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Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion Pendant Nos. M.92 (on coming into service), MI.82 (1.18). Built 1891, 6942grt, 18kts. Armament: 6-6in. In service 26.1.15, purchased by Admiralty 26.2.15. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. Paid off 29.7.19 and sold 8.21 to BU. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes: The gun turrets in the ship are identified with a letter and number, e.g. A1, B2, etc. In some cases, the log keeper has used Roman numerals, so that 1 is I and 2 is II. In the Arial font used for editing this may cause the reader to mistake this notation for something it is not, e.g. XII should be read “ex-two” not “twelve.” In all cases in this log the gun turret identifiers should be read as a letter and number. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) LOGS FOR MARCH 1915 4caf8903cadfd34197023f2f: ( 53-53355-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f30: ( 53-53355-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f32: ( 53-53355-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note See C.A.I.O.322; signed by Cmdr. John Warren, Captain] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f33: ( 53-53355-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f34: ( 53-53355-003_1.jpg)
2 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 pm: Hands employed drawing stores. Leave [to various persons and watches.]. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f35: ( 53-53355-004_0.jpg) 3 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Marines getting in stores. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f36: ( 53-53355-004_1.jpg) 4 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Marines employed getting in range finder. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f37: ( 53-53355-005_0.jpg) 5 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f38: ( 53-53355-005_1.jpg) 6 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Marconi’s inspector instructed Leading Telegraphist in W/T [Wireless Telegraphy] instrument. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f39: ( 53-53355-006_0.jpg) 7 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 6.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.0am: Landed church parties. 11.50am: Church parties returned on board. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f3a: ( 53-53355-006_1.jpg) 8 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 11.0am: Started taking in 6” ammunition. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f3b: ( 53-53355-007_0.jpg) 9 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 6.30am: Hands employed taking in ammunition 10.30am: Stokers joined ship. 11.15am: 51 ratings from Chatham [Royal Dockyard] joined ship. 12.30pm: 2 Sub-Lieutenants and 8 Midshipmen from Chatham joined ship. 1.30pm: Hands employed provisioning ship and drawing stores. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f3c: ( 53-53355-007_1.jpg) 10 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 7.0am: Articles of War read to stokers. Hands employed taking in ammunition and as requisite. pm: Hands employed as required for Stability Test. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f3d: ( 53-53355-008_0.jpg) 11 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 7.0am: Watch below cleaned Mess Deck. 9.0am: Hands employed taking in stores, ammunition, and provisions. pm: Hands employed taking in stores and ammunition. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f3e: ( 53-53355-008_1.jpg) 12 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: Hands employed taking in stores and as requisite. Marines employed shipping [installing] 6” guns. Carried out Basin Trials. 4.15pm: 38 ratings joined from Chatham. 12.0am: 4 ratings joined from Chatham. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f3f: ( 53-53355-009_0.jpg) 13 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. Firemen at squad drill. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f40: ( 53-53355-009_1.jpg) 14 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f41: ( 53-53355-010_0.jpg) 15 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 11.30am: 4 seamen ratings RNR joined from Sheerness Submarine Depot. 4.0pm: Received 150 tons coal. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f42: ( 53-53355-010_1.jpg) 16 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite.
4caf8903cadfd34197023f43: ( 53-53355-011_0.jpg) 17 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 1 rating joined from Chatham. 6.30pm: Read stations for darken ship and darkened ship. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f44: ( 53-53355-011_1.jpg) 18 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 8.0pm: Red watch employed taking in ballast. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f45: ( 53-53355-012_0.jpg) 19 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 am: White and blue watched working ballast. 7.0pm: 1 stoker discharged to Robust for HMS Orvieto. [minelayer, later armed merchant cruiser] 3.10pm to 4.45pm: Carried out Stability Test. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f46: ( 53-53355-012_1.jpg) 20 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 11.0am: Left berth in Dock. 11.33am: Fast in lock. 11.57am: Proceeded. 12.28am: Stop. Let go starboard anchor [off Tilbury Dock entrance]. 5.0pm: 1 rating joined ship. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f47: ( 53-53355-013_0.jpg) 21 March 1915 At Tilbury Lat 52.5, Long 0.3 11.25am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 1.40pm: Stopped, swung ship for compass adjustment. 6.57pm: Stopped off Deal. Various courses abeam of Margate. 7.25pm: Pilot disembarked. 7.40pm: South Goodwin Light Vessel abeam. 8.22pm: Folkestone Light. abeam 2' 9.0pm: Dungeness Light abeam 5' 10.53pm: Beachy Head Light abeam 19.5' 4caf8903cadfd34197023f48: ( 53-53355-013_1.jpg) 22 March 1915 From Tilbury to [blank] Noon DR position Lat 49.6, Long -4.0 4.07am: St Catherine Light. abeam 18.7' 7.30am: Lysander [(ex-ULYSSES), destroyer, L-class] parted company [at] 50 3N, 2 36W. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f49: ( 53-53355-014_0.jpg) 23 March 1915 From Tilbury to [blank] Noon observed position Lat 45.5, Long -8.7 pm: Daymen employed as requisite. Hands to physical drill. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f4a: ( 53-53355-014_1.jpg) 24 March 1915 From Tilbury to [blank] Noon observed position Lat 41.2, Long -10.0 am: Watch employed cleaning ship. Hands to physical drill. 2.45pm: Observed a white life buoy in the water. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f4b: ( 53-53355-015_0.jpg) 25 March 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon DR position Lat 38.6, Long -9.6 12.40am: Observed Roca Light. S55E(T) 2.27pm: Cape Espichel Light N55E(T) 4'. [patrolling off the Tagus.] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f4c: ( 53-53355-015_1.jpg) 26 March 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon observed position Lat 38.7, Long -9.5 8.02am: Cape Roca Light S62E(T) 1.7' 5.37pm: Guia Light N79E(T) 2.5' [patrolling off the Tagus.] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f4d: ( 53-53355-016_0.jpg) 27 March 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon DR position Lat 38.5, Long -9.5 Espichal Light House S69E 14’ [patrolling off the Tagus.] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f4e: ( 53-53355-016_1.jpg) 28 March 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.5, Long -9.5 Espichal Light House S77E 14’ pm: Course and speed as requisite. off Cape Roca. [patrolling off the Tagus.] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f4f: ( 53-53355-017_0.jpg) 29 March 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.0, Long -9.9 Cape Roca Light House N53E 25’ 2.25pm: Sighted French cruiser Friant. [patrolling off the Tagus.] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f50: ( 53-53355-017_1.jpg) 30 March 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Lat 39.2, Long -9.5 5.06am: Burlings Light N63E(T) 5.6' 6.25am: Stopped. Sent away sea boat with despatches for Gibraltar to RFA Manica. [Kite Balloon ship] 10.0am: Exercised hands at collision stations. Firemen at squad drill. 6.53pm: Burlings Light. N64E(T) 8.2' 4caf8903cadfd34197023f51: ( 53-53355-018_0.jpg) 31 March 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon DR position Lat 38.3, Long -9.9 Cape Espichal Light House. N81E 31 miles 7.0am: Cape Roca Light House. N60E(T) 3.5’ am: Firemen at squad drill. RNR seamen at instruction. G.L.s, Trainers, and S.S.s and control parties at instruction. 2.0pm: Stopped and manoeuvred while receiving report from S.S.Theseus. 6.22pm: Cape Roca Light House N46E(T) 8’
LOGS FOR APRIL 1915 4caf8903cadfd34197023f57: ( 53-53356-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f58: ( 53-53356-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f5a: ( 53-53356-002_1.jpg) [log information page, partly filled out with note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by Cmdr. John Warren, Captain 1 May 1915] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f5b: ( 53-53356-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f5c: ( 53-53356-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.9, Long -9.8 Roca Light House. S56E 15 miles am: G.L.s, S.S.s, Trainers, and control parties mustered at their stations and exercised. 4caf8903cadfd34197023f5d: ( 53-53356-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.7, Long -9.6 Cape Roca Light House N23E 6’ am: Sunday routine. [patrolling off the Tagus.] 4caf8903cadfd34197023f5e: ( 53-53356-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.8, Long -9.6 Cape Roca Light House S61E 5.5’ 2.55am: Signalled orders to SS Antilochus. [This hyperlink connects to the autobiography of a Radio Officer who sailed on this same ship (among others) in WWII.] 9.05am: Stop. Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms [off Cascais]. Sent away first whaler. 10.30am: Whaler returned. Weighed anchor. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.18pm: Stopped, let go port anchor in 11 fathoms. Sent away first whaler. 6.0pm: Whaler returned. Weighed anchor and proceeded. 7.0pm: Stopped, sent away whaler to board steamer. [Make-and-Mend: The official naval name for a half-holiday. It comes from the old pipe "Hands to Make and Mend Clothes", the traditional occupation for the hands when no official ship's work is to be carried out. -]4caf8904cadfd34197023f5f: ( 53-53356-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.7, Long -9.6 Cape Roca Light House S61E 5.5’ [patrolling off the Tagus.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f60: ( 53-53356-005_1.jpg) [Note attached to log] HMS Ophir. Memo For Ship's Log. We, the undersigned officers, visited the SS "Cardiffian," British nationality, at 4 o’clock pm this 5th day of April 1915, in latitude 38.30, longitude 9.26. No resistance was offered. The ship's papers were duly examined and appeared to be in order. Cargo of coal and fuel. One exception only was noted. The ship's name on bows and stern was painted "Carfiffiani" of Genova. The captain gave explanation that this was done, and that he usually flew the Italian flag, with a view to avoiding trouble with submarines. He flew the British flag on the approach of an English warship. Signed by Lieutenant Simmons RNR and Sydney Case Assistant Paymaster RNR. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f62: ( 53-53356-006_1.jpg) 5 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.4, Long -10.0 Cape Roca Light House N45E 30’ 7.25am: Stopped. SS Kalguines boarded and reported. Bound from Gibraltar to Birkenhead, cargo copper ingots, when Cape St. Vincent bore NWxN (Mag) 25', passed a large steamer distant about 7miles. Stopped and with apparently a submarine alongside Port side, did not close but proceeded full speed. Above happened at 2:30 pm on the 4th inst. 8.15am: Proceeded. 11.30am: Sighted HMS Carmania. [armed merchant cruiser] 12.05pm: Stop. Sent away second whaler to HMS Carmania. 12.20pm: Whaler returned. 4.0pm: Stop. 1st whaler sent away, SS Cardiffiani boarded. [Note – this ship’s name is spelled 3 different ways in the log and in the attached boarding note.] 4.45pm: Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f63: ( 53-53356-007_0.jpg) 6 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.6, Long -8.7 Cape Razo Light House N56E 11’ 8.09am: Cape Roca Light N43E(T) 16.5' [Divisional and physical drills.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f64: ( 53-53356-007_1.jpg) 7 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.6, Long -9.6 Cape Razo Light House N37E 10.5’ 12.03pm: Portuguese cruiser Vasco Da Gama passed bound for Lisbon. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f65: ( 53-53356-008_0.jpg) 8 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.8, Long -9.6 Roca Light House N76E 3.5’ [drills and cruising off the Tagus.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f66: ( 53-53356-008_1.jpg) 9 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Lat 38.4, Long -9.6 Cape Espichel Light House E 16’ 5.15pm: Passed French cruiser Jeanne D'Arc bound South. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f67: ( 53-53356-009_0.jpg) 10 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus Noon position Lat 38.5, Long -9.6 Cape Espichel Light House S82E 17.5’ 9.26am: Let go port anchor in 9 fathoms. [in Cascais Bay]. 9.30am: 2nd whaler away. 1020am: 2nd whaler returned. 10.25am: Weighed and proceeded. 1.30pm – 2:30 pm: Carried out gun trial, fired one round from each gun. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f68: ( 53-53356-009_1.jpg) [Note attached to log:] HMS Ophir. 11 April 1915 Memo For Ship's Log. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the SS "Suram", British Nationality, at 1.8 pm. No resistance was offered. The ship's papers were examined and all was found in order. The cargo consisted of refined petroleum consigned to Marseilles. The ship’s crew were mustered and were found in accordance with the Articles. Signed by Lieutenant Simmons RNR and Sydney Case Assistant Paymaster RNR.
4caf8904cadfd34197023f6a: ( 53-53356-010_1.jpg) 11 April 1915 From Tilbury and off the Tagus to Gibraltar Noon observed position Lat 37.0, Long -10.0 Cape St. Vincent Light House N87E 49’ 12.35pm: a/c as necessary to close SS Suram. 1.30pm: Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f6b: ( 53-53356-011_0.jpg) 12 April 1915 From Tilbury and the Tagus and at Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.58am: Tarifa Light N47W(T) 1.4' 9.03am: South Mole Light N84E(T) 1' 9.29am: Arrived alongside [dock]. 10.40am: Started coaling. pm: White watch stowing coal in No. 2 Hold. Remainder of hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: 7 stoker ratings joined from Cormorant. 7.15pm: Started taking in drinking water. 7.30pm: "Caesar" [pre-dreadnought battleship, Majestic-class] arrived and anchored. 10.15pm: Stopped coaling. Received 1104 tons. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f6c: ( 53-53356-011_1.jpg) 13 April 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 4.0am: Stopped taking in fresh water. Received 206 tons. 6.45am: Blue watch trimming coal, remainder of hands employed as requisite. 7.15am: Started coaling. 1.15pm: Blue watch trimming coal, remainder of hands employed as requisite. 3.30pm: Started taking in boiler water. 4.0pm: Leave to White and Red watches. 7.0pm: Finished taking in water (58 tons). HMS Caesar arrived. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f6d: ( 53-53356-012_0.jpg) 14 April 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.0am: Finished coaling, 1840 tons. 9.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.30am: 5 engineer officers and 4 ratings joined for passage to HMS Carmania. 5.20pm: Left berth and proceeded. 7.13pm: Tarifa Light abeam N28W (T) 2.2 miles. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f6e: ( 53-53356-012_1.jpg) 15 April 1915 From Gibraltar to Funchal Noon observed position Lat 34.9, Long -9.3 8.55am: Dropped target, courses as requisite. Gunlayers, sight setters, and trainers exercised at 1” aiming. 10.35am: Target picked up. Proceeded. 4.45pm: Read warrant No 1. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f6f: ( 53-53356-013_0.jpg) 16 April 1915 From Gibraltar to Funchal Noon observed position Lat 33.1, Long -15.3 pm: Albert S. Jones, armourer crew did lose a 6" tompion overboard. 3.08pm: Observed Facho Peak (Porto Santo Island) N36W(T) 18'
4.55pm: 6.24pm: Let go starboard Anchor in 19 fathoms [in Funchal Bay]. pm: Discharged 5 engineer officers & 5 ratings to Carmania and 1 officer to Europa [cruiser, ex-1st-class protected cruiser, Diadem-class] 7.30pm: HMS Europa sailed. 9.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f70: ( 53-53356-013_1.jpg) 17 April 1915 From Gibraltar to Funchal and Las Palmas Noon observed position Lat 30.3, Long -16.1 Isleta Light House S16½E 135’ Noon: Observed Great Salvage Island S46E(T). 11.35pm: Observed Isleta Light S5E(T). 4caf8904cadfd34197023f71: ( 53-53356-014_0.jpg) 18 April 1915 From Funchal to Las Palmas Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -15.2 Isleta Light House N58W 14’ 8.30am: Courses and speeds as requisite. [patrolling off Las Palmas] pm: Charge of 18/6 [shillings/pence] made against A.S. Jones, armourer's crew for loss of 6" tompion on 16th inst. 6.10pm: Las Palmas Cathedral S54W(T) 9.5 cables. [a cable is 1/10 nautical mile.] 6.29pm: Outer Mole Light House S67W(T) 2.9 cables. 6.47pm: Isleta Light N63W 1.7' [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f72: ( 53-53356-014_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of 18 April and attached note] HMS “Ophir”. We, the undersigned Officers, this 19th day of April 1915 boarded SS "Benedicte" at 7pm off Las Palmas. We examined her Papers and found all in order. This ship’s name was previously "Daglejorg" and was changed to “Benedicte” in August last. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN and Assistant-Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f73: ( 53-53356-015_0.jpg)
[extreme left edge of 19 April and back of attached note from previous day]
4caf8904cadfd34197023f74: ( 53-53356-015_1.jpg) 19 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off Las Palmas Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S82W 5’ am: Painting, scraping, and rigging party carrying on with their work. Gunlayers, trainers, sightsetters at 1” aiming. Fireman squad drill. 6.37pm: Stopped and boarded SS "Benedicte". 7.18pm: Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f75: ( 53-53356-016_0.jpg) 20 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off Santa Cruz Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N38W 1.1’ 12.20am: Stop, courses and engines as requisite while boarding SS Hollandia. 2.30am: Proceeded. 10.0am: Stopped, sent away 2nd whaler. 12.30pm: Whaler returned, proceeded. 10.30pm: Course and speed as requisite to close steamer. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f76: ( 53-53356-016_1.jpg)
[Extreme right edge of 20 April and back of attached note from 20 April] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f77: ( 53-53356-017_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of 21 April and attached note of 20 April] HMS “Ophir” 20 April 1915. We, the undermentioned Officers, this day boarded SS "Hollandia" at 0.20 am (GMT) off Santa Cruz. Ship’s papers and Passenger List were examined and appeared in order. No person appeared liable to detention. Total passengers-1139. British Consul in Bahia on board was questioned. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f78: ( 53-53356-017_1.jpg) 21 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off Santa Cruz Noon position Lat 27.9, Long -16.2 Rasca Point Light House N75W 25’ 9.0am: Dropped target and carried out 1” aiming. 9.45am: Hoisted in target. [Various drills.] 3.30pm: Dropped target. 4.25pm: Started firing. 5.15pm: Ceased firing. Picked up target. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f79: ( 53-53356-018_0.jpg) 22 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 27.8, Long -16.3 Rana Point Light House N56W 23’ [Gun and physical drills.] [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f7a: ( 53-53356-018_1.jpg) [Extreme left edge of 22 April and attached note of 23 April]. HMS “Ophir” 23 April 1915. We, the undermentioned Officers, have this day visited the Swedish SS "Marta" off Las Palmas at 6.20 pm. Her cargo consisted of hides, tobacco, extract of Quebracho, and mats, all cargo taken from the German ship "Cap Ortegal" lying at Santa Cruz. A supercargo named Martin Gadeberg was on board and his identity was regarded with suspicion. The ship was captured by the Commander of the “Ophir” as a prize of War, and sent to Gibraltar in charge of a prize crew. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f7b: ( 53-53356-019_0.jpg)
[extreme left edge of 23 April and back of attached note of 23 April] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f7c: ( 53-53356-019_1.jpg) 23 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House S10W 20’ pm: Steamboat sent away with Sub-Lieutenant Brown and postman. 6.10pm: Stopped SS "Marta" of Helosingbord (Swedish), sent away sea boat with boarding party. 7.30pm: Signal received from boarding officer. Recalled boat, ordered "Marta" to proceed North at 5 knots. 7.55pm: Boat hoisted. Proceeded following SS Marta. 11.50pm: Sent away sea boat with prize crew. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f7d: ( 53-53356-020_0.jpg) 24 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N78W 1 mile 12.57am: Whaler returned and hoisted. 2.25am: Steamboat hoisted. 3.20am: Ordered SS Marta to proceed. 6.05am: Stopped. Sent away whaler with 1st Lieutenant to board SS Ciudad de Cadiz, who found two German subjects on board also five cases of yellow fever, two yellow fever patients having died. 7.20am: Proceeded. 12.15pm: Stopped and lowered 2nd whaler. 12.20pm: Whaler proceeded with Sub-Lieutenant Brown. 2.50pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f7e: ( 53-53356-020_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of 24 April and attached note of 24 April]. HMS “Ophir” 24 April 1915. We, the undermentioned Officers, this day at 6.10 am visited the Spanish SS "Ciudad de Cadiz" off Las Palmas. On drawing alongside notification was given us that cases of yellow fever were on board, and in consequence, the ship was not boarded. Ten Germans were on board. Three ladies, five priests, a Planter and a stowaway. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f7f: ( 53-53356-021_0.jpg) [extreme left edge of 24 April and back of attached note from 24 April.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f80: ( 53-53356-021_1.jpg) 25 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 26.2, Long -15.0 Isleta Point Light House [bearing] West 23’ 8.36am: Approaching “Argonaut.” [cruiser, ex-1st-class protected cruiser, Diadem-class] 9.25am: 2nd whaler away with Captain. 9.45am: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.20am: Church. 6.24pm: Maspalomas Light House N14W(T) 6.5’ 4caf8904cadfd34197023f81: ( 53-53356-022_0.jpg) 26 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -16.2 Anaga Point Light House S78E 5’ am: Exercised Fire Control, Gunlayers, sightsetters, & trainers. Midshipmen at small arms drill. Firemen squad drill. 4.05pm Evening Quarters. Read Quarterly Return of Courts Martial. 11.0pm: Course and speed as requisite. to close SS. Midnight: Abona Light abeam 1½’ 4caf8904cadfd34197023f82: ( 53-53356-022_1.jpg) 27 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N31W 3’ am: Hands employed painting ship. 1.42pm: Courses as req to close SS. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f83: ( 53-53356-023_0.jpg) 28 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -15.8 Anaga Point Light House S75W 18’ [am: Drills and painting.] 11.48am: Stopped and sent away 1st whaler to Argonaut. 3.05pm: Stopped off Santa Cruz, sent away seaboat with Sub-Lieutenant Brown. 4.45pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f84: ( 53-53356-023_1.jpg) 29 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.5 Isleta Light House S56E(T) 4’ 10.05am: Dropped target, carried out 1” aiming practice. 11.0am: Target hoisted. Proceeded. 12.45pm: Stopped off Las Palmas Mole, sent away 2nd whaler with Sub-Lieutenant Brown. 2.50pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f85: ( 53-53356-024_0.jpg) 30 April 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -17.0 Teno Point Light House S44E 5.5’ 4.02pm: Lowered 2nd whaler, sent her to Carmania for mails. 4.46pm: 2nd whaler hoisted. LOGS FOR MAY 1915
4caf8904cadfd34197023f8b: ( 53-53357-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f8c: ( 53-53357-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f8e: ( 53-53357-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain 1 June 1915] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f8f: ( 53-53357-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f90: ( 53-53357-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1915 From Gibraltar and off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S64W 4.5’ 1.0pm: Lowered sea boats, painting party proceeded to touch up ships’ side. 4.55pm: Boats hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f91: ( 53-53357-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1915 From Gibraltar, off the Canary Islands & to Funchal Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -15.4 Isleta Point Light House N28W 2.4’ 7.30am: Stop and as requisite outside La Luz harbour. 8.15am: Proceeded. 10.30am: Church. 11.16am: Stop and as requisite off breakwater. Sent sea boat with mail to SS "Highland Piper". 11.45am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f92: ( 53-53357-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1915 From Gibraltar and Canary Islands to Funchal Noon position Lat 30.4, Long -16.1 Fort Santiago, Funchal N17 33W 18’ 7.15am: Salvage Island N2W(T). pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f93: ( 53-53357-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1915 From Gibraltar and Canary Islands to Funchal and at Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 5.04am: Observed Fora Island Light N15W(T) 6.15am: Cape Garajao abeam 1.5’ 6.35am: Stop. Let go port anchor in 17 fathoms veering to 60 fathoms cable. 8.15am: Collier alongside. 9.15am: Argonaut arrived and anchored. 9.20am: Started coaling. 11.30am: Water tank alongside. Noon: Started taking in Fresh Water. pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 5.15pm: "Argonaut" sailed. 5.20pm: Finished watering, 270 tons. 9.25pm: Finished coaling for the night. 270 tons. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f94: ( 53-53357-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.45am: Restarted coaling. [Breaks for meals and tea.] 10.30pm: Stopped coaling for the day. 1000 tons. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f95: ( 53-53357-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.25am: Restarted coaling. [Breaks for meals and tea.] 8.0pm: Coal received 1400 tons. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f96: ( 53-53357-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1915 From Funchal to Azores Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 Loo Rock Light House N34E 1.7’ 6.0am: Finished coaling, 1500 tons. 8.04am: Anchor aweigh and proceeded. 9.50am: Sighted Argonaut. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f97: ( 53-53357-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1915 From Funchal to Azores Noon Observed position Lat 34.4, Long -20.3 10.55am: Course as required to board Italian SS Nina. 11.0am: Stopped, sent away seaboat with boarding party. 11.25am: Boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f98: ( 53-53357-007_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of 8 May and attached note of 8 May]. ENTRY FOR SHIP’S LOG. HMS OPHIR 8 May 1915 We, the undersigned officers of HMS Ophir, this day boarded the Italian SS "Nina" at 11:15 am in Lat 34.25N, Long 20.12W. Her papers were examined and were found in order. She was in ballast bound for Baltimore. Signed Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f99: ( 53-53357-008_0.jpg)
[Extreme left edge of 9 May and back of attached note of 8 May] 4caf8904cadfd34197023f9a: ( 53-53357-008_1.jpg) 9 May 1915 From Funchal to Azores Noon observed position Lat 36.6, Long -23.8 6.10pm: Observed Santa Maria Island ahead. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f9b: ( 53-53357-009_0.jpg) 10 May 1915 From Funchal and at Punta Delgada Lat 37.8, Long -25.7 3.10am: Observed Ferriara Point Light N13W(T) 10.10am: Let go starboard anchor in 18 fathoms [Punta Delgada Bay] 9.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. 9.20pm: Delgada Point N36E(T) 1' 11.45pm: Spoke schooner Camilla May Page from Norfolk, USA to Punta Delgada with coal. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f9c: ( 53-53357-009_1.jpg) 11 May 1915 From Punta Delgada to and at Horta Noon observed position Lat 37.4, Long -28.6 Espartel Point N50E 2’ am: Hands employed cleaning and refitting ship. 12.55pm: Let go port anchor in 16 fathoms. 3.0pm: Midshipmen in boat pulling exercise. 8.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f9d: ( 53-53357-010_0.jpg) 12 May 1915 From Horta to Flores Noon observed position Lat 39.3, Long -30.4 Santa Cruz (Flores) N80W 36’ 7 am to 8.0am: Steered with after telemotor. [The secondary steering gear, for use when the bridge unit is disabled. Here they are probably testing it.] 9.0am: Dropped target. Carried out 1” aiming practice. 9.40am: Ceased firing, picked up target. 10.0 – 10.30am: Swung ship to compare compasses. 10.0am: Drills. 5.50pm: Speed and courses as req off Santa Cruz. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f9e: ( 53-53357-010_1.jpg) 13 May 1915 From Horta to and at Flores (Santa Cruz) Lat 39.4, Long -31.2 11.54am: Let go port anchor in 34 fathoms. [in Santa Cruz Bay] 2.05pm: Sent away whaler with Sub-Lieutenant Brown. 4.0pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. 5.19pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023f9f: ( 53-53357-011_0.jpg) 14 May 1915 From Santa Cruz (Flores) to Horta Lat 38.5, Long -28.6 9.50am: Let go starboard anchor in 12 fathoms. [in Horta Bay] 3.53pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa0: ( 53-53357-011_1.jpg) 15 May 1915 From Horta to and at Punta Delgada Lat 37.7, Long -25.7 10.46am: Let go port anchor in 12 fathoms. [at Punta Delgada] 8.09pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa1: ( 53-53357-012_0.jpg) 16 May 1915 From Punta Delgada to Madeira Noon observed position Lat 36.2, Long -28.4 10.30am: Church. 2.10 – 8.15pm: Steered with hand steering gear. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa2: ( 53-53357-012_1.jpg) Attached note: Entry for Log HMS Ophir 17 May 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the SS "Hero", Norwegian nationality, in Lat 33.40 N; Long 33.19W at 4.45 pm. Three prisoners were taken from her. Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa3: ( 53-53357-013_0.jpg)
[Extreme left edge of 17 May and back of attached note of 17 May] 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa4: ( 53-53357-013_1.jpg) 17 May 1915 Punta Delgada to Madeira Noon observed position Lat 34.1, Long -32.6 8.0 – 11.20am: Hand steering gear connected. 9.15am: Quarters clean guns. Rigging party rattling down fire rigging. 9.45am: Exercised Fire Control. Midshipmen and RNR training class at small arms drill. 4.35pm: Stop. Sea boat lowered, boarded Norwegian ship “Hero.” 6.30pm: Boat returned with three German prisoners. 6.40pm: Boat hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa5: ( 53-53357-014_0.jpg) 18 May 1915 From Punta Delgada to Madeira Noon observed position Lat 32.1, Long -36.4 10.0am: Hands station abandon ship, out all boats. RNR men at small arms drill. Midshipmen at signal exercise, Painting and rigging parties carrying on, remainder of hands as requisite. 4.30pm: Stop, sent away sea boat to “Sallie C. Marvel.” 5.0pm: Boat hoisted, proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa6: ( 53-53357-014_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 18 May 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the sailing ship "Sallie C. Marvil," American nationality, at 4.45 pm in latitude 31.8N; longitude 37.7W. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed Lieutenant-Commander Ward, RN, Assistant Paymaster Case, RNR. Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 19 May 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Italian sailing ship "Estrella" at 11.25 am, in Latitude 29.53N, Longitude 39.49W. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa7: ( 53-53357-015_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of 19 May and back of attached notes of 18 & 19 May] 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa8: ( 53-53357-015_1.jpg) 19 May 1915 From Punta Delgada to Madeira Noon observed position Lat 29.8, Long -39.7 9.45am: RNR training classes, small arms drill. Firemen of Red watch mustering bedding. 11.13am: Stopped, Sent sea boat away to board the "Estrella." 11.45am: Boat hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fa9: ( 53-53357-016_0.jpg) 20 May 1915 From Punta Delgada to Madeira Noon observed position Lat 30.2, Long -34.9 9.45am: Midshipmen at drills. Firemen Squad drill. RNR training classes at small arms drill. Hands employed as requisite painting, cleaning and refitting. 2.34pm: Stop Sent away sea boat to “Ariel.” 3.07pm: Proceeded. 5.05pm: Slow. Course and speed as required to speak British ship “Hongomont.” 5.26pm: Proceeded. 5.55pm: Slow. Course and speed as required to speak French ship “Michelet.” 6.01pm: Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023faa: ( 53-53357-016_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS “Ophir.” 20 May 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the sailing ship "Ariel" Norwegian nationality, at 2.45 pm in latitude 30.16N, longitude 34.21W. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Sydney Case Lieutenant-Commander RN, Assistant Paymaster Ward, RNR. [Signatures are reversed from all previous notes.] 4caf8904cadfd34197023fab: ( 53-53357-017_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of 21 May and back of attached note of 20 May] 4caf8904cadfd34197023fac: ( 53-53357-017_1.jpg) 21 May 1915 From Punta Delgada to Madeira Noon observed position Lat 30.0, Long -30.2 9.55am: General Quarters. 10.30am: Secure. 10.45am: Marines to infantry drill. Midshipmen to small arms drill. 6.15pm: Observed conical buoy. 6.30pm: Stop, fired 3 rounds and sunk buoy. Lat. 29-52½N Long. 28-42W. 6.45pm: Proceeded. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fad: ( 53-53357-018_0.jpg) 22 May 1915 From Punta Delgada to Madeira Noon observed position Lat 30.0, Long -24.7 distance to Funchal 479’ 9.0am: Fire evolution starboard side quarterdeck. 9.05am: Disperse. Saturday routine. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fae: ( 53-53357-018_1.jpg) 23 May 1915 From Punta Delgada to Madeira Noon position Lat 29.9, Long -19.2 distance to Funchal 210’ 10.45am: Church. 4caf8904cadfd34197023faf: ( 53-53357-019_0.jpg) 24 May 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 3.30am: Observed Funchal lights. 4.41am: Observed Fora Island Light N48E(T) 6.04am: Let go star anchor in 13 fathoms. [Funchal Bay] 6.45am: Collier alongside. 8.30am: Started coaling. 9.30am: Water tanker came alongside. 6.0pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 bugle. 6.10pm: Water tank left, received 322.5 tons. 8.30pm: Stopped coaling. Received 726 tons. 4caf8904cadfd34197023fb0: ( 53-53357-019_1.jpg) 25 May 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.0am: Started coaling. 7.30am: Water boat alongside. 8.50am: Amphitrite [cruiser, later minelayer, ex-1st-class protected cruiser, Diadem-class] arrived and anchored. 6.33pm: Finished coaling. Received. 324 tons. 7.0pm: Cast off collier. 8.15pm: Weighed anchor. Proceeded. [Delays due to foul anchor and defect in hydraulic engine.] 10.59pm: Loo Rock Light House N38W(T) 4.8’ 4caf8904cadfd34197023fb1: ( 53-53357-020_0.jpg) 26 May 1915 From Funchal to Canary Islands Noon observed position Lat 30.3, Long -16.4 Anaga Point Light House S7-52E 94.9’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.14pm: Observed Great Salvage Island S73E(T). 6.0pm: Observed Pico de Teyde S16W(T). 10.42pm: Anaga Point Light abeam 4’ 4caf8905cadfd34197023fb2: ( 53-53357-020_1.jpg) 27 May 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.6 Sardina Point Light House. S48W 10’ 7.30am: Islita S77W(T) 24’ am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to physical drill. 6.05pm: Stop. Spoke Spanish barque Carvazal. 6.15pm: Proceeded. 8.15pm: Stop. Spoke SS Falliniss (Norwegian). 8.20pm: Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fb3: ( 53-53357-021_0.jpg) 28 May 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S80W 13’ 8.58am: Dropped target and carried out 1” aiming practice. 9.43am: Target on board. 10.0am: General Quarters. 10.45am: Stop. Hands employed cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fb4: ( 53-53357-021_1.jpg) 29 May 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -17.7 Santa Cruz Light House (Palma) N52W 5.5’ 5.10am: Observed Pamplita Point N65W(T) 7.26am: Stop. [off Santa Cruz (Palma)] 9.15am: Sent away sea boat with Sub-Lt Brown. Saturday routine. 10.30am: Sea boat returned with British consul. 11.25am: Proceeded. 8.0pm: Rasca Point Light House N42E(T) 5’ 4caf8905cadfd34197023fb5: ( 53-53357-022_0.jpg) 30 May 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.2 3.07am: Stop. Sent away sea boat. 3.50am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 7.07am: Spoke SS Hesperides (Spanish). 8.30am: Courses as requisite. 5’ off Santa Cruz. 10.0am: Divisions and Prayers. Ship’s company mustered by Open List. 4.24pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat to board Chilean SS Gobernador Bories. 5.0pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. 6.10pm: Stop and sent away sea boat with mail to Jorrie. 7.24pm: Boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fb6: ( 53-53357-022_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 30th May 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the SS "Amerval Creville Latouche" French nationality, off Teneriffe, at 3.20 am. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 30th May 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Chilian S.S. “Gobernador Bories”, off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, at 4.30 pm. Examination was made and things appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fb7: ( 53-53357-023_0.jpg)
[Extreme left edge of 31 May and back of attached notes of 30 May] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fb8: ( 53-53357-023_1.jpg) 31 May 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -16.1 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N31W 14’ 3.30am: Spoke SS Beam. 7.10am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with Captain to "Marmosa." 8.28am: Boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. am: Midshipmen and RNR training classes at small arms drill. Firemen of Red watch at rifle and physical drill. 6.46pm: Rasca Point abeam 2.4’ LOGS FOR JUNE 1915 4caf8905cadfd34197023fbd: ( 53-53358-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fbe: ( 53-53358-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc0: ( 53-53358-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 July 1915] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc1: ( 53-53358-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc2: ( 53-53358-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries [Noon position Lat 28.7, Long -17.7] Santa Cruz Mole (Palma) N84W(T) 2 cables 11.25am: Stop, and as req off Santa Cruz (Palma) 11.35am: Sent away sea boat with Captain. 1.10pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc3: ( 53-53358-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.6, Long -15.5 Maspalomas Light House N9½W(T) 10’ 9.45am: RNR men to 6” gun drill. Midshipmen to signal instruction. pm: Rigging party fitting coaling gear. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc4: ( 53-53358-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.4, Long -15.5 Maspalomas Light House N59E 13’ am: Midshipmen to 6" gun drill. Rigging party rigging coaling gear. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc5: ( 53-53358-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.3, Long -15.3 Maspalomas Light House N12W 14’ [Lat entered incorrectly in log] 10.0am: Exercised General Quarters and Out Collision Mat. 10.50am: Collision mat replaced. Midshipmen to small arms drill. pm: Physical drill. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc6: ( 53-53358-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 am: Saturday routine. 6.20pm: Sighted Amphitrite. 6.45pm: Sent away seaboat to Amphitrite. 7.0pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc7: ( 53-53358-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.7, Long -14.9 Isleta Light House S41½W 38’ 7.40am: Stop. Sent away sea boat to SS Nordhvalen. 8.40am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc8: ( 53-53358-006_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of 6 June and back of attached note of 6 June] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fc9: ( 53-53358-007_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 6th June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Danish Steam Ship "Nordhvalen" at 7.45 A.M. in Latitude 28.25 N; Longitude 15.22 W. One German stowaway was found onboard but was allowed to remain, on the request of the Captain, who gave an undertaking to deliver him to the British authorities. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [This scan also shows the extreme left edge of 7 June 1915.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fca: ( 53-53358-007_1.jpg) 7 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.8, Long -15.3 Arenaga Point Light House N62W 4.4’ [patrolling off the Canaries] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fcb: ( 53-53358-008_0.jpg) 8 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.9, Long -15.2 Arenaga Point Light House S76W 6.5’ 11.0am: Stokers at small arms drill physical exercise. pm: Rigging party fitting coaling gear. 5.0pm: Received homeward mail from Marmora. [armed merchant cruiser,] 8.15pm: Sent sea boat with boarding officers to Greek “Joannis Vatis.” 8.56pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fcc: ( 53-53358-008_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 8th June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Grecian SS "Joannis Vatis" at 8.25 pm in Latitude 28.41N; Longitude 15.12W. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [This scan also shows the extreme right edge of 8 June 1915.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fcd: ( 53-53358-009_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of 9 June and back of attached note of 8 June] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fce: ( 53-53358-009_1.jpg) 9 June 1915 From Canaries to Funchal Noon position Lat 30.1, Long -15.8 Great Salvage Island N53W 7’ 10.05am: Stations Abandon Ship, swung out all boats. 10.25am: B group 6” guns crews at drill. Midshipmen at signals. T.C.s at 6” drill 12.25pm: Stop and as requisite. to receive mails from Amphitrite. 12.40pm: Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fcf: ( 53-53358-010_0.jpg) 10 June 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 5.31am: Let go port anchor. 6.20am: Collier “Cragside” came alongside. Hands prepare ship for coaling. 7.35am: Water tank came alongside. 8.35am: Hands started coaling. 10.0am: Argonaut arrived and anchored. 4.30pm: Water tank left. 4.55pm: Argonaut sailed. 8.30pm: Stopped coaling for the night. 661 tons received. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd0: ( 53-53358-010_1.jpg) 11 June 1915 At Funchal and towards Canaries Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.0am: Started coaling. 11.50am: Finished coaling. 850 tons received. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 2.0pm: Cast off collier. 2.15pm: Water tank left. Received 66 tons. Discharged 1 rating and 3 prisoners to Amphitrite. 4.20pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd1: ( 53-53358-011_0.jpg) 12 June 1915 From Funchal to Canaries Noon observed position Lat 30.0, Long -16.2 Isleta Light House S21E 117’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.53am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Italian barque. 12.10pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 8.15pm: [Course and speed] as req while speaking SS “Abrissi.” (British) [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd2: ( 53-53358-011_1.jpg) Attached note: Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 12th June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Italian SS "Nostra Signora del Carmine" at 12 o’clock pm off the Salvage Islands. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd3: ( 53-53358-012_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 13th June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS "Delfin" at 3 pm off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [This scan also shows the extreme right edge of 13 June 1915 and the back of the note for 12 June.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd4: ( 53-53358-012_1.jpg) 13 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N76W(T) 2.7’ 6.07am: Sent away sea boat with mail to "Marmora." 6.30am: Boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 2.54pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS “Delfin.” 3.30pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd5: ( 53-53358-013_0.jpg) 14 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.7, Long -15.9 Anaga Point Light House S67W 12’ 9.11am: Stop and as requisite, lowered sea boat. Captain went on board Essex. [cruiser, ex-armoured cruiser, Kent-class] 9.55am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.0am: Midshipmen and RNR men to 6” drill. Stokers to small arms and physical drill. 4.15pm: Read warrant No 2. 4.30pm: Course and speed as requisite, exercised submarine defense, fired one round from A1. 5.0pm: Blue watch to First Aid Lecture. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd6: ( 53-53358-013_1.jpg) 15 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -16.0 Anaga Point Light House N71W 6’ 9.30am: Stop. Red & White watches cleaning ship’s side. White watch of Firemen at small arms drill. 12.0pm: Proceeded. 4.30pm: Dropping and picking up target. Exercised sub-marine defense, fired one round from B1. 5.12pm: Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd7: ( 53-53358-014_0.jpg) 16 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.0 Anaga Point Light House N58W 9’ 8.03am: Stop. Sent away whaler with boarding party to Spanish SS Balmes. 8.35am: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.55am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to SS “Reina Victoria Eugenie.” 11.35am Sea boat returned. Hoisted and proceeded. 4.0pm: Dropped target. Proceeded as requisite. while carrying out target practice. Fired three (3) rounds from each gun. 5.30pm: Target hoisted inboard. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd8: ( 53-53358-014_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 16th June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS "Balmes" at 8.15 am off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Everything appeared in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 16th June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS "Reina Victoria Eugenia" at 11 am off Santa Cruz Teneriffe . Everything appeared in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fd9: ( 53-53358-015_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of 17 June and back of attached notes of 16 June] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fda: ( 53-53358-015_1.jpg) 17 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -15.2 Isleta Light House S40W 22’ 9.45am: Midshipmen and RNR men to 6” drill. Stokers to small arms drill. pm: Physical drill. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fdb: ( 53-53358-016_0.jpg) 18 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -16.9 Rasca Point Light House N79E 13’ 9.55am: General Quarters. 10.35am: Secure. 11.0am: Exercised submarine defense. 11.25am: Stop. Picked up target. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fdc: ( 53-53358-016_1.jpg) 19 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -15.7 Sardina Point Light House S1W 12’ am: Saturday routine. Hands employed cleaning ship. 5.50pm: Stop off La Luz breakwater sent away whaler with mail. 6.40pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fdd: ( 53-53358-017_0.jpg) 20 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.3, Long -17.0 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.50am: Sighted "Argonaut." 11.51am: Stop. 12.45pm: Whaler returned & hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fde: ( 53-53358-017_1.jpg) 21 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries [Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -15.4] La Luz Mole Light House West .5’ 11.16am: Stop and as requisite off La Luz. 11.24am: Sent away sea boat with Captain. 1.25pm: Sea boat returned with Captain, hoisted boat and proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fdf: ( 53-53358-018_0.jpg) 22 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries [Noon position Lat 28.9, Long -13.8 from anchor bearings in log] 9.55am: Let go star anchor in 13 fathoms. [off Papagayo Point, Lanzarote Island] 10.0am: Sent away 1st whaler & No. 4 lifeboat for sand. 10.15am: Midshipmen & stokers at small arms drill. Hands employed scraping, refitting and as necessary. 12.15pm: Boats returned. 12.40pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe0: ( 53-53358-018_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of 22 June and back of attached notes of 23 June] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe1: ( 53-53358-019_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 23rd June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Norwegian SS "San Jose" at 7.50 am off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 23rd June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch SS "Runland" at 8.45 am off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe2: ( 53-53358-019_1.jpg) 23 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House S64W 6 cables. 7.30am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Norwegian SS "San Jose." 8.10am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 8.25am: Stop and sent away sea boat with boarding party to Dutch SS "Runland.” 9.05am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 11.07am: Stop and as requisite off Santa Cruz. 11.22am: Sent away sea boat with Captain. 1.30pm: Sea boat returned with Captain. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe3: ( 53-53358-020_0.jpg) 24 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries and to Funchal Noon position Lat 29.8, Long -16.1 10.25am: Preparing ship for coaling. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe4: ( 53-53358-020_1.jpg) 25 June 1915 From the Canaries and at Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 am: Speaking Norwegian ship Anderez [?] 5.18am: Let go star anchor in 22 fathoms. [in Funchal Bay] 6.30am: Collier came alongside. 7.55am: "Argonaut" arrived and anchored. 8.15am: Started coaling. 12.55pm: Finished coaling, received 400 tons. Hands cleaning ship. 7.23pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe5: ( 53-53358-021_0.jpg) 26 June 1915 off Funchal (Madeira) Noon position Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.45am: All watches cleaning ship. 11.28am: Sent away sea boat with Paymaster, Chief Steward, and Butcher. 12.02pm: Let go port anchor in 24 fathoms. [in Funchal Bay] 12.10pm: Water tank alongside. 2.15pm: Water tank left. Received. 123 tons FW [Fresh Water]. Hands employed as requisite. cleaning ship. 3.0pm: Fresh meat alongside. 4.30pm: Fresh meat on board. 4.45pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe6: ( 53-53358-021_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of 26 June and back of attached notes of 27 June] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe7: ( 53-53358-022_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 27th June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch SS “Prins Willem I" at 1 am off Funchal, Madeira. Ship’s papers were examined and everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 27th June 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Norwegian Sailing Ship “Manicia" at 12.45 pm at Lat. 30.24N, Long. 16.15W. Everything was found in order and no person was liable to detention. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [This scan also shows the extreme left edge of 27 June 1915.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe8: ( 53-53358-022_1.jpg) 27 June 1915 From Funchal to Canaries Noon position Lat 30.6, Long -16.2 Great Salvage Island S38 E 33’ 1.04am: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Dutch SS “Prins Willem I" 2.0am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. 3.15am: Sighted “Argonaut.” 3.59am: Sent away sea boat to flagship. 4.20am: Sea boat returned & hoisted. Proceeded. 10.45am: Church. 12.45pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Norwegian Ship “Manicia." 1.15pm: Sea boat returned & hoisted. Proceeded. 3.53pm: Stop to speak Norwegian ship “Bellhusse.” 11.30pm: [Met] Dutch crane “Haalein.” 4caf8905cadfd34197023fe9: ( 53-53358-023_0.jpg) 28 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.2 Isleta Light House S60W 11.5’ 6.0am: Observed “Essex.” 8.0am: Stop and as requisite. Delivered mail to Essex’s cutter. 8.30am: Cutter alongside for beef. 9.15am: Beef boat left. Proceeded. 9.55am: Stop. Midshipmen at signal & small arms drill. 10.30am: Target in tow. Proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite. while towing target. Firemen at small arms drill, remainder employed as requisite. 12.20pm: Finished towing target. Proceeded. 5.40pm: Stop. British Consul boarded. 6.27pm: Consul disembarked. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fea: ( 53-53358-023_1.jpg) 29 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N80W 7 cables. am: Zig zag courses. 11.58am: Stop and as requisite off Santa Cruz. 12.20pm: British Consul boarded. 12.55pm: Consul left. Proceeded. Zig zag courses. Rigging party fitting and refitting. Marines clearing flats. 4.0pm: Read warrant No. 3. 4caf8905cadfd34197023feb: ( 53-53358-024_0.jpg) 30 June 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Lat 28.7, Long -16.9 am: Zig zag courses. 6.40am: As requisite. to speak SS Michael & Bellatrix [fleet sweeping sloop, Flower-class] 9.35am: Stopped zigzagging. 10.26am: Let go starboard anchor in 39 fathoms. [in Santa Cruz Bay] Aired bedding, scraping, painting, etc. 11.40am: Sighted Essex. 1.30pm: Whaler left with Captain. 3.16pm: Sent away 2nd whaler to Essex with mail. 3.32pm: Essex cutter alongside for beef. 3.47pm: Cutter left. 4.04pm Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. Zig zag courses. 7.0pm: Stopped zigzagging. LOGS FOR JULY 1915 4caf8905cadfd34197023ff1: ( 53-53359-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8905cadfd34197023ff2: ( 53-53359-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8905cadfd34197023ff4: ( 53-53359-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 31 July 1915] 4caf8905cadfd34197023ff5: ( 53-53359-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8905cadfd34197023ff7: ( 53-53359-004_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 1st July 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the British SS “Winlaton” at 7.15 pm off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [This scan also shows the extreme left edge of 1 July 1915.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023ff8: ( 53-53359-004_1.jpg) 1 July 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -15.4 La Luz Mole Light House N68W 7 cables 9.30am: Read stations for towing. Firemen to small arms drill. Midshipmen & training classes to 6” drill. Hands employed chipping, scraping, painting, and refitting. 10.30am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with Sub. Lieutenant Brown. 1.40pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 6.20pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to British SS Winlaton. 8.10pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 9.0pm: Sent away sea boat to Winlaton. 9.31pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023ff9: ( 53-53359-005_0.jpg) 2 July 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -15.4 La Luz Mole Light House N60W 1.2’ 6.50pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS Infanta Isabel. 9.30am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 9.45am: Stokers to small arms drill. A guns to Divisional Drill. 11.25am: Stop. Sent away whaler with Captain. 1.20pm: Whaler returned with Captain. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023ffa: ( 53-53359-005_1.jpg) [Attached note] HMS Ophir 3rd July 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS “Hesperides” at 2.15 pm off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir 2nd July 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS “Infanta Isabel” at 7.30 am off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8905cadfd34197023ffd: ( 53-53359-007_0.jpg) [Attached note] HMS Ophir 3rd July 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch SS “Lodewijk van Nassau” at 6.55 pm off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [This scan also shows the extreme left edge of 3 July 1915.] 4caf8905cadfd34197023ffe: ( 53-53359-007_1.jpg) 3 July 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House S28W 6.5’ am: Hands cleaning ship. Courses NW and SE altering course every 30 minutes. Saturday routine. 2.10pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS Hesperides. 2.57pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. Hands make and mend clothes. 7.0pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Dutch SS Lodewijk van Nassau. 8.20pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197023fff: ( 53-53359-008_0.jpg) 4 July 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -15.3 Arenaga Point Light House S42W 7’ 10.30am: Church. 4.45pm: Let go star anchor in 10 fathoms. [in Las Palmas Bay] Sent away whaler with Captain & mails to SS Highland Warrior. 7.30pm: Captain returned and whaler hoisted. 8.20pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197024000: ( 53-53359-008_1.jpg) 5 July 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.2, Long -14.5 Pechiguera Point Light House S63E 42’ 8.45am: Dropped target and carried out 1” aiming practice. 3.30pm: Sighted Essex. 4.35pm: Let go port anchor in 14 fathoms. [off Papagayo Point] Sent away whaler with Captain to Essex. 5.20pm Steam pinnace and cutter alongside for Essex with 2 hospital cases for passage to Gibraltar and broken ~~ Galley and one case of cordite. 6.15pm: Captain returned, whaler hoisted. 8.30pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197024001: ( 53-53359-009_0.jpg) 6 July 1915 From the Canaries to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 30.6, Long -14.3 am: Training classes at ammunition. Stokers of white watch at small arms drill. Marines parade in marching order and ~mote bedding. 2.30pm: Sighted Argonaut. 3.40pm: Stop. Engines as requisite while communicating with flagship. 5.50pm: Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197024002: ( 53-53359-009_1.jpg) 7 July 1915 From the Canaries to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 33.0, Long -14.6 9.45am: Read warrant No 4. Midshipmen at signal exercises. Stokers small arms drill. Hands employed scraping, painting, & refitting. 11.46am: a/c to close SS "Llangollan." pm: Physical drill. 4caf8905cadfd34197024003: ( 53-53359-010_0.jpg) 8 July 1915 From the Canaries to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 34.7, Long -9.4 am: Stokers of Red watch at small drill. Painting and rigging party at their work. pm: Physical drill. 4caf8905cadfd34197024004: ( 53-53359-010_1.jpg) 9 July 1915 From the Canaries and at Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 2.0am: Started to zig zag. Spartel Light S16E 10’ 4.24am: Europa Light North (T) 2.6’ 5.10am: Entered harbour. 6.15am: All fast fore and aft. am: Hands employed taking in provisions and as requisite. 10.0am: Discharged two ratings (Essex) to hospital. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. drawing and returning stores. 5.15pm: Lieutenant Galen and six ratings returned on board. 4caf8905cadfd34197024005: ( 53-53359-011_0.jpg) 10 July 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and returning and drawing stores. 1.30pm: Leave to Blue & White watches until 7 am Sunday. Red watch employed taking in stores. 4caf8905cadfd34197024006: ( 53-53359-011_1.jpg) 11 July 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 4:40 am: "Juno" sailed [likely light cruiser, ex-2nd-class protected cruiser, Eclipse-class]. Hands employed storing port anchor and preparing for dry dock. 7:10.0am: Tugs alongside. 7:39.0am: Let go fore and aft and proceeded towards dry dock. 8.0am: Entered dry dock. 8:15 am: All fast. Church parties landed. Hands employed cleaning ship’s bottom and as requisite. 1.0pm: General leave to Red & Blue watches. [Log page also shows “Condition entering Dry Dock” (stability calculations).] 4caf8905cadfd34197024007: ( 53-53359-012_0.jpg) 12 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Received on board 500lbs fresh beef. 9.15am: Patrol landed. Bags, hammocks and effects of deserters from Essex returned to Cormorant. 11.0am: Patrol returned with three absentees. 11.10am: Gunner and party returned with stores. 1.0pm: Patrol landed. 1.30pm: Store party drawing stores. Side party cleaning side. 12 hands shifting ballast. 6.0pm: "Arno" sailed. [destroyer, ex-Portuguese LIZ] 12.0am: Patrol returned. 4caf8905cadfd34197024008: ( 53-53359-012_1.jpg) 13 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, drawing stores and as requisite. pm: Hands employed drawing and returning stores, scraping and painting. 2.0pm: Read warrant No 5 and discharged prisoner to detention barracks. 4caf8905cadfd34197024009: ( 53-53359-013_0.jpg) 14 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed scraping and painting, drawing and returning stores,. pm: Hands employed painting drawing stores, and as requisite. One mercantile writer joined ship from SS "Malaya." 4caf8905cadfd3419702400a: ( 53-53359-013_1.jpg) 15 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting, drawing stores and as requisite. pm: Hands employed painting, drawing stores and as requisite. 4caf8905cadfd3419702400b: ( 53-53359-014_0.jpg) 16 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.30am: Received on board 250 lbs fresh beef. Hands employed painting, drawing stores and as requisite. 2.15pm: 36 ratings joined ship from "Edgar." [cruiser, ex-1st-class protected cruiser, Edgar-class] 4.15pm: Read warrants Nos 6, 7, 8 also No 10 “Edgar.” 1 rating joined for Monitor No 20. 4caf8905cadfd3419702400c: ( 53-53359-014_1.jpg) 17 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Received 500 lbs fresh meat. am: Hands employed painting, drawing stores and as requisite. 4.15pm: Read warrant No 9. 4caf8905cadfd3419702400d: ( 53-53359-015_0.jpg) 18 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed. 10.15am: Divine Service. 4caf8905cadfd3419702400e: ( 53-53359-015_1.jpg) 19 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.45am: Hands employed painting, drawing stores and as requisite. Received 500 lbs fresh beef. pm: Hands employed drawing stores, painting and as requisite. 4caf8905cadfd3419702400f: ( 53-53359-016_0.jpg) 20 July 1915 At Gibraltar (dry dock) Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.30am: Received 400 lbs. fresh beef. 9.0am: Started to flooded dry dock. 11.03am: Let go and proceeded. 11.25am: All fast fore & aft (alongside mole). pm: Hands employed drawing and taking in provisions and preparing ship for coaling. 4caf8905cadfd34197024010: ( 53-53359-016_1.jpg) 21 July 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.30am: Started coaling. pm: Hands employed taking in stores and provisions for "Essex" and "Argonaut." 7.0pm: Stopped coaling for the day, 1075 tons. 4caf8905cadfd34197024011: ( 53-53359-017_0.jpg) 22 July 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.30am: Restarted coaling. 8.15am: Ammunition lighter alongside. 8.30am: Provision lighter alongside. pm: Hands employed getting in stores and as requisite. 5.30pm: 54 ratings joined from Cormorant. 6.30pm: Finished coaling, received 1500 tons. 4caf8905cadfd34197024012: ( 53-53359-017_1.jpg) 23 July 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.0pm: Let go fore & aft. Proceeded. Midnight: Cape Spartel Light S29.5E(T) 7.5' 4caf8905cadfd34197024013: ( 53-53359-018_0.jpg) 24 July 1915 From Gibraltar to Madeira Noon position Lat 35.5, Long -7.8 2.25am: Signalling French cruiser “Du Chagla.” 6.13am: a/c to close SS Clan Fergnow [?, Fergeson?] 6.15am: Fired blank charge. 6.40am: Stop. 7.05am: Proceeded. am: Hands cleaning ship. Saturday routine. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8905cadfd34197024014: ( 53-53359-018_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of 24 July and back of attached note of 25 July] 4caf8905cadfd34197024015: ( 53-53359-019_0.jpg) [Attached note] HMS Ophir 25th July 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Norwegian SS “ORWELL” at 2.55 pm in Lat. 33.41N, Long. 13.30W. Everything appeared to be in order. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [This scan also shows the extreme left edge of the log page for 25 July 1915.] 4caf8905cadfd34197024016: ( 53-53359-019_1.jpg) 25 July 1915 From Gibraltar to Madeira Noon position Lat 33.8, Long -13.1 10.45am: Church. 2.35pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Norwegian SS Orwell. 4.0pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8905cadfd34197024017: ( 53-53359-020_0.jpg) 26 July 1915 At Funchal, Lat 32.6, Long -16.9
2.50am: Observed
5.59am: Let go port anchor in 17 fathoms. [in Funchal Bay] 7.30am: Hands employed getting and transferring ammunition, stores and provisions to "Essex." 11.30am: Discharged 52 ratings and 1 officer to "Essex." 12.20pm: Sent mail to SS "Llandovery Castle." 3.09pm Finished discharging stores to Essex. Hands discharging petrol for shore. 8.0pm: Started to heave up, hydraulic engine broke. 8.30pm: Lowered 1st whaler. Captain to "Essex." 8.45pm: Whaler returned with Engineering Commander of "Essex." 9.10pm: Captain returned. 10.0pm: Whaler took hands and fittings to "Essex." 10.10pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. 10.35pm: "Essex" sailed. 4caf8906cadfd34197024018: ( 53-53359-020_1.jpg) 27 July 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 4.15am: "Essex" arrived and anchored. am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. 8.0pm: Read warrant No 10. 8.30pm: "Essex" sailed. 10.33pm: Weighed and proceeded 4caf8906cadfd34197024019: ( 53-53359-021_0.jpg) 28 July 1915 From Funchal to Great Piton Island Lat 30.0, Long -16.0 2.35am: Challenged by "Essex." 6.15am: Hands preparing Argonaut’s stores for discharge.
10.05am: Observed
10.15am: Sighted Argonaut. 12.15pm: Let go port anchor in 28 fathoms. [off Great Piton Island] Hands employed discharging stores, ammunition and provisions to "Argonaut." 5.30pm Finished discharging stores to Argonaut. Discharged 39 ratings and 1 Engine Lieutenant to Argonaut. 7.30pm: Argonaut sailed. 8.06pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd3419702401a: ( 53-53359-021_1.jpg) 29 July 1915 From Great Piton Island to Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -15.6 Sardina Point Light House S22W 13’ 9.44am: Sighted Essex. 10.37am: Isleta Lighthouse S41W(T) 4' 1.0pm: Sighted "Marmora." 1.55pm: Sent away sea boat with 2 Midshipmen and 2 ratings to Marmora. 4caf8906cadfd3419702401b: ( 53-53359-022_0.jpg) 30 July 1915 From Funchal and off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S26W 11’ 6.0am: Sighted "Essex." 8.0am: Essex boat alongside for 424 lbs beef & 2cwt ice. 1.23pm: Spoke Norwegian SS "Verdande" of Bergen. 4.15pm Evening Quarters. Read “Return of Naval Courts-Martial 30th Sept. and 31st Dec. 1914. 6.15pm: Courses as required off La Luz. 4caf8906cadfd3419702401c: ( 53-53359-022_1.jpg) 31 July 1915 From Canaries to Great Salvage Island Noon position Lat 29.7, Long -15.8 Great Piton Island N37W 24’ am: Saturday routine. 1.09pm: Observed Great Piton Island N35W(T) 11' 1.55pm: Sighted "Argonaut." 3.07pm: Let go port anchor in 24 fathoms. [off Great Salvage Island] 3.10pm: Sent 2nd whaler to Argonaut for mails. 6.30pm: Whaler returned [2 trips] 6.37pm: Weighed and proceeded. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1915 4caf8906cadfd34197024021: ( 53-53360-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8906cadfd34197024022: ( 53-53360-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8906cadfd34197024024: ( 53-53360-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 31 August 1915] 4caf8906cadfd34197024025: ( 53-53360-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8906cadfd34197024026: ( 53-53360-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1915 From Salvage Islands to Canaries Noon position Lat 27.8, Long -15.8 Maspalomas Light House S82W 10.5’ 3.20am: Arinaga Point Lighthouse abeam 14' 5.30am: Sighted Essex. 7.45am: Essex cutter alongside for 414 lbs beef, 210 lbs ice, and 16 bags mail. 8.55am: Stop, lowered sea boat. 9.10am: Sea boat returned [from Essex] with letters and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024027: ( 53-53360-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1915 Off Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Breakwater Light N55W 6.5 cables. 10.54am: Stop, sent away whaler with Sub. Lieutenant McCulloch. 12.30pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024028: ( 53-53360-004_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of 2 August and back of attached note of 3 August] 4caf8906cadfd34197024029: ( 53-53360-005_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 3rd August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the British SS “Obell" (late Austrian “Concadoro”) at 7.45 pm off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. [This scan also shows the extreme left edge of the log page for 3 August 1915.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702402a: ( 53-53360-005_1.jpg) 3 August 1915 Off Canaries Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -15.8 5.45am: Sighted Essex 6.30am: Stop. Essex boat alongside for 401 lbs beef & 2 cwt ice. 7.20am: Proceeded. 9.55am: Stokers to small arms drill. Hands mustered bedding. pm: Physical drill. 7.36pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to SS “Obell.” 8.10pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd3419702402b: ( 53-53360-006_0.jpg) 4 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -15.3 Melanara Point West 2’ 7.28am: Stop off La Luz. 9.0am: Whaler left with mail to SS Avocet. 9.30am: Whaler returned and was sent back to take mail from Avocet to British Consul. 10.45am: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.55am: X group at divisional drill. Hands employed painting & as requisite. pm: Physical drill. 4caf8906cadfd3419702402c: ( 53-53360-006_1.jpg) 5 August 1915 Off the Canaries
Noon position Lat
28.3, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House S24W 9’ 3.27am: Stop & as requisite. Lowered sea boat. 3.40am: Fired 2nd blank charge. Sea boat slipped by accident. Asst. Paymaster Case falling overboard. 4.0am: Whaler hoisted. Engines as necessary while signalling Dutch SS Parkhaven. 4.55am: Proceeded. 6.0am: Sighted Essex 7.0am: Stop and as requisite. 7.14am: Essex cutter alongside. 7.25am: Cutter left with 408 lbs beef & 2 cwt ice. 10.12am: Out collision mat. 10.20am: Abandon ship stations, turned out all boats. 10.30am: Secure. 11.07am: a/c as req looking for life buoys. pm: Physical drill. 5.20pm: Signalled SS “Martin Saenez” of Cadiz for Las Palmas. 4caf8906cadfd3419702402d: ( 53-53360-007_0.jpg) 6 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -15.1 6.22am: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS ”Martin Saenez.” 7.15am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.0am: General Quarters. Courses as requisite. 10.30Out Collision mat. Stokers exercised at Fire Stations. 10.40am: Secure. 12.17pm: Stop and requisite signalling SS “Duke of Cornwall.” 3.30pm: Sighted “Marmora.” pm: Physical drill. 4.34pm: Lowered sea boat, sent [mail? Word covered by attached note.] and despatches to “Marmora.” 5.05pm: Sea boat hoisted. Proceeded. 6.42pm: Stop. Lowered sea boat with boarding party, boarded Dutch SS “Kennemirland.” 6.50pm: Spoke “Travelles” British SS. 7.25pm: Sea boat hoisted. Proceeded. 9.0pm: Spoke SS “Swan River.” [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702402e: ( 53-53360-007_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 6th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S. “Martin Saenez” at 6.25 pm in Lat. 28.54 N, Long. 14.20 W. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Midn. Thompson RNR. [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 6th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch SS “Kennemirland.” at 6.50 pm in Lat. 28.34 N, Long. 15.12 W. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward, RN, Sub. Lieutenant McCulloch, RNR [This scan also shows the extreme right edge of the log page for 6 August 1915.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702402f: ( 53-53360-008_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of 7 August and back of attached notes of 6 August] 4caf8906cadfd34197024030: ( 53-53360-008_1.jpg) 7 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.0 Anaga Point Light House N41W 10’ pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 7.45pm: Stop off La Luz Breakwater. Sent away sea boat with mails. 8.50pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024031: ( 53-53360-009_0.jpg) 8 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S40W 10’ 6.45am: Stop. Sent away sea boat to Marmora. 7.10am: Sea boat returned with mails & hoisted. 4caf8906cadfd34197024032: ( 53-53360-009_1.jpg) 9 August 1915 Off the Canaries Lat 28.3, Long -15.4 8.30am: a/c as requisite. to close SS Lochtory (Norwegian). 9.30am: Started firing 1” aiming at A.1 9.45am: Divisions and Prayers. 9.57am: Finished firing. Engines as requisite to pick up target. Proceeded. 11.13am: Let go port anchor in 12 fathoms [off La Luz]. Sent away 2nd whaler with Captain. 12.45pm: Whaler returned with Captain. 4.16pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024033: ( 53-53360-010_0.jpg) 10 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -15.8 Anaga Point Light House N58W 20.5’ am: Training classes and midshipmen at 6” drill. 1.50pm: Stop and as requisite. off Santa Cruz. Sent away sea boat with Sub. Lieutenant Upton to consul. 2.45pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. pm: Physical drill. 5.30pm: Blue watch to first aid lecture. 6.0pm: Swung ship for azimuths. 4caf8906cadfd34197024034: ( 53-53360-010_1.jpg) 11 August 1915 From the Canaries to Funchal Noon position Lat 30.2, Long -16.5 am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling and as requisite. 4caf8906cadfd34197024035: ( 53-53360-011_0.jpg) 12 August 1915 From the Canaries to Funchal [and at Funchal] Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.16am: Stop. Let go star anchor in 18 fathoms. 6.50am: Collier and coal lighters alongside. 7.40am: Water tank alongside. 7.55am: Argonaut anchored. 8.30am: Started coaling. 9.0am: Kinfauns Castle anchored. [Armed Merchant Cruiser] 8.30pm: Stopped coaling, 946 tons received. 9.30pm: Let go collier. 4caf8906cadfd34197024036: ( 53-53360-011_1.jpg) 13 August 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.25am: Red watch restarted coaling from lighters. 7.20am: Kinfauns Castle sailed. 3.45pm: Finished coaling. 1200 tons. 4.15pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.35pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024037: ( 53-53360-012_0.jpg) 14 August 1915 From Funchal to Canaries Noon position Lat 29.9, Long -16.0 Isleta Light House S16E 107’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.22am: Sighted Argonaut and Marmora. 10.40am: Stop. Argonaut’s cutter alongside for mails. 11.0am: Proceeded. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024038: ( 53-53360-012_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 15th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch SS “Boomberg " at 11:50 am off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8906cadfd34197024039: ( 53-53360-013_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 15 August and back of attached note of 15 August] 4caf8906cadfd3419702403a: ( 53-53360-013_1.jpg) 15 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.2 Isleta Light House S72½W 5’ 7.06am: Stop. Essex cutter alongside for mail & beef. 8.0am: Proceeded. 11.32am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to SS “Boomberg.” 12.08pm: Sea boat hoisted & secured. Proceeded. 4.25pm: Full speed to close SS. 4.50pm: Fired blank charge. 4.53pm: Co & speed as requisite. 5.25pm: Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd3419702403b: ( 53-53360-014_0.jpg) 16 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House N30W 8’ 9.30am: Course & speed as req to keep station on SS Marmora. 10.20am: Stop. Sent away sea boat to Umma. 10.36am: Sea boat returned with master. 10.50am: Sea boat returned to Umma. 11.10am: Sea boat hoisted. pm: Physical drill. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702403c: ( 53-53360-014_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 17th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Norwegian SS “Bergenhus" at 7.5 pm off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8906cadfd3419702403d: ( 53-53360-015_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 17 August and back of attached note of 17 August] 4caf8906cadfd3419702403e: ( 53-53360-015_1.jpg) 17 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House N30W 10.8’ 7.28am: Stop and as requisite. off La Luz. 7.38am: Sent away sea boat with Mr. Nolidge to Consul. 9.0am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.0am: Midshipmen to small arms drill. Stokers to squad drill. B group guns’ crews to drill. 12.47pm: Stop and as requisite. off La Luz Breakwater. 12.53pm: Sent away whaler with Captain & mails to SS Highland Piper. 2.30pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 7.10pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Norwegian SS Bergenhus. 8.30pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. 4caf8906cadfd3419702403f: ( 53-53360-016_0.jpg) 18 August 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N82W 4’ 7.0am: Stop. Essex cutter alongside for 400 lbs. beef and ice. 7.25am: Proceeded. 8.45am: Stop off of Santa Cruz. 8.50am: Sent away whaler with Sub. Lieutenant . McCollugh to Consul. am: Helm and engines as requisite. adjusting standard compass. A. Guns’ drill. 11.15am: Whaler hoisted. Proceeded. 12.25pm: Stop and as requisite. off Santa Cruz. Sent away 2nd whaler with Sub. Lieutenant Upton. 1.35pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 3.28pm: Stop and as requisite. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS Ciudad de Cadiz. 4.05pm: Evening Quarters, hands physical drill. Read Warrant No. 11. 5.10pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024040: ( 53-53360-016_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 18 August and back of attached note of 18 August] 4caf8906cadfd34197024041: ( 53-53360-017_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 18th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS “Ciudad de Cadiz" at 4.45 pm off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8906cadfd34197024042: ( 53-53360-017_1.jpg) 19 August 1915 off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 La Luz Mole Light House West (T) 8 cables 8.15am: Swung ship for compass adjustment [off Isleta Light.] 10.0am: Stokers of Red watch to small arms drill, X1 guns’ crew to 6” drill, Midshipmen to 6” gun drill. 11.50am: Stop off La Luz breakwater. 11.54am: Sent away first whaler with letters for Consul. 1.10pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 6.0pm: Swung ship for deviations. [off Arenaga Light.] [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024043: ( 53-53360-018_0.jpg) 20 August 1915 off the Canaries Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 1.30am: Spoke SS Miami 6.50am: Essex cutter alongside for beef and potatoes. 7.10am: Cutter left. 8.54am: Let go port anchor in 12¾ fathoms. [off La Luz] 8.57am: Sent away second whaler. Lowered steam boat. Hands employed cleaning ship’s side, painting, and as requisite. 10.40am: Whaler returned. 11.0am: Captain landed, & calls on local authurities. [sic] 1.30pm: Captain returned with Consul. 4.20pm: Official calls returned. 5.20pm: Consul left. 6.05pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024044: ( 53-53360-018_1.jpg) 21 August 1915 off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -15.1 Isleta Light House S46W 22’ am: Saturday routine. 4caf8906cadfd34197024045: ( 53-53360-019_0.jpg) 22 August 1915 off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S47W 9’ 4.12pm: Engs. as req to close SS Michail Ontchoukoff. 4.35pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party. 5.15pm: Boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 6.15pm: Stopped off La Luz. Whaler left with despatches. 8.16pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.45pm: Co and speed as requisite. to close SS. 11.50pm: Sent away 1st whaler with mail to SS “Avetno.” [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024046: ( 53-53360-019_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 22 August and back of attached note of 22 August] 4caf8906cadfd34197024047: ( 53-53360-020_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 22nd August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Danish SS “SS Michail Ontchoukoff " at 4.35 pm off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8906cadfd34197024048: ( 53-53360-020_1.jpg) 23 August 1915 off The Canaries Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 7.55am: Sighted Carmania. 8.0am: Stop and as requisite. speaking Dutch SS. 9.41am: Let go port anchor in 12 fathoms. [off Las Palmas] 10.05am: Blue watch drawing stores for Carmania, remainder painting and as requisite. 11.20am: Carmania sailed. 1.40pm Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 6.10pm: Stop & as req off La Luz. Sent away 1st whaler with despatches for Consul. 7.05pm: Whaler returned & hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024049: ( 53-53360-021_0.jpg) 24 August 1915 off The Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House N83W 2.5’ 9.54am: Stop. Speaking Greek SS Antonio. Proceeded. am: A Group at divisional drill. Blue watch of stokers small arms drill, hands as requisite. pm: Physical drill. 4caf8906cadfd3419702404a: ( 53-53360-021_1.jpg) 25 August 1915 off The Canaries Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -15.3 Arenaga Point Light House S22W 9.3’ [patrolling] 4caf8906cadfd3419702404b: ( 53-53360-022_0.jpg) 26 August 1915 off The Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -15.2 Isleta Light House S33½W 26’ am: Firemen of White watch to small arms drill. Midshipmen to signals and small arms drill. pm: Read Warrant No. 12. Hands to physical drill. 5.45pm: Swung ship for deviation. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702404c: ( 53-53360-022_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 27th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Roumanian S.S. "Bistrita" at 12.10 pm off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8906cadfd3419702404d: ( 53-53360-023_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 27 August and back of attached note of 27 August] 4caf8906cadfd3419702404e: ( 53-53360-023_1.jpg) 27 August 1915 off The Canaries Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -15.9 Sardina Point Light House N66½E 10.8’ 11.56am: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Roumanian S.S. Bistrita. 12.45pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. pm: Physical drill. 4caf8906cadfd3419702404f: ( 53-53360-024_0.jpg) 28 August 1915 off The Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House S65W 6 cables 10.55am: Sent away sea boat to consul. 11.55am: Sea boat returned. pm: Sea boat took mail to consul. 1.20pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 7.04pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS P. de Satrustequi. 8.0pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024050: ( 53-53360-024_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 28 August and back of attached note of 28 August] 4caf8906cadfd34197024051: ( 53-53360-025_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 28th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS “P. de Satrustequi" at 7:15 pm off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8906cadfd34197024052: ( 53-53360-025_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 29th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS “Oquendo" at 1:20 pm off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8906cadfd34197024053: ( 53-53360-026_0.jpg)
[Extreme left edge of log page of 29 August and back of attached note of 29 August] 4caf8906cadfd34197024054: ( 53-53360-026_1.jpg) 29 August 1915 off The Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S25W 14.5’ 7.10am: Essex cutter alongside with mails. 10.45am: Church. 1.10pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS Oquiendo. [note different spelling in log and attached note.] 1.45pm: Sea boat hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024055: ( 53-53360-027_0.jpg) 30 August 1915 off The Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -15.5 Isleta Light House S29W 15’ 1.25am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS Teresa Fabrigas. 2.03am: Sea boat returned & hoisted. Proceeded. 10.0am: Stop. Out collision mat. Close W.T. [water tight] doors. 10.20am: Out all boats. Sent away both sea boats. 10.30am: Sea boats hoisted. 10.58am: Collision mat secured. Proceeded. 1.29pm: Stop and as requisite. off La Luz. 1.40pm: Whaler left. 2.28pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. pm: Physical drill. 5.05pm: Sighted “Essex.” 6.21pm: Essex boat alongside for beef and ice & with mail. 6.34pm: Cutter left. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024056: ( 53-53360-027_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 30 August and back of attached note of 30 August] 4caf8906cadfd34197024057: ( 53-53360-028_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 30th August 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S. “Teresa Fabregas” [note different spelling in body of log.] at 1:30 am off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Assistant Paymaster Case RNR. 4caf8906cadfd34197024058: ( 53-53360-028_1.jpg) 31 August 1915 From the Canaries to Funchal Noon position Lat 30.2, Long -16.4 9.20am: Disconnected telemotor & connected hand steering gear. 9.45am: Divisions and Prayers. Midshipmen to seamanship. Hands preparing ship for coaling. pm: Hands mustered for monthly payment. 6.0pm: Disconnected hand and connected telemotor steering gear. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1915 4caf8906cadfd3419702405d: ( 53-53361-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8906cadfd3419702405e: ( 53-53361-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8906cadfd34197024060: ( 53-53361-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O. 322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 Oct 1915] 4caf8906cadfd34197024061: ( 53-53361-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8906cadfd34197024062: ( 53-53361-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1915 From Canary Island to Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.30am: Let go starboard anchor in 17 fathoms. [in Funchal Bay] 7.10am: Collier “Prophet” alongside. 8.40am: Started coaling. pm: Received 435 tons fresh water. 9.0pm: Stopped coaling, 763.5 tons received. 4caf8906cadfd34197024063: ( 53-53361-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.25am: Started coaling. am: Received 45 tons fresh water. 5.0pm: Finished coaling. 1179 tons. 5.50pm: Cast off collier. Hands cleaning ship. 8.39pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024064: ( 53-53361-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1915 From Funchal to Canary Islands Noon position Lat 30.7, Long -15.5 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8906cadfd34197024065: ( 53-53361-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1915 From Funchal to Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.9, Long -14.2 Pechiguera Point Light House S88E 18’ 7.0am: Sighted Essex & Argonaut. 7.59am: Let go port anchor in 13 fathoms. [in Papagayo Bay] 8.45am: Sent 1st whaler to Argonaut. 9.59am: Anchor aweigh. 10.02am: Hoisted whaler. Proceeded. Saturday routine. 1.50pm: Sighted “Carmania.” 3.0pm: Stop. 3.25pm: Proceeded. Weather too bad to transfer mails. 4.15pm: Read Warrant No 14. 4caf8906cadfd34197024066: ( 53-53361-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -15.9 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N86W 19’ 5.10pm: Sighted Carmania. 6.40pm: Carmania cutter alongside for mails. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024067: ( 53-53361-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House N71W 3.7’ 9.50am: Stop. Midshipmen at small arms drill. Hands employed cleaning ship’s side. 12.20pm: Proceeded. 7.21pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish S.S. “Ramon Mumbru.” 8.13pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024068: ( 53-53361-006_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 6 September and back of attached note of 6 September] 4caf8906cadfd34197024069: ( 53-53361-007_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 6th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S. “Ramon Mumbru" at 7:30 pm off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Wm. Storrie, Sub. Lieutenant RNR. 4caf8906cadfd3419702406a: ( 53-53361-007_1.jpg) 7 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 La Luz Mole Light House West(T) 1’ 9.48am: Stop. Out collision mat. Close W.T. [water tight] doors. 10.19am: Secure. Proceeded. 11.05am: Stop and as req off La Luz. 11.15am: Sent away sea boat with Captain. 12.35pm: Captain returned. Whaler hoisted. Proceeded. 2.55pm: Stop and as requisite. Sent away sea boat with letter for Consul. 4.10pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 7.20pm: Sent whaler to Carmania with mail. 7.30pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702406b: ( 53-53361-008_0.jpg) 8 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House S33½W 6.7’ 3.55am: Course and engines as requisite. following SS “Ciudad to Soller” (Spanish). 6.25am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party. 7.0am: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 8.45am: Dropped target. Gunlayers and sightsetters to 1” aiming practice at A1. 9.35am: Target hoisted inboard. Proceeded. 9.50am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed cleaning, painting, and refitting. Firemen at small arms drill. 3.23pm: Stop and as requisite. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Dutch SS Kelbegen. 4.12pm: Whaler returned & hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd3419702406c: ( 53-53361-008_1.jpg)
[Extreme right edge of log page of 8 September and back of attached notes of 8 September] 4caf8906cadfd3419702406d: ( 53-53361-009_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 8th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS " Ciudad de Soller" at 6.30 am, off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 8th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch SS "Kalbergen" at 3.15 pm in Lat. 28.17N, Long. 15.16W. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR 4caf8906cadfd3419702406e: ( 53-53361-009_1.jpg) 9 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.1 Anteguena Point N28W 2.7’ 9.0 – 9.50am: Swinging ship for deviation. am: Stokers to small arms drill. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Physical drill. 4.20 to 6.15pm: Swinging ship adjusting compass. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702406f: ( 53-53361-010_0.jpg) 10 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.1 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N74W 7’ 7.45 to 9.0am: Swinging ship for compass adjustment. 10.05am: General Quarters. 10.20am: Fire in Seaman’s mess deck. [simulated for a fire drill?] 10.45am: Secure. 4.45pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS Ciudad de Cadiz. 6.55pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024070: ( 53-53361-010_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 10 September and back of attached note of 10 September] 4caf8906cadfd34197024071: ( 53-53361-011_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 10th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS "Ciudad de Cadiz" at 5.0pm:, in Lat. 28.14N, Long. 15.37W. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR 4caf8906cadfd34197024072: ( 53-53361-011_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 11th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Brazilian SS "Tropiero" at 10 pm, in Lat. 28.37N, Long. 16.00W. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR 4caf8906cadfd34197024073: ( 53-53361-012_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 11 September and back of attached note of 11 September] 4caf8906cadfd34197024074: ( 53-53361-012_1.jpg) 11 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N32W 5.5’ 7.28am: Course and engine as required off Santa Cruz. 7.55am: Sent whaler away. 8.15am: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 8.50am: Exercised Fire Stations. Closed WT Doors. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 5.0 – 6.0pm: Swinging for deviation. 6.30pm: Co & Speed as req to close SS. 10.0pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Brazilian SS "Tropiero.” 10.45pm: Sighted Carmania. 4caf8906cadfd34197024075: ( 53-53361-013_0.jpg) 12 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.5 Isleta Light House S27½E 5.4’ 4.30am: "Tropiero” allowed to proceed. 4.45am: Sighted Carmania. 7.05am: Sent whaler to Carmania for mails. 7.25am: Whaler returned and hoisted. 10.45am: Church. 7.07pm: Sent away sea boat with mail to "Highland Warrior." 7.25pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted 4caf8906cadfd34197024076: ( 53-53361-013_1.jpg) 13 September 1915 off the Canaries Lat 28.8, Long -13.8 5.40am: Sighted "Carmania." 6.18am: Sighted "Essex." 8.08am: Let go port anchor in 14 fathoms. [in Papagayo Bay] 9.45am: Captain & First Lieutenant . went on board Carmania for Court Martial. am: B & Y groups to divisional drills. Discharged to “Essex” 401 lbs beef & 4 cwt ice. 12.05pm: "Carmania" sailed. 1.40pm: Turned out & lowered Nos 3 & 4 lifeboats. 2.0pm: Landed bathing party. 4.45pm: Life boats returned and hoisted. 5.04pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024077: ( 53-53361-014_0.jpg) 14 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.8, Long -13.6 Martino Point Light House S77W 10.5’ 8.0am: Sighted Essex. 9.19am: Target alongside and secured. Proceeded. 11.0am: Essex carried out target practice. 11.16am: Stop. Hauled in target. A group divisional drill, firemen small arms drill. 12.08pm: Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd34197024078: ( 53-53361-014_1.jpg) 15 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.0 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N87W 12.5’ am: Hands muster with winter clothing. 4caf8906cadfd34197024079: ( 53-53361-015_0.jpg) 16 September 1915 off the Canaries Lat 27.8, Long -15.6 6.12am: Sighted Carmania. 8.18am: Let go port anchor. [off Maspalomas Point, Grand Canary Island] Stokers to squad drill. Seamen 6” drill. Remainder as requisite. 1.02pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4.17pm: Sent sea boat away. 5.57pm: Sea boat returned with Consul. 7.05pm: Sea boat left with Consul. 7.30pm: Boat alongside with potatoes and provisions. 7.40pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. 8.0pm: Contractor’s boat left ship. Proceeded. 4caf8906cadfd3419702407a: ( 53-53361-015_1.jpg) 17 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.5 Isleta Light House S43E 7.5’ 4.08pm: Stop off La Luz. Sent away 2nd whaler with Captain. 6.45pm: Whaler returned & hoisted. Proceeded. 9.58pm: Sighted Carmania. 11.45pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat to prize. 4caf8906cadfd3419702407b: ( 53-53361-016_0.jpg) 18 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.2, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House N31W 2.5’ 12.05am: Whaler returned & hoisted with two passengers. Proceeded. 6.18am: Stop and as requisite. 6.30am: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Norwegian SS “San Telmo.” 7.05am: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 9.0am: Stopped off La Luz. Sent away whaler with mail & 2 passengers. Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.30am: Whaler alongside and left for SS “Carmarthenshire.” 11.55am: Whaler hoisted. Proceeded. 11.55pm: Great Salvage Island N85W (T) [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702407c: ( 53-53361-016_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 18 September and back of attached note of 18 September] 4caf8906cadfd3419702407d: ( 53-53361-017_0.jpg) [Attached note] HMS Ophir. 18th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Norwegian SS "San Telmo" at 6.30 am, off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR 4caf8906cadfd3419702407e: ( 53-53361-017_1.jpg) 19 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 30.3, Long -15.9 Burt Peak (Great Salvage Island) S11E 9.5’ 6.19am: Sighted “Essex.” 6.22am: Sighted “Carmania.” 7.05am: Stop. Sent away sea boat to Essex for mail. 7.32am: Sea boat hoisted. Proceeded. 8.10pm: Observed Anaga Light. [Teneriffe] S15W (T) [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8906cadfd3419702407f: ( 53-53361-018_0.jpg) 20 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N79W 7 cables 2.05am: Stop. 2.25am: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS “Reina Victoria.” 2.46am: Sea boat returned. 3.0am: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to SS “Cabanal.” 4.55am: Sea boat returned & hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8906cadfd34197024080: ( 53-53361-018_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 20 September and back of attached notes of 20 September] 4caf8906cadfd34197024081: ( 53-53361-019_0.jpg) [Attached note] HMS Ophir. 20th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS "Reina Victoria" at 2.40 am, 19 miles East of Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR [Attached note] HMS Ophir. 20th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish SS "Cabanal" at 3:15 am, 19 miles East of Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR 4caf8907cadfd34197024082: ( 53-53361-019_1.jpg) 21 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S16W 12.5’ 9.0am: Sighted “Carmania.” 9.40am: Stokers to physical drill, Gunnery training classes to instruction, midshipmen seamanship, remainder as requisite. 10.20am: Stop. Sent away sea boat to Carmania with mail. 10.45am: Hoisted sea boat. Proceeded. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8907cadfd34197024083: ( 53-53361-020_0.jpg) 22 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.2 Isleta Light House S50W(T) 4’ 10.30am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Dutch SS Prins Willam I. 11.50am: Sea boat returned & hoisted. Proceeded. 3.50pm: Stop off Santa Cruz. Sent away whaler with Captain. 5.48pm: Captain returned, whaler hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8907cadfd34197024084: ( 53-53361-020_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 22 September and back of attached notes of 22 and 23 September] 4caf8907cadfd34197024085: ( 53-53361-021_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 22nd September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch S.S. “Prins Willem I" at 10:45 am, off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 23rd September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch SS "Gelria" at 6:15 pm, in Lat. 30.15N, Long. 14.55W. One person was arrested. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8907cadfd34197024086: ( 53-53361-021_1.jpg) 23 September 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.4, Long -15.4 Anaga Point Light House S41½W 62’ 9.45am: Midshipmen RNR training class to ammunition. Stokers and marines at small arms drill. 6.07pm Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Dutch SS “Gelria.” 8.10pm: Whaler returned & hoisted. Proceeded. Keeping station with “Gelria.” 9.31pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat to “Gelria.” 10.18pm: Sea boat returned with prisoner & hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd34197024087: ( 53-53361-022_0.jpg) 24 September 1915 Off the Canaries [Lat 28.1, Long -15.4] La Luz Breakwater Light S74W 3 cables. 9.28am: Let go port anchor in 12 fathoms. [off La Luz] 9.50am: Whaler left with Captain. 11.40am: Whaler returned with Captain. 1.09pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 5.34pm: Sighted Marmosa. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8907cadfd34197024088: ( 53-53361-022_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 25th September 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S. “Isla de Panay" at 7 am, in Lat 28.18N, Long 15.43W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8907cadfd34197024089: ( 53-53361-023_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 25 September and back of attached note of 25 September] 4caf8907cadfd3419702408a: ( 53-53361-023_1.jpg) 25 September 1915 Off the Canaries & to Funchal Noon position Lat 28.9, Long -15.8 Anaga Light House S45W 27’ 6.50am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS “Isla de Panay.” 8.50am: Sea boat returned & hoisted. Proceeded. Saturday routine, hands cleaning ship. 3.30pm: Observed Great Salvage Island N14W 25.5’ 4.0pm: Sighted Carmania. 5.30pm: Stop. Sent away Nos 2 & 4 lifeboats. 5.49pm: Carmania’s boat alongside. 6.40pm: Nos 2 & 4 boats hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd3419702408b: ( 53-53361-024_0.jpg) 26 September 1915 From Canaries to Funchal Noon position Lat 30.9, Long -14.5 Funchal N50W 162’ 10.30am: Church. pm: Gun watch employed preparing ship for coaling. 4caf8907cadfd3419702408c: ( 53-53361-024_1.jpg) 27 September 1915 From Canaries to & at Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.40am: Let go star anchor in 22 fathoms. 7.20am: Collier “Highcliffe” alongside. 8.0am: Water tanker alongside. 8.40am: Started coaling. 1.15pm: Water tanker left. Received 420 tons FW. 8.30pm: Stopped coaling. 825 tons received. 4caf8907cadfd3419702408d: ( 53-53361-025_0.jpg) 28 September 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.40am: Started coaling. 2.10pm: Finished coaling. 1250 tons received. 2.40pm: Collier left. 6.51pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd3419702408e: ( 53-53361-025_1.jpg) 29 September 1915 [no location in log page header. ] Noon position Lat 33.3, Long -14.0 Fora Island Light House S76W 144’ 7.15am: Sighted Essex. 8.50am: Admiral & Staff joined from Essex. Hoisted the flag of Rear Admiral Sir Archibald G.H.W. Moore K.C.B. 9.17am: Proceeded. 3.36pm: Sighted Carmania. 4.06pm: Stop. Sent sea boat to Carmania with two Court Martial prisoners. 4.48pm: Sea boat hoisted. One “Mate” joined ship from Carmania. Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd3419702408f: ( 53-53361-026_0.jpg) 30 September 1915 Off Madeira Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.54am: Let go port anchor in 27 fathoms. [in Funchal Bay] am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 7.40pm: Port anchor aweigh. Set course South. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1915 4caf8907cadfd34197024095: ( 53-53362-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8907cadfd34197024096: ( 53-53362-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8907cadfd34197024098: ( 53-53362-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 31 Oct 1915] 4caf8907cadfd34197024099: ( 53-53362-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8907cadfd3419702409a: ( 53-53362-003_1.jpg)
1 October 1915 off Madeira Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 9.27am: Let go port anchor. 10.0am: Divisions, Inspection by Rear Admiral, and Prayer. 10.45am: General Quarters. 11.0am: Secure. Hands employed as requisite. pm: Received 100 tons Fresh Water. 6.13pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd3419702409b: ( 53-53362-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1915 From Funchal to Porto Santo Lat 33.0, Long -16.3 10.12am: Let go port anchor. [in Porto Santo Bay] Sent away No 4 lifeboat for sand. 12.10pm: No 4 lifeboat hoisted. 12.35pm: “King Alfred” arrived & anchored. Hands employed discharging Admiral’s baggage, 1 midshipman, 1 corporal of marines, 1 seaman joined from King Alfred [cruiser, Drake-class]. 3.12pm: Rear Admiral Sir A.G.H.W. Moore’s flag struck in Ophir & hoisted in King Alfred. 6.24pm: Weighed & proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd3419702409c: ( 53-53362-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1915 From Porto Santo to Canary Islands Noon position Lat 30.8, Long -15.6 Great Salvage Island S20W 43’ [A quiet Sunday at sea.] 4caf8907cadfd3419702409d: ( 53-53362-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1915 From Porto Santo to Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.0 Santa Cruz Light House N62½W 16’ 10.0am: Out collision mat, closed WT doors. 10.15am: Stations abandon ship. 10.30am: Midshipmen & training classes to small arms drill. pm: Physical drill. 4caf8907cadfd3419702409e: ( 53-53362-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N14W 3’ am: Midshipmen to seamanship. A2, B1, B2 guns crews to loader. Stokers squad drill. 12.48pm: Stop off Santa Cruz. Captain went on shore in Consul’s boat. 1.30pm: Sent whaler away. 2.33pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4.05pm: Read Warrant No 15. 4caf8907cadfd3419702409f: ( 53-53362-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1915 Off the Canaries Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 La Luz Breakwater Light House S50W 2.5 cables 10.38am: Let go port anchor in 14 fathoms. 10.50am: Sent away 2nd whaler with Captain. 12.45pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.25pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Dutch SS “Prinz der Nederlanden.” 6.10pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240a0: ( 53-53362-006_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 6 October and back of attached note of 6 October] 4caf8907cadfd341970240a1: ( 53-53362-007_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 6th October 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch S.S. “Prins der Nederlander” at 5.30 pm, off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. [Ship’s name spelled differently in log and in this note.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240a2: ( 53-53362-007_1.jpg) 7 October 1915 Off the Canaries Lat 28.2, Long -16.0 7.13am: Let go port anchor in 14 fathoms. [in Port Christanos Bay] 9.45am: One Tea urn lost overboard. Midshipmen away in sea boat. Hands employed painting ship. 6.14pm: Weighed and proceeded West. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240a3: ( 53-53362-008_0.jpg) 8 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House West 1’ 9.24am: a/c to close SS Clan Fergusen. am: Midshipmen to seamanship. RNR men small arms drill. X group to loader. Noon: Stopped off Santa Cruz. 12.45pm: Proceeded East. 2.09pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS “Reina Victoria.” 2.42pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 3.41pm: Stopped off Santa Cruz. Engines as required keeping ship in position. 6.07pm: Whaler left with mails and 1 Sargeant RMLI for SS Opason. 6.45pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240a4: ( 53-53362-008_1.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 9th October 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S. "Catalini” at 7.5 am, off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8907cadfd341970240a5: ( 53-53362-009_0.jpg)
[Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 8th October 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S.” Reina Victoria” at 2.30 pm, off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8907cadfd341970240a6: ( 53-53362-009_1.jpg) 9 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -15.0 Isleta Light House S37W 34’ 6.45am: Sent away whaler with boarding party to Spanish SS “Catalina.” 7.40am: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. am: Saturday routine, hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240a7: ( 53-53362-010_0.jpg) 10 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.7, Long -15.7 Peaks of Teneriffe S32W 99’ 7.33am: Stop. 8.10am: “King Alfred’s” cutter alongside with mail. 8.30am: Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240a8: ( 53-53362-010_1.jpg) 11 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -15.3 Arenaga Point Light House S25W 7.2’ 9.50am: Stop, dropped target and lowered 1st whaler. 10.15am: Carried out 1” aiming practice for A1 & B1. 11.22am: Cease fire. Hoisted whaler and target. Proceeded. 12.58pm: Stopped off La Luz. 1.04pm: Sent away 1st whaler with Captain. 2.33pm: Captain returned. Whaler hoisted, proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240a9: ( 53-53362-011_0.jpg) 12 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N7E 6’ am: Midshipmen to seamanship. Training classes to ammunition. 6” guns crews to loader. pm: Physical drill. 4caf8907cadfd341970240aa: ( 53-53362-011_1.jpg) 13 October 1915 From the Canaries to Funchal Noon position Lat 29.9, Long -15.9 Great Piton Island (Hart Hill) N30W 8.5’ am: Midshipmen to signals. Training classes to instruction. A1&2, B2, X1, Y1 guns crews to the loader. Hands preparing ship for coaling. 4caf8907cadfd341970240ab: ( 53-53362-012_0.jpg) 14 October 1915 From the Canaries to Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.52am: Let go starboard anchor in15 fathoms. [in Funchal Bay] 7.10am: King Alfred anchored. 7.20am: Collier alongside. 7.45am: Started coaling. 5.0pm: Finished coaling. 5.10pm: Collier “Highcliffe” left. 5.40pm: Collier “Glencliffe” alongside. 7.05pm: “King Alfred” sailed. 4caf8907cadfd341970240ac: ( 53-53362-012_1.jpg) 15 October 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 6.45am: Started coaling. 1.30pm: Finished coaling. 900 tons. 2.10pm: Collier left. Hands employed cleaning ship. 2.40pm: One rating joined ship from S.S. "Araguaya." 8.21pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240ad: ( 53-53362-013_0.jpg) 16 October 1915 Off Madeira Noon position Lat 32.6, Long -17.9 Loo Rock Light House N28W 1’ 10.17am: Stop and as requisite. off Funchal. 10.23am: Sea boat away with Captain, one carpenter, and mails. Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.55am: Sea boat returned with Captain. Proceeded. 6.10pm: Cruz Point N34½E(T) 1’. 6.40pm: Sent away 2nd whaler. 7.10pm: Whaler hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240ae: ( 53-53362-013_1.jpg) 17 October 1915 From Funchal to Canary Islands Noon observed position Lat 30.7, Long -15.7 Pechiguera Light House S38E 142.3’ 10.0am: Divisions, rounds, and prayers. 4caf8907cadfd341970240af: ( 53-53362-014_0.jpg) 18 October 1915 From Funchal to Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.9, Long -14.2 Pechiguera Point Light House East 15’ 6.07am: Sighted “King Alfred.” 7.45am: Target alongside from K.A. 8.40am: Target fast. Proceeded West. 10.31am: “K. A.” opened fire. 11.44am: Firing completed. Stop. Target transferred to K.A. 1.45pm: General Quarters. 2.03pm: Opened fire. 2.15pm: Secure. 4.10pm: As requisite. keeping station on King Alfred. 4.45pm: K.A.’s boat left with ice and 45 lbs beef. 4caf8907cadfd341970240b0: ( 53-53362-014_1.jpg) 19 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.1, Long -12.8 Cape Juby Fort [Morocco] S26W 13’ am: Stokers at small arms drill. Training classes at loader. Midshipmen at seamanship. 11.21pm: Pechiguera Light N11E(T) 2.8’ 4caf8907cadfd341970240b1: ( 53-53362-015_0.jpg) 20 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 La Luz Breakwater Light House S48W 5 cables 10.27am: Stop as and requisite. [off La Luz] Sent away 2nd whaler. Midshipmen at signals. RNR training classes at small arms drill. AI, BI,II, XI,II, YI guns’ crews at loader. 12.45pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 6.05pm: Sighted Spanish cruiser “Reigna Regnite.” 4caf8907cadfd341970240b2: ( 53-53362-015_1.jpg) 21 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.3 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N21E 1.5’ 8.03am: Stop. Hands employed cleaning ship’s side. Engines as requisite. 12.30pm: Sent away 2nd whaler. 1.26pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. 4caf8907cadfd341970240b3: ( 53-53362-016_0.jpg) 22 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon Position Lat 28.4, Long -16.3 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N20½E 6’ 8.0am: Stop. Hands employed washing down aloft, etc. 9.15am: Dropped target, lowered sea-boat, proceeded. Courses and revs as req for 1” aiming practice. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. Gunlayers, sightsetters, and trainers to 1” aiming. Stokers to the loader. X1, A1, and Y2 guns’ crews to loader. 11.55am: Sea boat and target hoisted. 3.32pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS “Reina Victoria." 3.56pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240b4: ( 53-53362-016_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 22 October and back of attached note of 22 October] 4caf8907cadfd341970240b5: ( 53-53362-017_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 22nd October 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S. ”Reina Victoria” at 3:20 pm, off Las Palmas. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8907cadfd341970240b6: ( 53-53362-017_1.jpg) 23 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -15.1 Isleta Light House S42E 27’ am: Saturday routine. Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.25pm: Stop off La Luz. Sent away whaler with mails to SS "~" 4.52pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240b7: ( 53-53362-018_0.jpg) 24 October 1915 Off the Canary Islands Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -16.6 Rasca Light House N57W 2.2’ [A quiet Sunday at sea on patrol. ] 4caf8907cadfd341970240b8: ( 53-53362-018_1.jpg) 25 October 1915 Off the Canaries Lat 28.4, Long -16.3 10.0am: General Drill. Fire in Gunner’s Store Room. WT doors closed. Abandon ship. 10.11am: Secure. 11.56am: Let go port anchor in 25 fathoms. [off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe] 12.45pm: Lowered 2nd whaler. 1.0pm: Red watch employed painting aloft and as requisite. 5.16pm: 2nd whaler hoisted. 6.26pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240b9: ( 53-53362-019_0.jpg) 26 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -16.1 Abona Point Light House S60W 16’ am: Stokers to small arms drill. Training classes to 6” and loader. Midshipmen to seamanship. 4caf8907cadfd341970240ba: ( 53-53362-019_1.jpg) 27 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 30.0, Long -15.9 Hart Hill (Great Salvage Island) N70½W 8’ 8.40am: Sighted “King Alfred.” am: Training classes to 6” drill, hands painting ship and as requisite. 9.59am: Stop. Cutter alongside with mails. 11.15am: Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240bb: ( 53-53362-020_0.jpg) 28 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.6, Long -16.3 Peak of Teneriffe N26½W 43.5’ 3.55pm: Speaking French SS "Aise." 4.0pm: Read warrants Nos. 16,17,18,19. 4caf8907cadfd341970240bc: ( 53-53362-020_1.jpg) 29 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.9, Long -16.5 Rasca Light House N54W 13’ am: Midshipmen to seamanship. Acting G.L.s to roll and yaw. YI, XI, XII guns crews to loader. 4caf8907cadfd341970240bd: ( 53-53362-021_0.jpg) 30 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -17.0 South Cristwal Light House N57W 7’ am: Saturday routine. Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Read Warrant No. 20. 4caf8907cadfd341970240be: ( 53-53362-021_1.jpg) 31 October 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.8, Long -17.7 Caleta Point (Ferro) N77W 12.5’ [Another quiet Sunday at sea on patrol.] LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1915 4caf8907cadfd341970240c3: ( 53-53363-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8907cadfd341970240c4: ( 53-53363-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8907cadfd341970240c6: ( 53-53363-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 30 Nov 1915] 4caf8907cadfd341970240c7: ( 53-53363-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8907cadfd341970240c8: ( 53-53363-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.8, Long -16.4 Rasca Light House N48W 23’ 10.10am: Out collision mat, WT doors closed. 10.16am: Station abandon ship, life saving gear mustered. 10.29am: Secure. Midshipmen to loader. Acting G.L.s to roll and yaw. 4caf8907cadfd341970240c9: ( 53-53363-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.0, Long -15.5 Anaga Light House S53W 38’ am: Guns’ crews to loader. Training classes to small arms drill. Midshipmen to seamanship. 210pm: Sighted Essex. 3.30pm: Essex cutter alongside with mails and one rating returned from detention barracks. 4.20pm: Cutter left. 11.0pm: Stop. Spoke SS “Dacia” cableship accompanied by 2 armed French trawlers. 4caf8907cadfd341970240ca: ( 53-53363-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1915 From the Canaries to Funchal Noon position Lat 30.1, Long -15.8 Burt Peak (Great Salvage Island) N75W 2.2’ 8.50am: Sighted “King Alfred.” 10.35am: K.A.'s boat alongside for ice. 10.40am: Sent away 1st whaler with Captain. 11.40am: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. pm: Read Warrant No 21. 4caf8907cadfd341970240cb: ( 53-53363-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1915 From Canary Islands to and at Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.07am: Let go starboard anchor in 22 fathoms. 7.40am: Collier Glencliffe alongside. 9.0am: Hands coal ship. 7.0pm: Stopped coaling, 834 tons received. 4caf8907cadfd341970240cc: ( 53-53363-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.0am: Started coaling. 10.25am: Finished coaling, 1102 tons received. 11.0am: Collier cast off. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 11.20pm: Sighted “Essex.” 4caf8907cadfd341970240cd: ( 53-53363-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1915 From Funchal to Canary Islands Noon position Lat 30.1, Long -15.9 Cabeco de Inferno (Great Salvage Island) N½E 6.5 cables 9.19am: Sighted "King Alfred." 11.21am: Stop and as req off Great Salvage Island 11.30am: Sent away whaler with Captain. 12.08am: Captain returned, whaler hoisted. Proceeded. 11.50pm: Sighted Isleta Light S28E(T). 4caf8907cadfd341970240ce: ( 53-53363-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.9 Sardina Point Light House S77E 8’ 10.0am: Hands mustered by Open List. 10.25am: Captain’s Rounds. 10.45am: Prayers. 4caf8907cadfd341970240cf: ( 53-53363-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.1 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N82W 6’ 3.10am: Sighted "Essex." 7.43am: Stop. Sent away whaler with ice. 8.40am: Whaler returned with parcel mail and hoisted. Hands employed cleaning ship’s side. 4.20pm: Stop and as requisite. Sent away whaler with boarding party to Spanish SS “Reina Victoria." 5.10pm: Whaler returned, 1 German prisoner, and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240d0: ( 53-53363-007_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 8 November and back of attached note of 8 November] 4caf8907cadfd341970240d1: ( 53-53363-008_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 8th November 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S.” Reina Victoria” at 4:15 pm, off Anaga Point, Teneriffe. One German was removed. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8907cadfd341970240d2: ( 53-53363-008_1.jpg) 9 November 1915 Off the Canary Islands and at Santa Cruz, Teneriffe Lat 28.4, Long -16.3 8.55am: Let go port anchor in 26 fathoms [off Santa Cruz] am: Hands employed as requisite. Training classes to instruction. Stokers to squad drill. Noon: Captain landed to pay official calls. 1.45pm: Captain returned. 3.45pm: Official calls returned by Governor and Captain of the Port. 6.21pm: Weighed and proceeded. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240d3: ( 53-53363-009_0.jpg) 10 November 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -16.1 Sardina Point Light House S76E 20’ 9.23am: Stop and as requisite. 9.28am: Sent away port whaler with boarding party to SS “Rio Sao Mathews” (British). 9.34am: Sent away first whaler. 10.25am: Hoisted 1st whaler. 10.30am: Hoisted 2nd whaler and proceeded. Midshipmen to signalling, RNR seamen to Morris tube. 2.25pm: Sighted "Essex." 3.20pm: Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms. [at Maspalomas] 4.0pm: Sent away 1st whaler with Captain to Essex. 5.25pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. 5.44pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240d4: ( 53-53363-009_1.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 10 November and back of attached note of 10 November] 4caf8907cadfd341970240d5: ( 53-53363-010_0.jpg) [Attached note] Entry for Log. HMS Ophir. 10th November 1915. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the British SS “Rio Sao Mathews” at 9:30 am, at Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Ward RN, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8907cadfd341970240d6: ( 53-53363-010_1.jpg) 11 November 1915 Off the Canaries and to Funchal Noon position Lat 29.2, Long -16.2 Anaga Point Light House S4E 37’ 6.30am: Sighted "Essex." 6.55am: Stop. 7.10am: Essex cutter alongside with RNR A.P. Hargraves. 7.15am: Cutter alongside with 2 firemen. 7.20am: Proceeded. am: Midshipmen to loader. Remainder as requisite.
4.55pm: Great [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8907cadfd341970240d7: ( 53-53363-011_0.jpg) 12 November 1915 From the Canaries to Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 8.12am: Let go port anchor in 20 fathoms. [In Funchal Bay] 9.35am: Received one prisoner from “King Alfred.” 10.30am: Received 8 hospital cases from "King Alfred." Hands employed taking in returned stores and preparing for coaling. 7.24pm: Weighed and proceeded. Set course SW. 4caf8907cadfd341970240d8: ( 53-53363-011_1.jpg) 13 November 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.14am: Let go port anchor in 20 fathoms. 8.0am: Collier Glencliffe alongside. 8.35am: Started coaling. 9.45am: Finished coaling, received 41 tons. Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240d9: ( 53-53363-012_0.jpg) 14 November 1915 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.49am: Let go port anchor in 19 fathoms. 10.30am: Divisions, rounds, and church. 3.0pm: Hands employed getting in provisions. 6.33pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240da: ( 53-53363-012_1.jpg) 15 November 1915 From Funchal to Canaries Noon position Lat 30.4, Long -16.3 Great Salvage Island (Burt Pk.) S41E 24’ 10.0am: Out collision mat, closed WT doors. 10.10am: Stations abandon ship. 10.20am: Secure. Training classes to instruction. Midshipmen to small arms drill. 1.26pm: Sighted "King Alfred." 2.20pm: Stopped off Great Salvage Is, KA's cutter alongside with stores. 3.0pm: Cutter left. Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240db: ( 53-53363-013_0.jpg) 16 November 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.3, Long -15.6 Sardina Point Light House S35W 12.5’ 8.33am: Essex cutter alongside. 8.45am: Cutter left with ice. Proceeded. am: B1, B2 guns’ crews to loader. Stokers to small arms drill. RNR seamen to 6” drill. Act. G.L.s to roll and yaw exercise. [pm: Various anchoring and hawser evolutions off Tanife (Tenefe) Point.] 8.11 – 9.30pm: Engines as requisite while towing “Pembrookshire.” 4caf8907cadfd341970240dc: ( 53-53363-013_1.jpg) 17 November 1915 Off the Canaries Lat 27.8, Long -15.5 [A day of unexplained activity towing, anchoring, and working cargo on Pembrokeshire off Tanife Point.] 7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240dd: ( 53-53363-014_0.jpg) 18 November 1915 Off the Canaries Lat 27.6, Long -15.2 [More activity with anchors and hawsers and Pembrokeshire.] 12.45pm: Working party left to lay anchor for “Pembrokeshire.” 4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240de: ( 53-53363-014_1.jpg) 19 November 1915
Off the Canaries Lat 27.7, Long -15.3 9.18am: Let go port anchor. [off Tanife Point] Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: Weighed, proceeded, and anchored. Sent away line to Pembrokeshire and started heaving out her anchor. 4.40pm: Pembrokeshire's anchor let go. 5.25pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240df: ( 53-53363-015_0.jpg) 20 November 1915 off the Canaries Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 10.46am: Let go port anchor. [off La Luz] 10.50am: Sent away sea boat with mails. 2.30pm: Boat alongside with provisions. 3.30pm: Hoisted sea boat. 4.12pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240e0: ( 53-53363-015_1.jpg) 21 November 1915 off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.1 Anteguerra Point N4E 6’ 7.45am: Stop off Santa Cruz, whaler away with Chief Steward. 11.25am: Chief Steward returned, proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240e1: ( 53-53363-016_0.jpg) 22 November 1915 off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.4 Isleta Light House N76W 1.7’ 6.59am: Let go port anchor in 11 fathoms. [off La Luz] 7.30am: Carmania anchored. 10.0am: General drill. Out collision mat, closed WT doors, abandon ship. 10.45am: Hoisted boats, replaced collision mat. 11.38am: Weighed and proceeded. pm: Read Court Martial Returns, June 30th 1915. Midnight: Great Salvage Island S80E(T) 4.5’ 4caf8907cadfd341970240e2: ( 53-53363-016_1.jpg) 23 November 1915 From Canary Islands to Funchal Noon position Lat 31.9, Long -16.6 Funchal N16W 48’ 10.0am: Training classes to small arms drill. Stokers to squad drill. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Hands employed as requisite. Physical drill. 4caf8907cadfd341970240e3: ( 53-53363-017_0.jpg) 24 November 1915 From the Canaries to Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 9.0am: Let go port anchor. 9.45am: Water tank alongside. 2.0pm: 2 Midshipmen joined from "King Alfred." 5.0pm: Carmania arrived and anchored. Hands employed reeving hawsers for towing Admiralty lighter. 8.30pm: Weighed, hawsers foul of port prop. 11.15pm: Port propeller clear. Proceeded. 4caf8907cadfd341970240e4: ( 53-53363-017_1.jpg) 25 November 1915 From Funchal to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 33.2, Long -15.1 Cima Island Light House S80W 62’ 8.47am: Stop. Hands shorten in hawser. 12.48pm: Hawser carried away. Stop. Hands employed getting out wire hawser. 2.15pm: Proceeded slow. 4caf8908cadfd341970240e5: ( 53-53363-018_0.jpg) 26 November 1915 From Funchal to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 34.5, Long -10.8 Cape Spartel Light House N72½E 250’ 10.15am: General Quarters. 10.25am: Fire in bag flat. 10.35am: Secure. 10.45pm: Exercise action. 11.05pm: Secure. 4caf8908cadfd341970240e6: ( 53-53363-018_1.jpg) 27 November 1915 From Funchal to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 36.0, Long -5.6 Tarifa Point Light House N23E 3.4’ 7.30am: Sighted "Narcissus." [fleet sweeping sloop, Flower-class, Azalea-type] 8.45am: Stop. Cast off lighter, hauled in hawser. 2.30pm: All fast to No 5 buoy Gibraltar. 4.15pm: Discharged 3 German prisoners and 8 ratings to hospital, also 1 Midshipman and 1 Assistant Paymaster. 4caf8908cadfd341970240e7: ( 53-53363-019_0.jpg) 28 November 1915 At Gibraltar No 5 Buoy Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf8908cadfd341970240e8: ( 53-53363-019_1.jpg) 29 November 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 9.55am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to South Mole. 1.30pm: Read warrant No 22. Discharged 1 marine and 1 stoker to detention barracks. 6.30pm: All lifeboats sent to dockyard for survey. 4caf8908cadfd341970240e9: ( 53-53363-020_0.jpg) 30 November 1915 At Gibraltar, South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Blue watch employed ranging cable in lighter, remainder of hands drawing and returning stores and employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side, drawing and returning stores, ranging cable for survey and as requisite. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1915 4caf8908cadfd341970240ef: ( 53-53364-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8908cadfd341970240f0: ( 53-53364-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8908cadfd341970240f2: ( 53-53364-001a_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 31 Dec 1915] 4caf8908cadfd341970240f3: ( 53-53364-002_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8908cadfd341970240f4: ( 53-53364-002_1.jpg) 1 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, taking in stores and as requisite. pm: Hands employed drawing and returning stores. 4caf8908cadfd341970240f5: ( 53-53364-003_0.jpg) 2 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 9.0am: Shifted ship to Gun Wharf. Hands employed shifting ship, scraping and painting chain lockers and ship’s side, drawing stores and provisions. pm: Hands employed scraping and painting ship’s side, drawing stores and as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd341970240f6: ( 53-53364-003_1.jpg) 3 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, drawing stores and as requisite. Hoisted out port Fx2 guns. pm: Hands employed drawing and returning stores and as requisite. Hoisted out B2. 7.0pm: B2 mounted. 4caf8908cadfd341970240f7: ( 53-53364-004_0.jpg) 4 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.30am: B1 mounted. 9.0am: Turned ship round. Hands employed painting ship’s side and as requisite. 10.30am: Hoisted out AI. pm: Watch employed painting ship’s side. Mounted AII. 4caf8908cadfd341970240f8: ( 53-53364-004_1.jpg) 5 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. pm: 2 court martial prisoners sent to "Cormorant." 4caf8908cadfd341970240f9: ( 53-53364-005_0.jpg) 6 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed drawing stores and painting ship’s side. 9.0am: Patrol landed. 10.30am: Patrol returned with 2 prisoners. pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side and drawing stores and as requisite. Mounted XII. Hoisted out XI. Mounted XI. 4caf8908cadfd341970240fa: ( 53-53364-005_1.jpg) 7 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting ship’s side and as requisite. Hands employed drawing stores, painting and as requisite. 1.40pm: 2 court martial prisoners discharged to detention barracks. pm: Hands employed painting, drawing stores and as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd341970240fb: ( 53-53364-006_0.jpg) 8 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed painting ship drawing stores and as requisite. pm: Hands employed painting ship drawing stores and as requisite. 1 Assistant Paymaster RNR joined ship. 4caf8908cadfd341970240fc: ( 53-53364-006_1.jpg) 9 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting ship, drawing stores and as requisite. am: Hands employed painting ship drawing stores and provisions. 10.40pm: 2 ratings brought on board by patrol. 4caf8908cadfd341970240fd: ( 53-53364-007_0.jpg) 10 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.30am: Discharged 1 rating to SS "Benalla." Hands employed painting ship drawing stores and as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd341970240fe: ( 53-53364-007_1.jpg) 11 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed painting ship drawing stores and as requisite. 11.45am: Read warrants Nos 23, 24, & 25. 2.0pm: 3 ratings discharged to detention barracks. 4caf8908cadfd341970240ff: ( 53-53364-008_0.jpg) 12 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 4caf8908cadfd34197024100: ( 53-53364-008_1.jpg) 13 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed painting, drawing stores and as requisite. Read warrants nos 26, 27, & 28. 1.15pm: Read warrants nos 29 & 30. 1.30pm: Discharged 2 ratings to detention barracks. Hands employed painting, drawing stores and as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd34197024101: ( 53-53364-009_0.jpg) 14 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting, drawing stores and as requisite. 11.45am: Read warrant no 31. am: Hands employed painting, drawing and stowing stores and as requisite. 1.25pm: Mounted Y1 gun. 4caf8908cadfd34197024102: ( 53-53364-009_1.jpg) 15 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting, drawing stores and as requisite. pm: Hands employed painting, drawing stores and provisions and as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd34197024103: ( 53-53364-010_0.jpg) 16 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, drawing stores and provisions, stowing cables and ammunition. pm: Both cables turned end for end, the inboard length in each cable condemned. Hands employed stowing stores, anchors and cables, launching and hoisting starboard boats. 4caf8908cadfd34197024104: ( 53-53364-010_1.jpg) 17 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Arrived alongside No 4 shed, South Mole. Hands employed scraping and holystoning decks and as requisite. 10.45am: Started coaling. Read warrants nos 32 and 33. pm: Hands employed holystoning decks and as requisite. 4.15pm: Stopped coaling. 520 tons received. 4caf8908cadfd34197024105: ( 53-53364-011_0.jpg) 18 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.20am: Started coaling. Hands employed holystoning decks and as requisite. 11.15am: Discharged 1 seaman rating to hospital. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.20am: Finished coaling, 1400 tons received. Discharged 1 Midshipman to "Highflyer." [light cruiser, ex-2nd-class protected cruiser, Hyacinth-class] 4caf8908cadfd34197024106: ( 53-53364-011_1.jpg) 19 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Saturday routine. 2.50pm: Provision lighter alongside. Red watch taking in provisions. 2.15pm: Thomas William Domminen RFR, ON 1892 Chatham died in RN Hospital. 4caf8908cadfd34197024107: ( 53-53364-012_0.jpg) 20 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side, launching and hoisting port boats and as requisite. 11.45am: Received 4 boxes 3” ammunition for "Essex." pm: Hands employed securing boats, cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. 2.25pm: Funeral party landed, one fireman joined ship from Detention Barracks. 4.55pm: Funeral party returned. 9 ratings joined ship from "Cormorant" for passage to "Essex" and "Marmora." 4caf8908cadfd34197024108: ( 53-53364-012_1.jpg) 21 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. White watch drawing and stowing frozen stores. 3.0pm: 2 stokers returned from detention. 4caf8908cadfd34197024109: ( 53-53364-013_0.jpg) 22 December 1915 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Blue watch painting ship, remainder of hands getting in provisions. 9.15am: Lieutenant Commander Dickens, RNR joined ship. 11.0am: 8 ratings joined for passage. 11.40am: Lieutenant Commander Ward RN left ship. 1.10pm: Let go and proceeded. 6.0pm: Spartel Light House S65E(T) 14' 4caf8908cadfd3419702410a: ( 53-53364-013_1.jpg) 23 December 1915 From Gibraltar to Funchal Noon position Lat 34.4, Long -11.0 Forads Light House S70W 300’ Hands employed painting and as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd3419702410b: ( 53-53364-014_0.jpg) 24 December 1915 From Gibraltar to Salvage Islands Noon position Lat 32.2, Long -14.6 Great Salvage Island S28W 140’ Saturday routine. 4caf8908cadfd3419702410c: ( 53-53364-014_1.jpg) 25 December 1915 From Gibraltar to Salvage and Canary Islands Noon position Lat 29.9, Long -15.9 Great Piton Island N39W 14’ 7.0am: Sighted King Alfred. 9.05am: K.A.'s cutter alongside. 9.43am: Cutter left with mail and RA's stores. Proceeded. 4caf8908cadfd3419702410d: ( 53-53364-015_0.jpg) 26 December 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -15.3 Isleta Light House S16W 18’ 9.30am: Sighted Essex. 11.0am: Stopped. Discharged 5 ratings and 1 Assistant Paymaster RNR to Essex, also 800 lbs. beef. 11.28am: Proceeded. 4caf8908cadfd3419702410e: ( 53-53364-015_1.jpg) 27 December 1915 Off the Canaries Lat 28.9, Long -13.9 4.30am: Engine Lieutenant Rankin reported Charles Harris, Fireman to be missing. Ship searched without success, presumed to have fallen overboard. 6.54am: Sighted “Essex.” 7.09am: Pechiguerra Light House N2W 1’ 7.32am: Let go port anchor in 13 fathoms [in Papagayo Bay]. Hands employed discharging stores to Essex. 1.30pm: Finished discharging stores to Essex. 3.50pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8908cadfd3419702410f: ( 53-53364-016_0.jpg) 28 December 1915 Off the Canaries Lat 28.3, Long -15.1 11.15am: Let go port anchor. [off La Luz] 4.13pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8908cadfd34197024110: ( 53-53364-016_1.jpg) 29 December 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -15.2 Isleta Light House S21 W 27’ am: Hands employed shifting outboard length of cable (star. side) painting and as requisite. 4.0pm: Read warrant no 34. 4caf8908cadfd34197024111: ( 53-53364-017_0.jpg) 30 December 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -16.3 Abona Point Light House S74W 10’ 8.55am: Engines and Course as requisite. for 1” aiming practice. 10.0am: Picked up target. Proceeded. Hands employed unshackling outboard length of port cable, painting and as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd34197024112: ( 53-53364-017_1.jpg) 31 December 1915 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -15.2 Iseta Light House S28W 25’ 7.30am: Fired two blank charges. 7.34 am: Stopped and sent sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS Leon XIII 8.20am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 8.50am: Dropped target. Engines and courses as requisite for 1” aiming practice. 9.35am: Target hoisted and proceeded. 9.50am: General Quarters. Out collision mat. 10.20am: Full astern, sent away starboard sea boat. 10.34am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1916 4caf8908cadfd34197024117: ( 53-53365-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8908cadfd34197024118: ( 53-53365-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8908cadfd3419702411a: ( 53-53365-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 Jan 1916] 4caf8908cadfd3419702411b: ( 53-53365-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8908cadfd3419702411c: ( 53-53365-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.1 Anteguerra Point N51W 1.5’ 7.45am: Sighted “Carmania.” 10.07am: Sent away sea boat to "Carmania." 10.12am: Carmania's boat alongside with mails. 10.28am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded slow. 8.44pm: Observed Abona Light S45W(T). 4caf8908cadfd3419702411d: ( 53-53365-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -16.0 Anteguerra Point S78W 4.7’ 10.30am: Church. 4caf8908cadfd3419702411e: ( 53-53365-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N83W 3’ 3.30pm: Sighted "Carmania." 6.02pm: Stop. “Carmania” boat alongside with mails and letters. 6.13pm: Boat left. Proceeded. 4caf8908cadfd3419702411f: ( 53-53365-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1916 From Canaries to Funchal Noon position Lat 30.1, Long -16.0 Hart Hill (Great Salvage Island) N77E 5.3’ 10.0am: XI & YI Divisional drill, midshipmen to navigation. Hands preparing ship for coaling and as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd34197024120: ( 53-53365-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1916 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.55am: Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms. 8.40am: Water tanker alongside. Hands employed discharging stores to "King Alfred." 4.0pm: Assistant Paymaster Case RNR [only mentioned; maybe an uncompleted entry?] 4.48pm: finished discharging stores to King Alfred, hoisted boats, hands preparing for coaling. 6.10pm: Collier “Grocwen” made fast alongside. 7.40pm: King Alfred sailed. 4caf8908cadfd34197024121: ( 53-53365-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1916 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.40am: Started coaling. 9.15pm: Finished coaling, 970 tons. 4caf8908cadfd34197024122: ( 53-53365-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1916 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.35am: Let go collier. 7.55am: Weighed and proceeded. Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8908cadfd34197024123: ( 53-53365-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.9, Long -15.7 Anaga Point Light House S54W 29’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Midshipmen at seamanship. 3.42pm: Stop and as requisite. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish SS "Reina Victoria." 4.45pm: Sea boat returned with 3 German prisoners. Proceeded. 5.0pm: Stop and as requisite. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Dutch SS "Blotberg." 5.49pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8908cadfd34197024124: ( 53-53365-007_1.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 8 January and back of attached note of 8 January] 4caf8908cadfd34197024125: ( 53-53365-008_0.jpg) [Attached note] 8th Jany. 1916. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S. “Reina Victoria” at 3:40 pm, off Anaga Point, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. [Attached note] 8th Jany. 1916. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Dutch SS "Blotberg” at 5:30 pm, off Anaga Point, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8908cadfd34197024126: ( 53-53365-008_1.jpg) 9 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.9, Long -15.7 Anaga Light House S52W 30’ 10.30am: Church. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8908cadfd34197024127: ( 53-53365-009_0.jpg) 10 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.0, Long -16.1 Abona Point Light House N63W 18’ 10.0am: General Drill. 10.37am: Secure. 4caf8908cadfd34197024128: ( 53-53365-009_1.jpg) 11 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -16.0 Sardina Point Light House S84E14’ am: Gun watch to divisional drill, hands employed as req, midshipmen to navigation. 4.25pm: Let go port anchor in 15 fathoms. [off La Luz] 7.32pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8908cadfd34197024129: ( 53-53365-010_0.jpg) 12 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.7, Long -15.0 Isleta Light House S31W 39’ am: Midshipmen to seamanship, RNR seamen to rifle drill, Gun watch to divisional drill. A1, A2, B2, Y2 magazine parties to loader. Stokers air bedding and muster bags. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8908cadfd3419702412a: ( 53-53365-010_1.jpg) [Attached note] 13th Jany. 1916. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the British S.S. “Mariston” at 7 pm, off Anaga Point, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8908cadfd3419702412c: ( 53-53365-011_1.jpg) [Attached note] 13th Jany. 1916. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Spanish S.S. “Atlante” at 3 pm, off Anaga Point, Teneriffe. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8908cadfd3419702412d: ( 53-53365-012_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 13 January and back of attached note of 13 January] 4caf8908cadfd3419702412e: ( 53-53365-012_1.jpg) 13 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House West 4.3’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. Midshipmen at ~ drill. 3.02pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish S.S.” Atlante.” 3.35pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. Keeping station 2 cables astern of SS Atlante. 6.55pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to British SS “Mariston.” 7.18pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8908cadfd3419702412f: ( 53-53365-013_0.jpg) 14 January 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.2, Long -15.9 Anaga Light House S19W39’ 9.55am: Dropped target. Proceeded. Course and [propeller] revolutions as requisite. 10.10am: General Quarters. Fired 2 rounds from ½. 11.35am: Cease firing. 11.58am: Picked up target. 3.25pm: Sighted Essex. 4.26pm: Essex cutter alongside with mail. 4.50pm: Proceeded. 7.05pm: Exercised B1 & B2 guns’ crews with searchlight. 9.0pm: Exercised guns’ crews with searchlight. 4caf8908cadfd34197024130: ( 53-53365-013_1.jpg) 15 January 1916 From Canaries to Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 am: Saturday routine. 10.15am: Sighted "King Alfred." 11.40am: Let go port anchor in 28 fathoms. [At Funchal.] 1.48pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8908cadfd34197024131: ( 53-53365-014_0.jpg) 16 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 32.9, Long -20.9 Pargo Point (Madeira) S89E 187’ 10.0am: Divisions and rounds. 10.30am: Prayers. 4caf8908cadfd34197024132: ( 53-53365-014_1.jpg) 17 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 32.8, Long -25.3 Pargo Point (Madeira) East 400’ 10.0am: General drill. Out collision mat. 10.12am: Abandon ship stations. 10.20am: Secure. Midshipmen to control exercise. Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd34197024133: ( 53-53365-015_0.jpg) 18 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 32.3, Long -29.1 Comprida Point (Fayal) N1W 37.2’ am: Midshipmen to navigation. RNR training classes to pistol drill. XI & XII guns crews to divisional drill. 4caf8908cadfd34197024134: ( 53-53365-015_1.jpg) 19 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 31.5, Long -29.1 Comprida Point (Fayal) N1E 417’ am: Gun watch divisional drill and loader. RNR seamen blue watch to pistol drill. Magazine party of blue watch to loader. Midshipmen to seamanship. 4caf8908cadfd34197024135: ( 53-53365-016_0.jpg) 20 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 31.3, Long -29.3 Comprida Point (Fayal) N2E 439’ am: Training classes to pistol drill & loader. Midshipmen to pistol drill & loader. Blue watch divisional drill. 4caf8908cadfd34197024136: ( 53-53365-016_1.jpg) 21 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 31.6, Long -29.3 Comprida Point (Fayal) N2E 418’ 10.0am: General drill. Out collision mat. 10.30am: Secure. Stokers to squad drill, midshipmen to signals, hands employed as requisite. 4caf8908cadfd34197024137: ( 53-53365-017_0.jpg) 22 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 31.7, Long -29.1 Arufrida Point (Fayal) N1W 412’ am: Saturday routine. Hands cleaning ship. Midshipmen at seamanship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf8908cadfd34197024138: ( 53-53365-017_1.jpg) 23 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 32.1, Long -29.1 Comprida Point (Fayal) N1E 389’ 10.0am: Divisions and rounds. 10.30am: Prayers. 7.40 and 9.40pm: Exercised gun watch with searchlights. 4caf8909cadfd34197024139: ( 53-53365-018_0.jpg) 24 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 30.7, Long -28.7 Comprida Point (Fayal) N1W 469’ 9.50am: General drill. Out collision mat. 10.12am: Abandon ship stations. 10.40am: Disperse. Exercised magazine and control parties. Midshipmen to squad drill. Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8909cadfd3419702413a: ( 53-53365-018_1.jpg) 25 January 1916 From Funchal Noon position Lat 32.0, Long -28.9 am: Training class of blue watch 6” drill. Marines infantry drill. White watch divisional drill and loader. Midshipmen navigation. 4caf8909cadfd3419702413b: ( 53-53365-019_0.jpg) 26 January 1916 To Funchal Noon position Lat 32.0, Long -25.4 10.33am: Fired blank charge SS “Ravenshoe” (British). am: White watch of seamen and firemen muster bags. Midshipmen to seamanship. Training class to instruction. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702413c: ( 53-53365-019_1.jpg) [Attached note] 27th January 1916. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Greek S/S Christos Marketos at 3 pm, in Lat. 32 34N, Long. 20 16W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8909cadfd3419702413d: ( 53-53365-020_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 27 January and back of attached note of 27 January] 4caf8909cadfd3419702413e: ( 53-53365-020_1.jpg) 27 January 1916 To Funchal Noon position Lat 32.3, Long -20.6 1.04am: Slow. Speaking French sailing ship “Quevilly.” 1.27am: Proceeded. am: RNR seamen and midshipmen to small arms drill. Gun watch divisional drill, AI, AII, & Q guns’ crews to loader. Remainder of hands preparing ship for coaling and as requisite. 1.45pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Greek S.S. “Christos Marketos.” 2.45pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf8909cadfd3419702413f: ( 53-53365-021_0.jpg) 28 January 1916 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 7.41am: Let go starboard anchor. 8.10am: Collier came alongside. 9.10am: Started coaling. 9.15am: Water tanker came alongside. 10.0am: 4 coolies mates joined ship from Durham Castle. 12.30pm: 2 seamen 1 stoker rating joined ship from Highflyer. Hands employed coaling ship. 4.45pm: Discharged 3 German prisoners and one rating to King Alfred. 5.0pm: Water tanker left. 11.0pm: Stopped coaling. 868 tons received. 4caf8909cadfd34197024140: ( 53-53365-021_1.jpg) 29 January 1916 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 8.0am: Hands coal ship. 1.25pm: Finished coaling from Grocowen. 1.35pm: Collier left. 2.10pm: Collier Ravenstine alongside, hands rigging collier. King Alfred anchored. 2.30pm: Started coaling. 7.0pm: Finished coaling. 1370 tons received. 7.40pm: King Alfred sailed. 4caf8909cadfd34197024141: ( 53-53365-022_0.jpg) 30 January 1916 From Funchal to Canaries Noon position Lat 31.9, Long -16.8 Agulha Point N30E 30’ 7.51am: Weighed and proceeded. Saturday routine. Hands cleaning ship. 4caf8909cadfd34197024142: ( 53-53365-022_1.jpg) 31 January 1916 From Funchal to Canaries Noon position Lat 30.4, Long -16.5 Great Salvage S64E 35’ 2.22pm: Courses as requisite sounding Great Salvage Island. 4.10pm: Courses as requisite sounding Piton Islands. 4.38pm: Proceeded. 7.0pm: Started to zig zag. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1916 4caf8909cadfd34197024147: ( 53-53366-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8909cadfd34197024148: ( 53-53366-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8909cadfd3419702414a: ( 53-53366-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 Mar 1916] 4caf8909cadfd3419702414b: ( 53-53366-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8909cadfd3419702414c: ( 53-53366-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 30.0, Long -17.4 Great Piton Island N89E 71’ am: Midshipmen to navigation. Training classes to instruction. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 5.29pm: a/c as requisite to pick up box in the water. 5.49pm: Stop, sent away sea boat. 6.0pm: Sea boat hoisted, proceeded. Zig zag.(Marks on box: Cape Town, Cape Store, Orchard House Blackwall No 71) 4caf8909cadfd3419702414d: ( 53-53366-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 30.1, Long -17.3 Great Piton Island S86E 66’ am: Blue watch muster bags, stokers air bedding, RNR seamen to Dumaresq. Midshipmen to seamanship. Q guns crew to loader. Gun watch divisional drill. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf8909cadfd3419702414e: ( 53-53366-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 31.1, Long -16.9 Great Piton Island S34E 77’ 7.40am: Sighted Essex. 8.44am Stop and as requisite. while discharging stores and mail to Essex. Sub Lieutenant Vandy RNR and 1 seaman rating joined ship, one signalman discharged to Essex. 9.18am: Proceeded. am: Midshipmen and RNR seamen to rifle drill. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 7.0pm: Peak of Teneriffe S15E(T) 119’ 4caf8909cadfd3419702414f: ( 53-53366-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 31.4, Long -16.6 Great Piton Island S21E 86’ 10.0am: General Quarters. 10.06am: Port battery to fire stations. 10.27am: Cease firing. Secure. Midshipmen to signals. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024150: ( 53-53366-005_1.jpg) [Attached note] 5th Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned officers, this day boarded the Russian Schooner Anna Maria at 6:15 pm, in Lat. 30 44N, Long.17 43W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant Storrie, RNR. 4caf8909cadfd34197024151: ( 53-53366-006_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 5 February and back of attached note of 5 February] 4caf8909cadfd34197024152: ( 53-53366-006_1.jpg) 5 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 31.5, Long -17.9 Great Piton Island S48E 130’ 8.25am: Sighted “King Alfred.” 9.25am: K.A.’s cutter alongside with mails. 1 signal rating joined ship. 10.0am: Cutter left. Proceeded. Hands employed cleaning ship. Midshipmen to seamanship. 6.0pm: Fired blank charge. 6.05pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Russian schooner “Anna Maria.” 6.40pm: Sea boat hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024153: ( 53-53366-007_0.jpg) 6 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.5, Long -17.6 Cumplide Point Light House S17W 43’ 7.25am: Sighted Essex. 7.50am: Essex cutter alongside. 8.25am: Cutter left with mails, beef, and ice. Proceed. 1.25pm: Fired blank charge. 1.37pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Spanish S.S. “Geronimo.” 2.15pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024154: ( 53-53366-007_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 6 February and back of attached note of 6 February] 4caf8909cadfd34197024155: ( 53-53366-008_0.jpg) [Attached note] 6th. Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Spanish S/S Geronimo at 1 45 pm. in Lat 29 30 N Long 17 46 W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson. R.N.R. Wm. Storrie Lieutenant R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd34197024156: ( 53-53366-008_1.jpg) 7 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 31.5, Long -16.9 Agulha Point (Bugio) N22E 57’ 10.0am: General drill. Collision stations, closed WT doors. 10.12am: Abandon ship stations. 10.17am: Replace collision mat. 10.28am: Secure. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024157: ( 53-53366-009_0.jpg) 8 February 1916 Off Madeira Noon position Lat 33.7, Long -17.5 Fora Island Light House S35E 72’ 8.11am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to British SS Highland Heather. 9.07am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. am: Midshipmen to navigation. Gun watch to loader. RNR seamen to gunnery instruction. Marine infantry drill. 12.55pm: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Belgian SS “Elisabethville.” 1.35pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 5.02pm: Fired blank charge. 5.05pm: Fired one round common shell. 5.13pm: Engines as requisite while speaking SS Wellington of Cardiff. 6.16pm: Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024158: ( 53-53366-009_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 8 February and back of attached notes of 8 February] 4caf8909cadfd34197024159: ( 53-53366-010_0.jpg) [Attached note] 8th February. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the British SS Highland Heather at 8.30 am. in Lat 33.18 N Long 17 33 W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson. R.N.R. Wm. Storrie Lieutenant R.N.R. [Attached note] 8th February. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Belgian SS Elisabethville at 1 10 pm. in Lat 33 56 N Long 17 28 W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson R.N.R. Wm. Storrie Lieutenant R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd3419702415a: ( 53-53366-010_1.jpg) 9 February 1916 Off the Straits of Gibraltar Noon position Lat 36.9, Long -14.8 Cape St. Vincent Light House N88E 282’ am: Guns crews of White watch divisional drill. Red watch seamen and marines muster bedding. Training class of Blue watch to control drill. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702415b: ( 53-53366-011_0.jpg) 10 February 1916 Off the Straits of Gibraltar Noon position Lat 37.3, Long -14.1 Cape St. Vincent Light House S87E 250’ 9.56am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Italian S/S Manin. 10.30 am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. am: Midshipmen and RNR seaman of Red watch to small arms drill. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite.
4caf8909cadfd3419702415c: ( 53-53366-011_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 10 February and back of attached note of 10 February] 4caf8909cadfd3419702415d: ( 53-53366-012_0.jpg) [Attached note] 10th Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Italian S/S Manin at 10 15 am. in Lat 37 08N Long 14 04W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson R.N.R. Wm. Storrie Lieutenant R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd3419702415e: ( 53-53366-012_1.jpg) [Attached note] 11th February. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Italian S/S "LUIGINO ACCAME" at 7 50 a.m. in Lat 37-46 N, Long. 13-42 W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson R.N.R. Wm. Storrie Lieutenant R.N.R. [Attached note] 11th Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Danish Barquentine Prqven at 10-15am. in Latitude 37-46 N, Longitude. 13-39 W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson. R.N.R. Wm. Storrie Lieutenant R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd3419702415f: ( 53-53366-013_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 11 February and back of attached notes of 11 February] 4caf8909cadfd34197024160: ( 53-53366-013_1.jpg) 11 February 1916 Off the Straits of Gibraltar Noon position Lat 37.4, Long -13.7 Cape St. Vincent Light House S85E 228’ 7.49am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Italian S/S “Luigino Accame.” 8.15am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 9.30am: Stop Hailed Russian schooner “Avio.” 9.33am: Proceeded. 9.50am: Fired blank charge. 10.03am: Stop. Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Danish barquentine “Prqvin.” 10.28am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. Midshipmen to signals. Gun watch to loader. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024161: ( 53-53366-014_0.jpg) 12 February 1916 Off Madeira Noon position Lat 32.5, Long -15.0 Cima Island Light House S71W 72’ am: Saturday routine, hands employed cleaning ship. 11.20am: Fired a blank charge. 11.55am: Stop and as requisite. Spoke Dutch S.S. Helena. 12.30pm: Proceeded. Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf8909cadfd34197024162: ( 53-53366-014_1.jpg) 13 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.8, Long -16.0 Hart Hill (Great Piton Island) North 14’ [on patrol] 4caf8909cadfd34197024163: ( 53-53366-015_0.jpg) 14 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.8, Long -18.1 Gorda Rocks (Palma Is) East 3.2’ 8.20am: Sighted Essex. 9.40am: Essex cutter alongside. 10.10am: Proceeded. Midshipmen to sword drill. Q & R guns crews to loader. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024164: ( 53-53366-015_1.jpg) [Attached undated note] H. M. S. "OPHIR". We, the undersigned Officers this day boarded the British S. S. "Ryde" at 8.20 a.m. in Lat. 30.41 N. , Long. 17.30 W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson R.N.R., H. Vandy Sub-Lieutenant R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd34197024165: ( 53-53366-016_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 15 February and back of attached undated note.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024166: ( 53-53366-016_1.jpg) 15 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 30.9, Long -17.5 Fora Island Light N20E 119’ 7.45am: Fired a blank. 7.56am: Fired a blank. 8.12am: Stopped and boarded British S. S. "Ryde." 9am: Proceeded. am: White watch to divisional drill. Marines to infantry drill. Blue watch training class to ammunition. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf8909cadfd34197024167: ( 53-53366-017_0.jpg) 16 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 30.5, Long -18.0 Cumplida Point Light House S8E 98’ am: White watch muster bedding. Red watch working ~ part of ship. Stokers of white watch muster bags. Midshipmen to seamanship. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024168: ( 53-53366-017_1.jpg) [Attached note] H.M.S."OPHIR". Feb17th.1916 We the undersigned Officers this day boarded the S/S "L.P.HOLMBLAD" (Danish) at 8.0 a.m. in Lat. 30.29.5N Long. 18.0W Signed, Lieutenant Commander Dickson R.N.R., R. Brown Sub-Lieutenant R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd34197024169: ( 53-53366-018_0.jpg)
[Extreme left edge of log page of 17 February and back of attached note of 17 February.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702416a: ( 53-53366-018_1.jpg) 17 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 30.8, Long -17.6 Fora Island Light House N22E 126’ 7.46am: Stopped and boarded Danish S.S. L.P. “Holmblad.” 8.20am: Proceeded. Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf8909cadfd3419702416b: ( 53-53366-019_0.jpg) 18 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.4, Long -20.1 Amphida Point Light House S74E 126’ [The usual morning exercises. ] 1.09pm: Stopped and boarded British SS Benin. Gun watch employed as requisite. 2.33pm: Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702416c: ( 53-53366-019_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 18 February and back of attached note of 18 February.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702416d: ( 53-53366-020_0.jpg) [Attached note] 18th Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the British S/S Benin at 1-30pm. in Lat. 29-13 N, Long. 20-09 W. Signed, Lieutenant Commander. W.H. Dickson R.N.R. J.M. Caslund Surgeon R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd3419702416e: ( 53-53366-020_1.jpg) [Attached note] H.M.S."OPHIR". 9th February1916. We, the undersigned Officers this day boarded the British Steamship S/S "ANTONY”) at 2.0 p.m. in Lat. 30.28 N Long. 20.08 W. Signed, W.H. Dickson, Lieutenant Commander R.N.R. Wm. Storrie, Lieutenant R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd3419702416f: ( 53-53366-021_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 19 February and back of attached note of 19 February.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024170: ( 53-53366-021_1.jpg) 19 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 30.5, Long -20.3 Complida Point Light House S52E 170’ am: Saturday routine, hands employed cleaning ship. 1.45pm: Fired a blank charge. 2.0pm: Stopped and boarded British SS Anthony. 2.40pm: Proceeded. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf8909cadfd34197024171: ( 53-53366-022_0.jpg) 20 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 31.6, Long -18.4 Pargo Point (Madeira) N37E 93’ am: Saturday routine. [Even though it is Sunday.] Hands preparing ship for coaling. 12.05pm: Sighted “King Alfred.” 1.35pm: Stop. Sent sea boat to “K.A.” 1.50pm: Boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.30pm: Observed Fora Island Light. 4caf8909cadfd34197024172: ( 53-53366-022_1.jpg) 21 February 1916 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 3.42am: Let go star anchor in 20 fathoms. 8.30am: Collier alongside. 9.0am: Water tanker alongside. 9.15am: Started coaling. 1.30pm: Water tank left ship. 8.0pm: Stopped coaling. 650 tons received. 4caf8909cadfd34197024173: ( 53-53366-023_0.jpg) 22 February 1916 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 5.0am: hands secure collier. 6.023am: Hands coal ship. 7.0pm: Stopped coaling, 1200 tons, unrigged collier. 7.048pm: Cast off collier. 11.53pm: Weighed and proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024174: ( 53-53366-023_1.jpg) [Attached note] 23rd Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned Officers this day boarded the Norwegian S/S Numedal at 11-15 p.m. off Funchal. Signed, M.H. Dickson Lieutenant Commander R.N.R. Wm. Storrie, Lieutenant R.N.R. 4caf8909cadfd34197024175: ( 53-53366-024_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 23 February and back of attached note of 23 February.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024176: ( 53-53366-024_1.jpg) 23 February 1916 At Funchal Lat 32.6, Long -16.9 2.06am: Let go star anchor in 23 fathoms. 7.20am: Collier Brandon secured alongside. Hands rig collier. 8.12am: Started coaling. 9.45am: One Fireman joined ship from collier “Reresby.” 11.30am: Carmania arrived and anchored. 1.35pm: 1 CPO and 12 hands drawing stores from Carmania. 6.15pm: Finished coaling. 1750 tons received. 7.0pm: Collier cast off. 8.53pm: Weighed and proceeded. 9.25pm: Slow and as requisite whilst closing SS “Numedal.” 10.45pm: Stopped and boarded. 11.45pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded into Funchal to recover boarding officers. 4caf8909cadfd34197024177: ( 53-53366-025_0.jpg) 24 February 1916 From Funchal to Canary Islands Noon position Lat 30.8, Long -16.5 Anaga Light House S9E 131’ am: Courses and [engine] revolutions as requisite into Funchal Bay. 12.58am: Stop and as requisite, lowered sea boat. 1.30am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. am: Saturday routine. [Now on Thursday.] Hands cleaning ship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 6.55pm: Observed peak of Teneriffe S5½E(T). 4caf8909cadfd34197024178: ( 53-53366-025_1.jpg) [Attached note] 25th Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned Officers this day boarded the SS "Zeta" at 6-30 pm off Santa Cruz, Teneriffe. Signed, W.H. Dickson Lieutenant Commander, Wm. Storrie Lieutenant RNR. 4caf8909cadfd34197024179: ( 53-53366-026_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 25 February and back of attached note of 25 February.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702417a: ( 53-53366-026_1.jpg) 25 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House S81W 5 cables 12.41am: Sighted "Lutly." 12.54am: Stop and as requisite to speak to “Lutly.” 1.15am: Proceeded. 7.50am: Stop. Hands employed cleaning ship’s side. Firemen of white watch to squad drill. Midshipmen to signals. 10.23am: Proceeded slow. 10.56am: Stop off Santa Cruz breakwater. 11.08am: Sent away 1st whaler with Captain. 12.45pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 6.21pm: Stop and as requisite. boarded SS Zeta (Dutch). 6.42pm: Proceeded. 4caf8909cadfd3419702417b: ( 53-53366-027_0.jpg) 26 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -16.1 Anaga Light House S29W 29’ 8.40am: a/c SW to close SS “Gorland.” (Dutch) am: Saturday routine. Hands employed cleaning ship. Midshipmen to seamanship. 11.47am: Stop and as requisite boarded Dutch SS Eemland. 12.26pm: Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702417c: ( 53-53366-027_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 26 February and back of attached note of 26 February.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702417d: ( 53-53366-028_0.jpg) [Attached note] 26th Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned Officers this day boarded SS "Eemland" at noon in 29-1N, 15-51W, Signed, W.H. Dickson Lieutenant Commander, Wm. Storrie Lieutenant RNR. 4caf8909cadfd3419702417e: ( 53-53366-028_1.jpg) 27 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.8, Long -17.2 Tens Point Light House S26E 27’ 1.33am: a/c South to close SS. 5.55am: a/c WSW to close sailing vessel. 10.20am: Prayers. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf8909cadfd3419702417f: ( 53-53366-029_0.jpg) 28 February 1916 Off the Canaries Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 7.0am: Anteguerra Point N79W 2’ Sighted Carmania. 8.20am: Let go star anchor in 30 fathoms. [off Santa Cruz] Received mail from Carmania. Hands employed drawing stores from Carmania. 12.45pm: Hands employed taking in stores. 2.0pm: Replaced outboard schedule of cable on starboard cable inboard end. 4.39pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8909cadfd34197024180: ( 53-53366-029_1.jpg) [Attached note] 29th Feby. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Schooner Evelyn W. Hickley at 11am in Lat. 28-02N, Long 15-08W., Signed, W.H. Dickson Lieutenant Commander, G. Holtie Jr. Midshipman RNR. [Attached note] HMS OPHIR 29th February. 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the British SS "Kaduna" at 2.35pm in Lat 27.43N, Long 15.30W. Signed, W.H. Dickson Lieutenant Commander, H. Vandy Sub. Lieutenant RNR. 4caf8909cadfd34197024181: ( 53-53366-030_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 29 February and back of attached notes of 29 February.] 4caf8909cadfd34197024182: ( 53-53366-030_1.jpg) 29 February 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.9, Long -15.2 Arenaga Point Light House S74W 9.5’ am: Midshipmen to navigation. 10.40am: Stop and as requisite. boarded USA schooner “Evelyn W. Hickley.” 11.20am: Proceeded. AI & II, XI & II, BII, YII guns crews to loader. 2.29pm: Stopped & boarded British SS Kaduna. 2.58pm: Proceeded. 4.57pm: Challenged French cruiser "Chateaurenault." 5.01pm: Stop and as requisite. Sent away 1st whaler with Captain. 6.10pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. LOGS FOR MARCH 1916 4caf8909cadfd34197024187: ( 53-53367-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8909cadfd34197024188: ( 53-53367-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8909cadfd3419702418a: ( 53-53367-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 April 1916] 4caf8909cadfd3419702418b: ( 53-53367-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8909cadfd3419702418c: ( 53-53367-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.2, Long -14.9 Pechiguerra Light House S68E 59’ am: Red watch stokers air bedding. Seamen muster bags. Training class Blue watch to Morris tube, midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. Hands fall in for monthly payment. 4.05pm: Evening quarters and physical drill. 4caf890acadfd3419702418d: ( 53-53367-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 27.8, Long -15.8 Maspalomas Light House S83E 10’ 8.15am: Sighted French cruiser “Duhetit Thomass.” 9.08am Stop and as requisite communicating with Duhetit Thomass. am: Training classes and midshipmen small arms drill. Guns crews to loader. 10.58am: Whaler hoisted. Proceeded. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Stop off Candellaria. 5.45pm: Sent away No. 3 boat for sand. 7.30pm: No 3 boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 4caf890acadfd3419702418e: ( 53-53367-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.8, Long -15.6 Anaga Point Light House S68W 30.5’ 10.05am: General Quarters [drills follow. ] 11.30am: Proceeded. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.40pm: Sighted Essex. 4caf890acadfd3419702418f: ( 53-53367-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1916 Off the Canaries Lat 28.1, Long -16.8 6.50am: Sighted Essex. 8.18am: Stop. Let go port anchor in 15 fathoms. [in Cristianos Bay, Teneriffe] Hands employed taking in stores from Essex and cleaning ship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 2.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf890acadfd34197024190: ( 53-53367-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.5, Long -16.2 Santa Cruz Mole Light House S67W 7 cables 12.56am: Stop 3’ off Santa Cruz, engines as required to maintain position. 2.54am: Proceeded NW to close SS. 4.50am: Fired a blank [from] XI. 5.13am: Stop. 5.45am: Proceeded. 9.50am: Hands muster by the Open List. 10.01am: Stop. 10.15am: Church. 10.30am: Proceeded towards Santa Cruz breakwater. 10.45am: Sent away 2nd whaler with Captain. Engines as required to maintain ship’s position. 12.20pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 11.56pm: Full astern, “E2 Paraguaya” steaming without lights. 11.58pm: Proceeded. 4caf890acadfd34197024191: ( 53-53367-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -16.1 2.50am: a/c to close SS “Neepwah.” 2.54am: Stop. 3.20am: Proceeded. 7.30am: Sighted French cruiser “Gloire.” 10.0am: General Drill. 10.38am: Proceeded. 12.40pm: a/c to close SS “Villa Reale.” 5.0pm: Sighted “King Alfred.” 6.25pm: K.A.s cutter alongside 6.34pm: Cutter left. 4caf890acadfd34197024192: ( 53-53367-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -16.3 Santa Cruz Mole Light House N13E 7.3’ 8.12am: Stop. Hands employed painting ship’s side. 11.50am: Proceeded. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890acadfd34197024193: ( 53-53367-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.0, Long -16.2 Anaga Light House S7E 25’ 9.45am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. Midshipmen to seamanship. 2.26pm: Stop and as requisite. boarded Dutch SS Zeal~. 3.30pm: Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf890acadfd34197024194: ( 53-53367-007_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 8 March and back of attached note of 8 March.] 4caf890acadfd34197024195: ( 53-53367-008_0.jpg) [Attached note] March 8th 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Dutch steamer "Zealandia” at 2 30pm. Signed, W.H. Dickson Lieutenant Commander, G. Holtie Jr. Midshipman RNR. 4caf890acadfd34197024196: ( 53-53367-008_1.jpg) 9 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 28.9, Long -16.2 Anaga Light House S15E 16’ 8.45am: Dropped target. Course and [engine] revolutions as requisite for 1” aiming practice. 9.37am: Target hoisted inboard. Proceeded. Hands employed painting ship’s side. 11.13am: Midshipmen to loader and 6” drill. 12.35pm: Observed drifting mooring buoy. 12.50pm: Fired 3 rounds of common shell from Y2 and sank same, Lat. 28 47N Long 16 10W. 1.10pm: Gun watch employed painting ship’s side. 1.45pm: Finished painting. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf890acadfd34197024197: ( 53-53367-009_0.jpg) 10 March 1916 Off the Canaries Noon position Lat 29.9, Long -16.2 Great Piton Island N47E 10’ am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. Midshipmen to signals. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890acadfd34197024198: ( 53-53367-009_1.jpg) 11 March 1916 From the Canaries to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon Position Lat 29.3, Long -18.1 Cumplida Point Light House S33E 30’ am: Saturday routine. Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890acadfd34197024199: ( 53-53367-010_0.jpg) 12 March 1916 From the Canaries to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon Position Lat 25.5, Long -20.4 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.04pm: Fired a blank from A2. 6.12pm: Course and speed as required to speak Brazilian SS "Tupy." 6.50pm: Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf890acadfd3419702419a: ( 53-53367-010_1.jpg) [Attached note] HMS OPHIR 13 March 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Greek Steamer "Andreas" at 7:35 pm in Lat. 20.31N Long. 23.10 W Signed, Lieutenant-Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant H. Vandy RNR. 4caf890acadfd3419702419b: ( 53-53367-011_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 13 March and back of attached note of 13 March.] 4caf890acadfd3419702419c: ( 53-53367-011_1.jpg) 13 March 1916 From the Canaries to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon Position Lat 21.8, Long -22.4 am: Midshipmen to cutlass drill. Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 7.34pm: Stopped and boarded Greek SS "Andreas." 8.0pm: Proceeded. 11.55pm: Speaking Norwegian SS "Arna." 11.58pm: Proceeded. 4caf890acadfd3419702419d: ( 53-53367-012_0.jpg) 14 March 1916 From the Canaries to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon Position Lat 17.9, Long -24.5 am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. Midshipmen to navigation. 5.0pm: Let go star anchor in 10 fathoms. [off Porto Grande, St. Vincent, Cape Verde Island] pm: Hands employed scrapping [sic] and scrubbing ship’s side on water line. [Note: they had to put back the ship’s clocks 2 hours upon arrival in the Cape Verdes. Oops.] 4caf890acadfd3419702419e: ( 53-53367-012_1.jpg) 15 March 1916 at Porto Grande Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed scrapping [sic] and scrubbing ship’s side on water line. 9.20am: Collier secured alongside. 10.05am: Hands coal ship. 7.0pm: Stopped coaling, received 529.9 tons. Darkened ship. 4caf890acadfd3419702419f: ( 53-53367-013_0.jpg) 16 March 1916 at Porto Grande Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 5.20am: Hands coal ship. “Sutley” arrived and anchored. 12.55pm: Read warrant no 37. 10.30pm: Finished coaling, 1,400 tone received. 11.45pm: Collier cast off. 4caf890acadfd341970241a0: ( 53-53367-013_1.jpg) 17 March 1916 at Porto Grande Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and painting ship’s side. 6.55pm: "King Alfred" arrived and anchored. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and painting ship’s side. 3.0pm: "Marmora" sailed. 5.0pm: Read warrant no 38. 4caf890acadfd341970241a1: ( 53-53367-014_0.jpg) 18 March 1916 at Porto Grande Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.20am: "Marmora" arrived and anchored. 5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded 4caf890acadfd341970241a2: ( 53-53367-014_1.jpg) 19 March 1916 From St. Vincent to Gibraltar or at Porto Grande Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 5.33am: Let go star anchor in 9 fathoms. 7.20am: 4 ratings and 1 prisoner joined ship from "Sutley". 8.0am: "Sutley" sailed. 9.45am: Lieutenant Chambers RNVR joined ship from King Alfred. 12.25pm: Weighed and proceeded. 12.44pm: Stop and as req, waiting for boat to land 1 native. 1.13pm: Proceeded. 4caf890acadfd341970241a3: ( 53-53367-015_0.jpg) 20 March 1916 From St. Vincent to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 20.2, Long -23.5 Bull Point Light House S25W 207’ am: Training classes to drill. Midshipmen to gunnery. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 10.20pm: Closed Russian barque "Lucifara". 10.42pm: Proceeded. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf890acadfd341970241a4: ( 53-53367-015_1.jpg) [Attached note] 21st March 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded the Norwegian ship “Edon” at 6-45pm in Lat. 24-56N, Long, 21-20W. Signed, R.P. Galer, Lieutenant RNR, Wm. Storrie, Lieutenant RNR. 4caf890acadfd341970241a5: ( 53-53367-016_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 21 March and back of attached note of 21 March.] 4caf890acadfd341970241a6: ( 53-53367-016_1.jpg) 21 March 1916 From St. Vincent to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 23.9, Long -21.8 Fuencaliente Light House [Palma, Canaries] N38E 346’ 6.15am: Sighted “Sutley.” 10.06 am: Stop. Sutley cutter alongside with 1 marine officer, servant and mails. 10.12am: Proceeded. Midshipmen to navigation. Gun watch divisional drill. Remainder holystoning quarterdeck and as requisite. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 6.39pm: Stop. Boarded Norwegian sailing ship "Edon." Patent log line and rotator lost overboard. Sighted Essex. 7.15pm: Proceeded. 7.42pm: Stop. Essex cutter alongside with 2 ratings for hospital and mails. 7.55pm: 2nd cutter alongside with 3 prisoners. 8.20pm: Cutter left with beef & ice. 8.25pm: Proceeded. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf890acadfd341970241a7: ( 53-53367-017_0.jpg) 22 March 1916 From St. Vincent to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 27.0, Long -19.3 Fuencaliente Light House [Palma, Canaries] N42E 116’ 9.39am: Stop, spoke Danish SS "Rosenborg", proceeded. am: Red watch seamen and marines muster bedding. Red watch stokers muster bags. Midshipmen to seamanship. Hands employed as requisite. 1.45pm: Sighted Hierro Island. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 9.20pm: Observed Fuencaliente Light N5E(T) 4caf890acadfd341970241a8: ( 53-53367-017_1.jpg) 23 March 1916 From St. Vincent to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 29.8, Long -15.5 Great Salvage Island N43W 25’ am: Midshipmen and training classes to 6” drill. Gun watch to divisional drill. Hands employed painting and as requisite. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Slow, speaking British SS "Penase." 4.53pm: Proceeded. 4caf890acadfd341970241a9: ( 53-53367-018_0.jpg) 24 March 1916 From St. Vincent to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 32.4, Long -11.6 Cape St. Vincent Light House N25E 310’ 8.50am: Blue watch stokers to squad drill. 10.0am: Fire and Collision stations. Out collision mat. Out all boats. 10.50am: Secure. Midshipmen to signals. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890acadfd341970241aa: ( 53-53367-018_1.jpg) 25 March 1916 From St. Vincent to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 34.9, Long -7.6 Cape Spartel Light House N57E 97.5’ am: Hands employed painting ship. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 3.15pm: Stop, speaking Norwegian SS "Anna Sofri", proceeded. 10.0pm: Observed glare of Cadiz Light N6E(T) 75'. 4caf890acadfd341970241ab: ( 53-53367-019_0.jpg) 26 March 1916 From St. Vincent to and at Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.09am: Entered harbour. 6.27am: All fast to detached mole. 7.43am: Cast off hawsers and proceeded to No 1 dry dock, assisted by tugs. 8.20am: All fast. Started pumping out dock. 10.0am: Ship took the blocks. 10.35am: Discharged 7 ratings to hospital, hospital party landed. 11.46am: Hospital party returned. pm: Red watch employed getting out frozen stores. 4caf890acadfd341970241ac: ( 53-53367-019_1.jpg) 27 March 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, returning stores, and painting. pm: Discharged to detention 2 stokers, 1 ordinary seaman, 1 ordinary telegraphist, 1 private RMLI 1.15pm: Read warrant no 36. pm: Hands employed returning stores and painting ship. 4caf890acadfd341970241ad: ( 53-53367-020_0.jpg) 28 March 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.10am: Landed 1 PO & 4 hands. Picket House party. am: Hands employed returning stores and painting ship. 11.30am: Picket House party returned. pm: Hands employed returning stores, painting ship and as requisite. 4caf890acadfd341970241ae: ( 53-53367-020_1.jpg) 29 March 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed returning and drawing stores, painting ship and as requisite. Discharged provisions to cold chamber. pm: Hands employed returning stores, painting ship and as requisite. 4caf890acadfd341970241af: ( 53-53367-021_0.jpg) 30 March 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Landed Picket House party 1 PO & 4 hands. am: Hands employed drawing and returning stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. 11.45am: Picket House party returned. pm: Hands employed drawing and returning stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. 4caf890acadfd341970241b0: ( 53-53367-021_1.jpg) 31 March 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation ground party landed. am: Hands employed drawing stores, painting ship and as requisite. pm: Hands employed drawing and returning stores, scraping and painting ship. 5.0pm: Recreation ground party returned. 5.30pm: Lieutenant Chambers RNVR and 1 marine left ship for "Glory." LOGS FOR APRIL 1916 4caf890acadfd341970241b5: ( 53-53368-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890acadfd341970241b6: ( 53-53368-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890acadfd341970241b8: ( 53-53368-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 May 1916] 4caf890acadfd341970241b9: ( 53-53368-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890acadfd341970241ba: ( 53-53368-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. Picket House party landed. Hands employed drawing stores, painting and as requisite. 11.30am: Picket house party returned. 11.45am: Recreation Ground party returned. Hands fell in for monthly payment. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241bb: ( 53-53368-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241bc: ( 53-53368-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed drawing stores, painting and as requisite. 10.30am: Discharged 1 gunner and 1 stoker rating to hospital. pm: Hands employed drawing stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241bd: ( 53-53368-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed drawing stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. Both whalers landed in dockyard. pm: Hands employed drawing stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. 3.30pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241be: ( 53-53368-005_1.jpg)
5 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. am: Hands employed drawing stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. 11.30am: Picket house party returned. pm: Hands employed drawing stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. 3.35pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241bf: ( 53-53368-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed drawing stores, painting and as requisite. 11.30am: Picket house party returned. 1.30pm: Read warrant no 39. Discharged 1 stoker rating to detention. Hands employed drawing stores, painting and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241c0: ( 53-53368-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed drawing stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. pm: Hands employed drawing stores, scraping, painting and as requisite. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241c1: ( 53-53368-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.45am: Picket house party returned. 11.50am: Recreation Ground party returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf890acadfd341970241c2: ( 53-53368-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 9.45am: Division, Rounds, and Prayers. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241c3: ( 53-53368-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed drawing stores, painting and as requisite. pm: Hands employed drawing stores, painting and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241c4: ( 53-53368-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed scraping, painting, refitting and as requisite. 11.45am: Picket house party returned. pm: Hands employed painting, refitting and as requisite. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241c5: ( 53-53368-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed 8.45am: Hands fell in for route march. 11.30am: Landing party returned. 1.15pm: Read warrants nos 40-41-44. Hands employed scraping, painting and as requisite. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241c6: ( 53-53368-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed drawing stores, painting, and as requisite. 11.45am: Picket house party returned. pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241c7: ( 53-53368-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed painting, refitting, and as requisite. pm: Hands employed refitting, painting, and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241c8: ( 53-53368-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed cleaning, painting, and refitting ship. 11.45am: Picket house party returned. 10.15am: Discharged 1 seaman and 1 Engine Room rating to hospital. 11.30am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties returned. 1.15pm: Liberty men landed. Hands make and mend clothes. 2.20pm: Recreation Ground Patrol landed. 5.40pm: Recreation Ground Patrol returned. 4caf890acadfd341970241c9: ( 53-53368-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1916 ["Delete this page" written above header.] At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I and South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed refitting, painting, and as requisite. 11.45am: Picket house party returned. 1.50pm: Started to flood dock. 3.35pm: Left dry dock. 3.55pm: All fast at No 5 shed, South Mole. 4.15pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 5.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241ca: ( 53-53368-011_1.jpg) 16 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1:30 pm: Liberty men landed. 4:10.0pm: Liberty men landed. 5:10.0pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241cb: ( 53-53368-012_0.jpg) 17 April 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I and South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed refitting, painting, and as requisite. 11.40am: Picket house party returned. 1.50pm: Started to flood dock. 3.35pm: Left dry dock. 3.55pm: All fast at No 5 shed, South Mole. 4.15pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 5.10pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241cc: ( 53-53368-012_1.jpg) 18 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Hands landed for route march. Remainder of hands employed as requisite, refitting, etc. 11.45am: Landing party returned. pm: Hands employed refitting, painting, and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241cd: ( 53-53368-013_0.jpg) 19 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.45am: Marines landed. Hands employed painting, refitting, and as requisite. 11.30am: Marine Landing Party returned. pm: Hands employed painting, refitting, and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241ce: ( 53-53368-013_1.jpg) 20 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed painting, refitting, and as requisite. 11.40am: Picket house party returned. 1.15pm: Read warrant no 45. Hands employed painting, refitting, and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241cf: ( 53-53368-014_0.jpg) 21 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241d0: ( 53-53368-014_1.jpg) 22 April 1916 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House party landed. Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 10.15am: Discharged 1 private RMLI to hospital. 11.45am: Picket house & Recreation Ground parties returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. Hands make and mend clothes. 5.15pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241d1: ( 53-53368-015_0.jpg) 23 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241d2: ( 53-53368-015_1.jpg) 24 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Hands employed as requisite. Seamen training class to instruction. 11.45am: Picket house party returned. 11.55am: Recreation Ground party returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241d3: ( 53-53368-016_0.jpg) 25 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Two stokers and one seaman discharged to RN hospital. 1.15pm: Read warrant no 46. Hands employed getting in provisions. 1.25pm: Discharged one prisoner to detention barracks. Engine Lieutenant discharged to "Orsova" for passage. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. [The previous three entries are out of order in the logbook.] 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4caf890acadfd341970241d4: ( 53-53368-016_1.jpg) 26 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. Blue watch landed for drill. Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Blue watch returned. 11.40am: Picket house party returned. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 5.10pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241d5: ( 53-53368-017_0.jpg) 27 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed as requisite. 8.45am: Marines landed for route march. 9.15am: Red watch landed for drill. 11.30am: Marine and Red watch party returned. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241d6: ( 53-53368-017_1.jpg) 28 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. 8.45am: Seamen landed for route march. 11.30am: Landing & Picket House parties returned. pm: Hands employed drawing stores & as requisite. 2.45pm: Engine Sub Lieutenant Menzies joined from Cormorant. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 5.10pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed. 9.55pm: Red watch darken ship. 4caf890acadfd341970241d7: ( 53-53368-018_0.jpg) 29 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 11.55am: Recreation Ground party returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241d8: ( 53-53368-018_1.jpg) 30 April 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Picket House party and Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. LOGS FOR MAY 1916 4caf890acadfd341970241dd: ( 53-53369-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890acadfd341970241de: ( 53-53369-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890acadfd341970241e0: ( 53-53369-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.322”] 4caf890acadfd341970241e1: ( 53-53369-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890acadfd341970241e2: ( 53-53369-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. 9.30am: Exercised fire quarters and abandon ship. 10.30am: Hands employed painting and refitting. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241e3: ( 53-53369-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. 9.0am: Blue Watch landed for drill. Hands employed drawing stores & as requisite. 11.40am: Blue Watch returned. 11.45am: Picket House party returned. 1.15pm: Read warrants no 47 & 48. Hands employed as requisite. 3.45am: Picket House party returned. [Either this entry or 11:45am entry may mean Recreation Ground Party returned. ] 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241e4: ( 53-53369-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Red Watch landed for drill. Marines landed for route march. Hands employed scraping and painting. 10.10am: (1) marine and (1) steward discharged to RN Hospital. 11.30am: Red Watch returned. 11.40am: Marines returned. 3.35pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241e5: ( 53-53369-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. 9.0am: White Watch landed for drill. Hands employed as requisite. 10.45am: 3 seamen and 1 marine joined from SS "Medina". 11.35am: White Watch returned. 11.45am: Picket House party returned. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241e6: ( 53-53369-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Ship’s company landed for “Route March.” 11.40am: Landing party returned. 3.15pm: One fireman and one marine joined ship from Detention Barracks. One seaman joined from “Carmania.” 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. Received 14 cases of stores from “Carmania.” 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241e7: ( 53-53369-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground and Picket House parties landed. 9.0am: Patrol landed. 10.15am: Discharged 1 officer to hospital. 11.20am: Hospital party returned. 11.35am: Picket House party & Patrol returned. 11.55pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 1.15pm: Read warrants No 49, 50, 51. Discharged 3 engine room ratings to Detention Barracks. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 3.30pm: Two marines joined from Detention. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241e8: ( 53-53369-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 3.0pm: Funeral party landed. 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 6.10pm: Funeral party returned. 4caf890acadfd341970241e9: ( 53-53369-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.50am: Red Watch to "Carmania" for working party. 8.0am: Blue & White Watches to "Carmania" for working party. 8.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. 10.15am: Discharged one engine room rating to RN hospital. 1.30pm: Blue & White Watches to "Carmania" as working party. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 5.15pm: Liberty men and patrol landed. 7.35pm: Carmania working party returned. 8.0pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241ea: ( 53-53369-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.50am: White Watch to "Carmania" as working party. 7.50am: Red & Blue Watches to "Carmania" as working party. 8.15am: Recreation Ground & Picket House parties landed. 11.45am: Picket House party returned. 11.55am: Carmania working party returned. 1.15pm: Carmania working party left ship. 3.45pm: Recreation party returned. 4.05pm: Working party returned. 4.45pm: Working party to Carmania. 6.20pm: One rating joined from RN Hospital. 6.45pm: Working party returned. 4caf890acadfd341970241eb: ( 53-53369-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 9.15am: White Watch landed for drill. 11.15am: Discharged one rating to RN hospital. 11.35am: White watch & Hospital party returned. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Read warrants no 52, 53, 54. Discharged three engine room ratings to Detention Barracks. 2.30pm: One fireman joined from detention. 3.45pm: Recreation party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241ec: ( 53-53369-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. 8.45am: Marines landed for route march. 10.0am: One rating joined from Caledonia. 11.30am: Picket House party and Marines returned. 3.40pm: Recreation party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241ed: ( 53-53369-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Seamen landed for route march. 11.25am: Landing party returned. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241ee: ( 53-53369-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1916 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground & Picket House parties landed. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.30am: Hospital party landed. 11.45am: Hospital, Picket House, & Recreation parties returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 3 P.O's and 1 Marine discharged to Transport “Royal George.” Read warrant No 55. 1 fireman discharged to detention & 1 returned. 5.10pm: Liberty men & patrol landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241ef: ( 53-53369-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 2.15pm: Hospital party landed with 13 cots, 6 from "Swiftsure" [pre-dreadnought battleship,], 6 from "Ophir" and 1 from "Cormorant." 5.10pm: Patrol landed. 5.45pm: Hospital party returned. 4caf890acadfd341970241f0: ( 53-53369-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. 9.20am: Red watch landed for drill. 11.35am: Red watch returned. 11.40am: Picket House party returned. 1.30pm: Hands returning ammunition to store. 3.40pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241f1: ( 53-53369-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.15am: Recreation Ground & Picket House parties landed. 9.25am: White watch landed for drill. 11.15am: Picket House party returned. 11.35am: White watch returned. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241f2: ( 53-53369-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed returning ammunition and cleaning ship. am: Recreation party landed. 11.45am: Hands “Man Ship.” Guard turned out. pm: Hands employed returning ammunition. 3.40pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. [Manned ship: in this usage it means all the sailors stood along the ship’s rails as a sign of respect or honour to someone, while dressed in their best uniform. In sailing ship days they would stand on the yards. This seems to just be an exercise today, as no official person is mentioned. ] 4caf890acadfd341970241f3: ( 53-53369-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. Hands employed getting out ammunition. 10.20am: Discharged 1 Midshipman to RN hospital. 11.30am: Picket House party returned. 2.40pm: Finished discharging ammunition. 3.15pm: One rating returned from detention. Recreation party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890acadfd341970241f4: ( 53-53369-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. 8.45am: Hands employed provisioning ship. 11.30am: Picket House party returned. 1.15pm: Hands employed taking in provisions. 3.40pm: Recreation party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241f5: ( 53-53369-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.15am: Hospital party landed. 11.45am: Hospital party returned. 11.55am: Recreation party returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. Read warrants no 56-57. 1.45pm: Discharged 1 marine to detention. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241f6: ( 53-53369-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241f7: ( 53-53369-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 9:15 am: Read Court Martial returns December 1915. 1:30 pm:. Hands employed as requisite. 3:40 pm: Recreation party returned. 4:10.0pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241f8: ( 53-53369-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8:15 am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 1:15.0pm: Read warrants 58 & 60. 3:40 pm: Recreation party returned. 4:10.0pm: Liberty men landed. 5:25.0pm: 1 Engine Room rating returned from hospital. 4caf890bcadfd341970241f9: ( 53-53369-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. 10.10am: Two Midshipmen joined ship. 11.30am: Picket House party returned. pm: Read warrant no 59. 1.15pm: Discharged one stoker to detention. Hands make and mend clothes. 2.25pm: Recreation party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241fa: ( 53-53369-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 10.0am: Hospital party landed. 11.0am: Discharged Acting Lieutenants Burnes and Storey to transport. Noon: Hospital party returned. 3.45pm: Recreation party returned. 4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 5.35pm: Discharged 1 signal rating. 4caf890bcadfd341970241fb: ( 53-53369-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 1 Sub-Lieutenant RNR joined ship. Hands employed as requisite. 2.50pm: 3 stokers returned from detention. 3.40pm: Recreation party returned. 4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241fc: ( 53-53369-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 11.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 11.55am: Picket House party returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 5.15pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241fd: ( 53-53369-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.15pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241fe: ( 53-53369-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 9.15am: Blue watch landed for drill. 11.35am: Landing party returned. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 5.15pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. 4caf890bcadfd341970241ff: ( 53-53369-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. Hands employed as requisite. 11.35am: Picket House party returned. 2.40pm: 1 rating returned from detention. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024200: ( 53-53369-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed discharging provisions from lighter to cold storage and as requisite. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 1 rating returned from detention. 4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. LOGS FOR JUNE 1916 4caf890bcadfd34197024205: ( 53-53370-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890bcadfd34197024206: ( 53-53370-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890bcadfd34197024208: ( 53-53370-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.889”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 30 June 1916] 4caf890bcadfd34197024209: ( 53-53370-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890bcadfd3419702420a: ( 53-53370-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. Roman Catholic church party landed. 10.0am: Roman Catholics returned. Hands employed as requisite. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 5.15pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702420b: ( 53-53370-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. Hands employed as requisite. 10.10am: 1 stoker rating landed to hospital. 11.45am: Picket House party returned. 3.0pm: 2 ratings returned from detention. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. 5.25pm: 1 marine returned from hospital. 4caf890bcadfd3419702420c: ( 53-53370-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 11.40am: Recreation ground party returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702420d: ( 53-53370-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.15pm: Liberty men & Patrol landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702420e: ( 53-53370-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. Red and White watch landed for drill. Remainder employed as requisite. 11.45am: Picket House party and landing party returned. 3.10pm: 1 stoker rating returned from detention. 3.45pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702420f: ( 53-53370-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Cold Storage party landed. 8.50am: Patrol landed. am: Hands employed drawing frozen stores and as requisite. 11.45am: Patrol returned. pm: Hands employed drawing frozen stores. 1.15pm: Read warrants no 61 & 62. 1.20pm: Discharged 1 stoker, 1 trimmer to detention. 2.55pm: 1 trimmer returned from detention. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. Red watch drawing frozen stores. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. Plumber returned from hospital. 4caf890bcadfd34197024210: ( 53-53370-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation ground party landed. 8.45am: Marines landed. 10.20am: 1 stoker discharged to hospital. 11.35am: Marines returned, hospital party returned. 3.45pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024211: ( 53-53370-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Picket House party returned. 1.15pm: Surgeon Stilt discharged to hospital ship for passage. 3.30pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 9.45pm: 4 stoker ratings joined ship from RFA. 4caf890bcadfd34197024212: ( 53-53370-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Picket House party returned. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024213: ( 53-53370-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. HMS "Swiftsure" sailed. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1 telegraphist discharged to hospital. 11.45am: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024214: ( 53-53370-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Picket House party and Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024215: ( 53-53370-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 9.55am: 1 Private RMLI discharged to Hospital. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 9.30pm: Lieutenant Upton to transport “Francessia.” 4caf890bcadfd34197024216: ( 53-53370-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 9.15am: Party landed to attend Lord Kitchener’s Memorial Service. 11.10am: Church party returned. 11.40am: Hospital working party landed. 12.15pm: Hospital working party returned. 12.45pm: Hospital working party landed. 1.0pm: Discharged one artizen's rating to hospital ship. 3.45pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 4.30pm: Hospital working party returned. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 5.45pm: 1 Private RMLI returned from detention. 4caf890bcadfd34197024217: ( 53-53370-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Marines landed. 9.50am: One Lieutenant, 2 marines joined ship. 10.10am: 1 Sub-Lieutenant and 1 stoker discharged to hospital. 11.30am: Marines returned. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024218: ( 53-53370-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. Hands employed as requisite. 11.35am: Picket House party returned. 1.30pm: 1 Midshipman returned from hospital. 3.10pm: 1 stoker rating returned from detention. 3.45pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024219: ( 53-53370-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole & No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.45am: Cast off from South Mole and proceeded into Dry Dock. 8.10am: Entered No 1 Dry Dock. 9.15am: Recreation Ground party landed. 9.45am: Ship took the blocks. 2.30pm: Sub- Lieutenant B~ joined ship from hospital. 2.40pm: 1 stoker rating returned from detention. 3.30pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702421a: ( 53-53370-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1916 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 10.15am: Hospital party landed. 1 Greaser discharged to hospital. 11.15am: Hospital party returned. 11.40am: Recreation ground party returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702421b: ( 53-53370-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 11.0am: Flooded dry dock. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702421c: ( 53-53370-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party and Roman Catholics landed. Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Roman Catholics returned. 10:30am: Discharged Engine Sub-Lieutenant Catling to hospital. 11.0am: Hospital party returned. 11.30am: Picket House party returned. 3.40pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702421d: ( 53-53370-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.50am: Ship floated. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 3.35pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702421e: ( 53-53370-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1916 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I & South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Proceeded out of dry dock. 9.0am: Made fast to South Mole. Recreation Ground party and Marines landed. Picket House party landed. 10.25am: One private RMLI discharged to hospital. 11.30am: Marines returned. 11.35am: Picket House party returned. 3.45pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd3419702421f: ( 53-53370-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. am: Hands employed drawing King Alfred’s stores and as requisite. am: Hands employed drawing stores for King Alfred and as requisite. 2.30pm: 1 corporal, 4 privates and 1 drummer RMLI landed for educational test. 3.15pm: Finished taking in KA's stores. 3.45pm: Recreation ground party returned. 4.10pm: Evening quarters. Read warrant no 63. Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 6.15pm: Marines returned from educational test. 4caf890bcadfd34197024220: ( 53-53370-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.15am: Picket House party landed. 8.35am: Cold storage party landed. Hands drawing stores and employed as requisite. 10.20am: 1 stoker discharged to hospital. 11.35am: Picket House party and hospital party returned. pm: Hands employed drawing provisions and as requisite. 2.50pm: 1 marine returned from detention. 3.45pm: Recreation ground party and cold storage party returned. 4.45pm: Liberty men landed. 5.05pm: 1 stoker returned from hospital 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024221: ( 53-53370-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.35am: Dockyard Tug came alongside. 6.59am: Cast off from No 6 berth. 7.34am: Made fast to No 3 berth. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 11.40am: Recreation Ground party returned. 1.15pm: Read warrant No 64 and 65, 1 marine & 1 trimmer discharged to detention. Libertymen landed. 2.0pm: 1 signal rating returned from "Narcissus". Hands make and mend clothes. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024222: ( 53-53370-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.50am: Coal lighters came alongside. am: Picket House and Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024223: ( 53-53370-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.15am: Started coaling. Hands employed working cabled and as requisite. 2.55pm: 1 trimmer returned from detention. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 6.45pm: Stopped coaling 877 tons received. 4caf890bcadfd34197024224: ( 53-53370-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.0am: Started coaling. 8.0am: Picket House party landed. Hands employed taking in ammunition and stores and as requisite. 11.0am: 1 marine discharged from ship. 11.30am: Picket House party returned. pm: Red watch taking in provisions, remainder of hands taking in ammunition and as requisite. 2.0pm: Finished coaling, 1,120 tons received. 4.10pm: Read warrant no 66 & 67. 5.0pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 5.15pm: 1 stoker, 1 marine, 1 steward returned from hospital. 6.0pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890bcadfd34197024225: ( 53-53370-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 9.30am: Started basin trials. 10.35am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Hands employed taking in ammunition. pm: Hands employed taking in ammunition. 3.10pm: 1 fireman returned from detention. 3.30pm: Staff surgeon Wright joined ship. 3.45pm: Finished taking on ammunition. 4.10pm: Liberty men landed. 5.10pm: Patrol & Liberty men landed. 5.30pm: 1 seaman, 1 telegraphist returned from hospital. 4caf890bcadfd34197024226: ( 53-53370-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.20am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Hands employed taking in ammunition and as requisite. pm: Hands employed taking in ammunition and as requisite. 2.40pm: Finished taking on ammunition. 6.35pm: Ammunition lighter left ship. 7.30pm: 12 ratings joined ship for passage. 4caf890bcadfd34197024227: ( 53-53370-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1916 At Gibraltar South Mole Noon position Lat 35.9, Long -6.2 Spartel Light House S64E 16’ 7:07 am: Cast off moorings and proceeded assisted by tugs. 7:20 am: Passed through North entrance. 9:30 am: Tarifa Light. N13E 4' 10:55 am: Spartel Light. S8E 10' pm: Daymen and Marines employed as requisite. 4:05.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised Stations Abandon Ship. 9:30 pm: Exercised General Quarters. 9:50 pm: Secure. LOGS FOR JULY 1916 4caf890bcadfd3419702422d: ( 53-53371-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890bcadfd3419702422e: ( 53-53371-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890bcadfd34197024230: ( 53-53371-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.889”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 August 1916] 4caf890bcadfd34197024231: ( 53-53371-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890bcadfd34197024232: ( 53-53371-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1916 From Gibraltar to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon position Lat 33.8, Long -10.6 Cape St. Vincent Light House N23E 210’ 3.15am: Exercised guns and search lights and seaboats crews. 5.30am: Exercised guns and search lights and seaboats crews. am: Exercised ammunition supply parties. Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.05pm: Evening quarters. Read warrant no 68. 5.0pm: Exercised Abandon ship stations. 9.0pm: Exercised guns and search lights crews. [Apparently the crew needs some training after 3 months in dry dock.] 4caf890bcadfd34197024233: ( 53-53371-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1916 From Gibraltar to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon position Lat 31.4, Long -15.1 Great Salvage Island S28W 85’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.50am: Prayers. 4.05pm: Evening quarters. Exercised guns’ crews. 4caf890bcadfd34197024234: ( 53-53371-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1916 From Gibraltar to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon position Lat 28.7, Long -19.1 Fuencaliente Light House S75E 66’ 10.05am: General Drill. Exercised General Quarters. 10.18am: Out Collision Mat. 10.30am: Away port sea boat crew. 10.40am: Secure. Hands employed as requisite. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890bcadfd34197024235: ( 53-53371-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1916 From Gibraltar to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon position Lat 24.7, Long -21.2 Cape Blanco Light House S44E 330’ am: Blue watch divisional drills, hands employed as requisite. Midshipmen at navigation. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890bcadfd34197024236: ( 53-53371-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1916 From Gibraltar to St. Vincent [Cape Verde Island] Noon position Lat 20.8, Long -23.3 Pasouro Island Light House S22W 250’ am: Blue watch divisional drills. Red watch firemen air bedding. Hands employed as requisite. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890bcadfd34197024237: ( 53-53371-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1916 From Gibraltar to St. Vincent Lat 16.9, Long -25.0 10.10am: Pasouro Island Light House abeam 3 cables. 10.16am: Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms. [at Porto Grande] Hands employed discharging provisions. 10.45am: 1 seaman, 1 marine, 1 stoker discharged to "King Alfred." 11.0am: 3 marines, 1 stoker discharged to "Essex." pm: Gun watch employed discharging stores and as requisite. 3.0pm: 1 signal rating, 1 telegraphist joined ship. 1 stoker, 1 signal rating discharged to "King Alfred." [Note: ship’s clocks put back 2 hours after anchoring once again.] 4caf890bcadfd34197024238: ( 53-53371-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1916 at Port Grande, St Vincent [Cape Verde Island] 8.0pm: position Lat 16.5, Long -23.3 8.07am: Weighed and proceeded. Hands employed as requisite. Midshipmen to signals. Magazine flooding valves tested. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Vermelharia Point N53E(T) 6’ [Ilha de Sao Nicolau, Cape Verde Island] 4caf890bcadfd34197024239: ( 53-53371-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1916 Off the Cape Verde Islands Noon position Lat 17.1, Long -21.8 North Point (Sal Island) Light House S77W 70’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Read warrant no 69. 4caf890bcadfd3419702423a: ( 53-53371-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1916 Off the Cape Verde Islands Noon position Lat 17.3, Long -21.6 North Point (Sal Island) Light House S71W 83’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Divisions and Prayers. 4caf890bcadfd3419702423b: ( 53-53371-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1916 Off the Cape Verde Islands and at St. Vincent Noon position Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 Point Machado Light House N40W 7.1’ am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. 1.45pm: Let go star anchor in 10 fathoms. [off Porto Grande] 4.05pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrant No 70. 4.40pm: 1 signal rating left ship for King Alfred. 5.05pm: 1 seaman RNR joined from Princess [armed merchant cruiser]. 4caf890bcadfd3419702423c: ( 53-53371-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1916 at St. Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling and as requisite. 2.30pm: Collier secured alongside. 4.15pm: 1 AB RFR discharged to King Alfred for passage. 4caf890bcadfd3419702423d: ( 53-53371-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1916 at St. Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0W 4.50am: Hands coal ship. 8.0am: King Alfred sailed. 4.40pm: Princess sailed. 6.50pm: Finished coaling 840 tons received. 7.30pm: Cast off collier. 4caf890bcadfd3419702423e: ( 53-53371-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1916 at St. Vincent Noon position Lat 16.9, Long -25.3 7.02am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.10am: a/c to intercept "Krini." 10.51am: Krini made fast alongside. Engines as required to keep ship in position. 3.40pm: Finished watering, cast off "Krini". 4.45pm: Read warrants no 71 & 72. 4caf890bcadfd3419702423f: ( 53-53371-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 18.2, Long -27.5 West Point San Antonio Island S61E 133’ [Hands cleaning ship, exercises, etc. ] 4caf890bcadfd34197024240: ( 53-53371-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 20.8, Long -29.0 West Point (St. Antonio) S42E 300’ [Hands cleaning ship, exercises, etc.] 5.0pm: Read warrant no 73. 4caf890bcadfd34197024241: ( 53-53371-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 22.2, Long -25.6 West Point (San Antonio) S3E 306’ am: Hands cleaning ship. Divisions and prayers. 4caf890bcadfd34197024242: ( 53-53371-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 24.6, Long -25.3 West Point (San Antonio) S½W 447’ 9.35am: Dropped target. Courses and [engine] revolutions as requisite for carrying out 1”aiming practice. 11.25am: Target hoisted inboard. Proceeded. 1.0pm: a/c to close French barque “Megly.” 4caf890bcadfd34197024243: ( 53-53371-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 27.1, Long -25.6 Fuencaliente Point (Palma) N79E 420’ 8.50 – 9.44am: Courses as requisite while swinging ship for after compass adjustments. 9.50am: Midshipmen to 6” gun drill. Training class to magazine instruction. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890bcadfd34197024244: ( 53-53371-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 28.4, Long -22.3 Fuencaliente Point (Palma) N88E 240’ 9.42am: Dropped target. Courses and [engine] revolutions as requisite while carrying out 1” aiming practice. 11.50am: Target hoisted inboard. Hands as requisite. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 6.15pm: a/c as req while speaking Italian barque “Fenice.” 6.58pm: Proceeded. 4caf890bcadfd34197024245: ( 53-53371-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 31.7, Long -23.6 Pargo Point (Madeira) N78E 333’ 1.14am: Speaking French ship “Almendral.” 1.32am: Proceeded. 9.50am: Blue watch to ammunition, Red watch muster bags and hammocks, Midshipmen to seamanship. Red & blue watch of stokers muster bags. B, Y, S1, S2 to loader. Magazine parties employed in magazine. All Gunlayers to dotter. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf890bcadfd34197024246: ( 53-53371-013_1.jpg) [Attached note] HMS “Ophir” 21st July 1916. We, the undersigned officers boarded SS “El Cordobes” (British) in Lat. 32-51N, Long, 23-10W at 6-29 am. Signed, MS Dickson, Lieutenant Commander, RNR, G. Nottidge, Sub-Lieutenant, RNR. [Attached note] HMS “Ophir” 21st July 1916. We, the undersigned officers this day boarded SS “British Monarch” in Lat. 32-54N, Long, 22-26W at 10 am. Signed MS Dickson, Lieutenant Commander, RNR, G. Nottidge, Sub-Lieutenant, RNR. 4caf890bcadfd34197024247: ( 53-53371-014_0.jpg) [Extreme left edge of log page of 21 July and back of attached note of 21 July.] 4caf890bcadfd34197024248: ( 53-53371-014_1.jpg) 21 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 32.9, Long -22.4 Pargo Point (Madeira) S89E 265’ 5.28am: Fired a blank charge. 5.56am: Stopped & boarded British SS “El Cordoba.” 6.0am: Proceeded. 9.31am: Stopped & boarded British SS “British Monarch.” 9.35am: Proceeded. 10.20am: Dropped target. Hoisted sea boat, lowered working boat. 10.36am: Proceeded. Courses and revs as requisite. for target practice. Fired 8 rounds practice for Starboard guns. 11.20am: Secure. 11.45am: Target hoisted inboard. Noon: Proceeded. 12.03pm: Co and Revs as req for speaking British SS “Munrisa.” pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 2.0pm: a/c to close SS “Centaur.” 6.0pm: Read warrant no 74. 4caf890bcadfd34197024249: ( 53-53371-015_0.jpg) 22 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 31.3, Long -20.5 Pargo Point N62E 180’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.30pm: Dropped submarine target. 5.10pm: Fired one round common shell from AIsland 5.37pm: Proceeded. 4caf890bcadfd3419702424a: ( 53-53371-015_1.jpg) 23 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 29.4, Long -24.0 Fuencaliente Point (Palma) S80E 326’ 10.0am: Divisions & Rounds. 10.30am: Prayers. 4caf890bcadfd3419702424b: ( 53-53371-016_0.jpg) 24 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 26.4, Long -23.7 Fuencaliente Point (Palma) N68E 339’ am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Gun watch, Blue watch, and daymen painting ship. 4caf890bcadfd3419702424c: ( 53-53371-016_1.jpg) 25 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 24.7, Long -25.8 West Point (St. Antonio) S3E 458’ am: Hands employed painting ship. Midshipmen to gunnery. pm: Gun watch, Red watch, and daymen painting ship. 4caf890bcadfd3419702424d: ( 53-53371-017_0.jpg) 26 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 22.5, Long -27.0 West Point (San Antonio) S16E 337’ am: Red watch Firemen air bedding. Hands employed painting and as requisite. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890bcadfd3419702424e: ( 53-53371-017_1.jpg) 27 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 19.7, Long -26.4 West Point (San Antonio) S19E 169’ am: Hands employed as requisite. Midshipmen to seamanship & signals. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890bcadfd3419702424f: ( 53-53371-018_0.jpg) 28 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 17.5, Long -29.6 West Point (San Antonio) S79E 255’ 9.52am: Dropped target. Engines and Courses as requisite for carrying out 1” aiming practice. 11.0am: Target hoisted inboard. Proceeded. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890bcadfd34197024250: ( 53-53371-018_1.jpg) 29 July 1916 Cruising Noon position Lat 17.0, Long -27.8 South Point S89E 139’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890bcadfd34197024251: ( 53-53371-019_0.jpg) 30 July 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 6.52am: Let go starboard anchor in 10 fathoms. [at Porto Grande] 10.0am: Divisions, Rounds, and Prayers. 1.30pm: Supplied 300 lbs of ice for "Essex." 2.30pm: Supplied 150 lbs of ice for "Swiftsure." 5.0pm: 2 trimmers absentees and 1 gunner, 1 blacksmith and 5 trimmers joined ship. 4caf890bcadfd34197024252: ( 53-53371-019_1.jpg) 31 July 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Working party for "Swiftsure" discharging ammunition. Hands employed as requisite and preparing ship for coaling. pm: Red watch employed on ship’s side and as requisite. 3.05pm: Swiftsure’s working party left ship. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1916 4caf890bcadfd34197024257: ( 53-53372-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890bcadfd34197024258: ( 53-53372-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890bcadfd3419702425a: ( 53-53372-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.889”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 Sept 1916] 4caf890bcadfd3419702425b: ( 53-53372-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890bcadfd3419702425c: ( 53-53372-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 6.10am: Collier came alongside. Hands rigging collier. 7.04am: Started coaling. 4.20pm: "Swiftsure" sailed. 6.40pm: Stopped coaling, 678.8 tons received. 8.10pm: Collier cast off. 4caf890bcadfd3419702425d: ( 53-53372-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 5.15am: Collier came alongside. 5.40am: Started coaling. 2.23pm: Finished coaling, 1100 tons received. 2.50pm: Collier cast off. pm: [Shifted anchorage twice.] 4caf890bcadfd3419702425e: ( 53-53372-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 11.30am: 150 lbs ice supplied to "Essex." 2.0pm: "Sutley" arrived and anchored. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd3419702425f: ( 53-53372-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Shifted anchorage. am: Hands employed painting ship’s side and as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Read warrant No 75. 4caf890ccadfd34197024260: ( 53-53372-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf890ccadfd34197024261: ( 53-53372-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 8.45am: Divisions. 9.0am: Church. 4caf890ccadfd34197024262: ( 53-53372-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 9.35am: General Drill. Abandon ship. All boats pull around the fleet. Boats hoisted and secured. pm: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd34197024263: ( 53-53372-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. Midshipmen to small arms drill. pm: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. 4.10pm Evening quarters. Read warrant No 76. 4caf890ccadfd34197024264: ( 53-53372-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1916 at St Vincent Noon position Lat 16.6, Long -24.7 Raza Island (NW point) N45E 3.5’ 7.55am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.0am: White watch to divisional drill. Marines to small arms drill. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4.10pm: Read warrant No 77. 4caf890ccadfd34197024265: ( 53-53372-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1916 From St. Vincent to Dakar Noon position Lat 15.7, Long -20.7 Cape Verde Light House S71E 191’ 9.50am: Red watch to divisional drill. Midshipmen to seamanship. 12.30pm: Speaking Portuguese gunboat “Beira.” 12.40pm: Proceeded. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd34197024266: ( 53-53372-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1916 From St. Vincent to Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 3.47am: Observed Cape Verde Light S85.5E(T) 8.07am: Proceeded into [Dakar] harbour. 8.18am: Let go star anchor in 6 fathoms. am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. Midshipmen to electrical instruction. pm: Shifted anchorage. 4caf890ccadfd34197024267: ( 53-53372-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.30pm: Found ship had taken the ground aft. Soundings 22’ stern 24’ on each quarter. Starboard cable hove to 2 shackles. 11.0pm: Sent away hawser from Port quarter to SS "Wellington". 11.30 to 11.35pm: Engines used as required without success, 6.5 fathoms under the bow. 4caf890ccadfd34197024268: ( 53-53372-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 4.21 to 5.48am: [Heaving on both cables and engines used as requisite, weighed Port anchor and ship floated.] 6.18am: Shifted anchorage and moored to buoy aft. 10.0am: Prayers. [for better navigators maybe.] 4.0pm: Working party sent to "Berrima." [armed merchant cruiser] 4caf890ccadfd34197024269: ( 53-53372-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1916 From Dakar Harbour Noon position Lat 15.7, Long -17.7 Almadi Reef Light House S9E 60’ 12.45am: Working party returned from Berrima. 5.58am: Weighed and proceeded. 6.34am: Cape Manuel Light House N40W(T) 1' 7.31am: Almadi Reef Light House N58E 2.9' am: Hands employed as requisite. Midshipmen to signals. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd3419702426a: ( 53-53372-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 20.7, Long -18.3 Cape Blanco Light House N84E 69’ 9.50am: White watch to divisional drill. Marines to small arms drill. Midshipmen to small arms drill. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd3419702426b: ( 53-53372-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 25.3, Long -18.9 Restinga Point (Hierro Island) N19E 148’ 10.0am: Clear lower deck stations for taking in tow. 11.55am: Blue watch divisional drill. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd3419702426c: ( 53-53372-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 30.0, Long -18.9 Cumplida Point (Palma) S39E 92’ 5.28am: Observed Palma Island (peak) S87E(T). 9.50am: Stations prepare to take in tow. White watch muster bags. Midshipmen to signals. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4.29pm: Stopped engines for funeral on " Berrima ". 4.34pm: Proceeded. 4caf890ccadfd3419702426d: ( 53-53372-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 34.5, Long -17.6 Pargo Point (Madeira) S9E 106’ 10.0am: Stations for taking in tow. 10.07am: Exercised General Quarters. 10.20am: Secure. Midshipmen to gunnery. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd3419702426e: ( 53-53372-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 39.1, Long -15.6 Burlings Light House N86E 285’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant No 78 and 79. Read Naval Discipline Act. 4caf890ccadfd3419702426f: ( 53-53372-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 43., Long -13.9 Cape Finnesterre Light House S79E 207’ 10.0am: Divisions and Rounds. 10.45am: Prayers. 6.05pm: Stopped, sent away sea boat to "Berrima." 6.30pm: Sea boat hoisted, proceeded. 4caf890ccadfd34197024270: ( 53-53372-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1916 To St. Vincent Noon position Lat 45.3, Long -12.8 Cape Villano Light House S51E 200’ 4.0am: Sighted "Martin" and 2 other destroyers. 4.18am: Stop and as requisite. 4.21am: Sent away port sea boat. 4.30am: Sea boat hoisted. Proceeded. 10.0am: General Drill, Fire, Collision, and Abandon Ship stations. 10.01am: Spoke USA barque "Brown Brothers". 10.27am: Proceeded. Midshipmen to signals, hands employed as requisite. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant No 80. 4caf890ccadfd34197024271: ( 53-53372-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1916 To St. Vincent Noon DR Lat 41.1, Long -15.6 Burlings Light House S70E 297’ am: Blue watch to divisional drill. Midshipmen to electrical instruction. [Note: the symbols in the entry for 10.04am indicate daytime sextant observations of Venus and the Sun used for calculating the position of the ship given at that time.] pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd34197024272: ( 53-53372-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1916 To St. Vincent Noon position Lat 36.7, Long -18.1 Pargo Point (Madeira) S10E 240’ am: Red watch to divisional drill. Midshipmen to navigation. 1.35pm: Intercepted British SS "Elmeria". pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant No 81. 4caf890ccadfd34197024273: ( 53-53372-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1916 To St. Vincent Noon position Lat 32.6, Long -20.4 Pargo Point (Madeira) N87E 157’ am: White watch divisional drill. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf890ccadfd34197024274: ( 53-53372-015_1.jpg) [Attached note] HMS “Ophir” 25th August 1916. We the undersigned officers boarded SS Hulda Maersk (Danish) in 28 29N , 22 31W and removed 2 Germans. Signed MS Dickson, Lieutenant Commander, RNR, G. Nottidge, Sub-Lieutenant, RNR. 4caf890ccadfd34197024275: ( 53-53372-016_0.jpg)
[Extreme left edge of log page of 25 August and back of attached note of 25 August.] 4caf890ccadfd34197024276: ( 53-53372-016_1.jpg) 25 August 1916 To St. Vincent Noon position Lat 28.6, Long -22.5 Fuencaliente Point (Palma) S88E 249’ am: Reprimanded Acting Sub. Lieutenant Greg Noltidge RNR for disobedience of orders in opening his cabin scuttle when ship was darkened. am: Stoker Red Watch to squad drill. Midshipmen to gunnery. 12.31pm: Sent away star whaler with boarding party to Danish SS "Hulda Maersk." 1.30pm: Whaler returned with two prisoners and hoisted. 1.35pm: Proceeded. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf890ccadfd34197024277: ( 53-53372-017_0.jpg) 26 August 1916 To St. Vincent Noon position Lat 24.6, Long -24.4 Cape Blanco Light House S60E 469’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd34197024278: ( 53-53372-017_1.jpg) 27 August 1916 To St. Vincent Noon position Lat 20.2, Long -24.8 Bull Rock. Light House S4W 187’ 10.0am: Divisions and Rounds. 10.20am: Prayers. pm: Gunwatch, daymen and carpenters rigging nursing accommodation. 4caf890ccadfd34197024279: ( 53-53372-018_0.jpg) 28 August 1916 to St Vincent. Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 4:12.0am: Bull Rock Light. abeam 4' 6:03 am: Stop, let go star anchor in 10 fathoms. [at Porto Grande] 7 am: 99 ratings joined ship from SS "Amazon". 8:45 am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling and as requisite. 10:30 am: 97 ratings joined ship from "Sutlej". [cruiser, ex-armoured cruiser, Cressy-class] pm: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling and as requisite. 2:15.0pm: Diving boat alongside from " Sutlej" to examine ship's bottom. 4:40 pm: Collier alongside. 5:55.0pm: Diving boat left ship. 4caf890ccadfd3419702427a: ( 53-53372-018_1.jpg) 29 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 5.35am: Hands coal ship. 7.40am: Diving boat from "Sutlej" alongside. 10.0am: Court of Enquiry held on board. 11.45am: Diving boat left ship. 6.30pm: Stopped coaling, 825.6 tons received. 4caf890ccadfd3419702427b: ( 53-53372-019_0.jpg) 30 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 4.50am: Hands coal ship. 6.05pm: "Sutlej" sailed. 6.30pm: Stopped coaling, 1,609.2 tons received. 4caf890ccadfd3419702427c: ( 53-53372-019_1.jpg) 31 August 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 5.0am: Hands coal ship. 10.0am: Finished coaling, 1,800 tons received. 10.55am: Collier cast off. Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.10pm: Water tank alongside. Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.10pm: Water tank left ship. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1916 4caf890ccadfd34197024281: ( 53-53373-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890ccadfd34197024282: ( 53-53373-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890ccadfd34197024284: ( 53-53373-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.889”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 October 1916] 4caf890ccadfd34197024285: ( 53-53373-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890ccadfd34197024286: ( 53-53373-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 82. 4caf890ccadfd34197024287: ( 53-53373-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 6.50am: "Sutlej" arrived. am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Bathing party and libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890ccadfd34197024288: ( 53-53373-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 10.0am: Hands mustered by the Open List. 10.40am: Prayers. pm: Bathing party and libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890ccadfd34197024289: ( 53-53373-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 9.25am: General Drill. 10.30am: Midshipmen to signals. Hands employed as requisite. 11.50am: Provision boat arrived alongside from "Sutlej." pm: Hands employed taking in stores and as requisite. 3.15pm: Finished taking in provisions. 4caf890ccadfd3419702428a: ( 53-53373-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1916 at St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed as requisite. Ordinary Seamen and boys to gunnery & seamanship. Marines infantry drill. Midshipmen to signals. 10.45am: 13 cot and 5 walking cases joined from hospital. 11.0am: 1 PO, 1 LS and 2 ratings for detention joined from "Sutlej." 4.0pm: Read warrant No 83. 5.37pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf890ccadfd3419702428b: ( 53-53373-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1916 from Porto Grande to Morderra Bay [Sal, Cape Verde Island] Lat 16.7, Long -23.0 4.56am: Observed North West Hill (Sal) S88E(T) 7.6' 5.10am: Sighted Swiftsure. 7.0am: All fast. [alongside Swiftsure in Morderra Bay, Sal] Discharged 90 ratings to Swiftsure. Hands employed taking ammunition for Swiftsure and as requisite. 61 ratings joined ship for passage. 4 ratings joined ship for passage to hospital. Midshipmen to navigation. 11.50am: Let go and proceeded. 1.0pm: North West Hill (Sal) N88E(T) 3.6' pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf890ccadfd3419702428c: ( 53-53373-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1916 From Morderra Bay to Devonport Noon position Lat 21.2, Long -22.2 Cape Blanco Light House S84E 290’ am: Red watch divisional drill. Ordinary seamen and boys to instruction. Midshipmen to seamanship. Mercantile ratings mustered by ledger. Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd3419702428d: ( 53-53373-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1916 From Morderra Bay to Devonport Noon position Lat 25.8, Long -21.1 Hierro South West Point N54E 256’ am: Midshipmen to electricity instruction. Marines to loader. Boys and OS to divisional drill. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Seven days notice given to the following trimmers, Gordon, Manetta & Wheatley. 4caf890ccadfd3419702428e: ( 53-53373-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1916 From Morderra Bay to Devonport Noon position Lat 30.4, Long -19.8 Pargo Point (Madeira) N42E 190’ am: Hands air sight-slotting. [?] Midshipmen to navigation. Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd3419702428f: ( 53-53373-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1916 From Morderra Bay to Devonport Noon position Lat 34.7, Long -18.0 Pargo Point S19E 120’ 10.0am: Divisions and Rounds. 10.20am: Prayers. 4caf890ccadfd34197024290: ( 53-53373-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1916 From Morderra Bay to Devonport Noon position Lat 38.8, Long -16.3 Burlings Light House N83E 318’ am: Midshipmen to signals. Boys and OS to gunnery. 11.30am: 7 days notice to Johnson and Casey (firemen), Douglas (trimmer). pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd34197024291: ( 53-53373-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1916 From Morderra Bay to Devonport Noon position Lat 43.2, Long -14.0 Cape Finesterre Light House S85E’ am: Boys and OS to gunnery. Midshipmen to 6” drill. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 10.0pm: Started zig zagging. 4caf890ccadfd34197024292: ( 53-53373-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1916 From Morderra Bay to Devonport Noon position Lat 47.2, Long -10.4 Ushant NW Light House N70E 228’ 6.0am: Stopped zig zagging. 7.0am: Zig zagging am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 8.25pm: Stopped zig zagging. 4caf890ccadfd34197024293: ( 53-53373-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1916 From Morderra Bay to Devonport Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 7.38am: Observed Lizard Head N14.5W(T) 10.20am: Eddystone Light N8W(T) 3.3' 2.04pm: Moored to No 8 wharf. 2.50pm: 2 German prisoners landed. 3.0pm: 1 hospital case landed. 1 Sub-Lieutenant and 14 ratings discharged to RN Hospital. 4.20pm: 1 hospital case landed. Leave to Blue watch from 5 pm to 7 am. 5.0pm: 3 Midshipmen discharged to Chatham. 6.15pm: 94 ratings discharged to Chatham. 8.05pm: 2 Midshipmen and 61 ratings discharged to Devonport. 9.40pm: Hospital party returned. 4caf890ccadfd34197024294: ( 53-53373-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1916 At Devonport No 8 Wharf Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 7.30am: Ammunition lighter alongside. 8.55am: Read warrant to 2 prisoners from Sutlej. Prisoners discharged to detention. 9.0am: Store lighter alongside. Hands employed discharging ammunition and taking in stores. 10.0am: 2 firemen and 4 trimmers discharged from ship. pm: Hands employed discharging ammunition and drawing stores. 1.15pm: 1 seaman rating discharged to hospital. pm: Scotch and Irish ratings mustered for pay. 3.0pm: Scotch and Irish liberty men landed. 4.45pm: 29 ratings joined ship (Care and maintenance party). 8.0pm: Finished taking in stores. 8.35pm: Hands mustered for pay. 4caf890ccadfd34197024295: ( 53-53373-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1916 At Devonport, No 8 Wharf, No 5 Basin Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 7.45am: 2 petty officers joined ship. 8.15am: Shifted ship to basin from jetty. 9.23am: 2 ratings joined from "Ariadne." [cruiser, later minelayer, ex-1st-class protected cruiser, Diadem-class] 9.24am: 2 officers joined ship. 9.29am: 49 ratings joined ship in basin. 10.0am: 1 Chief Stoker and 5 RNR stokers joined. 1:25pm: 1 officer's steward joined ship. 2:30pm: 10 ratings joined from "Ariadne." 5:55pm: Liberty men fall in. 4caf890ccadfd34197024296: ( 53-53373-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1916 At Devonport No 5 Basin Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 7.30am: Shifted ship alongside Ent. 8.10am: Ship secured. Hands employed on lowering aerials. 9.45am: Church party landed. 11.22am: Hands employed taking in stores. 11.30am: Church party returned. 11.45am: Hands finished stores. 4.30 and 6.0pm: Liberty men fall in. 4caf890ccadfd34197024297: ( 53-53373-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1916 At Devonport No 5 Basin Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: 13 ratings joined ship from barracks. 4.30pm: Liberty men fall in. 4caf890ccadfd34197024298: ( 53-53373-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1916 At Devonport No 5 Basin Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.30pm: Liberty men fall in. 4.58pm: Chaplain joined for passage to "King Alfred." 4caf890ccadfd34197024299: ( 53-53373-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1916 At Devonport No 5 Basin Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.0, 4.30, and 6.0pm: Liberty men fall in. 4caf890ccadfd3419702429a: ( 53-53373-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1916 At Devonport No 5 Basin Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 1.50pm: 20 ratings for passage. 1.15 and 6.0pm: Liberty men fall in. 9.10pm: 3 ship’s company ratings returned from leave. 4caf890ccadfd3419702429b: ( 53-53373-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1916 At Devonport, No 5 Basin & No 8 Wharf Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 6.30am: Crew of Ophir returned from leave. 6.45am: Hands of care and maintainance [sic] party fall in. 10.50am: Hands employed at provisioning and stores. 12.30pm: Discharged care & maintainence [sic] marines to barracks. 1.30pm: Hands employed provisioning and as requisite. 2.0pm: Shifted ship from basin. 3.20pm: Ship secured to jetty. 6.45pm: Shifted ship to coaling jetty. 7.25pm: Liberty men landed. 4caf890ccadfd3419702429c: ( 53-53373-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1916 At Devonport No 8 Wharf Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 6 am: Coal lighters alongside, commenced coaling. 8:15.0pm: 2 ratings joined ship for passage to "King Alfred." 11:45.0pm: Stopped coaling, 800 tons received. 4caf890ccadfd3419702429d: ( 53-53373-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1916 At Devonport No 8 Wharf Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 12.10am: 12 ratings joined ship from Chatham for passage to Swiftsure. 11.30am: Seven day notice given to McQueen (G). 6.40am: Hands coal ship. 12.0pm: Finished coaling 1068 tons received. Leave to Red and White watches from 1.30 until 7 am. pm: Blue watch employed sweeping down upper deck. 7.30pm: 8 steward ratings joined ship from Portsmouth. 4caf890ccadfd3419702429e: ( 53-53373-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1916 At Devonport No 8 Wharf Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, taking in stores and as requisite. 9.20am: 4 privates RMLI joined ship. 1 private and 1 bugler joined ship for passage. 1 ERA and 4 stokers RNR joined ship. 11.06am: Cast off from No 8 wharf and moved to Nos 2 and 3 jetties. 12.05pm: Made fast. pm: Hands employed taking in stores and provisions and as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.45pm: 19 privates and 1 corporal RMLI joined ship for disposal. 4caf890ccadfd3419702429f: ( 53-53373-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1916 At Devonport Nos 2 and 3 jetty Lat 50.4, Long -4.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.0am: 18 mercantile stoker ratings and 6 seamen RNR joined ship. 12.14pm: Cast off moorings and proceeded. 1.10pm: Let go port anchor in 7 fathoms [in Plymouth Sound]. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 4.42pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.50pm: Eddystone Light N71W(T) 9.5 cables. 9.05pm: Lizard Light N31E(T) 8' 11.55pm: Bishops Light N5W(T) 5.5' 4caf890ccadfd341970242a0: ( 53-53373-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1916 From Devonport to St. Vincent Noon position Lat 48.6, Long -9.9 Bishop Rock Light House N60E 156’ 6.15am: Started zig zagging. 8.0am: Escort left. Saturday routine. Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Gun watch “A” defence. Remainder of hands employed as requisite. 7.0pm: Stopped zig zagging. 4caf890ccadfd341970242a1: ( 53-53373-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1916 From Devonport to St. Vincent Noon position Lat 44.1, Long -13.9 Finisterre Light House S70E 214’ 6.0am: Started zig zagging. Hands employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant Nos 84 to 90. 4caf890ccadfd341970242a2: ( 53-53373-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1916 From Devonport to St. Vincent Noon position Lat 39.5, Long -16.3 Burlings Light House S89E 318’ am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890ccadfd341970242a3: ( 53-53373-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1916 From Devonport to St. Vincent Noon position Lat 34.6, Long -17.8 Pargo Point (Madeira) S13E 114’ Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.55pm: Slowed to intercept SS. 5.30pm: Fired blank. 5.40pm: Fired projectile. 5.40pm: Sent away sea boat with boarding party to Norwegian SS Granfos. 6.25pm: Sea boat returned, hoisted. Proceeded. [Attached note] "We the undersigned officers boarded Norwegian SS "Granfos" Latitude 33 31N, Longitude 18 14W,” 30th September 1916, M.S. Dickson Lieutenant-Commander RNR, H. Vandy Sub-Lieutenant RNR. 4caf890ccadfd341970242a5: ( 53-53373-019_0.jpg) [Rescan of 30 September with attached note folded back to display information obscured by it.] LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1916 4caf890ccadfd341970242ab: ( 53-53374-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890ccadfd341970242ac: ( 53-53374-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890ccadfd341970242ae: ( 53-53374-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.889”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 Nov 1916] 4caf890ccadfd341970242af: ( 53-53374-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890ccadfd341970242b0: ( 53-53374-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1916 From Devonport to St. Vincent Noon position Lat 30.1, Long -20.0 Muda Point (Palma) S56E 134’ 10.0am: Church. 4caf890ccadfd341970242b1: ( 53-53374-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1916 From Devonport to St. Vincent Noon position Lat 25.5, Long -22.0 Heirro Island (SW Point) N58E 248’ 10.0am: General Drill. am: OS watch on deck to seamanship. OS watch below emergency instructions. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant No 91. 4caf890ccadfd341970242b2: ( 53-53374-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1916 From Devonport to St. Vincent Noon position Lat 20.6, Long -23.9 Cape Blanco Light House N88E 385’ 10.0am: General Drill. am: OS to gunnery, boys to seamanship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.0pm: a/c to intercept Greek SS Nicholas Nathanassoulis. 5.0pm: Warrant no 92 read. 4caf890ccadfd341970242b3: ( 53-53374-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1916 From Devonport to Morderia [Murdeira] Bay [Sal, Cape Verde Island] Lat 16.7, Long -23.0 7.45am: Let go starboard anchor in 9 fathoms. Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. 4.20pm: Collier came alongside. Started coaling. 6.0pm: Stopped coaling. 20 tons received. 4caf890ccadfd341970242b4: ( 53-53374-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1916 at Morderia Bay Lat 16.7, Long -23.0 5.0am: Hands coal ship. 8.0am: King Alfred arrived and anchored. 9.40am: 1 steward & 1 cook discharged to King Alfred. 10.40am: 1 chaplain discharged to King Alfred. 2.50pm: “Swifouse” [?] & “Donegal” arrived and anchored. [Donegal - cruiser, ex-armoured cruiser, Kent-class] 4.10pm: 1 signalman joined from Donegal. 5.20pm: 1 Act. Paymaster RNR discharged to Donegal. 5.40pm: 13 ratings discharged to Donegal. 4 ratings discharged to Donegal for Highflyer. Discharged stores for Donegal & Highflyer. 6.0pm: Finished coaling 693 tons received. 6.35pm: Donegal sailed. 6.40pm: Collier cast off. 4caf890ccadfd341970242b5: ( 53-53374-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1916 at Morderia Bay Noon position Lat 16.5, Long -22.7 Sino Point Light House N60W 13.9’ 6.25am: 12 ratings discharged to Swiftsure. 7.0am: 12 ratings, 1 corporal, 1 bugler, 19 privates, 3 cases discharged to King Alfred also 3 cases. 7.50am: 4 corporals, 19 privates joined ship from King Alfred, 4 cases for “Avenger.” [armed merchant cruiser,] 8.45am: Hands discharging stores and cleaning ship. 9.53am: Weighed and proceeded. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrants 94, 95, 96. 4caf890ccadfd341970242b6: ( 53-53374-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1916 From Morderia Bay to Dakar Noon position Lat 15.0, Long -18.4 Cape Verde Light House S73E 53’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.06pm: Observed Cape Verde Light House N88E(T) 6.24pm: Let go starboard anchor in 7 fathoms. [in Dakar Bay] 4caf890ccadfd341970242b7: ( 53-53374-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 9.40am: Prayers. pm: Unshackled stockless anchor and shackled on boson anchor to port cable. 4caf890ccadfd341970242b8: ( 53-53374-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 6.16am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour. 6.40am: Let go port anchor in 6 fathoms. am: Hands employed holystoning decks and as requisite. 11.29am: Shifted berth. 1.15pm: Moored to a buoy astern. 4.05pm: Read warrant no 97. 4caf890ccadfd341970242b9: ( 53-53374-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 7.0am: Hands coal ship. 9.0pm: Finished coaling ship 440 tons received. 4caf890ccadfd341970242ba: ( 53-53374-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890ccadfd341970242bb: ( 53-53374-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting and as requisite. pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890ccadfd341970242bc: ( 53-53374-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 5.55am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 6.17am: Let go port anchor. [in Dakar Roads] 7.40am: “Kent” arrived with transports Afarinia, Mohoia, Navua. [Kent - cruiser, ex-armoured cruiser, Kent-class] am: Hands employed painting, refitting and as req pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890ccadfd341970242bd: ( 53-53374-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1916 at Dakar Lat 14.7, Long -17.4 9.50am: “Kent” sailed. am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. pm: Hands employed painting ship. Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890ccadfd341970242be: ( 53-53374-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1916 at Dakar Noon position Lat 14.6, Long -17.5 Cape Manuel Light House N66E 2.2’ 9.30am: 23 marines 1 PO, and 1 steward discharged to Transport No 61. 9.50am: 1 Steward discharged to Transport No 62 (hospital case). am: Transports Navua, Mohoia, Afarinia, in company. 11.17am: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf890dcadfd341970242bf: ( 53-53374-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 18.8, Long -18.5 Cape Blanco Light House N35E 145’ am: OS and boys to gunnery instruction. Midshipmen to signalling. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant no 98 & 99. 4caf890dcadfd341970242c0: ( 53-53374-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 22.5, Long -19.1 Cape Blanco Light House S46E 155’ am: OS of watch and deck to gunnery. OS below to seamanship. Boys of both watches to seamanship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd341970242c1: ( 53-53374-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1916 At Dakar Noon position Lat 26.9, Long -19.2 Orchilla Point (Hierro) N50E 74’ am: OS and boys to gunnery and seamanship. A1 guns crews to First Aid lecture and loader. Y2 guns crews to loader. 1.45pm: Acting SG class to instruction. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd341970242c2: ( 53-53374-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 31.1, Long -18.7 Pargo Point (Madeira) N35E 123’ 9.05am: Slow and as requisite. speaking barque. Hands employed painting ship. 4caf890dcadfd341970242c3: ( 53-53374-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 35.2, Long -17.5 Cape St. Vincent Light House N75E 431’ am: Hands employed painting ship. pm: Assistant. Gunlayers and acting seamen gunners to gunnery instruction. Hands make and mend clothes. Gun watch employed painting ship. 4.05pm: Read warrant no 100. 4caf890dcadfd341970242c4: ( 53-53374-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 39.2, Long -15.7 Burlings Light House N88E 291’ am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd341970242c5: ( 53-53374-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 43.0, Long -13.9 Cape Finnisterre Light House S87E 202’ 7.38am: Stop and as requisite. Sent away No 5 lifeboat to Navua. 8.07am: Boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. 10.50am: Prayers. 4caf890dcadfd341970242c6: ( 53-53374-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 46.4, Long -11.9 Cape Villano Light House S30E 223’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Saturday routine. 10.30am: Parted company with convoy. pm: Hands scrub and wash clothes. Acting GLs and SGLs class to instruction. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd341970242c7: ( 53-53374-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1916 From Dakar Noon position Lat 42.3, Long -14.3 Cape Finisterre Light House N81E 226’ 9.0am: a/c to close French schooner. 9.23am: Stop and as requisite. Sent away sea boat with boarding party. 9.42am: Sea boat hoisted. Proceeded. am: OS of Red watch to gunnery, blue watch to seamanship. pm: Gun watch employed painting. Acting SGs class to instruction. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf890dcadfd341970242c8: ( 53-53374-015_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 24 October and back of attached note of 24 October.] 4caf890dcadfd341970242c9: ( 53-53374-016_0.jpg) [Attached note] We the undersigned boarded the French schooner "Pepita" in Latitude 42 16N, Longitude 14 6W. Lieutenant-Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant Houghton, RNR. 4caf890dcadfd341970242ca: ( 53-53374-016_1.jpg) 25 October 1916 [no location in header] Noon position Lat 37.7, Long -16.3 Cape St. Vincent Light House S84E 358’ 9.08am: a/c to close Italian SS "Sardigna." am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting and as requisite. OS and boys to instruction, Midshipmen to seamanship. XII guns’ crew to first aid lecture, XI & XII gun’s crews to loader. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf890dcadfd341970242cb: ( 53-53374-017_0.jpg) 26 October 1916 [no location in header] Noon position Lat 33.5, Long -18.2 Pargo Point (Madeira) S49E 62’ am: Boys (watch below) to seamanship instruction. OS (watch on deck) to gunnery instruction. Hands employed painting and as requisite. pm: Acting GLs and GGs to instruction. Officers to First Aid lecture. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd341970242cc: ( 53-53374-017_1.jpg) 27 October 1916 [no location in header] Noon position Lat 29.3, Long -20.3 Gorda Point (Hierro) S74E 127’ am: OS of Red watch to gunnery. Blue watch seamanship. Marine guns’ crews to First Aid lecture. pm: Hands scrub and wash clothes. Acting SBs class to instruction. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd341970242cd: ( 53-53374-018_0.jpg) 28 October 1916 [no location in header] Noon position Lat 25.1, Long -21.9 SW Point Hierro Island N52E 254’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf890dcadfd341970242ce: ( 53-53374-018_1.jpg) 29 October 1916 [no location in header] Noon DR Lat 20.8, Long -23.6 Cape Blanco Light House East 365’ 10.40am: Prayers. 4caf890dcadfd341970242cf: ( 53-53374-019_0.jpg) 30 October 1916 to Tarrafal Bay Noon position Lat 16.9, Long -25.3 South Point (S. Antonio) N28W 2.5’ 7.12am: Observed Bull Point S32W(T) 9.30pm: Sighted King Alfred, Swiftsure, Marmosa. 1.02pm: Let go port anchor in 32 fathoms. [in Tarrafal Bay] pm: Bathing party landed and returned. 10.45pm: Water boat "Krini" cam alongside. 4caf890dcadfd341970242d0: ( 53-53374-019_1.jpg) 31 October 1916 at Tarrafal Bay Lat 16.9, Long -25.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side, refitting, and as requisite. 8.30am: King Alfred anchored. 11.30am: Water tank left. pm: No 5 lifeboat crew away for sailing instruction. pm: Landing party and bathing party landed and returned. Hands prepare ship for coaling. 4.45pm: 1 Sick Berth rating discharged to K.A. 5.28pm: "King Alfred" sailed. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1916 4caf890dcadfd341970242d5: ( 53-53375-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890dcadfd341970242d6: ( 53-53375-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890dcadfd341970242d8: ( 53-53375-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.889”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 Dec 1916] 4caf890dcadfd341970242d9: ( 53-53375-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890dcadfd341970242da: ( 53-53375-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1916 at St Antonio, Tarrafal Bay Lat 16.9, Long -25.3 6.10am: Collier alongside. 7.15am: Started coaling. 8.0pm: Stopped coaling. 565.2 tons received. 4caf890dcadfd341970242db: ( 53-53375-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1916 at St Antonio, Tarrafal Bay Lat 16.9, Long -25.3 5.0am: Started coaling. 8 .0m: Stopped coaling, 1120.6 tons received. 4caf890dcadfd341970242dc: ( 53-53375-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1916 at St Antonio, Tarrafal Bay Lat 16.9, Long -25.3 4.15am: Hands coal ship. 3.41pm: Finished coaling. 1450 tons received. 4.05pm: Collier cast off. 4caf890dcadfd341970242dd: ( 53-53375-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1916 From St Antonio to St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 4.42am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.57am: Let go port anchor in 7 fathoms. [At Porto Grande, St Vincent] Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242de: ( 53-53375-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 8.30am: Hands mustered by the Ledger. 9.0am: Prayers. pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242df: ( 53-53375-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 8.45am: Hands employed drawing stores, refitting and as requisite. am: Bathing party landed and returned. pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. pm: Working party landed and returned. pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e0: ( 53-53375-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 5.20am: Working party sent to “Dannbrau.” am: Patrol and bathing party landed and returned. 11.05am: Working party returned. pm: Sub Lieutenant Bringer RN absent without leave on 20th May from RN Barracks Devonport thereby missing his passage in SS Arabia. pm: Hands employed painting, stowing stores and as requisite. 2.0pm: Libertymen landed. 2.40pm: Libertymen recalled. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e1: ( 53-53375-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 8.33am: Marmora arrived and anchored. am: Swimming class left and returned. pm: Hands employed drawing stores and refitting, painting, and as requisite. 12.50pm: “Donegal” arrived and anchored. 1.0pm: Working party sent to Donegal. 2.10pm: Discharged 1 seaman rating RNR to Donegal. 2.45pm: Swiftsure sailed. 2.55pm: Working party returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e2: ( 53-53375-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. Bathing party landed and returned. pm: Marmora sailed. pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e3: ( 53-53375-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting ship’s side and as requisite. Bathing party landed and returned. Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e4: ( 53-53375-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 3.05pm: Courts martial returns read (Quarter ending 30th June 1916). pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e5: ( 53-53375-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 10.0pm: Thomas Henderson, Seaman, RNR Official No RV2-1189 died from acute tuberculiois [sic] and cardiac failure. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e6: ( 53-53375-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 Hands employed preparing ship for coaling and as requisite. 3.45pm: Body of Thomas Henderson, Seaman RNR landed for burial. 3.50pm: Funeral party landed. 4.25pm: 1 hospital case, Seaman RNR discharged to Transport “Aramic” for passage. 5.30pm: Funeral party returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e7: ( 53-53375-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1916 at Porto Grande, St Vincent Lat 16.8, Long -25.0 5.50am: Started coaling. 11.23am: Finished coaling. 330 tons received.
12.05pm: Weighed
and proceeded to anchorage. [in 2.45pm: “King Alfred” sailed. 3.51pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf890dcadfd341970242e8: ( 53-53375-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1916
From Noon position Lat 19.0, Long -23.2 Bull Rock Light House S43W 154’ 6.57am: Speaking SS Brookwood. 8.10am: Speaking SS Andromadis. 9.30am: OS and boys to small arms drill. Midshipmen to signals. 11.15am: XI, XII guns’ crews to loader. 1.15pm: Acting SGs to instruction. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 7.0pm: Spoke SS “Ronbrinn.” [?] 4caf890dcadfd341970242e9: ( 53-53375-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1916
From Noon position Lat 22.2, Long -20.5 Cape Blanco Light House S65E 211’ am: OS and boys to seamanship and gunnery instruction. Stokers watch below muster bags. Midshipmen to gunnery. 12.02pm: Sent away No 5 lifeboat with boarding party to USA schooner Adelaide Barbour. 12.40pm: Life boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. [The extreme right edge of this page is shown on the next scan.] 4caf890dcadfd341970242ea: ( 53-53375-011_1.jpg) [Extreme right edge of log page of 16 November and back of attached note of 16 November.] 4caf890dcadfd341970242eb: ( 53-53375-012_0.jpg) [Attached note] We the undersigned boarded American schooner "Adelaide Barbour" from New York to Gold Coast Ports. Long. [sic] 20.28N, Lat. [sic] 22.14W. Lieutenant-Commander Dickson RNR, Sub-Lieutenant Brinjes, RNR. 16th November 1916. [Lat and Long labels reversed.] 4caf890dcadfd341970242ec: ( 53-53375-012_1.jpg) 17 November 1916
From Noon position Lat 25.2, Long -17.8 Maspalomas Light House N38E 196’ 9.35am: Exercised General Quarters. Secure. Red watch to Squad drill. OS of Red watch to gunnery. Blue watch seamanship. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Acting SGs to instruction. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant No 101. [The extreme left edge of this page is shown on the previous scan.] 4caf890dcadfd341970242ed: ( 53-53375-013_0.jpg) 18 November 1916
From Noon position Lat 29.5, Long -17.2 Cumplida Point Light House S41W 48’ 6.0am: Fuencaliente Light House N69W(T) 18’. Start zig zagging. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Evening quarters. Articles of War read to Ship’s Company. 6.30pm: Stop zig zagging. 4caf890dcadfd341970242ee: ( 53-53375-013_1.jpg) 19 November 1916
From Noon position Lat 29.5, Long -18.6 Gorda Point (Palma) S33E 55’ 6.0am: Started zig zagging. 6.17am: Close SS “Alanita” (Italian). 9.30am: Divisions and Prayers. 6.30pm: Stop zig zagging. 4caf890dcadfd341970242ef: ( 53-53375-014_0.jpg) 20 November 1916
From Noon position Lat 25.0, Long -19.0 Garnet Head S88E 225’ 9.20am: General Drill. 10.25am: Disperse. pm: Acting GLs class to instruction. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant No 102. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f0: ( 53-53375-014_1.jpg) 21 November 1916
From Noon position Lat 20.8, Long -19.0 Cape Blanco Light House S89E 111’ 9.25am: OS and boys to instruction. Acting SGs to instruction. pm: Acting SGs class to instruction. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f1: ( 53-53375-015_0.jpg) 22 November 1916 From San Pedro Bay to Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 16.6, Long -18.6 Almadi Reef Light House S30E 128’ am: OS and boys to gunnery and seamanship instruction. Hands employed overhauling and refitting life boats and as requisite. Stokers to squad drill. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Hands scrub and wash clothes. pm: Acting GLs class to instruction. Gun watch employed as requisite. 6.39pm: Speaking Admiralty Collier. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f2: ( 53-53375-015_1.jpg) 23 November 1916 From San Pedro Bay to Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 13.0, Long -18.3 Bald Cape N74E 91’ 9.45am: Captain’s Rounds. am: 1st part of Blue watch and Stewards muster bags. OS and boys to gunnery and seamanship instruction. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Slow, started swinging ship for deviation. 5.35pm: Proceeded. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f3: ( 53-53375-016_0.jpg) 24 November 1916
From Noon position Lat 10.0, Long -16.7 Cape Cormeleon N36E 79’ 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters and tested fire alarms. 10.10am: OS and boys to instruction. Hands employed cleaning boats and as requisite. 12.13pm: Speaking SS “Balmore.” Proceeded. pm: Gun watch employed rigging coaling stay. 10.20pm: Heavy rain and sand storm. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f4: ( 53-53375-016_1.jpg) 25 November 1916
From Lat 8.5, Long -13.3 6.0am: Spoke French SS “Asia.” 6.45am: Observed the land about Sierre Leone. 8.0am: Sierre Leone Light House N87E(T) 23.7’ 10.10am: Stop, boarded by Examination Officer. Proceeded. 10.57am: Let go port anchor. [at Sierre Leone River, then shifted berth twice.] pm: Libertymen landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f5: ( 53-53375-017_0.jpg) 26 November 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 10.30am: Divine Service. pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f6: ( 53-53375-017_1.jpg) 27 November 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: Hands employed painting and scraping and as requisite. OS and boys boat sailing. Act. SGs class to examination. pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f7: ( 53-53375-018_0.jpg) 28 November 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 8.30am: Acting SGs to examination. Hands employed preparing for coaling and as requisite. pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f8: ( 53-53375-018_1.jpg) 29 November 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 6.0am: Collier came alongside. 6.30am: Started coaling. 4caf890dcadfd341970242f9: ( 53-53375-019_0.jpg) 30 November 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 10.0pm: Finished coaling 1351 tons received. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1916 4caf890dcadfd341970242ff: ( 53-53376-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890dcadfd34197024300: ( 53-53376-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890dcadfd34197024302: ( 53-53376-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.889”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 January 1917] 4caf890dcadfd34197024303: ( 53-53376-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890dcadfd34197024304: ( 53-53376-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 5.45am: Cast off collier. Hands employed cleaning ship. 2.30pm: One hospital case discharged to Transport Tofra. pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd34197024305: ( 53-53376-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd34197024306: ( 53-53376-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: Roman Catholics landed and returned. 9.40am: Divine Service held. 1.0pm: Highflyer arrived. [light cruiser, ex-2nd-class protected cruiser, Hyacinth-class] pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd34197024307: ( 53-53376-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.15am: Midshipmen to signal instruction. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. 4.0pm: All prisoners released from cells. 4.25pm: 1 signal rating joined ship from Donegal and 1 signal rating left ship for Donegal. pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd34197024308: ( 53-53376-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 6.15am: OS and boys to physical drill. 6.50am: 5 Carpenter ratings sent to “Djirines.” 9.10am: “Donegal” sailed. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. 4.05pm: Carpenter’s working party returned. pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd34197024309: ( 53-53376-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 6.15am: OS and boys to physical drill. 6.45am: Carpenter working party sent to “Dyenissa.” am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side, refitting and as requisite. am: Acting SGs class to examination. 4.05pm: Carpenter’s working party returned. pm: Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 4caf890dcadfd3419702430a: ( 53-53376-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1916 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 6.15am: OS and boys to physical drill. 6.40am: Carpenter working party sent to “Dyenissa.” am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Acting SGs class to examination. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Libertymen and patrol landed and returned. 3.05pm: Read warrant No 103. 4.10pm: Carpenter’s working party returned. 4caf890dcadfd3419702430b: ( 53-53376-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1916 at Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 8.7, Long -13.9 Cape Sierre Leone Light House S68E 36’ 8.15am: Weighed and proceeded. am: Hands employed painting ship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. Hands scrub and wash clothes. 8.10pm: Sighted “King Alfred.” 4caf890dcadfd3419702430c: ( 53-53376-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1916 From Sierre Leone to Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 7.35am: Observed Cape Sierre Leone S76E(T) 11.32am: Anchored in Sierre Leone River. 2.55pm: 2 carpenter ratings rejoined ship for Dyenissa. 5.23pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf890dcadfd3419702430d: ( 53-53376-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1916 From Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 8.8, Long -17.0 Alcatraz Island N42E 149’ 9.45am: Prayers. 4caf890dcadfd3419702430e: ( 53-53376-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1916 From Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 9.4, Long -21.3 Porto Praya Light House N12W 340’ am: OS and boys to physical drill. 9.30am: Hands fall in for drill, exercised General Quarters and abandon ship stations. 10.10am: Disperse. OS of Red & Blue watches to gunnery. 1.15pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. One pair of night spotting glasses lost by accident. 4.05pm: Marines to anti aircraft drill. 4caf890dcadfd3419702430f: ( 53-53376-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1916 From Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 9.9, Long -27.5 Brava Island N28E 348’ am: OS and boys to instruction. Marines to small arms drill. 11.15am: XI, XII guns’ crews to loader. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd34197024310: ( 53-53376-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1916 From Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 12.6, Long -29.7 Brava Island N64E 319’ am: Stokers to squad drill. Boys to rifle instruction. OS to squad drill. Midshipmen to seamanship. Hands employed chipping and scraping as requisite. pm: Hands scrub and wash clothes. 4caf890dcadfd34197024311: ( 53-53376-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1916 From Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 15.7, Long -31.6 South Point (St. Antonio) N79E 373’ am: OS and boys of Red and Blue watches to gunnery and seamanship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890dcadfd34197024312: ( 53-53376-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1916 From Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 18.9, Long -31.7 West Point (St. Antonio) S73E 375’ am: OS and boys to instruction. Marines to loader. 11.15am: XI & XII to loader. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4.05pm: Read warrant No 104. 4caf890dcadfd34197024313: ( 53-53376-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1916 From Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 22.5, Long -30.2 West Point St. Antonio S39E 430’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890ecadfd34197024314: ( 53-53376-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1916 From Sierre Leone to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 25.9, Long -29.3 West Point (St. Antonio) S22E 568’ 10.0am: Prayers. 4caf890ecadfd34197024315: ( 53-53376-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1916 From Sierre Leone to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 29.1, Long -25.0 Gorda Point (Palma Island) S86E 386’ 9.25am: General Drill and disperse. OS and boys to instruction. 11.15am: XI & XII guns’ crews to loader. 1.24pm: Speaking British SS Coreovado. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890ecadfd34197024316: ( 53-53376-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1916 From Sierre Leone to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 32.3, Long -21.0 Pargo Point (Madeira) N82E 195’ 6.0am: Started zig zagging (2 points). am: Midshipmen to gunnery. Guns’ crews to loader. 11.02am: Speaking Norwegian ship Vestdal. am: OS and boys to gunnery, signals, and seamanship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 3.55pm: Speaking Portuguese SS Bolania. 6.30pm: Stopped zig zagging. 4caf890ecadfd34197024317: ( 53-53376-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1916 From Sierre Leone to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 35.1, Long -16.3 Porto Santo Island S1W 118’ 6.0am: Started zig zagging. 11.20am: Speaking British SS Flandries. 12.12pm: Speaking Norwegian SS Oru. 5.30pm: Stopped zig zagging. 4caf890ecadfd34197024318: ( 53-53376-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1916 From Sierre Leone to Gibraltar Noon position Lat 34.4, Long -10.4 Cape Blanco S50E 115’ 9.52am: Close schooner Acturi. 10.14am: Norwegian schooner Raslu. 4.05pm: Read warrant no 105. 4caf890ecadfd34197024319: ( 53-53376-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1916 From Sierre Leone to Gibraltar and At Gibraltar South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 4.35am: Observed Cape Spartel Light. N81E(T) 10.05am: Ship moored alongside No 3 shed South Mole. Red watch employed returning ready ammunition. Remainder of hands chipping ship’s side and as requisite. 5.0pm: Libertymen and patrol landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702431a: ( 53-53376-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1916 At Gibraltar No 3 shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Picket house party landed. 8.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side, refitting and as requisite. 9.55am: 1 fireman & 1 trimmer discharged to RN hospital. 11.30am: Picket house party returned. 1.30pm: Libertymen & boys and patrol landed. Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf890ecadfd3419702431b: ( 53-53376-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1916 At Gibraltar No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Libertymen landed. [various times] pm: Patrol landed and returned. 4caf890ecadfd3419702431c: ( 53-53376-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1916 At Gibraltar No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Lieutenant Vandy left ship. Libertymen landed. [various times] 4caf890ecadfd3419702431d: ( 53-53376-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1916 At Gibraltar No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side and as requisite. 9.30am: Court of Enquiry held on board. 1.30pm: Libertymen and football party landed. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf890ecadfd3419702431e: ( 53-53376-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1916 At Gibraltar No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Picket house party landed. am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side, refitting and as requisite. 11.35am: Picket house party returned. pm: Hands employed scraping ship’s side. 4.15pm: Read warrant No 106. Libertymen and patrol landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702431f: ( 53-53376-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1916 At Gibraltar No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Steward’s store party landed. Hands employed scraping ship’s side. 10.05am: 1 Leading trimmer discharged to RN hospital. 10.40am: Store party returned. pm: Hands employed taking in provisions, scraping ship’s side and as requisite. Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024320: ( 53-53376-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1916 At Gibraltar No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed chipping and painting ship’s side. Double bottom party cleaning tanks. Hands discharging ammunition. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. Hands discharging ammunition. Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024321: ( 53-53376-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1916 At Gibraltar No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Picket house party landed. Hands employed discharging ammunition. Midshipmen to navigation. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024322: ( 53-53376-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1916 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. pm: Libertymen landed. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1917 4caf890ecadfd34197024327: ( 53-53377-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890ecadfd34197024328: ( 53-53377-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890ecadfd3419702432a: ( 53-53377-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.889”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 Feb 1917] 4caf890ecadfd3419702432b: ( 53-53377-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890ecadfd3419702432c: ( 53-53377-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1917 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Roman Catholics and Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Hands employed chipping ship’s side and as requisite. 9.45am: Finished discharging ammunition. Lighter cast off. 10.0am: Roman Catholics returned. pm: Hands employed returning stores, chipping ship’s side and as requisite. 4.14pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.15pm: Read warrant No 109. Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702432d: ( 53-53377-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground and Picket house parties landed. 11.25am: Picket house party returned. pm: Hands employed chipping ship’s side and as requisite. 4.05pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.15pm: Read warrant nos 108 & 109. Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702432e: ( 53-53377-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Marines landed. Hands employed chipping ship’s side and as requisite. Midshipmen to seamanship. 11.20am: Marines returned. pm: Hands employed chipping ship’s side and as requisite. 3.55pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 10.45pm: "Africa" and "Acorn" arrived. [AFRICA, pre-dreadnought battleship, King Edward VII-class] [ACORN, destroyer, Acorn-class, designated H-class] 4caf890ecadfd3419702432f: ( 53-53377-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. am: Hands employed chipping ship’s side, drawing stores and as requisite. Midshipmen to gunnery. pm: Hands employed chipping ship’s side and as requisite. 3.55pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024330: ( 53-53377-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. am: Hands employed chipping ship’s side and as requisite. One chipping hammer lost overboard by accident. Midshipmen to seamanship. pm: Hands employed chipping ship’s side, refitting and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024331: ( 53-53377-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 10.15am: 1 fireman discharged to RN hospital. Midshipmen to navigation. Noon: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Libertymen landed. 5.45pm: 1 Chief Artificer Engineer joined ship for passage. 4caf890ecadfd34197024332: ( 53-53377-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024333: ( 53-53377-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.30am: Hands employed chipping ship’s side, discharging frozen stores and as requisite. Midshipmen to seamanship. 11.30am: Hands employed taking in frozen stores and preparing to discharge ballast. pm: Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. 2.50pm: Football party landed. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024334: ( 53-53377-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground and Picket house parties landed. Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. 11.40 am: Picket house party returned. 2.0pm: 16 ratings joined ship from "Cormorant" for dispersal (2) Marines, (1) Corporal RMLI, (3) Chief Stokers, (1) Leading Signalman, (1) Telegraphist, (1) AB, (2) Seamen RNR, (5) Stokers. 3.50pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024335: ( 53-53377-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed discharging ballast. 12.40pm: Recreation Ground party returned. Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. pm: Libertymen landed. 7.30pm: 1 seaman RNR discharged to hospital. 4caf890ecadfd34197024336: ( 53-53377-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. Midshipmen to gunnery. pm: Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024337: ( 53-53377-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Picket house party landed. Hands employed discharging ballast, drawing stores and as requisite. 11.30am: Picket house party returned. 11.45am: 1 Sub Lieutenant RNR joined ship from SS Medina. pm: Hands employed discharging ballast, drawing stores and as requisite. 2.30pm: Lieutenant Caizel RNR joined ship from RN Hospital. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024338: ( 53-53377-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, discharging ballast and as requisite. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024339: ( 53-53377-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Church parties landed and returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 2.55pm: Submarine E38 made fast alongside. 4caf890ecadfd3419702433a: ( 53-53377-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Picket house party landed. Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. 10.25am: 1 corporal RMLI and 1 signal rating discharged to hospital. 11.40am: Picket house party returned. pm: Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702433b: ( 53-53377-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. 11.0am: Lieutenant Vandy rejoined ship. pm: Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. 4.10pm: Lieutenant Pilre left ship. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702433c: ( 53-53377-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 am: Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. Condemned frozen stores discharged into lighter. pm: Hands employed discharging ballast. 4.15pm: "Vengeance" [pre-dreadnought battleship, Canopus-class] arrived and secured to buoy. TBDs 69 and 74 to North Wall. pm: Libertymen landed. 10.0pm: Hands stopped discharging ballast. 4caf890ecadfd3419702433d: ( 53-53377-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.15am: Hands employed discharging ballast. 8.0am: Recreation Ground and Picket house parties landed. pm: Hands employed discharging ballast and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 5.40pm: Started flooding No 1 hold. 6.45pm: Tug "Bustler" alongside. 7.10pm: Bustler started pumping water into No 1 hold. 9.30pm: Finished flooding No 1, "Bustler" cast off. 4caf890ecadfd3419702433e: ( 53-53377-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 shed South mole and No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 4.55am: Staff Surgeon Wright & Assistant. Paymaster Williams left on leave. 7.45am: Hands preparing ship for docking. 8.0am: Submarine E38 cast off. Recreation Ground party landed. 8.10am: Tugs came alongside. 8.35am: Cast off and proceeded to No 1 dry dock. 10.0am: Hands employed chipping ship’s side and as requisite. pm: Hands employed scraping and scrubbing ship’s side and bottom. 3.50pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702433f: ( 53-53377-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 5.0am: Lieutenant Commander Dickson, Engine Lieutenant Commander Johnson, Lieutenant Simmonds, Engine Sub Lieutenant Duncan proceeded on leave. 7.45am: Hands employed chipping and scraping ship’s side, White watch ranging cables and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 10.15am: Hospital party landed. 2 ratings (firemen) discharged to RN hospital. 11.0am: White watch hauling up boats into boat shed. Noon: Recreation Ground party returned. 1.15pm: Red watch employed hauling up boats. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024340: ( 53-53377-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Picket house party landed. 10.40am: Picket house party returned. 4caf890ecadfd34197024341: ( 53-53377-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1917 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.15am: Hands employed chipping ship’s side and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 1.15pm: Hands employed chipping ship’s side, ranging cable and as requisite. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024342: ( 53-53377-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.15am: Hands employed chipping ship’s side, shifting spare propeller blades, drawing stores, refitting and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 10.20am: Hospital party landed. 1 donkeyman and 1 officer's steward discharged to RN hospital. 11.20am: Hospital party returned. pm: Hands employed chipping ship’s side, shifting spare propeller blades, refitting and as requisite. 4.0pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 5.30pm: 1 Signal rating rejoined ship from RN Hospital. Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024343: ( 53-53377-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Hands employed shifting life rafts, cleaning ship and as requisite. 7.0am: Hands employed chipping ship’s side. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Hands employed chipping ship’s side, shifting spare propeller blades, cleaning out No 1 hold, chipping chain locker, drawing stores and as requisite. 3.55pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 10.15pm: 1 fireman admitted to RN hospital from shore leave. 4caf890ecadfd34197024344: ( 53-53377-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1917 At Gibraltar Dry Dock No I Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Double bottom party employed in chain locker and tanks, remainder cleaning ship. 6.45am: Hands employed chipping Nos 1 & 5 holds and ship’s side, drawing stores and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and chipping Nos 1 & 5 holds, scraping and painting ship’s side, refitting, drawing stores, and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed cleaning and chipping Nos 1 & 5 holds, drawing stores, refitting, and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. White and Blue watches cleaning out No 1 hold. 10.0pm: Stopped working in No1 hold. 4caf890ecadfd34197024345: ( 53-53377-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1917 At Gibraltar Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.05am: Double bottom parties carry on. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning Nos 1 & 5 holds and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground and Picket house parties landed. Working party of 59 ratings joined from "Cormorant". 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and painting Nos 1 & 5 holds, working ballast and as requisite. 11.30am: 3 ratings recalled to "Cormorant". 1.15pm: Hands employed cleaning and painting Nos 1 & 5 holds, working ballast and as requisite. 4.0pm: Recreation Ground party returned. Working party left. 5.0pm: Libertymen landed. Double bottom parties Blue and Red watches carried on. 5.15pm: 1 corporal of marines joined ship from hospital. 7.30pm: Double bottom parties carried on. 8.45pm: Red watch employed sanding No1 hold. 10.0pm: Double bottom parties stopped working. 10.15pm: Red watch stopped working. 4caf890ecadfd34197024346: ( 53-53377-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.05am: Double bottom parties carried on. 6.15am: Hands employed shifting spare propeller blades, cleaning and painting No 4 holds and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.10am: Working party 43 hands arrived. 8.45am: Hands employed shifting spare propeller blades, taking in sand at No 1 hold, drawing stores and as requisite. 10.20am: 1 signal rating (RNVR) discharged to hospital. 11.30am: Hospital party returned. 11.50am: Recreation Ground party returned. 1.30pm: Hands employed taking in ballast at No 1 hold. Libertymen landed. 4.20pm: Cormorant’s working party left. 5.0pm: Red and White watches employed taking in ballast at No 1 hold. Libertymen landed. 7.30pm: Red and White watches employed taking in ballast. Double bottom parties carrying on. 10.0pm: Red & White watches stopped work. 4caf890ecadfd34197024347: ( 53-53377-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.35am: Double bottom parties carry on. 6.45am: Red and White watches employed taking in ballast in No 1 hold. Blue watch employed as requisite. 9.20am: Red and White watches employed taking in ballast at No 1. pm: Leave to Red watch from 1:30 pm. White watch from 5 pm to 7 am. 1.15pm: Blue & White watches employed taking in ballast. Double bottom parties carrying on. pm: Libertymen landed. 5.30pm: 1 Private RMLI, C.M. [Court Martial] prisoner left ship. 4caf890ecadfd34197024348: ( 53-53377-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.05am: Double bottom parties carry on. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship, preparing to take in ballast and as requisite. 6.45am: Hands employed taking in ballast. 8.0am: Recreation Ground and Picket house parties landed. 8.10am: Working party (28) arrived. 8.45am: Hands employed taking in ballast, cleaning and painting and as requisite. 11.30am: Picket house party returned. 1.15pm: Hands employed taking in ballast forward, chipping and scraping No IV hold and ship’s side, double bottom parties carrying on. 3.50pm: Recreation Ground party returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 9.0pm: DB parties stopped working. 4caf890ecadfd34197024349: ( 53-53377-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.05am: Double bottom parties carry on. 6.15am: Hands employed stowing ballast, cleaning ship and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.10am: Working party (35) ratings arrived from Cormorant. 9.15am: Hands employed taking in ballast and as requisite. 11.15am: 1 Private RMLI, CM prisoner retuned on board. 1.15pm: Hands employed taking in ballast, chipping and scraping, taking in cables and as requisite. 4.20pm: Working party left ship. pm: Libertymen landed. 5.40pm: 1 trimmer returned from hospital. 4caf890ecadfd3419702434a: ( 53-53377-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1917 At Gibraltar No I Dry Dock Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.05am: Double bottom parties carry on. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. Working party (31) ratings arrived. 8.45am: Hands employed taking in ballast, stowing cables, chipping after hold and as requisite. 10.02am: 1 private RMLI discharged to RN Hospital under escort, hospital party landed. 11.35am: Escort and working party returned. 8.45am: Hands employed taking in ballast forward, stowing cables, chipping after hold and as requisite. 4.10pm: Working party left ship. pm: Libertymen landed. 6.15pm: Stopped working cables. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1917 4caf890ecadfd3419702434f: ( 53-53378-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890ecadfd34197024350: ( 53-53378-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890ecadfd34197024352: ( 53-53378-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out except note “See C.A.I.O.290/17”; signed by John Warren, Captain. 1 March 1917] 4caf890ecadfd34197024353: ( 53-53378-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890ecadfd34197024354: ( 53-53378-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No I Dry Dock and No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship etc. 6.45am: Hands employed stowing cable, working ballast and as requisite. 8.0am: Recreation Ground and Picket house parties landed. Working party (36) arrived. 8.45am: Hands employed taking in ballast and cables, drawing stores, refitting and as requisite. 11.30am: Picket house party returned. 1.15pm: Hands employed taking in ballast, chipping No IV hold, drawing stores and as requisite. 2.20pm: Started to flood the dock. 3.0pm: Ship floated off the blocks. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.15pm: Proceeded out of No 1 dock toward No 3 shed, South Mole, dockyard tugs assisting. 5.30pm: All fast. 6.0pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024355: ( 53-53378-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Hands employed preparing to take in ballast aft, red leading ship’s side etc. 6.45am: Hands employed taking in ballast aft, red leading ship’s side etc. 7.40am: Working party (40) arrived. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Hands employed taking in ballast, chipping and red leading ship’s side, drawing stores and as requisite. 1.20pm: Hands employed taking in ballast aft, refitting, drawing stores, chipping and red leading ship’s side, and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.30pm: Working party left ship. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024356: ( 53-53378-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship, chipping and red leading, taking in ballast, and as requisite. 7.55am: Working party (38) arrived. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. 8.45am: Hands employed taking in ballast, red leading ship’s side, drawing stores and as requisite. 12.05pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 1.15pm: Red and White watches employed taking in ballast, red leading ship’s side, and as requisite. pm: Libertymen landed. 4.30pm: Stopped taking in ballast, working party left ship. 4caf890ecadfd34197024357: ( 53-53378-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.45am: Side party carried on. am: Church parties and Picket house parties landed. 10.0am: Lieutenant Caizley discharged to hospital. am: Church parties and Picket house parties returned. 11.20am: Sub Lieutenant Houghton & Midshipman Carid, Defrates, Bingham & Whellner discharged to Mooltan for passage. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024358: ( 53-53378-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Working party (27) arrived. Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed taking in ballast, painting ship’s side, drawing stores, refitting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed taking in ballast, painting ship’s side, drawing stores, refitting and as requisite. 3.50pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.30pm: Cormorant’s working party left. 5.10pm: "Angora" sailed. [minelayer, mercantile conversion] pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024359: ( 53-53378-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.50am: Working party (29) arrived. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. Hands employed taking in ballast, painting ship’s side, refitting and as requisite. 10.15am: Hospital party landed. 1 fireman discharged to hospital. 11.45am: Hospital party returned. 1.15pm: Hands employed taking in ballast, painting ship’s side, returning stores, refitting and as requisite. 3.45pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.30pm: Working party left. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702435a: ( 53-53378-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Recreation Ground, Picket house, and Victualing parties landed. Working party (30) arrived. Hands employed taking in ballast, painting ship’s side, taking in stores, and as requisite. 10.15am: Hospital working party left ship. 11.20am: Picket house party returned. 12.15pm: Hospital party returned. 12.30pm: Victualing party taking in provisions. 1.15pm: Hands employed taking in ballast, taking in provisions, painting ship’s side, and as requisite. 2.15pm: Lieutenant Caizley returned from hospital. 3.0pm: Staff Surgeon Wright and A.P. Williams returned from leave. 3.50pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 4.30pm: Working party left. pm: Libertymen landed. 7.15pm: Sub-Lieutenant . Duncan returned from leave. 8.20pm: Finished taking in provisions. 4caf890ecadfd3419702435b: ( 53-53378-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.20am: 4 coal lighters alongside. 8.0am: Recreation Ground party landed. Working party (30) arrived. Hands employed taking in ballast, drawing stores and as requisite. 10.20am: Hospital party landed, 1 trimmer discharged to hospital. Started coaling from the mole (shore labour). 11.50am: Hospital party returned. 1.35pm: Carry on coaling both sides. Working party taking in ballast. 2.10pm: "Vengeance" coaling party arrived (200). 2.25pm: Recreation Ground party returned. 2.30pm: "Vengeance" coaling party arrived (50). 6.0pm: Read warrant No 110. Hands coal ship. Vengeance coaling party left. 7.0pm: Lieutenant Commander Dickson returned from leave. 8.0pm: Stopped coaling, 523.3 tons received. 4caf890ecadfd3419702435c: ( 53-53378-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Hands coal ship. 8.05am: "Vengeance" coaling party arrived (350). 10.30am: Engine Sub- Lieutenant Wilson discharged to hospital. [pm: Hands coal ship in shifts all afternoon and evening.] 4caf890ecadfd3419702435d: ( 53-53378-008_0.jpg) 10 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 7.30am: Finished coaling 2100 tons received. Working party (43) arrived. 8.0am: 2 ammunition lighters came alongside. Red watch and working party taking in ammunition, remainder cleaning ship and as requisite. 3.05pm: Finished taking in ammunition. 4.0pm: Tug "Rambler" alongside, cast off and moored to Gun Wharf. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702435e: ( 53-53378-008_1.jpg) 11 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 5 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.30am: BII gun and mounting landed. am: Church parties landed and returned. 9.10am: BI dismounted and mounted in place of BII. 11.0am: New BI mounted. 12.15pm: Tugs made fast, moved to No 5 shed, South Mole. 4.40pm: E38 [submarine] made fast alongside. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd3419702435f: ( 53-53378-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 5 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 1.20am: Lance Corporal Harrison RMLI reported DW Thomas, donkeyman MM [Mercantile Marine] rating had been found lying at the bottom of the after hold seriously hurt. Stretcher party under Corrin, Sick Bay Seargeant, immediately had Thomas removed to Sick Bay where he was attended by Staff Surgeon Wright and Surgeon MacC~land, but life was extinct on arrival at Sick Bay. David Watkin Thomas, Donkeyman, age 34, Donkeyman Mercantile Marine, British, died of a fractured skull. 4.35am: Hospital party left ship with corpse. 5.35pm: Hospital party returned. 8.0am: Working party (40) arrived. Picket house party left. Hands employed taking in provisions and as requisite. Party for North Gorge landed. Party landed to launch boats. 8.40am: E. Bodehur seaman RNR accidently fell down No 2 hold, seriously injuring face 10.20am: Bodehur discharged to RN Hospital. 10.45am: Court of Enquiry held into the death of DW Thomas. 11.35am: Hospital party returned. 1 donkeyman, 1 Leading Trimmer, 1 fireman, 1 trimmer returned from hospital. pm: Hands employed drawing stores, victualling and as requisite. 4.0pm: Funeral party landed. 4.30pm: North Gorge party returned. 4.45pm: Read warrant No 117. pm: Libertymen landed. 6.35pm: Funeral party returned. 4caf890ecadfd34197024360: ( 53-53378-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 5 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 8.0am: Working party (35) arrived. Hands employed taking in stores provisions refitting and as requisite. Hoisted and secured port boats. 9.25am: E38 left. 10.30am: 4 ratings 2 invalids, 1 leading fireman, 1 fireman and 2 trimmers discharged to "Cormorant" to await passage to England. pm: Hands employed taking in stores and provisions, refitting and as requisite. 1.45pm: Read warrants Nos 112, 113, 115 and 116. 2.50pm: E38 made fast alongside. 4.30pm: Working party left. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890ecadfd34197024361: ( 53-53378-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 5 Shed South Mole Lat 36.1, Long -5.3 6.15am: Hands employed clearing up decks and in getting starboard boats ready for hoisting. 8.0am: Picket house party landed. 8.45am: Hands employed hoisting and stowing starboard boats, taking in stores, refitting and as requisite. 11.50am: Picket house party returned. pm: Hands employed drawing stores, refitting and as requisite. 2.15pm: Sub Lieutenant Ditcham for passage. 1 stoker joined from hospital for passage. Engine Sub-Lieutenant Wilson rejoined from hospital. 3.35pm: Engine Mate Slomans joined ship from "Africa" for "Sutlej". 4caf890ecadfd34197024362: ( 53-53378-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1917 At Gibraltar, No 3 Shed South Mole Noon position Lat 36.0, Long -6.0 Cape Spartel Light House S29E 12.5’ 7.19am: Let go and proceeded. 8.03am: Europa Pt Light N84E(T) 2.2' 10.12am: Tarifa Light N29E(T) 10.3' Hands employed as requisite. Side shoot and part of port after rail washed overboard. 11.38am: Cape Spartel Light S7E(T) 10.5' 7.30pm: Stopped zig zagging. 4caf890ecadfd34197024363: ( 53-53378-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1917 From Gibraltar to Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 33.8, Long -11.1 Cape Blanco S73E 127’ 1.30am: Sighted a steamer’s stern light. 6.30am: Started zigzagging. am: Hands employed cleaning ship, refitting and as requisite. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 4.50pm: Fired one round from BI. 7.30pm: Stopped zig zagging. 9.30 and 11.10pm: Exercised guns’ and searchlights’ crews. 4caf890ecadfd34197024364: ( 53-53378-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1917 From Gibraltar to Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 31.2, Long -16.1 Great Salvage Island S13E 61’ 6.15am: Started zigzagging. am: Saturday routine. Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.15am: Fired two rounds from BI. pm: Gunwatch employed as requisite. 7.15pm: Stopped zigzagging. 4caf890ecadfd34197024365: ( 53-53378-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1917 From Gibraltar to Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 28.0, Long -20.0 Hierro Island (SW Point) S80E 101’ 6.05am: Started zigzagging. 6.40 am: Observed high land of Palma Island S89E (T). Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.0am: Church. 7.10pm: Stopped zigzagging. 4caf890ecadfd34197024366: ( 53-53378-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1917 From Gibraltar to Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 23.7, Long -20.0 Cape Blanco Light House S43E 244’ 9.30am: Dropped target. Fired 5 rounds practice from each gun. 11.29am: Stop. Target hoisted inboard. 11.50am: Proceeded. 1.18pm: Danish SS Falklands. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. Read warrant No 114. 4caf890ecadfd34197024367: ( 53-53378-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1917 From Gibraltar to Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 19.1, Long -19.9 Cape Blanco Light House N57E 194’ 9.15am: Hands employed scraping and painting and as requisite. Marines small arms drill. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890ecadfd34197024368: ( 53-53378-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1917 From Gibraltar to Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 14.3, Long -19.8 Cape Verde Light House N80E 136’ am: Red watch squad drill. Hands employed chipping and scraping and as requisite. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890fcadfd34197024369: ( 53-53378-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1917 From Gibraltar to Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 10.3, Long -17.2 Pullam Island N68E 91’ 7.40am: Swung ship for compass deviation. am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. AI & YI guns crews to drill. 1.07pm: Started zig zagging. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. Read warrant no 111. 7.05pm: Stopped zig zagging. 4caf890fcadfd3419702436a: ( 53-53378-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1917 From Gibraltar to Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 9.04am: Cape Sierre Leone Light House S82E(T) 1.3’ 9.50am: Let go port anchor in 13 fathoms. [in Sierre Leone River] 10.45am: 1 Chief Stoker, 1 Stoker, 1 Corporal RMLI left ship for Swiftsure. 1 AB joined ship from Swiftsure. 11.0am: 1 Engine Mate, 1 Chief Assistant Engineer, 1 Chief Stoker, 3 Stoker, 1 AB, 2 OS, 1 arms crew, 1 private RMLI discharged to Sutlej. Collier Camlsian King came alongside. 1.10pm: Started coaling. 2.20pm: 1 Sub Lieutenant left ship for “Mallina.” [decoy or Q-ship - see DJERISSA, chartered collier] 2.45pm: Lieutenant Vandy rejoined ship. 3.0pm: Stopped coaling. 4.30pm: Hands coal ship. 4caf890fcadfd3419702436b: ( 53-53378-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1917 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 [coal ship all night] 8.40am: 2 lighters came alongside for provisions and stores. 9.0am: 24 ratings from Swiftsure and 24 ratings from Sutlej working parties arrived. 9.45am: Swiftsure party left. Lighter came alongside with evaporater [sic]. 10.50am: Finished coaling. 902 tons received. 11.45am: Cast off collier. pm: Cleaning ship. [Working parties, lighters, and water tanks come and go all afternoon.] 4caf890fcadfd3419702436c: ( 53-53378-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1917 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Roman Catholic church party left and returned. [Working parties and lighters come and go all day.] 1.40pm: “King Alfred” arrived. 2.0pm: Libertymen landed. 2.10pm: “Krini” arrived alongside. Lieutenant Caizley left ship for K. A. 4caf890fcadfd3419702436d: ( 53-53378-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1917 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship’s side, cleaning and painting boats an as requisite. 10.45am: Marmora and 5 transports arrived. [Working parties and lighters come and go all day.] 2.20pm: Libertymen landed. 1 Surgeon joined for Orotava. 5.50pm: 8 Ratings sent to King Alfred for Donegal. 1 Private RMLI, 3 Stokers, 1 Telegraphist, 1 Leading Signalman, 1 Chief Stoker, 1 AB (under arrest) 3 signalmen RNVR joined ship from King Alfred. pm: 1 Officers Steward, 1 Cook, 1 Surgeon joined ship. 4caf890fcadfd3419702436e: ( 53-53378-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1917 at Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 [Crew members join and leave ship all day. ] 1.15pm: Read warrant No 118. 4caf890fcadfd3419702436f: ( 53-53378-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1917 at Sierre Leone Noon position Lat 8.6, Long -13.7 Cape Sierre Leone Light House S80E 26’ 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.02am: Sierre Leone Light House S(T) 4 cables. 11.12am: SS "Dunvegan Castle" under convoy. LOGS FOR MARCH 1917 4caf890fcadfd34197024375: ( 53-53379-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890fcadfd34197024376: ( 53-53379-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890fcadfd34197024378: ( 53-53379-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out; signed by John Warren, Captain. 31 March 1917] 4caf890fcadfd34197024379: ( 53-53379-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890fcadfd3419702437a: ( 53-53379-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 10.2, Long -18.7 Una Island N64E 141’ am: SS "Dunvegan Castle" in company. Hands employed painting and as requisite. pm: Gun watch and red watch employed painting ship. 4caf890fcadfd3419702437b: ( 53-53379-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 12.1, Long -23.7 Porto Praya Light House N5E 170’ am: SS "Dunvegan Castle" in company. Hands employed painting and as requisite. pm: Blue & white watches employed painting ship. 4caf890fcadfd3419702437c: ( 53-53379-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 15.2, Long -27.9 South Point (St. Antonio) N55E 180’ am: SS "Dunvegan Castle" in company. Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4caf890fcadfd3419702437d: ( 53-53379-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 19.6, Long -28.0 West Point (St. Antonio) S45E 214’ am: SS "Dunvegan Castle" in company. Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.50am: Prayers. 4caf890fcadfd3419702437e: ( 53-53379-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 24.4, Long -26.4 North Point (St. Antonio) S10E 434’ am: Dunvegan Castle in company. Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. pm: Blue and White watches employed painting ship. 4caf890fcadfd3419702437f: ( 53-53379-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 29.0, Long -24.7 West Point Palm Island S87E 367’ am: SS Dunvegan Castle in company. Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: General Drill, exercised Fire and Abandon Ship stations. Hands employed refitting and as requisite. OS and boys of Red and White watches to drill. pm: Gun watch employed painting and as requisite. 4caf890fcadfd34197024380: ( 53-53379-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 33.0, Long -23.6 Pargo Point (Madeira) S87E 323’ am: Dunvegan Castle in company. Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Stokers of White watch and OS and boys to squad drill. OS and boys to gunnery instruction. Remainder of hands painting and as requisite. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890fcadfd34197024381: ( 53-53379-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 37.9, Long -22.1 Amel Point Light House (San Miguel) S87W 148’ am: SS Dunvegan Castle in company. Hands employed holystoning decks. Marines painting flats. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890fcadfd34197024382: ( 53-53379-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon DR position Lat 42.1, Long -19.0 Finnisterre Light House N83E 439’ am: SS Dunvegan Castle in company. Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. pm: Gun watch employed as requisite. 4caf890fcadfd34197024383: ( 53-53379-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1917 From Sierre Leone Noon observed position Lat 46.1, Long -14.9 Cape Villano Light House S53E 300’ am: SS Dunvegan Castle in company. Hands employed cleaning ship. 5.0am: Started zig zagging. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.05pm: Sighted destroyer, stopped zig zagging. 9.26pm: Parted company with Dunvegan Castle. 9.35pm: TBDs “Lizard” and “Lapuring” escorting. 11.0pm: Started zig zagging. 4caf890fcadfd34197024384: ( 53-53379-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1917 From Sierre Leone to Plymouth Noon observed position Lat 48.7, Long -9.1 Lizard Light House N64E 171’ 9.30am: Divisions and Church. 8.30pm: Stopped zig zagging. 11.10pm: Observed Wolf Rock Light N35W(T) Lizard Light N50E(T) 11.15pm: Started zig zagging. 4caf890fcadfd34197024385: ( 53-53379-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1917 From Sierre Leone to Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 5.23am: Let go port anchor in 9 fathoms. 7.02am: Weighed and proceeded. Engines as requisite for going up Hamoaze. 7.50am: Arrived at No 8 Buoy. 8.05am: All fast. Hands employed cleaning ship, returning ammunition and as requisite. 9.50am: (7) ratings discharged to RN Barracks, 1 Chief Steward(Off) (1) officer’s cook (1) PO (3) Signalman (1) Ordinary Signalman. 10.20am: 1 Surgeon discharged to RN Barracks. 11.30am: (2) ratings (1) St. (1) AB discharged to RN hospital. pm: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling and as requisite. 4caf890fcadfd34197024386: ( 53-53379-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 8.30am: Coal lighters alongside. Commenced coaling. 10.30pm: Hands employed coaling. 4caf890fcadfd34197024387: ( 53-53379-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 [Hands coaling all day. ] 8.45am: Libertymen landed. 14 ratings from Depot working party. 11.55am: Sergeant Drummond, Tes. Signalmen Smith & Bugler Knight discharged to hospital. 3.30pm: Dockyard working party left. 9.50pm: Finished coaling for the night. Hands to cocoa. 4caf890fcadfd34197024388: ( 53-53379-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.30am: Hands employed coaling. 8.15am: 7 ratings from Depot (working party) & 50 ratings from Jupiter (coaling party). 8.40am: 20 ratings from Depot (working party). 9.0am: 2 ERAs (working party). 12.45pm: 45 hands employed coaling. 4.20pm: Depot working parties left ship. 7.15pm: Finished coaling 1600 tons received. 8.0pm: Hands employed stowing coaling gear and cleaning up ship. 4caf890fcadfd34197024389: ( 53-53379-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 8.15am: 7 ERAs from Depot (working party) 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: 22 working party from Depot. 2.0pm: Depot working party left ship. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890fcadfd3419702438a: ( 53-53379-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 8.15am: 7 ERAs working party arrived. 8.45am: Stokers working party arrived (20). Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.10am: Stokers working part left ship. 12.10pm: ERA working party left ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Libertymen landed. 4caf890fcadfd3419702438b: ( 53-53379-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 am: Church parties landed and returned. pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890fcadfd3419702438c: ( 53-53379-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 7.15am: Dockyard working party arrived. 8.20am: ERA working party from Depot. 8.45am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. 11.10am: (1) rating OS joined ship. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. 3.30pm: Working party left ship. pm: Libertymen landed. 7.10pm: Dockyard working party left ship. 4caf890fcadfd3419702438d: ( 53-53379-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. 7.20am: Dockyard men onboard. 8.40am: Depot working party arrived & ERAs. Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. 9.0am: Scotch & Irish libertymen landed (2nd leave). 10.50am: (3) Met [Metropolitan?] police to attend defaulters. 12.30pm: (3) Met police left ship. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting mess deck and as requisite. 3.15pm: Depot working party left ship. pm: Libertymen landed. 7.10pm: Dockyard workers left ship. 4caf890fcadfd3419702438e: ( 53-53379-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed painting mess deck etc. 7.15am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 8.45am: Depot working party arrived. 9.0am: Depot working party (20 stokers) & dockyard workmen arrived. 12.30pm: Depot working party left ship. Hands employed painting and as requisite. 1.45pm: ERA WP left. 4.0pm: Depot W Party left. 7.15am: Dockyard workmen left. 4caf890fcadfd3419702438f: ( 53-53379-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands cleaning up mess deck. 7.30am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 8.35am: Libertymen landed. Hands employed as requisite. 10.40am: Tug “Trusty” made fast alongside (S). 10.50am: Tug “Industrious” made fast alongside (P). 11.20am: Tug “Assurance” towing ahead. Unmoored from buoy and proceeded into dock. 12.0pm: Moored in dock basin. 2.30pm: Unmoored & proceeded into dock. 3.15pm: Moored ship in dock No 3 basin. 3.35pm: 1 stoker PO & 1 boy(sea) joined ship on passage. 7.45pm: Dockyard workers left. 4caf890fcadfd34197024390: ( 53-53379-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 7.30am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 7.50am: Depot Working Party & ERA Working Party arrived. 8.30am: Floating galley made fast alongside. Hands employed painting and as requisite. 4caf890fcadfd34197024391: ( 53-53379-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting and as requisite. 8.15am: Working party from Depot arrived. pm: Hands to make and mend. 4.15pm: Hands employed taking stores aboard. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890fcadfd34197024392: ( 53-53379-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning mess decks flats and as requisite. 7.20am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 8.45am: ERAs working party arrived. 11.45am: 1st port watch taking in provisions. 1.30pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890fcadfd34197024393: ( 53-53379-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting and as requisite. 7.30am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 8.15am: Party from Depot for Engine room arrived. Hands employed clearing down aloft painting etc. 3.20pm: Depot Working Party left ship. 3.30pm: ERA Working Party left ship. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 8.45pm: Dockyard workmen left. 4caf890fcadfd34197024394: ( 53-53379-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 8.05am: Party for Engine room arrived. 8.15am: ERA party arrived. Hands employed painting aloft ship’s side and as requisite. 3.15pm: Depot Working Party left. 4.0pm: 1 AB RNVR discharged to hospital. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 4caf890fcadfd34197024395: ( 53-53379-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting and as requisite. 7.30am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite. 3.15pm: Depot Working Party left. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 8.45pm: Dockyard workmen left. 4caf890fcadfd34197024396: ( 53-53379-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting and as requisite. 7.30am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 8.05am: 5 ERA arrived. 8.45am: Hands employed painting drawing stores and as requisite. 10.0am: 2 ratings (OS) joined ship for passage to Brittania. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite. 3.15pm: Dockyard working left ship. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 8.45pm: Dockyard workmen left. 4caf890fcadfd34197024397: ( 53-53379-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Dockyard workmen arrived. 8.0am: Depot working party arrived. 9.20am: Hands employed painting, getting in cold stores and as requisite. 9.30am: Ratings joined. 1 CPO, 4 POs, 5 Leading Seamen, 1 OWS, 1 Tes. Signalman, 1 Ship Wright, 1 Carpenter’s crew, 1 armourer’s crew, 1 Ships Corporal, 1 Ordinary Telegraphist, 2 Signalman RNVR, 1 SBR, 1 Chief Telegraphist. 12.15pm: Tes. Signalman discharged to RN Barracks Devonport. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 5.15pm: (29) ratings discharged from ship. 4caf890fcadfd34197024398: ( 53-53379-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1917 at Plymouth Lat 50.4, Long -4.1 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.05am: Depot working party & ERAs arrived. 8.45am: Warrants No 119, 120, 121 read & 3 discharged to detention. 8.55am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 10.0am: (1) PO Discharged to Depot. 11.30am: 10 Firemen (MMR) & (1) Asst. Steward joined ship. 12.0pm: Make and mend clothes. 1.30pm: Libertymen landed. 4.30pm: Libertymen landed. 5.30pm: Libertymen landed. APRIL 1917 to MARCH 1918 not included LOGS FOR APRIL 1918 4caf890fcadfd3419702439d: ( 53-53383-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890fcadfd3419702439e: ( 53-53383-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890fcadfd341970243a0: ( 53-53383-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf890fcadfd341970243a1: ( 53-53383-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890fcadfd341970243a2: ( 53-53383-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat 15.3, Long -26.8 6.15am: Daymen commenced work cleaning decks. 6.30am: Both watches commenced work cleaning decks. 9.45am: Exercised ship’s company at general quarters. 10.35am: Hands to work as requisite. 1.15pm: Daymen continued work as requisite. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. [pm: zig zagging.] 4caf890fcadfd341970243a3: ( 53-53383-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat 12.8, Long -24.1 am: Y1, X1, B1 crews at loader drill, & sporting table. pm: Mustered ships company for quarterly payment. 7.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf890fcadfd341970243a4: ( 53-53383-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat 10.8, Long -20.4 am: A1, B1, Y1, Y2 guns crews to loader drill. Hands hoisting boats and preparing coaling gear & paravanes. pm: Hands employed turning in boats. 7.15pm: Darkened ship. pm: Guns crews and sea boats crews exercised at intervals. 4caf890fcadfd341970243a5: ( 53-53383-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat 9.2, Long -16.2 10.30am: Hands employed preparing coaling gear and paravanes. A1, Y1, Y2, X2 crews to loader. Gunlayers to deflection teacher. pm: Hands employed preparing paravanes. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.35pm: Streamed paravanes. 4caf890fcadfd341970243a6: ( 53-53383-005_1.jpg) 5 April 1918 At sea and anchor Off Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 4.25am: Paravanes secured. 8.30am: Sighted Lion Hill S58E 10.15am: Anchored 60 fathoms on port anchor in 8 fathoms. 10.45am: Collier “Penylan” alongside. 4.30pm: Commenced coaling ship. 4caf890fcadfd341970243a7: ( 53-53383-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1918 At Anchor Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: Coaling ship throughout. Receiving fresh water from lighters at intervals. pm: Coaling and watering throughout. 4caf890fcadfd341970243a8: ( 53-53383-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1918 At Anchor Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 2.0am: Violent rain squall. am: Coaling ship throughout. Receiving fresh water from lighters at intervals. 11.0am: A1, B1, X2, Y2 crews to anti submarine stations. Lookouts placed. 12.25pm: HMS "Bacchante" (flag) sailed. [cruiser, ex-armoured cruiser, Cressy-class] 3.07pm: HMS "Bacchante" (flag) anchored. pm: Coaling ship throughout. Watering at intervals. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. 4caf890fcadfd341970243a9: ( 53-53383-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1918 At Anchor Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: Coaling ship throughout. A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. 4.15am: Finished coaling received 1690 tons. 6.50am: HMS Brittania anchored. Hands cleaning ship. [pre-dreadnought battleship, King Edward VII-class] 7.15am: Collier “Penylan” left. 9.20am: HMS "Bristol" anchored. [light cruiser, ex-2nd-class cruiser, Bristol-class] 2.0pm: Leave to part ship’s company. 4.10pm: Read warrant No 3. 6.15pm: Libertymen returned. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. pm: A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. 4caf890fcadfd341970243aa: ( 53-53383-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1918 At Anchor Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 3.0pm: Leave to part ship’s company. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. 4caf890fcadfd341970243ab: ( 53-53383-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1918 At Anchor Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing paravanes. 11.0am: Received 41 Chinese prisoners for passage. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 4. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. 4caf890fcadfd341970243ac: ( 53-53383-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1918 At Anchor Sierre Leone Lat 8.5, Long -13.2 am: A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. 3.30pm: Received 2 CS officials for passage. 7.0pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 7.15pm: Passed boom defense and streamed paravanes. pm: A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. 4caf890fcadfd341970243ad: ( 53-53383-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat 7.0, Long -14.0 am: A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. am: Exercised ship’s company at general quarters. Hands at loader drill. pm: Hands employed at loader drill instruction. 8.30pm: closely examined S/S Ciudade de Cadiz (Spanish) - allowed to proceed. pm: A1, B1, X2, Y2 guns manned. 4caf890fcadfd341970243ae: ( 53-53383-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat 3.4, Long -10.9 am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Stopped and dropped target. Commenced .303 gun practice. 11.30am: Stopped and picked up target and proceeded. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.11pm: Dropped life buoy. Exercised boats’ crews. 4.30pm: Proceeded. 4caf890fcadfd341970243af: ( 53-53383-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -0.3, Long -7.6 10.0am: Divine service. am: Hands at leisure. pm: A1,B1,X2,Y2 guns’ crews and sea boats crews’ exercised. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b0: ( 53-53383-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -4.0, Long -4.6 9.40am: Reduced speed to drop target. 10.0am: Carried out .303 practice from starboard battery and 1 inch from port battery. 11.10am: Picked up target. Proceeded. 1.15pm: Hands resumed work. X2, Y2 guns’ crews to drill. Boys to school. 2.25pm: Reduced speed and dropped towing target. 2.35pm: Resumed speed and exercised gunlayers at .303 practice. 3.32pm: Landed target. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b1: ( 53-53383-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -7.4, Long -1.7 9.35am: Reduced speed and dropped towing target. 10.0am: Carried out .303 practice for X2 & Y2. am: Boys at seamanship instruction. 10.45am: Resumed speed. 2.0pm: Boys at school. Hands variously employed. 4.19pm: Dropped life buoy and exercised port sea boat crew. 4.30pm: Proceeded. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b2: ( 53-53383-011_1.jpg) 17 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -11.5, Long 1.0 am: Carried out .303 practice from poop guns. Gunlayers at deflection teacher. Boys at seamanship. Midshipmen at spotting table. 1.15pm: Hands employed as necessary. Boys at school. S1 guns’ crews at loader drill. 4.15pm: Dropped lifebuoy and lowered port cutter. 5.10pm: Hoisted cutter and proceeded. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b3: ( 53-53383-012_0.jpg) 18 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -15.3, Long 3.8 9.05am: SS Headcliffe, government collier, Dakar to Cape Town allowed to proceed. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Sea boats’ crews to rowing drill. Guns’ crews to loader. Boys to seamanship. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. Boys at school. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b4: ( 53-53383-012_1.jpg) 19 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -19.4, Long 6.8 9.30am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 11.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Guns’ crews to loader and deflection teacher. Boys at seamanship. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. Boys at school. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b5: ( 53-53383-013_0.jpg) 20 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -23.1, Long 9.5 10.0am: Stopped and dropped target. 10.15am: Helm and engines as requisite. during 6” practice. 11.45am: Picked up target and proceeded. pm: Hands mending and washing clothes. 4.40pm: Swung ship for compass errors. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b6: ( 53-53383-013_1.jpg) 21 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -27.1, Long 12.4 10.30am: Divine service. pm: Forecastle and poop guns manned. Sea boats’ crews exercised. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b7: ( 53-53383-014_0.jpg) 22 April 1918 At sea Noon position Lat -31.3, Long 15.5 am: Hands at general drill and preparing paravane gear. pm: Hands employed as requisite. and preparing paravane gear. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b8: ( 53-53383-014_1.jpg) 23 April 1918 At Cape Town Lat -33.9, Long 18.4 7.0am: observed Table Mountain S63E(m). 9.0am: Proceed at reduced speed. Unloaded guns. Returned ammunition. 9.24am: Dock pilot boarded. Proceeded into dock. 10.26am: Ship secured in berth. 1.15pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 5.0pm: Leave to red watch. pm: Mr. J. M. Mair, gunner is logged for neglect of duty in not having the ready supply of Lyddite [high explosive] shell stowed in accordance with the instructions on 21st April and for saying when asked what the instructions were that he did not know them and that he was not compelled to give any information which might be used against himself. Signed, J.M. Mair, gunner and ~ Stanley, acting Captain. 4caf890fcadfd341970243b9: ( 53-53383-015_0.jpg) 24 April 1918 At Cape Town Lat -33.9, Long 18.4 7 am: Commenced coaling with native labour. am: Guns’ crews loader drill. Hands cleaning PV chains and scaling overside. pm: Hands resumed work as in forenoon. 4:30 pm: Stopped coaling for the night. Leave to port watch. 4caf890fcadfd341970243ba: ( 53-53383-015_1.jpg) 25 April 1918 At Cape Town Lat -33.9, Long 18.4 7 am: Resumed coaling. am: Engineer Sub Lieutenant Gaston Autieul RNR mercantile fleet auxiliary is logged for conduct to the prejudice of good order and naval discipline in consorting with the stewards of the ship in a public house on the night of the 24th instant. Signed, G. Autieul and ~ Stanley, acting captain. 12.0pm: Stopped coaling. 1:15pm: Resumed work and coaling. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 6. pm: Leave to starboard watch. 4caf890fcadfd341970243bb: ( 53-53383-016_0.jpg) 26 April 1918 At Cape Town Lat -33.9, Long 18.4 7.0am: Resumed coaling. 9.30am: Hands commenced work as requisite refitting. pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 5.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night. Discharged one native to Somerset Hospital. 4caf890fcadfd341970243bc: ( 53-53383-016_1.jpg) 27 April 1918 At Cape Town Lat -33.9, Long 18.4 7.15am: Resumed coaling & watering. am: Hands variously employed receiving provisions and stores. One boat compass received. Three boat compasses landed for survey. pm: Hands at make and mend clothes. 3.45pm: Finished coaling received 1474 tons. pm: Nos 8 & 9 warrants read. 4caf890fcadfd341970243bd: ( 53-53383-017_0.jpg) 28 April 1918 At Cape Town Lat -33.9, Long 18.4 10.15am: Church parties landed. 10.30am: Divine service. 2.0pm: Leave to 1st part of both watches and boys. 4caf890fcadfd341970243be: ( 53-53383-017_1.jpg) 29 April 1918 At Cape Town Lat -33.9, Long 18.4 am: Hands employed as req refitting. Dockyard hands fitting voicepipes etc. 1:15pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 10. 4caf890fcadfd341970243bf: ( 53-53383-018_0.jpg) 30 April 1918 At Cape Town Lat -33.9, Long 18.4 am: Hands commenced work preparing for sea, painting overside etc. Dockyard hands fitting voicepiping etc. Received one 30 ft. cutter from Simonstown. One lifeboat returned for survey. 1.15pm: Hands employed as in forenoon & receiving stores. LOGS FOR MAY 1918 4caf890fcadfd341970243c5: ( 53-53384-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890fcadfd341970243c6: ( 53-53384-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf890fcadfd341970243c8: ( 53-53384-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf890fcadfd341970243c9: ( 53-53384-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf890fcadfd341970243ca: ( 53-53384-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1918 From Cape Town to Mauritius Noon position Lat -33.9, Long 18.2 distance to Port Louis 2371’ 10.0am: left berth proceeded into bay. 10.15am: Discharged pilot, proceeded. 11.30am: Sighted cruiser S65W. Challenged. Japanese cruiser “Upphibre.” 4caf890fcadfd341970243cb: ( 53-53384-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1918 From Cape Town to Mauritius Noon position Lat -35.3, Long 23.0 distance to Port Louis 2066’ pm: Hands employed as necessary. 4caf890fcadfd341970243cc: ( 53-53384-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1918 From Cape Town to Mauritius Noon position Lat -35.1, Long 28.5 distance to Port Louis 1798’ 9.30am: Exercised ship’s company at general quarters. 10.45am: Hands variously employed. 2.0pm: Hands variously employed. Boys at instruction. 4caf890fcadfd341970243cd: ( 53-53384-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1918 From Cape Town to Mauritius Noon position Lat -32.8, Long 33.9 distance to Port Louis 1498’ am: Hands at routine. Guns’ crews at loader drill. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf890fcadfd341970243ce: ( 53-53384-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1918 From Cape Town to Mauritius Noon position Lat -29.8, Long 38.8 distance to Port Louis 1198’ 10.20am: Divine service. [Lat at noon must be incorrect; -29.8 agrees more closely with 8.0am and 8.0pm Lat] 4caf890fcadfd341970243cf: ( 53-53384-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1918 From Cape Town to Mauritius Noon position Lat -27.9, Long 43.9 distance to Port Louis 905’ Hands employed as requisite. pm: Boys at instruction. Gunlayers at deflection drill. 4caf890fcadfd341970243d0: ( 53-53384-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1918 From Cape Town to Mauritius Noon position Lat -25.8, Long 48.1 distance to Port Louis 615’ 9.40am: Hands employed as requisite. Boys at instruction. am: Operations impracticable. [No explanation for this remark.] 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. Boys at instruction. 4caf890fcadfd341970243d1: ( 53-53384-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1918 From Cape Town to Mauritius Noon position Lat -23.5, Long 52.8 distance to Mauritius 328’ am: Hands to gunnery loader and squad drill. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. Boys at school. 4caf890fcadfd341970243d2: ( 53-53384-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1918 From Cape Town and at Mauritius Noon position Lat -20.6, Long 57.1 distance to Mauritius 41’ 7.15am: Observed Reunion Island W ~ N54W 11.0am: Hands employed preparing for coaling. 1.15pm: Hands employed preparing for harbour. Boys at school. 3.15pm: Embark pilot and proceed into harbour. 3.20pm: Let go starboard anchor. 4.30pm: Ship moored. Discharged pilot. 4caf8910cadfd341970243d3: ( 53-53384-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1918 at Mauritius Lat -20.3, Long 57.6 7.40am: Commended coaling from lighters. pm: Coaling throughout. 4caf8910cadfd341970243d4: ( 53-53384-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1918 at Mauritius Lat -20.3, Long 57.6 Noon Finished coaling and watering. Received 820 tons coal. Patent fuel. 1.15pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 3.20pm: Received mails and despatches. 4.0pm: Embarked pilot. 4.15pm: Slipped from buoy and weighed anchor. 5.30pm: Discharged pilot. 4caf8910cadfd341970243d5: ( 53-53384-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat -17.8, Long 60.3 distance to Singapore 3107’ 10.40am: Divine service. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8910cadfd341970243d6: ( 53-53384-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat -15.0, Long 64.3 distance to Singapore 2819’ 9.45am: Divisional drills. 1.15pm: Hands variously employed. Boys at school.
4caf8910cadfd341970243d7: ( 53-53384-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat -12.1, Long 68.3 distance to Singapore 2527’ 9.45am: Hands employed as requisite. After magazine shell party to divisional drill. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. Boys at school. 4caf8910cadfd341970243d8: ( 53-53384-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat -9.7, Long 71.8 distance to Singapore 2274’ 9.50am: Dropped target and carried out .303 and 1” practice from all 6” guns. 12.15pm: Picked up target and proceeded. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8910cadfd341970243d9: ( 53-53384-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat -7.0, Long 76.2 distance to Singapore 1973’ 10.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Stokers to squad drill. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Swung ship for [compass] adjustment. 4caf8910cadfd341970243da: ( 53-53384-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat -4.4, Long 80.2 distance to Polu Rondo N55E 1091’ 9.45am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 11.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Gunlayers at deflection teacher. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8910cadfd341970243db: ( 53-53384-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat -1.5, Long 84.5 distance to Singapore 1174’ 10.0am: Hands employed on routine. 1.15pm: Hands employed on routine. 4caf8910cadfd341970243dc: ( 53-53384-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat 1.1, Long 88.7 distance to Singapore 1083’ 10.0am: Divine service. pm: Hands at leisure. 10.30pm: Closely examined SS Krakatau of Amsterdam. Allowed to proceed. 4caf8910cadfd341970243dd: ( 53-53384-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat 3.7, Long 91.5 distance to Pulo Rondo N57E 262’ 9.35am: Dropped target and proceeded to carry out .303 practice. 12.30pm: Carried out 1” practice from all 6” guns. 2.0pm: Picked up target. 2.05pm: Dropped lifebuoy and exercised port cutter. 2.30pm: Hoisted cutter and proceeded. 4caf8910cadfd341970243de: ( 53-53384-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat 5.9, Long 93.0E distance to Pulo Rondo N40E 13’ [Lat mislabelled on log page.] 6.45am: Sighted Achen Head N75E. 9.30am: ~6” at .303 practice with towing target. 1.15pm: Hands employed rigging PV gear. 4caf8910cadfd341970243df: ( 53-53384-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore Noon position Lat 4.7, Long 99.4 5.15am: Streamed PVs. 5.58am: Sighted Pulo Perak bearing East. am: Controls and communications exercised. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.20pm: Pulo Jarah E(T) 2.2 miles 9.30pm: One Fathom Bank Light S50E. Sighted and challenged HIMS [His Imperial (Japanese) Majesty’s Ship] “Useke.” 4caf8910cadfd341970243e0: ( 53-53384-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1918 From Mauritius to Singapore and at Singapore Noon position Lat 1.3, Long 103.4 2.35am:Cape Rachado Light S71E. 6.20am: Bukit Merah [bearing] East x Pulo Undan N20E. 1.35pm: Reduced speed in Selat Sinki and received pilot. 2.25pm: Came alongside. 4.0pm: Commenced coaling. pm: Received 312 tons coal. 4caf8910cadfd341970243e1: ( 53-53384-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1918 At Singapore Lat 1.3, Long 103.9 Coaling and watering throughout. 6.15am: Hands commenced work receiving stores, etc. 5.0pm: Leave to port watch. 8.0pm: Stopped work on stores for the night. 11.0pm: Finished watering. 875 tons received. 4caf8910cadfd341970243e2: ( 53-53384-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1918 At Singapore Lat 1.3, Long 103.9 6.15am: Hands commenced work cleaning ship and receiving stores. 11.0am: Finished watering. Received 245 tons drinking water. pm: Hands employed receiving stores. Read No 12 warrant. Leave to starboard watch and boys. 4caf8910cadfd341970243e3: ( 53-53384-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1918 At Singapore Lat 1.3, Long 103.9 am: Church parties landed. 10.0am: Held Divine service. 1.30pm: Leave to parts of both watches and boys. 4caf8910cadfd341970243e4: ( 53-53384-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1918 From Singapore to Hong Kong and at Singapore Lat 1.3, Long 103.9 9.0am: Received 17 enemy prisoners. 10.15am: Ship inspected by Commander in Chief. Ship’s company mustered by open list. 11.30am: Hands employed preparing for sea and rigging PVs. C in C left ship. 1.40pm: Embarked pilot. 2.15pm: Proceeded out of harbour assisted by 2 tugs. 5.51pm: Horsburgh Light [bearing] South distance 12 cables. 4caf8910cadfd341970243e5: ( 53-53384-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1918 From Singapore to Hong Kong Noon position Lat 4.6, Long 105.9 distance to Hong Kong 1191’ 1.24am: Signals with RIMS Northbrook. [troopship, Royal Indian Marine] am: Hands variously employed. 4.30pm: Read warrant No 13. Exchanged signals with S/S Rembrandt of Amsterdam. 4caf8910cadfd341970243e6: ( 53-53384-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1918 From Singapore to Hong Kong Noon position Lat 8.3, Long 109.5 distance to Hong Kong 962’ am: Hands at rifle drill and instruction. 1.15pm: Hands resumed work 2nd watch at .303 rifle target practice. 4caf8910cadfd341970243e7: ( 53-53384-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1918 From Singapore to Hong Kong Noon position Lat 11.9, Long 113.6 distance to Hong Kong 654’ 10.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Read warrant no 14. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.30pm: Read warrant no 15. 4caf8910cadfd341970243e8: ( 53-53384-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1918 From Singapore to Hong Kong Noon position Lat 16.9, Long 113.3 distance to Hong Kong 346’ 9.45am: Hands employed as requisite. preparing PVs. Gunlayers at control drill. 1.15pm: Hands resumed work as in forenoon. Boys at school. 6.23pm: Stopped and streamed PV. [several stops in evening to repair paravanes.] LOGS FOR JUNE 1918 4caf8910cadfd341970243ed: ( 53-53385-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8910cadfd341970243ee: ( 53-53385-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8910cadfd341970243f0: ( 53-53385-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf8910cadfd341970243f1: ( 53-53385-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8910cadfd341970243f2: ( 53-53385-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1918 From Singapore to Hong Kong Noon position Lat 21.7, Long 113.9 distance to Hong Kong 54’ 2.37pm: Rounded Waglan Island. 4.05pm: Embarked dock pilot and proceeded alongside. 5.0pm: Moored in berth at dock. 6.15pm: Leave to starboard watch. 4caf8910cadfd341970243f3: ( 53-53385-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Church parties landed and returned. 1.30pm: Leave to both watches. 2.0pm: Landed 41 Chinese prisoners. pm: Dockyard employees working throughout. 4caf8910cadfd341970243f4: ( 53-53385-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Dockyard hands resumed work. 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. refitting. 1.15pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. Dockyard hands variously employed. 4caf8910cadfd341970243f5: ( 53-53385-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Dockyard employees commenced refitting. 6.30am: Hands commenced work variously employed and discharged stores for “Suffolk.” [cruiser, ex-armoured cruiser, Kent-class] 11.15am: Shifted ship to berth under 100 ton crane. pm: Dockyard hands working throughout. 4caf8910cadfd341970243f6: ( 53-53385-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Dockyard employees commenced refitting. 6.30am: Hands commenced work variously employed, discharged stores, etc. 11.55am: 1 stoker rating discharged to RN hospital. 2.0pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 5.15pm: Portuguese warship Patrill arrived. pm: Dockyard hands employed throughout. 4caf8910cadfd341970243f7: ( 53-53385-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Dockyard hands resumed work refitting. 6.30am: Hands commenced work employed as necessary refitting and cleaning ship. 11.10am: Shifted berth as necessary to lift forward guns. 1.15pm: Resumed work as in forenoon. 2.0pm: Dockyard hands resumed work. 5.45pm: Read warrants Nos 18 & 19. 7.0pm: One cell prisoner escaped. 10.0pm: Searched ship for escaped prisoner. 11.0pm: Cell prisoner secured. 4caf8910cadfd341970243f8: ( 53-53385-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.30am: Dockyard hands resumed work refitting. 6.45am: Hands commenced work overside and refitting. 10.0am: Hands painting overside and removing stores. 2.0pm: Dockyard hands resumed work. Hands variously employed. 10.0pm: Dockyard hands stopped work for the night. 4caf8910cadfd341970243f9: ( 53-53385-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.45am: Hands employed preparing for coaling. Side party over the side. 6.15am: Commenced coaling. 9.15am: Hands employed painting, gunner’s party assisting to lift out guns. am: Discharged one P.O. for dental treatment to RN hospital. 1.0pm: Usual leave. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 20. 8.45pm: Finished coaling received 780 tons. 4caf8910cadfd341970243fa: ( 53-53385-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Landed church parties. 1.30pm: Leave for boys. 6.0pm: One stoker placed under arrest. 4caf8910cadfd341970243fb: ( 53-53385-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45 am: Landed dockyard store party. 9.30am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 12.0pm: Discharged 1 Engine Sub Lieutenant and 2 ratings to hospital. 1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 2.0pm: One Marine discharged from RNH. [Royal Naval Hospital] 3.20pm: Midshipman discharged from RNH. 4caf8910cadfd341970243fc: ( 53-53385-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Dockyard workmen resumed work. 8.45am: Picket house party landed. 9.30am: Hands employed painting ship’s side and as requisite. 1 paint brush lost over the side by accident. 11.0am: Picket house party returned. 1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 1.40pm: One PO returned from RNH. 6.0pm: 7 ratings discharged to RN Hospital. 7.0pm: 2 officers discharged to RN Hospital. 4caf8910cadfd341970243fd: ( 53-53385-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Dockyard hands resumed work refitting. 8.50am: Gunner’s store party drawing stores. 9.30am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. 11.30am: 8 ratings discharged to RN hospital. 1.55pm: Hands employed painting and provisioning ship. 6.0pm: Discharged 2 officers to RN hospital. 4caf8910cadfd341970243fe: ( 53-53385-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.30am: 1 Dockyard workman found on board, hand over to Dockyard police. 7.0am: Dockyard workmen resumed work refitting. 9.30am: Hands employed provisioning ship. 12.0pm: 7 ratings discharged to RN hospital. 1.30pm: Court of Enquiry held on board. 3.0pm: Enquiry finished. 4caf8910cadfd341970243ff: ( 53-53385-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Dockyard workmen resumed work refitting, etc. 9.20am: Hands employed provisioning ship. 11.0am: HMS Tarantula [river gunboat, Insect-class] left Dockyard proceeded to Buoy. 12.0pm: 1 officer and 2 ratings discharged to RN hospital. 5.0pm: Discharged 1 Bugler to “Tamar” and 1 Bugler joined ship from “Tamar.” 10.30pm: Dockyard employees left ship. [Tamar was the name for the Royal Navy's base in Hong Kong from 1897 to 1997. It took its name from HMS Tamar, a 3,650 ton British troopship launched in 1863, that was used as the base until replaced by buildings ashore. She was stationed permanently in the harbour from 1897 to 1941. –Wikipedia] 4caf8910cadfd34197024400: ( 53-53385-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Dockyard workmen resumed work refitting, etc. 9.0am: Hands employed provisioning and ammunitioning ship. 9.30am: Officers conducting Enquiry came on board. 12.0pm: 11 ratings discharged to RN hospital. 1.0pm: Officers conducting Enquiry left ship. 4caf8910cadfd34197024401: ( 53-53385-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Dockyard workmen resumed work refitting, etc. 9.0am: Hands employed store parties ammunition and paymaster stores. 10.0am: Commodore inspected ship. 11.0am: Commodore left ship. 51 Chinese stewards joined ship. 2.0pm: Hands employed ammunitioning ship. 4.0pm: 1 rating left ship for “Fame.” 1 rating joined ship from “Fame.” [destroyer, two-funnelled 30-knotter, designated D-class] 5.0pm: 1 marine joined ship from HMS “Tamar.” 4caf8910cadfd34197024402: ( 53-53385-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Dockyard hands resumed work refitting, etc. 12.0pm: 3 ratings left ship for RN hospital. 1.0pm: Warrants No 22, 23, 24, 25 read. 1,30pm: Discharged 4 ratings to military detention barracks. 2.0pm: 3 officers & 19 ratings returned from RNH. 4.0pm: 3 ratings returned from hospital. 5.0pm: 7 ratings joined ship from HMS “Tamar.” 4caf8910cadfd34197024403: ( 53-53385-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.15am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.30am: Shifted ship as requisite. under 100 ton crane. 2.0pm: 2 officers returned from RNH. German prisoners came on board. 1 PO & 5 ratings returned from RNH. Hands employed securing boats for sea. 3.30pm: Absentee brought on board. Ship made fast to buoy. 4caf8910cadfd34197024404: ( 53-53385-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Paymaster & deck stores came on board. 2.0pm: Hands employed painting and refitting. 4caf8910cadfd34197024405: ( 53-53385-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Ship’s company exercised at action stations. pm: Hands employed as requisite. Read warrants nos 26, 27, 28. 4caf8910cadfd34197024406: ( 53-53385-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: 1 rating left ship for RNH 2.0pm: Hands employed painting ship. 2.30pm: 2 ratings returned from RNH. 5.0pm: 6 ratings discharged to HMS “Tamar.” 4caf8910cadfd34197024407: ( 53-53385-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.0am: Discharged 1 rating to RNH. pm: Make and mend clothes. 2.0pm: One officer joined ship from England per “Mishima Maru.” 4caf8910cadfd34197024408: ( 53-53385-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Church parties landed and returned. 9.0am: 12 fires lit in after section stokeholds. [This entry underlined in red.] 1.30pm: Leave to starboard watch. 4caf8910cadfd34197024409: ( 53-53385-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed preparing ship for going alongside. 7.0am: Pilot on board and proceeded alongside. 8.0am: Moored in berth. 9.0am: Dockyard workers resumed work. Hands employed discharging ammunition and stores. 11.0am: 2 ratings discharged to hospital. 2.0pm: One rating returned from RNH. 6.0pm: Finished discharging ammunition. 4caf8910cadfd3419702440a: ( 53-53385-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Starboard watch employed discharging ammunition. Port watch cleaning ship. 6.40am: Finished discharging ammunition. 9.0am: 1 rating discharged to HMS “Tamar.” 11.0am: Discharged German prisoners on shore. Shifted ship as requisite. under 100 ton crane. 2.0pm: Two ratings discharged from RNH. 4.0pm: Left berth proceeded to flag buoy. 4.30pm: Ship secured to buoy. 4caf8910cadfd3419702440b: ( 53-53385-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Commenced coaling. 10.0am: 1 Marine joined ship from “Tamar” for passage. 1.30pm: Hands employed hoisting boats and preparing for sea. 2.30pm: Discharged Chinese stewards. 4.42pm: Finished coaling (330 tons). 5.0pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded. 6.45pm: Wag Lan Light House [bearing] West(m) 1’ dist. 4caf8910cadfd3419702440c: ( 53-53385-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1918 From Hong Kong to Singapore Noon observed position Lat 19.6, Long 113.6 distance to Singapore 1328’ am: Exercised ship’s company at fire and action stations. 10.30am: Hands employed as requisite. and at deflection teacher. 4.30pm: Swung ship for compass adjustment. 4caf8910cadfd3419702440d: ( 53-53385-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1918 From Hong Kong to Singapore Noon observed position Lat 15.2, Long 113.5 distance to Singapore 1066’ am: Exercised ship’s company at rifle drill. 11.0am: Gunlayers at deflection teacher. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8910cadfd3419702440e: ( 53-53385-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1918 From Hong Kong to Singapore Noon observed position Lat 11.0, Long 112.7 distance to Singapore 814’ 8.10am: Wash house on starboard side of upper well deck broken by sea. 9.30am: Saturday routine. 2.0pm: Starboard galley door broken by sea. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8910cadfd3419702440f: ( 53-53385-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1918 From Hong Kong to Singapore Noon observed position Lat 8.4, Long 109.7 distance to Singapore 577’ am: Hands at leisure. pm: Communications tested. Sea boats exercised. LOGS FOR JULY 1918 4caf8910cadfd34197024415: ( 53-53386-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8910cadfd34197024416: ( 53-53386-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8910cadfd34197024418: ( 53-53386-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf8910cadfd34197024419: ( 53-53386-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8910cadfd3419702441a: ( 53-53386-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1918 From Hong Kong to Singapore Noon observed position Lat 5.3, Long 106.5 distance to Singapore 307’ am: Hands at small arms drill. 1.30pm: Hands mustered for quarterly paymaster. 4caf8910cadfd3419702441b: ( 53-53386-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1918 From Hong Kong to Singapore and at Singapore Noon observed position Lat 1.5, Long 104.5 distance to Singapore anchorage 27’ 3.25am: Course as requisite to examine SS on port bow. Fired 2 rounds blank ~. 4.0am: Allowed SS to proceed. 9.15am: Hands to small arms drill. 12.45pm: Horsburgh Light South (T) 1.5’ 3.25pm: Embarked pilot. 4.10pm: Made fast in berth No 6 Tanjong Pagar. 4.30pm: Commenced coaling. 4caf8910cadfd3419702441c: ( 53-53386-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1918 At Singapore Lat 1.3, Long 103.9 5.45am: Hands commenced work variously employed. 10.15am: Finished coaling received 715 tons. Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 4caf8910cadfd3419702441d: ( 53-53386-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1918 At Singapore Lat 1.3, Long 103.9 6.30am: Hands commenced work. am: Tested after magazine flooding valves. Found in good order. 1.0pm: Shifted ship to conform with Harbour Board’s requirements. 8.0pm: One AB RNR transferred to shore establishment. 4caf8910cadfd3419702441e: ( 53-53386-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Lat 1.3, Long 103.9 entering Selat Sinki 6.30am: Hands commenced work preparing ship for sea. 11.0am: Embarked pilot. 11.20am: Slipped from berth and proceeded out of harbour. 11.45am: Disembarked pilot and proceeded. 1.30pm: Brothers Light West (M) 6’ distant. Hands employed as requisite. 8.10pm: Pulo Undan Light N36W Tanjong Johor Light S78W. 9.50pm: Pulo Undan East 7.3’ dist. 4caf8910cadfd3419702441f: ( 53-53386-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat 3.5, Long 100.3 4.0am: Observed One Fathom Bank N53W. 5.40am: One Fathom Bank North 6.5’ distant. 2.38pm: Pulo Jarah E(M). 4caf8910cadfd34197024420: ( 53-53386-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat 5.7, Long 97.5 6.0am: Hands commenced work cleaning decks and rigging church. 9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. Divine service. 4caf8910cadfd34197024421: ( 53-53386-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat 5.5, Long 92.7 4.11am: Pulo Bras S(T). 10.53am: Boarded SS Indus Maru. Allowed to proceed. pm: Hands employed overhauling boats and as necessary. Boys at school. 4caf8910cadfd34197024422: ( 53-53386-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat 2.9, Long 96.0 6.45am: Observed Selaut Kechil S75E. am: Courses as requisite. reconnoitring Island of Simabur. [Depth sounding] Leads constantly working. 10.15am: Hands at small arms drill. 1.30pm: Hands overhauling boats. Boys at instruction. Leads constantly in use. 4.0pm: Belayan Rock S15E. 4caf8910cadfd34197024423: ( 53-53386-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat 1.2, Long 96.9 [Off indecipherable islands on SE coast of Sumatra. ] 4caf8910cadfd34197024424: ( 53-53386-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -0.3, Long 98.5 8.22am: Boarded Dutch SS Lemaire of Batavia, allowed to proceed. 11.15am: Pulo Bojo Lighthouse N21E (T) 4.3’ 1.15pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8910cadfd34197024425: ( 53-53386-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -2.1, Long 99.7 am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. Foremost magazine flooding valves tested. 2.0pm: Turk’s Cap [bearing] West., Cape Marlborough [bearing] S25W. 4caf8910cadfd34197024426: ( 53-53386-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -3.6, Long 101.3 9.05am: Course and speed as requisite carrying out .303 practice from all 6” guns. 10.20am: Lowered and exercised 1st and 2nd cutters and lifeboat. 11.30am: Hoisted and secured boats. pm: Hands at leisure. 4.10pm: Lowered 1st and 2nd cutters and lifeboat. 4.18pm: Hoisted boats. 4caf8910cadfd34197024427: ( 53-53386-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -5.6, Long 102.1 am: Divisions and Divine service. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8910cadfd34197024428: ( 53-53386-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -6.1, Long 105.8 7.0am: Course as requisite circling Krakatoa Island. 7.50pm: Boarded SS ~. 8.45pm: Hoisted boat and proceeded. 4caf8910cadfd34197024429: ( 53-53386-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -5.8, Long 108.3 2.02am: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS “Elout.” 3.02am: “Elout” allowed to proceed. 4.35am: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS “Siam.” 5.12am: “Siam” allowed to proceed. 10.0am: Hands at rifle and cutlass drill. 2.28pm: Boompies Island Light House N(T) 1’ 7.45pm: Exchanged signals with Dutch TBD. 4caf8910cadfd3419702442a: ( 53-53386-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -5.7, Long 110.2 5.15am: Observed Krimon Java Island N40E. 8.20am: Reconnoitring Krimon Java and outlying islands. 10.30am: Gunlayers at deflection teacher. pm: Reconnoitring Krimon Java. 4caf8910cadfd3419702442b: ( 53-53386-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -5.7, Long 113.0 11.30am: Gili Island S31W, Manteri Point S71W. 3.40pm: Stopped and boarded Dutch schooner. 4.0pm: Schooner allowed to proceed. 4caf8910cadfd3419702442c: ( 53-53386-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising [Lat -8.1, Long 115.2] [Estimated noon position from 8am and 8pm positions.] 9.45am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. Magazine communications tested. 4caf8910cadfd3419702442d: ( 53-53386-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -6.6, Long 119.9 am: Washing decks, sea boat’s crews exercised, communications tested. 4.10pm: Stopped and boarded schooner. 4.55pm: Schooner allowed to proceed. 10.20pm: Observed DeBril Light S78E. 4caf8910cadfd3419702442e: ( 53-53386-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -5.8, Long 120.4 9.0am: Lambo Batang N24W, Salayer Island N48E. 10.0am: Reconnoitring West coast of Salayer Island. 10.15am: Divine service. 1.0pm: Pamstata Light House South 1’ dist. Hands at leisure. 4caf8910cadfd3419702442f: ( 53-53386-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -5.8, Long 122.0 9.38am: Carried out .303 practice from 6” guns. 11.30am: Dropped 1st cutter and picked up target. pm: Hands variously employed. 7.15pm: Observed Wangi Wangi Light N49E. 4caf8910cadfd34197024430: ( 53-53386-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -4.5, Long 122.9 am: Reconnoitring Buton Strait. Exercised divisions at small arms drill. Gunlayers at deflection teacher. pm: Hands employed as necessary. 4caf8910cadfd34197024431: ( 53-53386-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -1.1, Long 122.9 am: Reconnoitring Peling Strait. 4caf8910cadfd34197024432: ( 53-53386-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat -2.1, Long 124.8 am: Hands at rifle drill. pm: Hands at making and mending clothes. pm: Stopped, lowered 1st and 2nd cutters and lifeboat for exercise. pm: Logged Junior Engineer William Hart MFA for that on the 23rd July 1918 he did refuse to obey the order of Engineer Lieutenant Commander William Johnston RNR to examine the main drain. 4caf8910cadfd34197024433: ( 53-53386-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising Noon observed position Lat 3.2, Long 121.4 10.0am: Commenced 1” practice from port battery. 11.0am: Commenced 6” practice from starboard battery. 11.45am: Picked up target. pm: Hands variously employed, boys at school. 4caf8910cadfd34197024434: ( 53-53386-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1918 From Singapore to cruising [Lat 4.1, Long 118.1] 8.30am: Thick rain obscuring landmarks. Speed reduced. Leads in continual use. 10.27am: Signaled Hana RR beacon, course and speed as necessary approaching anchorage. Hands preparing ship for coaling. 12.50pm: Stopped and anchored in 18 fathoms, starboard anchor. [off Tawao] pm: Hands employed cleaning waterline. 4caf8910cadfd34197024435: ( 53-53386-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1918 at Tawao Lat 4.2, Long 118.0 7.28am: [Shifted berth ] to coal depot. 11.0am: Commenced coaling ship. 4caf8910cadfd34197024436: ( 53-53386-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1918 at Sibetik Island Lat 4.2, Long 118.0 Coaling throughout. 4caf8910cadfd34197024437: ( 53-53386-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1918 at Sibetik Island Lat 4.2, Long 118.0 6.30am: Finished coaling. Received 1014 tons. 7.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded toward Tawao. 9.15am: Stopped and anchored off Tawao. 11.25am: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8910cadfd34197024438: ( 53-53386-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1918 From Tawao to Sandakan Noon observed position Lat 5.1, Long 119.6 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Boys at school. Hands variously employed. 6.0pm: Pearl Bank Light House South 2’ distant. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1918 4caf8911cadfd3419702443d: ( 53-53387-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8911cadfd3419702443e: ( 53-53387-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8911cadfd34197024440: ( 53-53387-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf8911cadfd34197024441: ( 53-53387-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8911cadfd34197024442: ( 53-53387-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1918 From Tawao to and at Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 9.10am: Anchored in 9 fathoms off Sandakan. 10.0am: Training classes to instruction. Received 1 rating (marine corporal) and mails. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8911cadfd34197024443: ( 53-53387-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1918 at Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 5.30am: Landed 150 seamen and marines for route march. 8.15am: Landing party returned. am: Hands employed at 6” drill, boat pulling & sailing & as necessary. pm: Hands employed as necessary. 11.50pm: Boarded S/S Saba (British) from Jesselton. 4caf8911cadfd34197024444: ( 53-53387-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1918 at Sandakan [although page not labelled. ] Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 am: Hands employed on Saturday routine and watering. 2.0pm: Leave to port watch and boys. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4caf8911cadfd34197024445: ( 53-53387-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1918 at Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 7.15am: Landed RC church party. 9.20am: RC church party returned. Boarded Japanese S/S Katsina Maru & British S/S Selangor from Jolo. 10.30am: Divine service & communion. 2.0pm: Leave to port watch and boys. 6.0pm: Boys returned. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4caf8911cadfd34197024446: ( 53-53387-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1918 at Sandakan Lat 5.8, Long 118.0 [am: Shifted anchorage to outside bar. ] am: Hands employed as necessary. 2.0pm: Hands employed as necessary. Boys at school. 4caf8911cadfd34197024447: ( 53-53387-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1918 From Sandakan to Hong Kong Noon observed position Lat 7.5, Long 117.8 distance to Hong Kong 992’ 3.30am: Anchor aweigh. 5.25am: Observed Mambahanam Rock N50E. 10.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Balabac Peak N68W, Banjuey Peak S38W. Boys at school. Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024448: ( 53-53387-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1918 From Sandakan to Hong Kong Noon observed position Lat 10.5, Long 118.1 dist to Hong Kong 730’ 9.30am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 10.30am: Gunnery classes to instructions. 4.45pm: Read warrant no 30. 4caf8911cadfd34197024449: ( 53-53387-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1918 From Sandakan to Hong Kong Noon observed position Lat 14.6, Long 116.9 am: Hands to small arms drill. Boys at seamanship instruction. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8911cadfd3419702444a: ( 53-53387-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1918 From Sandakan to Hong Kong Noon observed position Lat 18.8, Long 115.6 distance to Waglan Light House N20W 216’ am: Hands at gunnery instruction. 4caf8911cadfd3419702444b: ( 53-53387-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.10am: Observed Waglan Light House. 11.30am: Moored to No. 4 buoy Hong Kong harbour. 1.0pm: Commenced discharging ammunition. 3.0pm: 3 ratings joined ship from RNH. 5.55pm: One CP 6” shell lost overboard. Position buoyed. [CP – Central Pivot. Apparently refers to the type of gun.]. 4caf8911cadfd3419702444c: ( 53-53387-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands resumed discharging ammunition. 9.15am: Church of England church party landed. 11.25am: Finished discharging ammunition. 1.30pm: Leave to starboard watch. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4caf8911cadfd3419702444d: ( 53-53387-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.40am: Commenced discharging frozen stores. 10.45am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded towards dry dock. Assisted by 2 tugs. Noon: Entered Kowloon No 1 dry dock. 7.0pm: Ship dry. Dockyard hands cleaning bottom, etc. pm: Typhoon signal No 1 hoisted. 4caf8911cadfd3419702444e: ( 53-53387-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1918 at Kowloon Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands commenced work, employed as necessary. Both cables hove out for inspection and survey. ~ end inspected and slips overhauled. Typhoon signal No 4 hoisted. Dockyard hands painting ship’s bottom. 12.50pm: Read warrant No. 31 and discharged one rating to detention quarters. 4caf8911cadfd3419702444f: ( 53-53387-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1918 at Kowloon Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Hands employed painting and as necessary. pm: Hands employed as requisite. Port and starboard PV chains inspected and turned. 4caf8911cadfd34197024450: ( 53-53387-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1918 at Kowloon Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.40am: Typhoon signal No 6 hoisted. am: Hands employed as requisite. 6.05am: Typhoon signal no 7 hoisted. [Maximum wind logged - ESE Force 10 at 8am.] 11.03am: Typhoon signal no 3 hoisted. Hands employed restowing cable. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 7.05pm: Typhoon signal no 3 handed down. 4caf8911cadfd34197024451: ( 53-53387-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1918 at Kowloon Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.10am: Commenced flooding dock. pm: Hands employed as necessary. 2.25pm: Ship afloat. 3.10pm: Left dock accompanied by 4 tugs and proceeded to North Wall. 4.25pm: Ship secured at North Wall Hong Kong dockyard. 5.0pm: Commenced re-embarking ammunition. 4caf8911cadfd34197024452: ( 53-53387-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands resumed work re-embarking ammunition. 11.30am: 2 ratings discharged to hospital. 11.45am: Finished stores. 10.0pm: Stopped work for the night. 4caf8911cadfd34197024453: ( 53-53387-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands commenced work re-embarking ammunition. 9.30am: Landed Church of England church party. 11.35am: Church parties returned. 1.0pm: Hands resumed re-embarking ammunition. 5.0pm: Finished all ammunition. 4caf8911cadfd34197024454: ( 53-53387-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.40am: Coal tallying party landed. Hands employed as requisite embarking stores. 11.35am: Discharged ratings to hospital. pm: Logged Thomas Reid Anderson, Sub. Lieutenant RNVR, for that he was asleep on watch and that he was drunk on watch on the night of the 2nd August when he was Officer of the Watch. Signed, TR Anderson, Dale, Lt, RNVR. pm: Hands employed receiving stores. Read Warrant No 32. 4caf8911cadfd34197024455: ( 53-53387-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Commenced coaling. 9.30am: Receiving stores. am: Logged Mr. Leslie Noll Morton, Sub. Lieutenant RNR for that he was drunk on watch at 12.40 am on 4th August he then being officer of the watch. (signed) L Morton under protest. 1.0pm: 2 officers rejoined ship from hospital. 4caf8911cadfd34197024456: ( 53-53387-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Commenced work coaling ship and receiving stores. 11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital. 1.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital. 2.15pm: Discharged 5 ratings to hospital. 8.0pm: Stopped coaling. 4caf8911cadfd34197024457: ( 53-53387-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Commenced work coaling ship and receiving stores. 7.30am: HMS “Cadmus” shipped to No 4 buoy. [sailing sloop] pm: Hands employed drawing stores and painting ship. 7.0pm: Finished coaling. (2012 tons) 4caf8911cadfd34197024458: ( 53-53387-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.30am: Commenced work cleaning and painting ship and receiving stores. pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4caf8911cadfd34197024459: ( 53-53387-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.30am: Commenced work storing, painting and cleaning ship. 11.0am: Received boats from dockyard. pm: Hands employed as in forenoon and hoisting boats. 4caf8911cadfd3419702445a: ( 53-53387-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Commenced work cleaning and painting ship. 7.0m: Resumed coaling. am: Church parties landed and returned. pm: Leave to part of both watches and boys. 8.0pm: Finished coaling (371 tons). 4caf8911cadfd3419702445b: ( 53-53387-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1918 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Resumed work cleaning ship and preparing for sea. am: Hands employed receiving stores, fusing lyddite, etc. 10.15am: “Tamar” undocked and berthed. 11.0am: “Virago” berthed. [destroyer, four-funnelled 30-knotter, designated B-class] 11.30am: “Merlin” docked. [survey ship, ex-sloop, Espiegle-class] 2.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Tamar. Hands employed receiving stores. 4caf8911cadfd3419702445c: ( 53-53387-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands commenced work preparing for sea. am: Received 5 ratings from hospital. 2.05pm: Left berth at North wall assisted by “Cherub.” 3.30pm: Steamed by Waglan Light House N45W distance 1’ 4caf8911cadfd3419702445d: ( 53-53387-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 21.3, Long 118.3 distance to Honolulu 4441’ 10.0am: Hands variously employed. 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8911cadfd3419702445e: ( 53-53387-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu 8.0pm: position Lat 21.0, Long 124.0 distance to Honolulu 4380’ 7.55am: Diojo Island N45E dist 6’ 10.0am: Hands at divisional small arms drill. pm: Hands variously employed. Boys at school. 4caf8911cadfd3419702445f: ( 53-53387-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 21.6, Long 127.8 distance to Honolulu 4127’ 10.30am: Hands employed as necessary. pm: Hands variously employed. Boys at school. 4caf8911cadfd34197024460: ( 53-53387-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 22.8, Long 131.8 distance to Honolulu 3856’ Am: and pm: Hands employed washing decks. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1918 4caf8911cadfd34197024465: ( 53-53388-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8911cadfd34197024466: ( 53-53388-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8911cadfd34197024468: ( 53-53388-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf8911cadfd34197024469: ( 53-53388-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8911cadfd3419702446a: ( 53-53388-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 24.0, Long 136.0 distance to Honolulu 3609’ 6.0am: Closely examined Dutch SS Rotti, Kobe to Balivid. 9.30am: Captain’s inspection. 10:10am: Divine service. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8911cadfd3419702446b: ( 53-53388-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 25.1, Long 140.4 distance to Honolulu 3360’ am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 10.0am: Hands variously employed. 2.30pm: Sighted Kita Iwo Jima N74E. 4caf8911cadfd3419702446c: ( 53-53388-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 26.2, Long 145.0 distance to Honolulu 3089’ am: Ship’s company exercised small arms drill. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd3419702446d: ( 53-53388-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 27.1, Long 149.9 distance to Honolulu 2810’ am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 10.0am: Hands variously employed. 2.0pm: Hands variously employed. 4.0pm: Read warrants Nos 36 & 37. 4caf8911cadfd3419702446e: ( 53-53388-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 27.6, Long 154.5 distance to Honolulu 2555’ am: Exercised divisions at small arms drill. 2.0pm: Hands variously employed. Boys at school. 4caf8911cadfd3419702446f: ( 53-53388-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 27.9, Long 159.1 distance to Honolulu 2298’ am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. pm: Hands variously employed. Boys at school. 4caf8911cadfd34197024470: ( 53-53388-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 28.1, Long 163.6 distance to Honolulu 2054’ am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 2.0pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024471: ( 53-53388-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 26.9, Long 167.7 distance to Honolulu 1851’ am: Captain’s inspection. 9.30am: Divine service. 2.0pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8911cadfd34197024472: ( 53-53388-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 26.0, Long 173.3 distance to Honolulu 1613’ am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 10.30am: Hands employed as necessary. 2.0pm: Hands employed as necessary. 4caf8911cadfd34197024473: ( 53-53388-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 25.2, Long 177.9 distance to Honolulu 1358’ am: Exercised divisions at small arms drill. Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024474: ( 53-53388-008_1.jpg) 10 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 24.3, Long -176.7 [mislabelled E Long.] distance to Honolulu 1061’ am: Hands at divisional guns drill. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 8.0pm: Stopped and boarded SS "Voudel" of Amsterdam, allowed to proceed. [Note that this is the second 10th of September, correctly, as they have crossed the date line, but the longitudes are incorrectly entered as East.] 4caf8911cadfd34197024475: ( 53-53388-009_0.jpg) 11 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 23.4, Long -171.9 distance to Honolulu 786’ 9.30am: Divisional gun drill. 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 38. Exercised ship’s company at abandon ship stations. 8.0pm: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 4caf8911cadfd34197024476: ( 53-53388-009_1.jpg) 12 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 22.5, Long -166.8 distance to Honolulu 500’ am: Divisions to small arms drill. 10.30am: Hands employed as necessary. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8911cadfd34197024477: ( 53-53388-010_0.jpg) 13 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu Noon observed position Lat 21.7, Long -161.6 distance to Honolulu 207 10.0am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 4.0pm: Observed Kaula Island [Kauai?] S79E 4caf8911cadfd34197024478: ( 53-53388-010_1.jpg) 14 September 1918 From Hong Kong to Honolulu and at Honolulu Lat 21.3, Long -157.9 4.43am: Observed Barber Point Light N47E. 7.50am: Embarked pilot. 8.45am: Secured in berth No. 7 shed. 11.0am: Discharged Engine Sub Lieutenant Gemmell RNR to hospital. 1.0pm: Commenced coaling. 11.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night.
4caf8911cadfd34197024479: ( 53-53388-011_0.jpg) 15 September 1918 At Honolulu Lat 21.3, Long -157.9 6.0am: Resumed coaling and watering. 8.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night. 4caf8911cadfd3419702447a: ( 53-53388-011_1.jpg) 16 September 1918 At Honolulu Lat 21.3, Long -157.9 4.0am: Resumed coaling. 6.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night. Received 1180 tons. 4caf8911cadfd3419702447b: ( 53-53388-012_0.jpg) 17 September 1918 At Honolulu Lat 21.3, Long -157.9 4.0am: Resumed coaling. 6.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night. Received 1617 tons. 4caf8911cadfd3419702447c: ( 53-53388-012_1.jpg) 18 September 1918 At Honolulu Lat 21.3, Long -157.9 4.0am: Resumed coaling. 6.0am: Shifted ship to opposite wharf (No 8) to discharge ashes. 4.0pm: Finished coaling 1999 tons received. 4caf8911cadfd3419702447d: ( 53-53388-013_0.jpg) 19 September 1918 At Honolulu Lat 22.4, Long -157.5 5.0am: Engine Sub-Lieutenant J Gemmell died at Fort Shafter military hospital from pneumonia. 7.15am: Shifted ship to No 7 berth. 9.0am: Hands variously employed. Funeral party at drill. 1.0pm: Landed funeral party to inter remains of late Engine Sub-Lt Gemmell RNR temp who died from Pneumonia at Fort Shafter military hospital at 5am this day. 3.30pm: Funeral party returned. 5.10pm: Unmoored and proceeded out of harbour. 6.15pm: Diamond Hill [Head] Light North distance 2'. 7.05pm: Observed Makapu Light N6W. 10.30pm: Molokai Light. S dist 6'. 4caf8911cadfd3419702447e: ( 53-53388-013_1.jpg) 20 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 20.7, Long -154.5 distance to Payta 4595’ am: Saturday routine. [Even though it is Friday.] pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8911cadfd3419702447f: ( 53-53388-014_0.jpg) 21 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta
Noon observed
position Lat 19.2, Long -150.2 distance to Payta 4334’ pm: Hands at leisure. 4.20pm: 1 cell prisoner released. 5.35pm: Stopped and boarded American btine [brigantine] "Georgiana". 6.43pm: “Georgiana” allowed to proceed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024480: ( 53-53388-014_1.jpg) 22 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 18.0, Long -146.1 distance to Payta 4090’ 9.30am: Divisions & prayers. Divine service. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8911cadfd34197024481: ( 53-53388-015_0.jpg) 23 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 16.5, Long -141.9 distance to Payta 3832’ am: Exercised ship’s company at general quarters. Hands variously employed. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024482: ( 53-53388-015_1.jpg) 24 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 15.0, Long -137.7 distance to Payta 3571’ 6.0am: Hands commenced work transferring deck coal and bunkers. 10.0am: Hands variously employed. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8911cadfd34197024483: ( 53-53388-016_0.jpg) 25 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 13.4, Long -133.4 distance to Payta 3308’ 6.0am: Hands commenced work transferring coal from upper deck and bunkers. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024484: ( 53-53388-016_1.jpg) 26 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 12.2, Long -129.2 distance to Payta 3049’ am: Hands at divisional drill. Captain’s weekly inspection. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024485: ( 53-53388-017_0.jpg) 27 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 10.4, Long -124.8 distance to Payta 2775’ am: Exercised ship’s company at action & collision stations. 10.0am: Hands variously employed. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024486: ( 53-53388-017_1.jpg) 28 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 8.8, Long -120.3 distance to Payta 2492’ pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8911cadfd34197024487: ( 53-53388-018_0.jpg) 29 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 7.2, Long -115.8 distance to Payta 2205’ 10.0am: Divine service. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8911cadfd34197024488: ( 53-53388-018_1.jpg) 30 September 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 5.7, Long -111.0 distance to Payta 1899’ am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 10.0am: Hands variously employed. 2.0pm: Hands variously employed. Boys at school. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1918 4caf8911cadfd3419702448d: ( 53-53389-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8911cadfd3419702448e: ( 53-53389-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8911cadfd34197024490: ( 53-53389-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf8911cadfd34197024491: ( 53-53389-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8911cadfd34197024492: ( 53-53389-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 4.1, Long -106.4 distance to Payta 1609’ am: Exercised divisions at small arms drill. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8911cadfd34197024493: ( 53-53389-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 2.6, Long -101.8 distance to Payta 1321’ 10.0am: Hands employed painting etc. 2.0pm: Hands employed painting etc. 4.0pm: Read warrant No. 39. Exercised ship’s company at fire stations. 4caf8911cadfd34197024494: ( 53-53389-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat 1.2, Long -97.7 distance to Payta 1083’ Hands employed painting ship. 4caf8911cadfd34197024495: ( 53-53389-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat -1.1, Long -94.1 distance to Payta 822’ 10.0am: Hands exercised at action stations. 2.0pm: Hands employed painting ship. Boys at school. 4caf8911cadfd34197024496: ( 53-53389-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat -2.3, Long -89.7 distance to Payta 539’ am: Hands cleaning ship. 2.0pm: Hands making and mending clothes. pm: Read warrant no 40. 4caf8911cadfd34197024497: ( 53-53389-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1918 From Honolulu to Payta Noon observed position Lat -3.9, Long -85.4 distance to Payta 264’ 10.30am: Divine service. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8911cadfd34197024498: ( 53-53389-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1918 From Honolulu to and at Payta [Peru] Noon DR position Lat -5.8, Long -81.3 distance to Payta 22’ 11.0am: Observed Parimas Point Light House S83E. 2.08pm: Brought up on starboard anchor. 5.0pm: Received 3 bags SNO mails. 4caf8912cadfd34197024499: ( 53-53389-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1918 at Payta Lat -5.1, Long -81.1 6.45am: “Lancaster” arrived. Discharged 3 bags SNO mail. Received 14 bags ship mail. am: Hands variously employed. 12.15pm: Collier “Arabic” secured alongside. 1.0pm: Commenced coaling. 3.50pm: “Lancaster” sailed. [cruiser, ex-armoured cruiser, Kent-class] 8.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night. Received 300 tons. 4caf8912cadfd3419702449a: ( 53-53389-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1918 at Payta Lat -5.1, Long -81.1 4.0am: Resumed coaling. 8.0pm: Stopped coaling for the night. 1017 tons received. 4caf8912cadfd3419702449b: ( 53-53389-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1918 From Payta to Callao Lat -5.1, Long -81.1 4.0am: Resumed coaling. 5.20pm: Finished coaling. 1500 tons received. Discharged 1 signal rating to collier “Arabic.” 6.30pm: “Arabic” left for Callao. 7.30pm: Anchor aweigh. Course and speed as requisite. 4caf8912cadfd3419702449c: ( 53-53389-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1918 From Payta to Callao Noon DR position Lat -7.3, Long -80.6 distance to Callao 350’ 5.20am: Observed Lobos de Tierra Light House S86E. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 5.30pm: Signalled S/S Henry T Scott (USA) with French ~ Rhoni & Rine in tow for Antofogasta. 4caf8912cadfd3419702449d: ( 53-53389-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1918 From Payta to Callao [note: wrong day in header, Friday instead of Saturday. ] Noon DR position Lat -9.8, Long -78.9 distance to Callao 167’ am: Hands variously employed. 2.0pm: Hands employed painting and as necessary. 5.40pm: Observed Palaxo Island S42E. 850pm: Mazorca Light abeam 8.5’. 4caf8912cadfd3419702449e: ( 53-53389-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1918 From Payta to and at Callao [note: wrong day in header, Saturday instead of Sunday. ] Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 6.05am: Anchored in 7 fathoms and veered to 30 fathoms on starboard anchor. HMS Avoca in port. [(ex-AVON), armed merchant cruiser, mercantile conversion] 8.45am: Landed Roman Catholics for service. 9.30am: Divisions and church. 11.0am: One marine rating & one artisan rating joined from Avoca. 1 armourer discharged to Avoca. pm: Hands variously employed. 5.0pm: Avoca sailed. 4caf8912cadfd3419702449f: ( 53-53389-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Landed funeral party to inter remains of late Alfred Caleb Hallett AB HMS Lancaster, ON J47713, who died on 13th inst. At Bella Vista Civil Hospital. 10.30am: Receiving stores and water. 11.53am: Funeral party returned. 1.45pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a0: ( 53-53389-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 10.0am: Hands painting ship. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a1: ( 53-53389-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 9.30am: Hands variously employed. 1.30pm: Hands employed painting and as necessary. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a2: ( 53-53389-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Hands painting etc. 2.0pm: Hands employed painting and as necessary. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a3: ( 53-53389-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Hands painting ship etc. pm: Hands painting ship and as necessary. pm: Read warrant No 41. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a4: ( 53-53389-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Hands cleaning and painting ship etc. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a5: ( 53-53389-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 9.0am: Landed Roman Catholic church party. 9.30am: Divisions, Captain’s inspection and church. 11.45am: Roman Catholic church party returned. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a6: ( 53-53389-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. Hands painting ship etc. pm: Hands painting ship and as requisite. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a7: ( 53-53389-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Hands painting and as necessary. pm: Hands painting ship and as necessary. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a8: ( 53-53389-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 5.45am: Hands commenced work painting ship and as necessary. am: GLs and SSs to deflection loader. pm: Hands preparing for coaling. 4caf8912cadfd341970244a9: ( 53-53389-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 5.0am: Commenced coaling. 4.0pm: Finished coaling. 4caf8912cadfd341970244aa: ( 53-53389-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8912cadfd341970244ab: ( 53-53389-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 9.30am: Hands at Saturday routine. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 42. 4caf8912cadfd341970244ac: ( 53-53389-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Roman Catholic church party landed and returned. 9:30 am: Divisions, Captain’s inspection and church. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8912cadfd341970244ad: ( 53-53389-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1918 From Callao to Mollendo Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 6.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to carry out capstan trials. 9.40am: Exercised ship’s company at GL’s. 11.15am: Lowered starboard anchor at 95 fathoms. 12.47pm: Weighed and proceeded into harbour. 2.55pm: Anchored and veered to 30 fathoms. 4.26pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 4caf8912cadfd341970244ae: ( 53-53389-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1918 From Callao to Mollendo Noon position Lat -15.1, Long -75.6 6.55am: Observed Mt. Grumado N80E(m). 10.0am: Divisions to small arms drill. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244af: ( 53-53389-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1918 From Callao to and at Mollendo [Lat -17.0, Long -73.0] 9.45am: Brought up on starboard anchor in 22 fathoms. [at Mollendo, Peru] Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244b0: ( 53-53389-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1918 From Mollendo to Arica [Chile] [Lat -17.0, Long -73.0] 9.30am: Hands variously employed. Boys to small arms instruction. pm: Hands variously employed. Boys at school. 6.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1918 4caf8912cadfd341970244b5: ( 53-53390-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8912cadfd341970244b6: ( 53-53390-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8912cadfd341970244b8: ( 53-53390-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf8912cadfd341970244b9: ( 53-53390-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8912cadfd341970244ba: ( 53-53390-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1918 From Mollendo to Arica Lat -18.5, Long -70.3 6:50 am: Observed Arica Head bearing East. 8:06 am: Came to on port anchor. Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244bb: ( 53-53390-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1918 From Arica to Iquique and at Arica Noon observed position Lat -18.6, Long -70.5 8.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.35am: Stopped and dropped target. 9.40am: Proceeded at 40 revs and carried out .303 practice from starboard battery. 11.40am: Recovered target and proceeded at 35 revs. Course South. 11.45am: Arica Head [bearing] N66E, Victor Gully S44E. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4.15pm: Stopped and lowered 1st & 2nd cutters and No 3 lifeboat for exercise. 4.35pm: Stopped and hoisted boats. 4caf8912cadfd341970244bc: ( 53-53390-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1918 From Arica to and at Iquique [Chile] Lat -20.2, Long -70.2 3.10am: Observed Iquique Lights S84E(m). 9.0am: Came to on starboard anchor in 17 fathoms at Iquique. Divisions and church. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8912cadfd341970244bd: ( 53-53390-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1918 From Iquique to Tocopilla [Chile] Lat -20.2, Long -70.2 off Iquiqui 8.15am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 10.0am: Stopped and dropped target, carried out .303 practice from port battery. 11.40am: Stopped and lowered 1st cutter for exercise. 11.50am: Hoisted boat & recovered target. pm: Hands variously employed. 4.05pm: Stopped & lowered 1st & 2nd cutters and [starboard] lifeboat for exercise. 4.40pm: Hoisted boats and proceeded. 4caf8912cadfd341970244be: ( 53-53390-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1918 From Iquique to and at Tocopilla Lat -22.1, Long -70.2 am: Wet Bulb Thermometer No 1229 J. Hicks broken. Replaced by No [not given]. 7.20am: Observed Tocopilla S52E. 9.45am: Stopped and came to on port anchor in 22 fathoms. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244bf: ( 53-53390-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1918 From Tocopilla to Tames Bay Lat -22.1, Long -70.2 off Tocopilla 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded 2.0pm: Stopped and came to on port anchor in 14 fathoms. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c0: ( 53-53390-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1918 From Tames Bay to Mexillones [Mejillones, Chile] Lat -23.2, Long -70.5 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded towards Mexillones. 9.07am: Stopped and came to on port anchor in 19 fathoms. pm: Collier "Zamora" at anchor. Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c1: ( 53-53390-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1918 at Mexillones Lat -23.2, Long -70.5 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded to coaling position. 6.05am: Stopped, anchored, collier "Zamora" alongside. 6.30am: Commenced coaling. 2.50pm: Finished coaling received 500 tons. 4.0pm: Hands washing decks. 6.0pm: Finished work. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c2: ( 53-53390-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1918 at Mexillones Lat -23.2, Long -70.5 am: Hands cleaning ship. Boys at boat exercise. pm: Read warrants Nos 45 & 46. 11.25pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c3: ( 53-53390-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1918 From Mexillones to Caleta Coloso [Lat -23.7, Long -70.5] 9.17am: Stopped and anchor in 15 fathoms on starboard anchor. 9.45am: Divisions, Captain’s inspection and church. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c4: ( 53-53390-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1918 From Caleta Coloso to Taltal and at anchor [Lat -23.8, Long -70.5] 9.08am: Weighed and proceeded. am: Logged Junior Engineer William Hart MMR for improperly absenting himself from his place of duty on 30 October 1918 from 9 to 12pm. When on watch in the engine room. He was found asleep on the boat deck at 2 am and gave as his cause that he was drunk. pm: Hands variously employed. 5.50pm: Stopped and came to in 25 fathoms on starboard anchor. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c5: ( 53-53390-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1918 from El Paposo to and at Taltal Lat -25.4, Long -70.5 6.10am: Weighed and proceeded towards Taltal. 9.20am: Stopped and came to on starboard anchor in 17 fathoms. Hands employed as necessary. Gunlayers to deflection teacher. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c6: ( 53-53390-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1918 From Taltal to Valparaiso Noon position Lat -25.4, Long -70.5 off Taltal Point. 8.0pm: Position Lat 27.0S, Long 71.2W 9.40am: Weighed and proceeded. Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c7: ( 53-53390-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1918 From Taltal to Valparaiso Noon position Lat -29.5, Long -71.8 pm: Hands variously employed. Read warrant No 47. 5.0pm: Communicated with collier Zamora. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c8: ( 53-53390-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 9.15am: Came to on port anchor & moored in RSNC berth No. 1. 4caf8912cadfd341970244c9: ( 53-53390-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 6.30am: Collier "Zamora" arrived. am: Hands variously employed. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8912cadfd341970244ca: ( 53-53390-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 am: Church parties landed and returned. 4caf8912cadfd341970244cb: ( 53-53390-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 am: Hands variously employed. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 5.0pm: Collier "Zamora" moored alongside. 4caf8912cadfd341970244cc: ( 53-53390-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 5.15am: Commenced coaling ship. 12.0pm: Finished coaling. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 4.0pm: Piped down. "Zamora" left to anchor in bay. 4caf8912cadfd341970244cd: ( 53-53390-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital. 1.0pm: Coaling party for collier Zamora left ship. 2.0pm: Coaling party returned. 4caf8912cadfd341970244ce: ( 53-53390-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 am: Landed starboard watch for recreation. Hands variously employed. 5.0pm: Recreation party returned. 4caf8912cadfd341970244cf: ( 53-53390-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244d0: ( 53-53390-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 10.0am: Continued Saturday routine cleaning ship. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 2.10pm: Chilean Flagship Captain boat left. 8.0pm: Processional party landed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244d1: ( 53-53390-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1918 at Valparaiso Noon observed position Lat -33.3, Long -72.0 12.05am: Landing party returned. 5.45am: Hands commenced work hoisting boats etc. 8.0am: Slipped and weighed anchor. am: Hands at leisure. 4caf8912cadfd341970244d2: ( 53-53390-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1918 From Valparaiso to Talcuhuano Lat -36.7, Long -73.1 8.0am: Course as requisite entering Concepcion Bay. 10.0am: Stopped & came to in 6 fathoms on port anchor. Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8912cadfd341970244d3: ( 53-53390-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1918 at Talcuhuano Lat -36.7, Long -73.1 am: Classes at instruction. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Read warrant no 48. 11.45pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8912cadfd341970244d4: ( 53-53390-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1918 From Talcuhuano to and at Coronel Lat -37.0, Long -73.2 5.57am: Stopped and came to in 8 fathoms on port anchor. 9.30am: Exercised ship’s company at GLs. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244d5: ( 53-53390-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1918 From Coronel to Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 am: Hands variously employed. 3.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. pm: Read warrant no 49. 4caf8912cadfd341970244d6: ( 53-53390-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1918 From Coronel to Valparaiso Noon observed position Lat -33.7, Long -71.7 9.30am: Exercised ship’s company at GLs. After magazine flooding valve tested. 10.50am: Hands rigging coaling gear. 4.10pm: Stopped and came to on port anchor in 41 fathoms. 5.50pm: Collier Zamora moored alongside. Read warrants nos 50 & 51. 4caf8912cadfd341970244d7: ( 53-53390-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 5.0am: Commenced coaling. 10.45am: Finished coaling, received 428 tons. 1.0pm: Hands commenced cleaning ship. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1918 4caf8912cadfd341970244dd: ( 53-53391-001_0.jpg) [LHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8912cadfd341970244de: ( 53-53391-001_1.jpg) [RHS of front cover of log book] 4caf8912cadfd341970244e0: ( 53-53391-002_1.jpg) [log information page, not filled out] 4caf8912cadfd341970244e1: ( 53-53391-003_0.jpg) [barometer and thermometer information] 4caf8912cadfd341970244e2: ( 53-53391-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1918 at Valparaiso Lat -33.0, Long -71.6 10.30am: Hands at leisure. 10.30pm: Chilean cruiser "Chacabuco" sailed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244e3: ( 53-53391-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1918 From Valparaiso to Antofogasta Noon position Lat -32.7, Long -71.8 4.40am: Collier "Zamora" sailed. 10.25am: Weighed and proceeded. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8912cadfd341970244e4: ( 53-53391-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1918 From Valparaiso to Antofogasta Noon observed position Lat -28.3, Long -71.5 [Long erroneously labelled E] 1.7 GMT Observed commencement of Annular Solar eclipse. 4.7 GMT Solar eclipse ended. 1.32am: Lengua de Vaca Light S85E(m) 18'. pm: Hands variously employed. 7.34pm: Morro Point bearing East dist 10'. 4caf8912cadfd341970244e5: ( 53-53391-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1918 From Valparaiso to Antofogasta Noon observed position Lat -24.2, Long -70.7 7.50am: When in position 24 48S, 70 53W a distinct disturbance felt throughout the ship. Sounded in 120 fathoms, [bilge] wells sounded, no change. am: Logged Mr. Wm EJ Graham, Temporary Engine Sub-Lieutenant for that he was drunk on shore at Valparaiso, 20 November 1918. 11.15am: Stopped engines to avoid school of whales. 11.20am: Proceeded. 3.20pm: Came to on starboard anchor in 41 fathoms. 9.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 10.33pm: Tetas Point N9E 2.5' 4caf8912cadfd341970244e6: ( 53-53391-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1918 From Antofogasta to Tocopilla Lat -22.1, Long -70.2 8.50am: Came to on starboard anchor in 20 fathoms. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8912cadfd341970244e7: ( 53-53391-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1918 From Tocopilla to Callao Noon position Lat -22.0, Long -70.3 11.05am: Weighed and proceeded. Hands variously employed painting etc.
4caf8912cadfd341970244e8: ( 53-53391-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1918 From Tocopilla to Callao Noon observed position Lat -18.5, Long -73.2 distance to Callao 466’ am: Hands variously employed. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8912cadfd341970244e9: ( 53-53391-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1918 From Tocopilla to Callao Noon observed position Lat -14.8, Long -76.0 distance to Callao 192’ 9.15am: Divisions, Captain’s inspection, church. 4caf8912cadfd341970244ea: ( 53-53391-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1918 From Tocopilla to Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 1.53am: Observed Palominos Light N13W(m). 5.55am: Came to on starboard anchor in 6 fathoms. 7.25am: Commenced coaling from lighters. 12.45pm: Working party sent to collier Zamora to discharge overheated coal. 11.20pm: Finished coaling received 450 tons. 4caf8913cadfd341970244eb: ( 53-53391-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 5.30am: Commenced work. Hands cleaning ship. Working party resumed discharge of overheated coal ex Zamora. pm: Cleaning ship and receiving stores throughout. 4caf8913cadfd341970244ec: ( 53-53391-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 5.30am: Commenced work washing decks. Coaling party for Zamora resumed work. Receiving stores and watering. pm: Hands painting ship. 4caf8913cadfd341970244ed: ( 53-53391-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1918 At Callao Lat -12.0, Long -77.1 am: Hands painting ship. Receiving water. pm: Hands variously employed painting ship & receiving stores. 4caf8913cadfd341970244ee: ( 53-53391-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1918 At Callao Noon position [Lat -12.0, Long -77.2] off Cape San Lorenzo am: Exercising ship’s company at GLs. 11.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded towards Ancon. 1.07pm: Stopped and came to in 6 fathoms on starboard anchor. 4caf8913cadfd341970244ef: ( 53-53391-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1918 at Ancon Lat -11.7, Long -77.2 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Leave to port watch. 6.30pm: Liberty men returned. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f0: ( 53-53391-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1918 at Ancon Lat -11.7, Long -77.2 9.30am: Divisions and captain’s inspection. 10.0am: Divine service. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f1: ( 53-53391-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1918 at Ancon Lat -11.7, Long -77.2 am: Read warrant no 53. pm: Hands variously employed painting ship etc. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f2: ( 53-53391-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1918 at Ancon Lat -11.7, Long -77.2 Hands variously employed painting ship etc. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f3: ( 53-53391-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1918 at Ancon Lat -11.7, Long -77.2 Hands variously employed painting ship etc. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f4: ( 53-53391-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1918 at Ancon Lat -11.7, Long -77.2 am: Hands painting ship. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f5: ( 53-53391-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1918 at Ancon Lat -11.7, Long -77.2 5.0am: Weighed and proceeded towards Callao. 7.45am: Stopped and anchored in 6 fathoms on starboard. am: Exercised ship’s company at action stations. 3.35pm: Weighed and proceeded. 8.15pm: Majorea Light N52E 1.2 miles. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f6: ( 53-53391-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1918 From Ancon to St. Elena Noon observed position Lat -8.9, Long -79.4 distance to St. Elena 468’ 9am: Divisions, prayers, captain’s inspection. pm: Hands at leisure. 11.56pm: Lobos de Afuera Light [bearing] East (m) 7’. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f7: ( 53-53391-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1918 From Ancon to St. Elena Noon observed position Lat -4.9, Long -81.4 1.08am: Lobos De Tierra Light N7W. 10.0am: Church service. 10.45am: Saddle of Payta [bearing] East 13.5’. pm: Hands at leisure. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f8: ( 53-53391-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1918 From Ancon to St. Elena and Panama Noon observed position Lat -1.4, Long -81.0 distance to Panama 655’ 4.54am: St. Elena Light [bearing] East 3.5’ distant. 6.40am: Stopped and came to on starboard anchor in 8 fathoms. 9.27am: Weighed anchor. pm: Hands variously employed. 3.0pm: Plata Island [bearing] East 5’ distant. 4caf8913cadfd341970244f9: ( 53-53391-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1918 From St. Elena Bay to Panama Noon observed position Lat 2.3, Long -80.6 distance to Panama 402’ am: Saturday routine. pm: Hands variously employed. 4caf8913cadfd341970244fa: ( 53-53391-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1918 From St. Elena Bay to Panama Noon observed position Lat 3.8, Long -79.8 distance to Panama 185’ 9.30am: Divisions and church. Hands at leisure. 4caf8913cadfd341970244fb: ( 53-53391-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1918 From Balboa, RP to Cristobal, CZ [Canal Zone] Lat 9.3, Long -79.9 5.23am: Observed Bona Island bearing W 11’. 6.45am: Spoke USA patrol vessel. 7.05am: Embarked Canal pilot, proceeded into Canal. 8.40am: Docked at Balboa. 9.12am: Undocked and proceeded. 10.15am: Locked in Miraflores. 11.20am: Locked in Pedro Miguel. 11.35am: Entered Culebra Cut. 2.55pm: Locked in Gatun Lock. 4.55pm: Secured alongside coaling wharf at Cristobal. 5.35pm: Commenced coaling. 4caf8913cadfd341970244fc: ( 53-53391-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1918 at Cristobal C.Z. Lat 9.3, Long -79.9 am: Hands variously employed. Coaling and watering throughout. 12.15pm: Finished coaling. Received 1094 tons coal. 1.10pm: Proceeding towards anchorage. 1.48pm: Stopped and came to on starboard anchor in 6 fathoms. 4caf8913cadfd341970244fd: ( 53-53391-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1918 at Cristobal CZ Lat 9.3, Long -79.9 am: Saturday routine. pm: Hands making and mending clothes. 4caf8913cadfd341970244fe: ( 53-53391-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1918 at Cristobal CZ Lat 9.3, Long -79.9 9.0am: Church. Hands at leisure. 4caf8913cadfd341970244ff: ( 53-53391-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1918 at Colon Lat 9.3, Long -79.9 11.0am: HMS Berwick anchored. [cruiser, ex-armoured cruiser, Kent-class] pm: Hands variously employed. 6.15pm: Embarked 1 officer & 2 ratings from Berwick for passage. pm: Embarked 1 cell prisoner from Berwick. 4caf8913cadfd34197024500: ( 53-53391-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1918 at Colon Lat 9.3, Long -79.9 7.20am: HMS Berwick left for Panama. 10.0am: Received stores and water. pm: Hands variously employed. |
Revised 08/03/2019 |