Naval History Homepage and Site Search

With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion

Pendant Nos. M.86 (on coming into service), MI.85 (1.18), MI.46 (4.18). Built 1908, 11,571grt, 15kts. Armament: 6-6in, 2-6pdr. Crew (7.15): 39 officers & 280 crew (bi). In service 23.3.15-11.10.19. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

With the exception of the final few months' logs, these logs contain no port names or voyage descriptions. Ports generally have been identified by anchor bearings, landmarks and latitude/longitude data for days before anchoring. Voyages have been identified by the same means. Any errors in identification are mine.

It should be assumed that while at sea, HMS Orcoma was zigzagging almost constantly.

Additions or significant changes to the text are marked in italic. Names of ships and landmarks that have not been identified are marked with [?]. Roughly half of the daily latitude/longitudes are direct decimal conversions.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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20 April 1915

Liverpool [Alexandra Dock]

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Commissioned ship; watches & sentries detailed off; stores for different departments taken on board

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21 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.00pm: Cast off from wharf with assistance of tugs Brocklebank, Coburg & Canning; proceeded to Canada Tongue

  7.30pm: Made fast alongside Canada Tongue

  8.00pm: 20 boys joined ship from depot

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22 April 1915

Liverpool [Canada Dock]

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  5.00pm: 2 sick bay stewards joined ship from depot

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23 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.45pm: Ship cleared for stability tests

  5.15pm: Stability tests finished

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24 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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25 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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26 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.15am: Hands rigging derricks for taking in ammunition

10.00am: Taking in 6” QF ammunition shell & cartridge; stowing same in forward & aft magazines

  5.45pm: Ceased taking in ammunition

  6.15pm: 4 naval ratings, 2 AB & 2 OS joined from Chatham

  6.45pm: 5 privates joined from Plymouth

  7.30pm: 5 RFR stokers joined from Devonport

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27 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.15am: Resumed taking in ammunition

  9.00am: Receiving 6-pounder ammunition & storing same in forward magazine

10.15am: Finished taking ammunition aboard

10.30am: Surgeon probationer JC Collins joined ship

  1.00pm: 1 seaman joined from depot

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28 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.15pm: 1 naval rating joined from Devonport

  7.20pm: 20 OS joined ship from Devonport

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29 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: Commenced loading ballast

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30 April 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.15am: 1 deserter surrendered himself on board

  4.30pm: Discharged 1 RNR rating to HMS Eagle for detention

  6.00pm: Bayonet missed from rack; ship searched unsuccessfully for same

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1 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.30am: 1 rating joined from depot

  4.00pm: Shore gang to level ballast

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2 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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3 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.15am: Loading ballast forward

  3.30pm: Returned 45 LE rifles & 24 bayonets to naval stores

  4.45pm: Received 45 rifles from naval stores

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4 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.50am: Shipped boarding cutters

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5 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.15am: 1 naval rating joined from depot

11.00am: Shipped spare boarding boat

  7.00pm: 1 RFR discharged to barracks

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6 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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7 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.30am: Commenced bunkering

  8.15pm: Finished bunkering

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8 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.30am: Received 145 tons coal

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9 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.45am: Roman Catholics mustered for church ashore (23 ratings)

10.00am: Service

10.25am: Roman Catholics returned

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10 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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11 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.15am: Commenced coaling

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12 May 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.30am: Received 1203 tons

  2.15pm: Finished coaling

  4.15pm: Finished trimming bunkers

Operations on Northern Patrol

JP map Orcoma Northern Patrol

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13 May 1915

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Gunner's stores received

  8.50am: Tried steering gear, telegraphs & whistle

  9.00am: Cast off & proceeded assisted by 2 tugs

  9.20am: Fast in Canada Dock

  9.43am: Proceeded towards river

  9.50am: In River Mersey

11.00am: Cast port anchor & 45 fathoms cable in 14 fathoms water

11.30am: Ship swung to ebb; compasses being adjusted

  1.15pm: Telephones & navy phones tested,also sounding machines; ready racks & ready magazines supplied; guns ready for immediate use

  5.00pm: Swung ship for adjustment of compasses

  7.50pm: Weighed; proceeded course & speed as requisite

  9.22pm: Formby Light Vessel abeam

  9.54pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam; streamed electric log

Destroyer Dee escorted ship stationed ahead; steering gear very defective necessitating continually reducing speed of port engine in order to steer ship

 Midnight: HMS Dee parted company

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14 May 1915


Lat 55.4, Long -6.8

12.55am: Chicken Rock Lighthouse N35W; shifted to after steering position – repairing telemotor gear

  2.30am: Shifted to fore bridge steering position

  4.42am: Mull of Galloway Lighthouse N57E

  6.15am: Mew Island Lighthouse S85W 7 miles

  7.40am: Maidens abeam 8 miles

10.05am: Altacarry Head Lighthouse abeam

  3.45pm: S Kerryvore N87E

  6.14pm: Barra Head Lighthouse abeam 10 miles

  7.43pm: Searchlight crews closed up

10.00pm: Guns crews standing by

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15 May 1915


Lat 59.5, Long -11.9

12.03am: Telemotor steering gear failed; shifted to after steering position

  2.45am: Resumed steering fore bridge steering position

  3.50am: Dismissed [guns crews]

  4.10am: Fall out searchlight crews

  4.00pm: Carried out gun trials with all guns

  4.40pm: Cease fire

11.00pm: Searchlight crews closed up; guns crews standing by

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16 May 1915


Lat 62.6, Long -10.2

  3.00am: Searchlight crews fall out

  4.20pm: Shifted to after steering position

  7.55pm: Myggenaes S76E

10.00pm: Searchlight party closed up

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17 May 1915


Lat 62.0, Long -9.0

  1.20am: Observed trawler bound SE

  1.50am: Stopped & boarded trawler Chrysolite of Hull, Iceland to Lerwick with fish; allowed to proceed – Lat 62 50N Long 10 22W [Chrysolite was sunk 2 days later by U-23]

  7.15am: Myggenaes S70E

12.05pm: Stopped & boarded Danish trawler Dacia [?] of Thorshavn [Tórshavn], number TN1, Faroe Island to Iceland; allowed to proceed – Lat 62 35N Long 10 12W

  6.40pm: Myggenaes S60W

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18 May 1915


Lat 61.8, Long -9.2

11.10am: Boarded Danish SS Hans Egede; cargo seal oil for Danish government; allowed to proceed – Lat 61 46N Long 9 15W

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19 May 1915


Lat 61.8, Long -10.8

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20 May 1915


Lat 62.0, Long -10.3

  4.42pm: Shifted to steering position aft

  4.56pm: Shifted to steering position fore bridge

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21 May 1915


Lat 61.9, Long -10.7

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22 May 1915


Lat 62.0, Long -10.3

  4.39pm: Shifted to steering position aft

  4.57pm: Shifted to steering position fore bridge

10.25pm: Fog setting in

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23 May 1915


Lat 61.9, Long -10.9

  1.25am: Fog lifted

  6.30am: Lat 62 6N Long 10 3W boarded ST Fawn of Grimsby (GY1008), from Grimsby to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

  8.35am: Set in foggy

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24 May 1915


Lat 62.3, Long -9.7

  6.15pm: Sighted steamer of port bow; chased ditto

  6.30pm: Challenged HMS Alsatian

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25 May 1915


Lat 62.0, Long -9.5

  1.05pm: Myggenaes S10E

  7.00pm: Lat 62 41N Long 10 37W boarded ST Dogberry of Hull, Iceland fishing grounds to Hull; allowed to proceed

10.00pm: Lat 62 25N Long 10 0W boarded ST India II of Grimsby. Grimsby to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

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26 May 1915


Lat 62.5, Long -10.3

  1.00am: Lat 62 17N Long 9 40W boarded ST Sir James Reckitt of Hull, Hull to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

  7.30am: Boarded Norwegian SS Susanna in Lat 62 41N Long 10 31W, Iceland to Bergen & Copenhagen, cargo whale oil; placed armed guard on board under Sub Lieutenant Forgham & sent to Lerwick

  9.24am: Lat 62 40N Long 10 13W boarded ST Samson [? possibly Saxon] of Hull, Iceland to Grimsby; allowed to proceed

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27 May 1915


Lat 62.2, Long -8.8

12.45am: Lat 62 13N Long 9 10W boarded Hull trawler Cadet, Iceland fishing ground to Hull; allowed to proceed

  4.30am: Stop; Lat 62 14N Long 9 52W boarded SS Amphitrite, Baltimore to Stockholm, cargo of rye; placed armed guard on board under Sub Lieutenant Harris RNR & sent her to Kirkwall

  1.30pm: Spoke British trawler Admiral Norton [probably Commander Horton]

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28 May 1915


Lat 62.6, Long -8.8

  2.40am: Myggenaes S35E

  4.10am: Stop in Lat 65 14N Long 8 50W & boarded Danish SS Vesta, Iceland to Copenhagen; placed armed guard on board under Midshipman Bagley

  7.00am: Stop in Lat 62 13N Long 8 28W & boarded SS Llama, New York to Copenhagen; placed armed guard on board under Midshipman Smith & ordered her to proceed to Kirkwall

  7.50am: Reboarded SS Vesta & ordered her to proceed to Kirkwall

11.36am: Stopped ST Commander Norton [probably Commander Horton]; allowed to proceed

  3.50pm: Stop in Lat 62 23N Long 8 11W & boarded Danish trawler Boreas of Thorshavn; allowed to proceed

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29 May 1915


Lat 62.2, Long -9.8

  6.53pm: Stop in Lat 62 20N Long 10 40W & boarded Danish trawler Johanna Sophie, Thorshavn to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

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30 May 1915


Lat 62.3, Long -9.6

10.26pm: Stop in Lat 62 44N Long 10 38W; signalled Norwegian SS Marietta di Georgio of Bergen; armed guard from HMS Oropesa on board; allowed to proceed

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31 May 1915


Lat 62.9, Long -11.3

12.06pm: Boarded Danish SS Boma, Leith to Iceland, in Lat 65 17N Long 9 35W; allowed to proceed

  7.05pm: Stopped in Lat 62 22N Long 10 13W & boarded Grimsby trawler

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1 June 1915


Lat 62.5, Long -9.8

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2 June 1915


Lat 62.5, Long -10.1

  9.40am: Stopped & boarded Danish fishing smack Ovningar, for Iceland fishing grounds; allowed same to proceed – Lat 62 42N Long 10 30W

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3 June 1915


Lat 62.3, Long -10.1

12.35am: Lat 61 34N Long 10 0W, prize crews returned by HMS Oropesa

  5.14am: Stop in Lat 62 18N Long 10 46W & boarded Norwegian SS Mexicano, Göteborg to Newport News, cargo general; allowed to proceed

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4 June 1915


Lat 62.3, Long -10.3

  3.45pm: Stop in Lat 62 38N Long 10 56W & boarded Danish barquentine Helgar [possibly Helge of Troense], Iceland to Dysart in ballast; allowed to proceed

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5 June 1915


Lat 62.6, Long -10.4

  7.50am: Boarded HMS Alcantara & handed over mails

  9.25am: Stop in Lat 62 48N Long 10 56W & boarded Danish schooner Norden, Dysart to Reykjavik; allowed to proceed

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6 June 1915


Lat 62.4, Long -10.4

  7.00am: Lat 62 46N Long 10 45W, stopped & boarded British trawler Elf King, Lerwick to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

10.30am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Virginian

12.14pm: Stop in Lat 62 24N Long 10 25W & boarded Danish SS Kiev, Reykjavik to Middlesbrough; allowed to proceed

  1.10pm: Stop in Lat 62 21N Long 10 30W & boarded Norwegian SS Minerva, Iceland to Tyne in ballast; allowed to proceed

  5.59pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Otway

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7 June 1915


Lat 62.7, Long -10.7

  2.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Otway

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8 June 1915


Lat 62.6, Long -10.8

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9 June 1915


Lat 62.7, Long -10.8

  5.32pm: Stop in Lat 62 54N Long 11 45W & boarded Norwegian SS Thyra, Haffjord to Copenhagen, cargo salt fish; armed guard under Lieutenant Harris RNR sent on board & ordered to Kirkwall

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10 June 1915


Lat 62.7, Long -11.0

  9.44am: Stop in Lat 62 59N Long 11 45W & boarded Hull trawler Tally Ho, Iceland to Hull via Lerwick with fish; allowed to proceed

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11 June 1915


Lat 62.7, Long -10.7

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12 June 1915


Lat 62.5, Long -10.9

  6.10am: Stop in Lat 62 59N Long 9 40W & boarded Dutch trawler Freia, Iceland fishing grounds to IJmuiden; allowed to proceed

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13 June 1915


Lat 62.9, Long -11.4

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14 June 1915


Lat 62.9, Long -11.5

10.28pm: Signalled American SS Sea Comet [?] with armed guard from HMS Hilary; allowed to proceed

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15 June 1915


Lat 62.0, Long -12.0

  1.19am: Stop in Lat 63 26N Long 12 1W & hailed Grimsby trawler Ladas, Grimsby to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

  3.15pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Changuinola

  3.50pm: Exchanged with HMS Mantua

  7.05pm: Observed fire on object on port bow which proved to be a fisherman's boat

  9.15pm: Shifted to steering position aft

  9.25pm: Shifted to steering position forward bridge

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16 June 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 57.0, Long -12.1

  5.55pm: Altered course after suspicious looking object

  6.10pm: Altered course; unable to pick up suspicious object

10.00pm: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

10.20pm: Altacarry Head Lighthouse S20E

10.45pm: Mull of Cantyre Lighthouse S40E

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17 June 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.8, Long -4.4

12.46am: Sanda Lighthouse abeam

  1.38am: Maidens Lighthouse S21W

  2.14am: Black Head Lighthouse S55E

  3.20am: Mull of Galloway Lighthouse S54E

  4.33am: South Rock Light Vessel abeam

  6.15am: Chicken Rock Lighthouse abeam

10.55am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

11.03am: Stop & embarked pilot; proceeded

11.19am: Formby Light Vessel abeam

11.31am: Challenged from battery

11.59am: Off Rock Lighthouse

     Noon: Turned ship to flood tide

12.36pm: Let go starboard anchor in 12 fathoms, 45 fathoms cable

12.45pm: Weighed

  2.07pm: Entered Canada Dock, 2 tugs attending

  4.15pm: Made fast in berth

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18 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.15am: Hauled ship off to allow lighters along side

  8.15am: Commenced coaling

  3.00pm: 1 stoker joined from depot

  5.00pm: Hauled off to allow SS Aries to shift berth

  6.15pm: Moored alongside quay

  9.30pm: Finished coaling for this day

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19 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.00pm: Stopped coaling

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20 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  8.30pm: Stopped coaling

10.00pm: Rating from HMS Arlanza brought on board intoxicated & detained

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21 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.10am: Escort from HMS Arlanza arrived on board & took charge of rating detained on board

  9.30pm: Stopped coaling

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22 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.30pm: Embarking ammunition – 4 boxes electric tubes, 21 x 6” practice projectiles, 1 box 6-pounder blanks (20 rounds), 5 boxes 6” cartridges (20 rounds)

  9.30pm: Stopped coaling

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23 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.30am: J Henry, Fireman RNR, deserter, brought on board under arrest

  1.45pm: F Cooke, Stoker RFR, deserter, brought on board under arrest

  3.00pm: Midshipman DW Martin RNR joined ship from depot

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24 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.45am: 1 naval rating joined ship

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25 June 1915

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30pm: Left berth

  8.28pm: Proceeded down river

  8.40pm: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  9.08pm: All boats swung out

  9.35pm: Formby Light Vessel abeam; discharged pilot

10.04pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam; escorted by destroyer

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26 June 1915

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 55.0, Long -5.5

  1.15am: Parted company with destroyer escort

  4.47am: South Rock Light Vessel abeam

  5.37am: Skulmartin Light Vessel N49W

10.12am: Rue Point abeam

10.26am: Bull Point abeam

12.09pm: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

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27 June 1915


Lat 58.3, Long -11.9

  8.45am: Boats swung & secured inboard

  5.52pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Oropesa

  6.50pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alcantara

  7.25pm: Boat from HMS Alcantara alongside with dispatches

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28 June 1915


Lat 60.4, Long -11.5

  1.40pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Orotava

  3.50pm: Stop in Lat 61 26N Long 11 0W & boarded Danish schooner N Hansen, Dysart to Reykjavik with coal; allowed to proceed

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29 June 1915


Lat 63.0, Long -5.0

10.05am: Exchanged signals with HMS Alsatian

11.00am: Stop & sent boat to HMS Alsatian

11.35am: Boat returned

11.45am: Keeping station with HMS Alsatian S, 10 cables

  1.35pm: In Lat 63 10N Long 2 58W hailed Norwegian whaler Orin; allowed to proceed

  2.00pm: In Lat 63 10N Long 2 58W hailed Norwegian whaler Clio; allowed to proceed

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30 June 1915


Lat 64.1, Long 6.1

   5.11am: Sent boat to HMS Victorian

   5.50am: Boat returned

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1 July 1915


Lat 67.0, Long 10.7

  5.58am: Stop in Lat 66 35N Long 10 26E & boarded Norwegian SS Tjomo of Tonsberg, Blyth to Archangel with coal; allowed to proceed

10.13am: Skomvaer Lighthouse N81E

10.45am: Hands mustered for payment

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2 July 1915


Lat 67.8, Long 11.3

  4.59pm: Sighted buoy on starboard bow

  5.00pm: Stop; lowered boat & picked up same

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3 July 1915


Lat 67.6, Long 11.1

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4 July 1915


Lat 67.6, Long 11.6

  5.06pm: Stop; lowered seaboat & picked up fisherman's spar float

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5 July 1915


Lat 67.4, Long 10.5

10.25am: Stop in Lat 67 25N Long 11 17W & boarded Norwegian fishing boat; allowed to proceed

     Noon: Stop; boarded Norwegian SS Kronprins Olav, Goole to Tromso; allowed to proceed

  4.36pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS India

  5.16pm: Stop in Lat 67 14N Long 11 48E & boarded HMS India with dispatches

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6 July 1915


Lat 67.1, Long 11.0

10.05am: Stop & picked up target seen floating

11.08am: Stop in Lat 672 N Long 10 27 E & boarded Norwegian trawler Helga; allowed to proceed

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7 July 1915


Lat 67.0, Long 9.9

12.45pm: Challenged HMS India

  1.00pm: Stop in Lat 67 7N Long 12 35E; Sub Lieutenant Forgham went on board Swedish SS Malmland of Göteborg to take her to Kirkwall with armed guard from HMS India

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8 July 1915


Lat 66.8, Long 9.7

  7.45am: Stop in Lat 66 44N Long 9 43W & boarded Norwegian [?] SS Vesta of Bergen, Archangel to Cardiff with timber; allowed to proceed

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9 July 1915


Lat 67.1, Long 12.2

  5.00am: Stop in Lat 67 5N Long 11 33W & boarded Swedish SS Fridland, Narvik to Philadelphia with ore; armed guard put on board in charge of Sub Lieutenant Harris & sent her to Kirkwall

  2.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS India

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10 July 1915


Lat 66.0, Long 7.8

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11 July 1915


Lat 64.6, Long -1.9

10.20am: Boarded Danish trawler Asta, also Swedish trawler Brita, Frederikshavn & Stavanger to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

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12 July 1915


Lat 65.2, Long 2.0

  2.54pm: Stop in Lat 65 19N Long 2 52E & boarded Russian SS Brita [possibly SS Fredville], Archangel to Hull, cargo wood; allowed to proceed

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13 July 1915


Lat 63.0, Long 2.8

  8.53am: Stop in Lat 62 50N Long 2 50E & boarded Norwegian SS Herlo, Ålesund to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

10.20am: Stop in Lat 62 34N Long 2 52E & boarded Norwegian whaler Sylphide, Faroe to Ålesund; allowed to proceed

  2.30pm: Stop in Lat 62 5N Long 2 0E & boarded Norwegian trawler Rona [?], Ålesund to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

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14 July 1915


Lat 62.0, Long 3.3

  2.45am: In Lat 62 26N Long 3 15E intercepted British SS Mountsfield; allowed to proceed

11.15am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Teutonic

11.25am: Sent boat to HMS Teutonic

  3.30pm: Stop in Lat 62 3N Long 2 55E; boarded Swedish SS Sir Ernest Cassel of Stockholm, from Kirkwall with green clearance; allowed to proceed

  5.00pm: Severely reprimanded Mr Cyril A Bamford Midshipman RNR for sending a bogus order to the wireless operator on watch on Tuesday July 13th & signing the same with a copy of the signature of the Captain of the ship (Commander Charles Bruton RN)

Read to me on the quarter deck [signed] Cyril A Bamford RNR

Severely reprimanded Mr George Charles Holman Wireless Telegraphist RNR for aiding & abetting Mr Cyril A Bamford Midshipman RNR in sending a bogus order purporting to be signed by the Captain of the ship (Commander Charles Bruton RN) knowing that the message was false

Read to me on the quarter deck [signed] G Holman Wireless Telegraphist RNR

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15 July 1915


Lat 62.2, Long 2.9

  5.44pm: Stop in Lat 62 33N Long 3 1E; boarded SS Weimar of Leith, London to Archangel with oil; allowed to proceed

  8.38pm: Stop in Lat 62 15N Long 2 54E; boarded Norwegian trawler Ran, fishing

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16 July 1915


Lat 62.9, Long 2.9

  6.45am: Signalled Russian SS General Radetzky [torpedoed & sunk the following day]

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17 July 1915


Lat 62.5, Long 1.5

  6.47am: Stop in Lat 62 29N Long 1 35E; boarded British SS Kotka, Archangel to Hull; allowed to proceed

10.00am: Stop in Lat 62 29N Long 0 29E; sent boat away to transfer Sub Lieutenants Harris & Forgham & prize crews from HMS Digby

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18 July 1915


Lat 62.3, Long 3.0

  6.45am: Stop in Lat 62 17N Long 3 1E; boarded SS Ripa of Bergen, Faroe to Bilboa with fish

  8.20am: Allowed to proceed after receiving instructions

  6.50pm: Stop in Lat 62 17N Long 3 40E; boarded Norwegian SS Ramfos, Blyth to Archangel with coal; allowed to proceed

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19 July 1915


Lat 62.6, Long 3.0

12.35am: Stop in Lat 62 57N Long 2 49E; boarded British SS Dartmoor, Leith to Archangel; allowed to proceed

  9.05am: Stop in Lat 62 37N Long 2 26E; boarded Norwegian trawler Ludolf Eide, Haugesund to Iceland fisheries; allowed to proceed

     Noon: Stop in Lat 62 17N Long 3 18E; boarded SS Hildawell, Archangel to Rouen; allowed to proceed

  2.08pm: Stop in Lat 62 27N Long 3 19E; boarded Russian SS Australia, Archangel to London; allowed to proceed

  4.46pm: Stop in Lat 62 46N Long 3 22E; boarded Norwegian SS Ragnhild, Archangel to Leith; allowed to proceed

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20 July 1915


Lat 62.8, Long 3.1

12.55am: Stop in Lat 62 4N Long 3 5E; boarded British SS Colenso, Blyth to Archangel with coal; allowed to proceed

  1.25am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Teutonic

  9.40am: In Lat 62 25N Long 3 5E intercepted Danish SS Magnus, Kirkwall to Bode with salt; allowed to proceed

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21 July 1915


Lat 60.9, Long -2.2

  9.40am: Stop in Lat 60 49N Long 2 31W; boarded Norwegian barque Springbauk, Copenhagen to Antofagasta in ballast; allowed to proceed

  5.20pm: Stop in Lat 61 3N Long 4 14W; boarded Norwegian barque Clan Graham, Leith to Antofagasta with coke; allowed to proceed

  6.57pm: Stop in Lat 61 4N Long 4 36W; boarded Danish schooner Emmanuel, Ronneby to Faroes with timber; allowed to proceed

  9.50pm: Stop in Lat 61 25N Long 3 51W; boarded Norwegian SS Havso, Archangel to Sharpness with timber; allowed to proceed

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22 July 1915


Lat 60.4, Long -7.2

  7.15pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Motagua

  9.00pm: Stop in Lat 58 51N Long 10 31W; boarded Norwegian SS Stanja, New York to Christiania [Kristiania/Oslo] with petroleum; sent to Kirkwall with armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Harris

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23 July 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 55.9, Long -7.5

  8.15am: Barra Head Lighthouse E

  1.10pm: Oversay Lighthouse S50E

  4.24pm: Altacarry Head N19E; exchanged challenge with HMS Tara

  5.41pm: Maidens abeam

  5.43pm: Object sighted by Lieutenant Dunn RNR, Midshipman Irving RNR, W Screech signalman, apparently periscope & small portion of conning tower of submarine; conning tower immediately disappeared; periscope remained in sight for about 3 minutes; altered course; nothing more seen

  8.18pm: South Rock Light Vessel N72W

10.25pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse N72E

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24 July 1915

Patrol to Liverpool (river anchorage)

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.35am: Bar Light Vessel S53E

  3.58am: Stop for pilot of Formby Light Vessel; proceeded

  4.31am: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  5.20am: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 12 fathoms

  8.15pm: Weighed & shifted 2 cables S

  8.30pm: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 12 fathoms

  9.40pm: Swung to ebb tide

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25 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

10.40am: Roman Catholic church party to service ashore

11.10am: RA Riley AB discharged to sick quarters

12.25pm: Roman Catholic church party returned

  1.15pm: S Clark Seaman RNR joined up from HMS Eagle after being on sick leave

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26 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.00pm: Read warrant 11 before ship's company

  6.45pm: Discharged W Cooke Stoker RFR to Devonport for detention & disposal

  9.15pm: Ceased coaling

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27 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Resumed coaling

11.00am: Commenced taking in ballast

  9.00pm: Finished working ballast for this day

  9.30pm: Finished coaling for this day

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28 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Resumed coaling & ballasting

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29 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Resumed coaling & ballasting

  7.00pm: Escort returned from Devonport

  7.10pm: 4 ratings joined ship

  8.00pm: Sub Lieutenant Edwards RNR joined ship

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30 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Resumed coaling

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31 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.45pm: Resumed ballasting

  9.00pm: Finished ballasting

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1 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Shore gang sheathing ballast

  3.10pm: Finished trimming ballast in hold 3

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2 August 1915

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Escort party to shore for deserter M O'Reilly Seaman RNR

11.00am: Escort party returned with deserter from Dale Street Prison

12.54pm: Cast off from quay & proceeded

  3.56pm: Formby Light Vessel abeam

  4.23pm: Discharged pilot

  4.25pm: Proceeded; Bar Light Vessel abeam; set course N50W escorted by destroyer Dee

  6.45pm: Destroyer Dee parted company

  8.35pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse N1E

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3 August 1915

To patrol

Lat 56.2, Long -7.7

  1.10am: Skulmartin Light Vessel N68W

  3.00am: Corsewall Point Lighthouse N51E

  5.51am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Tara

  6.41am: Bull Point abeam

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4 August 1915

To patrol

Lat 60.4, Long -11.9

  4.15am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Mantua

  3.12pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

  3.35pm: Stop; boat away with mails for HMS Alsatian

  4.30pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Ambrose

  5.00pm: Boat alongside with despatches from HMS Ambrose

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5 August 1915

To patrol

Lat 61.2, Long -11.8

  4.30pm: Read warrant 3

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6 August 1915


Lat 61.2, Long -11.6

10.00am: Observed barrel on port bow; fired 3 shorts from port 6-pounder; helm hard a-starboard

10.05am: Stop in Lat 60 55N Long 11 17W & picked up empty barrel

  3.40pm: Exchanged challenge with HMSs Digby & Alsatian

  4.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alcantara

11.30pm: Sighted Russian SS Irkutsk, New York to Archangel

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7 August 1915


Lat 61.5, Long -12.8

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8 August 1915


Lat 61.3, Long -12.8

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9 August 1915


Lat 61.2, Long -12.9

  2.10pm: Stop in Lat 60 49N Long 12 46W & boarded Russian SS Betty, Barry to Archangel with coal; allowed to proceed

  3.40pm: Turned ship

  4.00pm: Stop & picked up tree trunk

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10 August 1915


Lat 61.3, Long -12.9

  2.21pm: Stop in Lat 60 55N, Long 12 26W & boarded Russian SS Novorossiya, Barry to Archangel; allowed to proceed

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11 August 1915


Lat 61.1, Long -12.7

  9.57am: Stop in Lat 60 52N, Long 12 27W & boarded Norwegian ship Gunda [ex Ardnamurchan, Sperenza], Santa Fe to Copenhagen with quebracho wood; armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Forgham RNR placed on board & sent her to Lerwick

  7.35pm: Stop in Lat 61 18N Long 12 35W & boarded Danish auxiliary SV Ivigtut, Copenhagen to Greenland, coal; allowed to proceed

11.51pm: Stop in Lat 60 49N Long 12 34W & boarded Danish SS Nordstjernen, Copenhagen to Sydney CB in ballast; allowed to proceed

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12 August 1915


Lat 61.3, Long -12.9

  5.52am: Stop in Lat 61 5N Long 12 41W & boarded Russian SS Iris, Cardiff to Archangel with coal; allowed to proceed

  8.45am: Log in chart house not registering

  9.55am: Connected after steering position

  4.00pm: Electric log repaired

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13 August 1915


Lat 61.3, Long -12.8

12.50pm: Stop in Lat 61 28N Long 12 49W & boarded Norwegian SS KRP Victoria [presumably Kronprinsessan Victoria], Troon to Iceland with salt; allowed to proceed

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14 August 1915


Lat 61.1, Long -12.7

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15 August 1915


Lat 61.1, Long -12.7

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16 August 1915


Lat 61.3, Long -12.5

10.40am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Cedric

11.10pm: Stop in Lat 60 48N Long 12 7W & boarded British SS Clematis, Barry to Archangel with coal; allowed to proceed

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17 August 1915


Lat 61.1, Long -12.5

  8.49am: Signalled Norwegian SS Stat [possibly Start]

  3.15pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Teutonic

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18 August 1915


Lat 60.4, Long -12.1

10.00am: Stop in Lat 60 14N Long 12 14W & boarded Norwegian barque Dagmar

10.14am: Picked up empty cask

  7.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

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19 August 1915


Lat 60.4, Long -12.3

  8.48am: Stop in Lat 60 9N Long 11 32W & boarded Norwegian barque Hermes, New York to Lillesand, cargo of lubricating oil; armed guard under Midshipman Sydney Bagley RNR placed aboard & sent her into Lerwick

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20 August 1915


Lat 61.7, Long -10.7

  7.00am: In Lat 61 18N Long 10 43W intercepted SS Mountsfield

  8.00am: Stop in Lat 61 6N Long 10 47W & sent boat away to Danish SV Vesta, Iceland to Leith in ballast; impossible to board; allowed to proceed

  4.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Motagua

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21 August 1915


Lat 61.9, Long -11.0

  7.45am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patuca

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22 August 1915


Lat 61.0, Long -10.4

  3.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Victorian

  3.26pm: Stop in Lat 60 27N Long 11 0W & sent boat to HMS Victorian

  4.10pm: Boat returned; Sub Lieutenant FH Good RNR joined ship

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23 August 1915


Lat 61.2, Long -11.0

  8.42pm: Stop in Lat 60 55N Long 10 29W & board Danish SV Henry Brooke, Iceland to Leith with fish; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR on board sent her to Lerwick

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24 August 1915


Lat 61.2, Long -10.6

  1.35pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

  2.20pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Otway

  4.17pm: Stopped in Lat 60 30N Long 11 5W & sent boat away to HMS Otway

  4.46pm: Boat returned with Sub Lieutenant Forgham RNR & armed guard

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25 August 1915


Lat 60.5, Long -10.8

10.15am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

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26 August 1915


Lat 61.1, Long -11.0

  3.47pm: Observed circular object floating; stop; expended 10 rounds 6-pounder ammunition hitting same; picked up remains; found to be fisherman's black canvas buoy

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27 August 1915


Lat 61.1, Long -11.0

  4.10pm: Stopped in Lat 60 19N Long 11 1W & boarded Danish Government SV Nordlyset [?], Greenland to Copenhagen, with seal oil; allowed to proceed

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28 August 1915


Lat 60.9, Long -11.0

11.20am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Mantua

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29 August 1915


Lat 60.8, Long -10.8

  7.50am: Stop in Lat 60 32N Long 10 42W & boarded Norwegian SS Abra, New York to Archangel, general cargo

10.30am: SS Abra allowed to proceed

  6.16pm: Signalled Danish Government SV Ceres, Greenland to Hesselo Island with whale oil & blubber, Lat 60 37N Long 11 25W

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30 August 1915


Lat 61.5, Long -11.0

  9.50pm: Stop in Lat 61 34N Long 11 0W & boarded Danish SS Gulfoss, Iceland to Copenhagen; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Edwards & sent her to Kirkwall

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31 August 1915


Lat 61.9, Long -11.1

  6.10pm: Exercised sounding parties; sinker brass tube case & 200 fathoms line lost through line parting

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1 September 1915


Lat 59.5, Long -11.4

  6.10am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Arlanza

  6.30pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Mantua

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2 September 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 56.6, Long -8.8

11.07am: Inishtrahull Lighthouse S39W

12.30pm: Oversay Lighthouse N61E

  2.12pm: Altacarry Lighthouse abeam

  2.28pm: Tor Point abeam

  2.30pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Tara

  3.51pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  5.08pm: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

  7.12pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse S8W

10.52pm: Langness Lighthouse abeam

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3 September 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.45am: Point Lynas Lighthouse S35W, Great Ormes Lighthouse S6E

  2.07am: Bar Light Vessel S51E

  3.30am: Formby Light Vessel abeam

  4.10am: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  4.20am: Embarked pilot off Sandon Dock

  5.30am: Entered & made fast at Sandon Dock

  8.30am: Proceeded towards Canada Dock

  9.50am: Arrived in berth & made fast

11.30am: 10 AB & 10 OS joined from HMS Vivid

  1.00pm: 4 deserters joined ship

  1.30pm: 2nd prize crew returned

  2.00pm: Commenced coaling

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4 September 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Resumed coaling

  1.30pm: M Hopton Seaman RNR & J Dennis Fireman (M Rating) sent to detention quarters Devonport under Colour Sergeant Cole & Private Gully as escort; FW Robinson sent to Plymouth Hospital

  4.30pm: Finished coaling for the day

  5.30pm: 5th prize crew returned

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5 September 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Resumed coaling

  9.30am: RC church party to shore under Sub Lieutenant Forgham

  4.00pm: Finished coaling for the day

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6 September 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.00am: Master at arms joined from depot

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

12.10pm: 1 boy (1st class) joined ship from HMS Defiance

  4.15pm: Finished coaling for the day

  4.40pm: 1 seaman RNR joined ship from depot

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7 September 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Hauled ship off to allow lighters to pass

  8.45am: Made fast in berth; commenced coaling

  6.00pm: Robert Morton Fireman, deserter, brought on board under police escort

10.00pm: Finished coaling for the day

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8 September 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  4.40pm: Mr Robertson Engineer Officer joined ship

  5.10pm: Sub Lieutenant AW Chisholm joined ship from HMS Changuinola

  5.45pm: 2nd prize crew returned on board

  7.50pm: R Briscoe escorted on board by police, absent without leave

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9 September 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.00am: W White Fireman returned on board; absent without leave 1123hrs

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.45am: R Riddle Engineer Officer joined ship

10.05am: SM Couborough Engineer Officer joined ship

  1.30pm: R Briscoe & J White Fireman discharged from service

  6.30pm: Finished coaling

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10 September 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: 1 OS discharged to Chatham

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11 September 1915

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 54.5, Long -5.2

10.28am: Cast off & proceeded, 2 tugs attending

11.31am: Rock Lighthouse abeam

12.29pm: Formby Light Vessel abeam; discharged pilot

12.47pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  1.30pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alcantara

  7.45pm: South Rock Light Vessel N65W

  8.25pm: Mull of Galloway Lighthouse E

  9.30pm: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

10.35pm: Corsewall Lighthouse abeam

10.58pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

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12 September 1915

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 56.9, Long -9.4

12.42am: Mull of Cantyre Lighthouse abeam

  1.22am: Altacarry Lighthouse abeam

  2.36am: Oversay Lighthouse abeam

4caf892dcadfd34197024ec9: ( 53-53566-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1915


Lat 61.2, Long -12.5

10.20am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Otway

11.05am: Stop & sent boat to HMS Otway with confidential books

12.47pm: Stop & picked up fisherman's buoy

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14 September 1915


Lat 65.3, Long -11.5

10.55am: Stop & picked up piece of driftwood

3.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hildebrand

3.12pm: Stop in Lat 65 42N Long 12 7W

3.35pm: Boat from HMS Hildebrand alongside with instructions

6.48pm: Stop in Lat 66 12N Long 12 39W & boarded trawler Asta, Afjord to Smogen (Sweden); cargo of fish; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR & sent her to Lerwick

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15 September 1915


Lat 66.2, Long -13.1

  9.04am: Stop in Lat 66 26N Long 13 41W; boarded Norwegian trawlers Toralf & U~~ [?], Iceland to Moldvaer [?] & Ålesund with fish

  1.36pm: Stop in Lat 65 54N Long 12 22W; boarded Swedish trawlers Deflin, Edith & Laxen, also Danish trawler Mars; all from Iceland to Smogen with fish; placed under armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Chisholm RNR, Midshipman Bagley RNR, Midshipman Martin RNR & Midshipman Smith RNR & sent them to Lerwick

  5.47pm: Stop in Lat 66 18N Long 13 5W; boarded Norwegian trawlers Langnaes, Njord & Gotheim, Iceland to Ålesund; allowed to proceed

  6.45pm: Stop in Lat 66 18N Long 13 11W; boarded Norwegian trawler ~~gine [?], Iceland to Ålesund; allowed to proceed

4caf892dcadfd34197024ecc: ( 53-53566-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1915


Lat 66.7, Long -15.2

  7.07am: Stop in Lat 66 35N Long 13 2W & boarded Norwegian SS Nordodd [?], Iceland to Bergen with fish; placed armed guard under Midshipman Hutchins RNR & sent her to Lerwick

  1.46pm: Stop in Lat 66 49N Long 16 0W & boarded Swedish SV Valand, Iceland to Leith; placed armed guard on board under Midshipman Bamford & sent her to Lerwick

  3.15pm: Stop in Lat 66 49N 15 Long 46W & boarded Danish SV Haugar [possibly Norwegian Haugar], Iceland to Haugesund; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Edwards RNR & sent to Lerwick

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17 September 1915


Lat 66.8, Long -14.6

11.57am: Stop in Lat 66 48N Long 14 36W; boarded Norwegian SS Hildur, Iceland to Ålesund; allowed to proceed

  3.10pm: Stop in Lat 66 27N Long 14 28W; boarded Norwegian ST Egeria, Iceland to Stavanger with herrings; allowed to proceed

  3.35pm: Stop in Lat 66 26N Long 14 33W; boarded Norwegian trawler Seijfart [?], Iceland to Ålesund with herrings; allowed to proceed.

  4.41pm: Stop in Lat 66 30N Long 14 11W; boarded Norwegian trawler Langvin [?], Iceland to Ålesund with fish, & SV Gjide [?], Iceland to Ålesund with fish; allowed to proceed

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18 September 1915


Lat 66.9, Long -17.0

10.45am: Stop in Lat 66 55N Long 16 40W; boarded Norwegian SV Makrel, Iceland to Haugesund; allowed to proceed

12.10pm: Stop in Lat 66 50N Long 17 0W; boarded Norwegian SV Patriot, Iceland to Kopervik with fish; allowed to proceed

  7.59pm: Stop in Lat 66 35N Long 13 21W; boarded Norwegian SS Rovo [?], Ålesund to Iceland in ballast; allowed to proceed

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19 September 1915


Lat 66.5, Long -14.0

  4.44am: Stop in Lat 67 2N Long 14 25W; boarded Swedish SS Olaf [?], Iceland to Stockholm; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Forgham RNR & sent her to Lerwick

  9.50am: Stop in Lat 66 30N Long 13 17W; boarded Swedish SS Axel, Iceland to Göteborg; placed armed guard under Midshipman Vickers RNR & sent her to Lerwick

  4.42pm: Stop in Lat 66 24N Long 14 14W; boarded Norwegian SS Aalesund, Iceland to Copenhagen via Haugesund with fish; allowed to proceed

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20 September 1915


Lat 62.4, Long -14.3

10.35am: Langnaes N80W; lost 2 sinkers, 1 tube & 70 fathoms wire whilst sounding

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21 September 1915


Lat 67.0, Long -13.0

  3.52am: Set in foggy

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22 September 1915


Lat 64.9, Long -10.3

  4.00pm: Electric log found out of order

  5.00pm: Electric log repaired

11.54pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Changuinola

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23 September 1915


Lat 65.3, Long -11.2

12.30am: Stop in Lat 64 36N Long 9 45W; sent boat for 6 officers & 19 men, returned prize crews from HMS Changuinola

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24 September 1915


Lat 66.3, Long -12.0

12.26pm: Stop in Lat 66 17N Long 12 6W & boarded Danish SV Uranus, Iceland to Copenhagen with guano; allowed to proceed

  4.23pm: Langnaes N50W

  5.45pm: Stop in Lat 66 30N Long 14 30W & boarded Norwegian SS Vacro [?], Iceland to Bergen with fish; allowed to proceed

11.59pm: Langnaes Lighthouse S66W

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25 September 1915


Lat 67.3, Long -13.3

  5.04pm: Langnaes Lighthouse S81W

10.08pm: Stop for engineer's purposes [until 11.36pm]

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26 September 1915


Lat 67.4, Long -13.9

12.53pm: Stop in Lat 67 17N Long 14 24W; boarded Norwegian SV Erik Jessen, Iceland to Haugesund; allowed to proceed

  7.24pm: Langnaes Lighthouse S13E

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27 September 1915


Lat 65.2, Long -10.7

  8.47am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

  9.15am: Sent boat away to HMS Alsatian in Lat 65 2N Long 10 6W for Sub Lieutenant Forgham RNR & Midshipman Vickers RNR & 2 armed guards

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28 September 1915


Lat 68.0, Long -12.0

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29 September 1915


Lat 67.0, Long -16.0

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30 September 1915


Lat 66.0, Long -14.0

  8.30am: Stop in Lat 66 38N Long 14 18W; boarded Norwegian SS Fenris, Iceland to Bergen with fish; allowed to proceed

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1 October 1915


Lat 67.0, Long -12.0

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2 October 1915


Lat 67.0, Long -14.0

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3 October 1915


Lat 68.0, Long -13.0

  5.40pm: Stop in Lat 66 13N Long 13 54W; boarded Danish SS Urd, Iceland to Haugesund in ballast; allowed to proceed

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4 October 1915


Lat 64.0, Long -8.0

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5 October 1915

Patrol to Busta Voe [based on anchor bearings]

Lat 60.0, Long -1.0

  6.33am: Spoke trawler A105

  8.55am: Passed boom defence

10.10am: Let go port anchor in 15 fathoms & veered to 75 fathoms cable

Anchor bearings: Busta House flagstaff N52W; Free Church N60E

10.50am: Colliers 164 & 129 alongside

11.45am: Commenced coaling

  1.50pm: Sub Lieutenant Edwards & armed guard arrived on board

  6.30pm: Finished coaling for the day

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6 October 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  6.50am: Resumed coaling

  6.45pm: Finished coaling

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7 October 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

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8 October 1915

Busta Voe to patrol

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

10.45am: Armed guards, 3 officers & 13 men on board from HMS Gibraltar for passage to HMS Andes & HMS Oropesa

  5.57pm: Weighed & proceeded

  6.25pm: Passed boom defence

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9 October 1915


Lat 64.4, Long -8.4

10.22pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Andes

10.30pm: Thick fog; unable to communicate with HMS Andes

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10 October 1915


Lat 62.5, Long -11.1

  3.15am: In Lat 64 42N Long 9 6W transferred armed guards to HMS Andes

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11 October 1915


Lat 62.5, Long -14.6

10.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Cedric

10.21am: In Lat 62 18N Long 14 32W received armed guard under Midshipman Bamford RNR

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12 October 1915


Lat 63.1, Long -15.1

12.19pm: Hailed trawler Ottilie GY144, Grimsby to Iceland fishing grounds (Lat 63 22N Long 15 32W)

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13 October 1915


Lat 63.1, Long -15.1

  5.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

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14 October 1915


Lat 62.8, Long -14.1

  5.30pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Oropesa

  6.11pm: Spoke AV Vonin having armed guard on board from HMS Oropesa

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15 October 1915


Lat 63.1, Long -15.0

  7.20am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Oropesa

  7.45am: Stop in Lat 62 34N Long 14 47W & returned 2 officers & 10 men (armed guard) to HMS Oropesa

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16 October 1915


Lat 63.2, Long -15.2

10.20am: Stop starboard engine for engineer's purposes

10.43am: Restarted starboard engine

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17 October 1915


Lat 62.7, Long -14.8

  8.35am: Spoke British trawler Admiral Craddock, Hull to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

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18 October 1915


Lat 62.4, Long -14.7

  6.35am: Stop in Lat 62 19N Long 14 19W; boarded Danish SS Sterling, Leith to Reykjavik; allowed to proceed

11.52am: Stop in Lat 62 27N Long 14 27W; boarded Danish SS Island, Reykjavik to Copenhagen, cargo general; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant GH Good RNR & sent her to Lerwick

  6.23pm: Port engine stopped for repairs

  7.46pm: Proceeded 70 revs on port engine

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19 October 1915


Lat 62.7, Long -14.8

  1.35am: Intercepted Grimsby trawler Serena, Iceland to Grimsby; allowed to proceed

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20 October 1915


Lat 63.3, Long -17.4

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21 October 1915


Lat 62.1, Long -14.2

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22 October 1915


Lat 61.4, Long -14.4

  9.15am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Oropesa

  9.35am: Stop in Lat 61 5N Long 14 12W; received 7 ratings from HMS Oropesa

  4.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Cedric

  4.24pm: Stop in Lat 61 47N Long 14 8W; received mails from HMS Cedric

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23 October 1915


Lat 61.6, Long -14.1

10.26am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Oropesa

  5.15pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Changuinola

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24 October 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 57.5, Long -10.2

  8.00pm: Starboard engine stopped for repairs

  8.45am: Proceeded full speed, starboard engine repaired

  6.32pm: Skerryvore Lighthouse abeam

  8.05pm: Oversay Lighthouse S38E

11.00pm: Altacarry Lighthouse abeam

11.34pm: Mull of Cantyre abeam

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25 October 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.5, Long -4.1

12.58am: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  3.16am: Mull of Galloway Lighthouse abeam

  6.03am: Chicken Rock abeam

10.30am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

10.53am: Formby Light Vessel abeam

11.40am: Rock Lighthouse abeam

11.43am: Embarked pilot

12.28pm: Port anchor & 75 fathoms in 13 fathoms

  7.45pm: Ship swung to flood tide

10.45pm: Weighed & proceeded to dock

11.15pm: Entered dock

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26 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.30am: Made fast in berth

  7.00am: Hove ship off for coal lighters

  9.45am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: Armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR returned

  9.30pm: Finished coaling for the day

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27 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: 1 rating received from HMS Eagle; read warrant 9 & discharged prisoner C Walker with escort to Devonport

  8.10pm: 6 ratings joined from HMS Vivid

  9.30pm: Finished coaling for this day

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28 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.45am: Shifted ship to NW berth

  8.35am: Commenced coaling

12.30pm: S Kinner AB caught stealing ship's stores; placed under sentry's charge

  4.00pm: Released 2 prisoners from cells

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29 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.30pm: Deserter J Henry brought on board by Civil Police, absent from ship since August 2nd 1915; placed under sentry's charge

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30 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Finished coaling

10.30am: Fireman Moreton returned from Walton Gaol with escort

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31 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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1 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.00pm: Read warrant 11

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2 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.00pm: 6 boys discharged to depot

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3 November 1915

Liverpool (dock to river)

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.50pm: Cast off & proceeded

  6.15pm: Made fast in basin

  6.55pm: Proceeded from basin to river

  7.15pm: Starboard anchor & 60 fathoms in 13 fathoms; anchor bearings, Egremont Ferry N20W, Seacombe Ferry S72W

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4 November 1915

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.5, Long -4.1

  3.52am: Weighed & proceeded

  4.05am: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  4.55am: Formby Light Vessel abeam

  5.00am: Discharged pilot

  5.22am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  9.10am: Chicken Rock Lighthouse N36W

11.45am: South Rock Light Vessel N40W

12.40pm: Skulmartin Light Vessel abeam

  1.30pm: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

  2.46pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  5.12pm: Bull Point abeam

  7.16pm: Inishtrahull Lighthouse N70W

  9.50pm: Dubh Artach Lighthouse abeam

11.05pm: Skerryvore Lighthouse abeam

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5 November 1915


Lat 57.5, Long -10.4

  1.35am: Barra Head Lighthouse abeam

  8.40am: Intercepted Danish SS Chumpon, Copenhagen to St Thomas WI; allowed to proceed

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6 November 1915


Lat 61.5, Long -11.9

10.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian & HMS Cedric

10.22am: Stop in Lat 61 30N Long 11 56W; transferred mails to HMS Alsatian & 3 officers to HMS Cedric

11.58am: Proceeded

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7 November 1915


Lat 62.3, Long -3.2

  7.49am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

  4.00pm: Challenged HMS Alcantara

  4.15pm: Stop in Lat 62 34N Long 1 18W & communicated by boat with HMS Alcantara

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8 November 1915


Lat 62.6, Long -1.6

  2.00pm: Stop in Lat 62 7N Long 2 15E & transferred Sub Lieutenant Forgham & armed guard to trawler Robert Smith; Sub Lieutenant Good RNR & armed guard to trawler Rushcoe

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9 November 1915


Lat 62.6, Long 2.4

11.03am: Stop in Lat 62 31N Long 2 37 & boarded British SS Stettin [possibly Norwegian SS Stettin], London to Archangel; allowed to proceed

  3.40pm: Stop in Lat 63 12N Long 3 10E & boarded American SV Helen W Mankin [?], Archangel to London; allowed to proceed

  6.00pm: Hands mustered for issue of winter clothing

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10 November 1915


Lat 66.6, Long 8.0

  1.00pm: Winter clothing served to marines & stokers

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11 November 1915


Lat 66.9, Long 11.1

  1.15pm: Men to a lecture on cause & prevention of tuberculosis

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12 November 1915


Lat 67.2, Long 9.1

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13 November 1915


Lat 67.5, Long 10.6

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14 November 1915


Lat 67.2, Long 11.1

  8.38am: Stop in Lat 67 17N Long 11 17E & communicated by boat with trawlers Robert Smith & Rushcoe; transferred armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Edwards RNR to trawler Rushcoe

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15 November 1915


Lat 65.3, Long 2.4

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16 November 1915


Lat 65.0, Long 4.9

  4.55pm: Stop in Lat 64 5N Long 4 16E & transferred armed guard under Midshipman Bagley RNR to trawler Arley

  6.17pm: Re-communicated with HMT Arley

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17 November 1915


Lat 67.8, Long 8.3

  9.55am: Read warrants 12 & 13

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18 November 1915


Lat 67.2, Long 9.6

  9.10am: Stop in Lat 67 21N Long 10 9E & communicated with trawlers Robert Smith & Rushcoe: armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Forgham returned; Robert Smith ordered to proceed to Lerwick

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19 November 1915


Lat 66.1, Long 6.2

  2.59am: Exchanged signals with HMS Donegal

  3.00am: Keeping station astern of same

  7.50am: Received patrol orders from HMS Donegal

  2.50pm: Exchanged signals with HMS Donegal

  3.15pm: Keeping station astern of HMS Donegal

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20 November 1915


Lat 69.2, Long 13.3

  2.00am: Keeping station astern of HMS Donegal

12.10pm: HMS Liverpool parted company

  2.00pm: Keeping station 5 cables astern of HMS Donegal

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21 November 1915


Lat 71.2, Long 25.5

  2.00am: Keeping station astern of HMS Donegal

  3.00pm: HMS Donegal parted company; took station 5 cables astern of HMS Minotaur

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22 November 1915


Lat 70.4, Long 14.4

  1.30am: Keeping station astern of HMS Minotaur

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23 November 1915


Lat 67.2, Long 6.5

  1.30am: Keeping station astern of HMS Minotaur

  7.45am: Wireless aerial carried away

  8.00am: Wireless aerial repaired

  1.00pm: Hove ship head to wind & sea

  1.30pm: Lost sight of HMS Minotaur

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24 November 1915


Lat 68.5, Long 6.3

  8.45am: Sighted HMS Minotaur

  9.54am: Exchanged signals with HMS Minotaur

  1.00pm: Keeping station astern of HMS Minotaur

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25 November 1915


Lat 62.5, Long 3.1

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26 November 1915


Lat 61.5, Long 2.4

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27 November 1915


Lat 61.2, Long 1.6

  7.40am: Stop; transferred Sub Lieutenant Harris RNR & armed guard to trawler Saxon

  9.30am: Stop in Lat 61 28N Long 2 22E & boarded British SS Petunia, Archangel to Leith with butter, eggs & wood; allowed to proceed

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28 November 1915


Lat 62.5, Long 2.2

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29 November 1915


Lat 62.5, Long 3.2

10.15am: Lieutenant in charge of HM Trawler Saxon boarded [Lat 62 47N Long 3 15E]

11.20am: Lieutenant returned to Saxon

  8.00pm: Stop in Lat 62 11N Long 3 56E; Lieutenant in charge of HM Trawler Tenby Castle boarded

  8.50pm: Lieutenant returned to Tenby Castle

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30 November 1915


Lat 62.6, Long 2.1

  3.38am: Exchanged challenge with one of HM ships

  4.48pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alcantara

  5.53pm: Stop in Lat 62 59N Long 1 46E & signalled HMS Alcantara

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1 December 1915

Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.5

  5.50am: Muckle Flugga Lighthouse S25E

  7.30am: Eshaness Lighthouse S19W

10.11am: Passed boom defence

10.20am: Exchanged signals with HMS Gibraltar

10.45am: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 14 fathoms; anchor bearings, flagstaff Busta House N73W, Free Church N66E

12.40pm: Commenced coaling

  1.40pm: Armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR returned on board

  3.55pm: HMS Patuca sailed

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day; 5th & 3rd armed guards under Sub Lieutenant Edwards & Midshipman Bagley RNR returned

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2 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  7.05am: HMS Patia arrived

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  8.46am: HMS Duke of Cornwall sailed

  6.30pm: Finished coaling for the day

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3 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

11.50am: Finished coaling

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4 December 1915

Busta Voe to patrol

Lat 60.6, Long -2.3

  3.30pm: Weighed & proceeded

  3.57pm: Passed boom defence

  4.08pm: Swarbacks Minn Lighthouse abeam

  4.57pm: Eshaness Lighthouse abeam

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5 December 1915


Lat 61.5, Long -6.6

  4.34am: Sumbo Lighthouse N24W

  7.40am: Nolso Lighthouse N27W

  9.35am: Stop in Lat 61 38N Long 6 9W; spoke British trawler Laureate, Aberdeen to Faroe fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

12.15pm: Stop in Lat 61 10 N Long 5 56W; boarded Swedish motor ship Pedro Christophersen, Christiania to Pernambuco & Santos, general cargo; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR on board & sent her to Stornoway

  2.40pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Mantua

  3.00pm: Stop in Lat 61 8N Long 6 10W & sent boat away with confidential papers to HMS Mantua

  4.35pm: Stop in Lat 61 8N Long 6 0W & boarded Norwegian SV Brannar [?], Trondheim to USA in ballast; allowed to proceed

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6 December 1915


Lat 61.5, Long 0.1

10.45am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alcantara

11.34am: Stop in Lat 61 35N Long 1 0E

11.45am: Boat away with confidential papers to HMS Alcantara; armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Harris RNR returned on board

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7 December 1915


Lat 61.2, Long 1.0

  4.00pm: Read warrants 14, 15 & 16 to William Pattison (Stoker) 14; Timother O'Connor (Leading Seaman) 15 & Edward Jackson (Signalman) 16

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8 December 1915


Lat 61.6, Long 1.0

  9.04am: False alarm, man overboard, turned 14 points

  4.00pm: Read warrant 17

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9 December 1915


Lat 61.4, Long 1.4

10.00am: Articles of War read to ship's company

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10 December 1915


Lat 62.0, Long 2.0

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11 December 1915


Lat 61.8, Long 2.0

10.25pm: Stop in Lat 61 21N Long 1 58E & boarded Norwegian SS Frednes,Trondheim to Manchester, cargo wood pulp; allowed to proceed

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12 December 1915


Lat 61.5, Long 1.5

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13 December 1915


Lat 61.3, Long 2.7

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14 December 1915


Lat 61.1, Long -3.1

  5.55am: Muckle Flugga Lighthouse S44W

  6.32pm: Sumbo Lighthouse abeam N51W

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15 December 1915


Lat 59.2, Long -10.3

  3.40am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hildebrand

10.33am: Stop in Lat 59 34N Long 10 40W & intercepted Store Ship No 71 for Archangel

  2.39pm: Stop in Lat 59 3N Long 11 1W; boarded British SS Lowther Range, Philadelphia to Leith, general cargo; allowed to proceed

  4.14pm: Stop in Lat 58 51N Long 11 5W & boarded Swedish SS Roland, Newport News to Göteborg with coal & oil; sent to Lerwick with armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Edwards RNR

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16 December 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 55.5, Long -7.5

  5.50am: Barra Head Lighthouse S65E

12.35pm: Oversay Lighthouse S50E

  1.30pm: Exchanged signals with Oversay Coastguard Station

  3.00pm: Courses various through Rathlin Sound

  3.42pm: Tor Point abeam

  4.18pm: Maidens Lighthouse S5W

  6.01pm: Black Head Lighthouse abeam

  7.45pm: South Rock Light Vessel abeam

  9.44pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse abeam

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17 December 1915

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.22am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  4.40am: Formby Light Vessel abeam; embarked pilot

  5.27am: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  5.40am: Stop; let go port anchor & 60 fathoms in 14 fathoms; New Brighton pier N27W, North Wall Lighthouse N18E

  7.00am: Weighed & proceeded

  8.30am: Fast in Canada Locks

  9.00am: Proceeded to berth

  9.35am: Made fast in berth

11.40am: Proceeded to dry dock

  1.00pm: Made fast in dry dock

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18 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.15pm: Private Goudy RMLI discharged to sick quarters Devonport

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19 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.30am: 1 rating (signalman RNVR) joined ship from depot

11.30am: SII & SIII guns lifted

  2.00pm: Gunners party working at guns

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20 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.30am: Armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Edwards RNR returned on board

10.00am: Stoker Morton (mercantile rating) placed under arrest for breaking ship

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21 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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22 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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23 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.30am: 11 ratings joined ship from depot

11.30am: Cables hove in & stowed

  2.45pm: Ship floated

  3.40pm: Left dry dock

  5.15pm: Made fast alongside SS Rocklight

  8.50pm: Coal lighters alongside

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24 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.30pm: Stoker Morton RNR released from cells & discharged to shore

  3.45pm: Cast off, 4 tugs in attendance, to shift berth

  4.40pm: Made fast in berth

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25 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.30am: 3 ratings joined ship from depot

10.30am: Cleared lower deck; read King's message to fleet

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26 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.20pm: Coal-heaver Pat Sousley fell down bunker, sustaining fractured leg; admitted to Stanley Hospital

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27 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00pm: Ceased coaling

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28 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.30am: Commenced coaling; escort sent to Dale Street police station

10.00am: Escort returned with prisoner Evison (Scullion)

     Noon: 1 rating RNR joined from depot

  5.00pm: Ceased coaling

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29 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.30pm: 7 ratings discharged to depot

  2.00pm: Commenced coaling

10.00pm: Ceased coaling

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30 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  4.00pm: Read warrant 19

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31 December 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.00pm: Commenced coaling

  4.00pm: 3 ratings joined from HMS Eagle for HMS Alsatian

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1 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.50am: Hauled off ship to allow coaling lighter to pass inside

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  1.30pm: Hands to payment

  2.00pm: Ceased coaling on account of heavy weather

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2 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  8.20pm: Ceased coaling

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3 January 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.30am: Escort to shore

11.05am: Escort returned with Stoker Campbell from police station

  7.30pm: Cast off & proceeded

  7.55pm: Fast in Canada locks

  8.30pm: Proceeded to river

  8.50pm: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  9.45pm: Passed Formby Light Vessel

  9.50pm: Discharged pilot

10.10pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam

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4 January 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 55.2, Long -6.4

  1.38am: Chicken Rock Lighthouse N28W

  5.22am: South Rock Light Vessel abeam

  7.25am: Black Head Lighthouse abeam

10.00am: Courses various for passing through Rathlin Sound

  2.00pm: Wireless aerial carried away

  3.30pm: Wireless aerial repaired

  6.00pm: Glass on port searchlight smashed by sea

  7.15pm: Skerryvore Lighthouse N75W

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5 January 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 57.2, Long -9.4

12.10am: Barra Head Lighthouse N70E

  4.30pm: Read warrant 20

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6 January 1916


Lat 62.2, Long -8.3

  4.14pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Almanzora

  4.25pm: Stop in Lat 62 39N Long 6 45W; sent boat to HMS Almanzora for signals

  7.33pm: Stop in Lat 62 39N Long 7 40W; boarded Danish SS Holar, Leith to Iceland with coal; allowed to proceed

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7 January 1916


Lat 62.3, Long -5.0

12.25am: Stop in Lat 62 29N Long 5 44W & intercepted British trawler Vulcana GY27, engaged in fishing

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8 January 1916


Lat 62.5, Long -5.2

  4.39pm: Intercepted British trawler Sheraton GY230 in Lat 62 37N Long 7 14W

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9 January 1916


Lat 62.3, Long -5.2

  1.54pm: Stop in Lat 62 30N Long 5 41W & transferred 3 ratings & mails to HMS Alsatian

  5.40pm: Lead, tube & 95 fathoms wire lost whilst sounding

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10 January 1916


Lat 62.6, Long -4.7

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11 January 1916


Lat 62.4, Long -5.0

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12 January 1916


Lat 62.5, Long -4.7

10.45pm: Hove ship to, heading N3W

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13 January 1916


Lat 63.7, Long -5.0

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14 January 1916


Lat 63.7, Long -5.0

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15 January 1916


Lat 63.6, Long -5.1

  1.05am: Hove ship head to wind & sea

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16 January 1916


Lat 63.8, Long -5.0

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17 January 1916


Lat 63.6, Long -5.0

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18 January 1916


Lat 63.8, Long -5.0

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19 January 1916


Lat 63.7, Long -5.0

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20 January 1916


Lat 61.5, Long -5.1

9.45am: Hove ship head to wind & sea

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21 January 1916

Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  8.12am: Muckle Ossa Island S15W

10.20am: Passed boom & proceeded to anchorage

11.00am: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 15 fathoms

11.30am: Weighed ship having dragged

12.20pm: Anchored port & starboard bowers & 75 fathoms in 14 fathoms; anchor bearings, flagstaff N22½W, Free Church N54E

  2.10pm: Commenced coaling both sides

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for this day

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22 January 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for this day

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23 January 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  8.00am: Resumed coaling

  2.10pm: Finished coaling

  3.00pm: Colliers 24 & 660 cast off

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24 January 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

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25 January 1916

Busta Voe to patrol

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  2.05pm: Weighed starboard anchor, veered to 80 fathoms port bower

  4.15pm: Weighed & proceeded

  4.32pm: Passed boom defence

  5.32pm: Eshaness Lighthouse N53E

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26 January 1916


Lat 61.7, Long -5.8

11.05am: Stop & transferred mails & documents to HMS Alsatian

11.15pm: Stop in Lat 60 40N Long 7 25W; intercepted British trawler St Denis, Iceland to Hull; allowed to proceed

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27 January 1916


Lat 59.7, Long -8.2

[incorrect position in log]

12.02pm: Boarded Norwegian SV Marga, Dublin to Philadelphia in ballast; allowed to proceed, Lat 59 24N Long 8 6W

  1.12pm: Stop in Lat 59 35N Long 8 10W; transferred back signals to HMS Mantua

  2.07pm: Stop in Lat 59 34N Long 8 1E; boarded Norwegian SS Imo, South Shields to Baltimore; allowed to proceed

Lost overboard by cutter being swamped alongside ship: 5 Webley pistols .441, 5 waistbelts, 5 bandoliers, 5 holsters, 180 rounds .441 Mk 4 pistol ammunition, 12 oars, 3 boat hooks, 1 breaker, 1 ensign 4 breadth & prize crew's personal effects

  4.25pm: Stop in Lat 59 38N Long 8 12W; boarded Swedish SS Forme [possibly SS Fore], Narvik to Philadelphia; awaiting instructions re Forme [until 6.25pm]

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28 January 1916


Lat 59.8, Long -8.2

10.05am: Steering gear broken down; stop

11.30am: Steering gear repaired

  3.40pm: Challenged HMS Mantua

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29 January 1916


Lat 59.9, Long -8.2

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30 January 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -8.2

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31 January 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -8.2

  4.07pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

10.15pm: Stop in Lat 59 17N Long 8 10W & intercepted Swedish SS Baltic; allowed to proceed

11.40pm: Stop in Lat 59 22N Long 8 10W & intercepted SS Rosalind convoyed by two trawlers

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1 February 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -8.2

  6.19am: Intercepted 2 trawlers returning from convoying SS Rosalind

  6.43am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

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2 February 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -8.4

  9.10am: Stop for engine repairs

11.00am: Hands employed preparing towing gear

  1.00pm: Exchanged challenge with French cruiser Artois

  3.00pm: Standing by schooner Vigilant (Danish)

  5.00pm: Making lee for Artois to pass hawser on board schooner Vigilant

  7.53pm: Attempted to board Vigilant without success

  8.00pm: Boat returned & hoisted

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3 February 1916


Lat 59.2, Long -8.8

  2.47pm: Stop in Lat 59 21N Long 9 20W; boarded Swedish SS Sagoland, Baltimore to Landskrona, cargo wheat; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR & sent to Lerwick

  6.47pm: Intercepted Danish trawler RE141, Iceland to Fleetwood; allowed to proceed

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4 February 1916


Lat 59.2, Long -8.6

10.25am: Stop; steering gear broken down

11.37am: Steering gear repaired

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5 February 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -8.7

  6.08am: Stop in Lat 59 34N Long 7 0W & boarded British SS Hurona, Hull to Portland, Maine; allowed to proceed

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6 February 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -8.5

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7 February 1916


Lat 59.0, Long -8.2

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8 February 1916


Lat 58.4, Long -8.5

  4.00pm: Read warrant 21

11.55pm: Flannan Island Lighthouse S47E

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9 February 1916


Lat 58.4, Long -9.1

  2.42am: Flannan Island Lighthouse abeam

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10 February 1916


Lat 58.5, Long -7.5

  2.40am: Loom of Flannan Island Lighthouse S22E

  6.20am: Stop in Lat 59 5N Long 7 31W & boarded Norwegian SS Sigrun, South Shields to Baltimore in ballast; allowed to proceed

10.08am: Stop in Lat 58 25N Long 7 29W; intercepted Danish SV Tvoroyri; allowed to proceed

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11 February 1916


Lat 58.5, Long -8.4

  3.36pm: Intercepted Danish trawler Mai RE155 in Lat 58 39N Long 10 10W; allowed to proceed

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12 February 1916


Lat 59.1, Long -8.3

12.20pm: Intercepted SS Staro in Lat 59 8N Long 8 7W; allowed to proceed

  2.04pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Mantua

  2.24pm: Stop in Lat 59 5N Long 8 8W & received armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR from HMS Mantua

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13 February 1916


Lat 58.5, Long -8.4

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14 February 1916


Lat 58.4, Long -9.0

  7.50am: Stop in Lat 58 54N Long 8 15W; boarded Danish SS Hellig Olav, New York to Copenhagen, general cargo & 652 sacks of mail; placed armed guard on board under Sub Lieutenant Forgham RNR & sent her to Kirkwall

  1.27pm: Hove ship head to wind & sea; wireless aerial carried away

  2.55pm: Wireless aerial repaired

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15 February 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -9.5

  2.35am: Flannan Island Lighthouse abeam

  3.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

  3.20pm: Stop in Lat 58 3N Long 10 39 W; received armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Harris from HMS Hilary

  4.30pm: Supplied HMS Hilary with 14 bags of flour

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16 February 1916

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 55.1, Long -5.4

  1.55am: Barra Head Lighthouse N78E

  4.50am: Skerryvore Lighthouse N71E

  6.46am: Oversay Lighthouse S42E

  9.37am: Courses various through Rathlin Sound

  9.52am: Bull Point abeam

10.09am: Rue abeam

  1.48pm: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

  2.45pm: Mull of Galloway Lighthouse abeam

  4.58pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse S47E

  8.16pm: Great Ormes Head Lighthouse S8W

  9.55pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam

10.10pm: Passed Formby Light Vessel

11.00pm: Rock Lighthouse

11.30pm: Port anchor & 75 fathoms in 9 fathoms; anchor bearings Egremont Ferry N18W, North Wall N11E

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17 February 1916

Liverpool (Birkenhead)

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  5.45am: Ship swung to flood tide

  9.40am: Weighed & proceeded

10.30am: Made fast in locks

12.15pm: Proceeded to West Float Birkenhead

12.50pm: Made fast in berth

  1.30pm: Hands mustered for payment

  6.40pm: 2 ratings joined ship from HMS Eagle

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18 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.00am: Shifted alongside quay

     Noon: 1 rating joined ship from HMS Eagle

  2.30pm: Read warrant 22; discharged Stoker Patterson RFR to civil jail

  5.30pm: Sub Lieutenant Forgham RNR & armed guard returned on board

11.45pm: 1 rating joined ship from HMS Eagle

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19 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.30am: Stoker W Davis RFR discharged to Plymouth under escort; Armourer Su~~~~r [?] discharged to Stonehouse

  2.00pm: Midshipman SA Bagley RNR discharged to sick quarters

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20 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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21 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.00pm: Ceased coaling

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22 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.20am: Hauled ship off for coal lighter

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.45am: Midshipman Harris RNR joined from HMS Vivid

10.00am: JC Hewitt, Armourer, joined from depot

  9.00pm: Ceased coaling

10.00pm: 7 ratings joined from depot

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23 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.30am: Commenced coaling

  8.00pm: 9 ratings joined from depot

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24 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00pm: Ceased coaling

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25 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.30am: 1 rating joined from HMS Eagle

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26 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.35pm: Read warrants 23 & 24

  2.05pm: 1 rating joined from HMS Alsatian

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27 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.30am: Diver examining propellers

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28 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.55am: Discharged 2 ratings to depot

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29 February 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.15pm: Read warrants 25 & 26

  1.30pm: 1 rating discharged to civil jail

  5.15pm: WO Bradfield joined ship from depot

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1 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.00am: Hands mustered for payment

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2 March 1916

Liverpool (Birkenhead to Brocklebank Graving Dock)

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.35am: Cast off & proceeded

  7.25am: Entered Alfred Dock

  8.35am: Proceeded to river

  9.20am: Entered Canada Dock

10.30am: Made fast in Canada Dock

11.40am: Proceeded to Brocklebank Graving Dock, made fast

     Noon: Made fast in dry dock

  2.30pm: Ship on blocks

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3 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.30pm: Private Bicknell RMLI discharged to sick quarters

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4 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.00pm: Read warrants 28 & 29

  4.15pm: Read warrant 27

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5 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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6 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.45pm: Discharged 10 ratings to depot

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7 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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8 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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9 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.25am: Discharged 1 rating to depot

  3.00am: Commenced to fill dock

  4.00pm: Ship floated

  4.50pm: Moved out of dry dock

  5.50pm: Made fast in berth

  8.15pm: Commenced coaling

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10 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.00am: Shifted ship

12.20pm: Made fast alongside SS Winifredian

  1.30pm: Read warrants 30 & 31

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11 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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12 March 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.15pm: Cast off & proceeded

  2.05pm: Made fast in Sandon Basin

  4.10pm: Cast off & proceeded to river

  4.44pm: Starboard anchor & 75 fathoms in 12 fathoms; anchor bearings Egremont Stage S48W, New Brighton Stage N20W

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13 March 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.50am: Weighed & proceeded

  3.57am: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  4.50am: Passed Formby Light Vessel; discharged pilot

  5.08am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

10.35am: Chicken Rock Lighthouse abeam

11.10am: South Rock Light Vessel N55W

12.08pm: Skulmartin Lighthouse S78W

  1.24pm: Maidens Lighthouse N52W

  3.17pm: Courses various through Rathlin Sound

  6.40pm: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

  7.40pm: Fanad Point Lighthouse abeam

  9.05pm: Tory Island Lighthouse abeam

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14 March 1916


Lat 56.4, Long -12.2

  9.32am: Intercepted trawlers convoying SS Powhatan, Glasgow to Texax

  4.00pm: Read warrant 32

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15 March 1916


Lat 58.3, Long -15.0

11.00am: Intercepted Danish SS United States; allowed to proceed

12.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Victorian

12.47pm: Stop in Lat 59 2N Long 12 23W; boarded Norwegian SS Steinstad, Baltimore to Kirkwall, cargo grain; place armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Edwards RNR & sent to Kirkwall; obtained back signals from HMS Victorian

  7.15pm: Stop in Lat 58 36N Long 17 19W; boarded American SS Wico, New York to Stockholm with oil; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Harris & sent her to Kirkwall

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16 March 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -13.4

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17 March 1916


Lat 59.2, Long -14.0

  4.30pm: Read warrant 33

  5.49pm: Intercepted Admiralty Oiler No 3 Lucigen in Lat 58 16N Long 15 46W; ordered to proceed

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18 March 1916


Lat 58.8, Long -14.5

  6.40am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Virginian

  9.00am: Intercepted British SS Theseus bound to Alexandrovsky

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19 March 1916


Lat 58.6, Long -14.9

  7.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Virginian

10.14am: Stop in Lat 58 27N Long 15 40W & boarded British SS Kirklee, cargo grain, New York to Leith; allowed to proceed

  4.25pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Gloucestershire

  6.15pm: Stop in Lat 57 26N Long 17 42W; boarded Norwegian SS Troldfos, Baltimore to Trondheim with grain; placed armed guard under Midshipman Martin RNR on board & sent her to Kirkwall

  9.23pm: Stop in Lat 57 42N Long 17 25 W & boarded Norwegian RMS Bergensfjord, Kirkwall to New York; allowed to proceed

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20 March 1916


Lat 58.7, Long -14.8

  1.45pm: Stop in Lat 57 59N Long 16 24W & boarded Danish SS Kentucky, New York to Christiania, general cargo; placed armed guard on board under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR & sent to Kirkwall

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21 March 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -16.0

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22 March 1916


Lat 59.4, Long -14.6

  9.20am: Exchanged challenge with HM Ship [unnamed]

  3.30pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS Drammensfjord bound W; allowed to proceed

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23 March 1916


Lat 59.8, Long -15.2

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24 March 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -15.1

  6.25am: Stop in Lat 59 45, Long -12 37 & boarded Danish SS Anna, Ardrossan to Reykjavik, cargo salt; allowed to proceed

  9.50am: Stop in Lat 59 24N Long 11 46W; lowered target & slipped same which immediately sank

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25 March 1916


Lat 58.9, Long -15.0

12.44am: Boarding cutters swung inboard & secured

12.20pm: Hove ship head to wind & sea

12.30pm: Wireless aerial carried away

  2.30pm: Wireless aerial renewed & hoisted

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26 March 1916


Lat 59.0, Long -13.0

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27 March 1916


Lat 59.0, Long -14.2

10.30am: Stop in Lat 59 8N Long 13 59W; received 2 armed guards from HMS Columbella

12.20pm: Stop & boarded Norwegian SV Lancing in Lat 58 54N Long 14 15W, Aarhus to Halifax, Nova Scotia, in ballast; allowed to proceed

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28 March 1916


Lat 58.4, Long -14.8

  6.25am: Intercepted Norwegian SS Conrad Mohr

  9.30am: Stop in Lat 58 41N Long 14 16W; received mails from HMS Columbella for HMS Orcoma & HMS Orotava

  4.10pm: Stop in Lat 57 54N Long 16 6W; delivered 1 sack of mail to HMS Orotava

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29 March 1916


Lat 59.0, Long -14.8

11.47am: Stop in Lat 58 31N Long 14 48W; boarded NorwegianSS Siljestad, Baltimore to Copenhagen, cargo grain; SS Siljestad sent to Kirkwall with armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Forgham

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30 March 1916


Lat 58.5, Long -14.2

  8.50am: Stop in Lat 58 33N Long 13 27W; boarded Norwegian SV Hermes, New Brunswick to Trondheim, cargo resin; placed armed guard under Lieutenant Edwards RNR & sent her to Lerwick

  2.07pm: Stop in Lat 58 21N Long 14 47W; boarded British SS Malvern Range, Baltimore to Leith, cargo general; allowed to proceed

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31 March 1916


Lat 58.4, Long -14.9

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1 April 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -15.0

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2 April 1916


Lat 58.1, Long -13.7

  7.30am: Boarding boats swung inboard

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3 April 1916


Lat 58.6, Long -14.3

12.15pm: Stop in Lat 58 39N Long 14 0W & obtained 1 armed guard under Midshipman Martin RNR from HMS Gloucestershire

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4 April 1916


Lat 57.9, Long -15.0

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5 April 1916


Lat 57.9, Long -15.1

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6 April 1916


Lat 57.9, Long -14.8

  7.47am: Stop in Lat 58 10N Long 13 38W & boarded Norwegian SS Romsdalfjord, New York to Christiania; placed armed guard on board under Midshipman Hutchings RNR & sent her to Kirkwall

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7 April 1916


Lat 60.2, Long -7.9

7.20am: Stop in Lat 59 52N Long 9 7W; boarded Norwegian SS Vindeggan, Newcastle to Baltimore in ballast; allowed to proceed

11.40am: Stop in Lat 60 14N Long 7 54W; boarded British trawler Aralia, Grimsby to Iceland fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

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8 April 1916

Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  3.30am: Observed Eshaness Lighthouse

  6.07am: Passed boom defence

  6.23am: Starboard anchor & 75 fathoms in 15 fathoms; anchor bearings Busta House flagstaff: N23½W, Free Church N52E

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

10.15am: Lieutenants Forgham & Edwards returned with prize crews

  1.30pm: Diving operations carried out aft

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for day

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9 April 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day

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10 April 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  9.15am: Finished coaling

10.00am: Diver examining ship's bottom

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11 April 1916

Busta Voe to patrol

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

10.00am: Commenced diving operations

10.20am: Armed guard under Midshipman Hutchings returned; received armed guards for HMSs Moldavia, Hilary & Gloucestershire

  3.10pm: Diving operations ceased

  4.05pm: 1 rating joined for HMS Motagua

  8.00pm: Weighed & proceeded

  8.24am: Passed boom defence

  8.34pm: Swarbacks Minn Lighthouse abeam

  9.17pm: Eshaness Lighthouse N45E

11.15pm: Signalled French cruiser Artois

Midnight: Signalled HMS Otway

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12 April 1916


Lat 61.0, Long -7.2

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13 April 1916


Lat 60.9, Long -12.7

  5.40am: Stop in Lat 60 11N Long 13 5W & transferred 3 armed guards to HMS Hilary, also 1 rating for HMSs Motagua & Gloucestershire

  6.45pm: Stop in Lat 61 35N Long 10 50W & boarded British trawler St Denis, Iceland to Hull; allowed to proceed

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14 April 1916


Lat 63.6, Long -9.2

  8.45am: Stop; transferred 2 armed guards to HMS Moldavia in Lat 63 34N Long 8 54W

  4.05pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hildebrand

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15 April 1916


Lat 64.5, Long -11.8

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16 April 1916


Lat 64.6, Long -11.9

  1.15pm: Stop in Lat 64 46N Long 12 21W; boarded Danish SS Gullfoss, Iceland to Copenhagen via Lerwick, cargo oil & fish; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Harris RNR & sent to Lerwick

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17 April 1916


Lat 64.6, Long -11.9

  8.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Moldavia

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18 April 1916


Lat 63.5, Long -16.3

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19 April 1916


Lat 63.6, Long -16.0

  9.49am: Stop & sank fisherman's buoy

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20 April 1916


Lat 64.0, Long -15.9

11.15am: Boarded British trawler Stratton [?] in Lat 63 57N Long 15 50W, Grimsby to fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

  4.30pm: Examined trawlers Mabel GY638, City of London A561, King Canute GY1124, Uvularia GY1190, Pretoria GY710 [?], all fishing

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21 April 1916


Lat 63.7, Long -15.6

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22 April 1916


Lat 63.6, Long -16.0

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23 April 1916


Lat 63.5, Long -16.5

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24 April 1916


Lat 63.6, Long -16.5

  2.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Otway

  8.50pm: Stop in Lat 63 49N Long 16 21W; boarded Norwegian SV Olga Pauline, Christiansund to Reykjavik; allowed to proceed

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25 April 1916


Lat 62.8, Long -15.9

  3.50pm: Stop in Lat 62 21N Long 15 34W; received1 bag of mail from HMS Otway

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26 April 1916


Lat 63.0, Long -15.9

  4.30pm: Read warrant 34

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27 April 1916


Lat 63.0, Long -15.8

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28 April 1916


Lat 62.8, Long -15.9

10.07am: Stop in Lat 62 38N Long15 55W; boarded British trawler Lord Lansdowne, Iceland to Hull; allowed to proceed

  8.35pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Otway

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29 April 1916


Lat 59.6, Long -14.7

10.32am: Intercepted Norwegian SS Majoren in Lat 59 56N Long 14 44W, bound to New York; allowed to proceed

  3.53pm: Stop in Lat 59 9N Long 13 48W; received armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Harris RNR & 2 bags of mail from HMS Motagua

  8.45pm: Stop in Lat 58 19N Long 13 15W; boarded Dutch SS Samarinda, Rotterdam to Baltimore via Kirkwall, green clearance; allowed to proceed

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30 April 1916

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 55.4, Long -11.9

  8.25pm: Arran Island Lighthouse S16E

10.10pm: Tory Island abeam

11.32pm: Fanad Point Lighthouse abeam

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1 May 1916

Patrol to Liverpool (River Mersey)

Lat 54.2, Long -5.1

12.42am: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

  3.35am: Exchanged signals with Tor Point

  9.18am: Chicken Rock Lighthouse abeam

  1.53pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  3.02pm: Passed Rock Lighthouse

  3.15pm: Starboard anchor & 60 fathoms in 9¾ fathoms

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2 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.15am: Weighed & proceeded to dock

11.00am: Made fast in berth

  2.20pm: Armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good returned

  2.30pm: Commenced coaling

  2.40pm: 2 ratings joined from HMS Eagle

  9.30pm: Ceased coaling for the day

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3 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.40am: Discharged 5 ratings to depot; gunners party lifting guns

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4 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

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5 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.30am: Stoker Patterson returned to depot

  7.00pm: 9 ratings joined from depot

10.00pm: CPO John Burns joined from HMS Gloucestershire

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6 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: Warrant Telegraphist Bradfield discharged to HMS Princess

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7 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: 7 ratings joined from depot

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8 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.20pm: 1 WT rating left for HMS Iron Duke

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9 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  1.40pm: 3 ratings left for depot

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10 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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11 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Gunners party working on guns

  4.30pm: Sub Lieutenant Mullard RNR joined from HMS Albion

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12 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.45pm: Read warrants 35 & 36

Midnight: Disconnected telephone

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13 May 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.9, Long -4.5

  4.00am: Left berth & proceeded to dock entrance

  5.20am: Made fast in basin

  6.35am: Let go & proceeded to river

  7.15am: Passed Rock Lighthouse

  8.05am: Stop & discharged pilot

  8.27am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

12.50pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse abeam

  3.00pm: South Rock Light Vessel abeam

  3.33pm: Skulmartin Light Vessel abeam

  5.50pm: Maidens abeam

  7.20pm: Tor Point abeam

  7.40pm: Benmore Head abeam

  7.45pm: Rue Point abeam

  9.40pm: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

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14 May 1916

To patrol

Lat 57.6, Long -10.4

  1.40am: Skerryvore Lighthouse S79E

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15 May 1916


Lat 61.4, Long -13.2

  1.40am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Motagua

  5.25am: Stop & transferred mails to HMS Alsatian

  7.15am: Stop in Lat 60 56N Long 11 50W & boarded Danish SV Nanny [?], Dysart to Reykjavik; allowed to proceed

10.00am: Expended 2 rounds 6-pounder ammunition

  3.25pm: Stop in Lat 61 54N Long 14 5W & boarded Norwegian SS Hiram, Reykjavik to Troon, in ballast; allowed to proceed.

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16 May 1916


Lat 63.3, Long -16.1

  5.56am: Stop in Lat 63 18N Long 15 47W & boarded Russian SS Vologda, New York to Archangel, cargo munitions; allowed to proceed

  6.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Moldavia

  4.50pm: Intercepted British trawler Fortuna GY140, flying flag of the day

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17 May 1916


Lat 62.8, Long -15.7

  4.08am: Stop in Lat 62 55N Long 15 27W & boarded Danish SV Star, Valborg to Vestmanna, cargo cement; allowed to proceed

  6.50am: Stop in Lat 62 42N Long 15 50W & boarded British trawler Bona H885, Iceland to Hull, cargo fish: allowed to proceed

10.50am: Stop in Lat 62 45N Long 15 51W & boarded Danish SS Carmen, Reykjavik to Leith in ballast; placed armed guard aboard under Lieutenant Edwards RNR & sent to Kirkwall

  2.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Changuinola

  9.10pm: Stop in Lat 63 29N Long 16 6W & boarded Danish SV Britannia IG311, Trangisvaag bound E fishing; allowed to proceed

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18 May 1916


Lat 62.8, Long -16.0

  3.45am: Stop in Lat 63 7N Long 15 53W & boarded British trawler Virgilia GY1200, Iceland to Grimsby with fish; allowed to proceed

10.26am: Stop in Lat 62 50N Long 15 41W, intercepted Danish SVs Alma & Erik, in ballast, Iceland to Canada; allowed to proceed

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19 May 1916


Lat 60.5, Long -14.3

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20 May 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -19.1

10.50pm: Stop in Lat 58 11N Long 19 38W, boarded [not stated]

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21 May 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -19.1

  7.50am: Stop in Lat 58 31N Long14 57W; expended 30 rounds rifle ammunition to sink fisherman's buoy

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22 May 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -15.9

  5.29am: Swung in boarding boats

  6.55pm: Stop in Lat 57 51N Long 20 11W & boarded Norwegian SS Hercules, Christiania to Santa Fe in ballast; allowed to proceed

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23 May 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -18.8

  6.42pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

  9.10pm: Stop in Lat 57 19N Long 19 29W & boarded Norwegian SS Unita, Baltimore to Aarhus, cargo maize; placed armed guard aboard under Sub Lieutenant Mallard RNR & sent her into Kirkwall

11.30pm: Intercepted Dutch SS Maartensdijk, Rotterdam to New York via Kirkwall in ballast; allowed to proceed

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24 May 1916


Lat 57.7, Long -19.0

  1.57pm: Intercepted in Lat 57 40N Long 19 43W Norwegian SV Dagmar flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

  4.54pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS Misen [?] flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

10.55pm: Stop in Lat 57 28N Long 18 59W & boarded Norwegian SS Kongsfos, Newcastle to New York in ballast, green clearance; allowed to proceed

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25 May 1916


Lat 57.8, Long -18.5

11.00pm: Intercepted Dutch SS Madioen flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

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26 May 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -17.5

  1.35am: Intercepted Dutch SS Maasdijk flying flag of day

  8.30pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

  8.44pm: Intercepted Danish SV Elsa bound SW

  9.12pm: Intercepted Danish SV Smidt bound W

  9.31pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS Christian Michelsen flying flag of day

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27 May 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -19.2

11.48am: Intercepted Swedish SS Boden flying flag of day

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28 May 1916


Lat 58.4, Long -18.8

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29 May 1916


Lat 58.6, Long -18.3

  1.00am: Intercepted Norwegian SS Drammensfjord flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

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30 May 1916


Lat 58.6, Long -18.8

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31 May 1916


Lat 58.6, Long -18.6

     Noon: Stop & turned ship

12.15pm: Fired 35 rounds rifle ammunition & sank fisherman's buoy

  5.30pm: Commenced swinging ship for deviation

  6.54pm: Finished swinging ship for deviation

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1 June 1916


Lat 59.8, Long -14.1

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2 June 1916


Lat 63.5, Long -7.3

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3 June 1916


Lat 65.0, Long -5.5

  7.45pm: Stop in Lat 64 25N Long 8 49W & boarded Norwegian SS Seier [?], Iceland to Christiansand, cargo fish; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Good RNR & sent to Lerwick

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4 June 1916


Lat 63.6, Long -13.8

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5 June 1916


Lat 63.5, Long -13.9

10.11am: Stop in Lat 63 16N Long14 16W & boarded British trawler City of Aberdeen, Iceland to Hull, cargo fish; allowed to proceed.

  3.12pm: Stop in Lat 63 39N Long 12 39W & boarded British trawler Aquarius GY76, Grimsby to Iceland, flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

  3.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Virginian

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6 June 1916


Lat 63.7, Long -13.9

  7.05pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Virginian

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7 June 1916


Lat 63.4, Long -14.5

  6.59pm: Stop in Lat 64 6N Long 12 42W & boarded British trawler Mollymawk GY654, Grimsby to Iceland; allowed to proceed

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8 June 1916


Lat 63.8, Long -13.8

  5.36am: Stop in Lat 63 17N Long 14 59W & boarded Norwegian trawler Aspo, Iceland to Ålesund with fish; sent into Lerwick with armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Martin RNR

  4.40pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Virginian; stop in Lat 63 47N Long 11 57W & boarded Danish SV Ruth, Holmstadt to Akureyri via Lerwick; allowed to proceed

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9 June 1916


Lat 63.8, Long -14.2

  1.20pm: Stop in Lat 64 42N Long 14 54W & boarded British trawler Queenborough, Grimsby to Iceland, fishing; allowed to proceed

  3.14pm: Boarded Danish SS Gullfoss, Reykjavik to Iceland in Lat 64 9N Long 15 0W; allowed to proceed

10.05pm: Stop in Lat 63 46N Long 13 2W & boarded British trawler Grebe GY219, Iceland to Grimsby with fish; allowed to proceed.

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10 June 1916


Lat 63.4, Long -13.2

  8.10am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Virginian

11.10am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Mantua

  3.45pm: Exchanged challenge HMS Teutonic

  6.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Columbella

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11 June 1916

Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 62.1, Long -4.0

  9.20pm: Eshaness Lighthouse S14E

11.50pm: Passed boom defence

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12 June 1916

Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

12.45pm: Port anchor & 75 fathoms in 13 fathoms; anchor bearings flag staff N35½ W; Hevden Ness Lighthouse S24W

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.00am: Sub Lieutenant Lamb RNVR joined from HMS Gibraltar

10.00am: 3 officers & prize crews joined ship from HMS Gibraltar

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day

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13 June 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  8.50am: Midshipman Rogerson RNR & 2 ratings joined ship from depot

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day

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14 June 1916

Busta Voe to patrol

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  1.15am: HMS Columbella arrived

  7.00am: Resumed coaling

10.00am: Sub Lieutenant Martyn RNR transferred to HMS Gibraltar

11.35am: Finished coaling

  9.45pm: Weighed & proceeded

10.12pm: Passed boom defence

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15 June 1916


Lat 62.8, Long -4.5

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16 June 1916


Lat 65.2, Long -12.1

10.55pm: Stop in Lat 64 21N Long 13 12W & boarded British trawlers Peridot H234 & Alonso H887, fishing; allowed to proceed

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17 June 1916


Lat 62.1, Long -14.8

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18 June 1916


Lat 62.9, Long -16.0

  6.16pm: Stop in Lat 62 7N Long 17 42W & boarded Russian SS Ekaterinoslav, New York to Alexandrovsk with munitions; allowed to proceed

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19 June 1916


Lat 62.8, Long -15.9

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20 June 1916


Lat 62.9, Long -15.7

12.52am: Exchanged signals with HMS Alsatian

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21 June 1916


Lat 64.6, Long -13.1

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22 June 1916


Lat 63.8, Long -12.7

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23 June 1916


Lat 63.0, Long -15.9

  1.55am: Exchanged challenge with French cruiser Artois

11.40pm: Stop in Lat 62 49N Long15 53W & & boarded British trawler Vulcana GY27, Iceland to Grimsby with fish; allowed to proceed

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24 June 1916


Lat 63.8, Long -15.9

  9.10pm: Challenged French cruiser Artois

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25 June 1916


Lat 63.3, Long -16.3

  1.30pm: Exchanged challenge with French cruiser Artois

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26 June 1916


Lat 63.5, Long -15.7

  9.53am: Stop in Lat 63 49N Long 15 12W & & boarded Dutch trawler Wilhelmina, Iceland to IJmuiden, with fish; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Harris RNR & sent to Lerwick

  2.12pm: Stop in Lat 63 43N Long 16 31W & & boarded Dutch trawlers, Eveline, Oden, Oceanus III, Eudracht, Eudracht II, Treffratis, Plutos, Anna, Balda & Trio, all fishing; allowed to proceed

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27 June 1916


Lat 63.3, Long -16.4

  9.37pm: Stop in Lat 63 13N Long 19 25W & boarded HM Trawlers Walpole & Robert Smith

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28 June 1916


Lat 63.1, Long -16.6

  5.16am: Stop in Lat 63 4N Long 16 39W & boarded Danish SS Skalholt, Copenhagen to Reykjavik, green clearance; allowed to proceed

11.05pm: Stop in Lat 60 57N Long 20 8W & boarded Russian SS Czar, Archangel to New York; allowed to proceed

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29 June 1916


Lat 61.5, Long -16.2

10.00am: Cleared lower deck & read Articles of War

  9.50pm: Stop in Lat 61 22N Long 15 9W & communicated with HMS Hildebrand

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30 June 1916


Lat 59.2, Long -15.1

  9.00am: Intercepted Danish SS Nordlys flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

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1 July 1916

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 55.3, Long -11.4

  9.08am: Stop in Lat 55 22N Long12 9W & boarded British SS Cornishman, Liverpool to Montreal; allowed to proceed

  9.08pm: Tory Island S7W

10.29pm: Fanad Point abeam

11.33pm: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

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2 July 1916

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.45am: Bull Point abeam

  2.01am: Rue Point abeam

  2.32am: Tor Point abeam

  5.27am: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

  6.10am: Skulmartin Light Vessel abeam

  6.47am: South Rock Light Vessel abeam

  8.30am: Chicken Rock Lighthouse abeam

11.57am: Bar Light Vessel S32E

12.15pm: Exchanged pennants with HMS Minotaur

12.50pm: Stop; embarked pilot

  1.30pm: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  1.48pm: Starboard anchor & 75 fathoms in 10 fathoms; anchor bearings Vauxhall Chimney N78E, Egremont Ferry N15W, Seacombe Ferry N48W

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3 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.30am: Ship swung to ebb tide

  8.40am: Ship swung to flood tide

12.35pm: Weighed & proceeded towards dock

  2.42pm: Made fast in berth

  5.00pm: Severely reprimanded Sub Lieutenant Mallard RNR for being under the influence of liquor on board HMS Orcoma at 5.45pm on Sunday July 2nd

Read to me by Lieutenant Commander Holland RNR on Monday July 3rd

Signed RC Mallard Sub Lieutenant RNR

Witness J A Holland Lieutenant Commander RNR

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4 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Harris arrived on board

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5 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: Ceased coaling for this day

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6 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  7.45am: 8 ratings joined from depot

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7 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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8 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.00am: Shifting ship

  7.40am: Fast alongside SS Aragon

  7.00pm: Shifted to Branch No 2

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9 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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10 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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11 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: Commander RH Coppinger RN took over command of ship

  1.30pm: 4 ratings discharged to depot

  3.00pm: Acting Lieutenants Harris & Forgham RNR discharged to depot

  4.00pm: Captain CW Bruton RN left ship

  6.30pm: 1 rating joined from depot.

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12 July 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.10am: Cast off; proceeded through docks

  7.13am: Entered river

  7.29am: Let go port anchor & 75 fathoms in 12½ fathoms

  9.55am: Ship swung to ebb tide

  3.00pm: Ship swung to adjust compasses

  6.00pm: Weighed & proceeded down river

  6.18pm: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  7.19pm: Passed Formby Light Vessel; landed pilot

  7.33pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam

11.30pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse N28W

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13 July 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 55.3, Long -10.9

[position at 8pm]

  7.00am: Passed Tor Point

10.25am: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

10.41am: Malin Island S

12.51pm: Tory Island Lighthouse abeam

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14 July 1916


Lat 57.2, Long -12.5

  9.25am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Mantua

  9.50am: Stop & sent boat away

10.15am: Boat returned with dispatches from HMS Mantua

  4.00pm: Read warrant 38

  7.30pm: Intercepted Admiralty Collier Y965, bound White Sea; allowed to proceed

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15 July 1916


Lat 57.5, Long -11.9

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16 July 1916


Lat 57.4, Long -12.1

  6.30pm: Intercepted MFA Blackheath [1911, Britain Steamship Company, Watts, Watts & Co], Tepic [?] to Newport News in Lat 58 38N Long 12 0W; allowed to proceed.

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17 July 1916


Lat 61.1, Long -12.0

  2.50am: Intercepted Dutch SS Westerdijk flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

10.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

10.43am: Stop; boat away with Captain to HMS Alsatian

11.14am: Keeping station on HMS Alsatian

  1.50pm: Boat returned with Captain

  8.47pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Motagua

  9.30pm: Stop; received 3 armed guards from HMS Motagua for HMSs Hilary, Saxon & Arley

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18 July 1916


Lat 65.2, Long -12.8

  3.10am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patuca

  5.47pm: Stop & transferred armed guards to HMS Arley

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19 July 1916


Lat 66.9, Long -15.4

12.33am: Stop in Lat 66 6N Long 14 8W & boarded Norwegian trawler Hooding, Ålesund to Iceland with coal; allowed to proceed

  4.00pm: Read warrant 35

  5.55pm: Grimsey Island abeam

  6.24pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

  6.55pm: Stop; transferred armed guard & 1 bag of mail to HMS Hilary

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20 July 1916


Lat 67.2, Long -14.6

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21 July 1916


Lat 67.3, Long -14.7

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22 July 1916


Lat 67.2, Long -14.6

  5.55pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

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23 July 1916


Lat 67.0, Long -14.6

  6.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

  6.47pm: Stop in Lat 66 49N Long 15 1W & boarded French SV Curlis [?] of Paimpol, fishing; allowed to proceed

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24 July 1916


Lat 67.5, Long -14.5

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25 July 1916


Lat 67.3, Long -14.6

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26 July 1916


Lat 67.2, Long -14.6

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27 July 1916


Lat 66.4, Long -14.4

  6.25am: Stop in Lat 66 27N Long 14 46W & boarded Norwegian trawler Ulvaer, Ålesund to Siglifjord [presumably Siglufjordur], also Norwegian SS Jokul, Haugesund to Siglifjord

  5.50pm: Stop & boarded Norwegian trawler Ramour, Ålesund to Siglifjord, salt & empty barrels; allowed to proceed

  8.31pm: Stop & boarded Norwegian trawler Skjold, Ålesund to Siglifjord, salt & empty barrels; allowed to proceed

10.50pm: Armed guards returned from Ulvaer & Jokul, which were allowed to proceed.

11.15pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

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28 July 1916


Lat 67.4, Long -14.5

  4.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

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29 July 1916


Lat 67.1, Long -14.5

  5.35am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

  8.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

  9.35pm: Transferred mails to HMS Patia

11.00pm: Stop in Lat 66 44N Long 14 49W; boarded Norwegian SS Agder, Ålesund to Siglifjord, salt & empty barrels; place armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Mullard RNR & sent to Lerwick

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30 July 1916


Lat 67.1, Long -14.5

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31 July 1916


Lat 66.8, Long -14.5

  3.18pm: Stop in Lat 66 19N Long 14 16W; transferred armed guard from SS Fenris & ordered her to proceed

  8.05pm: Intercepted French SV Curlis, fishing; allowed to proceed

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1 August 1916


Lat 66.7, Long -14.5

  9.30am: Stop; transferred armed guard to HMS Gloucestershire

10.17am: Course & speed as requisite for keeping station on HMS Gloucestershire

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2 August 1916


Lat 66.6, Long -14.5

  5.30am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Gloucestershire

  7.00am: Stop in Lat 66 33N Long 14 40W; intercepted Danish SV Ornen flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

  9.35am: Stop starboard engine for repairs

10.30am: Starboard engine repaired

11.45am: Intercepted Danish SV London flying flag of the day; exchanged challenge with HMS Gloucestershire

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3 August 1916


Lat 66.6, Long -14.5

  5.54am: Intercepted French SVs Curlis & Glycine, fishing; allowed to proceed

  1.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

  1.30pm: Stop; received 1 officer for trawler Walpole & mails for HMS Alsatian

  3.25pm: In Lat 66 2N Long 13 54W, intercepted French SV Emeraude fishing; allowed to proceed

  4.50pm: Exchanged signals with HMS Arley

  7.38pm: Stop & transferred 1 officer to HMS Walpole

  9.53pm: Stop in Lat 65 7N Long 13 15W & boarded US auxiliary schooner Speedwell, Gloucester Massachusetts, to Sudisfjord; allowed to proceed

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4 August 1916


Lat 64.9, Long -9.3

10.57am: Stop; boat away with Captain to HMS Alsatian

12.30pm: Boat returned with Captain & armed guard for HMS Changuinola

  4.16pm: Stop in Lat 64 7N Long 9 13W; boarded Danish SS Mjolnir, Sudisfjord to Uddevalla in ballast; allowed to proceed

  9.42pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Changuinola

10.15pm: Stop; transferred armed guard & mails to HMS Changuinola

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5 August 1916


Lat 61.9, Long -5.5

11.20am: Tested depth charge releasing gear

  1.14pm: Stop in Lat 61 52N Long 6 0W; boarded British trawler Excel A288, fishing; allowed to proceed

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6 August 1916


Lat 61.3, Long -5.8

  3.00am: Stopped port engine for repairs

  3.55am: Proceeded on port engines

  9.50am: Stop in Lat 61 27N Long 6 27W; boarded Danish whaler Fekna from Haugesund, whaling; allowed to proceed

  1.27pm: Stop in Lat 61 12N Long 5 13W; boarded Danish whaler Urd, whaling; allowed to proceed

  4.10pm: Stop in Lat 60 59N Long 4 9W; boarded Norwegian SS Medenes [?], Liverpool to Archangel, general cargo; allowed to proceed; also Danish SV Vonin, Dysart to Iceland allowed to proceed

10.00pm: Eshaness Lighthouse S60E

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7 August 1916

Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  1.44am: Swarbacks Minn Lighthouse abeam

  1.58am: Passed boom

  2.25am: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 16½ fathoms; anchor bearings Free Church N52E, flagstaff N47W

  6.30am: Colliers alongside

  7.25am: Commenced coaling

11.00am: Prize crew under Sub Lieutenant Mullard returned to ship

  6.00pm: Finished coaling for the day

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8 August 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  1.30am: Surgeon Barraclough, Sub Lieutenant Dickenson & Rowland AB joined ship from depot

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  3.10pm: Finished coaling

  3.50pm: Colliers proceeded to anchorage

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9 August 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

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10 August 1916

Busta Voe to patrol

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  1.35pm: Surgeon Green & AB Henry left ship for depot

  8.14pm: Weighed & proceeded

  8.36pm: Passed boom

  8.48pm: Swarbacks Minn Lighthouse abeam

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11 August 1916


Lat 60.1, Long -6.0

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12 August 1916


Lat 60.9, Long -10.3

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13 August 1916


Lat 61.2, Long -9.8

  7.45am: Intercepted British trawler Nellie Bruce GY494bound for fishing grounds; allowed to proceed

  2.18pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Moldavia

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14 August 1916


Lat 60.5, Long -9.9

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15 August 1916


Lat 59.9, Long -8.5

  7.16pm: Stop in Lat 58 49N Long 9 31W & boarded Danish SV Delos, Ibiza [?] to Finglefjord, salt; allowed to proceed

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16 August 1916


Lat 59.2, Long -8.1

  8.40am: Intercepted Danish SV Laurits bound to Stornaway with armed guard

10.35am: Intercepted Danish SV Arken with armed guard

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17 August 1916


Lat 59.4, Long -7.5

  4.05am: Intercepted Dutch SS Selene, Kirkwall to New York, flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

  5.22am: Stop in Lat 59 50N Long 7 0W & boarded Swedish SS Vollrath Tham, Kirkwall to Philadelphia, green clearance; allowed to proceed.

10.40am: Stop in Lat 59 21N Long 7 11W & boarded US SS Pioneer, New Orleans to Copenhagen with oil; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Dickinson RNR & sent to Kirkwall

  2.20pm: In Lat 59 29N Long 7 58W, intercepted British oiler San Valerio, Sabine to Kirkwall; allowed to proceed

  3.19pm: Intercepted Norwegian SV Padang bound to Lerwick with armed guard

  6.00pm: Intercepted Swedish SS Kratos bound to Kirkwall with armed guard

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18 August 1916


Lat 59.4, Long -8.3

12.27am: Intercepted Dutch SS Gallia flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

  2.36am: Stop in Lat 59 34N Long 7 16W & boarded Norwegian SS Reva [?], Glasgow to Thorshavn, green clearance; allowed to proceed

  7.50am: Intercepted Dutch SS Westerdijk flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

11.55am: Intercepted Norwegian SV Padang flying flag of day

  3.10pm: Passed Norwegian SS Anna flying flag of day

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19 August 1916


Lat 59.2, Long -8.2

3.15am: Intercepted Norwegian SS Knut Hamsun flying flag of day

9.41am: Intercepted Dutch SS Beukelsdijk, Kirkwall to Baltimore, flying flag of day

1.57pm: Stop; boarded Danish SV Atlantic, Aalborg to Rio de Janeiro, cargo cement; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Rowlands & sent to Stornoway

4.13pm: Stop in Lat 58 51N Long 9 14W; boarded Norwegian SS Are, Iceland to Fleetwood; allowed to proceed

6.10pm: Exchanged signals with HMT Trumpeter

9.40pm: Intercepted Swedish SS Kronprinz Gustav Adolf flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

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20 August 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -8.1

  5.54am: Intercepted Dutch SS Lalandia [?] flying flag of day, in Lat 59 35N Long 6 36W; allowed to proceed

10.50am: Intercepted Dutch SS Sommelsdijk flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

  4.30pm: Swung ship for deviation

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21 August 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -8.2

  2.49am: Stop in Lat 59 26N Long 8 1W; boarded Swedish SS Ada, Copenhagen to New York, cargo general; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Mallard RNR & sent to Stornoway

  4.45am: Intercepted Danish SS Frederik VIII flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

  6.20am: Stop in Lat 59 15N Long 7 23W; boarded Danish OV Rossing, Fowey to Aarhus, china clay, green clearance; allowed to proceed

  7.40am: Stop in Lat 59 8N 7 31W; boarded Dutch SS Moerdijk, New York to Rotterdam; placed armed guard under Lieutenant Edwards RNR & sent to Kirkwall

  5.53pm: Swung ship for deviation

  7.30pm: Intercepted Romanian SS Ji~~ [?] flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

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22 August 1916


Lat 59.2, Long -8.2

12.53am: Stop in Lat 59 24N Long 8 1W; boarded Russian SS Irtysh [ex-Dortmund], green clearance, Leith to New York in ballast; allowed to proceed

  5.54am: Stop in Lat 60 1N Long 6 51W; boarded Danish SV Katerine, Lerwick to Iceland, general cargo, green clearance; allowed to proceed

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23 August 1916


Lat 59.3, Long -7.8

  6.05am: Intercepted Norwegian SV Oakhurst flying flag of day

  9.34am: Stop; boarded Dutch SS IJsselhaven, Buenos Aires to Rotterdam, in Lat 59 31N Long 7 12W, cargo linseed; placed armed guard under Midshipman Bamford RNR & sent to Kirkwall

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24 August 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -12.0

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25 August 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -12.0

  9.11pm: Stop in Lat 58 1N Long 12 4W; received armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Dickinson & 1 bag of mail from HMS Columbella

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26 August 1916


Lat 58.1, Long -12.2

11.00am: Tested depth charge releasing gear

  3.35pm: Rockall S65W

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27 August 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -11.9

  4.04pm: Rockall S24W

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28 August 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -12.2

  6.17am: Exchanged signals with HMS Alsatian

  6.41pm: Stop in Lat 57 53N Long 14 5W; received 3 armed guards from HMS Alsatian

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29 August 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -11.4

  9.30am: Stop in Lat 57 52N Long 10 50W; boarded Danish SV Ingrid, Copenhagen to Hampton Roads, balls; allowed to proceed

  4.37pm: Stop in Lat 58 16N Long 12 54W; boarded British SS Alton, New Brunswick to Hull, wood; allowed to proceed

  6.09pm: Stop in Lat 58 5N Long 12 43W; boarded Dutch SS Andijk, New York to Rotterdam, general cargo; sent to Kirkwall with armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Dickinson RNR

  7.40pm: Stop in Lat 57 53N Long 12 50W; boarded Norwegian SS Lisbeth, Baltimore to Bergen; sent to Kirkwall with armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Rowlands RNR

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30 August 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -11.4

  5.30am: Exchanged challenge with French cruiser Artois

  7.55am: Exchanged signals with HMS Superb

11.20am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Motagua

  6.45am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patuca

  7.08am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Gloucestershire

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31 August 1916


Lat 57.4, Long -13.1

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1 September 1916

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 55.2, Long -10.9

  6.02pm: Tory island Lighthouse abeam

  8.17pm: Inishtrahull Lighthouse

10.38pm: Rue Point abeam

10.55pm: Challenged by Tor Point signal station

11.20pm: Exchanged signals with HM TBD Thorn

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2 September 1916

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.07am: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  1.34am: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

  5.10am: Exchanged signals with Black Head

  5.24am: Skulmartin Light Vessel abeam

  5.58am: South Rock Light Vessel abeam

  7.52am: Chicken Rock Lighthouse

11.58am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

12.13pm: Formby Light Vessel abeam

  1.00pm: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  1.10pm: Embarked pilot

  1.40pm: Moored ship in berth

  5.00pm: Armed guards under Sub Lieutenant Dickinson RNR & Midshipman Bamford DSC RNR returned on board; CPO Sullivan & 3 ratings rejoined ship

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3 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Rowlands RNR returned on board

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4 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.40am: 1 rating joined from depot

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5 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.45am: Commenced coaling

  2.00pm: 6 ratings discharged to RN Hospital Plymouth

  8.00pm: 2 ratings joined from depot

10.55pm: Seaman Grey RNR knocked down by motor car & conveyed to Liscard Central Hospital

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6 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.15am: Escort sent to Liscard Central Hospital to control Seaman Grey RNR

  9.30am: Crane shipping gun shields

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

10.00pm: Finished coaling for the day

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7 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.00pm: Finished coaling for this day

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8 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

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9 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  1.00pm: Ceased coaling

  9.00pm: Father Toker joined ship from HMS Alsatian

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10 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.40am: 1 rating joined ship from depot

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11 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  4.00pm: Finished coaling

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12 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.30pm: Read warrant 40

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13 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.00pm: Read warrant 42

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14 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.30am: CPO Sullivan discharged to depot

10.31am: Read warrant 41

  4.00pm: 3 ratings joined ship from depot

  5.30pm: 2 ratings discharged to depot

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15 September 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.13pm: Cast off & proceeded

12.24pm: Entered river

  1.00pm: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  1.15pm: Discharged pilot & Midshipman JJC Irving RNR left ship to join HMS Ajax

  1.48pm: Passed Formby Light Vessel

  2.06pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  6.00pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse abeam

  9.02pm: South Rock Light Vessel abeam

  9.41pm: Skulmartin Light Vessel abeam

10.33pm: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

11.58pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

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16 September 1916

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 55.4, Long -9.4

  1.55am: Exchanged challenge with Tor Point

  2.06am: Rue Point Lighthouse abeam

  4.40am: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

  7.27am: Tory Island Lighthouse abeam

11.00am: Tested depth charge releasing gear

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17 September 1916


Lat 56.5, Long -12.7

11.45am: Stop in Lat 56 32N Long 12 40W; boarded Danish SS Valborg, Ardrossan to Greenland in ballast; allowed to proceed

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18 September 1916


Lat 56.8, Long -11.5

  6.23am: Shipped heavy sea forward; damaged starboard boarding boat & accommodation ladder; hove ship head to wind & sea

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19 September 1916


Lat 60.0, Long -14.1

  5.10pm: Stop in Lat 55 17N Long 14 36W; boarded Danish SS Niels R Finsen, Quebec to Greenock, green clearance; allowed to proceed

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20 September 1916


Lat 56.3, Long -12.8

  9.20am: Stop in Lat 56 16N Long 12 0W; boarded British SS Kassanga, Matane to Glasgow, green clearance; allowed to proceed

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21 September 1916


Lat 56.0, Long -14.0

  3.09am: Stop in Lat 56 22N Long 13 8W; boarded British SS Lullington, Penarth to Archangel, coal; allowed to proceed

  8.59pm: Stop in Lat 55 33N Long 15 14W; intercepted British SS Cabolia, Liverpool to Montreal in ballast; allowed to proceed

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22 September 1916


Lat 56.0, Long -14.0

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23 September 1916


Lat 56.0, Long -13.7

  8.26am: Swung ship for deviation

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24 September 1916


Lat 54.5, Long -11.9

10.45am: Mustered by the open list; read Articles of War

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25 September 1916


Lat 55.7, Long -13.8

7.28am: Stop in Lat 55 16N Long 14 9W; boarded British SS St George [?], Liverpool to New York; allowed to proceed

7.40am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Orotava

1.00pm: Stop in Lat 56 9N Long 13 20W; intercepted British SS Elmsgarth flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

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26 September 1916


Lat 58.5, Long -11.5

4caf8933cadfd341970250b5: ( 53-53578-016_1.jpg)

27 September 1916


Lat 58.1, Long -11.5

11.50am: Intercepted British Admiralty collier Y988 Barramore [?], Barry to Archangel

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28 September 1916


Lat 58.5, Long -12.1

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29 September 1916


Lat 58.5, Long -12.0

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30 September 1916


Lat 58.1, Long -12.4

  8.23am: In Lat 58 22N Long 11 29W, boarded Russian SS Luskar [?], Barry Dock to White Sea, coal; allowed to proceed

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1 October 1916


Lat 58.7, Long -12.5

  6.15pm: Stop in Lat 57 50N Long 15 4W & boarded French SS Medie, Laurent [possibly St Laurent] to Archangel, munitions & aeroplanes for Romanian government; allowed to proceed

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2 October 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -12.0

  9.16am: Stop in Lat 58 36N Long 12 10W & boarded Norwegian SV Sorstad, Newport to Milensvik [possibly Mielsvik], with coal, green clearance; allowed to proceed

  9.45am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Columbella

  3.33pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Ebro

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3 October 1916


Lat 58.0, Long -13.0

  8.50am: Swung ship for deviation

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4 October 1916


Lat 58.2, Long -12.3

  8.35am: Stop in Lat 58 24N Long 11 24W & boarded British SS Fornebo, Brest to Archangel with munitions, green clearance; allowed to proceed.

  5.21pm: Stop in Lat 57 55N Long 14 25W; boarded Russian SS Burevestnik, Cardiff to Archangel with coal, green clearance; allowed to proceed

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5 October 1916


Lat 58.1, Long -13.1

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6 October 1916


Lat 58.1, Long -12.8

  1.26pm: Stop in Lat 58 9N Long 13 20W & boarded Danish SS Hans Broge, Baltimore to Nykjobing, grain; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Mallard RNR & sent to Stornoway

  3.23pm: Stop in Lat 58 12N Long 13 47W & boarded Danish SS Oscar II, New York to Copenhagen, general cargo; placed armed guard under Lieutenant Edwards RNR & sent to Kirkwall

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7 October 1916


Lat 58.1, Long -13.1

11.06pm: Stop in Lat 58 4N Long 13 47W, boarded British SS Lompoc, Scapa to Port Arthur; allowed to proceed

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8 October 1916


Lat 59.6, Long -10.8

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9 October 1916


Lat 62.8, Long -6.3

  1.17am: Myggenes [Mykenes] Lighthouse N74E

10.00am: Stop in Lat 62 53N Long 7 0W & transferred stores to HMS Arley

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10 October 1916

Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  5.07am: Eshaness Lighthouse abeam

  6.00am: Passed boom defence

  6.24am: Anchored in 13 fathoms

  8.10am: Commenced coaling

  6.00pm: Finished coaling for this day

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11 October 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  7.00am: Resumed coaling

  4.15pm: Finished coaling

  5.15pm: Colliers moved away from ship

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12 October 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

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13 October 1916

Busta Voe to patrol

Lat 60.35, Long -1.37

  5.35pm: Armed guards under Lieutenant Edwards & Sub Lieutenant Mullard RNR returned; 2 armed guards for HMS Hilary, 1 for HMS Almanzora & 1 for HMS Avenger

  6.25pm: Weighed & proceeded

  6.54pm: Passed boom defence

  7.03pm: Swarbacks Minns Lighthouse abeam

  7.56pm: Eshaness Lighthouse abeam

  8.30pm: Passed HMS Columbella

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14 October 1916


Lat 60.0, Long -7.0

  7.23am: Stop in Lat 60 25N Long 6 5W & boarded Russian SV Binor, Archangel to Cardiff, wood; allowed to proceed

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15 October 1916


Lat 59.6, Long -12.3

  8.47am: Stop in Lat 59 24N Long 12 28W; intercepted Norwegian SS Christianafjord [?], New York to Kirkwall; ordered to proceed.

11.37am: Intercepted Russian SS Australia, Cardiff to Archangel, coal; allowed to proceed

  7.10pm: Stop in Lat 59 12N Long 13 22W; boarded Swedish SS Saga, New York to Helsinborg, grain; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Dickinson RNR & sent to Kirkwall

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16 October 1916


Lat 59.0, Long -13.9

  7.22am: Transferred armed guards to HMS Avenger

  9.45am: Stop & transferred armed guards to HMS Motagua for HMS Hilary & HMS Almanzora

  1.32pm: Stop in Lat 58 54N Long 14 28W; boarded Swedish SS Graecia, Philadelphia to Sweden, cargo grain; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Rowlands & sent to Stornoway

  5.52pm: Intercepted Danish SV Carl in Lat 58 45N Long 15 36W, Iceland to Gibraltar, cargo fish; allowed to proceed

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17 October 1916


Lat 58.7, Long -13.7

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18 October 1916


Lat 58.6, Long -12.3

12.41pm: Intercepted British oiler San Melito, Texas to Kirkwall; allowed to proceed

  3.00pm: Intercepted British oiler San Lorenzo, Sabine to Kirkwall; allowed to proceed

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19 October 1916


Lat 56.4, Long -17.3

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20 October 1916


Lat 56.0, Long -17.4

  8.37pm: Intercepted British oiler Masconomo, Scapa to Port Arthur in ballast; allowed to proceed

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21 October 1916


Lat 56.0, Long -17.4

10.00am: Depth charge releasing gear tested & found correct

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22 October 1916


Lat 56.0, Long -17.0

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23 October 1916


Lat 55.7, Long -16.6

  7.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

  7.44am: Intercepted French SS Ionie, Archangel to Brest, flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

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24 October 1916


Lat 55.9, Long -17.0

  9.17am: Intercepted Danish MV Tonking flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

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25 October 1916


Lat 55.8, Long -16.4

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26 October 1916


Lat 56.0, Long -17.8

10.45pm: Intercepted British oiler Massasoit, Tyne to Port Arthur; allowed to proceed

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27 October 1916


Lat 55.9, Long -17.3

  7.30am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hildebrand

  7.55am: Stop; sent away boat for armed guard; armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Dickinson returned

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28 October 1916


Lat 55.8, Long -17.1

  9.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Columbella

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29 October 1916


Lat 55.9, Long -16.6

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30 October 1916


Lat 56.0, Long -16.2

  1.42am: Intercepted French SS Circassie, Russia to Brest; allowed to proceed

  2.02am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hildebrand

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31 October 1916


Lat 55.0, Long -13.3

  8.00am: Intercepted British SS Abuosi [possibly SS Abinsi], Liverpool to Canary Islands, general cargo; allowed to proceed

  8.51pm: In Lat 54 46N Long 13 3W, stop & intercepted Dutch SS Epsilon, Kirkwall to Buenos Aires, flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

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1 November 1916


Lat 55.0, Long -11.8

10.05am: Intercepted British SS Laconia, Glasgow to Montreal, general cargo; allowed to proceed

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2 November 1916


Lat 55.0, Long -11.8

  8.30am: Intercepted British SS Sagamore, Liverpool to Boston, general cargo; allowed to proceed

11.15am: Intercepted British SS Professor [?] Liverpool to Barbados, general cargo; allowed to proceed

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3 November 1916

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 55.3, Long -6.5

  6.00am: Tory Island S40E

  8.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Otway

10.00am: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

  5.37pm: Mull of Galloway Lighthouse abeam

  9.11pm: Chicken Rock Lighthouse abeam

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4 November 1916

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.35am: Bar Light Vessel S58E

  3.00am: Stop & picked up pilot off Formby Light Vessel

  3.35am: Passed Rock Lighthouse

  3.55am: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 10 fathoms; anchor bearings Rock Lighthouse S74W, North Wall S71E

12.30pm: Midshipman E Ahlfeldt RNR joined ship from depot

  4.30pm: Weighed

  4.58am: Entered Canada Locks

  6.05am: Fast in berth

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5 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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6 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: Armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Rowlands RNR returned

  2.45pm: Vice Admiral Commanding 10th Cruiser Squadron & SNO Liverpool arrived on board

  3.45pm: Admirals to shore

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7 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.00pm: Commenced discharging ballast

  4.50pm: All ammunition landed

  7.30pm: Commenced coaling

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8 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.45am: 4 ratings arrived from depot

  1.45pm: R Mahoney Stoker discharged to shore

  7.00pm: Ceased working ballasting

  7.30pm: Ceased coaling

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9 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.45am: Seaman Langton discharged to RN Hospital, Devonport; Boys Bradwell & Shaw discharged to depot

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10 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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11 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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12 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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13 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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14 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Yeoman & 3 ratings joined from depot

12.30pm: 1 CPO, 1 PO, 2 signalmen & 2 boys discharged to depot

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15 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.30pm: 3 ratings left ship for depot; Lieutenant Edwards RNR left ship to attend funeral of Lieutenant FV Farley RNR

  4.45pm: Commenced work on magazines

  8.00pm: 2 mercantile stokers joined ship from Gosport

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16 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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17 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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18 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Shifted berth for HMS Almanzora

10.15am: Made fast alongside HMS Almanzora

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19 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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20 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.30am: Proceeded towards dry dock

11.45am: Entered dry dock

  2.20pm: Ship on blocks

  7.55pm: Dock dry

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21 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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22 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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23 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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24 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.10pm: Ship floated

  2.00pm: Made fast alongside; too much wind to shift ship

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25 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.00pm: Left dry dock

  3.30pm: Arrived & made fast in berth

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26 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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27 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.30am: 1 rating left ship for depot

11.15pm: Hands to anti-aircraft stations

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28 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.00am: Hands fall out from anti-aircraft stations

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29 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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30 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.00am: Commenced loading ballast

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1 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00pm: Ceased coaling

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2 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

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3 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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4 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: Hands embarking stores & ammunition

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5 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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6 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.30pm: Chief Gunner G Hawkins RN joined ship from depot

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7 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.45am: Sub Lieutenant TH Thomas joined ship from depot

11.00am: Reverend HS De Jersey joined ship

  4.30pm: Mr Biere Gunner RN left ship for sick quarters

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8 December 1916

Liverpool to sea & return

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.20am: Moved away from berth

10.15am: Proceeded to river

11.41am: Passed Formby Light Vessel

11.58am: Passed Bar Light Vessel

12.30pm: Commenced testing P1 & S1 gun mountings

  1.00pm: Ceased fire

  1.39pm: Passed Bar Light Vessel

  2.00pm: Passed Formby Light Vessel

  2.45pm: Passed Rock Lighthouse

  2.55pm: Port anchor & 45 fathoms in 9½ fathoms; anchor bearings North Wall Lighthouse N32E, Rock Lighthouse N38W

  8.30pm: Weighed & proceeded

  9.23pm: Entered Canada Dock

11.32pm: Made fast in berth

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9 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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10 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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11 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.00pm: 1 rating joined from HMS Eagle

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12 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: 2 ratings joined ship from HMS Victory

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13 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  5.00pm: Engineer Sub Lieutenant Munn joined ship from shore

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14 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.00pm: 1 rating joined ship from HMS Eagle

10.35pm: Unmoored & proceeded

11.20pm: Made fast in Sandon Basin

Convoy duties off Africa

JP map Orcoma Africa

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15 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 52.9, Long -5.6

  1.15am: Cast off & proceeded

  1.35am: Passed out of Sandon Basin & proceeded

  2.04am: Passed Rock Lighthouse

  2.55pm: Formby Light Vessel abeam; discharged pilot

  3.17am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  6.27am: Skerries Lighthouse abeam

  1.35pm: S Arklow Lighthouse abeam

  2.26pm: Blackwater Light Vessel abeam

  3.12pm: Lucifer Light Vessel abeam

  3.55pm: Tuskar Lighthouse abeam

  5.27pm: Salters Light Vessel abeam

  9.34pm: Ballycotton Lighthouse abeam

11.26pm: Kinsale Lighthouse abeam

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16 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 50.6, Long -12.3

12.50am: Galley Head Lighthouse abeam

  2.43am: Fastnet Lighthouse abeam

  9.00am: Read warrant 44

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17 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 49.1, Long -17.2

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18 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 47.9, Long -22.0

12.35pm: Intercepted British [?] SS Philadelphia, New York to Brest; allowed to proceed

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19 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 46.2, Long -27.7

  1.20pm: Stop & boarded British SS Burmese Prince, New York to La Pallier, with horses; allowed to proceed

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20 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 44.3, Long -31.2

12.28pm: Stop & boarded American SS Rockingham, Baltimore to Liverpool; allowed to proceed

  5.53pm: Intercepted British SS Architect, Norfolk to Cherbourg, general cargo; allowed to proceed

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21 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 41.5, Long -35.4

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22 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 39.5, Long -39.2

     Noon: Intercepted British SS Nigreta [?], New York to Havre, general cargo; allowed to proceed

4caf8934cadfd34197025129: ( 53-53581-014_1.jpg)

23 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 36.4, Long -39.8

  4.00pm: Read warrants 46 & 47

4caf8934cadfd3419702512a: ( 53-53581-015_0.jpg)

24 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 32.3, Long -39.3

  8.15pm: Stopped starboard engine for engineer's purposes

  8.30pm: Proceeded on both engines

4caf8934cadfd3419702512b: ( 53-53581-015_1.jpg)

25 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 28.2, Long -39.2

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26 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 24.3, Long -39.3

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27 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 20.4, Long -39.3

4caf8934cadfd3419702512e: ( 53-53581-017_0.jpg)

28 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 18.2, Long -38.0

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29 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 15.0, Long -35.3

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30 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 12.2, Long -33.0

  4.10pm: Read warrant 48

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31 December 1916

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.8, Long -30.1

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1 January 1917

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.2, Long -26.3

  5.35pm: Attempted to pick up medicine ball lost overboard

4caf8934cadfd3419702513c: ( 53-53582-004_0.jpg)

2 January 1917

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.1, Long -22.1

4caf8934cadfd3419702513d: ( 53-53582-004_1.jpg)

3 January 1917

Liverpool to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.0, Long -18.3

  9.40am: Stop & boarded British SS Valentia, Port Louis to Havre & London, cargo sugar & graphite

  4.45pm: Swung ship for deviation

4caf8934cadfd3419702513e: ( 53-53582-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1917

Liverpool to Sierra Leone [Freetown]

Lat 8.3, Long -14.3

  6.50am: Exchanged signals with HMS Gloucestershire & HMS Arlanza

11.00am: Keeping station on HMS Arlanza

  5.35pm: Sierra Leone Lighthouse abeam

  6.03pm: Starboard anchor & 60 fathoms in 9 fathoms; anchor bearings: cathedral tower S32W, college S41E

4caf8934cadfd3419702513f: ( 53-53582-005_1.jpg)

5 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  4.35pm: HMS Donegal & HMS Orotava sailed

4caf8934cadfd34197025140: ( 53-53582-006_0.jpg)

6 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

12.30pm: Collier Barbary alongside

  2.30pm: Commenced coaling

  5.30pm: Collier American Transport alongside

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day

4caf8934cadfd34197025141: ( 53-53582-006_1.jpg)

7 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  4.10am: Resumed coaling

  8.00am: Native labour alongside

  8.00pm: Ceased coaling for the day

4caf8934cadfd34197025142: ( 53-53582-007_0.jpg)

8 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  4.15am: Resumed coaling

10.35am: HMS King Alfred & HMS Sutlej proceeded to sea

10.45pm: Completed coaling

4caf8934cadfd34197025143: ( 53-53582-007_1.jpg)

9 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  9.50am: Collier American Transport proceeded to anchorage

10.20am: Collier Barbary proceeded to anchorage

4caf8934cadfd34197025144: ( 53-53582-008_0.jpg)

10 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  9.40am: HMS Gloucestershire proceeded to sea

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11 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  8.00am: HMS Arlanza proceeded to sea

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12 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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13 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  8.00am: HMS Glasgow proceeded to sea

4caf8934cadfd34197025148: ( 53-53582-010_0.jpg)

14 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  8.00am: HMS Almanzora & convoy sailed

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15 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4caf8934cadfd3419702514a: ( 53-53582-011_0.jpg)

16 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4caf8934cadfd3419702514b: ( 53-53582-011_1.jpg)

17 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  1.10pm: HMS Highflyer & convoy entered port

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18 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4caf8934cadfd3419702514d: ( 53-53582-012_1.jpg)

19 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  9.30am: HMS King Alfred arrived

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20 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  7.00am: Severely reprimanded Temporary Engineer Sub Lieutenant HD Baker RNR for: 1st, leaving the ship without permission from the head of his department; 2nd, remaining on board HM Transport Nestor all night, thereby missing his duty on watch in the engine room

[signed] EH Baker

4caf8934cadfd3419702514f: ( 53-53582-013_1.jpg)

21 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

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22 January 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

4caf8934cadfd34197025151: ( 53-53582-014_1.jpg)

23 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  4.25pm: Weighed & proceeded

  4.57pm: Sierra Leone Lighthouse S

  6.55pm: Convoying transports Corinthic, Pakeha, Tyndareus, Nestor, Walmer Castle, Caronia & Empress of Britain

4caf8934cadfd34197025152: ( 53-53582-015_0.jpg)

24 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat 5.1, Long -13.1

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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25 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat 1.8, Long -9.4

10.00pm: Convoy in station

4caf8934cadfd34197025154: ( 53-53582-016_0.jpg)

26 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -1.6, Long -5.6

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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27 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -5.1, Long -2.1

  1.46pm: Courses various as requisite to turn convoy

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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28 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -3.6, Long -3.8

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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29 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -7.1, Long -0.1

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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30 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -11.2, Long 2.9

  1.44pm: Compass glass broken by signal stay while being lowered

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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31 January 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -15.4, Long 5.8

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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1 February 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -19.8, Long 8.7

  1.00am: Transports Pakeha, Nestor, Tyndareus, Corinthic, Walmer Castle, Caronia & Empress of Britain in station

4caf8935cadfd34197025164: ( 53-53583-004_0.jpg)

2 February 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -23.8, Long 11.2

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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3 February 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -27.7, Long 14.1

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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4 February 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -31.8, Long 16.6

  5.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hyacinth

11.00pm: Convoy in station

4caf8935cadfd34197025167: ( 53-53583-005_1.jpg)

5 February 1917

Sierra Leone to Cape Town

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

  2.26am: Dassen Island Lighthouse abeam

  7.08am: Passed breakwater

  7.30pm: Made fast in berth

11.00am: Returned ammunition & stores

  1.30pm: Commenced coaling

4caf8935cadfd34197025168: ( 53-53583-006_0.jpg)

6 February 1917

Cape Town

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

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7 February 1917

Cape Town

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

  6.50am: Finished coaling

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8 February 1917

Cape Town to Durban

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

  6.26am: Cleared berth

  6.36am: Passed breakwater; discharged pilot

  7.23am: Green Point Lighthouse abeam

11.34am: Convoying transports Pakeha, Nestor & Walmer Castle

4caf8935cadfd3419702516b: ( 53-53583-007_1.jpg)

9 February 1917

Cape Town to Durban

Lat -35.0, Long 23.2

  4.00pm: Read warrant 49

4caf8935cadfd3419702516c: ( 53-53583-008_0.jpg)

10 February 1917

Cape Town to Durban

Lat -33.6, Long 27.5

11.00pm: Convoy in station

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11 February 1917

Cape Town to Durban

Lat -31.5, Long 30.3

  7.53pm: Shepstone Lighthouse abeam

  9.35pm: Aliwal Shoal [Green Point] Lighthouse N30E

4caf8935cadfd3419702516e: ( 53-53583-009_0.jpg)

12 February 1917

Cape Town to Durban

Lat -31.7, Long 29.8

  1.19am: Aliwal Shoal Lighthouse abeam

  1.29am: Bluff Lighthouse N42E

  4.36am: Parted company with convoy off Durban

  8.51am: Shepstone Lighthouse abeam

10.45am: Red Hill abeam

11.45am: Waterfall Bluff abeam

12.42pm: Cape Hermes Lighthouse abeam

  8.30pm: Buffalo River Lighthouse abeam

4caf8935cadfd3419702516f: ( 53-53583-009_1.jpg)

13 February 1917

Cape Town to Durban

Lat -34.7, Long 24.8

12.16am: Great Fish Point Lighthouse N35W

  3.20pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hyacinth

  4.24pm: Took charge of transports Caronia & Empress of Britain

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14 February 1917

Cape Town to Durban

Lat -33.6, Long 27.3

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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15 February 1917

Cape Town to Durban

Lat -30.8, Long 30.5

  1.36am: Hermes Point Lighthouse N60E

  5.52pm: Passed breakwater

  6.35pm: Moored fore & aft to buoys

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16 February 1917


Lat -29.9, Long 31.0

  7.00am: Shifted to coal wharf

  7.48am: Fast in berth

  9.00am: Coaling ship

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17 February 1917

Durban to Cape Town

Lat -29.7, Long 32.2

  6.30am: Unmoored & proceeded to sea

  6.53am: Passed breakwater & landed pilot

  9.00am: Convoying Caronia & Empress of Britain

4caf8935cadfd34197025174: ( 53-53583-012_0.jpg)

18 February 1917

Durban to Cape Town

Lat -30.6, Long 32.5

  1.00am: Parted company with convoy

  9.59pm: Cape Hermes Lighthouse abeam

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19 February 1917

Durban to Cape Town

Lat -34.3, Long 25.7

  4.40am: Buffalo Lighthouse abeam

  7.40am: Great Fish Point abeam

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20 February 1917

Durban to Cape Town

Lat -34.8, Long 18.7

  2.36pm: Cape Point Lighthouse abeam

  6.12pm: Green Point Lighthouse abeam

  6.40pm: Port anchor & 45 fathoms in 7½ fathoms; anchor bearing: breakwater lighthouse S68W

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21 February 1917

Cape Town

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

  8.17am: Weighed & proceeded to dock

  8.25am: Entered dock

  8.45am: Moored in berth

10.25am: Commenced coaling

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22 February 1917

Cape Town

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

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23 February 1917

Cape Town

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

  2.00pm: Hands embarking stores; lost 1 tarpaulin No 2 hatch size, 26 x 20, cause unknown

4caf8935cadfd3419702517a: ( 53-53583-015_0.jpg)

24 February 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -33.9, Long 18.44

  2.00am: Hands embarking bullion

  3.45am: All bullion embarked, 1283 boxes

  8.45am: 18 RNAS ratings joined ship

  4.00pm: Unmoored & proceeded to sea convoying transports Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Omrah, Waitemata, Anchises & Ulimaroa

  4.28pm: Green Point Lighthouse S18W

4caf8935cadfd3419702517b: ( 53-53583-015_1.jpg)

25 February 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -31.4, Long 16.0

  6.30am: Convoy in station

4caf8935cadfd3419702517c: ( 53-53583-016_0.jpg)

26 February 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -27.7, Long 13.3

10.30pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 10

[The number on the sick list remained above 10 until HMS Orcoma returned to Devonport; one crew member died, on March 8, of tuberculosis]

4caf8935cadfd3419702517d: ( 53-53583-016_1.jpg)

27 February 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -23.8, Long 10.7

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 12

4caf8935cadfd3419702517e: ( 53-53583-017_0.jpg)

28 February 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -20.1, Long 8.4

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 11

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1 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -16.4, Long 5.9

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 10

4caf8935cadfd3419702518a: ( 53-53584-004_0.jpg)

2 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -12.6, Long 3.7

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 12

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3 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -8.7, Long 1.5

Sick list 12

4caf8935cadfd3419702518c: ( 53-53584-005_0.jpg)

4 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -5.7, Long -1.5

Sick list 10

4caf8935cadfd3419702518d: ( 53-53584-005_1.jpg)

5 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat -2.7, Long -4.5

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 10

4caf8935cadfd3419702518e: ( 53-53584-006_0.jpg)

6 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat 0.3, Long -7.4

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 12

4caf8935cadfd3419702518f: ( 53-53584-006_1.jpg)

7 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat 3.1, Long -10.4

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 11

4caf8935cadfd34197025190: ( 53-53584-007_0.jpg)

8 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone

Lat 5.7, Long -13.5

  6.00am: Convoy in station

11.10pm: Bombardier William White, RMA, No 11367, 16th Field Battery, died from pulmonary tuberculosis

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd34197025191: ( 53-53584-007_1.jpg)

9 March 1917

Cape Town to Sierra Leone [Freetown]

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  7.20am: Committed the body of William White RMA to the deep with usual ceremony in Lat 7 43N Long 13 50W

  3.08pm: Sierra Leone Lighthouse abeam

  3.10pm: Passed boom defence

  3.39pm: Starboard anchor & 60 fathoms in 9½ fathoms; cathedral S48W

Sick list 10

4caf8935cadfd34197025192: ( 53-53584-008_0.jpg)

10 March 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  1.20pm: Commenced discharging bullion

  3.20pm: Discharged 550 cases of bullion

4caf8935cadfd34197025193: ( 53-53584-008_1.jpg)

11 March 1917

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  6.15am: Commenced discharging bullion

  9.10am: 733 cases bullion discharged; Lieutenant Turnbull RNR & Surgeon Lamond joined ship for passage, also 14 ratings

4caf8935cadfd34197025194: ( 53-53584-009_0.jpg)

12 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 8.5, Long -13.2

  9.00am: Weighed & proceeded to sea convoying transports Walmer Castle, Miltiades, Omrah, Waitemata, Ulimoroa & Anchises

  9.39am: Passed boom defence

  9.42am: Sierra Leone Lighthouse abeam

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd34197025195: ( 53-53584-009_1.jpg)

13 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 9.8, Long -18.0

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd34197025196: ( 53-53584-010_0.jpg)

14 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 11.0, Long -22.1

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd34197025197: ( 53-53584-010_1.jpg)

15 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 12.7, Long -26.2

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd34197025198: ( 53-53584-011_0.jpg)

16 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 15.7, Long -28.8

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd34197025199: ( 53-53584-011_1.jpg)

17 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 19.5, Long -29.5

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd3419702519a: ( 53-53584-012_0.jpg)

18 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 23.5, Long -28.1

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 14

4caf8935cadfd3419702519b: ( 53-53584-012_1.jpg)

19 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 27.4, Long -26.7

  5.00pm: 4 x 6" BL Mark VII 2/3 charges thrown overboard, wet, damaged case

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd3419702519c: ( 53-53584-013_0.jpg)

20 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 31.3, Long -25.0

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd3419702519d: ( 53-53584-013_1.jpg)

21 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 35.2, Long -23.0

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 12

4caf8935cadfd3419702519e: ( 53-53584-014_0.jpg)

22 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 39.2, Long -21.5

  7.15pm: HMS Mantua passed with convoy bound S

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 13

4caf8935cadfd3419702519f: ( 53-53584-014_1.jpg)

23 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 42.6, Long -19.5

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 12

4caf8935cadfd341970251a0: ( 53-53584-015_0.jpg)

24 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 45.3, Long -16.3

  9.38am: Intercepted British SS Carlo bound S

10.00pm: Convoy in station

Sick list 12

4caf8935cadfd341970251a1: ( 53-53584-015_1.jpg)

25 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 47.5, Long -12.9

11.20am: Destroyers took charge of convoy

12.12pm: Parted company with convoy; increased to full speed

Sick list 12

4caf8935cadfd341970251a2: ( 53-53584-016_0.jpg)

26 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 48.2, Long -6.7

  6.55am: Exchanged signals with HMS TBD Orestes; took station ahead as escort

  9.38pm: Lizard Lighthouse abeam

11.00pm: Eddystone Lighthouse N60E

Sick list 12

4caf8935cadfd341970251a3: ( 53-53584-016_1.jpg)

27 March 1917

Sierra Leone to Devonport

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

12.20am: Eddystone Lighthouse abeam

  1.10am: Exchanged challenge with fort

  1.20am: Port anchor & 45 fathoms in 5 fathoms; anchor bearings: breakwater lighthouse S50W, fort S23W

  9.30am: Discharging passengers, mail & baggage

  6.30pm: 7 ratings joined ship from depot

  2.00pm: Weighed & proceeded to Devonport

  2.55pm: Made fast in berth

  6.30pm: 7 ratings joined ship from depot

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28 March 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  8.00am: Unmoored & proceeded

  8.53am: Starboard anchor & 45 fathoms in 7 fathoms; anchor bearings: breakwater beacon S14W, breakwater lighthouse S53W

11.00am: 9 ratings joined from depot

  2.20pm: Weighed & proceeded up harbour

  3.15pm: Made fast in berth

  6.00pm: All ammunition embarked

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29 March 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

10.30am: 4 ratings joined ship from depot & 4 ratings discharged to depot

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30 March 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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31 March 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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1 April 1917


Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

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2 April 1917

Devonport to Liverpool

Lat 50.38, Long -4.19

  8.30am: Unmoored & proceeded

  9.35am: Passed breakwater; escorted by TBD Attack

10.22am: Eddystone Lighthouse abeam

  1.35pm: Lizard Lighthouse N17E

  4.30pm: Pendeen Lighthouse S73E

10.58pm: Smalls Lighthouse N3W; St Anns N59E

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3 April 1917

Devonport to Liverpool

Lat 53.5, Long -4.55

12.55am: Bishops Lighthouse abeam

  4.53am: Bardsey Island Lighthouse abeam

  7.55am: Skerries Lighthouse S17W

11.56am: Passed Bar Light Vessel

12.17pm: Embarked pilot

  1.04pm: Passed Rock Lighthouse

  1.26pm: Starboard anchor & 45 fathoms in 10 fathoms; anchor bearings; Vauxhall chimney N52E, Seacombe ferry N12W

  8.05pm: Weighed & proceeded

  8.45pm: Made fast in dock

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4 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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5 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.00am: Commenced coaling

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6 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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7 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.10am: Commenced coaling

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8 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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9 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Commenced coaling

  5.00pm: Ceased coaling for the night

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10 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  9.50pm: Ceased coaling for the night

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11 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  8.45pm: Finished coaling for the night

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12 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Finished coaling

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

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13 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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14 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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15 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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16 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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17 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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18 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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19 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.00pm: 4 ratings joined ship from HMS Eagle

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20 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.00pm: Engineer Sub Lieutenant Riddell discharged to shore

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21 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  5.00pm: Fire & anti-aircraft stations

  7.00pm: Midshipman FJ Gregg RNR joined ship from depot

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22 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.30am: Engineer Sub Lieutenant JS Shortle RNR joined from depot

10.05am: 5 ratings joined ship from depot

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23 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.45pm: 5 ratings left ship for depot

  4.45pm: Embarked 14 cases 6-pounder ammunition

  5.45pm: Midshipman WB Causer RNR joined ship for passage to HMS Orvieto

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24 April 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.20am: Commenced coaling

11.45am: Finished coaling

12.57pm: Cast off & proceeded out of dock

  1.40pm: Starboard anchor & 60 fathoms in 12 fathoms

  1.42pm: Swinging ship for deviation

  3.50pm: Weighed & proceeded to new berth

  4.15pm: Starboard anchor & 60 fathoms, port anchor & 30 fathoms in 12 fathoms

  8.10pm: Finished swinging ship for deviation

  8.12pm: Weighed & proceeded to new berth

  8.45pm: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 7 fathoms; anchor bearings: North Wall Lighthouse S60E, Rock Lighthouse S65W

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25 April 1917

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 54.6, Long -4.7

10.55am: Mull of Galloway Lighthouse N55W

  3.00am: Weighed & proceeded

  4.08am: Passed Formby Light Vessel; discharged pilot

  4.26am: Passed Bar Light Vessel

  3.17pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  7.03pm: Oversay Lighthouse S60E

  7.30pm: Exchanged pennants with HMSTBD Garry

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26 April 1917

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 56.7, Long -13.0

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27 April 1917


Lat 61.2, Long -13.1

  9.32am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

10.07am: Boat away with Captain & dispatches to HMS Alsatian

11.00am: Keeping station on HMS Alsatian

  7.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Orvieto

  7.35pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patuca

  7.45pm: Stop; boat from HMS Orvieto for mail & ratings

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28 April 1917


Lat 62.3, Long -10.1

11.56am: Stopped & boarded Norwegian SS Folkvard, Christiania to New York via Halifax, cargo pulp, in Lat 62 16N Long 10 3W; allowed to proceed

  3.28pm: Stop & boarded Norwegian SV Sauvigen, Bergen to Delaware in ballast; allowed to proceed

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29 April 1917


Lat 63.1, Long -12.3

12.25pm: Stop in Lat 63 1N Long 12 14W & boarded Dutch SS Beukesldijk, New York to Rotterdam via Halifax, cargo of flour & wheat, green clearance; allowed to proceed

  2.37pm: Stop & boarded Danish SS Danebrod ex Else, Copenhagen to New Orleans via Halifax.

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30 April 1917


Lat 63.1, Long -11.4

  5.47am: Stop in Lat 62 55N Log 9 48W & boarded Norwegian SS Stensland [possibly LO Stensland], Bergen to New York via Halifax in ballast; allowed to proceed

  7.06am: Swung ship for deviation.

11.46am: Intercepted Danish SV AH Friis, Setubal to Faroes, cargo salt; allowed to proceed, flag of the day

  5.22pm: Stop in Lat 62 43N Long 13 21W & boarded Norwegian SV Vik; circling round Vik, awaiting instructions

  9.50pm: Placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Dickinson RNR & sent SV Vik to Stornoway

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1 May 1917


Lat 62.9, Long -13.3

  3.55am: Stop in Lat 62 54N Long 11 4W; boarded & sent to Stornoway with armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Thomas RNR, Danish SV AH Friss

  9.10am: Intercepted British trawler Romanoff GY639 in Lat 62 39N Long 12 25W; allowed to proceed.

  1.35pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS Flora, Lerwick to Iceland, flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed, in Lat 63 9N Long 13 1W

  2.35pm: Intercepted British trawler Amadavat A619 in Lat 63 7N Long 12 50W; allowed to proceed

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2 May 1917


Lat 62.5, Long -13.7

12.40am: Intercepted British trawler Ladas GY282; allowed to proceed in Lat 62 46N Long 13 36W

  1.20am: Intercepted British trawler Amber H398; allowed to proceed in Lat 62 41N Long 13 28W

  2.25am: Intercepted Danish SS Helmer Morch, flag of day; allowed to proceed in Lat 62 34N Long 13 44W

  5.20am: Intercepted British trawler Leo GY36; allowed to proceed in Lat 62 28N Long 14 46W

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3 May 1917


Lat 62.8, Long -13.1

  2.25am: Intercepted Norwegian SS Olav Kyrre, Belgian relief ship, Rotterdam to New York via Halifax

  6.58am: In Lat 62 57N Long 13 29W boarded Norwegian SS Olav Kyrre; allowed to proceed

10.20am: Intercepted Norwegian SS Hermion, Christiania to New York via Halifax in ballast; allowed to proceed, flag of day, in Lat 62 52N Long 12 41W

12.18pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Gloucestershire

  2.52pm: Intercepted British trawler Olearia GY331; allowed to proceed

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4 May 1917


Lat 62.8, Long -13.6

  6.27am: Intercepted British trawler Dunraven Castle SA69 in Lat 63 12N Long 12 20W; allowed to proceed

  9.05am: Intercepted Danish steam trawler TG351; allowed to proceed

  9.00pm: Stop in Lat 62 47N Long 14 52W & boarded Norwegian SV Hebe, Christiania to Hampton Roads in ballast; allowed to proceed; exchanged pennants with HMS Virginian

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5 May 1917


Lat 63.0, Long -12.9

  5.45pm: Intercepted British trawler Rollo GY647; allowed to proceed in Lat 62 22N Long 14 32W

  6.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Gloucestershire

  6.15pm: Intercepted British trawler Kitty GY1005 [sunk 9 May]; allowed to proceed in Lat 62 19N Long 14 33W

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6 May 1917


Lat 62.8, Long -13.4

10.05am: Swung ship for deviation

  1.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Gloucestershire.

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7 May 1917


Lat 63.1, Long -12.8

10.28pm: Stop in Lat 62 45N Long 13 27W & boarded Danish SS Oscar II, Copenhagen to New York via Halifax, general cargo; allowed to proceed

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8 May 1917


Lat 62.9, Long -13.0

         am: Cautioned Engineer Sub Lieutenant Hunt RNR for (1) disobedience of my written orders by exceeding on several occasions a daily limit of 3 glasses of spirits & (2) considerably exceeding the amount of wine bill allowed by regulations [signed]

  1.30pm: Stop in Lat 62 52N Long 13 3W & boarded British SS Kalomo, New York to Archangel, general cargo; allowed to proceed.

  2.26pm: Intercepted British trawler GY42 Sisapon [sunk May] 23 in Lat 62 53N Long 13 41W

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9 May 1917


Lat 63.3, Long -11.8

  1.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Kildonan Castle

  2.20pm: Received armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Dickinson

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10 May 1917


Lat 61.8, Long -10.4

  2.18am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Orvieto

  7.45am: Stop in Lat 61 59N Long 10 9W & boarded Dutch SS Malang, New York to Rotterdam via Falmouth; allowed to proceed

  8.50am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Orvieto

10.05am: Stop; Rear Admiral 10th Cruiser Squadron & staff arrived on board

10.17am: Dropped target & carried out battle practice

11.45am: RA 10th CS & staff finished inspection & returned to HMS Orvieto

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11 May 1917


Lat 62.0, Long -13.0

  8.23am: Stop & received mails from HMS Almanzora

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12 May 1917


Lat 62.4, Long -13.1

  2.00am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

  3.05am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Virginian

  5.40am: Stop in Lat 62 47N Long 12 2W & boarded Danish trawler TN7, Reyjkavik to Thorshaven; allowed to proceed

  1.22pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hildebrand

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13 May 1917


Lat 62.6, Long -13.1

  7.15am: Stop in Lat 62 50N Long 13 4W & boarded Danish SS Thyra, Copenhagen to Philadelphia via Halifax in ballast; allowed to proceed.

  6.50pm: Stop in Lat 61 53N Long 14 57W & boarded Dutch SS Jan Van Nassau, Baltimore to Amsterdam via Halifax, green clearance; allowed to proceed

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14 May 1917


Lat 62.8, Long -12.7

  1.06am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

  8.17am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary & intercepted British trawler [Shamrock] GY746 flying flag of the day

  2.38pm: In Lat 62 28N Long 13 30W, intercepted Norwegian SS Lorna flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

  3.23pm: Stop in Lat 62 21N Long 13 49W & boarded Dutch SS Schiedijk, New York to Rotterdam via Halifax, green clearance; allowed to proceed

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15 May 1917


Lat 62.4, Long -15.7

  4.00am: Intercepted Danish SV Kenmore flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

  5.26pm: Stop in Lat 61 52N Long 16 45W & boarded British SS Bellgrano, New York to Archangel, munitions; allowed to proceed

  6.40pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

11.29pm: Stop in Lat 62 27N Long 15 10W; boarded Dutch SS Agamemnon, Caleta Coloso to Amsterdam via Halifax; allowed to proceed

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16 May 1917


Lat 62.7, Long -14.9

  5.20am: Intercepted British trawler St Lawrence; allowed to proceed; exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

  3.55pm: Stop in Lat 62 9N Long 15 28W & boarded Danish SV Heimdal, Ivizia [?] to Eskfjord, cargo salt; allowed to proceed

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17 May 1917


Lat 62.9, Long -13.8

  2.50pm: Stop in Lat 62 36N Long 14 42W & boarded Dutch SS Rijndam, New York to Rotterdam via Halifax; having on board German & Austrian ambassadors from China & Cuba; courses various round SS Rijndam, awaiting instructions

  9.30pm: Keeping in touch with Dutch SS Rijndam

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18 May 1917


Lat 62.8, Long -14.1

  2.30am: Boarded SS Rijndam & ordered her to proceed to Rotterdam

  4.30pm: Stop in Lat 62 26N Long 15 42W; boarded Russian SS Mohilieff [Moghilev], New York to Archangel, munitions; allowed to proceed.

  8.35pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS Jethou, flag of day flown; allowed to proceed

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19 May 1917


Lat 62.9, Long -13.1

10.00am: Stop in Lat 62 50N Long 12 36W; boarded Swedish SS Helios & received armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Lennon RNR; master guaranteed to call at Halifax; allowed to proceed; intercepted British trawler Amadavat A619

  7.24pm: Intercepted Dutch SS Noordam, flag of day; allowed to proceed in Lat 62 32N Long 15 30W

  8.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

  9.08pm: Stop in Lat 62 52N Long 15 31W & transferred armed guard to HMS Hilary

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20 May 1917


Lat 62.9, Long -14.0

  4.40am: Intercepted Norwegian SV Semedal, flag of day; allowed to proceed in Lat 63 12N Long 12 56W

  7.33pm: Intercepted Danish SV Wellimoes [?], flying flag of day; allowed to proceed in Lat 62 27N Long 16 6W

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21 May 1917


Lat 63.0, Long -13.4

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22 May 1917


Lat 62.6, Long -14.0

  2.44pm: Stop in Lat 62 59N Long 15 9W; boarded Norwegian auxiliary SV Nosted III, Cadiz to Bergen via Gibraltar, cargo salt; allowed to proceed

  4.30pm: Read warrant 51

  9.44pm: Stop in Lat 62 21N Long 14 28W & boarded Dutch SS Magdalena, Baltimore to Rotterdam via Halifax, cargo wheat; allowed to proceed; boarded Norwegian SS Ranenfjord [ex Isthmian], Trondheim to New York via Halifax; allowed to proceed

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23 May 1917


Lat 62.9, Long -12.8

12.30am: Stop in Lat 62 35N Long 13 51W & boarded Swedish SV Ines, Sweden to Iceland; placed armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Hutchings RNR & sent to Stornoway

  8.36am: Stop in Lat 62 56N Long 11 31W & boarded Danish SS United States, New York to Copenhagen via Halifax, green clearance; allowed to proceed

  2.22pm: In Lat 62 39N Long 13 27W intercepted SV Ines with armed guard; all well

  3.00pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hilary

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24 May 1917


Lat 63.0, Long -15.1

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25 May 1917


Lat 63.1, Long -14.6

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26 May 1917


Lat 63.0, Long -14.4

11.43pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Otway & stop in Lat 62 30N Long 14 28W & received despatches from HMS Otway

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27 May 1917


Lat 60.6, Long -14.3

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28 May 1917

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 56.0, Long -7.8

  5.30pm: Rue Point abeam

  6.24pm: Maidens abeam

  9.03pm: Mull of Galloway Lighthouse N53E

11.36pm: Bahama Bank Buoy abeam

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29 May 1917

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.23am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  3.37am: Formby Light Vessel abeam

  4.05am: Passed Rock Lighthouse

  4.20am: Tug made fast forward

  4.45am: Entered dock

  7.30am: Made fast in berth

10.30am: Sub Lieutenant Thomas & prize crew returned

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30 May 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.45am: Commenced coaling

  7.00pm: Ceased coaling

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31 May 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  1.15pm: Sub Lieutenant Dickinson RNR discharged to depot

  3.00pm: Received news announcing capture of Sub Lieutenant Hutchings RNR & armed guard from Swedish schooner Ines by German submarine [U69]*

*“On May 29 1917, [Ines] was intercepted by a German submarine that captured the prize crew and set the ship on fire. The ship's crew boarded the lifeboat and sailed ESE until 4pm, when they were met by the British patrol boat Saxon which returned to the wreck and remained there until it sank...”

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1 June 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.00am: Sub Lieutenant Soper RNR joined ship from depot

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2 June 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  1.00pm: Ceased coaling

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3 June 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.00am: Sub Lieutenant Marsh & [?] Wilson joined from depot

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4 June 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.00am: 5 ratings joined ship from depot

  1.45pm: 4 ratings discharged to depot

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5 June 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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6 June 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.30pm: Lieutenant RE Mullard RNR discharged to depot

  5.15pm: Read warrant

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7 June 1917

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.50am: 3 ratings joined ship from depot

  9.45pm: Moved away from berth

11.50pm: Proceeded out of dock

11.55pm: Passed Rock Lighthouse

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8 June 1917

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 54.3, Long -5.2

12.41am: Passed Formby Light Vessel; discharged pilot & proceeded

  1.38am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  4.36am: Skerries Lighthouse S

12.26pm: South Rock Light Vessel W

  1.02pm: Skulmartin Light Vessel W

  2.46pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  4.47pm: Bull Point N

  5.00pm: Read warrant 50

  7.06pm: Inishtrahull N

10.08pm: Tory Island Lighthouse S

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9 June 1917

To patrol

Lat 56.0, Long -12.9

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10 June 1917


Lat 60.0, Long -17.2

  8.55pm: Stop in Lat 61 19N Long 20 12W & boarded Dutch SS Koningin der Nederlanden, Amsterdam to Kingston, Jamaica; allowed to proceed

4caf8936cadfd3419702520b: ( 53-53587-008_1.jpg)

11 June 1917


Lat 63.3, Long -24.7

  8.35am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Arlanza

10.10pm: Exchanged challenge with French cruiser Champagne

10.30pm: Stop in Lat 65 30N Long 25 2W & received despatches from Champagne

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12 June 1917


Lat 65.5, Long -25.3

4caf8936cadfd3419702520d: ( 53-53587-009_1.jpg)

13 June 1917


Lat 66.4, Long -23.8

  5.55am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Moldavia

10.10am: Captain of HMS Moldavia on board

11.40am: Captain of HMS Moldavia away

  5.35pm: Stop in Lat 67 12N Long 22 40W & boarded Danish trawler Flink [?] EA11, fishing; allowed to proceed

  6.20pm: Skirting the ice-field

  7.20pm: Ice reaching to NE

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14 June 1917


Lat 66.0, Long -24.3

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15 June 1917


Lat 66.1, Long -24.3

10.25am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Moldavia

11.03am: Sent boat with 4 ratings & mail to HMS Moldavia

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16 June 1917


Lat 66.8, Long -24.2

  9.20am: Various courses skirting the ice pack

12.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Ebro

  1.10pm: Stop & sent boat for Captain of HMS Ebro

  2.20pm: Transferred Captain of HMS Ebro back to his ship

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17 June 1917


Lat 66.3, Long -24.3

  9.10pm: Stop in Lat 66 35N Long 22 57W; boarded Norwegian SS Salbaden [?], Ålesund to Iceland sealing grounds; allowed to proceed.

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18 June 1917


Lat 66.0, Long -24.2

10.10pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Ebro

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19 June 1917


Lat 66.2, Long -24.3

  5.00pm: Swung ship for deviation

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20 June 1917


Lat 66.4, Long -23.7

  3.34pm: Stop in Lat 66 20N Long 23 29W & boarded Norwegian SS Escondido, Reyjkavik to Siglifjord, general cargo; allowed to proceed

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21 June 1917


Lat 66.2, Long -24.4

  8.55am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Ebro

Pistol W&S .455 1, case cartridge 1, cases W&S pistol 1, magazines spare 2, pistol Webley .441 3, cases pistol Webley 3, carrier cartridge pistol Webley 3, belts waist 4, cartridges pistol Webley II 108, cartridges pistol Webley & Scott 21

On loan to armed guard taken prisoners of war [see May 31]

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22 June 1917


Lat 66.8, Long -24.5

[8.00am position]

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23 June 1917


Lat 66.0, Long -25.1

  8.04pm: Stop in Lat 66 30N Long 22 12W & boarded Norwegian SS Flora, Reyjkavik to Siglifjord, general cargo; allowed to proceed

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24 June 1917


Lat 66.7, Long -22.2

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25 June 1917


Lat 66.7, Long -22.6

  6.35pm: Stop & sent boat with mails to HMS Ebro

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26 June 1917


Lat 66.7, Long -22.3

4caf8936cadfd3419702521b: ( 53-53587-016_1.jpg)

27 June 1917


Lat 66.8, Long -22.4

12.36pm: Exchanged challenge with French cruiser Artois

  1.05pm: Stop & sent boat to Artois

  3.30pm: Commenced examination of ice

4caf8936cadfd3419702521c: ( 53-53587-017_0.jpg)

28 June 1917


Lat 66.7, Long -22.3

  1.00am: Concluded examination of ice

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29 June 1917


Lat 66.7, Long -22.3

  8.15pm: Boat alongside from HMS Almanzora with mails & 2 ratings from depot

4caf8936cadfd3419702521e: ( 53-53587-018_0.jpg)

30 June 1917


Lat 63.3, Long -24.8

  9.56pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS Kim, flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

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1 July 1917


Lat 61.7, Long -16.0

  1.40am: Stop in Lat 62 35N Long 19 32W & boarded Danish SS Jomsborg, Copenhagen to Savannah via Halifax; allowed to proceed

4caf8937cadfd3419702522e: ( 53-53588-006_0.jpg)

2 July 1917


Lat 61.4, Long -14.4

4caf8937cadfd3419702522f: ( 53-53588-006_1.jpg)

3 July 1917


Lat 61.1, Long -14.7

  4.40am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Kildonan Castle

  2.41pm: Stop in Lat 61 12N Long 13 59W & boarded Norwegian SS Ramfos, Bergen to New York via Halifax in ballast; allowed to proceed

  7.35pm: Exchanged challenge with French cruiser Artois

  8.05pm: Boat alongside from Artois with signals

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4 July 1917


Lat 61.3, Long -14.6

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5 July 1917


Lat 61.8, Long -14.9

  7.20am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Armadale Castle

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6 July 1917


Lat 61.6, Long -15.3

  6.13am: Intercepted Belgian relief ship SS Baron Baeyens [ex SS Harley]; allowed to proceed in Lat 61 6N Long 16 31W

  8.21am: Stop in Lat 61 16N Long 15 55W & boarded Dutch SS Sliedrecht, Rotterdam to New York via Halifax; allowed to proceed

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7 July 1917


Lat 61.3, Long -14.8

12.30am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Changuinola

12.54pm: Intercepted British trawlers Laura FD29 & Queen Alexandra H530 in Lat 61 27N Long 14 14W

  2.08pm: Stop in Lat 61 39N Long 13 50W; boarded Dutch SS Kralingen, Rotterdam to New York via Halifax; allowed to proceed

10.30pm: Circling round SS Kralingen

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8 July 1917


Lat 61.6, Long -16.0

  1.50am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Columbella

  2.30am: Keeping in touch with SS Kralingen

  4.20am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Ebro

  5.43pm: Stop & received dispatches from HMS Ebro

11.00pm: Stop & boarded Swedish SS Portos, Sabine to Göteborg via Falmouth; allowed to proceed in Lat 60 51N Long 14 37W

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9 July 1917


Lat 59.0, Long -13.2

  2.50am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Orvieto

  3.20am: Stop; boat away to HMS Orvieto with dispatches

  4.30pm: Read warrant 53

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10 July 1917

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 55.0, Long -5.8

10.57am: Rue Point Lighthouse (Rathlin Island) abeam

12.25pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  1.25pm: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

  9.55pm: Port Lynas Lighthouse S; Great Ormes Head buoy S

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11 July 1917

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.16am: Passed Bar Light Vessel

12.39am: Stop & embarked pilot off Formby Light Vessel

  1.36am: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 11½ fathoms; North Wall N22E, Rock Lighthouse N44W

  3.40am: Weighed & proceeded towards dock

  4.10am: Entered dock

  5.20am: Made fast in berth

11.05am: Decorated JO James RFR with DCM

  1.00pm: 3 ratings discharged to shore

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12 July 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.15am: Discharged 10 [?] ratings to depot

  8.45am: Commenced coaling

  9.30pm: Finished coaling for the day

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13 July 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  9.30am: 1 rating left for depot

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14 July 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  8.00am: Seaman M Lower RNR found in cabin 56 hanged by the neck; dead

  9.00am: 6 ratings joined from depot

10.20am: 2 deserters joined ship from shore

12.30pm: Removed the body of M Lower to Bootle mortuary

  2.30pm: Sub Lieutenant Hopkins RNR joined ship from depot

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15 July 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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16 July 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  5.00pm: Ceased coaling

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17 July 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: Verdict at inquest on M Lower Seaman RNR, suicide during temporary insanity

  8.30pm: Ceased coaling

4caf8937cadfd3419702523e: ( 53-53588-014_0.jpg)

18 July 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.45am: Funeral party to shore under Sub Lieutenant Wilson RNR to the burial of M Lower Seaman RNR

10.45am: Midshipman AR More joined ship from depot, also Midshipman JM Morgan

  1.00pm: Funeral party returned

  1.10pm: 7 ratings discharged to depot

  9.00pm: 6 ratings joined ship from HMS Eagle

4caf8937cadfd3419702523f: ( 53-53588-014_1.jpg)

19 July 1917

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.45pm: 1 rating discharged to HMS Eagle

  6.15pm: 1 rating joined ship from shore

  6.50pm: Reverend De Jersey joined ship

  8.20pm: Moved away from quay

10.45pm: Passed out of dock

11.12pm: Passed Rock Lighthouse

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20 July 1917

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 54.7, Long -5.4

12.01am: Passed Formby Light Vessel; discharged pilot & proceeded

12.35pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  2.05am: Great Ormes Head buoy abeam

  3.04am: Port Lynas Lighthouse abeam

  3.44am: Skerries abeam

10.50am: South Rock Light Vessel W

11.20am: Skulmartin Light Vessel W

  1.20pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  2.55pm: Passed French cruiser Conde bound E

  4.55pm: Oversay Lighthouse abeam

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21 July 1917


Lat 58.2, Long -13.0

  6.15pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

  8.15pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

  8.45pm: Boat alongside from HMS Alsatian for mails

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22 July 1917


Lat 60.7, Long -12.9

  9.40pm: Challenged HMS Tenby Castle

  9.46pm: Stop in Lat 60 33N Long 12 23W

  9.50pm: Boat away with mails & stores to HMS Tenby Castle

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23 July 1917


Lat 59.7, Long -15.6

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24 July 1917


Lat 59.3, Long -15.5

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25 July 1917


Lat 58.7, Long -15.8

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26 July 1917


Lat 58.8, Long -15.3

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27 July 1917


Lat 58.6, Long -15.0

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28 July 1917


Lat 59.3, Long -16.0

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29 July 1917


Lat 61.0, Long -14.2

  2.23pm: Intercepted British trawlers Phoebe FD121 & Mansfield A526 in Lat 61 0N Long 15 9W

4caf8937cadfd3419702524a: ( 53-53588-020_0.jpg)

30 July 1917


Lat 60.9, Long -16.5

  3.10pm: Exchanged pennants with HMT Lord Lansdowne

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31 July 1917


Lat 60.8, Long -16.4

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1 August 1917


Lat 61.6, Long -13.8

  9.06am: Stop in Lat 61 48N Long 13 26W & boarded Romanian SS Dunarea, St Nazaire to Archangel with munitions; allowed to proceed

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2 August 1917


Lat 61.0, Long -15.0

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3 August 1917


Lat 61.0, Long -16.0

  5.48pm: Stop in Lat 62 38N Long 15 57W & boarded Danish SS Flora, Philadelphia to Copenhagen via Halifax, cargo cocoa beans & lubricating oil; boat returned for surgeon to examine chief engineer who is reported very ill

  6.53pm: Boat returned from SS Flora; same allowed to proceed

4caf8937cadfd34197025258: ( 53-53589-005_0.jpg)

4 August 1917


Lat 61.6, Long -14.8

  6.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Changuinola

  7.15pm: Boat with dispatches from HMS Changuinola alongside

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5 August 1917


Lat 62.0 , Long -15.0

  3.28am: Stop in Lat 62 46N Long 16 45W & boarded Norwegian SV Alexandra, Christiania to Hampton Roads for orders in ballast, consular certificate; allowed to proceed

12.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMT Rushcoe

  1.18pm: Commanding Officer of HMT Rushcoe on board

  2.37pm: Commanding officer of HMT Rushcoe returned

  5.08pm: Stop in Lat 62 7N Long 15 58W & boarded Swedish SS Jarl, Göteborg to Pasajes, cargo wood pulp; steaming round SS Jarl awaiting instructions

  8.30pm: Stop; transferred armed guard under Sub Lieutenant Wilson RNR & sent SS Jarl to Stornoway

[SS Jarl was torpedoed & sunk 2 days later]

4caf8937cadfd3419702525a: ( 53-53589-006_0.jpg)

6 August 1917


Lat 61.9, Long -17.0

[apparently incorrect noon position in log of 51 56N, 17 0W]

  6.58am: Exchanged challenge with HMT Tenby Castle

  3.40pm: Stop in Lat 62 20N Long 16 54W & boarded Norwegian SV Vik, Christiansund to Hampton Roads in ballast; allowed to proceed

  8.30pm: Stop in Lat 62 10N Long 15 19W & boarded Norwegian SS Kalfarli (Belgian Relief), New York to Rotterdam via Halifax, grain; allowed to proceed

4caf8937cadfd3419702525b: ( 53-53589-006_1.jpg)

7 August 1917


Lat 61.8, Long -16.0

  7.45am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patuca

  8.07am: Stop & transferred back signals to HMS Patuca

  6.15pm: Stop in Lat 62 50N Long 15 52W & boarded American SS Maia, New York to Archangel, munitions; allowed to proceed

4caf8937cadfd3419702525c: ( 53-53589-007_0.jpg)

8 August 1917


Lat 61.7, Long -15.0

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9 August 1917


Lat 61.6, Long -14.0

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10 August 1917


Lat 61.6, Long -15.5

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11 August 1917


Lat 61.8, Long -14.0

  8.00am: Found missing on stocktaking, 2 fuses percussion direct action impact, number 18

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12 August 1917


Lat 61.8, Long -15.0

  3.43pm: In Lat 61 23N Long 14 53W intercepted Norwegian SV Fiskjo, Christiania to Hampton Roads in ballast

  6.00pm: Steaming around SV Fiskjo

4caf8937cadfd34197025261: ( 53-53589-009_1.jpg)

13 August 1917


Lat 62.3, Long -17.6

  5.40am: Boarded Belgian Relief ship Flandres, Rotterdam to Halifax in ballast; allowed to proceed

  6.47am: SV Fiskjo allowed to proceed

  1.11pm: Stop & boarded Swedish SS Hellenic, Göteborg to Sierra Leone, wood & general cargo; allowed to proceed

  4.12pm: Stop in Lat 61 39N Long 18 26W & boarded Norwegian SV Fiore, Christiansund to Hampton Roads in ballast; allowed to proceed

  5.18pm: Stop in Lat 61 32N Long 18 37W; boarded Danish SV Pehr Ugland, Stavanger to Norfolk in ballast; allowed to proceed

  9.00pm: Stop in Lat 61 40N Long 17 31W; boarded Norwegian SV Richard, Reyjkavik to Marstal in ballast; allowed to proceed

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14 August 1917


Lat 61.8, Long -16.9

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15 August 1917


Lat 61.3, Long -16.1

  5.52am: Stop in Lat 61 8N Long 16 16W & boarded Swedish SV Ragnhild, Göteborg to Pasajes, cargo wood pulp

  9.00am: SV Ragnhild searched for contraband; none found; obtained guarantee to call at Gibraltar; vessel allowed to proceed

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16 August 1917


Lat 62.1, Long -14.9

11.15am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Artois

  2.30pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Patia

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17 August 1917


Lat 62.0, Long -14.1

  4.30pm: Read warrant 54

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18 August 1917


Lat 61.8, Long -15.0

  6.30am: Intercepted British SS Umona, Archangel to Brest with troops; allowed to proceed in Lat 61 0N Long 15 11W

  9.15am: Exchanged challenged with HMT Tenby Castle

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19 August 1917


Lat 61.9, Long -16.0

12.58pm: Stop in Lat 62 9N Long 15 46W & boarded Danish SS Hellig Olav, New York to Copenhagen via Halifax, general cargo; allowed to proceed

  4.00pm: Intercepted Danish SV Skandia flying flag of the day; allowed to proceed

  4.35pm: Intercepted Norwegian brig Takma in Lat 62 44N Long 16 10W, flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

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20 August 1917


Lat 61.1, Long -16.7

  5.45am: Stop in Lat 62 6N Long 16 41W & boarded Norwegian SS Sevilla, Bergen to Barcelona via Gibraltar, general cargo; allowed to proceed

  4.55pm: Stop in Lat 62 22N Long 16 34W & boarded American SS Harburg, New York to Archangel, munitions; allowed to proceed

  6.19pm: Stop in Lat 62 29N Long 17 0W & boarded Swedish SS Annie Johnson, Buenos Aires to Stockholm via Halifax, cargo wheat; allowed to proceed

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21 August 1917


Lat 61.8, Long -17.0

  8.11am: Stop in Lat 61 15N Long 17 0W & boarded Russian SS Irtysh [ex Dortmund], Archangel to New York; allowed to proceed

10.13pm: Stop in Lat 61 35N Long 16 47W & boarded Norwegian SV Duncrag [?], Arendal to Hampton Roads in ballast; allowed to proceed

4caf8937cadfd3419702526a: ( 53-53589-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1917


Lat 60.1, Long -16.3

  8.55am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

10.00am: Stop in Lat 59 58N Long 15 59W

10.07am: Boat away with Captain

12.04pm: Boat returned with Captain

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23 August 1917

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 56.8, Long -9.0

  7.45pm: Oversay Lighthouse S70E

  8.56pm: Altacarry Lighthouse S24E

  9.36pm: Passing through Rathlin Sound

11.38pm: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

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24 August 1917

Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.5, Long -3.2

     Noon: Picked up pilot off Formby Light Vessel

12.23pm: Passed Crosby Light Vessel

  1.03pm: Port anchor & 45 fathoms in 10 fathoms; anchor bearings; Rock Lighthouse N20W, Egremont Ferry S41W

  2.55pm: Weighed & proceeded towards dock

  3.25pm: Entered Langton Dock

  5.00pm: Made fast in berth

  7.40pm: Lieutenant Gordon RNVR joined ship from depot

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25 August 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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26 August 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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27 August 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.30am: Commenced coaling

  1.30pm: Discharged 2 ratings to HMS Eagle

  2.45pm: 4 ratings joined ship from HMS Eagle

4caf8937cadfd34197025270: ( 53-53589-017_0.jpg)

28 August 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

11.30pm: Ceased coaling

4caf8937cadfd34197025271: ( 53-53589-017_1.jpg)

29 August 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  7.30pm: 3 ratings joined ship from depot

4caf8937cadfd34197025272: ( 53-53589-018_0.jpg)

30 August 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

Lost by armed guard when Swedish SS Jarl was sunk by the enemy on August 9th:

Pistol W&S .445 1; cases cartridge W&S 1; cases W&S pistol 1; magazines spare 2; pistol Webley .441 5; cases pistol Webley 5; carriers cartridge pistol Webley 5; belts waist 6; cartridges pistol Webley II 150 rounds; cartridges pistol W&S 21

11.40pm: 1 rating joined from depot

4caf8937cadfd34197025273: ( 53-53589-018_1.jpg)

31 August 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.30pm: 7 ratings joined ship from HMS Eagle

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4caf8937cadfd3419702527d: ( 53-53590-003_1.jpg)

1 September 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.25am: 6 ratings discharged to depot

  9.00am: 2 ratings discharged to depot

11.45am: 1 rating discharged to depot

  5.30pm: Embarked mails for HMS Alsatian & HMS Orvieto

  7.00pm: Lieutenant Lennox joined ship from depot

4caf8937cadfd3419702527e: ( 53-53590-004_0.jpg)

2 September 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.30pm: Received mails for HMS Alsatian & HMS Orvieto

4caf8937cadfd3419702527f: ( 53-53590-004_1.jpg)

3 September 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: 7 ratings left ship for depot

10.20am: Received mails for HMS Alsatian & HMS Orvieto

12.30pm: Lieutenant A Beswick RNR discharged to depot

  4.30pm: Finished coaling

  9.16pm: Left berth

10.25pm: Made fast in Langton Basin

11.45pm: Cleared dock

4caf8937cadfd34197025280: ( 53-53590-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1917

Liverpool to patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.8

12.13am: Port anchor & 90 fathoms in 15 fathoms; anchor bearings: Rock Lighthouse N42W, North Wall N25E

  1.25am: Ship swung to ebb

  8.50am: Weighed & proceeded

  9.57am: Passed Formby Light Vessel

10.10am: Stop & landed pilot

10.25am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

  2.10pm: Skerries Lighthouse S18W

10.21pm: South Rock Lighthouse abeam

10.40pm: Passed HMS Virginian

11.45pm: Mew Island Lighthouse abeam

4caf8937cadfd34197025281: ( 53-53590-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1917

To patrol

Lat 56.8, Long -6.2

  9.40am: Courses various through Sound of Mull

11.06am: Rubha nan Gall Lighthouse

  8.34pm: Triumpan Head Lighthouse abeam

10.51pm: Butt of Lewis Lighthouse abeam

4caf8937cadfd34197025282: ( 53-53590-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1917

To patrol

Lat 59.3, Long -11.8

  4.02pm: Exchanged challenge with HMT Saxon

  5.45pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

  6.00pm: Stop; boat away to HMS Alsatian with mails

4caf8938cadfd34197025283: ( 53-53590-006_1.jpg)

7 September 1917


Lat 62.3, Long -16.0

  4.50pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Orvieto

4caf8938cadfd34197025284: ( 53-53590-007_0.jpg)

8 September 1917


Lat 62.6, Long -16.8

  8.41pm: Stop in Lat 62 24N Long 16 52W & intercepted Danish SS Texas, Copenhagen to Boston via Halifax, cargo wood pulp; allowed to proceed

4caf8938cadfd34197025285: ( 53-53590-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1917


Lat 62.6, Long -17.6

  6.55pm: Intercepted Danish SS Texas

  2.54pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Changuinola

  3.18pm: Stop in Lat 62 2N Long 18 0W; boat alongside from HMS Changuinola for back signals

  7.47pm: Stop in Lat 62 1N Long 17 58W & boarded Belgian relief SS Samland, Rotterdam to Halifax; allowed to proceed

4caf8938cadfd34197025286: ( 53-53590-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1917


Lat 62.9, Long -19.1

  1.21pm: Stop in Lat 63 3N Long 19 36W & boarded Danish SV HA Hansen, Fleetwood to Reyjkavik, general cargo; allowed to proceed

4caf8938cadfd34197025287: ( 53-53590-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1917


Lat 62.7, Long -18.1

  5.40am: Stop in Lat 62 6N Long 17 43W & boarded Norwegian SS Ranenfjord, New York via Halifax to Christiania & Bergen, general cargo

4caf8938cadfd34197025288: ( 53-53590-009_0.jpg)

12 September 1917


Lat 62.7, Long -17.0

4caf8938cadfd34197025289: ( 53-53590-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1917

[incorrect date in log]


Lat 62.6, Long -16.5

12.50pm: Stop in Lat 62 56N Long 16 40W & challenged Danish cruiser Islands Falk & intercepted Danish SV Syltholm; allowed to proceed

  3.20pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS Ebro

4caf8938cadfd3419702528a: ( 53-53590-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1917


Lat 62.7, Long -21.3

4caf8938cadfd3419702528b: ( 53-53590-010_1.jpg)

15 September 1917


Lat 63.2, Long -19.8

12.30pm: Intercepted British trawlers J Baels Mauricx H406 & Mannofield A526, flying flag of day; allowed to proceed

4caf8938cadfd3419702528c: ( 53-53590-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1917


Lat 62.9, Long -19.2

12.35pm: Boat from HMS Champagne with officers & men for HMS Hildebrand

4caf8938cadfd3419702528d: ( 53-53590-011_1.jpg)

17 September 1917


Lat 63.3, Long -21.2

  6.23am: Stop in Lat 62 58N Long 20 21W & boarded Danish SV Syltholm, Sk~ [?] to Reykjavik in ballast; allowed to proceed

  8.30am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Hildebrand

  9.08am: Stop; boat alongside to transfer officer & dispatches to HMS Hildebrand

  6.00pm: Stop in Lat 63 59N Long 23 0W, Russian SV Reinhard, Reykjavik to Port de France WI in ballast; allowed to proceed

  9.00pm: Stop in Lat 64 3N Long 24 5W & boarded Russian SV Rudolf, Cadiz via Gibraltar to Reykjavik, cargo salt; allowed to proceed

4caf8938cadfd3419702528e: ( 53-53590-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1917


Lat 65.6, Long -25.0

11.05: Stop in Lat 65 35N Long 24 49W; boarded trawler Conan Doyle; allowed to proceed

  4.50pm: Stop & sent boat to trawler Conan Doyle with surgeon to render medical aid

4caf8938cadfd3419702528f: ( 53-53590-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1917


Lat 66.4, Long -24.8

10.00am: Officers to lecture on cordite

4caf8938cadfd34197025290: ( 53-53590-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1917


Lat 66.5, Long -24.5

4caf8938cadfd34197025291: ( 53-53590-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1917


Lat 66.2, Long -25.0

  5.09pm: Stop: boarded French SS President Leroy-Lallier, coasting; allowed to proceed

4caf8938cadfd34197025292: ( 53-53590-014_0.jpg)

22 September 1917


Lat 62.5, Long -23.8

4caf8938cadfd34197025293: ( 53-53590-014_1.jpg)

23 September 1917


Lat 60.7, Long -16.6

  8.20am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Champagne

  9.25am: Exchanged challenge with HMS Alsatian

9.45am: Stop; sent boat to HMS Alsatian

10.20am: Boat alongside from HMS Alsatian with mails, 4 ratings & medical officer for consultation.

11.43am: Boat away; Lieutenant-Commander Hutchinson RNR transferred to HMS Alsatian for sick quarters

4caf8938cadfd34197025294: ( 53-53590-015_0.jpg)

24 September 1917


Lat 63.0, Long -12.0

  2.40pm: Stop in Lat 63 25N Long 11 16W; boarded Danish SV A Andersen, Haugesund to St Johns in ballast; allowed to proceed

4caf8938cadfd34197025295: ( 53-53590-015_1.jpg)

25 September 1917


Lat 66.3, Long -5.0

4caf8938cadfd34197025296: ( 53-53590-016_0.jpg)

26 September 1917


Lat 69.7, Long 4.0

  9.00pm: Stop for engineer's purposes

  9.55pm: Proceeded

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27 September 1917


Lat 72.6, Long 13.3

4caf8938cadfd34197025298: ( 53-53590-017_0.jpg)

28 September 1917

Patrol (convoy escort)

Lat 72.9, Long 26.0

12.35pm: Exchanged challenge with HMT Stephen Furness

  1.38pm: Took charge of convoy SS Dvinsk, SS Czar, SS Czaritsa

4caf8938cadfd34197025299: ( 53-53590-017_1.jpg)

29 September 1917


Lat 71.8, Long 12.9

10.00pm: Convoy in station

4caf8938cadfd3419702529a: ( 53-53590-018_0.jpg)

30 September 1917


Lat 68.4, Long 3.4

11.00pm: Convoy in station

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4caf8938cadfd3419702529c: ( 53-53590-019_0.jpg)

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4caf8938cadfd341970252a0: ( 53-53591-001_0.jpg)

4caf8938cadfd341970252a1: ( 53-53591-001_1.jpg)

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4caf8938cadfd341970252a3: ( 53-53591-002_1.jpg)

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4caf8938cadfd341970252a5: ( 53-53591-003_1.jpg)

1 October 1917


Lat 63.9, Long -2.3

  3.35pm: Challenged HMTBDs Sable, Salmon, Rosalind, Observer & Valorous; joined convoy as escort

  4.00pm: Read warrant 56

10.00pm: Convoy in station

4caf8938cadfd341970252a6: ( 53-53591-004_0.jpg)

2 October 1917

Patrol to Loch Ewe

Lat 59.4, Long -2,2

  4.12pm: Parted company with convoy

  5.23pm: Dunnet Head Signal Station W

  9.25pm: Cape Wrath Lighthouse S2W

4caf8938cadfd341970252a7: ( 53-53591-004_1.jpg)

3 October 1917

Patrol to Loch Ewe

Lat 57.86, Long -5.66

  6.00am: Passed boom defence

  6.22am: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 13 fathoms; anchor bearings: pier N15E, Gualann Mohr S82W

4caf8938cadfd341970252a8: ( 53-53591-005_0.jpg)

4 October 1917

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.86, Long -5.66

4caf8938cadfd341970252a9: ( 53-53591-005_1.jpg)

5 October 1917

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.86, Long -5.66

4caf8938cadfd341970252aa: ( 53-53591-006_0.jpg)

6 October 1917

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.86, Long -5.66

4caf8938cadfd341970252ab: ( 53-53591-006_1.jpg)

7 October 1917

Loch Ewe to Liverpool

Lat 57.86, Long -5.66

  7.30am: Weighed & proceeded

  8.05am: Passed boom defence

10.00am: Passed Trodday Island

12.56pm: Ushinish Lighthouse abeam

  2.42pm: Oigh Sgeir Lighthouse abeam

  6.41pm: Dubh Artach E

  8.46pm: Oversay Lighthouse abeam

10.42pm: Altacarry Lighthouse abeam

4caf8938cadfd341970252ac: ( 53-53591-007_0.jpg)

8 October 1917

Loch Ewe to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

12.22am: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  2.30am: South Rock Lighthouse

  9.24am: Port Lynas Lighthouse S

11.54am: Passed Bar Light Vessel

12.25pm: Embarked pilot

  1.12pm: Port anchor & 65 fathoms in 11 fathoms; anchor bearings: Rock Lighthouse N46W, Egremont Pier S25W

  2.50pm: Weighed

  4.00pm: Entered Canada Lock

  6.10pm: Made fast in berth

4caf8938cadfd341970252ad: ( 53-53591-007_1.jpg)

9 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.30am: Hands embarking ammunition

  2.30pm: Hands embarking stores

4caf8938cadfd341970252ae: ( 53-53591-008_0.jpg)

10 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: Proceeded to dry dock

11.00am: Made fast in dry dock

  1.40pm: Read warrant 55

4caf8938cadfd341970252af: ( 53-53591-008_1.jpg)

11 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252b0: ( 53-53591-009_0.jpg)

12 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252b1: ( 53-53591-009_1.jpg)

13 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252b2: ( 53-53591-010_0.jpg)

14 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252b3: ( 53-53591-010_1.jpg)

15 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252b4: ( 53-53591-011_0.jpg)

16 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252b5: ( 53-53591-011_1.jpg)

17 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252b6: ( 53-53591-012_0.jpg)

18 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252b7: ( 53-53591-012_1.jpg)

19 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.50pm: Air raid stations

4caf8938cadfd341970252b8: ( 53-53591-013_0.jpg)

20 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.00am: Ammunition returned; air raid parties secure

4caf8938cadfd341970252b9: ( 53-53591-013_1.jpg)

21 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252ba: ( 53-53591-014_0.jpg)

22 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252bb: ( 53-53591-014_1.jpg)

23 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.20pm: 1 rating joined ship from HMS Eagle

4caf8938cadfd341970252bc: ( 53-53591-015_0.jpg)

24 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252bd: ( 53-53591-015_1.jpg)

25 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252be: ( 53-53591-016_0.jpg)

26 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Discharged 1 rating to depot

12.30pm: Severely reprimanded Warrant Telegraphist JW Clark RNR for absenting himself from the ship without permission whilst on duty [signed]

4caf8938cadfd341970252bf: ( 53-53591-016_1.jpg)

27 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252c0: ( 53-53591-017_0.jpg)

28 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8938cadfd341970252c1: ( 53-53591-017_1.jpg)

29 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.30am: Ship floated

11.05am: Unmoored & proceeded

  1.00pm: Made fast in berth

4caf8938cadfd341970252c2: ( 53-53591-018_0.jpg)

30 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: 1 rating joined ship from depot

  3.00pm: Discharging magazine

4caf8938cadfd341970252c3: ( 53-53591-018_1.jpg)

31 October 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: Discharging magazine

4caf8938cadfd341970252c4: ( 53-53591-019_0.jpg)

4caf8938cadfd341970252c5: ( 53-53591-019_1.jpg)

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4caf8939cadfd341970252cb: ( 53-53592-002_1.jpg)

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4caf8939cadfd341970252cd: ( 53-53592-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00am: Discharging magazine

4caf8939cadfd341970252ce: ( 53-53592-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252cf: ( 53-53592-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252d0: ( 53-53592-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.45am: 1 rating discharged to hospital

4caf8939cadfd341970252d1: ( 53-53592-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252d2: ( 53-53592-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252d3: ( 53-53592-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252d4: ( 53-53592-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.30pm: 7 ratings joined ship from depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252d5: ( 53-53592-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252d6: ( 53-53592-008_0.jpg)

10 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252d7: ( 53-53592-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252d8: ( 53-53592-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252d9: ( 53-53592-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.15am: 5 ratings discharged to depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252da: ( 53-53592-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252db: ( 53-53592-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.45pm: Shifted to Alexandra Dock, number 1

4caf8939cadfd341970252dc: ( 53-53592-011_0.jpg)

16 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252dd: ( 53-53592-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.20am: 5 ratings joined ship from depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252de: ( 53-53592-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252df: ( 53-53592-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.00am: Commenced coaling

4caf8939cadfd341970252e0: ( 53-53592-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252e1: ( 53-53592-013_1.jpg)

21 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252e2: ( 53-53592-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.10pm: Junior Engineer CW Ashworth joined ship from depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252e3: ( 53-53592-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252e4: ( 53-53592-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252e5: ( 53-53592-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252e6: ( 53-53592-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252e7: ( 53-53592-016_1.jpg)

27 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252e8: ( 53-53592-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.00pm: Commenced ballasting

4caf8939cadfd341970252e9: ( 53-53592-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.30am: 35 ratings joined ship from depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252ea: ( 53-53592-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252eb: ( 53-53592-018_1.jpg)

4caf8939cadfd341970252ec: ( 53-53592-019_0.jpg)

4caf8939cadfd341970252ed: ( 53-53592-019_1.jpg)

4caf8939cadfd341970252ee: ( 53-53592-020_0.jpg)

4caf8939cadfd341970252ef: ( 53-53592-020_1.jpg)


4caf8939cadfd341970252f0: ( 53-53593-001_0.jpg)

4caf8939cadfd341970252f1: ( 53-53593-001_1.jpg)

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4caf8939cadfd341970252f4: ( 53-53593-003_0.jpg)

4caf8939cadfd341970252f5: ( 53-53593-003_1.jpg)

1 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  2.30pm: Shifted ship to opposite side of dock

4caf8939cadfd341970252f6: ( 53-53593-004_0.jpg)

2 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4caf8939cadfd341970252f7: ( 53-53593-004_1.jpg)

3 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.30pm: Commenced coaling

  6.45pm: 6 ratings joined ship from depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252f8: ( 53-53593-005_0.jpg)

4 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.10pm: 6 ratings discharged to depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252f9: ( 53-53593-005_1.jpg)

5 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Ship thoroughly searched for concealed explosives

  2.30pm: Hands embarking ammunition & paravanes

  4.00pm: Read warrant 57

4caf8939cadfd341970252fa: ( 53-53593-006_0.jpg)

6 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: 2 ratings discharged to depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252fb: ( 53-53593-006_1.jpg)

7 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.15am: Sub Lieutenant Evans RNR & Midshipman Ley joined ship from depot

12.40pm: Shifted ship

  4.00pm: Midshipman CA Payne joined ship from depot

11.30pm: Midshipman HJ Leigh joined ship from depot

4caf8939cadfd341970252fc: ( 53-53593-007_0.jpg)

8 December 1917

Liverpool (gun trials)

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.45am: Left berth & proceeded

  5.18am: Left dock

  6.10am: Port anchor & 45 fathoms; anchor bearings: North Wall N66E, Rock Lighthouse S14W

  7.30am: Weighed & proceeded

  8.15am: Passed Crosby Light Vessel

  8.33am: Passed Formby Light Vessel

  9.05am: Passed Bar Light Vessel

10.00am: Dropped paravanes & carried out gun trials

12.30pm: Passed Bar Light Vessel

  1.20pm: Passed Crosby Light Vessel

  2.30pm: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 12 fathoms; anchor bearings: Egremont Pier N27W, Seacombe Pier S39W

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9 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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10 December 1917


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

North Atlantic convoy duties

JP map Orcoma Atlantic

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11 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.00am: Ship swung to flood tide

  9.00am: Swung to ebb tide

  4.00pm: Read warrant 58

  9.15pm: Weighed & proceeded in company with HMS Andes

  9.58pm: Crosby Light Vessel abeam

10.37pm: Landed pilot

10.47pm: Passed Formby Light Vessel

11.20pm: Passed Bar Light Vessel

11.50pm: Paravanes dropped

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12 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 55.2, Long -6.0

  4.14am: St Bees Lighthouse abeam

12.28am: Altacarry Head W

  4.50pm: Parted company with HMS Andes

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13 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 56.0, Long -13.9

10.20am: Paravanes secured inboard

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14 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 55.7, Long -20.1

        am: Severely reprimanded Temporary Engineer Lieutenant Mitchell RNR for attempting to bring a lady on board after the wardroom dinner hour on 7th December 1917 in direct disobedience of my written orders & for behaviour unbecoming of an officer & gentleman in using abusive language to a police constable in the execution of his duty [signed by Temporary Engineer Lieutenant Mitchell]

        pm: Severely reprimanded Temporary Lieutenants Good, Edwards, Rowlands & Thomas RNR for having while in charge of the ship as commanding officers during refitting in the months of October & November 1917 brought ladies on board to dinner in direct disobedience of my written orders & for having allowed junior officers to do the same [signed by Lieutenants Good, Edwards, Rowlands & Thomas]

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15 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 53.7, Long -25.9

[8.00pm position]

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16 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 52.4, Long -33.8

10.30am: Divine service; published (for the first time) banns of marriage between Walter Whalley Private RMLI & Mary Jane Barley (spinster) of the Parish of Platting, Manchester

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17 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 50.3, Long -40.6

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18 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 47.5, Long -46.8

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19 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 45.2, Long -55.5

Casting lead frequently from 10.00am to 6.30pm

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20 December 1917

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 44.1, Long -63.3

11.15am: Observed Fairway buoy

12.39pm: Courses variable proceeding up harbour

  1.10pm: Passed boom defence

  1.30pm: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 13 fathoms; anchor bearings: Exhibition Building light N25E, sugar refinery chimney S68W

  4.00pm: Moored with 45 fathoms on each cable

  4.45pm: Transferred mail to HMCS Niobe

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21 December 1917

Halifax NS

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

10.00am: Transferred 1 bag of mail for GPO London

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22 December 1917

Halifax to St John

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

  3.35pm: Weighed & proceeded

  3.55pm: Passed boom defence

  4.37pm: Fairway buoy abeam

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23 December 1917

Halifax to St John

Lat 45.2, Long -66.1

  1.32am: Cape Sable Lighthouse abeam

  5.43am: Lurcher Shoals Light Vessel abeam

  7.54am: Brier Island Lighthouse abeam

10.30pm: Divine service; published for second time banns of marriage between Walter Whalley RMLI, Plymouth Division 17212& Mary Jane Barley spinster of the Parish of Platting, Manchester

  1.18pm: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 10 fathoms; anchor bearing: Partridge Island Lighthouse N9E, 3 miles

  5.11pm: Weighed & proceeded

  6.00pm: Made fast in berth

  8.00pm: Commenced loading

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24 December 1917

St John

Lat 45.2, Long -66.1

  2.00am: Loading with all dispatch [throughout]

  8.15pm: Read warrant 59

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25 December 1917

St John

Lat 45.2, Long -66.1

  2.00am: Loading with all dispatch [throughout]

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26 December 1917

St John

Lat 45.2, Long -66.1

  2.00am: Loading with all dispatch [throughout]

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27 December 1917

St John to Halifax

Lat 45.2, Long -66.1

 8.00am: Finished loading

 10.15am: Moved away from berth

11.17am: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 13 fathoms; anchor bearing: Partridge Island Lighthouse N8E

  1.30pm: Weighed & proceeded

  2.00pm: Black Point buoy abeam

  6.33pm: Brier Island Lighthouse abeam

  7.14pm: SW Ledge buoy abeam

  9.03pm: Lurcher Shoals Light Vessel abeam

11.51pm: Seal Island Lighthouse abeam

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28 December 1917

St John to Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

  1.39am: Cape Sable Lighthouse abeam

  2.11am: Brazil Rock buoy abeam

  5.29am: Little Hope Island Lighthouse abeam

     Noon: Port anchor & 60 fathoms in 12 fathoms; Exhibition Building light N4W

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29 December 1917


Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

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30 December 1917

Halifax to Liverpool (convoy escort)

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

10.30am: Divine service; read for the third time the banns of marriage between Walter Whalley Private RMLI Plymouth 17212 & Mary Jane Barley spinster of the Parish of Platting, Manchester

11.20am: Weighed & proceeded

     Noon: Passed boom defence

  1.11pm: Passed Fairway buoy; convoy took station: SS Mattawa, SS Montreal, SS Manchester Exchange, SS Kafue & SS Queen Margaret

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31 December 1917

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 45.1, Long -60.0

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1 January 1918

[incorrect year on some pages until January 8]

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 45.2, Long -57.7

  2.05pm: Sighted SS Queen Margaret

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2 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 46.4, Long -53.9

  2.00am: Picked up SS Manchester Exchange

  7.30am: Picked up SS Montreal

  1.57pm: Cape Pine Lighthouse abeam

10.25pm: Convoy in station.

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3 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 47.4, Long -50.3

  4.05am: SS Mattawa rejoined convoy

  1.20pm: Manoeuvred to take position on SS Montreal

  9.00pm: SS Mattawa reported steering gear out of order; ordered to rejoin when repaired

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4 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 49.5, Long -46.7

  2.30am: SS Mattawa rejoined convoy

         pm: Cartridges BL 6 in 28 10/16 lbs Cordite 7 in number thrown overboard, wet & unserviceable

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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5 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 51.2, Long -43.8

11.00am: SS Mattawa dropped out of line; steering gear broken down

11.45am: Connected up fore steering position

  1.47pm: Rejoined convoy

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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6 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 52.4, Long -40.8

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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7 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 53.3, Long -38.4

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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8 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 54.4, Long -34.8

  1.50pm: Sighted SS Mattawa

  2.29pm: SS Mattawa rejoined convoy

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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9 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 55.3, Long -29.6

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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10 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 56.6, Long -23.7

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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11 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 56.8, Long -17.3

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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12 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 56.5, Long -11.0

  2.50pm: Shipped heavy sea & carried away P3 shell box, also a large quantity of water leaked through number 3 hatch & damaged the cargo

  3.18pm: Escort took station

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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13 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 54.9, Long -5.4

  2.58am: Inishtrahull Lighthouse S15E

  6.38am: Oversay Lighthouse abeam

  8.15am: Dropped paravanes

10.45am: Maidens Lighthouse abeam

  8.17pm: Parted company with convoy

  9.45pm: Selker Light Vessel abeam

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14 January 1918

Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.00am: Paravanes inboard

  1.09am: Passed Bar Light Vessel

  1.37am: Passed Formby Light Vessel; picked up pilot

  2.05am: Passed Crosby Light Vessel

  2.33am: Passed Rock Lighthouse

  3.00am: Port anchor & 75 fathoms in 12 fathoms; anchor bearings: Egremont Stage S70W, North Wall N2E

  4.44am: Shifted berth further N; anchor bearings: Egremont Stage N73W, Seacombe Stage S22W

10.37am: Weighed & proceeded into dock

11.45am: Entered Alfred Dock & made fast

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15 January 1918

Liverpool (Birkenhead)

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.05am: Commenced to discharge cargo

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16 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.50am: Commenced coaling

  9.00pm: Ceased coaling

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17 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

  8.30am: 1 rating joined ship from depot

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18 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.00am: Resumed cargo and coaling work

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19 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0.0

  8.00am: Resumed cargo work

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20 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  9.30pm: Finished all cargo in number 3 hold

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21 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  1.45pm: Discharged 10 ratings to depot

  2.10pm: Midshipmen A Holland & CB Rogerson RNR discharged to HMS Arrogant

  3.20pm: 11 ratings joined from HMS Eagle

11.50pm: 1 rating to HMS Eagle

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22 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  8.42am: Finished cargo work

11.15am: Commenced coaling at number 2

11.50am: 5 ratings joined ship from depot

10.05pm: 20 signal ratings joined ship from depot

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23 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

11.20am: Finished coaling

  5.27pm: Moved away from berth

  6.25pm: Made fast in Alfred Lock

  7.45am: Left lock for river

  8.20pm: Port anchor & 75 fathoms in 15 fathoms; anchor bearings: North Wall N31E, Rock Lighthouse N42W

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24 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.40am: Ship swung to flood tide

  5.55pm: 1 drum of calcium lost overboard from tug owing to sling parting

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25 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  4.50am: Ship swung to flood tide

10.15am: Swung to ebb tide

  4.00pm: Read warrant 61

  5.15pm: Midshipmen G Lloyd & AB Searle RNR joined ship from depot

  8.21pm: Manoeuvring to clear steamer dragging anchor & sheering dangerously near

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26 January 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.00am: Swung to flood tide

11.00am: Swung to ebb tide

  7.45pm: Ship swung to flood tide

11.45pm: Ship swung to ebb tide

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27 January 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS (escort duty)

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  6.30am: Swung to flood tide

     Noon: Swung to ebb tide

  2.00pm: Discharged 1 rating to hospital

  8.10pm: Proceeded

  8.16pm: Rock Lighthouse abeam

  8.55pm: Passed Crosby Light Vessel

  9.17pm: Passed Formby Light Vessel; dropped pilot

  9.46pm: Bar Light Vessel abeam

10.30pm: Fairway buoy abeam; escorted by US TBDs Downes, Cummings, McDougal

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28 January 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 52.2, Long -5.6

  9.00pm: SS Saxonia & escort in station

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29 January 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 48.9, Long -10.9

  3.45pm: TBD Cummings returned to base

  5.55pm: Escort returned to base

10,00pm: SS Saxonia in station

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30 January 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 48.9, Long -17.8

  9.14am: Commenced to lift paravanes

12.30pm: Cartridge BL 6” Mk VII 28 10/16 lbs Cordite 2 in number wet & unserviceable thrown overboard

10.00pm: SS Saxonia in station

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31 January 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 48.5, Long -25.3

11.40am: Number 8 raft broke adrift

12.25pm: Number 8 raft secured

10.00pm: SS Saxonia in station

11.55pm: Observed signals of distress

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1 February 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 48.4, Long -29.7

  1.53am: Boarding boat away to SV Emily Anderson of Bridgetown, Barbados, Oporto to St John, Newfoundland

  1.30pm: Master Leonard Miller, 1st mate Frank Miller, bosun William Edwards, cook Walter Richards, seamen Thomas McKinnon, Michael Hannard, Edward Cox & stowaway Jose Mental brought on board owing to the above named SV being in a sinking condition; attempted to sink SV Emily Anderson by gunfire; vessel sank but came to surface bottom up, having apparently emptied her cargo of salt in capsizing; further efforts to sink her were unavailing; it became necessary to leave her floating awash bottom up in Lat 48 22N Long 27 6W

  5.00pm: Read warrant 62

10.00pm: SS Saxonia in station

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2 February 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 47.4, Long -36.1

10.00pm: SS Saxonia in station

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3 February 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 46.3, Long -41.0

  2.30pm: Reduced to 40 revs; SS Saxonia unable to keep in station

  4.26pm: SS Saxonia in station

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4 February 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 45.4, Long -45.2

12.30pm: Cartridge signal Verys eed10 in number wet & unserviceable thrown overboard

10.00pm: SS Saxonia in station

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5 February 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 44.7, Long -52.1

  6.30pm: Cartridge BL 6” 2/3 charge wet & unserviceable thrown overboard

10.00pm: SS Saxonia in station

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6 February 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 43.3, Long -57.2

10.00pm: SS Saxonia in station

[Lead cast from 11.30pm to 9.30am next day]

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7 February 1918

Liverpool to Halifax NS

Lat 44.65, Long -63.56

10.53am: Passed Fairway buoy

12.25pm: Passed Portuguese Shoal buoy

     Noon: Passed boom defence

12.27pm: Moored in 11 fathoms, 45 fathoms cable

  1.00pm: Discharged official mail

  2.30pm: 40 discharged to HMCS Niobe

  3.30pm: Discharged crew of schooner Emily Anderson

  4.20pm: Sub Lieutenant Boyle RNVR joined ship for passage to England

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8 February 1918

Halifax to Hampton Roads

Lat 43.9, Long -64.1

  7.25am: Weighed & proceeded

  7.40am: Passed boom defence (inner)

  7.49am: Passed boom defence (outer)

  8.19am: Portugese Shoal buoy abeam

  9.00am: Passed Fairway buoy

  9.27am: Sambro Bank Light Vessel abeam

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9 February 1918

Halifax to Hampton Roads

Lat 40.0, Long -70.3

10.46am: Exchanged pennants with HMS Achilles

11.25am: Ordered British SS No 1 to rejoin HMS Achilles at full speed

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10 February 1918

Halifax to Hampton Roads

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

[position for Fort Monroe]

  9.47am: Stop & let go port anchor in 10 fathoms, 60 fathoms chain; Cape Henry Lighthouse S45W

10.50am: Embarked pilot, weighed & proceeded

12.16pm: Stop & let go port anchor in 13 fathoms, 75 fathoms chain; Fort Monroe N34E

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11 February 1918

Hampton Roads to Newport News

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

  8.10am: HMS Gloucestershire passed out to sea

  2.45pm: Captain Wells USN visited ship

  4.57pm: Weighed & proceeded towards Newport News, pilot in charge

  6.05pm: Tug made fast on port quarter

  6.20pm: Dock pilot took charge

  7.40pm: Made fast alongside number 4 pier

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12 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  8.15am: Commenced loading

10.55am: Finished loading for the day

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13 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  7.00am: Resumed loading

  6.00pm: Ceased cargo work for the day

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14 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  4.10am: Commenced coaling

  7.00am: Commenced cargo work

  3.10pm: Finished coaling

11.00pm: Ceased cargo work for the day

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15 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  5.55am: Hove ship to Pier 3

  7.22am: Made fast in berth

  7.30am: Commenced working cargo

  6.00pm: Hove ship back to Pier 4

  6.30pm: Fast in berth

11.00pm: Ceased cargo work for the day

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16 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  7.00am: Resumed cargo work

  3.55pm: Ceased cargo work for the day

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17 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  7.00am: Resumed cargo work

  6.00pm: Ceased cargo work for the day

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HMS Orcoma is piloted into the mud …

18 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  7.00am: Resumed loading

  4.05pm: Tug made fast

  4.11pm: Moved away from quay

  4.18pm: River pilot took charge; proceeded

  4.35pm: Ship took the ground

  4.38pm: Pilot ordered off the bridge by Captain; engines worked endeavouring to float ship; bearings when aground Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse S50E, Newport News coaling pier N50W, Nansemond River Lighthouse S38W

  5.38pm: Engines stopped

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19 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  2.48am: Endeavoured to move ship with assistance of 8 tugs without result

  2.00pm: Commenced discharging cargo

  3.10pm: Endeavoured to move ship with assistance of tug Rescue heaving on stream anchor without result

  6.45pm: Ceased discharging cargo for the night

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20 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  6.45am: Tug Rescue left with lighter for shore

  3.07pm: Tug Rescue returned with 2 lighters

  3.30pm: Commenced to discharge cargo

  5.30pm: Endeavoured to move ship with tug Rescue towing astern & heaving on stream anchor without result

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21 February 1918

Newport News

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

  3.50am: Ship commenced to move

  4.00am: Ship floated

  4.10am: Port anchor & 45 fathoms in 7 fathoms; anchor bearings: Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse S60E, Nansemond River Lighthouse S30W

  6.35pm: Weighed & proceeded towards Pier 4

  7.32pm: Made fast in berth, Pier 4

  9.30pm: Commenced loading

10.00pm: Loading with all dispatch

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22 February 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 37.07, Long -76.54

12.45pm: Moved away from Quay Dock, pilot in charge

  1.15pm: River pilot took charge

  3.13pm: Stop & dropped pilot

  3.20pm: Full speed

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23 February 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 37.6, Long -70.5

  1.21am: Port engine stopped for repairs

  2.27am: Repairs completed; proceeded on both engines

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24 February 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 38.5, Long -63.4

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25 February 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 39.3, Long -56.2

  2.00pm: Passed SS Edmonton escorted by SS Crown of Seville steering N34W

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26 February 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 40.3, Long -48.9

  2.52pm: Observed convoy bearing North

  4.12pm: Manoeuvring round convoy

  9.45pm: SS Magician dropped astern for boiler repair

11.20pm: SS Merchant rejoined convoy

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27 February 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 43.0, Long -46.1

  1.45am: SS Magician rejoined convoy

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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28 February 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 45.2, Long -43.4

  4.34pm: Steering gear adjusted; took station on leader of centre column

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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1 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 48.0, Long -37.9

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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2 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 49.8, Long -36.5

  6.30am: SS Induna dropped out of line for engine repairs

  7.00pm: Convoy in station

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3 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 51.1, Long -33.9

  1.57pm: Convoy in station with exception of SS Lake Huron, SS Induna & SS Carston

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4 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 52.6, Long -30.5

  9.45am: SS Carston joined convoy

10.00pm: Convoy in station

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5 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 54.4, Long -26.8

  6.00pm: Convoy in station

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6 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 55.4, Long -24.4

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7 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 56.1, Long -22.3

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8 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 56.3, Long -19.1

  7.00pm: Convoy in station

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9 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 56.3, Long -15.7

  1.55pm: Wireless aerial carried away; sounding boom broken in 2 pieces

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10 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 56.2, Long -11.0

10.30am: Lost overboard by accident lifebuoys circular, 2 in number

     Noon: Sloop escort took station

  3.30pm: Destroyer escort joined convoy

  3.34pm: Log carried away

  4.29pm: Starboard paravane [action not recorded]

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11 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 55.3, Long -6.0

  6.42am: Inishtrahull Lighthouse abeam

  4.00pm: Read warrant 64

  4.37pm: Parted company with convoy

  6.04pm: Demand answered & exchanged challenge with Ballantrae Signal Station

  7.25pm: Pladda Lighthouse abeam

  8.49pm: Stopped to take in paravanes; starboard paravane lost

  9.19pm: Proceeded

  9.22am: Cumbrae Lighthouse abeam

10.00pm: Toward Lighthouse abeam

10.27pm: Passed through boom defence

10.30 pm: Pilot aboard

11.02pm: Stopped & let go starboard anchor in 34 fathoms, 75 fathoms cable; bearings: Whitefarland Point S80W, Rosneath Patch N56W

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12 March 1918

Newport News to Glasgow

Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

  8.05am: Tug made fast aft

  9.06am: Weighed & proceeded

  9.16am: Entered channel

10.30am: Tug made fast forward

11.50am: Entered dock

12.15pm: Alongside

  2.00pm: Shore stevedores discharging cargo

  8.00pm: Midshipman Ahlfeldt left ship for HMS Arrogant

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13 March 1918


Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

  9.00am: Stevedores resumed work discharging cargo

10.15am: Sub Lieutenant Evans RNR discharged to hospital

  2.50pm: Lieutenant Dunn RNR left ship

Midnight: Working cargo with all dispatch

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14 March 1918


Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

11.40am: Midshipman Thomas joined ship from Devonport

  3.00pm: 1 rating discharged to HMS Vivid for hospital

Midnight: Working cargo with all dispatch

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15 March 1918


Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

Midnight: Working cargo with all dispatch

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16 March 1918


Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

  7.00am: Stevedores finished all cargo

  2.10pm: Shifted ship 50 feet astern

  3.00pm: Commenced coaling at number 2

  6.00pm: Ceased coaling

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17 March 1918


Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

  6.00am: Resumed coaling

  6.30pm: Finished coaling

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18 March 1918


Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

  1.40pm: Shifted ship 140 feet ahead

  9.10pm: 1 stoker joined ship from HMS Eagle

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19 March 1918


Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

  1.15pm: Discharged 9 ratings to HMS Vivid, 4 marines to Plymouth, 5 ratings to HMS Eagle

  4.00pm: Paravanes arrived & embarked

  6.00pm: Ship ready for sea

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20 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 55.86, Long -4.3

  3.45am: Pilot arrived on board

  4.20am: Unmoored

  5.07am: Left dock

  5.15am: Entered river & proceeded

  7.46am: Stop; let go starboard anchor in 16 fathoms water, 60 fathoms cable

  9.00am: Pilot & postman to shore

  1.00pm: HMS Andes' cutter alongside

  2.10pm: Engineer Lieutenant Coubrough & postman arrived on board

  3.30pm: 7 boys joined ship from HMS Powerful

  7.00pm: Lieutenant Pittman RNR joined ship from depot

  7.25pm: Lieutenant Edwards RNR discharged to HMS Leviathan; discharged 6 ratings to depot

  8.22pm: Weighed & proceeded

  9.07pm: Passed through boom defence

  9.23pm: Dropped paravanes

  9.31pm: Skelmorlie buoy abeam

10.10pm: Gull Rock abeam

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21 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 55.5, Long -8.3

12.15am: Ailsa Craig abeam

  4.45am: Altacarry Head abeam

  3.30pm: Escort (destroyers) returned to base

  4.00pm: Rimmer (Fireman) released from 10 days' cells

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22 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 54.8, Long -15.5

  4.10pm: Paravanes in

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23 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 52.9, Long -24.0

12.30pm: Reprimanded Engineer Lieutenant Coubrough RNR having through slackness and inattention to orders overstayed his leave & missed the ship when sailing from Glasgow, am, 20th March, rejoining next afternoon at Greenock

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24 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 49.9, Long -31.8

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25 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 46.8, Long -38.7

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26 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 43.5, Long -43.2

  9.05am: Courses & speeds as requisite for speaking to British schooner Gwendoline Warren of Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies

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27 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 41.6, Long -48.9

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28 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 41.4, Long -55.7

  6.50am: Passed British SS Othello of Hull bound E

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29 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 40.8, Long -62.6

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30 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 40.6, Long -69.9

  9.50am: Nantucket Light Vessel N55W

10.46am: Nantucket abeam

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31 March 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

  1.55am: Fire Island Lighthouse N39W

  6.02am: Ambrose Channel Light Vessel abeam

  6.15am: Received pilot & proceeded

  8.46am: Medical officer visited ship

  9.05am: Officer of guard boarded ship

  9.45am: Entered dock

10.15am: Secured at South Side Pier 4, Bush Docks, Brooklyn

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1 April 1918

New York

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

  9.15am: Commenced loading cargo

  9.00pm: Work continues throughout the night [and for the following three nights]

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2 April 1918

New York

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

  9.30am: Received ship's stores from US victualling yard

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3 April 1918

New York

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

  3.00pm: Finished loading lower hold of number 3 & commenced 'tweendeck

  5.20pm: Finished taking in ship's stores

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4 April 1918

Glasgow to New York

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

  4.00pm: Finished number 3 hold

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5 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

  9.10am: Finished cargo

11.45am: Clear of dock & proceeding down river

12.05pm: Passed through Narrows net defence

  1.10pm: Discharged pilot

  1.28pm: Ambrose Channel Light Vessel abeam; convoy forming up

  5.00pm: Fire Island Light Vessel abeam

  7.30pm: SS Minnesota joined convoy

  8.00pm: Convoy in station – SS Olympia, SS Dunachton, SS Cardiganshire, SS Manora, SS Newport News, SS War Heather, SS Norman Bridge, SS HG Wylie, SS Minnesota, SS Esperian [later referred to as Naperian], USS Bath, SS Clan MacBeolan, SS Engineer, SS Orissa, SS Niceto de Larrinaga, SS Medora, SS Logician (3 ships not joined up)

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6 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 40.0, Long -69.2

  4.50pm: SS Engineer dropped out of station owing to engine trouble

  4.15pm: Passed HMS Donegal bound W

  8.00pm: All ships in station except SS Engineer

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7 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 40.1, Long -64.4

  5.30am: SS Explorer joined up with convoy

  8.00pm: Convoy correct

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8 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 40.3, Long -60.7

  7.00pm: SS Minnesota dropped out of line trying to rescue man overboard; man lost

  8.00pm: SS Minnesota in station; convoy correct

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9 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 40.2, Long -57.3

  2.00pm: Weather misty; ships not visible: SS Logician, SS HG Wylie, SS Naperian, SS Norman Bridge, SS War Heather, Clan MacBeolan

  7.00pm: SS Logician in station

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10 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 39.9, Long -54.2

  7.00am: SS War Heather, SS Norman Bridge, SS HG Wylie, SS Clan MacBeolan, SS Bath not visible

  2.00pm: SS War Heather, SS Norman Bridge, SS HG Wylie, SS Clan MacBeolan, SS Bath not visible

  4.00pm: SS War Heather rejoined convoy

  6.00pm: SS Bath in sight astern

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11 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 40.2, Long -50.8

  2.00am: Ship steering badly throughout watch; revs increased on port engine as requisite for assisting in steering

  8.00am: SS Clan MacBeolan, SS HG Wylie & SS Norman Bridge not visible

  9.30am: SS Bath took up station

  6.00pm: SS Norman Bridge & SS HG Wylie rejoined convoy

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12 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 41.7, Long -46.4

  6.00am: SS Ockenfels joined convoy

  8.00am: SS Clan MacBeolan & SS Dunachton not visible

  4.00pm: SS Clan MacBeolan & SS Dunachton not visible

  4.47pm: Sighted SS Dunachton

  6.40pm: Signalled HMS Teutonic bound Easterly; SS Clan MacBeolan not visible

11.45pm: Observed 5 ships of an overtaking convoy on starboard quarter

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13 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 44.4, Long -42.8

  7.45am: SS Dunachton in station

  8.00am: SS HG Wylie not visible; remainder of convoy correct

  9.55am: Sighted SS Clan MacBeolan

12.24pm: SS HG Wylie dropped astern owing to steaming trouble

  8.00pm: SS HG Wylie not visible; remainder of convoy correct

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14 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 46.9, Long -39.3

  8.00am: SS HG Wylie not visible

  8.00pm: SS HG Wylie not visible; remainder of convoy correct

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15 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 49.4, Long -35.2

  8.00am: SS HG Wylie not visible; remainder of convoy correct

  4.00pm: SS HG Wylie not visible; remainder of convoy correct

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16 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 51.6, Long -30.8

  8.00am: SS HG Wylie not visible; remainder of convoy correct

  5.15pm: SS HG Wylie took up station on rejoining convoy

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17 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -26.2

  4.00pm: Convoy correct

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18 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 55.0, Long -22.0

  8.00pm: Convoy correct

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19 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 55.4, Long -15.9

  9.15pm: Challenged HMS Delphinium; escort joined convoy

Midnight: Convoy correct

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20 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 55.4, Long -11.0

  6.40am: Received dispatches from HMS Bulldog

  8.50pm: SS Olympia reported suspicious object ahead

  9.35am: Observed submarine on horizon from masthead

10.30am: HMS Grasshopper opened fire

  8.00pm: Convoy correct

10.17pm: Tory Island Lighthouse S32E

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21 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 55.1, Long -5.7

  1.50am: Fanad Head Lighthouse S3E

  2.30am: Inishtrahull Lighthouse S48E

  8.45am: Rathlin Lighthouse abeam

  1.00pm: Maidens abeam; SSs HG Wylie, Olympia, War Heather, Clan MacBeolan , Norman Bridge, Dunachton & Bath departed from convoy

  4.30pm: Mull of Galloway N62E

  8.00pm: St Bees Head S59E

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22 April 1918

New York to Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  3.35am: Sighted Bar Light Vessel

  4.45am: Pilot on board; proceeded up river

  5.00am: Passed Formby Light Vessel abeam

  5.17am: Crosby Light Vessel abeam

  5.37am: Stopped & let go port anchor in 8 fathoms, 60 fathoms cable

  8.25am: Weighed & proceeded

  9.23am: Tugs made fast

  9.36am: Made fast in Canada Lock

10.10am: Left Canada Lock

12.20pm: Made fast in Alexandra Dock, Pier B, south side

  1.00pm: Commenced working cargo

  5.00pm: Ceased working cargo

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23 April 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.15am: Resumed working cargo

  9.00pm: Ceased working cargo

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24 April 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced working cargo

  1.45pm: Commenced coaling

  9.00pm: Ceased working cargo

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25 April 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced working cargo

  9.00pm: Ceased working cargo

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26 April 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced working cargo

  9.00pm: Ceased working cargo

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27 April 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced working cargo

  1.00pm: Ceased working cargo

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28 April 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

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29 April 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced working cargo

  8.00pm: Discharged 1 rating (FE Bennett, Boy) to Royal Infirmary

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30 April 1918


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

  7.00am: Commenced working cargo

11.00am: Hove ship off dock to allow crane Samson to operate

12.15pm: Discharged 5 ratings to depot

  4.00pm: Finished cargo

  7.30pm: Commenced coaling at number 2 hold

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