boats

2.30pm: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

6.10pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db96: ( 53-47702-016_0.jpg)

25 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.47, Long -55.96

8.55am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

1.07pm: Altered course for “Edinburgh Castle”

1.40pm: Anchored

2.10pm: Received mails from "Edinburgh Castle"

5.30pm: Stewards & stokers at boat pulling

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db97: ( 53-47702-016_1.jpg)

26 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.41, Long -56.25

7.15-7.50am: Roman Catholic Service conducted by Father Dillon, HMS Edinburgh Castle

10.00am: Captain’s inspection, Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db98: ( 53-47702-017_0.jpg)

27 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.32, Long -56.28

7.00am: Fog & rainy weather throughout, Board of Trade regulations carried out

10.30am: Received homeward mails “Edinburgh Castle” & collier

11.15am: Anchor aweigh, full speed

     Hands cleaning down mast & funnels

12.10pm: Cerro N3E

12.50pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 1'

3.30pm: Anchored

Midnight: Overcast with south westerly gale

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db99: ( 53-47702-017_1.jpg)

28 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.82

7.30am: RMS Darro passed E

11-11.30am: Stewards at physical drill, company drill etc

pm: Training classes squad drill

2.30pm: RMS Deseado passed W

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701db9a: ( 53-47702-018_0.jpg)

29 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.81, Long -55.96

9.30am: Sent mails to SS Rolina for England

9.55am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

2.00pm: Stopped, anchored

2.45pm: Pratique granted

5.30pm: Stores arrived alongside

9.50pm: Stores on board

Number on sick list 6

[I have been unable to find a ship SS Rolina or SS Rodina sailing at this time.]

30 September is duplicated

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4caf87ffcadfd3419701dba5: ( 53-47703-003_1.jpg)

[Only the morning entries are on the first page, the second page contains only afternoon & evening entries. The data from both pages has been amalgamated into a single entry

30 September 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

2.10pm: Finished taking in stores

3.30pm: Up anchor, ahead slow to outer Whistle buoy

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

6.10pm: Stopped. Sent whaler to PSNC “Oriana” for mail

6.45pm: Hoisted whaler, proceeded

8.00pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 6

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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1 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

8.30am: "Edinburgh Castle" passed for Montevideo

11-11.30am: Stewards boat pulling

     Training class rifle instruction

5.15pm: HMS Edinburgh Castle returned from Montevideo, received stores. Father Jones embarked.

     “Edinburgh Castle” proceeded to eastward

Number on sick list 9

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dba7: ( 53-47703-004_1.jpg)

2 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.25

[Incorrect latitude in log]

9.30am: Anchor aweigh, slow

10.50am: Recalada abeam, 2'

12.10pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 9

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dba8: ( 53-47703-005_0.jpg)

3 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

7.00am: Roman.Catholic service conducted by Father Jones

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dba9: ( 53-47703-005_1.jpg)

4 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.07, Long -56.07

7.00am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

9.40am: Recalada Light Vessel abeam

2.12pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 10

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbaa: ( 53-47703-006_0.jpg)

5 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

4.25am: Received mails from RMS Amazon

am: Hands chipping on promenade deck

     Main TM [Top Men?] at company drill

pm: Rifle & company drill

3.48pm: Anchor aweigh, slow

5.56pm: Stopped

6.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 10

[RMS Amazon, 10,037 tons, was built in 1906 by Harland & Wolff Ltd for the Royal Mail Lines. She was torpedoed in 1918 without loss of life.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbab: ( 53-47703-006_1.jpg)

6 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

8.45am: Sent mails to RMP "Deseado"

12.20pm: Anchor aweigh

1.42pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 1¼'

3.15pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbac: ( 53-47703-007_0.jpg)

7 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.25

am: Fo’csle men at company drill

     Hands chipping & painting

pm: Fore top men at company drill

     Hands chipping, painting etc

4.30pm: Rain squalls from SW intermittently

6.00pm: Squally weather, darkened ship

Number on sick list 7

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbad: ( 53-47703-007_1.jpg)

8 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

4.00am: Cloudy squally weather

am: Hands chipping & painting

     Domestics physical drill

Number on sick list 8

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbae: ( 53-47703-008_0.jpg)

9 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbaf: ( 53-47703-008_1.jpg)

10 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb0: ( 53-47703-009_0.jpg)

11 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.30am: Hands blacking down rigging & scrubbing ship’s side

am: Training classes, chipping round midships cabins

pm: Hands chipping paintwork, painting masts & funnels

Number on sick list 7

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb1: ( 53-47703-009_1.jpg)

12 October 1915

Place: River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.30am: Hands scrubbed ship’s side etc

am: Hands chipping round Captain’s cabin etc

10-11.30am: Junior officers at physical drill & training classes

pm: Training classes etc

Number on sick list 8

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb2: ( 53-47703-010_0.jpg)

13 October 1915

Place: River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.15am: SS Luxembourg (Belgian) passed bound South

10.30am: Supplied collier "Byland" with meat

     Hands chipping & painting

pm: Make & mend

Number on sick list 8

[SS Luxemburg, 4322 tons, was built as SS Helene Menzell for the Adler Line by Flensburger Schiffsbau Gesellschaft, Flensburger in 1908. She was eventually renamed “Luxemburg” in 1913. In 1916 she was captured & scuttled by SS Moewe without loss of life.

SS Byland was probably SS Bylands, 3309 tons, built in 1899 by Ropner Shipbuilding & Repairing Co, Stockton-on-Tees for Joseph F Wilson & Co, West Hartlepool. In 1918 she was sunk by gunfire from a U-boat.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb3: ( 53-47703-010_1.jpg)

14 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

10-11.00am: Junior officers training classes

am: Hands scrubbing overside & bottom

     Training classes

     Foc’sle men at company drill

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

Number on sick list 8

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb4: ( 53-47703-011_0.jpg)

15 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.30am: HM Storeship "Intaba": weighed & proceeded to come alongside

7.15am: Secured & commenced shipping stores

pm: Hands working stores

2.30pm: Finished no 4 hatch

4.30pm: Received 1 whaler. 2 seamen joined from HMS Intaba

11.50pm: Hands finished transporting stores from SS Intaba

Midnight: Store ship cast off

Number on sick list 8

[HMS Intaba, 4832 tons was built in 1910 by Hall Russell & Co, Aberdeen. She was requisitioned in 1914 & served as a Q ship 1916-17 as SS Waitomo. In 1927 she was sold & renamed “Engelstan”. After changes of owership she was sold for scrap in 1952.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb5: ( 53-47703-011_1.jpg)

16 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.05, Long -56.23

1.00am: Hands piped down

7.00am: Hands called, received collier's mail

9.58am: Up anchor & proceeded

11.15am: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 1'

1.25pm: Spoke Belgian steamer "Baeyens" bound East

4.00pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

[SS Baeyens was probably the ship SS Harley, 3518 tons, built in 1905 by Furness, Withy & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool. She was sold to Royal Belgo-Argentine, Antwerp in 1906 and renamed “Baron Baeyens”. She was scrapped in 1934.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb6: ( 53-47703-012_0.jpg)

17 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.35am: Despatched mails by PSN Co “Oransa” for England

Number on sick list 8

[PSNC “Oransa”, 8075 tons, was built in 1906 by Harland & Wolff, Belfast for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co, Liverpool. She was torpedoed in 1918 with the loss of 3 lives.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb7: ( 53-47703-012_1.jpg)

18 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Gunnery training classes at deflection teacher

     Hands employed chipping & painting etc

10-10.30am: Junior officers physical drill

12.15pm: Cable officers

12.30pm: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

1.30pm: Payment made to port watch

2.35pm: Stopped & anchored

3.10pm: Pratique granted

3.15pm: Liberty men and officers left for shore

11.45pm: Captain Evans & officers returned

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb8: ( 53-47703-013_0.jpg)

19 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

10.00am: Tug “Orduna” arrived with liberty men

10.30am: Tug “Orduna” left with liberty men & officers for shore

11.45am: Stores arrived alongside

12.45pm: Finished stores, boat cast off

3.00pm: “Orduna” returned with officers & liberty men

3.20pm: Up anchor & proceeded

6.52pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 6

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbb9: ( 53-47703-013_1.jpg)

20 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

am: Training classes at instruction, hands employed as requisite

pm: Hands to make & mend

Number on sick list 9

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbba: ( 53-47703-014_0.jpg)

21 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

12.05am: Signalled RMS “Desna”

1.10am: Received mails & hoisted whaler

am: Foc’sle men at company drill

     Training classes at deflection instruction

     Junior officers & domestics physical drill

2.05pm: Up anchor & proceeded

pm: Divisions at company drill

     Hands as requisite

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

5.30pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam

6.45pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 9

[RMS “Desna”, 11,483 tons, was built in 1912 for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. She was scrapped in 1933.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbbb: ( 53-47703-014_1.jpg)

22 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.27

9.30am: Divisions. ‘General Quarters’. Exercised ‘Action’

am: Training classes at instruction

     Foggy weather

pm: Supplied collier with stores

     Training classes at instruction, hands variously employed

Number on sick list 9

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbbc: ( 53-47703-015_0.jpg)

23 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.12, Long -56.18

9.28am: Anchor up, proceeded slow

pm: Hands make & mend

3.40pm: Stopped & anchored

5.00pm: Domestics boat pulling

6.30pm: Dismasted barque "Isa~" in tow passed West

Number on sick list 10

[I have not been able to read the name of the barque and find any details about her.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbbd: ( 53-47703-015_1.jpg)

24 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

9.30am: Captain’s inspection, Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

8.00pm: French SS Divona, Bordeaux entered inwards

Number on sick list 10

[SS Divona, 6031 tons, was built in 1886 at the Fairfield’s Yard in Govan as SS Ormuz. She was sold in 1911 to the Cie de Nav Sud-Atlantique, Bordeaux & renamed. She was scrapped in 1922.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbbe: ( 53-47703-016_0.jpg)

25 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

5.20am: RMS Nile passed inwards

am: Hands chipping & painting

     Rove new steam pinnace falls

     Domestics at physical drill

12.25pm: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

pm: Crew chipping & painting

7.20pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 11

[RMS Nile, 5893 tons, was built in 1893 by J & G Thomson, Clydebank for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. She was Transport no 82 in the Boer War & scrapped in 1925.]

4caf87ffcadfd3419701dbbf: ( 53-47703-016_1.jpg)

26 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.87

9.30am: Weighed anchor

9.50am: Intercepted RMS Desna, lowered 2nd whaler & transferred Lieutenant Commander Thompson for passage to UK

10.25am: Hoisted 2nd whaler & proceeded

pm: 2nd deckmen at company drill

3.45pm: Stopped & anchored

4.00pm: Lowered steam pinnace & 2nd whaler

4.15pm: Captain & officers left for shore

6.50pm: Captain & officers returned

7.50pm: Hoisted 2nd whaler

Number on sick list 9

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbc0: ( 53-47703-017_0.jpg)

27 October 1915

Maldonado Bay, River Plate

Lat -34.95, Long -55.0

6.30am: Hands turned to. Lowered 2nd cutter & 1st & 2nd whalers, despatched cutter for sand

am: Hands as requisite. 2nd whaler for seamen’s rowing classes, 1st whaler & steam pinnace for officers’ shore leave

     Seamen’s training classes carrying on

Noon: Hoisted 2nd cutter

pm: Hands as in forenoon

3.15pm: Hoisted steam pinnace & whalers

3.30pm: Anchor aweigh

4.00pm: Evening quarters, physical drill

6.55pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbc1: ( 53-47703-017_1.jpg)

28 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.93

9.30am: Anchor aweigh

am:: Hands as requisite, training classes carrying on

2.00pm: Stopped off Whistle Buoy awaiting Tug "Ondina"

2.05pm: Tug “Ondina” alongside with letters etc

2.20pm: Tug cast off, proceeded

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, hands to physical drill

6.34pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbc2: ( 53-47703-018_0.jpg)

29 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.92

9.25am: Anchor aweigh

am: Hands as requisite, training classes carrying on

pm: Hands as in forenoon

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, hands to physical drill

8.00pm: Helm & engines as requisite to maintain position in track of ships

Number on sick list 12

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbc3: ( 53-47703-018_1.jpg)

30 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.73

     Ship’s position verified by frequent cross bearings. Engines & helm as requisite to maintain position

6.00am: Hands turned to. One watch transporting coal from no III hatch to bunkers, remainder as requisite

All day: Conditions & routine as in previous watch

3.00pm: Lowered 2nd whaler & communicated with SS Highland Piper

3.30pm: Hoisted 2nd whaler

6.30pm: Stopped transporting coal for day

7.00pm: Darkened ship

     Ship’s position verified by frequent cross bearings. Engines & helm as requisite to maintain position

Number on sick list 14

[SS Highland Piper, 7490 tons, was built in 1911 for the Nelson Line. She was sold & renamed in 1929.]

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbc4: ( 53-47703-019_0.jpg)

31 October 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.1, Long -55.55

     Ship’s position verified by frequent cross bearings. Engines & helm as requisite to maintain position

7.00am: Hands turned to & as requisite

10.00am: Intercepted SS Kankakee & dispatched boarding party

10.35am: "Kankakee" anchored

11.00am: Divine Service held

2.50pm: Proceeded to anchorage SS Kankakee following

pm: Hands at rest

8.20pm: Stopped. SS Kankakee: anchored

8.25pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 14

[SS Kankakee, 3718 tons, was built in 1899 by Graham Osbourne & Co, Sunderland for the American Transatlantic Co. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 3 lives.]

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


4caf8800cadfd3419701dbca: ( 53-47704-001_0.jpg)

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbcb: ( 53-47704-001_1.jpg)

[Log book signed by AW Drew Lieutenant RNR, Navigating Officer]

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbcc: ( 53-47704-002_0.jpg)

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbcd: ( 53-47704-002_1.jpg)

[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbce: ( 53-47704-003_0.jpg)

Barometer – Mercurial, Lilly & Son, London, 120

     Height of cistern above sea 50’

Thermometers for air temperature – chart room, forebridge, unscreened

     Lilley & Son, London

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbcf: ( 53-47704-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.37, Long -56.23

9.30am: Divisions and Divine Service

pm: Hands employed trimming coal & as requisite

6.00pm: Ceased coaling

Midnight: Prize "Kankakee" reports "rounds correct"

Number on sick list 12

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbd0: ( 53-47704-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -34.97, Long -56.22

     Rounds reported correct from Prize "Kankakee"

7.15am: Petty Officer Allington: and 3 seamen detailed for guard on Prize "Kankakee"

8.45am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded half speed

am: Main topmen & training classes at company drill etc

11.45am: Stopped & anchored

12.40pm: Received pratique

2.45pm: Water-boat alongside

4.00pm: Water-boats left

6.00pm: Hove up anchor and proceeded

6.15pm: Whistle Buoy abeam

7.35pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam 1¼ miles

8.55pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 12

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbd1: ( 53-47704-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.37, Long -56.22

4.00am: Prize "Kankakee" reported rounds correct

9.25am: Anchor aweigh, Proceeded alongside “Kankakee” (port side to) to give fresh water

10.45am: Secured alongside “Kanakee”

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, slops issued

5.10pm: Cast off from Prize “Kanakee” & proceeded to anchorage

5.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 12.

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbd2: ( 53-47704-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.18

5.05am: Sighted collier Red 15º

6.00am: Hands preparing to coal ship

8.30am: Collier secured alongside (to port), hands coaling ship

7.45pm: Finished coaling ship, repaired moorings

Number on sick list 12

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5 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.18

5.15am: Resumed coaling ship

7.15pm: Cast off collier

Number on Sick list 16

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6 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.18

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 15

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbd5: ( 53-47704-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.18

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Port watch preparing ship for coaling

7.15pm: Darkened ship

11.00pm: Slight fog. Fog regulations attended to

Number on sick list 15.

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbd6: ( 53-47704-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.22

     Fog regulations attended to

3.30am: Fog lifted. Anchor bearings verified

5.30am: Hands securing collier alongside

6.30am: Commenced coaling ship

4.20pm: Ceased coaling & cast off collier

5.10pm: Anchor aweigh & proceeded at slow speed

7.20pm: Sighted El Cerro Light N12½W

8.00pm: Semi-darkened

Number on sick list 14

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbd7: ( 53-47704-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.1, Long -56.08

3.00am: Sighted Flores Island Light N52E

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

9.40am: Spoke SS Trevose & SS Don Benito

11.07am: English Bank Light Vessel abeam

     Spoke SS Raphael

5.10pm: English Bank Light Vessel abeam, 3 miles

7.00pm: Darkened ship

11.05pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 12

[SS Trevose, 3112 tons, was built in 1896 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields for the Hain Steamship Co. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 2 men.

SS Don Benito, 3749 tons, was a collier built in 1906 and chartered by the Admiralty. She sank after a collision in 1917.

SS Raphael, 4699 tons, was built in 1898 for the Lamport & Holt Line. She was used as a troop transport during the Boer War 1899-1900 and was scrapped in 1930.]

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10 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.08, Long -55.72

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

am: Boats’ crews at sailing & pulling exercise

     Training classes at instruction

12.25pm: Anchor aweigh, proceeded

3.30pm: Manoeuvred off Whistle Buoy receiving ship's mail from Tug "Argos”

6.10pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 2’

8.10pm: Stopped. Anchored

Number on sick list 11

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbd9: ( 53-47704-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.28, Long -56.25

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

9.40am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

12.38pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam

1.00pm: Archimedes buoy abeam, 3’

3.15pm: Training classes at small arms drill

4.45pm: Flores Island abeam, 6 miles

Number on sick list 11

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12 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.75, Long -55.67

3.15am: Altered course to intercept SS California

9.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.00am: Exercised ‘Action’

     Junior officers at torpedo training

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

Number on sick list 10

[There were several ships called California operating at this time. I think that this is most likely to be the one operated by the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. SS California was a cargo ship of 5629 tons, built in 1902 by J Caird & Co, Greenock. In 1917 she was torpedoed with 4 casualties.]

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbdb: ( 53-47704-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.28, Long -55.43

pm: Hands to make & mend clothes

10.30pm: English Bank buoy N72W

Number on sick list 11

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14 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.28, Long -55.43

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.40am: Hove up anchor

12.53pm: English Bank buoy S84W

     Mount Azucar: N29E

2.20pm: Spoke SS Argentine, man of war, bound E

2.35pm: Altered course to intercept PSNC “Oriana”

3.05pm: Stopped engines & sent boat away to SS Oriana for mails

3.45pm: Proceeded

8.20pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 11

[Mount Azucar is indexed as Cerro de Pan de Azucar & is in Uruguay at Lat -34.83, Long -55.27.

I have been unable to find a warship sailing as “Argentine” or “Argentina” at this time. She may have been SS Argentina, 642 tons, built in 1904 by the Greenock & Grangemouth Dockyard Co Ltd, Greenock for the Argentine Navigation Co. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1916 and eventually went missing in 1940.

Another ship of the same name was SS Argentina the 5526 ton passenger/cargo ship built in 1907 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow. At this time she was registered in Trieste. Eventually she was scrapped in 1960. Alternatively the SS may have been an aberration and the ship was an unnamed warship from the Argentine Navy!!]

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15 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.35, Long -56.23

     Frequent heavy rain showers

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

     Junior officers at instruction

Noon: SS Bylands arrived at anchorage in vicinity

Number on sick list 10

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16 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.35, Long -56.23

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

am: Hands employed variously

     Training classes at drill

     Junior officers at gun drill

8.00pm: Red Light buoy N13E

Number on sick list 11

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbdf: ( 53-47704-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.23

11.15am: Anchor aweigh

11.35am: Proceeded half speed

3.10pm: Stopped & anchored

4.00pm: Liberty men mustered & left ship at 4.38pm

5.00pm: Commenced taking in fresh water & stores

7.00pm: Finished shipping stores

10.45pm: Finished taking fresh water

Number on sick list 13

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbe0: ( 53-47704-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -34.97, Long -56.22

5.30am: Resumed taking fresh water aboard

7.15am: Finished taking fresh water aboard

9.10am: Liberty men returned on board

     Hands employed shipping stores & provisions

12.30pm: Absentees returned on board from Tug "Ordina"

1.40pm: Ceased shipping stores

3.30pm: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

6.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 13

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbe1: ( 53-47704-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.28, Long -56.23

9.15am: Hove up anchor

10.10am: Secured alongside SS Kanakee to give fresh water

1.00pm: Ceased supplying water to SS Kanakee

1.45pm: Cast off from SS Kanakee

2.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 14

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20 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.22

am: Seaman Milton: accidentally lost one hammock overboard

pm: Hands at make & mend

8.10pm: Surgeon left to board Prize "Kanakee"

9.00pm: Surgeon returned from Prize "Kanakee"

Number on sick list 14

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21 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.4, Long -56.2

Other: Divine Service

Other: sick list 14

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22 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.4, Long -56.2

am: Junior officers at gun drill

12.25pm: Anchor aweigh

12.46pm: Recalada Light Vessel N24W

6.0-7.20pm: Course & speed various to intercept & speak SS Siddon

7.25pm: Point Negra Light N58E

8.19pm: Lobos Island Light S85E

8.54pm: Punta Negra Point abeam, 5 miles

9.17pm: Sighted White buoy

10.35pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 14

[SS Siddon is probably SS Siddons, 4189 tons, built in 1910 as SS Tremont. She was purchased & renamed in 1911 by the Lamport & Holt Line. In 1923 she was sold & renamed again.]

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23 November 1915

Maldonado Bay, River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

8.05am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead, manoeuvring to intercept mail ship

10.40am: Received mails & proceeded

11.45am: Altered course towards anchorage

12.50pm: Received provisions from ashore

1.00pm: Proceeded full speed

2.05pm: Punta Negra Point abeam, 8 miles

5.35pm: Altered course to intercept Royal Mail Steam Packet “Demarara” & discharge mail

6.10pm: Stopped engines & dispatched mail

6.30pm: Full speed ahead

10.10pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 14

[SS Demarara, 11,484, (also Demerara) was built in 1912 by Harland & Wolff, Belfast for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. She was hit by a torpedo from a U-boat, with 1 casualty, but was beached & refloated. In 1933 she was scrapped.]

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24 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.38, Long -56.22

3.15am: SS Orissa: passed to southward

6.00am: Sighted HMS Orama SE

8.05am: HMS Orama anchored on port beam, distance 3 cables

10.45am: Surgeon left ship to board collier

11.15am: Surgeon returned aboard

pm: Hands at ‘Make & mend’

6.00pm: 3 Stokers & 2 greasers discharged to Prize "Kanakee"

6.30pm: Delivered stores to SS "Kanakee"

7.30pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 15

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbe7: ( 53-47704-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.05, Long -56.2

8.45am: Engineering Lieutenant Taylor left ship for "Kanakee"

9.30am: Anchor aweigh

9.45am: 2 Engineers and 14 men of crew of Prize "Kanakee" received aboard

9.50am: Full speed ahead

11.10am: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 1.5 miles

12.12pm: Sighted Whistle buoy

12.45pm: Stopped & anchored

1.15pm: Received "Pratique"

1.30pm: Tug “Ordina” alongside with mails

2.00pm: "Ordina" left with Captain & officers and discharged crew of SS (Prize) Kanakee

5.55pm: Received ship's stores

6.50pm: Anchor aweigh

7.11pm: Whistle buoy abeam ¼ mile distant

8.26pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 2½ miles

10.00am: Anchored

Number on sick list 15

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbe8: ( 53-47704-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1915

River Plate

Lat -35.4, Long -56.23

6.40am: Anchor aweigh

6.45am: Proceeded towards Prize "Kanakee"

7.45am: Made fast alongside SS "Kanakee" & proceeded to provision & water same

am: Hands employed variously

     Crowe AB placed under arrest for refusing duty

     Training classes under examination

1.30pm: Received six men from HMS Orama for Prize “Kanakee”

2.00pm: Delivered stores to HMS Orama

4.00pm: Cast off Prize “Kanakee”

4.15pm: Delivered stores to Prize “Kanakee”

5.00pm: Proceeded full speed

7.10pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 9

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27 November 1915

At sea

Lat -33.55, Long -52.55

4.10am: Encountered fog, reduced to half speed

4.30am: Fog cleared, increased to full speed

pm: Hands at ‘Make & mend clothes’

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, read warrant no 21

7.00pm: Darkened ship

     Rounds correct, cells visited

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbea: ( 53-47704-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1915

River Plate to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -29.88, Long -48.52

     Rounds made, cells visited

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Evening: Rounds made, cells visited

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbeb: ( 53-47704-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1915

River Plate to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -25.93, Long -44.7

am: Junior officers at torpedo instruction

     Hands variously employed

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

7.15pm: Darkened ship

     Rounds made, cells visited

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbec: ( 53-47704-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1915

River Plate to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -22.65, Long -41.18

     Rounds made, cells visited

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers

     Exercised ‘Action’ & ‘Abandon ship’

     Examined lifeboats

pm: Hands at rest

7.00pm: Darkened ship

     Rounds made, cells visited

Number on sick list 10

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 December 1915

River Plate to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.38, Long -38.9

     Rounds made, cells visited

am: Junior officers at instruction

     Crew employed variously

pm: Hands at ‘Make & mend clothes’

2.39pm: Stopped & anchored

5.00pm: Delivered 8 bags of mail to to HMS Vindictive

     Hands mustered for payment & issue of slops

6.00pm: Delivered 800 lbs mutton to HMS Vindictive

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbf8: ( 53-47705-004_0.jpg)

2 December 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.02, Long -38.73

     Rounds made, cells visited

5.30am: Sighted HMS Marmora S40W

7.00am: HMS Vindictive secured alongside & commenced transferring stores

7.10am: HMS Marmora anchored, 4 cables distance

am: Crew employed working stores

3.00pm: Finished storing HMS Vindictive

5.45pm: Vindictive cast off & proceeded to her anchorage

6.50pm: Darkened ship

8.45pm: HMS Marmora bore South

10.50pm: Received mail from "Marmora”

     Rounds made cells visited

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbf9: ( 53-47705-004_1.jpg)

3 December 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.01, Long -38.73

     Rounds made, cells visited

6.30am: Collier made fast alongside

7.00am: Commenced coaling ship

Noon: Coal taken on board 205 tons

4.45pm: Ceased coaling, collier cast off

7.00pm: Darkened ship

     Rounds made, cells visited

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbfa: ( 53-47705-005_0.jpg)

4 December 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.01, Long -38.73

     Rounds made. Cells visited

pm: Hands at ‘Make & mend clothes’

3.30pm: Observed a 3 masted steamship bearing S10E, steering NE'ly

4.30pm: Seaman Crow released from cells

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbfb: ( 53-47705-005_1.jpg)

5 December 1915

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.01, Long -38.73

5.45am: Collier alongside, but cast off again owing to swell

8.40am: Delivered mails for HMS Edinburgh Castle to HMS Vindictive

10.30am: Divisions & Divine Service

11.50am: Hove up anchor

Noon: Proceeded at full speed

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 13

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbfc: ( 53-47705-006_0.jpg)

6 December 1915

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -21.83, Long -39.92

pm: Crew at ‘Make & mend clothes’

7.55pm: Observed loom of Cape San Thome Light bearing N11W

11.10pm: Cape Frio Light S71W

Number on sick list 11

[Cape San Thome lighthouse is indexed as Sao Tome at Lat -22.05, Long -41.05.]

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbfd: ( 53-47705-006_1.jpg)

7 December 1915

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.9, Long -43.17

2.00am: Cape Frio Light abeam, distance 10½'

10.10am: Anchored

10.30am: Water boat alongside

11.40pm: Ceased taking fresh water

Number on sick list 11

4caf8800cadfd3419701dbfe: ( 53-47705-007_0.jpg)

8 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.05, Long -42.98

12.20am: Steam pinnace returned

6.30am: Midshipmen Rutley Miller & Firmstone left ship

9.30am: Spoke RMSP "Avon"

10.30am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded to sea

11.00am: Fort Santa Cruz abeam, 3½ cables

2.30pm: Spoke Dutch SS Zaanland of Amsterdam

7.50pm: Eased engines to intercept RMS "Amazon" & received mail from her at 8.45 pm

10.10pm: Despatched 6 Petty Officers and 1 Chief Petty Officer ratings to RMS "Avon”

11.00pm: Full speed

Number on sick list 9

[SS Zaanland, 5417 tons, was built in 1900 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow for the Zuid Amerika Line. In 1908 she belonged to Koninklijke Hollandsche Lloyd. However in 1918, while travelling in convoy she collided with SS Hisko and sank, fortunately without loss of life.]

Operations between South America and South Africa 1915

JP map Macedonia South America - South Africa 1915

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9 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -22.92, Long -39.38

10.50am: Sighted “Edinburgh Castle”

11.55am: Stopped engines. Received officers, ratings, stores and ammunition.

  8 officers and 9 ratings joined ship, also 1 fireman, under arrest

1.40pm: Full speed

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc00: ( 53-47705-008_0.jpg)

10 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -24.63, Long -35.42

7.00am: Junior officers at physical drill

     Considerable ESE swell

pm: Midshipmen at signal instruction

     Port watch trimming coal on main deck

6.45pm: Ceased working coal

6.50pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 9

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc01: ( 53-47705-008_1.jpg)

11 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simons Town

Lat -26.53, Long -30.88

6.00am: 1st Starboard watch coaling from No. 2 hatch

am: Junior officers at classes

pm: Junior officers at signals

6.45pm: Darkened ship

10.00pm: Rounds correct. Temperature in cells 80º [F]

Number on sick list 11

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc02: ( 53-47705-009_0.jpg)

12 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simons Town

Lat -28.2, Long -25.62

10.00am: Divisions. Inspection. Prayers

1.00pm: Uncovered guns

Number on sick list 12

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc03: ( 53-47705-009_1.jpg)

13 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simons Town

Lat -29.87, Long -22.87

7-7.30am: Midshipmen to physical drill

am: Midshipmen to instruction, hands employed variously

pm: Hands make & mend, midshipmen signal instruction

Number on sick list 11

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc04: ( 53-47705-010_0.jpg)

14 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simon's Town

Lat -31.2, Long -14.7

7-7.30am: Junior Officers to physical drill

am: Hands variously employed, midshipmen to instruction

6.45pm: Semi darkened ship

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc05: ( 53-47705-010_1.jpg)

15 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simons Town

Lat -32.33, Long -8.87

7-7.30am: Junior officers physical drill

am: Coaling party at No 3, remainder of hands as requisite

pm: Hands make & mend

     Junior officers to signals

4.30pm: Hands to evening quarters & physical drill

Number on sick list 10

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc06: ( 53-47705-011_0.jpg)

16 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simon's Town

Lat -32.34, Long -2.9

7-7.30am: Junior officers to physical drill

am: Midshipmen to instruction

     Training class at gunnery

     Hands variously employed, coaling party at No. 3 hatch

Number on sick list 12.

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc07: ( 53-47705-011_1.jpg)

17 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simons Town

Lat -33.93, Long 3.1

     Rounds visited, cells correct

7-7.30am: Junior officers to physical drill

9.40am: Hands to General Quarters

10.30am: Dispersed. Hands as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters, physical drill

7.45pm: Semi darkened ship

Number on sick list 12

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc08: ( 53-47705-012_0.jpg)

18 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simons Town

Lat -34.38, Long 8.85

     Rounds visited, cells correct

7.05am: Passed discoloured streaks in water tending NNW & SSE

am: Hands cleaning ship, midshipmen to instruction

pm: Hands at rest

7.00pm: Semi-darkened ship

Number on sick list 13

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc09: ( 53-47705-012_1.jpg)

19 December 1915

Rio de Janeiro to Simons Town

Lat -34.48, Long 14.57

     Rounds visited, cells correct

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

12.10pm: Passing discoloured patches of water. Yellowish matter

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 11

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20 December 1915

Simon's Bay anchorage

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.00am: Sighted land bearing N66E

6.20am: Cape Light House N65E

10.50am: Stopped & anchored

11.15am: Captain left in Steam Pinnace also whaler left

12.15pm: Captain returned Steam Pinnace & whaler also

1.55pm: Steam Pinnace left with party for Hospital

3.30pm: Special leave men left ship

4.00pm: Prisoner released from cells

4.40pm: No 4 cutter lowered & put to boom

6.30pm: Steam Pinnace left for shore party

7.00pm: Steam Pinnace returned with officers

7.50pm: Steam Pinnace returned with liberty men

11.00pm: Whaler returned with Captain

Number on sick list 12

[Cape Point Lighthouse may refer to either of two lights. The original light, also known as Cape MacLear, was constructed too high and was regularly obscured by low cloud. It was switched off in 1919 and was at Lat -34.35, Long 18.49. A new one was constructed on Dias Point, Lat -34.36, Long 18.50, and seems to have been lit in 1915.]

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc0b: ( 53-47705-013_1.jpg)

21 December 1915

Simon's Bay anchorage

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7-7.30am: Junior officers to physical drill

am: Steam Pinnace left for shore for Routine

     Hands chipping ship’s side & as requisite

11.50am: Captain returned from shore

1.30pm: Captain & officers left for shore

     Hands employed cleaning ship’s side

3.30pm: Liberty men left for shore

5.00pm: HMS Hyacinth arrived

7.00pm: Captain returned in whaler

7.45pm: Liberty men returned

10.10pm: Officers returned in steam pinnace

Number on sick list 12

[HMS Hyacinth, 5740 ton cruiser, was launched in 1898 by the London & Glasgow Shipbuilding Co, Govan. She was sold for scrap in 1923 and is part of the OW fleet.]

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc0c: ( 53-47705-014_0.jpg)

22 December 1915

Simon's Bay anchorage

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

     Rounds visited, cells correct

6.00am: Steam boat left as per routine

9.30pm: Steam pinnace left with gunners shore party and special leave men

     Hands scraping ship’s side

11.00am: Commander of Dockyard visited

11.50am: Gunners party returned

2.30pm: SS Afrikander arrived alongside

3.00pm: Captain left for shore

3.30pm: Liberty men left for shore

6.30pm: Captain returned

8.30pm: Steam pinnace returned with liberty men

8.50pm: Steam pinnace left for abentees

10.00pm: One man under sentry's charge

Number on sick list 12

[SS Afrikander, 126 tons, (ex-Bismark”, ex-Victoria”), whaler, was a German vessel seized in South Africa. She was built in 1883 and used as a base ship at Simonstown. She was sold & renamed Victoria” in 1922.]

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc0d: ( 53-47705-014_1.jpg)

23 December 1915

Simon's Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

     Rounds visited, cells correct

7.00am: Junior officers physical drill

am: Hands to scrape overside

12.30pm: Ships Company mustered for pay

3.30pm: Liberty men left for shore

9.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 12

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc0e: ( 53-47705-015_0.jpg)

24 December 1915

Simon's Town.

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.50am: HMS Glasgow proceeded to sea

11.00am: Ship’s mail received on board

3,30pm: "Afrikander" took liberty men ashore

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 14

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc0f: ( 53-47705-015_1.jpg)

25 December 1915

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.15am: Divisions. His Majesty's message read to ship's company

10.00am: Divine Service by Chaplain of “Hyacinth”

11.15am: Officers boat left for shore

1.30pm: Liberty men for shore

7.50pm: Liberty men returned

8.45pm: Steam pinnace returned

Number on sick list 14

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc10: ( 53-47705-016_0.jpg)

26 December 1915

Simon's Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.30am: Divisions & Divine Service

1.30pm: Liberty men left for shore

2.20pm: Captain and officers left

     Hands at rest

7.00pm: Captain and officers returned

Number on sick list 14

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc11: ( 53-47705-016_1.jpg)

27 December 1915

Place: Simon's Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.40am: 15 cases of Quick Fire ammunition sent ashore

1.50pm: Workmen aboard from Dockyard

3.35pm: Liberty men left

7.30pm: Liberty men returned

8.00pm: Cable lookouts stationed

Number on sick list 14

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc12: ( 53-47705-017_0.jpg)

28 December 1915

Simon's Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.35pm: Steamboat left with Doctor's party

3.00pm: Cable lookout posted

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Hands at physical drill

Number on sick list 14

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc13: ( 53-47705-017_1.jpg)

29 December 1915

Simon's Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7.15am: Dockyard launch, officers & men

am: No. [blank] cutter sailing

     Cutter arrived with stores

pm: Duty cutter as per routine

2.00pm: Captain left in M[otor] whaler

3.00pm: Liberty men left

5.30pm: "Afrikander" arrived [with] liberty men

7.00pm: Captain returned. M[otor] whaler hoisted

Number on sick list 9

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc14: ( 53-47705-018_0.jpg)

30 December 1915

Simon's Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands chipping ship’s side

11.00am: Captain left for shore

pm: Hands employed scraping ship’s side

4.30pm: Hoisted all boats

5.20pm: Cutter returned with 2 absentees

8.30pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 9

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc15: ( 53-47705-018_1.jpg)

31 December 1915

Simon's Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.00am: Dismissed cable watch, weather moderating

11.30am: Defaulters

1.00pm: Cabled watch posted

pm: Moderate gale, rough sea

Number on sick list 8

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 January 1916

Simons Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.00am: Cable watch dismissed

12.30pm: Cable watch posted

Number on sick list 6

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2 January 1916

Simons Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.00am: Anchor bearings verified frequently, continuous cable watch kept

9.30am: Divisions & Divine service, Chaplain from “Hyacinth”

All day: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

4caf8800cadfd3419701dc21: ( 53-47706-004_1.jpg)

3 January 1916

Dry Dock, Simonstown

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

     Continuous cable watch kept

6.00am: Cable watch ceased

9.45am: Commander-in-Chief's Flag transferred to “Macedonia”

10.10am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded to dry dock. Shore party left for dock

11.30am: Fast in dry dock

1.30pm: Commenced to pump out dock

pm: Hands scaling ship's bottom

4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 2 men for Detention landed. Escort left for Cape Town

9.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 6

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc22: ( 53-47706-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1916

Simonstown, Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

1.00am: Patrol returned with 3 absentees from “Highflyer”

am: Cleaning ship’s bottom

1.00pm: Dock pumped dry. Crew employed cleaning ship's bottom

4.30pm: Liberty men left

5.00pm: Work in dry dock stopped for day

5.30pm: Liberty men left

7.00pm: Dockyard engineers' party working at propeller

9.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

[HMS Highflyer, 5740 ton cruiser, was launched in 1898 at the Fairfield’s Yard, Govan. Her crew were involved in the aftermath of the Halifax explosion in 1917. She was sold in 1921 and is part of the OW fleet.]

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc23: ( 53-47706-005_1.jpg)

5 January 1916


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

     Rounds correct. Cells visited

am: Placed port anchor & cable in dry dock

     Hands cleaning dry dock & as requisite

2.00pm: Starboard watch went on leave for 3 days

     Hands as requisite

7.00pm: Fire gear connected

Number on sick list 5

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc24: ( 53-47706-006_0.jpg)

6 January 1916


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.00am: Hands turned to as requisite & placing starboard anchor & chain in dry dock

am: Hands employed overhauling anchor cables, also fitting purchase aft

     Dockyard party working in No. 6 magazine & employed caulking lower bridge

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

3.20pm: Sick Berth Steward arrived under escort

3.30pm: Escort left for Cape Town

     Dockyard party as in forenoon. Gunners party employed on store work

7.00pm: Fire gear connected

9.00pm: Patrol returned

Number on sick list 3

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc25: ( 53-47706-006_1.jpg)

7 January 1916

Simonstown, Dry Dock.

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

pm: Hands cleaning out Dock & employed shifting soiled linen in linen locker

5.00pm: Bathing party left for pool

Number on sick list 2

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc26: ( 53-47706-007_0.jpg)

8 January 1916


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.00am: Hands turned to, cleared dock wall to allow crane into position

8.00am: Hands employed slinging Port propellor & cleaning dry dock

9.30-10.30am: Commander-in-Chief & Rear Admiral Gillett visited ship

10.50am: Slung port propeller

pm: Hands employed rigging tackles & cleaning dock

10.00pm: Liberty men returned, 8 absentees

11.00pm: Patrol returned

Number on sick list 2

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc27: ( 53-47706-007_1.jpg)

9 January 1916


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

1.20am: 2 absentees returned

10.00am: Sent church parties ashore

Noon: Church parties returned

pm: Hands at rest

5.30pm: Fire stations

8.30pm: Two absentees returned

9.00pm: Liberty men returned

10.50pm: 1 man under arrest

Number on sick list 4

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc28: ( 53-47706-008_0.jpg)

10 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands turned to cleaning Dry Dock and ship's bottom

     Boatswain's Party working on Starboard propeller

     Gunner’s Party working stores, party preparing boats for landing

1.30pm: General leave to Port watch. Liberty men & patrol left

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

     Hands as requisite removing Starboard propeller

7.30pm: Fire gear connected

8.00pm: Starboard propeller unshipped

Number on sick list 4

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc29: ( 53-47706-008_1.jpg)

11 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands turned to clearing dock and as required

     Hands placing lifeboats on quay and as requisite

3.30pm: Local patrol left.

4.15pm: Read Warrant no 28. Fire stations

6.00pm: Fireman Lundy returned under escort

7.15pm: 1 fireman, 1 seaman returned under escort; both absentees

Number on sick list 4

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc2a: ( 53-47706-009_0.jpg)

12 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands employed in Dry Dock scrubbing ship's bottom

     Dockyard hands employed caulking Boat deck & various

pm: Hands employed cleaning dock, dockyard hands variously

4.15pm: Starboard watch to Fire Stations

5.00pm: Lundy (stoker): Sent to detention barracks under escort, warrant no 29

Number on sick list 3

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc2b: ( 53-47706-009_1.jpg)

13 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7.30am: Heavy crane lifting cable from ship

9.00am Dental party left for hospital

11.30am: Dental party returned on board

Noon: Stoker Dooley: returned aboard under escort

5.00pm: Fire stations

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 3

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc2c: ( 53-47706-010_0.jpg)

14 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Hands employed variously shipping stores, scaling bottom, etc

4.45pm: Liberty men left ship

5.00pm: Port watch at Fire stations

7.15pm: Cahill AB returned aboard under escort

9.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 6

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc2d: ( 53-47706-010_1.jpg)

15 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

1.30pm: Liberty men left

     Hands make & mend

4.30pm: Escort left for Detention Barracks

     One Trimmer & Sub Lieutenant Ryan despatched to Royal Naval Hospital

4.45pm: Liberty men left

5.45pm: Liberty men left

     Smith LF returned under patrol's charge

8.00pm: M[otor] whaler returned

9.15pm: Liberty men returned, 4 men under sentry’s charge

Number on sick list 6

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc2e: ( 53-47706-011_0.jpg)

16 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.30am: Divisions

10.00am: Church parties left

Noon: Church parties returned

1.30pm: Liberty men left

     Hands at rest

4.45pm: Liberty men left

5.00pm: Fire stations

9.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 6

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc2f: ( 53-47706-011_1.jpg)

17 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.35am: HMS Orbita arrived & anchored

     Hands employed cleaning ship & dock, rigging stages, chipping cable & scraping ship's side

9.16am: HMS Orbita alongside Basin

     Hands employed scraping & red leading ship's side. Gunner's party stripping guns

11.15am: Captain of "Orbita" visited ship

11.30am: Captain left ship

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon store party working stores from "Orbita”

3.30pm: Special leave to Port watch, liberty men landed

4.45pm: Liberty men left

5.30pm: Liberty men left

6.00pm: Fire stations

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 4

[HMS Orbita, 15,495 tons, was built in 1914 by Harland & Wolff for the Pacific Steamship Navigation Co. She was taken into service as an Armed Merchant Cruiser immediately so did not make her civilian maiden voyage until 1919. She was used as a troop ship in WW2 and scrapped in 1950. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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18 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Hands turned to variously. Store party, chipping and overside painting parties

4.00pm: Read warrant no 30

     Special leave to starboard watch

4.45pm: Liberty men left

     Leading Fireman Smith discharged to Detention Barracks

5.30pm: Fire stations

9.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc31: ( 53-47706-012_1.jpg)

19 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Hands employed scraping and painting ship's side, chipping cable & as requisite

4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Port watch given leave

5.00pm: Fire stations, fire gear connected

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc32: ( 53-47706-013_0.jpg)

20 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Hands variously employed, painting overside, chipping cable etc

12.30pm: Extra issue of rum on account of first issue being boiled with salt water

4.45pm: Liberty men left (starboard)

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 6

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc33: ( 53-47706-013_1.jpg)

21 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

pm: Hands variously employed, painting overside, chipping cable etc

pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side & scraping. Cable party chipping cable. Gunner’s party at store work

4.45pm: Special leave to port watch, liberty men left

5.30pm: Hands to fire stations

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc34: ( 53-47706-014_0.jpg)

22 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands employed scrubbing decks, dock, scraping boats. Sailmaker’s party employed on canvas gear

1.30pm: Liberty men left

     Hands at rest

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 3

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc35: ( 53-47706-014_1.jpg)

23 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

10.00am: Landed Church parties

1.30pm: Liberty men left

4.20pm: Captain left

4.45pm: Liberty men left

10.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc36: ( 53-47706-015_0.jpg)

24 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands employed painting ship's bottom

pm: Hands employed painting ship's bottom, scraping boats; Gunner's party stripping gun & shifting ammunition

4.45pm: Liberty men left

     Special leave to starboard watch

5.30pm: Liberty men left

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc37: ( 53-47706-015_1.jpg)

25 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.00am: Hands turned to painting ship's bottom, overhauling Wireless Telegraphy gear, scraping & painting boats

am: Hands painting ship’s bottom, scraping boats

     Marines route marching

pm: Hands painting ship's bottom & as requisite

5.15pm: Liberty men left. Fire gear connected

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc38: ( 53-47706-016_0.jpg)

26 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Shipping port propeller, taking cables in board

pm: Hands employed painting ship's bottom

     Gunner’s party working at ammunition

4.45pm: Liberty men left

5.30pm: Fire stations, liberty men left

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 10

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc39: ( 53-47706-016_1.jpg)

27 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.00am: Hands turned to variously & working stores

pm: Hands employed working stores. Gunner's stripping & store parties

4.00pm: Special leave to port watch. Liberty men left. Fire stations

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 9

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc3a: ( 53-47706-017_0.jpg)

28 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.00am: Hands turned to scraping & painting boats. Berthing party for “Vengeance” left

8.45am: "Vengeance" made fast alongside breakwater

     Officer of the Guard visited HMS Vengeance

9.15am: Liberty men returned

pm: Hands as requisite

4.45pm: Liberty men left

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 8

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc3b: ( 53-47706-017_1.jpg)

29 January 1916

Simonstown Dry Dock

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

12.30pm: Commenced flooding dock

1.15pm: Ceased flooding dock, hands turned to painting ship's bottom

3.00pm: Dock flooded to 18 feet

4.45pm: Liberty men left

9.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc3c: ( 53-47706-018_0.jpg)

30 January 1916


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

10.15am: Roman Catholic Church parties arrived from "Vengeance" & "Orbita"

1.30pm: Liberty men left

10.15pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 8

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc3d: ( 53-47706-018_1.jpg)

31 January 1916

Simonstown, in Basin.

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.30am: Ship floated in Dry Dock

10.45am: Left Dry Dock. Hands employed moving ship

12.15pm: Alongside Bull Nose

1.30pm: Commenced coaling

8.00pm: Stopped coaling for night, 176 tons

Number on sick list 14

[The “Bull Nose” seems to be a jetty on the East Dock, a lighthouse has been erected at the tip.]

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 February 1916

Simonstown, Coaling Jetty

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Coaling ship

8.00pm: Stopped coaling for night

Number on sick list 14

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc48: ( 53-47707-004_0.jpg)

2 February 1916

Simonstown, Coaling Jetty

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Coaling ship

8.00pm: Stopped coaling for night

Number on sick list 14

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc49: ( 53-47707-004_1.jpg)

3 February 1916

Simons Town Coaling Jetty

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.00am: Carried on coaling ship

am: Hands employed coaling ship and preparing ship for sea

pm: Hands employed coaling & storing ship & preparing ship for sea

8.00pm: Finished coaling & stores

Number on sick list 15

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc4a: ( 53-47707-005_0.jpg)

4 February 1916

Table Bay

Lat -33.88, Long 18.45

7.30am: Commenced undocking

7.38am: Proceeded out of dock

10.30am: Fog. Whistle sounded as per regulations & lead frequently used

1.50pm: Fog lifted

2.30pm: Anchored

     Officers leave granted

5.40pm: Store lighter made fast alongside & commenced discharging

9.45pm: Lighter discharged & cast off

Number on sick list 15

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc4b: ( 53-47707-005_1.jpg)

5 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -33.88, Long 18.45

6.00am: Hands turned to & scrubbed decks

7.30am: Store lighter made fast alongside

9.00am: Commenced discharging lighter

am: Hands employed at stores, painting overside & as requisite

11.30am: Lighter discharged & cast off

3.58pm: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

4.30pm: Read warrant no 31, exercised ship’s company at ‘Action Stations’

7.00pm: Darkened ship

8.00pm: Cleared away quarters for night defence

Number on sick list 15

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc4c: ( 53-47707-006_0.jpg)

6 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -30.52, Long 15.05

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s Inspection. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters & cleared away for night defence

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 16

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc4d: ( 53-47707-006_1.jpg)

7 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -26.5, Long 11.58

am: Instruction & physical education classes in progress

1.00pm: Exchanged signals with SS Peter Jansen

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 16

[I cannot find SS Peter Jansen, it has been suggested that the ship may have been SS Peter Jebson, 3525 tons, built in 1898 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields for Bergh & Helland, Bergen. She ran aground & was wrecked in 1917.]

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc4e: ( 53-47707-007_0.jpg)

8 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -22.28, Long 8.28

am: Instruction & physical training classes in progress

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at ‘Action stations’

4.40pm: Evening Quarters, cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 17

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc4f: ( 53-47707-007_1.jpg)

9 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -18.35, Long 5.03

am: Instruction & physical training classes in progress

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters & cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 17

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc50: ( 53-47707-008_0.jpg)

10 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -14.28, Long 1.8

am: Instruction & physical training classes in progress

pm: Issued clothing

     Hands at rest

4.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at ‘Action stations’

4.40pm: Evening Quarters, cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 13

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc51: ( 53-47707-008_1.jpg)

11 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -10.52, Long -1.12

9.15-9.55am: Courses as requisite to intercept steamer (SS Knowsley Hall)

am: Instruction & physical training classes in progress

11.10am: Altered course to intercept steamer (SS Indrawaddi)

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Physical drill. Cleared away for night defence

4.38pm: Altered course to intercept steamer (SS Clan McLaren)

Number on sick list 13

[SS Knowsley Hall, 4190 tons, was built in 1903 for the Hall Line. She was sold & renamed in 1928.

There was a SS Indrawadi, 5194 tons, built in 1902 by Charles Connell & Co, Scotstoun for the Indra Line. She was taken over by the Blue Funnel Line in 1915 eventually renamed “Eurymedon”. In 1922 she was sold again, converted into a whaling factory ship named “Southern Queen” and lost in 1928

Clan MacLaren, 2834 tons, was built in 1899 by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow. She was sold & renamed in 1924 & scrapped in 1933.]

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc52: ( 53-47707-009_0.jpg)

12 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -9.7, Long -6.33

am: Saturday routine

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Evening Quarters & cleared away for night defence. Physical drill

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 13

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc53: ( 53-47707-009_1.jpg)

13 February 1916

Cape Town to Ascension Island

Lat -8.62, Long -11.42

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. Held Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 13

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc54: ( 53-47707-010_0.jpg)

14 February 1916

Ascension Island

Lat -7.95, Long -14.37

5.05am: Sighted Ascension Island N45W

8.00am: Anchored

     General leave for officers

     Hands employed as requisite, instruction & training classes in progress

pm: Hands at rest

4.45pm: Weighed & proceeded

5.30pm: Evening Quarters & cleared away for night defence

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 13

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15 February 1916

Ascension Island to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -9.52, Long -18.22

am: Hands as requisite, instruction & physical training classes in progress

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at General Quarters & Boat Stations

7.00pm: Cleared away for night defence, darkened ship

Number on sick list 14

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc56: ( 53-47707-011_0.jpg)

16 February 1916

Ascension Island to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -11.48, Long -23.0

am: Hands employed as requisite, instruction & physical training classes in progress

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, cleared away for night defence, physical drill

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 15

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc57: ( 53-47707-011_1.jpg)

17 February 1916

Ascension Island to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -13.45, Long -27.63

am: Hands employed as requisite, instruction & physical training classes in progress

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, cleared away for night defence, physical drill

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 16

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc58: ( 53-47707-012_0.jpg)

18 February 1916

Ascension Island to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -15.72, Long -32.67

4.14-6.00am: Course & speed as requisite to intercept & investigate steamer, proved to be French SS Magellan

6.30am: Hands turned to scrubbing decks etc & transporting coal on main deck

am: Hands as requisite & transporting coal

     Instruction & physical drill classes in progress

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, cleared away for night defence, physical drill

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 14

[SS Magellan was probably the 6265 ton cargo ship, built in 1904 by Ateliers & Chantiers de St Nazaire for Antoine-Dominique Bordes et Fils, Paris. She was torpedoed in 1917 with 5 casualties. However there was another SS Magellan, a French liner, who was torpedoed later in 1916.]

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19 February 1916

Ascension Island to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.0

6.00am: Hands turned to transporting coal on main deck & carrying out Saturday routine

pm: Hands at rest

3.00pm: Observed Santa Barbara Light House N45W, course as requisite for anchorage

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, cleared away for night defence, physical drill

6.25pm: Stopped & anchored

8.00am: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 14

[Ilha de Santa Barbara Lighthouse is also known as Archipelago Abrolhos Light & lies at Lat -17.97, Long -38.7.]

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20 February 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. Divine Service

11.30am: Collier “Roma” made fast alongside

1.30pm: Hands turned to, transhipping HMS Glasgow’s stores to collier & preparing for coaling

7.00pm: Hands piped down

8.00pm: Cleared away for night defence, darkened ship

Number on sick list 14

[SS Roma was probably the cargo ship of 3634 tons, built in 1901 by Joseph L Thomson & Sons, North Sands, Sunderland for Rowland & Marwood Steam Ship Co Ltd, Whitby. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1923 and eventually scrapped in 1952.]

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc5b: ( 53-47707-013_1.jpg)

21 February 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.97, Long -38.70

5.30am: Commenced coaling ship

7.30pm: Finished coaling

8.45pm: Cast off collier

9.00pm: Darkened ship & cleared away for night defence

9.40pm: Anchor aweigh

Number on sick list 16

Operations off South America 1916

JP map Macedonia South America 1916

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22 February 1916

At sea

Lat -20.0, Long -39.5

4.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at General Quarters

Number on sick list 17

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23 February 1916

At sea

Lat -22.55, Long -40.68

am: Instruction & physical training classes in progress

11.00am: Sighted HMS Vindictive

11.40am: Stopped & communicated by boat

Noon: Boat hoisted & proceeded at ‘slow’

pm: Hands at rest

4.0-4.27pm: Helm & engines as requisite to speak collier “Roma”

5.00pm: Evening Quarters, cleared away for night defence, physical drill

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 17

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc5e: ( 53-47707-015_0.jpg)

24 February 1916

At sea

Lat -25.52, Long -45.08

am: Hands employed as requisite

     Instruction & physical training classes proceeding, junior officers at classes

pm: Hands at rest

2.0-4.00pm: Courses & speeds as requiste to intercept & investigate SS Ternero (Argentina) & SS Obi (British)

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

Number on sick list 17

[SS Ternero, 1408 tons, was built in 1903 by the Sunderland Shipbuilding Co Ltd & at this time was operated by Sud Atlantica Sociedad Anonima de Navigacion, Buenos Aires. She was sold & renamed “Dukat” in 1916 then torpedoed in 1917 without loss of life.

The only British SS Obi I can find is the 3046 ton cargo ship built in 1892 by Joseph L Thompson & Sons, Sunderland for E Hain & Son. She appears to have been sold & renamed SS Ledbury ~1915 & was torpedoed in 1917 with 3 casualties.]

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25 February 1916

At sea

Lat -29.22, Long -48.65

am: Hands employed as requisite

     Instruction & physical training classes proceeding, junior officers at instruction

1.0-1.15pm: Altered course to intercept & investigate SS Torsdaal (Norwegian)

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 17

[SS Torsdal, 3620 tons, was built as SS Strathnevin in 1894 by the Tyne Iron & Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Willington. In 1908 she was renamed Torsdal after her sale to W Wilhemsen & Co. In October 1916 she was sunk by a U-boat without loss of life.]

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26 February 1916

At sea

Lat -32.72, Long -51.73

3.40am: Observed Mostardas Light N89W

4.10am: Mostardas Light abeam, 16’

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

Number on sick list 18

[Mostardas Lighthouse is in Brazil at Lat -31.25, Long -50.9.]

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27 February 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.08

1.23am: Cape Polonio Light N46W, 10½ miles

3.15am: Santa Maria Light N46W, 14 miles

5.16am: Observed Lobos Island Light N84W

6.42am: Lobos Island Light House abeam, 17 miles

9.30am: Divisions, Captain’s inspection, Divine Service

12.20pm: Arrived at anchorage, stopped & anchored

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Hands mustered for payment

8.00pm: Cleared away for night defence & darkened ship

Number on sick list 15

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28 February 1916

off Whistle Buoy, Montevideo

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

7.30am: Despatched 2nd whaler to collier

7.40am: Anchor aweigh

8.20am: Hoisted whaler

10.48am: Passed Recalada Light Vessel, 1 mile distance

11.40am: Passed Whistle Buoy

Noon: Anchored

1.15pm: Pratique. Leave to officers

1.30pm: Tender left

5.10pm: Tender returned

5.20pm: Anchor aweigh

7.50pm: Passed Recalada Light Vessel, 1 mile distance

10.00pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 13

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29 February 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.08

5.30am: Hands turned to, preparing ship for coaling

7.00am: Collier (“Wilton Hall”) fast alongside

7.15am: Commenced coaling ship

7.00pm: Stopped coaling

8.00pm: Cleared away for night defence, darkened ship

Number on sick list 13

[SS Wiltonhall, 3387 tons, was built in 1901 by JL Thompson & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for the Wiltonhall Steamship Co Ltd. She was torpedoed in July 1916 without loss of life.]

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -57.08

5.45am: Carried on coaling ship

7.00pm: Finished coaling, cast off collier

8.00pm: Darkened ship & cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 15

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[This page is blank.]

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2 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -57.08

6.00am: Hands turned to cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions and Prayers

All day: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening Quarters

Number on sick list 15

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3 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.35, Long -56.3

10.15am: Anchor aweigh dispatched boat to Collier. Helm & engines as requisite

11.00am: Boat returned & hoisted

1.56pm: Passed Recalada Light Vessel,1 mile distance

3.58pm: Passed Flores Island Light House 4 miles distance

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

6.35pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 17

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4 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.98, Long -55.08

9.55am: Anchor aweigh. Courses & speeds as requisite for patrolling

pm: Hands at rest

4.50pm: Spoke SS Denbighshire

7.00pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 16

[SS Denbighshire is probably the ship of 3844 tons, built in 1899 & operated at this time by Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. She was renamed in 1919 and scrapped in 1922.]

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5 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

9.30am: Divisions,. Captains Inspection, Divine Service

am: Hands at rest

1.25pm: Spoke Norwegian SS Pytheas

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 17

[SS Pytheas, 2690 tons, was built in 1895 as SS Volage by Richardson, Duck & Co Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees. She was renamed by a Greek company in 1906 and became Norwegian in 1915. In 1918 she was torpedoed with 2 casualties.]

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6 March 1916

Maldonado Bay, River Plate

Lat -34.95, Long -55.0

9.30am: Anchor aweigh, courses & speeds as requisite for patrolling

am: Instruction & physical training classes proceeded, junior officers at instruction

12.40pm: Stop. Despatched boat to RMS “Desna” for mail

1.30pm: Boat returned, hoisted & proceeded

2.25pm: Stopped, anchored

     Hands at rest

     Leave to officers

     Steam Pinnace & whalers employed as requisite

Number on sick list 17

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7 March 1916

Maldonado Bay, River Plate

Lat -34.95, Long -55.0

6.00am: Hands turned to scrubbing decks etc. Despatch 2 cutters for sand

am: Leave to officers, steam pinnace & whalers employed as requisite

     Hands painting funnels, masts & rigging

     Instruction & physical training classes proceeding

2.40pm: All boats hoisted

2.50pm: Anchor away & proceeded, courses & speeds as requisite for patrolling

6.27pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 16

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8 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.03, Long -55.83

9.20am: Anchor aweigh, courses & speeds as requisite for patrolling

11.15am: Spoke SS Trevalgan

am: Hands employed as requisite, instruction & physical training classes proceeding

     Junior officers at drill & instruction

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon

4.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at General Quarters, Boat drill etc

6.50pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 14

[SS Trevalgan, 4201 tons, was built in 1911 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd for the Hain line. She was sold to a Greek company & renamed “Georgios Kyriakides” in 1929. In 1940 she was torpedoed & sank without loss of life.]

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9 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.08, Long -55.93

8.13am: Anchor aweigh, courses & speeds as requisite for patrolling

am: Hands employed as requisite, instruction & physical training classes proceeding

     Junior officers at drill & instruction

pm: Hands to ‘Make & mend’

3.55pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 11

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10 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.03, Long -56.0

am: Hands painting ship & as requisite

1.30pm: Spoke SS Ortego & communicated by boat

pm: Hands as in forenoon

3.30pm: Spoke SS Highland Laddie & despatched mail

5.08pm: Anchor aweigh, helm & engines as requisite

6.35pm: Passed Recalada Light Vessel 1 mile

7.50pm: Sighted collier “Wilton Hall”

8.35pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 10

[SS Ortego is probably SS Ortega, 7970 tons, was built in 1906 for the Pacific Steam Navigation Company. She was scrapped in 1927

SS Highland Laddie, 7117 tons, was built in 1910 for the Nelson Line. She was sold & renamed in 1929.]

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11 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.08

6.00am: Hands turned to, carrying out Saturday routine

2.00pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Physical drill

8.00pm: Darkened ship. Cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 10

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc79: ( 53-47708-009_1.jpg)

12 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.08

7.00am: Hands turned to scrubbing decks, etc

10.00am: Divisions, Captains Inspection, Divine Service

2.00pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Evening Quarters

8.00pm: Darkened ship cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 9

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc7a: ( 53-47708-010_0.jpg)

13 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.18, Long -56.3

9.24am: Anchor aweigh helm & engines as requisite

     Hands employed as requisite, instruction & physical education classes proceeding

12.07pm: Recalada Light Vessel N33E, 1 mile distance

2.00pm: Stopped & anchored

3.30pm: Medical Officer boarded and Pratique granted

     Tender alongside, leave to officers & port watch

4.00pm: Tender left for shore

6.00pm: Water Boat alongside

6.30pm: Water Boat left

9.30pm: Water Boat alongside

10.45pm: Water Boat discharged & left

11.50pm: Tender returned

Midnight: Tender left

Number on sick list 10

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14 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.97, Long -56.2

6.00am: Hands turned to scrubbing decks and discharging store lighter

8.00am: Finished stores and cast off lighter

9.50am: Tender returned with officer and liberty men

10.05am: Anchor aweigh

11.45am: Recalada Light Vessel 1 mile distance

2.15pm: Stopped & anchored

3.00pm: Cutter from HMS Edinburgh Castle alongside with Paymaster stores

4.00pm: Finished discharging cutters & cast off

5.00pm: HMS Edinburgh Castle left

Number on sick list 8

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15 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.08

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite, instruction & physical instruction classes proceeded

     Junior officers at instruction

1.55pm: Anchor aweigh

pm: Hands at rest

11.45pm: Exchanged recognition signals with HMS Edinburgh Castle

Number on sick list 8

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc7d: ( 53-47708-011_1.jpg)

16 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.08

12.45am: HMS Edinburgh Castle anchored

5.00am: HMS Edinburgh Castle under weigh [sic]

5.40am: Anchor aweigh, courses & speeds as requisite to follow “Edinburgh Castle”

7.15am: Anchored

8.00am: 1st cutter away for stores from “Edinburgh Castle”

8.30am: 1st cutter returned, discharged & hoisted

10.10am: Anchor aweigh

10.14am: Anchor shackle carried away & lost anchor, position buoyed

10.30am: Proceeded, helm & engines as requisite for patrolling

pm: Hands to make & mend

3.00pm: Spoke SS Argentina

3.45-4.00pm: Stopped engines, bent new anchor to starboard cable

4.00pm: Proceeded as requisite

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

6.48pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

[SS Argentina may have been the 5526 ton passenger/cargo ship built in 1907 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow. At this time she was registered in Trieste. Eventually she was scrapped in 1960.]

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17 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.98, Long -55.42

9.30am: Anchor aweigh, courses & speeds as requisite for patrolling

am: Hands employed as requisite, instruction & physical instruction classes proceeded

     Junior officers at instruction

pm: Hands as in forenoon

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

6.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at ‘General Quarters’ etc

10.05pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 8

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18 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -56.12

7.30am: Anchor aweigh. Courses & speeds as requisite for patrolling

am: Hands carrying on Saturday routine

11.45am: Stopped

pm: Hands at rest

2.30pm: Communicated by boat with SS Rotorua

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Scrub & wash clothes

4.20pm: Passed Recalada Light Vessel 1m

6.00pm: Observed collier "Wilton Hall"

6.23pm: Stop

6.33pm: Anchored

8.00pm: Darkened ship. Cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 8

[SS Rotorua, 11,130 tons, was built in 1910 by William Denny & Brothers, Dumbarton for the New Zealand Shipping Co. In 1917 she was torpedoed and sunk with the loss of 1 life.]

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19 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.1

5.30am: Hands turned to & rigged coaling gear, etc.

8.00am: Collier “Wilton Hall” fast alongside

8.50am: Commenced coaling ship

7.00pm: Finished coaling for the day

8.00pm: Darkened ship. Cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 8

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20 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.1

6.00am: Carried on coaling ship

6.50pm: Finished coaling ship & cast off Collier

8.00pm: Darkened ship. Cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 9

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc82: ( 53-47708-014_0.jpg)

21 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.1

All day: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Physical drill. Scrub & wash clothes

8.00pm: Darkened ship. Cleared away for night defence

Number on sick list 9

4caf8801cadfd3419701dc83: ( 53-47708-014_1.jpg)

22 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.1

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite, instruction & physical instruction classes proceeded

     Junior officers at instruction

pm: Hands to make & mend clothes

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Physical drill

Number on sick list 7

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23 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.47, Long -55.78

9.20am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded

     Hands employed as requisite, classes proceeding

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Exercised ship’s company at ‘General Quarters’, Fire & Abandon ship stations

4.20pm: Stopped

6.10pm: Proceeded

9.10pm: Stopped & communicated by boat with SS Highland Corrie

10.55pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 6

[SS Highland Corrie, 7583 tons, was built in 1910 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow for the Nelson Line. She was torpedoed in 1917 with 5 casualties.]

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24 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.55

9.24am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded slow

6.10pm: Stopped & anchored

10.45pm: One steward under open arrest

Number on sick list 5

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25 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.9, Long -55.7

pm: Hands make & mend

2.42pm: Anchor aweigh, proceeded half speed

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

8.35pm: Altered course to intercept SS Malaren

10.20pm: SS Malaren brought up

10.30pm: 2nd cutter with boarding officers left ship to examine SS Malaren

Number on sick list 6

[I have been unable to locate an SS Malaren sailing at this time.]

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26 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.07, Long -55.78

1.30am: Boarding officers returned

1.50am: Gave permission to steamer to proceed

2.00am: SS Malaren weighed & proceeded eastwards

6.00am: Night defence crews dismissed

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

Number on sick list 8

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27 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -56.15

9.30am: Anchor aweigh

am: Hands chipping

1.50pm: Tug "Ondina" arrived alongside & discharged invalid officer

2.00pm: “Ondina” left, half speed both

3.35pm: Flores Light abeam, 3½ miles

6.45pm: Stopped & anchored

9.00pm: Night defence parties mustered & dismissed

Number on sick list 7

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28 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.11, Long -55.74

6.00am: Hands dismissed from night defence stations

9.30am: Aweigh, target put overboard, engines as required for target practice

11.55am: Ceased firing & secured

12.20pm: Target on board, engines stopped

1.30pm: Slow both

pm: Hands employed chipping

4.05pm: English Bank buoy abeam

4.23pm: Stopped & anchored

4.40pm: Finished with engines, 2 hours notice

7.00pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list 7

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29 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.23, Long -55.53

9.25am: Aweigh, various for target practice

pm: Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Observed Lobos Light N75E, Maldonado Cathedral N54E

4.00pm: General Quarters

4.40pm: Hands at physical drill

6.28pm: Anchored, 4 hours notice

Number on sick list 7

4caf8802cadfd3419701dc8b: ( 53-47708-018_1.jpg)

30 March 1916

Maldonado Bay, RIver Plate

Lat -34.95, Long -57.0

6.30am: US Ship “Tennessee” passed to southward

7.00am: Lowered steam pinnace & sent cutter to procure sand

3.00pm: Hoisted cutters

4.30pm: Steam pinnace hoisted

5.10pm: Aweigh

7.00pm: Ship darkened

8.15pm: Anchored, 2 hours notice

9.00pm: Night defence stations

Number on sick list 6

[SS Tennessee, 1240 tons, was built in 1908 at Wilmington, Delaware.]

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31 March 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -57.0

6.00am: Guns crews fell out, off night defence

am: Midshipmen to instruction

pm: Make & mend

3.40pm: Aweigh

5.45pm: Flores abeam

6.47pm: Anchored

7.00pm: Health officer granted pratique

7.20pm: Mail on board, tug left

9.00pm: Water boat arrived with 83 tons

10.00pm: Water boat left

Number on sick list 5

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[These are cover pages.]


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[Signed by Chas H Kendall, Lieutenant RNR, Navigating Officer.]

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[These are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 April 1916


Lat -34.68, Long -56.22

12.45am: Water boat alongside

1.45am: Water boat left

4.00am: Thick fog

5.00am: Water boat alongside

6.30am: Water boat left

8.00am: Thick fog

9.00am: 1 sick Able Seaman from collier & 1 rating landed

9.45am: Water boat alongside

10.00am: Fog cleared

11.00am: Water boat left

12.25pm: Dutch mail boat “Frisia” passed bound East

2.15pm: Water boat alongside

3.40pm: Water boat left

5.52pm: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

8.30pm: Exchanged signals with HMS Glasgow

9.25pm: Anchored, Captain left in whaler

11.40pm: Whaler returned from HMS Glasgow

Number on sick list 5

[SS Frisia, 7442 tons, was built in 1909 by NV Koninklijke Maatschappij de Schelde for Holland Lloyd then sold & renamed “Holsatia” in 1922 and scrapped in 1928.]

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2 April 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.93, Long -55.0

4.30am: Hove anchor up & proceeded full speed

7.07am: Punta Negra abeam

7.10am: Left to intercept RMS “Drina”

7.40am: Observed HMS Glasgow

8.00am: Whaler returned with mails

9.15am: Anchored

10.00am: “Glasgow’s” cutter, with diver, alongside to look for lost anchor

3.45pm: Starboard anchor recovered & stowed

4.45pm: Anchor aweigh

7.14pm: Lobos dipped N24½E

Number on sick list 6

[RMS Drina, 11,483 tons, was built in 1913 by Harland & Wolff, Belfast for Elder Dempster Lines. In 1915 she was transferred to the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co Ltd. In 1917 she hit a mine & sank with the loss of 15 lives.]

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3 April 1916

River Plate to Port Stanley

Lat -38.75, Long -55.8

am: Hands employed variously

     Midshipmen to instruction

pm: Hands employed variously

4.00pm: Evening Quarters, physical drill

7.00pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch closed up for night defence

Number on sick list 5

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4 April 1916

River Plate to Port Stanley

Lat -42.7, Long -56.67

am: Midshipmen to instruction

Number on sick list 5

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5 April 1916

River Plate to Port Stanley

Lat -47.73, Long -58.03

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: General Quarters

Number on sick list 4

4caf8802cadfd3419701dc9a: ( 53-47709-006_0.jpg)

6 April 1916

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.85

7.00am: Sighted land

10.00am: Anchored

1.00pm: Harbour pinnace left for HMS Kent with mails & confidential mails

3.30pm: Liberty men left for shore

4.00pm: Captain left for shore

7.00pm: Steam pinnace left for shore

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

4caf8802cadfd3419701dc9b: ( 53-47709-006_1.jpg)

7 April 1916

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.85

2.30pm: Liberty men left for shore

7.30pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 5

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8 April 1916

Place: Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.85

6.45am: 9 men released from sentry's charge

9.30am: Picket boat to Pembroke Head for 1 marine

11.00am: Picket boat returned

1.00pm: Liberty men left ship

7.30pm: Liberty men returned

Number on sick list 7

4caf8802cadfd3419701dc9d: ( 53-47709-007_1.jpg)

9 April 1916

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.85

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection

10.30am: Divine Service

3.15pm: Prize crew for SS Edna left

4.30pm: Received 4 officers and 16 men from “Edna”

5.00pm: Collier alongside

7.30pm: Liberty men returned

9.00pm: Picket boat left for “Edna”

10.00am: Boat returned

Number on sick list 7


The UN's judgment on the case:]

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10 April 1916

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.85

7.15am: Commenced coal ship

9.50am: Picket boat stores to "Edna”. Coaling forward continues

3.00pm: Steam pinnace left for shore & “Edna”

6.45pm: Stopped coaling for day

9.10pm: Steamboat for shore

Number on sick list 6

4caf8802cadfd3419701dc9f: ( 53-47709-008_1.jpg)

11 April 1916

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

7.10am: Hands coal ship

11.45am: Finished coaling

1.00pm: Cast off collier

pm: Boat routine as requisite

6.30pm: Crew of SS Edna transferred to mail steamer

Number on sick list 7

4caf8802cadfd3419701dca0: ( 53-47709-009_0.jpg)

12 April 1916

Port Stanley

Lat -51.7, Long -57.9

2.20pm: Anchor aweigh

6.40pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Night defence stations occupied

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dca1: ( 53-47709-009_1.jpg)

13 April 1916

At sea

Lat -47.62, Long -55.08

am: Hands clean ship

     Midshipmen at instruction

4.00pm: Evening Quarters & ‘Action stations’

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dca2: ( 53-47709-010_0.jpg)

14 April 1916

At sea

Lat -43.8, Long -52.5

4.20pm: Altered course to intercept & speak to SS Gibraltar

Number on sick list 7

[SS Gibraltar, 3803 tons, was built in 1902 by Russell & Co Ltd, Port Glasgow for the Scottish Navigation Co. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 4 men.]

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15 April 1916

At sea

Lat -40, Long -50 [no noon positon given]

1.40am: Ship bearing Green 120º, altered course SS Edna

3.45am: Took station

5.00pm: Exercised ‘Action stations’, evening quarters, physical drill

8.00pm: Ship labouring to high sea

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dca4: ( 53-47709-011_0.jpg)

16 April 1916

At sea

Lat -38.25, Long -49.08

8.00am: Ship pitching heavily and taking water

10.00am: Divisions & Captain’s prayers

     Keeping station on SS Edna

pm: Hands at rest

4.10pm: Turned round astern of “Edna”

Number on sick list 5

4caf8802cadfd3419701dca5: ( 53-47709-011_1.jpg)

18 April 1916

At sea

Lat -33.23, Long -45.15

     Keeping station on SS Edna

Number on sick list 6

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17 April 1916

At sea

Lat -35.87, Long -47.63

10.33am: Stopped engines. 1st whaler to SS Edna

     Hands repairing aerial

11.19am: Whaler returned, proceeded

pm: Keeping station on SS Edna

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dca7: ( 53-47709-012_1.jpg)

19 April 1916

At sea

Lat -31.45, Long -45.05

     Keeping station on SS Edna

4.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’ & evening quarters

Number on sick list 7

4caf8802cadfd3419701dca8: ( 53-47709-013_0.jpg)

20 April 1916

At sea

Lat -28.82, Long -43.8

     Keeping station on SS Edna

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

     Stopped & transferred 3 firemen to & received 1 sick man from “Edna”

10.40am: Proceeded

am: Training classes in progress

4.00pm: General quarters, hands to physical drill

Number on sick list 7

4caf8802cadfd3419701dca9: ( 53-47709-013_1.jpg)

21 April 1916

At sea

Lat -25.92, Long -42.27

     Keeping station on SS Edna

10.00am: Divisions & prayers

     Sunday routine [Good Friday]

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcaa: ( 53-47709-014_0.jpg)

22 April 1916

At sea

Lat -23.23, Long -40.97

     Keeping station on SS Edna

pm: Lead used every hour

5.45pm: Stop & dispatched boat, to “Edna”

Number on sick list 9

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23 April 1916

Port Stanley to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -20.9, Long -39.78

9.00am: Vessel swung to take station of “Edna” 1 mile abeam

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.10pm: Regencia Light dipped West

Number on sick list 8

[I think that Regencia Lighthouse refers to a now demolished light indexed as Rio Doce (old). The replacement lighthouse, Rio Doce (new) was built on the same foundations on the edge of the port town of Regencia at Lat -19.65, Long -39.83.]

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24 April 1916

Port Stanley to Abrolhos.

Lat -18.03, Long -38.75

12.0am: Received signal from SS Edna

6.00am: Watch closed up and dismissed

6.30am: Hands prepare ship for harbour

10.45am: Observed Abrolhos Light. House N28E

     Keeping station on Edna

1.00pm: Stopped & anchored

     Finished [with] engines, 4 hours notice

5.00pm: General & evening quarters

Number on sick list 11

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25 April 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.75

6.00am: Hands turned to. Party sent to coal SS Edna

7-7.30am: Midshipmen at physical drill

am:   Hands employed chipping

5.30pm: Collier alongside

6.00pm: Four invalids transferred to "Edinburgh Castle"

7.45pm: Coaling party aboard

9.00pm: Watch semi-darkened ship, S 3 & 4 guns cleared away for Night Defence

Number on sick list 11

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcae: ( 53-47709-016_0.jpg)

26 April 1916

Place: Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.75

6.35am: Hands coal ship

11.00am: Hands went to dinner

11.45am: Resumed coaling

4.00pm: Half of prize crew returned from “Edna”

6.00pm: Invalid from HMS Vindictive for passage

6.15pm: Finished coaling

     Invalid from HMS Edinburgh Castle for passage

7.15pm: Collier left

9.30pm: Darken ship

9.40pm: Anchor aweigh

11.23pm: Abrolhos Rocks Light dipped N34E

Number on sick list 11

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27 April 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -20.82, Long -39.75

7.10am: Observed high land (Meastre Alvero) S68W

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 11

[Meastre Alvero may be the mountain indexed as Morro Mestre Alvares some 2,192ft high at Lat -20.17, Long -40.32.]

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcb0: ( 53-47709-017_0.jpg)

28 April 1916

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.9, Long -43.15

2.38am: Santa Anna Light N53W

4.15am: Observed Cape Frio Light S65W

6.30am: Hands turned to preparing ship for port

7.00am: Cape Frio Light abeam N38W, 7 miles

am: Hands as requisite, instruction & training classes in progress

10.30am: Observed Raza Light House N83½W

1.15pm: Anchored

2.30pm: Officer of the Guard from Brazilian Flagship visited ship

3.30pm: Officer of the Guard visited Brazilian Flagship. Water boat alongside

4.10pm: Second water boat alongside

6.00pm: Store boat alongside

7.45pm: Finished taking stores

     Ship taking fresh water throughout

Number on sick list 12

[St Anna Lighthouse is probably the one indexed as Macae Ile Santana off the coast of Brazil at Lat -22.42, Long -41.7.]

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29 April 1916

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -22.9, Long -43.15

5.50am: Finished taking in water, water boat left

12.45pm: Anchor aweigh. Helm and engines as requisite

1.00pm: Observed RMSP Deseado

1.15pm: Stopped. Sent cutter to “Deseado”

2.15pm: Boat returned & hoisted.

2.37pm: Passed Pay Island 4 cables

7.05pm: Stopped, lowered cutter & transferred stores to HMS Vindictive

8.30pm: Cutter returned & hoisted

8.40pm: Sighted Cape Frio Light N21E

11.20pm: Cape Frio Light dipped N44E

Number on sick list 12

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcb2: ( 53-47709-018_0.jpg)

30 April 1916

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -25.15, Long -44.2

9.00am: Altered course to exchange signals with SS Stanhope of Middlesburgh

9.30am: Resumed course

10.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

[SS Stanhope, 2854 tons, was built in 1900 by the Ropner Shipbuilding & Repairing Co, Stockton-on-Tees for the English Steamship Co Ltd. She was torpedoed in 1917 with 22 casualties.]

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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments]

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1 May 1916

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -28.5, Long -48.58

2.09pm: Ste Marta Grande abeam 7 miles off

6.50pm: Observed Torres Light S69W

8.10pm: Course & speed to Captain’s orders

Number on sick list 8

[Cabo Santa Marta Grande is in Brazil at Lat -28.63, Long -48.75

Torres Lighthouse is in Brazil at Lat -29.35, Long -49.73.]

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2 May 1916

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -29.9, Long -49.8

6.40am: Observed Torres Light N85W, 23 miles

8.45am: Torres Light House S71W, 6 miles

9.13am: Torres Light House N75W, 6 miles

pm: Hands painting ship

3.30pm: Passed patch of discoloured water

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcbf: ( 53-47710-004_1.jpg)

3 May 1916

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -33.03, Long -52.13

3.00am: Passed steamer bound North

7.30am: Midshipmen at physical drill

9.30am: Hands painting ship

3.30pm: Observed Abrolhos Rocks Light House N68½W

10.27pm: Made Cape Polonio Light S67W

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcc0: ( 53-47710-005_0.jpg)

4 May 1916

Rio de Janeiro to River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -55.99

12.08am: Cape Polonio Light abeam N52W, 10 miles

1.03am: Observed :Santa Maria Light S80W

2.43am: Cape Santa Maria Light N38W, 11 miles

6.40am: Lobos Island Light abeam, 17'

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers

     Midshipmen at instruction

1.20pm: Observed HMS Glasgow S82W

2.53pm: Stopped & anchored

3.00pm: Captain left ship for “Glasgow”

3.05pm: Received mails on board

7.00pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch closed up for night defence

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcc1: ( 53-47710-005_1.jpg)

5 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.05, Long -55.98

8.00am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded

10.25am: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, ½ mile

     Hands scaling over side

     Midshipmen at instruction

Noon: Fog banks

5.00pm: Warrant no 33 read

6.50pm: Darkened ship

8.10pm: Stopped & anchored

8.30pm: Rang off engines to short notice

Number on sick list 7

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcc2: ( 53-47710-006_0.jpg)

6 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.12

     Rounds & 1 offender in cells correct

9.18am: Anchor aweigh

12.25pm: Despatched boat

12.50pm: Boat returned & re-hoisted

pm: Hands make & mend

     Slops issued

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcc3: ( 53-47710-006_1.jpg)

7 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.47, Long -55.72

7.48am: Anchor aweigh

10.45am: Observed HMS Glasgow: Red 12º

11.50am: Captain left ship for “Glasgow”

11.55am: Stores left ship for “Glasgow”

12.45pm: Hoisted 2nd whaler, proceeded

3.40pm: Observed collier, altered course S72W

5.30pm: Manoeuvred alongside collier. Port watch rig collier, Starboard watch finishing at 6.30pm

10.10pm: Sighted steamer bound South

     Rounds & cells visited & correct

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcc4: ( 53-47710-007_0.jpg)

8 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.23

7.00am: Commenced coaling ship

     Coaling proceeded throughout from No 3 & 4 holds of collier

11.00am: Ceased coaling for dinner

11.45am: Resumed coaling

3.0-3.15pm: Stand easy

5.00pm: Finished coaling

5.30pm: Cast off collier

     Hands sweeping decks etc

8.45pm: Observed El Cerro Light N2W

     Rounds & offender in cells correct

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcc5: ( 53-47710-007_1.jpg)

9 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.23

12.10am: El Cerro Light N1W

am: Hands to cleaning ship

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcc6: ( 53-47710-008_0.jpg)

10 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.1, Long -55.98

     Rounds & cells visited & correct

8.10am: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

am: Training & instruction classes in progress

11.00am: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 3 cables

11.50am: Observed HMS Glasgow Green 25º

1.00pm: Manoeuvred ship to intercept HMS Glasgow

2.00pm: Altered course to intercept mail boat

2.20pm: Stopped & sent cutter to “Amazon”

2.45pm: Full speed

Number on sick list 8

[RMSP Amazon, 10,037 tons, was built in 1906 by Harland & Wolff, Belfast for the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. She was torpedoed in 1918 but without loss of life.]

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11 May 1916

Monte Video

Lat -34.95, Long -56.22

1.20am: Tug “Ondina” arrived alongside with Captain, officers & libertymen

1.30am: “Ondina” left

1.40am: One seaman placed under arrest

9.00am: Signalled RMSP Darro

9.35am: Tug “Ondina” left with officers for shore

12.05pm: Store lighter arrived

2.45pm: Store lighter left

3.15pm: “Ondina” arrived with officers & mails

3.25pm: “Ondina” left

3.30pm: Anchor aweigh

5.06pm: Flores Island Light House abeam

5.30pm: Altered course to intercept HMS Glasgow

6.35pm: “Glasgow’s” cutter left with meat

6.45pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

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12 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.75

am: Midshipmen to instruction

12.27pm: Anchor aweigh

pm: Hands make & mend

3.23pm: Observed Lobos Light N70E

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcc9: ( 53-47710-009_1.jpg)

13 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.08, Long -55.38

4.15am: Proceeded slow ahead

pm: Hands at rest

10.10pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 7

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcca: ( 53-47710-010_0.jpg)

14 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.05, Long -55.5

5.15am: Ship dragging, paid out 1 shackle

5.25am: Ship brought up

9.40am: Anchor aweigh

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. Divine Service

7.15pm: Observed Punta Negra Light N16W

7.40pm: Punta Negra Light N9E,12¼’

9.56pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf8802cadfd3419701dccb: ( 53-47710-010_1.jpg)

15 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.01, Long -55.28

am: Midshipmen to physical drill

9.00am: Exchanged pennants with HMS Avoca [Not mentioned by HMS Avoca]

9.30am: Anchor aweigh

11.40am: Observed Maldonado Towers N64E

12.10pm: Made Lobos Light House N86E

2.25pm: Altered course to exchange signals with SS Paraguayo

9.10pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

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16 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.05, Long -55.9

9.50am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

am: Midshipmen to instruction

12.30pm: Exchanged signals with HMS Glasgow

1.05pm: Courses various to intercept “Glasgow”

1.40pm: Whaler left for “Glasgow”

2.05pm: Whaler returned, set course

4.50pm : Courses & speeds as requisite to intercept and investigate sailing ship

6.50pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

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17 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.15, Long -55.48

8.10am: Anchor aweigh, slow

10.55am: Half speed, hands working over ship’s side

11.50am: Slow, observed Danish Barque “Viking”

1.30pm: Stopped

4.30pm: Hoisted whaler

6.15pm: Course as requisite to intercept SS Darro

6.30pm: Darkened ship

8.40pm: Stopped & anchored

9.00pm: Watch closed up for night defence stations

Number on sick list 8

[Barque “Viking”, 2959 tons, was built in 1906 by Burmeister & Wain, Copenhagen as a sail training ship. She was operated by the Finns from 1929 to 1950 then saved from scrapping by the Swedish Government. She is now used as a floating hotel.]

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18 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.01, Long -55.46

6.15am: Night defence guns’ crews closed up & dismissed

6.45am: Hands turned to, employed as requisite

9.25am: Anchor aweigh

am: Training classes in progress

4.20pm: Exchanged signals with French steamer

10.00pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 9

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19 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35, Long -56

9.30am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded slow

am: Hands cleaning ship’s side

8.25pm: Exchanged signals with HMS Glasgow

9.00pm: Hands preparing ship for going alongside store ship

10.25pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 11

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd0: ( 53-47710-013_0.jpg)

20 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.53, Long -56.22

8.30am: HMS Avoca came alongside

9.25am: HMS Avoca secured, hands store ship

1.40pm: 20 new ratings joined ex-“Avoca”

     Hands working stores from “Avoca”

2.00pm: Ceased working stores

2.30pm: HMS Avoca cast off & proceeded to anchorage close by

     Lowered nos 1, 2 & 3 cutters for stores

     Stores being transported by 3 cutters from each ship

8.00pm: Ceased shipping stores & prepared to hoist all cutters

9.00pm: Hoisted all boats

     El Cerro Light N2W

Number on sick list 12

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd1: ( 53-47710-013_1.jpg)

21 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.53, Long -56.22

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

     Delivered homeward mail to HMS Avoca

10.50am: Receiving remaining stores from HMS Avoca

12.05pm: Received remainder of stores from HMS Avoca, hoisted cutter

4.30pm: Exchanged signals with collier

9.30pm: Observed strong smell of fire and smoke in starboard alleyway spar deck, which disappeared about 9.40

     Searched main deck, no further indication of fire

Number on sick list 13

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd2: ( 53-47710-014_0.jpg)

22 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.53, Long -56.22

6.45am: Hands fall in & prepare to receive collier

8.10am: Collier alongside

8.15am: Cast off collier owing to her ranging & bumping excessively

Noon: Collier made fast alongside

12.50pm: Commenced coaling, working collier’s nos 1 & 2 hatches

7.00pm: Ceased coaling, hands at supper

7.30pm: Resumed coaling

9.45pm: Finished coaling

10.00pm: Cast off collier & darkened ship

Number on sick list 9

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23 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.09, Long -56.07

8.20am: Anchor aweigh

10.15am: Observed HMS Glasgow

10.55am: Recalada Light Vessel at distance 1'

11.55am: Exchanged signals with HMS Glasgow

12.05pm: Helm & engines as requisite, communicated by boat with HMS Glasgow, 8 ratings arrived

1.15pm: Proceeded

3.00pm: Helm & engines as requisite to intercept SS Highland Glen

9.35pm: Stopped & anchored

Number on sick list 10

[SS Highland Glen, 7343 tons, was built in 1910 for the Nelson Line. She was sold & renamed in 1929.]

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd4: ( 53-47710-015_0.jpg)

24 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.62

9.52am: Anchor aweigh

am: Midshipmen to instruction

pm: Hands employed painting ship

     Instruction classes for seamen

10.04pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 9

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd5: ( 53-47710-015_1.jpg)

25 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.71

12.05pm: Anchor aweigh

2.30pm: Exchanged signals with Norwegian Barque

3.03pm: Whaler left with boarding party

3.28pm: Whaler returned

8.40pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 9

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd6: ( 53-47710-016_0.jpg)

26 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.04, Long -55.43

4.15am: Sent 2nd cutter to SS Highland Laddie with ratings from HMS Glasgow & 2 boxes charts

6.30am: Cutter returned & hoisted

9.22am: Anchor aweigh

am: Instruction classes in progress

pm: Hands employed variously, instruction classes in progress

10.16pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 9

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd7: ( 53-47710-016_1.jpg)

27 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.43

9.24am: Anchor aweigh

pm: Hands at rest

5.15pm: Stopped to intercept “Glasgow”

6.43pm: English Bank Light Vessel S10E, 2 miles

8.27pm: Recalada N, 2 cables

10.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 10

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd8: ( 53-47710-017_0.jpg)

28 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.52, Long -56.25

10.00am: Divisions & Prayers

pm: Hands at rest

5.30pm: Exchanged signals with collier

Number on sick list 11

4caf8802cadfd3419701dcd9: ( 53-47710-017_1.jpg)

29 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.52, Long -56.25

1.00am: HMS Glasgow anchored

1.30am: Prize Barque “Pestalozzi” anchored

am: Training classes in progress

pm: Training classes in progress

4.30pm: Hands to physical drill

Number on sick list 11

[Pestalozzi”, 1068 tons, was an iron barque built in 1884 by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg for F Laeisz. In 1904. she was sold to O Terjeson, Lilleshammer, Norway who kept her until 1919. She was eventually scrapped in 1937.

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30 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.03, Long -56.18

8.15am: Anchor aweigh

10.45am: Passed Recalada Light Vessel 2 cables

am: Hands as requisite, training classes in progress, junior officers at instruction

4.30pm: Hands to physical drill

7.25pm: Sent 1st whaler to RMSP Araguaya for mail

7.50pm: Whaler returned & hoisted

8.00pm: Proceeded to anchorage

10.00pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 7 cables

Number on sick list 10

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31 May 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.23

12.16am: Anchored

9.15am: Hands employed as requisite, gunnery training classes etc

2.00pm: Captain left in whaler for HMS Glasgow

3.00pm: Glasgow’s cutter arrived & took 1000 lbs meat

6.30pm: Captain returned

Number on sick list 10

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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.23

1.00pm: Hands mustered by open list for paymen

     Midshipmen to instruction

Number on sick list 7

4caf8802cadfd3419701dce6: ( 53-47711-004_0.jpg)

2 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.33, Long -56.29

9.15am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded slow

9.20am: Manoeuvred to send boat to “Glasgow”

10.15am: Full speed

10.30am: Manoeuvred to pick up mails from collier “King David”

11.00am: Full speed

12.38pm: Recalada Light: Vessel abeam

1.39pm: Fairway Buoy abeam

2.20pm: Liberty men left

     Water boats arriving & leaving throughout

Number on sick list 7

[SS King David, 3680 tons, was built in 1906 by Craig, Taylor & Co Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees for the King Line. In 1917 she was sunk by gunfire from a U-boat with the loss of 2 men.]

4caf8802cadfd3419701dce7: ( 53-47711-004_1.jpg)

3 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.97, Long -56.23

     Water boats plying between ship & shore throughout

1.30am: “Ordina” arrived with Captain and liberty men

1.45am: “Ordina” left

9.30am: “Ondina” arrived with with 4 absentees

10.00am: Store boat arrived & discharged about 40 tons

12.20pm: Water boats cast off

1.52pm: Anchor up, slow ahead

3.18pm: Recalada abeam

5.23pm: Anchored 3½ cables NE of HMS Glasgow

5.30pm: Captain left for “Glasgow”.

     Transferring stores to “Glasgow” & collier “King David”

7.15pm: Captain returned

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dce8: ( 53-47711-005_0.jpg)

4 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.6, Long -56.23

10.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

3.05pm: Norwegian Barque Pestalozzi got under weigh [sic]

5.00pm: Both watches prepare ship for coaling

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dce9: ( 53-47711-005_1.jpg)

5 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.23

am: Training classes in progress

2.00pm: Divisions mustered for slops

5.00pm: Warrant no 34 read

     Issued soap & tobacco

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcea: ( 53-47711-006_0.jpg)

6 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.23 [log says 36º 14’ W]

am: Store party discharging stores to “Glasgow’s” cutters

     Training classes in progress

11.10am: HMS Glasgow weighed anchor, range finder checked with “Glasgow”

pm: Training classes in progress

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dceb: ( 53-47711-006_1.jpg)

7 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.97, Long -56.22

12.25am: Sent morse signal to collier

3.30am: Observed steamer NW/W bound SW

5.55am: Anchor aweigh

7.00am: Made El Cerro Light N2E

8.13am: Recalada Light Vessel abeam

9.20am: Passed Whistle Buoy 3 cables, engines as requisite to anchorage

9.30am: Anchored

10.50am: Health Officer arrived on board, pratique granted

pm: Hands make & mend

4.40pm: SS Ondina arrived with Captain

5.00pm: “Ondina” left

5.07pm: Anchor aweigh

5.14pm: Fairway buoy abeam

6.40pm: Recalada Light Vessel N, 2 miles

8.55pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcec: ( 53-47711-007_0.jpg)

8 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.24

am: Midshipmen to instruction

Number on sick list 7

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9 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.24

am: Midshipmen to instruction

     Main topmen to small arms drill

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcee: ( 53-47711-008_0.jpg)

10 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.24

7.00am: Hands turned to preparing ship for coaling

8.00am: Collier “King David” got under weigh

8.25am: Collier alongside, proceeded to secure

8.45am: Collier secured alongside

     Coaling proceeding throughout

4.40pm: Finished coaling, 365 tons

5.00pm: Cast off collier

     Hands clearing up decks

Number on sick list 9

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcef: ( 53-47711-008_1.jpg)

11 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.24

5.00am: El Cerro Light N1W

10.00am: Observed HMS Glasgow

11.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

12.05pm: HMS Glasgow anchored

pm: Hands at rest

4.45pm: Captain returned from HMS Glasgow

Number on sick list 9

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf0: ( 53-47711-009_0.jpg)

12 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.24

8.00am: Midshipmen to physical drill

am: Midshipmen to instruction

11.30am: 1st whaler left for “Glasgow”

Number on sick list 10

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf1: ( 53-47711-009_1.jpg)

13 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.65, Long -56.23

9.27am: Weighed anchor & proceeded slow

10.03am: Stopped & hoisted target over

11.00am: Steaming round target for 1” aiming practice

pm: Guns’ crews & control parties continued 1” aiming practice throughout the afternoon

     Remainder of hands washing paint

3.10pm: Ceased firing

3.50pm: Picked up target, half speed

4.20pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 10

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf2: ( 53-47711-010_0.jpg)

14 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.23

8.00am: HMS Glasgow left anchorage

9.20am: Anchor up & target over side, proceeded to carry out target 1” aiming practise

11.30am: Anchored

2.00pm: Hands employed rigging 6” gun target

5.00pm: Hands to physical drill

11.15pm: Cover guns

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf3: ( 53-47711-010_1.jpg)

15 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.56, Long -56.24

am: Training classes in progress

     Junior officers at instruction

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Read warrant no 35

Number on sick list 9

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf4: ( 53-47711-011_0.jpg)

16 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.56, Long -56.24

am: Junior officers to instruction

pm: Hands at rest

10.15pm: Exchanged recognition signals with HMS Glasgow

11.04pm: HMS Glasgow anchored

Number on sick list 9

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf5: ( 53-47711-011_1.jpg)

17 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.56, Long -56.24

pm: Hands make & mend

4.00pm: 2nd whaler left for mails

4.45pm: Whaler returned with mails

Number on sick list 10

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf6: ( 53-47711-012_0.jpg)

18 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.56, Long -56.24

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf7: ( 53-47711-012_1.jpg)

19 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.56, Long -56.24

am: Hands employed as requisite, training classes carrying on, junior officers at instruction

1.00pm: HMS Glasgow left

pm: Training classes in progress

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf8: ( 53-47711-013_0.jpg)

20 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.56, Long -56.24

8.00am: Midshipmen to physical drill

am: Training classes in progress, junior officers to instructions

pm: Training classes to instruction

Number on sick list 5

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcf9: ( 53-47711-013_1.jpg)

21 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.56, Long -56.24

am: Training classes in progress

pm: Training & signalling classes in progress

Number on sick list 6

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22 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.56, Long -56.24

am: Foretopmen at small arms drill

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Hands to physical drill

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcfb: ( 53-47711-014_1.jpg)

23 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.59, Long -56.15

am: Training classes carrying on, junior officers at instruction

11.30am: Anchor aweigh

11.35am: 1st whaler to collier

11.50am: Whaler returned & hoisted

2.30pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, ¾'

3.43pm: Fairway Buoy abeam

3.50pm: Anchored

4.40pm: Liberty men left in “Ondina”

7.15pm: Water boats arrived, continued arriving & leaving

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcfc: ( 53-47711-015_0.jpg)

24 June 1916

Monte Video

Lat -34.97, Long -56.22

     Water boats arriving & leaving throughout

1.10am: Libertymen returned

5.30am: Midshipmen to physical drill

10.30am: Store boat arrived alongside

12.20pm: Store boat left

     Ship replenishing with stores & water

4.20pm: “Ondina” left

4.27pm: Anchor up, proceeded

9.50pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcfd: ( 53-47711-015_1.jpg)

25 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.97, Long -55.82

10.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

12.20pm: Anchor aweigh

2.00pm: Lowered & despatched 2nd whaler for mails

2.40pm: Whaler returned & hoisted, proceeded

5.42pm: Recalada abeam

8.50pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcfe: ( 53-47711-016_0.jpg)

26 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.58, Long -56.27

8.00am: Midshipmen to physical drill

9.22am: Anchor aweigh

9.50am: Dropped target

All day: At 6” target practice

4.15pm: Ceased fire

4.38pm: Anchored

4.40pm: Lowered 1st & 2nd whalers, 1st whaler to collier, 2nd to unrig target etc

5.30pm: Target hoisted on board, hoisted both whalers

6.30pm: Darken ship

9.00pm: Watch closed up to night defence stations

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dcff: ( 53-47711-016_1.jpg)

27 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.23

6.15am: Guns crews closed up & dismissed

7.30am: Midshipman at physical drill

am: Training classes in progress

     Forecastlemen at drill

pm: Training classes in progress

Number on sick list 8

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28 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.23

am: Signal & gunnery classes in progress

     Junior officers to instruction

pm: Hands make & mend

3.30pm: French Barque passed bound to the westard, exchanged signals

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd01: ( 53-47711-017_1.jpg)

29 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.57, Long -56.23

am: Training classes in progress

pm: Training classes in progress, 4th division at company drill

Number on sick list 6

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30 June 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.43, Long -56.28

9.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.16am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded half speed

1.20pm: Recalada abeam

2.38pm: Stopped, Whistle Buoy abeam

3.15pm: Tug “Ondina” arrived

3.50pm: Tug “Ondina” left, [proceeded] half speed

5.25pm: Recalada Light abeam N, 1'

7.05pm: Observed collier

8.28pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 6

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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.55, Long -56.17

11.00am: Observed Argentine cruiser S50W, bound opposite

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd0e: ( 53-47712-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.55, Long -56.17

10.00am: Exchanged signals with collier

11.00am: Hands mustered by open list, ‘Articles of War’ read

11.10am: Divine Service

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd0f: ( 53-47712-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.2

am: Training classes in progress

11.10am: Anchor aweigh

11.20am: Stop. Boat from collier alongside

11.30am: Boat cast off, slow ahead

1.30pm: Payment made to libertymen

1.45pm: Recalada Light abeam, 1'

3.10pm: Anchored. Rang off engines, steam at 4 hours notice

3.20pm: Health Officer boarded

3.30pm: Pratique granted, “Ondina” arrived alongside

3.55pm: “Ondina” left for shore with libertymen

     Store & water boats alongside

     Hands employed taking in meat from lighter

8.00pm: Meat lighter discharged

10.40pm: Finished taking in water

11.35pm: Provision & water boats left for shore

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd10: ( 53-47712-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -34.98, Long -56.22

1.00am: Liberty men returned

9.00am: “Ondina” alongside, Captain & officers left for shore

am: Hands scraping paintwork & discharging stores

3.30pm: “Ondina” arrived with Captain

4.00pm: “Ondina” cast off

5.20pm: Recalada Light Vessel N, 2 miles

5.35pm: Covered guns, weather freshening

6.50pm: Observed collier Red 5º

7.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd11: ( 53-47712-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

am: Midshipmen to instruction

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: General Quarters

     Hands mustered for soap & tobacco

Number on sick list 9

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd12: ( 53-47712-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

6.40am: Hands to breakfast

7.30am: Hands turned to rigging coaling gear

8.45am: Collier “Gibraltar” came alongside

9.30am: Collier made fast, commenced coaling

11.00am: Hands to dinner

11.50am: Recommenced coaling

3.00pm: Ceased coaling, hands to tea

6.30pm: Finished coaling

6.45pm: Cast off collier

Number on sick list 10

[SS Gibraltar, 3903 tons, was built in 1902 by Russell & Co Ltd, Greenock for the Scottish Navigation Co. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 4 lives.]

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd13: ( 53-47712-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

am: Hands cleaning ship

pm: Training classes in progress

8.25pm: Replied to challenge of HMS Glasgow & exchanged signals

9.00pm: HMS Glasgow anchored

9.05pm: Sent mails to “Glasgow”

Number on sick list 13

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd14: ( 53-47712-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.14, Long -56.28

9.30am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

10.47am: Recalada abeam

12.50pm: Stopped. Exchanged signals with RMSP “Amazon”

2.15pm: Discharged cot case per shore Doctor’s steam boat

4.50pm: Tug “Ondina” alongside

4.55pm: Tug “Ondina” left

5.08pm: Full speed

5.12pm: Whistle Buoy abeam ½’

6.30pm: Darkened ship

8.35pm: Anchored

8.45pm: Glasgow’s cutter arrived for stores

9.00pm: Glasgow’s cutter left

Number on sick list 11

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd15: ( 53-47712-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.6, Long -56.2

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

12.20pm: Captain left ship for “Glasgow”

pm: Hands at rest

4.05pm: Captain returned from “Glasgow”

4.15pm: Boat arrived with men from “Glasgow”, hoisted Montague whaler

6.30pm: Exchanged signals with HMS Glasgow

9.30pm: 2nd whaler left with visitors from “Glasgow”

Number on sick list 8

[Montague or Montagu Whaler was a clinker built boat which could be rowed or rigged for sailing. The final design was made by Admiral Victor Alexander Montagu (1841-1915) hence the name.

The visit is not mentioned in “Glasgow’s” log.]

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd16: ( 53-47712-008_0.jpg)

10 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

am: Hands as requisite

     Junior officers at instruction, training classes in progress

2.30pm: Slops issued

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd17: ( 53-47712-008_1.jpg)

11 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.53, Long -56.22

All day: Training classes in progress

5.30pm: Cutter arrived from “Glasgow” for meat

5.55pm: Cutter returned

Number on sick list 8

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12 July 1916

River Plate

Lat -35.49, Long -56.25

11.38am: Anchor aweigh, half speed

2.00pm: Stop. Whaler left for “Pesca” & returned

2.30pm: Whaler left for “Pesca” & returned

2.50pm: Hoisted whaler, half speed

5.15pm: Anchored

5.21pm: Captain left for “Glasgow”

6.25pm: Anchor aweigh,slow ahead

7.00pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch closed up for night defence stations

11.00pm: Engine Room water tight doors closed for exercise, time taken 4 minutes

Number on sick list 9

[Pesca” or more correctly “Instituto de Pesca” was a wooden Argentinian survey vessel who attempted to rescue the survivors of Shackleton’s expedition.

Darkening ship and night defences have happened almost every night not in harbour since the outbreak of war.]

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13 July 1916

River Plate to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -33.92, Long -52.57

     Engine Room water tight doors closed for exercise, time 5 minutes

6.30am:   Engine Room water tight doors closed for exercise, time 5 minutes

am: Hands employed as requisite

     Junior officers at instruction, training classes in progress

     Main topmen at company drill

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd1a: ( 53-47712-010_0.jpg)

14 July 1916

River Plate to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -31.17, Long -49.75

     Closed & opened Engine Room water tight doors

6.20am: Closed water tight doors, time 5 minutes

am: Training classes in progress

pm: Hands at rest

     Junior officers at instruction

Number on sick list 9

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd1b: ( 53-47712-010_1.jpg)

15 July 1916

River Plate to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -27.63, Long -47.38

am: Midshipmen to instruction

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd1c: ( 53-47712-011_0.jpg)

16 July 1916

River Plate to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -25.35, Long -45.2

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd1d: ( 53-47712-011_1.jpg)

17 July 1916

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.9, Long -43.23

10.40am: Observed high land bearing N

11.45am: Redonda abeam, distance 2'

12.50pm: Anchored

12.55pm: Officer of the Guard boarded

1.40pm: Officer of the Guard from “Macedonia” left with Brazilian Officer of the Guard to return call

3.00pm: Liberty men left

5.00pm: Steam Pinnace left for shore

5.15pm: Minister of Marine visited ship

6.00pm: Hoisted whalers & punt

6.20pm: Stores arrived alongside

9.20pm: Cast off lighter

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd1e: ( 53-47712-012_0.jpg)

18 July 1916

Rio de Janeiro to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -23.01, Long -43.03

8.15am: Steam picket left for officers

11.00am: Captain returned, hoisted steamboat & whalers

11.45am: Anchor aweigh

12.10pm: Fort Villegagnon E, 3 cables

12.30pm: Pay Island N51E, 3 cables

1.15pm: Maricas Island Light House abeam, 2¼’

pm: Hands at rest

5.55pm: Cape Frio abeam, 8’

6.25pm: Cape Frio Light House abeam, 6'

Number on sick list 4

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd1f: ( 53-47712-012_1.jpg)

19 July 1916

Rio de Janeiro to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -20.87, Long -39.8

     Soundings frequently taken

am: Hands variously employed

     Marines at drill & inspection of kit

12.30pm: Exchanged signals with SS Forde (Norwegian)

pm: Hands at rest

4.30pm: Hands rigging up coaling gear

Number on sick list 5

[SS Forde, 2155 tons, was built in 1900 as SS Katendrecht by Jan Smit Scheepswerven, Alblasserdam. She was sold & renamed in 1915 but ran aground & was wrecked in 1919.]

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20 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.02, Long -38.73

     Soundings taken

3.30am: Made Abrolhos Light House N25E

5.10am: Stopped, anchored

5.45am: Hands called

7.20am: Weighed & proceeded nearer collier

7.56am: Anchored

8.30am: Collier weighed & proceeded alongside

9.00am: Commenced coaling

2.30pm: Captain returned on board

3.00pm: Amount of coal in 285 tons, ceased coaling, hands to tea

3.30pm: Resumed coaling

5.15pm: Finished coaling

5.20pm: Cast off collier

5.35pm: Anchor aweigh, shifted berth 3 cables West of HMS Edinburgh Castle

Number 5.on sick list 6

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21 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

8.30am: Cutters from “Edinburgh Castle” arrived for meat

9.30am: Last boat left with meat

All day: Hands cleaning ship

4.55pm: Two cutters arrived from “Amethyst” with visitors

7.20pm: “Amethyst’s” men returned

8.00pm: Hoisted cutters

Number on sick list 6

[HMS Amethyst, 3000 ton cruiser, was launched in 1903 at the Elswick Naval Works. She took part in the Battle of Heligoland Bight and operations in the Dardanelles. She was sold in 1920 and is part of the OW fleet.]

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22 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

9.25am: Manoeuvred ship to clear cable of a pinnacle rock

10.00am: Finished with engines

10.30am: Captain of “Amethyst” arrived

11.30am: Captain of “Amethyst” left

pm: Hands at rest

     Various ship’s boats arrived for meat

10.00pm: Commander returned from “Amethyst”

Number on sick list 5

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23 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

9.30am: Lowered 1st whaler

10.35am: Chaplain arrived in whaler

11.00am: Divine Service

11.45am: Officers from HMS Amethyst arrived

pm: Hands at rest

7.00pm: Hoisted 1st whaler

Number on sick list 5

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd24: ( 53-47712-015_0.jpg)

24 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

pm: Midshipmen to instruction

4.30pm: Hoisted 1st whaler

5.30pm: Hoisted Montagu whaler

7.00pm: Hoisted 2nd whaler

Number on sick list 7

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25 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

7.30am: Observed HMS Glasgow

8.50am: Officer of the Guard left for HMS Glasgow

9.15am: “Glasgow” anchored, whaler returned with mails

am: Midshipmen to instruction, 303 firing carried out throughout forenoon

Noon: Captain left for “Amethyst” in Montagu whaler

12.15pm: Ceased firing, pinnace returned

pm: Hands employed variously. 303 target practise in progress

4.40pm: Captain of “Amethyst” arrived on board

5.20pm: Captain returned from "Glasgow”

6.00pm: Hoisted steam pinnace, Captain of “Amethyst” left

8.15pm: Hoisted 1st whaler

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd26: ( 53-47712-016_0.jpg)

26 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

All day: Junior officers to instruction

10.00am: Court of Inquiry being held

6.45pm: Whaler left with officers for "Glasgow"

10.20pm: Whaler returned with officers and hoisted

Number on sick list 8

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27 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.15am: Steam pinnace towing cutter left for Island

4.00pm: Cutter and steam pinnace returned with sand

5.00pm: Cutter arrived from “Amethyst” with men to dance and skylark

7.00pm: Men from HMS Glasgow and HMS Amethyst returned to their respective ships

8.00pm: Hoisted 1st whaler & darkened ship

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd28: ( 53-47712-017_0.jpg)

28 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

pm: Midshipmen to instruction

4.00pm: Issued meat stores to squadron

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd29: ( 53-47712-017_1.jpg)

29 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

pm: Hands make & mend

     Second whaler out sailing

7.03pm: Hoisted whalers

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd2a: ( 53-47712-018_0.jpg)

30 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

6.20pm: 1st whaler to “Edinburgh Castle”

9.45pm: Hoisted 2nd whaler

Number on sick list 6

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd2b: ( 53-47712-018_1.jpg)

31 July 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Instruction classes in progress

11.30am: Commodore & Captains of "Edinburgh Castle" & "Amethyst" arrived on board

Number on sick list 6

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.2, Long -38.83

7.45am: Delivered mail to HMS Glasgow

9.09am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded at various speeds and courses towing target for HMS Glasgow

11.00am: Target practice finished, stop both

2.00pm: ‘Action stations’

2.10pm: Proceeded at various speeds and courses to carry out 1" aiming target practise

3.30pm: Manoeuvred ship to pick up target

3.45pm: Hoisted whaler and proceeded to anchorage

5.07pm: Anchored

5.30pm: Cutter from “Edinburgh Castle” towed target away

6.30pm: Hoisted whaler

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd36: ( 53-47713-004_0.jpg)

2 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

7.15am: HMS Amethyst weighed and proceeded N side of island

am: Hands employed as requisite

     Training & instruction classes in progress, junior officers at instruction

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 9

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd37: ( 53-47713-004_1.jpg)

3 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

am: Training classes in progress, junior officers to instruction

10.20am: “Edinburgh Castle” (Guard Ship) weighed to search Danish SS Danery

11.50am: Guard ship anchored & SS Danery proceeded

12.10pm: SS Danery signalled CZ

12.50pm: SS Danery cleared obstruction and proceeded back to anchorage for survey

2.30pm: Slops served out

4.20pm: Visitors from HMS Amethyst arrived

Number on sick list 7

[SS Danery, 1507 tons, was built in 1905 by Scheepswerf Jan Smit & Co, Alblasserdam as “Roma” but was sold & renamed in 1916. She was sold again in 1926 & scrapped in 1942.

According to the International Code of SignalsCZ’ means ‘Need help’.]

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd38: ( 53-47713-005_0.jpg)

4 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

7.00am: HMS Amethyst and Collier “Pretoria” proceeded close in under the island for coaling

am: Training classes in progress

3.20pm: HMS Amethyst and collier "Pretoria" returned to anchorage

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd39: ( 53-47713-005_1.jpg)

5 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

8.55am: HMS Edinburgh Castle weighed and proceeded

am: Inspection of hammocks on boat deck

pm: Hands at rest

     Issued meat to squadron

Number on sick list 10

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd3a: ( 53-47713-006_0.jpg)

6 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

10.00am: Divisions

10.45am: Divine Service in Ward Room

pm: Hands at rest

2.05pm: Observed HMS Glasgow

3.35pm: HMS Glasgow anchored

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd3b: ( 53-47713-006_1.jpg)

7 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

Number on sick list 7

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd3c: ( 53-47713-007_0.jpg)

8 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

6.50am: HMS Amethyst and collier “Zambesi” weighed and proceeded to North side of island

7.05am: Glasgow and collier “Pretoria” proceeded to North side of island

am: Training & instruction classes in progress

pm: Hands employed chipping and scraping

5.55pm: HMS Glasgow anchored. Collier “Pretoria” returned and anchored

8.05pm: HMS Amethyst anchored

8.10pm: HMS Zambesi anchored

Number on sick list 8

[SS Zambesi , 3759 tons, was built in 1901 by Bartram & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for the Zinal Steamship Co Ltd. In 1917 she was torpedoed with the loss of 3 men.]

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9 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

2.00am: Brazilian cruiser "Lymbara" arrived from Southward and anchored

7.15am: Collier “Pretoria” arrived alongside

8.15am: Collier fast

8.30am: Commenced coaling

     HMS Edinburgh Castle

10.00am: Brazilian cruiser (Lymbara) left steering North

11.00am: Ceased coaling, hands to dinner

11.45am: Resumed coaling

3.00pm: Ceased coaling, hands to tea

3.30pm: Resumed coaling

6.15pm: Finished coaling

6.30pm: Cast off collier

     Hands cleaning ship

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd3e: ( 53-47713-008_0.jpg)

10 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

7.30am: Collier "Hebburn" secured alongside

8.45am: HMS "Amethyst" weighed and proceeded alongside port side of "Hebburn"

am: Hands employed transporting stores from "Amethyst”

12.30pm: HMS Amethyst cast off and proceeded to anchorage

12.45pm: Collier "Hebburn" cast off and proceeded to anchorage

6.45pm: Discharged Petty Officers Potter, Champness and Hogben to HMS Amethyst for passage

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd3f: ( 53-47713-008_1.jpg)

11 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

am: Junior officers to instruction

pm: Side & main deck parties employed, remainder of hands make & mend

Number on sick list 9

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12 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

7.00am: First and second cutters with store party left for "Zambesi"

All day: Transhipping stores from "Zambesi"

Number on sick list 9

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13 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

10.00am: Divisions and Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

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14 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

am: Junior officers to instruction

Number on sick list 7

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15 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

All day: Midshipmen to instruction, hands as requisite

11.30am: HMS Glasgow anchored

Number on sick list 4

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16 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

am: Marines at drill on promenade deck

pm: Junior officers to instruction

5.25pm: HMS Amethyst anchored

6.30pm: Received confidential mail and mails from “Amethyst”

Number on sick list 4

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd45: ( 53-47713-011_1.jpg)

17 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

am: Midshipmen to instruction

12.10pm: Anchor aweigh

pm: Hands at rest

4.30pm: General & evening quarters

6.15pm: Observed RSMP "Araguaya"

6.50pm: Stop. Sent cutter & whaler for mails

7.45pm: Hoisted boats & proceeded half speed

11.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 4

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18 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

7.25am: Sent meat & mails to “Glasgow”

am: Hands employed scraping & painting

12.05pm: Departed this life Thomas Hurley, Seaman RNR (RC), Official No. Newfoundland 1233x whofell overboard whilst working with side party

4.00pm: General & evening quarters

Number on sick list 6

[Thomas Hurley, seaman, age 25, Newfoundland Royal Navy Reserve, official no 1233X was the son of Joseph Hurley of Island Harbour, Fogo. He is commemorated on the Beaumont-Hamel Memorial, Newfoundland.]

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19 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

9.45am: Boat left with witnesses for enquiry

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Exercise ‘Action’ & evening quarters

Number on sick list 6

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20 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

10.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Divine Service

1.00pm: Steam Pinnace and 1st cutter left for Abrolhos

pm: Hands at rest

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Firemen to evening quarters

Number on sick list 6

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21 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -18.1, Long -38.73

1.55pm: Anchor aweigh

8.00pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch closed up to Night Defence stations

Number on sick list 8

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd4a: ( 53-47713-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -20.92, Long -39.88

2.30am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed for exercise, 4 minutes

4.50am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed for exercise, 4 minutes

am: Training classes & junior officers at instruction

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd4b: ( 53-47713-014_1.jpg)

23 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.15, Long -41.08

am: Hands employed painting ship & variously employed

All day: Junior officers at instruction

pm: Hands at rest

7.45pm: Observed Cape Frio Light N76W

8.00pm: Stopped engines

Number on sick list 6

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd4c: ( 53-47713-015_0.jpg)

24 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.22, Long -42.05

am: Training classes in progress

11.00am: Slow

11.30am: Stopped engines

pm: Hands make & mend

5.20pm: Slow ahead

7.42pm: Stop

8.40pm: Slow

10.40pm: Stopped

Number on sick list 6

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd4d: ( 53-47713-015_1.jpg)

25 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.25, Long -42.5

1.30am: No 4 ballast tank reported full & verified

7.45am: Slow ahead

1.40pm: Stopped

3.15pm: Stopped, lowered whaler

3.45pm: Whaler returned

7.40pm: Observed Negra Point Light N27W

8.50pm: Slow ahead

10.30pm: Stopped engines

Number on sick list 9

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd4e: ( 53-47713-016_0.jpg)

26 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.05, Long -42.42

am: Junior officers at instruction

Number on sick list 9

[Spent the whole day maintaining approximate position.]

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27 August 1916

Rio Janeiro Harbour

Lat -22.9, Long -43.23

9.00am: Half speed

9.30am: Divisions

10.00am: Divine Service

10.40am: Maricas Island abeam, 1'

11.15am: Payment made to starboard watch

     Courses & speeds as requisite for entering harbour

12.10pm: Anchored

12.40pm: Pratique granted

1.45pm: Liberty men left for shore

2.00pm: Brazilian Officer of the Guard visited ship, visit returned

4.50pm: Steam pinnace left with one patient for hospital

7.30pm: Water boats arrived alongside

11.30pm: Steam pinnace left for shore

Number on sick list 10

4caf8803cadfd3419701dd50: ( 53-47713-017_0.jpg)

28 August 1916

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.9, Long -43.23

12.45am: Liberty men on board

6.30am: Hoisted 1st & 2nd cutters

7.40am: Stores alongside. Commenced shipping

All day: Ship taking in water, stores and provisions

3.00pm: Commander Martin, RNR, discharged for passage to England

4.20pm: Finished taking fresh water onboard. Hoisted all boats

7.24pm: Finished taking in stores

8.00pm: Anchor stations

8.20pm: Anchor foul of wire (1st shackle)

8.40pm: Clear of wire, proceed out of harbour

11.58pm: Maricas Island Light abeam, distance 5.5 miles

Number on sick list 9

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29 August 1916

Rio de Janeiro to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -23.12, Long -42.6

4.20am: Signalled RMSP Drina

7.15am: Stopped, lowered second cutter to transfer mails from RMSP Drina

7.55am: Cutter returned & rehoisted

9.36am: Maricas Light House abeam, 5'

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd52: ( 53-47713-018_0.jpg)

30 August 1916

Rio de Janeiro to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -21.87, Long -39.77

     Sounding every hour

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 10

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31 August 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

7.25am: Anchored

8.00am: Cutters from HMS Edinburgh Castle arrived for stores. Sent mail to HMS Glasgow

9.00am: Medical survey on board

11.20am: Transferred Chef Douglas, & Seamen Olsen, Cooper & Matthews to HMS Edinburgh Castle for passage to Simonstown

pm: Midshipmen at instruction

Number on sick list 10

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[These are cover pages or blank but the last page lists the meteorological instruments.]

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1 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38. 73

6.15am: Collier “Hebburn” got under weigh

7.30am: Collier secured alongside

8.30am: Commenced coaling

11.00am: Ceased coaling, hands to dinner

11.40am: Resumed coaling

2.10pm: HMS Glasgow weighed & proceeded North, assumed Guard

3.00pm: Ceased coaling, hands to tea

3.30pm: Resumed coaling

6.40pm: Finished coaling

7.40pm: Cast off collier

Number on sick list 8

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd5e: ( 53-47714-004_0.jpg)

2 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

7.55am: 1st cutter left with coaling party for SS Hebburn

5.00pm: Anchor stations

5.12pm: Proceeded slow ahead towards SS Hebburn & picked up cutter with coaling party

6.20pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd5f: ( 53-47714-004_1.jpg)

3 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.00am: Captain’s inspection

10.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 12

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd60: ( 53-47714-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

7.30am: Made fast collier “Hebburn” alongside

8.20am: Commenced coaling

7.00pm: Finished coaling

7.25pm: Cast off collier

Number on sick list 11

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd61: ( 53-47714-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

All day: Hands cleaning ship

4.00pm: General & evening quarters

Number on sick list 10

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd62: ( 53-47714-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.00am: Fireman Dooly placed under arrest

5.00pm: Hands mustered for soap & tobacco

11.00pm: Rounds made & offender under arrest correct

Number on sick list 10

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd63: ( 53-47714-006_1.jpg)

7 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

9.25am: Anchor aweigh, helm & engines as requisite for target practise

9.40am: Proceeded ½ speed for 1” aiming practise

10.05am: Moored target

12.10pm: Ceased firing

2.20pm: Picked up target

2.50pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 10

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd64: ( 53-47714-007_0.jpg)

8 September 1916

Abrolhos Rks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

     Rounds & man under close arrest correct

9.30am: Junior officers to instruction

pm: Junior officers to instruction

     Rounds & man under close arrest correct

Number on sick list 9

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd65: ( 53-47714-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

     Rounds frequently visited & correct, 1 offender under close arrest correct

8.54am: Anchor aweigh, engines & helm as requisite for target practise

11.55am: Various speeds for target practice

1.12pm: Slow ahead, carried on 1” target practice

2.30pm: Ceased fire

3.00pm: Anchored, steam for short notice

     Rounds & 1 man under close arrest correct

Number on the sick list 10

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd66: ( 53-47714-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

     Rounds made & correct, one man under close arrest

7.45am: HMS Glasgow anchored

12.25pm: HMS Amethyst arrived & anchored

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd67: ( 53-47714-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

     Rounds & 1 man under close arrest correct

am: Junior officers at instruction

3.30pm: New range finder put on upper bridge

11.50pm: Collier “Hebburn” anchored

Number on sick list 8

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd68: ( 53-47714-009_0.jpg)

12 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

     Rounds made & correct, 1 man under close arrest

7.30am: Hands to physical drill

am: Junior officers to instruction

     Main topmen to company drill

12.20pm: Cleared lower deck, read warrant no 36

pm: Hands make & mend

4.00pm: General quarters & evening quarters

7.00pm: One Fireman transferred to collier “Balgray” for passage to Port Stanley to undergo 42 days imprisonment

     Rounds made & correct

Number on sick list 9

[SS Balgray, 3603 tons, was built as SS Osceola by A Rodger & Co, Glasgow for the Osceola Steamship Co, Glasgow. In 1913 she was bought by Workman, Arbuckle & McKinnon, Glasgow & renamed. She was torpedoed in 1918.]

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd69: ( 53-47714-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Midshipmen to instruction

pm: Hands employed painting & cleaning ship & as requisite

Number on sick list 9

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd6a: ( 53-47714-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

7.30am: Hands to physical drill

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 9

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd6b: ( 53-47714-010_1.jpg)

15 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

7.00am: Midshipmen to physical drill

9.30am: Despatched steam pinnace, 1st & 2nd cutters for sand

am: Hands employed as requisite, midshipmen to instruction

     Crew transhipping stores to HMS Glasgow

4.00pm: Exercise ‘Action’ & evening quarters

4.15pm: Steam pinnace, 1st & 2nd cutters returned with sand, hoisted pinnace & cutters

Number on sick list 11

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd6c: ( 53-47714-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

8.57am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead. Courses & speeds as requisite for 1” target practice

12.30pm: Alongside target, unable to bring it inboard owing to grapnel getting foul of bottom

1.00pm: Anchored. Finished with engines, steam at short notice

Number on sick list 11

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd6d: ( 53-47714-011_1.jpg)

17 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 11

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd6e: ( 53-47714-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Transhipped stores to HMS Amethyst

Number on sick list 9

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd6f: ( 53-47714-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Fourth division to company drill

     Junior officers to instruction

pm: Hands at rest

5.10pm: Anchor aweigh

11.54pm: Abrolhos Light House abeam, 23½ miles

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd70: ( 53-47714-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Bahia

Lat -16.05, Long -38.32

2.10am: Abrolhos Light House dipped bearing S51W

3.00am: Engine Room Water Tight doors closed & opened for exercise

7.30am: Hands at physical drill

pm: Hands at rest, midshipmen to instruction

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd71: ( 53-47714-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks to Bahia

Lat -14.67, Long -38.4

7.00am: Midshipmen to physical drill

7.30am: Hands to physical drill

am: Training classes in progress

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd72: ( 53-47714-014_0.jpg)

22 September 1916


Lat -12.58, Long -38.31

1.30am: Sighted Morro Sao Paulo Light

5.36am: Morro Sao Paulo Light abeam, 14 miles

8.05am: Anchored, turned out & lowered steam pinnace

9.40am: Pratique granted

9.50am: Officer of the Guard left for RMSP Amazon

Number on sick list 6

[Morro de Sao Paulo Lighthouse is at Lat -13.38, Long -38.92.]

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23 September 1916


Lat -13.95, Long -38.5

12.50am: Captain & officers returned in steam pinnace

7.45am: Anchor aweigh

8.00am: St Antonio Point abeam, distance 6 cables

am: Midshipmen at instruction

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

[Ponta de Santo Antonio is at Lat -13.02, Long -38.53]

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd74: ( 53-47714-015_0.jpg)

24 September 1916

Bahia to Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.8, Long -38.52

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

12.50pm: Observed Abrolhos Rocks Light House S48W

pm: Hands at rest

5.25pm: HMS Amethyst challenged

7.05pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 4

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd75: ( 53-47714-015_1.jpg)

25 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.18am: HMS Glasgow arrived & anchored

     Received mails from “Glasgow”

     Collier “Zambesi” proceeded alongside “Glasgow”

pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd76: ( 53-47714-016_0.jpg)

26 September 1916

Albrohos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

12.30am: Collier “Zambesi” cast off from “Glasgow” & anchored

7.20am: Collier “Zambesi” fast alongside

7.55am: Commenced coaling

11.00am: Hands to dinner

11.40am: Recommenced coaling

3.00pm: Ceased coaling, hands to dinner

3.30pm: Resumed coaling

5.15pm: Finished coaling

5.40pm: Collier cast off

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd77: ( 53-47714-016_1.jpg)

27 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Hands cleaning ship

pm: Hands cleaning ship, junior officers to instruction

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd78: ( 53-47714-017_0.jpg)

28 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Hands cleaning ship

10.00am: Medical survey held on board ship

pm: Hands make & mend, midshipmen to instruction

4.00pm: General & evening quarters

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd79: ( 53-47714-017_1.jpg)

29 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

All day: Hands employed variously

Number on sick list 6

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30 September 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

9.30am: HMS Glasgow weighed anchor & proceeded

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 7

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.00am: Mustered ship’s company by open list

10.45am: Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

6.35pm: HMS Amethyst slipped cable & proceeded to assistance of SS Neuquen

7.53pm: HMS Amethyst returned to anchorage

Number on sick list 6

[SS Neuquen, 3583 tons, was built in 1913 by the Campbeltown Shipbuilding Co, Campbeltown for the Great Southern Railway Co. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 18 men.]

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd86: ( 53-47715-004_0.jpg)

2 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Midshipmen to instruction

All day: Hands employed chipping & painting

4.30pm: Defence & evening quarters

5.00pm: Firemen to evening quarters

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd87: ( 53-47715-004_1.jpg)

3 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.40am: HMS Amethyst weighed & proceeded to sea

pm: Hands employed chipping & painting

4.30pm: Evening quarters

5.00pm: Firemen to evening quarters

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd88: ( 53-47715-005_0.jpg)

4 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Midshipmen to instruction

     Marines to rifle drill

pm: Hands make & mend clothes

6.00pm: Issued soap & tobacco to ship’s company

7.00pm: Hoisted all boats

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd89: ( 53-47715-005_1.jpg)

5 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Maintopmen at company drill

     Midshipmen to instruction

pm: Quarter deck men at drill

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd8a: ( 53-47715-006_0.jpg)

6 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Midshipmen to instruction

All day: Hands chipping & painting

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd8b: ( 53-47715-006_1.jpg)

7 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

9.00am: Divisions & inspection of night clothing

9.30am: Lowered steam pinnace

10.20am: Officers left for shore in steam pinnace

1.30pm: Lowered 1st cutter & sent same away with libertymen in tow of steam pinnace

pm: Hands make & mend

6.30pm: Steam pinnace returned with officers & men, rehoisted same

     Watch darkened ship

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd8c: ( 53-47715-007_0.jpg)

8 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.20am: HMS Amethyst anchored

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd8d: ( 53-47715-007_1.jpg)

9 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

am: Junior officers at instruction

12.02pm: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

12.10pm: Full speed, courses & engines as requisite to intercept RMSP Araguaya

3.05pm: Arrived back at anchorage & anchored

4.30pm: Sent 2nd cutter for stores from “Amethyst”

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd8e: ( 53-47715-008_0.jpg)

10 October 1916

Place: Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

1.45pm: Hands turned to, employed chipping & painting

     Foretopmen at drill

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd8f: ( 53-47715-008_1.jpg)

11 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.03, Long -38.73

10.35am: Anchor aweigh

2.25pm: Anchored

3.50pm: Collier “Rosebank” alongside

4.05pm: Ran forward hawser to collier

4.20pm: Hawser parted, collier hove up & proceeded to anchorage

4.45pm: SS “Rosebank” anchored

4.57pm: SS Tregurno anchored

Number on sick list 6

[SS Rosebank, 3837 tons, was built in 1901 by William Gray & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool for G Pyman & Co. She was torpedoed in 1917 with 2 casualties.

SS Tregurno, 4181 tons, was built in 1911 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields for the Hain Steamship Co. She was sold & renamed “Meropi” in 1930. In 1942 she was torpedoed with 26 casualties.]

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd90: ( 53-47715-009_0.jpg)

12 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.1, Long -38.97

am: Main topmen at drill

1.15pm: Hands mustered for payment

pm: Hands chipping & painting

     Quarter deck men at drill

Number on sick list 4

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd91: ( 53-47715-009_1.jpg)

13 October 1916


Lat -18.13, Long -39.15

7.20am: SS Zambesi shifted berth

9.54am: Anchor aweigh

10.07am: Proceeded in company with HMS Amethyst & colliers “Zambesi”, “Rosebank” & “Tregurno”

1.53pm: Anchored in 9½ fathoms, steam at short notice

3.00pm: “Rosebank” came alongside for water but cast off unable to lie alongside

8.00pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch closed up for night defence stations

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd92: ( 53-47715-010_0.jpg)

14 October 1916

Abrolhos to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -20.08, Long -39.55

4.20am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd93: ( 53-47715-010_1.jpg)

15 October 1916

Abrolhos to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.9, Long -43.15

6.45am: Cape Frio abeam, 9 miles

12.17pm: Anchored

12.40pm: Pratique granted

12.45pm: Consul & Naval Attache on board

2.15pm: Liberty men left

Number on sick list 6

[The first time for weeks they haven’t had a dark ship and night defences!]

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd94: ( 53-47715-011_0.jpg)

16 October 1916

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.9, Long -43.23

12.30am: Liberty men returned

7.20am: Commenced receiving stores

9.00am: Petty Officer Samuals confined to his mess

10.00am: Liberty men left in pinnace & cutter

All day: Hands employed working stores

5.30pm: Captain of Port visited ship

7.40pm: Liberty men returned

10.30pm: Hoisted all boats

11.40pm: Anchor aweigh

11.50pm: Fort Santa Cruz abeam, 4 cables

     Rounds visited, 1 Petty Officer under open arrest

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd95: ( 53-47715-011_1.jpg)

17 October 1916

Rio de Janeiro to

Lat -22.44, Long -40.82

1.25am: Maricas Light abeam N4E, distance 2 miles

5.50am: Cape Frio Light abeam N3W, 3.¼'

am: Hands employed as requisite

     Foretopmen at drill, midshipmen at instruction

pm: Hands at rest

11.00pm: Engine room & stokehold doors opened & closed for exercise

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd96: ( 53-47715-012_0.jpg)

18 October 1916

Rio de Janeiro to Abrolhos

Lat -18.2, Long -39.47

     Soundings taken all day

4.00am: Engine Room & Water Tight doors closed & opened for exercise, time 3½ minutes

5.50am: Rio Doce Light: S69W, 19'

am: Hands cleaning ship & refitting boat ropes

     Midshipmen at instruction, marines at drill

2.42pm: Anchored

3.00pm: Boats arrived from “Amethyst” for stores & mails

4.00pm: Cleared away for Night Defence & Evening Quarters, read warrant no 34

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd97: ( 53-47715-012_1.jpg)

19 October 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -18.0, Long -39.31

am: Foretopmen to drill

Noon: Collier “Rosebank” alongside to receive water

pm: Hands holystoning decks & variously employed

4.00pm: Cleared away for Night Defence & Evening Quarters

5.00pm: Firemen to Evening Quarters

6.20pm: Cast off collier “Rosebank”

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd98: ( 53-47715-013_0.jpg)

20 October 1916


Lat -18.0, Long -39.31

6.45am: HMS Amethyst weighed anchor

8.25am: Steam pinnace left with Lieutenant Rendall in charge & 2 midshipmen to carry out survey

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd99: ( 53-47715-013_1.jpg)

21 October 1916


Lat -18.0, Long -39.31

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

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22 October 1916


Lat -18.0, Long -39.31

12.30am: Observed high light probably on shore bearing N50½W

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection

10.30am: Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

6.30pm: Observed a flare light bearing N2W

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd9b: ( 53-47715-014_1.jpg)

23 October 1916


Lat -18.0, Long -39.31

10.20am: Store party left for Collier Minieh

11.30am: Store party returned

All day: Hands employed chipping & cleaning paintwork

Number on sick list 4

[SS Minieh, 3806 tons, was built in 1916 as SS Mersey River by Irvine’s Shipbuilding & Drydock Co, West Hartlepool. She was sold later that year & renamed “Minieh”. On Jan 9 1917 she was captured & scuttled by SS Moewe. Her crew were returning to Britain on SS Drina when she was torpedoed by a U-boat off Milford Haven.]

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd9c: ( 53-47715-015_0.jpg)

24 October 1916


Lat -18.0, Long -39.31

am: Cutters transhipping stores from SS Minieh

     Maintopmen & quarter deck men at drill

1.45pm: Two cutters from “Amethyst” with stores

2.00pm: Nos 1 & 2 cutters left with party for SS Minieh

pm: Hands employed working stores

4.45pm: Hoisted all boats

8.45pm: Stoker Lundy liberated from cells

Number on sick list 4

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd9d: ( 53-47715-015_1.jpg)

25 October 1916

At sea

Lat -18.22, Long -38.78

7.00am: Sick Berth Attendant Draper sent to "Tregurno"

8.15am: Anchor aweigh

am: Exercised control parties, hands employed as requisite

     Midshipmen at instruction

Noon: Observed Abrolhos Rocks Light House N43E

Number on sick list 3

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd9e: ( 53-47715-016_0.jpg)

26 October 1916

Abrolhos to Bahia

Lat -15.72, Long -38.52

am: Hands cleaning & painting ship, midshipmen to instruction

pm: Hands at rest

4.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’ & Evening Quarters

Number on sick list 4

4caf8804cadfd3419701dd9f: ( 53-47715-016_1.jpg)

27 October 1916


Lat -12.98, Long -38.53

7.30am: Hands to physical drill

am: Hands scraping & cleaning ship

10.12am: Anchored

10.30am: Pratique granted, Consul boarded

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dda0: ( 53-47715-017_0.jpg)

28 October 1916

Bahia to Abrolhos

Lat -14.8, Long -38.62

1.20am: Anchor aweigh

5.35am: Morro St Paulo Light dipped, bearing. N54W

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

4caf8804cadfd3419701dda1: ( 53-47715-017_1.jpg)

29 October 1916

Bahia to Abrolhos

Lat -18.3, Long -38.51

9.00am: Stern life buoy lost overboard whilst taking soundings

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.00am: Observed Abrolhos Rocks N45W

1.00pm: Abrolhos Rocks abeam, distance 20 miles

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Anchored

5.23pm: Captain left ship in Montagu whaler

7.00pm: Captain returned

Number on sick list 8

4caf8804cadfd3419701dda2: ( 53-47715-018_0.jpg)

30 October 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

6.15am: Hands turned to, coaling party commenced shifting coal from no 3 hatch

am: Lowered 1st whaler & 1st cutter & sent 1st cutter with store party for SS Minieh

     1st part Port watch working coal

10.30am: Took in ammunition from HMS Edinburgh Castle

pm: Cutter returned with stores, 2nd part Port watch working coal

Number on sick list 5

4caf8804cadfd3419701dda3: ( 53-47715-018_1.jpg)

31 October 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

6.15am: Starboard watch coaling at no 3 hatch

pm: Port watch make & mend

1.55pm: HMS Amethyst left

Number on sick list 7

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[These are blank or cover pages.]


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[These are cover pages, blank & finally a list of meteorological instruments.]

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1 November 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

6.15am: Hands turn to, port watch coaling from no 3

pm: Port watch coaling from no 3, starboard watch make & mend

5.00pm: Issued soap & tobacco to ship’s company

7.00pm: Finished coaling

7.12pm: Petty Officer Knee, ON 177250 Chatham, departed this life

Number on sick list 5

[Petty Officer Harry Knee, aged 42, Service no 177250, was the son of John & Mary Knee, Brighton. He was awarded the China Medal, Long Service Medal & Good Conduct Medal and is commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial.]

4caf8804cadfd3419701ddae: ( 53-47716-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

6.05am: SS Rosebank left

6.15am: Hands turned to, starboard watch working coal, port watch scrubbing decks

am: Marines at drill, port watch as requisite

12.03pm: Anchor aweigh, helm & engine as requisite

2.05pm: Stopped.Committed the body of Petty Officer Knee to the deep, 18º 12’S, 39º 6’W

2.45pm: Proceeded

5.00pm: Anchored, 2nd shackle awash, brought up

5.13pm: Anchor aweigh

5.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701ddaf: ( 53-47716-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

Number on sick list 7

4caf8804cadfd3419701ddb0: ( 53-47716-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

pm: Hands at rest

3.00pm: “Tregurno” weighed & anchored close under starboard quarter

3.25pm: 1st & 2nd cutters lowered to tranship stores from “Tregurno”

5.20pm: Finished transhipping stores

5.25pm: “Tregurno” weighed & proceeded to original anchorage, hoisted all boats

Number on sick list 8

4caf8804cadfd3419701ddb1: ( 53-47716-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

4caf8804cadfd3419701ddb2: ( 53-47716-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1916

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

5.45am: Observed HMS Amethyst

6.27am: HMS Amethyst arrived & anchored

7.20am: Received mail from “Amethyst”

12.30pm: Father Jones transferred to HMS Edinburgh Castle

2.00pm: Engineer Lieutenant Thompson RNR & Engineer Sub Lieutenant Mitchel RNR joined ex “Edinburgh Castle”

3.00pm: Issue of slops

Number on sick list 9

4caf8804cadfd3419701ddb3: ( 53-47716-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

am: Hands employed cleaning ship & as requisite

     Midshipmen to instruction

11.50am: “Edinburgh Castle” weighed anchor

pm: Hands employed as requisite

     Foc’sle men to drill

4.35pm: HMS Amethyst finished coaling

Number on sick list 9

4caf8804cadfd3419701ddb4: ( 53-47716-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1916


Lat -18.0, Long -39.32

11.35am: Anchor aweigh

12.30pm: Stopped port engine for adjustment

12.39pm: Port engine full speed

pm: Hands make & mend

3.15pm: Observed Abrolhos Light House N45E

4.20pm: Observed PSN “Orita” bearing East, courses & speeds as requisite to intercept mail ship

4.42pm: Stopped. Sent boat for mails

5.55pm: Rehoisted cutter with mails & proceeded

11.05pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 11

[SS Orita, 9266 tons, was built in 1903 for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. She was scrapped in 1931.]

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9 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.3

am: Midshipmen at instruction, maintopmen at drill

pm: Quarterdeck men to drill

4.55pm: SS Itaituba weighed

Number on sick list 12

[SS Itaituba may have been SS Itatiba, 812 tons, built in 1890 as SS Mossoro by R & W Hawthorn, Leslie & Co Ltd, Hebburn. She was renamed Itatiba in 1893. In 1919 she was declared missing, presumed sunk on a voyage from Recife to Rio de Janeiro.]

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10 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

9.15am: Divisions, Prayers, exercised ‘Action’

10.20am: Sent mails (homewards) to “Edinburgh Castle”

11.00am: HMS Edinburgh Castle weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list 11

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11 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 12

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12 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

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13 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

8.30am: “Daleham” weighed & came alongside

9.45am: “Daleham” secure alongside & working stores

     Captain inspected reef from Montagu whaler

1.15pm: Hands turned to working stores

6.15pm: Cast off storeship & hoisted whalers

     3 fenders lost over side whilst storing ship

Number on sick list 9

[SS Daleham, 4809 tons, was built in 1913 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Stockton-on-Tees. She was renamed in 1919, struck a reef and sank in 1925.]

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14 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

am: Junior officers at instruction

     Hands as requisite

pm: Hands make & mend

4.20pm: Collier Zambesi secured alongside

6.50pm: Finished rigging collier for coaling

Number on sick list 12

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15 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

6.05am: Commenced coaling

8-8.30am: Hands to breakfast

Noon: 427 tons received

12-12.40pm: Hands to dinner

4-4.30pm: Hands to tea

6.30pm: Ceased coaling, all gear returned to collier, cast off

     Amount received 848 tons

Number on sick list 12

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16 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

am: Midshipmen to instruction

All day: Hands cleaning ship

5.00pm: Cleared lower deck, read warrant 37

     Rounds & cells visited & correct

Number on sick list 11

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17 November 1916


Lat -17.98, Long -39.31

7.30am: Hands to physical drill

am: Midshipmen to instruction

5.08pm: Anchor aweigh

     Rounds & cells visited & correct

Number on sick list 10

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18 November 1916

Abrolhos to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -21.08, Long -39.72

     Soundings taken hourly

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: General & evening quarters, exercised collision & abandon ship stations

8.45pm: Observed loom of Cape San Thome Light N59W

9.34pm: Loom of San Thome abeam N34W

Number on sick list 12

[Cape San Thome is listed as São Tomé Lighthouse at Lat -22.05, Long -41.05.]

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19 November 1916

Rio Janeiro

Lat -23.91, Long -43.15

     Rounds visited, one man in cells correct

2.30am: Observed Cape Frio Light S85W

4.40am: Cape Frio abeam, distance 7 miles

5.45am: Exercised closing Engine Room & Stoke Hold water tight doors, time 4 minutes

9.04am: Maricas Island Light House abeam N4E, 4¾ miles

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.35am: Fort Santa Cruz abeam, 2½ cables

10.55am: Anchored

11.17am: Pratique granted

12.30pm: Officer of the Guard visited ship

12.45pm: British Consul boarded

1.45pm: Liberty men left for shore

2.00pm: British Consul left

2.40pm: Officer of the Guard left ship

10.30pm: Fireman Cork brought off by police boat intoxicated and placed under close arrest

Number on sick list 9

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20 November 1916

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.91, Long -43.15

12.45am: Liberty men returned

5.45am: RMSP “Amazon” arrived

     2 ratings released from close arrest

9.30am: Liberty Petty Officers left for shore

     4 absentees returned

     2 absentees from “Amethyst” arrived & were placed under sentry's charge

Noon: Received mail from “Amethyst”

pm: Hands working stores

4.30pm: Mails left ship

11.20pm: Steam pinnace arrived from shore with officers

Number on sick list 8

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21 November 1916

Rio de Janeiro to Abrolhos

Lat -22.77, Long -41.45

     Anchor foul of telegraph cable

12.45am: Anchor aweigh

2.57am: Maricas Island abeam N3E, 3½ miles

9.10am: Cape Frio Light House abeam, 5'

10.50am: Ancoras Island abeam, 10'

     Foc’slemen at drill

pm: Hands make & mend

     Rounds & 1 offender in cells correct

Number on sick list 8

[Ancoras Island is indexed as Ilha da Ancora which is off the coast of Brazil at Lat -22.77, Long -41.8.]

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22 November 1916

Rio de Janeiro to Abrolhos

Lat -19.47, Long -39.5

pm: Hands at rest

     Midshipmen at instruction

9.00pm: Observed “Amethyst’s” lights bearing North

10.30pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 7

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23 November 1916


Lat -17.99, Long -39.31

am: Hands discharging stores & variously employed

     Quarter deck & main top men to drill

pm: Hands employed as requisite, foretopmen to drill

5.00pm: Seaman O’Donavan released from cells

Number on sick list 7

4caf8805cadfd3419701ddc4: ( 53-47716-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1916


Lat -17.99, Long -39.31

7.30am: Hands at physical drill

pm: Junior officers to instruction

4.00pm: Cleared away for night defence & evening quarters

5.00pm: Firemen to evening quarters

Number on sick list 11

4caf8805cadfd3419701ddc5: ( 53-47716-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1916


Lat -17.99, Long -39.31

9.15am: Divisions with night clothing

pm: Hands at rest

5.15pm: HMS Amethyst: weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list 10

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26 November 1916


Lat -17.99, Long -39.31

10.00am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection

10.30am: Divine Service

Noon: Issued tobacco & soap

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 11

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27 November 1916


Lat -17.99, Long -39.31

6.15am: Hands turned to rigging gear for painting ship

All day: Hands painting mast & blacking down

     Midshipmen at instruction

pm: Signal training class at instruction

     Meat boats from colliers alongside

Number on sick list 11

4caf8805cadfd3419701ddc8: ( 53-47716-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1916


Lat -17.99, Long -39.31

am: Instruction classes in progress

pm: Foretopmen at drill

     Signal classes at instruction, midshipmen at instruction

4.00pm: Cleared away for night defences & evening quarters

5.00pm: Firemen to evening quarters

Number on sick list 7

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29 November 1916


Lat -17.99, Long -39.31

9.15am: Captain inspected all bedding

     Hands painting mast & rigging

     Marines at drill & inspection

1.35pm: Observed HMS Amethyst

     Signal training classes at instruction

2.40pm: HMS Amethyst anchored

Number on sick list 6

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30 November 1916


Lat -17.99, Long -39.31

5.30am: HMS Zambesi weighed & proceeded alongside HMS Amethyst

am: Junior officers to instruction

     Captain inspected stewards’ bedding

pm: Hands make & mend

5.30pm: Collier “Zambesi” secured alongside

     Hands preparing collier for coaling

Number on sick list 9

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[These are cover pages.]

DECEMBER 1916 not included

Operations off South America 1917

JP map Macedonia South America 1917


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[These are cover pages, blank and finally a list of meteorological instruments.]

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1 January 1917

At sea

Lat -3.3, Long -28.78

4.40am: Sighted SS Daleham

6.30am: Collier alongside

7.30am: Commenced coaling

8.00am: Stopped coaling for breakfast

8.30am: Carried on coaling

10.40am: Seaman McKenzie placed under close arrest

12.15pm: Hands to dinner

1.00pm: Carried on coaling

3.00pm: Shipwright Thompson placed under open arrest

4.00pm: Hands to tea

4.10pm: Carried on coaling

6.00pm: Finished coaling

6.30pm: Cast off collier

6.40pm: Proceeded

7.15pm: Darkened ship

9.00pm: Watch closed up for Night Defences

Number on sick list 9

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2 January 1917

At sea

Lat -2.47, Long -28.5

5.45am: Exchanged signals with HMS Amethyst

11.30am: Sighted & exchanged signals with HMS Orama

12.15pm: Squadron closed on “Macedonia”

1.30pm: Captain D Arnold-Foster & Captains of “Orama” & “Amethyst” came on board

     Received 9 bags mail

2.00pm: Despatched 1st cutter for stores

2.34pm: 1st cutter hoisted with stores

4.30pm: 1st cutter lowered & proceeded to assist in transfer of oil from “Daleham” to “Minieh”

5.45pm: Captains of “Orama” & “Amethyst” left

6.00pm: Hoisted 1st cutter & issued soap & tobacco

Number on sick list 11

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3 January 1917

At sea

Lat 1.52, Long -28.23

6.00am: Sighted “Amethyst” & “Minieh”

am: Hands working stores for discharge to HMS Amethyst

     1st & 2nd cutters working stores

Noon: 1st cutter hoisted

12.20pm: Hoisted 2nd cutter & proceeded slow speed

1.55pm: Observed HMS Orama S14W

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

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4 January 1917

At sea

Lat 0.1, Long -27.25

6.00am: Observed “Amethyst” & “Minieh” ahead

Noon: Exercised control parties

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

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5 January 1917

At sea

Lat -0.47, Long -27.57

6.07am: Turned ship & sighted SS Minieh N10W

9.40am: Ship’s company at General Quarters

am: Hands as requisite

1.30pm: Issued payment

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

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6 January 1917

At sea

Lat -2.93, Long -28.55

6.00am: Sighted SS Minieh S80E

am: Saturday routine

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

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7 January 1917

At sea

Lat -4.7, Long -29.52

8.30am: Observed HMS Orama & exchanged signals

11.00am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. Divine Service

12.45pm: Observed HMS Amethyst N9W

     Hoisted ‘General recall’

3.00pm: All ships closed

4.10pm: Lowered 1st cutter & sent her with stores etc to “Orama”

5.45pm: Master of SS Zambesi on board

Number on sick list 6

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8 January 1917

At sea

Lat -5.12, Long -31.15

pm: Hands at rest

7.17pm: Moon rose

Number on sick list 6

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9 January 1917

At sea

Lat -6.42, Long -33.07

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 7

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10 January 1917

At sea

Lat -8.08, Long -34.84

8.40am: Observed Pernambuco Light House S44W

11.25am: Anchored

12.10pm: Water boat alongside

12.40pm: Consul boarded

1.40pm: Stores arrived

2.30pm: Captain, consul & officers left for shore

     Duty hands working stores

4.00pm: Finished stores

8.15pm: Officers arrived from shore

Number on sick list 7

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11 January 1917


Lat -8.45, Long -34.68

7.00am: RMS “Araguaya” anchored

10.21am: Anchor aweigh

pm: Hands at rest

4.55pm: Observed “Amethyst”, “Orama” & “Daleham” to southward

6.13pm: Stopped

6.30pm: Captains of “Amethyst” & “Orama” arrived on board

9.55pm: “Orama” proceeded

10.00pm: “Daleham” proceeded

11.15pm: Proceeded

Number on sick list 6

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12 January 1917

At sea

Lat -8.28, Long -33.22

6.05am: Sighted “Daleham” Red 80º

pm: Hands at rest

4.45pm: Sighted “Daleham”

5.40pm: Sighted “Orama”

6.08pm: Altered course for “Daleham”

     In company with “Orama” & “Daleham”

Number on sick list 6

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13 January 1917

At sea

Lat -9.53, Long -34.13

10.45am: Observed HMS Amethyst bearing East

12.05pm: Stopped. All ships closed

1.30pm: Seaman Brown transferred to “Daleham” as acting signalman

4.57pm: “Amethyst” N70W, 15 miles

5.32pm: “Orama” N50E, 14 miles

6.10pm: “Daleham” N60E, 15 miles

7.25pm: “Daleham” N76E

8.00pm: Darken ship

10.47pm: Moon rose

Number on sick list 7

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14 January 1917

At sea

Lat -12.32, Long -33.17

1.40am: Observed searchlight bearing S82E

3.00am: Signalled HMS Orama

4.20am: Observed steamer bearing S50W, made demand, SS Toscana, Italian, bound NE

6.00am: “Daleham” N82E, “Orama” N80E

9.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

Noon: “Daleham” N83E

pm: Hands at rest

11.13pm: Moon rose

Number on sick list 5

[SS Toscana, 4113 tons, was built in 1900 by N Odero & Co, Genoa. She sank in 1918 after a collision with SS Moliere.]

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15 January 1917

At sea

Lat -15.26, Long -31.89

5.15am: Observed “Orama” & “Daleham”

6.36am: Various courses to intercept SS Herminieri bound Buenos Aires

7.00am: Set course to Rendezvous

9.12am: “Orama” dipped bearing N60E

     Abnormal refraction

11.15am: Steamship bearing S12W

12.35pm: S1 & S2 closed up

12.48pm: SS Burgundy proceeded, guns’ crews dismissed

1.30pm: SS Daleham dipped N89E

pm: Hands at rest

11.48 Moon rose

Number on sick list 7

[SS Herminieri was probably SS Herminius, 3548 tons, built in 1898 by Russell & Co Ltd, Greenock for the British & South American Steam Navigation Co. She was sold & renamed Spyridon in 1919 then ran aground & was wrecked in 1922. In 1917 she rescued the crew of the “Svendsholm” which had been sunk by gunfire.

SS Burgundy, 3364 tons, was built in 1901 for the McIver Line. She was scrapped in 1931.]

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16 January 1917

At sea

Lat -18.22, Long -30.77

6.00am: Sighted “Orama” & “Daleham”

9.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

am: Party removing flour from Main Deck

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling

Midnight: Sqally

Number on sick list 8

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17 January 1917

At sea

Lat -20.52, Long -29.38

2.05am: Steamship bearing Red 89º, watch closed up

5.10am: Sighted land ahead

5.15am: Sighted “Orama”

6.00am: Action stations

7.30am: Anchored

8.00am: Collier secured alongside

9.20am: Hands coal ship

9.30am: Captain of "Orama" arrived on board

10.00am: Captain of “Orama” left. “Orama” proceeded

Noon: Hands to dinner

12.45pm: Recommenced coaling

2.30pm: “Orama” arrived, Captain arrived on board

3.30pm: Captain with Captain of “Orama” left ship

4.00-4.30pm: Hands to tea

6.00pm: Ceased coaling, amount received 383 tons

7.48pm: Anchor away

Number on sick list 8

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18 January 1917

At sea

Lat -21.17, Long -31.37

7.55am: Slow, altered course to close "Orama" & "Daleham”

am: Hands clean ship

pm: Hands at rest

8.00pm: "Daleham" abeam, darken ship

Number on sick list 6

[This is the search for SS Minieh which was sunk by SMS Moewe on 9 January]

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19 January 1917

At sea

Lat -21.1, Long -34.18

5.00am: “Daleham” & “Orama” sighted

6.30am: Stopped

     Hands employed as requisite

     Hands at control duties

12.30pm: Hoisted 2nd whaler

3.38pm: Stopped, whaler lowered and sent to "Orama”

5.00pm: Cleared away for Night Defences

      Evening Quarters, exercised watch at ‘Out collision mat’. (time taken 9 mins)

8.06pm: “Daleham” bearing S42E, darken ship

Number on sick list 4

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20 January 1917

At sea

Lat -22.53, Long -36.1

6.30am: Hands at Saturday routine

7.00am: Observed “Orama” & “Daleham” on port beam, distance 6 miles

8.52am: Stopped, lowered whaler

9.20am: Half speed, officers left for HMS Orama

11.25am: Officers returned from “Orama”

1.00pm: Course as for fog, owing to varying visibility

2.30pm: “Daleham” S22E, 6.7’, “Orama” S21E, 11.5’

6.00pm: Fine & clear

Number on sick list 4

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21 January 1917

At sea

Lat -22.82, Long -39.64

12.40am: Sighted bright flare bearing N83W, increased speed & altered course

6.27am: Stopped, lowered 2nd whaler

7.20am: Whaler hoisted, Seaman Brown rejoined from SS Daleham

10.00am: Divisions, Captain’s inspection

10.30am: Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

10.15pm: Observed Cape Frio Light S81W

Number on sick list 4

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22 January 1917

At sea

Lat -22.91, Long -43.15

1.11am: Cape Frio abeam, 5 miles

1.30am: Turned ship to signal to HMS Edinburgh Castle

4.20am: Negra Point Light N33W, 10.5 miles, Maricas Light N74W 20.7 miles

4.30am: Raza Island Light N85W

4.55am: Negra Point N2E, Raza Island N84½W, Maricas Island N66W

9.20am: Anchored

9.40am: Pratique granted

9.50am: Officer of the Guard boarded

10.00am: Officer of the Guard left

10.10am: Consul & Naval attache boarded

10.30am: Received mail

11.15am: Captain & Naval attache left ship

1.30pm: Port watch shipping provision

     Ship taking fresh water on board

     Starboard watch working coal

4.00pm: Captain of Brazilian "Sao Paulo" arrived on board

4.02pm: Captain returned on board

4.30pm: Captain of guard left

5.10pm: Captain visited guardship

5.25pm: [Captain] returned

5.30pm: Two seamen placed under close arrest

6.40pm: Cleared lower deck, hoisted steam pinnace

7.40pm: Anchor aweigh

8.56pm: Raza Island abeam

     Rounds & cells visited & correct

Number on sick list 4

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23 January 1917

At sea

Lat -25.25, Long -45.6

pm: Port watch working coal & washing down coal flat

5.30pm: Evening Quarters. Cleared lower deck, read warrent no 40

     Rounds & cells correct

Number on sick list 4

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24 January 1917

At sea

Lat -28.78, Long -48.75

     Rounds & prisoner correct

Number on sick list 4

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25 January 1917

At sea

Lat -30.9, Long -50.03

9.15am: Divisions. Prayers. 2 seamen placed under arrest

11.00am: Sighted steamship bearing N56E.

     Proceeded half speed to intercept steamer SS Drottning Sophia (swedish)

     Soundings taken, 34 feet

12.10pm: Stopped, sent away 1st cutter with boarding officers to investigate

     Boarding [party] carried out search

3.55pm: SS Drottning Sophia proceeded

4.00pm: Hoisted cutter

9.00pm: Darkened ship, port watch mustered & closed up

     Rounds & cells correct

Number on sick list 4

[SS Drottning Sophia, 4932 tons, was built in 1901 by Howaldtswerke AG, Kiel for the Johnson Line. She was sold and renamed for the first time in 1929 & finally topedoed by a British aircraft in 1944 then beached.]

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26 January 1917

At sea

Lat -33.77, Long -52.28

pm: Hands at rest

5.28pm: Ship stopped for watch evolution

8.12pm: Observed Cape Polonio N75W

9.24pm: Cape Polonio abeam, 16 miles

10.24pm: Observed Cape Santa Maria Light N85W

11.58pm: Cape Santa Maria Light abeam, 15'

Number on sick list 4

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27 January 1917

At sea

Lat -35.08, Long -55.72

4.40am: Lobos Island abeam, 5 miles

am: Hands at Saturday routine

9.20am: Observed English Bank Light Vessel S72W

9.30am: Anchored

     P1 gun crew at anti-submarine stations

     Flores Island Light N50W, English Bank Light Vessel S83W

pm: Hands painting over side

8.14pm: Anchor aweigh

10.30pm: Punta Negra Light N72E

Midnight: Punta Negra Light N59E, Lobos Island Light S87E

Number on sick list 4

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28 January 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.58

12.40an: Observed Lobos Island Light N88E, Punta Negra N46E

2.30am: Challenged SS Arestable USA

     Rounds & cells correct

am: Hands at Sunday routine

10.00am: Hands mustered by open list

10.45am: Divine Service

3.45pm: Dutch SS Celaeno passed East

4.00pm: Flores Island N48W, 4.6 miles

6.00pm: Flores Light House N45W, 5'

8.30pm: Helm & engines as requisite to clear traffic

Number on sick list 4

[SS Arestable may have been a mishearing of SS Ausable, 3154 tons, built in 1902 as SS Laura by Scheepswerf Jan Smit, Alblasserdam. She was sold & renamed in 1915. Her name changed again in 1924 and she was eventually scrapped in 1936 or 1937 after more changes of owner & name.

SS Celeano, 3544 tons, was built in 1916 by the Rotterdamsche Droogdok Mij, NV for Hudig & Veder Zeevaart Maatshipij, Rotterdam. She was sold & renamed in 1933, bombed & abandoned in 1941 with the loss of 16 men then finally torpedoed & sunk by a passing U-boat.]

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29 January 1917

River Plate

Lat -34.94, Long -55.53

2.00am: Manoeuvred ship to signal steamer

     Rounds & cells visited & correct

6.00am: Signalled RMS Ortega [?]

7.15am: Seaman placed under arrest

     Helm & engines as requisite to intercept collier

9.38am: Anchored

     Collier “Catharine” ordered to proceed

     Hands painting over side

pm: Hands at rest

1.30pm: Signalled SS Honorius, Liverpool

3.50pm: Signalled SS Duiten, (Jap)

5.00pm: Night Defence stations. Lower deck cleared, warrant no 41 read

6.30pm: Signalled SS Horatius

8.25pm: Anchor aweigh

Number on sick list 4

[RMS Ortega, 7970 tons, was built in 1906 for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. She was scrapped in 1927.

Collier “Catharine” was possibly SS Katherine, 2926 tons, built in 1904 by Furness, Withy & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool.

In Feb 1917 she was captured & scuttled by SMS Moewe off the coast of Argentina while in the service of the Admiralty.

SS Honorius, 3476 tons, was built in 1899 for the Houston Line. She was scrapped in 1925.

SS Duiten was probably “Daiten Maru”, 4555 tons, built in 1889 as SS Lancashire by Harland & Wolff, Belfast & Glasgow. Eventually she was purchased by Japanese owners in 1915 & renamed yet again. In 1918 she was torpedoed without loss of life.

SS Horatius, 3552 tons, was built in 1898 for the Houston Line. She was sold in 1918.]

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30 January 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.08, Long -54.96

3.30am: Various courses to intercept steamer

     Rounds & cells visited

6.00am: Punta del Este N, Lobos Light N37E

     P1 gun manned for anti-submarine attack

am: Main topmen at field exercise

     Foc’sle men at field exercise

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Spoke SS Peerless (British)

6.35pm: Spoke SS Helmsdale (British)

Number on sick list 4

[SS Peerless, 3112 tons, was built in 1898 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Stockton-on-Tees for Hall Bros Steamship Co, Newcastle. She was torpedoed in 1917 with the loss of 2 men.

SS Helmsdale, 3169 tons, was built in 1907 by A Rodger & Co, Port Glasgow for the Strath Steamship Co. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1931 & eventually was used as a blockship in the Normandy landings. Afterwards she was raised and subsequently scrapped.]

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31 January 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.78

     Rounds & cells visited, correct

7.30am: Spoke SS LLangollen (British)

8.30am: Stopped

     Side party employed on starboard side

11.45am: Slow ahead

12.15pm: Anchored

pm: Hands at rest

6.30pm: Spoke SS Zeta (British)

     Rounds & cells correct

Number on sick list 4

[SS Llangollen, 3842 tons, was built in 1900 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Stockton-on-Tees for the Llangollen Steamship Co Ltd. She was sold & renamed in 1926 and scrapped in 1933.

SS Zeta, 2269 tons, was built in 1888 by Joseph L Thompson & Sons, Sunderland for the Zinal Steamship Co. In Sep 1917 she hit a mine & sank without loss of life.]

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages or blank.]

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[Meteorological instruments.]

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1 February 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -55.82

1.45am: Spoke SS Bertrand, arranged for her to close at daylight

6.00am: Port watch transporting coal on main deck, starboard watch preparing for coaling

8.05am: SS Bertrand anchored

     Watch transporting coal from no 3 hatch

11.00am: Spoke SS Highland Piper (British)

5.00pm: Ship’s company received payment

Number on sick list 5

[SS Bertrand, 3613 tons, was built in 1913 by Robert Thompson & Sons Ltd for Turnbull Bros Co Ltd, Cardiff. She was torpedoed in 1918 without loss of life.]

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2 February 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.01, Long -55.83

     Rounds & cells visited

4.00am: Moderate gale, rough sea, sky heavy

6.30am: Ship dragged, let go port anchor

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Evening Quarters and Night Defence stations. Frequent hard squalls SSE [wind force 9-10]

8.00pm: Weather started to break

Number on sick list 5

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3 February 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.83

am: Hands at Saturday routine, midshipmen to instruction

pm: Hands at rest

6.30pm: Barque "Windrush" (American) outward

11.00pm: Challenged HMS Orama

11.50pm: “Orama" anchored, sent whaler for mails

Number on sick list 5

[SV Windrush, 1513 tons, was built by Robert Thompson & Sons Ltd, Sunderland. However, the US list of Merchant Vessels, 1918, says she was built in 1891 and has her registered in Boston while Wrecksite, describing her collision in 1920 when 5 of her crew were lost, has her built in 1892 and owned throughout her career by RH Gaynor, Sunderland.]

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4 February 1917

River PlateLat -35.0, Long -55.83

12.40am: Whaler returned with mails

6.00 am: Collier "Bertrand" weighed to come alongside

     Hands fall in for coaling

7.20am: Collier secured alongside

8.00am: Hands to breakfast

8.30am: Commenced coaling

     3 ratings joined from “Orama”

11.00am: "Orama" weighed and proceeded

1.00pm: Signalled RMS "Demerara"

1.30pm: Whaler left for mailship

1.55pm: Returned

2.55pm: Sighted HMS Orama

4.00pm: Collier lying easily

4.30 to 5.00pm: Hands to tea

8.00pm: Ceased coaling for night, amount in 402 tons

10.00pm: Every appearance of increase and change of wind

10.30pm: Cast off collier, collier anchored

Number on sick list 5

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5 February 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.83

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Warrant no. 42 read

Number on sick list 7

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6 February 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.0, Long -55.83

5.30am: Collier weighed and proceeded alongside

6.05am: Collier secured

7.30am: Hands to breakfast

8.10am: Hands coal ship

12.10pm: Hands to dinner

12.55pm: Resumed coaling

3.00pm: USA "Crofton Hall" passed West

4.00pm: Hands to tea

4.30pm: Resumed coaling

5.00pm: Ceased coaling, amount received 438 tons

     Hands stowing away gear

6.00pm: Cast off collier

8.20pm: Darkened ship and closed up watch to Night Defence

Number on sick list 7

[SS Crofton Hall, 5774 tons, was built in 1913 by William Hamilton & Co, Port Glasgow & operated at this time by United States Steel Products Co Inc, New York. She was sold & renamed several times before she was scrapped in 1957.]

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7 February 1917

Montevideo outer anchorage

Lat -34.9, Long -56.19

3.00am: Signalled SS Orissa bound East

6.30am: Received 2 bags mail from “Orama”

7.20am: Anchor aweigh, set course slow ahead

8.35am: Flores abeam, 3’

10.58am: Anchored

1.45pm: Liberty men left for shore

2.45pm: Water boats arrived alongside

5.30pm: Water boats left

10.30pm: Liberty men arrived on board, 8 absentees

Number on sick list 8

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8 February 1917


Lat -34.98, Long -56.25

9.05am: Store boat alongside

9.50am: Store boat discharged

10.10am: Tug "Orduna" left with 9 ratings & 2 junior officers

11.20am: Anchor aweigh

11.30am: Midshipman Wright left ship

1.15pm: Absentees returned, proceeded

1.25pm: Passed fairway buoy

pm: Hands at rest

2.55pm: Passed Recalada Light Vessel, ½’

4.00pm: Observed “Orama” bearing SE

5.45pm: Stopped, sent whaler to “Orama”

6.20pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 6

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9 February 1917


Lat -35.52, Long -56.23

9.20am: Divisions & Prayers. ‘Abandon ship’ & evolution carried out

5.00pm: Sale held of late Petty Officer Knee's effects [PO Knee died on board 1 Nov 1916]

Number on sick list 6

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10 February 1917


Lat -35.52, Long -56.23

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 6

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11 February 1917


Lat -35.52, Long -56.23

6.30am: Closed up gun’s crew for anti-submarine defence

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 2

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12 February 1917


Lat -35.55, Long -56.17

9.50am: “Orama” anchored

10.15am: Italian SS Rio Amazon weighed & proceeded

11.10am: Anchor aweigh, helm & speed as requisite to pick up letter buoys from “Orama”

11.20am: Mails left ship

11.40am: Set course East

Noon: Altered course to intercept “Rio Amazon”

3.08pm: Fired blank charge to bring up steamer

3.30pm: Stopped & sent cutter with boarding party

3.40pm: Boarded "Rio Amazon" from Bahia Blanca to Gibraltar for orders

4.45pm: Ship ordered to proceed, manoeuvring ship, helm & engines as requisite, to keep position

4.55pm: Boarding party returned

5.15pm: Set course East

Number on sick list 2

[SS Rio Amazon may have been SS Rio Amazonas, 3171 tons, built in 1891 as SS Giulio Cesare by G Ansaldo & Co, Genoa. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1895 & at this time was operated by Ligure Brasiliana, Genoa. She was sunk by gunfire from a German U-boat in May 1917 without loss of life.]

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13 February 1917

At sea

Lat -34.95, Long -54.58

6.00am: Observed Lobos Light N26E

9.30am: Exercised ‘Action’

12.29pm: San Jose Ignacio Light House abeam

3.00pm: Lobos Light House N87½W, 11.2 miles

5.00pm: General Quarters

5.15pm: Exercised both watches at anti-submarine defence

5.30pm: Lobos abeam, 5'

6.15pm: Courses as requisite to intercept steamer

7.00pm: Resumed course

Number on sick list 2

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14 February 1917

At sea

Lat -35.33, Long -54.65

4.00am: Lobos Light bearing N36W

6.30am: Altered course to intercept sailing ship

8.45am: Spoke sailing ship “Majanka” (Norwegian)

2.10pm: Lobos Island Light abeam, 19.5'

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: General Quarters, Evening Quarters.

     Exercised ‘Engine Room Water Tight doors’, time taken 5 minutes

7.40pm: Observed HMS Orama Green 03º

10.10pm: Anchored

10.20pm: Sent whaler for mails

11.00pm: Whaler returned & faded

Number on sick list 3

[SV Majanka, 1468 tons, was a 3 masted ship built in 1884 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow as SV Falkland Hill. Eventually she was sold to M Bruusgaard, Drammen & renamed “Majanka”. She was scrapped in 1923.]

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15 February 1917

At Anchorage

Lat -35.53, Long -56.2

6.12am: Collier Chiverstone weighed & proceeded alongside “Orama”

am: Hands working stores & as requisite

5.00pm: Captain of "Orama" left ship

5.50pm: Collier left “Orama” & anchored

6.45pm: Cleared lower deck, warrant no 43 read

     Whaler left with prisoner & escort for "Orama"

     Whaler returned

Number on sick list 3

[SS Chiverstone, 2946 tons, was built in 1914 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Thornaby. She was renamed for the first time in 1920 & broken up in 1930.]

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16 February 1917

At Anchorage

Lat -35.5, Long -56.21

9.15am: Divisions. Divine Service

10.20am: Captain left ship

11.25am: Seaman Earle transferred to "Orama" for hospital

1.30pm: Lieutenant EB Cooper RNVR transferred to HMS Orama

2.35pm: HMS Orama weighed & proceeded

2.55pm: Captain returned on board

4.00pm: Hoisted 1st & 2nd whalers

4.40pm: Master of collier arrived on board

10.00pm: Abnormal refraction

     Flores Light visible bright N23E, 36'

     Recalada channel light visible at intervals

Number on sick list 3

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17 February 1917

At Anchorage

Lat -35.28, Long -55.58

6.35am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded half speed

11.00am: Stopped, manoeuvred for target practice

1.45pm: Manoeuvring for target practice

3.30pm: Altered course to intercept sailing craft

5.00pm: Spoke ship "Malvina" (Uruguayan)

Number on sick list 3

[“Malvina” is probably SS Malvinas, 324 tons, built in 1882 by F Schichau Werft, Danzig & Elbing. She sailed for various owners under this name until 1917 when in the June she was sold & renamed “Marcheville Dauquin”. She foundered in September 1917.]

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18 February 1917

Anchored off Gorriti Island

Lat -34.96, Long -54.98

8.20am: Anchored

9.50am: Whaler left with party for shore

11.20am: Lowered steam pinnace

11.30am: Pinnace left with officers for shore

1.00pm: Captain of Port arrived on board

2.20pm: Bathing party left in cutter for shore

2.45pm: Captain of Port left ship

4.30pm: Captain left for shore in Montagu Whaler

5.15pm: Cutter arrived from shore and hoisted

5.20pm: Shore party arrived

6.30pm: Hoisted 1st and 2nd whalers

6.45pm: Captain returned, hoisted Montagu

8.15pm: Man overboard – rescued

9.00pm: All boats hoisted. Darkened ship

Number on sick list 1

[Gorriti Island is off the coast of Uruguay at Lat -34.95, Long -54.97.]

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19 February 1917

Gorriti Island

Lat -35.01, Long -54.9

6.30am: Anchor aweigh

9.00am: Lobos Light House N34E, 4.5'

10.14am: Sent doctor ashore to Lobos Island in whaler

11.00am: Whaler returned

12.45pm: Whaler returned to Lobos Island for doctor, helm & engines as requisite to maintain position

1.45pm: Whaler hoisted

3.10pm: Proceeded

7.00pm: Signalled Italian Steamship “Q.S.D.Z.”, not known

Number on sick list 1

[I think QSDZ was the signal returned by the Italian ship. This combination does not occur in the International Signal Book.]

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20 February 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.02, Long -54.63

am: Hands variously employed chipping paintwork

10.50am: Altered course & increased speed to intercept SS Aracaty, boarded by Lieutenant Elliott

12.30pm: Hoisted whaler

10.52pm: Stopped engines, San Jose Light N27W, 6.9'

Midnight: Signalled SS Hawaian

Number on sick list 3

[SS Aracaty was built in 1882 & was renamed before reverting to her orignal name in 1904. She was scrapped in 1930.

I have been unable to locate a “Hawaian” or “Hawaiian” sailing in 1917 but there was a Japanese SS Hawaii, 9467 tons, built in 1915 by the Kawasaki Dockyard Co Ltd, Kobe. She was torpedoed in 1944 while carrying troops. Some 2100 men were killed.]

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21 February 1917

At sea

Lat -35.03, Long -54.65

7.50am: Slow ahead to close Spanish mail steamer

pm: Hands painting & chipping

2.00pm: Stopped, San Jose Light N28W, 7 miles

2.45pm: Set course S60W

4.30pm: Lobos Light abeam, 5 miles

4.55pm: Lobos Light abeam, 4½ miles

5.20pm: Punta del Este Light House abeam, 6½ miles

10.00pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 4

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22 February 1917

At anchor

Lat -34.97, Long -56.22

am: Hands chipping paintwork & as requisite

9.20am: Anchor aweigh

11.55am: Anchored

1.00pm: Liberty men left ship

1.45pm: Two water boats alongside

2.15pm: One water boat alongside

4.17pm: Water boats left ship

5.00pm: Tug "Orduna" left with officers

7.00pm: Captain & officers arrived on board

Number on sick list 5

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23 February 1917

Monte Video

Lat -34.98, Long -56.22

1.40am: Officers returned from shore

5.50am: Whaler left for mail from “Highland Pride”

6.30am: Whaler returned & hoisted

7.30am: Water boats alongside

9.00am: Water boats left ship, hands working stores

Noon: Anchor aweigh, tug “Orduna” alongside with stores & 3 absentees

12.30pm: Proceeded

12.40pm: Passed Whistle Buoy

2.15pm: Passed Recalada Light Vessel

4.35pm: Anchored, sent whaler to collier

5.15pm: Engines & helm as requisite to change berth

7.15pm: Anchored, collier bearing South, 4 cables

Number on sick list 6

[SS Highland Pride, 7469 tons, was built in 1910 by Russell & Co, Greenock for the Nelson Line. She ran aground & was wrecked in 1929 without loss of life.]

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24 February 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.22

6.50am: HMS Glasgow arrived & anchored, Officer of the Guard left for "Glasgow"

7.30am: Whaler returned & hoisted

10.00am: Captain left ship for "Glasgow"

10.20am: Received on board ammunition stores

12.30pm: Commodore arrived on board

pm: Hands at rest

2.30pm: Commodore left ship

10.30pm: Observed El Cerro Light N2W

Number on sick list 7

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25 February 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.5, Long -56.22

10.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

5.20pm: 2nd cutter left for “Glasgow”

7.20pm: 2nd cutter returned & hoisted

8.15pm: Anchors aweigh

11.10pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam

Number on sick list 7

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26 February 1917

At sea

Lat -35.01, Long -55.11

1.45am: Flores Light bearing N1W, 5.2 miles

5.32am: Punta Negra Light abeam, N1E, 8.¼'

pm: Hands at rest

3.30pm: Spoke SS Amiral Sallandrouze-de-Lamarmaix (French)

5.30pm: Lobos Light House North, 5'

7.15pm: Observed Cape San Jose Ignacio Light N17W, 11.¾'

Number on sick list 7

[SS Amiral Sallandrouze-de-Lamarmaix, 5408 tons, was built in 1904 for the Companie des Chargeurs Reunis, Havre. She was scrapped in 1929.]

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27 February 1917

At sea

Lat -34.52, Long -51.47

am: Hands employed chipping

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

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28 February 1917

At sea

Lat -33.97, Long -48.78

1.18pm: Exchanged signals with HMS Glasgow

1.23pm: Stopped at rendezvous

1.45pm: Proceeded

pm: Hands at rest

10.45pm: Sighted steamship, increased speed to intercept, signalled SS Ranvk (Norway)

Number on sick list 5

[SS Ranvk was probably SS Ranvik, 5848 tons, built in 1912 by WG Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd. In April 1917 she was stopped by a U-boat, shelled & finally sunk with a torpedo but without loss of life.]

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages, blank and a list of meteorological instruments.]

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1 March 1917

At sea

Lat -33.23, Long -45.67

6.00am: Observed HMS Glasgow, helm & engines as requisite to close

6.50am: Stopped

7.15am: Captain left for "Glasgow"

8.30am: Set course East

am: Hands chipping & scaling

1.00pm: Crew mustered for payment

4.55pm: Observed “Glasgow” Green 30º

     Exchanged signals with "Glasgow", helm & engines as requisite to take station astern

Number on sick list 4

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2 March 1917

At sea

Lat -32.57, Long -43.02

3.25am: Observed darkened steamship, 9 cables

4.55am: Exchanged signals with HMS Glasgow

am: Hands transporting coal to no 4 hold

     Course & speed as requisite to keep station on HMS Glasgow

pm: Starboard watch transporting coal

5.10pm: Stopped

5.20pm: Received 6 German seamen from HMS Glasgow for detention

Number on sick list 4

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3 March 1917

At sea

Lat -33.11, Long -44.22

6.00am: Port watch began transporting coal

     Starboard employed variously

pm: Port watch shifting coal, starboard watch at rest

Number on sick list 5

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4 March 1917

At sea

Lat -33.79, Long -46.91

9.50am: Altered course North to intercept steamer & increased speed

11.00am: Engines & helm as requisite to board SS Eddystone

11.40am: Resumed course

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

[SS Eddystone, 4214 tons, was built in 1912 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Thornaby for the Fargrove Steam Navigation Co Ltd. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1918 & eventually torpedoed in 1941.]

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5 March 1917

At sea

Lat -34.95, Long -49.28

9.00am: Stopped

10.54am: Set course & speed

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 6

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6 March 1917

At sea

Lat -34.91, Long -51.84

11.00am: Altered course to intercept SS Highland Brigade

11.20am: Resumed course

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 7

[SS Highland Brigade, 5669 tons, was built in 1901 by William Beardmore & Co Ltd for the Nelson Line. She was torpedoed in 1918.]

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7 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.01, Long -53.78

5.00am: Altered course & increased speed to intercept SS Exford

6.35am: Altered course to intercept steamship steering NNE

7.15am: Santa Maria Light S50W

     Spoke SS Lime Branch (British)

am: Carried out target firing

pm: Hands at rest

8.00pm: Lobos Light N76W

11.50pm: Lobos Light North, 8’

Number on sick list 6

[SS Exford, 5886 tons, was built in 1914 by Bartram & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for the Tatern Steam Navigation Co, Cardiff. She was torpedoed in July 1917 with the loss of 6 men.

SS Lime Branch, 5379 tons, was built in 1902 by W Doxford & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for the Nautilus Steam Ship Co Ltd. On 13 April 1917 she was torpedoed but managed to make harbour. She was sold & renamed in 1925 & scrapped in 1933.]

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8 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.0, Long -56.2

11.05am: Fairway buoy abeam

3.33pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam, 1 cable

4.00pm: Fierce squalls of wind & rain, steady SW wind with frequent heavier squalls

5.10pm: Warrant no 44 read

6.45pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 6

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9 March 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.53, Long -56.23

am: Hands employed chipping, scaling & painting

     Training class in progress

3.15pm: Stopped painting, both watches preparing ship for coaling

4.20pm: Ship ready for coaling, whaler hoisted

Number on sick list 7

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10 March 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.53, Long -56.23

6.45am: Collier secured alongside

     Hands rigging coaling gear

7.05am: HMS Orotava anchored

7.20am: Commenced coaling

8.00am: Hands to breakfast

8.40am: Resumed coaling

Noon: Hands to dinner, received 264 tons

12.45pm: Resumed coaling

4.00pm: Hands to tea, amount in 483 tons

4.30pm: Carried on coaling

4.46pm: HMS Orotava weighed & proceeded

7.00pm: Finished coaling from SS Chiverstone, received 550 tons

7.45pm: Cast off collier

Number on sick list 7

[HMS Orotava, 5857 tons, was built in 1889 for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co but transferred to the Royal Mail Line in 1906. In 1914 she became an Armed Merchant Cruiser, carried troops at the end of the war and was scrapped in 1921. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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11 March 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.53, Long -56.23

6.30am: Collier “Headcliffe” proceeded alongside

7.00am: Collier secured

7.15am: Commenced coaling

8.00am: Hands to breakfast

8.30am: Resumed coaling

Noon: Hands to dinner, amount in 165 tons

4.0-4.30pm: Hands to tea, 274 tons in

6.15pm: Prisoner released from cells

7.00-7.30pm: Hands to supper, 362 tons

10.30pm: Finished coaling

10.48pm: Cast off collier

Number on sick list 8

[SS Headcliffe, 3654 tons, was built in 1915 by John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields for the Cliffe Steamship Co Ltd. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1932 & was eventually torpedoed by a Soviet submarine when named SS Baltenland in 1941.]

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12 March 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.1, Long -56.25

7.00am: Collier “Headcliffe” weighed & proceeded

7.30am: Hands turn to, stow away coaling gear

9.10am: Anchor aweigh, turned ship & set course

11.30am: Recalada Light Vessel: West, 2 cables

1.00pm: Anchored

1.15pm: Pratique granted

1.50pm: Captain left for shore

2.10pm: Liberty men left

4.30pm: Store boat alongside

     Tug "Orduna" left with officers for shore

6.00pm: Water boats alongside

6.30pm: Captain returned

7.30pm: Water boats left

8.30pm: Finished stores

10.00pm: "Orduna" arrived with liberty men, 13 absentees

11.00pm: Tug left with marine patrol

Number on sick list 8

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13 March 1917


Lat -35.1, Long -56.25

12.20am: Last boat arrived from shore, 2 men under close arrest

     Water boats left

6.00am: Water boats alongside

8.00am: Water boats left

8.10am: Tugs left with shore patrols

11.00am: Tug arr'd with patrols & absentees

12.50pm: "Orduna" arrived with stores & two prisoners

1.36pm: Anchor aweigh

1.56pm: Fairway Buoy bearing West, 1 cable

3.30pm: Recalada Light Vessel N83W, 6 cables

4.30pm: Observed collier ahead

4.50pm: 1 fireman placed under close arrest

6.00pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

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14 March 1917

River Plate

Lat -36.55, Long -56.22

6.30am: 1 man released from close arrest

12.15pm: Anchor aweigh

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

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15 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.22, Long -54.18

1.10am: Lobos Island Light abeam, 5.5'

am: Gunlayers & Trainers at spotting instruction

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Warrant no 45 read

Number on sick list 9

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16 March 1917

At sea

Lat -34.87, Long -52.18

8.37am: Altered course & speed to intercept steamship

12.10pm: Hoisted whaler

12.15pm: SS Drumcliffe proceeded

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

[SS Drumcliffe, 4072 tons, was built in 1905 by Robert Thompson & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for Joseph Chadwick & Sons, Liverpool. She was sold in 1917, renamed “Kelvinbank” & torpedoed in June 1917 with the loss of 16 men.]

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17 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.45, Long -49.98

8.45am: Altered course to close HMS Orotava

9.25am: Ship stopped, Captain left for “Orotava”

11.30am: Captain returned

1.00pm: Cutter left for “Orotava”

2.10pm: "Orotava" proceeded

2.15pm: Cutter returned with stores

3.40pm: Hoisted cutter

Number on sick list 8

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18 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.57, Long -47.98

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. Divine Service

All day: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

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19 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.18, Long -46.97

5.30am: Altered course to intercept steamship, spoke SS Cheviot Range

     Altered course to intercept steamship

7.30am: Stopped, boarding officers left ship

8.25am: Whaler returned, SS Clodmoor proceeded

am: Hands chipping & painting

     Gunnery training class at field exercise

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

[SS Cheviot Range, 3691 tons, was built in 1914 by Irvine’s Shipbuilding & Drydock Co Ltd, West Hartlepool for Furness Withy & Co Ltd. She was sunk by gunfire from a U-boat in 1918 with the loss of 27 men.

SS Clodmoor, 3733 tons, was built in 1902 by W Doxford & Sons Ltd, Sunderland for the Moor Line. In May 1917 she was torpedoed by a U-boat.]

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20 March 1917

At sea

Lat -34.33, Long -48.28

4.00am: Frequent vivid lightning & thunder with heavy clouds making up from N

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Prisoner released from cells

Number on sick list 8

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21 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.03, Long -49.83

8.15am: Altered course to intercept steamer, Norwegian SS Solstrief, whaling depot ship

am: Hands employed chipping & scaling

     Training class in progress

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 8

[SS Solstrief, 4369 tons, was built in 1892 as SS Sheikh by Palmer’s Ship Building & Iron Co Ltd, Jarrow. She was sold & renamed in 1910 and converted from a cargo ship to a whale factory ship. She was broken up in 1934.]

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22 March 1917

At Sea

Lat -35.15, Long -53.16

6.00am: Hands fall in, cleaning out cutters

pm: Hands at rest

5.20pm: Altered course to intercept steamship

6.55pm: Spoke SS Albistan

Number on sick list 8

[SS Albistan, 3184 tons, was built in 1905 as SS Cambyses and purchased by the Strick Line in 1912. Her name was changed in 1913 and she was sold in 1919.]

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23 March 1917

At sea

Lat -34.95, Long -54.98

1.27am: Lobos Light N76W

6.10am: Lobos Island North 7 miles

10.00am: Anchored

10.30am: Pratique granted

11.00am: Cutter left for sand

2.15pm: All boats hoisted

2.40pm: Anchor aweigh

8.30pm: Flores Light bearing N8W

9.41pm: Stopped to intercept RMSP "Araguaya”

10.45pm: Transferred Surgeon W. Pickles RNVR to "Araguaya" for passage to England

     Whaler hoisted

Number on sick list 8

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24 March 1917

At sea

Lat -34.97, Long -56.22

10.25am: Stopped off Fairway Buoy

11.05am: "Ondina" alongside with mail

Noon: “Ondina” left

12.44pm: Ship proceeded, passed Fairway Buoy, 1 cable

2.20pm: Passed Recalada Light Vessel, 4 cables

pm: Hands make & mend

3.30pm: Observed collier “Chiverstone”

4.50pm: Anchored

Number on sick list 8

[SS Chiverstone, 2946 tons, was built in 1897 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Thornaby. After some changes of name she was scrapped in 1930.]

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25 March 1917

At Anchorage

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Crew at rest

5.00pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling

Number on sick list 8

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26 March 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

6.00am: Collier weighed & proceeded

7.10am: Collier secured alongside

All day: Coaling ship

4.30pm: Finished coaling, received 437 tons

5.20pm: Collier cast off

6.00pm: Danish barque "Bonovento" passed to SE

Number on sick list 10

[SV Bonovento, 1341 tons, was built in 1892. She caught fire & was abandoned in 1919.]

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27 March 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

am: Hands cleaning ship

Number on sick list 9

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28 March 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.53, Long -56.13

11.00am: Anchor aweigh

pm: Hands at rest

Midnight: Lobos Light abeam, 6 miles

Number on sick list 9

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29 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.1, Long -53.65

1.30am: San Ignacio Light abeam, 18 miles

am: Hands employed scraping & cleaning paintwork

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

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30 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.15, Long -51.3

Midnight: Passing through large patches of brilliant phosphorescence till 1.40am

9.30am: General quarters

10.10am: Stopped for evolutions

11.00am: Proceeded on course

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 9

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31 March 1917

At sea

Lat -35.15, Long -50.41

6.00am: Seaman placed under arrest

     Hands at Saturday routine

10.23am: Altered course to intercept steamer

11.30am: Resumed course & speed

Number on sick list 9

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[These pages are blank or cover pages.]


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[These pages are cover pages & a list of meteorological instruments.]

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1 April 1917

At sea

Lat -34.18, Long -48.83

6.00am: Altered course & increased speed to intercept SS Redbridge

10.00am: Divisions

10.35am: Divine Service

1.30pm: Sighted SS bearing NNW, altered course & increased speed to intercept her

2.35pm: Resumed course

pm: Hands at rest

5.38pm: Altered course to intercept sailing ship

[SS Redbridge, 3834 tons, was built in 1907 by William Doxford & Sons, Sunderland for the Temperley Steam Shipping Co Ltd. She was sold & renamed in 1923 & scrapped in 1934.]

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2 April 1917

At sea

Lat -35.4, Long -50.37

7.20am: Courses & speeds to intercept SS Albistan bound for Dakar

am: Hands variously employed, training classes in progress

1.45pm: Crew variously employed

5.00pm: Mustered crew for soap & tobacco

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3 April 1917

At sea

Lat -36.87, Long -51.07

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4 April 1917

At sea

Lat -38.53, Long -57.8

5.20am: Observed barque bearing south (barque Eugene Schindt), altered course South

6.50am: Stop

7.00am: Sent boarding officers away

8.30am: Whaler returned, hoisted & set course

10.00am: Ship stopped, hands at evolution ‘Prepare ship for towing’

11.00am: Resumed course & speed

[I cannot find a sailing ship with the name in the log. The nearest seems to be SV Eugene Schneider, 2218 tons, built in 1902 by Chantier Nantais de Construction Maritime, Nantes. On Christmas Day 1926 she was in collision with SS Bururu & sank with the loss of 24 men.]

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5 April 1917

At sea

Lat -39.48, Long -52.24

All day: Starboard watch transporting coal from no 3 to no 4

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6 April 1917

At sea

Lat -36.25, Long -51.02

8:00am: Rain spout NW

pm: Hands at rest

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7 April 1917

At sea

Lat -35.7, Long -52.45

2.30am: Observed sailing ship N5E, altered course & increased speed to intercept

5.30am: Various speeds to keep station on sailing ship

6.26am: Stopped, boarded sailing ship “Santa Caterina” (Italy)

7.30am: Boarding officers returned

am: Hands at Saturday routine

pm: Hands at rest

[SV Santa Caterina, 1565 tons, was built in 1885 as SV Yallaroi by A Hall, Aberdeen. In 1916 she was sold & renamed “Santa Caterina”. In 1921 she caught fire while unloading at Genoa and was scrapped in 1923.]

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8 April 1917

At sea

Lat -35.14, Long -54.95

4.18am: Lobos Light N78W

4.35am: Jose Ignacio Light N80W, Lobos Light N77W

5.35am: Jose Ignacio Light abeam, N5W, 16.9 miles

6.55am: Lobos Light N32W, 6.5 miles

7.25am: Turned ship to eastward to intercept sailing ship

9.15am: Stopped, sent boarding officers sailing ship

9.45am: Boarding officers returned

11.30am: Divisions & Prayers

pm: Hands at rest

6.55pm: Anchored

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9 April 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

5.45am: Hands fall in for coaling ship

6.15am: Collier weighed

7.30am: Collier alongside & coaling ship from no I & no III holds

8-8.30am: Hands at breakfast

Noon: Total received 242 tons

12.15pm: Hands at dinner

5.00pm: Ceased coaling, amount received 500 tons

5.45pm: Collier cast off & proceeded

6.30pm: Signalled PSNC “Orita”, sent whaler for mails

7.00pm: Whaler returned & hoisted

11.04pm: Exchanged signals with SS Harmonides

11.20pm: SS Harmonides anchored

11.45pm: 1st whaler with officers & escort left ship

[SS Harmonides, 3251 tons, was built in 1891 as SS Woomooloo. She was bought by the Houston Line in 1901 & renamed. They sold her in 1919 when she was renamed.]

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10 April 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

12.30am: Whaler returned with Captain of "Harmonides" & prisoner. Prisoner retained under arrest. Captain returned in whaler. Whaler returned with mail (10 bags)

6.30am: 1st whaler left for “Hermonides”

9.30am: Master & witnesses from SS Harmonides arrived for inquiry

10.55am: “Hermonides” sailed

11.00am: SS.Chiverstone's boat arrived for mail

pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side

4.45pm: Hands finished painting, hoisted whaler

5.30pm: Warrant no 46 read [Reads like 40 but should be 46, next one is 47.]]

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11 April 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.13, Long -56.27

9.00am: Anchor aweigh

11.36am: Passed Recalada Light Vessel

1.30pm: Pilot aboard, proceeded half speed

2.00pm: Anchored

2.30pm: Pratique granted

2.35pm: “Ondina” & fresh water boats alongside

2.45pm: “Ondina” left with liberty men

3.05pm: British Minister arrived on board

3.40pm: British Minister left

9.35pm: Water boat left & one arrived

11.15pm: Captain returned

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12 April 1917


Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

12.15am: Patrol returned on board

4.15am: Ship touched bottom aft, soundings taken

6.00am: Engines as required, worked ship clear of bank

6.30am: All clear aft

6.40am: Patrols landed

8.00am: Steam boat arrived with 9 absentees

10.00am: Private Moore RMLI placed under arrest

     Ship come to swing stern to breakwater & stopped on mud, soundings 20 ft

11.30am: All absentees returned

11.35am: Dr Russell & 3 men left ship

2.15pm: Anchor up, cleared lower deck, hoisted steam pinnace

2.30pm: Proceeded full steam under Pilot’s orders

2.35pm: Clear of channel, stopped, discharged Pilot

2.57pm: Fairway Buoy abeam, set course, stopped, hands clearing cable

3.30pm: Resumed course & speed, cable clear

4.45pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam

7.10pm: Anchored

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13 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

am: 2nd cutter transporting stores to collier “Chiverstone”

pm: Hands employed painting ship & as required

     2nd cutter at collier

5.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’

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14 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

12.08pm: Anchor aweigh

12.15pm: Set course & speed, stationed submarine lookouts, called the watch

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15 April 1917

At sea

Lat -35.5, Long -53.72

5.30am: Wind shifts suddenly to South [was NNW]

10.00am: Ship’s company mustered by open list

     Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

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16 April 1917

At sea

Lat -35.35, Long -51.3

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17 April 1917

At sea

Lat -34.85, Long -49.16

All day: Crew employed as required, training classes

5.00pm: Cleared away for night defences, read warrant no 47

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18 April 1917

At sea

Lat -34.08, Long -48.35

9.45am: Stopped for evolutions

10.45am: Resumed course & speed

am: Hands chipping & scaling, training classes in progress

pm: Hands make & mend clothes

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19 April 1917

At sea

Lat -34.32, Long -48.92

am: Exercised ship’s company at General Quarters

     Hands employed as requisite, training classes carrying on

pm: Hands employed variously

5.00pm: Exercised ‘Action’, cleared away for night defences

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20 April 1917

At sea

Lat -34.93, Long -50.23

     Rounds made, 6 prisoners and 1 man under close arrest correct

All day: Port watch transporting coal

     Starboard watch variously employed

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21 April 1917

At sea

Lat -34.89, Long -51.87

9.05am: Altered course to intercept steamer (“Sawman” [?])

1.30pm: Signalled SS Bronze Wings (British)

[I cannot identify the steamer intercepted at 9.05am.

SS Bronze Wings, 3874 tons, was launched in 1914 by the Northumberland Shipbuilding Co, as SS Rynfield. She was renamed by completion but in 1917 she was sold & renamed again. After several owners & names she ran aground & was wrecked in 1947.]

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22 April 1917

At sea

Lat -34.9, Long -53.67

     Rounds, 6 prisoners & 1 man under close arrest

10.00am: Divisions & Prayers

2.30pm: Sighted Cape St Maria

7.30pm: Sighted Lobos Light (loom) S80W

9.52pm: Sighted San Jose Light abeam, 12'

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23 April 1917

At sea

Lat -35.52, Long -55.93

1.30am: Lobos Light abeam, N19W

1.57am: Punta-del-Este N19W

6.15am: Sighted Punta-del-Este N5E, Lobos (dipping) N56E

2.30pm: Anchored

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24 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.57, Long -56.22

6.30am: Collier “Chiverstone” weighed anchor

6.40am: Hands fall in for coaling

8.00am: Collier arrived alongside

All day: Coaling ship

4.30pm: Ceased coaling, hands returning coaling gear, received 444 tons

5.15pm: Collier cast off

     Hands cleaning ship

6.30pm: Semi-darkened & prepared for night defences

     Hands to clean

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25 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.57, Long -56.22

am: Hands cleaning ship

     Side party engaged over side

pm: Hands at rest

6.00pm: Read no 48 warrant

9.48pm: Observed Cerro Light (loom)

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26 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.57, Long -56.22

am: Hands painting over side

pm: Hands as required

10.00pm: Temperature cells 65º

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27 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.57, Long -56.22

am: Hands as required

pm: Hands painting over side

2.25pm: Spoke SS "Beacon Grange (British)

10.30pm: Temperature of cells 62º

[SS Beacon Grange, 4032 tons, was built in 1898 by Workman, Clark & Co Ltd, Belfast for the Houlder Line. She ran aground & was wrecked in 1921.]

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28 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.57, Long -56.22

1.30am: Temperature of cells 65º

6.55am: Anchor aweigh

9.45am: Recalada Light Vessel ½'

11.50am: Passed Fairway Buoy

pm: Hands taking in provisions

1.45pm: "Ondina" left

2.07pm: Fairway Buoy abeam

3.25pm: Recalada Light Vessel abeam

4.50pm: Collier observed ahead

5.45pm: Anchored

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29 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.57, Long -56.22

3.30am: Temperature of cells 62º

5.00am: Rounds correct, temperature 65º

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

6.35pm: Let go starboard anchor underfoot [wind force 7/8 and squally.]

11.00pm: Squalls less frequent & of decreasing force

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30 April 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.57, Long -56.22

     Rounds, 6 prisoners & 1 man under close arrest, temperature 65º

5.00am: Rounds frequently made & correct, temperature 62º

7.00am: Hove up starboard anchor

am: Hands employed variously, training classes in progress

12.10pm: Anchor aweigh

1.45pm: Hands as required

10.30pm: Rounds, 6 prisoners & 1 man under close arrest correct (temperature 67º)

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1 May 1917

At sea

Lat -34.8, Long -54.22

12.40am: Punta del Este N9W, 22,000 yds

1.15am: Lobos Light N11W, 7'

3.00am: Rounds correct (temperature cells 65º)

3.10am: San Jose Light N1W

3.35am: Lobos Light N64W, St Maria N33E

5.30am: Lobos Light dipped N74W

6.00am: Rounds correct, 6 prisoners & 1 man under close arrest, temperature 67º

7.30am: Altered course & increased speed to intercept steamship

am: Hands as required, training classes carrying on

11.00am: Dispatched boarding party to US SS Panaman

11.30am: Boarding party returned

11.40am: Proceeded

pm: Hands employed as required

10.00pm: Rounds frequently made & correct, temperature of cells 64º

[SS Panaman, 6055 tons, was built in 1913 at Sparrows Point, Maryland.]

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2 May 1917

At sea

Lat -34.93, Long -52.37

     Rounds, 6 prisoners & 1 man under close arrest, temperature 66º

1.00pm: Mustered hands for monthly payment

1.45pm: Altered course to intercept sailing ship

2.35pm: Resumed course, passed sailing ship “Salhwin” steering ENE

11.55pm: Made Cape Polonio Light N77W

[I have been unable to locate ‘Salhwin’, the nearest seems to be SV Solheim, 1035 tons, built in 1876 as SV Famenoth by Dobie & Co, Govan. Her name was changed to “Solheim” in 1896 after she was sold for the first time. In 1917 she sailed for Danish owners & was eventually retired in 1927.]

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3 May 1917

At sea

Lat -34.73, Long -53.97

     Rounds frequently made & correct, temperature of cells 64º

6.13am: Various courses & speeds to intercept US SS Montanan

10.45am: Santa Maria Light N87W

2.10pm: Sent boarding officers to SS Heelsum

3.00pm: Boarding officers returned, set course to intercept steam ship

7.10pm: Spoke Norwegian Barque "Belhouse"

[SS Montanan, 6650 tons, was built in 1913 at Sparrows Point, Maryland

SS Heelsum, 1396 tons, was built in 1899 by Nederlandsche Shipbuilding Co, Amsterdam for the NV Steamship Co, Amsterdam. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1922 and finally scrapped in 1953.

SV Bellhouse, 2342 tons, was built as SV Regina Elena in 1903 by Soc Esercizio, Genova, Italy. She became “Bellhouse” in 1914, “Ponape” in 1926 and was scrapped in 1936.]

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4 May 1917

At sea

Lat -34.89, Long -52.91

     Rounds, 6 prisoners & one man under close arrest, correct

9.15am: Divisions. Starboard watch to health lecture

     Training classes under examination

4.00pm: Altered course to intercept steam ship

5.00pm: Signalled "Highland Scot", bound East

7.00pm: Cape Polonio Light S85W

9.35pm: Cape Polonio Light dipped, bearing N85W

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5 May 1917

At sea

Lat -34.93, Long -52.97

10.10am: Stopped for target practice. Helm & engines as requisite to keep position

Noon: Resume course & speed

9.40am: Observed Cape Polonio Light N62W

     Rounds frequently made & correct, temperature of cells 65º

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6 May 1917

At sea

Lat -35.15, Long -52.95

6.40am: Altered course to intercept sailing ship

8.00am: Sent boarding officers to sailing ship "Mona" Norwei [Norwegian]

8.40am: Boarding officers returned

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

4.0-5.00pm: Courses various to close on HMS Orotava

5.00pm: Stopped. 1st & Montague whalers left for “Orotava”

     Received 37 ratings from “Orotava”, hoisted 2nd cutter

6.45pm: Whalers returned & hoisted

7.10pm: Set course West

9.20pm: Made Cape Santa Maria Light N34W

     Rounds, 8 prisoners & 1 man under close arrest, correct

10.50pm: Cape Santa Maria Light N14W

[SV Mona was probably the barque of 1063 tons built in 1878 by H Owen & Sons, Liverpool. She sailed under the same name for various owners until 1950 when she was renamed “Lisbeth”. She was scrapped in 1962.]


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7 May 1917

At sea

Lat -35.03, Long -55.02

1.10am: Observed Lobos Light N89W x St Jose Ignacio Light N45W

6.00am: Lobos Island abeam, 7’

9.20am: Stopped engines, Lobos Light House East, 5'

10.10am: 2nd cutter left for SS Demerara for mails

11.00am: Cutter returned with mails & surgeon

2.00pm: Lowered Montague 1st & 2nd whalers

5.30pm: All boats hoisted, set course

     Manouvered ship to use searchlight to find open boat

10.00pm: Stopped engines, Este Point Light N28E x Lobos Light N52E

Midnight: Este Point Light N20E x Lobos Light N49E

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8 May 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.58, Long -56.22

     Rounds,. 6 prisoners & 1 man under close arrest

3.30am: English Bank Buoy N67W

6.45am: Observed HMS Orotava bearing West, course as requisite to anchorage

8.30am: Anchored

10.00am: Collier weighed (“Cardiff Hall”)

Noon: Collier fast alongside

pm: Hands employed provisioning ship

     Lost overboard 3 large hazelwood fenders whilst storing ship

4.30pm: HMS Orotava's cutter moored astern, unable to return to ship

7.00pm: Hands to supper

7.30pm: Hands resumed storing ship

10.20pm: All stores completed

10.35pm: Cast off collier

[SS Cardiff Hall, 3994 tons, has a confusing history. Different internet sites indicate a different history. Wrecksite has her built in Ayr, Ship Index in Sunderland and the Sunderland site lists her as built by Doxford. There seems to be agreement that she was built in 1912 & ran aground off the Irish coast in Jan 1925. She was lost with all her crew.]

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9 May 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

     Rounds correct, 8 prisoners & 1 man under close arrest

am: Crew employed stowing ship’s stores

pm: Hands to make & mend

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10 May 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.55, Long -56.22

am: Hands variously employed, fore topmen at drill

pm: Called port watch

5.20pm: “Orotava’s” cutter returned

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11 May 1917

At anchorage

Lat -35.77, Long -56.77

9.05am: Anchor aweigh

9.15am: Set course SS Chiverstone following

2.00pm: Anchored

7.00pm: SS Chiverstone alongside

8.00pm: Commenced coaling, exchanged signals with HMS Orotava

8.45pm: Observed Cape St Antonio Light S34E

     Coaling throughout

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12 May 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.98, Long -57.07

     Coaling throughout

7.35am: Hands to breakfast

1.20pm: Finished coaling, hands to dinner

2.20pm: Hoisted whaler, cast off collier

2.50pm: Anchor aweigh

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13 May 1917

River Plate

Lat -35.96, Long -57.0

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers

am: Hands at rest

2.15pm: Weighed anchor

2.25pm: Anchored 225yds NE of “Orotava” (transhipping stores)

3.30pm: Both watches engaged hoisting cutters & preparing ship for sea

6,40pm: Anchor aweigh

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14 May 1917

At sea

Lat -34.62, Long -53.57

3.50am: Observed Lobos Island Light N39E

4.40am: East Point Light N15E x Lobos Island Light N30E

6.26am: San Jose Ignacio Light N15E, 17½ miles

     PII guns at anti-submarine stations

8.45am: Made Cape Santa Maria Light N18E

9.45am: Cape Santa Maria abeam N26W, 10½ miles

11.20am: Made Cape Polonio Light House N4W

Noon: Cape Polonio abeam N26W, 17'

2.30pm: Dismissed duty guns’ crews from anti-submarine stations

     Rounds, 8 prisoners & 2 men under close arrest, correct

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15 May 1917

At sea

Lat -32.45, Long -49.4

All day: Hands employed variously

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16 May 1917

At sea

Lat -30.02, Long -45.22

     Rounds, 8 prisoners & 2 men under close arrest, correct

am: Hands employed chipping, scaling, painting & cleaning ship

1.00pm: Altered course to intercept ship

1.25pm: Manoeuvering ship to intercept "San Guiseppe" (Italian sailing ship)

2.20pm: Lowered 1st whaler, sent boarding officers to ship

3.20 pm: Whaler returned & hoisted & resumed course

[SV San Guiseppe is probably the vessel of 1077 tons, built in 1891 by Robert Thompson & Sons Ltd, Sunderland as SV Loreley. She was sold & renamed in 1915 then foundered in 1920.]

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17 May 1917

At sea

Lat -27.57, Long -42.0

     Rounds, 8 prisoners & 2 men under open arrest, correct

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18 May 1917

At sea

Lat -25.12, Long -42.98

7.30am: Stopped to examine steam ship

7.55am: Proceeded

9.45am: Course & speed as requisite to intercept steamer

     Hands preparing ship for port

11.00am: SS Herbert G. Wylie bound for New York, proceeded

10.00pm: Observed Raza Island Light N6W

[SS Herbert G Wylie was probably the Venezuelan tanker of 4292 tons, built in 1912 by Armstrong & Whitworth Co Ltd, Newcastle-on-Tyne for the Standard Oil Co of Venezuela. She exploded in 1939 while loading crude oil.]

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19 May 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.92, Long -43.15

10.00am: Anchored

10.45am: Naval attache HMB Consul arrived, 52 bags of fleet mails, 1 medical officer for HMS Glasgow

1.00pm: Liberty men left ship

1.40pm: Surgeon Hull left ship

2.20pm: Captain left ship

4.00pm: Brazilian guard visited

     Taking on stores & water throughout

8.00pm: Liberty [men] returned

9.56pm: Stores & water finished

10.30pm: Captain returned aboard

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20 May 1917

At sea

Lat -22.96, Long -43.05

6.00am: One fireman & one seaman released

6.15am: Hands mustered. Hoisted all boats by 7.55

8.00am: Commenced shipping stores

9.15am: Stores finished, hands preparing ship for sea

9.30am: Pinnace returned with one absentee, placed under close arrest

9.45am: 2 firemen returned (absentees)

10.30am: Anchor aweigh, slow ahead

12.35pm: Ilhas Maricas abeam

5.00pm: Altered course to examine Brigatine (Brazil)

5.10pm: Resumed course

[Ilhas Maricas are off the coast of Brazil at Lat -23.02, Long -42.92.]

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21 May 1917

At sea

Lat -21.37, Long -39.85

12.20am: San Thome Light bearing N6E

12.50am: Altered course various to intercept SS Booden Knight

2.50am: San Thome Light abeam

6.15am: Hands fall in

All day: Starboard watch shifting coal, port watch as required

1.00pm: Stopped, sent boarding officers to SS Medina (USA)

1.36pm: Hoisted whaler, resumed course & speed

[SS Booden Knight is probably SS Border Knight, 3724 tons, built in 1899 by D & W Henderson & Co Ltd, Meadowside and operated in 1917 by the American Indian Line. She was torpedoed in Nov 1917 with 1 casualty.

SS Medina, 5426 tons, was built in 1914 by Newport News Shipbuilding. A story of her long life (she is still extant) is given in the link. She was renamed for the first time in 1948 & is now “Doulos Phos”.]

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22 May 1917

At sea

Lat -17.94, Long -38.7

10.00am: Exchanged recognition signals with HMS Edinburgh Castle

11.40am: Anchored

11.45am: Officer of Guard boarded

Noon: Officer of Guard left

1.30pm: Collier fast alongside

3.00pm: Commenced coaling

4.00pm: "Edinburgh Castle" weighed with collier "Longholm"

10.00pm: Hands to supper, amount coal in 369 tons

[I cannot find a ship called “Longholm” but there was a cargo ship SS Langholm, 4167 tons, built by William Gray & Co Ltd, West Hartlepool. She was renamed for the first time in 1919 and was broken up in 1959.]

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23 May 1917

Abrolhos anchorage

Lat -17.94, Long -38.7

4.15am: Finished coaling

7.00am: Hands turned to & cast off collier

am: Hands employed cleaning ship

pm: Divers at work in ship's inlet

     Hands at rest

6.00pm: Anchor stations

     Hand lead lost by line parting

8.10pm: Abrolhos Light dipped bearing N39E

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24 May 1917

At sea

Lat -20.2, Long -38.62

2.50am: Turned & increased speed to intercept steamship

3.50am: SS Stephen R Jones proceeded

pm: Revolutions as required to keep station in rear of “Glasgow”

[SS Stephen R Jones, 4387 tons, was built in 1915 by the Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co, Newport News. She ran aground in 1942.]

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25 May 1917

To Anchorage

Lat -18.03, Long -38.8

7.30am: Stopped, ships closing

8.40am: Ships closed for stores

9.50am: Ships stored & proceeded to anchorage, formation as per orders

10.30am: Made Abrolhos Rocks Light House N38E

1.10pm: Anchored

pm: Diver at work on ship's inlets

5.00pm: Read warrant no 49

8.00pm: HMS Amethyst weighed & proceeded to sea

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26 May 1917

Abrolhos Rocks anchorage

Lat -17.53, Long -38.7

3.00am: HMS Amethyst challenged & answered

3.11am: HMS Amethyst anchored

8.45am: Steam pinnace left on patrol

9.30am: Diver commenced work

1.20pm: SS Blackheath, collier, anchored off starboard beam

1.40pm: Passed hawser to "Blackheath" & had ship's stern towed round to starboard

pm: Steam pinnace patrolling armed with depth charge

8.00pm: Hove up anchor. "Blackheath" commenced towing

Midnight: Anchored

[SS Blackheath, 4879 tons, was built in 1911 by Ropner & Son, Stockton-on-Tees for the Britain Steam Ship Co Ltd. She was sold & renamed in 1935 and scuttled in 1940 to avoid capture by British destroyers.]

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27 May 1917

Abrolhos Rocks anchorage

Lat -17.53, Long -38.7

12.30am: Pinnace with working party returned from collier

8.00am: Diving party alongside

10.00am: Working party left with Lieutenant Kendall for collier "Blackheath"

Noon: Manoeuvring ship to safer berth

12.36pm: Anchored

1.30pm: Collier working party returned aboard

1.45pm: “Blackheath” anchored in billet P

pm: Diving party working throughout

5.00pm: Cleared away for night defences & exercised at general collision stations

7.00pm: Patrol boat returned

10.15pm: Steam pinnace returned

10.50pm: Diving party finished on port side

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28 May 1917

Abrolhos Rocks anchored

Lat -17.53, Long -38.7

All day: Diver working starboard side

pm: Steam pinnace patrolling

4.30pm: Diver finished working for the day

11.20pm: HMS Amethyst arrived, challenged & answered

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29 May 1917

Abrolhos Rocks anchorage

Lat -17.53, Long -38.7

1.30pm: Cleared lower decks, hoisted steam pinnace

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30 May 1917


Lat -17.53, Long -38.7

7.20am: Collier “Lord Sefton” proceeded alongside

7.40am: Collier secured, hands to rig collier

9.05am: Commenced coaling

12.15pm: Hands to dinner

1.00pm: Carried on coaling

4.30pm: Finished coaling, cast off collier

[SS Lord Sefton, 4302 tons, was built in 1907 by A McMillan & Son, Dumbarton in 1907. She was renamed “Essex Abbey” in 1923 after a change of owners and scrapped in 1934.]

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31 May 1917


Lat -17.53, Long -38.7

6.45am: Challenged HMS Glasgow

1.00pm: Commodore arrived on board

2.00pm: Commodore left ship

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1 June 1917

Abrolhos Rocks

Lat -17.53, Long -38.7

Noon: Cot cast arrived from HMS Amethyst

1.17pm: Weighed starboard anchor

1.30pm: Weighed port anchor

1.55pm: Proceeded, 4 cables astern of HMS Glasgow

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2 June 1917

At sea

Lat -17.22, Long -36.88

5.45am: Sighted sailing ship, increased to 60 revolutions

7.10am: Sent boarding officers to sailing ship, manoeuvring ship to keep position

     Boarded Italian barque “Estrella

7.50pm: Proceeded

pm: Hands make & mend

4.40pm: Exchanged signals with HMS Amethyst

[“Estrella” was boarded by officers from HMS Ophir in May 1915

Estrella” seems to have been the 1500 ton ship built in 1880 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Thornaby as SV Sierra Estrella. Her name was changed in 1903 and she was deleted from the register in 1929.]

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3 June 1917

At sea

Lat -18.31, Long -34.43

6.40am: Sighted "Glasgow" bearing N70W

8.00am: Stopped to supply stores to Squadron

9.00am: Proceeded

11.30am: Divisions. Divine Service

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4 June 1917

At sea

Lat -21.13, Long -34.75

10.10am: Stopped at rendezvous

11.30am: Turned ship towards "Glasgow"

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5 June 1917

At sea

Lat -23.58, Long -34.73

7.30am: Course and speed as requisite to close HMS Glasgow

All day: Hands as required, training classes in progress

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6 June 1917

At sea

Lat -26.38, Long -34.65

2.40am: Altered course to intercept steam ships

3.48am: Dunclutha bearing S51E, Lord Sefton bearing S60E, Blackheath bearing S61E

[SS Dunclutha, 3973 tons, was built in 1910 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow for the Scottish Navigation Co Ltd. At this time she was used by the Admiralty as a decoy ship. After several changes of owner & name she came under German control in WW2 and was found scuttled at the end of the war.]

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7 June 1917

At sea

Lat -28.0, Long -34.75

6.30am: 1st part port watch working coal

pm: Hands as required, port watch transporting coal

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8 June 1917

At sea

Lat -25.1, Long -36.11

6.30am: Hands turned to, starboard watch coaling

7.33am: Stopped to supply stores to squadron

8.25am: Set course

pm: Hands employed variously, starboard watch transporting coal from no 3

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9 June 1917

At sea

Lat -22.45, Long -37.23

pm: Hands make & mend

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10 June 1917

At sea

Lat -20.2, Long -38.08

7.30am: Stopped ship, colliers ordered to close for provisions

9.00am: Squadron provisioned

10.00am: Divisions. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

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11 June 1917

At sea

Lat -17.94, Long -38.71

6.20am: Raised Abrolhos Light N5E

10.10am: Anchored

All day: Port watch transporting coal

10.15am: Lowered steam pinnace

Noon: Brazilian steamer “Itauba” passed North

[SS Itauba, 1851 tons, was built in 1910 by the Ailsa Shipbuilding Co, Troon. In 1931 she was renamed “Vital de Oliveira” while operated by the Brazilian Navy. In 1944 she was torpedoed while carrying troops with the loss of 100 lives.]

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12 June 1917

Abrolhos anchorage

Lat -17.94, Long -38.71

All day: Starboard watch transporting coal from no 3

7.30pm: Pinnace left with boarding officers to intercept Brazilian steam ship

8.15pm: Pinnace returned

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13 June 1917

Abrolhos anchorage

Lat -17.94, Long -38.71

am: Hands working “Edinburgh Castle’s” stores

pm: Hands make & mend

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14 June 1917


Lat -17.94, Long -38.71

7.45am: Cleared lower deck, hoisted steam pinnace

pm: Hands painting & chipping

2.28pm: Challenged HMS Glasgow

3.40pm: HMS Glasgow anchored

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15 June 1917

Abrolhos to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -17.94, Long -38.71

10.00am: Transferred 8 prisoners of war to HMS Amethyst

     Party with torpedo Lieutenant experimenting with depth charges

Noon: Hoisted all boats

12.30pm: Weighed & proceeded

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16 June 1917

Abrolhos to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -21.52, Long -40.1

9.20am: Altered course & reduced speed to intercept Brazilian SS Amerika

9.50am: Resumed course & speed

6.45pm: Cape St Thome Light abeam, 19'

10.10pm: Santa Anna Light N49W

11.00pm: Santa Anna Light abeam

[The writing of the ship at 9.20 is difficult to read but I cannot find a Brazilian ship which fits the writing & year.

However, there is a possibility that the ship was the Japanese “America Maru”, 6070 tons, which had been sailing to South America. She was built in 1898 by Swan & Hunter Ltd, Wallsend. She was torpedoed in 1944 with the loss of 599 lives.]

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17 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro,

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

12.30am: Cape Frio Light S50W

3.12am: Cape Frio Light abeam bearing N41W

8.25am: Observed Raza Island ahead

8.55am: Negra Light House abeam

11.55am: Entered harbour

12.15pm: Anchored

6.00pm: Steam pinnace left with patrol

7.00pm: Liberty men returned (27 absentees)

10.30pm: Pinnace returned with liberty men, pinnace returned to shore

11.30pm: Pinnace returned with officers

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18 June 1917

Rio de Janerio

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

5.30am: Hands turned to, hoisting cutters

6.35am: Pilot aboard

6.45am: Hove up anchor & proceeded, helm & engines as required to approach dry dock

8.45am: Moored to buoy

pm: Hands at rest

5.00pm: Pinnace left for shore

5.25pm: Three absentees returned aboard by police boat

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19 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

11.00am: HMS Orotava left

1.45pm: Steam pinnace left ship

4.20pm: Steam pinnace returned

5.15pm: Steam pinnace left ship

8.30pm: Steam pinnace returned

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20 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

6.00am: Hands left in cutter to dock

6.45am: Hands returned to ship

7.30am: Cast off from buoy, towed towards dry dock

11.30am: Ship on chocks

1.00pm: 4 ratings left ship to proceed home in SS Dryden

5.15pm: Steam pinnace left ship with officers for shore

6.15pm: Dock Dry

10.30pm: Petty Officer Allington & crew of pinnace returned & reported pinnace sunk by tug “Figaro”

     The following Paymasters Stores were lost by sinking of the Steam Pinnace:

       4 complete oilskin suits (combination)

       8 South Westers

       1 oilskin jacket

       1 pair oilskin trousers

     The following Naval Stores were lost by sinking of the Steam Pinnace:

       Boat’s compass Julians pattern no 191

       Ensign white, 4 breadth

       Boats pendant, 4 yds

       1 Glock lamp

       Rigging chain used for anchor chain, 17 fathoms

[SS Dryden, 5839 tons, was built in 1912 for the Lamport & Holt Line. She was sold in 1932 to Greek owners & renamed.]

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21 June 1917

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Long -43.2

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

6.00am: 8 men under arrest

8.00am: 16 absentees

am: Hands painting ship

1.00pm: Liberty men, 1st part port watch left ship

2.00pm: Bathing party left the ship

5.15pm: Bathing party returned

8.00pm: Liberty men returned, 36 absentees

11.00am: Last liberty boat returned with Petty Officers & some absentees (16 adrift)

     7 men under arrest

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22 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

6.15am: Hands turned to, painting ship

am: Starboard watch turning out cables

1.00pm: Liberty men, 2nd part port watch left ship

8.00pm: Liberty men returned (22 absentees)

11.0pm: Boat returned with Petty Officers & absentees

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23 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

2.25am: M McDonald AB placed under arrest

am: Hands painting ship

1.00pm: Starboard watch on leave

2.15pm: One fireman placed under arrest

8.30pm: Liberty men returned

     Death of Petty Officer Bradley reported. Cause of death: drowning about 7.30pm

[Stoker Petty Officer B Bradley, RNR, no 825/V is buried in Gamboa British Cemetery in grave 615.]

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24 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

9.00am: Officers leave boat returned

9.15am: Divisions & Prayers

12.40pm: Liberty men left the ship

8.00pm: Liberty men returned (24 absentees)

10.45pm: Petty Officers & absentees returned on board

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25 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

All day: Hands employed painting ship’s side

10.00am: Captain & officers from US ship arrive

10.30am: Captain & officers from US Ship left

Noon: Liberty men left

4.00pm: Bathing party left

6.10pm: Bathing party returned

7.50pm: Liberty men returned

11.00pm: Petty Officers & absentees returned

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26 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

am: Hands painting ship’s side

12.40pm: Liberty men left ship

4.00pm: Bathing party left ship

6.40pm: Bathing party returned

8.00pm: Liberty men returned

11.45pm: Boat returned with officers & 2 absentees

4caf8807cadfd3419701deb3: ( 53-47722-016_1.jpg)

27 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

am: Hands employed painting ship’s side

10.00am: Discharged 2 men to hospital

1.00pm: Liberty men left

7.45pm: Liberty men returned

11.55pm: Last boat & patrol returned

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28 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

am: Hands cleaning ship

12.05pm: Liberty men left ship

pm: Hands cleaning dry dock

4.45pm: Bathing party left ship

6.00pm: Bathing party returned

8.00pm: Liberty men returned

4caf8807cadfd3419701deb5: ( 53-47722-017_1.jpg)

29 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

pm: Hands painting ship

3.45pm: HMS Glasgow left

4.30pm: Bathing party left ship

6.00pm: Bathing party returned

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30 June 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

10.00am: Commenced sinking dock

11.15am: Ship afloat

Noon: Floating dock in tow

2.30pm: Anchored

pm: Hands working ammunition & stores

6.40pm: Finished working stores

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[These are blank & cover pages.]


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[These are cover & blank pages.]

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1 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

All day: Coaling throughout

10 00am : Commander of "Glacier", USS store ship, called, also Officer of Guard from French "Marseillaise

5.00pm: Warrants nos 51 & 52 read

[USS Glacier, 8325 tons, was built as SS Port Chalmers in 1891 by JL Thompson & Son, Sunderland. She was purchased and eventually renamed “Glacier” in 1898. She was sold for scrap in 1922.

Marseillaise”, 9534 metric ton cruiser, was launched in 1900 at the Arsenal de Brest. She was broken up in 1933.]

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2 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

     Coaling throughout

11.30am: American Captain paid official visit

11.40pm: Starboard relieved Port Watch, coaling

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3 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

     Coaling throughout

5.15am: Finished coaling

6.45am: Cast off collier

am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Official visit from American Admiral

11.00am: Official visit from French Captain

Noon: HMS Glasgow arrived

pm: Hands working stores

9.10pm: Finished working stores

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4 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

12.30pm: Brazilian President arrived on board American Flagship

1.15pm: Officers with party left ship for Parade

1.30pm: President left Flagship

2.30pm: Received on board one prisoner for detention

7.00pm: Officers with party returned

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5 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

8.30am: HMS Amethyst arrived and anchored

am: Hands preparing ship for sea

Noon: All boats hoisted

12.15pm: Anchor aweigh

1.26pm: Sighted Raza Island Light House West, 3'

5.00pm: Cleared away for night defences

6.00pm: Darkened ship

6.33pm: Cape Frio Light abeam, N34W

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6 July 1917

At sea

Lat -21.23, Long -39.73

All day: Hands employed variously

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7 July 1917

At sea

Lat -19.67, Long -37.05

8.36am: Increased speed to intercept SS B~gornsfjord (Norwegian)

9.37am: Stopped and sent boarding party

10.10am: Boarding party returned and proceeded

[The Norwegian ship may have been the 1087 ton SS Gansfjord, built in 1913 by Stavanger Stoberi & Dok, Stavanger for Kornelius Olsen, Stavanger. She was sold & renamed for the first time in 1954 & scrapped in 1960. I have not been able to find an explanation for the ‘B’ after the SS.]

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8 July 1917

At sea

Lat -17.48, Long -34.28

10.00am: Divisions

10.30am: Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

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9 July 1917

At sea

Lat -14.12, Long -32.58

9.00am: Duty guns crews at anti-submarine stations

9.30am: Watch to anti-submarine stations, carried out evolution

9.40am: Watch dismissed

2.00pm: Stopped ship in order to practice release of depth charge

2.35pm: Proceeded

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10 July 1917

At sea

Lat -11.03, Long -31.13

9.15am: Exercised "Submarine Attack"

am: Hands employed variously, training classes at instruction

pm: Hands as required

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11 July 1917

At sea

Lat -7.87, Long -29.78

9.40am: Stopped ship, ‘Abandon ship’ stations, lowered starboard boats

10.32am: All boats hoisted

10.45am: Proceeded

1.20pm: Hands mustered for medical inspection

4.00pm: Hands mustered to receive life saving belts

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12 July 1917

At sea

Lat -5.7, Long -28.9

am: Hands as required, training classes in progress

2.08pm: Stopped to test depth charge pistols

2.30pm: Course & speed

4.45pm: Stopped to test depth charge pistols

5.25pm: Course & speed

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13 July 1917

At sea

Lat -9.15, Long -29.08

9.00am: Exercised General Quarters

     Gunnery training classes in progress

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14 July 1917

At sea

Lat -12.78, Long -30.13

10.55am: Observed a white object (apparently a piece of lava 2 ft x 1 ft floating lightly) 1 cable east

pm: Hands at rest

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15 July 1917

At sea

Lat -16.05, Long -31.72

10.00am: Mustered by open list & prayers

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16 July 1917

At sea

Lat -19.05, Long -33.1

All day: Starboard watch as required, port watch working coal from no 3 hold

1.30pm: Private Moore released from 90 days detention punishment

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17 July 1917

At sea

Lat -20.9, Long -36.67

am: Starboard working coal from no 3 hold, port watch as required

2.00pm: Sighted vessel, altered course & increased speed

4.30pm: Course & speed

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18 July 1917

At sea

Lat -22.23, Long -40.65

10.35am: Observed high land N69W

Noon: Course & speed as required to intercept steam ship

12.50pm: Stopped, boarding officers left for Spanish SS Catalina

1.40pm: Boarding officers returned,proceeded

7.40pm: Observed Cape Frio Light

11.40pm: Frio Light North, 5'

[SS Catalina, 5291 tons, was built in 1893 by Charles Connell & Co, Scotstoun. She was scrapped in 1924.]

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19 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro Harbour

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

3.43am: Raza Island Light observed bearing N86W

3.55am: Negra Light abeam, 8.7 miles

4.55am: Maricas Light abeam, N19W 3'

7.50am: Anchored

8.30am: Collier “Uskmoor” came alongside

9.05am: Collier secured & commenced coaling

11.30am: Hands to dinner

Noon: Resumed coaling

5.00pm: Pin of 464 shackle lost by accident whilst coaling

7.30pm: Finished coaling

[SS Uskmoor, 3189 tons, was built in 1912 by John Blumer & Co, Sunderland for the Moor Line. She was torpedoed in 1918 without loss of life.]

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20 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

7.30am: Cast off collier

`     Dense fog

9.20am: Fog lifted, weighed anchor and proceeded down the harbour

12.05pm: Anchored off Battleship buoy

1.30pm: Liberty men left the ship

8.45pm: Patrol landed

10.30pm: Liberty men returned

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21 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

12.30am: Patrol arrived with absentees

6.40am: HMS Glasgow & Amethyst arrive

9.20am: Boarding Officers sent to SS Orange Branch

10.00am: Warrant Officers & Petty Officer from HMS Amethyst arrived for exams

     Cutter with ammunition from HMS Amethyst

1.30pm: Liberty men left for shore

5.45pm: Patrol left ship

10.30pm: Liberty men returned

[SS Orange Branch, 3435 tons, was built in 1896 by William Doxford & Sons Ltd, Sunderland as SS Bullionist. She was purchased & renamed by the Nautilus Line in 1899 then sold & renamed Kemmel in 1919. In 1920 she ran aground & was wrecked.]

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22 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.91, Long -43.16

12.45am: Patrol arrived with absentees

6.30am: Hands fell in & hoisted cutters

10.10am: Commodore & Captain of Amethyst arrived

10.30am: Commodore & Captain of Amethyst left

10.35am: Church party left ship

12.20pm: Church party returned

3.00pm: 3 Ratings left ship for “Desna”

7.00pm: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

7.30pm: Sugar Loaf abeam

8.48pm: Maricas Light N27E, 5.5'

9.40pm: Negra Point N27E, 13.6 miles

Operations between South America and South Africa 1917

JP map Macedonia South America - South Africa 1917

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23 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -24.28, Long -40.48

12.10am: Made Cape Frio N51E

1.30am: Cape Frio Light abeam, N25E 29'

am: Hands painting & cleaning ship

3.00pm: Altered course to intercept steam ship & increased speed

4.30pm: Stopped & boarded SS Trongate

5.00pm: Proceeded

[SS Trongate, 2553 tons, was built in 1897 by Thomas Turnbull & Sons, Whitby for Turnbull, Scott & Co, London. In Sep 1917 she was sunk by either a mine or a torpedo with the loss of 2 crew.]

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24 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -25.55, Long -36.48

     Incessant lightning until daybreak

am: Hands employed painting

pm: Hands employed variously

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25 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -27.38, Long -32.52

pm: Hands at rest

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26 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -28.92, Long -28.17

pm: Hands at rest

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27 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -30.4, Long -23.87

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28 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -31.57, Long -19.4

pm: Hands make & mend

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29 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -32.63, Long -14.67

10.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

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30 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -33.37, Long -9.72

12.45pm: Discovered patent log rotator line governor lost

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31 July 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -33.97, Long -5.08

am: Hands painting & cleaning ship

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[These are blank and cover pages.]


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[These are cover & blank pages.]

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1 August 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -34.52, Long -0.15

10.00am: Fo’c’sle men & Quarter Deck men mustered kit for Captain’s inspection

pm: Hands make & mend

4caf8807cadfd3419701deea: ( 53-47724-004_0.jpg)

2 August 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -34.77, Long 4.82

10.00am: Fore & Main topmen mustered kit & hammocks for inspection

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3 August 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -34.75, Long 9.62

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4 August 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simons Town.

Lat -34.73, Long 14.68

1:45pm: Passed a shoal of whales

pm: 2nd part of port watch painting ship

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5 August 1917

Rio de Janeiro to Simonstown

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.00am: Good Hope Light bearing N64E

4.00am: Good Hope Light N56E

10.25am: Anchored

10.30am: Guard Officer from Japanese Cruiser & Guard Officer from HMS Kent arrived

11.00am: Guard Officers left

     Received 11 bags of mails

pm: Hands at rest

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6 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

pm: White & Blue watches discharging empties

3.30pm: Liberty men (Red Watch) left ship on 48 hours leave

6.00pm: Cleared lower deck, hoisted all boats

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7 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7.00am: Hands turned to, working stores

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8 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.30am: Working party left ship

1.30pm: Working party left ship

3.00pm: Liberty men (White Watch) left ship

6.00pm: Escort left for Capetown

4caf8807cadfd3419701def1: ( 53-47724-007_1.jpg)

9 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

1.30am: Escort & absentees returned

8.30am: Dockyard party left ship

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10 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.00pm: Liberty men left ship (Blue Watch)

5.45pm: Liberty men returned (White Watch)

6.30pm: Cleared lower decks, hoisted all boats

8.00pm: Steam Pinnace unable to return to ship owing to boiler trouble

10.00pm: Steam Pinnace returned in tow of Duty Steam Boat

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11 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.10am: Invalids for England left ship

9.00am: Captain & officers left ship for HMS Princess to attend courtmartial of Sub Lieutenant MacLean

[HMS Princess, 8688 tons, was launched in 1905 as SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie at Krupp Yard in Kiel. At the outbreak of war between Germany & France she sought refuge in Falmouth. When Britain declared war she was given the chance to leave but declined and was requisitioned as the Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Princess. She is part of the OW fleet.]

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12 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.30am: Pinnace left ship with church party

12.30pm: Church party returned

7.00pm: Liberty men of Blue Watch returned

4caf8807cadfd3419701def5: ( 53-47724-009_1.jpg)

13 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7.00am: Hands fall in, Dockyard parties mustered

8.45am: Hove up anchor & proceeded to dock

9.45am: Secured alongside

4.00pm: Red watch liberty men left ship

4caf8807cadfd3419701def6: ( 53-47724-010_0.jpg)

14 August 1917

Place: At Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: Dockyard left ship

12.20pm: Dockyard party returned

3.30pm: Liberty men left ship (White Watch)

5.30pm: Liberty men left ship (Blue Watch)

9.00pm: Liberty men returned

4caf8807cadfd3419701def7: ( 53-47724-010_1.jpg)

15 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7.00am: Liberty men of White Watch returned

10.00am: 18 ratings left ship for RN Hospital

1.30pm: Warrant no 53 read

3.30pm: Liberty men left ship (Blue Watch)

     Hands employed working stores from lighter

5.45pm: Liberty men Red Watch left

9.30pm: Liberty men returned

4caf8807cadfd3419701def8: ( 53-47724-011_0.jpg)

16 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

pm: Hands make & mend

5.00pm: Patrol left ship

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17 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7.00am: Hands muster P&O bedding

8.30am: Cleared lower deck. Captain's address

8.40am: Senior Naval Officer arrived on board

10.00am: Hauled down commission pendant. Ship paying off

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[End of log book.]

[New log book.]

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17 August 1917 (duplicate)

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

pm: Ship recommissioning

     Hands as requisite

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18 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.00am: HMS Kent proceeded out of harbour

     Party provisioning whalers

pm: General leave granted to watch

     Hands as requisite

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19 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Church parties left ship

Noon: Church parties returned

pm: Leave granted to watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df08: ( 53-47725-005_0.jpg)

20 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

pm: Hands employed returning ammunition & as requisite

     Leave granted to watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df09: ( 53-47725-005_1.jpg)

21 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Docking party left ship, hands as requisite

2.00pm: Whalers “Nivonia” & “Silesia” left harbour

     Dismounting party at S3 6” gun

     Leave to watch

5.00pm: SS Princess left

6.00pm: Read warrants nos 5 & 6

[“Nivonia”, 175 tons, was built in 1912 purchased by Admiralty 3 Aug 1917 & sold again in 1919.

Silesia”, 175 tons, was built in 1912, purchased by Admiralty 3 Aug 1917 & sold again in 1919.]

4caf8808cadfd3419701df0a: ( 53-47725-006_0.jpg)

22 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Gunner’s party dismounting S3, hands as requisite

11.00am: HMS Himalaya arrived

pm: Leave granted to white watch, hands as requisite

4.00pm: HMS Talbot proceeded into camber

[HMS Himalaya, 6898 tons, was built in 1892 for P&O lines. She was requisitioned as an AMC & seaplane carrier in 1916 and is part of the OW fleet. She was used as a troopship after the war and scrapped in 1922.

HMS Talbot, 5690 tons, was launched in 1895 at Devonport Dockyard. She was scrapped in 1921 and is part of the OW fleet.]

4caf8808cadfd3419701df0b: ( 53-47725-006_1.jpg)

23 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands fall in, getting up ammunition, remainder as requisite

pm: Leave granted to Blue Watch, hands as requisite

5.00pm: Patrol landed

6.00pm: HMS Trent arrived

[HMS Trent, 5573 tons, was built in 1899 for the Royal Mail Line. She was requisitioned in 1915, returned to civilian service after the war & scrapped in 1922. She is part of the OW fleet.]

4caf8808cadfd3419701df0c: ( 53-47725-007_0.jpg)

24 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

1.00am: Discharged 1 officer to HMS Himalaya

     HMS Himalaya proceeded to sea

am: Gunners dismounting S4, hands as requisite

pm: Leave to Red Watch, hands employed as requisite

7:40pm: Dockyard man missing from work found down No 4 hatch, death caused by fall

10.00pm: Ambulance arrived for body

4caf8808cadfd3419701df0d: ( 53-47725-007_1.jpg)

25 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Docking party employed at HMS Trent

pm: Leave granted to Blue Watch

4.00pm: HMS Britannia arrived

6.00pm: Warrant no 1 read

[HMS Britannia, 16,350 ton battlship, was launched in 1904 at Portsmouth Dockyard. She was torpedoed in Nov 1918 with the loss of 50 men and is part of the OW fleet.]

4caf8808cadfd3419701df0e: ( 53-47725-008_0.jpg)

26 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.00am: HMS Himalaya arrived

10.00am: Church parties left ship

pm: Leave granted to Blue Watch

     Hands at rest

4caf8808cadfd3419701df0f: ( 53-47725-008_1.jpg)

27 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.30am: Board of inquiry sitting

pm: Docking party employed docking SS Trent

     Leave granted to Red watch

7.00pm: SS Trent left camber

4caf8808cadfd3419701df10: ( 53-47725-009_0.jpg)

28 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

6.30am: Hospital party left ship

4.00pm: Leave for White Watch

5.00pm: Read warrants nos 2 & 8

4caf8808cadfd3419701df11: ( 53-47725-009_1.jpg)

29 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

pm: Gunner’s party lifting P3 gun

4.00pm: Leave granted to Blue Watch

     Lost overboard by accident: 1 drill cartridge, B7, 6"

4caf8808cadfd3419701df12: ( 53-47725-010_0.jpg)

30 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Gunner’s party dismounting guns

Noon: HMS Himalaya proceeded to sea

1.00pm: Hands mustered for soap & tobacco

     Leave to watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df13: ( 53-47725-010_1.jpg)

31 August 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Gunner’s party dismounting guns

4.00pm: Leave granted to White Watch

5.00pm: Warrant no 9 read

6.00pm: Landed patrol

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[These are blank or cover pages.]


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4caf8808cadfd3419701df1e: ( 53-47726-003_0.jpg)

[These are cover pages or blank.]

4caf8808cadfd3419701df1f: ( 53-47726-003_1.jpg)

1 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

1.00pm: Hands receive monthly payment

pm: Leave for Red watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df20: ( 53-47726-004_0.jpg)

2 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.15am: Church party landed

pm: Leave for Blue watch

4.00pm: Patrol landed

4caf8808cadfd3419701df21: ( 53-47726-004_1.jpg)

3 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: HMS Talbot went out of Basin

10.00am: HMS Britannia entered dock

1.00pm: Leave for Blue watch

4.00pm: Leave for White watch 4.0 - 9.0

4caf8808cadfd3419701df22: ( 53-47726-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: Ratings left ship for England

2.00pm: Leave for White watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df23: ( 53-47726-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

1.00pm: Leave for Red watch

5.00pm: Leave for Blue Watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df24: ( 53-47726-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.30pm: Leave for Blue Watch

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7 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.00pm: Leave for Red watch

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8 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.00am: Japanese cruiser left harbor

11.30am: Japanese cruiser came into harbour

1.00pm: Leave for White watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df27: ( 53-47726-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7.00am: Hands employed undocking collier

9.30am: Church party landed

1.30pm: Leave for Red watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df28: ( 53-47726-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.30am: HMS Talbot left Harbour

10.00am: HMS Britannia came out of dock

11.30am: HMS Talbot came into harbour

1.30pm: Leave to Red Watch:

4caf8808cadfd3419701df29: ( 53-47726-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.30pm: Leave for Blue Watch

4caf8808cadfd3419701df2a: ( 53-47726-009_0.jpg)

12 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: Japanese cruiser peoceeded out of harbour

10.00am: HMS Britannia left harbour for target practice

2.00pm: Leave for White watch

4.30pm: HMS Britannia entered harbour

4caf8808cadfd3419701df2b: ( 53-47726-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.00pm: Leave for the Red Watch

9.00pm: Closed water tight doors

4caf8808cadfd3419701df2c: ( 53-47726-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.30am: HMS Britannia left harbour

3.00pm: Leave for White watch

5.00pm: HMS Britannia arrived in harbour

Number on sick list 4

4caf8808cadfd3419701df2d: ( 53-47726-010_1.jpg)

15 September 1917

Simons Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

11.00am: HMS Kent arrived

pm: Leave for Blue watch

     Make & mend

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df2e: ( 53-47726-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: Divisions

10.00am: Church party correct

pm: Leave for White watch

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df2f: ( 53-47726-011_1.jpg)

17 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

11.00am: Hands employed docking ship

1.15pm: Ship docked

     Hands employed cleaning ship bottom

4.30pm: Leave for Red watch

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df30: ( 53-47726-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1917

Simon's Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s bottom

9.00am: HMS Talbot came into basin

pm: Hands employed cleaning dry dock

4.00pm: Leave for White watch

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df31: ( 53-47726-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1917

Simon's Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

1.30am: Japanese Cruiser left harbour

4.00pm: Japanese cruiser arrived

5.00pm: Leave for the blue watch

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df32: ( 53-47726-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: HMS Britannia left harbour

4.00pm: HMS Britannia arrived in harbour

5.00pm: Leave for White watch

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df33: ( 53-47726-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.30am: HMS Britannia left harbour

3.00pm: Leave for White watch

Number on sick list 0

4caf8808cadfd3419701df34: ( 53-47726-014_0.jpg)

22 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

10.00am: HMS Talbot left basin

pm: Make & mend

     Leave for Red watch

Number on sick list 0

4caf8808cadfd3419701df35: ( 53-47726-014_1.jpg)

23 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.30am: Church party landed

pm: Leave for Blue Watch

Number on sick list 0

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24 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.30pm: Leave for the blue watch

Number on sick list 0

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25 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

4.00pm: Leave for White watch

Number on sick list - nil

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26 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.30am: HMS Britannia left harbour

11.30am: HMS Himalaya arrived in harbour

3.00pm: HMS Himalaya came into basin

5.00pm: Leave for Red watch

No log for 27 September

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28 September 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

3.30pm: Leave for the white watch

Number on sick list 1

4caf8808cadfd3419701df3a: ( 53-47726-017_0.jpg)

29 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

7.00am: HMS Himalaya left basin

8.00am: HMS Kent went out of basin

9.00am: Undocked & went alongside sea wall

10.30am: HMS Talbot entered basin

3.00pm: Leave for the white & blue watches

Number on sick list 1

4caf8808cadfd3419701df3b: ( 53-47726-017_1.jpg)

30 September 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: Divisions correct

10.00am: Church party landed

1.30pm: Leave for the red watch

2.00pm: Leave for boys

Number on sick list 2

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[These are blank or cover pages.]


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[These are cover or blank pages.]

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1 October 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

9.00am: Hands paid monthly money

3.00pm: Leave given to blue watch

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2 October 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Hands coal ship

2.30pm: HMS Kent arrived in harbour

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df47: ( 53-47727-004_1.jpg)

3 October 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

All day: Hands employed coaling ship

6.30pm: Finished coaling, hands cleaning ship

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df48: ( 53-47727-005_0.jpg)

4 October 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

am: Hands employed taking in ammunition

pm: Party taking in ammunition, remainder as requisite

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df49: ( 53-47727-005_1.jpg)

5 October 1917

Simons Town

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.30am: Ship shifted from sea wall to harbour, anchored in 6 fathoms

1.30pm: Proceeded to sea for gun practice.

     Commenced firing

3.30pm: Ceased firing

     Anchored in 6 fathoms

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df4a: ( 53-47727-006_0.jpg)

6 October 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

10.00am: Flooding arrangements of magazines tested & found correct

pm: Hands make & mend clothes

5.00pm: Port anchor let go, wind increasing

9.00pm: Anchor bearings frequently verified & correct

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df4b: ( 53-47727-006_1.jpg)

7 October 1917

Simonstown Harbour

Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

5.00pm: Weighed port anchor

4caf8808cadfd3419701df4c: ( 53-47727-007_0.jpg)

8 October 1917


Lat -34.17, Long 18.42

8.50am: Shortened in cable, proceeded to sea

9.45am: Hands exercised at ‘General Quarters’ & ;Abandon ship stations’

4.15pm: Arrived Cape Town, received pilot, proceeded into Dock

5.00pm: Ship secured alongside jetty

6.30pm: Read warrants nos 22 & 23

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df4d: ( 53-47727-007_1.jpg)

9 October 1917

Cape Town

Lat -33.93, Long 18.42

am: Various parties at special work with Gunner & Boatswain, remainder of hands as requisite

1.00pm: 2 ratings left ship

6.00pm: Hands taking in fresh meat

4caf8808cadfd3419701df4e: ( 53-47727-008_0.jpg)

10 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -33.88, Long 18.32

10.30am: Unmoored ship & proceeded to sea

8.00pm: Duty guns crews for night mustered

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df4f: ( 53-47727-008_1.jpg)

11 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -33.25, Long 13.68

5.45am: Dismissed guns crews from night defence stations

11.00am: Hands exercised at General Quarters

     Gunner’s party fuzing Lyddite shell

2.00pm: Patent log found switched off without orders

Number on sick list 5

4caf8808cadfd3419701df50: ( 53-47727-009_0.jpg)

12 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -33.53, Long 8.83

9.00am: Divisions. Ship’s company exercised at Fire Drill

6.00pm: Starboard watch exercised at ‘Out collision mat’

Number on sick list 5

4caf8808cadfd3419701df51: ( 53-47727-009_1.jpg)

13 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -31.62, Long 4.21

1.00pm: Hands aired night clothing

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 4

4caf8808cadfd3419701df52: ( 53-47727-010_0.jpg)

14 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -30.7, Long -0.22

10.00am: Divisions & Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

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15 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -29.9, Long -4.82

6.00pm: Port watch exercised at ‘Close water tight doors’

Number on sick list 4

4caf8808cadfd3419701df54: ( 53-47727-011_0.jpg)

16 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -29.12, Long -9.22

9.00am: Divisions. Fo’c’sle men to rifle drill

6.00pm: Starboard watch exercised at ‘Close water tight doors’

Number on sick list 3

4caf8808cadfd3419701df55: ( 53-47727-011_1.jpg)

17 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -28.25, Long -13.77

10.00am: Marines at rifle drill

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df56: ( 53-47727-012_0.jpg)

18 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -27.45, Long -18.38

All day: Port watch transporting coal

pm: Starboard watch make & mend

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df57: ( 53-47727-012_1.jpg)

19 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -26.37, Long -22.73

All day: Starboard watch transporting coal to no 4

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df58: ( 53-47727-013_0.jpg)

20 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -25.67, Long -27.17

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df59: ( 53-47727-013_1.jpg)

21 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -24.92, Long -31.61

pm: Hands make & mend

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df5a: ( 53-47727-014_0.jpg)

22 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -24.22, Long -35.65

am: Hands painting guns & as requisite

Number on sick list 1

4caf8808cadfd3419701df5b: ( 53-47727-014_1.jpg)

23 October 1917

Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro

Lat -23.68, Long -38.65

pm: Hands painting & variously

Number on sick list 1

4caf8808cadfd3419701df5c: ( 53-47727-015_0.jpg)

24 October 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

12.35am: Cape Frio abeam, 8 miles

5.25am: Maricas Light House abeam, 6'

6.25am: Raza Island abeam, 2.5'

7.20am: Anchored

am: Store ship alongside, hands working in stores

pm: Hands storing ship

4.00pm: Cast off storeship

5.00pm: Collier arrived alongside

6.00pm: Received 13 ratings

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df5d: ( 53-47727-015_1.jpg)

25 October 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

Midnight: HMS Amethyst left harbour

6.00am: Hands coal ship

7.10pm: Ceased coaling for night

4caf8808cadfd3419701df5e: ( 53-47727-016_0.jpg)

26 October 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

5.40am: Cast off collier “Dunclutha”

7.00am: Secured collier “Trevince” alongside

All day: Hands coaling ship

6.00pm: Ceased coaling

7.00pm: Cast off collier

Number on sick list 2

[SS Dunclutha, 3973 tons, was built in 1910 by Russell & Co, Port Glasgow for the Scottish Navigation Co Ltd. She was chartered by the Admiralty 1916-8. In 1935 she was sold to foreign owners & renamed for the first time and was finally scuttled in 1945 while under German control.]

4caf8808cadfd3419701df5f: ( 53-47727-016_1.jpg)

27 October 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

4.45am: HMS Glasgow arrived

am: Hands cleaning ship

4.00pm: Leave given

5.00pm: Read warrants nos 21 & 22

6.00pm: 2 ratings released from cells & discharged to "Glasgow"

Number on sick list 2

4caf8808cadfd3419701df60: ( 53-47727-017_0.jpg)

28 October 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

7.00am: Store ship arrived alongside, watch taking in stores

am: Starboard watch storing ship

pm: Port watch storing ship

5.00pm: Whilst transferring stores for "Amethyst" from SS Spilsby to "Macedonia," 3½ cases of condensed milk & 5 bags of grain were lost owing to the ranging of the "Spilsby"

9.00pm: Collier left ship

Number on sick list 2

[SS Spilsby, 3673 tons, was built in 1910 by Ropner & Sons, Stockton-on-Tees. She was sold for scrap in 1936.]

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29 October 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

4.00pm: Leave granted

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30 October 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

3.00pm: 1 rating joined ship

4.30pm: Hands storing from lighter

8:45pm: HMS Amethyst arrived

Number on sick list 2

4caf8809cadfd3419701df63: ( 53-47727-018_1.jpg)

31 October 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

1.50pm: Brazilian Fleet arrived in harbour

2.00pm: Officer of the Guard left ship

3.30pm: OOG returned onboard

7.00pm: Hove up anchor and found foul of telephone cable. Started clearing anchor. Lowered whaler

9.20pm: Cable cleared, hoisted whaler & proceeded out of harbour

10.30pm: Commenced zig-zagging

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4caf8809cadfd3419701df67: ( 53-47727-020_1.jpg)

[These are blank & cover pages.]

Operations off South America 1918

JP map Macedonia South America 1918


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4caf8809cadfd3419701df6d: ( 53-47728-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1917

At sea

Lat -23.5, Long -41.22

     Zig-zag every 10 minutes

2.45am: Stopped zig-zagging

8.30am: Helm hard Starboard to intercept SS Tokio Maru (Japanese) bound Maldonado

8.45am: Resumed course

pm: Hands make & mend clothes

[SS Tokio Maru may have been the ship of 3024 tons built in 1894 as SS Hambleton by the Ropner Shipbuilding & Repairing Co, Stockton-on-Tees. She sailed as “Tokio Maru” 1913-1917 and as “Tosho Maru” 1917-18. She was torpedoed in 1918 without loss of life.]

4caf8809cadfd3419701df6e: ( 53-47728-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1917

At sea

Lat -21.93, Long -37.62

1.15pm: Hands mustered by open list to receive payment

Number on sick list 1

4caf8809cadfd3419701df6f: ( 53-47728-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1917

At sea

Lat -20.13, Long -34.5

6.30am: Observed vessel on port quarter & altered course for same

8.35am: Duty guns crews closed up

9.38am: Boarding officers boarded SS Admiral Troude (French)

10.00am: Hoisted whaler & proceeded

pm: Hands make & mend clothes

5.00pm: Released 2 men from cells. Read warrants nos 25 & 29

Number on sick list 1

[SS Amiral Troude, 5615 tons, was built in 1904 at the St Nazaire Yard for Chargeurs Reunis, Le Havre. She was scrapped in 1929.]

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4 November 1917

At sea

Lat -19.13, Long -30.5

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection

10.30am: Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 1

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5 November 1917

At sea

Lat -15.95, Long -28.87

All day: Hands employed as requisite

am: Training classes at drill etc

Number on sick list 1

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6 November 1917

At sea

Lat -12.63, Long -27.28

All day: Hands employed as requisite

am: Training classes at drill etc

Number on sick list 2

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7 November 1917

At sea

Lat -8.78, Long -28.37

All day: Hands employed as requisite

am: Training classes at drill etc

Number on sick list 2

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8 November 1917

At sea

Lat -5.18, Long -28.32

6.15am: Port watch transporting coal from reserve hold to bunkers. Starboard watch as requisite

9.20am: Observed steamer to NE, altered course to intercept

10.10am: Stopped. Sent away boarding party (found satisfactory & allowed to proceed, SS Herminius)

10.50am: Resumed course & speed

All day: Port watch coaling

6.00pm: Finished working coal for the day

Number on sick list 2

[SS Herminius, 3548 tons, was built in 1898 for the Houston Line. She was sold & renamed in 1919.]

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9 November 1917

At sea

Lat -7.87, Long -29.82

All day: Starboard watch coaling

7.50pm: Stopped owing to breakdown in steering

9.15pm: Steering gear repaired & proceeded

Number on sick list 2

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10 November 1917

At sea

Lat -11.47, Long -31.08

pm: Hands piped down

5.00pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants nos 31 & 32

Number on sick list 2

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11 November 1917

At sea

Lat -15.42, Long -32.28

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. Divine Service

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list 1

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12 November 1917

At sea

Lat -19.28, Long -33.02

am: Hands employed as requisite, training classes etc at drill

pm: Hands employed as requisite

Number on sick list 1

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13 November 1917

At sea

Lat -21.63, Long -33.5

am: Hands employed as requisite, training classes etc at drill

pm: Hands employed as requisite

4.20pm: Observed steamer to NW, altered course to intercept & investigate

5.00pm: Stopped & communicated by signal, satisfactory & allowed to proceed (SS Canova)

Number on sick list 1

[SS Canova, 4637 tons, was built in 1895 by D & W Henderson Ltd, Glasgow. At this time she was operated by Liverpool Brazil & River Plate Steam Navigation Co. She was torpedoed in Dec 1917 with the loss of 7 men.]

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14 November 1917

At sea

Lat -22.6, Long -39.82

pm: Hands to make & mend

Number on sick list 1

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15 November 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

5.00am: Observed high land bearing NW

6.00am: Stopped & boarded pilot

6.10am: Proceeded into harbour

6.50am: Stop. Arrived at anchorage

1.00pm: Six ratings joined ship

pm: Hands at rest

4.15pm: Collier “Dorrington Court” secured alongside, hands rigging for coaling

6.00pm: Hands piped down

Number on sick list 1

[SS Dorington Court, 4777 tons, was built in 1915 by Richardson, Duck & Co, Thornaby. She was sold & renamed in 1936. Her last owners were German & she became a war prize in 1945. In 1948 she was scuttled with obsolete ammunition in the Skaggerak.]

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16 November 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

5.00am: Commenced coaling ship

11.00am: Following officers joined ship ex "Orita" Engineering Lieutenant Commander Klitz, Lieutenant Carey, Lieutenant Engineer Boyes, Engineering Sub Lieutenant Hughes, Engineers MFA Cambell and Clark

4.30pm: Finished coaling & cast off collier (amount taken in 610 tons)

7.00pm: Hands piped down

Number on sick list 1

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17 November 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

am: Hands employed cleaning ship

pm: Hands piped down

     Short leave granted starboard watch

5.00pm: Evening quarters, read warrants nos 34 & 35

10.30pm: Watch returned from leave

Number on sick list - nil

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18 November 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

9.30am: Divisions

9.45am: Landed church parties

12.30pm: Church parties returned

pm: Hands at rest

Number on sick list - nil

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19 November 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

4.00pm: Short leave granted to starboard watch

10.30pm: Watch returned from leave

Number on sick list 2

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20 November 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

7.30am: Store lighter arrived alongside

8.00am: Water lighter arrived alongside

All day: Hands working stores & employed as requisite

4.00pm: Short leave granted to port watch

4.30pm: Finished stores & water & cast off lighters

10.30pm: Watch returned from leave

Number on sick list 2

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21 November 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

4.00pm: Short leave granted to starboard watch

10.30pm: Watch returned from leave

Number on sick list 3

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22 November 1917

Rio de Janeiro

Lat -22.90, Long -43.21

11.30am: 18 Ratings joined ship

5.30pm: Anchor aweigh & proceeded

6.10pm: Passed Fort Large

6.30pm: Darkened ship

7.00pm: Cleared away for night defences & set night defences

Number on sick list 4

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23 November 1917

At sea

Lat -23.12, Long -40.55

5.30am: Dismissed night defences

11.00am: Exercised ship’s company at General Quarters

5.00pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no. 36

Number on sick list 2

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