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Destroyer, River, later E-class River-class, two high funnels, designated E-class. Launched 21.2.05 Thornycroft. c545-560 tons, c222(pp)x23x9ft. TE c7500ihp, 25.5kts, Armament: 4-12pdr, 2-18in tt. Crew 70. China Station 1914, Mediterranean 1914-18. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Dardanelles 1915/16. Sold 4.11.19 J. H. Lee, Dover. (British Warships 1914-1919) Some of the crew of HMS Colne in 1908-09 (thanks to Sean Severs, click to enlarge) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes: Additions and significant changes to log entries appear in square brackets in italic [thus]. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) LOGS FOR JANUARY 1914 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff58: ( 53-38204-001_0.jpg) [Left Half of Front Cover of Log Book.] Closed Until 1965 [Stamp of] Commander-in-Chief, China Station 6 Mar 1914. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff59: ( 53-38204-001_1.jpg) [Right Half of Front Cover of Log Book.] [Stamped] Admiralty, Received 20 May 1914. Name Lieut. Poignard, Address H.M.S. Colne, China. 4adfd3419700ff5a: ( 53-38204-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original deck log of H.M.S. Colne. Signed C.M. Blackman. Lieut. Commander. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff5b: ( 53-38204-002_1.jpg) [Note:] H.M. ship "Minotaur" at Hong Kong, 10th March 1914. The following irregularities, omissions. etc. appear in the Log for the period ending 28 February rendered by H.M. ship under your command and forwarded herewith. Referred for information, correction where necessary, and return without delay. The Commanding Officer H.M. Ship "Colne" T. H. M. JERRAM, Vice-admiral First inside page. Reasons for exceeding or notations "not exceeded' should be inserted, and signature is required. 37. Amount of coal received not entered in Remarks column. [signed] C. M. Blackman Lieut. Commander [stamped] Commander-in-Chief, China Station, 12 May 1914. Comdr. Glen Nicolson. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff5c: ( 53-38204-003_0.jpg) [Repeat of item 3.] 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff5d: ( 53-38204-003_1.jpg) Dist run per hour, knots. Coal expended hour, tons. Dist run per ton. Date info obtained. At authorised power = the unit 24.63 9.5 2.58 10 - 6 - 13 "With all despatch" 4/5 23.2 5.4 4.3 2 - 11 - 11 "With despatch" 3/5 21.0 3.9 5.4 18 - 11 - 11 "With moderate despatch" 2/5 18.3 2.6 7.0 18 - 11 - 11 "At ordinary speed" 1/5 15.0 1.3 11.5 25 - 11 - 11 "At Most econo' speed" 11.0 .6 18.3 25 - 11 - 11 [signed] C. M. Blackman, Lt. Comdr. H.M.S. Minotaur, 13 March 1914. " Glen Nicolson, Engineer Commander. [stamped] Commander-in-Chief, China Station, 1 April 1944.
4caf8595cadfd3419700ff5e: ( 53-38204-004_0.jpg) Blank page THE VOYAGES OF HMS COLNE 1914 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff5f: ( 53-38204-004_1.jpg) 1 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 20 Boilermakers. } 20 Labourers. } 30 Fitters. 5 Electricians. } 12 Labourers. 20 Shipwrights. } 20 ship fitters. } 4 Plumbers. 7.0am: Hands employed staging ship. 8.45am: Torpedo ratings attending lecture. am: 1 Rating joined ship from “Tamar”. 1.30pm: Hands employed staging and as requisite. Torpedo ratings to lecture room. 5.0pm: Evening quarters and Fire Stations. pm: Leave to watch 5.30 until 7.0am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff60: ( 53-38204-005_0.jpg) 2 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 30 Boilermakers. } 26 Fitters. 24 Labourers. } 20 Shipwrights. 6 ship Fitters. } 3 Labourers. 5 Joiners. } 4 Electricians. 4 Plumbers. 1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters and Fire Stations. pm: Leave to watch from 5.30 until 7.0am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct.
4caf8595cadfd3419700ff61: ( 53-38204-005_1.jpg) 3 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Hands employed returning to yard. am: Dockyard working in ship:- } 30 Boilermakers. 20 Labourers. } 26 Fitters. 24 Labourers. } 20 Shipwrights. 6 ship Fitters. } 3 Labourers. 8 Joiners. 4 Plumbers. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. pm: Hands make and mend. 5.0pm: Evening quarters and Fire Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [signed] A. Bakewell, Sub. Lieut. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff62: ( 53-38204-006_0.jpg) 4 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: C of E and R.C. landed for Divine Service. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff63: ( 53-38204-006_1.jpg) 5 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.45am: Range party landed, 5 seamen and 3 stokers. 7.0am: Hands as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 3 ship Fitters. 3 Labourers. } 8 Joiners. 4 Plumbers. } 4 Shipwrights. 1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Fire Stations. pm: Leave to watch until 6.0am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff64: ( 53-38204-007_0.jpg) 6 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.0am: Range party landed. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 42 Labourers. } 22 Fitters. 22 Labourers. } 3 ship Fitters. 3 Joiners. } 4 Plumbers. 4 Shipwrights. 1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Fire Stations. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff65: ( 53-38204-007_1.jpg) 7 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Hands employed preparing to undock ship. am: Range party landed. 9.0am: Lieut. Comdr. W.B. Birkett left ship. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 1 Boilermaker, 3 Labourers, 23 Fitters. } 12 Labourers. 5 Joiners. 4 Plumbers. 1.0pm: Left dry dock and made fast alongside “Kennet” in basin. [ed. Kennet, River Class Destroyer, 1904-06, Guns: 1 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 3 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 2 x 18" TT's, Disp: 550, Comp: 70, H.P. 7000 = 25.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 5.0pm: Hands turning over to "Wivern". 6.15pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff66: ( 53-38204-008_0.jpg) 8 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.0am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 46 Boilermakers. 46 Labourers. } 23 Fitters. 12 Labourers. } 3 Shipwrights. 5 Joiners. 4 Plumbers. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.10pm: Absentees returned. 4.05pm: Made fast to south wall. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff67: ( 53-38204-008_1.jpg) 9 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.20am: Range party landed. 8.0am: "Kennet" made fast alongside. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 24 Boilermakers. 24 Labourers. } 24 Fitters. 24 Labourers. } 4 ship Fitters, 6 Plumbers, 5 Joiners. 1.15pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff68: ( 53-38204-009_0.jpg) 10 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 37 Boilermakers. 37 Labourers. } 24 Fitters. 24 Labourers. } 3 ship Fitters. 4 Shipwrights. } 9 Joiners. 3 Plumbers. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend. pm: Leave until 6.30am. pm: Evening quarters. 6.45pm: Lieut. Commander C .M. Blackman joined ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [signed] A.B. Russell, Sub. Lieut. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff69: ( 53-38204-009_1.jpg) 11 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.30am: R.C. landed for Divine Service. 9.30am: Hands to Divisions. 10.0am: C of E party attended Divine Service in "Minotaur". [ed. Minotaur, Minotaur Class Cruiser, 1906, Guns: 4 x 9.2", 10 x 7.5", 14 x 12 pdr, 2 x 12 pdr Field, 5 X 18" TT's, Disp: 14,600 tons, Comp: 755 men, H.P. 27,000 = 23 knots. Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 1.15pm: Leave to watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff6a: ( 53-38204-010_0.jpg) 12 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.20am: seaman to range for annual practice. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 32 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 24 Fitters. 24 Labourers. } 9 Labourers. 9 Joiners. 6 Plumbers. } 3 Shipwrights. 1.15pm: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff6b: ( 53-38204-010_1.jpg) 13 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 25 Labourers. } 4 Shipwrights. 10 Joiners. 4 Plumbers. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff6c: ( 53-38204-011_0.jpg) 14 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands employed, painting, refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 25 Labourers. } 4 ship fitters. 9 Joiners. 4 Plumbers. } 4 Shipwrights. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff6d: ( 53-38204-011_1.jpg) 15 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands employed painting, refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 25 Labourers. } 9 Joiners. 4 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff6e: ( 53-38204-012_0.jpg) 16 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands employed painting, refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 25 Labourers. } 9 Joiners. 4 Sailmakers. } 4 Plumbers. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff6f: ( 53-38204-012_1.jpg) 17 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 25 Labourers. } 4 Joiners. 4 Sailmakers. 4 Plumbers. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff70: ( 53-38204-013_0.jpg) 18 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.30am: R.C.s landed for divine service. 10.0am: C of E party to "Minotaur". am: Discharged Ldg. Stoker Harris to hospital. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff71: ( 53-38204-013_1.jpg) 19 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 25 Labourers. } 7 Joiners. 3 ship Fitters. } 4 Plumbers. 4 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff72: ( 53-38204-014_0.jpg) 20 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands refitting painting and as requisite. am: Discharged Stoker Eaton to hospital. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 23 Fitters. 23 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 4 Sailmakers. } 1 Shipwright. 2 ship Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as in forenoon. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct.
4caf8595cadfd3419700ff73: ( 53-38204-014_1.jpg) 21 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting painting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 23 Fitters. 23 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 5 Sailmakers. } 2 ship fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as in forenoon. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff74: ( 53-38204-015_0.jpg) 22 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, painting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 23 Fitters. 23 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 2 Plumbers. } 4 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as in forenoon. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff75: ( 53-38204-015_1.jpg) 23 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 35 Boilermakers. 35 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 4 Joiners. 3 Sailmakers. } 2 ship Fitters. 2 Plumbers. 1.15pm: Hands as in forenoon. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. pm: Ldg Stoker returned from hospital. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff76: ( 53-38204-016_0.jpg) 24 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands as in forenoon. [signed] C.M. Blackman, Lieutenant. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 5.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff77: ( 53-38204-016_1.jpg) 25 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: R.C.s landed to attend Divine Service. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.0am: C of E party to "Minotaur" for Divine Service. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff78: ( 53-38204-017_0.jpg) 26 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff79: ( 53-38204-017_1.jpg) 27 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff7a: ( 53-38204-018_0.jpg) 28 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 24 Boilermakers. 24 Labourers. } 11 Fitters. 11 Labourers. } 4 Joiners. 2 ship Fitters. } 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff7b: ( 53-38204-018_1.jpg) 29 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 24 Boilermakers. 4 Labourers. } 11 Fitters. 11 Labourers. } 2 ship Fitters. 4 Joiners. } 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff7c: ( 53-38204-019_0.jpg) 30 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.15am: Range party landed. 7.30am: Hands employed and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 24 Boilermakers. 24 Labourers. } 11 Fitters. 11 Labourers. } 2 ship Fitters. 2 Joiners. } 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff7d: ( 53-38204-019_1.jpg) 31 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 24 Boilermakers. 24 Labourers. } 11 Fitters. 11 Labourers. } 2 ship fitters. 2 Joiners. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. [signed] C.M. Blackman. Lieutenant. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1914 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff7e: ( 53-38204-020_0.jpg) 1 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.30am: R.C.s landed for Divine Service. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.0am: C of E party to "Minotaur". 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff7f: ( 53-38204-020_1.jpg) 2 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 25 Boilermakers. 25 Labourers. } 23 Fitters. 14 Labourers. } 2 ship fitters. 3 Joiners. 3 Sailmakers. } 3 Electricians. 2 Shipwrights. 1.0pm: Paid monthly money. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff80: ( 53-38204-021_0.jpg) 3 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 25 Boilermakers. 25 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 18 Labourers. } 2 ship fitters. 3 Joiners. } 3 Sailmakers. am: Received from Dockyard 1½ tons coal. 1.15pm:: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff81: ( 53-38204-021_1.jpg) 4 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 25 Boilermakers. 25 Labourers. } 24 Fitters. 15 Labourers. } 2 ship Fitters. 3 Joiners. } 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff82: ( 53-38204-022_0.jpg) 5 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.15am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 22 Boilermakers. 22 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 14 Labourers. } 2 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff83: ( 53-38204-022_1.jpg) 6 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 22 Boilermakers. 22 Labourers. } 26 Fitters. 14 Labourers. } 3 Joiners. 2 Sailmakers. am: Received 1½ tons coal from Dockyard. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff84: ( 53-38204-023_0.jpg) 7 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 18 Boilermakers. 18 Labourers. } 26 Fitters. 14 Labourers. } 3 Joiners. 2 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff85: ( 53-38204-023_1.jpg) 8 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.30am: R.C.s landed for Divine Service. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.0am: C of E party to "Tamar" for Divine Service. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff86: ( 53-38204-024_0.jpg) 9 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 18 Boilermakers. 18 Labourers. } 26 Fitters. 11 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff87: ( 53-38204-024_1.jpg) 10 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working in ship:- } 22 Boilermakers. 15 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 15 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 3 Sailmakers. } 3 Bricklayers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff88: ( 53-38204-025_0.jpg) 11 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 18 Boilermakers. 18 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 15 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 3 Sailmakers. } 8 Bricklayers. 3 Blacksmiths. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff89: ( 53-38204-025_1.jpg) 12 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 18 Boilermakers. 18 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 11 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 3 Blacksmiths. } 3 Bricklayer. 2 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff8a: ( 53-38204-026_0.jpg) 13 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 15 Boilermakers. 15 Labourers. } 22 Fitters. 11 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 3 Blacksmiths. } 5 Bricklayers. 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff8b: ( 53-38204-026_1.jpg) 14 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 18 Boilermakers. 18 Labourers. } 22 Fitters. 11 Labourers. } 5 Joiners. 3 Blacksmiths. } 8 Bricklayers. 2 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend. pm: Leave until 7.0am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff8c: ( 53-38204-027_0.jpg) 15 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.30am: R.C.s landed for Divine Service. 9.30am: Divisions. 9.40am: C of E party to "Minotaur" for Divine Service. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff8d: ( 53-38204-027_1.jpg) 16 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 23 Boilermakers. 23 Labourers. } 24 Fitters. 1 Labourers. } 34 Shipwrights. 1 Blacksmith. } 3 Sailmakers. 8 Bricklayers. } 5 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff8e: ( 53-38204-028_0.jpg) 17 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 23 Boilermakers. 23 Labourers. } 30 Fitters. 14 Labourers. } 32 Shipwrights 5 Joiners. 3 Sailmakers. } 8 Bricklayers. 2 Blacksmiths. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff8f: ( 53-38204-028_1.jpg) 18 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 22 Boilermakers. 23 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 13 Labourers. } 30 Shipwrights. 5 Joiners. } 3 Sailmakers. 8 Bricklayers. } 2 Blacksmiths. 4 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff90: ( 53-38204-029_0.jpg) 19 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 23 Boilermakers. 23 Labourers. } 28 Fitters. 13 Labourers. } 25 Shipwrights. 6 Plumbers. } 3 Sailmakers. Bricklayers. } 2 Blacksmiths. 4 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Hands to evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff91: ( 53-38204-029_1.jpg) 20 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 23 Boilermakers. 23 Labourers. } 26 Fitters. 4 Labourers. } 25 Shipwrights. 1 Plumber. } 8 Bricklayers. 2 Blacksmiths. } 4 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff92: ( 53-38204-030_0.jpg) 21 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 23 Boilermakers. 23 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 14 Labourers. } 28 Shipwrights. 5 Joiners. } 3 Sailmakers. 5 Bricklayers. } 2 Gun Fitters. [signed] C.M. Blackman, Lieutenant. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff93: ( 53-38204-030_1.jpg) 22 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.30am: R.C.s landed for divine service. 10.0am: C of E party to "Tamar" for Divine Service. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff94: ( 53-38204-031_0.jpg) 23 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 18 Boilermakers. 10 Labourers. } 25 Fitters. 13 Labourers. } 7 Electricians. 7 Plumbers. } 6 Gun Fitters. 5 Joiners } 4 Sailmakers. 2 ship Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff95: ( 53-38204-031_1.jpg) 24 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 18 Boilermakers. 20 Labourers. } 19 Fitters. 9 Labourers. } 7 Electricians. 2 Gun Fitters. } 6 Joiners. 3 ship Fitters. } 3 Sailmakers. 14 Shipwrights. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff96: ( 53-38204-032_0.jpg) 25 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 18 Boilermakers. 7 Labourers. } 20 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 9 Electricians. 6 Joiners. } 4 ship Fitters. 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff97: ( 53-38204-032_1.jpg) 26 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 12 Boilermakers. 12 Labourers. } 20 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 7 Electricians. 4 ship Fitters. } 3 Sailmakers. 6 Joiners. } 7 Plumbers. 3 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff98: ( 53-38204-033_0.jpg) 27 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 4 Boilermakers. 4 Labourers. } 12 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 45 Shipwrights. 9 Electricians. } 4 ship Fitters. 7 Joiners. 7 Plumbers. } 3 Gun Fitters. 3 Sailmakers. } 3 Sailmakers. 2 Riggers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff99: ( 53-38204-033_1.jpg) 28 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 4 Boilermakers. 4 Labourers. } 12 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 45 Shipwrights. 9 Electricians. } 4 ship Fitters. 7 Joiners. 7 Plumbers. } 3 Gun Fitters. 3 Sailmakers. } 2 Riggers. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff9a: ( 53-38204-034_0.jpg) 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff9b: ( 53-38204-034_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MARCH 1914 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff9c: ( 53-38205-001_0.jpg) 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff9d: ( 53-38205-001_1.jpg) 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff9e: ( 53-38205-002_0.jpg) 4caf8595cadfd3419700ff9f: ( 53-38205-002_1.jpg) 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa0: ( 53-38205-003_0.jpg) 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa1: ( 53-38205-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.30am: R.C.s landed to attend divine service. 9.30am: Divisions and Captain's Rounds. 10.0am: C of E Party attended divine service in "Hampshire". [ed. Hampshire, Devonshire Class Cruiser, 1903, guns: 4 x 7.5", 6 x 6", 2 x 12 pdr, 20 x 3 pdr, 2 x TT's, disp: 10,850 tons, comp: 655 men, H.P. 21,000 = 22.25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914. image]. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa2: ( 53-38205-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working on ship. } 4 Boilermakers. 4 Labourers. } 15 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 4 Shipwrights. 2 ship Fitters. } 2 Gun fitters. 5 Electricians. } 3 Sailmakers. 2 Plumbers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa3: ( 53-38205-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. } 4 Boilermakers. 4 Labourers. } 15 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 2 Joiners. 4 Shipwrights. } 2 Gun fitters. 7 Electricians. } 3 Sailmakers. am: Received 10 cwt coal from dockyard. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa4: ( 53-38205-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. am: Dockyard men working on ship. } 4 Boilermakers. 4 Labourers. } 18 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 4 Shipwrights. 2 Joiners. } 2 Gun fitters. 7 Electricians. } 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa5: ( 53-38205-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. } 2 Boilermakers. 2 Labourers. } 15 Fitters. 14 Labourers. } 4 Shipwrights. 6 Joiners. } 15 Riggers. 3 Sailmakers. } 9 Electricians. 3 Gun fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa6: ( 53-38205-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. } 2 Boilermakers. 16 Fitters. } 10 Labourers. 6 Joiners. 4 Shipwrights. } 7 Electricians. 3 Sailmakers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa7: ( 53-38205-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. } 4 Boilermakers. 4 Labourers. } 15 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 4 Shipwrights. 2 ship Fitters. } 2 Gun fitters. 5 Electricians. } 3 Sailmakers. 2 Plumbers. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [signed] C.Poignard Lieut Cmdr. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa8: ( 53-38205-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.45am: R.C. party landed for divine service. 9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s Rounds. 10.0am: C of E party to "Hampshire" for divine service. 1.15pm: Liberty men landed. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffa9: ( 53-38205-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. } 1 Boilermaker. 1 Labourer. 15 Fitters. } 12 Labourers. 6 Joiners. 2 Shipwrights. } 8 Electricians. 2 Sailmakers. } 4 Shipwrights. 2 ship Fitters. am: Received 5 tons coal from Dockyard. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffaa: ( 53-38205-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. } 1 Boilermaker. 1 Labourer. 15 Fitters. } 10 Labourers. 2 Shipwrights. and Electricians. } 2 Sailmakers. 5 Joiners. 2 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffab: ( 53-38205-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. } Boilermaker. 1 Labourer. 15 Fitters.10 Labourers. } 5 Shipwrights. 7 Electricians. } 2 Sailmakers. 6 Joiners. 2 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8595cadfd3419700ffac: ( 53-38205-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. } 1 Boilermaker. 1 Labourer. 15 Fitters. } 10 Labourers. 5 Shipwrights. } 7 Electricians. 2 Sailmakers. } 6 Joiners. 2 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: seamen make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffad: ( 53-38205-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting, scraping and as requisite. } 2 Boilermakers. 2 Labourers. 15 Fitters. } 10 Labourers. 2 Sailmakers. 6 Joiners. } 6 Shipwrights. 7 Electricians. } 2 ship Fitters. 2 Blacksmiths. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffae: ( 53-38205-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Seamen employed as requisite. pm: Stokers make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffaf: ( 53-38205-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.45am: R.C.s landed for Divine Service. 9.30am: Divisions. Captain’s Rounds. 9.45am: C of E party to "Hampshire" for Divine Service. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb0: ( 53-38205-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: } 1 Boilermaker. 1 Labourer. 14 Fitters. } 10 Labourers. 2 Sailmakers. } 4 Gunsmiths. 6 Joiners. } 11 Electricians. 4 Shipwrights. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb1: ( 53-38205-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: } 1 Boilermaker. 1 Labourer. 14 Fitters. } 10 Labourers. 2 Sailmakers. } 4 Gunsmiths. 6 Joiners. 11 Electricians. } 7 Shipwrights. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb2: ( 53-38205-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: } 1 Boilermaker. 1 Labourer. 14 Fitters. } 10 Labourers. 2 Sailmakers. } 7 Electricians. 5 Shipwrights. } 7 Joiners. 3 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb3: ( 53-38205-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: } 1 Boilermaker. 4 Fitters. 10 Labourers. } 2 Sailmakers. 7 Electricians. } 5 Shipwrights. 7 Joiners. } 3. Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb4: ( 53-38205-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: } 1 Boilermaker. 1 Labourer. 14 Fitters. } 10 Labourers. 3 Sailmakers. } 7 Electricians. 5 Shipwrights. } 6 Joiners. 2 Gun Fitters. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb5: ( 53-38205-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Same as for 20th. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Leave to watch until 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb6: ( 53-38205-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.40am: R.C.s landed for Divine Service. 9.30am: Divisions and Captain’s Rounds. 10.0am: C of E party to "Hampshire" for Divine Service. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb7: ( 53-38205-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. am: Received 94 tons of coal. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb8: ( 53-38205-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. pm: C.E.R.A. Hannon discharged to "Doris". E.R.A. Pilbean joined from "Triumph". [ed. Triumph, Battleship, Purchased from Chile 1903, guns: 4 x 10", 14 x 7.5", 14 x 14 pdr. 1 x 12pdr, 4 x 6 pdr, 4 x maxims, 2 x 18" TT's sub, disp: 11,800 tons, comp: 700 men, H.P. 14,000 = 20 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffb9: ( 53-38205-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 3.15pm: Shifted from South wall to "Wivern". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffba: ( 53-38205-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 8.30am: Commenced basin trials. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 1.45pm: Finished basin trials. 2.0pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite out of Tidal Basin. 2.05pm: Proceeded as requisite for Sulphur Channel and Lamma Channel. 2.15pm: Commenced Preliminary Trial. 2.24pm: Green Is Light to Starboard 1½ Cables. 2.40pm: Magazine Is measured 3 miles beacon in line. 3.0pm: Bluff Point (Tailan) abeam to Port, 1½ cables. a/c 16 pts to Starboard 3.12pm: Nganchau Is beacon in line. 3.22pm: Magazine Is beacon in line. 3.30pm: a/c 16 pts to Port. Gaun Is Lt House North. 3.41pm: Magazine Is Beacon in line. 3.50pm: Nganchau Is Beacon in line. 3.54pm: Nganchau Is Beacon in line 4.05pm: Magazine Is Beacon in line. 4.10pm: a/c 1½ pts to Port. 4.20pm: Magazine Is Beacon in line. 4.22pm: Finished Trial. Let fires out in No. Boiler. Course as requisite for Sulphur Channel and Hong Kong. 4.40pm: Green Is Light to Port 1½ cables. 5.0pm: Stopped and secured alongside "Wivern". Evening quarters. 5.15pm: Let fires die out. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffbb: ( 53-38205-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffbc: ( 53-38205-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 8.20am: Left basin in tow of "Atlas" for Whampoa Dock. 9.0am: Entered dry dock. 1.15pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Leave to watch until 5.0pm: Evening quarters and Fire Stations. pm: Broken by accident 1 Reflector searchlight Parson's 20". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [signed] C.A. Poignard, Lieut Cmdr. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffbd: ( 53-38205-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions, Rounds and Prayers. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffbe: ( 53-38205-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffbf: ( 53-38205-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 9.0am: Flooded dry dock. 11.0am: Undocked, taken in tow to Tidal Basin. 11.45am: Secured alongside "Wivern". 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. LOGS FOR APRIL 1914 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc0: ( 53-38205-019_0.jpg) 1 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 9.0am: Hands embarking ammunition. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc1: ( 53-38205-019_1.jpg) 2 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Lit up No's 1. 2. 3. 4. Boilers. 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Preparing for sea. 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite out of Basin. 7.35am: speed 10 knots for Sulphur Channel. 7.52am: Green Is. LH 1½ cables to Starboard Working up for 3hr trial. 7.57.0am: a/c S 22W. speed as requisite. 8.12am: Lightning Is. S 25 W. Commenced 3hrs trial. 8.37.0am: Bluff head measured mile beacon in line to Starboard course as requisite for measured 3 miles. 8.41am: Nganchau Is. measured mile beacon in line. 8.49am: Magazine Is. " " " " " 8.53am: Starboard H.P. Slide not bent, eased S beginning to slow. 8.55am: As requisitethrough Sulphur Channel for Hong Kong. Draught: For’d 8' 4", Aft 9' 3". 9.08am: Green Is. lighthouse to Port 1½ cables. 9.20am: Stopped secured to N0 4 buoy. 10.30am: Lit fires die out. 11.0am: Tug came alongside. am: Swing ship for adjustment of compasses. 11.30am: Let fires die out. 1,40pm: Slipped Tug took ship to Tidal Basin. 2.0pm: Secured alongside Chelmer W. Wall of Basin. 2.15pm: Coal lighters came alongside. 2.30pm: Commenced coaling. 4.30pm: Finished coaling received 40 tons. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc2: ( 53-38205-020_0.jpg) 3 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc3: ( 53-38205-020_1.jpg) 4 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 1.15pm: Hands Make and Mend clothes. pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: A.B. Hayling joined ship from "Triumph". pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 Lamp Patt 54. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [signed] C.A. Poignard. Lieut Cmdr.
4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc4: ( 53-38205-021_0.jpg) 5 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.30am: R.C.s landed for Divine Service. 9.30am: Divisions and Captain’s Rounds. 10.0am: C of E party to "Tamar" for Divine Service. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 6.30am. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc5: ( 53-38205-021_1.jpg) 6 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Lit up Nos 1. 2. 3 and 4 boilers. am: Lit fires in all boilers. 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite out of Tidal Basin. 7.35am: Proceeded 9 knots for Sulphur Channel. 7.45am: Stopped Port Engine for adjustment. 7.55am: Green Is. to Starboard 1½ cables. 8.07.0am: Port engine half speed ahead . As requisite round Lamma Is for working up for Trial. 8.50am: As requisite through E. Lamma Channel. 9.0am: Commenced Trial. as requisite for running measured distance E. Lamma Channel. 10.15am: Stopped Starboard Engine L.P. cranks need metal run. 10.30am: As requisite for Sulphur Channel and Hong Kong. 10.55am: Green Is. to Port 1½ cables. 11.22am: Stopped secured to No 5 buoy Hong Kong. am: Banked all fires. 11.45am: Banked fires. pm: Lost over board by accident Slips Patt 1916 4". pm: Spread fires in all boilers. 3.50pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite out of harbour for Sulphur Channel. 4.0pm: Green Is. light to Starboard 1½ cables. pm: Commenced working up for Full Power Trial. 4.30pm: Commenced Full Power Trial, as requisite for running measured distance up and down E. Lamma Channel. 7.30pm: Completed Trial Satisfactorily. Average speed 24.5 knots. Proceeded as requisite for working down and for Hong Kong. 7.45pm: Green Is. to Port 1½ cables eased to 9 knots. 8.0pm: Stopped and secured to No 5 buoy. pm: Let fires die out. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc6: ( 53-38205-022_0.jpg) 7 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.30am: Commenced coaling. am: Tel. Clark discharged to "Tamar". 1.0pm: Finished coaling received 85 tons. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 3.30pm: Commander C. Seymour joined ship. pm: Lieut. Comdr. Poignard left for "Welland". [ed. Welland, ex River Class Destroyer, 1904, arm: 1 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 3 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 2 x 18" TT's, disp: 550 ave, comp: 70 men, H.P. 7000 = 25½ knots. Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image H.M.S. Teviot sister-ship to Welland,]. pm: Yeoman of Signals, E.R.A. and Ldg Tel. joined from "Welland". 5.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc7: ( 53-38205-022_1.jpg) 8 April 1914 Hong Kong and at sea Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Hands painting ship. am: Draught - For’d 8' 8½", Aft 9" 6½". 1.15pm: Hands as requisite preparing for sea. pm: Draught For’d 8ft 8in, Aft 9ft 6in. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded. [ed.The log doesn’t say so, but Colne is part of a flotilla with HMS’ Chelmer, Jed, Ribble, Usk and Kennet, as well as the cruiser HMS Minotaur that left earlier in the day, vide logs on] 7.0pm: Shaped course N 74 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc8: ( 53-38205-023_0.jpg) 9 April 1914 At sea Lat 23.08, Long 116.89 12.31am: Sighted Chilang Light bearing NE. 12.40am: a/c to clear Junks. 2.23am: Chilang Light abeam 7 miles. 6.35am: a/c N 52 E. 6.50am: a/c N E. 8.52am: Breaker Pt abeam 2½ mls. 9.30am: a/c to clear Junks. 11.32am: Good Hope Cape abeam 3 mls. 11.50am: a/c N 55 E. 11.55am: a/c N 56 E. 12.31pm: a/c N 52 E. 1.30pm: a/c N 56 E. 1.32pm: a/c N 62 E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: a/c N 51 E. 4.17pm: Sighted Brothers Is. bearing E. 4.40pm: a/c to clear Junks. 7.24pm: Sighted Chapel Is. Light N 42 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.35pm: Chapel Is. Light House abeam 2.3 mls. pm: a/c NE by E. 10.0pm: Sighted Dodd Is. LH bearing NE by N. 11.55pm: Dodd Is. abeam 7 mls. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffc9: ( 53-38205-023_1.jpg) 10 April 1914 At sea Lat 25.5, Long 120.29 4.15am: Sighted Ocksam Light bearing N 35 E. 4.25am: a/c to N 50 E. 5.49am: Sun rose by compass N 81½ E. Dev 1 ¾ E. 9.15am: Turnabout Is. LH Sighted N 1º W. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 10.04am: Turnabout Is. abeam 10'. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.0pm: a/c N 45 E. 5.30pm: Increased to 13 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffca: ( 53-38205-024_0.jpg) 11 April 1914 At sea Lat 28.89, Long 124.49 9.0am: Put clocks on 15 min. Noon: Nagasaki distance 368'. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffcb: ( 53-38205-024_1.jpg) 12 April 1914 At sea to Nagasaki Lat 32.42, Long 129.24 6.0am: Sighted Me Lima Is. bearing N 35 E. 7.40am: Increased to 15 knots. 7.45am: a/c to N 55 E. 8.01am: Me Lima Is. abeam 6 mls. 9.30am: a/c N 59 E. 10.45am: Put clocks on 45 minutes. 12.0 Noon: Reduce to 13 knots. 1.40pm: a/c to E N E. 2.15pm: Form Single Line. 2.46pm: Reduce to 10 knots. 2.53pm: Stopped engines. 3.15pm: Proceeded. 3.19pm: Reduce to 10 knots. 3.22pm: Increased to 13 knots. 3.24pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 3.45pm: Came to with both anchors open hawse in 15 fathoms. Anchor Brgs:- Tuna Ball S 3º E. Storm SS N 43º E. No 5 buoy N 78º W. 5.0pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffcc: ( 53-38205-025_0.jpg) 13 April 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 6.0am: Coal tallying party left ship. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Furled Q.D. awning. [Q.D.- Quarter Deck]. pm: Leave to the watch from 4.30pm to 7.0am. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Coaling party returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffcd: ( 53-38205-025_1.jpg) 14 April 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. 6.45am: 1st lighter came alongside. Commenced coaling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.15pm: Finished coaling 75 tons. pm: Leave to watch from 4.30 to 7.0am. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffce: ( 53-38205-026_0.jpg) 15 April 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Furled awning. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Evening quarters. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffcf: ( 53-38205-026_1.jpg) 16 April 1914 Nagasaki and at sea for Hiroshima Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Draught 8' 8", 9' 6". pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 3.40pm: Set course N 55º W, 10 knots. 5.20pm: a/c N 28 W. 6.51pm: Osrate Lt. abm. 2'. 7.0pm: a/c N 18 W. 7.20pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 8.26pm: Increased to 10 knots. 8.47pm: a/c North. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.25pm: a/c N 25º E. 10.45pm: a/c N 50 E. 11.25pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 11.37pm: a/c N 77 E. 11.55pm: Increased to 15 knots. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd0: ( 53-38205-027_0.jpg) 17 April 1914 At sea to Hiroshima Lat 33.84, Long 131.45 1.0am: Sighted Yeboshi Lt. N 75º E. 1.30am: a/c N 67º E. 3.10am: Yeboshi Lt. abeam 1'. a/c N 59º E. 4.21am: Kum o Kaunu Is. abm. 3½' 5.40am: a/c N 74 E. 5.45am: O Slina Is. abeam 3'. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.54am: a/c S 84 E. 8.40am: Course and speed as requisite for passing thro'. Shin Onsaka St 2. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.53am: Set course S 45º E. 10.40am: a/c S 67º E. 11.17am: Increased to 12 knots. True Bearing and Distance:- Var 2º 40 W. Dist made good 182. T.B. and Dist of Ya Sina Lt. Ho. S 79º E. 1.0pm: a/c S 74º E. 1.06pm: Huini Akm 1 ¾ Mls. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.26pm: Aiva Sina abeam 1 ¾'. 3.0pm: Hirami Saki abm. 1.2, a/c N 62 E. 4.0pm: Quarters. pm: Spread Q.D. awning. 4.45pm: Course and speed as requisite for anchorage. 6.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 15 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. Anchor Brgs } Oya Saki N 46º W } O Kuru Shima S 64º W. } N Kaya Pt N 25 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd1: ( 53-38205-027_1.jpg) 18 April 1914 Hiroshima to Miyajima Lat 34.3, Long 132.3 6.0am: Weighed Starboard anchor and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for Miyajima. 7.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 6 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. am: Divisions. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd2: ( 53-38205-028_0.jpg) 19 April 1914 At Miyajima Lat 34.3, Long 132.3 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Leave to Chief and Petty Officers from 1.30 to 7.0pm. 4.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd3: ( 53-38205-028_1.jpg) 20 April 1914 Miyajima and at sea for Kobe Lat 34.07, Long 132.6 [vide log of HMS Usk] am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.15am: Divisions. 10.0am: Set course S 22½ E, speed 10 knots. 10.05am: S 38 E. 10.50am: a/c S 50 E. 11.21am: a/c N 67½ E. Draught- For’d 8' 4" Aft 9' 3" 12.49pm: a/c N 52 E. 1.40pm: Increased to 15 knots. Course as requisite for passing to S. Kurasina Lito. 2.03pm: Reduce to 10 knots. 2.05pm: Set course N 74º E. 2.10pm: Reduce to 6 knots. 2.35pm: Increased to 10 knots. 3.10pm: a/c N 75 E. 3.40pm: a/c N 69 E. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.35pm: a/c N 75 E. 5.45pm: a/c N 70 E. pm: Exercised Collision and Grounding Stations. 6.49pm: a/c S 67½ E. 6.50pm: Formed two lines ahead. Columns 1 cable apart box. 7.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd4: ( 53-38205-029_0.jpg) 21 April 1914 At sea to Kobe Lat 34.57, Long 134.84 am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Weighed and proceed course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 8.11am: Set course S 79 E speed 10 knots. 8.39am: a/c S 55 E. 9.0am: a/c E. 9.26am: a/c N 75 E. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.32am: Ohado abeam 1'. 10.34am: Luatsu Is. abm 5'. am: Lost overboard by accident Broom Coir one in number. 12.39pm: Yesaki Lt. Ho. abm. a/c S 79 E. 12.56pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Special leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 7.0am. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd5: ( 53-38205-029_1.jpg) 22 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: General leave from 4.30pm to 7.0am Friday to Starboard Watch. pm: Evening quarters. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd6: ( 53-38205-030_0.jpg) 23 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd7: ( 53-38205-030_1.jpg) 24 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: General leave to the Port Watch from 4.30 to 7.0am Sunday. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd8: ( 53-38205-031_0.jpg) 25 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffd9: ( 53-38205-031_1.jpg) 26 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.40am: Landed C of E party. 11.55am: Church party returns. pm: Special leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.0am. pm: Evening quarters. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffda: ( 53-38205-032_0.jpg) 27 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Divisions. Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 7.0am. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffdb: ( 53-38205-032_1.jpg) 28 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 7.0am. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffdc: ( 53-38205-033_0.jpg) 29 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.30am: "Minotaur" sailed. 9.0am: Divisions. pm: Special leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 7.0am. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffdd: ( 53-38205-033_1.jpg) 30 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: "Hampshire" arrived. pm: Special Leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 9.0am. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffde: ( 53-38205-034_0.jpg) 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffdf: ( 53-38205-034_1.jpg) 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe0: ( 53-38205-035_0.jpg) 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe1: ( 53-38205-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MAY 1914 4caf85a0cadfd341970104ce: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-001_0.jpg) [Left Half of Front Cover] 4caf85a0cadfd341970104cf: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-001_1.jpg) [Right Half of Front Cover] 4caf85a0cadfd341970104d0: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS "Colne" for the period May 1st - June 30th 1914. C Seymour Commander 4caf85a0cadfd341970104d1: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-002_1.jpg) [Statistics as previously described] 4caf85a0cadfd341970104d2: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-003_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf85a0cadfd341970104d3: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.10am: Divisions. Hands employed as requisite. pm: General leave to the Watch from 8.0am to 7.0am. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104d4: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed all requisite. pm: General leave to the Watch from 8.0am to 7.0am. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104d5: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.67, Long 135.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 9.40am: Landed Church Parties. 11.55am: Church parties returned. pm: Special leave to the Watch to 10.0pm. Ch. and 1st Class P.Os. pm: Watch employed securing for sea. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104d6: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1914 Kobe and at sea for Nagasaki Lat 34.33, Long 133.64 am: Draught of Water For’d. 8' 2½" Aft. 9' 0½" 5.02am: Cast off from Wall, weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 5.15am: Course S 75 W 12 knots. 5.54am: a/c N. 6.09am: Yesaki Lt. bearing S 4'. a/c S 74 W. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.20am: a/c S 60 W. 8.54am: O Ravo Ba abeam ¾'. a/c S 79 W. 9.10am: Divisions. Hands to torpedo heading drill and as requisite a/c N 79 W. 9.25am: Jizo Zabri abm½'. a/c N 69 W. 10.07am: a/c S 76 W. 10.11am: Oza Jima abm ¼ m. 10.53am: a/c S 72 W. 11.12am: a/c S 76 W. 11.22am: S 85 W. 11.27am: a/c S 70 W. 11.44am: Holughi Ana abeam 1½ cables. 12.16pm: a/c S 60 W. 12.29pm: a/c S 72 W. 1.25pm: a/c S 83 W. 1.42pm: a/c S 97 W. 2.0pm: Course as requisite for passing throu. Halata. Set at Rurina ~~~. 3.45pm: Shaped course S 39 W. 4.0pm: Quarters. Exercised Fire Stations. 4.15pm: Stopped and swing ship for Dev'. 5.0pm: Formed Single line ahead and proceeded 10 knots S 39 W. 6.05pm: a/c S 48 W inc'd 12 knots. 8.40pm: Hirami Saki abeam 13 cables a/c N 72 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.55pm: Sighted Hin Seina Lt. N 80 W. 10.29pm: Abm 2 1/5'. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104d7: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1914 At sea to Nagasaki Lat 33.62, Long 129.7 12.25am: a/c N 56 W. 1.10am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered to 3 shackles off Shimonoseki. 5.35am: Weighed and proceeded 10 knots, course as requisite for approaching and passing throu' Straits of Shimonoseki. 6.45am: Increased to 13 knots. 7.13am: a/c N 74 W. 7.22am: Formed Divisions line ahead. 7.32am: a/c S 71 W. 8.35am: O' Shina abeam 2½'. a/c S 59 W. 9.10am: Divisions. Hands employed as requisite. 10.12am: Pga Shima abeam 5.5'. 10.50am: a/c S 40 W. 11.0am: a/c S 56 W. True Bearings and Distance- Kai Ze S 60 W 12 miles. 12.55pm: Kai Ze abeam 1.2' a/c S 49 W. 1.23pm: a/c S 22½ W. 2.47pm: a/c S 36 E. 3.27pm: Faki Se abm. 4.43pm: Ko Kadora Rise abeam 1.5 cables. 5.18pm: Formed Single line ahd. a/c S 45 E. 5.33pm: Course and speed as requisite for Nagasaki harbour. 6.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered 3 shackles on each in 5 fathoms. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104d8: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.15am: Coal Tallying party left ship. am: Dressed ship overall. am: Hands preparing for coaling. 9.0am: 1st Lighter came alongside. Received 75 tons of Coal. pm: General leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.0am. 3.35pm: Finished coaling 75 tons. 3.15pm: Discharged 1 A.B. to "Hampshire" sick. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship after coaling. 7.0pm: Undressed Ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104d9: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Read Warrants. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Special leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.0am. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104da: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.10am: Divisions and prayers. 9.20am: Exercised General Quarters. 10.10am: Secured. Hands employed as requisite. pm: Special leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 10pm. pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [signed] C. Seymour. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104db: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1914 Nagasaki and at sea for Wei-hai-wei Lat 32.64, Long 128.17 am: Draught of Water For’d 8' 7" Aft 9' 5" 5.05am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 5.55am: Shaped course S 76 W. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.11am: Bin O Sina abeam 2.1mls, a/c N. Formed division’s line ahead. 10.25am: Ose Saki Lt. Ho. abeam 1.9 mls. 10.30am: a/c N 72 W. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.20pm: Sighted Quelpart Is. a/c N 34 W. pm: Quarters. 5.0pm: a/c N 53 E. 6.15pm: a/c N 79 W. 7.24pm: Eiffan Is. abeam 2.7m. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.10pm: a/c N 46º W. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104dc: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1914 At sea to Wei-hai-wei Lat 36.52, Long 123.37 12.02am: Sighted Ross Is. North. 12.45am: a/c N 19º W. 5.30am: Put clocks back 30 mins. 6.0am: a/c N 20 W. 8.0am: a/c N 22½ W. am: Put clocks back 30 min. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 2.0pm: Sighted High Peak M 32 W. 4.28pm: N.E. Promontory abeam 2.2m. 4.30pm: a/c N 48 W. 4.47pm: a/c N 82 W. 5.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 5.30pm: Secured to a buoy. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104dd: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 5.30am: “Newcastle” arrived. [ed. Newcastle, Bristol Class Light Cruiser, 1909, guns: 2 x 6", 10 x 4", 4 x 3 pdr, 2 sub TT's, disp: 4,800 tons, comp: 367 men, H.P. 22, 000 = 25 knots. Jane's Fighting Ships 1914. image]. am: Hands employed rigging target and preparing ship for sea. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded. am: Carried out 303 practice. am: Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour, carrying out exercise and returning to harbour. 10.45am: Secured to a buoy. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch till 7.30pm from 4.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104de: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.50am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for carrying out .303 practice and returning to harbour. am: Lost overboard by accident Paint Brush 1 in No. 11.0am: Secured to C. buoy. pm: Hands employed preparing Torpedoes for running and as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104df: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 6.30am: Slipped and proceeded co and speed as requisite for leaving harbour to carrying out preliminary Torpedo runs. 9.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 9½ fathoms veered to 2 shackles. 10.15am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for carry out Test runs. am: Lost overboard Hose 40ft. No 3 lost overboard by accident Dinghy's Rudder. 12.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 9 fathoms veered to 2 shackles. 2.40pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for carrying out Test runs. 4.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8½ fathoms veered to 2½ shackles. 8.40pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for carrying out 1" Aiming rifle practice at towed target and returning to harbour. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.20pm: Secured to C. buoy. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e0: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour to carry out Torpedo firing. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.55am: Secured to C. buoy. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and refitting ridge ropes. pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e1: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hoisted out Boats and prepared for coaling. 6.0am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for proceeding to coaling pier. 6.35am: Commenced coaling, Received 80 tons. 9.30am: Finished coaling. am: Cast off and proceeded to buoy. 9.50am: Secured to C. buoy. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e2: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30pm to 7.30pm. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e3: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 9.40am: Landed Church Parties. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30pm to 7.30pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e4: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed rigging target and preparing for sea. 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for carrying out .303 aiming rifle practice and returning to harbour. 11.55am: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. pm: Hands carrying out Loader Class in "Usk" and as requisite. [ed. Usk, ex River Class Destroyer, 1904, arm: 1 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 3 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 2 x 18" TT's, disp: 550 tons, comp 70 men, H.P. 7000 = 25½ knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 9.0pm: Rounds correct.
4caf85a1cadfd341970104e5: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for carrying out .303 aiming rifle practice and returning to harbour. 9.50am: Secured to "C" buoy. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e6: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and carrying out 1" Aiming Rifle practice and returning to harbour. am: Hands employed as requisite. Depth of Water - For’d 8' 7" Aft 9' 5" 12.30pm: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e7: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed painted ship. am: Lost overboard by accident Paint Brushes 2 in No. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e8: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed drawing targets and as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104e9: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Divisions with light clothing. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 pm to 7.30 pm. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104ea: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104eb: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.0am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour, carrying out preliminary Gun Layers’ Test. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.35pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 1.35pm: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104ec: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Dressed ship. Mast head Flags. 9.0am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and carrying out "Usk" and "Chelmer's" Light G.L. Test. [ed. Chelmer, sister-ship to Colne, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914]. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. 2.0pm: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: Dressed ship overall. 7.0pm: Undressed Ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104ed: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for G.L. Test. 8.0am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and carrying out Light G.Ls’ Test and remainder of Flotilla. 12.20pm: Hove to. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 3.15pm: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: 1 A.B. discharged to "Minotaur" sick. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104ee: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed preparing for coaling. 6.50am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite to coaling pier. 7.30am: Commenced coaling. 9.10am: Finished coaling completed with 35 tons. Slipped and proceeded as requisite to buoy. 9.45am: Secured to "C" buoy. am: Hands employed handling up targets in dockyard. am: Remainder cleaning ship. 11.45am: Dockyard party returned. pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: 1 Ldg. Sig. and 1 A.B. returned from "Minotaur". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104ef: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f0: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Divisions with nght clothing. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. [signed] C. Seymour. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f1: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.30: Divisions. 9.35am: Church parties left the ship. 11.0am: Church parties returned. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. LOGS FOR JUNE 1914 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f2: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-019_0.jpg) 1 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.15am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and carrying out 1" practice and picking up Torpedo for "Minotaur". am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.25pm: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: Hands employed boat sailing and as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f3: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-019_1.jpg) 2 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Lost over board by accident Hammers 1 in No. Berthon Boats controls 1 in No. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: 1 Stoker returned from Sicklist from "Minotaur". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f4: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-020_0.jpg) 3 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.0am: Dressed ship overall. 12.0 Noon: Manned ship. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm. pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f5: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-020_1.jpg) 4 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 5.45am: Landed Small Armed Companies. 7.45am: Small Armed Companies returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands away Boat Sailing and as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f6: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-021_0.jpg) 5 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.10am: Divisions. 9.15am: Exercised General Quarters. 10.30am: Secured. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30 then attending Concert till half an hour after the concert finishes. 4.45pm: Landed patrol 1 P.O. and 2 A.B's. 7.40pm: Patrol returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f7: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-021_1.jpg) 6 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: One Stoker returned from sick list in "Minotaur". pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30. Concert Party until half an hour after concert finishes. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f8: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-022_0.jpg) 7 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. am: One A.B. returned from sick list (Minotaur). pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104f9: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-022_1.jpg) 8 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.30am: Landed dockyard party. 8.15am: Dockyard party returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 1.15pm: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and carrying out 1" Aiming Rifle practice. 3.30pm: Taken in Tow by "Usk". 4.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms veered to 3 shackles in Yin Shau Bay. 8.0pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for carrying out night firing (1" Aiming). 10.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms. veered to 3 shackles. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104fa: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-023_0.jpg) 9 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for carrying out Instructional Runs Torpedo. am: Hands employed as requisite. Dt. of Water - For’d 8' 6" Aft 9' 4" pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 1.10pm: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: Hands employed replacing gear. pm: Leave to the Watch from 3.30 to 7.30pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104fb: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-023_1.jpg) 10 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Landed Small Armed Companies. am: Remainder of hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to Watch from 3.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104fc: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-024_0.jpg) 11 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 6.0am: Cleared ship for Action. 7.30am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded course and speed as requisite for carrying out 1" Aiming rifle practice. 9.50am: Secured, replaced gear and proceeded course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 10.55am: Went alongside Coal pier. 11.0am: Commenced coaling. 12.22pm: Completed with coal 39 tons. pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30. 1.0pm: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104fd: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-024_1.jpg) 12 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104fe: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-025_0.jpg) 13 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Divisions, with light clothing. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd341970104ff: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-025_1.jpg) 14 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions. am: Landed Church parties. pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30 to 7.30. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010500: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-026_0.jpg) 15 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 6.30am: Hands exercised at General Drill. 7.45am: Replaced Gear. am: Hands employed preparing for sea and as requisite. 1.25pm: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and carrying out 1" Aiming practice and Torpedo exercises. 6.0pm: Came to with Port anchor in 9½ fathoms veered to 3 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Chiming Is. N 42 E Chan Tang Pt. N 89 E S.S.E. Landing Place S 17 E 8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for carrying out 1" Aiming practice. Three Peak Pt. N 55 W Joss House S 72 W 10.45pm: Came to with Port anchor in 11 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010501: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-026_1.jpg) 16 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 4caf85a1cadfd34197010502: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-027_0.jpg) 17 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving anchorage and carrying out 1" Aiming practice. 11.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 2½ shackles. 2.40pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 3.20pm: Secured to "C" buoy. 4.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010503: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-027_1.jpg) 18 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and carrying out 1" Aiming practice. 9.10am: Divisions. 10.35am: Secured to "C" buoy. pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010504: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-028_0.jpg) 19 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands medically examined and employed as requisite. pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010505: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-028_1.jpg) 20 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.10am: Divisions. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010506: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-029_0.jpg) 21 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Landed Church Parties 9.15am: Divisions. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010507: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-029_1.jpg) 22 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hoisted out boats. 8.0am: Dressed ship. 8.30am: Landed ship’s company for inspection by Commander in Chief. 10.40am: Ship's company returned on board. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Lost overboard by accident, one Berthon Boat's crutch. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Burnt searchlight 9.30pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010508: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-030_0.jpg) 23 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed Launching Night Action practise targets and as requisite. pm: Hands preparing for sea and as requisite 5.0pm: Cleared ship for Action pm: Night Action Practise postponed owing to fog. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010509: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-030_1.jpg) 24 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 6.0am: Hands employed replacing gear and cleaning ship. 9.10am: Divisions. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.15pm: Two Stoker activated from sick list in "Minotaur". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701050a: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-031_0.jpg) 25 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.10am: Divisions. Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: "Jed" and "Chelmer" sailed for Hong Kong. [ed. Jed, sister-ship to Colne]. pm: Leave to Range party pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Cleared ship for Action. 7.45pm: Darkened ship. 8.0pm: Slipped and proceed course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and carrying out Night Action Practise. 9.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 14 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Chiming Is. N 41E Chow Tang Pt. N 89E 4caf85a1cadfd3419701050b: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-031_1.jpg) 26 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 12.15am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 1.30am: Secured to "B" buoy. am: Hands preparing for coaling. 7.45am: Slipped and proceeded to coaling jetty. 8.15am: Secured alongside. Took in 36 tons. am: Hands employed returning target sail and hauling up targets. 11.0am: Cast off from pier and proceeded to buoy. 11.25am: Secured to "B" buoy. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 12.30pm: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. pm: Set course S 80 E 2.15pm: a/c S 65 E. 2.25pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Alceste Is. to investigate wreck. Hove to. 3.40pm: Set course for W.H.W. N 84W, 16 knots. 5.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 5.30pm: Secured to "B" buoy. pm: Leave to Watch till 7.30pm 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701050c: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-032_0.jpg) 27 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions with night clothes. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Leave to the watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701050d: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-032_1.jpg) 28 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: Landed Church Parties. 9.30am: Divisions. 11.0am: Church Parties returned pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701050e: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-033_0.jpg) 29 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 6.0am: Exercised General Drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct 4caf85a1cadfd3419701050f: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-033_1.jpg) 30 June 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.0am: Swung for Adjustment of Compasses. 10.45am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 11.0am: Secured to "B" buoy. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010510: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-034_0.jpg) 4caf85a1cadfd34197010511: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-034_1.jpg) 4caf85a1cadfd34197010512: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-035_0.jpg) 4caf85a1cadfd34197010513: ( 53-69617/ADM 53-69617-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR JULY 1914 4caf85a1cadfd34197010514: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-001_0.jpg) 4caf85a1cadfd34197010515: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-001_1.jpg) 4caf85a1cadfd34197010516: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-002_0.jpg) 4caf85a1cadfd34197010517: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-002_1.jpg) 4caf85a1cadfd34197010518: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-003_0.jpg) 4caf85a1cadfd34197010519: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed scrubbing decks. am: Hands employed provisioning ship. pm: Paid monthly money. Hands employed provisioning ship and as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701051a: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed scrubbing decks. 8.30am: Landed rifle range party. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 6.30pm: Rifle range party returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct.
4caf85a1cadfd3419701051b: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed scrubbing decks. am: Range party landed. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm pm: Hands employed as requisite 4.30pm: Landed Picket. 7.35pm: Picket returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701051c: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed scrubbing Decks. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Leave to the Watch from 1.30 to 7.30 pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701051d: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1 Ldg Stoker joined ship. 8.45am: Landed Church parties. 9.30am: Divisions. pm: Leave to watch. 4.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701051e: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1914 Wei-hai-wei and at sea Lat 37.55, Long 122.04 6.0am: Cleared ship for action. 8.0am: Slipped and proceeded. 8.15am: Shaped course E by N 10 knots. 9.15am: a/c to E. 10.20am: a/c W. 11.0am: Course and speed as requisite for carrying out torpedo attack on fleet. 1.0pm: Shaped course N 35 W 12 knots. pm: Hands employed replacing gear and as requisite. 5.45pm: Sighted: Lian Ti Shan Promontory. 6.30pm: a/c N 30 W. 9.07pm: Lian Ti Shan Light abeam 4½ mls. 9.20pm: a/c N N W. 9.55pm: a/c N. 10.15pm: a/c N by E. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701051f: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1914 At sea to Newchwang [ed. now Yingkou] Lat 40.7, Long 122.1 [approx] 1.20am: a/c N 34 E. 2.05am: North Point abeam 6½ mls. 6.10am: a/c N 52 E. 7.20am: Sighted Newchwang Lightship. 8.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fths. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.40pm: Secured alongside jetty. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4.30pm: Leave to watch 10.0pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010520: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1914 At Newchwang Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions. Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010521: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1914 At Newchwang Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions. Hands as requisite. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010522: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1914 At Newchwang Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions. Hands as requisite 1.0pm: Hands painting ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010523: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1914 Newchwang and at sea for Tientsin. Lat 39.92, Long 121.1 5.0am: Hands preparing for sea. 6.0am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. am: Set course S 55 W 12 knots. 9.0am: Divisions. Hands as requisite. True Bearing and Distance = N 54E 48' Li. ship Newchwang. 12.55pm: a/c S 55W. pm: Hands make and mend. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: a/c S 89 W. speed 10 knots. 11.20pm: Sighted Li. ship: N 83 W. Midnight: a/c S 76 W. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010524: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1914 At sea to Tientsin [ed. now Tianjin] Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 am: Sha lui tien Light abeam 2 1/3 mls. a/c N 86 W. 2.0am: Sighted Pei Ho light bearing W by N. speed 8 knots. 3.0am: a/c: W by N½ N. 3.46am: a/c N W by W. 10.0am: Secured to jetty. 1.15pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010525: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1914 At Tientsin Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 10.10am: General leave to watch until 8.0am 15th. 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010526: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1914 At Tientsin Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Hands as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010527: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1914 At Tientsin Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 6.0am: Commenced coaling. 9.0am: Hands as requisite. 2.45pm: Finished coaling received 40 Tons. 4.0pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010528: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1914 At Tientsin Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. General leave to watch until 18th. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Hands as requisite. 4.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010529: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1914 At Tientsin Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Hands as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701052a: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1914 At Tientsin Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Hands as requisite. 4.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct, 4caf85a1cadfd3419701052b: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1914 At Tientsin Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions. am: Church Party landed for Divine Service. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.30am. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701052c: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1914 At Tientsin Lat 39.09, Long 117.245 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Hands as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701052d: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1914 Tientsin and at sea Lat 38.99, Long 117.73 [ed. Approx: they are off Taku in Pei Ho River, probably waiting for the tide to cross the bar] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing for sea. 8.0am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for river Pei Ho. 1.0pm: Shaped Course S 64 E. speed 11 knots. 1.07pm: Taku light vessel bearing NNE distant 1 mile. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.25pm: Sighted Howki Light: S 60 E. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701052e: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1914 At sea to Chefoo [ed. now Yantai] Lat 37.5, Long 121.46 1.10am: a/c S 77 E. 1.34am: a/c E. 2.50am: a/c S 66 E. 2.20am: a/c S 36 E. 3.40am: Reduced to 100 revs. 4.45am: Sun rose by compass N 70 E. 5.24am: Chefoo Peak abeam 3 mls. 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.27am: Came to with Starboard anchor 5 fathoms Anchor Bearings: Tower Hill L. Ho. N 79 W. Chefoo Cape N 36 E. 2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701052f: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1914 At Chefoo Lat 37.5, Long 121.46 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010530: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1914 Chefoo and at sea Lat 37.5, Long 121.46 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite. 6.26pm: a/c S 64 E. 6.40pm: Ching Tau Shan abeam 1¼ mls. 7.20pm: Increased to 15 knots. pm: Course as requisite. 8.10pm: Reduced to 13 knots. 8.20pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 8.25pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms. Anchor Bearings: N. Coast of Alceste Is N 81 E. " " of Chiming Is N 47 W. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010531: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1914 At sea Lat 37.22, Long 123.1 [Long in log 183º 06’E, clear error] 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite, speed 10 knots. 10.22am: NE Promontory L. bearing SW 1½'. a/c S 54 E . Increased to 13 knots. 12.30pm: Reduced to 12 knots. 1.0pm: a/c S 38 E. 4.10pm: Increased to 15 knots. a/c N 51 E./ 4.20pm: a/c to N. 4.40pm: C. W. 5.30pm: Course N W. pm: Course and speed as requisite for Torpedo Attack on Fleet. 8.15pm: Hands Night Cruising Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010532: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1914 At sea to Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Course and speed as requisite for Torpedo Attack. 6.0am: Hands replacing gear on upper deck. 8.0am: Course S 74 W. 13 knots. 9.15am: Made fast to buoy. 1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.30 pm. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010533: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 6.0am: Hands preparing for sea. 8.0am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite for picking up Torpedoes. 2.30pm: Made fast to pier and commenced coaling. 5.30pm: Finished coaling received 97 Tons. 6.0pm: Left pier and secured to D buoy. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010534: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Spread awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.45: Slipped and proceeded alongside "Welland". Lieut Comdr Poignard joined. 1 Stoker sick "Minotaur". 11.0am: Slipped and proceeded to "B" buoy. 11.15am: Secured. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.10pm: Slipped and proceeded alongside Iron pier. Drew two Torpedoes and Warheads. 5.0pm: Slipped from Iron pier and secured to "B" buoy. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010535: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed stowing space Torpedoes and Warheads. am: Landed dockyard party. pm: Leave to the Watch from 4.30 to 7.30. pm: Hands paid monthly money. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.30pm: Dockyard Party returned. 5.45pm: Hands recalled from Leave. 6.0pm: Cleared ship for Action. "Kennet" and "Usk" sailed. 8.30pm: Night action stations. "Welland" and "Ribble" sailed. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010536: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed replacing gear. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed removing unnecessary gear out of ship. pm: Preparing for War. 4.30pm: Prepared for coaling. pm: Slipped and proceeded alongside Iron pier to coal. 5.0pm: Commenced coaling. 9.15pm: Finished coaling 17 Tons. 9.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to a buoy. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010537: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1914 Wei-hai-wei and at sea for Hong Kong Lat 37.37, Long 123.3 [DR, vide log of Minotaur] am: Rounds correct. 3.40am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 4.0am: a/c NE. 10 knots. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: a/c S 29 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.55am: a/c S 9 E. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.15pm: a/c S 3º W. Sighted "Newcastle" brg S by W. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Darken ship. Hands to Night Cruising Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1914 4caf85a1cadfd34197010538: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-019_0.jpg) 1 August 1914 At sea Lat 33.34, Long 123.47 (DR) 5.0am: Fall out from Night Cruising Stations. am: Hands spreading awnings and as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Increased to 12 knots. 10.0am: Reduced to 10 knots. pm: Hands employed fitting sweep. pm: Hands darken ship, Night Cruising Stations. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010539: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-019_1.jpg) 2 August 1914 From Wei hai hei to Hong Kong at sea Lat 29.6, Long 123.44 5.50am: Proceeded at 17 knots to communicate with Japanese steamer. 6.45am: Took station astern of "Welland" 10 knots S 3 W. 9.15am: Divisions and Prayers 9.40am: a/c S 35 W. True bearing and distance - Tung Ting Lt Ho. S 81W 41'. 2.15pm: "Minotaur" and "Hampshire" parted company. 3.0pm: a/c S 38 W. pm: Darken ship. Hands to Night Cruising Stations. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701053a: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-020_0.jpg) 3 August 1914 At sea for Hong Kong Lat 27.0, Long 121.35 2.20am: Reduced to 8 knots. 5.0am: Increased to 9 knots. 6.0am: Increased to 10 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Lost overboard by accident Hand Lamp Patt 56 1 in No. Lantern Signal Patt 47 1 in No. 1.45pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.20pm: a/c West. 3.15pm: a/c S 56 W. 4.45pm: Sighted "Yarmouth" W.N.W. steering South. [ed. Yarmouth, Weymouth Class Light Cruiser, 1911, guns: 8 x 6", 4 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 5,250 tons, comp: 376 men, H.P. 22,000 = 25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 5.25pm: a/c S 51 W. 5.30pm: Tung Yung Lt. Ho. brg S 60 W. 6.30pm: Tung Yung Lt. Ho. abeam 4'. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.23pm: Tung Knon Lt. Abm 13'. 11.45pm: Turnabout Island S 38 W. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701053b: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-020_1.jpg) 4 August 1914 At sea for Hong Kong Lat 24.35, Long 118.52 12.30am: a/c S 38 W. 1.35am: Turnabout Is. abeam 3'. 3.0am: a/c S 63 W. 3.23am: Sighted Ocksen Lt. Ho. SW. 5.35am: Ocksen Lt. abeam 2½'. 5.45am: a/c SW. 8.30am: Increased to 12 knots. 11.15am: Sighted Dodd Is. S 72 W. 11.49am: Dodd Is. Lt. Ho. abeam 4'. 1.15pm: Sighted "Newcastle". 1.32pm: Chapel Is. Lt. abeam 2'. 1.50pm: Increased to 13 knots. 4.30pm: Brothers Is. S 10 W. 7.19pm: Brothers Is abeam 3'. 9.55pm: Breakers Pt SW. 11.05pm: Breakers Pt Lt. Ho. abeam 1¼'. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701053c: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-021_0.jpg) 5 August 1914 At sea to Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.20am: Increased to 17 knots. 7.40am: Increased to 20 knots. am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching and entering Hong Kong. 9.15am: Secured to 5A buoy. am: Coaled ship, 115 tons. pm: Hands preparing for provisioning. pm: Provisioning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701053d: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-021_1.jpg) 6 August 1914 Hong Kong and at sea Lat 22.32, Long 115.34 6.10am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour with Flag. 8.20am: Parted company with Flag. Set course S 6º E. 11½ knots. 8.35am: a/c N 76 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: Reduced 10 knots. 10.35am: Increased to 11½ knots. 11.02am: Pedro Blanco abeam 4.7'. 11.15am: a/c N 16 E. True Bearing: West 11.5'. pm: Hands employed painting ship. 6.0pm: Increased to 12 knots. 7.55pm: Sighted Lamock Lt bearing NE by N. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: a/c N 47 E. 9.52pm: Lamock Lt abeam 6.8'. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701053e: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-022_0.jpg) 7 August 1914 At sea Lat 25.17, Long 119.75 3.55am: Sighted Chapel Is Lt: NW. 4.08am: Sighted Chapel Is Lt: abeam 20' 7.25am: a/c N 348 E. am: Formed Divisions in line ahead to Starboard, a/c N 37º E. 9.10am: Ocksen Lt. brg N 45º E. 9.40am: Ocksen Is abeam 7 miles. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.0 Noon: Sighted Turnabout Is. bg NNE. 12.50pm: a/c N 26 E. 1.0pm: a/c N 31º E. 1.35pm: Turnabout Is abeam 2.5'. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.10pm: Tungsha Is abeam 3¼'. 6.20pm: Tung Yuen Lt. Ho. N 86 N 7'. 4caf85a1cadfd3419701053f: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-022_1.jpg) 8 August 1914 At sea to the Saddle Islands and at sea Lat 29.74, Long 122.59 5.40am: a/c N 19 E. am: Hu Shau Is. abeam 1¼', a/c N 20 E. am: Hands employed fitting sweep and rigging buoys. 12.40pm: Tong Tin abeam 3.8'. 12.45pm: a/c N 22½ E. Reduced 10 knots. 2.13pm: a/c N 9 E. 3.15pm: Increased to 12 knots. 4.24pm: a/c N 12 W. 5.0pm: a/c N 30 W. 5.37pm: a/c N 79º 8 knots. 6.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for anchorage. 6.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5½ fathoms, veered to 4 shackles, Northern end of South Saddle Is. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Shortened in to 2 shackles. 10.10pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 10.20pm: Set course East 10 knots. 11.10pm: a/c N 11 E 13 knots. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010540: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-023_0.jpg) 9 August 1914 At sea and return to Saddle Islands Lat 30.83, Long 122.66 [approx] 2.0am: a/c West, reduced to 12 knots. 5.0am: a/c S 22½ W. 5.10am: Reduced to 10 knots. 5.25am: a/c S 45 W, 13 knots. 5.30am: Sighted three ship’s E by S. Steering SE. "Dublin", "Yarmouth" and "Triumph". Course and speed as requisite for Sweeping. [ed. Dublin, Chatham Class Light Cruiser, 1912, guns: 8 x 6", 4 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18" subm TT's, disp: 5,400 tons, comp: 380 men, H.P. 22,000 = 25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image naval-history.] am: Hands employed sweeping. Lost overboard by buoy in Channel : 14 Belt Life Cork, 14 Stanchions Awning. pm: Hands employed sweeping and rigging buoys. pm: Hands preparing for coaling. 5.30pm: Set course for anchorage. Course and speed as requisite for approaching anchorage . 6.30pm: Secured alongside collier. Commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship, received 42 tons coal. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010541: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-023_1.jpg) 10 August 1914 Saddle Islands anchorage Lat 30.83, Long 122.66 [approx] am: Hands coaling ship. 5.0am: Finished coaling, received 30 tons. 5.15am: Left collier and proceeded and came to with Starboard anchor in 5½ fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010542: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-024_0.jpg) 11 August 1914 Saddle Islands and at sea Lat 31.72, Long 123.0 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 7.30am: Set course N 46 E 12 knots. 8.0am: a/c N 6 W. 8.34am: a/c N 45 E. 15 knots. 9.45am: a/c N 11 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: a/c N 14 W. Reduced to 12 knots. 12.40pm: a/c North. 1.30pm: a/c N 11 W. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: a/c N 22½ W. 6.0pm: Took station astern of "Yarmouth". Reduced to 10 knots, a/c S 6 E. 7.45pm: Incr'd to 12½ knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a1cadfd34197010543: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-024_1.jpg) 12 August 1914 At sea to Saddle Islands anchorage Lat 30.83, Long 122.66 [approx] 2.15am: Sighted N. Saddle Lt. Ho. S 29 W. 4.0am: N. Saddle Lt. Ho. abm. 4'. am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. Secured to collier. 6.15am: Commenced coaling. am: Hands coaling ship. 1.0pm: Finished coaling. Received 30 tons. pm: Hands employed cleaning. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010544: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-025_0.jpg) 13 August 1914 Saddle Islands anchorage and on patrol Lat 30.83, Long 122.66 [approx] am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite and preparing for sea. 1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour in company with "Triumph". 2.30pm: Set course N 34 W, 12 knots. 3.0pm: a/c N 16 W. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.55pm: a/c N 28 W. 6.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 7.55pm: Set course South. 10 knots. pm: Course as requisite for patrolling, speed 8 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010545: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-025_1.jpg) 14 August 1914 Patrolling off Yangtse Kiang Lat 31.5, Long 122.3 [approx] 6.30am: Set course N 45º E Increased to 8½ knots. 8.0am: a/c S 45º W. 8.15am: a/c N 45 E. 9.0am: Course as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.10am: "Cadmus" sighted. [ed. Cadmus, Sloop, 1900-03, guns: 6 x 4", 4 x 3 pdr, 2 or 3 MG's, disp: 1070 tons, comp: 121-112 men, I.H.P. 1400 = 13¼ knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1919, image Clio sister-ship tp Cadmus]. 12.20pm: Reduce to 6 knots. 1.0pm: a/c East , 5 knots. 2.0pm: a/c S 54 W. 3.0pm: Shaweishan Lt. Ho. abeam 4'. a/c S 34 E. 5.0pm: a/c N 34 W. 6.0pm: a/c S 34 E. 7.0pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010546: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-026_0.jpg) 15 August 1914 Patrolling off Yangtse Kiang Lat 31.42, Long 122.33 [vide log of Usk] am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 8.15am: "Usk" rejoined, reduced to 6 knots. 10.35am: Shaweishan Lt. Ho. abeam 7'. 11.50am: Increased to 15 knots. 12.25pm: Reduced to 6 knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Increased to 8 knots. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010547: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-026_1.jpg) 16 August 1914 Patrolling off Yangtse Kiang Lat 31.45, Long 122.32 [vide log of Welland] 12.01am: Increased to 12 knots. am: Course as requisite for patrolling. 4.0am: Reduced to 8 knots. 4.15am: a/c South. 5.0am: a/c North. 5.30am: Shaweishan Lt. Ho. N 79 W, 1½'. 6.0am: a/c N 45 E, Reduced to 6 knots. 7.30am: a/c S 45 W. 8.0am: Course and speed as requisite for closing "Cadmus". 8.30am: Stopped and communicated with "Cadmus". 9.40am: Proceeded 5 knots N 45 E. 10.20am: a/c S.W. 10.45am: S 22 E. 11.11am: a/c N 45 E. 11.30am: Stopped and communicated with "Welland". pm: Stopped. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Proceeded South knots. 4.40pm: Increased to 10 knots. 5.20pm: a/c N 28 W. 6.0pm: Reduced to 6 knots. 6.30pm: a/c South. 7.0pm: Course as requisite for patrolling. N and S from Shaweishan Lt. Ho. speed 8 knots. pm: As requisite. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010548: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-027_0.jpg) 17 August 1914 Patrolling off Yangtse Kiang and to anchorage Lat 31.38, Long 122.35 [approx] am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.45am: Set course S 45 E. 9.25am: Stopped, communicated with "Usk". 9.45am: Set course N 11 W. 10.45am: a/c S 13 E, increased to 12 knots. 12.0 Noon: a/c N 5 E. 12.45pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 2.45pm: Proceeded alongside "Ole Sang" to coal. 5.15pm: Proceeded alongside "Swanley". 5.45pm: Commenced coaling. 8.0pm: Stopped coaling, darkened ship. Received 31 tons. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010549: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-027_1.jpg) 18 August 1914 Saddle Is anchorage Lat 30.83, Long 122.66 5.15am: Commenced coaling. am: Took in stores. am: Received 55 tons of coal. 10.30am: Finished coaling, proceeded. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 2 shackles. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701054a: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-028_0.jpg) 19 August 1914 Saddle Is anchorage and at sea Lat 30.83, Long 122.66 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed preparing for sea. 1.50pm: Shortened in to 1 shackle. 2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 2.30pm: Set course North, 12 knots. 6.35pm: Took station astern of "Yarmouth". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701054b: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-028_1.jpg) 20 August 1914 Off Yangtse Kiang Lat 35.14, Long 122.44 6.0am: Took station on Starboard beam of "Yarmouth" 2 cables. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Reduced to 9 knots. 12.10pm: a/c N 15 W. 6.30pm: Took station astern of "Yarmouth". 7.40pm: a/c West. Increased to 12 knots. 10.50pm: a/c S 81º W. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701054c: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-029_0.jpg) 21 August 1914 Off Tsingtau at sea Lat 35.44, Long 121.09 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.45am: Set course S 45 E. Reduced to 10 knots. 8.35am: Sighted "Yarmouth". 9.0am: Stopped and communicated with "Yarmouth". 11.30am: Proceeded N 39 E, 11 knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.15pm: a/c North. 3.45pm: Surveyors Is. N 15º W, Reduced to 5 knots. 5.30pm: a/c South, Increased to 10 knots. 5.45pm: a/c S 64 W. 7.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing steamer. 8.0pm: Stopped and communicated with SS "Paklat" (German) and made her prize. pm: Course and speed as requisite for investigating S.S. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701054d: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-029_1.jpg) 22 August 1914 Off Tsingtau at sea Lat 36.27, Long 121.22 12.45am: proceeded S 67½ W, 10 knots. 1.30am: a/c N 22½ W. 2.0am: a/c N 62º E. am: a/c S 64 W reduced to 8 knots. 4.30am: a/c East. 6.0am: Surveyor Is. N 29º W, 2'. am: Stopped. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.40pm: Proceeded S 29½ W. 12 knots. 1.0pm: a/c South. 1.10pm: a/c S 22½ W. Increased to 15 knots. 1.15pm: a/c S 11 W. 2.30pm: a/c S 60 W. pm: a/c N 60º W. 5.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing "Kennet" engaging enemy. Fittings destroyed:- Lockers Signal 3 in No. " Mess Deck. Cupboard Compass 1 in No. " Confidential 1 in No. Bookcase 1 in No. Bins wood, Sail Awnings. Chocks, Burnt on Boat. 8.0pm: Set course S 45 E, 15 knots. pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Reduced to 12 knots. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701054e: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-030_0.jpg) 23 August 1914 At sea for Wei-hai-wei Lat 35.07, Long 121.89 1.30am: a/c S 45º W, reduced to 9 knots. 3.0am: a/c N.E. 4.30am: a/c S 45 W. 5.0am: a/c S 45 E, Increased to 12 knots. 5.30am: a/c S 34 E. 6.0am: Course and speed as requisite for remaining at rendezvous in company with "Yarmouth and wait for the arrival of "Triumph". am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Joined "Triumph", proceeded N 19 E. 8 knots. 12.10pm: Increased to 10 knots. 12.20pm: Decreased to 9 knots. 12.30pm: a/c N 22½ E. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Increased to 10 knots. 6.0pm: a/c N 21 E. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701054f: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-030_1.jpg) 24 August 1914 At sea to Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 2.08am: S.E. Promontory abeam 3'. 2.30am: a/c N.E. 3.0am: N 35 E. 3.15am: N 27 E. 3.35am: Increased to 12 knots. 3.50am: a/c N 15 E. 4.45am: a/c N 5 E, Increased to 13 knots. 5.35am: N.E. Promontory abeam. 1½. 6.0am: a/c N 79 W. 7.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 8.0am: Made fast alongside Iron Pier. Commenced coaling. Received. 113 tons of Coal. 2.0pm: Finished coaling. Proceeded and secured to "B" buoy. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010550: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-031_0.jpg) 25 August 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.51, Long 122.14 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.45pm: Landed Funeral Party. 6.10pm: Funeral Party returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010551: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-031_1.jpg) 26 August 1914 At Wei-hai-wei and at sea Lat 36.35, Long 122.57 [approx] am: Hands employed securing and preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 8.15am: Set course S 84 E., 13 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: a/c S 45º E. 11.0am: a/c South. 12.0 Noon: Course and speed as requisite for communicating with ~~~~ Kong. 12.30pm: S 60º W, 11 knots. pm: Sighted "Clio" on Starboard Bow. [ed. Clio, Sloop, same class and stats as Cadmus, previously described]. 2.0pm: Increased to 12½ knots. 5.0pm: Reduced to 12 knots. pm: Took station astern of "Frisia". 4caf85a2cadfd34197010552: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-032_0.jpg) 27 August 1914 At sea for Hong Kong Lat 32.45, Long 122.77 5.0am: Formed single line ahead on Starboard beam of "Frisia". 9.45am: Reduced to 10 knots. a/c S 6 E. 10.0am: Increased to 12 knots. a/c S 6 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: a/c S 1º W. 12.45pm: Hauled out of line to communicate with "Frisia". 1.20pm: Took up appointed station S 1º W. 4.0pm: a/c S 5 W. 5.30pm: S 17 E. 7.23pm: N. Saddle Lt brg S 86 W 9½'. 10.10pm: a/c S 5º W. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010553: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-032_1.jpg) 28 August 1914 At sea Lat 28.25, Long 121.95 12.0 Midnight: a/c S 26 W. 12.15am: Reduced to 10½ knots. a/c S 218 W. 12.45am: Sighted Tong Ting Lt. Ho. S 62º W. 2.18am: Tong Ting Lt. Ho. abm. 16 mls. 2.30am: a/ S 24º W. 3.30am: Increased to 11 knots. 7.32am: Hui San Is. abeam 7.2'. Sighted Japanese cruiser "Ibu Ki". [ed. Ibuki, Armoured Battle Cruiser, 1907, guns: 4 x 12", 8 x 8", 14 x 4.7", 4 x 14 pdr, 4 MG's, 3 x 18" TT's, disp: 14,600 tons, comp: 817, H.P. 24,000 = 22 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image Kurama sister-ship to Ibuki]. 8.15am: a/c S 32º W. am: Hands employed as requisite. True Bearing and Distance - Tung Yang Lt. Ho. S 41º W 139'. 5.0pm: a/c S 25º W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.50pm: Tung Yung Lt. Ho. S 50º W. 11.45pm: Tung Yung Lt. Ho. abeam 11'. Midnight: a/c S 30º W.
4caf85a2cadfd34197010554: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-033_0.jpg) 29 August 1914 At sea Lat 24.52, Long 118.77 3.05am: Turnabout Is. Lt. Ho. brg S.W. Increased to 12½ knots. 4.56am: Turnabout Lt. Ho. abeam 4.2'. a/c S.W. 7.0am: Sighted Ocksen Lt. Ho. S 65º W. 8.0am: Ocksen abeam 5'. a/c S 60º W. 9.0am: Reduced to 12 knots. am: Bucket hand Galv Patt 5A 1 in No. Bags, Coal Tarred 1 cwt 8 in No. Wire Jute Flex 56 ft 2½". Lost overboard by accident. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.20pm: a/c S 70º W. 12.38pm: Dodd Is Lt. Ho. brg S 85 W. 1.0pm: a/c S 50º W. 1.20pm: Dodd Is. abeam 4'. 1.50pm: a/c S 60 W. 2.04pm: Sighted Chapel Is. S 55º W. 3.11pm: Chapel Is. Lt. Ho. abeam 2', a/c S 22 W. 3.50pm: a/c S 42 W. pm: Reduced to 11.5 knots. 7.30pm: a/c S 32º W. 7.37pm: Lammock Is. Lt. S 50º W. pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Lammock Is. Lt. abeam 6.5'. a/c S 61º W. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010555: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-033_1.jpg) 30 August 1914 At sea to Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.3 am: Reduced to 11 knots. 12.45am: Breaker Pt. N 80º W. 2.08am: Breaker Pt. abeam 13½'. a/c S 80 W. am: Increased to 11.5 knots. 5.40am: Sighted Chi Sang Lt. N 88 W. 6.30am: a/c S 72º W. 7.30am: Chi Sang abm. 5.2'. am: Bath Steel seamless 1 in No Patt 478, Megaphones 1 in No Patt 106. Lost overboard by accident. 10.0am: Pedro Blanco Is. abeam 4'. am: Divisions and prayers. 12.10pm: a/c W. 1.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Hong Kong. 3.12pm: Secured to No 9 buoy. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010556: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-034_0.jpg) 31 August 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Hands employed in Dockyard. 9.45am: Tug came alongside, proceeded to Whampoa Dock. 10.15am: Secured to buoy off Dock. 12.15pm: Docked. pm: 1 Stoker and 1 R.N.R Sto joined ship. pm: 1 R.N.R. Stoker joined ship. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010557: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-034_1.jpg) [Blank Page] 4caf85a2cadfd34197010558: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-035_0.jpg) [Book Cover] 4caf85a2cadfd34197010559: ( 53-69618/ADM 53-69618-035_1.jpg) [Book Cover] LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1914 4caf85a2cadfd3419701055a: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-001_0.jpg) [Book Cover Left Half] 4caf85a2cadfd3419701055b: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-001_1.jpg) [Book Cover Right Half] 4caf85a2cadfd3419701055c: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS "Colne" for the period Sept 1st - Oct 31st 1914. C Seymour Commander 4caf85a2cadfd3419701055d: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-002_1.jpg) [Statistics] 4caf85a2cadfd3419701055e: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-003_0.jpg) [Statistics] 4caf85a2cadfd3419701055f: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1914 At Whampoa Dock, Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Hands securing ship. 5.30pm: Hands to bathe. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010560: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Called hands. 6.30am: Hands clearing up decks. 7.30am: Hands to bathe. 8.15am: Paid monthly money. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Sub. Lieut. A.V. Hemming RNR joined up. 1.20pm: Hands employed undocking Ship. 1.35pm: Left Whampoa docks and proceeded to buoy. 2.10pm: Made fast to buoy. 2.30pm: Commenced coaling. pm: 1 A.B. joined the ship from "Tamar". 7.40pm: Finished coaling, received 112 tons. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010561: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1914 Hong Kong and at sea Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed stowing gear on upper deck and as requisite. pm: Hands employed refitting wires. pm: Lost overboard by accident:- Sinker Patt 1272 1 in No. Guards brass Patt 1266 1 in No. Lintis lead " 1267 1 " ". 5.45pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded, lowest speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 7.06pm: Waglan Lt. Ho. Dist ½'. a/c S 11º W. 7.55pm: North East Head " ½'. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010562: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1914 At sea for Sandakan Lat 19.95, Long 115.59 am: Hands clearing up decks. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010563: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1914 At sea for Sandakan Lat 16.55, Long 116.59 am: Hands clearing up decks. am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.0am: Reduced speed to 8 knots. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.35pm: Increased speed to 9 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010564: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1914 At sea for Sandakan Lat 14.17, Long 118.17 am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: Hands to divisions and prayers. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 7.55pm: Cable Is. Lt. Ho. dist. 5 mls. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. a/c S 32 E. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010565: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1914 At sea Lat 12.19, Long 121.19 2.0am: Sighted Apo Is. bearing S x W. 3.42am: a/c S 19 E. 6.50am: Made Ambolan Is, a/c S 64 E. 8.05am: Formed divisions line ahead. 8.45am: Hands clearing away anchors and cables. am: Course and speed to requisite for anchorage. 9.24am: Stopped engines. 9.27am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 4 shackles [ed. in Pandarochan Bay, vide log of Welland]. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010566: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1914 At sea Lat 11.49, Long 121.29 2.0am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to sea. Course and speed as requisite. 7.35am: S.W. Pt. bore N 80 W. Set course S 47 W. speed 9½ knots. 8.30am: a/c S 22 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.20pm: Made Sombrero Rock Lt. S 8 W. 4.54pm: Sombrero Rock abm. brg S 68 W. dist. 8.2 mls. 5.0pm: Exercised hands at night defence stations. 7.34pm: Nogas Lt. a/c. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010567: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1914 At sea Lat 8.3, Long 120.55 1.40am: a/c S 38 W. am: Hands clearing up decks. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Lost overboard by Accident 1 - 12 pdr 12 cwt cartridge (fired). pm: a/c S 50 W. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.10pm: Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010568: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1914 At sea to Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 6.30am: a/c South. 7.10am: Slow. 7.30am: a/c S 56 E speed 9½ knots. 8.10am: a/c S 28 E. 9.0am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 11.41am: Stopped engines. 11.42am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 8 fathoms. water. 1.20pm: Hove up anchor and proceeded alongside collier "Skerries" [image,]. 1.40pm: Fast alongside collier, commenced coaling. 5.30pm: Completed coaling and proceeded to anchorage. Received 54 tons of bunker coal. 6.08pm: Let go Starboard anchor and veered to 4 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010569: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1914 Sandakan and on patrol Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 am: Hands washing decks and returning coaling gear. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.55am: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 1.10pm: a/c S 85 E. 2.15pm: Heavy squall with rain from SE. 4.40pm: Stopped engines. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.50pm: Proceeded S 85 E 7 knots. Midnight: a/c N 85 W. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701056a: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1914 On patrol and return to Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 4.0am: Reduced to 5 knots. 5.50am: Increased to 12 knots. 7.50am: a/c NW. 10.15am: a/c West. 10.45am: a/c N x S. increased to 13 knots. 11.40am: Came to in Sandakan harbour, veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701056b: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1914 Sandakan and at sea Lat 6.05, Long 118.55 5.0am: Hands preparing for coaling. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Swanley". [image,]. 6.15am: Commenced coaling. 9.08am: Finished coaling, received 35 tons of coal. Let go from collier and proceeded to sea, course and speed as requisite. 9.50am: Set course N 40 E, 12 knots. 10.20am: a/c N 60 E. 10.40am: a/c N 63 E. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.30pm: Swing ship for deviations, reduced to 8 knots. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.30pm: a/c N 46 E. increased to 20 knots. 11.45pm: a/c N 63 E, reduced to 12 knots. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701056c: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1914 Patrolling Lat 6.25, Long 122.44 5.0am: a/c N 63 E. Night action stations dismissed. 5.55am: Teinga Is. dist 3 mls, a/c East, increased to 10 knots. 7.30am: a/c E S E. 8.15am: a/c S 79 E. 8.20am: a/c East. 9.0am: a/c N 55 E, increased to 15 knots. 9.10am: a/c N 74 E. 9.45am: a/c S 77 E. 10.0am: Stopped and communicated with "Chelmer". am: One A.B. discharged to "Kennet" sick. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.20am: Proceeded N 38 W. 8 knots. 12.15pm: Stopped. 4.20pm: Proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701056d: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1914 Patrolling Basilan Straits Lat 6.85, Long 122.44 am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.30am: Night action stations dismissed. am: Exercised General Quarters. 12.20pm: Communicated with "Chelmer". pm: Investigated S/S "Rio Pasig". 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701056e: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1914 Patrolling Basilan Straits Lat 6.4, Long 122.25 5.0am: Night action stations dismissed. am: Hands spreading awnings and clearing up decks. 8.30am: Proceeded S 55 W. 10 knots. 9.10am: Courses as requisite for closing S/S "Inaba Maru". [ed. Inaba Maru, image]. 9.30am: Stopped. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.40pm: a/c N 11 E. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701056f: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1914 Patrolling Basilan Straits Lat 6.95, Long 121.57 12.20am: Investigated steamer. 5.0am: Night action stations dismissed. am: Hands spreading awnings and clearing up decks. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Communicated with "Clio". pm: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010570: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1914 Patrolling Basilan Straits Lat 6.67, Long 122.4 am: Hands spreading awnings and clearing up decks. 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 6.35pm: Proceeded S 23 W. 13 knots. 6.50pm: Increased to 15 knots. 7.0pm: Night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010571: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1914 Basilan Straits to Sandakan Lat 5.44, Long 119.3 5.0am: Night action stations dismissed. am: Hands spreading awnings and clearing up decks. 5.40am: a/c N 88 W. 6.40am: a/c S 56 W. 7.10am: a/c S 72 W. 7.38am: a/c N 87 W. 8.10am: a/c N 26 W. 9.15am: a/c N 15 W. 9.45am: a/c N 5 W, decreased to 12 knots. 9.55am: Stopped and communicated with "Welland". 10.20am: Proceeded N 42 W, 15 knots. 1.10pm: a/c N 54 W. pm: Hands preparing for coaling. 3.30pm: a/c N 6 W. 4.30pm: a/c West. 5.0pm: a/c S 64 W. 5.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 5.45pm: Proceeded alongside collier "Swanley” and commenced coaling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010572: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 3.30am: Finished coaling received 72 tons. Cast off from collier and proceeded to anchorage. 3.45am: Vessel anchored in 6¾ fathoms with 4 shackles. am: Anchor bearings:- Fort Fryer HS N 27 E. Jetty Staff N 39 W. Atjah Rk buoy N 83 E. Ships head E.N.E. am: Crew cleaning ship and returning gear. am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Liberty men landed. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010573: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010574: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 am: Hands employed as requisite and cleaning ship. 6.0am: Made fast to collier. 8.20am: Hove up anchor and shifted berth. 8.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Received 26 tons of coal. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Liberty men landed. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010575: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1914 Sandakan to patrol area Lat 6.05, Long 118.55 am: Hands employed as requisite and preparing ship for sea. am: Act. Lieut Hemming RNR discharged to S/S "Rio Pasig". am: 1 E.R.A and 2 A.Bs discharged to S/S "Tannenfels". [ed. Tannenfels, image states Tannenfels became a Raider in WW2]. 9.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to sea. Course and speed as requisite. 9.20am: Set Course N 45 E, 10 knots. 10.10am: a/c N 56 E. 10.50am: a/c N 64 E. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Exercised at night action stations. 7.0pm: Night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010576: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1914 Basilan Strait patrol Lat 6.87, Long 121.9 5.0am: Sighted land on Starboard bow course and speed as requisite. 6.20am: a/c N 22 W, increased to 10 knots. 6.35am: a/c N 45 W. 7.10am: a/c N 45 E. 7.30am: a/c N 55 E. 9.20am: a/c N 76 E. 10.25am: a/c S 72 E. 1.35pm: a/c S 84 E. 2.15pm: S 56 E. 3.36pm: Stopped engines. 5.0pm: Night action stations exercised. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010577: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1914 Basilan Strait patrol Lat 6.45, Long 122.37 12.45am: a/c South. 3.15am: a/c North. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.0am: a/c South. 6.25am: Stopped and swung ship for deviation. 7.45am: Proceeded 8 knots course N 82 W. 9.0am: Stopped and communicated with "Welland". am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.50am: Proceeded S 42 W 8 knots. am: One broom lost overboard by accident. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.50pm: Heavy squall with rain from SW. 3.15pm: a/c S 62 W. 3.23pm: S 11 W. 4.30pm: a/c S 59 W. 5.0pm: Read Warrants. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Midnight a/c N 42 E. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010578: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1914 Basilan Strait patrol Lat 5.9, Long 121.85 am: Hands cleaning ship and spreading awnings. 6.55am: a/c S 62 W. 9.40am: a/c N. True bearing and distance, Summit of Pata Is. S 83W 42 mls. 3.35pm: a/c S 42 E. 12 knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.25pm: a/c S 28 W. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, read Warrants. 5.22pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 5.30pm: a/c N 71 E. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 8.0pm: a/c S 41 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010579: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1914 Basilan Strait patrol Lat 5.26, Long 120.57 3.0am: a/c N 33 E. 4.35am: a/c N 66 W, slow. 5.43am: Increased to 8 knots. am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 7.35am: a/c S 81 W. 7.49am: a/c S 52 W. am: Course and speed as requisite for anchorage. 10.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 13 fathoms water. 11.50am: Weighed and proceeded. 12.13pm: Set course S 16 E. 12.30pm: a/c S 59 W. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.36pm: a/c West. 4.50pm: N 56 W. 5.0pm: a/c N 34 W. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.06pm: a/c N 21 W, increased to 17 knots. 5.30pm: Reduced to 12 knots. 6.08pm: a/c N 31 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 10.30pm: Sounded in 9.5 fathoms no bottom. 10.45pm: ----------- 60 11.20pm: ----------- 60 4caf85a2cadfd3419701057a: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1914 To Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 12.01am : a/c N 73 W. 10 knots. 5.15am: a/c West. 5.25am: a/c S 42 W. 5.46am: a/c S 36 W. 6.20am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 7.0am: Proceeded alongside collier "Skerries". 7.10am: Commenced coaling. 11.50am: Finished coaling. 54 tons. 12.45pm: Proceeded along side "Swanley" to draw stores. 1.15pm: Cast off from "Swanley" and came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: 1 Leading seaman and 2 A.Bs rejoined ship. pm: Paid monthly money. 4.15pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701057b: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 am: Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. 7.30am: Quarters clean guns. 11.15am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Skerries". 12.40pm: Commenced coaling. 2.10pm: Completed coaling, received 24 tons. 2.05pm: Cast off from collier and proceeded to anchorage. Hands washing decks and cleaning ship. pm: Anchor bearings:- Clock Tower N 13 E. Flagstaff N 42 E. Atjep buoy N 75 E. Ship's head E x N. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701057c: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 am: Hands washing decks and cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. am: Hands painting ship's side. am: Two dinghy crutches lost overboard by accident. pm: Hands painting ship’s side. 4.45pm: Liberty men landed. 5.30pm: S/S "Swanley" weighed and proceeded. 5.35pm: "Jed" weighed and proceeded. [Jed, sister-ship to Colne] 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. Piped down. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1914 4caf85a2cadfd3419701057d: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-018_1.jpg) 1 October 1914 Sandakan to patrol area Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 am: Hands washing decks and cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. am: Hands employed as requisite and securing ship for sea. pm: 1 E.R.A. rejoined ship from S/S "Tannenfels". Act Lieut. Hemming RNR rejoined ship from S/S "Rio Pasig". 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 2.55pm: Set Course N 40 E, 12 knots. 3.30pm: a/c N 54 E. 4.05pm: Taganak Is: N 63E abm. a/c N 63 E. 4.45pm: Baguan Is. abeam 3 mls. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701057e: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-019_0.jpg) 2 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 6.92, Long 121.87 am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 9.25am: a/c S 35 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.10am: Sighted "Welland" brg N.E. 11.30am: Stopped and communicated with "Welland". Noon: Proceeded, "Welland" took station astern. True bearing and distance, Coco Is. S 65E 25 mls. 12.08pm: Reduced to 6 knots. 12.18pm: Increased to 12 knots. a/c S 73 E. 12.35pm: a/c East, increased to 15 knots. 12.45pm: 12 knots. 12.55pm: a/c S 73 E, reduced to 5 knots. 1.35pm: a/c S 73 E. 3.15pm: a/c N 40 E. 4.05pm: Stopped. 4.25pm: a/c S 22º E. 4.50pm: a/c S 22º W. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 6.20pm: Reduced to 6 knots. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701057f: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-019_1.jpg) 3 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 5.84, Long 121.5 am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 7.40am: a/c S 77º W. 9.0am: Increased to 8 knots. 11.45am: a/c N 72º E. True bearing and distance, 5½' ESE Ton Eguet Pt, N 70E 34 mls. 3.30pm: a/c N 30º E. 4.30pm: Swing ship for deviations. 5.0pm: Resumed course N 30 E. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations, furled awnings. 6.0pm: Stopped. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Proceeded N 42E 6 knots. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010580: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-020_0.jpg) 4 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 5.95, Long 121.97 6.30am: a/c S 24 N. am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 9.40am: Divisions and prayers. 11.20am: a/c S by W. True bearing and distance, Pata Is. S 79W 49 mls. 4.0pm: a/c N 65º E. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 8.0pm: a/c S 52 W, Increased to 15 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010581: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-020_1.jpg) 5 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 5.92, Long 121.95 12.30am: a/c N 50º E, reduced to 8 knots. 2.30am: Sighted and challenged "Cadmus". am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 8.30am: Stopped and boarded S/S "Harpalion". 9.45am: Proceeded 8 knots N by E. Closed "Welland". Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: a/c N bg E, 8 knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. a/c S 27 W 8 knots. 7.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. a/c N 288 E. 10.25pm: a/c S 54 W, increased to 17½ knots. 11.0pm: a/c S 22 W. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010582: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-021_0.jpg) 6 October 1914 Patrol to Sandakan Lat 4.55, Long 118.99 am: Hands spreading awnings and clearing up decks. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. 8.0am: a/c N 63 W. 9.35am: a/c N 78 W. 10.16am: NE Sibutu Is abeam 2-4 mls. 10.37am: a/c S 82º W. am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: a/c S 85º W. [signed] C. Seymour. True bearing and distance, Off Magantang Is. - S 84 W 42½ mls. 1.30pm: a/c S 77 N. 2.10pm: a/c S 86º W. 2.55pm: a/c N 65º W 3.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 3.30pm: Made fast alongside collier "Skerries". 4.0pm: Commenced coaling. 7.0pm: Hands to Supper. 7.45pm: Resumed coaling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010583: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-021_1.jpg) 7 October 1914 Sandakan to Darvel Bay Lat 5.0, Long 118.35 2.0am: Completed coaling received. 88 tons. am: Hands cleaning ship and returning gear. 8.55am: Let go from "Skerries" and proceeded alongside "Swanley". 9.10am: Anchored alongside "Swanley". 10.0am: Cast off from "Swanley" and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite. pm: Came to with Starboard anchor at Lahat Datu, veered to 3 shackles in 5½ fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Voorwyk Reef buoy S 76 E. } Pier N 35 W. } Grey Beacon S 52 W. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 3.0pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 8.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010584: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-022_0.jpg) 8 October 1914 Lahat Datu to patrol area Lat 4.29, Long 120.82 1.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 2.20am: Set course S 45º E 15 knots. 2.40am: a/c S 67º E. 3.0am: a/c N 89º E. 3.42am: a/c N 70º E. 5.0am: a/c N 45º E. 6.0am: a/c N 70º E. 6.20am: a/c S 67º E. am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.06am: a/c N 89º E. Noon: a/c N 65 E, reduced to 10 knots. pm: One broom lost overboard by accident. pm: hands employed as requisite. 2.10pm: a/c S 11º W, reduced to 8 knots. 5.30pm: a/c N 11º E. 5.50pm: Communicated with "Jed". 6.10pm: Proceeded S 11º W. 12 knots. 7.45pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010585: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-022_1.jpg) 9 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 1.22, Long 120.09 am: Hands spreading awnings and clearing up decks. 8.30am: a/c S 67º W. Increased to 13 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.15pm: a/c N 59º W. 2.0pm: Sighted "Clio" "Cadmus" and "Welland". 2.40pm: Communicated with "Clio". 2.50pm: a/c S 45º E. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 5.40pm: a/c South. 6.0pm: Reduced to 6 knots. 8.0pm: Made N Watcher Lt brg S 2W a/c S 22º W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.05pm: Stopped engines N. Watcher Lt bg S 11E 7 mls. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010586: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-023_0.jpg) 10 October 1914 Patrolling Lat -0.05, Long 119.59 2.10am: North Watcher Lt bore S 37 E. 5.55am: "Chelmer" and "Welland" closed. 6.0am: a/c S 45º E. 6.14am: Increased to 12 knots. am: Crew spreading awnings and employed as requisite. 7.30am: Courses as requisite for searching Island. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 5.20pm: Increased to 15 knots. 5.35pm: Reduced to 12 knots. 5.55pm: Closed and communicated with "Clio". 6.0pm: a/c S 24º W. speed 7 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Midnight: a/c S 2º W. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010587: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-023_1.jpg) 11 October 1914 Patrolling Lat -2.72, Long 118.72 5.0am: "Chelmer" and "Welland" closed and took station astern. 5.15am: Increased to 10 knots. am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 11.15am: Reduced to 8 knots. 12.55pm: Increased to 12 knots. 1.10pm: Reduced " 8 " 2.15pm: Increased " 12 " 4.55pm: Cape Mandap Lt abeam dist 1 mls. 6.0pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 7.0pm: a/c S 74º W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.27pm: Cape Mandap Lt abeam dist 5 mls. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010588: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-024_0.jpg) 12 October 1914 Patrolling Lat -1.97, Long 118.85 2.30am: a/c N 4º W, increased to 10 knots. 4.30am: a/c N 11º E. 5.37am: Cape William Lt Ho abm. dist 3 mls. 6.0am: Course and speed as requisite for communicating with "Clio". am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.45am: Proceeded N 2º E. 7 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 6.0pm: Shifted station 8 cables East of "Clio". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010589: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-024_1.jpg) 13 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 1.5, Long 119.12 am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701058a: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-025_0.jpg) 14 October 1914 Patrol to Darvel Bay Lat 4.8, Long 118.64 5.45am: Increased to 15 knots. a/c N 12º W. 6.25am: a/c N 9º W. 7.0am: a/c N 4º W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.56am: Course and speed as requisite for negotiating Straits. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.10pm: Arrived alongside collier "Skerries" and commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship. 5.30pm: Ceased coaling on account of heavy rain. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701058b: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-025_1.jpg) 15 October 1914 Darvel Bay to Lahat Datu Lat 4.8, Long 118.64 5.15am: Resumed coaling. 10.15am: Completed coaling, received 108 tons. Anchor bearings:- Pier head N 30º W. Graips reef S 70º W. Toorunga " S 86º E. 1.30pm: Weighed 7 proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 3.30pm: Came to at Lahat Datu, veered to 3 shackles in 6½ fathoms water. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 8.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701058c: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-026_0.jpg) 16 October 1914 At Lahat Datu Lat 5.0, Long 118.35 am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands scrubbing over side. am: 1 A.B. discharged to S/S "Swanley" am: 1 A.B. discharged to "Welland". pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701058d: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-026_1.jpg) 17 October 1914 Lahat Datu to patrol area Lat 5.0, Long 118.35 am: Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. am: Hands securing ship for sea. 12.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea. Course and speed as requisite. 1.45pm: a/c S by E. 3.20pm: a/c S 27º E. 3.50pm: a/c S 82º E. 4.36pm: a/c S 54º E. 5.0pm: a/c S 72º E. 5.15pm: a/c S 80º E. 5.0pm: Exercised night stations. 7.15pm: a/c N 60º E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701058e: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-027_0.jpg) 18 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 5.99, Long 121.97 6.0am: a/c N 45º E. am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 11.0am: a/c N 30 E. 1.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing "Jed". 1.50pm: Proceeded 8 knots, course N 30 E. 5.0pm: a/c S 22º W. 5.30pm: Increased to 10 knots. 7.0pm: Night action stations. 9.24pm: a/c S 52º W. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701058f: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-027_1.jpg) 19 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 4.87, Long 119.92 am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 9.30am: Exercised general quarters. 12.23pm: a/c West. 12.30pm: a/c N 85 W. 12.35pm: a/c West. 12.50pm: a/c N 29 W. 2.15pm: a/c South. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.10pm: a/c North. 4.30pm: Swung ship for deviations. 5.0pm: Resumed course North. 5.24pm: a/c N 12 E. 6.24pm: a/c North. 7.0pm: a/c N 31 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.45pm: Sounded in 25 reduced to 6 knots. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010590: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-028_0.jpg) 20 October 1914 Patrol to Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 5.30am: a/c S 79º W. 6.42am: a/c S 52º W. 7.20am: a/c S 45º W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.26am: Increased to 12 knots. 8.05am: Courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 8.17am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 6½ fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Aljeh Rk buoy S 82 E. } Fort Fryer N 32 E. } Tide Signal Staff N 03 W.) am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010591: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-028_1.jpg) 21 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 8.15am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Swanley". 8.40am: Commenced coaling. 10.0am: 1 A.B. discharged to "Swanley" 2.0pm: Completed coaling, received. 50 tons. 2.30pm: Let go from collier. 2.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010592: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-029_0.jpg) 22 October 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 am: Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 5.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 5 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Taganak Is N 27 E } Nunnyon Lant N 87 W. } " Point N 60 W. pm: Ship guarding entrance to harbour. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010593: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-029_1.jpg) 23 October 1914 Sandakan and on patrol Lat 5.8, Long 118.62 5.15am: Hove up anchor and proceeded into harbour. 6.20am: Arrived alongside collier "Skerries". 6.30am: Hands coaling ship. 8.20am: 1 E.R.A. discharged to "Welland". 8.40am: Completed coaling received 27 tons. 8.45am: Cast off from collier and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite. 9.55am: Set course S 73º E. 12.25pm: a/c S 60º E. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.45pm: a/c S by E. 3.30pm: a/c S 45º E. 5.05pm: Speed as requisite for investigating steamer. 7.0pm: Night action stations. 6.45pm: a/c S 82º W. 7.30pm: a/c N 20º W. 7.48pm: a/c N 74º W. 8.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for investigating steamer. 8.49pm: Resumed course. S 34º E, 12 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.53pm: a/c N by E reduced to 8 knots. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010594: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-030_0.jpg) 24 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 5.09, Long 120.75 am: Hands spreading awning and cleaning ship. 7.15am: Stopped. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.25am: Proceeded slow ahead. 11.20am: Increased to 12 knots. 12.30pm: a/c N 15 W. 2.10pm: a/c N 14 E. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.24pm: a/c S 76 E, increased to 18 knots. 6.35pm: a/c N 88 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.17pm: As requisite to investigate S/S "Harpalion". 10.0pm: Stopped engines. 11.15pm: Proceeded 12 knots West. 11.45pm: Reduced to 6 " a/c S 45 W. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010595: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-030_1.jpg) 25 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 5.65, Long 120.72 am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 7.30am: a/c N 5 E. 9.15am: a/c N 36 W. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 10.27am: a/c N 88 W. 12.40pm: a/c North. 1.30pm: a/c N 74 E. 3.20pm: a/c N 82 E. 4.15pm: a/c S 82 E, increased to 10 knots. 6.10pm: a/c N 75 E. 7.0pm: Night action stations. 9.10pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 10.20pm: a/c N.E. 10.35pm: a/c N 64 E. 11.05pm: a/c N 42 E. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010596: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-031_0.jpg) 26 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 6.75, Long 122.45 4.20am: N 3 E, slow. 5.20am: a/c N 76 W. 5.45am: Increased to 8 knots. 6.30am: Increased to 12 knots. am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning ship. 7.05am: Communicated with "Jed". 7.40am: Proceeded course and speed as requisite for investigating steamer. 8.15am: Stopped and communicated with "Inaba Maru". 8.40am: Proceeded course N 34 E, 6 knots. 9.50am: a/c N 45 E. am: Course and speed as requisite for carrying out 1" aiming practice. 11.0am: Stopped, recovered target. 1.40pm: Proceeded course East, 3½ knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.15pm: a/c West. pm: Exercised night action stations. 6.15pm: a/c N 29 W. 8.0pm: a/c S 45 E, increased to 6 knots. 9.25pm: a/c South. 9.35pm: a/c S 34 W. 10.0pm: a/c N 50 W. Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010597: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-031_1.jpg) 27 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 6.79, Long 122.49 12.30am: Stopped. Coeis Is. bg S 40 E. 2.15am: Proceeded S 45 W. 6 knots. 2.55am: a/c N 61 E. 6.10am: a/c South. am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: a/c S 34 E. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.15pm: a/c South. 4.25pm: a/c N 3 E. 5.0pm: Exercised Night Action stations. 6.10pm: a/c N 22 W. 7.20pm: a/c S 34 E. 8.30pm: a/c South. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.40pm: a/c N 18 W. 10.25pm: a/c N 45 W. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010598: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-032_0.jpg) 28 October 1914 Patrolling Lat 6.79, Long 122. 34 [approx, position in log inland] 12.30am: Stopped. 1.45am: Proceeded 8 knots, as requisite. 1.50am: Stopped. 2.0am: Proceeded. East 8 knots. 2.20am: Stopped. 5.50am: Proceeded S 56 E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.50am: a/c East. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.10am: a/c N 56 W, 10 knots. 10.25am: a/c N 67 W. 10.40am: Course and speed as requisite for closing S/S "Nikko Maru". [ed. Nikko Maru, image]. 11.45am: Proceeded N 40 W, 15 knots. 12.20pm: a/c N 56 W, reduced to 10 knots. 1.55pm: a/c S 62 E, reduced to 4 knots. 4.0pm: Stopped and communicated with "Welland". 4.25pm: Proceeded S 30 W, 8 knots. 4.42pm: a/c S 24 W. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 8.05pm: Increased to 9 knots. 8.20pm: a/c S 32 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.10pm: a/c S 52 W. 4caf85a2cadfd34197010599: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-032_1.jpg) 29 October 1914 Patrol and towards Sandakan Lat 5.0, Long 120.17 6.0am: a/c S 62 W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.50am: a/c S 31 W. 8.30am: Increased to 10 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.13am: Dangerous Pt abm, dist 3 mls, a/c S 64 W. 1.0pm: Stopped engines to examine port propeller. 1.30pm: Proceeded S 64 W. 12 knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.25pm: a/c S 84 W. 2.40pm: a/c N by W. 2.50pm: a/c N 25 E. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.0pm: a/c N 32 W. 8.0pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.20pm: a/c N 15 W, increased to 9 knots. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701059a: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-033_0.jpg) 30 October 1914 At sea to Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 2.15am: a/c S 79 W. 3.0am: Slow. 5.10am: Increased to 12 knots. a/c S 38 W. 6.0am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 6.30am: Made fast alongside collier "Skerries". 8.0am: Commenced coaling. am: Hands coaling ship. 3.0pm: Finished coaling, received 82 tons. Weighed and proceeded up River, course and speed as requisite. 4.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in Cadmus harbour veered to 3½ shackles in 7¼ fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701059b: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-033_1.jpg) 31 October 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 am: Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. am: Hands painting ship’s side. 1.0pm: Paid monthly money. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd3419701059c: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-034_0.jpg) 4caf85a2cadfd3419701059d: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-034_1.jpg) 4caf85a2cadfd3419701059e: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-035_0.jpg) 4caf85a2cadfd3419701059f: ( 53-69619/ADM 53-69619-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1914 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a0: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-001_0.jpg) 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a1: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-001_1.jpg) 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a2: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-002_0.jpg) 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a3: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-002_1.jpg) 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a4: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-003_0.jpg) 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a5: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1914 Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Sandakan harbour. Course and speed as requisite. 7.45am: Arrived alongside collier "Swanley" and provisioned ship. am: Hands provisioning ship. 10.40am: Cast off from "Swanley". 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2½ shackles in 7 fathoms water. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.30pm: 1 A.B. joined ship from "Welland". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 8.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a6: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1914 Sandakan and at sea Lat 5.82, Long 118.11 5.30am: Arrived alongside collier "Swanley" and commenced coaling. 8.05am: Completed coaling received 17 tons, let go from collier and proceeded to anchorage. Anchor bearings:- } Fort Fayer S 36 E. } Custom House N 33 W. } After Bury S 88 E. Ship's Head North. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Surgeon Higgins rejoined ship. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 2.0pm: a/c N 38 E. 2.35pm: a/c N 22 E. 3.0pm: a/c N 38 E. speed 8½ knots. 4.0pm: a/c N 4 W. 5.0pm Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: a/c N 43 W. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a7: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1914 At sea towards Singapore Lat 7.3, Long 116.62 6.0am: a/c S 57 W, formed single line. am: Hands spreading awnings. 8.0am: a/c S 81 W. 9.10am: Took station abeam of "Clio" dist 4 cables. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.50pm: Stopped, closed "Clio", sent away whaler. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.10pm: Whaler returned, hoisted and secured, proceeded S 47 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a8: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1914 At sea towards Singapore Lat 5.47, Long 113.75 6.20am: Took station abeam of "Clio". am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed painting awnings and as requisite. 12.05pm: Put clocks back 50 mins. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Took station astern of collier. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105a9: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1914 At sea Lat 2.99, Long 111.25 5.50am: Took Station abeam of "Clio". am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.44am: a/c S 80 W. 11.31am: a/c S 25 W. 12.20pm: a/c N 88 W. 1.0pm: Put clocks back 15 mins. 1.20pm: a/c S 44 W. 2.15pm: a/c S 1 E. 2.30pm: a/c S 47 E. pm: Hands preparing for coaling. 3.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching anchorage. 4.20pm: Made fast alongside collier "Swanley". pm: Hands coaling ship. 8.15pm: Completed coaling, received 29 tons. 9.45pm: Cast off from "Swanley" and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 10.20pm: a/c S 79 W, speed 8 knots. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105aa: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1914 At sea Lat 2.15, Long 109.34 5.0am: a/c S 82 W. am: Hands spreading awnings and employed as requisite. 6.0am: Took station abeam of "Clio". a/c S 80 W. 7.0am: a/c S 64 W. 8.0am: a/c S 62 W. 9.30am: Stopped engines. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.50am: Proceeded S 62 W. Noon: a/c S 56 W. 1.0pm: Put clocks back 15 minutes. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.45pm: St. Piurdie Is. Lt. abeam 9 mls, a/c S 33 W. 7.30pm: Stopped engines. 8.40pm: Proceeded S 58 W, 8½ knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105ab: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1914 At sea Lat 0.69, Long 107.32 3.0am: a/c S 73 W. 4.40am: Stopped engines. 5.0am: General quarters. 5.30am: Proceeded 10 knots, Courses as requisite whilst searching Tambelan Is. 7.0am: Dispersed General quarters. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Set Course S 3 W, speed 15 knots. 1.40pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 2.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for searching St. Barbel Is. 4.15pm: Stopped and sent away landing party to investigate St. Barbel Is. 5.25pm: Landing party returned, course and speed as requisite. 6.0pm: Proceeded S 63 W, 15 knots. 7.45pm: a/c N 59 W. 8.22pm: Re-joined "Clio", course N 60 W. speed 8 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105ac: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1914 At sea to Singapore Lat 1.17, Long 104.8 6.20am: Took station abeam of "Clio". am: Hands spreading awnings. 9.30am: a/c N 52 W. am: Divisions and prayers. 10.10am: Menapi Island abeam dist 6 mls. 12.15pm: a/c N 60 W. 1.05pm: a/c N 62 W. 1.30pm: a/c N 75 W. 1.40pm: a/c N 50 W. 1.55pm: a/c S 89 W. 2.0pm: Increased to 15 knots. 2 05pm: " " 18 ". 2.11pm: a/c S 79 W. 2.42pm: a/c N 87 W. 3.47pm: a/c N 79 W. 4.05pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 5.0pm: Made fast alongside coaling jetty. 5.30pm: Commenced coaling. 7.30pm: Completed coaling, received 56 tons. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105ad: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1914 Singapore and at sea Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.0am: Cast off from coaling Wharf. 6.30am: Secured alongside "Swanley". am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.30am: Cast off from "Swanley" and proceeded. 9.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 4 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } North end of Breakwater N 37½ E. } South " " " S 8½ W. } Fort Canning Lt. Ho N 36½ W. } Ships head NNE. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands securing ship for sea. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 5.20pm: Set course N 81 E, speed 13 knots. 6.35pm: a/c N 68 E. 7.30pm: Horsburgh Lt. abm, dist 1½ mls, a/c S 82 E. 8.45pm: a/c S 57 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.40pm: a/c S 43 E. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105ae: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1914 At sea Lat -1.88, Long 105.05 1.30am: a/c S 6 W. 5.30am: Tanjung Fan abm, dist 12 mls. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.30am: Saya Is abm, dist 12 mls. 7.45am: a/c S 4 W, reduced to 10 knots. 8.0am: Increased to 13 knots. 8.55am: North West Rk abeam dist 7.4 mls. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.20pm: a/c S 7 E. 12.40pm: a/c S 22 E. 1.20pm: a/c S 52 E. 2.0pm: a/c S 76 E. pm: Hands as requisite. 3.55pm: a/c East. 4.10pm: a/c S 84 E. 4.15pm: a/c S 33 E. 4.27pm: West Nanka Lt. Ho. abm, dist 4½ mls. 6.20pm: a/c S 70 E. 6.36pm: a/c S 85 E. 7.10pm: a/c S 73 E. 7.30pm: Besan Lt abm, dist 2.2 mls, a/c S 56 E. 8.25pm: a/c S 45 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105af: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1914 Patrolling Sunda Straits Lat -6.05, Long 105.79 [Lat 6º 03’N in log, clear error] 6.25am: N. Watcher Lt abm, dist 4 mls, a/c S 45 W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.55am: a/c S 34 W. 9.40am: a/c S 50 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Reduced to 10 knots. 11.0am: a/c S 45 E. 11.45am: a/c N 45 W. Noon: Stopped engines. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.35pm: Proceeded slow ahead. N 51 E. 4.30pm: "Jed" and "Welland" closed. 4.35pm: Stopped. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.45pm: Proceeded 8 knots courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Stopped, Fourth Pt. Lt. Ho. bg S.E x E. 10.15pm: Heavy squall of wind and rain. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105b0: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1914 Patrolling Lat -5.89, Long 105.81 3.40am: Proceeded 8 knots, courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 6.15am: Stopped. 6.42am: Proceeded N 11 W, 10 knots. 7.06am: a/c N 11 E. 7.20am: a/c As requisite. am: Hands spreading awnings. 8.0am: Reduced to 8 knots. 8.35am: Stopped and communicated with "Yakumo". [ed. Yakumo, Japanese First Class Cruiser, 1899, guns: 4 x 8", 12 x 6", 12 x 12 pdr, 7 x 2½ pdr, 5 x 18" TT's, disp: 9,850 tons, comp: 500 men, H.P. 15,000 = 20 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Proceeded 8 knots, courses as requisite. 11.10am: a/c North. 11.45am: a/c N 22 E. 1.0pm: a/c N 60 E. 1.30pm: Stopped engines. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.50pm: Proceeded at 8 knots, courses as requisite. 5.10pm: Set course N 63 E and as requisite for patrolling. pm: Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105b1: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1914 Patrolling Lat -6.32, Long 105.02 am: Courses as requisite for closing "Yakumo" 1.10am: Communicated with "Yakumo" 3.40am: Closed "Welland". 5.30am: Set course S 45 W, 10 knots. 5.55am: a/c S 64 W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.0am: a/c S 62 W. 8.30am: Stopped. 9.30am: Proceeded S 74 W, 10 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.45pm: a/c N 26 W. 2.0pm: a/c S 30 E. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.06pm: a/c N 26 W. 5.0pm: a/c S 30 E. 5.30pm: a/c N 74 E. pm: Exercised evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.25pm: a/c N 48 E. 11.20pm: Sighted Fourth Pt. Lt. bg E.N.E. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105b2: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1914 Patrolling Lat -6.05, Long 105.82 12.30am: Reduced to 8 knots. 1.30am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 2.10am: Stopped. Fourth Pt. Lt. Ho. S 56 E. 5.50am: a/c S 22 W, 13 knots. 6.10am: " S 34 W, 15 " 6.50am: Stopped and communicated with E.T.C. S/S "Patrol" [ed. a cable laying vessel]. am: Hands spreading awnings. 9.10am: Stopped engines. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.50am: Proceeded 8 knots, N 71 E. 11.45am: a/c N 56 E. 12.50pm: a/c S 56 E. 1.40pm: " N 22 W. 2.10pm: Stopped engines. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.30pm: Proceeded 3 knots, N 42 E. 5.40pm: Stopped and communicated with "Welland" one Stoker joined ship from "Welland" sick. pm: Exercised Night action stations. 7.0pm: Proceeded East 3 knots. 8.40pm: Stopped engines. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.10pm: Proceeded N 45 E. 3 knots. 11.50pm: Stopped engines. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105b3: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1914 Patrolling Lat -6.05, Long 105.87 (Long 5º 52’E in log, clear error) 2.0am: Proceeded N 45 E, 3 knots. 3.0am: Stopped engines. am: Hands spreading awnings. 8.25am: Communicated with Dutch S/S "Menado". [ed. image]. 10.0am: Proceeded N 22 E, 3 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.15am: Courses as requisite. pm: Courses and speed as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.10pm: Stopped, closed and communicated with "Yakumo". 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 7.50pm: "Jed" closed and communicated. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.40pm: Proceeded S 45 W, 3 knots. 10.30pm: Stopped engines.
4caf85a2cadfd341970105b4: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1914 Patrolling Lat -6.07, Long 105.8 (approx, no position in log) am: Ship stopped Fourth Point Lt. Ho. bg S 62 E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.0am: Proceeded N 33 E. 8 knots. 8.05am: Course and speed as requisite for going alongside collier "Swanley". Anchor bearings:- No objects visible for bearings. 10.15am: Arrived alongside "collier" and commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship. pm: Hands coaling ship. 8.45pm: Completed coaling received 96 tons. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Cast off from "Swanley" came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3.5 shackles in 6 fathoms water. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105b5: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1914 Patrolling Lat -6.07, Long 105.8 [approx, no position in log] am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded S 22 W. 12 knots. 5.25pm: a/c South. 6.0pm: Reduced to 8 knots, courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses and speed as requisite for patrolling. 11.05pm: Stopped and communicated with S/S "Barton". 11.45pm: Proceeded. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105b6: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1914 Patrolling Lat -5.57, Long 105.31 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0am: Closed steamer, communicated with S/S "Alston". 6.10am: Proceeded, 12 knots, courses as requisite. am: Hands spreading awnings. 8.10am: Reduced to 8 knots. 9.10am: Increased " 12 " am: Courses as requisite for searching Lampong Bay. am: Hands cleaning ship. 12.15pm: Increased to 13 knots. pm: Courses as requisite. 2.50pm: Reduced to 10 knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.15pm: Increased to 12 knots, closed S/S "Benrinnes". [ed. Benrinnes? image]. 4.40pm: Communicated with S/S "Benrinnes". 5.30pm: Reduced to 6 knots, courses as requisite. 8.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching anchorage. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2½ shackles in 6 fathoms water. 11.20pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite. 11.45pm: a/c N 57 E. 12 knots.
4caf85a2cadfd341970105b7: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1914 At sea Lat -3.47, Long 106.45 3.10am: N. Watcher abeam dist 3 mls, a/c N 3 E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 9.30am: Increased to 13 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: a/c N 7 W. 1.0pm: a/c N 30 W. 2.0pm: a/c N 45 W. 2.45pm: a/c N 39 W. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.20pm: a/c N 62 W. 4.25pm: Nemesis Bank buoy abeam dist ¾. 4.45pm: N 40 W. 5.0pm: N 23 W. 5.35pm: Karang Tambage buoy abeam 1½. 6.0pm: Increased to 14 knots. 7.0pm: W. Kanka Lt. Ho. abeam 4, a/c N 42 W. 7.25pm: Third Point buoy " ¾ " N 73 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.10pm: a/c N 52 W. 10.15pm: N 3 E. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105b8: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1914 At sea to Singapore Lat 0.72, Long 104.37 6.25am: a/c N 4 W. 6.40am: Tg Tarig Lt. Ho. abeam dist 4 mls. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.32am: Selentang abeam dist 2½, a/c N 33 W. 9.15am: a/c N 30 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.55am: a/c N 35 W. 1.30pm: a/c N 1 E. 1.40pm: a/c N 11 W. 1.55pm: a/c N 15 W. 2.25pm: a/c N 58 W. 2.45pm: a/c N 80 W. 3.35pm: a/c West. reduced to 10 knots. pm: Courses and speed as requisite for entering Singapore harbour. 4.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in Inner harbour veered to 2 shackles in 2¾ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105b9: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed dismounting guns and as requisite. 10.0am: One rating discharged to hospital. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.40pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Three liberty men returned on board. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105ba: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 am: Hands preparing ship for dry docking. 6.45am: Liberty men returned on board. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded to dry dock, tug boats in attendance. 9.50am: Ship fast in Dry dock. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105bb: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.30am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands dis-mounting guns and employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105bc: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105bd: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 am: Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105be: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In Dry dock. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Received 3 tons of water for drinking purposes. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105bf: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Liberty men returned on board. 1.15pm: Left Dry dock and proceeded to coaling jetty, course and speed as requisite. 2.30pm: Arrived at coaling jetty and commenced coaling. 4.30pm: Completed coaling, received 78 tons, cast off from jetty and proceeded alongside Lagoon Dock. 5.15pm: Fast in Lagoon Dock. 6.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105c0: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 am: Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. am: Hands provisioning ship. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands provisioning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a2cadfd341970105c1: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 am: Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Issued slops and tobacco. 1.30pm: Special liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: All liberty men returned on board. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105c2: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1914 Singapore and at sea for Penang Lat 1.5, Long 103.05 am: Hands securing ship for sea. 7.10am: Cast off from wharf, proceeded down dock, course and speed as requisite. 7.35am: Cleared Basin. 7.45am: Formed single line ahead. [ed.The other vessels in the flotilla are HMS Jed, Chelmer, Kennet and Welland and the collier Swanley, vide logs on] 8.0am: Proceeded 12 knots, courses as requisite. 8.15am: Formed Divisions, course S 87 W, speed 13 knots. 8.40am: a/c N 87 W. 9.35am: " N 53 " am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.47pm: Po Undan Lt. Ho. abeam 5 mls. 4.06pm: a/c N 48 W. 4.25pm: a/c N 46 W. 6.57pm: Cap Rachado Lt. Ho. abeam dist 5 mls. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.20pm: a/c N 53 W. 11.15pm: One Fathom Bank Lt. Ho. abeam dist 3.2 mls. 11.35pm: a/c N 24 W. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1914 4caf85a3cadfd341970105c3: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-018_1.jpg) 1 December 1914 At sea to Penang and at sea for Colombo Lat 5.42, Long 100.35 5.05am: a/c N 9 W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 8.0am: a/c North. am: Courses and speed as requisite approaching Penang harbour. am: Hands preparing for coaling. Noon: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 15 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Rt N buoy N 22 E. } Lt House N 58 W. } Clacto Tower S 57 W. } Ships head North. 12.15pm: Commenced coaling. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 4.30pm: Completed coaling received 60 tons. 7.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite. 7.46pm: Set Course N 33 W. speed 10 knots. 7.55pm: a/c N 81 W. Increased to 18 knots. 8.31pm: Muka Head Lt. Ho abeam dist 4.4 mls. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105c4: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-019_0.jpg) 2 December 1914 At sea Lat 5.84, Long 97.29 3.40am: Po Pereko abeam 3.2 mls. am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.25am: a/c N 79 W. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.14pm: Stopped. Course and speed as requisite for adjusting compass. 5.25pm: Proceeded, course N 83 W, speed 11 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: a/c West. Put clocks back 15 mins. 11.10pm: a/c S 79 W. 11.15pm: a/c S 74 W. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105c5: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-019_1.jpg) 3 December 1914 At sea Lat 6.22, Long 93.39 12.15am: Po Weh abeam dist 5½ mls. a/c West. am: Put clocks back 15 mins. 1.15am: Po Bras abm. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.15am: Formed divisions line ahead to port, reduced to 8 knots 8.30am: Flotilla spread on line of bearings N S 15' apart. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. Pm: Increased speed to 13 knots. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: a/c S 89 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Put clocks back 15 mins. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105c6: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-020_0.jpg) 4 December 1914 At sea Lat 6.49, Long 88.72 1.20am: a/c N 45 W. 1.30am: Spoke S/S "Demodocus" a/c S 45 W. [ed. Demodocus, image]. 1.43am: a/c S 89 W. 3.25am: Put clocks back 15 mins. am: Hands spreading awnings. 6.30am: Reduced to 11 knots. 7.15am: " " 10 " am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.20pm: a/c S 11 W. 7.24pm: a/c S 30 W. 7.30pm: a/c S 82 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Increased to 13 knots. 10.45pm: Put clocks back 15 mins. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105c7: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-020_1.jpg) 5 December 1914 At sea Lat 6.1, Long 83.89 am: Put clocks back 15 mins. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.40am: a/c S 56 W. 8.0am: a/c N 67 W. 8.20am: a/c N 85 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: a/c S 87 W. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105c8: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-021_0.jpg) 6 December 1914 At sea to Colombo Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 12.50am: Sighted Dondra Hd. Lt. Ho. bg NW. 1.0am: a/c West. 1.10am: a/c N 67 W. 2.08am: Dondra Hd. Lt abeam dist 8.3 mls. 2.10am: Reduced to 10 knots. 4.15am: Reduced to slow, courses as requisite. 6.0am: Increased to 13 knots, a/c N 45 W. Formed divisions line ahead to Port. 6.30am: Pt. de Galle Lt. Ho. abeam dist 5½ mls. a/c N 32 W. 7.30am: a/c N 20 W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 9.10am: Barberyn Lt. Ho. abeam 4½ mls. a/c N 9 W. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 11.45am: Courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour. Noon: Moored in Colombo harbour. 12.30pm: Commenced coaling. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.30pm: Completed coaling, received 100 tons. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105c9: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-021_1.jpg) 7 December 1914 Colombo and at sea for the Maldive islands Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands securing ship for sea. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 8.30pm: Rounds correct. 9.05pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 9.20pm: Formed single line ahead. N 85 W. 10 knots. 9.30pm: Increased to 12 knots. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105ca: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-022_0.jpg) 8 December 1914 At sea Lat 7.1, Long 76.89 am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105cb: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-022_1.jpg) 9 December 1914 At sea to Maldive Islands Lat 6.97, Long 72.92 6.25am: a/c S 70 W. 7.30am: a/c South. am: Hands spreading awnings and preparing ship for coaling. am: Courses and speed as requisite for approaching Ihavandippuli [ed. now Ihavandippolhu] Atoll. 10.04am: Made fast to collier "Swanley" and commenced coaling. 1.35pm: Completed coaling received 35 tons. 1.40pm: Cast off from "Swanley". 1.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 6.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 7.50pm: "Swanley" grounded. 8.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105cc: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-023_0.jpg) 10 December 1914 At Maldive Islands Lat 6.97, Long 72.92 am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Working party sent to "Swanley". pm: Working party sent to "Swanley". Course and speed as requisite for attending "Swanley". 5.0pm: Working party returned. 5.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. 5.30pm: "Jed" left harbour. 5.35pm: "Kennet" " 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105cd: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-023_1.jpg) 11 December 1914 At Maldive Islands Lat 6.97, Long 72.92 2.0am: "Swanley" floated. 3.30am: Working party sent to "Swanley". 6.30am: "Chelmer" left harbour. 6.34am: Working party returned from "Swanley". 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded lower speed as requisite for sounding over "Swanley" shoal. 11.56am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 9 fathoms water. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105ce: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-024_0.jpg) 12 December 1914 At Maldive Islands Lat 6.97, Long 72.92 am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105cf: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-024_1.jpg) 13 December 1914 At Maldive Island Lat 6.97, Long 72.92 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 6.20am: Commenced coaling. 8.15am: Completed coaling received 24 tons, cast off from collier. 8.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 8½ fathoms water. 3.10pm: "Jed" "Chelmer" and "Welland" returned to harbour. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d0: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-025_0.jpg) 14 December 1914 Maldive Islands and at sea towards Aden Lat 7.37, Long 72.07 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 6.05am: Formed single line ahead. 6.45am: " divisions " ", set course N 72 W, speed 8 knots. 7.15am: Increased to 9½ knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.15am: a/c N 73 W. 12.30pm: Increased to 10 knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d1: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-025_1.jpg) 15 December 1914 At sea Lat 8.47, Long 68.44 6.0am: Position Lat 8º 8' N, Long 69º 24.5 E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 10.45am: Increased to 10.4 knots. am: Hands employed charging Torpedo tube, cleaning ship and as requisite. 11.20am: Put clocks back 20 mins. 1.0pm: a/c N 74 W. 2.15pm: " N 75 W. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.35pm: Stopped and communicated with S/S "Perseus". [ed. Perseus, image]. 4.55pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 5.20pm: a/c N 74 W. speed 10 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d2: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-026_0.jpg) 16 December 1914 At sea Lat 9.7, Long 64.82 5.55am: Pos. Lat 9º 22' N, 65º 44E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 9.45am: Put clocks back 15 mins. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Exercised searchlight crew. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d3: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-026_1.jpg) 17 December 1914 At sea Lat 10.6, Long 61 .04 6.0am: Position Lat 10º 26' N, Long 62º 2' E. am: Hands spreading awnings. am: hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Put clocks back 15 mins. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.45pm: Stopped engines, sent away whaler to "Swanley". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.15pm: Whaler returned, hoisted and secured 5.20pm: Formed single line, course N 76 W, 9½ knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d4: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-027_0.jpg) 18 December 1914 At sea Lat 11.44, Long 57.25 6.0am: Position Lat 11º 13' N, Long 58º 12' E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.0am: a/c N 75 W. 8.30am: a/c N 74 W. 10.0am: Put clocks back 15 mins. am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: a/c N 75 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d5: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-027_1.jpg) 19 December 1914 At sea Lat 12.42, Long 53.25 2.0am: a/c N 73 W. 3.0am: " N 74 W. 5.0am: a/c N 75 W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.0am: a/c N 73 W. 7.45am: a/c N 76 W. 7.50pm: Increased to 13 knots. Courses as requisite for closing "Swanley". 8.45am: a/c N 64 W, 9 knots. 9.45am: a/c N 50 W. 9.51am: Course and speed as requisite for closing "Swanley". 10.10am: Stopped engines, received provisions. 10.40am: Formed divisions line ahead, course N 82 W, 11 knots. am: One stoker joined ship from "Chelmer" (Sick). am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.35pm: Jebel Sabuyina abeam 11.5 mls. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.17pm: Kel Farum abeam dist 5 mls. 5.55pm: a/c West. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d6: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-028_0.jpg) 20 December 1914 At sea Lat 12.82, Long 48.35 6.05am: Position 12º 46' N, 47º 31 E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.25am: Formed divisions line ahead to port. 7.40am: Reduced to 10 knots. 9.0am: Put clocks back 20 min. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 12.30pm: a/c S 87 W. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.10pm: Pos 12º 42' N, 47º 14' E. 7.55pm: Increased to 10 knots. 8.0pm: a/c West. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d7: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-028_1.jpg) 21 December 1914 At sea to Aden Lat 12.83, Long 45.0 3.35am: Sighted Ras Manshag lt br West. 4.0am: Reduced to 7 knots. a/c S 86 W. 5.45am: Increased to 10 knots. Ras Manshag Lt. abeam dist 2½ mls. 6.20am: " " 12 ". Put clocks back 14 mins. 6.30am: Reduce " 7 ". Examination Officer boarded. 7.0am: Proceeded into harbour, course and speed as requisite. 7.30am: Moored in Aden harbour. am: Hands preparing for coaling and as requisite. Noon: Commenced coaling. pm: Hands painting ship’s side. pm: One paint brush lost overboard. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Completed coaling received 114 tons. 9.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d8: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-029_0.jpg) 22 December 1914 Aden and at sea Lat 12.83, Long 45.0 am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: One Stoker joined from "Jed" (sick). pm: Hands securing ship for sea. 5.0pm: Slipped from buoy, weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 5.50pm: Formed single line. 6.20pm: Jezerat Sahil abeam dist 1 mile. 6.30pm: Took station astern of "Swanley", course S 32 W. 7.05pn: a/c S 7 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.45pm: a/c N 80 W. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105d9: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-029_1.jpg) 23 December 1914 At sea for Suez Lat 14.09, Long 42.79 1.10am: Obs Perim High Lt bg N 70 W. 3.45am: a/c N 21 W. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.16am: Mokha Lt. Ho. abeam dist 5½ mls. 7.30am: a/c N 15 W. 7.45am: Formed divisions line ahead to port. 8.0am: a/c N 21 W. 10.20am: Put clocks back 7 mins. 10.30am: a/c N 22 W. 11.0am: a/c N 25 W. 11.15am: N 27 W. 11.50am: Abu Ail Lt. Ho. abeam dist½ mile, a/c N 41 W. 12.06pm: High Is. abeam dist 1 mile. 1.30pm: a/c N 31 W. 4.50pm: Closed "Swanley" sent away whaler for provisions. 5.0pm: Whaler returned, hoisted and secured. proceeded. 5.05pm: a/c N 41 W. 7.0pm: Centre Peak Lt abeam dist 5½ mls, a/c N 32 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.35pm: Jebel Tier Lt. abeam dist 3.6 mls. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105da: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-030_0.jpg) 24 December 1914 At sea Lat 17.55, Long 40.44 6.0am: Position Lat 16º 37' N, Long 41º 3' E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.30am: Formed divisions line ahead to port. 9.30am: Exercised general quarters. 10.15am: Secured. 10.30am: Put clocks back 10 mins. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.15pm: a/c N 36 W. 4.24pm: a/c N 33 W. 4.45pm: Sent away whaler for provisions. 4.56pm: Whaler returned, hoisted and secured. 5.06pm: Proceeded N 28 W. 8.0pm: N 29 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105db: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-030_1.jpg) 25 December 1914 At sea Lat 21.15, Long 38.14 Midnight: a/c N 30 W. 6.0am: Position Lat 20º 15' N, Long 38º 43' E. am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.15am: Formed divisions line ahead to port. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 10.0am: Put clocks back 9 mins. True Bearing and Distance:- Daedalus Shoal Lt. Ho. N 29º W, 259 mls. 3.45pm: a/c N 26 W. 4.45pm: Stopped and sent whaler for provisions. 4.55pm: Whaler returned, hoisted and secured. 5.0pm: Formed single line ahead. N 27 W. 10 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105dc: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-031_0.jpg) 26 December 1914 At sea Lat 24.57, Long 36.24 6.50am: St John's Is. abeam dist 30' (approx). am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.55pm: Sighted Daedalus Lt. bg NW. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.0pm: Daedalus Shoal Lt abeam 2.2 mls, a/c N 29 W. 4.43pm: Closed "Swanley". Sent away whaler for provisions. 4.53pm: Whaler returned hoisted and secured. 5.0pm: Proceeded N 29 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.55pm: Sighted The Brothers Lt. N 62 W. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105dd: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-031_1.jpg) 27 December 1914 At sea Lat 27.8, Long 33.74 am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.20am: Formed divisions line ahead to port. 8.30am: Shadwan Is Lt. bg N 59 W. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.43am: Shadwan Is Lt abeam dist ¾ mile. 10.10am: Clocks put back 10 mins. 9.55am: a/c N 40 W. 11.0am: " N 41 W. True bearing and Distance Ashrafi Reef Lt H S 69 W 2¾ mls. 12.14pm: Ashrafi Lt H abeam dist 3 mls. 2.0pm: a/c N 48 W. 3.20pm: Course and speed as requisite for going alongside "Swanley". 3.45pm: Secured alongside "Swanley". Hands provisioning ship. 5.15pm: Completed provisioning ship. 5.20pm: Cast off from "Swanley", proceeded N 45 W. 9 knots. 5.25pm: a/c N 36 W. 6.33pm: Ras Gharib abeam dist 3 1.2 mls. 8.0pm: a/c N 19 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.55pm: Zafarana Lt abeam 5.7 mls. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105de: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-032_0.jpg) 28 December 1914 At sea to Suez canal and Port Said Lat 30.3, Long 32.4 [approx] 3.10am: a/c N 15 W, reduced speed to 7 knots. 4.35am: a/c N 10 E. 5.15am: Newport Rock Lt abeam dist 3 cables, Course and speed as requisite for Anchoring. 5.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 4 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } North Beacon S 29 W. } Newport Rock Lt. S 7 E. } Green Bluff " S 84 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: Weighed and proceeded into Canal. 10.25am: Entered Canal. am: Course and speed as requisite for Canal. 2.05pm: Arrived Ismailia and changed Pilots. pm: Courses and speed as requisite for Canal. 7.0pm: Came to in Port Said harbour veered to 4 shackles. Stern moored to shore. 8.30pm: Canteen party landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Canteen party returned on board. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105df: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-032_1.jpg) 29 December 1914 Port Said Lat 31.25, Long 32.31 am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: One Stoker returned to "Jed". 11.30am: " " " " "Chelmer" 11.35am: Commenced coaling. 1.0pm: One Stoker discharged to hospital. 2.0pm: Completed coaling received 86 tons. pm: Hands clearing up decks. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 6.30pm: " " returned on board. 7.30pm: Canteen party landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Canteen party returned on board. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e0: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-033_0.jpg) 30 December 1914 Port Said and at sea towards Malta Lat 31.72, Long 31.66 6.30am: Slipped open moorings, weighed and proceeded out of harbour. Course and speed as requisite. 7.15am: Cleared Fairway buoy. Set course N 46 W, 9 knots, formed divisions line ahead to Starboard. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Damietta Lt H abeam dist 10, a/c N 72 W. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Formed single line. 5.15pm: Evening quarters 7.0pm: a/c N 73 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.15pm: a/c N 72 W. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e1: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-033_1.jpg) 31 December 1914 At sea Lat 33.0, Long 27.24 3.0am: a/c N 74 W. 6.40am: Lat 32 44' N. Long 28 19' E. 7.15am: Quarters, clean guns. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Put clocks back 10 mins. 11.0am: a/c N 73 W. True Bearing and Distance, Valetta harbour - N 74½ W, 651 mls. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 5.15pm: Formed single line ahead. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e2: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-034_0.jpg) [Blank Page] 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e3: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-034_1.jpg) [Blank Page] 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e4: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-035_0.jpg) [Book Cover] 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e5: ( 53-69620/ADM 53-69620-035_1.jpg) [Book Cover] THE VOYAGES OF HMS COLNE 1915 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1915 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e6: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-001_0.jpg) [Book Cover Left Half] 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e7: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-001_1.jpg) [Book Cover Right Half] 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e8: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS "Colne" for the period January 1st - February 28th 1915 C Seymour Commander 4caf85a3cadfd341970105e9: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-002_1.jpg) [Statistics] 4caf85a3cadfd341970105ea: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-003_0.jpg) [Blank Page] 4caf85a3cadfd341970105eb: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1915 At sea Lat 34.02, Long 22.72 3.0am: a/c N 74 W. 7.15am: Quarters clean guns. 7.20am: a/c West for closing "Swanley", increased to 11½ knots. 8.30am: Stopped and communicated with "Swanley". 8.45am: Proceeded N 73 W. speed 9½ knots. 9.33am: Put clocks back 18 minutes. 10.10am: Formed divisions line ahead. 10.30am: a/c N 74 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. True Bearing and Distance, Valetta harbour - N 74 W, 417 mls. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105ec: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1915 At sea Lat 35.17, Long 18.3 7.15am: Quarters clean guns. 7.30am: Formed divisions line ahead. 8.15am: a/c N 71 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. True bearing and distance, Valetta harbour - N 76½ W, 188½ mls. 2.0pm: a/c N 72 W. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.50pm: a/c N 74 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: a/c N 75 W. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105ed: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1915 At sea to Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 12.30am: a/c N 74 W. am: Hands preparing ship for harbour. 7.06am: a/c West. 10.15am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 10.30am: Made fast to buoys 10th in Dockyard Creek. 12.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105ee: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.30am: General leave party landed. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: 1 E.R.A. discharged to hospital. 11.0am: Completed coaling, received 67 tons. 12.15pm: Shifted ship to boiler wharf, dockyard tug in attendance. 12.45pm: Ship fast to boiler wharf. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105ef: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 4.45pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f0: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: General leave party returned. 8.0am: General leave to Port Watch. am: Hands employed in Dockyard. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f1: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. 4.45pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f2: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-008_0.jpg) 8 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. 8.0am: General leave men returned, 7 absentees. 8.20am: One absentee returned on board. 10.10am: " " " " " am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: 1 E.R.A. joined ship from "Welland". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f3: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-008_1.jpg) 9 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 6.30am: One absentee returned on board. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. 8.15am: Four absentees from Jan 8th returned on board. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: One stoker returned from hospital. 2.30pm: Cast off from boiler wharf, proceeded to No 3 buoy, dockyard tug in attendance. 3.0pm: Swung ship for deviations. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f4: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-009_0.jpg) 10 January 1915 Malta and at sea Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands preparing ship for sea. am: 1 P.O. joined ship from "Jed". am: 1 A.B. " " " Kennet". am: 4 Signal boys " ship for passage. am: 1 A.B. discharged to "Egmont". 12.30am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to sea on steam trial, course and speed as requisite. 1.05pm: Returned to Valetta harbour and made fast to buoy in Bighi Creek. pm: Issued warm clothing. 4.20pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to sea. Course and speed as requisite. 4.30pm: Set course S 87 E, speed 12 knots. 4.55pm: Increased to 13 knots. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f5: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-009_1.jpg) 11 January 1915 At sea Lat 36.24, Long 19.8 6.0am: Pos. 36º 10' N. 18º 19' E. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Put clocks on 11 mins. Noon: a/c S 86 E. 1.0pm: Increased to 15 knots. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 8.52pm: Cape Matapan abm, dist 2.7 mls. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.24pm: Cape Spathi abeam dist 1 1/3 mls. a/c S 82 E. 11.20pm: Cape Malea bg N 18 W, a/c N 63 E. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f6: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-010_0.jpg) 12 January 1915 At sea to Tenedos [ed. now Bozcaada] Lat 38.25, Long 24.67 1.40am: a/c N 62 W. 4.15am: Cape Livadhi abeam dist 3½ mls, a/c N 56 E. 6.15am: Nale Is. bg S 60 E, a/c N 35 W. Reduced to 12 knots. 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Syra Harbour. 6.50am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 5½ fathoms. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.15am: Weighed and proceeded to sea, course and speed as requisite. 8.20am: Set course N 32 W, speed 15 knots. 9.0am: Put clocks on 25 mins. 10.40am: a/c N 22 W, increased to 18 knots. 10.50am: a/c N 11 W. 11.0am: a/c North. 11.15am: Increased to 21 knots. Noon: a/c N 2 W. 1.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching anchored up ships. 1.45pm: Stopped and communicated with "Indefatigable". [ed. Indefatigable, Improved Invincible Class Battle-Cruiser, 1909, guns: 8 x 12", 16 x 4", 3 x 21" TT's, disp: 18,750 tons, comp: 800 men, H.P. 43,000 = 25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image wikimedia]. pm: Discharged 4 Signal Boys to "Indefatigable". 3.0pm: Proceeded course and speed as requisite. 6.0pm: Hands to Night defence Stations No 3. 6.15pm: a/c N 60 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.36pm: a/c N 7 E. 9.50pm: a/c N 11 E. 10.15pm: a/c N 67 E, decreased to 10 knots, course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 10.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 6 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f7: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-010_1.jpg) 13 January 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Anchor bearings:- } Ponente Pt Lt S 56 W. } Mt Elias S 45 E. } Gaidaro Is Lt H S 56 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f8: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-011_0.jpg) 14 January 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.50am: Weighed and proceeded to Southern anchorage , course and speed as requisite. 9.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 15 fathoms water. 11.15am: Hove up and proceeded alongside collier "Clara" and commenced coaling. [ed. Clara, image]. pm: Hands coaling ship. 4.45pm: Completed coaling, received 71 tons. 4.55pm: Cast off from collier and proceeded on patrol. 5.0pm: Hands to night action stations. 5.30pm: Set course N 24 E, 13 knots. 6.30pm: Reduced to 7 knots. Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105f9: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-011_1.jpg) 15 January 1915 Patrolling off Dardanelles Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. 7.45am: Returned to Tenedos, course and speed as requisite 10.10am: Proceeded alongside collier and commenced coaling. C Marmara S 60E, East Ridge N 48E, West Ridge N 8E Hands coaling ship. 11.50am: Completed coaling, received 28 tons. Cast off from collier and proceeded to anchorage. 12.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 6 shackles in 10 fathoms water. Hands cleaning ship 4.30pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105fa: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-012_0.jpg) 16 January 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.82, Long 26.13 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.15am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol "E", course and speed as requisite. am: Hands cleaning ship. True bearing and distance:- Gaidaro Is - N 26 W, 1 ¾ mls. 12.45pm: Closed "Blenheim", Hands make and mend clothes. [ed. Blenhiem, Destroyer Depot Ship, ex Tabaritan 1907, Purchased 1913, guns: 4 x 4". disp: 7400 tons, comp: 258 men, H.P. 5,000 = 14.2 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1919]. pm: Course and speed as requisite, "Dublin" bombarding coast. [ed. Dublin, Chatham Class Light Cruiser, 1912, guns: 8 x 6", 4 x 3pdr, 2 x 21" TT's, disp: 5400 tons, comp 380 men, HP: 22,000 = 25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1919, image]. 4.45pm: Set course N 42 W, 15 knots. 5.0pm: a/c N 30 E. 6.50pm: Reduced to 6 knots, course and speed as requisite for patrolling "B". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105fb: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-012_1.jpg) 17 January 1915 Patrol and return to Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Course and speed as requisite. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.30am: Returned to harbour. 9.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles. 11.30am: Hove up and proceeded alongside collier "Clara". 12.15pm: Cast off from collier. 2.10pm: Proceeded alongside collier. 3.10pm: Completed coaling, received 23 tons, cast off from collier. 3.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 4.30pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105fc: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-013_0.jpg) 18 January 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105fd: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-013_1.jpg) 19 January 1915 On patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.07 am: Rounds correct. am: Courses as requisite. 7.30am: Quarters, clean guns. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 5.30pm: Speed 6 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105fe: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-014_0.jpg) 20 January 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands preparing for coaling. 8.10am: Made fast to collier "Clara" and commenced coaling. 9.35am: Completed coaling, received 27 tons, cast off from collier and proceeded to anchorage. 10.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 7 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Small Is. S 10 E. } Popente Pt. S 62 W. } Melen Pt S 65 E. 1.0pm: One RNR Stoker joined the ship. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Southern anchorage, course and speed as requisite. 7.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 17 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd341970105ff: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-014_1.jpg) 21 January 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. 7.15am: Quarters clean guns. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: 1 Stoker re-joined ship from "Blenheim". 2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. pm: Hands carrying out 1" aiming rifle practice. 3.50pm: Proceeded to "A" patrol, N 35 E, 12 knots. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010600: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-015_0.jpg) 22 January 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 7 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Ponente Lt H S 65 W. } Mela Point S 60 E. } Small Is. S 10 E. 10.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to No 19 billet. 10.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 6½ fathoms water. 11.0am: Quarters clean guns. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010601: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-015_1.jpg) 23 January 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol (C), course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Violent squall from Starboard. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010602: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-016_0.jpg) 24 January 1915 Patrolling Lat 40.02, Long 26.09 am: Rounds correct. am: Course and speed as requisite. 7.15am: Proceeded to "D" patrol. am: Hands at rest. True bearing and distance, Cape Helles Lt H - N 67 E 5 miles. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010603: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-016_1.jpg) 25 January 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Course and speed as requisite. 7.15am: Hands to breakfast and clean. 7.30am: Proceeded to anchorage, course and speed as requisite. 8.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 10.15am: Proceeded alongside collier "Lydia". 10.20am: Commenced coaling. am: Hands coaling ship. 1.15pm: Coaling completed received 50 tons. 1.30pm: Cast off from collier. 1.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 2.30pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010604: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-017_0.jpg) 26 January 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. 7.30am: Quarters, cleaning guns. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: 1 Stoker discharged to "Blenheim". pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on Patrol A, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010605: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-017_1.jpg) 27 January 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct am: Course and speed as requisite. 9.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: 1 Stoker joined the ship. pm: Hands make and mend. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010606: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-018_0.jpg) 28 January 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.40am: Weighed and proceeded on full power trial. Course and speed as requisite. 11.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol "C", course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010607: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-018_1.jpg) 29 January 1915 On patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.07 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.10am: Proceeded to patrol "D". am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Course and speed as requisite. True bearing and distance, Cape Helles Lt H - N 74 E, 5¼ mls. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Proceeded to Patrol "B". pm: Course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010608: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-019_0.jpg) 30 January 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.30am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching collier. 8.45am: Made fast alongside collier. am: Hands coaling ship, received 63 tons. 11.10am: Completed coaling. Cast off from collier. 11.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. pm: 1 ERA and 1 AB joined ship, 1 Stoker joined ship from "Blenheim". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010609: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-019_1.jpg) 31 January 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. 2.0am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. Noon: Weighed and proceeded to Southern anchorage . 12.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 13 fathoms water. 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol "A", course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1915 4caf85a3cadfd3419701060a: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-020_0.jpg) 1 February 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Course and speed as requisite. 7.10am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching anchorage. 8.25am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3½ shackles in 17 fathoms water. am: 1 AB discharged to "Blenheim". 11.30pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier, commenced coaling. 12.40pm: Completed coaling, received 24 tons, cast off from collier. 12.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 17 fathoms water. Anchor bearings - Cape Marmara S 60 E, Ridge N 41 E, Cape St Dimitrios N 48 .W pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701060b: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-020_1.jpg) 2 February 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701060c: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-021_0.jpg) 3 February 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol A, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701060d: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-021_1.jpg) 4 February 1915 Patrolling Lat 39.99, Long 26.10 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Course and speed as requisite. True Bearing and Distance :- Cape Helles Lt H, N 48 E. 5½ mls. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701060e: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-022_0.jpg) 5 February 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Course and speed as requisite. 7.30am: Course and speed as requisite for proceeding into harbour. 8.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3½ shackles in 17½ fathoms water. 11.30am: Proceeded alongside collier "Lydia" and commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship. 3.0pm: Completed coaling, received 48 tons, Cast off from collier. 3.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 18 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.15pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701060f: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-022_1.jpg) 6 February 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Hands medically inspected. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol "A", course and speed as requisite. 5.30pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010610: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-023_0.jpg) 7 February 1915 Patrol and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.0am: Proceeded to anchorage. 8.22am: Made fast alongside collier "Ethel" and commenced coaling. 9.0am: Completed coaling, received 15 tons, cast off from collier and proceeded to anchorage. am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.0am: Made fast alongside "Blenheim". am: Hands provisioning Ship. 2.15pm: Cast off from "Blenheim". 2.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 16 fathoms water. Anchor bearings, Cape Marmara S 61 E. Ridge N 40 E. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010611: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-023_1.jpg) 8 February 1915 At Tenedos, on patrol and return Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 At anchor am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Aired bedding and night clothes. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: 1 Stoker and 1 A.B. discharged to "Blenheim". 1 20pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 7.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 18 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010612: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-024_0.jpg) 9 February 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.45pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside "Hindokoosh". 2.0pm: Cast off from "Hindokoosh" and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 2.30pm: Investigated S/S "Arimvaser". 3.25pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 17 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol "C", course and speed as requisite. 5.15pm: Evening quarters, Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010613: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-024_1.jpg) 10 February 1915 On patrol Lat 40.0, Long 26.05 am: Course as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands employed painting ship. True Bearings and Distance, Cape Helles Lt H:- N by E, 5 mls. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010614: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-025_0.jpg) 11 February 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Course as requisite for patrolling. am: Course as requisite. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. am: Proceeded into harbour. 8.15am: Made fast to collier and commenced coaling. 9.06am: Completed coaling, received 39 tons, cast off collier. 9.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 13 fathoms water. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: At anchor. pm: Hands painting ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010615: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-025_1.jpg) 12 February 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. pm: Hands carrying out 1" Aiming rifle practice. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. pm: Course as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010616: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-026_0.jpg) 13 February 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Proceeded into harbour, course and speed as requisite. 8.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 8 shackles in 18 fathoms water. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 10.45am: Made fast to collier and commenced coaling. 11.15am: Completed coaling received 17 tons, Cast off from collier. 11.25am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 13 fathoms water. pm: At anchor. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.00pn: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010617: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-026_1.jpg) 14 February 1915 Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010618: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-027_0.jpg) 15 February 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions, exercised General quarters, Sightsetters and torpedo crews. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol "C", course and speed as requisite. 5.15pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010619: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-027_1.jpg) 16 February 1915 Patrolling Lat 40.0, Long 26.02 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701061a: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-028_0.jpg) 17 February 1915 Patrol and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Returned to anchorage, course and speed as requisite. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 12 fathoms water. 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier and commenced coaling. 10.15am: Cast off from collier, received 32 tons of coal. 10.30am: Came to with Starboard veered to 4 shackles in 14 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Gadars Is. S 54 E. } Pedro Is. S64 W. } Small Is. S 17 E. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701061b: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-028_1.jpg) 18 February 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 7.30am: Quarters clean guns. 8.15am: Weighed and proceeded to Southern anchorage , course and speed as requisite. 9.10am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 12 fathoms water. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701061c: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-029_0.jpg) 19 February 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. am: Exercised small arms company. pm: Hands to make and mend. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course as requisite for patrolling. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701061d: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-029_1.jpg) 20 February 1915 Patrolling Lat 40.0, Long 26.09 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Night action stations. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701061e: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-030_0.jpg) 21 February 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0am: Proceeded into harbour. 11.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 11 fathoms water. 1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 1.08pm: Made fast to collier and commenced coaling. 3.0pm: Completed coaling received 38 tons, cast off from collier. 3.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 9 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to new billet, course and speed as requisite. 7.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd3419701061f: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-030_1.jpg) 22 February 1915 Tenedos and patrolling Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. 6.0am: Heavy squall from SW, rain, thunder and lightning. 7.45am: Weighed and shifted billet, course and speed as requisite. 7.56am: Formed single line (3rd div), 10 knots. 8.0am: Ship touched bottom, stopped engines. 8.06am: Astern on port engine, ship floated off, proceeded, course speed as requisite. 8.42am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 3 fathoms ware. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Weighed and shifted billet. 11.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Evening quarters. 5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol "A". 6.0pm: Course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010620: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-031_0.jpg) 23 February 1915 Patrolling Lat 40.0, Long 26.09 am: Rounds correct. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010621: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-031_1.jpg) 24 February 1915 Patrolling and at Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 6.45am: Proceeded to anchorage , speed 10 knots. Courses as requisite. 8.15am: Made fast alongside collier and commenced coaling. 9.30am: Completed coaling received 32 tons. 9.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 9 fathoms water. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded (3rd Div). 6.05pm: Formed Single line (8 knots). 6.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 4½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010622: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-032_0.jpg) 25 February 1915 Tenedos and patrolling Lat 40.04, Long 26.04 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.16am: Weighed and proceeded. am: Course and speed as requisite for screening battle fleet. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling inside Dardanelles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010623: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-032_1.jpg) 26 February 1915 Patrolling at Dardanelles and return to Tenedos Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 am: Course and speed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Course and speed as requisite for reconnoitring in Dardanelles. am: Hands to action stations. pm: Course and speed as requisite for reconnoitring in Dardanelles. pm: Hands to action stations. 5.30pm: Evening quarters. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 20 fathoms water. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010624: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-033_0.jpg) 27 February 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. 2.30am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Hanleymire". 10.30am: Completed coaling, received 40 tons. Cast off from collier. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 17 fathoms water. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010625: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-033_1.jpg) 28 February 1915 Tenedos and Rabbit Island Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 [approx] 2.30am: Rounds correct. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 8.05am: Returned to anchorage . 8.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 17 fathoms water. 10.40am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 11.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 4 shackles in 6 fathoms water. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a3cadfd34197010626: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-034_0.jpg) [Blank Page] 4caf85a3cadfd34197010627: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-034_1.jpg) [Blank Page] 4caf85a3cadfd34197010628: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-035_0.jpg) [Blank Page] 4caf85a3ca]dd34197010629: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-035_1.jpg) [Blank Page] 4caf85a3cadfd3419701062a: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-036_0.jpg) [Book Cover] 4caf85a3cadfd3419701062b: ( 53-69621/ADM 53-69621-036_1.jpg) [Book Cover] LOGS FOR MARCH 1915 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe2: ( 53-38206-001_0.jpg) 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe3: ( 53-38206-001_1.jpg) 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe4: ( 53-38206-003_0.jpg) This is to certify this is a true copy of the original log of H.M.S. Colne for the period of Mar. 1st - April 30 / 15 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe5: ( 53-38206-003_1.jpg) 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe6: ( 53-38206-004_0.jpg) 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe7: ( 53-38206-004_1.jpg) 1 March 1915 Patrolling at Dardanelles Lat 40.02, Long 26.2 am: Rounds correct. 4.05am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. am: Course and speed as requisite for reconnoitring in Dardanelles. am: Hands at action stations. pm: Course and speed as requisite for reconnoitring. pm: Hands at action stations. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 6.35pm: Proceeded to Imbros [ed. now Gökçeada], course and speed as requisite. 7.45pm: Closed "Inflexible" landed despatches and proceeded. [ed. Inflexible, Invincible Class Battle-Cruiser, 1907, arm: 8 x 12", 16 x 4", 3 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 17,250 tons, comp: 750 men, H.P. 42,000 = 25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.30pm: Made fast along collier, commenced coaling in Mudros Bay.
4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe8: ( 53-38206-005_0.jpg) 2 March 1915 Mudros Bay to Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 1.0am: Completed coaling, received 31 tons, cast off from collier and proceeded alongside Store ship No 14. am: Hands storing ship. 4.30am: Completed storing, cast off from No 14 and proceeded, course and speed 10 knots. 6.0am: Set course, N 86 E, speed 10 knots. am: Hands cleaning up decks. 8.0am: Course and speed as requisite. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 11 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands sending up and rigging top mast. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Drake, A.B. re-joined ship from hospital. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffe9: ( 53-38206-005_1.jpg) 3 March 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.40am: Weighed and proceeded to anchorage. 8.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. pm: Course and speed as requisite for covering mine-sweepers. 10.10pm: Battery at Siandow River opened fire on 2nd Sub. 11.0pm: Mine-sweepers returned to anchorage.
4caf8596cadfd3419700ffea: ( 53-38206-006_0.jpg) 4 March 1915 Patrolling at Dardanelles Lat 40.05, Long 26.22 am: Course and speed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands at Action Stations. Cases Cartridge 12 pdr 8 cwt fired:- Two lost overboard by accident. pm: Hands at Action Stations. pm: Flotilla bombarding Kum Kale. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffeb: ( 53-38206-006_1.jpg) 5 March 1915 At sea to Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Course and speed as requisite. am: Hands preparing ship for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.50am: Proceeded into Tenedos, course and speed as requisite. Noon: Made fast alongside collier. 5 - 2 cwt coal bags lost overboard by accident. 1.0pm: Commenced coaling. 2.30pm: Completed coaling received 43 tons, cast off from collier. 2.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 13 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.30pm: Evening quarters. pm: Lost overboard by accident Coal Bags Patt 3A No 5. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffec: ( 53-38206-007_0.jpg) 6 March 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffed: ( 53-38206-007_1.jpg) 7 March 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 10.0pm: Divisions and prayers. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Northern anchorage, course and speed as requisite. 11.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 6 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on Patrol, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action. 5.30pm: Closed and communicated with "Wolverine". [ed. Wolverine, Beagle-class Destroyer, 1910. image]. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffee: ( 53-38206-008_0.jpg) 8 March 1915 Patrolling at Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.09 am: Course and speed as requisite. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Course and speed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: Closed "Ocean". [ed. Ocean, Canopus Class Battleship, 1898, arm: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 10 x 12 pdr, 2 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 4 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 12,950, comp: 750 men, H.P. 13,500 = 18.25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 3.10pm: Withdrew under fire from shore batteries. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, Exercised night action. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffef: ( 53-38206-008_1.jpg) 9 March 1915 Patrolling at Dardanelles, to Tenedos and on to Mudros Lat 40.05, Long 26.14 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Closed 1st division and collected mails. 3.17pm: Proceeded to Tenedos, course and speed as requisite. 4.25pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to Mudros, course and speed as requisite. 8.10pm: Reduced speed approaching Mudros, course and speed as requisite. 9.58pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff0: ( 53-38206-009_0.jpg) 10 March 1915 At Mudros Bay Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 8.45am: Commenced coaling. 10.20am: Completed coaling received 49 tons, cast off from collier and proceeded alongside "Blenheim". am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Hands ammunitioning ship and as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff1: ( 53-38206-009_1.jpg) 11 March 1915 Mudros Bay to Tenedos via Dardanelles Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 10.0am: Cast off from "Blenheim" and proceeded alongside "Swanley". 10.30am: Made fast alongside "Swanley". 2.0pm: Cast off from "Swanley" and proceeded to Dardanelles. Course and speed as requisite. 2.52pm: Set course N 74 E. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: a/c N 64 E. 4.30pm: Courses as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.30pm: Closed "Wolverine", proceeded to Tenedos. 6.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 11 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff2: ( 53-38206-010_0.jpg) 12 March 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 40.05, Long 26.14 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.50am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol "C", course and speed as requisite. 11.0am: Met small fishing craft. Noon: Closed and communicated with "Wolverine". pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff3: ( 53-38206-010_1.jpg) 13 March 1915 Patrolling at Rabbit Island and to Tenedos Lat 39.94, Long 26.08 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling and searching for enemies. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.40pm: Closed and communicated with "Jed". 7.10pm: Proceeded into Tenedos. 7.35pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff4: ( 53-38206-011_0.jpg) 14 March 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 9.45am: Made fast to collier and commenced coaling. 10.50am: Completed coaling received 37 tons, Cast off from collier. 11.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 10 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff5: ( 53-38206-011_1.jpg) 15 March 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded on Patrol "C". Course and speed as requisite. 5.30pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff6: ( 53-38206-012_0.jpg) 16 March 1915 Patrolling at Rabbit Island Lat 39.93, Long 26.11 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff7: ( 53-38206-012_1.jpg) 17 March 1915 Patrolling at Rabbit Island Lat 39.95, Long 26.0 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. am: Exercised with mine sweeping gear, "Chelmer" in company. pm: Exercised with mine sweeping gear. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.10pm: Received orders to return to Tenedos. 5.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 12 fathoms water. 7.10pm: Made fast to collier "Boscawen" and commenced coaling. 8.30pm: Completed coaling, received 31 tons, Cast off from collier. 8.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff8: ( 53-38206-013_0.jpg) 18 March 1915 Tenedos to Dardanelles and return Lat 40.05, Long 25.25 2.0am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. 10.15am: Took station ahead of Battle Fleet. 10.37am: Out sweep, commenced operations. 11.30am: Let go sweep. 11.45am: Proceeded into Dardanelles. 2.45pm: Received orders to close "Bouvet". [ed. Bouvet, French Battleship, 1896, guns: 2 x 12", 2 x 10.8", 8 x 5.5", 8 x 4", 10 x 3 pdr, 20 x 1 pdr, 4 x 18" TT's, disp: 12,205 tons, comp: 630 men, H.P. 14,000 = 17 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 3.10pm: Proceeded into Dardanelles. 3.10pm: Received orders to close "Gaulois". [ed. Gaulois, French Battleship, 1896, guns: 2 x 12", 2 x 10.8", 8 x 5.5", 8 x 4", 10 x 3 pdr, 20 x 1 pdr, 4 x 18" TT's, disp: 11,260 tons, comp: 631 men, H.P. 14,500 = 18 knots, Jane's fighting ships 1914, image]. 3.30pm: Closed "Gaulois". Sent away boats and took off 51 Ratings. 4.15pm: Received orders to close "Inflexible". [ed. Inflexible, Invincible Class Battle-Cruiser, 1907, guns: 8 x 12", 16 x 4", 3 x 18" TT's, disp: 17,250 tons, comp: 750 men, H.P. 41,000 = 25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 5.30pm: Received orders to close "Irresistible". [ed. Irresistible, Formidable Class Battleship, 1898, guns: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 16 x 12 pdr 12 cwt,, 2 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 6 x 3 pdr, 4 sub 18" TT's, H.P: 15,000 = 18 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image, sunk by mine 18 March 1915]. 6.0pm: Closed "Ocean" and took off a number of Officers and Ratings. [ed. In 1915, “Ocean” was involved in the Dardanelles Campaign. On 18 March, she attempted to retrieve HMS Irresistible, which had been badly damaged by a mine in Erenkui Bay, but had to abandon her salvage efforts due to heavy Turkish gunfire. She instead evacuated the surviving crew of Irresistible but struck a mine while making for the open sea. Badly damaged, her crew and the survivors of Irresistible were taken off by destroyers and Ocean left to sink in Morto Bay, Wikipedia]. 6.0pm: Proceeded out of Dardanelles. 7.0pm: Returned to Dardanelles. 7.45pm: Proceeded out of Dardanelles and returned to Tenedos. pm: 2 Berthon boat crutches lost overboard by accident. 9.45pm: Arrived at Tenedos. 11.0pm: Landed Officers and Ratings from various ship’s to "Agamemnon". [ed. Agamemnon, Lord Nelson Class Battleship, 1906, guns: 4 x 12", 10 x 9.2", 15 x 12 pdr, 16 x 3 pdr, 5 18" TT's, disp: 16,500 tons, comp: 865 men, H.P. 16,750 = 18.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fff9: ( 53-38206-013_1.jpg) 19 March 1915 Tenedos to Dardanelles and return Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 12.15am: Proceeded to Dardanelles. Course N 40 E. speed 15 knots. 12.45am: Arrived at entrance to Dardanelles. Stopped. 1.10am: Returned to Tenedos, courses as requisite, speed 15 knots. 2.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 10 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.45am: Made fast alongside collier and commenced coaling. am: Hands coaling ship. Noon: Completed coaling, received 32 tons, cast off from collier. 12.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 3 shackles. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fffa: ( 53-38206-014_0.jpg) 20 March 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. am: Hands fitting sweeping gear and as requisite. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. pm: Carried out mine sweeping exercise with "Ribble". 3.30pm: Slipped sweep wire and proceeded back to Tenedos. pm: One "Kite" lost by accident. 5.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 5½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fffb: ( 53-38206-014_1.jpg) 21 March 1915 Tenedos, on patrol and return Lat 39.92, Long 26.1 am At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 11.15am: Weighed and proceeded on Patrol "C". Course and speed as requisite. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 3.0pm: Wind shifted to N.E. in a heavy squall. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Returned to Tenedos, course and speed as requisite. 6.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 5 shackles in 15 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fffc: ( 53-38206-015_0.jpg) 22 March 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 11.0am: Read Warrant. am: One Stoker discharged to "Blenheim". pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.20pm: Made fast alongside collier "Boscawen" and commenced coaling. 3.30pm: Completed coaling, received 25 tons, cast off from collier. 3.35pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 14 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700fffd: ( 53-38206-015_1.jpg) 23 March 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands washing decks as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.0pm: Closed "Canopus" for orders. [ed. Canopus, Canopus Class Battleship, 1897, guns: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 10 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 2 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 6 x 3 pdr, 4 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 12,950 tons, comp: 750 men, H.P. 13,500 = 18.25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 2.10pm: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 2.45pm: Closed and investigated Greek Brig "Maria". 3.0pm: Proceeded to Tenedos Town. 3.50pm: Arrived off Tenedos, sent away whaler. 4.45pm: Whaler returned, hoisted and secured, proceeded course and speed as requisite. 5.30pm: Came to off "Hindukoosh". 6.25pm: Weighed and proceeded to berth. 6.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 14 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct.
4caf8596cadfd3419700fffe: ( 53-38206-016_0.jpg) 24 March 1915 Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.95, Long 26.0 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 5.40am: Weighed and proceeded to "C" Patrol. 6.40am: "Ribble" joined, commenced "Mine sweeping" exercise. am: Hands carrying out mine sweeping exercise. pm: Hands carrying out mine sweeping exercise. 3.15pm: Proceeded to join Dardanelles patrol. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.15pm: Communicated with "Basilisk". [ed. Basilisk, British C Class Destroyer, 1910, disp: 935 tons, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419700ffff: ( 53-38206-016_1.jpg) 25 March 1915 At Dardanelles and to Tenedos Lat 40.01, Long 26.15 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 3.30am: Proceeded to position off West Ponete L. Ho. 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for anchoring. 6.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 14 fathoms water. 8.15am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for closing "Wolverine". 10.15am: Closed and communicated with "Wolverine". am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.05pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 4 shackles in 13 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010000: ( 53-38206-017_0.jpg) 26 March 1915 Tenedos to Daedanelles and return Lat 40.0, Long 26.14 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded to 1st division, course and speed as requisite. 11.30am: Communicated with "Scorpion". [ed. Scorpion, G Class Destroyer, 1910, 890 tons, Parsons Turbines, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 11.40am: " " "Wolverine". 11.45am: Proceeded to Dardanelles patrol. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 6.40pm: Proceeded to "T", course and speed as requisite. 7.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 4 shackles in 14 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Cape Marmara S 62 E. } Ant Church N 37 E. } C. St. Dimitri N 52 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct.
4caf8596cadfd34197010001: ( 53-38206-017_1.jpg) 27 March 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 7.0am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 9.0am: Proceeded alongside Storeship "Carrigan Head". am: Hands storing ship. Noon: Cast off from storeship and proceeded to Northern anchorage, course and speed as requisite. 1.20pm: Made fast alongside collier "Clara" and commenced coaling. 3.10pm: Completed coaling, received 58 tons, cast off from collier. 3.25pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 11 fathoms water. Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands storing away provisions. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010002: ( 53-38206-018_0.jpg) 28 March 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010003: ( 53-38206-018_1.jpg) 29 March 1915 Tenedos to Mudros and return Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside "Blenheim". 1.10pm: Cast off from "Blenheim" and proceeded. 1.30pm: Closed "Queen" and embarked Lieut. Sandford. [ed. Queen, Queen Class Battleship, 1902, guns: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 16 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 2 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 6 x 3 pdr, 4 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 15,000 tons, comp: 750 men, H.P. 15,000 = 18 knots. Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 1.35pm: Proceeded to Port Mudros. 1.52pm: Ponente Pt. Lt. Ho abm, brg S 13 E, dist 1¼ mls, course 79 W. 15 knots. 3.40pm: a/c S 67 W. 3.50pm: a/c West. pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Port Mudros. 4.50pm: Disembarked Lt. Sandford. 5.10pm: Made fast to "Inflexible". 5.40pm: Cast off from "Inflexible" and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 6.40pm: a/c N 84 E. speed 15 knots. 8.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for anchoring at Tenedos. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.05pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 6 fathoms water. 4caf8596cadfd34197010004: ( 53-38206-019_0.jpg) 30 March 1915 Tenedos to Rabbit I. and return. Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to North of Rabbit Is., course and speed as requisite. 1.37pm: Arrived and proceeded to render assistance to trawler. 1.55pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 6 shackles in 5½ fathoms water. 2.45pm: Secured hawser and proceeded to tow off trawler. 3.40pm: Trawler floated, hove in to 4 shackles. 4.05pm: Weighed. 4.15pm: Proceeded to Tenedos in company with trawler, course and speed as requisite. 5.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 19 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010005: ( 53-38206-019_1.jpg) 31 March 1915 Tenedos to Dardanelles for mine sweeping and patrol Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 8.45am: Closed and communicated with "Basilisk". am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Course and speed as requisite. pm: Exercised mine sweeping. 4.30pm: Completed sweeping mines, proceeded on patrol. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.05pm: Sunk floating mine. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling Dardanelles. LOGS FOR APRIL 1915 4caf8596cadfd34197010006: ( 53-38206-020_0.jpg) 1 April 1915 Patrolling Dardanelles and return to Tenedos Lat 40.04, Long 26.15 am: Course and speed as requisite. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Exercised mine sweeping. 12.30pm: Closed "Albion". [ed. Albion, Canopus Class Battleship, 1989. guns: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 10 x 12 pdr 12cwt, 2 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 6 x 3 pdr, 4 x 18" sub TT's, disp 12,950 tons, comp: 750 men, H.P. 13,500 = 18.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. pm: 5th Sub' supporting "Albion" whilst covering mine sweepers. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.25pm: Proceeded to Tenedos. 7.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9¾ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010007: ( 53-38206-020_1.jpg) 2 April 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 10.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Harlseywood". 10.30am: Commenced coaling. Noon: Dinner. 1.0pm: Resumed coaling. 1.40pm: Completed coaling, received 67 tons. Cast off from collier and proceeded to anchorage, course and speed as requisite. 2.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 17 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010008: ( 53-38206-021_0.jpg) 3 April 1915 At Tenedos and on Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to Dardanelles Patrol, course and speed as requisite. 5.15pm: Evening quarters, Exercised night action. 6.15pm: Closed and communicated with "Wolverine". 9.0pm: Evening quarters [Rounds correct ?]. 4caf8596cadfd34197010009: ( 53-38206-021_1.jpg) 4 April 1915 Patrolling Dardanelles and return to Tenedos Lat 40.04, Long 26.22 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing for sweeping. 8.30am: Took station ahead of "London" and swept her into Dardanelles. [ed. London, London Class Battleship, 1899, guns: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 16 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 2 x 12pdr 8cwt, 6 x 3 pdr, 4 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 15,000 tons, comp: 750 men, H.P. 15,000 = 18 knots, Jane's Fighting ships 1914, image]. 9.30am: Slipped sweep. Stood by "London" whilst covering trawlers. am: Course and speed as requisite. 12.05pm: Holed on Port side of for'd boiler room. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.45pm: Relieved by "Welland". proceeded into harbour, course and speed as requisite. 7.15pm: Made fast to "Blenheim". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419701000a: ( 53-38206-022_0.jpg) 5 April 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Fast to "Blenheim". am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Read Warrant. pm: Fast to "Blenheim". pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419701000b: ( 53-38206-022_1.jpg) 6 April 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Fast to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419701000c: ( 53-38206-023_0.jpg) 7 April 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 5.30am: Cast off from "Blenheim" and proceeded alongside collier "Craigston". 7.30am: Completed coaling, received 37 tons, proceeded alongside stores ship "Swanley". am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.0am: Made fast to "Swanley". am: Hands storing ship. 11.55am: Cast off from "Swanley" and proceeded to anchorage. 12.05pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 15 fathoms water. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 8.20pm: Took up position inside Dardanelles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.50pm: Battleships bombarding Seddul Bahr and Kum Kale intermittently. 11.15pm: Withdrew to patrol line. 4caf8596cadfd3419701000d: ( 53-38206-023_1.jpg) 8 April 1915 Patrolling Dardanelles Lat 40.01, Long 26.16 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Aired bedding. Hands cleaning ship. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8596cadfd3419701000e: ( 53-38206-024_0.jpg) 9 April 1915 Patrolling Dardanelles and return to Tenedos Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands preparing for exercising mine sweeping. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for standing by "Prince George". [ed. Prince George, Majestic Class Battleship, 1895, guns: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 16 x 12 pdr, 12 x 3 pdr, 2 x 12 pdr boat guns, 5 x 18", TT's, disp: 14,900 tons, comp: 757 men, H.P. natural draught 10,000 = 16.5 knots, forced draught 12,000 = 17.5 knots, image]. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.0pm: Relieved by 1st Div' and proceeded to Tenedos, courses as requisite. 6.55pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 8.25pm: 1 Stoker returned from "Blenheim". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd3419701000f: ( 53-38206-024_1.jpg) 10 April 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.10am: Weighed and proceeded alongside "Blenheim" to discharge spare torpedo. 7.35am: Cast off and proceeded to collier "Harlseywood". 8.15am: Made fast to collier. 8.30am: Commenced coaling. 9.45am: Completed coaling, received 29 tons, cast off from collier. 10.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Lost overboard by accident Patt 459 Brush scrubber 1 in No. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010010: ( 53-38206-025_0.jpg) 11 April 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: 3rd divisions weighed and proceeded. 10 knots. 4.33pm: Formed single line. 4.40pm: Set course N 34 E, 14 knots. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.25pm: Stopped and communicated with "Wolverine". 5.35pm: Proceeded on patrol, Courses as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course as requisite for patrol. 4caf8596cadfd34197010011: ( 53-38206-025_1.jpg) 12 April 1915 Patrolling Dardanelles Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 am: Courses as requisite for patrol. 5.0am: Dropped back to day patrol line. am: Courses as requisite. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15: "London" "Prince of Wales" and "Renard" entered Straits, bombarding Asiatic Shore. [ed. Prince of Wales, 1902, Sister-ship to Queen previously described. image Renard, G Class Destroyer, 1910, 920 tons, image]. 10.15am: Battleships and "Renard" withdrew. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.15pm: Proceeded to night patrol line. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010012: ( 53-38206-026_0.jpg) 13 April 1915 Patrolling Dardanelles and return to Tenedos Lat 40.01, Long 26.16 am: Courses as requisite. 5.0am: Proceeded to day patrol line. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.0am: Closed "Majestic". [ed. Majestic, Majestic Class Battleship, 1895, guns: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 16 x 12 pdr, 12 x 3 pdr, 2 x 12 pdr boat guns, 5 x 18" TT's, disp: 14,900 tons, comp: 757 men, H.P. forced 12,000 17.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 8.40am: Returned to patrol line. am: Courses as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.40pm: Relieved by 1st Division, proceeded to Tenedos, courses as requisite. 6.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 7 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Small Is. S 16 W. } Mela Pt. S 67 E. } Ponente Pt . S 70 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010013: ( 53-38206-026_1.jpg) 14 April 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 8.05am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Craigston". 8.30am: Commenced coaling. 10.15am: Completed coaling, received 41 tons, cast off from collier. 10.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. am: Hands cleaning Ship. pm: 1 A.B. re-joined ship from "Blenheim". pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010014: ( 53-38206-027_0.jpg) 15 April 1915 Tenedos to rendezvous and return Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 12.45pm: Closed "Dublin" and embarked Staff Officers. 12.55pm: N 30 E, 16 knots. 1.20pm: a/c N 20 E. 1.30pm: Stopped and disembarked Staff Officers to "Triumph". pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Re-embarked Staff Officers. 5.40pm: Closed "Dublin" and transferred Staff Officers. Proceeded to Tenedos. 5.30pm: Evening quarters. 5.55pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9¾ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010015: ( 53-38206-027_1.jpg) 16 April 1915 From Tenedos to Mudros and on patrol Lat 39.67, Long 25.2 am: Rounds correct. 5.20am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 5.45am: Negative coaling, closed "Amethyst" for orders. [ed. Amethyst, Light Cruiser, 1903, guns: 12 x 4", 8 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18" TT's, disp: 3,000 tons, comp: 296, H.P. 9,800 = 21.75 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 6.12am: Proceeded N 2 E, 15 knots. 6.34am: Increased to 17 knots. 7.30am: Stopped and embarked Lt. Palmer R.N.V.R. for passage to Mudros. 7.40am: Proceeded 18 knots, courses as requisite. 8.10am: S 59 W. 10.30am: Courses as requisite for entering Mudros Bay. 10.40am: Closed "Queen Elizabeth" and disembarked Lt. Palmer. [ed. Queen Elizabeth, Dreadnought, 1913, guns: 8 x 15", 12 or 16 x 6", 12 anti-aerial 12 pdrs or 4", 4 x 21" sub TT's, disp: 27,500 tons, H.P. 58,000 = 25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 11.10am: Closed "Agamemnon" for orders and proceeded. 1.52pm: Eased down for engine defect. 2.08pm: a/c S 42 W. Full speed. 2.30pm: Eased to 20 knots. 2.40pm: " " 15 " closed "Dartmouth". [ed. Dartmouth, Weymouth Class Light Cruiser, 1911, guns: 2 x 6", 10 x 4", 4 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 4,800 tons, comp: 376, H.P. 22,000 = 25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 2.48pm: Stop. 3.05pm: Proceeded S 76 E, 15 knots. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.45pm: Reduced to 8 knots. 6.0pm: Slow. Courses as requisite. 8.50pm: Course and speed as requisite for investigating steamer. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.50pm: Stopped and investigated Greek, S/S "Zenta". 10.05pm: Whaler returned, hoisted and secured. pm: Lost overboard by accident Caps 3 x½", patt No 619, Pliers patt No 468 1 of. 4caf8596cadfd34197010016: ( 53-38206-028_0.jpg) 17 April 1915 At sea and return to Tenedos Lat 39.18, Long 25.83 6.10am: Closed "Minerva". [ed. Minerva, Eclipse Class Light Cruiser, 1895, guns: 11 x 6", 8 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 1 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 7 x 3 pdr, 2 maxims, 3 x 18 TT's 2 subm', disp: 5,600 tons, comp: 450, H.P. forced 9,600 = 19.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 6.20am: Proceeded to "Welland" course and speed as requisite. 7.20am: "Welland " came alongside. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.05am: "Welland" cast off proceeded N 50 W, 12 knots. 8.45am: Increased to 15 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: a/c N 54 W. 11.40am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching anchorage. 12.20pm: Made fast to "Wear". 1.20pm: Cast off and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 1.30pm: Set course N 24 E, 15 knots. 2.40pm: Cape Baba abeam 2½ mls. 3.45pm: a/c N 5 E. Hands to make and mend. 4.15pm: Reduced to 12 knots. pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing "Blenheim". 4.50pm: Fast to "Blenheim". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8596cadfd34197010017: ( 53-38206-028_1.jpg) 18 April 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 9.0am: Cast off from "Blenheim" and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 9.30am: Fast to S/S "Dangarth". 9.35am: Cast off. 9.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 4.10pm: Proceeded alongside collier "Craigston". 4.20pm: Commenced coaling. 7.20pm: Completed coaling, received 85 tons, cast off from collier. 7.35pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: One ten cwt coal bag lost overboard by accident Patt 3a. 4caf8596cadfd34197010018: ( 53-38206-029_0.jpg) 19 April 1915 At Tenedos and on patrol Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 10.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside "Blenheim". 10.20am: Secured to "Blenheim". am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed fitting stages and mine sweeping gear. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.45pm: Cast off from "Blenheim". 6.50pm: Proceeded on patrol "C", course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrol. 4caf8596cadfd34197010019: ( 53-38206-029_1.jpg) 20 April 1915 Patrolling, at Tenedos and patrolling Lat 39.81, Long 25.99 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.45am: Left patrol and proceeded alongside S/S "Dangarth". 7.15am: Cast off and proceeded to Southern anchorage . 8.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 13 fathoms water. am: Hands employed fitting mine sweeping gear and as requisite. am: 1 A.B. discharged to "Blenheim". pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Communicated with "Vengeance". [ed. Vengeance, Canopus Class Battleship, 1899, guns: 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 10 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 2 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 6 x 3 pdr, 4 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 12,950 tons, comp: 750 men, H.P. 13,500 = 18.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 6.30pm: Communicated with "Prince George". 6.45pm: Proceeded to patrol "C". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrol. 4caf8596cadfd3419701001a: ( 53-38206-030_0.jpg) 21 April 1915 Patrolling Rabbit Island and to Mudros Bay Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.15am: Increased to 15 knots, course S 76 W. 5.48am: Ponente Pt Lt Ho abm. am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Mudros Bay. 9.05am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 11.20am: Weighed and shifted billet. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to collier. 2.0pm: Fast to collier and commenced coaling. 3.20pm: Completed coaling, received 34 tons, cast off from collier. 3.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7¼ fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701001b: ( 53-38206-030_1.jpg) 22 April 1915 Mudros Bay to Tenedos Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for embarking troops. 7.05am: Weighed and shifted billet. 7.55am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 4½ fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to S/S "Malda". [ed. S/S Malda, image]. 1.15pm: Embarked troops. 2.0pm: Exercised embarking troops into boats. 3.0pm: Disembarked troops to Transport. 3.15pm: Cast off from "Malda". 3.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7¼ fathoms water. pm: 2 Stokers joined from "Bulldog". [ed. Bulldog, G Class Destroyer, 1910, Jane's Fighting Ships, image]. 4.45pm: Shifted billet. 6.45pm: Weighed and closed "Queen Elizabeth". 7.0pm: Proceeded out of harbour. Course and speed as requisite. 7.40pm: Set course N 88 E, speed 15 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Course and speed as requisite for anchorage at Tenedos. 9.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 19 fathoms water. 4caf8597cadfd3419701001c: ( 53-38206-031_0.jpg) 23 April 1915 Tenedos, patrol and to Mudros Bay Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 2.45am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for patrolling to Northern anchorage, speed 17 knots. 3.40am: Stopped and communicated with "Minerva" and "Albion". 3.50am: Proceeded, courses as requisite for leaving harbour, 18 knots. 4.15am: Set course S 78 W. 18 knots. 6.0am: Courses and speed as requisite for entering Mudros Bay. 7.0am: Made fast to collier "Lydia" and commenced coaling. 9.0am: Completed coaling, received 28 tons from collier and proceeded alongside "Swanley". 10.30am: Cast off from "Swanley". 10.55am: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 4 shackles in 6¼ fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701001d: ( 53-38206-031_1.jpg) 24 April 1915 Mudros Bay and at sea to rendezvous Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands preparing ship for troops. 2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 2.10pm: Formed single line, speed 10 knots, course as requisite. 3.0pm: Stopped engines. 3.30pm: Proceeded as requisite for stations on port beam of "Malda". pm: Courses as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.30pm: Closed and communicated with "Scourge" and "Ribble. [ed. Scourge, G Class Destroyer, 1910, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image Ribble, River Class Destroyer, 1904, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914. image]. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Made fast to Transport "Malda". 11.30pm: Commenced embarking troops. 4caf8597cadfd3419701001e: ( 53-38206-032_0.jpg) 25 April 1915 At sea to Gaba Tepe Lat 40.22, Long 25.28 12.24am: Cast off from Transport. 12.35am: Formed single line abreast, courses as requisite 7 knots. 4.30am: Commenced dis-embarking troops. am: Hands employed as boat keepers and as requisite. am: Transferring troops from ship to shore. pm: Transferring troops from ship to shore. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Transferring troops from ship to shore. 4caf8597cadfd3419701001f: ( 53-38206-032_1.jpg) 26 April 1915 Gaba Tepe to Imbros and return Lat 40.22, Long 25.28 am: Course and speed as requisite for transporting troops from "A - 30" to shore. am: Course and speed as requisite for transferring troops. am: Course and speed as requisite for transferring troops from ship to shore. 1.20pm: Proceeded to Imbros, course and speed as requisite. 3.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3½ shackles in 10½ fathoms water. 5.30pm: Proceeded alongside collier "Lydia". 5.45pm: Commenced coaling. 7.0pm: Completed coaling received 35 tons. 7.30pm: Cast off from collier and proceeded to Gaba Tepe. 4.40pm: 5th Div', weighed, formed single line, 13 knots. 8.45pm: Reduced to 10 knots. Course and speed as requisite for anchoring. 9.05pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 19¾ fathoms water. 4caf8597cadfd34197010020: ( 53-38206-033_0.jpg) 27 April 1915 Gaba Tepe, Dardanelles and Tenedos Lat 40.22, Long 26.27 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded. Hands at action stations. am: Course and speed as requisite, screening battleships and transports. pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing and communicating with "Beagle", "Kennet", "Amethyst" and "Queen". pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 3.30pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.30pm: Proceeded to Dardanelles, course and speed as requisite. 7.30pm: Closed "Agamemnon" for orders. pm: Proceeded to Tenedos. 10.15pm: Arrived Tenedos, communicated with "Blenheim". 10.30pm: Fast to collier "Rudsmere" and commenced coaling. 11.30pm: Completed coaling received 18 tons, cast off from collier and proceeded closed "Blenheim". 4caf8597cadfd34197010021: ( 53-38206-033_1.jpg) 28 April 1915 Tenedos and patrolling Dardanelles entrance Lat 40.2, Long 26.2 12.55am: Proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 2.0am: Closed "Agamemnon". am: Course and speed as requisite, patrolling Dardanelles entrance. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed fitting sweeping gear. am: Patrolling Dardanelles entrance. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Patrolling Dardanelles entrance. 4caf8597cadfd34197010022: ( 53-38206-034_0.jpg) 29 April 1915 Patrolling Lat 40.03, Long 26.15 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 3.30am: French submarine proceeded up Dardanelles. 5.50am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour. 7.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 15 fathoms water. 9.50am: Weighed and proceeded, speed 15 knots, course and speed as requisite. 11.20am: Reduced to 12 knots. 11.30am: Communicated with Flag. 12.20pm: Proceeded towards Transports, course and speed as requisite. 3.35pm: Closed Flag and embarked G.O.C. and staff. 4.05pm: G.O.C. and staff dis-embarked. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.15pm: Re-embarked G.O.C. and staff. 5.50pm: Dis-embarked G.O.C. and staff to Flag. pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing and communicating with various ships. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Made fast to stern of "Queen Elizabeth". 4caf8597cadfd34197010023: ( 53-38206-034_1.jpg) 30 April 1915 Patrolling Lat 40.04, Long 26.17 am: Fast to "QE". 1.10am: Cast off from "Queen Elizabeth", course and speed as requisite for standing by "QE". 5.10am: Proceeded 15 knots, course as requisite for closing Transport and collier and for South of Tenedos. 7.15am: Stopped and communicated with "Blenheim". 7.40am: Proceeded, course as requisite. 8.45am: Commander Samson embarked, proceeded to close "QE". 10.10am: Closed "QE" dis-embarked Comdr. Samson, course and speed as requisite for standing by "QE". am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: Relieved by "Kennet", proceeded to Z. pm: Course and speed as requisite for detailed duties. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.20pm: Closed and stood by "Queen", course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Evening quarters. (Rounds correct ?]. 9.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 20 fathoms water. 4caf8597cadfd34197010024: ( 53-38206-035_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd34197010025: ( 53-38206-035_1.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd34197010026: ( 53-38206-036_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd34197010027: ( 53-38206-036_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MAY 1915 4caf8597cadfd34197010028: ( 53-38207-001_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd34197010029: ( 53-38207-001_1.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd3419701002a: ( 53-38207-002_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd3419701002b: ( 53-38207-002_1.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd3419701002c: ( 53-38207-003_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd3419701002d: ( 53-38207-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.2, Long 26.27 [approx] at Anchor am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 10.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 20 fathoms water. 10.45am: 1 A.B. rejoined ship from "P of W" [ed. “Prince of Wales”]. 2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier, course and speed as requisite. 3.15pm: Secured to collier. 3.45pm: Commenced coaling. pm: Lost overboard by accident, Pilot Shovels one in No. 6.0pm: Completed coaling, cast off from collier. Received 62 tons. pm: Course and speed as requisite standing by "Queen". 8.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles n 3 fathoms water 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank of base. 4caf8597cadfd3419701002e: ( 53-38207-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1915 Off Gaba Tepe Lat 40.2, Long 26.27 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Anchored off shore, guarding left flank of base. 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded, embarking Military party from shore. 6.0am: Landed Military party in Suvla Bay to investigate, hands at action stations. 7.30am: Took on board 12 prisoners. 8.15am: Military party re-embarked. 9.15am: Dis-embarked Military party to shore. 10.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 20 fathoms water. 3.10pm: Weighed and closed "Dartmouth". pm: Course and speed as requisite. pm: Investigated Gaba Tebe, Hands at action stations, course and speed as requisite. 7.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 24 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701002f: ( 53-38207-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.2, Long 26.27 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Weighed and shifted billet. 11.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 23 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- Mt. Falcon } N 30 E. Gabe - Tebe } S 32 E. 12.15pm: Weighed and shifted billet. 1.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 35 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 7.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 1 shackle in 5½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank of base. 4caf8597cadfd34197010030: ( 53-38207-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 am: At anchor. 2.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 3.30am: Embarked military landing party from shore. 4.30am: Landed military party on Gaba Tepe, Hands at action, covering shore party. 6.45am: Landing party returned to ship. Secure. 8.15am: Military party dis-embarked to shore. 9.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 33 fathoms water. 10.15am: 1 L.S. and 1 A.B. discharged to "London" (wounded). am: 1 A.B. rejoined ship from "Blenheim". 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Kephalo, closing "Queen Elizabeth" en route. 12.30pm: Secured to S/S "Carrigan Head". Hands ammunitioning ship. 2.15pm: Cast off from "Carrigan Head". 2.40pm: Secured to S/S "Swansea Vale", Hands ammunitioning ship. 4.20pm: Cast off from "Swansea Vale" and proceeded to "Z". 5.35pm: Closed and communicated with "Queen". 5.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 35 fathoms water. 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to left flank of base. 7.55pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank of base, searching shore intermittently. 4caf8597cadfd34197010031: ( 53-38207-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Guarding left flank of base. 4.45am: Weighed and proceeded to outer anchorage. 5.05am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 35 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.05am: Closed "Queen" and embarked R.A.II [Rear Admiral]. 9.45am: Landed R.A.II. Came to with Starboard Anchor veered to 1 shackle in 4 fathoms water. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for lying off shore. 12.40pm: Embarked R.A.II and proceeded to "Queen". 1.15pm: Disembarked R.A. and anchored astern of "Queen", veered to 5 shackles in 35 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.25pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for closing land. 7.50pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor veered to 3 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank of base. 4caf8597cadfd34197010032: ( 53-38207-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1915 Gaba Tepe to Cape Helles Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 [approx] At anchor. am: Guarding left flank of base. am: Searching beach intermittently. 4.50am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for closing "Amethyst". 5.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 31 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: Weighed and proceeded to collier "Clara". ( Clara, image]. 10.30am: Secured to "Clara" and commenced coaling. am: Hands coaling ship. Noon: Dinner. 12.45pm: Resumed coaling. 1.30pm: Completed coaling, received 51 tons, Cast off from collier and closed "Queen". 2.15pm: Received Dispatches from "Queen", proceeded to C. Helles, course and speed as requisite for closing "Queen Elizabeth", "Franconia" and "Euryalus". [ed. Euryalus, Cressy Class Cruiser, 1901, guns: 2 x 9.2", 12 x 6", 12 x 12pdr 12cwt, 1 x 12pdr 8 cwt, 3 x 3 pdrs, 2 x 18" submerged TT's, disp: 12.00 tons, comp: 700, H.P. 21,000 = 21 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. [Franconia, image]. 5.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 31 fathoms. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010033: ( 53-38207-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 4.40am: Weighed and closed "Queen". 5.0am: Flag Commander embarked, proceeded to Gaba Tepe. am: Ship observing off Gaba Tepe, course and speed as requisite. 10.0am: Returned to "Queen". 10.25am: Secured to store ship "Baron Ardrossan". [Baron Ardrossan, image]. am: Hands storing ship. 1.0pm: Cast off from "Baron Ardrossan”. 1.30pm: Secured to Troop ship "Saturnia". Commenced embarking Troops. [Saturnia, image]. 3.15pm: Cast off from Troopship and proceeded. 3.45pm: Dis-embarked troops to Shore. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Re-embarked troops for Transport. 6.30pm: Dis-embarked troops and proceeded. Closed "Queen". 7.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2½ shackles in 10 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank of base, searching shore intermittently. 4caf8597cadfd34197010034: ( 53-38207-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe and Suvla Bay Lat 40.31, Long 26.23 am: At anchor. am: Guarding left flank of base. 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded to outer anchorage. 6.10am: Came to with Starboard Anchor veered to 5 shackles in 32 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 11.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for reconnoitring. Reconnoitring in Suvla Bay. 12.50pm: Closed and communicated with "Jed". 2.12pm: Proceeded to Z beach. 2.45pm: Closed "Queen". 3.50pm: Proceeded to Z beach. Embarked G.H.Q. Staff and proceeded to Gaba Tepe. pm: Reconnoitring Gaba Tepe - Hands at action stations. 5.50pm: Dis-embarked G.H.Q. Staff, proceeded to outer anchorage, course and speed as requisite. 6.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 33 fathoms water. 7.25pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank of base. 4caf8597cadfd34197010035: ( 53-38207-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Guarding left flank, searching beach intermittently. 4.50am: Weighed and proceeded. 5.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 35 fathoms water. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010036: ( 53-38207-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded to collier "Clara". 9.50am: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 11.30am: Completed coaling, received 47 tons. 11.40am: Cast off from collier and proceeded to anchorage. Noon: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 35 fathoms water. Lost overboard by accident Pilot Shovel, 1 in No. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to right flank. 7.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding right flank of base. 4caf8597cadfd34197010037: ( 53-38207-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Guarding right flank of base. 4.15am: Weighed and proceeded to outer anchorage. 5.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 31 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands painting overside. Anchor bearings:- } Mt. Falcon N 25 E. } Gaba Tepe S 38 E. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010038: ( 53-38207-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded to watch sea-plane. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Keeping look out on seaplane, course and speed as requisite. 11.40am: Returned to anchorage . 11.55am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 30 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Weighed - proceeded alongside Troopship. Course and speed as requisite. 6.0pm: Secured to "Grantully Castle" and commenced embarking troops. [ed. Grantully Castle, image]. 6.50pm: Cast off from Troopship and proceeded to landing. 7.30pm: Dis-embarked troops. 8.05pm: Secured to Troopship. 8.45am: Cast off from Troopship. 9.45pm: Dis-embarked troops. 10.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 30 fathoms water. 4caf8597cadfd34197010039: ( 53-38207-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe, Kephalo Bay [ed. on the East coast of Imbros] and screening transports Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 [approx] am: At anchor. 2.40am: Prepared to weigh. 3.45am: Weighed and proceeded to patrol round battleships and transports. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0am: Returned to anchorage . am: Hands employed painting overside and as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to Kephalo Bay, course and speed as requisite. 5.45pm: Arrived Kephalo closed "Blenheim", "Amethyst", and "Osiris". [ed. Osiris, image]. 6.45pm: Departed from Kephalo, proceeded to Z, course and speed as requisite. 7.30pm: Closed "Queen". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite for screening Transports. 4caf8597cadfd3419701003a: ( 53-38207-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1915 Patrolling off Gaba Tepe Lat 40.22, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 6.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 34 fathoms water. 8.20am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite. 1.15pm: Closed "London" for orders. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Discharged Yeo. Sig. Pincher to "London" (Sick). 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Closed and communicated with "Queen". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 8.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 2 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank of base. 4caf8597cadfd3419701003b: ( 53-38207-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe, Kephalo Bay and return Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Guarding left flank of base. searching shore intermittently. 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Closed "Queen". 7.45am: Proceeded to Kephalo Bay, speed 13 knots. 9.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 5 fathoms water. am: Lost overboard by accident Bench Scrubber Patt 459. 11.30am: Secured to collier, Hands to dinner. 12.15pm: Commenced coaling. 2.30pm: Completed coaling, received 64 tons. Hands cleaning ship. 4.0pm: Cast off from collier and proceeded to Gaba Tepe. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.15pm: Closed with "Triumph". 7.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding right flank of base. 4caf8597cadfd3419701003c: ( 53-38207-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1915 Gaba Tepe and patrol Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 am: At anchor. am: Guarding right flank. 4.15am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. am: Courses as requisite, speed 8 knots. 6.30am: "Ribble" closed. 6.45am: Closed and communicated with "Queen". 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 4 shackles in 29 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.30pm: Secured to Transport "Ionian". [ed. Ionian, image]. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Secured to Transport "Ionian". 4caf8597cadfd3419701003d: ( 53-38207-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.14 am: Secured to Transport "Ionian". 7.0am: Commenced embarking Troops. 7.40am: Cast off from Transport. 8.30am: Disembarked troops. Came to with Starboard anchor Veered to 3 shackles in 10 fathoms water. am: Hands employed cleaning Ship. 10.15am: Weighed and proceeded to North anchorage. 10.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 29 fathoms water. am: Lost overboard by accident ½" tap and wrench. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed and shifted billet. 4.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 29 fathoms water. 5.10pm: Evening quarters.. 5.15pm: Hands to bathe. 7.45pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for closing "Usk" and "Ribble". 8.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank. 4caf8597cadfd3419701003e: ( 53-38207-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe and patrolling Lat 40.25, Long 26.2 am: At anchor. am: Guarding left flank. 4.15am: Weighed and proceeded to main anchorage. 4.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor and veered to 4 shackles in 24 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.45am: Weighed, proceeded on patrol. 9.0am: Closed and communicated with "Queen". am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 11.45am: Closed and communicated with "Queen" and "Canopus". 1.0pm: Proceeded. pm: Closed and communicated with "Queen" and "Canopus". 3.30pm: Closed "Canopus". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Communicated with "Chelmer". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 8.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank. 4caf8597cadfd3419701003f: ( 53-38207-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1915 Gaba Tepe, patrol and Cape Helles Lat 40.29, Long 26.19 am: At anchor. am: Guarding left flank. 4.15am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 2.30pm: Closed "Canopus" embarked Captain. 2.45pm: Closed "Vengeance". 3.30pm: Closed "Bacchante". [ed. Bacchante, Cressy Class Cruiser, 1899, guns: 2 x 9.2", 12 x 6", 12 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 1 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 3 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 12,000 tons, comp: 700 men, H.P. 21,000 = 21 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 4.15pm: Closed "Triumph". 4.30pm: Closed "Canopus". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.50pm: Proceeded to Cape Helles. 7.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 25 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010040: ( 53-38207-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.25, Long 26.2 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Transport. 8.15am: Secured to Transport, commenced embarking Troops. 9.15am: Cast off from Transport. 11.0am: Proceeded on patrol. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.45pm: Proceeded in shore. 8.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank. 4caf8597cadfd34197010041: ( 53-38207-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1915 Gaba Tepe, patrol and Kephalo Bay Lat 40.29, Long 26.19 am: At anchor. am: Guarding left flank. 4.15am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 6.30am: Closed "Canopus". am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 12.30pm: Closed "Canopus", proceeded to Kephalo Bay. 1.45pm: Arrd' Kephalo, secured to collier. 2.0pm: Commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship. 5.15pm: Completed coaling received 80 tons, Cast off from collier. 6.0pm: Secured to Store Ship. pm: Hands provisioning ship. 7.30pm: Cast off from store ship. 7.45pm: Secured to "Blenheim". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010042: ( 53-38207-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1915 Kephalo Bay, patrol and Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Fast to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. 4.30am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands stowing away provisions and as requisite. 12.15pm: Cast off from "Blenheim" and proceeded to Anzac. pm: Course and speed as requisite. 1.0pm: Closed "Canopus" for orders. pm: Patrolling outside left flanking battleships, courses as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Closed "Chelmer", "Usk" and "Ribble". 8.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank. 4caf8597cadfd34197010043: ( 53-38207-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.21, Long 26.22 am: At anchor. 2.30am: Weighed and proceeded to N. Pontoons. 5.0am: Went to assistance of "Albion". am: Course and speed as requisite for standing by "Albion". am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.15am: "Albion" afloat, proceeded 10 knots, course as requisite for patrolling. [ed. On the night of 22–23 May 1915, Albion beached on a sandbank off Gaba Tepe and came under heavy fire from Ottoman shore batteries. About 200 fragmentation shells hit her, but they could not penetrate her armour and did no serious damage, and Albion suffered fewer than a dozen casualties.] 10.30am: Divisions and prayers. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling to seaward of "Canopus". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 8.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered (9 fathoms) ~~ shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank. 4caf8597cadfd34197010044: ( 53-38207-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1915 Gaba Tepe, patrol return to base Lat 40.21, Long 26.22 am: At anchor. am: Guarding left flank of base. 4.10am: Weighed and proceeded courses as requisite for patrolling, speed 10 knots. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 10.15am: Closed "Canopus". am: Discharged 1 Leading Signalman to "Canopus" (sick). pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.40pm: Closed "Canopus". 8.10pm: Came to with Port anchor, veered to 2 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank of Base. 4caf8597cadfd34197010045: ( 53-38207-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1915 Gaba Tepe, Anzac, Kephalo Bay and patrol Lat 40.24, Long 26.22 am: At anchor. am: Lost overboard by accident, Crutches, GM, patt 73, 4. 2.0am: Weighed and proceeded to "Anzac". 3.30am: Embarked troops from shore. 4.15am: Dis-embarked landing party at Mt. Falcon. am: Hands at action stations. 6.0am: Landing party returned to ship, proceeded to "Anzac". 7.0am: Discharged landing party to beach. 7.30am: Closed and communicated with "Canopus". am: 1 man discharged to "Canopus" (Wounded). am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Lost overboard by accident - buoys Life Circular. am: Courses as requisite searching for enemy submarine. 12.30pm: Closed "Triumph" and picked up survivors. [ed. On 25 May, Triumph was underway off Gaba Tepe, firing on Ottoman positions, with torpedo nets out and most watertight doors shut, when she sighted a submarine periscope 300 to 400 yards (270 to 370 m) off her starboard beam at about 1230 hours. It belonged to the U-boat U-21 under the command of Lieutenant Otto Hersing. Triumph opened fire on the periscope, but was almost immediately struck by a torpedo, which easily cut through her torpedo net, on her starboard side. A tremendous explosion resulted, and Triumph took on a list 10° to starboard. She held that list for about five minutes, then it increased to 30°. The destroyer Chelmer evacuated most of her crew before she capsized ten minutes later. She remained afloat upside down for about 30 minutes, then began to sink slowly in about 180 feet (55 m) of water. Three officers and 75 enlisted men died in her sinking. Information and image from]. 1.30pm: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite, speed 18 knots. 2.15pm: Closed "Lord Nelson" landed survivors from "Triumph". [ed. Lord Nelson, Lord Nelson Class Battleship, 1906, guns: 4 x 12", 10 x 9.2", 15 x 12 pdr, 16 x 3 pdr, 5 x 18" TT's, disp: 16,500 tons, comp: 895 men, HP 16,750 = 18.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 2.30pm: Secured to "Blenheim". 3.30pm: Cast off from "Blenheim", escorting "Lord Nelson". pm: Courses as requisite for escorting "Lord Nelson". 5.30pm: Buried 3 victims of "Triumph" disaster. 7.0pm: Closed "Usk" and "Ribble" and proceeded. 8.10pm: Proceeded under C.O's orders searching for Submarine. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Investigated Kusu Bay. pm: Courses as requisite. 4caf8597cadfd34197010046: ( 53-38207-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1915 Patrol off Gaba Tepe, Kephalo Bay and return to Gaba Tepe Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Courses as requisite for following "Usk". 1.15am: Arrived Gaba Tepe. am: Guarding right flank of base. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Closed "Usk". S.N.O. and Staff embarked. 10.45am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 11.30am: Secured to collier "Lydia". 1.0pm: Commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship. 4.40pm: Completed coaling received 89 tons. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, closed "Triad". pm: S.N.O. Gaba Tepe and staff embarked, proceeded to Gaba Tepe, courses as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010047: ( 53-38207-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.24, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: "Pincher" and "Rattlesnake" closed. [ed. Pincher and Rattlesnake, G Class Destroyers, both 1910, 940 tons, 900 tons respectively, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image Pincher, image Rattlesnake,]. am: S.N.O. and Staff transferred to "Pincher". am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 6.45pm: Closed and communicated with "Pincher". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010048: ( 53-38207-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1915 On patrol and to Kephalo Bay Lat 40.24, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: 1 Ldg Signalman returned from "Blenheim". am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Closed and communicated with "Pincher". 1.30pm: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 2.30pm: Secured to collier "Lydia". 3.0pm: Commenced coaling. 4.05pm: Completed coaling received 33 tons, cast off from collier. 4.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 5 fathoms water, hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010049: ( 53-38207-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1915 Kephalo Bay and on patrol Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside "Hindokoosh". 10.50am: Cast off from "Hindokoosh" closed "Blenheim". 11.45am: Proceeded to "Azai". [Azai, image]. 11.55am: Closed and communicated with Rattlesnake". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank. 4caf8597cadfd3419701004a: ( 53-38207-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1915 Patrol off Gaba Tepe Lat 40.29, Long 26.2 am: Guarding left flank. am: Courses as requisite for flanking duties. am: Bombarding left flank, hands at action. pm: Courses as requisite for covering left flank. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Bombarding left flank, hands at action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank. 4caf8597cadfd3419701004b: ( 53-38207-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1915 Patrol off Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.19 am: Guarding left flank, courses as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning Ship. am: Communicated with "Chelmer". am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 12.45pm: Closed and communicated with "Pincher". 1.50pm: Proceeded on patrol. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and guarding right flank. LOGS FOR JUNE 1915 4caf8597cadfd3419701004c: ( 53-38207-019_0.jpg) 1 June 1915 At Gaba Tepe Lat 40.22, Long 26.17 am: Courses as requisite for flanking duties. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 1.20pm: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 1.50pm: Secured to collier "Lydia". 2.0pm: Commenced coaling, Hands coaling ship. 4.40pm: Completed coaling received 50 tons, cast off from collier. 5.0pm: Secured to "Blenheim" hands ammunitioning ship. 5.30pm: Cast off from "Blenheim". pm: 1 Signalman joined ship. 5.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 2 shackles in 6 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701004d: ( 53-38207-019_1.jpg) 2 June 1915 Kephalo Bay, Anzac, Suvla Bay and on patrol Lat 40.09, Long 26.15 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.15am: Hands to bathe. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite. 12.15pm: Closed and communicated with "Pincher". 12.45pm: Proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Investigated Suvla Bay. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for flanking duties. 4caf8597cadfd3419701004e: ( 53-38207-020_0.jpg) 3 June 1915 On patrol Lat 40.27, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Lost overboard by accident, 1 hand hammer. pm: Courses as requisite for patrol. pm: One E.R.A.[Engine Room Artificer] discharged to "Blenheim" (for duty). 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. 4caf8597cadfd3419701004f: ( 53-38207-020_1.jpg) 4 June 1915 Patrollin off Gaba Tepe Lat 40.19, Long 26.15 am: Courses as requisite for flanking and patrolling duties. am: Lost, washed away 1 buoy mark round Patt 306 (used as firing mantle). am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Courses and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Lost by accident - Cordage Coir 113 ~~ see above. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010050: ( 53-38207-021_0.jpg) 5 June 1915 Patrolling, Kephalo bay and at sea towards Malta Lat 40.29, Long 26.19 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling and reconnoitring flanks. 12.50pm: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 2.0pm: Secured to collier. 2.15pm: Commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship. 4.15pm: Completed coaling received 53 tons, cast off from collier. 5.0pm: Secured to "Blenheim" - Hands cleaning ship. 6.35pm: Cast off from "Blenheim", proceeded to Malta, course S 31 W, speed 17 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.20pm: Sigri Lt. a/b brg N 59 W. 4caf8597cadfd34197010051: ( 53-38207-021_1.jpg) 6 June 1915 From Kephalo (Imbros Is.) to Malta Lat 36.39, Long 22.4 12.15am: Sighted Skypis Lt. brg S 53 W. 1.0am: Skypis Lt. a/b 12 mls. 3.30am: Phasso Lt a/b 3 mls, a/c S 50 W. 5.54am: St. Kikolo Pt. Lt H a/b S 40 E dist 2 mls a/c S 40 W. 6.04am: St. Georges Lt H a/b N 50 W. dist 5½ mls. 8.15am: Belo Pulo abeam 7 mls. 10.22am: C. Sphathi Lt a/b 1¼ mls. am: Put clocks back 25 mins. 11.41am: Cape Matapan Lt H a/b, dist 0.6 mls. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.45pm: Reduced to 15 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010052: ( 53-38207-022_0.jpg) 7 June 1915 At sea to Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.05am: a/c N 19 W. 10.30am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 11.20am: Secured to French T.B.D. "Cimiterre" in dock for repairs. [ed. Cimiterre, Bouclier Class French Destroyer, 1910, 720 tons, H.P. 13,315 = 31 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Paid monthly money. 6.15pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Piped down. 4caf8597cadfd34197010053: ( 53-38207-022_1.jpg) 8 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0pm: General leave to Port Watch. Liberty men returned on board. 9.0am: Proceeded into No1 Dry-dock. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8597cadfd34197010054: ( 53-38207-023_0.jpg) 9 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8597cadfd34197010055: ( 53-38207-023_1.jpg) 10 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8597cadfd34197010056: ( 53-38207-024_0.jpg) 11 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8597cadfd34197010057: ( 53-38207-024_1.jpg) 12 June 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8597cadfd34197010058: ( 53-38207-025_0.jpg) 13 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: In Dry-dock. am: Hands clearing up decks and as requisite. 10.0am: Hands to clean. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 2.30pm: Funeral party landed. 4.0pm: Funeral party returned. 5.30pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8597cadfd34197010059: ( 53-38207-025_1.jpg) 14 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 9.0am: Proceeded out of Dry-dock, tug boats in attendance. 9.45am: Secured to French T.B.D. in French Creek. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: One Stoker joined ship from Detention barracks. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8597cadfd3419701005a: ( 53-38207-026_0.jpg) 15 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Fast to French T.B.D. am: Hands employed as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Two Stokers returned to ship from "Egmont" (sick). 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8597cadfd3419701005b: ( 53-38207-026_1.jpg) 16 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Fast to French T.B.D. am: Hands cleaning up decks. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.30pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701005c: ( 53-38207-027_0.jpg) 17 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Fast to French T.B.D. am: Hands clearing up decks. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Shifted ship to Gun Mounting Wharf. 2.30pm: Secured. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701005d: ( 53-38207-027_1.jpg) 18 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Fast to Wharf. am: Hands clearing up decks. 7.0am: Commenced coaling ship. 9.0am: Completed coaling received 110 tons. 9.30am: "Mosquito" secured alongside. [ed. Mosquito, 1910, sister-ship to Pincher and Rattlesnake previously described, image]. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701005e: ( 53-38207-028_0.jpg) 19 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite and clearing up decks. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands painting ship. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands painting Ship. 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701005f: ( 53-38207-028_1.jpg) 20 June 1915 Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands painting ship and clearing up decks. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands painting ship. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 6.0pm: Liberty men landed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010060: ( 53-38207-029_0.jpg) 21 June 1915 Malta and at sea Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands cleaning up decks and as requisite. 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands securing ship for sea. 1.30pm: Cast off from Gun Mounting Wharf. 1.45pm: Secured to No 4 buoy. 2.0pm: Swung ship for deviations. 2.30pm: 2 Ratings joined ship from "Egmont". pm: 4 Maltese ratings joined ship for passage. 4.0pm: Secured to Somerset Wharf. 5.20pm: Cast off from Wharf , proceeded to sea, course and speed as requisite. 5.30pm: Hands at action stations. 5.40pm: Course S 77 E, speed 15 knots. 6.05pm: Courses as requisite for "Zigzagging". 6.50pm: Resumed course S 77 E. 7.0pm: a/c S 80 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010061: ( 53-38207-029_1.jpg) 22 June 1915 At sea towards Kephalo Lat 35.39, Long 20.07 am: Clocks put on 30 minutes. 1.15am: a/c S 75 E. 3.0am: a/c S 80 E. 5.0am: Took station 2 points on Starboard bow of "Agamemnon" dist 1 mile. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: a/c N 85 E. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010062: ( 53-38207-030_0.jpg) 23 June 1915 At sea to Kephalo Lat 38.45, Long 24.85 12.30am: a/c N 23 E. 2.0am: Clocks put on 30 min's. 3.55am: a/c N 19 E. am: Took station ahead of "Agamemnon". am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.10am: Courses as requisite ""Zigzagging". am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.10am: Set course N 23 E. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.50pm: Courses as requisite "Zigzagging". 6.10pm: Parted company with "Agamemnon", proceeded to Kephalo. Course N 58 E. 8.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 8.55pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010063: ( 53-38207-030_1.jpg) 24 June 1915 Kephalo Bay, Imbros and on patrol Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 8.0am: Secured to collier "Craigston" and commenced coaling. am: Hands coaling ship. 11.45am: Completed coaling received 96 tons, Cast off from collier, received 95 tons. Noon: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. courses as requisite. 2.30pm: Stopped and communicated with "Racoon". [ed. Racoon, 1910, sister-ship to Rattlesnake, image]. 4.0pm: Proceeded, closed "Rattlesnake". 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8597cadfd34197010064: ( 53-38207-031_0.jpg) 25 June 1915 Patrolling off Anzac Lat 40.29, Long 26.19 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Spread awnings. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8597cadfd34197010065: ( 53-38207-031_1.jpg) 26 June 1915 Patrolling off Anzac Lat 40.29, Long 26.19 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Spread awnings. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.0pm: Furled awnings. 6.05pm: Closed Anzac, sent away "dinghy". 6.20pm: Dinghy returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. 4caf8597cadfd34197010066: ( 53-38207-032_0.jpg) 27 June 1915 Patrolling off Anzac and to Kephalo bay Lat 40.27, Long 26.2 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. 3.0am: Engaged enemy's positions. 5.0am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Spread awnings. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 11.30pm: Stopped and communicated with "Chelmer" and "Pincher". 12.35pm: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 1.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 4.0pm: Proceeded alongside collier "Ennisbrook". 4.25pm: Commenced coaling. 5.55pm: Completed coaling received 45 tons, cast off from collier. 6.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- } Kusu Point North. } Kephalo Lt H N 72 E. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010067: ( 53-38207-032_1.jpg) 28 June 1915 Kephalo bay to Cape Helles and return Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands spreading awnings and cleaning Ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: General and staff embarked, proceeded to Cape Helles. 11.0am: Disembarked General and Staff, returned to "K", course and speed as requisite. 12.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2½ shackles in 5 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010068: ( 53-38207-033_0.jpg) 29 June 1915 Kephalo and on patrol Lat 40.24, Long 26.22 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and spreading awnings. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. Discharged 1 rating to Comms Sub. 11.30am: Stopped and communicated with "Pincher". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night actions. pm: Courses as requisite for investigation Shore. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. 4caf8597cadfd34197010069: ( 53-38207-033_1.jpg) 30 June 1915 Patrolling Lat 40.27, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. 1.0am: Engaged enemy positions. 3.0am: " " " am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Spread awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Engaged enemy's position with after gun. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and laying out firing buoys. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy’s positions. 4caf8597cadfd3419701006a: ( 53-38207-034_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd3419701006b: ( 53-38207-034_1.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd3419701006c: ( 53-38207-035_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd3419701006d: ( 53-38207-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR JULY 1915 4caf8597cadfd3419701006e: ( 53-38208-001_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd3419701006f: ( 53-38208-001_1.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd34197010070: ( 53-38208-002_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd34197010071: ( 53-38208-002_1.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd34197010072: ( 53-38208-003_0.jpg) 4caf8597cadfd34197010073: ( 53-38208-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1915 Patrol and to Mudros Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 12.30pm: Proceeded to Mudros. 1.07pm: Cape Kephalo Lt H a/b dist 2', a/c S 59 W. 3.0pm: a/c S 67 W. 3.15pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 4.30pm: Secured to collier "Craigston" and commenced coaling. 6.45pm: Completed coaling received 55 tons, cast off from collier. 7.0pm: Secured to "Blenheim", hands cleaning ship. pm: 1 Ldg Sto' discharged to "Blenheim" (sick). pm: A.B. returned from "Blenheim". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010074: ( 53-38208-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Fast to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. 7.0am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Read Warrants. pm: Paid monthly money. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: One Stoker discharged to "Blenheim" for cell. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010075: ( 53-38208-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1915 Mudros to Kephalo Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Fast to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. 7.0am: Hands spreading awnings. 7.30am: Cast off from "Blenheim" and proceeded to Kephalo. 8.30am: Set course N 57 E, 17 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Courses and speed as requisite for entering Kephalo. 11.35am: Secured to collier "Tareb". 12.30pm: Slipped from collier and proceeded to Anzac. 1.30pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 8.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm } 10.30pm } Engaged enemy's positions. 11.0pm } 4caf8597cadfd34197010076: ( 53-38208-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1915 Patrolling off Anzac Lat 40.29, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. 7.0am: Spread awnings. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and escorting Transports. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.0pm: Furled awnings. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. 4caf8597cadfd34197010077: ( 53-38208-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1915 Patrolling off Anzac and to Kephalo Lat 40.3, Long 26.23 12.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Spread awnings. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 11.0am: Engaged enemy's trenches. 12.30pm: Proceeded to Kephalo. 1.33pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 2.0pm: Secured to collier "Ennisbrook". 2.30pm: Commenced coaling. 4.30pm: Completed coaling received 49 tons, cast off from collier. 4.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010078: ( 53-38208-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1915 Kephalo to Anzac and returned Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands cleaning ship. 2.30pm: Embarked S.N.O. Gaba Tepe, weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 3.50pm: Landed S.N.O. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.20pm: S.N.O. re-embarked, proceeded to Kephalo. 7.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010079: ( 53-38208-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1915 Kephalo to patrol off Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. 11.30am: Communicated with "Chelmer" and "Rattlesnake". 1.15pm: Closed and communicated with T.B. No. 070. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.0pm: Furled awnings. 8.10pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.15pm: Engaged enemy's position, courses as requisite. 4caf8597cadfd3419701007a: ( 53-38208-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1915 Patrolling off Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.23 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling and flanking duties. 1.30 - 2.15am: Engaged enemy's trenches. am: Course's as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands spreading awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Course's as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701007b: ( 53-38208-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1915 Patrolling off Anzac, to Kephalo and on to Mudros Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 12.30 - 1.45am: Engaged enemy's trenches. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 3.45am: Engaged enemy's trenches. am: Course's as requisite for patrolling. am: Spread awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.55am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 12.45pm: Closed "Talbot". [ed. Talbot, Eclipse Class Light Cruiser, 1895, guns: 11 x 6", 8 x 12 pdr 12cwt, 1 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 7 x 3 pdr, 3 x 18" TT's, disp 5,600 tons, comp 450, H.P. natural 8,000 = 18.5 knots, forced 9,600 = 19.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 1.15pm: Proceeded to Mudros, courses as requisite for leaving harbour. 1.40pm: S 59 W, 16 knots. 3.30pm: Courses as requisite. 5.0pm: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 7.15pm: Completed coaling received 64 tons, cast off from collier and secured to "Blenheim". pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701007c: ( 53-38208-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Fast to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning and ammunitioning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: 1 Yeoman of Signals joined ship from "Blenheim". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: 1 Signalman discharged to "Blenheim". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701007d: ( 53-38208-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1915 Mudros and on patrol Lat 40.27, Long 26.22 am: Fast to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. 7.15am: Cast off from "Blenheim" , course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 8.10am: Set course N 56 E, speed 15 knots. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. 11.40am: Communicated with "Chelmer". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Swinging ship for deviations. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8597cadfd3419701007e: ( 53-38208-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 1.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.15am: Spread awnings. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Military Officers embarked. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.15pm: Military Officers dis-embarked. 7.45pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8597cadfd3419701007f: ( 53-38208-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac and to Kephalo Lat 40.24, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4.30am: Engaged enemy's position on Right flank. 5.0am: Proceeded on patrol. 7.15am: Spread awnings. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: Proceeded to Kephalo. 1.0pm: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 1.45pm: Three ratings re-joined ship from "Blenheim". 3.10pm: Completed coaling received 46 tons, cast off from collier. 3.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 6 fathoms water. 6.0pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010080: ( 53-38208-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1915 At Kephalo Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010081: ( 53-38208-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1915 Kephalo to Anzac and on patrol Lat 40.27, Long 26.22 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 10.40am: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite. 11.30am: Closed and communicated with "Chelmer", "Pincher" and "Rattlesnake". 12.15pm: Military Officers from Anzac embarked. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Military Officers dis-embarked. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 8.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.10pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.50pm: Proceeded on patrol. 4caf8597cadfd34197010082: ( 53-38208-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.27, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.15am: Spread awnings. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.45am: Embarked Military Officers from Anzac. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Course's as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct, Engaged enemy's positions. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Course's as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8597cadfd34197010083: ( 53-38208-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac and to Mudros Lat 40.13, Long 26.02 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.15am: Spread awnings. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 10.0am: Fired on enemy troops. 10.45am: Proceeded to Mudros, speed 16 knots, courses as requisite. 11.45am: Set course S 58 W. 2.0pm: a/c N 75 W. 3.30pm: Courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 3.45pm: Secured to collier "Melanie". 4.0pm: Commenced coaling. 5.30pm: Completed coaling received 45 tons, cast off from collier. 5.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 6 fathoms water. Anchor bearings:- Sarpi Trelayd N 28 W } S. Nikolo S 55 E } D. Peak N 32 E } pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010084: ( 53-38208-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010085: ( 53-38208-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1915 Mudros and on patrol Lat 40.3, Long 26.22 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.06am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 7.0am: Set Course N 56 E, 15 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: a/c N.E. 10.40am: Stopped and communicated with "Chelmer". 11.15am: Proceeded on patrol courses as requisite. 11.30am: Embarked Military Officers. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy positions. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8597cadfd34197010086: ( 53-38208-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.29, Long 26.2 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Burning searchlight intermittently. 4.45am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and burning searchlight. 4caf8597cadfd34197010087: ( 53-38208-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac and to Kephalo Lat 40.27, Long 26.2 pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling and burning searchlight. 4.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: "Chelmer" closed and took over patrol. 11.0am: Courses as requisite to embark S.N.O. 1.15pm: Embarked S.N.O. Gaba Tepe, proceeded to Kephalo. 2.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010088: ( 53-38208-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1915 Kephalo and patrolling off Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Tareb". 6.15am: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. am: Hands coaling Ship. 8.30am: Completed coaling, received 50 tons, cast off from collier. 8.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. pm: Ship stopped, burning searchlight continually on left flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010089: ( 53-38208-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1915 Patrolling Anzac, return to Kephalo and back to Anzac Lat 40.27, Long 26.22 am: Ship stopped, burning searchlight continually on left flank. 5.20am: Proceeded to Kephalo, course and speed as requisite. 6.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. 10.40am: Closed "Chelmer" and took over patrol, courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship stopped, burning searchlight continually on left flank. 4caf8597cadfd3419701008a: ( 53-38208-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.22 1.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 2.45am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Guarding left flank. 4.15am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: Embarked 4 Military Officers. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.40pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.40pm: Dis-embarked Military Officers. 8.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Guarding left flank, burning searchlight continually. 11.0pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8597cadfd3419701008b: ( 53-38208-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1915 Off Anzac and to Mudros Lat 40.13, Long 26.02 am: Guarding left flank, burning searchlight continually. 1.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 3.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.0am: Proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 10.45am: "Chelmer" closed and took over patrol, proceeded to Mudros. 1.30pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 2.30pm: Secured to collier "Margit" and commenced coaling. 5.30pm: Completed coaling received 54 tons, cast off. 5.40pm: Secured to "Swanley" hands provisioning Ship. 6.33pm: Cast off from "Swanley". 7.0pm: Secured to "Beagle". [ed. Beagle, G Class Destroyer, 1910, 860 tons, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd3419701008c: ( 53-38208-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Fast to "Beagle" 6.0am: Hands ammunitioning ship. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. Noon: 1 Stoker discharged to "Blenheim" (sick) and 1 Stoker joined ship from same. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Evening quarters (Rounds correct ?]. 4caf8597cadfd3419701008d: ( 53-38208-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1915 Mudros to Anzac and on patrol Lat 40.27, Long 26.22 [approx] am: Fast to "Beagle". 6.0am: Cast off from "Blenheim" and proceeded to sea, course and speed as requisite. 6.15am: Embarked R.A.I and Staff. 6.45am: Set course N 60 E, 18 knots. 7.40am: a/c N 55 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles. Dis-embarked R.A.I. and Staff. Noon: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8597cadfd3419701008e: ( 53-38208-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac, to Kephalo and return Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 2.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 3.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.10am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.30am: Proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 11.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. Noon: Shifted billet N. W. of "Exmouth". [ed. Exmouth, Duncan Class Battleship, 1901, guns 4 x 12", 12 x 6", 12 x 12 pdr, 6 x 3 pdr, 4 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 14,000tons, comp: 750, H.P. 18,000 = 19 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 7.10pm: Communicated with "M 29" and "Pincher". [ed. M 29, Monitor, 1915, guns: 2 x 6", 1 x 6 pdr, 535 tons, comp: 75, HP 400 = 10 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1919, image M 30 sister-ship to M 29,]. 8.10pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8597cadfd3419701008f: ( 53-38208-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac and Kephalo Lat 40.2, Long 26.04 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 1.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.0am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 6.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.10am: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 11.30am: Communicated with "Chelmer". am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend. 3.30pm: Proceeded to Kephalo. 4.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010090: ( 53-38208-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1915 At Kephalo and to Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite. 11.40pm: Closed "Humber". [ed. Humber, Armoured Gunboat, 1913, guns: 3 x 6", 2 x 4.7" howitzers, 4 x 3 pds, 1 x 3 pdr AA, 1260 tons, H.P. 1450 = 12 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1919, image]. 4caf8597cadfd34197010091: ( 53-38208-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1915 Patrolling at Anzac and to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Reconnoitring on Right flank, courses as requisite. 6.45am: Proceeded to Mudros. Course S 59 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.10am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 10.30am: Secured to collier "Melanie". am: Hands coaling ship. 12.30pm: Dinner. 1.15pm: Resumed coaling. 2.15pm: Completed coaling received 72 tons, cast off from collier. 3.0pm: Secured to "Cardigan Head". pm: Hands storing ship. 4.40pm: Cast off from store ship. 5.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 4¾ fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning Ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1915 4caf8597cadfd34197010092: ( 53-38208-019_0.jpg) 1 August 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning Ship. 8.30am: R.C.s to "Blenheim". 10.15am: Divisions and prayers. 10.30am: Piped down. 4.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8597cadfd34197010093: ( 53-38208-019_1.jpg) 2 August 1915 Mudros, Kephalo and to Anzac for patrol Lat 40.19, Long 26.03 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.20am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 7.15am: Set course N 55 E. 8.0am: a/c N 60 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 10.20am: Came to Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 11.50am: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.55pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.45pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd34197010094: ( 53-38208-020_0.jpg) 3 August 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.28, Long 26.24 12.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 1.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.45am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 11.0am: Communicated with "Pincher". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 3.20pm: Closed "Pincher”. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.50pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8598cadfd34197010095: ( 53-38208-020_1.jpg) 4 August 1915 Patrolling at Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac, Kephalo Lat 40.28, Long 26.24 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.15am: Closed picket boat. 11.30am: Proceeded. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 2.45pm: Communicated with "Chelmer". 4.50pm: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.50pm: Landed Military Officers and returned to Anzac. 7.0pm: Closed beach to embark Captain. 7.10pm: Proceeded to Kephalo. 8.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: 1 Stoker re-joined ship from "Talbot" (sick). [ed. Talbot, Eclipse Class Light Cruiser, 1895, guns: 11 x 6", 8 x 12 pdr 12cwt, 1 x 12 pdr 8cwt, 3 x 18" TT's, disp: 5600, comp: 450, HP forced 9600 = 19.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 4caf8598cadfd34197010096: ( 53-38208-021_0.jpg) 5 August 1915 Kephalo, Mudros, Kephalo Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 5.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 5.30am: Set course, S 60 W, speed 15 knots. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 8.45am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 9.10am: Secured to "Blenheim". Hands ammunitioning ship. am: Discharged 1 S.P.O. to "Blenheim" (sick). am: 1 Lgd. seaman joined ship, 1 A.B. passage to "Chelmer". 11.30am: Cast off from "Blenheim". Noon: Secured to collier "Margit". Hands dinner. 12.30pm: Commenced coaling. 2.15pm: Completed coaling, received 56 tons, cast off from collier. 2.30pm: Closed "Bacchante". 3.0pm: Proceeded to sea, courses and speed as requisite. 3.20pm: Set course N 58 E, 16 knots. pm: Hands cleaning Ship. 6.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.30pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 7.05pm: Came to with Starboard anchor and veered to 3 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd34197010097: ( 53-38208-021_1.jpg) 6 August 1915 Kephalo to patrol Lat 40.273, Long 26.22 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, courses as requisite. 9.50am: "Chelmer" secured alongside, Hands transferring ammunition. 10.15am: Cast off from "Chelmer" courses and speed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.10pm: Took over "Left Flank" patrol, courses as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Hands at action. pm: Engaged enemy's position continuously. 10.30pm: Dispersed. 4caf8598cadfd34197010098: ( 53-38208-022_0.jpg) 7 August 1915 Anzac to Mudros and return Lat 40.0, Long 25.79 am: Engaging enemy's position, covering advance. 10.20am: Set course S 59 W, 16 knots. am: Hands employed repairing landing gear. 1.30pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 2.15pm: Secured to "Margit" discharged empty ammunition boxes. 2.30pm: Cast off from "Margit", secured to "Blenheim". pm: Hands ammunitioning Ship. pm: 1 Stoker P.O. joined ship from "Blenheim". 5.0pm: Cast off from "Blenheim", proceeded Anzac. 5.30pm: Night action. 6.0pm: Set course N 58 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.20pm: Secured to "Chelmer" transferring ammunition. 10.15pm: Cast off from "Chelmer". 4caf8598cadfd34197010099: ( 53-38208-022_1.jpg) 8 August 1915 Patrolling Anzac and off Chunuk Bair Lat 40.25, Long 26.27 [approx] am: Courses as requisite for patrolling on "Left flank". 6.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Slow firing at Battleship Hill. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 12.30pm: Ceased fire. 1.30pm: Opened fire on Battleship Hill. 2.30pm: Changed target to Chunuk Bair. 4.15pm: Changed target to "Q" Hill. 7.0pm: Shifted target to Battleship Hill. 8.0pm: Ceased fire. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Burning searchlight on "Left Flank". 4caf8598cadfd3419701009a: ( 53-38208-023_0.jpg) 9 August 1915 Off Chunuk Bair Lat 40.25, Long 26.27 [approx] am: Burning searchlight on "Left flank". 4.30am: Commenced rapid fire on "Q" Hill. 5.15am: Ceased fire. 5.30am: Opened fire on Battleship Hill (Slow rate). 6.0am: "Chelmer" secured alongside for empty ammunition boxes. 6.45am: Shifted target to "Q" Hill (Rapid firing). 7.05am: " " " Battleship Hill (Slow rate). 8.30am: Ceased firing. 9.50am: Weighed and proceeded alongside "Bacchante", drew ammunition. 10.30am: Cast off from "Bacchante". 10.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 11.0am: Opened fire on Battleship Hill. 12.15pm: Ceased fire. 12 35pm: Opened fire on Chunuk Bair. 1.05pm: Ceased fire. 1.35pm: " " " Battleship Hill. 2.35pm: " " 3.0pm: " " " Chunuk Bair. 4.0pm: " " 4.30pm: Opened fire on Battleship Hill. 5.0pm: Ceased fire, Evening quarters. 5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to "Endymion". [ed. Endymion, Old Cruiser, 1891, guns: 2 x 9.2", 10 x 6", 12 x 6 pdr, 5 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 7350 tons, H.P. 12,000 = 19.5 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 6.0pm: Embarked Officer for passage ashore. 6.0pm: Stopped and landed Officer. 7.45pm: Dinghy returned. 8.15pm: "Chelmer" secured alongside, hands passing in ammunition. 9.0pm: "Chelmer" cast off. Proceeded to Right Flank. 10.30pm: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. (Chatham Post). Midnight: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. (Chatham Post). 4caf8598cadfd3419701009b: ( 53-38208-023_1.jpg) 10 August 1915 Off Chunuk Bair Lat 40.25, Long 26.27 [approx] 1.15am: Engaged enemy's position. Chatham Post. 3.0am: " " " " " am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 6.25am: Opened fire on Chunuk Bair. 6.50am: Hands at action. Three guns engaged on Chunuk Bair. 7.30am: Dispersed - Reduced rate of fire to 1 round per 2 mins. 10.0am: Ceased fire. 10.15am: Opened fire on. 1.05pm: Ceased fire. 1.10pm: Secured ship, laid out stern anchor. 2.05pm: Opened fire on Chunuk Bair. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Firing on Chunuk Bair (1 round in 3 mins). 7.15pm: Ranging Battleship Hill, Chatham and Chunuk Bair. 7.30pm: Ceased fire. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Opened fire on Battleship Hill and Nek. 9.45pm: Ceased fire. 11.10pm: Opened fire on Battleship Hill and Nek. 11.25pm: Ceased fire. 4caf8598cadfd3419701009c: ( 53-38208-024_0.jpg) 11 August 1915 Off Chunuk Bair, to Mudros and return Lat 39.85, Long 25.54 1.0am: Opened fir on Nek. 1.15am: Ceased fire. 3.15am: Opened fire on Nek. 3.30am: Ceased fire. am: Hands replacing gear. 9.10am: Weighed and secured to “Chelmer”, transferred balance of ammunition to her. 9.30am: Slipped and proceeded, course S 59 W. 205 revs. 12.45pm: Course as requisite for entering harbour. 1.15pm: Secured to collier “Margit” and commenced coaling. 5.15pm: Completed coaling, received 85 tons. 6.0pm: Hands cleaning ship. 6.30pm: Cast off from collier and steamed to “Blenheim”. pm: Hands ammunitioning ship. 8.0pm: Slipped from “Blenheim” 8.10pm: Proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.06pm: Irene Point bg N. Set course N 37 E, 205 revs. 4caf8598cadfd3419701009d: ( 53-38208-024_1.jpg) 12 August 1915 Off Anzac Lat 40.25, Long 26.27 [approx] 12.08am: Stopped and communicated with "Chelmer" 1.55am: Engaged enemy's position ( 7C. 2L. 12 cwt). am: Ship stopped off Left Flank. 6.0am: "Pincher" closed for mails and provisions. 8.0am: Secured to "Chelmer" transferred ammunition. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.15am: Came to with port anchor veered to 1 shackle in 9 fathoms water. 11.30am: Engaged enemy's position (6C). 1.15pm: Engaged various enemy's positions with after gun (12L - 8C). 3.0pm: Engaged enemy's trenches (2L - 2C. 8 cwt). 3.05pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite patrolling on left flank. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.30pm: Closed "Endymion", embarked Captain. 7.35pm: Closed Anzac beach. 8.15pm: Landed Captain of "Endymion" at Anzac. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.25pm: Captain of "Endymion" returned on board. 10.45pm: Closed "Endymion" and disembarked Captain. 10.55pm: Engines stopped. 4caf8598cadfd3419701009e: ( 53-38208-025_0.jpg) 13 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac, Suvla Bay and patrolling Lat 40.28, Long 26.24 am: Ship stopped off "Endymion". am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 10.45am: Closed "Bacchante". 11.0am: Proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite. 11.45am: Closed "Endymion", proceeded to Suvla Bay. 12.30pm: Closed "Triad" [ed. Triad, Yacht, 1909, guns not known, 2354 tons, IHP 2235 = 14 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1919, image]. 1.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded to Left Flank. pm: Ship stopped off "Endymion". pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Ship stopped off "Endymion". 7.15pm: Closed Anzac. 8.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 12 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship anchored off Left Flank. 4caf8598cadfd3419701009f: ( 53-38208-025_1.jpg) 14 August 1915 Anzac patrol and Mudros Lat 40.15, Long 26.06 am: Anchored on Left Flank. 4.45am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.0am: Stopped off "Endymion". 10.45am: "Chelmer" closed and took over patrol. 11.0am: Proceeded to Mudros, courses as requisite, 20 knots. 11.30am: Set course S 59 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.35pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 3.0pm: Secured to collier "Margit". 3.15pm: Commenced coaling. 4.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100a0: ( 53-38208-026_0.jpg) 15 August 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100a1: ( 53-38208-026_1.jpg) 16 August 1915 Mudros to Anzac patrol Lat 40.28, Long 26.24 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.40am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 7.45am: Set course N 56 E, speed 16 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Closed "Chelmer" and "Pincher". pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling to seaward of "Grafton". [ed. Grafton, sister-ship to Endymion previously described, 1892, image]. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.35pm: "Pincher " closed. pm: Patrolling to seaward of "Grafton". 7.45pm: Closed Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Opened fire on enemy's positions. 11.40pm: " " " " " 4caf8598cadfd341970100a2: ( 53-38208-027_0.jpg) 17 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.27, Long 26.2 2.30 - 3.30am: Engaged enemy's positions on Right Flank. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4.15am: Engaged enemy's positions. 5.0am: Proceeded on patrol. 7.45am: Proceeded to "Kephalo". 8.50am: Arrived Kephalo, embarked Captain of "Bacchante", proceeded to Anzac. 10.0am: Closed Anzac Beach. 12.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 2½ fathoms water in Suvla Bay. 2.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to Kephalo. 3.0pm: Arrived Kephalo, dis-embarked Captain of "Bacchante", returned to Anzac. 4.05pm: Arrived Anzac. Patrolling to seaward of "Grafton". 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Closed Right Flank. 10.45pm: Engaged enemy's trenches. 4caf8598cadfd341970100a3: ( 53-38208-027_1.jpg) 18 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 3.30am: Engaged enemy's position "Purple" on. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite, 15 knots. 8.0am: Come to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite, speed 15 knots. 6.15pm: Stopped and communicated with "Chelmer". 9.45pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship stopped off "Endymion". 4caf8598cadfd341970100a4: ( 53-38208-028_0.jpg) 19 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Stopped off "Endymion". 7.0am: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite, speed 15 knots. 8.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 8 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite. 6.30pm: Closed "Endymion" and "Chelmer". 7.15pm: Proceeded on patrol. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 9¼ fathoms water. 10.25pm: Weighed and shifted billet ship anchored off left flank, veered to 2 shackles in 13½ fathoms. 4caf8598cadfd341970100a5: ( 53-38208-028_1.jpg) 20 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Ship anchored off Left Flank. 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.0am: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 8.15am: Secured to collier. 8.25am: Commenced coaling. 10.50am: Completed coaling received 69 tons, cast off from collier. am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded to Mudros, courses as requisite. 2.0pm: Set course S 59 W, speed 16 knots. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 3.53pm: Sighted mine, sunk mine by Rifle fire. 5.0pm: Courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 5.30pm: Stopped and dis-embarked General and Staff. pm: Ship’s company inoculated against Typhus. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100a6: ( 53-38208-029_0.jpg) 21 August 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed ammunitioning ship and as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.15pm: Liberty men returned on board. 6.45pm: Optional Church party on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100a7: ( 53-38208-029_1.jpg) 22 August 1915 Mudros to Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.22 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 7.15am: Set course N 56 E. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. 11.0am: Closed "Pincher". 11.15am: Proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite. 2.10pm: Closed Anzac beach. 4.45pm: Engaged enemy’s positions. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.0pm: Swung ship for deviations. 6.30pm: Closed "Grafton" and "Pincher", stopped. 7.0pm: Proceeded on Patrol. 8.15pm: Opened fire on "Purple" and "Balkan Gun Pit. 9.0pm: Evening quarters. 11.15pm: Closed Beach. 4caf8598cadfd341970100a8: ( 53-38208-030_0.jpg) 23 August 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.26, Long 26.22 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling on Right Flank. 3.0am: Engaged enemy's positions. 4.45am: Proceeded on Patrol. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 7.0pm: "Pincher" closed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. veered to 3 shackles in 17 fathoms water. 10.10pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8598cadfd341970100a9: ( 53-38208-030_1.jpg) 24 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.10am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 6.30am: Closed Transport "B14". 11.20am: Communicated with "Chelmer", proceeded to Kephalo. 12.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. veered to 3 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite for leaving harbour. 5.30pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.0pm: Closed "Endymion". Proceeded on patrol. 8.35pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 2 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's position 4caf8598cadfd341970100aa: ( 53-38208-031_0.jpg) 25 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.22, Long 26.13 am: At anchor. 2.30am: Engaged enemy's trenches. 4.20am: Engaged enemy's trenches. 5.0am: Weighed and proceeded on Patrol. 7.0am: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 8.45am: Entered harbour. 9.0am: Embarked Captain of "Bacchante". 9.10am: Proceeded out of harbour. 10.0am: Closed Anzac Beach. Stopped and landed Captain of "Bacchante". 11.15am: Re-embarked Captain of "Bacchante", proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 12.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. veered to 3 shackles in 7¼ fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite. 5.30pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Closed "Chelmer". 8.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 2 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Engaged enemy's position. 11.20pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ab: ( 53-38208-031_1.jpg) 26 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.1, Long 25.97 1.0am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Ship anchored off Left Flank. 4.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.0am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 6.30am: Proceeded to Kephalo. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 8.15am: Secured to collier "Queensland Transport" and commenced coaling. 10.55am: Completed coaling, received 69 tons, Slipped from collier. 11.05am: Embarked ratings for Mudros and proceeded out of harbour. 11.30am: Set course S 59 W. 16 knots - Hands cleaning ship. 2.0pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 3.0pm: Secured to "Blenheim". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ac: ( 53-38208-032_0.jpg) 27 August 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Fast to "Blenheim". am: Hands ammunitioning Ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Slipped berth astern of "Blenheim". 6.15pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ad: ( 53-38208-032_1.jpg) 28 August 1915 Mudros to Anzac Lat 40.29, Long 26.2 am: Fast to "Blenheim". 7.0am: Slipped from "Blenheim" and proceeded out of harbour. 7.15am: Speed 16 knots, courses as requisite. 8.0am: Set course N 58 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Stopped and communicated with "Chelmer". 11.30am: Proceeded on Patrol. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Engaged enemy's position. Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Two ratings joined ship from sick list. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Ship guarding Right Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ae: ( 53-38208-033_0.jpg) 29 August 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.26, Long 26.22 12.15am: Engaged enemy’s position. 3.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.0am: Proceeded on patrol. am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100af: ( 53-38208-033_1.jpg) 30 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.2, Long 26.05 12.30am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Burning searchlight intermittently. 3.45am: Engaged enemy's positions. 5.0am: Proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite. 6.15am: Closed "Pincher". am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 11.0am: "Chelmer" closed and took over patrol. 11.20am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 12.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor, veered to 1 shackle in 8 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.30pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. veered to 2 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 10.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100b0: ( 53-38208-034_0.jpg) 31 August 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. 12.45am: Engaged enemy position on left flank. 1.35am: Engaged enemy position on left flank. 3.20am: Engaged enemy position on left flank. 4.45am: Weighed. 5.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.15am: Proceeded on patrol. 6.45am: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite, 12 knots. 7.0am: S 60 W, 15 knots. 7.55am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.15pm: Hands to bathe. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.15pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Communicated with Anzac Beach. 7.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 8½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy's position on left flank. 10.45pm: Engaged enemy's position on left flank. 11.45pm: Engaged enemy's position on left flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100b1: ( 53-38208-034_1.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100b2: ( 53-38208-035_0.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100b3: ( 53-38208-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1915 4caf8598cadfd341970100b4: ( 53-38209-001_0.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100b5: ( 53-38209-001_1.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100b6: ( 53-38209-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is the original log of HMS "Colne" from the period September 1st 1915 to October 31st 1915. Commander 4caf8598cadfd341970100b7: ( 53-38209-002_1.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100b8: ( 53-38209-003_0.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100b9: ( 53-38209-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo Bay, Mudros Lat 40.06, Long 25.89 12.45am: Engaged enemy position. 1.45am: Engaged enemy position. 2.45am: Engaged enemy position. 3.45am: Engaged enemy position. 5.10am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 6.40am: Proceeded to "K", course and speed as requisite. 7.55am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 8.05am: Let go Port anchor and veered 1 shackle. 10.40am: Weighed port anchor. 11.0am: Weighed Starboard anchor and proceeded out of harbour. 11.30am: Set course S 59 W, 16 knots. 2.0pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 2.40pm: Secured to collier "Innisbrook" and commenced coaling. 6.0pm: Completed coaling, received 72 tons, cast off from collier. 6.15pm: Secured to "Carrigan Head". pm: Hands storing and cleaning ship. 7.0pm: Slipped from "Carrigan Head". 7.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ba: ( 53-38209-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100bb: ( 53-38209-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1915 Mudros and Anzac patrol Lat 40.29, Long 26.2 am: At anchor. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded to sea, courses as requisite. 7.45am: Set course N 59 E, 16 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: a/c N 45 E. 11.15am: "Pincher" closed. Noon: Took over patrol, closed Anzac Beach. pm: Courses as requisite for patrol. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100bc: ( 53-38209-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.28, Long 26.24 12.30am: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 4:30am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.15am: Proceeded on patrol to seaward of "Endymion". am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrol. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Embarked Military Officer from shore. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.10pm: Engaged enemy's positions on Right Flank. Burning searchlight intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd341970100bd: ( 53-38209-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.2, Long 26.05 2.0am: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4.10am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.15am: Proceeded on patrol. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 11.15am: Proceeded to "K". 12.35pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.10pm: Resumed patrol, courses as requisite8 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 11¼ fathoms water. 9.40pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100be: ( 53-38209-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.22, Long 26.13 [approx] am: At anchor. 12.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 12.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 3.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.0am: Proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite, speed 8 knots. 6.45am: Proceeded to "K". 7.50am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. am: Course and speed as requisite for closing "Clan Macrae" [Clan Macrae image,]. and "Bacchante". 9.0am: Embarked Captain of "Bacchante" and proceeded to Anzac. 11.10am: Disembarked Captain of "Bacchante", closed "Grafton". 11.30am: Re-embarked Captain of "Bacchante". 12.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor and veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite. pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Engaged enemy's position. 10.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100bf: ( 53-38209-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1915 Patrolling at Anzac, to Kephalo and on to Mudros Lat 39.92, Long 25.63 12.10am: Engaged enemy's position. 2.10am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.15am: Proceeded on patrol. 6.50am: Proceeded to "K", courses as requisite, 15 knots. 8.10am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 10.10am: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite. 10.40am: Set Course S 59 W, 16 knots. 1.0pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 1.40pm: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship. 4.45pm: Completed coaling, received 71 tons, Cast off from collier. 5.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 6 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c0: ( 53-38209-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: One A.B. discharged to "Blenheim" (Sick). pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c1: ( 53-38209-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1915 Mudros, Kephalo, Anzac patrol Lat 40.27, Long 26.24 am: At anchor. 6.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 6.30am: Closed "Europa" and embarked Officer for "K". [ed. Europa, Diadem Class Cruiser, 1897, guns: 16 x 6", 12 x 12 pdr 12 cwt, 1 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 3 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18" TT's, disp: 11,000 tons, comp: 677, H.P. 16,500 = 20.25 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 6.45am: Speed 16 knots, courses as requisite. 7.0am: Set course N 59 E. 9.50am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 10.15am: Closed "Triad" and dis-embarked Officer. 10.40am: Proceeded to Anzac. 11.45am: Closed "Bulldog" and "Endymion". Noon: Took over patrol. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions, evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: "Bulldog" closed. 7.30pm: Closed Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.20pm: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c2: ( 53-38209-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.22 12.45am: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 4.30am: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 5.30am: Resumed patrol, courses as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions on Left Flank. 5.15pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: "Bulldog" closed and communicated. 7.15pm: Proceeded to Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's position to Right Flank. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's position to Right Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c3: ( 53-38209-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.25, Long 26.13 am: Burning searchlight intermittently. 3.15am: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 5.0am: Resumed patrol, courses as requisite. 11.0am: "Chelmer" closed and communicated. 11.30am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 12.30pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 12.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7¼ fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. 4.55pm: Set course N 56 E, 15 knots. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.10pm: Closed Beach. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Ship stopped on Left Flank. 11.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c4: ( 53-38209-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 2.45am: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 4.30am: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 5.0am: Resumed patrol. 6.50am: Proceeded to "K", courses as requisite, speed 15 knots. 7.45an: Courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 8.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 8.10am: Let go Port anchor veered to 1 shackle. 10.15am: Divisions and prayers. 4.45pm: Weighed Port anchor. 5.0pm: Weighed Starboard anchor and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 5.15pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.10pm: Closed "Grafton" and "Chelmer". 7.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 4½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Engaged enemy’s positions. 10.30pm: Engaged enemy's position on Left Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c5: ( 53-38209-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.04, Long 25.87 am: Anchored off Left Flank. 2.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.40am: Weighed and proceeded. 5.30am: Proceeded to Patrol line. 6.30am: Proceeded to Kephalo. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 8.0am: Secured to collier "Scawby" and commenced coaling. 10.40am: Completed coaling, received 78 tons, cast off from collier and proceeded out of harbour. 11.20am: Set course S 57 W - speed 16 knots. 2.0pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 3.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c6: ( 53-38209-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: 1 seaman rating discharged to "Blenheim". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.45pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c7: ( 53-38209-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1915 Mudros and Anzac patrol Lat 40.29, Long 26.23 am: At anchor. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded to collier "Reedsmere" [ed. probably “Redesmere”]. 6.20am: Secured to collier. 6.40am: Slipped from collier and proceeded out of harbour. 7.12am: Course S 45 E. speed 16 knots. 8.0am: a/c N 59 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Secured to "Bulldog". 11.20am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Engaged enemy's position on R.F. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c8: ( 53-38209-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.26, Long 26.22 am: Patrolling on Right Flank. 3.0am: Engaged enemy position. 4.50am: Engaged enemy position. 5.20am: Proceeded to patrol line. 9.0am: Closed "Endymion". am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8598cadfd341970100c9: ( 53-38209-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.2 am: Burning searchlight intermittently on Right Flank. 3.0am: Engaged enemy position. 3.30am: Engaged enemy position. 5.30am: Proceeded to patrol line. 6.45am: "Bulldog" proceeded to K. 9:00am: Closed "Endymion" for orders. 11.0am: "Chelmer" closed and took over patrol. 11.30am: Closed "Endymion" and embarked diving party for "Bacchante". 11.45am: Proceeded to "K". 1.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3½ shackles in 8 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Closed "Endymion" and "Chelmer". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.10pm: Engaged enemy position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ca: ( 53-38209-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 (probable) 1.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.30am: Proceeded to patrol line. 6.15am: Embarked Staff Officer for Anzac. 6.20am: Proceeded to [ed. illegible, probably K for Kephalo], courses as requisite. 7.15am: Dis-embarked Staff Officer. 8.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.10pm: Closed beach. 7.05pm: Embarked Military Officer. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100cb: ( 53-38209-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.04, Long 25.85 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling on Left Flank. 1.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 4.05am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.10am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.55am: Proceeded to "K", courses as requisite. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 8.0am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 8.15am: Secured to collier "Benheather" and commenced coaling. 10.45am: Completed coaling received 77 tons, cast off from collier and proceeded out of harbour. 11.15am: Set course S 56 W. 210 revs. 1.06pm: Closed and spoke to Tug "Keravnos". 2.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 2.30pm: Communicated with "Aveayon" (Aveayon image]. 3.0pm: Secured alongside "Wear". [ed. Wear, E Class [ex River Class] Destroyer, 1904, Ave disp: 550 tons, guns 1 x 12 pdr 12cwt, 3 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 2 x 18" Tubes, H.P. 7000 = 25½ knots. Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100cc: ( 53-38209-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Secured to "Wear". am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. Lost overboard by accident Fenders, Wood 1. pm: Secured to "Wear". pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100cd: ( 53-38209-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1915 Mudros and on patrol Lat 40.28, Long 26.24 am: Steamed to "Wear". 6.50am: Cast off from "Wear" and proceeded out of harbour. 7.20am: Speed 16 knots, courses as requisite. 7.45am: Set course N 59 E. 10.45am: Closed "Bulldog". Took over patrol. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Engaged enemy's position. 5.15pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.40pm: Closed "Endymion". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.10pm: Engaged enemy's positions on Right Flank. pm: Burning searchlight intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ce: ( 53-38209-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.22 2.45am: Engaged enemy position. 5.0am: Engaged enemy position. 5.30am: Resumed patrol, courses as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100cf: ( 53-38209-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.22, Long 26.13 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling on Right Flank. 3.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.25am: Proceeded to Patrol. 11.0am: Closed "Endymion". 11.15am: "Chelmer" closed and took over patrol. Proceeded to "K". courses as requisite. 12.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 5 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to blank. 4.0pm: Closed "Triad". 4.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Embarked General Godley and Staff and proceeded to Anzac. [ed. General Sir Alexander Godley image]. 6.10pm: Arrived off Anzac. Landed General and staff. 6.30pm: Exercised night action. 7.15pm: Closed beach. 8.45pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy’s position.
4caf8598cadfd341970100d0: ( 53-38209-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 1.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 3.30am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Ship stopped off Left Flank. 5.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.30am: Proceeded on patrol. 7.0am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 8.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. pm: Courses as requisite for closing beach. 8.0pm: Opened fire on "Baby 700". 8.15pm: Ceased fire. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100d1: ( 53-38209-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.14, Long 26.04 1.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 3.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.40am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.0am: Returned to patrol line. 6.40am: Embarked two sick men from "Chelmer" for passage. 7.0am: Proceeded to "K", courses as requisite. 8.05am: Secured to collier "Antar" and commenced coaling. [Collier Antar, image]. 10.50am: Completed coaling received 76 tons. Received one sick seaman from "Antar". 11.40am: Proceeded to Mudros. Noon: Set course S 59 W 17 knots. 2.20pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 3.0pm: Communicated with "Cornwall". [ed. Cornwall, Monmouth Class Cruiser, 1902, guns: 14 x 6", 8 x 12pdr 12 cwt, 1 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 3 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18" sub TT's, disp: 9,800 tons comp: 678 men, H.P. 22,000 = 23 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 3.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100d2: ( 53-38209-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Hands employed painting ship's side. 1.15pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100d3: ( 53-38209-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1915 Mudros and on patrol Lat 40.29, Long 26.22 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 7.10am: Speed 16 knots. 7.55am: Set course N 59 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.15am: Closed "Grafton". pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100d4: ( 53-38209-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1915 Patrolling off Anzac Lat 40.3, Long 26.22 1.45am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Ship stopped off Right Flank. 5.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.0am: Proceeded on patrol. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Stopped off "Endymion". 11.15am: Resumed patrol. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions on Left Flank. pm: Proceeded to Right Flank. 7.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Courses as requisite for guarding Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd341970100d5: ( 53-38209-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.15am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Guarding Right Flank burning searchlight intermittently. 5.15am: Engaged enemy's positions. 6.0am: Closed Anzac Beach. 6.30am: " "Endymion". 6.45am: " "Mosquito". 7.0am: Resumed patrol, courses as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 11.05am: Communicated with "Chelmer". 11.10am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 12.05pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Stopped off Left Flank. 7.05pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 14 fathoms water. 7.40pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100d6: ( 53-38209-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.24, Long 26.27 am: At anchor. 1.12am: Engaged enemy position. 2.0am: Engaged enemy position. 5.20am: Weighed. 5.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. 6.15am: Proceeded on Patrol. 9.0am: Closed Beach, course and speed as requisite. Captain landed. am: Hands as requisite. 1.45pm: Closed Beach embarked Captain, proceeded to "K" courses as requisite. 2.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite. 6.15pm: Courses as requisite for lying off Left Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.55pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 8½ fathoms water. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1915 4caf8598cadfd341970100d7: ( 53-38209-018_1.jpg) 1 October 1915 Patrolling at Anzac and to Mudros Lat 39.8, Long 25.44 am: At anchor. 12.30am: Engaged enemy position. 1.0am: Engaged enemy position. 1.30am: Engaged enemy position. 1.45am: Dense fog. am: Ship at anchor off Left Flank. 6.30am: Shortened in to 1 shackle. 9.12am: Weighed and proceeded to Mudros. 9.20am: Fog cleared, 190 revs. 9.28am: S 45 W, 220revs. 9.32am: S 60 W. 10.10am: Kephalo Lt H a/b bg N 30 W, 2¾ mls. 12.12pm: a/c N 82 W, 12 knots. 12.30pm: a/c N 50 W. 12.45pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 1.15pm: Secured alongside collier, commenced coaling. pm: Hands coaling ship. 4.15pm: Completed coaling 78 tons, cast off from collier. 4.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 7 fathoms water. Anchor bearings: Tunk Is. South. Anrst Rk. S 55 E. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100d8: ( 53-38209-019_0.jpg) 2 October 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Hands employed transferring After gun to S.W. [ed. Starboard waist] gun and vice versa. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 5.45pm: Paid monthly money. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100d9: ( 53-38209-019_1.jpg) 3 October 1915 Mudros to patrol Lat 40.28, Long 26.24 am: At anchor. 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 7.12am: 210 revs. 7.45am: Set course N 58 E. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. 10.0am: a/c N 39 E. 10.50am: Stopped and communicated with "Mosquito". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 7.0pm: Communicated with shore. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.25pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.30pm: Misfire at Starboard waist gun, cause unknown. 4caf8598cadfd341970100da: ( 53-38209-020_0.jpg) 4 October 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.26, Long 26.22 am: Ship stopped off Right Flank. 3.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.55am: Resumed patrol. 9.0am: Embarked Captain of "Louis". [ed. Louis, L Class Destroyer, 1912-1913 estimates, guns: 3 x 4", 4 x 21" TT's, disp: 807 tons, H.P. 24,500 = 35 knots. Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image stranded in Suvla Bay 1915, wikipedia]. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 10.30am: Closed Anzac beach and landed Captain of "Louis". pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Captain of "Louis" returned on board. 7.0pm: Closed Right Flank. 7.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 12 fathoms water. 8.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 8.30pm: Ceased fire. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.10pm: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd341970100db: ( 53-38209-020_1.jpg) 5 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Burning S.L. intermittently. 2.45am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Ship stopped off Right Flank. 5.45am: Resumed patrol. 6.45am: Closed "Mosquito" and dis-embarked Captain of "Louis". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 10.45am: "Chelmer" closed and took over patrol. 11.0am: Proceeded to "K". courses as requisite. 11.20am: Set course S 59 W. Noon: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 12.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Closed Anzac beach. 7.0pm: Embarked Military Officer. 8.10pm: Miss fire (sic) at Port Waist gun, cause unknown. 8.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100dc: ( 53-38209-021_0.jpg) 6 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.15am: Engaged enemy positions. 2.30am: Engaged enemy positions. am: Patrolling off Left Flank. 6.10am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.15am: Miss fire at foremost gun. Cause bad tube. am: Hands preparing for mine sweeping. 8.15am: Exercising mine sweeping with "Chelmer". 10.0am: Ceased sweeping. Communicated with "Chelmer" and proceeded to Kephalo. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses and speed as requisite for patrolling. 8.45pm: Engaged enemy position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct pm: Ship stopped off Left Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100dd: ( 53-38209-021_1.jpg) 7 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.03, Long 25.84 12.30am: Engaged enemy position. 2.30am: Engaged enemy position. am: Ship stopped off Left Flank. 6.0am: Engaged enemy position. 6.55am: Proceeded to Kephalo. am: Hands preparing for coaling. 7.50am: Proceeded alongside collier "Antar". 8.15am: Commenced coaling. 10.40am: Finished coaling, received 72 tons, Slipped and proceeded. 11.20am: Shaped course S 58 W. am: Hands cleaning ship. 2.0pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 2.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2½ shackles in 5 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100de: ( 53-38209-022_0.jpg) 8 October 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 7.30pm: Heavy squall from SW. 7.50pm: Let go port anchor, veered to 1 shackle. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100df: ( 53-38209-022_1.jpg) 9 October 1915 Mudros to Anzac patrol Lat 40.26, Long 26.22 6.30am: Weighed port anchor. 6.45am: Weighed Starboard anchor and proceeded alongside "Carrigan Head". 7.10am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 8.0am: Shaped Course N 59 E. 9.40am: a/c N 55 E. 10.0am: a/c N 40 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Stopped and communicated with "Mosquito". 11.30am: Commenced patrolling, courses as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: "Mosquito" closed - ship stopped. 7.0pm: Proceeded to Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Ship stopped off Right Flank. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e0: ( 53-38209-023_0.jpg) 10 October 1915 Patrolling off Anzac Lat 40.26, Long 26.24 am: Ship stopped off Right Flank. 3.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.0am: Resumed patrol, courses as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 3.45pm: Closed "Grafton" and embarked Military Officer. 4.15pm: Closed beach and landed Military Officer. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.0pm: Closed Right Flank. 7.40pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Ship stopped off Right Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e1: ( 53-38209-023_1.jpg) 11 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.45am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Ship stopped off Right Flank. 3.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.30am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.10am: Resumed patrol - courses as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.50am: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 11.50am: Came to with Starboard anchor. veered to 2 shackles in 7¼ fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 6.30pm: Closed Left Flank. 7.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 15 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy's position. 10.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.45pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e2: ( 53-38209-024_0.jpg) 12 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.29, Long 26.22 am: Ship anchored off Left Flank. 12.40am: Engaged enemy's position. 1.50am: Engaged enemy's position. 3.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 3.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.30am: Weighed. 6.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.45am: Proceeded to "Kephalo". 9.0am: Embarked S.N.O. and proceeded to Anzac. 10.15am: Dis-embarked S.N.O. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.40pm: Re-embarked S.N.O. and proceeded to Kephalo. 2.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 12 fathoms water. pm: Ship anchored off Left Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 10.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e3: ( 53-38209-024_1.jpg) 13 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.40am: Engaged enemy position. 1.50am: Engaged enemy position. 3.0am: Engaged enemy position. 3.45am: Engaged enemy position. 5.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 5.40am: Weighed. 6.25am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.45am: Proceeded to Kephalo, courses as requisite. 7.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Hurst". 11.45am: Completed coaling, received 73 tons, slipped and proceeded to Mudros. 2.30pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 3.30pm: Secured to "Carrigan Head". Hands storing ship. 6.15pm: Slipped from "Carrigan Head". 6.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e4: ( 53-38209-025_0.jpg) 14 October 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e5: ( 53-38209-025_1.jpg) 15 October 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e6: ( 53-38209-026_0.jpg) 16 October 1915 Mudros, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite. 8.45am: Shaped course N 58 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.20am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 11.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action and Submarine Stations. 5.40pm: Closed "Mosquito". 5.50pm: Proceeded on patrol. 6.30pm: Closed Right Flank - ship stopped. Burning searchlight intermittently. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Burning S.L. on Right Flank intermittently. 10.10pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e7: ( 53-38209-026_1.jpg) 17 October 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.27, Long 26.23 am: Ship stopped off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 2.50am: Engaged enemy's positions. 5.50am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.10am: Proceeded on patrol, courses as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.30pm: Closed Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship stopped off Right Flank, burning S/L intermittently. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy's position. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e8: ( 53-38209-027_0.jpg) 18 October 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.24, Long 26.22 am: Ship stopped off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 2.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.15am: Resumed patrol, courses. as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.45pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Ship patrolling off Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's position, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd341970100e9: ( 53-38209-027_1.jpg) 19 October 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.27, Long 26.24 1.10am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4.05am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.0am: Resumed patrol, courses as requisite. 9.0am: Closed "Endymion" for press. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 2.50pm: Communicated with "Chelmer". 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Patrolling off Left Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ea: ( 53-38209-028_0.jpg) 20 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 2.0am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Ship patrolling off Left Flank. 6.15am: Engaged enemy's positions. 6.45am: Proceeded to K, courses as requisite. 8.25am: Secured to collier "Antar" and commenced coaling. 10.25am: Completed coaling, received 61 tons, Slipped from collier. 10.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 3 fathoms water. am: Hands cleaning Ship. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Engaged enemy's positions. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100eb: ( 53-38209-028_1.jpg) 21 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 1.10am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Ship patrolling off Left Flank. 6.15am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank. 9.0am: Exercised sweeping with "Chelmer". 10.0am: Slipped sweep and proceeded to "K", course and speed as requisite. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 9 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.30pm: Closed "Grafton". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling on Left Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15am: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ec: ( 53-38209-029_0.jpg) 22 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 1.0am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank. 3.0am: Engaged enemy's positions. 6.15am: Engaged enemy's positions. 6.55am: Proceeded to K, courses as requisite. 8.10am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 2 fathoms water. 8.15am: Let go port anchor, veered to 2 shackles. 11.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Mudros, course and speed as requisite. pm: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 3.52pm: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 4.35pm: Completed coaling, received 36 tons. 5.30pm: Slipped from collier. 5.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 5.50pm: Let go port anchor. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ed: ( 53-38209-029_1.jpg) 23 October 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ee: ( 53-38209-030_0.jpg) 24 October 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd341970100ef: ( 53-38209-030_1.jpg) 25 October 1915 Mudros, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 5.30am: Weighed Port anchor. 5.45am: Weighed Starboard anchor and secured to "Blenheim". am: Received new 12 pr 12 cwt gun from "Blenheim". 8.0am: Slipped from "Blenheim" and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. Noon: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.15pm: Communicated with M33. [ed. M33, Monitor, M29 Class, guns: 2 x 6", 1 x 3" AA, 1 x 6pdr. AA, 2 x M.G's, disp: 535 tons, comp: 75 men, H.P. 400 = 10 knots, Jane's Fighting Ships 1919, image being restored, April 2010,]. 5.30pm: Closed Anzac Beach. 5.40pm: Communicate with "Mosquito". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling off Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning searchlight intermittently. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8598cadfd341970100f0: ( 53-38209-031_0.jpg) 26 October 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.18, Long 26.24 am: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning searchlight intermittently. 3.50am: Engaged enemy positions. 6.15am: Resumed day patrol, courses as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Ship patrolling off Chanar Tepi. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Closed Right Flank. 6.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 15 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.25pm: Weighed, patrolling on Right Flank, burning searchlight intermittently. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8598cadfd341970100f1: ( 53-38209-031_1.jpg) 27 October 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.25, Long 26.2 am: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning searchlight intermittently. 1.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. 6.0am: Resumed day patrol, courses as requisite. 8.30am: Closed "Grafton" for press. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship patrolling off Right Flank and burning searchlight intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd341970100f2: ( 53-38209-032_0.jpg) 28 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.25, Long 26.2 [approx] am: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning searchlight intermittently. 6.0am: Resumed day patrol, courses as requisite. am: Courses requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.50am: Closed T.B."046". [ed. T.B. 046, Torpedo Boat, 1886, disp: 60 tons, H.P. 700 = 21 knots, 4 TT's, comp: 16, Jane's Fighting Ships 1914, image T.B. 036 similar to 046, Information from "" : During a cruise from Port Said to Mudros in late 1915, T.B. 046 ran out of coal and had to be taken in tow. Unfortunately she was subsequently wrecked at Lemnos on 27 December, 1915 while still under tow. She was later salvaged and returned to service]. 12.10pm: Took T.B. 046 in tow. 12.15pm: Proceeded to Kephalo, 100 revs, courses as requisite. 12.30pm: Increased to 10 knots. 2.0pm: Stopped and shortened tow rope. 2.10pm: Proceeded. 2.45pm: Stopped and slipped T.B. "046" and proceeded, courses as requisite for leaving harbour. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.50pm: Closed Left Flank, engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8598cadfd341970100f3: ( 53-38209-032_1.jpg) 29 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling on Left Flank. 3.45am: Engaged enemy's positions. 6.15am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.35am: Closed "Grafton" and embarked 1 rating and mails. 6.50am: Proceeded to "K" courses as requisite, 13 knots. 8.40am: Secured to collier "Antar". 8.50am: Commenced coaling. 10.35am: Completed coaling received 65 tons, Slipped from collier. 10.50am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7½ fathoms. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Kephalo [ed. perhaps Anzac is intended]. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised collisions and groundings and Night Action Stations. 5.30pm: Closed Hospital Ship. pm: Patrolling off "Grafton". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's position - courses as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100f4: ( 53-38209-033_0.jpg) 30 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 12.30am: Engaged enemy positions. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank. 4.05am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.25am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.55am: Proceeded to "K", courses as requisite. 8.05am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.30pm: Closed and communicated with "Chelmer". 6.30pm: Closed Left Flank. 7.20pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling on Left Flank. 4caf8598cadfd341970100f5: ( 53-38209-033_1.jpg) 31 October 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank. 2.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. 7.0am: Proceeded to "K", course and speed as requisite. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 8.14am: Secured to collier "Antar" and commenced coaling. 9.19am: Completed coaling received 40 tons, Slipped from collier. 9.25am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water - Hands cleaning ship. Noon: Weighed and proceeded to Mudros. 12.25pm: Set Course S 45 W, 16½ knots. 12.40pm: a/c S 58 W. 3.0pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 4.05pm: Secured to "Beagle". 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd341970100f6: ( 53-38209-034_0.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100f7: ( 53-38209-034_1.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100f8: ( 53-38209-035_0.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100f9: ( 53-38209-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1915 4caf8598cadfd341970100fa: ( 53-38210-001_0.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100fb: ( 53-38210-001_1.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100fc: ( 53-38210-002_0.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100fd: ( 53-38210-002_1.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100fe: ( 53-38210-003_0.jpg) 4caf8598cadfd341970100ff: ( 53-38210-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Secured to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Aired night clothing. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Paid monthly money. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd34197010100: ( 53-38210-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Secured to "Blenheim". am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0am: Aired night clothing. 10.30am: Cast off from "Blenheim". 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd34197010101: ( 53-38210-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1915 Mudros, Kephalo, Anzac patrol Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. 6.0am: Hands cleaning Ship. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded to Kephalo, course speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 8.30am: Set course S 47 E, 17 knots. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.50am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. Noon: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7¼ fathoms. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 5.30pm: Closed "Pincher" and Beach. 7.30pm: Engaged enemy's position on Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd34197010102: ( 53-38210-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.2, Long 26.23 am: Patrolling on Right Flank burning S.L. intermittently, course and speed as requisite. 6.0am: Resumed "day" patrol. 7.05am: Communicated with "Grampus". [ed. Grampus, ex Nautilus, G Class Destroyer, 1910, guns: 1 x 4", 3 x 12 pdr, 1 x 3 pdr AA, 1 x MG, 2 x 22" TT's, disp: 975 tons, H.P. 12,000, Jane's Fighting Ships 1919, image]. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.0pm: Embarked Military Officer. 6.20pm: Closed Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd34197010103: ( 53-38210-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.17, Long 26.22 am: Ship patrolling on Right flank burning S.L. intermittently. Course and speed as requisite. 5.45am: Resumed day patrol, course and speed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 10.30am: "Grafton", "M28" and "Humber" opened fire on enemy's position. 11.30am: Ceased fire. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. exercised night action, closed beach and embarked Military Officer. pm: Closed Right Flank, burning searchlight intermittently. 7.40pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's trenches. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling on Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd34197010104: ( 53-38210-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.24, Long 26.27 am: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning searchlight intermittently. 3:30am: Engaged enemy positions. 4:30am: Engaged enemy position. 6.45am: Closed "Pincher", discharged 3 ratings (Sick). am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling on Right Flank. 11.55am: Embarked P.N.T.O. and proceeded to "K". 12.15pm: Disembarked P.N.T.O. to "Pincher" and embarked General Birdwood. [ed. General Sir W. R. Birdwood, Commander of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, Anzacs, image]. 1.45pm: Proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. 3.10pm: Disembarked General, resumed patrol. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.40pm: Embarked General and proceeded to K. 7.07pm: Disembarked General. 7.23pm: Proceeded to Anzac. 8.15pm: Closed Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Patrolling off Left Flank. 4caf8598cadfd34197010105: ( 53-38210-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Courses as requisite for patrolling on Left Flank. 6.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. 6.55am: Proceeded to K, course and speed as requisite. am: Hands preparing for coaling. 8.20am: Secured to collier "Jedmoor" and commenced coaling. [ed. Jedmoor, image]. 10.40am: Completed coaling received 68 tons, cast off from collier. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 8½ fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 4.45pm: Set course N 55E, 12 knots. 6.15pm: Closed left flank, course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 8.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Patrolling off Left Flank. 4caf8598cadfd34197010106: ( 53-38210-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Ship stopped off Left Flank. 6.35am: Engaged enemy's position. 7.05am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 8.10am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 10 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. Anchor bearings: Hangar S 45 E. Kephalo Lt H S 88 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite. 4.30pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Ship patrolling off Left Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling off Left Flank.
4caf8598cadfd34197010107: ( 53-38210-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1915 Anzac, Kephalo, Mudros Lat 40.06, Long 25.92 1.45am: Engaged enemy position. am: Ship patrolling off Left Flank. 6.35am: Engaged enemy position. 6.45am: Proceeded to "K", course and speed as requisite. 8.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor. veered to 3 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 11.0am: Weighed and proceeded to Mudros, course and speed as requisite. 11.05am: Speed 18 knots. 2.0pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 2.44pm: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 3.50pm: Cast off from collier, received 36 tons. 4.05pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd34197010108: ( 53-38210-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. pm: 2 Ldg seamen, 2 AB's and 1 Stoker joined ship from "Blenheim". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd34197010109: ( 53-38210-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned on board. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. 4caf8598cadfd3419701010a: ( 53-38210-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1915 Mudros, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.0am: Closed "Aragon" and embarked Military Officer. 8.25am: Proceeded out of harbour course and speed as requisite. 8.45am: a/c S 47 E, 17 knots. 9.01am: a/c N 62 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.10am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. Noon: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. pm: Watch employed as requisite. 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac. 4.30pm: Set course N 55 E, 15 knots. 5,45pm: Communicated with "Pincher" and embarked one Military Officer. 6.0pm: Closed Right Flank. 7.15pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Patrolling on Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd3419701010b: ( 53-38210-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1915 Anzac patrol Lat 40.27, Long 26.24 12.30am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 6.30am: Resumed day patrol. am: Watch washing decks. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. pm: Watch employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.0pm: Closed Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd3419701010c: ( 53-38210-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.27, Long 26.23 am: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 2.0am: Engaged enemy's positions. 2.30am: Engaged enemy's positions. am: Patrolling off Right Flank. 6.30am: Resumed "day" patrol - Hands washing decks. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4.15pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 6.15pm: Closed Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Ship patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8598cadfd3419701010d: ( 53-38210-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1915 Patrolling off Anzac and to Kephalo Lat 40.18, Long 26.24 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling off Right Flank. 6.30am: Resumed "day" patrol. 7.10am: Communicated with "Pincher". am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 8.0pm: Proceeded to K. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 10 fathoms. 9.35pm: Let go Port anchor veered to 3 shackles in 10 fathoms water. 4caf8598cadfd3419701010e: ( 53-38210-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1915 Kephalo and Anzac patrol Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Ship anchored in Kephalo Bay. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 6.45am: Weighed Port anchor. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded to collier. 8.20am: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 10.20am: Completed coaling received 62 tons, cast off from collier. 10.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2½ shackles in 9 fathoms water. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.15pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.0pm: [ed. Not recorded in the log: weighed and proceed for Anzac, see course and speed columns.] 5.30pm: Communicated with "Grafton". 7.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Patrolling off Left Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8598cadfd3419701010f: ( 53-38210-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1915 Anzac patrol and to Kephalo Bay Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Patrolling off Left Flank. 6.45am: Engaged enemy positions. 7.0am: Closed "Grafton". 7.10am: Proceeded to "K", course and speed as requisite. 9.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 9.10am: Let go Port anchor and veered to 3 shackles. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.45pm: Weighed. 1.10pm: Let go Port anchor and veered to 4 shackles. 1.15pm: " " Starboard " " " 3 " pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd34197010110: ( 53-38210-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1915 Kephalo to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Ship at anchor. 2.0am: Rounds correct. 5.40am: Weighed Port anchor. 6.30am: Weighed Starboard anchor and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 7.10am: Set course S 61 W. 11.0am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 11.15am: Secured to collier "Mansfield" and commenced coaling. 12.15pm: Completed coaling received 31 tons, cast off from collier. 12.35pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 5 fathoms water. pm: Divers employed overside. 4.15pm: Evening quarters. pm: 1 PO and 1 Ldg joined ship from "Blenheim". pm: Two ratings discharged to "Blenheim". 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd34197010111: ( 53-38210-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd34197010112: ( 53-38210-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.15pm: Let go Starboard anchor and veered to 3 shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd34197010113: ( 53-38210-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands clearing up decks. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Liberty men landed. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd34197010114: ( 53-38210-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and Physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8598cadfd34197010115: ( 53-38210-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and Physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010116: ( 53-38210-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and Physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Weighed Starboard anchor. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010117: ( 53-38210-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands cleaning Ship. 9.0am: Divisions and Physical drill. am: Let go Starboard anchor and veered to 2 shackles. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010118: ( 53-38210-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Weighed Starboard anchor. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.30pm: Let go Starboard anchor. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010119: ( 53-38210-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Weighed and secured alongside "Blenheim". pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd3419701011a: ( 53-38210-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Secured to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd3419701011b: ( 53-38210-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Secured to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.0am: Divisions and Physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd3419701011c: ( 53-38210-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Secured to "Blenheim". am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.0am: Divisions. 9.30am: Exercised general quarters. 10.15am: Secure. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed shifting ship. 2.10pm: Secured to stern of "Blenheim". pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 7.15pm: Diving operation completed. 7.45pm: Cast off from "Blenheim". 8.15pm: Came to with Port anchor and veered to 3 shackles in 5 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1915 4caf8599cadfd3419701011d: ( 53-38210-018_1.jpg) 1 December 1915 Mudros, Anzac, Kephalo Bay Lat 40.18, Long 26.14 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands securing ship for sea. 7.40am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. am: Communicated with "Lord Nelson". 8.0am: Embarked N.T.O. Anzac and Staff. 8.10am: Proceeded out of harbour. 8.32am: Passed gateway, set course S 25 E, speed 17 knots. 8.42am: Kemh Is. a/b, a/c S 51 E. 9.04am: Cape Ireng bg. North, a/c N 56 E. 11.20am: Cape Aliki a/b, a/c N 62 E. Noon: Reduced to 15 knots, courses as requisite. 12.45pm: Stopped off Anzac, landed N.T.O. and Staff. 1.55pm: Proceeded to Kephalo, course and speed as requisite. 3.0pm: Came to with Port anchor and veered to 2 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd3419701011e: ( 53-38210-019_0.jpg) 2 December 1915 Kephalo and on Anzac patrol Lat 40.27, Long 26.24 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning Ship. 6.55am: Weighed and proceeded to Anzac, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 7.0am: Set course N 58 E, 12 knots. 8.0am: Closed "Chelmer". 8.15am: Took over patrol, course and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Divisions and Physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Watch employed as requisite. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 6.15pm: Closed Right Flank. 8.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.45pm: Engaged enemy's positions. pm: Patrolling on Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8599cadfd3419701011f: ( 53-38210-019_1.jpg) 3 December 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.25, Long 26.24 am: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 2.30am: Engaged enemy's position. am: Patrolling off Right Flank. burning S.L. intermittently. am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.0am: Resumed "day" patrol. am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Closed "Endymion". pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 3.30pm: Closed Hospital ship "Gloucester Castle". [ed. Gloucester Castle, image, image after being torpedoed,]. 4.15pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 7.15pm: Came to with Port anchor and veered to 6 shackles in 22 fathoms water. Anchor bearings: Red Light East. Gaba Tepi S 23 E. 8.0pm: Engaged enemy position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.20pm: Engaged enemy positions, burning S.L. intermittently. 11.15pm: Engaged enemy's positions. 4caf8599cadfd34197010120: ( 53-38210-020_0.jpg) 4 December 1915 Patrolling at Anzac, Kephalo, at sea and return to Kephalo Lat 40.17, Long 26.24 am: Burning searchlight intermittently. 3.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.15am: Weighed and proceeded on "day" patrol. am: Courses as requisite. 10.0am: 1" Aiming rifle firing. am: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 12.10pm: "Chelmer" closed and took over patrol. 12.15pm: Proceeded to Kephalo. 1.15pm: Came to with Port anchor, veered to 2 shackles in 6 fathoms water. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to the assistance of M19. [ed. M19, Monitor, 1915, guns: 1 x 9.2", 1 x 3" AA, 2 x MG's, disp: 540 tons, comp: 67 - 82, B.H.P. 640 = 12 knots, M19 served within the Mediterranean from July 1915 to December 1915. On 4 December 1915, she was badly damaged by a gun explosion. She did not return to Home Waters, paying off at Mudros in 1919, image M15 and info]. 3.15pm: Proceeded to Hospital Ship. 3.50pm: Secured to Hospital ship "Soudan" and disembarked wounded. [ed. Soudan, Hospital Ship, image.]. 4.25pm: Cast off and proceeded to K, course and speed as requisite. 5.40pm: Came to with Port anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 8½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010121: ( 53-38210-020_1.jpg) 5 December 1915 Kephalo to Suvla Bay and return Lat 40.31, Long 26.23 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier "Lidna". 7.10am: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 9.35am: Completed coaling, received 78 tons, cast off from collier. 10.0am: Embarked General Birdwood and Staff, proceeded to Suvla. 11.25am: Disembarked General and Staff. 11.45am: Closed and communicated with "Grafton". 12.20pm: Came to with port anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 17 fathoms water. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to K. 1.50pm: Set course S 55 W, 13 knots. 3.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 4.40pm: Weighed and shifted billet. 5.10pm: Came to with port anchor, veered to 2½ shackles in 7½ fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010122: ( 53-38210-021_0.jpg) 6 December 1915 Kephalo to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Watch employed as requisite. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded to Mudros. 8.10am: Set course, East, 16 knots. 8.30am: a/c S x W. 8.35am: a/c S 56 W. 10.45am: Reduced to 14½ knots. 11.0am: a/c West. 11.15am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 12.42pm: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 1.32pm: Completed coaling received 19 tons, cast off from collier. 1.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles in 6 fathoms water. 4.0pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010123: ( 53-38210-021_1.jpg) 7 December 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and Physical drill. am: 1 Ldg seaman discharged to "Blenheim". am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Paid monthly money. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Liberty returned on board. pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010124: ( 53-38210-022_0.jpg) 8 December 1915 Mudros, Kephalo, Anzac, Kephalo, Anzac Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands securing ship for sea. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded, communicated with "Arragon". 9.0am: a/c N 66 E. Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.40am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. Noon: Communicated with "Bacchante". 12.15pm: Proceeded to Anzac, courses as requisite. 12.30pm: Communicated with "Rattlesnake". 1.20pm: Closed "Grafton". 3.40pm: Proceeded to Kephalo. 4.15pm: Evening quarters. exercised night action. 5.25pm: Proceeded to Anzac. 6.30pm: Closed and communicated with "Grafton". 7.45pm: Let go port anchor, veered to 6 shackles in 26 fathoms water. 8.0pm: Weighed. 8.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Engaged enemy's position. 11.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8599cadfd34197010125: ( 53-38210-022_1.jpg) 9 December 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.26, Long 26.23 am: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 6.0am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.30am: Resumed "day" patrol. am: Hands employed cleaning Ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite. 12.45pm: "Rattlesnake" closed and communicated. 1.0pm: Closed Anzac beach. 1.15pm: Proceeded on patrol. 2.30pm: Proceeded to South'ard. Course and speed as requisite. 3.30pm: Returned to patrol line. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. Read Warrant. 7.30pm: Engaged enemy's position. 8.15pm: Engaged enemy's position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.35pm: Engaged enemy's position. pm: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8599cadfd34197010126: ( 53-38210-023_0.jpg) 10 December 1915 Anzac patrol and to and from Kephalo Lat 40.25, Long 26.19 Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 5.45am: Engaged enemy's position. 6.0am: Resumed “day” patrol. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions Prayers and Physical drill. 9.15am: Proceed to “K”. 9.25am: Returned to Anzac. 9.35am: Proceeded to K. 10.15am: Closed “Chelmer”. 10.27am: Proceeded. 11.30am: Closed “Bacchante” and took station on Starboard bow, speed as requisite. 12.20pm: Proceeded into harbour, course and speed as requisite screening “Bacchante”. 1.30pm: Came to with port anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7½ fathoms water. 4.30pm: Weighed and closed Beach. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Embarked General and proceeded to Suvla. 6.20pm: Disembarked General. Returned to K course and speed as requisite. 7.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010127: ( 53-38210-023_1.jpg) 11 December 1915 Kephalo, Anzac, Aliki Bay and Kephalo Lat 40.2, Long 26.14 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions Prayers and physical drill. 10.0am: Weighed, embarked G.O.C. and proceeded to Anzac. 10.10am: Set course N 67 E 15 knots. 11.0am: Arrived off Anzac and disembarked G.O.C. 11.20am: Closed and communicated with “Grafton”. 11.35am: Proceeded to K. S 73 W. 14 knots. 12.35pm: Came to with port anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to Aliki Bay searching for Submarine. pm: Dropped 2 hydrostatic bombs. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 5.45pm: Returned to K. 6.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles 10 fathoms water. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010128: ( 53-38210-024_0.jpg) 12 December 1915 Kephalo to Mudros Lat 39.94, Long 25.74 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 8.0am: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 10.15am: Completed coaling, received 79 tons, slipped from collier and proceeded to Mudros. 12.20pm: Cape Hake a/b 10.5 mls. 1.12pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 2.0pm: Came to with port anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd34197010129: ( 53-38210-024_1.jpg) 13 December 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and as requisite. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: 1 Stoker discharged to “Blenheim” (sick). am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Watch employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Liberty men returned on board. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd3419701012a: ( 53-38210-025_0.jpg) 14 December 1915 Mudros to Anzac patrol Lat 39.79, Long 25.4 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite. Preparing ship for sea. 8.25am: Weighed, set course S 60 E, courses as requisite. 8.29am: a/c S 12 W. 8.38am: B and W cheq buoy a/b, a/c Starboard a/c S 20 W. 8.44am: Came to with port anchor veered to 2 shackles in 9 fathoms water. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 1.15pm: Reduced to 15 knots. 2.55pm: Reduced to 12 knots. 3.15pm: Communicated with “Rattlesnake”. 4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Courses as requisite for patrolling. 7.30pm: Engaged enemy’s positions on Right Flank. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.45pm: Engaged enemy’s positions. pm: Patrolling off Right Flank and burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8599cadfd3419701012b: ( 53-38210-025_1.jpg) 15 December 1915 Patrolling at Anzac Lat 40.25, Long 26.24 am: Patrolling off Right Flank. 1.15am: Engaged enemy’s positions. am: Patrolling off Right Flank 6.0am: Resumed day patrol. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Patrolling off Anzac, courses as requisite. am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.15pm: Evening quarters, Exercised night action. pm: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L intermittently. 7.15pm: Engaged enemy’s position. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Engaged enemy’s position. pm: Patrolling off Right Flank, burning S.L. intermittently. 4caf8599cadfd3419701012c: ( 53-38210-026_0.jpg) 16 December 1915 Patrolling at Anzac and to Kephalo Lat 40.24, Long 26.22 am: Patrolling on Right Flank and burning S.L. continuously. 6.30am: Resumed day patrol. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.05am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 8.10am: Closed “Welland”. 9.10am: Embarked Captain of “Bacchante”. 10.15am: Stopped and dis-embarked Captain of “Bacchante”. 10.30am: Communicated with “Grafton”. 11.50am: “ “ “Chelmer”. 12.45pm: Embarked Captain of “Bacchante”. 1.0pm: Proceeded to K, courses as requisite 17 knots. 2.0pm: Came to with poet anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms water. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd3419701012d: ( 53-38210-026_1.jpg) 17 December 1915 Kephalo, Anzac, Kephalo Lat 40.26, Long 26.23 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. 6.15am: Hands to breakfast. 7.0am: Hands painting ship’s side. 9.30am: Weighed and closed “Bacchante” and “Talbot” , embarked Officers. 10.50am: Closed Anzac, disembarked Officers. 11.0am: Closed “Grafton” and “Chelmer”. pm: Patrolling off Anzac. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.10pm: Embarked Officers and proceeded to K. 4.15pm: Came to with Port anchor veered to 3 shackles in 8 fathoms water. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8599cadfd3419701012e: ( 53-38210-027_0.jpg) 18 December 1915 Kephalo and Anzac patrol Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: At anchor. am: Rounds correct. am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 8.0am: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 9.50am: Completed coaling received 65 tons. Slipped from collier. 10.05am: Came to with port anchor veered to 3 shackles in 8 fathoms water. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded searching for enemy submarine. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Course and speed as requisite patrolling off Anzac. 4caf8599cadfd3419701012f: ( 53-38210-027_1.jpg) 19 December 1915 Anzac patrol, Aliki Bay Anzac, Aliki bay [ed. on the South coast of Imbros] and Anzac Lat 40.12, Long 25.94 am: Patrolling off Anzac. 6.20am: Proceeded to Aliki, course and speed as requisite. 7.30am: Came to in Aliki Bay with Port anchor veered to 2 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 1.15pm: Embarked M.O. from “Lawford”. [ed. Lawford, L Class Destroyer, 807 tons, arm: 3 x 4”, 4 x 21” TT’s, H.P. 24,500 = 35 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 1.20pm: Passed gateway. 1.30pm: Took station on port bow of “Canning”. [ed. Canning, Royal Indian Marine Troopship, 3300 tons, H.P. 1080 = 10.5 knots, May be Kite Balloon ship, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. pm: Course and speed as requisite for screening “Canning”. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action. pm: Patrolling off Anzac. 4caf8599cadfd34197010130: ( 53-38210-028_0.jpg) 20 December 1915 Patrolling at Anzac, Kephalo and Mudros Lat 40.0, Long 25.82 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 2.30am: Closed beach and stopped. 3.30am: Closed “Honeysuckle”. [ed. Honeysuckle, Acacia Class Sweeping Sloop, 1299 tons, image]. am: Embarked beach party from Anzac. 6.05am: Proceeded to Kephalo, course and speed as requisite. 7.10am: Came to with port anchor and veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms water. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside “Bacchante”. 10.15am: Secured to “Bacchante” embarked Officer for passage. 11.0am: Cast off from “Bacchante” and proceeded to Mudros. am: Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 11.28am: Set course S 60 W. 12.20pm: a/c S 50 W. 2.55pm: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. pm: 1 Ldg sea and 1 AB returned from “Blenheim”. 4.0pm: L.S. Harmer discharged to “Blenheim”. 4.20pm: Completed coaling rec 49 tons, Slipped from collier. 4.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 9 fathoms of water. 4.45pm: Shifted billets came to in 5½ fathoms with 3 shackles. 7.0pm: Hands to supper. 10.10pm: Dropped second anchor. 4caf8599cadfd34197010131: ( 53-38210-028_1.jpg) 21 December 1915 Mudros and at sea Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.0am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: Quarters clean guns. 8.55am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Watch employed as requisite. 9.30pm: Weighed Starboard anchor. 9.40pm: Weighed Port anchor and proceeded to sea. 10.40pm: Cape Irene on the beam. 4caf8599cadfd34197010132: ( 53-38210-029_0.jpg) 22 December 1915 Patrolling coast of Imbros I. and Morto Bay Lat 40.2, Long 26.04 12.40am: Reduced to 10 knots. Courses as requisite. am: searching coast to S’wrd of Imbros Island. 1.30am: Reduced to 8 knots. 2.0am: Dead slow. 7.20am: Increased to 17 knots. 7.40am: Decreased to 10 knots. 8.15am: Sent away whaler. 8.40am: Whaler returned, course and speed as requisite. am: Watch employed as requisite. 10.0am: Proceeded to North of Imbros. 12.50pm: Stopped and communicated with “Comet” and “Rattlesnake”. [ed. Comet, H Class Destroyer, 800 tons, arm: 2 x 4”, 2 x 12 pdr, 2 x 21” TT’s, comp: 72, H.P. 13,599 = 27 knots, Jane’s fighting Ships 1914, Lost after collision while under tow on 6 August 1918 in the Mediterranean, Wikipedia, image]. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Action Stations. pm: Patrolling in Morto Bay, course and speed as requisite. 4caf8599cadfd34197010133: ( 53-38210-029_1.jpg) 23 December 1915 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.04, Long 26.17 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling Dardanelles. am: Patrolling in Morto Bay. 6.30am: Proceeded out of Dardanelles. 11.35am: E 11 arrived at entrance to Dardanelles. [ed. E 11, E Class Submarine, 1912, speed surface 16 knots, 4 TT’s, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, sank 80 vessels in three tours of the sea of Marmara, image]. pm: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles, course and speed as requisite. 4.0pm: Night action stations. 9.0pm: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles, course and speed as requisite. 4caf8599cadfd34197010134: ( 53-38210-030_0.jpg) 24 December 1915 Dardanelles patrol to Aliki Bay and return Lat 40.04, Long 26.15 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling off Sedul Bass. 7.0am: Proceeded on Patrol (G) at entrance to Dardanelles. 9.0am: Hands to physical drill. 9.30am: Hands detailed as requisite. 1.0pm: Proceeded to Aliki Bay, course as requisite. 1.55pm: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 4.10pm: Completed coaling, rec 67 tons. Cast off from collier and proceeded to Dardanelles patrol. Hands cleaning ship as requisite. 6.15pm: Took up station off be Tots. pm: Patrolling off Morto Bay. 4caf8599cadfd34197010135: ( 53-38210-030_1.jpg) 25 December 1915 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Patrolling in Morto Bay, course and speed as requisite. 7.55am: Proceeded to left flank. 8.15am: Closed “Lydiard” and proceeded. [ed. Lydiard, Laforey Class Destroyer,1910, 807 tons, arm: 3 x 4”, 4 x 21” TT’s, H.P. 24,500 = 35 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 11.07am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 12.10pm: Secured along side “Carrigan Head”. 1.15pm: Provisioned ship. 2.15pm: Cast off from “Carrigan Head”. 2.30pm: Came to with port anchor and veered to 2 shackles in 5 fathoms of water. 4caf8599cadfd34197010136: ( 53-38210-031_0.jpg) 26 December 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Sent R.Cs to “Blenheim”. am: Leave to Watch from 1.0pm till 4.30pm. 4caf8599cadfd34197010137: ( 53-38210-031_1.jpg) 27 December 1915 Mudros to Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded co and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 11.50am: Set course S 30 E, speed 15 knots. Noon: a/c S 40 E. 12.05pm: a/c S 45 E. 12.10pm: a/c S 56 E. 12.25pm: Cape Irene abeam, a/c N 72 E. 12.30pm: “Kennet” took station on the beam at 6 cables. 1.20pm: Inc to 17 knots. 2.18pm: a/c N 68 E. 2.30pm: Dec to 15 knots. 2.45pm: Dec to 12 knots. 3.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling Dardanelles. 4.0pm: Night action stations. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling off Dardanelles. 6.0pm: Proceeded to Morto Bay. pm: Patrolling in Morto Bay. 4caf8599cadfd34197010138: ( 53-38210-032_0.jpg) 28 December 1915 Patrolling at Dardanelles, Kephalo and return to patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.04 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling in Morto Bay. 6.30am: Proceeded to outer patrol line. 9.0am: Sunk mine (in 40 01N, 26 09E). 9.10am: Proceeded to K. 9.30am: Took station on Starboard bow of “Suffren”. [ed. Suffren, French Battleship, 1899, disp: 12,750 tons, arm: 4 x 12”, 10 x 6.4”, 8 x 4”, 22 x 3 pdrs, 4 x 18” TT’s, comp: 730 men, H.P. 16,200 = 18 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 10.40am: Course and speed as requisite for screening “Suffren”. Noon: Went to assistance of aeroplane. 12.40pm: Aeroplane secured in board and proceeded to “K” course and speed as requisite. 1.35pm: Came to with Port anchor in 7½ fathoms with 2 shackles. 3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 4.45pm: Arrived off Dardanelles and proceeded on patrol course and speed as requisite. 6.0pm: Patrolling between Seddul Bahr and Kum Kale, course and speed as requisite. pm: As for last drg. 4caf8599cadfd34197010139: ( 53-38210-032_1.jpg) 29 December 1915 Dardanelles, Kephalo, Dardanelles Lat 40.04, Long 25.85 am: Patrolling in Dardanelles course and speed as requisite. 6.0am: Took up “G” patrol. “Kennet” and “Rattlesnake” closed. 9.05am: Physical drill. 10.0am: Patrolling on Left flank 10 knots course as requisite. 10.50am: Opened fire on enemy troops ashore, at Gabe Tepe and Anzac. 1 Man killed (Stoker Key) Lt. Hemming R.N.R. and Stoker O’Neal wounded. 11.10am: Proceeded to “K”, 17 knots course as requisite. 11.50am: Arrived at Kephalo and came to with port anchor in 8 fathoms with 2 shackles, Discharged “Hibernia” Sto O’Neal (Wounded). [ed. Hibernia, image]. pm: Screening “Hibernia” while firing. Course and speed as requisite. 4.03pm: Course S 50 W 14 knots. 4.35pm: Proceeded to harbour. 5.30pm: Proceeded course and speed as requisite for funeral of Stoker Key. 5.50pm: Stopped and carried out burial service at sea. 6.0pm: Proceeded to Kephalo course and speed as requisite. 6.30pm: Arrived at “K” and closed “Hibernia” . 7.0pm: Proceeded to Dardanelles course and speed as requisite. 7.12pm: Set Course S 32 E speed 12 knots. 7.30pm: a/c S 30 E. 4caf8599cadfd3419701013a: ( 53-38210-033_0.jpg) 30 December 1915 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Patrolling in Dardanelles. 6.30am: Proceeded to entrance of Dardanelles. 8.07am: Set course S 67 W, 17 knots. 9.45am: Cape Plaba abeam 14 knots. 11.25am: Secured to collier and commenced coaling. 1.15pm: Resumed coaling. 2.10pm: Completed coaling received 60 tons. 2.15pm: Came to with Port anchor, veered to 3 shackles in 5½ fathoms of water. 6.0pm: 3 Stoker ratings joined ship. 4caf8599cadfd3419701013b: ( 53-38210-033_1.jpg) 31 December 1915 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Midshipman joined ship and Mr Pacey discharged to “Blenheim”. Noon: Weighed and Proceeded course and speed as requisite. 12.30pm: Course S 36 E 13 knots. 1.0pm: a/c N 69 E. 1.50pm: Cape Plaka abeam. 3.15pm: Ponenta Pt abeam. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrol. 7.50pm: “Comet” and “Fury” joined up. [ed. Fury, H Class Destroyer, 1910, about 800 tons, arm: 2 x 4” (25 pdr), 2 x 12 pdr, 2 x 21” TT’s, comp 72 men, H.P. 13,500 = 27 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 4caf8599cadfd3419701013c: ( 53-38210-034_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd3419701013d: ( 53-38210-034_1.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd3419701013e: ( 53-38210-035_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd3419701013f: ( 53-38210-035_1.jpg) THE VOYAGES OF HMS COLNE 1916 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1916 4caf8599cadfd34197010140: ( 53-38211-001_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010141: ( 53-38211-001_1.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010142: ( 53-38211-002_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010143: ( 53-38211-002_1.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010144: ( 53-38211-003_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010145: ( 53-38211-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1916 At Dardanelles Lat 40.02, Long 26.16 6.30am: Proceeded to outer Patrol. 8.15am: Divisions and prayers. 10.0am: Hands employed preparing for mine-sweeping. 3.45pm: “Staunch” and “Lawford” arrived on Patrol. 5.45pm: Proceeded to inner patrol Morto Bay. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night action stations. 5.0pm: Darkened ship. 6.50pm: Arrived Morto Bay. 7.50pm: Dropped back to Patrol line. 4caf8599cadfd34197010146: ( 53-38211-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1916 At Dardanelles Lat 40.02, Long 26.16 6.0am: Resumed Gulf Patrol. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: “Rattlesnake” and “Racoon” proceeded. am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night action stations. 5.0pm: Darkened ship. 6.0pm: Proceeded on Inner Patrol. 4caf8599cadfd34197010147: ( 53-38211-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1916 Dardanelles, Kephalo and Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.62 6.0am: Resumed G Patrol. 7.20am: Shaped course NNW for Kephalo. 250 Revs. 8.15am: Course and speed as requisite for entering K. 8.45am: Division and Prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: Proceeded for Mudros. 10.20am: Passed Gate. 12.30pm: Course as requisite for entering harbour. 1.05pm: Passed Gate. 2.10pm: Secured to collier. pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 Shovel, 3 Coal bags. 4.05pm: Cast off from collier and came to both anchors, Port 2½ shackles, Starboard 1½ shackles. pm: One hand scrubber lost overboard by accident. 4caf8599cadfd34197010148: ( 53-38211-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1916 At Mudros to Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 12.20pm: Passed gate, speed 13 knots. 12.55pm: Cape Irene abeam a/c N 69 E. pm: One Crutch lost overboard by accident. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. pm: Took up position on I Patrol. 5.0pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd34197010149: ( 53-38211-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1916 At Dardanelles Lat 39.99, Long 26.11 5.0am: Proceeded to Gulf Patrol. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.50am: Submarine Action stations. am: Dropped two Grenade bombs. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.0pm: Darkened ship. 6.30pm: Proceeded on Patrol. 4caf8599cadfd3419701014a: ( 53-38211-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1916 From Dardanelles to Mudros. Lat 39.79, Long 25.45 5.30am: Proceeded on Gulf Patrol. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: “Chelmer” arrived on Patrol. Proceeded for Mudros course S 69 W, 17 knots. am: Lost overboard by accident Scrubbers hand bass Patt 459 1 in No. 11.40am: a/c S 75 W. pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 1.20pm: Secured alongside collier. 2.35pm: Left collier took in 43 tons of coal. 2.45pm: Came to Port anchor 3 shackles. Anchor Bearings:- {Two Windmills N 48 W. {Peak N 82 W. {Turks Island S 2 E. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. pm: Lost overboard by accident Crutch g.m. 1 in No. 4caf8599cadfd3419701014b: ( 53-38211-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to watch 1.0pm – 5.0pm. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.15pm: Liberty men returned. 4caf8599cadfd3419701014c: ( 53-38211-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1916 From Mudros to Kephalo at Helles Lat 40.04, Long 26.17 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside “Laforey” took in 12 pdr and 4” ammunition. [ed. Laforey, L Class Destroyer, 807 tons, arm: 3 x 4”, 4 x 21” TT’s, H.P. 24,500 = 35 knots, Jane’s Fighting ships 1914, image]. 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 6.45am: Course SE, 15 knots. 7.05am: a/c ESE, 16 knots. 7.15am: Cape Irene abeam, a/c N 60 E. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Course and speed as requisite for entering “K”. 10.27am: Came to Port anchor in 5¼ fathoms 2 shackles. am: “Scorpion” secured alongside and in ammunition. 11.0am: “Scorpion” cast off. Weighed and proceeded for Cape Helles course as requisite, speed 15 knots. Noon: Arrived off Helles. 12.45pm: Proceeded for “K” course N 40 W 15 knots. 1.45pm: Came to Port anchor in 8½ fathoms 2 shackles. 4.10pm: Shifted billet. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 8.0pm: Arrived off Helles, course and speed as requisite for attending on beaches. 4caf8599cadfd3419701014d: ( 53-38211-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1916 From Dardanelles to Kephalo to Dardanelles Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 am: Course and speed as requisite for attending beaches. 5.0am: Embarked beach parties. 7.0am: Shaped course for Kephalo 10 knots. 7.20am: Assisted G II to pick up lighter. 8.45am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles. am: Lost overboard by accident, Hooks boat gunmetal Patt: 78C 1 in No, Buckets canvas 2 in No. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside “Chatham” and discharged beach parties. [ed. Chatham, Chatham Class Light Cruiser, 1911, disp: 5,400 tons, arm: 8 x 6”, 4 x 3 pdr, 2 x 21” TT’s, comp 380 men, H.P. 22,000 = 25 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 1.55pm: Passed gate. Shaped course for Dardanelles 10 knots. 3.15pm: Arrived on Patrol, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd3419701014e: ( 53-38211-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1916 Dardanelles Lat 40.0, Long 26.14 am: Lost overboard by accident. Cases Cartridge 12 pdr 12 cwt 1 in No. 5.30am: Opened fire on V Beach 5 Comm, 4 Lyddite. 7.30am: Received mail from “Staunch”. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hand employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Fired 50 rounds 1” aiming rifle to sink supposed mine. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.05pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd3419701014f: ( 53-38211-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1916 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 5.30am: Fired on V beach 5 Comm, 5 Lyddite. am: Lost overboard by accident Cases Cartridge 12 pdr 8 cwt 1 in No. 8.0am: Shaped Course S 70 W speed 16 knots. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. 10.17am: Cape Irene abeam, a/c as requisite for entering Mudros. 11.15am: Alongside collier. 12.25pm: Hands to dinner. 1.0pm: Resumed coaling. 1.35pm: Cast off from collier. Took in 60 tons. 1.45pm: Came to Port anchor 3 shackles. pm: Lost overboard by accident, Bags Coal tarred 2 cwt 3 in No. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 4caf8599cadfd34197010150: ( 53-38211-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At anchor. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Leave to the watch till 5.0 PM. 4.30pm: Let go Starboard anchor. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4caf8599cadfd34197010151: ( 53-38211-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1916 From Mudros to Dardanelles Lat 39.85, Long 25.54 [approx] am: At anchor. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour in company of “Kennet”. 12.0noon: Speed 13 knots. 12.15pm: Set course N 69 E. 3.25pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.05pm: Darkened ship. 6.15pm: Proceeded on Patrol W.N.W. of Cape Helles. 4caf8599cadfd34197010152: ( 53-38211-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1916 Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.04, Long 26.09 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.15am: Captain repaired on board “Edgar”. [ed. Edgar, [old] Cruiser, 1890, disp: 7350 tons, arm:2 x 9.2”, 30 cal, 10 x 6”, 12 x 6 pdr, 5 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18” TT’s, H.P. 12,000 = 19.5 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 11.45am: Captain returned on board. 2..30pm: Captain repaired onboard “Laforey”. 3.30pm: Captain returned. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.06pm: Darkened ship. 6.15pm: Proceeded on S.W Patrol. 9.0pm: Closed and communicated with “Laforey”. 10.0pm: Resumed Patrol. 4caf8599cadfd34197010153: ( 53-38211-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1916 Dardanelles, Kephalo, Aliki Bay, Dardanelles Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 7.0am: Set course for Kephalo 12 knots. 8.11am: Passed gate. 9.05am: Came to Starboard anchor in 9½ fathoms 4½ shackles. Port anchor 1½ shackles. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Aliki Bay course and speed as requisite. 3.20pm: Came to Port anchor 4 shackles. 4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to Helles 15 knots, course as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.0pm: a/c S 36 W 12 knots. 5.12pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd34197010154: ( 53-38211-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1916 Dardanelles to Mudros Lat 39.84, Long 25.67 (Long 26º 40’ in log, clear error) 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. 11.0am: Set course S 70 W for Mudros. 12.50pm: Cape Irene abeam. Course as requisite for entering harbour. 1.15pm: Speed as requisite. 1.50pm: Secured to collier. 3.40pm: Cast off from collier and made fast to H.M.S “Beagle” Lieut. Allen joined ship in command. Commander Biggs to “Beagle”. [ed. Beagle, G Class Destroyer, 1910, 860 tons, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.40pm: Cast off from “Beagle”. pm: Came to Port anchor 4 shackles. Anchor bearings: { Peak N 79 E { Turks Island S 10 W.
4caf8599cadfd34197010155: ( 53-38211-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Leave to the watch till 5.0 PM. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 4caf8599cadfd34197010156: ( 53-38211-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Leave to the watch till 5.0pm. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4caf8599cadfd34197010157: ( 53-38211-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1916 Mudros to Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.77, Long 25.34 am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Weighed and proceeded in company of “Kennet”, course as requisite, 15 knots. 12.10pm: Took station 4 cables on Port beam off “Kennet”, course N 67 E. 1.50pm: Cape Orlaka abeam. 3.0pm: Arrived on Patrol, course and speed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.05pm: Darkened ship. 6.15pm: Proceeded on S.W. Patrol. 4caf8599cadfd34197010158: ( 53-38211-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1916 Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.99, Long 26.1 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.15pm: Proceeded on Central Patrol. 4caf8599cadfd34197010159: ( 53-38211-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1916 Dardanelles, Kephalo and patrolling Lat 40.15, Long 25.98 3.0am: Closed beach. 4.15am: Opened fire on V and W beaches. 7.40am: Set course for Kephalo, 15 knots in Company of “Chelmer”. 8.30am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for circumnavigating Imbros. 3.0pm: Cape Avlaka abeam speed 10 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.20pm: Stopped and communicated with “Hibernia”. [ed. Hibernia, King Edward Class Battleship, 1903, disp: 16,350 tons, arm: 4 x 12”, 4 x 9.2”, 10 x 6”, 12 x 12 pdr, 14 x 3 pdr, 5 x 18” TT’s, comp: 777 men, H.P. 18,000 = 18.9 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 5.40pm: Observed two rockets fired from Rabbit Islands, proceeded 20 knots. 6.20pm: Proceeded on SW Patrol 8 knots. 5.20pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd3419701015a: ( 53-38211-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1916 Dardanelles, Aliki Bay and Mudros Lat 39.8, Long 25.44 [approx] 6.0am: Proceeded to Aliki course and speed as requisite. 7.0am: Reduced to 8 knots. 7.30am: Came to Port anchor 4½ shackles. 10.05am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for keeping station astern of “Chelmer”. 1.40pm: Secured to collier. 4.0pm: Cast off from collier. took in 71 tons. 4.30pm: Came to both anchors Starboard 3½ shackles, Port 1½ shackles. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 4caf8599cadfd3419701015b: ( 53-38211-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 10.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside “Blenheim”. 10.15am: Secured. pm: Leave to the watch 1.0 pm to 5.0 pm. 3.30pm: Lieutenant Loveband joined ship in command. 4.30pm: Lieutenant Allen to “Blenheim”. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf8599cadfd3419701015c: ( 53-38211-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.45am: “Fury” cast off from “Blenheim”. “Colne” dropped alongside and secured to “Blenheim”. am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship as requisite. 9.45am: Shifted astern of “Blenheim”. pm: Hands employed scraping and painting ship as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf8599cadfd3419701015d: ( 53-38211-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship as requisite. 10.30am: Shifted alongside “Blenheim” and secured to “Staunch”. pm: Hands employed painting and scraping ship as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf8599cadfd3419701015e: ( 53-38211-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship as requisite. pm: 2 Stoker ratings discharged to “Blenheim”. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf8599cadfd3419701015f: ( 53-38211-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed scraping and painting ship and as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf8599cadfd34197010160: ( 53-38211-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed scraping and painting ship and as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf8599cadfd34197010161: ( 53-38211-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 9.20am: Shifted astern of “Blenheim”. am: Hands employed cleaning ship as requisite. 1.30pm: Leave to the watch till 5.30pm. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned. 5.0pm: Quarters. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf8599cadfd34197010162: ( 53-38211-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 1.0pm: Leave to the watch till 5.30pm. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned. 5.30pm: Quarters. 4caf8599cadfd34197010163: ( 53-38211-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed painting as requisite. 11.0am: 1 Rating joined ship from “Blenheim”. 1.55pm: Cast off from “Blenheim”. 2.30pm: Secured to collier “Zonani” and took in stores and oil. 3.20pm: Cast off from collier. 3.30pm: Came to both anchors Starboard 4 shackles Port 1½ shackles. 5.0pm: Quarters. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1916 4caf8599cadfd34197010164: ( 53-38211-019_0.jpg) 1 February 1916 Mudros and at sea towards Maltezana Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: At double anchor. 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 4.20pm: Closed “Europa” and embarked 5 ratings. 4.30pm: Proceeded course as requisite. 15 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters. 5.30pm: Darkened ship. 6.40pm: Sighted Sigri light S 60 E. pm: a/c S 30 E. 9.25pm: Sighted Psara Lt. S 10 N. a/c S 11 E. 9.36pm: a/c S 5 E. 10.15pm: Psara Lt abeam 5 miles. 4caf8599cadfd34197010165: ( 53-38211-019_1.jpg) 2 February 1916 At sea to Maltezana Bay [ed. Astipalea] Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 2.40am: C. Papas Lt S 50 E a/c S 22 E. 3.06am: C.Papas Pt N 68 E 4 miles. 5.10am: a/c S 32 E. 6.30am: a/c S 35 E. 7.0am: Course as requisite for entering harbour. 8.15am: Came to Port anchor 4 shackles 15 fathoms. 12.20pm: Weighed and proceeded along side collier. 12.30pm: Secured. 2.15pm: Cast off from collier. Took in 45 tons. 2.20pm: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles 5 fathoms. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.30pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd34197010166: ( 53-38211-020_0.jpg) 3 February 1916 Maltezana Bay and at sea Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 am: At anchor. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.05pm: Weighed and proceeded. Took station astern of “Wolverine”, 12 knots. 1.15pm: Passed gate. 1.32pm: Ono Petri Pt abeam 2 cables. 1.40pm: a/c N 25 W proceeded independently. 3.45pm: Kinaros Island abeam. 5.0pm: Quarters. 5.15pm: Sighted “Mars”. [Mars, Majestic Class Battleship, 1896, arm: 4 x 12”, 12 x 6”, 16 x 12 pdr, 12 x 3 pdr, 2 x Maxims, 2 x 12 pdr boat guns, 5 x 18” TT’s, disp: 14,900 tons, comp: 757 men, H.P. natural 10,000 = 16.5 knots, forced 12,000 = 17.5 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 6.0pm: Darkened ship. 6.15pm: 8 knots. 6.20pm: a/c N. 6.30pm: a/c NNW. 7.30pm: a/c N 65 W. 7.45pm: a/c SE. 8.25pm: C. Papas Lt dist: 4.5’. 11.28pm: a/c S 28 E. 4caf8599cadfd34197010167: ( 53-38211-020_1.jpg) 4 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.63, Long 27.84 1.10am: Sighted Kandeliusa Lt S 33 E. 2.30am: Kandeliusa Lt abeam 2½ a/c S 38 E. 7.15am: Inc’ 15 knots course as requisite. 8.30am: Course and speed as requisite for investigating Atemmea. 9.10am: Set course N 95 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.20am: Course and speed as requisite for investigating Symi. 12.05pm: Came to Port anchor 6 shackles in 38 fathoms. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite. 13 knots. 2.15pm: S 5 W. 3.30pm: a/c WNW. 3.45pm: a/c NW. 3.55pm: a/c NNE. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action. pm: Courses as requisite for closing “Wolverine”. 6.0pm: Darkened ship. 6.15pm: Closed “Wolverine”. 6.20pm: Proceeded N 7 E, 12 knots. 7.20pm: 10 knots, a/c N 14 W. 8.0pm: 8 knots. pm: Patrolling between Pharmako and Gadairo Island. 4caf8599cadfd34197010168: ( 53-38211-021_0.jpg) 5 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 37.09, Long 26.65 am: Patrolling from Pharmako to Gadairo Island. 5.30am: S 30 E, inc 13 knots. 6.50am: a/c S, 15 knots. 7.30am: a/c S by E. 8.0am: a/c S 49 E. 8.15am: a/c S 75 E. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.0am: Closed “Scorpion” 10.30am: a/c N 42 W, 17 knots. 2.0pm: a/c N 40 W. 2.15pm: C. Papas abeam. 2.20pm: a/c N. 2.30pm: a/c N 40 E. 2.45pm: Stopped to communicate with tug and lighter. 2.50pm: Proceeded N 55 E 15 knots. 3.15pm: Stopped and communicated with second tug. 4.35pm: Proceeded in company of tugs N 68 E 7 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Actions. 5.45pm: a/c E. 6.0pm: Darkened ship. 6.45pm: a/c S 65 E. 8.05pm: a/c S 38 E. 10.30pm: a/c S 42 E. 4caf8599cadfd34197010169: ( 53-38211-021_1.jpg) 6 February 1916 Patrol to Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 1.25am: Kalelimnos Lt S 30 E. 2.0am: Pharmakos Island abeam 5 miles. 2.45am: a/c S 22 E. 3.50am: a/c S 23 W. 5.25am: a/c S 56 W. 15 knots. 8.0am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 8.20am: Came to Port anchor 3½ shackles in 16 fathoms. 9.30am: Weighed. 9.50am: Secured to collier took in 97 tons. 12.35pm: Cast off from collier. 12.45pm: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 6½ fathoms. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.0pm: Darkened ship. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf8599cadfd3419701016a: ( 53-38211-022_0.jpg) 7 February 1916 Maltezana and at sea Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite, 12 knots. 1.18pm: Passed gate. 1.30pm: Pl. Oxo Petro abeam. a/c E. 1.35pm: a/c N 26 W. 1.40pm: Pt. Oxo Petro abeam Dist 1’. 3.40pm: Liadi Island abeam Dist 4’ 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.05pm: a/c N by W. 6.35pm: Red 8 knots. Darkened ship. 7.0pm: C. Papos abeam Dist 2’, a/c N 47 W. 7.30pm: a/c S 45 E, Inc 12 knots. 7.55pm: a/c N 70 W, Inc 15 knots. 8.10pm: Set course S 62 E and took station astern of SS “Ausonia”. [ed. Ausonia, image]. 11.10pm: Spano Lt. abeam 8 miles. 11.30pm: a/c S 25 E. 4caf8599cadfd3419701016b: ( 53-38211-022_1.jpg) 8 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.56, Long 27.95 2.30am: Kandeleusa Lt. abeam, dist 2’ a/c S 40 E. 5.20am: Sighted Cape Prasonis Lt. S 56 E. 7.30am: a/c N, parted Company with “Ausonia”. 8.22am: Prasonis Lt house abeam dist 5’ 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.46am: a/c N 42 E. 10.07am: a/c N 28 E. 11.30am: a/c N 34 E. 12.25pm: Course and speed as requisite for investigating Saranta and Badaline bays. 1.30pm: Dec to 4 knots, fired 5 rounds at village. 1.45pm: Set course S 75 W 13 knots. 2.0pm: Course as requisite for investigating Kaloyari Island 2.45pm: a/c S 70 W, 13 knots. 3.45pm: a/c S 70 W. 4.05pm: Injah Pt. abeam a/c W. 5.05pm: a/c N 70 W. 5.20pm: a/c NW, Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.30pm: a/c N 13 E. 6.25pm: a/c WNW. 6.42pm: a/c N 67W, Darkened ship. 7.02pm: Kum Lt abeam. 7.12pm: a/c N 37 W. 7.45pm: a/c N 5 E, Red to 8 knots. 7.47pm: Kalmino Lt abeam. pm: Patrolling from Phamarko and Gadairo. 4caf8599cadfd3419701016c: ( 53-38211-023_0.jpg) 9 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.94, Long 27.35 12.30am: a/c S 30 E. 1.30am: a/c S. 3.0am: a/c S 15 W. 3.15am: a/c N 10 E. 5 40am: Kalolmino Lt abeam Dist ¾’. 5.48am: a/c S 37 E, Inc to 13 knots. 6.0am: Course as requisite for Kos Channel. 6.42am: Set course E. 6.50am: Inc to 15 knots. 8.10am: a/c S 75 E to close sailing vessels. 8.30am: Boarded vessels. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. 8.45am: Set course S 89 W with prizes in tow. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.16am: a/c S 86 W. 12.25pm: a/c S 75 W 7 knots. 1.0pm: 9 knots. 1.07pm: a/c S 85 W. 1.19pm: a/c N 75 W. 2.07pm: a/c N 62 W. 2.25pm: Secured to “Scorpion” in Kalmino and turned over prizes to “Scorpion”. 3.10pm: Cast off from “Scorpion”. 3.20pm: Course E by S 13½ knots. 3.35pm: a/c N 8 E. 3.45pm: a/c N 19 W. 3.50pm: Inc to 15 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.30pm: a/c N 37 W. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 7.28pm: a/c NW. 10.20pm: Cape Mastiko abeam 4.5 miles. 11.05pm: a/c N 9 W Sighted Psara Lt NNW. 4caf8599cadfd3419701016d: ( 53-38211-023_1.jpg) 10 February 1916 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.36am: Psata Lt abeam 3½ miles. 3.15am: Sigri Lt abeam 18 miles. 4.03am: Red 13 knots. 5.50am: Reduced to 10 knots. 5.55am: 8 knots. 6.15am: a/c N 25 W. 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Mudros. 7.15am: Secured to collier. 7.50am: Commenced coaling. 10.07am: Cast off from collier, proceeded alongside “Carrigan Head” and provisioned ship. pm: Provisioning ship. 3.15pm: Cast off from “Carrigan Head”. 3.30pm: Came to both anchors Port 3 Starboard 1½ shackles in 5 fathoms. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd3419701016e: ( 53-38211-024_0.jpg) 11 February 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Leave to the watch 1.30 – 5.30pm. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 4caf8599cadfd3419701016f: ( 53-38211-024_1.jpg) 12 February 1916 Mudros and patrolling Lat 38.97, Long 25.55 6.55am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 7.10am: 14 knots. 7.15am: a/c S 25 E. 7.35am: a/c S15 E, Red 12 knots. 10.0am: Inc. to 14 knots. 11.0am: Inc. to 15 knots. 12:10pm: Red to 13½ knots. 1.42pm: a/c S 4 E. 5.0pm: S 11 E, Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.50pm: a/c S 49 E, 10½ knots. Midnight: a/c S 20 E. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf8599cadfd34197010170: ( 53-38211-025_0.jpg) 13 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.59, Long 27.94 am: Kandelinsa Lt: S 30 E. 2.45am: Kandelinsa Lt abeam 5 miles. 6.0am: Reduced to 8 knots. 6.30am: Inc. to 10 knots. 6.45am: As requisite investigating Scarpanto Island. 7.30am: Set course N 35 E, 13 knots. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. 9.30am: a/c N 55 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: a/c as requisite for Seskli Strait. pm: Came to Port anchor 3 shackles in Symi. 1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite, 18 knots. 1.40pm: Set course N 53 E. 2.0pm: As requisite for Arinch bay. 3.15pm: Set course S 48 W. 3.30pm: a/c S 76 W. 4.20pm: a/c S 56 W. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.20pm: a/c S. 6.35pm: a/c SSW. 7.0pm: a/c N 71 W, Red to 8 knots. 9.45pm: a/c N 19 W. 4caf8599cadfd34197010171: ( 53-38211-025_1.jpg) 14 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 37.05, Long 27.22 1.48am: a/c S 18 E. 6.10am: a/c S 45 E Inc to 10 knots. 6.35am: a/c S 68 E Inc to 12 knots. 7.0am: Course and speed as requisite for closing “Scorpion”. 7.25am: Received mail from “Scorpion”. 7.35am: Set C N 38 W 13 knots. 8.15am: a/c N 54 E. 9.0am: a/c N 42 E. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. 10.05am: Course as requisite. 10.45am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles off Kos. 11.10am: Weighed and proceeded 13 knots. 11.10am: Set course N 25 W. Noon: a/c N 25 E. 12.15pm: a/c N 13 E. 12.25pm: a/c N 53 E. Inc to 14 knots. 1.05pm: Course and speed as requisite for Kasikli Bay. 2.0pm: Destroyed floating mine. Course and speed as requisite for Basaliscus Bay. 3.15pm: Set course N 72 W 15 knots. 5.0pm: a/c N 67 W, Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.30pm: a/c N 83 W. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 7.0pm: Reduced to 13 knots. 7.50pm: a/c S 43 E. Red to 8 knots. 8.0pm: Stopped both. 8.20pm: Proceeded S 43 E 8 knots. 4caf8599cadfd34197010172: ( 53-38211-026_0.jpg) 15 February 1916 Patrolling and to Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 12.15am: Spomo Lt abeam 2 mls. 12.30am: a/c S 25 E. 4.50am: a/c N 75 W. 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Maltezana. 7.05am: Alongside collier. 7.25am: Breakfast. 7.58am: Commenced coaling. 10.10am: Cast off from collier. Took in 93 tons. 10.35am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 5 fathoms. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd34197010173: ( 53-38211-026_1.jpg) 16 February 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd34197010174: ( 53-38211-027_0.jpg) 17 February 1916 From Maltezana to Patrol Lat 36.75, Long 25.8 [approx] 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite 12 knots. 8.15am: Set course E. 8.16am: As requisite. 8.45am: a/c NNW. 9.15am: a/c N 82 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: a/c N 75 W. 11.45am: a/c N 68 W. Noon: a/c N 50 W. 12.15pm: a/c N 11 W. 12.30pm: As requisite for boarding sailing vessel. 1.45pm: Course and speed as requisite for investigating Port Vathy. 1.50pm: Course N 40 E, 12 knots. 2.40pm: a/c NNW. 3.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for swinging ship to correct compass. 4.0pm: Set course N 35 W, 12 knots. 4.50pm: a/c N 14 E, 11 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 7.50pm: a/c S 50 E, Red to 10 knots. 10.45pm: a/c S 23 E. 11.30pm: Sparno Lt abeam 5 mls. 4caf8599cadfd34197010175: ( 53-38211-027_1.jpg) 18 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.59, Long 27.94 3.20am: Kandeliusa Lt abeam 2 mls, a/c S 40 E. 6.50am: a/c N 43 E. 7.0am: Inc. to 12 knots. 7.55am: a/c N 60 E. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: a/c N 27 E. 10.20am: a/c N 11 W. 10.30am: Course as requisite. 10.55am: Came to Port anchor 4 shackles in Symi. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded 16 knots. 2.50pm: Set course S 30 E. 3.0pm: a/c S 40 E. 3.25pm: Course as requisite for investigating Port Sertcheh [now Serçe Koyu] 3.50pm: Set course S 86 W. 4.30pm: a/c N 70 W. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.55pm: a/c N by E. 7.0pm: a/c N 19 W. 7.12pm: a/c N 65 W. 7.30pm: a/c N 58 W. Kum Lt abeam. 8.12pm: a/c N 4 E, Red 8 knots. 9.25pm: Inc to 11 knots. 10.0pm: Patrolling to leeward of Pharmako. 4caf8599cadfd34197010176: ( 53-38211-028_0.jpg) 19 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 37.32, Long 26.55 7.30am Set course S by W, 13 knots. 8.15am: a/c NNW, 8 knots. 8.30am: a/c N 60 W. 9.0am: Inc to 10 knots. 9.30am: a/c N 55 W. 9.45am: a/c N 50 W, inc to 12 knots. 10.0am: a/c N 58 W. 11.15am: Course and speed as requisite. 11.40am: Came to Port anchor 4 shackles 16½ fathoms in Port Skala [ed. on Patmos]. 2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded 15 knots. 2.15pm: Set course N 30 E. 3.30pm: Course as requisite for investigating Samo Pulo. 4.10pm: Proceeded S 79 E 15 knots. 4.41pm: Course as requisite, 12 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.0pm: Set course W 13 knots. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 7.05pm: a/c S 80 W. 8.05pm: a/c SW. 8.45pm: a/c SE, dec to 8 knots. 11.0pm: a/c S 24 E, Sparno Lt abeam. 4caf8599cadfd34197010177: ( 53-38211-028_1.jpg) 20 February 1916 Patrol to Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 3.40am: a/c N 77W, dec to 7 knots. 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 6.55am: Secured to collier. 7.37am: Commenced coaling. 9.10am: Cast off from collier, 78 tons of coal. 9.30am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 7½ fathoms. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf8599cadfd34197010178: ( 53-38211-029_0.jpg) 21 February 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd34197010179: ( 53-38211-029_1.jpg) 22 February 1916 Maltezana to Patrol. Lat 37.15, Long 26.17 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite, 12 knots. 8.30am: Set course N 25 W. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: a/c N 20 W. 12.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing tugs. 1.45pm: Set course S 25 E, 6 knots. Escorting tugs. 3.45pm: a/c S 27 W. 4.0pm: Set course S 27 W. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.15pm: a/c S 32 E. 6.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for communicating with tugs. 6.20pm: Set course S 30 E, 3 knots. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 7.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for communicating with tugs. 9.35pm: Parted company with tugs. 9.40pm: Set course N 16 E, 10 knots. 11.30pm: a/c N 14 E. 4caf8599cadfd3419701017a: ( 53-38211-030_0.jpg) 23 February 1916 Patrolling and escort duty Lat 37.94, Long 27.25 2.24am: a/c N 47 E. 4.38am: Port Tigni Lt abeam 1 ¾ mls. 5.45am: Inc. to 11 knots. 6.30am: Closed “Doris”. Course and speed as requisite. 7.0am: Secured to “Wolverine”. 7.10am: Cast off from “Wolverine”, course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.30pm: Secured to “Wolverine” took in provisions and mails. 3.45pm: Cast off and resumed Patrol. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.0pm: Escorting “Earl of Peterborough” N 85 W 8 knots. [ed. Earl of Peterborough, image]. 8.15pm: a/c S 60 W, Inc to 12 knots. 10.0pm: a/c S 40 W.
4caf8599cadfd3419701017b: ( 53-38211-030_1.jpg) 24 February 1916 Dashing about Lat 36.94, Long 26.99 12.20am: a/c S 33E, Red to 9 knots. 3.45am: Cape Spana Lt abeam 3.2 mls. a/c S 10 W Inc to 10 knots. 6.15am: Inc. to 13 knots, course and speed as requisite for entering Maltezana. 6.50am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles. 7.18am: Weighed. 7.30am: Secured to collier. 7.45am: Proceeded 13 knots course as requisite. 8.05am: Set course N 55 E. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 10.20am: a/c N 33 E. 10.45am: Course as requisite for entering Kalimno. 11.0am: Came to Port anchor 1 shackle. 12.45pm: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite 13 knots. 1.10pm: Set course N 3 W. 1.42pm: a/c N 18 E. 2.20pm: Course and speed as requisite for examining sailing vessels. 2.40pm: Set course N 23 W 13 knots. 3.20pm: a/c as requisite for examining Kavilo Bay. 3.30pm: Set course N 86 W 13 knots. 5.0pm: a/c N 83 W. 5.15pm: Reduced to 12 knots. pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darken ship. 7.50pm: a/c WSW. 8.05pm: a/c S 45 E, Red to 8 knots. 4caf8599cadfd3419701017c: ( 53-38211-031_0.jpg) 25 February 1916 Patrol to Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 12.15am: Spano Lt abeam 5 mls. 12.30am: a/c S 23 E Onc. 9 knots. 4.25am: a/c N 79 W. Inc. to 10 knots. 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 7.10am: Secured to collier. am: Commenced coaling 7.50. 9.15am: Finished coaling. 9.45am: Cast off from collier. 10.0am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 5 fathoms. Anchor Point S 43 W Ruin N 37 W Monument N 52 E am: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf8599cadfd3419701017d: ( 53-38211-031_1.jpg) 26 February 1916 From Maltezana to Patrol Lat 36.37, Long 26.8 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.55am: Weighed and proceeded 15 knots course as requisite. 11.05am: Set course S 40 E. 11.15am: Course as requisite 17 knots. 11.30am: Dec. to 10 knots. Noon: a/c S 53 E. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.36pm: a/c S, Red. to 8 knots. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.46pm: a/c N. 7.45pm: a/c ESE. 8.45pm: a/c W. 9.15pm: a/c E. 10.0pm: a/c W inc. to 10 knots. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 11.0pm: a/c E. Midnight: a/c W. 4caf8599cadfd3419701017e: ( 53-38211-032_0.jpg) 27 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.52, Long 26.09 am: Patrolling Scarpanto Straight. 3.50am: a/c N 53 W. 4.40am: Inc. to 11 knots. 5.10am: a/c N 64 W. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. 10.05am: a/c N 53 W. 1.50pm: a/c N 30 W. 2.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for investigating Amorgos. 3.0pm: a/c N½ E, 10 knots. 4.15pm: a/c N. 4.30pm: a/c N 4 W, Inc. to 11 knots. 4.45pm: a/c N 11 W. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 7.0pm: a/c S 51 E, Red. to 8 knots. 4caf8599cadfd3419701017f: ( 53-38211-032_1.jpg) 28 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.63, Long 27.84 Midnight: a/c S 22 E. 2.50: Sighted Kandeliusa Lt S 35 E. 5.12: Kandeliusa Lt abeam 4 mls. 7.0am: a/c 76 E, Inc. to 12½ knots. 8.35am: a/c N 68 E. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Course as requisite for Scaldi Pass and Symi. Noon: Stopped in Symi. 12.10pm: Proceeded S 85 E 12 knots. 12.45pm: Course and speed as requisite for investigating Badalina Bay. 1.15pm: Opened fire on Badalina Bay. 2.0pm: Set course N 70 W 12 knots. 2.30pm: a/c S 83 W. 3.45pm: a/c S 86 W. 4.20pm: a/c N 69 W. 5.0pm: a/c N 9 W, Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.0pm: a/c NNW, a/c N 55W. 6.36pm: Kum Lt abeam .8 mls. 7.12pm: a/c N 37 W, Red. to 10 knots. 7.38pm: a/c N 4 E, Red. to 8 knots. 9.30pm: a/c N 11 W. 11.55pm: a/c S 16 E. 4caf8599cadfd34197010180: ( 53-38211-033_0.jpg) 29 February 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.97, Long 28.17 Am: Patrolling Mandelyah Gulf. 2.20am: a/c S 10 W. 3.43am: Kalolimno Lt abeam 1 mile, a/c N 3 E. 5.35am: a/c S inc. to 13 knots. 6.50am: a/c S 25 E, Inc. to 15 knots. 7.15am: a/c S 65 E. 7.25am: a/c S 76 E. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Course as requisite for investigating Giova Bay. 11.20am: Sank mine off Cape Kovna. am: Lost overboard by accident:- Cases 12 pdr 12 cwt, cartridge (empty) 1 in No. pm: Course as requisite for Port Devernu Bay. 12.30pm: As requisite for Cape Kovna Bay. 1.0pm: Set course N 85 W, 15 knots. 3.27pm: a/c N 62 W. 4.55pm: a/c S 81 W. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.10pm: a/c N 72 W. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.43pm: a/c N 72 W. 7.40pm: Joined SS “Clan McEwan”. Proceeded in company S 55 E 10 knots. 10.10pm: Spano Lt abeam 4 mls. 10.30pm: a/c S 21 E. sighed: J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf8599cadfd34197010181: ( 53-38211-033_1.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010182: ( 53-38211-034_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010183: ( 53-38211-034_1.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010184: ( 53-38211-035_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010185: ( 53-38211-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MARCH 1916 4caf8599cadfd34197010186: ( 53-38212-001_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010187: ( 53-38212-001_1.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010188: ( 53-38212-002_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd34197010189: ( 53-38212-002_1.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd3419701018a: ( 53-38212-003_0.jpg) 4caf8599cadfd3419701018b: ( 53-38212-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1916 Patrol to Maltezana Lat 36.25, Long 26.84 1.30am: a/c S 37 E, Kandeliusa Lt abeam 3.5 mls. 6.25am: Cape Prasonisi Lt abeam 12 mls. 6.50am: a/c S 40 E. 7.40am: Parted company with “Clan McEwan” set course NW 15 knots. 8.0am: Pos. 35 37N, 27 44E. 8.45am: Divisions and prayers. 9.45am: a/c N 43 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: a/c N 39 W. 12.30pm: a/c N 55 W. 1.15pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Maltezana. 1.45pm: Secured to collier. 5.10pm: Cast off from collier. Took in 114 tons of coal. 5.15pm: Came to Port anchor 3 shackles in 9 fathoms. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf859acadfd3419701018c: ( 53-38212-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1916 Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Divers employed repairing shafts. Noon: Dropped Starboard anchor 1½ shackles. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.45pm: Divers employed repairing shaft. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.20pm: Divers shoved off. 5.35pm: Weighed and Shifted billet. 5.45pm: Came to both anchors Port 4 shackles Starboard 1½ in 10 fathoms. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 4caf859acadfd3419701018d: ( 53-38212-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1916 From Maltezana and at sea towards Mudros Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 2.15pm: Set course N 26 W, 13½ knots. 3.50pm: a/c N 22 W. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Darkened ship. 6.35pm: a/c N by W 7.05pm: Papas Lt abeam 2.5 mls, a/c N 6 W. 8.0pm: Pos. 37 44N, 26 52E. 10.30pm: a/c N 11 W. 4caf859acadfd3419701018e: ( 53-38212-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1916 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.55am: Cape Sigri Lt abeam 15 mls. 5.30am: a/c N 33 W. 6.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 7.30am: Secured to collier “Zonani”. Hands to breakfast. 8.0am: Commenced coaling. 8.40am: Cast off from collier took in 36 tons. 8.50am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 4 fathoms. Anchor bearings Ruin S 17 E Turks Island S 9 E Two Mills N 32 W am: Hands cleaning ship. 1.30pm: Leave to the watch till 5.30. pm: Divers employed repairing shaft. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned. Quarters. 6.50pm: Divers left ship. 4caf859acadfd3419701018f: ( 53-38212-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 3.30am: Let go Starboard anchor 1½ shackles. 8.0am: Divers employed repairing shaft. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Divers employed repairing shaft. 5.0pm: Quarters. 6.30pm: Divers left ship. 4caf859acadfd34197010190: ( 53-38212-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Weighed Starboard anchor. am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Divers employed repairing shaft. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Divers employed repairing shaft. 3.30pm: “Lawford” came alongside, Weighed and proceeded alongside “Blenheim”. 4.0pm: Secured. 5.0pm: Quarters. 6.30pm: Divers left ship. 4caf859acadfd34197010191: ( 53-38212-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf859acadfd34197010192: ( 53-38212-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Divers employed repairing shaft. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Divers employed repairing shaft. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf859acadfd34197010193: ( 53-38212-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Divers employed repairing shaft. 1.30pm: “Lydiard” cast off from “Blenheim”. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Divers employed repairing shaft. 4caf859acadfd34197010194: ( 53-38212-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Divers employed repairing shaft. pm: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Divers repairing shaft. 5.0pm: Quarters. 4caf859acadfd34197010195: ( 53-38212-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. am: Divers repairing shaft. 1.5pm: Leave to the watch till 5.0pm. pm: Divers employed repairing shaft. 4.0pm: Dropped astern of “Blenheim” and “Lawford” secured alongside “Blenheim”. 4.30pm: Hauled ahead and secured to “Lawford” at 5.15pm. 4caf859acadfd34197010196: ( 53-38212-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1916 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Divers employed repairing shaft. 9.40am: R.C. Church party sent aboard “Blenheim”. 9.45am: Divisions and prayers. 1.30pm: Leave to the watch till 5.30. pm: Divers employed repairing shaft. 5.0pm: Quarters. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned. 4caf859acadfd34197010197: ( 53-38212-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1916 Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.40am: Divers finished work. 1.0pm: Cast off from “Blenheim” proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and engine trials. 1.30pm: Entered harbour. 2.0pm: Came to Port anchor 3 shackles in 6 fathoms. pm: Hands employed painting ship. 5.0pm: Quarters. pm: 1 E.R.A. joined ship from “Blenheim”. pm: Discharged 1 E.R.A. to “Blenheim”. 4caf859acadfd34197010198: ( 53-38212-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1916 From Mudros to Maltezana Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 8.45am: Hands to General Quarters. 10.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course and speed as requisite to close “Europa”. 3.20pm: Stopped off “Europa” and received letters. 4.0pm: Proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 4.40pm: As requisite for adjusting compass. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.20pm: Set course S 16 E, 15 knots. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 7.18pm: Sighted Sigri light S 70 E. 8.0pm: Pos 39 09N, 25 31.5E. 8.0pm: Sigri lt abeam 15 miles. 9.25pm: a/c S 2 E. 10.35pm: S lt abeam 6 miles. 4caf859acadfd34197010199: ( 53-38212-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1916 From Mudros to Maltezana and at sea Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 1.40am: Sighted Papas lt S 18 E. 1.50am: a/c S 16 E. 3.08am: Papas lt abeam 1.5 miles. 5.05am: a/c S 30 E. am: Hands prepare ship for coaling. 7.15am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Maltezana. 7.50am: Came to Port anchor 3 shackles in 15 fathoms. 10.25am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Cape Ortegal”. [ed. Cape Ortegal, image]. 10.35am: Alongside. am: Lost overboard by accident 5 coal bags Patt. No 1A. 12.10pm: Cast off from collier, took in 40 tons. 12.15pm: Came to Port anchor 3 shackles in 6 fathoms. 5.0pm: Quarters. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 11.20pm: Weighed and proceeded S 83 E 10 knots. 4caf859acadfd3419701019a: ( 53-38212-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1916 Maltezana to Rhodes and on patrol Lat 36.49, Long 28.09 12.30am: Sighted Kandeliusa lt S 78 E. 2.24am: Kandeliusa lt abeam 2 mikes. 8.20am: Inc. to 13 knots. 8.0am: Pos. 36 28N, 28 05E. 8.30am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Rhodes. 9.05am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 4¾ fathoms. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.15am: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for submarine patrol 17 knots. 11.25am: Reduced to 15 knots. 12.42pm: Set course WNW. 2.25pm: a/c N 15 W. 2.40pm: a/c N 12 E. 3.30pm: a/c N 30 W. 3.40pm: a/c N 50 W. 3.50pm: Kum lt abeam 1.5 miles. 4.0pm: a/c S 50 W. 4.04pm: a/c s 75W. 4.20pm: a/c N 70 W. 5.0pm: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 6½ fathoms. 6.30pm: Darken ship. 7.35pm: Weighed and Proceeded co as requisite for patrolling between Kalimno and Kos 8 knots. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 53N, 27 03.5E. 9.20pm: a/c S 60 E. 9.55pm: a/c N 22 E. 10.45pm: N 3 E Kalolimno lt abeam 2 cables. 4caf859acadfd3419701019b: ( 53-38212-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1916 To Port Vathy [on the east coast of Kalimno I.], patrolling, at Kalimno and at sea Lat 36.98, Long 27.04 12.35am: a/c N 18 W. 2.15am: a/c N 10 W. 3.25am: a/c N 36 E, Inc to 10 knots. 3.45am: Course as requisite for Samos Strait. 4.10am: a/c N. Red to 6 knots. 5.10am: a/c WNW. 6.0am: Course as requisite for Port Vathy Inc to 12 knots. 6.40am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 6 fathoms. am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite, 13 knots. 12.55pm: Set co. S 8 E. 2.40pm: Course and speed as requisite for closing “Whitby Abbey”. [ed. Whitby Abbey, image]. pm: Captain repaired onboard “Whitby Abbey”. 3.30pm: Captain returned. 3.40pm: Set course S 2 W. 15 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.20pm: a/c S 5 E. 5.45pm: As requisite for entering Kalimno. 6.10pm: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 4½ fathoms. 6.20pm: Professor Myers left ship. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 8.45pm: Weighed and proceeded course S 36 E 10 knots. 9.15pm: a/c S 84 E. 9.45pm: a/c E. 9.50pm: a/c S 68 E. 10.30pm: a/c N 68 W. 11.25pm: a/c N 20 W. 4caf859acadfd3419701019c: ( 53-38212-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1916 At sea to Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 am: Course as requisite for investigating Loro Islands. 1.40am: a/c S 30 W 9.5 knots. 5.30am: Red to 6 knots. 6.0am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Maltezana. 7.05am: Secured to collier. 7.16am: Commenced coaling. 8.18am: Finished coaling. 55 tons. “Cape Ortegal”. 9.10am: Cast off from collier. 9.25am: Came to both anchors Starboard 2 shackles. Port 1 shackle in 5 fathoms. am: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Quarters. 6.30pm: Darken ship. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf859acadfd3419701019d: ( 53-38212-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 1.30pm: Leave to watch till 4.30pm. 4.30pm: Liberty men returned. 5.0pm: Quarters. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 4caf859acadfd3419701019e: ( 53-38212-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1916 Maltezana to Kalimno and patrol Lat 37.1, Long 27.05 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 6.20am: Set course E by S 15 knots. 6.50am: a/c N 56 E 13 knots. 8.0am: Pos. 36 44N, 26 44E. 8.45am: a/c NE. 9.15am: As requisite for closing “Jed”. 9.30am: Stopped. am: Interpreter joined ship from “Jed”. am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Closed Caique in lee of Karabaghla Island course as requisite 16 knots. 2.35pm: Stopped and boarded Caique. 3.0pm: Proceeded to Kalimno, course as requisite 15 knots. 3.40pm: Reduced to 6 knots, course as requisite for adjusting compass. 5.0pm: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in Kalimno. pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. Weighed and proceeded course as requisite for patrol in lee of Kalimno 8 knots. 7.50pm: Set course N 38 E 13 knots. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 57N, 27 06E. 8.05pm: Course as requisite for investigating Karabaghla Island. 8.55pm: Stopped and examined Caique. 9.40pm: Proceeded course and speed as requisite to Kalimno. 10.30pm: Patrolling outside Kalimno 8 knots. 4caf859acadfd3419701019f: ( 53-38212-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1916 Patrol Lat 36.99, Long 27.13 am: Patrolling Kalimno Channel. 8.0am: Pos 36 58N, 27 05.5E. 9.0am: Exercised General Quarters and out collision mat. 10.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for adjusting Compass. 3.55pm: Course as requisite to close “Aster” 12½ knots. 4.45pm: Stopped and communicated with “Aster”. 5.05pm: Took station astern of “Aster” course and speed as requisite. 5.45pm: Patrolling outside Kalimno. 6.40pm: Inc. to 16 knots. 7.0pm: Set course N 27 E 13 knots. 7.20pm: Stopped and communicated with caique. 7.35pm: Set course S.W. 13 knots. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 58N, 27 04.5E. 8.0pm: Stopped off Vathi Bay. Whaler proceeded to investigate. 9.15pm: Whaler returned. Proceeded to Kalimno course as requisite. 10.20pm: Closed and sent interpreter to “Aster”. 10.50pm: Proceeded to Gadairo Island. 4caf859acadfd341970101a0: ( 53-38212-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1916 From Patrol to Maltezana Lat 37.37, Long 27.4 (approx, log book position on dry land) 1.45am: Stopped and examined caique. 2.10am: Proceeded course and speed as requisite. 2.45am: Reduced to 8 knots. Course as requisite for patrolling Northward of Gadairo. 7.20am: a/c 20 E, 15 knots to close caique. 7.45am: Stopped and examined caique. 8.0am: Pos. 37 22N, 27 08E. Proceeded, course as requisite, 13 knots. 8.30am: Course as requisite 10 knots. 9.0am: Inc. to 13 knots. 9.40am: Examined caique. 9.52am: Stopped and examined south side of Pharmako. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.20am: Proceeded N 80 E,10 knots. 11.0am: a/c E. 11.30am: Course and speed as requisite for examining Basilicas Bay. 12.27pm: Set course S 64 W, 15 knots. 2.15pm: Course as requisite for Lero Strait. 2.25pm: Course S 35 W 15½ knots. 3.15pm: Reduced to 14 knots. 5.10pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Maltezana. 6.0pm: Secured to collier “Cape Ortegal”, Commenced coaling. 7.45pm: Cast off from collier “Cape Ortegal”. 64 tons. 8.0pm: Came to both anchors, Port 4 shackles Starboard 1½ in 9 fathoms. Darkened ship. 4caf859acadfd341970101a1: ( 53-38212-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1916 Maltezana, at sea, Maltezana and on Patrol Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.15pm: Captain of “Doris” came onboard. Weighed and proceeded course as requisite 15 knots. [ed. Doris, Eclipse Class Light Cruiser, 1896, arm: 11 x 6”, 8 x 12 pdr 12cwt, 1 x 12 pdr 8 cwt, 7 x 3 pdr, 2 x Maxims, 3 x 18” TT’s, disp: 5,600 tons, comp: 450, H.P. natural 8,000 = 18.5 knots forced 9,600 = 19.5 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914] 1.30pm: Inc. to 17 knots. 1.45pm: Set course NNE. 4.0pm: Reduced to 15 knots. 4.12pm: Course and speed as requisite for investigating Lipso Strait. 4.40pm: Set course SSW 15 knots. 4.50pm: Inc. to 19 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 7.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Maltezana. 7.40pm: Captain of “Doris” left ship. 7.45pm: Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 30.5N, 26 28E. Set course S 84 E, 15 knots. 8.30pm: Sighted Kandeliusa lt. S 78 E. 9.50pm: Kandeliusa lt abeam 2 mls. 4caf859acadfd341970101a2: ( 53-38212-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1916 Patrolling Lat 36.69, Long 28.69 2.0am: a/c N 86 E. 2.20am: Pt abeam 2 mls. 4.0am: Reduced to 10 knots. 4.15am: Reduced to 8 knots, course as requisite. 5.30am: Investigated Skopea Bay. 6.40am: Stopped and examined caique. 8.0am: Pos. 36 41.5N, 29 01E. 8.30am: Investigated Kigik creek. 9.0am: Lowered whaler and examine shipping in Tersaneks. am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.10am: Whaler returned. Proceeded course as requisite, 13 knots. 11.30am: Investigated Papas Island Dalamon Bay. 11.45am: Proceeded for Karagatch course as requisite. 1.0pm: Course as requisite for investigating Karagatch. 1.35pm: Left Karagatch. 2.0pm: Set course S 60 W. 2.45pm: Stopped of Chiflik Island and destroyed caique on the beach. 3.0pm: Set course S 42 W, 13 knots. 3.35pm: a/c S 65 W. 3.55pm: a/c W. 4.10pm: Course as requisite for investigating Port Aplotheki. 4.15pm: Course as requisite, 10 knots. 4.20pm: Set course N 40 W. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 5.20pm: Course as requisite for entering Symi. 6.0pm: Stopped in Symi. 6.30pm: Proceeded course as requisite 10 knots. 7.0pm: Set course W Red. to 6 knots. 7.50pm: a/c N 60 E, inc. to 8 knots. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 41.25N, 27 50E. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling Gulf of Symi. 4caf859acadfd341970101a3: ( 53-38212-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1916 Patrol to Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.59 [approx, pos. in log 37 46N, 26 35E, probable error] 5.10am: Proceeded 14 knots to investigate Badalina Bay. 6.10am: Set course N 75 W 13 knots. 6.50am: a/c S 80 W. 8.0am: Pos. 36 37N, 27 37E. 9.30am: a/c N 85 W. am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.0am: Inc. to 14 knots. 12.20pm: Course as requisite for entering harbour. 12.25pm: Speed as requisite. 1.15pm: Secured to collier. 2.40pm: Cast off from collier “Cape Ortegal” , 70 tons. 2.25pm: Came to Port anchor 3 shackles 11½ fathoms. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 4caf859acadfd341970101a4: ( 53-38212-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1916 From Maltezana to Rhodes to patrol Lat 36.57, Long 26.4 10.0pm: Divisions and prayers. 1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded 16 knots. 1.05pm: Set course S 84 E. 2.55pm: Kandeliusa Lt abeam 2 mls. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 6.50pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Rhodes. 7.10pm: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles in 3 fathoms. 9.0pm: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite. 9.15pm: Set course S 18 W. 12 knots. 9.10pm: Communicated with “Scorpion”. 11.20pm: a/c S 48 W. 11.35pm: a/c S 60 W. 4caf859acadfd341970101a5: ( 53-38212-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1916 Patrol and towards Mudros Lat 35.95, Long 27.37 1.15am: a/c West. 1.30am: Cape Prosonisi lt abeam 1½ mls. 2.40am: a/c North. 3.10am: As requisite for patrolling Scarpanto Strait. am: Patrolling Scarpanto Strait. am: Hands employed as requisite. 8.0am: Pos. 35 54N, 27 22.5E. 11.30am: Inc to 12 knots. 12.30pm: Set course N 10 W 10 knots. 12.40pm: West 12 knots. 2.45pm: a/c N 36 W 15 knots. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 6.0pm: a/c N 43 W. 6.30pm: Darkened ship. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 15N, 27 15E. 8.55pm: Papas lt abeam 1½ mls, a/c N 67 W. 4caf859acadfd341970101a6: ( 53-38212-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1916 From Patrol to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 1.15am: a/c N 11 W. 1.20am: Psara lt abeam 3½ mls. 3.45am: Sigri lt abeam 16 mls. 6.0am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 7.10am: Secured to collier “Skerries”. 8.55am: Cast off from collier. 66 tons. 9.05am: Came to Port anchor 2 shackles. 10.30am: 1 E.R.A. discharged to “Blenheim”. am: 1 E.R.A. and Officers cook returned to ship. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters. 9.20pm: 4 Ratings discharged to “Chelmer”. 9.30pm: 4 Ratings joined ship from “Chelmer”. 4caf859acadfd341970101a7: ( 53-38212-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1916 At Mudros and at sea Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 7.20pm: Sent Demolition Party to “Blenheim”. 11.0pm: Darkened ship. 11.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour 9 knots. 4caf859acadfd341970101a8: ( 53-38212-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1916 At sea towards Malta Lat 37.45, Long 24.11 12.05am: Passed Gate. 12.12am: Stopped. 12.45am: Set course S 28 E, 13 knots, took station ahead of “Canopus”. 1.05am: Set course s 19 W. 5.35am: Lithari lt abeam 9.5 mls. 8.0am: Pos. 38 11N, 24 42E. 8.20am: Cape Doro abeam 4 mls. 9.22am: a/c S 50 W. Hands employed as requisite. 11.05am: a/c S 28 W. 5.0pm: Quarters and Night Action Stations. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. 7.10pm: a/c N 84½ W. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 05N, 23 02.5E. 8.20pm: Dev: 1º W. 4caf859acadfd341970101a9: ( 53-38212-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1916 At sea Lat 35.89, Long 18.93 8.0am: Pos. 36 04N, 20 03E. 2.12pm: a/c N84W. 5.0pm: Quarters. Night Action Stations. 5.10pm: Clocks back 30 minutes. 6.30pm: Clocks back 30 minutes. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. 8.0pm: Pos. 35 45N, 16 35E. LOGS FOR APRIL 1916 4caf859acadfd341970101aa: ( 53-38212-019_0.jpg) 1 April 1916 At sea to Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 4.0am: a/c N 34 W. 5.30am: Course and speed as requisite for screening “Canopus” outside Malta. 6.45am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 7.30am: Moored up to buoys in French Creek. 8.0am: Coal lighters came alongside. am: Hands employed as requisite, returning and drawing stores. 10.15am: Finished coaling, 100 tons. 11.0am: Commenced discharging coal. am: Discharged 1 Rating to “Basilisk”. pm: Leave to the Starboard and 2nd Part of Port Watch, 1.30pm – 7.30am. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 4caf859acadfd341970101ab: ( 53-38212-019_1.jpg) 2 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed refitting ship as requisite. pm: Leave to Port and 2nd Part of Starboard watch. 1.30pm – 7.30am. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf859acadfd341970101ac: ( 53-38212-020_0.jpg) 3 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am: Liberty men returned. 8.30am: Leave to Starboard watch 8.30am – 8.30am Wednesday. am: Hands employed discharging ammunition. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 4caf859acadfd341970101ad: ( 53-38212-020_1.jpg) 4 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed refitting ship as requisite. pm: Leave to 1st Part Port Watch, 5pm – 7.30am. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 4caf859acadfd341970101ae: ( 53-38212-021_0.jpg) 5 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.30am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the part of the watch till 7.30am. 4caf859acadfd341970101af: ( 53-38212-021_1.jpg) 6 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the part of the watch till 7.30am. 4caf859acadfd341970101b0: ( 53-38212-022_0.jpg) 7 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am Liberty men returned. 1 A.B. Absentee. 10.35am: Tug secured alongside. 11.0am: Proceeded into No 5 Dock with “Jed”. 11.30am: Entered Dock. 1.30pm: Leave to Starboard and 2nd Part of Port watch to 7.30am. 4.30pm: Patrol landed. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 4caf859acadfd341970101b1: ( 53-38212-022_1.jpg) 8 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.0pm: Leave to watch and part till 7.30am. 5.0pm: Patrol landed. pm: Tested fire connections. 6.0pm: Patrol returned with absentee. 4caf859acadfd341970101b2: ( 53-38212-023_0.jpg) 9 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.30am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed shifting gear to St. Michael’s Bastion. 1.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf859acadfd341970101b3: ( 53-38212-023_1.jpg) 10 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101b4: ( 53-38212-024_0.jpg) 11 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. am: Discharged 149 tons coal. Estimate of coal returned. N.3.0. Took on V.C. 11.5 tons coal (To balance account of remaining in ship). pm: Hands employed as requisite painting messdecks. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7.0am. 6.0pm: 1st Lieut left ship on long leave. 4caf859acadfd341970101b5: ( 53-38212-024_1.jpg) 12 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 1 A.B. absentee. am: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. 10.0am: Absentee returned. pm: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101b6: ( 53-38212-025_0.jpg) 13 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. am: 2 E.R.A’s joined ship. pm: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101b7: ( 53-38212-025_1.jpg) 14 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed painting mess decks. pm: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101b8: ( 53-38212-026_0.jpg) 15 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. 1.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 8.0am. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 4caf859acadfd341970101b9: ( 53-38212-026_1.jpg) 16 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 8.0am: Liberty men returned. 10.0am: Divisions. 10.35am: Sent Church parties. am: 2 E.R.A’s discharged to “Egmont”. 1.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf859acadfd341970101ba: ( 53-38212-027_0.jpg) 17 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. pm: Hands employed as requisite shifting provisions and painting. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101bb: ( 53-38212-027_1.jpg) 18 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned, 2 Stokers absentee. am: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. pm: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 11.15pm: Two absentees returned. 4caf859acadfd341970101bc: ( 53-38212-028_0.jpg) 19 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. pm: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101bd: ( 53-38212-028_1.jpg) 20 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite painting mess decks. pm: Hands employed painting mess decks. 5.0pm: Tested Fire Connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101be: ( 53-38212-029_0.jpg) 21 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 10.0am: Divisions. 10.15am: Sent Church Parties. 1.30pm: Leave to the watch till 7.0am Part till 7.0am. 5.0pm: Tested Fire connections. 4caf859acadfd341970101bf: ( 53-38212-029_1.jpg) 22 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed painting mess decks. 1.30pm: Leave to the watch till 7.0am Monday, Part till 7.0am. 5.0pm: Tested Fire Connections. 4caf859acadfd341970101c0: ( 53-38212-030_0.jpg) 23 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 9.0am: Divisions. 9.15am: Sent Church parties. 1.30pm: Leave to part of watch till 7.0am. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf859acadfd341970101c1: ( 53-38212-030_1.jpg) 24 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 8.0am: Preparing for undocking. 8.45am: Left No 5 dock. 9.30am: Secured to Gun Wharf alongside “Jed”. am: Hands employed as requisite and painting mess decks. pm: Hands employed scraping and painting chain locker and as requisite. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to Watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101c2: ( 53-38212-031_0.jpg) 25 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 7.20am: Cast off from “Jed” secured to jetty, “Jed” secured to Boiler Wharf. am: Hands employed painting chain lockers and as requisite. pm: Hands employed painting chain locker and as requisite. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to the watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101c3: ( 53-38212-031_1.jpg) 26 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed painting and as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands employed scraping as requisite. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Liberty men landed Watch and Part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101c4: ( 53-38212-032_0.jpg) 27 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed removing gear from St Michael’s Bastion to ship. pm: Hands employed refitting as requisite. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101c5: ( 53-38212-032_1.jpg) 28 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 7.15am: Shifted ship and secured to “Ribble”. am: 2 Stokers discharged to “Egmont” sick. am: Hands employed cleaning provision and store rooms. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 5.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7.0am. 4caf859acadfd341970101c6: ( 53-38212-033_0.jpg) 29 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite, and returning stores. 1.0pm: Leave to the watch till 7.0am Monday, the part till 7.0am Sunday. 5.0pm: Tested fire connections. 4caf859acadfd341970101c7: ( 53-38212-033_1.jpg) 30 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 10.0am: Hands to Divisions. 10.15am: Sent Church parties to Dockyard and R.C. Church. 1.30pm: Leave to the Part of the watch till 7.0am. 2.30pm: Funeral Party landed. 5.0pm: Tested fire Connections. 6.0pm: Landed Patrol. Funeral Party returned. [signed] J.G.Y. Loveband, Lieut. 4caf859acadfd341970101c8: ( 53-38212-034_0.jpg) [This page contains no log entries] 4caf859acadfd341970101c9: ( 53-38212-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4caf859acadfd341970101ca: ( 53-38212-035_0.jpg) 4caf859acadfd341970101cb: ( 53-38212-035_1.jpg) MAY to DECEMBER 1916 not included THE VOYAGES OF HMS COLNE 1917 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1917 4caf859acadfd341970101cc: ( 53-38213-001_0.jpg) [Front cover of Log Book (Part)] 4caf859acadfd341970101cd: ( 53-38213-001_1.jpg) [Front cover of Log Book (Part)] 4caf859acadfd341970101ce: ( 53-38213-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is a full & complete copy of the original log of HMS Colne from 1st Jan - 28th Feb 17 4caf859acadfd341970101cf: ( 53-38213-002_1.jpg) [This page contains no log entries] 4caf859acadfd341970101d0: ( 53-38213-003_0.jpg) [This page contains no log entries] 4caf859acadfd341970101d1: ( 53-38213-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1917 On Dardanelles Patrol Lat 39.92, Long 26.04 am: Keeping station astern of “Wear”. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.30am: Southern end of main patrol, reduced to 100 revs. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Hands preparing sweeping gear and as requisite. 11.40am: Closed southern end of patrol, course as requisite, speed 15 knots. 12.15pm: Reduced to 12 knots. resumed patrol, course and speed as requisite. 12.30pm: Red to 8 knots. 2.0pm: Northern end of main patrol. 4.15pm: Shaped course N 5 E, 190 revs, to take up station 10 miles S of Cape Grania. 4.40pm: a/c n 50 E. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Night action stations, carried out Gun Drill. 5.05pm: a/c N 15 E. 6.10pm: Slow both. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Course and speeds as requisite for patrolling between Kephalo and Gaba Tepe. 4caf859acadfd341970101d2: ( 53-38213-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1917 Dardanelles Patrol, Kephalo, Aliki and Mudros Lat 40.09, Long 25.92 [approx] am: Patrolling between Kephalo and Gaba Tepe. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.05am: Red to 80 revs. 7.35am: a/c S 52 W, 160 revs. 7.50am: 190 revs. 7.54am: a/c S 65 W. 8.10am: a/c N 47 E. 8.15am: Slow both. 8.20am: a/c WSW. 8.45am: a/c ENE. 8.55am: 100 revs. 9.10am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.20am: a/c N 63 E, 190 revs. 9.40am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Kephalo harbour. 10.15am: Passed gate, stopped and lay off “Grafton”. Received letter. 10.40am: Course and speed ad requisite for leaving Kephalo and entering Aliki Bay. 11.30am: Stopped and lay off “Wear”, exercised gun control communication parties. 11.40am: Proceeded out of harbour astern of “Wear”. 11.45am: Took station 1 mile on “Wear’s” Port beam. Shaped course S 37 W, 190 revs. am: Hands refitting fenders as requisite. 1.0pm: Commenced full power trials. 1.30pm: Completed full power trials, a/c N 47 E, 170 revs. 2.0pm: Closed “Wear” passed sweep, speed as requisite for sweeping, course N 79 W. 2.58pm: Slipped sweep. Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. Closed “Europa”. 4.30pm: Secured alongside collier, took in 60 tons. 5.45pm: Slipped collier, came to Port anchor and veered to 3 shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101d3: ( 53-38213-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1917 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands cleaning up decks. 9.10am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Aired Night clothing. am: Employed as requisite. 12.30pm: 2 Ratings discharged to “Blenheim” sick. Gave leave to Starboard watch 1.30pm to 4.30pm. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Liberty men returned. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101d4: ( 53-38213-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1917 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 7.30am: Hands provisioning ship. “Beagle” and “Basilisk” sailed. [ed. Basilisk, G Class Destroyer, 1910, 935 tons, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, image]. 8.0am: “Kennet” arrived. 8.30am: Completed provisioning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands painting ship’s side. pm: Gave leave to Football party 1.30pm to 4.30pm. pm: Gave leave to party to attend Boxing contest. 1.30pm: Liberty men left ship. 4.30pm: Football party returned. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, Exercised action stations. 7.0pm: Party from Boxing contest returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101d5: ( 53-38213-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1917 Mudros to Kephalo and on Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.0, Long 25.8 [approx] 6.30am: Preparing ship for sea. 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite to leave harbour. 8.36am: Reduced to 7 knots. a/c S 36 W, passed sweep, commenced sweeping. 9.0am: Divisions. prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Increased to 15 knots. 10.05am: Slipped sweep. 10.20am: a/c N 59 E, 130 revs. 10.50am: Increased to 200 revs. am: Hands employed sweeping and preparing for .303 aiming rifle practice. 1.30pm: Dropped target. Course and speed as requisite for “Wear” to carry out .303 aiming rifle practice. 2.05pm: Hove in target. 2.15pm: Carried out .303 aiming rifle practice, “Wear” towing ship. 3.05pm: Shaped course N 15 E, 190 revs. 3.40pm: a/c N 48 E. 4.0pm: Course and speeds as requisite, to enter Kephalo. 4.15pm: Came to with Port anchor in 7½ fathoms, 3 shackles. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.35pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 8.0pm: On Dardanelles patrol. Midnight: N.W. Patrol. 4caf859acadfd341970101d6: ( 53-38213-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1917 On Dardanelles patrol Lat 39.93, Long 26.05 [approx] am: Course and speeds as requisite for N. Patrol. 6.30am: Left patrol line, course and speeds as requisite for reconnoitring Suvla Bay. 7.25am: Shaped course S 43 W, 190 revs. 7.45am: Course and speeds as requisite to enter Kephalo. 8.0am: Stopped and lay of "Grafton" . 8.20am: Proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 9.0am: Divisions, Prayers, and Physical drill. 9.15am: a/c S 24 E. 9.40am: a/c S 34 E. 10.0am: Slow both. Delivered message to trawler 309. 10.15am: Course and speeds as requisite for patrol (South End). Hands employed refitting tackles and cleaning ship. Sight setters to sight setting drill. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night actions stations. Sight setters to sight setting drill. 6.0pm: Patrol southern half of South Patrol. pm: Course and speeds as requisite to keep station on "Wear", Southern half South patrol. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101d7: ( 53-38213-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1917 On Dardanelles patrol Lat 40.05, Long 26.05 [approx] am: In company with "Wear", southern half South Patrol. 6.15am: Course and speeds as requisite for reconnoitring Yukyri Bay. 7.45am: Rejoined "Wear". 8.0am: Course as requisite for resuming patrol at North end of Main Patrol. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Course and speeds as requisite for N. half main patrol. 2.0pm: Northern end of main patrol. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.15pm: Course and speeds as requisite for taking up Northern Patrol. 5.35pm: Assumed Northern Patrol course and speeds as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: On Northern Patrol. 4caf859acadfd341970101d8: ( 53-38213-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1917 Dardanelles patrol to Kephalo and on to Mudros Lat 39.95, Long 25.75 [approx] am: On North Patrol course as requisite. am: Course as requisite for North Patrol. 7.35am: Entered Kephalo harbour. 8.0am: Came to with Port anchor in 8 fathoms, 3 shackles. 8.45am: Hands preparing for sweeping. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.35am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 9.50am: Shaped course S 58 W. 12.40pm: Increased to 150 revs. 12.55pm: Increased to 160 revs. 1.20pm: a/c S 63 W. 2.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Mudros. 2.20pm: Secured alongside collier. Took in tons. 3.30pm: Slipped collier. Came to port anchor in 5 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. pm: Let go Starboard anchor underfoot. 5.30pm: Hands cleaning ship. 6.0pm: Mid. R.H. Cowan R.N.R. joined ship from “Blenheim”. Discharged Mr. Summerfield to “Blenheim”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101d9: ( 53-38213-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1917 Mudros to Port Iero and on patrol Lat 39.2, Long 25.8 [approx] 6.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded requisite. 8.20am: Passed boom defence. 8.45am: Cape Irene bore NE, shaped course S 29 E, 190 revs. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.30am: Hands cleaning ship. Noon: a/c S 55 E. 12.55pm: a/c S 77 E. 1.30pm: Communicated with HMS “Welland” by searchlight. 2.15pm: Course as requisite to skirt coast of Mytilene [ Lesbos]. 2.25pm: Passed boom defence of Port Iero. 3.0pm: Secured alongside collier “Holmsbank”, Received 26 tons. 5.10pm: Slipped collier and proceeded as requisite. 5.40pm: Course as requisite for patrolling off Mytilene town. 5.30pm: Evening Quarters, exercised night action stations. 8.0pm: Patrolling off Mytilene. 8.10pm: Increased to 100 revs. 4caf859acadfd341970101da: ( 53-38213-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1917 Patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling off Mitylene Town. 7.0am: Increased to 190 revs and shaped course to skirt coast of Mitylene. 7.40am: Entered Port Iero. 7.58am: Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms and veered to 4 shackles. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed cleaning ship. 12.30pm: Gave leave to football party till 5pm. 1.30pm: 15 Libertymen landed. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations, Football party returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101db: ( 53-38213-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1917 [Incorrectly dated 12th in log] Port Iero and on patrol Lat 38.84, Long 26.62 [Lat 35 50N in log, clear error] 6.30am: Preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 7.20am: Passed boom defence. 7.30am: Shaped course S 5½ E, 150 revs. 8.0am: Relieved H.M. Trawler. 10.53am: On Gulf of Smyrna Patrol. Eased to 80 revs. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 10.0am: 1st watch of stokers to rifle instruction (1hr). Sight setters to sight setting drill. am: Course and speeds as requisite for patrol. pm: Patrolling off Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 6.30pm: Sighted enemy searchlight on Long Island. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Patrolling off Gulf of Smyrna. 4caf859acadfd341970101dc: ( 53-38213-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1917 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.87, Long 26.63 [Lat 35 52N in log, clear error] am: Patrolling off Gulf of Smyrna. 4.0am: Increased to 100 revs. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands refitting laceups and as requisite. pm: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 6.15pm: Sighted enemy searchlight on Long Island. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101dd: ( 53-38213-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1917 Patrol, Port Iero, Scio [now Chios], Port Vathi and on patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 7.15am: a/c N 15 W to enter Port Iero, 190 revs. 7.30am: Course and speeds as requisite to enter harbour. 7.45am: Passed boom defence. 8.0am: Came to with Port anchor in 8 fathoms and veered to 3 shackles. 8.15am: Received stores etc. for 4th Dest. Sq. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 9.15am: Shaped course SW, 20 knots. 11.05am: a/c S 26 W. 11.20am: a/c S 9 W. 11.30am: Reduced to 16 knots. 11.45am: Course and speeds as requisite for entering Scio. 11.50am: Came to Port anchor in 3 fathoms with 1 shackle. 1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 2.0pm: Courses various to skirt coast of Rhios, 260 revs. 2.45pm: Shaped course S 54 E (comp) 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.07pm: Course and speed as requisite to enter Port Vathi. 5.25pm: Secured alongside HMS “Newmarket”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.15pm: Slipped “Newmarket” and proceeded out of harbour. 11.25pm: Passed gate. 11.30pm: Shaped course N 51 W, 150 revs. 4caf859acadfd341970101de: ( 53-38213-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1917 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 3.0am: a/c N 1 E, 190 revs. 3.20am: Paspayo Lt Ho abeam. 3.30am: a/c N 5 E. 3.35am: a/c N 1 E. 4.20am: a/c N 37 E, 130 revs. 6.0am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.20am: Course and speeds as requisite to enter Port Iero. 7.30am: Passed boom defence. 7.55am: Secured alongside collier “Holmsbank”. 8.10am: Commenced coaling. Took in 75 tons. 10.20am: Completed with coal. 10.25am: Slipped collier. Came to with Port anchor in 8 fathoms and veered to 2½ shackles. 10.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 2.0pm: Gave special leave to Port Watch till 5pm. pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Liberty men returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101df: ( 53-38213-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.20am: HMS “Newmarket” arrived. [ed. Newmarket, Minesweeper, sunk July 1917 torpedoed by German submarine UC-38, 70 persons lost. Info:]. 7.45am: HMS “Whitby Abbey” arrived. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands cleaning guns, painting funnels and as requisite. 10.05am: H.M. Monitor M16 arrived. [ed. M16, arm: 1 x BL 9.2 inch Mk X gun, or Mk VI, 1 x 12 pdr, 1 x 6 pdr QF 1 AA gun. image M21 sister ship to M16,]. pm: Hands employed cleaning paintwork and refitting spray screens and fenders. 3.30pm: HMS “M16”“ sailed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised Night action stations. 5.30pm: HMS “Gazelle” sailed. 7.15pm: HMPL 168 sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e0: ( 53-38213-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed cleaning boats, refitting fenders etc. 1.15pm: Gave special leave to Starboard Watch and football party till 5.0pm. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned. pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e1: ( 53-38213-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Employed cleaning ship. 7.30am: HMS “Anemone” arrived. [ed. Anemone, Acacia Type Fleet-sweeping vessels, disp: 1,200 tons, Designed to mount 2 x 12pdr, 2 x 3pdr, comp 77 men, HP 1400 or 1800= 17 knots. Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919]. 9.0am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. am: Port watch of seaman to 12 pdr gun drill 1½ hrs. am: Employed washing ship’s side. 12.25pm: HM water boat “Provider” secured alongside. 1.20pm: HMS “Provider” slipped – received 2½ tons fresh water. pm: Employed washing ship’s side. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations, Exercised sight setters. 5.10pm: HMS “Anemone” sailed. 6.55pm: Let go Starboard bower anchor under foot. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e2: ( 53-38213-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.15am: Weighed Starboard bower anchor. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.30am: Employed washing ship’s side and as requisite. 9.40am: Trawler 1043 entered harbour. 11.06am: Branch pipe lost overboard by accident. 1.30pm: Employed refitting fenders and spray screens and as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.40pm: Let go Starboard bower anchor under foot. 4caf859acadfd341970101e3: ( 53-38213-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1917 Port Iero and Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.79, Long 26.66 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. am: Weighed Starboard anchor. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.20am: Passed boom defence. 7.30am: Shaped course S 6 E, 120 revs. 8.50am: Course and speeds as requisite for patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 10.0am: Carried out .303 aiming rifle practice at drifting target. Course and speeds as requisite. Tested communications. 11.20am: Resumed patrol. am: Employed cleaning ship and fitting new boat-rope for sea-boat. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters, Exercised night action stations and Abandon Ship stations. 6.40pm: Eased to 80 revs. 7.0pm: Sighted enemy searchlight on Long Island. 7.30pm: Sighted s’light in Port Iero. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e4: ( 53-38213-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1917 Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.82, Long 26.59 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 7.0am: Increased to 100 revs. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and Physical drill. am: Employed refitting and as requisite. 11.10am: Exercised submarine action stations. 4.0pm: Patrolling off Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations and exercised sight setters. 5.20pm: Reduced to 80 revs. 7.0pm: Sighted enemy searchlight on Artez Pt. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e5: ( 53-38213-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1917 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.84, Long 26.6 2.25am: Sighted searchlight in Port Iero. 6.0am: Watch cleaning ship. 6.45am: Increased to 100 revs. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Patrolling off Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 6.30pm: Sighted enemy searchlight on Artez Point. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e6: ( 53-38213-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1917 Smyrna patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 9.0am: Relieved of Patrol by Trawler No 326. Course and speeds as requisite for entering Port Iero. am: Hands preparing for coaling. 9.45am: Passed boom defence. 10.0am: Secured alongside collier “Holmsbank”. 10.20am: Commenced coaling. 11.50am: Cast off from collier. 12.01pm: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms and veered to 4 shackles. 12.10pm: Let go Starboard bower anchor underfoot. 1.10pm: Employed cleaning ship. 2.0pm: One rating rejoined from “Blenheim”. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Midnight: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e7: ( 53-38213-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 3.0am: Rounds correct. No change in anchor bearings. 9.0am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. 9.20am: Hands employed refitting fenders and cleaning boats. 1.30pm: Employed refitting and cleaning boats. 4.30pm: HM Monitor “M16” arrived. 4.45pm: Seaman’s whaler crew exercised pulling. 5.15pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action and fire stations. 6.30pm: Exercised searchlight burning. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e8: ( 53-38213-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1917 Port Iero, Scio, Port Iero and Loutra Bay Lat 38.6, Long 26.3 [approx] 6.30am: Employed preparing ship for sea. 8.0am: Received provisions for Chios. 9.0am: Divisions, Prayers, and Physical drill. 9.20am: Weighed Starboard anchor and shortened in Port cable to 2 shackles. 10.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.05am: Embarked Intelligence Officer for passage to Chios. 10.25am: Passed boom defence. 10.35am: Shaped course S 49 W, 230 revs. 11.30am: a/c S 10 W. 12.40pm: Course and speeds as requisite to Scio. 1.0pm: Entered Scio harbour. 1.05pm: Came to Port anchor in 3 fathoms with 1 shackle, disembarked Int. Officer. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.35pm: Shaped course N 9 E, 230 revs. 3.45pm: a/c N 45 E. 5.15pm: Entered Port Iero. 5.30pm: Secured alongside collier “Holmsbank”. 5.40pm: Commenced coaling. 6.30pm: Completed with coal. 6.40pm: Cast off from collier and proceeded to Loutra Bay. 7.0pm: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms and veered to 3 shackles. 7.10pm: Employed washing down. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101e9: ( 53-38213-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and dinghy. 7.0am: Quarters clean guns. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed cleaning ship and whalers, refitting fenders, washing ship’s side and as requisite. 11.45am: Exercised action stations. 1.30pm: Gave leave to Football party and Starboard watch till 5.0pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 5.15pm: Libertymen returned, 3 absentees. 6.0pm: 3 absentees returned aboard. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Let go Starboard anchor 1½ shackles. 4caf859acadfd341970101ea: ( 53-38213-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1917 Port Iero, at sea and return, Scio, Port Vathi and at sea Lat 38.82, Long 26.59 6.20am: Employed cleaning ship. 6.30am: Weighed Port anchor. 6.40am: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. 7.20am: Quarters clean guns. HMS “Newmarket” arrived. 8.05am: Mail came aboard. 8.10am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 8.30am: Passed boom defence, course as requisite to take over Smyrna Patrol. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 10.20am: Carried out .303 aiming rifle practice at drifting target. Tested communications. 11.40am: Resumed patrol. 1.15pm: Recalled to harbour, course as requisite, 230 revs. 2.0pm: Entered Port Iero. 2.10pm: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms and veered to 2 shackles. pm: Received stores for HM Ships and establishments at Scio and Port Vathi. 2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.55pm: Passed boom defence. 3.0pm: Shaped course S 47 W 230 revs. 3.20pm: a/c S 48 W. 4.15pm: a/c S 20 W. 4.50pm: a/c S 15 W. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.10pm: Course as requisite to skirt coast of Chios and approach Scio. 5.20pm: Entered Scio. 5.30pm: Came to Port anchor in 5½ fathoms, 1 shackle. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.35pm: Passed out of harbour, course as requisite to skirt coast of Chios, 230 revs. 7.08pm: Shaped course S 49 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.15pm: Reduced to 160 revs. 9.30pm: Course as requisite to enter Port Vathi. 10.10pm: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms with 3 shackles. Discharged stores for “Whitby Abbey”. 11.25pm: Weighed and proceeded. 11.35pm: Passed gate. 11.45pm: Shaped course N 49 W, 175 revs. 4caf859acadfd341970101eb: ( 53-38213-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1917 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 2.15am: a/c N 25 W. 2.35am: a/c N 35 W. 3.10am: a/c N 16 W. 3.15am: a/c N 2 E. 3.20am: Paspargo Lt. Ho. abeam. 4.0am: a/c N 6 W. 4.30am: a/c N 37 E, 140 revs. 6.0am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.05am: Course and speeds as requisite to enter harbour. 7.40am: Passed boom defence. 8.0am: Secured along side collier “Holmesbank”. 8.10am: Commenced coaling. Received 45 tons. 9.20am: Finished coaling. 9.30am: Cast off from collier. 9.40am: Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms with 3 shackles. Anchor bearings { Tannery N 85 W} { White House N 28 W} am: Employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands employed cleaning out Berthon boat, cleaning out lamp room and refitting. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.20pm: HM Trawler 1053 arrived. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101ec: ( 53-38213-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.45am: Divisions. 10.0am: Church of England seamen and Stokers church party to “Lowestoft”. 1.15pm: Gave leave to Football Party and Port Watch till 5pm. Liberty men landed. 4.30pm: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. 5.10pm: Liberty men returned. 5.30pm: HMS “Gazelle” sailed. 5.15pm: Let go Starboard anchor underfoot. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101ed: ( 53-38213-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 8.40am: HM Trawler 1043 arrived. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.30am: Hands employed bending whaler’s sails, cleaning ship and as requisite. am: Landed 36 seamen and Stokers for route march. Noon: Landing party returned. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.15pm: Heavy squalls with rain and thunder. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101ee: ( 53-38213-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1917 Port Iero and Smyrna patrol Lat 38.7, Long 26.6 [approx] 6.15am: Weighed Starboard anchor. Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 7.20am: Passed boom defence. 7.30am: Course and speed as requisite to take over Smyrna Patrol. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed cleaning ship and bending whaler’s sails. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 3.20pm: Closed Port Iero. 4.15pm: Stopped and took fresh provisions aboard from HM Trawler 2109. 4.25pm: Proceed. 4.45pm: Resumed patrol. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. Carried out .303 aiming rifle practice. 6.20pm: Reduced to 80 revs. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101ef: ( 53-38213-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1917 On Smyrna patrol Lat 38.84, Long 26.65 am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 7.0am: Increased to 100 revs. 9.10am: Exercised action stations. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Torpedo-men to instruction and drill. Remainder of hands as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 2.30pm: Swung ship for Compass Adjustment. 3.05pm: Resumed patrol. 4.45pm: Night action stations. Carried out .303 aiming practice. 5.20pm: Resumed patrol. 6.15pm: Reduced to 80 revs. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Heavy thunder storm with hail and rain – wind from West. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1917 4caf859acadfd341970101f0: ( 53-38213-019_0.jpg) 1 February 1917 On Smyrna patrol Lat 38.71, Long 26.64 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.0am: Increased to 100 revs. 10.45am: Exercised action stations. Guns crews wore anti-flash clothing. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. pm: Exercised breech workers at sight-setting. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101f1: ( 53-38213-019_1.jpg) 2 February 1917 Smyrna patrol to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 8.0am: Commenced working up for full speed trial. 8.10am: Full speed ahead. 8.40am: Reduced to 190 revs. 8.46am: Relieved from patrol by drifter. Course and speeds as requisite to approach Port Iero. 9.20am: Passed boom defence. 9.40am: Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms. with 3 shackles. 11.50am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 12.05pm: Secured alongside collier. 12.15pm: Commenced coaling. 1 Stoker rejoined ship. 2.25pm: Cast off from collier and lay off. 3.15pm: Secured alongside collier. 3.20pm: Commenced coaling, Received 77 tons in all. 4.30pm: Finished coaling. 4.35pm: Cast off from collier. Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms with 3 shackles. 5.20pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101f2: ( 53-38213-020_0.jpg) 3 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands employed cleaning ship and boats, bending whaler’s sails, refitting rigging and as requisite. 12.20pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 1.24pm: HM Monitor “M 16” arrived. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101f3: ( 53-38213-020_1.jpg) 4 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 2.0am: Heavy rain squall, with thunder and lightning. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.30am: HM Monitor “M 16” sailed. 9.50am: Divisions. Church party left for HMS “Lowestoft”. 12.40pm: Church party returned. 1.30pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch and football party. Libertymen landed. 4.30pm: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. 5.0pm : Evening Quarters. 5.30pm: HMS “Gazelle” sailed. 5.40pm: Liberty men returned. 7.20pm: 1 rating under sentry’s charge. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859acadfd341970101f4: ( 53-38213-021_0.jpg) 5 February 1917 [Incorrectly dated 6th Feb in log] From Port Iero, Scio, Port Iero and Smyrna patrol Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 5.40am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 5.45am: Prisoner released. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 6.25am: Passed boom defence. 6.30am: Shaped course S 49 W, 260 revs. 7.40am: a/c S 18 W. 8.15am: Course as requisite to skirt coast of Khios and approach Scio. 8.40am: Speeds as requisite to enter Scio. 8.45am: Entered Scio. 8.53am: Came to Port anchor in 3 fathoms with 1 shackle. 9.05am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Embarked 2 RNAS [ed. Royal Naval Air Service] officers for passage. 9.20am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.25am: Passed out of harbour, shaped course N 10 E, 260 revs. 10.0am: a/c N 15 E. 10.30am: a/c N 45 E. 11.40am: Course as requisite to enter Port Iero. 11.45am: Passed boom defence. 12.02pm: Came to with Port anchor in 8 fathoms with 2½ shackles. 12.10pm: Disembarked RNAS officers. 12.20pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Holmesbank”. 12.40pm: Secured alongside collier. 1.20pm: Commenced coaling. Took in 30 tons. 2.25pm: Finished coaling. 2.30pm: Cast off from collier and proceeded to sea. 2.40pm: Discharged one rating to “Lowestoft”. 2.55pm: Passed boom defence, courses as requisite to assume Smyrna Patrol, 190 revs. 4.15pm: Swung ship for Compass adjustment. 4.30pm: Assumed Smyrna Patrol. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters, exercised Action Stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd341970101f5: ( 53-38213-021_1.jpg) 6 February 1917 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.79, Long 26.55 [DR] 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.20am: Second Watch of Stokers to rifle and pistol drill. Hands employed painting boats and cap boxes, and fitting sailing gear for whaler. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 4.45pm: Carried out .303 Rifle Practice at drifting target. 5.15pm: Evening Quarters, Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd341970101f6: ( 53-38213-022_0.jpg) 7 February 1917 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.84, Long 26.6 [DR] 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 9.15am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. am: 1st Watch of Stokers to rifle drill. am: Employed as requisite. 2.45pm: Reduced to 80 revs. Wind and sea increasing. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 7.0pm: Heavy rain squall, thunder and lightning, wind West. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.15pm: Increased to 100 Revs. 4caf859bcadfd341970101f7: ( 53-38213-022_1.jpg) 8 February 1917 Smyrna Patrol to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Watch preparing for coaling. 8.45am: Relieved by HM Trawler 1053. Course and speed as requisite to close Port Iero, 200 revs. 9.20am: Entered Port Iero. 9.55am: Secured alongside collier “Holmesbank”. 10.20am: Commenced coaling, took in 70 tons. 12.15pm: Finished coaling. 12.20pm: Cast off from collier. 12.25pm: Came to Port anchor in 9½ fathoms with 3 shackles. 1.15pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.40pm: 5 Ratings joined ship. 5.0pm: Read warrant. Exercised Night Action. 5.30pm: HMPL No 194 sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd341970101f8: ( 53-38213-023_0.jpg) 9 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.0am: HMS "Gazelle" arrived. 4.25am: HMS "Gazelle" sailed. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed refitting and cleaning ship and boats. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.40pm: Five ratings discharged to “Lowestoft” for “Blenheim”. 6.45pm: Let go Starboard anchor underfoot. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd341970101f9: ( 53-38213-023_1.jpg) 10 February 1917 Port Iero to Smyrna patrol Lat 38.79, Long 26.54 [DR] 6.0am: Weighed Starboard anchor. Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.25am: Passed boom defence. Courses as requisite to assume Smyrna Patrol. 8.10am: Relived HM Trawler 1053 on Smyrna Patrol. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Sight-setters to sight setting exercise. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. pm: Carried out .303 aiming rifle practice. Exercised communication parties. 7.0pm: Sighted searchlight on Artez Pt. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd341970101fa: ( 53-38213-024_0.jpg) 11 February 1917 On Smyrna Patrol Lat 38.8, Long 26.52 [DR] 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations 7.10pm: Sighted searchlight on Artez Pt. 7.30pm: Sighted searchlight in Port Iero. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd341970101fb: ( 53-38213-024_1.jpg) 12 February 1917 Smyrna Patrol to Port Iero and at sea Lat 38.8, Long 26.5 [DR] 6.30am: Watch preparing ship for coaling. 9.0am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. 9.45am: Employed cleaning ship. 2.20pm: Ordered to return to harbour. Course and speeds as requisite. 3.10pm: Passed boom defence Port Iero. 3.35pm: Secured alongside collier “Holmesbank”. 3.45pm: Commenced coaling. 4.45pm: Finished coaling, Received 47 tons. 5.45pm: Cast off from collier. 6.0pm: Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms with 2 shackles. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.20pm: One Ldg Tel lent ship from “Lowestoft”. 8.20pm: Captain and Paymaster of “Lowestoft” embarked for passage. 8.25pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 8.50pm: Passed boom defence. 9.15pm: Shaped co S 38 W, 185 revs. 9.30pm: Reduced to 175 revs. 10.05pm: Sighted Pasba Isle Lt. bearing S 20 W. 11.35pm: a/c S 32 W. 11.40pm: Passed through Spalinatori channel, a/c S 7 W. 4caf859bcadfd341970101fc: ( 53-38213-025_0.jpg) 13 February 1917 At sea to Port Laki, Port Vathi and Port Iero. Lat 37.15, Long 26.75 12.15am: Scio Town abeam. 12.25am: Paspargo Isle abeam a/c S 10 W. 12.35am: a/c S 20 W, 180 revs. 3.35am: Sighted C. Papas Lt bearing S 18 E. 3.50am: a/c S10 E. 4.05am: a/c S 58 E, 200 revs. 7.05am: Courses as requisite to enter Port Laki. 7.10am: Passed boom defence. 7.20am: Came to Port anchor in 14 fathoms with 3 shackles. Anchor bearings } Windmill N 39½ E. } Brachos Pt N 56½ W. } Laki Head S 59½ W. 9.0am: Embarked 3 ratings for passage. 9.05am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed cleaning ship. 9.15am: HMS “Anemone” arrived. [Anemone, Acacia Class Sloop, 1915, image HMS Acacia sister-ship of Anemone,] 10.0am: Embarked 2 Interpreters for passage. Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 11.45am: Passed boom defence. 11.50am: Shaped course N 42 W, 20 knots. 12.15pm: Increased to 22 knots. 1.10pm: Kedros Island abeam. 1.40pm: Course as requisite to skirt N. coast of Samos. 2.30pm: Course and speed as requisite to enter Port Vathi. 2.40pm: Passed boom defence. 2.30pm: Came to Port anchor in 7 fathoms with 7 shackles. 3.0pm: Discharged 2 interpreters. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 4.43pm: Passed boom defence, shaped course N 47 W, 290 revs. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters, exercised Night Action Stations. 6.30pm: Sighted Cape St. Helena Lt bearing N 30 W. 6.45pm: Sighted Parba Isle Lt. 6.50pm: Course and speed as requisite to enter and proceed up Khios Strait. 7.15pm: Cape St Helena abeam. Switched on navigation lights. 7.20pm: Made pendants to “M 22” in Scio. 8.0pm: Passed through Spalmatori channel, shaped course N 38 E, 290 revs, switched off navigation lights. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: Stopped. 9.50pm: Proceeded as requisite into Port Iero. 10.20pm: Passed boom defence. 10.45pm: Disembarked Captain and Pay Officer of “Lowestoft”, 1 officer and 4 ratings. 10.55pm: Came to Port anchor in 8 fathoms with 5 shackles. 4caf859bcadfd341970101fd: ( 53-38213-025_1.jpg) 14 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.0am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Holmesbank”. 7.48am: Secured alongside collier. Four ratings joined ship. 7.55am: First hoist. 9.35am: Last hoist, received 71 tons. 9.44am: Shoved off from collier. 9.55am: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms with 3 shackles. 10.30am: Hands cleaning ship and boats. 2.0pm: Employed cleaning ship. 5.10pm: Three ratings discharged to “Silverfield” for passage to “Blenheim”. pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised boats crews. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd341970101fe: ( 53-38213-026_0.jpg) 15 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 7.0am: HMS “Hussar” arrived. [ed. Hussar, ex-Torpedo Gunboat, serves as Yacht and Dispatch vessel, 1894, guns 1 x 4.7”, 2 x 12 pdr, 1 x 6 pdr, disp 1070 tons, comp 190 men, HP 2500 = 17.5 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Hands employed painting ship. 1.15pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch and football party till 5.0pm, liberty men landed. 1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship. 4.45pm: Exercised communications and sight setters. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. 5.35pm: HM Trawler “No 48” sailed. 5.50pm: Liberty men returned. 8.45pm: Let go Starboard anchor underfoot. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd341970101ff: ( 53-38213-026_1.jpg) 16 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.0am: Weather moderating. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.50am: HMS “Whitby Abbey” arrived. am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Hands employed painting ship. am: Officers Torpedo Instruction – Whitehead pistol. 12.20pm: HMS “Hussar” sailed. 1.20pm: Hands employed scraping gun mountings. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations, collision stations and weighed Starboard anchor by hand. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010200: ( 53-38213-027_0.jpg) 17 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.15am: HMS “Whitby Abbey” sailed. am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Aired bedding. 9.20am: Hands cleaning ship. Seamen and officers to 12 pdr drill. 1.15pm: Gave special leave to Port Watch from 1.30 till 5.30pm. Leave to P.O.s to Mitylene, liberty men landed. pm: HMS “Lowestoft” proceeded to Loutra Bay. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010201: ( 53-38213-027_1.jpg) 18 February 1917 Port Iero to sea, return and to patrol Lat 39.0, Long 26.59 [DR] 6.30am: Preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.25am: Passed boom defence. 7.35am: Shaped course S 63 W, 125 revs. 7.45am: Increased to 150 revs. 8.15am: Commenced W/T exercise with HM PL 180. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 9.45am: a/c N 62 E. 11.0am: a/c S 63 W, 190 revs. 11.15am: a/c N 62 E. 12.30pm: Passed boom defence Port Iero. 1.02pm: Secured alongside collier “Holmesbank”. 1.13pm: Commenced coaling. Took in 10 tons. 1.26pm: Completed with coal. 1.33pm: Shoved off from collier. 1.45pm: Came to Port anchor in 5 fathoms with 2 shackles. 2.0pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 3.15pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch from 3.15 to 5.45pm. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 8.0pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 8.35pm: Passed boom defence. 8.40pm: Increased to 150 revs, course as requisite to close Cape Zeitin. 9.0pm: Course and speeds as requisite to patrol off Cape Zeitin screening HMS “M 16” and Trawler. Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010202: ( 53-38213-028_0.jpg) 19 February 1917 On patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 am: Patrolling off Cape Zeitin. 6.15am: Increased to 8 knots, watch cleaning ship. 6.45am: Increased to 15 knots, course as requisite to close Port Iero. 7.17am: Passed boom defence. 7.40am: Secured alongside collier “Holmesbank”. 7.55am: Commenced coaling. 8.17am: Completed with coal. Received 9 tons. 8.22am: Shoved off from collier. 8.50am: Came to Port anchor in L3 berth, Loutra Bay, with 3 shackles. 9.50am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Collier “John Barry” arrived. 1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side and boats. Refitting whaler’s cover and hoses. 4.45pm: Exercised boats crew. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010203: ( 53-38213-028_1.jpg) 20 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.55am: HMS “Newmarket” arrived. 9.0am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Hands cleaning ship and refitting securing wires. Parted torpedo for instruction of officers and S.T.s. 1.15pm: Gave special leave to Port Watch till 5.30pm. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 6.15pm: Collier “Holmesbank” sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010204: ( 53-38213-029_0.jpg) 21 February 1917 Port Iero to Smyrna patrol Lat 35.77, Long 26.67 6.30am: Employed preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.15am: Passed boom defence. 7.20am: Shaped course S 10 E, 150 revs. 8.10am: Relieved H.M.D. “1053” on Smyrna Patrol. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed refitting and cleaning ship. 10.30am: Tested communications. am: Exercised sight setters. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations, hand wheel party. Shored up bulkheads. 7.30pm: Sighted enemy searchlight on Long Island. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010205: ( 53-38213-029_1.jpg) 22 February 1917 Smyrna patrol Lat 38.84, Long 26.67 [approx] [Lat 39 50N in log, clear error] am: Smyrna Patrol. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.45am: Exercised S.G.s at .303 aiming rifle. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 4.45am: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.0pm: Carried out .303 aiming rifle practice. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010206: ( 53-38213-030_0.jpg) 23 February 1917 Smyrna Patrol to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.0am: Increased to 16 knots, a/c N 54 W. 6.20am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.36am: Cape Kalloni abeam N 36 E comp 4½ mls. 8.0am: Cape Bresca abeam ( N 36 E Comp) 2 m. 8.20am: a/c N 31 W. 8.35am: Sigri Lt ab’m. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 11.30am: Course and speeds as requisite to enter Mudros. 11.35am: Passed boom defence. 11.45am: Closed HMS “Ark Royal” and communicated by semaphore. [ed. Ark Royal, Aircraft Carrier, 1914, guns 4 x 12 pdr, 2 x MG’s, disp 7450 tons, comp 180 RN and RAF, I.H.P 3000 = 11knots Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919. image]. Noon: Closed HMS “Blenheim”. 1.05pm: Secured alongside collier “Comeric”. 1.22pm: Commenced coaling. 2.30pm: Completed with coal. 2.50pm: Shoved off from collier (received 47 tons). 3.0pm: Came to Port anchor in 2 fathoms with 3 shackles. Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.05pm: Received Engineer’s stores from HMS “Blenheim”. 4caf859bcadfd34197010207: ( 53-38213-030_1.jpg) 24 February 1917 Mudros to Port Iero and on Smyrna patrol Lat 38.97, Long 26.25 5.55am: HMS “Wolverine” sailed. 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.55am: Weighed. 7.0am: Wing Captain Scarlet embarked for passage to Port Iero. Proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.35am: Passed boom defence. Proceeded at 220 revs down swept channel. 8.05am: Shaped course S 30 E. 10.50am: a/c S 50 E. 11.30am: a/c S 70 E. 12.15pm: a/c as requisite to skirt Mitylene and close Port Iero. 1.15pm: Closed HMS “Lowestoft” and disembarked Wing Captain Scarlet. 2.05pm: Secured alongside collier “John Barry”. 2.12pm: Commenced coaling. Received 17 tons. 2.55pm: Cast off from collier. Proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 3.45pm: Passed boom defence. Proceeded as requisite to assume Smyrna Patrol. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. Assumed Smyrna Patrol. 7.55pm: Reduced to 80 revs. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010208: ( 53-38213-031_0.jpg) 25 February 1917 On Smyrna patrol Lat 38.74, Long 26.64 (DR) am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.15am: Increased to 100 revs. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010209: ( 53-38213-031_1.jpg) 26 February 1917 Smyrna patrol, Port Iero, Scio and Port Iero Lat 38.97, Long 26.6 (DR) 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 9.0am: Relieved of patrol by HM Drifter. Hands preparing ship for coaling. Course as requisite to enter Port Iero. 10.40am: Passed boom defence. 10.55am: Came to Port anchor in 6 fathoms with 2 shackles. 11.35am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 11.50am: Passed boom defence. 12.0 noon: Shaped course S 44 W, 210 revs. 1.15pm: a/c S 22 W. 1.50pm: Passed through Spalmatori Channel. Course as requisite to skirt Khios and close Scio. 2.35pm: Entered Scio. 2.40pm: Came to Port anchor in 3 fathoms with 1 shackle. 3.05pm: Embarked Wing Captain Scarlet and Lt. RNAS for passage to Port Iero. 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.12pm: Passed out of Scio. 3.15pm: Shaped course N 8 E, 220 revs. 3.50pm: Passed through Spalmatori Channel. a/c N 24 E. 4.34pm: a/c N 22 E. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, Exercised Night action stations. 5.30pm: a/c as requisite to close Port Iero. 5.50pm: Passed boom defence, closed HMS “Lowestoft” and disembarked Wing Captain and Lt. 6.25pm: Secured alongside collier “John Barry”. 6.42pm: Commenced coaling. 8.10pm: Completed with coal. Received 46 tons. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd3419701020a: ( 53-38213-032_0.jpg) 27 February 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 am: Secured alongside collier “John Barry”. 6.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.20am: Cast off from collier. 7.50am: Came to Port anchor in L3 berth, Loutra Bay. 8.30am: 2 ratings left ship sick. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.30am: Employed cleaning ship and boats. 10.15am: Motor Lighter secured alongside, received slops and stores. 10.25am: Lighter cast off. 1.0pm: HMS “E 12” proceeded alongside HMS “Lowestoft”. 1.30pm: Employed cleaning ship’s side. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations and boats’ crews. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd3419701020b: ( 53-38213-032_1.jpg) 28 February 1917 Port Iero and at sea for Mudros Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed cleaning ship. Parted Torpedo for instruction. 10.30am: 1 rating rejoined ship. 11.50am: HMS “M 16” arrived and secured alongside HMS “Lowestoft”. 1.15pm: HMS “M 16”“ sailed. 1.30pm: Gave special leave to Starboard Watch and football party till 5.30pm. pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Received 5 bags of mails for conveyance to Mudros. 11.10pm: Wing Captain Scarlet embarked for passage. 11.16pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 11.25pm: Passed net defence. 11.45pm: Shaped course S 84 W, 150 revs. 4caf859bcadfd3419701020c: ( 53-38213-034_0.jpg) 4caf859bcadfd3419701020d: ( 53-38213-034_1.jpg) 4caf859bcadfd3419701020e: ( 53-38213-035_0.jpg) 4caf859bcadfd3419701020f: ( 53-38213-035_1.jpg) LOGS FOR MARCH 1917 4caf85a0cadfd34197010488: ( This is to certify that this is a full and complete copy of the original log of HMS "Colne" (1 Mar 30 April 17) L~~ Lieutenant 4caf85a0cadfd34197010489: ( 4caf85a0cadfd3419701048a: ( [Blank Page] 4caf85a0cadfd3419701048b: ( 1 March 1917 At sea to Mudros and return to Port Iero Lat 39.39, Long 25.6 (DR) 12.50am: a/c N 54 W, 160 revs. 2.35am: Sigri Lt bore N 5 W. 2.55am: Sigri lt abeam, 4½ m. a/c N 30 W. 3.10am: Reduced tp 150 revs. 6.30am: a/c as requisite to enter Mudros. 7.05am: Passed boom defence. 7.30am: Came to Port anchor in 4 fathoms with 3 shackles. 7.45am: Wing Captain Scarlet disembarked. 7.25am: Discharged mails to HMS “Europa”. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Discharged one rating to HMHS “St. Margaret of Scotland”. [Saint Margaret of Scotland image]. 9.20am: Motor lighter K 2 came alongside with rails and barrows for conveyance to Port Iero. 9.45am: Lighter shoved off. am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. 10.20am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 10.45am: Passed boom defence. 11.10am: a/c S 56 E, 200 revs. 1.10pm: a/c as requisite to proceed down Muselim channel. 2.30pm: Passed HM trawler 801. 2.50pm: a/c to as requisite to pass down Mitylene channel. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: a/c as requisite to close Port Iero. 5.0pm: Passed boom defence. Hands preparing ship for coaling. 5.20pm: Came to Port anchor in 8 fathoms with 3 shackles. 5.25pm: Let go Starboard anchor under foot. 6.15pm: Sent barrows to HMS “Lowestoft”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701048c: ( 2 March 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 7.30am: Weighed both anchors and proceeded alongside collier “John Barry”. 7.44am: Secured alongside collier. 8.16am: Commenced coaling. 9.02am: Completed with coal. Received 85 tons. Discharged rails to collier. 9.15am: Came to Port anchor in 8 fathoms with 3 shackles. am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.0am: M.F.A. “Kharki” arrived. 2.0pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and turning whalers’ falls end for end. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised boats crews and Night Action Stations. 5.30pm: HM Sub. “E12” proceeded alongside HMS “Lowestoft”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701048d: ( 3 March 1917 Port Iero and at sea Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.0am: HMS “M 11” arrived. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Hands cleaning ship. Seamen Gunners to instruction in stripping. 9.45am: HMS “M 16” arrived. 10.30am: MFA “Kharki” sailed. 1.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 2.10pm: Passed boom defence. 2.20pm: Shaped course S 59 W, in station astern of HM Sub. “E 12”, 135 revs. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised sight-setters. 6.45pm: Sighted Psara Lt. bearing S 70 W. 7.05pm: a/c S 3 W. 8.0pm: Pos. 38 26N, 25 48E. In station on Starboard Quarter of HM s/m “E 12”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701048e: ( 4 March 1917 At sea and return to Port Iero Lat 38.4, Long 26.2 (approx, the noon position in log is 37 12N, 26 48E, almost certainly an error) 12.26am: Cape Papas Lt bore S 41 E 1.21am: Cape Papas Lt abeam. 3.15am: a/c S 30 W. 3.50am: a/c S 30 W. 6.30am: Relieved of escort by HMS “Clematis”. Proceeded N 27 E, 16 knots. [ed. Clematis, Azalea Type Fleet-Sweeping Vessel, 1915, guns: designed to mount 2 x 12 pdr, 2 x 3 pdr AA, disp: 1200 tons, comp: 77, HP 1400 or 1800 = 17 knots, image]. 6.45am: a/c N 18 E. 7.0am: a/c N 4 E. 8.0am: Pos. 47 05.75N, 25 44.5E (clearly an error, Lat 37 probably intended) 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 11.0am: Started full power trial. 11.30am: Finished full power trial. red to 200 revs. 12.30pm: a/c N 2 E. 1.25pm: a/c N 55 E. 3.45pm: Course as requisite to close Port Iero. Hands preparing ship for coaling. 4.16pm: Passed boom defence. 4.45pm: Secured alongside collier “John Barry”. 4.50pm: Commenced coaling. 6.05pm: Completed with coal. 6.10pm: Shoved off from collier. 6.40pm: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms with 3 shackles. Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701048f: ( 5 March 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Aired night clothing. am: Hands cleaning ship and refitting. 10.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS “Lowestoft” (Sick). 1.45pm: Landed 1 PO and 10 seamen for route march. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations and boats’ crews. 6.15pm: M.F.A. “G 16” sailed. 7.20pm: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. 7.50pm: HMS “Gazelle” sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010490: ( 6 March 1917 Port Iero and on Smyrna patrol Lat 38.8, Long 26.57 8.05am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 8.20am: Passed boom defence. 8.30am: Passed boom defence, course as requisite to assume Smyrna Patrol, 170 revs. 8.45am: Relieved HMD “2109” on Smyrna Patrol. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands painting dinghy, S.Gs to gun drill. 10.45am: Carried out .303 aiming rifle practice. 11.30am: Resumed patrol. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 7.15pm: Reduced to 80 revs. 8.0pm: Lat. 39º 46’ N, Long. 26º 33’ E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010491: ( 7 March 1917 Smyrna patrol Lat 38.84, Long 26.5 am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 7.30am: a/c as requisite to close Port Iero. 8.15am: Increased to 180 revs. 8.45am: Stopped and received provisions from “PL 180”. 8.50am: Proceeded on Patrol. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations, tested communications, exercised sight setters. 5.05pm: Increased to 150 revs, course as requisite to close Port Iero. 6.20pm: Stopped off Iero. 7.0pm: Received mail. 7.10pm: Proceeded as requisite to assume patrol. 7.30pm: One thermometer broken. 7.45pm: Reduced to 100 revs. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010492: ( 8 March 1917 Smyrna patrol Lat 38.79, Long 26.6 am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 8.0am: Lat 38º 49½’ N, Long 26º 35’ E. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands employed pointing boat falls, painting dinghy, etc. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 7.0pm: Sighted searchlight in Port Iero. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010493: ( 9 March 1917 Smyrna patrol, Port Iero and at sea for escort duty Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: { Cape Hydra S 30 E. { Cape Chimali S 55 E. 6.45am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.0am: Increased to 100 revs. 8.0am: Lat. 38º 49’N, Long 26º 35’ E. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 10.0am: Relieved of patrol by H.M.D. “2109”, course as requisite to close Port Iero. 10.35am: Passed boom defence. 11.15am: Secured alongside collier “John Barry”. Noon: Commenced coaling. 12.45pm: Stopped coaling, received 24 tons. 12.55pm: Shoved off from collier and proceeded as requisite to escort HM s/m “E 25”. 1.30pm: Passed boom defence. 2.0pm: Shaped course S 37 W, on Port quarter of s/m “E 25”. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised night action and fire stations. Tested communications. 6.0pm: a/c S 10 W. 7.35pm: a/c S. 8.0pm: Lat. 38º 16’ N, Long 25º 49’ E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.35pm: Sighted Papas Lt. bearing S 15 E. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010494: ( 10 March 1917 On patrol and to Port Iero Lat 38.55, Long 25.82 12.22am: C Papas Lt on bow. 12.38am: C Papas Lt abeam, a/c S 8 W. 3.30am: Denusa Isle abeam. 4.30am: a/c S 45 W. 5.30am: Relieved of s/m E35 by HMS “Jed”. a/c N 4 E, 16 knots. 6.0am: Watch clean ship. 8.0am: Pos. 37 28N, 25 45E. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Hands repairing deck cloths and as requisite. 11.20am: a/c North. 12.05pm: a/c N 22 E. 12.25pm: a/c N 59 E. 2.50pm: Courses to close Port Iero. 2.55pm: Passed boom defence. 3.55pm: Secured to collier “John Barry”, commenced coaling. 5.58pm: Completed with coal, 67 tons. 6.12pm: Cast off and came to Port anchor in 8 fathoms with 3 shackles. Hands clean ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010495: ( 11 March 1917 At Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Two ratings re-joined ship. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.0am: Church parties left for HMS “Whitby Abbey” (R.C.s) and HMS “Lowestoft”. 11.0am: Church parties returned. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010496: ( 12 March 1917 Port Iero, Smyrna patrol, Port Iero and at sea towards Mudros Lat 38.84, Long 26.59 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.20am: Passed boom defence, course as requisite to assume Smyrna Patrol. 8.0am: Relieved HMD “2109” on Smyrna Patrol, course as requisite for patrolling. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: 2nd watch of stokers and seamen to rifle drill. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.05pm: Closed HMS “Savage” off entrance of Port Iero. [ed. Savage, G Class, Destroyer, 1910, arm: 1 x 4”, 3 x 12 pdr, 1 x 3 pdr AA, 1 x MG, 2 x 22” TT’s, disp :897 tons, comp: 96 men, ave H. P. 12,500 = 27 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships. image]. 3.15pm: Stopped, Captain of “Savage” came aboard. 4.0pm: Captain of “Savage” left. Proceeded as requisite to close Port Iero. 4.30pm: Passed boom defence. 4.40pm: Came to Port anchor in L 3 berth Loutra Bay, in 8 fathoms with 3 shackles. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action, demolition party and boats crews. 7.05pm: Embarked 2 ratings for passage to Mudros. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 11.20pm: Passed boom defence. 11.40pm: Shaped course S 84 W, 150 revs. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010497: ( 13 March 1917 Port Iero to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 12.45am: a/c N 54 W. 2.45am: Sighted Sigri Lt. N 5 W. 3.0am: Sigri Lt. abeam 3 m, a/c 30 W. 5.45am: Reduced to 140 revs 6.0am: Reduced to 130 revs. 6.0am: Hands preparing for coaling. 6.40am: Course and speeds as requisite for entering Mudros. 7.15am: Passed boom defence. 7.45am: Came to Port anchor in 7½ fathoms, 2 shackles. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.05am: “Blenheim’s” Torpedo party came aboard. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite to Torp. range. 10.0am: Stopped on Torp. range and ran Torpedoes at No 2 rate. 11.20am: Secured alongside “Scourge” alongside “Blenheim”. [ed. Scourge, 1910, sister-ship to Savage previously described. image]. 11.33am: M. lighter “K 35” secured alongside. Hands employed taking in provisions and cleaning Torpedo’s. 2.0pm: Hands employed about torpedoes and provisioning ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.15pm: Two ratings for passage discharged. 6.0pm: 6 ratings joined ship. 7.0pm: Three ratings discharged to “Blenheim” (two sick). 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010498: ( 14 March 1917 Mudros and at sea towards Salonica Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.40am: Received 1 Reindeer buoy and 3 shackles of cable for HMS “Arno”. [HMS Arno was a unique destroyer of the Royal Navy that saw service and was lost during First World War. She was under construction in Genoa, Italy for the friendly Portuguese Navy as Liz in 1914 when she was bought by the Royal Navy for service in the Mediterranean. She had two funnels and masts and four QF 12-pounder guns, shipped sided on the forecastle, behind the second funnel and on the quarterdeck. Although much smaller and slower than her British contemporaries, she was soundly built and had a high freeboard and tall bridge, making her a useful vessel. She was lost off the Dardanelles after a collision with the Acorn- / H-class destroyer Hope on 23rd March 1918. Information from wikipedia, image wikipedia]. 8.50am: Divisions and prayers. Aired night clothing. Physical drill. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.30am: Medical inspection by Staff Surgeon of “Blenheim”. 11.55am: Discharged one rating sick to “Blenheim” and one Tel. rating to “Blenheim”. 1.30pm: Hands employed refitting. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Read Warrant. One rating discharged to cells. Exercised night action stations. 5.55pm: Cast off from “Scourge” and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 6.15pm: Passed boom defence, shaped course S 24 E, 190 revs. 6.40pm: a/c S 75 W, 150 revs. 7.35pm: a/c N 78 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.20pm: Sighted Psathurs Lt. S 30 W. 4caf85a0cadfd34197010499: ( 15 March 1917 At sea to Salonica [now Thessaloniki] Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 12.40am: Cape Palluiri Abeam. 1.15am: Sighted Kassandra Pt N 50 W (H). 1.38am: Kassandra Pt on bow. 2.09am: Kassandra Pt abeam. 2.25am: a/c N 42 W. 2.30am: Kassandra Lt. abeam. 3.0am: Kassandra Lt. on Quarter. 5.05am: a/c N 4 E, 130 revs. 5.45am: Vardar Lt bearing N 12 W. 6.0am: Watch preparing ship for coaling. 6.15am: Course and speed as requisite to enter Salonica Bay. 6.51am: Passed boom defence. 7.50am: Secured alongside collier “Ridley”. 8.0am: Commenced coaling. 9.0am: Completed with coal, received 44 tons. 9.05am: Shoved off from collier. 9.15am: Came to Port anchor in 6 fathoms with 2 shackles. 9.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 3.0pm: HMS “Sentinel” arrived. [ed. Sentinel, Light Cruiser Boadicea Type, 1904, guns: 9 x 4” 1 x 3” AA, 1 x 6 pdr AA, 1 x 3pdr AA, TT’s 2 x 14”, disp: 2895 tons, comp: 298, HP 17,000 = 25 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. 3.30pm: Gave special leave to Port watch from 3.30pm to 6.30pm. pm: HMS “Renard” and “Jed” arrived. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701049a: ( 16 March 1917 At Salonica Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 6.20am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. am: Hands refitting hand lines and kite wire. 12.15pm: HMTB “No 17”. arrived. 1.30pm: Hands refitting kite wires and as requisite. 4.30pm: HMS “Jed” sailed. Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 6.30. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.45pm: One thermometer broken. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701049b: ( 17 March 1917 Salonica and at sea towards Milo Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.45am: HMS “Grasshopper” arrived. [ed. Grasshopper, sister-ship to Scourge and Savage previously described. image]. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands cleaning boats and ship’s side. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action station, tested communications. 6.15pm: Passed boom defence in company with “Amiral Ganteaume” and “Arcturus”. Shaped course S 40 W, 140 revs. 7.15pm: Took station astern of convoy, 130 revs. 7.30pm: Panomi Light abeam, 5’. 8.05pm: Panomi Lt. on Quarter. 8.10pm: a/c S 27 W. 10.30pm: Challenge and reply from “Azalea”. Midnight: a/c S 84 E. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701049c: ( 18 March 1917 At sea Lat 38.55, Long 25.22 3.0am: Sighted Psathura Lt. bearing S 53 E. 4.15am: Psathura Lt. abeam. 4.45am: Increased to 170 revs, took station ahead of convoy. 4.50am: a/c S 24 E. 5.40am: Commenced Zig-zag. 8.0am: S. Podia Rk. S 42 W, 11½ m. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 10.40am: a/c S 17 W. pm: Zig zagging ahead of convoy. 5.0pm Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 6.30pm: Took station astern of convoy, co. S 7 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.20pm: a/c N 2 W. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701049d: ( 19 March 1917 At sea to Milo and on to Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 Midnight: Shaped course N 10 W. 2.30am: a/c S 12 E. 5.30am: Proceeded with convoy course and speed as requisite to close Milo. 6.20am: Parted with convoy at boom. 6.25am: a/c S 6 W. 7.20am: Passed HMS “Arno”. Made pendant. 8.0am: Lat. 36º 23’ N, Long 24º 18’ E. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 11.0am: a/c S 14 W. 11.20am: Course and speeds as requisite to enter Suda Bay. 11.40am: Passed boom defence. Noon Secured alongside collier “Narjak”. 1.05pm: First Hoist. 2.30pm: Completed with coal (53 tons). 2.40pm: Shoved off from collier after ¼ hours breakdown with winch. 2.50pm: Secured alongside MFA “Bacchus”. [ed. Bacchus, Water and Stores Carrier, 1915, about 3,500 tons, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. 3.30pm: Shoved off from “Bacchus”. 3.40pm: Came to Port anchor in B5 berth with 2 shackles. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.05pm: HMS “Renard” arrived. [ed. Renard, Destroyer, sister-ship to Scourge and Savage previously described, 1909, image]. 5.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701049e: ( 20 March 1917 Suda Bay [Crete] Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and washing ship’s side. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands employed scraping and red leading cable lockers. 10.30am: HMS “Aster” arrived. [ed. Aster, Acacia Class Sloop, 1915, built by Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co, Kingston upon Hull, launched 1 May 1915. Mined 4 July 1917 in the Mediterranean. image Acacia sister-ship to Aster, information/ image]. 1.30pm: Hands painting cable lockers. 3.15pm: 1 P.O. landed for patrol. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action and boats crews. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd3419701049f: ( 21 March 1917 Suda Bay and at sea towards Mudros Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Aired night clothing. am: Hands refitting awning stanchions and preparing. 1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with Greek SS “Nefeli”. 1.40pm: Passed boom defence. Shaped course N 73 E, 100 revs, in station ahead of convoy. 1.50pm: a/c S 85 E. 2.20pm: Commenced zig zagging ahead of convoy, 140 revs. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 7.10pm: Took station astern of convoy, course E, 100 revs. 8.0pm: a/c S 86 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Cape St. John on bow (S 38 E). 10.50pm: Cape St. John on beam. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a0: ( 22 March 1917 Convoy escort and towards Mudros Lat 36.75, Long 24.75 12.10am: Sighted Siders Lt. brg S 57 E. 1.50am: Siders Lt. abm, 9½ m. 2.50am: Challenged by “Nigella” .[ed. Nigella, Flower Class Sloop, 1915, various guns, 1250 tons, comp 79, IHP 1400 = 17 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. 3.10am: Relieved of convoy by “Nigella”, a/c N 49 W, 15 knots. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.45am: a/c N 55 W (Mag). 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.20am: a/c N 29 W. am: Hands fitting Q.D. awning stanchions and ridge ropes. 12.30pm: a/c N 38 W (Mag). 12.40pm: Cyclops Hd. abeam 1 m, a/c N 15 W. 3.30pm: a/c N 14 E (Mag). 4.15pm: a/c N 51 E (Mag). 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations, communications, fire stations, hand steering and carried out gun drill. 5.40pm: a/c N 12 E. 7.07pm: Sighted Cape Phassa Lt. bearing N 30 E. 7.30pm: C. Phassa Lt. on bow. 7.48pm: C. Phassa Lt. abeam 3½ m, a/c N 29 E (Mag). 8.0pm: Red to 136 revs. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: Sighted Lithau Lt. brg N 2 W. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a1: ( 23 March 1917 At sea to Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 2.55am: a/c N 14 E. 6.0am: Course and speeds as requisite for entering Mudros, watch preparing ship for coaling. 6.30am: Passed boom defence. 7.20am: Secured alongside collier “Glenbridge”. Hands to breakfast. 8.0am: First hoist. 9.30am: Last hoist, received 53 tons. 9.33am: Shoved off. 9.40am: Came to Port anchor in 5 fathoms with 2 shackles. am: Hands cleaning ship. 12.35pm: HMS “Bulldog” and “Scorpion” arrived. pm: Hands cleaning ship and striking down stores and provisions. 4.20pm: HMS “Harpy” arrived. [ed. Harpy, G Class Destroyer sister-ship to Scourge and Savage previously described. image]. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. Tested communications and exercised sight setters. 1 Rating joined ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a2: ( 24 March 1917 Mudros, at sea for target practice and return Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea. 8.15am: Weighed and proceeded in station astern of “Beagle” – course and speeds as requisite. 8.45am: Passed boom defence in station astern of “Beagle” and “Foresight”. [ed. Foresight, Light Cruiser Sentinel Class, 1904, guns 9 x 4”, 1 x 3” AA, 2 x 14” TT’s, disp 2850 tons, comp 298 men, HP 15,000 = 25 ¼ knots, Jane’s fighting Ships 1919, image]. 8.50am: Parted company, course as requisite to close “Foresight’s” target – 290 revs. 10.15am: Spotting for “Foresight”. 10.20am: Reduced to 8 knots. 10.40am: Course as requisite to patrol round “Foresight”. 10.50am: Course as requisite to close Mudros. 11.55am: Speeds as requisite to close Mudros. Noon: Passed boom defence. 12.25pm: Secured alongside collier “Glenbridge”. Hands to dinner. 1.16pm: First hoist, rec. 16 tons. 1.32pm: Last hoist. 1.34pm: Shoved off. 1.50pm: Came to Port anchor in 5 fathoms with 3 shackles. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 4.30pm: Six ratings joined ship. 5.0pm: Evening quarters, Night action stations. Discharged six ratings to HMS “Blenheim”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a3: ( 25 March 1917 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 5.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.0am: R.Cs went aboard “Blenheim”. 7.30am: HMS “Wolverine” and “Scorpion” sailed. 10.0am: Divisions. 10.15am: Captain “D” came aboard to inspect Divisions and Upper Decks and present two Croix de Guerre. 10.30am: Captain “D” left ship. Divine service. 11.50am: HMS “Staunch” arrived. [ed. Staunch, H Class Destroyer, 1910, guns 2 x 4”, 2 x 12 pdr, 2 x 21” TT’s, disp 800 tons, comp 72 men, HP 13,500 = 27 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1914, sunk in 1917. image]. 1.0pm: One rating joined ship from “Blenheim”. 1.50pm: HMS’ “Redpole” and “Comet” arrived. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 6.0pm: 1 rating left ship. 6.30am: HMS “Harpy” sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a4: ( 26 March 1917 Mudros at sea and return Lat 40.0, Long 24.3 [approx] 5.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with “Jed” in company. 6.35am: Passed boom defence. Shaped course S 24 E, 200 revs. 6.40am: Parted company with “Jed”. 6.50am: Passed “Rattlesnake”. 6.55am: a/c N 75 W (Mag). 7.15am: a/c N 62 W (Mag). 7.30am: Sighted Mount Athos N 54 W. 8.0am: Searching for missing seaplane. 8.10am: Ran into thick fog bank. Reduced to 30 revs. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 9.10am: a/c S78E, 8 knots. 1st watch stokers to 12 pdr gun drill. Fired belt of Maxim. 9.30am: Course as requisite to search for seaplane. Noon: a/c N 78 W. 12.20pm: Increased to 18 knots. 1.30pm: Course as requisite to search for seaplane in Gulf of Monte Santo. 3.15pm: Full speed. 3.25pm: Shaped course S 45 E. 3.54pm: a/c S 51 E. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.55pm: a/c S 65 E. Hands preparing for coaling. 6.05pm: Course as requisite to enter harbour. 6.26pm: Speeds as requisite. 6.40pm: Passed boom defence. 7.0pm: Secured alongside collier “Glenbridge”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a5: ( 27 March 1917 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.0am: Commenced coaling (1st Hoist). 6.55am: Last hoist. Received 39 tons. 6.75are: Shoved off. 7.10am: Came to Port anchor in 5 fathoms with 3 shackles. 8.05am: HMS’ “Comet” and “Redpole” sailed. 9.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.30am: HMS “Wear” anchored. 11.30am: Let go second anchor underfoot. 1.0pm: HMS “Staunch” and “Fury” arrived. [ed. Fury, formerly Acorn Class Destroyer, 1911, guns: 2 x 4”, 2 x 12 pdr, 1 x 3 pdr AA, 2 x 21” TT’s, 760 tons, comp 72, HP 13,500 = 27knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919] pm: Hands cleaning boats, refitting whalers’ gripes and as requisite. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.10pm: Two ratings discharged to “Blenheim”. 5.40pm: Two ratings joined ship from “Blenheim. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a6: ( 28 March 1917 At Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 6.45am: HMS “Wear” sailed. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed repairing boats’ covers and re-canvassing lower boom gear. pm: Hands to Make and Mend clothes. 4.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS “Blenheim” – sick. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. Weighed Starboard anchor by hand. 5.30pm: HMS “Basilisk”, with Capt. (D) on board, sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a7: ( 29 March 1917 Mudros to Syra Lat 38.59, Long 24.75 5.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 6.55am: Passed boom defences. am: Shaped course S 25 E, 200 revs. 7.15am: a/c S 19 W (Mag). 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 1st watch stokers and seamen to rifle drill. 10.0am: Hands refitting lower boom gear and as requisite. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 1.55pm: a/c S 37 E. 4.10pm: Closed and signalled HMS “Skirmisher”. Took station astern, course and speed as requisite to close and enter Syra. [ed. Skirmisher, Sentinel Class Light Cruiser, 1905, guns 9 x 4”, 1 x 3” AA, 1 x 6 pdr, 2 x 14” TT’s, disp 2896 tons, comp 298, HP about 17,000 = 25 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. 5.40pm: Passed boom defence. 6.0pm: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms 3 shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a8: ( 30 March 1917 At Syra (aka Siros) Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Employed painting ship. pm: Employed painting ship. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 5.55pm: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104a9: ( 31 March 1917 Syra and at sea towards Suda Bay Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 8.30am: Aired bedding. 9.0am: Divisions, Prayers and Physical. am: Employed painting ship. 1.30pm: Gave special leave to Port watch till 7.0pm. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.15pm: Hands to bathe. 5.20pm HMS “Latona” arrived. [ed. Latona, Apollo Class Cruiser, 1890, guns 2 x 6”, 6 x 4.7”, 8 x 6 pdr, 1 x 3 pdr, 4 x MG’s, 4 x 14” TT’s, disp 3400 tons, comp 273, HP natural 7000 = 18.5, forced 9000 = 20 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1906/7. image]. 6.45pm: One AB put under arrest. 8.30pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 9.0pm: Capt. Cochrane and Lieut. Commenced Sinclair RNR embarked for passage. 9.05pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 9.15pm: Passed boom defence, course as requisite for swept channel. 9.45pm: Shaped course S 24 W, 150 revs. 9.50pm: Nata Lt. abeam. 11.15pm: Reduced to 135 revs. LOGS FOR APRIL 1917 4caf85a0cadfd341970104aa: ( 1 April 1917 From Syra to Suda bay and at sea Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 1.29am: Polino Lt abeam, 3.6m, a/c S 21 W. 2.0am: a/c S 26 W. 6.0am: Working up for full power trial. 6.45am: Eased to 150 revs. 6.30am: Released AB. 6.55am: a/c S 10 W. 7.25am: Reduced to 120 revs. 7.40am: Course as requisite to enter Suda bay. 8.25am: Passed boom defence. 8.35am: Lay off HMS “Theseus”. Capt. Cochrane and Lt. Commenced disembarked. [ed. Theseus, Old Cruiser, 1892, guns 2 x 9.2”, 10 x 6”, 12 x 6 pdr, 5 x 3 pdr, 2 x 18” sub TT’s, 7350 tons, HP 12,000 = 19.5 knots, image]. 8.55am: Came to Port anchor in 25 fathoms waiting to go alongside collier. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 9.39am: Secured alongside collier “Gardenia” [ed. Gardenia, image]. 9.54am: First hoist. 11.14am: Last hoist, received 65 tons. 11.18am: Shoved off from collier. 11.25am: Came to Port anchor in 5 fathoms with 1½ shackles. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 2.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 5.30pm: Hands to bathe. 10.0pm: Capt. Cochrane embarked for passage. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: Weighed and took station astern of “Basilisk”, course and speeds as requisite to leave harbour. 10.55pm: Passed boom defence. 11.10pm: Took station off Starboard beam of “Basilisk”, course N 5 E, 15 knots. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104ab: ( 2 April 1917 At sea to Syra and at sea Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 2.40am: Sighted Paximandion Lt. brg. N 5 E. 3.45am: a/c N 15 E. 4.12am: a/c N 40 E. 5.35am: Livadhi Lt abeam 3 m, a/c N 56 E. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.20am: a/c N 36 E. 7.30am: Course and speed as requisite to enter Syra astern of “Basilisk”. 7.55am: Passed net defence. 8.0am: Came to Port anchor in 10½ fathoms with 3 shackles. 9.0am: Hands to divisions with night clothing, Prayers and Physical drill. 9.15am: Six ratings joined ship. am: Employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 5.30pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 5.20pm: Hands to bathe. 7.0pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.25pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.45am: Shaped course S 61 E, working up to 15 knots. 8.20pm: Sighted Paros Lt. brg S 9 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.50pm: a/c S 71 E. 11.50pm: a/c S 13 E. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104ac: ( 3 April 1917 At sea to Vathy and return to Syra Lat 37.1, Long 25.13 am: Course and speeds as requisite for searching for enemy submarine off Amorgos. 6.20am: Entered cove on NW coast of Amorgos. Dinghy left ship to examine beach. 6.50am: Hoisted dinghy and proceeded to Vathy. 7.45am: Entered Vathy. 7.55am: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms with 2 shackles. Interpreter came aboard. 8.0am: Hands to bathe. 8.10am: Interpreter left ship. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 9.35am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 10.55am: a/c N 30 W. 11.15am: Communicated Greek T.B. “Thetis” by flags. Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: a/c N 5 E. Noon: a/c N 37 W. 1.15pm: Course as requisite to close Syra. 1.40pm: Passed boom defence. 2.0pm: Came to Port anchor in 13 fathoms with 3 shackles. 4.30pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 7.0pm, P.Os, C.P.Os and Ldg Hands till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 5.20pm: Hands to bathe. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104ad: ( 4 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Employed spreading and refitting awnings and as requisite. am: Seamen to rifle drill. 1.30pm: Paid ship’s company. pm: Hands refitting awnings. 3.34pm: Exercised boats’ crews – pulling. 4.45pm: Gave special leave to Port watch till 7.0pm, P.O.s, CPOs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. pm: Hands to bathe. pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104ae: ( 5 April 1917 Syra to Scio and at sea for convoy duty Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 5.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 6.05am: Shaped course N 73 E, 190 revs. 7.20am: a/c N 48 E Mag. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.30am: Hands repairing awnings etc. 9.30am: a/c N 40 E. 10.45am: Course as requisite to skirt coast of Khios and approach Scio. 11.20am: Four rounds fired at ship by Turkish Battery. Fell short and astern. 11.45am: Entered Scio. 11.50am: Came to Port anchor in 5½ fathoms with 1 shackle. 12.55am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 1.0pm: Passed out of Scio. Took station ahead of Greek steamer “Thessalia” with troops for Salonica, course N 8 E, 130 revs. [ed. Thessalia image]. 2.0pm: Passed through Spalmatori Channel, commenced zig-zag ahead of convoy, 130 revs, course NW. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action, carried out drill, exercised ammunition supply party. 8.05pm: a/c N 55 W. 8.55pm: Sighted Lithari Lt. bearing S 60 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104af: ( 6 April 1917 Scio to Gulf of Salonica and on to Mudros Lat 40.0, Long 23.1 [approx] 1.0am: Sighted Pasthino Lt. bearing N 55 W, a/c N 47 W. 2.55am: Pasthino Lt. abm, a/c N 57 W. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.20am: a/c S 68 W. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands employed repairing awnings, 1st watch Stoker and seamen to 12 pdr gun drill. 9.0am: a/c N 32 W, exercised sight-setters and communications. 11.30am: Relieved of convoy by “TB 30”, shaped course S 71 E, 190 revs. 12.45pm: Kassandra Pt. bore N 50 E, 3m, a/c S 76 E Mag. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 3.37pm: Mt. Athos abeam 22m. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations, a/c S 88 E. 6.15pm: Course as requisite to enter swept channel and close Mudros. 7.20pm: Passed boom defence. 7.40pm: Secured alongside collier “Glendridge”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b0: ( 7 April 1917 Mudros and at sea towards Syra Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 5.40am: Clear lower deck – up Berthon boat. 5.50am: Hands coal ship. 6.0am: First Hoist. 8.05am: One rating joined ship. 8.45am: Last hoist, received 125 tons. 8.48am: Cast off from collier. 8.57am: Came to Port anchor in 6 fathoms with 3 shackles. Anchor bearings { Distillery S 20 W { Turk Isle S 24 E { S. Ni Rolo Isle S 53 E am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.50pm: One rating discharged to “Blenheim”. 5.20pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 5.56pm: Four ratings embarked for passage. Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 6.24pm: Passed boom defence, shaped course S 24 E, 150 revs. 6.45pm: a/c S 19 W Mag. 10.20pm: Sighted Lithari Pt bearing S 35 W. 11.34pm: Lithari abm. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b1: ( 8 April 1917 At sea to Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 12.25am: Lothari Lt. abeam 12 m. 1.50am: Sighted Cape Phassa Lt, S 14 W. 4.27.0am: Phassa Lt. abm, a/c s 25 W. 5.0am: a/c S 38 E. 6.30am: a/c S 32 E. 7.20am: Course as requisite to close Syra. 7.50am: Passed boom defence. 8.10am: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms with 3 shackles. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. 10.50am: Discharged four ratings to HMS “Skirmisher” and stores. 11.50am: HMS “Redbreast” sailed. (ed. HMS Redbreast was a passenger/cargo ship requisitioned by the British Government during World War I, and used as a messenger ship and anti-submarine Q ship. She was torpedoed and sunk by UC-38 in the Aegean sea on 15 July 1917 whilst on passage from Skyros to the Doro Channel. Forty two crew were killed. info wikipedia, image]. 1.30pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 7.0pm, CPOs, POs and Leading Rates till 9.30pm. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 5.20pm: Hands to bathe. 8.05pm: HMS “M 33” sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: One absentee returned on board. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b2: ( 9 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Aired night bedding. 9.15am: Hands scrubbing ship’s side, painting aloft and refitting boats’ gripes. 1.30pm: Hands employed refitting and painting down aloft. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 8.40pm: Discharged 4 ratings to “Redbreast” for passage to Mudros. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b3: ( 10 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.0am: HMPL “216” sailed. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Aired night clothing. am: Hands refitting, painting and scrubbing ship’s side. pm: Employed refitting and cleaning ship’s side. 4.0pm: Gave special leave to Port Watch till 7.0pm, CPOs, POs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action and Sight Setters. 5.20pm: Hands to bathe. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Two absentees returned aboard. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b4: ( 11 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.30am: Water lighter alongside. 8.0am: Hands to bathe. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Hands rigging whalers for sailing, refitting dinghy’s falls, red leading and painting wire reels etc. pm: Hands refitting boats’ gripes and as requisite. 3.0pm: Exercised whaler’s crew under sail. 3.10pm: Trawler “386” arrived. 3.30pm: Collier “Monkshaven” arrived and secured alongside HMS “Skirmisher”. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 4.30pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 7.0pm, CPOs, POs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm 5.20pm: Hands to bathe. 8.10pm: HMS “Hussar” sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: Received 8 bags of mail for conveyance to Salamis. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b5: ( 12 April 1917 Syra to Salamis and return Lat 37.94, Long 23.47 5.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 6.10am: Passed boom defence, course as requisite to skirt coast of Syra. 6.45am: Cape Trimesson bore SW, 1m, shaped course N 87 W Mag, 190 revs. 7.35am: a/c S 89 W Mag. 8.10am: a/c S 87 W mag. 8.45am: a/c N 61 W. 9.0am: Divisons, prayers and physical drill. 10.0am: After quarters to 12 pdr gun drill. 10.0am: a/c N 58 W. 10.45am: a/c N 4 E. 11.0am: Course and speeds as requisite to close Salamis. 11.45am: Passed outer boom. 11.50am: Passed inner boom. Noon: Came to Port anchor in 17 fathoms with 3 shackles. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.05pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 3.18pm: Passed inner boom. 3.20pm: Passed outer boom. 3.25pm: Shaped course S 25 E Mag, 190 revs. 4.05pm: a/c S 4 W. 4.25pm: a/c S 62 E. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action, tested communications, exercised sightsetters and ammunition partied. 6.20pm: a/c S 88 E Mag. 7.30pm: Cape Phassa Lt bore N 15 E. 7.45pm: Sighted Steno Pass Lt. bearing N 6 E. 8.30pm: Course and speed as requisite to close Syra. 9.0pm: Passed net defence. 9.05pm: Came to Port anchor in 11 fathoms with 3 shackles. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b6: ( 13 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 am: HMPL “216” sailed. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. am: Hands refitting boats’ falls, painting Berthon boat and as requisite. 11.30am: HMS “Gazelle” sailed. 1.30pm: Hands painting Berthon boat, scraping and red leading as requisite. 4.30pm: Gave special leave to Port watch till 7.0pm, CPOs, POs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action stations. 7.0pm: Discharged 2 ratings for passage to Mudros. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.30pm: HMPL “236” sailed. pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b7: ( 14 April 1917 Syra, at sea and return and at sea Lat 37.59, Long 24.7 [approx] 1.25am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite to leave harbour. 1.30am: Passed boom defence, course and speeds as requisite to search coast of Tinos for submarine. 6.15am: Watch cleaning ship. 6.30am: Course and speeds as requisite to search Tinos harbour. 6.50am: Course as requisite to close Syra, 130 revs. 7.55am: Passed boom defence, Syra. 8.0am: Came to Port anchor in 11 fathoms with 3 shackles. 9.0am: Divisions Prayers and Physical drill. 10.35am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 10.40am: Passed boom defence. 10.45am: Shaped course N 7 W, 120 revs. 10.55am: a/c N 24 W, 200 revs. am: Hands refitting jackstays and Berthon boat. 12.30pm: Course as requisite to search for submarine in Doro channel and round Zea to W. of Syra. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.30pm: Reduced to 150 revs. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action and Submarine stations. 5.45pm: Reduced to 130 revs. 6.45pm: Shaped course N 11 W, Glaro Isle bore S 80 W, 1½ m. 7.0pm: Inc. to 150 revs. 7.25pm: a/c S 40 E. 7.45pm: Reduced to 100 revs. 7.50pm: Made pendants to HMS “Lynn”. 9.0pm: a/c N 26 W, 120 revs. 10.45pm: a/c N 5 W. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b8: ( 15 April 1917 At sea to Skopelos Bay Lat 39.13, Long 23.73 12.25am: C. Doro abeam 2½ m, a/c N 24 W. 4.0am: a/c N 54 W. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. a/c N 18 W. 7.05am: a/c N 68 W. 7.35am: Course as requisite to go through Skopelos Channel and close Skopelos bay. 9.0am: Stopped in Skopelos Bay. am: President of Venezelist committee came aboard. 9.45am: Came to Port anchor in 5 fathoms with 1 shackle. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 10.30am: President of Venezelist committee landed. pm: Hands make and make clothes. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised action stations. 5.30pm: Hands to bathe. 5.15pm: Trawler “1775” arrived. 5.40pm: Trawler sailed for Rondia. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104b9: ( 16 April 1917 Skopelos to Volo and on to Puripo Lat 39.33, Long 22.98 3.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of Skopelos Bay, 150 revs. 3.15am: Shaped course N 42 W. 3.45am: a/c N 57 W. 3.55am: a/c S 29 W. 4.45am: a/c W. 5.30am: Pondiko Nisi abeam 2’. 6.0am: Watch cleaning ship. 6.15am: a/c S 45 W, 6.35am: a/c S 50 W. 7.0am: Course as requisite for Oreos Channel. 7.20am: Closed HM Trawler “1609” and sent boat for Captain. 8.0am: Hoisted dinghy and proceeded, course as requisite to enter Gulf of Volo. 9.0am: Divisons, prayers and physical drill. 10.0am: Passed breakwater at Volo. 10.05am: Came to Port anchor in 5 fathoms with 2 shackles. 11.45am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, course as requisite to go down Gulf of Volo, 190 revs. pm: Course as requisite for Oreos, Talanta and Puripo channels. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 2.40pm: Rounded Likhado Isles. 3.20pm: Passed Cape Akrista. 5.05pm: Passed through gate. 6.0pm: Came to Port anchor in Inner harbour in 7 fathoms with 3 shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104ba: ( 17 April 1917 Puripo to Syra Lat 37.84, Long 24.62 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded. Course as requisite for Euripo Strait, Steno Pass and Euripo channel, 150 revs. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Stokers (1st Watch) to rifle drill. am: Hands refitting awnings and as requisite. 11.15am: Shaped course S 48 E. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.40pm: Glaio Isle abm, 3m. 2.20pm: Course as requisite to approach Syra. 2.50pm: Passed boom defence. 3.0pm: Came to Port anchor in 7 fathoms with 3 shackles. 3.15pm: Let go Starboard anchor underfoot. 5.0pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 7.0pm, CPOs, POs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.15pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104bb: ( 18 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship and spreading awnings. 7.0am: Weighed Starboard anchor by hand. 8.0am: Hands to bathe. 9.0am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. am: Hands refitting as requisite. pm: Hands scrubbing ship’s side. 3.15pm: Exercised whalers’ crews under sail. 4.45pm: Gave special leave to Port watch till 7.0pm, CPOs, POs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters, exercised night action. One rating joined ship for passage to Mudros. Furled awnings. 6.10pm: HMPL “222” arrived. 6.30pm: Received 4,000 lbs vegetables for “Blenheim”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.30pm: Received mails for conveyance to Mudros. 11.0pm: One Officer and one Sapper embarked for passage. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104bc: ( 19 April 1917 Syra to Mudros Lat 38.52, Long 24.9 12.30am: Rounds correct. No change in anchor bearings, wind decreasing. 2.30am: Rounds correct. Wind decreasing. 5.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 5.45am: One officer embarked for passage. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 6.05am: Passed boom defence. Shaped course N 2 E, 150 revs. 7.25am: Course as requisite to go through Steno Pass. 8.0am: Shaped course N 3 W. 9.15am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. Exercised sightsetters. 10.10am: Increased to 165 revs. 12.45am: Passed HMS “Beagle” and “Mosquito” with convoy. Made pendants. 3.10pm: a/c N 11 W (Mag). 3.40pm: Increased to 175 revs. 4.0pm: a/c N 12 E. 4.45pm: a/c N 67 E. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 5.40pm: Course as requisite to close Mudros by swept channel. 6.45pm: Passed boom defence. pm: Closed HMS “Europa”. 6.55pm: Disembarked passengers and mails. 7.15pm: Secured alongside collier “Glenbridge”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Discharged 4,000lbs Veg. to “Blenheim”. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104bd: ( 20 April 1917 Mudros and at sea towards Syra Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 6.0am: Hands to berthon boat, getting bags into collier and rigging collier. 6.15am: 1st hoist. 8.30am: Hands sweeping No 4 hold. 8.40am: Breakfast. 9.20am: Hands preparing No 3 hold. 9.25am: 1st hoist. 9.30am: One Stoker joined ship from “Blenheim”. 12.05pm: Completed with coal (135 tons). 12.08pm: Cast off from collier. 12.30pm: Came to Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms with 3 shackles. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 2.15pm: Mr Newcombe RN (Boatswain) joined ship from “Blenheim”. 2.30pm: Received stores and provisions. 2.45pm: Discharged Lieut. Landale RN to HMHS “Kara Paro” – sick. [ed. HMHS Karaparo, Hospital ship image]. 4.45pm: Two ratings joined ship. pm: Discharged one rating to “Blenheim”. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.0pm: Weighed and closed HMS “Europa”. 6.10am: 3 officers and 1 rating embarked for passage. Received mails for Syra and Athens. 7.10pm: Passed boom defence. Shaped course S 25 E, 175 revs. 7.35pm: a/c S 75 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.30pm: a/c S 6 E. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104be: ( 21 April 1917 From Mudros to Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 1.0am: Passed thru trawlers steering North. 1.08am: Reduced 125 revs. 2.0am: a/c S 24 W. 3.0am: a/c S 6 E. 3.05am: a/c S 12 E. 5.30am: Increased 175 revs. 7.0am: Course as requisite for Steno pass. 7.30are: Passed Steno Lt. Ho. Shaped course S. 7.30am: Course as requisite to enter Syra. 8.40am: Passed boom defence, Syra. 8.45am: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms with 4 shackles. 8.50am: Let go Starboard anchor underfoot. 9.0am: Three officers and one rating disembarked. Discharged mails to “Skirmisher”. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 4.45pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 7.0pm, POs, CPOs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Weighed Starboard anchor by hand. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104bf: ( 22 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 11.50am: St. trawler “P1” arrived. pm: Gave leave to Port watch till 7.0pm, POs, CPOs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c0: ( 23 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 12.30am: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 2 shackles, veering Port to 6 shackles. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 8.15am: Weighed Starboard anchor by hand, shortened in Port cable to 4 shackles. 8.10am: HMS “Redbreast” arrived. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands scrubbing ship’s side, fitting awning stanchions and as requisite. 10.0am: HMS “Redbreast” sailed. 1.30pm: Hands cleaning ship’s side and as requisite. 3.30pm: Exercised boats crews (pulling). 4.45pm: Special leave to Starboard watch till 7.0pm CPOs, POs, Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters, Exercised night action. 6.30pm: Let go Starboard anchor and veered to 1½ shackles, veered Port to 5½ shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c1: ( 24 April 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Hands refitting as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands painting ship’s side, fitting deck cloths, scraping gun mountings and as requisite. 4.30pm: HMS “Gazelle” sailed. 4.45pm: Gave special leave to Port watch till 7.0pm, CPOs, POs, Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c2: ( 25 April 1917 Syra and at sea towards Salonica Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 5.45am: Trawler “1776” arrived. 6.15am Hands cleaning ship. 7.0am: Weighed Starboard anchor by hand, shortened in Port cable to 3 shackles. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands re-canvassing oars, fitting brackets for oars and refitting lacings for awnings. 1.30pm: Hands refitting oars and awnings stanchions. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 7.10pm: “PL 236” arrived. 7.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.50pm: Passed boom defence, shaped course N 2 E, 150 revs. 9.0pm: Course as requisite to pass through Steno Pass. 9.40pm: a/c N 6 E. 10.20pm: Passed Gerias lt. a/c N 28 W. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c3: ( 26 April 1917 At sea to Salonica Lat 39.85, Long 23.25 am: Lithari Lt. bearing N 4 W. 3.10am: a/c N 53 W, Lithari Lt. abeam 12½ m. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.10am: a/c N 54 W (Mag). 7.45am: a/c N 25 W (Mag). 8.0am: Repo Isle Lt bore S 76 W (Mag) 1 ¾ m. 9.0am: Divisions Prayers and Physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite Exercised sightsetters, 2nd watch stokers to rifle drill. 3.15pm: Course as requisite to close Salonica. 4.25pm: Passed boom defence. 5.05pm: Came to Port anchor in 7 fathoms with 2 shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c4: ( 27 April 1917 Salonica and at sea towards Port Iero Lat 40.0, Long 23.04 (DR) 5.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite to rendezvous Greek Transports “Syvia” and ” Eline”. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Hands employed as requisite. 9.10am: Took station ahead of convoy and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 9.36am: Passed gate, shaped course S 5 W. 11.25am: a/c S 29 E. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. pm: Zig-zagging ahead of convoy. 3.15pm: a/c S 70 E. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 7.20pm: Took station astern of convoy 100 revs, S 75 E. 8.55pm: Psathura Lt abeam ¾ m. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c5: ( 28 April 1917 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 4.0am: a/c S 70 E. 6.15am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.20am: Increased to 130 revs. 9.40am: Course as requisite to enter Iero. 10.25am: Passed boom defence. 10.45am: Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms with 3 shackles. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised boats crews (Pulling). 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c6: ( 29 April 1917 Port Iero and at sea towards Salonica Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 5.15am: HMS “Savage” arrived. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.15am: Divisions. 9.40am: Church party left for HMS “Lowestoft”. 2.05pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour in company with “Savage” and Greek transports “Syria” and “Elina”. 2.30pm: Passed boom defence. On station ahead of convoy, course as requisite for swept channel. 3.26pm: Commenced zig zag ahead of convoy, course S 80 W. 4.0pm: a/c N 70 W. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 7.45pm: Took station 4 pts on Starboard bow of “Syria”, 130 revs. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.40pm: a/c N 48 W. 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c7: ( 30 April 1917 At sea to Salonica and at sea Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 2.20am: Psathura Lt. abm. 10 m, a/c N 70 W. 5.0am: Resumed zig zag ahead of convoy. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 8.0am: a/c N 30 W. 9.0am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Hands as requisite, a/c N 40 W. 10.45am: a/c N 4 E. 11.0am: Course as requisite to enter Salonica. Noon: Passed gate. 12.30pm: Lay off “St George”. Received mails, HMS “Grasshopper” sent stores. [ed. St. George, 1890, Cruiser of Edgar type, Depot ship converted 1911, guns 2 x 6”, 2 x 12 pdr AA, 2 x 3 pdr, 1120 tons, comp 301, HP 12,000 = 15-16 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. pm: Lt. G.J. Landale RN rejoined ship from “Grasshopper”. Discharged Mr. Newcombe Boatswain to “St. George”. 1.45pm: Course as requisite to leave harbour. 2.30pm: Passed gate. 3.0pm: Shaped course S 36 E, 160 revs. 3.27pm: Panomi Pt Lt abm, 1 ¼ m. 5.0pm: a/c S 41 E. Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. Exercised sightsetters and tested communications. 6.10pm: Kassandra Pt. Lt. abeam 1½ m, a/c S 56 E. 8.20pm: Psathura Lt. bearing S 44 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.55pm: Psathura Lt. abeam 3.3 m.
4caf85a0cadfd341970104c8: ( Blank Page 4caf85a0cadfd341970104c9: ( Blank Page 4caf85a0cadfd341970104ca: ( Book Cover 4caf85a0cadfd341970104cb: ( Book Cover 4caf85a0cadfd341970104cc: ( Book Cover Left Half 4caf85a0cadfd341970104cd: ( Book Cover Right Half LOGS FOR MAY 1917 4caf859bcadfd34197010210: ( 53-38214-001_0.jpg) 4caf859bcadfd34197010211: ( 53-38214-001_1.jpg) 4caf859bcadfd34197010212: ( 53-38214-002_0.jpg) This is to certify that this is a full and complete copy of the original log of HMS Colne. 4caf859bcadfd34197010213: ( 53-38214-002_1.jpg) 4caf859bcadfd34197010214: ( 53-38214-003_0.jpg) 4caf859bcadfd34197010215: ( 53-38214-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1917 At sea to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 1.45am: a/c S 71 E. 2.15am: Passed HMTB “17” and convoy. 3.0am: Sighted Sigri Lt bearing N 72 E. 5.0am: Passed TB “17” and convoy. 6.0am: Watch preparing ship for coaling. 7.30am: Course as requisite to close Port Iero. 7.45am: Passed boom defence. 8.0am: Came to Port anchor in 7 fathoms with 3 shackles. 8.40am: Trawler “326” arrived. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 8.45am: TB “17” convoy arrived. 9.10am: PL “216” came in. 1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Rochdale”. 1.23pm: First hoist. 5.35pm: Cast off from collier. 3.0pm: HMS “Sentinel” sailed. 5.50pm: Came to Port anchor in 7 fathoms with 2½ shackles. pm: Let fires die out. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010216: ( 53-38214-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1917 Port Iero and at sea towards Salonika Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.20am: Hands refitting as requisite. 11.45am: M.F.A. “Kharki” sailed. Noon: Lit fires in two boilers. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with HMTB “17” and Greek transports “Themistocles” and “Adriatikos”. 5.10pm: Passed gate, course as requisite for swept channel. 5.15pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 6.05pm: zig-zag ahead of convoy, course N 77 W, 170 revs. 11.0pm: a/c N 43 W. 4caf859bcadfd34197010217: ( 53-38214-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1917 At sea to Salonica Lat 40.54, Long 22.85 [approx] 2.30am: Sighted Psathura Lt. N 85 W. 2.45am: Passed HMS “Honeysuckle” and convoy. 3.45am: Psathura Lt. abeam 12 m, a/c N 76 W. 4.14am: Psathura Lt. abeam 10½ m. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, Prayers and Phsy Drill. 9.30am: Exercised General Quarters. 11.40am: Commenced full power trial. 12.15am: Completed full power trial. am: Course as requisite to enter Salonica. 1.0pm: Passed boom defence. 1.44pm: Secured alongside collier “Aysgarth”. 1.50pm: First Hoist. 3.20pm: Last Hoist. 3.23pm: Cast off from collier. pm: Discharged one rating to HMHS “St. Margaret of Scotland” sick. 3.40pm: Came to Port anchor in 7 fathoms with 2½ shackles. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010218: ( 53-38214-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1917 At Salonica Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 6.0am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.20am: Hands as requisite. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 3.30pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 6.30pm, CPOs and POs to 8.30pm. 8.30pm: Exercised boats crew (pulling). 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010219: ( 53-38214-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1917 Salonica and at sea towards Port Vathi, Samos Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.30am: Hands scraping, painting and as requisite. 12.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with Greek Transports “Themistocles” and “Adriatikos”, course as requisite for swept channel. 3.20pm: Panomi Lt Ho bore N 40 W, 9m, shaped course S 30 E. 3.40pm: Commenced zig zag ahead of convoy. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action, sightsetters and tested communications. 6.50pm: a/c S 72 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 9.20pm: Psathura Lt . bore S 60 E. 11.10pm: Psathura Lt. bore S 58 W, a/c S 40 E. 4caf859bcadfd3419701021a: ( 53-38214-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1917 At sea to Port Vathi, Samos Lat 37.75, Long 26.96 2.10am: Sighted Lithari Lt. abm. 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 9.15am: a/c S 68 E. 10.15am: Divisions and prayers. 1.50pm: Course and speeds as requisite to enter Port Vathi. 2.15pm: Passed gate. 2.30pm: Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms with 2½ shackles. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. 5.15pm: Gave special leave to CPOs and POs till 7.0pm. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd3419701021b: ( 53-38214-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1917 Port Vathi (Samos) and at sea towards Salonica Lat 37.84, Long 26.34 6.05am: HMS “Savage” arrived. 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.10am: Hostile aeroplane dropped two bombs near Greek “Themistocles”. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded in company with “Savage” and Greek transports “Themistocles and “Adriatikos”. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 9.15am: Passed gate. Shaped course N 64 W, zig zagging ahead of convoy. Exercised control parties and sightsetters. 12 pdr gun drill. 11.15am: Exercised submarine action stations. 1.35pm: a/c N 35 W. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action, tested communications. 8.0pm: Increased to 13.5 knots. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.40pm: Sighted Psathura N 50 W. 4caf859bcadfd3419701021c: ( 53-38214-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1917 At sea to Salonica and on towards Port Iero Lat 40.0, Long 23.03 [approx] 12.20am: Psathura Lt. abeam a/c N 72 W. 4.05am: Kassandra Pt. Lt. bore N 15 E. 4.20am: a/c N 30 W. 5.0am: Reduced 160 revs, zz on Port bow of convoy. 8.0am: a/c N 4 E. 9.0am: Divisions prayers and physical drill. 9.20am: Passed gate, Salonica. Parted company with “Savage” and convoy. Proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 10.15am: Shaped course S 36 E, 130 revs. 10.25am: Increased 175 revs. am: Hands scrubbing canvas screens, tube covers and as requisite. 1.15pm: a/c S 55 E. 2.15pm: Closed HMTB “17” and convoy. 2.45pm: Joined TB “17” with Greek transports “Syria” and “Eleni”. pm: Took station on Port bow of “Syria” course S 80 E, 170 revs. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action and ammunition parties. 6.30pm: a/c S 46 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 8.30pm: Took station astern of convoy. 4caf859bcadfd3419701021d: ( 53-38214-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1917 At sea to Port Iero and on to Scio Lat 38.79, Long 26.34 12.03am: a/c S 81 E. 1.50am: Sighted Sigri Lt N 44 E. 2.03am: Sigri Lt abm. 2.35am: TB “17” with “Syria” parted company and proceeded to Scio. Took station ahead of “Eleni”. 5.0am: Course as requisite to enter swept channel. 6.30am: Passed gate Iero. 6.50am: Came to Port anchor in L5 berth. am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.45am: Hands to bathe. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Aired night clothing. am: Hands cleaning ship and scrubbing ship’s side. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 11.0am: Shaped course S 47 W, 15 knots. 12.30pm: a/c S 16 W. 1.15pm: Course as requisite to go through Spalmatori Channel and close Scio. 2.0pm: Entered Scio. 2.15pm: Came to Port anchor in 3 fathoms with 1 shackle. 3.45pm: Gave special leave to Port Watch till 7.0pm. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd3419701021e: ( 53-38214-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1917 Scio to Port Iero Lat 39.1, Long 26.47 3.05am: Weighed and proceeded in company with TB “17” and Greek Transport “Syria”. 3.15am: In station ahead of convoy, course as requisite for Spalmatori Channel. 4.20am: Passed Spalmatori Channel, a/c N18 E. 4.25am: Increased 160 revs, Commenced zz ahead of convoy. 5.30am: a/c N 45 E. 7.15am: Entered swept channel. 7.55am: Passed gate, Iero. 8.10am: Came to Port anchor in L5 berth with 2½ shackles in 9 fathoms 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Aired bedding. 9.20am: Hands scrubbing ship’s side and as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands scrubbing ship’s side and as requisite. 3.30pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 7.0pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0am: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd3419701021f: ( 53-38214-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1917 Port Iero and at sea towards Salonica Lat 38.95, Long 26.34 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 9.20am: HMS “M16” arrived. 10.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with TB “17” and Greek Transport “Syria” and “Eleni”. 10.45am: Passed gate course as requisite for swept channel. Noon: a/c N 75 W, zz ahead of convoy. 12.45pm: 170 revs. 1.30pm: 160 revs. 2.45pm: 170 revs. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action and Sightsetters. Stokers to ammunition instruction. 5.45pm: a/c N 46 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 8.15pm: Took station ahead of convoy. 9.0pm: Psathura Lt bore W. 10.15pm: Psathura Lt. abeam 10m. 10.15pm: a/c N 80 W. 4caf859bcadfd34197010220: ( 53-38214-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1917 At sea to Salonica and at sea for Syra Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 12.15am: Commenced zz ahead of convoy. 2.15am: Reduced 140 revs, negative zz. 2.30am: a/c N 30 W. 2.55am: Resumed zz – 145 revs. 6.30am: Hands preparing for coaling. 7.0am: a/c N 4 E. 7.55am: Course as requisite to close Salonica. 8.45am: Passed gate. 10.09am: Secured alongside collier “Aysgarth”. 10.12am: First hoist. 12.05pm: Hands to dinner. 1.0pm: Resumed coaling. 3.0pm: Last hoist. 3.04pm: Cast off from collier, received 138 tons. 3.20pm: Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms with 3 shackles. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 5.0pm: 4 Ratings left ship. 5.30pm: 7 Ratings joined ship. 6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 7.0pm: Passed gate, shaped course S 57 W (Mag) 130 revs. 7.20pm: Varda buoy abeam a/c S 3 W (Mag). 8.50pm: a/c S 29 E. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010221: ( 53-38214-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1917 At sea to Syra Lat 38.32, Long 24.54 12.20am: a/c S 21 E (Mag). 2.10am: Guruni Lt. bore S 32 E, a/c S 33 E. 4.0am: Course as requisite for Skopelos channel. 4.20am: Shaped course S 41 E. 6.30am: Watch furled awnings. 7.45am: a/c S 55 E. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 8.55am: a/c S 45 E. 11.40am: 160 revs. 12.20pm: Toro Ls.½ m, a/c S 5 E. 12.30pm: Passed two sloops and convoy, made pendants. 1.15pm: Reduced 150 revs. 1.55pm: a/c S 28 E Mag. 4.0pm: Course as requisite to close Syra. 4.25pm: Passed gate. 4.35pm: Came to Port anchor in 12 fathoms with 3 shackles. 4.40pm: Let go Starboard anchor underfoot. 7.50pm: Veered port cable to 6 shackles and Starboard to 4. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010222: ( 53-38214-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.30am: Hands scrubbing out boats. 6.40am: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. 8.0am: HMS “Gazelle” sailed. 8.30am: HMS “Redbreast” sailed. 9.0am: HMS “Adamant” and s/m “E 25” arrived. [ed. Adamant, Submarine Depot Ships, 1911, guns 1 x 4”, disp 935 tons, comp 63, HP 1400 = 14 knots, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. [ed. E 25, E Class Submarine, 1915, TT’s 3 to 5 18”, Jane’s Fighting ships 1919, image E 1 sister-ship to E 25,]. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.0am: Hands to Quarters, clean guns. 1.30pm: Hands re-stowing canvas locker, painting gun pedestals, refitting and as requisite. 4.40pm: Trawler “2136” arrived. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010223: ( 53-38214-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1917 At Syra Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.20am: Trawler “P 1” sailed. 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 7.50am: HMS “Folkstone” arrived. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands scrubbing deck cloths, painting and as requisite. 11.45am: HMS “Folkstone” sailed. 1.30pm: Hands refitting awnings and as requisite. 4.45am: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 7.0pm, POs, CPOs and Ldg rates till 9.30pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters, exercised fire stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010224: ( 53-38214-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1917 Syra and at sea for Salonica Lat 37.44, Long 24.95 6.40am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands cleaning ship. 4.45pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 5.0pm: Exercised night action. 5.40pm: Weighed Starboard anchor. 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. 6.08pm: Passed gate. 6.10pm: Shaped course N 8 W, 150 revs. 6.25pm: a/c N 27 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. a/c N 8 E. 9.10pm: Phassa Lt. abm. 10.15pm: a/c N 15 W. 11.45pm: Sighted Lithari Lt bearing N 16 E. 4caf859bcadfd34197010225: ( 53-38214-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1917 At sea to Salonica Lat 40.14, Long 22.84 1.20am: a/c N 50 W. 5.20am: Cape Muti abm. Course as requisite to pass through Skopelos channel. 5.55am: Pepi Lt bore S 53 W, 1½ m, a/c N 25 W. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Torpedomen to inspection and gun drill. 1st watch Stoker to rifle drill. am: Hands refitting and as requisite. 11.20am: a/c N 6 W. 1.30pm: Course as requisite to enter Salonica. 1.45pm: Passed gate. 2.35pm: Came to Port anchor in 7 fathoms with 2 shackles. 3.30pm: Special leave to Starboard watch till 6.30pm, CPOs and POs till 8.0pm. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. pm: Landed 1 SPO and 2 Stokers (Patrol). 11.30pm: Patrol returned with one absentee. 4caf859bcadfd34197010226: ( 53-38214-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1917 At Salonica Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 6.0am: HMS’ “Bulldog”, “Racoon” and “Grasshopper” arrived. 8.20am: HMS’ “Comet” and “Foxhound” arrived. pm: Hands painting ship. 3.30pm: Special leave to port watch till 6.30pm, CPOs and POs till 8.0pm. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 6.0pm: HMS “Grasshopper”, Mosquito”, “Racoon” “Kennet” and “Comet” sailed. 7.0pm: HMS “Foxhound” sailed. 9.0pm: Rounds correct . 4caf859bcadfd34197010227: ( 53-38214-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1917 Salonica and at sea with convoy Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 10.50am: HMS “M 20” arrived. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4.05pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded in company with SS “Domingo de Larrinaga”. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 6.0pm: Passed gate, course as requisite for swept channel. 6.30pm: Varda Buor N 31 W ¾ m, a/c S 3 W, 130 revs. 6.40pm: Passed “Renard” and Greek TBD entering harbour. 8.15pm: a/c N 29 E. 8.45pm: Took station astern on Convoy, course S 33 E. 10.25pm: Kassandra Lt bore S 79 E. 11.30pm: Kassandra Lt abeam 10 m. 11.55pm: a/c S 79 E. 4caf859bcadfd34197010228: ( 53-38214-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1917 At sea with convoy Lat 38.9, Long 24.9 [approx] 3.15am: Sighted Psathura Lt. bearing S 45 E. 3.40am: Psathura on bow. 4.0am: Commenced zig-zag ahead of convoy, 150 revs. 4.35am: Convoy commenced zz. 6.15am: a/c S 25 E. am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 12.45pm: Passed “Savage” and convoy, made pendants. pm: Zig-zagging ahead of convoy. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 7.30pm: Reduced 130 revs. Closed convoy to signal. 8.0pm: Resumed Z.Z. 8.30pm: Took station astern of convoy. 9.55pm: Papas Lt on bow. 10.30pm: Papas lt abeam 6.4 m. 10.40pm: a/c S 58 E. 4caf859bcadfd34197010229: ( 53-38214-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1917 At sea to Suda Bay Lat 35.8, Long 26.8 3.0am: Spano Lt abeam 6½ m, a/c S 14 E. 4.30am: Commenced Z.Z ahead of convoy, 150 revs. 9.0am: Divisions Prayers and Physical drill. 9.0am: a/c S 20 W. 8.30am: Increased to 160 revs. am: Hands refitting as requisite. am: 2nd Watch Stoker to rifle drill. 3.30pm: Relieved trawler “Dragoon”. a/c N 75 W, 230 revs. 4.30pm: a/c N 84 W. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action and SS. 6.10pm: a/c S 87 W (Mag). 7.28pm: a/c N 72 W (Mag). 8.20pm: a/c N 81 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Course as requisite to close Suda. 10.30pm: Passed gate Suda Bay. 11.0pm: Came to Port anchor in 17 fathoms with 5 shackles. 4caf859bcadfd3419701022a: ( 53-38214-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1917 At Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Corinthia”. 6.16am: Secured alongside. 8.37am: Cast off from collier, received 93 tons. 8.45am: Came to Port anchor in 9 fathoms with 3 shackles. 9.30am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Received parcels from “Gazelle”. 10.45am: One rating joined ship. Noon: Weighed proceeded alongside “Bacchus”. [ed. Bacchus, Repair ship (R.F.A.), 1915, Guns not known, about 3500 tons, Jane’s Fighting Ships 1919, image]. pm: Received oil from “Bacchus”. 1.35pm: Shoved off from RFA “Bacchus”. 1.45pm: Came to Port anchor in A8 berth with 2 shackles in 6 fathoms 3.30pm: Rec fresh provisions. 3.0pm: “Renard” and convoy arrived. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Paid hands. Exercised boats’ crews. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd3419701022b: ( 53-38214-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1917 Suda Bay and at sea towards Salonica via Scarpanto channel Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 7.15am: HMS “Mosquito” and “Comet” sailed. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands cleaning ship. 1.0pm: HMS “Hazel” and “Honeysuckle” sailed. 2.20pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 3.15pm: Passed gate. Proceeded as requisite down swept channel. 3.35pm: a/c S 81 E, 210 revs. 4.15pm: 240 revs. 4.45pm: a/c E. 5.40pm: a/c S 85 E. 5.55pm: a/c S 77 E. 6.25pm: a/c E. 7.45pm: Cape St John bore SW. 8.0pm: C. St John abeam a/c N 89 E. 8.30pm: C. Sidero bore S 67 E. 9.15pm: C. Sidero abeam 5 m. 10.10pm: a/c N 45 E, 15½ knots. 4caf859bcadfd3419701022c: ( 53-38214-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1917 At sea Lat 36.8, Long 26.6 1.20am: a/c N 80 E, 150 revs. 1.40am: Course as requisite to await convoy at Rv 5. 5.40am: Sighted convoy bearing S 5 E. 6.15am: Took station ahead of SS “Reventazon”, N 35 W. [ed. Reventazon, image]. 6.30am: Commenced Z.Z. ahead of convoy, 195 revs. 8.55am: “Renard” took station and Z.Z. on Port bow of convoy, Z.Z. on Starboard bow. 9.45am: a/c N 15 W. 10.0am: One wood grating from floor of chain locker lost overboard by accident. 1.15pm: a/c N 55 W. 3.10pm: Red 185 revs. 4.55pm: C. Papas abeam 5m. 5.15pm: a/c N 20 W, took station 4 cables on Starboard bow of “Renard”, 150 revs. 6.30pm: Passed Dutch SS “Hebe” escorted by HM trawler “308”. 10.50pm: a/c N 30 W. 11.50pm: Sighted Lithari Lt. 4caf859bcadfd3419701022d: ( 53-38214-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1917 At sea to Salonica Lat 39.92, Long 22.97 4.30am: Comm Z.Z. on Starboard bow of convoy, 190 revs. 5.25am: Passed armed boarder. Made pendants. 5.45am: Passed sloop and convoy, made pendants. 6.0am: N 83 W. 9.15am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. 10.50am: a/c N 30 W. am: Hands cleaning ship. 1.45pm: Course as requisite to enter Salonica. 2.50pm: Took station astern of “Renard”. 3.10pm: Passed gate. 3.55pm: Came to Port anchor in 10 fathoms with 2 shackles. 4.45pm: Weighed and lay off collier “Sandhurst”. 5.50pm: Secured alongside collier. 6.0pm: First Hoist. 8.0pm: Last Hoist (87 tons). 8.04pm: Cast off from collier. pm: Discharged 1 Stoker to “St George”, sick. 8.20pm: Came to Port anchor in 8 fathoms with 2 shackles. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd3419701022e: ( 53-38214-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1917 Salonica and at sea towards Suda Bay with convoy Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers and physical drill. am: Hands cleaning ship. 11.15am: TB’s “17” and “30” arrived. 1.0pm: HMS “Fury” arrived. 1.15pm: Discharged one ERA sick to HMHS “St Margaret of Scotland”. 1.55pm: HMPL “144” sailed. 3.45pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with “Renard” and SS “Moyune”. [ed. SS Moyune, image]. 4.40pm: Passed gate. 5.10pm: Course S 5 E. Commenced Z.Z. on Starboard bow of convoy, 190 revs. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 6.25pm: a/c S 30 E. 6.50pm: 200 revs. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Took station on Starboard bow of convoy, 12 knots. 9.30pm: a/c S 80 E. 10.15pm: Passed “Grampus” and “Racoon” with convoy. 10.15pm: Took station astern of convoy. 4caf859bcadfd3419701022f: ( 53-38214-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1917 At sea Lat 37.9, Long 25.8 [approx] 1.20am: Psathura Lt abm. 2.15am: a/c S 25 E. 3.40am: Took station on Starboard bow of convoy. 4.30am: Commenced Z.Z., 200 revs. 5.05am: Passed “Grasshopper” and “Kennet” with convoy. am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 2.15pm: a/c S 50 E. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters, Exercised night action and S. Setters. 6.25pm: a/c S 55 W. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. Took station on Starboard bow of Convoy. 4caf859bcadfd34197010230: ( 53-38214-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1917 At sea to Suda bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 4.30am: Commenced Z.Z. on Starboard bow of convoy. 6.20am: Took station astern of convoy, course as requisite to enter Suda. 7.15am: Passed gate. 7.45am: Secured alongside collier “Corinthia”. 7.55am: First hoist. 9.14am: Last hoist. Received 60 tons. 9.17.0am: Cast off from collier. 9.30am: Came to Port anchor in 3 fathoms. am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 3.30pm: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action and boats crews. pm: Hands to bathe. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010231: ( 53-38214-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1917 At Suda Bay Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, Prayers and Phys. drill. am: Hands cleaning boats and painting ship’s side. pm: Hands painting ship’s side. 3.30pm: Gave special leave to Port watch till 6.0pm. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. One rating left ship for passage to “Blenheim”. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf859bcadfd34197010232: ( 53-38214-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1917 Suda Bay and at sea towards Milo with convoy Lat 35.49, Long 24.14 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands painting ship. pm: Hands painting ship and as requisite. 4.45pm: HMS “Grampus” and “Heliotrope” sailed. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. Exercised night action. 7.0pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with “Racoon” and Italian S.S. “Marsala” and “Taranto”. 8.0pm: Passed gate. 8.10pm: Took station on Port bow of convoy. 8.30pm: Shaped course N. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: Commenced Z.Z. ahead of convoy. 4caf859bcadfd34197010233: ( 53-38214-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1917 At sea to Milo Lat 36.71, Long 24.45 3.10am: Sighted Paximedian Lt. N 3 E. 6.0am: Course as requisite to enter Milo. 6.30am: Passed gate. 7.45am: Came to Port anchor in 3½ fathoms with 2½ shackles. 9.0am: Divisions. Aired night clothing. Prayers and physical drill. am: Hands cleaning ship. 1.30am: Gave special leave to Starboard watch till 6.30pm. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. LOGS FOR JUNE 1917 4caf859bcadfd34197010234: ( 53-38214-019_0.jpg) 1 June 1917 Milo and at sea towards Salonica with convoy Lat 36.71, Long 24.45 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands repairing canvas gear and as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.45pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with “Racoon” and “Poignarde”, SS “Media” and “Impratri Catarini”. [ed. Media, image]. 6.20pm: Passed gate. 6.35pm: Shaped course N 1 W, ahead of convoy. 9.40pm: a/c N 30 E. 10.15pm: Sighted Phassa Lt N 30 E. 11.0pm: Increased to 140 revs. 4caf859bcadfd34197010235: ( 53-38214-019_1.jpg) 2 June 1917 At sea to Salonica Lat 39.34, Long 23.85 1.05am: Phassa Lt abeam 2m. a/c N 21 E. 3.20am: a/c N 4 E. 3.30am: Increased 200 revs. 3.45am: Lithari Lt bore N 21 W. 4.10am: 220 revs. 5.50am: 150 revs. 6.18am: a/c N 27 W (Mag). 6.30am: Watch cleaning ship. 7.20am: 145 revs. 8.15am: a/c N 47 W (Mag). 8.30am: Passed destroyers and convoy. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. am: Hands employed as requisite about awnings etc. 10.30am: a/c N 74 W. 2.20pm: 140 revs. 2.15pm: a/c N 30 W. 2.25pm: Commenced full power trial. 2.40pm: 170 revs, N 29 W. 3.25pm: Passed HMS “Renard” and “Grampus” with convoy. Made pendants. 4,45pm: a/c N 38 W. 4.50pm: 100 revs. 5.45pm: Course and speeds as requisite to enter harbour. Hands preparing ship for coaling. 6.45pm: Passed gate. 7.48pm: Secured alongside collier “Sandhurst”. 7.55pm: First hoist. 9.20pm: Last hoist. Received 60 tons. 9.20pm: Shoved off from collier. 9.40pm: Came to Port anchor in 7 fathoms with 3 shackles. 4caf859bcadfd34197010236: ( 53-38214-020_0.jpg) 3 June 1917 Salonica and at sea towards Port Said with convoy Lat 40.61, Long 22.9 6.0am: HMS “Kennet” sailed. 7.0am: HMTB “30” and “18” sailed. 7.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 10.0am: HMS “Grasshopper” arrived. 10.15am: Divisions and prayers. 1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite out of harbour with SS “Reventazon”. 1.45pm: Passed gate, course as requisite for swept passage, in station ahead of convoy. 2.10pm: Shaped course S 4 W – 180 revs. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. Tested communications and exercised S.S. 6.0pm: a/c S 76 E, 190 revs. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 10.0pm: a/c S 35 E. 4caf859bcadfd34197010237: ( 53-38214-020_1.jpg) 4 June 1917 At sea Lat 36.0, Long 27.3 [approx] 5.0am: a/c S 25 E. 8.0am: 180 revs. 9.0am: Divisions, prayers and physical drill. Seamen gunners to instruction. am: Hands refitting boat ropes, awnings and anchor lashings. 11.35am: a/c S 56 E. 3.10pm: a/c S 14 E. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. Exercised night action. 6.0pm: a/c S 41 E. 7.30pm: Passed British steamer escorted by HM Trawlers “308” and “804”. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 11.0pm: Cape Prasonisi Lt abm. pm: a/c S 72 E. 4caf859bcadfd34197010238: ( 53-38214-021_0.jpg) |