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Old Destroyer, D-class Two-funnelled 30-knotter, designated D-class, D.41 (9.15), D.37 (1.18). Launched 15.4.96 Thornycroft. c340 tons, 210(pp)x191x7ft. TE 5800ihp, 30kts. Armament: 1-12pdr, 5-6pdr, 2-18in tt. China Station. Sold 31.8.21 at Hong Kong. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor Paul’s notes: The position given on the second line of each day’s entry is the position at noon. This is taken from the logbook and expressed in the modern decimal format. When at anchor, the co-ordinates of the place are used. For days at sea when no co-ordinates are entered in the log, the position has been estimated by me from log entries, usually using the Journey Plotter program; these are marked [approx]. Positions in the log at other times are recorded in the “old fashioned” degrees and minutes.
Some useful abbreviations. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) THE VOYAGES OF HMS FAME 1914 LOG BOOK – JANUARY 2ND 1914 TO FEBRUARY 28TH 1914 4f9615bca2fc8e2def001573: ( 5341463001_0.jpg) 4f9615bca2fc8e2def001574: ( 5341463001_1.jpg) Front cover, signed by Mr Mallett, Gunner, RN. 4f9615bda2fc8e2def001575: ( 5341463002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f9615bda2fc8e2def001576: ( 5341463002_1.jpg) Page noting irregularities in the previous log; these are marked “inserted” and signed A Mallett, Gunner RN, for Lt/Cdr. 4f9615bda2fc8e2def001577: ( 5341463003_0.jpg) Blank. 4f9615bea2fc8e2def001578: ( 5341463003_1.jpg) Speed and fuel consumption page, signed by A Mallett, Gunner, in Command and Eng. Commander G Nicolson, dated 5th March 1914, HMS Minotaur. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1914 [Hong Kong, including Canton River patrols] 4f9615bea2fc8e2def001579: ( 5341463005_0.jpg) 2 January 1914 [2 January 1913 in log] Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 9.00am: SMS Tiger left harbour. 9.15am: HMS Hampshire left harbour. Sick list 1 (hospital) Weather: Light airs, clear, temperature high of 71ºF at 4.00pm. 4f9615bea2fc8e2def00157a: ( 5341463005_1.jpg) 3 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.30am: SMS Scharnhorst [Sharnhort in log] proceeded out of harbour. 4.30pm: HMS Moorhen arrived. 4f9615bfa2fc8e2def00157b: ( 5341463006_0.jpg) 4 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Landed one RC and one Wesleyan, C of E party to HMS Tamar.
4f9615bfa2fc8e2def00157c: ( 5341463006_1.jpg) 5 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: USS Wilmington left. 1.00pm: SMS Tiger in. 4.00pm: HMS Moorhen left. 4.35pm: HMS Jed in. 4f9615bfa2fc8e2def00157d: ( 5341463007_0.jpg) 6 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.45pm: HMS Usk in. 2.10pm: German gunboat Tiger sailed. 3.45pm: SMS Emden in. 4f9615c0a2fc8e2def00157e: ( 5341463007_1.jpg) 7 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 3.00pm: Five Stokers, two SPOs and three ERAs joined ship. 4f9615c0a2fc8e2def00157f: ( 5341463008_0.jpg) 8 January 1914 Hong Kong to Canton River Patrol. Lat 22.32, Long 113.87 6.00am: Lit fires in No 3 boiler. 9.30am: Two detectives, one British and one Chinese came on board. 9.55am: Slipped and proceeded to Canton River. 5.00pm: Anchored in Urmston Road in 4 fathoms. 4f9615c0a2fc8e2def001580: ( 5341463008_1.jpg) 9 January 1914 Canton River to Hong Kong. Lat 22.44, Long 113.88 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 2.15pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 4f9615c1a2fc8e2def001581: ( 5341463009_0.jpg) 10 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Discharged five Stokers, three ERAs and two SPOs to HMS’ Minotaur, Chelmer, Colne and Kennet. 1.15pm: USS Wilmington in. 4f9615c1a2fc8e2def001582: ( 5341463009_1.jpg) 11 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 1.15pm: HMS’ Ribble, Jed and Welland in. 4f9615c1a2fc8e2def001583: ( 5341463010_0.jpg) 12 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: HMS Newcastle out. 12.30pm: Finished coaling ship, 17 tons. 4f9615c2a2fc8e2def001584: ( 5341463010_1.jpg) 13 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands returning torpedoes and drawing provisions in Kowloon dockyard. 11.30am: HMS’ Welland, Ribble and Jed arrived. 4.00pm: German cruiser Emden sailed. 4.40pm: One Stoker joined from hospital. 4f9615c2a2fc8e2def001585: ( 5341463011_0.jpg) 14 January 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: USS Wilmington sailed. 4f9615c2a2fc8e2def001586: ( 5341463011_1.jpg) 15 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 4.30pm: HMS Minotaur went into dock. 4f9615c3a2fc8e2def001587: ( 5341463012_0.jpg) 16 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands cleaning boats. 4f9615c3a2fc8e2def001588: ( 5341463012_1.jpg) 17 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.00pm: Hands to Make and mend. 4f9615c4a2fc8e2def001589: ( 5341463013_0.jpg) 18 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: Divisions. C of E party to HMS Tamar. 4f9615c4a2fc8e2def00158a: ( 5341463013_1.jpg) 19 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands refitting boats’ falls. 4f9615c4a2fc8e2def00158b: ( 5341463014_0.jpg) 20 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands scrubbing awnings and deck cloths. 4f9615c5a2fc8e2def00158c: ( 5341463014_1.jpg) 21 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed painting torpedo tubes . 1.15pm: Hands painting guard rails. 1.40pm: HMS Yarmouth arrived. 4f9615c5a2fc8e2def00158d: ( 5341463015_0.jpg) 22 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 4.00pm: HMS’ Chelmer and Ribble arrived 4f9615c5a2fc8e2def00158e: ( 5341463015_1.jpg) 23 January 1914 Hong Kong and Canton River patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: One SPO, one ERA and three Stokers joined ship from HMS Yarmouth. One CERA, one SPO and two stokers joined from HMS Rosario. One ERA joined from HMS Minotaur. 10.30am: Lt CM Blackman* joined from HMS Colne. 1.00pm: Five Chinese detectives and one British detective joined the ship. 1.30pm: German gunboat Luchs arrived. 2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded for West River. 4.40pm: Anchored off Pillar Pt. Banked fires. 8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded for patrol. 8.30pm: Stopped and boarded SS On Lee. 9.00pm: Proceeded. 10.05pm: Stopped and boarded SS Wing On. 10.35pm: Proceeded. * Lt Blackman is Fame’s CO, but appears to be overseeing an extensive refit on HMS Colne in dock. 4f9615c6a2fc8e2def00158f: ( 5341463016_0.jpg) 24 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.34, Long 113.9 12.30am: Anchored off Blake Pt [now Nizhou tou]. Banked fires. 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 1.45pm: Stopped and secured to No 10 buoy. 5.00pm: Discharged 10 ratings to Yarmouth, Rosario and Minotaur. Discharged Lt Blackman to Colne. 4f9615c6a2fc8e2def001590: ( 5341463016_1.jpg) 25 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Landed one RC and one Wesleyan. C of E party to HMS Tamar. 4f9615c6a2fc8e2def001591: ( 5341463017_0.jpg) 26 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: HMS’ Ribble, Usk and Welland sailed. 11.30am: USS Wilmington arrived. 4f9615c7a2fc8e2def001592: ( 5341463017_1.jpg) 27 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.45am: HMS’ Welland, Chelmer and Ribble sailed. 8.00am: Dressed ship overall. 2.30pm: Welland, Chelmer and Ribble returned. 4f9615c7a2fc8e2def001593: ( 5341463018_0.jpg) 28 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.15pm: Japanese cruiser arrived [HIJMS Tatsuta, vide Tamar’s log]. 4f9615c7a2fc8e2def001594: ( 5341463018_1.jpg) 29 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.20pm: Japanese cruiser [Tatsuta) sailed. 4.30pm: French gunboats arrived [Vigilante and Argus, vide Tamar’s log]. 4f9615c8a2fc8e2def001595: ( 5341463019_0.jpg) 30 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.40am: French cruiser Montcalm arrived. 4f9615c8a2fc8e2def001596: ( 5341463019_1.jpg) 31 January 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 1.00pm: Make and mend. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1914 [Hong Kong, including Canton River patrols] 4f9615c8a2fc8e2def001597: ( 5341463020_0.jpg) 1 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clear up decks. 8.30am: Landed one RC. 9.30am: Divisions. Landed one Baptist and one Wesleyan. C of E party to HMS Tamar. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light airs, clear, temperatures between 62 and 76ºF. 4f9615c9a2fc8e2def001598: ( 5341463020_1.jpg) 2 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Austrian cruiser Kaiserin Elizabeth in. 8.45am: USS Callao out. 6.00pm: German gunboat Tsingtau arrived. 4f9615c9a2fc8e2def001599: ( 5341463021_0.jpg) 3 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands scrubbing canvas gear. 4f9615c9a2fc8e2def00159a: ( 5341463021_1.jpg) 4 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.20, Long 114.17 7.15am: HMS Thistle arrived. 9.00am: One ERA and one SPO joined from HMS Minotaur. 9.30am: Minotaur came out of dock. 10.05am: Slipped and proceeded via East Lamma Channel [see Lamma I.] 11.30am: Exercising with HM sub C38. 12.15pm: Proceeded into Kowloon. 1.10pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 3.30pm: HMS Yarmouth entered dry dock. 4f9615caa2fc8e2def00159b: ( 5341463022_0.jpg) 5 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.18, Long 114.19 9.47am: Slipped and proceeded to W Lamma Channel. 10.45am: Exercised with submarines. 12.45pm: Finished exercises and returned to harbour. 1.49pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 5.00pm: Discharged one ERA and one SPO to HMS Minotaur. 4f9615caa2fc8e2def00159c: ( 5341463022_1.jpg) 6 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 4f9615caa2fc8e2def00159d: ( 5341463023_0.jpg) 7 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.20pm: French cruiser Montcalm sailed. 4.20pm: HMS Hampshire arrived. 4f9615cba2fc8e2def00159e: ( 5341463023_1.jpg) 8 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615cba2fc8e2def00159f: ( 5341463024_0.jpg) 9 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.45pm: HMS’ Welland, Ribble, Usk, Jed and Chelmer arrived. 4f9615cba2fc8e2def0015a0: ( 5341463024_1.jpg) 10 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: HMS Thistle left. 8.45am: Hands scrubbing deck cloths. 4f9615cca2fc8e2def0015a1: ( 5341463025_0.jpg) 11 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.20am: French cruiser Argus sailed. 1.15pm: Hands employed dismounting guns. 4f9615cca2fc8e2def0015a2: ( 5341463025_1.jpg) 12 February 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.15pm: Hands make and mend. 4f9615cca2fc8e2def0015a3: ( 5341463026_0.jpg) 13 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 4.20pm: HMS’ Ribble, Usk, Welland, Jed and Chelmer arrived. 4f9615cda2fc8e2def0015a4: ( 5341463026_1.jpg) 14 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.45am: Hands clean ship. 1.00pm: Hands to make and mend. 4f9615cda2fc8e2def0015a5: ( 5341463027_0.jpg) 15 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615cda2fc8e2def0015a6: ( 5341463027_1.jpg) 16 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: Coal lighter came alongside. Hands employed coaling ship. 9.00am: Completed coaling 20 tons. 4f9615cea2fc8e2def0015a7: ( 5341463028_0.jpg) 17 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 4f9615cea2fc8e2def0015a8: ( 5341463028_1.jpg) 18 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 4f9615cea2fc8e2def0015a9: ( 5341463029_0.jpg) 19 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 9.00am: Paymaster mustered Coxswain’s stores. 8.40pm: HMS’ Welland and Kennet sailed. 4f9615cfa2fc8e2def0015aa: ( 5341463029_1.jpg) 20 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: German gunboat Tsingtau sailed. 4f9615cfa2fc8e2def0015ab: ( 5341463030_0.jpg) 21 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.00pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4f9615cfa2fc8e2def0015ac: ( 5341463030_1.jpg) 22 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615d0a2fc8e2def0015ad: ( 5341463031_0.jpg) 23 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Dress ship overall. 6.30am: Austrian cruiser [Kaiserin Elizabeth, vide log of Tamar] sailed. 4f9615d0a2fc8e2def0015ae: ( 5341463031_1.jpg) 24 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting boats. 4f9615d0a2fc8e2def0015af: ( 5341463032_0.jpg) 25 February 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Two ABs and one PO 2c lent to HMS Tamar for mining. 4.00pm: Mining party returned. 4f9615d1a2fc8e2def0015b0: ( 5341463032_1.jpg) 26 February 1914 Hong Kong and on West patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: 13 ratings joined ship. 11.00am: Lt Blackman joined ship from HMS Colne. 1.30pm: Five Chinese detectives and one British detective joined ship. 2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded for West River. 2.05pm: Passed French gunboat Argus. 3.50pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. 8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded for steamer patrol. 9.15pm: Anchored off Pillar Pt. 4f9615d1a2fc8e2def0015b1: ( 5341463033_0.jpg) 27 February 1914 On patrol and to Tolo Harbour. Lat 22.41, Long 113.89 [approx, given log position on land] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded course and speed as requisite for patrolling steamers’ route. 1.52pm: Stopped and landed detectives, proceeded for Mirs Bay. 5.45pm: Anchored in Tolo Harbour. 4f9615d1a2fc8e2def0015b2: ( 5341463033_1.jpg) 28 February 1914 Tolo Harbour to Hong Kong. Lat 22.32, Long 114.39 [approx, log position out to sea] 9.20am: Weighed and proceeded for Hong Kong. 1.40pm: Made fast to No 10 buoy Hong Kong. Let fires die out. 4f9615d2a2fc8e2def0015b3: ( 5341463034_0.jpg) 4f9615d2a2fc8e2def0015b4: ( 5341463034_1.jpg) 4f9615d2a2fc8e2def0015b5: ( 5341463035_0.jpg) 4f9615d3a2fc8e2def0015b6: ( 5341463035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. 4f9615d3a2fc8e2def0015b7: ( 5341464001_0.jpg) 4f9615d3a2fc8e2def0015b8: ( 5341464001_1.jpg) Front cover. 4f9615d4a2fc8e2def0015b9: ( 5341464002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f9615d4a2fc8e2def0015ba: ( 5341464002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page, signed by CM Blackman, Lt in command, 30th May 1914. 4f9615d4a2fc8e2def0015bb: ( 5341464003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1914 [Hong Kong area including Western patrols] 4f9615d5a2fc8e2def0015bc: ( 5341464003_1.jpg) 1 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands employed clearing up decks. 8.00am: Landed one RC. 9.30am: Landed one Baptist and one Wesleyan. 9.35am: C of E party to HMS Tamar. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list, 1. Weather: Light airs, clear at first, overcast later, temperatures 65 to 72ºF. 4f9615d5a2fc8e2def0015bd: ( 5341464004_0.jpg) 2 March 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands employed in cleaning ship. 9.30am: German gunboat Tiger arrived. 3.00pm: HMS Doris arrived. 4.50pm: HMS Moorhen arrived. 4f9615d5a2fc8e2def0015be: ( 5341464004_1.jpg) 3 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: One AB and Coxswain drawing provisions. 3.00pm: Lt CM Blackman joined ship from HMS Colne. 4f9615d6a2fc8e2def0015bf: ( 5341464005_0.jpg) 4 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: German gunboat Tiger sailed. 8.45am: Japanese cruiser [Kasagi vide Tamar’s log] arrived. 3.20pm: German gunboat Jaguar arrived. 6.30pm: One AB joined ship from HMS Moorhen and one discharged to same. 8.30pm: One Signalman joined ship from Jed. 4f9615d6a2fc8e2def0015c0: ( 5341464005_1.jpg) 5 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Two ERAs, four Stokers and one SPO joined ship from HMS Jed. 7.35am: French gunboat Argus sailed. 7.40am: Slipped and proceeded. 8.00am: In company with HM Submarines C37 and C38. 9.45am: Submarines attached to HMS Minotaur. 10.00am: Hands employed picking up torpedoes. 10.40am: Proceeded to return to harbour. 11.25am: Made fast to No 10 buoy. 1.15pm: Hands employed returning torpedoes. 1.30pm: Discharged eight ratings to Jed. 3.15pm: HMS Moorhen sailed. 4.30pm: One Signalman joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4f9615d6a2fc8e2def0015c1: ( 5341464006_0.jpg) 6 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30am: HMS Doris sailed. 11.50am: HMS’ Welland and Kennet in. 4f9615d7a2fc8e2def0015c2: ( 5341464006_1.jpg) 7 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.15pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4f9615d7a2fc8e2def0015c3: ( 5341464007_0.jpg) 8 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 1.00pm: Portuguese cruiser Patria arrived. 4f9615d7a2fc8e2def0015c4: ( 5341464007_1.jpg) 9 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 3.30pm: Japanese cruiser [Tsugaru vide Tamar’s log] arrived. 4.00pm: Exercised fire stations and collision stations. 5.00pm: Japanese cruiser [Kasagi vide Tamar’s log] sailed. 4f9615d8a2fc8e2def0015c5: ( 5341464008_0.jpg) 10 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting gun mountings and scrubbing boat covers. 9.30am: German gunboat Tiger sailed. 4f9615d8a2fc8e2def0015c6: ( 5341464008_1.jpg) 11 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.15am: HMS’ Welland and Kennet sailed. 4f9615d8a2fc8e2def0015c7: ( 5341464009_0.jpg) 12 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.25, Long 114.12 7.00am: Five ratings joined ship from HMS Hampshire. 9.30am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. 10.15am: Attending on submarines [C37 and C38 vide Tamar’s log] and picking up torpedoes. Noon: Returned to harbour. 12.35pm: Secured to No 10 buoy 1.15pm: Hands returning torpedoes. 4.50pm: HMS Minotaur arrived. Draught noted, 7’ 5” for’d, 8’ 2” aft. 4f9615d9a2fc8e2def0015c8: ( 5341464009_1.jpg) 13 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.25am: German gunboat Jaguar [Aguar in log] sailed. 5.00pm: Discharged five ratings to HMS Hampshire. 4f9615d9a2fc8e2def0015c9: ( 5341464010_0.jpg) 14 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.15am: HMS Yarmouth sailed. 9.30am: Italian cruiser Marco Polo arrived. 3.15pm: USS Wilmington arrived. 4f9615d9a2fc8e2def0015ca: ( 5341464010_1.jpg) 15 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 10.10am: Japanese cruiser [Tsugaru, vide Tamar’s log] sailed. 1.15pm: Liberty men landed. 4f9615daa2fc8e2def0015cb: ( 5341464011_0.jpg) 16 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.15am: Coal lighter alongside. Hands coal ship. 9.30am: Completed coaling, 21 tons. 1.30pm: Italian gunboat [Sebastiano Caboto vide log of Tamar] arrived. 4f9615daa2fc8e2def0015cc: ( 5341464011_1.jpg) 17 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.00pm: HMS Robin in. 2.40pm: HMS Sandpiper in. 4f9615daa2fc8e2def0015cd: ( 5341464012_0.jpg) 18 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.10am: HMS Doris arrived. 3.00pm: French gunboat arrived. 4f9615dba2fc8e2def0015ce: ( 5341464012_1.jpg) 19 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands scraping and painting. 4f9615dba2fc8e2def0015cf: ( 5341464013_0.jpg) 20 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. 4f9615dba2fc8e2def0015d0: ( 5341464013_1.jpg) 21 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.15am: HMS’ Sandpiper and Robin sailed. 4f9615dca2fc8e2def0015d1: ( 5341464014_0.jpg) 22 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 1.30pm: Liberty men landed. 5.00pm: Eight ratings joined ship from HMS Minotaur. 4f9615dca2fc8e2def0015d2: ( 5341464014_1.jpg) 23 March 1914 Hong Kong Harbour to Castle Peak Bay. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: USS Callao sailed. 10.00am: Eight ratings joined ship from HMS Hampshire and one Telegraphist from HMS Alacrity. Noon: Slipped and proceeded. 1.25pm: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. 5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite for patrolling and for anchoring guard boats. 4f9615dca2fc8e2def0015d3: ( 5341464015_0.jpg) 24 March 1914 On patrol. Lat 22.37, Long 113.97 12.01am: Patrolling between Ma Wan and Castle Peak Bay. 5.30am: Lost dinghy anchor overboard by accident. 5.45am: Hoisted boats and proceeded to Castle Peak Bay. 6.55am: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. 11.30am: HMS Moorhen passed. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.30pm: Anchored guard boats. Patrolling between Ma Wan and Castle Peak Bay. 4f9615dda2fc8e2def0015d4: ( 5341464015_1.jpg) 25 March 1914 On patrol, exercising and to Port Stanley. Lat 22.30, Long 113.87 12.01am: Patrolling between Ma Wan and Castle Peak Bay. 6.30am: Hoisted guard boats. 7.05am: Anchored in Castle Peak Bay. 9.40am: Weighed and proceeded. 2.40pm: Sighted HMS Minotaur. 3.14pm: Minotaur opened fire, enemy destroyers gave chase. 3.48pm: Engaged by two enemy destroyers.* 3.55pm: Courses to enter Port Stanley. 4.45pm: Anchored in Port Stanley. * Not live action; this is part of combined manoeuvres, with a number of vessels taking part, as well as the army. 4f9615dda2fc8e2def0015d5: ( 5341464016_0.jpg) 26 March 1914 Port Stanley to Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.25am: Weighed anchor. 9.15am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 5.30pm: Discharged eight ratings to HMS Hampshire and one Telegraphist to HMS Alacrity. 5.50pm: Discharged eight ratings to HMS Minotaur. 4f9615dda2fc8e2def0015d6: ( 5341464016_1.jpg) 27 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Diving boat from HMS Minotaur employed clearing underwater fittings. 4f9615dea2fc8e2def0015d7: ( 5341464017_0.jpg) 28 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.45am: Hands clean ship. 1.15pm: Make and mend. 4f9615dea2fc8e2def0015d8: ( 5341464017_1.jpg) 29 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 2.45pm: US gunboat Callao arrived. 4f9615dea2fc8e2def0015d9: ( 5341464018_0.jpg) 30 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: HMS Usk and Ribble sailed. 9.20am: HMS Alacrity sailed. 10.30am: Usk and Ribble returned. 1.30pm: Japanese gunboat [Saga, vide Tamar’s log] arrived. 4f9615dfa2fc8e2def0015da: ( 5341464018_1.jpg) 31 March 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: HMS Usk sailed. 4.00pm: Exercised fire and collision stations. LOGS FOR APRIL 1914 [Hong Kong, including Canton River patrols and in dry dock] 4f9615dfa2fc8e2def0015db: ( 5341464019_0.jpg) 1 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.35pm: Hands cleaning paintwork and scrubbing deck cloths. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light airs, clear, temperatures from 72º to 81º F at 4.00pm. 4f9615e0a2fc8e2def0015dc: ( 5341464019_1.jpg) 2 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.50pm: Mr Noble, Art. Eng. discharged to HMS Tamar sick. 4f9615e0a2fc8e2def0015dd: ( 5341464020_0.jpg) 3 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 4f9615e0a2fc8e2def0015de: ( 5341464020_1.jpg) 4 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 1.15pm: Make and mend. 4f9615e1a2fc8e2def0015df: ( 5341464021_0.jpg) 5 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 10.00am: Mr Noble rejoined ship from HMS Tamar . 4f9615e1a2fc8e2def0015e0: ( 5341464021_1.jpg) 6 April 1914 Hong Kong and Canton River patrol. Lat 22.19, Long 113.85 7.00am: Five Stokers, two ERAs and two SPOs joined ship from HMS Welland. 8.00am: One ERA joined ship from HMS Rosario. 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.00am: Cape D’Aguilar abeam to starboard, 0.75 miles. 1.15pm: Anchored. 2.30pm: Five Chinese and two English police came onboard. 6.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.50pm: Anchored. 4f9615e1a2fc8e2def0015e1: ( 5341464022_0.jpg) 7 April 1914 Hong Kong and Canton River patrol. Lat 22.42, Long 113.77 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 3.00pm: Secured to No 6 buoy, Hong Kong. 4.50pm: French gunboat Argus arrived. 5.00pm: 11 ratings discharged to HMS Welland and one ERA to HMS Rosario. 4f9615e2a2fc8e2def0015e2: ( 5341464022_1.jpg) 8 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 4.15pm: HMS Minotaur sailed. 5.30pm: HMS’ Usk, Ribble, Jed, Kennet, Chelmer and Colne sailed. 4f9615e2a2fc8e2def0015e3: ( 5341464023_0.jpg) 9 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed returning ammunition. 1.15pm: Hands employed returning boats to dockyard. 4f9615e2a2fc8e2def0015e4: ( 5341464023_1.jpg) 10 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine [for Good Friday]. 4f9615e3a2fc8e2def0015e5: ( 5341464024_0.jpg) 11 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 4f9615e3a2fc8e2def0015e6: ( 5341464024_1.jpg) 12 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615e3a2fc8e2def0015e7: ( 5341464025_0.jpg) 13 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Coal lighter came alongside, Hands employed coaling. 8.00am: Coaling and preparing ship for dockyard hands. Noon: Finished coaling, 20.25 tons. 4f9615e4a2fc8e2def0015e8: ( 5341464025_1.jpg) 14 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.00am: Slipped and proceeded into dock in tow of watertank Cherub*. 1.00pm: Hands docking ship. * A Minx class tanker, 1901, 390 grt. 4f9615e4a2fc8e2def0015e9: ( 5341464026_0.jpg) 15 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: 72 dockyard men working onboard [various trades, listed in the log]. 7.30am: Hands employed clearing chain locker*. * A regular dry dock task, laying out the chains and anchors on the floor of the dock for cleaning and inspection, as well as allowing the chain locker to be cleaned and painted. 4f9615e4a2fc8e2def0015ea: ( 5341464026_1.jpg) 16 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands employed returning boats’ awnings. 8.00am: 77 dockyard men working onboard [various trades). 4f9615e5a2fc8e2def0015eb: ( 5341464027_0.jpg) 17 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: 69 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 7.35am: Hands taking down awnings, cleaning out bores of guns, stripping sight brackets, returning upper davit blocks to testing shed. 1.30pm: Hands clearing up Seamen’s and PO’s messes. 4f9615e5a2fc8e2def0015ec: ( 5341464027_1.jpg) 18 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands scraping and painting chain locker, cleaning and returning sight brackets to lighter. 8.00am: 67 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 4f9615e5a2fc8e2def0015ed: ( 5341464028_0.jpg) 19 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615e6a2fc8e2def0015ee: ( 5341464028_1.jpg) 20 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands scraping waterways and returning awnings. 8.00am: 56 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 4f9615e6a2fc8e2def0015ef: ( 5341464029_0.jpg) 21 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: 77 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 7.30am: Coxswain and two hands drawing stores. 1.30pm: Hands scraping and painting waterways. 4f9615e6a2fc8e2def0015f0: ( 5341464029_1.jpg) 22 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: 69 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. Hands scraping ship’s side. 3.15pm: Landed nine men for funeral party. 4f9615e7a2fc8e2def0015f1: ( 5341464030_0.jpg) 23 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands stowing cable. 72 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 4f9615e7a2fc8e2def0015f2: ( 5341464030_1.jpg) 24 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands scraping ship’s side. 66 dockyard men working onboard [various trades].
4f9615e7a2fc8e2def0015f3: ( 5341464031_0.jpg) 25 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands scraping and painting. 76 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 1.30pm: Landed liberty men. 4f9615e8a2fc8e2def0015f4: ( 5341464031_1.jpg) 26 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615e8a2fc8e2def0015f5: ( 5341464032_0.jpg) 27 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: Hands undocking ship and dismounting foremost tube. 59 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 10.00am: Proceeded into basin in tow of Cherub. 1.30pm: Hands scraping and painting foremost torpedo tube. 4f9615e8a2fc8e2def0015f6: ( 5341464032_1.jpg) 28 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: Three ABs to HMS Tamar mining party. Hands replacing torpedo tube. 67 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 4f9615e9a2fc8e2def0015f7: ( 5341464033_0.jpg) 29 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: Two ABs and one PO to HMS Tamar mining party. 63 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. Hands scraping torpedo tube. 4f9615e9a2fc8e2def0015f8: ( 5341464033_1.jpg) 30 April 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: 71 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9615e9a2fc8e2def0015f9: ( 5341464034_0.jpg) 4f9615eaa2fc8e2def0015fa: ( 5341464034_1.jpg) 4f9615eaa2fc8e2def0015fb: ( 5341464035_0.jpg) 4f9615eaa2fc8e2def0015fc: ( 5341464035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – MAY 1ST 1914 TO JUNE 30TH 1914 4f9615eba2fc8e2def0015fd: ( 5341465001_0.jpg) 4f9615eba2fc8e2def0015fe: ( 5341465001_1.jpg) Front cover. 4f9615eba2fc8e2def0015ff: ( 5341465002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f9615eca2fc8e2def001600: ( 5341465002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page. 4f9615eca2fc8e2def001601: ( 5341465003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR MAY 1914 [Hong Kong, including Canton River patrol and Mirs Bay] 4f9615eca2fc8e2def001602: ( 5341465003_1.jpg) 1 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side. Dockyard men working onboard; eight joiners, eight fitters, eight boilermakers, five naval ordnance, 42 shipwrights, 33 platers and ten labourers. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list, 1. Weather: Light airs, overcast with rain in the am, temperatures in the upper 70s F. 4f9615eda2fc8e2def001603: ( 5341465004_0.jpg) 2 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side. 96 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 4f9615eda2fc8e2def001604: ( 5341465004_1.jpg) 3 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: Divisions. C of E party to HMS Tamar. Landed one RC, two Wesleyans, one Presbyterian and one Baptist with one PO in charge. 4f9615eda2fc8e2def001605: ( 5341465005_0.jpg) 4 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Three ABs lent to HMS Tamar mining party. 128 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 5.00pm: One ERA joined ship from HMS Triumph. 4f9615eea2fc8e2def001606: ( 5341465005_1.jpg) 5 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: Landed two ABs and one PO to HMS Tamar mining party. Hands scraping torpedo tubes. 114 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 4f9615eea2fc8e2def001607: ( 5341465006_0.jpg) 6 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side. 113 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. 4f9615eea2fc8e2def001608: ( 5341465006_1.jpg) 7 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands scraping ship’s side. 123 dockyard men working onboard [various trades). 7.30pm: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Tamar 4f9615efa2fc8e2def001609: ( 5341465007_0.jpg) 8 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: 101 dockyard men working onboard [various trades). Hands replacing stores. 4f9615efa2fc8e2def00160a: ( 5341465007_1.jpg) 9 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: 102 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. Hands replacing stores. 4f9615efa2fc8e2def00160b: ( 5341465008_0.jpg) 10 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615f0a2fc8e2def00160c: ( 5341465008_1.jpg) 11 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: 10 dockyard men working onboard [various trades]. Hands replacing stores. 1.30pm: Hands employed drawing typhoon cable from HMS Wivern and replacing stores. 4f9615f0a2fc8e2def00160d: ( 5341465009_0.jpg) 12 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Hands replacing stores. 4f9615f0a2fc8e2def00160e: ( 5341465009_1.jpg) 13 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands drawing awnings and replacing stores. 4f9615f1a2fc8e2def00160f: ( 5341465010_0.jpg) 14 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands employed drawing ammunition. 10.00am: Six Stokers joined ship from HMS Triumph. 1.30pm: Hands stowing ammunition. 2.00pm: Left basin in tow of Atlas* to No 10 buoy. * A Rover-class tug, 1909, 620 tons. 4f9615f1a2fc8e2def001610: ( 5341465010_1.jpg) 15 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Coal lighter came alongside, Hands employed coaling and drawing boats from dockyard. 8.00am: Coxswain and two hands drawing provisions from Kowloon. 8.45am: Japanese gunboat [Uji, vide Tamar’s log] sailed. Noon: Completed coaling, 65 tons. 1.30pm: Hands clean ship. 4f9615f1a2fc8e2def001611: ( 5341465011_0.jpg) 16 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Removed from No 10 buoy to No 4 buoy in tow of Atlas, to swing for adjustment of compasses. 10.45am: Returned to No 10 buoy. 3.30pm: Discharged one ERA to TB 035 and one ERA joined from same. 4f9615f2a2fc8e2def001612: ( 5341465011_1.jpg) 17 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615f2a2fc8e2def001613: ( 5341465012_0.jpg) 18 May 1914 Hong Kong and on patrol. Lat 22.17, Long 113.90 6.15am: Hands rigging WT gear. 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. 11.50am: Anchored off Ma Chau. 8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on Canton River patrol. 4f9615f2a2fc8e2def001614: ( 5341465012_1.jpg) 19 May 1914 Canton River patrol. Lat 22.80, Long 113.61 12.01am: Patrolling. 2.40am: Anchored off N Wantong [now Shanghengdang]. [The estuary narrows here to about two miles wide and was known as Boca Tigris’, the Tiger’s Mouth. See 1907 chart.] 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4f9615f3a2fc8e2def001615: ( 5341465013_0.jpg) 20 May 1914 Canton River patrol. Lat 22.17, Long 113.90 12.25am: Anchored off Ma Chau. 9.00pm: Weighed and proceeded for Canton River patrol. 4f9615f3a2fc8e2def001616: ( 5341465013_1.jpg) 21 May 1914 Canton River patrol. Lat 22.79, Long 113.62 12.01am: On patrol. 2.50am: Anchored off Wantong. 7.25pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9615f3a2fc8e2def001617: ( 5341465014_0.jpg) 22 May 1914 Canton River patrol. Lat 22.80, Long 113.61 12.40am: Anchored off Ma Chau. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded on Canton River patrol. 11.40am: Anchored off N Wantong. 7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9615f4a2fc8e2def001618: ( 5341465014_1.jpg) 23 May 1914 Hong Kong to Mirs Bay and return. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 12.45pm: Slipped and proceeded East, 15 knots. 2.12pm: Course as requisite for entering Tolo channel and anchoring. 2.50pm: Anchored in Jones' Cove. 3.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.15pm: Anchored in Three Fathoms Cove. 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.10pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 4f9615f4a2fc8e2def001619: ( 5341465015_0.jpg) 24 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615f4a2fc8e2def00161a: ( 5341465015_1.jpg) 25 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 4.30pm: Lt Blackman discharged to TB 038. 4f9615f5a2fc8e2def00161b: ( 5341465016_0.jpg) 26 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.50am: Coal lighter came alongside. Hands coal ship. 10.30am: Completed coaling, 36 tons. 4f9615f5a2fc8e2def00161c: ( 5341465016_1.jpg) 27 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning out boats and painting ship’s side. 4f9615f6a2fc8e2def00161d: ( 5341465017_0.jpg) 28 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Landed four ratings and one PO for drill. 6.15am: Air bedding. 8.30am: Hands painting ship’s side. 11.30am: Lash up and stow hammocks. 4f9615f6a2fc8e2def00161e: ( 5341465017_1.jpg) 29 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Landed four ratings and one PO for drill. 4f9615f6a2fc8e2def00161f: ( 5341465018_0.jpg) 30 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45am: Landed four ratings and one PO for drill. 1.00pm: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4f9615f7a2fc8e2def001620: ( 5341465018_1.jpg) 31 May 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. LOGS FOR JUNE 1914 [Hong Kong and Canton and patrolling in the river] 4f9615f7a2fc8e2def001621: ( 5341465019_0.jpg) 1 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.40am: Landed four ratings and one PO for drill. 8.30am: Hands painting waterways, mast and yards. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.30pm: Japanese cruiser [Uji*, vide Tamar’s log] arrived. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather. Light airs from the SE, clear, temperatures from 78º to 90º F at 4.00pm. * The word cruiser, which we now use for powerful warships, was very elastic in those days. Uji is almost identical to the RN’s Bramble class gunboats. 4f9615f7a2fc8e2def001622: ( 5341465019_1.jpg) 2 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.40am: Landed four ratings and one PO for drill. 7.00am: Japanese cruiser [Uji] sailed. 2.00pm: Hands painting waterways and foc’sle. 4f9615f8a2fc8e2def001623: ( 5341465020_0.jpg) 3 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30am: Landed four ratings and one PO for drill. 8.00am: Dress ship overall. [The King’s Birthday] 4f9615f8a2fc8e2def001624: ( 5341465020_1.jpg) 4 June 1914 Hong Kong and Canton River patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 11.10am: Two ABs joined ship from HMS Welland. 1.40pm: One British and five Chinese detectives came onboard. 2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded. 3.10pm: Anchored. 7.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol steamer routes and board steamers in search of arms. 4f9615f8a2fc8e2def001625: ( 5341465021_0.jpg) 5 June 1914 Canton River patrol and Hong Kong. Lat 22.14, Long 113.92 12.15am: Anchored in Koi Mau Wau [?]. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 2.10pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. Let fires die out. 2.20pm: Discharged detectives to shore. 5.00pm: Discharged two ABs to HMS Welland. 4f9615f9a2fc8e2def001626: ( 5341465021_1.jpg) 6 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 1.30pm: Landed usual liberty men. 4f9615f9a2fc8e2def001627: ( 5341465022_0.jpg) 7 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9615f9a2fc8e2def001628: ( 5341465022_1.jpg) 8 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.10pm: Landed 11 men fire party. 10.20pm: Fire party returned. 4f9615faa2fc8e2def001629: ( 5341465023_0.jpg) 9 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.55pm: HMS Thistle sailed. 4f9615faa2fc8e2def00162a: ( 5341465023_1.jpg) 10 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.00am: Japanese cruiser [probably Uji] arrived. 2.00pm: Hands painting boat davits. 4f9615faa2fc8e2def00162b: ( 5341465024_0.jpg) 11 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Make and mend. 4f9615fba2fc8e2def00162c: ( 5341465024_1.jpg) 12 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Japanese cruiser [Uji] sailed. 4f9615fba2fc8e2def00162d: ( 5341465025_0.jpg) 13 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00pm: One ERA and one SPO joined ship from HMS Welland. 4f9615fba2fc8e2def00162e: ( 5341465025_1.jpg) 14 June 1914 Hong Kong to Canton. Lat 22.79, Long 113.62 7.45am: Slipped and proceeded, Noon: S Wantong Island abeam [now Xiahengdang]. 3.40pm: Secured to British sloops’ buoy at Shameen [in Canton now Guangzhou]. 4f9615fca2fc8e2def00162f: ( 5341465026_0.jpg) 15 June 1914 Canton to Hong Kong. Lat 22.79, Long 113.62 8.55am: Slipped and proceeded down river. Noon: Wantong Island Lt abeam 4.00pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f9615fca2fc8e2def001630: ( 5341465026_1.jpg) 16 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f9615fca2fc8e2def001631: ( 5341465027_0.jpg) 17 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.40am: Coal lighter came alongside. 7.05am: Commenced coaling. 8.40am: Completed coaling, 20 tons. 9.10am: Discharged one ERA and one SPO to HMS Welland. 3.30pm: USS Callao arrived. 4f9615fda2fc8e2def001632: ( 5341465027_1.jpg) 18 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f9615fda2fc8e2def001633: ( 5341465028_0.jpg) 19 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands cleaning out whaler. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f9615fda2fc8e2def001634: ( 5341465028_1.jpg) 20 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.05pm: Black typhoon signal hoisted. Hands employed preparing ship for typhoon. 4f9615fea2fc8e2def001635: ( 5341465029_0.jpg) 21 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 11.20am: Typhoon signal hauled down. 4.00pm: Hands replacing gear. 4f9615fea2fc8e2def001636: ( 5341465029_1.jpg) 22 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands scrubbing deck cloths. 4f9615fea2fc8e2def001637: ( 5341465030_0.jpg) 23 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 3.30pm: One ERA, one SPO and two ABs joined ship from HMS Welland. 4f9615ffa2fc8e2def001638: ( 5341465030_1.jpg) 24 June 1914 Hong Kong to Canton. Lat 23.10, Long 113.40 [approx] 5.35am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour and escorting SS Taksang [probably Tak Sang is intended] to Canton. Noon: Duff Pt abeam. 1.00pm: Secured to British sloop buoy, Shameen. 4f9615ffa2fc8e2def001639: ( 5341465031_0.jpg) 25 June 1914 Canton to Hong Kong. Lat 22.82, Long 113.60 9.10am: Slipped and proceeded. Noon: Tiger lsland [now Dahu] abeam. 1.30pm: Passed Japanese gunboat Uji [Ugi in log] at anchor in Deep Bay [now Shenzhen Wan]. 3.35pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 4f9615ffa2fc8e2def00163a: ( 5341465031_1.jpg) 26 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Hands painting the side. 4f961600a2fc8e2def00163b: ( 5341465032_0.jpg) 27 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Japanese gunboat [Uji, vide Tamar’s log) arrived. 4f961600a2fc8e2def00163c: ( 5341465032_1.jpg) 28 June 1914 [28 July in log] Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine 4f961600a2fc8e2def00163d: ( 5341465033_0.jpg) 29 June 1914 [29 July in log] Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.40am: HMS’ Jed and Chelmer arrived. 8.00am: Japanese gunboat [Uji] sailed. 4f961601a2fc8e2def00163e: ( 5341465033_1.jpg) 30 June 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961601a2fc8e2def00163f: ( 5341465034_0.jpg) 4f961601a2fc8e2def001640: ( 5341465034_1.jpg) 4f961602a2fc8e2def001641: ( 5341465035_0.jpg) 4f961602a2fc8e2def001642: ( 5341465035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – JULY 1ST 1914 TO AUGUST 31ST 1914 4f961602a2fc8e2def001643: ( 5341466001_0.jpg) 4f961603a2fc8e2def001644: ( 5341466001_1.jpg) 4f961603a2fc8e2def001645: ( 5341466002_0.jpg) Above three pages, covers or blank. 4f961603a2fc8e2def001646: ( 5341466002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page, with signature of Lt CM Blackman, in command, 4th September, 1914. 4f961604a2fc8e2def001647: ( 5341466003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR JULY 1914 [Hong Kong, up river to Wuchow and return] 4f961604a2fc8e2def001648: ( 5341466003_1.jpg) 1 July 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: As in forenoon. 4.00pm: Exercised fire and collision stations. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light Easterlies, clear and dry, temperatures up to 90ºF. 4f961604a2fc8e2def001649: ( 5341466004_0.jpg) 2 July 1914 Hong Kong to Wangmun. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.30pm: One ERA, one SPO and one AB joined ship from TB 038, one ERA, one SPO and one AB joined ship from TB 036 4.00pm: One CPO joined ship from HMS Tamar for passage to HMS Sandpiper. 4.35pm: Slipped and proceeded. 8.45pm: Anchored at Wangmun. 4f961605a2fc8e2def00164a: ( 5341466004_1.jpg) 3 July 1914 Wangmun to Samshui. Lat 22.88, Long 113.3 [approx] 8.10am: Weighed and proceeded. Noon: Position 1.5 miles above first cliffs. 4.15pm: Anchored at Samshui. [Tracking the routes taken through the delta is very difficult, as names have changed in the intervening 100 years and it is highly likely that the courses of the various waterways are also different. Apologies for errors, Ed.]
4f961605a2fc8e2def00164b: ( 5341466005_0.jpg) 4 July 1914 Samshui to Narrow Is. Lat 23.06, Long 112.53 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded [up Xi River, then West River]. Noon: Position in Lingyang Gorge. 3.55pm: Anchored off Narrow Islands. [Readers may enjoy “A Handbook to the West River”, a guide to the journey between Canton and Wuchow, with many photographs and right at the end a map of the journey. Don’t miss the gruesome shot of a pirate being beheaded!] 4f961605a2fc8e2def00164c: ( 5341466005_1.jpg) 5 July 1914 Narrow Is. to Lo Sing. Lat 23.08, Long 112.0 [approx] 7.45am: Wood junk fouled ship. 9.50am: Weighed and proceeded. Noon: Lai Youm abeam. 1.10pm: Stopped and discharged one CPO to HMS Sandpiper. 1.23pm: Proceeded. 3.35pm: Anchored off Tuching Bank. 4f961606a2fc8e2def00164d: ( 5341466006_0.jpg) 6 July 1914 Tuching bank to Wuchow. Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 8.05am: Weighed and proceeded up river 11.15am: Anchored at Wuchow [now Wuzhou]. 4f961606a2fc8e2def00164e: ( 5341466006_1.jpg) 7 July 1914 Wuchow. Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 6.15am: Hands spread awnings. Temperature reached 101º F at 4.00pm. 4f961606a2fc8e2def00164f: ( 5341466007_0.jpg) 8 July 1914 Wuchow. Lat 23.47, Long 111.29 8.45am: Hands painting dinghy. 4f961607a2fc8e2def001650: ( 5341466007_1.jpg) 9 July 1914 Wuchow to Lok Yum. Lat 23.19, Long 111.62 [approx] 9.25am: Weighed and proceeded. Noon: Position abreast of Lok Shui. 5.45pm: Anchored off Lok Yum. 4f961607a2fc8e2def001651: ( 5341466008_0.jpg) 10 July 1914 Lok Yum to Samshui. Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 8.40am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.55am: Anchored at Samshui. 4f961607a2fc8e2def001652: ( 5341466008_1.jpg) 11 July 1914 Samshui. Lat 23.155, Long 112.85 8.45am: Hands clean ship. 1.15pm: Make and mend. 4f961608a2fc8e2def001653: ( 5341466009_0.jpg) 12 July 1914 Samshui to Kongmoon. Lat 22.89, Long 113.19 [approx] 9.50am: Weighed and proceeded. Noon: Position two miles North of Plover I. 12.35pm: Anchored at Kongmoon. 4f961608a2fc8e2def001654: ( 5341466009_1.jpg) 13 July 1914 Kongmoon. Lat 22.9, Long 113.26 [approx] 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting. 4f961608a2fc8e2def001655: ( 5341466010_0.jpg) 14 July 1914 Kongmoon to Wangmun. Lat 22.75, Long 113.41 [approx] 9.40am: Weighed and proceeded. Noon: In the Sailam Channel. 1.15pm: Anchored at Wangmun. 4f961609a2fc8e2def001656: ( 5341466010_1.jpg) 15 July 1914 Wangmun to Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.55am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.25am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 11.15am: Discharged one ERA and one AB to TB 038. 11.30am: Discharged one ERA, one AB and one SPO to TB 036. 4f961609a2fc8e2def001657: ( 5341466011_0.jpg) 16 July 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Discharged one SPO to HMS Jed. 12.15pm: Coal lighter came alongside. Hands employed coaling ship. 3.15pm: Completed coaling, 56 tons. 4f96160aa2fc8e2def001658: ( 5341466011_1.jpg) 17 July 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands spread awnings. 2.00pm: Hands scrubbing canvas gear. 4f96160aa2fc8e2def001659: ( 5341466012_0.jpg) 18 July 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 4f96160aa2fc8e2def00165a: ( 5341466012_1.jpg) 19 July 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 3.55am: HMS Jed sailed. 9.30am: Landed two RCs, one Wesleyan, one Presbyterian and one Baptist. C of E party to HMS Tamar. 4f96160ba2fc8e2def00165b: ( 5341466013_0.jpg) 20 July 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f96160ba2fc8e2def00165c: ( 5341466013_1.jpg) 21 July 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 5.00pm: One WT rating joined ship from HMS Tamar. 6.00pm: One WT rating joined ship from HMS Chelmer. 4f96160ba2fc8e2def00165d: ( 5341466014_0.jpg) 22 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45am: HMS Welland sailed. 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 4f96160ca2fc8e2def00165e: ( 5341466014_1.jpg) 23 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 2.00pm: Make and mend. 4f96160ca2fc8e2def00165f: ( 5341466015_0.jpg) 24 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 4f96160ca2fc8e2def001660: ( 5341466015_1.jpg) 25 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Saturday routine. 4f96160da2fc8e2def001661: ( 5341466016_0.jpg) 26 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96160da2fc8e2def001662: ( 5341466016_1.jpg) 27 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.35am: HMS Britomart sailed. 4f96160da2fc8e2def001663: ( 5341466017_0.jpg) 28 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: French gunboat Argus sailed. 4f96160ea2fc8e2def001664: ( 5341466017_1.jpg) 29 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f96160ea2fc8e2def001665: ( 5341466018_0.jpg) 30 July 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.30pm: 25 ratings joined ship from HMS Chelmer. 2.00pm: Hands painting the side and drawing torpedoes. 8.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to Western patrol. 4f96160ea2fc8e2def001666: ( 5341466018_1.jpg) 31 July 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong and Aberdeen Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 4.15pm: Slipped and proceeded. 5.15pm: Anchored at Aberdeen. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1914 [Hong Kong area, night patrols in the approaches] 4f96160fa2fc8e2def001667: ( 5341466018a_0.jpg) 1 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.45am: Secured to buoy at Aberdeen. 11.45am: General quarters. 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Sick list, 1. Weather: Light Westerlies, rain in the am, temperature high 92ºF at noon. 4f96160fa2fc8e2def001668: ( 5341466018a_1.jpg) 2 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.10am: Secured to buoy at Aberdeen. 9.30am: Discharged one AB to HMS Tamar, sick. 6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96160fa2fc8e2def001669: ( 5341466019_0.jpg) 3 August 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, Aberdeen, Patrol Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.05am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 10.00am: Commenced coaling. 12.45pm: Completed coaling, 25 tons. 1.00pm: One AB joined ship from HMS Tamar. 2.00pm: Hands drawing ammunition. 3.30pm: Mr Mallett, Gunner, discharged to HMS Triumph. Mr Griffiths joined ship from HMS Britomart. 4.00pm: One ERA joined ship and one ERA taking passage to TB 035. 4.15pm: Slipped and proceeded. 5.00pm: Anchored, Aberdeen. 6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961610a2fc8e2def00166a: ( 5341466019_1.jpg) 4 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.15am: Secured to buoy at Aberdeen. 6.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol duties. 4f961610a2fc8e2def00166b: ( 5341466020_0.jpg) 5 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen and Canton River Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.15am: Anchored, Aberdeen. 8.20am: One Telegraphist discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 12.20pm: Cleared ship for action. 1.07pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds to search islands and Canton River delta. 4f961610a2fc8e2def00166c: ( 5341466020_1.jpg) 6 August 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong and Patrol Lat 22.35, Long 114.0 [approx] 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol in company with HMS Ribble. 10.00am: Read Articles of War*. 10.15am: S/Lt Tudway joined ship from HMS Chelmer. 2.05pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 2.30pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 3.05pm: Commenced coaling. 3.10pm: HMS Triumph sailed. 4.20pm: One WT rating joined ship from HMS Tamar. 6.30pm: Completed coaling, 45 tons. 10.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrol. * The regulations that governed the conduct of every member of the Royal Navy. The regulations were required by Admiralty Instructions to be read to the ship’s company once a month. 4f961611a2fc8e2def00166d: ( 5341466021_0.jpg) 7 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.10am: Anchored, Aberdeen. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f961611a2fc8e2def00166e: ( 5341466021_1.jpg) 8 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.10am: Anchored, Aberdeen. 6.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol duties. 4f961611a2fc8e2def00166f: ( 5341466022_0.jpg) 9 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 8.00am: Anchored, Aberdeen. 6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded for Western Patrol. 4f961612a2fc8e2def001670: ( 5341466022_1.jpg) 10 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, Patrol Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 8.15am: Anchored, Aberdeen. 8.35am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.40am: Arrived at Hong Kong and secured to 5a buoy. 11.00am: One ERA joined the ship, one ERA and one WT rating discharged to HMS Tamar. 11.45am: Commenced coaling. 2.50pm: Completed coaling, 36 tons. 5.12pm: Slipped and proceeded to Ma Wan patrol area. 4f961612a2fc8e2def001671: ( 5341466023_0.jpg) 11 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 7.55am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 5.49pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961612a2fc8e2def001672: ( 5341466023_1.jpg) 12 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 8.00am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961613a2fc8e2def001673: ( 5341466024_0.jpg) 13 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, Patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 7.50am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 9.30am: Secured to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong. 10.45am: Commenced coaling from lighter. 1.30pm: Discharged 23 ratings to HMS Chelmer. 2.15pm: Six seamen and nine Chinese Stokers joined ship from HMS Tamar. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961613a2fc8e2def001674: ( 5341466024_1.jpg) 14 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: Patrolling off Ma Wan. 7.55am: Anchored, Aberdeen. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 8.40pm: Anchored off E Brothers. 4f961613a2fc8e2def001675: ( 5341466025_0.jpg) 15 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded 10.20am: Anchored, Aberdeen. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 9.55pm: Anchored off Brothers Light. 4f961614a2fc8e2def001676: ( 5341466025_1.jpg) 16 August 1914 Patrol and Aberdeen Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 5.35am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.25am: Anchored, Aberdeen. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f961614a2fc8e2def001677: ( 5341466026_0.jpg) 17 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Hong Kong and Ma Wan patrol Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.50am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 8.40am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.00am: Secured to No 9 buoy at Hong Kong . 1.25pm: Coal lighter came alongside. Commenced coaling. 4.30pm: Completed coaling, 38 tons. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded for Ma Wan patrol. 4f961614a2fc8e2def001678: ( 5341466026_1.jpg) 18 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 7.45am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961615a2fc8e2def001679: ( 5341466027_0.jpg) 19 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 8.10am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded to Ma Wan patrol. 4f961615a2fc8e2def00167a: ( 5341466027_1.jpg) 20 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, Patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 8.50am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.40am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 9.45am: Coal lighter came alongside. 10.00am: Commenced coaling. 10.30am: Divers came alongside to clear main inlet. 1.00pm: Lt Tudway discharged to HMS Tamar. Lt Clavell joined ship. 2.00pm: Completed coaling, 35 tons. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrol area. 4f961615a2fc8e2def00167b: ( 5341466028_0.jpg) 21 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Patrol. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 8.10am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f961616a2fc8e2def00167c: ( 5341466028_1.jpg) 22 August 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 12.01am: On Ma Wan patrol. 7.55am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.55pm: Secured to No 6 buoy, Hong Kong. 4.00pm: Discharged one WT rating to HMS Whiting. 5.05pm: Slipped and proceeded. 5.55pm: Anchored at Aberdeen. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 9.30pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4f961616a2fc8e2def00167d: ( 5341466029_0.jpg) 23 August 1914 Tai Tam Bay, Aberdeen, patrol. Lat 22.2, Long 114.2 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.00am: Anchored at Aberdeen. 11.25am: Weighed and proceeded. 1.20pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f961616a2fc8e2def00167e: ( 5341466029_1.jpg) 24 August 1914 Patrol and Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.35am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 8.45am: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 9.35am: Commenced coaling. 11.30am: One Chinese Stoker joined ship. 11.50am: Cherub* came alongside. Slipped and proceeded into basin in tow of Cherub. 12.15pm: Secured alongside wall in basin. 4f961617a2fc8e2def00167f: ( 5341466030_0.jpg) 25 August 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45pm: Black typhoon signal hoisted. 5.50pm: HMS’ Minotaur and Hampshire sailed. 4f961617a2fc8e2def001680: ( 5341466030_1.jpg) 26 August 1914 Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed refitting WT yard. 2.10pm: Proceeded to 5a buoy in tow of tug Atlas. 2.45pm: Secured to 5a buoy. 2.45pm: Coal lighter came alongside, Hands employed coaling ship. 6.10pm: Completed coaling 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f961617a2fc8e2def001681: ( 5341466031_0.jpg) 27 August 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.25am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 7.25pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961618a2fc8e2def001682: ( 5341466031_1.jpg) 28 August 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.10am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on Eastern patrol.. 4f961618a2fc8e2def001683: ( 5341466032_0.jpg) 29 August 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 8.00am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961618a2fc8e2def001684: ( 5341466032_1.jpg) 30 August 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.21, Long 114.26 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 6.30am: Sighted two Japanese cruisers [Chikuma and Ibuki, vide log of Tamar]. 7.20am: HMS Virago escorted two Japanese cruisers to Hong Kong. 7.40am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 9.25am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.40am: Anchored off Cape D’Aguilar. 3.55pm: Weighed and proceeded and escorted two Russian cruisers [Askold and Zhemchug, vide Tamar’s log] to Hong Kong. Proceeded on patrol. 4f961619a2fc8e2def001685: ( 5341466033_0.jpg) 31 August 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.45am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong . 10.55am: Coal lighter came alongside. 1.15pm: Completed coaling, 35 tons. 5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f961619a2fc8e2def001686: ( 5341466033_1.jpg) 4f961619a2fc8e2def001687: ( 5341466034_0.jpg) 4f96161aa2fc8e2def001688: ( 5341466034_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – SEPTEMBER 1ST 1914 TO OCTOBER 31ST 1914 4f96161aa2fc8e2def001689: ( 5341467001_0.jpg) 4f96161aa2fc8e2def00168a: ( 5341467001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f96161ba2fc8e2def00168b: ( 5341467002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f96161ba2fc8e2def00168c: ( 5341467002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures, signed CM Blackman, Lieutenant in command. 4f96161ca2fc8e2def00168d: ( 5341467003_0.jpg) Barometer, aneroid, No 339. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1914 [Hong Kong area patrols and short period in dry dock] 4f96161ca2fc8e2def00168e: ( 5341467003_1.jpg) 1 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol and in Mirs Bay. 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 11.15am: Anchored in Tai Tam [Tia Taim in log] Bay. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light airs in am, West 3-4 in pm, clear, very hot, 104ºF at noon. 4f96161ca2fc8e2def00168f: ( 5341467004_0.jpg) 2 September 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.55am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 9.25am: Coal lighter came alongside. 4.40pm: Completed coaling, 35 tons. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f96161da2fc8e2def001690: ( 5341467004_1.jpg) 3 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.30am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f96161da2fc8e2def001691: ( 5341467005_0.jpg) 4 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.10am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96161da2fc8e2def001692: ( 5341467005_1.jpg) 5 September 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong , patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol and in Mirs Bay. 11.55am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. Coal lighter came alongside. 3.40pm: Completed coaling, 30 tons. 5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f96161ea2fc8e2def001693: ( 5341467006_0.jpg) 6 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.25am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96161ea2fc8e2def001694: ( 5341467006_1.jpg) 7 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol, searching Mirs Bay etc. 9.50am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 1.15pm: Discharged one rating to Tamar, sick and returned to Tai Tam Bay. 2.35pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f96161ea2fc8e2def001695: ( 5341467007_0.jpg) 8 September 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.40am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 8.30am: Discharged one SPO to Tamar, sick. 9.10am: Coal lighter came alongside. 12.20pm: Completed coaling, 28 tons. 3.15pm: Seven RNR ratings joined the ship. 5.25pm: Discharged six Chinese Seamen to HMS Tamar. 5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f96161fa2fc8e2def001696: ( 5341467007_1.jpg) Blank. 4f96161fa2fc8e2def001697: ( 5341467008_0.jpg) 9 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol and searching Mirs Bay. 10.20am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96161fa2fc8e2def001698: ( 5341467008_1.jpg) 10 September 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.30am: Secured to 5a buoy. 9.00am: One Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 10.15am: Commenced coaling. Noon: Completed coaling, 20 tons. 2.30pm: One SPO joined ship from Tamar and one Stoker joined ship for passage to HMS Ribble. 5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded for Mirs Bay and Eastern patrol. 4f961620a2fc8e2def001699: ( 5341467009_0.jpg) 11 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol, searching Mirs Bay etc. 10.40am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961620a2fc8e2def00169a: ( 5341467009_1.jpg) 12 September 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol and leading Russian cruiser Askold into harbour. 10.20am: Coal lighter came alongside 12.10pm: Completed coaling, 20 tons. 5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4f961620a2fc8e2def00169b: ( 5341467010_0.jpg) 13 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol, searching Mirs Bay etc. 10.10am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961621a2fc8e2def00169c: ( 5341467010_1.jpg) 14 September 1914 Patrol and Hong Kong for dry dock Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 9.05am: Coal lighter came alongside. 10.30am: Completed coaling, 18 tons. 11.20am: Slipped and proceeded into dock in tow of Cherub. 2.00pm: Hands cleaning ship’s bottom. 5.00pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tamar, four fitters, four coolies, four boilermakers and five bricklayers employed on board. 4f961621a2fc8e2def00169d: ( 5341467011_0.jpg) 15 September 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed refitting wireless gear. 35 dockworkers on board [trades listed in log]. 2.00pm: Hands cleaning out boats. 4f961621a2fc8e2def00169e: ( 5341467011_1.jpg) 16 September 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands refitting aerial and stripping breech blocks. 2.00pm: One ERA from Kowloon employed on torpedoes . 4f961622a2fc8e2def00169f: ( 5341467012_0.jpg) 17 September 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: 71 dockworkers [list in log) and one ERA from Kowloon employed onboard. 4f961622a2fc8e2def0016a0: ( 5341467012_1.jpg) 18 September 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: 60 dockworkers employed onboard. 8.45am: Hands painting and scraping gun sights. 3.15pm: Left dock and proceeded into basin in tow of Cherub. 4f961622a2fc8e2def0016a1: ( 5341467013_0.jpg) 19 September 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed rigging WT yard. Two fitters and six electricians employed onboard. 4f961623a2fc8e2def0016a2: ( 5341467013_1.jpg) 20 September 1914 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961623a2fc8e2def0016a3: ( 5341467014_0.jpg) 21 September 1914 Hong Kong to Tai Tam Bay Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 3.15pm: Proceeded from basin in tow of Cherub and secured to No 10 buoy. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded. 6.50pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4f961623a2fc8e2def0016a4: ( 5341467014_1.jpg) 22 September 1914 Tai Tam Bay and on patrol Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 6.30am: Typhoon signal hauled down. 6.35pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961624a2fc8e2def0016a5: ( 5341467015_0.jpg) 23 September 1914 Tai Tam Bay to Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrol. 7.30am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f961624a2fc8e2def0016a6: ( 5341467015_1.jpg) 24 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, escort duty and patrol. Lat 22.19, Long 114.28 12.01am: On patrol. 7.20am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Sun Kong I. 12.15pm: Anchored at Sun Kong I. 1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.00pm: Escorted Japanese cruiser Nisshin to Hong Kong Harbour. 3.00pm: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay. 3.35pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961624a2fc8e2def0016a7: ( 5341467016_0.jpg) 25 September 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.15am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 8.45am: One ERA from Kowloon employed onboard. 1.20pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 5.30pm: Completed coaling, 22 tons. 6.45pm: Slipped and proceeded for Eastern patrol. 4f961625a2fc8e2def0016a8: ( 5341467016_1.jpg) 26 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 6.35am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961625a2fc8e2def0016a9: ( 5341467017_0.jpg) 27 September 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.30am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded for Eastern patrol. 4f961625a2fc8e2def0016aa: ( 5341467017_1.jpg) 28 September 1914 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 6.30am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 6.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961626a2fc8e2def0016ab: ( 5341467018_0.jpg) 29 September 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.15am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961626a2fc8e2def0016ac: ( 5341467018_1.jpg) 30 September 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol and searching Lema Is [aka Kaipong Is, now Jiapeng Liedao]. 8.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1914 [Hong Kong and local patrols]
4f961626a2fc8e2def0016ad: ( 5341467019_0.jpg) 1 October 1914 Eastern patrol and Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 7.20am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.20am: Commenced coaling. 1.10pm: Completed coaling, 35 tons. 2.00pm: Hands clean ship. 5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: NE’ly fresh breezes in the am, overcast and clear, with stronger Easterlies in the pm, up to F6 with rain at times, temperature 90ºF at 4.00pm. 4f961627a2fc8e2def0016ae: ( 5341467019_1.jpg) 2 October 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 6.35am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol area. 4f961627a2fc8e2def0016af: ( 5341467020_0.jpg) 3 October 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.15am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961627a2fc8e2def0016b0: ( 5341467020_1.jpg) 4 October 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol area. 4f961628a2fc8e2def0016b1: ( 5341467021_0.jpg) 5 October 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.00am: Secured to buoy, Aberdeen. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded. 9.30am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol area. 4f961628a2fc8e2def0016b2: ( 5341467021_1.jpg) 6 October 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.35am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 9.10am: Coal lighter came alongside. 9.20am: Commenced coaling. 11.50am: Completed coaling, 32 tons. 5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded. 9.10pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4f961628a2fc8e2def0016b3: ( 5341467022_0.jpg) 7 October 1914 Tai Tam Bay, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.55am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol area. 4f961629a2fc8e2def0016b4: ( 5341467022_1.jpg) 8 October 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On patrol. 7.35am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol area. 4f961629a2fc8e2def0016b5: ( 5341467023_0.jpg) 9 October 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol and searching Lema Islands. 7.30am: Carried out .45 and .303 aiming rifle practice. 11.35am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f961629a2fc8e2def0016b6: ( 5341467023_1.jpg) 10 October 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On patrol. 7.15am: TGM [probably torpedo Gunner’s Mate] left ship for Kowloon with gyro for testing. 7.50am: Secured to No 5a buoy. 10.40am: Coal lighter came alongside. Commenced coaling. 1.00pm: Completed coaling, 34 tons. 4.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrol. 4f96162aa2fc8e2def0016b7: ( 5341467024_0.jpg) 11 October 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, Patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 6.30am: Carried out .45 and .303 aiming rifle practice. 8.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f96162aa2fc8e2def0016b8: ( 5341467024_1.jpg) 12 October 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On patrol. 7.40am: Secured to No 5a buoy. 8.45am: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Tamar sick, one Stoker joined ship from same. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4f96162aa2fc8e2def0016b9: ( 5341467025_0.jpg) 13 October 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, Patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.00am: Carried out .45 and .303 aiming rifle practice. 9.30am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f96162ba2fc8e2def0016ba: ( 5341467025_1.jpg) 14 October 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On patrol. 8.10am: Secured to No 9 buoy, Hong Kong. 2.45pm: Completed coaling. 36 tons. 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4f96162ba2fc8e2def0016bb: ( 5341467026_0.jpg) 15 October 1914 Eastern patrol, Tolo Harbour, torpedo practice and Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.40am: Anchored in Tolo channel. 10.10am: Weighed and proceeded and carried out torpedo firing. 11.35am: Completed torpedo firing and proceeded. 2.05pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 4f96162ba2fc8e2def0016bc: ( 5341467026_1.jpg) 16 October 1914 Deep Water Bay, firing practice and Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.2, Long 114.3 [approx] 8.05am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite for 6 pdr target practice. 11.30am: Completed firing. Noon: Position. Poru un kok Pt, NNW, 3 miles. 2.55pm: Secured alongside wall in basin, Hong Kong. 4f96162ca2fc8e2def0016bd: ( 5341467027_0.jpg) 17 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f96162ca2fc8e2def0016be: ( 5341467027_1.jpg) 18 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96162ca2fc8e2def0016bf: ( 5341467028_0.jpg) 19 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands stripping guns and torpedoes. 4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.30am. 4f96162da2fc8e2def0016c0: ( 5341467028_1.jpg) 20 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands dismounting guns. 4f96162da2fc8e2def0016c1: ( 5341467029_0.jpg) 21 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands dismounting guns. 4f96162da2fc8e2def0016c2: ( 5341467029_1.jpg) 22 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed returning typhoon cable and cleaning ship. 10.20am: Two ABs sent to HMS Tamar with arms. 11.15am: One RNR man discharged to Tamar. 1.15pm: Hands painting and working on torpedoes. 4.15pm: HMS Otter proceeded from Kowloon to basin. 4f96162ea2fc8e2def0016c3: ( 5341467030_0.jpg) 23 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting and refitting wireless aerial. 4.30pm: One SPO discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f96162ea2fc8e2def0016c4: ( 5341467030_1.jpg) 24 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.45pm: TB 038 arrived in basin. 4f96162ea2fc8e2def0016c5: ( 5341467031_0.jpg) 25 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96162fa2fc8e2def0016c6: ( 5341467031_1.jpg) 26 October 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.30pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 4f96162fa2fc8e2def0016c7: ( 5341467032_0.jpg) 27 October 1914 Hong Kong, patrolling and Harlem Bay Lat 22.57, Long 114.87 5.00am: Left basin and proceeded out of harbour. 6.40am: Proceeded in company with HMS Whiting to search Bias Bay, Harlem Bay, Hong Hai Bay and Lam Chan [possibly the Chi’an River] inlet. 6.37pm: Anchored in Harlem Bay. 4f96162fa2fc8e2def0016c8: ( 5341467032_1.jpg) 28 October 1914 At sea. Lat 22.72, Long 115.08 5.00am: Weighed and proceeded to search Xie Chai Chin Bay and coast to Tungao Roads [possibly what is now Shenquan]. 8.05pm: Chilang Pt [now Zhelang Yan] abeam to Port. 10.28am: Turtle Rk to port, 0.5 miles. 11.00am: Shaped course S75W (mag). 4.00pm: A/c S67W (m). 7.00pm: Course and speed as requisite to take up Eastern patrol. 4f961630a2fc8e2def0016c9: ( 5341467033_0.jpg) 29 October 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 6.50am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 8.45am: Hands painting and cleaning magazines. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded for Eastern patrol. 4f961630a2fc8e2def0016ca: ( 5341467033_1.jpg) 30 October 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.45am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 12.25pm: Coal lighter came alongside, commenced coaling. 3.56pm: Completed coaling, 55 tons. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded for patrol. 10.15pm: Topmast carried away. 4f961630a2fc8e2def0016cb: ( 5341467034_0.jpg) 31 October 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 6.15am: Proceeded into Hong Kong Harbour in company with HMS Whiting and two Japanese cruisers [Yakumo and Ikoma, vide Tamar’s log]. 7.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 1.30pm: Hands setting WT gear. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961631a2fc8e2def0016cc: ( 5341467034_1.jpg) 4f961631a2fc8e2def0016cd: ( 5341467035_0.jpg) 4f961631a2fc8e2def0016ce: ( 5341467035_1.jpg) 4f961632a2fc8e2def0016cf: ( 5341468001_0.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – NOVEMBER 1ST 1914 TO DECEMBER 31ST 1914 4f961632a2fc8e2def0016d0: ( 5341468001_1.jpg) 4f961633a2fc8e2def0016d1: ( 5341468002_0.jpg) Cover. 4f961633a2fc8e2def0016d2: ( 5341468002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page. 4f961633a2fc8e2def0016d3: ( 5341468003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1914 [Hong Kong and local patrols] 4f961634a2fc8e2def0016d4: ( 5341468003_1.jpg) 1 November 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol and searching Sungling. 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 6.50am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 8.45am: Clear decks for divisions. 9.30am: Divisions, prayers. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded for Eastern patrol. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: NE’lies up to f6, rain at times, rough seas, temperatures in the mid 80s F. 4f961634a2fc8e2def0016d5: ( 5341468004_0.jpg) 2 November 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 6.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 1.36pm: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong for new topmast. 2.30pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded for patrol. 4f961634a2fc8e2def0016d6: ( 5341468004_1.jpg) 3 November 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On patrol. 7.30am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 8.30am: Hands employed setting up topmast. 10.20am: Coal lighter alongside. 1.00pm: Completed coaling, 36 tons. 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961635a2fc8e2def0016d7: ( 5341468005_0.jpg) 4 November 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On Eastern patrol. 7.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f961635a2fc8e2def0016d8: ( 5341468005_1.jpg) 5 November 1914 Patrol to Great West Channel. Lat 21.72, Long 113.07 9.00am: Shaped course S50W. Noon: A/c N52E. 2.00pm: Boarded a junk J 576. 3.30pm: Anchored in Great West channel. 4f961635a2fc8e2def0016d9: ( 5341468006_0.jpg) 6 November 1914 On patrol. Lat 21.78, Long 113.15 6.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.25am: Boarded junk S1889H. 5.35pm: Anchored in Great West channel, to the SW of Chung Lung. 4f961636a2fc8e2def0016da: ( 5341468006_1.jpg) 7 November 1914 Patrolling Great West Channel. Lat 21.97, Long 113.45 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 2.55pm: Anchored. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961636a2fc8e2def0016db: ( 5341468007_0.jpg) 8 November 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.30am: Returned to Hong Kong. 7.30am: Secured to wall in Kowloon. 11.30am: Coaling. 12.20pm: Completed coaling, 10 tons. 12.50pm: Slipped and proceeded. Discharged one AB to HMS Otter and one joined from same. 1.55pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961636a2fc8e2def0016dc: ( 5341468007_1.jpg) 9 November 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen and Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.50am: Secured to buoy, Aberdeen. 8.00am: Hands drawing awning stanchions from dockyard. 9.10am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.00am: Secured to North wall in basin, Hong Kong. 10.20am: One RNR rating joined from HMS Tamar. 4.30pm: Leave to first watch. 4f961637a2fc8e2def0016dd: ( 5341468008_0.jpg) 10 November 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. 4.30pm: Leave to second watch. 4f961637a2fc8e2def0016de: ( 5341468008_1.jpg) 11 November 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.30pm: Hands employed painting torpedo tubes. 4f961637a2fc8e2def0016df: ( 5341468009_0.jpg) 12 November 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961638a2fc8e2def0016e0: ( 5341468009_1.jpg) 13 November 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: One SPO and one RNR rating discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f961638a2fc8e2def0016e1: ( 5341468010_0.jpg) 14 November 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.45am: Shifted ship from N Wall to S Wall. 1.00pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. 4f961638a2fc8e2def0016e2: ( 5341468010_1.jpg) 15 November 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961639a2fc8e2def0016e3: ( 5341468011_0.jpg) 16 November 1914 Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.00am: Shifted berth to 5a buoy in tow of Atlas. 9.40am: Coaled from lighter, 54 tons. 10.10pm: One SPO returned from sick list. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961639a2fc8e2def0016e4: ( 5341468011_1.jpg) 17 November 1914 Patrol. Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.50am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961639a2fc8e2def0016e5: ( 5341468012_0.jpg) 18 November 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.15am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 8.45am: Hands refitting whaler falls and cleaning magazine. 8.45am: One AB joined from HMS Tamar. 5.35am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163aa2fc8e2def0016e6: ( 5341468012_1.jpg) 19 November 1914 Patrol and Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.20am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163aa2fc8e2def0016e7: ( 5341468013_0.jpg) 20 November 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.20am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 9.40am: Coal lighter alongside. 10.00am: One AB discharged to hospital. 11.45am: Completed coaling, 34 tons. 5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163aa2fc8e2def0016e8: ( 5341468013_1.jpg) 21 November 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.55am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.00am: Air night clothing* and bedding. 1.30pm: Make and mend. 5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. *Night clothing: not pyjamas, but the old sweater and trousers that Jack wears off duty. Inclined to become frowsty if stuffed away in lockers for weeks on end. 4f96163ba2fc8e2def0016e9: ( 5341468014_0.jpg) 22 November 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, Tai Tam Bay. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.45pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4f96163ba2fc8e2def0016ea: ( 5341468014_1.jpg) 23 November 1914 Tai Tam Bay, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 6.50am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.30am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 8.45am: Hands clean boats. RNR men to boat pulling instruction. 5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163ba2fc8e2def0016eb: ( 5341468015_0.jpg) 24 November 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 11.15am: Coal lighter alongside, commenced coaling. 1.30pm: Completed coaling. 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163ca2fc8e2def0016ec: ( 5341468015_1.jpg) 25 November 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.15am: Escorted USS Wilmington into Hong Kong. 9.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163ca2fc8e2def0016ed: ( 5341468016_0.jpg) 26 November 1914 Patrol, Aberdeen, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.55am: Secured to buoy at Aberdeen. 8.00am: Hands drawing stores. 10.05am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.40am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163ca2fc8e2def0016ee: ( 5341468016_1.jpg) 27 November 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 2.00pm: S/Lt Fitzgeorge* joined, Lt Clavell discharged to TB 038 [to take command of same]. 3.20pm: Completed coaling, 26 tons. 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. * Probably GWF Fitzgeorge. 4f96163da2fc8e2def0016ef: ( 5341468017_0.jpg) 28 November 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.50am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163da2fc8e2def0016f0: ( 5341468017_1.jpg) 29 November 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96163da2fc8e2def0016f1: ( 5341468018_0.jpg) 30 November 1914 Patrol and Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.05am: Secured to buoy 5a, Hong Kong Harbour. 1.40pm: Proceeded under tow into basin. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1914 [Hong Kong and local patrols] 4f96163ea2fc8e2def0016f2: ( 5341468018_1.jpg) 1 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 1.00pm: Hands painting ship. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light airs with rain in the afternoon, temperatures averaging 80ºF. 4f96163ea2fc8e2def0016f3: ( 5341468019_0.jpg) 2 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 4f96163ea2fc8e2def0016f4: ( 5341468019_1.jpg) 3 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 4.00pm: One AB joined from HMS Usk and one discharged to same. 4f96163fa2fc8e2def0016f5: ( 5341468020_0.jpg) 4 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.00pm: One AB discharged to HMS Tamar and one RNR rating joined from same. One Stoker discharged to HMS Usk and one joined from same. 4f96163fa2fc8e2def0016f6: ( 5341468020_1.jpg) 5 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.00am: Proceeded to North wall in tow of Cherub. 4f96163fa2fc8e2def0016f7: ( 5341468021_0.jpg) 6 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Landed three RCs, two Wesleyans and one Baptist. C of E party to HMS Tamar. 4f961640a2fc8e2def0016f8: ( 5341468021_1.jpg) 7 December 1914 Hong Kong and on patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Lt RS Connolly RNR joined the ship from TB 035. 9.20am: Proceeded to buoy in tow of Atlas to swing for compasses. 5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961640a2fc8e2def0016f9: ( 5341468022_0.jpg) 8 December 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961640a2fc8e2def0016fa: ( 5341468022_1.jpg) 9 December 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.20am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.35pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961641a2fc8e2def0016fb: ( 5341468023_0.jpg) 10 December 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.40am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 9.15am: Commenced coaling from lighter. 10.00am: One RNR rating joined ship from HMS Tamar . 11.00am: Completed coaling, 36 tons. 5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961641a2fc8e2def0016fc: ( 5341468023_1.jpg) 11 December 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.40am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961641a2fc8e2def0016fd: ( 5341468024_0.jpg) 12 December 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.10am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961642a2fc8e2def0016fe: ( 5341468024_1.jpg) 13 December 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.30am: Divisions, prayers. 5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961642a2fc8e2def0016ff: ( 5341468025_0.jpg) 14 December 1914 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.05am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961643a2fc8e2def001700: ( 5341468025_1.jpg) 15 December 1914 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.25am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 9.00am: Discharged one ERA and one AB to HMS Tamar, sick. 9.45am: Lighter alongside, commenced coaling. 9.50am: One VR [?] rating discharged to Tamar for cells. 12.15pm: Finished coaling. 1.45pm: Read warrant No 184. One RNR rating joined ship. 2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded into basin in tow of Atlas. 5.15pm: Landed patrol, one PO 1c, one Ldg Stoker, two Stokers and two ABs. 4f961643a2fc8e2def001701: ( 5341468026_0.jpg) 16 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961643a2fc8e2def001702: ( 5341468026_1.jpg) 17 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting. 9.10am: Italian cruiser Marco Polo sailed. 4f961644a2fc8e2def001703: ( 5341468027_0.jpg) 18 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961644a2fc8e2def001704: ( 5341468027_1.jpg) 19 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961644a2fc8e2def001705: ( 5341468028_0.jpg) 20 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 5.00pm: Two RNR ratings joined ship from HMS Tamar and one ERA joined ship from HMS Triumph. 4f961645a2fc8e2def001706: ( 5341468028_1.jpg) 21 December 1914 Hong Kong, patrol and Deep Water bay. Lat 22.08, Long 113.97 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded to patrol Lantau and adjacent islands. 5.05pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 4f961645a2fc8e2def001707: ( 5341468029_0.jpg) 22 December 1914 Deep Water Bay, patrol, Tai Tam Bay. Lat 22.52, Long 114.3 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol to Double Haven, Starling Inlet, Mirs Bay etc. Noon: Anchored at Double Haven. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 5.45pm: Anchored inTai Tam Bay. 4f961645a2fc8e2def001708: ( 5341468029_1.jpg) 23 December 1914 Tai Tam Bay, patrol, Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.05, Long 114.32 7.05am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.05am: Escorted Japanese cruiser [Akashi, vide log of Tamar] into Hong Kong. 10.20am: Proceeded on patrol around Lema and Kaipong Is [now Jiapeng Liedao]. Noon: Position, East point of Lema Is North, I mile. 5.15pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 4f961646a2fc8e2def001709: ( 5341468030_0.jpg) 24 December 1914 Patrol and Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.18, Long 114.02 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 12.45pm: Anchored off Lamma I. 2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 5.30pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 4f961646a2fc8e2def00170a: ( 5341468030_1.jpg) 25 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 1.15am: One AB joined from HMS Tamar. 4f961646a2fc8e2def00170b: ( 5341468031_0.jpg) 26 December 1914 Hong Kong, patrol, Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.42, Long 114.45 7.10am: Slipped and proceeded to patrol in Mirs Bay . 12.50pm: Anchored in Pingchau Road. 2.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 4f961647a2fc8e2def00170c: ( 5341468031_1.jpg) 27 December 1914 Deep Water Bay, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.14, Long 113.82 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 11.50am: Anchored off Lafsami I. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol South of Lantau I. 5.50pm: Secured to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong. 4f961647a2fc8e2def00170d: ( 5341468032_0.jpg) 28 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.10am: Coaled ship. 12.10pm: Slipped and proceeded into basin in tow of Atlas. 4f961647a2fc8e2def00170e: ( 5341468032_1.jpg) 29 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side. 5.15pm: Landed six ratings for patrol. 4f961648a2fc8e2def00170f: ( 5341468033_0.jpg) 30 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 4f961648a2fc8e2def001710: ( 5341468033_1.jpg) 31 December 1914 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands painting ship. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 4f961648a2fc8e2def001711: ( 5341468034_0.jpg) 4f961649a2fc8e2def001712: ( 5341468034_1.jpg) 4f961649a2fc8e2def001713: ( 5341468035_0.jpg) 4f961649a2fc8e2def001714: ( 5341468035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. THE VOYAGES OF HMS FAME 1915 LOG BOOK – JANUARY 1ST 1915 TO FEBRUARY 28TH 1915 4f96164aa2fc8e2def001715: ( 5341469001_0.jpg) 4f96164aa2fc8e2def001716: ( 5341469001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f96164ba2fc8e2def001717: ( 5341469002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f96164ba2fc8e2def001718: ( 5341469002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures. 4f96164ba2fc8e2def001719: ( 5341469003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1915 [Hong Kong and local patrols] 4f96164ca2fc8e2def00171a: ( 5341469003_1.jpg) 1 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 8.45am: Cleaning and painting. 1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 5.20pm: Two ABs discharged to HMS Triumph and two RNR ratings joined from same. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light airs, overcast and cloudy, temperatures in the 70s F. 4f96164ca2fc8e2def00171b: ( 5341469004_0.jpg) 2 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f96164ca2fc8e2def00171c: ( 5341469004_1.jpg) 3 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96164da2fc8e2def00171d: ( 5341469005_0.jpg) 4 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: From basin to No 9 buoy in tow of Atlas. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96164da2fc8e2def00171e: ( 5341469005_1.jpg) 5 January 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.40am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96164da2fc8e2def00171f: ( 5341469006_0.jpg) 6 January 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.25am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 8.45am: Hands cleaning out berthon boats. 1.30pm: One Chinese Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar. 5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96164ea2fc8e2def001720: ( 5341469006_1.jpg) 7 January 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On patrol. 7.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 8.45am: Hands cleaning small arms and drawing awnings from dockyard. 2.00pm: One Chinese Stoker joined from HMS Tamar. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96164ea2fc8e2def001721: ( 5341469007_0.jpg) 8 January 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96164ea2fc8e2def001722: ( 5341469007_1.jpg) 9 January 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On patrol. 8.00am: Secured to No 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 10.30am: Commenced coaling. 12.15pm: Completed coaling, 38 tons. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96164fa2fc8e2def001723: ( 5341469008_0.jpg) 10 January 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.20am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96164fa2fc8e2def001724: ( 5341469008_1.jpg) 11 January 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.10am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 1.30pm: Exercised fire and collision stations. 4f96164fa2fc8e2def001725: ( 5341469009_0.jpg) 12 January 1915 Deep Water Bay and patrol. Lat 21.80, Long 113.96 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol to search Lema Is. 2.45pm: Swung ship for deviation of compasses. 5.10pm: Passed HMS Triumph.
4f961650a2fc8e2def001726: ( 5341469009_1.jpg) 13 January 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.25am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 4f961650a2fc8e2def001727: ( 5341469010_0.jpg) 14 January 1915 Deep Water Bay and Eastern patrol. Lat 22.27, Long 114.25 [approx] 8.40am: Weighed and proceeded to Eastern patrol. 4f961650a2fc8e2def001728: ( 5341469010_1.jpg) 15 January 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.10am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 11.00am: Coal lighter came alongside. 1.00pm: Completed coaling, 35 tons. 4f961651a2fc8e2def001729: ( 5341469011_0.jpg) 16 January 1915 Hong Kong and Eastern patrol. Lat 22.27, Long 114.25 [approx] 7.25am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961651a2fc8e2def00172a: ( 5341469011_1.jpg) 17 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 8.30am: Landed church parties. 4f961651a2fc8e2def00172b: ( 5341469012_0.jpg) 18 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded into basin in tow of Atlas. 1.00pm: Hands employed dismounting guns. 4f961652a2fc8e2def00172c: ( 5341469012_1.jpg) 19 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961652a2fc8e2def00172d: ( 5341469013_0.jpg) 20 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961652a2fc8e2def00172e: ( 5341469013_1.jpg) 21 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.25am: Landed every available man for exercise. 11.45am: Landing party returned. 4f961653a2fc8e2def00172f: ( 5341469014_0.jpg) 22 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.25am: Landed every available man for exercise. 10.35am: Landing party returned. 4f961653a2fc8e2def001730: ( 5341469014_1.jpg) 23 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961653a2fc8e2def001731: ( 5341469015_0.jpg) 24 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Landed five RCs, four Wesleyans, two Presbyterians and one Baptist. 10.15am: C of E party to HMS Tamar. 1.00pm: Landed usual liberty men. 4f961654a2fc8e2def001732: ( 5341469015_1.jpg) 25 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands cleaning and painting ship’s side. 4f961654a2fc8e2def001733: ( 5341469016_0.jpg) 26 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands cleaning and painting ship. 4f961654a2fc8e2def001734: ( 5341469016_1.jpg) 27 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Hands cleaning out whaler and painting guns. 4f961655a2fc8e2def001735: ( 5341469017_0.jpg) 28 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.15am: Landed every available man for drill. 11.30am: Landing party returned. 4f961655a2fc8e2def001736: ( 5341469017_1.jpg) 29 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.30am: Raised steam for basin trial. 10.15am: Medical inspection. 4f961655a2fc8e2def001737: ( 5341469018_0.jpg) 30 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Make and mend clothes. 4f961656a2fc8e2def001738: ( 5341469018_1.jpg) 31 January 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1915 [Hong Kong and area patrols] 4f961656a2fc8e2def001739: ( 5341469019_0.jpg) 1 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 7.25am: Left basin in tow of Atlas and secured to No 5 buoy. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Swung for adjustment of standard compass. 1.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light Easterlies, overcast and rainy with mist and fog in the evening, temperatures around 70ºF. 4f961656a2fc8e2def00173a: ( 5341469019_1.jpg) 2 February 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, Tai Tam Bay. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol. 2.15am: Came on thick fog. 2.55am: Fog cleared. 7.25am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 6.55pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4f961657a2fc8e2def00173b: ( 5341469020_0.jpg) 3 February 1915 Tai Tam Bay, Deep Water Bay, Patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 6.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.50am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961657a2fc8e2def00173c: ( 5341469020_1.jpg) 4 February 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: On patrol. 8.00am: Secured to buoy in Hong Kong Harbour [presumably, as not entered in log]. 9.00am: Landed every available man for drill. 11.00am: Coal lighter came alongside. 12.45pm: Completed coaling 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961657a2fc8e2def00173d: ( 5341469021_0.jpg) 5 February 1915 Patrol, Port Shelter, Double Haven, Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.52, Long 114.3 12.01am: On patrol, searching Port Shelter, Mirs Bay and Double Haven. 7.15am: Anchored in Port Shelter. 11.55am: Anchored in Double Haven. 2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.00pm: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 4f961658a2fc8e2def00173e: ( 5341469021_1.jpg) 6 February 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, patrol and return. Lat 22.20, Long 113.90 8.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol searching colonial waters to West pt of Lantau. Noon: Anchored at Toko I. [perhaps Soko Is is intended]. 2.20pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.15pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 4f961658a2fc8e2def00173f: ( 5341469022_0.jpg) 7 February 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.2, Long 114.11 [approx] 8.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.55am: Anchored off Lamma Island. 4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.00pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 4f961658a2fc8e2def001740: ( 5341469022_1.jpg) 8 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.00am: Coaled from lighter alongside. 2.00pm: Proceeded into basin in tow of Atlas. 4f961659a2fc8e2def001741: ( 5341469023_0.jpg) 9 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands scraping torpedo tubes. 4f961659a2fc8e2def001742: ( 5341469023_1.jpg) 10 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands scraping torpedo tubes and searchlight. 4f961659a2fc8e2def001743: ( 5341469024_0.jpg) 11 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.10am: Landed every available man for drill. 11.30am: Landing party returned. 4f96165aa2fc8e2def001744: ( 5341469024_1.jpg) 12 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Cleaning, painting ship and as requisite. 4f96165aa2fc8e2def001745: ( 5341469025_0.jpg) 13 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Cleaning and as requisite. 4f96165aa2fc8e2def001746: ( 5341469025_1.jpg) 14 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Usual Sunday routine. 4f96165ba2fc8e2def001747: ( 5341469026_0.jpg) 15 February 1915 Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96165ba2fc8e2def001748: ( 5341469026_1.jpg) 16 February 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay and patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96165ba2fc8e2def001749: ( 5341469027_0.jpg) 17 February 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour and patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.40am: Secured to Triumph buoy, Hong Kong. 5.00pm: One Stoker joined from HMS Tamar, one discharged to same. 5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96165ca2fc8e2def00174a: ( 5341469027_1.jpg) 18 February 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour and patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.30am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 9.10am: Exercised land every available man. 5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96165ca2fc8e2def00174b: ( 5341469028_0.jpg) 19 February 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour and patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.35am: Secured to Triumph buoy, Hong Kong. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96165ca2fc8e2def00174c: ( 5341469028_1.jpg) 20 February 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour and patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.35am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 8.00am: Commenced coaling. 9.45am: Completed with coal, 32 tons. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Typically Fame covers about 100 miles on patrol every night, mostly at a very economical speed of 6 knots. She bunkers 65 tons, but coals when her bunkers are about half empty.
4f96165da2fc8e2def00174d: ( 5341469029_0.jpg) 21 February 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour and patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.30am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. Landed usual church parties. 6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96165da2fc8e2def00174e: ( 5341469029_1.jpg) 22 February 1915 Patrol and Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.30am: Secured to Triumph buoy, Hong Kong. 7.55am: Slipped and proceeded into basin. 8.45am: Secured alongside South Wall. 4f96165da2fc8e2def00174f: ( 5341469030_0.jpg) 23 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed painting boats and as requisite. 4f96165ea2fc8e2def001750: ( 5341469030_1.jpg) 24 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side. 4f96165ea2fc8e2def001751: ( 5341469031_0.jpg) 25 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and as requisite. 4f96165ea2fc8e2def001752: ( 5341469031_1.jpg) 26 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and as requisite. 4f96165fa2fc8e2def001753: ( 5341469032_0.jpg) 27 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and as requisite. 9.00am: One SPO discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4f96165fa2fc8e2def001754: ( 5341469032_1.jpg) 28 February 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Landed RCs. 9.30am: Landed Non-Conformists. 10.15am: C of E party to HMS Tamar. 4f96165fa2fc8e2def001755: ( 5341469033_0.jpg) 4f961660a2fc8e2def001756: ( 5341469033_1.jpg) 4f961660a2fc8e2def001757: ( 5341469034_0.jpg) 4f961660a2fc8e2def001758: ( 5341469034_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – MARCH 1ST 1915 TO APRIL 30TH 1915 4f961661a2fc8e2def001759: ( 5341470001_0.jpg) 4f961661a2fc8e2def00175a: ( 5341470001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961662a2fc8e2def00175b: ( 5341470002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f961662a2fc8e2def00175c: ( 5341470002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page. 4f961662a2fc8e2def00175d: ( 5341470003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1915 [Hong Kong and local patrols] 4f961663a2fc8e2def00175e: ( 5341470003_1.jpg) 1 March 1915 Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.35 [approx] 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 7.50am: Slipped from South wall and secured to 5A buoy. 8.40am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Noon: In Tal Mun Channel [possibly Tap Mun Hoi is intended]. 5.35pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 6.00pm: Paid monthly money. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. 4f961663a2fc8e2def00175f: ( 5341470004_0.jpg) 2 March 1915 Hong Kong, Tolo Harbour and return. Lat 22.45, Long 114.2 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded to Tolo Harbour. Hands employed preparing torpedoes for running. 11.30am: Anchored in Tolo Harbour. 1.20pm: Weighed and proceeded to carry out torpedo practice. 5.40pm: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 4f961663a2fc8e2def001760: ( 5341470004_1.jpg) 3 March 1915 Hong Kong and Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.00am: Carried out .45 and .303 aiming rifle practice*. 11.25am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 1.35pm: Carried out .45 and .303 aiming rifle practice. 3.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. * Aiming rifle. To save wear and tear on gun barrels and expenditure on full calibre shells, an aiming rifle was inserted into the barrel of the gun to fire a smaller round when practising. 4f961664a2fc8e2def001761: ( 5341470005_0.jpg) 4 March 1915 Deep Water Bay, S Lamma I., Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.17, Long 114.13 [approx] 6.30am: Hands employed preparing torpedoes for running. 9.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.00am: Carried out torpedo practice and 1” aiming. Noon: Anchored off S Lamma. 2.05pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.50pm: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 4f961664a2fc8e2def001762: ( 5341470005_1.jpg) 5 March 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 10.30am: Slipped and proceeded. 11.45am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.40pm: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 4f961664a2fc8e2def001763: ( 5341470006_0.jpg) 6 March 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.14, Long 113.82 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded for patrol. Noon: Anchored off Lafsami I. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.40pm: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 4f961665a2fc8e2def001764: ( 5341470006_1.jpg) 7 March 1915 Hong Kong, Tolo Channel, Hong Kong. Lat 22.47, Long 114.28 7.25am: Slipped and prcoeeded. 11.30am: Anchored in Tolo Channel. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.00pm: Anchored off Stonecutters I. 4f961665a2fc8e2def001765: ( 5341470007_0.jpg) 8 March 1915 Stonecutters I. Lat 22.31, Long 114.14 8.20am: Landed range party. Noon: Range party returned. 1.00pm: Landed range party. 4.00pm: Range party returned. 4f961665a2fc8e2def001766: ( 5341470007_1.jpg) 9 March 1915 Stonecutters I. Lat 22.31, Long 114.14 8.00am: Commenced coaling. 8.30am: Landed range party. 10.45am: Completed coaling, 52 tons. Noon: Range party returned. 1.00pm: Landed range party. 4f961666a2fc8e2def001767: ( 5341470008_0.jpg) 10 March 1915 Stonecutters I. and patrol. Lat 22.31, Long 114.14 11.50am: Range party returned. 1.00pm: Landed range party. 5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded for patrol. 4f961666a2fc8e2def001768: ( 5341470008_1.jpg) 11 March 1915 Stonecutters I. and patrol. Lat 22.31, Long 114.14 12.01am: Courses as requisite for patrol. 9.00am: Anchored off Stonecutters I. Landed range party. 1.20pm: Landed range party. 5.50pm: Range party returned. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961666a2fc8e2def001769: ( 5341470009_0.jpg) 12 March 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Courses as requisite for patrol. 7.35am: Secured alongside E Wall, Hong Kong. 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning arms and returning arms to HMS Tamar. 4f961667a2fc8e2def00176a: ( 5341470009_1.jpg) 13 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands clean ship. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 4f961667a2fc8e2def00176b: ( 5341470010_0.jpg) 14 March 1915 Hong Kong, S Lamma and Tai Tam Bay. Lat 22.17, Long 114.13 [approx] 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 12.25pm: Anchored off S Lamma. 5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 7.15pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4f961667a2fc8e2def00176c: ( 5341470010_1.jpg) 15 March 1915 Tai Tam Bay and Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.40am: Secured alongside HMS Otter in basin, Hong Kong. 4f961668a2fc8e2def00176d: ( 5341470011_0.jpg) 16 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed returning and drawing ammunition. 4f961668a2fc8e2def00176e: ( 5341470011_1.jpg) 17 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands cleaning arms. 4f961668a2fc8e2def00176f: ( 5341470012_0.jpg) 18 March 1915 Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45pm: Slipped from basin and proceeded on patrol. 4f961669a2fc8e2def001770: ( 5341470012_1.jpg) 19 March 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.20am: Secured to No 5 buoy at Hong Kong. 5.55pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961669a2fc8e2def001771: ( 5341470013_0.jpg) 20 March 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.00am: Secured to No 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 12.20pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 2.10pm: Completed coaling, 42 tons. 5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961669a2fc8e2def001772: ( 5341470013_1.jpg) 21 March 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.30am: Secured to N Wall in basin, Hong Kong. Sunday routine. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4f96166aa2fc8e2def001773: ( 5341470014_0.jpg) 22 March 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.15am: Secured to No 5 buoy. 8.50am: Slipped and proceeded into basin. 9.07am: Secured to S wall in basin 1.30pm: Hands employed returning boats to slip. 4f96166aa2fc8e2def001774: ( 5341470014_1.jpg) 23 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship’s side. 4f96166aa2fc8e2def001775: ( 5341470015_0.jpg) 24 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship’s side. 4f96166ba2fc8e2def001776: ( 5341470015_1.jpg) 25 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship’s side. 4f96166ba2fc8e2def001777: ( 5341470016_0.jpg) 26 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting. 4f96166ba2fc8e2def001778: ( 5341470016_1.jpg) 27 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands clean ship. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 4f96166ca2fc8e2def001779: ( 5341470017_0.jpg) 28 March 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. Usual church parties and liberty. 4f96166ca2fc8e2def00177a: ( 5341470017_1.jpg) 29 March 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.18, Long 114.26 [approx] 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.45am: Anchored off Pun-tin [possibly Po Toi is intended]. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.00pm: Secured alongside N Wall. 4f96166ca2fc8e2def00177b: ( 5341470018_0.jpg) 30 March 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.19, Long 114.22 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded to No 5 buoy. 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.25am: Anchored off Bluff Pt. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.25pm: Secured alongside N Wall. 4f96166da2fc8e2def00177c: ( 5341470018_1.jpg) 31 March 1915 Hong Kong, Lema Bay, Hong Kong. Lat 22.06, Long 114.30 [approx] 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded with Submarine C37 for exercise. 11.40am: Anchored in Lema Bay. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.30pm: Secured alongside N wall. LOGS FOR APRIL 1915 [Hong Kong and local area patrols] 4f96166da2fc8e2def00177d: ( 5341470019_0.jpg) 1 April 1915 Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. 11.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay 1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded and carried out torpedo practice. 5.00pm: Secured to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light easterly breezes, mainly cloudy, average temperature 80ºF approx. 4f96166da2fc8e2def00177e: ( 5341470019_1.jpg) 2 April 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, Tolo Channel, Hong Kong. Lat 22.47, Long 114.28 9.05am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.50am: Anchored in Tolo Channel. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.55pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 4f96166ea2fc8e2def00177f: ( 5341470020_0.jpg) 3 April 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, Port Shelter, Hong Kong. Lat 22.37, Long 114.28 9.05am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.30am: Anchored in Port Shelter. 1.30pm: Exercised boat and anchor drill. 2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.00pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 4f96166ea2fc8e2def001780: ( 5341470020_1.jpg) 4 April 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, Pun tin Bay, Hong Kong. Lat 22.15, Long 114.26 [approx] 8.55am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Anchored in Pun tin Bay. 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.50pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 4f96166ea2fc8e2def001781: ( 5341470021_0.jpg) 5 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. 10.00am: Slipped and proceeded into basin in tow of Atlas. 4f96166fa2fc8e2def001782: ( 5341470021_1.jpg) 6 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. 4f96166fa2fc8e2def001783: ( 5341470022_0.jpg) 7 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side, scraping and painting. 4f96166fa2fc8e2def001784: ( 5341470022_1.jpg) 8 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship’s side. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 4f961670a2fc8e2def001785: ( 5341470023_0.jpg) 9 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed scraping and painting ship’s side and galley. 9.00am: One ERA and one AB placed on sick list in HMS Tamar. 4.40pm: One ERA joined the ship. 4f961670a2fc8e2def001786: ( 5341470023_1.jpg) 10 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. 4f961670a2fc8e2def001787: ( 5341470024_0.jpg) 11 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. Landed usual church parties in am and liberty men in the pm. 4f961671a2fc8e2def001788: ( 5341470024_1.jpg) 12 April 1915 Hong Kong and night patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.15am: Slipped and proceeded to No 5 buoy in tow of Atlas. 7.35am: Coal lighter came alongside. 10.00am: Completed coaling, 46 tons. 5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.30am: Anchored off Waglan Lt. 4f961671a2fc8e2def001789: ( 5341470025_0.jpg) 13 April 1915 Waglan, Hong Kong and on patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.20am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.05am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 1.30pm: Lt Connolly discharged to TB 036. 4.30pm: RJ Clark, Gunner, joined ship from HMS Rosario. 5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961671a2fc8e2def00178a: ( 5341470025_1.jpg) 14 April 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 3.40pm: Anchored off Waglan, bearing S7E. 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.15am: Hands to general drill, exercised out bower anchor*. 11.40am: Completed drill and replaced gear. 1.30pm: Hands cleaning out boats. 6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. * In addition to the anchors in daily use, Fame will carry a spare, of similar size but greater weight, which is stowed on the foredeck. Here they are exercising bringing it into use, a heavy and skilled piece of work. 4f961672a2fc8e2def00178b: ( 5341470026_0.jpg) 15 April 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.30am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 7.00am: Lt Connolly joined from TB 036. 8.00am: Discharged RJ Clark Gunner to HMS Rosario. 9.15am: Landed every available man. Noon: Landing party returned. 6.00pm: Discharged Lt Connolly to TB 036. 6.40pm: Mr Ellis, Gunner, joined ship from HMS Whiting. 6.45am: Slipped and proceeded to patrol. 4f961672a2fc8e2def00178c: ( 5341470026_1.jpg) 16 April 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 10.30am: Mr Ellis discharged to HMS Whiting. 4.50pm: Mr Clark, Gunner, joined ship from HMS Rosario. 5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961672a2fc8e2def00178d: ( 5341470027_0.jpg) 17 April 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.25am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay 6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961673a2fc8e2def00178e: ( 5341470027_1.jpg) 18 April 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay 9.30am: Hands to prayers. 6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961673a2fc8e2def00178f: ( 5341470028_0.jpg) 19 April 1915 Patrol and Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.30am: Secured to Triumph buoy, Hong Kong. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded into basin and secured alongside S wall. 1.15am: Lt Connolly joined ship. Mr Clark, Gunner, discharged to HMS Rosario. 4f961673a2fc8e2def001790: ( 5341470028_1.jpg) 20 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning and dismounting torpedo tubes. 4f961674a2fc8e2def001791: ( 5341470029_0.jpg) 21 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship’s side and scraping torpedo tubes. 4f961674a2fc8e2def001792: ( 5341470029_1.jpg) 22 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed cleaning small arms. 9.20am: Landed every available man. 11.50am: Landing party returned. 4f961674a2fc8e2def001793: ( 5341470030_0.jpg) 23 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: Commenced coaling. 11.10am: Completed coaling, 20 tons. 4f961675a2fc8e2def001794: ( 5341470030_1.jpg) 24 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961675a2fc8e2def001795: ( 5341470031_0.jpg) 25 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. Landed RC and Non-Conformist parties, C of E party to HMS Tamar. 1.00pm: Landed liberty men. 4f961675a2fc8e2def001796: ( 5341470031_1.jpg) 26 April 1915 Hong Kong, Lema Is and return. Lat 22.06, Long 114.30 [approx] 7.30am: Slipped from basin and proceeded to No 5 buoy. Lt Connolly discharged to TB 036. RJ Clark, Gunner, joined ship from HMS Rosario 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Anchored off Lema Islands. 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.10pm: Secured to N wall in basin. 6.00pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Tamar. 4f961676a2fc8e2def001797: ( 5341470032_0.jpg) 27 April 1915 Hong Kong, escort duty, patrol and Hong Kong. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded and escorted Japanese cruiser [Otowa, vide Tamar’s log] into harbour. 11.35am: Anchored in Chung Bay [possibly Chung Hom Wan]. 1.30pm: Hands employed scraping torpedo tubes. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.25pm: Secured to N wall in basin. 4f961676a2fc8e2def001798: ( 5341470032_1.jpg) 28 April 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, Chung Bay and return. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Anchored in Chung Bay. 1.30pm: Hands employed getting out stores and ammunition. 3.10pm: Secured to 5a buoy. 4f961676a2fc8e2def001799: ( 5341470033_0.jpg) 29 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Hands employed returning ammunition*. 10.50am: Slipped and proceeded into dock in tow of Atlas 1.30pm: Hands employed spreading awnings. *An invariable prelude to going into dry dock. 4f961677a2fc8e2def00179a: ( 5341470033_1.jpg) 30 April 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.30pm: Hands employed replacing after torpedo tube. 4f961677a2fc8e2def00179b: ( 5341470034_0.jpg) 4f961678a2fc8e2def00179c: ( 5341470034_1.jpg) 4f961678a2fc8e2def00179d: ( 5341470035_0.jpg) 4f961678a2fc8e2def00179e: ( 5341470035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR MAY 1915 [Hong Kong for dry dock and patrols] 4f96167aa2fc8e2def0017a4: ( 5341471003_1.jpg) 1 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Paid monthly money. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Calm, cloudy, max temperature 90ºF at noon. 4f96167ba2fc8e2def0017a5: ( 5341471004_0.jpg) 2 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Landed six RC, three Wesleyan, one Baptist and three Presbyterian. 10.15am: Landed C of E party to HMS Tamar. 1.00pm: Landed liberty men. 4f96167ba2fc8e2def0017a6: ( 5341471004_1.jpg) 3 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed dismounting guns. 10.00am: Lt Connolly joined ship from TB 036. 4f96167ba2fc8e2def0017a7: ( 5341471005_0.jpg) 4 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed painting mess decks and scraping storerooms. 4f96167ca2fc8e2def0017a8: ( 5341471005_1.jpg) 5 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed painting mess decks and storerooms. 1.30pm: Hands employed returning cable. 4f96167ca2fc8e2def0017a9: ( 5341471006_0.jpg) 6 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands employed painting mess decks and oiling wire cable. 1.30pm: Hands employed returning cable. 4f96167ca2fc8e2def0017aa: ( 5341471006_1.jpg) 7 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed painting mess decks and storerooms. 4f96167da2fc8e2def0017ab: ( 5341471007_0.jpg) 8 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands cleaning mess decks. 4f96167da2fc8e2def0017ac: ( 5341471007_1.jpg) 9 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96167da2fc8e2def0017ad: ( 5341471008_0.jpg) 10 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Proceeded from dock into basin in tow of Cherub. Hands employed replacing stores. 4f96167ea2fc8e2def0017ae: ( 5341471008_1.jpg) 11 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning small arms and painting ship’s side. 4f96167ea2fc8e2def0017af: ( 5341471009_0.jpg) 12 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed scraping and painting waterways. 4f96167fa2fc8e2def0017b0: ( 5341471009_1.jpg) 13 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed drawing ammunition. 4.00pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 4f96167fa2fc8e2def0017b1: ( 5341471010_0.jpg) 14 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30am: Commenced coaling. 8.35am: Started basin trial. 10.00am: Completed coaling, 58 tons. 4f96167fa2fc8e2def0017b2: ( 5341471010_1.jpg) 15 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed painting ship. 4f961680a2fc8e2def0017b3: ( 5341471011_0.jpg) 16 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Divisions. 9.30am: Landed RCs and Non-cons. 4f961680a2fc8e2def0017b4: ( 5341471011_1.jpg) 17 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.30pm: Hands employed scraping and painting waterways. 4f961680a2fc8e2def0017b5: ( 5341471012_0.jpg) 18 May 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning small arms. 4f961681a2fc8e2def0017b6: ( 5341471012_1.jpg) 19 May 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, Jones Cove, Hong Kong. Lat 22.47, Long 114.33 9.15am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.40am: Anchored in Jones Cove, Mirs Bay. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.25pm: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. 4f961681a2fc8e2def0017b7: ( 5341471013_0.jpg) 20 May 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, Pun-tin, Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.15, Long 114.27 [approx] 5.45am: Landed every available men for exercise. 8.20am: Landing party returned. 9.20am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.30am: Anchored in Pun Tin Bay 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.50pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 4f961681a2fc8e2def0017b8: ( 5341471013_1.jpg) 21 May 1915 Deep Water Bay, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.06 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.50am: Anchored of Lamting Island [possibly Lantau I. is intended]. 5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded into harbour. 6.20pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f961682a2fc8e2def0017b9: ( 5341471014_0.jpg) 22 May 1915 Hong Kong, Soko I., Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.20, Long 113.90 7.00am: French gunboat [D’Iberville, vide log of Tamar] arrived. 9.05am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Anchored off Soko Island. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.50pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 4f961682a2fc8e2def0017ba: ( 5341471014_1.jpg) 23 May 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong Lat 21.81, Long 113.93 9.40am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Gap Rock Lt [aka Wenwei Zhou], East, 1 mile. 4.30pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong 4f961682a2fc8e2def0017bb: ( 5341471015_0.jpg) 24 May 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.50am: Anchored in Chung Bay. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded 5.10pm: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on night patrol. 4f961683a2fc8e2def0017bc: ( 5341471015_1.jpg) 25 May 1915 Hong Kong patrols. Lat 22.45, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.15am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 12.10pm: Anchored in Tolo Harbour. 4.40pm: Anchored in Rocky Harbour. 7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961683a2fc8e2def0017bd: ( 5341471016_0.jpg) 26 May 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.10am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 10.20am: Commenced coaling. 12.40pm: Completed coaling, 50 tons. 6.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 8.50pm: Came on heavy and thick rain. 9.30pm: Anchored in Rocky harbour. 4f961683a2fc8e2def0017be: ( 5341471016_1.jpg) 27 May 1915 Rocky Harbour, Deep Water Bay and patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.35am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.35pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961684a2fc8e2def0017bf: ( 5341471017_0.jpg) 28 May 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.25am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961684a2fc8e2def0017c0: ( 5341471017_1.jpg) 29 May 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.40am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961684a2fc8e2def0017c1: ( 5341471018_0.jpg) 30 May 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.10am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961685a2fc8e2def0017c2: ( 5341471018_1.jpg) 31 May 1915 Patrols and exercise. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 10.15am: Exercised submarine attack by C36. 11.45am: Anchored in Chung Bay. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 3.30pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. LOGS FOR JUNE 1915 [Hong Kong area patrols] 4f961685a2fc8e2def0017c3: ( 5341471019_0.jpg) 1 June 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, Jones Cove, Hong Kong. Lat 22.47, Long 114.33 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.30am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Anchored in Jones Cove. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.30pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 5.00pm: One AB joined from and one AB discharged to HMS Tamar. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light NE’ly winds, dry and clear, temperatures in the mid 80s F. 4f961685a2fc8e2def0017c4: ( 5341471019_1.jpg) 2 June 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.12, Long 113.77 9.35am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 3.15pm: Secured to No 10 buoy and coal lighter came alongside. 5.30pm: Completed coaling, 28 tons. 6.00pm: Secured alongside E wall in basin in tow of Atlas. 4f961686a2fc8e2def0017c5: ( 5341471020_0.jpg) 3 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45am: Landed every available man. 7.40am: Landing party returned 10.00am: Leave to first watch. 4f961686a2fc8e2def0017c6: ( 5341471020_1.jpg) 4 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed returning torpedoes and drawing provisions. 1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 4f961686a2fc8e2def0017c7: ( 5341471021_0.jpg) 5 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. 4f961687a2fc8e2def0017c8: ( 5341471021_1.jpg) 6 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 1.00pm: Leave to second watch. 4f961687a2fc8e2def0017c9: ( 5341471022_0.jpg) 7 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed painting and dismounting guns. 1.45pm: Hands employed drawing typhoon cable. 4f961687a2fc8e2def0017ca: ( 5341471022_1.jpg) 8 June 1915 Hong Kong, Lema Is, Hong Kong. Lat 22.06, Long 114.30 [approx] 8.50am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.00am: Carried out .45 and .303 aiming practice. 11.50am: Anchored off Lema Islands. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded and carried out aiming practice. 5.05pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong. 5.30pm: Lt Connolly joined the ship from TB 036. 4f961688a2fc8e2def0017cb: ( 5341471023_0.jpg) 9 June 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.20am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.50am: Secured alongside HMS Whiting in basin. 1.25pm: Read warrant No 202. 4f961688a2fc8e2def0017cc: ( 5341471023_1.jpg) 10 June 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded to secure to 5a buoy. 9.40am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.00am: Carried out gun layers test. 12.15pm: Anchored in Chung Bay. 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded for patrol. 4.45pm: Secured to 5a buoy Hong Kong. 4f961688a2fc8e2def0017cd: ( 5341471024_0.jpg) 11 June 1915 Hong Kong, Tolo channel, Hong Kong. Lat 22.47, Long 114.28 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.30am: Anchored in Tolo Channel. 1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded and carried out torpedo practice. 5.20pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 4f961689a2fc8e2def0017ce: ( 5341471024_1.jpg) 12 June 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.10am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.40pm: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 4f961689a2fc8e2def0017cf: ( 5341471025_0.jpg) 13 June 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.32 [approx] 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. Noon: Anchored off Tong Ku [?]. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.25pm: Secured to 5a buoy. 4f961689a2fc8e2def0017d0: ( 5341471025_1.jpg) 14 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. 10.20am: Coal lighter came alongside. Commenced coaling. 12.45pm: Completed coaling. 1.45pm: Slipped and proceeded into basin in tow of Atlas. 4f96168aa2fc8e2def0017d1: ( 5341471026_0.jpg) 15 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.00pm: Hands employed shifting ship. 4f96168aa2fc8e2def0017d2: ( 5341471026_1.jpg) 16 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 4f96168aa2fc8e2def0017d3: ( 5341471027_0.jpg) 17 June 1915 Hong Kong, Aberdeen, Hong Kong. Lat 22.247, Long 114.15 9.30am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.30am: Secured to buoy at Aberdeen. 5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.50pm: Secured alongside HMS Virago in basin. 4f96168ba2fc8e2def0017d4: ( 5341471027_1.jpg) 18 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f96168ba2fc8e2def0017d5: ( 5341471028_0.jpg) 19 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f96168ba2fc8e2def0017d6: ( 5341471028_1.jpg) 20 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96168ca2fc8e2def0017d7: ( 5341471029_0.jpg) 21 June 1915 Hong Kong and on night patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded to No 10 buoy in tow of Atlas. 2.00pm: Hands employed refitting ridge ropes for awnings. 6.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96168ca2fc8e2def0017d8: ( 5341471029_1.jpg) 22 June 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol. 5.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96168ca2fc8e2def0017d9: ( 5341471030_0.jpg) 23 June 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol. 5.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.05pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96168da2fc8e2def0017da: ( 5341471030_1.jpg) 24 June 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol. 5.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96168da2fc8e2def0017db: ( 5341471031_0.jpg) 25 June 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol. 5.35am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96168da2fc8e2def0017dc: ( 5341471031_1.jpg) 26 June 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.10am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 8.30am: Hands employed returning torpedo to Kowloon. 2.15pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 3.50pm: Completed coaling, 38 tons. 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4f96168ea2fc8e2def0017dd: ( 5341471032_0.jpg) 27 June 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol. 9.30am: Divisions, prayers. 5.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96168ea2fc8e2def0017de: ( 5341471032_1.jpg) 28 June 1915 Patrol and at Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: On patrol. 6.30am: Secured alongside HMS Virago, N Wall. 3.30pm: Red typhoon signal hoisted. 5.10pm: Slipped and proceeded to No 10 buoy in tow of Atlas. 9.20pm: Furled awnings and struck topmast.
4f96168ea2fc8e2def0017df: ( 5341471033_0.jpg) 29 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Typhoon signal changed to East. 11.52am: Typhoon signals hauled down. 12.05pm: Slipped and proceeded into basin and secured to North Wall. 1.00pm: Hands employed replacing topmast and spreading awnings. 4f96168fa2fc8e2def0017e0: ( 5341471033_1.jpg) 30 June 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.00pm: Hands employed returning awnings. 4f96168fa2fc8e2def0017e1: ( 5341471034_0.jpg) 4f96168fa2fc8e2def0017e2: ( 5341471034_1.jpg) 4f961690a2fc8e2def0017e3: ( 5341471035_0.jpg) 4f961690a2fc8e2def0017e4: ( 5341471035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – JULY 1ST 1915 TO AUGUST 31ST 1915 4f961691a2fc8e2def0017e5: ( 5341472001_0.jpg) 4f961691a2fc8e2def0017e6: ( 5341472001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961691a2fc8e2def0017e7: ( 5341472002_0.jpg) 4f961692a2fc8e2def0017e8: ( 5341472002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page. 4f961692a2fc8e2def0017e9: ( 5341472003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR JULY 1915 [Hong Kong and local patrols] 4f961692a2fc8e2def0017ea: ( 5341472003_1.jpg) 1 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 7.00am: Aired bedding. 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Paid monthly money. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light SW’ly winds, dry, overcast later, temperatures up to 94ºF at noon. 4f961693a2fc8e2def0017eb: ( 5341472004_0.jpg) 2 July 1915 Hong Kong and night patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961693a2fc8e2def0017ec: ( 5341472004_1.jpg) 3 July 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol, Tai Tam Bay. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol. 6.30am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 8.55pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4f961693a2fc8e2def0017ed: ( 5341472005_0.jpg) 4 July 1915 Tai Tam Bay to Deep Water Bay and on patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Deep Water Bay. 7.40am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961694a2fc8e2def0017ee: ( 5341472005_1.jpg) 5 July 1915 Patrol, Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong [?]. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: On patrol. 5.20am: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. The log doesn’t say so, but I think that at noon they secured to a buoy, presumably in Hong Kong Harbour, as the next day they slipped rather than weighed anchor. 4f961694a2fc8e2def0017ef: ( 5341472006_0.jpg) 6 July 1915 Hong Kong [?], Jones Cove, Hong Kong. Lat 22.47, Long 114.33 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. 11.40am: Anchored in Jones Cove. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.10pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 4f961694a2fc8e2def0017f0: ( 5341472006_1.jpg) 7 July 1915 Hong Kong, Chung Harbour, Hong Kong. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. 12.05pm: Anchored in Chung Harbour. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.55pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f961695a2fc8e2def0017f1: ( 5341472007_0.jpg) 8 July 1915 Hong Kong, Urmston Road, Hong Kong. Lat 22.34, Long 113.94 5.45am: Landed every available man for exercise. 7.30am: Landing party returned. 9.20am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.40am: Anchored in Urmston Road. 2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.45pm: Secured alongside N Wall in basin. 4f961695a2fc8e2def0017f2: ( 5341472007_1.jpg) 9 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.40pm: Read Warrant No 205. 12.15pm: Coal lighter came alongside. 3.00pm: Completed coaling, 52 tons. 4f961695a2fc8e2def0017f3: ( 5341472008_0.jpg) 10 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Make and mend. 4f961696a2fc8e2def0017f4: ( 5341472008_1.jpg) 11 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961696a2fc8e2def0017f5: ( 5341472009_0.jpg) 12 July 1915 Hong Kong and night patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961696a2fc8e2def0017f6: ( 5341472009_1.jpg) 13 July 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: On patrol. 5.30am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961697a2fc8e2def0017f7: ( 5341472010_0.jpg) 14 July 1915 Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong and night patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.50am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.15am: Hands employed preparing torpedoes for running. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.30am: Carried out torpedo practice. 10.55am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 5.55pm: Secured to No 5 buoy. 6.10pm: Discharged to HMS Tamar two SPOs, two Leading Stokers and two Stokers. Two SPOs, two Leading Stokers, two Stokers and one AB joined ship from Tamar. 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961697a2fc8e2def0017f8: ( 5341472010_1.jpg) 15 July 1915 Patrol and Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.10am: Secured to 5a buoy at Hong Kong. 5.50pm: Lt Sims joined ship from TB 035. 4f961697a2fc8e2def0017f9: ( 5341472011_0.jpg) 16 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: Lt Connolly discharged to TB 035. 4f961698a2fc8e2def0017fa: ( 5341472011_1.jpg) 17 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands clean ship’s side. 4f961698a2fc8e2def0017fb: ( 5341472012_0.jpg) 18 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30am: HMS Whiting secured alongside. Sunday routine. 4f961698a2fc8e2def0017fc: ( 5341472012_1.jpg) 19 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed drawing awnings. 4f961699a2fc8e2def0017fd: ( 5341472013_0.jpg) 20 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f961699a2fc8e2def0017fe: ( 5341472013_1.jpg) 21 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed dismounting guns and refitting whaler and dinghy falls. 2.00pm: Hands dismounting guns. 4f961699a2fc8e2def0017ff: ( 5341472014_0.jpg) 22 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed dismounting guns. 4f96169aa2fc8e2def001800: ( 5341472014_1.jpg) 23 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 4f96169aa2fc8e2def001801: ( 5341472015_0.jpg) 24 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.2 1.00pm: Make and mend. 4f96169aa2fc8e2def001802: ( 5341472015_1.jpg) 25 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. Usual church parties and leave. 4f96169ba2fc8e2def001803: ( 5341472016_0.jpg) 26 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes and painting ship. 4f96169ba2fc8e2def001804: ( 5341472016_1.jpg) 27 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed dismounting guns. 2.00pm: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 4f96169ba2fc8e2def001805: ( 5341472017_0.jpg) 28 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed dismounting guns and painting ship’s side. 4f96169ca2fc8e2def001806: ( 5341472017_1.jpg) 29 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.30am: Landed every available man for exercise. 4f96169ca2fc8e2def001807: ( 5341472018_0.jpg) 30 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 4f96169ca2fc8e2def001808: ( 5341472018_1.jpg) 31 July 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: Black typhoon signals hoisted direction SE of Colony. 11.30am: Slipped and proceeded to secure to No 10 buoy. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1915 [Hong Kong and local patrols] 4f96169da2fc8e2def001809: ( 5341472019_0.jpg) 1 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 6.05am: Typhoon signal changed to SW of Colony. 8.15am: Clear deck for divisions. 10.15am: Landed C of E party to HMS Tamar. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Easterly winds with some rain, strengthening to F5 by midnight. Highest temperature at noon, 98ºF. 4f96169da2fc8e2def00180a: ( 5341472019_1.jpg) 2 August 1915 Hong Kong and Tai Tam Bay. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.50am: Black typhoon signals changed to West of Colony. 5.25pm: Typhoon signals hauled down. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 7.45pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay. 4f96169da2fc8e2def00180b: ( 5341472020_0.jpg) 3 August 1915 Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 8.30am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96169ea2fc8e2def00180c: ( 5341472020_1.jpg) 4 August 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Secured to buoy, Hong Kong. 9.00am: One ERA joined the ship. 2.00pm: One ERA discharged to HMS Tamar. 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrol. 4f96169ea2fc8e2def00180d: ( 5341472021_0.jpg) 5 August 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96169ea2fc8e2def00180e: ( 5341472021_1.jpg) 6 August 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Eastern patrol. 6.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96169fa2fc8e2def00180f: ( 5341472022_0.jpg) 7 August 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 7.00am: Coal lighter came alongside. 7.15am: Commenced coaling. 10.10am: Completed coaling. 6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f96169fa2fc8e2def001810: ( 5341472022_1.jpg) 8 August 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Eastern patrol. 6.10am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616a0a2fc8e2def001811: ( 5341472023_0.jpg) 9 August 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, Pun-Tin Bay, Hong Kong. Lat 22.16, Long 114.27 [approx] 6.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.55am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.55am: Anchored in Pun tin Bay. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 5.00pm: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. 4f9616a0a2fc8e2def001812: ( 5341472023_1.jpg) 10 August 1915 Hong Kong, Chung I., Hong Kong. Lat 22.33, Long 114.31 [approx] 6.00am: Hands employed preparing torpedoes for running. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded. 11.55am: Anchored off Chung Island [possibly now Tiu Chung]. 2.20pm: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 4.50pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f9616a0a2fc8e2def001813: ( 5341472024_0.jpg) 11 August 1915 Hong Kong, Tolo Channel, Hong Kong. Lat 22.47, Long 114.28 8.00am: Hands employed preparing torpedoes for running. 9.15am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.45am: Anchored in Tolo channel. 1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to carry out torpedo practice. 5.00pm: Secured alongside N Wall in basin, Hong Kong. 5.40pm: Two ABs and one Ord joined the ship. One AB discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f9616a1a2fc8e2def001814: ( 5341472024_1.jpg) 12 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.30am: Landed every available men for exercise. 7.35am: Landing party returned. 4f9616a1a2fc8e2def001815: ( 5341472025_0.jpg) 13 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Two ABs and Coxswain drawing provisions. 4f9616a1a2fc8e2def001816: ( 5341472025_1.jpg) 14 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 4f9616a2a2fc8e2def001817: ( 5341472026_0.jpg) 15 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. Usual church parties and leave. 4f9616a2a2fc8e2def001818: ( 5341472026_1.jpg) 16 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed drawing torpedoes. 4f9616a2a2fc8e2def001819: ( 5341472027_0.jpg) 17 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed scraping and painting guns. 4f9616a3a2fc8e2def00181a: ( 5341472027_1.jpg) 18 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Mr Sylvester joined the ship. 4f9616a3a2fc8e2def00181b: ( 5341472028_0.jpg) 19 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.30am: Landed every available man for exercise. 7.50am: Landing party returned. 4f9616a3a2fc8e2def00181c: ( 5341472028_1.jpg) 20 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 4f9616a4a2fc8e2def00181d: ( 5341472029_0.jpg) 21 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed painting guns. 4f9616a4a2fc8e2def00181e: ( 5341472029_1.jpg) 22 August 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine, usual church parties and liberty. 4f9616a4a2fc8e2def00181f: ( 5341472030_0.jpg) 23 August 1915 Hong Kong and night patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes and painting guns. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616a5a2fc8e2def001820: ( 5341472030_1.jpg) 24 August 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.35am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616a5a2fc8e2def001821: ( 5341472031_0.jpg) 25 August 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.40am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616a5a2fc8e2def001822: ( 5341472031_1.jpg) 26 August 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616a6a2fc8e2def001823: ( 5341472032_0.jpg) 27 August 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 7.15am: Coaled from lighter, 52 tons. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616a6a2fc8e2def001824: ( 5341472032_1.jpg) 28 August 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616a6a2fc8e2def001825: ( 5341472033_0.jpg) 29 August 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.05am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 7.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616a7a2fc8e2def001826: ( 5341472033_1.jpg) 30 August 1915 Patrol, torpedo exercises, Hong Kong. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 3.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.00am: Hands employed preparing torpedoes for running. 10.00am: Exercised torpedo firing. 11.45am: Anchored in Chung Harbour. 2.00pm: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. 2.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.45pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f9616a7a2fc8e2def001827: ( 5341472034_0.jpg) 31 August 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 [approx] 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.45am: Anchored, probably in Deep Water Bay. 1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.30pm: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. 4f9616a7a2fc8e2def001828: ( 5341472034_1.jpg) 4f9616a8a2fc8e2def001829: ( 5341472035_0.jpg) 4f9616a8a2fc8e2def00182a: ( 5341472035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank LOG BOOK – SEPTEMBER 1ST 1915 TO OCTOBER 31ST 1915 4f9616a8a2fc8e2def00182b: ( 5341473001_0.jpg) 4f9616a9a2fc8e2def00182c: ( 5341473001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f9616a9a2fc8e2def00182d: ( 5341473002_0.jpg) 4f9616a9a2fc8e2def00182e: ( 5341473002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures. 4f9616aaa2fc8e2def00182f: ( 5341473003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1915 [Hong Kong and local area patrols] 4f9616aaa2fc8e2def001830: ( 5341473003_1.jpg) 1 September 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.16, Long 114.27 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.15am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Lost overboard by accident one torpedo tool (punch stamp No 190). 11.45am: Anchored in Pun tin Bay. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.55pm: Secured alongside HMS Virago in basin. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light SW winds, dry, temperatures in the 88º to 96º F range. 4f9616aaa2fc8e2def001831: ( 5341473004_0.jpg) 2 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45am: Landed every available man for exercise. 7.55am: Landing party returned. 1.00pm: Hands to make and mend. 4f9616aba2fc8e2def001832: ( 5341473004_1.jpg) 3 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite and cleaning ship’s side. 4f9616aba2fc8e2def001833: ( 5341473005_0.jpg) 4 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616aba2fc8e2def001834: ( 5341473005_1.jpg) 5 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Usual church parties. 5.00pm: S/Lt Sims discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4f9616aca2fc8e2def001835: ( 5341473006_0.jpg) 6 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed scraping ship’s side and as requisite. 4f9616aca2fc8e2def001836: ( 5341473006_1.jpg) 7 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616aca2fc8e2def001837: ( 5341473007_0.jpg) 8 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship. 4f9616ada2fc8e2def001838: ( 5341473007_1.jpg) 9 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45am: Landed every available man for exercise. 7.45am: Landing party returned. 11.20am: S/Lt Sims joined ship from hospital. 4f9616ada2fc8e2def001839: ( 5341473008_0.jpg) 10 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship’s side and as requisite. 4f9616ada2fc8e2def00183a: ( 5341473008_1.jpg) 11 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616aea2fc8e2def00183b: ( 5341473009_0.jpg) 12 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Usual Sunday routine. 4f9616aea2fc8e2def00183c: ( 5341473009_1.jpg) 13 September 1915 Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616aea2fc8e2def00183d: ( 5341473010_0.jpg) 14 September 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.55am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.55pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616afa2fc8e2def00183e: ( 5341473010_1.jpg) 15 September 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. Coal lighter came alongside. 10.30am: Completed coaling, 40 tons. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616afa2fc8e2def00183f: ( 5341473011_0.jpg) 16 September 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.00am: Anchored in Lu Chau Bay. 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.00am: Carried out .45 and .303 aiming practice. 11.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616afa2fc8e2def001840: ( 5341473011_1.jpg) 17 September 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.40am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.00am: Carried out .45 and .303 aiming practice. 10.40am: Completed aiming practice and proceeded to Deep Water Bay. 11.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b0a2fc8e2def001841: ( 5341473012_0.jpg) 18 September 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.00am: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. Hands employed drawing target from dockyard. 6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b0a2fc8e2def001842: ( 5341473012_1.jpg) 19 September 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.45am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.30am: Divisions, prayers. 6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4f9616b0a2fc8e2def001843: ( 5341473013_0.jpg) 20 September 1915 Patrol, torpedo and gunnery practice, Hong Kong. Lat 22.23, Long 114.13 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling. 5.20am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. Hands employed preparing torpedoes for running. 9.15am: Carried out torpedo practice. 10.00am: Carried out Gunlayers’ test and battle practice. 12.10pm: Anchored in Lu Chau Bay [possibly Luk Chau Wan]. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.40pm: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. 4f9616b1a2fc8e2def001844: ( 5341473013_1.jpg) 21 September 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.16, Long 114.27 [approx] 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.25am: Anchored in Pun tin Bay. 1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.35pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, coal lighter came alongside. 5.50pm: Completed coaling 4f9616b1a2fc8e2def001845: ( 5341473014_0.jpg) 22 September 1915 Hong Kong, patrols, Hong Kong. Lat 22.2, Long 114.12 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded. Noon: Anchored in Hami Wan Bay. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.40pm: Secured alongside HMS Virago in basin. 4f9616b2a2fc8e2def001846: ( 5341473014_1.jpg) 23 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.30am: Landed every available man for exercise. 7.55am: Landing party returned. Page signed by WE Griffiths, Gunner for Lt in Command (sick). 4f9616b2a2fc8e2def001847: ( 5341473015_0.jpg) 24 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 11.00am: Slipped and proceeded to No 9 buoy in tow of Atlas. 4f9616b2a2fc8e2def001848: ( 5341473015_1.jpg) 25 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.20am: Slipped and proceeded into basin in tow of Atlas. 4f9616b3a2fc8e2def001849: ( 5341473016_0.jpg) 26 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. Usual church parties and leave to watch. 4f9616b3a2fc8e2def00184a: ( 5341473016_1.jpg) 27 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.00am: Slipped and proceeded to No 10 buoy in tow of Atlas. 2.00pm: Hands employed drawing ammunition. 4f9616b3a2fc8e2def00184b: ( 5341473017_0.jpg) 28 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands cleaning ship and employed as requisite. 4f9616b4a2fc8e2def00184c: ( 5341473017_1.jpg) 29 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship. 4f9616b4a2fc8e2def00184d: ( 5341473018_0.jpg) 30 September 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.45am: Landed every available man for exercise. 8.00am: Landing party returned. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1915 [Hong Kong, including dry dock and local patrols] 4f9616b4a2fc8e2def00184e: ( 5341473018_1.jpg) 1 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 8.00am: Hands employed drawing provisions and ammunition. 11.30am: Paid monthly pay. 2.00pm: Hands refitting cat pendant*. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. * Vessels of this age did not draw the anchor up into the hawse hole in the modern fashion. The anchor was catted, that is a tackle was attached to the ring of the anchor and it was drawn up to a cathead, a beam projecting out from the side at deck level. This tackle is the cat pendant. Weather: Calm and cloudy, rain in the morning, temperatures in the low 80s F. 4f9616b5a2fc8e2def00184f: ( 5341473019_0.jpg) 2 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: Lt Sims discharged toTB 036. 10.00am: Lt TSM Pooley joined ship from TB 036, 4f9616b5a2fc8e2def001850: ( 5341473019_1.jpg) 3 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. Usual church parties and leave. 4f9616b5a2fc8e2def001851: ( 5341473020_0.jpg) 4 October 1915 Hong Kong and on patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. 5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b6a2fc8e2def001852: ( 5341473020_1.jpg) 5 October 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.20am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b6a2fc8e2def001853: ( 5341473021_0.jpg) 6 October 1915 Patrol, Deep water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.30am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b6a2fc8e2def001854: ( 5341473021_1.jpg) 7 October 1915 Patrol, Deep water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.25am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b7a2fc8e2def001855: ( 5341473022_0.jpg) 8 October 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.20am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b7a2fc8e2def001856: ( 5341473022_1.jpg) 9 October 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.05am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Coal lighter came alongside. 9.30am: Completed coaling, 35 tons. 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b7a2fc8e2def001857: ( 5341473023_0.jpg) 10 October 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.15am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 9.30am: Divisions. Landed church parties. 5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616b8a2fc8e2def001858: ( 5341473023_1.jpg) 11 October 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, Chung Bay, Hong Kong. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 6.10 Anchored in Deep Water Bay 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.40am: Anchored in Chung Bay. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.00pm: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. 4f9616b8a2fc8e2def001859: ( 5341473024_0.jpg) 12 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616b8a2fc8e2def00185a: ( 5341473024_1.jpg) 13 October 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, patrol and return. Lat 22.15, Long 113.91 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 12.10pm: Anchored off a Chou Island (probably now Tai a Chau). 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.30pm: Secured to No 10 buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 4f9616b9a2fc8e2def00185b: ( 5341473025_0.jpg) 14 October 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, patrol and return. Lat 22.27, Long 114.12 5.50am: Landed every available man for exercise. 8.00am: Landed party returned. 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on Western* patrol. Hands employed cleaning small arms. 11.40am: Anchored in Tai Ho Bay. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.55pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. * Vide log of Tamar. 4f9616b9a2fc8e2def00185c: ( 5341473025_1.jpg) 15 October 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, patrol and return. Lat 22.18, Long 114.2 [approx] 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Lost overboard by accident, two canvas buckets. 5.00pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f9616b9a2fc8e2def00185d: ( 5341473026_0.jpg) 16 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616baa2fc8e2def00185e: ( 5341473026_1.jpg) 17 October 1915 Hong Kong, patrol and return. Lat 22.30, Long 114.14 [approx] 9.10am: Landed church parties. 10.00am: Church parties returned. 11.35am: Slipped and proceeded on Western* patrol. 5.50pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. * Vide log of Tamar. 4f9616baa2fc8e2def00185f: ( 5341473027_0.jpg) 18 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands employed clearing magazines. 8.15am: Hands employed returning ammunition. 10.20am: Slipped and proceeded into dock in tow of Atlas. 1.15pm: Hands employed scraping ship’s bottom*. *Always the first task in dry dock, as the marine growth on the hull will set hard if allowed to dry. 4f9616baa2fc8e2def001860: ( 5341473027_1.jpg) 19 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Hands employed painting mess decks. Three electric light party employed on board*. *Possibly installing electric lighting. Many small ships of this age (Fame was launched in 1896) still relied on oil lamps and candles below decks. 4f9616bba2fc8e2def001861: ( 5341473028_0.jpg) 20 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship. Three electricians employed on board. 4f9616bba2fc8e2def001862: ( 5341473028_1.jpg) 21 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed furling awnings Six Electricians and 14 Riggers employed on board. 4f9616bba2fc8e2def001863: ( 5341473029_0.jpg) 22 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship and returning stores. 4f9616bca2fc8e2def001864: ( 5341473029_1.jpg) 23 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.50am: Slipped and proceeded out of dock in tow of Atlas. 4f9616bca2fc8e2def001865: ( 5341473030_0.jpg) 24 October 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine, divisions, church parties, liberty. 4f9616bca2fc8e2def001866: ( 5341473030_1.jpg) 25 October 1915 Hong Kong and on patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.00am: Red typhoon signals hoisted. 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616bda2fc8e2def001867: ( 5341473031_0.jpg) 26 October 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.55am: Secured to No 10 buoy. Black typhoon signals hoisted South of Colony. 8.15am: Hands employed furling awnings and striking topmast. Noon: Coal lighter came alongside. 2.30pm: Completed coaling, 40 tons. 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 6.50pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. Wind speeds not rising above NE 4 all day, but rough seas reported at 8.00pm and rain later. 4f9616bda2fc8e2def001868: ( 5341473031_1.jpg) 27 October 1915 Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.10am: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616bda2fc8e2def001869: ( 5341473032_0.jpg) 28 October 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.00am: Secured to No 10 buoy at Hong Kong. 9.00am: Landed every available man for exercise. 12.20pm: Landing party returned. 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616bea2fc8e2def00186a: ( 5341473032_1.jpg) 29 October 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong and patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.00am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes and as requisite. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Red typhoon signal hoisted SE of Colony. Winds N F5 at midnight. 4f9616bea2fc8e2def00186b: ( 5341473033_0.jpg) 30 October 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.50am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 12.15pm: Red typhoon signals hoisted. 5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded. 6.20pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 10.00pm: Black typhoon signals hoisted. Strong NW winds all day, rising to gale F8 with very heavy rain squalls by 8.00pm. 4f9616bea2fc8e2def00186c: ( 5341473033_1.jpg) 31 October 1915 Deep Water Bay, patrol, return. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 9.00am: Black typhoon signals hauled down. 9.10pm: Divisions, prayers. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.20pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. Winds NW6 with heavy rain squalls in the am, moderating later. 4f9616bfa2fc8e2def00186d: ( 5341473034_0.jpg) 4f9616bfa2fc8e2def00186e: ( 5341473034_1.jpg) 4f9616bfa2fc8e2def00186f: ( 5341473035_0.jpg) 4f9616c0a2fc8e2def001870: ( 5341473035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – NOVEMBER 1ST 1915 TO DECEMBER 31ST 1915 4f9616c0a2fc8e2def001871: ( 5341474001_0.jpg) 4f9616c0a2fc8e2def001872: ( 5341474001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f9616c1a2fc8e2def001873: ( 5341474002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f9616c1a2fc8e2def001874: ( 5341474002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page. 4f9616c1a2fc8e2def001875: ( 5341474003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1915 [Hong Kong area patrols] 4f9616c2a2fc8e2def001876: ( 5341474003_1.jpg) 1 November 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, patrol and return. Lat 22.36, Long 113.95 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Hands clean ship. 7.00am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 9.20am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.00am: Anchored off Pillar Pt. 1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.30pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather. Fresh NE’ly winds all day, overcast and cloudy with rain in the morning, temperatures in the mid 70s F. 4f9616c2a2fc8e2def001877: ( 5341474004_0.jpg) 2 November 1915 Hong Kong Harbour, patrol and return. Lat 22.2, Long 114.12 6.00am: Hands employed replacing topmast and spreading awnings. 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.25am: Anchored in Hami Wan. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.15pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f9616c3a2fc8e2def001878: ( 5341474004_1.jpg) 3 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30am: Coal lighter came alongside, coaled ship, 37 tons. 9.30am: Lt Blackman joined the ship. 4.00pm: Lt Sims RNR joined the ship. Lt Pooley RNR discharged to TB 036. 4f9616c3a2fc8e2def001879: ( 5341474005_0.jpg) 4 November 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.23, Long 114.12 8.15am: Hands employed preparing torpedoes for running. 9.50am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.00am: Carried out torpedo running. 11.20am: Red typhoon signals hoisted SE of Colony. 11.55am: Anchored in Luk Chau Bay [Luk Chau Wan]. 1.45pm: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.15pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f9616c3a2fc8e2def00187a: ( 5341474005_1.jpg) 5 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.22am: Red typhoon signals hoisted to South of Colony. 6.35am: Black typhoon signals hoisted to South of Colony. 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. 3.10pm: Typhoon signals changed to SW of Colony. Strong Easterly winds all day rising to gale force 8 at midnight. Overcast and rain. 4f9616c4a2fc8e2def00187b: ( 5341474006_0.jpg) 6 November 1915 Hong Kong, patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.32, Long 114.12 [approx] 6.25am: Typhoon signal hoisted West. 8.55am: Black typhoon signals hauled down. 9.15am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.35am: Anchored in Chu Lo Cok [possibly Lai Chi Kok Bay]. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.00pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f9616c4a2fc8e2def00187c: ( 5341474006_1.jpg) 7 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.56am: Slipped and proceeded. 8.00am: Escorted Japanese cruiser [Tsushima, vide Tamar’s log] into harbour. 9.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f9616c4a2fc8e2def00187d: ( 5341474007_0.jpg) 8 November 1915 Hong Kong, Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.30pm: Hands employed returning torpedoes to Kowloon. 4f9616c5a2fc8e2def00187e: ( 5341474007_1.jpg) 9 November 1915 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.25am: Slipped and proceeded into basin in tow of Atlas and secured alongside North Wall. 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes and scraping and painting waterways. 4f9616c5a2fc8e2def00187f: ( 5341474008_0.jpg) 10 November 1915 Hong Kong, Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship’s side. 4f9616c5a2fc8e2def001880: ( 5341474008_1.jpg) 11 November 1915 Hong Kong, Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Landed every available man for exercise. 11.25am: Landing party returned. 4f9616c6a2fc8e2def001881: ( 5341474009_0.jpg) 12 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed painting ship. Paymaster and Cox mustering stores. 12.26pm: Fire Bell rang in HMS Merlin. 12.30pm: Fire party returned. 1.30pm: Hands employed restowing provisions. 4f9616c6a2fc8e2def001882: ( 5341474009_1.jpg) 13 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Hands employed drawing berthon boats from boat shed. 4f9616c6a2fc8e2def001883: ( 5341474010_0.jpg) 14 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.15am: Landed RC, Wesleyan and Presbyterian church parties. 9.30am: Divisions. 10.15am: C of E party to HMS Tamar. 11.45am: Church parties returned. 4f9616c7a2fc8e2def001884: ( 5341474010_1.jpg) 15 November 1915 Hong Kong and night patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrol. 4f9616c7a2fc8e2def001885: ( 5341474011_0.jpg) 16 November 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.37, Long 114.28 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.15am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.55am: Anchored in Port Shelter. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 3.20pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616c7a2fc8e2def001886: ( 5341474011_1.jpg) 17 November 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.2, Long 114.12 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.40am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.45am: Anchored in Hami Wan. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.45pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616c8a2fc8e2def001887: ( 5341474012_0.jpg) 18 November 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling. 3.20am: Collided with a Junk No L1616, course W by S. 6.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.35am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.30am: Anchored in Chun Bay [possibly Chung Hom Wan]. 12.38pm: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 1.30pm: Secured to No 10 buoy. 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on night patrol. 4f9616c8a2fc8e2def001888: ( 5341474012_1.jpg) 19 November 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 7.05am: Commenced coaling. 10.45am: Completed coaling, 46 tons Welsh. 5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616c8a2fc8e2def001889: ( 5341474013_0.jpg) 20 November 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.30am: Hands employed cleaning guns and paintwork. 9.35am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 1.00pm: Landed recreation party. 7.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616c9a2fc8e2def00188a: ( 5341474013_1.jpg) 21 November 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.00am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 1.00pm: Landed recreation party. 6.35pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616c9a2fc8e2def00188b: ( 5341474014_0.jpg) 22 November 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.00am: Secured to No 10 buoy. 3.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to secure in Whampoa Dock. 4f9616c9a2fc8e2def00188c: ( 5341474014_1.jpg) 23 November 1915 Whampoa Dock, Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616caa2fc8e2def00188d: ( 5341474015_0.jpg) 24 November 1915 Whampoa Dock, Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616caa2fc8e2def00188e: ( 5341474015_1.jpg) 25 November 1915 Whampoa Dock, Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 3.40pm: Funeral party landed. 6.20pm: Funeral party returned. 4f9616caa2fc8e2def00188f: ( 5341474016_0.jpg) 26 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.23am: Slipped and proceeded into basin and secured alongside East Wall. Hands employed painting ship. 4f9616cba2fc8e2def001890: ( 5341474016_1.jpg) 27 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. 4f9616cba2fc8e2def001891: ( 5341474017_0.jpg) 28 November 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9616cba2fc8e2def001892: ( 5341474017_1.jpg) 29 November 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 8.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616cca2fc8e2def001893: ( 5341474018_0.jpg) 30 November 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.21, Long 114.04 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.10am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 12.10pm: Anchored in Dumbell Bay [Cheung Chau]. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1915 [Hong Kong area patrols and departure for Singapore] 4f9616cca2fc8e2def001894: ( 5341474018_1.jpg) 1 December 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.05am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.35am: Weighed and proceeded. 11.35am: Anchored in Chun Bay. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 3.20pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.18pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: NE’ly breezes all day, dry and clear, max temperature 75ºF at noon. 4f9616cca2fc8e2def001895: ( 5341474019_0.jpg) 2 December 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.20am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616cda2fc8e2def001896: ( 5341474019_1.jpg) 3 December 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.45am: Secured to No 5a buoy. 7.10am: Commenced coaling. 11.00am: Completed coaling, 45 tons. 5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616cda2fc8e2def001897: ( 5341474020_0.jpg) 4 December 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.22, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.58am: Secured to 5a buoy. 9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 11.45am: Anchored in Chung Bay. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 2.40pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.35pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol. 4f9616cda2fc8e2def001898: ( 5341474020_1.jpg) 5 December 1915 Patrol, Deep Water Bay, patrol. Lat 22.24, Long 114.18 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.10am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616cea2fc8e2def001899: ( 5341474021_0.jpg) 6 December 1915 Patrol and Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.00am: Secured to 5a buoy. 4f9616cea2fc8e2def00189a: ( 5341474021_1.jpg) 7 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.45am: Lt G Spencer joined the ship*. 2.30pm: Lt Blackman discharged to HMS Tamar. * To take command. Although only a Lieutenant he will be known as Captain by courtesy and (by immemorial custom), the crew will refer to him as The Owner. 4f9616cea2fc8e2def00189b: ( 5341474022_0.jpg) 8 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed scraping and painting. 4f9616cfa2fc8e2def00189c: ( 5341474022_1.jpg) 9 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Landed every available man for exercise. 11.55am: Landing party returned. 4f9616cfa2fc8e2def00189d: ( 5341474023_0.jpg) 10 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616cfa2fc8e2def00189e: ( 5341474023_1.jpg) 11 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Hands clean ship. In pm: Make and mend. 4f9616d0a2fc8e2def00189f: ( 5341474024_0.jpg) 12 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9616d0a2fc8e2def0018a0: ( 5341474024_1.jpg) 13 December 1915 Hong Kong and patrols. Lat 22.16, Long 114.27 [approx] 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded. 9.30am: Escorted Russian cruiser [Orel vide log of Tamar] into harbour. Noon: Anchored in Pun tin Bay. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 3.15pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616d0a2fc8e2def0018a1: ( 5341474025_0.jpg) 14 December 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong Harbour, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.15am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong Harbour. 5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616d1a2fc8e2def0018a2: ( 5341474025_1.jpg) 15 December 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.2, Long 114.06 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.35am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 12.30pm: Anchored in Dumbell Bay. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 5.00pm: Anchored in Tia Tan [presumably Tai Tam is intended] Bay. 6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616d1a2fc8e2def0018a3: ( 5341474026_0.jpg) 16 December 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong for coal, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.10am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 7.20am: Coal lighter came alongside and commenced coaling. 10.10am: Completed coaling, 42 tons. 5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616d1a2fc8e2def0018a4: ( 5341474026_1.jpg) 17 December 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.35, Long 114.33 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.40am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 12.15pm: Anchored off Rocky Island. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.00pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616d2a2fc8e2def0018a5: ( 5341474027_0.jpg) 18 December 1915 Patrol, Hong Kong, patrol. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.01am: Patrolling. 7.00am: Secured to 5a buoy, Hong Kong. 5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4f9616d2a2fc8e2def0018a6: ( 5341474027_1.jpg) 19 December 1915 Various patrols. Lat 22.37, Long 114.28 12.01am: Patrolling. 6.30am: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 9.40am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.45am: Anchored in Port Shelter. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.00pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay. 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f9616d2a2fc8e2def0018a7: ( 5341474028_0.jpg) 20 December 1915 Patrol to Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.20am: Secured to South wall in Camber. Hands employed cleaning torpedoes and painting ship. 4f9616d3a2fc8e2def0018a8: ( 5341474028_1.jpg) 21 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship. 4f9616d3a2fc8e2def0018a9: ( 5341474029_0.jpg) 22 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship. 4f9616d3a2fc8e2def0018aa: ( 5341474029_1.jpg) 23 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.10am: Commenced coaling. 10.00am: Completed coaling, 25 tons. 4f9616d4a2fc8e2def0018ab: ( 5341474030_0.jpg) 24 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship. 4f9616d4a2fc8e2def0018ac: ( 5341474030_1.jpg) 25 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9616d4a2fc8e2def0018ad: ( 5341474031_0.jpg) 26 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9616d5a2fc8e2def0018ae: ( 5341474031_1.jpg) 27 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Landed four ABs to HMS Tamar for drill. 3.45pm: Landed firing party to HMS Tamar [for the funerals of ERA Edwin Manley, late of HMS Whiting and Private Frank Penfold, RMLI, late of HMS Tamar]. 6.00pm: Funeral party returned. 4f9616d5a2fc8e2def0018af: ( 5341474032_0.jpg) 28 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616d5a2fc8e2def0018b0: ( 5341474032_1.jpg) 29 December 1915 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616d6a2fc8e2def0018b1: ( 5341474033_0.jpg) 30 December 1915 Hong Kong and at sea. Lat 22.15, Long 114.05 6.15am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea and drawing stores. 8.30am: Hands employed stowing provisions. 10.30am: Slipped and proceeded and secured to Triumph buoy. 11.05am: Slipped and proceeded. 11.21am: Green I. abeam, altered course S13W. 12.14pm: Longting I. abeam, Bearing N77W 0.25 miles, altered course S19W. 1.44pm: Gap Rock abeam, altered course S47W. Ship clocks to apparent time. Correct compass for deviation. 4.16pm: Reduced speed to 4 knots for engine defect. 4.47pm: Increased speed to 13 knots. 8.10pm: Reduced speed to 11 knots. 4f9616d6a2fc8e2def0018b2: ( 5341474033_1.jpg) 31 December 1915 At sea. Lat 18.50, Long 110.50 6.45am: Tonkon Point abeam, 4 miles. 11.21am: Taichau Island [now Dazhou Dao] abeam. 11.15 Sighted Kulas Light bearing ahead Noon: A/c S18W. 3.24pm: Pos. DR 17 43N, 110 12E. Observed Long 110 10 45E. Course S21W. 11.15pm: Kulas Lt ahead. Fame heads stright for the coast of Vietnam, to minimise the amount of time spent in the open sea. 4f9616d6a2fc8e2def0018b3: ( 5341474034_0.jpg) 4f9616d7a2fc8e2def0018b4: ( 5341474034_1.jpg) 4f9616d7a2fc8e2def0018b5: ( 5341474035_0.jpg) 4f9616d7a2fc8e2def0018b6: ( 5341474035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. THE VOYAGES OF HMS FAME 1916 LOG BOOK – JANUARY 1ST 1916 TO MARCH 2ND 1916 4f9616d8a2fc8e2def0018b7: ( 5341475001_0.jpg) 4f9616d8a2fc8e2def0018b8: ( 5341475001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f9616d9a2fc8e2def0018b9: ( 5341475002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f9616d9a2fc8e2def0018ba: ( 5341475002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures. 4f9616d9a2fc8e2def0018bb: ( 5341475003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR JANUARY 1916 [Saigon, Singapore, patrols in Malacca Strait and Port Swettenham] 4f9616daa2fc8e2def0018bc: ( 5341475003_1.jpg) 1 January 1916 [1915 in log) At sea. Lat 12.43, Long 109.50 12.46am: Kulas Rai [probably Cu Lao Cham] abeam 10.5 miles, altered course S5E. 7.40am: Pulo Kambin abeam, 8 miles. 10.14am: Cape Varcella [Cap Varella] abeam 6 miles, altered course S3W. Noon to Noon distance run 379 miles. 3.12pm: Hon Chut Lt abeam. 5.38pm: Cap Padaran abeam 2 miles, altered course S41W. 11.33pm: Sighted Rega Point Light bg N85W 21 miles. Weather: Winds SE f3 at first, backing NW later, then NE’ly in pm up to f4. Moderate to rough seas, temperatures in the mid 70s F. 4f9616daa2fc8e2def0018bd: ( 5341475004_0.jpg) 2 January 1916 [1915 in log) At sea to Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 12.20am: Rega Point abeam 5 miles, altered course S67W. 3.50am: Cape St James Light [aka Cap St Jacques, now Vung Tau] bg W, 29 miles. 6.20am: Stopped off St James and pilot boarded. 7.00am: Proceeded to Saigon. 10.05am: Secured alongside landing stage at Saigon. Received 58 tons patent fuel at Saigon Naval Depot. 4f9616daa2fc8e2def0018be: ( 5341475004_1.jpg) 3 January 1916 Saigon and at sea. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 10.30am: Divisions. Inspection of ship by French SNO. 10.45am: Divisions. Inspection of ship by Governor of Saigon. 2.00pm: Hauled off quay and proceeded down river. 5.03pm: Dropped pilot off Point St James. 5.16pm: Cape St James bearing N8E (comp), set course S8W. 9.50pm: Sighted Huan Koa Light ahead. 11.54pm: Huan Koa Light [now known as Hon Bay Canh or Poulo Condore] abeam, 3.5 miles. 4f9616dba2fc8e2def0018bf: ( 5341475005_0.jpg) 4 January 1916 At sea. Lat 5.60, Long 106.25 Courses West of South all day. Noon/noon distance run 305 miles. 4.01pm: Pos. 4 37N DR, Long 1061.5E DR, 105 57E Obs. 6.16pm: Pos. 4 05N, 105 38E, stellar. 10.06pm: Pulo Manki Lt [now Pulau Mangkai] abeam 9 miles 4f9616dba2fc8e2def0018c0: ( 5341475005_1.jpg) 5 January 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 5.38am: Pedra Branca abeam, 0.5 miles. 6.45am: Reduced speed to 12 knots, heavy rains. 7.20am: Arrived Singapore and waited in roads for orders. 8.20am: Proceeded to berth No 8 and secured. 9.35am: Commenced coaling. 10.50am: Finished coaling. 2.00pm: Hauled off quay and proceeded to anchorage berth under own steam. 2.20pm: Anchored to leeward of Breakwater. Leave to watch until 7.30am. 4f9616dba2fc8e2def0018c1: ( 5341475006_0.jpg) 6 January 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.30pm: Hands mustered for monthly payment. 5.30pm: Three wireless ratings joined ship, lent from HMS Diana. 4f9616dca2fc8e2def0018c2: ( 5341475006_1.jpg) 7 January 1916 Singapore and on patrol. Lat 1.2, Long 103.35 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on to the Brothers patrol (in Malacca Strait). 12.45pm: Anchored off Kapok Island. 6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol with boarding officer of Seagull* on board. * Unidentified, but not HMS Seagull the minesweeper. Possibly a local vessel. 4f9616dca2fc8e2def0018c3: ( 5341475007_0.jpg) 8 January 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.46, Long 103.25 12.45am: Anchored off Pulo Pisang. 4.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded in search of suspicious craft. 9.45am: Anchored off Pulo Pisang. 6.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol. 11.59pm: Anchored off Pulo Pisang. 4f9616dca2fc8e2def0018c4: ( 5341475007_1.jpg) 9 January 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.46, Long 103.25 11.05am: Examination boat Sri-Tunda arrived. 6.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol, boarding officer on board. 4f9616dda2fc8e2def0018c5: ( 5341475008_0.jpg) 10 January 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.46, Long 103.25 12.13am: Anchored off Pulo Pisang. 6.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol, boarding officer on board. 6.55pm: Boarded one steamer. 11.50pm: Anchored off Pulo Pisang. 4f9616dda2fc8e2def0018c6: ( 5341475008_1.jpg) 11 January 1916 Patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.22, Long 103.82 [approx] 9.10am. Weighed anchor and proceeded to Singapore, after being relieved by HMAS Yarra. 12.30pm: Secured alongside No 8 berth. Coaled ship. 2.00pm: Left No 8 berth and proceeded to anchorage inside breakwater. 4f9616dda2fc8e2def0018c7: ( 5341475009_0.jpg) 12 January 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.45pm: French gunboat D'Iberville arrived. 4f9616dea2fc8e2def0018c8: ( 5341475009_1.jpg) 13 January 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands variously employed. 4f9616dea2fc8e2def0018c9: ( 5341475010_0.jpg) 14 January 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands variously employed. 4f9616dea2fc8e2def0018ca: ( 5341475010_1.jpg) 15 January 1916 Singapore to Brothers Patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 6.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol. 8.50am: Relieved HMAS Yarra on patrol 6.45pm: Boarded French steamer. 8.30pm: Boarded Dutch steamer. 4f9616dfa2fc8e2def0018cb: ( 5341475011_0.jpg) 16 January 1916 Brothers Patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. 4f9616dfa2fc8e2def0018cc: ( 5341475011_1.jpg) 17 January 1916 Brothers Patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 9.45am: Hands drilling with 12 pdr and 6 pdr guns. 4.30pm: Exercised fire and collision stations. 8.20pm: Boarded one steamer for letters. Lost one whaler oar overboard by accident, not recovered. 4f9616dfa2fc8e2def0018cd: ( 5341475012_0.jpg) 18 January 1916 Brothers Patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 9.15am: Hands exercised in small arm drill. 4.30pm: Exercised abandon ship stations*. They don’t leave the ship, but each man closes up to his appointed station. 4f9616e0a2fc8e2def0018ce: ( 5341475012_1.jpg) 19 January 1916 Patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.30am: Proceeded from patrol to Singapore. 11.10am: Secured alongside coaling wharf. Coaled ship, 31 tons. 1.00pm: Finished coaling and watering. Left wharf and proceeded to anchor inside breakwater. Leave to watch until 7.30am. 4f9616e0a2fc8e2def0018cf: ( 5341475013_0.jpg) 20 January 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands cleaning ship’s side and boats. 4f9616e0a2fc8e2def0018d0: ( 5341475013_1.jpg) 21 January 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship’s side. 4f9616e1a2fc8e2def0018d1: ( 5341475014_0.jpg) 22 January 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands variously employed. 4f9616e1a2fc8e2def0018d2: ( 5341475014_1.jpg) 23 January 1916 Singapore to Brothers patrol Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol. 9.00am: Relieved HMAS Yarra on patrol. 5.40pm: Boarded one steamer. 9.40pm: Boarded one steamer. 4f9616e1a2fc8e2def0018d3: ( 5341475015_0.jpg) 24 January 1916 Brothers patrol Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 8.45am: Exercised torpedo drill. 3.15pm: Received provisions from Singapore. 4.30pm: Exercised out bower anchor stations. 4f9616e2a2fc8e2def0018d4: ( 5341475015_1.jpg) 25 January 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 1.40am: Boarded one steamer. 11.00am: Boarded one sailing craft. 3.15pm: Received provisions from Singapore. 9.00pm: Boarded one sailing craft. 4f9616e2a2fc8e2def0018d5: ( 5341475016_0.jpg) 26 January 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 8.30am: Hands carried out torpedo runs for practice. 3.00pm: Received provisions from Singapore. 4.30pm: Life saving belts examined. 4f9616e2a2fc8e2def0018d6: ( 5341475016_1.jpg) 27 January 1916 Brothers patrol and at sea towards Port Swettenham. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 8.30am: Relieved by HMAS Yarra. 10.14am: Set course N58W, speed 7 knots. 11.05am: Hands exercised in use of sounding machine. Lost one sinker, and one brass tube container. 12.04pm: Pulo Pisang abeam 5.75 miles 4f9616e3a2fc8e2def0018d7: ( 5341475017_0.jpg) 28 January 1916 At sea to Port Swettenham. Lat 3.00, Long 101.38 2.56am: Cape Rachado Lt abeam, 6 miles. 7.40am: Arrived Port Swettenham [now known as Klang]. Took in fresh water and coal. 4f9616e3a2fc8e2def0018d8: ( 5341475017_1.jpg) 29 January 1916 Port Swettenham. Lat 3.00, Long 101.38 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616e3a2fc8e2def0018d9: ( 5341475018_0.jpg) 30 January 1916 Port Swettenham to Brothers patrol. Lat 3.00, Long 101.38 4.50pm: Slipped and proceeded down river at 13 knots. 6.05pm: Pinto Gardeng abeam, 1 mile. 6.20pm: Set course S49E. 10.00pm: Cape Rachado abeam 1.5 miles, a/c S56E. 4f9616e4a2fc8e2def0018da: ( 5341475018_1.jpg) 31 January 1916 At sea to Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.34am: Pulo Undan Lt abeam, 2.75 miles. 3.21am: Sighted Pulo Pisang bearing S62E. 5.20am: Po Pisang abeam, 5.5 miles, altered course S48E. 8.00am: Relieved HMAS Yarra on patrol. 4.30pm: Cleared lower deck. Read Articles of War*. 8.10am: Steamer alongside with letters. 9.45pm: Boarded one steamer. * The regulations governing the conduct of every member of the Royal Navy. Admiralty Instructions require them to be read to the ship’s company once a month. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1916 [Malacca Strait patrol and Singapore dry dock 4f9616e4a2fc8e2def0018db: ( 5341475019_0.jpg) 1 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling. 3.45am: Boarded one steamer. 6.00am: Wash decks, clean guns. 7.30am: Breakfast. 8.15am: Carried out aiming tube practice with 6 pdrs and 12 pdrs. 11.13am: Discharged Stokers Phillips and Jarvie by steamboat to hospital. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Hands at rest. 3.30pm: Steamer came alongside with letter. 4.40pm: Clear up decks, exercised fire stations. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: NE winds all day, sometimes f4, dry and clear, temperatures in the 80s F, 4f9616e4a2fc8e2def0018dc: ( 5341475019_1.jpg) 2 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling. 9.30am: Carried out aiming tube practice 10.10am: Boarded one steamer. 7.00pm: Boarded one steamer for letter. 4f9616e5a2fc8e2def0018dd: ( 5341475020_0.jpg) 3 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: Patrolling. 8.40pm: Boarded Dutch SS Mijer [?], and captured one Indian student with luggage. 4f9616e5a2fc8e2def0018de: ( 5341475020_1.jpg) 4 February 1916 Brothers patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.00am: Relieved on patrol by HMAS Yarra and proceeded towards Singapore at 15 knots. 11.05am: Secured alongside wharf, commenced coaling. 12.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to buoy inside breakwater. 1.10 Secured to buoy 4f9616e5a2fc8e2def0018df: ( 5341475021_0.jpg) 5 February 1916 Singapore [inner roads]. Lat 1.265, Long 103.84 Hands variously employed. 4f9616e6a2fc8e2def0018e0: ( 5341475021_1.jpg) 6 February 1916 Singapore [inner roads]. Lat 1.265, Long 103.84 9.30am: Divisions. Prayers. 10.00am: Pipe down. 4f9616e6a2fc8e2def0018e1: ( 5341475022_0.jpg) 7 February 1916 Singapore [inner roads]. Lat 1.265, Long 103.84 11.00pm: Two Chinese Stokers ran. 4f9616e6a2fc8e2def0018e2: ( 5341475022_1.jpg) 8 February 1916 Singapore to Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 6.30am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded on patrol. 8.30am: Relieved HMAS Yarra on patrol. 4f9616e7a2fc8e2def0018e3: ( 5341475023_0.jpg) 9 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 8.15am: Hands rigged target and carried out firing with .45" and .303" aiming tubes. 8.10pm: SS Hong Wan alongside with letters. 4f9616e7a2fc8e2def0018e4: ( 5341475023_1.jpg) 10 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 2.50am: Boarded one steamer. 9.30am: Carried out aiming Practice with 1” aiming 12 pdr. Hands rigging large target for use in Gunlayers’ tests. 12.30pm: Boarded one steamer. 4f9616e7a2fc8e2def0018e5: ( 5341475024_0.jpg) 11 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 8.15am: Hands preparing for Gunlayers’ tests, six rounds per gun. 9.30am: Carried out tests. 4f9616e8a2fc8e2def0018e6: ( 5341475024_1.jpg) 12 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 4.00pm: Stoker Phillips returned from hospital by launch. 8.15pm: Boarded one steamer. 4f9616e8a2fc8e2def0018e7: ( 5341475025_0.jpg) 13 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.01am: On patrol. 7.20pm: Anchored off Kokob Island (Pulau Kokob). 4f9616e9a2fc8e2def0018e8: ( 5341475025_1.jpg) 14 February 1916 Brothers patrol and Singapore. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 4.15am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.30am: Anchored off Kokob Island. 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.30am: Boarded one Japanese steamer. 1.00pm: Anchored off Kokob Island. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 2.50pm: Stopped and received letter from SS Soonhoy [?]. 3.05pm: Proceeded for Singapore. 5.00pm: Stopped alongside HMS Diana. Discharged S/Lt Sims to same and received three ratings. 5.40pm: Proceeded to West wharf for coaling. 6.00pm: Made fast and started coaling. Four hands employed getting in Paymaster’s stores. 6.20pm: Diana proceeded. 7.05pm: Finished coaling. 4f9616e9a2fc8e2def0018e9: ( 5341475026_0.jpg) 15 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.30am: Let go from wharf and proceeded to buoy inside breakwater. Made fast. 2.45pm: Discharged Stoker Phillips to hospital. 4f9616e9a2fc8e2def0018ea: ( 5341475026_1.jpg) 16 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 3.05pm: HMS Fantome arrived. 4.00pm: One rating joined ship from hospital. 4f9616eaa2fc8e2def0018eb: ( 5341475027_0.jpg) 17 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 5.00pm: HMAS Una left harbour. 4f9616eaa2fc8e2def0018ec: ( 5341475027_1.jpg) 18 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.15am: HMS Cornwall arrived. Lost overboard one McMahon [Machmahone in log] spanner. 7.35pm: Two Marines discharged to Cornwall [Corwall in log]. 4f9616eaa2fc8e2def0018ed: ( 5341475028_0.jpg) 19 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.35am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 7.03am: Struck submerged obstacle and immediately stopped both engines. 7.10am: Proceeded towards Keppel Harbour. 7.55am: Secured alongside West end of Lagoon Dock, assisted by tug Pitho. 11.20am: Let go from wharf and proceeded to dry dock assisted by tug Sunda. 6.00pm: Ship secured and resting on dockyard chocks. 4f9616eba2fc8e2def0018ee: ( 5341475028_1.jpg) 20 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.00am: Dockyard hands commenced on bottom and propellers. 4f9616eba2fc8e2def0018ef: ( 5341475029_0.jpg) 21 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Unshackled chain cable and fleeted [laid out) same in dock for examination. 4f9616eba2fc8e2def0018f0: ( 5341475029_1.jpg) 22 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Surveyed chain cable and typhoon cable. 3 and 4 shackles transposed to 5 and 6 on chain cable*. In pm: Hands employed cleaning and painting chain locker. * The anchor “cables” are chains, made up with “shackles” of cable each 12.5 fathoms (75’) in length joined together by links that can be opened (also confusingly known as shackles). When anchoring the most common scope of cable veered out will be 3 shackles or so and this section will get more wear rubbing against fairleads than others, hence the exchange with sections of cable that often remain in the chain locker. They don’t say so, but they will probably swap the starboard cable for the port, as naval vessels traditionally use the starboard anchor when only one is required. 4f9616eca2fc8e2def0018f1: ( 5341475030_0.jpg) 23 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.00am: Landed Coxswain, one ERA and two ABs to attend enquiry onboard HMS Cornwall. In pm: S/Lt Robertson RNR joined ship. 4f9616eca2fc8e2def0018f2: ( 5341475030_1.jpg) 24 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f9616eca2fc8e2def0018f3: ( 5341475031_0.jpg) 25 February 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Restowed all chain in lockers. Overhauled bower anchor and lubricated working parts. In pm: One Leading Signalman joined ship from HMS Cornwall. 4f9616eda2fc8e2def0018f4: ( 5341475031_1.jpg) 26 February 1916 Singapore and on patrol. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.00am: Commenced flooding dry dock. 8.30am: Proceeded out of dry dock and through Keppel Harbour. 10.00am: Carried out speed trials between Sultan Shoal and Raffles Lt. Estimated speed 19.8 knots. 11.20am: Returned to coaling wharf. Noon: Made fast alongside and commenced coaling. 1.30pm: Finished coaling. 4.00pm: Proceeded to Brothers on patrol. 6.40pm: Boarded one steamer. 9.40pm: Boarded one steamer. 10.20pm: Anchored off Kokob Island in 19 fathoms, veered to 3.5 shackles. 4f9616eda2fc8e2def0018f5: ( 5341475032_0.jpg) 27 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 8.00am: Boarded one Dutch steamer. 3.30pm: Received letter from SS Edisor. 9.30pm: Anchored off Kokob Island in 20 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. 10.00pm: Boarded SS Derwent. 4f9616eda2fc8e2def0018f6: ( 5341475032_1.jpg) 28 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 1.10am: Anchored off Kokob in 19 fathoms, veered to 3.5 shackles, 10.35am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 11.00am: Boarded one steamer. 3.50pm: Received provisions and letter from SS Hock Gan. 9.40pm: Anchored off Brothers in 18 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. 4f9616eea2fc8e2def0018f7: ( 5341475033_0.jpg) 29 February 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 3.00pm: Boarded one Norwegian steamer. 9.30pm: Man and arm ship. Boarded one steamer 10.30pm: Anchored in 25 fathoms, veered to 3.5 shackles. LOGS FOR MARCH 1916 [Singapore and Brothers patrol 4f9616eea2fc8e2def0018f8: ( 5341475033_1.jpg) 1 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.20am: Man and arm ship. Boarded one steamer. 1.30am: Anchored off Brothers in 22 fathoms, veered 3.5 shackles. 6.00am: Quarters. Clean guns. 10.15am: Man and arm ship. Boarded one steamer. 11.00am: Gave mails to SS Kaka. Man and arm ship. Boarded one steamer. 12.15pm: Picked up sailing craft capsized. Took same in tow and removed it from fairway to one mile off Kokob. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 8.00pm: Received letter. 9.30pm: Anchored off Kokob in 20 fathoms, veered 3.5 shackles. Weather: Light to moderate NE winds, dry and clear, temperatures between 80 and 90ºF. 4f9616eea2fc8e2def0018f9: ( 5341475034_0.jpg) 2 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 1.20am: Weighed and proceeded. Man and arm ship. Boarded one steamer. 2.15am: Anchored. 2.30am: Weighed anchor. Man and arm ship. Fired two blanks. Boarded one steamer. 3.57pm: Man and arm ship. Boarded one steamer. 8.00pm: Received provisions and letter. 10.15pm: Anchored. 10.30pm: Boarded one steamer. Man and arm ship. 4f9616efa2fc8e2def0018fa: ( 5341475034_1.jpg) 4f9616efa2fc8e2def0018fb: ( 5341475035_0.jpg) 4f9616efa2fc8e2def0018fc: ( 5341475035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – MARCH 3RD 1916 TO MAY 3RD 1916 4f9616f0a2fc8e2def0018fd: ( 5341476001_0.jpg) 4f9616f0a2fc8e2def0018fe: ( 5341476001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f9616f0a2fc8e2def0018ff: ( 5341476002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f9616f1a2fc8e2def001900: ( 5341476002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption page. 4f9616f1a2fc8e2def001901: ( 5341476003_0.jpg) Blank. 4f9616f1a2fc8e2def001902: ( 5341476003_1.jpg) 3 March 1916 Brothers patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded and relieved from patrol by HMAS Yarra. 11.00am: Secured alongside coaling wharf. Commenced coaling. 12.25pm: Finished coaling. 1.35pm: Slipped from wharf and proceeded inside breakwater. 1.40pm: Secured to buoy. 3.00pm: Stoker Jarvis returned from hospital. 4f9616f2a2fc8e2def001903: ( 5341476004_0.jpg) 4 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.30pm: HMAS Una proceeded to sea. 4f9616f2a2fc8e2def001904: ( 5341476004_1.jpg) 5 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f9616f2a2fc8e2def001905: ( 5341476005_0.jpg) 6 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.45am: Water boat alongside. Noon: HMAS Warrego arrived. 6.50pm: HMAS Parramatta arrived. 4f9616f3a2fc8e2def001906: ( 5341476005_1.jpg) 7 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Pioneers thoroughly cleand and examined the sounding machine. Overhauled and wire replaced. 3.55pm: HMAS Psyche sailed. 4f9616f3a2fc8e2def001907: ( 5341476006_0.jpg) 8 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.30pm: One Leading Signalman joined from hospital for HMS Diana 4f9616f3a2fc8e2def001908: ( 5341476006_1.jpg) 9 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In pm: HMAS’ Parramatta and Warrego sailed. 4f9616f4a2fc8e2def001909: ( 5341476007_0.jpg) 10 March 1916 Singapore to Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 6.30am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded through Keppel Harbour towards Brothers. 8.10am: Relieved HMAS Yarra on patrol. 10.50am: Received letter from SS Aing Hin [?]. 3.15pm: Received provisions and letter 5.50pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 8.30pm: Received letter from SS Mersing and one bag mails. 10.15pm: Let go anchor off Brothers in 19 fathoms of water, veered to 4 shackles. 4f9616f4a2fc8e2def00190a: ( 5341476007_1.jpg) 11 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 9.40am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 12.15pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 1.05pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 3.05pm: Received mails and provisions from SS Soon Hong. 5.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 9.15pm: Anchored off Kokob in 17 fathoms of water, veered to 3 shackles. 4f9616f4a2fc8e2def00190b: ( 5341476008_0.jpg) 12 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 7.00am: Boarded one steamer. Man and arm ship. 10.35am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 1.35pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 3.55pm: Received provisions from SS Edina. 5.27pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 9.00pm: Anchored off Brothers in 18.5 fathoms. 4f9616f5a2fc8e2def00190c: ( 5341476008_1.jpg) 13 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 10.10am: Man and arm ship, boarded one Dutch steamer. 10.45am: Carried out torpedo practice at 1,500 yards. 3.50pm: Received mails from local vessel. 8.00pm: Received letter from small steamer. 8.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 9.15pm: Anchored off Brothers. 4f9616f5a2fc8e2def00190d: ( 5341476009_0.jpg) 14 March 1916 Brothers patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 12.01am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.40am: Relieved on patrol by HMAS Yarra, proceeded into Singapore. 10.57am: Secured alongside wharf. Received provisions and stores. 1.30pm: Slipped from wharf and proceeded into Victoria dry dock. 5.00pm: Secured in dry dock. 4f9616f5a2fc8e2def00190e: ( 5341476009_1.jpg) 15 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Dockyard hands working at propellers. 8.15am: Hands employed on after 6 pdr, dismounting and overhauling same. In pm: Make and mend. 4f9616f6a2fc8e2def00190f: ( 5341476010_0.jpg) 16 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.30am: Hands employed at dismounting port 6 pdr. In pm: Dry dock hands painting bottom. 4f9616f6a2fc8e2def001910: ( 5341476010_1.jpg) 17 March 1916 Singapore and Brothers patrol. Lat 1.22, Long 103.82 [approx] 4.00am: All repairs finished. Commenced flooding dock. 6.00am: Ship afloat, cast off all shores. 6.15am: Proceeded out of dock. 6.35am: Secured alongside coaling wharf. Commenced coaling. Received 34 tons mixed coal. 8.30am: Finished coaling. Proceeded to berth inside breakwater. 11.35am: Slipped and proceeded towards Brothers on patrol. 2.00pm: Arrived at Brothers on patrol. 8.40pm: Received provisions and letter from small steamer. 10.00pm: Anchored off Brothers in 19 fathoms. 4f9616f6a2fc8e2def001911: ( 5341476011_0.jpg) 18 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] Noon: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 2.05pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 2.28pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 3.40pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 9.15pm: Anchored off Brothers in 20 fathoms water. 11.20pm: Weighed and proceeded. 11.50pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f9616f7a2fc8e2def001912: ( 5341476011_1.jpg) 19 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 2.20am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 2.45pm: Anchored off Brothers in 20 fathoms, veered to 3.5 shackles. 4f9616f7a2fc8e2def001913: ( 5341476012_0.jpg) 20 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 9.15am: Hands employed dismounting No 2 6 pdr. 3.35pm: Received provisions from SS Edina. 4f9616f8a2fc8e2def001914: ( 5341476012_1.jpg) 21 March 1916 Brothers patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.00am: Relieved on patrol by HMAS Yarra. Proceeded into Singapore. 10.15am: Secured alongside coaling wharf. 11.15am: Finished coaling (32 tons). 12.15pm: Slipped from coaling buoy and anchored inside breakwater in 3 fathoms of water, veered to 1 shackle. Leave to watch until 7.00am. 4f9616f8a2fc8e2def001915: ( 5341476013_0.jpg) 22 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Hands employed dismounting and cleaning No 1 6 pounder gun. Leave to 2nd watch until 7.00am. 4f9616f8a2fc8e2def001916: ( 5341476013_1.jpg) 23 March 1916 Singapore to Brothers patrol. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 [approx] 11.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded towards Brothers. 1.30pm: Relieved HMAS Yarra on Brothers patrol. 3.40pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f9616f9a2fc8e2def001917: ( 5341476014_0.jpg) 24 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] In am: Hands dismounting port No 1 6 pdr gun. 3.25pm: Received letter. 7.50pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 11.15pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f9616f9a2fc8e2def001918: ( 5341476014_1.jpg) 25 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 10.15am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 3.45pm: Received provisions and letter. 5.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 6.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f9616f9a2fc8e2def001919: ( 5341476015_0.jpg) 26 March 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 3.50pm: Received provisions. 4f9616faa2fc8e2def00191a: ( 5341476015_1.jpg) 27 March 1916 Brothers patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.30am: Relieved on patrol by HMAS Warrego and proceeded into harbour. 11.00am: Secured alongside coaling wharf. Commenced coaling. Noon: Finished coaling, 33 tons. 1.15pm: Slipped from wharf and proceeded inside breakwater. 1.45pm: Secured to buoy. 3.00pm: Stoker Phillips returned from hospital. 4f9616faa2fc8e2def00191b: ( 5341476016_0.jpg) 28 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Scrubbing ship’s side. 4f9616faa2fc8e2def00191c: ( 5341476016_1.jpg) 29 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.30am: HMS Laurentic anchored in roads. 3.45pm: Water boat alongside. 4f9616fba2fc8e2def00191d: ( 5341476017_0.jpg) 30 March 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Hands employed dismounting after 6 pdr gun. 4f9616fba2fc8e2def00191e: ( 5341476017_1.jpg) 31 March 1916 Singapore to patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 6.30am: Slipped and proceeded through Keppel Harbour and towards Brothers. 8.30am: Relieved HMAS Yarra on Brothers patrol. 1.30pm: HMAS Psyche passed through escorting two Russian transports. 11.20pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. LOGS FOR APRIL 1916 [Singapore, Brothers patrol and Banka Strait patrol] 4f9616fba2fc8e2def00191f: ( 5341476018_0.jpg) 1 April 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 10.40am: Man and arm ship boarded, one Dutch steamer. 11.30am: Man and arm ship boarded, one Dutch steamer. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 5.00pm: Received provisions and letter from SS Sultana. 8.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. Weather: Light airs in the am, freshening to f4 from the SE with some rain later. Temperatures as high as 92ºF at 4.00pm. 4f9616fca2fc8e2def001920: ( 5341476018_1.jpg) 2 April 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] Courses as requisite for patrolling. 4f9616fca2fc8e2def001921: ( 5341476019_0.jpg) 3 April 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 9.00am: Hands at rifle exercise. 10.30am: Hands employed scraping 12 pounder gun. 2.40pm: Received letter and provisions from SS Edina. 10.20pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 11.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f9616fda2fc8e2def001922: ( 5341476019_1.jpg) 4 April 1916 Brothers patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.20am. Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 8.30am: Relieved on patrol by HMAS Warrego. Proceeded to harbour. 10.15am: Secured alongside coaling quay and commenced coaling. Noon: Finished coaling. 12.10pm: Slipped from wharf and proceeded to buoy inside breakwater. 4f9616fda2fc8e2def001923: ( 5341476020_0.jpg) 5 April 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed painting ship. 4f9616fda2fc8e2def001924: ( 5341476020_1.jpg) 6 April 1916 Singapore and at sea towards Banka Strait patrol. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Noon: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to coaling quay. Received 16 tons coal. 2.25pm: Let go from wharf and proceeded, course N83E. 5.17pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile. 6.12pm: Altered course S53E. 11.10pm: Altered course S24E. 4f9616fea2fc8e2def001925: ( 5341476021_0.jpg) 7 April 1916 At sea to Banka Straits patrol. Lat -1.42, Long 106.64 DR 8.15am: Pulu Laut abeam, 15 miles altered course S43E. 4.40pm: Berikat Point abeam, 4 miles. 5.30pm: Altered course South. 6.00pm: Po Selika [?] abeam, 3.5 miles. 9.30pm: Dapur Lt, altered course South. 9.50pm: Stop engines, ship on patrol. 4f9616fea2fc8e2def001926: ( 5341476021_1.jpg) 8 April 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.5 [approx] 12.40pm: Boarded one Dutch steamer. 7.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f9616fea2fc8e2def001927: ( 5341476022_0.jpg) 9 April 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.5 [approx] 5.55am: Man and arm ship, boarded one Dutch steamer. 10.15 Man and arm ship boarded one steamer 3.55pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 10.10pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f9616ffa2fc8e2def001928: ( 5341476022_1.jpg) 10 April 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.5 [approx] 2.00am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 1.40pm: Man and arm ship boarded one steamer 4f9616ffa2fc8e2def001929: ( 5341476023_0.jpg) 11 April 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.5 [approx] 11.45am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4.10pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f9616ffa2fc8e2def00192a: ( 5341476023_1.jpg) 12 April 1916 Patrol and at sea towards Singapore. Lat -3.2, Long 106.5 [approx] 10.25am: Proceeded, course N27E. 12.30pm: Dapur Light abeam, 5.5 miles. 2.38pm: Maring Point abeam, 4 miles. 3.32pm: Rocky Point abeam, 3.5 miles. 4.00pm: Chilaqin Light at 2 miles, altered course N12W. 5.55pm: Berikat Light [Tanjung Berikat] abeam, 4 miles. 6.36pm: Gaspar Island [now Pulau Gelasa] abeam, 11 miles. 4f961700a2fc8e2def00192b: ( 5341476024_0.jpg) 13 April 1916 At sea. Lat 0.00, Long 105.73 NW’ly courses all day. 4f961700a2fc8e2def00192c: ( 5341476024_1.jpg) 14 April 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 2.40am: Horsburgh Lt [Horsborough in log] abeam, 1.25 miles. 5.30am: Stopped in Roads awaiting daylight. 6.30am: Proceeded into Keppel Harbour. 7.30am: Secured alongside quay. Commenced coaling. 10.30am: Finished, proceeded to buoy inside breakwater. 1.30pm: HMS Laurentic sailed East. 4f961700a2fc8e2def00192d: ( 5341476025_0.jpg) 15 April 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.00am: Officers from HMS Cornwall surveyed ship. 4f961701a2fc8e2def00192e: ( 5341476025_1.jpg) 16 April 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f961701a2fc8e2def00192f: ( 5341476026_0.jpg) 17 April 1916 Singapore to Brothers patrol. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 11.50am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded through Keppel Harbour to Brothers patrol. 2.00pm: Relieved HMAS Warrego on patrol 9.30pm: Received letter from local steamer. 11.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f961701a2fc8e2def001930: ( 5341476026_1.jpg) 18 April 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 9.30 Proceeded into Singapore and discharged Chief Art. Eng. Sylvester to HMS Cornwall on sick list. Proceeded back on patrol. 2.00pm: Boarded one steamer. 2.50pm: Received provisions from local steamer. 8.10pm: Received letter from local steamer. 9.40pm: Boarded one steamer. 11.05pm: Boarded one steamer. 4f961702a2fc8e2def001931: ( 5341476027_0.jpg) 19 April 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 6.00am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 3.00pm: Received provisions from local steamer. 8.00pm: Received letter from local steamer. 4f961702a2fc8e2def001932: ( 5341476027_1.jpg) 20 April 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 2.15pm: Received provisions from local steamer. 6.00pm: Boarded one Dutch steamer. 4f961702a2fc8e2def001933: ( 5341476028_0.jpg) 21 April 1916 Brothers patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.15am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 9.00am: Relieved on patrol by HMAS Warrego. Proceeded into Singapore. 11.00am: Secured alongside and commenced coaling. 1.35pm: Finished coaling. Slipped from wharf and proceeded Inside breakwater. 2.15pm: Anchored in 3 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle. 4f961703a2fc8e2def001934: ( 5341476028_1.jpg) 22 April 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.40am: Weighed anchor and secured ship to buoy. 4f961703a2fc8e2def001935: ( 5341476029_0.jpg) 23 April 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f961703a2fc8e2def001936: ( 5341476029_1.jpg) 24 April 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship’s side. 4f961704a2fc8e2def001937: ( 5341476030_0.jpg) 25 April 1916 Singapore to Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 6.30am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded on patrol. 10.20am: Relieved HMAS Warrego on Brothers patrol. 3.20pm: Man and arm ship, boarded Dutch steamer. 8.55pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f961704a2fc8e2def001938: ( 5341476030_1.jpg) 26 April 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 12.10am: Let go anchor in 19 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. 2.45am: Weighed anchor. 3.00am: Boarded one steamer. 8.00am: Boarded one steamer and took off one Dutch stowaway. Noon: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 2.20pm: Proceeded into Singapore and discharged stowaway to Provost Marshall. Returned to patrol. 8.00pm: Received letter from local steamer. 4f961705a2fc8e2def001939: ( 5341476031_0.jpg) 27 April 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 103.2 [approx] 2.30am: Boarded one steamer. 9.00am: Carried out 1” and .45 aiming rifle practice. 3.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 5.50pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f961705a2fc8e2def00193a: ( 5341476031_1.jpg) 28 April 1916 Brothers patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.45am: Boarded one steamer. 8.00am: Relieved on patrol by Japanese destroyer. Proceeded into Singapore. 11.15am: Secured alongside wharf and commenced coaling. 1.20pm: Finished coaling. Slipped from wharf and proceeded to anchor inside breakwater. 7.30pm: HMS Cornwall arrived. 4f961705a2fc8e2def00193b: ( 5341476032_0.jpg) 29 April 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In pm: Water boat alongside. 4f961706a2fc8e2def00193c: ( 5341476032_1.jpg) 30 April 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. LOGS FOR MAY 1916 [Singapore, Saigon, Hong Kong for refit] 4f961706a2fc8e2def00193d: ( 5341476033_0.jpg) 1 May 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.15am: Hands clean ship. 8.30am: Hands employed dismounting 12 pounder gun. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Leave to watch until 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: ESE winds F3-4 dying away in the evening, rain at times, high temperature 92ºF at noon. 4f961706a2fc8e2def00193e: ( 5341476033_1.jpg) 2 May 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands overhauling 12 pounder gun. 4f961707a2fc8e2def00193f: ( 5341476034_0.jpg) 3 May 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands overhauling 12 pounder gun. 4f961707a2fc8e2def001940: ( 5341476034_1.jpg) 4f961707a2fc8e2def001941: ( 5341476035_0.jpg) 4f961708a2fc8e2def001942: ( 5341476035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – MAY 4TH 1916 TO JULY 4TH 1916 4f961708a2fc8e2def001943: ( 5341477001_0.jpg) 4f961708a2fc8e2def001944: ( 5341477001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961709a2fc8e2def001945: ( 5341477002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f961709a2fc8e2def001946: ( 5341477002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures. 4f961709a2fc8e2def001947: ( 5341477003_0.jpg) Blank. 4f96170aa2fc8e2def001948: ( 5341477003_1.jpg) 4 May 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship’s side. Received stores from Hong Kong per SS Han Sang [probably Hang Sang is intended]. 4f96170aa2fc8e2def001949: ( 5341477004_0.jpg) 5 May 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f96170aa2fc8e2def00194a: ( 5341477004_1.jpg) 6 May 1916 Singapore and at sea for Saigon. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Furled awnings and made preparations for sea. 3.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded, course N85E. 5.37pm: Horsburgh Light abeam, altered course N27E. 4f96170ba2fc8e2def00194b: ( 5341477005_0.jpg) 7 May 1916 At sea. Lat 5.40, Long 105.90 2.30am: Pulo Manka [now Mangkai] abeam, 16 miles, a/c N13E. 6.00pm to 8.00pm: Heavy rain and lightning. 4f96170ba2fc8e2def00194c: ( 5341477005_1.jpg) 8 May 1916 At sea to Saigon. Lat 10.00, Long 107.00 3.15am: Hon Bar Kan abeam, 8.5 miles, altered course N9E. 1.20pm: Stopped off St James Lighthouse for pilot. 1.52pm: Pilot on board, proceeded up river at 15 knots. 5.37pm: Secured alongside. 4f96170ba2fc8e2def00194d: ( 5341477006_0.jpg) 9 May 1916 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 9.55am: Commenced coaling. Noon: Finished coaling, 50 tons. 4f96170ca2fc8e2def00194e: ( 5341477006_1.jpg) 10 May 1916 Saigon and at sea for Hong Kong. Lat 10.38, Long 107.43 6.15am: Slipped and proceeded down river, pilot in charge. 9.30am: Cape St James. Dropped pilot. Set clocks ATS. 11.00am: Cape Li Wan abeam, 5 miles, altered course N66E 12.34pm: Cape Ba Ke abeam. 3.75 miles. 3.02pm: Kega Pt abeam, 3 miles, altered course N56E. 5.00pm: Tiger Island abeam, 3.5 miles. 9.23pm: Cape Padaran abeam, 3.5 miles, altered course N39E. 4f96170ca2fc8e2def00194f: ( 5341477007_0.jpg) 11 May 1916 At sea. Lat 14.05, Long 109.50 2.23am: Lon Island abeam, 8 miles. 5.53am: Cape Varella abeam, 11 miles, altered course N8W. 10.00am: Pulo Gambier 11 miles, increased to 186 revolutions. 7.00pm: Kulo Rai abeam, 10 miles, a/c N35E. 4f96170ca2fc8e2def001950: ( 5341477007_1.jpg) 12 May 1916 At sea. Lat 18.33, Long 111.52 NE’ly courses all day. 4f96170da2fc8e2def001951: ( 5341477008_0.jpg) 13 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.22 [approx] 12.30pm: Arrived at Hong Kong. Secured to No 10 buoy. 4f96170da2fc8e2def001952: ( 5341477008_1.jpg) 14 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96170da2fc8e2def001953: ( 5341477009_0.jpg) 15 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Discharged ammunition and stores and prepared ship for docking. In pm: Discharged torpedoes to shore and all coal into lighters. 4.30pm: HMT Atlas alongside, shifted to basin, South wall. 4f96170ea2fc8e2def001954: ( 5341477009_1.jpg) 16 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f96170ea2fc8e2def001955: ( 5341477010_0.jpg) 17 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. Sent down top mast and lower mast and landed same on wharf. 4f96170ea2fc8e2def001956: ( 5341477010_ 1.jpg) 18 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: HMT Atlas secured alongside. Slipped from wharf and proceeded into drydock 2.30pm: Secured on chocks in drydock. 4f96170fa2fc8e2def001957: ( 5341477011_0.jpg) 19 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.50pm: Typhoon signals hoisted on HMS Tamar. Furled all awnings and secured everything on deck. 4f96170fa2fc8e2def001958: ( 5341477011_1.jpg) 20 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.30am: Typhoon signals hauled down. Hands employed on defects. 4f96170fa2fc8e2def001959: ( 5341477012_0.jpg) 21 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961710a2fc8e2def00195a: ( 5341477012_1.jpg) 22 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961710a2fc8e2def00195b: ( 5341477013_0.jpg) 23 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961710a2fc8e2def00195c: ( 5341477013_1.jpg) 24 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961711a2fc8e2def00195d: ( 5341477014_0.jpg) 25 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961711a2fc8e2def00195e: ( 5341477014_1.jpg) 26 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961712a2fc8e2def00195f: ( 5341477015_0.jpg) 27 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961712a2fc8e2def001960: ( 5341477015_1.jpg) 28 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961712a2fc8e2def001961: ( 5341477016_0.jpg) 29 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961713a2fc8e2def001962: ( 5341477016_1.jpg) 30 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961713a2fc8e2def001963: ( 5341477017_0.jpg) 31 May 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: Commenced flooding dock. 2.00pm: Ship afloat. 3.00pm: HM Tug Atlas alongside. Proceeded into Camber. Secured alongside. LOGS FOR JUNE 1916 [Hong Kong, Pulo Condore and Gulf of Siam patrol] 4f961714a2fc8e2def001964: ( 5341477017_1.jpg) 1 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands turned to. 7.00am: Dockyard men commence on defects. Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 7.25pm: Typhoon signals up. Furled awnings and secured everything on deck. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather. Calm with rain all day, N’ly wind f5 at midnight. 4f961714a2fc8e2def001965: ( 5341477018_0.jpg) 2 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.35am: Typhoon altered to SW of Colony. 9.35am: Typhoon altered to East. Noon: Typhoon signals hauled down. 4f961714a2fc8e2def001966: ( 5341477018_1.jpg) 3 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In pm: AB Tait sent to HMS Tamar. Received one Signalman in lieu. 4f961715a2fc8e2def001967: ( 5341477019_0.jpg) 4 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961715a2fc8e2def001968: ( 5341477019_1.jpg) 5 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects and painting store rooms. 10.30am: Mr Savage, Gunner, joined ship. 4f961715a2fc8e2def001969: ( 5341477020_0.jpg) 6 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 2.00pm: Mr Griffiths discharged to HMS Tamar. 4f961716a2fc8e2def00196a: ( 5341477020_1.jpg) 7 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects. 4f961716a2fc8e2def00196b: ( 5341477021_0.jpg) 8 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on defects and taking ammunition on board. 10.30pm: Dockyard men complete overhaul. 4f961716a2fc8e2def00196c: ( 5341477021_1.jpg) 9 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed taking in provisions and stowing anchors and cable. 4f961717a2fc8e2def00196d: ( 5341477022_0.jpg) 10 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.15 am: Typhoon signals hoisted. Called hands, furled all awnings and put extra securing lines out. In pm: Make and mend. Squally Easterly winds up to f5, rain. 4f961717a2fc8e2def00196e: ( 5341477022_1.jpg) 11 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.00am: Typhoon moving SW. Sunday routine. Easterly f5 all day, rain at times. 4f961717a2fc8e2def00196f: ( 5341477023_0.jpg) 12 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands cleaning ship. 4f961718a2fc8e2def001970: ( 5341477023_1.j pg) 13 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Hands turn to and employed painting ship’s outside. 11.30am: Typhoon signals hauled down. 4f961718a2fc8e2def001971: ( 5341477024_0.jpg) 14 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.05am: Commenced coaling and watering ship. 11.00am: Carried out basin trial. 1.00pm: Finished coaling, 50 tons. Hands getting up topmast, cleaning and painting ship. 4f961718a2fc8e2def001972: ( 5341477024_1.jpg) 15 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: Commenced coaling. 3.00pm: Finished coaling, 20 tons. 4f961719a2fc8e2def001973: ( 5341477025_0.jpg) 16 June 1916 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 11.00am: Charts drawn from depôt. Noon: Slipped from wharf and proceeded out of harbour to carry out steering trial. 3.00pm: Secured to 5a buoy. Received 5 tons coal from lighter. 4f961719a2fc8e2def001974: ( 5341477025_1.jpg) 17 June 1916 Hong Kong and at sea for Pulo Condore. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.30am: Hands landing typhoon cable. 8.45am: AB Jones went sick to HMS Tamar. 1.00pm: AB Tait joined ship. 1.15pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded. 1.54pm: Cape D'Aguilar abeam, altered course S2E. Course and speed as requisite for convoying SS Nagoya. 4f961719a2fc8e2def001975: ( 5341477026_0.jpg) 18 June 1916 At sea. Lat 17.53, Long 113.77 6.25am: A/c S27W. 4f96171aa2fc8e2def001976: ( 5341477026_1.jpg) 19 June 1916 At sea. Lat 13.02, Long 112.35 SW’ly courses all day. 9.00am: Wind and sea increasing. Sea carried away five rails on fore bridge. Vessel labouring heavily. [SW’ly f5 all day, rough seas. Fame is not a good seaboat and things will be very wet as she butts into a head wind and sea.) 4f96171aa2fc8e2def001977: ( 5341477027_0.jpg) 20 June 1916 At sea. Lat 9.97, Long 109.60 12.15am: Steering gear carried away, stopped engines. 12.55am: Proceeded. 3.30am: Reduced to 12 knots. 5.30am: Altered course S69W and reduced to 11 knots on parting company with SS Nagoya. 3.24pm: Pulo Sapatu [now Sapate] abeam, 13 miles. 4f96171aa2fc8e2def001978: ( 5341477027_1.jpg) 21 June 1916 At sea to Pulo Condore [aka Dao Con Son]. Lat 8.67, Long 106.61 6.30am: Hon Tai abeam, 0.5 miles. 6.55am: Let go starboard anchor and 2 shackles in 7 fathoms of water. 1.30pm: Landed recreation party. 4.00pm: Returned on board. 4f96171ba2fc8e2def001979: ( 5341477028_0.jpg) 22 June 1916 [22 May 1916 in log] Pulo Condore. Lat 8.67, Long 106.61 4.15pm: HMAS Psyche arrived. Hove up and secured alongside her. Received 13 tons of coal. Took one prisoner on board for Saigon. 10.00pm: Slipped and proceeded. 10.27pm: Altered course N20E. 4f96171ba2fc8e2def00197a: ( 5341477028_1.jpg) 23 June 1916 At sea to Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 7.00am: Stopped off Cape St James. 7.20am: Pilot on board. Proceeded up river at 13.5 knots. 10.45am: Secured alongside quay. Received 20 Tons coal and 4 tons water. 4f96171ba2fc8e2def00197b: ( 5341477029_0.jpg) 24 June 1916 Saigon to Pulo Condore. Lat 10.30, Long 107.0 [approx] Took on board provisions for HMAS Psyche. 8.00am: Pilot on board. Slipped and proceeded down river. 11.30am: Discharged pilot and set course S15W. 8.00pm: Arrived at SW bay and secured alongside HMAS Psyche. Discharged provisions. Slipped and proceeded to anchor. 4f96171ca2fc8e2def00197c: ( 5341477029_1.jpg) 25 June 1916 Pulo Condore and on patrol. Lat 9.0, Long 106.4 [approx] 9.05am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol. 6.30pm: Returned to SW bay and anchored in 5.5 fathoms. 4f96171ca2fc8e2def00197d: ( 5341477030_0.jpg) 26 June 1916 Pulo Condore. Lat 8.66, Long 106.56 In pm: Recreation party landed. 6.00pm: SS Hang Sang arrived. 4f96171ca2fc8e2def00197e: ( 5341477030_1.jpg) 27 June 1916 Pulo Condore and at sea to patrol area. Lat 8.66, Long 106.56 5.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded alongside collier. 6.00am: Commenced coaling. 10.00am: HMAS Psyche arrived. 10.30am: Finished coaling. 2.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 9.00pm: NE Brothers* abeam, 5 miles. *Probably the island aka Pulo Obi. 4f96171da2fc8e2def00197f: ( 5341477031_0.jpg) 28 June 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] 5.45am: Pulo Obi abeam, 12 miles. 4.45pm: Anchored at Pulo Panjang in 6 fathoms. 4f96171da2fc8e2def001980: ( 5341477031_1.jpg) 29 June 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed anchor. 12.45pm: Man and arm ship. Boarded Norwegian SS Dagfur. 9.25pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one British steamer. 4f96171ea2fc8e2def001981: ( 5341477032_0.jpg) 30 June 1916 Gulf of Siam to Pulo Condore. Lat 8.67, Long 106.61 4.00am: Arrived from patrol. 7.15am: Commenced coaling. 9.15am: Finished coaling and proceeded to Great East Bay and anchored in 4.5 fathoms. 1.00pm: Recreation party landed. LOGS FOR JULY 1916 [Pulo Condore, Gulf of Siam patrol, Anambas Is, Singapore, Pulo Condore, Gulf of Siam, Saigon] 4f96171ea2fc8e2def001982: ( 5341477032_1.jpg) 1 July 1916 Pulo Condore. Lat 8.67, Long 106.61 6.00am: Quarters. Clean guns. Hands cleaning upper deck and painting torpedo tubes. In pm: Make and mend. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Winds NW 5 at first, dying away later and cloud clearing. Max temperature 89ºF at 4.00pm. 4f96171ea2fc8e2def001983: ( 5341477033_0.jpg) 2 July 1916 Pulo Condore to Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.0, Long 103.4 [approx] 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 2.45pm: NE Brothers abeam, 5 miles. 4f96171fa2fc8e2def001984: ( 5341477033_1.jpg) 3 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] 3.45am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 7.20pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f96171fa2fc8e2def001985: ( 5341477034_0.jpg) 4 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] Courses and speeds as requisite for patrol. 4f96171fa2fc8e2def001986: ( 5341477034_1.jpg) 4f961720a2fc8e2def001987: ( 5341477035_0.jpg) 4f961720a2fc8e2def001988: ( 5341477035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – JULY 5TH 1916 TO SEPTEMBER 4TH 1916 4f961720a2fc8e2def001989: ( 5341478001_0.jpg) 4f961721a2fc8e2def00198a: ( 5341478001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961721a2fc8e2def00198b: ( 5341478002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f961721a2fc8e2def00198c: ( 5341478002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures. 4f961722a2fc8e2def00198d: ( 5341478003_0.jpg) Blank. 4f961722a2fc8e2def00198e: ( 5341478003_1.jpg) 5 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] Courses and speeds as requisite for patrol. Lost overboard, two torpedo tools. 4f961722a2fc8e2def00198f: ( 5341478004_0.jpg) 6 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] 3.50pm: Man and arm ship. Boarded one steamer. 4f961723a2fc8e2def001990: ( 5341478004_1.jpg) 7 July 1916 Patrol to Pulo Condore. Lat 8.67, Long 106.61 5.30am: Returned from patrol. Secured alongside collier and commenced coaling ship. 10.30am: Finished coaling. Proceeded to GE Bay. Noon: Anchored in 4 fathoms. 1.00pm: Recreation party landed. 4f961723a2fc8e2def001991: ( 5341478005_0.jpg) 8 July 1916 Pulo Condore. Lat 8.67, Long 106.61 In am: Hands painting ship. 1.00pm: Recreation party landed. 4f961724a2fc8e2def001992: ( 5341478005_1.jpg) 9 July 1916 Pulo Condore to Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.0, Long 103.4 [approx] 10.00am: Proceeded on patrol. 4f961724a2fc8e2def001993: ( 5341478006_0.jpg) 10 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] 3.50am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 7.15am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 8.30am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 9.30am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. 4f961724a2fc8e2def001994: ( 5341478006_1.jpg) 11 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] In am: Exercised abandon ship. Lost by accident two boats’ crutches. 4f961725a2fc8e2def001995: ( 5341478007_0.jpg) 12 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol to Pulo Condore and at sea towards the Anambas Islands. Lat 7.7, Long 106.5 [approx] 4.00am: Boarded one steamer. 8.00am: Secured alongside collier for coal. 10.10am: Finished coaling. Proceeded at 20 knots towards Anambas Is. 4f961725a2fc8e2def001996: ( 5341478007_1.jpg) 13 July 1916 At sea to patrol off Anambas Islands. Lat 2.9, Long 105.5 [approx] 4.00am: Arrived 10 miles West of Anambas Islands, reduced speed to 6 knots. Commenced patrolling slowly abeam of Anambas Islands. Noon: Course S18W. Lost overboard, forceps and litmus paper, torpedo stores. 5.40pm: Altered course S25W. 4f961725a2fc8e2def001997: ( 5341478008_0.jpg) 14 July 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 2.00am: Horsburgh abeam, altered course S79W. 6.30am: Arrived at Singapore. Alongside wharf coaling and watering ship. 10.30am: Slipped and proceeded to secure to buoy inside breakwater. 4f961726a2fc8e2def001998: ( 5341478008_1.jpg) 15 July 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961726a2fc8e2def001999: ( 5341478009_0.jpg) 16 July 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Landed church party. 4f961727a2fc8e2def00199a: ( 5341478009_1.jpg) 17 July 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship. 4f961727a2fc8e2def00199b: ( 5341478010_0.jpg) 18 July 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting and cleaning ship. 4f961727a2fc8e2def00199c: ( 5341478010_1.jpg) 19 July 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands cleaning and painting ship and stocktaking ammunition. 4f961728a2fc8e2def00199d: ( 5341478011_0.jpg) 20 July 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands variously employed. 4f961728a2fc8e2def00199e: ( 5341478011_1.jpg) 21 July 1916 Singapore and at sea for Pulo Obi. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.30pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded, Northerly courses. 4f961728a2fc8e2def00199f: ( 5341478012_0.jpg) 22 July 1916 At sea to Pulo Obi. Lat 6.8, Long 104.1 [approx] 11.00pm: Arrived on patrol. 4f961729a2fc8e2def0019a0: ( 5341478012_1.jpg) 23 July 1916 Pulo Obi patrol to Pulo Condore. Lat 8.5, Long 105.2 [approx] 8.00am: HMS Cornwall arrived. Proceeded to Pulo Condore. Lost overboard Detonator Mark III 4.20pm: Anchored in NE Bay in 3 fathoms of water. 4f961729a2fc8e2def0019a1: ( 5341478013_0.jpg) 24 July 1916 Pulo Condore to Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 8.5, Long 104.0 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 3.50pm: Man and arm ship, boarded Norwegian steamer. 4f961729a2fc8e2def0019a2: ( 5341478013_1.jpg) 25 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.08, Long 104.46 [approx] In am: Overhauled, cleaned and painted torpedoes’ collision heads. Lost overboard, torpedo pin spanner. 1.00pm: Man and arm ship, boarded British steamer. 4f96172aa2fc8e2def0019a3: ( 5341478014_0.jpg) 26 July 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol to Pulo Condore. Lat 8.4, Long 104.9 [approx] 4.20pm: Anchored in SW Bay. Leave to recreation party until sunset. 4f96172aa2fc8e2def0019a4: ( 5341478014_1.jpg) 27 July 1916 Pulo Condore. Lat 8.66, Long 106.56 Hands scrubbing and painting ship’s side. 4f96172aa2fc8e2def0019a5: ( 5341478015_0.jpg) 28 July 1916 Pulo Condore. Lat 8.66, Long 106.56 4.00pm: All available hands landed for route march. 6.00pm: All men returned. 4f96172ba2fc8e2def0019a6: ( 5341478015_1.jpg) 29 July 1916 Pulo Condore. Lat 8.72, Long 106.65 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to NE Bay. Secured alongside HMS Cornwall and received 16 tons of coal. 2.15pm: Finished coaling. Slipped and proceeded to Great East Bay. 3.40pm: Anchored in 4 fathoms 1.5 shackles of cable. 4f96172ba2fc8e2def0019a7: ( 5341478016_0.jpg) 30 July 1916 Pulo Condore and at sea for Saigon. Lat 8.72, Long 106.65 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 7.00pm: Course N14E, 110 revs. 4f96172ba2fc8e2def0019a8: ( 5341478016_1.jpg) 31 July 1916 At sea to Saigon Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 6.30am: Stopped off Cape St James and received pilot. Proceeded up river. 11.00am: Secured alongside quay. 11.30am: Commenced coaling. 2.00pm: Finished coaling. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1916 [Saigon, patrol, Saigon, Singapore, Banka Straits, Singapore] 4f96172ca2fc8e2def0019a9: ( 5341478017_0.jpg) 1 August 1916 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 6.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 8.30am: Hands scrub canvas gear. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Leave to watch until 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Calm at first, temperature 94ºF at 8.00am, then SSW wind f3 bringing slightly cooler weather in pm, with rain at midnight. 4f96172ca2fc8e2def0019aa: ( 5341478017_1.jpg) 2 August 1916 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Make and mend. 4f96172ca2fc8e2def0019ab: ( 5341478018_0.jpg) 3 August 1916 Saigon and at sea for Pulo Condore. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 12.05pm: Pilot on board. Slipped from wharf and proceeded. 5.00pm: Stopped and landed pilot. Course S10W. 4f96172da2fc8e2def0019ac: ( 5341478018_1.jpg) 4 August 1916 At sea to Pulo Condore and on patrol. Lat 8.67, Long 106.61 7.20am: Anchored in GE Bay in 10 fathoms, veered 2.5 shackles. 2.25pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol. 6.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. Found one bag of mails and proceeded with same to Cape St James. 4f96172da2fc8e2def0019ad: ( 5341478019_0.jpg) 5 August 1916 On patrol. Lat 9.0, Long 106.4 [approx] 7.00am: Handed over bag of mails to French TBD. Proceeded on patrol. 1.55pm: Man and arm ship, boarded SS Brisbane. 4f96172da2fc8e2def0019ae: ( 5341478019_1.jpg) 6 August 1916 On patrol: Lat 8.3, Long 104.6 [approx] 10.20am: Received order from HMS Cornwall to proceed to Saigon. Proceeded. 4f96172ea2fc8e2def0019af: ( 5341478020_0.jpg) 7 August 1916 At sea to Saigon Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 10.10am: Secured alongside quay, Saigon. 1.00pm: Started coaling. 3.00pm: Finished. 9.00pm: Pilot on board. Slipped from wharf and proceeded down river. 4f96172ea2fc8e2def0019b0: ( 5341478020_1.jpg) 8 August 1916 Saigon river and anchored off Cape St James. Lat 10.31, Long 107.08 2.00am: Anchored off Cape St James in 6 fathoms. Veered 2 shackles. 11.25am: Armed guard belonging to HMS Cornwall arrived on board. 4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course S8W. 4f96172ea2fc8e2def0019b1: ( 5341478021_0.jpg) 9 August 1916 At sea towards Singapore. Lat 7.0, Long 106.0 [approx] Course S13W all day. 4f96172fa2fc8e2def0019b2: ( 5341478021_1.jpg) 10 August 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 2.00pm: Secured alongside quay, Singapore. Coaled ship. Received 10 ratings from HMS Minerva. 4.00pm: Secured to buoy. 9.00pm: Mr Savage, Gunner, discharged to hospital. 4f96172fa2fc8e2def0019b3: ( 5341478022_0.jpg) 11 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Discharged 5 ratings to HMS Minerva. 4f96172fa2fc8e2def0019b4: ( 5341478022_1.jpg) 12 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Make and mend. 4f961730a2fc8e2def0019b5: ( 5341478023_0.jpg) 13 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f961730a2fc8e2def0019b6: ( 5341478023_1.jpg) 14 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 3.15pm: Discharged POs Langtry and Elvey to HMS Minerva. Received 21 packages stores. 4f961730a2fc8e2def0019b7: ( 5341478024_0.jpg) 15 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship. 4f961731a2fc8e2def0019b8: ( 5341478024_1.jpg) 16 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship. Three Chinese Stokers joined ship. 4f961731a2fc8e2def0019b9: ( 5341478025_0.jpg) 17 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship. 4f961731a2fc8e2def0019ba: ( 5341478025_1.jpg) 18 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Make and mend. 4f961732a2fc8e2def0019bb: ( 5341478026_0.jpg) 19 August 1916 Singapore and at sea for Banka Straits patrol. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.00pm: Slipped from buoy to secure alongside quay. Received 15 tons of coal and landed empties. 1.30pm: Secured alongside Quay 3.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea, course N89E. 8.00pm: Altered course S73E. 4f961732a2fc8e2def0019bc: ( 5341478026_1.jpg) 20 August 1916 At sea to Banka Straits patrol. Lat 1.54, Long 105.05 8.00pm: Arrived on patrol, speed as requisite. 4f961733a2fc8e2def0019bd: ( 5341478027_0.jpg) 21 August 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.4 [approx] Hands engaged in cleaning torpedoes and spare parts. 4f961733a2fc8e2def0019be: ( 5341478027_1.jpg) 22 August 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.4 [approx] Carried out .303 and .45 aiming rifle practice. Sponging out and cleaning guns. 4f961733a2fc8e2def0019bf: ( 5341478028_0.jpg) 23 August 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.4 [approx] 9.30am: Carried out Gunlayer’s test. 6 rounds fired from each gun. One misfire, thrown overboard. Cleaning guns and cylinders. 10.00pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one Dutch steamer. 4f961734a2fc8e2def0019c0: ( 5341478028_1.jpg) 24 August 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.4 [approx] 1.30am: Man and arm ship, boarded one Dutch steamer. Hands mustering and stocktaking stores and mess traps. 4f961734a2fc8e2def0019c1: ( 5341478029_0.jpg) 25 August 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -3.2, Long 106.4 [approx] 3.50am: Man and arm ship, boarded one steamer. Hands stock taking stores. 9.00pm: Man and arm ship boarded Dutch steamer. 4f961734a2fc8e2def0019c2: ( 5341478029_1.jpg) 26 August 1916 Banka Straits and at sea towards Singapore. Lat -3.2, Long 106.4 [approx] Noon: Proceeded for Singapore. 4f961735a2fc8e2def0019c3: ( 5341478030_0.jpg) 27 August 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.30am: Horsburgh abeam 1 mile, altered course S78W. 8.00am: Arrived Singapore. Received coal and water. Secured to buoy. 4f961735a2fc8e2def0019c4: ( 5341478030_1.jpg) 28 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands scrubbing ship’s side. In pm: Make and mend. 4f961735a2fc8e2def0019c5: ( 5341478031_0.jpg) 29 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961736a2fc8e2def0019c6: ( 5341478031_1.jpg) 30 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961736a2fc8e2def0019c7: ( 5341478032_0.jpg) 31 August 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Two Berthon boats afloat for test and cleaning. 1.00pm: Hands received payment. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1916 [Singapore and patrols in Rhio Straits and Malacca Straits] 4f961736a2fc8e2def0019c8: ( 5341478032_1.jpg) 1 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.00am: Hands clean ship. Quarters. Clean guns. 8.30am: Hands employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Make and mend. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Leave to watch until 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light winds, dry, temperatures in the 80 to 92ºF range. 4f961737a2fc8e2def0019c9: ( 5341478033_0.jpg) 2 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea. 4f961738a2fc8e2def0019ca: ( 5341478033_1.jpg) 3 September 1916 At sea to Rhio Straits patrol. Lat 0.83, Long 104.33 [approx] 4.00am: Arrived on patrol at Rhio Straits. 9.45pm: Man and arm ship, boarded one Dutch steamer. 4f961738a2fc8e2def0019cb: ( 5341478034_0.jpg) 4 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.30am: Alongside quay, Singapore. Commenced coaling. AB J Buck discharged to hospital. 11.00am: Finished coaling. Slipped and proceeded to buoy. 4f961738a2fc8e2def0019cc: ( 5341478034_1.jpg) 4f961739a2fc8e2def0019cd: ( 5341478035_0.jpg) 4f961739a2fc8e2def0019ce: ( 5341478035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – SEPTEMBER 5TH 1916 TO NOVEMBER 6TH 1916 4f961739a2fc8e2def0019cf: ( 5341479001_0.jpg) 4f96173aa2fc8e2def0019d0: ( 5341479001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f96173aa2fc8e2def0019d1: ( 5341479002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f96173aa2fc8e2def0019d2: ( 5341479002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures. 4f96173ba2fc8e2def0019d3: ( 5341479003_0.jpg) Blank. 4f96173ba2fc8e2def0019d4: ( 5341479003_1.jpg) 5 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands scrubbing ship’s side. 4f96173ca2fc8e2def0019d5: ( 5341479004_0.jpg) 6 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Lost overboard by accident, one boiler clamp. 4f96173ca2fc8e2def0019d6: ( 5341479004_1.jpg) 7 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands cleaning and painting dinghy and whaler. 4f96173ca2fc8e2def0019d7: ( 5341479005_0.jpg) 8 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Two Wireless Officers from Fort Canning working at wireless. 4f96173da2fc8e2def0019d8: ( 5341479005_1.jpg) 9 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands cleaning and oiling torpedoes. 4f96173da2fc8e2def0019d9: ( 5341479006_0.jpg) 10 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f96173da2fc8e2def0019da: ( 5341479006_1.jpg) 11 September 1916 Singapore and at sea. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Two Wireless operating officers from Fort Canning on board. 5.05pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded, speed 15 knots. 4f96173ea2fc8e2def0019db: ( 5341479007_0.jpg) 12 September 1916 At sea to Rhio Straits patrol. Lat 0.83, Long 104.33 [approx] 9.00am: Arrived on patrol, Rhio Straits. 10.00am: Boarded SS Esmeralda. 11.00am: Boarded SS Indragarri [?]. 8.05pm: Observed light bearing NxE½E. Engines half speed ahead. 8.35pm: Collided with steamer Soon Nan. 8.40pm: Collision mat placed in position and damage temporary [sic) fixed. 4f96173ea2fc8e2def0019dc: ( 5341479007_1.jpg) 13 September 1916 Lat 0.7, Long 103.7 [approx] 9.31am: CERA Thomas Muir Frame, ON 268826, accidentally shot in the shoulder by AB Percy H Kingsman ON J 3828. First aid successfully administered. 2.00pm: Held inquiry re shooting of CERA Frame. 3.32pm: Stopped engines. Let go anchor and 2 shackles in 9 fathoms of water. 7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, revs 108. 10.40pm: Anchored in Examination Anchorage off Singapore. 4f96173ea2fc8e2def0019dd: ( 5341479008_0.jpg) 14 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded into Singapore. 7.05am: Secured in Victoria drydock. Discharged CERA Frame to hospital. One pillow and cover which was used for injured man destroyed. 4f96173fa2fc8e2def0019de: ( 5341479008_1.jpg) 15 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.00am: Hands employed landing after gun and mounting. Hands transferring stores from store to shore lock-up. Inquiry held on board by Captain and Commander of HMS Cornwall into shooting of CERA Frame. 4f96173fa2fc8e2def0019df: ( 5341479009_0.jpg) 16 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Scraping and painting tail shafts and polishing propellers. 4f96173fa2fc8e2def0019e0: ( 5341479009_1.jpg) 17 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.00pm: All dockyard workmen out of ship. 4f961740a2fc8e2def0019e1: ( 5341479010_0.jpg) 18 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.00am: Three hands landed for board of enquiry on board HMS Cornwall. Seaman POs instructed on WS aut. pistol [Webley & Scott]. AB Buck rejoined ship from hospital. Received six packages of Paymaster's stores from SHB [probably Singapore Harbour Board]. Flag at half mast from 3.30 till 5.00pm. [For the funeral of Private Maurice A Goddard, RMLI, 11777 (Ply), late of HMS Cornwall.] 4f961740a2fc8e2def0019e2: ( 5341479010_1.jpg) 19 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Discharged Sub Lt J McCall to hospital. PO Kirby joined ship. 4f961740a2fc8e2def0019e3: ( 5341479011_0.jpg) 20 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Seaman POs received instruction in Webley Scott Automatic pistol. PO Ic A Cottis discharged for passage to Hong Kong. 4f961741a2fc8e2def0019e4: ( 5341479011_1.jpg) 21 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961741a2fc8e2def0019e5: ( 5341479012_0.jpg) 22 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Overhauled cleaned and oiled port bower wire for anchor. Mr Whitworth RN joined ship. 4f961741a2fc8e2def0019e6: ( 5341479012_1.jpg) 23 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.00am: Lt RN Marshall RNR joined ship [to take command]. Lt Spencer RNR discharged to HMS Cornwall. 4f961742a2fc8e2def0019e7: ( 5341479013_0.jpg) 24 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.00am: S/Lt McCall rejoined from hospital. 4f961742a2fc8e2def0019e8: ( 5341479013_1.jpg) 25 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.10am: Commenced flooding dock. 5.30am: Ship afloat. 6.55am: Proceeded out of dock and secured alongside wharf. 10.15am: Coal lighter alongside and commenced coaling. 12.50pm: Finished coaling. 6.00pm: Armed boarding party of HMS Diana joined ship. 4f961743a2fc8e2def0019e9: ( 5341479014_0.jpg) 26 September 1916 Singapore to Brothers patrol. Lat 1.43, Long 103.3 [approx] 6.15am: Slipped and proceeded through Keppel Harbour to patrol off Brothers. 10.00am: Took over patrol from Japanese cruiser. 4f961743a2fc8e2def0019ea: ( 5341479014_1.jpg) 27 September 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.43, Long 103.3 [approx] 6.15am: Boarded British SS Kaiping. 9.00pm: Boarded steamer. 4f961743a2fc8e2def0019eb: ( 5341479015_0.jpg) 28 September 1916 Brothers patrol. Lat 1.43, Long 103.3 [approx] 3.00am: Boarded Dutch steamer. 4f961744a2fc8e2def0019ec: ( 5341479015_1.jpg) 29 September 1916 Patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.43, Long 103.3 [approx] Fitted new bottom line for collision mat. 1.30pm: Boarded Dutch SS Schouten. Placed armed guard on board her to Singapore for examination. 5.35pm: Secured to wharf and commenced coaling. Returned 21 empties. 7.00pm: Finished coaling, 21 tons. 11.59pm: AG returned from SS Schouten. 4f961744a2fc8e2def0019ed: ( 5341479016_0.jpg) 30 September 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands storing ship and taking in provisions. 12.40pm: Slipped and proceeded to buoy. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1916 [Singapore, Jambre Bay, Banka Straits, Singapore, Gaspar Straits, Singapore] 4f961744a2fc8e2def0019ee: ( 5341479016_1.jpg) 1 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.00am: Hands clean ship. Quarters and clean guns. 9.15am: Divisions and prayers. Noon: HMS City of London arrived. 1.30pm: Leave to 1st Watch to 7.00am. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light SE’ly winds, clear and dry, max. temperature 94ºF at noon. 4f961745a2fc8e2def0019ef: ( 5341479017_0.jpg) 2 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed cleaning and overhauling torpedoes. Hands received monthly payment. 4f961745a2fc8e2def0019f0: ( 5341479017_1.jpg) 3 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship. 4f961745a2fc8e2def0019f1: ( 5341479018_0.jpg) 4 October 1916 Singapore and at sea towards patrol area. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 PO W Bennet discharged to HMS Diana on sick list. Noon: Slipped and proceeded to sea. 12.40pm: Reak Is, a/c S47W. 3.40pm: Melville abeam. a/c S12E. 6.15pm: Middle Brother abeam, a/c S41E. 4f961746a2fc8e2def0019f2: ( 5341479018_1.jpg) 5 October 1916 At sea to Jambre* Bay. Lat -0.7, Long 104.0 [approx] 2.10am: P Muche Lt abeam, 4 miles. 4.20am: Arrived on patrol. Stopped engines. Hands overhauling whaler and dinghy falls, oars, etc. * Jambre or Jambi, on the East coast of Sumatra. 4f961746a2fc8e2def0019f3: ( 5341479019_0.jpg) 6 October 1916 Jambre Bay patrol. Lat -0.7, Long 104.0 [approx] Torpedo collision heads overhauled, cleaned and painted. 6.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded Dutch SS Van Hogendorp in pos. 0 56S, 104 03E. Steamed east 8 miles to position off Berhala LH*. * Not to be confused with the light on Pulau Berhala in the Strait of Malacca. 4f961746a2fc8e2def0019f4: ( 5341479019_1.jpg) 7 October 1916 Jambre Bay to Banka Straits. Lat -0.98, Long 104.47 9.30am: Man and arm ship, boarded Dutch SS Loudon in position 0 51S, 104 19E. 10.15am: Boarded British SS Rajah. No mails or passengers. 11.28am: Proceeded S48E, 10 knots. 1.04pm: Berhala Lt bg N33W, a/c S33E. 7.30pm: Stopped engines, Tanjung Ula bg S44E, Kalien pass bg S22E. 8.30pm: Boarded British SS Ben Whatt in position 1 53S, 105 07E. Lost by accident, one tompion for 12 pounder gun. 4f961747a2fc8e2def0019f5: ( 5341479020_0.jpg) 8 October 1916 Banka Straits patrol. Lat -1.84, Long 104.84 [approx] [Long 105 50E in log, clear error] 4.15am: Signalled Dutch SS Alting, Pallembang to Singapore. 1.00pm: Signalled Dutch SS Rhumpias 5.20pm: Kalien Pass Lt abeam, 4 miles a/c S52E. 10.20pm: Boarded Dutch SS Van Lansberge in position 2 08S, 105 05E. 10.35pm: Course N11W, speed 12 knots. 11.28pm: Tanjong Ular abeam, 5 miles. 11.45pm: A/c N28W. 4f961747a2fc8e2def0019f6: ( 5341479020_1.jpg) 9 October 1916 Banka Straits to Jambre Bay. Lat -0.58, Long 103.75 4.55am: Barhala Lt bg NW, a/c N65W. 8.38am: Pulo Muche abeam 11.5 miles. 10.00am: Arrived on patrol. Exercised general quarters. 4.35pm: Boarded Dutch SS Indragarre in position 0 28S, 103 49E. 6.36pm: Muche I. abeam, 17 miles. 7.15pm: A/c N2E. 10.55pm: A/c N15W. 4f961747a2fc8e2def0019f7: ( 5341479021_0.jpg) 10 October 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.30am: Boarded British SS Quarry. 4.25am: Melville Reef Lt abeam, 1 mile. 6.53am: Round I. abeam, 0.5 miles, a/c N40E. 7.36am: Raffles Lt 2 miles, a/c N60E. 9.35am: Secured alongside No 7 wharf. Received 53 tons coal. 12.25pm: Slipped and proceeded to secure to buoy inside breakwater. 4f961748a2fc8e2def0019f8: ( 5341479021_1.jpg) 11 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.00pm: CERA Frame rejoined ship from hospital. 4f961748a2fc8e2def0019f9: ( 5341479022_0.jpg) 12 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: 12 pdr magazine and shell room cleaned and restowed. Whaler’s falls renewed. 3.45pm: Funeral party landed [for the funeral of Ldg Sig. William Maddocks, 236135, late of HMS Diana]. 4.30pm: Colours half mast. 5.30pm: Colours hoisted. 6.50pm: Funeral party returned. 4f961749a2fc8e2def0019fa: ( 5341479022_1.jpg) 13 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed cleaning and restowing 6 pdr magazine. 4f961749a2fc8e2def0019fb: ( 5341479023_0.jpg) 14 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Dinghy’s falls renewed. Medicine chest replenished at Tanglin hospital and delivered on board. 4f96174aa2fc8e2def0019fc: ( 5341479023_1.jpg) 15 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f96174aa2fc8e2def0019fd: ( 5341479024_0.jpg) 16 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.35pm: HMS Cornwall arrived. PO Bennet rejoined ship from hospital. 4f96174aa2fc8e2def0019fe: ( 5341479024_1.jpg) 17 October 1916 Singapore and at sea. Lat 1.10, Long 104.20 9.00am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded. 9.20am: Course EbyS, 10 knots. 10.45am: Course as requisite for entering Rhio Straits. 11.40am: Pan Reef abeam, altered course S5E. 12.20pm: Po San abeam. 1.05pm: Steering gear broke down, went into hand steering. 2.35pm: Steering gear repaired. 3.34pm: Pulo Sankel, altered course S44E. 4.00pm: Little Karas I. abeam, S41E. 11.50pm: Man and arm ship, boarded SS Baund, Batavia [now Jakarta] to Singapore in position 0 10S, 105 13E. 18 October 1916 The scan for this page is missing. The noon location is estimated by me, using information from the preceding and following days and Journey Plotter, Ed. At sea. Lat -0.53, Long 105.59 [approx] 4f96174ba2fc8e2def0019ff: ( 5341479025_0.jpg) 19 October 1916 At sea. Lat -1.29, Long 106.32 1.20am: Reduced to 4 knots and a/c SbyE for heavy squall. Various courses and speeds in squally weather. 8.05am: Pulo Laut abeam, 3.5 miles, a/c S51E. 6.00pm: A/c S39E. 9.00pm: Lengkuas Lt [Langkuas in log] bg S36E, a/c S36E. 11.03pm: On patrol. Reduced to 4 knots, Lengkuas Light bg S82E, 16.5 miles. 4f96174ba2fc8e2def001a00: ( 5341479025_1.jpg) 20 October 1916 Gaspar Straits patrol. Lat -2.43, Long 107.50 In am: Slow speeds and various courses patrolling. 2.00pm: Lengkuas Lt bg South, stopped engines. 3.20pm: Course East, 10 knots. 5.10pm: Signalled Japanese SS Keichen Maru. 7.05pm: Stopped. Lengkuas Light bg S16W. 4f96174ba2fc8e2def001a01: ( 5341479026_0.jpg) 21 October 1916 Gaspar and Carimatta Straits patrol Lat -2.25, Long 107.89 DR 1.05am: Stopped, Lengkuas Lt bg S7W. Frequent rain squalls 9.15am: Course SWbyW 4 knots. 10.45am: Altered course N67E, speed 10 knots. Frequent rain squalls. 6.45pm: Signalled Dutch SS Maetsuijcker [Maetjsucker in log], Singapore to Makassa. 6.50pm: Slow, a/c West. 4f96174ca2fc8e2def001a02: ( 5341479026_1.jpg) 22 October 1916 Carimatta Straits. Lat -1.8, Long 108.79 8.00am: Man and arm ship, boarded British SS St Patrick, Saigon to Sourabaya, in position 1 52S, 108 47E. 6.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded SS Senang in position 1 48S, 108 47E. 8.30pm: Man and arm ship, boarded SS Elout, Sourabaya to Singapore. 4f96174ca2fc8e2def001a03: ( 5341479027_0.jpg) 23 October 1916 Carimatta Straits. Lat -1.74, Long 108.94 3.05am: Signalled SS Hang Sang. 3.40am: Proceeded to anchorage. 7.00am: Secured alongside SS Hang Sang and commenced coaling. 11.30am: Finished coaling, 42 tons. 1.05pm: Slipped from SS Hang Sang and proceeded, course West. 3.55pm: Signalled British SS Strathord, Singapore to Fremantle. 4f96174ca2fc8e2def001a04: ( 5341479027_1.jpg) 24 October 1916 Gaspar Straits. Lat -2.67, Long 107.5 DR 4.25am: Sighted Lengkuas Lt, bg South. Various courses and speeds on patrol. 11.20am: Man and arm ship, boarded SS Speilman in position 2 40S, 107 30E. 5.20pm: Stopped engines. 4f96174da2fc8e2def001a05: ( 5341479028_0.jpg) 25 October 1916 Gaspar Straits. Lat -2.64, Long 107.49 Speeds 3-4 knots, various courses patrolling. 6.00am: Stopped engines. 10.40am: Course SSE, speed 4 knots. 11.40am: Stopped engines. Speeds 6-8 knots, various courses patrolling. 9.00pm: Stopped engines. Let go starboard anchor and 3 shackles of cable in 8.5 fathoms of water. Rocky Point S14E (m), Po Jeleka S59E (m). 4f96174da2fc8e2def001a06: ( 5341479028_1.jpg) 26 October 1916 Gaspar Straits and Northwards towards Singapore. Lat -2.59, Long 107.02 DR 10.25am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, course N36E. 1.05pm: Gaspar Island abeam, 2.5 miles, altered course N43E. 5.30pm: A/c N5W. 4f96174da2fc8e2def001a07: ( 5341479029_0.jpg) 27 October 1916 At sea. Lat 0.08, Long 107.47 DR 1.15am: Man and arm ship, boarded Dutch SS Neute in position 1 00S, 107 15E. 6.45am: Pajastan Island N13W, a/c N13W. 9.30am: Stopped engines. 10.00am: Course East, 10 knots. 12.40pm: A/c N72W. 4.10pm: A/c N66W. 4f96174ea2fc8e2def001a08: ( 5341479029_1.jpg) 28 October 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.15am: Bracket Rocks abeam. 8.10am: Horsburgh abeam, a/c S76W. 9.55am: Stopped off Fort Canning. 10.05am: Proceeded through Keppel Harbour, secured alongside and commenced coaling Received stores from Hong Kong. 3.05pm: Proceeded to buoy inside breakwater. One Stoker belonging to HMS Diana arrived on board, under escort from detention barracks. 4f96174ea2fc8e2def001a09: ( 5341479030_0.jpg) 29 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f96174ea2fc8e2def001a0a: ( 5341479030_1.jpg) 30 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Singapore harbour board workmen arrived on board, laying corticine and making good defects. Hands dismounting No 1 starboard 6 pdr and painting the side. Discharged one Stoker to HMS Diana. Sounding machine overhauled and oiled. 4f96174fa2fc8e2def001a0b: ( 5341479031_0.jpg) 31 October 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.00am: Dressed ship [for the birthday of the Emperor of Japan]. Dockyard workmen on board laying corticine. No 1 port gun stripped and overhauled. Torpedoes overhauled and cleaned. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1916 [Singapore, Labuan and Jesselton] 4f96174fa2fc8e2def001a0c: ( 5341479031_1.jpg) 1 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.00am: Hands clean ship. Quarters. Clean guns. Dockyard workmen laying corticine. No 2 starboard gun stripped and overhauled. Torpedo collision heads overhauled and painted. 1.30pm: Hands received monthly payment. Make and mend. Leave to watch until 11.00pm. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light SW’ly winds, dry but cloudy, high temperature 91ºF at 4.00pm. 4f96174fa2fc8e2def001a0d: ( 5341479032_0.jpg) 2 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 No 2 port 6 pdr stripped and overhauled. Dockyard workmen employed laying corticine. Downton pump tried and found correct. 4f961750a2fc8e2def001a0e: ( 5341479032_1.jpg) 3 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.00am: HMS Diana sailed. Spirits mustered and found correct. 4f961750a2fc8e2def001a0f: ( 5341479033_0.jpg) 4 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Dockyard workmen employed on defects. 4f961751a2fc8e2def001a10: ( 5341479033_1.jpg) 5 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f961751a2fc8e2def001a11: ( 5341479034_0.jpg) 6 November 1916 Singapore and at sea. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 12.40am: Received letter from Fort Canning. Dockyard workmen employed on defects. Hands preparing for sea. 1.45pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded. 2.30pm: A/c N84E. 4.55pm: Horsburgh Light abeam, a/c N15E. 10.12pm: Auor Island [presumably Pulau Aur] abeam, 6 miles, altered course N59E. reduced to 12 knots. 4f961751a2fc8e2def001a12: ( 5341479034_1.jpg) 4f961752a2fc8e2def001a13: ( 5341479035_0.jpg) 4f961752a2fc8e2def001a14: ( 5341479035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – NOVEMBER 7TH 1916 TO JANUARY 7TH 1917 4f961753a2fc8e2def001a15: ( 5341480001_0.jpg) 4f961753a2fc8e2def001a16: ( 5341480001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961754a2fc8e2def001a17: ( 5341480002_0.jpg)ç Blank. 4f961754a2fc8e2def001a18: ( 5341480002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures. 4f961754a2fc8e2def001a19: ( 5341480003_0.jpg) Blank. 4f961755a2fc8e2def001a1a: ( 5341480003_1.jpg) 7 November 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.97, Long 104.78 2.00am: Man and arm ship, boarded SS van Spilbergen in position 2 42N, 105 16E. Took off one bag mails for censoring. 3.10am: Course N3E, 10 knots. 5.35am: Man and arm ship, boarded SS Diva in position 5 12N, 105 30E. Took off one bag of mails for censoring. 7.07am: Course S27W, 10 knots. 10.40am: Aor I. abeam, 24 miles. 2.00pm: A/c S13W. 2.50pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile, a/c WbyS. 5.00pm: Handed over two bags of mails for censoring to Examination Service, Singapore. Proceeded to coaling wharf. 6.30pm: Finished coaling. Draft for’d 7’ 2”, aft 7’, 7”. 4f961755a2fc8e2def001a1b: ( 5341480004_0.jpg) 8 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.00am: Slipped from wharf and proceeded to secure to buoy inside breakwater. Dockyard workmen employed on defects 4f961756a2fc8e2def001a1c: ( 5341480004_1.jpg) 9 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Dockyard workmen employed on defects Hands at rifle exercise. 4f961756a2fc8e2def001a1d: ( 5341480005_0.jpg) 10 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Dockyard workmen employed on defects 4f961756a2fc8e2def001a1e: ( 5341480005_1.jpg) 11 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961757a2fc8e2def001a1f: ( 5341480006_0.jpg) 12 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f961757a2fc8e2def001a20: ( 5341480006_1.jpg) 13 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Prepared ship for action and exercised general quarters. 4f961757a2fc8e2def001a21: ( 5341480007_0.jpg) 14 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Gun crews exercised at loading and deflection teacher. Torpedoes cleaned and overhauled. One Stoker from detention joined ship to await HMS Diana. 4f961758a2fc8e2def001a22: ( 5341480007_1.jpg) 15 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Dockyard workmen employed on defects. 4f961758a2fc8e2def001a23: ( 5341480008_0.jpg) 16 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 5.15pm: HMS City of London anchored in Roads. 4f961758a2fc8e2def001a24: ( 5341480008_1.jpg) 17 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Exercised landing every available man with marching kit. 4f961759a2fc8e2def001a25: ( 5341480009_0.jpg) 18 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961759a2fc8e2def001a26: ( 5341480009_1.jpg) 19 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961759a2fc8e2def001a27: ( 5341480010_0.jpg) 20 November 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sounding machine overhauled and oiled. Spirits mustered and found correct. 4f96175aa2fc8e2def001a28: ( 5341480010_1.jpg) 21 November 1916 Singapore and at sea. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 2.00pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded. Course N68E, 8 knots. 5.00pm: A/c N78E. 7.20pm: Horsburgh abeam, 1 mile. 9.05pm: Horsburgh bg S80W, increased to 11 knots. 4f96175aa2fc8e2def001a29: ( 5341480011_0.jpg) 22 November 1916 At sea. Lat 1.63, Long 107.10 7.20am: Victory Island, 1 mile, altered course N78E. 8.00am: Barren Island, 5 miles. Lost by accident, one sounding lead, complete with wire. 11.05am: Mendarik Island [Pulau Mendarik] abeam, 10 miles. 8.59pm: St Pierre Island Light abeam 2 miles, altered course N86E. 11.20pm: St Pierre dipped, bearing S85W. 11.36pm: A/c N62E. 4f96175ba2fc8e2def001a2a: ( 5341480011_1.jpg) 23 November 1916 At sea. Lat 2.75, Long 110.89 3.00am: A/c N70W. 5.30am: Tanjung Datu bearing S8W, 14 miles. 1.00pm: A/c N55E. 2.15pm: C Sirik [Tanjung Sirik, Sirak in log] abeam, 7 miles. 4f96175ba2fc8e2def001a2b: ( 5341480012_0.jpg) 24 November 1916 At sea to Labuan. Lat 5.13, Long 114.37 8.10am: Barram Lt abeam 6 miles, a/c N60E. 11.50am: Signalled SS Chow Tai, bound to Singapore. 4.00pm: Course as requisite for entering [Victoria] harbour. 5.15pm: Anchored in 5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles of cable. 4f96175ba2fc8e2def001a2c: ( 5341480012_1.jpg) 25 November 1916 Labuan. Lat 5.27, Long 115.24 1.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 1.25pm: Secured alongside wharf. 1.45pm: Commenced coaling. 4.30pm: Finished coaling. 4f96175ca2fc8e2def001a2d: ( 5341480013_0.jpg) 26 November 1916 Labuan. Lat 5.27, Long 115.24 Sunday routine. 4f96175ca2fc8e2def001a2e: ( 5341480013_1.jpg) 27 November 1916 Labuan to Jesselton [now Kota Kinabalu]. Lat 5.82, Long 115.80 6.00am: Slipped from wharf and proceeded, courses and speeds as requisite. 6.47am: Course N7E, speed 10 knots. 8.00am: A/c N60E. 9.00 to 11.00am: Courses as requisite. 11.05am: Course N36E. 1.30pm: A/c N50E. 2.00pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 2.55pm: Anchored in 5 fathoms of water, 3 shackles of cable. 3.40pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded to secure alongside wharf. 4f96175ca2fc8e2def001a2f: ( 5341480014_0.jpg) 28 November 1916 Jesselton. Lat 6.0, Long 116.07 Hands exercised at loader. 4f96175da2fc8e2def001a30: ( 5341480014_1.jpg) 29 November 1916 Jesselton and at sea. Lat 6.35, Long 115.53 6.25am: Let go from wharf and proceeded, courses as requisite, speed 10 knots. 7.10am: Course N70W, speed 10 knots. 10.50am: Mangalum Island abeam, 5.5 miles, decreased to 6 knots. 3.00pm: Altered course S88W (Mag), decreased to 5 knots. 4.35pm: Spoke Japanese SS Haru Maru, Singapore to Kobe. 9.00pm: A/c S12E. 4f96175da2fc8e2def001a31: ( 5341480015_0.jpg) 30 November 1916 At sea. Lat 5.78, Long 114.75 1.00am: A/c S84W. 5.00pm: A/c S12E. 6.00pm: A/c SSE. 8.35pm: A/c NNW. 11.30pm: A/c SSE. The log reports a heavy confused swell throughout the day. In the afternoon, visibility is poor, with mist and cloud and heavy rain at times, so the lead is in use. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1916 [Labuan, Singapore, Pulo Condore, Cape St James and patrolling Gulf of Siam] 4f96175da2fc8e2def001a32: ( 5341480015_1.jpg) 1 December 1916 At sea to Labuan. Lat 5.27, Long 115.24 2.00am: Boarded Dutch SS Arakan, Manilla to Batavia in position 5 40N, 114 17E. 4.00am: Heavy rain squalls. 6.00am: Weather misty, eased to 5 knots. 6.40am: Stopped engines. Let go anchor and 5 shackles of cable in 11 fathoms of water. 9.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Course East, speed 12 knots. 11.30am: Courses as requisite for entering Victoria harbour. 1.00pm: Secured alongside wharf and commenced coaling. 3.45pm: Heavy rain. Stopped coaling. Weather: Rain all day, heavy at times with patches of mist. Temperatures in the 80s F. 4f96175ea2fc8e2def001a33: ( 5341480016_0.jpg) 2 December 1916 Labuan. Lat 5.27, Long 115.24 6.00am: Resumed coaling. 10.00am: Finished coaling. 4f96175ea2fc8e2def001a34: ( 5341480016_1.jpg) 3 December 1916 Labuan and at sea. Lat 5.15, Long 114.74 7.45am: Slipped from wharf and proceeded. 10.25am: Little Rusukan [Pulau Rusukan Besar] N75E (Com), Pisang Hill S39E, compass course S77W. Noon: Pisang Hill S71E Keti Island S37E [Com). 12.45pm: A/c S55W. 6.30pm: A/c S65W. 4f96175fa2fc8e2def001a35: ( 5341480017_0.jpg) 4 December 1916 At sea. Lat 4.21, Long 111.45 SW’ly courses all day. Frequent rain squalls. 4f96175fa2fc8e2def001a36: ( 5341480017_1.jpg) 5 December 1916 At sea. Lat 2.87, Long 108.07 7.30am: Subi Kechil Lighthouse abeam, 4 miles, increased to 13 knots. 9.00am: Clock put back 20 minutes Three waterway scuppers washed overboard [rough seas and a f5 NW’ly]. 1.05pm: Medcie Island abeam, 9.5 miles. Lost overboard by accident 3 hand brushes, scrubbers 11.02pm: Pulo Repon abeam, 6 miles, altered course S63W. 4f96175fa2fc8e2def001a37: ( 5341480018_0.jpg) 6 December 1916 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.50am: Horsburgh Lighthouse 1 mile, altered course S81W (Comp). 10.30am: Secured alongside wharf. Commenced coaling 2.00pm: Finished coaling, 48 tons. 3.15pm: Slipped from wharf and proceeded to buoy inside breakwater. 4f961760a2fc8e2def001a38: ( 5341480018_1.jpg) 7 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands scrubbing and cleaning ship’s side. 4f961760a2fc8e2def001a39: ( 5341480019_0.jpg) 8 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 One Shipwright from HMS City of London on board making good defects. Hands painting ship’s side. 4f961760a2fc8e2def001a3a: ( 5341480019_1.jpg) 9 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship One shipwright from HMS City of London on board. 2.30pm: Hands received monthly payment. 4f961761a2fc8e2def001a3b: ( 5341480020_0.jpg) 10 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f961761a2fc8e2def001a3c: ( 5341480020_1.jpg) 11 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Gun crews at loader and deflection teacher. 4f961761a2fc8e2def001a3d: ( 5341480021_0.jpg) 12 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship. Spirits mustered and found correct. 4f961762a2fc8e2def001a3e: ( 5341480021_1.jpg) 13 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship. 320 lbs of flour surveyed and thrown overboard. 4f961762a2fc8e2def001a3f: ( 5341480022_0.jpg) 14 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands painting ship. Torpedoes overhauled. 4f961762a2fc8e2def001a40: ( 5341480022_1.jpg) 15 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands preparing torpedoes for running and testing. 12 Boys from HMS City of London received instruction. Lost overboard by accident, two brushes, hand scrubbers and one boatswain pipe, long. 4f961763a2fc8e2def001a41: ( 5341480023_0.jpg) 16 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.00am: Hands employed making preparations for running torpedoes. 8.30am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded outside breakwater. 8.45am: Training class from HMS City of London on board. Carried out torpedo practice, four runs. 11.55am: Finished, returned to berth. 12.30pm: Secured to buoy. 4f961763a2fc8e2def001a42: ( 5341480023_1.jpg) 17 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f961763a2fc8e2def001a43: ( 5341480024_0.jpg) 18 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands overhauling and cleaning torpedoes. Sounding machine overhauled and oiled. 4f961764a2fc8e2def001a44: ( 5341480024_1.jpg) 19 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.30, Long 103.90 Ldg Stoker A Bishop discharged to Tanglin hospital. 2.15pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded through Keppel Harbour, course and speeds as requisite. 4.00pm: Carried out aiming rifle and .45 practice. 5.00pm: Course N75W, speed 13 knots. 6.40pm: Let go anchor and 4 shackles of cable in 6.5 fathoms of water. Little Kerimon [Pulau Karimun Besar] bg N35W, 4f961764a2fc8e2def001a45: ( 5341480025_0.jpg) 20 December 1916 At sea for gunnery practice and Singapore. Lat 1.4, Long 103.15 [approx] 5.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 6.55am: Anchored in 7 fathoms of water. Pulo Pisang N15E, Little Kerimon, S54E. Carried out recording party for HMS City of London. 2.00pm: Carried out gunnery practice. 3.10pm: Set course S74E, speed 16 knots 6.00pm: Entered Keppel Harbour. course and speeds as requisite. 6.20pm: Secured alongside. 8.00pm: Shifted ship into wet dock. 4f961764a2fc8e2def001a46: ( 5341480025_1.jpg) 21 December 1916 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.30am: Commenced coaling. 10.10am: Finished coaling. Received 26 packages of Paymaster’s stores. 2.00pm: Slipped from wharf and proceeded inside breakwater to secure to buoy.. 4f961765a2fc8e2def001a47: ( 5341480026_0.jpg) 22 December 1916 Singapore and at sea. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Noon: Slipped from buoy and proceeded. Course S88E, speed 11 knots. 3.02pm: Horsburgh abeam, 1 mile, altered course N28E. 4f961765a2fc8e2def001a48: ( 5341480026_1.jpg) 23 December 1916 At sea towards Pulo Condore. Lat 4.52, Long 105.77 1.10am: Pulo Manka bore N52E (Com). 3.00am: Heavy rain and poor visibility. Whistle sounded. Courses East of North all day. 4f961765a2fc8e2def001a49: ( 5341480027_0.jpg) 24 December 1916 At sea to Pulo Condore. Lat 8.66, Long 106.56 11.00am: Courses and speeds as requisite for entering SW Bay Noon: Secured alongside SS Hang Sang. Coaled ship. 4.00pm: Finished coaling. Slipped from alongside collier and anchored. 4f961766a2fc8e2def001a4a: ( 5341480027_1.jpg) 25 December 1916 Pulo Condore and at sea. Lat 8.66, Long 106.56 6.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 8.00pm: Hon Bai Kan abeam, 4.5 miles, A/c N28E. 4f961766a2fc8e2def001a4b: ( 5341480028_0.jpg) 26 December 1916 At sea to Cape St James [Vung Tau]. Lat 10.32, Long 107.08 10.30am: Anchored in 6 fathoms. Exchanged usual visits with French survey vessel Manche. 2.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.30pm: Returned to port, defective fan engine. 4.10pm: Anchored off Cape St James. 4f961766a2fc8e2def001a4c: ( 5341480028_1.jpg) 27 December 1916 Cape St James and at sea. Lat 10.32, Long 107.08 3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, course South. 8.00pm: A/c S30W. 4f961767a2fc8e2def001a4d: ( 5341480029_0.jpg) 28 December 1916 At sea, Pulo Condore and Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 8.66, Long 106.56 2.00am: A/c East. 9.25am: Secured alongside SS Hang Sang in SW Bay, Pulo Condore. Coaled ship. 12.45pm: Slipped and proceeded, course S80W. 3.33pm: Brothers Is* abeam, 1.75 miles, a/c S67W. 5.00pm: Same bg N79E. 10.00pm: Boarded British SS Hai Mun [probably Haimun] in position 8 20N, 105 10E. Received three packages of mails. * Now Hon Trung Is. 4f961767a2fc8e2def001a4e: ( 5341480029_1.jpg) 29 December 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.29, Long 103.39 [approx] 12.50am: Pulo Obi abeam, 11 miles. 6.00am: Signalled SS Changchow, Bangkok to Hong Kong. 11.40am: Slow both, took soundings in Pulo Panjang Bay. 12.35pm: Course N45W, 10 knots. 5.15pm: Boarded SS Kyodo Maru in position 9 54N, 103 05E. 10.30pm: Pulo Wai abeam, 1.5 miles, a/c N40W. 4f961767a2fc8e2def001a4f: ( 5341480030_0.jpg) 30 December 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 10.43, Long 103.13 3.30am: A/c N53E. 9.25am: Entered and sounded Saracen Bay. 10.45am: Course S51W. 12.50pm: A/c S72W. 4.00pm: A/c N42W. 5.00pm: Boarded SS Yu Shun in position 10 23N, 102 03E. 4f961768a2fc8e2def001a50: ( 5341480030_1.jpg) 31 December 1916 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 10.78, Long 102.38 3.00am: Boarded SS Skulr in position 11 26N, 104 40E. 4.00am: A/c S40E. 12.15pm: A/c S28E. 5.00pm: A/c S60E. 6.20pm: A/c S42E. 8.35pm: Pulo Wai abeam, 1 mile. 9.30pm: Set course S47E. THE VOYAGES OF HMS FAME 1917 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1917 4f961768a2fc8e2def001a51: ( 5341480031_0.jpg) 1 January 1917 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.42, Long 103.39 2.45am: Stopped engines. Pulo Panjang bg S30E. Noon: Set course ESE, 7 knots. 3.45pm: Boarded SS Diva in position 9 15N, 103 35E. Found one bag of mails. Placed armed guard aboard and sent her into Cape St James for examination. 10.30pm: Stopped engines, Pulo Panjang bg NW. 4f961768a2fc8e2def001a52: ( 5341480031_1.jpg) 2 January 1917 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 9.17, Long 103.62 4.40am: Course NW, speed 5 knots to keep position. 6.00am: Stopped, Pulo Panjang bg NW, 8 miles 12.30pm: Proceeded SW, 8 knots. 1.30pm: Boarded SS Hsinchang [presumably Hsin Chang] in position 9 05N, 103 54E. 2.15pm: Course N30W, 13 knots. 5.40pm: East Is bg N14W, 8 miles. 6.00pm: A/c S47E, 12 knots. 9.55pm: Pulo Obi Bg SebyE. 4f961769a2fc8e2def001a53: ( 5341480032_0.jpg) 3 January 1917 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 8.73, Long 106.30 1.50am: Pulo Obi abeam, 9 miles, a/c S86E. 3.25am: Pulo Obi bg N36W. 10.30am: Brothers Is [Hon Trung] abeam, 2 miles. 1.30pm: Courses for SW bay, Pulo Condore. 2.00pm: Secured to SS Hang Sang and commence coaling. 5.45pm: Finished coaling and proceeded to sea, course N26 E, 11 knots. 11.00pm: A/c N36E. 4f961769a2fc8e2def001a54: ( 5341480032_1.jpg) 4 January 1917 At sea to Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 5.30am: Cape St James Lt bg N2E. 6.15am: Stopped off Cape St James to pick up pilot. 6.40am: Proceeded up river. 11.45am: Secured to quay, Saigon. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4f961769a2fc8e2def001a55: ( 5341480033_0.jpg) 5 January 1917 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: Leave to watch till 10.00pm. 4f96176aa2fc8e2def001a56: ( 5341480033_1.jpg) 6 January 1917 Saigon Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 2.00pm: ABs Buck and Dickson broke out of ship. 6.00pm: Absentees brought on board by French guard. 6.15pm: Same escaped sentry and again broke out. 8.00pm: AB Dickson, while endeavouring to get aboard for’d, fell in and was drowned. Although four men dived in and an exhaustive search was made by whaler with grapnel, no trace of the body was found. 8.30pm: French guard arrested ABs Buck and White. 4f96176aa2fc8e2def001a57: ( 5341480034_0.jpg) 7 January 1917 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 1.30pm: Slipped and proceeded down river with pilot. 6.15pm: Dropped pilot and set course South, 10 knots. 4f96176ba2fc8e2def001a58: ( 5341480034_1.jpg) 4f96176ba2fc8e2def001a59: ( 5341480035_0.jpg) 4f96176ba2fc8e2def001a5a: ( 5341480035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. No logs for January 8TH to April 30TH 1917. HMS Fame appears to have been based in Singapore for most of the missing months. Sightings. 18th /19th January 1917, towing target for HMS Diana in the Malacca Strait. 29th January. Singapore (HMS Venus) 7th February, In harbour Singapore (HMS Cadmus) 11th February. In harbour, Singapore (Diana) 15th February, 11.30am, arrived in Singapore harbour (Diana). 28th February. Singapore harbour (Venus) 4th March. In harbour Singapore (Cadmus) 9th March. Ditto. 21st March. In harbour Singapore (Venus) 30th March. Ditto. 31st March, 2nd and 3rd April. Sighted on patrol, East of Singapore by Cadmus. She arrived in Hong Kong on the 16th April 1917 (vide log of HMS Tamar) and went into dry dock on the 19th. Her crew transferred to Tamar. LOG BOOK – MAY 1ST 1917 TO JUNE 30TH 1917 4f96176ca2fc8e2def001a5b: ( 5341481001_0.jpg) 4f96176ca2fc8e2def001a5c: ( 5341481001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f96176da2fc8e2def001a5d: ( 5341481002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f96176da2fc8e2def001a5e: ( 5341481002_1.jpg) Fuel consumption figures. 4f96176da2fc8e2def001a5f: ( 5341481003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR MAY 1917 [Hong Kong for refit, Saigon and Singapore] 4f96176ea2fc8e2def001a60: ( 5341481003_1.jpg) 1 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship’s company victualled and living aboard HMS Tamar. Vessel in drydock, refitting. Dockyard hands employed from 7.00am to 10.30pm. QMs on watch throughout. Second part of ship’s company on leave at Sanatorium, remainder employed as requisite. 4f96176ea2fc8e2def001a61: ( 5341481004_0.jpg) 2 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 As 1st May. 4f96176ea2fc8e2def001a62: ( 5341481004_1.jpg) 3 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 As 1st May. 4f96176fa2fc8e2def001a63: ( 5341481005_0.jpg) 4 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 As 1st May. 4f96176fa2fc8e2def001a64: ( 5341481005_1.jpg) 5 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 As 1st May. 4f96176fa2fc8e2def001a65: ( 5341481006_0.jpg) 6 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 As 1st May. 4f961770a2fc8e2def001a66: ( 5341481006_1.jpg) 7 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 As 1st May. 4f961770a2fc8e2def001a67: ( 5341481007_0.jpg) 8 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 As 1st May. 4f961770a2fc8e2def001a68: ( 5341481007_1.jpg) 9 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 As 1st May. 4f961771a2fc8e2def001a69: ( 5341481008_0.jpg) 10 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In dry dock as previously. Second part of ship’s company returned from Sanatorium. 4f961771a2fc8e2def001a6a: ( 5341481008_1.jpg) 11 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In dry dock as previously. 4f961772a2fc8e2def001a6b: ( 5341481009_0.jpg) 12 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Commenced flooding dry dock. Noon: Vessel afloat. 1.30pm: Proceeded to East Wall of Camber and secured alongside, assisted by HM tug Atlas. 4f961772a2fc8e2def001a6c: ( 5341481009_1.jpg) 13 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Refit continues. Diver down patching hole in bottom. 4f961772a2fc8e2def001a6d: ( 5341481010_0.jpg) 14 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Refit continues. 4f961773a2fc8e2def001a6e: ( 5341481010_1.jpg) 15 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Refit continues. Hands drawing and stowing stores. 4f961773a2fc8e2def001a6f: ( 5341481011_0.jpg) 16 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Refit continues. Hands drawing and stowing stores and fittings. 4f961773a2fc8e2def001a70: ( 5341481011_1.jpg) 17 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Refit continues. Hands ammunitioning ship. 4f961774a2fc8e2def001a71: ( 5341481012_0.jpg) 18 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Refit continues. Coaled ship. 4f961774a2fc8e2def001a72: ( 5341481012_1.jpg) 19 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Refit continues. Carried out basin trials. 4f961774a2fc8e2def001a73: ( 5341481013_0.jpg) 20 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Refit continues. 8.15am: All stores and weights on board. Vessel hauled to buoy for inclining test. 10.30am: Test complete. Moored. 1.30pm: Proceeded to No 5 buoy under own steam. Swung for compass adjustment under Cdr Gibson RN. 5.30pm: Completed adjustment and returned to Camber. 4f961775a2fc8e2def001a74: ( 5341481013_1.jpg) 21 May 1917 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: Sig. S Treat joined ship. 9.15am: Cast off and proceeded for steam trials, test gun mountings etc. Five rounds of practice firing caused two wardroom stanchions to be badly bent. 12.45pm: Returned to Camber. Let fires die out. 4f961775a2fc8e2def001a75: ( 5341481014_0.jpg) 22 May 1917 Hong Kong and at sea. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Coaled ship and prepared for sea. QM Waterson joined ship. 2.00pm: Cast off and proceeded to sea. 2.30pm: Green I. abeam, set course S16W. 3.30pm: Lighting I. abm 1 mile, a/c S26W. 4.00pm: A/c S30W, fired two rounds practice to test after 12 pdr mounting. OK. 6.55pm: Gap Rock Lt abm 4 miles, increased to 12 knots. 8.00pm: Pos. 21 25N, 113 50E. 4f961775a2fc8e2def001a76: ( 5341481014_1.jpg) 23 May 1917 At sea. Lat 19.02, Long 111.70 Course S33W till noon, then S20W. 8.00am: Pos. 19 33N, 112 15E. 10.15am: Sighted several fishing craft. 2.45pm: Stopped and boarded SS Foo Lee from Bangkok to Hong Kong. 8.00pm: Pos. 17 33N, 111 12E. 8.55pm: Stopped and investigated British SS Tung Shing, Saigon to Hong Kong. 4f961776a2fc8e2def001a77: ( 5341481015_0.jpg) 24 May 1917 At sea. Lat 14.92, Long 110.33 5.15am: Stopped and boarded SS Chiat Yek, Saigon to Hong Kong with rice. 5.35am: A/c S10W. 8.00am: Pos. 15 24N, 110 22E. 12.45pm: Stopped and investigated Br. SS Brisbane, Saigon to Hong Kong. 6.50pm: A/c S2W. 7.52pm: Po Gambir Lt bg N76W, 17 miles, a/c South. 8.00pm: Pos. 13 29N, 109 38E. 10.25pm: Stopped and boarded Nor. SS Varg, Rangoon to Hong Kong. 11.57pm: Cape Varella abeam, 7 miles. 4f961776a2fc8e2def001a78: ( 5341481015_1.jpg) 25 May 1917 At sea to Cape St James. Lat 10.88, Long 108.32 8.00am: Pos. 11 21N, 109 01E. Cap Padaran abeam, 1 mile. 1.50pm: Cape Kega Lt abeam, 0.75 miles. 6.45pm: Challenged by French TB off Cape St James and proceeded into anchorage. 7.20pm: Came to anchor in 7 fthms. 4f961776a2fc8e2def001a79: ( 5341481016_0.jpg) 26 May 1917 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 4.25am: Weighed and proceeded up river. 7.50am: Moored to jetty, Saigon. 4f961777a2fc8e2def001a7a: ( 5341481016_1.jpg) 27 May 1917 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 Coaled ship. ER staff making good defects. 4f961777a2fc8e2def001a7b: ( 5341481017_0.jpg) 28 May 1917 Saigon and at sea. Lat 9.65, Long 106.97 5.05am: Cast off and proceeded down river. 8.50am: Cape St James. Stopped to discharge pilot. 9.15am: Course S80W, 14 knots. 1.30pm: Pulo Condore bg SSW. 3.30pm: Hon Bain Lt bg S21W, 13.5 miles. 4.35pm: Po Condore Lt abeam 6 miles, a/c S12W. 6.30pm: Stopped and boarded Chinese Junk in 8 12N, 106 40E. Fired one round 12 pdr blank. 8.00pm: Pos. 7 56N, 106 35E. 4f961777a2fc8e2def001a7c: ( 5341481017_1.jpg) 29 May 1917 At sea. Lat 4.52, Long 105.94 8.00am: Pos. 5 18N, 106 07E. 4.20pm: Manki Lt bg S25E. 6.25pm: Same abeam, 23 miles. 8.00pm: Pos. 2 55N, 105 07E. 11.15pm: Pulo Aor abeam, 20 miles. 4f961778a2fc8e2def001a7d: ( 5341481018_0.jpg) 30 May 1917 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.20am: Horsburgh Lt bg S6W, a/c S50W. 5.15am: Challenged HMAS Huon. 8.30am: Received permission to enter harbour from Fort Canning. 9.45am: Secured to jetty and commenced coaling. 2.40pm: Cast off to anchor inside breakwater. 4f961778a2fc8e2def001a7e: ( 5341481018_1.jpg) 31 May 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR JUNE 1917 [Singapore, Horsburgh patrol, Brothers patrol, Pontianak patrol, Singapore] 4f961778a2fc8e2def001a7f: ( 5341481019_0.jpg) 1 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.45am: Hands clean ship. Rum mustered and found correct. 9.45am: Hands mustered for payment. Noon: HMAS Swan left anchorage for dry dock. 4.00pm: Leave to watch until 11.00pm. 5.00pm: No 6 warrant read on Stoker E Gilpin. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light Southerly winds, overcast and cloudy but dry until a thunderstorm at midnight, temperature 93ºF at noon. 4f961779a2fc8e2def001a80: ( 5341481019_1.jpg) 2 June 1917 Singapore and Horsburgh patrol. Lat 1.28, Long 104.15 3.45am: Fires lit. 9.20am: Relief crew joined ship per French mail SS Porthus [presumably Porthos is intended]. Two CPOs, three POs and 22 ratings, old crew transferred to Tanglin Barracks, 3 POs and 17 ratings. 10.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to sea. 11.50am: Stopped and transferred stores and mail to HMAS Huon. 12.10pm: Whaler with Captain returned from Huon. In pm: Courses as requisite to keep station 5 miles off Horsburgh Lt between bearings of N85E and SSW. 1.30pm: Norwegian SS Haldir passed West. 4.30pm: British SS Ksiang [?] passed East. 8.30pm: Signalled and passed in SS Kauma Maru, Bangkok to Singapore. 4f961779a2fc8e2def001a81: ( 5341481020_0.jpg) 3 June 1917 Horsburgh patrol. Lat 1.38, Long 104.47 1.45am: Stopped and examined Norwegian SS Agga, Bangkok to Singapore. 4.00am: Horsburgh Lt bg S30W, 7 miles. Stopped and examined Japanese SSs Shacki Maru and Koyo Maru, Norwegian SSs Prometheus and Hild 3.10pm: French mail SS Porthos passed East. 4.45pm: SS Flevo passed East. 7.00pm: Signalled British SS Austral Field. 7.45pm: Passed in Nor. SS Standard. Stopped and boarded Chinese SS Kwanglee Bangkok to Singapore. 4f961779a2fc8e2def001a82: ( 5341481020_1.jpg) 4 June 1917 Horsburgh patrol. Lat 1.40, Long 104.48 7.00am: Signalled British SS Waishing [possibly Wai Shing, Jardine, Matheson & Co, 1903, 1,865 tons.] 11.00am: Japanese SS Kito Maru passed East. 1.30pm: Signalled Norwegian SS Helios, Bangkok to Singapore. 8.00pm: Signalled SS Asdeny [?]. 8.45pm: Signalled Japanese SS Malay Maru, Singapore to Hong Kong. 4f96177aa2fc8e2def001a83: ( 5341481021_0.jpg) 5 June 1917 Horsburgh patrol. Lat 1.35, Long 104.45 1.30am: Passed in Siamese SS Mandow [?] 2.20am: Signalled British SS Castlefield. 5.30am: British SS Hebe passed in. 1.30pm: Chinese SS Kwanglee [presumably Kwang Lee] passed out. 5.00pm: Stopped and examined British SS Sagittarius [Sagattarius in log]. 6.30pm: Dutch SS Van Waerwijck [Van Waerwijik in log] passed out. 8.25pm: Dutch SS Singkara passed out. 8.40pm: Signalled Norwegian SS Taurus. 4f96177aa2fc8e2def001a84: ( 5341481021_1.jpg) 6 June 1917 Patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.00am: Horsburgh Lt bg N52E. 9.30am: Secured to West wharf Singapore, coaled ship, 32 tons. 11.30am: Three CPOs and five ratings discharged. 3.00pm: Left wharf to anchor in Inner Roads. 4.00pm: Warrant No 7 read on PO Leary. 4f96177aa2fc8e2def001a85: ( 5341481022_0.jpg) 7 June 1917 Singapore Inner Roads. Lat 1.265, Long 103.84 1.30pm: Escort of one Ldg Sn and one AB left ship and returned with prisoner Stoker Barry. 4f96177ba2fc8e2def001a86: ( 5341481022_1.jpg) 8 June 1917 Singapore Inner Roads. Lat 1.265, Long 103.84 Hands variously employed. 4f96177ba2fc8e2def001a87: ( 5341481023_0.jpg) 9 June 1917 Singapore to Horsburgh patrol. Lat 1.40, Long 104.50 6.15am: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 9.00am: Stopped and investigated Japanese SS’ Yrayesus Maru and Kinoto Maru. 11.00am: Stopped for boiler repairs. 12.50pm: Signalled British SS Tientsin. 3.10pm: Signalled French SS Paul Lecat. 7.00pm: Signalled British SS Keemun. 8.10pm: Signalled Dutch SS Singkep. 8.45pm: Signalled Dutch SS Horgendorp [probably van Hogendorp]. 9.50pm: Signalled British SS Recorder. 10.00pm: Signalled Japanese SS Tenpaisan Maru. [Tempaisan in log]. 4f96177ba2fc8e2def001a88: ( 5341481023_1.jpg) 10 June 1917 Horsburgh patrol. Lat 1.38, Long 104.48 1.10am: Signalled Dutch SS Merkus. 2.10am: Signalled British SS Stentor . 3.15am: Boarded Norwegian SS Skule in 1 25N, 104 23E, Bangkok to Bombay. 4.00am: Norwegian SS Produce passed in. 10.00am: Signalled Norwegian SS Helios. 10.15am: Signalled French SS Donai. 10.25am: Signalled British SS Morayshire. 11.30am: Signalled Dutch SS Batavia. 2.00pm: British SS Ban Hin Guan passed out. 7.30pm: Signalled British SS Rajah of Sarawak. 4f96177ca2fc8e2def001a89: ( 5341481024_0.jpg) 11 June 1917 Horsburgh patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 12.30am: British SS Kriang passed West, Bangkok to Singapore. 4.20am: Stopped and examined SS Donggala. 5.50am: Set course W ½ S. 9.45am: Secured to No 4 section, Singapore. Coaled ship. 1.00pm: HMS City of London left. 2.30pm: Cast off to anchor.
4f96177ca2fc8e2def001a8a: ( 5341481024_1.jpg) 12 June 1917 Singapore Roads. Lat 1.265, Long 103.84 Hands variously employed. 4f96177ca2fc8e2def001a8b: ( 5341481025_0.jpg) 13 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 5.30am: HMS Diana and a Japanese cruiser [HIJMS Yahagi, vide Diana’s log] entered roads. In pm: One AB and one Ord. Tel. joined ship. 4f96177da2fc8e2def001a8c: ( 5341481025_1.jpg) 14 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Gunlayers, sightsetters and No 2s at deflection teacher. 4f96177da2fc8e2def001a8d: ( 5341481026_0.jpg) 15 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.30am: HMS Venus arrived in roads. 4f96177da2fc8e2def001a8e: ( 5341481026_1.jpg) 16 June 1917 Singapore and Brothers patrol. Lat 0.97, Long 103.63 6.05am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.30am: Sultan Shoal LH abeam, a/c S85W. 8.00am: USS Caesar, British SS’ Physa and Kriang passed East. 10.55am: Arrived on patrol. 3.30pm: Dutch government SS passed West. 7.35pm: Pulo Pisang bg N37W, Brothers bg S28W. 8.30pm: Boarded Dutch SS Elout in 1 15.5M, 103 19.5E, Batavia to Deli. Removed 79 bags of mails. 4f96177ea2fc8e2def001a8f: ( 5341481027_0.jpg) 17 June 1917 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 12.01am: Steaming slow between Po Pisang and Brothers Lt. 5.05am: Increased speed to return to harbour. 7.40am: Secured to No 4 jetty and took in 11 tons of coal. 11.45am: Disembarked mail. 12.10pm: Cast off to anchor in the roads. 4f96177ea2fc8e2def001a90: ( 5341481027_1.jpg) 18 June 1917 Singapore and at sea towards Pontianak. Lat 1.12, Long 105.05 6.20am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.00am: Pos. 1 17N, 104 10E. 8.50am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile, a/c E by S. 1.10pm: Mapor I. bg S88W. 8.00pm: Pos. 0 21N, 105 40E. 10.00pm: Pejantan I. bg E, a/c E by N. 11.00pm: West end of same abeam, 3 miles, a/c S86E. 4f96177ea2fc8e2def001a91: ( 5341481028_0.jpg) 19 June 1917 At sea. Lat 0.10, Long 108.87 2.45am: Direction I. bg N32E. 4.45am: Pulo Datu bg E. 8.00am: Pos. 0 06N, 108 39E. 8.15am: Pulo Datu abeam, 2 miles. 11.30am: Stopped engines. 3.00pm: Pulo Datu bg N80W, Pulo Sitingan Bg N22W. 7.30pm: Boarded Dutch SS Donggola, Pontianak to Batavia, in position 0 03N, 109 03E and removed three bags of mail and one sealed package. 8.00pm: Pos. 0 03N, 109 03E. 4f96177fa2fc8e2def001a92: ( 5341481028_1.jpg) 20 June 1917 On patrol. Lat 0.07, Long 109.02 8.00am: Pos. 0 06N, 108 52E. 5.30pm: Boarded Dutch SS Markus, Pontianak to Tamblear, Rhio and Singapore in position 0 06N, 109 03E and removed one bag of mail. 6.30pm: Boarded Dutch SS Van der Cappella, Pontianak to Batavia in 0 05N, 109 03E and removed four bags, two baskets and one packet of mail. 8.00pm: Pos. 0 08N, 108 57E. 4f96177fa2fc8e2def001a93: ( 5341481029_0.jpg) 21 June 1917 At sea towards Singapore. Lat 1.20, Long 104.78 8.00am: Pos. 0 55N, 107 25E, 8.10am: Pulo Mundaga abeam 4 miles. 1.30pm: Boarded Dutch SS Elout, Singapore to Pontianak. 6.40pm: Fired one blank round. Stopped and boarded Dutch schooner Oldana, Palembang to Sembas. 8.00pm: Pos. 1 09N, 106 00E. 4f96177fa2fc8e2def001a94: ( 5341481029_1.jpg) 22 June 1917 Patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 5.30am: Pulo Aur bg N3W, a/c South. 7.55am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 2 miles. 10.30am: Secured to No 8 jetty in Keppel Harbour and commenced coaling. 12.15pm: Disembarked mail. 12.50pm: Finished coaling, 16 tons. 3.15pm: Cast off to anchor. 4f961780a2fc8e2def001a95: ( 5341481030_0.jpg) 23 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Two artisans from HMS Diana aboard repairing defects. 4f961780a2fc8e2def001a96: ( 5341481030_1.jpg) 24 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.30am: Heavy squall, paid out three fathoms of cable on starboard anchor. Carried out port bower and furled all awnings. 4.15pm: HMAS Fantome left harbour. 4f961780a2fc8e2def001a97: ( 5341481031_0.jpg) 25 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Two artisans from HMS Diana aboard repairing defects. 2.25pm: HMAS Huon arrived. 4f961781a2fc8e2def001a98: ( 5341481031_1.jpg) 26 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.00am: Two Japanese destroyers arrived. 4f961781a2fc8e2def001a99: ( 5341481032_0.jpg) 27 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.00pm: Japanese destroyers left. 4f961781a2fc8e2def001a9a: ( 5341481032_1.jpg) 28 June 1917 Singapore, at sea and return Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to sea. 10.00am: Carried out torpedo practice. 11.00am: Weighed mark buoys and proceeded into harbour. 11.50am: Came to anchor in inner roads. 4f961782a2fc8e2def001a9b: ( 5341481033_0.jpg) 29 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.15am: HMAS’ Huon and Torrens left harbour. 9.00am: HMAS Swan left harbour. 11.00am: Australian ships returned to anchorage. 4f961782a2fc8e2def001a9c: ( 5341481033_1.jpg) 30 June 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961783a2fc8e2def001a9d: ( 5341481034_0.jpg) 4f961783a2fc8e2def001a9e: ( 5341481034_1.jpg) 4f961784a2fc8e2def001a9f: ( 5341481035_0.jpg) 4f961784a2fc8e2def001aa0: ( 5341481035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – JULY 1ST 1917 TO AUGUST 31ST 1917 4f961785a2fc8e2def001aa1: ( 5341482001_0.jpg) 4f961785a2fc8e2def001aa2: ( 5341482001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961785a2fc8e2def001aa3: ( 5341482002_0.jpg) 4f961786a2fc8e2def001aa4: ( 5341482002_1.jpg) 4f961786a2fc8e2def001aa5: ( 5341482003_0.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOGS FOR JULY 1917 [Singapore, Gulf of Siam patrol, Pulo Brala patrol, Singapore and return to Pulo Brala] 4f961786a2fc8e2def001aa6: ( 5341482003_1.jpg) 1 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.15am: Hands fall in and clean ship. 9.30am: Divisions. Divine service. Hands at leisure. 1.30pm: Monthly payment. 4.00pm: Leave to watch until 11.00pm. 9.00pm: Rounds. 10.00pm: Pipe down. 11.00pm: Liberty men returned. Weather: Overcast and cloudy, some drizzle, high temperature 85ºF at 4.00pm. 4f961787a2fc8e2def001aa7: ( 5341482004_0.jpg) 2 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 5.30am: Japanese cruiser entered harbour. 7.15am: HMAS’ Swan, Huon and Torrens left harbour. 8.15am: HMS City of London entered harbour. 9.15am: Weighed both anchors and secured to buoy. 1.30pm: Japanese cruiser left harbour. 2.00pm: Hands fall in. Cat and secure anchors. 4f961787a2fc8e2def001aa8: ( 5341482004_1.jpg) 3 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.30am: HMS Diana anchored in roads. 7.40am: HMS City of London proceeded into harbour. 4f961787a2fc8e2def001aa9: ( 5341482005_0.jpg) 4 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Gun crews to drill. Hands oiling all wires. Four Japanese destroyers anchored in roads. 4f961788a2fc8e2def001aaa: ( 5341482005_1.jpg) 5 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.00am: Clear lower deck. Exercised landing party. Out Berthon boats and supplied same with ammunition, stores and water. In pm: Japanese destroyers left harbour. 4f961788a2fc8e2def001aab: ( 5341482006_0.jpg) 6 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.15pm: HMS Diana left anchorage. 6.15pm: Three ratings joined from hospital. 4f961788a2fc8e2def001aac: ( 5341482006_1.jpg) 7 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.10am: Two ratings discharged. 3.10pm: Japanese cruiser and four destroyers left harbour. 4f961789a2fc8e2def001aad: ( 5341482007_0.jpg) 8 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.30am: HS [Humane Society) Medal presented to AB A Leborgne [Labourgne in log]. The citation reads "At 2.00pm on the 2nd January, 1917, a man fell overboard from one of HM ships in the Pentland Firth, there being a moderate swell on at the time. Frederick C Aust and Arthur Leborgne at once jumped after him and kept him afloat until they were picked up." 4f961789a2fc8e2def001aae: ( 5341482007_1.jpg) 9 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.20pm: Two ratings discharged for HMS Cadmus. 4f961789a2fc8e2def001aaf: ( 5341482008_0.jpg) 10 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.15am: Prepared for running torpedoes. 9.00am: Cast off from buoy and proceeded to HMS City of London to take in training class. 10.00am: Mark buoys laid and commenced the runs. 11.30am: Finished torpedo practice. Noon: Moored at coaling jetty. Coaled ship and received stores. 1.45pm: Cast off and proceeded to buoy in roads. 4f96178aa2fc8e2def001ab0: ( 5341482008_1.jpg) 11 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.00am: Stoker Barr discharged to SS Selangor for passage. 11.45am: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Cadmus. 4f96178aa2fc8e2def001ab1: ( 5341482009_0.jpg) 12 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.00am: Cleaned small arms. Replaced war heads on torpedoes. 4f96178aa2fc8e2def001ab2: ( 5341482009_1.jpg) 13 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 11.00am: Captain’s defaulters and request men*. 4.30pm: Japanese cruiser anchored in roads. * A daily part of routine, not often recorded in the log. 4f96178ba2fc8e2def001ab3: ( 5341482010_0.jpg) 14 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.50am: HMS City of London anchored in roads. 4f96178ba2fc8e2def001ab4: ( 5341482010_1.jpg) 15 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f96178ba2fc8e2def001ab5: ( 5341482011_0.jpg) 16 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.40am: Japanese cruiser anchored in roads. 9.30am: Inspection of ship by Captain of HMS City of London. Exercised action, fire and collision stations. Abandon ship. 2.00pm: Hands replacing gear and clearing decks. 4f96178ca2fc8e2def001ab6: ( 5341482011_1.jpg) 17 July 1917 Singapore and at sea to Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 7.00am: HMAS Psyche anchored in roads. 7.30am: Two ABs discharged to hospital. 9.30am: Japanese cruiser proceeded to sea. 12.35pm: Cast off from buoy and proceeded. Engines and helm as requisite. 4.50pm: Horsburgh Lt bg South, 5miles, a/c North. 6.00pm: Pulo Aor bg N4E. 7.45pm: Signalled American SS Hanamet. 8.00pm: Pos. 1 57N, 104 30E. 11.00pm: Pulo Aor N82W, 4 miles, altered course North 4f96178ca2fc8e2def001ab7: ( 5341482012_0.jpg) 18 July 1917 Gulf of Siam patrol. Lat 4.65, Long 103.82 In am: North and NW’ly courses, 10 knots. 4.40am: Heavy rain squall. 8.00am: Pos. 3 55N, 104 15E. 10.55am: Pulo Brala bg N30W, 22 miles. 3.00pm: Same bg S81W, a/c SW. 7.00pm: Fired one 12 pdr blank. Stopped and boarded Norwegian SS Standard. 8.00pm: Pos. 4 40N, 104 00E. 8.30pm: Stopped, Pulo Brala bg West, 18 miles. Experienced set to Northwards of 2 knots. 4f96178da2fc8e2def001ab8: ( 5341482012_1.jpg) 19 July 1917 Pulo Brala patrol. Lat 5.00, Long 103.82 12.01am: Ship lying stopped. 6.20am: Slow ahead to pick up position. 8.00am: Pos. 5 20N, 103 52E. 9.30am: Dropped target and carried out 1” aiming practice with both guns’ crews, OOQ's spotting. [OOQ, Officer of Quarters, the senior rating of a gun crew] Fired 72 rounds. 10.45am: Hoisted target. Engines and helm as required to keep position. 6.45pm: Stopped and boarded Chinese Junk. 8.00pm: Pos. 4 58N, 103 50E. Pulo Brala S32W, Small I. S50W. 4f96178da2fc8e2def001ab9: ( 5341482013_0.jpg) 20 July 1917 Pulo Brala patrol. Lat 4.78, Long 103.70 Engines and helm as required to keep position. 4.0 Pulo Brala bg SWxW, 14 miles. 6.35am: Boarded Chinese junk Kim Soen Mo, Balawan Deli to Wheiphong. 8.00am: Pos. 4 57N, 103 52E. 6.10pm: Signalled British SS City of Chester, Koh Sin Chang to Singapore. 8.00pm: Pos. 4 50N, 103 48E. 11.59pm: Pulo Brala bg SW, 11 miles. 4f96178ea2fc8e2def001aba: ( 5341482013_1.jpg) 21 July 1917 Pulo Brala patrol. Lat 4.97, Long 103.80 2.00am: Rain squalls with vivid lightning. 4.00am: Pulo Brala S52W, 10 miles. 8.00am: Pos. 4 56N, 103 57E. 3.10pm: Pulo Brala S23W, 9 miles. 10.12pm: Observed light bearing N3E, set course N3E, increased to 10 knots. 4f96178ea2fc8e2def001abb: ( 5341482014_0.jpg) 22 July 1917 Pulo Brala patrol. Lat 3.8, Long 103.36 12.40am: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS Halaban in position 5 16N, 105 40E flying signals “out of control”. Engine room burnt out [or aft]. Refused assistance. Took off badly burnt Chinese Donkeyman*. Set course South and increased to 12 knots. 2.20am: Signalled SS Maus. 5.20am: Pulo Brala bg S50E. 6.03am: Same bg East, 5 miles. 7.45am: Eased down to dress Chinese Donkeyman. 8.00am: Pos. 4 30N, 103 37E. 11.55am: Tg Tembeling abeam, 0.5 mile. Noon: Eased down and worked into anchorage in Kuantan River. 12.15pm: Came to anchor in 4 fathoms with 2 shackles on starboard bower. 1.10pm: Transferred Chinese from Halaban to hospital. 5.35pm: Whaler returned and hoisted. 5.40pm: Hove anchor and proceeded, set course S45E, speed 14 knots. 8.00pm: Pos. 3 27N, 103 41E. 11.59pm: Pulo Tioman bearing S12W. * Donkeyman, a rating responsible for small auxiliary engines aboard. 4f96178ea2fc8e2def001abc: ( 5341482014_1.jpg) 23 July 1917 Patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.32, Long 104.25 1.13am: Pulo Tioman N62W, altered course S20E. 5.00am: Pulo Aur bg N40E. 8.00am: Pos. 1 51N, 104 21E. 9.50am: Horsburgh Light S5E, altered course S5E. 10.45am: Same abeam 4 miles. 2.00pm: Stopped. Doctor from HMAS Psyche came on board to examine sick cases. 3.00pm: Secured to buoy, Singapore. Two ratings discharged to hospital. One counterpane destroyed. 4f96178fa2fc8e2def001abd: ( 5341482015_0.jpg) 24 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed scrubbing and painting ship's side. Landed football party. 4f96178fa2fc8e2def001abe: ( 5341482015_1.jpg) 25 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed painting ship's side. Mustered bags and hammocks. HMAS Psyche’s steamboat took away whaler for repairs. 4f96178fa2fc8e2def001abf: ( 5341482016_0.jpg) 26 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Took in 3 tons water. Hands employed painting ship. Whaler repaired and returned from HMAS Psyche. 4f961790a2fc8e2def001ac0: ( 5341482016_1.jpg) 27 July 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.15am: Cast off and proceeded to No 4 jetty to coal ship. Received stores on board, returned empty barrels etc. 1.15pm: Cast off from jetty and proceeded to buoy. Received signal to prepare for sea at daylight. 4f961790a2fc8e2def001ac1: ( 5341482017_0.jpg) 28 July 1917 Singapore and at sea. Lat 1.43, Long 104.40 8.00am: Received stores, cast off from buoy and proceeded out of harbour. Engines and helm as required. 10.40am: Horsburgh Light House bg N83E, 8.5 miles. 11.40am: Same bg South, 2 miles, a/c North. 2.45pm: Tinga [now Po Tinggi] bg N30W, Pulo Aur bg N13E. 4.25pm: Pulo Eu abeam 6 miles. 5.30pm: Tinga abeam. 6.52pm: Pulo Pemanggil abeam, 3.5 miles, a/c N12W. 8.00pm: Pos. 2 44N, 104 15E. 9.00pm: Salong Point abeam 3 miles, altered course N14W. 4f961790a2fc8e2def001ac2: ( 5341482017_1.jpg) 29 July 1917 Pulo Brala patrol. Lat 5.00, Long 103.82 5.45am: Pulo Brala bg N27W. 6.15am: Same bg N30W, 22 miles, a/c N27W. 7.05am: Observed and challenged HMS Cadmus and relieved same on patrol. 8.00am: Pos. 4 48N, 103 48E. 8.00pm: Pos. 4 51N, 103 45E. 11.59pm: Pulo Brala bg West, 6 miles. 4f961791a2fc8e2def001ac3: ( 5341482018_0.jpg) 30 July 1917 Pulo Brala patrol. Lat 4.87, Long 103.78 8.00am: Pos. 4 50N, 103 47E. In am: Gunlayers and No 2s to 1” aiming practice (48). 3.15pm: Pulo Brala S45W [M) 7 miles 5.30pm: Boarded Chinese SS Hsin Chang, Singapore to Bangkok. 8.00pm: Pos. 4 52N, 103 52E. 11.20pm: Pulo Brala S51W, 6 miles. 4f961791a2fc8e2def001ac4: ( 5341482018_1.jpg) 31 July 1917 Pulo Brala patrol. Lat 4.92, Long 103.63 3.50am: Pulo Brala S87W, 8 miles. 8.00am: Pos. 4 50N, 103 43E. 9.00am: Furled awnings and carried out firing practice, 6 rounds each gun. Rum mustered and found correct. In pm: Ords to sailing instruction in whaler. 8.00pm: Pos. 4 52N, 103 46E. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1917 [Pulo Brala patrol, Singapore] 4f961791a2fc8e2def001ac5: ( 5341482019_0.jpg) 1 August 1917 Pulo Brala patrol. Lat 4.95, Long 103.83 Engine and helm as required to keep position. 4.00am: Rounds correct. 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 8.00am: Pos. 4 52N, 103 47E. 9.00am: Exercised action stations, furl awnings and abandon ship. Carried out pistol practice. 11.00am: Respread awnings. Position frequently checked by cross bearings. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. 7.30pm: Hands to night defence stations. 8.00pm: Pos. 4 47N, 103 50E. 9.00pm: Rounds correct. Out lights. 11.59pm: Rounds correct. Weather: Light Southerly winds, clear and dry, temperatures as high as 92ºF at 4.00pm. 4f961792a2fc8e2def001ac6: ( 5341482019_1.jpg) 2 August 1917 Pulo Brala patrol and towards Singapore. Lat 4.30, Long 103.90 3.45am: Pulo Brala S36W, 6 miles. 7.30am: Pulo Brala S72W, 6 miles. 8.00am: Pos. 4 49N, 103 48E. 8.00am: Pulo Brala West, 6 miles, set course S11E. 5.20pm: Pulo Tioman S12E. 8.00pm: Pos. 3 05N, 104 06E. 10.00pm: Signalled Norwegian SS Produce. 11.12pm: Berala Point S85W, 3.75 miles. 4f961792a2fc8e2def001ac7: ( 5341482020_0.jpg) 3 August 1917 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 12.25am: South end of Pulo Pemangil abeam, 1 mile. 1.40am: Pulo Aor abeam, 11 miles. 3.00am: Pulo Eu abeam, 5 miles. 7.35am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 2 miles. 8.00am: Pos. 1 20N, 104 18E. 10.35am: Secured to No 4 coaling jetty. 1.15pm: Finished coaling, 55 tons. Took in engineer’s stores and provisions. 3.05pm: Left coaling jetty and proceeded into Keppel Harbour. 3.30pm: AB Marsden left ship for hospital. 4.00pm: One hand returned from hospital. Hands mustered for monthly payment. 4f961792a2fc8e2def001ac8: ( 5341482020_1.jpg) 4 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Dockyard hands employed on engine room defects. 4f961793a2fc8e2def001ac9: ( 5341482021_0.jpg) 5 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine.
4f961793a2fc8e2def001aca: ( 5341482021_1.jpg) 6 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed as requisite. Three men returned from hospital. 4f961793a2fc8e2def001acb: ( 5341482022_0.jpg) 7 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Dental party landed. 4f961794a2fc8e2def001acc: ( 5341482022_1.jpg) 8 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed painting ship. 5.00pm: One AB returned from hospital. Football party landed and returned at 7.30pm. 4f961794a2fc8e2def001acd: ( 5341482023_0.jpg) 9 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.10am: Cast off and proceeded to coaling jetty. Coaled ship, 4 tons. 10.45am: Cast off and returned to anchorage. 12.30pm: Five American destroyers anchored in roads. 5.00pm: Football party landed and returned at 7.30 pm. 4f961794a2fc8e2def001ace: ( 5341482023_1.jpg) 10 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Painting and football. 4f961795a2fc8e2def001acf: ( 5341482024_0.jpg) 11 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 2.45pm: HMAS Phantom [in log, but Fantome is probably intended] anchored in roads. 4f961795a2fc8e2def001ad0: ( 5341482024_1.jpg) 12 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 4.30pm: French cruiser Pothuau anchored in roads. 5.30pm: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Suffolk, one Stoker discharged to HMS Cadmus. 4f961795a2fc8e2def001ad1: ( 5341482025_0.jpg) 13 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.15am: Leading Seaman Lay went to HMS Suffolk for PO examination. For’d gun’s crew at deflection teacher. Rove off new falls for whaler and turned dinghy’s*. Cat pendant overhauled and oiled. 6.00pm: Football party landed and returned at 7.00pm. * The falls are the ropes that raise and lower the ship’s boats. These pass through blocks and are liable to wear in some places more than others, hence the practice in a well-regulated ship of turning the ropes end for end to even out the wear. 4f961796a2fc8e2def001ad2: ( 5341482025_1.jpg) 14 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.30am: American destroyers left harbour. Oiled all blocks, screws etc. Unshipped warhead from forward torpedo. Scrubbed and oiled port wire. 5.15pm: Football party landed and returned at 7.20pm. 4f961796a2fc8e2def001ad3: ( 5341482026_0.jpg) 15 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 11.00am: One destroyer leader and five Japanese destroyers entered harbour. 4.30pm: Football party and liberty men landed. 4f961796a2fc8e2def001ad4: ( 5341482026_1.jpg) 16 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.30am: Cleaned and returned arms. 10.00am: Forward torpedo sent to HMS Suffolk. Exercised out Berthon boats. 4.00pm: HMS Cadmus left harbour. 4f961797a2fc8e2def001ad5: ( 5341482027_0.jpg) 17 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.30am: Three ratings discharged to hospital. 4f961797a2fc8e2def001ad6: ( 5341482027_1.jpg) 18 August 1917 Singapore and Horsburgh patrol. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.50am: One ERA and one AB discharged to hospital. 12.05pm: Hove up and proceeded out of harbour. 12.10pm: Stopped engines awaiting permission to proceed. 12.15pm: Set course N83E. 4.20pm: Horsburgh Light bearing S19E, 3 miles, reduced to 6 knots. 5.00pm: Course as required for patrol. 6.45pm: Stopped Horsburgh Light bg S50W, Bintang Hil S20W. 4f961797a2fc8e2def001ad7: ( 5341482028_0.jpg) 19 August 1917 Horsburgh patrol to Singapore. Lat 1.33, Long 104.41 Noon: Horsburgh Light bg S32W, 4 miles. 12.10pm: Signalled Danish SS Falstria* and proceeded into harbour with her, course and speed as required to keep station. 3.25pm: Arrived at examination anchorage and handed over SS to military. 4.00pm: Secured to No 4 coaling jetty. 5.30pm: Finished coaling and proceeded to inner roads to anchor. * Falstria, the first of three East Asiatic Company ships of this name, 1915, 4,344 grt. 4f961798a2fc8e2def001ad8: ( 5341482028_1.jpg) 20 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Drilled guns’ crews. Cleaned ship’s side. Landed football party. 4f961798a2fc8e2def001ad9: ( 5341482029_0.jpg) 21 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 11.00am: One ERA returned from hospital. 4f961798a2fc8e2def001ada: ( 5341482029_1.jpg) 22 August 1917 Singapore inner roads, Horsburgh Lt and return. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Exercised general quarters and out Berthon boats. 2.00pm: Heavy squall, dropped 2nd anchor. 2.30pm: Weighed both anchors and proceeded out of harbour, awaiting departure of SS Falstria. 4.10pm: Set course S85E, keeping station on same. 7.05pm: Horsburgh Lt bg S22E, 1.5 miles. Returned to harbour. 9.45pm: Challenged examination vessel and proceeded into anchorage. 10.45pm: Came to anchor. 4f961799a2fc8e2def001adb: ( 5341482030_0.jpg) 23 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 10.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to coaling jetty. 10.30am: Secured alongside No 8 Section and coaled ship, 7 tons. 11.55am: Cast off and returned to anchorage. 4.10pm: Weighed and shifted berth. 4f961799a2fc8e2def001adc: ( 5341482030_1.jpg) 24 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Exercised out bower anchor. Gun crews at deflection teacher. Football party landed and returned at 7.00pm. 4f961799a2fc8e2def001add: ( 5341482031_0.jpg) 25 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.20am: Shifted berth. 7.30am: HMS Diana entered roads. 4f96179aa2fc8e2def001ade: ( 5341482031_1.jpg) 26 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Sunday routine. 4f96179aa2fc8e2def001adf: ( 5341482032_0.jpg) 27 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.45am: Range party left ship. 11.00am: Japanese cruiser anchored in roads. 4f96179aa2fc8e2def001ae0: ( 5341482032_1.jpg) 28 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.10am: Range party left ship. 9.30am: AB Worcester discharged to hospital. 4f96179ba2fc8e2def001ae1: ( 5341482033_0.jpg) 29 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands variously employed. 4f96179ba2fc8e2def001ae2: ( 5341482033_1.jpg) 30 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands variously employed. 4f96179ba2fc8e2def001ae3: ( 5341482034_0.jpg) 31 August 1917 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Gun crews to deflection teacher, remainder at small arms drill. All blocks, sheaves, compressor and capstan oiled. 2.25pm: HMS Suffolk entered roads. 4.30pm: Football party and liberty men landed. 6.45pm: Football party returned. 4f96179ca2fc8e2def001ae4: ( 5341482034_1.jpg) 4f96179da2fc8e2def001ae5: ( 5341482035_0.jpg) 4f96179da2fc8e2def001ae6: ( 5341482035_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. No logs for 1st September 1917 to 31st March 1918. Some mentions of Fame during the missing period. 3rd September 1917: At sea towing target for HMS Suffolk gunnery practice. (HMS Diana) 4th September 1917, 7.00am: To sea from Singapore. (Diana) 6th September 1917: At Singapore. (Diana) 8th September 1917: Ditto. 4th January 1918, 12.45pm: Arrived at Singapore, anchored (HMS Cadmus). 5th January 1918, 10.40am: Weighed and proceeded from Singapore. (Cadmus) 10th March 1918, 10.45am: Left Penang harbour. (Cadmus) THE VOYAGES OF HMS FAME 1918 LOG BOOK – APRIL 1ST 1918 TO MAY 31ST 1918 4f96179da2fc8e2def001ae7: ( 5341483001_0.jpg) 4f96179ea2fc8e2def001ae8: ( 5341483001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f96179ea2fc8e2def001ae9: ( 5341483002_0.jpg) 4f96179ea2fc8e2def001aea: ( 5341483002_1.jpg) 4f96179fa2fc8e2def001aeb: ( 5341483003_0.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOGS FOR APRIL 1918 [Singapore, Saigon and Hong Kong for refit] 4f96179fa2fc8e2def001aec: ( 5341483003_1.jpg) 1 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Moored to buoy in Singapore roads, under steam. 6.00am: Called hands. Aired bedding. 6.15am: Cleaned ship. Exercised boat crews at sailing. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.50am: Hands fall in. Mustered and cleaned all anchor cables and gear. 11.30am: Down all bedding. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Hands fell in for monthly payment. 2.00pm: Pipe down. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Hoisted boats. Secured for sea. 6.15pm: Sunset. Weather: Light airs, dry, some cloud, max. temperature 80ºF at 4.00pm. 4f96179fa2fc8e2def001aed: ( 5341483004_0.jpg) 2 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands employed overhauling and refitting awnings and screens, refitting lifebelts etc. 1.00pm: Japanese TBD anchored in roads. 4f9617a0a2fc8e2def001aee: ( 5341483004_1.jpg) 3 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 In am: Gun crews at deflection teacher. Aired blue clothing. 3.45pm: Exercised out collision mat. 4f9617a0a2fc8e2def001aef: ( 5341483005_0.jpg) 4 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 2.30am: Heavy squall. Watch standing by throughout watch. 11.00am: Japanese cruiser anchored in roads. 1.00pm: Reverted to four hours notice [for steam]. 1.45pm: Cast off from buoy and proceeded to wharf to coal ship. 3.20pm: Finished coaling, returned to buoy. 4f9617a0a2fc8e2def001af0: ( 5341483005_1.jpg) 5 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 2.00am: Heavy rain squall. 1.30pm: AB Leborgne returned from hospital. 4f9617a1a2fc8e2def001af1: ( 5341483006_0.jpg) 6 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 12.01am: Heavy squalls throughout the watch. 2.45am: Called hands and stand by to release second anchor etc. 3.30am: Squall passed over. 2.15pm: AB Coles rejoined ship [supernumary] from hospital. 2.50pm: Japanese Flagship arrived in roads. 11.0opm: Heavy squall. 4f9617a1a2fc8e2def001af2: ( 5341483006_1.jpg) 7 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.30am: Received orders to raise steam. Captain landed to C-in-C. 3.45am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded for French mail boat Andre Lebon, in distress off Sultan Shoals. 6.20am: Arrived off Andre Lebon. Captain boarded and found ship aground [ashore in log], filling with water and heavy list to starboard in position 1 17.5N,103 37.5 E. 7.10am: Captain returned on board, proceeded into Keppel Harbour to report and await orders. 8.30am: Secured to jetty. 10.10am: Left jetty and returned for signal. 10.40am: C-in-C and Flag Lt came on board. 10.45am: Left jetty and proceeded to Andre Lebon. Ship prepared for landing passengers and stores etc. 12.20pm: Arrived off Andre Lebon. Flag Lt boarded. 12.45pm: Left for Keppel Harbour with one French NO and three seamen on board. 2.10pm: Secured to jetty and C-in-C and staff disembarked. 2.30pm: Cast off from jetty and proceeded to buoy. 3.15pm: Landed French officer and men. 3.45pm: Japanese cruiser anchored in roads. 4f9617a1a2fc8e2def001af3: ( 5341483007_0.jpg) 8 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 9.10am: Returned 15 cases of ammunition and received new lot in lieu. In pm: Repaired leak in after store. 4f9617a2a2fc8e2def001af4: ( 5341483007_1.jpg) 9 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 6.30am: Exercised whaler’s crew at sailing. In pm: Hands refitting fenders. 4f9617a2a2fc8e2def001af5: ( 5341483008_0.jpg) 10 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Hands scraping and painting waterways. 2.30pm: Japanese cruiser left harbour. 4f9617a2a2fc8e2def001af6: ( 5341483008_1.jpg) 11 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 12.45pm: Flag Captain came on board. Sent two rifles, two bayonets and pull-through to minesweepers Kedah and Pangkor*, also one box of .303 ammunition Mk VII. 4.10pm: Two Japanese destroyers weighed and proceeded to sea. * Probably small local merchant ships converted for minesweeping duties. 4f9617a3a2fc8e2def001af7: ( 5341483009_0.jpg) 12 April 1918 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 2.30pm: AB Marsden returned from hospital. 4f9617a3a2fc8e2def001af8: ( 5341483009_1.jpg) 13 April 1918 Singapore and at sea for Saigon. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 1.30am: Heavy squall. 9.05am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to jetty to coal. 10.00am: Stoker White returned from hospital. 11.30am: Gr Tiffin, RIM, joined ship for passage to Hong Kong. 12.30pm: Received nine cases of slops*. 2.50pm: Slipped from wharf and proceeded out of harbour. 5.00pm: Johore Hill abeam. 7.15pm: Horsburgh Lt bg South, 1 mile, a/c N23E. 8.00pm: Pos. 1 28N, 104 28E. * Naval issue clothing. 4f9617a4a2fc8e2def001af9: ( 5341483010_0.jpg) 14 April 1918 At sea. Lat 3.48, Long 105.38 Courses East of North all day, speed 10-12 knots. 5.30am: Pulo Aor bg N84E. 8.00am: Pos. 2 47N, 10 15E 8.10am: Manki LH N71E 10.15am: Same abeam 18 miles. 8.00pm: Pos. 4 54N, 105 45E. 8.30pm: Signalled French SS Tourain* bound South. * Possibly the liner La Touraine which served as a troopship for part of the war, although I have no record of her in the far East. 4f9617a4a2fc8e2def001afa: ( 5341483010_1.jpg) 15 April 1918 At sea. Lat 7.38, Long 106.58 Courses East of North all day, speed 12 knots until 7.30pm, then 11 knots. 8.00am: Pos. 7 04N, 106 18E. 4.05pm: Pulo Condore Is bg N9E. 7.30pm: Pulo Condore Lt abeam, 4 miles, a/c N20E. 8.00pm: Pos. 8 42N, 106 48E. 10.20pm: Pulo Condore Lt dipped, S33W. 4f9617a4a2fc8e2def001afb: ( 5341483011_0.jpg) 16 April 1918 At sea to Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 5.40am: Observed Cape St James, altered course NxW. 7.50am: Stopped and boarded pilot at Cape St James. Proceeded up river, speed 12 knots. 12.40pm: Secured to jetty. French NO and British Consul paid visit. 1.00pm: Fires died out. 4.30pm: Leave to first watch until 11.00pm. 4f9617a5a2fc8e2def001a/c: ( 5341483011_1.jpg) 17 April 1918 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 Coaled ship. Draft after coaling, for’d 8’ 5”, aft 7’ 7”. Ship listed and side scrubbed. 4.30pm: Leave to second watch until 11.00pm. 4f9617a5a2fc8e2def001afd: ( 5341483012_0.jpg) 18 April 1918 Saigon and at sea for Hong Kong. Lat 10.4, Long 106.8 [approx] 8.00am: Pilot boarded. Cast off from jetty and proceeded down river, speed 14 knots. 10.00am: Clock advanced 1 hour 1.00pm: Stopped off Cape St James. Dropped pilot. 1.15pm: Proceeded, course as required, speed 11 knots. 1.45pm: Set course N78E. 8.00pm: Kega Pt* bg N11E. Position 10 38N, 108 00E. 8.30pm: Kega Light [on a small island just off the cape] abeam, 4 miles. 10.00pm: Vessel shipping heavy water forward [common on this type of TBD when steering into a head wind). * There are two places called Kega Pt [aka Mui Ke Ga] on the East Coast of Vietnam. This one is Mui Ke Ga, the other is further North. 4f9617a5a2fc8e2def001afe: ( 5341483012_1.jpg) 19 April 1918 At sea. Lat 12.22, Long 109.4 2.00am: Cap Padaran Lt bg N36E, a/c N48E. 4.43am: Same abeam, 7 miles. 8.00am: Pos. 11 39N, 109 15E. 8.50am: Kam Ranh Bay Lt abeam, 5 miles. 3.50pm: Cap Varella bg N32W. 5.05pm: Same abeam, 12.5 miles. 8.00pm: Pos. 13 20N, 109 45E. 4f9617a6a2fc8e2def001aff: ( 5341483013_0.jpg) 20 April 1918 At sea. Lat 15.95, Long 110.64 8.00am: Pos. 14 58N, 110 21E. 10.45am: Carried out practice with after 12 pdr gun (9 rounds). 5.00pm: Passed SS bound South. 8.00pm: Pos. 17 03N, 111 10E. 4f9617a6a2fc8e2def001b00: ( 5341483013_1.jpg) 21 April 1918 At sea. Lat 19.63, Long 112.75 8.00am: Pos. 18 55N, 112 20E. 8.00pm: Pos. 20 36N, 113 13E. 9.30pm: Passed SS bound South. 4f9617a6a2fc8e2def001b01: ( 5341483014_0.jpg) 22 April 1918 At sea to Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.00am: Stopped, awaiting daylight. 5.20am: Observed Gap Rock Lighthouse N2W, 7 miles. Altered course NNW. 9.10am: Moored at South wall of the Camber. 10.00am: Discharged ABs Coles and Daly and Tel. Darwin to HMS Tamar, Gr Tiffin RIM to shore. Hands employed transferring stores from ship to lighter. In pm: Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. 4f9617a7a2fc8e2def001b02: ( 5341483014_1.jpg) 23 April 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617a7a2fc8e2def001b03: ( 5341483015_0.jpg) 24 April 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617a8a2fc8e2def001b04: ( 5341483015_1.jpg) 25 April 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. Ship’s company transferred to and victualled in HMS Tamar. 4f9617a8a2fc8e2def001b05: ( 5341483016_0.jpg) 26 April 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617a8a2fc8e2def001b06: ( 5341483016_1.jpg) 27 April 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617a9a2fc8e2def001b07: ( 5341483017_0.jpg) 28 April 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617a9a2fc8e2def001b08: ( 5341483017_1.jpg) 29 April 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. One officer and 13 ratings left for one week for RN Sanatorium. 4f9617a9a2fc8e2def001b09: ( 5341483018_0.jpg) 30 April 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. LOGS FOR MAY 1918 [Hong Kong for refit] 4f9617aaa2fc8e2def001b0a: ( 5341483018_1.jpg) 1 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aaa2fc8e2def001b0b: ( 5341483019_0.jpg) 2 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aaa2fc8e2def001b0c: ( 5341483019_1.jpg) 3 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aba2fc8e2def001b0d: ( 5341483020_0.jpg) 4 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aba2fc8e2def001b0e: ( 5341483020_1.jpg) 5 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aba2fc8e2def001b0f: ( 5341483021_0.jpg) 6 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Second party proceeded to Sanatorium and first party returned. 4f9617aca2fc8e2def001b10: ( 5341483021_1.jpg) 7 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aca2fc8e2def001b11: ( 5341483022_0.jpg) 8 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aca2fc8e2def001b12: ( 5341483022_1.jpg) 9 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617ada2fc8e2def001b13: ( 5341483023_0.jpg) 10 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617ada2fc8e2def001b14: ( 5341483023_1.jpg) 11 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617ada2fc8e2def001b15: ( 5341483024_0.jpg) 12 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aea2fc8e2def001b16: ( 5341483024_1.jpg) 13 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Third party proceeded to Sanatorium and second party returned. Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aea2fc8e2def001b17: ( 5341483025_0.jpg) 14 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617aea2fc8e2def001b18: ( 5341483025_1.jpg) 15 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617afa2fc8e2def001b19: ( 5341483026_0.jpg) 16 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Entered dry dock. 11.30am: Removed clocks, rigged fire hoses etc. Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617afa2fc8e2def001b1a: ( 5341483026_1.jpg) 17 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617afa2fc8e2def001b1b: ( 5341483027_0.jpg) 18 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b0a2fc8e2def001b1c: ( 5341483027_1.jpg) 19 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b0a2fc8e2def001b1d: ( 5341483028_0.jpg) 20 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Third party returned from Sanatorium. Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b1a2fc8e2def001b1e: ( 5341483028_1.jpg) 21 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b1a2fc8e2def001b1f: ( 5341483029_0.jpg) 22 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b1a2fc8e2def001b20: ( 5341483029_1.jpg) 23 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b2a2fc8e2def001b21: ( 5341483030_0.jpg) 24 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b2a2fc8e2def001b22: ( 5341483030_1.jpg) 25 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b2a2fc8e2def001b23: ( 5341483031_0.jpg) 26 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b3a2fc8e2def001b24: ( 5341483031_1.jpg) 27 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b3a2fc8e2def001b25: ( 5341483032_0.jpg) 28 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b3a2fc8e2def001b26: ( 5341483032_1.jpg) 29 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b4a2fc8e2def001b27: ( 5341483033_0.jpg) 30 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b4a2fc8e2def001b28: ( 5341483033_1.jpg) 31 May 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b4a2fc8e2def001b29: ( 5341483034_0.jpg) 4f9617b5a2fc8e2def001b2a: ( 5341483034_1.jpg) 4f9617b5a2fc8e2def001b2b: ( 5341483035_0.jpg) 4f9617b5a2fc8e2def001b2c: ( 5341483035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank LOG BOOK – JUNE 1ST 1918 TO JULY 31ST 1918 4f9617b6a2fc8e2def001b2d: ( 5341484001_0.jpg) 4f9617b6a2fc8e2def001b2e: ( 5341484001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f9617b6a2fc8e2def001b2f: ( 5341484002_0.jpg) 4f9617b7a2fc8e2def001b30: ( 5341484002_1.jpg) 4f9617b7a2fc8e2def001b31: ( 5341484003_0.jpg) Above three pages blank LOGS FOR JUNE 1918 [Hong Kong for refit] 4f9617b7a2fc8e2def001b32: ( 5341484003_1.jpg) 1 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b8a2fc8e2def001b33: ( 5341484004_0.jpg) 2 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b8a2fc8e2def001b34: ( 5341484004_1.jpg) 3 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617b8a2fc8e2def001b35: ( 5341484005_0.jpg) 4f9617b9a2fc8e2def001b36: ( 5341484005_1.jpg) 4f9617b9a2fc8e2def001b37: ( 5341484006_0.jpg) 4f9617b9a2fc8e2def001b38: ( 5341484006_1.jpg) Above four pages torn and blank, possibly blotting paper 4f9617baa2fc8e2def001b39: ( 5341484007_0.jpg) 4 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617baa2fc8e2def001b3a: ( 5341484007_1.jpg) 5 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bba2fc8e2def001b3b: ( 5341484008_0.jpg) 6 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bba2fc8e2def001b3c: ( 5341484008_1.jpg) 7 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bba2fc8e2def001b3d: ( 5341484009_0.jpg) 8 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bca2fc8e2def001b3e: ( 5341484009_1.jpg) 9 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bca2fc8e2def001b3f: ( 5341484010_0.jpg) 10 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bca2fc8e2def001b40: ( 5341484010_1.jpg) 11 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bda2fc8e2def001b41: ( 5341484011_0.jpg) 12 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bda2fc8e2def001b42: ( 5341484011_1.jpg) 13 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bda2fc8e2def001b43: ( 5341484012_0.jpg) 14 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bea2fc8e2def001b44: ( 5341484012_1.jpg) 15 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bea2fc8e2def001b45: ( 5341484013_0.jpg) 16 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bea2fc8e2def001b46: ( 5341484013_1.jpg) 17 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bfa2fc8e2def001b47: ( 5341484014_0.jpg) 18 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bfa2fc8e2def001b48: ( 5341484014_1.jpg) 19 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Moored in Camber in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617bfa2fc8e2def001b49: ( 5341484015_0.jpg) 20 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 11.00am: Commissioned HMS Moorhen. 4f9617c0a2fc8e2def001b4a: ( 5341484015_1.jpg) 21 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c0a2fc8e2def001b4b: ( 5341484016_0.jpg) 22 June 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c0a2fc8e2def001b4c: ( 5341484016_1.jpg) 23 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c1a2fc8e2def001b4d: ( 5341484017_0.jpg) 24 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Lt JS Leece rejoined from TB 038. 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c1a2fc8e2def001b4e: ( 5341484017_1.jpg) 25 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c1a2fc8e2def001b4f: ( 5341484018_0.jpg) 26 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c2a2fc8e2def001b50: ( 5341484018_1.jpg) 27 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c2a2fc8e2def001b51: ( 5341484019_0.jpg) 28 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c2a2fc8e2def001b52: ( 5341484019_1.jpg) 29 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c3a2fc8e2def001b53: ( 5341484020_0.jpg) 30 June 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 16 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4.00pm: Prepared for typhoon, furled all awnings. LOGS FOR JULY 1918 [Hong Kong for refit] 4f9617c3a2fc8e2def001b54: ( 5341484020_1.jpg) 1 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c3a2fc8e2def001b55: ( 5341484021_0.jpg) 2 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c4a2fc8e2def001b56: ( 5341484021_1.jpg) 3 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c4a2fc8e2def001b57: ( 5341484022_0.jpg) 4 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c4a2fc8e2def001b58: ( 5341484022_1.jpg) 5 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c5a2fc8e2def001b59: ( 5341484023_0.jpg) 6 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c5a2fc8e2def001b5a: ( 5341484023_1.jpg) 7 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c5a2fc8e2def001b5b: ( 5341484024_0.jpg) 8 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. Lt Leece on examination duties 4f9617c6a2fc8e2def001b5c: ( 5341484024_1.jpg) 9 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c6a2fc8e2def001b5d: ( 5341484025_0.jpg) 10 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c6a2fc8e2def001b5e: ( 5341484025_1.jpg) 11 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c7a2fc8e2def001b5f: ( 5341484026_0.jpg) 12 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c7a2fc8e2def001b60: ( 5341484026_1.jpg) 13 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c7a2fc8e2def001b61: ( 5341484027_0.jpg) 14 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c8a2fc8e2def001b62: ( 5341484027_1.jpg) 15 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c8a2fc8e2def001b63: ( 5341484028_0.jpg) 16 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c9a2fc8e2def001b64: ( 5341484028_1.jpg) 17 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c9a2fc8e2def001b65: ( 5341484029_0.jpg) 18 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617c9a2fc8e2def001b66: ( 5341484029_1.jpg) 19 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617caa2fc8e2def001b67: ( 5341484030_0.jpg) 20 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617caa2fc8e2def001b68: ( 5341484030_1.jpg) 21 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617caa2fc8e2def001b69: ( 5341484031_0.jpg) 22 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617cba2fc8e2def001b6a: ( 5341484031_1.jpg) 23 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617cba2fc8e2def001b6b: ( 5341484032_0.jpg) 24 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617cba2fc8e2def001b6c: ( 5341484032_1.jpg) 25 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617cca2fc8e2def001b6d: ( 5341484033_0.jpg) 26 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 17 of the ship's company victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. Discharged ERA Lyttle [Little in log] to hospital. 4f9617cca2fc8e2def001b6e: ( 5341484033_1.jpg) 27 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617cda2fc8e2def001b6f: ( 5341484034_0.jpg) 28 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 3.50pm: Funeral party landed for ERA 2c Samuel Lyttle, 133779. 4f9617cda2fc8e2def001b70: ( 5341484034_1.jpg) 29 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 1.00pm: AB T Rogers returned from hospital. 4f9617cda2fc8e2def001b71: ( 5341484035_0.jpg) 30 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617cea2fc8e2def001b72: ( 5341484035_1.jpg) 31 July 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Hands employed as requisite. 4f9617cea2fc8e2def001b73: ( 5341484036_0.jpg) 4f9617cfa2fc8e2def001b74: ( 5341484036_1.jpg) 4f9617cfa2fc8e2def001b75: ( 5341484037_0.jpg) 4f9617cfa2fc8e2def001b76: ( 5341484037_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – AUGUST 1ST 1918 TO SEPTEMBER 31ST 1918 4f9617d0a2fc8e2def001b77: ( 5341485001_0.jpg) 4f9617d0a2fc8e2def001b78: ( 5341485001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f9617d0a2fc8e2def001b79: ( 5341485002_0.jpg) 4f9617d1a2fc8e2def001b7a: ( 5341485002_1.jpg) Above two pages blank. 4f9617d1a2fc8e2def001b7b: ( 5341485003_0.jpg) Instrument page. Thermometers by TA Reynolds & Co, mounted aft, screened, from 7th September 1918 LOGS FOR AUGUST 1918 [Hong Kong for refit] 4f9617d1a2fc8e2def001b7c: ( 5341485003_1.jpg) 1 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d2a2fc8e2def001b7d: ( 5341485004_0.jpg) 2 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d2a2fc8e2def001b7e: ( 5341485004_1.jpg) 3 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d2a2fc8e2def001b7f: ( 5341485005_0.jpg) 4 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d3a2fc8e2def001b80: ( 5341485005_1.jpg) 5 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d3a2fc8e2def001b81: ( 5341485006_0.jpg) 6 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d3a2fc8e2def001b82: ( 5341485006_1.jpg) 7 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d4a2fc8e2def001b83: ( 5341485007_0.jpg) 8 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d4a2fc8e2def001b84: ( 5341485007_1.jpg) 9 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d4a2fc8e2def001b85: ( 5341485008_0.jpg) 10 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d5a2fc8e2def001b86: ( 5341485008_1.jpg) 11 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d5a2fc8e2def001b87: ( 5341485009_0.jpg) 12 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d5a2fc8e2def001b88: ( 5341485009_1.jpg) 13 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d6a2fc8e2def001b89: ( 5341485010_0.jpg) 14 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d6a2fc8e2def001b8a: ( 5341485010_1.jpg) 15 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d6a2fc8e2def001b8b: ( 5341485011_0.jpg) 16 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d7a2fc8e2def001b8c: ( 5341485011_1.jpg) 17 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d7a2fc8e2def001b8d: ( 5341485012_0.jpg) 18 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d8a2fc8e2def001b8e: ( 5341485012_1.jpg) 19 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d8a2fc8e2def001b8f: ( 5341485013_0.jpg) 20 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d8a2fc8e2def001b90: ( 5341485013_1.jpg) 21 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d9a2fc8e2def001b91: ( 5341485014_0.jpg) 22 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617d9a2fc8e2def001b92: ( 5341485014_1.jpg) 23 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4.00pm: Leading Signalman Wheeler and Telegraphist Darwin joined HMS Cadmus 4f9617d9a2fc8e2def001b93: ( 5341485015_0.jpg) 24 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617daa2fc8e2def001b94: ( 5341485015_1.jpg) 25 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617daa2fc8e2def001b95: ( 5341485016_0.jpg) 26 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 9.00am: Lt Leece RNR appointed to TB 037 4f9617daa2fc8e2def001b96: ( 5341485016_1.jpg) 27 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617dba2fc8e2def001b97: ( 5341485017_0.jpg) 28 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617dba2fc8e2def001b98: ( 5341485017_1.jpg) 29 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617dba2fc8e2def001b99: ( 5341485018_0.jpg) 30 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617dca2fc8e2def001b9a: ( 5341485018_1.jpg) 31 August 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1918 [Hong Kong, Swatau and Amoy] 4f9617dca2fc8e2def001b9b: ( 5341485019_0.jpg) 1 September 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. 4f9617dda2fc8e2def001b9c: ( 5341485019_1.jpg) 2 September 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in dry dock in dockyard hands. Coaled ship 65 tons Completed dockyard refit. 4f9617dda2fc8e2def001b9d: ( 5341485020_0.jpg) 3 September 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Vessel in basin. 4f9617dda2fc8e2def001b9e: ( 5341485020_1.jpg) 4 September 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. Carried out preliminary basin trials. 4f9617dea2fc8e2def001b9f: ( 5341485021_0.jpg) 5 September 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. 8.00am: Proceeded to No 5 buoy for adjustments of compasses. 11.15am: Adjustments completed. 2.00pm: Returned to basin. 4f9617dea2fc8e2def001ba0: ( 5341485021_1.jpg) 6 September 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands victualled in HMS Tamar and employed as requisite. In am: Raised steam for full power trials. 9.30am: Captain and ratings from HMS Virago joined ship for steam trials and carried out same. 2.30pm: Returned to basin after completion of trials. In pm: Virago’s crew turned over to Fame. Ammunitioned, coaled, provisioned and drew torpedoes. 4f9617dea2fc8e2def001ba1: ( 5341485022_0.jpg) 7 September 1918 Hong Kong and at sea. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.30pm: Left Camber and proceeded out of harbour. 1.30pm: Set course N73E. 3.00pm: Charged up torpedoes. Exercised action stations and landing party. 5.00pm: Pedro Blanco abeam, 6 miles. 7.25pm: Chilang Pt Lt abeam, 7 miles. 8.00pm: Pos. 22 36N, 115 49E. 4f9617dfa2fc8e2def001ba2: ( 5341485022_1.jpg) 8 September 1918 At sea to Swatau. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 12.40am: Breaker Pt Lt [now Shibeishan Jiao] abeam, 10 miles, a/c N65E. 5.00am: Various courses approaching Lamock I. 7.30am: Captain proceeded ashore. 8.15am: Proceeded towards Swatau, N84W. 8.45am: Cleared for action. 10.45am: Various courses entering Swatau harbour. 11.55am: Anchored off Swatau [now Shantou]. 4f9617dfa2fc8e2def001ba3: ( 5341485023_0.jpg) 9 September 1918 Swatau. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 11.00am: British Consul arrived on board. 11.25am: British Consul left ship. Fired consular salute [seven guns]. 4f9617dfa2fc8e2def001ba4: ( 5341485023_1.jpg) 10 September 1918 Swatau. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 9.00am: Exercised general quarters and landing party, abandon ship and fire stations. 1.55pm: Chinese transport entered harbour. 4f9617e0a2fc8e2def001ba5: ( 5341485024_0.jpg) 11 September 1918 Swatau and at sea for Amoy. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 9.00am: Exercised general quarters and landing party. Topped up both torpedoes, 400 lbs. 5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 5.50pm: Bill I. abeam, 1 mile, set course S85E, speed 12 knots. 8.00pm: Pos. 23 16N, 117 16E. 8.15pm: Altered course N47E off Lamock I. Light. 4f9617e0a2fc8e2def001ba6: ( 5341485024_1.jpg) 12 September 1918 At sea to Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 1.35am: Chapel I. [now Tungting Tao] Lt, a/c N63E. 4.45am: Same abeam, 8 miles, a/c N10E. 8.20am: Secured to buoy in Amoy harbour [now Xiamen]. 4f9617e0a2fc8e2def001ba7: ( 5341485025_0.jpg) 13 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Coaled ship, 30 tons. Ord Tel. Ireland transferred to HMS Cadmus and Wireless Telegraphist Darwin joined in his stead from same [vide log of Cadmus]. 4f9617e1a2fc8e2def001ba8: ( 5341485025_1.jpg) 14 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Cleaned ship. In pm: Make and mend. 4f9617e1a2fc8e2def001ba9: ( 5341485026_0.jpg) 15 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Sunday routine. 4f9617e1a2fc8e2def001baa: ( 5341485026_1.jpg) 16 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 11.00am: Landing party landed. 1.30pm: Same returned. 4f9617e2a2fc8e2def001bab: ( 5341485027_0.jpg) 17 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Painting ship. 4f9617e2a2fc8e2def001bac: ( 5341485027_1.jpg) 18 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised landing party. 4f9617e2a2fc8e2def001bad: ( 5341485028_0.jpg) 19 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4.00pm: Exercised lifeboat crews on signal from HMS Cadmus. Signal received to boat hoisted inboard with life buoy, time 1m, 30s. 4f9617e3a2fc8e2def001bae: ( 5341485028_1.jpg) 20 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4.00pm: Landing party landed for route march. 10.00pm: Chinese Police steamer left the harbour. 4f9617e3a2fc8e2def001baf: ( 5341485029_0.jpg) 21 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 1.00am: Chinese man-of-war left the harbour. 4f9617e3a2fc8e2def001bb0: ( 5341485029_1.jpg) 22 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Sunday routine. 4f9617e4a2fc8e2def001bb1: ( 5341485030_0.jpg) 23 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Exercised collision stations. Gun crews at 12 pdr drill. 4.00pm: Landing party landed for route march. 6.00pm: Same returned aboard*. * These marches do of course keep the men fit and in training, but they also serve a purpose. An armed body of powerful seamen marching through the streets, has a considerable deterrent effect on unruly elements of the populace. 4f9617e4a2fc8e2def001bb2: ( 5341485030_1.jpg) 24 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4.00pm: Landing party landed for route march. 6.30pm: Landing party returned aboard. 4f9617e4a2fc8e2def001bb3: ( 5341485031_0.jpg) 25 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4.00pm: Landing party landed for route march. 4f9617e5a2fc8e2def001bb4: ( 5341485031_1.jpg) 26 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Exercised landing every available man. Received 30 tons coal. 4.00pm: Landing party landed for route march. 4f9617e5a2fc8e2def001bb5: ( 5341485032_0.jpg) 27 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4.00pm: Armed landing party landed at Amoy to relieve HMS Cadmus' party. [According to the log of Cadmus, they have been guarding the British concession.] 4f9617e5a2fc8e2def001bb6: ( 5341485032_1.jpg) 28 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Armed party ashore. 4f9617e6a2fc8e2def001bb7: ( 5341485033_0.jpg) 29 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Armed party ashore. 4f9617e6a2fc8e2def001bb8: ( 5341485033_1.jpg) 30 September 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Armed party ashore. 2.00pm: PO Abel transferred to HMS Cadmus (sick). Pages signed by Lt R Bernard, RNR. 4f9617e6a2fc8e2def001bb9: ( 5341485034_0.jpg) 4f9617e7a2fc8e2def001bba: ( 5341485034_1.jpg) 4f9617e7a2fc8e2def001bbb: ( 5341485035_0.jpg) 4f9617e8a2fc8e2def001bbc: ( 5341485035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 1ST 1918 TO DECEMBER 5TH 1918 4f9617e8a2fc8e2def001bbd: ( 5341486001_0.jpg) 4f9617e8a2fc8e2def001bbe: ( 5341486001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f9617e9a2fc8e2def001bbf: ( 5341486002_0.jpg) 4f9617e9a2fc8e2def001bc0: ( 5341486002_1.jpg) Above two pages blank. 4f9617eaa2fc8e2def001bc1: ( 5341486003_0.jpg) Instrument page. Aneroid barometer, J Hicks 1936. Thermometers TA Reynolds & Co. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1918 [Amoy, Hong Kong, Swatow and Amoy] 4f9617eaa2fc8e2def001bc2: ( 5341486003_1.jpg) 1 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Landing party still ashore. Weather: Light winds, mostly cloudy but dry, temperature max 84ºF at 4.00pm. 4f9617eaa2fc8e2def001bc3: ( 5341486004_0.jpg) 2 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 PO Abel returned aboard to duty. 5.55pm: Armed landing party returned aboard. 4f9617eba2fc8e2def001bc4: ( 5341486004_1.jpg) 3 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised general quarters. Landing party away for route march. 4f9617eba2fc8e2def001bc5: ( 5341486005_0.jpg) 4 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Painting. Landing party away for route march. 4f9617eba2fc8e2def001bc6: ( 5341486005_1.jpg) 5 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Shackled on typhoon cable and furled forward awnings. 4f9617eca2fc8e2def001bc7: ( 5341486006_0.jpg) 6 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 10.00am: Hands to church. 4f9617eca2fc8e2def001bc8: ( 5341486006_1.jpg) 7 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised general quarters. Charged up torpedoes. 4f9617eca2fc8e2def001bc9: ( 5341486007_0.jpg) 8 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Exercised action stations and fire drill. In pm: Landed football team. 4f9617eda2fc8e2def001bca: ( 5341486007_1.jpg) 9 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Exercised landing party. In pm: Landed party for route march. 4f9617eda2fc8e2def001bcb: ( 5341486008_0.jpg) 10 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Hands variously employed. In pm: Make and mend. 4f9617eda2fc8e2def001bcc: ( 5341486008_1.jpg) 11 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Dropped life buoy. 4f9617eea2fc8e2def001bcd: ( 5341486009_0.jpg) 12 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Clean ship. In pm: Make and mend. 4f9617eea2fc8e2def001bce: ( 5341486009_1.jpg) 13 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Sunday routine. 4f9617efa2fc8e2def001bcf: ( 5341486010_0.jpg) 14 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Working party to SS Hi Hong for provisions. Received 30 tons of coal. 4f9617efa2fc8e2def001bd0: ( 5341486010_1.jpg) 15 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised boat crews. Aired bedding. Landed unarmed party for route march. 4f9617efa2fc8e2def001bd1: ( 5341486011_0.jpg) 16 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 7.00am: Slipped from buoy and anchored in 10 fathoms. 4f9617f0a2fc8e2def001bd2: ( 5341486011_1.jpg) 17 October 1918 Amoy and at sea for Hong Kong. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.30pm: Rounded Chapel I., a/c S44W. 8.00pm: Pos. 23 43N, 117 45E. 8.53pm: Brothers Is abeam, 5 miles. 11.25pm: Lammock Is Lt abeam, 2 miles. 4f9617f0a2fc8e2def001bd3: ( 5341486012_0.jpg) 18 October 1918 At sea to Hong Kong. Lat 22.37, Long 115.00 1.25am: Cape Good Hope Lt [now Biao Jiao] abeam, 13 miles. 3.30am: Breaker Pt Lt abeam, 8 miles, a/c S79W. 8.00am: Pos. 22 35N, 115 43E. 9.00am: Chilang Pt abeam, 7 miles. 11.33am: Pedro Blanco abeam, 4 miles. 3.20pm: Passed Ninepins, various courses entering Hong Kong Harbour. 5.00pm: Made fast alongside North Wall. Amoy to Hong Kong, 283.5 miles. 6.00pm: Changed crews. 4f9617f0a2fc8e2def001bd4: ( 5341486012_1.jpg) 19 October 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands taking in stores and 35 tons of coal. 4f9617f1a2fc8e2def001bd5: ( 5341486013_0.jpg) 20 October 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Leave to watch and part. 4f9617f1a2fc8e2def001bd6: ( 5341486013_1.jpg) 21 October 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Furl and stow awnings and secure for sea. 7.00am: Orders received to bank fires. Weather too bad to proceed. 4f9617f1a2fc8e2def001bd7: ( 5341486014_0.jpg) 22 October 1918 Hong Kong and at sea for Amoy. Lat 22.37, Long 114.97 6.50am: Cast off and proceeded. 8.00am: Pos. 22 14N, 114 16.5E. 8.32am: South Ninepin One bg NW, a/c N73E. 10.25am: Single I. abeam, 6 miles. Noon: Moderate ESE swell. 12.50pm: Pedro Blanco abeam 6 miles. 3.55pm: Chilang Pt abeam, 9 miles. 8.00pm: Pos. 22 44N, 116 16E. 9.35pm: Breaker Pt Lt abeam, 8 miles. 10.40pm: Wind and sea increasing, reduced to 10 knots. 11.25pm: Sea rising rapidly, reduced to 9 knots. 11.59pm: Heavy head sea and swell. A larger vessel would not be in difficulties in these conditions, but these turtleback destroyers were notorious for putting the whole foc’sle under water when steaming into a head sea. 4f9617f2a2fc8e2def001bd8: ( 5341486014_1.jpg) 23 October 1918 At sea to Swatau. Lat 23.36, Long 117.35 [approx, Lat 22 21.5 in log, probably clerical error) 12.50am: Cape Good Hope Lt abeam. 4.20am: Lammock Lt abeam, 2 miles. 8.00am: Pos. 20 32N, 117 33E. 8.50am: Brothers Is abeam, 1 mile. Wind and sea rapidly increasing. 9.15am: Experienced heavy dangerous sea and fresh gale. A/c SW to run for shelter at Swatau. Noon: Wind NNE f7, very rough seas. 12.36pm: Lammocks Lt abeam, 2 miles. Various courses in heavy seas for Swatau. 3.45pm: Passed Sugar Loaf I. 4.15pm: Anchored in Swatau harbour. Made harbour with difficulty, having no alternative course in such heavy weather. 4f9617f2a2fc8e2def001bd9: ( 5341486015_0.jpg) 24 October 1918 Swatau. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 One jar of rum found to be broken through heavy weather. Two and a half (2½) pints short. [It’s an ill wind….) 4f9617f2a2fc8e2def001bda: ( 5341486015_1.jpg) 25 October 1918 Swatau, at sea and return. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 6.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 6.55am: Wind and sea rapidly increasing. 7.35am: Turned and proceeded towards Swatau for shelter again. 8.00am: Pos. 23 16.5N, 116 50E. 9.25am: Anchored in Swatau harbour. In pm: Received 20 tons coal. 4f9617f3a2fc8e2def001bdb: ( 5341486016_0.jpg) 26 October 1918 Swatau to Amoy. Lat 23.71, Long 117.60 5.35am: Weighed and proceeded. 6.30am: Dove Rock bg East, 1 mile. Set course N35E, 12 knots. 7.45am: Brig I. abeam, 0.75 miles, a/c N60E. 8.00am: Pos. 23 28N, 116 57.5E. 8.12am: Breaker I. abeam, 1.25 miles, a/c N60E. 10.45am: Rounded Bell I. 11.05am: Square I. abeam, 1 mile, a/c N51E. 12.15pm: Passing through Rees Pass. 1.55pm: Knob Rock abeam, 1.5 miles, a/c N42E. 3.25pm: Lantai I. abeam, 1.5 miles, a/c N35E. 3.50pm: N Merope Rocks abeam, 0.5 miles, a/c N50E. 5.50pm: Anchored in Amoy outer harbour near HMS Cadmus. Captain went on board Cadmus. 4f9617f3a2fc8e2def001bdc: ( 5341486016_1.jpg) 27 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 5.35am: HMS Cadmus proceeded to sea. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to secure to buoy in inner harbour. 10.30am: Chinese Officer of the Guard boarded. 10.40am: Chinese OOG left. 10.45am: Captain left ship to interview HBM Consul. 4f9617f3a2fc8e2def001bdd: ( 5341486017_0.jpg) 28 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 10.30am: Captain paid official visit* to Chinese Flagship. * Official visits, complete with cocked hat and sword in those days, were of course demanded by custom and courtesy, but they served a useful purpose too. Commanding officers had a great deal of autonomy in those days of poor communications and the official visit was valuable to establish good relations and gather local intelligence. 4f9617f4a2fc8e2def001bde: ( 5341486017_1.jpg) 29 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised general quarters. Landed party for route march. 4f9617f4a2fc8e2def001bdf: ( 5341486018_0.jpg) 30 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised action stations and fire drill. Landed unarmed party for route march. 4f9617f4a2fc8e2def001be0: ( 5341486018_1.jpg) 31 October 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Port Health Officer attending sick. Number on sick list, 3. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1918 [Amoy and Hong Kong] 4f9617f5a2fc8e2def001be1: ( 5341486019_0.jpg) 1 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Port Health Officer attending sick. Number on sick list, 3. Received 30 tons of coal. Landed unarmed party for route march. Weather: Calm and dry, max. temperature 84ºF at 4.00pm. 4f9617f5a2fc8e2def001be2: ( 5341486019_1.jpg) 2 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Port Health Officer attending sick. Number on sick list, 5. PHO ordered that the patients were to draw their rum daily, this day included. Landed football team for match. 4f9617f5a2fc8e2def001be3: ( 5341486020_0.jpg) 3 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Sunday routine. Number on sick list, 4. 4f9617f6a2fc8e2def001be4: ( 5341486020_1.jpg) 4 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised action stations and life saving. 4f9617f6a2fc8e2def001be5: ( 5341486021_0.jpg) 5 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Port Health Officer attending sick [2). 4f9617f6a2fc8e2def001be6: ( 5341486021_1.jpg) 6 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised general quarters. 4f9617f7a2fc8e2def001be7: ( 5341486022_0.jpg) 7 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 11.30am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for gunnery and torpedo practice. 3.55pm: Returned to harbour and secured to buoy. 4f9617f7a2fc8e2def001be8: ( 5341486022_1.jpg) 8 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Hands variously employed. Landed football team. 4f9617f7a2fc8e2def001be9: ( 5341486023_0.jpg) 9 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Clean ship. Make and mend in pm. 4f9617f8a2fc8e2def001bea: ( 5341486023_1.jpg) 10 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Sunday routine. 4f9617f8a2fc8e2def001beb: ( 5341486024_0.jpg) 11 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised gun crews and boat pulling. 4f9617f8a2fc8e2def001bec: ( 5341486024_1.jpg) 12 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 8.00am: Dress ship. Landed football party. 4f9617f9a2fc8e2def001bed: ( 5341486025_0.jpg) 13 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Noon: Fired salute. Landed party for armistice celebrations. 4f9617f9a2fc8e2def001bee: ( 5341486025_1.jpg) 14 November 1918 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Hands variously employed. 4f9617f9a2fc8e2def001bef: ( 5341486026_0.jpg) 15 November 1918 Amoy and at sea for Hong Kong. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 In am: Landed party for thanksgiving service. 2.35pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded. 6.45pm: Knob Rock abeam. 8.00pm: Pos. 23 44N, 117 44.5E. 11.25pm: Lammocks Lt abeam, 1.5 miles, a/c S58W. 4f9617faa2fc8e2def001bf0: ( 5341486026_1.jpg) 16 November 1918 At sea to Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.70 1.10 am: Cape Good Hope Light abeam, 10.5 miles. 3.03am: Breaker Point Lt abeam, 5 miles, a/c S60W. 7.30am: Chilang Point abeam, 9 miles, a/c S75W. 8.00am: Pos. 22 30N, 115 30E. 9.57am: Pedro Blanco Island abeam, 4 miles, a/c S77W. Noon: Single Island abeam, 6.5 miles. 1.30pm: Passed Ninepins, a/c for harbour. 2.50pm: All fast alongside HMS Virago inside Camber. 4f9617faa2fc8e2def001bf1: ( 5341486027_0.jpg) 17 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9617faa2fc8e2def001bf2: ( 5341486027_1.jpg) 18 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In pm: Mr Savage left to join TB 035. Ldg Stoker Wild, Stokers Smith and Cutter, ABs Lennard and Cox joined from HMS Tamar. PO Lay joined from HMS Virago. CPO Cottis left to join Virago, AB Warner left to Tamar, Stoker Byrne to TB 038, Stoker Lea to TB 035 and Stoker Ash to TB 038. 4f9617fba2fc8e2def001bf3: ( 5341486028_0.jpg) 19 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.15pm: Firing party left for HMS Tamar (6 hands). 2.50pm: Firing party returned. 3.45pm: Funeral party left. 6.30pm: Funeral party returned. 4f9617fba2fc8e2def001bf4: ( 5341486028_1.jpg) 20 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands variously employed. Received 50 tons of coal. 4f9617fba2fc8e2def001bf5: ( 5341486029_0.jpg) 21 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands painting ship. 4f9617fca2fc8e2def001bf6: ( 5341486029_1.jpg) 22 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands painting ship. 4f9617fca2fc8e2def001bf7: ( 5341486030_0.jpg) 23 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Saturday routine. 4f9617fca2fc8e2def001bf8: ( 5341486030_1.jpg) 24 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f9617fda2fc8e2def001bf9: ( 5341486031_0.jpg) 25 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands variously employed. 4f9617fda2fc8e2def001bfa: ( 5341486031_1.jpg) 26 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Lt WC Hake joined in command and Lt Bernard* left for HMS Virago. 11.10am: Shifted ship alongside HMS Cadmus. 12.30pm: Shifted ship alongside HMS Wivern. * It appears that Lt Bernard has been a temporary Captain while Lt Hake travelled out from the UK. 4f9617fea2fc8e2def001bfb: ( 5341486032_0.jpg) 27 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands variously employed. 4f9617fea2fc8e2def001bfc: ( 5341486032_1.jpg) 28 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands variously employed. 4f9617fea2fc8e2def001bfd: ( 5341486033_0.jpg) 29 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Shifted ship alongside HMS Cadmus and then back to wall after HMS Wivern had left. In pm: Make and mend, Heather Day. 4f9617ffa2fc8e2def001bfe: ( 5341486033_1.jpg) 30 November 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Ldg Sig. Berham left for HMS Tamar and Ldg Sig Ryder joined ship. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1918 [Hong Kong] 4f9617ffa2fc8e2def001bff: ( 5341486034_0.jpg) 1 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. Weather: Calm and dry, mostly overcast and cloudy, max temperature 72ºF at 4.00pm. 4f9617ffa2fc8e2def001c00: ( 5341486034_1.jpg) 2 December 1918 Hong Kong and night patrol. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Left Camber and secured to No 5 buoy. 4.38pm: Slipped and proceeded on night patrol. 4.50pm: Stopped and altered course to avoid junk that went about right ahead. 4.51pm: Upper structure caught on bowsprit of junk at anchor. Manoeuvred to get clear. 4.58pm: Examined damage, then proceeded on patrol. Victoria Peak bg SxE½E.
4f961800a2fc8e2def001c01: ( 5341486035_0.jpg) 3 December 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.05am: All fast to No 5 buoy. 4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961800a2fc8e2def001c02: ( 5341486035_1.jpg) 4 December 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.40am: All fast to No 5 buoy. 4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 4f961800a2fc8e2def001c03: ( 5341486036_0.jpg) 5 December 1918 Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.40am: All fast alongside HMS Virago in Camber. 4f961801a2fc8e2def001c04: ( 5341486036_1.jpg) 4f961801a2fc8e2def001c05: ( 5341486037_0.jpg) 4f961801a2fc8e2def001c06: ( 5341486037_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – DECEMBER 6TH 1918 TO FEBRUARY 9TH 1919 4f961802a2fc8e2def001c07: ( 5341487001_0.jpg) 4f961802a2fc8e2def001c08: ( 5341487001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961802a2fc8e2def001c09: ( 5341487002_0.jpg) 4f961803a2fc8e2def001c0a: ( 5341487002_1.jpg) Above two pages blank. 4f961803a2fc8e2def001c0b: ( 5341487003_0.jpg) Barometer, Aneroid, J Hicks, 1936. Air and Sea thermometers by TA Reynolds & Co. 4f961803a2fc8e2def001c0c: ( 5341487003_1.jpg) 6 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands variously employed.
4f961804a2fc8e2def001c0d: ( 5341487004_0.jpg) 7 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands variously employed. 4f961804a2fc8e2def001c0e: ( 5341487004_1.jpg) 8 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961804a2fc8e2def001c0f: ( 5341487005_0.jpg) 9 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands painting messdecks. 9.00am: HMS Virago out East. 4f961805a2fc8e2def001c10: ( 5341487005_1.jpg) 10 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands cleaning ship’s side and variously employed. 4f961805a2fc8e2def001c11: ( 5341487006_0.jpg) 11 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.50am: Shifted from North wall to West wall. 4f961806a2fc8e2def001c12: ( 5341487006_1.jpg) 12 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands variously employed. 4f961806a2fc8e2def001c13: ( 5341487007_0.jpg) 13 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Received 15 tons of coal. 4f961806a2fc8e2def001c14: ( 5341487007_1.jpg) 14 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Mr Merrin, Gunner, joined ship. 4f961807a2fc8e2def001c15: ( 5341487008_0.jpg) 15 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961807a2fc8e2def001c16: ( 5341487008_1.jpg) 16 December 1918 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.55, Long 114.42 7.30am: Left Camber, various courses and speeds. 12.20pm: Took target in tow for HMS Cadmus. 1.45pm: Slipped target and proceeded on patrol. 5.10pm: Anchored for the night. 4f961807a2fc8e2def001c17: ( 5341487009_0.jpg) 17 December 1918 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.42, Long 114.5 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po. 4f961808a2fc8e2def001c18: ( 5341487009_1.jpg) 18 December 1918 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.50am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f961808a2fc8e2def001c19: ( 5341487010_0.jpg) 19 December 1918 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 4.30pm: Anchored at Tai Po for the night. 4f961809a2fc8e2def001c1a: ( 5341487010_1.jpg) 20 December 1918 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.30am: Captain landed to call on Customs station at Mui Sui Sha. 4.15pm: Anchored for the night in Double Haven. 4f961809a2fc8e2def001c1b: ( 5341487011_0.jpg) 21 December 1918 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 3.00pm: Anchored at Tai Po. 4f961809a2fc8e2def001c1c: ( 5341487011_1.jpg) 22 December 1918 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 9.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 2.00pm: Anchored in Plover Cove. 4f96180aa2fc8e2def001c1d: ( 5341487012_0.jpg) 23 December 1918 Mirs Bay to Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. Noon: Secured to North Wall inside Camber. 4.20pm: AB Richardson joined and AB Furlong left ship. 11.55pm: Small fire broke out in RN Ordnance. Landed every available man. 4f96180aa2fc8e2def001c1e: ( 5341487012_1.jpg) 24 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.20am: Fire extinguished, only slight damage. Origin of fire unknown. Sunday routine. 25 December missing 4f96180ba2fc8e2def001c1f: ( 5341487013_0.jpg) 26 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Down for’d awnings. 4f96180ba2fc8e2def001c20: ( 5341487013_1.jpg) 27 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Discharged AB Kingsman to hospital for treatment and Stoker White to HMS Tamar, sick. Typhoon reported East of Philippines going West and North. Dinghy taken to slip for repairs. 4f96180ba2fc8e2def001c21: ( 5341487014_0.jpg) 28 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 3.20pm: HMS Tarantula arrived in Camber and made fast to East wall. 4.00pm: Stoker Watkins joined from HMS Tamar. 4f96180ca2fc8e2def001c22: ( 5341487014_1.jpg) 29 December 1918 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 7.00am: Hands fall in. Wash down. 7.30am: Quarters. Clean guns. 8.00am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Clear up decks for divisions. 9.15am: Divisions. Captain’s inspection. 10.00am: Church parties fall in. 11.00am: Church parties returned. Noon: Dinner. 1.00pm: Leave to watch and part until 11.00pm. Warned ship under sailing orders. 4.00pm: Tea. Dinghy returned from slips. 4f96180ca2fc8e2def001c23: ( 5341487015_0.jpg) 30 December 1918 Hong Kong and on patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 3.50am: Called Stokers lighting up watch. 7.05am: Left Camber, proceeded down harbour. 8.00am: Cape Collinson abeam. 9.00am: Waglan abeam, 2 miles. 9.20am: Nine Pins abeam, 4 cables. [A cable is 200 yds] 10.15am: Met HMS Virago, exchanged signals and took over patrol. Reduced to 8 knots and proceeded up Mirs Bay. 4.50pm: Anchored off Mui Shui Sha. 4f96180ca2fc8e2def001c24: ( 5341487015_1.jpg) 31 December 1918 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 10.00am: Turned and proceeded down to mouth of Mirs Bay. 4.30pm: Anchored at Tai Po. THE VOYAGES OF HMS FAME 1919 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1919 [Hong Kong patrols] 4f96180da2fc8e2def001c25: ( 5341487016_0.jpg) 1 January 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 6.45am: Called hands. Scub and wash decks. Quarters. Clean guns. 8.40am: Dinghy returned with stores. 9.00am: Hoisted dinghy. In lower boom. Weighed anchor and proceeded down Tolo Channel and Middle Channel. 3.50pm: Dropped anchor in Camp Cove, Double Haven. Weather: Light breezes, misty in the morning, temperatures in the mid 60s F. 4f96180da2fc8e2def001c26: ( 5341487016_1.jpg) 2 January 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.55, Long 114.4 [approx] In am: Patrolled Northern end of Mirs Bay. 4.00pm: Proceeded up Tolo Channel and anchored off Tai Po pier. 4f96180da2fc8e2def001c27: ( 5341487017_0.jpg) 3 January 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded down Tolo Channel,10 knots. Proceeded Pin Chau I. [Possibly Po Pin Chau.] 4.00pm: Anchored in Pin Chau roads and visited Customs house at Hasha. Officially closed. Interrogated caretaker for information. 8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4f96180ea2fc8e2def001c28: ( 5341487017_1.jpg) 4 January 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 12.01am: Various courses patrolling. 6.45am: Anchored. Noon: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.20pm: Anchored off pier, Tai Po. 8.00pm: Pistols and ammunition drawn. [A daily procedure from here on] 4f96180ea2fc8e2def001c29: ( 5341487018_0.jpg) 5 January 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.30pm: Anchored in White Cove, Long Harbour. 4f96180ea2fc8e2def001c2a: ( 5341487018_1.jpg) 6 January 1919 Patrol and to Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.28, Long 114.25 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded through Middle Channel to rendezvous. 10.00am: Met HMS Virago and turned over to her. Proceeded for harbour. 11.45am: Cape Collinson abeam. 12.30pm: Shackled to T buoy. Coaled from lighter alongside. 4.00pm: Finished with coal and went into Camber. Made fast to East wall. 5.45pm: Muster for payment. 4f96180fa2fc8e2def001c2b: ( 5341487019_0.jpg) 7 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Painted ship. Issued slops. 4f96180fa2fc8e2def001c2c: ( 5341487019_1.jpg) 8 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Painted ship. Received provisions. 4f96180fa2fc8e2def001c2d: ( 5341487020_0.jpg) 9 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Make and mend. 4f961810a2fc8e2def001c2e: ( 5341487020_1.jpg) 10 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Respread awnings. 4f961810a2fc8e2def001c2f: ( 5341487021_0.jpg) 11 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Saturday routine. 4f961810a2fc8e2def001c30: ( 5341487021_1.jpg) 12 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961811a2fc8e2def001c31: ( 5341487022_0.jpg) 13 January 1919 Hon Kong and on Eastern patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 7.00am: Left Camber and out through Lye Mun Pass. 10.00am: Took over patrol from HMS Virago. 2.41pm: Port I. [now Chek Chau] abeam. 3.00pm: Gruff Head abeam. 3.15pm: Knob Reef abeam. 4.15pm: Anchored at Tai Po. 4f961811a2fc8e2def001c32: ( 5341487022_1.jpg) 14 January 1919 Eastern Patrol. Lat 22.54, Long 114.29 9.00am: Weighed and proceeded down Tolo Channel. 11.00am: Anchored in Crooked I. harbour and visited two villages. 2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.00pm: Stopped and visited Hung Shek Mun. Proceeded. 5.50pm: Anchored off Tai Po pier. 4f961812a2fc8e2def001c33: ( 5341487023_0.jpg) 15 January 1919 Eastern Patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.15am: Dropped target for 1” AR practice. 4.00pm: Anchored in Pen Chau roads. Revolvers and ammunition drawn. 4f961812a2fc8e2def001c34: ( 5341487023_1.jpg) 16 January 1919 Eastern Patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Revolvers returned. 10.00am: Carried out 1” aiming rifle practice. AB Worcester off duty sick. 4.30pm: Anchored, Tai Po. 8.00pm: Revolvers and ammunition drawn. 4f961812a2fc8e2def001c35: ( 5341487024_0.jpg) 17 January 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx] 7.45am: Hove up and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Anchored in Barchau [?] Roads. 8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on night patrol. 4f961813a2fc8e2def001c36: ( 5341487024_1.jpg) 18 January 1919 Patrol to Tai Po. Lat 22.45, Long 114.19 2.00am: Round Island abeam, 2 miles, bg WxS. 7.00am: Turned to enter Tolo Channel. 10.38am: Anchored in Tai Po. In pm: Make and mend. Hands to bathe. 4f961813a2fc8e2def001c37: ( 5341487025_0.jpg) 19 January 1919 Tai Po, patrol and Three Fathom Cove. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded down Tolo Channel to Mirs Bay. 4.20pm: Anchored in Three Fathom Cove. 4f961813a2fc8e2def001c38: ( 5341487025_1.jpg) 20 January 1919 Three Fathom Cove and Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.45am: Up anchor and proceeded to rendezvous. 10.00am: Met HMS Virago and turned over patrol to her. Set course to Hong Kong. 12.20pm: Made fast to No 6 buoy. Coal alongside. Started coaling. Draft aft, 7’ 6”, for’d 6’ 6”. 4.00pm: Stoker O'Brian joined ship. 4.30pm: Finished coaling. Draft aft, 7’ 0”, for’d 7’ 6”. 5.20pm: Proceeded into Camber and made fast alongside. 4f961814a2fc8e2def001c39: ( 5341487026_0.jpg) 21 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 AB Worcester discharged sick to HMS Tamar. Ash boat alongside. Hands cleaning side and side screens. 4f961814a2fc8e2def001c3a: ( 5341487026_1.jpg) 22 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed cleaning ship. 4f961814a2fc8e2def001c3b: ( 5341487027_0.jpg) 23 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961815a2fc8e2def001c3c: ( 5341487027_1.jpg) 24 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 11.00am: HMS Suffolk arrived. In pm: Dockyard Launch 28 struck ship on starboard quarter, damaging one plate and one frame plate between L bulkhead and stern, between 115 and 116 frames. 4f961815a2fc8e2def001c3d: ( 5341487028_0.jpg) 25 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Saturday routine. Clean all brasswork. 2.00pm: HMS Sandpiper left harbour. 4.00pm: AB Kingsman, WT Darwin and PO Richards discharged to HMS Tamar. AB Johnstone, Tel. Cooper and LS Elliott joined ship as reliefs. 4f961815a2fc8e2def001c3e: ( 5341487028_1.jpg) 26 January 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 1.40pm: HMS Robin entered harbour. 4f961816a2fc8e2def001c3f: ( 5341487029_0.jpg) 27 January 1919 Hong Kong and Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 7.10am: Left Camber and proceeded on patrol. 7.55am: Cape Collinson abeam. 10.00am: Met HMS Virago and took over patrol. 4.00pm: Anchored in White Cove, Long Harbour. 4f961816a2fc8e2def001c40: ( 5341487029_1.jpg) Blank page. 4f961816a2fc8e2def001c41: ( 5341487030_0.jpg) 28 January 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.53, Long 114.3 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.30am: Round Camp Cove and Double Haven. 2.00pm: Knob Reef abeam, 1 cable. 4.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po. 4f961817a2fc8e2def001c42: ( 5341487030_1.jpg) 29 January 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.42, Long 114.51 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded down Tolo Channel. 1.20pm: Anchored in Dumbell Bay, Bias Bay. 2.00pm: Sounded round Sandy Cay. 5.00pm: Boats returned and hoisted. 4f961817a2fc8e2def001c43: ( 5341487031_0.jpg) 30 January 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.55, Long 114.4 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 7.49am: Anchored, fog. 8.50am: Weighed and proceeded S60E. 11.20am: Mirs Pt abeam, a/c N70W. 12.20pm: Slow, sighted Port I. ahead. 2.05pm: Anchored, Tai Po. 4f961817a2fc8e2def001c44: ( 5341487031_1.jpg) 31 January 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.45, Long 114.25 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.00am: Carried out exercises with sounding machine. Wire in good condition. 11.00am: Ran up Plover Cove. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1919 [Hong Kong and Mirs Bay patrols] 4f961818a2fc8e2def001c45: ( 5341487032_0.jpg) 1 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 4.00am: Anchor bearings correct. 7.00am: Hands fall in, Saturday routine. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.00pm: Anchored, Tai Po. 8.00pm: Pistols and ammunition drawn. 10.00pm: Very heavy rain squall. Weather: Calm or light NW’lies, mist and rain, temperatures in the low 50s F. 4f961818a2fc8e2def001c46: ( 5341487032_1.jpg) 2 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 5.00am: Heard heavy explosions in a NE direction. 10.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.00pm: Anchored in White Cove, Long harbour. 4f961818a2fc8e2def001c47: ( 5341487033_0.jpg) 3 February 1919 Patrol to Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded to rendezvous. 10.00pm: Handed over patrol to HMS Virago. Proceeded into Hong Kong Harbour and secured to North wall. 1.05pm: HMS Sandpiper entered Camber. 3.00pm: Hands mustered for payment. 4f961819a2fc8e2def001c48: ( 5341487033_1.jpg) 4 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Coaled ship. AB Lumark [?] discharged to HMS Tamar and AB Cousins joined from same. 4f961819a2fc8e2def001c49: ( 5341487034_0.jpg) 5 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Painting ship’s side. 4f96181aa2fc8e2def001c4a: ( 5341487034_1.jpg) 6 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Provisions arrived. ERA Routledge joined ship. 4f96181aa2fc8e2def001c4b: ( 5341487035_0.jpg) 7 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: HMS Moorhen left Camber. 4f96181aa2fc8e2def001c4c: ( 5341487035_1.jpg) 8 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on messdecks etc. 4f96181ba2fc8e2def001c4d: ( 5341487036_0.jpg) 9 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96181ba2fc8e2def001c4e: ( 5341487036_1.jpg) 4f96181ca2fc8e2def001c4f: ( 5341487037_0.jpg) 4f96181ca2fc8e2def001c50: ( 5341487037_1.jpg) Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – FEBRUARY 10TH 1919 TO FEBRUARY 28TH 1919 4f96181da2fc8e2def001c51: ( 5341488001_0.jpg) 4f96181da2fc8e2def001c52: ( 5341488001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f96181ea2fc8e2def001c53: ( 5341488002_0.jpg) 4f96181ea2fc8e2def001c54: ( 5341488002_1.jpg) Above two pages blank. 4f96181ea2fc8e2def001c55: ( 5341488003_0.jpg) Aneroid Barometer, J Hicks 1936. Thermometers by TA Reynolds. 4f96181fa2fc8e2def001c56: ( 5341488003_1.jpg) 10 February 1919 Hong Kong and on patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 6.55am: Permission to proceed affirmative. 8.00am: Passed Cape Collinson. 9.00am: Nine Pins abeam. 10.00am: Basalt I. abeam. 3.55pm: Anchored in Double Haven. 4f96181fa2fc8e2def001c57: ( 5341488004_0.jpg) 11 February 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. Sight setters to drill on aft 12 pdr. 3.30pm: Set course up Tolo Channel. 4.20pm: Anchored, Tai Po. 4f96181fa2fc8e2def001c58: ( 5341488004_1.jpg) 12 February 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded, course N58E. 10.30am: A/c S45E, then various. Noon: Anchored, Tam-un. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S75W. 2.20pm: A/c N40W. 2.48pm: A/c N10W. 3.20pm: Anchored in Nam O. 9.00pm: Weighed and proceeded West on patrol. 11.10pm: Heavy mist, anchored in Long Harbour. 4f961820a2fc8e2def001c59: ( 5341488005_0.jpg) 13 February 1919 Patrol. Lat 22.45, Long 114.19 [approx] 2.20am: Received W/T orders to proceed to Sheko, to capture pirates attacking same. 2.30am: Weighed and proceeded, 10 knots. 2.40am: 15 knots. Lit second boiler, worked up to 21 knots at 4.15am. 4.25am: Passed Lamtong [Lam Tong Mei Lt] and closely examined junks C922 and G559. Patrolled at slow speed between C Collinson and Sheko until 6.40am, then proceeded to Mirs Bay. 12.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po. 4f961820a2fc8e2def001c5a: ( 5341488005_1.jpg) 14 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol, N62E. 4.00pm: Anchored off Lui Sui Sha. 4f961820a2fc8e2def001c5b: ( 5341488006_0.jpg) 15 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4.00: Anchored off Tai Po. 4f961821a2fc8e2def001c5c: ( 5341488006_1.jpg) 16 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol Lat 22.6, Long 114.4 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded to examine Plover Cove and adjacent islands. 4.00: Anchored in Jones Cove. 4f961821a2fc8e2def001c5d: ( 5341488007_0.jpg) 17 February 1919 Jones Cove to Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 10.45am: Secured to No 6 buoy. Coaled from lighter. 5.00pm: Slipped and secured to North wall, Camber. 5.55pm: HMS Sandpiper entered harbour. 4f961821a2fc8e2def001c5e: ( 5341488007_1.jpg) 18 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands scrubbing the side. 1.20pm: USS Helena arrived and secured to No 11 buoy. 4f961822a2fc8e2def001c5f: ( 5341488008_0.jpg) 19 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Stoker Buckland released from sentry’s charge. 11.15am: One bosun's call lost overboard by accident. 4f961822a2fc8e2def001c60: ( 5341488008_1.jpg) 20 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed returning arms and drawing same in lieu. [Perhaps they go back for examination and servicing, or perhaps new models were being issued.] 4f961822a2fc8e2def001c61: ( 5341488009_0.jpg) 21 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.15am: USS Helena left. 3.05pm: Moved to West wall by tug. HMS Sandpiper secured alongside. SS Empress of Russia secured under crane. 4f961823a2fc8e2def001c62: ( 5341488009_1.jpg) 22 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.30pm: HMS Tarantula secured to No 5 buoy and coaled. 4.00pm: Tarantula left. 4f961823a2fc8e2def001c63: ( 5341488010_0.jpg) 23 February 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961823a2fc8e2def001c64: ( 5341488010_1.jpg) 24 February 1919 Hong Kong Harbour to Hebe Haven. Lat 22.37, Long 114.28 7.00am: HMS Sandpiper left harbour on Delta patrol. 8.00am: Slipped from wall 8.45am: Passed Cape Collinson Lighthouse. Visited Rock harbour Port shelter. 11.45am: Anchored at Hebe Haven. In pm: Exercised the crew in abandon ship, out berthon boats, gun crew drill, whaler pulling and sailing etc. 9.00pm: Drew pistols and ammunition. 4f961824a2fc8e2def001c65: ( 5341488011_0.jpg) 25 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.60, Long 114.40 [approx] 8.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol. Cruised round Rocky harbour via Sharp Pt and various islands. 5.15pm: Anchored, Tai Po. 4f961824a2fc8e2def001c66: ( 5341488011_1.jpg) 26 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.60, Long 114.40 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded down Tolo Channel and round the upper reaches of Mirs Bay. All quiet. In pm: Made circuit of Bay. 4.00pm: Anchored Pen Chau [now Peng Chau] Roads. 8.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 11.20pm: Anchored in White Cove. 4f961824a2fc8e2def001c67: ( 5341488012_0.jpg) 27 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.55, Long 114.43 [approx] In am: Lowered both torpedoes overside weighted. Test for watertightness. Found correct. 1.00pm: Hove up and proceeded on patrol. Patrolled Western waters Mirs Bay. 5.05pm: Anchored off Taipo. 4f961825a2fc8e2def001c68: ( 5341488012_1.jpg) 28 February 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.54, Long 114.43 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded om patrol. Patrolled Southern waters of Mirs Bay. Sounded Pen Chau Island. 5.00pm: Anchored off Tai Po. 4f961825a2fc8e2def001c69: ( 5341488013_0.jpg) 4f961825a2fc8e2def001c6a: ( 5341488013_1.jpg) 4f961826a2fc8e2def001c6b: ( 5341488014_0.jpg) 4f961826a2fc8e2def001c6c: ( 5341488014_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1919 [Mirs Bay, Hong Kong and Canton] 4f961827a2fc8e2def001c6d: ( 5341489001_0.jpg) 4f961827a2fc8e2def001c6e: ( 5341489001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961827a2fc8e2def001c6f: ( 5341489002_0.jpg) 4f961828a2fc8e2def001c70: ( 5341489002_1.jpg) Above two pages blank. 4f961828a2fc8e2def001c71: ( 5341489003_0.jpg) Aneroid barometer J Hicks, thermometers, TA Reynolds. 4f961828a2fc8e2def001c72: ( 5341489003_1.jpg) 1 March 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.60, Long 114.40 [approx] 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 8.00am: Breakfast. Hands employed as requisite. Patrolled Tolo Channel and adjacent creeks. 11.00am: Quarters. Clean guns. 4.00pm: Anchored Tai Po, 2.5 shackles in 3 fathoms. 8.00pm: Pistols and arms drawn. Weather: Calm with occasional light airs from the NE. Overcast with mist in the early morning, temperatures as high as 79ºF at 4.00pm. 4f961829a2fc8e2def001c73: ( 5341489004_0.jpg) 2 March 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.32, Long 114.31 [approx] 8.00am: Hove up and proceeded on patrol. 9.30am: Anchored off Port island in thick fog. 10.40am: Hove up and proceeded to eastern end of Mirs Bay. 1.00pm: Anchored Cascade Bay Port shelter. Occasional heavy fog banks passing inland from Eastward. 4f961829a2fc8e2def001c74: ( 5341489004_1.jpg) 3 March 1919 Cascade Bay to Hong Kong Harbour and return. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 10.15am: Passed HMS Suffolk leaving harbour by Lye Mun. 10.45am: Secured to No 6 buoy. 11.05am: HMS Sandpiper entered harbour. Coaled and watered ship. 4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol. 6.25pm: Anchored in Cascade Bay. 4f961829a2fc8e2def001c75: ( 5341489005_0.jpg) 4 March 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.60, Long 114.40 [approx] 7.00am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.00am: Town Island [now To Fung Shan] abeam. 1.5 cables. 10.00am: Conic I. abeam, 2 cables. 11.00am: Pen Chau abeam, 2 miles. 1.00pm: Set course to Tai Po. 5.00pm: Anchored Tai Po. 4f96182aa2fc8e2def001c76: ( 5341489005_1.jpg) 5 March 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.53, Long 114.48 [approx] 8.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Sui Lui Sha. Bluff Head abeam, 1 cable. 11.00am: Anchored. [Not given in the log, but I believe this to be in Egong Bay or Nam O Bay, on the China coast.] 8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded. 9.00pm: Dropped anchor off Long Island owing to fog. 4f96182aa2fc8e2def001c77: ( 5341489006_0.jpg) 6 March 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.45, Long 114.19 Thick fog in am. 10.05am: Weighed and proceeded up Tolo Channel. Noon: Anchored, Tai Po. 4f96182aa2fc8e2def001c78: ( 5341489006_1.jpg) 7 March 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.60, Long 114.40 [approx] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. Noon: Anchored on account of fog. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.00pm: Anchored, Tai Po. 4f96182ba2fc8e2def001c79: ( 5341489007_0.jpg) 8 March 1919 Mirs Bay patrol. Lat 22.60, Long 114.40 [approx] 11.25pm: Commodore came on board. Hove up and proceeded. 1.30pm: Anchored Starling Inlet. Landed Commodore. 1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.40pm: Anchored in Plover Cove. 4.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to Tai Po. 4.35pm: Anchored Tai Po. Landed Commodore. 4f96182ba2fc8e2def001c7a: ( 5341489007_1.jpg) 9 March 1919 Mirs Bay patrol to Hong Kong Harbour. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.10am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 9.00am: War heads taken off torpedoes. 10.00am: Ammunition got up and stowed on upper deck forward. 11.30am: Secured alongside HMS Virago, North Wall Camber. In pm: Preparing for drydocking. 4f96182ba2fc8e2def001c7b: ( 5341489008_0.jpg) 10 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Hands employed discharging ammunition and war heads. 9.10am: Left camber in tow. 9.25am: Secured to No 5 buoy. 10.10am: Entered dry dock [in company with HMS Virago, vide log of Tamar]. 11.30am: Caisson in position. 11.45am: Started pumping. 4.55pm: Ship took chocks. 8.30pm: Dock dry. 4f96182ca2fc8e2def001c7c: ( 5341489008_1.jpg) 11 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Range party left ship. In pm: Hands employed scaling iron. 5.00pm: Range party returned. 4f96182ca2fc8e2def001c7d: ( 5341489009_0.jpg) 12 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Range party left ship. Lowered Berthon boats into dock to be repaired. 11.30am: HMS Whiting made fast in Camber. 3.30pm: Range party returned. 4f96182ca2fc8e2def001c7e: ( 5341489009_1.jpg) 13 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Range party left ship. 1.45pm: Range party returned, clean rifles and leather gear. 4f96182da2fc8e2def001c7f: ( 5341489010_0.jpg) 14 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Range party left ship. 11.55am: HMS Cadmus entered harbour and made fast to North wall. 3.00pm: Barometer rising rapidly. 7.00pm: Barometer still rising. 4f96182da2fc8e2def001c80: ( 5341489010_1.jpg) 15 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Quantrell discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4f96182da2fc8e2def001c81: ( 5341489011_0.jpg) 16 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f96182ea2fc8e2def001c82: ( 5341489011_1.jpg) 17 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Range party landed. Hands employed painting ship. 4f96182ea2fc8e2def001c83: ( 5341489012_0.jpg) 18 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Range party landed. Hands employed painting ship. 4.00pm: Hands landed for recreation. 4f96182ea2fc8e2def001c84: ( 5341489012_1.jpg) 19 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Landed range party. 4f96182fa2fc8e2def001c85: ( 5341489013_0.jpg) 20 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Usual range party and painting. In pm: Make and mend. 4f96182fa2fc8e2def001c86: ( 5341489013_1.jpg) 21 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In pm: Guard of six men to HMS Tamar for drill. 4f96182fa2fc8e2def001c87: ( 5341489014_0.jpg) 22 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Guard of honour left ship. Commenced flooding dock. 9.45am: Left dock in tow and secured to East wall in Camber. 11.00am: Guard returned. 3.30pm: Guard of honour left ship. 4.30pm: Guard returned. 4f961830a2fc8e2def001c88: ( 5341489014_1.jpg) 23 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.00am: Japanese cruisers Tokiwa [Takiwa in log] and Adzuma arrived. 9.05am: Guard left ship. 10.00am: PO Hattley discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4f961830a2fc8e2def001c89: ( 5341489015_0.jpg) 24 March 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Coaled ship. WPs away for stores and ammunition. Landed guard. 11.10am: HMS Virago left Camber. 4f961831a2fc8e2def001c8a: ( 5341489015_1.jpg) 25 March 1919 Hong Kong to Canton. Lat 22.35, Long 114.0 [approx] 10.30am: Left Camber. 11.23am: Kap Sing Mun abeam. 2.10pm: Chain Rock Lt [Jinsuopai] abeam. 4.25pm: Taishih barrier abeam. 4.45pm: Entered harbour and made fast to China Merchants buoy. 4f961831a2fc8e2def001c8b: ( 5341489016_0.jpg) 26 March 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 8.30am: HMS Tarantula left harbour. 8.55am: Moved to buoys moored fore and aft. 4f961831a2fc8e2def001c8c: ( 5341489016_1.jpg) 27 March 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Hands painting ship. Guard from USS Helena came onboard. 9.45pm: Junk in tow got across the buoy ahead of ship. No damage. 4f961832a2fc8e2def001c8d: ( 5341489017_0.jpg) 28 March 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Hands painting boat covers. 4f961832a2fc8e2def001c8e: ( 5341489017_1.jpg) 29 March 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Hands cleaning ship, scrubbing mess decks, cleaning guns etc. 4f961832a2fc8e2def001c8f: ( 5341489018_0.jpg) 30 March 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Raining heavily. Sunday routine. 4f961833a2fc8e2def001c90: ( 5341489018_1.jpg) 31 March 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Lit one boiler for condensing. Hands reeving slip wires. Fame is shackled to buoys fore and aft. When preparing to leave, they replace the cable and shackle securing them to the buoy with a wire cable from the ship, through the ring on top of the buoy and back to the ship. This can then easily be slipped on departure. 4f961833a2fc8e2def001c91: ( 5341489019_0.jpg) 4f961833a2fc8e2def001c92: ( 5341489019_1.jpg) 4f961834a2fc8e2def001c93: ( 5341489020_0.jpg) 4f961834a2fc8e2def001c94: ( 5341489020_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. No logs for 1 April to 31 May 1919. From the logs of HMS Tamar we can see that Fame returned to Hong Kong on the 7th April and was based there throughout April and May, although it seems likely that she also returned to Canton once or twice during this period. LOG BOOK – JUNE 1ST 1919 TO JULY 31ST 1919 4f961835a2fc8e2def001c95: ( 5341490001_0.jpg) 4f961835a2fc8e2def001c96: ( 5341490001_1.jpg) Cover. 4f961835a2fc8e2def001c97: ( 5341490002_0.jpg) Blank. 4f961836a2fc8e2def001c98: ( 5341490002_1.jpg) Instruments as before. 4f961836a2fc8e2def001c99: ( 5341490003_0.jpg) Blank. LOGS FOR JUNE 1919 [Hong Kong, Canton, Hong Kong, Pratas I. attending shipwreck, Hong Kong and Canton] 4f961836a2fc8e2def001c9a: ( 5341490003_1.jpg) 1 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 6.00am: Call hands. 8.00am: Breakfast. 9.00am: Divisions and inspection of ship. 10.00am: Church parties fall in. 11.30am: Church parties returned. 1.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light winds, dry, mostly overcast or cloudy, temperatures up to 83ºF at 4.00pm. 4f961837a2fc8e2def001c9b: ( 5341490004_0.jpg) 2 June 1919 Hong Kong to Canton. Lat 22.4, Long 113.84 [approx] 10.10am: Slipped and proceeded West. 10.46am: Kap Sing Mun abeam. 12.15pm: Passed HMS Whiting. 1.29pm: Chain Rock abeam. 4.40pm: Secured to buoy, Canton. 4f961837a2fc8e2def001c9c: ( 5341490004_1.jpg) 3 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 8.00am: Dress ship [for the King’s birthday]. 9.25am: Chinese Officer of Guard called. 9.30am: Officer left. 3.00pm: Sky became overcast, followed by heavy rain and gale force squalls. 4f961837a2fc8e2def001c9d: ( 5341490005_0.jpg) 4 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961838a2fc8e2def001c9e: ( 5341490005_1.jpg) 5 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 In am: Clean ship etc. 1.00pm: Leave to watch until 11.00pm. 4f961838a2fc8e2def001c9f: ( 5341490006_0.jpg) 6 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 5.30pm: USS Helena arrived. 4f961838a2fc8e2def001ca0: ( 5341490006_1.jpg) 7 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 10.00am: Guard Officer visited USS Helena in whaler. 4f961839a2fc8e2def001ca1: ( 5341490007_0.jpg) 8 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Rig of the day, No 6 and caps. Sunday routine. Landed church parties. 4f961839a2fc8e2def001ca2: ( 5341490007_1.jpg) 9 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961839a2fc8e2def001ca3: ( 5341490008_0.jpg) 10 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 10.00am: HBM Consul returned to Canton. 4f96183aa2fc8e2def001ca4: ( 5341490008_1.jpg) 11 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 5.00pm: Recreation party landed. 6.00pm: HMS Robin entered harbour. 8.30am: Rove extra wire forward. 4f96183aa2fc8e2def001ca5: ( 5341490009_0.jpg) 12 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 9.00am: HMS Robin proceeded. Landed hands for small arm and machine gun drill. In pm: Chinese cruiser left moorings. 9.00pm: Brilliant lightning. 10.00pm: Lightning ceased, sky became ugly. 11.00pm: Lightning and thunder to NE. 11.59pm: Black clouds passed over. 4f96183aa2fc8e2def001ca6: ( 5341490009_1.jpg) 13 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 3.00am: Lightning to SE. 5.00am: Sky ugly, lightning ceased. Hands employed as requisite. 4f96183ba2fc8e2def001ca7: ( 5341490010_0.jpg) 14 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 5.00am: USS Pampanga left harbour. 4f96183ba2fc8e2def001ca8: ( 5341490010_1.jpg) 15 June 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Sunday routine. 4f96183ba2fc8e2def001ca9: ( 5341490011_0.jpg) 16 June 1919 Canton to Hong Kong. Lat 22.94, Long 113.55 9.35am: Slipped and proceeded down river. 10.07am: Slowed to pass junk sunk in river. 10.31am: High I. abeam. 12.01pm: Amherst Point abeam. 1.02pm: Tiger Claw abeam. 3.30pm: Blake Point abeam. 4.10pm: Passed Kap Sing Mun. 4.50pm: Made fast. 4f96183ca2fc8e2def001caa: ( 5341490011_1.jpg) 17 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on cable. Parted starboard cable and put in second shackle from port side. 11.00am: HMS Hydrangea towed to buoy. 1.00pm: AB Niles joined from HMS Tamar. 3.15pm: AB Gibbings left ship. 4f96183ca2fc8e2def001cab: ( 5341490012_0.jpg) 18 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Reeving mast rope. Started topmast and set up stays again. In pm: Scaling sponsons. 4f96183ca2fc8e2def001cac: ( 5341490012_1.jpg) 19 June 1919 Hong Kong and at sea. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 11.30am: Discharged two ratings sick to HMS Tamar. Noon: Slipped and proceeded. 1.09pm: Waglan abeam 0.5 miles, set course S52E. 5.00pm: A/c S50E. 4f96183da2fc8e2def001cad: ( 5341490013_0.jpg) 20 June 1919 At sea to Pratas Reef and return towards Hong Kong. Lat 20.68, Long 116.72 12.01am: Sounding regularly. 3.50am: Large meteor observed to Eastward visible from 90º to 10º in height. 4.00am: Off Vereker Bank. 5.55am: Sighted land bearing South. 7.00am: Altered course SE to close wreck (on reef) of SS Sung Su. 8.00am: Stopped. Whaler left ship for shore. Slow ahead 2.5 miles SW from FS [flagstaff] on Pratas Is. [aka Dongsha Is.] 9.34am: Boat passed out of sight. 9.53am: Sighted boat. 10.15am: Crew landed. 10.30am: Anchored in 3.25 fathoms, 1.5 shackles. 11.35am: Whaler returned with survivors. Secure for sea. 4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded, set course N60W, 11 knots. 4f96183da2fc8e2def001cae: ( 5341490013_1.jpg) 21 June 1919 At sea to Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.14am: Waglan bore SW, 0.75 miles. 8.20am: Made fast to 5a buoy. Hong Kong. 10.45am: Survivors landed in Standard Oil Company launch. Noon: Portuguese gunboat [Macau, vide HMS Tamar’s log] left harbour. 4f96183da2fc8e2def001caf: ( 5341490014_0.jpg) 22 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 1.40pm: Spread foc’sle awning. 4f96183ea2fc8e2def001cb0: ( 5341490014_1.jpg) 23 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Dress ship. King's birthday [in log, but actually for Coronation Day on Sunday 22nd]. Coaled ship. 9.00am: Japanese cruiser [Idzumo, vide log of HMS Tamar] and four destroyers arrived and secured to buoys. Salutes exchanged. 9.15am: Japanese ships dress ship. Noon: HMS Tamar, USS Helena, Japanese and Forts fired 21 gun salute. 12.30pm: Japanese saluted General commanding troops, 13 guns. 12.50pm: Japanese saluted Governor, 17 guns. Passingham and Lackie rejoined ship. 4f96183ea2fc8e2def001cb1: ( 5341490015_0.jpg) 24 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.40am: HMS Tarantula in West and made fast in Camber. 5.00pm: ERA Harris joined ship. 4f96183ea2fc8e2def001cb2: ( 5341490015_1.jpg) 25 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed scaling deck plates aft. 4f96183fa2fc8e2def001cb3: ( 5341490016_0.jpg) 26 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 5.30am: Landing party left ship. 6.30am: Landing party returned. 10.00am: Stores came alongside. Unloaded. In pm: Make and mend. 4f96183fa2fc8e2def001cb4: ( 5341490016_1.jpg) 27 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.30am: Waterboat came alongside, took 2.5 tons. 9.15am: Japanese cruiser Idzumo [Adzeuma in log] left with four destroyers. 4f961840a2fc8e2def001cb5: ( 5341490017_0.jpg) 28 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed on upper deck and cleaning mess decks. 4f961840a2fc8e2def001cb6: ( 5341490017_1.jpg) 29 June 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In am: Landed church parties. Noon: Spliced the mainbrace in commemoration of the signing of peace. 1.00pm: Leave to watch until 11.00pm, ship under sailing orders. 4.00pm: AB Niles left ship for HMS Tamar. 4f961840a2fc8e2def001cb7: ( 5341490018_0.jpg) 30 June 1919 Hong Kong to Canton. Lat 22.35, Long 113.96 [approx] 4.45am: Called lighting up watch and lit No 1 boiler. Lt Brewer RNR left ship for HMS Tamar. 7.40am: HMS Robin sailed. 7.45am: Ordnance lighter alongside, took in five depth charges. 7.50am: Slipped and proceeded 8.00am: Dressed ship with mast head flags. HMS Tamar fired 101 gun salute. 9.35am: Commenced firing depth charges East of Kap Sing Mun in 20 fathoms of water. All exploded satisfactory [sic]. [Presumably this is just disposing of unwanted ordnance.] Proceeded for Canton. 10.33am: Kap Sing Mun Lt abeam. Noon: Off Castle Peak Bay. 2.09pm: Chain Rock abeam. 3.04pm: Amherst Pt tide gauge 9’ 5”. 5.45pm: Tied up to buoys head and stern. Dressed ship over all. Allowed fires to die out. LOGS FOR JULY 1919 [Canton and Hong Kong] 4f961841a2fc8e2def001cb8: ( 5341490018_1.jpg) 1 July 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 5.45am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands fall in. Clean ship. Clean messdeck. 7.30am: Finished off after part. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed washing ship’s side and as requisite. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light airs from the South, dry, max temperature 93ºF at 4.00pm. 4f961841a2fc8e2def001cb9: ( 5341490019_0.jpg) 2 July 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Painting ship. 4f961841a2fc8e2def001cba: ( 5341490019_1.jpg) 3 July 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 Hands employed as requisite. 4f961842a2fc8e2def001cbb: ( 5341490020_0.jpg) 4 July 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 8.00am: Chinese men-of-war and some British merchant vessels dressed ship. Hands scrubbing deck cloths and screens. 9.00am: Requestmen and defaulters. 4f961842a2fc8e2def001cbc: ( 5341490020_1.jpg) 5 July 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 5.00pm: HMS Robin secured to Butterfield & Swires’ [Squires in log] pier. 5.45pm: Robin slipped from pier and made fast to buoys. 4f961842a2fc8e2def001cbd: ( 5341490021_0.jpg) 6 July 1919 Canton. Lat 23.105, Long 113.3 8.00am: HMS Robin slipped and proceeded. Landed church party. 4f961843a2fc8e2def001cbe: ( 5341490021_1.jpg) 7 July 1919 Canton and Hong Kong. Lat 22.70, Long 113.68 [approx] 7.55am: Slipped and proceeded, 10 knots. Various landmarks named as they pass down river. 10.31am: Amherst Pt abeam. 11.54am: San Pan Chau abeam. 2.54pm: Kap Sing Mun Lighthouse abeam. 3.35pm: Arrived Hong Kong and made fast to 5a buoy. 4f961843a2fc8e2def001cbf: ( 5341490022_0.jpg) 8 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.15am: Men to see Medical Officer left for HMS Tamar. 10.30am: Hands muster for soap, tobacco and slops. 3.15pm: Leading Stoker Wild discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4.00pm: ERA Harris discharged to HMS Robin. 5.00pm: Hands to bathe. 4f961843a2fc8e2def001cc0: ( 5341490022_1.jpg) 9 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.30am: AB Leborgne discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4.30pm: HMS Tarantula made fast to No 5 buoy. 4f961844a2fc8e2def001cc1: ( 5341490023_0.jpg) 10 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Relieved HMS Tamar of Guard. 4f961844a2fc8e2def001cc2: ( 5341490023_1.jpg) 11 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands employed painting ship’s side and boats. 3.40pm: Kowloon fort fired salute. Japanese light cruiser Tone entered harbour. HMS Tamar and Tone exchange a variety of salutes. 4f961844a2fc8e2def001cc3: ( 5341490024_0.jpg) 12 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.15am: HMS Tarantula slipped and proceeded West. 9.25am: AB Cousins discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 4f961845a2fc8e2def001cc4: ( 5341490024_1.jpg) 13 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4f961845a2fc8e2def001cc5: ( 5341490025_0.jpg) 14 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Relieved HMS Robin of guard. 8.15am: Robin sailed. Noon: Kowloon forts fired 21 gun salute [for Bastille Day.] 4f961845a2fc8e2def001cc6: ( 5341490025_1.jpg) 15 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 2.15pm: AB Cox rejoined ship. 4f961846a2fc8e2def001cc7: ( 5341490026_0.jpg) 16 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 1.35pm: No 3 launch and Cherub alongside. Slipped from No 5 and made fast to No 10. 2.10pm: AB Cousins rejoined from HMS Tamar. 4f961846a2fc8e2def001cc8: ( 5341490026_1.jpg) 17 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 10.40am: HMS Whiting taken to Kowloon. 2.00pm: Ldg Sn Woolley and ABs Day and Milson joined from HMS Tamar. 4.45pm: ERA Groves discharged to HMS Kent, ERA Smith joined from same. 4f961846a2fc8e2def001cc9: ( 5341490027_0.jpg) 18 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.10am: Shifted back to No 5 buoy, assisted by Cherub. 11.10am: USS Pampanga in. 11.35am: HMS Robin in. Lit No 2 boiler to run dynamo. 7.30pm: Illuminated ship. 11.30pm: Out all lights. 4f961847a2fc8e2def001cca: ( 5341490027_1.jpg) 19 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.00am: Dressed ship overall. Noon: HMS Tamar, two forts and two Japanese ships fired 21 gun salutes (for peace celebrations). 7.30pm: Illuminated ship. 11.30pm: Out all lights. 4f961847a2fc8e2def001ccb: ( 5341490028_0.jpg) 20 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Sunday routine. 4.40pm: HMS Tarantula in. 4f961847a2fc8e2def001ccc: ( 5341490028_1.jpg) 21 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 In pm: San Pan No 757V collided forward and fouled boom. No damage. CPO Cottis joined ship from HMS Tamar. PO Lay discharged to same. 4f961848a2fc8e2def001ccd: ( 5341490029_0.jpg) 22 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.00am: Japanese cruiser Tone [Tome in log] slipped and proceeded. 4f961848a2fc8e2def001cce: ( 5341490029_1.jpg) 23 July 1919 Hong Kong to East Lamma and return. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 9.05am: HMS Tarantula proceeded West. 1.00pm: ERA Harris and Leading Stoker Randle joined ship from HMS Tamar. 2.15pm: ERA Harris discharged to HMS Robin. 3.00pm: Slipped and proceeded West to East Lamma Channel. 3.05pm: HMS Moorhen arrived. 4.07pm: Commenced dropping depth charges. 6.45pm: Finished dropping six depth charges, all exploded satisfactorily. 5.00pm: Anchored at Sokku Wan. 6.10pm: Weighed and returned to harbour, speed 15 knots. 6.55pm: Secured to No 5a buoy. 4f961848a2fc8e2def001ccf: ( 5341490030_0.jpg) 24 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Coaled ship, 19 tons. 12.20pm: ERA Smith left ship for HMS Robin. 12.55pm: ERA Hines joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4f961849a2fc8e2def001cd0: ( 5341490030_1.jpg) 25 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.20am: Attending List men and Dockyard party left ship. 2.00pm: Mr Hall. Art. Eng. joined ship. 4f961849a2fc8e2def001cd1: ( 5341490031_0.jpg) Duplicate scan. 4f96184aa2fc8e2def001cd3: ( 5341490032_0.jpg) 26 July 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.35, Long 113.95 [approx] 7.35am: Slipped and proceeded West. 8.17am: Kap Sing Mun Lt abeam. 9.45am: Stopped and communicated with SS Tai Ming. Ordered her to proceed. 10.10am: Received report of No 1 typhoon signal hoisted in Hong Kong. 11.05am: Sighted and closed HMS Sandpiper and remained in company. 1.10pm: Received report of No 4 typhoon signal hoisted in Hong Kong. 2.15pm: Sandpiper took shelter in Tap Siak Kap Bay. Proceeded into harbour. 3.08pm: Kap Sing Mun Lt abeam. 3.55pm: Secured to 5a buoy and banked fires. Furled all awnings and housed topmast. [To house the topmast is to lower it so that the butt rests on the deck.] 5.00pm: Sandpiper arrived and went into Camber. Winds NE’ly f6 in pm. 4f96184aa2fc8e2def001cd4: ( 5341490032_1.jpg) Duplicate scan. 4f961849a2fc8e2def001cd2: ( 5341490031_1.jpg) 27 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 A quiet day in harbour, winds maximum f6 from the East. 4f96184aa2fc8e2def001cd5: ( 5341490033_0.jpg) 28 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 12.50pm: Lowered whaler to secure pin in Monroe shackle. 1.15pm: ERA Harris joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4f96184ba2fc8e2def001cd6: ( 5341490033_1.jpg) 29 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 8.45am: Hands reeve new dinghy falls. 9.30am: No 4 typhoon signal hauled down. Respread awnings. 1.15pm: AB Niles rejoined ship from HMS Tamar. 4f96184ba2fc8e2def001cd7: ( 5341490034_0.jpg) 30 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 7.30am: Up topmast and lower yard after typhoon. 12.20pm: USS Helena arrived. 12.20pm: Officer of Guard left ship. 1.20pm: OOG returned. 4f96184ba2fc8e2def001cd8: ( 5341490034_1.jpg) 31 July 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.30, Long 114.20 Hands to air bedding and serge clothing. Received 20 tons of Cantonese coal from junk. 4f96184ca2fc8e2def001cd9: ( 5341490035_0.jpg) 4f96184ca2fc8e2def001cda: ( 5341490035_1.jpg) 4f96184ca2fc8e2def001cdb: ( 5341490036_0.jpg) 4f96184da2fc8e2def001cdc: ( 5341490036_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1919 [Hong Kong] 4caf8698cadfd34197016baa: ( 53-41491-001_0.jpg) 4caf8698cadfd34197016bab: ( 53-41491-001_1.jpg) Cover. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bac: ( 53-41491-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bad: ( 53-41491-002_1.jpg) Instruments. Aneroid barometer, J Hicks, 1936, 8’ asl. Air thermometers. Aft on upper deck, screened. AC Cossor and Son. TA Reynolds & Co. Sea thermometer. TA Reynolds & Co. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bae: ( 53-41491-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8698cadfd34197016baf: ( 53-41491-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.30am: Called hands. 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship’s side. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.40am: New starboard lower boom sent on board from dockyard. Hands employed as requisite. 9.00am: Requestmen and defaulters. 11.30am: Down all washed clothes. 11.55am: Hands lay aft for monthly payment. Noon: Dinner. In pm: Hands painting ship. 6.50pm: Typhoon signal No 1 hoisted. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Calm at first with some mist, light Easterlies later, dry and clear, temperatures between 80º and 90ºF. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb0: ( 53-41491-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb1: ( 53-41491-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.15pm: Half mast colours [for the funeral of CERA William Hayward, 271630, late of HMS Moorhen]. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb2: ( 53-41491-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.30pm: Ship under sailing orders. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb3: ( 53-41491-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 [approx] 8.00am: Slipped and proceeded; course as necessary. 9.00am: Hands employed refitting Berthon boat wires and as requisite. 10.00am: Carried out coal test of Cantonese coal, recording party from dockyard on board. 3.40pm: Anchored in Picnic Bay in 6 fathoms; hands to bathe. 5.10pm: Weighed and returned to harbour. 6.12pm: Secured to 5a buoy. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb4: ( 53-41491-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb5: ( 53-41491-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00pm: ERA Smith joined ship from HMS Kent and ERA Nugent discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb6: ( 53-41491-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.45am: Coal lighter alongside. 7.00am: Commenced discharging Cantonese coal. 10.10am: Commenced coaling. 5.20pm: Finished coaling; amount received 10 tons. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb7: ( 53-41491-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship’s side.
4caf8698cadfd34197016bb8: ( 53-41491-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.15am: HMS Sandpiper sailed. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bb9: ( 53-41491-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship’s side. 1.40pm: AB F Palmer and Stoker A White joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4.00pm: Leading Stoker J Hanley discharged to Tamar, sick. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bba: ( 53-41491-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.15am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bbb: ( 53-41491-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.00am: USS Pampanga proceeded West. 4.30pm: ERA J Hinds discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bbc: ( 53-41491-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.00pm: Stoker Byrne rejoined ship from HMS Tamar. 4.30pm: USS Pampanga entered harbour; officer of guard left ship. 5.15pm: Officer of guard returned. 6.00pm: Officer of guard Pampanga paid return visit. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bbd: ( 53-41491-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.15pm: Hands employed preparing for shifting ship. 2.10pm: Slipped from buoy. 2.40pm: Secured to South wall of Camber. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bbe: ( 53-41491-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning upper deck. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bbf: ( 53-41491-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.30am: Outside church party left ship. 9.45am: Church of England church party left ship for HMS Tamar. 11.00am: Church parties returned. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc0: ( 53-41491-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.00pm: Leading Stoker Callicott joined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc1: ( 53-41491-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc2: ( 53-41491-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.15am: Chart table taken into dockyard for repairs. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc3: ( 53-41491-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.40am: USS Albany entered harbour and fired salute of 11 guns; Portuguese gunboat Patria entered harbour. 11.00am: HMS Tamar fired salute of 11 guns. 2.30pm: No 1 typhoon signal hoisted. 8.00pm: Commenced raising steam for 14 knots; furled all awnings; struck topmast and secured in general for typhoon. 9.50pm: Left Camber to secure to No 5 buoy but failed owing to rough sea running and force of wind which parted cable; lost one pin of Munro [sic] shackle overboard. 11.30pm: Proceeded to Stonecutters Island to take shelter; frequent squalls of wind and rain. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc4: ( 53-41491-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1919 Hong Kong, sheltering behind Stonecutters Island. Lat 22.33, Long 114.12 12.50am: Anchored off Stonecutters in 3½ fathoms of water, 6 shackles of cable, western end of island. 5.50am: Noticed SS Hock Lee dragging anchor; reported same by Wireless Telegraph to Commodore. 6.00am: Hands securing and lashing Berthon boats and whaler. 9.30am: SS Hock Lee abeam still dragging anchor. 10.30am: SS Hock Lee passed astern still drifting quickly. Noon: Tug Wan Chun passed proceeding West. 12.01pm: Received report that typhoon signal No 7 had been hoisted. 2.25pm: Tug Wan Chun abeam with SS Hock Lee in tow. 4.00pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria left harbour proceeding West. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc5: ( 53-41491-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Typhoon signal at Green Island hauled down. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour. 11.30am: Made fast to No 5A buoy. 11.45am: USS Albany left harbour. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc6: ( 53-41491-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.40pm: HMS Robin left harbour proceeding West. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc7: ( 53-41491-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Coal lighter alongside. 9.25am: Finished coaling; amount received 13 tons. 1.30pm: HMS Colombo entered harbour and saluted Commodore; HMS Tamar returned salute. 2.00pm: USS Helena shifted berth. 4.15pm: No 1 typhoon signal hoisted. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc8: ( 53-41491-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.30pm: No 1 typhoon signal hauled down. 4.05pm: HMS Kent shifted from Camber to Triumph buoy. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bc9: ( 53-41491-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Dockyard workmen on board refitting guard rails. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bca: ( 53-41491-017_0.jpg) 28 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.15pm: Leading Signalman Wheeler joined ship. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bcb: ( 53-41491-017_1.jpg) 29 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.10am: Hands muster for payment of gratuity money. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bcc: ( 53-41491-018_0.jpg) 30 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.00pm: Leave to watch from 1.00pm till 7.00am; hands make and mend clothes. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bcd: ( 53-41491-018_1.jpg) 31 August 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.15am: USS Brooklyn [flagship of the ‘Flying Squadron’ during the Spanish-American war] entered harbour. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1919 [Hong Kong] 4caf8698cadfd34197016bce: ( 53-41491-019_0.jpg) 1 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.30am: Called hands. 7.00am: HMS Colombo proceeded to oil wharf. 7.40am: Water boat alongside. 8.00am: USS Brooklyn fired 11 gun salute; Black Head Fort replied 11 guns. 8.10am: Brooklyn fired 11 gun salute; HMS Tamar replied 11 guns. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Requestmen and defaulters. 9.40am: HMS’ Tarantula and Sandpiper entered harbour. 10.30am: Hands fall in for payment. 12.35pm: No 1 typhoon signal hoisted. Leave to watch restricted to 5.00pm to 11.00pm, due to typhoon warning. 2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.00pm: HMS Colombo proceeded East. 4.00pm: Tea. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Very light winds, some rain in pm, temperatures in the 80s F. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bcf: ( 53-41491-019_1.jpg) 2 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.30am: No 1 typhoon signal hauled down. 10.40am: USS Brooklyn fired salute 13 guns. 11.15am: Brooklyn fired salute 13 guns. 1.35pm: Slipped from No 5A buoy. 2.00pm: Secured to No 5 buoy. 4.10pm: PO Lewis and Stoker Dellow discharged to HMS Tamar. 5.00pm: Leading Seaman Kearns joined ship from Tamar. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd0: ( 53-41491-020_0.jpg) 3 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.15pm: Stoker J Lockie discharged to HMS Tamar. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd1: ( 53-41491-020_1.jpg) 4 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: HMS Sandpiper proceeded West. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd2: ( 53-41491-021_0.jpg) 5 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.00pm: Leading Seaman A Geddes joined ship from HMS Tamar. 7.30am: HMS Tarantula left Camber for 12A buoy. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd3: ( 53-41491-021_1.jpg) 6 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd4: ( 53-41491-022_0.jpg) 7 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.10am: HMS Moorhen arrived. 11.50am: USS General Alava with US Commander in Chief arrived. 12.15pm: Officer of guard left ship. 12.35pm: Officer of guard returned. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd5: ( 53-41491-022_1.jpg) 8 September 1919 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Received on board one depth charge type D with boxes containing tools and fittings, also tank containing four smoke floats. 8.00am: USS General Alava saluted country with 21 guns; returned by shore batteries. 8.15am: HMS Tamar saluted American Vice Admiral 15 guns; returned by USS Brooklyn. 8.20am: Japanese gunboat Saga saluted American Vice Admiral; returned by Brooklyn. 8.30am: USS Helena saluted American Vice Admiral 15 guns; returned by Brooklyn. 9.40am: Brooklyn saluted Commodore 11 guns. 12.20pm: Brooklyn saluted Officer Administrating Government 15 guns. 2.20pm: Tamar saluted American Vice Admiral 15 guns. 2.25pm: Brooklyn saluted Governor of Colony 13 guns. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd6: ( 53-41491-023_0.jpg) 9 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.38am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded Westward. 9.15am: Passed Kap Sing Mun. 9.55am: Dropped depth charge and dumped four smoke floats and remained in vicinity picking up fish, then returned to harbour. 11.15am: Secured to No 5a buoy. 2.00pm: Returned tool and fitting boxes for depth charge to Ordnance. 4.25pm: USS Pampanga entered harbour. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd7: ( 53-41491-023_1.jpg) 10 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.30am: Returned smoke float tank to Ordnance Yard. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd8: ( 53-41491-024_0.jpg) 11 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.15am: Received 300 lb rice from HMS Tamar; HMS Robin secured alongside in Camber. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bd9: ( 53-41491-024_1.jpg) 12 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed refitting whalers’ falls and as requisite. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bda: ( 53-41491-025_0.jpg) 13 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: HMS Moorhen sailed. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bdb: ( 53-41491-025_1.jpg) 14 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 2.00pm: HMS Colombo entered harbour and secured to No 5 buoy. 4.30pm: HMS Sandpiper entered harbour and secured in Camber. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bdc: ( 53-41491-026_0.jpg) 15 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.05am: HMS Colombo saluted American Vice Admiral 15 guns; USS Brooklyn replied 15 guns. 10.15am: Stoker S Chapple discharged to Kowloon depot. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bdd: ( 53-41491-026_1.jpg) 16 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.45am: HMS Tarantula placed in dry dock. 9.50am: HMS Sandpiper and HMS Robin placed in dry dock. 11.00am: AB Quantrill and Stoker Byrne discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 2.30pm: Leading Stoker Wild rejoined ship from Tamar. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bde: ( 53-41491-027_0.jpg) 17 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.30pm: ERAs Harris and Smith left ship for HMS Colombo. 5.15pm: ERA J Feast, Mechanician Brokenshire and Stokers Harrington and Gwynne joined ship from Colombo. 4caf8698cadfd34197016bdf: ( 53-41491-027_1.jpg) 18 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.15am: HMS Colombo sailed 3.15pm: HMS Rosario shifted to Kowloon. 4caf8698cadfd34197016be0: ( 53-41491-028_0.jpg) 19 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.00am: Stoker Callicott discharged to HMS Tamar, sick. 9.50am: HMS Hydrangea shifted to No 5 buoy. 11.00am: Japanese gunboat Saga shifted to No 4 buoy. 4caf8698cadfd34197016be1: ( 53-41491-028_1.jpg) 20 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8698cadfd34197016be2: ( 53-41491-029_0.jpg) 21 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.30am: Church parties left ship. 11.00am: Church parties returned. 4caf8698cadfd34197016be3: ( 53-41491-029_1.jpg) 22 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.00am: USS General Alava with US Commander-in-Chief arrived. 9.30am: 11 boxes of cordite returned to Naval Ordnance. 5.00pm: Stoker Lockie joined ship from HMS Sandpiper. 4caf8699cadfd34197016be4: ( 53-41491-030_0.jpg) 23 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 4caf8699cadfd34197016be5: ( 53-41491-030_1.jpg) 24 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 4caf8699cadfd34197016be6: ( 53-41491-031_0.jpg) 25 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.15am: USS Brooklyn slipped buoy. 6.20am: Brooklyn anchored 11.30am: Brooklyn sailed. 4.00pm: ERA Smith joined ship from HMS Robin. 4caf8699cadfd34197016be7: ( 53-41491-031_1.jpg) 26 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 2.35pm: Dockyard launch took catamaran away. 7.00pm: AB Johnston taken ill whilst away in skiff and conveyed to HMS Tamar sick bay. 4caf8699cadfd34197016be8: ( 53-41491-032_0.jpg) 27 September 1919 Hong Kong to Tung Wan, Cheung Chau. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 2.15pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded West. 3.05 pm: Anchored Tung Wan, 3 shackles of cable in 5 fathoms of water. 4caf8699cadfd34197016be9: ( 53-41491-032_1.jpg) 28 September 1919 Tung Wan, Cheung Chau. Lat 22.21, Long 114.04 9.30am: Hands landed for recreation. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bea: ( 53-41491-033_0.jpg) 29 September 1919 From Tung Wan, Cheung Chau, to Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour. 9.35am: Launch An Hing disregarded rule of road. 9.50am: Secured to No 5A buoy. 12.15pm: HMS Sandpiper sailed West. 4.25pm: AB Andrews rejoined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf8699cadfd34197016beb: ( 53-41491-033_1.jpg) 30 September 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.45am: USS Helena proceeded West. 6.50am: SS Khiva arrived with Governor of Hong Kong Sir RE Stubbs GCMG on board. 8.00am: Dressed ship with mast head flags. 10.00am: Governor landed at Blake Pier; Murray battery fired salute of 17 guns. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bec: ( 53-41491-034_0.jpg) 4caf8699cadfd34197016bed: ( 53-41491-034_1.jpg) 4caf8699cadfd34197016bee: ( 53-41491-035_0.jpg) 4caf8699cadfd34197016bef: ( 53-41491-035_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1919 [Hong Kong] 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf0: ( 53-41492-001_0.jpg) 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf1: ( 53-41492-001_1.jpg) Cover. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf2: ( 53-41492-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf3: ( 53-41492-002_1.jpg) Instruments. Aneroid barometer, J Hicks, 1936. 8’ asl. Air thermometers. AC Cossor & Son, TA Reynolds & Co, ast on upper deck, screened. Sea thermometer, TA Reynolds & Co. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf4: ( 53-41492-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf5: ( 53-41492-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.30am: Called hands. Hands employed as requisite. 8.00am: Colours. Breakfast. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.15am: 11 boxes of 12 pdr QF drawn from ordnance. 10.30am: USS Helena arrived. 11.00am: Quarters. Clean guns. 11.15am: Paid monthly money. 11.45am: Stowed all ammunition in magazine. Noon: Dinner. 4.00pm: Tea. 5.00pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am. 8.00pm: Stand by hammocks. 10.00pm: Pipe down. Weather: Light airs, some rain, max temperature 88ºF at 4.00pm. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf6: ( 53-41492-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Noon: HMS Tamar fired salute to Governor of Hong Kong after official visit paid to Commodore. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf7: ( 53-41492-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.00am: Issued clothing, soap and tobacco. 3.30pm: All European ratings discharged to hospital for isolation purposes. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf8: ( 53-41492-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.00am: Disinfected ship thoroughly throughout all between decks; medical officer of HMS Tamar supervised same. Noon: Lieutenant Hake RNR and HP Cottis TC [probably CPO is intended, see 18th Nov 1918] discharged to hospital; Chinese ratings remained on ship as caretakers, living on the upper deck. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bf9: ( 53-41492-005_1.jpg) 5-12 October 1919 No logs kept Cerebrospinal meningitis was given as the cause of death for Joseph Miller Johnston AB of HMS Fame on October 10 (Admiralty Ratings Death Ledger 1919 – 1939: ADM 104/126). The bacterial form of meningitis would have made strict containment measures essential. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bfa: ( 53-41492-006_0.jpg) 13 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.00pm: Lieutenant Hake RNR, Mr Merrin, Gunner and Mr Hall, Artificer Engineer, joined ship from RN Hospital. 3.00pm: Recommissioned ship; 13 ratings returned from RN hospital. 5.00pm: General inspection of ship, steering gear tried and everything apparently correct. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bfb: ( 53-41492-006_1.jpg) 14 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.00am: Hands employed blowing down and hoisting out torpedoes. 9.00am: Mr Hall, Artificer Engineer, discharged to HMS Tamar; torpedoes returned to Kowloon. 1.15pm: Hands employed clearing magazines, discharging coal and as requisite. 2.45pm: Eight ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital. 3.00pm: AB SC Quantrill rejoined ship from HMS Tamar. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bfc: ( 53-41492-007_0.jpg) 15 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.30am: Junk for discharging coal alongside. 6.35am: Coolies arrived and carried on removing coal. 7.45am: Japanese gunboat Saga slipped from buoy. 8.15am: Hands employed returning ammunition; Saga secured to buoy. 2.35pm: Six ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bfd: ( 53-41492-007_1.jpg) 16 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: Slipped from buoy. 8.15am: Entered dry dock. 11.30am: Ship took the chocks. 2.10pm: Eight ratings returned from hospital. 4.00pm: Dock dry. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bfe: ( 53-41492-008_0.jpg) 17 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.30am: Hands employed refitting boatswain’s gear and arranging cable for inspection at bottom of dock. 4caf8699cadfd34197016bff: ( 53-41492-008_1.jpg) 18 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.00am: Discharged AB Innis to HMS Tamar, sick. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c00: ( 53-41492-009_0.jpg) 19 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c01: ( 53-41492-009_1.jpg) 20 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.45am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side and refitting guys and jackstays on boats’ davits; also painting captain’s cabin. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c02: ( 53-41492-010_0.jpg) 21 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.30am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side, scraping and painting fore peak and chain locker, and refitting boat gear. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c03: ( 53-41492-010_1.jpg) 22 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 2.00pm: AB Innis rejoined from HMS Tamar. 4.00pm: AB R Cox discharged to Tamar, sick. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c04: ( 53-41492-011_0.jpg) 23 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.15pm: Tested fore collision compartment 7 feet above water line; skiffs’ davits to 6 cwt and derrick to 19 cwt. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c05: ( 53-41492-011_1.jpg) 24 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.00pm: Sale on board HMS Tamar of the late AB Johnston’s kit. [The custom of the service. Bids were often on the high side, as the funds raised went to the dependants of the deceased.] 4caf8699cadfd34197016c06: ( 53-41492-012_0.jpg) 25 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c07: ( 53-41492-012_1.jpg) 26 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.00pm: HMS Hawkins arrived and secured outside North wall of Camber. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c08: ( 53-41492-013_0.jpg) 27 October 1919 Hong Kong (Dry Dock). Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: HMS Tamar saluted Vice Admiral 15 guns. 8.02am: HMS Hawkins returned 11 guns. 8.05am: USS Helena saluted Vice Admiral 15 guns; Hawkins returned 15 guns 10.40am: Black Head Fort saluted, 15 guns. 11.10am: Hawkins saluted Governor of Colony 13 guns. 11.45am: Helena saluted with 15 guns. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c09: ( 53-41492-013_1.jpg) 28 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.30am: Dock commenced to flood. 7.58am: Ship left chocks. 10.00am: Ship undocked. 10.15am: Secured alongside North wall of Camber. 10.20am: Coal lighter alongside. 10.30am: Stopped coaling. 10.50am: Left Camber and secured to No 14 buoy; carried on coaling. 2.25pm: Finished coaling; amount received 65 tons. 3.35pm: Slipped from buoy. 3.55pm: Secured to North wall of Camber. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c0a: ( 53-41492-014_0.jpg) 29 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.00am: HMS Tamar fired court martial gun and hoisted Union Jack. 10.30am: Union Jack hauled down in Tamar. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c0b: ( 53-41492-014_1.jpg) 30 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.30am: Ammunition lighter alongside; hands employed ammunitioning ship. 4caf8699cadfd34197016c0c: ( 53-41492-015_0.jpg) 31 October 1919 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.55am: HMS Sandpiper arrived and secured to No 9 buoy. 4.15pm: Stoker A White left ship for HMS Tamar; Stoker C Hellier joined ship from Tamar. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1919 [Hong Kong] 4caf8699cadfd34197016c0d: ( 53-41492-015_1.jpg) 1 November 1919 Hong Kong |