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Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion Pendant Nos. MI.80 (1.18), MI.43 (4.18). Built 1908, 10890grt, 18.5kts. Armament: 4-6in. In service 28.3.16-18.10.19. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes: Positions (Latitude and Longitude) are given for noon each day, correcting or estimating the position when appropriate. If exact times are not indicated in the log they have, when appropriate, been estimated from the position of the entries (which show times on the left hand side of the log page). A note is made of numbers on the sick list where this is 5 or more. This and other information from the log is included in square brackets [not in italics] if it is not to be found under “Remarks” on the right hand side of the page. Additional information about geographical locations, terminology and about merchant and foreign naval ships encountered has been provided where identification is reasonably certain, by means of embedded links within the text. There is more information about the ship here. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) LOGS FOR JULY 1917 4caf888fcadfd34197021392: ( 53-49966-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for 5 to 31st July 1917, in poor condition] 4caf888fcadfd34197021393: ( 53-49966-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by SR Bertram Lieutenant RNR, Navigating Officer] 4caf888fcadfd34197021394: ( 53-49966-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf888fcadfd34197021395: ( 53-49966-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf888fcadfd34197021396: ( 53-49966-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers:]
4caf888fcadfd34197021397: ( 53-49966-003_1.jpg) 5 July 1917 At London Lat 51.51, Long 0.06 [Ship at Royal Albert Dock] am: Ship commissioning. No stationery on board. 4caf888fcadfd34197021398: ( 53-49966-004_0.jpg) 6 July 1917 At London Lat 51.51, Long 0.06 [Ship at Royal Albert Dock] am: Ship in Commission: no stationery on board. 4caf888fcadfd34197021399: ( 53-49966-004_1.jpg) 7 July 1917 At London Lat 51.51, Long 0.06 [Ship at Royal Albert Dock] 2.0am and 4.0am: Rounds correct. 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. [Barometer “Not yet received” in am, barometer readings from noon onwards] 8.0am: Breakfast. 9.0am: Hands employed getting in ammunition. Noon: Dinner. 1.15pm: Hands employed getting in stores and Ammunition. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.30pm: Hands to tea. 5.0pm: Leave to port watch till 7.0am. 5.30pm: Exercised fire stations. 7.0pm: Supper. 8.0pm: Stand by hammocks. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. Midnight: Rounds correct. [Provisions on board on Commissioning: Fresh Meat 47090 lb, Vegetables 7929 lbs] 4caf888fcadfd3419702139a: ( 53-49966-005_0.jpg) 8 July 1917 At London Lat 51.51, Long 0.06 [Ship at Royal Albert Dock] 2.0am and 4.0am: Rounds correct. 6.15am: Hands employed stowing ammunition and fuzing shell etc and as requisite. 8.0am: Breakfast. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 10.0am: Captain’s Inspection. Noon: Dinner. 1.32pm: Slipped and proceeded out of dock. 2.24pm: Anchored in basin. 2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.10pm: Left Basin: proceeded as requisite down river. Courses and speed as required. [Proceeding to Tilbury Dock] 4.47pm: Jenningtree Point abeam. 5.0pm: Crayford Ness abeam. 5.22pm: Broadness abeam. 5.57pm: Tilbury Ness. Stop both: tugs made fast. 6.15pm: Proceeded in tow. 6.30pm: Entered dock gates. 7.5pm: Alongside Jetty. 7.27pm: Secured to Jetty. [At Tilbury Dock] 9.0pm and Midnight: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. [Rain for most of day] 4caf888fcadfd3419702139b: ( 53-49966-005_1.jpg) 9 July 1917 At Tilbury Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.0am: Breakfast and clean. 8.45am: Clear up decks. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.40am: Exercised action stations. 11.0am: Hands employed getting in stores and as requisite. 0.50pm: Entered Tilbury NW Dock. 1.15pm: Hands employed placing shores and as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Leave to port watch till 7.0am. 6.0pm: Exercised fire stations. 6.30pm: Secure. 8.0pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Clear up Mess decks. 9.0pm: Rounds. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf888fcadfd3419702139c: ( 53-49966-006_0.jpg) 10 July 1917 At Tilbury Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 8.45am: Hands employed fuzing shell and getting in stores and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed getting in Stores, fitting boats gear, and as requisite. 5.0pm: Leave to starboard watch till 7am. 4caf888fcadfd3419702139d: ( 53-49966-006_1.jpg) 11 July 1917 At Tilbury Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 9.10am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed fuzing shell and as requisite. 5.0pm: Leave to port watch till 7am. 4caf888fcadfd3419702139e: ( 53-49966-007_0.jpg) 12 July 1917 At Tilbury Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 9.30am: Hands employed fitting boat’s gear, getting in stores and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed provisioning ship, fitting boats’ gear and as requisite. 5.0pm: Leave to starboard watch till 7am. 4caf888fcadfd3419702139f: ( 53-49966-007_1.jpg) 13 July 1917 At Tilbury Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 9.40am: Landed funeral party (100 men). [Entry on Casualty List for 9 July reads: Morea, armed merchant cruiser. PATERSON, James, Ty/Engineer Lieutenant Commander, RNR, drowned in UK] am: Hands employed fitting boat’s gear and as requisite. 0.40pm: Funeral party returned on board. 1.15pm: Hands employed getting in Stores, fuzing shell, etc. 5.0pm: Leave to port watch till 7am. 4caf888fcadfd341970213a0: ( 53-49966-008_0.jpg) 14 July 1917 At Tilbury Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 3.15am: Commenced flooding dock. 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Proceeded in tow, to coaling jetty. 10.0am: Secured alongside coaling jetty. Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Coal lighters alongside. 1.0pm: Muster for payment. 2.0pm: Hands employed provisioning ship and as requisite. 5.0pm: Leave to starboard watch till 7am. 4caf888fcadfd341970213a1: ( 53-49966-008_1.jpg) 15 July 1917 At Tilbury Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 7.30am: RC [Roman Catholic] Church party landed. 9.15am: Ship’s Company mustered by open list. 9.30am: C of E [Church of England] party landed. 10.0am: Captains Rounds. Noon: Dinner = pipe down. 1.0pm: Leave to port watch till 7am. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.0pm: Exercised fire stations. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf888fcadfd341970213a2: ( 53-49966-009_0.jpg) 16 July 1917 At Tilbury Dock Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at P&O Company’s Jetty, Tilbury Dock] 6.0am: Hands employed provisioning ship and stowing spirits. 7.30am: Shore party coaling ship. 9.30am: Hands employed refitting boat’s gear and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.30pm: Exercised Action stations. 5.0pm: Leave to Starboard watch till 7am. 5.30pm: Exercised fire stations. 4caf888fcadfd341970213a3: ( 53-49966-009_1.jpg) 17 July 1917 At Tilbury Dock Lat 51.46, Long 0.35 [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning. 9.0am: Hands employed getting in Stores, fitting paravane gear and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed stowing ammunition and stores, and as requisite. 5.0pm: Exercised “Abandon Ship” stations. 5.30pm: Exercised Fire stations. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2093 tons. 4caf888fcadfd341970213a4: ( 53-49966-010_0.jpg) 18 July 1917 At Tilbury and Sheerness Lat 51.45, Long 0.32 [estimated] [Ship at Tilbury Dock] 10.36am: Left coaling jetty. Draft Forward 25’ 6”, aft 26’ 11”. 11.28am: Entered lock. 11.40am: Left lock. 0.7pm: In river. 1.0pm: Passed Thames Haven. [Proceeding from Tilbury Dock to Sheerness] 1.50pm: Nore Light Vessel abeam. Engines and helm as requisite approaching Sheerness. 2.24pm: Passed West Cant Buoy. 2.27pm: Full ahead both. 2.30pm: Collided with boom. 2.48pm: Passed boom. 3.15pm: Picked up No 9 Buoy. 4.25pm: Secured to Buoy. [Ship at No 9 Buoy Sheerness Harbour] 6.45pm: HM Tugs “Diligent” and “Bruno” [both listed here]. 7.15pm: Ship swung for adjustment of compasses. 7.50pm: Finished swinging. [Squally south westerly wind force 4/6 in pm] 4caf888fcadfd341970213a5: ( 53-49966-010_1.jpg) 19 July 1917 At Sheerness Lat 51.49, Long 0.77 [very rough estimate based on minimal information] [Ship at No 9 Buoy Sheerness] 8.0am: Hands employed securing for sea. 8.30am: Commenced to unmoor. 9.30am: One joining shackle lost overboard by accident. 9.50am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. 10.13am: Passed boom. Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding to Mouse Light Vessel. 11.1am: Commenced firing. Courses as requisite for carrying out gun trials. 1.18pm: Finished gunnery trials. 1.30pm: Full speed: off East Oaze Buoy. 1.48pm - 1.52pm: Speed trial over measured mile. 2.16pm: Took station astern of “HMS Zealandia” and proceeded as requisite for Sheerness, 10 knots. 2.34pm: Passed boom. 2.58pm: Picked up No 9 buoy. 3.30pm: Secured to buoy. [Ship at No 9 Buoy Sheerness Harbour. 5.35pm: Exercised sea-boats crews. 6.0pm and 7.30pm: Watch employed rigging paravane gear. 8.0pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf888fcadfd341970213a6: ( 53-49966-011_0.jpg) 20 July 1917 At Sheerness Lat 51.55, Long 1.25 [At Sheerness No 9 Buoy] 6.0am: Hands employed getting up ammunition. 9.58am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. 10.16am: Passed boom. Courses as requisite proceeding to Edinbro’ [Edinburgh] Light Vessel. 10.51am: Outer Bar Buoy abeam, Course East. 11.12am: West Oaze abeam, altered course N87E. 11.55am: NW Shingles Beacon abeam, altered course N77E. 0.15pm: Cleared Edinbro’ Channel, altered course S60E. 0.35pm: Tongue Light Vessel N81E, altered course S53E. 0.50pm: Altered course S15E. 1.20pm: No 2 Elbow Buoy abeam, altered course S39W. 2.0pm: Passed Downs Gate. 2.25pm: Anchored in Downs. South Foreland S34W, North Foreland N8E. [At Anchor] 4.0pm: Hands to evening quarters. 5.4pm: Weighed and proceeded S21W. 5.42pm: South Foreland abeam 1.5 miles, altered course S65W. 5.52pm: Altered course S70W. 6.14pm: Passed Folkestone Gate. 6.20pm: Altered course S56W. 6.50pm: Altered course S53W. 7.20pm: Dungeness Light House N60W, 1.75 miles. 7.35pm: Dungeness Light House North 1.7 miles, altered course S80W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.20pm: Royal Sovereign Light Vessel abeam 0.1 miles, altered course N87W. 9.55pm: Beachy Head Light House abeam 3 miles. Midnight: Rounds correct. 4caf888fcadfd341970213a7: ( 53-49966-011_1.jpg) 21 July 1917 From Sheerness to Plymouth and at Plymouth Lat 50.29, Long -4.20 [very rough estimate] 0.30am: Owers Light Vessel abeam 2.5 miles, altered course N80W. 1.58am: St Catherines Light House abeam 1.7 miles, altered course S88W. 3.15am: Anvil Point Light House abeam 9 miles, log 83. 3.30am: Altered course S82W. 3.45am: Altered course S70W. 4.0am: Portland Bill abeam 14 miles, altered course S87W. 5.15am: Stopped: out paravanes. 5.45am: Proceeded. 6.45am: Start Point Light House N61W. 6.52am: Start Point N58W, Berry Head N3W. 7.55am: Altered course N64W. 9.40am: Altered course N22W. 9.50am: Dense fog. Reduced speed. 10.50am: Altered course N20E. Eddystone Light House N62W. Noon: Rame Head N5W - Penlee Point N42E, altered course N66E. 0.10pm: Altered course N31E. 0.22pm: Rounded Breakwater Light House. 0.27pm: Anchored in 6.5 fathoms with starboard anchor and 2 shackles. [At Anchor. Breakwater Beacon S50E, Mount Batten Tower N44E] 2.10pm: Weighed and proceeded up harbour. Courses and speed as requisite. 2.50pm: Passed boom. 3.10pm: Picked up No 6 Buoy. 3.30pm: Secured to Buoy. [Ship at Devonport (No 6 Buoy)] 4.0pm: Hands to tea: clean in coaling rig. 4.35pm: Hands employed rigging coaling gear. 6.35pm: Commenced coaling. 7.30pm: Supper. 8.0pm: Resumed coaling. 9.0pm: Ceased coaling. Midnight: Rounds correct. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1930 tons] 4caf888fcadfd341970213a8: ( 53-49966-012_0.jpg) 22 July 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [estimated] [Ship at No 6 Buoy] 2.0am and 4.0am: Rounds correct. 6.0am and 8.30am: Hands employed coaling ship. 10.0am: 3 Ratings discharged to RN Hospital. 1.0pm and 4.30pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 7.15pm: Supper. 8.0pm: Resumed Coaling. 9.50pm: Completed Coaling. 10.30pm: Pipe down. 10.50pm: Coal lighters left ship. Coal received 580 tons. [Provisions received: Vegetables 3500 lbs] 4caf888fcadfd341970213a9: ( 53-49966-012_1.jpg) 23 July 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 6 Buoy] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite: getting in stores, etc. 11.10am: 26 Ratings joined from Depôt. 1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship: getting in stores and as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.0pm: Exercised fire stations. 8.0pm: Draft of water: Forward 25’ 6”, Aft 26’ 00”. 8.30pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. 9.10pm: Anchored in Plymouth Sound, with Starboard anchor and 2 shackles cable. [Anchor Bearings: Breakwater Light House S54W, Breakwater Beacon S5E] 10.0pm: Pipe down. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2472 tons] 4caf888fcadfd341970213aa: ( 53-49966-013_0.jpg) 24 July 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.34, Long -4.15 [estimated] [Ship at Devonport] 9.0am: Hands employed testing and fitting paravanes etc, and securing for sea. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.10pm: Exercised abandon ship. 8.0pm: Stand by hammocks. 8.30pm: Clear up Mess decks. 10.0pm: Pipe down. [Weather fine after early mist, light winds, noon temperature 63F (temperatures shown in log for first time, from noon onwards)] 4caf888fcadfd341970213ab: ( 53-49966-013_1.jpg) 25 July 1917 At Plymouth Lat 50.34, Long -4.15 [Ship at Devonport No 6 Buoy] [though this information is at odds with that in log on previous two days] 9.0am: Hands employed fuzing shell, cleaning store-rooms, fitting boat’s gear and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 8.30pm: Commenced to weigh. 8.50pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.5pm: Rounded breakwater. 9.15pm: Drayston [Draystone] Buoy. 9.22pm: Folly Head abeam 1.4 miles. 10.25pm: Eddystone Light House N61W, 6.5 miles, log 4. Course S50W. 11.40am: Lizard Light House N61W. Eddystone N49E. 4caf888fcadfd341970213ac: ( 53-49966-014_0.jpg) 26 July 1917 At Sea Lat 48.00, Long -6.97 0.19am: Lizard Light House abeam distant 22 miles, log 26.7. 4.10am: Altered course S62W. 4.17am: Increased to 70 revs. 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Quarters clean guns. 9.30am: Secure. 0.8pm: Altered course S30W. 0.20pm: Altered course S40W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.0pm: Passed 4-funelled cruiser HMS “King Alfred” and convoy steering to E. 5.28pm: Altered course S53W, log 21.4. 8.0pm: Altered course S81W - Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S38W, 185 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ushant N69E, 86 miles] [Sea temperature recorded from pm onwards] 4caf888fcadfd341970213ad: ( 53-49966-014_1.jpg) 27 July 1917 At Sea Lat 45.50, Long -12.85 3.0am: Clocks put back 11 minutes. 4.0am: Rounds Correct. Commenced zig-zagging. 9.0am: Ceased zigzagging: thick haze. 10.0am: Resumed zigzagging. 10.30am: TBDs [Torpedo Boat Destroyers] left convoy [first mention of a convoy]. 10.50am: Exercised action. 11.0am: Altered course S73W. 0.15pm: Intercepted British SS “MRCS”. 3.20pm: Continued zigzagging. 8.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks put back 10 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S58W, 284 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S46E, 215 miles] [Weather fine with light winds, noon air and sea temperature 67F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213ae: ( 53-49966-015_0.jpg) 28 July 1917 At Sea Lat 42.57, Long -17.32 3.0am: Clocks put back 9 minutes. 7.45am: Altered course S40W. 7.45pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clock put back 4 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S47W, 261 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N84E, 360 miles] 4caf888fcadfd341970213af: ( 53-49966-015_1.jpg) 29 July 1917 At Sea Lat 38.12, Long -19.63 3.0am: Clocks put back 4 minutes. 4.40am: Commenced zigzagging. 5.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.0am: Captain’s Rounds. 10.30am: Divine Service. 0.45pm: Altered course S36W, log 9.0. 3.20pm: Signalled SS “Irish Monarch” of Glasgow. 3.30pm: First dog watchmen to tea. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.10pm: Quarters, clean guns. 4.30pm: Watch to tea. 7.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks put back 5 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S21.5W, 287 miles] [Cape St Vincent S83E, 515 miles] [Weather fine with light winds, barometric pressure relatively high and steady, noon temperature 76F, sea temperature 74F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b0: ( 53-49966-016_0.jpg) 30 July 1917 At Sea Lat 33.55, Long -21.47 3.0am: Clocks put back 4 minutes. 5.30am: Commenced zigzagging. 7.25am: Stopped and lowered sea-boat to examine barrel buoy with flag on top. 7.40am: Proceeded: Buoy sunk by gun-fire. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 10.20am: Intercepted British SS “Norse”. 0.30pm: Altered course S25W. 1.10pm: Hands employed making bridge awnings, cleaning paravanes, cleaning boats and fuzing shell. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised fire stations. 5.0pm: Issued soap and Tobacco. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. Supper. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 11.0pm: Clocks put back 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S18W, 288 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S78E, 210 miles] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b1: ( 53-49966-016_1.jpg) 31 July 1917 At Sea Lat 28.88, Long -22.18 3.10am: Exercised gun’s crews at night action stations. 5.30am: Commenced zigzagging. Called daymen and non-duty sea-boats crew. 6.0am: Daymen and non-duty sea boats crew employed cleaning ship. 7.20am: Forenoon Watch to breakfast. 7.55am: Forenoon watch fall in. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.45am: Physical drill. 10.0am: Exercised “Action”. 10.55am: Altered course S14W (zigzagging). Noon: Hands to dinner. 1.10pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and fuzing lyddite shell. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised fire stations. 4.30pm: Hands to tea. 5.30pm: Physical drill. 7.0pm: Supper. 7.5pm: Ceased zigzagging. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 11.0pm: Clocks put forward 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S7.5W, 282 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S89E, 225 miles] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b2: ( 53-49966-017_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b3: ( 53-49966-017_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b4: ( 53-49966-018_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b5: ( 53-49966-018_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR AUGUST 1917 4caf888fcadfd341970213b6: ( 53-49967-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of front cover of Copy of Log for August 1917] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b7: ( 53-49967-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b8: ( 53-49967-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf888fcadfd341970213b9: ( 53-49967-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf888fcadfd341970213ba: ( 53-49967-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before except manufacturer of Mercurial Barometer now shown as Kelvin and James White, Ltd, Glasgow] 4caf888fcadfd341970213bb: ( 53-49967-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1917 At Sea Lat 24.25, Long -22.12 5.30am: Commenced zigzagging. 10.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.30pm: Altered course S7W, log 5.3. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and fuzing lyddite shell. Carpenters repairing No 2 whaler. 4.20pm: Exercised Collision stations and “Abandon Ship” stations. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.30pm: Mustered sea-boats crews. 11.0pm: Clocks put forward 2.5 minutes. 11.15pm; Exercised watch at Night action stations. [Course and Distance made good: South, 278 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S54E, 340 miles] [Weather overcast, north easterly wind force 4 all day, air and sea temperature 73F at 4pm (not shown at noon)] 4caf888fcadfd341970213bc: ( 53-49967-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1917 At Sea Lat 19.60, Long -21.40 4.30am: Mustered sea boat’s crew. 5.30am: Commenced zigging No 9. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 1.0pm: Hands fall in for payment. 6.53pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks put forward 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S8E, 282 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N71E, 256 miles] 4caf888fcadfd341970213bd: ( 53-49967-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1917 At Sea Lat 14.52, Long -20.57 3.15am: Exercised watch at “Night Action” Stations. 6.0am: Commenced zigzagging. 9.0am: Exercised sight-setters at all guns. 9.58am: Altered course S1W, log 259. 10.0am: Exercised “Action”. 11.0am: Hands employed scraping woodwork, cleaning magazines and as requisite. 1.10pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.15pm: Physical drill. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks put forward 7 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S9E, 310 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N85E, 180 miles] 4caf888fcadfd341970213be: ( 53-49967-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1917 At Sea Lat 10.25, Long -18.23 1.35am: Altered course S27W, log 168.1. 3.0am: Clocks put forward 7 minutes. 6.0am: Commenced zigzagging. 7.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship, and mess decks. 1.43pm: Altered course S53E, log 20. 4.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 6.20pm: Darkened ship. 9.30pm: Cast lead 220 fathoms wire (no bottom at 95 fathoms). 10.30pm: Clocks put forward 10 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S28.5E, 293 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone S70.5E, 284 miles] [Rain for most of day, noon temperature 75F, sea temperature 80F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213bf: ( 53-49967-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1917 At Sea Lat 8.55, Long -13.70 2.30am: Soundings taken hourly. 3.0am: Clocks advanced 10 minutes. 5.45am: Altered course S45E. 7.0am: Convoy in line ahead. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. Read Articles of War. Commenced zigzagging. 10.30am: Altered course S58E. Ceased zigzagging. Soundings taken every half hour. 11.30am: Blue and Red watches to dinner. 1.0pm: Cape Sierra Leone S60E, 6 miles, altered course S62E. 2.25pm: Cape Sierra Leone S34E, 1.2 miles, altered course S60E. 2.40pm: Cape Sierra Leone S83W, 8.5 cables, altered course S74E. 3.26pm: Stop both, half astern both. 3.35pm: Anchored with starboard anchor and 5 shackles in 8 fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: Light House N80W, Cathedral S58W, Barracks S46W] 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Course and Distance made good: S71E, 280 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone S83E, 25 miles] 4caf888fcadfd341970213c0: ( 53-49967-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [estimated] [At Anchor. Anchor Bearings: Cathedral S58W, Light House N80W, Barracks S46W] 9.15am: Hands employed in magazines and shell rooms, refitting awnings and as requisite. 0.10pm: Coal lighters alongside. 2.0pm: Hands employed in magazines, refitting running rigging, side party painting ship. 3.50pm: Launch from “Brittania” [HMS Britannia - see also her log book for this date] for meat and vegetables. 4.0pm: Hands scrub and wash clothes. 5.50pm: Coal lighters cast off. 11.0pm: Slack water. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1394 tons] 4caf888fcadfd341970213c1: ( 53-49967-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [Ship at Anchor. Anchor Bearings: Cathedral S58W, Barracks S46W, Light House N80W] 4.25am to 5.56am: Slack water. 5.56am: Flood tide. 7.30am: Quarters clean guns. 7.50am: Coal lighters alongside. 9.0am: Hands employed in magazines and shell rooms. 9.30am: Commenced coaling. 10.15am: Fireman J Ward injured whilst coaling. 10.30am: Steamboat left for [HMS] Bacchante. pm: Hands employed in magazines and shell rooms. Shore party coaling ship. 4.50pm: 1 Rating joined ship for passage to England. 6.30pm: One CM [Court Martial] prisoner joined for passage to England. 4caf888fcadfd341970213c2: ( 53-49967-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [Ship at Anchor. Anchor Bearings: Cathedral S58W, Light House N80W, College S6E] 5.40am: Slack water. 6.43am: Flood tide. 7.50am: Coal lighters alongside. 8.0am: Breakfast. Shore party coaling ship. 9.30am: Hands employed refitting running rigging, cleaning and scraping rails etc. 11.30am: Slack water. 2.0pm: 26 hands employed in magazines and shell rooms, 16 hands rigging party, remainder as requisite. 2.45pm: 12 hands and guard of Marines left ship for HMS “Africa” to work bullion. 3.30pm: Water boat alongside. Two hazel rod fenders lost overboard by accident. 5.0pm: Water boat left. 5.20pm: Guard returned on board. 6.0pm: 2000 lbs beef to HMS “Bacchante”. 9.0pm: Coal lighters left ship. 4caf888fcadfd341970213c3: ( 53-49967-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [estimated] 5.30am: Commenced to weigh anchor. 6.0am: Anchor aweigh: proceeded as requisite for Berth B4. 6.50am: Anchored with port anchor and 5 shackles in 9.5 fathoms. 7.0am: Secured cable. [At Anchor. Cathedral S20W, Aberdeen Point N72W] 9.0am: 22 Hands employed to magazines and shell rooms. 12 hands rigging party, remainder as requisite. 9.30am: Coal lighters alongside. 9.50am: HMS “Africa” entered harbour with Convoy. 10.10am: HMS “Africa” and convoy anchored. 1.20pm: Party left for HMS “Africa”. 2.0pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 2.30pm: Officers and liberty men landed. 3.0pm: Liberty men left ship. 6.15pm: Liberty men on board. 6.20pm: Launch alongside with bullion: watch employed clearing launch. 8.10pm: Launch cleared. 8.30pm: Bullion launch left ship. 9.30pm: Bullion party and officers returned from HMS “Africa. 10.0pm: 2 liberty men from “Bacchante”. 4caf888fcadfd341970213c4: ( 53-49967-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [At Anchor. Anchor Bearings: Cathedral S20W, Aberdeen Point N72W] 0.25am: Slack water. 1.25am: Ship swung to ebb tide. 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Slack water. 8.0am: Ship swung to flood tide. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.20am: Hands employed scraping, painting and cleaning ship. 10.30am: 5 Boxes received from HMS “Bacchante”. 1.25pm: High water. 2.15pm: Ship swung to ebb tide. pm: 2 prisoners from HMS “Africa” for passage. 3.0pm: Leave to port watch till 6pm. 3.30pm: Liberty men and patrol landed. 6.30pm: Liberty men on board. 7.50pm: Patrol returned on board. 8.15pm: Low water: slack. 9.0pm: Ship swung to flood tide. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1931 tons] 4caf888fcadfd341970213c5: ( 53-49967-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [At Anchor. Anchor Bearings: Cathedral S20W, Aberdeen Point N72W] am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.0pm: Leave to port watch. 2.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.30pm: 244 lbs Mutton, 678 lbs Beef to HMS “Africa”. 5 Ratings joined ship for passage. 7.15pm: Landed escort. 7.40pm: Water boat alongside: taking in water. 4caf888fcadfd341970213c6: ( 53-49967-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1917 At Sierra Leone and at Sea Lat 8.54, Long -13.38 [At Anchor. Anchor Bearings: Cathedral S20W, Aberdeen Point N72W] 3.15am: Finished taking in water. 4.15am: Water boat cast off. 5.45am: Cable party on forecastle [?]: shorten in cable. Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.0am: Gunner’s party replacing starboard after gun mechanism. Gun’s crews getting up ammunition. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Captain’s Rounds. 10.25am: HMS “Africa” and convoy left harbour. 10.37am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 11.10am: Passed boom. 11.36am: Outer Light Buoy, altered course N57W. 11.45am: Streamed patent log. 0.10pm: Cape Sierra Leone Light House S50E, 7.5 miles. 3.30pm: HMS “Bacchante” passed, steering to NW. 6.45pm: Darkened ship. 11.0pm: Clocks back 8 minutes. [Weather fine, then overcast. Noon temperature 78F, sea temperature 80F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213c7: ( 53-49967-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1917 At Sea Lat 9.38, Long -17.66 3.0am: Clocks back 7 minutes. 9.0am: Exercised sight setters at all guns. 10.15am: Divisional drill and Seamanship instruction. Blue Watch cleaning No 5 hold. 1.0pm: Altered course N15W, log 13. 4.10pm: Exercised fire stations. 6.30pm: Altered course N3E. 8.40pm: Mustered sea boats crew. 11.0pm: Clocks back 4 minutes. Exercised gun’s crews at night action stations. [Course and Distance made good: N78.5W, 258 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N1E, 318 miles] 4caf888fcadfd341970213c8: ( 53-49967-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1917 At Sea Lat 13.33, Long -19.17 3.0am: Clocks back 4 minutes. 10.10am: Exercised “Action”. 11.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Altered course N9E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised collision stations and “Abandon ship” stations. 5.30pm: Officers gunnery class. 11.0pm: Clocks back 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N21W, 248 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N47E, 136 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf888fcadfd341970213c9: ( 53-49967-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1917 At Sea Lat 18.03, Long -19.93 3.15am: Exercised gun’s crews at night action stations. 5.52am: Increased to 70 revs, altered course N6E, log 204.7. 10.10am: Stop both. 10.20am: Proceeded N6E, 70 revs. 1.15pm: Dropped target. 1.30pm: Commenced firing. 2.0pm: Finished firing. 2.10pm: Picked up target, proceeded 70 revs, Course N20E to rejoin convoy. 2.50pm: Lat DR 18 14 N, Long DR 19 56 W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.15pm: Exercised “Abandon Ship” Stations. 6.40pm: Darkened ship. 11.0pm: Clocks put back 3 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N8.5W, 280 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S36E, 240 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [North easterly wind force 3 or 4 in am, force 4 or 5/6 in pm, sea state rough at midnight. Weather overcast, then fine. Noon temperature 79F, sea temperature 78F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213ca: ( 53-49967-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1917 At Sea Lat 21.63, Long -20.85 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.45am: Physical drill. Altered course N11E. 10.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Increased to 58 Revs. 11.0pm: Clocks put back 3 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N14.5W, 215 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S76E, 210 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [North easterly wind force 6 or 5 all day, sea rough until evening] 4caf888fcadfd341970213cb: ( 53-49967-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1917 At Sea [though not indicated in log] Lat 25.28, Long -21.56 8.0am: Reduced to 41 Revs. Commenced zigzagging No 7. 10.30am: Zigzag No 8. 11.15am: Seamanship classes to instruction. 0.36pm: Ceased zigzagging altered course N18E. Increased to 53 revs. 1.15pm: Seamanship class to instruction. White Watch overhauling boats. 3.36pm: Commenced zigzag No 8. 4.15pm: Provision Boats. 6.20pm: Ceased zigzagging. Course N18E, log 60.2. [Course and Distance made good: N10W, 223 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ferro (Canary Islands) - [blank]] [North easterly wind force 4/5 for most of day, weather fine, noon temperature 74F, sea temperature 73F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213cc: ( 53-49967-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1917 At Sea Lat 28.82, Long -21.83 4.0am: WT and SBC [Wireless Telegraphy and Signal Books Correct - now indicated in log every 4 hours] 5.35am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 6.35am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 8.0am: Blue watch closed up. 11.35am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 3.5pm: Exercised Engine Room at closing Watertight doors. 7.15pm: Altered course N32E: ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N3.5W, 213 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) East, 210 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf888fcadfd341970213cd: ( 53-49967-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1917 At Sea Lat 32.45, Long -21.14 2.45am: Engine Room exercised closing Watertight doors. 3.0am: Clocks back 3 minutes. 4.40am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 5.4am: Engine Room exercised closing Watertight doors. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. 11.10am: Divine Service. 0.5pm: Engine Room exercised closing Watertight doors. 0.30pm: Altered course N36E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.35pm: Increased to 57 revs. 7.30pm: Finished zigzagging, Course N36E, 57 revs. 11.0pm: Clocks on 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N9E, 221 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira N85E, 190 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf888fcadfd341970213ce: ( 53-49967-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1917 At Sea Lat 36.12, Long -19.77 3.0am: Clocks on 2 minutes. 4.45am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 1.17pm: Streamed patent log. 6.36pm: Reduced to 52 revs. 7.35pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks on 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N17E, 230 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape St Vincent N84E, 510 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf888fcadfd341970213cf: ( 53-49967-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1917 At Sea Lat 39.63, Long -18.03 3.0am: Clocks on 2 minutes. 4.45am: Commenced zigzagging No 7. 5.45am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 7.46pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.30pm: Streamed “Trident” log. 11.0pm: Clocks put on 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N21.5E, 227 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape St Vincent S70E, 460 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d0: ( 53-49967-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1917 At Sea Lat 43.05, Long -16.28 3.0am: Clocks on 2 minutes. 4.31am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 5.56am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 9.25am: Physical drill. 11.52am: Altered course N59E. 1.9pm: Increased to 55 revs (10.5 knots). 7.0pm: Darkened ship. 11.0pm: Clocks on 7 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N21E, 221 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S88E, 310 miles] [North westerly wind force 5 or 6 from 8am onwards, sea state rough then very rough in pm. Showers in am, fine then overcast in pm, noon air and sea temperature 66F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d1: ( 53-49967-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1917 At Sea Lat 45.65, Long -12.82 4.10am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 5.10am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 11.10am: Altered course N32E. Increased to 60 revs. Commenced No 7 zigzag. 1.13pm: Sighted escorting destroyers. 2.0pm: Altered course N68E. 2.30pm: Destroyers in station. 11.0pm: Clocks on 10 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N44E, 217 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S43E, 227 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [North westerly wind force 6 all day, with very rough sea. Noon temperature 63F, sea temperature 64F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d2: ( 53-49967-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1917 At Sea Lat 48.23, Long -8.35 3.0am: Clocks on 10 minutes. 4.30am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers, general quarters. 10.3am: Decreased to 57 revs. 0.43pm: Increased to 59 revs. 4.10pm: Out paravanes. 5.33pm: Proceeded: zigzag No 7. 6.18pm: 68 revs. 7.0pm: Altered course N72E. 7.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 9.45pm: Increased to 59 revs. 10.0pm: Liverpool division parted company. 11.0pm: Clocks on 16 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N50E, 238 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Eddystone Light House N54E, 198 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [North westerly wind force 5 or 6 all day, sea rough or very rough] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d3: ( 53-49967-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1917 At Sea and at Plymouth Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [estimated] 0.10am: Lizard Light House N50E. 1.0am: Clocks on 17 minutes. 4.0am: Lizard Light House abeam N18W, 14 miles. 4.5am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 5.0am: Increased to 60 revs. 6.5am: Eddystone Light House N56E, 14.5 miles. 7.5am: Eddystone Light House N8W, 3.25 miles, altered course N32E. 7.19am: Ceased zigzagging. Courses as requisite for entering Plymouth Sound. 9.0am: Passed gate at Devil’s Point. 9.20am: Secured to No 9 Buoy. 10.0am: Clocks on 1 hour. am: Hands employed as requisite. [At Devonport No 9 Buoy] 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Distance run through the Water: 208 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d4: ( 53-49967-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [estimated] [Ship at No 9 Buoy] 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.25am: Slipped from No 9 buoy and proceeded to No 5 Wharf, in tow. Dockyard pilot assisting. 11.55am: Alongside Wharf. Noon: Secured alongside. [Ship at No 5 Wharf] 1.15pm: Hands employed getting out bullion. 2.0pm: Leave to Starboard watch till 7am. 4.0pm: Dockyardmen working about hydraulic release gear. 4.30pm: Commenced discharging bullion. 5.10pm: Finished discharging bullion. [Number on sick list: 5] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1022 tons] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d5: ( 53-49967-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 5 Wharf] 11.25am: Slipped and proceeded to No 5 basin, tug assisting. 0.55am: Secured alongside wharf. 1.50pm: Hands employed coaling ship. [Ship in No 5 Basin] 7.30pm: Starboard watch and depôt party coaling ship. [Provisions received: Vegetables 11000 lbs] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d6: ( 53-49967-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 7.30am: Port Watch employed coaling ship pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 8.0pm: Ceased coaling. [Number on sick list: 5] [Rain for most of day, noon temperature 57F] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d7: ( 53-49967-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.0am and 3.30pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 9.0pm: Completed Coaling. 1167 tons. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2156 tons] 4caf888fcadfd341970213d8: ( 53-49967-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1917 At Devonport and at Sea Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.30am and 10.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Slipped and proceeded out of basin. 4.0pm: Left Basin. 4.29pm: Passed Boom. 4.40pm: East Winter Buoy. 5.0pm: Anchored with starboard anchor and 2 shackles. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 6.45pm: Breakwater Light House abeam. Full speed S50W. 7.35pm: Eddystone Light House abeam 1 mile. 7.45pm: Altered course S79W. 8.0pm: Clocks back 1 hour. 7.12pm: Altered course S44W. 9.0pm: Commenced zigzag No 7. 11.0pm: Clocks back 15 minutes. 4caf888fcadfd341970213d9: ( 53-49967-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1917 At Sea Lat 48.10, Long -7.67 2.20am: Ushant Light House bore S3W. 2.45am: Ceased zigzagging. 2.50am: Lat 48 52 N, Long 5 19 W, altered course S83W. 3.0am: Clocks back 16 minutes. 4.30am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 5.35am: Increased to 66 revs. 11.20am: Ceased zigzagging. 0.30pm: Commenced zigzagging (No 7). 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised fire stations. 5.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 6.0pm: Commenced zigzag No 7. 8.55pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks back 13 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S45W, 196 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ushant N78E, 105 miles] 4caf888fcadfd341970213da: ( 53-49967-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf888fcadfd341970213db: ( 53-49967-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf888fcadfd341970213dc: ( 53-49967-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf888fcadfd341970213dd: ( 53-49967-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1917 4caf888fcadfd341970213de: ( 53-49968-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for September 1917] 4caf888fcadfd341970213df: ( 53-49968-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf888fcadfd341970213e0: ( 53-49968-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf888fcadfd341970213e1: ( 53-49968-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf888fcadfd341970213e2: ( 53-49968-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf888fcadfd341970213e3: ( 53-49968-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1917 At Sea Lat 46.12, Long -13.82 2.24am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 3.0am: Clocks back 13 minutes. [Increases in revs logged from 9.21am to 10.18am] 11.45am: Destroyers parted company with convoy. Noon: Altered course S45W, 66 revs. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 11.0pm: Clocks back 6 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S64.5W, 278 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S47E, 270 miles] 4caf8890cadfd341970213e4: ( 53-49968-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1917 At Sea Lat 41.71, Long -16.92 3.0am: Clocks back 6 minutes. 10.0am: Divisions: Divine Service. 11.57am: Altered course S41W. 11.0pm: Clocks back 8 minutes, 69 revs. [Course and Distance made good: S26.5W, 297 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N78E, 360 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] [Weather overcast, with light winds, noon temperature 67F, sea temperature 65F] 4caf8890cadfd341970213e5: ( 53-49968-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1917 At Sea Lat 37.20, Long -19.43 3.0am: Clocks back 7 minutes. 9.10am: Ceased zigzagging. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 10.22am: Resumed zigzagging. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised abandon ship stations. 6.35pm: Altered course S34W, log 84. 11.0pm: Clocks back 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S23.5W, 294 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S23E, 285 miles] 4caf8890cadfd341970213e6: ( 53-49968-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1917 At Sea Lat 32.30, Long -21.05 3.0am: Clocks back 2 minutes. 9:40am: Altered course S13W, log 284. Zigzag No 9. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. 10.0am: Exercised “Action”. 11.0pm: Clocks back 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S15W, 304 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira N81E, 195 miles] [Weather mostly fine, barometric pressure relatively high and steady, noon temperature 76F, sea temperature 75F] 4caf8890cadfd341970213e7: ( 53-49968-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1917 At Sea [though not stated in log] Lat 27.25, Long -20.45 10.20am: Convoy took up formation No 3. 11.10am: Ceased Zigzagging. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S6E, 305 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ferro Island (Canary Islands) N76E, 128 miles] [North easterly wind force 4 or 5 from 8am onwards, weather fine, noon temperature 77F, sea temperature 75F] 4caf8890cadfd341970213e8: ( 53-49968-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1917 At Sea Lat 22.47, Long -20.03 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. 0.30pm: Altered course S12W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.10pm: Physical Drill. [Course and Distance made good: S4.5E, 288 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S58E, 188 miles] 4caf8890cadfd341970213e9: ( 53-49968-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1917 At Sea Lat 17.30, Long -19.44 [mean of 8am and 8pm positions as noon position not shown in log] 3.0am: Clocks on 2 minutes. 10.0am: Exercised “Action”. 10.50am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.34pm: Increased to 65 Revs, altered course S10W. 6.0pm: Transports “Tahiti” [more details here], “Willochra” and Manganui [Maunganui] left convoy. [Course and Distance made good: S5.5E, 278 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S33E, 220 miles] 4caf8890cadfd341970213ea: ( 53-49968-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1917 At Sea Lat 13.07, Long -18.88 11.0pm: Clocks on 4 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S8E, 291 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N39E, 130 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] [Log mostly records changes in speed. Weather fine in am, squally with rain at 4pm and 8pm. Noon air and sea temperature 82F] 4caf8890cadfd341970213eb: ( 53-49968-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1917 At Sea Lat 9.60, Long -16.78 3.0am: Clocks on 5 minutes. 4.11am: Altered course S55E, long 180.9. 9.30am: Altered course S58E, log 245.3. 10.0am: Divisions. 11.0am: Divine Service. 4.15pm: Lat DR 9 22 N, Long DR 15 59 W, Long Observed 15 52.5 W. 9.0pm: Sounding every hour. 11.0pm: Clocks on 2 minutes. Midnight: Sounding every half hour. [Course and Distance made good: S30E, 244 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone S73E, 218 miles] 4caf8890cadfd341970213ec: ( 53-49968-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1917 At Sea and at Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [estimated] 3.0am: Clocks on 3 minutes. 4.0am: Sierra Leone Light House S60E. 5.49am: Altered course N71E. 6.11am: Passed Boom. 6.53am: Anchored with starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: College S31E, Cathedral S50W, King Tom Point S80W] 7.0am: Guard Boat alongside. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 10.30am: Hove Short. 11.15am: Shifted billet. Noon: Anchored in A6 Berth. [Anchor Bearings: Cathedral S23E, King Tom Point S78W] 1.30pm: Weighed starboard anchor, dropped port anchor. 2.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S73E, 218 miles] [Rain all day, noon temperature 75F] 4caf8890cadfd341970213ed: ( 53-49968-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] 6.0am, 9.20am and 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Number on sick list: 6] [Rain for most of day] 4caf8890cadfd341970213ee: ( 53-49968-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.20am: Physical Drill. am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8890cadfd341970213ef: ( 53-49968-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f0: ( 53-49968-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f1: ( 53-49968-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f2: ( 53-49968-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] 9.30am: Admiral’s Inspection. 10.15am: Divine Service. 4.45pm: HMS Bacchante left harbour. 4caf8890cadfd341970213f3: ( 53-49968-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] am: Hands employed as requisite. [Number on sick list: 5] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1302 tons] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f4: ( 53-49968-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 6.50am: Coal lighters alongside. 8.0am: Shore party coaling ship. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.20am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Number on sick list: 6] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1494 tons] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f5: ( 53-49968-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1917 At Sea [leaving Sierra Leone] Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 6.0am and 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 11.0am: General quarters: Supply ammunition. pm: Draft of water on departure: Forward 24’ 6”, Aft 27’ 00”. 4.0pm: Commenced to shorten in cable. 4.25pm: Anchor aweigh. 5.0pm: Sierra Leone Light House S72W, 0.5 miles, altered course N62W. 5.11pm: Outer Buoy, altered course N52W. 5.25pm: Light House S42E, Banana Island S1W. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f6: ( 53-49968-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1917 At Sea Lat 9.75, Long -16.65 9.30am: Divisions and prayers: Physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 11.0pm: Clocks back 7 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N69.5W, 213 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone Light House S69.5E, 213 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f7: ( 53-49968-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1917 At Sea Lat 12.13, Long -20.02 9.30am: Divisions: prayers: physical drill. 10.0am: Exercised “Action”. 11.0am: Secure. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised Collision stations. [Course and Distance made good: N54.5W, 244 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N41.5E, 215 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f8: ( 53-49968-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1917 At Sea Lat 16.75, Long -20.18 [Course and Distance made good: N2W, 278 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S52E, 190 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [Log mostly records changes in speed, while heading northward in fine weather, noon temperature 80F, sea temperature 81F] 4caf8890cadfd341970213f9: ( 53-49968-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1917 At Sea Lat 21.28, Long -20.27 7.30am: Altered course N21E. 9.30am: Divisions: Captains Rounds. 10.0am: Divine Service. 0.48pm: Commenced zigzag No 9. 6.15pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N1W, 272 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S81E, 180 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8890cadfd341970213fa: ( 53-49968-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1917 At Sea Lat 23.57, Long -20.00 6.50am: Commenced zigzagging (No 9). 9.10am: Exercised “Action”: 79 Revs. Courses as requisite. 10.40am: Secure. 11.20am: Course N25E. 1.50pm: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Close W/T [Watertight] doors. 5.50pm: Altered course N20E, log 64. Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N2.5E, 258 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) N39E, 165 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8890cadfd341970213fb: ( 53-49968-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1917 At Sea Lat 29.97, Long -19.88 5.55am: Commenced zigzag No 9. 6.55am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 0.50pm: Altered course N19E. 4.0pm: 57 Revs. Evening quarters and Physical drill. 10.50pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N1.5E, 264 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S55.5E, 125 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8890cadfd341970213fc: ( 53-49968-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1917 At Sea Lat 34.15, Long -19.85 3.55am: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 8.55am: Altered course N17E. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised fire stations. 11.0pm: Clocks on 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: North, 251 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S59E, 150 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Weather overcast or fine for most of day, very calm, noon air and sea temperature 71F] 4caf8890cadfd341970213fd: ( 53-49968-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1917 At Sea Lat 34.82, Long -18.82 1.55am: Ceased zigzagging, altered course N54E, log 148. 4.0am: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 11.55am: Altered course N53E. 1.0pm: No 8 zigzag. 11.0pm: Clocks on 5 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N1W, 134.5 miles, N32E, 98.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S15E, 306 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8890cadfd341970213fe: ( 53-49968-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1917 At Sea Lat 40.77, Long -16.20 3.0am: Clocks on 5 minutes. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 10.0am: Exercised “Action”. 11.30am: Dropped port cutter to pick up lifebuoy marked “Wallace of Sunderland” Lat 40 48 N, Long 16 15 W. 1.0pm: Altered course N57E. Commenced No 7 zigzag. 1.10pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: Fire stations. 11.0pm: Clocks on 4 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N33E, 210 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N68E, 344 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8890cadfd341970213ff: ( 53-49968-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1917 At Sea Lat 44.13, Long -13.47 3.0am: Clocks on 5 minutes. 5.15am: Commenced No 8 zigzag. 11.10am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 1.10pm: Altered course N48E. 11.0pm: Clocks on 6 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N31E, 235 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S68.5E, 198 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [North easterly wind force 4 for most of day, weather mostly overcast, noon air and sea temperature 64F] 4caf8890cadfd34197021400: ( 53-49968-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1917 At Sea Lat 47.42, Long -10.38 3.0am: Clocks on 6 minutes. 5.35am: Altered course N75E, log 178.5. Lat DR 46 35 N, Long 11 40 W. 10.30am: Altered course East. 11.12am: Destroyer escort bore SSW. 2.0pm: SS “Suwa Maru” and HMS Hind and Porpoise left convoy. 2.30pm: Altered course N76E, log 29.0. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N27E, 166 miles, N47E, 72 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Eddystone N55.5E, 292 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8890cadfd34197021401: ( 53-49968-018_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8890cadfd34197021402: ( 53-49968-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8890cadfd34197021403: ( 53-49968-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8890cadfd34197021404: ( 53-49968-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8890cadfd34197021405: ( 53-49968-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1917 4caf8890cadfd34197021406: ( 53-49969-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for October 1917] 4caf8890cadfd34197021407: ( 53-49969-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8890cadfd34197021408: ( 53-49969-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8890cadfd34197021409: ( 53-49969-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8890cadfd3419702140a: ( 53-49969-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8890cadfd3419702140b: ( 53-49969-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1917 At Sea and at Devonport Lat 50.03, Long -4.67 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 9.55am: Ceased zigzagging, dense fog. 10.20am: Altered course N84E. 11.20am: Commenced zigzagging No 7. 1.0pm: Altered course East. 1.42pm: Altered course N47E. 2.45pm: Altered course S60E. 3.40pm: Eddystone Light House S70W, altered course N40E. 4.0pm: Rame Head N3W, 2.5 miles. Courses as requisite. 4.27pm: Passed Breakwater Light House. 4.35pm: Anchored with Starboard anchor and 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Fort S17W, Breakwater Light House S62.5W] 5.55pm: Weighed Anchor and proceeded up harbour. 6.34pm: Passed Boom. 7.0pm: Secured to No 6 Buoy. 8.15pm: Read Warrant No [blank]. [Course and Distance made good: N55E, 274 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Eddystone Light House N63E, 172 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [Misty from noon onwards, air and sea temperature 63F at 4pm] 4caf8890cadfd3419702140c: ( 53-49969-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [estimated] [At No 6 Buoy] 5.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.10am: Hands employed coaling ship. Noon: Dinner. 0.45pm: Hands coal ship. pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 4.0pm: Hands to tea. 4.30pm: Hands coal ship. 8.0pm: Ceased coaling. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 630 tons] 4caf8890cadfd3419702140d: ( 53-49969-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 6 Buoy] 6.0am: Commenced coaling. 8.10am: Breakfast. 8.55am: Hands employed coaling ship. Noon: Dinner. 1.0pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded to No 5 Basin. 1.40pm: In “K” Lock. 3.15pm: Secured in No 3 berth. [Ship in No 5 Basin] 3.40pm: Hands to tea. 4.20pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 7.50pm: Ceased coaling. 4caf8890cadfd3419702140e: ( 53-49969-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.30am, 8.40am and 1.40pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 7.30pm: Ceased coaling. [Rain on and off all day, noon temperature 54F] 4caf8890cadfd3419702140f: ( 53-49969-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.30am: Hands employed coaling ship. 8.0am: Breakfast. 8.40am: Resumed coaling. Noon: Dinner. 0.45pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 4.0pm: Hands to tea. 4.40pm: Resumed coaling. 8.0pm: Ceased coaling. 4caf8890cadfd34197021410: ( 53-49969-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.30am: Hands employed coaling ship. 7.30pm: Ceased coaling. 4caf8890cadfd34197021411: ( 53-49969-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.0am: Hands employed coaling ship. 8.0pm: Ceased coaling. 4caf8890cadfd34197021412: ( 53-49969-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.0am: Hands employed coaling ship. Noon: Completed coaling 1720 tons. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8890cadfd34197021413: ( 53-49969-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.30am and in pm: Hands employed as requisite. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2264 tons] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8890cadfd34197021414: ( 53-49969-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.35am: Shifted from Basin into “K” lock. 1.0pm: Left “K” lock and proceeded under tow to No 7 Buoy. pm: Hands employed as requisite. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8890cadfd34197021415: ( 53-49969-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1917 At Devonport and at Sea Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 7 Buoy] 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. 2.20pm: Passed Boom. 2.50pm: Stop both. 3.20pm: Courses and speed as requisite for leaving sound. 4.10pm: Draystone Buoy abeam Course and speed as requisite. 4.50pm: Rame Head N69E, 3.25 miles. 5.20pm: Eddystone Light House S37E, 6 miles, altered course S50W. 6.0pm: Eddystone East 5.5 miles. Streamed log. 7.0pm: Altered course S64W, log 10.5. [Number on sick list: 7] [Wind and sea increasing in evening, with rain] 4caf8890cadfd34197021416: ( 53-49969-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1917 At Sea Lat 48.35, Long -7.07 9.30am: In paravanes. Speed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. [Course and Distance made good: S43.5W, 166 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ushant N86E, 78 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [Squally north westerly wind force 6 or 7 all day with sea state mostly high. Rain for much of day, barometric pressure recorded hourly (falling until mid-evening, then steadying). Noon air and sea temperature 58F] 4caf8890cadfd34197021417: ( 53-49969-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1917 At Sea Lat 45.90, Long -10.20 1.55am: Fire broke out in Captain’s Cabin. 2.0am: Fire extinguished. 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.50pm: Lat DR 45 13 N, Long DR 11 08 W. Lat Observed 45 14 N, Long Observed 11 08 W. 11.0pm: Clocks back 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S41W, 195 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S15E, 146 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] [North westerly wind force 8 or 9 all day, squally in pm, sea state high or very high all day. Rain in early am, cloudy later in day. Barometric pressure recorded hourly (rising all day)] 4caf8890cadfd34197021418: ( 53-49969-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1917 At Sea Lat 41.78, Long -15.33 3.0am: Clocks back 15 minutes. Altered course S55W, log 413.3. 9.30am: Divisions: Captain’s Inspection. 10.0am: Divine Service. 5.11pm: Lat DR 40 40 N, Long DR 16 15 W, Lat Observed 40 41 N, Long Observed 16 12 W. 11.0pm: Clocks back 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S42W, 322 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N77E, 278 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8890cadfd34197021419: ( 53-49969-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1917 At Sea Lat 36.55, Long -19.30 3.0am: Clocks back 15 minutes. 5.40am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 9.30am: Altered course S34W. Divisions and prayers. 9.45am: Physical Drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.15pm: Exercised fire stations. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 7.0pm: Altered course S16W, log 107.2. Lat DR 34 58 N, Long DR 19 58 W. [Course and Distance made good: S23.5W, 344 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S25.5W, 243 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8890cadfd3419702141a: ( 53-49969-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1917 At Sea Lat 30.52, Long -19.78 6.40am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 7.20am: Spoke SS Freshwater of London. 7.30am: Commenced zigzag No 9. 10.37am: Ceased zigzagging. 0.23pm: Resumed zigzag No 9. 1.10pm: Lat DR 30 12 N, Long DR 19 47 W, Lat Observed 30 11.5 W, Long Observed 19 46.5 W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised collision stations. 6.45pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S4W, 364 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S42.5E, 140 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] [Rain in am, fine in pm, noon temperature 66F, sea temperature 72F] 4caf8890cadfd3419702141b: ( 53-49969-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1917 At Sea Lat 24.10, Long -19.72 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.20pm: Exercised Abandon ship stations. [Course and Distance made good: S0.5E, 384 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S37E, 250 miles] [Number on sick list: 14] 4caf8890cadfd3419702141c: ( 53-49969-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1917 At Sea Lat 17.63, Long -19.72 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: physical drill. [Course and Distance made good: South, 388 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S37E, 216 miles] [Number on sick list: 14] 4caf8890cadfd3419702141d: ( 53-49969-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1917 At Sea Lat 11.70, Long -18.60 5.0am: Altered course S18E, log 276.8. 9.45am: Exercised “Action”. 10.25am: Secure. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Lat DR 10 50 N, Long DR 17 57 W, Lat Observed 10 51 N, Long Observed 17 55 W. 8.0pm: Altered course S54E. [Course and Distance made good: S10.5E, 357 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N19E, 193 miles] [Number on sick list: 15] [Weather fine or overcast, relatively light winds, noon temperature 82F, sea temperature 83F] 4caf8890cadfd3419702141e: ( 53-49969-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1917 At Sea Lat 8.73, Long -13.85 7.20am: Commenced swinging for compasses. 8.25am: Finished swinging altered course S51E. 10.20am: Sighted land. 0.45pm: Altered course S38E. 1.17pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 1.35pm: Passed gate. 2.20pm: Anchored with starboard anchor and 5 shackles. pm: Draft Forward 24’ 7”, Aft 26’ 00”. [At Anchor B5 Berth] 3.45pm: Coal lighters alongside. [Course and Distance made good: S36E, 128 miles, S70E, 92.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone S66E, 37 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1260 tons] 4caf8890cadfd3419702141f: ( 53-49969-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1917 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [estimated] [Ship at Anchor in B5 Berth] 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Received 400 tons coal. pm: Hands employed as requisite. [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8890cadfd34197021420: ( 53-49969-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1917 [Leaving Sierra Leone, though not stated in log] Lat 8.29, Long -13.72 [At anchor] 7.25am: Shortened in cable. 8.5am: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour. 8.50am: Passed Boom. 9.0am: Sierra Leone Light House S43E, 1.1 miles. 9.35am: Sierra Leone Light House S89E, altered course S54W. 11.18am: Altered course N73W, log 17.6. 3.35pm: Altered course N39W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S51E, 20 miles, S88E, 9 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone N63.5E, 28.5 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8890cadfd34197021421: ( 53-49969-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1917 At Sea Lat 10.28, Long -17.28 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.40am: Exercised “Action”. 10.5am: Secure. 10.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.37pm: Altered course N13W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised Abandon Ship. [Course and Distance made good: N60W, 242 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N3W, 268 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [Weather mostly fine, with light winds, noon temperature 85F, sea temperature 83F] 4caf8890cadfd34197021422: ( 53-49969-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1917 At Sea Lat 13.58, Long -19.53 5.47am: Stop both. Engines and helm as requisite. 6.20am: SS “War Council “ left convoy [this is the first mention of a convoy for this voyage]. 7.32am: N13W. 9.20am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. 10.35am: Altered course N24W. 11.0am: Dropped Target. Courses as requisite for carrying out firing. 11.45am: Secure. Hoisted in target, and proceeded N13W. 0.10pm: Streamed patent log. 4.58pm: Commenced swinging for comparison of compasses. 5.30pm: Finished swinging. 7.40pm: In station. [Course and Distance made good: N34W, 239 miles] [Cape Verde N60E, 150 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8890cadfd34197021423: ( 53-49969-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1917 At Sea Lat 17.08, Long -21.15 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.15am: Divisions and physical drill. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: N24W, 228 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S56E, 242 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8890cadfd34197021424: ( 53-49969-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1917 At Sea Lat 20.67, Long -21.18 7.10am: Commenced zigzag No 7. 7.28pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N0.5W, 217 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N88E, 235 miles] [Number on sick list: 13] [Weather fine, noon air and sea temperature 75F] 4caf8890cadfd34197021425: ( 53-49969-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1917 At Sea Lat 24.25, Long -21.10 6.15am: Commenced zigzagging (No 7). Spoke HMS Motagua. 8.50am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: N1.5E, 216 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ferro (Canary Islands) N37E, 262 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8890cadfd34197021426: ( 53-49969-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1917 At Sea Lat 27.60, Long -20.95 7.30am: Altered course N40W to intercept steamer. Engines and helm as requisite. 11.56am: Re-joined convoy. 1.0pm: Altered course N20E. [Course and Distance made good: N2.5E, 201 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ferro (Canary Islands) N85E, 152 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8890cadfd34197021427: ( 53-49969-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1917 At Sea Lat 30.82, Long -21.00 am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised PV [Paravane] station. [Course and Distance made good: N0.5W, 193 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira N58.5E, 220 miles] [Number on sick list: 15] 4caf8890cadfd34197021428: ( 53-49969-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1917 At Sea Lat 34.32, Long -20.93 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.45am: Exercised action. Reduced to 49 Revs. 10.0am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 10.25am and in pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: Exercised Fire quarters. 5.0pm: Commenced No 7 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N1E, 210 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S79W, 190 miles] [Number on sick list: 14] 4caf8890cadfd34197021429: ( 53-49969-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1917 At Sea Lat 37.95, Long -20.93 7.0am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 11.0am: Commenced No I zigzag. 1.0pm: Altered course N18E. 2.20pm: Sighted Spanish SS bearing NE. 3.0pm: Altered course S72E to clear SS. 4.0pm: Altered course N18E. Evening quarters. Exercised Collision stations. 4.24pm: Altered course N72W, log 53.1. 4.50pm: Altered course N18E. 5.0pm: Courses as requisite. 6.5pm: Altered course N18E, 43 revs, zigzag No 7. [Course and Distance made good: North, 213 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) West, 200 miles] [Number on sick list: 15] 4caf8890cadfd3419702142a: ( 53-49969-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8890cadfd3419702142b: ( 53-49969-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8890cadfd3419702142c: ( 53-49969-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8890cadfd3419702142d: ( 53-49969-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1917 4caf8890cadfd3419702142e: ( 53-49970-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for November 1917] 4caf8890cadfd3419702142f: ( 53-49970-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] caf8890cadfd34197021430: ( 53-49970-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8890cadfd34197021431: ( 53-49970-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8890cadfd34197021432: ( 53-49970-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before except: Thermometers for Air Temperature Negretti and Zambra No 2998 and 2999 from Nov 1st to Nov 30th [which is odd as previously shown as Nos 2898 and 2899]; Thermometer for Sea Temperature Negretti and Zambra No 2902 from Nov 1st to Nov 11th, No 2898 from Nov 11th to Nov 30th] 4caf8890cadfd34197021433: ( 53-49970-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1917 At Sea Lat 40.63, Long -20.60 3.0am: Mustered Sea-boats crews. 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Altered course N30E: Commenced No I zigzag. 7.45am: Decreased to 41 Revs. 9.6am: “La Rosarina” dropped out by line. 9.7am: Courses and speed as requisite to close “La Rosarina”. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. 11.45am: In station, 42 Revs, N30E, No 1 zigzag. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Collision stations. 6.0pm: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 10.0pm: Mustered sea-boats crew. [Course and Distance made good: N5E, 166 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) S50W, 260 miles] [Number of sick list: 10] [South westerly wind force 4 to 6 until 4pm, then reducing, weather fine, noon air and sea temperature 66F] 4caf8890cadfd34197021434: ( 53-49970-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1917 At Sea Lat 43.53, Long -19.92 6.41am: 47 Revs. 7.0am: Zigzag No 1. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: General quarters: exercised “Action”. 10.0am: Secure. 10.10am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.57pm: Altered course N22E, log 14.3: No 8 zigzag. 4.0pm: Altered course N67E, log 39.6. Evening quarters, exercised PV stations. 6.0pm: Commenced No 7 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N10E, 177 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S85E, 460 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8890cadfd34197021435: ( 53-49970-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1917 At Sea Lat 46.07, Long -16.77 Noon: Altered course N66E: No I zigzag. 1.0pm: Hands Mustered for Monthly payment. 5.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.30pm: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 10.0pm: Mustered sea-boats crew. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N42E, 202 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S60E, 380 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] [Weather fine with light winds, noon temperature 58F, sea temperature 60F] 4caf8890cadfd34197021436: ( 53-49970-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1917 At Sea Lat 48.23, Long -13.08 2.0am: Mustered sea-boats crew. 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 6.45am: Sighted Destroyer Escort. 7.30am: Altered course East, log 2298.8. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.0am: Divine Service. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 10.30pm: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N49E, 199 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bishop Rock (Scilly Isles) N69E, 280 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8890cadfd34197021437: ( 53-49970-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1917 At Sea Lat 49.45, Long -7.73 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 9.16am: Lat DR 49 21 N, Long DR 8 35 W, Long Observed 8 06.5 W. 11.30am: Liverpool division parted company. 11.40am: Sighted two destroyers ENE. Noon: Altered course S83E. 0.5pm: HMS “Loyal” joined convoy. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised PV stations. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging: 51 Revs. 9.20pm: Altered course S65E, log 84.6. [Course and Distance made good: N71.5E, 222 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bishop Rock Scilly Isles: N55E, 61 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] [Mist and rain in pm, temperature at 4pm 54F, sea temperature 55F (no noon weather information)] 4caf8890cadfd34197021438: ( 53-49970-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1917 At Sea and at Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [estimated] 2.14am: Altered course N76E, log 131. 5.10am: 74 Revs. 5.40am: Altered course N4E. Start Point N50E. Eddystone N21W. 6.55am: Eddystone N40E, Breakwater Light House N12E, altered course N40W. 7.5am: Altered course N20E. 7.50am: 30 Revs. 8.0am: Passed Breakwater. 8.52am: Anchored with Port anchor and 3 shackles. 9.44am: Weighed anchor and proceeded up harbour. 10.10am: Passed Boom. 10.45am: Secured alongside No 5 Wharf. 0.30pm: Commenced coaling from jetty. 2.50pm: Coal lighter alongside. 3.0pm: Leave to port watch till noon Nov 9th. 4.0pm: Leave to first part starboard watch till 7am. 7.0pm: Ceased coaling. 8.30pm: Discharged mails to GPO [General Post Office] vans. [Number on sick list: 5] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 582 tons] 4caf8890cadfd34197021439: ( 53-49970-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 5 Wharf] 3.10am: Floating crane alongside for coaling. 7.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.10am: Commenced coaling. 1.10pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to second part starboard watch till 7am. 4.20pm: Exercised fire stations. [Provisions received: Vegetables 300 lbs] [Showers on and off, noon temperature 46F] 4caf8890cadfd3419702143a: ( 53-49970-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 5 Wharf] 7.10am: Commenced coaling. Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Night leave to first part Starboard watch. 5.0pm: Ceased coaling. [Provisions received: Vegetables 300 lbs] 4caf8890cadfd3419702143b: ( 53-49970-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 7.0am: Resumed coaling. 2.0pm: Leave to Starboard watch till Noon Nov 12th. 4.30pm: Night leave to second part port watch. 4caf8890cadfd3419702143c: ( 53-49970-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 7.0am: Resumed coaling. Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.20pm: Leave to first part port watch. 4.30pm: Exercised fire stations. 5.0pm: Finished coaling 1885 tons. [Provisions received: Vegetables 672 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2431 tons] 4caf8890cadfd3419702143d: ( 53-49970-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.0pm: Night leave to second part port watch. 4caf8890cadfd3419702143e: ( 53-49970-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 5 Wharf] 9.40am: Cast off and shifted to No 3 berth, No 5 Basin. Dockyard pilot and tugs assisting. 11.12am: Secured to No 3 Berth. [Ship in No 5 Basin] 1.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to first part port watch till 7am, second part provisioning ship. 7.30pm: Finished provisioning: leave to second part port watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 16277 lbs, Vegetables 21040 lbs] 4caf8890cadfd3419702143f: ( 53-49970-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 7.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.45am: Dockyard Staff shifting ship. 8.20am: Secured alongside. 6.0pm: Leave to Starboard watch and first part of port watch till 6.30am. 4caf8890cadfd34197021440: ( 53-49970-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.30am and in pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to port watch till 6.30am. 4caf8890cadfd34197021441: ( 53-49970-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1917 At Devonport and at Sea Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship in No 5 Basin] 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.45am: Cast off and proceeded to “K” lock. Noon: Left “K” lock for Plymouth Sound. Dockyard Pilot and tug assisting. 1.40pm: Hands employed as requisite. [At Anchor in Cawsand Bay] 3.30pm: Exercised “Action”. 4.15pm: Exercised “Abandon Ship”. 5.15pm: Weighed anchor. 5.40pm: Anchored with starboard anchor and 2 shackles. 6.45pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded in company with HMS “King Alfred”. 7.20pm: Rame Head N41W Eddystone S45W, altered course S56W. 7.27pm: Altered course S51W. 7.55pm: Eddystone Light House abeam 0.75 miles. 8.0pm: Altered course S73W. 10.18pm: Lizard Light House N36W, 9.25 miles, altered course S88W. 10.35pm: Lizard Light House abeam, 7.5 miles. 11.0pm: Wolf Rock Light House N67W (True), Lizard N25E. 4caf8890cadfd34197021442: ( 53-49970-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1917 At Sea Lat 48.80, Long -9.85 1.15am: St Mary’s Light House abeam (N20W) (True), distant 14 miles. 1.35am: Bishop Rock abeam, distant 16 miles, log 84.5. 3.0am: Mustered sea boats crew. 11.14am: Hoisted in PVs. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised fire stations. 10.0pm: Mustered sea-boats crew. 11.0pm: Clocks back 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S70W, 243 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bishop Rock N63.5E, 160 miles] [Misty all day, noon temperature 52F, sea temperature 54F] 4caf8890cadfd34197021443: ( 53-49970-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1917 At Sea Lat 46.42, Long -18.00 3.0am: Clocks back 30 minutes. 3.15am: Altered course S82W, log 473.3. 6.5am: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 6.0pm: Ceased Zigzagging. 7.30pm: Reduced to 74 Revs. [Course and Distance made good: S66.5W, 260 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S61E, 426 miles] 4caf8890cadfd34197021444: ( 53-49970-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1917 At Sea Lat 42.22, Long -22.82 6.0am: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 9.30am: Divisions: Read articles of war. 10.15am: Divine Service. 10.30am: Sighted schooner (Spanish) on port bow. 6.25pm: No 9 zigzag. 6.45pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S39.5W, 326 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) S22W, 280 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021445: ( 53-49970-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1917 At Sea Lat 36.88, Long -22.70 6.0am: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. 0.45pm: Altered course S65W, log 81.1. 2.15pm: Altered course S20W, log 1300.6. 4.10pm: Exercised collision stations. 10.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S1E, 320 miles] [South easterly wind force 4 to 6 from noon, weather fine, noon temperature 66F, sea temperature 68F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021446: ( 53-49970-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1917 At Sea Lat 31.85, Long -23.08 3.30am: Mustered sea boats crew. 6.0am: Commenced zigzagging. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: physical drill. 8.30pm: Altered course S5W, log 1699.5. 11.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. Mustered sea boats crew. [Course and Distance made good: S3.5W, 301 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira N79E, 310 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021447: ( 53-49970-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1917 At Sea Lat 27.00, Long -22.45 6.0am: Commenced zigzagging. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.10pm: Exercised “Close W/T doors”. [Course and Distance made good: S6.5E, 293 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ferro (Canary Islands) N77E, 235 miles] [South easterly wind force 6 until 4pm, then force 4, sea state mostly rough, weather fine, temperature at 4pm 70F, sea temperature 71F (noon temperatures not given)] 4caf8891cadfd34197021448: ( 53-49970-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1917 At Sea Lat 21.92, Long -21.07 1.0am: Ceased zigzagging. 6.0am: Commenced No 7 zigzag, 6.0pm: Zigzag No 9. [Course and Distance made good: S14E, 314 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S73E, 230 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021449: ( 53-49970-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1917 At Sea Lat 16.83, Long -19.77 0.45am: Ceased zigzagging. 5.50am: Commenced No 7 zigzag. 10.30pm: Altered course S72E, log 2673.9. [Course and Distance made good: S13.5E, 314 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S47E, 182 miles] [Weather fine with easterly wind force 3 throughout, noon air and sea temperature 76F] 4caf8891cadfd3419702144a: ( 53-49970-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1917 At Sea and at Dakar Lat 14.68, Long -17.41 [estimated] 4.10am: Cape Verde Light House bore East (magnetic). 4.20am: Altered course East. 5.57am: Altered course S62E, 70 revs. 6.5am: Cape Manuel Light House N38E, 1.25 miles. 6.30am: Passed Boom. 7.0am: Anchored with Starboard anchor 3 shackles in 8 fathoms. [At Anchor. Anchor Bearings: Belair Point North, Cape Manuel Light House S54W, North Breakwater Light House N82W] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Read warrants Nos 19, 20 and 21. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S13E, 140 miles, East, 98 miles] 4caf8891cadfd3419702144b: ( 53-49970-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1917 At Dakar Lat 14.69, Long -17.41 [At Anchor] 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.0am: Divine Service. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Weather fine, noon temperature 78F] 4caf8891cadfd3419702144c: ( 53-49970-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1917 At Dakar Lat 14.69, Long -17.41 [At Anchor] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8891cadfd3419702144d: ( 53-49970-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1917 At Dakar Lat 14.69, Long -17.41 [At Anchor] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8891cadfd3419702144e: ( 53-49970-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1917 At Dakar Lat 14.69, Long -17.41 [At Anchor] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8891cadfd3419702144f: ( 53-49970-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1917 At Dakar Lat 14.69, Long -17.41 [At Anchor] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8891cadfd34197021450: ( 53-49970-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1917 At Dakar Lat 14.69, Long -17.41 [At Anchor] am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Exercised “Abandon Ship”. 4.16pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite with Convoy. 4.55pm: Passed Boom. 5.0pm: Cape Manuel Light House N61W, Belair Point N77E: altered course S34W. 5.40pm: Cape Manuel N75E, Cape Verde Light House N18E: altered course N42W. Streamed patent log. 9.20pm: Commenced zigzag No 3. 11.30pm: Mustered sea boat’s crew. [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8891cadfd34197021451: ( 53-49970-018_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8891cadfd34197021452: ( 53-49970-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8891cadfd34197021453: ( 53-49970-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8891cadfd34197021454: ( 53-49970-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8891cadfd34197021455: ( 53-49970-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1917 4caf8891cadfd34197021456: ( 53-49971-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for December 1917] 4caf8891cadfd34197021457: ( 53-49971-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8891cadfd34197021458: ( 53-49971-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8891cadfd34197021459: ( 53-49971-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8891cadfd3419702145a: ( 53-49971-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as previous month] 4caf8891cadfd3419702145b: ( 53-49971-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1917 At Sea Lat 15.95, Long -19.57 [mean of 8am and 8pm positions as noon position not shown in log] 4.0pm: Altered course N8E. Lat DR 15 57 [N], Long 19 56 W. Commenced swinging for deviation of Compasses. 5.0pm: 65 Revs. Finished swinging. 9.0pm: Commenced No 3 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good and True Bearing and Distance both blank] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd3419702145c: ( 53-49971-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1917 At Sea Lat 18.52, Long -20.42 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30am: Divine Service. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.5pm: Commenced zigzag no 3. [Course and Distance made good: N60.5W, 30 miles, N10.5W, 157 miles] [True Bearing and Distance made good: Cape Blanco N53.5E, 234 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd3419702145d: ( 53-49971-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1917 At Sea Lat 21.43, Long -21.08 9.15am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.5pm: Spoke HMS “Motagua”. pm: Watch and daymen employed as requisite. 4.7pm: Lat DR 21 55.5 N, Long DR 21 55 N [W], Lat Observed 21 10.5 W [N], Long Observed 21 11.5 W. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 10.0pm: Commenced No 3 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N12W, 179 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N84.5E, 220 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Weather fine, noon air and sea temperature 71F] 4caf8891cadfd3419702145e: ( 53-49971-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1917 At Sea Lat 24.15, Long -21.70 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised “Collision Stations”. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Commenced No 3 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N12W, 167 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Ferro (Canary Islands) N42E, 275 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd3419702145f: ( 53-49971-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1917 At Sea Lat 26.92, Long -22.38 am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.25pm: Courses and speed as requisite. 1.50pm: Altered course N17E. 4.10pm: Lat DR 27 57 N, Long DR 22 25 W, Long Observed 22 28 W. 4.50pm: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. Midnight: Commenced no 3 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N12.5W, 170 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ferro (Canary Island) N77E, 230 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd34197021460: ( 53-49971-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1917 At Sea Lat 29.88, Long -22.62 1.0pm: Altered course N59E. Lat 30 00 N, Long 22 37 W. 2.20pm: Stopped port engine, 60 Revs Starboard engine 5.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 6.50pm: 45 Revs (both engines). [Course and Distance made good: N4W, 179 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S75E, 253 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd34197021461: ( 53-49971-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1917 At Sea Lat 32.40, Long -22.45 9.15am: Divisions. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 10.15am: Secure. 10.48am: Engines and helm as requisite to haul out of line. 11.0am: Altered course S28W. 11.50am: Altered course N29E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised “Close W/T doors”. 4.20pm: Altered course N30E, No 3 zigzag. 11.0pm: Mustered sea boat’s crew. [Course and Distance made good: N3.5E, 151 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira N85E, 260 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [North easterly wind force 4 for most of day, weather fine or cloudy, noon temperature 66F, sea temperature 68F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021462: ( 53-49971-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1917 At Sea Lat 35.38, Long -21.88 2.0am: Mustered sea boats crew. 3.5am: GMT. Commenced No 3 zigzag. 0.55pm: Altered course N25E. Lat 35 30 N, Long 21 52.5 W. 2.50pm: Courses and speed as requisite. 4.20pm: Lat DR 35 53 N, Long DR 21 49 W, Long Observed 21 49 45 W. 4.45pm: Resumed station in convoy N25E 44 Revs. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N9E, 181 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S56E, 266 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8891cadfd34197021463: ( 53-49971-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1917 At Sea Lat 38.25, Long -21.73 1.30am: SS “Roma” [possibly the ship listed here] parted company. 6.30am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 9.9am: Courses and speed as requisite, log 102. 9.30am: Divisions: Captain’s Rounds. 10.30am: Divine Service. 0.10pm: Resumed Course N56E, zigzag No 3. 1.25pm: Lat DR 38 20 N, Lat Observed 38 25 N, Long DR 21 39 W, Long Observed 21 43 W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.55pm: Lat DR 38 49 N, Long 21 42 W, altered course N35E, log 714. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N2.5E, 172 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) S82W, 160 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8891cadfd34197021464: ( 53-49971-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1917 At Sea Lat 40.72, Long -20.78 6.30am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 7.0am: Lat DR 40 25 N, Long 21 11 W, log 1670.1. 7.15am: Altered course N60E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Altered course N57E, zigzag No 3. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Ceased zigzagging. 4.35pm: Altered course N52E. [Course and Distance made good: N16.5E, 155 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S49W, 265 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] [Squally north westerly wind force 6 or 7 from noon onwards, sea state very rough in pm, 4.0pm temperature 57F, sea temperature 62F (noon temperature not shown)] 4caf8891cadfd34197021465: ( 53-49971-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1917 At Sea Lat 42.30, Long -18.88 7.0am: Lat DR 42 11 N, Lat Polaris 42 04 N. 7.20am: Courses and speed as requisite. 8.58am: Lat DR 42 05 N, Lat Polaris and DR 41 58 N, Long DR 18 59 W, Long Observed 19 10 W. Courses and speeds as requisite. 11.45am: Rejoined convoy, zigzag No 3, Course N52E. 2.6pm: Lat DR 42 14 N, Long DR 18 56 W, Observed 19 05 W. Courses and speed as requisite. pm: 10 tons fresh water pumped overboard from No 8 tank. 3.55pm: Course N70E, 27 Revs. 4.6pm: Lat DR 42 29 N, Long DR 18 42 W, Lat Observed 42 25 N, Long Observed 18 46 W. 4.29pm: 32 Revs. 5.15pm: Lat DR 42 29.5 N, Long DR 18 40 W, Lat Observed 42 29.5 N, Long Observed 18 56 W. 8.0pm: Lat DR 42 36.5 N, Long DR 18 45 W (5.15pm Observations corrected for Run [?]). [Course and Distance made good: N41.5E, 127 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N85E, 420 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [Squally north easterly wind force 7 or 8 until late evening, with sea state very rough, rain through middle of day, noon temperature 59F, sea temperature 60F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021466: ( 53-49971-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1917 At Sea Lat 42.97, Long -17.95 9.10am: Courses and speed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.40am: Physical drill. 10.52am: Course N60E - to rejoin convoy. 1.15pm: Rejoined convoy N70E: 40 Revs. 3.37pm: Lat DR 43 13 N, Long DR 17 37 W, Lat Observed 43 13 N, Long Observed 17 40 W. 5.15pm: Lat DR 43 18 N, Long DR 17 32 W, Lat Observed 43 18 N, Long DR [Observed] 17 31.5 W. 11.35pm: Mustered sea boat’s crew. [Course and Distance made good: N46E, 57.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre East 376 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [North easterly wind force 6 or 6/7 until 4pm, then force 5, sea rough for most of day] 4caf8891cadfd34197021467: ( 53-49971-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1917 At Sea Lat 44.37, Long -15.95 10.0am: Commenced zigzag No 3, 43 revs. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Altered course N75E. 2.20pm: Ceased zigzagging. 2.55pm: Resumed zigzagging. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: Exercised PV stations. 10.25pm: 44 Revs, log 2189.1. [Course and Distance made good: N46E, 121 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S73W, 311 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8891cadfd34197021468: ( 53-49971-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1917 At Sea Lat 46.10, Long -12.83 7.0am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 7.20am: 48 Revs. 8.30am: Sighted destroyer escort. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 1.0pm: Altered course N80E: 50 Revs, zigzag No 3. 1.40pm: 75 Revs. Courses as requisite. 3.6pm: Course N80E: 48 Revs. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised “Close W/T doors”. 4.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N51.5E, 168 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S40E, 247 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021469: ( 53-49971-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1917 At Sea Lat 47.77, Long -8.87 2.0am and 5.30am: Mustered sea boat’s crew. 7.0am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 11.0am: Sighted Devonport destroyer escort. Noon: Altered course N71E, 74 Revs. 0.20pm: Commenced zigzag No 1. 1.0pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4.25pm: Out PVs. 4.55pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. 11.45pm: Mustered sea boats crew. [Course and Distance made good: N58E, 191 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Eddystone N51.5E, 235 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8891cadfd3419702146a: ( 53-49971-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1917 At Sea [and arriving Devonport] Lat 50.36, Long -4.14 [estimated] 2.52am: Lizard Light House abeam 12 miles, log 2700.6. 2.57am: Altered course N57E, log 2701.7. 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 5.20am: Eddystone Light House abeam 7.5 miles. 5.27am: Altered course S86E, 70 revs, log hauled in. 5.52am: 50 Revs: thence as requisite. 6.45am: Anchored in Cawsand Bay with port Anchor and 3 shackles in 11 fathoms. 8.10am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 8.46am: Anchored in Plymouth Sound with port anchor and 1.5 shackles in 7.5 fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Batten Tower N57E, Smeaton Tower N4W] 0.55pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded up harbour. 1.17pm: Passed Boom. 1.50pm: Secured to No 6 Buoy. [At No 6 Buoy (Devonport)] 4.30pm: Leave to starboard watch till 8pm 20th. [Number on sick list: 7] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 675 tons] 4caf8891cadfd3419702146b: ( 53-49971-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [estimated] [At No 6 Buoy] 7.52am: Slipped and proceeded to No 6 Wharf. 8.30am: Alongside No 6 wharf. 8.35am: Secured alongside No 6 wharf. [At No 6 Wharf] 9.35am: Commenced coaling. 1.10pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Leave to second part port watch till 7am. 4.45pm: Exercised fire stations. 7.0pm: Ceased coaling: Received 339 tons. [Squally in am, noon temperature 35F] 4caf8891cadfd3419702146c: ( 53-49971-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1917 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 6 Wharf] 7.0am: Resumed coaling. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0pm: Ceased coaling. [Provisions received: Vegetables 17920 lbs]. 4caf8891cadfd3419702146d: ( 53-49971-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1917 At Sea [actually at Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 6 Wharf] 7.0am: Resumed coaling. am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 6.30pm: Leave to second part port watch till 7am. 7.0pm: Ceased coaling. 4caf8891cadfd3419702146e: ( 53-49971-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1917 At Sea [actually at Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 6 Wharf] 7.0am: Commenced coaling. 8.0am and 1.10pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.30pm: Night leave to first part port watch. 6.30pm: Completed coaling. Coal received 1855 tons. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2469 tons] [Weather fine in am, misty in pm, noon temperature 38F] 4caf8891cadfd3419702146f: ( 53-49971-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1917 At Sea [actually still at Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 6 Wharf] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Exercised fire stations. 4.30pm: Leave to CPOs and first class POs till 6.45am. 4caf8891cadfd34197021470: ( 53-49971-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1917 At Devonport and at Sea Lat 50.33, Long -4.18 [estimated] [Ship at No 6 Wharf] 8.0am: Read Warrant No 22. 10.40am: Cast off and proceeded to Sound. 11.25am: Passed boom. Noon: Anchored in Cawsand Bay with port Anchor and 2 shackles in 9 fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: Maker Church N20E, Smeaton Tower N54E] 1.15pm: Exercised “Action”. 1.55pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 2.40pm: Rame Head N51E, Mewstone N77E, Course S46W. 3.27pm: Eddystone N7W, 2 miles, altered course S48W. 3.40pm: Eddystone N9E, Penlee Point N30E: 68 Revs. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.5pm: Commenced zigzag No 3. 8.30pm: Altered course S64W, log 58. Ceased zigzagging. 9.5pm: Commenced zigzag No 3. 11.0pm: Mustered sea boat’s crew. 4caf8891cadfd34197021471: ( 53-49971-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1917 At Sea Lat 47.68, Long -8.18 2.0am: Ceased zigzagging. Sea boat’s crew mustered. 6.45am: Altered course N80W, log 180. 9.30am: Altered course S67W, log 212.8. 9.45am: In PVs. Speed as requisite. 10.20am: Divisions. 10.35am: Divine Service. Noon: Altered course N80W, 62 Revs. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 10.20pm: Mustered seaboat’s crew. 11.0pm: Clocks back 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S46W, 215 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ushant N70W, 132 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021472: ( 53-49971-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1917 At Sea Lat 45.73, Long -14.57 0.30am: Altered course S63W, log 401.8. 1.0am: Ceased zigzagging. 3.0am: Clocks back 30 minutes. 7.5am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.40am: Physical drill. 0.24pm: GMT sun [symbol] 20 03.5, Lat 45 54 N. 1.45pm: Lat 45 28 N, Long Observed 14 55 W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.30pm: Commenced No 3 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: S82W, 146 miles; S46W, 138 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S51.5W, 256 miles] [Easterly then north easterly wind force 5 or 6 in pm, with rough sea, weather overcast, noon temperature 51F, sea temperature 55F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021473: ( 53-49971-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1917 At Sea Lat 42.47, Long -19.40 6.50am: Courses and speed as requisite. 8.15am: Course S63W, zigzag No 3. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.15am: Divine service [as this is Christmas Day]. 11.12am: Lat DR 42 33.5 N, Long DR 18 55 W, Lat Observed 42 36 N, Long Observed 19 17 W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S47W, 286 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) S43.5W, 384 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8891cadfd34197021474: ( 53-49971-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1917 At Sea Lat 38.45, Long -22.05 2.0am: Mustered sea boat’s crew. 4.0am: Ceased zigzagging. 7.0am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 7.55am: Altered course S32W, log 68.3 9.10am: Sighted small steamer bearing S52W. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised Collision stations. 5.40pm: Lat DR 37 25 N, Long DR 22 23 W, Lat Observed 37 25 N, Long Observed 22 20 W. 11.0pm: Mustered sea boat’s crew. [Course and Distance made good: S26.5W, 269 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) S75W, 152 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8891cadfd34197021475: ( 53-49971-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1917 At Sea Lat 34.03, Long -23.28 1.50am: Sea boat’s crew mustered. 5.0am: Ceased zigzagging. 5.30am: Seaboats crew mustered. 7.10am: Commenced zigzagging. 1.0pm: Altered course S34W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised “Abandon Ship”. 10.40pm: Sea boat’s crew mustered. [Course and Distance made good: S12.5W, 272 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S72W, 316 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8891cadfd34197021476: ( 53-49971-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1917 At Sea Lat 29.68, Long -24.62 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 6.50pm: Ceased zigzagging, 63 Revs. [Course and Distance made good: S14.5W, 269 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S81W, 340 miles] [Weather fine, noon temperature 65F, sea temperature 67F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021477: ( 53-49971-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1917 At Sea Lat 25.27, Long -25.97 7.10am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 9.0am: Courses as requisite. 10.15am: Resumed course S34W, 66 revs. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [Course and Distance made good: S15W, 275 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ferro (Canary Islands) N70.5W, 440 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021478: ( 53-49971-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1917 At Sea Lat 20.57, Long -27.37 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30am: Divine Service. 3.0pm: Altered course S19W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Commenced No 3 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: S15.5W, 292 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Antonio (Cape Verde Islands) S28E, 240 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021479: ( 53-49971-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1917 At Sea Lat 16.03, Long -27.42 2.0am and 5.0am: Seaboat’s crew mustered. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: Exercised fire stations. 5.30pm: Lat DR 15 00 N, Long 27 25 W, altered course S28E, 60 Revs. Ceased zigzagging. 6.0pm: Resumed zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S0.5W, 272 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Antonio (Cape Verde Islands) N62E, 135 miles] [Weather fine, with light winds, noon temperature 73F, sea temperature 75F] 4caf8891cadfd3419702147a: ( 53-49971-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8891cadfd3419702147b: ( 53-49971-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8891cadfd3419702147c: ( 53-49971-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8891cadfd3419702147d: ( 53-49971-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR JANUARY 1918 4caf8891cadfd3419702147e: ( 53-49972-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for January 1918] 4caf8891cadfd3419702147f: ( 53-49972-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8891cadfd34197021480: ( 53-49972-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8891cadfd34197021481: ( 53-49972-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8891cadfd34197021482: ( 53-49972-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8891cadfd34197021483: ( 53-49972-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1918 At Sea Lat 12.77, Long -24.72 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.20am: Exercised “Action”. 1.10pm: Altered course S25E, log 17.6. Speed as requisite. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. SS Kaino Maru left convoy. 11.0pm: Commenced zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S38.5E, 251 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fogo (Cape Verde Islands) N82E, 124 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021484: ( 53-49972-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1918 At Sea Lat 9.92, Long -21.37 9.0am: Exercised sightsetters. 9.25am: Altered course S61E. Speed as requisite. 9.45am: Commenced 1 inch aiming rifle firing practice. 2.35pm: Lat DR 9 50 N, Long DR 20 54 W, Lat Observed 9 48 N, Long Observed 20 53 W. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S49W, 260 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone Light House S80W, 488 miles] 4caf8891cadfd34197021485: ( 53-49972-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1918 At Sea Lat 9.06, Long -16.58 [mean of 8am and 8pm positions as no noon position shown in log] 9.35am: Ceased zigzagging. 2.30pm: Passed French SS “Marechal du Turcue” [?] from Dakar to Adelaide, altered course S15E. 2.37pm: Altered course S63E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.10pm: Exercised “Man overboard”. 5.45pm: Rejoined convoy. [Course and Distance made good and True Bearing and Distance blank] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8891cadfd34197021486: ( 53-49972-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1918 At Sea and at Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [estimated] 1.30am: Passed steamer bound South. 2.30am: Passed steamer bound ENE. 3.0am: Mustered seaboat’s crew. 4.30am: Seaboats crew Mustered. 5.0am: Sierra Leone Light House S67E. 5.26am: Altered course S72E. 5.45am: Sierra Leone Light House S67E, 13 miles. 6.56am: Light House abeam 4 cables. 6.59am: Passed Boom. 7.50am: Anchored in C3 berth. [At Anchor] 10.25am: Shifted to A6 berth. 11.0am: Anchored with starboard anchor and 4 shackles. pm: Hands employed as requisite. [At Anchor in A6 Berth] 5.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S80.5W, 222 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] [Weather fine and calm, noon temperature 81F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021487: ( 53-49972-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd34197021488: ( 53-49972-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] 8.0am: HMS “Edinburgh Castle” anchored. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.15am: Divine Service. 1.0pm: Leave to 20% of ships company till 6pm. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8891cadfd34197021489: ( 53-49972-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Leave to first part port watch till 6pm. [Number on sick list: 7] [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 2594 lbs] 4caf8891cadfd3419702148a: ( 53-49972-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1918 At [and leaving] Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor in A6 Berth] am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.35pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded as requisite. 2.55pm: Sierra Leone Light House abeam. 3.20pm: Sierra Leone Light House S45E, Banana Island S3W: Course N58W. [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd3419702148b: ( 53-49972-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1918 At Sea Lat 9.27, Long -16.62 2.0am and 5.0am: Exercised seaboat’s crew. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers: physical drill. Noon: Altered course N10W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.10pm: Exercised Abandon Ship Stations. 11.0pm: Exercised seaboat’s crew. [Course and Distance made good: N76.5W, 202 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Iles de Los Light House [Conakry] N86E, 165 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8891cadfd3419702148c: ( 53-49972-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1918 At Sea Lat 12.60, Long -18.47 8.52am: Exercised sightsetters. 0.20pm: Altered course N11W. 6.50pm: SS Shalonee [?] left convoy with orders to Proceed to Dakar. Lat DR 13 34 N, Long DR 19 02 W. [Course and Distance made good: N28.5W, 228 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kasamanze River Light House [Senegal] S89.5E, 99 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8891cadfd3419702148d: ( 53-49972-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1918 At Sea Lat 15.98, Long -20.48 6.0am: Commenced No 3 zigzag - 55 Revs. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: “Exercised Action”. Ceased zigzagging. 9.35am: Altered course S79W. 9.58am: Altered course N11W. 10.15am: Commenced zigzagging. Noon: Altered course N18E. Ceased zigzagging. 0.45pm: Commenced zigzag No 3. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N30W, 234 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S69E, 188 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd3419702148e: ( 53-49972-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1918 At Sea Lat 19.82, Long -20.72 6.0am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 11.46am: Lat Observed (DA [Double Altitude]) 19 46 N, Long 20 43 W. 0.17pm: Altered course N19E. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N3.25W, 230 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N74E, 210 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [Misty from noon onwards, noon temperature 72F, sea temperature 71F] 4caf8891cadfd3419702148f: ( 53-49972-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1918 At Sea Lat 23.65, Long -20.68 7.0am: Commenced No 3 zigzag: 54 Revs. 9.30am: Divisions: Hands muster by open list. 10.15am: Divine Service. 1.0pm: Altered course N19E. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N2W, 230 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S50E, 270 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8891cadfd34197021490: ( 53-49972-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1918 At Sea Lat 27.60, Long -20.75 6.30am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 0.55pm: Altered course N17E, zigzag No 3. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.10pm: Exercised PV station: 50 Revs. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzagging: 50 Revs. [Course and Distance made good: N2W, 237 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8891cadfd34197021491: ( 53-49972-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1918 At Sea Lat 31.27, Long -20.88 6.30am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 9.40am: Log hauled in. Noon: Log set and streamed. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised collision stations. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N1.5W, 220 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira N64E, 204 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8891cadfd34197021492: ( 53-49972-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1918 At Sea Lat 34.95, Long -20.95 6.45am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 0.55pm: Altered course N13E, No 1 zigzag. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.10pm: Exercised “Close W/T [watertight] doors”. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N1W, 218 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S57E, 225 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8891cadfd34197021493: ( 53-49972-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1918 At Sea Lat 38.35, Long -21.07 0.50am: Sighted light bearing N62W. 2.0am and 6.0am: Exercised seaboats crew. 6.45am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 9.5am: Commenced No I zigzag. 1.0pm: Altered course N3E, zigzag No 1, 49 Revs. 6.15pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Exercised seaboats crew. Midnight: Altered course N59E, 44 Revs: Lat DR 39 58 N, Long DR 21 28 W. [Course and Distance made good: N1W, 214 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape St Vincent S82E, 578 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [Squally wind, mostly south westerly, force 4 or 5 all day, sea state rough in pm. Noon temperature 59F, sea temperature 61F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021494: ( 53-49972-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1918 At Sea Lat 41.15, Long -20.07 7.0am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 8.0am: No I zigzag. 9.0am: 39 Revs. Ceased zigzagging. 10.18am: Courses and speed as requisite. 11.10am: Altered course N72E - 48 Revs. 2.30pm: SS Highland Laddie [Highland Laddie (2) listed here] left convoy with orders to join HMS Patuca’s convoy Lat DR 41 24 N, Long DR 19 46 W. [Course and Distance made good: N15.5E, 175 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N78E, 486 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Another squally day, south westerly wind force 6 until 4pm, then force 8, sea state rough, then very rough then high at midnight] 4caf8891cadfd34197021495: ( 53-49972-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1918 At Sea Lat 43.70, Long -16.80 2.0am and 5.0am: Exercised seaboat’s crew. 1.0pm: Altered course N63E (magnetic), 48 Revs. 11.0pm: Exercised seaboat’s crew. [Course and Distance made good: N43E, 210 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S82E, 338 miles] [Squally south westerly wind force 6 or 6/7 until 8pm then reducing. Sea state initially high, then rough or very rough until late pm. Noon air and sea temperature 56F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021496: ( 53-49972-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1918 At Sea Lat 46.30, Long -13.22 7.25am: GMT. Commenced No 3 zigzag. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30am: Divine Service. Noon: Altered course N73E, zigzag No 3. 11.0pm: Clocks on 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N44.5E, 218 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S42.5E, 255 miles] [Southerly wind force 6 from noon to 8pm, with sea state rough, noon air and sea temperature 54F] 4caf8891cadfd34197021497: ( 53-49972-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1918 At Sea Lat 48.38, Long -9.22 3.0am: Clocks on half hour. 3.20am: Moonlight. 7.25am: Zigzag No 3. 10.5am: With Destroyer Escort, altered course N75E, 55 Revs. 11.7am: Lat DR 48 22 N, Long DR 9 22 W, Lat Observed 48 18 N, Long Observed 9 23 W. 1.50pm: Mean [?] Alt [symbol] 48 28 N. 2.0pm: As requisite: out PVs. 3.0pm: N75E, zigzag No 3, 54 Revs. 4.45pm: Altered course S83E, zigzag No 3. 8.0pm: Lat DR 48 58 N, [Long] DR 7 38 W. [Course and Distance made good: N52.5E, 206 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bishop Rock N51E, 139 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8891cadfd34197021498: ( 53-49972-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1918 At Sea Lat 50.25, Long -4.00 3.45am: Ceased zigzag. 7.0am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 8.0am: Lat DR 49 26 N, Long DR 4 57 W. 8.13am: N52E. 9.25am: Sighted and cleared Torpedo [Lat] 49 39 N, [Long] 4 41 W. 11.13am: Land sighted, courses and speeds as requisite, zigzag accordingly. 0.20pm: Eddystone S9E. 0.45pm: In PVs. 1.0pm: Passed Breakwater. 1.12pm: Dockyard Pilot took charge, tug alongside. 1.35pm: Passed Boom. 1.55pm: Secured to No 6 Buoy. [Draft on arrival: Forward 21’ 9”, Aft 25’ 04”] 2.0pm: HMS Vivid alongside for Edinburgh Castle’s Ratings, bags and hammocks. pm: Hands employed returning Ammunition, Hospital Boat alongside for 24 Ratings. 5.0pm: Read Warrant No 25. 5.10pm: Discharged 24 Rating to RN Hospital. 7.20pm: Discharged 48 bags and 25 Baskets Mail to Dockyard. [Course and Distance made good: Various 247 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8891cadfd34197021499: ( 53-49972-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [estimated] 3.30am: Ship swung to Ebb. 7.0am: General leave to Port Watch till 8.0am January 31st. 7.20am: Libertymen landed. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.10am: 1 Steward rating rejoined ship. 2.30pm: Unshackled from No 6 Buoy. 3.45pm: Secured alongside No 5 Berth in Basin. 5.30pm: Liberty Men landed. 6.0pm: Discharged 6 MMR ratings and 1 Rating MMR to Depot. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 627 tons] 4caf8891cadfd3419702149a: ( 53-49972-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1918 [shown as 25 January in log, in error] At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.18 [estimated] [In Basin] 8.0am: Cast off from No 5 Berth. 9.0am: In Dry Dock. Hands employed as requisite. 2.20pm: 2 Prisoners discharged to depot. 5.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 7.0pm: Engineer Sub Lieutenant Collings [probably AC Hollings, appointed to ship on 21 Jan - listed here] RNR joining Ship. 4caf8891cadfd3419702149b: ( 53-49972-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.18 8.5am: Landed 2 prisoners. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: 1 Boatswain and 22 ratings joined ship from HMS Eagle. 4.0pm: Hands employed provisioning ship. 5.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4caf8891cadfd3419702149c: ( 53-49972-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.18 7.0am: Liberty Men returned. 8.0am: 20 hands employed drawing stores, remainder as requisite. 3.15pm: Ship floated in Dock. 4.45pm: Shifted Ship and made fast alongside No 5 Berth. 4caf8891cadfd3419702149d: ( 53-49972-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 7.0am: Liberty Men returned. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0am: Church Parties landed. Noon: Church Parties returned. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed and landed 1 prisoner under escort to Depôt. 5.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4caf8891cadfd3419702149e: ( 53-49972-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 7.0am: Liberty Men returned. 8.0am: Commenced coaling. am: Engineers, Boatswains and Carpenters parties employed drawing stores. 3.50pm: Received fresh beef and vegetables. 5.0pm: Liberty Men landed. Coal Received 837 tons. 11.0pm: Discharged and PO and ~~ Cot Case to RN Sick Quarters Barracks. 4caf8891cadfd3419702149f: ( 53-49972-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 7.0am: Liberty Men landed [returned?]. am: Hands employed drawing stores. 2.15pm: 1 PO joined Ship. 5.0pm: 1 Leading Seaman RNR discharged [to] Depôt. Liberty Men landed. Coal received 1650 tons. 4caf8891cadfd341970214a0: ( 53-49972-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 7.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. 6.0pm: Coal received 1960 tons. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2517 tons] [Weather fine, noon temperature 49F] 4caf8891cadfd341970214a1: ( 53-49972-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 8.0am: Hands employed provisioning ship and as requisite. 4.0pm: Paid Monthly money. 6.30pm: 4 Ratings joined ship for HMS Bacchante. 5.0pm: Read Warrant No 27. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 16000 lbs, Vegetables 8 tons, Bread 8000 lbs] 4caf8891cadfd341970214a2: ( 53-49972-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8891cadfd341970214a3: ( 53-49972-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8891cadfd341970214a4: ( 53-49972-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8891cadfd341970214a5: ( 53-49972-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1918 4caf8891cadfd341970214a6: ( 53-49973-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for February 1918] 4caf8891cadfd341970214a7: ( 53-49973-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8891cadfd341970214a8: ( 53-49973-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8891cadfd341970214a9: ( 53-49973-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8891cadfd341970214aa: ( 53-49973-003_0.jpg) [Left hand side of two forms S-382 Supply Note for Chronometers and Watches, as follows:]
4caf8891cadfd341970214ab: ( 53-49973-003_1.jpg) [Right hand side of forms, as above] 4caf8891cadfd341970214ac: ( 53-49973-004_0.jpg) [Blank pages, back of forms as above] 4caf8891cadfd341970214ad: ( 53-49973-004_1.jpg) [Blank pages, back of forms as above] 4caf8891cadfd341970214ae: ( 53-49973-005_0.jpg) [Left hand side of form S-379 Return of Chronometers, Chronometer Watches, Hack and Pocket Watches on board, and transactions that have take place since last Return, as follows: ] For the period: January 1st 1918
[Signed] DR Bertram Lieutenant RNR Navigating Officer 4caf8892cadfd341970214af: ( 53-49973-005_1.jpg) [Right hand side of form, as above] 4caf8892cadfd341970214b0: ( 53-49973-006_0.jpg) [Blank page, back of previous form] 4caf8892cadfd341970214b1: ( 53-49973-006_1.jpg) [Blank page, back of previous form] 4caf8892cadfd341970214b2: ( 53-49973-007_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer (as before), details of Thermometers not filled in] 4caf8892cadfd341970214b3: ( 53-49973-007_1.jpg) 1 February 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 5 Wharf] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Leave to port watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Vegetables 850 lbs, Bread 500 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214b4: ( 53-49973-008_0.jpg) 2 February 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [Ship at No 5 Wharf] am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Leave to Starboard Watch till 11pm. pm: Port watch employed as requisite. 4caf8892cadfd341970214b5: ( 53-49973-008_1.jpg) 3 February 1918 At Sea [and leaving Devonport/Plymouth] Lat 50.34, Long -4.18 [estimated] [Ship at No 5 Wharf] 9.10am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour, Kings HMP [Harbour Master Plymouth] in charge. 9.20am: Passed Boom. 9.50am: Anchored in Cawsand Bay with Starboard anchor and 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Maker Church N1E, Breakwater Light House S81E, Ships head S60W] 0.32pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 0.45pm: Draystone abeam 0.25 miles, altered course S45W. 1.42pm: Eddystone Light House abeam, 1 mile. 2.0pm: Altered course S43W, Eddystone N3E, 1.5 miles. 2.18pm: Streamed patent log. 3.0pm: Commenced No 3 zigzag S43W. 5.0pm: Altered course S77W: 60 Revs. 6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Exercised seaboat’s crew. 4caf8892cadfd341970214b6: ( 53-49973-009_0.jpg) 4 February 1918 At Sea Lat 48.13, Long -8.92 2.0am and 5.0am: Exercised seaboats crew. 9.0am: Courses and speed as requisite. 9.40am: In PVs. 10.10am: Rejoined convoy: 59 Revs, No 3 zigzag. 11.25am: Sighted Steamer bearing N65W. 11.35am: Ceased zigzag. 11.55am: Commenced zigzag No 3. Noon: Altered course S69W, “Khyber” [probably Khyber (1) listed here], “Allmions” [?] and destroyers left convoy. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised fire stations. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Exercised seaboats crew. Clocks back 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S24W, 32 miles; S61.5W, 196 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bishop Rock N42E, 144 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214b7: ( 53-49973-009_1.jpg) 5 February 1918 At Sea Lat 46.02, Long -12.70 3.0am: Clocks back 30 minutes. 3.5am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 1.0pm: Altered course S73W, zigzag No 3. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised Collision stations. 5.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 5.35pm: Lat DR 45 25 N, Long DR 13 52 W, Lat Observed 45 27 N, Long Observed 13 50 W. [Course and Distance made good: S51W, 199 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S41E, 225 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214b8: ( 53-49973-010_0.jpg) 6 February 1918 At Sea Lat 43.50, Long -17.67 9.40am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Altered course S48W: 61 Revs. 5.30pm: 65 Revs. Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S55W, 260 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S87W, 368 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8892cadfd341970214b9: ( 53-49973-010_1.jpg) 7 February 1918 At Sea Lat 39.68, Long -20.00 6.30am: Commenced zigzagging. 1.0pm: Altered course S55W, zigzag No 3. 6.0pm: Lat DR 38 45 N, Long DR 20 48 W. Lat Observed 38 41 N, Long Observed 20 39 W. 10.0pm: Altered course S21W, log 1117.2: 68 Revs. [Course and Distance made good: S25W, 253 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) S66W, 265 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] [Weather fine, noon air and sea temperature 59F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214ba: ( 53-49973-011_0.jpg) 8 February 1918 At Sea Lat 35.30, Long -21.38 6.0am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 0.30pm: Altered course S20W. 9.0pm: Altered course S1W. 9.55pm: Altered course S21E. [Course and Distance made good: S14W, 271 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S54W, 254 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8892cadfd341970214bb: ( 53-49973-011_1.jpg) 9 February 1918 At Sea Lat 30.87, Long -21.27 2.5am: Altered course S34W. 6.45am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 11.0am: Lat DR 31 08 N, Long DR 21 11 W, Lat Observed 31 04 N, Long Observed 21 12 W. 3.30pm: Lat DR 30 12 N, Long DR 21 27.5 W, Long Observed 21 27.25 W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: physical drill. 6.45pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S1.5E, 266 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S54.5E, 214 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8892cadfd341970214bc: ( 53-49973-012_0.jpg) 10 February 1918 At Sea Lat 26.23, Long -22.57 6.20am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 9.40am: Divisions. 10.0am: Divine Service. 1.0pm: Stopped starboard engine. Port engine 75 Revs. 5.30pm: Started starboard engine: 64 Revs. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S14W, 287 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ferro (Canary Islands) N69E, 260 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8892cadfd341970214bd: ( 53-49973-012_1.jpg) 11 February 1918 At Sea Lat 21.77, Long -23.45 6.20am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 6.50am: Altered course S18W. 9.25am: Courses and speed as requisite. 10.0am: Carried out 1 inch aiming practice. Noon: Altered course S11E. 4.13pm: Lat DR 21 5 N, Long DR 23 04 W, Observed 23 06 W. 5.30pm: Altered course S12E, log 2214. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S10.5W, 273 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S80E, 357 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8892cadfd341970214be: ( 53-49973-013_0.jpg) 12 February 1918 At Sea Lat 18.02, Long -21.32 2.0am and 5.0am: Exercised seaboats crew. 6.20am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 9.10am: Divisions. 9.30am: Exercised action. 10.20am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Altered course S10E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.22pm: Lat DR 17 20 N, Long DR 20 57 W, Long Observed 20 54 W. 8.0pm: Lat DR 16 44 N, Long DR 20 38.5 W, Lat Observed 16 47 N, Long Observed 20 37.5 W. 10.30pm: Exercised seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: S28E, 256 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sal (Cape Verde Islands) [blank]] [Number on sick list: 9] [North easterly wind force 4 all day, weather fine, noon air and sea temperature 69F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214bf: ( 53-49973-013_1.jpg) 13 February 1918 At Sea Lat 13.97, Long -19.07 4.0am: SS Abadesa [Abadesa (1) listed here] left convoy. 6.0am: Commenced No 3 zigzag. 8.30am: Altered course S6E, zigzag No 3. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised abandon ship stations. 6.0pm: Lat DR 12 57 N, Long DR 18 35 W, Long Observed 18 34 W. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: S28E, 275 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N63E, 102 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c0: ( 53-49973-014_0.jpg) 14 February 1918 At Sea Lat 9.67, Long -17.02 8.30am: Courses and speed as requisite. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. Gunnery classes to instruction. 10.0am: Rejoined convoy. 11.0am: Altered course S52E, log 2981.7. 2.10pm: Proceeded at full speed S57E. 4.15pm: Commenced swinging for deviation. 5.0pm: Finished swinging. 6.30pm: Rejoined convoy. [Course and Distance made good: S25E, 285 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone Light House S72E, 233 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c1: ( 53-49973-014_1.jpg) 15 February 1918 At Sea and at Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [estimated] 4.50am: Sighted Sierra Leone Light House S60E. 6.37am [5.37am?]: Passed Boom. 6.5am: Anchored with Starboard anchor and 4 shackles. HMSs “Bacchante” and Britannia in harbour. [At Anchor. Anchor Bearings: Cathedral S16.5W, College S54E, Falconbridge Point S82E] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Commenced taking in bullion. 5.45pm: Bullion lighter left ship. [Course and Distance made good: S72E, 236 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c2: ( 53-49973-015_0.jpg) 16 February 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.50pm: HMS Brittania [Britannia - see also her log book] and convoy left harbour. [Weather mostly fine, noon temperature 80F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c3: ( 53-49973-015_1.jpg) 17 February 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 8.0am: Sunday Routine. 8.30am: Church Parties landed. 9.30am: Divine Service. 9.55am: Convoy Captains on board for Conference. 11.45am: Warrant No 30 Read. Noon: Leave to second part Port Watch until 6.0pm. 3.30pm: Convoy Signalmen distributed. 4.0pm: Escort and 1 prisoner returned to ship. [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c4: ( 53-49973-016_0.jpg) 18 February 1918 [Leaving Sierra Leone, though not stated in log] Lat 8.51, Long -13.33 8.0am: DSB [Duty Steam Boat] alongside as requisite. 8.20am: 1 Rating RMLI [Royal Marines Light Infantry] joined ship from HMS Bacchante. 11.5am: Anchor aweigh and proceeded out of harbour. 11.40am: Passed Boom Defence. 11.49am: Course N79W, log streamed. Noon: Sierra Leone Light House S55E, Lion Mountain [?] S29E. 1.0pm: Altered course S37W. 1.40pm: Altered course N53W. 2.0pm: Carried out 1 inch aiming rifle firing, courses and speeds as requisite for firing. 4.0pm: Ceased firing. 4.17pm: N53W. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. 8.0pm: Lat DR 8 47 N, [Long] 14 30 W. 11.0pm: Exercised Seaboats Crew. 4caf8892cadfd341970214c5: ( 53-49973-016_1.jpg) 19 February 1918 At Sea Lat 9.58, Long -16.88 7.10am: Disregard: full speed. 8.0am: Lat DR 9 25 N, Long DR 16 17 W. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.30am: GQs [General Quarters]. Carried out Quarterly Firing. 10.50am: Ceased firing. 11.20am: SS Mauro [?] left Convoy Noon: Altered course N14W. Rejoined Convoy. 1.25pm: Altered course N11W. 6.0pm: Altered course N2W, 56 Revs. 8.0pm: Lat DR 10 46 N, Long DR 17 30 W. [Course and Distance made good: N73W, 222 miles; S28W, 2.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sierra Leone Light House S73E, 222 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c6: ( 53-49973-017_0.jpg) 20 February 1918 At Sea Lat 13.05, Long -18.58 8.0am: Lat DR 12 34 N, Long DR 18 15 W. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers, Mustered Sea boats. Hands employed mustering Bags. Noon: Altered course N1E, 56 Revs. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Abandon Ship Stations. 8.0pm: Lat DR 14 18 N, Long DR 19 3 W. [Course and Distance made good: N25.75W, 231 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N30.5E, 117 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [North easterly wind force 5 all day, weather fine or overcast, noon air and sea temperature 68F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c7: ( 53-49973-017_1.jpg) 21 February 1918 At Sea Lat 16.53, Long -19.90 3.0am and 5.0am: Exercised Seaboats Crew. 7.0am: Zigzag No 3. 8.0am: Lat DR 16 8 N, [Long] 19 43 W. 9.58am: Ceased zigzag. Noon: Altered course N20E. 0.30pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 8.0pm: Lat DR 17 47 N, Long DR 19 58 W. 11.0pm: Exercised Seaboats Crew. [Course and Distance made good: N20W, 223 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S52E, 168 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c8: ( 53-49973-018_0.jpg) 22 February 1918 At Sea [though not stated in log] Lat 20.05, Long -20.15 8.0am: Lat DR 19 37 N, Long DR 20 04 W. 4.0pm: Exercised Submarine Action. Evening Quarters. 8.0pm: Lat DR 21 15 N, Long DR 20 13 W. [Course and Distance made good: N4W, 212 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N76E, 180 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [Misty throughout pm] 4caf8892cadfd341970214c9: ( 53-49973-018_1.jpg) 23 February 1918 At Sea Lat 23.55, Long -20.25 8.50am: Log in. 9.10am: Log streamed. 4.40pm: Altered course N17E, log 1112.2. [Course and Distance made good: N1.5W, 210 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro (Canary Islands) N25E, 274 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] [North easterly wind force 6 or 6/7 in am, force 4 or 5 in pm, sea state rough for much of day, weather fine, noon temperature 66F, sea temperature 67F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214ca: ( 53-49973-019_0.jpg) 24 February 1918 At Sea Lat 27.57, Long -20.53 6.45am: Moon Set. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.30am: Divine Service. 2.25pm: Sighted Ship bearing East. [Course and Distance made good: N4W, 242 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro N87E, 120 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8892cadfd341970214cb: ( 53-49973-019_1.jpg) 25 February 1918 At Sea Lat 31.52, Long -20.75 9.34am: Left Convoy to communicate with SS Clan Ross [Clan Ross (2) listed here]. 10.35am: Resumed position in Convoy. 4.25pm: Lat DR 32 12 N, Long DR 20 49.5 W, Long Observed 20 49 W. 6.0pm: Altered course N35E, zigzag No 3. [Course and Distance made good: N2.5W, 231 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira N63E, 193 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8892cadfd341970214cc: ( 53-49973-020_0.jpg) 26 February 1918 At Sea Lat 35.20, Long -19.95 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.30am: GQ. Carried out 1 inch and .303 Aiming rifle firing. 1.10pm: Altered course N30E (Patent Log 1799). 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised fire Stations. [Course and Distance made good: N10.25E, 225 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S43E, 97 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8892cadfd341970214cd: ( 53-49973-020_1.jpg) 27 February 1918 At Sea Lat 39.03, Long -19.08 7.20am: Disregard. Swung Ship for Deviations. 9.48am: Rejoined Convoy. 6.0pm: Lat DR 39 58 N, Long DR 18 56 W. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzag. 7.55pm: Moon Rose. 8.0pm: Zigzag No 3. [Course and Distance made good: N10.25E, 234 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Roca S88E, 443 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214ce: ( 53-49973-021_0.jpg) 28 February 1918 At Sea Lat 42.13, Long -16.85 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Altered course N43E, zigzag No 3. 5.25pm: DR [Lat] 42 51 N, DR [Long] 16 10.5 W, Observed 42 54 N, 16 9 W. 7.40pm: GMT. Ceased zigzag, 8.30pm: Commenced zigzag. 8.45pm: Ceased zigzag. Midnight: Commenced zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N28.5E, 212 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N82E, 243 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214cf: ( 53-49973-021_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d0: ( 53-49973-022_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d1: ( 53-49973-022_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d2: ( 53-49973-023_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d3: ( 53-49973-023_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR MARCH 1918 4caf8892cadfd341970214d4: ( 53-49974-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for March 1918] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d5: ( 53-49974-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d6: ( 53-49974-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d7: ( 53-49974-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d8: ( 53-49974-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer, as before, no details of Thermometers] 4caf8892cadfd341970214d9: ( 53-49974-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1918 At Sea Lat 44.90, Long -13.95 9.30am: Altered course N61E. Ceased zigzag. Divisions and Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. 11.5am: GMT. Commenced zigzag No 3. 1.0pm: Altered course N62E, zigzag No 3. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzag. 10.20pm: GMT. Commenced zigzag. 11.0pm: Clocks advanced 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N37.25E, 208 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S63E, 230 miles] 4caf8892cadfd341970214da: ( 53-49974-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1918 At Sea Lat 46.90, Long -10.80 1.0am: Exercised Seaboats Crew. 3.0am: Clocks on 30 minutes. 4.0am: Ceased zigzag. 5.0am: Commenced zigzag No 3. Exercised Seaboats Crew. 10.52am: Sighted Destroyer Escorts. 2.10pm: Altered course N60E With Destroyer Escorts. 3.0pm: Parted Convoy with East of Britain, course N68E, zigzag No 3. 4.40pm: Full Speed. 7.15pm: Ceased zigzag. 11.0pm: Soundings 1/100. [Course and Distance made good: N48E, 178 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Eddystone N53E, 327 miles] [North easterly wind force 4 or 5 all day, squally at times but weather fine, noon temperature 47F, sea temperature 51F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214db: ( 53-49974-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1918 At Sea [and arriving Plymouth] Lat 49.92, Long -4.67 0.20am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 3.7am: Reduced to 81 Revs. 6.15am: 84 Revs. 8.50am: Lizard N70E, altered course S40E. 8.55am: Altered course East, Lizard N20E, log 2997.8. 10.30am: Altered course N59E, Log 3009.6. 1.0pm: Courses and speeds as requisite for entering Harbour. 3.12pm: Secured to No 6 Buoy. [At No 6 Buoy] 4.45pm: 14 Ratings discharged to Hospital. 6.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Course and Distance made good: N54E, 300 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Eddystone N41E, 23 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 311 tons] 4caf8892cadfd341970214dc: ( 53-49974-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [estimated] 5.0am: Harbour Routine. 10.20am: Paymaster Ross [?] RNR joined ship. 2.0pm: Commenced coaling Ship 4.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Vegetables 100 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214dd: ( 53-49974-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 11.0am: 1 Rating discharged to Hospital. 1.0pm: Hands employed striking down stores. 4.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 5.0pm: Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Vegetables 100 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214de: ( 53-49974-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 1.0pm: 10 Days leave to Starboard Watch. 5.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 8.0pm: 5000 lbs Meat [?] landed for HMS Patuca. [Rain or showers all day, noon temperature 43F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214df: ( 53-49974-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 Noon: Finished Coaling 2,100 tons, 9 cwt, 3 quarters. 4.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Vegetables 154 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2361 tons] 4caf8892cadfd341970214e0: ( 53-49974-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [estimated] 6.25am: Cast off and proceeded to Basin. 8.30am: Made fast in No 3 Berth in Basin. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 176 lbs Mutton] 4caf8892cadfd341970214e1: ( 53-49974-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Hands to Exercise Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat: 302 lbs Beef] 4caf8892cadfd341970214e2: ( 53-49974-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 9.0am: Hands employed shifting ship to place Gun Shields. am: RC Landed and returned. Noon: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. 4caf8892cadfd341970214e3: ( 53-49974-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed placing Gun Shields. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 156 lbs Mutton] 4caf8892cadfd341970214e4: ( 53-49974-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 6.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 152 lbs] [Weather overcast after early rain, noon temperature 48F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214e5: ( 53-49974-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and 1.20pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 155 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214e6: ( 53-49974-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4caf8892cadfd341970214e7: ( 53-49974-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Shifting Ship for Stability Tests. 5.30pm: Ship under Stability Test. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 263 lbs Mutton] 4caf8892cadfd341970214e8: ( 53-49974-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 6.0pm: 1 Marine discharged to Depôt. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 308 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214e9: ( 53-49974-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 6.30am: Cleaning Ship. 10.0am: Divisions and Prayers. Church Parties Landed. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. 4caf8892cadfd341970214ea: ( 53-49974-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 6.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 157 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214eb: ( 53-49974-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 151 lbs, Vegetables 100 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214ec: ( 53-49974-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.25pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 157 lbs Mutton, Vegetables 100 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214ed: ( 53-49974-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Weather fine then overcast, barometric pressure relatively high, noon temperature 47F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214ee: ( 53-49974-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 150 lbs, Vegetables 160 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214ef: ( 53-49974-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 302 lbs, Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214f0: ( 53-49974-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 2.0am: Clocks put on 1 hour to Summertime. 8.45am: Church Parties landed. 10.15am: Divisions and Prayers. 1.0pm and 4.50pm: Liberty Men landed. 4caf8892cadfd341970214f1: ( 53-49974-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 150 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214f2: ( 53-49974-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. Liberty Men landed. 4caf8892cadfd341970214f3: ( 53-49974-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 266 lbs Beef, 99 lbs Mutton] 4caf8892cadfd341970214f4: ( 53-49974-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 6.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 500 lbs Beef, 203 lbs Mutton] 4caf8892cadfd341970214f5: ( 53-49974-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Sunday Routine [on this Good Friday]. Church Parties landed. 0.30pm: Liberty Men landed. 4caf8892cadfd341970214f6: ( 53-49974-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 507 lbs Beef, 214 lbs Mutton, Vegetables 400 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd341970214f7: ( 53-49974-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Sunday Routine. Divine Service ashore. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Squally south westerly wind force 4 for most of day, noon temperature 50F] 4caf8892cadfd341970214f8: ( 53-49974-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8892cadfd341970214f9: ( 53-49974-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8892cadfd341970214fa: ( 53-49974-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8892cadfd341970214fb: ( 53-49974-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR APRIL 1918 4caf8892cadfd341970214fc: ( 53-49975-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for April 1918] 4caf8892cadfd341970214fd: ( 53-49975-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8892cadfd341970214fe: ( 53-49975-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8892cadfd341970214ff: ( 53-49975-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8892cadfd34197021500: ( 53-49975-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as follows:]
4caf8892cadfd34197021501: ( 53-49975-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 238 lbs Beef, 124 lbs Mutton, Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd34197021502: ( 53-49975-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and 1.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.15pm: 150 tons coal aboard. Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 262 lbs Beef, 121 lbs Mutton, Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd34197021503: ( 53-49975-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 257 lbs Beef, 114 lbs Mutton] 4caf8892cadfd34197021504: ( 53-49975-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed painting Ship’s Side. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 255 lbs Beef, 123 lbs Mutton] 4caf8892cadfd34197021505: ( 53-49975-005_1.jpg) 5 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 0.45pm: Carried out Basin trials. 6.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4caf8892cadfd34197021506: ( 53-49975-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4caf8892cadfd34197021507: ( 53-49975-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 8.45am: Landed Church Parties. 10.45am: Church Parties returned. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. 4caf8892cadfd34197021508: ( 53-49975-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed chipping and painting Ship’s Side. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 275 lbs Beef, Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd34197021509: ( 53-49975-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 258 lbs Mutton, Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd3419702150a: ( 53-49975-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 253 lbs Beef, Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd3419702150b: ( 53-49975-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 253 lbs Beef, Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd3419702150c: ( 53-49975-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed painting Ship. 1.10pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 130 lbs Beef, Vegetables 100 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd3419702150d: ( 53-49975-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Saturday Routine. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 129 lbs Beef, 117 lbs Mutton, Vegetables 10 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd3419702150e: ( 53-49975-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.5am: 2 Junior Engineers joined ship. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 3.20pm: Shifted Ship to No 4 Berth. 5.0pm: Exercised Fire Stations. 4caf8892cadfd3419702150f: ( 53-49975-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed painting Ship. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. 7.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 299 lbs Beef, 206 lbs Mutton] 4caf8892cadfd34197021510: ( 53-49975-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. 1.10pm: Provisioning Ship. 7.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Number on sick list: 6] [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 498 lbs Beef, 1044 lbs Mutton, Vegetables 4680 lbs] 4caf8892cadfd34197021511: ( 53-49975-011_1.jpg) 17 April 1918 At Sea [leaving Devonport Base] Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [estimated] 6.0am: Hands employed getting out Mails. 9.55am: Left Prince of Wales Basin. 11.5am: Made fast No 2 Buoy. 11.20am: Mail tender alongside. Hand[s] employed getting out Mails. 3.30pm: Slipped Buoy. 4.15pm: Eddystone East, altered course S43E, speed as requisite with Convoy. 4.20pm: Clocks back 1 hour. 4.50pm: S50W, 55 Revs. Eddystone N7W, 2.3 miles. 11.0pm: Altered course S67W. Exercised Seaboats Crew. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 309 lbs Beef, Vegetables 200 lbs] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8892cadfd34197021512: ( 53-49975-012_0.jpg) 18 April 1918 At Sea Lat 47.75, Long -6.55 2.0am and 5.0am; Exercised Seaboats Crew. 5.45am: Altered course S26W, zigzag No 3. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 11.10am: Altered course S86W. Noon: Zigzag No 3. 4.0pm: In PVs [Paravanes]. Evening Quarters. 4.30pm: Exercised abandon ship. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzag. 11.0pm: Exercised Seaboats Crew. [Course and Distance made good: S33W 42 miles; S55WE, 67 miles; S10W 52 miles; S70W 9 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: ~Land [?] N59E, 83 miles] [Easterly then north easterly wind force 3 or 4 all day, mist and rain at times, noon temperature 49F, sea temperature 51F] 4caf8892cadfd34197021513: ( 53-49975-012_1.jpg) 19 April 1918 At Sea Lat 47.25, Long -13.88 1.30am: Altered course N65W. 5.0am: Exercised Seaboats Crew. Passed HMS Killery [presumably a mis-spelling of one of the “Kil Class” patrol gunboats listed here, though most were not yet operational at this date]. 7.0am: Commenced zigzag. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Altered course S38W, zigzag. 11.0pm: Clocks put back 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S84E, 288 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bishop Rock (Scillies) N62E, 334 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8892cadfd34197021514: ( 53-49975-013_0.jpg) 20 April 1918 At Sea Lat 42.22, Long -18.00 3.0am: Clocks retarted [retarded] 30 minutes. 5.0am: Commenced zigzag. am: Saturday Morning Routine. 0.38pm: Altered course S37W, zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: S30.5W, 351 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N84E, 388 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8892cadfd34197021515: ( 53-49975-013_1.jpg) 21 April 1918 At Sea Lat 36.87, Long -19.90 3.0am: Commenced zigzag. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S15.5W, 333 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Santa Maria [? - writing very unclear] (Azores) N88W, 251 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8892cadfd34197021516: ( 53-49975-014_0.jpg) 22 April 1918 At Sea Lat 31.62, Long -20.03 3.22am: Ceased zigzag. 7.20am: Challenged HMS Artois. am: Hands employed painting Ship. 0.15pm: Altered course S17W, zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: S1.25E, 315 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira N68E, 158 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 61F, sea temperature 64F] 4caf8892cadfd34197021517: ( 53-49975-014_1.jpg) 23 April 1918 At Sea Lat 26.28, Long -20.03 3.30am: Ceased zigzag. 6.0am: Commenced zigzag. am: Hands employed painting Ship. Noon: Altered course S16W. [Course and Distance made good: South 320 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro (Canary Islands) N48E, 130 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8892cadfd34197021518: ( 53-49975-015_0.jpg) 24 April 1918 At Sea Lat 20.97, Long -19.85 1.30am and 5.0am: Exercised Seaboats Crew. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Altered course S23W. 0.40pm: Altered course S16W, zigzag. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 11.0pm: Exercised Seaboats Crew. [Course and Distance made good: S2.5E, 319 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S85E, 153 miles] [Number on sick list: 13] 4caf8893cadfd34197021519: ( 53-49975-015_1.jpg) 25 April 1918 At Sea Lat 15.62, Long -19.63 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: S3E, zigzag. 1.20pm: Hands make and mend. 10.0pm: N70E, zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: S1.5E, 321 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S66.5E, 134 miles] Number on sick list: 12] [North easterly wind force 4 or 5 all day, weather fine, noon temperature 67F, sea temperature 71F] 4caf8893cadfd3419702151a: ( 53-49975-016_0.jpg) 26 April 1918 At Sea [actually arriving Dakar] Lat 14.68, Long -17.41 [estimated] 5.0am: Altered course N10E. 6.0am: Passed Boom, courses as requisite. 7.5am: Dropped Anchors. 9.20am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands to Physical Drill. 9.40am: Hands employed as requisite. Discharged 20 bags of Mails. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. [Number on Sick list: 12] 4caf8893cadfd3419702151b: ( 53-49975-016_1.jpg) 27 April 1918 At Dakar Lat 14.68, Long -17.42 [estimated] 7.0am: Hands employed scrubbing decks [?]. 10.0am: Anchor aweigh. 10.55am: Anchored inside Harbour. 11.0am: Secured Coal lighters alongside. 5.20pm: 4 Bags Confidential Mails received on board. 5.30pm: HMS Bristol Arrived [see also her log for this date]. [Number on sick list: 13] 4caf8893cadfd3419702151c: ( 53-49975-017_0.jpg) 28 April 1918 At Dakar Lat 14.68, Long -17.42 am: Hands employed as requisite. Shore Party coaling ship. [Number on sick list: 14] 4caf8893cadfd3419702151d: ( 53-49975-017_1.jpg) 29 April 1918 At Dakar Lat 14.68, Long -17.42 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Cutters and No 1 Boats getting Sand. Noon: Ceased Coaling. 0.15pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Anchor aweigh. 5.25pm: Anchored in Dakar Roads. [Number on sick list: 14] [No indication of Coal Remaining] [Weather fine, noon temperature 70F] 4caf8893cadfd3419702151e: ( 53-49975-018_0.jpg) 30 April 1918 At Dakar Lat 14.68, Long -17.41 [estimated] 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.55pm: Anchor aweigh and proceeded to sea with Convoy 7 Ships. 5.0pm: Courses and speeds as requisite. 6.30pm: Course N23W, 40 Revs, 8.0pm: N2W. 10.0pm: Commenced zigzag No 3. 11.0pm: Exercised Seaboats Crew. [Number on sick list: 14] 4caf8893cadfd3419702151f: ( 53-49975-018_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8893cadfd34197021520: ( 53-49975-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8893cadfd34197021521: ( 53-49975-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8893cadfd34197021522: ( 53-49975-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8893cadfd34197021523: ( 53-49975-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR MAY 1918 4caf8893cadfd34197021524: ( 53-49976-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for May 1918] 4caf8893cadfd34197021525: ( 53-49976-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8893cadfd34197021526: ( 53-49976-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8893cadfd34197021527: ( 53-49976-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8893cadfd34197021528: ( 53-49976-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8893cadfd34197021529: ( 53-49976-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1918 At Sea Lat 16.51, Long -18.75 [mean of 8am and 8pm positions as no noon position shown] 8.0am: Altered course N2W, zigzag No 3. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.0pm: Altered course N12W, zigzag No 3. 6.45pm: Ceased zigzag. 10.0pm: N22W. 11.0pm: Zigzag No 3. Exercised Seaboats Crews. [Course and Distance made good and True Bearing and Distance: blank] [Number on sick list: 7] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2612 tons] 4caf8893cadfd3419702152a: ( 53-49976-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1918 At Sea Lat 18.43, Long -20.30 6.0am: Altered course N12W, zigzag No 3. 1.20pm: Paid Monthly Payments. 4.0pm: Exercised Quarters. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N37.5W, 155 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N51E, 28 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [North easterly wind force 5 all day, air and sea temperature 68F at 4pm (no temperature shown at noon)] 4caf8893cadfd3419702152b: ( 53-49976-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1918 At Sea Lat 20.67, Long -22.12 0.30am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 9.0pm: Divisions and Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. 46 Revs. 10.30pm: Ceased firing Both Watches. Hands employed as Requisite. 11.15pm: Stopped both engines to adjust PVs Chains [?]. Noon: Resumed Course. 0.55pm: Altered course N2E, zigzag No 3, Log 458.3. 4.15pm: Exercised Abandon Ship. 7.30pm: Ceased zigzag. Midnight: Altered course N4W. [Course and Distance made good: N36.5W, 174 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N88E, 280 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8893cadfd3419702152c: ( 53-49976-005_0.jpg) 5 May 1918 At Sea Lat 17.82, Long -26.15 5.0am: Zigzag No 3 Resumed. 9.30am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.30am: Divine Service. 1.0pm: Altered course S34W. 7.30pm: Ceased zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: S31.25W, 314 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde Islands San Antonio [?] S46E, 69 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8893cadfd3419702152d: ( 53-49976-005_1.jpg) 6 May 1918 At Sea Lat 12.63, Long -27.68 5.0am: Exercised Seaboats Crew, zigzag. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.25pm: Exchanged pennants with HMS City of London. 4.0pm: DR [Lat] 11 39 N, [Long] 27 57 W, Observed 27 58 W. 6.33pm: Ceased zigzag, [Course and Distance made good: S16W, 324 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bravo [Brava] Cape Verdes N52E, 218 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8893cadfd3419702152e: ( 53-49976-006_0.jpg) 4 May 1918 At Sea Lat 22.27, Long -23.27 1.30am: Commenced zigzag. 6.0am: Exchanged pennants with HMS Ebro. 8.0am: Course S48W. 9.0am: Commenced zigzag No 3. 1.0pm: S49W. 4.8pm: DR [Lat] 21 31 N, [Long] 23 44 W, Observed 23 43 W. 8.0pm: Ceased zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N34W, 116 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S72E, 350 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Pages for 5 and 6 May 1918 not present] 4caf8893cadfd3419702152f: ( 53-49976-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1918 At Sea Lat 7.30, Long -29.10 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. Noon: Altered course S36W. [Course and Distance made good: S15W, 330 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: St Paul Rocks S2W, 395 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] [Weather mostly fine, though showers in evening, noon temperature 78F, sea temperature 80F] 4caf8893cadfd34197021530: ( 53-49976-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1918 At Sea Lat 2.03, Long -30.62 9.0am: Divisions and Prayers. Training Classes under instructions. 2.0pm: Hands employed Painting Ship. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. 6.30pm: Altered course S38W, log 1458. [Course and Distance made good: S16W, 329 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: St Paul Rocks S48E, 140 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8893cadfd34197021531: ( 53-49976-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1918 At Sea Lat -2.93, Long -32.28 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Make and Mend. 2.0pm: Fernando Noronha sighted bearing South. 4.15pm: Altered course S35W. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S18.5W, 315 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fernando Noronha S7E, 53 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8893cadfd34197021532: ( 53-49976-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1918 At Sea Lat -8.00, Long -34.20 9.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters. Noon: Altered course S28W. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S20.5W, 324 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Pernambuco S38W, 39 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8893cadfd34197021533: ( 53-49976-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1918 At Sea Lat -13.10, Long -35.27 9.0am: Altered course S34W. pm: Make and Mend. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S11.5W, 312 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Abrolhos S34W, 353 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8893cadfd34197021534: ( 53-49976-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1918 At Sea Lat -18.0, Long -37.05 9.30am: Divisions and Prayers. Noon: Altered course S51W. [Course and Distance made good: S18.5E, 313 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Abrolhos Light House N88W, 94 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8893cadfd34197021535: ( 53-49976-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1918 At Sea Lat -21.97, Long -39.98 9.30am: Divisions and Prayers. 0.15pm: S74W. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. 5.0pm: S71W. 10.45pm: Altered course S88W, Cape Frio N75W. [Course and Distance made good: S34W, 290 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: CS ~~~ [possibly Cape San Thome] S85W, 59 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8893cadfd34197021536: ( 53-49976-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1918 At Sea [arriving Rio de Janeiro] Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 [very rough estimate based on minimal information] 0.30am: Cape Frio Light House N11E, 5 miles, altered course N74W. 7.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite. 9.30am: Passed boom. 10.30am: Anchored off Rio. 3.0pm: Despatched 1 Bag of Mails for England in SS Deocado [?]. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. [Number on sick list: 9] [Rain for much of day, noon temperature 73F] 4caf8893cadfd34197021537: ( 53-49976-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 8.0am: Water tank alongside. 9.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8893cadfd34197021538: ( 53-49976-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.0am: Divisions. Hands employed as requisite. 11.15am: Received visit from American Admiral. 5.0pm: Liberty Men landed. [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8893cadfd34197021539: ( 53-49976-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.30am and 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8893cadfd3419702153a: ( 53-49976-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. 7.0pm: Patrol landed. [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8893cadfd3419702153b: ( 53-49976-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.0am: RCs landed. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.15am: Divine Service. 1.0pm: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8893cadfd3419702153c: ( 53-49976-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.15am and 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Exercised Fire Stations. [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8893cadfd3419702153d: ( 53-49976-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.15am and 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Liberty Men Landed. [Number on sick list: 9] [Weather fine, noon temperature 82F] 4caf8893cadfd3419702153e: ( 53-49976-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.0am: Divisions and Prayers. am and 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Liberty Men landed. [Number on sick list: 10] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1616 tons] 4caf8893cadfd3419702153f: ( 53-49976-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.30am and 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Read Warrant No 32. Exercised Fire Stations. 7.0pm: Landed Patrol. [Number on sick list: 11] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1511 tons] [which is odd, given the figure for previous day] 4caf8893cadfd34197021540: ( 53-49976-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 6.15am: Pilot on board 6.50am: Came to Starboard Bower 3 shackles, 9 fathoms. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Make and Mend. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. 6.30pm: Patrol landed. [Number on sick list: 14] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1880 tons] [though coaling not mentioned in log] 4caf8893cadfd34197021541: ( 53-49976-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 am: Saturday Morning Routine. pm: Make and Mend. 1.30pm: Liberty Men landed. [Number on sick list: 11] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2145 tons] 4caf8893cadfd34197021542: ( 53-49976-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.30am: RC landed. 10.30am: Divine Service. 11.15am: RCs returned. 1.30pm: Liberty Men landed. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8893cadfd34197021543: ( 53-49976-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.45am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.30am: Divine Service [which is a little odd as this is a Monday]. pm: Make and Mend. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 14] 4caf8893cadfd34197021544: ( 53-49976-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.10am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Hands employed cleaning Ship. 6.30pm: Landed Patrol and Liberty Men. [Number on sick list: 15] 4caf8893cadfd34197021545: ( 53-49976-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.10am and 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 15] 4caf8893cadfd34197021546: ( 53-49976-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1918 At Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.0am; Divisions and Prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Gunnery Classes of Seamanship [?] to Drills. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 16] 4caf8893cadfd34197021547: ( 53-49976-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1918 At [and leaving] Rio Lat -22.92, Long -43.14 9.0am: Divisions. Exercised General Quarters. 11.50am: Lieutenant Elliott RNR [?] left ship for Commodore of Convoy. 0.45pm: Anchor aweigh. 1.25pm: Passed boom. Courses and speeds as requisite. 3.20pm: Course altered S79E, log streamed. 8.35pm: Cape Frio N87E, Light House N19W. 11.0pm: Clocks advanced 10 minutes. [Number on sick list: 15] 4caf8893cadfd34197021548: ( 53-49976-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8893cadfd34197021549: ( 53-49976-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8893cadfd3419702154a: ( 53-49976-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8893cadfd3419702154b: ( 53-49976-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR JUNE 1918 4caf8893cadfd3419702154c: ( 53-49977-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for June 1918] 4caf8893cadfd3419702154d: ( 53-49977-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8893cadfd3419702154e: ( 53-49977-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8893cadfd3419702154f: ( 53-49977-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8893cadfd34197021550: ( 53-49977-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8893cadfd34197021551: ( 53-49977-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1918 At Sea Lat -23.13, Long -40.85 1.54am: Cape Frio Light House abeam, distant 9.5 miles, log 58.6. 3.0am: Clocks on 10 minutes. 4.0am: Cape Frio Light House bore N39W. 7.0am: Altered course East, log 90.5. 10.21am: Altered course N50E. 10.45am: Altered course East. Revs as requisite. 0.11pm: Altered course N48E, log 123, 35 Revs. 0.21pm: 40 Revs. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.15pm: Lat DR 22 46.5 S, Long DR 40 38 W, Observed 40 38 45 W. 11.0pm: Clocks on 2.5 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S5E, 11 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Frio N83.5E, 64 miles] [Number on sick list: 15] [Rain and showers at times in am, fine in pm, noon temperature 70F, sea temperature 72F] 4caf8893cadfd34197021552: ( 53-49977-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1918 At Sea Lat -21.28, Long -39.67 3.0am: Clocks on 2.5 minutes. 9.30am: Divisions and Captains Inspection. 9.40am: Lat DR 21 16.5 S, Long DR 39 23 W, Lat Observed 21 25 S, Long Observed 39 49 W. 10.30am: Divine Service. 10.43am: Altered course N61E, log 68. 1.30pm: SV [Sailing Vessel] sighted bearing NE. 2.0pm: SS sighted bearing NNE. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Lat DR 20 52 S, Long DR 39 15 W, Lat Observed 20 49 S, Long Observed 39 01 W. 11.0pm: Clocks on 5 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N31E, 130 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Escalvada Island N51W, 53 miles] [Number on sick list: 15] 4caf8893cadfd34197021553: ( 53-49977-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1918 At Sea Lat -19.40, Long -37.53 3.0am: Clocks on 5 minutes. 6.15am and 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.0am: Altered course N55E, log 413.2. 10.5am: Sighted SV on port bow bearing N25W. 0.25pm: Sighted barque bearing North. 3.30pm: Lat DR 19 03.5 S, Long DR 37 17 W, Lat Observed 19 03.5 S, Long Observed 37 10 W. 4.42pm: Altered course N50E. 6.0pm: Lat Observed 18 47.5 S, Long Observed 37 08 W. 11.0pm: Clocks on 4 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N47E, 164 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Abrolhos Light House N36.5W, 108 miles] [Number on sick list: 15] 4caf8893cadfd34197021554: ( 53-49977-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1918 At Sea Lat -17.02, Long -35.90 3.0am: Clocks on 4 minutes. 6.0am: Sighted American SV bearing NE. 8.45am: Sighted two Sailing Vessels bearing NE. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers: Exercised “Action”. 9.5am: Lat Observed 17 18 S, Long Observed 36 06 W. Lat DR 17 16 S, Long DR 36 05 W. 11.30am: Altered course N53E. 1.0pm: Hands muster for payment. 7.45pm: Passed SV proceeding South. 8.45pm: Altered course N52E. 11.0pm: Clocks on 3.5 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N33E, 171 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Abrolhos Light House S70.5E, 174 miles] [Number on sick list: 17] 4caf8893cadfd34197021555: ( 53-49977-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1918 At Sea Lat -14.68, Long -34.18 3.0am: Clocks on 2.5 minutes. 9.43am: Commenced Zigzag No 8. 0.21pm: Altered course N55E, log 794.3. 1.35pm: Commenced zigzag No 11. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercise collision stations. 5.35pm: Ceased zig-zagging. 11.0pm: Clocks on 4 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N35.5E, 172 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Abrolhos Light House S53W, 323 miles] [Number on sick list: 17] 4caf8893cadfd34197021556: ( 53-49977-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1918 At Sea Lat -12.38, Long -33.43 3.0am: Clocks on 4 minutes. 9.50am: Exercised signals with Convoy. 11.30am: Altered course N61E. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.10pm: Sighted steamer NWxW. 11.0pm: Clocks on 3 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N34E, 167 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fernando Noronha N2E, 520 miles] [Number on sick list: 17] [Weather fine, south easterly wind force 3 or 4, noon temperature 78F, sea temperature 79F] 4caf8893cadfd34197021557: ( 53-49977-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1918 At Sea Lat -10.35, Long -30.98 3.0am: Clocks on 3 minutes. 10.23am: Commenced No 11 zigzag. 10.53am: Ceased zigzagging. 11.3am: Altered course 8 points to port (30 degrees Helm). 11.25am: Altered course 8 points to starboard (30 degrees Helm). 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised “Action”. 11.0pm: Clocks on 4 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N38E, 155 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fernando Noronha N11W, 405 miles] [Number on sick list: 17] 4caf8893cadfd34197021558: ( 53-49977-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1918 At Sea Lat -8.30, Long -29.43 3.0am: Clocks on 4 minutes. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.54am: Altered course N59E, log 64.2. [Course and Distance made good: N37E, 153 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fernando Noronha N32.5W, 328 miles] [Number on sick list: 17] 4caf8893cadfd34197021559: ( 53-49977-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1918 At Sea Lat -6.15, Long -27.93 2.0am: Clocks on 3 minutes. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.0am: Hands mustered by open list. 10.30am: Divine Service. 0.40pm: Altered course N52E, log 27.7. 6.13pm: Lat DR 5 33.5 S, Long DR 27 34.5 W, Lat Observed 5 30 S, Long Observed 27 40 W. 11.0pm: Clocks on 3 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N34.5E, 158 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fernando Noronha N61W, 300 miles] [Number on sick list: 17] 4caf8893cadfd3419702155a: ( 53-49977-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1918 At Sea Lat -3.77, Long -26.83 3.0am: Clocks on 4 minutes. 9.24am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 10.49am: Ceased zigzag No 10. 11.0am: Commenced zigzag No 1. Noon: Ceased zigzag No 1. Altered course N41E. [Course and Distance made good: N25E, 158 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fernando Noronha N89W, 334 miles] [Number on sick list: 13] 4caf8893cadfd3419702155b: ( 53-49977-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1918 At Sea Lat -0.85, Long -26.20 6.15am: As requisite to swing ship for Deviations. 7.6am: N25E, 63 Revs. 8.33am: Altered course N41E. 9.30am: Carried out target practice. 11.31am: Altered course N53E. Noon: Streamed patent log. 1.21pm: N44E. 6.20pm: Lat Observed 00 03 S, Long Observed 25 42 W. [Course and Distance made good: N12.25E, 179 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: St Paul’s Rocks N51W, 230 miles] [Number on sick list: 13] 4caf8893cadfd3419702155c: ( 53-49977-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1918 At Sea Lat 1.90, Long -25.08 3.0am: Clocks on 2 minutes. 7.15am: Sighted SS bearing N60E. 9.25am: 60 Revs. Courses and speed as requisite to communicate with SS Antonietta Accame. Exercised “Action”. 10.58am: Resumed station ahead of Convoy. Commenced No 8 zigzag. 0.20pm: Altered course N33E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: physical drill. 4.13pm: Lat DR 2 23 N, Long DR 24 59 W, Long Observed 25 09 W. 6.15pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.20pm: Altered course N56E. 11.0pm: Clocks on 2 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N22E, 179 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: St Paul’s Rocks S76E, 265 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8893cadfd3419702155d: ( 53-49977-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1918 At Sea Lat 4.38, Long -24.83 3.0am: Clocks on 2 minutes. 5.55am: Altered course N11E: 33 Revs. 6.25am: 38 Revs. 6.30am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 10.6am: Altered course N49W. 33 Revs. 10.35am: Altered course N11E. 10.55am: 38 Revs. 11.5am: Altered course N56E. 11.8am: Altered course N11E. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.5pm: Altered course N40E. 2.0pm: Sighted SV bearing North. 3.25pm: Ceased zigzagging. 3.30pm: Altered course N80E, 33 Revs. 3.40pm: 38 Revs. 3.50pm: Altered course N60E. 3.58pm: Altered course N40E. 4.5pm: Commenced No 11 zigzag. 6.20pm: Ceased zigzagging. 7.50pm: Altered course N18E, log 79.8. 11.0pm: Clocks on 4 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N6E, 149 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: St Paul’s Rocks S52.5E, 345 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] [Weather fine or overcast, noon air and sea temperature 80F] 4caf8893cadfd3419702155e: ( 53-49977-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1918 At Sea Lat 6.73, Long -24.00 3.0am: Clocks on 3 minutes. 6.0am: Altered course N63E, log 47.5. Commenced No 8 zigzag. 9.50am: Altered course 8 points to port (N27W). 10.15am: No 8 zigzag. 10.20am: Hauled out of line to repair steering gear. Courses various. 11.35am: Convoy ceased zigzagging. 11.45am: Convoy turned 8 points to starboard. 0.2pm: Convoy commenced zigzag No 21. 0.15pm: Steering gear connected up. 1.0pm: Disconnected telemotor gear. 3.35pm: Connected up telemotor gear. 4.5pm: Resumed station ahead of convoy and altered course N31E. 6.54pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.0pm: Altered course N8E, log 530. 11.48pm: Sighted light 3 points on starboard bow. [Course and Distance made good: N19.5E, 150 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N38.5E, 612 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8893cadfd3419702155f: ( 53-49977-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1918 At Sea Lat 9.02, Long -23.85 5.0am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Ceased zigzag No 8. Commenced zigzag No 21. 0.25pm: Altered course N34E. 0.40pm: Commenced zigzag No 21. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 8. 7.50pm: Ceased zigzagging, altered course N57E. 8.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 8. 11.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N3.5E, 137 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N47E, 504 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8893cadfd34197021560: ( 53-49977-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1918 At Sea Lat 11.00, Long -22.75 5.0am: Commenced zigzag No 8. 9.15am: Altered course N33E. 9.35am: Altered course N57E. Speed as requisite. 10.30am: Altered course East. 11.55am: Ceased zigzagging. 11.57am: Altered course N31E. Noon: Commenced zigzag No 8. 1.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 11. 6.5pm: Commenced zigzag No 10. 11.0pm: Exercised seaboats crew. Midnight: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N29E, 136 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N53.5E, 380 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8893cadfd34197021561: ( 53-49977-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1918 At Sea Lat 13.52, Long -22.63 0.10am: Altered course N9E. 5.0am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 6.15am: Negative zigzag No 10. 6.20am: Altered course N31E. 6.30am: Commenced zigzag No 11. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 0.40pm: Altered course N45E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised Abandon Ship. 8.0pm: GMT. Commenced zigzag No 10. [Course and Distance made good: N2.5E, 151 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N76E, 290 miles][entered in wrong place in log] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8893cadfd34197021562: ( 53-49977-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1918 At Sea Lat 16.00, Long -21.95 0.30am: Ceased zigzag No 10. 4.30am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 9.40am: Left Convoy to communicate with Monviso. Course and speed as requisite. 9.45am: Exercised “Action”. 11.30am: Resumed position in Convoy. Noon: Altered course N22E. 2.25pm: Left Convoy to communicate with SS Monviso. Course and speed as requisite. 3.40pm: Rejoined Convoy. 11.45pm: Left Convoy to communicate with Monviso. [Course and Distance made good: N15E, 154 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Boa Vista (Cape Verde Islands) West, 42 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] [North easterly wind force 5 or 6 from noon, sea state very rough from 8pm, weather fine, noon temperature 73F, sea temperature 74F] 4caf8893cadfd34197021563: ( 53-49977-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1918 At Sea Lat 18.02, Long -22.03 0.30am: Course and speed as requisite. 2.5am: Rejoined convoy. 4.30am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 7.10am: Sighted Convoy N60E. 7.15am: Ceased zigzagging. 8.30am: Hoisted “Disregard” to communicate with HMS Ebro [see also her log book for this date] and SS Umtali [Umtali (1) listed here] and Maceio. 11.0am: Convoy commenced zigzag No 10. 0.48pm: Altered course N36E. 1.15pm: Placed signalman on board SS Aurelia Scholl [Aurelien Scholl]. 9.30pm: No 4 Ballast tank full. [Course and Distance made good: N2W, 121 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sal (Cape Verde Islands) S36E, 86 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] [Wind still north easterly force 5 or 6, sea rough or very rough] 4caf8893cadfd34197021564: ( 53-49977-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1918 At Sea Lat 20.07, Long -21.73 4.30am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 1.40pm: Altered course N40E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.30pm: Ceased zigzag No 10. 9.35pm: 43 Revs. Commenced zigzag No 10. 11.0pm: Mustered seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: N8E, 124 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N80E, 260 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] [Wind force 5 for most of day, sea state mostly rough] 4caf8893cadfd34197021565: ( 53-49977-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1918 At Sea Lat 27.37, Long -20.87 3.48am: Ceased zigzagging. 4.30am: Commenced zigzagging. 9.10am: Left Convoy to repair steering gear. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. Exercised “Action”. 9.50am: Connected up hand steering gear. 11.30am: Connected up telemotor steering gear. 0.10pm: Rejoined Convoy and resumed zigzag No 10. 8.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.10pm: Altered course N29E. 8.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 10. [Course and Distance made good: N19E, 146 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco, S67E, 228 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8893cadfd34197021566: ( 53-49977-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1918 At Sea Lat 24.92, Long -20.28 3.0am: Ceased zigzagging. 4.30am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.35pm: Sighted SS bearing N30E steering South. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.52pm: Sighted SS bearing S50E. 10.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 10.10pm: Altered course N40E. Increased to 45 Revs. 10.30pm: Commenced No 10 zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: N12E, 156 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro (Canary Islands) N34E, 204 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8893cadfd34197021567: ( 53-49977-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1918 At Sea Lat 27.58, Long -19.48 3.0am: Ceased zigzagging. 4.30pm: Commenced zigzagging. 10.1am: Altered course N31E. 10.30am: Divine Service and Divisions. 11.30am: Ceased zigzag No 10. Commenced zigzag No 11. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.10pm: Altered course N19E. [Course and Distance made good: N15E, 166 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro (Canary Islands) N86E, 73 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8893cadfd34197021568: ( 53-49977-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1918 At Sea Lat 30.48, Long -19.05 6.15am: Altered course N31E. 9.0am: Port engine stopped. 75 Revs on Starboard Engine. 9.23am: Port engine completed: 50 Revs. 9.40am: Altered course N26E. 4.30pm: Ceased zigzag No 10. Commenced zigzag No 11. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzag No 11: Commenced No 10. 8.0pm: Ceased zigzag No 10. 8.10pm: Altered course N37E. 8.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 10. [Course and Distance made good: N7.5E, 176 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S31.5E, 117 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] [Weather fine, noon temperature 69F, sea temperature 70F] 4caf8893cadfd34197021569: ( 53-49977-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1918 At Sea Lat 33.53, Long -18.17 7.0am: Altered course N26E: Commenced zigzag No 11. 7.30pm: Altered course N15E: Ceased zigzagging. 10.0pm: Commenced zigzag No 10: 51 Revs. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N13.5E, 189 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S53E, 62 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8893cadfd3419702156a: ( 53-49977-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1918 At Sea Lat 36.88, Long -17.88 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 6.0am: Altered course N26E, log 45.3. 10.0am: Ceased zigzag No 10. Commenced No 11. 2.0pm: Commenced zigzag No 21. 4.45pm: Course N26E, zigzag No 21. 8.25pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.30pm: Altered course N48E. 9.55pm: Commenced zigzag No 10. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N4E, 201 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape St Vincent N89E, 430 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8893cadfd3419702156b: ( 53-49977-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1918 At Sea Lat 39.80, Long -16.77 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 6.30am: Altered course N26E. 7.30am: Commenced No 21 zigzag. 10.48am: 70 Revs, altered course S60W, to intercept SS. 11.5am: Altered course S38W. 11.15am: S12E. 11.31am: N45E, 70 Revs. Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Ceased zigzag No 21. 9.30pm: Altered course N4E. 10.30pm: 47 Revs. Commenced zigzag No 10. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N16.5E, 182 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] [Wind now south easterly force 3, weather fine after early showers, noon air and sea temperature 65F] 4caf8893cadfd3419702156c: ( 53-49977-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1918 At Sea Lat 42.53, Long -17.00 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 7.0am: Altered course N26E. 9.20am: Divisions and prayers. 4.0pm: Exercised “Action”. 9.50pm: Ceased zigzagging. 10.0pm: Altered course N74E. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N4W, 165 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N86.5E, 344 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8893cadfd3419702156d: ( 53-49977-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1918 At Sea Lat 44.57, Long -15.05 1.51am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 2.10pm: Altered course N72E. 3.50pm: 70 Revs. Courses as requisite to communicate with SS Maceio. 4.29pm: Resumed position in Convoy. 10.25pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. 11.45pm: Altered course N61E. [Course and Distance made good: N7E, 71 miles; N54E, 90 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S66E, 268 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8893cadfd3419702156e: ( 53-49977-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1918 At Sea Lat 46.57, Long -12.17 1.50am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 2.0am: Exercised seaboats crew. 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 5.58am: Altered course N72E, zigzag No 10. 6.43am: Lat DR 45 58 N, Lat Polaris 46 05 N. 9.20am: Divisions. 10.30am: Divine Service. 3.0pm: Ceased zigzag No 10. Commenced zigzag No 11. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.18pm: Lat DR 46 53 N, Long DR 11 19 W, Lat Observed 46 54 N, Long Observed 11 18 W. 11.0pm: Altered course S88E. Ceased zigzagging. Exercised seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: N46.5E, 167 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S33E, 236 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8893cadfd3419702156f: ( 53-49977-018_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8893cadfd34197021570: ( 53-49977-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8893cadfd34197021571: ( 53-49977-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8893cadfd34197021572: ( 53-49977-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8893cadfd34197021573: ( 53-49977-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR JULY 1918 4caf8893cadfd34197021574: ( 53-49978-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for July 1918] 4caf8893cadfd34197021575: ( 53-49978-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8893cadfd34197021576: ( 53-49978-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8893cadfd34197021577: ( 53-49978-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8893cadfd34197021578: ( 53-49978-003_0.jpg) [Limited details of Barometer and Thermometers - names of manufacturers shown but not numbers of instruments] 4caf8893cadfd34197021579: ( 53-49978-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1918 At Sea Lat 48.17, Long -8.42 1.0am: Moon Rose. 1.15am: Commenced zig zag No 10. 5.55am: Decreased to 42 Revs, altered course N56E. 6.53am: Lat DR 47 42 N, Lat Observed moon [symbol] 47 41 N, Long DR 9 04 W, Long Observed 9 4 W. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed as required. 1.36pm: Lat meridian altitude 48 20 N. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.2pm: Dead slow out PVs [Paravanes], 4 PVs out. 4.25pm: Took over guide of fleet. 4.50pm: Sighted 4 destroyers ahead. 5.5pm: Left convoy. 5.15pm: Letters came aboard from HMS “Oracle”. Resumed course and speed. 6.17pm: Steamer sighted N30.E. 6.20pm: Commenced zigzag No 5. 9.38pm: Sunset. 10.24pm: Bishops Light N37E Compass, log 50. 11.0pm: Altered course N64E, zigzag No 5. [Course and Distance made good: N56E, 183 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: St Mary’s (Scilly Isles) N39E, 59 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] [Weather fine, noon temperature 61F, sea temperature 59F] 4caf8893cadfd3419702157a: ( 53-49978-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1918 At Sea [actually entering Swansea] Lat 51.55, Long -3.92 [very rough estimate based on minimal information] 0.15am: St Marys S45W, 5 miles. 0.40am: Altered course N45E, log 96.4. 1.13am: Wolf Light S40E, 7 miles. 1.45am: Longships S43E, 5 miles. 2.15am: Pendeen S70E, 4 miles. 3.5am: Godrevy at S62E, 13.5 miles] 4.15am: Trevouse Light [Trevose Head] abeam log 60.9. 5.15am: Sun Rose. 8.0am: Altered course N62E, No 5 zigzag. 8.20am: Lundy Island North Light abeam 2.7 miles, log 11. 9.10am: Altered course N75E. 9.15am: Ceased zigzagging. Helwick Light abeam. Took in PVs. Eased down to 50 revs. 10.0am: Took in patent log. 10.5am: Altered course N79E. 10.20am: Course and speed as required. 10.47am: Pilot aboard. 1.0pm: Hands securing and working ship as required. 2.30pm: Secured alongside jetty. Finished with engine and helm. Paymaster and escort land for money. Received 38 bags of mail. 3.35pm: Exercised general quaters [quarters]. (1 Lieutenant RNR, 1 Doctor) passage Officers left ship with baggage. 5.30pm: Leave starboard watch till 7am. [Number on sick list: 5] [Fuel Remaining; Coal 513 tons] 4caf8893cadfd3419702157b: ( 53-49978-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 [estimated] 5.10am: Shore gang start in No 2 hold. 6.0am: Hands employed as required. 7.45am: Coaling party and trucks alongside. 10.15am: Made monthly payment. Noon: Leave to port watch till 10pm 13th inst. 0.40pm: Hospital party and men for Depot left ship, 13 ratings. 1.0pm: Returned empty mail bags to GPO [General Post Office]. 1.30pm: Hands employed as required. 3.0pm: Ashboard [boat] made fast Port side. 3.50pm: Liberty men of starboard watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. Exercised fire stations. 7.30pm: Coal lighter secured alongside Port side. 8.20pm: Coal lighter secured on Port side. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8893cadfd3419702157c: ( 53-49978-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 2.0am: Shore gang clearing No 2 hold. 6.0am: Hands employed as required. 7.0am: Shore gang start coaling. 8.15am: AB Bentley left ship for Depot. Hands employed in scraping ship and as required. 1.15pm: Hands employed as required. 4.0pm: Leave to first part Starboard watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. Exercised fire stations. [Weather fine or cloudy, noon temperature 65F] 4caf8893cadfd3419702157d: ( 53-49978-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 1.30am: Dock gates opened, eased for’ard [forward] moorings. 6.0am: Hands employed clearing No 4 hold and as required. 8.45am: Hands scraping and painting ship. 10.43am: 2 bags of potatoes, 2 bags of cabbages. 11.50am: Hands to dinner. 0.55pm: Hands employed cleaning out first room. 2.40pm: 324 lbs of vegetables, 45 lbs sausages, 200 lbs of bloaters, 200 lbs of kippers came aboard. 4.0pm: Leave to second part Starboard Watch till 7am. 10.40pm: Received 4 bags of confidential mails. [Provisions received: Vegetables 324 lbs] 4caf8893cadfd3419702157e: ( 53-49978-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 7.0am: Shore gang working out No 2 and 4 hold, coaling continued. 8.30am: Shore gang stop discharging cargo. 9.0am: Resume work. 10.40am: 400 lbs of Bread came aboard. Noon: Shore gang stop discharging cargo. 1.0pm: Leave to first part Starboard watch till 7am. Hands make and mend clothes. 2.15pm: Read Warrant No 33. 4.30pm: Escort and prisoners left for Depot. [Provisions received: Bread 400 lbs] 4caf8894cadfd3419702157f: ( 53-49978-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 6.0am: Hands scrub decks. 7.0am: Shore Party coal ship. 9.45am: Divisions. 2.0pm: Coaling Resumed. 5.0pm: Stopped Coaling. 4caf8894cadfd34197021580: ( 53-49978-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 5.30am: Escort returns from Depot. 7.20am: Shore gang start working cargo. 7.30am: Started coaling. 8.15am: Hands paint and scrape ship. 11.15am: Hands get in dry stores. 1.0pm: Pressure put on after cranes. 2.0pm: Shore gang started working stores. 2.30pm: Renewed coaling. 3.0pm: Finished with cranes. 3.15pm: 200,000 Cigarettes for canteen. 4.0pm: K Kilcullen, greaser returned absentee. Leave first part Starboard watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. Exercised fire stations. 5.30pm: Shore gang cease working cargo. 7.0pm: Lock gates opened, forward wires attended. 7.20pm: Gang ceased coaling. 10.0pm: Shore gang resume coaling. [Provisions received: Vegetables 2 tons potatoes] 4caf8894cadfd34197021581: ( 53-49978-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 3.10am: Stopped Coaling. 4.0am: Resumed Coaling. 6.0am: Hands employed Ceased [presumably an error] Coaling. 7.0am: Shore gang work cargo. 9.0am: Pressure put on after cranes. 9.30am: Hands take in stores. 10.0am: Pressure put on forard cranes. 10.40am: 5 baskets of laundry came aboard. 1.10pm: Hands take in stores. 4.0pm: Leave for second part port watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Finished working cargo from No 4 hold. Evening quarters. Exercised fire stations. 5.0pm: Finished coaling for night. Lighters towed away from Port side. 9.10pm: One Corporal and 2 privates RMLI join ship. [Number on sick list: 5] [Provisions received: Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8894cadfd34197021582: ( 53-49978-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 5.45am: Pressure ordered on after hydraulic for working meat. 6.0am: Hands employed getting up beef and clearing provisions vans. 10.30am: 1 case of tobacco for Ward Room. 1.15pm: Hands discharge 30,800 lbs fresh beef. 4.0pm: Leave to first part Starboard watch till 7am. Finished with hydraulic. 4.30pm: 3 bags of potatoes, 200 lbs of bread, 100 lbs of cabbages come aboard. 5.40pm: Chief Yeoman of Signals joins ship. 8.0pm: Shore gang completed coaling. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 5000 lbs mutton, Vegetables 212 lbs, Bread 200 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2287 tons] 4caf8894cadfd34197021583: ( 53-49978-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 6.15am: Hands scrub decks. 8.45am: Hands provision ship. 9.30am: Pressure put on hydraulic cranes. 10.40am: Pressure taken off hydraulic cranes. 1.15pm: Hands provision ship. 3.30pm: Cease getting in stores. 4.10pm: Hands shift ships. 4.50pm: Received one box for WT Depot. 5.15pm: One rating joined ship from depot. 5.30pm: Leave to second part starboard [watch] till 7am. [Number on sick list: 5] [Provisions received: Vegetables 6 tons potatoes, 2 bags cabbages] 4caf8894cadfd34197021584: ( 53-49978-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 6.0am: Hands scrub decks. 8.10am: Hands get in stores, ammunition and shell. 8.30am: Hydraulic pressure for’ard cranes. 11.15am: 1 box and 2 coils of electric wire. 11.0am: 2 cell prisoners released. 11.45am: Finished getting up ammunition etc. 1.0pm: 4 cwt of fish. 1.25pm: Started getting in boatswain stores, Ward Room wines. 2.0pm: Engineers Stores came aboard. 3.40pm: Finished boatswain stores. 4.0pm: Tea. 4.30pm: Hands get out empties. 6.0pm: Leave first part of watch till 7am. 7.15pm: Engineer Sub Lieutenant joined ship. [Number on sick list: 7] [Provisions received: Vegetables 28 lbs onions, 224 lbs cabbages, 1 sack beans] [Rain and showers in am, fine in pm, noon temperature 57F] 4caf8894cadfd34197021585: ( 53-49978-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 0.35am: 14 stoker ratings joined ship from [HMS] Eagle. 6.0am: Hands scrub decks. 10.15am: Started shifting ship. 1.0pm: Hands take in stores. 1.35pm: Discharged 3 barrels of herrings. 2.15pm: Leave for second part of Starboard watch till 7am. 4.45pm: Received 2 cwt of Vegetables. Exercised fire Stations. 7.15pm: Received switch board for electrician. 9.0pm: Received 1 bag of confidential mail. 9.30pm: Landed patrol 1 CPO [Chief Petty Officer] in charge. 10.0pm: Liberty men of Port watch return on board. 11.0pm: Patrol return on board. [Number on sick list: 6] [Provisions received: 600 egs [eggs? ], 168 [lbs?] turnips. 4caf8894cadfd34197021586: ( 53-49978-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Divisions. 10.15am: Landed Church parties. 0.20pm: Church party returned (C of E) [Church of England]. 1.35pm: Leave to first part Port and Starboard watch till 7am. 8.15pm: Rating joined ship from Depot. [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8894cadfd34197021587: ( 53-49978-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1918 At Swansea Lat 51.61, Long -3.92 5.30am: 15 Ratings join ship from Depot. 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.25am: Quaters [Quarters] clean guns. 9.40am: 1 Lieutenant RNR and 1 Midshipman RNR joined ship. 10.45am: Put pressure on for’ard hydraulic crane. 11.5am: Shut off hydraulic pressure. 0.20pm: Discharged 1 Lieutenant RNR to HMS “Bonaventure”. 1.15pm: Hands employed as required. 2.30pm: Paymaster landed with escort. 3.0pm: Received 9 bags of mail for SNO [Senior Naval Officer] Dakar. 3.50pm: Pressure ordered on hydraulics. 4.0pm: Hands take in stores ie 164 dozen bottles of beer for Ward Room. 4.15pm: Paymaster and escort return. 5.0pm: Finished getting in boatswain and carpenters stores. Special leave to first part Starboard watch and second part Port watch till 7am. 6.30pm: Pressure ordered off hydraulics. 8.30pm: 1 Officer joined ship for passage. Midnight: 5 trimmers joined ship from “Eagle”. [Number on sick list: 16] [Provisions received: 1 cwt fish, 6 cwt potatoes] 4caf8894cadfd34197021588: ( 53-49978-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1918 At [and leaving] Swansea Lat 51.56, Long -3.93 [estimated] 6.0am: Hands clean ship. 7.0am: Liberty men return. Engine room department get out drum of oil. 10.20am: Cast off from quay and proceeded into Lock. 11.0am: Made fast in lock. 11.30am: Left lock. Noon: General quarters, supply ammunition. 0.15pm: Anchored. [Anchor Bearings] [Mumbles Lighthouse N70W, Kelvey Mill N31W] 6.0pm: Remainder of hands out PVs. Special dutymen Starboard watch close up. 7.20pm: Sub Lieutenant Lambe RNVR and 1 rating joined ship. 7.25pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on Course S86W. 9.25pm: Altered course N88W. Streamed patent log. 9.35pm: Started zigzag. 10.25pm: Lundy Island North Light S7W. 11.45pm: Cease zigzag. Moon Set. [Number on sick list: 21] 4caf8894cadfd34197021589: ( 53-49978-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1918 At Sea Lat 50.68, Long -9.25 3.0am: GMT Started zigzag No 5. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.25am: Exercised General Quarters. Sighted 3 American destroyers. 10.45am: P71 Parted company. 4.0pm: General Quarters. In PVs. 6.48pm: Altered course S79W. 7.20pm: Passed dead body of a woman. 8.0pm: Altered course N55W. 8.30pm: Passed dead body of a soldier. 8.55pm: Altered course N85W. 9.55pm: Sunset. [Course and Distance made good: S75W, 205 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fastnet N20W, 42 miles] [Number on sick list: 27] 4caf8894cadfd3419702158a: ( 53-49978-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1918 At Sea Lat 48.05, Long -15.98 4.0am: Altered course S72W. 9.5am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.35am: Clocks put back 30 minutes. 1.25pm: Lat observed 47 55 N. 1.30pm: Clocks put back 15 minutes. 3.15pm: Clocks put back 15 minutes. 5.15pm: Sighted a steamer bearing N48W. 7.15pm: Lat DR 47 06 N, Lat observed 47 3 N, Long DR 17 53 W, Long observed 17 48 W: Double Altitude sunset and moon rise [symbols]. 7.45pm: Observed ship bearing S37W. 8.50pm: Lat DR 46 50.5 N, Lat meridian altitude moon rise 46 50 N. 10.15pm: Altered course S50W, zigzag No 5. 11.0pm: Clocks put back 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S59.5W, 307 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fastnet N51E, 317 miles] [Number on sick list: 29] [Weather fine, noon temperature 60F, sea temperature 61F] 4caf8894cadfd3419702158b: ( 53-49978-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1918 At Sea Lat 44.47, Long -21.63 2.0am: Altered course S72W. 3.0am: Clocks put back 30 minutes. 9.25am: Exercised Sea boats crews. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 10.0am: Secure. 1.0pm: Reduced to 79 Revs. 1.7pm: 77 Revs. 1.16pm: 76 Revs. 3.50pm: Exercised sea-boats crew. 7.0pm: Altered course S24W. 7.15pm: Lat DR 43 31 N, Long DR 23 07 W, Long DR 23 07 [W], Long observed 23 07 W [Long DR repeated in log]: Double Altitude sunset and moon rise [symbols]. 8.0pm: Darkened ship. 11.0pm: Exercised sea-boats crew. [Course and Distance made good: S46.75W, 316 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finistere [Finisterre] S80E, 555 miles] [Number on sick list: 38] 4caf8894cadfd3419702158c: ( 53-49978-013_0.jpg) 19 July, 1918 [Repeat of log for previous day, weather and position information identical, no Remarks for am, some in pm, identical to those above] 4caf8894cadfd3419702158d: ( 53-49978-013_1.jpg) 20 July 1918 At Sea Lat 40.32, Long -23.28 3.50am and 5.0am: Mustered sea-boats crew. 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as required. 0.10pm: Altered course S23W. 0.40pm: Lat DR 40 11 N, Lat observed meridian altitude sun 40 10.5 N. 2.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 10.45pm: Mustered sea boats crew. [Course and Distance made good: S47W, 26 miles; S2.5W, 191 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Azores S30W, 171 miles] [Number on sick list: 45] 4caf8894cadfd3419702158e: ( 53-49978-014_0.jpg) 21 July 1918 At Sea Lat 35.27, Long -23.50 [mean of 8am and 8pm positions as noon position not shown] 2.57am: Moon Set. 3.0am: Exercised Sea boats crew. Noon: Altered course S21W. 3.0pm and 10.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew. 8.0pm: Darkened Ship. [Course and Distance made good: S2.25W, 285 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Santa Maria (Azores) N42.5W, 110 miles] [Number on sick list: 52] [this is the peak number on sick list, presumably relating to influenza pandemic at this time] [Weather fine with light winds, noon temperature 71F, sea temperature 73F] 4caf8894cadfd3419702158f: ( 53-49978-014_1.jpg) 22 July 1918 At Sea Lat 30.67, Long -23.78 3.0am, 5.0am and Noon: Exercised sea-boats crew. 4.10am: Moon Set. 5.40am: Sun rose. 7.30am: Reduced to 72 Revs. 7.43am: Commenced zig zag No 19 Starboard. 0.53pm: Altered course S19W. 1.52pm: Reduce to 68 Revs. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 7.45pm: Darkened ship. 11.0pm: Exercised sea boats crew. [Course and Distance made good: S2.5W, 294 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S69E, 324 miles] [Number on sick list: 46] 4caf8894cadfd34197021590: ( 53-49978-015_0.jpg) 23 July 1918 At Sea Lat 26.17, Long -23.73 8.0am: Hands employed in painting ship. 9.30am: Sailing ship bearing S30W. 9.55am: Turned ship on Port helm. 10.25am: Resumed Course S19W. 3.47pm: New log line streamed. 7.35pm: Darkened ship. [Course and Distance made good: S0.5E, 270 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierre [Hierro] (Canary Islands) N72.5E, 310 miles] [Number on sick list: 37] 4caf8894cadfd34197021591: ( 53-49978-015_1.jpg) 24 July 1918 At Sea Lat 21.33, Long -23.75 6.0am: Undarken ship. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Gunnery class at instruction, hands paint ship. 4.5pm: Exercised fire stations. 7.30pm: Darkened ship. 7.45pm: Altered course S33E. Lat DR 20 10 N, Long DR 23 45 W. [Course and Distance made good: South 280 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S84E, 377 miles] [Number on sick list: 26] 4caf8894cadfd34197021592: ( 53-49978-016_0.jpg) 25 July 1918 At Sea Lat 17.90, Long -21.17 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. Gunnery class to instruction. Hands employed as required. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Collision Stations. 7.0pm: Darkened Ship. 7.30pm: Altered course S20E. [Course and Distance made good: S34E, 261 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sal (Cape Verde Islands) S58W, 117 miles] [Number on sick list: 25] [Weather overcast with light winds, noon air and sea temperature 75F] 4caf8894cadfd34197021593: ( 53-49978-016_1.jpg) 26 July 1918 At Sea [and entering Dakar] Lat 14.75, Long -18.08 9.20am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.45am: General Quarters. 11.10am: Altered course S74E. Noon: Stop both engines; out PVs. 0.9pm: Proceeded 72 Revs. Sighted land bearing S70E. 0.30pm: Altered course S57E. 1.55pm: Log hauled in. 2.36pm: Ceased zig-zag. 3.14pm: PVs in. 3.35pm: Met Pilot boat. Course and speed as required to enter harbour. 4.11pm: Let go Starboard anchor, third shackle at hawse pipe. 4.20pm: Finished with engines. 5.2pm: Anchor away. 5.18pm: Let go Starboard anchor, 4 cables at hawse pipe. [Anchor Bearings] [Cape Verde Light House N48W, North Breakwater Light House N70W, Belair Point N15W] 6.30pm: Discharged 11 bags of mail to SNO Dakar. [Course and Distance made good: S43E, 259 miles and S73W, 40 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Manuel S81.5E, 39 miles] [Number on sick list: 18] 4caf8894cadfd34197021594: ( 53-49978-017_0.jpg) 27 July 1918 At Dakar Lat 14.68, Long -17.41 [estimated] 6.0am: Hands employed painting etc. 8.0am: Cutters crew away for sand. 7 bags of secret code brought on board and burnt. 11.30am: Cutters crew return with 14 bags of sand. 2.0pm: Hands paint ship. Landing party leave ship in first Cutter. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. 6.15pm: Cutter returns and is hoisted. 7.15pm: Duty steam boat returns to base. 8.30pm: Darkened ship. [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8894cadfd34197021595: ( 53-49978-017_1.jpg) 28 July 1918 At Darkar [Dakar] Lat 14.68, Long -17.41 6.0am: Hands paint and wash down ship. 9.30am: Convoy Captains come aboard. 9.40am: Divisions. 10.15am: Divine Service. 11.0am: Convoy Captains leave ship. 1 bag of mails for London leave ship. 2.5pm: Discharged 9 Convoy signalmen for distribution amongst the Convoy. 2.35pm: 1 Officer and servant join ship for passage to Sierra Leone. 3.5pm: Discharged 1 officer to SNO for HMS “Sundho” [Tug Sundu? - listed here in November 1918 for Sierra Leone]. 3.45pm: Commenced to shorten in. 4.5pm: Anchor aweigh. 4.22pm: Passed boom defence. Course S58W. 4.35pm: Cape Manuel Light House N20W, altered course N56W. Put out PVs. 5.45pm: Cape Verde Light House N24E, 8.5 miles, altered course S64W. 6.46pm: Altered course N25W. 6.50pm: Cape Manuel N52E. 6.51pm: Altered course N3E. In PVs. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. 10.50pm: Commenced zig zag No 54. 11.0pm: Exercised sea boats crew. [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8894cadfd34197021596: ( 53-49978-018_0.jpg) 29 July 1918 At Sea Lat 15.62, Long -18.62 2.20am and 4.30am: Exercised sea boats crew. 9.20am: Cease zig zag. 9.30am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.25am: Commenced zig zag No 51. 1.25pm: Altered course N27W, zig zag No 51. Hands employed as requisite. 3.25pm: Ceased zig zag. 5.0pm: Course and speed as requisite whilst signalling convoy. 5.50pm: Resumed Course and speed, zig zag No 52. 6.34pm: Ceased zig zag. 6.55pm: Darkened ship. 11.0pm: Mustered sea boats crew. [Course and Distance made good: S70W, 121 miles; N42.5W, 88 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S49E, 81 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8894cadfd34197021597: ( 53-49978-018_1.jpg) 30 July 1918 At Sea Lat 16.20, Long -19.80 0.10am: Commenced zig zag No 54. 5.50am: Observed Convoy bearing S8E. 6.0am: Ceased zig zag. Course and speed as requisite. 7.32am: Lowered port sea boat. 7.54am: Sea boat returned. Turned ship to Starboard helm, altered course S5E. 8.20am: Commenced zigzag No 19 starboard. 4.5pm: Exercised submarine stations. 6.55pm: Darken ship. 7.30pm: Ceased zig zag. [Course and Distance made good: N46.5W, 125 miles; S23.5E, 56 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S59.5E, 150 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8894cadfd34197021598: ( 53-49978-019_0.jpg) 31 July 1918 At Sea Lat 11.02, Long -17.38 1.0am: Commenced zig zag No 19 starboard. 3.0am and 5.0am: Exercised sea boats crew. 10.30am: Passed and spoke French barque “Moliere” of Nantes from Dakar to Axim [Ghana]. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Hands to PV stations. 7.0pm: Ceased zig-zag. 10.45pm: Altered course S51E, log 822.2. Midnight: Reduced to 75 revs. [Course and Distance made good: S24.5E, 342 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Una Island N73.5E, 53 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd34197021599: ( 53-49978-019_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8894cadfd3419702159a: ( 53-49978-020_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8894cadfd3419702159b: ( 53-49978-020_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8894cadfd3419702159c: ( 53-49978-021_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8894cadfd3419702159d: ( 53-49978-021_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR AUGUST 1918 4caf8894cadfd3419702159e: ( 53-49979-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for August 1918] 4caf8894cadfd3419702159f: ( 53-49979-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a0: ( 53-49979-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a1: ( 53-49979-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a2: ( 53-49979-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as previously] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a3: ( 53-49979-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1918 At Sea and at Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [estimated] 2.15am: Commenced No 19 starboard zigzag. 8.15am: Altered course S70E, Cape Sierra Leone S73E. 9.10am: Altered course S81E. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 10.15am: In PVs. 10.30am: Courses and speed as requisite. 10.40am: Passed Boom. 11.15am: Anchored with Starboard anchor and 5 shackles in B5. [At Anchor] 1.45pm: Hands to muster for monthly payment, soap and tobacco issued. 2.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Lost by accident belts, waist, Two. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Course and Distance made good: S43.5E, 146 miles; East, 33 miles; S68E, 118 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a4: ( 53-49979-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.49, Long -13.24 [At Anchor] 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.30am: Discharged 2056 lbs Beef to “HMS Brittania” [Britannia]. Discharged 3026 lbs Beef to HMS Africa. 10.30am: Tender alongside with Bullion. 0.15pm: Finished taking in Bullion. 2.8pm: Commenced heaving in cable. 2.26pm: Anchor aweigh: proceeded to A4. 2.55pm: Anchored in A4 with starboard Anchor and 4 shackles, 14.5 fathoms water. 3.30pm: Leave to first part starboard watch till 6pm. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. [Number on sick list: 13] [Fuel Remaining; Coal 957 tons] [Weather overcast in am, fine in pm, noon temperature 78F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a5: ( 53-49979-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1918 At Sea [actually still at Sierra Leone] Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [estimated] [At Anchor in A4] 6.35am: Coal lighter alongside port side. 7.15am: Coal lighter alongside starboard side. 7.45am: Commenced coaling with shore labour. 8.0am: Transferred mails to HMS “Kent” (2 bags). 8.45am: Water tank alongside. 9.0am: HMS Kent sailed. 9.50am: HMS Africa sailed. am: Hands employed as requisite. Received 224 tons of coal. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.35pm: Leave to first part port watch till 5.35pm. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.25pm: Finished coaling. 6.45pm: Coal lighters left ship. [Number on sick list: 12] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 1175 tons] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a6: ( 53-49979-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [At Anchor] 6.30am: Cargo lighters alongside. 7.0am: Water tank alongside. 8.20am: Landed Church parties. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.55am: Divine Service. 1.45pm: Landed liberty men. 2.30pm: Landed patrol. 6.0pm: Liberty men on board. 7.0pm: Patrol returned on board. [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a7: ( 53-49979-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [At Anchor] 6.40am: Cargo lighters alongside. 7.30am: Shore labour loading cargo. 10.15am: Lighter alongside with bullion. 10.40am: Finished getting in bullion. 1.0pm: Leave to second part port watch till 5.45pm. 6.10pm: Cargo lighters left ship. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a8: ( 53-49979-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [At Anchor] 7.15am: Cargo lighters alongside. 7.50am: Commenced loading cargo. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.20am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.15pm: Cargo lighters left ship. [Number on sick list: 5] [Rain for most of day, noon temperature 75F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215a9: ( 53-49979-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [At Anchor] 5.15am: HMS “Brittania” [sic] sailed. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Cargo lighters alongside. 1.45pm: Leave to first part of port watch till 5.45pm. 2.30pm: Landed patrol. 6.10pm: Patrol returned to ship. 7.10pm: Water tank alongside. 10.30pm: Cargo lighters left ship. 4caf8894cadfd341970215aa: ( 53-49979-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [At Anchor] 6.30am: Cargo lighters alongside. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.30pm: Leave to second part Starboard Watch till 5.45pm. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.30pm: Landed patrol. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.0pm: Patrol returned on board. 8.15pm: Cargo lighters cast off. [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8894cadfd341970215ab: ( 53-49979-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1918 At Sierra Leone Lat 8.50, Long -13.24 [At Anchor] 6.45am: Cargo lighters alongside. 11.15am: Completed loading. 0.30pm: Leave to second part port watch till till [sic] 5.45pm. 2.40pm: 2 Military Officers and 5 NCOs [Non-commissioned Officers] joined ship for passage. 8 Merchant Seamen joined ship for passage. 4.30pm: Exercised “Action”. 4.50pm: Lighter with mails alongside. [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd341970215ac: ( 53-49979-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1918 At Sea [and leaving Sierra Leone] Lat 8.52, Long -13.97 6.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour. 6.50am: Passed Boom. Courses as requisite. 7.12am: Altered course S52W. 7.35am: Light House East, False Cape S17E, altered course N82W. 7.55am: Sighted HMS Africa bearing N76W. 8.52am: Altered course N50W, 60 Revs. Out PVs. 9.50am: Altered course N72W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. Took in PVs. 4.15pm: Ceased zigzagging. 6.30pm: Altered course N48W. 10.0pm: Exercised seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: West, 44 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sierra Leone Light House S89W, 40 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Draft of Water on sailing: Forward 27’ 00”, Aft 27’ 00”] [South westerly wind force 4 from noon onwards, weather overcast or fine, squally in late pm, noon temperature 78F, sea temperature 79F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215ad: ( 53-49979-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1918 At Sea Lat 9.97, Long -17.25 3.0am and 5.0am: Exercised seaboats crew. 6.0am: Altered course N36W. 6.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 9.45am: Divisions. 10.0am: Divine Service. Commenced zigzag No 52. 0.35pm: Altered course N29W, log 54.5, zigzag No 52. 2.0pm: Exercised seaboats crew. 6.45pm: Ceased zigzagging. 7.0pm: Altered course N7W. 11.0pm: Exercised seaboat’s crew. [Course and Distance made good: N66W, 214 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Una Island N29E, 89 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8894cadfd341970215ae: ( 53-49979-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1918 At Sea Lat 13.28, Long -19.07 5.45am: Commenced No 54 zigzag. 9.22am: Commenced No 10 zigzag. 0.58pm: Altered course N9W (2 degrees for current), log 487.9. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised Abandon ship. 7.15pm: Ceased zigzag: 56 Revs. [Course and Distance made good: N28W, 226 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N41E, 126 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8894cadfd341970215af: ( 53-49979-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1918 At Sea Lat 16.52, Long -20.72 5.30am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 10.0am: Exercised signalling with convoy. 0.15pm: Ceased zigzag No 54. 0.20pm: Commenced zigzag No 10. 0.47pm: Altered N6W, log 714.4. 4.0pm: Evening quarters: exercised fire stations. 4.15pm: Altered course N5W. 4.33pm: Sighted 4 mast schooner N55W. 7.45pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.0pm: Altered course N17E. [Course and Distance made good: N26.5E, 217 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde S60E, 213 miles] [Number on sick list: 13] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b0: ( 53-49979-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1918 At Sea Lat 20.18, Long -21.40 5.10am: Commenced No 54 zigzag. 2.15pm: Ceased zigzagging. 2.30pm: Commenced No 58 zigzag. 6.50pm: Ceased zigzagging. 7.0pm: Commenced No 54 zigzag. 10.45pm: Ceased zigzagging. 11.0pm: Altered course N40E. [Course and Distance made good: N10W, 224 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N83E, 242 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b1: ( 53-49979-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1918 At Sea Lat 23.72, Long -21.05 5.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 6.30am: Ceased zigzag No 54. 6.35am: Altered course N17E. 6.52am: Commenced zigzag No 53. Noon: Streamed “Neptune” log. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 8.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.10pm: Altered course S8W. 8.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. Midnight: Ceased zigzagging. [Course and Distance made good: N5.25W, 215 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro (Canary Islands) N33E, 280 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b2: ( 53-49979-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1918 At Sea Lat 26.93, Long -21.83 2.0am: Exercised seaboat’s crew. 4.45am: Mustered seaboat’s crew. 5.10am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 6.55am: Ceased zigzagging. 7.0am: Altered course N17E. 7.15am: Commenced zigzag No 53. 9.20am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 10.0am and 1.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Sighted steamer bearing N25W. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 8.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.10pm: Altered course N40E. 8.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 10.30pm: Exercised seaboat’s crew. [Course and Distance made good: N12.75W, 193 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro (Canary Islands) N75E, 198 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] [North easterly wind force 3 to 5 during day, weather fine, noon air and sea temperature 74F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b3: ( 53-49979-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1918 At Sea Lat 30.27, Long -21.50 0.40am: Ceased zigzagging. 5.0am: Altered course N18E. Exercised seaboat’s crew. 5.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 0.45pm: Altered course N19E. 2.0pm: Sighted SS bearing East. 11.0pm: Mustered seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: N5E, 201 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S63.5E, 204 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b4: ( 53-49979-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1918 At Sea Lat 33.68, Long -21.68 1.0am: Ceased zigzagging. 1.10am: Altered course N4W. 5.0am: Altered course N19E. 5.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 9.42am: Zigzag No 51. 10.30am: Divine Service. 6.10pm: Sighted 2 steamers N10E. 7.50pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.0pm: Altered course N39E. 8.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 10. [Course and Distance made good: N2.75W, 205 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S76.5E, 228 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b5: ( 53-49979-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1918 At Sea Lat 37.20, Long -20.73 2.20am: Ceased zigzagging. 5.0am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 8.50am: Sighted SS bearing N42E. 9.30am: Left convoy to communicate with SS. Courses and speed as requisite. 10.27am: Rejoined convoy N39E, zigzag No 10. 0.50pm: Ceased zigzagging. 1.0pm: Commenced zigzag No 51. 4.5pm: Left convoy, tested PVs [paravanes]. Courses and speed as requisite for swinging ship for Deviations. 7.50pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.0pm: Altered course N18E. 8.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. [Course and Distance made good: N12.5E, 216 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) N80W, 215 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b6: ( 53-49979-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1918 At Sea Lat 40.70, Long -19.78 2.50am: Ceased zigzagging. Exercised seaboats crew. 4.45am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 5.25am: Ceased zigzagging. 5.35am: Altered course N40E. 5.55am: Commenced zigzag No 58. 9.20am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: Exercised “Action”. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.5pm: Exercised “Abandon ship”. 7.50pm: Ceased zigzagging. 8.0pm: Altered course N62E. [Course and Distance made good: N12E, 215 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) S55W, 301 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b7: ( 53-49979-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1918 At Sea Lat 43.60, Long -16.92 3.40am: Ceased zigzagging. 4.35am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 9.27am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 10.18am: Ceased zigzagging to alter formation. 11.0am: Commenced zigzag No 58. 4.20pm: Commenced swinging for deviations. 5.25pm: Finished swinging. 7.10pm: Re-joined convoy. Course N61E, 55 Revs, zigzag No 58. 9.0pm: Ceased zigzagging. 9.10pm: Altered course N84E. 9.25pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 11.0pm: Clocks on 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N36E, 216 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S83E, 337 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b8: ( 53-49979-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1918 At Sea Lat 45.47, Long -13.00 0.40am: Passed Schooner steering SSE. 3.0am: Clocks on 15 minutes. 5.0am: Ceased zigzagging. 5.10am: Altered course N75E. 5.25am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 6.17am: Commenced zigzag No 21. 8.50am: Resumed Mean Course, altered course 8 Points to port. 9.15am: 8 points to starboard. 9.22am: 8 points to starboard. 9.28am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 9.47am: 8 points to port. 9.57am: Course N75E, zigzag No 21. 0.30pm: Altered course N75E, zigzag No 21, 54 Revs. 3.20pm: Altered course N51E, 49 Revs. 4.5pm: Commenced zigzag No 21 [entered in log twice]. 6.19pm: Altered course N49E. 6.21pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 9.55pm: Ceased zigzagging. 10.0pm: Altered course N72E. 10.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. [Course and Distance made good: N56.25E, 201 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S49.5E, 216 miles] 4caf8894cadfd341970215b9: ( 53-49979-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1918 At Sea Lat 47.45, Long -9.48 3.0am: Clocks advanced 15 minutes. 6.4am: Sighted 6 Destroyers. 6.32am: Log hauled in. 6.58am: Ceased zigzag. Courses and speed as requisite. 7.0am: Dispatches onboard. 7.15am: Log streamed. 8.0am: Altered course N69E, zigzag No 58. 10.20am: Ceased zigzag No 58. Commenced zigzag No 51. 3.0pm: Altered course N58E, zigzag No 51. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised PVs. 7.55pm: Darkened Ship. 8.15pm: Resume Mean Course. 8.20pm: Altered course N84E. 8.35pm: Commenced zigzag No 10. 11.0pm: Clocks advanced 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N50E, 191 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] [Weather overcast or fine, relatively light winds, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 65F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215ba: ( 53-49979-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1918 At Sea Lat 49.45, Long -5.13 3.0am: Clocks advanced half hour. 4.45am: Ceased zigzag. 5.0am: Altered course N56E. 5.15am: Commenced zigzag No 10. 6.0am: Ceased zigzag. 6.8am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 6.51am: Ceased zigzag. 7.0am: Altered course N66E. 7.2am: Commenced zigzag No 58. 8.10am: Sighted ship bearing N46E (Magnetic). 9.17am: Altered course N64E. 11.2am: Course and speed as requisite to part company with convoy. 11.45am: N45E. 11.52am: Commenced zigzag No 29. 11.55am: Left convoy with Sheridan [possibly US Army Transport listed here] and 3 destroyers. 2.15pm: Commenced Irregular zigzag. 3.30pm: Sighted Eddystone Light House bearing N76E. 5.0pm: Altered course S88E. 5.10pm: Ceased zigzag. 5.20pm: Altered course N75E. 5.30pm: Altered course S66E. 5.45pm: In PVs. 6.8pm: Rame Hill Signal station 1.2 miles. 6.15pm: Penlee Point abeam. 6.28pm: Passed Breakwater. 6.50pm: Passed Drakes Island. 7.30pm: Secured alongside Dockyard No 6 Berth. [In No 6 Berth] 8.15pm: Discharged 13 ratings to RN Hospital and 8 Merchant Seamen on passage. 8.30pm: Exercised General Quarters, strike down ammunition. 9.0pm: Leave to Starboard Watch till 7am. 9.50pm: Received 24 bags of mails. [Course and Distance made good: N55E, 212 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Eddystone Light House N38E, 58 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd341970215bb: ( 53-49979-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [estimated] [In No 6 Berth] 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned onboard. 9.0am: RC party landed. 9.30am: 2 Army Officers and 10 NCO’s left ship. 9.45am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.15am: Discharged 30 bag and 8 baskets of mails to GPO. 10.40am: RC party returned. Noon: Gave leave to Starboard Watch from 1pm till 10pm 30th inst. 2.0pm: Gave leave to second part Port Watch till 7am. 4.15pm: Discharged 9 Ratings to Depôt. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. 5.50pm: Secured lighters for cargo alongside. 8.15pm: Commenced discharging cargo No 4 Hold. [Provisions received: Vegetables 600 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 194 tons] [Rain until 4pm, noon temperature 61F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215bc: ( 53-49979-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 6 Berth] 6.0am, 8.45am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Libertymen returned onboard. 7.20am: Lighter came alongside. 9.15am: Commenced taking bullion out of ship. 1.10pm: 1 PO, 1 Leading Hand in charge of 30 ratings joined ship from HMS “Exmouth” as Working Party. 1.45pm: 9 ERAs [Engine Room Artificers] joined from depôt as Working Party. 2.45pm: 1 Fireman discharged. 3.20pm: Escort returned onboard with absentee. 4.0pm: Leave granted to first part Watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. 7.30pm: Discharged 1 rating Working Party to “Exmouth”. [Provisions received: Vegetables 300 lbs] 4caf8894cadfd341970215bd: ( 53-49979-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 6 Berth] 6.0am, 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Libertymen returned onboard. 4.0pm: Leave to second part Watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Vegetables 200 lbs] 4caf8894cadfd341970215be: ( 53-49979-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 6 Berth] 8.20am: Commenced coaling starboard side. 8.24am: Commenced coaling Port side. 9.30am: Divers Commence Work. 11.30am: Divers ceased work. Noon: Ceased coaling. 0.50pm: Resumed coaling. 3.30pm: Divers resumed work. 3 ratings joined ship from depôt. 4.0pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. 4.5pm: Received 6 bags of Confidential Mails. 4.30pm: Coaling Ceased. Hands to evening Quarters. Exercised Fire stations. 5.0pm: Coaling Resumed. 5.45pm: Divers ceased work Port Side. 7.0pm: Ceased Coaling. Midnight: (Discharging Cargo). 4caf8894cadfd341970215bf: ( 53-49979-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 6 Berth] 7.30am: Resumed coaling. 7.35am: Diving Boat made fast port side. 8.30am: 1 Officer joined ship. 8.35am: Ceased Coaling. 9.0am: Resumed Coaling. 10.0am: 5 Boxes 6 pounder HE [High Explosive], 20.5 boxes .303 Ball Ammunition received. Finished Cargo. 1 Officer joined ship. 11.50am: Ceased diving. Noon: 22 Ratings joined ship. 2.55pm: 1 Rating joined ship from depôt. 4.0pm: Leave to second part watch till 7am. 7.0pm: Ceased coaling. 7.50pm: 1 Rating joined ship from depôt. 8.0pm: Resumed Coaling. 4caf8894cadfd341970215c0: ( 53-49979-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 6 Berth] 7.0am: 1 Rating joined ship from [HMS] “Eagle”. 9.40am: 2 RMLI joined ship from Stonehouse Barracks. 1.0pm: Resumed Coaling. 3.0pm: Divers Ceased work. 4.0pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. Depôt Working Party Left ship. Ceased Coaling. 5.50pm: Resumed coaling. 6.45pm: Watch onboard employed taking in provisions. 8.10pm: Night shift Commenced Coaling. Midnight: Ceased coaling (Allowance line [?]). 4caf8894cadfd341970215c1: ( 53-49979-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1918 At Base [Devonport] Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 6 Berth] 9.7am: ERAs Working Party left ship for depôt. 10.0am: Completed coaling. Coal Received 2,450 tons. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 14 Hands Working Party to “Macedonia”, 15 signal ratings joined ship for convoy duty. 2.0pm: 21 Seaman ratings left ship for depôt. 4.0pm: Leave to Port and second part Starboard Watch till 7am. 5.0pm: Received 96 dozen beer for Wardroom. 5.45pm: 60 Boxes Kippers ship stores. 7.30pm: Midshipman List RNR left ship for “Arrogant”. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 10000 lbs Beef and Mutton] [Fuel Remaining; Coal 2596 tons] 4caf8894cadfd341970215c2: ( 53-49979-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8894cadfd341970215c3: ( 53-49979-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8894cadfd341970215c4: ( 53-49979-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8894cadfd341970215c5: ( 53-49979-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1918 4caf8894cadfd341970215c6: ( 53-49980-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for September 1918] 4caf8894cadfd341970215c7: ( 53-49980-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before] 4caf8894cadfd341970215c8: ( 53-49980-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8894cadfd341970215c9: ( 53-49980-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8894cadfd341970215ca: ( 53-49980-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8894cadfd341970215cb: ( 53-49980-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned onboard. 9.0am: Hands clearing up Decks as requisite. 10.0am: Divisions and Prayers. RC Chaplin [Chaplain] came aboard. Mass for RCs in Ward Room flat. Received sounding boom from Dockyard. Noon: Started working main engines. 0.5pm: Finished working main engines. 0.45pm: Discharged 1 Warrant Officer to HMS “Carlisle”. 2.10pm: Hands employed securing ship for sea. 2.25pm: Let go from No 6 Berth and proceeded to Sound. 3.22pm: Let go Starboard anchor 3 shackles in 8 fathoms. [At Anchor] 4.0pm: Exercised Action Stations. Swung boats outboard. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8894cadfd341970215cc: ( 53-49980-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1918 At Sea Lat 49.88, Long -4.70 3.45am: Moon Rose. 7.20am: Shortened in cable. 7.25am: Anchor weighed. 7.30am: Clocks retarded 30 minutes. 8.0am: Out PVs. Clocks retarded 30 minutes. 8.35am: Eddystone Light S74E, 8 cables, altered course S26E. 9.14am: Eddystone N4E, 3.8 miles, altered course S64W. 10.20am: Streamed Log, set to Zero. 10.24am: Commenced zig zag No 54. 0.30pm: Increased to 53 Revs. 1.40pm: Ceased zigzag No 54. 1.47pm: Lizard N10W, altered course S86W. 2.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 57. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Abandon Ship. 7.0pm: Airship left convoy. 7.30pm: Darkened Ship. 8.0pm: Ceased to zigzag. 8.10pm: Altered course N74W. 11.0pm: Exercised Seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: S38W, 34 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Lizard N76E, 19 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8894cadfd341970215cd: ( 53-49980-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1918 At Sea Lat 49.25, Long -9.33 2.0am and 5.0am: Exercised Seaboats crew. 2.25am: Series of explosions heard Lat 49 28 N, Long 7 28 W. 4.20am: Altered course N80W. 4.35am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 9.20am: Divisions and Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. 9.50am: Resumed Mean Course. 10.0am: Altered course N73W, log 199.2. 10.20am: Commenced zigzag No 58. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 6.30pm: In PVs. 7.5pm: Darkened Ship. 8.10pm: Ceased zigzag No 58. 8.20pm: Altered course S86W. 11.0pm: Clocks retarded 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S78W, 185 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ushant S74E, 174 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [Wind southerly or south westerly force 3 to 5 all day, rain for most of day, noon air and sea temperature 63F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215ce: ( 53-49980-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1918 At Sea Lat 47.73, Long -14.22 2.45am: Destroyer escort left. 3.0am: Left convoy and proceeded at 71 Revs. Clock retarted [retarded] 15 minutes. 1 Destroyer in company. 3.20am: Altered course S65W. 4.23am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 5.22am: Ceased zigzag. 5.32am: Resumed zigzag. 9.10am: Increased to 72 Revs. 9.20am: Divisions and Prayers. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.40pm: Escorting destroyer left. 5.40pm: Sighted steamer S23W. 7.30pm: Darkened Ship. 8.10pm: Ceased zigzag No 51. 9.0pm: Altered course S43W. 11.0pm: Clocks back 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: S65W, 214 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ushant N83E, 372 miles] 4caf8894cadfd341970215cf: ( 53-49980-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1918 At Sea Lat 43.88, Long -18.32 3.0am: Clocks back 15 minutes. 4.0am: Altered course S65W, Log 664.8. 4.10am: Commenced zigzag No 57. 7.0am: Lost overboard by accident Lampeon 6 inch without staff (one). 10.0am: Ceased zigzag No 57, altered course S55W. 10.6am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 7.0pm: Darkened Ship. 8.0pm: Ceased zigzag. 8.10pm: Altered course S33W. 8.20pm: Sight a vessels lights N68W. [Course and Distance made good: S36.5W, 287 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre S82E, 404 miles] [Number on sick list: 11] [North westerly wind force 5 or 6 from 8am onwards, with sea state rough, weather fine or cloudy, noon temperature 64F, sea temperature 67F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215d0: ( 53-49980-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1918 At Sea Lat 39.40, Long -20.18 4.30am: Commenced zigzag No 57. 8.20am: Ceased zigzag No 57. 8.30am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised General Quarters. Altered course S32W. 8.0pm: Ceased zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: S17W, 281 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: San Miguel (Azores) S68W, 248 miles] 4caf8894cadfd341970215d1: ( 53-49980-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1918 At Sea Lat 34.52, Long -21.45 2.30am: Exercised Seaboats crew. 4.0am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 9.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 7.15pm: Darkened Ship. 7.45pm: Ceased zigzag No 51. [Course and Distance made good: S11.75W, 299 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S64E, 238 miles] [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8894cadfd341970215d2: ( 53-49980-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1918 At Sea Lat 29.62, Long -22.45 5.0am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 9.30am: Parted company with SS “Makara”, altered course S4W. Log 1625.8. 10.0am: Commenced zigzag No XI (modified). 10.15am: Divine Service. 7.0pm: Darkened Ship. 7.25pm: Ceased zigzag. [Course and Distance made good: S9.75W, 298 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S78E, 237 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [Weather mostly fine, noon temperature 74F, sea temperature 76F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215d3: ( 53-49980-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1918 At Sea Lat 24.50, Long -21.00 4.45am: Exercised Seaboats crew. 5.0am: Commenced zigzag. 11.50am: Altered course S3W. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. 6.50pm: Darkened Ship. 7.20pm: Ceased zigzag. 10.40pm: Exercised Seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: S14E, 316 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S45E, 313 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8894cadfd341970215d4: ( 53-49980-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1918 At Sea Lat 19.55, Long -19.65 5.0am: Commenced zigzag [No 11 modified, according to information on left of log page]. 9.20am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised destroyer attack. 7.15pm: Darkened Ship. 9.20pm: Ceased zigzag. 10.0pm: Exercised Seaboats crew. Midnight: Altered course S8E, Log 2444.5] [Course and Distance made good: S15E, 308 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N63.5E, 164 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [Misty for much of day, noon temperature 77F, sea temperature 79F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215d5: ( 53-49980-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1918 At Sea and Dakar Lat 14.63, Long -17.88 5.20am: Commenced zigzag No 11 (modified). Noon: Altered course S73E. Log 2606.7. 1.30pm: Cape Verde Light N39E, 10.5 miles, altered course N78E. Out PVs. Ceased zigzag. 2.6pm: Cape Manuel Light abeam 1 mile. 2.10pm: In PVs. 2.35pm: Passed through boom. 2.58pm: Stopped. 3.0pm: Let go starboard anchor 4 Shackles. 3.7pm: Finished with engines. [At anchor] 5.0pm: Monthly Payment. 7.10pm: Duty steam boat returned Depôt. [Course and Distance made good: S19E, 312 miles (East 28 miles)] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde N72E, 21 miles] 4caf8894cadfd341970215d6: ( 53-49980-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1918 At Dakar Lat 14.68, Long -17.41 [estimated] [At Anchor] 6.0am and 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.0am: Clear lower deck. 9.15am: Discharged 2 [or 5] bags confidential mail to SNO Dakar. 2.0pm: No 9 and Duty cutters away sanding. Hands employed cleaning ship. Side party painting. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. 7.10pm: Duty Steamboat returned to Depôt. [Weather fine during day, rain in late pm, noon temperature 83F] 4caf8894cadfd341970215d7: ( 53-49980-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1918 At Dakar Lat 14.68, Long -17.41 [At Anchor] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Chief Armourer lent to Socrates [presumably SS Socrates, listed here] for duty 9.30am: 12 covoy [convoy] signalmen discharged to ships. 11.20am: Four convoy signalmen discharged to ships. 1.20pm: 3 covoy [sic] signalmen discharged to ships. 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.15pm: Lieutenant Frost RNR to SS Thessaly [Thessaly (2) listed here] as Commodore of convoy. 7.0pm: Duty steamboat returned to Depôt. [Number on sick list: 13] 4caf8895cadfd341970215d8: ( 53-49980-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1918 At Dakar and at Sea Lat 12.45, Long -17.67 [At Anchor] 6.0am: Hands getting ready PVs and securing for sea. 8.35am: Anchor weighed. 9.0am: Passed boom. 9.30am: Cape Madeleine at [blank] altered course S66W. 10.0am: Altered course S60W. Out PVs. 11.47am: Altered course N38E, hauled out of line to organize convoy. Noon: In PVs. 0.49pm: Altered course, Course and speed to take up position ahead of convoy. 1.10pm: Altered course N29W. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Streamed Patent Log. Evening Quarters. 5.30pm: Altered course N30W. 6.30pm: Darkened Ship. 10.0pm: Exercised Seaboats crew. 4caf8895cadfd341970215d9: ( 53-49980-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1918 At Sea Lat 16.20, Long -19.48 2.25am: Exercised Seaboats crew. 6.40am: Courses and speed as requisite for communicating with convoy. 8.23am: Altered course N30W to overhaul convoy and take up position. 11.46am: In station 3 cables ahead of convoy. 11.55am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 1.15pm: Hauled out of line to manoevre [manoeuvre] convoy. Ceased zigzag. 3.14pm: Resumed station ahead of convoy. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters, altered course N20W. 4.20pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 5.38pm: Lat observed 16 39 N, Long observed 20 5 W. 6.45pm: Darkened Ship. 9.50pm: Ceased zigzag. 10.0pm: Altered course N3E. Log 36.8. 10.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 11.0pm: Exercised Seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: N45W, 145 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Verde Light House S52E, 150 miles] [Number on sick list: 13] [Weather fine with light winds, noon air and sea temperature 80F] 4caf8895cadfd341970215da: ( 53-49980-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1918 At Sea Lat 18.78, Long -20.88 0.30am: Ceased zigzag. 5.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 6.35am: Ceased zigzag. 6.37am: Altered course N15E. 7.29am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.30am: Issued slops. Hands employed as requisite. 1.39pm: Ceased zigzag and hauled out of line. 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. Courses and speed as requisite. 2.57pm: Commenced zigzag No 51. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 5.0pm: Hands to stations abandon ship. 6.40pm: Darkened Ship. 9.50pm: Ceased to zigzag. 10.0pm: Exercised Seaboats crew, altered course N38E, Log 420.5. 10.30pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. [Course and Distance made good: N27.5W, 176 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco N61.5E, 247 miles] [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8895cadfd341970215db: ( 53-49980-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1918 At Sea Lat 21.55, Long -20.78 1.15am: Ceased zigzag. 5.30am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 6.15am: Ceased zigzag. 6.23am: Altered course N16E. 7.0am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters. 10.10am: Hands employed as requisite and training class to gun drill. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.15pm: Steamer bearing N50W, steering NE, Fore staysail set. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised fire stations. 6.50pm: Darkened Ship. 9.20pm: Ceased zigzag. 9.30pm: Altered course N39E, log 90.5. 9.45pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. [Course and Distance made good: N2E, 166 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Blanco S77E, 190 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8895cadfd341970215dc: ( 53-49980-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1918 At Sea Lat 24.18, Long -20.72 1.30am: Exercised Seaboats crew. 2.20am: Ceased zigzag. 2.30am: Altered course N17E. 5.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 5.45am: Seaboats crew to muster. 8.50am: Ceased zigzag. 9.0am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 0.15pm: Left convoy to communicate with near ship, altered course S15W. 1.10pm: Resumed Mean Course. 1.20pm: Steamer sighted bearing N19W ([HMS] Ebro). 3.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 51. 3.50pm: Rejoined convoy. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Collision Stations. 6.50pm: Darkened Ship. 6.55pm: Lat observed 25 00 N, Long observed 20 44 W. 8.50pm: Ceased zigzag. 9.0pm: Altered course N5W, log 77.7. 9.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. [Course and Distance made good: N1.5E, 158 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro (Canary Islands) N33E, 252 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Weather fine, noon air and sea temperature 75F] 4caf8895cadfd341970215dd: ( 53-49980-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1918 At Sea Lat 26.87, Long -21.03 0.50am: Ceased zigzag, altered course 2 points to starboard. 1.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. Mean Course N17E. 6.0am: Lost overboard by accident cartridge QF 6 inch cases fired one. 9.20am: Divisions and Prayers. Boys and OS [Ordinary Seamen] to 6 inch gun drill. 0.50pm: “Chinese Prince” [Chinese Prince (2) listed here] left convoy, steering gear out of order. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Physical Drill. 4.10pm: Ceased zigzag 54. 4.20pm: Commenced zigzag No 51. 6.45pm: Darkened Ship. 7.0pm: Lat observed 27 40 N, Long observed 21 03 W, Lat DR 27 37 N, Long DR 21 03 W. 8.50am: Ceased zigzag. 9.0pm: Altered course N39E, log 54. 9.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. [Course and Distance made good: N6W, 162 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hierro (Canary Islands) N72E, 162 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8895cadfd341970215de: ( 53-49980-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1918 At Sea Lat 29.32, Long -20.97 1.50am: Ceased zigzag. Course N39E Resumed. 2.0am: Altered course 2 points to port N17E. 2.15am: Commenced zigzag 54. 10.50am: Hauled out of line to communicate with rear ship. 10.40am: Sighted steamer N17E. 11.40am: Resumed station ahead of convoy. 0.5pm: Commenced zigzag No 56. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Abandon Ship (alternative boats). 5.10pm: Sighted steamer W0.5N. 5.50pm: Altered course to communicate with steamer (SS Gloria de Larrinaga [listed here]). 6.35pm: Darkened Ship. 6.45pm: Took up station ahead of convoy. Commenced zigzag 54. 7.0pm: Lat observed 29 55 N, Long observed 20 58 W. 9.45pm: Sighted steamer N5W. 9.50pm: Ceased zigzag. 10.0pm: Altered course N40E. Exercised Seaboats crew. 10.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. [Course and Distance made good: N1.5E, 147 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palmas (Canary Islands) S81E, 157 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] [North easterly wind force 5 for most of day, sea becoming rough in late pm, noon temperature 74F, sea temperature 75F] 4caf8895cadfd341970215df: ( 53-49980-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1918 At Sea Lat 31.10, Long -20.85 6.15am: Ceased zigzag. 6.20am: Altered course N30E. 6.40am: Commenced zigzag No 56. 10.50am: Ceased zigzag and hauled out of convoy. 11.6am: Set course S30W, log 86.0. 11.17am: Turned ship on Starboard helm. 11.20am: Set course N30E. 1.35pm: Resumed position in convoy. Commenced zigzag No 56. Hands make and mend clothes. 3.30pm: Hauled out of line. 3.50pm: Course S60W to reach SS “Rabymere”. 3.58pm: Steadied on S40W. 4.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for communicating with “Rabymere”. 4.17pm: Stopped. Lowered port cutter. Lent 3 firemen to Rabymere. 4.18pm: Hauled in Log. 4.45pm: Log streamed. 5.0pm: Took up station in convoy. Log streamed. 5.45pm: Ceased zigzag. 6.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 6.40pm: Darkened Ship. 9.50pm: Ceased zigzag. 10.0pm: Altered course N53E, Log 56.5. Exercised Seaboats crew. 10.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. [Course and Distance made good: N3.5E, 107 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Palma (Canary Islands) S46E, 203 miles] [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e0: ( 53-49980-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1918 At Sea Lat 33.15, Long -20.12 4.50am: Ceased zigzag. 5.0am: Altered course N30E. 5.15am: Commenced zigzag No 56. 9.30am: Divisions and Divine Service. 4.10pm: Ceased zigzag. 4.43pm: Commenced zigzag No 51. 6.35pm: Darkened Ship. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzag. 7.10pm: Altered course N53E. 7.45pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 11.50pm: Ceased zigzag. Midnight: Altered course N30E, log 27.0. [Course and Distance made good: N17E, 129 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S81E, 140 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e1: ( 53-49980-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1918 At Sea Lat 35.50, Long -19.20 0.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 3.5am: Sighted two steamers bearing N20W. 9.25am: Log hauled in 90.2. 10.18am: Left convoy to communicate with SS Rabymere astern of station. 0.18pm: In station. Commenced zigzag No 54. 4.4pm: Ceased zigzag No 54. 4.25pm: Commenced zigzag No 56. 6.30pm: Darkened Ship. 6.50pm: Ceased zigzag. 7.0pm: Altered course N7E. 8.15pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 11.50pm: Ceased zigzag. 11.55pm: Lat star [symbol] Polaris 36 26 N. Midnight: Altered course N30E. [Course and Distance made good: N18E, 148 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S32E, 188 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Squally northerly wind force 5 or 6 in pm with sea state rough or very rough, rain at times, noon air and sea temperature 71F] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e2: ( 53-49980-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1918 At Sea Lat 37.60, Long -18.93 0.15am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 2.40am and 5.50am: Exercised Seaboats crew. 8.10am: Hauled out of convoy to communicate with SS “Rabymere”. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. 11.38am: In station in convoy. Commenced zigzag No 52. 11.46am: Man overboard on SS Glenshiel [listed here]. 1.15pm: Ceased zigzag and altered course N35E. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. “Chinese Prince” hoisted not under control. Steering gear out of order. 2.55pm: “Glen Shiel” [sic] rejoined convoy. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters - Physical Drill. 6.25pm: Darkened Ship. 6.50pm: Ceased zigzag. 7.0pm: Altered course N58E. 9.0pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 10.30pm: Exercised Seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: N5.5E, 127 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Madeira S17E, 300 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e3: ( 53-49980-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1918 At Sea Lat 39.78, Long -17.12 6.18am: Ceased zigzag. 7.0am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 9.0am: Altered course N57E. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Seamans training class to 6 inch Gun Drill. Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Altered course N56E. 6.25pm: Darkened Ship. 6.35pm: Ceased zigzag. 6.45pm: Altered course N34E. 11.0pm: Altered course N56E. [Course and Distance made good; N33E, 156 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Burlings [Berlenga] Island S87E, 355 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e4: ( 53-49980-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1918 At Sea Lat 42.03, Long -15.13 0.16am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 9.18am: Ceased zigzag No 54. 9.21am: Commenced zigzag No 51. 3.0pm: Steamer sighted bearing S54E. 5.16pm: Left convoy to communicate with stranger. 5.42pm: SS “Rabymere” rejoined convoy. 6.10pm: Darkened Ship. 6.27pm: Rejoined convoy. 6.35pm: Ceased zigzag. 6.45pm: Altered course N78E. 11.0pm: Altered course N56E. [Course and Distance made good: N32E, 160 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Finisterre N79E, 267 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e5: ( 53-49980-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1918 At Sea Lat 44.02, Long -12.50 1.30am: Commenced zigzag. 5.50am: Exercised Seaboats crew. Sighted steamer bearing N15W. 6.15am: Sighted steamer bearing S56W and three bearing NW. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Hands employed as requisite. 1.31pm: Hauled out of line to communicate with SS “Wargracken” [probably War Bracken]. Ceased zigzag. 2.33pm: Resumed mean Course N45E. 2.40pm: Commenced zigzag No 54. 3.8pm: Resumed Guide of convoy. 3.50pm: Ceased zigzag No 54. 4.0pm: Altered course N34E. Assumed organisation No 2. Evening Quarters. 4.55pm: Commenced zigzag No 51. 5.50pm: Bordeaux division left under escort of French cruisers. 6.0pm: Darkened Ship. 6.20pm: Convoy formed new organisation. 6.30pm: Ceased zigzag. 7.0pm: Altered course N56E. 11.0pm: Clocks advanced half an hour. [Course and Distance made good: N44E, 166 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S70E, 152 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e6: ( 53-49980-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1918 At Sea Lat 46.07, Long -10.20 3.0am: Clocks advanced half hour. 4.40am: Vessel sighted ahead of convoy. 6.0am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 6.30am: Sighted steamer bearing N. 6.40am: Sighted steamer bearing S40E. 10.0am: Altered course N53E. 10.15am: Courses and speed as requisite for cruising round convoy. 10.53am: In station. 0.40pm: Sighted escort on port bow. 1.10pm: Ceased zigzag. 1.14pm: Altered course N10E, Log 76.5. 1.39pm: Altered course N55E, Log 78.6. 2.0pm: Altered course N50E, Log 82.6. Commenced zigzag No 58. Escort in station. 3.53pm: Ceased zigzag No 58, altered course N28E. 4.6pm: Commenced zigzag No 58. 4.20pm: Commenced zigzag No 58. 5.35pm: Lat observed 46 45 N, Long observed 9 48 W. 6.45pm: Darkened Ship. 7.30pm: Ceased zigzag. 7.40pm: Altered course N51E. [Course and Distance made good: N38.5E, 157 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Villano S14E, 178 miles] [Number on sick list: 10] [Misty in am, overcast in pm, noon air and sea temperature 63F] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e7: ( 53-49980-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1918 At Sea Lat 48.55, Long -8.02 5.50am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 9.22am: Ceased zigzag. 9.33am: Altered course N66E, Log 26.0. 9.40am: Out PVs [Paravanes]. 9.45am: In Starboard PV. 10.15am: Out Starboard PV. 10.33am: Commenced zigzag No 58. 2.10pm: Destroyer escort sighted. East Coast convoy parted company. 2.59pm: Ceased zigzag. 2.45pm: Log hauled in. 2.50pm: Altered course N82E. 2.55pm: Log streamed. 3.0pm: Destroyer escort in station. 3.35pm: Commenced zigzag No 58. 3.50pm: Altered course N79E. 4.45pm: Altered course N77E. 6.20pm: Darkened Ship. 7.0pm: Ceased zigzag. 11.0pm: Clocks advanced 30 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N31.75E, 170 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ushant S87E, 114 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] [Squally south westerly then north westerly wind force 6 or 7 with sea state very rough from noon to 8pm, noon air and temperature 60F] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e8: ( 53-49980-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1918 At Sea Lat 49.62, Long -4.45 0.40am: Sighted Light House flashing S34E. 1.53am: Lighthouse bearing S25E. 3.0am: Clocks advanced 30 minutes. 3.40am: Exercised Seaboats crew. 3.47am: Ushant Light abeam. 5.29am: Lat star Polaris 49 13 N. 5.45am: Seaboats crew to muster. 6.35am: Commenced zigzag No 54. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed unfusing Lyddite shells and as required. 11.0am: Clocks retarded 30 minutes. 0.10pm: Airship sighted E by N. 0.48pm: “Zulueika” [Zuleika] took charge of East Coast Convoy. 0.55pm: Altered course N8E. 1.40pm: Convoy sighted bearing N15E. 1.45pm: Eased down to take in Port PV. 1.55pm: Eddystone sighted bearing N28E. 2.0pm: Clocks retarted [retarded] half an hour. 2.10pm: Altered course N42E. Ceased zigzag. 2.46pm: Eddystone abeam S73E, 6 cables. 2.55pm: Log hauled in. 3.20pm: Starboard PV taken in. 3.25pm: Altered course N20E. 3.42pm: Passed Breakwater. 3.45pm: Pilot aboard. 4.31pm: Secured to No 6 Buoy. [At No 6 Buoy] 5.0pm: Starboard Watch employed as requisite. 5.30pm: Leave to Port Watch till 7.20am. 6.50pm: Discharged 5 ratings to Hospital. [Course and Distance made good: N65.5E, 155 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Eddystone Light House N13E, 35 miles] 4caf8895cadfd341970215e9: ( 53-49980-018_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8895cadfd341970215ea: ( 53-49980-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8895cadfd341970215eb: ( 53-49980-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8895cadfd341970215ec: ( 53-49980-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8895cadfd341970215ed: ( 53-49980-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1918 4caf8895cadfd341970215ee: ( 53-49981-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for October 1918] 4caf8895cadfd341970215ef: ( 53-49981-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, not signed] 4caf8895cadfd341970215f0: ( 53-49981-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8895cadfd341970215f1: ( 53-49981-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8895cadfd341970215f2: ( 53-49981-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8895cadfd341970215f3: ( 53-49981-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [estimated] [At No 6 Buoy] 2.30am: Guard boat passed around ship. 6.0am: Shell room party unfuzing shell and remainder cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed discharging shell. 9.50am: Ammunition Lighter secured alongside. 10.10am: Second Ammunition Lighter secured alongside. 0.50pm: Hands to muster for Monthly Payment. 1.45pm: Hands employed discharging ammunition. 3.30pm: 7 ERAs joined ship for C&M [Care and Maintenance] duty. 5.15pm: Special leave to Starboard Watch till 7.30am. 6.0pm: Finished with Hydraulic pressure on cranes. [Provisions received: Vegetables (Mixed) 600 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 707 tons] 4caf8895cadfd341970215f4: ( 53-49981-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.37, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Buoy] 2.35am: Hailed Guard Boat. 5.30am: Pressure on hydraulic cranes. 6.0am: Hands employed getting out ammunition. 7.45am: Ceased getting out ammunition. 8.30am: Hands employed getting out ammunition. 1.55pm: Hands employed preparing ship to go alongside. 2.10pm: Secured tugs alongside. 2.35pm: Let go No 6 Buoy. 3.0pm: Entered No 5 Basin. 3.50pm: Secured Ship at Dockends. [In No 5 Basin] 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire stations. 4.30pm: Leave granted to Port Watch till 7am. 4.50pm: 6 ratings returned to Depôt. 6.10pm: Discharged 3000 lbs beef to RWVY [Royal William Victualling Yard]. 6.20pm: 30 stokers joined ship temporary from depot. [Provisions received: Vegetables 600 lbs] [Weather fine or overcast, noon temperature 55F] 4caf8895cadfd341970215f5: ( 53-49981-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [estimated] [In No 5 Basin] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men of port watch landed. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.45pm: Special leave to second Part of Starboard Watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters: Exercised Fire stations. [Provisions received: Vegetables (Mixed) 600 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd341970215f6: ( 53-49981-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.0am: Hands employed cleaning and scraping ship side. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to first Part of Starboard Watch till 7am. 6.0pm: Discharged 3 stoker ratings. Working Party to depôt for draft. 4caf8895cadfd341970215f7: ( 53-49981-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 6.0am: Hands employed scrubbing decks. 7.0am: Liberty men returned onboard. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Four Pistols for depth charges returned. Noon: Leave for second part Starboard Watch from 1-10pm till 7am. 1.0pm: Libertymen landed. 5.15pm: Mr Kelly (Junior Engineer) left ship. [Provisions received: Vegetables (Mixed) 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd341970215f8: ( 53-49981-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned onboard. 9.0am: RCs [Roman Catholics] landed. 10.0am: Church Party landed. 10.45am: RCs returned. 11.55am: Church party returned. Noon: Leave for first part Starboard Watch from 1.0pm till 7am. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. Sub Lieutenant Halcrow left ship. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf8895cadfd341970215f9: ( 53-49981-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 6.0am, 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Pay Sub Lieutenant Kyrke joined ship. 3.15pm: 1 Fireman discharged to hospital 4.30pm: Moved to West side of basin. Leave to second part of Starboard Watch till 7am. 9.45pm: Two cases of sausages came onboard. [Provisions received: Vegetables (Mixed) 224 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd341970215fa: ( 53-49981-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 8.30am: Chief Carpenter to Hospital for Dental purposes. 10.15am: Moved ship to East Side of basin. 4.0pm: Leave to first part of watch till 7am. Shore gang discharging ballast. 6.0pm: Five cases of fish came aboard. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 200 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd341970215fb: ( 53-49981-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 7.0am: Libertymen returned on board. 8.0am: Hands fall in and clean Mess Deck. Shore gang discharging ballast from 2. 9.0am: Hands employed chipping patches and as requisite. 9.30pm: Hospital Party for Dental purposes. 0.50pm: Hospital Party returned aboard. 1.30pm: Dockyard Party drawing stores. 3.20pm: Dockyard Party returned. 4.0pm: Leave to second part of watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 217 lbs, Vegetables (Mixed) 374 lbs] [Rain on and off, noon temperature 57F] 4caf8895cadfd341970215fc: ( 53-49981-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Dockyard party discharging ballast 2. 11.0am: 1 RM joined ship. 1.30pm: Pay Sub Lieutenant Wilson left ship. 3.10pm: Ship shifted into No 10 Dry Dock. [In No 10 Dry Dock] 4.0pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 200 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs, Bread 200 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd341970215fd: ( 53-49981-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] 6.0am, 8.0am and 1.10pm: Hands employed as requisite. 1.50pm: Stokers Working Party left ship for payment. 3.45pm: Stokers Working Party returned on board. 4.0pm: Leave to second part watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters: Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 202 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs, Bread 100 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd341970215fe: ( 53-49981-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] 7.0am: Libertymen returned onboard. 9.0am: 6 Stokers (WP [Working Party]) to depôt for slops. 10.10am: 6 Stokers (WP) returned onboard. 11.15am: Received duffel coats from cleaning. 1.10pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.0pm: Stokers WP discharged to HMS “Ambrose”. 3.30pm: 14 Ratings joined ship. 3.45pm: Shifted ship to No 5 Basin. 5.15pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 198 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs, Bread 300 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd341970215ff: ( 53-49981-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 9.0am: RCs landed. 9.30am: 1 Trimmer joined ship. 9.50am: C of E [Church of England] party landed. 10.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.30am: RC church party returned. Noon: C of E party returned onboard. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. Leave to second part of watch till 7am. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf8895cadfd34197021600: ( 53-49981-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 9.30am: Hospital Party for Dental purposes. 10.30am: One clock sent ashore for repairs. Dockyard party discharging ballast from No 2. 4.0pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 205 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs, Bread 200 lbs, Fish 100 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021601: ( 53-49981-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 10.10am: Discharged one ERA WP to [HMS] “Exmouth”. 4.0pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters: Exercised Fire Stations. Liberty men landed. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 203 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs, Bread 200 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021602: ( 53-49981-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 10.0am: Chief Carpenter discharged to “Eagle”. 10.10am: Four dental cases to depôt. 10.30am: Ash boat made fast port side. 4.0p: Leave to first part watch till 7am. 5.0pm: 1 ERA joined ship WP. 5.15pm: Fire discovered in No 3 Hold. Fire stations. 5.30pm: Fire extinguished. [Number on sick list: 5] [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 201 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs, Bread 200 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021603: ( 53-49981-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 10.0am: Hands employed shifting ship. 10.30am: Made fast alongside Himalaya. 3.15pm: 2 Seaman ratings joined ship from depôt. 4.0pm: Special Leave to second part Watch till 7am: Liberty men landed. 4caf8895cadfd34197021604: ( 53-49981-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 7.45am: Ship moved from basin into Dry Dock. [In No 10 Dry Dock] 9.30am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.45pm: Discharged 1 MMR taking to RN Hospital. 4.0pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 8.15pm: Hospital party returned. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 197 lbs, Vegetables 424 lbs] [Weather cloudy in am, rain in pm, noon temperature 48F] 4caf8895cadfd34197021605: ( 53-49981-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Basin (Dry Dock)] 6.0am and 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Liberty men landed. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire stations. [Number on sick list: 5] [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 389 lbs, Vegetables 424 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021606: ( 53-49981-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Basin (Dry Dock)] 8.55am: RCs landed. 9.55am: C of E party landed. Midshipman Hamlyn in charge. 10.50am: RCs returned. Noon: C of E party returned. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Discharged 1 MMR fireman to Hospital. 7.0pm: Hospital party returned. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8895cadfd34197021607: ( 53-49981-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Basin (Dry Dock)] 9.0am: 1 ERA discharged to “Exmouth”. 9.15am: Dental Party to Hospital. 0.45pm: Hands muster for payment. Hospital party returned aboard. 1.15pm: Leave to Irish parts of starboard watch till 11pm Nov 12th. Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: 1 ERA discharged to “Exmouth”. 2.45pm: 2 ERAs joined ship from “Exmouth”. 7.0pm: 5 Boxes of fish received onboard. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 209 lbs, Vegetables 424 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021608: ( 53-49981-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Basin (Dry Dock)] 4.25pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 240 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021609: ( 53-49981-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] 1.0pm: Discharged 1 rating to Hospital. 2.45pm: 2 Ratings discharged to Depôt. 4.0pm: Leave to second part Watch till 7am. 4.8pm: Finished with steam on capstan. 8.0pm: Received 4 cases of fish and 1 case of sausages. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 210 lbs, Vegetables 402 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd3419702160a: ( 53-49981-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] 6.0am, 8.0am and 1.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Libertymen returned onboard. 1.0pm: Boys leave until 7pm. 4.28pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire stations. [pm: Barometer out of order] [no pressure readings in pm] 4caf8895cadfd3419702160b: ( 53-49981-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] [Barometer out of order] 11.0am: 7 cases of cigarettes received onboard for ships canteen. 3.15pm: Finished with steam on capstan forward. 4.0pm: Leave to second part of watch till 7am. 7.55pm: Lieutenant Doody RNR left ship (New appointment). [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 202 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd3419702160c: ( 53-49981-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] [Barometer out of order] 9.20am: 21 Ratings in charge of Sub Lieutenant Robson landed as funeral party [though there is no indication on Casualty List around this date that anyone from Morea had died]. 1.20pm: Gave leave to first part port watch and starboard watch of Boys till 7.0pm. 1.0pm Hands make and mend clothes. 1.30pm: Funeral Party returned. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 210 lbs, Vegetables 424 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd3419702160d: ( 53-49981-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] [Barometer out of order] 9.0am: Landed RCs (11 men). 9.30am: Non-Conformist church party landed. 10.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.45am: RCs returned onboard. Noon: Leave to second part watch till 7am. 1.0pm: Leave for Boys both watches till 7pm. 4.30pm: Hands to Evening Quarters: Exercised Fire stations. 4caf8895cadfd3419702160e: ( 53-49981-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] [Barometer out of order] 7.25am: HMS “Orvieto” arrived. 8.50am: Discharged 1 rating (WP) to depôt. 10.10am: 1 Rating (WP) joined ship from depôt. 2.0pm: 3 Firemen discharged to Depôt. 4.30pm: Leave first part watch till 7am. Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire stations. 7.0pm: Received 10 cases of fish, 1 of sausage and small parcel of yeast. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 197 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd3419702160f: ( 53-49981-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] [Barometer out of order] 6.0am, 8.15am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Libertymen returned onboard. 4.0pm: Leave second part watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 210 lbs, Vegetables 424 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021610: ( 53-49981-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] [Barometer out of order] 2.10pm: 1 Midshipman joined ship from depôt. 4.30pm: Leave first part watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 112 + 206 lbs, Vegetables 424 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021611: ( 53-49981-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] [Barometer out of order] 11.30am: 3 ratings joined ship from HMS “Eagle”. 1.0pm: Hands paid Monthly Payment. 2.50pm: Discharged 1 rating to Depôt. 4.0pm: Leave to second part Watch till 7am. 5.30pm: HMS “Ambrose” secured in No 10 Lock. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 216 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021612: ( 53-49981-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8895cadfd34197021613: ( 53-49981-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8895cadfd34197021614: ( 53-49981-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8895cadfd34197021615: ( 53-49981-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1918 4caf8895cadfd34197021616: ( 53-49982-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for November 1918] 4caf8895cadfd34197021617: ( 53-49982-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, not signed] 4caf8895cadfd34197021618: ( 53-49982-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8895cadfd34197021619: ( 53-49982-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8895cadfd3419702161a: ( 53-49982-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8895cadfd3419702161b: ( 53-49982-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] 9.55am: HMS “Ambrose” proceeded from lock to stream. 1.15pm: Hands employed working cable and as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 195 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] [Rain for most of day, noon temperature 53F] 4caf8895cadfd3419702161c: ( 53-49982-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 10 Dry Dock] 9.5am: Commenced flooding Dock. 1.30pm: 4 ratings joined from “Eagle”. 3.0pm: Hands to stations for undocking ship. 3.30pm: Ship afloat. 3.55pm: HMS “Artois” moved out of No 10 Lock. 4.30pm: Leave to second part watch till 7am. 5.0pm: Ship moved out of No 10 Dry Dock. 6.0pm: Ship secured alongside East Wall No 5 Basin. [In No 5 Basin] [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 219 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd3419702161d: ( 53-49982-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 9.0am: RCs landed for Church. 9.45am: 5 Wesleyans landed. 10.0am: 1 Rating joined from “Eagle”. 10.15am: Hands to Divisions and Prayers. 11.0am: RCs returned onboard. Noon: Leave to first part watch till 7am, Boys till 7pm. 2.30pm: Shifted ship. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf8895cadfd3419702161e: ( 53-49982-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 6.35am, 8.15am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 11.15am: Ship commenced Basin Trial. 1.30pm: 1 Rating Discharged to Depôt. 4.0pm: Leave to second part watch till 7am. 4.5pm: Finished with engines. 9.30pm: Received from RWV Yard one barrel and 8 cases fish, 5 lbs Yeast. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 196 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd3419702161f: ( 53-49982-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 8.0am: Ship moved under Cantilever Crane. 0.55pm: Pay Sub Lieutenant Kyrke RNR joined ship. 4.0pm: Leave to first part Watch till 7am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 179 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021620: ( 53-49982-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 6.35am, 8.15am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 1.45pm: Surgeon came aboard to examine prisoner. 2.15pm: Read Warrant No 39. 2.30pm: Prisoner under escort discharged to RNB [Royal Naval Barracks]. 2.35pm: Shifted ship. 3.15pm: Escort returned. 4.0pm: Leave to second part Watch till 7am. 7.0pm: Received 4 cases fish and 1 case sausages from RWV Yard. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 215 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021621: ( 53-49982-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 1.0am: No 4 Tank filled (freshwater). 7.20am: Provision lighters alongside. Hands employed shifting ship. 10.30am: 1 Private RMLI joined ship from RM Barracks, Stonehouse. 1.15pm: Boys leave till 7pm. Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Discharged 1 rating to hospital. 3.40pm: 4 Ratings joined ship from Depôt. 4.0pm: Leave to first part watch till 7am. 6.30pm: Watch employed getting in stores. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 206 lbs, Vegetables 374 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021622: ( 53-49982-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 6.35am, 8.15am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to second part watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters: Exercised Fire Stations. 7.30pm: Hands employed getting in Provisions. 10.25pm: 1 Rating joined the ship from Portsmouth Depôt. 4caf8895cadfd34197021623: ( 53-49982-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 10.10am: Hands employed getting in provisions. 4.0pm: Leave to first part Watch till 7am. 7.45pm: Ship shifted from No 2 Berth to No 1 Berth. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 15000 lbs, Vegetables 2000 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021624: ( 53-49982-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 10.0am: Wesleyans landed for Church. 10.30am: Hands turning out boats. Noon: Leave to second part of watch till 7am. 1.0pm: Wesleyans returned onboard. Boys leave till 7pm. 8.0pm: Ship hauled off for Stability Test. 11.0pm: Chief Carpenter rejoined ship. Midnight: Stability Test finished. 4caf8895cadfd34197021625: ( 53-49982-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] Noon: Leave to first part Watch till 7am. Boys both Watches till 7pm. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 220 lbs, Vegetables 200 lbs] [Weather overcast or misty, noon temperature 53F] 4caf8895cadfd34197021626: ( 53-49982-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [In No 5 Basin] 9.25am: Shifted ship from No 5 Basin. 10.55am: Secured ship alongside No 6 Wharf. [At No 6 Wharf] 11.0am: Discharged 10 cases of Linen to RWV Yard. 1.10pm: Discharged 1 Officer to RN Hospital. 2.10pm: Coal Lighters came alongside. 3.45pm: Commenced Coaling. 4.0pm: Leave to second part Watch till 7am. 6.40pm: Ceased coling [coaling] 85 Tons 15 cwts in. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 194 lbs, Vegetables 200 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 482 tons] 4caf8895cadfd34197021627: ( 53-49982-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 7.30am: Resumed coaling. Noon: Ceased Coaling. 2.15pm: Discharged 3 Ratings to RN Depôt. Sent escort to St Georges Hall. 3.30pm: Escort returned and 4 absentees returned. 4.0pm: Monthly issue of soap and tobacco. Discharged 1 Private Marine to RM Depôt. Leave to port watch and second Starboard till 7am. 6.10pm: Sent escort to St Georges Hall. 7.0pm: Ceased coaling. 856 tons 11 cwt, 2 qrs [quarters] in. 7.15pm: Escort returned with absentee. 4caf8895cadfd34197021628: ( 53-49982-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 7.30am: Resumed coaling. 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Escort to St Georges Hall for absentee. 3.10pm: Discharged 1 ERA (WP) to RN Barracks. 4.0pm: Leave to Starboard Watch and first Port till 7am. 5.0pm: 1 Bag Confidential Books received from Mount Wise. 7.20pm: Ceased coaling. 1548 tons, 0 cwts, 3 qrs in. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 393 lbs, Vegetables 300 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd34197021629: ( 53-49982-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 7.0am: Resumed coaling. 9.45am: 1 WO [Warrant Officer] (Schoolmaster) joined ship from Depôt. 10.25am: 1 ERA (WP) joined ship from Depôt. 1.0pm: 1 Fireman discharged to Hospital. 4.0pm: Leave to Port Watch and first Starboard till 7am. 6.30pm: Coaling Finished 2,000 Tons in. 7.0pm: Received 200 lbs of Liver and 224 lbs Fresh cod. 10.15pm: Coal Lighters cast off. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 411 lbs, Vegetables (i) 11200 lbs, (ii) 3 tons 400 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 2411 tons] 4caf8895cadfd3419702162a: ( 53-49982-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] Noon: Leave to Starboard Watch and second Port till 7am. Both watches Boys till 7pm. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Ship started after repair steam trials. 4.0pm: Ceased Steam Trials. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 410 lbs, Vegetables 400 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd3419702162b: ( 53-49982-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 9.35am: 10 Ratings landed as Church Thanksgiving Party. 11.45am: Church party returned. Noon: Leave to Port Watch and second Starboard till 7am. Both watches Boys till 7pm. 4caf8895cadfd3419702162c: ( 53-49982-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to Starboard Watch and first Port till 7am. 5.15pm: Received from RWV Yard 2 barrels herrings and 1 box mixed fish. [Provisions received: Vegetables 500 lbs] 4caf8895cadfd3419702162d: ( 53-49982-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 8.0am and 1.10pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to Port Watch and first Starboard till 7am. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. [Provisions received: Vegetables 500 lbs] [Misty until 4pm, noon temperature 41F] 4caf8895cadfd3419702162e: ( 53-49982-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 2.15pm: ERA (WP) discharged to RN Depôt and “Essex” respectively. 4.0pm: Leave to Starboard Watch and second Port till 7am. 6.40pm: Received from Bull Point Arsenal Fireworks and rockets etc. 7.10pm: Received from RWV Yard 10 lbs of Yeast. 4caf8895cadfd3419702162f: ( 53-49982-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 9.0am: 14 cases of beer received onboard for Ward Room. 10.0am: Megaphone 15 inch, one, lost overboard by accident. 4.0pm: Leave to Port Watch and second Starboard till 7am. 4caf8895cadfd34197021630: ( 53-49982-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 7.0am: Libertymen returned onboard. 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to Starboard and first part Port watch till 7am. 4caf8895cadfd34197021631: ( 53-49982-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] Noon: Leave to Port Watch and first Starboard till am. Boys both watches till 7pm. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf8895cadfd34197021632: ( 53-49982-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 9.0am: RCs landed, 38. 10.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.55am: RCs returned onboard. Noon: Leave to Starboard Watch and second Port till 7am. Boys both watches till 7pm. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8896cadfd34197021633: ( 53-49982-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 8.10am: Corporal and 6 Privates RMLI to RM Barracks. 10.30am: RM Barracks party returned onboard. 3.15pm: Hoisted motor boat after overhaul on Dockyard. 4.0pm: Leave to Port Watch and second Starboard till 7am. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8896cadfd34197021634: ( 53-49982-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 6 Wharf] 7.0am: Libertymen returned onboard. 10.15am: Court of Inquiry held onboard. 11.45am: Shifted ship to No 7 Berth for removal of guns. [At No 7 Wharf] 1.0pm: Discharged 1 rating to Hospital. 4.0pm: Leave to Starboard Watch and first Port till 7am. [Rain in am, misty then fine in pm, noon temperature 54F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021635: ( 53-49982-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 7 Wharf] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Leave to Port watch and first Starboard till 7am. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. Chief Carpenter and 3 hands in Dockyard. 2.30pm: Dressed ship with mast head flags. 3.45pm: Carpenter party returned. 5.0pm: Ship shifted astern to plumb crane. 4caf8896cadfd34197021636: ( 53-49982-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 7 Wharf] 11.0am: Hands employed moving ship to get guns out. 2.20pm: Ship shifted as requisite. 2.35pm: Ship secured. 4.0pm: Leave to Starboard Watch and second Port till 7am. 5.0pm: 24 empty cases and 6 empty casks and parcel of yeast received from RWV Yard. 4caf8896cadfd34197021637: ( 53-49982-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 7 Wharf] 7.45am: Hands employed shifting ship to hoist out guns. 8.0am: Ship secured. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.58am: Ship secured. 9.20am: Tugs employed for slewing ship. 10.20am: Ship secured. 11.20am: Ship shifted as requisite. 11.35am: Ship secured. 3.0pm: Shifted ship as requisite. 3.45pm: Ship secured. 4.0pm: Leave to Starboard Watch till 7am. 4.30pm: Watch employed getting in spare gear. 5.30pm: Leave to first Port Watch till 7am. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8896cadfd34197021638: ( 53-49982-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 7 Wharf] 7.0am: Liberty men returned onboard. 8.15am: Lighter with spare gear alongside. 11.0am: Hands employed shifting ship. 11.45am: Ship secured. 0.30pm: Leave to Port Watch till 7am. Both Watches boys till 7pm. 1.45pm and 4.30pm: Watch employed getting spare gear aboard. 2.50pm: Discharged 1 rating to RN Hospital. 5.45pm: Leave to second Starboard Watch till 7am. 11.25pm: Chief Carpenter reported all tanks filled. [Provisions received: Vegetables 300 lbs (Mixed)] 4caf8896cadfd34197021639: ( 53-49982-018_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8896cadfd3419702163a: ( 53-49982-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8896cadfd3419702163b: ( 53-49982-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8896cadfd3419702163c: ( 53-49982-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8896cadfd3419702163d: ( 53-49982-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1918 4caf8896cadfd3419702163e: ( 53-49983-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for December 1918] 4caf8896cadfd3419702163f: ( 53-49983-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, not signed] 4caf8896cadfd34197021640: ( 53-49983-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8896cadfd34197021641: ( 53-49983-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8896cadfd34197021642: ( 53-49983-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8896cadfd34197021643: ( 53-49983-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1918 At Devonport Lat 50.39, Long -4.19 [At No 7 Wharf] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: Boat came alongside for NO [Navigating Officer?] and 2 signalmen. 2.35pm: Hands hold off for slipping ship. Leave to Port Watch till 7am. 3.25pm: Lieutenant Williams and 2 signalmen returned. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. [Mist or fog for much of day, noon temperature 54F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021644: ( 53-49983-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1918 At Devonport and at Sea Lat 50.34, Long -4.15 [rough estimate] [At No 7 Wharf] 7.0am: Libertymen returned onboard. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.20am: Paymaster and escort left ship for pay money. 10.0am: Tug made fast. Lieutenant Williams and signalmen left ship for swinging. 10.20am: Pilot came aboard. 10.35am: Left Wharf (berth No 6) and proceeded. 10.52am: Let go after tug. 11.37am: Passed Drake’s Island. Noon: Secured to No 2 Buoy, tug slipped. [Secured to No 2 Buoy] 0.15pm: Swung ship to correct compass. 1.25pm: Slipped buoy. 1.41pm: Passed breakwater. 1.51pm: Course S53W. 2.31pm: Eddystone Light House abeam - 9 cables. 2.38pm: Altered course S58E. Log streamed. 2.45pm: Decreased speed in order to put out PVs. 4.0pm: Prawl [Prawle] Point abeam, Log 16.5. 4.30pm: Start Point Light House N32E (compass), Log 20.6. 4.43pm: Altered course East, Log 23.4. 4.55pm: Start Point abeam distant 10 miles, Log 25.6. 5.45pm: Commenced sounding. 8.0pm: Portland Bill Light abeam 15 miles, Log 68.4. 8.30pm: Anvil Point Light bore NNE. 10.2pm: St Catherines bearing N45E, Log 99.6. 10.54pm: St Catherines abeam bearing N10E, Log 110.0. Altered course S84E. [Misty all day, south westerly wind force 4 in pm, temperature at 4pm 54F, sea temperature 53F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021645: ( 53-49983-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1918 At Sea Lat 51.51, Long 0.80 [estimated] 1.45am: Sighted vessel ahead. 1.55am: Altered course to avoid vessel. 1.58am; Resumed Course S84E. 2.31am: Beachy Head Light Bore N50E (compass). 3.30am: Beachy Head abeam distant 13 miles. 3.31am: Royal Sovereign Light Vessel bore N39E (compass), Log 176.8. 3.35am: Exercised Seaboats crew. 4.0am: Altered course N60E. 4.18am: Beachy Head Light bearing N30W, Log 187.0. 4.42am: Altered course N57E, Log 193.9. 6.5am: Altered course N46E, Log 213.0. 6.21am: Dungeness Light abeam, 217.3 Log. 6.30am: Altered course N56E, Log 220.3. 6.45am: Courses and speed as requisite. 6.56am: Passed wreck buoy. 7.22am: Passed Folkestone Gates. 7.27am: Altered course N73E, Log 231.5. 7.46am: Dover abeam, Log 236.7. 8.0am: Altered course N43E, Log 239.5. Dead slow. In PVs. 8.10am: South Goodwin Light Vessel abeam, distant 0.25 miles, Log 240.0. 8.11am: Altered course N25E, Log 241.3. 8.20am: Altered course N19E, Log 244 to allow for easterly set. 8.39am: Goodwin Fork Light buoy abeam 0.25 miles, Log 247.0. 8.53am: Gull Light Vessel abeam, distant 0.25 miles. 9.26am: Elbow No 2 Buoy abeam 0.75 miles, altered course N20W. Hauled in Log. 9.57am: NE Ship Buoy abeam 0.25 miles, altered course N51W. 10.8am: Passed Tongue Light Vessel, altered course N54W. 10.18am: Passed SW Long Sand Buoy, altered course N38W. 10.33am: Passed Edinboro [Edinburgh] Light Vessel, altered course S80W. 10.55am: Knob B Buoy, altered course N76W. 10.58am: ~~~ Buoy altered course S85W. 11.5am: Stop whilst speaking to Examination boat. 11.16am: Full ahead. Course S80W. 11.40am: West Oaze Buoy abeam, altered course N66W. 0.15pm: Reduced speed, slow and proceeded to Southend (helm and engines to Navigators orders). 0.35pm: Stop. 0.40pm: Let go starboard anchor (anchor in 13 fathoms and veered cable to 2.5 shackles). [At Anchor [Bearings] Magnetic: Southend Pier Light N36W, East Middle River Buoy N83W, No 2 Red Buoy S28W] 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 4.30pm: Pilot came aboard. 7.30pm: Ship swung to flood. 4caf8896cadfd34197021646: ( 53-49983-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1918 At Southend and at anchor Lat 51.46, Long 0.45 [very rough estimate] 1.0am: Ship swung to flood. 2.10am: Thick fog. Started bell as per International Rules. 4.0am: Fog lifted. 6.15am: Thick fog, started bell. 7.30am: Fog lifted. 8.15am: Swung to flood. 9.3am: Hove up anchor. Courses and speed as requisite. 9.52am: Passed No 2 Buoy. 9.54am: Passed Southend Pier. 10.10am: Chapman Light abeam. 10.20am: Blythe Middle Buoy abeam. 10.30am: Mucking Light abeam. 10.39am: Spoke to examination steamer [?]. 10.45am: Taken in tow. 11.15am: Let go port anchor. 11.17am: Let go starboard anchor. 11.22am: Customs Boat alongside. 11.35am: Finished with engines. Running Moor 45 fathoms on each anchor. 0.25am: Weighed both anchors and proceeded to shift billet. 0.42pm: Let go starboard anchor. 0.54pm: Let go port anchor, 4 shackles. [At Anchor South Larne Head Light S34W, Ovens Buoy S89W: magnetic] 1.10pm: Weighed Starboard anchor. 2.15pm: Lieutenant Bertram RNR re-joined ship. Let go Starboard Anchor. 3 shackles Starboard, 3.5 shackles Port. 3.10pm: Finished with engines. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 8.30pm: Ship commenced to swing. 8.50pm: Ship swung to flood. 4caf8896cadfd34197021647: ( 53-49983-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1918 At Higham Bight Lat 51.46, Long 0.45 [At Anchor: South Larne Head Light S34W, Ovens Buoy S89W] 1.50am: Ship commenced to swing to ebb. 2.20am: Ship swung, all clear. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.45am: Ship commenced to swing. 9.20am: Ship swung, all clear. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.25am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Ship swung to ebb. Engines moved as requisite to keep clear hawse. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 8.15pm: Ship commenced to swing. 9.20pm: Ship swung. All clear. [Weather overcast, noon temperature 53F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021648: ( 53-49983-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1918 At Higham Bight Lat 51.46, Long 0.45 [At Anchor: South Larne Head Light S34W, Ovens Buoy S89W] 2.40am: Ship commenced to swing. 3.20am: Ship swung to ebb. Engines moved as requisite to keep clear hawse. 7.30am: Commenced fog bell. 8.45am: Ship commenced to swing. 9.10am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Ship swing to flood, all clear. 3.20pm: Ship swung to ebb. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 5.30pm: Motor boat hoisted. 9.5pm: Ship commenced to swing to flood. 10.0pm: Ship swung. All clear. [Number on sick list: 5] [Fog or mist for most of day, noon temperature 50F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021649: ( 53-49983-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1918 At Higham Bight and Southend Lat 51.46, Long 0.45 [At Anchor: South Larne Head Light S34W, Ovens Buoy S89W] 3.15am: Commenced to swing. Engines used as requisite. 3.40am: Ship swung to ebb. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 10.10am: Commenced to swing. 10.40am: Ship swung. All clear. 2.45pm: Engines used for turning ship, tug over anchor in after dance [?]. 3.5pm: Tug made fast aft. 3.29pm: Starboard anchor aweigh. Tug secured port bow. 3.40pm: Port anchor aweigh. Let go tug and proceed to Southend (full speed). 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 4.10pm: Blythe Middle Buoy abeam. 4.15pm: Stony Point Beacon abeam. 4.20pm: Chapman Light House abeam. 4.33pm: No 2 Middle Buoy abeam. 4.45pm: No 2 Buoy abeam. 4.35pm: Hard a starboard, turned ship to stern tide. 4.50pm: Slow both. 5.3pm: Stopped both. 5.6pm: Let go starboard anchor in 12 fathoms: veered to 6 shackles. 5.14pm: Secured, finished with engines. [At Anchor. Southend Pier Light N37W, East River Middle Buoy N85W] 7.35pm: Examination boat alongside. 8.35pm: Examination boat returned. 9.35pm: Ship commenced to swing. 10.15pm: Ship swung to flood: all clear. 11.0pm: Steamboat brought off mails. [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8896cadfd3419702164a: ( 53-49983-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [estimated] 3.20am: Commenced swinging. 3.50am: Ship swing to ebb. 8.4am: Shortened in cable. 8.10am: Anchor weighed, slow ahead both. 8.14am: Stopped both. 8.16am: Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, veered to 3.5 shackles. 8.25am: Finished with engines. [Anchor Bearings] [Magnetic: Southend Pier Light N23.5W, East Middle River Buoy S72W] 9.30am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.55am: Ship commenced to swing. 10.35am: Ship swung to flood. 1.0pm: Leave to London Party until 9.30am. 2.0pm: Leave to Starboard Watch until 10pm, Boys until 6pm. 3.30pm: Ship commenced to swing. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 4.15pm: Ship swung to ebb. 7.10pm: Boys returned onboard. 9.45pm: Ship commenced to swing. 10.0pm: Liberty men returned onboard. 10.25pm: Ship swung to flood. [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8896cadfd3419702164b: ( 53-49983-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Anchor] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.10am: Thick fog descended from NW. Started bell as per International Rules. 10.35am: Fog lifted. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 1.45pm: Liberty men landed. 4.5pm: Liberty men Landed. 6.30pm: Landed Patrol, 1 PO, 1 Leading Seaman and 6 ratings. 4caf8896cadfd3419702164c: ( 53-49983-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Anchor] 7.30am: Libertymen returned onboard. 9.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.40am: Libertymen returned onboard. 1.15pm: Heavy squall from SW with high wind. 1.25pm: Veered out on cable. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Liberty men landed. 6.15pm: Landed patrol in charge of 1 PO. 6.30pm: Read Warrant No 40. T Moaney Fireman placed in cells. 10.0pm: Libertymen returned onboard. 4caf8896cadfd3419702164d: ( 53-49983-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Anchor] 7.35am: Libertymen returned onboard. 8.0am, 9.30am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Ship swung to flood. Libertymen landed. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to Port Watch till 7am. 6.30pm: Ship swung to ebb. Landed Patrol in charge of 1 PO. 10.10pm: Libertymen and patrol returned. 4caf8896cadfd3419702164e: ( 53-49983-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Anchor] 7.30am and 10.30am: Libertymen returned. 9.10am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.50pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.0pm: Landed libertymen until 7.30am. Boys until 6.15pm. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Leave to first part Starboard Watch. 6.30pm: Patrol fell in and landed. 7.45pm: Captain returned onboard. 10.30pm: Libertymen and Patrol returned. 4caf8896cadfd3419702164f: ( 53-49983-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [Anchor Bearings] [Southend Pier Light N23.5W, East Middle Buoy S72W] 1.30am: Ship commenced to swing to flood. 3.45am: Ship swung to flood. 7.30am: Libertymen returned on board. 9.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.45am: Libertymen returned onboard. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.40pm: Ship commenced to swing to flood. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Issued Civil Employment forms to ships Company. 4.40pm: Ship swung to flood. 6.45pm: Chief Writer and Marine Escort returned from London. 8.15pm: Ship swung to ebb. 10.0pm: Libertymen and Patrol returned. [Westerly wind force 4 or 5 in am, force 3 or 4 in pm, noon temperature 55F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021650: ( 53-49983-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [Anchor Bearings] [Southend Pier Light N23.5W, East Middle Buoy S72W] 7.30am: Liberty men returned. 9.0am: Landed Libertymen on long leave until 4pm 27th inst. 10.30am: Coaled launch (30 bags). 2.0pm: Leave to watch until 7.30am. 2.30pm: Heavy fog descended from SW. Started bell as per International Rules. 3.40pm: Fog lifted. Ship commenced to swing. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Landed Libertymen. 6.45pm: Fog set in. Started bell as per IR. 9.40pm: Ship commenced to swing to ebb. 10.0pm: Ship swung to ebb. 4caf8896cadfd34197021651: ( 53-49983-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Single Anchor] 5.0am: Ship swung to flood tide. 7.45am: Libertymen returned onboard. 8.0am: Hands fall in and employed as requisite. 10.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.30am: Ship swung to ebb. 2.0pm: Libertymen landed. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Landed Libertymen. 5.30pm: Ship commenced to swing. 6.40pm: Ship swung to flood. 10.10pm: Ship commenced to swing. 11.0pm: Ship swung to ebb. [Anchor Bearings] [Southend Pier Light N19W, Nore Light Vessel S46E] 4caf8896cadfd34197021652: ( 53-49983-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [Anchor Bearings] [Southend Pier Light N19W, Nore Light Vessel S46E] 7.40am: Libertymen returned. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.10am: Divisions and Prayers. 2.0pm: Libertymen landed. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Landed Libertymen. [South westerly or north westerly wind force 4 for most of day, mostly cloudy, noon temperature 47F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021653: ( 53-49983-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Single Anchor] 7.40am: Libertymen returned. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Reverted to 4 hours notice. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Libertymen landed. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Libertymen landed. 10.10pm: Libertymen returned onboard. [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8896cadfd34197021654: ( 53-49983-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 8.25am: Reverted to 4 hours notice. 9.10am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.30am: Coaled launch (25 bags). 10.45am: Mr Smith Junior Engineer RFA [Royal Fleet Auxiliary] left ship. 2.0pm: Libertymen landed. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Landed Libertymen. [Number on sick list: 7] [South westerly then north westerly wind force 4 for most of day but force 6 at 6am and force 7 at 8pm, rain at times. Barometric pressure relatively low and falling until 8pm] 4caf8896cadfd34197021655: ( 53-49983-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 7.40am: Libertymen returned onboard. 8.0am: Hands fall in. 9.30am: Veered to 90 fathoms on windlass. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.0pm: Libertymen landed. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Landed Libertymen. [Number on sick list: 7] [Westerly wind force 5 or 6 for most of day, noon temperature 42F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021656: ( 53-49983-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Anchor] 4.45am: Two lighters apparently dragging their anchor passed. Pier signal station informed. 7.40am: Libertymen returned. 8.0am: Hands fall in and employed as requisite. Hove in cable to 75 fathoms before windlass. 10.45am: Libertymen returned onboard. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Landed Libertymen. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Landed Libertymen. 10.10pm: Libertymen returned. [Number on sick list: 6] 4caf8896cadfd34197021657: ( 53-49983-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Anchor] 7.40am: Libertymen returned. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Coaled launch (25 bags). 1.15pm: Landed Libertymen. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Landed Libertymen. [Number on sick list: 7] 4caf8896cadfd34197021658: ( 53-49983-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1918 At Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Anchor] 7.40am: Libertymen returned. 10.0am: Divisions and Prayers. 1.0pm: Landed Libertymen. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8896cadfd34197021659: ( 53-49983-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1918 At [and leaving] Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [At Anchor] 4.40am: Shortened in to 1.5 shackles. 4.45am: Pilot came aboard. 4.50am: Anchor aweigh. 5.0am: Full ahead both. Course S50W. [Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding up river] 5.19am: No 3 Middle River Buoy abeam. 5.37am: Chapman Buoy abeam. 5.57am: Blyth Middle Buoy abeam. 6.10am: Mucking Light abeam. 6.15am: Blyth (W) Buoy abeam. 6.19am: No 2 Blyth Buoy abeam. 6.39am: Ovens Buoy abeam. 7.10am: Gravesend Town Pier abeam. Exchanged Pilots. 7.26am: Tilbury Ness abeam. 7.45am: Broadness Light abeam. 7.56am: Stoneness Light abeam. 8.5am: Tug secured alongside. 9.27am: Cable shackled up to the buoy. 9.28am: Tug left ship. 9.40am: Tug alongside. 11.0am: Tug left ship with postman. Secured to Buoys fore and aft. Finished with engines. Customs alongside. 1.15am: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.45pm: Landed Libertymen. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 5] 4caf8896cadfd3419702165a: ( 53-49983-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1918 At Purfleet Lat 51.47, Long 0.25 [estimated] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.45am: Lighters with ships fittings alongside. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 1.20pm: Landed Libertymen. 4.0pm: Landed Libertymen. 10.0pm: Two absentees brought onboard by Civil Police. [Misty from noon onwards, noon temperature 38F] 4caf8896cadfd3419702165b: ( 53-49983-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1918 At Purfleet Lat 51.47, Long 0.25 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.20am: Lighter came alongside with ships fittings. 1.30pm: Libertymen landed. 2.30pm: Cargo lighter made fast alongside. 4caf8896cadfd3419702165c: ( 53-49983-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1918 At Purfleet Lat 51.47, Long 0.25 11.10am: Finished working gear out of lighters. 1.15pm: Libertymen landed. 1.30pm: Lighters left ship. 10.35pm: Libertymen landed [presumably should be returned]. 4caf8896cadfd3419702165d: ( 53-49983-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1918 At Purfleet and Southend Lat 51.51, Long 0.73 [estimated] 6.50am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.15am: Pilot came onboard. 8.4am: Full ahead both. Proceeded. Helm and engines to Pilots orders. [Courses and speed as requisite for proceeding down River] 8.26am: Stoneness Light abeam. 8.30am: Broadness Light abeam. 8.38am: Tilburyness Light abeam. 9.4am: Ovens Buoy abeam. 9.10am: Lower Hope Point abeam. 9.17am: Mucking Light abeam. 9.35am: Chapman Light House abeam. 10.2am: Rounded No 2 Middle River Buoy. 10.20am: Stop both. 10.21am: Let go Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 4.5 shackles. 10.22am: Stop both. 10.30am: Secured cable. Finished with engines. 1.15pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 6.15pm: Long Leave Men returned onboard. 8.5pm: Ship swung to ebb. 4caf8896cadfd3419702165e: ( 53-49983-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1918 At Southend and at Sea Lat 51.12, Long 1.40 3.0am: Ship commenced to swing to flood. 5.0am: Ship swung to flood. 7.30am: Libertymen returned. 7.50am: Anchor aweigh. 7.52am: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 8.25am: Altered course S71E. 8.30am: Nore Light Vessel abeam. 8.45am: West Oaze Buoy abeam, altered course N84E. 9.3am: East Red Sands Buoy. 9.6am: Shivering Sands Buoy, altered course N81E. 9.10am: Knob [?] Buoy. 9.22am: NW Shingles Beacon, altered course N82E. 9.25am: Middle Shingles Buoy, altered course N85E. 9.33am: South Edinboro [Edinburgh] 4.5 [?] Buoys, altered course N82E. 9.39am: South Edinboro No 2 altered course S60E. 9.53am: Altered course S51E, Tongue Light Vessel S75E, 0.5 miles. 9.55am: Tongue Light Vessel abeam. 10.4am: NE Spit 0.25 miles, altered course S15E. 10.22am: Altered course S10E. 10.25am: Altered course S. 10.30am: North Foreland Light Vessel abeam bearing S75W. 10.39am: No 2 Elbow Buoy. 10.45am: Altered course S45W. 10.48am: North Head Sand Light Vessel abeam. 10.55am: North Foreland Light House abeam. 11.2am: Altered course S50W. North Foreland Light House N23W. 11.7am: Courses as requisite to avoid approaching vessel. 11.10am: Passed Japanese Cruiser. 11.14am: Altered course S42W. 11.20am: Gull Light Vessel abeam. 11.23am: Altered course S27W. 11.26am: Altered course S32W. 11.50am: South Goodwin Light Vessel abeam, South Foreland bearing S76W. Noon: Altered course S62W. 0.10pm: Out PVs. 0.12pm: Altered course S70W. 0.22pm: Altered course S75W. 0.30pm: Altered course S85W. 0.35am: Passed Folkestone Gates. 0.38pm: Altered course S65W. 0.56pm: St Cecilia Light Vessel abeam, altered course S47W. 1.15pm: Dungeness 4 points Starboard Bow. 1.28pm: Dungeness abeam. 1.38pm: Altered course S80W. Dungeness Light House N16W, 6 miles. 1.45pm: Log streamed, altered course S43.5W. 1.51pm: Altered course S80W. 3.7pm: Royal Sovereign Light Vessel 4 points starboard bow, Log 19.3. 3.15pm: Altered course S64W. Royal Sovereign Light Vessel abeam distant 3 miles, Log 23.3. 3.17pm: Altered course S80W. 3.50pm: Beachy Head abeam, Log 30. 3.53pm: Altered course N89W. 5.57pm: Owers Light bearing N45W, Log 61.3. 6.36pm: Owers Light abeam bearing N1E, Log 70.0, distant 9 miles. 7.23pm: St Catherines Light bearing 4 points Starboard bow, Log 81.6. 8.15pm: St Catherines abeam, Log 95.9, distant 14.3 miles. 8.40pm: Altered course N88W, Log 102. 10.30pm: Exercised Seaboats crew. [Course and Distance made good: Various 54 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: South Goodwin Light Vessel N62E, Dover Pier (West) N82E, Dover Pier (East) N66E, South Foreland N20W] [Number on sick list: 7] [Westerly wind force 4 or 5 all day, weather mostly overcast, noon temperature 52F, sea temperature 47F] 4caf8896cadfd3419702165f: ( 53-49983-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1918 At Sea Lat 50.20, Long -5.78 1.15am: Altered course to avoid steamer. 1.23am: Resumed Course. 2.49am: Start Point bearing N20E, 11 miles, Log 193. 6.45am: Altered course N50W, Log 252.5. 7.0am: Belts waist pattern 1901 four lost by accident. 9.22am: Altered course N80E, Log 288.2. 9.28am: Altered course N17E, Log 289.2. 9.30am: Longships abeam, Log 289.9. Distant 1.8 miles. 10.6am: Altered course N15E, Log 296.4. 3.30pm: Sighted Smalls Light House N10E. 3.35pm: Altered course N5E, Log 380.6. 4.0pm: Smalls abeam bearing N50E, Log 386.5, distant 1.1 miles. Evening Quarters. 4.8pm: Altered course N20E, Log 389.7. 4.17pm: Altered course N14E. 5.15pm: Passed HMS “New Zealand”. 6.48pm: Blackwater Light abeam 13.5 miles, log 431.1. 7.22pm: South Arklow Light abeam, Log 440.5, distant 9 miles. 7.40pm: Wick Light bearing N41E, Log 445.5. 7.50pm: North Arklow Light N31W, Log 447.8. 8.12pm: Altered course N25E, Log 454.2. 8.15pm: Wicklow Head N57W, distant 13 miles, Log 455. 8.22pm: Altered course N25E, Log 456.6. 8.49pm: Codling Light abeam. 9.5pm: Baley [Baily] Light abeam, Log 278.9 [presumably 478.9]. Distant 19 miles. 0.55am: Chickens Rocks Light abeam S65E, Log 531.7. [Course and Distance made good: Various 343 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: The Smalls N22E, 62 miles] [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8896cadfd34197021660: ( 53-49983-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1918 At Sea and at Greenock Lat 55.97, Long -4.77 [rough estimate] 1.20am: St Johns Point Light House abeam N65W, Log 537.2, distant 16.3 miles. 2.5am: South Rock Light Vessel abeam N65W, Log 549.7, distant 6.4 miles, altered course N7E. 2.50am: The Mull of Galloway abeam S83E, distant 12 miles, Log 562.3. 3.48am: Black Head abeam bearing S83E, distant 5.1 miles, Log 578.1. 4.25am: Corsewall Point abeam, distant 5.4 miles. 4.26am: Altered course N64E. 5.40am: Ailsa Craig abeam, distant 1.5 miles, altered course N17E, 6.28am: Pladda abeam 159.2 miles [presumably a mistake!]. 6.52am: Holy Island abeam, 1.4 miles. 7.20am: Altered course N25E. 7.43am: Little Cumbrae abeam, Log 634.0. 7.50am: Patent Log hauled in. 8.4am: Altered course N23E. 8.25am: Toward Point abeam. 8.48am: Ganlock [?] Light abeam. 8.53am: Boom abeam. 8.55am: Clock [Cloch] Light abeam. 9.8am: Pilot aboard. 9.35am: Let go Starboard anchor. 9.36am: Finished with engines. Anchored off Greenock. [At Anchor] 0.45pm: Captain and Paymaster Sub Lieutenant left ship with escort. 3.20pm: Captain returned. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 5.15pm: Ship commenced to swing. 6.10pm: Ship swung to flood. 7.15pm: Paymaster Sub Lieutenant and Escort returned. [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8896cadfd34197021661: ( 53-49983-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1918 At Greenock Lat 55.97, Long -4.77 [At Anchor] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Paid Monthly Payment. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 8.0pm: Issue of Tobacco and Soap. [Number on sick list: 10] [Weather fine, noon temperature 40F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021662: ( 53-49983-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8896cadfd34197021663: ( 53-49983-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8896cadfd34197021664: ( 53-49983-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover, in poor condition] 4caf8896cadfd34197021665: ( 53-49983-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover, in poor condition] LOGS FOR JANUARY 1919 4caf8896cadfd34197021666: ( 53-49984-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for January 1 - 15 1919] 4caf8896cadfd34197021667: ( 53-49984-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, signed by H Williams Lieutenant RNR, for Navigating Officer] 4caf8896cadfd34197021668: ( 53-49984-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8896cadfd34197021669: ( 53-49984-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4caf8896cadfd3419702166a: ( 53-49984-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before] 4caf8896cadfd3419702166b: ( 53-49984-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1919 At Greenock Lat 55.97, Long -4.77 [Anchor Bearings] [Kempock N87W, Greenock Spire S23W, Roseneath [Rosneath] Point N9W] 7.30am: Veered to 75 fathoms on Starboard Anchor. 8.10am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.50am: Divisions and Prayers. 10.20am: Leave to Starboard Watch of Marines till 10pm 13th. 11.45am: Gave Leave to Starboard Watch MMR Ratings until 18th inst, return to Eaglet. 2.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 12] [Snow on and off during day, noon temperature 43F] 4caf8896cadfd3419702166c: ( 53-49984-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1919 At Greenock Lat 55.97, Long -4.77 [At Anchor] 8.0am, 9.20am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.10am: Divisions and Prayers. 4.0pm: Remainder of Starboard Watch left ship. [Number on sick list: 12] 4caf8896cadfd3419702166d: ( 53-49984-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1919 At Greenock Lat 55.97, Long -4.77 [At Anchor] 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.12am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8896cadfd3419702166e: ( 53-49984-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1919 At Greenock Lat 55.97, Long -4.77 [At Anchor] 1.30am: Ship commenced to swing. 2.15am: Ship swung. 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8896cadfd3419702166f: ( 53-49984-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1919 At Greenock Lat 55.97, Long -4.77 [At Anchor] 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.45am: Hands to Divisions. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8896cadfd34197021670: ( 53-49984-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1919 At Greenock and Glasgow Lat 55.97, Long -4.77 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.40am: Tug boat alongside with Pilot. 11.55am: Hands prepare ship for harbour. 0.25pm: Anchor aweigh. 0.45pm: Garvel Point abeam. 1.6pm: CardRoss [Cardross] Light abeam. 1.16pm: Garrison Light abeam. 1.24pm: Dumbarton Rock abeam. 1.25pm: Dumbuck Light abeam. 1.30pm: Milton Island abeam. 1.37pm: Bells Mount abeam. 1.55pm: Rashielee Light abeam. 2.5pm: Dalmuir Light abeam. 2.14pm: Blythswood Light abeam. 2.35pm: Scotstoun Light abeam. 3.0pm: Govan Wharf abeam. [Course and speed as requisite for navigating River] 4.15pm: Finished with engines, made fast to Yorkhill Wharf. 5.30pm: Leave granted to first part of Watch till 7.30am. [Number on sick list: 9] 4caf8896cadfd34197021671: ( 53-49984-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 [estimated] 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.45pm: Leave to second part of Watch till 7.30am. [Number on sick list: 7] [Mist or rain from noon onwards, noon temperature 42F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021672: ( 53-49984-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. am: Barclay and Curle’s [company details here] Workmen working on ship. 1.20pm: Received 10 bags potatoes. [Number on sick list: 8] [Provisions received: Vegetables 1000 lbs] 4caf8896cadfd34197021673: ( 53-49984-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.5pm: Hands employed shifting ship. 3.30pm: Ship moved from No 5 Berth to No 6 Berth. 4.0pm: Gave leave to second part of Watch till 7.30am. [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8896cadfd34197021674: ( 53-49984-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to Port Watch till 7.30am. [Number on sick list: 8] 4caf8896cadfd34197021675: ( 53-49984-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Leave to Watch until 7.30am. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend. 7 ratings discharged to HMS “Wyncote”. 4caf8896cadfd34197021676: ( 53-49984-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.35am: Chaplin [Chaplain] held service onboard from 9.45 to 10.10am. 10.17am: Chaplin left. Noon: Leave granted till 7.30am, Boys until 7.0pm. 1.0pm: 1 Rating discharged to Hospital. 4caf8896cadfd34197021677: ( 53-49984-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 5.45am: Hands employed shifting ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4 Firemen discharged to HMS Eagle. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.30pm: Discharged 2 Ratings to RN Hospital Plymouth. 4.0pm: Leave granted to Watch until 7.30am. [Provisions received: Fresh Meat 604 lbs] [Misty all day, noon temperature 42F] 4caf8896cadfd34197021678: ( 53-49984-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 8.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to Watch until 7.30am. 4caf8896cadfd34197021679: ( 53-49984-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1919 At Glasgow Lat 55.86, Long -4.31 8.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.55am: Hands employed shifting ship. 1.20pm: Ship secured alongside No 6 Berth Yorkhill. 2.35pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave granted to Watch until 7.30am. 9.0pm: Discharged 1 Lieutenant RNVR and 1 Midshipman RNR. 9.55pm: Discharged 1 Lieutenant Commander RNR. 4caf8896cadfd3419702167a: ( 53-49984-011_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8896cadfd3419702167b: ( 53-49984-011_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8896cadfd3419702167c: ( 53-49984-012_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4caf8896cadfd3419702167d: ( 53-49984-012_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf8896cadfd3419702167e: ( 53-49984-013_0.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] 4caf8896cadfd3419702167f: ( 53-49984-013_1.jpg) [Blank page, back cover] |
Revised 23/02/2015 |