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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Armed Merchant Cruiser, mercantile conversion

Pendant Nos. M.56 (on coming into service), MI.94 (1.18), MI.51 (4.18). Built 1904, 10635grt, 17.5kts. Armament: 8-4.7in (later 6-6in). Crew (7.15): 41 officers & 200 crew (bi). In service 17.8.14-31.1.20. Of over 60 commissioned AMC's employed on patrol and later convoy protection, 33 served with 10th CS on Northern Patrol. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor Kay’s notes:

Positions (Latitude and Longitude) are given for noon each day, correcting or estimating the position when appropriate.
If exact times are not indicated in the log they have, when appropriate, been estimated from the position of the entries (which show times on the left hand side of the log page).
A note is made of numbers on the sick list where this is 5 or more.
This and other information from the log is included in square brackets [not in italics] if it is not to be found under “Remarks” on the right hand side of the page.
Additional information about geographical locations, terminology and about merchant and foreign naval ships encountered has been provided where identification is reasonably certain, by means of embedded links within the text.

There is more information about the ship here and here.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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Establishment of ship’s company

Officers 44

Seamen 114

Boys ‒

Marines 38

Engine-room establishment 75

Other non-executive ratings 44

Total 315


Mercurial or aneroid: Mercurial

Name of maker and number: Dobbie McInnes

Height of cistern above sea: 55ft

Error of mercurial barometer: .10 too low at 29.28

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship: Fore bridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker and number: AC Cossor 3942C

Date: From August 23


Top of wheel house on bridge


Date obtained: August 23rd 1914

Position: River Mersey



2 guns forecastle head

2 guns forward house

2 guns after house

2 guns poop

Number and nature of guns and mounting: 8 4.7” QF; P111 mountings




Number of each carried: 8

Length and description: A lifeboats (wood) 26.2 ft

Number of each carried: 4

Length and description: A lifeboats (steel) 26.0 ft


Draught of water with bunkers full, and complete with provisions, stores and water: 26 ft 11 in forward; 29 ft 5 in aft

Load draught: 26 ft 11 in forward; 29 ft 5 in aft

Number of tons of coal carried (43 cubic feet per ton): 4541

Number of tons of oil fuel carried: None

Quantity of water carried: For boilers 230; for drinking 700


JP map Victorian 1914

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21 August 1914


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

4.00am: Executive officers, POs and men joined ship from Chatham

5.00am: Hands employed taking aboard gunner’s and ship’s stores

7.30am: Commissioned ship. Hands employed taking on board stores

10.00am: Surgeon Lloyd joined ship

12.30pm: Hands to dinner

1.30pm: Hands employed getting stores on board

5.30pm: Midshipman Heap joined ship

5.30pm: Evening Quarters and exercised Fire Stations

6.30pm: Shifted into night clothing

8.30pm: Supper

9.30pm: Pipe down

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22 August 1914


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

6.30am: Hands fall in and employed getting stores on board and assisting armourer in mounting guns

7.30am: Hands to breakfast

8.30am: Hands fall in and detailed for work as above

10.30am: Working party ashore drawing ammunition

11.30am: Dinner

1.15pm: Hands employed ammunitioning ship

5.00pm: Shipped 10 casks of rum

6.45pm: 2375 Alex McLeod and 3984 John W Eves, ABs RNR, discharged to barracks at Chatham

9.30pm: Finished ammunitioning ship

10.00pm: Supper. Crew served with rum

10.30pm: Piped down

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23 August 1914


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

5.30am: Midshipmen Williams and Sherman RNR (prob) joined ship

6.30am: Hands fell in and employed stowing ammunition and stores

11.52am: Cast off from jetty and left dock. (Mr C Trantor, Pilot)

0.05pm: Left dock

1.15pm: Crosby buoy

1.52pm: Bar Light Vessel

2.15pm: Commenced testing guns

3.05pm: Gun testing completed

3.30pm: Tender alongside and landed gunnery party

4.35pm: Tug “Otter” left with shore party

4.40pm: Slow ahead. Courses various to Captains orders

5.12pm: Stop

5.16pm: Tug "Panther" alongside with officers

5.17pm: Full astern

5.19pm: Tug left. Stop

5.30pm: Slow astern and let go starboard anchor and veered to 50 fathoms cable.

5.33pm: Stop

5.36pm: Brought up and rung off engines

7.36pm: Pipe to supper

9.30pm: Tug arrived from shore with officer. Took him aboard

9.50pm: Weighed and proceeded course N48W. Streamed log

10.25pm: NW Ship at 5’ log reset

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24 August 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

[Note: Passage via north of Ireland]

Lat 55.5, Long -7.2

2.25am: Chicken Lt H abeam bearing S42W. Altered course to N6W log 53’

4.35am: South Rock abeam 4.5'.

5.50am: Mew Island abeam 4.5’.

10.25am: Inishtrahull Island bearing S83W. Passed HMS “Juno”

[Note: Juno was assigned to the 11th Cruiser Squadron operating from Ireland.]

11.30am: Clock back 26 minutes

Noon: 6 deck hands employed in checking coal consumption till further notice

9.30pm: Mustered sea boats crew

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25 August 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 51.5, Long -12.1

0.55am: Black Rock Light dipped bearing N44E Log 350’

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters and Fire Stations

1.00pm: Watch closing water tight door and carrying sand. Hands employed as requisite

3.30pm: Magazines all correct

5.00pm: Pipe General Quarters; gun circuits and controls tested. Magazine inspected

6.00pm: Dismissed General Quarters and covered guns

7.15pm: Watch to night defence stations

8.00pm: Watch mustered; guns’ crews to guns and sea boats crew to standby

Midnight: Watch mustered; guns’ crews to guns and sea boats crew to standby

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26 August 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 47.22, Long -12.75

[Position: 300miles west of Brittany]

3.30am: Clock back 5 minutes

6.00am: Streamed new Port log on Port Quarter

6.30am: Spoke French barquentine to port

7.25am: Sighted and Spoke German barque “Excelsior” of Bremen. Reduced speed. Helm and engines to Captains orders. Piped crew to General Quarters. Barque “Excelsior” ordered to proceed in company.

10.30am: Guns crews dispersed

11.30am: Proceeding in company with German barque “Excelsior”. Hands checking coal consumption taken off

3.05pm: Revolver number 48 was reported missing from the rack. All revolvers were called in and search made without result

Midnight: Proceeding in company with German barque “Excelsior”

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27 August 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 47.63, Long -9.98

[Position: 180 miles West of Brest]

3.00am: In company with German Barque "Excelsior"

7.15am: Sighted HMS “Isis” and stopped engines

8.50am: Away sea boat’s crew. Lowered starboard sea boat

9.05am: Sea boat reached HMS “Isis”

9.36am: Sea boat returned. Barque “Excelsior” taken in tow by HMS “Isis”

10:15am: Full away on course S39W

5.00pm: Hands exercised at General Quarters

10.00pm: Rounds made. Magazines reported correct

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28 August 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 42.8, Long -12.4

[Position: 100 miles West of Galicia]

6.30am: Sighted Topal Schooner “Deltef Wagner” of Dublin

7.35am: Signalled 3 masted ship “Amiral Cecile” of Nantes

9.30am: Classes to Small Arms and Signal instruction

2.25pm: Sounded off General Quarters

2.40pm: Signalled SS "Degama" of Liverpool

4.45pm: Signalled SS "Don Emilio" from Rosario to Tralee

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29 August 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 38.4, Long -14.8

[Position: 200 miles West of Lisbon].

4.30pm: Classes to Morris Tube instruction

[Note: According to the National Rifle Association a Morris Tube was inserted into the barrel of a rifle enabling it to fire a smaller caliber round. This would allow target firing in a drill hall without the need to construct a full rifle range.]

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30 August 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 33.5, Long -15.6

[Position: 75 miles NW of Madeira]

8.00am: Divisions and Prayers

4.45pm: Exercised guns crews at General Quarters

8.05pm: Watch mustered. Night defence stations

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31 August 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 30.5, Long -14.2

[Position: 150 miles North of Canary Islands]

1.20am: Starboard log fouled. Reset at 28.1 miles

8.00am: Guns crews at guns. Hands preparing for target practice

9.08am: Stop engines

9.10am: Full astern

9.14am: Stop. Away sea boat crew to repair damaged target

10.25am: Sea boat crew returned with target. Helm and engines various to Captains orders.

11.15am: Launched target

11.37am: Full ahead and swing ship for range taking

1.00pm: General Quarters. Target Practice

2.10pm: Finished firing

2.45pm: Hoisted target inboard. Hoisted sea boat aboard and proceeded

8.30pm: Passed SS “Malanga” St Vincent to Lisbon

10.00pm: Passed sailing ship to port @ opposite course


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1 September 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 28.5, Long -16.8

[Position: 20 miles North of Tenerife]

5.30am: Observed Pt Nuevo (Palm Island) bearing S65W

7.10am: Altered course to S81W log 210’

7.20am: Altered course to S86W

7.45am: Altered course to N89W

11.30am: Altered course to S53E

0.55pm: Passing Orotava [Tenerife]

2.00pm: Courses various to Commander’s orders approaching Santa Cruz (Tenerife)

4.15pm: Stop

4.30pm: Full ahead

4.50pm: General Quarters

5.15pm: Disperse

9.35pm: Stopped engines Las Palmas light bearing S75E

[Note: Las Palmas Light is on Gran Canaria]

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2 September 1914

Liverpool to Las Palmas

Lat 28.3, Long -15.2

[Position: 20 miles NW of Gran Canaria]

2.00am: Full ahead and proceeded at 10knots for Las Palmas. Set course S60E

3.20am: Altered course to N79E

4.35am: Altered course to N63E

5.10am: Altered course to N41E

5.45am: Sighted HMS Highflyer (2nd Class Cruiser)

6.10am: Signalled HMS Highflyer

7.00am: Headed for Las Palmas

8.10am: Stopped engines off Las Palmas

9.15am: British Consul boarded

10.10am: Consul disembarked

10:12am: Proceeded full speed. Course as required

10.25am: Set course N67E

0.50pm: Commenced to work up to full speed for closing on merchant vessel

1.20pm: Reduced to 160 Revolutions

10.00pm: Proceeded (steam on 4 boilers) Set course S52W

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3 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 27.4, Long -15.6

[Position: 20 miles South of Gran Canaria]

3.07am: Sighted Jandia Point Light: S35E

7.30am: Sighted HMS Highflyer

7.35am: Sighted HMS Canopus (HMS Canopus is a pre-Dreadnaught battleship in the 8th Battle Squadron)

8.00am: In company with HM Ships Canopus and Highflyer

10.30am: Met HMS Carnarvon. Sopped engines

10.32am: Sea boat left for HMS Carnarvon with Captain

0.10pm: Sea boat returned from HMS Carnarvon with Captain

0.15pm: Sea boat left for HMS Canopus

1.00pm: HMS Canopus disposed of the following ratings to HMS Victorian; 2 CPOs, 1 PO, 7 Chief Stokers, 7 seamen and 7 stokers

1.50pm: Proceeded full speed. Set course N66W

5.30pm: Steaming lights exhibited at sunset and lookouts posted

11.30pm: No lights showing over the side

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4 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 27.9, Long -17.7

[Position: 20 miles SW Gomera]

9.35am: Turned ship and set course N88E

2.40pm: Rounding Gomera Is

4.45pm: Sighted St Christobel abeam 1.5miles.

4.50pm: Hands exercised at Abandon Ship

9.45pm: Passed and spoke to SS "Wavelet" to Port. Bound from Las Palmas to Key West

10.00pm: Stopped engines

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5 September 1914

Santa Cruz

Lat 28.4, Long -16.2

[Note: No position in log. Position: set for off Santa Cruz, Tenerife]

2.30am: Slow ahead. Set course N70E

4.35am: Roxa Point abeam 2 miles. Altered course to N59E

6.10am: Abona [Tenerife] Point abeam 2 miles. Altered course to N44E

7.45am: Courses various approaching Santa Cruz

8.47am: Anchored. 42 fathoms water 120 fathoms cable and carried away starboard compressor block

9.00am: HBM Consul came aboard

9.10am: Away sea boat with boarding officers. Inspected all ships and boarded all British ships

11.30am: Sea boat returned

0.20pm: SS “Oscar Frederick” left on a SW course afterwards altering westerly (Swedish)

0.50pm: SS Italian (Bucknall SS Co) left

1.30pm: Anchor aweigh. Dead slow. Helm and engines various to commander’s orders

1.45pm: Full away. Set course S39W

5.23pm: Watch to night defence stations

5.46pm: Armed boats crew

6.14pm: Fired blank cartridge

6.16pm: Fired second blank

6.31pm: Away sea boat crew to board SS “Oscar Frederick”

6.37pm: Sea boat alongside SS “Oscar Frederick”

7.08pm: Sea boat left for HMS “Victorian” after examining SS “Oscar Frederick” and finding all correct

7.15pm: Sea boat along side HMS “Victorian”. Hoisted aboard and secured.

7.30pm: Set course N52E

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6 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 29.1, Long -16.4

[Position: 50 miles North of Tenerife]

4.30am: Sighted two steamers

7.30am: Courses various to approach steamer

8.31am: Altered course to N22W. Signalled SS “Sea Gull” of London

9.30am: Divisions and Prayers

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7 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 30.1, Long -15.8

[Position: 4 miles SE of Savage Islands]

5.30am: Observed Salvage Islands N60E and a steamer on starboard bow

[Note: Probably Savage Islands (Madeira)]

6.15am: Arm crew and man port sea boat

6.32am: Away sea boat to board and examine Spanish SS “Tacoronte” of Tenerife

6.36am: Sea boat alongside SS “Tacoronte”

6.50am: Sea boat left for “Victorian” having found all correct. Signal made “You may proceed”

6.58am: Sea boat returned

7.20am: All secured and proceeded at slow. Set course N53E

9.45am: General Quarters. One round common shell fired from each gun on Island

10.00am: Proceeded and set course N69E

11.30am: Steering various courses around Salvage Island

0.35pm: Set course S80W

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8 September 1914

Lat 28.5, Long -16.1

Canary Islands

[Position: 10 miles off Santa Cruz Tenerife]

9.10am: Arrived at Santa Cruz

9.15am: Consul boarded

10.20am: French Consul boarded

10.30am: French Consul left

10.45am: HBM Consul left. Full away and proceeded. Set course S60E

0.50pm: Sea boat left with armed party to board SS "Horace" (Brit)

1.27pm: Sea boat returned finding all correct aboard SS “Horace”

1.30pm: Proceeded to SS "Mercator" (Russian)

1.50pm: Away sea boat and boarded SS “Mercator”

2.20pm: Sea boat returned. All correct

5.30pm: Slow ahead. Steering N4E

10.20pm: Observed SS on Starboard bow

10.45pm: Stop and signal SS “Atalante” (Spanish)

11.15pm: Proceeded SS “Atalante”. All correct

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9 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.7, Long -16.2

[Position: 10 miles North Tenerife]

9.15am: Marines to small arms drill. Mid-shipmen to instruction in signals and classes at general drill

3.30pm: Proceeded at 100revs. Set on N67E

7.30am: Altered course to S22E Anaga Light bearing S37W

9.40pm: Anaga Light bearing W

11.26pm: Steamer sighted on the starboard bow

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10 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.8, Long -15.9

[Position: 25 miles NE Tenerife]

0.30am: Spoke SS "Benedicte" of Bergen

0.45am: All correct

1.15am: Observed steamship to starboard

1.20am: Spoke SS “Onitsha” (Elder Dempster) Santa Cruz to Las Palmas. All correct

1.40am: Spoke SS “Llamosa” of Las Palmas. All correct. Set course S42W

4.15am: Sighted HMS "Empress of Britain". Hands to General Quarters

4.50am: Disperse sounded

11.30am: Stopped. Tested hand steering

4.15pm: Observed SS to Port

4.45pm: Evening quarters. Read Warrant No. 1

4.43pm: Away sea boat

4.50pm: Sea boat alongside SS “Brittany” of Liverpool

5.04pm: Sea boat left SS “Brittany”. All correct

5.28pm: Set course N45E

6.30pm: Lights trimmed and kept handy

11.00pm: Sighted steamship on port beam

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11 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.7, Long -16.1

[Position: 10 miles NNE Tenerife]

5.20am: Proceeded at 100 revs. N25W

8.20am: Proceeded at 100 revs. N80W

2.10pm: Sighted Steamship on Port bow. Increase to 200 revs. Courses various as required

4.00pm: Courses various pursuing unknown steamship

4.45pm: General Quarters

4.50pm: Fired blank charge from No.1 Port gun

4.53pm: Fired second blank charge from No.1 Port gun

4.59pm: Fired full charge from No.2 Port gun across steamships bows

5.03pm: Fired second full charge from No.2 Port gun

5.34pm: Fired third full charge from No.1 Port gun

6.10pm: Armed party and sea boat piped away

6.15pm; Stop engines

6.25pm: Sea boat party along side SS Dakar (Elder Dempster)

Note: Elder Dempster was a UK shipping line based at Liverpool

6.50pm: All correct Sea boat returning. Signal made “You may proceed”

7.05pm: Set course N41W 160 revolutions

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12 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.6, Long -16.1

[Position: Just off the North coast of Tenerife]

0.48am: Altered course to N80W. Anaga Pr (Light) bearing S60W8’

[Note: Anaga Light is on North East tip of Tenerife]

4.00am: Watch at night defence stations

0.10am: Sighted Steamship on Port. No answer to signals

1.15pm: Hands to make and mend clothes

8.40pm: Observed green light on Starboard bow. Observed small sailing craft

9.27pm: Stop engines. Ranges taken to Anaga Point light 6700yards

10.00pm: Set course S80E and proceeded.

[Note: Log signed (by Captain) ‘Boyle T Somerville’. The future Vice Admiral Somerville,

Henry Boyle Townshend Somerville CMG (1892-1936)]

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13 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 27.9, Long -16.6

[Position: 10 miles South of Tenerife]

0.10am: S30W [Course]. Anaga light bore S75W

6.30am: Peak of Tenerife (Mount Tide) bearing N32W

2.35pm: Swung ship and set course N72W

6.16pm: Roxa Pt abeam dist 4 miles.

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14 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 27.9, Long -16.6

[Position: 10 miles South of Tenerife]

2.35am: Swung ship off Rasca Pr and set course S72E

7.05am: Tenerife Peak (Mount Tide) bore N21W

9.25am: Hands exercised at General Quarters

9.30am: Seamen classes to small arms drill. Fire drill

5.35pm: Abona Lighthouse abeam

8.25pm: Sighted steamship. Hard a starboard. Increased revs. Extra boilers got ready

9.38pm: Took off extra boilers. Signalled British SS “Exmouth”

10.00pm: Out steaming lights

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15 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.2, Long -16.2

[Position: 10 miles East of Tenerife]

0.15am: Sighted steamship on starboard bow

0.20am: Full speed in pursuit of steamship

1.10am: SS Viera Y Clavigo told to proceed

1.15am: Set course E

3.45am: Stopped engines off Santa Cruz. Watch at night defence stations

7.30am: Set course S40W. Met Spanish SS “Aquila Deora”[?] bound for Santa Cruz. Altered course to S68W

5.47pm: Increased speed to 200 revs for pursuing steamship.

6.13pm: Set course E SS “Bologna” to Pt Colon (Italian) signalled

9.40pm: Started engines at 200 revolutions in pursuit of steamship. Steering about N

11.15pm: Reduced speed to 100 revolutions and headed back for Santa Cruz. Course S20W

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16 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.1, Long -16.3

[Position: 10 miles East of Tenerife]

0.14am: Sighted steamship

0,35am: Stopped engines, Signalled Spanish SS “Fuerto Ventura”. Engines stopped

4.55am: Sighted steamship on Port Quarter

5.00am: Passed SS “Aquila Deora”

5.15am: Set course S46W

9.24am: Stopped engines. Dropped target

9.30am: Engines as requisite. Commenced Target Practice

10.25am: Finished firing. Target hoisted in board. Proceeded at 100 revolutions. Course E

1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes

6.30pm: Closed all deadlights and scuttles. Watch to defence stations

7.00pm: Stopped engines.

10.00pm: Watch at night defence stations

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17 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.4, Long -16.1

[Position: 10 miles East of Santa Cruz Tenerife]

0.05am: Duty watch mustered. Night defence stations.

3.00am: Rounds, magazines and guns all correct

5.30am: Proceeded at 100 revolutions. Set course N33E

7:45am: Stopped Engines

9:58am: Proceeded 200 revs. Co N47E

10.35am: Reduced to 100 revolutions. Co East. Midshipmen to instruction. Hands employed as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite

3.20pm: Sighted schooner: Port Bow. Stopped engines

4.45pm: General Quarters fire stations

5.00pm: Dispersed

5.30pm: Engines stopped

6.30pm: Hands to night defence stations

8.25pm: Sighted light on Port beam.

8.36pm: Started engines at 250 revolutions. Guns crews closed up.

8.43pm: Half speed.

9.03pm: Stop engines

9.20pm: Signalled SS "Highland Laddie"

10.00pm: Set course N35E Reduced speed to 100 revs.

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18 September 1914

At Santa Cruz

Lat 28.46, Long -16.24

1.20am: Observed steamship on starboard bow

1.35am: Proceeded at 100 revs N35E

4.51am: Proceeded at 160 revs towards Santa Cruz anchorage

5.40am: Hands fell in

5.55am: Stopped engines

6.00am: Full astern

6.05am: Stopped engines

6.06am: Let go anchor in 42 fathoms of water. Paid out 135 fathoms of cable

7.15am: Coal lighters and water barges alongside. Commenced coaling and watering

9.15am: Boarded British SS “Gaucho”

4.15pm: Sea boat left for shore

4.30pm: Finished coaling aft. Hands employed coaling and taking in stores

7.00pm: Finished Coaling. Total received 1450 tons

11.30pm: Taking in fresh water forward

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19 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 27.7, Long -16.0 (Dear Reckoning)

[Position: 15 miles SW of Gran Canaria]

1.50am: Finished taking in fresh water and proceeded to heave in cable

2.28am: Anchor aweigh.

3.00am: Set course S26W

3.02am: Anchor clear of water

3.03am: Full ahead 160 revolutions

3.05am: Anchor right up

3.09am: Reduced speed to 100 revolutions

5.00am: Received 1500 tons of fresh water

8.15am: Hands employed in cleaning ship.

Midshipmen to instruction by Sub-Lieut Eastly RNR

[Log signed by Boyle T Somerton]

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20 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.6, Long -14.3

[Position: 10 miles W of Fuerteventura]

0.30am: Signalled SS “Ulysses”

1.00pm: Fuerteventura in sight on the Starboard bow

4.32pm: Toston Reefs abeam

5.00pm: Course various through Bocayna Strait

(Bocayna Strait is between Lanzarote and Fuerteventura)

9.30pm: Scuttle closing party to boil up water on D deck

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21 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 29.5, Long -13.5

[Position: 20 miles N of Lanzarote]

1.30am: Proceeded at 100 revolutions Course N57E

5.50am: Altered course to N10W towards Port Naos (Lanzarote Island)

6.45am: Altered course to East

8.00am: Altered course to N30E at 8 o’clock

10.30am: Altered course to North

11.40am: Altered course to N63W

0.30pm: Altered course to N61W

2.30pm: Altered course to S33E

4.40pm: Hauled in Patent log 39.0’ Deep sea sounding machine working

0.20am: Let go anchor in 14 fathoms, veered to 60 fathoms. On S side of Lanzarote Island

0.45am: Finished with engines

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22 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.7, Long -13.7

[Position: 212 miles E of Corralejo, Fuerteventura]

1.00am: At single anchor off Lanzarote Island

6.45am: Boats no 1, 2,11 and 12 left ship for sand

10.40am: All boats returned to ship and hoisted

11.07am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite

11.45am: Sighted large SS bearing S. Proceeded in chase at all available speed

0.21pm: Fired one round of blank

0.31pm: Fired second round of blank

0.49pm: “Duca Degli Abruzzia” of Genoa

0.59pm: Armed boat alongside and boarded

2.40pm: Armed boat returned

2.45pm: Proceeded set course S48W

4.00pm: Altered course to Captain. Orders. Approaching Calabras

7.00pm: All ports and scuttles closed

10.23pm: Jandice Light abeam 7.5 miles

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23 September 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.3, Long -15.6

[Position: 15 miles N of Gran Canaria]

3.30am: Islita abeam 9.5’ reduced speed to D Slow

4.00am: Rounds and magazines correct

5.45am: Hands employed as requisite

7.30am: Captain’s orders approaching Las Palmas

8.27am: Stopped

8.30am: Lowered away sea boat

8.40am: Anchored Starboard. 30 fathoms cable. 17 fathoms water

9.55am: Hoisted sea boat. Consul left

10.15am: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded speed and course as per Captain

11.00am: Set course N50W revs 200

Noon: Away armed sea boat. Board Ketch Express of Las Palmas

0.55pm: Sea boat returned to ship. Hoisted

1.05pm: Proceeded at 100 revs. Set course N57W

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24 September 1914

Las Palmas, Canary Islands, to Agadir

Lat 27.6, Long -15.4

[Position: 15 miles S of Gran Canaria]

10.35am: Observed HMS Highflyer on Starboard bow

11.15am: Speed and course as per Captain

11.30am: Stopped

11.40am: Captain Buller of HMS Highflyer boarded

0.30pm: Captain Buller of HMS Highflyer left ship. Proceeded at 120 revs

0.35pm: Set course S87E; streamed log

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25 September 1914

Las Palmas, Canary Islands, to Agadir

Lat 29.1, Long -12.1

[Position: 120 miles SW of Agadir]

9.25am: Exercise General Quarters

1.30pm: Midshipmen to First Aid class. Watch employed as required

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26 September 1914

From Gran Canaria coasting along African Coast, Massa (Africa)

Lat 30.1, Long -9.7

[Position: 2 miles off African Coast at Sidi R’bat]

5.25am: Cast the lead 58 fathoms

7.00am: Altered course to Captain’s orders closing on French Cruiser “Cassard”

8.05am: Took station astern of French Cruiser – and proceeded to mouth of Wadi Mesa

9.15am: Stopped, anchored 45 fathoms of cable 10 fathoms of water. Lowered starboard sea boat.

9.25am: Captain left ship to call on French Cruiser,

10.10am: Captain returned to ship, hoisted sea boat

1.35pm: Hove in cable

1.53pm: Secured anchor. Proceeded 10 knots station astern of French Cruiser “Cassard”

4.10pm: Captain of French Cruiser "Cassard" came on board

4.50pm: Captain of French Cruiser left ship

6.45pm: Hove in and shifted berth

7.05pm: Anchored to port in 10fthoms of water with 60 fathoms of cable

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27 September 1914

Wadi Mesa

Lat 29.3, Long -10.4

[Position: 10 miles off African Coast at Sidi Ifni]

7.05am: Anchor aweigh engines as required

7.10am: Proceeded with French Cruiser “Cassard” in line ahead at 800 yds

3.00pm: Sighted Moroccan SS “Marrahaichi”

3.20pm: Stopped. “Cassard” firing inland

5.45pm: Anchored starboard anchor 45 fathoms cable 10 fathoms water off the Wadi Nun

8.05pm: Moroccan steamer parted company

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28 September 1914

Coasting along African coast

Lat 28.3, Long -11.8

[Position: 10 miles off African Coast]

7.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded astern of cruiser “Cassard” 4 cables length 170 revs

6.30pm: Anchored port anchor 12 fathoms water 60 fathoms cable

7.02pm: Captain left ship in port sea boat for “Cassard”

7.20pm: Captain returned hoisted sea boat

7.35pm: Weighed anchor proceeded full speed parting company with “Cassard” set course N75W streamed log

11.00pm: Darkened ship. All boilers in use

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29 September 1914

Cape Juby (African Coast) [Tarfaya, Morocco] to Canary Islands

Lat 28.5, Long -16.2

[Position: Off shore NE Santa Cruz Tenerife]

4.43am: Islita light abeam 3.75 miles

6.30am: Course N60W

7.15am: Retarded clock 15 minutes

8.00am: Retarded clock 15 minutes

8.30am: Retarded clock 15 minutes

8.45am: Various courses approaching Tenerife

9.25am: Stopped off Tenerife

9.35am: HBM Consul boarded

11.45am: Consul left ship

0.25pm: Shore party returned. Set course E proceeded at 100 revolutions

2.10pm: Stopped. Retarded clock 15 minutes

4.35pm: Full ahead after steamer heading for Santa Cruz

5.00pm: Stopped

5.04pm: Armed sea boat away with boarding officer. Clock retarded 15 minutes

5.12pm: Sea boat returned and reported SS Bullous OK. Hoisted sea boat and secured it

8.10pm: Stopped off Santa Cruz

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30 September 1914

Off Santa Cruz harbour

Lat 28.5, Long -16.1

5.31pm: Proceeded at 100 revolutions. Set course N28W

7.00pm: Stopped engines

8.55pm: Bright meteor seen


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1 October 1914

Canary Islands (Santa Cruz)

Lat 28.5, Long -16.1

[Position: 10 miles off shore NE Santa Cruz Tenerife]

2.50am: Proceeded at 250 revs in pursuit of unknown steamship. Watch to night defence stations.

4.30am: Stop. Helm and engines as required

5.00am: Ahead at 100 revs. Set course N80E

6.50am: Stopped engines

4.05pm: Proceeded at 200 revolutions in pursuit of steamship

6.12pm: Reduced to 160 revs. Spoke SS “Hesione (Houston Bros) bound to Liverpool. Helm and engines as required

8.35pm: Stopped engines.

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2 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.3, Long -16.2

[Position: 7 miles off shore Tenerife]

0.40am: Sighted a steamship. Proceeded to give chase at 250 revolutions

1.10am: Signalled SS “Avocat” of Liverpool

5.30am: Altered course to N66E. Observed HMS “Highflyer” ahead

8.50am: Stopped abreast of HMS “Highflyer”

8.52am: Sea boat left for HMS “Highflyer” with Captain.

9.30am: Sea boat returned and hoisted

10.10am: Proceeded at 170 revs. Set course S52W

11.19am: Sighted Spanish SS Leon XIII of Barcelona

0.13pm: Stopped engines & armed boats crew away

0.33pm: Armed boats crew returned.

1.15pm: Proceeded at 100 revs Course S30W

3.15pm: Stopped

5.35pm: Proceeded 100 revolutions closing Abona Point

6.30pm: Stop. Hands employed shifting coal

11.00pm: Sighted Sailing Ship. Proceeded to give chase at 200 revs

Midnight: Reduced to 100 revs. Finished coaling

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3 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.1, Long -16.3

[Position: 17 miles East of Tenerife]

5.30am: Proceeded at 100 revs. Set course N54E

6.45am: Sighted HMS “Highflyer”

7.30am: Stopped engines

8.15am: Received 4 German prisoners from HMS “Highflyer”

9.07am: Proceeded at 100 revs course S40W

11.20am: Stopped engines

11.30am: Captain went the rounds

4.25pm: Sighted HMS"Marmora"

5.55pm: Captain of HMS"Marmora" boarded

6.40pm: Captain of HMS"Marmora" left

11.00pm: Prisoners, rounds, guns and magazines correct

(Log signed by Boyle T Somerton)

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4 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.1, Long -15.9

[Position: 12 miles West of Gran Canaria]

1.00am: Night defence stations. Prisoners quarters visited

9.00am: Lighted barque bearing E

11.00am: Signalled barque “Rena of Genoa” bound for Melbourne

1.02pm: Stopped

1.10pm: Sighted steamer

1.52pm: Proceeded in pursuit at 250 revs

3.32om: Fired blank charge

3.40pm: Stopped

3.42pm: Armed sea boat away and boarded SS “Leon y Castillo”

4.12pm: Boat hoisted proceeded 170 revs working up to 250

4.20pm: Hailed whaling schooner “Camea” of New Bedford from W. Indies to Las Palmas

4.50pm: Altered course to N58W

6.02pm: Stopped, fired blank charge

6.10pm: Boat lowered and boarded “Estrille” Spanish schooner

6.45pm: Boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded towards Santa Cruz approaching HMS “Highflyer”

8.30pm: Boat from “Highflyer” alongside with German prisoner

8.45pm: Boat returned to “Highflyer. Proceeded at 100 revs course as requisite

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5 October 1914

Canary islands

Lat 28.1, Long -16.4

[Position: 5 miles West of Tenerife]

0.53am: Abona Pt astern 2.5’. Stopped ship

1.45am: Sighted steamer on Starboard bow

1.47am: Proceeded at 200 revs in pursuit of steamer

3.00am: Stopped off Abona Pt. Magazines, rounds and prisoners correct

8.50am: Proceeded at 100revs set course S72E

9.30am: Stopped

11.30am: Proceeded at 100 revs set course N48E

6.15pm: Altered course to N48W. Hands fall in and detailed for coaling ship stations

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6 October 1914


Lat 28.0, Long -16.4

[Position: 20 miles SE of Tenerife]

5.00am: Sighted steamer on starboard beam. Proceeded at 100 revs Course N10E

6.00am: Stopped engines

8.00am: Hands employed shifting coal in No. 4 Hatch

4.19pm: Proceeded at 100 revs Set course N49E. Hands employed shifting coal

7.25pm: Stopped. Abona Pt bearing N67W distance 8.5 miles

8.00pm: Coaling finished in No. 4 Hatch

8.55pm: Ahead 100 revs to the required bearing

9.35pm: Stopped engines

11.30pm: Ahead 100 revs for keeping position

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7 October 1914


Lat 28.5, Long -16.2

[Position: Off Santa Cruz Tenerife]

0.48am: Stopped engines. Prisoners, rounds, magazines etc correct

5.00am: Sighted sailing ship bearing SSE. Proceeded towards her at 200 revs

6.40am: Armed boat left ship, boarded SS “Clan Davidson”

7.30am: Armed boat returned and hoisted

7.35am: Proceeded 160 revs Set course N18E

10.20am: Stopped engines off Santa Cruz

10.22am: Sea boat away

10.25am: Full speed ahead

10.45am: Stopped engines. Captain of “Highflyer” came aboard

11.55am: Captain of “Highflyer” left ship

1.10pm: Slow ahead Sea boat away

2.20pm: Boat returned to ship

2.25pm: Hoisted up boat, proceeded 100 revs set course S36W

4.40pm: Sighted SS “Clan MacGillivray” on starboard bow. Altered course as required.

4.55pm: Stop. Sea boat away

5.15pm: “All correct”, sea boat left the “Clan MacGillivray”

5.26pm: Boat hoisted and proceeded

6.08pm: Stopped engines off Abona Pt

Midnight: Proceeded at 100 revs to keep position off Abona Pt

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8 October 1914


Lat 28.1, Long -16.4

[Position: 5 miles off East coast of Tenerife]

0.30am: Prisoners visited

1.45am: Stopped engines. Laying-to off Abona Pt

7.10am: Proceeded towards SS “Pacific”

7.15am: Sea boat left for SS “Pacific”

8.00am: Sea boat returned and reported SS “Pacific”, all correct

11.35am: Proceeded at 100revs to keep at station off Abona Pt

0.30pm: Proceeded in pursuit of unknown steamer

1.15pm: Watch fall in and employed in refitting sea boats fall. Painting as required

2.10pm: Signalled SS “Berwick Castle”

5.45pm: Ahead at 100 revs to open shore

6.25pm: Stopped engines

9.15pm: Signalled Portuguese SS “Zaire”

11.00pm: Proceeded at 100 revs. Set course N76E

11.45pm Stopped engines. Rounds, magazines and prisoners etc correct

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9 October 1914


Lat 28.5, Long -16.1

[Position: 5 miles off East coast of Tenerife]

3.14am: Proceeded at 100 revs to required position off Abona Pt

6.30am: Full ahead at 170 revs. Set course N39E for Santa Cruz

9.00am: Stopped engines off Santa Cruz

9.15am: Divisions. Lieut Alexander & Lieut Harris joined ship from the "Highflyer" for passage to Gibraltar

11.42am: Full speed ahead

11.50am: Set course East

0.29pm: Anaga Pt abeam 4.75 miles off. Log set

1.30pm: The 8-12 watch of firemen exercised fire stations

1.45pm: Passed and signalled SS “Councilllor” of Liverpool

4.45pm: Hands to General Quarters and exercised Fire Stations

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10 October 1914

Santa Cruz to Gibraltar

Lat 31.4, Long -12.2

[Position: 100 miles off Morocco coast]

2.45am: Clock advanced 15 minutes

6.30am: Officers Physical Training Class and instruction

11.45pm: Covered guns for passing showers

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11 October 1914

Santa Cruz to Gibraltar

Lat 34.5, Long -7.8

[Position: 60 miles North of Casablanca North Africa]

1.00am: Clock advanced 15 minutes

4.00am: Clock advanced 15 minutes

9.10pm: Sighted Cape Spartel N65E (Entry to Strait of Gibraltar)

9.40pm: Reduced speed to 100 revs. Altered course to N56E

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12 October 1914

Santa Cruz to Gibraltar

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Off Gibraltar]

2.41am: Cape Spartel abeam 4 miles. Altered course N83E. Increased to 140 revs

2.45am: Sighted Cape Tarifa Light [Most Southerly point of Spain]

6.40am: Stopped engines

7.00am: Admiralty tug alongside

7.12am: Slow ahead entering Gibraltar

7.32am: Stopped engines and moored ship

10.45am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Commenced working ammunition

Noon: First Watch engaged in clearing ammunition lighter

1.30pm: Working party went ashore in Duty boats

1.34pm: No 1 Duty boat returned

1.40pm: No 2 Duty boat alongside also lighter with engine room stores. Second Watch engaged in clearing lighter

2.15pm: First Watch to clear lighter

3.30pm: Prisoners left ship in HMS "Cormorant's" launch

3.35pm: No1 and No 2 Duty boats left ship

3.42pm: Arrived at the Wharf. Tugs “Bustler” “Rambler” and “Energetic” in attendance

6.00pm: All fast alongside

7.00pm: Store lighter commenced ti discharge

9.45pm: Liberty men returned to ship

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13 October 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

5.30am: Loading stores at No 2 and No 4 hatches

8.00am: Coal lighter alongside. Hands prepare for coaling ship

9.45am: Lieut Alexander left ship

10.00am: Discharged 2 marines and 1 domestic to hospital

10.30am: Commenced coaling

1.45pm: Continued coaling. Amount of coal taken on board between 1.45pm and 3pm is 60.3 tons

3.10am: Tug “Bustler” took stores lighter away. Amount of coal taken on board between 3 and 4pm is 58.1 tons

5.15pm: Amount of coal taken on board between 4 and 5.15pm is 102 tons

5.30pm: Ceased coaling. Amount taken 298 tons. Hands to clean

6.00pm: Liberty men fall in

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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14 October 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

5.00am: Heavy rain

8.00am: Rain continued through watch

Noon: Total amount of coal until noon is 50 tons. Hands finished coaling

1.15pm: Shore gang started coaling

5.00pm: Landed liberty men

7.00pm: Stevedores to supper

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

11.30pm: Knocked off coaling. Total amount of coal taken is 770 tons. 372 tons from lighter, 355 tons from Wharf. 48 tons by ship

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15 October 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

7.00am: Started coaling

Noon: Total amount of coal until noon is 202 tons

7.00pm: Total amount of coal shipped today 524 tons

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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16 October 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

5.45am: Hands fall in

6.00am: Collier came alongside and made fast. Collier SS “Gardenia”

Noon: Total amount of coal taken in until noon is 202 tons

0.30pm: Stevedores to Dinner

4.00pm: Warrant read to Stokers [No reason stated – slow on the shovels?]

10.00om: Ceased coaling. Liberty men returned on board

11.00pm: Total amount of coal taken 1000 tons

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17 October 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

8.00am: Started coaling

Noon: Coal taken in until noon 195 tons

0.40pm: Commenced watering ship

1.45pm: Finished coaling from SS “Gardenia”

2.30pm: The collier “Gardenia” left

3.10pm: The collier “Caradoc” came alongside

3.40pm: Commenced coaling from shore

3.45pm: Commenced coaling from SS “Caradoc”

4.30pm: Liberty men landed

11.00pm: Liberty men returned on board

Midnight: Coal taken in today 734 tons

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18 October 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

0.30am: Finished coaling from quay

7.00pm: Completed coaling. Total amount of coal taken in 3568 tons

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19 October 1914

Gibraltar to Canary Islands

Lat 35.8, Long -6.1

[Position: Heading West out of Strait of Gibraltar]

6.50am: Tugs alongside

7.00am: Pilot on board

7.08am: Proceeded to cast off and clear mole

7.15am: Left South Mole and proceeded out of harbour

7.25am: Signalled TB 96 for mails

7.30am: Cleared harbour entrance

7.33am: Let go tugs

7.41am: Stopped. Mails received. Discharged Pilot

7.45am: Full ahead

7.50am: “Gancio” and “Europa” Points abeam

8.25am: Set course S56W

9.00am: Carnero Point abeam. Altered course S81W

10.01am: Tarifa Point abeam 2.75 miles

10.15am: Passed HMS “Calgarian” [HMS “Calgarian” was an armed merchant cruiser. Sunk by U-boat on 1st March 1918. Built for Allen Line, as was HMS “Victorian”]

11.13am: Cape Spartel abeam 3.5 miles. Altered course S63W

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20 October 1914

Gibraltar to Canary Islands

Lat 31.8, Long -11.7

[Position: 100 miles off Morocco coast]

4.30am: Clocks retarded 15 minutes

4.45pm: Hands exercised at General Quarters and Fire Stations

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21 October 1914

Gibraltar to Canary Islands

Lat 28.5, Long -16.2

[Position: Santa Cruz Tenerife]

6.00am: Anaga Pt ahead

6.15am: Observed steamer to starboard bound SW

7.35am: Observed 3 masted barque to port, bound NW

8.00am: Spoke to SS “Onitsha” (Elder Dempster line)

10.05am: Stopped. Away sea boat to board SS “Onitsha”

10.35am: British Consul boarded

10.40am: Sea boat returned SS “Onitsha” all correct

11.50am: Consul returned

1.20pm: Observed a barque bearing S60W. Altered course to meet her

2.16pm: Fired a round of blank

2.30pm: Boarded Barque “Madeira”. “Madeira” correct

3.00pm: Sea boat returned. Proceeded at 200 revs set course N48W

4.30pm: Anaga Point abeam 3.5 miles distant

7.00pm: Passing Orotava

10.50pm: Observed light on starboard bow. Cumplida Lighthouse [Punta Cumplida Las Palmas]

10.55pm: Stopped

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22 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.4, Long -17.8

[Position: 10 miles south of Isla de Palma]

5.22am: Proceeded at 100 revs to required position off Santa Cruz de Palma

9.05am: Stopped engines off Santa Cruz de Palma

9.15am: Consul aboard

10.10am: Consul left ship

10.15am: Proceeded at 170 revs set course S10E

10.50am: Altered course S34W

11.45am: Fuencaliente Lt House abeam 2.5 miles

3.55pm: Altered course N84W. Reduced to 100 revs

6.00pm: Stopped engines off Ferro Is (Hierro)

6.15pm: All scuttles and dead lights closed

8.15pm: Hands exercised at General Quarters. Fo’c’sle stripped of all woodwork by Fire Brigade

10.30pm: Helm and engines as required for keeping station and head to swell

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23 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.2, Long -16.4

[Position: Off Tenerife coast]

4.05am: Proceeded at full speed. Set course East

9.15am: 2nd and 3rd Watches employed dismantling cabins. Restoring Bosun’s stores as requisite

11.00am: Roxa Pt abeam. Altered course to N60E

11.45am: Abona Point abeam 1.5 miles. Altered course to N45E

11.55am: Sounding no bottom 220fathoms line

1.20pm: Sounding 25 fathoms

1.25pm: Let go starboard anchor. Veered to 90 fathoms in 35 fathoms of water

1.28pm: Brought up. Away sea boats crew to stand-by

1.35pm: British Vice Consul boarded

2.30pm: Spanish Commander and Captain of Port boarded

3.15pm: British Consul left ship for the shore

3.45pm: Sea boat left for shore

4.40pm: Sea boat returned

5.50pm: Sea boat left with mails

6.00pm: Hove up anchor

6.30pm: Sea boat returned and was hoisted

6.35pm: Ship proceeded slow S68E

9.37pm: Stopped engines at a position 2.5 miles off Santa Cruz

11.00pm: Proceeded at 250 revs in pursuit of unknown steamer

11.15pm: Reduced to 100 revs and proceeded to position off Santa Cruz

11.45pm: Stopped at required position

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24 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.6, Long -16.1

[Position: 10 miles off NW coast Tenerife]

1.30am: Observed SS rounding Anaga Point. Ahead 280 revs

1.45am: Searchlight played on SS name indecipherable

2.00am: Reduced to 100 revs

10.25am: Captain of HMS “Kent” came on board

1.45pm: Captain Allin of “Kent” left ship

1.55pm: Proceeded at 200 revs in pursuit of steamer

2.20pm: Reduced to 100 revs ceased pursuing

3.40pm: Proceeded to meet the “Kent” at 200 revs

4.05pm: Stop. Signalled to HMS “Kent”

6.45pm: Increased to 200 revs in pursuit of small steamer. Searchlight played on steamer “Otto Thoreanes” [Could be of the Otto Thorensen Line]

9.50pm: Stopped off Santa Cruz

[Log signed by Boyle T Somerville)]

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25 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.5, Long -16.1

[Position: 10 miles E of Santa Cruz]

3.00am: Resumed position off Santa Cruz de Tenerife

5.00am: Ahead at 200 revs in pursuit of unknown steamer

5.22am: Norwegian SS “Sjomander” boarded and found correct

5.30am: Fired blank charge armed boat away

6.00am: Returned

6.20am: Proceeded at various speeds in chase of two Whalers

7.20am: Whalers “Hobart” and “Frigg” answered demand

3.00pm: Proceeded to Santa Cruz de Tenerife at 100 revs

3,45pm: Stopped engines. Sea boat to shore

5.33pm: Sea boat hoisted. Proceeded at 100 revs

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26 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.4, Long -16.1

[Position: 15 miles E of Santa Cruz]

1.10pm: Sea boat left for Santa Cruz

1.15pm: Watch shifting derricks as required. Engines and helm as required to pick up sea boat

3.10pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted up

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27 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.4, Long -16.2

[Position: Off Santa Cruz]

9.15am: Armed boats crews to Rifle Drill

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28 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.5, Long -16.1

[Position: Off Santa Cruz Tenerife]

1.00am: Spoke to SS “Frimley” bound for Falmouth

1.15am: Spoke to Spanish SS “Toroenissian” [?] bound for Las Palmas

2.00am: Guns covered for passing showers

1.00pm: Proceeded at full speed in pursuit of steamer

1.08am: Reduced to 150 revs

1.16am: Stopped engines at position 5 miles off Anaga Point

2.00am: Hands employed, sealing and dismantling cabins, and as requisite

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29 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.6, Long -16.1

[Position: Off Santa Cruz Tenerife]

4.35am: Ahead at 200 revs to intercept steamer. Spoke to SS “Puilios” [?]

5.10am: HMS “Amphitrite” sighted

6.00am: Signalled HMS “Amphitrite”

7.30am: Sea boat away with Captain and principal Coding Officer

7.40am: Sea boat alongside HMS “Amphitrite”

8.05am: Sea boat returned

8.25am: Sea boat away. Advanced clock 5 minutes

9.30am: Sea boat returned with Captain

9.40am: Proceeded at 100 revs. Set course N55E

8.45pm: Heading for Santa Cruz de Palma

9.50pm: Dead slow off Santa Cruz

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30 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.7, Long -17.7

[Position: Off Santa Cruz de La Palma]

2.15am: Increased to 250 revs to intercept Spanish steamer “Miguel Pinillos”

9.20am: Ship stopped off Santa Cruz de Palma, Captain went ashore

11.20am: Captain returned to ship

3.37pm: Proceeded at 200 revs in pursuit of steamer

3.55pm: Boarded (Italian) SS “Ausonia”. Found it OK

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31 October 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.7, Long -17.7

[Position: Off Santa Cruz de La Palma]

9.20am: Stopped engines. Sea boat left for shore

11.00am: Consul came aboard in Ships Boat

0.15pm: Consul left ship

2.55pm: Observed Steamer on Starboard bow. “Leon y Castillo” (Spanish)

4.10pm: Sea boat left for shore

5.55pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted up. Proceeded at 150 revs. Set course S72E

[Log signed by Boyle T Somerville]


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1 November 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.0, Long -15.2

[Position: 10 miles East of Gran Canaria]

1.40am: Observed Anaga Point Light

3.20am: Made “Demand” to SS on starboard quarter

3.45am: Played searchlight on SS “Leon y Castillo”

9.24am: Isleta Light abeam 5 miles

11.45am: Ship stopped

2.08pm: Proceeded towards Las Palmas set course N28W

4.45pm: Stopped off Las Palmas. British Consul came aboard

5.50pm: British Consul left ship

5.42pm: Proceeded in pursuit of Steamer. Played searchlight on her name “Rustington”

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2 November 1914

Las Palmas

Lat 28.7, Long -17.8

[Position: at Las Palma]

3.30am: Sighted Steamer off the port quarter

4.25am: Played searchlight on Spanish mail boat

7.20am: Pilot boat came off with papers for Captain

9.00am: Proceeded into Las Palmas for anchoring

10.00am: Stopped engines, anchored and lowered sea boat. Depth of water 161 fathoms. 60 fathoms of cable

10.15am: Captain left ship in sea boat.

10.45am: Sea boat returned

10.55am: Sea boat left ship with mails

1.25pm: Captain returned to ship

2.45pm: Captain left ship to visit Spanish Battleship “Catalinas”

3.30pm: Captain returned on board

3.35pm: Spanish Admiral on board,

3.55pm: Admiral left

4.15pm: General commanding garrison visited ship

4.45pm: Anchor up. Proceeded at 150 revs. Set course S50E

6.05pm: Sighted steamer port bow (Yeoward Line)

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3 November 1914

Las Palmas

Lat 28.2, Long -15.4

[Position: 5 miles N of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]

2.44pm: British Counsel came aboard

5.00pm: Consul left ship

9.00pm: Sighted SS leaving Las Palmas. Proceeded at 400 revs in pursuit. SS “Dakar”

10.40pm: Sighted SS 5points Port bow. Proceeded at full speed in pursuit. SS “Principe di Udine”

11.05pm: Reduced to 120 revs. Course as required

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4 November 1914

Las Palmas

Lat 28.2, Long -15.3

[Position: 5 miles N of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]

4.15pm: Armed sea boat left ship to board Italian SS "Principe di Udine”, found to contain 50 Germans and Austrians, SS proceeded to Gibraltar

5.15pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted

6.55pm: Full speed towards Las Palmas

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5 November 1914

Las Palmas

Lat 28.1, Long -15.4

[Position: 5 miles N of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]

2.15am: Sighted steamer leaving Las Palmas. Proceeded at full speed in pursuit. SS San “Mateo”

3.10am: Sighted steamer off Port bow and SS on Port beam SS “Ardiola”. Played search-light on SS “Reina Victoria”

8.45am: Proceeded into Las Palmas

9.30am: Consul came aboard,

10.30am: Consul and 1st Lieut left ship. Ship proceeded out of harbour

11.00am: Stopped

0.30pm: Ship proceeded into Las Palmas

1.50pm: 1st Lieut came aboard, proceeded out of harbour, engines and course as required to meet unknown steamer

3.10pm: Signalled SS "Jonathon Holt"

3.47pm: Sighted steamer, fired blank cartridge

4.00pm: Armed sea boat sent away to board SS “Benedicte”. Found OK and sea boat returned

11.40pm: Sighted steamer leaving Las Palmas. Proceeded at 200 revs in pursuit

0.02am: Signalled SS “Ardiola”

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6 November 1914

Las Palmas

Lat 28.1, Long -15.3

[Position: 10 miles NW of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]

2.10am: Proceeded at full speed in pursuit of steamer leaving Las Palmas

2.45am: Played searchlight on SS “Cabanai”

3.15am: Played searchlight and spoke to SS “Madeira”

4.10am: Sighted SS making for Las Palmas. SS “Madeira”

6.10am: Spoke to SS “Madeira”

6.15am: Sea-boat left for “Madeira”

6.30am: Sea-boat returned

8.00am: Sighted SS off Port bow. Proceeded at 200 revs in pursuit. SS “Somerset”

8.40am: Man overboard, fell from Std. No 3 gun, stopped engines and reversed, lowered away both sea boats and 3 after boats. Boats returned, man not recovered, deceased was HR Horscroft AB RNR, age 41 years (Position: 28 9N, 15 21.5W)

3.30pm: Ship proceeded at 170 revs towards Las Palmas

4.15pm: Sea-boat left ship for shore with mails

5.45pm: Sea-boat returned. Proceeded out of harbour

6.00pm: Captain held Funeral Service over the place where H Horscroft was drowned

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7 November 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.4, Long -16.2

[Position: 8 miles E of Santa Cruz Tenerife]

2.00am: Proceeded at full speed in pursuit of steamer. Signalled to SS “Madeira”

2.30am: Returned to Station of Las Palmas

4.10am: Pursued and spoke to SS “Arliza”

5.45am: Set course N54W for Santa Cruz de Tenerife

6.06am: Isleta Lt abeam dist. 3 miles

9.10am: Spoke to HMS “Amphitrite”

10.50am: Stopped. Captain left ship for the Flagship

11.05am: Sea-boat returned with Commander from the “Amphitrite”

0.40pm: Sea-boat left ship with Commander of “Amphitrite” for the Flagship

1.05pm: Sea-boat returned with Captain, and PO J S Clamp taking passage to HMS “Calgarian”

3.10pm: HMS “Amphitrite” proceeded to Madeira

3.45pm: Sighted SS on Std bow heading for Santa Cruz

4.15pm: Fired blank cartridge. Away armed boats crew to board SS “Reina Victoria”

5.00pm: Armed boats crew returned. Sea-boat hoisted. Proceeded towards Santa Cruz

7.15pm: Engines as required in pursuit of steamer

11.50pm: Proceeded at full speed in pursuit of steamer

0.05am: Played search light on her “Eloby” Elder Dempster

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8 November 1914

Santa Cruz (Tenerife)

Lat 28.5, Long -16.2

[Position: at Santa Cruz Tenerife]

4.20am: Sighted steamer, proceeded at full speed in pursuit, played search light on SS “Leon y Castillo”

5.10am: Played search light on SS “Gorbea Mendi” (Spanish)

4.10am: Spoke to SS “Argila” Elder Dempster

8.25am: Spoke to SS “Seagull”, London

10.30am: Stopped off Santa Cruz. Sea-boat left for shore

11.10am: Sighted HMS “Calgarian” off port beam

11.35am: Sighted steamer leaving Sta Cruz, SS “Reina Victoria”

0.25pm: Captain left ship and visited H.M.S “Calgarian”

0.35pm: Sighted steamer leaving Sta Cruz, SS “Adriatico”

2.00pm: Sighted French steamer leaving harbour “Kabylie”

2.10pm: Sighted steamer rounding Anaga Pt, SS “Ardiola”

3.50pm: Captain returned, 2nd sea boat(with washing from Gibraltar). Left "Calgarian"

4.45pm: Proceeded in pursuit of steamer, “General Hierio”

9.25pm: Sighted vessel heading SE. Proceeded in pursuit vessel schooner

9.35pm: Abandoned pursuit

10.50pm: Sighted steamer leaving Santa Cruz, “Ardiola”

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9 November 1914

Santa Cruz (Tenerife)

Lat 28.5, Long -16.2

[Position: at Santa Cruz Tenerife]

3.15am: Sighted steamer rounding Anaga Point

5.20am: Played searchlight on ship. SS Leon y Castillo

5.30am: Proceeded into Santa Cruz anchorage

6.30am: Anchored in 33 fathoms. 90 fathoms out on cable. Guard boat lowered

7.00am: Water boat made fast alongside. British Vice-Consul came aboard

8.00am: HMS "Calgarian" arrived

9.00am: Officers left ship on leave

10.00am: Vice-Consul left for the "Calgarian". Hands painting ship side

11.00am: Captain left ship for shore. Ship taking water on board

0.15pm: Officers on leave returned

0.55pm: Captain returned on board

4.00pm: Hygrometer taken down

4.40pm: Vice Consul boarded

6.15pm: Anchors aweigh. Closed deadlights and scuttles

6.30pm: Last shore boat left. Proceeded at full speed astern out of anchorage

6.40pm: Set course for Las Palmas

11.30pm: Isleta Lt abeam distant 5 miles

11.56pm: Stopped engines

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10 November 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 28.2, Long -15.4

[Position: 5 miles N of Gran Canaria]

1.20am: Spoke to SS “Ciudad de Cadiz” (Spanish)

2.30am: Spoke to SS “Regent” (British)

4.45am: Sighted SS rounding Isleta Pt. Played searchlight on SS “Atalante”

5.25am: Sighted SS off Isleta Lt. SS “Beridicte”

7.30am: Sighted large SS. Proceeded at 200 revs in pursuit. SS “Highland Laddie”

9.55am: Proceeded into Las Palmas at 170 revs. Hygrometer replaced.

10.30am: Consul came aboard

11.35am: Consul left ship. Proceeded seaward

3.25pm: Proceeded to Las Palmas

4.15pm: Deputy Consul boarded

4.55pm: Deputy Consul left ship

5.00pm: Proceeded out of harbour

6.10pm: Sighted SS. Played searchlight on SS “Kwarra”

9.00pm: Played searchlight on SS “Midland” leaving Las Palmas

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11 November 1914

Las Palmas to Tenerife

Lat 27.1, Long -16.3

[Position: 100 miles S of Tenerife]

3.19am: Sighted HMS “Calgarian” and challenged

5.07am: Course and speed as requisite for keeping station 4 miles abeam of “Calgarian”

7.55pm: Sea-boat left for “Calgarian”

9.10pm: Sea-boat hoisted

9.15pm: Parted company with “Calgarian”

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12 November 1914

Canary Islands

Lat 24.4, Long -16.4

[Position: 300 miles S Canary Islands]

0.05am: Steamer sighted ahead. Not able to read her name by signal

3.05am: Sighted ship without lights on port beam

3.10am: Turned in pursuit

6.10am: Spoke to SS “Arana”

3.00pm: Sighted land on port bow

4.05pm: Wreck of “Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse” plainly seen from ship

[Note: The “Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse” was a German commerce raider destroyed by HMS “Highflyer” at the Battle of Rio de Oro on 26 August 1914]

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13 November 1914

At sea

Lat 22.5, Long -16.6

[Position: 10 miles off Western Sahara coast]

1.30pm: Pedra do Galha abeam 3 miles

5.00pm: Officers’ revolver practice

8.00pm: Capo Blanco bearing S28E 11 miles

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14 November 1914

At sea

Lat 19.9, Long -19.1

[Position: 300 miles NE of Cape Verde Islands]

5.00pm: The effects of H Horscroft AB RNR (deceased) sold by auction

[Note: this would be the H Horscroft who fell overboard and presumably drowned on the 6th November 1914]

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15 November 1914

At sea

Lat 18.3, Long -22.5

[Position: 150 miles N of Cape Verde Islands]

6.00pm: Hands employed rigging gear for coaling ship

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16 November 1914

St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

[Position: Sao Vicente Cape Verde Islands]

4.00am: Sighted Bull Point on starboard bow

8.40am: Signalled SS “Silverash”

9.35am: Anchored in 9 fathoms water, 45 fathoms cable

9.36am: Officer of health boarded

10.10am: Officer of Guard boarded

11.40am: HBM Consul boarded

11.50am: Collier “Cliftonhall” alongside. Commenced coaling from lighters

0.20pm: Consul left ship

1.15pm: Commenced coaling from collier

1.45pm: Fresh water lighter alongside

2.00pm: Captain of Port visited ship

2.07pm: Captain left ship

7.00pm: Let go starboard anchor, veered cable to 9 fathoms

8.03pm: Captain returned on board

Midnight: Coal on board 800 tons. Remaining 1400

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17 November 1914

St Vincent

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

[Position: Sao Vicente Cape Verde Islands]

1.00am: Hands employed coaling and watering ship

9.20am: SS “Crown of Aragon” arrived

6.30pm: HMS “Invincible” and “Inflexible” arrived

7.00pm: Officer of Guard went on board HMS “Invincible”

8.00pm: Collier left

[Amount of coal taken on board 1372 tons. Remaining coal 828 tons]

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18 November 1914

St Vincent [to Mayo Island]

Lat 16.9, Long -25.0

[Position: Sao Vicente Cape Verde Islands]

6.45am: Resumed coaling

4.30pm: “Invincible finished coaling

5.20pm: Finished coaling

5.20pm: Amount on board 1794 tons

6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded

6.38pm: Full speed, Saluted Flagship. Cleared harbour

7.26pm: Machado Pt abeam. Set Pat log. Set course S24E

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19 November 1914

At sea

Lat 15.1, Long -23.2

[Position: Cape Verde Islands]

9.15am: Stopped off English roads, Mayo Is. Sea boats left to board steamer “Liberia” of Barbados

11.15am: Sea boat returned and made fast alongside port gangway

0.15pm: Sea boat left for SS “Liberia”

1.30pm: Port sea boat lowered and equipped for prize crew

1.45pm: Sea boat left

2.20pm: Sea boat returned

2.25pm: Proceeded into Mayo anchorage

2.40pm: Anchored in 28 fathoms. 90 fathoms of cable

2.45pm: Sea boat left with 1st Lieut and Mid Barradell

3.00pm: Portuguese Officer (Port Captain) came on board

3.15pm: Officer left

3.45pm: 1st Lieut. Returned. Sea boats alongside

5.00pm: Starboard sea boat left with provisions

5.40pm: Starboard sea boat returned

5.45pm: Port sea boat left with part of prize crew

6.50pm: Port sea boat returned

7.05pm: Anchor weighed and sea boats hoisted

7.50pm: Reset Pat Log. South Point abeam. Proceeded 200 revs. Watch to Defence Stations

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20 November 1914

At sea

Lat 13.6, Long -21.0

[Position: 200 miles SE of Cape Verde Islands]

9.13am: Stopped engines for Target Practice

1.30pm: Set course N35W in search of “Liberia”

3.30pm: In company with “Liberia”

6.20pm: Read warrant No. 4

10.00pm: In company with “Liberia”

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21 November 1914

At sea

Lat 11.9, Long -18.7

[Position: 100 miles off West Africa Coast]

6.00am: In company with “Liberia”

11.30am: Ship inspected by Captain and Staff

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22 November 1914

At sea

Lat 10.4, Long -16.1

[Position: 50 miles off West Africa Coast]

1.00am: Sounded no bottom

2.00am: Sounded 100 fathoms

3.00am: Sounded 75 fathoms

3.20am: Sounded 65 fathoms

4.00am: Sounded 60 fathoms

8.00am: Took station 10 cables ahead of “Liberia”

Noon: Sounded 17 fathoms

3.45pm: Proceeded in chase of unknown steamer. 250 revs

4.25pm: Stopped

4.30pm: Away armed sea boats crew to board SS “Sterndale” of Bristol

5.00pm: Sea boat returned, steamer found OK. Sea boat hoisted

7.20pm: In company with “Liberia” (1 mile astern)

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23 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.26

[Position: Freetown Sierra Leone]

1.50pm: Stopped engines

1.55pm: Anchored, starboard anchor in 11 fathoms, veered chain to 45 fathoms

2.20pm: Captain of “Highflyer” and Naval Agent boarded

2.30pm: Captain of “E of Britain” [came aboard] [Assumed to be the armed merchantman “Empress of Britain”]

2.40pm: Naval Agent left

3.30pm: Prize Marshal boarded.

3.15pm: Prize Marshal left

3.55pm: Captains of “Highflyer” and “E of Britain” left

5.00pm: Prize Officer boarded

6.15pm: Prize Officer left

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24 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.26

[Position: Freetown Sierra Leone]

1.30am: Thunder and heavy rain

3.00am: “Highflyer”’s boat came alongside with telegram for “Victorian”

11.00am: Prize crew returned from SS “Liberia”

11.30am: Captain left ship for “Highflyer”

11.40am: SS “Egori” entered harbour

Noon: SS “Egori” boarded by Officer of Guard

4.00pm: Captain returned from “Highflyer”

7.00pm: Captain of “Highflyer” came aboard

10.00pm: Captain of “Highflyer” left

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25 November 1914

At Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.26

[Position: Freetown Sierra Leone]

7.35am: SS “Badagri” entered harbour

8.45am: Boarded by Officer of the Guard

10.00am: Medical Board held. Fleet Surgeon from “E of Britain” and Staff Surgeon from “Highflyer” in attendance

1.25pm: HMS “Otranto” entered harbour and anchored

2.00pm: French Cruiser 'Bruix' entered harbour and anchored

2.30pm: Captain of "Otranto" boarded

5.30pm: Officers from French cruiser "Bruix" boarded

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26 November 1914

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.26

[Position: Freetown Sierra Leone]

1.00am: Experienced heavy wind with rain squall with vivid lightning

2.30am: Let go port anchor. 45 fathoms cable

5.00am: Frequent Lightning to Southward

7.30am: Hove up port anchor

9.30am: Discharged one Warrant Officer to "Otranto" and two (invalids) ratings to "E of "Britain"

Noon: Hoisted all boats and secured for sea

1.00pm: Taking provisions on board

1.40pm: Hove up anchor

1.50pm: Proceeded at 170 revs

2.14pm: Sierra Leone Point abeam.

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27 November 1914

At sea

Lat 10.1, Long -16.4

[Position: 250 miles NW Freetown Sierra Leone]

Noon: Observed SS on port bow, altered course and gave chase. Increased to 200 revs

0.20pm: Increased to 250 revs in pursuit of steamer. Courses various as required

1.37pm: Stopped engines. Away armed boat to SS "Makarini"

2.20pm: Hoisted boat

11.40pm: Altered course as requisite in pursuit of steamer. Increased to 250 revs

11.50pm: Signalled Bucknall Brothers SS Edenhall. Switched on searchlight

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28 November 1914

At sea

Lat 13.1, Long -18.1

[Position: 120 miles SW Dakar]

11.30am: Captain made rounds of ship

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29 November 1914

At sea

Lat 16.6, Long -18.7

[Position: 200 miles NW Dakar]

1.04pm: In pursuit of steamer

1.40pm: Resumed course N26E

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30 November 1914

At sea

Lat 19.9, Long -18.6

[Position: 150 miles off West African Coast]

9.15am: Divisions. Hands employed at Gunnery Training classes and as requisite


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1 December 1914

At sea

Lat 23.5, Long -17.8

[Position: 100 miles off Western Sahara coast]

9.15am: Divisions. Midshipmen to Instruction

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2 December 1914

At sea

Lat 26.5, Long -17.2

[Position: 100 miles S of Tenerife]

10.18am: Increased speed to 250 revs in pursuit of steamer

10.45am: Stopped and boarded SS “Alex Johnson” and found all correct

10.05pm: Rasca Pt bearing N13E

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3 December 1914

At sea [Las Palmas]

Lat 28.4, Long -15.9

[Position: 20 miles E of Santa Cruz de Tenerife]

0.05am: Observed Abona Point

0.40am: Stopped engines 35 miles from Santa Cruz

8.30am: Proceeded into Santa Cruz

8.55am: Sea boat lowered and away

10.30am: Sea boat returned and hoisted

10.35am: Ship proceeded at 200revs S56E

2.30pm: Courses as requisite for entering Las Palmas

3.25pm: Let go anchor, 60 fathoms cable, 15 fathoms water. Sea boat left

4.40pm: Sea boat returned

4.45pm: Sea boat hoisted and gangways secured. Hove up anchors.

5.00pm: Anchors away. Proceeded at 220 revs. Passed Isleta Pt. Set course N10E

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4 December 1914

At sea [Funchal]

Lat 32.1, Long -16.6

[Position: 50 miles S of Funchal Madeira]

2.18am: Great Salvage Island abeam; distance 8 miles

[Note: “Victorian” was in this position on 7th September 1914 and used the Island for target practice]

8.15am: Sighted Madeira ahead

9.15am: Exercised General Quarters and Fire Stations

1.05pm: Sighted and challenged by HMS “Amphitrite”

2.23pm: Engines as requisite to take ship into Funchal Bay

3.15pm: Sea boat lowered

3.20pm: Captain left

3.25pm: No. 11 boat.

3.28pm: No. 11 boat left ship

3.55pm: Mails arrived on board

5.25pm: Captain returned.

5.30pm: Hoisted and secured boats and accommodation ladders

5.35pm: Engines as requisite proceeding out of harbour. Watch to Night Defence Stations

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5 December 1914

At sea [Funchal]

Lat 32.5, Long -16.8

[Position: Off Funchal Madeira]

[Note: no position information recorded in log, other than text “Off Funchal”]

7.00am: Engines and helm as requisite for entering Funchal

8.07am: Stopped engines, in company with “Amphitrite” and “Calgarian” Exchanged various signals SBC

[Note: SBC is code for “Signal Books Correct”]

10.00am: Captain and staff made rounds of ship

10.38am: Sea boat left for “Calgarian”

11.00am: Returned

11.40am: Sea boat left for Flag

11.55am: Returned and Hoisted. Gangway secured

Noon: Full astern. Helm and Engines as requisite

0.10pm: Full ahead and proceeded at 220 revs

0.15pm: topped for signal

0.20pm: Full ahead

0,30pm: Set course N87E

Midnight: Clock advanced 30 minutes

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6 December 1914

At sea

Lat 34.3, Long -11.4

[Position: 300 miles W of Rabat East Africa]

9.15am: Sighted SS

9.25am: Hands to General Quarters

9.40am: Fired blank charge. Spoke SS “Pontwen”

4.30pm: Hands employed shifting coal in No. 4 Hold

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7 December 1914

At sea [Gibraltar]

Lat 35.9, Long -5.9

[Position: entering Strait of Gibraltar]

3.55am: Signalled SS “Horsham Newton” from Gibraltar to New Orleans

11.45am: Cape Spartel abeam 6.25 miles. Altered course to S88E

1.15pm: Tarifa Point abeam. Altered course to N82E

2.15pm: Helm and engines as requisite for entering harbour

3.45pm: Alongside jetty

5.00pm: Liberty party for shore. Shifting coal in No. 4 Hold

6.00pm: Coal party stopped work for the night

9.30pm: Liberty men returned. 3 Firemen missing

Midnight: 3 Firemen still missing

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8 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

10.00am: Hands employed shifting coal

5.00pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed

7.00pm: Coaling party finished for night

9.30pm: Liberty men returned

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9 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

1.30am: Fire hose turned on smouldering coal

4.00am: Fire hose turned on smouldering coal

7.00am: Lighter came alongside

10.20am: Gunner SM Curtis RMLI discharged to Hospital

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10 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

6.30am: Hands employed working coal in No.4 hold and scrubbing and painting ship’s side

6.00pm: Ceased working coal for the night

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11 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

6.30am: Hands employed shifting coal from No. 4 and rigging coaling gear forward

11.30am: Cleared portside of boats and lighters, to make room for lighter

0.20pm: Collier “Gordonia” made fast alongside

1.20pm: Warrants 5,6 and 7 read out to stokers

1.20pm: Prisoners left ship for Detention Barracks in charge of guard

1.45pm: “Carmania” left harbour. Finished discharging coal at No. 4 hatch. Hands employed rigging coaling gear at No. 3 Hatch

2.20pm: Started coaling from Collier

2.30pm: Coal lighter towed away

3.20pm: Guard returned

9.30pm: Liberty men returned

Midnight: Strong gale and heavy sea. Rounds all correct

[41 tons of coal loaded today]

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12 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

2.10pm: Liberty party left ship

9.30pm: Liberty party returned

[Still coaling ship. 186 tons loaded today]

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13 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

9.10am: RC Church party landed

9.20am: Picket House party landed

9.45am: Presbyterian Church party landed

10.30am: Prayers

10.55am: RC Church party returned

11.30am: Picket House party returned

11.30am: Presbyterian Church party returned

1.00pm: Liberty men landed

5.00pm: Liberty men and Patrol landed

9.30pm: Liberty men returned

[No coal loaded today – Sunday off]

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14 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

0.30am: Patrol party returned

6.30am: Resumed coaling

5.30pm: Stopped coaling

[337 tons loaded today giving amount taken in 564 tons with 1263 tons to come]

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15 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

6.30am: Hands resumed coaling

7.30am: Resumed taking in Fresh Water

[Log states: ‘Total fresh water taken on board 142 tons’]

[Log states:’Total coal taken on board today 275 tons’]

[6.30am to Noon: 33 tons of coal taken from No. 4 hold]

4.45pm: Stopped coaling from Collier

5.30pm: Collier left

[Log states: ‘34 tons of heated coal discharged from No. 4 hold for afternoon. Total 67 tons for day’]

11.25pm: Captain returned on board

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16 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

6.30am: Hands fall in. Resumed coaling

9.30am: Ammunition lighter alongside

10.00am: Cease coaling. Commenced ammunition

10.30am: Discharged one Marine to Hospital

[Log states: ‘between 6.30am and 11.00am Discharged 32 tons coal’]

11.30am: Resumed coaling

Noon: Hands to dinner

1.00pm: Hands resumed coaling

1.45pm: Lighter at No.4 replaced by empty one

[Log states: ‘Total for day 278 tons]

[Log states: ‘between 1.00pm and 5.30pm 41 tons of heated coal discharged]

[Looks like the ship is getting rid of the (heated) coal that was on fire on 9th December]

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17 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

[Still coaling and discharging the coal from No. 4 hold]

7.00am: Stores party landed

10.30am: Discharged fireman to hospital

11.00am: Watch employed provisioning ship. Received 10 casks rum.

3.45pm: Escort left for Barracks

5.00pm: Escort returned from Barracks with two ratings

[Log states: ‘Total coal for day 165 tons]

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18 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

[Still coaling and discharging the coal from No. 4 hold]

[Log states: ‘20 tons discharged from No.4 hold. Total (new) coal today 254 tons]

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19 December 1914


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Moored alongside South Mole Gibraltar]

[Still coaling]

0.30am: Shut off fresh water. Total amount shipped =1017 tons

4.30am: Received extra 33 tons water

10.15am: M McLeod AB RNR discharged to hospital

2.30pm: Surgeon Nealson and 5 Steward Ratings came

3.00pm: One hand returned from hospital. One prisoner returned to duty

3.15pm: Finished coaling

5.00pm: Mails for “Amphitrite”. 1 PO and 4 ratings for same

5.30pm: Proceeded out of dock

10.14pm: Cape Spartel at 3.5 miles

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20 December 1914

At sea

Lat 35.0, Long -8.6

[Position: 150 miles NW Rabat West Africa]

1.50am: Cape Spartel light bearing S77E

5.15am: Overhauled SS “Silverdale” Gibraltar to Gulf of Mexico

4.00pm: Hands scrub and wash clothes

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21 December 1914

At sea

Lat 33.8, Long -12.9

[Position: 150 miles ENE Madeira]

7.15am: Sighted HMS "Amphitrite"

7.45am: Challenge and Answer made

8.00am: Stopped

8.30am: "Amphitrite" boat alongside for mails and ratings

8.45am: Boat left. Ship proceeded at 170 revs

5.50pm: Sighted SS on Port Bow

6.15pm: Increased to 200 revs in pursuit of SS

6.35pm: Spoke SS “Clan Colquhoun”. Reduced to 170 revs. Course S86W

9.30pm: Watch employed generally securing as ship rolling heavily to high Northerly swell

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22 December 1914

At sea

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

[Position: off Funchal Madeira]

6.54am: Fora Light abeam 3.5 miles

7.10am: Stopped

7.57am: Sea boat left with mails for “Argonaut” and “Melbourne”

8.35am: Sea boat returned with mails for “Victorian”

8.45am: Sea boat left with Captain

10.25am: Proceeded at 220 revs as requisite for range finding exercise

Noon: Finished range finding exercise

1.00pm: Proceeding at 100 revs, 1 mile abeam of Flagship

2.00pm: Altered course to SE0.5S (swung ship) 1 mile starboard of Flagship

3.00pm: Took station 3 miles on Starboard beam of Flagship. Carrying out range finding evolution

4.30pm: Evolution. Exercised collision and grounding stations.

7.30pm: Sail Rock abeam 2.5 miles

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23 December 1914

At sea

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

[Position: off Funchal Madeira]

9.00am: Stopped at rendezvous.

9.30am: Fire Control exercise with Flagship

10.35am: Exercise finished. Proceeded towards Funchal

11.35am: Stopped at Funchal

0.15pm: Sea-boat away with mails

2.05pm: Proceeded at 140 revs. Course as requisite to take position

2.36pm: Stopped engines in position 5 miles abeam Flag

3.30pm: Commenced Fire Control Exercises

4.05pm: Completed Evolution

4.15pm: Evolution. Carrying out pulling boat exercise.

4.23pm: 1st boat left to pull around Flagship. Four boats despatched doing two journeys

5.21pm: Last boat returned to ship

7.10pm: Stopped engines off Funchal

11.55pm: Proceeded at 120 revs to bring ship into station off Funchal

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24 December 1914

At Funchal

Lat 32.6, Long -16.9

[Position: off Funchal Madeira]

7.15am: Observed “Argonaut” rounding Fora Point

8.00am: Stopped off Funchal in company with Flag

8.18am: Sea boat left for shore and Flagship

9.20am: Sea boat returned with mails from Flag and was hoisted

9.33am: Proceeded out of harbour.

10.05am: Stopped engines 3.5 miles out

11.00am: Proceeded into Funchal in order to pick up shore party

0.25pm: Proceeded following Flagship

4.45pm: Approaching SS “Zaire”

4.58pm: Fired first blank

5.10pm: Fired second blank

5.15pm: Sea boat left to board SS “Zaire” (Portuguese)

6.30pm: Sea boat returned from SS “Zaire” with 5 German reservists

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25 December 1914

At Santa Cruz Tenerife

Lat 28.5, Long -16.2

[Position: Santa Cruz Tenerife]

1.45am: Passed British steamer “Harpalion”

2.00am: Challenged by one of HMS

6.35am: Observed Anaga Light bearing S2E

10.00am: Courses as requisite approaching Santa Cruz

10.25am: Away sea boat with mails

11.58am: Sea boat returned, hoisted and secured. Consul on board

Noon: Consul left. Captain and officers went rounds of Mess Decks

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26 December 1914

At sea

Lat 28.1, Long -15.4

[Position: off Las Palmas Gran Canaria]

9.50am: Course and engines as requisite for entering Las Palmas

11.04am: Sea boat left ship with Captain

4.20pm: Anchor away. Helm and engines as requisite

5.20pm: HBM Consul, Mrs Croker and son on board

10.15pm: HBM Consul, Mrs Croker and son left ship

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27 December 1914

At sea

Lat 28.3, Long -16.1

[Position: 16 miles east of Tenerife]

2.00pm: Proceeded into Santa Cruz at 100 revs

4.00pm: Stopped off Santa Cruz

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28 December 1914

At sea

Lat 27.5, Long -15.6

[Position: 25 miles south of Gran Canaria]

2.00am: Observed Maspalomas Light bearing S50E

5.10am: Observed HMS “Argonaut” to port. Made challenge and received reply. Stopped engines.

9.35am: Rear Admiral from “Argonaut”. Aboard. Went to General Quarters for target practice. Fired 7 rounds from each gun at target towed by “Argonaut”. Target taken on board in damaged condition.

11.45am: Target practice evolution completed.

0.10pm: Admiral left “Victorian”

3.00pm: Two cylinders lost overboard during target practice, one from No. 4 group and one from No. 3 group.

6.05pm: Observed SS on Port quarter, turned in pursuit at 24 revs

6.43pm: Fired blank charge

6.45pm: Stop. Sea boat left to board SS “Algeria”. All correct

7.10pm: Sea boat returned and secured.

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29 December 1914

At sea

Lat 28.2, Long -16.1

[Position: 20 miles east of Tenerife]

0.00am: Sighted SS bearing SSW. proceeded in pusuit: 240revs.

0.20am: Switched searchlight on Portuguese Trawler “Gingina”

0.35am: Signalled SS “Watermouth”

1.15am: Signalled SS “Binutu”

1.40am: Switched searchlight on SS “Arichondo” Spanish

3.45am: Maspalomas light abeam 15’

7.45am: Observed “Argonaut” and replied to challenge

9.00am: Stopped. Sea boat conveyed officers to Flagship and brought target alongside

11.35am: Evolution finished

Noon: “Argonaut” secured target. Sea boat proceeded to Flag

0.20pm: Sea boat hoisted.

0.30pm: Proceeded at 240 revs towards Santa Cruz

1.56pm: Stopped off Santa Cruz

2.02pm: Sea boat lowered and left for Flagship with homeward mails

2.25pm: Sea boat left Flag for shore.

3.00pm: Flag left for Madeira

3.25pm: Sea boat returned from shore and hoisted. Engines and helm as requisite. Hands to scrub and wash clothes. Received quantity of Steward’s stores on board.

9.35pm: Observed flare up-light above and to left of Rasca Point

9.55am: Light extinguished

10.02pm: Light shown

10.04pm: Light extinguished

11.46pm: Christavel light abeam distance 7 miles

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30 December 1914

At sea

Lat 27.8, Long -18.9

[Position: 40 miles west of Hierro]

4.50am: Stopped 3 miles off South Point Hierro Island

10.00am: Midshipmen to torpedo training

1.00pm: Hammocks spread to dry

10.40pm: Stopped engines off Fuencaliente Point

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31 December 1914

Santa Cruz

Lat 28.8, Long -18.0

[Position: NW Las Palma Island]

3.25am: White light shown close inshore to right of Fuencaliente Lighthouse

10.15am: Stopped and picked up lifebuoy which had been dropped overboard

2.20pm: Stopped engines off Santa Cruz de Palma

3.25pm: HBM Consul boarded

4.45pm: HBM Consul left


JP map Victorian 1915


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1 January 1915

At sea

Lat 28.7, Long -18.7

[Position: Off Las Palmas]

2.33am: Anaga Pt abeam 9’

2.35am: Observed SS on starboard bow

2.50am: Spoke SS “Zealandic”

10.27am: Proceeded into Las Palmas

11.05am: Stopped. Sea boat lowered away and left for shore with mails

0.20pm: Sea boat returned from shore HBM Consul aboard

1.25pm: Proceeded in chase of steamer. 240 revs

2.15pm: Boarded Portuguese SS “Guine”

3.35pm: 5 German prisoners came on board

4.55pm: Stopped off Las Palmas and landed HBM Consul

5.00pm: Proceeded out of harbour. 120 revs

11.30pm: Rounds, magazines, prisoners, etc, correct

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2 January 1915

At sea

Lat 30.1, Long -18.2

[Position: 150 miles North of Las Palmas]

11.30am: Captain and Staff made rounds of ship

0.12pm: Observed SS on Port bow. Increased to 240 in chase. Signalled SS “Southfield” Cardiff

4.00am: Steering N46W and S46E alternately altering course every half hour

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3 January 1915

At sea

Lat 28.1, Long -16.2

[Position: 20 miles East of Tenerife]

2.25am: Full speed for Santa Cruz

1.45pm: Spoke SS “Clan Macnab” outward bound from Birkenhead

1.55pm: Anaga Point abeam. Helm and Engines as req for entering Santa Cruz harbour

2.20pm: Sea boat away with mails. Stopped

3.55pm: Sea boat returned

4.00pm: Sea boat left for “Clan Macnab”

4.45pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Evening Quarters

6.10pm: Vice Consul came aboard

6.40pm: Vice Consul left with sick prisoner

6.45pm: Full Speed Ahead. Set course East

7.30pm: Altered course N30E

7.48pm: Anaga Point abeam 5’

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4 January 1915

At sea

Lat 31.7, Long -15.6

[Position: 80 miles South East of Madeira]

2.39am: Observed Great Salvage Island, 4 points to Port

7.00am: Hands fell in; 1 Watch rigging derricks, other watch cleaning up decks

3.00pm: Sighted “Argonaut” on starboard bow

5.30pm: Stopped abreast Flagship. Cutter alongside with mails from “Argonaut”

6.15pm: Proceeded Full speed. 5’ abreast of Flag

8.15pm: Hands employed shifting coal. No 4 hold

10.00pm: Ceased working coal

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5 January 1915

At Las Palmas

Lat 28.7, Long -17.7

[Position: off Las Palmas]

4.50am: Observed Anaga Point Light bearing S23W

5.00am: Eased down to drop astern of Flagship

6.25am: Parted company with Flag. Set course S18E for Las Palmas

10.20am: Proceeded into harbour

10.55am: Stopped off Las Palmas

11.30am: Landed Mails

1.15pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted

1.20pm: Proceeded at 200 revs: course various as required. Hands employed shifting coal in No. 4 hold

2.00pm: Stopped for ER repairs

3.30pm: Captain left ship for “Argonaut”

4.50pm: Captain returned on board. Hoisted and secured sea boat

9.30pm: Stopped coaling for night

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6 January 1915

At sea

Lat 28.1, Long -15.4

[Position: off Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]

7.45am: Commenced shifting coal

8.00am: Stopped Engines off Las Palmas

10.00am: Finished working coal. Hands employed cleaning ship as requisite

4.00pm: Sent ashore mails

10.05pm: Ahead 120 revs to keep station 4.5 miles of Isleta Point

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7 January 1915

At Las Palmas

Lat 28.1, Long -15.4

[Position: off Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]

2.05am: Proceeded in pursuit of a steamer leaving Las Palmas, SS “Surrey”

2.25am: Increase to 160 revs in pursuit of another steamer SS “Stamboul”

8.45am: Spoke Argentine man o’war “Guardia Nacional”

9.42am: Proceeded at 18 revs for Las Palmas

10.15am: Stop (Las Palmas)

10.25am: Sea boat left with dispatches for HBM Consul from Rear Admiral

1.05pm: Sea boat returned from shore. Hoisted and secured

3.55pm: Away sea boat with dispatches for HBMC

5.30pm: Sea boat returned from shore and hoisted

9.15pm: Sighted SS

9.30pm: Made demand to “Principessa Mafalda”

9.31pm: Away sea boats to board

9.33pm: Fired 1st Blank

9.41pm: Fired 2nd Blank

10.13pm: Played searchlight on SS “Fortuna”

10.40pm: SS “Principessa Mafalda” told to proceed. Sea boat returned

11.03pm: Spoke SS “Arrenou” of London bound for Madeira

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8 January 1915

At sea

Lat 28.2, Long -15.3

[Position: off Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]

1.45am: Full ahead to intercept second SS leaving Las Palmas

2.00am: Spoke SS “Umvoti” bound to London via Tenerife

2.50am: Spoke SS “Jevington” bound to Marseilles

3.58am: Observed SS approaching from North East. Full speed to intercept SS “Magician” bound from Durban to Las Palmas

9.15am: Observed SS making for Las Palmas from Northward

9.40am: Proceeded at 200 revs in chase of SS. Signalled SS “Ronald”

11.40am: Signalled SS “Magillan”

1.10pm: Proceeded into Las Palmas at 120 revs

2.15pm: Away sea boat with letter to Consul

4.25pm: Sea boat returned. Hoisted and secured. Proceeded at 120revs. Set course S30E

[Note: “Magician” and “Magillan” could be same vessel misreported in log]

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9 January 1915

At sea

Lat 27.4, Long -15.8

[Position: 40 miles South of Gran Canaria]

2.20am: Proceeded at 240 revs in pursuit of SS

3.15am: Spoke SS “Ronald”

3.40am: Proceeded back to position off Maspalomas Light

4.25am: Observed Maspalomas Light

9.45am: Exercised ammunition small arms supply party at small alarm drill

10.45am: Proceeded at full speed. Set course S45W. Firing heard towards the SW

9.30pm: Stopped engines to South of Tenerife

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10 January 1915

At sea

Lat 27.4, Long -17.2

[Position: 50 miles South West of Tenerife]

8.00am: Observed SS on Port beam. Increased to 200 revs to intercept

8.15am: Exchanged signals with SS “Ionic” (White Star Line)

6.15pm: Proceeded at 240 revs to intercept SS

6.35pm: Spoke SS “Treloske” (Haines) from Rosario

8.20pm: Stop. 5 miles S54W (comp) from Rasca Point

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11 January 1915

At sea

Lat 27.7, Long -15.8

0.26pm: Challenged HMS “Argonaut” and received reply

0.40pm: Altered course as requisite for meeting Flagship

1.17pm: Away sea boat for mails

1.35pm: Sea boat returned and secured. Received 10 bags of mails

6.10pm: Proceeded in chase of SS. Increased to 240 revs

6.30pm: Stopped and boarded Greek SS “Georgios”. SS “Georgios” not found correct but not having enough coal to take her to Gibraltar was allowed to proceed to Las Palmas to bunker

8.20pm: Sea boat returned and secured

8.35pm: Signalled SS “Montenegro” (Elder Dempster) bound for Dakar

8.40pm: Proceeded at 180 revs N45W

9.50pm: Maspalomas Light abeam 5’

10.00pm: Stopped off Maspalomas Light

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12 January 1915

At sea

Lat 28.2, Long -15.4

10.00am: Courses various approaching Las Palmas

10.45am: HBM Consul boarded

11.10am: Greek Consul came on board

11.30am: Greek Consul left

11.40am: British Consul left ship

1.15pm: Proceeded at 240 revs to intercept SS “Maria Suzanne”

1.47pm; Away armed sea boat

2.25pm: Sea boat returned. SS “Maria Suzanne” correct and proceeded

2.27pm: Proceeded at 180 revs to Las Palmas

3.45pm: Spoke SS “Birkenhead”

7.45pm: Prize crew boarded SS “Georgios” Greek

8.45pm: Sea boat returned

9.00pm: Second sea boat returned

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13 January 1915

At sea

Lat 28.2, Long -16.1

[Position: 30 miles East of Tenerife]

9.30am: Stopped Engines off Santa Cruz

9.40am: Vice Consul boarded

10.45am: Vice Consul left

3.00pm: Sighted HMS “Argonaut”. Altered course to close her

4.32pm: Sea boat left for “Argonaut” with Captain

5.45pm: Sea boat returns with Captain and hoisted

6.30pm: Received proceeding orders. Proceeded at 180 revs

8.40pm: Stopped engines West of Maspalomas light

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14 January 1915

At sea

Lat 28.5, Long -15.4

[Position: 30 miles North of Gran Canaria]

1.35am: Signalled Spanish SS “A de Satrustegui” [Antonio de Satrustegui]

5.00am: Proceeded as requisite to make rendezvous

6.55am: Stopped at rendezvous

7.10am: Challenged HMS “Argonaut” and received reply

7.20am: Challenged HMS “Calgarian” and received reply

8.00am: Away sea boat to “Flag” and “Calgarian”

8.50am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded at full speed set course N56E

9.59am: Sardina Point abeam 1.75 miles

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15 January 1915

At sea

Lat 32.2, Long -11.1

[Position: 100 miles off coast Morocco en-route to Gibraltar]

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16 January 1915

At sea

Lat 35.8, Long -6.0

[Position: Entering Strait of Gibraltar]

10.55am: Observed Cape Spartel bearing N87E

0.20pm: Challenged HMS “Amphitrite”

0.43pm: Stopped

0.50pm: Sea boat left for “Amphitrite”

1.10pm: Sea boat returned and hoisted right up. Port boat hoisted right up. 3 ratings, 4 cases, and mails for “Argonaut”

1.16pm: Proceeded full speed course N81E

2.20pm: Stopped off Gibraltar

4.23pm: Proceeded. Helm and engines as requisite for entering harbour

5.20pm: Made fast alongside No. Shed South Mole

6.00pm: Prize Crew returned [This will be the crew that boarded SS “Georgios” on the 12th January]

6.30pm: German prisoners left in charge of escort from “Cormorant” for Detention Barracks.

7.30pm: Commenced filling Fresh Water

10.45pm: Stopped filling Fresh Water

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17 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

8.10am: Collier “Transport” alongside

8.45am: Commenced coaling

5.00pm: Liberty men and patrol landed

6.25pm: Ceased coaling [Total coal taken on board for day 1031 tones]

10.00pm: Escort left ship. Liberty men returned

11.00pm: Escort returned with one rating

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18 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

7.45am: Commenced filling fresh water

10.25am: 1 PO and 3 ABs left ship for hospital

5.00pm: Liberty men landed

5.30pm: Stopped filling fresh water

6.30pm: Ceased coaling

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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19 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

7.45am: Hands resumed coaling. Resumed taking in fresh water

5.00pm: Liberty men landed

5.30pm: Stopped filling water 371 tons coal for day

6.00pm: Suspended coaling for the night

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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20 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

8.15am: Hands employed coaling and scaling funnel

5.30pm: Suspended coaling for the night

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21 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

7.45am: Hands commenced coaling

10.20am: Pest AB and Morrison AB discharged to hospital

2.00pm: Received on board 11 cases ammunition and 64 practice projectiles

5.00pm: Liberty men landed

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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22 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

7.45am: Commenced coaling

10.15am: 2 POs transferred from “Amphitrite” discharged to “Argonaut”

11.15am: Finished coaling. Total received 2895 tons

0.10pm: Ash lighter came alongside

1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship

5.30pm: Liberty men landed

10.00pm: Liberty men returned on board

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23 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

9.45am: Hands fall in. Cleaning ship

11.00am: Clean Guns

1.00pm: Liberty men landed

4.45pm: 2nd Part liberty men landed

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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24 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

8.45am: RC Church party landed

9.30am: Presbyterian and Wesleyan Church parties landed

9.45am: Prayers

11.00am: RC party returned

11.45am: Sea boats crew to dinner

Noon: Presbyterian and Wesleyan Church parties returned

1.00pm: Liberty men landed

2.30pm: Sea boat left fro “Argonaut”

2.50pm: Sea boat returned with Captain

4.45pm: Evening Quarters

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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25 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

7.45am: Landed dockyard party for stores

9.40am: Stores lighter alongside. Commenced taking stores on board

11.20am: Store train alongside. Unloading train

11.40am: Store train left

5.30pm: Store train arrived

6.00pm: Store train left

5.35pm: Store lighter alongside and made fast for night

6.10pm: Ceased taking in stores for day

6.30pm: Liberty men landed

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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26 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

8.05am: Hands fall in. Employed taking in stores throughout the day

11.30am: Read Warrants Nos 8 and 9

4.20pm: Lighter alongside with Engine Room and Paymaster stores

5.00pm: Liberty men landed

6.30pm: AB Coulds RNR returned from Hospital

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

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27 January 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Docked at Gibraltar]

7.00am: Hands employed taking in stores and cleaning ship

9.20am: Tug removed empty lighter

3.15pm: Cart arrived alongside with provisions

3.45pm: Tug came alongside & removed ash barge

5.00pm: Liberty men landed

5.15pm: Brewis PO1 & McLeod AB RNR returned from hospital

10.00pm: Liberty men returned

11.00pm: Finished taking in Fresh Water. 1000 tons received.

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28 January 1915

At sea

Lat 36.0, Long -5.9

[Position: Passing through Strait of Gibraltar]

7.30am: Cast off and proceeded out of harbour

8.30am: Landed Pilot and Proceeded Full Speed

8.58am: Carnero Point abeam distance 1.5 miles

1.16pm: Cape Trafalgar abeam 8 miles

4.40pm: Spoke SS Italian “San Gugliemo”

8.00pm: Sighted HMS "Carmania"

8.05pm: Challenge.

8.27pm: Stopped

8.33pm: Proceeded full speed

10.00pm: Exchanged recognition signals with one of HM Ships

Midnight: Sighted C St Vincent Light bearing N37W

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29 January 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -9.4

[Position: 25 miles South West Lisbon, Portugal]

2.00am: Cape St. Vincent abeam. Altered course N5E

6.35am: Observed Cape Especial Light N32E. Passed Various Shipping

7.00am: Scrub and Wash decks etc.

2.40pm: Stopped

2.50pm: Signalled SS “India”

4.30pm: Proceeded dead slow. Set course S35E for taking up required position

6.50pm: Stopped

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30 January 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -9.5

[Position: 30 miles South West Lisbon, Portugal]

4.00am: Stopped

7.30am: Midshipmen to Physical Drill

11.15am: Stopped. Spoke French SS “Galetei” Rouen to Algiers

11.30am: Spoke SS “Harimoen” (Dutch) to London

0.10pm: Spoke SS “Florinda” (Spanish) from Cadiz

5.19pm: Spoke SS “Grigna”

11.30pm: Spoke SS “Beimah” [?] of Whitby

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31 January 1915

At sea

Lat 38.9, Long -9.6

[Position: 30 miles North West Lisbon, Portugal]

7.05am: Spoke British SS “Lorle”

10.00am: Spoke SS “Ophir” (Orient)

11.05am: Proceeded in pursuit of SS “Fido”

11.20am: Away sea boat to board SS “Fido”

11.56am: Challenged

11.57am: Sea boat returned and hosted. SS Correct

0.40pm: Challenged by one of HM Ships and replied (“Cornwallis”)

1.00pm: Spoke Russian SS “Erika” Valencia to Hull. Spoke SS “Nancy Lee” Beni Saf to Barrow

2.40pm: Challenged by HMS “Bacchante”

2.45pm: Ahead 200 revs to intercept SS. Spoke SS “Berthe” of Nantes. Stopped

4.00pm: Signalled “Bacchante”

6.43pm: Spoke SS “Tagus” of Liverpool

7.40pm: Away sea boat to board SS “Augustine Consiel”

8.05pm: SS Found correct. Sea boat returned and hoisted


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1 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.8, Long -9.6

[Position: 30 miles West Lisbon, Portugal]

1.00am: Intercepted and spoke SS “Kitano Maru” (Nippon Yusen Kaisha)

2.00am: Intercepted and played searchlights on Greek SS” Theodoros” of Syra

2.50am: Intercepted and spoke SS “Sotrellano” of Liverpool, Lisbon to Liverpool

4.00am: Intercepted and played searchlights on SS “Kalimba” of Glasgow

4.00pm: Spoke SS “Dewsland” of Cardiff bound from Aguilas to Glasgow

4.10pm: Spoke SS “Spart” (Norwegian) from Valencia to Manchester canal

5.05pm: Spoke SS “Satur” (Spanish) to Cardiff

5.07pm: Spoke SS “Scawby” Admiralty Collier to Malta

5.10pm: Spoke SS “Roma” (Italian) to Venice. Spoke SS “Castro” Greek

5.30pm: Spoke SS “Bittern”, ahead 200 revs to intercept: Fired blank and exchanged signals

8.45pm: Proceeded in chase of SS

9.15pm: Played searchlights on SS (Spanish)

10.20pm: Spoke SS “Broderick”

10.30pm: Spoke SS “City of Newcastle”

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2 February 1915

A Sea

Lat 38.8, Long -9.6

[Position: 20 miles West Lisbon, Portugal]

4.15am: Spoke Danish SS "Dagny" bound from Marseilles to Swansea

5.45am: Spoke R.M.S "Avon" Liverpool to Lisbon

6.00am: Spoke SS "Anine" (Danish) of Copenhagen

6.10am: Spoke SS "Basque" (Mes:Mar) Marseilles to London

6.15am: Spoke SS "Palermo" London to Lisbon

7.35am: Spoke SS "Algrove" (Norwegian)

8.05am: Spoke SS "Seven Seas" Full speed to intercept

8.18am: Armed sea boat away to board

8.40am: Sea boat returned

5.20pm: Fired blanks at SS "Lopez y Lopez" (Spanish) to attract attention to signals

5.55pm: Fired blank at French SS "St Marc" to attract attention

6.05pm: “St Marc” all correct. Allowed to proceed

6.50pm: Played searchlight on Greek SS "Nicholaus"

7.10pm: Resumed patrol

8.00pm: Spoke SS “Elleston”, Malta to Cardiff

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3 February 1915

[3 January in log]

At sea

Lat 38.8, Long -9.6

[Position: 20 miles West Lisbon, Portugal]

6.00am: Bearings: Cape Espichel S24E, Cape Razo S54E, Cape Roca N65E

9.15am: Spoke SS "Anastasias" (Greek) to Liverpool. Spoke P&O SS "Caledonia" to Gibraltar

9.20am: Spoke SS "Saint Dimitrius" bound South

9.30am: Spoke SS "Fierros" (Spanish) bound South

9.50am: Spoke SS "Glaxonna" (French) to Lisbon

2.30pm: Midshipmen to lecture by Captain on Surveying

7.50pm: Spoke SS "Prins Wilhelm I (Dutch)

7.55pm: Full Speed to intercept SS "Agnes" of Aalesund (Norwegian)

10.30pm: Spoke SS "Lavernock" of Cardiff from Huelva

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4 February 1915

[4 January in log]

At sea

Lat 38.8, Long -9.8

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5 February 1915

[5 January in log]

Lat 38.8, Long -9.6

[Position: 30 miles West Lisbon, Portugal]

12.30pm: Cape Roca bearing S85E 5 miles

3.00pm: Made demand to SS “Lead” (Dutch)

3.09pm: Stopped Engines

3.10pm: Fired blank. Sea boat lowered to board “Leda”. Exchanged various signals

4.40pm: Sea boat returned. All correct.

5.40pm: Spoke SS “Amiral Orly” to Marseille

5.45pm: Spoke SS “Hollandia” (Dutch) Buenos Ayres to London

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6 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.4, Long -9.4

[Position: 20 miles South West Lisbon, Portugal]

5.00am: Played searchlight on topsail schooner "Elin" of Marstal

5.15am: Spoke SS "Merchant Prince" Manchester to Alexandria

11.20am: Captain’s Inspection

11.30am: Spoke Norwegian SS "Ren" of Risor

0.30pm: Hands to make and mend clothes

10.00pm: Heavy swell from NW throughout day

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7 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -9.6

[Position: 15 miles South West Lisbon, Portugal]

8.00am: Spoke HMS "Ark Royal" (aeroplane carrier)

8.30am: SS "Argyllshire" Cardiff to Melbourne

10.00am: Spoke SS "Christina" (Spanish) Huelva to Bordeaux

11.30am: Spoke Dutch SS "Iberia" Huelva to Rotterdam, away sea boat to board

11.55am: Sea boat returned. All correct

0.15pm: Made challenge to HMS "Prince George"

3.00pm: Spoke SS "Mississippi" (Havre)

9.10pm: Played searchlights and exchanged signals with SS "Cortes" Malaga to Lisbon

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8 February 1915


Lat 38.4, Long -9.4

[Position: Off South West Lisbon, Portugal]

2.15pm: Spoke SS "Pinegrove" Aguilas to Glasgow

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9 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.6, Long -9.2

[Position: Anchored off Cascais Bay, Portugal]

1.45am: Played searchlight on Port SY "Kinitra",

3.30am: Proceeded at 150 revs. N30W for position off Cape Espichel

9.15am: Sighted battleship from Northward

10.20am: Stopped

10.25am: Let go port anchor 60 fathoms on Windlass

10.30am: Brought up in 12 fathoms. Anchored off Cascais

10.48am: Sea boat left for shore

Noon: 10,910 lbs of beef surveyed, condemned and thrown overboard

3.05pm: Anchor weighed and proceeded at 200 revs

4.15pm: Challenged and received reply from HMS "Diana"

5.04pm: Away sea boat with mails to SS "Grantully Castle"

5.40pm: Sea boat returned and secured. Dead Slow ahead to sea

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10 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.6, Long -9.8

[Position: 20 miles SW Cascais Bay, Portugal]

8.35am; Resumed patrolling

10.00am: Hands to Physical Drill, Marines to Infantry Drill, Midshipmen to Instruction

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11 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -9.8

[Position: 30 miles West of Lisbon Portugal]

4.30pm: Exercised “General Quarters”,”Fire Stations” and “Abandon Ship” Stations

11.30pm: Spoke SS "Ping Saye" (A. Holt & Co) Liverpool to Java

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12 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -9.4

[Position: 20 miles South West of Lisbon Portugal]

1.15pm: Spoke SS "Naguri" (Spanish) from Huelva to Honfleur

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13 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.0, Long -9.3

[Position: 15 miles South West of Lisbon Portugal]

0.50am: Spoke SS "Meroe" (Moss SS Co) of Liverpool;

1.30am: Spoke SS "Riouw" (Dutch) Java to Amsterdam

3.45am: Spoke SS "Mardinian" (Ellerman) Cardiff to Port Said

11.30am: Captain and Staff went rounds

6.00pm: Exchanged signals with SS "Pasparoa" (NZS Co)

6.30pm: Challenged and received reply from HMS “Cordelia”

9.15pm: Passed and spoke HMS "Okino" with 8 mine sweepers

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14 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -9.5

[Position: 20 miles South West of Lisbon Portugal]

5.10am: Played searchlight on French SS "Venezia" (Fabre) Marseilles to Lisbon

7.23am: Ahead 200 revs to intercept SS "Benha" of London

9.50am: Full Ahead to intercept Portuguese SS "Africa" for Lisbon

10.40am: Away armed sea boats

2.45pm: Proceeded at 18 revs to take station off Cape Roca. Set course N16E

7.15pm: Full to intercept SS played searchlight on SS "Andros" (A Caires & Co)

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15 February 1915

At sea

Lat 37.7, Long -9.4

[Position: 30 miles West of Sines Portugal]

4.34am: Espichel Light abeam 11 miles

9.05am: Dead Slow. Spoke SS "Polaris" (Swedish)

9.20am: Spoke SS "Headlands" of Liverpool, Marseilles to Port Talbot

10.00am: Answered Transport No 42 Alexandria to London

11.05am: "Kong Ring" (Norwegian) Tyne to Oran with coal

11.45am: Proceeded full speed. Course N13E for River Tagus

4.15pm: Altered course to examine auxiliary schooner “San Antonio”

8.45pm: Spoke SS "Fornebo”, Lisbon to Tyne Dock

9.30pm: Played searchlights on French SS "Sylvie" of Rouen

10.15pm: Intercepted Norwegian SS "Sicilia" of Christiania

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16 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.6, Long -9.2

[Position: Cascais Bay, Portugal]

8.30am: Increase to Half Speed. Course and speed as requisite for entering Cascais Bay

9.15am: Let go starboard anchor 45 fathoms 10 fathoms water

9.20am: Sea boat left for shore

10.30am: Sea boat returned

11.30am: Sea boat left for shore with Captain.

1.30pm: Boat left ship for shore with officers and Liberty men

2.00pm: Sea boat returned

3.40pm: Sea boat left for shore

4.00pm: Sea boat left for shore for Captain

4.20pm: Sea boat returned with officers and Liberty men

6.07pm: Sea boat returned with Captain

6.15pm: Up Anchor

6.19pm: Anchor aweigh. Slow Ahead

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17 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -9.6

[Position: 20 miles South West of Lisbon Portugal]

1.30am: Shaw Saville & Albion SS "Mamari" left Lisbon Southbound

9.50am: Stopped. Marines marching order Parade. Hands employed painting etc. Seamen classes to instruction

5.20pm: Observed Cape Roca Light N87E distance 7 miles

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18 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.4, Long -10.1

[Position: 40 miles South West of Lisbon Portugal]

7.00am: Played searchlight on Italian SS "Grazia" bound South

8.35am: Stopped. Sea boat left for SS "Lanfranc" with mails

9.05am: Sea boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded 180 revs Course West

[Log marked ‘Helm and Engines as requisite for Patrolling Duties’]

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19 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.4, Long -9.7

[Position: 20 miles South West of Lisbon Portugal]

0.12pm: Challenged and received reply from HMS "Indefatigable"

3.45pm: Challenged HMS "Lord Nelson"

10.30pm: Altered course every 15 minutes from N60W to West and back to N60W

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20 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.0, Long -9.4

10.00am: Extra lookouts kept & guns ready loaded in the ‘check’ position

5.00pm: Spoke Greek SS "Adriana"

5.30pm: Watch at night defence stations with guns loaded at ‘check’

6.30pm: Double lookouts

11.00pm: Exercised Sea boats

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21 February 1915

At sea

Lat 41.1, Long -10.3

[Position: 60 miles West of Porto Portugal]

2.00am: Observed Burlings Isle Light S55E

2.30am: Guns loaded and at ‘half cock’. Extra lookouts placed

6.00pm: Altered course N85E. Head to Sea and reduced to 120 revs

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22 February 1915

At sea

Lat 42.5, Long -10.6

[Position: 75 miles West of Vigo Spain]

[Nothing to report]

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23 February 1915

At sea

Lat 42.7, Long -9.1

[Position: Off Ria de Muros Spain]

7.55am: Increased to 200 revs. Observed Cape Finisterre

9.30am: Divisions and Prayers (Course Captain’s Orders) In Corcubian Bay

10.30am: In Muros Bay

0.25pm: Cape Corrabedo abeam distance 4 miles

1.30pm: Courses to Captain’s Orders for examining Arosa Bay

2.50pm: Examining Pontevedra Bay

3.50pm: Proceeded into Vigo Bay. Courses to Captains Orders

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24 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -10.4

[Position: 60 miles West of Lisbon Portugal]

1.00pm: Observed iron drum floating. Swung ship and fired three rounds common shell, sinking drum

2.30pm: Midshipmen to surveying lecture by Captain

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25 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.2, Long -9.7

[Position: 40 miles South West of Lisbon Portugal]

0.30am: Watch at Defence Stations. Observed Cape Espichel N64E

2.20am: Observed Cape Roca Light

9.38am: Stopped

9.45am: Lowered Starboard sea boat with mails to board SS "Carpathia".

10.20pm: SS "Carpathia" proceeded

10.30pm: Sea boat returned with mails, and hoisted

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26 February 1915

At sea

Lat 39.9, Long -9.8

[Position: 100 miles North of Lisbon Portugal]

[Nothing to report]

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27 February 1915

At sea

Lat 38.5, Long -9.6

[Position: Approaching Lisbon Portugal]

11.00am: Helm and Engines as required for patrolling duties

1.56pm: Cape Roca abeam

5.50pm: Course as required to close SS "Roumanii"

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28 February 1915

At sea

Lat 37.0, Long -9.4

[Position: 20 miles West of Cape St Vincent Portugal]

11.30am: Observed Cape St Vincent S72E

0.45pm: Cape St Vincent on 4 pts bearing East

1.20pm: Spoke schooner "Actio" of Marstal

2.30pm: Passed SS "Graccia" Gibraltar, bound North

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Hands employed preparing for entering harbour, rigging coaling gear


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1 March 1915

At sea

Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Entering Gibraltar Harbour]

3.15am: Observed Cape Trafalgar Light S79E

9.05am: Pilot boarded. Proceeded to enter harbour

9.21am: Entered harbour

9.30am: Tugs alongside

9.45am: Made fast to South Mole No 1 shed. Finished with engines

10.30am: Lieut Com Pike and Gunner Johnson joined ship

11.00am: Captain paid official visit to Admiral

Noon: Captain returned. Hands employed painting ships side and scrubbing jetty

5.00pm: Liberty men and patrol landed

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2 March 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

6.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship and drawing stores

7.00am: Liberty men returned

9.00am: Commenced filling with fresh water Forepeak for boiler use

10.00am: Hands employed painting, scrubbing and scraping ships side

10.30am: Boat left ship for Admirals office

Noon: Boat returned with Captain

5.00pm: Liberty men landed

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3 March 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

[Commenced coaling ship]

1.35pm: Picket of 1 WO, 2 POs, and 10 men landed for duty in the town

[Total coal taken for day 601 tons]

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[At this point the log is marked with ‘This log was ceased by Admiralty Order’, signed by Captain Somerville. A new log book was opened with entries from 1st March 1915. The new log is titled ‘Copy of Log’ and is certified as ‘a complete copy of the original log’ by signatory E Cook Navigating Officer]

[Also on the 24th April 1915, Rear Admiral Moore, on HMS “Argonaut”, writes ‘log has not been returned for correction as ship has paid off’]

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[On the specifications page of the copy log a G J Sisley (Engineer Commander HMS “Argonaut”), on the 24th April 1915, submits an observation stating ‘On days where Distillers in use Water logged as expended apparently incorrect – 19th Coal expended – incorrect – 25th Water expended or remaining – incorrect’]

4caf8c3bcadfd341970353a8: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-003_0.jpg)

[Instruments page – completed]

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4 March 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

[Continued coaling ship]

9.40am: Mr Long, Gunner discharged to P&O SS for passage to Malta

10.30am: Relief picket left ship, 1 PO, 4 ABs

11.0am: Mails received on board from Cormorant

Noon: 20 -25 tons taken in to finish coaling. Total coal taken 1000 tons

1.30pm: Patrol landed 1 PO & 4 men

1.40pm: Liberty men landed

1.45pm: AB Corkhill sent to DB in charge of Marine Escort

3.30pm: Marine Escort returned from DB

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5 March 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

9.25am: Landed patrol 1 PO & 4 men

9.30am: Duty boat away with 6 boxes cartridge for testing by NOO

10.00am: Gunner Campbell RMA discharged to hospital

4.30pm: Football party landed

4.50pm: Liberty men

5.20pm: Patrol landed

5.30pm: Commenced taking in fresh water (filling boilers)

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6 March 1915


Lat 36.15, Long -5.37

[Position: Gibraltar Harbour]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

9.00am: Patrol landed to clean picket house

2.00pm: Hands employed variously preparing for leaving harbour

3.30pm: Lieut Croysdale RNR joined the ship

4.30pm: Hoisted duty boat

4.45pm: Singled in the moorings

5.00pm: Cast off Pilot in charge

5.30pm: Exercised GQ, all guns cleared away and ammunition placed

6.20pm: Set course 80W

6.35pm: Increased to 240 altering course 20° every 15 minutes (Mean course S80W)

7.10pm: Altered course N78W (mean)

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7 March 1915

At sea

Lat 36.1, Long -9.5

[Position: 70 miles South of Sagres]

1.00am: Altering course every 15 minutes Mean course N3W

2.00am: Set course N5W

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8 March 1915

At sea

Lat 40.9, Long -11.0

[Position: 100 miles West of Porto]

4.45pm: Exercise abandon ship stations

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9 March 1915

At sea

Lat 49.9, Long -9.9

[Position: 150 miles South of Ireland]

[Nothing to report]

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10 March 1915

At sea

Lat 50.8, Long -7.2

[Entering St George’s Channel]

1.35am: Engineers reports ship going full speed

Noon: Sounding 52 fathoms, fine sand

4.00pm: Sounding 40 fathoms, fine sand

5.40pm: Fired at fisherman's buoy

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11 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

5.00am: Bar Ship abeam

5.25am: Pilot Mr Tranter boarded off Formby ship

5.45am: Stopped

6.15am: Received permission to proceed from CO signal station

7.40am: Passed through pier heads. Made fast east side of Sandon Basin

9.30am: Entered Canada Dock,

9.43am: Made fast alongside RMS "Scandinavian"

9.49am: Finished with engines

9.55am: Finished mooring ship

11.00am: Lt Commander Fairfax RN left the ship

11.30am: W Hart officers steward left the ship

Noon: Mercantile marine ratings paid off and discharged

1.30pm: Hands make and mend. Leave to 1st and 2nd watches

5.00pm: Liberty men landed

6.40pm: Shifted berth to North side of dock

4caf8c3bcadfd341970353b4: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-009_0.jpg)

12 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

4caf8c3bcadfd341970353b5: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-009_1.jpg)

13 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

09.20am: Six RNR Stokers discharged to Chatham

11.00am: Pump out Port No. 4 tank fo bring ship upright (103 tons)

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353b6: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-010_0.jpg)

14 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

9.00am: Men from Stornaway proceeded on leave

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353b7: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-010_1.jpg)

15 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: Leave given to 2nd Watch and after part of 3rd Watch until 8 pm 22nd

10.20am: Shifted berth. Made fast alongside of SS “Northumbrian”

1.00pm: Discharged 4 ABs, RNR to barracks at Chatham

2.30pm: Shifted berth made fast alongside of RMS “Grampian”

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353b8: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-011_0.jpg)

16 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

[Nothing to report]

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17 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Escort left ship for Manchester

4.30pm: Escort returned to ship with one stoker RNR apprehended at Manchester

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353ba: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-012_0.jpg)

18 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: One stoker RNR discharged to Devonport RN Barracks

11.45am: Shifted berth alongside quay SE corner

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353bb: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-012_1.jpg)

19 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

[Nothing to report]

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20 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

[Nothing to report]

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21 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

[Nothing to report]

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22 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

9.00pm: 2nd watch returned from long leave

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353bf: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-014_1.jpg)

23 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

[Nothing to report]

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353c0: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-015_0.jpg)

24 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.30am: Landing all cordite for returning to store

3.00pm: 1 PO1 & one AB, RNR discharged to barracks

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353c1: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-015_1.jpg)

25 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.00am: Hands employed landing ammunition

4.30pm: All explosives landed

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353c2: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-016_0.jpg)

26 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Hands employed returning gear

10.00am: Hands employed returning stores

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353c3: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-016_1.jpg)

27 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30pm: J Diagree AB, RNR transferred to HMS “Orotava” at Birkenhead

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353c4: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-017_0.jpg)

28 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

[Nothing to report]

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353c5: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-017_1.jpg)

29 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

3.30pm: Gunner Harvey, RMA, discharged to hospital

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353c6: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-018_0.jpg)

30 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00pm: Men returned from long leave

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353c7: ( 53-67375/ADM 53-67375-018_1.jpg)

31 March 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

6.30am: Paid ship off, crew discharged to their respective depots, care and maintenance party retained on board

9.00am: Hauled down commissioning pennant

APRIL to MAY 1915 not included

(ship out of commission)


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4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d1: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-003_1.jpg)

9 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.00am: Ship commissioned

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d2: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-004_0.jpg)

10 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

4.00pm: Surgeon Bob McKiernan joined

4.00pm: Received 5 casks rum

4.45pm: Finished receiving stores

6.30pm: 1 Master at Arms, 5 POs, 1 Leading Seaman joined ship from Depot

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d3: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-004_1.jpg)

11 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.45am: Hands employed loading ammunition

1.15pm: Hands employed loading 6” ammunition and transporting 2 – 6 pounder guns from HMS “Caribbean”

2.00pm: Ship complete with ballast fresh water boilers full. Ship on even keel 28ft 6in forward and 28ft 6in aft

4.15pm: All ammunition aboard and stowed

10.00pm: Cammell Laird's men fitting 6 pounder guns on forecastle during night

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d4: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-005_0.jpg)

12 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: Prob Surg Telford joined ship

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d5: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-005_1.jpg)

13 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Roman Catholics to breakfast and clean

8.30am: Roman Catholic Church party ashore

0.35pm: Church parties returned on board

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d6: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-006_0.jpg)

14 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: Draft of 24 ratings left for Devonport barracks in charge of Sub-Lt Chapman RNR

9.00am: Singled up, pilot on board, bottom line found to be foul of rudder.

9.30pm: Hands re-moor ship, pilot left, diver employed.

Noon: Rudder cleared.

8.50pm: Pilot (C Tranter) on board

9.15pm: Cast off using engines as requisite. Two tugs in attendance

9.50pm: Cleared Canada Dock

10.00pm: Cleared Huskisson Dock

10.20pm: Tied up alongside “Caronia”. Rung off engines, standby

11.30pm: Cast off using engines as requisite

11.50m: Cleared Sandon Dock, entered river. Cast off forward tug.

Midnight: Cast off aft tug

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d7: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-006_1.jpg)

15 June 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

0.10am: Let go Starboard anchor in 15 fathoms veered cable to 60 fathoms

6.25am: Weighed anchor. Engines and courses as requisite for compass adjustment. Tug “Bison” assisting.

8.05am: Cast off Tug

8.20am: Let go Starboard anchor in 15 fathoms veered to 60 fathoms

3.50pm: Tender “Bison” left for shore

4.35pm: Tender “Bison” alongside

5.00pm: “Bison” left for shore with OS Patten for hospital

9.00pm: Shortened in

9.15pm: Anchor up

9.35pm: N. Wall Light

10.35pm: Formby Light

10.50pm: Stopped and discharged Pilot; full speed

11.07pm: Bar Lt Ship abeam distance half mile.

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d8: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-007_0.jpg)

16 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 55.3, Long -6.4

[Position: 5 miles off Northern Ireland coast]

3.35am: Sighted: Chickens: N25E

4.15am: Boy raised man overboard. Turned ship round and searched for missing man. Search unavailing. Three life buoys thrown over and lost.

4.35am: Proceeded on course N2W

6.55am: Skulmartin Lightship abeam

8.00am: Copeland bore S56W distance 4 miles

11.00am: Passed Tor head and entered Rathlin Sound.

4.05pm: Signalled HMS "Patia":

4.55pm: Signalled HMS "India"

6.04pm: Observed Barra Head: N23E

8.50pm: Sighted: Trawler "Ravola" GY 716 and "Dragon" GY 201

[Additional note in log: Lost overboard and presumably drowned PO 1st Class K Butteris ON Devonport in Lat 54 6N Long 4 56W. Age 51years 11 months]

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353d9: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-007_1.jpg)

17 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -11.2

[Position: 250 miles SW Faroe Islands]

7.15am: Signalled HMS "Hildebrand"

9.30am: Held court of enquiry into the death of the late PO 1st class Wm Butterris

11.20am: Boat alongside from “Patuca” with 1 lieutenant, 1 sub-lieutenant and 9 men.

11.25am: Wireless operator Anderson transferred to “Patuca”.

1.20pm: Boat away

1.35pm: Boat returned from HMS "Changuinola" with 1 lieutenant and 3 sub-lieutenants.

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353da: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-008_0.jpg)

18 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.6, Long -12.1

[Position: 150 miles W of Faroe Islands]

1.55am: Discharged armed guard for HMS "Orotava". Rec’d 2 firemen for "Hilary", 1 AB for "Motagua"

4.50am: Sighted steamer. Altered course N35W stop

6.00am: Signalled HMS "Changuinola":

7.20am: Stopped to board Norwegian steamer “F Heredia” hauled in log 62 9N, 12 49W

0.48pm: Engines as requisite to board Trawler H 1022

5.50pm: Sighted: HMS "Motagua" bearing WNW

6.25pm: Stopped to put armed guard aboard HMS "Motagua"

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353db: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-008_1.jpg)

19 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.8, Long -7.3

[Position: 100 miles N of Faroe Islands]

10.30am: Observed fisherman's black bladder buoy with letter H on top, stopped to examine

10.45am: Proceeded, practised firing sub-calibre at buoy.

3.45pm: Stopped. Boat put off to board whaler "Havman" (Lat 63 52N, Long 6 01W)

4.48pm: Altered course to follow schooner

5.00pm: Boat put off to board schooner "Activ" (Lat 63 59N, Long 6 10W

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353dc: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-009_0.jpg)

20 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.9, Long 0.3

[Position: 200 miles off Norwegian coast]

4.30am: Boat from HMS "Ambrose" came alongside for her armed guard (Lat 63 2N, Long 2 19W)

10.30am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection

5.40pm: Boarded Norwegian Steamer "Bianca" (Lat 64 33N Long 2 22E)

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353dd: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-009_1.jpg)

21 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 66.5, Long 9.5

[Position: 80 miles off Norwegian coast

2.00am: Exercised guns crew

2.30pm: Sighted land leaving S64E

5.25pm: Stopped to communicate with HMS “Teutonic” and her armed guards

10.20pm: Stopped to examine buoy with flag on top. Rifles and 6 pounder fired and buoy sunk (Lat 67 15N Long 12 4E)

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353de: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-010_0.jpg)

22 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 66.8, Long 11.9

[Position: 40 miles off Norwegian coast

6.45am: Stopped to board SS "Ragnhild”, Lat 66 46N, Long 11 43E

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353df: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-010_1.jpg)

23 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 64.3, Long 9.6

[Position: 15 miles off Norwegian coast]

5.30am: Sighted: HMS "Teutonic" bearing South

11.35am: Courses as requisite for boarding SS "Pine Branch" Norwegian FRVERN (Lat 64 15N, Long 9 38E)

6.50pm: Halten Light abeam distance 4.9 miles

10.30pm: Halten Light S10W distance 13,000yds

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353e0: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-011_0.jpg)

24 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 64.3, Long 9.6

[Position: 15 miles off Norwegian coast]

0.29am: Halten Light S10W distance 1350 yds

2.15am: Halten Light S10W, 19,000 yds

4.10am: Halten Light S10W, 18,500 yds

5.48am: Halten Light S10W, 22,000 yds

9.00am: Marines to 6 inch gun drill

8.45pm: Stopped to communicate with HMS “Teutonic”

Midnight: Sighted steamer and gave chase

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353e1: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-011_1.jpg)

25 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 64.5, Long 8.9

[Position: 50 miles off Norwegian coast]

1.20am: Stopped and boarded Norge Steamer “Ford” (Lat 64 41N, Long 8 37E)

2.45am: Stopped and boarded SS “Polcirkeln” (Lat 64 45N, Long 8 43E)

4.15am: Sent Armed Guard under Sub-Lieut Wheable to SS “Polcirkeln”

9.15am: Advised “Teutonic” – taking down aerial for repairs

9.20am: Stopped. Boarded Norge SS “Steinstad” (Lat 64 42N, Long 8 52E)

10.30am: Sent Armed Guard under Lieut John Humphrey

0.45pm: Aerial repaired. Fitted new spreader and changed positions of insulators

1.10pm: Sheave jammed consequently carried away leads again Great difficulty through sheave each time jamming

4.30pm: Stopped to repair aerial.

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353e2: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-012_0.jpg)

26 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 64.3, Long 9.5

[Position: 20 miles off Norwegian coast]

7.20am: Stopped to communicate with AT "Tenby Castle"

2.10pm: Halten Light S10W 10.5 miles

10.40pm: Halten Light S10W 10 miles

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353e3: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-012_1.jpg)

27 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 64.3, Long 9.3

[Position: 25 miles off Norwegian coast]

11.40am: Halten Light S9W 8 miles

4.45pm: Altered course for “Teutonic” for orders (64 29N 9 57E)

4.55pm: Stopped and sent boat to “Teutonic” for orders

11.45pm: Kya Island S37E 5 miles

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353e4: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-013_0.jpg)

28 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 64.4, Long 10.2

[Position: 5 miles off Norwegian coast]

7.00am: Marines at 6 inch gun drill

8.05am: Kya Island abeam 6 miles

5.30pm: Altered course to intercept steamer

5.45pm: Signalled Norge SS "Svarton" (in ballast) and allowed to proceed

8.15pm: Engines as requisite. Boarded Norge SS "Leander" (64 28N, 10 23E)

9.25pm: Allowed SS to proceed.

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353e5: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-013_1.jpg)

29 June 1915

On patrol

Lat 65.2, Long 9.7

[Position: 40 miles off Norwegian coast]

0.30am: Exercised Gun’s crews

2.00pm: RNR Officers at Morris tube firing

4caf8c3ccadfd341970353e6: ( 53-67376/ADM 53-67376-014_0.jpg)

30 June 1915


Lat 64.5, Long 10.4

[Position: 5 miles off Norwegian coast]

0.15am: Exercised Gun’s crews

Noon: Intercepted SS "Markland", allowed to proceed

0.05pm: Proceeded to assistance of HMS"Tenby Castle", in response to WT signal from her.

0.35pm: Stopped abreast of German SS "Pallar" and "Tenby Castle" (64 35N, 10 38E) to receive prisoners.

1.10pm: "Pallar’s boat with 10 German crew alongside

2.30pm: Captain of Norge ship "Froye" also Captain of HMS "Tenby Castle" and pilot from "Pallar" boarded

3.30pm: Above Germans discharged on account of being in territorial waters, German SS "Pallar" allowed to proceed.

5.15pm: Stopped, "Creomar" boat alongside, also "Tenby Castle" for orders.

8.10pm: Altered course towards "Tenby Castle"

8.40pm: Sent boat for 1 hospital case, Chas Rowe CPO, QG Southwood to replace

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4caf8c3dcadfd341970353f1: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-003_1.jpg)

1 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 67.1, Long 11.7

[Position: 50 miles off Norwegian coast]

1.10pm: Stopped to board Norge SS "Tjomo" (67 22N, 11 37E)

1.30pm: HMS "Creomar" boat alongside with mails.

3.40pm: Signalled "Tenby Castle"

5.05pm: Stopped and boarded Swedish SS "Norbotten" (67 01N, 11 20E)

6.15pm: Allowed Swedish SS to proceed

7.35pm: Signalled Nor SS "Lysacer", allowed her to proceed

Midnight: Skomvoeur Lt N13E11

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353f2: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 67.2, Long 11.7

[Position: 50 miles off Norwegian coast]

8.35am: Stopped and boarded Norge SS "Alphild Paul" (67 22N, 13 22E)

1.35pm: Boarded Swedish SS "Narvic" and put Armed Guard on board under Sub-Lieut Honeyman (Sent into Kirkwall)

6.30pm: Intercepted SS "Ragnor"

8.50pm: Signalled Norge SS "Hadsel", and allowed to proceed.

9.15pm: HMS "Tenby Castle" alongside

9.55pm: "Tenby Castle” left

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353f3: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 65.3, Long 7.2

[Position: 100 miles off Norwegian coast]

0.15am: Sighted HMS "India"

0.40am: Stopped sent sea boat with dispatches.

1.35am: Boat returned and hoisted

3.15pm: Sounded action. Dropped Target and fired one round from each gun

3.55pm: Circled round SS "Noidart"

10.55pm: Intercepted Norge SS "Signi", allowed to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353f4: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.7, Long -0.4

[Position: 300 miles East of Faroe Islands]

0.30am: Ran into fog, reduced speed

2.45am: Fog cleared proceeded at full speed

11.50am: Stopped to examine SS Fresend, Norge, allowed to proceed

1.10pm: Intercepted British Ship SS Jeanate, allowed to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353f5: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -10.4

[Position: 200 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

11.00am: Sighted: HMS “Virginian”

11.55am: Stopped

0.20pm: Two armed guards returned from HMS “Virginian”

[HMS “Virginian” is a sister ship of HMS “Victorian”. The HMS “Virginian” log for this day states, at 0.15pm, “Discharged ratings to “Victorian” (2 officers and 8 men)”. Does not agree with “Victorian’s log!]

2.45pm: Passed a battleship

5.00pm: General Quarters. Acting Lieut John Humphrey RNR was absent from his place of duty at Quarters and also during the time Guns crew exercised at General Quarters.

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353f6: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 54.6, Long -5.3

[Position: 30 miles West of Anglesey]

0.30am: Barra Head bearing S87E

1.00am: Barra Head bearing N70E

2.25am: Sighted Skerryvore Light bearing S67E

4.00am: Skerryvore Light bearing N42E

6.25am: Inishtrahull Light bearing S83W

8.10am: Rathlin Light abeam distance 3.2 miles

8.45am: Tor Island abeam. Exercised guns crews

10.10am: Maidens: abeam

6.20pm: Bar Lt Ship abeam. Course as requisite

6.45pm: Pilot boarded

7.00pm: Formby Light abeam

7.45pm: Postman left with mails on Tug "Bison"

8.20pm: Anchored off Seacombe in 13 fathoms. Veered cable to 60 fathoms

10.10pm: Mails on board. Tender left with liberty men

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7 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Docked at Liverpool]

0.15am: HMS “Donegal” anchored astern

6.30am: Entered South Sandon Dock

8.04am: Entered South East Sandon Dock

8.20am: Made fast. Finished with engines

8.30am: General leave to Starboard watch till 7pm Monday [6 days’ leave]

1.45pm: Commenced to coal ship

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8 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Docked at Liverpool]

7.00am: Started coaling from 3 lighters

5.00pm: Discharged Mair AB to Ilex, Trawler

[Log notes the ‘Barometer Broken’]

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9 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Docked at Liverpool]

7.15am: Started coaling from 4 lighters. 94 men employed

5.30pm: Received 1500 toms

6.30pm: No 3 prize crew returned.

9.30pm: Stopped coaling

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10 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Docked at Liverpool]

7.30am: Started coaling from 4 lighters

9.00am: Amount of coal on board 1790 tons

4.00pm: Stopped coaling

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11 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Docked at Liverpool]

7.30am: Started coaling from 4 lighters alongside

9.00am: Amount of coal on board 2447 tons

10.00am: Started coaling for hold

4.00pm: Stopped coaling

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353fc: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-009_0.jpg)

12 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Docked at Liverpool]

7.30am: Started coaling from four lighters

9.00am: Amount of coal on board 3077 tons

7.00pm: Starboard watch returned from long leave

9.00pm: Finished coaling

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353fd: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-009_1.jpg)

13 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Docked at Liverpool]

7.30am: Started coaling

8.00am: Shore gang fitting up crow nest on foremast

8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.00am: Coal on board 3903 tons

7.00pm: 16 Seamen ratings joined from Devonport

9.00pm: Finished coaling

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353fe: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-010_0.jpg)

14 July 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Docked at Liverpool]

1.00am: Coal on board 4081 tons

7.30am: Discharged Lieut J Humphrey to RN Barracks, Chatham

[Note: This relates to log entry on 5th July when Lieut J Humphrey failed to appear at General Quarters]

8.00am: Fresh Water Tanks filled

10.00am: Pilot on board

11.37am: Cast off using engines as requisite. Two tugs in attendance

11.55am: Cleared SE Sandon Dock

0.20pm: Cleared South Sandon Dock. Entered river cast off forward tug

0.25pm: Cast off aft tug

0.47pm: Let go starboard anchor in 14 fathoms of water veered cable to 60 fathoms

6.35pm: Tender left for mails

9.30pm: Tender “Bison” returned with mails

10.25pm: Anchor up. Proceeded using engines as requisite.

10.43pm: Rock light abeam

11.58pm: Discharged Pilot and proceeded at full speed

Midnight: Signalled TBD Dee

4caf8c3dcadfd341970353ff: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-010_1.jpg)

15 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 55.1, Long -5.8

[Position: 25 miles East of Anglesey]

0.07am: Bar Light Vessel abeam

7.45am: South Rock Light Ship abeam distance 2 miles

3.20pm: Inishtrahull N73 W 10'

8.47pm: Barra Head Abeam

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035400: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-011_0.jpg)

16 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -7.3

[Position: 50 miles North of Lewis]

1.00am: St Kilda bearing N38E

4.00am: Norwegian steamer Correis N70E. Allowed to proceed

8.45am: Flannan Isle abeam bearing N70E distance 22'

9.15am: Sea boats crew exercised in Bomb throwing

10.00am: Altered course to intercept steamer

10.12am: Stopped to board SS Sundovall (Swedish), allowed to proceed

1.30pm: Officers at 6 inch gun drill

3.30pm: N Rona bearing S24E

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035401: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-011_1.jpg)

17 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.1, Long -12.3

[Position: 250 miles West of Faroe Islands]

3.15am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Mantua”

4.00am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Patia”

8.00am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Orotava”

7.00pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Oropesa”

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035402: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-012_0.jpg)

18 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.6, Long -12.0

[Position: 200 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

9.40am: Exchanged signals with HMS “Orotava”

10.30am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection

0.10pm: Sighted 2 funnel AMC bearing S5E

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035403: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-012_1.jpg)

19 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.8, Long -12.0

[Position: 300 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

1.30pm: Officers to Rifle practice

5.50pm: Exchanged signals with HMS “Columbella”

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035404: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-013_0.jpg)

20 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.5, Long -11.7

[Position: 200 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035405: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-013_1.jpg)

21 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.3, Long -11.6

[Position: 200 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

9.15am: Altered course to Intercept Danish steamer SS “California” from Christiansand to Philadelphia

10.00am: SS “California” allowed to proceed

11.15am: Exchanged signals with HMS “Mantua”.

11.45am: Altered course S76W. Engines full speed chasing SS “California”

3.35pm: Stopped put armed guard aboard SS “California”, Sub Lt Barradell in charge

4.45pm: Stopped boarded American full rigged ship "Pass of Balmaha",

7.10pm: Sent armed guard in charge of Sub Lieut Harris on board "Pass of Balmaha"

9.00pm: Altered course N73E Signalled HMS “Alsatian”

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035406: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-014_0.jpg)

22 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.3, Long -11.4

[Position: 250 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

Noon: Challenged HMS “Mantua”. Received reply

7.00pm: Altered course to N85E to intercept sailing vessel

8.00pm: Stopped to board Danish barquentine "Henry Brooke". Allowed to proceed

11.00pm: Schooner “Henry Brooke” abeam

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035407: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-014_1.jpg)

23 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.5, Long -11.5

[Position: 200 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

1.00pm: Challenged HMS “Orotova”

3.15pm: Stopped

3.50pm: Received following Armed Guards from HMS "Duke of Cornwall";

1 officer and 4 men for HMS “Andes”,

1 officer and 4 men for HMS “Arlanza”,

3 officers and 12 men for HMS Montagua

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035408: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-015_0.jpg)

24 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.9, Long -11.1

[Position: 200 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

5.55am: Slow for HMS “Motagua”, 3 officers and 12 men (AS) discharged to Motagua

8.45pm: Course as requisite to intercept barque

9.05pm: Boarded Norge Barque “Alfa”. New York to Goteburg. Sent armed guard to “Alfa” under Sub Lieut Wheable

10.40pm: Stopped and sent armed guard under Sub Lieut G Honeyman to Danish SS “Russ” (Baltimore to Copenhagen)

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035409: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-015_1.jpg)

25 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.3, Long -11.4

[Position: 200 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

11.27am: Sighted HMS “Royal Scot”

0.05pm: Sent boat to “Royal Scot” Circling round. Hands at GQ Stations

8.00pm: Boarded Norge SS “Fletra” and sent armed guard to her under Lieut Woodroofe

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703540a: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-016_0.jpg)

26 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.0, Long -11.4

[Position: 200 miles South West of Faroe Islands]

4.00am: Boarded and sent armed guard under Lieut Davies to Danish SS “Tuborg” (Baltimore to Denmark)

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703540b: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-016_1.jpg)

27 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.3, Long -11.9

[Position: 200 miles West of Faroe Islands]

6.08am: Exchanged pennants with HMS “Oropesa”

6.45am: Stop. “Oropesa” sent boat with mails for “Arlanza”

8.38am: “Arlanza's” boat alongside for AG

0.35pm: Boarded ST “Fortuna”. Allowed her to proceed

4.45pm: Boarded Swedish schooner “Valand Sverige”

6.40pm: Schooner allowed to proceed

7.10pm: Signalled HMS “Oropesa”

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703540c: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-017_0.jpg)

28 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.5, Long -11.8

[Position: 200 miles West of Faroe Islands]

1.10pm: Signalled HMS “India”

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703540d: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-017_1.jpg)

29 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.7, Long -12.0

[Position: 200 miles West of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703540e: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-018_0.jpg)

30 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.7, Long -12.1

[Position: 200 miles West of Faroe Islands]

8.20am: Altered course N50E to intercept steamer

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31 July 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.3, Long -12.4

[Position: 200 miles West of Faroe Islands]

2.30am: Signalled HMS “Hildebrand”

6.20am: British steam trawler in company

10.50am: Boarded British SS “Eskimo”

2.13pm: Exchanged signals with HMS “India”

7.30pm: Boarded and sent armed guard under Mid Jones to Danish aux barquentine “Danmark”

10.30pm: Sent boat to HMS Alsatian. Lieut Woodroofe and Sub Lieut Honeyman and 2 Armed Guards returned

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035412: ( 53-67377/ADM 53-67377-020_0.jpg)

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4caf8c3dcadfd3419703541d: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-003_1.jpg)

1 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.7, Long -13.6

[Position: 200 miles South East of Iceland]

10.30am: Divisions and Captain’s Inspection

1.35pm: Boat from HMS “Andes” came alongside and received Armed Guard from us

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703541e: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-004_0.jpg)

2 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.8, Long -13.6

[Position: 200 miles South East of Iceland]

5.30am: Exchanged signals with HMS “Alsatian”

11.00am: Officers to First Aid lecture

0.15pm: Manoeuvred as required and hailed British St Trawler “Strathisla”. Allowed her to proceed

3.00pm: Boarded Danish SS “Peru”. Allowed her to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703541f: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-004_1.jpg)

3 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.0, Long -13.7

[Position: 150 miles South East of Iceland]

10.05am: Boarded Swedish SS "Sir Ernest Cassel". Allowed to proceed. 63 2N, 13 50W

1.30pm: Officers at sword drill

2.00pm: Lost overboard 1 bayonet and scabbard

3.20pm: Boarded Russian SS "Kildin" (62 38N, 12 45W). Allowed to proceed

11.15pm: Signalled British SS "Fairhaven" Allowed to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035420: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-005_0.jpg)

4 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.2, Long -12.7

[Position: 200 miles South East of Iceland]

3.40pm: Boarded British St Trawler “Armageddon” and allowed her to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035421: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-005_1.jpg)

5 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.3, Long -13.5

[Position: 100 miles South East of Iceland]

4.30am: Boarded and sent Armed Guard under Sub-Lieut Honeyman to Danish SS “Ebsjerg”.

5.00am: Exchanged signals with HMS “Andes”

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035422: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-006_0.jpg)

6 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.4, Long -13.9

[Position: 80 miles South East of Iceland]

3.20pm: Signalled Russian SS “Etticlaida” and allowed her to proceed

11.30pm: Met HMS “Digby” in Lat 62 49N 13.19W (Exchanged pennants)

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035423: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-006_1.jpg)

7 August 1915


Lat 63.2, Long -13.4

[Position: 100 miles South East of Iceland]

9.20am: Stopped and boarded British St Trawler “Admiral Craddock” and allowed her to proceed

10.45am: Stopped and boarded British St Trawler “Stalwart” and allowed her to proceed

8.10pm: Boarded British St Trawler “Caliban” and allowed her to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035424: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-007_0.jpg)

8 August 1915


Lat 63.4, Long -13.9

[Position: 80 miles South East of Iceland]

11.15am: Stopped and boarded St Trawler “Bracomoor” and allowed her to proceed

7.50pm: Exchanged signals HMS “Digby”

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035425: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-007_1.jpg)

9 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.4, Long -13.9

[Position: 80 miles South East of Iceland]

3.35am: Exchanged signals HMS “Digby”

5.00pm: Helm hard-aport. Circling round rendezvous for HMS “Patuca”

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035426: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-008_0.jpg)

10 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.0, Long -14.1

[Position: 120 miles South East of Iceland]

6.10am: Stopped, signalled HMS “Digby”.

8.43am: Exchanged signals with HMS “Digby”.

10.15am: Stopped to receive 3 armed guards from HMS “Patuca”

5.00pm: Signalled Danish Barquentine “Olga”

7.30pm: Stopped to board Russian SS “Novorossa” position 61 33N, 13 11W

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035427: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-008_1.jpg)

11 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.7, Long -12.0

[Position: 150 miles West of Isles of Lewis]

Midnight: Barra Head Light S85E

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035428: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-009_0.jpg)

12 August 1915

On patrol to Liverpool

Lat 54.4, Long -5.2

[Position: 25 miles North West of Isle of Man]

0.30am: Barra Head Light N48E. Skerryvore N65E

4.50am: Oversay Light S46E

7.30am: Entered Rathlin Sound

9.30am: Maidens Light abeam distance 3 miles

1.35pm: Eased to Slow (Fog commenced sounding 33 fathoms)

1.55pm: Sighted Calf Light S40 E2.5

6.35pm: Signalled HMS Dove

7.04pm: Stopped to receive pilot. Signalled Seaforth station

8.40pm: Let go starboard anchor in 9.5 fathoms. Veered cable to 60 fathoms

9.45pm: Tug alongside commenced shortening in

10.45pm Anchor up. Proceeded using engines as requisite. Two Tugs “Otter” and “Bison” in attendance.

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035429: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-009_1.jpg)

13 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool Docks]

0.38am: Entered SE Sandon Dock, made fast, finished with tugs

8.00am: Gave general leave to Port Watch for 6 days

9.00am: Commenced coaling. Hands employed painting ship as required

11.15am: 3 armed guards returned. Evans Boy joined ship. Quigley AB RNVR absentee sent aboard from HMS “Eagle”

3.00pm: Gave special leave to first part of watch

6.00pm: Armed guard and Midshipman Jones returned to ship

9.00pm: Ceased coaling

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703542a: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-010_0.jpg)

14 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool Docks]

7.00am: Resumed coaling

9.00am: 900 tons coal aboard

6.30pm: Two ratings joined from Devonport

9.00pm: Ceased coaling

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703542b: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-010_1.jpg)

15 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool Docks]

9.00am: Commenced coaling. Coal on board 1297 tons

10.30am: Church party ashore

0.30pm: Church party returned

4.00pm: Coaling ceased

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703542c: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-011_0.jpg)

16 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool Docks]

7.00am: Resumed coaling. 1695 tons on board

2.15pm: Diver arrived and commenced clearing Strum boxes

5.00pm: Finished coaling for day

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703542d: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-011_1.jpg)

17 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool Docks]

7.00am: Started coaling. 2378 tons on board

9.00pm: Ceased coaling

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703542e: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-012_0.jpg)

18 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool Docks]

6.00am: Hands employed as required moving ship and getting stores on board

7.00am: Resumed coaling. Coal on board 2861 tons

9.00pm: Ceased coaling

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703542f: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-012_1.jpg)

19 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool Docks]

7.00am: Resumed coaling. 3462 Tons on board.

8.00am: Port Watch returned from long leave.

8.30am: Draft of 10 boys and 1 bugler arrived from Devonport

9.00am: Roman Catholics to Mass. Hands employed as required getting stores on board. Sponging and cleaning guns.

7.30pm: Ceased coaling. Total 4242 tons onboard

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035430: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-013_0.jpg)

20 August 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool Docks]

6.00am: 4 ERAs RNR, 2 ABs, 10 OS, 1 RM Bugler left for Depot

3.10pm: Pilot aboard

4.00pm: Stand by

4.15pm: Cast off using engines as requisite. Two tugs in attendance

4.40pm: Cleared SE Sandon dock

5.00pm: Made fast in S Sandon dock

6.20pm: Stand by. Cast off

6.45pm: Cleared S Sandon dock. Entered river, cast off tugs

7.15pm: Rock Light abeam

7.58pm: Exchanged signals with HMS “Kempenfelt”

7.50pm: Stopped discharged pilot

8.20pm: Passed Formby Light.

8.42pm: Passed Bar Light Ships

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035431: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-013_1.jpg)

21 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 55.6, Long -7.7

[Position: 25 miles N. Ireland]

1.55am: Chickens Light abeam N85E 3.5 miles

2.45am: Sighted South Rock N20E

5.35am: Copeland Light abeam 3.5 miles

7.25am: Maidens Light abeam

8.45am: Exchanged signals with Tor Point signal station

9.00am: Rounded Benmore Head distance 1.25 miles. Entered Rathlin Sound

11.45am: Sighted Inishtrahull

5.48pm: Barra Head abeam

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035432: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.9, Long -10.8

[Position: 200 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

9.27am: N6E Signalled HMS "Motagua"

3.15pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Orcoma"

3.45pm: Stopped to discharge Sub Lieut Good, RNR to HMS "Orcoma"

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035433: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-014_1.jpg)

23 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.7, Long -11.0

[Position: 100 miles W of Faroe Islands]

4.00am: Material destroyed through heavy rolling:

1 Barrel Zinc Wt

4.5 cwt white lead

2 cwt dry Wt Lead 28 gals

1 drum Holzefers Anti fouling 10 gals

2 drums boat brown 10 gals

14 Turks Heads

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035434: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-015_0.jpg)

24 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.5, Long -10.6

[Position: 100 miles W of Faroe Islands]

2.30am: Port Fwd ladder carried away owing to heavy weather

5.00am: 54 gals evaporated milk and 12 gals fresh milk lost through excessive rolling

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035435: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-015_1.jpg)

25 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.2, Long -10.9

[Position: 100 miles W of Faroe Islands]

1.28pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Hilary"

1.45pm: Stopped, sent sea boat to HMS "Hilary"

2.15pm: Sea boat returned.

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035436: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-016_0.jpg)

26 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.9, Long -10.9

[Position: 100 miles W of Faroe Islands]

1.30pm: Sighted ship bearing NW by N

2.00pm: intercepted and boarded Russian steamer “Graf Schuwalow”, Barry to Archangel, cargo coal, allowed to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035437: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-016_1.jpg)

27 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.6, Long -11.1

[Position: 140 miles W of Faroe Islands]

5.45pm: Altered course to S55E to intercept trawler “Stalwart” H 4213, allowed to proceed

caf8c3dcadfd34197035438: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-017_0.jpg)

28 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.8, Long -10.8

[Position: 130 miles W of Faroe Islands]

5:30am: Ex signals with HMS “Mantua”

5.57am: Stopped; boat alongside from HMS “Mantua”

6.45am: Boat left

6.00pm: Stopped boarded Norwegian steamer “Stat”

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035439: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-017_1.jpg)

29 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.1, Long -11.2

[Position: 125 miles W of Faroe Islands]

6.50am: Intercepted British Trawler “Swallow” allowed to proceed

8.55am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Mantua"

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703543a: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-018_0.jpg)

30 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.1, Long -10.9

[Position: 110 miles W of Faroe Islands]

2.15pm: Stopped. Boarded steam trawler "Robinia" GY 1147, allowed to proceed

8.00pm: Exchanged signals HMS “Otway”

9.00pm: Boat alongside from HMS “Otway” with armed guard four ratings, Mid Smithard in charge, for HMS "Virginian"

9.10pm: Boat left with mail

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703543b: ( 53-67378/ADM 53-67378-018_1.jpg)

31 August 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.9, Long -11.1

[Position: 150 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

5.15pm: Dropped Target and commenced firing (1’ aiming)

5.45pm: Stopped, boarding boat away to pick up target

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1 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.8, Long -11.0

[Position: 150 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

1.40pm: Engines and courses as req to intercept Russian steamer "Albatross", allowed to proceed

3.20pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Arlanza"

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035448: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-004_0.jpg)

2 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.9, Long -10.9

1.40pm: Engines and courses as req to intercept Danish schooner "Doris" (60 56N, 10 43W)

3.50pm: Challenged HMS “Patuca”

7.07pm: Allowed “Doris” to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035449: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-004_1.jpg)

3 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.3, Long -13.0

[Position: 220 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

10.30am: Intercepted British steamer “Mable Baird”. Allowed to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703544a: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.4, Long -13.0

[Position: 220 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

9.00pm: No 7 ballast tank (fresh water) pumped out water discoloured

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703544b: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.1, Long -12.2

[Position: 220 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

9.08am: Exchanged signals with HMS “Mantua”

10.35am: Boarded USS “Winneconne”

1.10pm: Allowed USS “Winneconne” to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703544c: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.6, Long -11.2

[Position: 160 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

1.30pm: Boarded SS “Goathland" allowed to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703544d: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-006_1.jpg)

7 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.7, Long -11.0

[Position: 150 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4.55pm: Exchanges pendants with HMS “Mantua”

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703544e: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-007_0.jpg)

8 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.8, Long -11.1

[Position: 160 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c3dcadfd3419703544f: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.7, Long -11.0

[Position: 160 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

10.55am: Arrived at rendezvous for HMS "Alcantara"

1.00pm: Started firing 6 pounder every 15 minutes

2.30pm: Stopped firing

4.45pm: Commenced firing explosive signals

7.20pm: Sighted HMS "Alcantara" bearing ESE

7.30pm: Sea boat away

8.05pm: Sea boat returned. Prob-Surg Bird joined. Mails aboard

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035450: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.0, Long -11.1

[Position: 150 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035451: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1915

n patrol

Lat 60.6, Long -11.0

[Position: 165 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

9.35am: Stopped for engine repairs

11.05am Sighted HMS "Otway". Exchanged signals

0.55pm: Engines reported ready. Proceeded S23W

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035452: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-009_0.jpg)

12 September 1915

[August in log]

On patrol

Lat 60.1, Long -11.0

[Position: 165 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

6.30pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Columbella"

10.30pm: Thick fog

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035453: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1915

[August in log]

On patrol

Lat 60.8, Long -11.1

[Position: 155 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

3.18am: Fog cleared

9.35am: Stopped, boarded Danish Aux barquentine "Denmark", allowed to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035454: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.0, Long -11.1

[Position: 145 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

9.35am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Alsatian"

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035455: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-010_1.jpg)

15 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.4, Long -12.3

[Position: 210 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

1.20pm: Intercepted Russian steamer “Egret”, allowed to proceed

3.10pm: Boarded Danish steamer 'Gulfaxe', allowed to proceed

4caf8c3dcadfd34197035456: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.1, Long -12.8

[Position: 225 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

10.40pm: Stopped, boarded Russian Barquentine “Wera”, allowed to proceed

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035457: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-011_1.jpg)

17 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.7, Long -7.1

[Position: 30 miles N of Faroe Islands]

4.45am: Sighted: Mygannaes Light bearing S79E

9.55am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Virginian"

10.15am: Stopped discharged Mid Smithard and armed guard to HMS "Virginian"

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035458: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1915

At Busta

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

3.30am: Sighted land bearing S45E

6.50am: Anchored at No2 berth Busta Voe. HMS “Changuinola” in port

8.50am: Commenced coaling

7.00pm: Finished coaling 316.08 tons on board

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035459: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1915

At Busta

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

7.00pm: Ceased coaling 649 tons on board

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703545a: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1915

At Busta

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

6.10pm: Ceased coaling 1001 tons on board. Water received 549 tons

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703545b: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1915

At Busta

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

6.15pm: Anchor aweigh. Course and speed as requisite

7.12pm: Passed Swarbacks Light S88E. Ura Light S48E

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703545c: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-014_0.jpg)

22 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.0, Long -4.8

[Position: 120 miles W of Shetland Islands]

11.15am: Thick fog, half speed. Steady course N71W

1.55pm: Fog cleared

[Log shows a disciplinary report, subsequently deleted, recording that Com Woods neglected to carry out Captain’s direct verbal orders on four occasions during coaling operations. Deletion is signed by Com Woods and another officer]

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703545d: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-014_1.jpg)

23 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.2, Long -14.7

[Position: 70 miles off Iceland coast]

[Log shows a reprimand of Sub Lieut H A Wheable for allowing a boat to leave the ship contrary to Captain’s orders at 11.30am 21st inst. Signed by HA Wheable]

9.30pm: Norwegian Trawler "Albatross" allowed to proceed

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703545e: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-015_0.jpg)

24 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.8, Long -14.8

[Position: 85 miles off Iceland coast]

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703545f: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-015_1.jpg)

25 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.1, Long -14.6

[Position: 88 miles off Iceland coast]

10.30pm: Intercepted British Trawler "Itonian" GX 108, Iceland to Grimsby, allowed to proceed

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035460: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-016_0.jpg)

26 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.9, Long -13.9

[Position: 100 miles SE Iceland coast]

2.33am: Intercepted Danish Trawler "Ingolfur" of Arnarson, allowed to proceed

7.20am: Intercepted British Trawler "Lord Lansdowne" H1007, allowed to proceed

11.20am: Stopped, boarded Danish Trawler "Sculd Verdande". Allowed to proceed

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035461: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-016_1.jpg)

27 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.1, Long -14.4

[Position: 85 miles SE Iceland coast]

[Log notes that 66 tons of fresh water from No.2 pumped into FW tanks. No.2 tank filled with salt water]

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035462: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-017_0.jpg)

28 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.2, Long -14.6

[Position: 75 miles SE Iceland coast]

10.00am: Royal Marines inspected in marching order by captain

5.47pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Alsatian"

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035463: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-017_1.jpg)

29 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.3, Long -9.9

[Position: 105 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035464: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-018_0.jpg)

30 September 1915

On patrol

Lat 54.4, Long -5.2

[Position: 25 miles W of Anglesey]

3.55am: Sighted Inishtrahull bearing S5E

5.45am: Sighted Inishtrahull bearing S63W

11.26am: Sighted Skulmartin 3 3/4 miles abeam

1.40pm: Exchanged signals with Port Erin signal station

1.45pm: Chickens abeam distance 750 yards

4.40pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Otway"

6.08pm: Pilot aboard

7.30pm: Let go starboard anchor in 12 fathoms of water veered cable to 60 fathoms

8.30pm: Tender “Otter” alongside with mails. Liberty men (Starboard watch) left

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035465: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-018_1.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035466: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-019_0.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035467: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-019_1.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035468: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-020_0.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035469: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-020_1.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703546a: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-021_0.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703546b: ( 53-67379/ADM 53-67379-021_1.jpg)


4caf8c3ecadfd3419703546c: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703546d: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703546e: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703546f: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035470: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035471: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-003_1.jpg)

1 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

4.45am: Entered South East Sandon Dock and made fast

7.40am: Commenced coaling

8.00am: Asst Surgeon Telford left ship

9.00pm: Stopped coaling for night. Coal on board 850 tons

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035472: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-004_0.jpg)

2 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.10am: Commenced coaling

4.00pm: Stopped coaling for night. Coal on board 1700 tons

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035473: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-004_1.jpg)

3 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.30am: Landed Church party

0.15pm: Church party returned

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035474: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-005_0.jpg)

4 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

9.00pm: Stopped coaling. Coal on board 2982 tons

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035475: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-005_1.jpg)

5 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

11.00am: Jones, Shewlin and O'Grady, Firemen, brought aboard by Civil Police

7.20pm: 1 PO 2nd Class, 4 seamen, RNR and 2 stokers RFR joined ship from HMS "Vivid"

9.00pm: Stopped coaling for night. Coal on board 3619 tons

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035476: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-006_0.jpg)

6 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

9.30am: Finished coaling. Total received 3680 tons

3.00pm: Hands employed taking in stores

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035477: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-006_1.jpg)

7 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

9.30am: Sighted ship ahead

10.00am: Discharged Lt Com H McWoods to RN Barracks Devonport

6.00pm: Received 1 bag of mails and 2 registered packets for HMS "Alsatian"

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035478: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-007_0.jpg)

8 October 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: Starboard watch returned after long leave.

9.40am: Cast off, Engines as requisite. 2 tugs in attendance

9.55am: Entered S Sandon

10.35am: Entered River, cast off tugs

11.00am: Let go starboard anchor in 15 fathoms. Veered cable to 60 fathoms.

6.18pm: Proceeded, engines and courses as requisite. Tender “Bison” in attendance

7.45pm: Formby Light Vessel abeam

7.55pm: Stopped, dropped pilot and proceeded

9.00pm: Commenced Zig Zag, N16W - N76W

11.00pm: Stopped Zig Zag

11.50pm: Chickens: N39W

[Note on log in red ink: Mr AJ Larsen, Asst Engineer remained absent over leave for 16 hours, signed by Asst Engineer]

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035479: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-007_1.jpg)

9 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 55.4, Long -6.6

[Position: 25 miles SW Islay]

1.05am: Chickens Light abeam N44E

4.00am: Slow. Thick fog

10.00am: Sounded 46 fathoms, shale. Fog clearing. Challenged TBD Garry

1.00pm: Inishtrahull Light N76W distance 9 miles

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703547a: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-008_0.jpg)

10 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.2, Long -13.0

10.30am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection

11.30am: Stopped, sent boat to HMS "Alsatian" with mails

0.10pm: Boat returned, proceeded Full Speed S43W

2.15pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Hilary"

5.00pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Hildebrand"

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703547b: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-008_1.jpg)

11 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.3, Long -11.7

[Position: 170 miles W Isles of Lewis]

10.40am: Intercepted Norwegian Barque “Hovoa Fredrikshald”. Allowed to proceed

[Noted in log: Lieut FS Honeyman neglected to carry out Captain's written orders to turn over Captain's written orders to his successor on 2nd Oct. Note signed by FS Honeyman Act Lieut RNR]

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703547c: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-009_0.jpg)

12 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.1, Long -11.4

[Position: 160 miles W Isles of Lewis]

3.00pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Devonshire"

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703547d: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-009_1.jpg)

13 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.3, Long -11.6

[Position: 170 miles W Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703547e: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-010_0.jpg)

14 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.1, Long -11.7

[Position: 170 miles W Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703547f: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-010_1.jpg)

15 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.1, Long -11.3

[Position: 160 miles W Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035480: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-011_0.jpg)

16 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.3, Long -11.6

[Position: 170 miles W Isles of Lewis]

9.30am: Intercepted British Steamer "Axminster" (Timber) allowed to proceed

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035481: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-011_1.jpg)

17 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -11.9

[Position: 190 miles WNW Isles of Lewis]

5.20pm: Sighted AMC; altered course East

5.30pm: Altered course N3E. Exchanged pendants with HMS “Hilary”

9.00pm: Commenced Zig Zag

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035482: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-012_0.jpg)

18 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.8, Long -11.8

[Position: 270 miles SW Faroe Islands]

1.15am: Stopped and boarded Russian Steamer “Nadjeda”, Barry to Archangel cargo coal

1.55am: Allowed “Nadjeda” to proceed.

4.10am: Proceeded Full Speed In chase of steamer; fired blank charge (57 47N 11 56W)

4.30am: Stopped and boarded Norwegian SS “Allstad” and sent AG under Sub Lt Wheable

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Two men released from cells

[Log provides details of a Compass Calibration}

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035483: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-012_1.jpg)

19 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -11.9

[Position: 270 miles SW Faroe Islands]

6.54am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Hilary" in company with merchant ship

5.40pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Orotava"

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035486: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-014_0.jpg)

20 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -11.9

[Position: 270 miles SW Faroe Islands]

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035487: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-014_1.jpg)

21 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.3, Long -12.2

[Position: 250 miles SW Faroe Islands]

2.00pm: Shipping heavy sprays all watch

2.45pm: Reduced to 160 revs

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035488: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-015_0.jpg)

22 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.0, Long -12.0

[Position: 270 miles SW Faroe Islands]

3.30pm: Boarded "HMS Teutonic"

4.15pm: Boarding boat returned. Received from "HMS Teutonic" Lieut Comdr EB Rake RNR, Sub Lieut J. Shearer RNR, Mid Cruickshanks, and 1 signal rating

6.30pm: Stopped SS “Helig Olav” (Danish) New York to Copenhagen. Put armed guard aboard Lt FS Honeyman in charge

4caf8c3ecadfd34197035489: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-015_1.jpg)

23 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.6, Long -12.4

[Position: 250 miles SW Faroe Islands]

6.50am: Sighted Sailing Ship

7.05am: Stopped, Boarded Danish ship “Valkyrien”, Freidrichstadt to Melbourne, cargo timber (59 6N, 12 04W)

8.20am: Boat returned. Sailing ship allowed to proceed.

1.20pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Hilary"

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703548a: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-016_0.jpg)

24 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -12.0

[Position: 250 miles SW Faroe Islands]

0.25pm: Stopped, boarded Russian Steamer “Novorossa”' (Lat 59 24 N 11 58 W).

1.00pm: Boat returned, Russian steamer allowed to proceed.

3.20pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish Trawler (RE36. “Njordur”) (Lat 59 6N 12 13W).

3.50pm: Exchanged signals with HMS “Hildebrand”.

4.05pm: Allowed Danish Trawler to proceed.

4caf8c3ecadfd3419703548b: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-016_1.jpg)

25 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -11.9

11.00am: Sighted HMS "Teutonic"

11.15am: Signalled with ammunition carrier "Agberi" Archangel to Liverpool

7.40pm: Stopped SS "Annie Johnson", ship had AG on board, Officer Jenkins in charge

7.55pm: SS "Annie Johnson" allowed to proceed.

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703548c: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-017_0.jpg)

26 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -12.4

[Position: 250 miles SW Faroe Islands]

9.10am: Stopped and boarded British Steamer "Strathdee",

9.40am: Boat returned. Allowed "Strathdee" to proceed

0.47pm: Sighted HMS "Teutonic". Intercepted steamer ahead, eased to slow.

3.15pm: Passed SS "Otta" under armed guard from HMS "Teutonic"

4.40pm: Passed SS "Gulpax" under armed guard from HMS "Teutonic"

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703548d: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-017_1.jpg)

27 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.5, Long -11.8

[Position: 240 miles SW Faroe Islands]

1.00pm: Vessel spraying heavily last two hours of watch

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703548e: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-018_0.jpg)

28 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.2, Long -11.5

[Position: 250 miles SW Faroe Islands]

1.15am: Reduced to dead slow, ship hove to

4.15pm: Exchanged signal with Norwegian SS "Myrdal"

4.45pm: Dead slow in company with SS "Myrdal"

5.45pm: Signalled SS "Myrdal" to proceed to Kirkwall

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703548f: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-018_1.jpg)

29 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.7, Long -9.4

[Position: 80 miles W Faroe Islands]

4.35pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Hilary"

6.00pm: Filled No 1 & 2 ballast tanks

4caf8c3fcadfd34197035490: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-019_0.jpg)

30 October 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.7, Long -4.3

[Position: 100 miles NE Faroe Islands]

6.00am: Loaded all guns

4caf8c3fcadfd34197035491: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-019_1.jpg)

31 October 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

2.45am: Sighted land bearing S45E

3.30am: Sighted Muckle S Ferry abeam 2m

7.40am: Stopped to allow Trawler "Nondu" alongside

8.30am: Let go anchor in 14 fathoms. Veered to 45 fathoms. Stern anchor

8.50am: Hove up again

9.05am: Let go anchor in 15 fathoms. Veered to 45 fathoms. Starboard anchor

8.33am: Collier "Westwood" alongside

9.10am: Collier "Harlseywood" alongside

10.15am: Commenced coaling

3.10pm: Delay caused by No.3 winch breaking down

4.40pm: Armed Guard under charge of Lieut Honeyman returned to ship

[Note: see log entry for 22 October 1915 where Sub Lieut FS Honeyman was put in charge of Armed Guard sent on board SS “Helig Olav”]

[Note: Log annotated in red stating “All coaling gear on board; and also all coaling gear on board both colliers examined by 1st Lieut and found correct.” Annotation signed by WA Hawkes, 1st Lieut]

4caf8c3fcadfd34197035492: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-020_0.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd34197035493: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-020_1.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd34197035494: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-021_0.jpg)

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4caf8c3fcadfd34197035497: ( 53-67380/ADM 53-67380-022_1.jpg)


4caf8c3fcadfd34197035498: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd34197035499: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703549a: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703549b: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703549c: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703549d: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-003_1.jpg)

1 November 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

7.15am: Commenced coaling

0.30pm: Received 33 bags of mails

3.00pm: Finished coaling (Total 1005.4 tons)

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703549e: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

8.15am: HMS "Alsatian" anchored in No 2 berth

1.30pm: Lieut Commander Rake left for "Vienna"

4caf8c3fcadfd3419703549f: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

9.40am: Two ratings joined ship for passage

10.00am: Admiral of 10th CS aboard and inspected ship

11.15am: Admiral left ship

2.00pm: Received Armed Guard from HMS "Gibraltar" for HMS "Hilary" under Sub Lieut Coleman, 1 officer, 4 ratings

4.00pm: Commenced to heave up anchor

4.35pm: Anchor up. Engines and course as requisite

5.00pm: Passed through Gate

5.10pm: Swarbacks Light abeam

11.45pm: Sighted Steamer to Southward

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a0: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.2, Long -6.5

[Position: 50 miles S Faroe Islands]

2.10am: Intercepted Norwegian SS "Vaagen" (Stavanger)

2.15am: Allowed SS "Vaagen" to proceed

6.15am: Stopped and boarded Topsail Schooner "Mette" (Lat 61 16N, Long 5 7W)

8.15am: Sent Armed Guard 4 ratings under Mid Jones RNR for “Mette” to proceed to Lerwick

8.40am: Boat returned

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a1: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.3, Long -10.2

[Position: 160 miles SW Faroe Islands]

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a2: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -11.8

[Position: 240 miles SW Faroe Islands]

8.05am: Challenged by HMS "Hilary" and challenged HMS "Almanzora"

9.00am: Discharged WT PO rating for HMS "Almanzora"

9.37am: Sent back 1 Armed Guard (1 Officer, 4 ratings) to HMS "Hilary"

2.15pm: Intercepted Admiralty Collier SS "Holgate" (Cardiff to Archangel)

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a3: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.7, Long -11.2

[Position: 215 miles SW Faroe Islands]

2.15pm: Altered course to Intercept Norwegian Ship "Songelr" (Fernandina to Malmo)

2.20pm: In company with Ship "Songelr" and exchanged signals

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a4: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.1, Long -9.0

[Position: 150 miles SSW Faroe Islands]

4.00am: Ship “Songelv” bearing S25E. Distance 12 cables

8,45am: Stopped boarded 'Songelv'(6011 N, 8 30W)

10.00am: 'Songelv' proceeded to Kirkwall under Armed Guard, Lieut Honeyman in charge

11.20am: Challenged by HMS "Oropesa"

1.15pm: Sighted HMS "Otway" examining Steamer "Helig Olav"

1.30pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Otway"

4.00pm: In company with SS "Helig Olav"

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a5: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.6, Long -11.4

[Position: 225 miles SSW Faroe Islands]

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a6: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-008_0.jpg)

10 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.6, Long -11.9

[Position: 290 miles SW Faroe Islands]

10.20am: Exchanged signals with Admiralty Collier SS “Synfield”

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a7: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.6, Long -11.0

[Position: 220 miles SSW Faroe Islands]

7.40am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “Virginian”

0.00pm: Stopped & boarded Swedish SS “Atland”. (Lat 58 36N, Long 11 5W)

1.30pm: Sent SS “Atland” to Kirkwall under armed guard. Sub Lieut Shearer RNR in charge

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a8: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.0, Long -10.4

[Position: 240 miles SW Faroe Islands]

1.30am: Intercepted French SS “Saint Thomas” bound to Archangel

2.20am: SS “Saint Thomas” allowed to proceed

11.18am: Passed ships large raft

4.10pm: Stopped for boat from HMS “Patuca”

4.20pm: Received from “Patuca” 3 bags of mails

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354a9: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -10.6

[Position: 230 miles SW Faroe Islands]

8.15pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish SS “Bryssen” (Savanola to Salkjoching. Oil Cake); sent to Kirkwall under armed guard, Mid Cruickshanks in charge

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354aa: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -10.3

[Position: 230 miles SW Faroe Islands]

0.25pm: Signalled SS "Bryssen", stopped for engine repairs. Required no assistance

3.45pm: Stopped. Boarded Danish SS "Gudrien"

4.45pm: Sent SS "Gudrien" to Kirkwall under armed guard, Sub Lieut Barradell RNR in charge

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354ab: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -10.5

[Position: 230 miles SW Faroe Islands]

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16 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.5, Long -10.6

[Position: 210 miles SW Faroe Islands]

5.35pm: Challenged HMS "Almanzora"

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354ad: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.7, Long -9.3

[Position: 170 miles SSW Faroe Islands]

1.20pm: Sighted HMS “Patuca” S 70E

3.05pm: Sighted HMS “Mantua” S 45 W

11.55pm: Sighted Barra Head Light S53E

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354ae: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 54.6, Long -5.3

[Position: 40 miles NW Isle of Man]

3.10am: Sighted Skerryvore Light S59E

4.07am: Skerryvore abeam. Distance 11.5 miles. Altered course S14E

8.35am: Exchanged signals with HMS “Moon”

9.25pm: Signalled HMS “New Zealand”

6.25pm: Passed Bar Light Ship

6.35pm: Stopped for pilot

8.00pm: Stopped off Canada Dock entrance

9.15pm: Proceeded into dock

9.40pm: Stopped in Canada Dock

10.05pm: Finished with engines and made fast South side Canada Dock. General leave to Port Watch until 7am on Thursday 25th

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354af: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

8.00am: Discharged 5 ratings to depot

8.30am: Commenced coaling, breasted ship off to let SS "Corsican" sail

10.00am: Anderson (Carpenters Crew) discharges to shore, sick

1.00pm: Armed Guard under Lt Honeyman and Sub Lt Wheable on board. Two signal ratings joined ship

3.30pm: Special leave for second part Starboard Watch

9.00pm: Armed Guard under Sub Lt Shearer and Mid Cruickshank on board

10.00pm: Stopped coaling

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b0: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

7.00am: Armed Guard under Mid Jones returned

7.30am: Commenced coaling

1.00pm: General leave to 2nd part Starboard watch until 7am

4.00pm: Received 870 tons of coal

9.00pm: Total Coal in ship 1198 tons

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b1: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-013_1.jpg)

21 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

10.30am: Church party ashore

0.00pm: Church party returned

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b2: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore

10.00pm: Ceased coaling. Total 2091 tons on board

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b3: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

9.30am: Dental party left ship

0.15pm: Shifted ship to north side of Canada Dock

3.00pm: Liberty men left ship. Boys till 11.00pm

10.00pm: Finished coaling. Coal on board 2914 tons

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b4: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Called Hands

7.30am: Commenced coaling

8.00am: Hands employed getting stores on board and painting funnel

8.15am: Five ratings aboard from HMS “Vivid”

9.30am: Steam Crane “Sampson” alongside. S2 gun dismantled and overhauled

2.30pm: Hauled into middle of dock to allow SS “Missonabie” to dock

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore

10.00pm: Stopped coaling. Tons on board 3220

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b6: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Called Hands

7.30am: Commenced coaling. Steam Crane “Sampson” alongside. 6 inch Guns lifted in turn

10.00am: Hands employed taking in stores and unloading Pig iron ballast from No. 1 hold

3.00pm: Discharged one wireless rating for HMS “Cedric”

3.10pm: Finished coaling. Received tons of coal on board 3420

4.00pm: Guns P1 and S3 changed mountings

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b6: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Called Hands. Steam Crane “Sampson” alongside. 6 inch guns lifted in turn

1.20pm: Lieut SM Newdigate RNR left ship

2.00pm: W Jameson and SW Clark firemen left ship. Discharged

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b7: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-016_1.jpg)

27 November 1915


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

0.20am: J. A. Thompson (Stoker) brought on board by civil police

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Called hands

7.30am: Steam Crane “Sampson” alongside. 6 inch guns lifted in turn

9.00am: No. 3 Tank filled with fresh water for crew consumption

4.50pm: Stoker Mussey (absentee) returned

6.30pm: Hands employed getting up ammunition and preparing ship for sea

7.00pm: Fresh water tanks full

11.00pm: Hands to Stations

11.20pm: Let go all. Hauled off from quay, 3 tugs assisting

11.40pm: Cleared SE Sandon Dock

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b8: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 54.5, Long -5.2

[Position: 30 miles NW of Isle of Man]

0.00am: Made fast in Sandon Basin alongside SS “Essex” and owing to her having a list to port slightly damaged her starboard light

1.05am: Cast off and proceeded through lock.

3.37am: Passed Formby Light Ship

1.15pm: Answered challenge from Donaugh Dee [presumably Donaghadee] Signal Station

3.45pm: Challenged by Tor Head Signal Station.

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354b9: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 58.3, Long -9.8

[Position: 75 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

0.15am: Barra Head abeam distance 17.5 miles

3.30am: Exercised Guns Crews. Vessel rolling heavily during the watch

11.00am: Hands employed cleaning up sand in magazines. Scraping pitch and cleaning sea boats

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354ba: ( 53-67381/ADM 53-67381-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.1, Long -9.0

[Position: 85 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4.00am: Heavy sea carried away telegraph casing on C deck putting telegraphs out of order.

7.00am: Taking over heavy water during the watch

1.00pm: No 3 tank of fresh water condemned as undrinkable leaving 423 tons

2.00pm: Sea boats crew employed blocking up bunker escapes

4.30pm: Engineers repairing telegraphs

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1 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 61.5, Long -7.4

[Position: 40 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

1.35am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Patia"

2.00am: Myggenaes Light bearing N69E

10.25am: In company with HMS "Patia" and "Alsatian".

10.45am: Stopped.

11.00am: Boat left with mails for HMS "Alsatian"

11.50am: Boat returned

1.45pm: Exchanging signals with HMS "Alsatian"

8.10pm: Myggenaes Light abeam (a 5 knot current adverse experienced whilst rounding Myggenaes Light)

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354c8: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-004_0.jpg)

2 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.9, Long -5.5

[Position: 50 miles NE of Faroe Islands]

7.30am: Max Roll 20°

0.30pm: Fuglo S54W. Distance 39 miles

7.50pm: Sighted light ahead. Stopped

8.00pm: Proceeded Slow N22W

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354c9: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-004_1.jpg)

3 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.9, Long -5.1

[Position: 60 miles NE of Faroe Islands]

[All day exercising guns and other training]

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4 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.1, Long -5.4

[Position: 80 miles NE of Faroe Islands]

10.35am: Officers and Gun Layers to Captain’s lecture on Gunnery

[All day exercising guns and other training]

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5 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 62.9, Long -6.3

[Position: 50 miles N of Faroe Islands]

9.15am: Observed land bearing S82W

10.30am: Divisions and Captain’s Inspection

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354cc: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-006_0.jpg)

6 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.1, Long -6.5

[Position: 55 miles N of Faroe Islands]

9.50am: Sighted land S65W

[All day exercising guns and other training]

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354cd: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-006_1.jpg)

7 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.2, Long -7.3

[Position: 70 miles N of Faroe Islands]

[All day exercising guns and other training]

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8 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.4, Long -6.7

[Position: 75 miles N of Faroe Islands]

[All day exercising guns and other training including Royal Marines in quarterly inspection in marching order]

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354cf: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-007_1.jpg)

9 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.6, Long -7.4

[Position: 100 miles N of Faroe Islands]

[All day exercising guns and other training]

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10 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.5, Long -6.4

[Position: 90 miles N of Faroe Islands]

9.15am: Exchanged challenge and demand with HMS "Teutonic"

9.55am: HMS "Teutonic" boat alongside with official mail

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d1: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-008_1.jpg)

11 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.4, Long -7.1

[Position: 80 miles N of Faroe Islands]

0.25pm: Intercepted Swedish SS “Kronprinz Gustav” (Rio de Janeiro to Goteburg, general cargo)

1.10pm: SS “Kronprinz Gustave” sent to Kirkwall under AG, Sub Lieut Shearer in charge.

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d2: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-009_0.jpg)

12 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.4, Long -7.3

[Position: 75 miles N of Faroe Islands]

7.00am: Heavy sea struck port sounding boom carrying it away

4.15pm: Sighted: HMS “Teutonic” Bearing N 75 E

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d3: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-009_1.jpg)

13 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 63.4, Long 6.9

[Position: 75 miles N of Faroe Islands]

0.30pm: Challenged HMS "Cedric"

1.30pm: Exchanging signals with HMS "Cedric" and HMS "Almanzora"

2.30pm: Steering gear on bridge broken down, steering from aft.

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d4: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-010_0.jpg)

14 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

4.00am: Sighted Esha Ness Light bearing S13E

7.00am: Sighted Swarbacks Light bearing S22E

8.05am: Altered course as requisite to enter harbour. Swarbacks Light abeam

8.50am: Anchored in No. 2 berth in 15 fathoms. HMS "Virginian" in No1 berth

9.15am: Collier "Tynemouth" alongside

9.25am: Collier "Excellent" alongside

[Note in log in red ink: All standing and running gear on board and on both colliers examined by 1st Lieut and found to be correct. Signed W A Hawkes]

10.50am: Cutter alongside with mails

0.50pm: Water boat alongside

3.45pm: HMS "Virginian" left

8.15pm: Finished coaling for the day. Tons on board - 460

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d5: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-010_1.jpg)

15 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

2.30am: Engines to Stand by. Wind increasing

7.00am: HMS "Gibraltar" boat alongside for copy of Wireless news

7.40am: Commenced coaling

8.35am: Finished coaling. Total tons on board - 500

9.00am: Collier “Tynemouth” left ships side

10.05am: Collier “Excellent” left ships side

1.30pm: Cutter left for shore with Liberty men

4.15pm: Liberty men returned

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d6: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-011_0.jpg)

16 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

7.00am: Picket boat from HMS "Gibraltar" alongside for copy of wireless news

8.15am: entered harbour

8.45am: HMS "Otway" anchored in No1 berth

0.50pm: Rear Admiral and party on board

4.45pm: Rear Admiral and party left ship

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d7: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-011_1.jpg)

17 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

0.50am: Wind freshening, engines to stand by

7.00am: Boat from HMS "Gibraltar" alongside for copy of wireless news

7.30am: Chaplain from HMS "Gibraltar" performed Divine Service on board

11.20am: HMS "Duke of Cornwall" arrived and anchored

1.40pm: Armed Guard under Sub Lieut Shearer on board from HMS "Duke of Cornwall"

2.00pm: Armed Guard under Lieut Jenkins, for HMS "Hildebrand" on board

3.00pm: Anchor aweigh. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. Tug boat “Flying Breeze” assisting

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d8: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-012_0.jpg)

18 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.6, Long -10.2

[Position: 130 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4.00am: Sighted: Sambo Light bearing N8E

7.35am: Exchanged challenge and demand with HMS "Columbella"

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354d9: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-012_1.jpg)

19 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.9, Long -10.1

[Position: 165 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

6.25am: Intercepted trawler SS "Stalwart",

6.30am: SS "Stalwart" allowed to proceed

6.35am: Challenged and exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

9.20am: Exchanging signals with HMS "Teutonic"

0.00pm: Stopped and boarded Norge Barque "Queen of Scots"

0.20pm: Armed Guard under Lieut Jenkins left for HMS "Hildebrand"

0.40pm: Norge Barque "Queen of Scots" proceeded to Lerwick under Armed Guard, Sub Lieut Wheable in charge

1.20pm: Intercepted SS "Rollersby" of West Hartlepool, bound to Leith, allowed to proceed

8.45pm: Stopped and boarded SS "Vindgjen" in ballast.

9.30pm: SS "Vindgjen" allowed to proceed

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354da: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-013_0.jpg)

20 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.8, Long -9.7

[Position: 175 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4.50am: Intercepted Barque "Queen of Scots", Armed Guard in charge

7.50pm: Exchanged challenge and demand with HMS "Alsatian"

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354db: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-013_1.jpg)

21 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.8, Long -9.5

[Position: 170 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4.50am: Intercepted Danish Topsail Schooner "Elizabeth EFF"

4.50am: Allowed her to proceed

9.00am: Stopped and boarded Danish Schooner "Elizabeth EFF" Freidrichstadt to Llanelli, cargo deals.

9.40am: Allowed her to proceed

3.00pm: Stopped and boarded Danish SS "Laura Marsh", Savannah to Aarhus Den, sent to Kirkwall under Armed Guard, Sub Lieut Grubb in charge

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354dc: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-014_0.jpg)

22 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.6, Long -9.6

[Position: 170 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

10.00pm: Intercepted Norge SS "Turje Viken",

10.10pm: Steamer allowed to proceed

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23 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 59.5, Long -9.6

[Position: 170 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

6.00am: Departed this life James Brady, fireman, no ON SB 5D185, age 23, cause double pneumonia

1.55pm: Burial Service read

2.20pm: The body of James Brady committed to the deep

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24 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.2, Long -9.7

2.00am: Shipping heavy seas during watch

5.17pm: Altered course as requisite to intercept Norge ship "Skomvaer"

5.21pm: "Skomvaer" allowed to proceed

6.45pm: Passed "Skomvaer" bearing South Distance 1 mile.

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354df: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-015_1.jpg)

25 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.4, Long -9.3

[Position: 130 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

6.55pm: Sighted search light bearing North, name unknown

[Log signed F H Waller]

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e0: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-016_0.jpg)

26 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.4, Long -9.7

[Position: 140 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

10.30am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

11.00am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Changuinola"

5.25pm: Intercepted Danish Schooner "Hjalmar Sorensen".

5.30pm: "Hjalmar Sorensen" allowed her to proceed.

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e1: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-016_1.jpg)

27 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.3, Long -9.4

[Position: 145 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

11.25am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Orotava"

5.05pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Teutonic"

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e2: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-017_0.jpg)

28 December 1915

On patrol

Lat 60.3, Long -5.9

[Position: 130 miles S of Faroe Islands]

6.45am: Sighted light bearing SSE

7.00am: Increased to full speed

7.20am: Courses various to intercept ST "Commander Fulerton"

7.25am: Eased to slow. Trawler allowed to proceed

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e3: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-017_1.jpg)

29 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

4.20am: Sighted Swarbacks Light bearing S38E

7.25am: Sighted Swarbacks Light abeam

7.40am: Passed gate

8.25am: Let go and anchored. Found here HMS "Motagua" and HMS "Andes"

8.45am: Collier "Barmoor" alongside port

8.53am: Collier "Cairn Nevis" alongside starboard

Log records "All coaling gear on board and on both colliers examined by 1st Lieut and found to be correct

2.05pm: Armed Guard under Sub Lieut Grubb returned to ship

8.15pm: Cutter left for HMS "Andes" with concert party

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e4: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-018_0.jpg)

30 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

0.15am: Cutter returned with concert party from HMS "Andes"

5.30am: Wind increasing; engines to "Stand by"

8.00am: Commenced coaling

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e5: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-018_1.jpg)

31 December 1915

Busta Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

8.00am: Commenced coaling

9.00am: HMS "Ebro" entered harbour

10.30am: HMS "Duke of Cornwall" arrived and anchored

11.15am: HMS "Ebro" anchored in number 3 berth

2.00pm: Drifter alongside with mails, from HMS"Duke of Cornwall" and took back one rating

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e6: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-019_0.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e7: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-019_1.jpg)

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354e8: ( 53-67382/ADM 53-67382-020_0.jpg)

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JP map Victorian 1916


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4caf8c3fcadfd341970354f1: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-003_1.jpg)

1 January 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

7.20am: Chaplain of HMS "Gibraltar" on board

8.00am: Holy communion administered

8.15am: HMS "Duke of Cornwall" left anchorage

8.15am: Commenced coaling

9.20am: Collier SS "Cairnnevis" left ship's side

10.10am: Collier SS "Burnhope" came alongside

11.15am: HMS "Gibraltar" chaplain left ship

2.10pm: Cutter from shore with confidential mails

2.45pm: Dinghy's crew employed taking in stores

4.25pm: Water boat alongside

5.30pm: Finished coaling. Total tons on board 1500

9.15pm: Water boat left

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354f2: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-004_0.jpg)

2 January 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

8.37am: Collier SS "Burnhope" left ships side

9.50am: Collier SS "Barmoor" left ships side

10.40am: Weighed port anchor

0.35pm: Captain of HMS "Ebro" on board

2.00pm: Tug "Flying Breeze" alongside

2.00pm: Captain of HMS "Ebro" left ship

2.25pm: Cutter left for shore with mails

3.38pm: Stopped let go starboard anchor and sent dinghy ashore for letter

4.00pm: Weighed starboard anchor. Engines as requisite for passing down Voe

4.35pm: Swarbacks Light abeam

9.00pm: Intercepted Norge Steamer SS "Imo" with Armed Guard from HMS "Teutonic" in charge

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354f3: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-004_1.jpg)

3 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.0, Long -6.8

[Position: 70 miles S of Faroe Islands]

0.50am: Intercepted Danish SS "Shalholt" bound Leith

0.53am: "Shalholt" allowed to proceed:

0.00pm: Sighted: Faroe Isles

3.30pm: Intercepted Danish SS "Gullfoss" bound to Reykjavik. Allowed to proceed

3.45pm: Stopped and boarded Danish Barque "Viking"

4.40pm: "Viking" allowed to proceed

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354f4: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.2, Long -10.6

[Position: 170 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354f5: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-005_1.jpg)

5 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.9, Long -10.8

[Position: 200 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c3fcadfd341970354f6: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-006_0.jpg)

6 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.0, Long -10.5

[Position: 185 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd341970354f7: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-006_1.jpg)

7 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.0, Long -10.8

[Position: 195 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd341970354f8: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-007_0.jpg)

8 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.8, Long -9.5

[Position: 175 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

10.00am: Circling around for compass errors

[Log shows table of deviations for range of Ship's Headings]

4caf8c40cadfd341970354f9: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-007_1.jpg)

9 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.1, Long -9.6

[Position: 160 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

10.30am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

4caf8c40cadfd341970354fc: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-009_0.jpg)

10 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.9, Long -8.6

[Position: 160 miles SSW of Faroe Islands]

3.00am: Ship rolling and pitching heavily during watch

2.00pm: Ship rolling heavily during watch

3.00pm: Heavy seas stove in boarding boat. Altered course N23W to secure same.

3.15pm: Boarding boat secured. Altered course N70W

4caf8c40cadfd341970354fd: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-009_1.jpg)

11 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.0, Long -8.2

[Position: 150 miles SSW of Faroe Islands]

4.45am: Intercepted Norge SS "Peter Hamre"

4.50am: Circled round steamer. Engines as requisite

5.05am: In company with SS "Peter Hamre"

10.30am: Stopped and boarded SS "Peter Hamre"

10.40am: SS "Peter Hamre" proceeded to Kirkwall under Armed Guard Sub Lieut Shearer in charge

4caf8c40cadfd341970354fe: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-010_0.jpg)

12 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.5, Long -9.4

[Position: 130 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd341970354ff: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-010_1.jpg)

13 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.5, Long -9.2

[Position: 130 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

9.00am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patia"

4caf8c40cadfd34197035500: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-011_0.jpg)

14 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.5, Long -9.3

[Position: 135 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd34197035501: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-011_1.jpg)

15 January 1916

Bound for Liverpool

Lat 56.2, Long -7.8

[Position: 57 miles E of Isle of Mull]

2.30pm: Sounding every half hour during watch

5.00pm: Sighted Rathlin Isle

5.19pm: Passing down Rathlin Sound

6.15pm: Sighted Maidens Light S12E

11.45pm: Sighted Chickens Light 0.5ml abeam

4caf8c40cadfd34197035502: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-012_0.jpg)

16 January 1916

From Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.5, Long -3.2

[Position: Liverpool]

2.35am: Sighted Gt Orme Head Light S18W

3.30am: Sighted Bar Light Ship S28E

5.05am: Pilot aboard. Formby Light abeam

6.30am: Turned ship assisted by Tug "Otter"

8.30am: Passed through Sandon Locks

8.45am: Stopped in Sandon Basin.

9.40am: Passing through Huskisson Basin

10.15am: Passed into Canada Graving dock

10.25am: Finished with engines. Made fast in Graving Dock. Ship on blocks

0.20pm: Liberty men ashore. Port watch long leave.

1.30pm: Armed Guard under Sub Lt Shearer aboard

2.15pm: Dock dry

4caf8c40cadfd34197035503: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-012_1.jpg)

17 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

8.20am: Discharged 1 P.O.2 and 1 Stoker RFR to RN Barracks Devonport

11.00am: Made prisoners of 1 Ldg Fireman and 1 Fireman

4.00pm: Landed 1 case of diphtheria

6.00pm: Released Fireman

8.00pm: Released Ldg Fireman

4caf8c40cadfd34197035504: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-013_0.jpg)

18 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

3.30pm: 1 Trimmer released from cells

4caf8c40cadfd34197035505: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-013_1.jpg)

19 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Port watch returned long leave. Starboard watch went on long leave.

0.00pm: Commenced flooding Graving Dock

1.25pm: Ship afloat

1.40pm: Proceeded to warp out of Graving Dock

2.00pm: Towed into Canada Dock, Tugs "Otter", "Bison" and "Harrington" assisting

2.20pm: Made fast in Canada Dock

6.10pm: Commenced coaling

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

11.00pm: Daly (Ldg Fireman) brought aboard by civil police

4caf8c40cadfd34197035506: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-014_0.jpg)

20 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

9.15am: Guard of Honour landed, Lieut Davies in charge

1.00pm: Guard of Honour returned

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

4caf8c40cadfd34197035507: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-014_1.jpg)

21 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

9.00am: Coal on board 1550 tons

9.30pm: No 5 Tank filled with fresh water for crew consumption

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

4caf8c40cadfd34197035508: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-015_0.jpg)

22 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling. Liberty men returned

8.00am: Starboard watch returned from leave

9.00am: Total coal on board 2420 tons

4.00pm: Finished coaling for day. Total 2916 tons

7.30pm: O Grady, Fireman (absentee) brought on board by civil police

4caf8c40cadfd34197035509: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-015_1.jpg)

23 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.30am: Landed Church of England party 25 hands, Roman Catholic 2 hands

0.18pm: Church party returned

4caf8c40cadfd3419703550a: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-016_0.jpg)

24 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling. Liberty men returned

8.15pm: Finished coaling. Total 3496 tons. Boiler water received 2480

4caf8c40cadfd3419703550b: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-016_1.jpg)

25 January 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

9.00am: Saltwell AB left ship for depot

11.00am: Let go from dock side and proceeded with tugs assisting and Pilot Harrison in charge

11.15am: In Huskisson basin

11.40am: Hauled into Sandon Basin

0.00pm: Made fast to Sandon Quay Wall

1.35pm: Left Sandon Basin

1.50pm: Passed through Sandon Lock Pits

2.15pm: Anchored off New Brighton Pier

3.55pm: Tender "Otter" alongside

4.30pm: General Quarters. Got up ammunition.

7.15pm: "Otter" alongside with Armed Guard and 2 RNVR Lieuts and 1 W/T rating for HMS "Alsatian". Also mails

10.50pm: Proceeded up river. Engines as requisite. Courses as per Pilot.

4caf8c40cadfd3419703550c: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-017_0.jpg)

26 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 55.2, Long -6.1

[Position: Off Coast of Ireland ]

0.05am: Formby Light abeam

0.08am: Stopped, pilot left ship

4.00am: Sighted Douglas Head Light bearing N2W

4.00am: Sighted Chickens Light abeam distance1.25m

8.45am: Copeland light abeam distance 4 miles. Exchanged signals with station.

0.27pm: Entered Rathlin Sound

8.45pm: Sighted Barra Head Light bearing N58E

4caf8c40cadfd3419703550d: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-017_1.jpg)

27 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.8, Long -9.8

[Position: 110 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

0.10pm: Stopped and boarded Norge SS "Ruth"

2.30pm: Sent Armed Guard aboard Sub Lieut Grubb in charge

3.00pm: SS "Ruth" proceeded to Kirkwall

7.30pm: Intercepted Norge SS "Imo", allowed her to proceed

10.15pm: Intercepted American SS "Wico", allowed her to proceed

4caf8c40cadfd3419703550e: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-018_0.jpg)

28 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.5, Long -6.5

[Position: 50 miles S of Faroe Isles]

3.05am: Course as requisite to intercept Trawler "Cadet" of Hull

3.10am: Trawler allowed to proceed

6.30am: Sumbo Light N50E

10.15am: Intercepted Trawler "Bernard" (Grimsby), allowed to proceed

10.50am: Challenged by HMS "Alsatian". Engines and courses as requisite to send boat to HMS "Alsatian".

11.10am: Armed Guards and mails sent to HMS "Alsatian"

1.20pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Alsatian"

1.45pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Ebro"

4caf8c40cadfd3419703550f: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-018_1.jpg)

29 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.8, Long -6.8

[Position: 50 miles S of Faroe Isles]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd34197035510: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-019_0.jpg)

30 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.9, Long -7.1

[Position: 200 miles E of Iceland]

2.00am: Exercised Guns Crews

6.00am: Thought log foul. Hauled in and streamed again

10.30am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service

4caf8c40cadfd34197035511: ( 53-67383/ADM 53-67383-019_1.jpg)

31 January 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.8, Long -7.1

[Position: 200 miles E of Iceland]

[Full day's training]

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1 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.8, Long -6.8

[Position: 200 miles E of Iceland]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd3419703551e: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-004_0.jpg)

2 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.3, Long -5.7

[Position: 270 miles E of Iceland]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd3419703551f: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-004_1.jpg)

3 February 1916


Lat 64.3, Long -5.5

[Position: 270 miles E of Iceland]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd34197035520: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-005_0.jpg)

4 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.4, Long -5.5

[Position: 270 miles E of Iceland]

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd34197035521: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-005_1.jpg)

5 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.4, Long -5.8

[Full day's training]

4caf8c40cadfd34197035522: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-006_0.jpg)

6 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.3, Long -5.5

[Position: 270 miles E of Iceland]

11.50pm: Intercepted Ship "Magda". Allowed to proceed

4caf8c40cadfd34197035523: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-006_1.jpg)

7 February 1916

On Partol

Lat 64.4, Long -5.1

[Position: 280 miles E of Iceland]

1.35pm: Passed sailing ship "Magda"

4caf8c40cadfd34197035524: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-007_0.jpg)

8 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.1, Long -5.6

[Position: 270 miles E of Iceland]

0.20pm: Eased to 180 revs. Signalling HMS "Hilary"

1.00pm: Sent boat to HMS "Hilary" for SL Grubb

3.26pm: Exchanging signals with HMS "Hilary"

4caf8c40cadfd34197035525: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-007_1.jpg)

9 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.3, Long -7.7

[Position: 200 miles E of Iceland]

1.50pm: Passed buoy, red top, black bottom and staff with flag (64 16N, 08 21W)

4caf8c40cadfd34197035526: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-008_0.jpg)

10 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.9, Long -7.4

[Position: 250 miles SE of Iceland]

11.00am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Virginian"

0.00pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

0.15pm: HMS "Teutonic" boat alongside with mail for land

2.30pm: Passed through fleet of trawlers

4.00pm: General quarters

4caf8c40cadfd34197035527: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-008_1.jpg)

11 February 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

3.45am: Eshaness Lt S15E

5.55am: Sighted Swarbacks Lt

7.30am: Passed gate

7.55am: Let Go Starboard anchor in 20 fathoms. Veered to 75 fathoms. Tug "Flying Breeze", whilst assisting in pushing ships head round, struck and dented side at fore rigging.

8.20am: Collier "Burnhope" alongside starboard

9.00am: All coaling gear on collier "Burnhope" and ship examined and found correct.

[Log signed at this point by MA Hawkes 1st Lieut]

1.35pm: Collier "Norton" came alongside port

2.00pm: All coaling gear on collier "Norton" examined and found correct.

[Log signed at this point by M A Hawkes 1st Lieut]

3.20pm: HMS "Vienna" arrived and anchored.

5.00pm: HMS "Mantua" and "Alcantara" left for sea

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Coal for day 295 tons

[Log signed by F H Walter]

4caf8c40cadfd34197035528: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-009_0.jpg)

12 February 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

7.30am: HMS "Vienna" proceeded to sea

8.00am: Commenced coaling

1.30pm: Discharged 1 RFR rating (Stoker Farmer) to Lerwick Hospital

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for day.

7.00pm: Engines to 'Stand By'

4caf8c40cadfd34197035529: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-009_1.jpg)

13 February 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

11.40am: Colliers "Burnhope" and "Norton" left ships side

0.20pm: HMS "Almanzora" entered harbour and anchored in No2 berth

4caf8c40cadfd3419703552a: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-010_0.jpg)

14 February 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

2.05pm: SS "St Clair" entered harbour and anchored

4.50pm: Commenced to leave. Up anchor.

4.47pm: Anchor away

5.00pm: Proceeded down Voe

6.20pm: Esha Ness Light abeam 2miles

4caf8c40cadfd3419703552b: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-010_1.jpg)

15 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.6, Long -6.7

[Position: 20 miles N Faroe Isles]

7.10am: Sighted East end Faeroe Isles bearing N 48 W

8.30am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

9.15am: Sent boat to HMS "Teutonic" with mail

4.20pm: Sent boat to HMS "Teutonic" for confidential documents

4caf8c40cadfd3419703552c: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-011_0.jpg)

16 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.4, Long -7.9

[Position: 90 miles N Faroe Isles]

7.18am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Changuinola".

7.20am: Stopped

7.45am: Boat from HMS "Changuinola" alongside

7.50am: Boat left with confidential order

4caf8c41cadfd3419703552d: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-011_1.jpg)

17 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.2, Long -8.0

[Position: 75 miles N Faroe Isles]

0.15pm: Stopped and boarded Danish mail steamer "Botnia" (Ireland to Leith and Copenhagen) (fish and oil)

0.35pm: MS "Botnia" allowed to proceed

4caf8c41cadfd3419703552e: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-012_0.jpg)

18 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.4, Long -7.3

[Position: 80 miles N Faroe Isles]

7.50pm: Stopped and boarded Danish SS "Holar"

8.10pm: Allowed to proceed

4caf8c41cadfd3419703552f: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-012_1.jpg)

19 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.3, Long -7.9

[Position: 80 miles N Faroe Isles]

4caf8c41cadfd34197035530: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-013_0.jpg)

20 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.2, Long -8.0

[Position: 70 miles N Faroe Isles]

10.30am: Divisions and Captains inspection

5.07pm: Challenged HMS "Motagua"

5.40pm: Stopped and sent boat to HMS "Motagua"

5.55pm: Starboard cutter stove in alongside HMS "Motagua"

6.10pm: Sent port sea boat to HMS "Motagua"

6.40pm: Port sea boat returned

6.50pm: Slow ahead searching for lost cutter and gear

7.25pm: Starboard cutter with all gear lost, search unavailing

4caf8c41cadfd34197035531: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-013_1.jpg)

21 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.3, Long -8.1

[Position: 80 miles N Faroe Isles]

4caf8c41cadfd34197035532: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-014_0.jpg)

22 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.2, Long -8.6

[Position: 85 miles NW Faroe Isles]

11.50am: Exchanged signals with Norge barque "Snespurven"

4caf8c41cadfd34197035533: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-014_1.jpg)

23 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.7, Long -8.4

[Position: 110 miles N Faroe Isles]

9.15am: Dropped target and circled round. Target capsized

1,20pm: Stopped and dropped target.

1.30pm: General Quarters. S2 and S3 firing 1 round of practice ammunition each

2.00pm: Circling round in search of target

3.55pm: Sighted target (Capsized)

4.20pm: Target up and hoisted on board

4caf8c41cadfd34197035534: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-015_0.jpg)

24 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.8, Long -7.4

[Position: 35 miles N Faroe Isles]

7.00am: Sighted East end Faroes S45W

11.45am: Stopped and boarded Dutch Trawler "Hercules" (IJM 196)

0.05pm: ST "Hercules" allowed to proceed

6.30pm: Stopped and put Armed Guard aboard Dutch Trawler "Hercules" (Mid Cruickshanks in charge)

4caf8c41cadfd34197035535: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-015_1.jpg)

25 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.8, Long -8.7

[Position: 60 miles NW Faroe Isles]

5.50pm: Course and speed as requisite for boarding British Trawler "Commander Holbrook"

6.10pm: Allowed her to proceed

4caf8c41cadfd34197035536: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-016_0.jpg)

26 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.8, Long -8.5

[Position: 60 miles NW Faroe Isles]

9.25am: Course and speed as requisite to board Norge SS "Flora"

11.35am: SS "Flora" allowed to proceed

11.15pm: Myggenaes Light S11E

11.20pm: Passed fleet of trawlers

4caf8c41cadfd34197035538: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-017_0.jpg)

27 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.9, Long -9.2

[Position: 80 miles NW Faroe Isles]

7.00am: Observed Mygennaes Light S12E

10.00am: Commenced swing ship for Compass Deviation

10.30am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

11.00am: Finished swing

8.45pm: Exchanged signals HMS "Chanquinola"

11.30pm: Observed Mygennaes Light S20E

4caf8c41cadfd3419703553a: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-018_0.jpg)

28 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.9, Long -9.5

[Position: 85 miles NW Faroe Isles]

6.55am: Observed land bearing SE (approx)

7.00am: Mygennaes Light S16E

4.10pm: Exercised Collision Stations. Read Warrant No.14

4caf8c41cadfd3419703553b: ( 53-67384/ADM 53-67384-018_1.jpg)

29 February 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.6, Long -7.9

[Position: 30 miles NW Faroe Isles]

6.20am: Observed Mygennaes Light S20E

9.40am: Sighted HMS "Teutonic"

9.50am: Sighted HMS "Changuinola"

10.15am: Course and speed as requisite to receive mail from HMS "Teutonic"

3.15pm: Sighted Bispar Pt (Fuglo) distance 3 miles

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1 March 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

1.30am: Sighted: Esha Ness Light bearing S26E

2.25am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Columbella"

4.35am: Swarbacks Light S28E

6.00am: Unloaded guns

6.10am: Course and speed as requisite to enter Busta Voe

7.34am: Anchored at No3 Berth

8.00am: Collier "Jessie" came alongside Port and Collier "Bangarth" Starboard

[Note in red: All coaling gear on board and on both colliers examined and found correct; signed by W A Hawkes]

9.40am: Armed Guard under Mid Cruikshank returned on board

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

4caf8c41cadfd34197035548: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-004_0.jpg)

2 March 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

7.30am: Drifter alongside from HMS "Gibraltar" with coaling party

8.00am: Commenced coaling

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

4caf8c41cadfd34197035549: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-004_1.jpg)

3 March 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

7.30am: Drifter alongside from HMS "Gibraltar" with coaling party

8.00am: Commenced coaling

11.55am: RA Faulkner came on board

0.23pm: RA Faulkner left ship

5.25pm: Armed Guard under Sub Lt Boyd came aboard for HMS "Gloucester"

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

6.45pm: HMS "Duke of Cornwall" entered harbour and anchored

4caf8c41cadfd3419703554a: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-006_0.jpg)

4 March 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

6.00am: HMS "Motagua" arrived and anchored

7.30: Drifter alongside with coaling party from HMS "Gibraltar"

8.00am: Commenced coaling

8.45am: HMS "Duke of Cornwall" sailed

2.45pm: Collier "Bangarth" left ship’s side

3.00pm: Collier "Jessie" left ship side

6.00pm: Commenced to heave up anchor

6.10pm: Anchor up

6.25pm: Proceeded down Voe. Tug "Flying Breeze" assisting

7.40pm: Esha Ness Light abeam

9.46pm: HMS "Patuca" bearing North

9.54pm: HMS "Columbella" bearing E by N

4caf8c41cadfd3419703554b: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-006_1.jpg)

5 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.8, Long -7.6

[Position: 90 miles S of Faroe Isles]

6.30am: Sounded half hourly

8.10am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Columbella"

9.48am: Stopped and boarded St Trawler "Conan Doyle" (English)

10.30am: Trawler allowed to proceed

3.00pm: Sounded half hourly

4caf8c41cadfd3419703554c: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-007_0.jpg)

6 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -14.1

[Position: 300 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

5.50am: Circled round rendezvous; dead slow

7.05am: Discharged Armed Guard to HMS "Gloucester"

8.30am: Stopped and boarded Norge SS "Barbro" (59 31N, 13 39W).

9.40am: Sent Armed Guard on board SS "Barbro", Sub Lieut Wheable in charge

10.00am: SS "Barbro" proceeded to Lerwick

1.00pm: Signalled HMS "Gloucester"

4.00pm: Commenced ZZ (No3 Type)

5.00pm: Stopped ZZ

4caf8c41cadfd3419703554d: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-007_1.jpg)

7 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.9, Long -14.9

[Position: 290 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

8.20am: Commenced ZZ (No 3 Type)

8.00pm: Stopped ZZ

4caf8c41cadfd3419703554e: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-008_0.jpg)

8 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.0, Long -14.9

[Position: 290 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

7.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type No 2)

8.00pm: Stopped ZZ

4caf8c41cadfd3419703554f: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-008_1.jpg)

9 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.2, Long -12.7

[Position: 270 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

3.00am: Stopped and boarded (British) SS "Karry Range"

3.45am: British Steamer allowed to proceed

7.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type No 1)

3.40pm: Intercepted and exchanged signals with American Barque "Dirgo" under charge of Armed Guard from HMS "Orotava"

8.00pm: Stopped ZZ

10.50pm: Sighted Barque "Dirgo" bearing North 5 miles

4caf8c41cadfd34197035550: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-009_0.jpg)

10 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -10.4

[Position: 220 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

10.40am: Sighted HMS "Mantua"

10.45am: Exchanged pendants

11.10am: Sent boat to HMS "Mantua" for official documents

2.20pm: Stopped and boarded Norge Barque "Shakespeare"

2.40pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Hildebrand"

8.40pm: Intercepted Norge SS "Quernstad" (In ballast boarded by HMS "Hildebrand")

4caf8c41cadfd34197035551: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-009_1.jpg)

11 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -11.2

[Position: 220 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

6.20pm: Stopped and boarded Norge SS "Alf"

7.05pm: SS "Alf" allowed to proceed

8.30pm: Intercepted Norge SS "Liv". Correct, allowed to proceed

4caf8c41cadfd34197035552: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-010_0.jpg)

12 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.5, Long -10.6

[Position: 200 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

10.30am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

4caf8c41cadfd34197035553: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-010_1.jpg)

13 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.6, Long -10.1

[Position: 185 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

6.30am: Stopped and boarded Danish Barque Viking

9.00am: Barque Viking sent to Stornaway under Armed Guard. Sub Lieut Grubb in charge

10.15pm: Stopped and boarded American SS "Platuria".

10.20pm: Challenged by HMS "Orotava"

11.15pm: Slow ahead circling round SS "Platuria"

4caf8c41cadfd34197035554: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-011_0.jpg)

14 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.4, Long -11.4

[Position: 225 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

0.25am: SS "Platuria" allowed to proceed

9.00pm: Stopped and boarded French Schooner "Yvonne"

10.15pm: Schooner allowed to proceed

4caf8c41cadfd34197035555: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-011_1.jpg)

15 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.0, Long -15

[Position: 325 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

5.15am: Stopped and boarded Danish MS "United States", correct, allowed to proceed

0.12pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Orcoma"

1.00pm: HMS "Orcoma" boarding steamer

1.20pm: Sent boat with back signals to HMS "Orcoma"

3.40pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Gloucester"

6.55pm: Stopped and boarded SS "Devona" (British), correct, allowed to proceed

4caf8c41cadfd34197035556: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-012_0.jpg)

16 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 55.3, Long -9.8

[Position: 95 miles W of Irish Coast]

2.48pm: Observed Tory Isle Light House S8E distance 11 miles

4.30pm: Exchanged pendants with Malin Head Signal Station

4.50pm: Malin Head abeam distance 6.75 miles

6.05pm: Sighted Rathlin Isle

7.30pm: Challenged by HMS "Thorn"

9.00pm: Maidens Light abeam 3.75 mls

9.35pm: Copelands Light S30W

11.25pm: South Rock bearing N78W

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17 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

6.45am: Stopped. Hauled in Port Log

6.58am: Anchored

[Log marked 'Thick Fog']

4.17pm: Anchor Up. Proceeded slow

5.45pm: Examination cutter alongside

6.00pm: Tender "Bison" alongside with Pilot

10.00pm: Passed through Sandon Dock Pits

10.15pm: Passed through Sandon Gate into Sandon Dock

10.35pm: Made fast alongside HMS "Himalaya" in SE Sandon Dock

10.45pm: Finished with engines

4caf8c41cadfd34197035558: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-013_0.jpg)

18 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: Port Watch away on long leave

9.30am: Armed Guard under sub Lieut Wheable returned on board

5.30pm: Patrol landed. Gave leave to part of watch

10.00pm: Boys returned

10.45pm: Patrol returned on board

4caf8c41cadfd34197035559: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-013_1.jpg)

19 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

8.00am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: Divine Service held on board. Church party from HMS "Teutonic" attending

6.00pm: Liberty men ashore

9.00pm: Received 12 ratings from Devonport (HMS "Vivid")

4caf8c41cadfd3419703555a: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-014_0.jpg)

20 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

7.30am: Commenced coaling

2.30pm: Royal Marine sergeant joined ship

6.00pm: Liberty men ashore

10.00pm: Finished coaling for night

10.30pm: Boys returned

4caf8c41cadfd3419703555b: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-014_1.jpg)

21 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Recommenced coaling. Liberty men returned

7.15am: Armed Guard under Sub Lieut Grubb returned on board

9.00am: Total coal on board 1700 tons

5.00pm: Liberty men ashore

10.00pm: Finished coaling for night

10.30pm: Boys returned

4caf8c41cadfd3419703555c: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-015_0.jpg)

22 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Resumed coaling.

9.00am: Total coal on board 2160 tons

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

10.30pm: Boys returned

4caf8c41cadfd3419703555d: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-015_1.jpg)

23 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Resumed coaling.

9.00am: Total coal on board 2810 tons

4.00pm: Finished coaling forward

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for night

10.30pm: Boys returned

11.00pm: Two Stokers brought on board by Civil Police

4caf8c41cadfd3419703555e: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-016_0.jpg)

24 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: Port watch returned after long leave

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Commenced coaling.

9.00am: Shifted ship alongside warf

9.00am: Total tons coal on board 3080

10.00am: Hands employed taking in stores

11.00am: Finished coaling. Total tons 3192

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore

10.00pm: Boys returned

4caf8c41cadfd3419703555f: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-016_1.jpg)

25 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

9.05am: Read Warrant No 15

10.00am: R Marine escort returned

10.05am: Two ratings joined from depot

1.00pm: Starboard watch given week end leave

5.00pm: Patrol ashore

7.10pm: Liberty men ashore

8.00pm: Patrol returned

9.30pm: Royal Marine absentee returned on board

10.00pm: Boys returned

4caf8c41cadfd34197035560: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-017_0.jpg)

26 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

10.00am: Divine service held, church party from HMS "Teutonic" attending

10.50am: HMS "Teutonic" church party left ship

5.00pm: Shifted ship to allow SS "Metagama" to berth

5.15pm: Landed patrol

6.00pm: Moored fore and Aft

6.45pm: Liberty men ashore

10.00pm: Boys returned

10.45pm: Patrol returned

4caf8c41cadfd34197035561: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-017_1.jpg)

27 March 1916

Place: Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned

8.00am: Starboard watch returned from weekend leave

11.00am: Hauled ship off to allow steam flat "Pearl" to come alongside SS "Pakling"

2.00pm: Hands employed taking aboard new cutter and replacing gunnery fittings at all guns

10.00pm: Pilot came on board

4caf8c41cadfd34197035562: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-018_0.jpg)

28 March 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

2.45am: Commenced to unmoor ship

3.30am: Let go all and proceeded out of dock tugs "Bison", "Otter" and "Flyer" assisting

4.15am: Made fast alongside SS "Mauretania"

5.00am: Let go and proceeded into river

5.20am: Through dock gate

5.40am: Anchored in 13 fathoms (port anchor) and veered to 60 fathoms on cable

7.00am: Ship swung to ebb tide

11.00am: General quarters and provided ammunition

1.20pm: Swung to flood tide

6.15pm: HMS "Almanzora" left dock and entered river

6.50pm: Anchor away and proceeded down river. Engines and courses as per pilot

7.07pm: Rock Light abeam

7.58pm: Formby Light Ship: abeam

8.00pm: Pilot left ship in "Bison"

10.50pm: Sighted Chickens Light

4caf8c41cadfd34197035563: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-018_1.jpg)

29 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 55.7, Long -7.1

[Position: 28 miles off Islay]

1.20am: Sighted Chickens Light abeam distance 1.75 miles

2.25am: Sighted Mull of Galway Light N35E

3.10am: Sighted Skulmartin Light bearing N15W

4.00am: Skulmartin Light abeam

5.05am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Almanzora"

5.20am: Exchanged signals with Bangor Signal Station

7.55am: Challenged by Tor Point Signal Station

7.57am: Challenged by HM Patrol Yacht

3.15pm: Sighted Barra Head

4caf8c41cadfd34197035564: ( 53-67385/ADM 53-67385-019_0.jpg)

30 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.7, Long -11.3

[Position: 170 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

[General Training]

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31 March 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.1, Long -10.6

[Position: 125 miles NW of Faroe Islands]

9.00am: challenged by HMS "Alsatian"

9.30am: Captain left ship for HMS "Alsatian"

11.25am: Captain returned on boad

2.00pm: Telemotor gear broken down; shifted into steam gear. Eased to half speed.

2.55pm: Gear mended. Shifted back to telemotor

5.55pm: Sighted Iceland coast: bearing N36W

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1 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.6, Long -16.0

[Position: 6 miles off North Iceland coast]

2.55am: Challenged by HMS "Virginian"

6.00am: In company with HMS "Virginian" (bearing South)

4caf8c41cadfd34197035572: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-004_0.jpg)

2 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.9, Long -16.4

[Position: 35 miles off North Iceland coast]

5.30am: Boarding boat washed inboard chocks damaged

11.50am: P5 Lifeboat fall carried away. Altered course as requisite to secure lifeboat

4caf8c41cadfd34197035573: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-004_1.jpg)

3 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.6, Long -16.1

11.00am: Sighted land on Port bow

4caf8c41cadfd34197035574: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-005_0.jpg)

4 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.7, Long -16.1

[Position: 12 miles off North Iceland coast]

10.10am: Sighted land bearing S45W

4caf8c41cadfd34197035575: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-005_1.jpg)

5 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.7, Long -16.0

[Position: 13 miles off North Iceland coast]

4.50am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Virginian"

10.45am: Sighted: land starboard bow

4caf8c41cadfd34197035576: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-006_0.jpg)

6 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.6, Long -16.3

[Position: 6 miles off North Iceland coast]

7.00am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Virginian"

4caf8c41cadfd34197035577: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-006_1.jpg)

7 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.6, Long -16.2

[Position: 6 miles off North Iceland coast]

4.45pm: Evening quarters and ships company muster oilskins and seaboots

5.45pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Almanzora" and sighted HMS "Virginian"

5.50pm: Lost sight of HMS "Virginian" in a rain squall.

6.30pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Virginian"

6.40pm: Increased to Full Speed and took station 1 mile astern of HMS "Virginian"

8.15pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Virginian"

9.05pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Andes"

10.00pm: Langanaes Light bearing S30 W

10.38pm: Langanaes Light abeam S75W distance 8.5 miles

4caf8c41cadfd34197035578: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-007_0.jpg)

8 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.4, Long -10.2

[Position: 125 miles E of Iceland coast]

3.40am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Virginian"

[Log signed by A H Waller]

4caf8c41cadfd34197035579: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-007_1.jpg)

9 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.2, Long -10.4

[Position: 110 miles E of Iceland coast]

3.28pm: Sighted land bearing NW

4caf8c41cadfd3419703557a: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-008_0.jpg)

10 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.1, Long -11.7

[Position: 60 miles E of Iceland coast]

4caf8c41cadfd3419703557b: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-008_1.jpg)

11 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.2, Long -11.7

[Position: 60 miles E of Iceland coast]

4caf8c41cadfd3419703557c: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-009_0.jpg)

12 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.5, Long -6.2

[Position: 15 miles NE of Faroe Islands]

9.10am: Sighted land bearing South

7.25pm: Intercepted Danish Barque "Ceres" at 61 25N 03 50W. Allowed to proceed.

4caf8c41cadfd3419703557d: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-009_1.jpg)

13 April 1916

At Olna Firth

Lat 60.3, Long -1.4

[Position: Olna Firth]

1.10am: Esha Ness bearing S21E

2.50am: Sighted Swarbacks Light

4.10 Anchored in No 4 berth Olna Firth

6.55: Colliers "Towneley" and "Pensacola" alongside

[Log annotated in red: "All coaling gear on board and on both colliers examined and found correct" Signed W A Hawkes 1st Lieut]

8.00am: Commenced coaling

8.25am: Water boat "Hibernia" alongside

1.15pm: Received 3 signal ratings RNVR

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

8.35pm: HMS "Alsatian" left port

4caf8c41cadfd3419703557e: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-010_0.jpg)

14 April 1916

At Olna Firth

Lat 60.3, Long -1.4

[Position: Olna Firth]

8.00am: Commenced coaling

5.00pm: Finished coaling. Total received 1250 tons

4caf8c41cadfd3419703557f: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-010_1.jpg)

15 April 1916

At Olna Firth

Lat 60.3, Long -1.4

[Position: Olna Firth]

1.30pm: Liberty boat left for shore with officers and men

4.30pm: Liberty boat returned

8.15pm: Anchors aweigh. Engines and courses as requisite

8.45pm: Passed boom

4caf8c41cadfd34197035580: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-011_0.jpg)

16 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.9, Long -7.1

[Position: 60 miles S of Faroe Islands]

2.40am: Intercepted Danish Steamer SS "Bothna", Leith to Iceland, allowed to proceed

1.47pm: Passed through Danish fishing fleet

4caf8c41cadfd34197035581: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-011_1.jpg)

17 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.3, Long -8.6

[Position: 100 miles NW of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c41cadfd34197035582: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-012_0.jpg)

18 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.7, Long -15.3

[Position: 260 miles W of Faroe Islands]

4.30am: Stopped and boarded Danish SS "Stella"

5.30am: Sighted trawlers bound NE

7.30am: Sent Armed Guard to SS "Stella". Sub Lieut Jones in charge.

4caf8c41cadfd34197035583: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-012_1.jpg)

19 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.6, Long -15.4

[Position: 270 miles W of Faroe Islands]

4.45pm: General quarters

4caf8c41cadfd34197035584: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-013_0.jpg)

20 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.7, Long -15.3

[Position: 260 miles W of Faroe Islands]

4.45pm: General quarters

4caf8c41cadfd34197035585: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-013_1.jpg)

21 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.0, Long -13.9

[Position: 250 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

7.40pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

4caf8c41cadfd34197035586: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-014_0.jpg)

22 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.1, Long -13.9

[Position: 250 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c41cadfd34197035587: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-014_1.jpg)

23 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.7, Long -13.3

[Position: 250 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

10.00am: Divisions and Captains inspection

4.50pm: Stopped centre turbine and eased to dead slow on port and starboard turbines

6.00pm: Altered course to S84E. Increased to slow on all turbines

4caf8c41cadfd34197035588: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-015_0.jpg)

24 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.7, Long -13.1

[Position: 250 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

0.07am: Intercepted Norge SS "Mexicano", flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

2.00pm: Exchanged challenge and demand with HMS "Motagua"

4caf8c41cadfd34197035589: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-015_1.jpg)

25 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.7, Long -12.5

[Position: 225 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c41cadfd3419703558a: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-016_0.jpg)

26 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.6, Long -13.0

[Position: 245 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c41cadfd3419703558b: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-016_1.jpg)

27 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.7, Long -12.9

[Position: 245 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4caf8c41cadfd3419703558c: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-017_0.jpg)

28 April 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.3, Long -7.3

[Position: 105 miles S of Faroe Islands]

6.10am: Stopped and boarded Norge Barque "Ananonda"

8.55am: Stopped and boarded Norge SS "Majoren", correct allowed to proceed

10.00am: Signalled Norge Barque "Ananonda" to proceed

3.00pm: Intercepted British Trawler "King Alfred" allowed to proceed

3.55pm: Stopped and boarded Danish SS "Hekla", correct allowed to proceed

5.30pm: Intercepted British Trawler "Oceanic" allowed to proceed

6.40pm: Commenced ZZ (Type No 3)

10.00pm: Stopped ZZ

10.35pm: Sighted Esha Ness Lt S20E

4caf8c41cadfd3419703558d: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-017_1.jpg)

29 April 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

1.00am: Sighted Swarbacks Light bearing S26E

2.40am: Passed gate 3, anchored in No1 anchorage

3.20am: Finished with engines

3.30am: Lowered cutter

6.05am: Collier "Bangarth" came alongside port

6.20am: Collier "Rouen" came alongside starboard

7.30am: Drifter with coaling party alongside. Cutter left for shore

8.00am: Commenced coaling

8.10am: Cutter returned with mails

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons on board 578

4caf8c41cadfd3419703558e: ( 53-67386/ADM 53-67386-018_0.jpg)

30 April 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

2.45am: HMS "Teutonic" entered harbour and anchored

7.30am: Commenced coaling

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons on board 1101

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1 May 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

7.30am: Drifter with coaling party alongside,

8.00am: Commenced coaling

2.00pm: Finished coaling Total tons taken 1400

2.15pm: Church of England chaplain came on board

2.30pm: Colliers "Bangarth" and "Rouen" left ship

3.00pm: Armed Guards for HMS "Motagua" arrived on board

3.30pm: Cutter left for shore with mails

7.35pm: HMS "Duke of Cornwall": arrived and anchored.

8.00pm: Dinghy left for HMS "Duke of Cornwall" for mails and HMS "Motagua" officer

8.30pm: Commenced to heave up anchor

10.00pm: Passed gate

10.42pm: Esha Ness light abeam 4 miles

4caf8c42cadfd3419703559c: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-004_0.jpg)

2 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.9, Long -4.7

[Position: 100 miles SE of Faroe Islands]

5.10am: Passed British trawler "Aries"

5.40am: Stopped and boarded Norge SS "Flora"

5.55am: Ordered Trawler "Aries" to follow ship. Proceeded back to SS "Flora"

6.10am: Stopped and sent SS "Flora" into Lerwick Sub Lt Wheable and Armed Guard in charge

6.15am: Boarded Trawler "Aries". Correct, allowed to proceed.

4.25pm: Intercepted Norge barque "Mimosa"

4.30pm:"Mimosa" allowed to proceed.

8.30pm: Stopped and boarded Danish Auxiliary Barquentine "Ivigtut" in 60 21N, 7 44W

8.45pm: Sent Armed Guard on board "Ivigtut". Sub Lieut Grubb in charge.

9.10pm: "Ivigtut" proceeded to Lerwick

4caf8c42cadfd3419703559d: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-004_1.jpg)

3 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.3, Long -12.5

[Position: 250 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

5.45am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Motagua"

6.10am: Stopped to communicate

6.15am: Discharged 3 AGs and 1 Eng Sub Lieut to HMS "Motagua"

5.40pm: Stopped. Intercepted large barque "Alexander Lawrence"

7.00pm: Sent Armed Guard on board "Alexander Lawrence". Mid Cruickshanks in charge.

7.10pm: Barque proceeded to Lerwick

4caf8c42cadfd3419703559e: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-005_0.jpg)

4 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -13.5

[Position: 300 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

6.50am: Intercepted British Steamer "San Nazario", correct allowed to proceed

11.45am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Changuinola"

4caf8c42cadfd3419703559f: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-005_1.jpg)

5 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.8, Long -10.3

[Position: 180 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

7.10am: Stopped and boarded Norge SS Romsdalsfjord, correct, allowed to proceed

9.45am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

10.50am: Sent boat for Sub Lieut Wheable and Armed Guard

caf8c42cadfd341970355a0: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-006_0.jpg)

6 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.1, Long -12.4

[Position: 270 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

2.45am: Intercepted British Trawler "Queen Alexandra". correct and allowed to proceed

11.20am: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS "Westerdijk", sent to Kirkwall with Armed Guard, Sub Lt Jones in charge.

3.20pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Changuinola" boarding sailing vessel.

6.40pm: Sighted Danish Topsail Schooner bearing East

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a1: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-006_1.jpg)

7 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.1, Long -12.7

[Position: 270 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4.45pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall Norge SS "Bratland" under Armed Guard, Sub Lieut Wheable in charge

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a2: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-007_0.jpg)

8 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.1, Long -11.6

[Position: 250 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

11.10am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Patuca",

11.25am: Received from HMS "Patuca" Armed Guard under Sub Lieut Grubb

2.00pm: Intercepted Swedish SS "Narvia" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a3: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-007_1.jpg)

9 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.0, Long -10.4

[Position: 175 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

6.15am: Exchanged pedants with HMS "Changuinola"

7.00am: Stopped and boarded Danish schooner "Poseidon".

8.30am: Danish schooner allowed to proceed

9.15am: Intercepted Dutch SS "Sloterdijk" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a4: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-008_0.jpg)

10 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.1, Long -12.2

[Position: 210 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

9.00am: Stopped engines to drop target

9.05am: Dropped target, increased to full speed and circled around

9.10am: Prayers and Divisions

9.15am: Carried out battle practice. 6 inch guns fired 14 rounds. Range 6000 to 7000 yards

10.10am: Stopped and picked up target

0.20pm: Stopped and boarded British ammunition carrier SS "Arranmoor", correct, allowed to proceed

4.00pm: Boarded British SS "Fornebo". Correct, allowed to proceed

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a5: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-008_1.jpg)

11 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.8, Long -12.8

[Position: 240 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

5.00am: Eased to slow. Passed Danish Schooner "Poseidon"

9.00am: Exchanged signals with Norge Barque "Transatlantic" under armed guard

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a6: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-009_0.jpg)

12 May 1916

Heading for Liverpool

Lat 56.0, Long -8.6

[Position: 65 miles N of Ireland]

3.30pm: Sighted Irish coast bearing S 60 W

4.15am: Sighted Rathlin Island bearing S3E

5.30pm: Courses as requisite to pass through Rathlin Sound

6.00pm: Exchanges signals with Tor Point signal station

10.45pm: Sighted Chickens Light bearing S15E

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a7: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-009_1.jpg)

13 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

4.50am: Sighted Bar Lightship

5.25am: Tender "Bison" alongside. Picked up pilot

[Noted in log: Lost: Branch Pipe, Copper 1, Hose, Canvas 40', Pistol, Webley, 1]

7.40am: Made fast in Sandon Basin

8.45am: Let go and proceeded to Canada Dock

9.20am: Made fast in S.W. corner Canada Branch. Finished with engines.

10.00am: Armed Guards under Sub Lieuts Jones and Wheable and Mid Cruickshanks returned on board. Lieut Matheson joined ship.

0.00pm: Payment of Officers and Men

0.30pm: Starboard watch away on long leave

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a8: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-010_0.jpg)

14 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

10.00am: R.C. church party landed

10.20am: Church party from HMS "Teutonic" arrived

10.30am: Divine Service

11.15am: HMS "Teutonic" church party ashore

11.55am: RC church party returned

4caf8c42cadfd341970355a9: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-010_1.jpg)

15 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

9.00am: Lieut Honeyman left ship for depot

10.00am: Hands employed drawing 6" Lyddite projectiles & landing 6" AP projectiles

1.30pm: All projectiles on board

4caf8c42cadfd341970355aa: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-011_0.jpg)

16 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

6.00am: Hands employed shifting ship

7.00am: Made fast. Two ratings AB Christy and AB Palmer joined ship

8.30am: Commenced coaling

3.00pm: Dismounted 6 pounders

4.00pm: Received on board two anti-aircraft guns

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons on board = 440

4caf8c42cadfd341970355ab: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-011_1.jpg)

17 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

2.00pm: Port rail of after island damaged by coal bucket of lighter "Tris"

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons on board = 1350

4caf8c42cadfd341970355ac: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-012_0.jpg)

18 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

11.00am: Hands employed shifting ship to NE. Berth (no steam on vessel) assisted by tugs "Bison" and "Wellington"

8.00pm: Chief Gunner Newnham joined ship from HMS "Excellent"

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons on board = 2300

4caf8c42cadfd341970355ad: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-012_1.jpg)

19 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: Hands employed taking in stores and painting ship

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons on board = 2910

4caf8c42cadfd341970355ae: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-013_0.jpg)

20 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

8.00am: Starboard watch returned from long leave

4.00pm: Finished coaling for night. Total tons on board = 2910

5.00pm: Patrol ashore

10.30pm: Patrol returned on board

Midnight: All clocks put ahead one hour

4caf8c42cadfd341970355af: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-013_1.jpg)

21 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

10.20am: Church party from HMS “Teutonic “arrived

11.10am: HMS “Teutonic”’s church party left

5.00pm: Finished coaling; total tons taken in 3490

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b0: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-014_0.jpg)

22 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

9.00am: Lieut Woodroofe left ship for Depot

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b1: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-014_1.jpg)

23 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

7.00am: Eng Sub Lieut Sweeney joined ship

9.00am: CH Gunner Patcheon and Eng Sub Lieut Collins left ship

11.45am: Commodore came on board

1.00pm: Tug "Beaver" alongside forward

2.00pm: Let go and proceeded out of dock, tugs "Beaver", "Canada" and "Collingwood" assisting. Pilot Tranter in charge

3.00pm: Made fast alongside HMS "Teutonic" in Sandon Basin.

3.20pm: Let go and proceeded into river.

3.55pm: Entered river. Proceeded full astern, Helm to starboard.

4.00pm: Ship took the ground owing to becoming unmanageable through strong flood tide. Wind WSW. Tugs "Coburg", "Brocklebank", "Trafalgar", "Collingwood", "Victoria", "Panther", with "Cairngarth", "Bison", "Flying Cock", "Beaver", and "Canada" assisted towing and pushing off. Sounded around ship. Commenced to pump out Nos 1 and 3 tanks.

[Log shows diagram of ship with values of soundings taken at time of ship taking ground at 4.00pm]

4.55pm: Floated off and proceeded, tugs away, stopped pumping out tanks,

5.25pm: Full astern both, let go starboard anchor.

6.05pm: Captain Risk RN left ship in Tug "Flying Cock"

8.45pm: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded slow.

9.10pm: Let go starboard anchor.

9.55pm: "Bison" alongside with postman

10.40pm: HMS "Andes" passed up river and anchored off Seacombe Ferry

11.35pm: Tender from HMS "Eagle" alongside with marine absentee White

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b2: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-015_0.jpg)

24 May 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: at Liverpool]

1.00am: Ship swung to flood tide

4.30am: Ship swung to ebb tide

9.50am: Tender "Bison" alongside with Engineer Captain Creighton RN and Morgan Admiralty Surveyor

0.35pm: Surveyor and Captain left ship in "Bison"

1.40pm: "Bison" left ship with officer on duty and postman

3.40pm: HMS "Dee" passed up river

4.30pm: Put all clocks back half hour

4.55pm: Proceeded up river. Engines and courses as requisite

5.15pm: Warrants 16 & 17 read to Pte White & Stoker Massey

8.50pm: Sighted Chickens Light bearing N38W

9.00pm: Sighted Douglas Head Light bearing N6E

10.24pm: Chickens Light abeam distance 2.5 miles.

11.57pm: Sighted South Rock Light bearing N34W

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b3: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-015_1.jpg)

25 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 55.5, Long -8.7

[Position: 35 miles NW Ireland]

0.52am: Sighted Skulmartin Light bearing N23W, distance 2 miles

5.03am: Courses as requisite passing through Rathlin Sound

8.05am: Exchanged pendants with Malin Head Signal Station

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b4: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-016_0.jpg)

26 May 1916


Lat 56.8, Long -16.5

[Position: 315 miles NW Ireland]

3.25am: Stopped and boarded Norge SS "Anna Fostenes"

4.30am: Sent Norge SS "Anna Fostenes" to Kirkwall under Armed Guard. Sub Lieut Grubb in charge

1.00pm: Intercepted French Barque " Chauteau Dif". Allowed to proceed

1.45pm: Challenged by HMS "Virginian"

2.12pm: Stopped to pick up boat from HMS "Virginian" with confidential mail.

2.23pm: Boat left

4.40pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Orotava"

6.55pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Motagua"

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b5: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-016_1.jpg)

27 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 56.3, Long -17.5

[Position: 340 miles NW Ireland]

8.30am: Commenced ZZ (No 3 Type)

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b6: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-017_0.jpg)

28 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 56.9, Long -17.1

[Position: 360 miles NW Ireland]

6.50am: George Robert Renshaw, Fireman, departed this life. Cause of death, meningitis. BSB (5D217) (57 18N, 15 39W)

5.10pm: Stop engines

5.25pm: The body of George Robert Renshaw, Fireman, consigned to the deep (56 38N, 18 35W)

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b7: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-017_1.jpg)

29 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.0, Long -16.9

[Position: 360 miles NW Ireland]

2.10pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

2.25pm: Stopped and boarded British SS "San Ricardo", allowed to proceed

10.30pm: Stopped and boarded Norge SS "Jotunfjell", allowed to proceed

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b8: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-018_0.jpg)

30 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.1, Long -16.6

[Position: 350 miles NW Ireland]

5.35pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

5.45pm: Intercepted Norge Barque "Semedal" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4caf8c42cadfd341970355b9: ( 53-67387/ADM 53-67387-018_1.jpg)

31 May 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.1, Long -17.1

[Position: 370 miles NW Ireland]

10.35pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

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1 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 56.6, Long -11.2

[Position: 160 miles NW Ireland]

10.00am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Moldavia"

2.30pm: Passed Danish topsail schooner "Slaven"

7.26pm: Sighted Barra Head Light N86E

10.50pm: Sighted Oigh Sgeir Light S84E

11.15pm: Sighted Ushenish Light N 25 E

4caf8c42cadfd341970355c4: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-004_0.jpg)

2 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.7, Long -3.3

[Position: 6 miles W of Stroma]

1.50am: Sighted Glas Island Light N38E

3.25am: Exchanged pendants with auxiliary patrol trawlers (FD 222) and (GV 32)

3.20am: Sighted HMS "Moldavia" bearing N80E

8.15am: Sighted Cape Wrath Light abeam 3.75miles

10.25am: Exchanged signals with HMS "Moldavia"

11.40am: Sighted Grand Fleet

0.45pm: Pentland Skerries Light Head abeam 0.5 miles

1.50pm: Copinsay Light abeam 3.5miles

5.55pm: Exchanged pendants with Fair Isle Signal Station

4caf8c42cadfd341970355c5: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-004_1.jpg)

3 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.2, Long -3.5

[Position: 90 miles NW of Shetland Isles]

2.30am: Sighted Muckle Flugga Light N60W

3.45am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patuca"

6.55am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Donegal"

7.20am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "King Orry"

2.15pm: Intercepted Danish SS "Smiral" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4caf8c42cadfd341970355c6: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-005_0.jpg)

4 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.9, Long -9.6

[Position: 110 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

1.25am: Sighted steamer bearing West

1.55am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Hilary"

7.55am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patuca"

0.40pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Patuca"

4caf8c42cadfd341970355c7: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-005_1.jpg)

5 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.6, Long -9.2

[Position: 100 miles SW of Faroe Isles]

11.50am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patuca"

4.50pm: Read Warrant No 18 to W Bosna [?] AB

4caf8c42cadfd341970355c8: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-006_0.jpg)

6 June 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

5.35am: Swarbacks Light abeam. Passed gate

6.15am: Let go starboard anchor. No2 anchorage

6.20am: Collier "Excelent" along side

6.35am: Collier "Venice" alongside

7.45am: Commenced coaling

8.00am: Cutter ashore for mails

8.20am: Cutter returned with mails

11.50am: HMS "Duke of Cornwall" left harbour

5.00pm: Rev Father Case joined ship from HMS "Teutonic"

6.30pm: Finished coaling for night

7.07pm: HMS "Albacore" left harbour

7.40pm: HMS "Teutonic" left harbour

9.40pm: HMS "Albacore" returned to harbour

4caf8c42cadfd341970355c9: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-006_1.jpg)

7 June 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe]

7.45pm: Coaling party from HMS "Gilbral"

8.00am: Commenced coaling

2.00pm: Finished coaling. Total tons 1000

3.00pm: Colliers "Venice" and "Excelent" left ship’s side and proceeded to anchorage

6.30pm: C of E Chaplain Rev Grundy left ship for HMS "Gibraltar"

9.05pm: HMS "Albacore" left harbour

9.35pm: Anchor aweigh

9.40pm: Proceeded down Voe. Tug "Flying Breeze" assisting

4caf8c42cadfd341970355ca: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-007_0.jpg)

8 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.4, Long -5.8

[Position: 118 miles S of Faroe Islands]

8.20am: Intercepted Norge SS Bellatrix flying flag of the day. Allowed to proceed

8.45pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patuca"

4caf8c42cadfd341970355cb: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-007_1.jpg)

9 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.5, Long -8.6

[Position: 115 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

3.00am: Sighted land bearing N60E

6.00am: Sighted Sumbo Light bearing N44E distance12m

6.30am: Passed Danish Whaler TG 364 "Sudero"

8.28am: Stopped and boarded Danish whaler "Egil". Allowed to proceed

0.50pm: Stopped and boarded British Trawler, "Lord Lansdowne", allowed to proceed

1.30pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Moldavia"

4caf8c43cadfd341970355ce: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-009_0.jpg)

10 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.6, Long -8.9

[Position: 115 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

5.30am: Sighted trawlers bearing East

10.00am: Passing through British fishing fleet

4caf8c43cadfd341970355cf: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-009_1.jpg)

11 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.6, Long -8.4

[Position: 105 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

2.00am: Sighted Swedish Trawlers

11.35am: Intercepted Danish schooner "Katrine" flying flag of day allowed to continue

8.00pm: Stopped and boarded Danish SS "Gautatyr" (Lat 59 24 N Long 10 11 W).

8.30pm: Ditto sent into Kirkwall under armed guard. Sub Lieut Jones in charge.

9.10pm: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS "Waaldjik"

10.00pm: Ditto sent into Kirkwall under armed guard, Sub Lieut Wheable in charge.

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d0: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-010_0.jpg)

12 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.3, Long -12.9

[Position: 210 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

3.52am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Motagua"

9.10pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Moldavia"

9.15pm: Sent boat to HMS "Moldavia",

9.40pm: Boat returned with mails and Mid Stevens to join ship

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d1: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-010_1.jpg)

13 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.5, Long -12.7

[Position: 200 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

1.40pm: Stopped and boarded Swedish SS "Texas",

2.10pm: Ditto sent in to Kirkwall under AG Sub Lieut Grubb in charge

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d2: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-011_0.jpg)

14 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.3, Long -12.8

[Position: 200 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4.45pm: Intercepted British SS "Benue", flying flag of day. Allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d3: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-011_1.jpg)

15 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.5, Long -12.2

[Position: 180 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

9.15am: Stopped and boarded Danish Schooner Martina.

9.35am: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d4: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-012_0.jpg)

16 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.5, Long -12.5

[Position: 190 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

1.30pm: Exchanged pendants with French Aux Cruiser "Artois"

5.55pm: Stopped and boarded British SS "Turret Chief" (Ammunition Carrier),

6.20pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d5: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-012_1.jpg)

17 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.4, Long -12.6

[Position: 190 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

7.30pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patia"

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d6: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-013_0.jpg)

18 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.2, Long -12.2

[Position: 180 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection

11.00am: Stopped and boarded Danish Schooner "Nanny".

11.40am: Ditto allowed to proceed

1.10pm: Stopped, boarded and sent in to Kirkwall under Armed Guard Sub Lieut Cruickshanks in charge, Dutch SS "Boomberg"

1.30pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Columbella".

2.10pm:. Sent boat to ditto and received back 3 Armed Guards under Sub Lieuts Wheable, Grubb and Jones

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d7: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-013_1.jpg)

19 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.3, Long -12.7

[Position: 195 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4.35pm: Stopped, boarded and sent in to Kirkwall, under Armed Guard. Sub Lieut Jones in charge, Norge SS "Ramfos"

5.30pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall under Sub Lieut Wheable with Armed Guard Norge SS 'Romsdalfjord"

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d8: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-014_0.jpg)

20 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.3, Long -12.4

[Position: 185 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

1.55am: Passed SS"Romsdalfjord"

3.25am: Sighted SS "Ramfos" bearing S85E

4caf8c43cadfd341970355d9: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-014_1.jpg)

21 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.8, Long -11.4

[Position: 150 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c43cadfd341970355da: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-015_0.jpg)

22 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.9, Long -4.2

[Position: 100 miles NW of Shetland Isles]

0.20pm: Intercepted British Trawler "Loch Rannoch" (A375)

0.25pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

5.38pm: Stopped and boarded Swedish Ketch "Great Carlton".

6.25pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

9.00pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Lively"

10.00pm: Esha Ness light abeam

10.55pm: Swarbacks light abeam

11.05pm: Passed gate and proceeded up Voe

11.25pm: Let go port anchor in No 1 berth. Found here HMS "Hildebrand"

4caf8c43cadfd341970355db: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-015_1.jpg)

23 June 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

8.00am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: 60 bags of mails on board

10.15am: Armed Guards under Sub Lieuts Wheable, Jones and Cruickshanks returned on board

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

7.55pm: HMS "Lively" left harbour

11.00pm: HMS "Hildebrand" left harbour

4caf8c43cadfd341970355dc: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-016_0.jpg)

24 June 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

0.55am: HMS "Lively" entered harbour and anchored

7.45am: Coaling party from HMS "Gibraltar" alongside

8.00am: Commenced coaling

6.00pm: Finished coaling for night

4caf8c43cadfd341970355dd: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-016_1.jpg)

25 June 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

0.35am: HMS "Motagua" arrived and anchored in No2 Berth

0.40am: HMS "Lively" arrived and anchored

7.45am: Coaling party from HMS "Gibraltar" arrived.

8.00am: Commenced coaling

11.45am: Finished coaling. Total tons 2000

2.15pm: HMS "Leopard" arrived in harbour

3.00pm: HMS "Lively" left harbour

9.00pm: HMS "Arley" entered harbour and anchored

4caf8c43cadfd341970355de: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-017_0.jpg)

26 June 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

8.00am: Hands employed striking down and trimming coal

9.20am: Chaplin on board

9.30am: Divine Service performed by Chaplin of Gibraltar

0.30pm: RA visited ship

0.50pm: RA left ship

3.00pm: Finished striking down coal

6.05pm: HMS "Fiona" entered harbour and anchored

9.00pm: Father Case discharged to HMS "Gibraltar"

9.05pm: HMS 'Leopard' left harbour. Tug 'Flying Breeze' alongside

9.47pm: Anchor aweigh

9.50pm: Proceeded down Voe

10.10pm: Passed gate

10.20pm: HMS "Leopard" escorting

11.10pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Almanzora"

4caf8c43cadfd341970355df: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-017_1.jpg)

27 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.3, Long -5.2

[Position: 75 miles SE Faroe Islands]

5.00am: Intercepted Danish Topsail schooner 'Hosanna' flying flag of day allowed to proceed

9.00am: Stopped and boarded Trawler "Pretoria" (SN 245)

4caf8c43cadfd341970355e0: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-018_0.jpg)

28 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.4, Long -13.9

[Position: 260 miles S Iceland]

4.25am: Stopped and boarded Danish aux schooner "Ruth" (61 1N, 11 27W)

4.40am: Ditto allowed to proceed

5.30am: Exchanged pennants with HMS "Teutonic"

4caf8c43cadfd341970355e1: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-018_1.jpg)

29 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.5, Long -12.9

[Position: 240 miles SW Faroe Islands]

3.00pm: Intercepted Dutch SS "Sliedrecht". Flying flag of day allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd341970355e2: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-019_0.jpg)

30 June 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.0, Long -11.9

[Position: 255 miles SW Faroe Islands]

3.00am: Intercept American SS "Pioneer" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4.00pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall Danish RMS "United States" with armed guard under Sub Lieut Grubb (58 56N, 15 0 W)

4caf8c43cadfd341970355e3: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-019_1.jpg)

4caf8c43cadfd341970355e4: ( 53-67388/ADM 53-67388-020_0.jpg)

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4caf8c43cadfd341970355ea: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c43cadfd341970355eb: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c43cadfd341970355ec: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c43cadfd341970355ed: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-002_1.jpg)

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4caf8c43cadfd341970355ef: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-003_1.jpg)

1 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.0, Long -12.4

[Position: 250 miles SW Faroe Islands]

6.35am: Boarded American SS "Platuria",

6.50am: Ditto allowed to proceed

2.45pm: Boarded and sent in to Lerwick with armed guard under Sub Lieut Cruickshanks Swedish SS "Augusta"

4.17pm: General Quarters

4.45pm: Fired shell across starboard bows [of Norwegian RMS "Christian A Fiord"]

5.00pm: Boarded Norge RMS "Christiana A Fiord"

5.30pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd341970355f0: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.1, Long -12.2

[Position: 260 miles SW Faroe Islands]

2.50am: Intercepted Dutch SS "Zijldijk" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed"

0.05pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall with armed guard under Sub Lieut Wheable Dutch SS "Gamma" (59 7N, 12 16 W)

2.37pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Andes"

4.45pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall with armed guard under Lieut Shearer Norge SS "Bergensfjord" (58 23N, 12 38W)

4caf8c43cadfd341970355f1: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1916

POn Patrol

Lat 58.5, Long -11.4

[Position: 270 miles SW Faroe Islands]

3.55am: Sighted sailing vessel bearing East

5.05am: Boarded Norge Barque "Auden"

6.15am: Ditto allowed to proceed

11.20am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Motagua"

0.05pm: Boarded British SS "Cairndhu"

0.25pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

6.30pm: Mustered confidential admiralty books

4caf8c43cadfd341970355f2: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.4, Long -10.9

[Position: 270 miles SW Faroe Islands]

10.05am: Boarded British Trawler "Mannofield"

10.25am: Ditto allowed to proceed

1.20pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Gloucestershire"

1.35pm: Stopped and received from HMS "Gloucestershire" one hospital case for passage south (Robert A Spence, Boy)

3.30pm: Mustered confidential documents, etc

7.10pm: Boarded British Ammunition carrier SS "Clydesdale"

7.40pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd341970355f3: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.4, Long -11.5

[Position: 170 miles W of Isle of Lewis]

11.20am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Mantua"

0.30pm: Received 3 armed guards from HMS “Mantua”

7.50pm: Rockall S42W

9.00pm: Rockall S1E

10.00pm: Rockall S10E

4caf8c43cadfd341970355f4: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.9, Long -13.0

[Position: 220 miles W of Isle of Lewis]

3.10pm: Rockall S24E

4.45pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall with AG under Sub Lieut Jones Dutch Motor Ship "Juno" (57 34 N, 13 5W)

8.30pm: Altered course as requisite to inspect a floating bladder buoy

8.55pm: Closed water tight doors for exercise. Time taken 2min 50secs

4caf8c43cadfd341970355f5: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -13.2

[Position: 220 miles W of Isle of Lewis]

6.05am: Sighted motor ship "Juno"

1.30pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Mantua"

1.40pm: Exchanged signals with British ammunition carrier SS "Bedeburn"

7.10pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall with armed guard with Sub Lieut Grubb in charge Danish SS “Oscar II"

4caf8c43cadfd341970355f6: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.9, Long -13.5

[Position: 240 miles W of Isle of Lewis]

9.00am: Swung ship for deviation [Measurements attached to log]

0.30pm: Rockall S44W

3.30pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall with armed guard. Sub Lieut Cruickshanks in charge Dutch SS "Zandijk"

5.30pm: Boarded British SS "Kylemhor".

6.00pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

11.20pm: Boarded and sent in to Stornoway with armed guard under Mid Knight Norge Barque "Ester"

4caf8c43cadfd341970355f7: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.9, Long -13.5

[Position: 240 miles W of Isle of Lewis]

7.10am: Barque "Ester" North distance 6.5 miles

9.46pm: Passed British Trawler "Argo" (A 554)

4caf8c43cadfd341970355fa: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-009_0.jpg)

10 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.7, Long -13.0

[Position: 220 miles W of Isle of Lewis]

11.30am: Intercepted Danish Topsail Schooner "Hermod" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

11.05pm: Passed trawler British "Dreadnought" A144 distance 0.25 miles

4caf8c43cadfd341970355fb: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-009_1.jpg)

11 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -12.6

[Position: 220 miles W of Isle of Lewis]

7.50am: Boarded British SS "Lompoc".

8.15am: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd341970355fc: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-010_0.jpg)

12 July 1916

Returning to Liverpool

Lat 55.3, Long -6.3

[Off Rathlin Island]

7.15am: Inishtrahull abeam 1 mile

11.23am: Eased to half speed to make good engine room defects

0.25pm: Passing through Rathlin Sound

0.52pm: Exchanged signals with Tor Point signal station

6.55pm: Sighted Chickens Light House bearing S6E

4caf8c43cadfd341970355fd: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-010_1.jpg)

13 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

0.17am: Bar Light Ship abeam

0.28am: Picked up Pilot

2.08am: Anchored in 10 fathoms

8.15am: Tender "Bison" left with paymaster and postman

9.00am: Anchor aweigh

9.45am: Hauled into Sandon basin and made fast alongside SS "Mauretania"

11.00am: Payment of officers and men

11.45am: Let go SS "Mauretania" and proceeded to graving dock

0.30pm: Commenced hauling into Canada graving dock

1.00pm: Made fast in Canada graving dock. Finished with engines

1.15pm: Six armed guards returned from HMS "Eagle", and Mids JH Boorman and J de la C Bogue joined ship from Chatham Barracks.

2.40pm: Gave long leave to port watch

3.00pm: J Black, W/T Boy and J Weatherspoon & F Williams (Marines) joined ship

5.00pm: Shore gang employed cleaning ships bottom.

5.30pm: Lance Corp Cox left ship for depot

6.10pm: Liberty men ashore

6.20pm: Stewards W Whitehead. E Saunders and R Phillips left ship. Firemen C Daly, J Massey, J Thompson, J Raynard, and G Gibson left ship

9.40pm Dock dry

10.00pm: Trimmers G Colenso, T Davies and J Hardy left ship

4caf8c43cadfd341970355fe: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-011_0.jpg)

14 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

6.00am: Shore gang cleaning ships bottom

8.00am: Ord W/T Evans left ship for depot. Ch Yeoman of Signals C Chapman left ship for depot

4caf8c43cadfd341970355ff: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-011_1.jpg)

15 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

7.00am: Liberty men returned

9.00am: Shore gang cleaning ships bottom

10.00am: Mid RDW Millar left ship

4.00pm: Stewards J Lewis and W Willamant joined ship

4caf8c43cadfd34197035600: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-012_0.jpg)

16 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

7.00am: Liberty men returned

10.00am: Landed church party of 34 men

12.00am: Church party returned

1.00pm: Liberty men ashore

4caf8c43cadfd34197035601: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-012_1.jpg)

17 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

6.30am: Hands employed landing Paymasters stores

7.00am: Liberty men returned

9.00am: Hands employed landing surplus hammocks and restowing ammunition etc

10.00am: Shore gang employed painting ships bottom, repairing rudder and fitting new coal shoots.

3.00pm: Finished painting ships bottom

5.00pm: Liberty men ashore

6.00pm: Cables hove up from dock

6.30pm: Boys 1st Class Stafford, Drury, Turner, Franklin, Hooper, Halsam and RMLI Bugler Killand joined ship from depot

8.30pm: Mid JRIC Brierly left ship for HMS "Monarch"

10.00pm: Rudder in position. Pilot on board

4caf8c43cadfd34197035602: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-013_0.jpg)

18 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

5.00am: Let water into dock

5.40am: Ship floated

6.10am: Proceeded out of dry dock, tugs "Bison" "Otter" and "Collingwood" assisting, pilot in charge

6.55am: Entered Canada Dock, No 3 Branch South Side

7.20am: Ship in berth. Made fast

7.30am: Pilot left

9.00am: Hands employed painting ship. Shore gang employed on coal shoots and mine dropping gear

11.30am: Six ordinary seamen left ship, SE Lay, J Neesham, H Reynolds, A Saunders, A Sharples and R Kent for depot

2.00pm: Pilot aboard

3.45pm: Proceeded out of Canada Dock, tugs "Bison", "Otter" and "Collingwood assisting

4.30pm: Entered Sandon Dock

4.40pm: Ship in berth, made fast

5.00pm: Pilot left. Liberty firemen ashore

6.00pm: Liberty men ashore

4caf8c43cadfd34197035603: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-013_1.jpg)

19 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

7.00am: Liberty men returned

8.15am: Coal barges alongside

8.30am: Commenced coaling

11.30am: Breasted off to allow coal barges alongside

4.30pm: Liberty firemen ashore

5.00pm: Liberty men ashore

8.00pm: Numbers 1 and 2 ballast tanks pumped out

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons on board 600

4caf8c43cadfd34197035604: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-014_0.jpg)

20 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

7.00am: Liberty men returned

7.30am: Resumed coaling

9.00am: Steward W O'Mara joined ship

4.30pm: Completed coaling at No 2 and ceased same for night. Total tons 912

4caf8c43cadfd34197035605: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-014_1.jpg)

21 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

8.00am: Port watch returned from long leave.

10.00am: Shore gang employed on coal-shoots [chutes] and caulking top of wheel-house

10.00pm: Finished coaling for night. Total tons 1426

4caf8c43cadfd34197035606: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-015_0.jpg)

22 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

7.30am: Resumed coaling

4.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons taken 1960

4caf8c43cadfd34197035607: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-015_1.jpg)

23 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

9.30am: RC Church party, 3 men landed.

10.10am: CE 48 men landed

11.45am: CE Church party returned on board

2.00pm: Shore gang fitting new coal shoots throughout the day

4caf8c43cadfd34197035608: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-016_0.jpg)

24 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

2.00pm: Received back signals from HMS "Almanzora"

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons taken 2748

4caf8c43cadfd34197035609: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-016_1.jpg)

25 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

7.30am: Commenced coaling

8.00am: 44 firemen given leave until 8 am Thursday

4.30pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons on board 3010

4caf8c43cadfd3419703560a: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-017_0.jpg)

26 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

7.30am: Resumed coaling

5.00pm: Completed coaling. Total tons taken 3212

4caf8c43cadfd3419703560b: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-017_1.jpg)

27 July 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

2.00pm: Ch Gunner's party taking aboard 60 6" Blunt Headed Common Shell, & .45 aiming and .22 rim fire

4caf8c43cadfd3419703560c: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-018_0.jpg)

28 July 1916

AT Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

2.00am: Firemen P Atherton, J Parry, J Lythgoe, F Brown, joined ship

Trimmers: F Rae, H Telford, W Foxcroft, W Wolstenholme, F Smith, J Lewis, R Edge,

A McKeown, W Marsden, T Melia, F Cookson, joined ship

6.00am: Firemen R Anderson, E Monaghan, T O'Grady, T Colland, J Marsden,

G Richardson, J Barton, A Durran left ship

7.45am: Pilot aboard

8.15am: Tugs "Otter" and "Bison" alongside

8.55am: Let go all and proceeded out of dock, tugs "Otter" and "Bison" assisting. Pilot Tranter in charge

9.20am: Hauled out of Sandon Dock into Sandon Basin

9.45am: Made fast alongside wall in Basin

10.50am: Let go and proceeded into river

11.10am: Hauled into river and proceeded to anchorage.

11.42am: Let go port anchor in 14 fathoms

2.05pm: Commenced to heave up anchor

2.50pm: Tender "Otter" alongside with 1 absentee and 8 firemen to join ship

3.14pm: Proceeded down river

4.05pm: Dropped Pilot

8.20pm: Exchanged pendants with Armed Trawler "Grecian Empire"

8.30pm: N6W Chickens Light House abeam 0.5 miles

9.00pm: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise 3min 20secs

11.55pm: Copelands Light abeam 5 miles

4caf8c43cadfd3419703560d: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-018_1.jpg)

29 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 55.6, Long -9.3

[Position: 55 miles NW of Ireland]

2.30am: Passing through Rathlin Sound

6.05am: Exchanged signals with Malin Head signal station

4.40pm: Warrant No 20 read

4caf8c43cadfd3419703560e: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-019_0.jpg)

30 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -10.4

[Position: 130 miles NW of Isles of Lewis]

9.50am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Ebro"

10.17am: Sent boat to HMS "Ebro"

1.15pm: Stopped and boarded Danish Schooner "Irene"

2.00pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

2.45pm: Passed Admiralty oiler "Lucerna" escorted by armed trawlers "Gurth" and

"Glen Garry"

4caf8c43cadfd3419703560f: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-019_1.jpg)

31 July 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.7, Long -9.9

[Position: 110 miles NW of Isles of Lewis]

6.00am: Sighted two armed trawlers "Gurth" and "Cycloe"

2.40pm: Boarded British SS "Mars"

3.10pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

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4caf8c43cadfd34197035611: ( 53-67389/ADM 53-67389-020_1.jpg)

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4caf8c43cadfd3419703561b: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-003_1.jpg)

1 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.6, Long -10.3

9.45am: Intercepted Norge SS "DA Knudsen" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

11.05am: Passed Norge Barque "Oaklands"

11.30am: Intercepted Danish Schooner "Eos" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

1.05pm: Intercepted Barque "Oaklands" in ballast.

1.10pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

3.05pm: Intercepted British SS "Ferndene" Hull to Montreal.

3.10pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

5.00pm: Fireman released from cells

7.35pm: Passed SS "Ferndene"

4caf8c43cadfd3419703561c: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-004_0.jpg)

2 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.8, Long -10.0

[Position: 120 miles NW of Isles of Lewis]

8.50am: Stopped and boarded British SS "Hambleton Range", allowed to proceed

9.40am: Steamer allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd3419703561d: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-004_1.jpg)

3 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.6, Long -10.2

[Position: 120 miles NW of Isles of Lewis]

5.00pm: Hands muster to verify addresses and next of kin

4caf8c43cadfd3419703561e: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-005_0.jpg)

4 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.8, Long -9.3

[Position: 100 miles NW of Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c43cadfd3419703561f: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-005_1.jpg)

5 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.1, Long -11.8

[Position: 180 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

2.45pm: Boarded British SS "Trowbridge".

3.20pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

7.45pm: Disconnected telemotor gear for engineer's purposes and steered by after steam gear

8.15pm: Reconnected telemotor gear

4caf8c43cadfd34197035620: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-006_0.jpg)

6 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -12.6

[Position: 200 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

3.10am: Boarded British SS "Monkshaven".

3.45am: Ditto allowed to proceed

10.00pm: Divisions and Captain's inspection

4caf8c43cadfd34197035621: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-006_1.jpg)

7 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -12.6

[Position: 200 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

3.30pm: Sighted Rockall S28W

3.35pm: Boarded British Trawler "Kingcorth" (A263).

4.30pm: "Kingcorth" allowed to proceed

6.25pm: Boarded SS "Thistleard".

6.55pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd34197035622: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-007_0.jpg)

8 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -12.8

8.10pm: Sent up fire balloon for sub-calibre HA Practice

4caf8c43cadfd34197035623: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-007_1.jpg)

9 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.1, Long -13.0

[Position: 215 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c43cadfd34197035624: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-008_0.jpg)

10 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.2, Long -12.5

[Position: 200 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

6.15pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patuca"

4caf8c43cadfd34197035625: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-008_1.jpg)

11 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 60.5, Long -12.4

[Position: 200 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

7.35am: Intercepted Dutch SS "Mizar" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd34197035626: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-009_0.jpg)

12 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.3, Long -12.3

[Position: 160 miles W of Faroe Isles]

8.45pm: Closed Water Tight doors for exercise

4caf8c43cadfd34197035627: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-009_1.jpg)

13 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.5, Long -11.0

[Position: 125 miles W of Faroe Isles]

7.30am: Boarded British SS "Umtali".

8.15am: Ditto allowed to proceed

8.45am: Boarded French SS "Mingrelie".

9.25am: Ditto allowed to proceed

10.00am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

11.10am: Intercepted Russian Barquentine "Betania" flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4.00pm: Fireman released from cells

4caf8c43cadfd34197035628: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-010_0.jpg)

14 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.3, Long -12.3

[Position: 165 miles W of Faroe Isles]

[General Training]

4caf8c43cadfd34197035629: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-010_1.jpg)

15 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.4, Long -10.8

[Position: 120 miles W of Faroe Isles]

3.10pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Alsatian"

9.55pm: Intercepted Danish Topsail Schooner "Laurits", flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4caf8c43cadfd3419703562a: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-011_0.jpg)

16 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.6, Long -5.2

[Position: 50 miles E of Faroe Isles]

11.20am: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall under Armed Guard Sub Lt Jones in charge Norge SS "Minerva"

8.20pm: Intercepted British SS "Walpole".

8.25pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

11.15pm: Esha Ness S33E

4caf8c43cadfd3419703562b: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-011_1.jpg)

17 August 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

0.35am: Sighted Swarbacks Light bearing S27E

1.25am: Exchanged Pendants with HMS "Albacore"

2.15am: Passed Gate. Engines and Courses as requisite. Proceeded up Voe

2.40pm: Anchored in No 3 Berth

6.00am: Cutter ashore for mails

6.30am: Collier "Sir Francis" came alongside port

6.40am: Collier "Westwood" came alongside starboard

6.45am: Cutter returned with mails

8.00am: Commenced coaling

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

11.00pm: HMS "Alsatian" arrived and anchored in No 2 Berth

4caf8c44cadfd3419703562c: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-012_0.jpg)

18 August 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

7.00am: HMS "Albacore" entered harbour and anchored

7.30am: Coaling party from "HMS Gibraltar" on board

7.40am: HMS "Royal Scot" entered harbour and anchored

8.00am: Commenced coaling

9.00am: Armed Guard under S. Lt. Jones returned

1.15pm: Cutter away to HMS "Royal Scot" with hospital case, Mr Rice W/T officer

3.00pm: Sub Lt RD Cruickshanks left ship for Inverness

7.00pm: HMS "Royal Scott" left harbour

7.10pm: Completed coaling Total tons 1500

8.00pm: Collier "Westwood" left ships sde

4caf8c44cadfd3419703562d: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-012_1.jpg)

19 August 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: Busta Voe Shetland Islands]

7.00am: Collier "Sir Francis" left ships side

7.30am: Holy Communion administered by HMS "Alsatian"s Chaplain

0.40pm: HMS "Sprightly" entered harbour

1.00pm: HMS "Albacore" left harbour

8.30pm; Dinghy left with mail

8.35pm: "Flying Breeze" alongside

9.00pm: Dinghy returned

9.00am: Anchor up. Turned ship, tug "Flying Breeze" assisting

9.15pm: Passed down Voe

9.30pm: Passed Gate

10.25pm: Esha Ness Lt abeam 2 miles

4caf8c44cadfd3419703562e: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-013_0.jpg)

20 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 63.0, Long -3.9

[Position: 100 miles NE Faroe Islands]

1.00am: Intercepted Norge sailing trawler and allowed to proceed

2.15pm: Pumped out No's 1 and 2 tanks

6.45pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Motagua"

4caf8c44cadfd3419703562f: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-013_1.jpg)

21 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.1, Long -7.5

[Position: 175 miles W of Iceland]

9.30am: Intercepted Russian Barquentine "Betania", flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

10.55am: Boarded Swedish Ketch "Marga" and sent into [blank] with Armed Guard under Mid Hopkins

5.20pm: Sighted SS "Chama" (British), Flag of the Day

6.20pm: Intercepted British St "Heriot"

4caf8c44cadfd34197035630: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.0, Long -7.1

[Position: 200 miles W of Iceland]

3.25am: Boarded Danish Ketch "Nore", allowed to proceed

8.15am: Boarded Norge Ketch "Norig", sent Lerwick under Armed Guard Mid Milner

0.55pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS "Almanzora"

4caf8c44cadfd34197035631: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-014_1.jpg)

23 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.4, Long -6.8

[Position: 230 miles W of Iceland]

7.23am: Boarded Nor Ketch "Knut Scaale"

8.35am: Sent Lerwick, Armed Guard Mid James

4caf8c44cadfd34197035632: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-015_0.jpg)

24 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.4, Long -7.0

[Position: 230 miles W of Iceland]

4.00am: Stopped and boarded "St Feordor" (Russ SV), allowed to proceed

4caf8c44cadfd34197035633: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-015_1.jpg)

25 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.2, Long -7.0

[Position: 220 miles W of Iceland]

1.00am: Boarded SS "Bistritza" allowed to proceed

8.15pm: Sighted ship, altered course S45W. Full speed.

10.00pm: Relinquished chase, eased to slow, thick dark and course unknown

4caf8c44cadfd34197035634: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-016_0.jpg)

26 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.2, Long -5.8

[Position: 230 miles W of Iceland]

0.15am: Closed water tight doors for exercise. 2 minutes

4.55am: Intercepted "Avance" (Nor Ketch), ordered to proceed

6.55am: Stopped and boarded "Ivor Aasen" (Nor St)

8.25am: Allowed "Ivor Aasen" to proceed

0.30pm: Boarded "Kursemneeks" (Rus Sch) and allowed to proceed

4.10pm: Intercepted Admiralty Collier "Kildenan", allowed to proceed

4caf8c44cadfd34197035635: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-016_1.jpg)

27 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.7, Long -10.0

[Position: 120 miles W of Iceland]

5.50am: Stopped and boarded "Norgorod" (Rus St)

6.30am: Allowed her to proceed

10.00am: Divisions and captain’s inspection

4.00pm: Boarded "Elin" (Sw Ketch)

5.30pm: Sent "Elin" to Lerwick with armed guard under Mid Delbridge

4caf8c44cadfd34197035636: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-017_0.jpg)

28 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.8, Long -9.6

[Position: 140 miles W of Iceland]

0.15am: Closed water tight doors for exercise. 2 minutes 20 secs

0.10pm: Boarded and sent in with armed guard under Sub Lt Wheable Norge Trawler "Fisk"

5.45pm: Commenced swinging ship for deviation

6.30pm: Stopped swinging and proceeded S26W full speed

6.35pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Orotava"

4caf8c44cadfd34197035637: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-017_1.jpg)

29 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.8, Long -9.9

[Position: 140 miles W of Iceland]

0.30am: Closed water tight doors for exercise. 2 minutes 20 secs

8.40pm: Intercepted Norge SS "Actif", flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

4caf8c44cadfd3419703563a: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-019_0.jpg)

30 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.7, Long -10.0

[Position: 140 miles W of Iceland]

0.15am: Closed water tight doors for exercise. 2 minutes 20 secs

6.45am: Stopped sent cutter to HMS "Almanzora" for armed guard

7.00am: Received from HMS "Almanzora" 3 armed guards

8.55pm: Intercepted Norge Sailing Ketch "Sor" under AG, allowed to proceed

4caf8c44cadfd3419703563b: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-019_1.jpg)

31 August 1916

On patrol

Lat 66.1, Long -9.9

[Position: 140 miles W of Iceland]

0.15am: Closed water tight doors for exercise. 2 minutes 30 secs

5.37pm: Closed water tight doors for exercise. 2 minutes

5.50pm: Eased to 160 revs. Dense Fog

6.40pm: Increased to half speed. Fog dispersed

4caf8c44cadfd3419703563c: ( 53-67390/ADM 53-67390-020_0.jpg)

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4caf8c44cadfd34197035647: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-003_1.jpg)

1 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.3, Long -6.1

[Position: 5 miles E of Faroe Islands]

11.20am: Exchanged signals with Norge SS "Gaa-Paa"

4caf8c44cadfd34197035648: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-004_0.jpg)

2 September 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: at Busta Voe]

1.00am: Esha Ness Lt S30E

2.45am: Esha Ness abeam 2 miles

3.50am: Swarbacks Light abeam

4.00am: Passed Gate

4.20am: Anchored in No1 Berth

5.15am: HMS "Lively" arrived and anchored

6.05am: Collier "Cairnnevis" came alongside Port

6.30am: Collier "Sir Francis" came alongside Starboard

7.40am: Commenced coaling

10.15am: 2 Armed Guards returned to ship. Sub Lieut Crisp joined ship

6.25pm: Collier "Sir Francis" left

6.40pm: Collier "Barmoor" alongside

4caf8c44cadfd34197035649: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-004_1.jpg)

3 September 1916

Busto Voe

Lat 60.4, Long -1.4

[Position: at Busta Voe]

4.30am: HMS "Achilles" arrived and anchored in No 2 berth

7.15am: Commenced coaling

7.30am: Coaling party from HMS "Gibraltar" alongside

8.00am: Mails arrived on board

2.25pm: Finished coaling. Total tons Received 1400

8.15pm: Dinghy ashore with mails

8.45pm: Anchor up

9.10pm: Passed Gate

9.35pm: Stopped and sent papers to HMS "Lively". Proceeded Full Speed N25W

10.15pm: Esha Ness Light abeam 2 miles

4caf8c44cadfd3419703564a: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-005_0.jpg)

4 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 62.4, Long -5.6

[Position: 25 miles E of Faroe Islands]

0.45pm: Sighted land N89W

2.10pm: Emsburg abeam 2.25 miles

5.15pm: Myggennaes Light abeam 2.25 miles

4caf8c44cadfd3419703564b: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-005_1.jpg)

5 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.6, Long -12.5

[Position: 230 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

7.25am: Sighted Sail S70W

8.30am: Sighted Sail S30W

9.00am: Boarded Norwegian ship "Fjong"

9.30am: Ditto allowed to proceed

10.00am: Intercepted Danish barque "Kylemore" under armed guard

10.55am: Intercepted Danish Barquentine "Kodan"

11.00am: Ditto allowed to proceed

6.00pm: Intercepted Dutch Steamer "Merauke" under armed guard

4caf8c44cadfd3419703564c: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-006_0.jpg)

6 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 56.9, Long -18.2

[Position: 430 miles S of Iceland]

0.15am: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise 2min 15secs

8.45pm: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise 2min 30secs

4caf8c44cadfd3419703564d: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-006_1.jpg)

7 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.0, Long -18.2

[Position: 430 miles S of Iceland]

0.15am: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise 1min 45secs

3.00pm: Passed several pieces of wreckage

8.45pm: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise 2min 10secs

4caf8c44cadfd3419703564e: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-007_0.jpg)

8 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.6, Long -14.1

[Position: 240 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

7.50am: Intercepted Norge Barque "Whinlatter", allowed to proceed

7.55am: Ditto allowed to proceed

9.10am: Prayers and Divisions. Intercepted French SS "Venezuela"

9.15am: Ditto allowed to proceed

10.15am: Intercepted Admiralty Collier "Etton"

10.20am: Ditto allowed to proceed

0.07pm: Intercepted Admiralty Collier "Steeleville".

0.15pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

2.25pm: Intercepted Danish Barquentine "Oberon"

2.30pm: In company with "Oberon".

3.50pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c44cadfd3419703564f: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-007_1.jpg)

9 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.2, Long -11.6

[Position: 160 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

5.10pm: Rockall S70W

6.00pm: Rockall S50W 5'

4caf8c44cadfd34197035650: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-008_0.jpg)

10 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.1, Long -11.4

[Position: 160 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

2.10pm: Intercepted British SS "Bedeburn".

2.15pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c44cadfd34197035651: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-008_1.jpg)

11 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -12.0

[Position: 180 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c44cadfd34197035652: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-009_0.jpg)

12 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -11.2

[Position: 150 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

5.20am: Intercepted Dutch SS "Poseidon" flying flag of day

5.25am: Ditto allowed to proceed

6.05am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Columbella"

6.30am: Boat from HMS "Columbella" alongside for back signals

6.40am: Boat away

4caf8c44cadfd34197035653: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-009_1.jpg)

13 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -11.6

[Position: 160 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

2.10pm: Intercepted Danish Barquentine "Gerda"

2.15pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c44cadfd34197035654: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-010_0.jpg)

14 September 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.3, Long -10.9

[Position: 140 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

11.50am: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS "Trompenberg"

0.20pm: SS "Trompenberg" allowed to proceed

4caf8c44cadfd34197035655: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-010_1.jpg)

15 September 1916

To Liverpool

Lat 55.6, Long -9.1

[Position: 45 miles NW of Ireland]

1.36pm: Observed Tory Island S20E

4.05pm: Exchanged pendants with Malin Head Signal Station

4.20pm: Two men released from cells

5.20pm: Exchanged signals with HMS "Alsatian"

9.30pm: Maidens Light abeam 4 miles

Midnight: Chickens Light S9E

4caf8c44cadfd34197035656: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-011_0.jpg)

16 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

0.35am: Chickens Light abeam

6.22am: Passed Bar Light Vessel

6.40am: Stopped and picked up Pilot from Tug "Otter"

7.50am: Anchored in 10 fathoms

10.00am: Ship swung to flood tide

10.30am: Boy Baron left ship for transfer to HMS "Hildebrand". Mails arrived on board.

11.15am: Ships company mustered for payment

1.25pm: Anchor up and proceeded into dock

2.40pm: Made fast in Sandon Dock. Finished with engines

3.10pm: Starboard watch away on long leave

3.20pm: Prob Surg JM Ritchie joined ship

4.00pm: Eng Sub Lieut Manger left ship

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore

5.00pm: Prob Surgeon JD Byrd left ship

4caf8c44cadfd34197035657: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-011_1.jpg)

17 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

1.25pm: Wireless boy joined ship

5.30pm: Breasted off to allow coaling barges to come alongside

4caf8c44cadfd34197035658: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-012_0.jpg)

18 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Commenced coaling

8.30am: ABs Ross and Griffiths left ship for depot and Marines Rowe and Wells to depot

9.00am: Sub Lt Luther RNVR joined ship Finished coaling for night. Total tons 1190

4caf8c44cadfd34197035659: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-012_1.jpg)

19 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

10.20 O.S. Bull discharged to Portsmouth

5.00pm: Finished coaling for night. Total tons = 1800

8.00pm: Fire discovered in chief steward’s room by Greaser Hefferam.

8.05pm: Fire extinguished. On investigation by Lt Davies second fire discovered in Bar where remains of a bowl were discovered which appeared to have contained inflammable liquid which was source of outbreak in bar

8.30pm: R Marines joined ship from depot. Conrad Samuel Marchbank admitted setting ship on fire 2 places. Admission made 25 Sept 1916

4caf8c44cadfd3419703565a: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-013_0.jpg)

20 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

10.30am: Detective on board to investigate fire in stewards room and bar

10.00pm: Finished coaling for night. Total tons = 2760

4caf8c44cadfd3419703565b: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-013_1.jpg)

21 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

8.45pm: Finished coaling ship. Total tons taken = 3179

4caf8c44cadfd3419703565c: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-014_0.jpg)

22 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.00am: Official court of enquiry held to determine the cause of fire on 19th inst

10.30am: Let go, to shift ship to south side of dock

2.05pm: Made fast on south side of dock

10.00pm: 10 Ratings joined ship from depot

4caf8c44cadfd3419703565d: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-014_1.jpg)

23 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: 27 ratings joined ship from depot

1.00pm: Eng Sub Lt Lemmon joined ship

4caf8c44cadfd3419703565e: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-015_0.jpg)

24 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

2.30am: Captain returned on board recalled from leave

4caf8c44cadfd3419703565f: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-015_1.jpg)

25 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.00pm: Liberty men on long leave returned

4caf8c44cadfd34197035660: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-016_0.jpg)

26 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. One CPO, 2 POs and 32 ratings returned to depot

8.15am: Breasted off to allow floating crane alongside wharf

11.30am: 1 fireman discharged

7.15pm: 2 ratings discharged to hospital Measles

4caf8c44cadfd34197035661: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-016_1.jpg)

27 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

0.15pm: 3 ratings discharged to hospital, measles

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28 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

9.00am: CS Marchbank prisoner left ship under charge of MAA Bull

9.10am: Captain and officers ashore to attend Court Martial

1.10pm: Captain and officers returned from Court Martial

1.30pm: Discharged Conrad Samuel Marchbank to HMS "Eagle" for 3 years penal servitude

4caf8c44cadfd34197035663: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-017_1.jpg)

29 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

9.00am: Eng Sub Lt Davies joined ship

10.00am: Hughes, Fireman, absentee on board

10.20am: Discharged 1 fireman to shore

1.00pm: Eng Sub Lieut Barnes left ship

9.15pm: 9 Stewards and 4 Trimmer ratings joined ship from depot

10.20pm: Hauled stern off from Schooner "Clara May"

4caf8c44cadfd34197035664: ( 53-67391/ADM 53-67391-018_0.jpg)

30 September 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

1.00am: 1 Fireman and 1 Trimmer absentees brought on board by civil police

10.20am: 1 Trimmer absentee brought on board

11.00am: Pilot aboard

1.20pm: Into Sandon Basin

1.45pm: Proceeded down River

2.10pm: Anchored in 10 fathoms

2.20pm: Nine stoker ratings joined ship from depot

2.30pm: Anchor up. Proceeded down river

7.25pm: Chickens abeam 3.25 miles

11.20pm: Copelands Light abeam

[Log signed by F.H. Walter, Captain]

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30th October Reprimanded Engineer Lieutenant Jos Ackers, RNR

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1 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 55.6, Long -9.3

[Position: 50 miles NW of Ireland]

0.35am: Maidens Light abeam 6.5 miles

7.10am: Lime Burner Rock Buoy abeam 1.5 miles

7.50pm: Exchanges pendants with HMS "Patia"

8.15pm: Sent S Cutter to HMS "Patia" for back signals

8.55pm: Cutter returned and hoisted

4caf8c45cadfd34197035672: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-004_0.jpg)

2 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.4, Long -13.0

6.00pm: Read Warrant No 24

4caf8c45cadfd34197035673: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-004_1.jpg)

3 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.4, Long -12.9

[Position: 210 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4.30am: Intercepted Norge Barque "Storstad" flying flag of day,

4.45am: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c45cadfd34197035674: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-005_0.jpg)

4 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.4, Long -13.2

[Position: 216 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

0.35am: Intercepted British Trawler "Argo"

0.50am: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c45cadfd34197035675: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-005_1.jpg)

5 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.8, Long -11.9

[Position: 165 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

6.50am: Intercepted Norge Barque "Storstadt",

7.05am: Ditto allowed to proceed

6.15pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patuca"

6.40pm: Boat from HMS "Patuca" alongside for back signals

6.55pm: Boat away

4caf8c45cadfd34197035676: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-006_0.jpg)

6 October 1916

On Patrl

Lat 57.6, Long -12.8

[Position: 200 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

9.30am: Commenced to swing for deviation of compass

11.00am: Sighted sail N85W

1.10pm: Stopped and boarded Danish Barque "Calluna"

3.10pm: Put armed guard on "Calluna"

3.55pm: "Calluna" sent in under armed guard, Mid Knight in charge

4.35pm: Sighted Rockall

6.00pm: Rockall N13E

4caf8c45cadfd34197035677: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-006_1.jpg)

7 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.4, Long -13.2

[Position: 210 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

3.40am: Intercepted Swedish SS "Marie"

3.55am: Ditto allowed to proceed

9.50am: Commenced swing of ship for compass deviations

0.55pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Orvieto"

9.00pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Changuinola"

4caf8c45cadfd3419703567a: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-008_0.jpg)

8 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.8, Long -11.6

[Position: 155 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection. Articles of War read

4caf8c45cadfd3419703567b: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-008_1.jpg)

9 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -11.0

[Position: 150 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

[General Training]

4caf8c45cadfd3419703567c: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-009_0.jpg)

10 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.8, Long -11.5

[Position: 150 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

3.40am: Intercepted Dutch SS "Thuvan", flying flag of day allowed to proceed

9.45am: Sighted SS "Thuvan". Eased to Slow

1.50pm: Departed this life Alfred Edward Nunn Boy 1st Class ON 346234 Devonport,

Lat 57 40N Long 11 48W. By misadventure: injuries received (through falling down into Fore Magazine at about 10am, a distance of 50 ft, whilst reeving a new whip). Age 16½, Next of Kin Mrs Nunn 25 Percy Place, Broad St, Reading

4caf8c45cadfd3419703567d: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-009_1.jpg)

11 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.9, Long -11.4

[Position: 150 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

9.30am: Enquiry held concerning cause of death of Alfred Edward Nunn

4.50pm: Burial service

5.10pm: Stopped engines. Body of Alfred Edward Nunn committed to the deep: 57 23N, 12 27W

4caf8c45cadfd3419703567e: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-010_0.jpg)

12 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.8, Long -11.2

[Position: 150 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

1.55am: Intercepted British SS "Nubian"

2.10am: SS "Nubian" allowed to proceed

4caf8c45cadfd3419703567f: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-010_1.jpg)

13 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.8, Long -11.5

[Position: 155 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

0.10am: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise 3min 0sec

8.45pm: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise 2min 15sec

4caf8c45cadfd34197035680: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-011_0.jpg)

14 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.2, Long -8.8

[Position: 96 miles NW of Isles of Lewis]

2.35am: Stopped engines. Intercepted Danish Trawler "Eol Hereford" (RE 157)

2.40am: Ditto allowed to proceed

10.00pm: Filled No 3 Starboard Ballast tank

10.50pm: Filled No 2 Ballast tank

4caf8c45cadfd34197035681: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-011_1.jpg)

15 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.0, Long -13.7

[Position: 250 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

4.00pm: Intercepted British SS "Adenwen"

4.55pm: SS "Adenwen" allowed to proceed

10.30pm: Exercised Guns Crews

4caf8c45cadfd34197035682: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-012_0.jpg)

16 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.1, Long -13.3

1.00pm: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall with Armed Guard under S Lt Chrisp, Norge SS Lysekloster (ex "Andriana") 58 2N, 13 35W

4.45pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Gloucestershire”

4caf8c45cadfd34197035683: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-012_1.jpg)

17 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.6, Long -9.8

[Position: 105 miles NW of Isles of Lewis]

7.47am: Stopped for engine room repairs

9.10am: Proceeded slow

8.30pm: Observed Butt of Lewis Light S30E

4caf8c45cadfd34197035684: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-013_0.jpg)

18 October 1916

At Loch Ewe

Lat 57.6, Long -5.6

[Position: Loch Ewe Scotland]

0.30am: Observed Trumpan Light S45N

4.10am: Observed Rudh R Light S25E

6.00am: Passed Gate

6.30am: Let go Port anchor

7.15am: Collier Cairnnevis alongside starboard

9.00am: Commenced coaling

11.35am: Water boat alongside

11.45am: Mails on board

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

[Log annotated in red: "All coaling gear on board and on Collier Cairnnevis examined and found correct" Signed off by WA Hawkes Lieut Comdr[

4caf8c45cadfd34197035685: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-013_1.jpg)

19 October 1916

At Loch Ewe

Lat 57.6, Long -5.6

[Position: Loch Ewe Scotland]

7.30am: Commenced coaling Collier "Westwood" arrived

9.20am: Mids Late and Angus joined ship from depot

10.40am: Collier "Westwood" made fast alongside port

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night

[Log annotated in red: "All coaling gear on board and on Collier Cairnnevis examined and found correct" Signed off by WA Hawkes Lieut Comdr[

4caf8c45cadfd34197035686: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-014_0.jpg)

20 October 1916

At Loch Ewe

Lat 57.6, Long -5.6

[Position: Loch Ewe Scotland]

7.00am: Mid Delbridge left ship for transfer to HMS "Benbow"

11.00am: Finished coaling. Total tons 1500

6.00pm: Anchor up. Proceeded from anchorage

8.20pm: Sighted Butt of Lewis Light: N21W

9.40pm: Sighted Butt of Lewis: abeam 7'

4caf8c45cadfd34197035687: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-014_1.jpg)

21 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.6, Long -10.4

[Position: 140 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

2.15pm: Intercepted American SS "Pioneer", allowed to proceed flying flag of day

5.10pm: Pumped out Nos 1&2 tanks

4caf8c45cadfd34197035688: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-015_0.jpg)

22 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.5, Long -16.5

[Position: 337 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4.40am: Intercepted Dutch SS "Gorredijk"

4.55am: Ditto allowed to proceed flying flag of day

10.15am: Boarded Norge SS Kapana 57 36N,16 12W and sent into Kirkwall with Armed Guard, Sub Lt Wheable in charge

0.15pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

1.45pm: Boat alongside from HMS "Teutonic" for back signals

4caf8c45cadfd34197035689: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-015_1.jpg)

23 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.5, Long -17.1

[Position: 360 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

8.00am: Tested depth charges

4caf8c45cadfd3419703568a: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-016_0.jpg)

24 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.4, Long -16.5

[Position: 335 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

3.05pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Columbella"

4.05pm: Sent boat to HMS "Columbella" with back signals

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25 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.5, Long -16.4

[Position: 335 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c45cadfd3419703568c: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-017_0.jpg)

26 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.2, Long -17.9

[Position: 390 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

0.30pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Hildebrand". In company with ditto [Hildebrand]

3.45pm: Received from HMS Hildebrand W/T Rice from hospital, 1 rating to join ship and Armed Guard under S Lt Chrisp

4caf8c45cadfd3419703568d: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-017_1.jpg)

27 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.4, Long -17.1

[Position: 361 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

8.00am: Tested Depth Charges

4.30am: Boarded and sent in to Kirkwall under Armed Guard. S Lt Jones in charge, Danish SS "LP Holmblad"

4caf8c45cadfd3419703568e: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-018_0.jpg)

28 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.4, Long -17.4

[Position: 373 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

5.00pm: Boarded Danish SS Ulrik Holm, 57 3N, 18 50W

5.40pm: Ditto sent in to Kirkwall under Armed Guard, Sub Lt Chrisp in charge

4caf8c45cadfd3419703568f: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-018_1.jpg)

29 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.1, Long -17.1

[Position: 360 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain's inspection

4caf8c45cadfd34197035690: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-019_0.jpg)

30 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 56.9, Long -16.9

[Position: 350 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

11.00am: Reprimanded Eng Lt Comdr Joseph Ackers RNR for harshness to his subordinates (signed J Ackers)

4caf8c45cadfd34197035691: ( 53-67392/ADM 53-67392-019_1.jpg)

31 October 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.2, Long -15.9

[Position: 318 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

2.12pm: Intercepted Norge Barque "Dagmar",

2.15pm: Ditto allowed to proceed flying flag of day

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1 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.5, Long -15.1

[Position: 290 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

4caf8c45cadfd3419703569e: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.3, Long -10.9

[Position: 140 miles W of Isles of Lewis]

5.30pm: Warrant No 26 read

5.53pm: Fired blank charge,

5.55pm: Boarded Danish Schooner "Danmark" Friedrichs Haven to Morocco

7.00pm: "Danmark" sent to Stornoway with Armed Guard under Mid Milner

7.55pm: Observed Flannan Isle Light S45E

9.45pm: Flannan Isle Light abeam 19'

11.45pm: Butt of Lewis Light S41E

4caf8c45cadfd3419703569f: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1916

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.8, Long -5.7

[Position: Loch Ewe]

1.17am: Butt of Lewis Light abeam 11.5'

3.00am: Observed Ru Stoer Light S34E

7.00am: Altered course S33E. Passed gate

7.10am: Stop

7.25am: Let go starboard anchor in 13 fathoms

9.00am: Commenced coaling

10.20am: Mails on board. Sub Lieut Jones and Armed Guard returned

1.50pm: Dinghy ashore with officers

5.15pm: Officers returned from shore

6.00pm: Stopped coaling

9.40pm: Drifter alongside with 2 Armed Guards, Sub Lieut Wheable and Mid Knight, also F Bentley QS joined ship from depot

4caf8c45cadfd341970356a0: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1916

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.8, Long -5.7

[Position: Loch Ewe]

7.30am: Recommenced coaling

5.00pm: 1 Cell Prisoner released

10.30pm: HMS "Narwhal" arrived and anchored. Exchanged pendants with her

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5 November 1916

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.8, Long -5.7

[Position: Loch Ewe]

6.20am: Commenced heave up port anchor. Anchor foul

7.15am: Ceased working cables. HMS "Narwhal" proceeded

7.30am: Commenced coaling

9.30am: Finished coaling. Total 144 tons received

10.00am: Commenced to clear cable.

11.00am: Cable clear. Dinghy returned with Mail also 1 Armed Guard and Sub Lieut Chrisp

4caf8c45cadfd341970356a2: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1916

Loch Ewe

Lat 57.8, Long -5.7

[Position: Loch Ewe]

6.30am: Discharged Mr Knight, Mid, to HMS "Owl"

7.50pm: Ch Gunners party returned with new spring box

10.40pm: HMT "Cormorant" alongside with Armed Guard under Mid Milner

10.45pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded as requisite to clear anchorage.

11.20pm: Passed gate

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7 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.6, Long -9.2

[Position: 58 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

0.15am: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise - 2 min

1.45am: Butt of Lewis Light N15W

6.48am: Flannan Isle Light S50W

0.10pm: Intercepted British SS Garronhead.

0.40am: Ditto allowed to pass

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8 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.8, Long -11.3

[Position: 170 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

[Typical Days Training]

0.15am: Closed Water Tight Doors for exercise 3 min

1.15am: Exercised guns crews

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill. FT gun crews loader. Officers physical drill. Training class 6 inch guns. Boys gun drills and seamanship. Royal Marines physical drill.

4caf8c45cadfd341970356a5: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.6, Long -11.2

[Position: 160 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

8.10am: Tested depth charges

4.30pm: Stoker released from cells

7.10pm: Pumped out No. 6 Port ballast tank

4caf8c45cadfd341970356a6: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-008_0.jpg)

10 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.5, Long -10.6

[Position: 160 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

8.10am: Tested depth charges

11.50am: Boarded Dutch SS Juno at 59 31N, 10 35W

0.30pm: Ditto sent into Kirkwall with Armed Guard. Sub Lt Wheable in charge

2.45pm: Exchanged pennants with HMS "Orvieto"

3.10pm: Passed Norge SS "Sarphos" flying flag of day

3.20pm: Sent boat to HMS "Orvieto" for back signals

4.50pm: Boarded and sent to Kirkwall with Armed Guard, Sub Lt Chrisp in charge, Dutch SS "Tula"

4caf8c45cadfd341970356a7: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.3, Long -10.9

4caf8c45cadfd341970356a8: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.1, Long -11.7

[Position: 180 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

Number on sick list: 5

10.20am: Boarded and sent into Kirkwall under Armed Guard, Sub Lt Jones in charge, Norge SS "Lisbeth"

9.00pm: Stopped engines for engine room repairs

4caf8c45cadfd341970356a9: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.1, Long -12.1

[Position: 195 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

5.35am: Engine room repairs finished

0.20pm: Passed wreckage 59 5N, 12 12W

4caf8c45cadfd341970356aa: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.2, Long -10.2

[Position: 130 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

Number on sick list: 3

1.55pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Teutonic"

2.45pm: Exchanged rate of change with HMS "Teutonic"

3.20pm: Received from ditto 4 firemen for passage to HMS "Patuca"

4caf8c45cadfd341970356ab: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 58.9, Long -11.1

[Position: 150 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

Number on sick list: 2

8.40am: Tested depth charges

8.25pm: Intercepted Dutch SS "Zuiderdyk"

9.00pm: SS "Zuiderdyk" allowed to proceed, flying flag of day

9.10pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Orvieto"

4caf8c45cadfd341970356ac: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-011_0.jpg)

16 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.3, Long -10.9

[Position: 155 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

Number on sick list: 2

0.50pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Patuca"

1.30pm: Discharged 4 stoker ratings to ditto

4caf8c45cadfd341970356ad: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.2, Long -11.0

[Position: 160 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

Number on sick list: 2

6.50am: Sighted vessel in distress firing rockets

7.05am: Intercepted Russian SS "Slavonic" in distress having lost propeller. Standing by vessel

8.10am: Log line carried away. Started fresh log

8.55am: Hauled in log. Stopped engines awaiting orders

4caf8c45cadfd341970356ae: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.6, Long -11.9

[Position: 200 miles NW Isles of Lewis]

Number on sick list: 2

3.25am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Otway"

2.40pm: Boarded and sent into Kirkwall with Armed Guard under Mid Hopkins Norge SS "Aargot"

4.45pm: Evening quarters. Mustered gear on loan

10.30pm: Exchanged signals with Ad Tug "Jack" & trawler escort & with "Armageddon" to take charge of SS "Slavonic"

11.20pm: Altered course as requisite directing tugs and escort back to SS "Slavonic"

4caf8c45cadfd341970356af: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1916

On patrol

Lat 57.5, Long -12.1

[Position: 178 miles W Isles of Lewis]

8.10am: Tested depth changes

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection

4caf8c45cadfd341970356b0: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1916

Heading for Liverpool

Lat 54.9, Long -5.5

[Position: 15 miles W of Larne Ireland]

3.00am: Tory Light abeam 11.5 miles

9.10am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Garrie"

11.52am: Exchanged pendants with Bangor Signal Station

3.00pm: Observed Chickens Light House S5E

9.05pm: Stopped and picked up pilot, received mails on board

9.16pm: Formby Light abeam

10.43pm: Let go port anchor of Woodside in 13 fathoms

: 4caf8c45cadfd341970356b1: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-013_1.jpg)

21 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

6.20am: Proceeded to dock. Engines and courses as per Pilot. Tugs "Bison", "Otter" and "Yewgarth" assisting

7.30am: Made fast alongside HMS "Orvieto" in Sandon Basin

9.10am: Let go and proceeded to berth

9.40am: Made fast in West Huskisson Dock

9.45am: Finished with engines

11.00am: Payment of Officers and men

1.00pm: Liberty men port watch ashore on long leave

5.45pm: 3 Armed Guards under Sub Lts Jones, Wheable and Chrisp returned on board

4caf8c45cadfd341970356b2: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

5.30pm: Shore contractors employed dismantling P1 and S1 guns

4caf8c45cadfd341970356b3: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.10am: Steam crane "Samson" alongside

10.30am: Shifted ship to let crane in forward. Shore hands employed, down engine room, caulking decks, dismounting P1 and S1 guns, and at magazines

2.00pm: Steam crane "Samson" lifted out P1 and S1 guns

5.00pm: Armed Guard under Mid Hopkins returned on board

4caf8c45cadfd341970356b4: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

9.30am: Hands employed painting ship. Shore hands employed down engine room caulking deck, at P1 and S1 guns and at magazines

1.40pm: Coal crane alongside

4caf8c45cadfd341970356b5: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.30am: Steam crane alongside

9.00am: Steam crane left ship

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship etc. Shore hands employed down engine room caulking deck, at P1 and S1 guns and at magazines

4caf8c45cadfd341970356b6: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356b7: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-016_1.jpg)

27 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Breasted off from Quay to allow coal lighters alongside

11.00am: Shore hands working at magazines, gun mountings, caulking decks, and down engine room.

4caf8c46cadfd341970356b8: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

2.30pm: Commenced coaling ship

5.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons = 60

8.00pm: Steam crane "Samson" alongside

10.30pm: Magazine party working throughout the night placing new mag tanks in No 5 hold

4caf8c46cadfd341970356b9: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: Commenced coaling

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total tons taken = 340

4caf8c46cadfd341970356ba: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

3.30pm: 1 Rating (Asst Cook) joined ship

5.00pm: Ceased coaling for night. Total taken = 830 tons

5.30pm: Steam crane "Samson" alongside

8.35pm: "Samson" commenced to lower mag tanks into No 1 hold

10.00pm: Magazine party stopped work for night

11.00pm: Fireman absentee Tait brought on board by Civil Police

4caf8c46cadfd341970356bb: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-018_1.jpg)

4caf8c46cadfd341970356bc: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-019_0.jpg)

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4caf8c46cadfd341970356c1: ( 53-67393/ADM 53-67393-021_1.jpg)


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4caf8c46cadfd341970356c7: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-003_1.jpg)

1 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

6.00am: Steam crane alongside

8.00am: Liberty men (port watch) returned from long leave. Commenced coaling

10.00am: Payment of Ships Company.

0.30pm: Liberty men (starboard watch) away on long leave

5.00pm: Finished coaling for day Total 1306 tons

4caf8c46cadfd341970356c8: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-004_0.jpg)

2 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

9.00am: Discharged Eng Sub Lieut Sweeney to Chatham Barracks

3.30pm: Shifted ship one berth ahead, Tug "Bison" assisting.

4caf8c46cadfd341970356c9: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-004_1.jpg)

3 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

9.15am: Church Party for HMS "Orcoma" ashore Mid Angus in charge

4caf8c46cadfd341970356ca: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-005_0.jpg)

4 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.00am: Commenced coaling

4.00pm: Discharged Stephens W/T Boy to HMS "Iron Duke"

10.00pm: Finished coaling Total 1930 tons

4caf8c46cadfd341970356cb: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-005_1.jpg)

5 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling

1.30pm: Breached off to allow Steam Crane "Samson" inside. N2 port 6" gun dismounted and replaced.

4.30pm: "Samson" left, hove ship into boom

10.00pm: Finished coaling Total 2460 tons

4caf8c46cadfd341970356cc: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-006_0.jpg)

6 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

1.30pm: Ceased coaling. Coal received 100 tons. Total 2560

3.30pm: Hove ship off to allow empty barge out

4.00pm: Hove ship in again.

4caf8c46cadfd341970356cd: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-006_1.jpg)

7 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

2.00pm: Longworth, trimmer brought on board by police and confined to cells

6.00pm: Commenced coaling.

9.30pm: Finished coaling for day. Total coal 2700 tons

4caf8c46cadfd341970356ce: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-007_0.jpg)

8 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Shore workmen engaged in engine room and magazines

4caf8c46cadfd341970356cf: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-007_1.jpg)

9 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Commenced coaling

0.10pm: Party of 10 men under PO Carter left for HMS Eagle

4.00pm: Finished coaling for day. Total 2840 tons

5.00pm: HMS Eagle party returned

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d0: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-008_0.jpg)

10 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

9.00am: 2 marines joined ship from depot

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d1: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-008_1.jpg)

11 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.00am: Recommenced coaling

8.15am: Funeral party left ship.

10.20am: Hove stern off for lighter to pass out

11.15am: Lighter away. Made fast

0.00pm: Ceased coaling

0.50pm: Funeral party returned.

1.00pm: Cast off moorings and shifted ship to Canada Dock. Tugs "Otter" and "Bison" assisting.

3.00pm: Made fast in Canada Dock No.1. Tugs left. Recommenced coaling

9.30pm: Finished coaling for day. Total 3000 tons

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d2: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-009_0.jpg)

12 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

9.30am: 1 CPO, 3 POs, 1 LS and 48 Seamen joined from depot. (Total 53)

3.00am: 9 cases of measles sent to hospital

5.00pm: Ceased coaling for day. Coal received 501 tons. Total 3501 tons

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d3: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-009_1.jpg)

13 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

7.30am: Recommenced coaling

8.30am: Funeral party left ship

10.45am: 4 cases of measles sent to hospital.

1.15pm: Funeral party returned. 1 LS and 16 ratings discharged to Devonport and 1 rating discharged to Chatham

5.00pm: Finished coaling. Coal received 199 tons. Total 3700 tons

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d4: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-010_0.jpg)

14 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.30am: 2 cases of measles sent to hospital

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d5: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-010_1.jpg)

15 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

11.00am: Commenced shift ship 1 berth upstream

0.10pm: Made fast in new berth

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d6: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-011_0.jpg)

16 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

11.00am: Fireman Joseph Lytengrove brought aboard under escort and placed in cells

1.45pm: Discharged CPO Lobb to Devonport

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d7: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-011_1.jpg)

17 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.30am: Discharged 1 hospital case

10.00pm: Boiler workers working all night

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d8: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-012_0.jpg)

18 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

10.00pm: Boiler workers working overnight

4caf8c46cadfd341970356d9: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-012_1.jpg)

19 December 1916

Place: Liverpool

Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

10.00pm: Boiler workers working overnight

4caf8c46cadfd341970356da: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-013_0.jpg)

20 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.45am: SC "Samson" alongside with 6" BL guns

4.15pm: Tested magazine flooding valves

5.40pm: F Hunter RNR and A Gilbert RNR sent to hospital with measles

4caf8c46cadfd341970356db: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-013_1.jpg)

21 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

0.30pm: Vegs Received: Cabbage 3486 lbs, Carrots 2240 lbs, Turnips 2240 lbs, Onions 2240 lbs, Potatoes 22400 lbs

11.00pm: 15 ratings arrived on board from depot

4caf8c46cadfd341970356dc: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-014_0.jpg)

22 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

2.30am: Reported by civil police that J Rae (fireman) had been knocked down by a tramcar and had sustained a fractured skull and was taken to Stanley hospital

8.30am: Four new ratings joined ship

4caf8c46cadfd341970356dd: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-014_1.jpg)

23 December 1916


Lat 53.4, Long -3.0

[Position: Liverpool]

8.30am: 1 rating joined ship from depot

9.15am: Funeral party ashore

11.00am: Funeral party returned

1.00pm: Funeral party ashore

8.10pm: Received 20 bags of mails for HMS Alsatian

11.00pm: Pilot came aboard

4caf8c46cadfd341970356de: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-015_0.jpg)

24 December 1916

On patrol

Lat 53.5, Long -3.4

[Position: Leaving Liverpool]

5.00am: Tug "Bison" alongside

7.20am: Let go all and proceeded out of dock, Tugs "Bison", "Waterloo" &"Neptune" assisting

9.00am: Made fast alongside HMS "Virginian"

9.40am: Let go and proceeded into river

10.05am: Full ahead proceeded down river. Engines as pilot

11.20am: Formby abeam

11.25am: Dropped pilot

1.40pm: Carried out gun test of 6" BL guns firing 2 rounds practice from each

6.50pm: Observed Chickens Light N84E

Midnight: Maidens Light abeam 2 miles

4caf8c46cadfd341970356df: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-015_1.jpg)

25 December 1916

On patrol

Lat 55.8, Long -9.9

[Position: 80 miles NW Ireland]

1.25am: Passing through Rathlin Sound

2.40am Observed Inishtrahull abeam

8.15am: Tested depth charges

3.20pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Virginian"

4caf8c46cadfd341970356e0: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-016_0.jpg)

26 December 1916

On patrol

Lat 59.0, Long -11.6

[Position: 180 miles NW Iles of Lewis]

1.30am: Intercepted trawler allowed ditto to proceed

0.40pm: Intercepted Norge SS “Alfred Nobel”, flying flag of day, allowed to proceed

3.20pm: Boarded Norge SS "Arc"

3.55pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4.45pm: Evening quarters. Read Warrants Nos 27 & 28

5.05pm: Intercepted Norge Sailing ship “Vigo” with Armed Guard on board. Allowed to proceed

4caf8c46cadfd341970356e1: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-016_1.jpg)

27 December 1916

On patrol

Lat 61.4, Long -10.0

[Position: 90 miles SW Faroe Islands]

8.45am: Exchanged pendants with HMS "Alsatian"

9.10am: Formed to move with HMS "Alsatian"

9.40am: Boat from alongside for mails

8.50pm: Passed through trawling fleet

9.20pm: Myggenaes Light abeam 10 miles

4caf8c46cadfd341970356e2: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-017_0.jpg)

28 December 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.5, Long -9.5

[Position: 140 miles W Iceland]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356e3: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-017_1.jpg)

29 December 1916

On patrol

Lat 65.0, Long -10.9

[Position: 80 miles W Iceland]

10.30pm: Intercepted British St Trawler "Conisboro Castle"

10.40pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c46cadfd341970356e4: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-018_0.jpg)

30 December 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.5, Long -11.6

[Position: 80 miles W Iceland]

11.10am: Boarded British St Trawler "India". Allowed to proceed

6.30pm: Boarded British St Trawler "Conisboro Castle"

6.55pm: Ditto allowed to proceed

4caf8c46cadfd341970356e5: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-018_1.jpg)

31 December 1916

On patrol

Lat 64.4, Long -11.2

[Position: 80 miles W Iceland]

10.00am: Captain's inspection

4caf8c46cadfd341970356e6: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-019_0.jpg)

4caf8c46cadfd341970356e7: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-019_1.jpg)

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4caf8c46cadfd341970356e9: ( 53-67394/ADM 53-67394-020_1.jpg)


JP map Victorian 1917


4caf8c46cadfd341970356ea: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-001_0.jpg)

[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for January 1917]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356eb: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-001_1.jpg)

[Right hand side of cover, signed by RW Goodacre, Navigating Officer]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356ec: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-002_0.jpg)

[Blank page]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356ed: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-002_1.jpg)

[Page not completed but signed FH Walter, Captain, dated 1.2.17]

[Note: Captain Frederic Henry Walter RN (18 August 1872 to 29 July 1949) was Captain of HMS Victorian from 2 June 1915 to 27 August 1918.]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356ee: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-003_0.jpg)

[Details of Barometer and Thermometers as follows:]


Mercurial or Aneroid

Mercurial Barometer

Dobbie McInnes & Co 40 ft

Readings given in red in each noon

Name of Maker and No

Height of cistern above sea


Error of Mercurial Barometer

Thermometers for Air Temperature

Position in Ship

Fore side of wheelhouse

Whether in screen



Maker and No

J Parkes & Son

No 111, No 112

From 1st January to 31st January

Thermometer for Sea Temperature

Maker and No

J Parkes & Son

From 1st January to 31st January

4caf8c46cadfd341970356ef: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-003_1.jpg)

1 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 64.50, Long -10.17

[Position: 110 miles E of Iceland]

0.15am: Closed WTD [Watertight Doors] for exercise 2 minutes.

3.00am: Exercised guns crews.

5.00am: Altered course S25W.

9.00am: Divisions. Hands physical drill. Boys 6 inch QF [Quick Firing] gun drill. Training class 6 inch BL [Breech Loading] gun drill. Guns crews morning watch loader. GLs [Gunlayers], SSs [Sightsetters] and Trs [Trainers] deflection teacher.

6.00pm: Altered course N45E.

8.45pm: Closed WTD for exercise 2.25 minutes.

11.00pm: Exercised guns crews.

Midnight: Altered course N25E.

[Distance made good: 239 miles]

[Number on sick list: 7]

[Wind mostly westerly, force 5 or 6 from 8am to 8pm, sea rough from noon to 8pm; weather mostly cloudy, noon temperature 41F, sea temperature 38F]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356f0: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-004_0.jpg)

2 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 64.27, Long -9.03

[Position: 160 miles E of Iceland]

8.15am: Tested depth charges.

9.00am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands physical drill. Training class ammunition. Boys ammunition.

10.00am: Increased to Full Speed. Royal Marines deflection teacher.

10.25am: Eased to slow. GLs, SSs and Trs deflection teacher. Guns crews forenoon watch loader.

[Distance made good: 240 miles]

[Number on sick list: 8]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356f1: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-004_1.jpg)

3 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.13, Long -10.03

[Position: 130 miles E of Iceland]

9.30am: Exercised collision stations.

[Distance made good: 253 miles]

[Number on sick list: 9]

4caf8c46cadfd341970356f2: ( 53-67395/ADM 53-67395-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 65.43, Long -8.07

[Position: 160 miles E of Iceland]

8.15am: Tested depth charge.

2.07pm: Altered course S81W. Exchanged pendants with HMS PATUCA. 2.15pm: Exercised general Quarters.

2.43pm: Steam Cutter left ship for HMS PATUCA for confidential mail.

3.15pm: Proceeded N17E. Slow.

[Distance made good: 243 miles]

[Number on sick list: 10]

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5 January 1917

On patrol

Lat 65.28, Long -9.17

[Position: 130 miles E of Iceland]

9.20am: Dropped target and circled round Full Speed. Carried out 1 inch aiming from 6 inch guns and .45 aiming from 6 pounders.

10.20am: Exchanged pennants with HMS Andes.

10.30am: Target inboard. Engines and Courses as requisite.

11.05am: Boat left for HMS ANDES for confidential mail.

11.35am: Boat returned. Proceeded N83W.

[Distance run through the Water: 232 miles]

[Number on sick list: 12]

[Noon air and sea temperature 33F, rain and snow in evening]

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6 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 65.78, Long -12.37

[Position: 40 miles E of Iceland]

10.00pm: Commenced ZZ [Zig Zag] (Type III).

[Distance made good: 264 miles]

[Number on sick list: 13]

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7 January 1917

From Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 62.65, Long -5.27

[Position: 40 miles NE of Faroe Islands]

1.30am: All clocks advanced 1 hour.

7.00am: Stopped ZZ. Hands employed preparing ship for coaling.

10.55am: Sighted Faroes S53W.

Noon: Altered course S21E. MZZ [Mean Zig Zag].

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

5.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III) 40 degrees.

6.00pm: Altered course S25E, MZZ (Type III) 40 degrees. 6.15pm: Altered course N20W, MZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

[Course and Distance made good: S44.5E, 265 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: of Esha Ness S38.5E, 166 miles]

[Number on sick list: 13]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 1646 tons]

[Easterly or north easterly wind force 6 from 8am, sea rough or very rough; weather mostly cloudy, noon temperature 39F, sea temperature 43F]

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8 January 1917

At Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36 [estimated]

[Position: Busta Voe, Shetland Islands]

4.15am: Eshaness Light Observed S30W.

5.35am: Observed Swarbacks Light S29E.

6.00am: Altered course S32E, MZZ. 6.10am: Hauled in Patent Log. Increased to Full Speed.

7.08am: Swarbacks Light abeam. 7.15am: Passed gate. Engines and Courses as requisite to anchorage.

7.50am: Anchored in 15 fathoms Starboard anchor and veered to 7.5 fathoms of cable.

[Arrival Draught: Forward 22’ 6”, Aft 29’ 0”]

[Anchor Bearings: Ship's head N45E, Kirk N66E, Busta Flagstaff N63W, Hevden Ness S16W]

[All coaling gear on board and on both colliers examined and found correct [entry in red ink], [signed] WA Hawkes Lieutenant Commander]

8.40am: Colliers “QUEENSGARTH” alongside port and SIR ARTHUR alongside Starboard.

9.00am: Mails on board.

9.30am: Commenced coaling.

[Coaling Time, Tons and Total shown for 9.30am, 10.0am, 11.0am]

11.00am: Fleet surgeon from [HMS] “Gibraltar” visited ship.

11.15am: “Flying Breeze” alongside.

Noon: Ceased coaling for dinner.

1.00pm: Resumed coaling.

[Coaling Time, Tons, Total shown for times 1 - 2 to 5 - 6, last total 724 tons]

6.00pm: Ceased coaling for night.

7.25pm: “Flying Breeze” alongside.

8.00pm: “Flying Breeze” left.

[Distance run through the Water: 234 miles]

[Course and Distance made good: 212 miles]

[Number on sick list: 13]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 1552 tons]

[Note: SS “Queensgarth” was a British cargo collier built in Middlesbrough in 1908 and owned by Rea Shipping Company, Liverpool; she was sold to Cory Colliers, London in 1920 and was renamed “Corfell”; in 1933 she was sold to a Greek company and became “Ais Giorgis”; she was broken up in 1953.

SS “Sir Arthur” was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1911 for Cory Colliers, London; she was renamed “Corglen” in 1920; in 1927 she was sold to H Harrison (Shipping) and was renamed “Clapton”; in 1929 she was sold to Chellew Navigation Company and became “Pendennis”; she was to be flooded and sank in the North Sea in 1935.

Flying Breeze” was a tug built in South Shields in 1913 for Alexandra Towing Company, Bootle; she was hired by the Admiralty from August 1914 to 1919; she was on Admiralty service as an examination vessel from 1939 to 1940; she was renamed “Flying Breeze II” in 1961 and was broken up in 1962.]

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9 January 1917

At Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

[Position: Busta Voe, Shetland Islands]

7.20am: HMS LIVELY left harbour.

7.30am: Coaling party from HMS “Gibraltar” alongside in drifter.

7.45am: Commenced coaling.

8.45am: HMS MOTAGUA arrived and anchored. HMS LIVELY arrived and anchored.

[Coaling Time, Tons and Total shown for each hour]

Noon: Ceased coaling for dinner.

1.00pm: Resumed coaling.

[Coaling Time, Tons and Total shown for each hour]

3.30pm: Finished coaling. Total tons taken = 1500.

3.45pm: DSB [Duty Steam Boat] left ship with mails. “Flying Breeze” alongside.

4.00pm: Colliers “QUEENSGARTH” and SIR ARTHUR left ship’s side.

5.40pm: Discharged two sick cases to hospital ship HMS BERBICE.

7.55pm: HMS LIVELY left harbour.

[Number on sick list: 15]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 1495 tons]

[Weather cloudy with snow at times in pm, noon temperature 45F]

[Note: HMS or HMHS “Berbice” was a hospital ship built as a liner in Belfast in 1909 for Royal Mail Steam Packet Company; she was requisitioned by the Admiralty as a hospital ship in December 1915; in August 1920 she was purchased by the Admiralty and renamed “RFA Berbice”; she was bought by Sun Shipping Company, London in 1922 and was renamed “Suntemple”; in 1924 she was sold to United Baltic Corporation and was renamed “Baltara”; she was wrecked in 1929 in the Baltic Sea.]

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10 January 1917

At Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

[Position: Busta Voe, Shetland Islands]

8.35am: HMS LIVELY arrived and anchored.

8.50am: HMS VIRGINIAN arrived and anchored.

9.20am: Water boat alongside.

9.40am: Mails arrived on board. Hands employed cleaning ship.

[Draught: Forward 27’ 2”, Aft 28’ 8”]

11.30am: Tested steering gear.

0.20pm: Water boat left.

2.00pm: Russian Battleship Tchmermaf [presumably this was the Battleship Tchesma listed here, also known as Chesma and shown here under a previous name] sailed.

3.10pm: Cutter ashore with mails.

4.00pm: Received 46 bags mails for HMS ANDES. Commenced to shorten in cable.

4.25pm: Anchor up, proceeded down Voe, engines and Courses as requisite.

4.50pm: Passed gate. Streamed Patent Log.

5.00pm: Swarbacks Light abeam, altered course N25W. Increased to Full Speed.

5.40pm: Eshaness Light abeam 2.5 miles.

6.00pm: Altered course N15W, MZZ. Eased to half speed.

8.45pm: Closed WTD for exercise 3 minutes.

11.50pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS ORVIETO.

[Number on sick list: 15]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2905 tons]

[Note: “Tchesma” (or “Chesma”) was a Russian pre-Dreadnought Battleship launched in 1894 as “Poltava”; she was sunk in 1904, was raised by the Imperial Japanese Navy and renamed “Tango”; she was sold back to the Russians in 1916 and was renamed “Chesma”; she was taken over by the Bolsheviks in October 1917, then captured by the British in March 1919 and used as a floating prison; she was recaptured by the Soviets in October 1919 and was scrapped in 1924 (see also information under “Tango” here).]

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11 January 1917

From Busta Voe to Patrol

Lat 63.00, Long -6.63

[Position: 40 miles N of Faroe Islands]

0.05am: Stopped zz.

2.30am and 4.30am: Exercised guns crews.

8.00am: Tested depth charges.

am: Hands physical drills. Boys muster hammocks. Training class pistol fire. Gunlayers, Sightsetters, Trainers deflection teacher. Remainder .22 firing. Guns crews forenoon watch loader.

10.15am: Sighted Faroes S42W.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised fire stations. Read warrant No 29.

8.45pm: Closed WTD for exercise 2.5 minutes.

10.00pm: Exercised guns crews.

[Distance made good: 232 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: of Lat 62 8 N, [Long] 16 12 W = S79W, 270 miles]

[Number on sick list: 15]

[Weather cloudy, noon temperature 35F, sea temperature 43F]

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12 January 1917

From Busta Voe to Patrol

Lat 62.08, Long -16.03

[Position: 120 miles S of Iceland]

11.30am: Altered course N82W. 11.35am: Exchanged pendants with HMS ANDES.

Noon: Engines and Course as requisite for communicating with Andes.

0.15pm: Boat from Andes alongside for mails. 0.25pm: Proceeded on Course N6E, Full Speed. Streamed log.

0.30pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees). Eased to slow.

1.40pm: Exercised General Quarters. Rigged hand steering gear.

2.05pm: Unrigged hand steering gear, altered course S13W. Stopped ZZ.

3.50pm: Altered course N10E.

[Course and Distance made good: S78W, 265 miles]

[Number on sick list: 15]

[Wind north easterly force 5 or 6 in am, mostly easterly in pm, force 3 to 5; snow on and off all day]

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13 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 62.53, Long -16.48

[Position: 80 miles S of Iceland]

4.45pm: Evening Quarters, read Warrants 30 and 31.

5.30pm and 6.30pm: Put clocks back half hour.

[Distance made good: 235 miles]

[Number on sick list: 16]

[Weather cloudy and mostly quiet, noon temperature 34F, sea temperature 42F]

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14 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 62.65, Long -13.92

[Position: 115 miles SE of Iceland]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection. Hands mustered by open list.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service. Miss musters mustered by open list.

[Distance made good: 239 miles]

[Number on sick list: 14]

[North westerly wind force 5 or 6 in pm with rough sea from 8pm]

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15 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 62.50, Long -13.22

[Position: 140 miles SE of Iceland]

8.30am: Eased to dead slow.

8.50am: Sighted ship bearing S40W. 8.53am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “ANDES”.

9.15am: Hauled in log. Engines and courses as requisite.

9.32am: “Andes” boat alongside. 9.35am: Proceeded Full Speed, courses as required. Exercising Rate of Change with HMS ANDES.

10.15am: Set course N5E. Eased to slow. Streamed log. Training class instructed on Sight Setting and deflection and pistol firing. Gun Layers, Sight Setters and trainers deflection teacher. Guns crews morning watch loader. RM [Royal Marines] Infantry drill.

1.00pm: Altered course South.

3.00pm: Altered course N5W.

7.15pm: Altered course South.

11.00pm: Altered course N5W.

[Distance made good: 219 miles]

[Number on sick list: 16]

[Westerly or north westerly wind force 6 or 7 all day, sea rough or very rough]

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16 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 63.02, Long -13.40

[Position: 115 miles SE of Iceland]

8.45am: Sighted ship bearing S70E. Exchanged pendants with HMS “ORVIETO”. Eased to slow.

8.50am: Increased to Full Speed. Exercised Rate of Change with HMS ORVIETO. Engines and Courses as required.

9.20pm: Hauled in log. 9.30am: Starboard cutter away to HMS ORVIETO.

9.50pm: Cutter returned with Kay W/T (Ordinary). 10.05am: Proceeded N5W, dead slow. Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees). Streamed log.

Noon: Altered course South. Increased to Full Speed. Stopped ZZ.

1.00pm: Eased to slow.

2.20pm: Exercised 6 pounder guns crews.

[Distance made good: 208 miles]

[Number on sick list: 12]

[North westerly wind force 5 or 6 in am with rough or very rough sea, wind and sea somewhat reduced in pm]

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17 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 62.25, Long -12.88

[Position: 160 miles SE of Iceland]

9.25am: Dropped submarine target and circled round. 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters. Carried out 1 inch aiming from 6 inch guns and .45 from 6 pounders. Courses and engines as required.

10.35am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “PATIA”.

11.12am: Hauled in log. 11.35am: Proceeded on course N3W, slow speed. Streamed log.

11.45am: Exercised Rate of Change with HMS “PATIA”.

1.30pm: Increased to Full Speed.

1.50pm: Sighted vessel bearing S80E, altered course N80E to intercept.

2.07pm: Hauled in log. 2.10pm: Stopped and boarded British steam trawler South WARD [Southward]. Engines and courses as required. 2.45pm: Ditto allowed to proceed. Proceeded N5E, slow speed. Streamed log. Lat 62 34 N, Long 13 20 W.

8.30pm: Sighted light bearing S12W. Altered course S12W to intercept.

9.40pm: Intercepted British trawler GARNET, allowed to proceed. 9.45pm: Proceeded on Course S38E, slow speed. Lat 62 35 N, Long 13 36 W.

[Distance made good: 212 miles]

[Number on sick list: 10]

[Note: ST “Southward” a British trawler was built in Selby, Yorkshire and registered in Grimsby as GY288; she was part of the Fishery Reserve from 1917 to 1919 and was to go missing (presumed sunk by a mine) when returning from the Faroe Islands in March 1919.

ST “Garnet” was a British trawler built in Selby in 1916 and registered in Hull (as H495); she was requisitioned for service as a minesweeper in February 1917; she returned to civilian service in 1919 and was registered in Fleetwood as FD539 in November of that year; she was registered in Grimsby as GY379 in 1926 and in Aberdeen as A41 in 1929; in 1930 she was sold to a French company and registered in Boulogne as “Louise et Marie” (B-1465); in 1940 she escaped from France and was hired by the Admiralty as a minesweeper (FY.1917); she was returned to her owner in 1946 and was broken up in 1954.]

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18 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 62.85, Long -13.77

[Position: 110 miles SE of Iceland]

9.20am: Eased to Dead Slow. Training class 6 inch QF gun drill.

10.00am: Altered course S16E, increased to slow. Royal Marines .22 rim firing. Guns crew on watch 6 inch BL gun drill. GLs, SS and trainers deflection teacher. Guns crew morning watch loader.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Read Warrant No 32.

[Distance made good: 232 miles]

[Number on sick list: 10]

[Sea rough throughout pm]

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19 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 62.82, Long -13.50

[Position: 115 miles SE of Iceland]

8.00am: Tested depth charges.

9.20am: Exercised General Quarters (S5 run). No I training class rim firing, No II training class ammunition.

10.30am: Altered course S6E. GLs, SS and trainers deflection teacher. 6 pounder guns crews instruction on HE [High Explosive] shell.

11.10pm: Exercised guns crews, After peak empty.

[Distance made good: 215 miles]

[Number on sick list: 9]

[South westerly force 6 or 7 until 8pm, sea rough or very rough throughout day; weather overcast, noon air and sea temperature 46F]

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20 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 62.90, Long -13.35

[Position: 120 miles SE of Iceland]

10.43am: Sighted ship bearing S15E.

11.00am: Boys physical drill, altered course S13W. Increased to Full Speed. 11.12am: Eased to dead slow.

11.30am: Officers physical drill and spotting table, altered course S84E, increased to Full Speed.

0.35pm: Eased to slow.

1.25pm: Exercised submarine attack fired one 6 inch QF practice, one 6 pounder practice. 1.40pm: Proceeded on Course N84E.

4.30pm: Exercised submarine attack. Fired three 6 inch QF practice. Two 6 inch BL practice, seven 6 pounder practice.

5.00pm: Exercised abandon ship stations. 5.30pm: Altered course S82E.

[Distance made good: 209 miles]

[Number on sick list: 8]

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21 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 63.92, Long -8.92

[Position: 120 miles NW of Faroe Islands, 170 miles E of Iceland]

7.00am: Sighted light bearing N40E.

7.20am: Exchanged pendants with HMS ORVIETO.

8.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 20 degrees).

10.00am: Divisions and Captains inspection. Read Articles of War.

Noon: Stopped ZZ, increased to slow.

2.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 20 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

5.30pm: Altered course S24W. Stopped ZZ.

[Bottom of page signed by FH Walter]

[Distance made good: 237 miles]

[Number on sick list: 8]

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22 January 1917

On Patrol

Lat 65.08, Long -11.12

[Position: 70 miles E of Iceland]

8.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 20 degrees).

9.00am: Stopped ZZ eased to slow.

9.25am: Exercised submarine attack. Port QF guns fired 1 round practice. 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters, carried out 1 inch aiming from 6 inch guns and .45 from 6 pounders. Two targets. Course and speed as required.

11.25am: Training classes finished firing, 6 pounder guns crews practice lance bomb throwing. 11.30am: Dinghy [dingy in log] away to pick up target.

11.40am: Target on board. Proceeded N25E Full Speed. 11.45am: Eased to slow. Noon: Eased to Dead slow.

2.40pm: Exercised submarine attack. Circled round. Port 6 pounder guns crews fired 10 rounds .45 each. 6 inch guns crews closed up and practised SS [Sightsetting]. Expended 150 rounds .45.

3.15pm: Proceeded N25E.

[Distance made good: 229 miles]

[Number on sick list: 9]

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23 January 1917

From Patrol to Reykjavik

Lat 63.47, Long -14.12

[Position: 60 miles SE of Iceland]

8.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 20 degrees).

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Stopped ZZ. Tested depth charges. Hands physical drill. SS and Alternative SS exercised at sight setting at 6 inch guns. No I Training class 6 pounder drill. No II Training class 6 inch BL gun drill and loader.

am: Chief Gunner WR Newnham was reprimanded by the Captain and his wine bill stopped for having largely exceeded the authorized limit. [Signed] WR Newnham [whole entry in red ink].

1.30pm: Altered course N70W. 1.32pm: Eased to dead slow. Exercised submarine attack, course and speed as required. 6 pounder guns fired .45, 6 inch crew exercised at training and Sight Setting.

2.10pm: Ceased Firing. Proceeded N70W, half speed. Expended 80 rounds .45, 3 calcium lights.

4.0pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 20 degrees).

5.0pm: Stopped ZZ.

6.50pm: Observed light bearing N45W. Altered course N45W to intercept. 6.55pm: Altered course North.

7.20pm: Intercepted British Trawler “STALWART” [listed here]. Course and speed as required. Ditto allowed to proceed (63 7 N, 16 49 W).

7.30pm: Sighted light bearing N15E. 7.40pm: Proceeded N70W.

[Distance made good: 246 miles]

[Number on sick list: 8]

[Note: ST “Stalwart” was registered in Hull as H213 and was hired by the Admiralty during the war (dates not known).]

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24 January 1917

From Patrol to Reykjavik

Lat 64.16, Long -22.33

[Position: Approaching Reykjavik]

8.15am: Sighted Reykjanes Light bearing N15E, altered course N16E.

8.45am: Sighted Reykjanes Low Light.

9.15am: Passed Karl Rock distant 0.75 miles.

10.40am: Sighted Utskalar Light bearing S50E, 3.75 miles, altered course S74E.

11.10am: Utskalar Light bearing S20W, 1.75 miles. 11.20am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 20 degrees).

0.35pm: Stopped ZZ. 0.45pm: Grotta Light abeam.

1.10pm: Stopped and Let go port anchor.

1.25pm: Hove in and proceeded to fresh anchorage.

2.00pm: Let go port anchor in 7 fathoms 45 fathoms of cable out.

[Anchor Bearings: Reykjavik Lighthouse S31W, Catholic Church S74W, Engey Lighthouse N35E: Ship Head SE]

2.05pm: Captain ashore in Starboard Cutter.

4.15pm: Cutter returned with Captain and British Consul for passage to Liverpool.

4.25pm: Commenced to heave up anchor. 4.45pm: Anchor up. Courses and speed as requisite out of harbour. 5.00pm: Set Course N64W, Full Speed.

5.30pm: Sighted Utskalar Light bearing N80W.

6.30pm: Utskalar Light abeam 3 miles.

8.00pm: Sighted Reykjanes Light bearing South.

9.50pm: Reykjanes bearing N66E, 4 miles, altered course S9E.

[Distance made good: 286 miles]

[Number on sick list: 12]

[South easterly or southerly wind force 6 or 7 with rough or very rough sea for most of day, force 9 at midnight with very high to phenomenal sea]

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25 January 1917

From Reykjavik to Liverpool

Lat 62.65, Long -21.15

[Position: 80 miles S of Iceland]

am: No I and II training classes on care and maintenance of Guns and ammunition. Royal Marine Infantry drill. Heavy weather prevented Divisional Drills.

[Course and Distance made good: 150 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: to 56 25 N, 12 00 W = S36E, 463 miles]

[Number on sick list: 9]

[Squally south easterly wind force 9-10 or 9 in am with phenomenal sea, force 8 in pm with very high sea; weather mostly cloudy, noon temperature 40F, sea temperature 44F]

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26 January 1917

From Reykjavik to Liverpool

Lat 60.12, Long -19.33

[Position: 225 miles S of Iceland]

am: No I and II Training classes instruction on spotting. Heavy weather prevented Divisional Drills.

[Distance made good: 164 miles]

[Number on sick list: 9]

[Wind still squally south easterly, force 8 or 8-9 in am, force 7-8 or 7 in pm, high sea throughout]

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27 January 1917

From Reykjavik to Liverpool

Lat 58.05, Long -14.20

[Position: 250 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

10.00am: Filled No 4 ballast tank.

11.00am: Boys physical drill. Officers spotting table.

11.30am: Officers physical drill.

Noon: Commenced sounding every half hour.

7.30pm: Stopped Sounding.

11.00pm: Filled No 3 ballast tank.

[Distance made good: 196 miles. Course and Distance to Rathlin Island S58E, 313 miles]

[Number on sick list: 8]

[Still squally south easterly wind force 6 or 7 with high sea almost all day]

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28 January 1917

From Reykjavik to Liverpool

Lat 55.93, Long -10.00

[Position: 85 miles NW of Ireland]

1.30am: Put all clocks on 1 hour.

9.10am: Depth charges tested.

10.00am: Divisions and Captains Inspection. 10.30am: Divine Service.

3.00pm: Commenced Sounding.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Abandon ship stations.

6.00pm: Observed Tory Island Light bearing S40E.

6.40pm: Tory Island bearing S11W, 7.5 miles, altered course S73E.

7.00pm: Stopped sounding. Tory Island bearing S42W. 7.10pm: Sighted Fanad Point Light bearing S50E.

7.40pm: Sighted Inistrahull [Inishtrahull] bearing S80E.

8.05pm: Fanad Point Light abeam distant 6 miles.

9.10pm: Inistrahull abeam 0.5 miles.

9.50pm: Observed Lough Foyle Buoy Light bearing S15E.

11.00pm: Observed Rue Point Light bearing S67E, altered course S64E.

11.45pm: Rue Point Light abeam 0.5 miles. 11.55pm: Altered course S28E.

[Distance made good: 213 miles. True Bearing and Distance to Bar Light Ship, Indirect, 296 miles]

[Number on sick list: 7]

[Squally south easterly wind force 6 to 6-8 with very rough sea until 4pm, wind and sea then reducing slightly]

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29 January 1917

From Reykjavik to Liverpool [and at Liverpool]

Lat 53.53, Long -3.63

[Position: Approaching Liverpool]

0.15am: For Exercise closed WTD 3 minutes. Sighted Maidens beading S8E.

0.50am: Observed Maidens Buoy Light bearing S10E.

1.25am: Maidens abeam 4 miles.

1.55am: Black Head Light abeam 8 miles.

2.25am: Copeland Light abeam S62W, 6 miles.

3.37am: Skul Martin [Skulmartin] abeam 8 miles.

4.10am: South Rock Light abeam 6.5 miles.

5.0am: Observed Chickens Light bearing S28E.

5.55am: Chickens Light abeam 11 miles.

8.00am: Altered course S73E. Tested depth charges.

9.40am: Skerries abeam distant 5.5 miles.

9.45am: Fired four practice shot from 6 inch BL guns (2 rounds each). Hands preparing ship for docking.

0.20pm: Observed Bar Light ship bearing S53E, altered course S53E.

0.45pm: Bar Light ship abeam. Eased to half speed.

1.00pm: Tug Bison alongside with Pilot Craymer. 1.10pm: Formby Light ship abeam. Course and speed as requisite.

1.50pm: Rock Light abeam. Swung ship to flood tide.

2.25pm: Tug Bison made fast forward. 2.30pm: Speed and Courses as per pilot. Proceeding into dock. Tugs Bison and Southcock assisting.

3.05pm: In Canada Basin.

3.50pm: In Canada Dock.

4.10pm: Made fast. 4.20pm: Finished with engines.

[Arrival Draught: 23’ 4” Forward, 26’ 6” Aft]

5.00pm: T Piers [?], fireman discharged from ship.

5.30pm: Received 74 Bags of mails. Liberty men ashore. 5.40pm: Liberty men ashore (firemen).

8.0pm: Rounds correct.

[Distance made good: 316 miles. Distance to Liverpool Anchorage 26 miles]

[Number on sick list: 7]

[Wind and sea more moderate in am, quiet and overcast in pm, noon temperature 33F, sea temperature 38F]

[Note: Tug “Bison” was built in 1906 in Liverpool; she was sunk in the Mersey in 1941 and salvaged; she was sold in 1947 and was renamed “Niki”; in 1954 she was renamed “Hydra”; in 1957 she was renamed “Nicholas I”; in 1964 she was owned by a Greek company and was renamed “Aghios Georgios”; she was to sink off Greece in 1968 (details here).

Tug “South Cock” was built in Birkenhead in 1903 and registered in Liverpool in 1904, owned by Liverpool Screw Towing and Lighterage Company (mentioned here).]

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30 January 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00 [estimated]

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.00am: Hove ship off quay to let coal lighters alongside.

8.30am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed returning empties and various duties.

9.15am: Discharged 9 seamen ratings and 3 marines to depôt.

9.50am: Discharged Engineer Sub Lieutenant Patterson and Midshipman James to hospital (measles cases).

10.10am: Discharged Probationary Surgeon Ritchie to depôt (Portsmouth).

1.00pm: Hands muster for payment.

1.40pm: Liberty firemen away on long leave. 2.00pm: Liberty men (seamen) away on long leave.

4.15pm: Liberty men ashore (firemen).

5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

10.00pm: Finished coaling for day, total received 500 tons.

[Distance made good: 28 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 131 tons]

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31 January 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

7.15am: Started coaling.

am: Hands employed taking in stores. Shore workmen working in engine room.

1.00pm: Hands turn to and employed painting funnel and taking in stores.

4.00pm: Liberty firemen ashore. 4.15pm: Liberty men ashore.

10.00pm: Finished coaling for day. Coal received = 420 tons, total received = 920 tons.

[Page signed at the bottom by FH Walter, Captain]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for February 1917]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed FH Walter Captain for Navigating Officer]

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[Blank page]

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[Page not filled in but signed by Captain Walter, 1 March 1917]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before, except that Thermometer for Sea Temperature now Maker: Casartelli Brothers]

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1 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.00am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed cleaning and various duties. Shore workmen employed in engine room and on deck.

1.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

4.15pm: Liberty firemen ashore. 4.30pm: Liberty seamen ashore.

9.00pm: Stopped coaling for day, amount received 280 tons. Total received 1200 tons.

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2 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Coal lighters left ship.

am: Hands employed painting and various duties. Shore workmen employed in engine room and on deck.

9.00am: Hove ship alongside wharf.

1.30pm, 2.45pm and 4.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

5.00pm: Read Warrant No 33.

[Provisions received: Vegetables 11,200 lbs and 100 sacks]

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3 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00 [estimated]

[Position: Brocklebank Graving Dock, Liverpool]

[Brocklebank Graving Dock]

5.45am: Landed gangway.

6.15am: Cast off and proceeded out of dock assisted by Tugs Bison, OTTER and Beaver. 6.25am: Entered Brocklebank Graving dock.

7.50am: Made fast.

8.00am: 2 CPOs and 1 Leading Seaman RFR [Royal Fleet Reserve] and 10 other ratings joined ship. Liberty firemen ashore.

9.00am: On the blocks.

am: Hands employed attending shores for dry dock and various duties.

0.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

4.30pm: Read Warrant No 34.

[Note: There are several possible identities for Tug “Otter”; the most likely was built in Cardiff in 1887 and previously called “Africa” and “Sir WT Lewis”; owned at this time by Mersey Towing Company, London (see listing here, No 89213).

There were also a number of vessels named “Beaver” at this time; the most likely was built in Cardiff in 1897 and previously called “Lady Lewis”; owned at this time by Mersey Towing Company, London (see listing here, No 105185.]

4caf8c47cadfd3419703571c: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-005_0.jpg)

4 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: Brocklebank Graving Dock, Liverpool]

[Brocklebank Graving Dock]

am: Shore gangs working on ship’s bottom.

9.30am: RC [Roman Catholic] Church party ashore.

10.30am: CE [Church of England] Church party ashore.

Noon: Church party returned.

1.15pm and 4.45pm: Liberty men ashore.

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5 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: Brocklebank Graving Dock, Liverpool]

[Brocklebank Graving Dock]

7.00am: 2 ratings joined ship from HMS VIVID.

am: Hands employed taking stores on board and various duties. Shore workmen working on ship’s bottom.

0.30pm: Pilot on board.

2.00pm: Commenced to fill dock.

[Departure Draught from Graving Dock: 25’ 9” Forward, 26’ 0” Aft]

3.15pm: Ship afloat. Landed gangway.

3.35pm: Proceeded out of dock Tugs Bison, Beaver and Panther assisting.

3.50pm: Out of Graving Dock, made fast in Brocklebank dock.

4.40pm: Let go and proceeded to Canada Dock.

5.15pm: In Huskisson Dock. 5.35pm: In Sandon Basin.

6.10pm: Made fast in NE Sandon Dock.

[Sandon Dock]

6.35pm: Gangway aboard. Boomed ship off. 6.45pm: Liberty men ashore.

7.00pm: Commenced coaling.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for day, amount received 32 tons. Total received 1232 tons.

[Provisions received: Vegetables 2840 lbs and 20 sacks]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 67 tons]

[Note: Tug “Panther” was probably a ship built in Cardiff in 1884 and previously called “Elliot and Jeffery”; she was owned at this time by Mersey Towing Company, London (see listing here, No 89188).]

4caf8c47cadfd3419703571e: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-006_0.jpg)

6 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00 [estimated]

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

7.00am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed taking in stores and various duties,

11.00am: Floating crane Samson alongside lifting forcastle [forecastle] guns.

1.00pm: Hands employed taking in stores.

1.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

3.00pm: Received 124 bags of mails for HMS ALSATIAN and HMS MOLDAVIA.

4.00pm: Crane Samson left ship.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

7.00pm: 1 Corporal and 4 Privates of Marines joined ship.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for day, amount received 864 tons. Total received 2096 tons.

[Foggy for most of day, noon temperature 32F]

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7 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

8.00am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed taking in stores.

9.45am: Two firemen and 1 steward joined ship. Received 4 ratings for HMS ALSATIAN.

pm: Hands employed taking in stores.

1.30pm: Liberty men ashore. Received 1 rating for HMS ALSATIAN.

4.00pm and 6.15pm: Liberty men ashore.

9.45pm: Stopped coaling for day, amount received 1021 tons. Total received 3117 tons.

[Another foggy day, noon temperature 29F]

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8 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

8.00am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed taking in stores and cleaning ship.

1.30pm and 4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

10.00pm: Finished coaling. Amount received 725 tons 15 cwt. Total received 3842 tons 15 cwt.

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9 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

am: Hands employed cleaning ship.

0.10pm: Tug Otter Alongside.

pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and getting up ammunition.

3.45pm: Breasted off ship to allow coal lighters out.

8.00pm and Midnight: Rounds correct.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 3814 tons]

[Foggy all day, noon temperature 28F]

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10 February 1917

At Liverpool [and at Sea]

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

0.10am: E TAIT fireman absentee brought on board intoxicated, by civil police, and put in cells.

1.40am: W Middlebrough, deserter, brought on board by civil police and put in cells.

10.30am: Pilot on board.

10.45am: Received 2 bags of mails.

11.00am: Tug Bison alongside.

0.10pm: Landed gangway. 0.15pm: Let go all and proceeded out of dock. Tugs Bison, Otter and Beaver assisting.

1.00pm: Through Sandon dock pits. 1.05pm: Full ahead, proceeded down river. Courses and speed as per pilot Scale.

1.25pm: Rock Light abeam.

2.20pm: Exercised General Quarters. 2.30pm: Formby Light Ship abeam. Pilot left ship in tug Bison.

2.50pm: Bar Light ship abeam. Set Course N44W.

3.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised abandon ship stations.

6.30pm: Stopped ZZ.

7.00pm: Commenced Sounding.

7.30pm: Sighted Chickens Light bearing N25E. 7.40pm: Altered course North.

8.30pm: Exercised guns crews. 8.45pm: For Exercise closed Watertight Doors, 2 minutes.

8.07pm: Chickens abeam 3.5 miles.

10.18pm: South Rock Light abeam 5.5 miles.

10.50pm: Skul Martin [Skulmartin] abeam 3.5 miles.

11.40pm: Copelands abeam 3.5 miles]

[Foggy all day, noon temperature 26F, temperature at 4pm 37F, sea temperature 40F]

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11 February 1917

From Liverpool to Patrol

Lat 55.68, Long -9.52

[Position: 60 miles NW of Ireland]

0.55am: Maidens abeam 2.5 miles.

2.43am: Rue Point Light abeam 0.5 miles.

3.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

3.55am: Inishtrahull bearing N50W.

5.15am: Inishtrahull abeam 0.75 miles.

6.00am: Observed Fanad Point Light bearing S45W.

7.00am: Observed Tory Island bearing S76W. Fand [Fanad] Point Light bearing S21E. 7.10am: Passed 2 armed trawlers.

8.05am: Tory Island abeam 9 miles.

9.30am: Tested depth charges.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

7.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

Midnight: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

[Distance made good: 291 miles]

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12 February 1917

From Liverpool to Patrol

Lat 59.72, Long -11.80

[Position: 200 miles NW of Outer Hebrides]

am: Ammunition Expended During PM Firing: 17 rounds of practice shot from SI, 22 rounds of practice shot from SII and SIII, 6 rounds of practice shot from Starboard 6 pounder, 46 rounds of 1 inch aiming from Port guns and 5 rounds of .45 from Port 6 pounder.

8.30am: Stopped ZZ.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

am: Guns crews on watch BL gun drill. Training class 6 inch QF gun drill. FT training class 6 pounder gundrill.

0.30pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

0.38pm: Altered course N10E sighted ship bearing N10E.

0.45pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS ALSATIAN.

1.00pm: Courses and speed as requisite for communicating with ALSATIAN.

1.25pm: Exercised rate of change with ditto.

1.55pm: No I Cutter away with 6 ratings and mails for ditto [HMS Alsatian].

2.05pm: Vice Admiral alongside in ALSATIAN’S cutter. 2.10pm: Hoisted inboard. Divisional and Admiral’s inspection.

2.15pm: Dropped target. 2.20pm: Exercised General Quarters. Carried out firing from all guns 6 inch practice Starboard guns, 1 inch aiming Port guns.

2.45pm: Connected hand steering gear. 2.55pm: Disconnected ditto.

4.00pm: Evening Quarters. Admiral presented Leading Seaman Harry with DSM. [Information here, for 24 October 1916: to receive the Distinguished Service Medal: Leading Seaman Norman Harry, R.N.R., O.N. C3242.]

4.15pm: Admiral left ship.

4.40pm: Cutter returned and hoisted. 4.50pm: Proceeded S45W.

5.40pm: Sighted vessel bearing N50E (ALSATIAN).

6.25pm: Altered course S45W. Eased to slow and took station 3000 yards on ALSATIAN’s starboard beam.

7.15pm: ALSATIAN fired rockets and star shells for practice.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 1.5 minutes. Set Course N30E, parted company with ALSATIAN.

9.16pm: Observed very distinctly star shell followed by 3 rockets?.

9.22pm: Another star shell not so distinct as first all bearing S20W.

[Distance made good: 293 miles]

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13 February 1917

From Liverpool to Patrol

Lat 62.03, Long -10.83

[Position: 100 miles W of Faroe Islands]

3.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

4.00am: Stopped ZZ.

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

8.30am: Stopped ZZ.

9.35am: Altered course East. Training classes instruction on magazines.

11.00am: Heavy weather prevented Divisional drills.

0.18pm: Sighted steamer bearing NE.

0.25pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS ANDES.

1.45pm: Passed British Trawler YORICK: Lat 62 20N; Long 10 50 W.

[Distance run through the Water: 230 miles]

[Distance made good: 205 miles]

[North westerly wind force 6 or 7 from 8am to 8pm with very rough to high to very high sea; weather cloudy, noon temperature 45F, sea temperature 46F]

[Note: ST “Yorick” was built in Yorkshire in 1909 and registered in Hull as H49; she was requisitioned for the Fishery Reserve in May 1917 and released in 1919; she then changed hands a number of times and in 1935 was registered in Aberdeen as A382; she was registered in Hull again in 1941 (H410) and in 1947 in Aberdeen again (A247); she was broken up in 1955.]

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14 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 65.17, Long -10.92

[Position: 75 miles E of Iceland]

7.45am: Sighted light bearing NW, altered course N30W. Increased to Full Speed.

7.55am: Exchanged pendants with HMS MOLDAVIA. 8.00am: Courses and speed as requisite for communicating with ditto.

8.30am: MOLDAVIA lowered boat. 8.40am: Boat alongside for Surgeon Underhill RN and 3 ratings and mails.

8.55am: Boat left ship.

9.05am: Exercising Rate of Change with MOLDAVIA.

9.50am: Set Course N10E, slow speed.

am: Hands physical drill. Guns crews on watch control practice. Training classes 6 inch QF gun drill. RM [Royal Marines] Bayonet fighting.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised collision stations.

5.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

6.30pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 210 miles]

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[Log page for 15 February 1917 partially obscured by additional page: Standard Compass corrected on 15th February 1917. Deviations observed [table of deviations] in Lat 65 44 N, Long 11 26 W. Boats davits all swung out board. Chart Variation 25 2 W, Calculated Variation 26 7 W]

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[Log page for 14 February 1917 (as above) partially obscured by back of additional page, as above]

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15 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.00, Long -11.85

[Position: 75 miles E of Iceland]

9.07am: Commenced swinging ship for deviations.

10.00am: Sighted land bearing West.

10.10am: Finished swinging ship. Resumed Course N2W.

0.15pm: Observed vessel bearing S18W, altered course S15W to intercept. Increased to Full Speed.

0.30pm: Exchanged Pendants with HMS AVENGER.

1.40pm: Dropped submarine target and circled round firing 1 inch aiming from PI and PIII and .45 from Port 6 pounder. Expended 250 rounds 1 inch aiming and 150 rounds .45.

2.15pm: Boarding boat picked up target. 2.30pm: Boarding boat hoisted. Proceeded N2W, slow speed.

3.30pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees). Eased to 160 revs.

6.30pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 230 miles]

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16 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.85, Long -18.93

[Position: 40 miles N of Iceland]

5.50am: Exchanged pendants with HMS HILDEBRAND. Proceeded in company with ditto.

8.45am: Observed Grimsey Island bearing S48W.

8.50am: Stopped and lowered No I cutter and sent to HMS HILDEBRANDE [sic]. 8.55am: Courses and speeds as requisite for picking up cutter.

9.20am: Cutter alongside and hoisted. 9.30am: Proceeded N55W.

10.05am: Altered course N65W. In company with HILDEBRAND.

10.30am: Exercised General Quarters. Courses and speeds as requisite. 10.50am: Set Course N65W.

am: Guns crew on watch aiming practice and BL gun drills. RM rim firing.

4.40pm: Passed numerous snags of timber.

8.20pm: Sounded in 59 fathoms.

[Distance made good: 220 miles]

[Number on sick list: 5]

[Weather unremarkable, noon temperature 34F, sea temperature 32F]

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17 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.80, Long -22.05

[Position: 25 miles N of Iceland]

8.00am: Eased to dead slow. Commenced taking soundings every half hour.

10.45am: Tested depth charges.

1.25pm: Sighted ship bearing S50W. Altered course S40W to intercept. Increased to half speed.

1.35pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS HILDEBRAND.

4.00pm: Altered course East. Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 20 degrees). 4.30pm: Altered course S55E. Stopped ZZ.

5.00pm: 1 man (stoker) released from cells.

9.00pm: Stopped engines for repairs. Closed WTDs 2 minutes.

11.25pm: Proceeded East, slow speed.

[Distance made good: 223 miles]

[Foggy from 8am to noon]

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18 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.65, Long -23.38

[Position: 15 miles N of Iceland]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection. Full speed.

0.10pm: Sighted ship bearing NW, altered course NW to intercept: [Lat] 66 39 N, [Long] 23 28 W.

0.25pm: Stopped and boarded British Trawler ECCLESHILL [H376 listed here]. 0.40pm: Ditto allowed to proceed. 0.50pm: Proceeded N60W, Slow speed 120 revs.

1.30pm: Observed trawler bearing NE.

9.25pm: Observed Staalbierg Huk Light bearing S10W.

[Distance made good: 227 miles]

[Note: ST “Eccleshill” was built in 1911 and registered in Hull (H376); she was hired by the Admiralty as a minesweeper from March 1917 to 1919 (see listing here).]

4caf8c47cadfd3419703572d: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-013_1.jpg)

19 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 65.38, Long -25.35

[Position: 30 miles W of NW Iceland]

0.45am: Observed Light bearing N15E. 0.55am: Altered course N20W to intercept, increased to half speed.

1.10am: Allowed Danish Ketch “Is383” [IS is the registration for Isafjord, Iceland] to proceed. Proceeded on Course N63E, slow.

10.00am: Staalbierg Huk Abeam 18 miles.

am: Training classes 6 inch QF gun drill. Guns crews on watch 6 inch BL gun drill. RM Bayonet fighting.

4.55pm: Intercepted Danish Trawler “Is383”.

[Distance made good: 207 miles]

[Number on sick list: 6]

[Sea rough or very rough from 8pm]

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20 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.07, Long -25.02

[Position: 35 miles W of NW Iceland]

[A fairly typical day on patrol when not much happened; all entries shown here as example:]

0.15am: For Exercise closed WTDs 2.5 minutes.

3.30am: Exercised gun’s crews.

5.00am: Altered course N63E. Increased to 180 revs.

5.30am: Exercised guns’ crews.

9.00am: Divisions and Prayers. Hands physical drill.

9.30am: Altered course N75E. Training class deflection teacher.

10.15am: Altered course S63W. 10.25am: Eased to 160 revs. Training class loader. Guns’ crews morning watch loader.

Noon: Altered course S50W.

4.15pm: Staalbierg Huk abeam 18 miles.

4.30pm: Altered course N63E. 4.45pm: Evening Quarters.

5.45pm: Altered course S50E. Increased to half speed to intercept steamer.

6.00pm: Increased to Full Speed. Altered course S60E. 6.10pm: Altered course S45E. Eased to slow.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 2 minutes. 8.50pm: Exercised guns crews.

10.00pm: Altered course N63E.

10.30pm: Exercised guns crews.

[Distance made good: 213 miles]

[Number on sick list: 7]

[Easterly or south easterly wind force 6 in am with rough sea, force 4 or 5 in pm, sea rough at midnight; weather mostly cloudy, noon temperature 38F, sea temperature 39F]

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21 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 65.97, Long -25.40

[Position: 40 miles W of NW Iceland]

10.05am: Carried out .45 aiming from Starboard 6 pounder. Training class firing 10 rounds each and 6 pounder guns crew of watch 10 rounds each at a cask. Courses as requisite, half speed.

10.30am: Cease Fire. Proceeded on Course N63E.

4.10pm: Commenced sounding.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Stoker Robb refused duty and put in cells.

6.00pm: Stopped sounding.

[Distance made good: 199 miles]

[Number on sick list: 5]

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22 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.72, Long -23.85

[Position: 30 miles N of NW Iceland]

0.12am: Observed Light bearing W, altered course to intercept.

0.50am: Altered course N70W. Eased to slow.

10.35am: Commenced soundings.

0.5pm: Sighted ship bearing N81W. 0.15pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS ALMANZORA.

0.50am: Altered course S60E. Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees), half speed keeping station with ALMANZORA.

2.05pm: Stopped ZZ. 2.15pm: Stopped and received confidential mails from HMS HILDEBRAND. 2.25pm: Set Course N60W.

2.58pm: Altered course S55E. Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees), slow speed.

4.45pm: Exercised General Quarters. Connected steam steering gear. 5.00pm: Disconnected ditto.

8.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 245 miles]

4caf8c47cadfd34197035731: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-015_1.jpg)

23 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.42, Long -13.73

[Position: 20 miles E of NE Iceland]

8.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees), altered course S20E.

9.50am: Observed Langanaes Light House bearing S37W.

10.47am: Langanaes abeam 14 miles.

11.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

Noon: Stopped ZZ.

5.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees). Read Warrant No 38.

7.0pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 251 miles]

4caf8c47cadfd34197035732: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-016_0.jpg)

24 February 1917

On Patrol

Lat 63.77, Long -12.97

[Position: 70 miles SE of Iceland]

am: Officers spotting table.

[Distance made good: 227 miles]

[South westerly wind force 5 to 6-7 with rough sea and rain or showers from noon onwards]

4caf8c47cadfd34197035733: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-016_1.jpg)

25 February 1917

[year not shown]

On Patrol

Lat 60.15, Long -13.20

[Position: 270 miles NW of Outer Hebrides]

8.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection. Read Articles of War. 10.15am: Mustered by open List.

0.36pm: Stopped ZZ.

4.45pm: Altered course S45W. Eased to dead slow. Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

5.25pm: Altered course S25W. Increased to half speed.

[Distance made good: 218 miles]

[Squally wind force south westerly then north westerly force 5 to 7 all day with rough or very rough sea]

4caf8c47cadfd34197035734: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-017_0.jpg)

26 February 1917

From Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 56.35, Long -11.92

[Position: 160 miles NW of Ireland]

6.30am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

0.10pm: Observed steamer bearing S41E. Altered course S41E to intercept.

0.18pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS “HILARY”. 0.20pm: Resumed course S60E.

4.30pm: Stoker Robb released from cells.

4.45pm: Exercised General Quarters. 5.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees). 5.05pm: Exercised abandon ship.

6.00pm: Commenced sounding half hourly.

7.30pm: Stopped ZZ.

8.30pm: Finished sounding.

8.40pm: Passed two TBDs escorting ship.

11.0pm: Took sounding. 11.05pm: Altered course S6E.

11.15pm: Observed Inishtrahull Light bearing S22E.

[Distance made good: 248 miles]

[Wind and sea moderating in am]

4caf8c47cadfd34197035735: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-017_1.jpg)

27 February 1917

From Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.63, Long -4.77

[Position: 15 miles N of NW Wales]

0.41am: Inishtrahull abeam 11 miles.

1.45am: Rue Point Light bearing S57E.

2.20am: Courses as requisite for passing through Rathlin Sound.

3.10am: Exchanged pendants with Tor Point signal station.

4.40am: Maidens abeam 5 miles, altered course S1E.

5.30am: Black Head Light abeam 6.5 miles bearing S89W.

6.05am: Copelands Light abeam 3 miles.

6.30am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

7.35am: South Rock Light abeam.

9.45am: Chickens abeam 14 miles.

10.00am: Stopped ZZ. Hands employed preparing ship for docking etc.

0.05pm: Observed Skerries bearing S6E.

0.50pm: Skerries abeam 10 miles.

1.20pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees).

3.00pm: Sighted Bar Light ship bearing S73E.

3.25pm: Courses and speeds as requisite.

3.57pm: Bar Light ship abeam.

4.18pm: Formby Light ship abeam. 4.22pm: Stopped and picked up Pilot. 4.25pm: Proceeded Courses and speeds as per Pilot Harris.

5.30pm: Let go starboard anchor in 13 fathoms. Veered to 75 fathoms. Tug Bison alongside. 5.35pm: Bison away with Postman. 5.40pm: Finished with engines.

[Arrival Draught: 25’ 3” Forward, 26’ 3” Aft]

[Anchor Bearings: Seacombe Ferry S27W, Victorian Dock Tower N62E, Egremont Ferry N36W]

6.50pm: Bison alongside with 40 bags mails.

7.7pm: Bison away.

[Distance made good: 322 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to Bar Light ship 52 miles]

4caf8c47cadfd34197035736: ( 53-67396/ADM 53-67396-018_0.jpg)

28 February 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01 [estimated]

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

0.45am: Commenced to heave up anchor.

1.5am: Anchor up. Proceeded to dock. Engines and Courses as per pilot. Tugs “Bison” and “Otter” assisting.

2.15am: In Canada Basin.

3.5am: Passed into Locks. 3.15am: Made fast in Locks.

3.50am: Cast off and proceeded into Canada Dock.

4.15am: Made fast in SW Canada Dock. Finished with engines. 4.20am: Gangway aboard.

[Canada Dock]

am: Hands employed cleaning ship and sponging out all guns.

1.00pm: Payment of Officers and Men.

2.05pm: Liberty men away on long leave (Port Watch).

3.00pm: Sub-Lieutenant JW Luther RNVR transferred to HMS ARLANZA.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 1370 tons]

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[Log page not filled in]

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[Log page not filled in]

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[Log page not filled in]

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[Half blank page]


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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for March 1917]

4caf8c47cadfd3419703573f: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-001_1.jpg)

[Right hand side of cover, signed by RW Goodacre, Navigating Officer]

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[Blank page]

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[Page not filled in, signed E Cook, Commander RNR for Captain on leave, 31st March, 1917]

4caf8c47cadfd34197035742: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-003_0.jpg)

[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before]

4caf8c47cadfd34197035743: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-003_1.jpg)

1 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.0am: Liberty men returned.

am: Hands employed down Magazines and cleaning decks. Shore gangs employed in engine room.

9.00am: 4 Seamen, 1 Firemen [sic], 2 Marines discharged to their respective depôts. Harland and Wolf’s [Harland and Wolff] men employed working on re-armament.

pm: Hands employed discharging ammunition and working on Funnel.

2.00pm: One Watch of Shetlanders away on long leave.

4.00pm: Rounds Correct. Hands taking in Boatswain’s and Engineers stores.

5.45pm: Liberty men ashore.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035744: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-004_0.jpg)

2 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Hands employed discharging ammunition and Painting funnel. Shore Gangs employed in Engine room. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament.

pm: Hands employed Discharging ammunition and working on funnels.

4.10pm: Liberty men ashore.

5.00pm: Finished discharging Ammunition.

5.55pm: Liberty men ashore.

9.45pm: 2 Privates RMLI joined ship.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035745: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-004_1.jpg)

3 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned.

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament and in engine room.

11.00am: Commenced to shift ship to opposite berth.

0.15pm: Made fast in No I berth Canada Dock.

1.00pm: Liberty men ashore (Fireman).

4.30pm: Read Warrant No 39.

5.10pm: Liberty men ashore.

7.30pm: 4 Ratings joined ship.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035746: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-005_0.jpg)

4 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

10.10am: RC’s and CE party ashore.

11.20am: RC’s returned.

Noon: Rounds Correct. CE party returned.

1.10pm and 5.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035747: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-005_1.jpg)

5 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.0am: Liberty men returned.

am: Rounds Correct. Hands employed cleaning ship. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament.

11.45am: Breasted ship off by stern to allow ship to enter.

pm: Hands employed painting ship.

3.30pm: Assistant Steward Henry Walliams [Williams; see log for 14 March] returned on board, put in cells.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035748: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-007_0.jpg)

6 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Hands employed painting ship. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament.

pm: Hands employed painting ship.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035749: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-007_1.jpg)

7 March 1917

At Liverpool [though not stated at top of page]

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament.

11.00am: Commenced to shift ship to opposite berth.

0.5pm: Made fast in No I berth Canada Dock.

pm: Hands employed taking in stores and painting.

4caf8c47cadfd3419703574a: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-008_0.jpg)

8 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed painting ship and as requisite.

2.00pm: Shetlanders away on long leave.

4caf8c47cadfd3419703574b: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-008_1.jpg)

9 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands painting ship and as requisite.

1.00pm: Read Warrant No 41. Stoker Muir (deserter) discharged to Walton prison for 42 days.

4caf8c47cadfd3419703574c: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-009_0.jpg)

10 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed painting ship and various duties. Shore hands employed in engine-room.

9.00am: First Watch return from long leave.

11.00am: One Watch away on long leave.

1.00pm: Hands employed painting ship. Read Warrant No 41. Stoker Muir discharged to Walton Prison for 42 days [this is the same entry as on previous day].

2.30pm: Midshipman James left ship for HMS TEMERAIRE.

4caf8c47cadfd3419703574d: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-009_1.jpg)

11 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

10.00am: Church party ashore.

10.50am: RC party returned on board.

Noon: Rounds correct. C of E party returned.

4caf8c47cadfd3419703574e: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-010_0.jpg)

12 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Shore hands employed in engine room. Hands employed painting ship.

pm: Hands employed painting ship.

4caf8c47cadfd3419703574f: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-010_1.jpg)

13 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed painting ship. Shore hands employed in engine room.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035750: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-011_0.jpg)

14 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. Shore hands employed in engine room.

11.15am: Henry Williams, cook, discharged from ship.

2.00pm: Commenced shifting ship to opposite berth.

3.00pm: Made fast in new berth.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035751: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-011_1.jpg)

15 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Deserter brought on board by civil police escort.

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed painting guns and various duties. Shore workmen employed in engine room.

9.30am: James Newman, boy, discharged to HMS VIVID.

1.00pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035752: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-012_0.jpg)

16 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Shore hands working in engine-room. Hands employed painting ship.

8.40am: 12 Privates RMLI joined ship from Devonport.

pm: Hands employed painting ship.

4caf8c47cadfd34197035753: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-012_1.jpg)

17 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men working at re-armament. Hands employed cleaning ship. Shore hands employed in engine room. One Watch of Shetlanders return from long leave.

11.00am: Midshipman OG Benson joined ship from Devonport.

5.00pm: 1 man released from cells.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035754: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-013_0.jpg)

18 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men working on re-armament. Shore workmen working on engine room.

9.30am: RC church party ashore.

10.00am: Divisions. 10.15am: C of E party ashore. RC party returned.

11.50am: C of E party returned.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035755: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-013_1.jpg)

19 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Shore workmen working in engine-room. Hands employed painting ship and renewing boat falls.

pm: Hands employed painting ship.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035756: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-014_0.jpg)

20 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men working on re-armament, Shore workmen employed in engine room. Hands employed cleaning ship and various duties.

pm; Hands employed as in forenoon.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035757: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-014_1.jpg)

21 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

6.30am: Tugs “Bison” and “Stanegarth” alongside. 6.40am: Tugs fast, cast off and commenced hauling out into Canada Basin.

7.00am: In Canada Basin. 7.15am: Commenced hauling back into Canada Dock.

7.50am: All fast in Canada Dock Berth No I.

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands painting and cleaning ship. Shore workmen employed in engine-room.

11.40am: J Lythgoe (fireman) deserter brought on board by civil police and confined to cells.

pm: Hands employed painting and various duties.

6.00pm: Party of men ashore for entertainment.

[Note: “Stanegarth” was a tug built in 1910 in Lytham, Lancashire, and owned by Rea Transport Company, London; she was scuttled in 2000.]

4caf8c48cadfd34197035758: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-015_0.jpg)

22 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. Shore-workmen employed in engine-room.

9.15am: 1 Rating discharged to HMS VIVID. Floating crane Samson alongside with 6 inch QF guns.

pm: Hands employed painting and various duties. Harland and Wolf’s men mounting 6 inch QF guns from crane Samson.

4.15pm: Read Warrant No 42.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035759: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-015_1.jpg)

23 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Shore-workmen working in engine-room. Hands employed painting boats and guns and cleaning ship.

9.30am: Stoker J Lythgoe discharged to Walton prison for 42 days.

pm: Hands employed on guns and various duties.

6.40pm: Party ashore for entertainment.

4caf8c48cadfd3419703575a: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-016_0.jpg)

24 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Shore hands employed in engine-room. Hands employed cleaning ship. Boys physical drill, squad drill and rifle exercise.

Noon: Attended moorings to allow SS ~~ MANITOBA [probably Lake Manitoba listed here] to cross dock.

0.30pm: Made fast.

[Note: SS “Lake Manitoba” was a British passenger cargo ship built on the Tyne in 1901 for Beaver Line (Elder Dempster), Liverpool; in 1903 she was taken over by Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Liverpool and used on the Liverpool-Quebec-Montreal service; in August 1918 she was damaged by fire at Montreal, scuttled, raised and repaired and sold to Bishop Navigation Company, Montreal and renamed “Iver Heath”; in 1923 she was sold to Crete Shipping Company, London and was broken up in 1924 (more details here).]

4caf8c48cadfd3419703575b: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-016_1.jpg)

25 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

8.30am: RC church party ashore.

10.00am: RC church party returned.

10.15am: Church parties from HMS ALSATIAN and ALMANZORA arrived on board. Divisions.

10.30am: Divine Service.

11.30am: Church parties from ALSATIAN and ALMANZORA left ship.

4caf8c48cadfd3419703575c: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-017_0.jpg)

26 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. Shore-workmen employed in engine room. Boys physical drill and rifle drill.

pm: Hands employed painting and cleaning.

4caf8c48cadfd3419703575d: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-017_1.jpg)

27 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.0am: Liberty men returned. Shetlanders return from long leave.

am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. Harland and Wolf's men employed on re-armament. Boys physical drill. Signals and ammunition.

1.00pm: Hands employed painting ship.

6.30am: Attended mooring to allow SS SCANDANAVIAN [presumably “Scandinavian”, probably the ship listed here] to dock.

8.00pm: Made fast. Rounds correct.

[Note: SS “Scandinavian” was built in 1898 in Belfast and registered in Glasgow in 1912; she was owned by Allan Line Steamship Company, Glasgow, and was taken over by Canadian Pacific Line in 1917; she was scrapped in 1923.]

4caf8c48cadfd3419703575e: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-018_0.jpg)

28 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Hands employed painting and chipping. Boys physical drill. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament.

2.00pm: Boys ashore to football match. FT [Foretop] and MT [Maintop] guns crews to 6 inch QF loader.

7.45pm: Hove stern of ship off to allow barges out.

8.15pm: Made fast.

4caf8c48cadfd3419703575f: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-018_1.jpg)

29 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Hands employed chipping and painting ship. Boys physical drill. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Shetland Islanders rifle drill. Boys pistol drill.

1.30pm: Boys ashore to Baths.

5.20pm: Commenced hauling stern of ship alongside SS SCANDANAVIAN [sic]. 5.45pm: Made fast.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035760: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-019_0.jpg)

30 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. RNR seamen physical drill. RM Infantry drill.

1.20pm: Commenced shifting ship to opposite side of dock.

2.15pm: All fast.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035761: ( 53-67397/ADM 53-67397-019_1.jpg)

31 March 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament. Hands employed cleaning ship.

[Page signed at bottom: E Cook, Commander, RNR, for Captain on leave]

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[Log page not filled in]

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[Log page not filled in]

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[Log page not filled in]

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[Half blank page]


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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for April 1917]

4caf8c48cadfd34197035769: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-001_1.jpg)

[Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

4caf8c48cadfd3419703576a: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c48cadfd3419703576b: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-002_1.jpg)

[Page not filled in but signed by Captain Walter, 6 May 1917]

4caf8c48cadfd3419703576c: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-003_0.jpg)

[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before]

4caf8c48cadfd3419703576d: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-003_1.jpg)

1 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

10.30am: Divisions and Divine Service.

4caf8c48cadfd3419703576e: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-004_0.jpg)

2 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am Drills etc: Boys Physical drill; Boys muster bags; RNVR men ammunition; Boys to Signals.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship etc. Chief Gunner’s party cleaning magazine and shell room. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament and in engine room.

4caf8c48cadfd3419703576f: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-004_1.jpg)

3 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am Drills etc: RNR Seamen and boys Physical drill; RNR Seamen to rifle exercise on shore; RMs to Physical drill and QF loader.

am: Hands employed painting etc. Chief Gunner’s party sponging out and working all guns. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament and in engine room.

pm Drills: Fore and Main top gun’s crews to QF gun drill.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035770: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-005_0.jpg)

4 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am Drills: Boys Physical Drill; Royal Marines Physical drill and sword Bayonet Exercise.

am: Hands employed painting etc. Chief Gunner’s party working all guns and lubricating parts. Shore hands employed in engine room.

10.00am: Held Court of Enquiry on board.

2.30pm: Court of Enquiry completed.

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5 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am Drills: Boys Physical drill; Chief Gunner’s party getting on board Gunner Stores; Guns Crew to 6 inch QF Gun drill.

am: Hands employed painting Etc. Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament and in engine room.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035772: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-006_0.jpg)

6 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men employed on re-armament and in engine room.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035773: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-006_1.jpg)

7 April 1917

At Liverpool [though not stated at top of page]

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf's men employed on re-armament and in engine room.

10.15am: Commenced to shift ship towards opposite berth.

11.10am: Made fast alongside HMS Virginian.

1.30pm: Pilot on board, 1.40pm: Commenced to shift ship to Sandon basin (W) assisted by tugs Collingwood, Otter, Harrington.

3.30pm: Made fast.

Midnight: Clocks put on 1 hour. Rounds Correct.

[Note: Tug “Collingwood” was probably the vessel built in Leith, Scotland in 1906 and owned by Alexandra Towing Company, Bootle (listed here as 123975).

Tug “Harrington” was probably the vessel built in South Shields on the Tyne in 1903 and owned by Alexandra Towing Company, Bootle; she was hired by the Admiralty from October to December 1914; she was registered at Swansea, Wales in 1938; in 1954 she sank at Swansea but was raised and repaired and returned to service; she was broken up in 1959 (more details here).]

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8 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00 [estimated]

[Position: In Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

9.30am: RCs and CE Party ashore.

11.50am: Church parties returned.

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9 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: In Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

am Drills: FT Guns Crews at 6 inch BL gun drill

am: Hands employed painting and scraping.

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10 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: In Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

8.0am: Hands employed scraping deck. Shore workmen employed in engine room.

11.30am: J White (Fireman) discharged from ship.

Noon: Rounds Correct. Port watch return from leave.

pm: Hands employed taking stores aboard.

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11 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: In Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

am Drills: Boys and RNR seamen Physical drill.

am: Hands employed painting ship Etc. Commenced taking ammunition aboard. Shore workers employed in engine room.

pm: Hands employed taking ammunition aboard.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035778: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-009_0.jpg)

12 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: In Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

am: Hands employed taking in ammunition. Shore workmen employed in engine room.

1.15pm: Liberty men ashore on long leave. Hands employed taking in ammunition.

4caf8c48cadfd34197035779: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-009_1.jpg)

13 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: In Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

am: Hands employed taking ammunition on board. Shore workmen employed in engine-room.

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14 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00 [estimated]

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

am: Shore workmen working in engine room.

9.15am: Commenced to shift Ship to Canada Dock assisted by Cobury [Coburg], Hornby and Waterloo (tugs).

9.27am: Left Sandon basin.

9.52am: Entered Canada No 2 BCH [Branch].

10.15am: Made fast in Canada No 2 North Side.

[Canada Dock]

[Note: Tug “Coburg” was built in Dundee, Scotland in 1902 and owned by Alexandra Towing Company, Bootle (listed here as 115325).

Tug “Hornby” was built in Leith, Scotland in 1908 and owned by Alexandra Towing Company; she was sold to Newport Screw Towing Company in 1935 and renamed “Holman”; she was broken up in Wales in 1961.

Tug “Waterloo” was built in Liverpool in 1899 and owned by Alexandra Towing Company (listed here as 110622).]

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15 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

8.00am: Rounds Correct. RC Church party ashore.

10.00am: Division and Captain’s inspection.

10.20am: RC party returned. Church party from HMS “CALGARIAN” arrived on board. 10.30am: Divine Service.

11.10am: CALGARIAN’S Church party left ship.

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16 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Drills: Boys and RNR ordinary seamen rifle exercise on shore.

am: Hands employed painting. Chief Gunner’s party employed fusing lyddite shells. Shore workmen employed in engine room.

6.30pm: 2 Boys joined ship from depôt.

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17 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

6.50am: Commenced breasting ship off to allow coal lighters alongside.

7.20am: All fast.

am: Hands employed painting and chipping. Chief Gunner’s party employed fuzing lyddite shells. Shore hands employed in engine room.

11.00am: Starboard watch return from long leave.

1.00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship, painting and chipping.

2.00pm: Boys ashore. Commenced coaling.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling. Total received 250 tons.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 836 tons]

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18 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed painting. Chief Gunner’s party fuzing lyddite shell. RNR men and boys pistol drill and 6 inch loader. Hands physical drill.

4.30pm: Read Warrant No 43.

5.20pm: Hove stern of ship off to allow coal lighters alongside.

9.50am: Finished coaling for day. Total received 958 Tons. Received in day 708 Tons.

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19 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

am: Boys and RNR seamen physical drill. RM Infantry drill. Hands employed painting ship.

7.00pm: Breasted ship off to allow coal lighters alongside.

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for day. Total received 2250 tons. Received in day 1292 tons.

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20 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands physical drill. Chief Gunner’s party working on guns.

9.00am: 17 RNR ratings left ship for depôt. Hands employed painting and cleaning magazines.

8.30pm: Finished coaling. Total Received 3020 Tons. Received in day 1770 Tons.

[Weather fine, noon temperature 49F]

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21 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: 20 Ratings joined ship. Hands employed cleaning ship.

4.15pm: Hove ship alongside quay.

[Number on sick list: 5]

4caf8c48cadfd34197035782: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-014_0.jpg)

22 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

8.30am: RC Church party ashore.

10.00am: Divisions. Church party (C of E) away to HMS ARLANZA. 10.10am: RCs return.

11.30am: C of E party return.

[Number on sick list: 6]

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23 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

[Another typical day in dock; all entries shown here as example:]

4.00am: Rounds correct.

7.00am: Liberty men return.

8.00am: Rounds correct. Hands employed painting and cleaning.

Noon: Rounds correct. Hands to dinner.

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon.

4.00pm: Rounds correct. 4.10pm: Liberty men ashore. 4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

8.00pm and Midnight: Rounds correct.

[Number on sick list: 7]

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24 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Hands employed cleaning, painting and various duties.

10.30am: Fire discovered in Fanroom and stokehold. Hands at fire quarters.

11.35am: Fire extinguished.

1.00pm: Hands told off to their respective stations.

[Number on sick list: 7]

4caf8c48cadfd34197035785: ( 53-67398/ADM 53-67398-015_1.jpg)

25 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.00

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

9.00am: Divisions and physical drill. 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.10am: Exercised abandon ship.

pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea.

2.00pm: WH Frampton Seaman RNR discharged to hospital. 4 new ratings (Firemen) joined ship from HMS EAGLE.

4.15pm: Engineer Sub Lieutenant Branagan discharged to hospital.

[Number on sick list: 7]

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26 April 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01 [estimated]

[Position: In Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

9.00am: Divisions. Hands physical drill. Lieutenants Matheson, Grubb and Chrisp left ship for depôt.

9.30am: Exercised General Quarters.

10.30am: Tugs Otter, Beaver and Bison alongside.

11.25am: Landed gangway, let go all and proceeded out of dock assisted by Tugs. Engines and helm as per pilot.

Noon: In Huskisson Dock.

0.10pm: In Sandon Basin. 0.25pm: Made fast in ditto.

1.25pm: Let go all to proceed into river.

3.05pm: Through Sandon Lock pits. Let go all tugs. 3.10pm: Full ahead, helm as required to proceed to anchorage.

3.25pm: Let go anchor in 13 fathoms water veered to 60 fathoms cable.

[Anchor bearings. Ship's head SW by S: Victoria Tower S48E, Egremont Ferry S70W, Mariner’s Home N72W]

4.15pm: Bison alongside for postman.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised General Quarters and abandon ship stations.

5.45pm: Bison left ship with postmen.

6.30pm: Bison alongside.

7.30pm: HMS OTWAY passed outward bound.

7.53pm: Bison left ship.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 2 minutes.

9.00pm: Bison alongside.

11.00pm: Bison left ship. Commenced heaving up anchor.

11.20pm: Anchor aweigh, proceeded down river. Course and speed as per pilot.

11.35pm: Rock Light abeam.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 3743 tons]

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27 April 1917

From Liverpool to Patrol

Lat 54.38, Long -5.27

[Position: 8 miles E of Northern Ireland]

0.30am: Formby Light ship abeam. 0.45am: Bison alongside. Pilot left. 0.55am: Bar Light ship abeam. 1.00am: Altered course West, log 11.

2.45am: Great Ormes Head Light abeam 3 miles, log 24, altered course N60W.

3.45am: Port Lynas abeam bearing S 3 miles.

4.35am: Skerries abeam 3 miles. Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

6.00am: Exercised guns crews.

7.45am: Exchanged pendants with HMS ARMADALE CASTLE.

8.30am: Tested depth charges.

9.20am: Altered course N16E. Stopped ZZ.

am: RM Instruction on magazines and shell rooms.

11.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees). Guns crews of morning watch 6 inch loader.

11.55am: South Rock N38W 4 miles.

0.45pm: Exercised guns crews.

1.40pm: Copelands abeam 8 miles. 1.55pm: Altered course N32W.

3.15pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS DESPERATE.

3.40pm: Maidens abeam 3.5 miles.

4.32pm: Rue Point abeam bearing NE 0.75 miles.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised General Quarters.

5.25pm: Exercised collision stations. 5.30pm: All clocks put back half hour.

6.25pm: Observed land bearing N45E. 6.30pm: All clocks put back half hour. No 4 Tank pumped out. 6.35pm: Oversay Island abeam bearing S55E, 3 miles. 6.40pm: Altered course N53W.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 3.5 minutes.

11.15pm: Exercised guns crews.

[Distance made good: 150 miles]

[North westerly wind force 4 or 5 all day, misty in evening]

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28 April 1917

From Liverpool to Patrol

Lat 56.92, Long -12.40

[Position: 180 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

4.30am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

7.15am: Observed steamer, altered course to intercept.

7.30am: Challenged SS HURONIAN [listed here] and allowed ditto to proceed. Lat 56 41 N, Long 11 2 W.

8.30am: Tested both depth charges.

9.00am: ZZ TYPE III 40 degrees.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Boarding boat’s crew and AGs [Armed Guards] to pistol drill.

11.10am: Patent Log hauled in and found to be foul. 11.15am: Streamed ditto. 11.30am: Tested alarm bells.

4.30pm: Stopped ZZ.

5.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

9.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 306 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: To Lat 57 30 N, Long 15 W, 293 degrees, 90 miles]

[North westerly wind force 5 to 6-7, sea rough or very rough from noon onwards; misty at times, noon temperature 51F, sea temperature 49F]

[Note: SS “Huronian” was a British cargo ship built in Glasgow in 1915 and owned by Frederick Leyland Company, Liverpool; she was broken up in 1932 (more details here).]

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29 April 1917

From Liverpool to Patrol

Lat 60.10, Long -14.22

[Position: 270 miles S of Iceland]

4.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

8.00am: Altered course N40E (ZZ 30 degrees).

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection.

Noon: Altered course S23E (ZZ 30 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service. 5.00pm: ZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees).

5.5pm: Observed steamer bearing S30E. Exchanged pendants with HMS “CHANGUINOLA”, altered course S30E.

5.45pm: Starboard cutter away to “CHANGUINOLA”. Courses and speed as requisite.

6.10pm: Cutter returned and hoisted. 6.20pm: Proceeded on Course S87E (ZZ 30 degrees), slow speed, 200 revs.

[Distance made good: 251 miles]

[Wind and sea more moderate today]

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30 April 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.22, Long -11.07

[Position: 160 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

6.00am: Altered course S67W ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

9.00am: Stopped ZZ. Prayers and Divisions.

0.30pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

0.40pm: Eased to 180 revs. Sea-boats crew and AGs pistol drill. Junior Officers pistol drill. Expended 180 rounds 1 inch aiming, 40 rounds .45, 4 rounds practice (6 pounder).

3.47pm: Observed smoke bearing S10W. Increased to Full Speed and altered course S10W to intercept.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Intercepted SS “HAMBLETON RANGE” [listed here] flying flag of day. Exchanged rate of change with ditto. Courses and speed as requisite. Lat 59 22 N, Long 10 43 W.

5.15pm: Dropped target and circled round. 5.30pm: Commenced firing. Courses and speed as requisite. 1 inch aiming and .45 and practice (6 pounder).

6.20pm: Ceased fire. 6.25pm: Observed steamer bearing S45E. Altered course to intercept.

7.35pm: Stopped and boarded SS KANSAS (Port Cutter). Courses and speed as requisite. Lat 59 17 N, Long 10 3~ [W part of position off edge of page].

8.10pm: Allowed SS KANSAS to proceed. 8.15pm: Cutter alongside and hoisted. 8.25pm: Proceeded N38W, full speed.

9.25pm: Eased to half speed.

10.43pm: Observed Light bearing N80W, altered course N80W to intercept, increased to Full Speed (Lat 59 33 N, Long 11 40 W).

11.10pm: Intercepted Steam Trawler H530 [Queen Alexandra listed here]. Allowed to proceed. Eased to slow. 11.20pm: Proceeded N38W.

[Distance made good: 250 miles]

[Note: SS “Hambleton Range” was a British ship built in West Hartlepool in 1914 and owned by Neptune Steam Navigation Company (Furness Withy); she was sold to EJ Leslie, Hartlepool in 1923 and was renamed “Scotscraig”; she was scrapped in 1933 (more details here).

SS “Kansas” was a British cargo ship built in 1910 in Belfast and owned by Bucknall Steamship Line then Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Company; she was to sink after a fire in 1924 but was refloated and renamed “City of Winnipeg”; in 1934 she was sold to R Adam, Liverpool and was renamed “Winny”; she was broken up in 1935.

ST “Queen Alexandra” (H530) was built in 1901 in Hull; she was an Admiralty Fishery Reserve vessel from 1917 to 1919; she was registered in Fleetwood from 1920 (FD364); she was requisitioned again in September 1940 and used briefly as a minesweeper; she was scrapped in 1952 (more details here).]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for May 1917]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

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[Blank page]

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[Page not filled in but signed by Captain Walter, dated 2 June 1917]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before]

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1 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.23, Long -9.38

[Position: 120 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

1.00am: Altered course S87E. Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees). Increased 200 revs.

5.12am: Sighted ship bearing E, altered course S80E to intercept, Full Speed. (59 54 N, 10 8 W)

6.24am: Intercepted Norge SV “TULA” flying flag of day allowed ditto to proceed. 6.25am: Eased to slow. Proceeded S83W (ZZ 30 degrees).

7.30am: Tested both depth charges.

8.00am: Altered course N77E (ZZ 40 degrees).

8.50am: Altered course N40E to intercept steamer.

9.20am: Exchanged pendants with HMT MACLEAY: [Lat] 60 11 N, [Long] 9 32 W.

9.50am: Stopped. 10.00am: Proceeded S67E, slow speed.

11.25am: Altered course N67W (ZZ 30 degrees).

Noon: Stopped ZZ.

1.00pm: Junior Officers and AGs [probably Armed Guards] pistol firing.

4.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

5.00pm: ZZ 30 degrees. Exercised General Quarters.

5.50pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS EBRO. 6.00pm: ZZ 40 degrees.

9.30pm: Altered course N67W. Stopped ZZ. Eased to 180 revs.

[Distance run through the Water: 277 miles]

[Distance made good: 240 miles]

[Note: It has not been possible to trace a Norwegian Sailing Vessel named “Tula” at this time.

HM Trawler “Macleay” was built in Selby, Yorkshire in 1913 and was registered in Hull (H1022); she was taken over by the Royal Navy in 1917 as HMT “Macleay” (Admiralty No 3327); in 1918 she went to Rushworth Steam Fishing Company, Grimsby (registered as GY113); she changed hands in 1923 and was to run aground and be wrecked off Iceland in 1934.]

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2 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.08, Long -9.83

[Position: 140 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

3.00am: Altered course S87E, increased 200 revs. Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

am: 6 inch guns crews of watch divisional gun drill. 6 pounder look outs 6 pounder gun drill.

11.55am: Exercised special sea-boats crew. Officers spotting table.

pm: Junior officers 6 inch QF gun drill.

1.30pm: Altered course N58E. Stopped ZZ.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters, rigged after steering gear. 5.00pm: Unrigged ditto.

[Distance run through the Water: 239 miles]

[Distance made good: 221 miles]

[South westerly wind force 5 to 6-7 during day, sea becoming very rough at midnight, misty on and off; noon temperature 53F, sea temperature 47F]

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3 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.98, Long -10.12

[Position: 150 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4.30am: Altered course S87E. Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill. Stopped ZZ.

Noon: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees, altered course East.

1.45pm: Exercised gun’s crews and emergency sea-boat crew.

3.35pm: Altered course N86W, increased 200 revs. Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 219 miles]

[South westerly wind force 5 to 6 all day, sea rough or very rough; weather cloudy]

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4 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.98, Long -10.35

[Position: 155 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

4.00am: Altered course S89E. Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees), eased to 180 revs.

6.00am: Stopped ZZ.

1.00pm: Junior officers instruction on searchlights.

4.15pm: Altered course N86W.

5.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees). 5.07pm: Passed spar probably griping spar (60 11 N, 9 19 W).

[Distance made good: 238 miles]

[Number on sick list: 6]

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5 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.08, Long -10.03

[Position: 140 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

2.10am: Sighted steamer bearing S45E. Increased to full speed. Altered course South to intercept. 2.25am: Courses as requisite.

3.40am: Boarded Italian SS “PIETRO” (59 39 N, 11 49 W), allowed ditto to proceed.

4.25am: Proceeded on Course East ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

4.55am: Altered course North SS “PIETRO” Steering S75E.

5.30am: Altered course East (MZZ).

8.30am: Observed sail bearing N69E, altered course N70E to intercept.

9.40am: Boarded Danish SV “FULTON” (60 0 N, 10 36 W). 9.50am: Allowed ditto to proceed with flag of day. 10.00am: Proceeded S85E, slow (ZZ 30 degrees).

Noon: Altered course N70W.

2.55pm: Observed steamer bearing S73W. Altered course S75W to intercept, Full Speed.

3.00pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS EBRO. 3.07pm: Eased to slow and proceeded on course N70W (ZZ 30 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised General Quarters. Rigged after steering gear. 5.10pm: Unrigged ditto.

6.00pm: Altered course S23W (MZZ). 6.15pm: Schooner FULTON bearing S62E, 8 miles.

Midnight: Altered course N23E (MZZ).

[Distance made good: 201 miles]

[Number on sick list: 7]

[Note: SS “Pietro” was a cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1901 as SS “Etonian” for Cambrian Steam Navigation Company, Cardiff; in 1913 she was sold to A Ravano, Genoa, Italy and was renamed “Pietro”; she was to be sunk by a German submarine off southern Spain in December 1917.

SV “Fulton” was a Danish 3 masted schooner built in Marstal, Denmark in 1915; she was involved in commercial trade for a number of owners until 1970 when she became a training ship operated by the Danish National Museum (more details here).]

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6 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.50, Long -11.40

[Position: 170 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

5.00am: Schooner “FULTON” bearing W (true) distant 9 miles.

7.00am: Reduced ZZ to 30 degrees.

8.30am: Tested Depth Charges.

10.00am: Divisions. Captain’s Inspection. Hands mustered by open list.

11.00am: Sighted steamer bearing S75E.

11.25am: Sighted steamer bearing S30E. 11.35am: Eased to slow. Exchanged pendants with HMS “EBRO”.

11.55am: Proceeded on Course N42W (ZZ 30 degrees).

2.30pm: Altered course S23W (ZZ 30 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

5.00pm: Altered course S24W. Stopped ZZ.

7.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

Midnight: Altered course N22E (ZZ 40 degrees).

[Distance run through the Water: 246 miles]

[Distance made good: 217 miles]

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7 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.82, Long -12.25

[Position: 180 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

9.20am: Stopped ZZ.

am: Boys .22 Rim fire. Gunlayers, Trainers, Sightsetters Deflection teacher. Ordinary Seamen 6 inch QF Gun Drill. Royal Marines lecture on Trench warfare.

0.30pm: Altered course S23W (ZZ 30 degrees) and eased 180 Revs.

1.00pm: Junior Officers to 6 inch QF and BL Gun Drill.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters, rigged after steering gear.

5.00pm: Exercised collision stations and abandon ship.

5.35pm: Unrigged after steering gear.

Midnight: Altered course N24E (MZZ).

[Distance made good: 230 miles]

[Squally north easterly wind force 7 or 6 in am, force 4 in pm, sea rough at times, rain and snow from time to time; noon temperature 37F, sea temperature 43F]

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8 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.83, Long -12.22

[Position: 180 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

2.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

9.00am: Stopped ZZ. Hands physical drill. Ordinary Seamen 6 inch QF Gun drill and 6 inch loader. Gunlayers, Trainers, Sightsetters Deflection teacher.

10.45am: Exercised gun’s crews.

11.30am: Royal Marines Deflection teacher.

1.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees). Junior Officers to seamanship. Ships Company .22 rim fire.

5.05pm: Altered course S66W and stopped zz.

6.00pm: Commenced ZZ 30 degrees.

8.00pm: Altered course S23W (MZZ).

Midnight: Altered course N24E (MZZ).

[Distance made good: 221 miles]

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9 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.78, Long -12.72

[Position: 200 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

11.45am: Sighted steamer bearing S46E, altered course S45E full speed to intercept.

Noon: Exchanged pendants with HMS “EBRO”.

2.20pm: Exercised gun’s crews.

pm: Expended 130 rounds 1 inch aiming, 8 rounds 6 inch practice, 60 rounds .45.

4.35pm: Stopped and dropped target. 4.45pm: Exercised General Quarters, circled round target and carried out 1 inch aiming from all guns and .45 from 6 pounders.

5.40pm: Sighted steamer bearing S21E.

6.00pm: Fired 4 rounds from SII and PII.

7.00pm: Hoisted target in board. Courses and Speed as requisite. 7.12pm: Proceeded on Course S14W. Slow Speed.

7.30pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

[Distance made good: 224 miles]

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10 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.32, Long -12.63

[Position: 210 miles NW of Outer Hebrides]

5.00am: Stopped ZZ.

6.30am: Altered course N35W ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

0.35pm: Patent Log foul. 0.45pm: Log streamed.

4.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

7.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance run through the Water: 255 miles]

[Distance made good: 221 miles]

[Sea rough at noon, very rough at midnight]

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11 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.18, Long -11.80

[Position: 180 miles NW of Outer Hebrides]

[Log records only routine matters]

[Distance made good: 209 miles]

[Squally easterly or south easterly wind force 7 all day, sea mostly very rough]

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12 May 1917

From Patrol to Busta Voe

Lat 60.6, Long -5.3

[Position: 125 miles W of Shetland Islands]

7.40am: Sighted steamer bearing N78E full speed.

8.00am: Intercepted and allowed to proceed British SS “KILWINNING” flying flag of day: 60 29 N, 6 13 W. Courses and Speeds as requisite.

8.25am: Proceeded on Course East, 180 Revs.

10.35am: No 4 Starboard tank full.

11.20am: Sighted steamer bearing S10E, altered course S15E full speed.

11.35am: Eased to slow. 11.40am: Intercepted and allowed to proceed British trawlers “MAGPIE” and “RODRIGO” [both listed here] (Lat 60 36 N, [Long] 5 18 W). Resumed Course EAST.

Noon: Commenced zz (TYPE III 30 degrees).

6.00pm: Increased ZZ to 40 degrees.

9.30pm: Commenced sounding.

11.00pm: Stopped ZZ, eased to 180 revs.

[Distance made good: N66.5E, 212 miles]

[Distance: Distance to Busta Voe Anchorage 135 miles]

[Squally south easterly or southerly wind force 4 to 6 during day, sea rough throughout]

[Note: SS “Kilwinning” was a cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1898 as “Londesborough” for GR Sanderson & Company, Hull; she was sold to Bain, Gardner & Company, Glasgow in 1912 and renamed “Kilwinning”; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by an Austrian submarine in the Mediterranean in August 1917.

There are 2 possibilities for ST “Magpie”: the most likely (given a subsequent entry on 16 May 1917 in this log) was a trawler built in Hull in 1896 (H311) (details here); she was re-registered in Grimsby in 1916 as GY1010 and was requisitioned into the Fishery Reserve in 1917 or 1918 as “Magpie III”; she was returned to her owners in 1919 and in 1920 was registered in Aberdeen (A495); in 1928 she was sold to a Dutch company and in 1934 became “Vios IV”; she was scrapped in 1936. The other ST “Magpie” was a trawler built in 1903 in Goole, Yorkshire and registered as H802 (details here); she was in Royal Naval service as a minesweeper as HMT “Magpie” from 1914 to 1915 and as “Magpie II” from 1915 to 1919; she was returned to her owners in 1919 and in 1929 was sold to a company in Dundee and renamed “Cruden”; she was to run aground and be wrecked off the east coast of Scotland in 1930 (more details here).

FV “Rodrigo” was a trawler built in Selby, Yorkshire and registered as GY1208; she was requisitioned into the Fishery Reserve in 1917 and returned to her owners in 1919; she was sold to a company in Lowestoft in 1938 and was renamed “Framlingham” (LT252); she returned to Grimsby in 1944 (as GY1) and was based in Milford from 1947; she was broken up in 1952.]

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13 May 1917

At Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36 [estimated]

[Position: At Busta Voe, Shetland Islands]

0.48am: Observed Eshaness bearing S52E. Altered course S45E Full Speed.

1.30am: Eshaness abeam 2.25 miles, altered course S35W.

1.45am: Altered course S50E. Exchanged pendants with HMTBD SPRIGHTLY. 1.50am: Observed Swarbacks Light bearing S50E.

2.23am: Swarbacks abeam. 2.33am: Passed through gates. Courses and speed as requisite.

2.55am: Let go starboard anchor in 16.5 fathoms, veered to 75 fathoms.

3.55am: Finished with engines.

[Anchor Bearings: Busta Flagstaff N84W, Red Light S19W, Free Kirk N79E]

6.15am: Hoisted boats inboard. Lowered seaboats and dinghy.

6.50am: Colliers TYNEMOUTH and NORBURN alongside on port and starboard side respectively.

7.05am: Water boat alongside.

7.35am: Coaling party of 34 men from GIBRALTAR arrived. 7.40am: Water boat left ship.

8.10am: DSB alongside with mails. 8.15am: Cutter away.

8.25am: HMS FIONA alongside NORBURN.

8.45am: Commenced coaling.

[All coaling gear on board and on both colliers examined and found correct. [entry in red ink, signed] WA Hawkes Lieutenant Commander]

[Details of coal received per hour and amount remaining, in am and pm]

1.30pm: Cutter ashore with officers.

6.00pm: Stopped coaling for day. DSB ashore for officers.

6.30pm: DSB alongside.

8.25pm: HMS FIONA proceeded to anchorage.

[Distance made good: 140 miles]

[Number on sick list: 5]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 1457 tons]

[Note: SS “Tynemouth” was a British cargo ship built in Newcastle in 1917 and owned by Burnett Steamship Company, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; she was sold to Capel & Company, Sunderland in 1929 and was renamed “Lord Aberconway”; she was sold to a French company in 1930 and became “Gallois”; she was taken over by the Ministry of War Transport, London in 1940 and was to run aground and be wrecked off the east coast of England in 1941.

SS “Norburn” was a British cargo ship built in Stockton on Tees in 1908 for Norburn Steamship Company, West Hartlepool; she was sold to Coombes, Marshall & Company, Middlesbrough in 1915; in 1929 she was sold to a Swedish company and was renamed “Ella”; she was broken up in 1960 (more details here).]

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14 May 1917

At Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

[Position: At Busta Voe, Shetland Islands]

[Anchor Bearings: Ship's head N30E, Chn [?] Army hut N30E, Busta Flag Staff N74W, Hedyen [Hevden] Ness Light S13W]

2.35am: HMTBD SPRIGHTLY left anchorage.

[Details of coal received from 7.45 - 9 and 9 - 9.45]

7.30am: Cutter ashore. 7.45am: Commenced coaling.

8.05am: Cutter returned.

8.50am: DSB alongside. 8.55 Cutter away.

9.30am: Cutter returned.

9.30am: Held Court of Enquiry about HMT LYSANDER [listed here].

9.40am: DSB away. 10.10am: Ditto returned.

9.45am: Finished coaling total amount received 1200 tons.

10.30am: Collier NORBURN left ship. SPRIGHTLY left harbour. 10.35am: DSB ashore.

11.00am: TYNEMOUTH left for anchorage. 11.05am: DSB returned.

11:35am: Court of Enquiry finished.

0.30pm: SPRIGHTLY returned.

1.10pm: Ditto away. 1.20pm: DSB ashore with officers and 21 Shetland Islanders on leave.

1.35pm: HMS VIENNA and SPRIGHTLY entered harbour.

2.30pm: Tested starboard engine.

8.50pm: SPRIGHTLY left harbour.

9.05pm: HMS VIENNA sailed.

11.45pm: SPRIGHTLY returned to anchorage.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2599 tons]

[Note: HMT “Lysander” was a hired trawler (Admiralty No 255) built in Hull in 1903 and registered as H800; she was in RN service from 1914 to 1919 as a minesweeper and was renamed “Lysander II” in February 1915; she was returned to her owners in 1919 and was registered in Fleetwood as “Lysander” (FD352); in 1926 she was renamed “Sydnelsie”; she was to sink off the west coast of Ireland in 1935 (more details here).]

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15 May 1917

At Busta Voe

Lat 60.38, Long -1.36

[Position: At Busta Voe, Shetland Islands]

7.50am: Cutter away.

8.15am: Ditto returned.

9.00am: DSB alongside with C of E Chaplain.

9.15am: Divisions and Divine Service.

10.30am: Exercised abandon ship. All starboard boats left ship.

11.00am: Boats returned and hoisted.

1.15pm: Liberty men and football party ashore.

4.35pm: SPRIGHTLY left harbour.

5.10pm: Both depth charges tested.

5.40pm: SPRIGHTLY returned to anchorage.

7.05pm: Rear Admiral SM [probably Swarbacks Minn] and party aboard.

8.35pm: Ditto left ship in picket-boat.

9.05pm: Anchor up. 9.15pm: Courses and speeds as requisite proceeding out of harbour.

9.30pm: Passed through gates. Increased to Full Speed. 9.40pm: Set Course N50W. 9.43pm: Swarbacks Light abeam.

10.30pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

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16 May 1917

From Busta Voe to Patrol

Lat 60.67, Long -5.90

[Position: 60 miles S of Faroe Islands]

9.25am: Observed object bearing N15W. Circled round ditto (fishing buoy) and carried on .45 inch aiming from 6 pounders. Speed as requisite.

11.00am: Ceased fire and proceeded N60W ZZ 30 degrees half speed.

pm: Expended: 40 rounds 6 inch practice, 10 rounds 6 pounder practice.

4.27pm: Eased to slow. 4.40pm: Dropped target and circled round. Speed as requisite. Carried out firing with 6 inch practice and 6 pounder ditto and 1 inch aiming from starboard guns.

5.30pm: Observed smoke bearing N42W. 5.45pm: Finished firing.

6.10pm: Target aboard. 6.25pm: Proceeded N50W, MZZ 30 degrees, half speed.

8.00pm: Stopped ZZ. (60 54 N, 8 38 W).

8.20pm: Boarded Steam trawler MAGPIE (GY).

9.00pm: Boat returned and hoisted, proceeded on Course N65W, MZZ.

11.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance run through the Water: 190 miles]

[Distance made good: 151 miles]

[Weather cloudy or fine with light winds, noon temperature 49F, sea temperature 45F]

[Note: For details of ST “Magpie” see 12 May 1917 of this log ;GY1010.]

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17 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.53, Long -13.63

[Position: 230 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

6.20am: Sighted vessel bearing S24W, altered course S65W. Exchanged pendants with French AMC ARTOIS [previously HMS Digby, details here]. 6.35am: Resumed Course N65W.

8.00am: Altered course West. Tested depth charges.

8.45am: Sighted sail bearing S35W, altered course S25W. Increased to Full Speed.

9.05am: Altered course West, eased to slow. Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill.

11.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

2.20pm: Stopped ZZ.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Rigged after steering gear. 5.00pm: Unrigged ditto. 5.20pm: Altered course N82E, commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

9.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

11.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

[Distance run through the Water: 272 miles]

[Distance made good: 232 miles]

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18 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.80, Long -13.33

[Position: 220 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

[A fairly typical day on patrol, all log entries shown here as example:]

0.15am: For Exercise closed WTDs 2 minutes.

3.10am: Exercised guns crews.

6.00am: Altered course S86W, ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

7.45am: Tested depth charges.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill, stopped ZZ.

am; Guns’ crews of watch divisional drill. Gunlayers and Sightsetters sight setting instructions. Boys BL gun drill.

pm: (Expended 26 rounds 6 pounder practice).

4.37pm: Stopped and dropped target. Circled round speed as requisite. 4.45pm: Exercised General Quarters and carried out 1 inch aiming and 6 pounder firing.

6.05pm: Ceased fire, picked up target.

7.05pm: Proceeded N82E slow.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 2 minutes.

11.15pm: Exercised guns’ crews.

[Distance made good: 218 miles]

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19 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.93, Long -13.33

[Position: 210 miles SW of Faroe Islands]

7.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

11.00am: Stopped ZZ.

1.30pm: Observed sail bearing N17W. Altered course N to intercept.

1.40pm: Intercepted Norge barque CLOSEBURN flying flag of day. Allowed to proceed. 1.50pm: Proceeded S71W slow (60 46 N, 13 45 W).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Rigged after steering gear. 5.00pm: Unrigged ditto.

[Distance run through the Water: 241 miles]

[Distance made good: 210 miles]

[South easterly wind force 4-5 to 6 all day, sea rough in pm]

[Note: SV “Closeburn” was a 3-masted cargo barque built in Glasgow in 1881 and originally British-owned; she was sold to a Norwegian company in 1902; in 1921 she was sold to a Swedish company and renamed “Virgo”; she was to be wrecked in the Baltic Sea in 1928 (details here).]

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20 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.77, Long -12.50

[Position: 200 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s Inspection.

3.00pm: Observed Lat 58 21 N, Observed Long 13 1 W.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

[Distance made good: 230 miles]

[Mist or fog on and off all day, noon temperature 53F, sea temperature 48F]

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21 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.17, Long -11.40

[Position: 175 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

11.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

1.05pm: Observed barrel, circled round and carried out target practice from 6 pounders .45 inch aiming.

1.50pm: Proceeded S72W, slow.

pm: Expended 90 rounds 1 inch aiming, 80 rounds .45 aiming.

4.35pm: Dropped target and circled round. Speeds as requisite. 4.45pm: Exercised General Quarters. Carried out firing from all guns with 1 inch aiming and .45 inch.

6.05pm: Ceased fire.

6.45pm: Picked up target. Courses and speed as requisite. Proceeded on Course S85W, half speed.

7.35pm: Sighted sailing ship bearing S85W, altered course S73W full speed to intercept. (58 38 N, 13 6 W).

8.15pm: Intercepted Norge Ship HIAWATHA flying flag of day. Ditto allowed to proceed. 8.30pm: Proceeded N81E, slow.

9.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

[Distance made good: 236 miles]

[Number on sick list: 5]

[Note: SV “Hiawatha” was probably this ship, a three masted sailing cargo ship built in Dumbarton, Scotland, in 1891; she was sold to another owner in May 1917 and was renamed “Fiskjo” and was broken up in 1925 (more details here).]

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22 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.32, Long -10.98

[Position: 160 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

6.15am: Stopped ZZ.

1.25pm: Sighted vessel bearing N76W.

2.00pm: Intercepted Norge barque CLOSEBURN flying flag of day, allowed to proceed (59 8 N, 11 36 W). 2.15pm: Resumed Course S85W.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Rigged after steering gear. 5.00pm: Unrigged ditto.

10.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

[Distance made good: 210 miles

[Number on sick list: 5]

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23 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.08, Long -11.65

[Position: 175 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

7.00am: Altered course S85W, MZZ.

pm: Expended 180 rounds 1 inch aiming, 150 rounds .45 aiming.

4.40pm: Dropped target and circled round, carried out firing from all guns, 1 inch aiming and .45 inch.

6.00pm: Ceased fire. 6.20pm: Picked up target, proceeded on Course S70W.

8.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

9.50pm: Sighted steamer bearing N79E, altered course to intercept full speed.

10.00pm: Intercepted SS COLORADO flying flag of day, allowed to proceed (58 50 N, 12 29 W). 10.10pm: Resumed Course N86E, half speed.

[Distance made good: 225 miles]

[Number on sick list: 6]

[Note: SS “Colorado” was a British cargo ship/collier built in Greenock, Scotland in 1914 and owned by Wilson Line, then Ellerman Wilson Line, Hull; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the English Channel off Devon in October 1917, with the loss of 4 lives.]

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24 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 60.03, Long -8.23

[Position: 110 miles S of Faroe Islands]

4.55am: Sighted steamer bearing N35E, altered course N50E to intercept.

5.23am: Half speed. Exchanged pendants with AMC CHAMPAGNE [previously Oropesa].

am: Gunlayers, Sightsetters and Trainers deflection teacher. Ordinary Seamen 6 inch BL and QF gun drill. Boys rifle exercise. Guns crews morning watch loader.

3.10pm: Altered course West ZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

4.03pm: Passed cask.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters, rigged after steering gear. 5.05pm: Unrigged ditto. 5.10pm: Exercised guns’ crews.

5.24pm: Observed small boat bearing S20W. Altered course to pick it up. Courses and speeds as requisite.

5.35pm: Hoisted boat inboard (no name). 5.45pm: Proceeded on Course West (MZZ) (59 54 N, 7 34 W).

9.30pm: Fog cleared.

[Distance run through the Water: 289 miles]

[Distance made good: 225 miles]

[Number on sick list: 5]

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25 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.95, Long -12.28

[Position: 190 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

8.00am: Altered course S85W. Tested depth charges. Stopped ZZ.

10.50am: Nos 1 and 2 Water ballast tanks filled. RM Infantry drill.

1.08pm: Half speed ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

6.30pm: Altered course N81E, full speed, stopped ZZ.

[Distance run through the Water: 253 miles]

[Distance made good: 207 miles]

[Number on sick list: 6]

[Sea rough all day, mist and/or rain throughout]

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26 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.12, Long -10.87

[Position: 150 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

2.30am: Slow ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

6.53am: Sighted 2 ships bearing S70W, altered course to intercept full speed.

7.05am: Altered course S, intercepted armed trawlers ILLUSTRA [probably Ilustra] and THEBAN (59 30 N, 9 49 W).

7.20am: Slow, proceeded S86W.

Noon: Altered course West (MZZ), 200 revs.

8.20pm: Altered course N81E (MZZ) 180 revs.

[Distance made good: 280 miles]

[Number on sick list: 7]

[Note: ST “Ilustra” was a trawler built in Hull in 1914 and registered in Grimsby as GY127; she was requisitioned in 1914 and in service as a minesweeper until 1919, when she returned to Grimsby; she was to run aground and be wrecked off Iceland in 1920.

ST “Theban” was a trawler built in Hull in 1913; she was requisitioned in 1914, was converted into an Auxiliary Patrol Vessel and was in Admiralty service until 1919; she was to go missing after leaving Grimsby in November 1919 (details here).]

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27 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.92, Long -12.43

[Position: 195 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s Inspection.

0.17pm: No 4 Starboard Ballast tanks filled.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

[Distance made good: 233 miles]

[Number on sick list: 6]

[Mist or fog in am, cloudy in pm]

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28 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.92, Long -12.33

[Position: 190 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

11.00am: No 4 Starboard Ballast tank full.

pm: EXPENDED 48 rounds 6 inch practice.

4.30pm: Dropped target, circled round at full speed. 4.40pm: Exercised General Quarters, carried out firing from all 6 inch guns using practice shell.

5.07pm: Sighted smoke bearing S70E.

6.10pm: Ceased fire. 6.12pm: Sighted steamer bearing N18E. Courses and Speeds as requisite.

6.50pm: Hoisted target on board and proceeded on Course N30W full speed.

7.10pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

7.44pm: Altered course N20W and Exchanged pendants with AMC “ARTOIS”.

8.15pm: Intercepted Russian SS “AUSTRALIA” flying flag of day. 58 42 N, 13 51 W. Courses and Speeds as required, allowed to proceed. 8.20pm: Altered course N8E.

[Distance made good: 229 miles]

[Number on sick list: 6]

[Note: SS “Australia” was a Russian cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1892 and originally owned by Anchor Line; she was sold to a Russian company in 1909; she was to be sunk by a German submarine off the Shetland Islands in September 1917 (more details here).]

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29 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.83, Long -11.62

[Position: 200 miles NW of Outer Hebrides]

9.00am: Altered course S75W ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

4.30pm: Stopped, slipped target, circled round target, Courses and Speeds as required.

5.37pm: Hoisted target aboard and proceeded on Course S75W ZZ (Type IV). Slow Speed.

8.00pm: Altered course S15W. Stopped ZZ.

[Distance run through the Water: 263 miles]

[Distance made good: 228 miles]

[Number on sick list: 7]

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30 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.53, Long -11.40

[Position: 160 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

4.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE IV) increased 180 revs.

6.50am: Observed smoke bearing N14W.

am: EXPENDED 12 rounds 6 inch practice, 50 rounds 6 pounder practice.

9.05am: Intercepted British SS “CLAN MACDOUGAL” [Clan Macdougall] 58 38 N, 11 22 W, allowed to proceed.

9.30am: Dropped target. Courses and Speed as requisite. 9.35am: General Quarters and carried out firing from PII and PIII and 6 pounders.

11.25am: Finished firing. 11.45am: Picked up target and altered course N70E ZZ (TYPE IV 30 degrees).

8.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

11.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 200 miles]

[Note: SS “Clan Macdougall” was a cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1904 and owned by Clan Line Steamers; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Mediterranean in March 1918, with the loss of 33 lives.]

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31 May 1917

On Patrol

Lat 55.52, Long -6.83

[Position: 20 miles N of Northern Ireland]

2.30am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

3.30am: Commenced to take soundings (8c/cr [?] Sounding Book).

6.20am: Stopped ZZ, altered course S8E.

7.00am: Finished Soundings. Tested depth charges.

9.20am: Commenced sounding. Boys to seamanship.

11.00am: Observed land bearing S35W.

11.20am: Finished sounding.

0.35pm: Sighted land bearing S25E.

2.00pm: Rue Point abeam bearing NE distant 1.5 miles.

2.15pm: Passed SS “SAN LORENZO”. 2.17pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS “ANDES”.

2.20pm: Tor Point abeam, altered course S25E.

2.30pm: Passed SS “TACHEE”.

3.35pm: Maidens abeam distant 3 miles.

11.30pm: Observed Skerries Light bearing S62E.

Midnight: Clocks put 1 hour ahead.

[Distance made good: 309 miles]

[Southerly or south westerly wind force 4 to 6 during day, sea rough at 8am and very rough at 8pm]

[Note: SS “San Lorenzo” was an oil tanker built in Wallsend, UK in 1914 for Eagle Oil & Shipping Company, London; she was sold to a Norwegian company in 1928, converted to a whale factory ship and renamed “Ole Wegger”; she was taken by the German Navy in 1941, was scuttled in 1944, later raised and broken up in 1947.

SS “Tachee” was an oil tanker built in Middlesbrough in 1914 for Tank Storage & Carriage Company, Middlesbrough; she was sold to Standard Transportation Company, Hong Kong, in 1916; she was transferred to another British company in 1940 and was broken up in 1950.]

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[Partially completed log page for 1st June 1917 overwritten in red: Cancelled entered in error [signed] RW Goodacre Lieutenant (N)]

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[Log page not filled in]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for June 1917]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

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[Blank page]

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[Page not filled in by signed by Captain Walter, 2 July 1917]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, mostly as before but Thermometer for Sea Temperature now shown as Maker: J Parkes & Sons, Liverpool]

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1 June 1917

From Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01 [estimated]

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

1.00am: Skerries abeam S50E 5 miles.

2.00am: Point Lynus abeam 2 miles.

3.15am: Altered course N83E. Great Ormes Head abeam 3 miles.

4.57am: Bar Light ship abeam.

5.00am: Tender “Bison” alongside with pilot (Harrison).

5.20am: Formby Light ship abeam.

5.45am: Exchanged pendants with Seaforth signal station.

6.10am: Let go port anchor in 13 fathoms water.

[Anchor bearings: Victoria Tower S68E, New Brighton Pier N18W, Wallasey Town Hall S64W].

7.00am: Commenced to heave up. 7.07am: Anchor up. Speeds and helm as per pilot entering dock assisted by tugs “OTTER” and BEAVER.

7.35am: In Sandon Basin. 8.00am: Made fast in ditto.

9.10am: Tugs alongside. 9.30am: Cast off and proceeded into Canada Dock No I berth.

10.30am: All fast. Hands employed landing empties etc.

[Arrival Draught: 24’ 10” Forward, 24’ 0” Aft]

11.30am: Hands muster for payment.

[Canada Dock]

1.15pm: Liberty men ashore. Starboard watch away on long leave.

1.45pm: Breasted ship off to allow coal lighters alongside.

2.00pm: Commenced coaling.

3.00pm: Sub Lieutenant J Collier RNVR joined Ship from Devonport.

4.00pm, 4.30pm and 5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for day. Total received 490 tons.

11.00pm: Breasted ship off to allow HMS CALGARIAN to make fast.

[Distance made good: 236 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 218 tons]

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2 June 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Commenced coaling.

8.20am: Floating crane “SAMSON” alongside.

am: Hands employed returning empties, sponging out guns and cleaning spare parts. Ordnance staff fitting gun shields.

11.00am: Breasted ship off to allow coal barges out.

0.30pm and 1.20pm: Liberty men ashore.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore. Stopped coaling. Total received 650 tons. Received during day 170 tons.

5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

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3 June 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Commenced coaling.

8.30am: RC church party ashore.

9.55am: C of E party ashore.

10.15am: RC party returned.

11.00am: C of E party returned.

1.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

2.30pm: Stopped coaling on account of rain. Total Received 847. Received during day 197 tons.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

5.00pm: J Macdonald Seaman RNR, absentee, returned on board.

5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

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4 June 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

8.30am: Firemen away on long leave.

am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship and drawing stores. Ordnance party fitting gun shields. Chief Gunner’s party cleaning and lubricating guns.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for day. Total Received 1400 tons. Received during day 653 tons.

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5 June 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Commenced coaling.

8.00am: 8 seaman ratings joined ship from Devonport.

9.30am: Floating crane “SAMSON” alongside with gun shields. Ordnance party employed fitting ditto. Hands employed painting, cleaning and drawing stores.

10.15am: POI Williams discharged to hospital, Plymouth.

2.07pm: Crane SAMSON left ship.

6.30pm: 1 Private RMLI joined ship.

10.00am: Stopped coaling for day. Total Received on board 2200 tons. Received during day 800 tons.

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6 June 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed painting and cleaning. Chief Gunners party sponging out and cleaning and lubricating guns and receiving ammunition on board. Ordnance party fitting gun shields.

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon and taking in stores.

6.30pm: Discharged Lieutenant TP Blamire RNR to depôt (Portsmouth).

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for day. Total received on board 3000 tons. Received during day 800 tons.

11.07pm: Fireman absentee, Longworth, returned on board.

[Provisions received: Vegetables: 2500 lbs cabbages, 560 lbs onions]

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7 June 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: In Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

8.00am: Starboard Watch return from long leave.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship and guns, painting gun shields and taking in stores.

9.15am: Discharged 8 seamen ratings to depôt, 7 to Devonport, 1 to Portsmouth and 1 marine to Chatham.

pm: Hands employed provisioning and cleaning ship.

7.00pm: 1 Carpenter joined ship from HMS EAGLE.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 3706 tons]

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8 June 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01 [estimated]

[Position: Between Canada Dock and Sandon Basin, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

5.00am: Finished coaling. Total Received 3365 tons. Received during last day and night 365 tons.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship, landing empties and preparing ship for sea.

10.15am: Pilot aboard.

11.00am: Cast off and proceeded out of Canada Dock, Tugs OTTER, BEAVER and BISON assisting.

0.15pm: Made fast in Sandon Basin.

1.50pm: Cast off and proceeded through Sandon Lock-pits into river.

2.15pm: Let go port anchor in 13.5 fathoms, veered to 75 fathoms cable.

[Anchor bearings: Ship’s Head North: New Brighton Tower N30W, Mariner’s Home N72W, Egremont Ferry S57W]

4.30pm: Tender ashore with postman. 4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised General Quarters.

5.00pm: All clocks put back half hour.

5.50pm: Tender returned.

6.20pm; Exercised Abandon ship stations.

6.30pm: All clocks put back half hour to GMT.

8.50pm: For Exercise closed WTDs, 3.5 minutes.

9.45pm: Commenced heaving in.

10.10pm: Anchor up, proceeded down river. Courses and speeds as per pilot.

10.45pm: Exchanged pendants with Seaforth signal station.

11.15pm: Formby Light ship abeam.

11.50pm: Bar Light ship abeam. Set Course S87W.

[Weather fine in am, cloudy in pm, light winds, noon temperature 73F]

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9 June 1917

From Liverpool to Patrol

Lat 54.68, Long -5.33 [By Bearings]

[Position: 10 miles E of Bangor, Northern Ireland]

1.37am: Great Ormes Head abeam 3 miles.

2.35am: Point Lynus abeam 2 miles.

3.15am: Skerries abeam 2 miles.

5.20am: Altered course N30E. Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

8.00am: Altered course N18E (MZZ). Tested depth charges.

8.25am: Observed Chickens bearing S75E.

10.30am: South Rock Light ship abeam 4.5 miles.

11.45am: Exchanged pendants with Bangor Signal Station.

0.30pm: ZZ Type III 30 degrees, Copelands abeam 5 miles.

0.58pm: Observed airship bearing S50W.

1.15pm: Exchanged pendants with HM ML 249.

1.45pm: Maidens abeam S72W 2 miles.

2.45pm: Exchanged pendants with HMY MONSOON.

3.10pm: Tor Point abeam 0.75 miles. Exchanged pendants with Tor Point signal station. 3.15pm: Altered course N48E. Stopped ZZ.

4.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

5.45pm: Inishtrahull Abeam 1 mile.

5.50pm: Exchanged signals with Malin Head station.

6.40pm [should presumably be 6.04pm]: Malin Head abeam 4 miles.

6.20pm: Exchanged signals with Fanad Head station.

6.24pm: Passed HMT HELCIA.

6.38pm: Fanad Head abeam 7.75 miles.

8.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees). 8.10pm: Tory Light abeam 7 miles. 6.5 miles [sic; both distances shown].

8.45pm: Exercised seaboat’s crew. Closed WTDs for Exercise 3 minutes.

10.00pm: Altered N39W (MZZ).

11.30pm: Exercised gun’s crews.

[Midnight: Log unreliable]

[Course and Distance made good: 169 miles]

[Note: ST “Helcia” was a trawler built in Yorkshire in 1906 and registered in Grimsby as GY152; she was in service as an Admiralty hired trawler from January 1915 to 1919; she was returned to her owners in Grimsby after the war and was to go missing in the North Sea in October 1919.]

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10 June 1917

From Liverpool to Patrol

Lat 56.58, Long -12.92

[Position: 200 miles NW of Ireland]

0.15am: For Exercise closed WTDs 2 minutes.

[1.00am to 3.00am: Log unreliable]

2.00am: Exercised gun’s crews.

5.00am: Eased to Half speed and commenced zz (TYPE III 30 degrees).

5.00am to 5.30am: Passed quantity of floating material. (Bunker hatch, gratings etc.).

5.15am: Hauled in patent log (foul).

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s Inspection.

4.00pm: Altered course N31W (ZZ TYPE III 30 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 2 minutes.

11.00pm: Exercised gun’s crews.

[Distance made good: 296 miles]

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11 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.78, Long -17.03

[Position: 350 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

6.00am: Altered course N66E. Stopped zz. 6.05am: Exercised Emergency sea-boats crew Forecastle watch.

8.30am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees). 8.35am: Sighted vessel bearing N70E.

8.45pm: Exchanged Challenge with HMS “PATUCA”. 9.00am: Prayers and Divisions, stopped and lowered cutter.

9.45am: Cutter returned, set Course N27E, slow speed. 10.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

am: Ordinary Seamen 6 inch BL gun drill. 6 pounder look-outs 6 pounder drill. Gunlayers, Sightsetters, trainers deflection teacher. RMs 6 inch Loader.

0.05pm: Stopped ZZ. 0.10pm: Exercised emergency sea-boats crews Main Top watch.

pm: Junior Officers 6 pounder gun drill. Guns crews forenoon watch 6 inch loader.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters, Exercised collision stations.

[Distance made good: 232 miles]

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12 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.02, Long -17.40

[Position: 370 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

8.00am: Tested Depth Charges.

8.50am: Observed ship bearing S68W, altered course to Intercept S70W, full speed. 8.55am: Eased to slow, altered course N45W.

9.10am: Increased full speed. Courses as requisite. Exercised rate of Change with SS “RIJNLAND” [listed here].

9.35am: Stopped and boarded SS “RIJNLAND” ditto allowed to proceed. (59 0 N, 17 57 W).

10.20am: Boarding boat returned and Proceeded on Course S70E slow speed.

6.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

10.10pm: Observed steamer bearing S43W, altered course S20W to intercept, full speed.

10.35pm: Intercepted MFA [Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary] “NYANZA” flying flag of day. 10.40am: Eased to slow. Proceeded on Course S75E MZZ (58 50 N, 18 1 W).

[Distance made good: 240 miles]

[Note: SS “Rijnland” was a Dutch cargo ship built in Scotland in 1900 for Zuid-Amerika Lijn, Amsterdam; in 1908 she was owned by Koninklijke Hollandsche Lloyd, Amsterdam; she was taken over by the US Naval Overseas Transport Service in 1918 and returned to her owners in 1919; she was broken up in 1933 [more details here].

SS “Nyanza” was a British cargo ship built in Glasgow in 1897 for Maclay & Mcintyre, Glasgow; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off Northern Ireland in September 1918, with the loss of 13 lives.]

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13 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.80, Long -17.43

[Position: 375 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

3.00am: Altered course N71W (ZZ TYPE III 30 degrees).

am: EXPENDED 50 rounds .45 inch.

10.30am: Passed barrel and circled round, carried out .45 inch aiming from 6 pounders. 10.40am: Stopped ZZ.

1.09pm: Sighted ship bearing S15W, eased to slow, altered course S75E.

2.15pm: Exchanged challenge with HMS PATUCA.

2.45pm: PATUCA’s boat alongside. 2.50pm: Boat away with Fleet Surgeon, Surgeon, and SBR [Sick Berth Reserve, or maybe should be SBA, Sick Berth Attendant].

3.00pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite to carry out Rate of Change.

3.45pm: Altered course North MZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

5.40pm: Sent boat to HMS “PATUCA”. Courses and Speeds as requisite.

6.10pm: Cutter returned and hoisted ditto. 6.15pm: Proceeded on Course N64W ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees), slow speed 180 revs.

10.30pm: Altered course S75E ZZ (30 degrees 1 leg only).

[Distance made good: 232 miles]

[Rain or drizzle in am, misty for much of pm, noon temperature 54F, sea temperature 52F]

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14 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.10, Long -17.15

[Position: 365 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

8.00am: Stopped ZZ.

8.55am: Altered course S75E. Tested both Depth Charges.

9.45am: Sighted ship bearing S70E. Speed as requisite.

10.00am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “EBRO”. Eased to slow.

2.00pm: Altered course N79W.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Rigged after steering gear. 5.00pm: Unrigged ditto.

9.10pm: Altered course S75E.

10.00pm: Commenced ZZ (30 degrees 1 leg only).

[Distance run through the Water: 253 miles]

[Distance made good: 225 miles]

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15 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.80, Long -16.15

[Position: 340 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

8.00am: Stopped ZZ. Increased to full speed, altered course N80E. Tested depth charges.

11.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

11.30am: Observed ship bearing S80E, altered course N70E to intercept.

11.45am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “ALSATIAN”.

0.05pm: Seaboat lowered and left with captain for flagship. 0.20pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite.

0.30pm: Boat returned. In company with Flagship conforming to her movements.

2.00pm: Cutter alongside with Vice Admiral and staff and Captain, hoisted cutter aboard.

2.10pm: Divisions and Vice Admiral’s Inspection, presentation of DSM [Distinguished Service Medal] to LS [Leading Signalman] Saunders [Ldg. Sig. Edgar Charles Saunders, O.N. 124595 (Dev.), listed here for 20th April 1917, for services in Patrol Cruisers during the period 1st July - 31st December 1916].

2.45pm: Cutter away with Vice Admiral. Proceeded on Course S45W, full speed. 3.00pm: Altered course S77W MZZ.

5.00pm: Altered course N25E full speed ZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees).

5.50pm: Eased to slow. 5.55pm: Dead slow.

7.40pm: Altered course S63E. Stopped ZZ.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 2.5 minutes. Commenced ZZ (30 degrees).

[Distance made good: 241 miles]

[Wind south westerly then south easterly force 4 in am, north easterly force 5 or 6 in pm, sea rough or very rough from 8pm; weather cloudy in am, misty for much of pm; noon air and sea temperature 52F]

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16 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.33, Long -15.30

[Position: 300 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

3.32am: Observed steamer bearing S22W.

3.35am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “PATUCA”.

3.54am: Course and speeds as required closing on “PATUCA”.

4.10am: Stopped, PATUCA’S cutter alongside. 4.20am: Proceeded on Course N70W MZZ (TYPE IV 40 degrees). Slow speed.

4.45am: (59 9 N, 14 27 W) Passed wreckage apparently of part of ships bridge with bent rails.

9.30am: Altered course N72E ZZ (45 degrees TYPE IV).

3.00pm: Altered course N7W (MZZ 45 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Rigged after steering gear. 5.00pm: Unrigged ditto, altered course N26E MZZ (TYPE III 45 degrees). 5.05pm: Sighted ship bearing N25E.

5.10pm: Exchanged pendant with HMS “PATUCA”.

5.30pm: Observed ship bearing N21E.

5.35pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS “VIRGINIAN”.

6.10pm: Course and speed as requisite closing on “VIRGINIAN”. 6.15pm: Stopped, VIRGINIAN’s boat alongside.

6.30pm: Proceeded on Course S26W MZZ (TYPE IV 45 degrees) slow speed.

[Distance run through the Water: 237 miles]

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17 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 57.98, Long -15.40

[Position: 290 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

8.00am: Tested both depth charges. Stopped ZZ.

10.00am: Altered course N62W (MZZ Type IV 45 degrees). Divisions and Captain’s Inspection. Hands muster by open List.

Noon: Stopped ZZ.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

8.00am: ZZ Type III 30 degrees.

[Distance run through the Water: 236 miles]

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18 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.22, Long -14.68

[Position: 290 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

4.00am: Altered course S65E. MZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

9.50am: Sighted ship bearing S26E, altered course S26E to intercept, full speed.

10.10am: Eased to slow. Exchanged pendants with HMS VIRGINIAN. 10.25am: Proceeded S35W MZZ.

11.10am: Sighted ship bearing S75W, altered course S50W to intercept, full speed.

11.45am: Intercepted British SS MERIONETHSHIRE, allowed to proceed. 59 15 N, 14 41 W.

11.52am: Proceeded on Course S35W slow (MZZ 40 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised Collision Stations. Rigged after steering gear. 5.00pm: Unrigged ditto.

6.00pm: Altered course S80W (MZZ Type III 40 degrees).

9.00pm: Altered course S13E MZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

11.00pm: Altered course N62W MZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

[Distance run through the Water: 240 miles]

[Note: SS Merionethshire was a cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1913 for Cambrian Steam Navigation Company, Cardiff, and launched as “Reptonian”; she was then sold to Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, and was renamed “Merionethshire (III)”; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Atlantic near the Azores in May 1918 (more details here).]

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19 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.12, Long -15.88

[Position: 320 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

3.00am: Altered course N26E (MZZ Type III 40 degrees).

9.00am: Altered course N10E. Stopped ZZ. Prayers. Divisions. Hands physical drill.

am: Boys 6 inch QF gun drill. Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees). FT [Foretop] Training class rifle drill. MT [Maintop] 6 inch gun drill. Ammunition supply party 6 inch loader.

2.00pm: Altered course N26E (MZZ).

pm: Expended 80 rounds 1 inch aiming, 40 rounds .45, 24 rounds 6 pounder practice.

4.35pm: Stopped, dropped target. 4.40pm: Full Speed circling round target. Exercised General Quarters and carried out 1 inch aiming from 6 inch and .45 from 6 pounder guns.

6.00pm: Carried out 6 pounder practice firing from starboard 6 pounder.

6.45pm: Ceased fire. Courses and speeds to pick up target.

7.00pm: Target hoisted inboard. Proceeded N80E, half speed.

8.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

11.10pm: Sighted steamer bearing S70W, altered course S60W to intercept, full speed.

11.12pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS VIRGINIAN. 11.15pm: Proceeded S26W (MZZ) 200 revs.

[Distance run through the Water: 220 miles]

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20 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.12, Long -14.97

[Position: 270 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

[Log just records routine matters as Victorian patrols to and fro in unremarkable weather]

[Distance run through the Water: 258 miles]

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21 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.97, Long -14.97

[Position: 310 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

11.10am: Sighted barrel, circled round and fired .45 inch aiming from 6 pounders.

11.45am: Resumed course N62W. Expended 75 rounds .45 inch aiming.

2.10pm: Observed steamer bearing S20W, altered course S to intercept, full speed.

2.30pm: Observed steamer bearing S15W. 2.40pm: Observed steamer bearing S45W.

4.10pm: Stopped and lowered Port cutter. Boarded SS WAR PATROL (British) steaming in company with SS WAR CROSS. 59 18 N, 14 15 W.

4.45pm: Cutter returned and hoisted. 4.50pm: Exercised General Quarters. Courses and speeds as requisite.

5.20pm: Proceeded S29W, slow.

6.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 40).

[Distance run through the Water: 236 miles]

[Note: SS “War Patrol” was a British cargo ship built in Detroit, USA in 1917 for The Shipping Controller, London; she was to be sunk by a mine from a German submarine off Brittany in August 1917, with the loss of 14 lives.

SS “War Cross” was a British cargo ship built in USA in 1917 for the Shipping Controller, London; in 1919 she was sold to a French company and became “Ars”; in 1927 she was renamed “Cap d’Ailly”; in 1932 she was sold to a Norwegian company and became “Blink”; in 1933 she was sold to a Chinese company and was renamed “Hsin Ping”; she was to run aground and be wrecked off Hong Kong in a typhoon in 1937.]

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22 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 59.70, Long -14.73

[Position: 300 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

9.00am: Stopped ZZ. Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill.

9.30am: Commenced ZZ (Type II 40 degrees). FT Training class 6 inch BL and QF loader. MT Training class ammunition instruction.

11.00am: Altered course S67E (MZZ). Boys medical lecture.

1.20pm: Hauled in and cleared patent log. 1.30pm: Streamed ditto.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Rigged after steering gear. 4.50pm: Stopped.

5.07pm: Proceeded on Course West slow speed. 5.10pm: Unrigged after steering gear.

Midnight: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance run through the Water: 257 miles]

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23 June 1917

On Patrol

Lat 58.28, Long -14.62

[Position: 270 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

am: Gunlayers and men for acting Gun Layer II spotting table.

1.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

6.00: Altered course N25E MZZ (Type IV 25 degrees).

[Distance run through the Water: 228 miles]

[Wind mostly north westerly, force 5 or 6 with rough sea almost all day; weather showery, noon temperature 54F, sea temperature 51F]

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24 June 1917

From Patrol to Loch Ewe

Lat 59.08, Long -11.00

[Position: 150 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

0.25am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “ARTOIS”.

1.00am: Altered course S60E ZZ (40 degrees TYPE III). 1.10am: Increased to half speed.

10.00am: Stopped ZZ. Divisions, Captain’s Inspection. 10.15am: Church.

11.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees).

11.30am: Altered course S70E. Stopped ZZ.

1.48pm: Increased to full speed. 2.00pm: Altered course S60E MZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees).

5.00pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling.

6.45pm: Observed steamer bearing N75E. 6.47pm: Observed 2 steamers bearing S50E.

7.45pm: Observed land bearing S12E. 7.50pm: Observed land bearing S9E.

9.44pm: Observed Butt of Lewis Light bearing S38E.

11.03pm: Butt of Lewis Light abeam 8 miles. Exchanged challenge with Butt of Lewis shore station.

11.20pm: Sighted Tiuampan [Tiumpan] Head bearing S20W.

Midnight: Altered course S18W, ZZ.

[Distance run through the Water: 251 miles]

[Northerly wind force 5 with sea mostly rough until 4pm]

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25 June 1917

At Loch Ewe

Lat 57.82, Long -5.59 [estimated]

[Position: At Loch Ewe, Scotland]

0.20am: Rue Storn [Rhu Stoer] bearing S8E.

1.00am: Altered course S31W. Stopped ZZ.

1.55am: Rudh’ Re Head bearing S20E.

3.30am: Altered course East, Rudh’ Re Light abeam 1 mile.

4.05am: Passed through gate. 4.20am: Let go Starboard Bower anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 60 fathoms cable.

[ANCHOR BEARINGS: Ship’s Head WEST, ALTBEA Pier N18E, N end on Isle of Ewe N35W, Juanlan Mor [Gualann Mhor] N82W.

[All coaling gear on board and on both Colliers examined and found correct. [entry in red ink] [signed] WA Hawkes Lieutenant Commander]

5.45am: Water boat alongside.

6.00am: Port and Starboard cutters and dinghy lowered.

6.15am: Coaling party from shore arrived.

6.45am: Colliers “TOSTO” and “BARMOOR” alongside.

7.00am: Boat alongside with mails.

7.45am: Commenced coaling.

9.07am: Surgeon Ogilvy joined.

[Table of coal received and to come in every hour from 9am to Noon]

11.20am: SS NORWAY entered harbour.

1.30pm: Cutter away with Sub Lieutenant Palmer RNVR discharged to hospital.

6.00pm: Stopped Coaling.

9.05pm: Dinghy returned with mail.

[Table of coal received and to come in every hour from 2pm to 5-6pm]

[Distance run through the Water: 241 miles]

[Distance made good: 216 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 1387 tons]

[Note: SS “Tosto” was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1906 and owned by Pelton Steam Ship Company, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; she was sold to a Greek company in 1932 and renamed “Panis”; she was British owned from 1937 to 1938 and was renamed “Highbury”; in 1938 she was sold to a Greek company again and became “Nora”; in 1940 she was sold to a Swiss company and became “Maloja”; she was to sink in an air raid off Corsica in 1943.

SS “Barmoor” was a British cargo ship built in Newcastle in 1909 and owned by Burnett Steamship Company, Newcastle; she was sold to several different British companies between 1923 and 1938 when she was renamed “Lake Lucerne”; she was sold to an Estonian company in 1940 and was to sink after an air raid in the Gulf of Finland in 1941.

It has not been possible to trace a likely SS “Norway” at this date.]

4caf8c49cadfd341970357da: ( 53-67400/ADM 53-67400-016_0.jpg)

26 June 1917

At Loch Ewe

Lat 57.82, Long -5.59

[Position: At Loch Ewe, Scotland]

[Table of coal received and to come in every hour from 8pm to noon]

6.20am: Coaling party alongside.

7.10am: Hands Commenced coaling.

8.00am: HMS “SAYONARA” alongside SS BARMOOR.

am: Chief Gunners party stripping Breech Blocks Training and elevating gear for 6 inch QF guns. Examining gear for depth charges.

[Table of coal received and to come in every hour from 2pm to 4pm]

4.00pm: Finished coaling.

5.10pm: Colliers “BARMOOR” and “TOSTO” away.

6.30pm: NORG [Norge] SS “SAIMA” entered harbour.

7.30pm: Dinghy away for mail.

10.15pm: ML 177 left anchorage.

[Note: SS “Saima” was a Norwegian cargo ship built in Bergen in 1914 and owned by OW Bergmann, Bergen, until 1917 when she came under the Shipping Controller, London; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off Cornwall in June 1918, with the loss of 16 lives.]

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27 June 1917

At Loch Ewe

Lat 57.82, Long -5.59

[Position: At Loch Ewe, Scotland]

11.15am: Exercised abandon ship stations. Port boats left ship. 11.30am: Hoisted boats.

0.20pm: Trawler “HONEYSUCKLE” [probably PD11 listed here] alongside. 0.30pm: Port Cutter away with officers.

1.10pm: “HONEYSUCKLE” left ship with Liberty men.

2.00pm: Trawlers “QUERCIA”, “DRAGON” [both listed here under Grimsby], “LAGERTA” [probably Lacerta, listed with previous two trawlers] entered harbour.

6.20pm: Trawler “HONEYSUCKLE” alongside with Liberty men.

6.55pm: ML 177 alongside.

9.35pm: ML 177 away.

9.43pm: Commenced to heave in anchor.

9.48pm: Anchor away. 9.55pm: Proceeded out of harbour. Courses and Speeds as required.

10.20pm: Passed gates and Exercised gun’s crews. 10.25pm: Set Course N5E.

10.55pm: Rudth’ [Rudh’] Re Light bearing SE 1 mile.

Midnight: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2687 tons]

[Note: ST “Honeysuckle” may have been the trawler built in Devon in 1903, originally registered in Yarmouth, then registered in Peterhead, Scotland, in 1911 (listed here as 115548).

ST “Quercia” was built in Beverley in 1912 and registered in Grimsby as GY680 (listed here as 132126); she was in service as a hired trawler and minesweeper then escort vessel from 1914 to 1919; she also served in WW2.

ST “Dragon” was built in North Shields in 1906 and registered as GY201 (listed here as 123591).

ST “Lacerta” was built in Selby in 1911 and registered in Grimsby as GY641 (listed here as 132106); she was in service as a hired trawler and minesweeper from 1914 to 1919; she also served in WW2.]

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28 June 1917

From Loch Ewe to Patrol

Lat 59.32, Long -9.43

[Position: 125 miles NW of Outer Hebrides]

0.40am: Tiumpan Head abeam 5.5 miles.

1.50am: Butt of Lewis abeam 9 miles.

3.00am: Altered course N50W MZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

4.00am: ZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees).

8.00am: Tested Depth Charges.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands employed cleaning ship. Hands physical drill. 6 pounder look-outs 6 pounder drill. Guns crews of MW [Morning Watch] 6 inch Loader.

pm: Guns crews of Forenoon Watch 6 inch Loader. Armed guards and sea-boats crew to pistol drill.

4.00pm: Eased to half speed ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

5.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

5.30pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

6.00pm: Observed steamer bearing N65W. Increased full speed. 6.03pm: Eased to slow. Exchanged pendants with HMS “EBRO”.

8.00pm: Altered course N40W ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

[Distance made good: 177 miles]

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29 June 1917

From Loch Ewe to Patrol

Lat 60.95, Long -16.28

[Position: 180 miles S of Iceland]

6.00am: Observed steamer bearing N76E, altered course N75E to intercept, full speed.

7.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees).

7.30am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “ANDES”.

8.30am: Altered course N60E. Stopped ZZ.

9.35am: Observed sailing ship bearing N45W, altered course N47W, full speed.

11.00am: Observed sailing ship bearing N10W.

0.20pm: Altered course N45W. Intercepted Norge Sailing Ship “MARGARITA” flying flag of day. 60 57 N, 16 20 W.

0.35pm: Eased to slow, altered course N30W to intercept sailing ship bearing N7E.

1.35pm: Observed ship bearing N60W. Intercepted Norge Sailing Ship “PAPOSO” flying flag of day (61 4 N, 16 56 W).

2.15pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite.

2.45pm: Lowered boarding boat and boarded Norg [sic] sailing ship “DUNCRAG” (61 8 N, 17 6 W).

3.30pm: “DUNCRAG” ATP [allowed to proceed]. 3.33pm: Boarding boat returned and hoisted. Proceeded on Course N13W.

5.00pm: Altered course N17E ZZ (TYPE IV 30 degrees).

8.00pm: Altered course N13W Straight Course.

10.10pm: Increased to Half speed ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

[Distance run through the Water: 304 miles]

[Note: SV “Margarita” was a 3 masted ship built in Scotland in 1883 as “Turkistan”; she was renamed “Port Crawford” in 1891; she was sold to a Norwegian company in 1909 and became “Margarita”; she was broken up in 1924 (more details here).

SV “Paposo” was a barque built in Hamburg, Germany, in 1885 and was German-owned until 1904; she was then sold to a Norwegian company; on 1 June 1917 she was taken as a prize by a German submarine off Denmark but was later released; she was to be abandoned after flooding in the Atlantic, off the east coast of USA, in February 1918 (more details here).

SV “Duncrag” was a barque built in Scotland in 1881 for a British company in Liverpool; she was sold to a Norwegian company in 1897; she was to be dismasted and towed to Bermuda in 1921, she was then condemned but may have become a coal hulk (more details here).]

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30 June 1917

From Loch Ewe to Patrol

Lat 63.65, Long -22.12

[Position: 13 miles S of SW Iceland]

1.26am: Observed vessel bearing N35E. Increased to full speed, altered course N30E to intercept.

1.50am: Altered course S60E. Fired bank charge. 2.00am: Stopped.

2.30am: Boarded Norg [sic] barque “ELLEN”: 62 24 N, 19 40 W.

3.10am: Boarding boat returned, allowed sailing vessel “ELLEN” to proceed. 3.24am: Proceeded on Course N13W, half speed.

8.00am: Eased to slow. Stopped ZZ.

11.30am: Sighted land bearing N20W. 11.35am: Commenced Sounding.

Noon: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees). Increased half speed.

0.40pm: Altered course West. Straight Course. 1.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

3.05pm: Grenadier [?] Cape abeam 3 miles. 3.16pm: Grenadahuen [?] and Eldey in line bearing S82E (True, Magnetic S78.5E). Deviation 3.5 E.

8.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

Midnight: Observed land bearing N60E (STAALBERG HUK]

[Distance run through the Water: 274 miles]

[Course and Distance made good: 240 miles]

[Note: SV “Ellen” was a barque built as “Spirit of the Morning” in 1864 in Sunderland, UK, and originally British-owned with a number of Liverpool-based owners; she was sold to a Norwegian company in 1896 and renamed “Ellen”; she had a number of Norwegian owners over the years and was removed from listings in 1959.]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for July 1917]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed FH Walter Captain, for Navigating Officer on duty]

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[Blank page]

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[Page not filled in but signed by FH Walter, acting Captain, 6 August 1917]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before, except that Aneroid Barometer, J Parkes & Son now mentioned and Thermometer for Sea Temperature now shown as made by Casartelli Brothers, Liverpool]

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1 July 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.75, Long -23.33

[Position: 20 miles N of NW Iceland]

1.10am: Sighted SV bearing N3E, altered course N5W and increased full speed to intercept.

1.30am: Eased to half speed, resumed Course N36E. 1.40am: Observed land bearing N68W.

2.00am: Altered course N65E ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

4.15am: Staalbierg Huk abeam 10 miles.

8.00am: Eased to slow. Stopped ZZ. Tested depth charges.

9.47am: Sighted vessel bearing East.

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s inspection. 10.03am: Exchanged pendants with HMS ALMANZORA.

10.30am: Sighted vessel bearing E (AMC ARTOIS).

11.00am: Courses and speeds as requisite. Boarding boat away to ARTOIS and ALMANZORA.

11.50am: Boat returned. 11.55am: Proceeded on Course S50E, half speed.

4.20pm: Sighted SV bearing N13W, altered course N20W.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

5.20pm: Altered course East. Eased to dead slow. 5.30pm: Stopped. 5.35pm: Courses as requisite.

6.40pm: Sighted ice field bearing NE.

[Distance run through the Water: 290 miles]

[Fog on and off during day, noon temperature 47F, sea temperature 42F]

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2 July 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.62, Long -22.87

[Position: 10 miles N of NW Iceland]

2.00am: Altered course S57E. Observed drift ice.

11.00am: Observed land bearing S64W.

1.00pm: Observed ice-field to the Northward.

1.55pm: Sighted SV bearing N37W. Altered course N37W to intercept.

2.55pm: Boarded Iceland fishing vessel EA 31 [EA is the registration for Eysafjord, Iceland] (66 56 N, 23 46 W). 3.30pm: Boat returned. Proceeded on Course N37W. 3.45pm: Stopped, altered course S50W.

4.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type IV 40 degrees).

6.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

7.45pm: Observed steamer bearing S73W. Altered course S74W to intercept.

8.10pm: Boarded fishing vessel THJALFE (66 10 N, 24 28 W).

8.50pm: Sighted steam Trawlers bearing S60W. Proceeded S65W.

10.25pm: Boarded steam Trawler ANTONIO (65 52 N, 24 57 W).

11.20pm: Proceeded on Course N36E, full speed. 11.30pm: Eased to slow.

[Distance run through the Water: 235 miles]

[Foggy in am, fine in pm]

[Note: It has not been possible to find information about FV “EA31” or FV “Thjalfe” (or “Tjalfe”; there were other ships of this name).

FV “Antonio” was a British trawler built in Hull in 1908 and registered as H990; she was “HMT Antonio” from 1917 and continued commercial fishing under naval control until 1919 when she was returned to her owners; she was renamed “Gaul” (H465) in 1928 and “Whinnyfold” (H403) in 1940; she was then requisitioned by the Royal Navy in 1942; she was to sink in an air raid off Iceland in 1942.]

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3 July 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.93, Long -24.62 [Cross Bearings]

[Position: 50 miles NW of NW Iceland]

6.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

6.40am: Observed steamer bearing S43W. Exchanged pendants with HMS ARLANZA. Increased to half speed. Courses as requisite.

7.00am: Set Course N36E (MZZ Type III 30 degrees), 240 revs, took station 1 mile astern ARLANZA.

7.45am: Courses and speeds as requisite closing ARLANZA’s boat. 8.00am: Boat alongside.

8.15am: Boat away. 8.33am: Proceeded N36E ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

9.30am: Dinghy away to ARLANZA. Courses and speeds as requisite.

10.20am: Dinghy returned. Proceeded on Course S80W, slow. 10.30am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

5.45pm: Observed ice field to Northward.

7.00pm: Altered course West (MZZ).

8.00pm: Altered course S47E. Stopped ZZ.

10.07pm: Passed a large spar.

[Distance run through the Water: 254 miles]

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4 July 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.75, Long -23.07 [Cross Bearings]

[Position: 20 miles N of NW Iceland]

10.00am: North Cape abeam 9.5 miles.

Noon: Altered course N36E. Observed ice field to the Northward.

4.33pm: Dropped target. Circled round. Speeds as requisite. 4.45pm: Carried out 1 inch aiming from 6 inch and .45 from 6 pounders.

5.50pm: Picked up target. Expended 163 rounds 1 inch, 65 rounds .45 inch. 6.00pm: Set Course N43W, slow speed.

7.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 40 degrees).

9.30pm: Observed mirage of ARLANZA bearing S47E.

10.00pm: ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

[Distance run through the Water: 250 miles]

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5 July 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.65, Long -21.95

[Position: 20 miles N of NW Iceland]

3.00am: Observed ice to the Northward.

8.50am: Exchanged pendants with HMS ARLANZA.

9.45am: Boat from ARLANZA alongside. 9.50am: Boat away. Proceeded N45W, full speed.

10.00am: Eased to half speed. Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

Noon: Altered course N70W, full speed, stopped ZZ.

1.50pm: Altered course S85W. Sighted Danish steamer GODAFOSS ashore (66 26.5 N, 23 6.5 W). 2.00pm: Half speed ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

4.50pm: Stopped, boarded fishing vessel PHONIX (66 3 N, 24 18 W).

5.30pm: Cutter returned. Set Course West, full speed.

[Distance run through the Water: 276 miles]

[Note: It has not been possible to trace an SS “Godafoss” at this date (there were ships with this name before and after this date).

There were a number of Danish ships named “Phønix” at this time (listed here).]

4caf8c4acadfd341970357f0: ( 53-67401/ADM 53-67401-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1917

On Patrol

Lat 65.27, Long -26.00

[Position: 45 miles W of NW Iceland]

9.35am: Heard ship’s siren on starboard beam. 9.40am: Stopped.

10.45am: Exchanged pendants with HMS OTWAY. 10.50am: Cutter away to OTWAY.

am: Boys signal, first aid and seamanship instructions. Guns’ crews morning watch loader.

0.08pm: Cutter alongside. 0.12pm: Ditto hoisted, full speed, Course N74E. 0.30pm: Dead slow.

4.00pm: Commenced sounding. 4.30pm: Stopped ditto.

5.10pm: Courses and speeds as requisite. Boarded Danish Ketch SVANAR (66 0 N, 24 28 W). Sent out fire balloons and carried out .45 inch aiming from 6 pounders.

5.45pm: Boat returned. 6.15pm: Proceeded on Course N74E, half speed.

9.45pm: Observed ice field to Northward. 10.00pm: Altered course S18E, eased to slow.

11.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type IV 40 degrees).

[Distance run through the Water: 226 miles]

[Foggy in am, mostly fine in pm, noon temperature 55F, sea temperature 50F]

[Note: It has not been possible to find SV “Svanar”.]

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7 July 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.57, Long -25.25 [By Bearings]

[Position: 55 miles NW of NW Iceland]

1.50am: Altered course S55W, stopped ZZ.

4.00am: Altered course N16W ZZ (Type IV 40 degrees).

5.20am: Sighted ship bearing SW, altered course S10W full speed to intercept. 5.35am: Eased to slow, proceeded Course N16W (MZZ).

7.00am: Altered course S18E (MZZ).

8.00am: Stopped ZZ. Increased to half speed.

9.40am: Altered course N16W. Commenced sounding.

11.45am: Observed ice to the Northward.

4.00pm: Stopped sounding.

9.00pm: Paid prize money.

[Distance run through the Water: 258 miles]

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8 July 1917

On Patrol

Lat 66.5, Long -24.62

[Position: 35 miles NW of NW Iceland]

2.05am: Observed steamer bearing S80W, altered course to Intercept. Courses and Speeds as requisite.

3.00am: Boarded British SS “STANLEY FORCE” and allowed to proceed (66 19 N, 23 30 W). 3.23am: Altered course N16W slow speed.

5.15am: Ice-field bearing N.

7.50am: Filled No 4 Ballast tank Port side.

9.00am: Commenced sounding.

10.30am: Exchanged pendants with HMS “OTWAY”.

11.15am: Observed smoke bearing N45E. 11.35am: Finished sounding.

3.50pm: Observed schooner bearing S29W.

4.35pm: Stopped and boarded Danish schooner “NAJADEN” [possibly this ship] (65 38 N 24 32 W) and allowed to proceed.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Service.

5.00pm: Boarding boat returned. Proceeded on Course S70W.

5.25pm: Staalberg [Staalbierg] Huk abeam 3.75 miles.

10.00pm: Fog came down.

[Distance run through the Water: 249 miles]

[Weather fine and quiet, foggy at midnight; noon temperature 61F, sea temperature 47F]

[Note: SS “Stanley Force” was built in Workington, Cumbria, UK in 1890, registered in Whitehaven (listed here as 94032) and owned by West Coast Shipping Company (Kennaugh), Liverpool.

SV “Najaden” was a schooner built in Denmark in 1903; she was sold to a Swedish company in 1921 and was to be abandoned after an explosion in the Gulf of Bothnia in 1949 (details here).]

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9 July 1917

From Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 61.57, Long -21.40

[Position: 140 miles S of Iceland]

4.00am: Fog cleared.

8.00am: Tested Depth Charges.

am: Forecastle training class 6 inch BL and QF Loader. Foretop (ditto). Guns crews morning watch 6 inch Loader. Gunlayers, Sightsetters, trainers, Deflection teacher.

11.00am: Exercised guns crews. RMs Deflection teacher.

pm: Junior Officers 6 inch BL and QF Loader. Gun’s crews of forenoon watch 6 inch Loader.

Midnight: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

[Course and Distance made good: 332 miles]

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10 July 1917

From Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 57.77, Long -13.17

[Position: 200 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

5.30am: Exercised gun’s crews and emergency sea-boats crew.

Noon: Altered course S48E (MZZ TYPE III 30 degrees).

4.00am: Increased ZZ to 40 degrees.

7.50pm: Sighted Half a lifeboat (57 12 N, 10 12 W).

11.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

11.55pm: Observed Barra Head Light bearing S63E. Commenced ZZ.

[Course and Distance made good: S84E, 339 miles]

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11 July 1917

From Patrol to Liverpool

Lat 54.97, Long -5.62

[Position: 12 miles E of Northern Ireland]

2.03am: Barra Head bore N69E.

2.33am: Barra Head bore N47E.

7.40am: Inishtrahull Light abeam 8 miles.

9.03am: Observed land bearing S5E.

9.30am: Observed land bearing S10E.

10.25am: Rue Point abeam 0.5 miles.

10.45am: Tor Point abeam 1 mile and Exchanged pendants with Tor Point Signal Station.

10.50am: Exchanged pendants with ML 349.

11.55am: MAIDENS Light abeam 4 miles.

1.00pm: Coplands [Copelands] Light bearing S80W 4.5 miles.

4.00pm: Altered course S34W. Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

7.45pm: Stopped ZZ.

8.05pm: Ordered to stop by Drifter BF 54. 8.11pm: Stopped. 8.13pm: Increased full speed, altered course N80E.

8.35pm: Skerries Light abeam 2.5 miles.

8.50pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS “DISCOVERER”.

9.45pm: Point LYNAS abeam 2 miles.

11.4pm: Great Ormes Head abeam 3 miles.

11.50pm: Bar Light bearing N78E.

[Distance run through the Water: 344 miles]

[Distance made good: 312 miles]

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12 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.01 [estimated]

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

0.35am: Exchanged pendants with examination steamer. Courses and speeds as requisite. 0.43am: Bar Light ship abeam. 0.45am: Stopped and took Pilot aboard.

1.09am: Formby Light abeam.

1.25am: Exchanged pendants with Seaforth.

2.00am: Beaver made fast forward to turn ship (flood tide). 2.15am: Stopped and let go Port anchor (14 fathoms, 60 fathoms cable).

2.20am: Beaver alongside.

3.15am: Clocks put ahead 1 hour.

4.35am: Commenced heaving in. 4.50am: Anchor up, slow speed ahead.

6.00am: Made fast in Canada Lock.

6.25am: Left Canada Lock.

6.45am: Alongside No 2 Canada Dock. 6.50am: Finished with engines. 7.00am: All fast.

[Canada Dock]

8.00am: Postman ashore.

9.00am: Breasted ship off to allow barges to enter.

am: Hands employed stowing away hawsers and cleaning ship. Restowing magazines and shell rooms.

10.30am: Hands muster for payment.

1.30pm: J Hopkinson OS discharged to Hospital.

pm: Hands employed painting boats and drawing stores.

2.15pm: 1 Rating RNR Joined ship from HMS “EAGLE”.

3.30pm: F Lafontaine PO RNR discharged to Hospital. Discharged Fleet Surgeon J Thornhill RN from ship.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore. Discharged 2 firemen ashore.

6.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Distance made good: 188 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 598 tons]

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13 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.01

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

5.30am: Breasted ship off to allow SS CORSICAN out.

7.15am: Coal lighters alongside.

7.45am: Commenced coaling.

8.45am: Discharged 11 ratings to depôt (Devonport): 8 OS RN, 1 LS RNR, 1 AB RNR and 1 Steward.

9.00am: Floating crane Samson alongside to lift SI gun.

am: Hands employed painting boats and davits. Shore gang of 88 men working 4 flats, engaged in coaling ship.

Noon: Hands to dinner. Stopped coaling.

1.00pm: Resumed coaling. Hands employed scrubbing ships bottom, drawing stores, painting etc.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

5.00pm: Ceased coaling.

6.00pm: Resumed coaling.

[Note: SS “Corsican” was a British passenger/cargo ship built in Glasgow in 1907 and owned by Allan Line Steam Ship Company and then, in 1917, Canadian Pacific Steamships, Liverpool; she was renamed “Marvale” in 1922 and was to run aground and be wrecked off Newfoundland in 1923.]

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14 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.01

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Commenced Coaling.

9.00am: Total Coal received on board 650 Tons. Coaling gang of 69 men working.

11.45am: Floating crane left. Hands taking in stores.

1.30pm: Liberty men ashore. Hands employed taking stores aboard.

3.00pm: Ceased coaling.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

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15 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.01

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

8.30am: RC church party ashore.

am: Total coal received 1110 tons. Received last day 460 tons. 84 men working 4 flats.

10.15am: RC party returned. 10.25am: C of E party ashore.

Noon: Hands to dinner. C of E party returned.

1.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

4.00pm: Stopped coaling.

4.30pm and 6.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

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16 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.01

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.15am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed on guns and drawing stores, shore workman employed in engine room and on voice pipes and windlass. Total coal received 1840 tons. Received last day 730 tons, 60 men working 2 coal flats.

1.10pm: Read Warrants 44, 45 and 46. Discharged 3 Privates RMLI to Portland jail.

7.00pm: 3 Privates RMLI joined ship from Plymouth.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling.

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17 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.01

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

7.15am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed on guns and drawing stores. Total coal received 2470 tons. Received last day 630 tons.

9.00am: 11 ratings joined ship (8 boys, 2 OS, 1 AB) from Devonport.

am: Shore workmen employed in engine room and on voice pipes and windlass.

0.30pm: Hove stern off to allow SS SCANDANAVIAN [sic] alongside dock.

4.15pm, 4.45pm and 5.45pm: Liberty men ashore.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling.

[Note: For details of SS “Scandinavian” see 27 March 1917 in this log.]

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18 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.01

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

8.00am: Port Watch returned from Long Leave.

8.45am: Commenced coaling. Hands employed cleaning ship and drawing stores.

am: 32 men working 1 coal flat. Total coal received 2990 tons. Received last day 526 tons.

4.30pm: Finished coaling. Total received 3154.5 tons. Received during day 164.5 tons.

5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

9.45pm: 8 rating[s] joined ship from Devonport.

[Raining during day, noon temperature 67F]

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19 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.01

[Position: Canada Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Guns crews 6 inch BL loader. RM Infantry drill. Boys rifle exercise.

3.55pm: Evening Quarters. Liberty boys ashore.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 3644 tons]

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20 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01 [estimated]

[Position: Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Canada Dock]

8.50am: Commenced to single in.

9.00am: Tugs HARRINGTON, OTTER and COBURG alongside.

9.15am: Let go and proceeded out of Canada Dock.

10.00am: Pilot aboard.

10.45am: In Sandon Basin.

11.15am: Starboard engine broke down, proceeded to Huskisson dock.

0.10pm: Made fast in Huskisson Dock.

3.20pm: Tugs HORNBY, CANNING, OTTER and PANTHER alongside.

4.00pm: Let go and proceeded into Sandon Basin. 4.30pm: Made fast in Sandon Basin.

[Sandon Basin]

4.48pm: Hauled over dock made fast alongside HMS ANDES (West side).

7.45pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Note: Tug “Canning” was built in Scotland in 1905 and was registered in Liverpool in that year; she was owned by Alexandra Towing Company, Bootle (listed here as 120856).]

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21 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00 [estimated]

[Position: Sandon Basin, Liverpool]

[Sandon Basin]

6.00am: Commenced unmooring. Hove ship across dock.

8.45am: Hove ship across dock. Made fast in opposite berth.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship and shifting ship to new berth.

1.30pm, 4.30pm and 5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

11.0pm: Liberty men returned.

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22 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Basin, Liverpool]

[Sandon Basin]

9.55am: RC party returned. 10.00am: Divisions and Divine Service. Reverend Coleman performed Service.

1.35pm: Made fast tugs “HARRINGTON” and “WELLINGTON”. 1.40pm: Let go and proceeded out of Dock.

2.06pm: Through Sandon Lock and let go tugs.

2.40pm: Let go Starboard anchor 45 fathoms cable out in 10.5 fathoms water.

[Anchor bearings: Ship's head SSE, Rock Light S53W, New Brighton Pier S12W, North Wall S62E, South End Dock N75E]

3.20pm: Ship swinging to ebb tide, veered starboard cable to 60 fathoms.

4.25pm: Tug “OTTER” alongside. 4.30pm: Ditto left with 3 discharged firemen. Hove up anchor and proceeded to new berth.

4.40pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 60 fathoms.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Exercised Abandon ship stations.

6.45pm: Commenced heaving up. 6.53pm: Anchor up. Proceeded to new berth.

7.10pm: Let go in 9.5 fathoms veered to 45 fathoms.

[7.10 Anchor bearings: Rock Light S81W, New Brighton Pier S21W, North Wall S84E]

9.20pm: Ship swinging to flood tide. 9.23pm: Tug “OTTER” alongside. 9.25pm: “OTTER” away.

[Note: SS “Wellington” was a tug built in Inverkeithing, Scotland, in 1897 and registered in Liverpool; she was owned by Alexandra Towing Company, Bootle (listed here as 106863).]

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23 July 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.46, Long -3.06 [estimated]

[Position: At entrance to River Mersey]

[Anchor bearings: Ship's head S30E, Rock Light S79W, North Wall Light S82E, New Brighton Tower S33W]

2.2am: Tug “OTTER” made fast alongside for night.

3.00am: Ship swinging to Ebb tide.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill.

10.00am: Ship swinging to flood tide.

am: Maintop Training Class BL and QF Gun drill, 6 pounder drill and Stripping. Guns crews of Morning Watch 6 inch Loader.

pm: Junior officers instruction on magazines.

3.20pm: Ship swinging to ebb tide.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. 5.00pm. Exercised General Quarters.

5.30pm: Clocks put back half hour.

8.45pm: Ship swinging to flood side.

9.00pm: Commenced heaving up. 9.10pm: Anchor away. Proceeded slow ahead and as requisite. In Company with HMS “ORESTES” (TBD).

10.20pm: Formby Light Ship abeam.

10.48pm: Dropped pilot and proceeded at full speed. 10.52pm: Bar Light abeam. Set Course S83W. Closed WTDs. Loaded and brought to half cock 6 inch guns.

11.43pm: Great Ormes Head bearing S73W.

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24 July 1917

From Liverpool to Sydney (CB) [Cape Breton]

Lat 54.87, Long -5.55

[Position: 10 miles E of Larne, Northern Ireland]

0.33am: Great Ormes Light abeam distant 3 miles.

1.37am: Point Lynas abeam 2 miles.

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

8.30am: Stopped ZZ. Tested depth charge.

10.40am: Commenced Soundings.

1.40pm: Altered course N27W. Passed minelayer.

2.00pm: Eased to dead slow. 2.15pm: Stopped, Courses and Speeds as requisite going through Rathlin Sound.

2.53pm: Rue Point abeam distant 0.75 miles.

3.20pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS “BUTTERCUP”. Exercised guns crews. 3.30pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 20 degrees).

4.30pm: Oversay Light bearing N41E, 4 miles. Stopped ZZ. 4.40pm: Oversay Light abeam 2.5 miles.

5.00pm: Put clocks back half hour. Commenced ZZ 20 degrees.

10.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance run through the Water: 192 miles]

[Distance made good: 182 miles]

[Mist or fog on and off all day, winds light, noon temperature 60F, sea temperature 52F]

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25 July 1917

From Liverpool to Sydney (CB)

Lat 57.72, Long -13.50

[Position: 220 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

2.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

3.45am: Sighted HMS “CALGARIAN” and SS “JUSTICIA” bearing SW with destroyer escort.

11.45am: Sighted Rockall bearing S86W.

0.45pm: Rockall bearing S1W 6 miles. Junior Officers Instructions on Smoke box. Gun’s crews forenoon watch 6 inch loader.

5.00pm: Clocks put back half hour. Stopped ZZ.

7.40pm: HMS ORESTES left.

[Distance made good: 331 miles]

[Note: SS “Justicia” was a British passenger ship built in Belfast in 1914 as SS “Statendam” for Holland America Line and completed as “Justicia” in 1917; managed by Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (but Government-owned) she was a troop ship in 1917 and 1918 and was to be torpedoed repeatedly in July 1918, finally sinking north of Ireland with the loss of 16 lives (more details here).]

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26 July 1917

From Liverpool to Sidney (CB)

Lat 56.48, Long -23.08

[Position: North Atlantic, 490 miles S of Iceland]

3.30am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

8.00am: Tested both Depth Charges. Stopped ZZ.

5.00pm: Clocks put back half hour. Warrant No 47 read.

[Distance made good: 322 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Cape Race S62W, 1259 miles]

[North westerly wind force 5 or 6 in pm, sea rough at midnight]

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27 July 1917

From Liverpool to Sidney (CB)

Lat 54.55, Long -31.33

[Position: North Atlantic, 580 miles SE of Greenland]

3.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

4.30am: Stopped ZZ.

am: Forecastle training class 6 inch loader and instruction on smoke boxes. Fore Top training class lecture on Naval discipline. Gunlayers, Sightsetters, Trainers deflection teacher. Guns crews morning watch 6 inch loader.

pm: Junior Officers torpedo lecture. Guns crews forenoon watch 6 inch loader.

4.30pm: Clocks back half hour.

[Course and Distance made good: S68W, 302 miles]

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28 July 1917

From Liverpool to Sidney (CB)

Lat 52.22, Long -39.40

[Position: Atlantic Ocean 640 miles NE of Newfoundland]

5.00pm: Clocks back half hour. Exercised Collision stations.

[Course and Distance made good: S66W, 315 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Cape Race S57W, 636 miles]

[Foggy from noon onwards, wind westerly then south westerly force 5 to 7 with rough or very rough sea in pm; noon temperature 56F, sea temperature 54F]

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29 July 1917

From Liverpool to Sydney (CB)

Lat 49.87, Long -45.40

[Position: 360 miles E of Newfoundland]

10.00am: Divisions. Hands muster by open list.

4.20pm: Fog cleared. 4.30pm: Miss musters muster by open list.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service. 5.00pm: Clocks put back half hour. Altered course West.

[Course and Distance made good: S56W, 272 miles]

[Foggy for most of day, squally south westerly wind force 5 to 7 with rough or very rough sea until 4pm]

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30 July 1917

From Liverpool to Sydney (CB)

Lat 46.95, Long -51.58

[Position: 60 miles E of Newfoundland]

2.00am: Commenced sounding.

2.00pm: Stopped sounding.

3.30pm: Sighted land bearing N15W.

5.00pm: Put back clocks half hour.

5.20pm: Cape Race Light House abeam 4.5 miles.

6.25pm: Signalled Dutch steamer MEDEA.

6.43pm: Pine Point Light house abeam bearing N26E, 3.5 miles.

7.00pm: Altered course N58W. Observed wreck of KRISTIANIA FJORD [Kristianiafjord] 12 miles to W of Cape Race [initialled FHW].

8.51pm: Cape St Mary Light abeam.

[Course and Distance made good: S54.5W, 302 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Sydney Anchorage Indirect 356 miles]

[Note: SS “Medea” was a cargo vessel built in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in 1916 and owned by Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot-Maatschappij, Amsterdam; in 1924 she was owned by a Dutch company in Netherlands Antilles but reverted to original ownership in 1938; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Caribbean in 1942 (more details here).

SS “Kristianiafjord” was a Norwegian passenger ship built in Birkenhead, UK, in 1913; she was to run aground and be wrecked in a storm off Cape Race on 5 July 1917.]

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31 July 1917

From Liverpool to Sydney (CB)

Lat 46.30, Long -59.43

[Position: 20 miles E of Cape Breton Island]

1.00am: Sighted St Pierre Light bearing N30W.

2.40am: Observed Plate Point Light bearing N7W.

2.46am: St Pierre Light abeam 12 miles.

am: Gunlayers, Sightsetters and Trainers deflection teacher. Maintop Training class 6 inch gun drill. Foretop Training class seamanship. Royal Marines .22 rim fire and deflection teacher. Boys’ seamanship and signals. Guns’ crews of morning watch 6 inch loader.

0.15pm: Observed land bearing N80W. 0.30pm: Flint Island Light house bearing S85W.

1.10pm: Flint Island Light house abeam.

2.15pm: Flint Point Light house abeam 1 mile. Courses and speeds as requisite entering harbour.

3.00pm: Let go starboard anchor 8 fathoms water.

3.25pm: Commenced to heave up anchor. 3.35pm: Anchor up. Courses and speeds as requisite proceeding to new berth.

4.10pm: Let go starboard anchor in 9.5 fathoms veered to 45 fathoms.

[Anchor] [Bearings: Ship's head S45E, Pier S40W, Battery Point Light S33E, Point N25W, Point N5E.

5.00pm: Evening Quarters. Put clocks back 30 minutes. 5.05pm: Dinghy ashore.

6.30pm: Sub Lieutenant CATTENBROUGH RNVR joined ship.

7.00pm: Water boat alongside (starboard side).

7.40pm: Hoisted dinghy and cutter. 7.50pm: Veered to 60 fathoms.

[Water boat alongside and leaving port and starboard sides at 8.50pm, 9.10pm, 9.37pm, 10.22pm, 10.50pm and 11.30pm]

[Course and Distance made good: 336 miles]

[Distance: To Sydney Anchorage 36 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2046 tons]

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[Left hand side of Cover of Copy of Log for August 1917]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer Goodacre, as before]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before]

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1 August 1917

At Sydney (CB)

Lat 46.16, Long -60.21 [estimated]

[Position: At Sydney, Cape Breton]

[Water boat leaving and alongside, port and starboard, at 0.30am, 2.20am, 3.30am, 4.00am, 4.50am and 6.00am]

6.45am: Lowered starboard cutter and dingy.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill.

9.20am: DMB [Duty Motor Boat] alongside. 9.50am: Ditto away.

am: Boys boat pulling instruction. RM Infantry drill. Guns’ crews morning watch loader.

11.45am: Cutter away. 11.50am: Dinghy returned.

0.12pm: Commenced to heave in to 30 fathoms.

0.45pm: Cutter returned.

1.20pm: Exercised abandon ship. Lowered starboard boats. 1.50pm: Boats returned.

2.00pm: Liberty to [blank] watch.

2.50pm: Weighed anchor. Shifted berth tug DOUGLAS H THOMAS [which was to be present at the Halifax Explosion on 6 December 1917 and is listed here] assisting.

3.19pm: Tug cast off. 3.23pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms. Veered to 60 fathoms.

[Anchor bearings: Ship’s head South, Battery Point Light (mark) S18E, Pier Point Light S45W, North Coal Jetty N58E]

[Draught] [Forward 26’ 3”, Aft 28’ 7”]

6.40pm: Liberty men returned.

6.55pm: Commodore Coke RNR came aboard.

8.30pm: Hoisted boats.

10.15pm: Commodore Coke left ship.

10.55pm: DMB alongside with officers.

[Distance made good: 36 miles]

[Noon Position] [Sydney Anchorage]

[Weather mostly fine, noon temperature 80F, sea temperature 66F]

[Note: Tug “Douglas H Thomas” was built in 1892 in Maryland, USA and registered in Sydney, CB in 1899; she was owned by Dominion Coal Company, Cape Breton, (listed here as 101291); she was to be severely damaged during the explosion in Halifax on 6 December 1917 but returned to service.]

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2 August 1917

At Sydney (CB)

Lat 46.16, Long -60.21

[Position: At Sydney, Cape Breton]

4.50am: Coal transporter made fast on port side.

5.20am: Commenced coaling.

7.15am: Dinghy away. 7.50am: Dinghy returned.

am: Hands employed painting, cleaning boats and preparing ship for sea. Boys .22 rim fire.

10.30am: Dinghy ashore.

0.30pm: Captains of convoy came aboard.

3.20pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS GLOUCESTERSHIRE.

3.55pm: Lieutenant Goodacre left ship for duty with convoy.

4.15pm: USS DESMOINES [Des Moines] left harbour with convoy.

6.00pm: Finished taking in water total 405 Tons, 330 for boilers, 75 for drinking.

6.40pm: Convoy under weigh. Stopped coaling, total amount in 514 tons.

[Convoy: SS Ramore Head [Ramore Head (1) listed here], SS Maidan, SS Sardinian [listed here], SS Hubert [probably Hubert (2) listed here], SS Romney [Romney (1) listed here], SS Boston City]

7.30pm: Commenced shortening in. Tug DOUGLAS H THOMAS alongside to assist. 7.40pm: Commenced moving out of berth.

8.00pm: Courses and speeds as requisite.

8.20pm: SE Bar Light abeam. 8.25pm: Through gates. Set Course N59E, full speed. 8.30pm: Streamed log.

8.45pm: Flat Island Light abeam.

9.10pm: Observed Flint Island Light bearing S33E.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2458 tons]

[Note: USS “Des Moines” (C-15) was a Denver-class protected cruiser commissioned in 1904; during WW1 she was engaged in escort duties; she was reclassified as PG-29 in 1920; she was then decommissioned and reclassified as CL-17; she was sold for scrapping in 1930 (see also here).

SS “Ramore Head” was a British ship built in Belfast in 1891 and owned by The Ulster Steam Ship Company, Belfast; she was scrapped in 1924.

SS “Maidan” was a British cargo ship built in Glasgow in 1912 and owned by T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool; she was to run aground and be wrecked in the Red Sea in 1923.

SS “Sardinian” was a British ship built in Scotland in 1875 and owned by Canadian Pacific Line (which took over Allen Line in 1917); she was sold in 1920 and hulked at Vigo, Spain.

SS “Hubert” was a British ship built in Glasgow in 1910 and owned by Booth Line; she was scrapped in 1934 in Scotland.

SS “Romney” was a British ship built in Sunderland in 1893 for Bolton Steam Shipping Company, London; she was sold to Transport & Trading Company, London in 1915 or 1916; in 1920 she was renamed “City of Amiens” and was to be wrecked off northern Spain in 1922 (more details here).

SS “Boston City” was a British cargo ship built in Bristol in 1917 and owned by Bristol City Line; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off southern Wales in January 1918.]

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3 August 1917

From Sydney (CB)

Lat 46.43, Long -57.10

[Position: 40 miles SW of St Pierre and Miquelon]

1.00am: Put clocks on 24 minutes.

9.30am: Tested depth charges.

11.16am: Altered course S65E. Commenced sounding. Eased to 140 revs.

0.25pm: Stopped. 0.27pm: Proceeded 140 revs.

2.18pm: Increased to full speed to haul out of line to communicate with SS CITY of BOSTON 5 miles astern of convoy.

3.15pm: Rejoined convoy. 3.22pm: Set Course S66E, slow speed, 140 revs. Took soundings.

4.00pm: Took soundings. 4.10pm: Stopped soundings.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised General Quarters.

5.12pm: Sighted steamer bearing S60E. Hauled out of line to intercept. Courses and speeds as requisite. Intercepted British SS MASKINONGE Belle Isle - Sydney, cargo ore.

6.50pm: Rejoined convoy. Set Course S59E, slow 140 revs.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WT Doors 2 minutes.

11.00pm: Exercised guns crews.

11.45pm: Weather thickened. Midnight: Commenced sounding.

[Distance made good: 137 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Cape Race N84E, 168 miles]

[Mist or fog for most of day, noon temperature 66F, sea temperature 58F]

[Note: SS “Maskinonge” (incorrectly shown on wrecksite as “Maskingonge”) was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1912 and owned by Sydney, Cape Breton and Montreal Steamship Company, Liverpool; she was sold to a Russian company in 1922 and was renamed “Vazlav Vorovsky” (or “Vatslav Vorovsky”); she was to run aground and be wrecked off Washington State, USA in 1941 (more details here).]

4caf8c4acadfd34197035818: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-005_0.jpg)

4 August 1917

From Sydney (CB)

Lat 46.53, Long -52.47

[Position: 30 miles E of Newfoundland]

1.00am: Put clocks on 24 minutes.

1.30am: Stopped sounding.

2.00am: Last heard P.

4.30am: Fog cleared.

6.00am: Commenced sounding.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Boys physical drill. Gunlayers and men for Gunlayer III spotting table. Keeping station half a mile ahead of Commodore of convoy.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Some fog. 4.55pm: Hauled out of line to board SS MAIDAN. Courses and speeds as requisite.

5.00pm: Convoy stopped. 5.10pm: Ditto proceeded 60 degrees, 8 knots. Port seaboat away.

5.25pm: Boat returned. 5.35pm: Proceeded Courses and speed as requisite to rejoin convoy.

6.20pm: In Station. 6.30pm: Proceeded N86E, slow speed.

8.00pm: In station 5 cables ahead of convoy, slight fog visibility 1 mile.

Midnight: In station ahead of convoy.

[Distance made good: 195 miles]

[Another misty/foggy day]

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5 August 1917

From Sydney (CB)

Lat 48.12, Long -48.27

[Position: 210 miles E of Newfoundland]

1.00am: Clocks put on 24 minutes. Some fog.

5.10am: Fog cleared.

10.00am: Divisions and Captains inspection.

Noon: In station 2 cables ahead of Convoy.

1.30pm: Sighted smoke bearing S52E.

4.00pm: In station 3 cables ahead of Convoy.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine service. Sighted Brig bearing South? 20 miles?

8.00pm: In station on S abeam of convoy 2.25 miles

9.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

Midnight: In station on S beam of Convoy 4 miles.

[Course and Distance made good: N61E, 197 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance of R [Rendezvous] 1240 miles]

4caf8c4acadfd3419703581a: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-006_0.jpg)

6 August 1917

From Sydney (CB) to Rendezvous

Lat 50.13, Long -44.38

[Position: 410 miles E of Newfoundland]

1.00am: Clocks put on 24 minutes.

3.00am: Stopped ZZ.

4.00am: In station Convoy on Port Quarter 3 miles.

4.10am: Sighted sail bearing S65E. Increased half speed.

4.30am: Altered course SE and as requisite for SV.

5.00am: Altered course S65W. Intercepted American 4 mast schooner ROSTELLAN bound from Havre to US. 5.05am: Course S65W, speed as requisite.

8.00am: Convoy bore N50E 9 miles.

10.45am: Rejoined Convoy.

Noon: In station with Convoy 3.5 cables on S beam of “MAIDAN”.

pm: AMMUNITION EXPENDED: 80 rounds 1 inch aiming, 40 rounds .45 inch. “SARDINIAN” fired 4 rounds, “BOSTON CITY” fired 5 rounds.

4.00pm: In station with Convoy 14 cables on Port Quarter. Eased to dead slow.

4.30pm: Stopped and dropped target. 4.45pm: Exercised General Quarters, fired 1 inch Aiming from all 6 inch and .45 inch from 6 pounders.

5.15pm: Ceased firing, Courses and speeds as requisite picking up target. 5.22pm: Target inboard. 5.25pm: Half speed and Courses as requisite to rejoin Convoy.

6.35pm: Eased to slow. Altered course N83E. Passing through lines to rejoin station.

7.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type E).

8.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

9.10pm: In station 5 cables ahead of “MAIDAN”.

Midnight: In station 6 cables ahead of Convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: N51E, 197 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to Rendezvous 1053 miles]

[Note: SV “Rostellan” was an American schooner built in Belfast, Maine, and operating from New York; she was to be abandoned in the Atlantic in 1920.]

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7 August 1917

From Sydney (CB) to Rendezvous

Lat 51.83, Long -40.65

[Position: 560 miles S of Greenland]

1.00am: Put clocks on 24 miles. Increased 145 Revs.

4.00am: In station 7 cables ahead of Convoy.

7.30am: In station 6.5 cables ahead of Convoy.

pm: GLs and No 2 fired 5 rounds each from PIII, Acting SGs class fired 5 rounds from PII. Rounds fired 150 1 inch aiming.

4.00pm: In station 15 cables on port bow of K.

4.30pm: Stopped and dropped target.

4.45pm: SS “RAMORE HEAD” fired 5 rounds. 4.55pm: SS “HUBERT” fired 3 rounds.

5.00pm: Exercised General Quarters. Fired 1 inch aiming from all 6 inch guns. Courses and Speeds as requisite.

5.30pm: Ceased firing. AMMUNITION EXPENDED 80 rounds 1 inch aiming.

5.50pm: Target inboard. Proceeded on Course S80E. Half speed to rejoin Convoy.

6.15pm: Passing through Convoy. Courses and Speeds as requisite.

7.05pm: In station 3.5 cables ahead of SS “MAIDAN”, Course N89E.

8.00pm: In station 4 cables ahead of Convoy.

Midnight: In station, 4 cables ahead of Convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: N54E, 175 miles]

4caf8c4acadfd3419703581c: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-007_0.jpg)

8 August 1917

From Sydney (CB) to Rendezvous

Lat 53.38, Long -36.30

[Position: 520 miles SE of Greenland]

1.00am: Clocks put on 24 minutes.

3.20am: N, O and P obscured in mist.

4.00am: In station 5 Cables ahead of Convoy

6.00am: Fog came down Visibility 4 cables.

7.00am: Tested Depth Charges.

8.00am: In station 5 Cables ahead of Convoy.

10.35am: Took station between 1st and 2nd lines. Visibility 6 cables.

10.55am: Exercised guns’ crews. Forecastle men examining fuzes and lubricating shells. Foretop men exam in seamanship. Gunlayers, Sightsetters, Trainers deflection teacher.

Noon: In station between 1st and 2nd lines.

1.00pm: Fog cleared. 1.5pm: Altered course S87E. Stopped Dynamos for 2 hours. Junior Officers rifle Exercise. Gun’s crews forenoon watch 6 inch Loader.

2.30pm: Speed of Convoy 8.5 Knots.

4.40pm: Speed of Convoy 6 Knots.

4.50pm: Stopped to lower Starboard cutter. Communicated with SS “RAMORE HEAD”. Courses and Speeds as requisite.

5.25pm: Cutter hoisted. Proceeded as requisite to rejoin Convoy.

6.5pm: Stopped and lowered Port Cutter and communicated with SS “BOSTON CITY”. Courses and Speeds as requisite.

6.42pm: Cutter hoisted. 6.45pm: Proceeded S87E, slow.

7.00pm: Rejoined Convoy.

Midnight: In station 4 cables ahead of Commodore of Convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: CMG [Course Made Good] N59.5E, 183 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to DR [Destroyer Rendezvous] 698 miles]

[Foggy for much of am, misty in pm; noon temperature 59F, sea temperature 54F]

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9 August 1917

From Sydney (CB) to Rendezvous

Lat 54.55, Long -31.17

[Position: 580 miles SE of Greenland]

1.00am: Clocks put on 24 minutes.

4.00am: In station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

7.20am: Speed of Convoy Increased to 9 knots.

Noon: In station centre of Convoy.

pm: AMMUNITION EXPENDED: 20 rounds 6 pounder practice.

4.00pm: In station Centre of Convoy, altered course SE.

4.25pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite. 4.30pm: Stopped and slipped target. “MAIDAN” and “ROMNEY” fired 5 rounds each at target.

5.00pm: Fired 10 rounds practice ammunition from each 6 pounder.

5.10pm: Cease fire. 5.25pm: Picked up target and Proceeded on Course N88E, half speed to rejoin Convoy.

6.32pm: Courses as requisite rejoining Convoy. 6.40pm: Speed of Convoy Increased to 8.5 knots.

8.00pm: In station 3.5 cables ahead of convoy.

Midnight: In station 5 cables ahead of convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: N69E, 194 miles]

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10 August 1917

From Sydney (CB) to Rendezvous

Lat 56.15, Long -26.25

[Position: 650 miles W of Ireland]

4.00am: In station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

7.20am: Speed of Convoy Increased to 9 knots.

8.00am: In station 3.25 cables ahead of convoy.

4.00pm: Convoy bore N66W distant 6.75 miles.

4.35pm: Stopped and dropped target. 4.40pm: Course and Speed as requisite circling round. 4.45pm: Exercised General Quarters and fired 52 practice rounds (12 BL, 40 QF).

5.25pm: Ceased firing. 5.55pm: Picked up target and proceeded on Course N66E to rejoin Convoy. Convoy bearing N18E 4.5 miles.

7.30pm: Rejoined Convoy, took station 3 cables ahead.

9.00am: Commenced ZZ. Steering badly helm hard over.

11.00pm: In station ahead of P column of convoy. Port Tanks 1 and 2 filled.

Midnight: In station 7 cables ahead of “K”.

[Course and Distance made good: N60E, 193 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to Rendezvous 313 miles]

[Wind mostly northerly force 4 to 5 in am, force 4 to 6 in pm, sea rough at noon, rough or very rough from 8pm; weather mostly cloudy]

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11 August 1917

From Sydney (CB)

Lat 56.97, Long -20.93

[Position: 500 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

1.00am: Clocks put on 24 minutes.

4.00am: In station ahead of Ramore Head.

6.50am: Took station between first and second lines of Convoy.

8.00am: In station ahead of Convoy between first and second lines.

11.00am: Speed of Convoy Increased to 9 knots. 11.15am: Stationed 3 cables ahead of Convoy.

3.00pm: Convoy commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

4.00pm: In station 11 cables ahead of Convoy.

6.00pm: In station 10 cables ahead of Convoy.

8.00pm: Convoy stopped ZZ. Speed of Convoy 8 knots. In station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

Midnight: In station 6 cables ahead of Convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: N74E, 183 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to Rendezvous 129 miles]

[North westerly then north easterly wind force 6 with very rough or rough sea until 8am; wind and sea decreased during day but sea rough again at midnight]

4caf8c4acadfd34197035820: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-009_0.jpg)

12 August 1917

From Sydney (CB) to Liverpool

Lat 56.68, Long -15.33

[Position: 290 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

2.20am: Exchanged pendants with escort viz HMS PLUCKY, OSSARY, MEDINA, ROSEMARY, DELPHINIUM and LABURNAM.

4.00am: In station 6 cables ahead of convoy. Speeds as requisite.

5.25am: Put bridge clock on 24 minutes. Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

6.00am: Stopped ZZ. Circled round convoy.

6.45am: Stopped, sent boat to PLUCKY for despatches.

7.05am: Boat returned and hoisted. Courses and speeds as requisite, ZZ (Type III 30 degrees) ahead of convoy.

10.00am: ZZ (Type III 40 degrees) slow speed. Put clocks on 24 minutes. Divisions and Captain’s Inspection.

11.55am: Half speed. Ship circling round.

Noon: Convoy bore N20W 4.5 miles.

0.30pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 60 degrees).

1.00pm: Circled round. 1.12pm: Resumed Course S64E (ZZ 60 degrees).

1.30pm: ZZ (Type III 50 degrees).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service. ZZ about 5 miles ahead of convoy.

7.30pm: Convoy bore N58W about 6 miles.

9.00pm: Speed of convoy 8 knots.

9.30pm: ZZ (Type III 50 degrees).

10.00pm: Convoy stopped ZZ. ZZ (Type III 20 degrees).

Midnight: In station ahead of convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: S85E, 175 miles]

[Distance: To Liverpool 529 miles]

4caf8c4acadfd34197035821: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-009_1.jpg)

13 August 1917

From Sydney (CB) to Liverpool

Lat 56.43, Long -9.70

[Position: 80 miles SW of Outer Hebrides]

4.00am: Convoy Commenced ZZ (Type III 50 degrees). Increased to half speed.

8.00am: Convoy bore S79W 8.25 miles. Tested depth charges.

11.00am: Set Course S45E, half speed. 11.30am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

Noon: In station on port beam of convoy.

1.30pm: ZZ (Type III 50 degrees). Convoy bore S66W 2.25 miles.

3.05pm: Sighted derrick resembling a periscope (56 13 N, 8 52 W). Opened fire. Course and speeds as requisite. 3.10pm: Ceased fire. Expended 1 round 6 inch lydite [lyddite], 4 rounds 6 inch common and 2 6 pounder common.

3.30pm: Proceeded S45E. 3.35pm: Passed wreckage bearing name SKJOLD [a sailing vessel of this name was sunk on 21 April 1917; details here]. 3.50pm: Full Speed.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised abandon ship; set sail in all boats.

5.00pm: Convoy bore N65W, 3.25 miles.

6.00pm: Convoy bore N30W 5 miles.

8.00pm: Convoy bore N75W 3 miles. 8.10pm: Observed land bearing S10W.

10.20pm: Sighted Oversay Light bearing S63E.

11.00pm: Oversay Light bore S61E 19 miles. Inishtrahull Light bearing S35W.

Midnight: In station ahead of convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: S85E, 187 miles]

[Distance: To Liverpool 340 miles]

[Note: SV “Skjold” was a Norwegian barque built in 1891 in Scotland; she had various Norwegian owners and was sunk WNW of Fastnet (off southern Ireland) by gunfire from a German submarine on 21 April 1917.]

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14 August 1917

From Sydney (CB) to Liverpool

Lat 53.47, Long -5.43

[Position: 30 miles NW of Holyhead, Wales]

0.35am: Altered course South. Increased to full speed, left convoy. 0.46am: Oversay abeam.

1.5am: Inistrahull [sic] abeam. 1.35am: Observed Rathlin Island bearing S30E.

3.00am: Passing through Rathlin Sound. Courses as requisite. 3.10am: Rue Point abeam, altered course S50E.

4.47am: Maidens abeam 4.5 miles.

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

6.00am: Copelands bore S57W 5 miles.

7.00am: Mull of Galloway abeam 11.5 miles, altered course S18W.

9.15am: Chickens bearing S67E.

am: Hands preparing ship for harbour. Lieutenant HA Wheable was reprimanded by Captain for improperly performing his duties as Officer of Watch [signed] HA Wheable Lieutenant RNR.

1.35pm: Commenced sounding. Stopped ZZ. Eased to half speed. 1.40pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS ALSATIAN.

2.15pm: Stopped. Communicated with a trawler. 2.20pm: Half speed.

2.50pm: Observed land bearing S48W.

3.20pm: Point Lynas abeam 1.5 miles.

4.17pm: Exchanged pendants with Great Ormes Head Signal Station.

5.00pm: Observed Bar Light ship bearing N82E. 5.10pm: In boats.

5.30pm: Exchanged pendants with HMS MINOTAUR. 5.35pm: Courses and speeds as requisite. 5.45pm: All guns unloaded.

5.50pm: Bar Light ship abeam. 5.55pm: Picked up Pilot. 6.00pm: Exercised General Quarters, returned ammunition.

6.07pm: Formby Light abeam.

7.10pm: Let go port anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 45 fathoms.

[Arrival Draught: Forward 27’ 6”, Aft 25’ 0”]

8.00pm: Tugs Bison, Otter, Beaver and Panther alongside. 8.05pm: Commenced shortening in. 8.10pm: Anchor aweigh.

8.37pm: Through lock-pits.

9.00pm: Made fast in Sandon Basin.

10.15pm: Cast off. Proceeded into Huskisson Dock.

11.15pm: Made fast in Huskisson Dock.

[Distance made good: 262 miles]

[Distance: Liverpool 91 miles]

[Weather calm, noon temperature 63F, sea temperature 57F]

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15 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01 [estimated]

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

8.30am: Chief Gunners party cleaning guns.

9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed preparing ship for coaling and returning empties etc.

11.00am: Commenced to shift ship. Shifted ship further down dock. 11.15am: Made fast. 11.30am: Hands muster for payment.

pm: Hands turn to and employed as above. Starboard watch (Liberty men) on 5 days leave.

1.15pm: Coal lighters alongside. 1.45pm: Breasted off ship.

3.45pm: Liberty men ashore (firemen).

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore and Marines.

5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Distance made good: 91 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 1135 tons]

4caf8c4acadfd34197035824: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-011_0.jpg)

16 August 1917

At Liverpool [though not stated at top of page]

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Hands employed returning empties and painting.

8.00am: Rounds Correct. Hands taking in stores.

8.30am: Commenced coaling 37 men working 2 flats.

9.00am: 4 ratings discharged from ship to RN Barracks, DEVONPORT.

11.10am: Breasted ship off to allow coal barge to come alongside.

pm: Hands employed stowing magazines.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

5.15pm: Shifted ship further down dock.

6.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

7.00pm: 4 Stokers joined ship from HMS “EAGLE”.

9.45pm: Finished coaling for day.

4caf8c4acadfd34197035825: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-011_1.jpg)

17 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

7.30am: Commenced coaling Working 3 flats.

am: Chief Gunners party cleaning guns. Total coal in up till 9.0am 410 Tons, 70 men working. Hands chipping and painting ships side.

pm: Hands employed painting and chipping.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

8.45pm: 3 stokers joined from HMS EAGLE.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling.

4caf8c4acadfd34197035826: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-012_0.jpg)

18 August 1917

At Liverpool [though not stated at top of page]

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

7.00am: Commenced coaling. Breasted ship off to allow coal barge to get out. 7.15am: Hove ship alongside wharf.

7.30am: 4 ratings (boys) joined ship from (DEVONPORT). 48 men working in two flats.

9.00am: Amount of coal in 1103 tons.

am: Hands chipping and painting ship.

11.30am: Coaling completed. Total received on board 1452 TONS.

1.05pm: Liberty men ashore and Commenced coaling.

3.30pm: Stopped coaling. Tons received on board 1452 tons.

4.00pm: Coal barges left. Rounds correct.

4.30pm and 5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

4caf8c4acadfd34197035827: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-012_1.jpg)

19 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

6.00am: Harland and Wolf's [Wolff’s] painters and carpenters commenced marking off and painting ship (dazzle pattern).

7.30am: RC party ashore.

10.10am: RC Party returned. 10.15am: C of E party left ship.

Noon: C of E party returned.

1.00pm: Liberty men ashore. Harland and Wolf's men employed as in forenoon.

4.30pm and 5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

4caf8c4acadfd34197035828: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-013_0.jpg)

20 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned.

am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship and taking in stores. Harland and Wolf men employed as on previous day.

3.30pm: Commenced shifting ship into new berth astern. 4.00pm: All fast.

7.00pm: Two boys joined ship from Devonport.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2536 tons]

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21 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

8.00am: Starboard watch returned from long leave.

am: Harland and Wolf's’ men painting ship Razzle Dazzle. Hands employed cleaning ship.

10.30am: Port watch away on long leave. Chief gunners party cleaning and lubricating guns.

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. Ordnance party running back 6 inch QF guns.

4caf8c4acadfd3419703582a: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

8.00am: Total coal on board 2526 tons (midnight 21st-22nd).

am: Harland and Wolf's men painting ship. Hands employed cleaning ship. Chief Gunners party cleaning and lubricating guns.

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23 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf’s men painting ship. Hands employed painting and getting stores on board. Ordnance party dismounting and over-hauling 6 inch QF guns.

8.40pm: 16 Signal ratings joined ship from depôt (Devonport).

4caf8c4acadfd3419703582c: ( 53-67402/ADM 53-67402-015_0.jpg)

24 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

am: Harland and Wolf's men painting ship. Hands employed painting, refitting and receiving stores. Ordinance party dismounting and overhauling 6 inch QF guns.

10.30am: 2 Ordinary Seamen and 1 Stoker joined ship, for passage to HMS NIOBE.

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25 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. Harland and Wolf's men painting ship.

9.00am: 16 Signal ratings discharged to HMS GLOUCESTERSHIRE.

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26 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and taking sand on board.

8.00am: 1 OS and 1 boy joined ship from HMS VIVID.

8.30am: RC church party ashore.

9.45am: Divisions. 10.00am: Divine Service.

10.25am: RC party returned.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Provided ready use ammunition.

9.00pm: Liberty men returned.

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27 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.44, Long -3.02 [estimated]

[Position: In River Mersey, Liverpool]

3.00am: Tugs alongside BEAVER, BISON and OTTER.

3.25am: Cast off.

4.00am: Through Huskisson Lock pits. 4.35am: Made fast alongside HMS ISIS in basin.

5.50am: Let go and proceeded into river.

6.10am: Courses and speeds as requisite. 6.30am: Let go port anchor in 13 fathoms veered to 60 fathoms.

[Anchor Bearings: Rock Light N33W, Egremont S32W, Victoria Tower S17E, Ship's head SWxS]

8.50am: Bison alongside. Tested depth charges. Hands employed cleaning ship.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill.

11.00am: Exercised General Quarters.

pm: Hands employed returning ammunition and preparing for docking.

2.30pm: Ship swing to flood tide.

[Anchor Bearings] [Ship’s Head N13E. New Brighton Tower N44W, Egremont Ferry S40W, Victoria Tower S21E]

5.00pm: Commenced heaving in. 5.16pm: Anchor aweigh, proceeded into dock tugs BISON, BEAVER and OTTER assisting.

6.20pm: Made fast in Sandon Basin alongside HMS ISIS.

8.06pm: Cast off and proceeded into Huskisson dock.

8.55pm: All fast in Huskisson No 3 berth.

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28 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01 [estimated]

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

am: Chief Gunner’s party restowing magazines and shell rooms. Remainder of hands employed on various duties.

4.15pm, 4.30pm and 5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

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29 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Shore workmen employed in engine room.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill. Boys squad drill. POI Adams and 1 OS Discharged to depôt.

4.00pm: Rounds correct. Liberty men ashore.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

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30 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

8.30am: Shore hands employed in engine room.

1.00pm: Shifted ship one berth ahead.

2.20pm: Made fast.

3.30pm: Steam Crane “SAMSON” alongside.

4.00pm: Rounds correct. Liberty men ashore.

4.50pm: “SAMSON” left.

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31 August 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

8.30am: Shore hands employed in engine room.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship and taking in stores.

10.20am: 1 Boy joined ship from depôt.

0.30pm: Payment of all hands.

1.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

4.00pm: Rounds correct. Liberty men ashore.

5.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for September 1917]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

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[Blank page]

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[Page not filled in but signed by Captain, 30 September 1917]

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[Page with details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before]

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1 September 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Shore hands employed in engine room.

11.00am: Hands taking in stores.

1.00pm, 4.30pm and 5.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

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2 September 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned.

8.30am: RC church party ashore.

10.00am: Divisions. 10.15am: C of E party ashore. 10.20am: RC party returned.

10.45am: Sub Lieutenant Grey RNVR joined ship. Engineer Sub Lieutenant Johnston RN joined ship for passage to HMS DONEGAL.

0.10pm: C of E party returned.

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3 September 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

am: Hands employed painting ship. Shore workmen employed in engine room. Chief Gunner’s party sponging out and working all guns.

1.00pm: Breasted off ship to allow barge alongside.

1.45pm: All fast. Hands employed as in forenoon.

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4 September 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

8.00am: Starboard Watch returned from long leave.

am: Chief Gunner’s party sponging out and lubricating guns. Hands employed painting ship. Received 18 bags of mail (confidential) for passage to Halifax. Ordinary Seamen rifle Exercise; boys seamanship.

pm: Chief Gunner’s party painting guns.

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5 September 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

am: Hands employed getting on board stores, painting and refitting. Chief Gunners party employed on guns. Ordinary Seamen and Boys rifle exercise.

4.00pm: Rounds correct. 2 trimmers joined ship from HMS EAGLE.

7.00pm: Discharged Lieutenant RS Davies RNR to HMS MAIDSTONE.

11.40pm: 20 signal ratings joined ship for passage, from RN Barracks Chatham.

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6 September 1917

At Liverpool [and at Sea]

Lat 53.43, Long -3.01

[Position: At Huskisson Dock, Liverpool]

[Huskisson Dock]

am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea.

2.20pm: Tugs “Otter”, “Beaver” and “Bison” made fast. 2.25pm: Let go and proceeded out of dock.

3.10pm: Made fast in Canada Lock. 3.25pm: Let go and proceeded into river.

3.40pm: Engines and Courses as requisite.

4.00pm: Exchanged pendants with Seaforth Signal Station.

4.10pm: Formby Light abeam.

4.20pm: Crosby Light abeam.

4.27pm: Dropped pilot.

4.30pm: Clocks put back half hour. 4.33pm: Bar Light abeam. Set Course S86W, full speed.

5.00pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised General Quarters and Abandon ship stations.

6.05pm: Altered course N58W.

6.25pm: Lynas Point abeam 2.5 miles. 6.30pm: Clocks put back half hour. Altered course N63W. Closed WTDs.

6.45pm: Skerries bearing S79W. 7.05pm: Skerries abeam 2.5 miles.

8.55pm: Altered course S16W.

10.30pm: Commenced ZZ (Type III 20 degrees).

10.53pm: Fog came down. 11.0pm: Stopped ZZ.

Midnight: Altered course S40W. Fog cleared. Commenced ZZ 20 degrees.

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7 September 1917

From Liverpool [at Sea]

Lat 50.73, Long -7.70

[Position: 75 miles S of Southern Ireland]

0.15am: For Exercise closed WTDs 2.5 minutes.

3.00am: Observed Tuskar Light bearing N79W.

3.45am: Tuskar Light abeam.

4.00am: Commenced ZZ (Type III 30 degrees).

5.00am: Stopped ZZ. 5.15am: Exchanged pendants with HMS ANTRIM and US destroyers JACOB JONES and PAULDING.

5.45am: Altered course S60W. Commenced ZZ (convoy type).

6.30am: In station 6 cables on port beam of ANTRIM.

8.00am: Tested depth charges.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill. Ordinary Seamen gunnery exam.

10.20am: Destroyer reported submarine 2000 yards astern of VICTORIAN, altered course 8 points to port. Action stations. 10.50am: Resumed Course and station. Boys 6 inch BL gun drill. Royal Marines army signals.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised General Quarters and abandon ship stations, made sail in all boats.

5.30pm and 6.30pm: Clocks put back half hour.

6.55pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Course and Distance made good: 284 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: To 48.5N, 17W, S69.5W, 385 miles]

[Note: USS “Jacob Jones” (DD-61) was a Tucker-class destroyer commissioned in 1916 and patrolled out of Queenstown, Ireland, from May 1917; she was to be torpedoed and sunk south of the Scilly Islands by a German submarine on 6 December 1917, with the loss of some 66 lives (more details here and here).

USS “Paulding” (DD-22) was a Paulding-class destroyer commissioned in 1910 and was based in Queenstown for part of 1917; she was decommissioned in 1919 but remained in the Reserve Fleet until transferring to the Coast Guard in 1924; she returned to the Reserve Fleet in 1930 and was scrapped in 1934 (see also here).]

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8 September 1917

From Liverpool [at Sea]

Lat 48.75, Long -15.67

[Position: 315 miles SW of southern Ireland]

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

am: Gunlayers and men for GL III spotting table. Guns’ crews morning watch loader.

3.35pm: Altered course N63W, MZZ. Destroyers left. Parted company with ANTRIM.

5.30pm: Clocks put back half hour.

8.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Course and Distance made good: S68.5W, 330 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: To 48.5N, 17W, S74W, 55 miles]

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9 September 1917

From Liverpool [at Sea]

Lat 48.62, Long -23.60

[Position: 630 miles SW of southern Ireland]

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

10.00am: Divisions and Captains Inspection.

2.20pm: Stopped ZZ. Fog came down.

4.00pm: Commenced ZZ. 4.20pm: Stopped ZZ.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service. 4.56pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

5.30pm: Clocks put back half hour.

7.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 314 miles]

[Mist, fog or rain in pm, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 60F]

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10 September 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax (NS)

Lat 48.65, Long -31.13

[Position: 1000 miles E of Newfoundland]

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy TYPE).

3.20pm: Sighted sailing ship bearing N15W.

4.00pm: Altered course North to Intercept sailing ship. Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

5.00pm: Clocks back 30 minutes. Boarded sailing ship ALMORA (Norge) ([Lat] 48 42 N, [Long] 32 27 W).

5.35pm: Boarding cutter returned and proceeded on Course N71W. Half speed.

7.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Course and Distance made good: N89.5W, 300 miles]

[Note: SV Almora was a barque built in Scotland in 1893 and initially British-owned; she was sold to a Norwegian company in 1910; she was to be condemned after storm damage in 1921.]

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11 September 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax (NS)

Lat 48.03, Long -37.90

[Position: 690 miles E of Newfoundland]

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

8.00am: Stopped ZZ. Tested Depth Charges.

am: Acting SGs men for GL III and [at] 6 inch gun drill. 6 pounder lookouts and Sight Setters sightsetting. Royal Marines Instruction on magazines.

pm: Guns crews forenoon watch 6 inch loader. Seaboats crew and Armed Guards Instruction on Ross rifles.

5.30pm: Clocks back half hour.

[Course and Distance made good: S83W, 270 miles]

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12 September 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax (NS)

Lat 46.8, Long -44.6 [Long corrected from N to W]

[Position: 380 miles E of St Johns, New Brunswick]

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy TYPE).

7.0am: Fog (visibility 1 mile).

8.00am: Stopped ZZ. Heard sailing ship’s fog horn Port beam.

10.00am: Fog lifted, Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type). Acting Seaman Gunner’s class for GL III shipping 6 inch breech block. Boys seamanship.

11.30am: Exercised guns crews. Gun’s crews Morning Watch 6 inch Loader.

Noon: Commenced Sounding, altered course N76W, stopped ZZ.

pm: Junior Officers Instruction on Ross rifle. Gun’s crews forenoon watch 6 inch Loader.

2.00pm: Finished sounding.

2.54pm: Position observed 46 49 N, 45 24 W.

3.25pm: Fog, visibility .75 miles. 3.55pm: Fog lifted.

4.35pm: Stopped. Courses and Speeds as required. 4.40pm: Dropped target full speed ahead. 4.45pm: General Quarters Exercised, carried out 1 inch aiming from all 6 inch guns and .45 from Port 6 pounder.

5.30pm: Clocks put back half hour. Ceased fire. Courses and Speeds as requisite picking up target.

5.50pm: Target inboard, full speed ahead. Proceeded on Course N79W, half speed.

[Course and Distance made good: S74.5W, 281 miles]

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13 September 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax (NS)

Lat 45.37, Long -51.00

[Position: 130 miles SE of Newfoundland]

5.00pm: Sighted sailing ship bearing N30E. Exercised guns crews and Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

Noon: Stopped ZZ.

0.08pm: Sighted sailing ship bearing N60W.

0.45pm: Altered course W to Intercept. 0.50pm: Altered course S45W and eased to Dead slow. Exercised gun’s crews. Allowed “JOHN LLEWLYN” (British schooner) [John Llewelyn listed here] to proceed.

1.02pm: Increased to full speed on Course N66W. 1.10pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type): [Lat] 45 19 N, [Long] 51 13 W.

4.40pm: Sighted sailing ship bearing N80W.

5.30pm: Clocks back half hour.

7.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

[Distance made good: 281 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to Halifax Anchorage 546 miles]

[Note: SV “John Llewelyn” was a schooner built in Portmadoc, Wales, in 1904 and registered in Caernarvon in that year; she was registered at St Johns, Newfoundland, in 1918 and was to be lost off Labrador in 1928 (more details here).]

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14 September 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax (NS)

Lat 44.83, Long -59.15

[Position: 90 miles SE of Nova Scotia]

0.30am: Sighted light bearing N20E.

5.00am: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees). Exercised guns crews.

6.08am: Sighted vessel bearing S81W.

7.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

Noon: Stopped ZZ.

1.00pm: Commenced ZZ (TYPE III 30 degrees).

4.30pm: Stopped and dropped target. 4.45pm: Exercised General Quarters and circled round target. 4.50pm: Carried out 1 inch aiming from 6 inch guns and 0.45 from 6 pounders.

5.40pm: Ceased fire.

6.00pm: Stopped and hoisted target inboard and Proceeded on Course N76W MZZ (TYPE III 40 degrees), full speed.

11.00pm: Stopped ZZ. Reduced to slow.

[Course and Distance made good: S84.5W, 347 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to Halifax Outer buoy 181 miles]

[Weather mostly fine and quiet, noon temperature 63F, sea temperature 59F]

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15 September 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax (NS) [and at Halifax]

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56 [estimated]

[Position: At Halifax Harbour]

2.20am: Sighted Sambis [Sambro] Island Light N72W.

3.10am: Sighted Chebucto light bearing N63W.

6.22am: Through first gate. 6.30am: Through second gate. Speeds as required.

6.45am: Let go both anchors in 12 fathoms of water and moored 60 fathoms cable on each anchor.

[Anchor bearings: Ship's head N46E, Exhibition building N1W, Flagstaff S64W, High Chimney S41.5E]

[Draught: Forward 22’ 10”, Aft 27’ 10”]

9.00am: Discharged 1 steward to hospital. Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill.

9.35am: Cutter away with bags. Discharged Gunner O’Reilly to HMS “NIOBE”.

10.15am: “Coastguard” alongside.

10.35am: Coal barge (No 8) alongside (Starboard).

10.50am: Coal elevator alongside Port side.

0.30pm: Discharged Engineer Sub Lieutenant Johnston RN and 3 signal ratings to HMS “NIOBE”.

1.00pm: Commenced coaling. 1.20pm: Picket boat alongside.

2.17pm: Picket Boat away.

3.50pm: Coal barge No 8 away.

4.00pm: Coal barge No 3 alongside. Veered cable to 75 fathoms.

4.45pm: “Coastguard” alongside with stores.

5.05pm: Discharged 10 signal ratings to HMS “NIOBE”.

6.00pm: Stopped coaling.

6.15pm: DSB alongside from “Achilles” with mail.

[Table of times, tons of coal in and to come in, from 1-6 to 11-11.30]

11.30pm: Finished coaling.

[Distance run through the Water: 235 miles]

[Distance made good: 199 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 838 tons]

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16 September 1917

At Halifax, NS

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: At Halifax Harbour]

[Details of coaling amounts shown from hours 8-9am to 10-11pm]

7.25am: Hopper alongside (starboard side). 7.45am: Commenced coaling.

8.00am: RC church party ashore.

8.45am: Chaplain came aboard. 9.0am: Divisions. 9.10am: Divine Service.

9.45am: Weslyans [Wesleyans] and Presbyterians ashore.

10.15am: RC party returned.

11.30am: Stopped coaling.

0.45pm: Weslyans and Presbyterians returned.

1.20pm: Resumed coaling. Liberty men ashore.

2.40pm: Shifted elevator to No 4 hold.

3.30pm: Cutter ashore. 4.05pm: Ditto returned.

6.00pm: Liberty men returned. 6.15pm: Elevator left. Cutter away. 6.20pm: Hoisted port and starboard cutters.

6.40pm: Cutter returned.

9.15pm: Cutter ashore. 9.40pm: Ditto returned.

11.30pm: Stopped coaling for night.

[Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 60F]

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17 September 1917

At Halifax, NS

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: At Halifax Harbour]

[Details of coal in and total per hour from 7.15-9am to 3-4.30pm]

7.00am: Hoisted gangway inboard to allow coal barges alongside. Commenced coaling.

8.00am: Ashes boat alongside.

9.00am: Boys and Ordinary Seamen physical drill. Working party ashore. 9.30am: Cutter ashore.

10.30am: Diving boat alongside with diver to clear suction pipe.

11.00am: Cutter and dinghy ashore.

Noon: Dinghy returned. Diving boat away. Stopped coaling.

0.10pm: Cutter returned.

1.15pm: Liberty men ashore. 1.20pm: Resumed coaling.

1.30pm: Diving boat alongside. Tug “Togo” swinging ship to clear cables. Tug “Gladiator” assisting.

3.00pm: Diving boat away.

3.30pm: “Gladiator” away. 3.40pm: “Togo” away.

4.30pm: Completed coaling. Total received 2000 tons. 4.45pm: Lighters left ship.

8.0pm: Hoisted port cutter.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2814 tons]

[Note: Tug “Togo” was built in and registered at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1904 (listed here as 116741); she was present when the Halifax explosion occurred in December 1917 (see listing here).

Tug “Gladiator” was built in Brooklyn, USA, in 1864 and registered in Sydney, Nova Scotia, in 1885; she was owned by Halifax Tow Boat Company, Halifax (listed here as 61393).]

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18 September 1917

At Halifax, NS

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: At Halifax Harbour]

7.00am: “Coastguard” alongside for working party. Hands cleaning ship.

8.05am: “Coastguard” alongside with working party and stores.

9.15am: Dinghy ashore. 9.30am: Cutter away.

9.45am: Cutter returned. 9.55am: Dinghy returned.

10.00am: DSB alongside.

11.30am: “Coastguard” alongside.

0.30pm: “Coastguard” away.

1.30pm: Cutter away (No I). Liberty men ashore. 1.50pm: Cutter returned.

2.15pm: Hopper alongside. 3.00pm: Ditto left.

5.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

6.30pm: HMS CARNARVON entered harbour with convoy. Cutter away.

6.50pm: Cutter returned. THEMISTOCLES [probably the ship listed here, see also here], ANCHISES, MILTIADES [Miltiades (2) listed here], RUAHINE [Ruahine (2) listed here], MOKOIA, MEDIC [the context of this list of ships is unclear].

9.15pm: Dinghy away. Cutters away. 9.55pm: Ditto returned. Cutters returned with liberty men.

[Note: SS “Themistocles” was probably the ship built in Belfast in 1911 and owned by George Thompson and Company, London (Aberdeen Line); she was taken over by Shaw, Savill & Albion Line in 1932 and was scrapped in 1947.

SS “Anchises” was a British passenger ship built in Belfast in 1911 and owned by Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool; she was to be bombed by a German aircraft and later sunk in the Atlantic in 1941.

SS “Miltiades” was built in Glasgow in 1903; she was rebuilt and lengthened in 1913 and registered in Aberdeen in that year when she was owned by George Thompson and Company (Aberdeen Line); she was sold to Royal Mail in 1921 and was renamed Orcana; in 1922 she was transferred to Pacific Steam Navigation Company and was scrapped in 1924.

SS “Ruahine” was built in Scotland in 1909, registered in Plymouth and owned by New Zealand Shipping Company, London; she was sold to Grimaldi, Italy in 1949 as an emigrant ship and was renamed “Auriga” (listed here); she was scrapped in Italy in 1957.

SS “Mokoia” was a British passenger/cargo ship built in Scotland in 1898 and owned by Union Steamship Company of New Zealand; she was used as a troopship from 1914 to 1918; she was laid up in New Zealand in 1920; was reduced to a hulk in 1929 and sunk off Port Chalmers in 1931; the hulk was raised in 1941 and then sunk again as part of sea defences.

SS “Medic” was a British passenger ship built in Belfast in 1899 and owned by White Star Line, Liverpool; she was sold to a Norwegian company in 1928 and renamed “Hektoria” - she was rebuilt and converted to a whale oil refinery ship at this time; in 1932 she was sold to United Whalers, London and was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Atlantic in 1942.]

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19 September 1917

At Halifax, NS

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: At Halifax Harbour]

7.00am: SS ORITA [Orita (1) listed here] entered harbour.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Exercised abandon ship, lowered all boats and pulled round flagship.

9.55am: Boats returned and hoisted.

5.00pm: Liberty men ashore. Received 2 officers 13 ratings (Invalids) and 3 cell prisoners for passage from NIOBE and LEVIATHAN.

5.40pm: SS CANADA [probably the ship listed here] entered harbour.

9.15pm: Cutters away for liberty men. 9.20pm: First Cutter away. 9.50pm: Cutters returned.

[Note: SS “Orita” was a British ship built in Belfast in 1903 and owned by Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool; she was laid up in 1927 and was scrapped in 1931.

There were a number of ships named SS “Canada” at this time (see listing here); the most likely was a British ship built in Belfast in 1896 and owned by British and North Atlantic Steam Navigation Company (Dominion Line), Liverpool; she was used as a troopship from 1914 to 1918 and was scrapped in Italy in 1926.]

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20 September 1917

At Halifax, NS

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: At Halifax Harbour]

8.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and painting ships side.

9.35am: Cutter away. 9.55am Cutter returned.

10.00am: 12 Convoy Captains came on board. Acting Seaman Gunners class 6 pounder drill.

10.45am: SS “CARMANIA” [Carmania (1) listed here] entered harbour. Boys examination on seamanship.

0.30pm: SS BERGENSFJORD [Bergensfjord (1) listed here] left harbour.

2.00pm: Received 3 ratings (sick) for passage.

4.00pm: 6 signal ratings left ship to join ships in convoy and 4 to LEVIATHAN.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. HMS ACHILLES left harbour.

5.15pm: Liberty men ashore.

5.30pm: Tug ROEBLING alongside to swing ship.

7.00pm: Tug MERRIMAC assisting to cant ship.

8.00pm: Let go tugs.

9.20pm: Dinghy and cutters away for officers and liberty men.

9.50pm: Cutters returned. 10.00pm: Dinghy returned.

[Number on sick list: 9]

[Note: SS “Carmania” was a British ship built in Scotland in 1905 and owned by Cunard Steam Ship Company, Liverpool; she was converted to an Armed Merchant Cruiser in 1914 [see her logs here] and returned to her owners in 1916; she was scrapped in 1932.

SS “Bergensfjord” was built in 1913 and owned by Norwegian-America Line; she was taken over by the Ministry of War Transport, London, in 1940 and converted to a troopship; she was sold to a Panamanian company in 1946 and was renamed “Argentina”.

Tug “Roebling” was probably “FW Roebling”, built in Milford, USA, in 1890, registered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1902 and owned by Beaver Dredging Company, St John, New Brunswick (listed here as 113782).

Tug “Merrimac” was built in Quebec in 1876 and registered in Sydney, Cape Breton, in 1881 (listed here as 74264).]

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21 September 1917

At Halifax, NS [and at Sea]

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: At Halifax Harbour]

8.00am: Hands employed painting ship’s side and cleaning ship. HMS COLLUMBELLA [Columbella] entered harbour.

9.35pm: Commenced to unmoor. Cutter away. Hove short to 45 Fathoms cable on port anchor, starboard anchor up.

9.50am: Cutter returned. DAMV [Defensively Armed Merchant Vessel] class 6 inch BL gun drill. Royal Marines .22 rim fire. Ordinary Seamen boat pulling.

[Sailing Draught: Forward 27’ 9”, Aft 28’ 3”]

3.45pm: Captain of COLUMBELLA on board.

4.20pm: Hoisted cutters. 4.35pm: Read Warrant No 48. Convoy commenced proceeding out of harbour.

5.00pm: Commenced to heave up port anchor.

5.45pm: Anchor up. Tug MERRIMAC assisting to push bow round.

6.05pm: Proceeded out of harbour. 6.10pm: Through first gate. 6.20pm: Through second gate. Exercised General Quarters. 6.30pm: Chebucto Light abeam. Speeds as required.

6.53pm: Proceeded on Course S23E, full speed. 7.00pm: Eased to slow.

Midnight: In station on starboard beam of convoy.

[Number on sick list: 13]

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22 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 44.77, Long -59.83

[Position: 100 miles E of Nova Scotia]

0.15am: For Exercised closed WTDs 2.5 minutes.

2.45am and 6.00am: Exercised guns’ crews.

7.05am: Clocks put on 8 minutes.

8.30am: Altered course N80E. Tested depth charges.

10.30am: Altered course S76E. Gunlayers spotting table. Guns’ crews morning watch loader.

4.05pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type) on GMT.

5.15pm: Convoy stopped ZZ.

5.55pm: Passed British schooner ANNIE L WARREN [listed here] ([Lat] 44 56 N, [Long] 58 22 W).

6.20pm: Took up station 4 cables ahead of convoy. Course S74E.

Midnight: In station 5 cables ahead of convoy, altered course S72E.

[Distance made good: 179 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: 45 20 N, 50W, N85.5E, 418 miles]

[Number on sick list: 15]

[Note: SV “Annie L Warren” was a schooner built in 1913 in Meteghan, Nova Scotia and owned by Frank Warren, Halifax, Nova Scotia.]

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23 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 45.18, Long -54.63

[Position: 120 miles S of Newfoundland]

3.00am: Put clocks on 24 minutes.

4.00am: In station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

5.50am: Sighted sail bearing N60E.

7.00am: Speed of convoy 8 knots.

9.20am: Sighted sail bearing S60E.

10.00am: Divisions and Captains Inspection.

11.35am: Speed of convoy 9 knots.

0.20pm: Eased to drop between Columns 1 and 2 for signalling purposes.

2.05pm: Full speed to take station 4 cables ahead of Convoy.

2.30pm: Eased to half speed. In station.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

5.45pm: Speed of Convoy Increased to 10 Knots. 6.00pm: Speed of Convoy Increased to 11 Knots.

8.00pm: In station 4 cables ahead of Convoy.

Midnight: In station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: N83.5E, 220 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to Rendezvous 1607 + 64 miles]

[Number on sick list: 17]

[North easterly wind force 5 or 6 in am, sea rough until 4pm, weather mostly cloudy]

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24 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 46.03, Long -48.98

[Position: 200 miles E of Newfoundland]

3.00am: Clocks put on 18 minutes.

4.00am: In station 6 cables ahead of Convoy.

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands physical drill. Royal Marines to ARMY SIGNALS.

10.40am: Hauled out of line to drop between columns X and Y.

3.00pm: Took station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

3.50pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy TYPE).

6.50pm: Stopped ZZ.

7.20pm: Steamer bearing S60E (NUC [Not Under Control] Lights hoisted).

8.00pm and Midnight: In station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

[Distance made good: 251 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Distance to D [Destroyer] Rendezvous 1354 + 64 miles]

[Number on sick list: 15]

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25 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 48.40, Long -43.93

[Position: 410 miles E of Newfoundland]

3.00am: Clocks on 19 minutes.

4.00am: In station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

8.25am: Hauled out of line to drop between columns Y and Z.

am: GL III and Acting Sight Setters 6 inch gun drill. Gunlayers taking passage 6 inch QF. Class DAMS Sight Setting Instruction.

pm: Seaboats crew Pistol Drill. Gun’s crews of forenoon watch 6 inch Loader.

4.10pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

4.15pm: Course as required. 4.35pm: Stopped and dropped target. Target overturned. Proceeded. Course and speed as required to pick up target.

5.10pm: Target inboard, proceeded on Course N60E.

5.45pm: Exercised 2 smoke screens.

7.00pm: Rejoined station ahead of Convoy. 7.10pm: Stopped ZZ.

Midnight: In station 4 cables ahead of Guide.

[Course and Distance made good: N55E, 250 miles]

[Number on sick list: 15]

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26 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 50.65, Long -37.88

[Position: 770 miles E of Newfoundland]

3.00am: Clocks put forward 23 minutes.

8.45am: Hauled out of line to drop between X and Y columns.

9.10am: Speed of Convoy 12 Knots.

3.00pm: Stopped and dropped target. Proceeded Course and Speed as required.

3.20pm: Z column carried out firing. 3.25pm: Exercised General Quarters, carried out 1 inch aiming and .45.

3.45pm: Ceased fire. Courses and speeds as requisite to pick up target.

4.10pm: Ditto inboard. Proceeded full speed on Course N85E. Expended 90 rounds 1 inch aiming and 45 rounds .45 inch.

7.00pm [6.00pm?]: Passed up columns.

6.50pm: Eased to slow on Course N89E. In station 5 cables ahead of guide.

Midnight: In station 4 cables ahead of Convoy.

[Course and Distance made good: N60E, 271 miles]

[Number on sick list: 16]

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27 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 52.70, Long -31.12

[Position: 670 miles SE of Greenland]

1.00am: “CARPATHIA” out of station Starboard beam.

3.00am: Clocks put on 29 minutes.

8.00am: Tested depth Charges, altered course S87E. Hauled out of line to drop between columns X and Y.

3.05pm: Stopped Engines. 3.10pm: Dropped Target. Exercised General Quarters. 3.20pm: Commenced firing. Fired 7 rounds from each gun.

3.58pm: Ceased fire. Courses and Speeds as required to pick up target.

4.40pm: Target inboard. Proceeded full speed on set Course S37E.

7.00pm: Passed up columns. 7.30pm: “MOKOIA” abeam.

8.13pm: Speed of convoy 10 Knots. 8.30pm: Fog cleared. In station 4 cables ahead of guide, altered course S32E.

Midnight: Altered course S34E. In station 6 cables ahead of guide.

[Course and Distance made good: N64E, 281 miles]

[Number on sick list: 17]

[Note: RMS “Carpathia” was an ocean liner built in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1903 and owned by Cunard Steamship Company, Liverpool; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Atlantic to the west of Ireland in July 1918 with the loss of 5 lives.

For details of SS “Mokoia” see 18 September 1917 in this log.]

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28 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 51.23, Long -24.77

[Position: 610 miles W of Ireland]

3.00am: Clocks put on 30 minutes.

5.40am: Observed Lat 51 50 N, Long 26 31 W.

6.38am: Speed of convoy Increased 12 Knots.

8.00am: Hauled out of line to drop between columns X and Y.

2.10pm: In station 4 cables ahead of guide.

4.27am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

6.30pm: Stopped ZZ.

Midnight: Altered course S37E. In station 5 cables ahead of Convoy.

[Distance made good: 264 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Rendezvous S60E, 348 miles]

[Number on sick list: 17]

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29 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 49.12, Long -18.72

[Position: 410 miles SW of Ireland]

3.00am: Clocks put on 24 minutes.

4.00am: In station 4 cables ahead of guide.

5.55am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy TYPE).

7.10am: Sighted sail bearing S27E.

9.30am: Hauled out of line to drop between columns X and Y.

3.30pm: Sighted destroyer escort bearing S20E. Exchanged challenge and pendants.

4.00pm: Stopped ZZ. Speed of Convoy 11 knots. Destroyers (7 British, 2 USA) took station.

5.35pm: Eased to slow. In station 5 cables abreast of Carpathia.

5.50pm: Convoy reformed into 5 columns.

Midnight: In station 5 cables abreast CARPATHIA.

[Course and Distance made good: S61.5E, 265 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: of 48 20 N, 17W, S55.5E, 83 miles]

[Number on sick list: 17]

[Weather unremarkable, noon temperature 65F, sea temperature 60F]

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30 September 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

[Position: 260 miles W of Scilly Isles]

Lat 49.58, Long -12.30

3.00am: Put clocks on 23 minutes.

10.00am: Divisions and Captains Inspection. Changed position with “CARPATHIA” in Convoy.

Noon: In station with Convoy.

3.20pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy TYPE).

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

5.20pm: Took sounding. 5.30pm: Altered course N88E (MZZ).

7.22pm: Stopped ZZ.

Midnight: In station 5 cables abreast of CARPATHIA.

[Distance made good: 271 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: To Bar Light ship 447 miles]

[Number on sick list: 17]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for October 1917]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before]

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1 October 1917

From Halifax (NS) to Liverpool

Lat 51.73, Long -6.32

[Position: 40 miles W of southern Wales]

3.00am: Clocks advanced 26 minutes.

4.00am: In station in centre of convoy.

5.40am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy type). 5.50am: Speed of convoy 12 knots.

6.45am: Commenced sounding.

8.45am: TBD RESTLESS alongside for charts etc for SS MOKOIA.

1.00pm: Clocks advanced 14 minutes.

1.45pm: Stopped sounding.

2.00pm: Altered course N31E. Stopped ZZ.

2.30pm: TBD PORTIA alongside for charts for SS CARPATHIA.

3.00pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

8.50pm: Left convoy, full speed, stopped ZZ.

9.30pm: Observed Stack Light bearing S64E. 9.45pm: Observed Skerries bearing S75E.

10.00pm: Altered course East.

10.20pm: Stack abeam 10.5 miles.

10.35pm: Altered course S62E. 10.40pm: Lynas Point bearing S49E. 10.45pm: Skerries abeam 4 miles.

11.25pm: Lynas abeam. 11.40pm: Observed Great Ormes Head S45E, 2.5 miles.

[Distance made good: 270 miles]

[Distance: to Bar Lightship = 175 miles]

[Number on sick list: 17]

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2 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00 [estimated]

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

0.25am: Altered course N82E. Great Ormes Head abeam.

1.10am: Sighted Bar Light.

1.43am: Course and speeds as requisite. Unloaded all guns.

2.00am: Tug Bison alongside with pilot. 2.15am: Bar Light abeam.

2.35am: Formby Light abeam.

3.00am: Exchanged pendants with Seaforth Signal Station.

3.30am: Stopped. 3.35am: Let go starboard anchor in 11 fathoms veered to 75 fathoms.

[Anchor bearings:] [New Brighton Tower N31W, Egremont Ferry S43W, Green Dock Lights S64E, Ship's head South]

4.10am: Bison alongside.

6.00am: Postman ashore in Bison.

7.15am: Ship commenced to swing to flood tide.

am: Hands employed preparing ship for docking.

[Draught] [Forward 25’ 6”, Aft 26’ 3”]

10.00am: Commenced heaving up. 10.15am: Anchor up. Proceeded into dock Bison assisting.

11.30am: Made fast in Sandon Dock.

[Sandon Dock]

1.00pm: Discharged Lieutenant Commander Chapman, Lieutenant Farly and Mr Cross (Mate E) to depôt. Breasted ship off to allow coal flats alongside.

2.00pm: Commenced coaling 40 men working 2 flats. Hands muster for payment.

3.00pm: Port watch away on long leave.

4.00pm: Discharged 3 cot cases to Mill Road Hospital.

4.15pm: Liberty men ashore.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for day.

[Distance made good: 190 miles]

[Number on sick list: 17]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 1207 tons]

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3 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

8.00am: Commenced Coaling. 27 men working 2 flats

8.40am: Discharged 8 ratings and 73 ratings taking passage to depots.

9.00am: Total coal Received 266 tons.

am; Hands employed painting and refitting and drawing stores.

11.30am: Lieutenant Wheable RNR left ship for HMS ALBION.

4.15pm: Liberty men ashore.

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for day.

11.30pm: Discovered 3 prisoners (passengers) escaped from cells.

Midnight: 2 seamen RNR arrested on board.

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4 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

8.00am: Rounds correct. Total coal received 700 tons.

9.00am: Lieutenant Woodrofe RNR joined ship. Hands employed taking stores aboard and painting ship.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for day.

[Fresh Water: For wash deck purposes: 44 tons]

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5 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

6.30am: 1 Private RMLI joined ship and 1 seaman from hospital.

7.00am: Crane “Samson” alongside with BL gun shields.

8.00am: Commenced coaling. 33 men working 2 flats. Total coal received 890 Tons.

am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship.

11.20am: 2 prisoners left ship for Walton prison.

Noon: Stopped coaling for dinner.

1.00pm: Recommenced coaling. Hands employed as in forenoon. PI gun lifted to examine pedestal.

3.35pm: “Samson” left.

4.15pm: Liberty men ashore.

5.00pm: Stopped coaling for tea.

6.00pm: Recommenced coaling.

10.00pm: Stopped coaling for day.

[Fresh Water: For wash deck purposes: 44 tons]

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6 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned.

am: Hands employed cleaning ship working on guns and various duties. Total coal received 1264 tons, 33 men working 2 flats. Discharged 1 AB and 1 Private RMLI to Devonport.

1.00pm and 1.15pm: Liberty men ashore.

3.45pm: Stopped coaling.

[Fresh Water: For wash deck purposes: 45 tons]

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7 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

8.00am: Rounds Correct. Shore hands employed rigging davits and working on gun shields. Received 1530 tons of coal.

10.00am: Divisions and inspection.

10.30am: RC party returned.

1.00pm and 4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Fresh Water: For wash deck purposes: 45 tons]

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8 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

7.00am: Commenced coaling.

am: Hands employed cleaning paintwork. Chief gunners party sponging out guns. 38 men working 1 flat.

2.00pm: Completed coaling. Total received on board 1614 tons.

2.45pm: Owing to water in dock decreasing to 28ft vessel took ground and listed 8 degrees to Starboard. Draught 27’ forward, 28’ 3” aft. Sounding as per morning.

4.00pm: Rounds Correct. Liberty men ashore.

4.45pm: Vessel afloat.

5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Fresh Water: For wash deck purposes: 45 tons]

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9 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned. Hands employed cleaning ship. Chief Gunners party sponging out all guns and lubricating parts.

8.30am: 12 ratings arrived from Devonport. 2 ratings discharged to depôt.

9.00am: Port watch returned from long leave.

3.30pm: Midshipman Hopkins RNR discharged to Hospital.

5.00pm: Commenced to heave ship across Dock.

6.00pm: Ship made fast in new berth.

8.00pm: 9 ratings and 1 prisoner joined ship for passage West.

[Fresh Water: For wash deck purposes: 45 tons]

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10 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. Chief Gunners party sponging out guns and lubricating parts, painting gun shields.

pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. New ratings 6 pounder gun drill. Boys to 6 inch Loader.

4.45pm and 5.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

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11 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

[Log just records routine matters while in dock]

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12 October 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

9.00am: Divisions. Hands employed preparing ship for sea. Chief Gunners party getting up ammunition. Boys rifle exercise.

11.00am: Received 3 bags of mail for SNO Halifax.

6.00pm: Tugs made fast, Bison, Beaver and Otter. 6.10pm: Let go.

6.35pm: Made fast in Sandon basin.

[Departure Draft: Forward 27’ 2”, Aft 29’ 7”]

8.15pm: HMS ACHILLES entered basin. 8.30pm: Let go and proceeded out of basin.

9.00pm: Passed through lock. 9.10pm: In averting collision with steamer Starboard quarter struck dock wall.

9.35pm: Let go tugs.

10.00pm: Let go Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms of water (cable 60 fathoms). 10.10pm: Bison alongside. 10.15pm: Bison left.

[Anchor bearings: Ship's head North, North Wall S66E, Rock Light S54W, Occulting Red Light N8E]

11.00pm: Tug alongside with Postman. 11.03pm: Tug left.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2657 tons]

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13 October 1917

At Liverpool [and at Sea]

Lat 53.38, Long -5.15

[Position: 20 miles W of Holy Island, Wales]

5.25am: Commenced to heave up anchor. 5.30am: Anchor aweigh. Proceeded down river. Courses and Speed as per pilot.

5.57am: Exchanged pendants with Seaforth station.

6.15am: Crosby abeam. 6.30am: Formby abeam. 6.45am: Stopped.

6.52am: Bison alongside. Pilot left. 6.55am: Full speed. 7.00am: Bar Light ship abeam. Proceeded on Course S88W. Loaded guns.

8.00am: Passed two Russian armed yachts.

8.15am: Passed trawlers.

8.43am: Great Ormes Head abeam 3 miles, altered course N59W.

9.47am: Altered course N67W. Point Lynas abeam distant 2 miles.

10.10am: Middle Mouse abeam.

10.30am: Altered course N84W. Skerries abeam 3.5 miles. SS “NEW YORK” [listed here] took station on Port beam.

11.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type). Exercised General Quarters.

11.05am: Met US Destroyer DAVIS.

0.30pm: Altered course S17W ZZ (Convoy Type).

1.30pm: Sighted destroyer bearing SW.

1.50pm: Met US Destroyer “SAMPSON”.

3.50pm: Altered course S44W ZZ (Convoy Type).

5.25pm: Put clocks back 25 minutes.

6.10pm: Tuskar Light bearing N43W, Bishop S32E, Smalls S3W.

7.35pm: Altered course S59W. Stopped ZZ.

8.35pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type). 8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 2 minutes.

Midnight: In station, “New York” on port beam.

[Distance made good: 84 miles]

[Note: SS “New York” was an ocean liner built in Scotland in 1888 as “City of New York” for the British Inman Line; she was bought by American Steamship Company and renamed “New York”; from 1898 to 1899 she was US Transport “Harvard”; in 1903 she was rebuilt; from 1918 to 1920 she was US Transport “Plattsburg”; she was sold to Polish Navigation Company in 1921 and was scrapped in 1923 (more details here).

USS “Davis” (DD-65), a Sampson-class destroyer built in Bath, Maine, and commissioned in 1916, was involved in patrol duties out of Queenstown, Ireland; she returned to USA in January 1919; she was decommissioned in 1922 and transferred to the US Coast Guard (CG-21) in 1926; she was returned to the Navy in 1933 and was sold for scrapping in 1934 (more details here).

USS “Sampson” (DD-63) was a Sampson-class destroyer built in Massachusetts and commissioned in 1916; she was based in Queenstown, Ireland, from May 1917 and returned to USA in late 1918; she was decommissioned in 1921 and was sold for scrap in 1936 (more details here).]

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14 October 1917

From Liverpool

Lat 49.83, Long -10.52

[Position: 115 miles S of southern Ireland]

1.50am: Stopped ZZ.

6.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type) Mean Course W (3 degrees leeway).

8.00am: Tested depth charges. SS “TUNISIAN” [listed here] 11.5 cables on starboard bow.

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s Inspection.

Noon: In station NEW YORK on port beam.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Divine Service.

5.32pm: Put all clocks back 32 minutes.

6.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

Midnight: In station NEW YORK on port beam.

[Distance made good: 320 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: 48N, 17W = S67W, 279 miles]

[Wind north easterly then northerly force 5 until 4pm, with rough sea; wind and sea then reducing; weather cloudy, noon temperature 50F, sea temperature 52F]

[Note: SS “Tunisian” was built in Glasgow in 1900 for Allan Line Steamship Company, Glasgow; she was taken over by Canadian Pacific Line in 1917; in 1922 she was renamed “Marburn” and was scrapped in 1928.]

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15 October 1917

From Liverpool

Lat 48.05, Long -17.27

[Position: 400 miles SW of southern Ireland]

5.30am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy type).

11.30am (GMT): TBD escort left.

5.26pm: Clocks put back 26 minutes.

5.5pm: Rigged after steering gear, telemotor gear being set in order. 5.15pm: Stopped ZZ.

5.35pm: Unrigged after steering gear.

[Distance made good: 289 miles]

[South westerly then westerly wind force 5 with rough sea from noon to 8pm; misty through middle of day]

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16 October 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 47.52, Long -24.98

[Position: 720 miles SW of southern Ireland]

6.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy type).

8.00am: Tested depth charges.

am: Ordinary Seamen sightsetting. Boys torpedo and seamanship. Royal Marines signals. Gunlayers, Sightsetters and trainers deflection teacher. Guns crews of morning watch loader.

5.30pm: Clocks put back half hour.

[Course and Distance made good: S84W, 313 miles]

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17 October 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 46.85, Long -31.52

[Position: 1000 miles E of Newfoundland]

6.00am: Sighted SS TUNISIAN bearing N47E.

9.30am: Stopped. Dropped target and circled around. Carried out 1 inch aiming from 6 inch guns and .45 from 6 pounders. Boys 6 inch QF gun drill.

11.25am: Completed firing. 11.40am: Picked up target and proceeded N74W full speed, ZZ (Convoy type). Expended 210 rounds 1 inch, 80 rounds .45 inch.

5.00pm: Stopped ZZ.

5.26pm: Clocks put back 26 minutes. Commenced ZZ (Convoy type).

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WTDs 2.5 minutes.

[Course and Distance made good: S81.5W, 270 miles]

[Distance: To Halifax outer Buoy 1434 miles]

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18 October 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 45.62, Long -38.57

[Position: 680 miles E of Newfoundland]

10.05am: Patent log hauled in (foul), streamed again.

Noon: Altered course N80W. Stopped ZZ.

1.30pm: Altered course N55W to intercept vessel.

2.25pm: Observed 3 masted schooner bearing N84W.

3.00pm: Intercepted SS PAUL PAIX (British) [ATP [Allowed to Proceed] (45 30 N, 39 23 W). 3.15pm: Altered course N80W.

5.26pm: Clocks put back 26 minutes.

[Course and Distance made good: S76W, 303 miles]

[North westerly wind force 5-6 from noon onwards, with sea mostly rough to very rough; squally with lightning in evening; noon air and sea temperature 60F]

[Note: SS “Paul Paix” was an oil tanker built in Middlesbrough in 1908 and owned by Lennard’s Carrying Company, Middlesbrough; she was damaged twice by German submarines (in December 1916 and April 1918) but survived; she was sold to a Norwegian company in 1926 and was renamed “Barde”; in 1930 she was sold to a company in Oslo and was renamed “Laboremus”; she was broken up in 1935 (more details here).]

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19 October 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 44.12, Long -43.30

[Position: 810 miles E of Nova Scotia]

9.03am: Sighted steamer bearing West. 9.17am: Increased to full speed. Hands physical drill.

9.55am: Signalled French SS ABDA [listed here]. Proceeded N70W half speed (44 12 N, 42 55 W). Boys to ammunition. Ordinary Seamen training class spotting table. Guns’ crews morning watch loader.

4.05pm: Sighted steamer bearing S64W bound East.

5.17pm: Clocks put back 17 minutes.

[Course and Distance made good: S66W, 220 miles]

[Distance: Halifax outer buoy, 911 miles]

[Squally north westerly wind force 6 or 6-6 until 4pm with very rough or very rough to high sea; wind and sea reducing towards end of day]

[Note: SS “Abda” was built in 1898 as Koning Willem I for Dutch company Koning Stoom Mij Nederland, Amsterdam; she was sold to French company Compagnie de Navigation Paquet, Marseille, in 1913 and was renamed “Abda”; she was scrapped in Italy in 1932.]

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20 October 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 42.73, Long -49.08

[Position: 590 miles SE of Nova Scotia]

6.00am: Commenced ZZ (Convoy type).

7.05am: Sighted smoke bearing N61W.

8.20am: Intercepted US cruiser “CHICAGO” in company with 1 ship and 4 submarines (42 54 N, 48 25 W).

8.40am: Resumed course N80W.

11.30am: Observed small boat bearing N20W. Circled round and carried out .45 aiming from starboard 6 pounder.

11.50am: Proceeded N58W ZZ (Convoy type).

pm: Expended: 55 rounds 1 inch, 80 rounds .45 inch.

3.00pm: Dropped target and circled round. Carried out 1 inch aiming from starboard 6 inch and .45 from 6 pounder.

3.30pm: Ceased fire. 3.40pm: Picked up target. 3.45pm: Proceeded N58W MZZ, half speed.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. 5.00pm: Stopped ZZ. Tested steam steering gear aft.

5.27pm: Clocks put back 27 minutes.

5.10pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy type).

[Course and Distance made good: S71.5W, 263 miles]

[Distance: Halifax outer buoy, 638 miles]

[Weather fine and quiet today]

[Note: USS “Chicago” was a protected cruiser built in Pennsylvania in 1885 and commissioned in 1889; she was reclassified as CA-14 in 1920 and as CL-14 in 1921 and was decommissioned at Pearl Harbor in 1923; she was renamed “Alton” in 1928 and reclassified IX-5; she was a barracks ship until 1935, was sold in 1936 and foundered in the Pacific while under tow (more details here).]

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21 October 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 43.02, Long -54.60

[Position: 390 miles SE of Nova Scotia]

6.15am: Sighted steamer bearing S41W, bound Westerly.

10.00am: Divisions and Captain’s Inspection. Hands muster by open list.

4.00pm: Miss musters muster by open list.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service. 5.00pm: Stop ZZ.

5.20pm: Clocks back 20 minutes. 5.10pm: Commenced ZZ (Convoy Type).

[Course and Distance made good: N86W, 244 miles]

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22 October 1917

From Liverpool to Halifax

Lat 43.25, Long -60.10

[Position: 190 miles SE of Nova Scotia]

am Drills: Classes ASG and GLIII 6 inch BL gun drill. Ordinary Seamen training classes 6 inch QF gun drill. Class boys 6 inch QF gun drill. Tested depth charges. Sightsetters sightsetting.

Noon: Altered course S70E (MZZ Convoy Type).

3.00pm: Junior Officers 6 inch BL sightsetting.

4.00pm: Altered course N40W (MZZ).

5.00pm: Commenced sounding.

6.00pm: Finished sounding. Stopped ZZ, eased to slow.

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WT doors (Time 2 minutes). On Navigation lights.

[Course and Distance made good: N86.5W, 242 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: N63W, 156 miles]

[Sea rough at times in pm]

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23 October 1917

At Halifax [NS]

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56 [estimated]

[Position: Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia]

5.55am: Egg Island Light bearing N15E.

7.43am: Halifax outer buoy abeam. 7.45am: Altered course N21W, log 91.

8.00am: Exchanged pendants with shore station. 8.5am: Exchanged challenge with armed trawler.

8.55am: Mauger [Maugher] Port lighthouse abeam.

9.06am: First gate. 9.13am: Second gate.

9.23am: Let go Starboard anchor. 9.28am: Let go Port anchor. Moored ship 60 fathoms on each cable, 12 fathoms water. 9.40am: Finished with engines.

[Anchor Bearings: S72W Citadel, Exhibition Buildings N, Ship's head N10W, Tall Chimney S41E]

11.20am: Hopper Barge 2 Port side. Coal barge Starboard side.

Noon: Coal barge Port side. 0.30pm: Waterboat alongside.

1.20pm: Picket boat alongside. 1.25pm: Left with 12 ratings for HMS “Niobe”. Commenced coaling.

1.45pm: Swung in all boat[s]. USS “Tacoma” left wharf, anchored in harbour.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Liberty men landed.

[Table of Coal weight per hour and Tons Received]

9.30pm: Liberty men returned.

11.30pm: Finished coaling for the night. Total Received 401 Tons.

[Distance run through the Water: 220 miles]

[Distance made good: 174 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 987 tons]

[Note: USS “Tacoma” (C-18) was a Denver-class protected cruiser built in California in 1903 and commissioned in 1904; during WW1 she engaged in convoy duties; she was reclassified as PG-32 in 1920 and was redesignated as a light cruiser (CL-20) in 1924; she ran aground off Mexico in 1924 (more details here).]

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24 October 1917

At Halifax [NS]

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia]

am: AM Drill: Royal Marines rifle exercise. Gunners party cleaning guns.

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

9.35am: HMS “Antrim” entered harbour. 10.17am: Anchored C berth.

10.30am: Coal barge left Port side.

11.40am: “Coastguard” boat with stores and working party.

4.40pm: HMS “Cochrane” entered harbour, anchored B berth. 4.55pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Table of Coal: Hours. Tons Received, from 7-8am to 9-9.45pm. Total Received 727 Tons]

9.45pm: Stopped coaling, liberty men returned.

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25 October 1917

At Halifax [NS]

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia]

[Anchor Bearings: Citadel S55W, Tall chimney S47E, Exhibition Buildings N4E]

9.10am: Commenced coaling.

9.50am: HMS “Calgarian” entered harbour, anchored.

am: Hands employed painting and refitting. Class Ordinary Seamen seamanship. Gunner’s party clean and strip guns.

3.15pm: Hospital ship “Araguaya” [more information here] entered harbour.

[Table of Hour and Tons Received, from 8-9am to 9-9.45pm. Total Received 949 Tons]

10.00pm: Ceased coaling for night.

[Note: SS “Araguaya” was a passenger ship built in Belfast in 1906 for Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London; she was used as a hospital ship by the Canadian Government from 1917 to 1920 and was then returned to Royal Mail; she was sold to a Yugoslav company in 1926 and renamed “Kralijica Marija”; she was taken over by the French Navy in 1940 and was to be sunk at Casablanca, Morocco in 1942.]

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26 October 1917

At Halifax [NS]

Lat 44.66, Long -63.56

[Position: Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia]

[Table of Coal Received for Hours 7.40-8 to 11-12. Total Received 1128 Tons]

7.40am: Commenced coaling.

am: Royal Marines infantry drills. Boys pulling.

1.30pm: Football party left.

1.45pm: Hove in Port anchor, 60 fathoms on Starboard anchor.

2.00pm: Tug GS Mayes alongside with stores.

4.20pm: Finished coaling. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded 5.0 Tug “Mayes” [GS Mayes] assisting. Made fast Starboard side No 2 pier.

[No 2 Pier Halifax]

[Table of coal received from 1.30-2 to 3-4. Total Received 1271 tons]

11.00pm: Liberty men returned.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2200 tons]

[Note: Tug “GS Mayes” was built in St John, New Brunswick, in 1913 and owned by Beaver Dredging Company, St John (listed here as 133756); she was registered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from 1918.]

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27 October 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57 [estimated]

[Position: No 2 Pier, Halifax, Nova Scotia]

[No 2 Pier]

6.05am: US Destroyer entered harbour (Bouch) [probably Balch].

am: Hands cleaning ship.

1.20pm: Liberty men ashore.

4.10pm: HMS Columbella entered harbour.

11.00pm: Liberty men returned.

[Note: USS “Balch” (DD-50) was an Aylwin-class destroyer in commission from 1914; she was based in Queenstown, Ireland, from 17 November 1917; she was decommissioned in 1922 and was scrapped in 1935 (more details here).]

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28 October 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

[Position: No 2 Pier, Halifax, Nova Scotia]

[No 2 Pier]

7.30am: HMS Cochrane weighed, went alongside wharf.

8.15am: RC Church party ashore.

9.00am: HMS “Grisle” [Grilse] and US Cruiser St Louis entered harbour.

10.00am: Presbyterians and Wesleyan church parties ashore. 10.05am: Divisions. Divine Service.

10.15am: RCs returned. 335 Ratings joined ship for passage to England.

11.30am: Corpse (WBC Davidson) brought on board to await removal. [Entry on Casualty List for 26 October 1917 reads: Diana, old light cruiser, DAVIDSON, William B, Telegraphist, J 31646 (Dev), died in Halifax]

0.30pm: Presbyterians and Wesleyans returned.

1.00pm: Corpse removed by undertaker.

4.30pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Note: USS “St Louis” (C-20) was a St Louis-class protected cruiser in commission from 1906; during 1917 she was escorting convoys across the Atlantic and left Halifax on 30th October 1917 with USS Balch (see 27 October 1917 in this log) (details here); she was redesignated CA-18 in 1920 and was decommissioned in 1922; she was sold for scrapping in 1930.]

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29 October 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

[Position: No 2 Pier, Halifax, Nova Scotia]

[No 2 Pier]

6.15am: SS "Manchuria" [listed here] entered harbour.

7.00am: Liberty men returned.

0.30pm: USA cruiser “Huntington” entered harbour, anchored.

1.30pm: Funeral party left ship. Hands painting ship.

2.00pm: DSB alongside with bag of mail adressed [sic]:- Director of Trade Division Admiralty London.

3.50pm: Tug alongside with life rafts.

4.30pm: Funeral party returned. 4.45pm: Liberty men ashore.

5.15pm: HMCS “Canada” left harbour.

5.30pm: 1 Assistant Paymaster RNR, 1 WO [Warrant Officer] and 2 LS joined for passage.

[Note: SS “Manchuria” was built in 1904 and purchased by Atlantic Transport Line from Pacific Mail Line in 1915; she was chartered to Panama Pacific Line in 1923 and in 1929 was sold to Dollar Steamship Company and renamed “President Johnson”.

USS “Huntington” was a Pennsylvania-class armoured cruiser built as “West Virginia” (ACR-5) and in commission from 1905; she was renamed “Huntington” in 1916 and was converted to a troop transport in early 1918; she was reclassified as CA-5 in 1920 and decommissioned in that year; she was sold for scrap in 1930.

HMCS “Canada” was a patrol vessel built in UK in 1904 and in service in the Fisheries Protection Service of Canada until she was commissioned into the Royal Canadian Navy in January 1915 as an anti-submarine patrol vessel; she was to be anchored in the Naval Dockyard in Halifax when the explosion occurred on 6 December 1917; she was decommissioned in November 1919 and was laid up in Halifax from 1920 to 1924 when she was renamed “Queen of Nassau” and sold for commercial use; she was to sink south of Miami in 1926 (more details here).]

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30 October 1917

At Halifax

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

[Position: No 2 Pier, Halifax, Nova Scotia]

[No 2 Pier]

9.00am: Prayers and Divisions. Hands Physical drill. Boys rifle drill. HMS “Cornwall” and HMCS “Canada” entered harbour.

9.50am: Captain of “Calgarian”, Commander of “Antrim” and Surgeon of “Antrim” came aboard for court of inquiry

10.00am: Held court of inquiry on telegraphist WB Davidson (deceased).

11.00am: Hands painting ship.

11.50am: US Destroyer “Bouch” [Balch] left harbour.

0.05pm: USA Cruiser “St Louis” left harbour.

0.10pm: Officers of court of enquirey [sic] left ship.

3.45pm: Coal barge alongside. 4.00pm: Commenced coaling.

5.00pm: Midshipman L Cox joined ship from HMS “Cornwall”.

5.10pm: HMS Cochrane left harbour.

11.35pm: Stopped coaling.

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31 October 1917

At Halifax [and at Sea]

Lat 44.65, Long -63.57

[Position: No 2 Pier, Halifax, Nova Scotia]

[No 2 Pier]

7.00am: Liberty men returned.

8.15am: HMS “ISIS” entered harbour.

9.50am: Completed coaling. Coal received 200 tons. Hands employed painting, cleaning and drawing stores.

10.00am: Captains of ships in convoy aboard for conference.

11.00am: Chief Gunner’s party cleaning guns.

1.00pm: Tug alongside with Captain of “Tunisian”.

2.10pm: Convoy under way passing through gate.

3.20pm: Let go and proceeded Tug “Mayes” assisting. 3.40pm: Cleared wharf.

4.10pm: Passed through inner gate. 4.15pm: Passed outer gate. 4.45pm: Streamed Patent Log.

5.50pm: Altered course S76E, Log 12.5, outer buoy abeam. 6.00pm: Eased to slow ahead of convoy.

7.30pm: Increased to half speed. Convoy in station.

8.00pm: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic” [Adriatic (2) listed here].

8.45pm: For Exercise closed WT doors (2.5 minutes].

Midnight: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 2210 tons]

[Note: SS “Adriatic” was built in Belfast in 1907 and was owned by Oceanic Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool; she was scrapped in Japan in 1935.]

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[Log page for 1 November 1917 marked in red: “Cancelled, entered in error”]

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[Left hand side of cover of Copy of Log for November 1917]

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[Right hand side of cover, signed by Navigating Officer, as before]

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[Blank page]

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[Page not filled in but signed by FH Walter (acting) Captain]

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[Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before]

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1 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 44.77, Long -58.35

[Position: 130 miles E of Nova Scotia]

3.00am: Clocks advanced 20 minutes.

8.00am: In station 4 cables ahead of convoy. Tested depth charges.

10.20am: Commenced ZZ Convoy type (2.0 GMT).

2.15pm: Altered course S74E. 2.20pm: Stopped ZZ.

3.20pm: Commenced ZZ Convoy type.

6.00pm: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

6.20pm: Stopped ZZ.

Midnight: In station ahead of convoy, altered course S72E.

[Distance made good: 234 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: of 45 20 N, 50W = S84.5E, 356 miles]

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2 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 45.27, Long -51.85

[Position: 110 miles SE of Newfoundland]

3.00am: Clock advanced 28 minutes.

4.00am: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

6.45am: Commenced ZZ.

0.30pm: “Adriatic” hauled out of line.

1.30pm: Exchanged places with “Adriatic” in convoy.

4.25pm: “Adriatic” in station.

4.45pm: Altered course N81E, log 75, stopped ZZ. Evening quarters, Exercised General quarters.

8.00pm: In station ahead of convoy.

Midnight: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

[Course and Distance made good: N84E, 277 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: of 45 20 N, 50W, N86E, 79 miles]

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3 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 47.48, Long -46.00

[Position: 310 miles E of Newfoundland]

3.00am: Clocks advanced 23 minutes.

8.15am: Commenced ZZ Convoy type (11.0 GMT).

Noon: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

4.05pm: Stopped ZZ.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters. Streamed fog buoy.

6.00pm: In station 4 cables ahead of convoy.

8.00pm: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

[Distance made good: 281 miles]

[Distance: to Destroyer Rendezvous 1224 miles]

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4 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 49.73, Long -39.90

[Position: 625 miles E of Newfoundland]

3.00am: Clocks advanced 24 minutes.

4.00am: In station ahead of convoy.

7.20am: Hauled in fog buoy, commenced ZZ.

10.00am: Divisions. Captains inspection. Divine service for “Diana’s” crew.

10.25am: Four masted steamer sighted bearing N8E.

Noon: Altered course S89E MZZ.

1.20pm: Sighted steamer bearing N.

4.45pm: Evening Quarters and Divine Service.

5.00pm: In station 5 Cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

Midnight: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

[Course and Distance made good: N61E, 277 miles]

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5 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 51.85, Long -33.28

[Position: 670 miles SE of Greenland]

3.00am: Clocks advanced 24 minutes.

4.00am: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

am Drills: Hands to Physical drill. Class ASG and GL II spotting table. Sightsetters sightsetting. Diana’s crew Exercised General Quarters. Royal Marines .22 rim fire.

8.00am: In station ahead of “Adriatic”. Commenced ZZ.

Noon: Altered course S85E (MZZ), in station ahead of convoy.

pm: Junior Officers 6 inch BL gun drill. Firemen’s .22 rim fire.

5.00pm: Altered course S82E, stopped ZZ.

8.00pm: In station ahead of “Adriatic”.

11.02pm: Altered course N76E, log 98.

Midnight: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

[Course and Distance made good: N63E, 281 miles]

[Distance: of Destroyer Rendezvous 665 miles]

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6 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 53.88, Long -27.00

[Position: 680 miles W of Ireland]

1.40am: Course N74E. 2 degrees allowed for leeway, log 27.

3.00am: Clocks advanced 25 minutes. Wireless aerial carried away.

8.00am: In station ahead of convoy. “Tunisian” not in sight.

Noon: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

Midnight: In station 4 cables ahead of “Adriatic”.

[Distance made good: 263 miles]

[North westerly wind force 7 until 4pm, sea very rough or high all day; noon air and sea temperature 50F]

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7 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 56.60, Long -20.97

[Position: 450 miles NW of Ireland]

3.00am: Clocks advanced 27 minutes.

7.30am: Formed 4 columns took station leader of 3 Column, eased to slow. 7.35am: Increased speed. 7.40am: Commenced ZZ.

5.00pm: Allowed 1 degree to Starboard for leeway.

5.50pm: Stopped ZZ.

6.00pm: In station leading 3rd column.

[Course and Distance made good: N52E, 263 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: Destroyer Rendezvous N67E, 141 miles]

[Wind and sea reduced through middle of day but south westerly force 6-7 with very rough to high sea at 8pm]

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8 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 57.32, Long -12.78

[Position: 200 miles W of Outer Hebrides]

0.05am: Altered course SE, full speed to clear “Adriatic”. Log 52.

3.00am: Clocks advanced 32 minutes.

4.00am: In station leading 3rd column.

am Drills: Class ASG III instruction on smoke boxes. Sightsetters sightsetting, boys to seamanship. Royal Marines infantry drill.

7.00am: Commenced ZZ Convoy type.

8.10am: Fired 1 round from 6 pounder accidently [sic].

Noon: In station with convoy.

pm: Exercised guns crews hourly.

4.00pm: In station ahead of 3rd column.

5.00pm: Exercised General Quarters. 5.10pm: Stopped ZZ.

6.20pm: No 2 ballast tank filled.

8.00pm: In station ahead of convoy.

9.45pm: Commenced sounding. 9.55pm: Altered course S34E, Log 13.

10.15pm: Log foul, hauled in and cleared.

Midnight: In station ahead of 3rd column.

[Distance made good: 278 miles]

[True Bearing and Distance: of 57N, 10W = S81E, 119 miles]

[Sea rough for much of day]

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9 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool

Lat 55.22, Long -5.83

[Position: 5 miles S of Mull of Cantyre]

0.05am: Sighted Barra Head light bearing S68E, log 2338.

2.08am: Barra Head Light abeam distance 15 miles, log 2363.

3.00am: Clocks advanced 34 minutes to GMT.

3.55am: Sighted Skerryvore Light bearing S43E, log 2375.

5.10am: Skerryvore Light abeam distance 9.5 miles.

7.45am: Sighted land bearing SE.

7.50am: Sighted 7 destroyers exchanged pendants.

8.10am: Destroyers took station.

9.15am: Sighted Rathlin Island.

10.00am: Speed of Convoy 13 knots, eased to half speed, received despatches from destroyer “Marne”.

11.00am: Commenced ZZ Convoy type.

am: Lost one Kisby’s life buoy [details here] by accident.

0.25pm [11.25am?]: Exchanged pendant with TBD “Nonsuch”.

11.50am: Mull of Cantyre abeam distance 9 miles.

0.55pm: Altered course South, ZZ convoy type, log 79.

1.21pm: Sighted Maidens bearing S25W, log 75.

2.45pm: Mews [Mew] Island abeam distance 6 miles.

7.30pm: Sighted Mull of Galloway Light bearing N35E.

9.36pm: Mull of Galloway light abeam distance 4.5 miles. 9.40am: Altered course S62E, log 85.5, eased to slow, speed of convoy 10 knots.

11.20pm: Ross Light bearing N47E, altered course S65E, log 4.5.

[Distance made good: 275 miles]

[Distance: to Bar Lightship 172 miles]

[Squally north westerly wind force 5 or 6 until 8pm, sea rough or very rough at times]

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10 November 1917

From Halifax to Liverpool [and at Liverpool]

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00 [estimated]

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

0.25am: Sighted St Bees Light bearing S76E.

5.05am: Sighted Bar Light S45E, log 2667.5.

5.13am: Sighted Great Ormes Head Light S5W, log 2669.0.

6.35am: Unloaded guns. 6.45am: Bar Light, stopped. 6.55am: Proceeded with pilot (H Rawson) on board. Speeds and courses as required.

7.00am: Exchanged pendants with Seaforth. 7.10am: Formby Light abeam.

7.25am: Crosby Light abeam.

7.40am: Tugs Bison and Otter alongside.

8.30am: Passed through gates to Sandon Basin.

10.00am: Made fast in Sandon Dock.

[Draught: Forward 24’ 0”, Aft 26’ 3”. Sandon Dock]

1.15pm: HMS Diana’s company left for depots. 1.30pm: Starboard Watch went on long leave.

2.30pm: Engineer Sub Lieutenant Black left ship for Admiralty.

4.45pm: Liberty men ashore.

[Distance run through the Water: 236 miles]

[Distance made good: 172 miles]

[Fuel Remaining: Coal 584 tons]

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11 November 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

7.00am: Liberty men returned.

8.30am: RC church party ashore. 9.30am: Returned.

10.00am: Divisions. Church party ashore.

Noon: Church party returned.

1.15pm: Liberty men ashore.

4caf8c4ccadfd3419703589e: ( 53-67405/ADM 53-67405-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

6.45am: [Floating Crane] “Sampson” alongside.

am: Hands cleaning ship, discharging and loading stores. Chief gunner’s party cleaning guns.

10.00am: Gun shield for P1 gun on board. Ordinance staff fitting shield.

pm: Hands painting ship and various duties.

4.00pm: Liberty men ashore.

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13 November 1917

At Liverpool

Lat 53.43, Long -3.00

[Position: Sandon Dock, Liverpool]

[Sandon Dock]

8.00am: Hands painting ship, taking in sto