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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion

Pendant Nos. M.76 (on coming into service), MI.89 (1.18), MI.48 (6.18). Built 1913, 6,103grt, 15.5kts, owned by Elders & Fyffes. Armament: 6-6in, 2-3pdr AA. Crew (7.15): 28 officers & 200 crew (bi). In service 21.11.14. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. Sunk 13.6.18 by UC.49 in Bristol Channel. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

HMS Patia was an armed merchant cruiser that served with 10th Cruiser Squadron on Northern Patrol, patrolling the area North of Shetland Islands and North of Iceland.
She was built at Belfast in 1913 by Workman, Clark & Co. Ltd. for Elders & Fyffes Ltd.
Patia was a refrigerated cargo ship serving in Senegal and could carry about 150.000 stems of bananas.
She could also carry about fifty passengers.

Patia was converted to an armed merchant cruiser in 1914.
When on Government Service, HMS Patia sunk after being torpedoed by German submarine UC 49 on June 13th, 1918, at [Lat] 50 53N, [Long] 5 41W in the Bristol Channel.

The book "Elders & Fyffes: a Photographic History", by Campbell McCutcheon contains very interesting pictures of Patia (as cargo ship and on Northern Patrol) along with pictures of other armed merchant cruisers owned by the same company.
References and further readings on HMS Patia and the Northern Patrol:

Grainger J.D.
The Maritime Blockade of Germany in the Great War 1914-1918
Ashgate 2003

Hart P.
The Great War: 1914-1918
2013, Profile Books

Terence Dawson Lilley
Operations of the Tenth Cruiser Squadron: A challenge for the Royal Navy and its reserves
University of Greenwich, 2012

Follow the link for a list of all 595 ships boarded/met by H.M.S. Patia in the period covered by the log-books, December 1914 to April 1918.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


JP map Patia 1914-15

LOG BOOK – DECEMBER 22nd 1914 TO MARCH 7th 1915

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22 December 1914


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

Joined ship Lieut Com. Harbord RN

Lieut Com Oxlade RNR, Lieut (N) Tancred

4 Sub Lieuts RNR, Mr Chetwode, Gunner, Assistant-Paymaster David RNR

4 midshipmen Mr Stewart RNR and 2 Engineers Lieut RNR

9.0am: Captain Vivian commissioned ship with crew drafted from RN barracks Portsmouth augmented by ratings signed on as necessary

Hands drawing stores

6 artisan ratings joined ship

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23 December 1914


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

Hands cleaning ship

Hands drawing stores

Leave to both watches till 9.0am Monday 28th

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24 December 1914


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

Hands cleaning ship

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25 December 1914


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

Hands as required for Xmas day

2 sick berth ratings joined ship

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[ed. note: This log page cannot be opened. It is supposed to contain weather logs for December 26th and December 27th, 1914 logs]

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28 December 1914


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

Hands employed cleaning ship and taking in stores. One rating under open arrest

1.15pm: Hands told off as requisite & taking in stores

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29 December 1914


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

8.10am: Hands employed in getting in ammunition & stores

11.30am: Hands employed in docking ship

2.10pm: Hands employed taking in stores

5.30pm: Watch employed taking in ammunition

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30 December 1914


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

Hands employed getting in ammunition

Read Warrant N° 1

2.0pm: Hands employed getting in ammunition & stores

5.30pm: 1 Private RMLI joined ship from Forton Barracks

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31 December 1914


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

7.50am: AMC “Bayano” left for trials

8.15am: Hands employed getting in ammunition & stores

9.10am: 1 Rating joined ship

1.10pm: Hands employed stowing ammunition and shifting stores

Number on sick list: 1


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1 January 1915


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

8.15am: Hands employed as requisite

10.45am: 1 CPO left ship for Royal Navy Barracks

2.0pm: Hands employed as required

4.5pm: Flooded dock

Number on sick list: 4

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2 January 1915


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

8.15am: Hands employed in getting in stores

10.20am: Hands employed undocking ship

1.0pm: Shifted berth

2.0pm: Hands employed taking in stores, fresh meat and vegetables

Number on sick list: 4

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3 January 1915


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

9.30am: Mustered hands by ledger.


10.30am: Church party left ship for service ashore 40 men IPO 1st IPO 2nd

12.20pm: Church party returned on board

Number on sick list: 1

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4 January 1915


Lat 51.50, Long -2.69

8.15am: Hands employed as requisite

4.45pm: Hands paid monthly money

6.0pm: Hands employed taking in stores

Number on sick list: 4

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5 January 1915

On Trials

[Lat 51.37, Long -3.12]

[ed. note: Coordinates of Flat Holm Light]

8.0am: Left berth two tugs

8.45am: Left lock. Course as required for leaving harbour. Speed 12 knots

9.10am: Black Nore Point abeam

9.25am: Hooks buoy abeam 9 miles

9.45am: N Elbow buoy abeam ½ mile

10.14am: Monkstone Beacon abeam

10.20am: Flat Holm Light abeam 1 mile

10.45am: Stopped. Fired two rounds from each gun to test mountings

11.40am: Course and speed as requisite to return to Walton Bay

12.14pm: Breaksea Light abeam 1 mile

1.5pm: Flat Holm abeam 1’

1.50pm: Grounds Light abeam ½ mile

2.33pm: Let go starboard anchor in Walton Bay in 8 fathoms veered to 4 shackles

7.30pm: Tug alongside. Two cases & mail

8.0pm: Moderate to fresh breeze, squally, clear

8.0pm: Tug left

8.33pm: Commenced to heave in

8.48pm: Anchors away

8.50pm: Proceeded. Course as required for pilotage, 60 rev

10.35pm: Stopped dropped pilot

10.50pm: Proceeded. Course S85W, 60 revs

11.10pm: Breaksea Light abeam 6 cables

11.10pm: Course N64W, 60 revs

11.4pm: Nash Point abeam 2.3 miles

Number on sick list: 6

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6 January 1915

Milford Haven

Lat 51.71, Long -5.04

12.53am: Scarweather Light vessel abeam 4 miles

3.34am: Altered course N67W

Hands at night defence

7.0am: Altered course as requires for swept channel

8.25am: Stopped, let go Starboard anchor in 10 fms veered to 4 shackles in Dale Road

9.20am: Weighed. Proceeded. Course & speed as required for proceeding to Pembroke

10.30am: Secured to Weare Buoy

Adjusted compasses

3.35pm: Stopped proceeded. Course as required, 60 revs

4.30pm: St Annes Head abeam, Course S57W

5.0pm: Course N85W. Streamed Neptune Log

6.40pm: Smalls abeam 10 miles

Number on sick list: 4

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7 January 1915

From Milford to Sea

Lat 51.36, Long -9.75

8.0am: Altered course N30W

Divisions, Prayers, Exercised general quarters

11.37am: Altered course N53 ½W. Fastnet Rock N30W 7 miles

11.30am: Fastnet abeam 2 miles

2.50pm: Altered course N27W Cow abeam 3 miles

5.0pm: Altered course N16W

Passed HMS “Isis” steering South

7.30pm: Tearaght Light abeam 10 miles

Number on sick list: 5

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8 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 54.58, Long -10.63

At night defence

7.10am: Black Rock Light N60E 27 miles

2.20pm: Stopped to examine SS “Sverresborg

3.10pm: Proceeded Co N28E 60 revs

At night defence

Number on sick list: 5

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9 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.93, Long -8.7

At night defence

8.0am: Altered course East. St Kilda S84E

Divisions. Prayers. Exercised general quarters

Passed HMS “Bayano”

Altered course N56E St Kilda abeam 6 miles


Read warrant N° 2

Position 59N, 7 22W

Midnight: Fine cloudy weather, altered course S85E

Number on sick list: 5

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10 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.0, Long -3.0

[Position] observed 59 56N, 4W

9.0am: Examined SS “Zena

9.20am: Co N18W

9.50am: Co S85E

Divisions. Held Divine Service

1.3pm: Course ENE. Sighted HMS “Cedric

1.37pm: Stopped. Communicated with “Cedric”

2.30pm: Course WSW, 10 knots

2.40pm: Course as requisite for chasing steamer

3.35pm: Stopped. Examined SS “Mexican

4.10pm: Proceeded N42E, 60 revs

11.0pm: Altered course N58E by compass

Number on sick list: 6

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11 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.68, Long -2.16

Am: At night defence

8.0am: Course as requisite to examine SS “Lapland

9.0am: Co S77W zigzagging 3 points, 75 revs

10.0am: Divisions, prayers, exercised general quarters

11.20am: Courses as requisite for closing HMS “Alsatian

11.35am: Course E 14 knots. Took station 2 miles on Starboard beam of “Alsatian”

2.0pm: Parted company with HMS “Alsatian”

2.15pm: Passed small water logged boat

7.15pm: Stopped

7.20pm: Proceeded N72W 10 knots

Number on sick list: 7

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12 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.8, Long -3.46

At night defence

Divisions, prayers, quarters

Zigzag course 3 points on either side

5.10pm: Ceased zigzagging

8.30pm: Altered course South. Observed Deviation 8°W

Number on sick list: 9

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13 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.01, Long -2.91

At night defence

8.15am: Altered course N2E zigzag course 3 points on either side, 12 knots

4.0pm: Courses zigzag, Quarters

9.55pm: Hove to and eased engines to slow. Altered course at 9.50

Number on sick list: 6

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14 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.86, Long -2.16

At night defence

10.15am: 75 revs. Divisions, prayers, general quarters

Number on sick list: 8

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15 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.65, Long -1.8

At night defence altered course S3W

11.45am: Sighted smoke on port beam, altered course N79W

12.44pm: Stopped as requisite for examining SS “Braegler

1.35pm: Proceeded Course N, 8 knots

Number on sick list: 5

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16 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.65, Long -2.95

Am: At night defence

8.0am: Altered course S77W. Sighted land S15E

Number on sick list: 5

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17 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.41, Long -7.91

Am: At night defence

12.20pm: Sighted “Alsatian”

3.0pm: Sumbo Light abeam 15 miles

Number on sick list: 4

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18 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.96, Long -9.41

Am: At night defence

4.35pm: Sighted Myggenaes Lt S70E

10.30pm: Sighted a steam trawler

Number on sick list: 3

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19 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.1, Long -8.83

Am: At night defence

11.15am: Sighted “Orotava

5.0pm: Engines stopped

5.10pm: Star engine stopped, Port engine going astern

5.20pm: Port engine going ahead, Star stopped

7.0pm: Both engines going ahead

Number on sick list: 4

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20 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.65, Long -10.7

Am: At night defence

Divisions, Prayers, General Quarters. Exercised out boats & collision stations

10.25am: Commenced zigzagging Norm Course S89W

10.40am: Streamed Neptune log, hauled in Cherub

7.0pm: Altered course N87E (normal) zigzagging 63 revs

Number on sick list: 6

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21 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.83, Long -10.26

Am: At night defence

Zigzagging 3 points either way

7.30am: Altered course N88W (norm) 67 revs zigzagging 3 points

9.10am: Sighted two fishing trawlers

9.40am: 56 revs. Ceased zigzagging

10.30am: Ship’s head to winds sea. Course N2W, 36 revs

3.0pm: Altered course N13E Hove to

Number on sick list: 3

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22 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.38, Long -10.66

At night defence

Heavy Northerly gale

Hove to head to sea

Divisions, Prayers, Hove to

Hove to; head to sea

Sea moderating slightly

Number on sick list: 3

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23 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.765, Long -10.36

Am: At night defence

Am: Sea moderating

4.0am: Altered course S8W, increased speed 63 revs

Hands clean ship

10.45am: Altered course N88W zigzagging 73 revs

12.30pm: Sighted trawler

12.40pm: Stopped, examined “Lord Knollys” trawler bound for Hull, No H327

1.0pm: Proceeded N89W 73 revs, zigzagging 3 points

3.30pm: Sighted smoke on horizon

Number on sick list: 4

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24 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.7, Long -10.63

Am: At night defence

Divisions. Held Divine Service

Number on sick list: 4

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25 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.91, Long -10.2

Am: At night defence

8.15am: Altered course West, 73 revs, zigzagging

Divisions, prayers, exercised general quarters

1.0pm: Altered course S87W zigzagging

4.0pm: Quarters

7.0pm: Altered course S88E, 56 revs, zigzagging

At night defence

Number on sick list: 4

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26 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.75, Long -10.75

Am: At night defence


Divisions, Prayers, Exercised general quarters


4.0pm: Quarters


Number on sick list: 4

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27 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.66, Long -10.8

Am: At night defence


Divisions, prayers, Exercised general quarters

Hands as requisite


5.0pm: Stopped. Examined trawler “Yokohama” of Hull [ed. note: Registration Number H20]

5.8pm: Proceeded Course S89W, 73 revs

Pm: At night defence

Pm: Zigzagging

Number on sick list: 3

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28 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.68, Long -10.7

Am: At night defence


Divisions, Prayers, Exercised general quarters

Exercised collision stations

Pm: Zigzagging

4.0pm: Quarters


Pm: At night defence

Number on sick list: 5

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29 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.96, Long -11.0

Am: At night defence


4.0am: Altered course S46W, 73 revs. Left patrol en route to Liverpool

Divisions, Prayers, General Quarters

10.30am: 76 revs. Hauled in P. Log to clear

11.0am: Streamed log showing 00.0

4.0pm: Quarters

Pm: At night defence

Number on sick list: 4

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30 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.35, Long -7.66

3.25am: Slow

3.30am: Sounded

3.40am: Proceeded 73 revs

9.14am: Sighted Barra Head S78E, altered course S18W


2.30pm: Cast lead, 60 fms

5.40pm: Monach Lt abeam

7.13pm: Monach Light abeam 7 miles

8.0pm: Passed TBD steaming North

9.15pm: Monach Lt abeam 8 miles

10.15pm: Barra Head S9W, Monach Lt N58E

11.0pm: Sighted collier on Port bow

Number on sick list: 5

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31 January 1915

At Sea

Lat 55.3, Long -5.31

1.13am: Barra Head abeam 7 ½ miles

3.30am: Sighted Skerrymore Light

7.0am: Sighted Oversay Light S34E

8.0am: Increased speed to 76 revs

8.30am: 80 revs zigzagging

11.0am: Sunda Island abeam, altered course N79E

2.0pm: Course as requisite for entering Firth of Clyde

2.9pm: Cumbrae Light abeam 3 cables

2.45pm: Communicated with War Signal Station

3.20pm: Stopped in examination anchorage

3.25pm: Proceeded as requisite for anchoring

3.45pm: Let go Port anchor in 7 fms veered to 4 shackles

All Signal books returned

Anchor Bearings: Tail of Bank Buoy S47W, Roseneth Beacon N47W

Number on sick list: 5


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1 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Divisions. Prayers

Hands as requisite

12.30pm: Weighed. Course & speed as requisite for moving into James Watt Dock

2.30pm: Secured

General leave Starboard watch till Noon 4th

Discharged 4 ratings to RN Hospital

Number on sick list: 9

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2 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Hands provisioning ship

Discharged 2 ratings to hospital

Hands painting ship

Number on sick list: 3

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3 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Hands painting & as requisite

Hands as in forenoon

Number on sick list: 2

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4 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Received 1077 tons of coal

Hands painting & as requisite

General leave to Port watch till 10 pm 6th

Hands as in forenoon

Number on sick list: 1

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5 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Hands provisioning ship & painting side

Hands as in forenoon

3 seamen & 1 Bugler RMLS joined ship

Number on sick list: 1

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6 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Hands provisioning ship

1 Lg Tel [Leading Telegraphist] joined ship

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7 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Divisions. Performed Divine Service

Special leave to Starboard watch & 1st part Port watch till 7.0am

Number on sick list: 1

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8 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Hands painting ship

Special leave to Port watch till 7.0am

Number on sick list: 1

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9 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Hands painting & as requisite

Hands as in forenoon

Discharged 1 AB & 1 private RMLS to barracks

Special leave Starboard watch till 7.0am

Number on sick list: 6

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10 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Discharged 1 signal boy to hospital

Special leave Port watch till 10.30pm

2 ratings joined ship from Portsmouth depot

Number on sick list: 3

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11 February 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Hands cleaning ship

Pilot came on board

Left James Watt Dock. Course & speed as requisite for adjusting compasses

10.0am: Pilot left ship

1 Private RMLI [ed. note. Royal Marine Light Infantry] joined ship

11.45am: Let go port anchor in 9 fms veered to 3 shackles

Anchor bearings: Tail o’ Bank Buoy S50W, Roseneath Beacon N42W

3.30pm: Weighed

4.0pm: Proceeded. Course as requisite for leaving harbour, 50 revs

4.10pm: 60 revs. Read warrant N° 5

4.45pm: Streamed Trident log

5.0pm: Toward Point abeam

5.55pm: Little Cumbrae Light abeam, 4 cables. Co S19W, 45 revs

11.45pm: Mull of Cantyre N5E 5 miles, altered course N36W

Number on sick list: 5

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12 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.73, Long -8.05

At night defence

3.30am: Altered course N14W Oversay Lt abeam 10 miles

Passed battleship steering South

7.10am: 73 revs, commenced zigzagging 3 points

Divisions. Prayers. Zigzagging. Exercised general quarters

12.30pm: Stopped zigzagging

3.25pm: Monach Lt abeam 10 miles

5.55pm: Flannan Island Lt 4 points

8.0pm: Hauled in log to clear

9.0pm: Streamed pat log showing 0

Log broke down

Number on sick list: 5

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13 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.23, Long -6.78

At night defence

6.30am: Sighted HMS “Alsatian” on Starboard bow

Communicated by visual with HMS “Alsatian”

7.45am: Altered course N78E, 55 revs

9.0am: 62 revs

9.15am: 67 revs

Sighted land on port bow

6.50pm: Reset electric log

Number on sick list: 7

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14 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.66, Long -2.63

Am: At night defence

7.0am: Altered course N70W, 73 revs, zigzagging

9.0am: Ceased zigzagging

Divisions. Performed Divine Service

Number on sick list: 9

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15 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.46, Long -3.36

Am: At night defence

Hands cleaning ship. Commenced zigzagging 73 revs, 40° each side

9.0am: Altered course as requisite to investigate smoke

9.40am: Stopped to examine British trawler “Elf King” 1014 [ed. note: “Elf King” Fishery Port registration number H1012] bound from Iceland to Lerwick

9.50am: Proceeded N62W 73 revs

10.20am: Resumed Course S81W zigzagging

4.13pm: Altered course as requisite to examine steamer

5.15pm: Stopped, examined trawler A-72 “Strathmore” from Faroes to Aberdeen

5.22pm: Proceeded N78E, 56 revs

Number on sick list: 16

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16 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.48, Long -1.8

Am: At night defence

3.0am: Observed searchlight South

7.0am: Altered course as requisite to examine steamer. Hauled in log

7.30am: Stopped. Boarded SS “Aquila” (Norwegian) bound from Savannah to Norrköping, cargo cotton seed-cake. Lat 61 32N, Long 1 48W

8.30am: As requisite for lying to off steamer

11.30am: Prize crew in charge of Sub-Lieut Poppleton RNR sent on board steamer

12.10pm: SS “Aquila” proceeded

12.22pm: Proceeded Course S42W, 73 revs

2.0pm: Streamed electric log showing 56

Number on sick list: 16

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17 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.6, Long -2.6

2.57am: Sighted Muckle Flugga S53E

4.25am: Muckle Flugga abeam 14.8 miles

6.0am: Altered course S78W. Increased to 73 revs, commenced zigzagging

9.55am: 56 revs. Ceased zigzagging

10.10am: Sighted 3 four funnelled cruisers bearing South. Communicated with HMS “Liverpool

Heavy SE gale

6.0pm: Altered course S78W, log broken down

Number on sick list: 18

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18 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.63, Long -2.41

Am: At night defence

9.45am: 73 revs, altered course S78W, zigzagging 40° each side

Divisions. Prayers. Exercised stations abandon ship. Hands as requisite

4.0pm: Quarters


8.30pm: Altered course N82E zigzagging

11.0pm: Ceased zigzagging 56 revs

Number on sick list: 19

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19 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.768, Long -1.83

At night defence

6.30am: 73 revs. Commenced zigzagging. Hauled in P. log

8.20am: Altered course as requisite to examine sailing ship (N) “Bennestvet” from Christianiasund to Mobile, cargo ballast

9.14am: Resumed original course 73 revs

11.30am: Altered course N87E, ceased zigzagging

12.35pm: As requisite to examine trawlers

1.50pm: Sighted land SE

2.0pm: As requisite to intercept steamer

2.57pm: Stopped sent boat to SS “Alexandra” (D), from Christiania to New York, cargo assorted

3.45pm: Steamer proceeded

4.5pm: Proceeded, Course NE 73 revs Muckle Flugga SxW 4 miles

Number on sick list: 19

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20 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.86, Long 1.0

Am: At night defence

6.0am: Altered course N81E, 73 revs zigzagging

Hands cleaning ship

Zigzagging 3 pts

Number on sick list: 17

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21 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.16, Long -0.9

Am: Ceased zigzagging

3.0am: Burnt navigation lights

6.40am: Muckle Flugga S30E altered course S60E

7.50am: Altered course N13E 45 revs. Commenced line ahead patrol

Divisions. Performed Divine Service

10.30am: Altered course S7W as requisite for examining trawlers

Examined trawler “Octoroon” of Hartlepool

Hauled in log

As requisite identifying trawlers

1.20pm: Slow

1.30pm: Course N39W 67 revs

5.0pm: Altered course as requisite to intercept steamer, speed 14 knots

5.50pm: Stopped, boarded SS “Botnia” (Danish) from Iceland to Leith with fish. Muckle Flugga SSW 4 miles

7.8pm: Proceeded Course N24W 62 revs

7.44pm: Altered course N10E, streamed electric log

Number on sick list: 18

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22 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.16, Long 1.16

Am: At night defence

Zigzagging 3 points 67 revs

8.34am: 73 revs. Examined trawler “Strathugie” A61, passed PD 361 and A 57


5.55pm: Muckle Flugga Light S7E 17.5miles, altered course S73E


Number on sick list: 17

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23 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.23, Long -1.8

Am: Zigzagging

10.0am: Altered course N70W, ceased zigzagging

4.0pm: Quarters. Sighted HMS “Motagua

Pm: At night defence

Number on sick list: 17

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24 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.2, Long 0.78

8.30am: Sighted HMS “Motagua” North, altered course N36W, 66 revs. Communicated with HMS “Motagua”

9.0am: Course N76W 56 revs

5.10pm: Altered course S72E, negative zigzagging

Zigzagging to make 10 knots

Number on sick list: 18

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25 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.3, Long 1.71

Zigzagging to make 10 [knots]

Altered course N75W zigzagging

9.10am: In Lat 61 10N, Long 2 16E sunk by gunfire a spherical floating mine

9.30am: Course N75W 73 revs

10.43am: As requisite to examine floating object

11.5am: Course N76W 73 revs

Log hauled in

12.45pm: As requisite to examine floating object

1.8pm: Course S87W 73 revs

2.0pm: Commenced zigzagging to make 10 knots

Examined trawler H 522 of Hull

Zigzagging to make 10 knots

Number on sick list: 17

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26 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.98, Long 0.33

Altered course S14E HMS “Caribbean” and “Motagua” left patrol

Altered course S17W. Ceased zigzagging

4.30am: Passed floating mine: Lat 61 57N, Long 0 16E. Stopped

6.50am: Proceeded as requisite to search for mine

7.5am: Observed and sank large iron cask fitted with slings

7.30am: Course N72W 56 revs

9.0am: Sighted HMS “Teutonic

Am: HMS “Teutonic” closed to 5 cables

11.0am: Altered course S33E. Streamed log

12.20pm: HMS “Teutonic” proceeded to take up position on patrol

Wind and sea increasing

Number on sick list: 19

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27 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.66, Long -3.0

Am: Hands cleaning ship

12.0am: Altered course S80W, 67 revs, commenced zigzagging 3 points

Hauled in log

4.0pm: Altered course N23E to intercept steamer

4.50pm: Stopped. Boarded SS “Kalo” (Danish) from Baltimore to Esjberg with wheat, etc. Lat 60 37N, Long 4W

6.15pm: SS “Kalo” sent into Kirkwall with Sub-Lieut Thompson RNR and prize crew

6.20pm: Proceeded. Course S34W 56 revs

Altered course N80E

Commenced zigzagging 3 pts

Number on sick list: 20

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28 February 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.86, Long -3.25

2.0am: Passed SS “Kalo”

Zigzagging to make 10 [knots]

Streamed electric log

Divisions. Performed Divine Service

11.25am: 56 revs. Ceased zigzagging

Number on sick list: 21


[Duplicate logs March 1st to March 7th 1915]

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1 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.8, Long -3.33

6.30am: 67 revs, commenced zigzagging to make 10 [knots]

8.30am: Altered course N75W to investigate smoke

9.22am: Course S46W. HMS “Teutonic” examining steamer

10.30am: Course S80W zigzagging

12.45pm: Ceased zigzagging

1.0pm: Altered course West to pass sailing ship. Hauled in log

1.38pm: Signalled to “Pass of Balmaha” flying American Flag with prize crew on board. Altered Course S46W

2.0pm: Course S80W zigzagging as before

4.0pm: Hauled in log. Quarters

4.20pm: Sighted HMS “Orotava”, altered course as requisite to close

5.10pm: Stopped, sent boat for Sub-Lieut Poppleton and prize crew

5.40pm: Proceeded Course N80E, 73 revs, zigzagging

Midnight: Hauled in log

Number on sick list: 23

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2 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.93, Long -3.25


5.30am: Altered course S79W zigzagging

9.30am: Altered course as requisite to investigate smoke WSW

10.25am: Slow, communicated with SS “Jonsborg” with prize crew from HMS “Motagua” on board

10.30am: Proceeded S89W 73 revs

Streamed electric log

Altered course S74W zigzagging

Stopped zigzagging, altered course S82W to close SS “Canada” believed to be in Lat 59 50N, Long 6 30W

9.40pm: Course as requisite for intercepting a steamer bearing SSE

Hauled in log

11.10pm: Stopped. Boarded SS “Kallundborg” (Danish) from Huelva to Nørresundby via Androssan, with Sulphate ore. Lat 59 44N, Long 5 45W

Number on sick list: 15

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3 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.7, Long -3.68

12.20am: SS “Kallundborg” proceeded

12.35am: Course N21E, 73 revs

Zigzagging to make 10 knots

4.0am: Streamed electric log

Sea rising

56 revs, ceased zigzagging

Divisions. Prayers

Altered course N76W

Hands as requisite

Number on sick list: 14

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4 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.46, Long -2.93

11.10am: Sighted HMS “Cedric” on Starboard Quarter

4.0pm: Left patrol to proceed to Firth of Clyde

8.0pm: Lat 60 52[N], Long 3 18[W]

Number on sick list: 11

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5 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.23, Long -7.28

At night defence stations

10.0am: Division. Prayers. General Quarters

4.50pm: Sounding 48 fms

Sighted land right ahead. Stopped

4.55pm: Altered course West. Flannan Is Lt House S30E 3 miles

8.0pm: Hauled in log

Number on sick list: 12

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6 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 55.25, Long -6.26

1.40am: Sighted Barra Head S30E

6.30am: Increased to 75 revs. Commenced zigzagging

9.15am: Sighted Oversay Lt S50E

11.0am: 79 revs. Passed battleship steering North

11.30am: Course as requisite for passing thro’ Rathlin Sound

12.24pm: 73 revs. Zigzagging, Course SE

4.0pm: Ailsa Craig abeam 3 miles

6.30pm: Altered course as requisite for entering Firth of Clyde

Pilot came on board. Course and speed as requisite for anchoring off Tail of Bank

8.50pm: Let go port anchor in 30 fms in “The Hole”

Anchor bearing: Roseneath Lt 280° 7 cables

Number on sick list: 13

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7 March 1915

Firth of Clyde, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

12.0am: Weighed anchor. Proceeded as requisite for proceeding up Clyde

3.0am: Secured in Princes Dock Govan

8.0am: Signal Books returned to safe

Divisions. Performed Divine Service

Discharged 7 ratings to Hospital

Sub-Lieut Thompson & prize crew rejoined

Number on sick list: 13

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8 March 1915


Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

12.30am: Dock workmen coaling ship

Painting & refitting ship

4.0pm: Dockers coaling ship. Received 1091 tons of coal

Painting ship etc.

Leave for Port watch till Thursday noon, also for part of Starboard watch till 7.0am

Number on sick list: 5

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9 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

5.30am: Shifted to berth N° 4

8.0am: Painting & cleaning ship

10.30am: Lieut (N) Howie joined ship

11.30am: Read warrant N° 4

Cleaning ship

Leave for 2nd part Star Watch until 7 am

Number on sick list: 3

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10 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Cleaning ship, etc.

Leave for Star Watch until 7 am

Number on sick list: 2

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11 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Cleaning ship, etc.

Leave to part of Starb Watch until 7 am

Two Marines joined ship

Number on sick list: 3

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12 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Cleaning ship

Range Finders brought on board

Cleaning & painting ship

Leave for part of Port Watch until 7 am

Number on sick list: 2

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13 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Painting ship, etc.

23 Ratings left ship

9 Firemen joined ship

1 Ch. P.O., 1 P.O. & 1 Leading Seaman, RNR joined ship

10 Firemen joined ship

Stores Boatswains’ & Engineers’ arrived on board

1 Pte Marine left ship

Number on sick list: 4

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14 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

1 Absentee from HMS “Caribbean” joined ship

1 Sgt, 1 Corp, 2 Pts marines joined

Landed church Party (Presbyterians)

Leave for Port watch & 2nd Starboard 7 am

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15 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Painting Ship

1 CPO, 4 PO, 1 Corp, 1 Pte. Marine left for hospital

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16 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Painting and Cleaning Ship

Leave for Starboard Watch part 7 am

Number on sick list: 2

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17 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Painting Ship

Painting & refitting ship

Number on sick list: 2

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18 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Cleaning ship

Leave for Port watch & part Starb Watch

Hands make & mend clothes

19 Seamen Ratings & 1 Marine join ship

8.0pm: 1 Signal Boy & 1 Marine sent to Hospital

Number on sick list: 5

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19 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Cleaning ship

As necessary. Marines exercised at loader

1 Third Class Steward left ship for HMS “Patuca

1 RNR rating discharged to HMS “Vivid” (Portsmouth)

Number on sick list: 6

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20 March 1915

Prince’s Dock, Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Exercised night defence and general quarters

Cleaning ship

1 Fireman discharged to Hospital

2.0pm: Left prince’s Dock proceeded as requisite for Rothesay Dock. Pilot on board

3.40pm: Made fast alongside wharf at Rothesay Dock

11.0pm: Left Rothesay Dock & proceeded as req. to Greenock. Pilot on board

Number on sick list: 6

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21 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 55.46, Long -6.58

1.35am: Pilot left ship. Streamed log (10.0)

Roseneath Lt B N40W 12 cables. Courses & speed as requisite for Firth of Clyde

2.20am: Cloch Point Lt bearing S12E, 7 cables, altered course S38W

3.30am: Cumbrae Elbow Lt abeam7 cables

5.20am: Course S55W. Zigzagging 3 points

Cleaning ship

7.40am: Altered course N54W zigzagging 3 points

8.20am: Altered course N21W zigzagging 3 points

9.20am: Courses as requisite for Rathlin Sound

0.51pm: Oversay Lt abeam S77E 8miles

3.15pm: Sighted AM Cruiser

3.30pm: Signalled HMS “Mantua

4.0pm: Sighted Skerryvore Lt N38 ½E

5.8pm: Sun bore by Compass N 89 ½E. Deviation 1°E

5.40pm: Altered course S40W to intercept steamer

Steamer British collier 406 (“Leafield”)

6.15pm: Barra Head bearing N25E

9.08pm: Barra Hd Lt S57E

10.0pm: Barra Hd Lt S46E

Number on sick list: 6

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22 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.41, Long -7.73

7.0am: Altered course N64E zigzagging 2 points

10.8am: Altered course N45E to investigate steamer

10.30am: Signalled HMS “Changuinola

10.35am: Course N64E

12.12pm: Passed HMS “Digby

7.0pm: Altered course N26E zigzagging 2 points

8.15pm: Altered course N82E zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 6

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23 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.48, Long -4.5

Course N82E zigzagging

6.30am: Altered course S30E to investigate smoke

8.15am: Investigated British trawler GY 2 [ed. note: “Belvoir Castle”] bound for Shetland Islands

Cleaning ship

8.15am: Altered course S81W eased to 56 revs. Ceased zigzagging

5.45pm: Sighted Sydero I. bearing N9W

9.20pm: Commenced zigzagging 2 points each way

Number on sick list: 5

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24 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.18, Long -4.26

Zigzagging 2 points

6.0am: Stopped zigzagging. Eased to 56 revs. Employed cleaning ship

9.55am: Altered course S49W to intercept steamer

10.25am: Hauled Pat Log

10.30am: Stopped. Examined SS “Henrik” Norwegian steamer of Drammen from New York to Bergen. Cargo copper, aluminium, oil, etc. Employed as requisite

11.15am: Sent Sub-Lt Clark & prize crew on board

11.55am: SS “Henrik” proceeded for Kirkwall

12.0am: Proceeded. Streamed Pat Log

1.4pm: Altered course to investigate British trawler. Increased to 66 revs

4.40pm: Altered course S57W to investigate smoke, 66 revs

5.0pm: Examined trawler H 202 “King Emperor” of Hull. Iceland to Lerwick

5.5pm: Course N87W, 56 revs

Number on sick list: 5

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25 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.33, Long -4.1

Employed cleaning ship

9.50am: Stopped Investigate Swedish steamer “Ran”. Philadelphia to Odense. Cargo Indian Corn

Hauled in Pat log.

9.50-12.0am: Stopped

Employed as requisite

3.15pm: Sent Lt Cartwright RNR & prize crew on board SS “Ran”

3.45pm: Steamer proceeded

4.0pm: Proceeded S77W 56 revs. Streamed Pat Log

5.35pm: Sun bore by Compass N 83 ½W. Deviation 3°E

Number on sick list: 5

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26 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.5, Long -4.33

Employed cleaning ship

8.0am: Sighted HMS “Cedric”

Number on sick list: 6

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27 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.46, Long -3.36

7.6am: Sun bore by Compass S60 ½E, Deviation ¾°W

6.50am: Altered course (to investigate smoke) N35E

7.0am: Increased to 67 revs

7.25am: Course as requisite

8.0am: Increased to 72 revs

8.10am: Course S59E

9.15am: Examined British trawler H. 626, “Neptunian” of Hull

9.20am: Course N20E, reduced to 66 revs, zigzagging 2 points

Employed cleaning ship

12.20pm: Eased to 56 revs, altered course S20W. Ceased zigzagging

5.15pm: Altered course N74E. Examined trawler “Ben Strome”

6.35pm: Sun bore by Compass S73W, Deviation ½°E

7.55pm: Stopped. Examined Danish steamer “Douro”, Iceland to Leith, cargo of fish; allowed to proceed

8.6pm: Course S37W 56 revs

9.40pm: Zigzagging 2 points, 67 revs

Number on sick list: 6

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28 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.6, Long -2.93

1.45am: Altered course N20E zigzagging 2 points

6.0am: Altered course S20W zigzagging

9.0am: Altered course N20E zigzagging 2 points

9.40am: Altered course to intercept schooner

10.40am: Stopped. Boarded schooner “Activ” Danish, Barcelona to Copenhagen, cargo of oil cake

11.5am: Proceeded as requisite to intercept steamer

11.30am: Sighted Foula I. S18E

12.0pm: Stopped. Boarded steamer “Transvaal” Danish, Chilean ports to Aarhus, cargo of nitrate, bran, cotton seed & leather

1.0pm: Sent “Transvaal” to Kirkwall with prize crew on board. Proceeded as requisite

1.45pm: Sent schooner “Activ” to Kirkwall with prize crew on board

2.5pm: Course West, zigzagging, 67 revs

4.50pm: Altered course N18W to investigate smoke, 72 revs

5.30pm: Spoke Danish steamer “Oscar II”

5.35pm: Altered course N20E, 67 revs

6.0pm: Altered course S20W zigzagging 2 points

7.0pm: Darkened ship. Night defence stations

9.0pm: Altered course S20E zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 7

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29 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.88, Long -3.61

12.0am: Course S20W Zigzagging

6.0am: Altered course S20W zigzagging

6.20am: Sighted HMS “Teutonic” steering N

9.0am: Altered course N20E zigzagging

9.10am: Ceased zigzagging, 56 revs

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Employed cleaning ship & as requisite

5.28pm: Sun bore by Compass N80W. Deviation 1 ¼E

7.15pm: Darkened ship. Night defence stations

Number on sick list: 6

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30 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.76, Long -4.55

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Employed cleaning ship & as requisite

1.50pm: Altered course N85W to intercept steamer

2.15pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian steamer “Sverre”, San Francisco to Copenhagen cargo of barley. Sent steamer to Kirkwall with Prize crew on board

2.20pm: Sighted N. Rona I. bg S63W

3.30pm: Proceeded S37W 80 revs

4.24pm: Abeam Starboard N. Rona S83W

4.30pm: Turned out boats

4.40pm: Sighted land on port bow

5.0pm: N Rona Smt abeam 9 miles

6.55pm: Altered course S16E to investigate smoke

8.50pm: Tiumpan Head Light N51W dist 7 miles, altered course S67W, 70 revs

9.25pm: Courses & speed as requisite for anchorage

10.15pm: Stopped

10.18pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 14 fms s. veered to 3 shackles to Sd of Arnish Pt Stornoway

11.15pm: Prize crew for 10th C.S. came on board

11.50pm: Weighed. Proceeded as req. for heaving anchorage, 80 revs

Anchor bearings: Arnish Point N7W, Aport abeam Holmer Island S80E, Sgeir Alla N38W

Number on sick list: 4

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31 March 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.33, Long -6.83

0.45am: Tiumpan Hd Lt bearing North, dist 7 ½ miles, altered course N38E

8.0am: Altered course S68W Streamed Pat Log

8.30am: Altered course to intercept steamer

8.40am: Spoke Russian steamer “Baltica”

9.30am: Spoke Danish steamer “Tula

10.0am: Spoke HMS “Orotava”

10.15am: Proceeded S68W

10.30am: As requisite for RV

11.30am: Sighted HMS “Digby”

11.50am: Stopped. Transferred Prize crews to HMS “Digby”

1.10pm: Proceeded N66E 67 revs. Streamed Pat log

5.0pm: Altered course as requisite to intercept Swedish steamer “Loke” from Gibraltar to Stockholm, cargo of salt & cork; allowed to proceed

6.10pm: Course N66E 67 revs

11.8pm: Sirius bore by Compass N 47 ½ W. Dev 1 ¾W

Number on sick list: 4

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1 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.83, Long -3.53

9.15am: Courses as requisite to close HMS “Motagua” & “Teutonic”

11.5am: 36 revs. Hove to. Employed cleaning ship and as requisite

1.20pm: Stopped. Transferred prize crews to HMS’ “Motagua” & “Teutonic”

3.30pm: Proceeded S20W, 56 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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2 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.41, Long -3.5

11.35am: Courses as requisite to intercept Danish steamer “Hekla” Blyth to Reykjavik; allowed to proceed

11.55am: Stopped

12.10pm: Proceeded N20E, 56 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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3 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.7, Long -3.5

5.20am: Commenced zigzagging. Increased to 67 revs

6.0am: Altered course S20W zigzagging 2 points

8.24am: Altered course S40W to close HMS “Motagua”

8.30am: Stopped. Received prize crews (2) from “Motagua”

9.0am: Proceeded S20W, 67 revs. Employed cleaning ship

10.15am: Altered course N20E zigzagging

3.25pm: Stopped zigzagging. Eased to 56 revs

4.40pm: Altered course S56E to investigate HMS “Motagua” boarding sailing ship

Number on sick list: 3

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4 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.66, Long -2.91

6.51am: Altered course S36E to intercept steamer

8.20am: Examined Danish steamer “Wladimir Reitz” from Galveston to Kirkwall, cargo of oil cake. Allowed to proceed

9.0am: Course S62W

12.5pm: Course as requisite to intercept steamer

12.20pm: Stopped

12.20pm: Examined Danish steamer “Chumpon” New Orleans to Goteborg cargo of cotton

1.40pm: Sounded in 110 fms. Proceeded East at 44 revs for lee of Shetland Islands

6.40pm: Passed steam trawler SN 113 [ed. note: Ben Vurie]

8.30pm: Sighted Muckle Flugga Lt bg S25W

11.30pm: Course & speed as requisite to close “Chumpon”

Number on sick list: 3

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5 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.46, Long -3.25

12.30am: Put prize crew on board steamer “Chumpon”

12.50am: Proceeded as requisite

1.0am: Course N5E 56 revs, Muckle Flugga Lt bearing N59W

1.25am: Muckle Flugga Lt bearing West, altered course N45W

2.10am: Muckle Flugga Lt bearing S55W 6.5 miles, altered course S87W

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised General Quarters

Employed cleaning ship & as requisite

11.5am: Altered course S78W (p. log 27.1)

1.15pm: Altered course to investigate smoke (N26E)

1.40pm: Spoke HMS “Orotava” in company with steamer “Muskogee

6.30pm: Stopped & as requested. Examined Norwegian barque “Sigurd” of Sandnaes from Stavanger to Talcahuana. General cargo

7.20pm: Sent “Sigurd” into Stornoway with prize crew

7.30pm: Darkened ship

8.0pm: Proceeded N89W, 56 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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6 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.83, Long -3.0

5.0am: Increased to 67 revs. Commenced zigzagging 2 points

5.40am: Sighted Foula Island bearing S38E

6.20am: Altered course East to investigate ship

7.15am: Course & speed as requisite. Spoke barque “Sokoto” (Norwegian) with prize crew on board from “Patuca”

7.50am: Course S48W, 67 revs, zigzagging

11.45am: Examined Norwegian schooner “Baron Holberg” Larvik to Swansea, cargo timber; allowed to proceed

12.45pm: Stopped. Sank floating object like a fishing buoy

1.5pm: Proceeded 56 revs. Ceased zigzagging

6.30pm: Eased to 36 revs. Course S12E. Hove to head to wind

10.0pm: Sounded 250 fms, No bottom; lost sinkers 1 & 110 fms wire

11.0pm: Sounded 170 fms, wire found bottom; lost sinkers 1 & 170 fms wire

Number on sick list: 4

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7 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.86, Long -3.0

7.40am: Sighted Foula I. bearing South (Comp.)

9.40am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised general quarters

Employed cleaning ship and as requisite

4.15pm: Evening Quarters

Number on sick list: 5

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8 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.78, Long -3.06

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised General Quarters

Employed cleaning ship & as requisite

3.15pm: Altered course N22E. Zigzagging 2 points

4.45pm: Altered course N65W to intercept steamer. General Quarters

5.0pm: Spoke Norwegian steamer “Imo” with prize crew from HMS “Patuca” on board. Course & speed as required

6.0pm: Proceeded East 67 revs

6.25pm: Zigzagging 2 points

7.30pm: Altered course S29W. Darkened ship

9.0pm: Altered course N19E. Eased to 56 rev, ceased zigzagging

Number on sick list: 5

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9 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.48, Long -3.03

2.30am: Sighted Muckle Flugga Lt bearing N86E

4.15am: Increased to 75 revs. Commenced 2 point zigzag

4.30am: Muckle Flugga abeam 7 miles

6.20am: Passed Trawler A 773 “Morning Star” & P.D. 182 “Good Tidings

7.5pm: Passed Trawler P.D. 116 “Mary Stephen

8.35pm: Altered course N75W to intercept sailing vessel

9.45am: Examined Norwegian barque “Zanrak” to Birkenhead from Brevik, cargo timber; allowed to proceed. Lat 60 43N, Long 2 24W. Course & speed as requisite

10.0am: Proceeded S68W, 67 revs zigzagging 2 points

11.10am: Sighted Foula I. bearing S21E

3.0pm: Altered course N78E, zigzagging

4.0pm: Altered course as requisite to intercept steamer

4.20pm: Fouls Island bearing S67E

4.40pm: Examined British steamer “Frimley” Dundee to New York in ballast, allowed to proceed

5.0pm: Proceeded N52E, 60 revs. Ceased zigzagging

11.55pm: Sighted Muckle Flugga bearing S76E

Number on sick list: 6

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10 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.31, Long -3.21

1.47am: Muckle Flugga abeam dist 14 miles

3.30am: Increased to 75 revs zigzagging 2 points

7.30am: Altered course S68W zigzagging 2 points

Employed cleaning ship

10.50am: Increased to 67 revs zigzagging 3 points

1.50pm: Spoke HMS “Orotava” steering for RV

3.40pm: Sighted HMS “Patuca” ahead

4.0pm: Ceased zigzagging, course as requisite to close HMS “Patuca”

4.25pm: Stopped. Received prize crew from HMS “Patuca”

4.50pm: Proceeded as requisite to close HMS “Orotava”

5.5pm: Stopped

6.0pm: Proceeded Course N87E, 67 revs

8.10pm: Sighted HMS “Teutonic”

8.25pm: Stopped. HMS “Patuca” transferred prize crews to HMS “Teutonic”

9.15pm: HMS “Patuca” proceeded

9.25pm: Proceeded S35E, 56 revs, HMS “Teutonic” examining Danish Steamer “Moskov

Number on sick list: 7

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11 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.86, Long -6.9

3.30am: Increased to 75 revs, zigzagging 3 points

4.50am: Altered course N81W zigzagging

9.55am: Signalled HMS “Virginian” boarding steamer

11.5am: Course as requisite to intercept Norwegian sailing ship “Desideria” Christiania to Newport cargo timber; allowed to proceed

12.0pm: Proceeded N81W

12.30pm: Altered course S78W zigzagging

3.40pm: Ceased zigzagging. Eased to 60 revs

7.30pm: Darkened ship. Night Defence Stations

Number on sick list: 8

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12 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.93, Long -6.68

4.30am: Increased to 67 revs. Commenced zigzagging [2 points]. [Ed. note: it seems 2 points was deleted]

5.30am: Sighted “Dreadnought” battleship S70W steering to North

6.25am: Course as requisite to intercept Steamer

6.50am: Stopped

7.27am: Norwegian steamer “Bra-kar” while approaching to leeward of "Patia” touched on Starboard quarter starting one plate & bending frame"

7.30am: Sent “Bra-kar” to Kirkwall in charge of Sub Lt Poppleton & prize crew

8.20am: Proceeded S80W, 56 revs

12.30pm: Course as requisite to intercept schooner “Zanrak” allowed to proceed (Previously intercepted)

1.25pm: Proceeded as requisite to intercept Danish steamer “Johan Siem” Lat 59 50N, Long 7 00W, cargo oilcake from Charleston to Aalborg. Sent into Kirkwall in charge of Lieut Thompson & prize crew

3.45pm: Proceeded S78W, 56 revs

5.20pm: Signalled HMS “Oropesa” proceeding South

7.45pm: Darkened ship. Night Defence Stations

Number on sick list: 7

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13 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.18, Long -8.53

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Exercised General Quarters

10.0am: Left Patrol, altered course S64W

4.15pm: Evening Quarters

8.0pm: Darkened ship. Night Defence Stations

Number on sick list: 7

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14 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.2, Long -7.33

4.30am: Increased to 75 revs. Commenced zigzagging 3 points each way

6.30am: Sighted land bearing S50E

7.25am: Barra Head bearing S10E dist. 9 ½ miles

8.15am: Altered course S23W zigzagging

12.15pm: Altered course S8W zigzagging

1.45pm: Altered course to examine floating object. Speed slow

2.30pm: Proceeded S8W, 75 revs

4.30pm: Ceased zigzagging

7.10pm: Courses as requisite for Rathlin Sound

8.15pm: Sighted Maidens Lt bearing South

8.48pm: Sighted Corsewall Pt Lt S50E

10.50pm: Courses as requisite for Belfast Lough. Eased to 70 revs

11.10pm: Stopped off Pile Lt Ho

12.0pm: Proceeded as requisite. Pilot on board

Number on sick list: 7

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15 April 1915

At Sea & Belfast

Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

1.0am: Secured alongside dolphins, Messers Workman-Clarkes North Yard, Belfast

2.0am: Put clocks back 25 minutes

Discharged 1 ERA & 3 ABs to Hospital

Number on sick list: 2

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16 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Remarks Friday see Saturday

7.0am: Prize crews (2) returned on board

Discharged 1 Fireman to Hospital

4 ERA’s joined ship (RNR)

Hands make & mend clothes

9.0pm: HMS “Patuca” arrived

Number on sick list: 2

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17 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Remarks Saturday see Friday

7.20am: 2 seamen RNR, 2 boys joined ship from “Pembroke”

9.10am: 6 stokers RFR joined from Devonport

Discharged 1 PO, 1 Pte of marines & 1 SBA to Haslar Hospital

Number on sick list:

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18 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

9.0am: Sub-Lieutenants RNR Grant, Crummack, Rogers, & Wilson joined ship

Prize crews (1) returned on board

Lieut-Comdr Oxlade RNR left ship

Number on sick list: 1

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19 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Lieut Coombs RNR joined ship

4 privates RMLI joined ship

2.30pm: Shifted berth to Milewater Basin

Number on sick list: 1

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20 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Employed cleaning ship

Discharged 2 ERAs (RNR) & 1 PO (RFR) to “Victory”

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21 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Employed cleaning ship

Employed painting & as requisite

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22 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Employed cleaning ship

Employed embarking ammunition & 12 pdr guns for passage

Employed embarking ammunition

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23 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Employed embarking ammunition & cleaning ship

Employed embarking ammunition

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24 April 1915


Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Employed cleaning ship

Employed restowing ammunition

Employed provisioning ship & as requisite

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25 April 1915

At Belfast & Sea

Lat 54.6, Long -6.0

Employed cleaning ship

Sent C of E. Church party to “Patuca”

Landed R.C. church party

1 AB rejoined from Hospital

7.15pm: Proceeded as requisite out of basin, tugs forward and aft

8.0pm: Pilot left ship. Courses as requisite for Belfast Laugh, 56 revs

9.0pm: Course N77E, zigzagging 3 points

9.55pm: Altered course N10E, zigzagging 3 points

10.35pm: Corsewall Pt Lt S77E dist 9 miles

11.15pm: Altered course N33E, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 2

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26 April 1915

At Sea & Prince’s Dock (Glasgow)

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

12.10am: Sanda I. Lt S89W, dist 9 miles

12.25am: Altered course S77E, zigzagging 3 points

1.36am: Sighted Tumberry Lt Ho S45E 6 ¼ miles, altered course N14E

3.8am: Sighted Cumbrae Elbow Lt Ho N21E

3.30am: Altered course N29E, ceased zigzagging

3.40am: Cumbrae Lt Ho abeam 5 cables

4.15am: Toward Pt abeam dist 1 mile, altered course N38E

4.45am: Stopped, pilot came on board

4.46am: Course & speed as requisite for channel

5.10am: Put clocks on 25 minutes

9.10am: Secured alongside wharf Princes Dock Glasgow (N° 14 Berth)

Employed disembarking ammunition & 12 pdr guns

Employed disembarking ammunition

17 ratings joined from RN Barracks Portsmouth

4 ratings joined from RN Barracks Portsmouth

Number on sick list: 3

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27 April 1915

Prince’s Dock Glasgow

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Employed disembarking ammunition

7.15am: Shifted berth

8.40am: Secured alongside coaling wharf

Coaling ship, shore labour

4 ratings joined ship from Portsmouth

Read Warrants Nos 8 & 10

Coaling ship, shore labour

Number on sick list: 3

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28 April 1915

Prince’s Dock Govan

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Read Warrant No 9

Coaling ship, shore labour

9.0pm: Completed with coal, received 1056 *44.5 tons

9.20pm: Shifted berth to N° 17 Prince’s Dock

*44.5 tons taken on charge from previous coaling

Number on sick list: 3

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29 April 1915

Glasgow & Sea

Lat 55.86, Long -4.30

Employed cleaning ship

1.20pm: Left Prince’s dock, pilot on board, courses & speed as requisite for River Clyde

3.25pm: Let go Port anchor in 6 ¾ fms m. off Tail of Bank, veered to 2 ½ shackles

6.40pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite, working up to 80 revs

7.8pm: Cloch Pt S18E, 3 cables altered course S38W, 80 revs

8.13pm: Cumbrae Elbow Lt Ho abeam 4 cables altered course S14W zigzagging 3 points

10.0pm: Pladda Island Lt bearing N39W, 5 miles, altered course N84W

11.25pm: Sanda Island Lt N89W 6 ¼ miles

Number on sick list: 3

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30 April 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.96, Long -8.23

12.5am: Altered course N48W, zigzagging 3 points

12.20am: Sighted Altacarry Lt Ho N57W

12.48am: Mull of Cantyre Lt bearing S71E

1.0am: Altered course N7E zigzagging

2.56am: Sighted Oversay Lt N6E

3.45am: Altered course N8W, Oversay Lt N70E dist 9 miles


6.15am: Passed Swedish steamer “Atlantic” with Prize crew on board

6.50am to 7.20am: Course and speed as requisite to examine floating objects (whales)

7.20am: Course N8W, zigzagging 3 points

9.20am: Barra Hd bearing N40E

9.40am: Passed Norwegian steamer “Artemis” prize crew on board

9.50am: 3 trawlers in sight

11.45am: Spoke HMS “Changuinola” steering South

3.45pm: Altered course N30W zigzagging 3 points

7.30pm: Zigzagging 2 points

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[J.H. Howie, Lieutenant, signs as Navigating Officer]

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1 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.06, Long -9.16


5.30am: Altered course East zigzagging 2 points

7.15am: Eased to 61 revs. Ceased zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Spoke HMS “India” steering to Westward

11.45am: Spoke HMS “Virginian” steering to Westward

Number on sick list: 2

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2 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.75, Long -10.45

4.25am: Sighted steamer

4.50am: Spoke HMS “Virginian”, altered course West

9.30am: Sighted steamer, altered course S76W, 67 revs

10.5am: Examined Swedish steamer “Ludvig Peyron” Boston to Malmö cargo of wheat. Put prize crew on board (Sub Lt Wilson RNR) & sent into Kirkwall. Lat 59 50N, Long 10 00W

11.0am: Proceeded West 72 revs, zigzagging 2 points

1.30pm: Altered course S88E zigzagging 2 points

2.40pm: Increased to 78 revs, zigzagging 3 points

8.0pm: Sighted steamer

8.20pm: Spoke HMS “Oropesa” steering to Northward

10.0pm-10.30pm: Courses as requisite to Examine Danish steamer “Frederick VIII”, Copenhagen to New York. Allowed to proceed. Lat 60 06N, Long 7 64W

11.0pm: Zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 3

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3 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.58, Long -11.03

1.0am: Altered course N88W zigzagging 2 points

2.0am: Zigzagging 3 points

12.0am: HMS “Virginian” in sight

1.0pm: Altered course West, zigzagging 3 points


Number on sick list: 3

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4 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.71, Long -10.73

Zigzagging 3 points

2.30am: Sighted HMS “Cedric” bearing SxE

7.0am: Altered course N88W zigzagging 3 points

Zigzagging 3 points

3.10pm: Spoke HMS “Otway” steering to Southward

6.30pm: Altered course S39E zigzagging

8.30pm: Altered course S86E zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 4

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5 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.4, Long -10.36

Zigzagging 3 points

5.45am: Sighted HMS “Cedric”

7.0am: Altered course N88W zigzagging 3 points

11.20am: Sighted steamer astern

11.30am: Spoke HMS “Cedric” steering to Westward

2.0pm: HMS “Cedric” in sight

Zigzagging 3 points

10.15pm to 11.15pm: Course & speed as requisite to investigate steamer

10.30pm: Examined Norwegian steamer “Siljestad” of Christiana from Burntisland to Louisberg in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 17N, Long 11 25W

11.20pm: Proceeded S87E, 73 revs

Number on sick list: 4

[ed. note: “on May 5th, 1915, Cedric came up astern of Patia and was not challenged. Captain Benson RN aboard the Cedric, decided a shell fired at Patia would ginger up the performance of Patia’s lookouts and officer of the watch. Captain Vivian R.N. in command of Patia had not shared Benson’s sense of humour, since the shell fell into the water only 100 yards astern, prompting Vivian to make a formal protest to de Chair.

The reaction to this aboard Cedric was recorded by Grenfell in his diary when he wrote: ‘…but it gave us an excuse for a little fun’.

However, when it became known that Vivian intended to report the matter, Grenfell ends his diary entry with: ‘Our Captain is feverishly compiling a counterblast for de Chair’.

Nothing further can be traced of this incident and it may that de Chair chose to let the matter die, since Benson was Second in Command of the Squadron.

Vivian’s complaint was justified for had the shell ricocheted it could have seriously damaged Patia.

For those aboard Cedric it seems to have relieved the boredom of patrol and provided some ‘realistic’ training”. chapter 8, page 202]

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6 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.5, Long -8.05

Zigzagging 3 points

Zigzagging 3 points every 15 minutes

Employed cleaning ship

9.45am: Altered course S6W, zigzagging 3 points

3.0pm: Altered course S21W, zigzagging 3 points

8.20pm: Altered course to intercept steamer

9.30pm: Stopped. Examined Norwegian steamer “Augusta” with prize crew from HMS “Teutonic” on board

9.45pm: Proceeded S36W, 73 revs

Number on sick list: 4

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7 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.0, Long -7.0

0.15am: Altered course N21E, zigzagging 3 points

3.50am: Challenged HMS “Patuca”

Sun rose by Compass N88 ½E. Deviation 2°W

8.5am: Stopped. Boarded Swedish barque “Signal” of Ahus from Helsingborg to Halifax N.S. in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 50N, Long 7 43W

8.45am: Courses as requisite to intercept steamer

10.45am: Spoke HMS “Alsatian”

11.5am:Took 1 mile South of HMS “Alsatian”. Course N80W, 73 revs

11.55am: Stopped. Picked up floating mark buoy

12.13pm: Proceeded N80W, 73 revs

1.0pm: Sighted HMS “Virginian”

1.35pm: Stopped Communicated with HMS “Alsatian”

2.15pm: Proceeded S3E, 73 revs

6.15pm: Stopped. Examined Norwegian barque “Alonso” (Whalers parent ship), from Sandefiord to Benguela, cargo of coal. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 30N, Long 7 10W

7.0pm: Proceeded S28E, 71 revs

7.30pm: Courses as requisite

7.50pm: Stopped. Examined Norwegian barque “Staut” from Hull to Halifax N.S. in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 22N, Long 6 52W

8.0pm: Proceeded N57W, 75 revs

10.55pm: Spoke HMS “Cedric”

Number on sick list: 5

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8 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.48, Long -8.11

12.15am: Course as requisite to examine sailing vessel (Barque “Signal” previously examined)

1.0am: Altered course N21E, zigzagging 3 points

3.0am: Altered course S21W, zigzagging 3 points

6.0am: Altered course N21E, zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship

10.0am: Altered course S21W, zigzagging

6.7pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish Steamer “London” Philadelphia to Copenhagen cargo lubricating oil. Sent Sub Lt Crummack & armed guard to take ship into Kirkwall. Lat 59 30N, Long 8 14W

7.0pm: Proceeded as requisite, 73 revs

7.55pm: Examined Norwegian barque “Som” Christianasund to Halifax N.S. in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 20N, Long 8 06W

8.0pm: HMS “Cedric” in sight

8.10pm: Proceeded as requisite, 73 revs

8.30pm: Boarded Danish Schooner “Tvøroyri” of Trangisvaag, Faroe Is, from Ibiza to Trangisvaag cargo salt. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 16N, Long 8 04W

9.10pm: Proceeded N44E, 73 revs

9.45pm: Altered course N21E, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 4

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9 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.76, Long -8.95

2.0am: Altered course N66W zigzagging

6.0am: Altered course N21W zigzagging 3 points

845am: Altered course as requisite to intercept sailing vessel

9.45am: Examined Russian barque “Mariechen” from Finland to Pensacola in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 60 04N, Long 9 20W

10.0am: Course S7E, 73 revs, zigzagging

1.0pm: Course West to close steamer

3.30pm: Observed steamer to be flying “boarded flag” altered course N50E

7.0pm: Altered course N48E zigzagging 3 points

9.0pm: Altered course S21W zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 4

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10 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.76, Long -9.0

12.0am: altered course N21E zigzagging 3 points

3.20am: Spoke HMS “Virginian”

6.0am: Altered course N21E, zigzagging 3 points

HMS “Virginian” in sight

Employed cleaning ship

9.0am: Altered course S21W, zigzagging

1.0pm: Altered course N44W, zigzagging

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrants Nos 11 & 12

7.30pm: Examined Russian barque “Avio” (previously boarded by “Patuca”). Allowed to proceed

7.45pmm: Course N34E, 73 revs

9.25pm: Altered course N21W, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 6

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11 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.5, Long -10.13

3.15am: Altered course S21W, zigzagging 3 points

6.0am: Altered course N23E, zigzagging 3 points

7.5am: Spoke HMS “Virginian”

10.0am: Altered course S19W. Employed cleaning ship & receving new boat falls. Boys at physical drill

3.5pm: Altered course S21W, zigzagging 3 points

6.0pm: Altered course N24E, eased to 67 revs, zigzagging 2 points

9.0pm: Altered course S20W, 72 revs, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 6

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12 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.41, Long -9.95

Zigzagging 2 points

3.0am: Altered course S20W, zigzagging 3 points. Increased to 73 revs

6.0am: Altered course N24E, 67 revs, zigzagging 2 points

9.0am: Altered course S21W, 73 revs, zigzagging

Employed receving new boat falls & as requisite. Boys at physical drill

12.0pm: Altered course N22E, 67 revs, zigzagging 2 points

1.45pm: Courses as requisite to examine Russian barque “Diag” from Lowestoft to Canada in ballast. Allowed to proceed

2.10pm: Course N2W, 67 revs, zigzagging

3.0pm: Spoke HMS “Virginian”

3.30pm: Altered course S21W, 72 revs, zigzagging 3 points

6.0pm: Altered course N23E, 67 revs, zigzagging 2 points

9.0pm: Altered course S21W, 72 revs, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 6

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13 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.06, Long -7.13

12.0am: Altered course N23E, 72 revs, zigzagging

3.0am: Altered course S20W zigzagging

4.45am: Altered course S86E, 73 revs, ceased zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship, painting & receving boat falls. Boys at Physical Drill

11.45am: Altered course S13W to intercept steamer

12.25pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish steamer “Chumpon” to Bankok from Kirkwall. Cargo general. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 57N, Long 7 08W

1.20pm: Proceeded N62E, 73 revs, zigzagging

2.30pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 Taffrail Register, 1 shoe, 1 governor wheel, 1 log line & 1 rotator of Walkers Patent Trident Electric Log; loss caused by pin holding shoe shearing

3.40pm: Challenged HMS “Hildebrand

4.5pm: Stopped. Received 1 prize crew from HMS “Hildebrand”

4.40pm: Proceeded N83E, 73 revs

4.20pm: Evening Quarters, Zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 6

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14 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.9, Long -8.2

1.0am: Altered course S21W, zigzagging 3 points

3.0am: Altered course N21E, zigzagging

5.0am: Altered course S21W, zigzagging

7.8am: GMT Sun bore by Compass S72E, Deviation 2 ½E

7.22am: GMT Sun bore by Compass S65E, Deviation 1 ½E

8.0am: Altered course N24E zigzagging

10.0am: Employed as requisite. Boys at seamanship & physical drill

12.0am: Stopped. Boarded Swedish steamer “Thai” from Punta Delgado to Christiania, cargo coffee. Lat 59 54N, Long 8 12W

12.30pm: Sent steamer “Thai” into Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Grant RNR

1.0pm: Proceeded S4E, 73 revs, zigzagging

2.20pm: Sighted HMS “Virginian”

4.40pm: Examined Norwegian barque “Ladas” of Bergen. Amsterdam to Miramichi Bay in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 55N, Long 7 45W

5.0pm: Proceeded N3E

5.20pm: Altered course S78W

6.0pm: Altered course S18W zigzagging

8.40pm: Stopped. Boarded American steamer “Pioneer” of New York. Copenhagen to New York in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 38N, Long 7 47W

9.40pm: Proceeded course North, 73 revs, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 7

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15 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.9, Long -8.13

Zigzagging 3 points

3.30am: Stopped & as requisite

4.0am: Boarded Danish steamer “Esrom” Middlesborough to Newport News, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 31N, Long 8 04W

4.40am: Proceeded N21E, 73 revs


Employed cleaning ship

2.0pm: Altered course N24E, zigzagging

5.0pm: Altered course S18W, zigzagging

8.0pm: Altered course N24E, zigzagging

11.0pm: Altered course S18W, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 6

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16 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.83, Long -8.93

12.30am: Altered course N69W, zigzagging

3.30am: Altered course N24E, zigzagging

5.0am: Altered course S18W, zigzagging

6.30am: Stopped. Examined Russian steamer “Claudius Aulagnon” Cardiff to Archangel, cargo coal. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 40N, Long 8 38W

6.45am: Proceeded. Course as requisite

8.15am: Altered course N24E, zigzagging

11.0am: Altered course S18E, zigzagging

2.0pm: Altered course N24E, zigzagging 3 points

4.47pm: Stopped & as requisite to examine engines

5.36pm: Proceeded S18W, 73 revs

8.15pm: Courses as requisite to investigate smoke

9.15pm: Smoke reported by HMS “Virginian” to be Danish steamer “United States

11.0pm: Altered course S18W, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 7

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17 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.33, Long -10.0

2.0am: Altered course N24E, zigzagging 2 points

4.0am: Courses as requisite to intercept steamer

4.20am: Stopped. Boarded Swedish steamer “Sydland” New York to Goteborg. Cargo copper, oil, machinery, aluminium etc.

4.40am: Spoke HMS “Hilary

5.20am: Steamer “Sydland” sent to Kirkwall in charge of Sub Lt Rogers RNR & armed guard

9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. Aired bedding. Exercised General Quarters

5.25am: Proceeded N77E, 73 revs

11.0am: Altered course S18W, zigzagging

2.0pm: Altered course N24E, zigzagging 3 points

5.0pm: Altered course S20W, zigzagging

8.0pm: Altered course N22E zigzagging

Number on sick list: 6

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18 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.21, Long -11.96

2.0am: Altered course N22E, zigzagging 3 points

3.45am: Examined Norwegian steamer “King Haakon”* from Newcastle in ballast; previously boarded. Allowed to proceed

5.0am: Altered course N77W, zigzagging 3 points

6.15am: Examined British steam trawler “Phoebe” F.D.121, of Fleetwood. Allowed to proceed

6.0am: Sighted HMS “Motagua”

6.15am: Proceeded N77W, zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship

10.45-11.0am: Courses as requisite to examine floating tree

12.15pm: Eased to 67 revs, zigzagging 2 ½ points

6.0pm: Altered course N88E, zigzagging 2 ½ points

7.0pm: Altered course S30E. Ceased zigzagging. Increased to 72 revs. Left Patrol

Number on sick list: 4

[ed. note: misspelt for steamer “Kong Haakon”]

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19 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.7, Long -9.08

Employed cleaning ship

6.45pm: Challenged A.P. Yacht

8.45pm: Oversay I. Lt bearing SE, dist 2 miles, altered course S1E

10.14pm: Otter Rock Lt V. N30E, dist 3 miles

11.25pm: Mull of Cantyre Lt Ho bearing E 2 miles

11.50pm: Sanda Lt bearing N82E

Number on sick list: 3

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20 May 1915

Greenock & at Sea

Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

12.12am: Sanda I. Lt bearing N12W, dist 3 miles

1.28am: Pladda I. Lt abeam 2 ½ miles

2.10am: Holy I. Lt abeam 2 ½ miles

3.0am: Altered course N29E, Cumbrae Elbow Lt abeam 6 cables

3.36am: Altered course N38E Toward Point N52W 2 miles

3.45am: Stopped for pilot tug

3.50am: Course & speed as requisite for Tail of Bank

4.50am: Let go Starboard anchor in 8 fms off Greenock veered to 3 shackles

12.0pm: Pilot came on board

12.15pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for River Clyde

4.0pm: Secured alongside wharf N° 20 Berth

6.0pm: Shifted to N° 27 Berth

6.45pm: Sub Lt Grant & armed guard rejoined

8.15pm: 1 officer & armed guard from “Changuinola” on board

8.45pm: 5 ratings discharged to Hospital

10.50pm: Commenced coaling ship

Number on sick list: 3

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21 May 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Coaling ship

Employed shifting ship & as requisite

Employed dismounting 6” guns & as requisite

Employed dismounting guns & as requisite

Number on sick list: 1

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22 May 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Coaling ship

Employed painting, shifting ship & as requisite

Coaling ship

Employed shifting ship

5.0pm: Completed with coal. Received 1262 tons, & 16 tons last coaling

1 Engineer Sub Lt joined ship (RNR)

6.30pm: Pilot came on board, shifted berth to Yorkhill Wharf

8.30pm: Secured alongside Yorkhill Wharf

Number on sick list: 1

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23 May 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Landed R.C. Church Party

1 Engineer Sub Lt (RNR) joined ship

Number on sick list: 1

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24 May 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Employed cleaning ship

Employed cleaning & painting ship aloft

2 Engineer Sub Lts (RNR) joined ship

8.30pm: Sub Lt Rogers (RNR) & armed guard returned on board

Number on sick list: 1

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25 May 1915


Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Employed cleaning ship

Employed cleaning & painting ship aloft

Number on sick list: 1

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26 May 1915

Glasgow & Sea

Lat 55.94, Long -4.76

Employed cleaning ship

9.0am: Shifted 1 berth ahead at Yorkhill Wharf

1 Sergeant & 1 Private R.M.L.I. joined ship

4 ratings joined ship

6.30pm: Pilot on board. Tugs made fast

6.55pm: Proceeded as requisite for River Clyde

9.50pm: Stopped

10.0pm: Dropped pilot off Wemyss Bay. Proceeded S27W, 80 revs. Streamed Patent Log

10.44pm: Cumbrae Elbow abeam dist 6 cables; altered course S18W. Zigzagging 2 points

11.30pm: Sighted Pladda I. Lt S48W

11.40pm: Holy I Lt abeam 2 miles

Number on sick list: 1

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27 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.33, Long -8.5


0.30am: Pladda Lt abeam 3 miles

0.35am: Sighted Sands I Lt abeam 3 ¼ miles

1.55am: Altered course N41W. Ceased zigzagging

2.30am: Course N13W zigzagging. Mull of Cantyre Lt bearing East 1.6 miles

3.30am: Otter Rock Lt V. N10E 5 ¾ miles

4.45am: Passed Norwegian steamer “Diana”

5.15am: Altered course N32W zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship

7.15am: Spoke HMS “Black Prince”

4.20pm: Read Warrants Nos 13 & 14

Number on sick list: 1

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28 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.86, Long -12.26

Zigzagging 2 points

7.0am: Altered course S89E, zigzagging 2 points

Employed cleaning ship


6.0pm: Altered course S49E zigzagging

6.50pm: Spoke HMS “Oropesa”

8.0pm: Altered course N1W, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 1

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29 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.36, Long -9.65


4.40am: Sighted sailing vessel

5.30am: Courses as requisite to close Norwegian ship “Sørfareren”, Fernandina to Malmö

6.0am: Course S73E, 45 revs, in company with sailing vessel

7.30am: Spoke HMS “Motagua”

9.0am: Courses as requisite to close sailing vessel.

10.26am: Stopped boarded Norwegian ship “Sørfareren” Fernandina to Malmö, cargo of phosphate rock. Sent into Stornoway in charge of Sub Lt Wilson RNR & armed guard. Lat 59 25N, Long 9 26W

11.20am: Proceeded S68W, 60 revs

1.0 to 1.15pm: Courses as requisite to close steamer

1.15pm: Spoke HMS “Alsatian”. Course S63W

2.0pm: Altered course N1W. Ceased zigzagging

8.0pm: Altered course N1W. Increased to 70 revs, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 1

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30 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.48, Long -10.2

2.0am: Altered course N1W zigzagging 3 points

5.0am: Altered course S5E zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship

8.0am: Altered course N1W, zigzagging

11.0am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

2.0pm: Altered course N5W, zigzagging 3 points

4.30pm: Decreased 65 revs, zigzagging 2 points

5.0pm: Altered course S1E, zigzagging 2 points

6.0pm: Ceased zigzagging, 57 revs

9.22pm: Spoke HMS “Orotava”

Number on sick list: 2

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31 May 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.43, Long -10.0

3.20am: Passed fishing buoy

Employed cleaning ship

2.20pm: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

3.10pm: Spoke HMS “Motagua” examining Swedish steamer “Sydic

5.40pm: Sighted HMS “Mantua” examining American steamer “Leelanaw

10.0pm: 62 revs. Commenced 2 pt zigzag

11.15pm: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

Number on sick list: 3

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1 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.38, Long -10.2

1.23am: Spoke HMS “Patuca”

2.0am: Altered course N4W, zigzagging 3 points

3.30am: Course as requisite to intercept sailing vessel

4.30am: Boarded Danish barque “Anna” of Marstad from Cuba to Rotterdam, cargo cedar. Sent into Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Crummack R.N.R. Supplied 144 lbs of preserved meat to barque “Anna”. Lat 59 22N, Long 10 15W

6.0am: Proceeded S15E, 69 revs, zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship & as requisite

11.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzagging

2.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

5.30pm: Sighted HMS “Patuca”. Course as requisite

6.0pm: Stopped. Received 1 A.B. absentee from “Patuca”

6.17pm: Proceeded S2E, 69 revs

8.40pm: Altered course N4W, zigzagging 3 points

11.0pm: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 4

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2 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.5, Long -10.3

2.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

5.0am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

7.10am: Spoke HMS “Mantua” boarding a steamer

Employed cleaning ship

10.0am: Sighted HMS “Patuca”

11.0am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

2.10pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

5.0pm: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

8.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 5

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3 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.51, Long -10.21

2.0am: Altered course N3W zigzagging

5.0am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship

8.15am: Examined Norwegian steamer “John Blumer” Arendal to Montreal, in ballast: allowed to proceed. Lat 59 09N, Long 9 56W

11.0am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

1.55pm: Spoke HMS “Andes

2.15pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

5.0pm: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

8.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 5

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4 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.4, Long -10.16

2.15am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

Employed cleaning ship

2.0pm: Altered course N5W, zigzagging

7.15pm: Speed as requisite. Examined Norwegian steamer “Olaf Kyrre” Newcastle to “Louisberg”, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 12N, Long 9 50W

7.30pm: Proceeded S27W, 69 revs

8.30pm: Altered course N5W, zigzagging 3 points

11.0pm: Altered course S1E, zigzagging

Number one sick list: 4

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5 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.38, Long -10.21

2.0am: Altered course N5W, zigzagging 3 points

4.0am: Examined British trawler “Phoebe” FD. 121. Iceland to Fleetwood. Allowed to proceed

4.0am: Course N5W

4.5am: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

5.45am: Altered course S1E, zigzagging 3 points

8.0am: Altered course N5W, zigzagging

9.20am: Spoke HMS “Patuca”

Employed cleaning ship

10.45am: Altered course S1E, zigzagging

1.45pm: Altered course N5W, zigzagging

5.40pm: Examined Norwegian steamer “Nordkyn” Baltimore to Aarhus cargo of Indian corn. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Rogers(RNR). Lat 59 24N, Long 10 33W

7.15pm: Proceeded S42E, 69 revs, zigzagging

9.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

11.0pm: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 5

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6 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.28, Long -9.95

2.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

3.30am: Altered course S36E, zigzagging

6.20am: Two sailing vessels on port bow

7.30am: Smoke bearing S37W

7.45am: Altered course N69W to close HMS “Mantua”

8.35am: Stopped. Sent boat to “Mantua” for 4 firemen

9.0am: Proceeded N33W, 69 revs, zigzagging

12.45pm: Altered course S3E, zigzagging 3 points

3.0pm: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

5.0pm: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

8.0pm: Altered course N3E,zigzagging

Number on sick list: 5

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7 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.43, Long -10.21

2.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

5.0am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

8.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

Employed painting & as requisite

2.15pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrants Nos 15 & 16

5.20pm: Examined Swedish barque “Frigga”, Burntisland to St Johns (New Brunswick). Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 34N, Long 10 42W

5.45pm: Proceeded S20E, zigzagging 3 points

9.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

9.15 ½ pm: Sun bore by Compass N 26 ½W. Deviation 3°E. Ship head N39W

9.26 ½ pm: Sun bore by Compass N 21 ½W. Deviation ¼°W. Ship head N27E

11.0pm: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

Number on sick list: 5

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8 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.46, Long -10.23

2.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

7.30am: Course as requisite to intercept Russian schooner “Bangputhis” [ed. note: misspelt for SS “Bangphutis”] (Boarded by HMS “Mantua”)

8.30am: Course N7E, zigzagging 3 points

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Read Articles of War. Exercised General Quarters

Employed painting ship

2.15pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

5.0pm: Altered course S3E, zigzagging 3 points

8.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 5

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9 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.45, Long -10.21

2.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

4.45am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

8.0am: Intercepted American steamer “Platuria” of Bayonne from New York to Karlshamm, cargo oil. Sent into Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Grant RNR

8.0am: Stopped & as requisite

9.35am: “Platuria” proceeded

9.50am: Proceeded N3W, 69 revs, zigzagging


2.10pm: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

6.15pm: Spoke HMS “Patuca”

7.25pm: Challenged HMS “Columbella

8.15pm: Examined Danish steamer “Ulrik Holm” Copenhagen to New York, in ballast, allowed to proceed. Lat 59 24N, Long 9 56W

8.30pm: Course S55W

9.15pm: Altered course N3W,zigzagging

11.20pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish motor ship “California”, New York to Copenhagen. 6400 tns. General cargo. Lat 59 33N, Long 10 28W

12.0pm: Sent “California” into Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Lt Clarke RNR

Number on sick list: 5

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10 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.43, Long -10.16

0.30am: Proceeded 69 revs, Course S14E, zigzagging 3 points

5.0am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

6.20am: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

Zigzagging 3 points

Employed painting ship

1.0pm: HMS “Mantua” in sight

2.0pm: Altered course N73E, zigzagging

3.15pm: Spoke HMS “Patuca”

3.48pm: Sighted HMS “Digby”

4.33pm: Stopped sent boat to HMS “Digby” for 1 armed guard

5.30pm: Proceeded 69 revs, S70W, zigzagging

8.0pm: Altered course N3E, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 4

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11 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.4, Long -10.16

2.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

5.40am: Spoke HMS “Changuinola”

6.15am: Sighted HMS “Mantua” in company with American steamer “Cushing”

Zigzagging 3 points

2.0pm: Altered course N5W, zigzagging 3 points

8.0pm: Altered course N5W, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 5

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12 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.4, Long -10.16

2.0am: Altered course N5W, zigzagging 3 points

5.0am: Altered course S1E, zigzagging 3 points

Employed cleaning ship

2.0pm: Altered course N5W, zigzagging 3 points

8.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 3

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13 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.36, Long -10.26

2.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

Employed cleaning ship

11.40am: Spoke HMS “Digby”

1.45pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

7.20pm: Spoke HMS “Patuca”

7.25pm: Examined Norwegian barque “Fingal” bound to New York, in ballast. Allowed to proceed

7.40pm: Examined Norwegian barque “Glenlora” of Christiania for Genoa, cargo scrap iron. Allowed to proceed

7.40pm: Proceeded 69 revs, S12W

9.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

10.15pm: Examined Norwegian steamer “Liv” flying boarded flag. Proceeded N23W

Number on sick list: 4

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14 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.48, Long -10.2

2.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

3.40am: Examined Swedish steamer “Augusta” flying boarded flag. Allowed to proceed

3.45am: Course N3W

5.15am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging 3 points

8.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging

10.0am: Speed as requisite Port Engine stopped for examination

10.53am: Proceeded 69 revs

Employed painting ship & as requisite

1.45pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

3.40pm: Spoke HMS “Patuca” & “Hildebrand”

3.55pm: Closed “Patuca”

4.0pm: Stopped. Sent boats for Armed Guards. Lt Clarke & Sub Lts Grant & Rogers returned with armed guards

4.37pm: Proceeded

4.45pm: Course SSE 69 revs, zigzagging 3 points

5.10pm: Sighted HMS “Mantua”

8.0pm: HMS “Hildebrand” in sight

8.0pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

Number on sick list: 4

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15 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.3, Long -11.2

2.25am: Spoke HMS “Patuca”

2.30am: Altered course S3E, zigzagging

5.0am: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

2.15pm: Altered course N3W, zigzagging 3 points

8.0pm: Altered course S22W. Left patrol

8.10pm: Increased to 78 revs, zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 4

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16 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.43, Long -8.55

Zigzagging 2 points

6.30am: Spoke HMS “India”, zigzagging 2 points

11.22am: Stopped Port Engine for examination of shaft

12.12pm: Proceeded 75 revs, zigzagging 2 points

4.15pm: Spoke HMS “Victorian”, Course S8E

7.35pm: Spoke HMS “India”

7.55pm: Oversay Lt Ho abeam dist 10 miles

10.0pm: Courses as requisite for rounding Mull of Cantyre

10.12pm: Cantyre Lt Ho N69E dist 1 mile

10.50pm: Sanda I. Lt abeam dist 3 miles

Number on sick list: 5

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17 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

12.17am: Pladda I. Lt Ho N12W 4 ½ miles

12.27am: Sighted Holy I. Lt N6E

1.5am: Holy I. Lt abeam 2.6 miles

1.15am: Sighted Lit Cumbrae Lt N20E

2.0am: Cumbrae Lt abeam ¾ mile, altered course N27E. Reduced to 75 revs

2.25am: Signalled Toward Pt War Signal Station

2.53am: Courses & speed as requisite for boom defence & examination steamer

3.24am: Stopped

3.25am: Picked up pilot, proceeded as requisite for River Clyde

7.15am: Secured alongside No 1 Berth Prince’s Dock, Glasgow

10.15am: Sub Lt Wilson & armed guard returned on board

5.15pm: Proceeded HMS “Hazel”

1 Fireman joined ship

Number on sick list: 5

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18 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

4.0am: Proceeded into N° 3 Graving Dock, Govan

Employed shoreing up and as requisite

Pumping out dock

1 Fireman discharged to Hospital

1 Private RMLI discharged to Haslar Hospital

Number on sick list: 4

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19 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

3.0am: Arrived HMS “Patuca”

3.30am: Commenced flooding dock

HMS “Patuca” proceeded into dry dock astern of “Patia”

Pumping out dock

Employed painting & as requisite

Read Warrant N° 17

Hands make & mend clothes

Number on sick list: 3

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20 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

Landed church parties

Number on sick list: 3

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21 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

1 Private RMLI joined from barracks

Number on sick list: 3

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22 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed as requisite

Leave to Port Watch till pm Thursday

Leave to part of Watch till 7 am

Number on sick list: 3

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23 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed as requisite

6.45pm: Proceeded HMS “Columbella”

Number on sick list: 4

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24 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed as requisite

Leave to part of Watch till 7 am

Number on sick list: 3

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25 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

1 Fireman joined ship

5.0pm: Discharged 1 PO to Portsmouth

Read Warrants Nos 18 & 19

Number on sick list: 4

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26 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Commenced flooding dock

10.30am: HMS “Patuca”

12.0am: Undocking

12.30pm: Secured alongside N° 28 Berth Prince’s Dock

2.0pm: Commenced coaling, shore labour

Number on sick list: 4

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27 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Coaling ship

Coaling ship & taking in pig iron ballast

9.0am: Hands mustered by the Ledger

Landed church parties

Number on sick list: 2

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28 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

3.30am: Completed with coal. Received 1094.7 tons (1149.55 actually received - 54.85 tons excess charged coaling)

Employed cleaning ship

Cleaning ship & taking in provisions & stores

1.0pm: Proceeded HMS “Patuca”

2.30pm: Shifted berth

3.10pm: Secured alongside Yorkhill Wharf Glasgow

Number on sick list: 3

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29 June 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

1.15pm: Left wharf

1.20pm: Proceeded as requisite for River Clyde. Pilot on board

Anchor Bearings: Hill of Ardmore S75E, [Starboard] Robert Ness N1W, Roseneath Beacon N53W

3.30pm: Pilot left ship

3.45pm: Stopped. Let go Starboard anchor in 7 ½ fms veered to 2 ½ shackles off Greenock

6.0pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite

6.32pm: Passed through boom defences

6.42pm: Course S38W

6.57pm: Toward Pt abeam

7.35pm: Altered course S17W. Cumbrae Lt abeam 6 cables. Commenced zigzagging

9.30pm: Ailsa Craig abeam 6 miles

10.35pm: Sanda I Lt abeam 3 miles

10.40pm: Altered course N52W Ceased zigzagging

11.20pm: Courses as required round Mull of Cantyre

11.45pm: Mull of Cantyre Lt N60E

Number on sick list: 5

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30 June 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.8, Long -9.7

1.0am: Altered course N66W, zigzagging 2 points

1.52pm: Oversay I. Lt abeam 4 miles

2.40am: Altered course N30W, zigzagging 2 points


9.35am: Spoke HMS “Orotava”

Employed cleaning ship

2.40pm: Examined Danish schooner “Leif” Fredrikshald to Torquay, cargo lumber. Allowed to proceed

2.45pm: Course N30W

Zigzagging 2 points

7.30pm: Sighted bales of cotton (2), floating wood & loose cotton

Zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 4

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1 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.2, Long -11.68

1.0am: Spoke HMS “Digby”

2.0am: Spoke HMS “Columbella”

Zigzagging 2 points

6.35am: Spoke HMS “Royal Scot”

7.50am: Spoke HMS “Oropesa”

Employed cleaning ship

12.0pm: Altered course N1W, zigzagging 2 points

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrant N° 20

8.0pm: Altered course N1W, zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 3

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2 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.68, Long -12.108

1.0am: Altered course S1E zigzagging 2 points

6.0am: Altered course N1W, zigzagging

Zigzagging 2 points

8.45pm: Altered course S1E, zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 2

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3 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.23, Long -12.03

2.0am: Altered course N1W, zigzagging 2 points

9.25am: Courses as requisite, increased to 70 revs. Employed cleaning ship

10.40am: Stopped. Examined Swedish motor vessel “Pedro Christophersen” Christiania to West coast of America. General cargo. Lat 61 19N, Long 12 05W

11.30am: Sent vessel to Stornoway with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Wilson RNR

12.05pm: Proceeded 56 revs, S48E, 56 revs

1.45pm: Zigzagging 2 points

Zigzagging 2 points

10.15pm: Altered course N1W, zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 3

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4 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.75, Long -12.16

2.45am: Altered course S1E, zigzagging 2 points

Zigzagging 2 points

12.30pm: Altered course S1E, zigzagging

5.0pm: Stopped. Examined steam trawler “Elf King” Hull to Iceland. Allowed to proceed

5.6pm: Proceeded S36E, 63 revs

6.45pm: Altered course N1W, zigzagging

8.30pm: Altered course S1E, zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 2

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5 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.6, Long -12.08

Zigzagging 2 points

9.50am: Divisions & Prayers. Aired Night Clothing. Exercised General Quarters. Employed cleaning ship

11.45am: Examined Danish schooner “Maagen” previously boarded


Number on sick list: 2

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6 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.55, Long -11.98

12.30am: Altered course N1W zigzagging

Employed cleaning ship & as requisite

Zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 2

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7 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.58, Long -12.05

Zigzagging 2 points

8.30am: 67 revs, zigzagging 30°

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Aired bedding. Exercised General Quarters

Employed painting ship

Zigzagging 30°

Number on sick list: 2

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8 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.56, Long -12.11

12.15am: Altered course N1W, zigzagging

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Medical lecture

Employed painting ship & as requisite

1.55pm: Spoke HMS “Changuinola”

2.0pm: Course & speed as requisite to close. Speed as requisite

2.55pm: Left “A” patrol (relieved by “Changuinola”). Course S68W

4.10pm: Spoke HMS “Ambrose

4.30pm: Stopped. 1 Warrant Telegraphist joined from HMS “Ambrose”

5.0pm: Proceeded S5W, 67 revs

8.40pm: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

9.35pm: Spoke HMS “Columbella”

10.0pm: Courses as requisite to signal “Columbella”

10.45pm: Relieved “Columbella” on “C” Patrol. Course S3W

Number on sick list: 2

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9 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.81, Long -11.16

2.0am: Altered course N2W, zigzagging 30°

5.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzagging 30°

7.30am: 63 revs, zigzagging 2 points

9.30am: Course N4W, 56 revs. Ceased zigzagging. Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters

12.55pm: Stopped. Examined Norwegian steamer “Ulabrand” New Orleans to Copenhagen, cargo of oilcake. Lat 59 42N, Long 11 12W

1.45pm: Sent “Ulabrand” to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Crummack RNR

2.5pm: Sighted HMS “Mantua”

2.20pm: Proceeded S20E, 56 revs

4.50pm: Spoke HMS “Hilary”

11.45pm: Altered course S2E, 63 revs, zigzagging 2 points

Number on sick list: 2

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10 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.85, Long -11.23

2.0am: Altered course N2W, zigzag 2 points

5.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzag 2 points

Employed cleaning ship

1.3pm: Spoke HMS “Orotava”

2.0pm: Altered course N2W, zigzag 2 points

4.17pm: Spoke HMS “Mantua”. Ceased zigzag

6.20pm: Spoke HMS “Virginian”

Number on sick list: 2

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11 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.63, Long -11.13

9.0am: Spoke HMS “Sappho”. Course & speed as requisite to signal “Sappho”

9.30am: Spoke HMS “Virginian”

10.0am: Proceeded 56 revs N2W

2.40pm: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

5.55pm: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

Number on sick list: 4

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12 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.78, Long -11.25

2.0am: Altered course N2W, zigzag 2 points. Increased to 63 revs

5.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzag 2 points

8.0am: Spoke HMS “Motagua”

11.0am: Sighted HMS “Mantua”, altered course S2E

11.30am: Spoke HMS “Hildebrand”

2.0pm: Altered course N2W, zigzag 2 points

5.0pm: Altered course S2E zigzag 2 points

10.30pm: 67 revs, zigzag 30°

Number on sick list: 5

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13 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.78, Long -11.41

2.0am: Altered course N2W zigzag 30°

5.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzag 30°

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Medical Lecture

11.57am: Stopped. Examined Danish steamer “Florida” Baltimore to Stockholm cargo of coal

12.35pm: SS “Florida” sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Grant RNR. Lat 59 47N, Long 11 25W

12.45pm: Proceeded S28E, 67 [revs], zigzag 2 points

2.30pm: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

5.0pm: Altered course S3E, zigzag 30°

Zigzag 30°

Number on sick list: 5

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14 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 54.61, Long -10.91

2.0am: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

6.45am: Examined Russian steamer “General Suworow” Cardiff to Archangel, cargo coal. Allowed to proceed

7.0am: Proceeded as requisite to intercept Norwegian steamer in ballast

7.50am: Altered course to intercept Aux. barque

8.30am: Examined Danish auxiliary Barque “Ivigtut” Greenland to Copenhagen, cargo of cryolite. Sent into Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Lt Poppleton RNR. Lat 59 44N, Long 11 42W

9.30am: Proceeded S38E, 67 revs

11.40am: Stopped. Communicated with HMS “Motagua”

12.0pm: Proceeded N2W, 67 revs, zigzag 30°

2.0pm: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

5.0pm: Altered course S2E, zigzag 2 points

9.45pm: Stopped. Examined Danish steamer “Antwerpen”, Newcastle to Baltimore, general cargo. Allowed to proceed

10.15pm: Proceeded N52E, 67 revs, zigzag 2 points

Number on sick list: 4

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15 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.86, Long -11.23

1.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzag 30°

5.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzag 30°

Employed painting ship

1.30pm: Course as requisite to close HMS “The Ramsay”

1.45pm: 45 revs, signalling HMS “The Ramsey”

2.30pm: Proceeded 67 revs, N2W, zigzag 30°

5.15pm: Altered course S2E, zigzag 30°

9.30pm: Intercepted British trawler “Frolic” previously boarded

11.0pm: Altered course S2E, zig[zag] 30°

Number on sick list: 4

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16 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.83, Long -11.16

2.0am: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

5.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzag 30°

7.0am: Spoke HMS “Oropesa”

10.20am: Courses as requisite to close HMS “Mantua”

10.47am: Stopped. Sent boat for armed guard (1)

11.18am: Proceeded S2E, 67 revs

Zigzag 30°

7.30pm: Passed steamer (Norwegian) “Peter Jebsen” previously boarded by “Motagua”

8.0pm: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

Number on sick list: 2

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17 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.8, Long -11.06

2.0am: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

3.15am: Spoke HMS “Victorian”

3.45am: 56 revs. Signalling patrol orders to “Victorian”

4.30am: 67 revs, zigzag 30°

Employed cleaning ship

11.0am: Altered course S2E, zigzag 30°

2.30pm: Altered course N2W, 30° zigzag

5.45pm: Stopped. Examined Danish steamer “Gurre” with armed guard from Mantua on board

6.0pm: Proceeded S21W, 67 revs, 30° zigzag

8.45pm: Altered course N2W, 30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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18 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.65, Long -10.95

2.0am: Altered course N2W, 30° zigzag

5.0am: Altered course S2E, 30° zigzag

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers, 30° zigzag

1.30pm: Altered course N2W, 30° zigzag

5.0pm: Altered course S2E, 30° zigzag

9.30pm: 63 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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19 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.93, Long -11.21

2.15am: Altered course N2W, 2 points zigzag

5.0am: Altered course S2E, 2 point zigzag

2.20pm: Altered course N2W, 2 point zigzag

5.0pm: Altered course S2E, zigzag 2 points

10.0pm: Course as requisite to close steamer

Number on sick list: 6

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20 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.66, Long -11.03

12.10am: Stopped Boarded British steamer “Whitefield”, Brest to Archangel, cargo Government stores. Allowed to proceed. Lat 60 04N, Long 11 00W

0.51am: Proceeded as requisite

1.0am: Course S21W, 67 revs, zigzag 2 points

2.0am: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

3.30am: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

5.0am: Altered course S2E, 30° zigzag

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Medical Lecture

11.0am: Altered course S2E, 30° zigzag

2.30pm: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

5.0pm: Altered course S2E, zigzag 30°

8.0pm: Altered course N2W, zigzag 30°

Number on sick list: 7

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21 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.58, Long -11.18

2.0am: Altered course N2W, 30° zigzag

5.0am: Altered course S2E, 30° zigzag

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Employed as requisite Sightsetters at instruction

12.0pm: Hauled in Electric log. Streamed Cherub Log (0)

1.0pm: Sighted HMS “Royal Scot”. Course as requisite to close

2.0pm: Eased to 45 revs. Communicated patrol orders to “Royal Scot”

2.40am: Proceeded S63E, 67 revs

3.30am: Altered course N4W, 30° zigzag

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrant N° 21

5.20pm: Streamed Electric Log

10.45pm: Spoke Danish motor steamer “California” armed guard on board

11.0pm: Altered course S2E, 30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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22 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.5, Long -10.56

2.0am: Altered course N2W, 30° zigzag

5.0am: Altered course S2E, 30° zigzag

10.0am: Altered course N4W. Employed as requisite. Trainers & Sightsetters at instruction

1.40pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian steamer “Imo” Tynemouth to Baltimore, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. Lat 59 12N, Long 10 34W

2.15pm: Proceeded 67 revs, N4W, 30° zigzag

5.0pm: Altered course S1E, 30° zigzag

8.15pm: Spoke HMS “Orcoma

8.45pm: Spoke HMS “Motagua”

8.50pm: Examined Norwegian barque “Cairnsmore” armed guard on board

9.0pm: Course N9W, 30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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23 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.56, Long -10.80

2.0am: Altered course N4W, 30° zigzag

5.0am: Altered course S1E, 30° zigzag

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Training classes at instruction

11.0am: Altered course S1E, 30°zigzag

30° zigzag

5.5pm: Spoke HMS “Orotava”

5.10pm: Altered course S1E, 30° zigzag

7.25pm: Spoke HMS “Royal Scot”

7.30pm: Courses as requisite to close

7.45pm: Stopped

7.50pm: Sent boat with Sub Lt Rogers RNR, lent to HMS “Royal Scot”

8.5pm: Proceeded 67 revs, N4W, 30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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24 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.4, Long -11.0

2.0am: Altered course N4W, 30° zigzag

3.0am: Sighted HMS “Mantua” boarding steamer

3.45am: Spoke HMS “Victorian”

6.50am: Sighted HMS “Motagua” & “Victorian”, 30° zigzag

9.30am: Spoke HMS “Cedric”

10.15am: Stopped communicated by boat with HMS “Cedric”

10.50am: Proceeded S62W, 67 [revs]. Left Patrol, 30° zigzag

Employed cleaning ship

12.0pm: Altered course S22W, 30° zigzag

30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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25 July 1915

At Sea

Lat 55.95, Long -7.93

12.0am: Altered course S31E, 30° zigzag

4.0am: Increased to 78 revs. Manned all guns

5.20am: Passed Danish schooner “Clytia

30° zigzag

9.5am: Spoke HMS “Virginian”

11.40am: Sighted land bearing South

11.50am: Spoke HMS “Alcantara

11.50am: Sighted Oversay I.

1.33pm: Inishtrahull I. bearing S27W 20 miles

2.0pm: Altered course N31W, 30° zigzag

6.45pm: Spoke Norwegian barquentine “Alphonse

7.33pm: Oversay Lt Ho N61E

7.45pm: Altered course S66E, zigzag 30°

9.0pm: Ceased zigzag

10.7pm: Mull of Cantyre abeam dist 7 cables

11.0pm: Sanda I Lt N19E 3 ½ miles

Number on sick list: 4

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26 July 1915

At Sea & Glasgow

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

12.30am: Holy I Lt N10W, Turnberry S55E

1.55am: Cumbrae Lt Ho abeam, altered course N27E

2.10am: Challenged by Toward Pt War Signal Station

3.7am: Stopped. Picked up pilot

3.10am: Proceeded as requisite

3.40am: Let go Starboard anchor in 6 ¾ fms m. veered to 3 shackles off Tail o Bank

Anchor bearings: [Starboard] Roseneath Pt N6W, Roseneath Beacon N68W, Whitefarland Pt S89W

7.45am: Shortened in

8.0am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for River Clyde

11.0am: Secured alongside Berth N° 27 Princes Dock. (Coal Crane)

11.30am: Lt Poppleton & 2 armed guards rejoined

3.30pm: Commenced coaling. Shore labour

Discharged 1 stoker RFR, 1 Pte RMLI, 1 CPO & 1 seamen RNR to hospital & Forton Barracks

Coaling ship

Number on sick list: 4

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27 July 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Coaling ship

Employed painting & as requisite

Mr Lednard, Warrant Telegraphist RNR joined ship

8.35pm: Finished coaling. Received 1096.8 tons

Number on sick list: 1

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28 July 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

Sub Lt Rogers RNR rejoined ship

10.30am: Shifted to N° 4 Berth, Princes Dock

Employed cleaning ship

1 ERA (RNR) 1 PO joined ship. 1 Armed guard rejoined from HMS “Eagle”

Number on sick list: 1

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29 July 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

Employed cleaning paintwork & painting ship

Sub Lt Robinson RNR joined ship

Number on sick list: 2

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30 July 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

Employed painting ship & as requisite

Number on sick list: 5

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31 July 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

1 Pte RMLI, 1 AB 1 stoker RNR & 1 stoker RFR* joined ship

Employed painting ship side & taking in stores

Employed taking in stores and painting ship

Number on sick list: 5

[ed. note: Royal Fleet Reserve]

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1 August 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

10.0am: Landed Church of England, Roman Catholic & Nonconformist church parties

Number on sick list: 3

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2 August 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

Employed preparing for sea & as requisite

3.40pm: Left Prince’s Dock & proceeded as requisite. Pilot on board. Tugs fore & aft

6.45pm: Stopped

6.50pm: Dropped Pilot off Greenock. Proceeded as requisite

7.10pm: Passed boom defence. Course S36W

7.20pm: Stopped for hot crosshead

7.24pm: Proceeded 80 revs

7.35pm: Toward Pt abeam 1 ½ miles, altered course S31W

7.40pm: Challenged by War Signal Station

8.10pm: Cumbrae Lt Ho abeam 6 cables, altered course S17W

9.20pm: Pladda Lt Ho abeam 4 ½ miles

11.14pm: Sanda I abeam 3 ½ miles

11.50pm: Courses as requisite to round Mull of Cantyre

Number on sick list: 3

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3 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.66, Long -9.33

12.10am: Mull of Cantyre Lt N60E 1 ¼ miles, altered course N8W

1.10am: Altered course N71W, 2 point zigzag

3.15am: Altered course N31W, Oversay Lt Ho N50E

All guns manned

2 point zigzag

4.0pm: HMS “Mantua” in sight

2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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4 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.81, Long -11.95

2 points zigzag

5.40am: Spoke HMS “Hildebrand”

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Read Articles of War & Courts Martial returns

1.40pm: Spoke HMS “Ambrose”

4.0pm: Course as requisite to close HMS “Alsatian”

4.37pm: Stopped. Sent boat to “Alsatian”

5.20pm: Proceeded as requisite 76 revs

6.25pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish Aux-Schooner “Fox II”, Ivigtut (Greenland) to Copenhagen 357 tons of cryolite. Lat 61 00N, Long 12 30W

7.15pm: “Fox II” sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Robinson RNR

7.25pm: Proceeded N14E, 67 revs, 2 pt zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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5 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.8, Long -13.28

2 point zigzag

6.0am: Passed British steamer “Strathdee” previously boarded

12.0pm: Altered course S2E, 2 point zigzag

7.30pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian steamer “Drammensfjord” Baltimore to Bergen cargo of grain & coal. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Carte RNR. Lat 62 42N, Long 13 17W

8.50pm: Proceeded S2E, 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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6 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.8, Long -13.4

12.0am: Altered course N2E, 2 point zigzag

2.45am: Spoke HMS “Andes”

4.0am: Altered course S2E, 2 point zigzag

Employed as requisite. Boys at physical drill

2.30pm: Intercepted Russian steamer “Ethelaida” Barry to Arkhangel, cargo coal. Allowed to proceed

2.50pm: Proceeded S14E, 61 revs

5.0pm: Altered course N2E, 2 point zigzag

10.0pm: Spoke HMS “Digby”, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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7 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.8, Long -13.33

12.0am: Altered course North, 2 point zigzag

4.0am: Altered course South, 2 point zigzag

8.0am: Altered course North

8.30am: 67 revs, 30° zigzag

Employed cleaning ship

12.0pm: Altered course South, 30° zigzag

8.0pm: Altered course South


Number on sick list: 4

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8 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.8, Long -13.11

12.15am: Altered course North, 30°zigzag

4.0am: Altered course South, 30° zigzag


Number on sick list: 6

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9 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.8, Long -13.28

12.15am: Altered course North, 30°zigzag

4.0am: Altered course South, 30° zigzag

9.30am: Altered course N2E. Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. N° 1 Guns crew at drill. Employed as requisite

2.12pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish steamer “Botnia” from Copenhagen to Iceland, 600 Tons general cargo. Lat 62 32N, Long 13 12W

4.30pm: SS “Botnia” sent to Stornoway with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Crummack RNR

4.45pm: Proceeded S39E, 61 revs

5.45pm: Altered course North. Increased to 67 revs, 30° zigzag

7.30pm: 58 revs, Ceased zigzag

9.0pm: Increased to 67 revs, 30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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10 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.13, Long -12.66

12.0am: Altered course North, 30° zigzag

5.0am: Examined Russian steamer “Betty” Barry to Arkhangel cargo coal. Allowed to proceed

5.10am: Proceeded South 67 revs, 30° zigzag

10.45am: Stopped sent boat to HMS “Mantua” for 2 ratings

11.5am: Proceeded

1.25pm: Eased to 50 revs. Ceased zigzag

3.25pm: Increased to 67 revs, 30° zigzag

8.19pm: Eased to 51 revs. Ceased zigzag

10.15pm: Increased to 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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11 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.8, Long -13.28

12.15am: Altered course North, 2 point zigzag

6.38am: 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Training classes & Sight setters at instruction

Number on sick list: 8

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12 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.83, Long -13.31

7.30am: Commenced 2 point zigzag

8.45am: 61 revs. 2 point zigzag

9.45am: 50 revs. Ceased zigzag

Divisions & prayers. Exercised Stations for Abandon ship. Employed as requisite. All guns manned

1.45pm: Increased to 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrant N° 22

4.45pm: Ceased zigzag, 50 revs, altered course North

5.20pm: Increased to 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

8.0pm: Altered course South, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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13 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.76, Long -13.18

12.15am: Altered course North, 2 point zigzag

4.0am: Altered course South, 2 point zigzag

9.10am: Spoke HMS “Mantua”

9.15am: Course North, 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

Divisions & prayers. Employed as requisite, 6” guns crews at Divisional Drill. Training classes

12.10pm: Altered course South, 2 point zigzag

HMS “Mantua” in sight

7.15pm: Decreased to 50 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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14 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.85, Long -13.25

2.35am: Increased to 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

7.10am: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 45 revs

2 point zigzag

Employed cleaning ship

1.40pm: Intercepted British steamer “Lovaine” from Manchester to Arkhangel in ballast. Allowed to proceed

1.50pm: Proceeded Course South

4.15pm: Altered course North. Evening Quarters

2 point zigzag

9.0pm: Increased to 67 revs.

30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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15 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.75, Long -13.21

12.0am: Altered course North

30° zigzag

4.0am: Altered course South

30° zigzag

Division & Prayers

30° zigzag

12.15pm: Altered course South

30° zigzag

4.0pm: Evening Quarters

30° zigzag

10.15pm: Decreased to 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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16 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.8, Long -13.28

12.0am: Altered course North, 2 point zigzag

4.0am: Altered course South, 2 point zigzag

Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. N° 5 Guns Crew at Divisional Drill. Boys at Physical Drill & Instruction

12.0pm: Altered course South, 2 point zigzag

8.0pm: Altered course South, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 10

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17 August 1915

At sea

Lat 62.21, Long -12.63

3.0am: Reduced to 54 revs. Ceased zigzag

5.55am: Rendezvoused with HMS “Mantua” & “Patuca”

6.10am: Stopped

6.30am: Proceeded 45 revs. Courses as requisite round Rendezvous

7.30am: Formed line ahead ships 2 miles apart

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Employed as requisite. Training classes at instruction

11.25am: Sighted “HMS Ambrose”

11.40am: Stopped. Sent boat for armed guards

12.10pm: Armed guards (2) rejoined from HMS “Ambrose”. Supplied 112 lbs butter, 112 lbs potatoes & 56 lbs beans to HMS “Patuca”

12.30am: HMS “Mantua” & HMS “Patuca” proceeded independently

12.50pm: Proceeded North, 61 revs, “Ambrose” 6 miles on Starboard beam

2.10pm: HMS “Ambrose” proceeded

6.0pm: Course S20W, 2 point zigzag

8.10pm: Examined Russian steamer “Burevestnik” flying boarded flag. Allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 9

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18 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.8, Long -11.55

3.0am: 67 revs, 30° zigzag

6.50am: Spoke HMS “Arlanza

9.30am: Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. 6” Guns crews at Divisional Drill

12.23pm: Stopped. Picked up floating buoy

12.35pm: Proceeded as requisite

1.15pm: Stopped. Boarded American steamer “Platuria” Philadelphia to Copenhagen via Kirkwall, cargo petroleum. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Wilson RNR

2.10pm: Proceeded 61 revs S2E

7.45pm: Spoke HMS “Hildebrand”

8.0pm: Course as requisite to communicate with HMS “Hildebrand”

8.20pm: Course S88W, 67 revs, 2 point zigzag

10.30pm: Altered course S23E, 30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 10

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19 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.13, Long -10.83

30° zigzag

9.10am: Spoke HMS “Andes”

Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Fore & Maintopmen at small arm drill. Marines at infantry drill

1.0pm: Altered course N23W, 30° zigzag

6.35pm: Spoke HMS “Oropesa”

7.10pm: Stopped. HMS “Oropesa” sent boat for back signals

7.25pm: Proceeded 67 revs, N23W

30° zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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20 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.46, Long -11.53

1.0am: Altered course S21E, 30° zigzag

6.0am: Altered course N23W, 30°zigzag

9.30am: 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 11

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21 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.2, Long -10.5

7.30am: 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

Employed cleaning ship

11.0am: Altered course N37W, 2 point zigzag

1.10pm: Altered course N43W, 2 point zigzag

4.15pm: Altered course S21E, Evening Quarters, 2 point zigzag

9.0pm: Altered course N25W, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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22 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.56, Long -11.51

2 point zigzag

5.20am: Intercepted Danish schooner “Laurits”, Fowey to Helsingborg, cargo china clay. Allowed to proceed

5.45am: Course S21E, 61 revs

9.30am: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

10.15pm: Altered course S22E, 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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23 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.16, Long -10.36

2 point zigzag

Divisions & Prayers. N° 1 62 Gun’s Crew at Divisional Drill. F.X* & Q.D* men at Small Arm Drill

12.30pm: Altered course N39W, 2 point zigzag

4.30pm: Ceased zigzag, 55 revs, altered course N40W

Number on sick list: 12

[ed. note: Forecastle (FX) and Quarterdeck (QD) men]

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24 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.36, Long -10.73

7.0am: Increased to 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

10.20am: Stopped. Boarded Swedish steamer “St Andrew”, Baltimore to Gothenborg, cargo coal. Sent into Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Robinson RNR

11.25am: Proceeded N44W, 61 revs

2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 11

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25 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.35, Long -11.15

12.15am: Altered course S21E, 2 point zigzag

5.0am: Altered course N25W, 2 point zigzag

9.10am: Ceased zigzag. Eased to 56 revs, altered course N26W

Division & Prayers, Fore & Maintopmen at Small Arm Drill

4.0pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian steamer “Songa”, from San Nicholas to Helsinborg, cargo Indian corn. Lat 57 05N, Long 10 32W

4.30pm: SS “Songa” sent to Stornoway with armed guard in charge of Sub Lt Carle RNR

5.0pm: Proceeded N31W, 56 revs

Number on sick list: 13

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26 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.11, Long -10.71

Divisions & Prayers. Exercised General Quarters. Marines at Infantry Drill. Supply parties at 6”' Gun Drill

Employed cleaning paintwork & as requisite

9.30pm: Increased to 61 revs, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 13

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27 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.35, Long -11.16

2 point zigzag

4.0am: Altered course S21E, 2 point zigzag

9.0am: Altered course N25W. Divisions & prayers. Medical Lecture. F.X. & Q.D men at Small Arms Drill

2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 12

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28 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.53, Long -11.6

12.15am: Altered course S21E, 2 point zigzag

5.0am: Altered course N25W, 2 point zigzag

10.40am: Intercepted British Trawler “John S. Boyle” Stornoway to Rockall. Allowed to proceed

11.0am: Proceeded S26E

2 point zigzag

5.0m: Altered course N23W, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 12

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29 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.1, Long -10.6

2 point zigzag

3.0am: Altered course N23W

2 point zigzag

10.0am: Hands to Muster by the Ledger. Prayers

2 point zigzag

4.52pm: Stopped. Communicated with HMS “Changuinola”, 1 armed guard rejoined

5.15pm: Proceeded N23W, 61 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 11

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30 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 57.13, Long -10.68

2 point zigzag

3.0am: Altered course N23W

2 point zigzag

9.0am: Aired Night Clothing. Divisions & Prayers. Q.D & F.X men to Small Arm Drill

2 point zigzag

1.0pm: Altered course N23W, 2 point zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S23E, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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31 August 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.26, Long -8.4

2.0am: Altered course S23E, 2 point zigzag

5.0am: Increased to 78 revs. Course S32E, 30° zigzag. Left Patrol

11.15am: Spoke HMS “Orotava”

30° zigzag

4.0pm: Sighted land bearing S60E

6.15pm: Oversay Lt Ho abeam 5 miles

6.20pm: Challenged by Portnahaven War Signal Station

8.0pm: Otter Rock Light Vessel N 78E, [Port side] the Hd N22W

9.25pm: Cantyre Lt Ho bearing East 1.3 miles

10.30pm: Altered course N80E, 1 point zigzag

11.35pm: Pladda Lt Ho abeam 4 miles

Number on sick list: 8

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[ed note: signed T.E. Coombe per Captain]

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1 September 1915

At Sea & Glasgow

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

1.17am: Cumbrae Lt Ho abeam 6 cables, altered course N30E

1.30am: Hauled in Pat Log

1.55pm: Skelmorlie Bk Lt Buoy abeam altered course N39E

1.45am: Challenged by Toward Pt War Signal Station

2.30am: Passed through Boom Defence. Course & speed as requisite to pick up pilot & for River Clyde

5.30am: Secured alongside coaling wharf Prince’s Dock Glasgow

9.0am: Discharged 2 stokers RFR to HMS “Columbella”, 3 armed guard rejoined

10.20am: Commenced coaling, shore labour

11.0am: Discharged 2 ratings to hospital

1.10pm: Paid Monthly Advance

Read Warrant N° 23

Discharged 4 ratings to Haslar Hospital

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2 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Coaling ship, shore labour

3 boys joined ship from HMS “Victory”

Coaling ship

4.0pm: Finished coaling. Received [ed. note: space left blank] tons

Shifted berth to N° 1 Berth Prince’s Dock. Touched SS “Pindos” & slightly bent 1 davit. Ship in charge of pilot & tugs head & stern (after tow ropes parted)

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3 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

Employed painting ship

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4 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Employed cleaning ship

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5 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed cleaning ship

10.0am: Church parties sent away

11.15am: 1 Man R.M.L.I. joined ship from Gosport

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6 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed taking in stores

1.10pm: Hands employed taking in stores

1 A.B. Rating joined ship from HMS “Vivid”

8.30pm: Captain Vivian & coxswain left ship

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7 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Three Ratings joined ship 1 from “Vivid” 2 from “Victory”

Lieut Howie left ship

Hands taking in stores

6.45pm: Sub Lieut Turnbull joined ship from HMS “Excellent”

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8 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed painting & cleaning ship

Hands employed cleaning & painting ship

2 ratings discharged to HMS “Victory”

1 rating discharged to HMS “Pembroke”

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9 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.25am: Pilot boarded

12.30pm: Shifted ship to York Hill Basin

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10 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands cleaning ship

11.0am: One Marine discharged to HMS “Mantua”

12.55pm: HMS “Columbella” sailed

2.0pm: Left Yorkhill Basin. Course & speed as requisite

3.0pm: Hands to General Quarters, supplied ammunition

3.45pm: Hands to Collision stations

4.30pm: Anchored in 14 ½ fathoms, 45 fthms cable on Starboard anchor

Bearings: Hill Ardmore S76E, Greenock Pier S25W, Kempock Point N84W

8.5pm: Up anchor, course & speed as requisite

9.30pm: Skelmorlie Buoy altered course Dist ¾ mile

10.15pm: Increased to 84 revs, Little Cumbrae Lt abeam. Course S21W, 2 point zigzag

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11 September 1915


Lat 56.6, Long -9.36

12.15am: Altered course N84W 2 point zigzag. Course as requisite passing Mull of Cantyre

1.55am: Mull of Cantyre abeam

2.45am: Altered course N67W 2 pt zigzag

3.2am: Altered course S67W to avoid HMS “Alcantara”

3.15am: Altered course N61W 2 pt zigzag

4.30am: Altered course N30W 2 pt zigzag

Electric log out of order

7.40am: Altered course N34W 2 pt zigzag

Lat 56 04N, Long 7 56W

11.15am: Patent Log changed

4.40pm: Altered course N23E 2 pt zigzag

9.55pm: Collided with HMS “Oropesa”. Forepeak flooded & stem badly damaged

Hands to collision stations, out Collision mat, shored up Collision bulkhead and commenced shifting pig iron ballast from N° 1 Hold to After holds

Position at 9.55pm: Lat 58 26N, Long 11 00W

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12 September 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.51, Long -10.91

1.25am: Exchanged Parts with HMS “Ebro

3.8am: HMS “Columbella” arrived

4.0am: N° 1 TK dry

[ed. note: N°1 Tank checked every half an hour from 4.0am to 10.30am and found dry]

Hands employed shifting ballast

10.15am: Replaced collision mat

10.45am: Proceeded stern first S25E, 35 revs

11.15am: Collision mat for repairs

12.0pm: Increased 60 revs. HMS “Ebro” in Company

5.0pm: Hands preparing extra collision mats & shifting ballast. Engines as requisite

Constant Watch kept on Collision Bulkhead N° 1 Tank reported every 1/2 hour Dry

Lat 58 12N, Long 10 34W

Engines worked as requisite for steering HMS “Ebro” in company

Constant watch kept on Collision Bulkhead

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13 September 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.0, Long -11.83

1.45am: Sighted light Port beam

Hands engaged shifting ballast N° 1 Tank sounded every 15 mins & reported dry

Lat 56 16N, Long 10 40W

9.17am: Stopped, placed extra collision mat

11.21am: Increased to 72 revs, HMS “Ebro” in company

Constant watch on Collision Bulkhead

HMS “Ebro” in company

Bulkhead & N° 1 TK reported every 15 mins

Hands engaged shifting ballast

8.0pm: Hands to Night defence stations

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14 September 1915

At Sea

Lat 55.46, Long -6.76

0.50am: Torpedo reported to. General Quarters. Courses various & zigzagging

Constant watch kept on bulkhead

N° 1 Tank reported every 15 mins Dry

Various Courses to Captain’s orders

4.20am: 2 points zigzag

5.10am: Barra Hd bore N73E

6.30am: Altered course S13E, Barra Hd Lt bore N48E

Hands engaged shifting Ballast

8.0am: Exchanged Pts with HM Sweepers “Lord Lister”, “Scot” & “Imperial Queen

Constant watch kept on N° 1 Tank & Collision bulkhead

10.15am: Oversay bearing S40E

0.50pm: HMS “Bonetta” joined up as escort

12.40pm: Altered course S31E 2 pt zigzag

2.0pm: Altacarry Hd abeam

2.40pm: Course as requisite through Rathlin Sound. Constant watch on Collision Bulkhead N° 1 Tank reported dry every 15 min

4.32pm: Maidens bearing S11W

4.57pm: Man Overboard, away sea boats

5.3pm: HMS “Bonetta” picked up man, boats returned & ship proceeded N67E

6.0pm: HMS “Ebro” parted company

7.18pm: Pladda N60E

7.40pm: Turnberry bore S65E

8.55pm: Holy Is abeam 3 miles dist

9.52pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course N28E

10.35pm: Skelmorlie abeam, altered course N35E

11.15pm: Passed boom defence

11.20pm: Pilot on board. Course and speed as requisite

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15 September 1915

Prince’s Dock Glasgow

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

0.10am: Proceeded up Clyde. Tugs ast. Course & speed as requisite. Constant watch kept on Collision bulkhead No1 tank dry

1.0am: Pt Dumbarton rock

1.24am: Reported passing Bowling watch house

3.30am: Cast off Tugs. Pilot left

3.35am: All fast alongside N° 31 berth Prince’s Dock

0.45pm: One rating discharged to hospital

1.40pm: Hands employed discharging provisions and cleaning out foremost storerooms

3.30pm: Shifted ship into dry-dock

5.10pm: Ship took the blocks

Piped leave to Port watch & 2nd part of Starboard Watch till 7 am

6.15pm: Lieut Poppleton RNR left the ship

11.30pm: One Seaman rating missed HMS “Digby” joined

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16 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.0am: Officers for Court of Enquiry came aboard

Court of Enquiry held during Forenoon

Court of Enquiry held during Afternoon

1.20pm: Piped leave to Star watch and 1st part of Port watch to 7am

5.5pm: HMS “Mantua” sailed

7.55pm: Connected up Shore Fire hoses to ship

10.30pm: Sub-Lieut Bond RNR joined ship

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17 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

HMS “Hildebrand” arrived

9.0am: Port watch left on general leave. Hands employed as requisite

Work on bow proceeding

4.45pm: Leave to first part of watch

5.30pm: Rigged fire hoses

Thomas Coy Leading Telegraphist left on a raft

9.0pm: Rounds

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18 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Rounds correct

Cleaned up mess decks

8.10am: HMS “Patuca” arrived

Hands cleaning ship

Proceeding with repairs to bows

3.45pm: Rigged fire hoses

4.10pm: Read warrant N° 25 confining J Cartwright to 14 days imprisonment

Rigged hoses

Rounds correct

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19 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Rounds correct

Cleaned up mess deck

9.50am: Fell in for Divisions

10.20am: Church parties left, R.C. on HMS “Hildebrand”

Noon: Church parties returned and piped leave for part of Watch

Rigged hoses


Rounds visited

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20 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Rounds visited

Cleaned up mess decks

Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed variously

Leave to part of watch

4.15pm: Evening quarters

Rigged fire-hoses

9.0pm: Rounds

Rounds visited

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21 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Rounds visited

Cleaned up mess deck

9.30am: HMS “Mimosa” (MS) commissioned

Hands employed cleaning and painting ship

HMS “Orotava” arrived

Hands variously employed

Rigged fire hoses

9.0pm: Rounds

Rounds visited

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22 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Rounds visited

Cleaned up mess deck

9.15am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands painting ship’s side

4.15pm: Evening quarters

Rigged fire hoses

9.0pm: Rounds

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23 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Rounds visited

Cleaned up mess deck

10.40am: W. Knight AB joined from HMS “Victory”

HMS “Hilary” arrived Prince’s Dock

5.45pm: L. Grant RNR rejoined

Rigged fire hoses

9.0pm: Rounds

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24 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Rounds visited

Cleaned up mess deck

0.55pm: HMS “Ebro” left

1.10pm: Flooded Dry Dock to allow of “Oropesa” leaving

1.45pm: Ship took the blocks

2.0pm: HMS “Patuca” left

Rigged fire hoses

9.0pm: Rounds

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25 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed cleaning ship

One RNR rating rejoined from hospital

9.0pm: Rounds

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26 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Church parties sent ashore

11.15am: One marine joined

2.20pm: HMS “Hildebrand” left

4.10pm: Evening quarters. Fire gear connected

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27 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Piped leave for Star Watch

9.0am: Port Watch returned

Hands make and mend

Leave to 2nd part of watch

2.0pm: Boys leave to 7 pm

Fire gear connected

9.0pm: Rounds

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28 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Escort arrived with deserter

HM Ships “Oropesa” – “Orotava” left

Fire gear connected

9.0pm: Rounds

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29 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed painting ship

HMS “Hildebrand” arrived

9.0pm: Rounds

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30 September 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed painting ship

Prize crews ex HMS “Patuca” arrived

Serj. Major* R.M.L.I. joined from Gosport

2.30pm: Flooded Dry Dock, hands standing by lines

3.45pm: Ship water-bourne

5.10pm: HMS “Hildebrand” came into dry Dock

5.45pm: Ship took blocks again

*[ed. note: Serjeant-Major]

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1 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Hands turned to

Hands employed painting & cleaning ship

2.35pm: HMS “Motagua” sailed

7.30pm: Armed guard from “Mantua” arrived on board

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2 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Hands turned to

Hands cleaning ship

11.0am: Four casks rum taken aboard

Hands make & mend clothes

Rigged fire hoses

9.0pm: Rounds

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3 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Hands turned to

9.50am: R.C.s to church on board HMS “Ambrose”

10.30am: Church of England & Nonconformist parties to church

11.45am: R.C.s returned from church

12.20pm: Nonconformists returned from church

12.30pm: Church of England party returned from church

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4 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Hands turned to

1.30pm: Two collision mats received on board

2.50pm: 1 Rating left for hospital

3.30pm: Labourers on board to work pig iron. Hands employed rigging derricks, etc

3.40pm: Sub Lieut Macartney RNR joined ship from Portsmouth

7.0pm: Armed guard from “Ebro” arrived

Number on sick list: 2

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5 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Hands turned to

5.30pm: Discontinued shifting pig iron

Number on sick list: 1

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6 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

4.0am: Commenced working pig iron

6.0am: Hands turned to

3.30pm: Read warrant N° 26 McGilvray (fireman) sent to Duke St Prison

Fire hoses rigged

5.30pm: Motor sounding machine received on board

Number on sick list: 1

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7 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Hands turned to

9.0am: Starboard watch returned from leave

10.15am: HMS “Changuinola” arrived Queens Dock

4.0pm: Fire hoses rigged. Composition applied to ship’s bottom: - “Borallis” (no change); Anticorrosive Touch up; Antifouling Full coal

8.0pm: Three ERAs left ship for Portsmouth

Number on sick list: 1

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8 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Hands turned to

11.45am: Flooded dry dock

12.30pm: Floated off blocks

1.30pm: Passed out of dry dock

2.0pm: Moored alongside coaling jetty (No 26)

3.0pm: Commenced coaling

5.45pm: Capt Mahon left ship for hospital

8.15pm: 1 Rating discharged to RN Barracks Portsmouth

11.30pm: Shifted ship to coal at N° 2 Hatch

Number on sick list: 6

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9 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

2.30am: Completed coaling

6.0am: Hands turned to

Hands employed cleaning ship & taking in stores

10.45am: Lieut Cartwright left ship

12.15pm: HMS “Columbella” arrived Prince’s Dock

1.30pm: HMS “Hildebrand” sailed

4.45pm: Two sick berth ratings left ship for Portsmouth

7.45pm: Two sick berth ratings joined from Portsmouth

10.20pm: Left Prince’s dock assisted by 2 tugs

11.30pm: Secured at N° 73 Plantation Quay

Number on sick list: 2

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10 October 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands employed getting ship ready for sea

Anchors taken on board from quay

Lieut Pullman on board for adjusting compass at Tail of Bank

0.25pm: Pilot & tugs in attendance

0.30pm: Singled up

0.32pm: Proceeded down river

2.0pm: Passed Dumburton Rock

3.0pm: Arrived off Greenock & commenced swinging for adjustments

3.50pm: Proceeded to anchorage in 11 faths; 30 faths cable

3.55pm: Rung off engines

9.10pm: Hove up anchor & proceeded course & speed as required

6.30pm: Passed Roseneath light ½ mile

9.45pm: Clock Pt Lt abeam

9.55pm: Passed boom defence, altered course S31W, revs 83

10.20pm: Skelmorlie Lt ¾ mile course altered S26W

10.57pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, Streamed log, altered course S42W

11.47pm: Holy Is Lt abeam

Number on sick list: 2

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11 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.16, Long -9.73

12.10am: Pladda Lt abeam 1 mile

12.15am: Altered course S79W, 1 pt zigzag

1.30am: Sanda Lt abeam 1 mile, Log 39

1.50am: Course as requisite passing Mull of Cantyre

2.5am: Mull of Cantyre abeam ¼ mile Log 47, altered course N26W

3.0am: Otter Rk abeam 4 miles, Log 61

5.30am: Commenced 2 pt zigzag

11.15am: Sighted barque on Port bow

11.30am: Communicated position to her at her request

2.0pm: Reduced to 78 revs & discontinued Day defence stations

5.0pm: Altered course N3E, log 65.5 & ceased zigzagging

5.35pm: Received signal from “Cedric” to relieve “Virginian” on R Patrol. Rendezvous 8AM Weds 13th, Lat 63 20N, Long 14 45W

Number on sick list: 3

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12 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.95, Long -13.46

4.40pm: Passed HMS “Orotava”

6.10pm: Darkened Ship

7.55pm: Switched on steaming lights

Number on sick list: 12

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13 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.48, Long -14.81

12.50am: Decreased revs to communicate with HMS “Oropesa”

4.55am: Sighted vessel on Port bow

5.15am: Challenged HMS “Orcoma” & replied

5.20am: Altered course N41E, Log 60, 4 pt zigzag increased to 70 revs

11.53am: Eased engines to slow to obtain sounding no bottom

2.10pm: Challenged by HMS “Virginian” dist 1mile (replied)

2.20pm: Stopped

2.35pm: Transferring armed guards of “Mantua”, “Ebro” & “Patuca”

3.50pm: Proceeded S18E, 70 revs

4.0pm: HMS “Virginian” in sight

8.25pm: Switched on steaming lights

Number on sick list: 5

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14 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.3, Long -15.66

Hands employed as required

5.50pm: Switched on steaming lights

6.0pm: Hands darkened ship & night defence stations

Number on sick list: 4

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15 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.3, Long -14.1

6.0am: Challenged by HMS “Oropesa”

8.0am: HMS “Orcoma” & “Oropesa” in sight

3.5pm: Observed land on Port bow

Number on sick list: 3

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16 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.96, Long -15.26

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.40am: Altered course S8W zigzagging 2 points, Log 20

2.30pm: Ceased zigzag

5.30pm: Switched on navigation lights & darkened ship

Number on sick list: 4

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17 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 64.03, Long -14.53

11.5am: Observed land on Starboard bow

6.30pm: Reduced to 64 revs, log 101, zigzag 2 points

8.0pm: Altered course S8W, 2 points zigzag

9.50pm: Passed steam trawler “India”

Number on sick list: 4

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18 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.83, Long -15.13

12.15am: Altered course N8E, log 63, Reduced to 56 revs & ceased zigzag

2.30am: Passed trawler “India”

5.15am: Passed trawler “India”

10.38am: Course as required for intercepting trawler

11.5am: Boarded British trawler “India” from Grimsby, fishing

11.25am: Proceeded N8E, 80 revs

12.55pm: Observed land on Starboard bow

3.0pm: Passed trawler “India”

6.30pm: Reduced to 64 revs, 2 pt zigzag

6.40pm: Passed trawler “India”

8.30pm: Observed SS on Port bow

8.53pm: Course altered as required for intercepting SS

9.20pm: Stopped engines

9.30pm: Boarded American SS “Joseph W. Fordney”, from New York to Archangel, general cargo, papers correct, allowed to proceed. Lat 64 01N, Long 15 00W

Number on sick list: 4

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19 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.78, Long -15.03

2.0am: Altered course N8E. Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 56 revs

10.15am: Observed land on Starboard bow. Divisions & Prayers. Examined collision stations; armed guards at revolver instruction

11.0am: Altered course S8W, log 69, 2 points zigzag

2.0pm: Altered course N8E, log 10, 2 points zigzag

3.0pm: Altered course S8E, log 24.7, 2 points zigzag

4.0pm: Altered course N8E, log 39, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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20 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 64.0, Long -15.0

1.0am: Altered course N8E, log 45, 2 points zigzag

2.30am: Reduced to 56 revs, log 65 & ceased zigzag

9.10am: Passed trawler “India” fishing

10.0am: Observed land on Star bow

10.30am: Received signal from S.O. 10th C.S. to proceed towards Revsnaes Lt to pass W/T signals to HMS “Andes”

3.0pm: Received signal from S.O. 10th C.S. to return to station

9.48pm: Navigation lights

Number on sick list: 6

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21 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 64.0, Long -15.26

9.45am: Passed trawler “India” fishing

Number on sick list: 8

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22 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.58, Long -14.48

Marines to infantry drill

Number on sick list: 8

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23 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.35, Long -13.85

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.25am: Passed trawler A 459

Number on sick list: 8

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24 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.58, Long -14.2

Divisions & Prayers

5.0pm: Altered course S6W, log 72. Hands darkened ship. Night defence stations

Number on sick list: 7

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25 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.95, Long -14.66

Divisions - Prayers & General Quarters. Boys to physical drill – hands as required

10.40am: Observed land on Port bow, altered course S85W neg zigzag

10.55am: Altered course S7W & 2 pt zigzag

5.40pm: Hands darkened ship & night defence stations

6.0pm: Reduced to 56 revs & ceased zigzag

9.0pm: Stopped for engine room purposes, Log 89 (in)

9.40pm: Proceeded at 56 revs. Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 7

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26 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.91, Long -15.21

7.45am: Altered course W3E, 2 pt zigzag, increased to 73 revs

5.0pm: Altered course N9W, log 85.5. Darkened ship & night defence stations. Switched on side lights

Number on sick list: 5

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27 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.83, Long -14.13

Divisions & Prayers & General Quarters

4.0pm: Altered course N12W, log 6.5. Evening Quarters. Hands darkened ship & night defence stations

7.5pm: Altered course S13E, log 36.8

Switched on side lights

Number on sick list: 3

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28 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.35, Long -13.0

Divisions & Prayers – hands to abandon ship stations

4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Darkened ship & night defence stations

5.40pm: Switched on side lights

Number on sick list: 4

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29 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.38, Long -13.38

9.40am: Sun bore by compass S16 ½E, Dev 0°-30’E NNW

4.45pm: Observed land bearing N25W

Number on sick list: 4

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30 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 63.81, Long -14.26

Hands employed cleaning ship

12.20pm: Received signal from S.O. 10th C.S. proceed to 63 00N, 7 00W; altered course S52E, log 93.3

Evening Quarters. Darkened ship & night defence stations

9.0pm: Observed SS on Starboard beam

10.0pm: Handed log & reduced to 50 revs

10.5pm: Stopped & examined SS “Knightsgarth”, Liverpool to Archagel, cargo of munition. Allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 7

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31 October 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.73, Long -6.9

6.0am: Increased to 68 revs & 2 pt zigzag

7.45am: Altered course S63E, ceased zigzag

11.0am: Altered course S23W, log 22, 2 points zigzag

[ed. note: Soundings taken from 5.45pm to 11.15pm]

Number on sick list: 7

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1 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.06, Long -3.1

2.5am: Increased to 62 revs, 2 points zigzag

7.35am: Altered course S6W to intercept sailing vessel

8.0am: 2 points zigzag, 10 min

9.0am: Stopped to examine Danish barque “Thorvaldsen” from governor of Greenland to Crown Copenhagen, general cargo

9.30am: Allowed to proceed

9.40am: N48W, 80 revs, 2 pt zigzag

11.0am: Received signal from S.O. 10th C.S. to send “Thorvaldsen” to Lerwick; altered course S37E

12.45pm: Stopped

12.50pm: “Thorvaldsen” proceeded to Lerwick with armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Wilson RNR

1.10pm: Proceeded N48W, 80 revs, log 18, 2 pt zigzag

4.30pm: Hands fell in for monthly payment

7.0pm: Reduced 56 revs, neg zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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2 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.41, Long -4.6

7.0am: Altered course N59W, log 25, 2 points zigzag

Observed land bearing West

1.46pm: Altered course N41W, log 20. Position verified by cross bearings

5.30pm: Altered course S64E, log 72, negative zigzag & reduced to 56 revs

7.45pm: Sounding-wire carried away, 150 fathoms

Number on sick list: 6

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3 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.55, Long -5.15

7.0am: Altered course N59W, 2 pt zigzag. Increased to 80 revs

Divisions – prayers & collision stations

11.10am: Observed land bearing West

11.30am: HMS “Oropesa” in sight on Port bow

Position verified by cross bearings

5.25pm: Altered course S59E, 2 pt zigzag, log 52

6.0pm: Reduced to 58 revs & ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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4 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 62.5, Long -4.9

7.0am: Altered course N59W & increased to 80 revs & 2 points zigzag, log 99

Divisions & prayers & abandon ship stations

Marines mustered bedding & kit bags

11.0am: Observed land bearing West

1.43pm: Steering gear jambed - stopped Port engine to compensate, Log 80.5

1.47pm: Defect remedied & proceeded, Log 81.5

5.45pm: Altered course S59E, Log 52. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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5 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.36, Long -9.2

2.15am: Observed Myggenaes Lt bearing S42W, log 36

4.30am: Myggenaes Lt abeam, log 57

7.30am: 2 point zigzag

9.15am: Observed SS on Port bow

9.25am: Challenged HMS “Alsatian” & ceased zigzag

9.35am: Observed HMS “Columbella”

9.45am: Log in

10.0am: Stopped. Commander Bowring repaired on board “Alsatian”

10.20am: Received armed guard & Sub Lieut Wilson

11.25am: Received 2 ratings: 1 Wireless CPO & 1 seaman

10.45am: Captain returned. HMS “Alsatian” proceeded for patrol

11.0am: Proceeded S62W, 84 revs

12.0am: Reset electric log to zero

1.50pm: Passed British trawler bound North

Number on sick list: 6

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6 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.06, Long -8.1

7.0am: Altered course S45E, log 76, 2 points zigzag

9.0am: Altered course S38W, log 66, 2 points zigzag

Hands to day defence stations

2.5pm: Lost sounding wire 200 fath & lead

3.0pm: Sighted steamer on Starboard bow (J.K.D.F.) British

3.50pm: Observed Skerryvore Lt bearing N71E

5.15pm: Dubh Artach Lt abeam

5.40pm: Altered course S6E, log 37; 2 points zigzag

8.50pm: Rounded Mull of Cantyre & observed Sanda Lt

9.30pm: Sanda Lt abeam altered course N78E, 2 points zigzag

10.45pm: Pladda Lt abeam ½ mile

11.15pm: Holy Is Lt abeam ½ mile, ceased zigzag, altered course N10E

11.30pm: Log in

Number on sick list: 5

[ed.note: Signal letters for SS “Metagama”]

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7 November 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

12.0am: Cumbrae Lt abeam

12.20am: Signalled Toward Point

1.7am: Stopped – gate not clear

1.10am: Half speed for passing through boom defence

1.55am: Embarked pilot and proceeded to anchorage

2.20am: Stop

2.25am: Port anchor 17 fath water veered to 3 shackles; wind increasing

5.15am: Let go Starboard anchor

6.55am: Starboard anchor up

7.15am: Port anchor up & proceeded towards Prince’s Dock. Speed various stern by fast

8.30am: Made fast head by off Bouley

10.20am: Secured alongside N° 28 Prince’s Dock

10.40am: 2 ratings joined ship & 1 rating discharged

8.0pm: 2 Ratings left for Haslar Hosp. & 1 Serg. Marines for Barracks

Number on sick list: 4

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8 November 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.30am: Commenced coaling ship

11.30am: Officer & 4 armed guards arrived from HMS “Motagua”

2.30pm: 2 Ratings discharged to hospital

9.30pm: 3 Signal ratings joined ship

Number on sick list: 4

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9 November 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

3.0am: Finished coaling

Hands employed cleaning ship

9.0am: Hove ship across dock to berth 19

10.0am: Fast alongside

2.30pm: Left berth 19 for Plantation Wharf with assistance of 2 tugs

3.30pm: Fast alongside

Number on sick list: 2

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10 November 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed cleaning ship

6.30pm: Took on board 1 waggon stores various

Number on sick list: 1

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11 November 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands taking stores aboard

2.30am: Stores aboard

1 Case clock dispatched to Admiralty

Number on sick list: 0

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12 November 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

0.20am: Two marines joined ship

10.45am: HMS “Motagua” arrived. Armed guard HMS “Motagua” left ship

Hands taking in stores & provisions

Number on sick list: 1

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13 November 1915

Glasgow [Plantation Quay]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands cleaning ship

10.30am: Hands taking stores aboard

3.15pm: Shifted ship two berths ahead

11.0pm: Men from long leave returned

Number on sick list: 2

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14 November 1915

Glasgow [Plantation Quay]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.0am:Divisions. R.C party sent to “Oropesa”

10.15am: Church of England & Presbyterian march to church

11.40am: RCs returned

12.40pm: Church of England & Presbyterian parties returned

3.0pm: Cast off

3.40pm: Turned off Prince’s Dock proceeded assisted by two tugs

4.10pm: Cast off forward tug

5.20pm: Dunbarton Rock abeam

6.5pm: Cast off aft tug

6.10pm: Cleared channel

6.20pm: Roseneath Lt abeam ½ mile

6.30pm: Disembarked pilot .Course & speed as required for passing boom defence

6.51pm: Cleared gate S31W 84 revs

7.13pm: Skelmorlie Lt abeam ½ mile

7.20pm: Challenged by and exchanged pendant Toward Point

7.20pm: Zigzag 2 points

7.45pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course S24W

7.50pm: Streamed Log zero

8.40pm: Holy Is Lt abeam, altered course S28W

9.5pm: Pladda Lt abeam, altered course S79W Log 18

10.26pm: Sanda Lt abeam, altered course N60W & as requisite

11.3pm: Mull of Cantyre abeam log 47

11.10pm: Altered course N18W 2 points zigzag log 49

11.55pm: Altered course N53W ceased zigzag log 58.5

Number on sick list: 2

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15 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.51, Long -10.43

1.19am: Altered course N47W log 80, Oversay Lt abeam

Hands at night defence stations

7.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

10.45am: Altered course N42W log 15, 2 points zigzag

0.35pm: Altered course N37W, 2 points zigzag, log 36.9

5.0pm: Altered course N22E, log 94.

Received instruction from S.O. 10th C.S. rendezvous 10.0am 16th, [Lat] 60 30N, [Long] 10 40W

9.20pm: Reduced to 72 revs. Ceased zigzag, log 48

Number on sick list: 5

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16 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.5, Long -10.56

7.30am: Hauled patent log in to clear

9.55am: Challenged HMS “Almanzora” and exchanged pendants

11.30am: Spoke HMS “Cedric” & ceased zigzag

11.50am: Stopped

12.0am: Boat left for “Cedric”

12.15pm: HMS “Cedric” proceeded & boat returned

12.25pm: Proceeded S84W 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

HMS “Cedric” in sight

6.0pm: Reduced to 56 revs & ceased zigzag

10.30pm: Increased to 60revs. 2 points zigzag, log 50.8

Number on sick list: 3

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17 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.21, Long -10.66

6.30am: Altered course N87W, log 40, 2 points zigzag

10.30am: Marines at small arm drill

10.45am: Altered course S70W, 2 points zigzag, log 93

11.0am: Altered course S24E to intercept SS. Ceased zigzag & increased to 75 revs

11.20am: Intercepted Russian SS “Export” & “Sibir” for Archangel. Allowed to proceed

11.45am: altered course as requisite to intercept steamer

0.5pm: Intercepted Russian SS “Katia” [ed. note: SS “Katja”] for “Soroka” Allowed to proceed

0.10pm: Proceeded S70W, log 111

0.30pm: Altered course S76W, 2 points zigzag, log 14.5

2.10pm: Course as required SS

2.30pm: Decreased to 60 revs and ceased zigzag

2.35pm: Stopped, log 42

2.50pm: Boarded Danish SS “Perm”, Iceland to Cardiff, in ballast. Allowed to proceed

3.25pm: Proceeded S58W, log 42, 2 points zigzag

5.30pm: Altered course N89W, 2 points zigzag & reduced to 62 revs, log 68

7.0pm: Altered course S87E, log 83, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

[ed. note: SS “Katja” was hit by UB-14 and sunk 15 miles NW of Sevastopole, October 7th, 1915]

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18 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.86, Long -10.56

7.0am: Altered course N89W, 2 points zigzag & increased to 75 revs, log 17

Hands exercised at collision stations

Marines to 6in gun drill. Officers to pistol instruction

5.30pm: Altered course S85E & reduced to 45 revs & ceased zigzag

5.45pm: Received W/T signal from “Mantua” to close to visual touch with “Patuca”

6.0pm: Altered course S59E & increased to 75 revs

Number on sick list: 4

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19 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.48, Long -10.0

12.45am: Altered course S87E, log 43, 4 points zigzag

3.30am: Received signal S.O. 10th C.S. patrol 360° 20 miles apart

7.25am: Altered course S22W log 33, 2 points zigzag

7.50am: Challenged HMS “Hilary” & received reply

8.0am: Altered course N22E, log 39, 4 points zigzag

9.10am: Sighted SS bearing N45E

9.45am: 2 points zigzag, Divisions, Prayers, General Quarters

10.20am: Hauled log in 73.6

10.25am: Examined SS “Kendal Castle” previously boarded. Allowed to proceed

10.45am: Proceeded N22E, 4 points zigzag, streamed log

11.30am: HMS “Hilary” in sight SSE

12.0am: Altered course S21W, 4 points zigzag

3.30am: Altered course N22E, log 34, 4 points zigzag

4.45pm: Stellar Position: Lat 60 08N, [Long] 9 56W

8.0pm: Altered course S21W, 2 points zigzag, reduced to 67 revs

Number on sick list: 4

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20 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.41, Long -10.0

12.30am: Altered course N22E, log 41, 2 point zigzag

4.0am: Altered course S21W, log 83.5, 2 point zigzag

5.10am: Ceased zigzag and reduced to 58 revs

8.30am: Altered course N22E, log 20; turned by aid of engines

9.0am: Sighted SS bearing NW; Challenged HMS “Teutonic” & exchanged pendants.

11.30am: Altered course S22W, log 51.4; turned with aid of engines

2.10pm: Shipped heavy water forward; lost overboard 3-6” common shell & 4 projectile bags; Reduced to slow for securing ammunition etc. forward, log 70

2.37pm: Proceeded at 50 revs, log 71.5

4.0pm: Evening Quarters. Read warrants 27, 28 & 29

5.30pm: Altered course N18E, log 89.4; turned with aid of engines & increased to 56 revs

9.55pm: Altered course S24W, log 36; turned with aid of engines & reduced to 50 revs

Number on sick list: 5

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21 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.33, Long -10.0

8.0am: Altered course N20E, log 6.6, increased to 70 revs & 2 points zigzag

11.30am: Altered course S24W log 51.4. Reduced to 60 revs & ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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22 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.25, Long -11.06

3.40am: Altered course N62E, log 4.4, received instructions from S.O. 10th C.S. to resume former patrol

7.30am: Pos Stars: [Lat] 60 39N, [Long] 9 51W

Hands to abandon ship stations, Boys to 6” gun drill

10.40pm: Altered course S85E & 4 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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23 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.86, Long -10.7

6.0am: Altered course N87W, log 79.8, 2 point zigzag

7.15am: Reduced to 60 revs & ceased zigzag, log 95.7

Bridge lookouts to instruction in bomb throwing

Number on sick list: 7

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24 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.98, Long -10.25

6.45am: Observed SS on Starboard bow; log in

7.17am: Stopped & boarded Swedish SS “Signe” with prize crew on board from “Changuinola”

7.50am: Proceeded S69W, 75 revs, streamed log

Divisions & Prayers; Boys & marines to small arm drill; Bridge lookouts to instruction in bomb throwing; Prize crews to revolver drill.

11.30am: Challenged HMS “Motagua”

11.55am: Stop; boat left for “Motagua”

12.15pm: Boat returned with one leading stoker

12.25pm: Proceeded N62W, 65 revs, streamed log

12.50pm: Observed HMS “Mantua” bearing WNW

6.15pm: Observed light bearing N50E

7.0pm: Course & speed as requisite for investigating light

7.10pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Changuinola” boarding a SS

7.28om: Proceeded S89E, 2 points zigzag, 68 revs

8.45pm: 4 point zigzag

10.30pm: Altered course N87W, log 19, ceased zigzag

11.0pm: Altered course S85E, log 24.8 & 4 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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25 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.48, Long -10.56

5.0am: Altered course N88W, 4 point zigzag, log 97.5

Divisions & Prayers. Boys to squad drill; Marines to 6” gun drill

10.0am: Reduced to 50 revs & launched target & log in

10.5am: Commenced target practice with 1” aiming rifle

11.5am: Ceased firing

11.15am: Recovered target

11.20am: Proceeded N88W, 70 revs, 2 point zigzag; streamed log

5.0pm: Altered course S83E, 2 point zigzag, log 28.3

5.30pm: Stella Pos [Lat] 59 3N, [Long] 12 6W

Number on sick list: 6

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26 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.88, Long -10.1

5.0am: Altered course N87W, 4 point zigzag, log 78.2

6.30am: Altered course S87E, 4 point zigzag

8.0am: Altered course N63W 2 point zigzag & increased to 75 revs

8.15am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Patuca”

1.0pm: Altered course N88W, log 82.9, 2 point zigzag

2.50pm: Reduced to 48 revs; log 108 & hauled in

2.55pm: Launched target

3.0pm: Commenced target practice with 1” aiming rifle

4.0pm: Ceased firing & engines as required for recovering target

4.7pm: Proceeded West 2 point zigzag, 70 revs

4.10pm: Streamed log showing 8’

6.45pm: Altered course S85E, ceased zigzag & reduced to 56 revs, log 42

12.0pm: Increased to 60 revs, 2 point zigzag, log 94.4

Number on sick list: 6

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27 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.73, Long -10.6

6.0am: Altered course N87W, 2 point zigzag & increased to 70 revs; log 59

9.10am: Altered course S76W, log 97.4, 2 point zigzag

12.0am: Altered course S76E, 2 point zigzag

12.45pm: Altered course N87W, log 81, 2 point zigzag

5.0pm: Altered course S30W; ceased zigzag & reduced to 50 revs; log 94.7

10.0pm: Increased to 60 revs & 2 points zigzag

11.0pm: Altered course N85E, log 45.6, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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28 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.85, Long -9.83

5.0am: Altered course N86W 2 points zigzag log 11.1

6.50am: Altered course S87E 2 points zigzag log 29.4

7.30am: Altered course N87W 2 points zigzag, log 37.0

7.50am: Stellar Pos: Lat 59 6N, Long 8 22W

1.15pm: Observed SS on port bow, increased to 75 revs & course as requisite for intercepting

1.50pm: Stopped & boarded Norwegian SS “Hercules”; New York to Bergen with gen. cargo & 13 men & 4 women survivors of S.V. “Swallow” wrecked off St Johns Newfoundand. Sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut McCartney to go to Kirkwall

3.0pm: “Hercules” proceeded to Kirkwall

3.5pm: Proceeded N81W, 65 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 6

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29 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.9, Long -10.4

3.0pm: Observed SS on Starboard bow, altered course as required for intercepting

3.20pm: Spoke Swedish SS “Ovidia” Baltimore to Norrköping, wheat, too rough to board; W/T signal from S.O.10th C.S. follow SS until able to board

4.35pm: Altered course S52E keeping company with SS “Ovidia”

12.0pm: In company with SS “Ovidia” 1 mile ahead

Number on sick list: 6

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30 November 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.7, Long -8.8

4.0am: In company with SS “Ovidia”

5.0am: Received W/T from S.O.10th C.S. to proceed to rendezvous Lat 60 30N, Long 7 20W. “Otway” to pick up “Ovidia”

5.10am: Altered course N40E and increased to 60 revs

[ed. note: soundings were taken every half an hour from 11.0am to 4.0pm and from 5.30pm to 8.0pm]

Number on sick list: 4

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1 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.48, Long -7.26

12.45am: Sighted Myggenaes Lt bearing N60E, P log 8.3

1.20am: Sighted steamer on Port Bow

1.35am: Challenged and exchanged pendants HMS “Victorian”

4.0am: Myggenaes Lt dipped bearing N30E

7.30am: Myggenaes Lt bearing N57E, 26 miles, P log 61.3

8.40am: Increased to 75 revs, p log 70.3, Communicated with HMS “Alsatian”

10.30am: Stopped P log 92.9

10.45am: Sent confidential Letter to HMS “Alsatian”

10.50am: Sighted point of land bearing N75E

11.15am: Boat inboard. Received instructions from S.O. 10th C.S. to proceed to Swarbacks Minn for coal

11.30am: Proceeded Course as req. 75 revs

2.0pm: Munken Rock in transit with Akraberg Lt Ho, dist 7 miles, P log 24.0

4.15pm: Hands received monthly payment

6.0pm: Switched on side lights

8.50pm: Switched on foremost steaming light. Crew mustered by the open list

10.35pm: Switched off foremost steaming light

11.0pm: Switched off side lights

Number on sick list: 4

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2 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

3.15am: Altered course S80E. Esha Ness Lt bearing S74E, P log 60.1

4.30am: Lost deep sea lead

5.20am: Hillswick Light abeam bearing N62E. Hauled in P log 82.5

5.55am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam, dist 4 cables

6.10am: Stopped to await gate of boom defence to open

6.18am: Passed through boom defence

6.50am: Ordered to anchor N° 2 berth Busta Voe

7.10am: Anchored in 19 fms, Port Anchor, veered to 3 shackles

7.18am: Finished with engines

7.25am: Boat left with dispatched for shore

8.40am: HMS “Duke of Cornwall” weighed & proceeded

8.45am: Collier alongside Starboard side. Hands rigging coaling gear

9.30am: Collier alongside Port side

9.55am: Commenced coaling Starboard side cross bunker

10.40am: Commenced coaling Port N° 2 hold

11.0am: 1 sick rating discharged to Lerwick Hospital

Let go Starboard anchor

1.15pm: Resumed coaling

6.0pm: Finished coaling for day. Coaling party returned to HMS “Gibraltar

Amount of coal for day 292 tons

10.0pm: Surgeon Knight returned from Lerwick

Number on sick list: 5

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3 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

1.45am: Ship commenced to swing

2.0am: Ship’s head N20E. Heaved up Starboard anchor

8.0am: Resumed coaling N° 2 hold Port & Cross Bunker Starboard

Noon: Ceased coaling for dinner

1.20pm: Resumed coaling

1.25pm: Whaler left with signalman to take up duty at Busta Signal Station & Chief Steward

3.20pm: N° 1 Hold of Port Collier discharged. Shifted to N° 2 Hold. Abreast cross bunker

3.30pm: Collier made fast, resumed coaling

4.0pm: Ceased coaling for tea

4.30pm: Resumed coaling. Boat returned to ship. Moored for night

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for supper

7.0pm: Resumed coaling

9.0pm: Finished coaling. Hands cleared away stages & battened down hatches

Total amount of coal taken on board 830 tons. Service report re coaling to Rear Admiral

Number on sick list: 4

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4 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.20am: Boat from HMS “Gibraltar” alongside for Wireless news

8.10am: Colliers left ship

8.30am: Whaler ashore for mails

Employed cleaning ship

1.0pm: Whaler leaves for shore with officers

2.0pm: Signal from HMS “Orcoma” to send whaler for Captain

2.8pm: Whaler leaves for “Orcoma” with paymaster

3.10pm: Paymaster returned

3.35pm: HMS “Orcoma” sailed

4.0pm: Whaler leaves for Captain & officers

6.30pm: Whaler leaves for remaining officers

6.50pm: All officers returned on board

7.45pm: Whaler leaves for two ratings returned from leave

Midnight: Ship’s head NE

Number on sick list: 5

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5 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

9.15am: Divisions & Divine Service

Hands cleaning ship

3.55pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite

4.6pm: Hevden Ness Lt abeam

4.18pm: Passed through boom defence

4.28pm: Muckle Roe Lt. abeam N29E, 3 cables

4.46pm: Hillswick Ness Lt bearing N50E, 3 miles. Streamed P log

5.10pm: Esha Ness Lt bearing N50E, 2 miles, Course N34W, 2 point zigzag, P log 4.0

8.10pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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6 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.63, Long -5.8

5.25am: Sumbo Lt bearing N21W, 13 miles

[ed. note: Sounding taken hourly from 5.0am to 9.0pm]

11.45pm: Altered course S82E. Hove to

Number on sick list: 3

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7 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 61.18, Long -5.11

Sounding hourly

9.40am: Altered course S80W with help of engines, log 60.1

Increased to 50 revs both engines

Divisions & Prayers. Sounding Half-hourly

7.15pm: Ceased sounding

10.0pm: 36 revs on Starboard engine, 32 revs Port engine

Number on sick list: 5

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8 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 60.4, Long -7.13

8.30am: Stella Position [Lat] 60 48N, [Long] 6 07W; altered course S71W, log 3.0

9.35am: Increased to 70 revs both engines

9.40am: Divisions, Prayers, General Quarters. Marine to infantry drill. Nos 1 & 2 gun’s crews to divisional 6” gun drill

4.20pm: Stella Position [Lat] 59 36N, [Long] 7 52W

6.35pm: Reduced to 40 revs during snow squall

Number on sick list: 5

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9 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.48, Long -8.93

8.0am: Altered course S42W, Stella Position [Lat] 59 28N, [Long] 8 56W

9.0am: Sighted steamer bearing S41E dist 20 miles

9.25am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Changuinola”

10.0am: Commence 2 point zigzag. Smoke bearing S54W

10.30am: Sighted steamer bearing S21E, 15 miles

10.40am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Hilary”

11.0am: Sighted “Columbella” bearing N80W, 13 miles

11.30am: Increased to 70 revs. Stopped. Sent letter to HMS “Columbella”

11.55am: Sent letter to HMS “Changuinola”

12.10pm: Received ratings & sent letters to HMS “Hilary”. HMS “Columbella” proceeded

12.30pm: HMS “Hilary” proceeded & HMS “Changuinola”

12.40pm: Proceeded course N72W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

4.0pm: HMS “Hilary” in sight

Number on sick list: 6

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10 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.96, Long -9.25

8.0am: Commenced 2 point zigzag. Increased to 70 revs

9.30am: Decreased to 50 revs, altered course S88E. Ceased zigzag

6.20pm: Sighted steamer bearing East. Dist 7 miles

6.40pm: Altered course S72E to intercept steamer. Switched off lights. Increased to 60 revs

7.15pm: Signalled SS “Japan” (Swedish) Gothenberg to Singapore. General cargo.

7.30pm: Altered course S49W (in company with steamer)

8.35pm: Allowed steamer to proceed, altered course N79E, reduced to 45 revs

Number on sick list: 5

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11 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.1, Long -9.53

8.0am: Stella Position [Lat] 59 14N, [Long] 8 02W

8.20am: Increased 75 revs. Commenced 2 points zigzag

9.45am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

10.30am: Sighted steamer bearing N73W, 18 miles

10.45am: Challenged & exchanged Pendants with HMS “Mantua”

11.10am: Hauled in P Log 92.0

11.15am: Stopped

11.35am: Received prize crew from HMS “Mantua”

11.37am: HMS “Mantua” proceeded

11.38am: Proceeded S71W, 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

2.25pm: Altered course N84W, 2 points zigzag, 60 revs, log 29.0

Number on sick list: 5

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12 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.03, Long -8.38

8.0am: Stella Position [Lat] 58 57N, [Long] 8 20W

Hands employed cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 6

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13 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.9, Long -9.15

8.0am: Increased to 70 revs. Stella Position [Lat] 59 04N, [Long] 8 11W

10.30am: Dropped target overboard. Hauled in log 87.8

10.35am: Commenced target practice with 1” aiming rifles Course & speed as req.

11.40am: Picked up target. Ceased fire. Proceeded course N82W

11.50am: Streamed log 12.0. Sighted Sailing Vessel bearing WSW

12.7pm: Challenged by HMS “Changuinola”

12.40pm: Altered course S76W to intercept ship

12.50pm: Hauled in P log 2.7

1.10pm: Boarded SS “Songelv” Stornoway to Malmö, cargo “phosphates”. Green clearance

2.0pm: Allowed ship to proceed

2.10pm: Proceeded Course N75W, 70 revs, streamed P log

4.0pm: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” & steamer. Darkened ship

Number on sick list: 5

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14 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.13, Long -8.7

9.10am: Sighted steamer bearing West 3 miles

9.30am: Reduced to 30 revs. Communicated SS “Platuria” from New York to Kirkwall. Cargo Petroleum

9.50am: In company with steamer. Course & speed as requisite

10.45am: Received instructions to proceed along patrol escorting steamer

“Platuria” reports defective steering gear

1.10pm: Course & speed as requisite for closing steamer. Stopped. Boarded & sent prize crew on board in charge of Sub Lt Turnbull RNR to proceed Kirkwall

2.15pm: Proceeded Course S88W, 45 revs, log 96.6. Position steamer Lat 59 10N, Long 8 18W

10.40pm: Port engine stopped

10.52pm: Half speed port engine

11.0pm: Both engines 56 revs

Number on sick list: 5

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15 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.85, Long -10.16

8.15am: Stella Position [Lat] 59 03N, [Long] 9 07W

Marines to small arm drill

11.10am: Ceased zigzag, log 82.5

11.15am: Reduced to 40 revs. Hauled in P Log 84.3

11.20am: Dropped target overboard. Increased to 70 revs

11.30am: Commenced 6” target practice. Course & speed as requisite

12.15pm: Ceased firing

12.35pm: Picked up target. Reduced to 60 revs. Course S89W. Streamed P log 84.3

9.0pm: Altered course S22W. Reduced to 60 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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16 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 55.93, Long -7.83

5.0am: Increased to 78 revs, 2 points zigzag

8.0am: Sounded in 82 fms sand

Sounding half hourly

11.45am: Altered course S34E, log 63.1, 2 points zigzag

1.0pm: Sighted land bearing S52E, 30 miles

2.15pm: Oversay Lt Ho bearing S61E 20 miles

2.30pm: Ceased sounding

2.55pm: Challenged by Oversay Isle

3.15pm: Oversay Lt Ho abeam N58E, 7 miles, log 3.4

4.0pm: Darkened ship altered course S78E, 2 points zigzag

4.15pm: Otter Rock bearing East 6 miles

4.40pm: Sighted Mull of Cantyre Lt bearing S8E, 18 miles, decreased to 70 revs

5.30pm: Courses as req. for passing Mull of Cantyre

5.38pm: Mull Lt Ho abeam, dist 8 cables. Increased to 86 revs

6.35pm: Sanda Lt abeam 3 miles

6.50pm: 2 points zigzag

7.10pm: Ailsa Craig Lt bearing S50E

7.52pm: Pladda Lt abm 5 cables Challenged & exchanged pendants with war signal station

8.18pm: Holy Isle Lt abeam, log 84.0

8.55pm: Hauled in P log, showing 91.9

9.15pm: Little Cumbrae Lt abeam 7 cables. Reduced to 60 revs

9.30pm: Challenged Toward Point. Received order to proceed to Queen’s Dock

10.25pm: Passed through boom defence

10.50pm: Stopped. Pilot came on board

11.15pm: Anchored in 15 ½ fms veered to 3 shackles

Number on sick list: 4

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17 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Anchor Bearings: Tail of Bank S16W, Roseneath Beacon N67W, Ships Head N18W

5.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as req for pilotage

5.35am: Made stern tug fast

6.30am: Made head tug fast

8.30am: Hands to clean guns

8.45am: Secured alongside N° 21 berth Queen’s Dock

10.15am: Employed painting guns

Leave granted to officers & men

8.30pm: Three ratings left for Haslar & R.N. Barracks

9.15pm: Shifted ship from Berth 21 to Coal Crane

11.0pm: Commenced to coal N° 2 Hatch

Number on sick list: 4

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18 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

3.0am: Commenced to coal in cross bunker

Hands cleaning ship

11.20am: Shifted ship to N° 21 Berth Queen’s Dock

Armed guard for “Mantua” joined ship

12.0am: Sub Lieut Turnbull & armed guard returned

Number on sick list: 2

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19 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.30am: Roman Catholics went to service on HMS “Patuca”

Number on sick list: 1

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20 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed cleaning ship

10.0am: 11 ratings joined ship from barracks

11.15am: Shifted ship astern

Hands employed getting in stores

7.30pm: “Mantua’s” prize crew left ship

Number on sick list: 1

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21 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed getting in stores

Number on sick list: 1

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22 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Stores arrived on board

Pm: Ammunition arrived on board

Number on sick list: 1

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23 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands clearing up decks

3.0pm: Ship’s stores arrived on board

Number on sick list: 1

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24 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Hands employed in getting in stores

Pm: Three stewards discharged

8.0pm: Stores came on board

Number on sick list: 4

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25 December 1915


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Divisions. Hands employed getting in stores

1.30pm: Sub Lieut Carle left for Haslar

2.0pm: Pilot came on board. Two tugs alongside

2.45pm: Lieut Clark discharged to Hospital

4.15pm: Let go fore & aft

4.45pm: Left Queen’s Dock. Courses & speed as req. for Tail of Bank

6.55pm: Anchored at Tail of Bank in 17 fms veered to 3 shackles

Bearings: Whiteforeland Pier S74W, Roseneath Patch N28W

9.10pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded course & speed as req for passing boom defence

9.55pm: Passed boom defence, streamed P log, S31W, night defence stations

10.17pm: Skelmorlie Buoy abeam 1 mile, altered course S44W

10.25pm: Challenged by Toward Point

10.53pm: Little Cumbrae abeam, altered course S19W

11.47pm: Holy I Lt abeam bearing N75W, 2 ½ cables, [log] 22.1

Number on sick list: 4

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26 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 56.33, Long -9.25

12.15am: Pladda Lt abeam 2 miles. Challenged by station. Altered course S78W. Electric log out of order

1.38am: Sanda Lt abeam 1 ½ miles, altered course N65W, log 52.2

Course and speed as requisite for passing Mull of Cantyre

2.15am: Mull of Cantyre Lt abeam 1 mile, log 60.5

2.55am: Otter Rock bearing N35W

3.20am: Otter Rock abeam log 77.0

4.25am: Oversay Lt abeam, log 91.9

4.30am: Altered course N41W, 2 points zigzag, log 93.1

8.10am: Altered course N47W, log 44.4, 2 points zigzag

12.0am: Electric log repaired

1.12pm: Altered course N45W, 2 points zigzag, P log 17.1

6.0pm: Altered course N60W, 2 points zigzag

7.30pm: Altered course N22E. Reduced to 70 revs. Ceased zigzag

11.0pm: Increased to 75 revs. Commenced 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 2

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27 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.76, Long -8.6

5.40am: Ceased zigzagging

8.0am: Stella Position [Lat] 58 34N, [Long] 9 05W

Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Sighted steamer bearing N22E 10 miles

11.15am: Challenged & exchanged Pendants with HMS “Patuca”

12.45pm: Course & speed as requisite for closing HMS “Patuca”

12.55pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

1.10pm: Sent boat to HMS “Patuca”

1.33pm: Boat returned from HMS “Patuca”

1.37pm: HMS “Patuca” proceeded

1.40pm: Proceeded. Course S73W, 70 revs, streamed P log

2.0pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

5.25pm: Altered course S83W, 2 points zigzag, log 49.5

5.30pm: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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28 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.5, Long -9.2

2.25am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, log 36.7

6.10am: Altered course S76W. Ceased zigzag. Increased to 60 revs

7.50am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

8.30am: Stella Position [Lat] 58 48N, [Long] 8 12W

12.40pm: Altered course N81E. Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

2.0pm: Altered course S84W, 2 points zigzag

4.50pm: Stella Position [Lat] 58 17N, [Long] 9 55W

5.45pm: Ceased zigzag

12.0pm: Increased to 70 revs, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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29 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 59.03, Long -8.06

6.10am: Altered course S81W, 4 points zigzag

7.0am: Altered course N81E, 4 points zigzag

8.0am: Altered course S81W, 4 points zigzag. Sounded: no bottom

Boys to squad drill & Mariners to infantry drill

10.35am: Altered course to intercept schooner bearing N40W 10 miles

11.20am: Spoke Danish Schooner “Hjalmar Sørensen” previously boarded. Allowed to proceed

11.45am: Proceeded. Course S62W, 75 revs

12.45pm: Challenged & exchanged Pendants with HMS “Patuca”

1.30pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag, log 18.9

3.25pm: Altered course S76W, 2 points zigzag, log 43.6

5.30pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 0

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30 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.35, Long -10.33

4.40pm: Stella Position: [Lat] 57 54N, [Long] 10 52W

Number on sick list: 0

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31 December 1915

At Sea

Lat 58.35, Long -9.5

8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 0

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JP map Patia 1916


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1 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.5, Long -8.93

4.15pm: Hands received monthly payment

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2 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.28, Long -10.0

8.0am: Stella Position: [Lat] 57 41N, [Long] 8 46W

4.50pm: Stella Position: [Lat] 57 55N, [Long] 10 58W

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3 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.35, Long -9.75

9.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Firemen to squad drill

Number on sick list: 2

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4 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.5, Long -9.31

4.25pm: Darkened ship. Night defence stations

Number on sick list: 3

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5 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.26, Long -11.0

8.20am: Stella Position: [Lat] 58 16N, [Long] 10 26W

Officers to rifle drill. Firemen to squad drill

Number on sick list: 4

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6 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.4, Long -7.13

10.0am: Altered course N29E. Marines to 6” gun drill. Boys to 3 pdr. gun drill

2.0pm: Altered course N35E. Commenced sounding every quarter-hour

3.25pm: Sighted land bearing NxE

5.30pm: Ceased sounding

Number on sick list: 4

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7 January 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

2.30am: Commenced sounding every quarter-hour

4.0am: Sighted Esha Ness bearing S60E, 12 miles

5.30am: Sighted Hillswick Lt bearing S75E, 12 miles

6.10am: Hillswick Lt abeam bearing N72E, 6 miles

7.55am: Hauled in log. Course & speed as requisite

8.10am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam

8.20am: Passed boom defence

8.20am: Communicated HMS “Alsatian”

8.50am: Let go port anchor in 15 fms veered to 3 shackles

9.40am: Colliers came alongside

Anchor bearings: Busta F.S., Manse, Cairn

11.15am: Commenced coaling

12.0am: Veered to six shackles

1.10pm: Re-commenced coaling

4.0pm: Let go Starboard anchor, veered to 1 shackle

5.35pm: HMS “Duke of Cornwall” proceeded. Ceased coaling for day

Number on sick list: 4

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8 January 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.55am: Resumed coaling

8.40am: Hove to Starboard anchor

1.20pm: Finished coaling Port side. Collier cast off

2.40pm: Coaling completed. S. collier cast off. Amount of coal taken on board 568 tons. Hands cleaning ship

3.45pm: HMS “Alsatian” proceeded

Number on sick list: 3

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9 January 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.55am: Let go Starboard anchor one shackle

8.45am: HMS “Changuinola” anchored in berth N° 2

9.15am: Hands to divine service

Number on sick list: 3

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10 January 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

4.30pm: HMS “Orotava” anchored N° 3 berth

Number on sick list: 5

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11 January 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

9.30am: Hove up Starboard anchor

3.55pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded

4.21pm: Passed through Boom defence

4.30pm: Muckle Roe Lt abeam

4.35pm: Streamed P log. Commenced zigzag

5.20pm: Course N29W. Esha Ness Lt N54E, 2 ½ miles

5.30pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

7.10pm: Esha Ness Lt dipped bearing S35E

10.0pm: Altered course N70W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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12 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.7, Long -7.1

1.37am: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 60 revs

6.30am: Reduced to 50 revs. Log 60.0. Commenced sounding every quarter hour

10.45am: Increased to 70 revs, log 96.1. Ceased sounding

6.50pm: Reduced to 45 revs on Port engine

7.30pm: Hove to. N19E. Decreased to 40 revs both engines

Number on sick list: 8

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13 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.56, Long -8.9

9.0am: Challenged & exchanged Pendants HMS “Victorian”

Hands employed cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 8

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14 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.71, Long -8.86

12.53am: Challenged by & exchanged pendants HMS “Hilary”

Number on sick list: 7

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15 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.1, Long -10.11

8.10am: Stella Position: [Lat] 59 00N, [Long] 9 50W

Hands employed cleaning ship

1.25pm: Sighted steamer bearing N14W, 12 miles. Increased 60 revs

2.0pm: Intercepted Danish trawler “Baldur” R.E. 146

2.07pm: Altered course S81E. Increased to 70 revs, log 27.0

9.50pm: Altered course S62E to intercept steamer bearing S62E, 3 miles, 65 revs

10.20pm: Hauled in P. log 13.3

10.40pm: Boarded Norwegian SS “Siljestad”, Rotterdam to Baltimore in Ballast. Sent to Stornoway with armed guard in charge of Sub. Lieut. Marks RNR

Number on sick list: 5

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16 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.46, Long -8.93

12.18am: Steamer proceeded

12.45am: Proceeded, Co S25W, 56 revs. Streamed P. log

8.0am: Altered course N3W. Stella Position: [Lat] 59 08N, [Long] 8 26W

9.30am: Altered course to intercept steamer bearing N85W, 8 miles, 70 revs

10.10am: Hauled in P. log

10.15am: Stopped

10.20am: Boarded Norwegian SS “Haflide”, Iceland to Barcelona. Cargo fish. Allowed to proceed

11.0am: Proceeded Co N52E, 2 points zigzag, 65 revs. Streamed P. log

12.40pm: Altered course S3W, 2 points zigzag, log 20.3

4.0pm: Altered course North, 2 points zigzag

5.40pm: Ceased zigzag

6.35pm: Altered course N30E to intercept steamer bearing N35W, 6 miles. Increased to 84 revs

7.10pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Virginian”

7.22pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS “Bergensfjord” previously boarded. Allowed to proceed

7.35pm: Proceeded Co N29W, 2 points zigzag, 65 revs

8.30pm: Altered course S8W, 2 points zigzag, log 10.0

Number on sick list: 7

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17 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.78, Long -8.9

Divisions. Prayers. Quarter-deck to Squad drill

11.0am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Virginian”

4.0pm: Altered course N2E. Reduced to 60 revs, 2 points zigzag

6.20pm: Ceased zigzag

6.45pm: Sighted steamer bearing N11W 3 miles

7.0pm: Altered course N52E to close steamer

7.15pm: Intercepted American SS “Petrolite”, previously boarded. Armed guard on board

7.20pm: Proceeded N2E, 52 revs

9.0pm: Rounds correct. P. log broken down

10.35pm: P. log repaired

Number on sick list: 7

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18 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.68, Long -8.86

8.0am: Altered course North, 2 points zigzag

Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Officers to musketry drill. Firemen to squad drill

5.0pm: Stella position: [Lat] 59 08N, [Long] 8 30W

Number on sick list: 6

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19 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.75, Long -10.33

Am: Hove to

11.45pm: Shipped heavy sea over bows, causing much structural damage to bridge, wheelhouse, & forward bulkhead & ward room 3 pdr gun shelters smashed

Lieut Thompson, Officer Of Watch, badly injured

Number on sick list: 5

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20 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.41, Long -11.0

30 projectile bags lost overboard. Twelve projectiles lost overboard & 1 Rammer

1.0am: Altered course N75W

Hands clearing away wreckage of bridge room and securing ammunition, and shoring up forward bulkhead of wheelhouse

7.0am: P. log broken down

7.0pm: Reduced to 36 revs. Reset electric log

11.0pm: Stopped Starboard engine

Number on sick list: 8

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21 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.45, Long -13.5

8.30am: Stella Position: [Lat] 58 27N, [Long] 13 09W

2.0pm: Log broken down

4.10pm: Altered course S84E with help of engines

4.40pm: Streamed “Neptune”. Log showing Zero

Number on sick list: 8

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22 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.08, Long -10.26

8.0am: Altered course S79W. Reduced to 36 revs on Starboard engine

Hands employed cleaning ship

12.25pm: Altered course N75W, 38 revs both engines

4.25pm: Hauled in “Neptune” & streamed electric log

4.30pm: Night defence stations, Stella Position: [Lat] 58 18N; [Long] 10 51W

Number on sick list: 8

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23 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.6, Long -11.4

8.0pm: Commenced sounding half-hourly. No bottom

8.50pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Mantua”

Number on sick list: 7

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24 January 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.3, Long -6.5

3.40am: Barra Hd Lt bearing N67E, 12 miles

5.0am: Sounding half-hourly

9.45am: Sighted land bearing S37W, 20 miles

11.5am: Sighted Rathlin Isle ahead

12.15pm: As requisite for Rathlin Sound

12.45pm: Challenged by Tor Point

1.0pm: Altered course S12E, Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Penstemon

2.15pm: Altered course N71E, Commenced zigzag

2.50pm: Altered course N55E, 2 pt zigzag

4.30pm: Ceased zigzag

4.45pm: Challenged by Pladda War Signal Station

4.50pm: Pladda Lt abeam N34W 5 cables

5.10pm: Holy Isle Lt abeam bearing N60W, 7 ½ cables, altered course N31E, 2 pt zigzag

6.10pm: Little Cumbrae Lt abeam S55E 5 cables. Hauled in P log showing 91.0

6.50pm: Skelmorlie Buoy abeam 5 cables. Challenged by Toward point

7.10pm: Course & speed as requisite for passing boom defence

7.30pm: Passed through boom defence

8.0pm: Pilot came aboard. Proceeded as req for anchoring of Tail-o-Bank

8.25pm: Let go Port anchor in 5 fms veered to 6 shackles

Anchor bearings: Hellinsburg pier N36E, Roseneath Beacon N87W, Fort Matilda S69W

11.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded as req for pilotage

Number on sick list: 6

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25 January 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

1.0am: Made foremost tug fast

3.10am: Secured alongside N° 28 Berth, Prince’s Dock

4.30am: HMS “Hildebrand” secured ahead

Hands employed painting ship

9.30am: Prize crew returned

10.50am: 1 RMLI rating joined ship

Lieut Thompson discharged to Hospital

Sub Lieut Rogers RNR joined ship

8.30pm: Three ratings left for Haslar Hospital

Number on sick list: 4

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26 January 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

12.30pm: Left Prince’s Dock

1.30pm: Secured alongside Plantation Wharf

Number on sick list: 1

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27 January 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed painting boats

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28 January 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.30am: 1 RMLI discharged to Portsmouth

Dispatched to HMS “Columbella” 3 boxes 6 inch cordite & 1 drill. Received 2 boxes 6 inch & 1 box 3 pdr ammunition

Hands employed painting ship

4.0pm: Left plantation Wharf

5.0pm: Entered dry dock

6.0pm: All secure on blocks

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29 January 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed as requisite

5.30pm: Leave to 2nd part of watch until 7 am

9.0pm: Rounds correct

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30 January 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.35am: Church or England & Non-Conformists to church

2 ratings joined from Portsmouth

5.15pm: HMS “Motagua” sailed

6.0pm: HMS “Ebro” docked

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31 January 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Hands employed shifting coal & as requisite

12.0pm: Starboard watch returned from leave

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[Barometer: Mercurial & attached Thermometer (N° 37230)]

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1 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: 1 pair binoculars lost overboard by accident (5 power) Omitted to enter it in log January 19th

8.30am: Leave for Port watch until February 7th Midnight

Hands employed as requisite

5.0pm: Leave to part of watch until 7.0am

9.0pm: Rounds correct

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2 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Ship’s bottom painted with Borallis mixture

11.0am: One plumber joined ship

Number on sick list: 4

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3 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.45am: Commenced flooding dry-dock

11.15am: Left dry-dock

1.0pm: Secured alongside berth in Queen’s Dock

Number on sick list: 4

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4 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed painting guns

Number on sick list: 2

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5 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed cleaning ship

12.0am: Shifted ship’s length astern

1.0pm: Leave to 2nd part of watch

Number on sick list: 2

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6 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.0am: Divisions. Divine Service

11.0am: Armed guard from HMS “Patuca” arrived on board

Number on sick list: 2

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7 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed as requisite

5.30pm: Leave to part of watch

9.0pm: Rounds correct

12.0pm: Port watch returns from leave

Number on sick list: 2

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8 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.30am: Lieut. Taylor joined ship

4.0pm: Armed guard of HMS “Patuca” left ship

8.45pm: One PO rating left for Barracks

Number on sick list: 3

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9 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.15am: Left berth for coaling tip

7.15am: Made fast alongside tip

7.40am: Commenced coaling

11.0am: One PO discharged to HMS “Patuca”

11.30am: One PO joined ship from HMS “Patuca”

3.0pm: Received stores on board

7.15pm: Finished coaling. Shifted across dock

Number on sick list: 4

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10 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed cleaning ship & taking in stores

Leave for Starboard Watch until 7.0am

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 4

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11 February 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.0am: Surgeon Ash joined ship

10.45am: Four ratings for HMS “Columbella” & five ratings for HMS “Ebro” joined ship

12.0am: One prisoner for HMS “Patuca” brought on board

3.10pm: Singled up & made fast tugs

3.45pm: Left Queen’s dock. Course & speed as requisite for pilotage

6.35pm: Let go stern tug

6.55pm: Anchored off Tail-o-Bank in 14 fms water veered to 6 shackles

Anchor bearings: Roseneath Beacon N47W, Fort Matilda S89W, Anchorage light S51W

Number on sick list: 7

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12 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.46, Long -6.11

8.30am: Pilot came on board

9.0am: Weighed anchor

Course & speed as requisite for swinging ship for adjusting compasses

10.35am: Let go Starboard anchor in 13 fms veered to 3 shackles

10.45am: Pilot & Compass Adjuster left ship

11.55am: Shortened cable

12.5am: Weighed anchor & proceeded as requisite

12.35pm: As requisite for passing boom defence

12.40pm: Course S27W, 84 revs. Streamed log

1.2pm: Skelmorlie Buoy abeam, log 3.5 altered course S30W

1.40pm: Little Cumbrae abeam altered course S22W, log 12.4

2.35pm: Holy Isle abeam altered course S30W, 82 revs, log 25.4

2.55pm: Altered course S55W, 2 points zigzag, 80 revs, log 29.7

3.5pm: Pladda Lt Ho abeam, log 32.1

5.15pm: Altered course N55E, 2 points zigzag, log 61.8

5.50pm: Altered course N35W. Ceased zigzag, log 69.6

6.24pm: Sanda Isle Lt Ho abeam

7.0pm: Mull of Cantyre Lt Ho abeam, log 86.0

7.40pm: Sighted Otter Rk bearing N3W

Oversay Isle bearing N22W

9.14pm: Oversay I. abeam

Number on sick list: 7

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13 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.16, Long -8.85

5.30am: Lead & 35 fathoms of wire carried away

Number on sick list: 6

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14 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.61, Long -11.86

Divisions. Prayers. Abandon ship stations

Hands employed as requisite

Number on sick list: 11

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15 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.91, Long -13.85

Sounding half-hourly

Divisions. Prayers. Marines to infantry drill

12.25pm: Sounded: No bottom. Ceased sounding

Number on sick list: 8

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16 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.8, Long -8.7

7.30am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Ebro”

8.0am: Altered course N88W, 2 points zigzag

8.50am: Altered course S83W, 4 points zigzag, log 24.2

9.55am: Sighted smoke bearing N20W

10.15am: Challenged & exch. pdts HMS “Teutonic”

11.0am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

11.20am: Sent ratings for HMS “Ebro” & HMS “Columbella” on board HMS “Ebro”

11.25am: HMS “Teutonic” left for A patrol

11.55am: Proceeded. Course N84W, 75 revs. Streamed log

12.0pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

4.0pm: Sighted vessel bearing S40E

4.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing vessel

5.25pm: Hauled in P log

5.30pm: Stopped. Boarded British trawler “Nellie Bruce”, G.Y. 494, all correct. Allowed to proceed

6.0pm: Proceeded Co N69W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed P log

6.30pm: Altered course N88E, 2 points zigzag. Darkened ship. Hands to night defence stations

9.30pm: Commenced 4 points zigzag, log 60.3

Number on sick list: 8

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17 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.8, Long -9.13

6.0am: Altered course N84W, 4 points zigzag

7.20am: Stella Position [Lat] 61 02N, [Long] 7 45W

9.45am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, log 7.2

Divisions. Prayers. Collision stations. Marines to 6 inch gun drill

1.30pm: Altered course N82W, 2 points zigzag, log 48.8

4.30pm: Hand steering gear shipped & steered for 10 minutes

5.0pm: Altered course S88W, 2 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S86E, 2 points zigzag

7.0pm: Altered course N88E, 2 points zigzag

8.20pm: Altered course N24E to intercept steamer bearing N50E

8.45pm: Increased to 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

9.10pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS “Stralsund” previously boarded, allowed to proceed

9.12pm: Proceeded. Course S86E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 10

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18 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.8, Long -9.15

Sighted Munken Lt bearing N77E, 20 miles

6.0am: Altered course West, 2 points zigzag

8.0am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

Hands employed painting ship

5.0pm: Altered course N84W, 4 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S86E, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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19 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.76, Long -9.26

7.20am: Stella Position [Lat] 60 29N, [Long] 10 47W

7.20am: Altered course S88E, 4 points zigzag, log 58.0

8.25am: Challenged & exch. pdts. with HMS “Hildebrand”

Hands employed cleaning ship

12.40pm: Altered course N89E, log 23.5, 2 points zigzag

2.25pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing S25E, 10 miles

2.45pm: Altered course S18E to intercept sailing vessel

3.27pm: Stopped boarded Danish Barque “Ingrid”, South Shields to Buenos Ayres, cargo coal .Green Clearance. Allowed to proceed

4.0pm: Proceeded. Course N72E, 2 points zigzag

7.0pm: Altered course N86W, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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20 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.4, Long -9.0

6.0am: Altered course S84E, 4 points zigzag

7.5am: Sighted steamer bearing S48E

7.15am: Examined British trawler “Conisboro Castle” G.Y. 533. Allowed to proceed

8.15am: Altered course S9W, 4 pints zigzag, log 51.2

10.15am: Altered course S84E, 4 points zigzag, log 76.0

1.30pm: Altered course N28E to intercept steamer bearing N40E

2.0pm: Examined British trawler “Alonso” H 887. Allowed to proceed

2.5pm: Altered course N10E to intercept steamer bearing N33E, 8 miles

2.45pm: Examined British trawler “Bona” H 955 Allowed to proceed

2.50pm: Proceeded Course S56E, 2 points zigzag, 77 revs

4.15pm: Sighted smoke bearing S2E, 12 miles. Evening Quarters

4.30pm: Challenged & exch. pdts with HMS “Mantua”

4.50pm: Hauled in P log

5.0pm: Stopped

5.2pm: Received three ratings from HMS “Mantua”

5.25pm: Proceeded N68E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

7.0pm: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag

8.0pm: Ceased zigzag, altered course N81W. Reduced to 58 revs

12.0pm: Altered course N83W, 2 points zigzag, 65 revs

Number on sick list: 7

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21 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.08, Long -9.16

6.0am: Altered course S64E, 4 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs

8.0am: Altered course S65W to intercept steamer bearing SSW, 7 miles

8.5am: Sighted smoke bearing South, 12 miles

8.25am: Examined British steam trawler “Aralia” G.Y. 371. All correct, allowed to proceed

8.30am: Proceeded. Course S66E, 4 points zigzag, 70 revs

8.40am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Mantua”

9.20am: Altered course S80E, 4 points zigzag, log 32.2

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Warrant N° 30 read for imprisonment

6.0pm: Darkened ship. Altered course N85W, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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22 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.76, Long -9.63

6.0am: Altered course S84E, 4 points zigzag

7.0am: Stella Position: [Lat] 59 36N, [Long] 10 43W

8.55am: Hauled in P log

9.10am: Dropped target. Reduced to 45 revs. & commenced 1” aiming rifle target practice

10.10am: Divisions. Prayers. Commenced firing again at new target

10.35am: Sighted steamer bearing N85W, 15 miles

10.45am: Proceeded Course N80W to intercept steamer

11.30am: Boarded Danish SS “Lexa Maersk” from Savannah to Fredrikshaven, cargo cotton and oil cake

11.45am: Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Sub Lieut Rogers RNR

11.55am: Proceeded Course N45E, 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

12.25pm: Altered course S85E, 2 points zigzag

12.50pm: Altered course S88E, 2 points zigzag

3.35pm: Altered course S78E, 2 points zigzag

4.10pm: Sighted S.V. bearing S23E, 10 miles

6.32pm: Sighted Light bearing S85E, 6 miles

6.48pm: Examined British trawler “Mollymawk” G.Y. 654. Allowed to proceed

7.0pm: Proceeded Course S84E, 77 revs, log 98.2

7.20pm: Altered course N86W. Reduced to 58 revs, 2 points zigzag

8.10pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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23 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.48, Long -9.46

1.15am: Increased to 70 revs, 4 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course S62E, 4 points zigzag

6.20am: Altered course S46E, 4 points zigzag

7.0am: Stella Position: [Lat] 59 36N, [Long] 10 38W

10.10am: Reduced to 45 revs. Dropped target & hauled in P. Log. Commenced target practice with 1” aiming Rifle. Course as requisite

11.25am: Picked up target. Streamed P. Log. Proceeded S84E. Increased to 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

0.15pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing S86E

1.25pm: Spoke Norwegian sailing ship “Svendsholm” previously boarded. Allowed to proceed

1.30pm: Proceeded course N86W, 2 points zigzag

6.15pm: Altered course S84E, 4 points zigzag. Reduced to 70 revs

7.40pm: Sighted light bearing ESE, 6 miles

7.42pm: Altered course S6E. Increased to 77 revs

8.20pm: Stopped

8.40pm: Boarded British oil Transport N° 35 SS “Danubian” from Tyne to Port Arthur (Texas), in ballast. Allowed to proceed

9.35pm: Proceeded N88E, 77 revs

Number on sick list: 8

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24 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.35, Long -7.56

1.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, increased to 70 revs

7.0am: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag

9.0am: Altered course N43E, 4 points zigzag. Increased to 77 revs

9.5am: Sighted steamer bearing N15E, 15 miles

9.50am: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Columbella”

12.15pm: Altered course N53E, 2 points zigzag

2.40pm: Sighted land bearing N44E, 15 miles

3.45pm: Altered course S67E, 4 points zigzag

7.40pm: Ceased zigzag, reduced to 62 revs

8.0pm: Sighted light bearing N50E, 3 miles

Number on sick list: 5

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25 February 1916

At Base [Olna Firth]

[Lat 60.36, Long -1.31]

1.15am: Altered course S30E, 2 pints zigzag

3.25am: Altered course S63E, 4 points zigzag

3.0am: Commenced 4 points zigzag. Esha Ness light bearing S67E

4.0am: Commenced 6 points zigzag

4.20am: Altered course S60E, 4 points zigzag

4.35am: Sighted Hillswick Lt bearing S72E, altered course S68E

5.0am: Esha Ness Lt abeam 2 ½ miles

5.30am: Altered course S23E. Increased to 86 revs zigzagging

5.40am: Hauled in P log showing 5.1

5.47am: Hillswick Lt abeam, 3 miles. Reduced to 70 revs (6.5)

6.10am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam 4 cables. Challenged by trawler. Course & speed as requisite

6.20am: Passed through boom defence

6.50am: Let go port anchor in 17 fms veered to 6 shackles

Anchor bearings: [Starboard] Linga I N83W, [Starboard] Quilse S56E, Hulk N43E; N° 5 berth Olna Firth

Hands employed rigging coaling gear

12.0am: Colliers arrived alongside: SS “Charlestown”* & SS “Cairnnevis”

1.10pm: Commenced coaling

4.40pm: Lieut Smith left ship

4.30pm: Sub Lieut Lawson joined ship

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for the day

7.0pm: Sub Lieut Rogers & armed guard returned

Number on sick list: 5

[ed. note: perhaps misspelt for collier SS “Charleston”]

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26 February 1916

Base (Olna Firth)

[Lat 60.36, Long -1.31]

8.0am: Commenced coaling

9.35am: Water boat alongside

11.35am: Water boat cast off

1.30pm: Finished coaling

Hands cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 5

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27 February 1916

Base (Olna Firth)

[Lat 60.36, Long -1.31]

7.0am: RCs attended Divine Service on HMS “Mantua”

9.10am: Water boat alongside

5.30pm: HMS “Mantua” proceeded

Number on sick list: 6

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28 February 1916

Base (Olna Firth)

[Lat 60.36, Long -1.31]

Hands cleaning ship

9.40am: Exercised abandon ship. All boats in water & rails hoisted

10.15am: All boats hoisted & secure

6.10pm: Weighed anchor. Hoisted large piece of rock on flukes. Anchored in Busta Voe to clear anchor

8.22pm: Anchor clear. Rounds correct

9.30pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded course as requisite

10.0pm: Passed boom defence

10.5pm: Muckle Rock Lt abeam

10.25pm: Streamed P log

10.35pm: Hillswick Lt abeam

10.35pm: Eshaness Lt abeam altered course N7W, log 7.5

11.30pm: Sighted lights on Starboard bow

11.35pm: General Quarters

11.40pm: Passed Trawler H 31 “Beryl”

Number on sick list: 4

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29 February 1916

At Sea

Lat 61.96, Long 0.01

5.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course S68E, 4 points zigzag

8.30am: Altered course S82E, 2 points zigzag. Increased to 80 revs

11.0am: Ceased zigzag

3.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing S52E. Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Andes”

4.0pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

4.25pm: Sent armed guard on board HMS “Andes”

4.45pm: Proceeded N63W, 77 revs, 4 points zigzag

5.15pm: Altered course N21W, 4 points zigzag, log 55.7

8.35pm: Reduced to 58 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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1 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.3, Long -2.0

6.10am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

8.20am: Altered course N85W, 4 points zigzag, P log 23.3

9.40am: Divisions. Prayers. Hands employed cleaning ship

11.0am: Altered course N21E, 4 points zigzag

12.10pm: Altered course S21W, 4 points zigzag

2.0pm: Altered course N66W, 4 points zigzag

4.10pm: Altered course S80W. Increased to 77 revs. 2 points zigzag

10.0pm: Sounded 250 fms. Lead and recorder carried away

Number on sick list: 5

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2 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 61.0, Long -11.46

12.30am: Sighted Sydero light bearing N10W

6.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, log 5.0

7.5am: Ceased zigzag

11.30pm: Sighted steamer bearing N5W, 4 miles

11.55pm: Examined Norwegian Steamer “Dana”, armed guard on board. Allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 4

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3 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 61.83, Long -16.45

12.10am:Proceeded S83E, 2 points zigzag, 67 revs. Streamed P. log

6.30am: Altered course N82W, 4 points zigzag, 77 revs, log 9.0

Marines to 6” gun drill

11.30am: Altered course N48W, 4 points zigzag

11.55am: 2 points zigzag

12.0pm: Altered course N27W, 2 points zigzag, to intercept steamer

1.25pm: Hauled in P. log

1.30pm: Stopped. Boarded Brazilian steamer “Saldanha Da Gama”, Para for Christiania, cargo rubber

2.10pm: Sent armed guard on board in charge of Sub. Lieut. Lawson, RNR. Steamer proceeded to Kirkwall

2.35pm: Proceeded, course N46W, 77 revs

2.40pm: Streamed P. log

5.0pm: Reduced to 45 revs. Dropped target & commenced target practice 1'” aiming rifle

6.0pm: Ceased fire. Picked up target

6.15pm: Course N60W, 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

11.35pm: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 2

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4 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.51, Long -16.51

1.25am: Sighted steamer bearing N6E

12.30am: Altered course N32W, ceased zigzag. Increased to 77 revs

1.15am: Fired 3pdr. with blank charge

1.40am: Examined Brit. Trawler “Fortuna” GY 140 Grimsby to Iceland. Allowed to proceed

Proceeded Course S71E, 2 points zigzag

3.30am: Sighted steamer bearing S45E

3.40am: Ceased zigzag. Increased to 77 revs. Altered course N60E

4.0am: Fired 2 Blank charges 3pdr

4.25am: Examined Brit. Trawler “Sea horse” H 533, Hull to Iceland. Allowed to proceed

5.20am: Fired 2 blank charges 3pdr

6.0am: Examined Brit. trawler “Zaree” G.Y. 838, Iceland to Grimsby. Allowed to proceed

7.0am: Fired blank charge 3 pdr. Gun

7.45am: Examined British Trawlers “Conan Doyle” H. 240 & “Lord Mersey” H 427, Iceland to Hull. Allowed to proceed

9.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

3.55pm: Hauled in P log

4.10pm: Stopped. Dropped target overboard

4.15pm: Commenced target practice with 6” guns

4.50pm: Picked up target

5.5pm: Proceeded S82E, 4 points zigzag, 75 revs. Mercurial Barometer smashed by gun fire

6.0pm: Altered course S82E, 4 points zigzag

8.40pm: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 58 revs, log 49.9

Number on sick list: 1

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5 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.45, Long -17.1

3.0am: Sighted light bearing S75E, 2 miles

3.20am: Altered course N8E, increased to 77 revs

3.35am: Examined Brit. Trawler “Yorick” H 49, Hull to Iceland

4.15am: Altered course S82E, 2 points zigzag

6.30am: Altered course N82W, 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs

6.55am: Sighted steamer bearing N40W, 3 miles

7.15am: Examined Brit. Trawler “Fawn” G.Y. 1008, Iceland to Grimsby. Allowed to proceed

Resumed Course N82W, 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

8.15am: Sighted smoke N30W, 12 miles

9.0am: Sighted land bearing N20E, 105 miles

9.20am: Hauled in P log

9.25am: Stopped. Boarded Swedish SS “Oscar Fredrick”, Rio to Christiania, General Cargo. Sent to Kirkwall, with armed guard, in charge Sub Lieut Carle RNR

10.0am: Proceeded S86W, 4 points zigzag, 77 revs

1.10pm: Altered course S89W, 4 points zigzag

5.0pm: Altered course N73W, 4 points zigzag

6.30pm: Altered course S87E, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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6 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.36, Long -17.58

4.25am: Ceased zigzag, log 21.3

6.15am: Altered course N84W, 4 points zigzag, log 42.4

8.25am: Altered course West, 4 point zigzag, log 68.0

9.25am: Ceased zigzag, log 81.7

9.40am: Examined Brit. Trawler “Mcleay”, Iceland to Hull. Allowed to proceed

Hands employed painting ship

6.0pm: Altered course S80E, 2 points zigzag

8.50pm: Altered course S87E, 2 points zigzag

10.50pm: Examined Danish Trawler “Snorri Struluson” from Fleetwood to Iceland. Allowed to proceed

11.45pm: Altered course East, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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7 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.5, Long -16.96

6.0am: Altered course N82W, 2 points zigzag

7.55am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

8.14am: Altered course N9E to intercept smoke, land bearing N20E

8.50am: HMS “Changuinola” after steamer

Hands employed painting ship

6.30am: Altered course S82E, 4 points zigzag, log 16.0

8.35pm: Reduced to 65 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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8 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.36, Long -17.28

12.30am: Increased to 65 revs

6.0am: Altered course N82W, 4 points zigzag

6.40am: Stella Position: [Lat] 62 43N, [Long] 15 12W

8.15am: Sighted land bearing N15E

Marines to infantry drill

10.40am: Sighted steamer bearing N2E, 16 miles

11.55am: Challenged and exchanged pendants HMS “Hilary”

1.40pm: Closed HMS “Hilary”

1.45pm: Stopped. Sent boat with 1 “S321.6” & 1 box 1” aiming rifle ammunition to HMS “Hilary”

2.10pm: Boat returned with two ratings

2.15pm: Proceeded Course N89W, 4 points zigzag

6.30pm: Altered course S80E, 4 points zigzag

9.10pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

11.0pm: Reduced to 58 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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9 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.21, Long -12.71

2.52am: Altered course S80E. Commenced 4 points zigzag, increased to 75 revs

6.0am: Altered course S50E, 4 points zigzag

Divisions. Prayers. Marines to 6” gun drill Foc’slemen to small arm drill & loader. Hands employed painting ship

12.0am: Altered course S64E, 4 points zigzag

1.15pm: Altered course S64E, 2 points zigzag

3.15pm: Sighted steamer bearing S45E, 10 miles

3.20pm: Exch pdts HMS “Motagua”

4.0pm: HMS “Motagua” in sight

4.10pm: Altered course S51E, 2 points zigzag. Evening Quarters

5.0pm: Altered course S65W to close HMS “Alsatian”, 77 revs

5.50pm: Stopped. Hauled in P. log. Captain went on board HMS “Alsatian”

6.40pm: Captain returned on board

6.45pm: Proceeded N45E, 77 revs. Streamed log. Commenced 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Altered course N56E, 2 points zigzag. Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 1

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10 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.13, Long -9.98

2.0am: Altered course N74E, 4 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course S78W, 4 points zigzag

4.45pm: Sighted fishing ketch altered course S28E

5.10pm: Resumed course S78W

6.30pm: Altered course N76E, 2 points zigzag

6.55pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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11 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.03, Long -7.86

7.45am: Altered course S49E. Commenced 2 points zigzag

9.30am: Altered course N74W, 2 points zigzag

Hands employed cleaning ship

12.0am: Altered course N78W, 2 points zigzag

4.35pm: Altered course N82W, 4 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S77E. Increased to 75 revs, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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12 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.96, Long -8.0

12.30am: Sighted light bearing North

1.10am: Challenged & exchanged pdts HMS “Changuinola”

6.20am: Altered course N78W, 2 points zigzag

7.0am: Commenced 4 points zigzag. Increased to 75 revs

9.0am: Sighted land bearing S30W, 50 miles

6.0pm: Darkened ship. Altered course S78E, 4 points zigzag

8.30pm: Altered course N28E to intercept light bearing N65E, 16 miles

11.30pm: Altered course as requisite for closing steamer

11.45pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

11.55pm: Boarded Danish SS “Ceres”, from Leith to Iceland. Green clearance. Proceed

Number on sick list: 1

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13 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.91, Long -9.01

12.25am: Steamer proceeded

12.35am: Proceeded S58E, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

5.33am: Altered course S19W, 2 points zigzag

6.25am: Log line carried away

7.7am: Streamed log

7.35am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

9.45am: Sighted steamer bearing N35W, 11 miles. Ceased zigzag

9.50am: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Alsatian”

9.55am: Altered course N19W to close

10.45am: Stopped. Received Despatches from HMS “Alsatian”

11.0am: Proceeded S58E, 80 revs

1.40pm: Sighted land bearing S21E, 35 miles

5.5pm: Altered course S31E: Myggenaes bearing S40W, Fuglö bearing S7E

6.10pm: Altered course S28E, Fulgö Island abeam 10 miles

Nil on sick list

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14 March 1916

At Sea & Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

4.25am: Altered course S13E. Sighted light bearing S22E

5.5am: Commenced zigzag

5.25am: Sighted Hillswick Lt bearing S25E

5.45am: Eshaness Lt abeam 3 miles. Hauled in log

6.0am: Hillswick Lt abeam 5 miles

6.25am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam 2 cables

6.35am: Passed through boom defence

6.56am: Let go port anchor in 14 fms, veered to 6 shackles

7.15am: Boat left with despatches

7.40am: Collier “Wychwood” alongside Starboard side

7.50am: Collier “Sir Francis” alongside Port side

Anchor Bearings: F.S. N83W, Church N70E, Cairn N50W

9.0am: Commenced coaling

10.15am: Sub-Lieuts Carle & Lawson joined ship & two armed guards

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for day

Number on sick list: 1

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15 March 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.30am: Commenced coaling

2.30pm: Finished coaling

3.50pm: Colliers cast off

Number on sick list: 1

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16 March 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.35am: S/T “Flying Breeze” alongside with fresh water

10.0am: Water boat alongside

Hands employed cleaning ship

6.45pm: HMS “Changuinola” weighed & proceeded

Nil on sick list

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17 March 1916

Busta Voe & at sea

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.50am: HMS “Orotava” arrived & anchored

Hands employed cleaning ship

0.15pm: “Flying Breeze” alongside for funeral party

2.0pm: Water cast off

4.35pm: HMS “Duke of Cornwall” arrived

4.40pm: Funeral party returned

5.50pm: Received four ratings for HMS “Changuinola”

6.10pm: Hove short to 3 shackles

6.35pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded

7.10pm: Passed boom defence

7.21pm: Streamed P log, increased to 82 revs. Muckle Roe abeam 3 cables

7.45pm: Hillswick Lt abeam

8.5pm: Esha Ness Lt bearing N63E 3miles, log 10.4, 2 points zigzag

12.0pm: Altered course N71W. Reduced to 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

Nil on sick list

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18 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 61.41, Long -7.66

6.25am: Altered course N27W to intercept trawler

7.0am: Intercepted Brit trawler. Previously boarded, altered course N71W. Reduced to 60 revs

9.0am: Sounded in 55 fms shell, altered course N29W. Increased to 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

9.30am: Sighted land bearing N61E, 14 miles

Hands employed cleaning ship

8.0pm: Altered course N15W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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19 March 1916

At Sea0

Lat 64.28, Long -12.96

2.40am: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

10.15am: Sighted land bearing N22W, 60 miles

2.51pm: Stocksness abeam N7E

8.50pm: Sighted light bearing N79W

9.45pm: Examined Brit. Trawler “Conan Doyle” H 240 fishing

9.50pm: Proceeded N86W, 80 revs

10.25pm: Sighted Portland Lt bearing N57W

11.52pm: Light abeam dist 12 miles

Number on sick list: 1

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20 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.95, Long -23.76

12.56am: Sighted light bearing N24W

1.55am: Heimacy Lt abeam log 93.7

2.30am: Challenged by HMS “Moldavia” exch pdts. Course as requisite for communicating with HMS “Moldavia”

4.5am: Proceeded Course N62W

12.0am: Altered course S63E, 2 points zigzag

3.20pm: Sighted land bearing East

7.10pm: Altered course S58E, 2 points zigzag

8.0pm: Altered course N59W, 2 pints zigzag

8.20pm: Sighted Heimacy Lt abeam log 46.0

Number on sick list: 1

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21 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.95, Long -22.83

1.0am: Altered course S54E, 2 points zigzag

5.20am: Sighted Heimacy Lt bearing N40E

5.25am: Altered course S59E, 2 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course N59W, 2 points zigzag

9.40am: Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Boys to 6” gun drill & signalling

10.15am: Steering gear disconnected

10.25am: Steering connected

12.30pm: Altered course S58E, 2 points zigzag

4.0pm: Altered course S13E, 2 points zigzag

8.15pm: Altered course N7W, 2 points zigzag

12.0pm: Altered course S12E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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22 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.93, Long -20.93

4.0am: Altered course N10W, 2 points zigzag

6.35am: Sighted land bearing N80E, 50 miles

8.0am: Altered course S10E, 2 points zigzag. Heimacy bearing N64E, 35 miles

10.0am: Altered course N10W, 2 points zigzag. Hands employed painting ship

12.0am: Land in sight

1.25pm: Altered course N5W, 2 points zigzag

4.0pm: Altered course S5E, 2 points zigzag. Land in sight

6.25pm: Altered course S15E, 2 points zigzag

9.40pm: Altered course North, 2 points zigzag

11.30pm: Altered course N5E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 2

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23 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.55, Long -22.46

2.0am: Altered course S10E, 2 points zigzag

6.22am: Altered course N8W, 2 points zigzag

7.15am: Land bearing N75E

7.26am: Altered course N3W, 2 points zigzag

10.5am: Altered course N2E, 2 points zigzag

12.0am: Altered course S38E, 2 points zigzag

1.0pm: Altered course S38W, 2 points zigzag

1.30pm: Altered course S88W[?], 2 points zigzag

2.0pm: Altered course N64W, 2 points zigzag

5.0pm: Altered course S48E, 2 points zigzag

6.30pm: Land bearing N55E

10.0pm: Altered course S8E, 2 points zigzag. Hiemancy Lt bearing 31 miles

11.0pm: Altered course N48W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 2

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24 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.00, Long -22.66

1.5am: Altered course N43W, 2 points zigzag

6.25am: Altered course S46E, 2 points zigzag

9.40am: Divisions. Prayers. Marines to infantry drill. Hands employed as requisite

11.10am: Altered course N54W, 2 points zigzag

3.0pm: Altered course S17E, 2 points zigzag

5.0pm: Starboard wireless fender carried away

5.20pm: Ariel repaired

Number on sick list: 3

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25 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.13, Long -22.05

Sounding every hour from 12.30pm to 3.30pm

8.20pm: Darkened ship

8.30pm: Night defence stations

Number on sick list: 4

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26 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.55, Long -21.81

Divisions. Prayers

4.15pm: Evening Quarters

8.20pm: Darkened ship

8.25pm: Night defence stations

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 3

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27 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.31, Long -22.41

Divisions. Prayers

4.15pm: Evening Quarters

8.20pm: Darkened ship

8.30pm: Night defence stations

8.30pm: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Mantua”

Number on sick list: 3

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28 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.3, Long -20.95

4.35am: Sighted land bearing S68E

6.0am: Altered course S8E. Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

7.10am: Sighted steamer bearing S40W, 8 miles

7.20am: Altered course S48W. Increased to 77 revs. Ceased zigzag

7.50am: Hauled P log showing 47.9

8.0am: Boarded Danish SS “Anna”, Iveza [Ibiza] to Reykjavik, cargo salt, steering 310 degrees. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 63 26N, [Long] 21 40W

8.15am: Proceeded as requisite to intercept trawler

8.30am: Boarded Danish trawler “Skallagrimur” R.E. 145, fishing. Allowed to proceed

9.20am: Proceeded S8E, 2 points zigzag, 72 revs. Streamed P log

11.7am: Altered course N72E, 2 points zigzag

12.0am: Altered course S78E, 2 points zigzag

12.20pm: Altered course S5W, 2 points zigzag

5.20pm: Ceased zigzag

5.45pm: Altered course N8W. Increased to 72 revs, 2 points zigzag

6.10pm: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 66 revs

Number on sick list: 3

[ed. note: picture of Danish trawler “Skallagrimur at the following link:]

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29 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.1, Long -18.03

5.45am: Challenged and exch pdts HMS “Otway”

6.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

8.0am: Altered course S49E, 2 points zigzag

10.0am: Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Hands employed cleaning ship

2.30pm: Altered course N43E. Reduced to 72 revs, 2 points zigzag

7.5pm: Altered course S42E, 2 points zigzag

9.40pm: Reduced to 45 revs. Rounds correct. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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30 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 61.83, Long -16.53

6.0am: Altered course N45W. Increased to 72 revs, 2 points zigzag

Hands employed cleaning ship

10.0am: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 60 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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31 March 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.63, Long -13.3

Division. Prayers

8.30pm: Darkened ship. Night defence stations

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 2

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1 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.4, Long -7.15

5.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

10.30am: Challenged by Fanad Pt War Signal Station

11.35am: Challenged by Malin Head War Signal Station

11.50am: Inishtrahull abeam 5 cables

2.52pm: Rue Pt abeam bearing N68E

3.0pm: Altered course S48E. Challenged by Tor Point War Signal Station

3.17pm: Tor Pt abeam

3.30pm: Altered course S24E, 2 points zigzag

4.45pm: Altered course N58E, 2 points zigzag

6.55pm: Challenged by Pladda War Signal Station

7.5pm: Pladda Lt abeam, altered course N28E

7.30pm: Holy I abeam

8.20pm: Cumbrae I abeam 3 cables

8.30pm: Hauled in P log

9.30pm: Challenged by Toward Pt War Signal Station

9.40pm: Passed through boom defence

9.55pm: Pilot came on board

Proceeded, course & speed as requisite for Queen’s Dock

Number on sick list: 2

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2 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

12.55am: Passed through entrance to Queen’s Dock

1.40am: Secured alongside N° 5 coal crane

11.30am: Read Nos. 31-37 Warrants, for imprisonment

Number on sick list: 3

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3 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.15am: Commenced coaling

Nil on sick list

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4 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

5.30am: Finished coaling

9.30am: Made fast tugs fore & aft

9.45am: Proceeded to Yorkhill Warf

11.30am: Secured alongside Yorkhill Warf. Read Warrants Nos 38-39

1.0pm: Sub Lieut Charter RNVR joined ship

2.20pm: SS “Mahanada” collided with bow & smashed hawse pipe in

6.15pm: 1 Rating arrived on board

Nil on sick list

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5 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.0am: Received 12 boxes 6” ammunition

Nil on sick list

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6 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

4.0pm: Received stores on board

Nil on sick list

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7 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Shifted ship astern

9.0am: Two ratings from HMS “Gosport” join

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.0am: Twelve ratings join ship from Portsmouth

Nil on sick list

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8 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

3.10am: HMS “Patuca” arrived

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.30am: Two ratings joined from Portsmouth

3.0pm: Two tugs made fast fore & aft

3.15pm: Left Yorkhill for Stob Cross

3.50pm: Ship made fast Stob Cross Quay

Nil on sick list

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9 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.50am: Church party landed

1.45pm: 1 Signal rating RNVR joined ship from HMS “Eagle”

Nil on sick list

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10 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed as requisite

4.0pm: Leave to 1st part of watch

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Nil on sick list

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11 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed getting in stores and painting ship

2.0pm: 20 cases of Lyddite ammunition received on board

Nil on sick list

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12 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: 106 “Common” shells discharged ashore

Hands taking in stores

8.0pm: Starboard watch returned from leave

12.0pm: Officers returned from leave

Nil on sick list

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13 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

12.0am: Lieut Thompson left for Portsmouth

Hands employed taking in stores

8.30pm: 10 ratings left ship for RNB Portsmouth

Number on sick list: 3

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14 April 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.25am: Dr Scribner rejoined ship

Hands employed painting ship

Number on sick list: 3

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15 April 1916

Glasgow & at Sea

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Lieut Clarke left for hospital

11.20am: Eng. Sub Lieut Bresch[?] left ship

11.30am: Singled up

12.20pm: Pilot came on board. Made fast tugs

12.30pm: Left Stob Cross. Course as requisite for pilotage

1.55pm: Let go forward tug

2.55pm: Let go stern tug

3.10pm: Let go Port anchor in 12 fms veered to 3 shackles

Anchor bearings: Church S20W, Roseneath Beacon N57W

4.30pm: Shortened in cable

4.50pm: Anchor away. Proceeded as requisite for passing boom defence

5.15pm: Passed through boom. Streamed P log. Course S33W, 70 revs

5.36pm: Skelmorlie Buoy abeam

5.40pm: Challenged by Toward Point War Signal Station

6.12pm: Little Cumbrae Lt Ho abeam 3 cables, altered course S50W

7.6pm: Holy I Lt Ho abeam, zigzagging

7.28pm: Challenged by Pladda War Signal Station

7.31pm: Pladda Lt Ho abeam

Altered course S78W. Commenced 2 points zigzag

8.55pm: Sanda I Lt abeam bearing N35E. Course as requisite for passing Mull of Cantyre

9.35pm: Mull of Cantyre Lt abeam bearing East 8 cables

11.25pm: Altered course N83W, log 85.2. Oversay Lt abeam 12 miles

Number on sick list: 5

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16 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.36, Long -11.38

1.15am: Inishtrahull Lt abeam, 1 mile

2.17am: Fanad Pt abeam, log 26.0

3.54am: Tory I Lt abeam log 48.9

4.55am: Altered course N70W. Commenced 2 points zigzag

Hands employed cleaning ship

1.35pm: Altered course N18E, 2 points zigzag

4.50pm: Altered course N14E, 2 points zigzag

10.0pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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17 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.86, Long -13.21

7.50am: Sighted steamer bearing SxE

8.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

9.15am: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Changuinola”

9.30am: Stopped engines

9.45am: Despatched 1 rating to HMS “Changuinola”

10.10am: Proceeded S78W, 60 revs. Streamed log

Hands employed cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 7

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18 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.5, Long -15.15

Divisions. Prayers.

Hands employed as requisite

Number on sick list: 8

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19 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.5, Long -12.56

6.20am: Increased to 65 revs. Commenced 2 points zigzag

9.50am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

1.30pm: Altered course S88W, 4 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course East, 2 points zigzag

10.40pm: Altered course N88E. Reduced to 55 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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20 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.46, Long -12.46

8.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, 65 revs

10.0am: Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Sight setters to instruction. Hands employed as requisite

5.0pm: Altered course S88E, 2 points zigzag

8.30pm: Ceased zigzag, altered course East

Number on sick list: 9

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21 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.1, Long -12.56

5.20am: Altered course N1W to intercept steamer

6.25am: Hauled in P log 94.7

6.30am: Stopped Boarded Danish SS “Olga”, Glasgow to Reykjavik, cargo coal. Green clearance. [Lat] 58 36N, [Long] 11 17W

7.20am: SS “Olga” allowed to proceed steering 330 degrees

7.22am: Proceeded S76W, 77 revs. Streamed P log

9.5am: Sighted steamer bearing S20W, dist 12 miles

9.30am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Patuca”

10.10am: Received 1 Sgt RMLI from HMS “Patuca”

10.35am: Proceeded N82W, 4 points zigzag. Streamed P log

3.5pm: Sighted Rockall bearing S47W

6.0pm: Altered course S88E, 4 points zigzag. Reduced to 70 revs

10.5pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag, 60 revs

Number on sick list: 10

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22 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.3, Long -12.13

4.30am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course N89W, 4 points zigzag

7.30am: Altered course S88W, 4 points zigzag

8.0am: S85W, 4 points zigzag

9.30am: Challenged by & exch. pdts. HMS “Alsatian”

9.40am: Course as requisite for closing

10.5am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

10.30am: Vice-Admiral Tupper came on board to present medal & inspect ship’s Company

10.40am: Course S88W, 2 points zigzag, HMS “Alsatian” on station 1 mile astern

11.45am: Stopped

12.0am: Vice Admiral Tupper left ship

12.05pm: Proceeded S88W, 75 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 11

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23 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.3, Long -11.68

8.15pm: Altered course S9E to intercept steamer, S29W, 77 revs

9.15pm: Stopped. Hauled in P. log

9.25pm: Examined Swedish SS “Atland”, Philadelphia to Rotterdam, steering 79 degrees, cargo grain. Stated Belgium Relief Fund

10.35pm: SS “Atland” proceeded to Kirkwall, with armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Lawson

10.45pm: Proceeded N83E, 65 revs

Number on sick list: 11

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24 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.25, Long -11.96

7.55am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

10.0am: Altered course N82W, 4 points zigzag

2.0pm: Altered course N87W, 4 points zigzag

7.30pm: Altered course S87E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 10

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25 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.3, Long -11.6

12.20am: Ceased zigzag

4.25am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

7.0am: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 65 revs

5.0pm: Commenced 4 points zigzag

6.30pm: Sighted Rockall bearing S41W, 14miles

7.45pm: Altered course S59W to intercept sailing vessel bearing S65W, 14 miles

8.41pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

9.0pm: Boarded Danish Topsail Schooner “L. J. Bager”, Charlestown to Aarhus. Cargo Cotton and oil cake. Sent to Lerwick with armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Turnbull RNR.

Close-hauled on Port Tack

9.35pm: Proceeded N60E, 77 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 9

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26 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.25, Long -12.03

6.15am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

7.30am: Altered course N87W, 4 points zigzag

10.15am: Altered course N86W, 4 points zigzag

12.5pm: Altered course N82W, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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27 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.2, Long -12.08

5.0am: Increased to 70 revs. Commenced 4 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course N87W, 4 points zigzag

6.30am: Sighted steamer bearing S68W, 5 miles

6.35am: Altered course S77W to intercept trawler. Ceased zigzag

6.45am: Stopped. Hauled in P.log. Examined Brit Trawler “Queen Alexandra” H 530, steering 350 degrees. Fleetwood to Iceland. Allowed to proceed

7.5am: Proceeded N87W, 4 points zigzag, 75 revs

9.40am: Divisions. Prayers. Collision stations. Marines to 6 inch gun drill. Hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Ceased zigzag

3.35pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

5.30pm: Altered course N44W, 2 points zigzag

6.30pm: Altered course S88E, 2 points zigzag

9.50pm: Speed as requisite for adjusting steering gear

10.9pm: Steering gear adjusted

10.30pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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28 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.28, Long -11.53

3.30am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

4.55am: Sighted steamer bearing S50E, 8 miles

5.15am: Altered course N89W to intercept steamer

5.35am: Stopped. Hauled in P. log. Boarded Norwegian SS “Hiram” from Iviza [Ibiza] to Iceland. Steering 340 degrees. Cargo salt, green clearance. Ordered to proceed

6.45am: Sighted sailing vessel bearing S28W, 12 miles. Proceeded S16W to intercept vessel. Streamed log

7.45am: Stopped. Hauled in P. log

8.0am: Boarded Swedish sailing vessel “Angelo”, Cardiff to Norway. Steering 80 degrees. Cargo Coal. 2 Green clearances. Ordered to proceed

8.35am: Proceeded N77W, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log, 75 revs

2.30pm: Altered course N85W, 2 points zigzag

5.55pm: Altered course N82W, 2 points zigzag

7.0pm: Altered course S83E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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29 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.43, Long -11.93

4.0am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

5.0am: Altered course N87W, 4 points zigzag

9.25am: Sighted steamer bearing N39W

9.30am: Altered course N6W to intercept steamer. Increased to 80 revs

10.10am: Stopped. Hauled in P. log 96.4

10.30am: Boarded Swedish steamer “Atlanten”, New York to Copenhagen. General cargo. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Castle RNR. [Lat] 58 30N, [Long] 11 30W

11.5am: Proceeded N82W, 75 revs. Streamed P log

12.12pm: Altered course N19W to intercept ship bearing N40W, 13 miles

1.20pm: Stopped. Hauled in P. log 25.1

1.30pm: Boarded Norwegian barque “Glance” from Savannah to Aarhus. Cargo oil cake. Green clearance. Ordered to proceed

2.10pm: Proceeded S79W. Streamed P. log, 77 revs

3.10pm: Altered course N82E to intercept barque “Glance”

4.25pm: Stopped. Hauled in P. log 55.7

4.30pm: Sent armed guard on board S.V. “Glance” to proceed to Lerwick. In charge Sub Lieut Wilson RNR

4.45pm: Proceeded N2W to intercept steamer bearing N50E. Streamed P. log, 80 revs

5.38pm: Stopped. Hauled in P. log 66.9

5.30pm: Boarded Dutch SS “Samarinda”, Rotterdam (via Kirkwall) to Baltimore. Green clearance. Steering 240 degrees. Ordered her to proceed

6.30pm: Proceeded S61W, 75 revs. Streamed P. log, 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Altered course S88E, 4 points zigzag. Darkened ship. Rounds correct

10.50pm: Altered course S78E to intercept steamer bearing E ¼ S

11.30pm: Stopped. Hauled in P. log 29.2

11.45pm: Boat left to examine steamer

Number on sick list: 8

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30 April 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.36, Long -11.71

12.15am: Boarded Norwegian SS “Siljestad”, from Tyne to Boston, in Ballast. Green clearance. Allowed to proceed

1.0am: Proceeded N88E, 68 revs. Streamed P. log

3.35am: Commenced 4 points zigzag. Increased to 75 revs

7.0am: Altered course N87W, 2 points zigzag

8.55am: Altered course N82W, 2 points zigzag

1.40pm: Commenced 4 points zigzag

5.0pm: Altered course N76E, 2 points zigzag

6.20pm: Sighted steamer bearing N25E

6.25pm: Altered course N2W to intercept SS. Increased to 81 revs

6.52pm: Challenged & exch. Pdts. HMS “Patuca”

6.55pm: Proceeded N78E, 2 points zigzag, 78 revs

10.35pm: Reduced to 70 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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1 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.91, Long -6.7

4.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

8.30am: Altered course N87W, 2 points zigzag

9.0am: Examined Norwegian SS “Norfolk”. Cleared Kirkwall. Ordered to proceed

12.0am: Altered course N82E, 2 points zigzag

Day defence stations

8.0pm: Night defence stations

8.45pm: Darkened ship

9.0pm: Rounds correct

10.15pm: Altered course S36E, 2 points zigzag, 84 revs

Number on sick list: 7

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2 May 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

12.10am: Sighted Eshaness Lt bearing S49E 18 miles

12.20am: Passed HMS Victorian

1.15am: Sighted Muckle Roe Lt S35E 14 miles, altered course S27E zigzagging

1.30am: Sighted Hillswick Lt bearing S55E 7 ½ miles

1.47am: Eshaness Lt abeam N63E, 2 miles

2.3am: Hillswick Lt abeam N63E 3 ½ miles. Hauled in P. log

2.30am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam 3 cables

2.35am: Passed through boom defence

2.57am: Let go Starboard anchor in 16 fms veered to 6 shackles

In N° 1 Berth Busta Voe. Anchor bearings: F.S. N74W, Cairn N44W, Manse N67E

6.50am: Collier “Samson” made fast port side

6.15am: Collier “Rouen” made fast Starb side

8.10am: Hands employed coaling ship

10.15am: Sub Lieut Lawson & armed guard returned. Sub Lieut Watson RNR joined ship

10.20am: 1 rating RNR despatched to Lerwick Hospital

10.25am: Sub Lieut Turnbull & armed guard returned

10.40am: “Duke of Cornwall” sailed

12.0am: Left of coaling

1.20pm: Commenced coaling

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for day

Number on sick list: 9

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3 May 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.30am: Commenced coaling

12.0am: Ceased coaling for dinner

1.0pm: Resumed coaling

1.10pm: Finished coaling from collier “Rouen”

4.10pm: Collier “Rouen” cast off

5.30pm: Finished coaling

6.40pm: Collier “Samson” cast off

9.15pm: HMS “Black Prince” sailed

9.45pm: HMS “Teutonic” sailed

Number on sick list: 7

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4 May 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

3.12am: HMS “Patuca” arrived & anchored

5.40am: “Flying Breeze” came alongside with water

8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.45am: “Flying Breeze” casts off with one sick rating for HMS “Gibraltar”

1.30pm: Boat left with liberty men

2.0pm: Boat left with officers

3.45pm: Water boat alongside

4.30pm: Liberty men & officers returned

6.0pm: Sub Lieut Wilson RNR & armed guard returned on board

Number on sick list: 4

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5 May 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

8.55am: HMS “Duke of Cornwall” arrived

9.2am: Chaplain from HMS “Gibraltar” arrived on board & conducted Divine Service & Holy Communion

10.0am: Lieut Carter & armed guard returned

1.45pm: 2 ratings returned from leave

8.13pm: HMS “Duke of Cornwall” proceeded

9.12pm: Shortened in cable

9.26pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded as requisite for passing boom defence

9.55pm: Passed boom defence

10.3pm: Muckle Roe Lt abeam 3 cables. Streamed P. log

10.30pm: Hillswick Lt abeam, 4 miles, log 6.3, zigzagging

10.48pm: Eshaness Lt abeam 2 miles, Course N32W, 2 points zigzag, 84 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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6 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.23, Long -4.81

3.0am: Altered course N12W. Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 65 revs

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.30am: Challenged by & exch pdts with HMS “Ebro”

12.0am: Altered course S58E in order to communicate HMS “Ebro”

1.50pm: Altered course N12W. Sighted Fuglö bearing N73W, 40 miles

3.36pm: Fuglö Isle abeam 30 miles, bearing S60W

Number on sick list: 7

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7 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 65.36, Long -10.28

11.0am: Increased to 75 revs. Commenced 2 points zigzag

6.15pm: Altered course N14W 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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8 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.98, Long -15.0

3.35am: Altered course N29E. Ceased zigzag

5.30am: Commenced sounding every ¼ hour

8.0am: Altered course South, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 40 revs

9.10am: Altered course S31W, 2 points zigzag

10.10am: Challenged & exch. Pdts. HMS “Hildebrand”, altered course S50W

10.15am: Hauled in P log

10.45am: Stopped. Sent boat to HMS “Hildebrand”

11.45am: Proceeded N29E, 60 revs

Number on sick list: 5

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9 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 67.41, Long -15.0

9.50am: Sun bore S17E, Error 30W, Dev 1W

Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters

4.15pm: Evening Quarters

8.0pm: Night defence stations

9.35pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list: 6

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10 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 67.16, Long -15.0

Divisions. Prayers. Hands employed as requisite

4.15pm: Evening Quarters

8.0pm: Night defence stations

Number on sick list: 4

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11 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 67.0, Long -15.33

10.0am: Division. Prayers. Collision & Abandon ship stations

11.0am: Hands employed cleaning paintwork. Marines to infantry drill

Number on sick list: 4

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12 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 67.85, Long -15.0

10.0am: Altered course S29W. Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Hands employed as requisite

4.15pm: Increased to 60 revs. Evening Quarters

8.0pm: Night defence stations

9.30pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list: 5

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13 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 67.33, Long -14.75

Hands employed cleaning ship

8.4pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing S35W

8.6pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Ebro”

8.8pm: Altered course S29W, 2 points zigzag

10.0pm: Altered course N24E. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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14 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 67.33, Long -15.0

10.0am: Altered course S24W, 2 points zigzag

11.20am: Altered course S24W, 2 points zigzag

2.0pm: Altered course N37E. Ceased zigzag

4.15pm: Sighted SS bearing S9W, 9 miles

5.5pm: Altered course S34W to close steamer. Hauled in Log

5.15pm: Challenged & exch. pdts HMS “Ebro”

5.30pm: Stopped. Sent back signals to HMS “Ebro”

5.55pm: Proceeded N34E, 60 revs

11.50pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gloucestershire”

Number on sick list: 6

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15 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 64.9, Long -10.95

12.33am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

12.45am: Boat alongside from HMS “Gloucestershire”

12.50am: Boat returned with back signals

1.20am: Proceeded S39W. Streamed P log, 75 revs

1.57am: Land bearing S47W

2.27am: Langanaes Lt abeam, 7 miles, altered course S18E

10.0am: Divisions. Prayers. Hands employed cleaning ship

5.10pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

6.55pm: Sighted steamer bearing SxE, 8 miles

7.40pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

7.50pm: Boarded British SS “Rustington”, Barry to White Sea. Green clearance. Ordered to proceed

8.30pm: Proceeded S25E, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

10.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing S25W. Ceased zigzag. Increased to 80 revs. Course S2W

10.35pm: Hauled in P log. Sighted SS bearing S73W

10.40pm: Boarded Brit. SS “Glenaan”. Examined second SS “Glenesk”, Brest to White Sea. Green Clearances, allowed to proceed

11.50pm: Steamers proceeded

Number on sick list: 6

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16 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.21, Long -5.1

12.5am: Proceeded S23E, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed P log

4.15am: Sighted land bearing S5W

6.40am: Fuglö I abeam, 15 miles, bearing S65W

8.15am: Fuglö I bearing S70W, altered course S15E, 4 points zigzag

9.0am: Altered course N14W, 4 points zigzag

Hands employed getting out coaling gear

10.30am: Altered course S13E, 4 points zigzag

12.45pm: Altered course S13E, 4 points zigzag

4.25pm: Altered course S25E, 4 points zigzag

9.50pm: Altered course S30E, 2 points zigzag

11.50pm: Eshaness Lt bearing S35E

11.55pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Virginian”

Number on sick list: 7

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17 May 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

12.50am: Hillswick Lt bearing S32E

1.25am: Eshaness abeam 2 miles

1.45am: Hillswick Lt abeam 4 miles. Hauled in P log

2.8am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam 2 ½ cables

2.17am: Passed through boom defence

2.42am: Let go Port anchor, veered to 6 shackles in 14 fms

3.0am: Drifter alongside with mails

Anchor Bearings: F.S.[Flagstaff] N76W, Cairn N50W, Manse N52E

6.10am: Colliers made fast port and starboard side.

AC “Boscawen” port side, AC “Cairnnevis” Starboard side

7.30am: Coaling party arrived from HMS “Gibraltar”

12.0am: Hands to dinner. Bearings correct

1.0pm: Commenced coaling

3.42pm: Finished coaling

3.55pm: AC “Boscawen” cast off

4.0pm: AC “Cairnnevis” cast off

Number on sick list: 7

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18 May 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

11.0am: Water boat alongside

12.45pm: Liberty men leave ship

6.25pm: Liberty men returned on board

7.15pm: HMS “Griffon” arrived & anchored

9.30pm: HMS “Griffon” weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list: 6

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19 May 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

2.0am: HMS “Moldavia” arrived & anchored

6.20am: “Flying Breeze” alongside with fresh water

6.30am: HMS “Vienna” arrived & anchored

7.50am: Boat left for mails

8.0am: HMS “Griffon” arrived & anchored

8.5am: Mails arrived on board. Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Chaplain from HMS “Gibraltar” arrived on board

10.45am: Hands to Divine Service

5.20pm: Liberty men arrived on board

5.30pm: Twelve armed guards came on board

6.50pm: HMS “Spriteley” [corrected to “Sprightley”] arrived & anchored

7.0pm: HMS “Vienna” weighed & proceeded

9.0pm: HMS “Sprightley” weighed & proceeded

9.40pm: Shortened in cable

10.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded as requisite for passing boom defence

10.35pm: Muckle Roe abeam. Streamed log, zigzagging 84 revs

11.0pm: Hillswick Lt abeam 3 miles

11.10pm: Course N35W, 2 points zigzag

11.13pm: Eshaness abeam 9 cables

11.36pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Orotava”

Number on sick list: 7

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20 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.3, Long -5.33

3.0am: Altered course N21W, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 77 revs

Hands employed cleaning ship

9.30am: Commenced sounding every ¼ hour

12.52pm: Altered course N26W. Ceased zigzag

2.0pm: Ceased sounding

2.25pm: Sighted Fuglö I bearing S50W, 6 miles

4.0pm: Land in sight

5.35pm: Reduced to 70 revs. Ceased zigzag

7.0pm: Increased to 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

8.35pm: Reduced to 70 revs. Ceased zigzag

8.50pm: Increased to 77 revs. Sighted steamer

9.15pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

9.23pm: Boarded British trawler “Seahorse”, Iceland to Hull. Ordered to proceed

9.55pm: Proceeded N69W, 77 revs. Streamed log, 2 points zigzag

10.20pm: Reduced to 70 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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21 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 61.63, Long -11.58

12.5am: Altered course S24W, 2 points zigzag

4.5am: Altered course N36W, 2 points zigzag

9.0am: Altered course S36E, 2 points zigzag

10.45am: Altered course S41W, 2 points zigzag

8.30pm: Altered course N42E, 2 points zigzag

10.30pm: Altered course S33E. Reduced to 70 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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22 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.76, Long -11.5

10.0am: Altered course S46W. Divisions. Prayers. Abandon Ship. Hands employed cleaning ship

8.0pm: Altered course S43W. Night defence stations

9.35pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list: 7

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23 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.76, Long -10.58

10.15am: Altered course N30E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Hands employed cleaning ship

2.17pm: Sighted ship. Challenged & exch. pdts HMS “Moldavia”

2.30pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

2.45pm: Sent letter to HMS “Moldavia”

2.55pm: Proceeded. Course S64W, 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

3.47pm: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

5.0pm: Altered course S58W, 2 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S64W, 2 points zigzag

8.55pm: Ceased zigzag. Rounds correct

9.45pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list: 7

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24 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.58, Long -15.25

5.35am: Sighted steamer bearing S85W

5.40am: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Columbella”

6.0am: Stopped. Hauled in P log. Sent armed 3 armed guards to HMS “Columbella”

6.40am: Proceeded. Course S71W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed P log

Divisions. Prayers. Collision stations. Marines to infantry drill. Hands employed cleaning ship

12.35pm: Sighted steamer bearing N81W, 14 miles, altered course N89W

1.0pm: Examined Norwegian SS “Unita”, armed guard on board. All correct. Proceed. [Lat] 58 32N, [Long] 15 35W

1.5pm: Resumed course S71W

4.0pm: Altered course N25E, 2 points zigzag

7.20pm: Altered course S26W, 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Sighted steamer bearing S10E. Rounds correct

9.7pm: Altered course S[?]3E. Ceased zigzag

9.30pm: Examined Brit Collier “Lady Charlotte”, Course N (true), Cardiff to White Sea. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 58 18N, [Long] 16 19W

9.40pm: Resumed course S26W, 2 points zigzag

10.15pm: Altered course S23W, 2 points zigzag

12.0pm: Altered course S88W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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25 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.43, Long -18.0

1.0am: Altered course S84W, 2 points zigzag

3.50am: Sighted steamer bearing S55W. Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Hilary”. Increased to 77 revs, altered course S81W to close

4.15am: Hauled in P log

4.28am: Stopped. Sent 5 armed guards to HMS “Hilary”. [Lat] 57 27N, [Long] 17 39W

5.0am: Proceeded S33W, 70 revs. Streamed P log

6.52am: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Virginian”

8.0am: HMS “Virginian” in sight

10.0am: Divisions. Prayers. Marines to 6” gun drill. Stewards to squad drill. Hands employed painting ship

12.25pm: Sighted steamer bearing S50E, 12 miles

12.35pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag, altered course S58E. Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Motagua”

12.50pm: Increased to 70 revs. Hauled in P log

1.18pm: Stopped sent armed guard to HMS “Motagua”

1.23pm: Proceeded N36W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed P log

6.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing S74W, 16 miles

6.35pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing S84W, 16 miles

6.50pm: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Virginian”. Sailing Vessel boarded by HMS “Virginian”

7.15pm: Altered course N5W, 2 points zigzag

7.55pm: Sighted smoke bearing N65W

8.0pm: Altered course N31W, ceased zigzag

8.50pm: Hauled in P log

8.55pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish SS “Oscar II”, from New York to Copenhagen. General Cargo. 17 Enemy females, 545 bags of mails for Germany. Steamer steering 61 degrees. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Lieut Richards RNR of HMS “Ebro”

9.35pm: Proceeded S88E, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log

9.45pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list: 4

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26 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.21, Long -18.53

12.25am: Sighted steamer bearing N10E, 9 miles

2.0am: Intercepted Dutch SS “Madioen”, previously boarded. Allowed to proceed. Proceeded Course S78E, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

8.0am: Altered course S88E, 2 points zigzag

8.20am: Altered course S86W, 2 points zigzag

Divisions. Prayers. Stewards & Firemen to squad drill. Hands employed cleaning ship

11.25am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

3.55pm: Sighted steamer bearing N10E, 12 miles

5.0pm: Hauled in P log

5.12pm: Stopped. Boarded Dutch steamer “Westerdijk”, Rotterdam to New York via Kirkwall. Green clearance Allowed to proceed

5.50pm: Proceeded N19W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed log

7.30pm: Altered course N89E, 4 points zigzag

8.10pm: Altered course N34E. Ceased zigzag, 77 revs. Steamer bearing N3W, sailing vessel bearing N32E

8.35pm: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Orcoma”

Resumed Course S42E, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

9.25pm: Altered course N89E, 4 points zigzag

10.0pm: Darkened ship

12.0pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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27 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.6, Long -18.73

4.15am: Sighted steamer bearing N61E, 10 miles

4.50am: Intercepted Swedish SS “Boden” Kirkwall to Philadelphia. Flying flag of day. Allowed to proceed

5.0am: Proceeded S66E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

6.10am: Altered course S86W, 4 points zigzag

8.55am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Hands employed cleaning ship

11.17am: Altered course West, 2 points zigzag

1.40pm: Altered course N79W, 2 points zigzag

4.30pm: Altered course N59E, 2 points zigzag

9.5pm: Altered course S83E, 4 points zigzag

10.0pm: Darkened ship

Number on sick list: 5

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28 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.16, Long -18.2

12.40am: Sighted steamer bearing S28W, 8 miles

3.0am: Hauled in P log

3.5am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian SS “Alexander Kielland”* Tyne to Baltimore. Green Clearance. Allowed to proceed steering 240 degrees. [Lat] 27 52N, [Long] 18 40W

3.55am: Proceeded N81E, 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

8.15am: Altered course N83W, 4 points zigzag. Reduced to 70 revs

6.15pm: Altered course S88E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

*[ed. note: previous name SS “Samui”]

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29 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.13, Long -18.35

6.0am: Altered course N82W, 2 points zigzag

Hands employed painting ship

12.25pm: Sighted Sailing vessel bearing N40W, 12 miles

1.10pm: Altered course N66W to intercept sailing vessel

1.50pm: Examined Norwegian barque “Chile”, Hull to New York. Flying flag of day. Steering 210 degrees. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 58 7N, [Long] 18 53W

1.55pm: Proceeded, course N82W, 2 points zigzag

6.15pm: Altered course S86E, 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Rounds correct. Sighted Sailing vessel bearing N45E, 12 miles

9.17pm: Altered course N44E to intercept sailing vessel. Increased to 80 revs

10.0pm: Sighted steamer bearing S30W, 10 miles

10.15pm: Boarded Norwegian barque “Semedal”, from Copenhagen to Savanah. Ballast. Allowed to proceed

10.45pm: Proceeded, course as requisite for intercepting SS, 77 revs

11.25pm: Increased to 84 revs.

Steamer continually altering course

Number on sick list: 4

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30 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.13, Long -18.5

2.15am: Hands to General Quarters

3.35am: Hauled in P log

3.40am: Stopped. Boarded British SS “Cannizaro”, Hull to New York. Green clearance. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 57 44N, [Long] 19 01W

4.25am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Mantua”

4.40am: Proceeded N71E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

9.30am: Altered course N82W, 2 points zigzag

1.20pm: Altered course N83W, 4 points zigzag

6.15pm: Altered course S86E, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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31 May 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.16, Long -18.18

6.15am: Altered course N83W, 4 points zigzag

Divisions. Prayers. Hands employed in painting ship. Marines to infantry drill

6.20pm: Altered course S88E, 4 points zigzag

8.48pm: Altered course S33E, 2 points zigzag, 77 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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1 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.28, Long -14.2

Hands employed cleaning ship

1.20pm: Altered course S38E, 2 points zigzag

4.25pm: Altered course S58E, 2 points zigzag

6.30pm: Altered course S74E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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2 June 1916

At Sea & at Glasgow

Lat 55.4, Long -5.06

2.0am: Tory I. Lt bearing S50E, 20 miles

3.22am: Tory I. Lt abeam

4.15am: Challenged by & exch. pdts. Fanad Pt (War Signal Station)

4.50am: Fanad Pt abeam

5.15am: Challenged by Malin Hd

5.48am: Inishtrahull abeam, 1 mile; altered course S55E, zigzagging

8.10am: As requisite for Rathlin Sound

8.40am: Challenged by & exch. pdts. Tor Point (War Signal Station)

8.45am: Tor Pt abeam, 1 mile

8.50am: Challenged by HMS “Zara”

9.47am: Maidens abeam, dist 3 miles; altered course N52E zigzagging

11.30am: Ailsa Craig abeam bearing SW, 3 ½ miles

12.0am: Hauled in P log

12.5pm: Challenged & exch. pdts Pladda (War Signal Station)

12.7pm: Pladda abeam N40W, half a mile

12.35pm: Lamlash Lt abeam 3 cables

1.26pm: Little Cumbrae abeam 3 cables

1.30pm: Challenged by & exch pdts Toward Pt (War Signal Station)

2.5pm: Toward Pt abeam. Course as requisite

2.28pm: Passed through boom defence

2.10pm: Pilot came on board

3.0pm: Put clocks on half-an-hour

4.0pm: Put clocks on half-an-hour

6.10pm: Made fast foremost tug

7.30pm: Secured alongside coaling crane Prince’s Dock

8.0pm: Assistant Paymaster Walker leaves for Hospital

Number on sick list: 4

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3 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.15am: Commenced coaling

10.20am: Warrant No 40 read for imprisonment. 1 Fireman discharged to Duke St. Prison

Hands employed painting ship

12.20pm: 1 Marine RMLI discharged to Hospital

Hands employed painting

5.0pm: Ceased coaling

Number on sick list: 1

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4 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.0am: Church party leave for shore

Number on sick list: 1

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5 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Commenced coaling

5.0am: Finished coaling

6.0am: Shifted ship to Berth N° 20

Pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.45pm: 1 PO RNR discharged to Infirmary

8.0pm: 3 Ratings discharged to Harlow

1 RMLI discharged to barracks

Number on sick list: 1

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6 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

5.0am: Shifted ship to crane wharf

7.45am: MAA [ed. note: Master-at-Arms] joined from Portsmouth

9.0am: Hands employed painting

Pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

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7 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed cleaning ship

2.0pm: Funeral party leave for shore

4.30pm: Funeral party return on board

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8 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed taking in ammunition

Pm: Hands employed painting ship and cleaning guns

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9 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands employed painting ship

1 AB RNR & 2 boys joined from Portsmouth

Pm: Hands cleaning ship

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10 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Hands employed painting ship

10.45am: 6 Boys joined ship from Portsmouth

Pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

Pilot came on board. Made fast tugs fore & aft

5.15pm: Commenced shifting ship

6.0pm: Made fast alongside Yorkhill Wharf

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11 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.15am: Church party left ship

12.40pm: Church party returned

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12 June 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Pm: Hands employed taking in stores

10.15pm: 1 Fireman left for hospital

Number on sick list: 2

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13 June 1916

Glasgow & at Sea

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands cleaning ship & taking in stores

1.0pm: 8 Ratings left ship

1.30pm: 1 Fireman left for hospital

6.45pm: 6 stokers joined from Barracks

8.0pm: Pilot came on board. Put clocks back 1 hour

8.5pm: Course & speed as requisite for pilotage

8.35pm: Let go fore tug

9.35pm: Dumbarton Rk abeam. Darkened ship

10.35pm: Let go after tug. Pilot left ship

As requisite for passing boom defence

11.15pm: Passed boom defence. Streamed log. Course S31W, 84 revs

11.40pm: Skelmorlie Buoy abeam, log 4.7

11.45pm: Challenged & exch pdts Toward Point (War Signal Station)

Number on sick list: 2

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14 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.43, Long -5.46

12.15am: Little Cumbrae Lt abeam, altered course S24W

1.6am: Holy Island Lt abeam, log 25.7

1.25am: Challenged & exch pdts Pladda (War Signal Station)

1.30am: Pladda Lt abeam, altered course S53W, 2 points zigzag

2.0am: Ailsa Craig Lt abeam, log 39.2

3.55am: Altered course N21W. Ceased zigzag. Maidens Lt abeam

4.0am: Altered course N18W. Log 68.6. Irregular zigzag

5.23am: Tor Point abeam 1 mile. Log 88.5. Challenged & exch pdts

5.25am: Challenged by HMS “Zara”

Course as requisite for Rathlin Sound

6.20am: Altered course N11E, 2 points zigzag

6.58am: Altered course N65E, 2 points zigzag

7.30am: Altered course N53W, 2 points zigzag

7.24am: Otter Rk Lt. V. abeam N42W, 1 mile

8.12am: Chuirn Point abeam N60W, 1 mile, altered course as requisite

8.44am: Mc Arthur Hd abeam, log 37.1

8.50am: Black Rk buoy abeam. Log 38.7, altered course N21E

9.35am: Altered course N45E, 2 points zigzag

10.40am: Ceased zigzag

12.0am: Lismore Lt abeam

12.55pm: Hauled in P log 95.6

1.30pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 20 fms, veered to 4 shackles

2.0pm: Boat left with Officers

Anchor Bearings: N44W K land, N21E Pier Lt, N71E K Calve I

6.0pm: Boat returned with officers

7.50pm: Shortened in cable

8.5pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded N47W, 84 revs

8.12pm: Rubhanan Gall Lt abeam 96.4

8.44pm: Ardnamurchan Lt abeam altered course N42W, 2 points zigzag

9.10pm: Altered course West 2 points zigzag

10.0pm: Altered course N80W, 12 points zigzag

10.45pm: Altered course N87W, 2 points zigzag

11.12pm: Skerryvore Lt abeam 15 miles

11.20pm: Ceased zigzag

11.45pm: Altered course S84W. Reduced to 50 revs owing to fog

Number on sick list: 2

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15 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.41, Long -11.91

3.10am: Altered course N67W, 2 points zigzag

Hands employed cleaning ship

12.0am: Reduced to 72 revs, altered course N84W, 4 points zigzag

2.15pm: Altered course N47E, 4 points zigzag

3.5pm: Sighted ship bearing S65E

3.38pm: Stopped. Hauled log

3.45pm: Boarded ammunition carriers “Clan MacIntosh” & “Umona”, Liverpool to Archangel. Proceed

4.20pm: Proceeded N18E, 80 revs, 2 points zigzag

4.45pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Orotava”, altered course N12W

5.13pm: Hauled in log

5.17pm: Stopped

5.27pm: Sent three ratings to HMS “Orotava”

5.50pm: Proceeded N44W, 70 revs, 4 points zigzag

7.55pm: Altered course N87E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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16 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.4, Long -12.36

5.55am: Altered course N85W, 4 points zigzag

9.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

12.15pm: Altered course N85W, 2 points zigzag

3.35pm: Commenced 4 points zigzag

6.15pm: Altered course S88E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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17 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.9, Long -12.36

5.55am: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag

7.30am: Altered course S57W to intercept steamer

7.40am: Increased to 70 revs. Hauled in P log

7.55am: Stopped. Boarded Swedish SS “Kronprinsessan Victoria”. Armed guard on board from HMS “Gloucestershire”. All correct. Ordered to proceed. [Lat] 57 08N, [Long] 11 00W

8.35am: Proceeded N86W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed P log

Hands employed cleaning ship

1.10pm: Commenced 4 points zigzag

6.35pm: Altered course East, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

7.6pm: Altered course N36E to intercept steamer, 77 revs

7.25pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Victorian”

7.30pm: Altered course S84E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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18 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.85, Long -14.38

6.0am: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag

7.45am: Sighted steamer bearing N68W

8.12am: Closely examined Brit. Trawler “Chancellor” A 423. All Correct. Ordered to proceed

10.0am: Altered course N82W, 2 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course N33E, 2 points zigzag. Increased to 75 revs

10.0pm: Altered course N31E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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19 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.5, Long -13.43

2.45am: Altered course N45E to intercept steamer bearing North

3.21am: Stopped. Hauled in P log. Boarded Danish SS “Vulcan”, Baltimore to Nykøbing Falster. Cargo Maize. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Sub Lt. Lawson RNR. [Lat] 58 30N, [Long] 13 57W

3.55am: Proceeded N48E, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log

Divisions. Prayers. Abandon ship stations. Hands cleaning paintwork, etc

11.0am: Altered course N84W, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 70 revs

6.30pm: Altered course S88E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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20 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.28, Long -14.66

6.0am: Altered course N84W, 4 points zigzag

Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Hands employed cleaning paint work

12.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

3.50pm: Altered course N23E to intercept steamer bearing N5W, 6 miles

4.40pm: Stopped. Hauled in p log

4.45pm: Boarded British SS “Strathblane”, Liverpool to Archangel with ammunition. Ordered to proceed. [Lat] 59 ?N, [Long] 14 2?W

5.05pm: Proceeded S68W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed log

7.0pm: Altered course S88E, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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21 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.5, Long -13.43

6.0am: Altered course N84W, 2 points zigzag

6.35am: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 54 revs

7.5am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70

7.26am: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 54

8.25pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

Divisions. Prayers. Collision stations. Hands employed cleaning paintwork. Marines to infantry drill

1.5pm: Altered course S88W, 2 points zigzag

2.5pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing S74W, 8 miles

3.0pm: Closely examined Danish schooner “Nanny”. Flying correct flag of day. Ordered to proceed

4.45pm: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 55 revs

5.25pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

6.0pm: Altered course S88E, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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22 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.9, Long -11.6

6.0am: Altered course N84W, 2points zigzag

7.0am: Altered course N86E, 2 points zigzag

10.12am: Sighted steamer bearing S55E. Increased to 80 revs, altered course S85W

10.20am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Alsatian”

10.30am: Hauled in P log. Reduced to 72 revs

10.47am: Streamed P log

Steaming in station with HMS “Alsatian”

12.25pm: Altered course S85W, 2 points zigzag. Speed as requisite

1.32pm: Hauled in P log

1.37pm: Stopped

1.55pm: Vice Admiral Tupper arrived on board

2.5pm: Dropped target. Course & speed as requisite

2.20pm: General Quarters

2.30pm: Commenced 6” target practice (Starb. guns)

2.45pm: Commenced 1” aiming rifle target practice (port guns)

3.0m: Ceased fire

3.10pm: Picked up target

3.20pm: Exercised collision stations

3.40pm: Proceeded. Course N87W, 72 revs

3.53pm: Stopped

4.5pm: Vice Admiral Tupper left for HMS “Alsatian”

4.7pm: Proceeded. Course N87W, 2 points zigzag, 77 revs

4.10pm: Streamed P log

9.15pm: Sighted ship bearing N77W

9.25pm: Altered course N53W to intercept steamer

10.7pm: Examined Admiralty Collier “Glenfinlas”, Cardiff to Archangel. All correct. Allowed to proceed

10.10pm: Steamer proceeded steering 70 degrees

10.15pm: Proceeded Course S85E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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23 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.31, Long -14.11

3.35am: Altered course S28W to intercept steamer

4.20am: Hauled in P log. Examined Swedish steamer “Inland” flying correct flag of day. Ordered to proceed. [Lat] 59 32N, [Long] 12 26W

4.30am: Proceeded. Course N74E, 2 points zigzag, 77 revs. Streamed P log

7.0am: Altered course N87W, 2 points zigzag

8.0am: Altered course N85W, 4 points zigzag

Hands cleaning paintwork & painting N° 1 & 2 boats

12.20pm: Altered course N33W to examine smoke, 84 revs

1.0pm: Resumed course N85W, 4 points. Reduced to 77 revs

2.55pm: Altered course S62W, 4 points zigzag, 77 revs

4.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing S70W, 14 miles

4.40pm: Altered course S45W to intercept steamer

4.45pm: Hauled in P log

4.55pm: Boarded British steamer “Gardépée”, New York to Archangel. Munitions. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 59 11N, [Long] 14 40W

5.15pm: SS “Gardépée” proceeded steering 68 degrees

5.20pm: Proceeded S62W, 4 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed log

6.0pm: Altered course S88E, 4 points zigzag

8.5pm: Altered course N57E, increased to 84 revs

8.35pm: Resumed course S88E, 4 points zigzag, 70 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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24 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.48, Long -12.8

6.0am: Altered course N84W, 2 points zigzag

8.0am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.0am: Sighted smoke bearing N38W, altered course N37W

12.15pm: Altered course S56W, 2 points zigzag

2.0pm: Commenced 4 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S56E, 2 points zigzag

6.30pm: Sighted smoke bearing N84E, 12 miles

6.45pm: Sighted smoke bearing N60E, 14 miles

7.12pm: Examined Admiralty Oiler “Silverlip” N° 75. All correct. Allowed to proceed. Altered course N32E. [ed note: coordinates of boarding only partially readable: Lat 59 ?N, Long 12 ?W]

7.45pm: Hauled in P log

7.50pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish SS “Dania”, from Newcastle. Green clearance. All correct. Allowed to proceed

8.10pm: Proceeded. Course S18W, 84 revs. Streamed P log

8.25pm: Sighted steamer bearing S15E, 14 miles

8.42pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Otway”

9.10pm: Hauled in P log

9.20pm: Stopped. Received 1 fireman from HMS “Otway” & sent boat with mails

9.38pm: Proceeded N86E, 2 points zigzag, 72 revs

Number on sick list: 4

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25 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.0, Long -12.53

6.0am: Altered course N84W, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 70 revs

7.30am: Altered course N85W, 4 points zigzag

12.0am: Altered course S69W, 2 points zigzag

6.5pm: Altered course S87E, 4 points zigzag

7.30pm: Sighted steamer bearing N85E, 10 miles

7.40pm: Altered course N61E to intercept steamer

8.7pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

8.20pm: Boarded British SS “Lepanto”, Middlesboro to New York, in Ballast. Flying flag of day. Green Clearance. [Lat] 58 22N, [Long] 13 22W

8.34pm: SS “Lepanto” proceeded steering 270 degrees

8.40pm: Proceeded S87E, 4 points zigzag 70 revs

Number on sick list: 5

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26 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.55, Long -12.0

6.0am: Altered course N85W, 2 points zigzag

8.0am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

Hands employed scraping paintwork

2.30pm: Sighted steamer bearing N70W, 8 miles

2.45pm: Altered course N73W to intercept steamer

3.5pm: Sighted steamer nearing N40W, 14 miles

3.15pm: Stopped. Boarded Swedish steamer “Torne”, Philadelphia to Narvig. Cargo coal. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard. Sub Lieut Turnbull RNR. [Lat] 58 22N, [Long] 13 02W

3.42pm: SS “Torne” proceeded steering 70 degrees

3.48pm: Proceeded N10W to intercept steamer, 80 revs

4.42pm: Stopped. Boarded Swedish steamer “Hogland”, Baltimore to Gothenborg. Cargo coal. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard. In charge of Sub Lieut. Carle RNR. [Lat] 58 30N, [Long] 13 15W

5.0pm: SS “Hogland” proceeded steering 70 degrees

5.10pm: Proceeded S68W, 2 points zigzag, 72 revs. Streamed P log

5.40pm: Sighted steamer bearing S65W, 12 miles

5.45pm: Altered course S23W to intercept steamer

6.15pm: Hauled in P log

6.20pm: Boarded Dutch steamer “Merauke”, New York to Rotterdam via Kirkwall, cargo grain. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Lieut Wilson RNR. [Lat] 58 19N, [Long] 1326W

6.45pm: SS “Merauke” proceeded steering 72 degrees

6.50pm: Proceeded N85W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed log

8.0pm: Altered course East, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

10.20pm: Sighted steamer bearing N50E, 14 miles, altered course N4E 80 revs

10.25pm: Sighted steamer bearing N12E, 14 miles

10.40pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Mantua”

Resumed course. Reduced to 70 revs

Number on sick list: 4

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27 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.61, Long -11.0

6.30am: Altered course N84W, 2 points zigzag

9.17am: Sighted Sailing vessel bearing S55W, 14 miles

9.27am: Sighted sailing vessel bearing S30W, 14 miles

9.45am: Sighted steamer bearing S84W, 12 miles

10.25am: Hauled in P log

10.30am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian SS “Stamboul”, Philadelphia to Christianssund [ed note: corrected to Christiania] cargo wheat. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Sub Lieut Watson RNR. [Lat] 58 40N, [Long] 11 22W

10.35am: Steamer proceeded steering 71 degrees

10.50am: Proceeded. Course S59E to intercept sailing vessel, 80 revs

11.50am: Hauled in P log

11.55am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian barque “Savosa”[?], Savannah to Grimsby; cargo Railway Cross-ties. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 58 37N, [Long] 11 00W

12.40pm: Sighted steamer bearing N13W, 12 miles

12.56pm: Altered course N43W to intercept steamer

1.45pm: Sighted smoke bearing N32W, 16 miles

1.50pm: Hauled in P log

2.5pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Mantua”

2.0pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian SS “Sigrund”**, Baltimore to Aalborg, cargo wheat. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Lieut McCartney RNR. [Lat] 58 40N, [Long] 11 33W

2.17pm: SS “Sigrund” proceeded steering 70 degrees

2.20pm: Proceeded S49W, 80 revs to intercept sailing vessel. Streamed log

3.0pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing S55W

4.50pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

5.0pm: Boarded Norwegian barque “Pallas”, from Christiansund to Sydney, Cape Breton, in ballast. All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 58 11N, [Long] 11 55W

5.12pm: Proceeded N68E, 2 points zigzag, 72 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 2

*[ed. Note: a SS “Stamboul” mentioned here]

**[ed. Note: perhaps SS “Sigrun”]

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28 June 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.38, Long -6.16

7.0am: Altered course N87E, 2 points zigzag

10.45pm: Commenced sounding

11.20pm: Sighted land. Course & speed as requisite

11.50pm: Sighted Eshaness Lt

Number on sick list: 5

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29 June 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

12.25am: Eshaness Lt abeam

12.35am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Leopard”

12.49am: Hillswick Lt abeam, 4 miles

10.0am: Hauled in P log

1.10am: Muckle Roe abeam 2 cables

1.25am: Passed through boom defence

1.33am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gibraltar”

1.40am: Let go Starboard anchor in 14 ¼ fms veered to 6 shackles

Anchor Bearings: Manse N62E, Cairn N43W, Flagstaff N69W

6.40am: Colliers “Jured” [?] & “Westwood” secured alongside, port & starboard side respectively

7.25am: Coaling party arrived from HMS “Gibraltar”

8.5am: Commenced coaling ship

9.30am: Sub Lieut Lawson & armed guard returned

Pm: Hands coaling ship

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for day

10.0pm: HMS “Leopard” weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list: 5

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30 June 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

12.30am: HMS “Changuinola” arrived & anchored. HMS “Leopard” anchored

6.40am: HMS “Fiona” arrived & anchored

7.25am: Coaling party arrived form HMS “Gibraltar”

7.40am: Lieut’s McCartney, & Wilson & Sub. Lieuts Carle, Watson & Turnbull arrived with armed guards

8.0am: Resumed coaling

2.20pm: Finished coaling ship

3.0pm: Starboard collier cast off

3.30pm: Port collier cast off

Hands cleaning ship

6.0pm: HMS “Fiona” weighed & proceeded

10.0pm: HMS “Almanzora” weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list: 4

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1 July 1916

Busta Voe & at sea

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

12.22am: HMS “Mantua” arrived & anchored

11.0am: Divine Service & Holy Communion

9.30pm: Shortened in cable

9.55pm: Commenced to heave in

10.0pm: Anchor away. Course & speed as requisite

10.28pm: Passed through boom defence. Streamed P log. Course as requisite 84 revs

10.30pm: Muckle Roe abeam

10.58pm: Hillswick Lt abeam, log 7.5

11.15pm: Eshaness Lt abeam altered course N31W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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2 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.23, Long -5.4

2.45am: Altered course N70W. Reduced to 77 revs, 2 points zigzag

4.35am: Altered course N12W, 2 points zigzag

12.0am: Altered course N18W, 2 points zigzag

4.0pm: Altered course N28W, 2 points zigzag

7.45pm: Altered course N75W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 2

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3 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.21, Long -14.9

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.30am: Sighted sailing vessel bearing N75W, 10 miles

12.0am: Altered course N51W to intercept sailing vessel

12.5pm: Hauled in P log

12.17pm: Stopped. Examined Russian schooner “Benor”, Fowey to Archangel, cargo china clay. Allowed to proceed

12.10pm: Proceeded N75W, 77 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log

6.50pm: Ceased zigzag

11.0pm: Commenced sounding hourly. No bottom. Altered course N58W

Number on sick list: 2

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4 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 64.1, Long -24.33

Am: Sounding hourly

7.0am: Ceased sounding altered course N35E

Hands employed cleaning ship

Pm: Commenced sounding every quarter hour

1.15pm: Sighted land bearing N40E

2.30pm: Ondverdanes Lt Ho abeam 3 miles, altered course N12E

3.30pm: Sighted Staalbierg Huk bearing N25E

5.40pm: Staalbierg Huk Lt Ho abeam, 3 miles, altered course N77W, 68 revs

7.50pm: Sighted drifting ice

8.5pm: Hauled in P log

8.15pm: Sighted HMS “Patuca” & HMS “Ebro”. Challenged & exch. pdts.

8.30pm: Stopped. Officer came on board for letter

8.45pm: HMS “Patuca” proceeded

9.0pm: Captain of HMS “Ebro” came on board with letter & back signals, etc.

9.45pm: Captain left ship

9.45pm: HMS “Ebro” proceeded

9.50pm: Proceeded. Streamed log. Course N59E, 50 revs

Number on sick list: 6

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5 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.03, Long -25.65

3.45am: Sighted drift ice

7.25am: Sighted drift ice, altered course S66W

11.7am: Altered course to intercept steamer bearing N1E, 75 revs, Course N2E

12.18pm: Hauled in P log

12.23pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian Sealer “Driftig” to Aalsund via Iceland. Cargo 1800 seal skins. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 66 5N, [Long] 25 39W

12.30pm: Sighted land

12.45pm: Proceeded S28E, 75 revs. Streamed P log

2.40pm: Challenged & exch. pdts HMS “Ebro”

8.20pm: Altered course N38E. Sighted numerous ice floes

Number on sick list: 5

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6 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.1, Long -25.15

4.30am: Sighted land bearing S15E

8.45am: Sighted steamer bearing S50E

9.15am: Sighted HMS “Ebro”

9.35am: Hauled in P log

9.40am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian sealer “Aksla” [ed. note: misspelt for sealer “Aslak”], Iceland to the ice grounds. Allowed to proceed

10.0am: Proceeded S48E to close HMS “Ebro”

10.25am: Sent boat to HMS “Ebro”

10.48am: HMS “Ebro” proceeded

10.50am: Streamed P log. Proceeded N78W, 75 revs. Hands employed painting ship

1.57pm: Hauled in P log. Investigating ice pack

3.20pm: Streamed P log

11.0pm: Sighted ice ahead

Number on sick list: 3

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7 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 65.93, Long -25.55

8.40am: Challenged & exch. [pdts.] HMS “Gloucestershire”

9.12am: Hauled in P log

9.20am: Course & speed as requisite to close HMS “Gloucestershire”

9.56am: Stopped & sent boat to HMS “Gloucestershire”

10.10am: HMS “Gloucestershire” proceeded

10.17am: Proceeded S60W. Streamed P log

Am: Hands employed painting ship. Marines to 6” gun drill

3.15pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gloucestershire”

4.20pm: Altered course S63W. Hauled in P log

4.50pm: Stopped. Captain went on board HMS “Gloucestershire”

5.5pm: Steaming in company with HMS “Gloucestershire”. Course S63W, 2 cables

6.30pm: Stopped. Captain return on board

6.50pm: Proceeded Course S65W. Streamed P log

8.0pm: Altered course N72E to intercept sailing vessel

8.43pm: Hauled in P log

8.45pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian fishing smack “Morse” [?], from Haugesund, fishing. Allowed to proceed

9.15pm: Proceeded N67E. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 6

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8 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.25, Long -25.58

10.5am: Sighted steamer bearing N17W

11.10am: Hauled in P log

11.16am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian sealer “Korere” [?] from sealing grounds to Aalesund. Sent to Lerwick with armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Lawson RNR

11.45am: Proceeded S10W, 34 revs

11.50am: Streamed Log

4.45pm: Altered course S2W. Sighted HMS “Gloucestershire”

7.0pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

7.15pm: Course & speed as requisite for closing HMS “Gloucestershire”

7.25pm: Stopped

8.15pm: Sent boat to HMS “Gloucestershire”

8.30pm: Boat returned

8.35pm: Proceeded S87W, 50 revs. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 8

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9 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.1, Long -24.2

11.30am: Sighted smoke S80E

12.30pm: Stopped Boarded Norwegian SS “Albatross” from Reykjavik to Ol Fiord [ed. note: possibly Oefiord]. 63 passengers. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 66 08N, [Long] 23 46W

12.53pm: Proceeded N74E, 75 revs. Streamed P log

2.26pm: Ritur Huk abeam 5 miles, altered course N20W

4.0pm: Sighted drift ice

9.10pm: Hauled in P log

9.20pm: Stopped. Examined Norwegian trawler “Gardar” from Ira Fiord to fishing grounds. Allowed to proceed

9.45pm: Proceeded S88E, 70 revs

10.30pm: Stopped. Boarded Brit. Trawler “Cadet” H 210 All correct. Allowed to proceed

10.45pm: Proceeded N84W, 56 revs

11.10pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gloucestershire”

Number on sick list: 10

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10 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.61, Long -23.05

5.40am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gloucestershire”

7.45am: Stopped & as requisite

8.40am: Boat alongside from HMS “Gloucestershire”

8.50am: HMS “Gloucestershire” proceeded

8.55am: Proceeded N80E, 65 revs

Am: Hands employed painting ship

Number on sick list: 8

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11 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 65.75, Long -25.26

Am: Hands employed painting ship

11.25am: Sighted ship bearing S23W, 10 miles

12.5pm: Hauled in P log

12.15pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian sealer “Jupiter” from sealing grounds to Aalesund. 1750 seal skins & blubber. Sent to Lerwick with armed guard Sub-Lieut. Turnbull. [Lat] 65 46N, [Long] 25 13W

12.45pm: Proceeded N41E, 67 revs, streamed P log

3.0pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

4.10pm: Dropped target & commenced 1 inch aiming rifle target practice. Course and speed as requisite, 54 revs

5.09pm: Picked up target & proceeded S63W, 56 revs. Streamed P log

9.0pm: Sighted ship bearing N67E, 8 miles

9.42pm: Stopped & boarded French topsail schooner “Alma” engaged in fishing. All correct. Allowed to proceed

10.15pm: Proceeded N65E, 70 revs. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 5

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12 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.06, Long -25.63

3.22am: Altered course S22W to intercept steamer

3.40am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

3.45am: Boarded Norwegian sealer “Heim” from sealing grounds to Aalensund. 1250 seal skins on board. Sent to Lerwick with armed guard in charge Sub Lieut Carle RNR. [Lat] 65 22N, [Long] 25 35W

4.15am: Proceeded N66E, 56 revs. Streamed P log

Am: Hands employed painting & cleaning ship. Sounding every quarter-hour

1.15pm: Ceased sounding

2.5pm: Skirting ice pack

5.35pm: Sighted large ice berg altered course to investigate

8.17pm: Altered course N17E to intercept trawler

8.40pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log

8.45pm: Boarded Brit. trawler “St Dennis” from Hull fishing. All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 66 22N, [Long] 23 35W

9.5pm: Proceeded N74W, 56 revs, streamed P log

10.20pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gloucestershire”

Number on sick list: 7

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13 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 65.68, Long -24.2

5.0am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gloucestershire”

5.15am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Hilary”

5.40am: Course as requisite for closing

5.42am: Hauled in P log

5.52am: Stopped. Sent boat to HMS “Hilary” with ice chart, etc. Gunnery Lieut Kenyon RN came on board from HMS “Hilary”

7.6am: Proceeded S49W, 80 revs, streamed log

9.25am: Straumnes abeam

10.5am: Staalbierg Huk abeam

Hands employed cleaning ship. Marines to infantry drill

11.45am: Sighted Ondverdanes bearing S23W 13 miles

1.5pm: Ondverdanes Lt abeam 2 miles, bearing S75E

5.55pm: Hauled in P log

6.20pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 10 fms veered to 3 shackles

6.25am: Captain left ship

Anchor bearings: Grotta Lt N47W, Flagstaff South, Beacon N49E

9.0pm: Captain returned with Vice Consul

Number on sick list: 8

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14 July 1916

Reykjavik & at sea

Lat 64.65, Long -23.36

7.50am: Commenced to heave in

8.0am: Anchor away. Proceeded as requisite

8.15am: Course N26W, 80 revs. Streamed log

8.17am: Grotta Lt abeam

8.52am: Akranes Rk abeam

Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Forecastlemen to small arm drill. Boys to loader. Hands employed cleaning ship

11.55am: Altered course N49W. Sighted land

1.20pm: Altered course N15E, Ondverdanes Lt abeam 3 miles

4.10pm: Staalbierg Huk abeam 1 mile

5.4pm: Straumnaes [ed. note: Straumnes] abeam 1 mile

6.3pm: Koppamaes [ed. note: possibly misspelt for Kopanes] abeam 2 miles

6.51pm: Hafnarnaes [ed. note: Hafnarnes] abeam 2 miles

9.30pm: Ritur Huk abeam 8 miles

9.55pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Hilary”

10.30pm: Kogur Huk abeam 5 miles, altered course N58W

11.28pm: North Cape abeam 2 miles, altered course S42E. Reduced to 56 revs

Number on sick list: 10

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15 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.21, Long -18.83

12.45am: Sighted ice field

1.40am: Course as requisite for passing ice

2.30am: Hauled in P log

3.0am: Clear off ice field. Resumed Course S42E. Streamed log

6.35am: Course as requisite. Hauled in P log

7.35am: Let go Starboard anchor in 10 fms veered to 2 shackles

9.0am: Boat left with officers

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.0am: Vice Consul left ship. Fired salute of 7 guns. Officers returned on board

11.35am: Anchor away. Proceeded as requisite

11.47am: Steamed P log, 80 revs

11.53am: Siglunaes [ed. note: Siglunes] abeam

5.52pm: Altered course S38W to intercept trawlers

7.0pm: Stopped. Hauled in P log. Boarded Swedish trawler “[?]” & examined trawlers “Dolphin” & “Edith” from Smogen to fishing ground. Ordered to proceed. [Lat] 66 25N, [Long] 15 18W

7.20pm: Proceeded S48E, 84 revs. Streamed log

7.35pm: Sighted Langanaes Lt Ho bearing S38E

8.38pm: Fontrinn Lt Ho abeam bearing S71W, 2 miles

Number on sick list: 10

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16 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.85, Long -9.5

12.12am: Stand by engines

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.35am: Reduced to 75 revs. Commenced 2 points zigzag

10.35am: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

11.40am: Increased to 75 revs. Resumed zigzag

3.0pm: Ceased zigzag

3.35pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Alsatian”

3.55pm: Stopped. Captain went on board HMS “Alsatian”

4.16pm: Proceeded N8W in company with flagship

5.37pm: Stopped. Captain returned

5.50pm: Proceeded N42W, 60 revs. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 10

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17 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.2, Long -12.7

4.30am: Commenced sounding half hourly

1.50am: Altered course N65E. Ceased sounding

7.0am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Patuca”. Increased to 84 revs. Hauled in P log

7.42am: Stopped

8.0am: Received sick-case from HMS “Patuca” for transportation to Hospital

8.16am: Proceeded. Course S2W, 75 revs, streamed P log

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.30am: Challenged & exch. pdts. AMC “Artois

4.40pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Motagua”

11.57pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Alsatian”

12.0pm: Altered course S76W to close, 75 revs

Number on sick list: 7

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18 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.3, Long -7.31

12.37am: Hauled in P log

12.50am: Stopped. Received mails from HMS “Alsatian”; 1 signal rating returned on board

1.13am: Proceeded S20E, 78 revs. Streamed P log

5.10am: Challenged & exch. pdts HMS “Ebro”

7.20am: Challenged & exch. pdts HMS “Columbella”

8.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Day defence stations

12.55pm: Altered course S3E, 2 points zigzag

2.25pm: Sulisker [ed. note: Sula Sgeir] abeam 5 miles, 2 points zigzag

2.55pm: Altered course S12W. Irregular zigzag

4.0pm: Sounding every quarter hour

4.45pm: Sighted land bearing S45W

5.0pm: Challenged & exch. pdts HMS “Calanthe

5.30pm: Challenged & exch. pdts HM Trawler “Armageddon

5.35pm: Challenged & exch. pdts War Signal Station Tiumpan Head

6.0pm: Tiumpan Head abeam 2 miles

6.45pm: Course as requisite. Passed through boom defence

6.58pm: Let go starboard anchor in 6 fms veered to 2 shackles

7.5pm: Discharged hospital case to hospital. Landed mails

8.45pm: Boat returned

8.55pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded as requisite

9.10pm: Stopped, passed through boom defence

9.12pm: Course as requisite, 83 revs, streamed P log

9.50pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. War Signal Station Tiumpan Head

10.3pm: Tiumpan Head Lt abeam N34W, 2 miles. Course N8E

10.50pm: Sighted Butt of Lewis Lt bearing N22W, 7 miles

10.10pm: Altered course N22W, 2 points zigzag, 78 revs

11.27pm: Butt of Lewis Lt abeam 2 miles

Number on sick list: 5

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19 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.23, Long -5.83

6.10am: Altered course N83E, 2 points zigzag

11.30am: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 56 revs

1.30pm: Increased to 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

2.55pm: Ceased zigzag

7.20pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. AMC “Artois”

7.40pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

7.55pm: Altered course S31E, 2 points zigzag

8.20pm: Ceased zigzag

Commenced sounding half-hourly

10.40pm: Sighted Eshaness Lt bearing South 2 miles

10.45pm: Ceased sounding

10.50pm: Eshaness Lt abeam 2 miles. Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Griffin”

10.55pm: Eshaness Skerry abeam 2 miles. Hauled in P log

11.37pm: Muckle Roe Lt abeam 3 cables

11.48pm: Stopped. Passed through boom defence

Number on sick list: 3

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20 July 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

12.10am: Let go starboard anchor 15 fms veered to 6 shackles

12.20am: AMC “Artois” arrived and anchored

Anchor bearings: Flagstaff N83W, Cairn N50W, Manse N77E, Burgaster S61W

6.10am: Collier “Wychwood” secured Port Side

6.30am: Collier “Cairn Nevis” [ed. note: collier “Cairnnevis”] secured on Starboard side

7.15am: Hands arrived from HMS “Gibraltar”

7.50am: Commenced coaling ship

12.0am: Ceased coaling. Bearing correct

1.0pm: Resumed coaling

5.30pm: Finished coaling

5.55pm: “Carin Nevis” cast off

6.40pm: “Wychwood” cast off

Number on sick list: 3

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21 July 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.15am: Water-boat alongside

7.55am: HMS “Fiona” arrived & anchored

10.0am: Two armed guards arrived on board from HMS “Alsatian”

10.15am: Mails arrived on board from 22 bags of mails from HMS “Alsatian”

Hands employed cleaning ship

6.15pm: HMS “Fiona” left harbour

7.50pm: R. Admiral Fawckner arrived on board

11.0pm: R. Admiral Fawckner left ship

Number on sick list: 4

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22 July 1916

Busta Voe & at Sea

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.50am: HMS “Griffin” anchored

9.55am: HMS “Gloucestershire” anchored

11.30am: Water-boat alongside

1.0pm: Boat left ship with officers

1.0pm: Boat left ship with men until 6 pm

5.5pm: Sub Lieut Turnbull & armed guard returned

6.15pm: Liberty men returned

6.30pm: Officers returned

10.20pm: Shortened in

10.35pm: Weighed anchor. Course as requisite for approaching boom defence

11.20pm: Passed boom defence

12.10pm: Clear of Muckle Roe

Number on sick list: 5

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23 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 61.0, Long -5.56

12.15am: Streamed P log

12.45am: Commenced [sounding] every quarter hour

3.0am: Altered course N32W, 2 points zigzag. Ceased sounding

5.50am: Altered course N70W, 2 points zigzag

7.15am: Reduced to 68 revs. Ceased zigzag

7.45am: Increased 75 revs. Resumed zigzag

8.50am: Ceased zigzag

9.25am: Increased to 75 revs. Resumed zigzag

12.13pm: Sighted land bearing N37W

12.20pm: Altered course N27W. Increased to 84 revs to intercept steamer

1.10pm: Stopped and examined Danish whaler “Urd” bound for Trangisvaag with whale in tow. Allowed to proceed

1.28pm: Proceeded N70W 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

2.34pm: Munken Rock bearing N [?]

4.0pm: Altered course N22W, 2 points zigzag

8.20pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Alsatian”

8.52pm: Altered course N70E on station 1 [mile] astern

9.22am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

9.25pm: Boat alongside for armed guard & mails

9.50pm: Proceeded N4W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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24 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.85, Long -12.83

4.18am: Altered course N30W, 2 points zigzag

8.25am: Challenged and exch. pdts. HMS “Otway”

Hands employed cleaning boats, etc.

1.0pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Changuinola”

1.27pm: Stopped. Sent one rating to HMS “Changuinola”

1.35pm: Proceeded N72E, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

3.12pm: Sighted Hsvalbak bearing N15E

6.0opm: Altered course N25E, 2 points zigzag

10.25pm: Reduced to 65 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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25 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.56, Long -14.5

1.45am: Commenced sounding every quarter-hour

4.15am: Ceased sounding

5.0am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Hilary”

5.20am: Hauled in P log

5.25am: Stopped. Sent boat to HMS “Hilary”

6.5am: Boat inboard. Proceeded N1W, 56 revs. Streamed log

9.22am: Commenced sounding every half hour

Hands employed cleaning ship

12.25pm: Ceased sounding

3.0pm: Commenced sounding half-hourly

6.15pm: Ceased sounding

Number on sick list: 4

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26 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.6, Long -14.58

4.55am: Sighted land bearing S50W

7.0am: Langnaess bearing S40W, 8 miles, altered course N25E

Am: Marines to 6” drill

4.50pm: Sighted steamer bearing N85W, 14 miles

6.5pm: Revsnaes* [ed. Note: nowadays Rifstangi**] Lt Ho abeam, 3 miles

6.40pm Raudanupur Point abeam 3 miles

Number on sick list: 5

*[ed. note: “Iceland - North Coast - Sletta - Revsnaes - Intended light. About August 1, 1911 a flash white light every 3 seconds will be established on the extremity of Revsnaes, north coast of Iceland. Approximate position: Lat 66 32’ 15”N, Long 16° 09’ 15”W.”

Index to Notices to Mariners. 1911. U.S.A. Navy Department. Bureau of Equipment. Hydrographic Office

1912, page 26]

**[ed. note: “Rifstangi, a salient point, is located 6 miles ENE of Haganes. It is the N extremity of Melrakkasletta and the N point of Iceland. A reef extends NNW for about 0.5 mile from this point.

A disused framework light structure is reported to stand near the extremity of the point, but it is often obscured by dust clouds.”

Sailing Directions (Enroute) Greenland and Iceland National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Springfield Virginia 2014, page 167]

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27 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.35, Long -18.11

12.54am: Altered course N50W. Hauled in P log

3.30am: Altered course N63W. Reduced to 65 revs. Course as requisite for approaching anchorage

4.3am: Stopped. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fms veered to 2 shackles

7.0am: Boat left ship with despatches for Vice Consul

8.20am: Vice Consul arrived on board

9.10am: Vice Consul left ship

9.52am: Boat returned. Hove up anchor. Proceeded. Course & speed as requisite

10.25am: Siglenaes abeam. Course S77E, 75 revs. Marines to infantry drill

3.20pm: Altered course N8E to intercept schooner

3.55pm: Hauled in P log

3.58pm: Boarded Norwegian Admiralty schooner “Labrador”, Haugesund to Sigle Fiord. Cargo of salt & empty barrels. Waiting instructions. [Lat] 66 39N, [Long] 16 25W

British consul clearance from Stavangar. Allowed to proceed

6.30pm: Proceeded S35E, 70 revs, streamed log

7.23pm: Revsnaes Lt Ho abeam 3 miles, altered course S79E

Number on sick list: 6

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28 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.55, Long -14.33

12.20am: Altered course N27E, 2 points zigzag

3.32am: Altered course S26W, 2 points zigzag

6.45am: Langnaes Lt Ho bore S44W, 7 miles, altered course N27E, 2 points zigzag

9.30am: Altered course S25W, 2 points zigzag

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.0am: Sighted Langnaes bearing N20E

12.0am: Altered course N27E, 2 points zigzag

3.55pm: Sighted steamer bearing N23E

4.0pm: Ceased zigzag

4.7pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Orcoma”

9.22pm: Altered course S28W. Increased to 75 revs to intercept steamer

9.58pm: Stopped. Boarded Swedish SS “Sverker”, Gothenborg to Akureyri. Cargo coal, salt and empty barrels. Sent to Lerwick with armed guard in charge Lieut Wilson RNR [Lat] 66 16N, [Long] 14 25W

10.48pm: Proceeded N25E, 65 revs

11.40pm: Langnaes Lt Ho abeam

Number on sick list: 5

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29 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.38, Long -14.31

5.25am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Orcoma”

5.27am: Stopped to communicate with HMS “Orcoma”

5.45am: Proceeded S26W, 65 revs

6.10am: Altered course S8W to intercept steamer

6.47am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

7.5am: Boarded Norwegian SS “Diana”. All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 66 50[N], [Long] 14 30[W]

7.25am: Proceeded N22E, 65 revs. Streamed log

11.35am: Altered course S18E to intercept steamer, 75 revs

12.5pm: Stopped. Examined Norwegian Trawler “Torgeir”. All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 66 20N, [Long] 14 13W

12.33pm: Proceeded S27E, 75 revs

1.9pm: Stopped Boarded Norwegian SS “Bratt” Aalesund to Siglefiord. British consular clearance. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 66 15N, [Long] 14 15W

2.35pm: Stopped Boarded Norwegian SS “Langvin” & Hulk in tow, from Aalesund to Silgefiord. Cargo salt and empty barrels. Awaiting orders

3.15pm: Proceeded N43W in company trawler & Hulk, 40 revs

5.35pm: Stopped. Sent armed guard on board& ordered to proceed to Lerwick

6.20pm: Trawler & hulk proceeded to Lerwick

7.55pm: Stopped & sent boat to SS “Langvin”

8.12pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Orcoma”

9.45pm: HMS “Orcoma” proceeded

10.20pm: Gunner of “Langvin” returned to “Langvin”

10.30pm: Armed guard returned on board. SS “Langvin” & tow proceeded

10.38pm: Proceeded as requisite for intercepting steamer, 60 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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30 July 1916

At Sea

Lat 66.56, Long -14.5

1.50am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian Trawlers “Havmann” & “Segeren” towing Hulk “Maury”. Cargo salt & empty barrels. Masters of above came on board

2.45am: Boarded Norwegian trawler “Elna” with Brit. Consular Certificate. Allowed to proceed

3.48am: Allowed trawlers & hulk to proceed

3.50am: Proceeded S61E, 65 revs

5.55am: Langnaes abeam altered course N27E

12.0am: Steamer bearing S25W

12.36pm: Langnaes abeam 2 miles

2.16pm: Boarded Swedish SS “Helge” of Ahrus, from Sigle Fiord to Tronghiem [ed. note: Trondheim?]. 2848 barrels herrings. Sent to Lerwick with armed guard in charge Sub Lieut Turnbull RNR. [Lat] 66 28N, [Long] 14 35W

8.10pm: Grimsey Isle abeam

9.35pm: Hauled in P log

10.22pm: Siglenaes [ed. note: Siglunes] abeam

10.35pm: Let go port anchor in 16 fms veered to 2 shackles

10.50pm: Officer from Danish man-o-war “Islands Falk” came on board to pay compliments

10.55pm: Officer left

11.0pm: Captain left ship to visit vice-consul

Number on sick list: 5

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31 July 1916

Sigle Fiord & at Sea

Lat 66.5, Long -21.6

1.15am: Captain and Vice Consul arrived on board

9.0am: HMS “Gloucestershire” in sight

9.10am: Captain left ship to visit Danish Man-o-War

9.50pm: HMS “Gloucestershire” arrived and anchored

9.55pm: Captain of Danish man-o-war came on board

10.0am: Danish Captain left ship

12.0pm: Proceeded Course & speed as requisite

12.7pm: Siglenaes abeam

12.15pm: Course N47W, 78 revs. Streamed log

9.27pm: North Cape abeam

10.37pm: Kogur Huk abeam, altered course N82W

11.3pm: Straumnaes [Straumnes] abeam, altered course S78W

11.32pm: Ritur Huk abeam, altered course S70W

Number on sick list: 5

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1 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 64.03, Long -23.05

2.45am: Koppamaes abeam bearing S23E, 3 miles

3.32am: Straumnaes abeam, S25E, 2 miles

1.13am: Staalbierg Huk Lt abeam 2 miles

7.29am: Ondvernadaes Lt Ho abeam 2 miles

8.10am: Driftvik abeam 2 miles, altered course S3W

Hands employed cleaning ship

1.22pm: Reykjanes Lt Ho abeam 2 miles

Number on sick list: 4

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2 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.46, Long -17.25

Am: Hands employed cleaning paintwork

5.30pm: Sighted steamer

5.40pm: Examined British SS “Marengo” Flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 4

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3 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.41, Long -11.6

4.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

11.0am: Altered course S68E 2 points zigzag

6.30pm: Commenced sounding half-hourly. Ceased zigzag

9.30pm: Heard whistle buoy bearing SW 2 miles

11.20pm: Altered course S17E. Heard Inishtrahull fog siren

Number on sick list: 4

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4 August 1916

At Sea & at Glasgow

Lat 55.1, Long -5.5

12.15am: Light bearing S20W

5.12am: Sighted land on Starboard Beam. Course and speed as requisite for Rathlin Sound

5.48am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Zara”

5.52am: Tor Pt abeam 5 cables

7.0am: Ceased sounding

7.40am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

8.57am: Ailsa Craig abeam, altered course N32E, 2 points zigzag

9.30am: Challenged & exch. pdts. Pladda (War Signal Station)

9.35am: Pladda Lt Ho abeam

9.45am: Ceased zigzag

10.4am: Holy Island abeam

10.58am: Little Cumbrae Lt Ho abeam 4 cables

11.3am: Challenged & exch. pdts Toward Point (War Signal Station)

11.35am: Toward Point abeam

12.0am: As requisite for passing boom defence

12.12pm: Pilot arrived on board. Course & speed as requisite for pilotage

12.30pm: Stem tug made fast

2.15pm: Dumbarton Rock abeam

4.30pm: Secured alongside wharf

7.0pm: Sub Lieut Lawson & armed guard rejoined

8.30pm: One rating shipwright discharge to hospital; 1 boy discharged to hospital

Number on sick list: 3

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5 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

5.0am: Pilot arrived on board

5.10am: Made fast tugs

5.35am: Secured in Dry Dock

6.20am: Ship grounded on blocks

9.0am: Sub Lieut Smith RNVR joined ship; Ass. pay. Walker RNR rejoined ship

9.35am: 3 ratings from Chatham join ship

4.0pm: HMS “Ebro” arrived Prince’s dock

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6 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.30am: Church party leave ship

12.30pm: Church party returned

7.10pm: Lieut Wilson RNR & armed guard returned

7.15pm: Sub Lieut Turnbull RNR & armed guard returned on board

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7 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed painting ship

3.0pm: 2 ratings arrive on board from hospital

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8 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.50am: HMS “Changuinola” arrived Prince’s Dock

Am: Hands employed painting ship

4.10pm: Commenced flooding dock

5.20pm: Ship afloat. Pilot arrived on board

6.0pm: Tugs made fast. As requisite for shifting to coaling crane

7.0pm: Secured alongside wharf

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9 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Commenced coaling

Am: Hands employed shipping stores

9.30pm: Butcher left for hospital

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10 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Finished coaling

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Received 60 nose fuse shells on board

11.15am: Hands employed shifting ship

1.5pm: Secured alongside heavy crane

2.30pm: Placed gun

4.15pm: Five drums of paint received on board

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11 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.25am: Pilot arrived on board. Tugs made fast

8.40am: Left Prince’s Dock for Meadowside

10.0am: Made fast alongside wharf

10.15am: Ten ratings joined ship from HMS “Victory”

Pm: Hands employed painting ship

9.0pm: HMS “Motagua” sailed

Number on sick list: 1

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12 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed painting ship & taking in stores

12.0pm: 1 signal rating joined from Chatham. Hands employed taking in stores

Number on sick list: 1

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13 August 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

12.10am: 6 stoker ratings joined ship

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Pm: 6 ratings discharged to Barracks Portsmouth

7.0pm: Lieut Wilson RNR left ship

Number on sick list: 1

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14 August 1916

At Glasgow & at Greenock

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Diving boat alongside to clear bottom line from propellers

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

2.0pm: One rating shipwright joined ship

10.0pm: Ass. Pay. Ingram left ship

Clocks altered 1 hour at 1 a.m.

12.0pm: Tugs made fast. Pilot arrived on board

Number on sick list: 3

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15 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.48, Long -5.0

1.53am: Dumbarton Rock abeam

2.0am: Let go forward tug

2.30am: Let go stern tug

2.50am: Let go Starboard anchor in 11 fms veered to 5 shackles

Anchor Bearings: East chimney S31W, Roseneath Beacon N62W

7.45am: HMS “Moon” and “Mystic” weighed and proceeded

8.0am: HMS “Repulse” weighed and proceeded

9.0am: Shortened in cable

9.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Course as requisite for passing boom defence, 75 revs

9.50am: Passed boom defence. Streamed P log. Course S31W, 54 revs

10.15am: Skelmorlie buoy abeam, 3 cables

10.22am: Exchanged pdts. Toward Point (War Signal Station)

10.55am: Little Cumbrae abeam 6 cables

11.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

11.50am: Holy Island Lt Ho abeam 2 miles

12.10pm: Altered course S46W, 2 points zigzag

12.15pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. Pladda (War Signal Station)

12.18pm: Pladda Lt Ho abeam 1 mile

12.58pm: Ailsa Craig abeam 2 miles

1.30pm: Altered course N73W, 2 points zigzag

1.40pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Legion”

2.45pm: Maiden’s Lt Ho abeam 3 miles

2.50pm: Altered course N27W, 2 points zigzag

3.46pm: Tor Point 1 mile

4.0pm: Benmore Head abeam 1 mile, altered course N62W

4.6pm: Rue Point abeam

4.20pm: Bull Point abeam, altered course N52W, 2 points zigzag

5.35pm: Dunagree point abeam

6.40pm: Inishtrahull abeam, altered course N70W, 2 points zigzag

6.50pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. Malin Head (War Signal Station)

7.50pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. Fanad Point (War Signal Station)

9.30pm: Tory Island Lt abeam 8 miles

Number on sick list: 2

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16 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.35, Long -12.58

7.0am: Altered course N2E, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.15pm: Altered course N22W, 2 points zigzag

6.0pm: Sighted Rockall bearing N8E, 6 miles

6.28pm: Rockall abeam 4 miles

6.30pm: Sighted steamer bearing S35W, altered course S27W

6.57pm: Reduced to 70 revs. Hauled in log

7.4pm: Stopped. Boarded British trawler “Argo”. Full cargo fish. Rockall to Aberdeen. Proceeded. [Lat] 57 28N, [Long] 13 54W

7.21pm: Proceeded N25E, 2 points zigzag, 78 revs. Streamed P log

7.55pm: Altered course N62W, 2 points zigzag. Rockall abeam

8.22pm: Altered course N16W to intercept steamer bearing N30W

9.5pm: Hauled in P log

9.10pm: Stopped. Boarded Swedish SS “Kratos” from New Orleans to Bergen. General cargo. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard Sub Lieut Carle RNR. [Lat] 51 56N, [Long] 13 57W

9.45pm: Proceeded N65E, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log

10.40pm: Altered course S10W to intercept steamer

10.55pm: Closely examined British trawler “Dreadnought” fishing. All correct

11.0pm: Altered course N65E, 2 points zigzag, 78 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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17 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.08, Long -10.3

1.45am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gloucestershire”

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.3pm: Altered course S38E to close steamer

1.10pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Teutonic”. Ceased zigzag. Communicating HMS “Teutonic”

1.37pm: Altered course N55W, 2 points zigzag

3.0pm: Altered course S89W, 2 points zigzag

4.10pm: Altered course N81E, 2 points zigzag

6.58pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Moldavia”, altered course N36W to close

7.15pm: Hauled in P log

7.30pm: Stopped. Boat came alongside from HMS “Moldavia” with back signals

7.43pm: Boat returned

7.45pm: Proceeded S29E to intercept sailing vessel bearing S30E

8.21pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian barque “Catharina” from Aalborg to Sydney (Cape Breton). All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 60 24N, [Long] 9 40W

8.50pm: Proceeded N77W, 2 points zigzag, 72 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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18 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.53, Long -9.76

4.10am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course S79W, 4 points zigzag

12.53pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Columbella”

2.26pm: Sighted steamer bearing S75W, 6 miles

2.36pm: Stopped Boarded Norwegian SS “Patria”, Fleetwood to Akureyri. Green Clearance. Allowed to proceed

3.06pm: Proceeded S79W, 4 points zigzag, 72 revs

4.3pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Ebro”, altered course S38W

4.25pm: Hauled in P log

4.35pm: Sent boat to HMS “Ebro” with letter. Received 1 rating & 1 rating for HMS “Orotava”

5.0pm: Boat on board. Proceeded N84W, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log

6.35pm: Altered course N78E, 4 points zigzag

8.15pm: Altered course S26W to intercept steamer bearing S15W, 9 miles

8.49pm: Stopped. Closely examined Danish SS “Hans Broge”, Ipswich to Sandy Hook, in Ballast. Allowed to proceed

8.55pm: Proceeded N78E, 2 points zigzag

9.50pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

10.35pm: Reduced to 62 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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19 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.25, Long -10.61

3.0am: Increased to 72 revs, 2 points zigzag

3.12am: Sighted steamer bearing east 3 miles

3.18am: Closely examined British Trawler “Aralia”, GY 371. Allowed to proceed

3.20am: Resumed Course 2 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course S79W, 4 points zigzag

9.12am: Altered course N12E to intercept steamer

9.40am: Closely examined British Trawler “Fortuna”, GY 140

9.45am: Proceeded S79W, 4 points zigzag

Hands employed cleaning ship

6.0pm: Altered course N78E, 4 points zigzag

9.25pm: Hauled in P log to clear

9.30pm: Streamed log

10.30pm: Altered course N80E. Reduced to 58 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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20 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.78, Long -9.63

3.0am: Altered course N78E, 4 points zigzag, 72 revs

6.0am: Altered course S79W, 4 points zigzag

11.10am: Altered course N17W. Increased to 78 revs. Ceased zigzag

12.55pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Columbella”

1.0pm: Hauled in P log

1.5pm: Sent boat with Fleet Surgeon Scribner & Proby Surgeon [ed. note: Surgeon Probationer*] Knight to HMS “Columbella”

1.25pm: Boat in board. Proceeded S79W, 2 points zigzag, 72 [revs] in company with HMS “Columbella”. Streamed log

2.47pm: Altered course N80E, 2 points zigzag

3.17pm: Stopped Fleet Surgeon and Proby Surgeon returned on board

3.25pm: Proceeded S51E, 2 points zigzag, 72 revs

7.30pm: Altered course N80E, 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

[* Surgeon Probationer was an officer rank in the Royal Navy Reserve. The rank was established in December 1913. These surgeon probationers were first or second year medical students who took a short course in the naval hospital and were sent to sea as medical officers in destroyers or other ships too small to warrant carrying a qualified surgeon.]

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21 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.51, Long -9.73

6.0am: Altered course S79W, 4 pints zigzag

Am: Hands employed cleaning paintwork

6.0pm: Altered course S53W. Increased to 75 revs, 2 points zigzag to intercept sailing vessel bearing S42W, 14 miles

6.50pm: Sighted steamer bearing S55W, 14 miles

8.0pm: Closely examined British Trawler “J. Baels-Mauricx”, Fleetwood to Iceland. Allowed to proceed. Altered course to intercept ship

9.0pm: Hauled in P log

9.3pm: Stopped boarded Danish barque “H. C. Grube”, Sicily to Faroe. Cargo salt (375 tons). [Lat] 59 51N, [Long] 11 18W

9.30pm: Boat returned. Course N47E, 60 revs

11.12pm: Stopped. Sent armed guard on board sailing vessel in charge Sub Lieut Turnbull RNR. Ordered to proceed to Lerwick

11.25pm: Sailing Vessel proceeded

11.35pm: Proceeded N74W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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22 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.53, Long -9.46

8.0am: Altered course S76W, 4 points zigzag

10.15am: Sighted steamer bearing S2E

10.20am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Columbella”

Am: Hands employed painting & cleaning ship

2.0pm: Altered course S14W, 2 points zigzag

3.20pm: Sighted steamer bearing S20E

3.27pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Changuinola”

4.0pm: Stopped. Sent boat for 7 firemen ratings

4.15pm: Boat inboard

4.20pm: Proceeded N55W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

7.10pm: Altered course N79E, 4 points zigzag. Reduced to 72 revs

10.40pm: Altered course N80E, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 62 revs

Number on sick list: 4

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23 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.53, Long -9.6

3.30am: Increased to 72 revs. Commenced 4 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course S79W, 4 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S81W, 2 points zigzag

8.30pm: Altered course S87W. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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24 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.41, Long -12.06

5.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, 65 revs

6.0am: Altered course N75W, 2 points zigzag

6.35am: Altered course S65W to intercept steamer bearing S55W, 9 miles

7.47am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

7.55am: Boarded British Tank steamer “Terek”, Hull to Texas in Ballast. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 59 26N, [Long] 11 42W

8.0am: Steamer proceeded steering 260 degrees

8.12am: Proceeded N68W, 65 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed P log

9.0am: Sighted sailing vessel bearing North 9 miles

9.30am: Intercepted Norwegian bark “Diane” with armed guard on board. Allowed to proceed

Hands employed cleaning ship

11.0am: Altered course S38W to intercept steamer bearing S73W

11.25am: Hauled in P log

11.30am: Stopped. Boarded Admiralty Oiler N° 122 SS “Saxol” ex “Tyrolia”*, Philadelphia & Halifax to Kirkwall. Ordered to proceed. [Lat] 59 25 N, [Long] 12 40W

Number on sick list: 4

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25 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.36, Long -12.9

5.40am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Alsatian”. Altered course S45E. Increased to 75 revs to close

6.15am: Stopped. Sent boat to HMS “Alsatian”

6.50am: Boat returned with Sub Lieut Carle RNR and armed guard & Captain [Edward] Gillespie DSO RMLI [ed. note: Distinguished Service Order, Royal Marine Light Infantry]

6.5am: Proceeded N75W, 70 revs

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

1.0pm: Ceased zigzag

4.10pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Evening Quarters

Number on sick list: 3

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26 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.43, Long -13.16

6.15am: Altered course N77W. Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

7.40am: Challenged by & exch. pdts. with HMS “Alsatian”

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 5

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27 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.33, Long -14.28

6.0am: Altered course N76W, 2 points zigzag

9.22am: Commenced 4 points zigzag, altered course N77W

6.0pm: Altered course S74E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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28 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.35, Long -13.51

3.25am: Altered course N69W, 2 points zigzag

8.10am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Alsatian”

9.20am: Hauled in P log

9.25am: Stopped. Captain went on board flagship

9.50am: Course as requisite for keeping station with flagship, 80 revs

10.30am: Course S30W, 2 points zigzag

11.15am: Stopped. Captain returned on board. Received three armed guards for HMS “Mantua”

11.15am: Proceeded S79E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed P log

2.0pm: Commenced 4 points zigzag

2.30pm: Altered course S55E. Increased to 78 revs to intercept steamer bearing S50E, 12 miles

3.45pm: Intercepted Danish SS “United States”, Kirkwall to New York. Flying flag of day. Steering 260 degrees

3.50pm: Proceeded. Course S89E, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

11.30pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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29 August 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.08, Long -7.26

4.30am: Altered course S89E, 2 points zigzag. Increased to 78 revs

9.15am: Altered course N86E, 2 points zigzag

11.0am: Day defence stations

2.15pm: Altered course N84E, 3 points zigzag

11.0pm: Altered course S20E, 2 points zigzag, 84 revs

Number on sick list: 5

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30 August 1916

At Sea & at Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

1.5am: Eshaness Lt bearing S24E

2.56am: Eshaness Lt abeam 1 mile, altered course S30E

3.0am: Eshaness Skerry abeam 1 mile

3.5am: Hauled in P log

3.10am: Hillswick Lt abeam 2 ½ miles

3.15am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Lively”

3.27am: Muckle Roe abeam. As requisite for passing boom defence

3.45am: Passed through boom defence

4.3am: Let go Starboard anchor in 15 fms veered to 6 shackles

4.45am: HMS “Lively” arrived & anchored

5.0am: HMS “Duke of Edinburgh” & HMS “Duke of Cornwall” arrived & anchored

5.55am: Collier “Sir Francis” came alongside port side

6.0am: Collier “Westwood” alongside starboard side

8.30am: Hands commenced to coal ship

9.0am: Three armed guards left for HMS “Mantua”

10.0am: Capt Gillespie DSO RMLI left ship

12.0am: Hands ceased coaling for dinner

1.0pm: Hands resumed coaling

2.0pm: Water boat alongside with 200 tons of drinking water

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for day

7.12pm: HMS “Lively” weighed & proceeded

8.0pm: HMS “Duke of Edinburgh” weighed & proceeded

8.5pm: HMS “Duke of Cornwall” weighed & proceeded

8.50pm: HMS “Mantua” weighed & proceeded

10.35pm: HMS “Lively” returned to anchorage

Number on sick list: 3

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31 August 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

8.0am: Hands resumed coaling

11.0am: Finished coaling ship

11.35am: Collier “Westwood” cast off

12.30pm: Collier “Sir Francis” cast off

3.50pm: Water boat alongside with 100 tons boiler water

6.15pm: Water boat cast off

Number on sick list: 5

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1 September 1916

Busta Voe & at sea

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

8.12am: HMS “Royal Scot” arrived and anchored

9.15am: Sub Lieut Turnbull RNR & armed guard returned on board

10.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

5.20pm: 5 armed guards arrived on board

7.15pm: HMS “Lively” weighed & proceeded

9.42pm: Shortened in cable

10.9pm: Anchor away. Proceeded. Course & speed as requisite for passing boom defence

10.30pm: Passed boom defence. Streamed log. Course & speed as requisite, zigzagging, 84 revs

10.40pm: Muckle Roe abeam

10.50pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Lively”

11.0pm: Hillswick Lt abeam 2 miles

11.27pm: Eshaness abeam. Course N41W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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2 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.95, Long -6.6

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

12.0am: Altered course S81W, 2 points zigzag

1.10pm: Altered course N58W to intercept steamer bearing S73W

1.35pm: Closely examined Danish SV “Immanuel” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. Altered course S81W, 2 points zigzag

4.35pm: Altered course S18W to intercept sailing vessel bearing S30W

5.40pm: Hauled in P log

5.47pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish barquentine “Kodan”, Svendborg to New Brunswick, in ballast. All correct. Allowed to proceed

6.10pm: Proceeded S24W, 75 revs, Streamed P log, to intercept steamer bearing S5E

6.55pm: Hauled in P log

7.0pm: Stopped. Boarded British SS “Stag”* from North Shields to Cuba, in ballast. All correct. Allowed to proceed steering 270 degrees. [Lat] 60 09N, [Long] 8 5W

7.30pm: Proceeded N72W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 7

*[ed. note: more likely “Stag” (4) in the fleet list of STAG LINE / Joseph Robinson & Sons, North Shields]

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3 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.95, Long -14.2

5.40am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

7.15am: Altered course N72W, 2 points zigzag. Increased to 78 revs

10.10am: Altered course N77W, 2 points zigzag

12.20pm: Altered course N72W, 2 points zigzag

1.0pm: Altered course N69W, 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Rounds correct, altered course S63W, 2 points zigzag

11.0pm: Altered course S56E. Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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4 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.61, Long -17.26

5.50am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Mantua”

6.0am: Hauled in P log

6.35am: Stopped. Transferred two armed guards to HMS “Mantua”

6.40am: Proceeded S75W, 84 revs. Streamed log

7.15am: Steamer bearing S53W

7.30am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Teutonic”

7.55am: Hauled in P log

8.5am: Stopped. Transferred 1 armed guard to HMS “Teutonic”

8.22am: Proceeded S75W, 78 revs. Streamed log

9.20am: Altered course S18W to intercept sailing vessel bearing S30W

10.0am: Intercepted Danish barque “Hylemore” [ed. note: perhaps misspelt for “Kylemore”] armed guard on board. Allowed to proceed

Proceeded West 80 revs

10.45am: Challenged and exchanged pdts HMS “Orvieto

11.5am: Hauled in P log

11.20am: Stopped. Transferred 1 armed guard to HMS “Orvieto”

11.25am: Proceeded S53W, 78 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log

6.0pm: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 60 revs

6.48pm: Reduced to 50 [revs]. Fired 6” blank

7.20pm: Fired blank charge

7.50pm: Fired 6” blank

9.0pm: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag. Rounds correct

11.0pm: Altered course S82E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 9

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5 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.71, Long -17.75

1.0am: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

5.45am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course N22W, 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs

8.5am: Challenged & exch. pdts. AMC “Artois”

8.35am: Stopped. Sent armed guard to AMC “Artois”. Hauled in P log to repair

9.0am: Proceeded N89W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

11.25am: Log repaired. Streamed showing zero

7.0pm: Altered course S48E, 2 points zigzag

10.35pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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6 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.31, Long -18.51

4.40am: Increased to 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course N85W, 2 points zigzag, 72 revs

10.0am: Divisions. Prayers. Abandon ship. Marines to infantry & gunnery drill. Boys to 6” gun drill. Hands employed cleaning ship

6.0am: Altered course S85E, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

11.45pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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7 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.43, Long -18.4

5.8am: Increased to 72 revs, 2 points zigzag

5.20am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Hilary”

5.40am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

6.5am: Received 1 rating from HMS “Hilary”

6.10am: Proceeded N87W, 2 points zigzag, 72 revs. Streamed P log

8.10am: Reduced to 58 revs. Ceased zigzag

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Marines muster bags & hammocks. Armed guards to revolver drill

3.30pm: Altered course S28E to intercept steamer bearing N60W

3.36pm: Wireless aerial carried away

4.0pm: Aerial repaired

4.0pm: Communicating SS “Hellig Olav” Danish. New York to Kirkwall. Too rough to board. Ordered steamer to proceed to Kirkwall

5.5pm: SS “Hellig Olav” proceeded to Kirkwall

Number on sick list: 9

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8 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.41, Long -14.61

5.0am: Increased to 72 revs. Ceased 2 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course N79E, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 10

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9 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.08, Long -12.46

5.10am: Commenced 2 pints zigzag

8.30am: Altered course N77W, 2 points zigzag

8.12am: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

12.8pm: Altered course N44W to intercept sailing vessel bearing N15W, 12 miles

1.3pm: Hauled in P log

1.35pm: Stopped Boarded Norwegian barque “Eros”, Copenhagen to Buenos Ayers in ballast. All correct. Allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 9

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10 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.23, Long -12.16

5.0am: Increased to 70 revs. Commenced 2 points zigzag

6.0am: Altered course N52W to intercept steamer nearing N10E, 9 miles

6.45am: Examined Dutch SS “Brunswijk”, Flying flag of day. Ordered to proceed

10.0am: Altered course N13E to intercept SS bearing N17W, 8 miles

10.45am: Hauled in P log. Divisions. Divine Service

10.57am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian SS “Breifond”, Philadelphia to Christiania via Kirkwall cargo oil. Steering 65 degrees. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Sub Lieut Carter RNR

11.27am: Proceeded N84W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

11.50am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Virginian”

12.20pm: Altered course S79W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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11 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.91, Long -12.5

3.50am: Altered course S57E to intercept steamer, 75 revs

3.55am: Signalling Danish SS “Alexandra”, Newcastle to Baltimore. Boarded steamer. Has green clearance. Allowed to proceed

5.0am: Proceeded S78E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed log

7.0am: Altered course N75W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.0pm: Increased to 65 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 8

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12 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.55, Long -12.2

6.0am: Altered course N76W, 2 points zigzag, 65 revs

Am: Hands cleaning paintwork

12.0am: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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13 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.61, Long -11.0

Am: Divisions. Prayers. Fire Stations. Marines to infantry drill. Hands cleaning ship

6.0pm: Altered course N72W to intercept steamer

6.45pm: Intercepted Admiralty oiler “San Jeronimo” Y7 pendant 83, from Sabine to Kirkwall. Allowed to proceed

6.50pm: Proceeded S74E

10.40pm: Altered course N20E to intercept steamer

11.0pm: Hauled in P log

11.5pm: Boarded Danish SS “Frederik VIII”, New York to Kirkwall, 864 bags of mails. 502 passengers. 5 Enemy females

12.0pm: SS “Frederik VIII” proceeded

Number on sick list: 6

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14 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.51, Long -12.2

12.03am: Proceeded S77E, 75 revs, in company with steamer. Streamed log

3.12am: Hauled in P log

3.20am: Stopped. Boat left for SS “Frederik VIII”

3.40am: Steamer proceeded steering 65 degrees to Kirkwall

3.45am: Proceeded N69E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed log

6.30am: Altered course N76W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

2.33pm: Altered course N20E to intercept steamer bearing N34W

3.15pm: Closely examined Admiralty Oiler “Tecumseh” Y7 pendant 71. Bermuda to Kirkwall. Allowed to proceed

3.26pm: Proceeded S89W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

4.25pm: Reduced to 65 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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15 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.53, Long -12.08

10.0am: Altered course N75W. Divisions. Prayers. Medical Lecture. Hands cleaning ship

4.15pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Moldavia”

4.38pm: Stopped. Sent back signals to HMS “Moldavia”

4.55pm: Proceeded N21W, 65 revs

10.0pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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16 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.53, Long -12.05

6.0am: Altered course N76W, 2 points zigzag

7.18am: Altered course S67W to intercept Sailing Vessel bearing S50W

8.0am: Hauled in P log

8.7am: Stopped. Boarded French fishing ketch “Roland” N° 712, Iceland to Gravelines. All correct; allowed to proceed

8.35am: Proceeded N41W 75 revs. Streamed log

9.31am: Altered course N76W, 2 points zigzag

Hands cleaning ship

11.10am: Sighted steamer bearing N32E

11.20am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Almanzora”

5.30pm: Altered course S77E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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17 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.0, Long -8.0

2.0am: Altered course N67E, 2 points zigzag

7.27am: Altered course N82W to intercept steamer bearing N68W

7.40am: Following articles lost overboard owing to capsizing of Whaler: 4 Rifles, 4 belts pounds, 120 rounds ammunition, 6 oars, 1 set of sails, boats signal book

7.44am: Stopped. Boarded Danish SS “L P Holmblad”. Green clearance. Allowed to proceed

8.22am: Proceeded N67E, 2 points zigzag, 78 revs

12.0am: Altered course N89E, 2 points zigzag

12.30pm: Sighted SS bearing N80E

Passed Dutch SS “Noorderdijk” Flying flag-of-day

11.30pm: Altered course S30E, 2 points zigzag, 84 revs

Number on sick list: 6

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18 September 1916

At Sea & at Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

1.35am: Sighted Eshaness Lt bearing S38E

2.45am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Bullfinch”

2.55am: Eshaness Lt abeam bearing N78E, 1 ½ miles

3.5am: Hauled in P log

3.10am: Hillswick Lt abeam 2 miles

3.40am: Muckle Roe Lt abeam, 3 cables

3.45am: Passed through boom defence

4.3am: Let go anchor in 14 fms veered to 6 shackles

5.12am: HMS “Duke of Cornwall” anchored

Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff N87W, Cairn N53W, Herden Ness Lt S23W

5.15am: HMS “Cochrane” anchored

6.10am: Colliers “De Fontaine” & “St Gothard” alongside port & Starboard side respectively

8.10am: Hands commenced coaling ship

9.35am: Sub Lieut Carle RNR & armed guard returned

12.0am: Ceased coaling. Bearings correct

1.0pm: Resumed coaling

4.40pm: Hove up anchor & proceeded to new anchorage

4.55pm: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 6 shackles

Anchor bearings: Flagstaff N82W, Cairn N53W, Manse N54E

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for day

7.35pm: HMS “Achilles” & HMS “Amsterdam” proceeded

Number on sick list: 6

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19 September 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

12.50am: Eng. Sub. Lieut. Cameron RNR joined ship

7.20am: Water boat alongside

7.45am: Resumed coaling

9.45am: Tug “Flying Breeze” alongside with water

10.25am: Finished coaling

Hands cleaning ship

11.0am: Colliers cast off

12.0am: Three officers & armed guard arrived on board for HMS “Gloucestershire”

1.0pm: Tug “Flying Breeze” cast off

2.45pm: Received 100 tons of drinking water

8.30pm: Four armed guards arrived on board 3 for HMS “Ebro”, 1 for HMS “Hilary”

10.0pm: Four armed guards arrived for HMS “Andes”. One for HMS “Walpole”. One for HMS “Moldavia”

Number on sick list: 7

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20 September 1916

Busta & at Sea

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.25am: Water boat alongside 20 tons drinking water

2.0pm: Received whaler from HMS “Gibraltar”

4.0pm: Transferred damaged whaler to drifter

5.25pm: Armed guards for HMS “Gloucestershire” left ship; Eng Sub Lieut Baker left ship for Barracks

6.45pm: HMS “Bullfinch” left for patrol

7.45pm: Shortened in cable

8.0pm: Hove up and proceeded as requisite for passing boom defence

8.25pm: Passed through boom defence

8.35pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Bullfinch”

8.30pm: Muckle Roe Lt abeam 3 cables. Streamed log

9.15pm: Eshaness Lt 2 miles, altered course N27W, 2 points zigzag, 82 revs

10.7pm: Ceased zigzag

10.47pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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21 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.65, Long -6.41

Am: Divisions. Prayers. Hands cleaning ship. Boys to school

11.0am: Altered course N40W, 2 points zigzag

12.0am: Altered course N26W, 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Altered course N30W. Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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22 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 65.43, Long -12.16

5.20am: Commenced sounding fog signal

6.0am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

8.45am: Heard fog signal to southward

9.0am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Andes”

9.30am: Discharged 4 armed guards to “Andes”

9.35am: Proceeded N15W, 75 revs. Streamed log

Am: Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Marines to infantry drill. Hands cleaning paintwork

4.07pm: Sighted land bearing N62W

5.55pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Hilary”

6.10pm: Hauled in P log

6.15pm: Stopped. Discharged 6 armed guards to HMS “Hilary”

6.47pm: Proceeded S38E, 70 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 5

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23 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.6, Long -14.55

5.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Hands cleaning ship

10.50am: Altered course S70W, 2 points zigzag

7.0pm: Altered course N68E, 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Rounds correct. Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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24 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.43, Long -15.16

6.0am: Altered course S71W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

7.30am: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

10.0am: Altered course S68W, 2 points zigzag

11.53am: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

12.35pm: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

3.40pm: Altered course N55W to intercept SS bearing NW. Increased to 78 revs

4.18pm: Closely examined Brit. Trawler GY 645 [ed. note: “Cayrian”], Grimsby to Iceland. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 62 54N, [Long] 16 36W

4.20pm: Altered course S23W. Reduced to 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

4.38pm: Altered course S45E to intercept steamer bearing SE

5.0pm: Closely examined Norwegian SS “Activ” flying correct Flag of day. Allowed to proceed [Lat] 62 50N, [Long] 16 22W

Altered course S68W, 2 points zigzag

6.30pm: Altered course N68E, 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Rounds correct. Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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25 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.4, Long -17.06

6.15am: Altered course S68W, 2 points zigzag

10.28am: Altered course S16W to intercept steamer bearing S8W

10.50am: Closely examined Brit. Trawler “Jonquil”, Grimsby to Iceland. Allowed to proceed

11.15am: Altered course S68W, 2 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S15W. Increased to 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

8.15pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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26 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.9, Long -15.0

6.0am: Altered course S8W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

1.45pm: Reduced to 40 revs to secure N° 1 gun

Number on sick list: 6

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27 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.73, Long -13.7

6.0am: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

9.0am: Altered course N29W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Divisions. Prayers. Medical lecture. Hands cleaning paintwork

12.0am: Altered course S22E, 2 points zigzag

4.40pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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28 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.76, Long -14.6

6.0am: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

1.40pm: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

2.10pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

3.50pm: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

8.25pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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29 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.33, Long -13.7

6.0am: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

9.15am: Altered course S22E, 2 points zigzag

10.0am: Tested secondary steering gear

10.05am: Resumed main steering gear

Hands painting ship

12.0am: Altered course N30E, 2 points zigzag

12.50pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

1.3pm: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

1.50pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

3.20pm: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

4.0pm: Hauled in P log. General Quarters

4.2pm: Stopped

4.7pm: Dropped target & proceeded course & speed as requisite for 6 inch target practice

4.15pm: Commenced 6 inch, 3 pds & 1 inch target practice

4.30pm: Carried away the target

4.45pm: Hoisted target to repair

5.0pm: Dropped target

5.45pm: Ceased target practice

5.50pm: Picked up target

5.57pm: Proceeded N15E, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 5

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30 September 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.33, Long -13.03

6.0am: Altered course S72W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

10.0am: Divisions. Prayers. Hands painting ship

10.45am: Altered course S78W, 2 points zigzag

12.0am: Altered course S88W, 2 points zigzag

5.45pm: Altered course N75E, 2 points zigzag

8.28pm: Reduced to 56 revs, Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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1 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.83, Long -12.66

5.50am: Altered course S48W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

1.0pm: Altered course S32W, 2 points zigzag

3.28pm: Sighted steamer bearing S58W, altered course S71W

4.15pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Orvieto”

4.20pm: Hauled P log. Evening Quarter

4.35pm: Stopped. HMS “Orvieto” sent boat for back signals

4.45pm: Proceeded S79E, 78 revs. Streamed log

7.45pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Victorian”

8.10pm: As requisite for picking up boat

8.20pm: Boat alongside for book signals

8.40pm: Proceeded N70W, 56 revs

9.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing N50W. Increased to 70 revs

9.40pm: Altered course S38W to intercept steamer

10.0pm: Closely examined Dutch SS “Yildum” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed

10.9pm: Proceeded N70W, 56 revs

Number on sick list: 7

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2 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.33, Long -13.03

6.30am: Altered course S74W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands painting ship

Number on sick list: 7

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3 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.13, Long -12.0

6.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

7.0am: Altered course S73W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

10.30am: Altered course S23W, 2 points zigzag

4.0pm: Altered course S19E, 2 points zigzag, 80 revs

8.53pm: Altered course S67E, 2 points zigzag

10.0pm: Commenced sounding half-hourly

11.52-12.0pm: Tory Island Light not flashing

Number on sick list: 9

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4 October 1916

At Sea & at Glasgow

Lat 55.0, Long -5.7

12.53am: Light bearing S60E

1.0am: Tory I Lt Ho abeam

1.35am: Altered course S82E, Light bearing S80E

2.25am: Fanad Pt abeam

3.10am: Passing through Inishtrahull sound

3.32am: Inishtrahull Lt Ho abeam, altered course S57W, 84 revs

5.15am: As requisite for Rathlin Sound

6.15am: Rue Pt abeam

6.35am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Zara”

6.40am: Exchanged pendants Tor Pt

6.47am: Tor Point abeam

9.35am: Ailsa Craig abeam, dist 4 miles

10.3am: Pladda Lt Ho abeam

10.35am: Holy Island Lt Ho abeam

11.28am: Little Cumbrae abeam

11.53am: Challenged & exch. pdts. Toward Point (War Signal Station). Hauled in P log

12.15pm: Course & speed as requisite for passing boom defence

12.24pm: Passed boom defence

12.40pm: Pilot came on board. Course & speed as requisite for pilotage. Made fast stem tug

1.45pm: Dumbarton Rock abeam

2.0pm: Made fast foremost tug

4.0pm: Secured alongside coaling crane at Prince’s Dock

Surg. Prob. [ed. note: Surgeon Probationer] Cook RNVR arrived on board

Surg. Prob. Knight RNVR left ship

6.20pm: Commenced coaling

7.15pm: Coal truck carried away causing damage to N° 2 hatch

8.30pm: Sgt. Marines, 1 ERA, 1 RNR rating & 1 boy discharged to hospital

10.30pm: Truck cleared away resumed coaling

Number on sick list: 8

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5 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Ceased coaling

8.0am: Hands employed painting ship

10.0am: 3 RNR ratings discharged to hospital

10.30am: 1 fireman rating discharged to prison

10.40am: Commander Howard RN arrived on board

8.0pm: Anti-air craft guns & searchlights manned

Number on sick list: 6

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6 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

5.0am: Pilot arrived on board

5.2am: Tugs made fast fore & aft

5.30am: Proceeded to plantation Quay

7.40am: Ship moored alongside Plantation Quay

Hands cleaning ship

10.0am: 1 carpenter & 1 blacksmith arrived from Portsmouth

12.10pm: Commander Bowring RN left ship

4.0pm: 1 Col. Sgt. & 1 pte RMLI arrived from barracks

8.0pm: Air-craft guns & searchlights manned

Pm: 1 Blacksmith & 1 Carpenter’s mate left ship for barracks

Number on sick list: 3

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7 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

2.0am: 15 ratings joined from Portsmouth

8.40am: 1 Pte RMLI discharged to barracks

Am: Hands cleaning ship, etc.

8.0pm: Air-craft guns & searchlights manned

Number on sick list: 2

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8 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.0am: Divisions

Am: Church parties go ashore for divine service

12.30pm: Church parties returned

8.0pm: Air-craft guns & searchlights manned

Number on sick list: 2

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9 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Shifted ship ahead 600 feet

Am: Hands painting ship

Number on sick list: 2

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10 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands cleaning ship

1.0am: 1 case of rifles received on board

8.0pm: One fireman rating joined ship

Number on sick list: 1

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11 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands painting ship

Am: Five firemen & five stewards joined ship

4.30pm: New whaler received on board

Number on sick list: 1

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12 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands taking in stores

Number on sick list: 1

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13 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands painting ship & taking in stores

Number on sick list: 2

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14 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands cleaning ship

Pm: 1 P.O. & 9 ratings discharged to Barracks. Midshipman Thomson RNR left ship

Number on sick list: 2

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15 October 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.30am: Three firemen joined ship

12.0am: Two ratings discharged to Hospital

8.0pm: Air guns & searchlight manned

Pm: One rating joined ship

Number on sick list: 5

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16 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.21, Long -6.06

2.30am: Pilot came on board

2.35am: Made fast tugs fore & aft

2.40am: Cast off, proceeded. Course & speed as requisite

5.0am: Let go tugs. Pilot left ship. Course & speed as requisite for approaching boom defence

Guns crews closed up

5.42am: Passed through boom defence

6.4am: Skelmorlie buoy abeam

Challenged & exch. pdts. Toward Point

6.39am: Little Cumbrae abeam. Course S30W, 2 points zigzag

7.30am: Holy Is abeam 1 mile

7.56am: Pladda Is abeam 1 mile

8.0am: Altered course S47W, 2 points zigzag

8.54am: Ailsa Craig abeam 3 miles

9.5am: Altered course S78W, 2 points zigzag

9.10am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Garry”

10.30am: Maidens abeam, altered course N27W, 2 points zigzag

11.50am: Challenged & exch pdts Torr Point (War Signal Station)

11.57am: Torr Point abeam 1 mile, altered course N35W, 2 points zigzag

12.28pm: Rue Point abeam

12.45pm: Bull Point abeam, altered course N53W, 2 points zigzag

12.51pm: Sheep Island abeam

3.19pm: Inishtrahull abeam altered course N70W

3.25pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. Malin Head (War Signal Station)

3.30pm: Malin Head abeam. Challenged & exch. pdts. Fanad Point

5.43pm: Tory Is Lt abeam

Number on sick list: 4

[ed. note: Sheep Island, a prominent and precipitous rock, lies 0.3 mile N of Larry Bane Head]

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17 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.6, Long -12.18

7.5am: Steering gear jammed. Stopped engines

7.10am: Gear repaired, resumed Course & speed

8.15am: Altered course N11W, 78 revs. Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Gloucestershire”. Hauled in P log

8.45am: Stopped. Received 4 ratings for “Ebro” also book signals

8.55am: Course N74E, 78 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed log

Am: Divisions. Prayers. Collision stations. Hands cleaning ship

6.15pm: Altered course S86E, 2 points zigzag. Darkened ship

7.20pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

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18 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.96, Long -10.96

8.24am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Ebro”, altered course N87W

9.6am: Reduced to 50 revs. Hauled in P log

9.11am: Stopped, sent boat with ratings to HMS “Ebro”. Received 3 ratings from HMS “Ebro”

9.55am: Course N71W, 70 revs. Streamed P log

10.0am: Divisions. Prayers. Articles of war read to ship’s company

10.6am: Altered course N10W to intercept sailing vessel bearing N25W, 8 miles

Hands cleaning ship

10.55am: Intercepted Danish barque “Martha I

11.15am: Boarded sailing vessel cargo cotton seed oil cake from Savannah to Kolding. Sent to Lerwick with armed guard Lieut Turnbull RNR. [Lat] 58 0[?]N, [Long] 11 02W

11.55am: Proceeded N88W, 70 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 6

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19 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 56.0, Long -15.7

10.30am: Dropped target & commenced 1 inch aiming rifle target practice. Hauled in P log

11.0am: Ceased fire

11.15am: Picked up target and proceeded N88W, 70 revs. Streamed log

Pm: Hauled in log to repair

1.0pm: Streamed log 65.5

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Hands to physical drill. Numbers [ed. note: space left blank] warrants read

Number on sick list: 8

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20 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.5, Long -16.93

Am: Hands cleaning paintwork

4.20pm: Altered course N68W, 2 points zigzag. Evening Quarters. Hands to physical drill

7.50pm: Altered course S13W to intercept steamer bearing S37E

8.15pm: Hauled in P log

8.32pm: Stopped Boarded Brit. Steamer “Bray Head” from Montreal in ballast. Green clearance. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 55 25N, [Long] 18 17W

9.4pm: Proceeded S63E, 56 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 8

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21 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.4, Long -16.66

12.15am: Sighted steamer bearing East 4 miles

12.57am: Stopped. Hauled in P log

1.10pm: Boarded British SS “Rose Lea” [ed. note: misspelt for “Roseleaf”] ex “Califol”, from Immingham to Sabine. In ballast. Green clearance. Allowed to proceed steering 240 degrees. [Lat] 55 27N, [Long] 17 12W

1.45am: Proceeded S63E, 70 res. Streamed P log

6.30am: Altered course N66W, 2 points zigzag

Hands cleaning ship

11.15am: Observed conning tower of submarine bearing 180 degrees, dist 4 miles; altered course S45W to close. Sounded General Quarters & increased to full speed, irregular zigzag. Submarine apparently steering SE

11.30am: Submarine dived at distance of 3 miles

12.20pm: Course N66W, 4 points zigzag

1.25pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

7.0pm: Altered course S63E, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 56 revs

9.20pm: Reset log

Number on sick list: 7

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22 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.5, Long -17.13

6.30am: Altered course N67W. Increased to 180 revs, 2 points zigzag

3.0pm: Altered course N48W, 2 points zigzag

6.30pm: Altered course S43E, 2 points zigzag. Night defence stations

8.0pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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23 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.31, Long -17.16

6.30am: Altered course N48W, 2 points. Increased to 75 revs

6.55am: Sighted steamer bearing NE, 7 miles

7.0am: Sighted steamer. Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Orcoma”

7.35am: Altered course N50W, 2 points zigzag

10.0am: Divisions. Prayers. 1 inch aiming rifle target practice. Hauled in P log

10.40am: Cease fire. Resumed course N51W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs. Streamed P log

11.45am: Commenced 3 points zigzag

3.40pm: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 60 revs

Number on sick list: 6

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24 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.3, Long -17.03

6.30am: Altered course 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

10.55am: Altered course to sink zinc drum

10.40am: Resumed course

11.0am: Disconnected main steering gear. Connected secondary steering gear

11.25am: Connected main steering gear

12.25pm: Sighted steamer bearing N28E 8 miles, altered course N11W to close

12.55pm: Resumed course, steamer proved to be “Tonking” previously examined by HMS “Orcoma

4.10pm: Stopped Starboard engine

4.20pm: Ahead both engines

Number on sick list: 7

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25 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.31, Long -17.16

8.5am: Sighted steamer bearing N30W, 4 miles; altered course N5E, 60 revs

8.50am: Communicated SS “Taigetos” (Greek) Baltimore to Belfast. Cargo Indian corn. Steering 85°. Too rough to board. Awaiting instructions

Divisions. Prayers

Hove to

11.15am: Allowed steamer to proceed. Course N47W, 36 revs

Number on sick list: 8

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26 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.28, Long -17.01

Am: Divisions. Prayers. General Quarters. Marines to infantry drill

11.15am: Altered course N51W, 2 points zigzag

12.0am: Altered course 2 points zigzag

7.0pm: Altered course S38E, 2 points zigzag

8.0pm: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 56 revs

Number on sick list: 7

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27 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.35, Long -17.2

7.0am: Altered course N50W, 2 points zigzag

10.55am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Orcoma”

11.15am: Altered course N35E to close

11.50am: Altered course N2E, 2 points zigzag

2.0pm: Altered course N2W, 2 points zigzag

7.30pm: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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28 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.53, Long -17.93

6.30am: Altered course N24E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

Am: Hands cleaning ship

9.10am: Altered course N62W, 2 points zigzag

1.40pm: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag

6.20pm: Altered course S82E, 2 points zigzag

7.45pm: Reduced to 56 revs. Ceased zigzag

11.0pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

11.30pm: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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29 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.83, Long -17.16

6.40am: Altered course N86W, 2 points zigzag

9.10am: Altered course S88W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

1.30pm: Altered course S65E, 2 points zigzag

7.0pm: Reduced to 70 [revs]. Ceased zigzag

9.35pm: Stopped Boarded Norwegian Barque “Dagmar”, Flag of day, allowed to proceed. [Lat] 59 49[N], [Long] 13 8[W]

10.20pm: Resumed course. Increased to 75 revs

Number on sick list: 6

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30 October 1916

At Sea

Lat 59.95, Long -9.76

6.50am: Altered course S66E, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

11.27am: Altered course S13W to intercept steamer bearing S3W, 80 revs

12.0am: Sighted steamer bearing S40E

12.15pm: Stopped. Hauled in log 52.0. Boarded British SS “Bassano”. Green clearance, allowed to proceed

12.40pm: Proceeded S38E, 80 revs. Streamed log

12.55pm: Intercepted British SS “Cairndhu”. Green clearance. Allowed to proceed

12.57pm: Proceeded S81E, 84 revs, 2 points zigzag

5.45pm: Ceased zigzag

7.0pm: Electric log broken down. Reading Poop log

Number on sick list: 8

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31 October 1916

Sea & at Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

5.35am: Sighted Eshaness Lt bearing S40E

6.35am: Eshaness abeam 2 miles

6.50am: Hillswick Lt abeam 4 miles. Hauled in P log. Course as requisite

7.15am: Muckle Roe abeam

7.25am: Passed through boom defence

7.45am: Let go port anchor in 15 fms veered to 5 shackles

Anchor Bearings: F.S.[Flagstaff] N79W, Manse N70E, Cairn N43W

8.30am: Colliers made fast port & starboard sides “Sir Francis” & “Bangarth” respectively

9.10am: 2 ratings discharged to Hospital

9.30am: Hands commenced coaling ship

12.0am: Bearings correct. Ceased coaling for dinner

1.0pm: Resumed coaling

4.15pm: HMS “Fiona” arrived & anchored

5.15pm: Midshipman W.E. Cordingly RNR joined ship

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for night

6.25pm: HMS “Motagua” weighed & proceeded to sea

Number on sick list: 6

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1 November 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.0am: HMS “Achilles” anchored in N° 2 Berth

7.30am: HMS “Cochrane” anchored in Olna Firth

7.50am: Commenced coaling. Bearings correct

9.40am: Let go Starboard anchor in 14 fms veered to 2 shackles

10.5am: HMS “Vienna” weighed & proceeded

11.45am: Collier “Bangarth” cast off

12.0am: Finished coaling

12.45pm: Collier “Sir Francis” cast off. Water boat alongside

3.50pm: Water boat cast off

5.0pm: HMS “Duke of Edinburgh” & HMS “Duke of Clarence” weighed and proceeded to sea

Hove up starboard anchor

Number on sick list: 7

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2 November 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.20am: HMS “Shannon” arrived & anchored

7.30am: HMS “Changuinola” anchored N° 3 berth

8.15am: Water boat alongside

Am: Hands cleaning ship

2.0pm: Water boat cast off

4.40pm: Shortened in to 2 shackles

4.55pm: HMS “Achilles” and “Royal Scot” proceeded

5.0pm: Weighed & proceeded. Course & speed as requisite

5.30pm: Passed through boom defence

5.40pm: Muckle Roe Lt abeam. Course as requisite. Irregular zigzag, 84 revs

6.0pm: Hillswick Lt abeam 3 miles

6.20pm: Esha Ness abeam 1 mile. Course N41W, 2 points zigzag, 84 revs

10.15pm: Altered course N71W, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 75 revs

Number on sick list: 7

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3 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.85, Long -8.7

4.15am: Reduced to 70 revs, altered course S80W. Ceased zigzag

6.50am: Altered course N71W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

7.20am: Sighted smoke bearing S77W

7.30am: Altered course N87W to intercept

7.40am: Sighted smoke bearing S57W

8.50am: Closely examined Brit Trawler “Sea Horse” H 533, Hull to Iceland. All correct. Allowed to proceed.

Altered course N60W. Increased to 80 revs to intercept steamer

10.27am: Closely examined Brit Trawler “Battle Abbey” GY 1171, Grimsby to Fӕrø Bank (Fishing). Allowed to proceed

11.42am: Hauled in P log

11.44am: Stopped boarded British trawler “St Cloud” GY 856, Grimsby to Fӕrø Bank (Fishing)

12.20pm: Allowed trawler to proceed. Boat inboard, proceeded N54W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs. Streamed P log

6.0pm: Altered course N40W. Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 70 revs

Number on sick list: 8

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4 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.46, Long -12.46

Am: Hands cleaning ship

10.23am: Altered course N51E

10.40am: Reduced to 36 revs. Starboard sounding boom & ladder carried away

Number on sick list: 9

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5 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.05, Long -12.18

Am: Divine Service

5.0pm: Darkened ship. Night defence stations

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 9

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6 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.3, Long -11.86

6.30am: Main steering gear broken down. Connected steam steering gear

6.35am: Wireless ariel carried away

7.40am: Ariel repaired

7.45am: Telemotor gear repaired

9.0am: Altered course N42E. Sighted steamer bearing N 3 miles

9.20am: Altered course N47E. Increased to 40 revs.

Communicated Russian SS “Voroneji”* Brest to Archangel. Allowed to proceed

10.20am: Altered course N52E

Number on sick list: 10

*[Ed. note: also known as SS “Voronezh”]

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7 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.73, Long -11.58

5.0pm: Darkened ship. Night defence stations

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 7

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8 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 64.38, Long -11.13

4.15pm: Evening Quarters

4.20pm: Darkened ship

4.30pm: Night defence stations

7.0pm: Sounded in 180 fms, no bottom

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 7

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9 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 64.75, Long -11.01

9.45am: Disconnected Telemotor steering gear. Connected after steam steering gear

Divisions. Prayers. Collision stations

11.5am: Connected Telemotor gear

11.10am: Disconnected Telemotor, steered by hand gear

11.55am: Connected telemotor gear

12.0am: Reset electric log

4.15pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrant N° 46. Hands to physical drill. Darkened ship. Night defence stations

6.25pm: Altered course N3E. Increased to 70 revs to intercept SS bearing S80E

Pm: Hauled in P log

7.12pm: Stopped. Boarded British Trawler GY 1095 “Nuttallia”, Grimsby to Iceland fishing grounds. Allowed to proceed

7.45pm: Proceeded N6E, 60 revs. Streamed P log

9.25pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag, 65 revs

Number on sick list: 6

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10 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.75, Long -11

5.35am: Altered course S8W. Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 60 revs

7.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs

8.0am: Altered course N2E, 2 points zigzag

Am: Divisions. Prayers. Physical exercise. General Quarters. Hands cleaning ship

10.50am: Altered course N2E, 2 points zigzag

8.0pm: Altered course S15W, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 60 revs

8.38pm: Altered course N56W to intercept SS bearing N60W, 7 miles

9.30pm: Stopped. Boarded British Trawler “John Quil” GY 391 [ed. note: misspelt for “Jonquil”]. Examined “Conisboro Castle” GY 533. Allowed to proceed

10.55pm: Proceeded S9W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 7

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11 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.7, Long -10.81

7.0am: Reduced to 60 revs. Cased zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 7

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12 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.66, Long -11.33

8.30am: Altered course N80W, 2 points zigzag

11.15am: Altered course N13W, 2 points zigzag

1.40pm: Altered course S16E, 2 points zigzag

2.0pm: Altered course S27E. Increased to 80 revs, 2 points zigzag

4.15pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Moldavia”

4.30pm: Hauled in P log

4.55pm: Stopped to pick up boat

5.10pm: Received 7 Norwegians from HMS “Moldavia”

5.25pm: Proceeded N22W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 6

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13 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.83, Long -10.81

12.30am: Altered course S14E, 2 points zigzag

8.30am: Altered course N21W, 2 points zigzag

10.0am: Hauled in P log

10.5am: Dropped target overboard. Commenced 1 inch aiming rifle target practice

10.35am: Ceased fire

10.40am: Picked up target. Streamed log

10.50am: Proceeded N25W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

Hands cleaning ship

5.7pm: Altered course N62W, 2 points zigzag

6.35pm: Altered course S3E, 2 points zigzag

7.45pm: Sighted steamer. Sounded General Quarters. Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Kildonan Castle

8.20pm: Sounded secure

Number on sick list: 3

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14 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.13, Long -10.5

8.0am: Altered course N13W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Divisions. Prayers. 3 pdr gun’s crews drilled. Hands cleaning ship

1.10pm: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

9.0pm: Reset electric log. Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 3

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15 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.65, Long -11.28

8.30am: Altered course N15W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

Am: Divisions. Prayers. 6” gun drill (marines)

10.18am: Ceased zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

12.30-2.35pm: Steering 145° 325° trying to effect rendezvous with HMS “Ebro”

2.35pm: Altered course S87W to intercept steamer

2.50pm: Examined French SS “Phygie”, Arkangel to Brest, troops. Allowed to proceed

3.0pm: Rendezvous abandoned. Course altered S6E, 60 revs

Number on sick list: 4

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16 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.06, Long -10.38

8.15am: Altered course N17W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

9.10am: Altered course N27W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Divisions. Prayers. Hands cleaning ship

10.15am: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

4.25pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Ebro”

4.40pm: Hauled in P log

4.50pm: Stopped. Sent back signals to HMS “Ebro”

5.15pm: Proceeded S6W, 70 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 5

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17 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.16, Long -9.18

Am: Divisions. Prayers. Marines musterby bags, etc. Hands cleaning paintwork

7.30pm: Commenced sounding half-hourly

9.35pm: Sighted Myggenaes Lt bearing S17E

9.50pm: Altered course N18W. Ceased sounding

Number on sick list: 4

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18 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.83, Long -8.41

Am: Hands cleaning ship

3.0pm: Altered course S9W, 2 points zigzag. Sighted trawler. Challenged HM Trawler “Saxon

3.32pm: Hauled in P log

3.35pm: Transferred Norwegian crew to “Saxon”

4.40pm: Proceeded N49W, 2 points zigzag, 60 revs. Streamed P log

8.0pm: Altered course S15W. Switched on navigation lights

8.45pm: Sighted HMS “Saxon”. Switched off lights

11.30pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Myggenaes Lt bearing S10E

Number on sick list: 5

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19 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.9, Long -6.6

1.40am: Myggenaes Lt abeam. Sounded 105 fms shell

7.15am: Altered course S15W. Ceased zigzag

2.45pm: Sounded in 160 fs sand. Ceased sounding

Number on sick list: 6

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20 November 1916

At Sea & at Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

Am: Commenced sounding half-hourly, No bottom

3.15am: Esha Ness Lt bearing S35E, altered course S31E, 2 points zigzag

4.15am: Altered course N69W, 2 points zigzag

5.50am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Achilles”

6.30am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Locust”

6.45am: Increased to 70 revs, Esha Ness Lt abeam 2 miles

7.10am: Hillswick Lt abeam 3 ½ miles. Hauled in P log

7.40am: Muckle Roe abeam. Course and speed as requisite

7.45am: Passed through boom defence

8.25am: Let go starboard anchor in 16 fms veered to 5 shackles

10.10am: Collier “Kilsyth” made fast alongside starboard side

10.45am: Collier “Paignton” made fast port side

11.0am: Hands commenced coaling ship

11.20am: Mails arrived on board

Pm: Anchor bearings: Manse N59E, F.S. [Flagstaff] N15W, Rock S80W, Hevden Ness S10W. Head SExE

6.30pm: Ceased coaling

Number on sick list: 6

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21 November 1916

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

8.15am: Water-boat alongside

1.30pm: Collier “Paignton” cast off

1.40pm: Collier “Kilsyth” cast off

4.0pm: Bearings correct

HMS “Fiona” arrived & anchored

5.35pm: HMS “Locust” left harbour

7.0pm: Received mails on board

7.15pm: HMS “Changuinola” proceeded to sea

9.15pm: HMS “Locust” returned to harbour

Number on sick list: 7

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22 November 1916

Busta Voe & at sea

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

6.20am: HMS “Fiona” left harbour

5.0pm: HMS “Shannon” proceeded. HMS “Duke of Clarence” proceeded

7.40pm: Commenced to heave up

8.0pm: Anchor aweigh. Course & speed as requisite

8.20pm: Passed boom defence. Streamed log

8.30pm: Muckle Roe abeam

8.57pm: Hillswick Lt abeam

9.18pm: Eshaness Lt abeam. Course N39W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

11.0pm: Reset log

Number on sick list: 6

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23 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.71, Long -6.16

8.0am: Altered course S88W. Increased to 70 revs port engine & to 65 revs starboard engine

8.35am: Sighted steamer bearing S35W

9.10am: Examined Danish SS “T.J. Alder”*, Kirkwall to Faroes. Flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed

Divisions. Prayers. Hands cleaning ship

2.0pm: Reduced to 60 revs starboard engine

4.30pm: Altered course S48W 60 revs both engines

Number on sick list: 4

[ed. note: perhaps misspelt for Danish SS “Tjaldur”]

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24 November 1916

At Sea

Lat 57.73, Long -6.7

Am: Commenced sounding half-hourly

7.10am: Sighted Butt of Lewis Lt. Ceased sounding

7.35am: Altered course S13W. Increased to 81 revs port engine

8.0am: Altered course S27W, 2 points zigzag

8.10am: Sighted Tiumpan Head Lt bearing S45W

9.14am: Altered course S51W, 2 points zigzag. Tiumpan Head Lt abeam

9.35am: Bible Isle [ed. note: misspelt for Bayble Island] abeam bearing N37W

11.27am: Glas Island abeam bearing N20W, altered course S45W

12.30pm: Waternish Point abeam 5 miles

1.30pm: Neist Point abeam 4 miles

2.50pm: Challenged HMT “Maun

5.5pm: Ceased zigzag

6.5pm: Barra Head Lt abeam, altered course S41W

7.30pm: Skerryvore Lt abeam

10.45pm: Inishtrahull Lt bearing S13W

11.30pm: Oversay Lt bearing S68W

Number on sick list: 7

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25 November 1916

At Sea & at Glasgow

Lat 55.2, Long -5.2

2.59am: Altered course S51E. Increased to 80 & 70 revs respectively

4.0am: Rue Point Lt bearing S48E

4.30am: Passed through Rathlin Sound

5.40am: Exchanged Pendants HMS “Zara”

7.0am: Altered course N60E. Maidens Lt bore S50W

8.30am: Ailsa Craig abeam, altered course N11E

9.20am: Pladda Lt Ho abeam

9.45am: Holy Isle abeam, altered course N19E

10.42am: Little Cumbrae abeam. Hauled in P log

11.0am: Challenged by Toward Point (War Signal Station)

11.20am: Skelmorlie buoy abeam

11.45am: Passed boom defence

11.50am: Pilot came on board

1.20pm: Made fast tugs fore & aft

3.23pm: Made fast alongside Berth N° 10 Prince’s Dock

5.0pm: Discharged 3 ratings to hospital

8.0pm: 3 ratings discharged to hospital

8.30pm: Discharged 3 firemen

Number on sick list: 4

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26 November 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.0am: Two warrants read for imprisonment

Hands to Divine Service

11.0am: Sub Lieut Goodman RNR joined ship, 18 Ratings joined ship

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27 November 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Hands cleaning ship

1.30pm: Singled up hawsers

2.15pm: Tugs fast alongside

2.30pm: Shifted ship to Whitefield Road Crane

7.0pm: Unshipped N°1 6” Q F gun

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28 November 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands taking in stores

Pm: Hands taking ammunition on board

3.0pm: Shifted ship astern

Number on sick list: 1

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29 November 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4.0pm: Hands to fire stations

Number on sick list: 1

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30 November 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Lieut Turnball & prize crew returned. Hands cleaning guns, etc

12.0am: Prize crew for HMS “Motagua” arrived on board

4.45pm: No 4 gun put ashore

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1 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.45am: 8 Ratings in charge of PO for HMS “Motagua” joined ship

9.0am: 8 Ratings joined ship

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

2.0pm: Sub Lieut Johnson in charge of armed guard from HMS “Motagua” arrived on board

3.0pm: Private Blackwell & L.S. McGoniery arrived on board. Remainder of armed guards (7 men) from HMS “Motagua” arrived on board in charge of Sub Lieut Irving

5.10pm: 1 First class PO joined ship from Portsmouth

Number on sick list: 0

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2 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 0

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3 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.45am: Hands to Divisions

9.50am: R.C. Church Party left ship

10.15am: Presbyterian Church Party left ship

10.30am: Church of England Church Party left ship

12.45pm: Church Parties return on board

4.30pm: N° 4 Gun remounted

Number on sick list: 0

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4 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.50am: 1 Capt Mate & 8 Firemen Ratings joined ship

Am: Hands painting ship

1.0pm: Hands cleaning ship’s side

2.50pm: 1 Boy sent to Yorkhill Hospital

3.20pm: 1 Fireman rating sent to Yorkhill Hospital

7.0pm: Discharged armed guard and Ratings to HMS “Motagua”

Number on sick list: 1

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5 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed in painting & getting in stores

Pm: Hands employed in painting ship’s side

Number on sick list: 1

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6 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed painting ship’s side

2.30pm: Shifted ship to Coal Tips

3.30pm: Ship secured alongside Prince’s Dock Coal Tip

7.40pm: Commenced coaling

9.30pm: 2 Seamen ratings discharged to Devonport

Number on sick list: 1

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7 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed in cleaning ship

10.15am: HMS “Columbella” left harbour

1.0pm: Hands employed painting & getting in stores

8.30pm: Finished coaling

9.0pm: Rounds correct. Commenced shifting ship

10.15pm: Secured alongside Whitefield Road Crane

Number on sick list: 0

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8 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed painting and taking in stores

1.0pm: Hands employed in painting ship

Number on sick list: 0

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9 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed in cleaning ship

Pm: Hands to cleaning Quarters

1.45pm: HMS “Motagua” arrived at Prince’s Dock

7.0pm: Town Patrol left ship

11.0pm: Town Patrol returned to ship

Number on sick list: 0

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10 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands to Divisions and Prayers

Number on sick list: 0

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11 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed in taking in Stores

1.0pm: Hands employed taking in Stores

Number on sick list: 1

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12 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed in taking in 6 inch B.L. Shells

1.0pm: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship

6.0pm: 12 Ratings joined ship

Number on sick list: 2

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13 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed in taking in ammunition

10.20am: 1 Rating discharged to HMS “Gloucestershire”

11.0am: 1 PO & 4 Ratings joined ship for passage to HMS “Moldavia”

11.20am: Lieut Carte RNR left ship for hospital

1.0pm: 1 RNR Stoker draught on board for HMS “Orotava”

Pm: Hands employed stowing ammunition

7.40pm: Captain returned from leave

Number on sick list: 3

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14 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.30am: Hands to Divisions and Prayers. Hands employed painting ship

10.45am: C.P.O. rating (cook) joined ship

11.15am: 1 Fireman discharged to Hospital

4.45pm: 2 Firemen sent to prison. Warrants Nos 50, 51

Number on sick list: 4

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15 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.45am: Divisions. Prayers. Hands employed in cleaning ship

1.0pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

1.20pm: 2 Ratings from HMS “Gloucestershire” joined ship

1.30pm: 2 Ratings for HMS “Gloucestershire” brought aboard by Civil Police

2.0pm: HMS “Ebro” arrived Prince’s Dock

8.30pm: Lieut Turnbull left ship

Number on sick list: 3

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16 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.0am: 1 Rating joined ship for HMS “Gloucestershire”

11.30am: 2 Firemen joined ship

5.30pm: Hands employed getting 30 Practise Shell

Number on sick list: 4

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17 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.45am: R.C. Church Party left ship

10.45am: Church of England, Non Conformist Church Parties left ship

11.5am: R.C. Church Party returned

12.04pm: 4 Firemen joined ship. Church Parties returned

2.15pm: 4 Firemen joined ship

6.0pm: 1 Rating left for Chatham Barracks

Number on sick list: 5

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18 December 1916


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

2.50am: Shipped cradle for N° 1 gun

4.10am: N° 1 gun shipped. Pilot came on board

5.30am: N° 1 gun put ashore

7.10am: N° 1 gun shipped. Pilot left ship

Hands employed making ship ready for sea

11.40am: Two Firemen discharged to Hospital

1.0pm: Hands retailed for 3 watches

1.55pm: Pilot came aboard

3.15pm: Armed Guard and Mails for HMS “Otway” and HMS “Alsatian” left ship

3.34pm: Tugs made fast

3.45pm: Cast off, left Whitefield Road Crane

5.30pm: Bowling Watch House abeam. Let go foremost tug

6.10pm: Let go after tug

6.25pm: Commenced to swing for compass adjustments

7.48pm: Finished swinging

8.0pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 14 fthms, 4 shackles out

8.20pm: Finished with engines

Anchor Bearings: Tail of Banks S10W, Fort N61W, Roseneath N35W; Ship Head S25E

Number on sick list: 8

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19 December 1916

Firth of Clyde

Lat 55.66, Long -5.0

9.45am: Anchor aweigh

10.25am: Passed through boom defence. Streamed P log

10.55am: Skelmorlie abeam. P log 44 n/m *

11.40am: Cumbrae point abeam. P log 127; altered course S14W. Increased to 84 revs

12.10pm: Tested N° 1 gun: [Lat] 55 37N, [Long] 5 1W, altered course

12.45pm: Little Cumbrae Lt Ho abeam

1.27pm: Skelmorlie Buoy abeam

2.4pm: Passed through boom defence

2.49pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 14 fthms veered to 4 shackles

Anchor Bearings: Tail of Bank S28E, West Chimney South, Whitefield road N74W

4.25pm: Shortened cable

4.35pm: Weighed anchor. Proceeded Course & speed as requisite

5.14pm: Passed boom defence. Streamed P log. Course S28W

5.45pm: Skelmorlie Buoy abeam

6.28pm: Little Cumbrae Lt abeam, altered course S27W

7.30pm: Hope Island Lt abeam

8.24pm: Ailsa Craig Lt abeam, altered course S68W

8.50pm: Challenged & exchange pendants with HMS “Patuca”

9.45pm: Corsewall Point Lt abeam

11.15pm: Maidens Lt abeam, altered course N18W

Number on sick list: 6

[ed. note: n/m = nautical miles]

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20 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 55.41, Long -10.18

12.30am: Altered course N44W, P log 86.5 n/m. Mull of Cantyre Lt abeam

12.35am: Increased to as fast as possible. Log 88.1 n/m

1.0am: Rue Point Lt Ho abeam Log 93.1 n/m

2.25am: Altered course N51W, Log 12.8 n/m. Inishtrahull Lt N51W

3.49am: Inishtrahull Lt abeam, 31.5 n/m; altered course N71W

4.55am: Altered course N72W. Fanad Lt abeam, log 46.3 n/m

5.23am: Sighted Tory Is. Lt bearing S34W

6.30am: Tory Island Lt abeam. Log 66.6 n/m

7.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, Log 82.1 n/m

9.10am: Challenged & exch. pdts. HMS “Otway”

9.30am: Stopped. Hauled in P log 7.5 n/m. Sent boat to HSM “Otway” for back signals

9.50am: Proceeded N72W, 80 revs. Streamed P log

4.50pm: Altered course N20E. Ceased zigzagging. P log 3.4

Number on sick list: 7

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21 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 58.86, Long -11.73

3.35pm: Challenged & exch. pdts. with HMS “Hilary”

Number on sick list: 8

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22 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.61, Long -10.71

5.30pm: Ceased zigzag. P log 68.5 n/m

Number on sick list: 8

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23 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 61.8, Long -9.65

8.15am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs. P log 22.5 n/m

11.30am: Challenged & exchanged pdts with HMS “Columbella”

11.45am: Decreased to 70 revs. Hauled in P log 64.0 n/m

11.57am: Stopped

12.5pm: Discharged 6 ratings to HMS “Columbella”

12.13pm: Proceeded S44W, revs 60; 2 points zigzag

12.15pm: Streamed log 64.0 n/m. Increased to 70 revs

3.45pm: Hauled in P log 9.1 n/m

3.55pm: Dropped and lost Target

4.5pm: Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 11

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24 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 60.63, Long -10.53

8.45am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. P. log 81.3 n/m

11.0am: Reset Logs to 8.0 n/m

3.20pm: Altered course N43W, 2 points zigzag. P. log 59.1 n/m

6.0pm: Decreased to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag. Log 91.7

11.0pm: P. log carried away

11.35pm: Streamed P. log showing 39.8 n/m

Number on sick list: 11

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25 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.0, Long -9.38

8.30am: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag. P. log 36.5

9.25am: Altered course N [space left blank] W to intercept sailing steamer

10.45am: Hauled in P log 63.5. Decreased to 60 revs

10.50am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian ship “Hero”, from [space left blank] to Melborne. Cargo lumber. [Lat] 63 0N, [Long] 9 23W

12.27pm: SS “Hero” allowed to proceed. Altered course S12W. Streamed P log, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

3.0pm: Electric log out of order

5.35pm: Ceased zigzag. Altered course S24E. Reduced to 60 revs. P. log 28.5 n/m

9.30pm: Altered course N53W to intercept steamer. P log 70.4

10.10pm: Hauled in P. log 78.2 n/m

10.20pm: Boarded British Trawler H 313 “Caliban” from Iceland fishing ground to Hull. All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 62.1N, [Long] 8 37W

10.57pm: Proceeded N14E, 70 revs

11.6pm: Streamed P. log

Number on sick list: 12

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26 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 62.5, Long -9.0

8.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. P. log 87.3 n/m

10.15am: Hauled in P log 15.0 n/m. Dropped target opened fire with 3 pdr and 1” aiming rifle

10.58am: Picked up target. Proceeded S23W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed P. log

5.45pm: Altered course N22E. Ceased zigzag. P. log 99.5 n/m

9.14pm: Altered course S52W to intercept steamer. Increased to 75 [revs]

9.50pm: Examined British Trawler “Jamaica” H216. All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 61 57N, [Long] 9 15W

Proceeded N26E, 65 revs. P log 45.8 n/m

Number on sick list: 9

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27 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.83, Long -9.15

8.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs, P. log 59.8 n/m

9.45am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Virginian”

10.0am: Stopped. Hauled in P. log 84.0. Sent Back Signals to HMS “Virginian”

10.45am: Proceeded S21W, 75 revs. Streamed P. log

1.30pm: Sighted smoke bearing S7E

2.18pm: Hauled in P. log showing 33.2 n/m

2.23pm: Stopped Boarded British Trawler “Belvoir Castle”. All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 62 35N, [Long] 9 5W

2.45pm: Proceeded S21W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed P. log

5.15pm: Ceased zigzag. P. log 64.7 n/m

Number on sick list: 8

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28 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.0, Long -10.0

Am: Divisions. Prayers

4.20pm: Evening Quarters. Night Defence Stations

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 8

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29 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.16, Long -11.0

9.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs. P. log 79.2 n/m

10.20am: Hauled in log 89.5 n/m. Dropped target

10.30am: Commenced 6 inch target practice

11.0am: Ceased firing

11.5am: Picked up target. Proceeded S23W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed P log

5.12pm: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 60 revs. P log 60.1 n/m

Number on sick list: 6

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30 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.0, Long -12.0

8.20am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs. P. log 13.4

Am: Hands cleaning ship

11.55am: Hauled in P.log 55.2 n/m

12.0pm: Boarded Russian Steamer “Sigrid”*, from Liverpool to Kola. All correct. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 63 0N, [Long] 12 0W

12.30pm: Proceeded S23W, 2 points zigzag. 80 revs. Streamed P. log

1.40pm: Sighted smoke bearing S30W

2.30pm: Ceased zigzag. Increased to 80 revs. P. log 71.1 n/m

4.35pm: As fast as possible. P log 9.1 n/m

6.12pm: Hauled in P log 32.2 n/m

6.20pm: Stopped. Examined British Trawler “Jonquil” GY 391 allowed to proceed. [Lat] 61 51N, [Long] 10 52W

6.28pm: Proceeded, altered course N20E, 60 revs. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 7

*[ed. note: possibly Latvian SS “Sigrid”]

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31 December 1916

At Sea

Lat 63.08, Long -10.75

8.10am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. P. log 88.8 n/m

5.30pm: Ceased zigzag. P. log 0.6 n/m

Number on sick list: 8

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JP map Patia 1917


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1 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.0, Long -9.91

Am: Hands cleaning ship

Noon: Reset electric log at 90.5 n/m

Number on sick list: 9

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2 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.8, Long -9.0

8.45am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Log 7.4 n/m

Am: Division. Prayers. Hauled in P log 21.8 n/m

10.15am: Dropped target. Commenced 3 pdr & 1 inch aiming rifle target practice

11.5am: Ceased firing

11.15am: Stopped. Picked up target. Proceeded

11.20am: Streamed P. log

Number on sick list: 9

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3 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.28, Long -7.06

8.10am: Challenged & exch pdts with HMS “Patuca”

8.20am: Hauled in P. log 50.1 n/m

8.30am: Stopped received 2 ratings (RMLI) from HMS “Patuca”

9.0am: Proceeded S38E, 75 revs, 2 points zigzag. Streamed P. log

Am: Hands to Medical Lecture

2.5pm: Sighted smoke bearing S37E. Ceased zigzag

3.0pm: Challenged & exch pdts with HMS “Minotaur”

3.20pm: Altered course S12E, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 70 revs. Log 41.5 n/m

6.0pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 5

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4 January 1917

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

5.15am: Altered course S33E. Sighted Esha Ness Lt bearing S35E. Log 18.4 n/m

7.6am: Esha Ness abeam bearing N65E. P log 34.0 n/m

7.25am: Hauled in P log 40.4 n/m

7.50am: Muckel Roe abeam

8.0am: Passed through Boom Defence

8.43am: Let go Port anchor in 15 fms veered to 5 shackles

8.55am: Finished with engines

9.0am: Mails arrived on board

9.5am: Admiralty collier “Queensgarth” N° 180 made fast on Starboard side

9.15am: Admiralty collier “Sir Arthur” made fast on Port side

9.30am: Hands commenced coaling ship

9.35am: Discharged 1 rating to HMHS* “Berbice” at Olna Firth

Anchor Bearings: F.S. N61W, Manse N64E, Cairn N35W; Ship’s Head N50E

Noon: Ceased coaling for dinner

1.0pm: Hands resumed coaling

3.35pm: Captain left ship for Busta House

5.25pm: Captain returned from Busta House

6.0pm: Ceased coaling for the night

Number on sick list: 7

*[ed. note: His Majesy’s Hospital Ship]

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5 January 1917

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

Am: Anchor bearings verified and found correct

7.40am: Commenced coaling. HMS “Leopard” left harbour

8.55am: HMS “Alouette” arrived

9.50am: Russian Battle Ship [space left blank] arrived and anchored

11.45am: Sub lieut Cooper RNNR joined ship

12.0am: Mails arrived on board

12.55pm: HMTBD “Lively” arrived

2.50pm: HMTBD “Leopard” left harbour

4.30pm: Finished coaling

4.40pm: Collier “Sir Arthur” left ship

5.0pm: Collier “Queensgarth” left ship

5.25pm: Prob Surgeon Cook RNVR, 2 marines, 1 rating left ship for HMS “Alouette”

10.15pm: HMS “Alouette” left base

Number on sick list: 5

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6 January 1917

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.50am: Water boat came alongside

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

10.35am: Divine Service’s for Church of England, Nonconformists

12.0 am: Liberty men inspected and go ashore

3.15pm: Liberty men returned

3.25pm: Sub Lieut, 2 ratings for HMS “Virginian” joined ship, also 6 bags of mails for HMS “Virginian”

4.0pm: Shortened in to 2 shackles

4.45pm: Weighed anchor

5.0pm: Anchor up. Proceeded as requisite for Boom Defence

5.10pm: Through Boom defence. Streamed P log. N[80]W, 80 revs

5.25pm: Muckle Roe abeam. P log 1.9 n/m

6.7pm: Esha Ness abeam, altered course N35W, P log 11.1 n/m

8.37pm: Examined Danish steamer “Helmer Mørch”, flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 60 51N, [Long] 2 38W

Number on sick list: 6

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7 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.91, Long -7.33

7.30am: Sounded. Lost lead. P log 63.9 n/m

2.50pm: Sighted ship bearing N30W.Increased to 70 revs. P log 34.4

3.15pm: Challenged & exch pdts with HMS “Virginian”

3.20pm: Stopped transferred Armed Guard and Mails to HMS “Virginian”. Hauled in P log 40.0 n/m

3.35pm: Proceeded S57W, 75 revs. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 6

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8 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.3, Long -14.16

Am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.14am: Hauled in P log 88.4 n/m, altered course S74W

11.25am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian steamer “Lorna”, from New Orleans to Gothenberg. Cargo cotton. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Goodman RNR. [Lat] 58 16N, [Long] 13 42W

12.25pm: Proceeded S72W, 70 revs. Streamed P log

Number on sick list: 5

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9 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.33, Long -11.83

8.40am: Increased to 70 revs. Commenced 2 points zigzag. P log

11.0am: Altered course S15W, 2 points zigzag. P log 32.0 n/m

Pm: Altered course S24W, 2 points zigzag, P log 20.4 n/m

9.35pm: Altered course N75E, 2 points zigzag. P log 65.0 n/m

Number on sick list: 8

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10 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.83, Long -10.5

6.30am: Altered course N20E, 2 points zigzag

8.35am: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 10

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11 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.06, Long -11.73

Am: Hands cleaning ship

Number on sick list: 10

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12 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.58, Long -11.63

3.20pm: Challenged & exch pdts with HMS “Hildebrand”

3.30pm: Hauled in P log showing 90.8. Stopped. Received 1 rating from HMS “Hildebrand”

4.45pm: Proceeded N20E, 50 revs. Streamed P log 90.8 n/m

11.20pm: Sighted Sailing Vessel

11.35pm: Intercepted Norwegian Barque “Blanca

Number on sick list: 9

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13 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.63, Long -11.7

12.0am: Hauled in P log 37.8 n/m

4.0pm: In company with SV “Blanca”

8.0am: In company with SV “Blanca”

10.15am: Stopped. Boarded Sailing Vessel “Blanca” and sent to Stornoway with armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Ford RNR. [Lat] 56 26N, [Long] 11 22W

11.0am: Proceeded N30E, 50 revs. Streamed P log 37.8 n/m

Number on sick list: 8

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14 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.11, Long -11.73

Am: Hands mustered by open list

Number on sick list: 8

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15 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.8, Long -10.73

7.30am: Altered course S56E, 2 points zigzag

8.15am: Challenged Armed Trawler “Rushcoe”. Sent Mid Walker & armed guard on board

9.10am: Boat inboard

9.15am: Proceeded. Course S71W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

10.40am: Dropped target. Commenced 6” target practice

11.20am: Ceased fire. Picked up target

11.30am: Proceeded N53E, 75 revs, 2 points zigzag

2.40pm: Challenged & exch pdts with HMS “Hildebrand”; Challenged & exch pdts with HMS “Virginian”

4.0pm: Stopped. Received 20 bags mails. Engineer Sub Lieut Swan joined ship

4.30pm: Proceeded S63W, 60 revs

5.13pm: Examined Danish Trawler RE36 “Nyördur” flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed. [Lat] 58 23N, [Long] 10 03W

5.17pm: Proceeded S64W, 60 revs, 2 points zigzag

6.5pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 10

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16 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.83, Long -11.12

8.0am: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Hilary”

8.25am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

8.33am: Stopped. Sent back signals to HMS “Hilary”

9.5am: Proceeded N4W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

Am: Hands cleaning paintwork

3.35pm: Altered course N28W, 2 points zigzag

6.0pm: Reduced to 70 revs. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 7

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17 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.16, Long -13.06

8.0am: Altered course N35E, 2 points zigzag

9.55am: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Virginian”

Am: Hands cleaning ship

11.30am: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Victorian”

4.0pm: Altered course N4W, 2 points zigzag

6.30pm: Ceased zigzag

7.20pm: Examined British trawler “Garnet” H 495, allowed to proceed Hull to Iceland

7.25pm: Course N4W, 60 revs

Number on sick list: 5

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18 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.33, Long -12.41

8.10am: Commenced 4 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs. P log 60.3

9.15am: Altered course N36E, P log 72.6 to intercept steamer

10.17am: Hauled in P log 86.2 n/m

10.25am: Stopped. Boarded Russian steamer “Biruta” Y1411, from Cardiff to Kola. Cargo coal. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 62 25N, [Long] 12 17W

10.55am: Proceeded S33W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Streamed P log 81.2 n/m

3.45pm: Sighted, Challenged & exch pdts with HMS “Moldavia”

4.17pm: Hauled in P log 44.7 n/m

4.20pm: Stopped. Received 2 ratings from HMS “Moldavia”

4.45pm: Proceeded N20E, 60 revs. Streamed P log 44.7 n/m

8.30pm: Altered course S87E, increased to 70 revs, log 83.0 n/m to intercept steamer

8.55pm: Examined British trawler “Andromache” GY31. Allowed to proceed

8.57pm: Proceeded N8E, 60 revs, Log 88.8 n/m

Number on sick list: 5

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19 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.58, Long -13.75

Am: Divisions. Prayers

4.30pm: Altered course N6W. P. log 73.5 n/m. Evening Quarters. Night defence. Darkened ship

Number on sick list: 6

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20 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.68, Long -13.18

8.30am: Altered course N6W. Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

11.45am: Altered course S10W, 2 points zigzag

1.0pm: Altered course S86E, 2 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course N87E. Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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21 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.33, Long -9.0

4.45am: Altered course N58W to intercept SS. Increased to 70 revs

5.15am: Examined Brit Trawler “Octavia” H 876. Allowed to proceed. Course S27W, 60 revs

6.20am: Altered course N22E, 2 points zigzag, 60 revs

8.20am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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22 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 64.58, Long -11.0

8.15am: Increased to 70 revs. Commenced 4 points zigzag

9.40am: Altered course N54E. Ceased zigzag

10.40am: Dropped target, commenced 1” aiming rifle target practice

11.25am: Cease fire. Stopped. Picked up target

11.30am: Proceeded N22E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

1.0pm: Altered course S7W, 2 points zigzag

6.50pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 6

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23 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.95, Long -8.36

7.40am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

9.15am: Altered course S59W, 2 points zigzag

10.30am: Hauled in P log

10.40am: Stopped Examined British trawler “Fawn” GY 1008. All correct, allowed to proceed. [Lat] 61 03N, [Long] 8 26W

11.5am: Proceeded course S7W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

5.20pm: Stopped boarded Norwegian SS “Salina”, Newcastle to New York, in ballast. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 60 08N, [Long] 8 24W

5.45pm: Proceeded Course S16E, 70 revs

7.7pm: Altered course N40W to intercept sailing vessel

7.25pm: Examined Danish schooner “Hamlet”. Allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 5

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24 January 1917

At Sea & at Loch Ewe

Lat 57.8, Long -5.7

1.45am: Butt of Lewis Lt bearing S15E

3.45am: Challenged by armed trawler

Butt of Lewis Lt abeam bearing S75W

5.30am: Tiumpan Head Lt abeam S89W. Increased to 80 revs

7.10am: Reduced to 70 revs. Hauled in P log

7.30am: Passed boom defence

8.0am: Let go starboard anchor in 10 fms veered to 4 shackles

Anchor Bearings: Pus [?] Lt N10E, N of Ewe N34W,S of Ewe S53W, Church N21W; [Ship’s] Head S21W

8.30am: Collier “Forecastle” alongside starboard side

8.40am: Commenced coaling ship

9.40am: Water boat alongside

Two hospital cases left for Hospital

Am: Hands to dinner. Bearings correct

1.0pm: Resuming coaling

4.33pm: HMS “Manners” anchored

7.55pm: Ceased coaling

Number on sick list: 6

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25 January 1917

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.8, Long -5.7

6.15am: Eng. Lieut. Fitzgerald RNR left ship

8.0am: Collier cast off starboard side. Bearings correct

12.45pm: Let go port anchor in 15 fms

4.0pm: Two bags of mails arrived on board for HMS “Alsatian”

5.40pm: Trawler alongside with fresh meat

9.15pm: Weighed anchor

Number on sick list: 10

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26 January 1917

Loch Ewe & at Sea

Lat 57.8, Long -5.7

Am: Hands cleaning ship

4.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital

8.45pm: Commenced to shorten cable

9.15pm: Drifter alongside with mails

9.22pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Course and speed as requisite

9.41pm: Passed boom defence. Streamed P log

10.45pm: Sighted Tiumpan Head Lt, altered course North

11.45pm: Tiumpan Head Lt abeam. Sighted Butt of Lewis Lt bearing N25W

Number on sick list: 10

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27 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.85, Long -8.16

8.35am: Examined Norwegian Barque “Pallas”. Allowed to proceed, altered course N5W, 80 revs

Am: Hands cleaning ship

12.45pm: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Alsatian”, altered course N55W. Sounded in 65 fms sand

1.25pm: Officer & mails discharged to flagship. Proceeded N20E, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

7.0pm: Night defence stations. Evening Quarters. Physical drill. Darkened ship. N° 54 warrant read

6.10pm: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 65 revs

6.15pm: Sighted Myggenaes Lt abeam bearing S85E

6.45pm: Myggenaes Lt abeam bearing S73E

8.53pm: Myggenaes Lt abeam S26E, 21 miles

Number on sick list: 11

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28 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.81, Long -6.33

7.45am: Commenced 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs

9.30am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

12.15pm: Challenged & exch pdts with HMS “Ebro”

1.0pm: Stopped. Received 2 armed guards & staff Surgeon Wills RNVR joined ship, also mails

1.23pm: Proceeded Course N85W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

6.0pm: Altered course S68W. Ceased zigzag

8.45pm: Myggenaes Lt abeam, 25 miles

Number on sick list: 10

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29 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.2, Long -13.0

7.45am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

1.0pm: Altered course S26E, 2 points zigzag

4.45pm: Altered course S39E to intercept sailing vessel. Increased to 80 revs

5.27pm: Examined American SV “Salisbury”, flying flag of day. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 59 35N, [Long] 11 48W. Proceeded S26E

Number on sick list: 4

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30 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.4, Long -9.43

7.20am: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

11.30am: Signalled Danish schooner “Hamlet”. Flag of day. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 59 [?N], [Long] 9 [?W]

11.53am: Altered course S84W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

7.55pm: Sighted light bearing N10E

9.15pm: Hauled in P log

9.35pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian SS “Conrad Mohr”, New York to Christiannia. Refined Oil. Sent to Kirkwall, armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Goodman RNR. [Lat] 59 10N, [Long] 10 40W

9.55pm: Proceeded N77E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs. Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 4

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31 January 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.43, Long -9.01

3.20am: Sighted light bearing East

5.0am: Stopped. Boarded Swedish SS “Scandinavic”, from Norfolk to Gothenborg. Cargo cotton. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Midshipman Waller RNR. [Lat] 59 42N, [Long] 8 33W

5.52am: Proceeded N45E, 60 revs

7.30am: Altered course S77W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

8.0am: Altered course S7W to intercept steamer

9.22am: Stopped. Boarded Swedish SS “Atland”, Chile to Gothenborg. Cargo nitrate of Soda. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Mids Cordingly RNR. [Lat] 29 38N, [Long] 8 21W

9.47am: Proceeded S86W, 2 points zigzag, 75 revs

5.53pm: Sighted light bearing S65W, altered course S5W, 80 revs

6.30pm: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian SS “Landward”, Philadelphia to Bergen. Cargo grain. Sent to Kirkwall armed guard in charge Mids Middlemas RNR. [Lat] 68 47N, [Long] 11 07W

6.58pm: Proceeded N71E, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

10.25pm: Altered course N77E, 2 points zigzag. Reduced to 70 revs

Number on sick list: 3

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1 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.43, Long -9.83

7.40am: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

12.0am: Commenced 4 points zigzag

1.0pm: Altered course N80W to intercept steamer

1.34pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish SS “London”. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Mids. Panlow RNR. One Austrian seaman on board. [Lat] 59 14N, [Long] 10 28W

2.20pm: Proceeded. Course S77W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

4.45pm: Altered course to intercept steamer

5.17pm: Stopped. Boarded British Oiler “Lompoc”* Port Arthur to Kirkwall. Allowed to proceed. [Lat] 59 02N, [Long] 11 20W

5.40pm: Proceeded. Course S22W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

6.45pm: Altered course N77E, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 3

*[ed. note: Admiralty oiler N° 98 according to HMS “Patuca” logs]

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2 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.4, Long -9.7

6.0am: Altered course S77W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

9.50am: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzag

11.17am: Sighted steamer, altered course S5W to intercept, 70 revs

11.40am: Challenged & exch. pdts. FAC “Artois”

11.42am: Altered course S77W, 2 points zigzag

1.20pm: Altered course N62E, 2 points zigzag

2.50pm: Reduced to 60 [revs].Ceased zigzag

3.40pm: Challenged & exch pdts HMS “Motagua”

4.10pm: Received armed guard & 2 bags of mails. Evening Quarters

4.30pm: Proceeded. Course S51W, 60 revs, 2 point zigzag

Number on sick list: 2

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3 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.48, Long -13.3

7.0am: Altered course N68W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

Am: Hands cleaning ship

11.35am: Rockall bearing N38W

2.0pm: Altered course S24W, 2 points zigzag

5.0pm: Ceased zigzag. Darkened ship. One prisoner released from cells

Number on sick list: 1

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4 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.08, Long -10.35

12.0am: Altered course S23W, 2 points zigzag

9.0pm: Altered course S51W, 2 points zigzag. Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 0

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5 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.86, Long -10.63

2.0am: Altered course N85E, 2 points zigzag

8.0am: Altered course N31W, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands cleaning ship

11.0am: Altered course S28E, 2 points zigzag

2.20pm: Sighted St Kilda bearing East

9.0pm: Barra Head Lt abeam. Rounds correct

11.15pm: Skerryvore Lt abeam bearing N83E

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6 February 1917

At Sea & at Glasgow

Lat 55.05, Long -5.41

12.30am: Ceased zigzag

1.30am: Sighted Inishtrahull Lt

Am: Courses as requisite for passing Rathlin Sound

6.0am: Challenged by HMS “Thorn”

8.50am: Ailsa Craig abeam, altered course N23E

9.36am: Pladda Lt Ho abeam Dist 2 ¼ miles

10.0am: Holy Is abeam

11.0am: Hauled in P log

11.20am: Toward Point challenged & exch. pdts

11.50am: Passed through Boom Defence

12.0am: Pilot came on board

1.20pm: Made aft tug fast

1.35pm: Made fast foremost tug

3.30pm: Secured ship in Prince’s Dock at Coaling Slate

4.0pm: Warrants Numbers [space left blank] & [space left blank] read, men to imprisonment

4.10pm: Four armed guards returned to ship

4.15pm: 1 armed guard for HMS “Patuca” came on board

4.35pm: Two prisoners sent ashore to Duke St. Prison

6.10pm: Fleet surgeon Scribner left ship

9.15pm: 1 CPO & 5 ratings discharged for Haslar Hospital, 1 rating to Barracks

10.50pm: HMS “Columbella” left Dock

Number on sick list: 6

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7 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

1.10am: 1 Fireman absentee from “Columbella” reported himself & detained on board

8.15am: 1 Fireman for “Columbella” placed under arrest

9.20am: Hands to clean guns

9.25am: One armed guard rejoined ship

10.10am: Fireman under arrest, sent to Greenock under escort to rejoin “Columbella”

12.50pm: “Motagua” and “Patuca” armed guards joined ship

1.10pm: Hands employed, gunners party, 10 Hands painting funnel. Remainder as requisite

2.30pm: Shifted ship 100 feet astern

3.40pm: Commenced to take shells aboard

10.55pm: 1 Fireman absentee reported on boar

Number on sick list: 1

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8 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.30am: Hands called

7.0am: Hands fall in clear up mess deck & upper deck

8.0am: Cooks

8.10am: Hands to breakfast & clean

9.0am: Quarters, clean guns

9.15am: Hands employed. Gunners party. Hands painting down aloft. 10 Hands getting up wood from N° 2 hold. Remainder as requisite

9.20am: Mid Waller & 2 Orderlies left ship for SNO’s office [ed. note: Senior Naval Officer’s office]

9.30am: 4 Marines under examination (Educational)

10.15am: Mid Waller & 2 Orderlies returned on board from SNO’s

11.0am: Two marine ratings joined ship

11.35am: 1 Warrant Officer (Chief Steward) joined ship

1.25pm: Hove Starboard whaler aboard. Hands employed in forenoon

4.45pm: Commenced to shift ship

5.30pm: Ship remoored to coaling wharf

5.50pm: Liberty men inspected. Gangway, moorings & fenders tended

Number on sick list: 1

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9 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands fall in & clear up decks

8.0am: Cooks. Hands breakfast

9.0am: Quarters. Clean guns

9.20am: Hands fall in for duty. Preparing ship for dry dock & coaling

10.50am: Two armed guards (6 men) for “Motagua”

11.30am: Cooks

11.30am: Hands to dinner

12.30pm: Mid Green & McMeekin joined ship

2.20pm: Commenced to shift ship to dry dock

3.45pm: Ship made fast in dry dock & hands as requisite

6.30pm: Lieut Coombes left ship

7.30pm: One AB put under arrest

Number on sick list: 0

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10 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands employed surveying cable

9.0am: Hands fall in & are employed cleaning out chain locker

9.15am: One AB released from Sentry’s charge. Chronometer wound

10.25am: One PO & 10 men joined ship also 1 rating for HMS “Changuinola”

12.30pm: Eng Sub Lieut DM Joubert joined ship

1.0pm: “Motagua’s” armed guards left ship. Hands painting

1.15pm: Rangefinder sent ashore for repairs

Pm: Hands employed cleaning chain locker

Number on sick list: 0

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11 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.0am: Quarters. Clean guns

10.15am: Bishop of Glasgow arrived on board

10.25am: Church of England party arrived on board from HMS “Motagua”

10.30am: Divisions. Non Conformist Church party & RC party left ship

11.35am: RC Church party arrived on board

11.45am: “Motagua’s” Church party left ship

12.4pm: Presbyterian Church party returned

Number on sick list: 0

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12 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands cleaning out chain locker

9.0am: Hands fall in & continued cleaning chain locker & preparing ship to leave dry-dock

12.30pm: One absentee from “Columbella” reported on board & retained

2.0pm: One armed guard for “Patuca” joined ship

2.15pm: Commenced to flood dock

2.50pm: Ship floated

3.5pm: Ship left dry dock

4.0pm: Ship made fast alongside wharf 28

6.55pm: Ship shifted from wharf 28

7.50pm: Ship made fast alongside coal tips

8.0pm: Commenced coaling

Number on sick list: 0

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13 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

3.0am: Commenced to shift ship

3.30am: Ship shifted & made fast

8.30am: Assistant Paymaster Burnell returned from leave

9.10am: 1 Ch. Cook 1 CPO for “Patia” & 1 stoker for “Changuinola” arrived on board

9.15am: Hands cleaning decks & taking canteen empties ashore

9.40am: One officer & 2 orderlies left for SNO’s office

10.30am: Officer & orderlies returned on board

11.30am: Rangefinder replaced on board

1.0pm: Hands fall in. Taking in ammunition on board

1.45pm: Commenced to shift to coal wharf

2.20pm: Ship made fast at coal wharf, hands taking ammunition & stores aboard

4.15pm: Place fire hoses

4.55pm: 1 Railway waggon loaded with coal dropped from on boat deck smashing paymaster office

6.05pm: Coal wagon lifted from deck

6.30pm: Orderly left for SNO’s office

7.30pm: One Sergeant & one Private of marines left ship for Forton Barracks

9.30pm: One officer & 2 men (Armed Guard “Ebro”) arrived on board

Coaling throughout night

Number on sick list: 0

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14 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.45am: Commenced to shift ship ahead about 60 ft

7.15am: Ship moored

8.15am: Sub Lieut Perret & Beesly joined ship

8.30am: Captain boarded

9.30am: 13 ratings joined (5 firemen & 8 stewards)

9.55am: Orderly left for SNO’s office

10.45am: Orderly returned

10.00am: Surgeon Pearman joined ship

12.0am: Coaling completed. Hands to dinner

12.40pm: Hands fall in for shifting ship

12.55pm: Ship shifted to N° 10 wharf

1.40pm: Ship secured alongside

3.30pm: Mid. Waller left ship

6.15pm: Staff Surgeon Wills & Mid Cordingly returned

8.45pm: Two ratings joined ship (RNVR)

9.40pm: Lieut Rogers & Sub Lieut Ford returned

12.0pm: Lieut Bond & Warrant officer Scales returned to ship

Number on sick list: 1

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15 February 1917

Glasgow, Southern Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing for sea

10.0am: 2 Officers & 9 men belonging to HMS “Patuca” & 2 ratings for “Changuinola” discharged to HMS “Hilary”

3.0pm: Tugs came alongside

3.35pm: Left wharf. Engines & helm as requisite taking ship out of dock

4.0pm: Ship out of dock. Proceeding down river Clyde

6.10pm: Let go anchor & Rung off engines & let off Pilot

7.10pm: Commenced to weigh anchor

7.48pm: Streamed the log

8.5pm: Skelmorlie L B [Lighted Buoy] abeam, altered course S26W, log 4.4

8.40pm: Runnauon [Rubh'an Eun (Isle of Bute)] Lt abeam, altered course to S28W, log 13.0

9.53pm: Pladda Lt abeam, log 31.0, bearing N73W

10.47pm: Ailsa Craig abeam, log 43.9, bearing N20W

10.50pm: Exercised guns crews of watch

Number on sick list: 2

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16 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.63, Long -8.41

12.35am: Sighted Maidens light bearing SW

1.5am: Sighted Mull of Cantyre Lt bearing N40W

2.30am: Rue Point bearing North true, log 94.3

2.55am: Challenged by patrol boat

6.50am: Commenced to zigzag

7.20am: Voice pipes & control tested: all correct

8.40am: Altered course N20E, log 81, 2 points zigzag

7.0pm: Altered course N30W, rev 60, log 29. Ceased zigzagging

Number on sick list: 2

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17 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.33, Long -8.6

7.30am: Increased to 70 revs & commenced to zigzag, log 55.5

8.0am: Hands washing ship down

12.0am: Altered course S75W, log 11; 2 points zigzag

4.35pm: Stop engines & exercised crews at collision stations & abandon ship stations

4.52pm: Half speed ahead 70 revs

7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging, log 89.4

Number on sick list: 2

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18 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.5, Long -9.0

7.15am: Two points zigzag, increased to 70 revs, log 19.4

7.0pm: Ceased zigzagging

Number on sick list: 3

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19 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.9, Long -9.5

7.0am: 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs, log 1.9

10.50am: Altered course N33W, 2 points zigzag, log 48

12.30pm: Challenged by HMS “Ebro”, log 68

12.48pm: Stopped engines

1.0pm: “Ebro’s” cutter came alongside for armed guard officer & immediately left

1.5pm: Proceeded at 70 revs

1.10pm: Altered course S82W, log 72.5, 2 points zigzag

4.15pm: Evening Quarters N° 3 & 4 guns crews exercised at loader. Ceased zigzagging

Number on sick list: 2

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20 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.7, Long -10.83

6.45am: Altered course N82W, log 51, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs

10.10am: Hands & officers attend lecture in boys’ mess deck

11.0am: Straight course, log 100.1; reduced to 60 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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21 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.68, Long -10.96

7.15am: Log 17.1. Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

10.26am: Marines at rifle drill & officers at 6” loader

2.0pm: N° 2 guns crew at 6” gun drill

2.30pm: 3 pdr guns crew at 3 pdr gun drill

5.17pm: Sighted steamer 3 pts on starboard bow, altered course to intercept

5.55pm: Reduced to 70 revs, log 47. Ship proved to be HMS “Ebro”. Challenged & exch pdts

Number on sick list: 0

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22 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.73, Long -10.68

7.0am: Voice pipes & controls correct. 2 points zigzag & increased to 70 revs

10.20am: Officers at signalling instructions

Am: Hands to instruction & painting ship

3.50pm: Sighted Barque (“Semedal”)

4.15pm: Hauled in P log

4.50pm: Stop both engines

4.55pm: Boarded barque “Semedal” with armed guard under Sub Lt Perrett. Lat 58 41N, Long 11 56W

5.20pm: Streamed log. Proceeded at 60 revs

Number on sick list: 0

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23 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.71, Long -10.08

1.45am: Sighted steamer bearing S60E, altered course to intercept same

2.15am: Stopped & signalled SS “Warkworth”, Tyne to Aran with coal, ordered her to proceed

2.20am: Hauled log in, log 94

2.27am: Streamed log

7.45am: Sighted Danish schooner “Skirner

9.25am: Hauled in log

9.27am: Stopped engines

9.45am: Boarded “Skirner” with armed guard under Sub Lieut Beesley. Pos. Lat 58 44N, Long 9 55W

10.20am: Cutter returned to ship

10.21am: Proceeded at 60 revs

10.36am: Streamed log

12.52pm: Sighted Norwegian Barque “Sagitta” bearing N30W, log 85.1 & increased to 70 revs

2.1pm: Stopped engines, cutter left with boarding officer & armed guard under Mid. Cordingly

2.25pm: Cutter returned. Barque sent to S (Pos. Lat 58 54N, Long 10 39W)

2.30pm: Proceeded at 80 revs. Course S8W

8.0pm: Sighted HMS Trawler (“Walpole”)

8.40pm: Hauled in log 79.2

8.50pm: Stopped engines

8.55pm: Cutter left ship with armed guard under Mid. Middlemass

9.5pm: Cutter returned to ship. Pos. Lat 57 52N, Long 10 12W

9.10pm: Proceeded at 60 revs

9.15pm: Streamed log & ship steadied on N18W

Number on sick list: 2

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24 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.7, Long -10.86

7.0am: Increased to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

9.20am: Altered course N85W, log 9.2, 2 points zigzag

Saturday routine

12.0am: Reduced to 60 revs. Straight course

Number on sick list: 2

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25 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.0, Long -9.43

10.0am: Captain’s inspection & divine service

Number on sick list: 0

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26 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.9, Long -9.7

11.15am: Captain’s defaulters

7.58pm: Slow both

7.59pm: Stop both engines, log 74.6

8.3pm: Proceeded at 60 revs on port engine, log 75

9.12pm: Stop port engine, log 83.3

9.14pm: Proceeded at 60 revs on starboard engine, log 83.9

10.42pm: Half ahead both engines 60 revs, log 95.0

Number on sick list: 1

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27 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.63, Long -10.46

3.15pm: Wireless ariel carried away

4.0pm: Wireless repaired

Number on sick list: 1

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28 February 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.93, Long -10.6

7.45am: Altered course N42W, log 97.8, 2 points zigzag & increased to 70 revs

8.55am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Hilary”

9.15am: Control party closed up

10.15am: “Hilary’s” cutter came alongside & left immediately

10.25am: Resumed course & 60 revs

10.30am: Officers at gunnery

12.15pm: Sighted HMS “Ebro”, challenged & exchanged pendants with her

12.30pm: 2 points zigzag

1.30pm: Reduced to 60 revs, log 47.5. Ceased to zigzag

3.35pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Otway”

Number on sick list: 1

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1 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.1, Long -5.21

5.30am: Sounded in 73 fms bs, log 66.5 & Sighted Myggenaes Lt abeam

6.0am: Sounded in 67 fms bs, log 73.5 & Sighted land

8.5am: Sighted fishing smack

8.55am: Sighted steam trawlers ahead

9.25am: Fuglø head abeam

9.30am: Sighted barque on starboard bow

1.35pm: 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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2 March 1917

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

4.38am: Esha Ness light abeam, log 44.8

5.15am: Hauled in log 52.4

5.36am: Passed boom defence

6.7am: Stop, let go starboard anchor in 16 ¾ fms water, veered to 7.5 fms cable

6.13am: Finished with engines

6.55am: Collier SS “Towrley” alongside to starboard

7.15am: Coaling party from HMS “Gibraltar” boarded 91 hands

7.10am: Let go port anchor 22 fms cable

7.40am: Mail aboard

7.5am: Collier SS “Rubio” on coming alongside struck ship on port side amidship

7.55am: SS “Rubio” struck ship on port quarter damaging rails & plate

8.25am: Mail boat HMS “Vienna” arrived

8.50am: Commenced coaling

9.0am: Two armed guards arrived on board under Sub Lt Perrett & Mid. Cordingly & 1 gunners mate joined ship from HMS “Excellent”

10.0am: Captain went ashore in duty boat

10.30am: One armed guard joined ship from HMS “Gibraltar” under Sub Lt Beesley

12.50pm: 13 bags of mail arrived on board

1.0pm: Recommenced coaling

2.0pm: Sub Lt Charter: went ashore for despatches & returned at 2.45

3.0pm: Whaler left for HMS “Gibraltar” with mails & Leading Stoker for medical treatment

4.0pm: Stopped coaling & resumed at 4.30

4.45pm: Captain went ashore

5.15pm: Whaler left ship with Chief Stewart & Chief Cook for HMS “Vienna”

6.0pm: Finished coaling

6.15pm: Drifter “Children’s Hope” left with “Gibraltar’s” coaling party

6.30pm: Hove up port anchor

6.45pm: Collier “Towneley” left

7.0pm: “Gibraltar’s” DSB arrived with Capt. & officers from leave

7.55pm: Whaler left with Capt & officers for HMS “Orvieto” and whaler returned

9.10pm: HMS “Vienna” left harbour

Cables tender & bearings frequently verified

10.30pm: Whaler left for HMS “Orvieto”

11.10pm: Whaler returned with Captain & Officers

Number on sick list: 1

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3 March 1917

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

Anchor Bearings: Hevden Ness S2W, Burgasto I S60W, Cairn N36W; Ship’s head S12E

6.55am: Collier SS “Rubio” left ship

8.10am: Hands cleaning ship

9.0am: HMS “Dundee” arrived in harbour

9.45am: Water boat came alongside

10.30am: Cutter went ashore with officers

11.40am: Cutter left ship with Captain & officers

12.45pm: Rear Admiral came alongside to view damage done by SS “Rubio”

2.20pm: Water boat alongside with boiler water

4.10pm: Cutter arrived with Sub Lts Goodman & Cordingly & Mids Green & McMeekin

4.50pm: Water boat left ship

6.0pm: Drifter alongside with stores

6.35pm: Let go port anchor 30 fms

7.05pm: Water boat alongside

7.15pm: HMS “Dundee” weighed anchor

7.35pm: SS “Rubio” dropped anchor to Starboard

8.25pm: HMS “Orvieto” weighed anchor & left

9.5pm: Water boat left to refill

Number on sick list: 1

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4 March 1917

Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

1.0am: Heavy squall from South with snow

1.30am: Water boat arrived alongside

5.0am: Water boat cast off

7.0am: “Gibraltar’s” picket boat alongside for Poldhu

9.10am: Hands securing starb boats & gangway inboard on account of close proximity of SS “Rubio” at times

9.40am: Chaplin boarded

10.0am: Divine Service in boys mess deck

11.45am: SS “Rubio” under way

11.58am: Chaplain left in drifter for HMS “Gibraltar”

1.0pm: One officer & 3 men arrived on board for HMS “Avenger” & 6 bags mails for HMS “Otway”

4.0pm: Turned out starboard boats and hands fell in for night defence

4.55pm: Drifter arrived alongside with decoding books

5.35pm: Commenced to heave short port cable

6.15pm: Commenced to weigh anchor

6.35pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded at 60 revs

6.50pm: Passed boom defence & streamed log

7.30pm: 2 points zigzag, log 8

10.0pm: Ceased zigzagging & decreased to 70 revs; log 43.6

Number on sick list: 1

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5 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.85, Long -6.45

10.49am: Fuglø Is bearing S23W, log 1.5

Am: Hands attended gunnery class

6.5pm: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” bearing N15W

6.10pm: Altered course N15W, log 91. Challenged & exchanged pendants

8.15pm: HMS “Changuinola” signalled

Number on sick list: 0

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6 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 64.26, Long -10.71

3.35am: Sighted sailing ship bearing S10W, altered course S10W, log 87

5.15am: Reduced to 60 revs & hauled log in

5.20am: Intercepted Danish Barque “Alexander Lawrence” flying correct flags of the day

5.25am: Streamed log

Am: Sighted and challenged HMS “Avenger” & received reply

9.0am: Hauled log in

9.53am: Streamed log

Number on sick list: 0

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7 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.1, Long -14.95

2.48am: Challenged HMS “Virginian”, reply correct exchanged pendants

11.0am: Officers at 6” QF gun drill

1.30pm: Sighted British steam trawler (“Eleane”)* GY 481 proceed

2.35pm: Sighted British trawler (“Isabel”) H 878 bearing N70W & proceeded

Number on sick list: 0

*[ed. note: misspelt for trawler “Eliane” GY481]

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8 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.0, Long -18.0

Am: Sub Lieutenants & Midshipmen at signals

6.7pm: Sighted HMS “Avenger” challenged received correct reply

6.30pm: Hauled in log 11.0

6.55pm: “Avenger’s” boat came alongside & 7.5[pm] Boat left with one Armed Guard officer & 3 men & 11 bags of mail for HMS “Otway”

7.8pm: Proceeded at 60 revs cruising

Number on sick list: 0

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9 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.13, Long -21.4

4.50am: Sighted Russian liner “Czaritza

4.57am: Altered course N51W to intercept

5.50am: N° 4 boat left with boarding officer

5.40am: Hauled in log 16.1

6.45am: N° 4 boat returned boarded & secured. Pos [Lat] 61 56N, [Long] 20 52W

6.50am: Proceeded S39W, log 16.1, 60 revs

10.15am: Officers at spotting table

11.58am: Sighted steamer bearing NxE. Challenged made no reply

12.20pm: Reduced to 60 revs. Log 68.9. Challenged by HMS “Changuinola” replied & exchanged pendants

Number on sick list: 2

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10 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.85, Long -21.33

7.20am: Sighted Danish [ed. note: perhaps Swedish] steamer “Roxen”, Gothenborg to New York via Halifax

7.50am: Hauled in log 67.9

8.7am: Stop engines

8.10am: Cutter left ship

8.45am: Cutter returned to ship

8.53am: Streamed log & proceeded at 60 revs

10.10am: Changed into steam steering gear

10.5pm: Changed into telemotor steering gear

Number on sick list: 2

[ed. note: for Swedish SS “Roxen” see]

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11 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.11, Long -21.46

1.30am: Sighted HMS “Changuinola” challenged by her & replied

9.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, increased to 65 revs

4.15pm: Evening quarters & hands doubling round deck

Number on sick list: 3

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12 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.86, Long -21.26

10.0am: Hauled in log 79.0. Engines & helm as requisite for target practice

10.15am: Seamen gunners at 1” aiming rifle

11.20am: Streamed log & proceeded at 70 revs. Course N10E

2.45pm: Altered course S10W, log 19.5. Reduced to 65 revs, commenced zigzagging

8.0pm: Altered course N10E, log 79.4. Reduced to 60 revs & ceased zigzagging

Number on sick list: 0

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13 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.7, Long -20.28

6.30am: Increased to 65 revs, 2 points zigzag

10.0am: Aiming 1” rifle practice & hauled in log 31.5. Engines & helm as requisite for target practice

11.5am: Ceased firing and picked up target

11.20am: Streamed log & proceeded at 65 revs

Number on sick list: 0

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14 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.75, Long -16.26

3.15am: One rating put under arrest for insubordination to officer of watch (Sub Lt Ford)

10.15am: Hands to instruction & officers to loader

3.19pm: Sighted steamer bearing WNW

4.10pm: Hauled in log 63.5. Signalled Brit SS “Tweedale”*, allowed to proceed. Pos. [Lat] 62 20N, [Long] 16 57W

4.20pm: Streamed log

4.32pm: Proceeded on N40E, log 64.5

6.15pm: Land sighted starboard bow bearing N25E

Number on sick list: 0

*[ed.note: misspelt for “Tweeddale”]

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15 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.68, Long -16.66

5.40am: Sighted light bearing S85W

6.19am: Hauled in log 11.3. Intercepted Dutch “Besoeki”, New York to Rotterdam. Green clearance. Allowed to proceed. Pos. Lat 62 36N, Long 17 12W

7.3am: Proceeded at 80 revs, course S16W. Streamed log 11.3

9.55am: Challenged by HMS “Almanzora”, replied & exchanged pendants

10.0am: Read warrant N° 57, read to AB W Dunkin put under arrest

10.30am: Hauled in log 58.0

10.52am: Increased to 75 revs & streamed log. Pos. Lat 62 50N, Long 17 12W. Steered on S32W

11.20am: Sighted HMS “Moldavia” bearing S35W. Challenged replied exchanged pendants

11.47am: Decreased to 70 revs & hauled in log 68.5

11.52am: Stopped

12.0am: Cutter left ship & ship proceeded at 60 revs

12.17pm: Proceeded at 60 revs & streamed log

12.25pm: Steadied on S76W, log 69.0

2.10pm: N° 4 ballast tank

Pm: Projectiles removed from Forecastle head & fore deck

Number on sick list: 1

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16 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.9, Long -14.08

2.0am: Rounds & one cell prisoner correct

Number on sick list: 1

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17 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.56, Long -10.23

9.10am: Sighted ship bearing N67W, altered course to intercept. Challenged ship, reply correct (HMS “Orvieto”)

9.16am: Reduced to 60 revs & hauled in log

9.33am: Helm & engines to Captain’s orders

9.37am: “Orvieto’s” cutter came alongside with mails & one sick officer

9.44am: Cutter left ship

9.50am: Proceeded at 70 revs, streamed log & steadied on S25W

12.0pm: N° 2 Starboard ballast tank full

Number on sick list: 1

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18 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.68, Long -8.8

9.30am: Commenced zigzagging

4.15pm: Altered course S3E, log 40.6, 2 points zigzag

7.5pm: Sighted Inishtrahull light bearing S45W, log 78

7.15pm: Sighted Oversay Lt S80E, log 79.5

7.55pm: Inishtrahull abeam, log 88.0, Dist 9

9.23pm: Sighted & exchanged pendants with HMS “Otway”

10.12pm: Rue Point abeam, log 20.7

10.53pm: Mull of Cantyre abeam, log 29.4

11.25pm: Challenged by vessel of auxiliary patrol

Number on sick list: 1

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19 March 1917

At Sea & S. Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

12.30am: Maidens Lt bearing S35W, altered course N88E, log 46.4

1.12am: Sanda Lt abeam, log 53.6

1.41am: Corswell Lt abeam, log 58.6

2.45am: Ailsa Craig Lt abeam, altered course N25E, log 69.8

3.51am: Pladda Lt abeam, log 81.6

4.22am: Holy Is Lt abeam, log 87.4

5.35am: Little Cumbrae Lt abeam, log 99.7

5.40am: Hauled in log 100.3

6.0am: Challenged by Toward Point

7.0am: Stop & took pilot aboard & postman taken ashore

8.15am: Cell prisoner released

8.50am: Two tugs assisting ship

9.15am: Entered dock

10.15am: Lieut Watson & Mid Middlemass & 3 seamen (AG) returned on board from HMS “Columbella”

10.50am: Mails arrived on board

11.5am: Paymaster returned with pay for ship’s company

12.45pm: Captain left ship for enquiry on board HMS “Cambrian”

1.45pm: Hands muster for pay

4.15pm: Commenced to shift ship to coal tips

5.15pm: Ship made fast again

5.30pm: Captain returned on board

7.40pm: Commenced to coal N° 2

8.30pm: Captain left ship for leave

9.20pm: Shifted ship for coaling N° 3

N° 2 Ballast tank reported dry

Number on sick list: 1

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20 March 1917

S. Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Rounds made & correct. Gangway attended

11.0am: HMS “Kildonan Castle” arrived Prince’s Dock

11.15am: Shifted ship to coal N° 3 bunkers

12.35pm: 5 Ratings joined ship

1.10pm: Hands employed, Gunners party, Bos’uns party. Remainder as requisite

7.45pm: Shifted ship to N° 19 Berth

Number on sick list: 0

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21 March 1917

S. Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Dockyard party enlarging magazine

Am: Hands employed, Gunners party, Boatswains party. 4 hands & 1 leading

Hands cleaning out freshwater tanks. 4 hands working with ship’s steward

11.0am: Order to cancel magazine enlargement

3.30pm: Capt. Sup. came aboard

9.0pm: HMS “Ebro” left dock

11.0pm: 7 ratings joined ship from HMS “Eagle”

Number on sick list: 1

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22 March 1917

S. Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hatches cleared away & cargomen preparing to ship ballast

9.0am: Hands painting ship & getting in stores

9.30am: Mid. Onions joined ship

11.15am: 1st Lieut Williams joined ship

Number on sick list: 0

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23 March 1917

S. Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.30am: Two stokers joined for HMS “Moldavia” from RNB Portsmouth

9.15am: One rating left ship

11.20am: Shifted ship

11.40am: One rating joined from HMS “Hilary”

9.20pm: McLennon (Stewart): fell over board between ship & dockwall, conveyed to sick bay for treatment

Number on sick list: 0

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24 March 1917

S. Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.30am: 34 Ratings joined ship from RNB Portsmouth & 1 rating for HMS “Gloucestershire”

10.30am: 2 Marines joined ship from headquarters

Number on sick list: 0

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25 March 1917

S. Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands fell in cleaning up deck

10.15am: R.C. Church party landed 14

10.30am: Church of England party landed & 26 Presbyterians

11.45am: R.C. Church party returned on board

8.0pm: 13 ratings & 2 marines left for barracks

Number on sick list: 0

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26 March 1917

S. Base

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.45am: 1 Signalman left ship

8.40am: Captain & Lieut McCartney returned from leave

9.20am: 1 Seaman RNR discharged to HMS “Hilary”

2.15pm: Officer to stations. Two tugs assisting “Victor” & “Chieftain”. “Chieftain”, being of no use to ship was cast off

2.35pm: Cast off from wharf. Engines & helm to Pilot orders

3.40pm: Left Prince’s Dock & proceeded down river Clyde

4.20pm: Increased to 60 revs & cast off tug “Victor”

5.33pm: Let go Starboard anchor veering 3 shackles

Bearing at anchor: Port Matilda N74W, Roseneath buoy N44W, Steeple S34W; Ship’s head N45E

7.20pm: Sub. Lt. Beesley left ship for Barracks

8.0pm: Cutter returned to ship

8.10pm: Sent cutter to TBD [ed. note: Torpedo Boat Destroyer] with letter

8.20pm: Cutter returned & hoisted inboard

Number on sick list: 2

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27 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 55.51, Long -5.01

7.30am: Watch getting cutter out board

7.35am: Cutter left for shore

8.10am: Cutter returned

8.45am: Cutter to shore for postman

9.13am: Cutter returned with mails & was hoisted

9.20am: Commenced to weigh anchor

9.24am: Anchor weighed, engines & helm as requisite

10.2am: Passed boom defence, streamed log

10.35am: Challenged by Toward Point & exchanged pendants

11.4am: Cumbra Point abeam log 13.0, altered course

11.26am: Holy Island Lt Ho abeam, log 25.1

0.21pm: Pladda Lt abeam, log 30.9, challenged & exchanged pendants

1.6pm: Ailsa Craig abeam, log 41

2.6pm: Corsewell abeam, log 54.6, altered course

4.0pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Orvieto”

4.5pm: Challenged by Tor point (War Signal Station)

4.31pm: Rue Point abeam , log 88.5

6.54pm: Inishtrahull Lt abeam, log 20.4, altered course N73W

7.57pm: Fanad Point abeam, distance 7.7 miles, log 35.2

9.5pm: Tory island Lt abeam, log 57.5

Number on sick list: 2

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28 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 55.78, Long -12.26

6.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, log 51.9

8.0am: Altered course N13W, log 74.8; 2 points zigzag

9.37am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Virginian”

10.0am: Hauled in log 97.0. Stopped & sent 1 sick rating in cutter

10.13am: Cutter left ship

10.38am: Cutter returned

10.42am: Proceeded at 70 revs & steadied on N13W & streamed log

11.55am: Captain’s Defaulters

Number on sick list: 3

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29 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.9, Long -12.26

Am: Officers at signals

1.5pm: Stopped engines log 25.4

1.7pm: Ahead on Starboard engines 60 revs

2.4pm: Ahead on Port engine 60 revs, log 29.4

7.54pm: Slow both, altered course N40E, 40 revs, log 71.8

Number on sick list: 1

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30 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.15, Long -13.88

11.15am: N°2 Starboard ballast tank full

4.45pm: Sighted HMS “Patuca” challenged & exch pendants

5.58pm: Hauled log in 50.1

6.23pm: Streamed log 50.1

Number on sick list: 2

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31 March 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.03, Long -15.66

5.20am: Challenged & exchanged pdts with HMS “Patuca”

6.0am: Hauled in log 32.2. Course as requisite

6.33am: Slow both & cutter left ship

6.35am: Took sounding 56 fms water, Black sand. Ingolfshofdi [Ingólfshöfði] 8°, dist 13 miles

7.0am: Cutter came alongside

7.4am: Cutter inboard

7.5am: Streamed log 70 revs

1.45pm: Sighted Ingolfshofdi [Ingólfshöfði] Point bearing N18E

6.0pm: Altered course S14E, log 31.6. Sighted trawler G. Y. 391, G. Y. 9821

Number on sick list: 2

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1 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.45, Long -16.43

9.45am: Ingolfshofdi [Ingólfshöfði] Lt Ho bearing N 40E, log 19.7

12.0am: Controls & V pipes correct except N° 1 gun Voice Pipe

9.20pm: Sighted (Brit) Trawler G.Y. 288 “Southward

10.0pm: Stop

10.1pm: Cutter left ship

9.41pm: Hauled log 28.9

10.32pm: Cutter returned & hoisted inboard

10.33pm: Proceeded at 60 revs

10.37pm: Streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

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2 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.71, Long -15.1

7.15am: Altered course to intercept trawler, log 14.9

7.30am: Intercepted trawler and allowed to proceed

9.5am: Stop both

9.6am: Half ahead (Starboard) 60 revs

10.34am: Half ahead (Port) 60 revs

5.5pm: Sighted Danish drifter “Mary Boyes”, altered course N30E, log 7.5

5.57pm: Hauled in log 15.5

5.58pm: Stop

5.59pm: Cutter left ship

6.29pm: Cutter returned

6.30pm: Proceeded at 70 revs

7.7pm: Stop both

7.10pm: Cutter left to board (Brit) Trawler “Ennerdale” H769

7.24pm: Cutter returned

7.27pm: Streamed log

Pos Stopped: Lat 63 41N; Long 16 23W

Number on sick list: 1

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3 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.91, Long -15.63

6.5am: Ingolfshofdi [Ingólfshöfði] Lt bearing N2W, log 31

9.45am: Sighted British Trawler “Emperor” H 741

10.40am: Hauled in log

10.45am: Stopped & boarded trawler. Pos Stopped: Lat 62 55N, Long 15 40W

11.25am: Cutter returned

11.27am: Proceeded at 60 revs

11.30am: Streamed log

4.35pm: Hauled in log 31.5

4.36pm: Dropped target

4.40pm: Commenced firing 1” aiming

5.10pm: Ceased fire

5.18pm: Proceeded at 60 revs & streamed log

11.35pm: Sighted trawler

Number on sick list: 1

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4 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.85, Long -15.5

7.19am: Altered course as requisite to intercept trawler. P.log 74.2

9.45am: Hauled in log 99.0

10.14am: Stop & put target outboard

10.20am: Commenced firing (6” practice)

11.35am: Cease fire

11.43am: Picked up target

11.45am: Proceeded at 60 revs & streamed log 99.0

2.40pm: Sighted vessel bearing N35W

3.0pm: Intercepted Brit Trawler “Octavia” (“H 876”). Proceeded

11.34pm: Altered course to intercept trawler, log 15.7

Number on sick list: 2

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5 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.66, Long -15.0

1.15am: Sighted light

1.20am: Altered course to intercept

1.35am: Intercepted Brit Trawler (H 131) [ed.note: “Pericles”]

1.42am: Proceeded at 60 revs, log 37.2

6.0am: Challenged and exchanged pendants with HMS “Kildonan Castle”

6.45am: Stop & “Kildonan Castle’s” boat came alongside with letters & ratings

6.48am: Boat left

6.49am: Half ahead both

6.53am: Streamed log 86.4

2.0pm: Sighted land bearing N10W, log 61.4

4.40pm: Stop both, log 88.3. Exercised hands at collision stations

5.10pm: Proceeded at 60 revs, log 88.7

8.0pm: Altered course S22W, 70 revs to intercept steamer

9.5pm: Hauled in log 29.5. Stopped boarded Brit trawler GY 392. Allowed to proceed

9.31pm: Streamed log

Number on sick list: 2

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6 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.31, Long -12.2

10.30am: Stop both, log 62.0

10.32am: Half ahead starboard

11.30am: Half ahead port, log 68.5 (60 revs)

0.52pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Otway”

5.35pm: Altered course South to intercept Trawler “Amadavat” (A 619)

6.0pm: Hauled in log 41.0

6.2pm: Stopped & hailed trawler & allowed her to proceed

6.12pm: Proceeded at 70 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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7 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.98, Long -11.93

4.30am: Commenced zigzagging 2 points

9.30am: Reduced to 60 revs & ceased zigzagging

Am: Hands cleaning ship

6.38pm: Warrant N° 58 read on deck

Number on sick list: 1

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8 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.98, Long -12.0

Am: Secured guns & sea-boats

2.30pm: N° 4 Starboard tank full

2.45pm: N° 2 Port tank full

3.45pm: Shipped a sea on Starboard side damaging N° 1 boat

7.10pm: Pumping N° 4 & 5 Port ballast tanks

9.30pm: Carpenter mending N° 2 hatch

Pm: N° 2 hatch correct

Number on sick list: 2

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9 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 64.35, Long -12.48

1.0am: N° 2 hatch correct

6.0am: Hauled in log (Electric) frozen & damaged

Pm: Lost overboard in rough weather:

- Hoses with couplings 7.

- Life buoys circular 3.

- Flexible VPS No 2 & 4 guns 2.

- Oars (ash) 4.

- Branch pipes 3.

- Boats gripes 3.

- Parachutes 1.

Pm: N° 2 hatch all correct

8.30pm: Streamed log

Number on sick list: 2

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10 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.66, Long -11.85

7.40am: Cherub log streamed

9.58am: Challenged & exch pendants with HMS “Artois”

10.12am: Stop both

10.20am: Cutter left ship

10.55am: Cutter returned

11.4am: Proceeded at 70 revs

11.18am: Streamed log 35.0 & steamed on S8W

6.40pm: Sighted steamer & altered course to intercept

7.20pm: Intercepted SS “Westerdijk

7.21pm: Stop both

7.15pm: Hauled log in 45.0

7.22pm: Cutter left ship

7.45pm: Cutter returned & allowed “Westerdijk” to proceed

8.10pm: Sighted HMS “Alsatian” bearing SW. Exchanged pendants

8.39pm: Cutter left ship with dispatches, etc

9.0pm: Cutter returned

9.15pm: Proceeded at 70 revs. Course S85E

9.15pm: Streamed log 45.0

11.30pm: Altered course to intercept light

Number on sick list: 2

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11 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.88, Long -7.88

0.8am: Intercepted Swedish SS “Sydic”. Pos [Lat] 62 46N, [Long] 9 23W. Hauled in log 79.5

0.11pm: Stop both

1.30am: Received signal to keep in touch with “Sydic” until daylight

4.15am: Proceeded at 60 revs

4.55am: Stop. Pos [Lat] 62 39N, [Long] 9 36W

5.5am: Cutter left ship

5.43am: Cutter returned

5.50am: Proceeded at 50 revs

5.55am: Log streamed & steadied on East

9.58pm: Sighted light on Starboard beam, altered course to intercept it

10.46pm: Stop both. Pos. [Lat] 62 40N, [Long] 5 40W. Dutch SS “Thalia” flying correct flag of the day, allowed to proceed

10.54pm: Proceeded at 50 revs. Course S13E & streamed [log] (10.8)

Number on sick list: 1

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12 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.23, Long -3.3

4.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag, 60 revs

Am: Hands cleaning ship

11.0am: Altered course N40E. Ceased zigzagging. Log 28.5

Number on sick list: 1

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13 April 1917

At Sea & At Single Anchor Northern Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

1.35am: Sighted Esha Ness Lt bearing S76E & reduced to 70 revs

2.45am: Sighted Muckle Roe Lt bearing S70E

3.45am: Passed boom defence & hauled in log. Course & speed as requisite

4.16am: Anchored in 16 fms port anchor

4.10am: Lowered N°s 3, 4, 5 & 6 boats. Hands preparing to coal ship

5.0am: Whaler left for HMS “Gibraltar” for mails

Anchor bearings: Manse N41E, F.S. N55W, Rock S81W; Ship’s head N37W

6.45am: Collier “Westwood” & “Norburn” alongside

7.30am: Hands commence coaling

7.40am: Waterboat alongside

10.25am: Whaler left for shore with Captain, PMO*, Paymaster & Sub Lt Cooper

10.30am: Admiral’s drifter alongside for stores

10.40am: Postman returned on board

10.50am: N° 2 hold finished

“Cautioned Engineer Sub Lieut Cameron for neglect of duty in not immediately reporting a fireman, who refused to obey his orders, to the officer of the watch, in accordance with the Commander’s standing orders”. [signed] D Cameron

11.30am: Captain & Sub Lieut Cooper returned aboard

12.0am: Dinner

1.0pm: Hands resumed coaling

1.30pm: Water boat left ship

“Cautioned JB Middlemass RNR for creating a disturbance on the bridge during the 1st watch on April 12th & disobeying the (bridge) orders of the officer of the watch Lieut H. Watson RNR. Signed J B Middlemass Mid RNR”

3.45pm: Whaler left with Captain & 2 ratings for shore

6.30pm: Colliers left ship

7.45pm: Captain returned on board & secured whaler

Number on sick list: 1

*[ed. note: Principal Medical Officer]

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14 April 1917

North Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

Am: Bearings verified & cable tended

7.45am: Drifter came alongside with boiler water

9.0am: Water boat alongside with drinking water

11.30am: Lifeboats secured inboard

1.10pm: Warrant N° 59 read on deck

5.55pm: Ordinary Seaman, O. Brierty released from cells, no complaints

Number on sick list: 1

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15 April 1917

North Base

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

Anchor Bearings: Hevden Ness S27W, Rock S78W, Flag Staff N46W, Manse N43E; Ship’s Head N16E

8.55am: Chaplain from HMS “Gibraltar” boarded

9.0am: Divine service in boys mess deck

9.10am: Presbyterian Church party under Lieut McCartney for shore

11.40am: Presbyterian Church Party returned

11.41am: Drifter alongside with one officer & 2 coils of manillas

1.10pm: Three ratings discharged to HMS “Gibraltar”

5.0pm: Received 4 coils of 4” Hemp from HMS “Achilles”

8.0pm: Cutter inboard & secured

8.30pm: Hove in Port cable to 3 shackles

9.30pm: Anchor away. Engines & helm as requisite

9.59pm: Passed boom defence & streamed log

10.5pm: Muckle Roe Lt Ho abeam & altered course N21W

Number on sick list: 1

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16 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.3, Long -4.83

3.5am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

4.40am: Reduced to 60 revs, straight course

5.0am: Increased to 70 revs & 2 points zigzag

6.0am: Rounds correct, Temperature of Cells 58°

9.4am: Reduced to 60 revs & ceased zigzag

2.0pm: Sighted land bearing West

9.20pm: Sighted SS “Kongsli” bearing N70W (Norwegian). Intercepted in Pos. Lat 62 56N, Long 7 35W

10.0pm: Hauled log in. “Kongsli” flying correct flag of the day, allowed to proceed

10.10pm: Streamed log & steadied on N76W, 60 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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17 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.31, Long -10.0

4.50am: Faroe Islands abeam bearing S11E

6.5am: Altered course S79W log 57.0 and 2 points zigzag

10.0am: Ceased zigzagging & reduced to 60 revs

Am: Officers at 6” drill

2.0pm: Removed projectiles from Forecastle Head

8.17pm: Intercepted “Hans Egede” (Danish) flying man of war ensign with Greenland badge

8.20pm: Hauled in Log

8.48pm: Boat left with boarding officer. Stood by “Hans Egede” for reply to signal

9.40pm: Boat returned to ship

10.20pm: Received reply to signal

10.30pm: Cutter left ship. “Hans Egede” sent to Kirkwall with armed guard under Sub Lt Ford RNR

11.0pm: Cutter returned

11.15pm: Proceeded at 60 revs. Course N78E & streamed log

11.50pm: Sighted light & altered course to intercept

12.0pm: Trawler (H 990)

Number on sick list: 2

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18 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.25, Long -10.23

0.5am: Slow ahead both. Allowed trawler to proceed

0.10am: Streamed log, course (N78E) & increased to 60 revs

10.25am: Altered course S20W. Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Virginian”

11.0am: Hauled in log

11.10am: Stopped & received 1 rating & 1 for HMS “Changuinola”

11.18am: Proceeded N78E slow both

11.41am: Increased to 60 revs & streamed log

1.45pm: Engines stopped for condenser repairs

1.47pm: Half ahead on Straboard engine

2.45pm: Half ahead both engines

5.0pm: Voice Pipes all correct except N° 1 gun VP

10.0pm: Lost 1 deep sea lead & 80 fms of wire overboard from Port machine

10.40pm: Altered course to intercept Danish schooner “Zenitha

11.7pm: Hauled log in 35.8

11.40pm: Stop. Pos [Lat] 60 46N, [Long] 11 45W

11.45pm: Cutter left ship. “Zenitha” sent to Kirkwall with armed guard under Sub Lt Cordingly RNR

Number on sick list: 2

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19 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.13, Long -14.0

0.24am: Cutter returned to ship

0.30am: Proceeded at 60 revs & steadied on S85W

0.35am: Streamed log (35.8)

6.0am: Reduced to 40 revs & removed projectiles from N° 1 gun

Number on sick list: 1

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20 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.16, Long -14.73

9.58am: Hauled in log 3.1 & altered course as requisite for 1” aiming

10.0am: Target overboard

10.54am: Target aboard

10.55am: Proceeded at 65 revs

11.0am: Steadied on N38W & streamed log

8.35pm: Ceased zigzag, log 16.6

11.35pm: Decreased to 60 revs. Allowed trawler “FD 121” to proceed, log 49.0

11.38pm: Steadied on S33E

Number on sick list: 2

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21 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.66, Long -12.83

4.20am: Altered course N35W. Increased to 65 revs. Log 1.1; 2 points zigzag

4.50am: Ceased zigzag & reduced to 60 revs

10.0am: Altered course as requisite for Rendezvous

2.16pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Columbella” & reduced to 70 revs

2.26pm: Reduced to 60 revs. Hauled in log

2.34pm: Stopped & “Columbella’s” boat came alongside with letters & left immediately with 1 rating

2.40pm: Proceeded at 60 revs, streamed log & steadied on N35W

4.40pm: Hauled in log (30.7)

4.41pm: Slow both

4.43pm: Full astern both. “Exercised crew on man overboard”

4.45pm: Stop

5.0pm: Proceeded at 60 revs N35W & streamed log

Number on sick list: 2

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22 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.26, Long -10.31

4.0am: Altered course N79E. Increased to 65 revs, 2 points zigzag

11.40am: Ceased zigzagging

2.30pm: Sighted two (Danish) Ketches (engaged in line fishing)

3.5pm: Hauled in log

3.8pm: Altered course to intercept

3.12pm: Stop

3.14pm: Whaler left ship with boarding officer. Officer boarded “Spurn” & “Dorcia” [ed. note: perhaps misspelt for “Docea”]

4.20pm: Whaler returned

4.21pm: Proceeded at 65 revs

4.22pm: Streamed log & steadied on S79W, 2 points zigzag

10.15pm: Ceased zigzag & reduced to 60 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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23 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.16, Long -14.75

Am: Hands to instruction & Mids to navigation class

1.40pm: Barometer smashed (mercurial) through accidental firing of Port 3 pdr

Number on sick list: 1

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24 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.18, Long -10.73

4.0am: Altered course N79E, log 55.3, 2 points zigzag

10.37am: Stop both

10.38am: Half ahead Port engine, 70 revs

11.29am: Stop port

11.32am: Half ahead Starboard engine, 70 revs

0.20pm: Half ahead both 65 revs, 2 points zigzag

0.22pm: 70 revs straight

3.24pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Alsatian”

3.45pm: Hauled in log

4.4pm: Admiral’s cutter came alongside

4.12pm: Dropped target overboard

4.20pm: Commenced 6” target practice

5.30pm: Let go depth charge

5.55pm: Target inboard & Admiral left ship

6.0pm: Proceeded at 60 revs

6.2pm: Streamed log & steadied on S77W

Pm: Hygrometer under repair

Number on sick list: 1

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25 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.4, Long -16.83

4.30am: Increased to 60 revs, 2 points zigzag

Am: Hands to instruction

0.30pm: Sighted steamer on port bow

0.35pm: Hauled in log

0.37pm: Altered course to intercept

0.44pm: Intercepted Danish SS “Newa”. Stop

0.45pm: Cutter left with boarding officer

1.15pm: Cutter returned & “Newa” allowed to proceed

1.18pm: Proceeded at 70 revs. Course N66W & streamed log

4.30pm: Hauled in log (10.2)

4.45pm: Exercised crew on man overboard

4.56pm: Proceeded at 60 revs, N66W, & streamed log

10.5pm: Ceased zigzagging & increased to 75 revs, log 65.6

Number on sick list: 0

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26 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.26, Long -12.38

4.30am: Altered course S27W. Reduced to 70 revs, 2 points zigzag, log 52.5

4.37am: Sighted & challenged HMS “Columbella”

10.30am: Captain’s rounds

11.20am: 1st Lieuts defaulters

4.0pm: Altered course S55E, 2 points zigzag, log 79.8

12.0pm: Altered course N82W, log 67.5 & ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 0

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27 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.81, Long -12.5

4.0am: Increased to 65 revs, 2 points zigzag

9.45am: Hauled log in 73.2

9.57am: Dropped target

10.5am: Opened fire with 3 pdrs & 6” guns

10.38am: Picked up target

10.40am: Proceeded at 65 revs & streamed log. N82W

Number on sick list: 0

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28 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.0, Long -12.06

3.0am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

1.15pm: Stoker released from cells

9.15pm: Swing in lifeboats

10.0pm: Altered course S72W. Ceased zigzagging. Log 50.5

Number on sick list: 0

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29 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.73, Long -11.71

3.30am: Commenced 2 points zigzag & increased to 65 revs

5.43am: Sighted HMS “Columbella”, bearing N10W. Challenged & exchanged pendants

0.45pm: Altered course N68W, 2 points zigzag

5.15pm: Sighted Rockall bearing N60W

Number on sick list: 0

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30 April 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.0, Long -9.91

4.0am: Increased to 70 revs, altered course S12W, 2 points zigzag

12.0am: Altered course S49E, log 88.8, 2 points zigzag

3.50pm: Sighted Barra Head bearing S83E

4.30pm: Altered course S9E, 2 points zigzag

11.5pm: Sighted Foyle lights S81W

Number on sick list: 0

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[H Cecil Bond Lieut RNR signs log as Navigating Officer]

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1 May 1917


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

0.5am: Rue Point light ahead

0.40am: Rue Point abeam 76.5

1.0am: Tor Point abeam log 81.7

2.8am: Maidens abeam log 98.2

3.54am: Ailsa Craig abeam & altered course N25E

4.35am: Pladda island abeam

5.0am: Holy Island abeam

5.45am: Hauled in log 50.9

5.50am: Little Cumbrae abeam

6.20am: Toward Point abeam

7.43am: Passed boom defence

8.0am: Pilot came on board

9.15am: Three men placed under arrest

9.20am: Entered Queen’s Dock

10.10am: Made fast alongside

11.30am: Captain Superintendent came on board

0.48pm: Warrants N° 60, 61, 62 read on deck

0.50pm: Three prisoners taken to civil jail

1.0pm: Sub Lt Ford RNR with armed guard returned on board

1.15pm: Captain Superintendent went ashore

5.20pm: Commenced to shift ship

6.0pm: Ship moored alongside coal tips

6.15pm: Commenced coaling

7.25pm: Captain left ship on leave

Pm: Moorings & gangway attended

Number on sick list: 0

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2 May 1917

South Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.50am: Shifted ship five feet astern & resumed coaling

9.35am: HMS “Artois” left dock

10.0am: 4 Firemen, 1 Greaser, 1 steward joined ship

11.35am: Finished coaling

11.40am: Mids Abbot, Parke, Woodcock & Browne: joined ship & left on long leave

6.15pm: Commenced to shift ship

7.35pm: Ship made fast under N° 4 coal crane

Number on sick list: 0

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3 May 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands painting ship

9.30am: Lieut Grant RNR left ship

11.50am: Shifted ship astern & lifted N° 1 gun

1.40pm: Commenced to shift ship astern

1.50pm: Ship made fast

Number on sick list: 0

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4 May 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Quarters clean guns

10.0am: Hands painting ship

Number on sick list: 0

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5 May 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.20am: Sub Lieut Aitken RNR joined ship

0.5pm: Shifted ship 15’ astern

3.30pm: Eng Sub Lt Jacobson MFA* joined ship

9.30pm: Sub Lt Taylor RNR joined ship

Number on sick list: 0

*[ed. note: Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary]

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6 May 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Barometer out of order

10.20am: Church parties left ship

10.55am: Four ratings joined ship from barracks

0.40pm: Church parties returned

Number on sick list: 0

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7 May 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.15am: Absentee steward returned on board

Am: Hands painting ship

0.30pm: HMS “Columbella” came into harbour

0.45pm: Commenced to shift ship

1.14pm: Ship made fast

Number on sick list: 0

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8 May 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.50am: Five ratings joined ship 4 “Patia”, 1 “Patuca”

Am: Hands cleaning & painting ship

8.40pm: 11 Ratings left ship

Number on sick list: 0

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9 May 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.40am: Court of inquiry held in Ward Room

1 Rating returned to “Moldavia” for “Patuca”

1.0pm: RNCVR* ratings left ship

2.40pm: Left dock & proceeded down river. Engines & helm to Pilot orders

4.37pm: Let go after tug

4.58pm: Let go port anchor veered to 4 shackles

5.0pm: Cutter left with Pilot & Postman

6.20pm: Cutter returned

6.30pm: Anchor away. Course & speed as requisite

7.9pm: Passed boom defence & increased to 80 revs & streamed log

7.12pm: Challenged by Toward Point

7.30pm: Gull Point abeam

9.35pm: Davar Lt abeam log 48.5

10.0pm: Pladda Lt bearing N76E, log 53.0

10.30pm: Corsewall Point bearing S1E, log 60.0

11.50pm: Black Head Lt bearing S29W

Number on sick list: 0

*[ed. note: Royal Navy Canadian Volunteer Reserve]

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10 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.7, Long -9.2

1.20am: Altacarry Lt bearing N52W

1.51am: Rue Point abeam log 9.1

Course as requisite for Rathlin Sound

3.15am: Sighted Oversay Lt bearing N30E

6.30am: Commenced two point zigzag

0.43pm: Altered course to intercept Danish Schooner “Kodan

1.7pm: Hauled in log, Lat 56 47N, Long 9 28W

1.11pm: Stop

1.16pm: Boat left ship

1.40pm: Boat returned

1.51pm: Proceeded at 60 revs N35E & streamed log

Number on sick list: 0

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11 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.28, Long -11.05

New Barometer

10.5am: Stop both. Exercised crew at collision stations

10.36am: Proceeded at 70 revs, N31E

4.1pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Orvieto”, altered course to close

4.30pm: Boat left ship with Captain

4.35pm: Half speed ahead course as requisite

5.35pm: Boat returned

5.40pm: Proceeded at 70 revs N26E. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

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12 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.13, Long -12.58

2.4am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Orcoma”

2.10am: Altered course to intercept sailing ship

2.50am: Hauled in log

2.54am: Stop & cutter left ship to board Norge “Nordstjerne

3.27am: Cutter returned

3.35am: Proceeded at 60 revs streamed log & altered course to intercept HMS “Virginian”

4.45am: Stopped & Hauled in log

5.10am: Sent boat with mails to “Virginian”

5.25am: Boat returned

5.28am: Proceeded at 70 revs S18W & streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

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13 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.3, Long -12.33

6.0am: Altered course S84W. Reduced to 60 revs, 2 points zigzag

7.30am: Sighted sailing vessel

7.40am: Altered course to intercept

8.30am: Intercepted Norwegian Bark “Glance”. Flying correct flag of day. Lat 62 23N, Long 12 8W

9.40am: Altered course to intercept Danish Ketch TN 232

10.40am: Boarded ketch. Lat 62 23N, Long 12 8W

11.15am: Boat returned & ketch allowed to proceed

11.20am: Proceeded at 70 revs, S81W & streamed log

6.0pm: Altered course N84E, 2 points zigzag & increased to 60 revs

12.0pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing N48E

Number on sick list: 2

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14 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.11, Long -12.5

1.40am: Boarded Danish Barque “Kylemore” allowed to proceed

1.45am: Proceeded to intercept steamer

2.15am: Stopped & boarded Danish SS “Tula”. Allowed to proceed

3.10am: Proceeded S72E, 2 points zigzag, 58 revs & streamed log

10.20am: Altered course to intercept steamer. Course as requisite

11.35am: Stopped & boarded Norwegian Steamer “Salonica”. Green clearance, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 2N, Long 12 29W

11.55am: Proceeded at 80 revs, N64W & streamed log

3.8pm: Altered course to close sailing vessel & found to be “Kylemore”

5.13pm: Intercepted British Trawler G.Y. 1001 “Balmoral”, allowed to proceed

5.30pm: Altered course to close two steamers

5.50pm: Boarded Dutch SS “Karimoen” & SS “Andijk”, both allowed to proceed. Lat 62 1N, Long 15 18W

6.35pm: Proceeded at 80 revs, N51W & streamed log

Number on sick list: 3

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15 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.1, Long -14.7

3.30am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Moldavia”

4.30am: Stopped & “Moldavia’s” boat came alongside with 3 ratings & 1 depth charge

4.57am: Increased to 62 revs

5.015am: Commenced 2 points zigzag

11.30am: Sighted Dutch SS “Alioth” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. Lat 62 7N, Long 14 41W

11.55am: Steadied on N70W

0.20pm: Altered course S86W, log 20.6, 2 points zigzag

1.3pm: Increased to 75 revs to intercept SV “Kylemore”

1.33pm: Resumed original course S86W & decreased to 62 revs, 2 points zigzag

6.35pm: Challenged by HMS “Orcoma”, replied & exchanged pendants

8.0pm: Increased to 75 revs, altered course to close SS. Course as requisite to intercept Norge SS “Jessie”

9.16pm: Stopped & boarded steamer. All correct, allowed to proceed

9.35pm: Proceeded 70 revs N76E

9.40pm: Increased to 73 revs, 2 points zigzag

10.25pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing N30E

Number on sick list: 2

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16 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.18, Long -13.23

2.3am: Altered course N59E to close Dutch “Agememnon

3.10am: Hauled in log

3.15am: Stopped

3.16am: Proceeded 70 revs N78E

3.20am: Altered course N80E & streamed log

5.10am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Orcoma”

6.5am: Altered course to close steamer N55W. Intercepted Danish SS “Frisia” flying correct flag of the day. Allowed to proceed

7.35am: Altered course S86W at 62 revs, 2 points zigzag

9.7am: Altered course to intercept Dutch SS “Hercules” Lat 62 9N, Long 13 37W

10.8am: Hauled in log 75.0

10.13am: Boat left ship

10.27am: Boat returned & “Hercules” allowed to proceed

10.35am: Altered course to N80W to intercept Dutch SS “Jason

10.44am: Stop

10.45am: Boat left ship

11.5am: Boat returned, “Jason” allowed to proceed

11.6am: Set course S86E to intercept Danish ketch T.G. 357 “Oscar”, Lat 62 8N, Long 13 39W

0.15pm: Stop. Boat left ship

0.44pm: Boat returned

0.45pm: Proceeded at 70 revs S86W. Streamed log

3.40pm: Sighted sailing ship bearing N80W

4.1pm: Altered course to intercept Norwegian sailing ship “Hiawatha

4.50pm: Stop & boat left. Lat 62 14N, Long 14 19W

5.5pm: Proceeded at 70 revs & streamed log. “Hiawatha” sent to Stornoway with armed guard under Sub Lt Cordingly

Steaming in company with sailing vessel

7.35pm: Proceeded 68 revs. Course S81W & streamed log

10.15pm: Altered course N88E, reduced to 62 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 2

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17 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.18, Long -13.95

7.40am: Sighted SS bearing S10E, altered course S50E log 84.0

8.40am: Stopped & boarded Dutch SS “Stella”. SS “Stella” allowed to proceed. Lat 62 23N, Long 13 28W

8.55am: Proceeded at 68 revs West

10.35am: Altered course N86W. Reduced to 60 revs, 2 points zigzag, log 12.6

0.20pm: Increased to 62 revs, altered course West, log 32.2, 3 points zigzag

8.10pm: Altered course to intercept Norge SS “Noruega”; Lat 61 59N, Long 14 53W

8.30pm: Stopped & boarded SS “Noruega”

8.25pm: Boat returned & “Noruega” allowed to proceed

8.55pm: Proceeded at 60 revs N86E

Number on sick list: 3

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18 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.36, Long -13.46

3.45am: Ceased zigzag. Reduced to 55 revs

6.0am: Altered course S86W, 2 points zigzag, 60 revs

7.3am: Altered course N75E. Increased to 75 revs to intercept SS

Intercepted Dutch SS “Rijndam” Halifax to Rotterdm, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 38N, Long 12 32W

7.30am: Resumed Course & speed

10.5am: General Quarters. Dropped target. Commenced firing 1 inch aiming rifle

11.10am: Picked up target. Proceeded S86W, 2 points zigzag, 70 revs.

Cautioned Mr J.R. Green, Temp. Mids. RNR, for insubordinate conduct to the Officer of the Watch Sub Lieut Goodman RNR during the afternoon watch of May 17th 1917. Signed. J.R. Green Md RNR

2.15pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing SW, altered course to intercept

2.30pm: Sighted steamer, altered course N40E. Increased to 75 revs

3.22pm: Hauled in log

3.45pm: Stopped. Boarded Dutch SS “Minerva”, Halifax to Rotterdam. Allowed to proceed. Lat 62 17N, Long 14 03W

4.10pm: Altered course S5W to close sailing vessel

4.45pm: Boarded Norwegian ship “Closeburn”. Sent to Stornoway with armed guard in charge of Mid Browne RNR

5.15pm: Sighted steamer, altered course to close

5.25pm: Boarded Dutch SS “Wieldrecht”. Allowed to proceed

6.20pm: Proceeded S86W, 70 revs. Streamed log

6.35pm: Sighted steamer, altered course to intercept

6.55pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish SS “I.D.S. Adolf”. All correct, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 0N, Long 14 27W

7.15pm: Proceeded N82W, 60 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 3

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19 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.6, Long -14.25

3.0am: Sighted steamer, altered course to intercept

3.55am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian SS “Elsa”. All correct, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 39N, Long 12 32W

5.53am: Sighted two steamers, altered course to close

6.45am: Intercepted armed Brit Trawlers “St Denis” 3226 [ed. note: actually 3326] & “Corrie Roy” 3218. Allowed to proceed

Altered course S85W, 62 revs, 2 points zigzag

11.40am: Altered course S86W, 2 points zigzag

3.15pm: Sighted three trawlers, altered course to intercept

4.0pm: Boarded Trawlers H 530, FD 231,FD 29, all correct allowed to proceed

4.20pm: Proceeded S52W, 60 revs. Streamed log

5.0pm: Altered course N89E, 2 points zigzag

5.50pm: Ceased zigzag

Number on sick list: 0

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20 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.41, Long -13.8

12.50am: Sighted sailing vessel, altered course to intercept

1.40am: Stopped. Boarded Norwegian barque “Victoria I”. Allowed to proceed

2.25am: Proceeded N89E, 62 revs. Streamed log

4.50am: Sighted Norwegian Barque “Alastor” flying correct flag of day

8.0am: Altered course S88W. Reduced to 60 revs, 2 points zigzag

12.55pm: Altered course S76W. Reduced to 55 revs. Ceased zigzag

3.55pm: Altered course to intercept two steamers

4.20pm: Stopped. Boarded Dutch SS “Bernisse” & SS “Elve”, Rufisque to Rotterdam, cargo peanuts. Sent to Kirkwall with armed guard in charge Mids Onion & Woodcock

5.20pm: Proceeded in company with steamers S6E

Number on sick list: 0

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21 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.33, Long -13.66

5.0am: Thick fog regulations in force

Number on sick list: 0

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22 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.38, Long -13.36

9.45am: Hauled in log 51.4

10.5am: Dropped target & altered course as requisite for taget practice (45 Amm)

10.45am: Ceased firing

11.10am: Picked up target

11.20am: Proceeded at 74 revs on S75W

11.25am: Streamed log

6.35pm: Altered course to close sailing ship

6.57pm: Intercepted Norge Barque “Spica” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed

7.20pm: Altered course N86E, log 52.3

9.50pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag, log 80.8

Number on sick list: 0

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23 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.18, Long -13.43

2.30am: Altered course to intercept SS “Sif

3.30am: Boarded SS “Sif”: all correct, allowed to proceed

3.55am: Proceeded at 75 revs to intercept steamer

4.20am: Recognised Dutch SS “Magdelena” flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed. Reduced to 70 revs

6.30am: Altered course S87W, 2 points zigzag & reduced to 60 revs

6.55am: Challenged by HMS “Ebro” replied & exchanged pendants

0.18pm: Reduced to 50 revs, log 28.6. Ceased zigzagging

Pm: Thick fog regulations in force. Navigation lights switched on

Number on sick list: 1

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24 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.61, Long -13.75

3.30am: Fog lifted

7.30am: Altered course to intercept Danish T.G. 338. Resumed course

11.5am: Intercepted British Trawler A 737 “Tasmania”, allowed to proceed. Resumed course

9.20pm: Fog set in. Regulations strictly adhered to

10.10pm: Fog lifted. Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 1

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25 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.71, Long -13.58

Am: Rounds correct

Pm: Evening Quarters & hands to drill

Pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list: 0

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26 May 1917


Lat 62.5, Long -14.36

1.5am: Altered course to intercept steamer

1.25am: Stopped & boarded Danish SS “Minisk” [ed. note: misspelt for SS “Minsk”]. All correct, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 41N, Long 13 24W

1.55am: Proceeded 64 revs, N84E, 2 points zigzag

2.20am: Reduced to 60 revs. Ceased zigzagging

7.5am: Increased to 70 revs, log 99.0, 2 points zigzag

7.35am: Ceased zigzag

11.7am: Reduced to 64 revs, 2 points zigzag

11.10am: Sighted SS bearing S60W, altered course to intercept

Pm: Course as requisite

1.25pm: Hauled in log 75.8

1.26pm: Stopped & boarded Danish SS “Byrnhill” [ed note: misspelt for SS “Byrnhild”]. All correct, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 21N, Long 14 54W

1.45pm: Proceeded at 60 revs S87W

2.7pm: Altered course to intercept SS bearing S32E

2.40pm: Stopped & boarded Danish motor boat “Fionia”. Allowed to proceed. Lat 62 13N, Long 14 55W

3.15pm: Proceeded at 60 revs to intercept SS

3.26pm: Stopped boarded Dutch SS “Arundo”. Allowed to proceed. Lat 62 12N, Long 14 59W

3.44pm: Proceeded at 60 revs N78W

4.5pm: Altered course to intercept SS

4.46pm: Stopped & boarded Norge SS “Tysla”*. Allowed to proceed. Lat 62 10N, Long 15 10W

5.10pm: Proceeded N66W, 64 revs

5.42pm: Altered course to intercept SS

6.12pm: Stopped & boarded Norge SS “Mexicano”. Allowed to proceed. Lat 62 07N, Long 15 35W

6.30pm: Proceeded at 60 revs, N87E

9.20pm: Altered course to intercept SS

10.0pm: Intercepted Swedish SS “Gloria” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. Course S26E, 70 revs

Number on sick list: 0

*[ed. note: Norwegain SS “Tysla” (II) 1914-1935]

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27 May 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.0, Long -10.16

6.35am: Increased to 70 revs & commenced zigzagging 2 points

9.5am: Ceased zigzag

0.36pm: Increased to 75 revs. Commenced to zigzag

5.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing N80W

8.40pm: Ceased to zigzag

8.45pm: Commenced taking soundings

Number on sick list: 0

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28 May 1917

N. Base [Busta Voe]

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

4.20am: Hauled in log

5.37am: Passed boom defence

6.55am: Let go port anchor veered 2 shackles

6.10am: Armed guards under Sub Lt Cordingly, Mids Browne, Woodcock & Onions respectively, returned

Bearings: Pier light N3W, Farm S62W, Gob na Lice N41W, Rubha Thurnaig S24W; Ship’s Head N74W

8.25am: Collier “Cundall” came alongside port side

9.0am: Hands fall in for coaling

10.25am: Water boat alongside

1.0pm: Resumed coaling

4.30pm: Resumed coaling

6.0pm: Suspended coaling for the night

Number on sick list: 0

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29 May 1917

N. Base [Busta Voe]

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

6.30am: Commenced coaling

8.15am: Resumed coaling

9.14am: Finished coaling

10.0am: Collier “Simoon” cast off

11.55am: Collier “Cundall” cast off

0.20pm: Water boat “Mellite” came alongside

Bearings: Signal Station N29W, Flag staff N55E, Farm S64W; Ship’s Head N5W

Number on sick list: 0

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30 May 1917

N. Base [Busta Voe]

Lat 58.56, Long -6.01

7.25am: Water boat alongside

8.40am: Water boat left

8.47am: Anchor away, 60 revs. Course as requisite

9.5am: Tiumpan Head abeam log 29

12.0am: Butt of Lewis bearing N25W

0.25pm: Altered course N33W, log 45.8, 2 points zigzag

6.25pm: Sighted trawler bearing N65W

10.10pm: Altered course N68W, 2 points zigzag & reduced to 70 revs, log 82.2

Number on sick list: 0

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31 May 1917


Lat 59.46, Long -13.0

11.15am: Challenged & exch pendants with HMS “Columbella” & altered course to close

11.39am: Stopped & cutter left

12.0am: Cutter returned with ratings

0.10pm: Proceeded at 60 revs N23E, 2 points zigzag

8.6pm: Altered course to intercept SS

Speed & course as requisite

9.30pm: Challenged & exch pendants with HMS “Artois”

9.55pm: Intercepted British SS “Clan Crisholm” [ed. note: misspelt for SS “Clan Chisholm”] flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceeed

Number on sick list: 0

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[H Cecil Bond Lieut RNR signs log as Navigating Officer]

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1 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.176, Long -12.1

0.45am: Marines at Musketry

Pm: Sea thermometer broken

3.0pm: Altered course S65W, 3 points zigzag & reduced to 68 revs, log 65.3

4.33pm: Hauled in log 84.6

4.40pm: Altered course as requisite for target practice

5.12pm: Ceased fire & picked up target

5.14pm: Proceeded S65W, 70 revs & streamed log

11.0pm: Altered course S1W, 3 points zigzag & reduced to 68 revs, log 54.7

Number on sick list: 0

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2 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.66, Long -16.15

3.0am: Altered course S83W, 3 points zigzag

8.30am: Increased to 75 revs, straight course

Pm: Lost by armed guards of SS “Elve” & “Bernisse” through torpedoing of vessels by enemy submarine:

- Pistols Wesley .6

- Belts Waist .7

- Pouches Cart. Pistol .7

- Holsters .7

5.45pm: Altered course N65W, log 88.9. Sighted derelict

6.45pm: Hauled in log

6.57pm: Stop & cutter left ship for derelict

7.23pm: Cutter returned

8.55pm: Challenged HMS “Artois”

9.30pm: Increased speed as fast as possible

9.44pm: Opened fire on Derelict (“Artois” following astern)

10.40pm: Derelict sunk by “Patia”. “Cease fire”

10.48pm: Proceeded at 60 revs N64E

10.53pm: Reduced to 55 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 0

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3 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.23, Long -15.21

0.22pm: Sighted lifeaboat port bow

0.31pm: Hauled in log 53.4

0.37pm: Picked up unknown lifeboat

1.15pm: Proceeded on N64E, 70 revs

1.18pm: Streamed log

2.35pm: Sighted Sailing Vessel bearing N63E. Altered course to intercept

3.45pm: Hauled in log

3.55pm: Stopped & boarded Russian Schooner “Pauline”. Allowed to proceed

4.12pm: Boat returned

4.15pm: Proceeded on N65E, 75 revs, 2 points zigzag & streamed log

11.17pm: Altered course S31W, 3 points zigzag & reduced to 65 revs

Number on sick list: 0

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4 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.78, Long -11.46

1.0am: Midshipmen to physical drill

7.0am: Altered course N86E, 2 points zigzag. Increased to 70 revs

3.35pm: Altered course S9W, 80 revs. Ceased zigzagging

5.17pm: Altered course S41W, log 99.4, 2 points zigzag & reduced to 70 revs

11.15pm: Altered course S32W, log 74.8, to intercept British SS “City of Hankow”. Allowed to proceed

11.55pm: Proceeded N60W, 75 revs

Number on sick list: 0

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5 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.860, Long -16.7

1.0am: Midshipmen to phisycal drill

4.24am: Altered course to intercept steamer

4.49am: Intercepted SS “San Gregorio” & allowed to proceed

4.53am: Resumed course & increased to 75 revs

10.50am: Altered course to intercept HMS “Patuca”

11.52am: Stopped & “Patuca’s” cutter came alongside

12.0am: Cutter left

Pm: Guns crew watch to 6” gun drill & 3 pdr’s gun crew to drill

0.30pm: Proceeded N10W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag & streamed log

3.0pm: Altered course N74W, 3 points zigzag, log 74.8

8.45pm: Altered course S73E, 2 points zigzag & increased to 62 revs; log 36.6

Number on sick list: 0

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6 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.98, Long -17.28

3.0am: Altered course N75W, reduced to 60 revs, log 3.7 (3 points zigzag)

8.45am: Altered course S73E, increased 62 revs, log 63.1 (2 points zigzag)

3.0pm: Altered course N75W. Reduced 60 revs, log 28.4 (3 points zigzag)

4.40pm: Reduced to 54 revs, straight course

7.10pm: Fog cleared

7.12pm: Increased to 62 revs (3 points zigzag)

Number on sick list: 0

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7 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.96, Long -17.3

3.0am: Altered course N74W, Log 55.1 (3 points zigzag)

11.0am: Ceased zigzag & reduced to 56 revs, log 43.6

11.40am: Commenced zigzag & increased to 62 revs, log 48.4

3.0pm: Altered course N73W & reduced to 58 revs, log 83.0

4.75pm: Hauled log in

4.55pm: Dropped target & altered course for target practice (303)

5.45pm: Picked up target & proceeded at 70 revs N73W & streamed log

9.0pm: Altered course S73E, 2 points zigzag & reduced to 58 revs, log 36.2

Number on sick list: 0

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8 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.93, Long -17.76

3.0am: Altered course N74W, log 97.5 (2 points zigzag)

9.15am: Altered course S73E, log 65.4 (2 points zigzag)

10.40am: Ceased zigzag & reduced to 56 revs

11.8am: Resumed zigzag & increased to 58 revs, log 83.6

3.30pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Patuca”

3.58pm: Altered course to close

4.6pm: Stopped & Mid from “Patuca” boarded with mails

4.19pm: Boat left

4.21pm: Proceeded 60 revs N73W, 2 points zigzag

8.0pm: Altered course S40E. Straight course 80 revs, log 75.0

12.0pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 0

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9 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.43, Long -11.91

7.30am: Altered course S42E, 2 points zigzag, log 39.0

8.35am: Altered course to close HMS “Gloucestershire” (Challenged & exchanged pendants)

9.5am: Hauled in log

9.10am: Stopped & cutter returned with crew of torpedoed SS “Southland” from “Gloucestershire”

9.33am: Proceeded at 83 revs S42E & streamed log 60.0

1.0pm: Altered course S38E, 2 points zigzag, log 7.3

2.0pm: Passed large spar floating end-up

9.0pm: Sighted land on Port bow

9.40pm: Barra Head N80E

11.20pm: Skerryvore bearing S70E

Number on sick list: 0

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10 June 1917

At Sea & S. Base

Lat 55.1, Long -5.9

2.35am: Commenced 2 points zigzag log 91.0

2.50am: Sighted Oversay light bearing S30E, log 94.7

6.0am: Altered course S18E, log 37.1. Courses as requisite for Rathlin Sound

7.42am: Tor Point Abeam, log 61.0 & altered course S[21E]

9.10am: Maidens abeam log 83.2

10.57am: Ailsa Craig abeam log 10.0 & altered course N30E

11.41am: Pladda Lt Ho abeam log 20.7

0.4pm: Holy Island abeam log 26.5

1.15pm: Challenged by Toward Point

1.33pm: Hauled log in

1.34pm: Toward Point abeam

1.55pm: Slow both & passed through “Boom Defence”

2.15pm: Picked up Pilot & proceeded at 60 revs

2.25pm: Made fast bow tug “Campaigner”

4.0pm: Proceeding up River Clyde

5.10pm: Passed through Dock gates

5.20pm: Alongside Dock wall

5.37pm: Made fast N° 2 berth

6.15pm: Crew of SS “Southland” left ship for sailors home

Pm: Discharged 2 Wireless ratings to RN Barracks “Chatam” [ed note: misspelt for “Chatham”]. 2 ERA’s, 1 leading seaman RNVR & 2 Marines to Royal Navy Barracks Portsmouth

Number on sick list: 0

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11 June 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands cleaning ship

10.30am: Read warrant N° 63, 64, 65

10.35am: Prisoners left ship

1.10pm: Hands employed cleaning out tanks

3.30pm: Commenced coaling

Number on sick list: 0

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12 June 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands clearing up upper deck

Am: Hands painting ship

11.30am: Shifted ship

11.30am: 3 firemen, 1 steward & 1 boy joined ship

0.20pm: Finished Coaling (970 tons)

0.30pm: 3 seamen ratings joined ship from Royal Navy Barracks Portsmouth

3.50pm: Discharged 1 seaman & CPO to Hospital

4.15pm: Shifted ship

5.0pm: Ship secured

Number on sick list: 0

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13 June 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands shifting ship

8.30am: 1 Fireman discharged to HMS “Eagle” & 1 Boy to HMS “Montagu”

10.0am: 1 (Wireless) CPO joined ship from RNB Chatam [Royal Navy Barracks, Chatham]

11.30am: Shifted ship for hoisting out N° 4 gun

3.5pm: Mid Middlemass RNR left ship with Guard

4.30pm: Hoisted N° 4 gun on shore

Number on sick list: 0

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14 June 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

5.30am: Shifted ship to mount N° 2 gun

6.0am: Witnesses left ship for Court Martial. 3 officers & 3 ratings

Am: Taking in stores & ammunition

2.0pm: Shifted ship

8.0pm: Escort from Liverpool returned

Number on sick list: 0

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15 June 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.10am: 1 seaman rating joined ship

9.45am: 1 seaman rating joined ship from “Columbella”

10.10am: 8 ratings joined ship

2.10pm: Commenced taking in water

6.0pm: Court Martial party returned

Number on sick list: 0

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16 June 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Barometer under repair

Am: Mails for HMS “Ebro” arrived on board

9.30am: Seaman joined ship for “Gloucestershire”

Hands getting stores on board

1.5pm: Shifted ship

Pm: 8 Ratings left ship for RNB Portsmouth

Number on sick list: 0

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17 June 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

11.30am: 1 Rating joined ship for HMS “Changuinola”

1.10pm: Prisoner returned with escort, taken to cells

Pm: Clear up decks

4.20pm: 1st Lieut returned on board

6.20pm: Captain returned on board

9.30pm: Postman ashore

9.40pm: Postman returned

9.40pm: Pilot on board

11.5pm: Stand by

11.22pm: Cast off from wharf

11.30pm: Left dock

11.35pm: Steaming down River Clyde

Number on sick list: 0

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18 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 55.68, Long -6.63

2.5am: Dropped Pilot & proceeded at 70 revs

2.29am: Stopped

2.30am: Let go port anchor, veered 2 shackles

3.7am: Anchor weighed, half ahead both

3.36am: Passed boom defence & proceeded 80 revs & streamed log

4.0am: Challenged by Toward Pt

4.34am: Cumbrae’s Lt Ho abeam, altered course S25W, log 13.2

5.25am: Holy Island abeam, altered course S28W, log 25.9

5.53am: Pladda Lt Ho abeam, log 31.8

6.37am: Ailsa Craig abeam, altered course S69W, log 42.3

9.50am: Challenged by Torr Point & replied

10.6am: Tor Point abeam, log 92.1

10.15am: Course as requisite for Rathlin Sound

10.32am: Altcarry Lt Ho abeam, log 98.5

11.0am: Altered course N3W, log 5.0 & put clock back half an hour & commenced zigzagging

2.30pm: Altered course N31W, log 68.5 (2 points zigzag)

3.0pm: Put clocks back half an hour

7.5pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Moldavia”

7.45pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS [“Patuca?”]

Number on sick list: 3

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19 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.7, Long -15.11

Am: Officers to stripping. Marines to musketry. Ordinary Seamen to 6” gun drill

7.0am: Mids to physical drill

11.30am: Altered course N42W, log 44.0 (2 points zigzag)

Number on sick list: 1

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20 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.8, Long -16.1

10.20am: Sighted SS on Starboard bow, altered course to close

10.30am: Challenged by HMS “Alsatian” & replied

10.59am: Stop. Hauled in log 35.2

11.5am: Cutter away with Captain

11.5am: Altered course East, 67 revs, 2 points zigzag

12.15pm: Altered course to pick up cutter

12.28pm: Cutter inboard

12.30pm: Proceeded on S88E, 70 revs & streamed log (2 points zigzag)

9.35pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Hildebrand”

Number on sick list: 0

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21 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.1, Long -15.8

0.42am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Changuinola”

1.5am: Hauled log in

1.10am: Stop & cutter left

1.30am: Proceeded N72W, 60 revs & streamed log

6.17am: Hauled in log 68.5

6.50am: Intercepted Norge SS “Rondalsfjord” [ed. note: misspelt for “Romsdaslfjord”] allowed to proceed

7.13am: Proceeded at 70 revs to intercept SS

7.58am: Intercepted Norge SS “Briefond”, allowed to proceed. Lat 61 54N, Long 16 50W

8.24am: Proceeded at 70 revs S89E (2 points zigzag) & streamed log

10.30am: Hauled in log 68.5

10.32am: Stopped & exercised Fire & Collision stations

11.0am: Proceeded at 70 revs & altered course to close SS

11.30am: Intercepted and boarded Dutch SS “Arundo”, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 5N, Long 16 2W

11.46am: Proceeded on S89E, 70 revs (2 points zigzag) & streamed log

0.15pm: Sighted SS bearing S60E

0.25pm: Altered course to close

0.48pm: Intercepted & boarded Norge SS “Folkvard”, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 9N, Long 15 16W

1.13pm: Proceeded to close SS

2.23pm: Intercepted & boarded Norge SS “Sif”, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 19N, Long 14 44W

2.50pm: Proceeded N88E, 70 revs & streamed log

4.16pm: Challenged by HMS Changuinola & exchanged pendants

10.55pm: Altered course to intercept SS

11.5pm: Hauled in Log

11.10pm: Stopped boarded Norge SS “Fiona”, allowed to proceed. Lat 62 26N, Long 14 50W

11.30pm: Proceeded N82W, 70 revs & streamed log

Number on sick list: 0

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22 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.36, Long -15.05

6.0am: Altered course S87E, reduced to 60 revs (2 points zigzag), log 70.9

2.35pm: Sighted barque bearing N81W

2.40pm: Altered course to close. Intercepted sailing ship “Marie” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. Lat 62 34N, Long 13 54W

4.5pm: Sighted SS bearing S55E

4.10pm: Altered course to close, log 81.0

4.45pm: Hauled in log 87.0

4.47pm: Stopped & boarded Norge SS “Liv”. Allowed to proceed

5.10pm: Proceeded S85E, 60 revs & streamed log

Number on sick list: 0

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23 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.4, Long -16.63

3.50am: Altered course steamer log 100.5

4.20am: Stopped & boarded Danish SS “Helmer Mørch”, allowed to proceed

5.35am: Altered course to intercept SS

6.8am: Stopped & boarded Norge SS “Kapana”, allowed to proceed

6.30am: Proceeded on N7E, 70 revs & streamed log

6.55am: Altered course to intercept SS. Courses as requisite

8.15am: Challenged by HMS “Andes” & exchanged pendants

8.50am: Altered course S68E, log 51.3 (2 points zigzag), 70 revs

0.30pm: Altered course S78E, log 97.5 & increased 75 revs (2 points zigzag)

1.21pm: S78E straight to intercept SS

Number on sick list: 0

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24 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.46, Long -15.53

6.0am: Altered course S40W to close schooner

7.5am: Intercepted schooner “Activ” flying correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed

0.10pm: Sighted SS bearing S70E

0.22pm: increased 70 revs, altered course to close

1.0pm: Stopped & boarded Dutch “Poseidon”, allowed to proceed

1.20pm: Proceeded N89E, 60 revs

1.40pm: Sighted SS, altered course to close N50E

2.15pm: Hauled in log

2.16pm: Stopped & boarded [space left blank] SS “Chile”, allowed to proceed

2.45pm: Proceeded East, 60 revs & streamed log

5.24pm: Altered course S85E straight course, log 82.0

10.25pm: Increased 60 revs (2 points zigzag) log 31.1

Number on sick list: 0

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25 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.08, Long -15.86

5.25am: Sighted sailing vessel, altered course to close

7.15am: Stopped & boarded Norge Barque “Sorknes”, allowed to proceed. Lat 61 50N, Long 16 56W

10.08am: Hauled in log

10.13am: Dropped targets

10.30am: Commenced firing (303)

11.0am: Ceased fire & picked up targets

11.43am: Proceeded S89E at 70 revs & streamed log

0.20pm: Challenged by HMS “Andes”, replied & exchanged pendants

6.25pm: Altered course N83W (2 points zigzag) & reduced 60 revs, log 42.6

Number on sick list: 1

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26 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.63, Long -16.63

2.30am: Altered course S35W, log 26.0, to close sailing vessel

3.15am: Closed Norge Barque “Sorknes” previously boarded. Allowed to proceed. Resumed course N69W, log 34

7.50am: Sighted SS bearing N60E

8.14am: Altered course N20E, log 88.0, to intercept SS

8.40am: Challenged HMS “Arlanza” replied & exchanged pendants

9.9am: Hauled in log

9.12am: Stop & boat left for “Arlanza”

9.25am: Boat returned with mails & Mid. Browne RNR

9.30am: Proceeded S25W (2 points zigzag) log 98.7 & increased 70 revs

0.15pm: Altered course to close sailing vessel

1.0pm: Intercepted SV “Venus” flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed

1.6pm: Resumed course S28W (2 points zigzag) log 44.1

4.40pm: Dropped targets. Course as requisite

4.50pm: Commenced firing (303)

5.7pm: Cease fire

5.35pm: Picked up target

5.50pm: Picked up 2nd target

5.52pm: Proceeded S26W, 70 revs, 2 points zigzag

6.20pm: Altered course S1E, log 3.8 (2 points zigzag)

Number on sick list: 1

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27 June 1917


Lat 58.5, Long -15.5

7.25am: Increased to 65 revs (3 points zigzag)

Am: Cautioned Mid J.G. Browne RNR (Tempy) for being absent without leave on June 17th (without leave) therefore missing the ship on sailing. Signed JG Browne

11.30am: Altered course N47W, log 20.0 (3 points zigzag)

0.45pm: Sighted SS & altered course to intercept

0.50pm: Challenged by HMS “Almanzora”, replied

0.55pm: Resumed course

1.45pm: Challenged & exch pendants with HMS “Patuca”

1.55pm: Altered course to close “Patuca”, increased 70 revs

2.30pm: Stopped & “Patuca’s” boat came alongside

2.40pm: Boat left

2.48pm: Proceeded N47W, 70 revs (2 points zigzag)

4.35pm: Altered course S32W (2 points zigzag), log 75.0

8.0pm: Altered course N81E (3 points zigzag) reduced 64 revs, log 17.2

Number on sick list: 1

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28 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.15, Long -16.6

4.0am: Altered course S32W, log 8.8 (3 points zigzag)

Am: Destroyed by accident, Supply notes & Originals of demand notes for Engineer’s stores for the period February 1915 to 6th February 1917.

4.40pm: Increased to 70 revs & dropped target. Course as requisite for target practice (303)

5.5pm: Picked up target

5.8pm: Proceeded S25W, 60 revs (2 points zigzag)

8.0pm: Altered course N81E, increased 64 revs (3 points zigzag)

9.35pm: Sighted SS bearing N55E, altered course to close & increased 80 revs

9.45am: Sighted SS bearing N20E

9.50pm: Reduced to 70 revs. Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Patuca”

9.55pm: Resumed course N81E

Number on sick list: 1

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29 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.96, Long -15.5

6.40am: Sighted, challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Moldavia”

7.30am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Patuca”

8.15am: Hauled in log & stopped

8.39am: “Patuca’s” boat alongside with 4 absentees

8.42pm: “Patuca’s” boat left

8.43am: Proceeded 70 revs N19W 8 (2 points zigzag) & streamed log

0.15pm: Altered course N85W & reduced 64 revs, log 77.8 (2 points zigzag)

3.30pm: Altered course S56W (2 points zigzag)

6.0pm: Altered course S83E, log 41.4 (2 points zigzag)

7.11pm: Altered course to intercept SS, log 54.5, N40E

7.35pm: Hauled in log & stopped

7.36pm: Boarded British SS “Kamouraska”, allowed to proceed. Lat 59 6N, Long 16 20W

8.10pm: Proceeded S79E, 60 revs & streamed log

9.0pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Patuca”

Number on sick list: 0

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30 June 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.85, Long -15.15

Am: HMS “Patuca” in sight during watch

3.0am: Altered course N84W (2 points zigzag)

7.0am: Mids to physical drill. HMS “Patuca” in sight during watch

9.0am: Altered course N86E, log 1.9 (2 points zigzag)

0.25pm: Sighted SS bearing ESE

0.45pm: Altered course to intercept S70E. Courses as requisite

1.15pm: Intercepted British SS “Morrocco” flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed. Lat 59 4N, Long 14 45W

1.18pm: Resumed course N65E

3.25pm: Altered course N85W, reduced 64 revs, log 80.2 (2 points zigzag)

9.18pm: Sighted SS & altered course to intercept S8W. Courses as requisite

9.52pm: Hauled in log (53.5)

10.10pm: Stopped & boarded US SS “H.C. Folger” allowed to proceed. Lat 59 00N, Long 15 40W

10.25pm: Proceeded N86E, 68 revs & streamed log

Number on sick list: 0

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[H Cecil Bond signs log as Navigating Officer]

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1 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.25, Long -15.16

3.0am: Altered course N86W reduced to 64 revs, log 9.7 (2 points zigzag)

9.0am: Altered course S83E & reduced 60 revs (ceased zigzag)

3.0pm: Altered course N87W (straight) log 38.7

7.0pm: Thick fog

Number on sick list: 0

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2 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.28, Long -12.41

9.0am: Altered course S86E, log 21.2 (straight course)

Am: Private M. McGrain RMLI* lost his cap by accident on Saturday 23rd June

1.0pm: Increased 60 revs & commenced (2 points zigzag), log 62.5

4.36pm: Dropped target & altered course as requisite for (303) aiming

4.45pm: Opened fire

5.0pm: Cease fire & picked up target

5.10pm: Proceeded N82W (2 points zigzag) 70 revs

9.0pm: Altered course S86E (straight course) 56 revs, log 50.3

Number on sick list: 0

*[ed. note: Royal Marine Light Infantry]

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3 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.38, Long -14.5

9.0am: Altered course S86E & increased 60 revs (2 points zigzag), log 73.0

0.40pm: Altered course S21W increased 65 revs (2 points zigzag) log 13.2

3.0pm: Course S21E, straight, 56 revs, log 39.5

4.0pm: Altered course N81W, straight, log 49.4

Number on sick list: 0

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4 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.78, Long -14.93

10.20am: Commenced (2 points zigzag)

6.0pm: Altered course S22E (2 points zigzag) log 20.6

7.43pm: Reduced to 50 revs. Straight course

Number on sick list: 0

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5 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.76, Long -15.4

9.0am: Altered course S85E, straight, 60 revs, log 69.8

10.7am: Dropped target & altered course for (303) firing

10.45am: Hauled in log 87.6

11.13am: Picked up target

11.14am: Proceeded N60E, 60 revs, straight

11.20am: Streamed log

6.35pm: Sighted HMS “Ebro”, altered course to close

6.50pm: Stopped & “Ebro’s” boat came alongside for back signal

7.0pm: Boat left

7.15pm: Proceeded N55W, straight course, 56 revs

10.15pm: Altered course S86E (2 points zigzag) increased 60 revs

Number on sick list: 0

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6 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.25, Long -15.0

3.0am: Altered course N85W, log 47.6 & increased 56 revs, straight course

3.15pm: Altered course N85W, straight, log 70.3

5.35pm: Increased 60 revs & commenced 2 points zigzag

10.16pm: Hauled in log to be examined

10.20pm: Streamed log

Number on sick list: 0

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7 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.12, Long -11.83

3.0am: Altered course N85W, reduced 56 revs, straight course, log 95.7

3.0pm: Altered course S57E, log 23.8, increased 75 revs (2 points zigzag)

Pm: Lookouts visited constantly

Number on sick list: 0

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8 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.13, Long -5.81

6.25am: Challenged by HM trawler & replied

9.15am: Challenged by patrol whaler & replied

9.35am: Butt of Lewis abeam, log 87.5

11.30am: Tiumpan Head abeam log 14.5

1.8pm: Hauled in log 38.5

1.30pm: Seigr an Airg abeam

1.35pm: Passed boom defence

1.53pm: Let go Starboard anchor veered 2 ½ shackles

2.15pm: Drifter alongside with mails

2.30pm: “Hitchen” (collier) secured starboard side

2.45pm: SS “Mount Park” secured Port side

Anchor Bearings: Ewe Island farm N74W, Gualann More S55W, Pier N13E

4.40pm: Commenced taking in water for domestic

7.0pm: Postman left ship with mails

Number on sick list: 0

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9 July 1917

N. Base, Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

Anchor Bearings: Ewe Island Farm N83W, Gualann More S55W, Pier Lt N13E; Ship’s Head S45E

5.50am: Hands fell in for coaling

7.45am: Waterboat alongside

9.40am: Postman left for shore

11.00am: Postman returned

11.30am: Drifter alongside with 30 ft of hose

4.45pm: Collier shifted astern

7.0pm: Suspended for night

9.0pm: Postman arrived with mails

Number on sick list: 0

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10 July 1917

N. Base Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

Anchor Bearings: Ewe Island Farm N70W, Gualann More S65W, Hotel Staff N44E; Ship’s head S13E

5.50am: Hands fell in for coaling

6.0am: Commenced coaling

11.20am: Finished coaling 801 tons taken on charge

11.54am: Collier “Mountpark” left ship

0.25pm: Collier “Hitchen” left ship

3.15pm: Hands to clean

6.18pm: Postman left for shore

7.0pm: Postman returned with mails

7.5pm: Boat alongside with Guests

10.45pm: Boat left with Guests

Number on sick list: 0

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11 July 1917

N Base Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

5.20am: 1 stoker RFR, 1 seaman RNR left ship for hospital

7.30am: Eng Sub Lieut Ramsay RNR left ship for depot for medical treatment

9.38am: Postman away

11.0am: Postman returned. Quarters clean guns. Boats taken inboard & secured

5.30pm: Cutter hoisted inboard

7.28pm: Waterboat alongside

9.5pm: Steering gear, telegraphs, and whistle tested

10.15pm: Hove cable short

10.28pm: Waterboat cast off

10.29pm: Anchor weighed & proceeded 60 revs. Courses as requsite

10.50pm: Passed boom defence & increased 70 revs

10.52pm: Streamed log

11.12pm: Rudh Ro bearing S70W,log 4.5

Number on sick list: 3

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12 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.66, Long -9.8

0.47am: Tiumpan Head bearing N65W, log 25.5

1.0am: Tiumpan head abeam log 30.0

2.8am: Butt of Lewis abeam log 46.0

2.15am: Altered course N38W, (2 points zigzag) log 47.5

7.20am: Ceased zigzagging, log 21.2

8.5am: Commenced (2 points zigzag)

9.35am: Ceased (2 points zigzag)

11.25am: Commenced (2 points zigzag) log 78.2

11.55pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Moldavia” & altered course [to] intercept

Number on sick list: 0

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13 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.96, Long -14.41

0.20am: Hauled in log

0.23am: Stopped

1.2am: “Moldavia’s” boat alongside

1.7am: Boat left

1.15am: Proceeded S46E, 60 revs, (3 points zigzag) & streamed log

6.0am: Altered course N46W (2 points zigzag) log 1.8

12.0am: Altered course S55W, 2 points zigzag, log 67.4

5.15pm: Increased to 75 revs straight

5.50pm: Hauled in log

5.35pm: Dropped targets for 303 firing

5.40pm: Open fire

6.30pm: Ceased fire

6.50pm: Picked up 1st target

7.5pm: Picked up 2nd target

7.6pm: Proceeded N49E, 60 revs (2 points zigzag) & streamed log

12.0pm: Altered course S45E, 60 revs, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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14 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.85, Long -14.83

5.0am: Altered course N73W (2 points zigzag), increased 65 revs

9.25am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Patuca”

10.8am: Hauled in log

10.10am: Stopped

10.15am: Boat away

10.32am: Boat returned

10.33am: Proceeded N43E, 60 revs, 2 points zigzag & streamed log

6.0pm: Altered course N43E (2 points zigzag) log 76.2

Number on sick list: 1

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15 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.16, Long -14.66

12.0am: Altered course S45E (2 points zigzag) 60 revs

6.0am: Altered course N45W, log 5.5 (2 points zigzag)

4.50pm: Altered course to intercept lifeboat

5.20pm: Hauled in log 27.5

5.22pm: Stop

5.40pm: Half ahead both, towing boat

6.20pm: Stopped & hoisted unknown life-boat (30 ft) inboard

6.22pm: Proceeded N45E (2 points zigzag) 60 revs

6.25pm: Streamed log

6.45pm: Commenced (3 points zigzag) log 31.5

Number on sick list: 2

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16 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.06, Long -14.5

0.5am: Altered course S47W (2 points zigzag) log 88.4

11.25am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Gloucestershire”

6.1pm: Altered course N48W (3 points zigzag) 60 revs log 83.1

10.50pm: Sighted sailing vessel bearing N10W, altered course to intercept N30W

Number on sick list: 2

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17 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.06, Long -12.8

0.22am: Stopped boarded Norwegian Barque “Sardhana”. Allowed to proceed. Lat 58 4N, Long 16 58W

1.20am: Proceeded S28E (2 points zigzag) 75 revs & streamed log

4.01am: Altered course to intercept steamer

4.40am: Hauled in log 96.4

4.50am: Stopped & boarded British SS “Roanoke”, & allowed to proceed. Lat 58 31N, Long 16 14W

5.15am: Proceeded S56E, 70 revs (2 points zigzag) & streamed log

8.0am: Reduced 60 revs (3 points zigzag)

9.42am: Increased 70 revs to intercept sailing vessel

10.45am: Intercepted Russian Barquentine “Austrumo” [ed. note: misspelt for “Austrumus] flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed. Lat 58 48N, Long 14 38W

10.55am: Altered course N43W, 3 points zigzag, 60 revs

4.25pm: Hauled in log 25.2

4.30pm: Dropped target & altered course as requisite for 303 firing

5.20pm: Picked up target

5.40pm: Proceeded N43E, 3 points zigzag, log 29.5

8.12pm: Altered course to intercept life boat, log 57.4

8.18pm: Hauled in log

8.22pm: Stopped & examined life boat of SS “Southland”

8.44pm: Proceeded N43E, 60 revs & streamed log

12.0pm: Altered course S44W, 3 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 4

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18 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.1, Long -14.66

6.0am: Altered course N40W (3 points zigzag)

4.40pm: Dropped target & altered course for 45 aiming

5.3pm: Commenced firing

5.40pm: Ceased firing

5.45pm: Hauled in log

5.50pm: Picked up targets

6.0pm: Set course N55W (3 points zigzag) 65 revs

6.8pm: Streamed log 85.8

Number on sick list: 2

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19 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.56, Long -14.66

6.0am: Altered course N43E (3 points zigzag) log 20.3

7.30am: Altered course to intercept SS, N77E, log 36.8

8.0am: Courses as requisite for intercepting steamer

8.30am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Moldavia”

9.14am: Stopped & boarded (Brit) SS “City of Canton”. SS allowed to proceed. Lat 58 24N, Long 15 46W

9.47am: Proceeded N84E, 75 revs

1.10pm: Altered course S48E to close sailing vessel

2.5pm: Hauled in log

2.6pm: Stopped & boarded Russian Schooner “Martin Gust”. Lat 58 36N, Long 14 05W. Sailing vessel allowed to proceed

2.22pm: Set course N86E (2 points zigzag) 70 revs & streamed log

4.40pm: Dropped targets

4.45pm: Opened fire

5.0pm: Ceased firing

5.10pm: Picked up 1st target

5.23pm: Picked up 2nd target

5.24pm: Set course S75E (3 points zigzag) 68 revs

6.51pm: Altered course S23W, increased 80 revs, log 57.5, to intercept SS

8.8pm: Hauled in log

8.10pm: Stopped & boarded Brit SS “Winifredian”, Lat 58 44N, Long 13 00W

8.38pm: SS allowed to proceed

8.39pm: Set course N47E, 64 revs (3 points zigzag)

10.04pm: Altered course N67E to intercept SS log 93.1

11.28pm: Intercepted SS “Southport” flying correct flag of day; allowed to proceed, Lat 59 13N, Long 12 22W

11.30pm: Proceeded N13E, 3 points zigzag, 64 revs

Number on sick list: 0

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20 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.25, Long -15.65

0.45am: Altered course N82W, log 24.4 (3 points zigzag) 60 revs

8.0am: Altered course North, 60 revs, 3 points zigzag

9.35am: Sighted SS bearing N22W

9.45am: Altered course N20W to intercept & increased 75 revs, log 20.9

10.50am: Secure

1.56pm: Reduced 70 revs & Intercepted Brit SS “Marengo” flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed

2.0pm: Altered course S54E, log 77.5 & reduced 60 revs (3 points zigzag)

8.0pm: Altered course N2W, 60 revs (3 points zigzag)

Number on sick list: 0

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21 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.71, Long -15.0

2.0am: Altered course S2W, log 10.1 (3 points zigzag)

8.0am: Altered course N1W, 60 revs (3 points zigzag), log 72.4

2.0pm: Altered course S1W, log 36.5 (3 points zigzag)

6.10pm: Challenged HMS “Orcoma” reply correct & exchanged pendants

8.0pm: Altered course N2W, log 99.7, 3 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 0

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22 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.71, Long -15.16

2.0am: Altered course S3W (3 points zigzag) Rounds correct

8.0am: Altered course N2W, 3 points zigzag

10.0am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection

11.20am: Divine Service

2.0pm: Altered course S3W, log 91.8 (3 points zigzag)

8.0pm: Altered course N1W, straight course 56 revs

11.0pm: Increased 60 revs (3 points zigzag)

Number on sick list: 0

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23 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.11, Long -15.5

1.20am: Altered course S62W, increased 70 revs (2 points zigzag)

6.0am: Altered course N45E, 3 points zigzag, reduced 60 revs, log 67.9

9.15am: Altered course S13W (3 points zigzag) log 2.1

11.15am: Altered course S27E, 3 points zigzag, log 22

1.50pm: Altered course S16E (2 points zigzag) log 49.5

6.30pm: Altered course N28W, log 96.6 (2 points zigzag)

12.0pm: Altered course S24E (3 points zigzag) log 56.6

Number on sick list: 0

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24 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.8, Long -12.11

6.0am: Increased to 70 revs (3 points zigzag)

11.0am: Altered course S20E, log 88.5 (3 points zigzag)

12.0am: Increased to as fast as possible

3.15pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Trenchant”

3.30pm: Altered course S34E (2 points zigzag)

6.25pm: Ceased zigzag, log 92.0

6.55pm: Commenced zigzag, log 99.0

Number on sick list: 1

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25 July 1917

At Sea

Lat 55.36, Long -4.88

2.25am: Sighted Inistrahull Lt bearing S8W, log 2.0

6.39am: Bull Point abeam log 60.9

6.53am: Rue Point abeam log 64.4

7.1am: Abeam Benmore Head log 66.4

8.30am: Sighted HM Submarine “E35”

10.18am: Corsewall Lt Ho bearing S43E

11.14am: Ailsa Craig abeam log 24.4

11.52am: Turnberry Point abeam log 33.5

0.45pm: Lady Isle abeam log 45.8, altered course N10W

1.14pm: Little Cumbrae abeam log 59.3

2.15pm: Toward Point abeam log 67.5

2.25pm: Hauled in log 69.5

2.40pm: Passed boom defence

2.53pm: Stopped and took pilot on board

2.58pm: Proceeded 70 revs

5.30pm: Entered Prince’s Dock

5.55pm: Ship moored alongside N° 31 berth

6.5pm: Put clock on one hour

7.30pm: Hands fell in for pay

Pm: Postman arrived with ships mails

Number on sick list: 1

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26 July 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

4.0am: Called hands for shifting ship

4.30am: Orders to shift ship cancelled

9.0am: 3 Ratings discharged HMS “Eagle”

10.0am: Warrants 68, 69, & 70 read & 3 ratings discharged to prison

11.0am: Shifted ship under crane

12.0am: Eng. Sub Lt joined ship

0.10pm: N° 5 gun hoisted out

2.55pm: Smith AB RNR discharged to hospital

3.10pm: 1 Seaman discharged Queensferry hospital

5.35pm: Shifted ship to coaling wharf

6.30pm: Coal ship

11.20pm: 12 Seamen joined ship

Number on sick list: 1

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27 July 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.30am: Eng Sub Lt Cameron RNR left ship for RNB Devonport

9.15am: 4 Ratings joined ship from HMS “Eagle”

3.45pm: McMullan (Fireman) placed under arrest, drunk & unfit for duty

4.0pm: Finished coaling 900 tons

4.15pm: Shifted ship from coal tips to N° 31 berth

Number on sick list: 1

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28 July 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands employed taking ammunition on board

1.0pm: Hands cleaning ship

6.50pm: Replaced N° 5 & 6 guns

6.0pm: Shifted ship

9.30pm: Pumped out N° 2 Starb tank

10.10pm: Smith (stoker) placed under arrest

Number on sick list: 1

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29 July 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.30am: Hands taking in ammunition

9.0am: Hands resume ammunition

10.30am: C. Cooper, OS, RNVR, lost 1 case cordite cartridge overboard

10.55am: Finished ammunitioning ship

0.5pm: Sub Lt Windsor RNVR joined ship

Number on sick list: 0

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30 July 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.10am: Hands employed taking in stores

1.10pm: Hands resumed storing ship

8.15pm: 1 Seaman RNR put under sentry’s charge

Number on sick list: 0

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31 July 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.5am: Shifted ship

8.10am: 1 case cordite cartridge recovered from dock

11.45am: Shifted ship

3.15pm: Shifted ship

3.35pm: Voice pipe (fore bridge to fore control) broken by crane

5.15pm: Shifted ship

6.45pm: Members of Admiral’s staff came on board

11.20pm: Eng Sub Lt McCleod joined ship for passage to “Armadale Castle

Number on sick list: 0

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[Lt Cecil Bond sign log book as Navigating Officer]

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1 August 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: 1 Fireman joined ship from HMS “Eagle”

9.15am: Hands cleaning ship

11.57am: Rear Admiral Morgan Singer, RN, arrived on board

12.0am: Eng Sub Lt arrived on board for passage

1.40pm: Ammunition party carry on, remainder clean ship

5.25pm: Captain returned on board

9.55pm: Officers & men to stations. Tugs “Flying Condor” ahead & “Flying Dutchman” astern

10.10pm: Clocks put back one hour

9.10pm: Cast off from wharf

9.55pm: Cast off head tug

11.30pm: Decreased 50 revs & cast off stern tug

11.55pm: Slow both

Number on sick list: 0

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2 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 55.4, Long -7.5

0.15am: Dropped Pilot

0.22am: Passed boom defence & streamed log & increased 80 revs

0.48am: Toward Point abeam

1.22am: Little Cumbrae abeam, log 13.5

2.25am: Lady Isle abeam log 28.0

3.10am: Turnberry Lt abeam log 39.0 & altered course S49W

3.43am: Ailsa Craig abeam log 46.7

4.40am: Corsewall Lt abeam log 60.4

6.16am: Maidens abeam, altered course N20W, log 82.2

8.7am: Torr Point abeam log 9.2

8.41am: Rue Point abeam log 15.6

11.27am: Inishtrahull Lt Ho abeam log 54.5 & altered course N68W

0.10pm: Challenged Fanad Point, replied & exchanged pendants

1.0pm: Hauled in log 76.6

1.20pm: Passed boom defence

1.28pm: Stopped & let go Starboard anchor, veered 3 shackles

3.25pm: Cutter left ship with Rear Admiral

4.30pm: Cutter returned with Rear Admiral

Bearings: Black Rock S80W, Fort N27W, Buoy N21E; Ship’s Head N12E

10.45pm: Cutter hoisted to rail

Number on sick list: 0

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3 August 1917

Irish Base

Lat 55.46, Long -8.41

0.5pm: R.A. left for shore

1.30pm: Cutter left shore with 2 officers & 2 ratings for HMS “Armadale Castle”

2.10pm: HMS “Arlanza” passed through boom defence

2.30pm: R.A. returned to ship

2.45pm: “Arlanza” dropped anchor

3.5pm: Commenced to weigh anchor

3.8pm: Anchor weighed & proceeded as requisite for passing boom defence

3.27pm: Passed boom [defence] 60 revs

3.58pm: Dunree Head abeam, streamed log

4.1pm: Reduced 70 revs, N17E, HMS “Arlanza”, SS “Pearleaf” disposed astern 5 cables, HMD’s “Plucky”, “Rob Roy”, “Medina” & “Tirade

4.23pm: Fanad Pt abeam, altered course N73W, log 5.3

7.18pm: Tory Lt Ho abeam, log 38.8

7.43pm: Increased 77 revs, log 41.6. “Patia”, “Arlanza” & “Pearleaf” forming single line abreast 5 cables dist

9.10pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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4 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.08, Long -13.93

6.10am: Passed upturned life-boat

11.0am: Altered course N62 ½W, log 48.5 (3 points zigzag)

4.35pm: Reduced 72 revs. Straight course, log 21.0

6.5pm: Increased 77 revs (3 points zigzag) log 40.5

8.50pm: HMS “Arlanza” proceeded

10.30pm: Escort left & SS “Pearleaf” (reduced 70 revs, log 100.3, altered course N26E) (2 points zigzag)

Number on sick list: 0

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5 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.95, Long -17.41

10.0am: Divisions & Captain’s inspection

10.40am: Divine Service

4.0pm: Altered course N27 ½E (2 points zigzag) log 23.7

Number on sick list: 0

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6 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.76, Long -12.78

8.30am: Altered course N50E to intercept SS

8.35am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Armadale Castle”

9.20am: Hauled in log 37.0

9.27am: Cutter alongside with Captain of “Armadale Castle”

9.30am: Proceeded 60 revs West, “Armadale Castle” in station 15 cables astern

10.29am: Stopped & “Armadale Castle’s” boat left with Captain

10.30am: Proceeded 60 revs West & streamed log

10.50am: Altered course S9W, log 39.8 (2 points zigzag)

10.6pm: Altered course N15W to intercept SS, log 56.6

10.25pm: Hauled in log

10.26pm: Streamed log and resumed course. Swedish SS “Jarl” flying correct flag of day, allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 0

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7 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.53, Long -11.8

10.5pm: Hauled in log & examined it

10.32pm: Streamed log 78.7

Number on sick list: 1

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8 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.13, Long -12.02

12.0am: Altered course N63W, log 22.3 (2 points zigzag)

0.30pm: Altered course to intercept SS, S20W, log 27.7

2.35pm: Hauled in log 49.5

2.40pm: Stopped & boarded Brit. SS “City of Oran”. Pos. of stop: Lat 29 52N, Long 12 30W

3.5pm: “City of Oran” allowed to proceed

3.6pm: Proceeded N23E, 60 revs (2 points zigzag) & streamed log

4.45pm: Dropped targets

4.50pm: Hauled in log 68.0. Exercised submarine attack

5.23pm: Stopped & picked up targets

5.25pm: Set course N24E, 60 revs, 2 points zigzag

5.30pm: Streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

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9 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.06, Long -12.13

8.35am: Increased 60 revs, log 24.2 (2 points zigzag)

1.27pm: Altered course to test smoke bomb

1.38pm: Resumed course S16W (2 points zigzag)

4.40pm: Dropped target

4.45pm: Hauled in log 121.4

4.50pm: Exercised sub attack

5.10pm: Picked up target

5.13pm: Proceeded 70 revs S80E to close SS & streamed log

5.27pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Cochrane”

12.0pm: Altered course S35E (2 points zigzag) log 84.7

Number on sick list: 1

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10 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.73, Long -12.38

5.0am: Altered course N82W (2 points zigzag) log 38.8

8.50am: Altered course N40E to intercept SS

9.0am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Artois”

9.15am: Hauled in log 85.0

10.7am: “Artois” boat alongside with Captain

10.27am: “Artois” boat left with Captain

11.11am: Proceeded N24E, 60 revs, 2 points zigzag & streamed log

2.0pm: Altered course S22W, log 12.1 (2 points zigzag)

8.0pm: Altered course N20E, log 77.0 (2 points zigzag)

Number on sick list: 1

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11 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.08, Long -12.23

3.0am: Altered course S36W, log 51.4 (2 points zigzag)

10.25am: Altered course S64E (2 points zigzag) log 34.6

2.0pm: Altered course N24E (2 points zigzag)

4.30pm: Decreased 56 revs. Straight course

6.45pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag, increased 60 revs, log 20.7

12.0pm: Altered course S22W, log 74.2. Straight course

Number on sick list: 1

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12 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.25, Long -12.3

4.25am: Increased 60 revs (2 points zigzag) log 19.2

7.18am: Ceased zigzagging

Number on sick list: 1

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13 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.05, Long -12.08

5.55pm: Stopped & took sounding 180 fms, sand & shingle

6.0pm: Proceeded S70E, 50 revs

7.30pm: Stopped & took sounding 78 fms, fine sand

Number on sick list: 2

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14 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.26, Long -10.95

10.15am: Exercised General Quarters. Admiral’s inspection

3.0pm: Took sounding 110 fms (sand)

Number on sick list: 2

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15 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.9, Long -11.1

5.15am: Log fouled

5.40am: Log streamed

10.5am: Hauled in log & dropped target

10.37am: Opened fire on target 6500 yards range with 6” practice

10.48am: Cease fire

11.10am: Picked up target

11.12am: Proceeded S24W, Straight course & streamed log, 50 revs

4.30pm: Altered course East & dropped target, log 46.5

4.45pm: Increased 75 revs & opened fire 303 ammunition on target

5.6pm: Stopped & picked up target

5.10pm: Set course S64E, 50 revs, Straight course

Number on sick list: 1

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16 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.2, Long -14.41

8.50am: Challenged by HMS “Alsatian” replied & exchanged pendants

9.40am: Hauled in log

9.42am: Stopped & cutter left with R. Admiral

10.0am: Altered course North to keep station 4 miles abeam of “Alsatian”

11.53am: Altered course West to meet “Alsatian”

0.10pm: Stopped & picked up cutter

0.18pm: Proceeded N38W, 60 revs & streamed log

2.20pm: Challenged by & exchanged pendants with HMS “Orcoma”

2.55pm: “Orcoma” took station 1 mile abeam, for signalling

3.20pm: “Orcoma” proceeded

8.0pm: Hauled in Cherub & st[reamed] electric log

8.15pm: Electric log streamed

Number on sick list: 2

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17 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.0, Long -22.41

8.55am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Hildebrand”

9.30am: Altered course to intercept N75W, log 41.8

9.45am: Hauled in log 45.3

9.50am: Stop both & “Hildebrand” cutter came alongside

9.51am: Cutter left

9.52am: Proceeded 56 revs N40W & streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

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18 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 66.0, Long -25.16

8.15am: Sighted SS bearing S75E

8.20am: Altered course to close

9.40am: Stopped & boarded “Serborg” trawler of Rejkjavik. Lat 65 57N, Long 25 5W

9.59am: Proceeded 60 revs N36E & allowed trawler to proceed

3.15pm: Sighted two fishing ketches bearing Red 15° & 30°

6.35pm: Slow both & let go small depth charge

7.25pm: Proceeded N22W, 56 revs & streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

[ed. note: In marine navigation, starboard bearings are “green” and port bearings are “red” This method is only used for a relative bearing.]

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19 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 66.66, Long -26.16

7.45am: Altered course N30W, log 95.0. Sighted ice ahead

9.13am: Altered course as requisite for keeping clear of icebergs

7.35pm: Altered course to intercept barque, South, and increased 70 revs

8.40pm: Hauled log in 41.0

8.45pm: Boarded Danish Barque “Valdivia”, Copenhagen to Halifax. Allowed to proceed. Lat 65 26N, Long 25 15W

9.15pm: Boat returned

9.16pm: Proceeded S25W, 56 revs & streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

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20 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 66.33, Long -23.83

8.43am: Altered course to intercept ketch “Jalfe” S85E, log 51.7

8.55am: Hauled in log

9.0am: Stopped & boarded ketch. Lat 62 2N, Long 24 27W

9.15am: Proceeded

9.20am: Set course S11E

11.22am: Altered course S71E to intercept ketch

11.49am: Stopped & boat left

12.0am: Whaler returned

0.7pm: Whaler returned

0.8pm: Proceeded N86E, 56 revs & streamed log

0.47pm: Altered course S73E to intercept Icelandic motor trawler “IS 412”

0.50pm: Hauled in log 77.9

0.54pm: Stopped & boarded trawler

1.18pm: Boat returned

1.20pm: Resumed course N86E, 56 revs & streamed log

4.6pm: Altered course S22E log 4.8 to close two ketches

5.13pm: Stopped & boarded Danish ketches “Milly RE 19” & “Gylfi IS 357”. Lat 66 29N, Long 22 63W

5.53pm: Proceeded N25W, 56 revs & streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

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21 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 64.21, Long -23.65

2.0pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Ebro”

2.18pm: “Ebro” took up station 1 mile astern

4.0pm: Hauled in log 48.8

4.20pm: Stop both

4.23pm: Boats left with R. Admiral & staff

4.55pm: Boat returned

5.0pm: Proceeded 60 revs on S16W & streamed log

Number on sick list: 1

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22 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.16, Long -20.06

7.40pm: Watch securing boats inboard

Number on sick list: 1

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23 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.75, Long -16.56

Pm: N° 2 Port ballast tank filled

Number on sick list: 1

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24 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.06, Long -10.78

4.10am: Increased 60 revs, 3 points zigzag

10.40am: Altered course S66W, 3 points zigzag, log 58.5

0.10pm: Altered course S22E (3 points zigzag) increased 80 revs, log 78.3

4.10pm: Altered course S28E, 3 points zigzag, log 34.4

9.10pm: Reduced 60 revs, log 2.4. Straight course

9.15pm: Sighted Barra Head Lt bearing R[ed] 20°

10.18pm: Barra Head Lt abeam, log 16.5

11.10pm: Sighted Skerryvore Lt bearing S42E

Number on sick list: 1

[ed. note: In marine navigation, starboard bearings are “green” and port bearings are “red” This method is only used for a relative bearing.

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25 August 1917


Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

3.40am: Sighted Fanad Hd bearing 43W, log 86.0

4.12am: Inistrahull Lt abeam, log 92.5

5.7am: Fanad Hd abeam, log4.3

5.30am: Dunree Hd abeam & hauled in log 9.0

5.47am: Slow both

5.48am: Passed boom

5.50am: Stop both & let go Starboard anchor. Half astern both

6.2am: Stop both & veered 2 shackles

6.45am: Collier “Cornwood” alongside to Starboard

7.20am: Collier “Pensacola” alongside to Port

8.0am: Cutter left for shore with postman

8.10am: Hands fall in for coaling

8.40am: Commenced coaling

9.0am: Drifter “Snowdrop” alongside with mails

10.30am: Cutter left for “Virginian” HMS & shore with Captain & Padre

Anchor Bearings: Red buoy S81W, Mill River Pier S44E, Hegarty Rock N11E, Buncrana Castle N80E

0.25pm: Cutter returned with Captain

1.0pm: Resumed coaling

Anchor Bearings: Martello Tower N42W, Red buoy S83W, Pier Light S45E

5.30pm: Cutter left with Staff Surgeon

7.0pm: Cutter returned & secured for the night

7.58pm: Ceased coaling for the night

Number on sick list: 1

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26 August 1917

Coaling Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Anchor Bearings: Martello Tower N53W, Pier Light S47E, Rinnaraw Pier S15E

6.0am: Commenced coaling

8.20am: Cutter left ship with officers & J Rawlins AB RFR* for hospital

9.0am: Cutter returned

0.7pm: Finished coaling 701 tons. Hands to dinner

1.12pm: Hands washing down fore & aft

1.35pm: Colliers “Cornwood” and “Pensacola” cast off

3.40pm: Lifeboats hoisted. Cutter left for shore with officers

4.45pm: Cutter returned

Anchor Bearings: Buncrana Pier Lt S45E, Fort Tower N52W, Red buoy S82W

6.0pm: Cutter & whaler left ship with officers

7.0pm: Cutter & whaler returned with officers

8.20pm: Boat from HMS “Virginian” alongside with Cap

10.0pm: Captain of “Virginian” left

Number on sick list: 1

*[ed .note: RFR = Royal Fleet Reserve]

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27 August 1917

Coaling Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Anchor Bearings: Buncrana Lt Ho S45E, Red buoy S79W, Martello Tower N53W, Dunree Hd N11W

8.0am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Cutter left ship with officers & postman

10.15am: Cutter returned from shore

11.15am: Commenced taking in stores

11.30am: Finished taking in stores

11.31pm: Whaler left ship

12.0am: Whaler returned

1.5pm: Drifter left ship with liberty men

2.25pm: Cutter left with patrol party to recall liberty men

3.20pm: Cutter returned

5.0pm: Drifter alongside with liberty men

5.0pm: Collier “Norton” alongside with water

6.45pm: Collier “Norton” left

7.0pm: Officers returned on board

8.30pm: Hoisted cutter & whaler

10.0pm: 4 Ratings put under arrest, Stewards O’Neil, McBrien; Able seamen, Le Galley & Brown

Number on sick list: 0

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28 August 1917

Coaling Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Released 4 prisoners & rounds correct

6.30am: Water boat alongside, 43 tons

9.15am: Water boat left

0.45pm: Ship dragging & let go Port anchor & veered 3 shackles

0.49pm: Weighed Starboard anchor. Flukes of Starboard anchor carried away

2.0pm: Hands shipping spare anchor

3.35pm: Drifter alongside with mails

Anchor Bearings: Buncrana Lt Ho S48E, Neds Pt Tower N60E, Rinvaraw Pier S13W

7.10pm: Let go Starboard anchor & veered to 1 shackles. Shank of damaged anchor & 15 fms of chain secured on fore deck

Number on sick list: 0

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29 August 1917

Coaling Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands scrubbing deck

3.45pm: Cutter left for shore

Anchor Bearings: Buncrana Lt Ho S65E, Fort N47W, Rathmullan Pier S59W

4.30pm: Cutter returned & secured inboard

Anchor Bearings: Buncrana Lt Ho S65E, Fort N47W, Hawks Nest S47E

9.20pm: Weighed Starboard anchor

7.48pm: Commenced to weigh Port anchor

7.55pm: Weighed Port anchor & proceeded half speed

8.9pm: Passed boom defence

8.30pm: Dunree Head abeam & streamed log. Course N23E

10.35pm: Instrahull Lt abeam, log 25.0

10.55pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag & reduced 60 revs, log 29.3

Number on sick list: 0

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30 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.85, Long -6.75

2.55am: Otter Rock abeam, altered course N63E, log 70.9

4.0am: Altered course N23E, McArthur Lt bearing N9W, log 81.0

4.10pm: Churn Is Lt abeam log 82.3

4.42am: Increased 80 revs, log 87.0; courses as requisite for Islay Sound

5.0am: McArthur Pt abeam, log 91[?]

6.0am: Rudha Mhail Lt Ho abeam, log 4[?]

8.37am: Lady’s Rock abeam, log 40.3

8.38am: Lismore Lt abeam

8.57am: Glas Eileanan Lt abeam, log 44.8

9.29am: Green Is Lt abeam, log 53.0

10.3am: Runa Gall Lt abeam, log 61.0 & altered course N42W

10.59am: Suil Chrom Lt Ho abeam, altered course N35W, log 73.5

0.8pm: Oigh Sgeir Lt Ho abeam, log 89.8

2.20pm: Ushinish Lt Ho abeam N26W (bearing) log 13.0

4.50pm: Glas Island Lt Ho abeam, log 54.3 & altered course N62E

5.45pm: Nilaid Pt abeam, log 67.7 & altered course N59E

6.53pm: Tiumpan Head abeam, log 83.5

6.55pm: Altered course N19E, 2 points zigzag, log 84.0

8.0pm: Altered course N12W, log 99.0 (2 points zigzag)

8.50pm: Altered course N52E, log 9.5, 3 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 0

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31 August 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.85, Long -11.46

4.50am: Altered course N33W, 3 points zigzag, log 15.7

4.40pm: Warrants N° 71 & 72 read & one man placed in cells

8.30pm: Reduced 54 revs. Straight course, log 16.9

Number on sick list: 0

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1 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.95, Long -19.58

Am: Prisoner visited. Temp of cell 66°

3.10pm: Sighted barque

3.30pm: Sighted steamer

3.50pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Champagne”

4.16pm: Sighted land ahead

4.20pm: Swing out boats

7.55pm: Sighted steamer

8.10pm: Challenged by & exchanged pendants with HMS "Orvieto"

8.26pm: Slow both

8.30pm: Hauled in log 59.2

8.37pm: “Orvieto’s” cutter alongside

8.40pm: Cutter left

8.41pm: Proceeded S55W, 60 revs & streamed log

9.30pm: Altered course S78W, log 67.6 & reduced 58 revs (2 points zigzag)

11.0pm: Temp of cell 65°

Number on sick list: 0

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2 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.2, Long -21.38

3.0am: Altered course S46E, log 24.1. Rounds & one cell prisoner correct. Temp of cell 63°

11.0am: Altered course S59W, log 6.4 (2 points zigzag)

0.35pm: Sighted steamer bearing S33W

0.42pm: Altered course S81W to intercept, log 24.8

1.55pm: Hauled in log 38.9

1.57pm: Stopped & boarded Swedish SS “Marie”. Lat 62 00N, Long 21 11W

2.15pm: Boat returned

2.16pm: Proceeded N13W, 58 revs & streamed log. SS “Marie” allowed to proceed

4.30pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Orvieto”

5.40pm: Stopped & hauled in log

5.45pm: Cutter left for “Orvieto”

5.52pm: Proceeded 60 revs

6.5pm: Stop

6.6pm: Cutter returned

6.10pm: Proceeded S60W, 56 revs, 2 points zigzag

6.11pm: Streamed log

7.30pm: Altered course S44E (2 points zigzag) log 84.7

Pm: Rounds & one cell prisoner correct. Temp of cell 64°

11.0pm: Altered course S44E. Straight course, reduced 54 revs, log19.7

Number on sick list: 0

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3 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.35, Long -21.06

Am: Rounds & one prisoner correct

5.0pm: Altered course N43W, 2 points zigzag, log 97.4

Pm: Rounds & one prisoner correct. Temp of cell 64°

Number on sick list: 0

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4 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.31, Long -21.3

4.40pm: Dropped targets & hauled in log 39.2. Exercised repelling Submarine attack

5.15pm: Stopped & picked up 1st target

5.40pm: Picked up 2nd target

5.41pm: Proceeded N64E, 58 revs & streamed log

6.25pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Orvieto”

Number on sick list: 1

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5 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.38, Long -21.08

Am: Rounds correct Temp of cell 62°

7.25am: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Ebro”

Pm: Temp of cell 66°

Number on sick list: 1

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6 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.61, Long -20.0

Am: Temp of cell 64°

5.35am: Altered curse S84E to intercept SV

6.28am: Stopped & hauled in log

6.29am: Boat left & boarded Nor. Barque “Eros”. Lat 62 00N, Long 22 36W

6.45am: Boat returned & “Eros” allowed to proceed

6.47am: Proceeded S84E & steamed log

8.55am: Altered course S80W, log 19.1 to intercept steamer

9.50am: Reduced 60 revs & hauled in log 30.5

9.55am: Stopped

10.0am: Boarded Belgian Relief Steamer “Escaut”. Lat 61 57N, Long 22 19W

10.25am: Boat returned & “Escaut” allowed to proceed

10.30am: Proceeded N89E, 60 revs & streamed log

3.20pm: Sighted sailing SV

4.35pm: Intercepted Nor barque “Syvstjernen” flying correct flag of day

Pm: Temp of cell 65°

Number on sick list: 2

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7 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.35, Long -21.06

Am: Temp of cell 61°

2.25pm: Sighted Auxiliary craft

2.30pm: Altered course N32E to intercept, log 73.8. Courses as requisite

3.20pm: Hauled in log 81.0

3.27pm: Stopped & boarded Danish Auxiliary “Godthaab”. Lat 62 32N, Long 20 25W

3.50pm: Boat returned & “Godthaab” allowed proceed

3.53pm: Proceeded S83E, 60 revs & streamed log

6.8pm: Altered course to intercept SS

6.20pm: Challenged 2 armed trawlers

10.45pm: Sighted light bearing N19W & altered course N55W

11.40pm: Vessel signalled correct flag of day, allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 1

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8 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.4, Long -21.0

Saturday Routine

Lookouts visited frequently

11.0am: Quarters clean guns

Night defence stations

Exercised watch closing watertight doors

Number on sick list: 0

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9 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.86, Long -20.26

7.0pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants HMS “Changuinola”

Number on sick list: 0

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10 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.93, Long -11.46

0.15pm: Placed special lookouts

5.0pm: Commenced 2 points zigzag

6.35pm: Increased 75 revs (3 points zigzag) log 5.0

9.5pm: Ceased zigzag, log 35.1

Number on sick list: 0

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11 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 56.85, Long -6.75

0.45am: Sighted Butt of Lewis Lt

1.20am: Increased 80 revs 2 points zigzag

3.55am: Tiumpan Hd abeam & altered course S52W, log 22.3

5.36am: Milaid Lt Ho abeam

6.40am: Glass Island Lt Ho abeam, log 56.2 & altered course S50W

8.35am: Nest Pt abeam, altered course S20W, log 78.7

9.0am: Increased 75 revs (2 points zigzag) log 83.0

11.37am: Oigh Sgeir Lt abeam, log 15.1

0.40pm: Cairn of Colls Lt abeam, altered course as requisite, log 31.1

1.8pm: Ardnamurchan Pt abeam

1.29pm: Ardmore Pt abeam, log 41.0

1.40pm: Rudhanan Gall Lt Ho abeam, log 42.3

2.17pm: Eileanan Glas abeam, log 49.5

2.51pm: Glas Eileanan, log 56.0

3.10pm: Lady’s Rock abeam

4.0pm: Fladda Lt Ho abeam, log 69.8

4.26pm: Isles of the sea Lt abeam, log 74.6

6.49pm: McArthur Hd abeam, log 100.3

7.53pm: Otter Rock abeam, log 13.0, altered course S76W

8.12pm: Sighted Altacarry Lt

9.15pm: Course as requisite for Rathlin Sound

9.40pm: Rue Pt abeam, log 35.4 & altered course S20W

10.6pm: Altered course S20E. Sighted Maidens Lt bearing S15E

11.35pm: Sighted Maidens Lt bearing S41W, altered course S67E, log 57.8

11.45pm: Sighted Corsewall Lt bearing S80E

Number on sick list: 0

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12 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

0.55am: Corsewall Lt abeam, [log] 74.5

1.54am: Ailsa Craig abeam, log 85.1

2.30am: Turnberry Lt abeam, altered course N34E, log 91.2

4.30am: Exchanged challenge with Toward Point

5.5am: Hauled in log reading 25.3

5.20am: Slow both & passed through boom defence

5.35am: Took Pilot on board

5.37am: 60 revs & courses as requisite for going up river Clyde

6.0am: Bow & stern tugs made fast

8.0am: Ship entered Prince’s Dock

8.30am: Put clocks on one hour

9.32am: Ship made fast N° 1 berth & finished with engines

10.0am: Hands scrubbing decks

11.55am: 11 bags of mail arrived on board

2.50pm: 6 Ratings left ship for Barracks

4.45pm: Captain left ship

7.0pm: Chief Armourer joined ship

7.15pm: Captain returned on board

Number on sick list: 1

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13 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands fall in clear up decks

10.20am: Stand easy

10.30am: Hands employed singling up for shifting ship into dry dock

11.35am: Commenced shifting ship

11.40am: Sub Lt Eason RNVR joined ship

0.10pm: Lowered N° 1 & 2 boats to scrub ship’s sides. Hands getting shores into position

1.0pm: Port boat taken inboard

Hands employed taking in stores

3.0pm: Captain went ashore

5.15pm: Working party commenced getting out cables

8.15pm: Cables Port & Starb on deck ready for surveying

Number on sick list: 0

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14 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands fall in & hoisted Starb boat

9.45am: Steward Hunter rejoined ship

Am: Hands dumping ammunition on wharf

10.50am: One assistant cook & One steward joined ship

10.55am: Hands chipping scuppers

2.10pm: 1 Fireman & 1 trimmer joined ship from HMS “Victory”

Number on sick list: 0

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15 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands fall in and clear up decks

10.5am: 8 Ratings joined ship from RNB Portsmouth

Am: Hands chipping scuppers & painting bridge

12.0am: Dinner & funeral party to clean

1.0pm: Hands fall in & resumed taking in stores

3.0pm: Funeral Party left ship under Sub Lt Ford RNR

5.35pm: Funeral party returned

Number on sick list: 0

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16 September 1917

S Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands cleaning up deck

9.15am: Hands to clean into rig of day

10.0am: R.C. Church Party left ship

10.15am: Presbyterian Church Party left ship

10.30am: Church of England Party left ship

11.20am: R.C. Church Party returned

0.30pm: Presbyterian Ch. Party returned

0.35pm: Church of England Party returned

0.55pm: Captain came on board

3.55pm: Captain left ship

Number on sick list: 0

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17 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Hands fall in. Hands employed cleaning tanks, chain lockers & chipping scuppers

11.0am: HMS “Ebro” arrived in Prince’s dock

7.30pm: Started to flood dry dock to 18’

8.30pm: Sub Lt Ford left on long leave

9.0pm: HMS “Orotava” came into Prince’s Dock

9.30pm: Water out of dry dock

Number on sick list: 0

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18 September 1917

In Dry Dock [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.0am: Dress ship. Masthead flags

9.15am: Hands fall in and employed taking in ammunition & stores

10.55am: Captain boarded

11.40am: Captain landed

0.10pm: Commenced to flood dry dock

1.10pm: Ship floated

2.45pm: HMS “Orotava” dry docked astern of “Patia”

Hands taking stores on board

3.55pm: HMS “Artois” put to sea

4.35pm: Water out of dock

6.30pm: Sub Lt Williams RNVR joined ship

Number on sick list: 0

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19 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Am: Hands heaving in & stowing cables

9.55am: Mr Chetwood. Chief Gunner rejoined ship

10.25am: Sub Lt Taylor RNR rejoined ship

Am: Hands getting PV chains into position

1.45pm: Dry dock flooded

1.50pm: Ship left dry dock & shifted to coaling quay with two tugs in attendance

4.45pm: Ship moored alongside coaling quay

Pm: Ass. Pay Burrell RNR rejoined ship

Number on sick list: 0

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20 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

5.30am: Hands turned to & commenced cleaning ship

9.30am: One rating joined ship

10.0am: Captain boarded

3.0pm: Payed out starb. cable for measuring

8.0pm: 7 Ratings left ship

Number on sick list: 0

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21 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

5.0am: Shifted ship under coal crane

6.0am: Ship in position moored fore & aft.

6.20am: Commenced coaling

10.0am: 1 Rating AB RFR* joined ship from “Victory”

Pm: Took on charge 1075 tons (approx.) coal

3.0pm: Discharged 1 PO to RNB Portsmouth

7.5pm: Landed a patrol 1 PO & 8 men under Sub Lt Taylor RNR for duty ashore

8.5pm: Sub Lt Cooper RNVR returned from leave

9.0pm: 1 stoker put under arrest

11.5pm: Patrol returned

Number on sick list: 0

[ed. note: Royal Fleet Reserve]

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22 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

5.30am: Coaling finished approx. 1075 tons

6.0am: Hands fall in and wash down decks

8.5am: Sub Lt Goodman RNR left ship for RNB Portsmouth

10.10am: 3 ratings joined ship

10.15am: 1st Lieut returned from leave

11.20am: Shifted ship from coal tips to other side of dock

1.0pm: Hands fall in and resume washing down

Number on sick list: 0

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23 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow] and at Sea

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.30am: Hands cleaning decks

Am: Hands employed shackling anchor

10.0am: R.C. Church party left ship

10.15am: Presbyterian Church party left ship

10.30am: Church of England party left ship

11.00am: R.C. party returned

0.10pm: Presbyterian Church Party returned

0.12pm: Church of England Party returned

2.0pm: Tugs alongside

3.5pm: Cable officers

3.20pm: Cast off from wharf

3.40pm: Passed through dock gate

4.5pm: Bow tug cast off

5.50pm: Stop both and dropped Pilot

6.20pm: Passed through boom defence & streamed log

6.46pm: Toward Point abeam

7.20pm: Little Cumbrae Lt abeam, altered course S10E, log 13.3

7.53pm: Ardoman Lt abeam & altered course S84W, log 20.3

8.25pm: Hauled in log

8.30pm: Stopped

8.45pm: Slow both

8.48pm: Dropped Port anchor & half astern both

8.52pm: Stopped engines

8.53pm: Finished with engines

Anchor bearings: Buoy Green Light N80E, Pier Light N80W, Landing Jetty Lt S11E

Number on sick list: 1

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24 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Anchor bearings: Entrance buoy N77E, Pier light N84W, Fullerton light S7E; Ship’s head N56W

Am: Hands scrubbing upper decks

11.35am: Picked up anchor

11.40am: Proceeded 50 revs

11.47am: Stopped & let go Port anchor & veered to 4 shackles

11.54am: Finished with engines

1.45pm: Cutter left for shore with officers

2.20pm: Cutter returned

5.0pm: Whaler hoisted inboard

6.0pm: Cutter left for shore

7.15pm: Cutter returned

Number on sick list: 1

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25 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Anchor bearings: Pier N40W, Entrance Buoy N79E, Fullerton Lt S27E; Ship’s head S30W

11.0am: Cutter left for shore

11.25am: Whaler left for HMD “Marmion”

0.5pm: Cutter returned

1.0pm: Cutter left for shore with officers

1.30pm: Cutter left for shore with Captain

1.45pm: Cutter returned

6.15pm: Cutter away for Captain & officers

6.50pm: Cutter returned

7.0pm: Hoisted cutter

Number on sick list: 2

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26 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

Anchor bearings: Free Church Spire N5W, Hamilton Rock N65E, South End Holy Island S30E; Ship’s head N83E

3.30am: Weighed Starboard anchor

11.40am: Whaler left with Captain

11.55am: Whaler returned

0.50pm: Whaler left ship with officers

1.0pm: 1 Rating left ship for HMS “Eagle”

2.5pm: Whaler left with Captain & 1st Lieutenant

3.30pm: Whaler left ship for officers

5.45pm: Cutter left for officers

6.12pm: Captain returned

6.30pm: Commenced to weigh anchor

6.41pm: Half ahead

6.50pm: Ordered to return to anchorage

7.50pm: Let go Port anchor & veered 3 ½ shackles

8.40pm: Finished with engines

11.30pm: Let go Starboard anchor veered 1 ½ shackles

Number on sick list: 2

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27 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.50am: Weighed Starboard anchor & shortened Port cable

7.0am: Weighed Port anchor & slow ahead both

7.5am: Stopped & let go Starboard anchor & veered 4 shackles

7.10am: Let go Port anchor

Anchor bearings: Church Spire N76W, Free Church Spire N11W, East End of Holy Is S85E; Ship’s head S50W

11.45am: Shortened Starboard cable 10 fms

1.30pm: Cutter left for shore with officers

1.50pm: Cutter returned

6.40pm: Captain & all officers returned

Anchor bearings: Pier light N38W, South End of Holy Is S20W; Ship’s head S78W

10.0pm: Rounds correct & prisoner visited. Bearings frequently checked

Number on sick list: 2

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28 September 1917

S. Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.5, Long -4.8

6.5am: HM Yacht “Albion III” left harbour followed by convoy

1.30pm: Cutter left for shore with officers

2.16pm: Picked up Starboard anchor

4.40pm: Drifter alongside with meat & stores

Anchor bearings: Free Church N10W, Church Spire N71W, Light House Holy Island S33E; Ship’s head S76W

6.15pm: Cutter returned with Captain & officers

6.38pm: Weighed Port anchor & half ahead both

6.57pm: Passed boom & streamed log

9.50pm: Challenged by Ballantrae Signal Station & replied

10.30pm: Corsewall Lt abeam, log 47.7

11.45pm: Maidens Lt abeam & altered course N23W, log 64.8

Number on sick list: 2

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29 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.2, Long -7.2

0.25am: Torr Pt abeam & altered course as requisite for Rathlin Sound

1.5am: Benmore Hd abeam, log 83.5

1.13am: Rue Point abeam, log 55.3

3.12am: Oversay Lt abeam, log 12.3

6.55am: Altered course N22E 3 points zigzag, log 63.6

10.3am: Ceased zigzag log 13.0

11.37am: Calway Lt Ho abeam, log 28.0

11.50am: Stuley Is abeam, log 30.7

0.16pm: Ushinish Lt Ho abeam & altered course N31E, log 37.1

0.43pm: Half ahead Port Engine

1.22pm: 80 revs both engines

1.45pm: Lough Maddy Signal Station challenged and replied to

4.18pm: Milaid Pt abeam, log 88.5

5.28pm: Tiumpan Hd abeam, log 5.6

5.40pm: Altered course N19E 2 points zigzag, log 7.6

6.49pm: Butt of Lewis Lt abeam, log 22.8

8.10pm: Altered course N51W, 2 points zigzag

Number on sick list: 2

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30 September 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.73, Long -12.81

6.2am: Ceased zigzag

1.0pm: Stopped Starb engine for repairs log 66.6

4.30pm: Starb engine to slow ahead

4.52pm: Starb engine to half ahead, 70 revs

Number on sick list: 1

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[H Cecil Bond signs log as Navigating Officer]

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1 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.05, Long -16.0

Am: Rounds correct. Temp of Cell 68°

5.0am: Rounds & Prisoner Correct

10.0pm: Rounds correct Temp of cell 63°

Number on sick list: 1

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2 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.95, Long -15.63

0.15am: Wireless ariel carried away

1.0am: W/T ariel rigged in position. Prisoner correct

3.0am: Altered course N26E. Prisoner visited. Temp. Cell 62°

4.0am: Prisoner visited. Temp Cell 60°

5.0am: Prisoner visited. Temp. Cell 60°

6.0am: Prisoner visited Temp. Cell 60°

8.53am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Alsatian”

9.16am: Altered course to intercept

9.35am: P.Z.* with HMS “Alsatian”

10.20am: Stop both, log hauled in

10.30am: Cutter left for “Alsatian” with Captain

10.30am: Half ahead both 60 revs. Course as requsite

11.5am: Took station 1 mile atern of “Alsatian”

0.7pm: Courses as requisite for picking up cutter

0.15pm: Hauled in log

0.22pm: Stopped both

0.27pm: Cutter inboard with Captain

0.28pm: Half ahead

Pm: Pte Smith lost cap overboard

7.30pm: N° 5 Ballast Tank full

10.0pm: Rounds correct. Temp. Cell 62°

11.0pm: Prisoner visited

Midnight: Prisoner visited

Number on sick list: 1

*[ed. note: “P.Z. - the code used to give the order to commence exercises to accustom the two Squadrons to work together, to gain practical experience of the difficulties of signalling to and of manoeuvring a large fleet. Example: HMS Roxburgh "Now carrying out P.Z. exercises, so far negative".


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3 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.8, Long -17.58

10.4am: Altered course to intercept sailing ship “Heidal”* of Denmark. Hoisted correct flag of day. Allowed to proceed. Lat 60 38N, Long 17 34W

Am: Privates E. Duffel & T. Smith accidentally lost caps overboard

4.15pm: Evening Quarters & physical drill, Warrant N° 75 read & one man to cell

Number on sick list: 2

*[ed. note: perhaps misspelt for “Heimdal”]

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4 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.43, Long -19.51

1.35pm: Sighted land on port bow bearing N40E

2.15pm: Sighted steamer bearing S70E

2.25pm: Challenged by and exchanged pendants with HMS “Artois”

3.35pm: Sighted fishing smack

Number on sick list: 2

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5 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.73, Long -18.88

5.4am: Altered course to S28W, log 1.8, to intercept steamer bearing S32E

6.30am: Boarded Danish SS “Moskov” in Lat 62 6N, Long 20 15W. Allowed to proceed

6.50am: Cutter returned

6.55am: Proceeded N72E, 60 revs

7.0am: Streamed log 9.3

0.15pm: Commenced zigzagging. Course S58E, log 62.7

1.33pm: Altered course S68E, log 76.0. Continued zigzagging

4.18pm: Sighted steamer on Starboard bow. Altered course to South to intercept. Increased to 70 revs. Identified as Danish SS “Moskov”

4.35pm: Altered course to East, log 8.5. Dropped target

4.45pm: Second target dropped

7.20pm: Zigzagging (20°)

Number on sick list: 1

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6 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.68, Long -19.13

5.0am: Rounds correct. Altered course N75E, log 46.1, zigzag (20°)

10.5am: Gun’s crews to (Submarine) target practice

10.8am: Target dropped, log 88.5

10.49am: Picked up target

10.50am: Proceeded S86E, 62 revs, streamed log reading 92.1

Number on sick list: 1

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7 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.86, Long -18.1

4.0am: Rounds & Prisoner correct. Temp of Cells 56°

11.30am: One prisoner released from cells

Number on sick list: 2

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8 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.83, Long -18.16

1.0am: Prisoner correct. Temp of cell 60°

2.0am: Rounds & Prisoner Correct Temp of Cell 60°

Number on sick list: Nil

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9 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.7, Long -19.16

10.0am: Warrant N° 76 read

10.15am: Articles of War read & lecture by Staff Surgeon Wills RNVR

Number on sick list: Nil

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10 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.75, Long -19.41

6.0am: Rounds & Prisoner Correct Cells 55°

11.20am: Altered course N7W. Increased to 80 revs, log 30.0. Ceased zigzag

12.5pm: Fast as possible

2.25pm: Sighted Land Bearing North

Number on sick list: Nil

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11 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.91, Long -27.25

1.0am: Rounds & prisoner correct. Temperature of Cell 58°

9.50am: Steamer bearing S45W

9.52am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Alsatian” & exchanged messages

12.0am: Keeping station on HMS “Alsatian” 30 miles astern

10.0pm: Rounds & Prisoner correct. Temperature of cells 54°

Number on sick list: Nil

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12 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.8, Long -21.85

6.0am: Rounds & soundings correct

10.0am: Soundings reported correct

Number on sick list: 1

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13 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.71, Long -21.83

Am: Prisoner visited. Soundings Correct

Am: Rounds Correct. Temp of Cell 60°

6.30am: Soundings correct

4.0pm: One Prisoner Released. Increased 60 revs

4.17pm: Sighted ship bearing NW, altered course to intercept N15W, log 109

4.33pm: Reduced to 50 revs, log 11.7. Exchanged pendants with HMS “Changuinola”

4.40pm: N° 4 lifeboat left ship for HMS “Changuinola”

5.15pm: Lifeboat returned

5.25pm: Proceeded S36E, log 15.0; 58 revs

Number on sick list: 2

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14 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.08, Long -17.6

5.0am: Rounds & Prisoner Correct. Temperature 49°

9.0am: Left Patrol. Altered course S37E, 60 revs, log 66.5

3.25pm: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Ebro”

Number on sick list: 2

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15 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.48, Long -8.96

3.0am: Rounds & Prisoner Correct. Temp Cells 54°

4.45am: Sailing vessel sighted bearing S40E, altered course S45E

10.20am: Challenged HMS “Artois”. Requested Bearing & Distance of Butt of Lewis

1.55pm: Ceased zigzag, altered course S33E. Reduced 60 revs, log 16.1

8.0pm: Found bottom at 100 fthms

9.0pm: Sighted Butt of Lewis Light bearing S28E

11.30pm: Sighted Tuimpan Hd Lt bearing S18W

Number on sick list: 2

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16 October 1917

At Sea & Loch Ewe

Lat 57.8, Long -5.7

0.14am: Butt of Lewis Lt abeam, log 12.7

1.45am: (Tiumpan Lt bearing S45W, Butt of Lewis N61W, log 22.3) Cross bearings

3.5am: Tiumpan Lt abeam log 35.0. Increased 62 revs, log 35.6

5.0am: Rounds, Prisoner & Soundings correct

6.25am: Slow both engines. Passed through gates

7.0am: Let go Port anchor veered to 4 shackles. Soundings 10 fthms

7.10am: Finished with engines

7.30am: [ed. note: this entry is written at the beginning of PM remarks] Collier “Charleston” made fast Port side

Whilst coming alongside Collier “Charleston” struck ship amidships. Denting plates under bridge in the sheer strake Port side

8.0am: Collier “Hibburn” made fast Starboard side

8.15am: Commenced coaling

9.30am: Cutter left with signalman for duty on shore

10.25am: Cutter took Captain ashore

Anchor Bearings: Gualann Moor S60W, Tree on Ewe N64W, Autbea [ed. note: misspelt for Aultbea] Pier N2W

11.25am: Cutter returned with Captain

1.0pm: Hands coal ship. Cutter sent ashore with Captain, Officers & Postman

1.15pm: Drifter alongside with shore-gang

1.45pm: Cutter returned

3.30pm: Water boat alongside

4.0pm: Anchor Bearings verified frequently

6.0pm: Ceased coaling. Taken on charge 715 tons of coal

Number on sick list: 3

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17 October 1917

Northern Base [Busta Voe]

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

6.0am: Resumed coaling

6.15am: Boat left ship with mails

7.0am: Boat returned with mails

Received fifteen bags of Potatoes

9.0am: Waterboat left ship

9.30am: Cutter left ship for shore with Sub-Lieut Williams RNVR

9.35am: British SS “Ethelaida”* & Norwegian SS “Sevilla” entered harbour

10.30am: Cutter returned

2.45pm: Water boat “Mellito” alongside

3.0pm: Ceased coaling

3.50pm: Collier “Charleston” shoved off

4.0pm: Hands engaged cleaning ship

4.0pm: Collier “Hepburn” [ed. note: misspelt for collier “Hibburn”] shoved off

6.50pm: Cutter & whaler returned with Captain & officers

Number on sick list: 1

[ed. note: possibly SS “Ethelaida”]

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18 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.9, Long -5.95

Am: Tampion, 6” QF Patt 8867, lost overboard by accident

6.15am: Cutter left ship with Postman

7.30am: Cutter returned with mails

11.10am: Cutter left ship with Officers

11.20am: Whaler left ship with Captain

11.35am: Cutter returned

11.45am: Water boat alongside. Hoisted life boats

12.0am: Whaler returned

1.30pm: Water boat left, also drifter with liberty men

4.27pm: Received orders from shore to “prepare for sea”

5.10pm: Ship ready for sea

5.55pm: Captain returned

6.35pm: Anchor aweigh. Half ahead both 60 revs

6.55pm: Passed through boom, increased 80 revs, streamed log. Sgeir-an-Araig abeam

7.30pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS “Teutonic”

9.40pm: Tiumpan abeam, log 34.1

10.55pm: Butt Lewis abeam, log 51.0

12.0pm: Challenged by Patrol Vessel

Number on sick list: 1

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19 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.56, Long -9.85

0.28am: Butt of Lewis bearing S5W, log 70.5

9.20am: Challenged HM trawlers “McCleary”

9.37am: Reduced to 75 revs, log 90.7. Ceased zigzag. Altered course as requisite whilst exchanging signals with HM Trawlers

0.15pm: Special submarine look-outs replaced by ordinary look-out

Number on sick list: 1

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20 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 64.15, Long -4.66

6.45am: Hands fell in for washing down

Number on sick list: 1

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21 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 67.65, Long 5.65

6.45am: Watch employed washing down

11.45am: N° 3 & 4 boats turned out

Number on sick list: 1

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22 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 70.75, Long 16.33

0.20am: N° 3 & 4 boats turned in. D.C.’s* secured

4.30pm: Provided & shipped smoke Boxes

Number on sick list: 1

*[ed. note: D.C. might stand for davit clamps]

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23 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 73.0, Long 25.0

10.12am: Hauled in log 52.0

10.50am: Altered course to East. Streamed log 52.0

1.22pm: Altered course S38E, log 80.0. Sighted convoy

1.51pm: Reduced 60 revs, altered course to intercept HMS “Stephen Furness”, exchanged pendants

2.10pm: Cutter alongside with Captain of HMS “Stephen Furness”

2.27pm: Cutter left

2.30pm: Proceeded 50 revs. Course S75W. In charge of Convoy consisting of SS “Kursh” [ed. note. SS “Kursk” (Russian)]*, SS “Stentor”, SS “Umona

4.0pm: Mercurial Barometer accidentally broken

Number on sick list: Nil

[ed. note: Also, HMS Andes” log entry reports SS “Kursk” (Russian)]

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24 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 72.15, Long 18.86

Number on sick list: Nil

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25 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 71.05, Long 8.2

8.40am: Stopped for Burial on board SS “Stentor”

8.55am: Proceeded S76W

11.30am to 1.15pm: Courses & speed as requisite. Manoeuvring round convoy for signalling purposes

2.57pm: Stopped & sent cutter & whaler to SS’s “Kursh” & “Umona” with orders

3.25pm: Boats returned, hoisted inboard. Proceeded, log 77.9, S39W

Number on sick list: Nil

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26 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 67.15, Long 2.0

Number on sick list: Nil

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27 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.03, Long -1.81

5.50am: Ordinary Submarine Lookouts placed

10.0am: Commenced zigzagging. Sounds correct

Number on sick list: Nil

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28 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 59.45, Long -1.76

3.25am: Foule Is sighted, Northern extremity bearing N80E

5.10am: Sighted Fair Is Light bearing S17W

6.35am: Sighted Destroyers bearing S50E. Challenged & exchanged pendants with “Destroyer Escort”

7.10am: Undarkened ship. Destroyers joined convoy

7.38am: Fair Island Lt abeam, log 42.8

10.0am: Soundings correct. Sighted Minesweepers bearing West

0.35pm: Challenged by Long Hope & Replied

1.18pm: Passed through the Booms

1.27pm: 60 revs & Anchored in 17 Fathoms 4 Shackles

2.45pm: Whaler sent to HMS “Royal Oak” with mails

3.30pm: Whaler returned

4.0pm: Veered to 6 shackles & secured

5.0pm: Eng Sub-Lieut Ramsey sent to “Cyclops” with Pipe for Repairs

6.20pm: Returned

11.30pm: Drifter alongside for mails & left

Number on sick list: Nil

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29 October 1917

Base & At Sea

Lat 58.65, Long -4.86

12.20am: Drifter alongside with repaired Pipe

6.0am: Shortened in to 2 shackles

6.50am: Weighed anchor & proceeded

7.15am: Passed outer boom defence. Increased 80 revs. In Company with HMS Destroyers “Morning Star” & “Mainad”

8.38am: Dunnet Hd Lt abeam, log 13.2

10.11am: Strathie Point abeam bearing S19W

11.48am: Challenged by & made pendants to Cape Wrath Signal Station

0.15pm: Cape Wrath Lt House abeam, log 64.5

3.27pm: Tiumpan Lt House abeam 5 ¼ miles, log 8.6

4.40pm: Milaid Pt abeam, log 25.7, dist 4 ½ miles, altered course S70W

5.45pm: Glass Island Lt abeam 2 miles; altered course S55W

8.30pm: Neist Pt abeam, log 73.7

9.5pm: Ushinish Pt abeam, log 80.3

10.30pm: Oigh Sgeir Lt abeam, altered course S39W, log 99.7

11.0pm: Sighted Barra Hd Light bearing S85W, log 5.8

Number on sick list: Nil

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30 October 1917

At Sea

Lat 55.15, Long -5.35

2.57am: Skerryvore Light abeam, log 42.5

3.50am: Altered course to S16E, log 51.1. Increased to Fast as Possible

6.35am: Special submarine lookouts placed

7.30am: Oversea Lt abeam dist 4 miles

9.6am: Altacarry Lt abeam 1 ½ miles, log 22.2

9.25am: Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Thorn”

9.30am: Tor Point abeam, log 27.7

10.53am: Altered course S78E. Maidens bearing West 2 1/3 miles

1.17pm: HM Destroyer “Mainad” left Escort

2.0pm: Courses as Requisite for Kilbrennan Sound

3.15pm: HM Destroyer parted company in execution of previous orders

4.0pm: Toward Point abeam, log 22.7

4.22pm: Passed through boom

4.40pm: Pilot on board proceeded to anchorage

4.55pm: Anchored in 13 fthms, 3 shackles at “Tail of Bank”

Anchor bearings: Roseneath Pt N9E, Tail of Bank B S3W, White Farland Pt S75W; Ship’s head N10E

6.50pm: Anchor weighed and proceeded

8.14pm: Stern tug made fast

9.55pm: Moored at Berth N° 21 Prince’s Dock

Number on sick list: Nil

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31 October 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.30am: Hands to breakfast & change into N° 4’s

9.15am: 2nd Part of Watch to clean for leave. 1st Part shift ship

11.0am: Ship made fast to Coal-Tip

11.15am: Hands fell in for payment

0.25pm: Relief Guard fell in

1.30pm: Party detailed off for cleaning out Tanks

11.45pm: Shifted ship

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1 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

1.30am: Shifted ship for coaling purposes

8.0am: Coal received on board 814 tons 9 cwt

10.0am: Two Trimmers, one Stoker, & 1 Carpenter joined ship

11.0am: One Seaman returned from agricultural leave. Hands to dinner

1.10pm: Hands fell in & detailed for washing decks

2.0pm: Shifted ship from Coaling Crane to N° 20 wharf

Number on sick list: 0

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2 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.30pm: One assistant steward joined ship

Number on sick list: 0

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3 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.0am: Hands fell in. Employed cleaning down ship

11.0am: Sent “Range Finder” ashore for overhaul

Number on sick list: 0

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4 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

4.0am: Usual harbour routine

7.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.15am: R.C. Church Party to Church

10.5am: All church parties left for church

10.15am: One rating joined ship from Portsmouth

11.0am: R.C. Church Party returned

0.40pm: Wesleyan Church party returned

0.45pm: Church of England Church party returned

Cautioned Lt Charles Jacobson, Temp Eng Sub-Lieut RNR, for conduct unbecoming an officer in that on the night of 4th November 1917, in company with Mids Thomas A Onions RNR he introduced clandestinely two females into the ship.

Cautioned Midshipman Thomas A Onions, Royal Naval Reserve, for disobedience of orders and conduct unbecoming an officer, whereas on the night of 4th November 1917, he returned on board after 11 pm, contrary to orders, and introduced clandestinely two females into the ship. [Signed] T.A. Onions, Midshipman RNR

Number on sick list: 0

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5 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

6.0am: Usual harbour routine

11.0am: During forenoon took stores on board

1.10pm: Hands fell in. Employed taking ammunition on board

Number on sick list: 0

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6 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.10am: Hands employed as requisite. Escort landed for Prisoner “Sulivan”

9.50am: Four Ratings joined ship from “Victory”

10.50am: Escort returned with Prisoner “Sulivan”

3.15pm: “Inclined” Ship for testing stability

5.15pm: Completed “testing of stability”

6.15pm: “Murphy”, Fireman joined ship from HMS “Eagle”

Number on sick list: 0

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7 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

7.0am: Hands fell in. Usual harbour routine. Liberty men returned

9.0am: Six Ratings joined ship. Two to be discharged to “Discoverer”. One marine joined ship

7.0pm: Watch fell in to get “Timber” on board

Number on sick list: 0

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8 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

10.0am: Received an anchor on board

1.10pm: Hands fell in and detailed off for getting stores on board

2.0pm: Received six casks of rum

11.0pm: Mr Woodcock & Orderly left for SNO’s Office

Number on sick list: 0

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9 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

0.10am: Mid Woodcock & Orderly returned from SNO’s Office

1.15pm: Hands fell in, detailed off as necessary for cleaning down ship

Number on sick list: 0

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10 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

9.10am: Hands fell in and employed cleaning down ship & getting stores on board

11.30am: Sergeant Barrett joined ship from Forton Barracks Gosport

1.45pm: One Sub Lieut RNR joined ship (Mr Dartnall)

4.10pm: Sergt Mr Aldridge left ship for Headquarters

12.0pm: Men’s Long-Leave expired

Number on sick list: 0

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11 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

0.15am: Long-Leave men returned

7.0am: Harbour Routine. Hands turned to cleaning ship

9.5am: Orderly left ship for Central Police Court

10.5am: R Catholics, Wesleyans & C.E. to Church

Number on sick list: 0

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12 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

11.0am: One Rating joined ship

1.10pm: Hands employed provisioning ship, remainder as necessary

7.0pm: Rounds correct, 10 Ratings left ship

Number on sick list: 0

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13 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow]

Lat 55.89, Long -4.40

8.45am: Captain returned on board

3.15pm: Lieut Commander Williams left ship

4.0pm: Fifteen Mail-Bags received on Board for HMS “Alsatian”

9.0pm: Despatches on board for HMS “Alsatian”

Number on sick list: 0

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14 November 1917

Southern Base [Glasgow] & Sailed

Lat 55.16, Long -5.06

9.30am: One Ass-Steward & one Trimmer joined ship from HMS “Eagle”

Two Ratings left ship for HMS “Ebro”

10.30am: Pilot & 2 tugs in attendance. Unmoored & proceeded out of dock

Whilst proceeding out of Dock, Ship dropped alongside HMS “Orotava” & damaged “Patia’s” Port PV Gallows

12.0am: Proceeding down river

0.40pm: Cast off tug

1.58pm: Commenced swinging ship for Adjusting Compasses by Lt Commander Cole

2.20pm: Tested PV’s

3.30pm: Compasses adjusted & PV’s inboard

4.0pm: Proceeded towards boom, revs as requisite

4.30pm: Passed through boom, Night defence stations

4.40pm: Out PV’s. Increased to “Fast as possible”, av 81 revs

4.50pm: Darkened ship, streamed log

4.58pm: Toward Pt abeam 1 ½ miles, log 2.2 (?)

5.33pm: Cumbrae Lt abeam, altered course S18W, log 9.0

7.30pm: Ailsa Craig Lt abeam 2 miles, log 31.7

8.45pm: Corsewall Lt abeam 3 ½ miles, log 45

11.25pm: Tor Point abeam, log 75.4

11.50pm: Rathlin N Lt abeam, log 81.4, altered course N18W

12.0pm: Commenced irregular zigzag

Number on sick list: 1

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15 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 57.16, Long -9.43

1.33am: Oversay Lt abeam, log 1.5; altered course N24W

5.0am: Barra Hd Lt bearing N9E

5.26am: Altered course N31W, log 47. Commenced 20° zigzag

11.40am: Lost overboard by accident 1 PV Towing wire complete

4.40pm: Hauled in log

4.48pm: Ship stopped for purpose of clearing PV gear from anchor

5.10pm: Proceeded & streamed log, reset at 74.0

Number on sick list: 1

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16 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 60.78, Long -15.08

11.0am: Exercised various evolutions, ship stopped for 15 min’s to take in Coll-mat

11.25am: Proceeded, streamed log, 70 revs

2.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing NW. Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Alsatian”

2.28pm: Stop both. Cutter away with Captain to HMS “Alsatian”. Half ahead both, manoeuvring to pick up station on “Alsatian”, Port bow 3 miles

4.20pm: Closed “Alsatian”. Cutter returned with Captain

4.24pm: Stopped. Cutter on board

4.35pm: Proceeded, 60 revs, streamed log. Course North

Number on sick list: 1

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17 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 63.2, Long -18.35

2.0am: (Arrived on Patrol)

7.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

0.15pm: Altered course N55E to intercept steamer, log 35.4

1.15pm: Stopped. Spoke Belgian Relief Ship “Gouverneur de Lantsheere”. Showed flag of day, allowed to proceed

1.25pm: Proceeded S54E, log 40.6. Soundings correct

3.35pm: Steamer sighted bearing S70E, altered course S70E to intercept

4.45pm: Stopped. Cutter away. Boarded SS “Kongfos

5.25pm: Cutter returned

5.30pm: Proceeded S54E, SS “Kongfos” correct. Allowed to proceed

Number on sick list: 2

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18 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.95, Long -17.78

2.15am: Altered course South to intercept steamer

3.10am: Stopped. Cutter away. Boarded Norwegian SS “Ottawa”. Allowed to proceed. Lat 61 49N, Long 18 4W

3.35am: Cutter returned. SS “Ottawa” allowed to proceed

3.40am: Proceeded 60 revs S45E, streamed log 40.8

9.25pm: N° 3 Port Ballast Tank filled. N° 5 Tank filled

Number on sick list: 2

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19 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.53, Long -19.0

Usual Sea Routine

Number on sick list: 2

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20 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.66, Long -18.66

(10.30am: Sighted HMS “Andes”)

11.4am: Stopped

11.5am: Cutter boarded HMS “Andes”

11.40am: Hoisted boat & proceeded N86E, log 70, 60 revs, watch relieved

Number on sick list: 2

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21 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.5, Long -19.11

10.5am: Stopped to launch target, proceeded with target practice

0.15pm: Stopped to pickup target

0.17pm: Proceeded, streamed log 97.1, S51E, 60 revs

Number on sick list: 0

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22 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.48, Long -19.0

7.0am: Hands fell in. Usual sea routine carried out

Number on sick list: 0

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23 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.31, Long -19.68

7.10pm: Steamer bearing S15E, altered course S20W to intercept

7.27pm: Stopped, hauled in log. Boarded Belgian Relief ship “Sygna”. Allowed to proceed (Lat 62 14N, Long 17 15W)

8.30pm: Cutter returned & hoisted. Proceeded 60 revs N79W

Number on sick list: 0

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24 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.73, Long -20.88

5.0am: Log hauled in and examined

8.15am: Log hauled in, streamed “Cherub” log

12.0am: Streamed electric log

2.10pm: Altered course S86W, log 17.5, to intercept steamer

5.40pm: Stopped, log 57.8. Signalled BRS [Belgian Relief Ship]Imo” Norwegian

7.15pm: Hove to course N20E. SS “Imo” took station 1 mile astern until weather moderates to board

7.20pm: Starboard Fore Well Deck loader smashed by sea

Number on sick list: 0

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25 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.16, Long -21.36

Am: One page cut out & destroyed owing to spilling of ink in rough weather. – [signed] H.C. Bond Lt

8.55am: Altered course to board SS “Imo”

8.58am: Stopped. Cutter left

9.30am: SS “Imo” allowed to proceed

9.47am: Cutter returned

9.47am: Proceeded S55E, 70 revs. Streamed log

Number on sick list: 0

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26 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.81, Long -18.5

11.0am: Sighted & exchanged pendants with HMS “Teutonic”

11.55pm: Challenged HMS “Teutonic”

Number on sick list: 1

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27 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 62.13, Long -19.63

8.35am: Sighted steamer bearing SE

9.15am: Log hauled in. Stopped, cutter left for HMS “Teutonic”

10.0am: Cutter returned, resumed course N83E. Streamed log, increased 70 revs

2.0pm: Soundings correct. Sighted steamer. Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Ebro”

2.45pm: “Ebro’s” boat alongside for mails

2.53pm: Boat left

2.55pm: Proceeded S56E. Streamed log 65.3; 40 revs

4.22pm: Altered course to intercept sailing vessel. Increased 75 revs. Boarded Danish Schooner “Doris”, Copenhagen to Reykjavik (Iceland). Allowed to proceed

5.55pm: Cutter hoisted, proceeded S56E, 50 revs

Number on sick list: 1

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28 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 61.18, Long -16.15

4.0am: (Left Patrol) Watch relived

0.25pm: Sighted steamer. Challenged & exchanged pendants with HMS “Orvieto”. Reduced 60 revs. Altered course S4W

1.5pm: Stopped. Delivered mails

1.15pm: Boat left with mails

1.18pm: Proceeded S39E, log 67.0

Number on sick list: 1

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29 November 1917

At Sea

Lat 58.98, Long -7.9

4.0am: Commenced zigzag. Watch relived

11.45am: PV’s out. Proceeded 80 revs, log 42

1.20pm: Sighted land bearing N50E

3.40pm: Altered course bearing S67E, log 95.5, zigzagging

4.0pm: Butt of Lewis bearing S7E

5.30pm: Ceased zigzagging

6.50pm: Tiumpan Lt abeam, log 39.1

9.44pm: Slow both

9.45pm: Passed boom defence, hauled in log

10.0pm: Stopped both

10.1pm: Let go Starboard anchor & veered 4 shackles in 9 fathoms. Finished with engines

10.20pm: Cutter left with mails

10.35pm: Waterboat alongside

10.15pm: Cutter returned

Anchor bearings: Pier Light N19E, Gualann Pt S83W; Ship’s head N65E

Number on sick list: 1

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30 November 1917

Northern Base [Busta Voe]

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

1.5am: Water boat cast off (took on board 70 tons fresh water)

Anchor bearings: Gualann More S80W, Pier red Light N20E, Tree on Ewe Island 26W; Ship’s head North

5.30am: Cutter left ship with Postman

7.0am: Hands fell in & told off coaling ship

9.30am: Collier SS “Cairnnevis” & “Rose Mary” on Port & Starboard sides respectively

9.40am: Hands coaling ship

10.45am: Water boat alongside

11.0am: Cutter, as “Duty-Boat”, to & from shore as requisite

0.3pm: Motor Launch 205 alongside

0.45pm: Motor Launch 205 left ship with Captain

1.0pm: Drifter alongside with shore-coaling-party

1.30pm: Cutter ashore with A. Tm. Burrell & Sub-Lieut Williams RNVR, on duty

1 RNR Rating on leave. Local man

4.0pm: Ceased coaling for tea. Coal received (206 tons)

4.30pm: Resumed coaling. Cutter returned with Captain

6.15pm: Cutter left ship

7.0pm: Ceased coaling for the day

9.0pm: 1st Lieut’s Rounds correct. Motor launch alongside with officer mail

9.15pm: Left

10.15pm: Let go port anchor, 1 shackle

Number on sick list: 0

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[ed note: H Cecil Bond signs as Navigating Officer]

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1 December 1917

Northen Base [Busta Voe]

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

6.0am: Cutter left ship with Postman

7.10am: Hands coal ship. Cutter returned

7.25am: Weighed Port anchor

8.20am: Let go Port anchor

10.5am: Motor Launch alongside for Captain

3.30pm: Ceased coaling for trimming purposes. Quantity taken on charge 624 tons

3.45pm: Cutter left ship with officers

5.45pm: Emergency Steam ordered

6.0pm: Colliers let go anchors

7.0pm: Coaling completed. Total quantity taken on charge 726 tons

Number on sick list: 0

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2 December 1917

Northern Base [Busta Voe]

Lat 60.38, Long -1.35

7.10am: Commenced cleaning ship

8.20am: Drifter alongside with Captain & Officers also 3 Ratings. 1 Stoker RNR, 1 AB RNVR, 1 OS RNVR

8.30am: Drifter left

8.50am: Collier “Cairnnevis” cast off

10.45am: Drifter returned with cutter. Hoisted boats

11.0am: Weighed Port anchor

12.0am: Preparing for Sea

0.35pm: Weighed anchor & proceeded. Courses & speeds as requisite

1.5pm: Passed through boom

1.10pm: Streamed log. Sgeir-an-Araig abeam 1 ½ cables

1.25pm: Reduced to 50 revs. Put out PV’s. Closed WT Doors

2.15pm: Rhudhe Pt abeam 1 mile, altered course N70W, log 8.6. Increased 80 revs

4.12pm: Glass Is Light abeam, log 33.0

4.50pm: Meist Point bearing S20W

6.50pm: Oigh Sgeir Lt bearing S40W

9.20pm: Barra Hd abeam 8 miles, log 4.2

10.27pm: Skerryvore Lt bearing S65W, log 17.1

10.35pm: Zigzagging

11.27pm: Altered course S21E, log 33. Skerryvore bearing East

Number on sick list: 1

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3 December 1917

At Sea & Harbour [Belfast]

Lat 54.75, Long -5.61

3.1am: Oversay Lt abeam, log 84.0, dist 5 miles

5.18am: Altercarry [ed .note: misspelt for Altacarry] Lt abeam 3 miles, altered course S16E zigzagging, log 13.6

5.55am: Tor Point abeam, log 24.0

6.20am: Cushendun C.G.S.* made the Demand

8.40am: Whitehead abeam

9.17am: Stop both engines. Took Pilot on board

9.22am: Slow ahead. Engines & helm as requisite

11.20am: Entered Dock

11.25am: Alongside Quay, 2nd ship off

11.50am: Sentries placed

3.15pm: Pilots and Tugs in attendance

3.20pm: Unmoored & proceeded down river. Courses & speeds as requisite

5.0pm: Stopped. Pilot left

5.5pm: Proceeded

5.20pm: Anchored in 7 fathoms, 3 shackles, Starboard anchor

Anchor bearings: Mew Is Lt S76E, Black Head N35E, Pile Lt Ho N88W; Ship’s head S70W

Number on sick list: 1

[ed. note: C.G.S. = Coastal Guard Station]

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