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Destroyer or River-class Two high funnels, designated E-class. Launched 16.2.04 Thornycroft. c545-560 tons, c222(pp)x23x9ft. TE c7500ihp, 25.5kts, Armament: 4-12pdr, 2-18in tt. Crew: 70. China Station 1914, Mediterranean 1914-18. Battle Honour (and link to despatches, casualties, awards) Dardanelles 1915/16. Sold 29.7.20 Purves, Teignmouth. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes: Positions (latitude and longitude) are given for noon each day, correcting or estimating the position when appropriate, particularly as there are periods when there are no positions shown in the logs. If exact times are not indicated in the log they have, when appropriate, been estimated from the position of the entries (which show times on the left hand side of the log page). Information about sea state is based on the Sea Disturbance Scale where “rough to very rough” indicates waves 5 to 10 feet from peak to trough, “high” indicates waves of 11 to 15 feet, “very high” indicates wave height of 16 to 35 feet and “phenomenal” indicates waves of 36 feet and above. A note is made of numbers on the sick list where this is 5 or more. This and other information from the log is included in square brackets if it is not to be found under “Remarks” on the right hand side of the page. Additional information about geographical locations, terminology and about merchant and foreign naval ships encountered has been provided where identification is reasonably certain, by means of embedded links within the text. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)
LOG BOOK – JANUARY 1ST TO FEBRUARY 28TH 1914 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1914 4f9628c0a2fc8e2def004eba: ( 53-45330-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period from 1st January 1914, to 28th February 1914. “For use as the original Ship’s Log in any Ships temporarily commissioned (for Manœuvres, &c.), and in Torpedo Boat Destroyers.”] 4f9628c0a2fc8e2def004ebb: ( 53-45330-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f9628c0a2fc8e2def004ebc: ( 53-45330-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9628c1a2fc8e2def004ebd: ( 53-45330-002_1.jpg) [Page with data about distances run and coal expended, for dates between 20.12.12 and 7.11.13. Signed by George Mulock, Lieutenant Commander, 2nd March 1914. HMS “Minotaur” 3rd March 1914, Signed GC Nicolson, Engineer Commander. Stamped Commander-in-Chief, China Station, 12 March 1914] 4f9628c1a2fc8e2def004ebe: ( 53-45330-003_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9628c1a2fc8e2def004ebf: ( 53-45330-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [estimated] [No 8 Buoy Hong Kong] 6.0am: Hands Employed Cleaning Ship. 7.45am: Breakfast and Clean. 8.45am: Exercised Landing Party. am: Torpedo Party Landed at Kowloon. Paid Money. Noon: Dinner. [Noon] [Barometer Broken] [pm] [Special Leave to Watch from 1.30 to 6.30am] pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 1.30pm: Landed liberty men. 4.0pm: Tea. Shift Night Clothing. 7.15pm: Hands to Supper. 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. [Fresh Beef Received: 31 lbs; Vegetables Received: 60 lbs; Bread Received: 70 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.2 tons] 4f9628c2a2fc8e2def004ec0: ( 53-45330-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [No 8 Buoy Hong Kong] 6.0am: Hands Employed Setting and Tailing ridge ropes. 8.30am: Hands Drawing Provisions (drew 1 Berthon Boat). 11.45am: Provision lighted came alongside. pm: Special leave for Watch from 4.30pm - 6.30am. Hands Employed cleaning Ship as Requisite. 4.30pm: Landed liberty Men. [Fresh Beef Received: 31 lbs; Vegetables Received: 62 lbs; Bread Received: 62 lbs] [Barometer readings resume in pm. Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 65F, sea temperature 66F] 4f9628c2a2fc8e2def004ec1: ( 53-45330-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Hong Kong No 8 Buoy] 7.35am: Scrub Gun Gear. 8.45am: Aired Night Clothing. am: Hands Employed drawing and Painting 2 Berthon Boats. Drew from DY [Dockyard] 1 Semaphore. Dockyard Parties drawing Stores. 1.30pm: Hands Employed as Requisite. pm: Special leave to Watch 4.30pm - 6.30am. 4.0pm: Tea. Shift Night Clothing. [Fresh Beef Received: 31 lbs; Vegetables: 76 lbs; Bread Received: 62 lbs] 4f9628c3a2fc8e2def004ec2: ( 53-45330-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [(No 8 Buoy)] 7.30am: Quarters Clean Guns. 8.30am: Brightwork Stations. Landed 5 RCs [Roman Catholics] Church Party. 9.20am: Landed 3 Wesleyans Church Party. 9.30am: Clear up Decks for Divisions. 9.40am: Divisions. 11 C of E [Church of England] Church Party Landed to [HMS] Tamar. 11.45am: All Church Party Returned. pm: Special leave for Watch 1.30pm to 6.30am. [Bread Received: 186 lbs] 4f9628c3a2fc8e2def004ec3: ( 53-45330-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1914 At Lama [Lamma] Bay Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [rough estimate] 3.30am: Called hands for lighting up. 6.30am: Hands Preparing for Sea. 8.0am: Preddy Stoker discharged to Tamar (Sick). 08.30am: Slipped and Proceeded to No 3 Buoy. [Course as Requisite for Proceeding to Nyeons [?] Bay. am: Hands Employed Preparing Torpedoes and as Requisite. [Draught of Water forward 9’ 0”, Aft 9’ 3”] 11.45am: Dinner. Exercised General Quarters. pm: Drawn from Dockyard Cheru [Cherub] log and asmith [azimuth] ring. 1.0pm: Slipped and Proceeded, carried out long Range torpedo practice. [Course and Speed to Lama Channel] 4.0pm: Proceed back to Hong Kong for Divers. 4.40pm: Secured to Buoy at Hong Kong. [Secured to No 8 Buoy at Hong Kong] 4.30pm: Special leave for Watch from 4.30 - 6.30am. [Fresh Beef Received: 31 + 62 lbs; Vegetables Received: 62 + 434 lbs; Bread Received: 62 lbs] 4f9628c3a2fc8e2def004ec4: ( 53-45330-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1914 At Mirs Bay [also known as Tai Pang Wan, Dapeng Wan, Dapeng Bay] Lat 22.26, Long 114.11 [very rough estimate] 6.30am: Hands Employed Securing for Sea. 7.25am: Slipped and Proceeded out of harbour with Diving Boat. [As Requisite for carrying out Practices] 9.0am: Slipped Diving Boat. am: Carried out Long Range Torpedo Practice. 0.45pm: Proceeded with Torpedo Practice. 2.0pm: Proceeded into Harbour. [As Requisite for Proceeding into Harbour] 4.35pm: Dropped Anchor in 5.5 fathoms, 2 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Peng Chow Island North Point S66W, Peng Chow South Point S17W, Albion Point N48W] pm: Draught of Water 9’ forward, 9’ 2” Aft. 8.10pm: Weighed and Proceeded as Requisite for Night Run. 9.22pm: Sighted [HMS] Welland. 10.10pm: Came to Starboard anchor veered to 3 Shackels [shackles] 80 fathoms in Mirs bay. [Anchor bearing: west Point Island N62E, Knob Reef S85E, East Point Island [?] S5E] 4f9628c4a2fc8e2def004ec5: ( 53-45330-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1914 At Mirs Bay Lat 22.47, Long 114.30 [very rough estimate] 8.30am: Hands Securing for Sea. Hands working about Torpedoes. 9.0am: Weighed and Proceeded to carry out Torpedo Practice. [Course and Speed as Requisite for Carrying out Torpedo Practice] 11.20am: Came to Starboard anchor 2 Shackles 5 fathoms. [Draught of Water: 8’ 10” Aft, 8’ 11” forward] 1.0pm: Whalers crew Employed Sweeping for Lost Torpedo belonging to [HMS] Usk [see also her log around this time]. 2.45pm: Whaler Returned, Sweeping discontinued. pm: Anchor Bearings: South Point of Knob Island S58W, Knuckleback S18W, NE Point of nearer land N25.5E, Southwestward nearer land S88W. 4f9628c4a2fc8e2def004ec6: ( 53-45330-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1914 At Mirs Bay and Tolo Channel [though not stated at top of page] Lat 22.49, Long 114.42 [very rough estimate] 6.0am: Hands Employed rigging target and Preparing for Sea. 6.45am: Brightwork Stations. 7.10am: Quarters clean Guns. 8.30am: Weighed and Proceeded to Sea to carry out 1 inch Aiming Rifle Practice. [Course and Speed as Requisite for Carrying out 1” Aiming Practice] am: Exercised General Quarters, Aiming Rifle Practice. [Draught of Water: 8’ 8” Aft, 8’ 10” forward] 0.30pm: Came to Starboard anchor Veered to 2 shackles 7 fathoms (Tolo Channel). pm: Anchor bearing: Last [?] Island Peak S89W, 399 W Peak N27W, hunchback S20W] [Fresh Beef Received: 62 lbs; Bread Received: 120 lbs] 4f9628c4a2fc8e2def004ec7: ( 53-45330-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1914 At Mirs Bay Lat 22.48, Long 114.31 [rough estimate] 8.0am: Hands Prepare for General Drill. 9.30am: Evolutions: out Bower anchor, out Kedge anchor, Abandon Ship by Watches, Hoist all Boats. 10.15am: Hands Employed Securing for Sea. 1.15pm: Quarters Clean Guns. 4.0pm: Evening Quarters. 4f9628c5a2fc8e2def004ec8: ( 53-45330-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1914 At Mirs Bay Lat 22.48, Long 114.31 6.45am: Kirwen [?] AB Sent to Usk for Diving. 8.45am: Air Night Clothing. 9.0am: Hands Employed Cleaning Ship and as Requisite. 11.0am: Clean Guns. 11.45am: BW [Both Watches] Stations. 1.15pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [Draught of Water: forward 8’ 6”, Aft 8’ 9”] 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. 10.0pm: Pipe down. [Fresh Beef Received: 62 lbs; Bread Received: 120 lbs] 4f9628c5a2fc8e2def004ec9: ( 53-45330-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.46, Long 114.27 [estimated] am: Draught of Water Forward 8’ 6”, Aft 8’ 9”. 5.55am: Hands Securing for Sea. 6.15am: Weighed and Proceeded to Taipo for Mails. [Course and Speed as Required for Proceeding to Taipo for Mails] 7.0am: Came to Starboard anchor 2.25 fathoms veered to 2.5 shackles Taipo. 8.0am: Weighed and Proceeded to rejoin fleet. 8.35am: Came to Starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles Mirs Bay. [Anchor bearings: 393 ft Peak N25W, Mount Hallows [Hallowes] N86E, Knob reef N67E, Point of land S24E] am: Hands Mustered by the open list. 11.45am: Weighed and Proceeded to Hong Kong. [Course and Speed as Required for Proceeding to Hong Kong] 1.25pm: Made fast to Buoy at Hong Kong. [No 7 Buoy Hong Kong] 1.55pm: A Marshall Stoker to Tamar (Sick). pm: Leave to Watch 2.50 - 6.30am. Draught of Water: 8’ 6“ forward, 8’ 9” aft. 4.45pm: A Browning Leading Signalman rejoined from Hospital. 5.0pm: 1 Rifle No 52163 S Bayonet No 1 Belt Pouch and frog lent to [HMS] Chelmer. 8.0pm: Lost Overboard by Accident 1 Spring hook. 4f9628c6a2fc8e2def004eca: ( 53-45330-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.0am: Hands Employed getting Rope and wire ready for Survey. 8.0am: 1 Rifle Lent to Chelmer. 8.30am: Quarters Clean Guns. 9.0am: Out Berthon Boats. am: SA Dyer discharged to Tamar sick (G Gills Leading Signalman to [HMS] Colne). Hands Employed Painting Boats. 1.15pm: Hands Painting Berthon Boats. pm: Special leave to Watch from 4.30 - 6.30am. [Fresh Beef Received: 31 lbs; Bread Received: 60 lbs] 4f9628c6a2fc8e2def004ecb: ( 53-45330-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [estimated] am: Draught of Water: 8’ 6” forward, 8’ 9” Aft. 6.15am: Clear lower Deck, in Berthon Boats and Secure for Sea. 7.30am: Weighed and Proceeded to Lama Channel to Mark for Welland Long Range Torpedo firing. [Course and Speed as Requisite for Proceeding to Lama Channel and for Marking Ship for LR [Long Range] Torpedo Firing. 0.25pm: Secured to Buoy at Hong Kong [Special leave to Watch 4.30 - 6.30am] [Draught of Water: forward 8’ 5”, Aft 8’ 9”] 1.40pm: Hands Employed as Requisite making up Stores for Survey. 6.0pm: Hoisted all Boats. [Fresh Beef Received: 28 + 30 lbs; Vegetables Received: 58 + 59 lbs; Bread Received: 60 lbs] 4f9628c6a2fc8e2def004ecc: ( 53-45330-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Hands Employed Preparing Stores for Survey. 6.25am: B Work Stations. 9.0am: Hands Employed as Requisite returning Stores Etc. 0.10pm: Dockyard Party Returned. Special leave to Watch 4.30 - 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands Employed Drawing Stores. 3.20pm: Landed Football Party. 5.0pm: Dockyard and Coal tallying Party returned. [Bread Received: 59 lbs] 4f9628c7a2fc8e2def004ecd: ( 53-45330-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Draught of Water: 8’ 5” Forward, 8’ 9” Aft] 6.0am: Hands Preparing for Coaling. 7.20am: Coal lighter came alongside. 8.10am: Commenced Coaling. am: Hands Coal Ship. 11.15am: Completed Coaling. Received 60 Tons. [Draught of Water: 9’ 2” Forward, 9’ 0” Aft] pm: Special leave from 4.30 - 6.30am. 1.30pm: Hands Employed Cleaning Ship. 4.30pm: Landed liberty men and foot Ball Party. [Fresh Beef Received: 29 lbs; Vegetables Received: 59 lbs; Bread Received 59 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 65.1 + 60 = 120.10 tons] 4f9628c7a2fc8e2def004ece: ( 53-45330-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.30am: H Dyer SPO [Stoker Petty Officer] discharged to Hospital. Quarters Clean Guns. am and pm: Hands Employed Refitting and as Requisite. pm: Special leave to Watch from 4.30 - to 6.30am. 5.0pm: 2 Rifles received from Chelmer. [Fresh Beef Received: 29 lbs; Vegetables Received: 58 + 58lbs; Bread Received: 59lbs] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 70F, sea temperature 65F] 4f9628c7a2fc8e2def004ecf: ( 53-45330-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.20am: Scrub Gun Gear. 7.50am: Hands to Breakfast and Clean. 8.45am: Aired Night clothing. am: 5 life Buoys sent to Tamar. 11.15am: Quarters Clean Guns. 11.45am: Down Night Clothing. pm: Special leave to Watch 4.30 to 6.30[am]. Received from Ordnance Depot Ammunition SA [probably Small Arms]. 1.30pm: Landed Liberty men. 4.0pm: Tea. Shift Night Clothing. 5.0pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [Fresh Beef Received: 30 lbs; Vegetables Received: 58 lbs; Bread Received: 59 lbs] 4f9628c8a2fc8e2def004ed0: ( 53-45330-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.15am: Landed RCs Church Party (5). 9.0am: Landed Wesleyan Church Party (4). 9.40am: C of E to Tamar (11). 11.20am: Church Parties returned. pm: Special leave to Watch 4.30 - 6.30am. 1.30pm: Landed liberty men. 6.0pm: Hoist all Boats. [Fresh Beef Received: 29 lbs; Vegetables Received: 59 lbs; Bread Received: 59 lbs] 4f9628c8a2fc8e2def004ed1: ( 53-45330-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.0am: Hands Employed Scraping and cleaning FX [Forecastle]. 7.45am: Hands to Breakfast, range Parties left the Ship. am: Exercised General Quarters. 1.12pm: Hands Employed refitting Boats falls and as Requisite. 5.55pm: Range Party returned. [Fresh Beef Received: 29 lbs; Vegetables Received: 58 lbs; Bread Received: 59 lbs] 4f9628c8a2fc8e2def004ed2: ( 53-45330-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.45am: Range Parties (12) RP left Ship. 10.0am: Cox [Coxswain] and 2 Stoker Drawing Stores from Victualling Yard. 1.30 [presumably 10.30am]: W Hamilton Stoker Discharged to Hospital. 11.30am: Dockyard Party Returned. pm: Special leave to Watch 4.30 - 6.30am. pm: Hands Employed Scraping and cleaning out Paint Room. 5.10pm: Range Party returned. [Fresh Beef Received: 29 + 29 lbs; Vegetables 58 + 58 lbs; Bread Received: 59 lbs] 4f9628c9a2fc8e2def004ed3: ( 53-45330-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1914 At Hong Kong [though not stated at top of page] Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.30am: Range parties left ship. 8.30am: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed scraping and as requisite. 4.48pm: Range parties returned. [Fresh Beef Received: 29 lbs; Vegetables Received: 56 lbs; Bread Received: 59 lbs] 4f9628c9a2fc8e2def004ed4: ( 53-45330-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1914 At Hongkong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.40am: Range parties left ship. am: Lost overboard by accident guy (1 in number) of lower boom. pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. 3.10pm: Range parties returned. [Bread Received: 58 lbs] 4f9628c9a2fc8e2def004ed5: ( 53-45330-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.48am: Landed range parties. 9.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 3.55pm: Range parties returned. 4.30pm: Special leave to watch 4.30 to 6.30am. [Fresh Beef Received: 29 lbs, Vegetables Received: 56 lbs, Bread Received: 58 lbs] [Weather fine, noon temperature 66F] 4f9628caa2fc8e2def004ed6: ( 53-45330-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.45am: Aired night clothing. Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands to make and mend. Leave to watch 1.30 to 7.0am. [Vegetables Received: 57 lbs] 4f9628caa2fc8e2def004ed7: ( 53-45330-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.15am: Landed RCs. 8.45am: Landed Wesleyans and Presbyterians. 9.30am: Divisions. 9.45am: Landed C of E. 11.20am: Church parties returned. pm: Leave to watch 1.30 to 6.30am. [Fresh Beef Received: 60 lbs; Vegetables Received: 114 lbs; Bread Received: 116 lbs] 4f9628caa2fc8e2def004ed8: ( 53-45330-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.45am: General drill. Abandon ship. Pull round fleet. 9.30am: Hands employed painting and as requisite. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting, scraping and as requisite. 5.20pm: (1) Stoker returned from hospital. 4f9628cba2fc8e2def004ed9: ( 53-45330-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.0am: Dressed ship in honour of HIM the Emperor of Germany’s birthday. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting boats and cleaning ship. [Fresh Beef Received: 29 lbs; Vegetables Received: 57 lbs; Bread Received: 58 lbs] 4f9628cba2fc8e2def004eda: ( 53-45330-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Hands painting on forecastle and cleaning ship. 9.0am: Hands employed painting and cleaning ship. 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite and drawing stores. [Fresh Beef Received: 30 lbs; Vegetables 58 lbs; Bread Received: 58 lbs] 4f9628cba2fc8e2def004edb: ( 53-45330-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Hands employed reeling up wire hawser and cleaning ship. 8.30am: Hands employed returning stores. Discharged (1) leading seaman and (1) able seaman to [HMS] “Kennet”. 10.0am: (1) Leading Seaman and (1) Able seaman joined from Kennet for instruction for qualifying for acting GL3 [Gunlayer 3]. pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 lamp socket. 1.10pm: Hands drawing ammunition and fitting iron plate target. [Bread Received: 70 lbs] 4f9628cca2fc8e2def004edc: ( 53-45330-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1914 From Hong Kong to Hong Kong and at Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.21, Long 114.07 [very rough estimate based on information in log of HMS Welland for this day] [Draught: Forward 8’ 10”, Aft 8’ 8”] 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. Course and speed as requisite for “Welland’s” test runs. 9.0am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 10.0am: Training class for acting Gunlayers 3 to deflection teacher. 2.5pm: Course and speed as requisite for proceeding into harbour. 2.50pm: Secured to No 8 buoy Hongkong. 4.30pm: Leave to watch 4.30pm - 6.30am. [Fresh Beef Received: 30 lbs; Vegetables Received: 58 lbs; Bread Received: 60 lbs] 4f9628cca2fc8e2def004edd: ( 53-45330-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.0am and 8.45am: Hands cleaning ship. pm: Hands to make and mend clothes. Leave to watch 1.30pm to 7.0am. [Vegetables Received: 58 lbs; Bread Received: 60 lbs] [Editor’s note: from here on details of provisions received will only be specified if they appear to be unusual] LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1914 4f9628cca2fc8e2def004ede: ( 53-45330-019_0.jpg) 1 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.25am: Landed RCs (4). 8.40am: Discharged (1) Stoker first class to Tamar (sick). 9.15am: Landed Wesleyians [sic] (4). 9.30am: Landed C of E party (11). 10.40am: RCs returned. 11.5am: C of E returned. 11.30am: Wesleyans returned. pm: Leave to watch 1.30pm to 6.30am. 2.0pm: Discharged Mr Barnes (gunner) to Tamar (sick). 4f9628cda2fc8e2def004edf: ( 53-45330-019_1.jpg) 2 February 1914 From Hongkong to Hong Kong and at Hong Kong and Sea Lat 22.27, Long 114.10 [very rough estimate based on information in log of HMS Welland for this day] 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea. [Draught: Forward 8’ 9”, Aft 8’ 7”] 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 8.30am: Course and speed as requisite as marking ship for torpedo practice. 10.25am: Proceeded to carry out .303” AR [Aiming Rifle] practice. 11.10am: Completed practice. 0.30pm: Continued torpedo practices. 2.0pm: Chelmer proceeded into harbour with junk holed by torpedo in tow. 3.0pm: Practices complete, Course and speed as requisite for proceeding into harbour. 4.10pm: Secured to No 8 Buoy Hong Kong. 4.30pm: Leave to watch 4.30pm to 6.30am. [Fresh Beef Received: 87 lbs; Vegetables Received: 464 lbs; Bread Received: 174 lbs] 4f9628cda2fc8e2def004ee0: ( 53-45330-020_0.jpg) 3 February 1914 From Hong Kong to Mirs Bay, at Sea Lat 22.51, Long 114.42 [very rough estimate] [Draught: Forward - 8’ 9”, Aft - 8’ 7”] 6.30am: Hands securing ship for sea. 8.30am: Hands preparing target and as requisite. 9.30am: Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 1.15pm: Carried out .303” AR practice. 2.20pm: Finished practice, course and speed as requisite for coming to anchorage. 3.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor and veered to 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Peng Chau abeam port S, Peng Chau abeam starboard S20E, Albion Point S90E] 8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite to 1” AR night firings. 11.30pm: Anchored in Long Harbour and veered to 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: none obtainable] 4f9628cea2fc8e2def004ee1: ( 53-45330-020_1.jpg) 4 February 1914 At Mirs Bay and at Sea Lat 22.51, Long 114.35 [rough estimate based on information in log of HMS Ribble for this date] 8.30am: Hands employed about target. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for carrying out 1” AR practise with Ribble. 11.5am: Practise completed. Noon: Course and speed as requisite for approaching anchorage at Taipo. 1.25pm: Came to with Starboard anchor and veered to 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: 1334ft peak S9E; Centre Island abeam port S80E] 8.55pm: Burned searchlight. 9.25pm: Switched off searchlight. 4f9628cea2fc8e2def004ee2: ( 53-45330-021_0.jpg) 5 February 1914 At Mirs Bay and at Sea Lat 22.51, Long 114.35 [rough estimate based on information in log of HMS Welland for this date] 6.15am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing ship for sea. 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 9.10am: Carried out 1” AR practice for men training for acting GL3. 10.25am: Towed target for “Ribbles” practices. 11.10am: Practice complete, Course and speed as requisite for approaching rendezvous. 11.30am: Anchored and veered to 3 shackles. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to carry out 12 pounder 8 cwt [hundredweight] service firing. 3.40pm: Practices complete. Course and speed as requisite for approaching anchorage. 4.30pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 6.5 fathoms and veered to 3 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Albion point N8W, Peng Chau Island abeam forward N59W, Peng Chau Island abeam aft S9W] 8.25pm: Darkened ship. 8.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, Course and speed as requisite for 1” AR night firing. 9.10pm: Firings completed. 9.30pm: Came to with starboard anchor and veered to 3 shackles off Peng Chau Island. [Anchor [Bearings]: None obtainable] 4f9628cea2fc8e2def004ee3: ( 53-45330-021_1.jpg) 6 February 1914 At Sea [and Taipo, though not stated at top of page] Lat 22.48, Long 114.31 [very rough estimate] 6.15am: Hands unrigging target and as requisite. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for carrying out 1” AR practice in conjunction with “Ribble”. 10.30am: Practices complete 11.0am: Steam tactics. 11.45am: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Taipo anchorage. 0.40pm: Came to with starboard anchor and veered to 3 shackles in 2.5 fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: Centre Island abeam port S88E; Centre Island abeam starboard S75E; 1334 ft peak S24E] pm: Hands employed washing down decks. Lost overboard by accident (1) Pisaba [piasaba] brush and ~~. 4f9628cfa2fc8e2def004ee4: ( 53-45330-022_0.jpg) 7 February 1914 At Taipo Lat 22.45, Long 114.23 [estimated] 8.45am: Hands employed painting. pm: Hands to Make and Mend Clothes. 4f9628cfa2fc8e2def004ee5: ( 53-45330-022_1.jpg) 8 February 1914 At Taipo Lat 22.45, Long 114.23 8.45am: Hands clearing up decks. 9.30am: Divisions. pm: Leave to watch from 1.30 to 7.0pm. 4f9628cfa2fc8e2def004ee6: ( 53-45330-023_0.jpg) 9 February 1914 From Mirs Bay to Hong Kong and at Hong Kong Lat 22.44, Long 114.44 [very rough estimate] 6.15am: Hands preparing ship for sea and as requisite. 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. am: Hands painting ship and as requisite. 9.0am: Took up station as tracking ship for firings: GL2s. 9.30am: Carried out firings for men under training for GL3. 9.50am: Course and speed as requisite for marking. 11.30am: Finished exercise, course and speed as requisite for Hongkong. 1.30pm: Proceeded into harbour and secured to No 8 buoy. [Draught: Forward 8’ 3”, Aft 8’ 0”] 4.30pm: Leave to Watch 4.30pm - 6.30am. 6.0pm: 1 Rating Rejoined from Tamar. 4f9628d0a2fc8e2def004ee7: ( 53-45330-023_1.jpg) 10 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [estimated] 6.0am and 8.45am: Hands Painting Ship. Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 am: 1 Rating discharged to Tamar sick. Gunner Returned to Duty. pm: Leave to Watch from 4.30 - 6.30am. Ammunition Ship. 4f9628d0a2fc8e2def004ee8: ( 53-45330-024_0.jpg) 11 February 1914 [incorrectly shown as 1913] At Hong Kong Lat 22.22, Long 114.29 [very rough estimate based on minimal information] am: Draught of Water: 7’ 10” Forward, 7’ 9” Aft. 6.15am: Secured for Sea, 8.30am: Slipped and Proceeded as Requisite for leaving harbour eastern Entrance. am: Hands Employed Rigging Target. [Course and Speed as Requisite for Submarine Exercise] 0.15pm: Exercise Completed. 1.25pm: Proceeded into harbour Western entrance and Secured to No 8 Buoy. Hands Employed as Requisite. pm: Draught of Water (7’ 9” Forward, 8’ Aft). 4f9628d0a2fc8e2def004ee9: ( 53-45330-024_1.jpg) 12 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.30, Long 114.11 [very rough estimate] 7.20am: Clean Guns. 9.20am: Slipped and Proceeded out of harbour Western Entrance. [Course and Speed as Requisite for Carrying out Submarine Exercises] 0.40pm: Exercises completed, returned and secured to No 8 Buoy 1.30. 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. [Weather fine, noon temperature 60F] 4f9628d1a2fc8e2def004eea: ( 53-45330-025_0.jpg) 13 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.07 [very rough estimate] 6.15am: Hands Securing for Sea and Cleaning Ship. 7.20am: Slipped and Proceeded out of harbour. am: Hands Employed as Gun Crews and Cleaning out Cylinders etc. [Course and Speed as Requisite for Proceeding to firing ground off Lantau Island and for firing for Men firing for GL3] 2.50pm: Firing Completed, course and speed as Requisite for Entering harbour, [Draught of Water: (forward 7’ 9”, Aft 7’ 11”)] 4.0pm: Secured to No 8 Buoy. 4f9628d1a2fc8e2def004eeb: ( 53-45330-025_1.jpg) 14 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.40am: Landed Range Party 16 men. 8.45am: Aired Night Clothing. 11.45am: Down Night Clothing. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. Special leave to Watch from 1.30 - 6.30am. 4f9628d1a2fc8e2def004eec: ( 53-45330-026_0.jpg) 15 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 7.30am: RCs to Breakfast and Clean. 8.15am: Landed RCs. 9.15am: Prespts [Presbyterians] and Wesleyans landed (4). 10.0am: Church of E Went to tamar [Tamar] (4). 10.30am: RCs Returned. 11.45am: Church Parties returned. pm: Special leave for Watch from 1.30pm to 6.30am. 4f9628d2a2fc8e2def004eed: ( 53-45330-026_1.jpg) 16 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 am: Hands Scraping fore tube. 2.0pm: 5 Hands Sent to Dockyard to return targets. 3.30pm: Dockyard Party returned. 4f9628d2a2fc8e2def004eee: ( 53-45330-027_0.jpg) 17 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.40am: Hands Employed Provisioning and as Requisite. pm: Lost overboard by Accident one 0.5” die nut. 3.0pm: Sub Lieutenant Fardell left the Ship for [HMS] Minotaur. 4.30pm: Sub Lieutenant Egerton Joined. 4f9628d2a2fc8e2def004eef: ( 53-45330-027_1.jpg) 18 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 am: Lost overboard by Accident 1 Paint brush. pm: Hands Make and mend Clothes. Leave to Watch from 1.30pm - 6.30am. 4f9628d3a2fc8e2def004ef0: ( 53-45330-028_0.jpg) 19 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 am: Hands Employed drawing Ammunition and Scraping Fore Torpedo Tube. 4f9628d3a2fc8e2def004ef1: ( 53-45330-028_1.jpg) 20 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Hands Employed Painting Ship side (Botton Colour). 9.0am: 1 man discharged to Tamar Sick. am: Hands Returning Berthon Boat to Kowloon. pm: Hands Employed at lay apart Store and drawing Ammunition. 4f9628d3a2fc8e2def004ef2: ( 53-45330-029_0.jpg) 21 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.30am: Range Party left Ship 22 No. am: Hands Air night Clothing. Hands Employed as Requisite. pm: Borrow for RP [Rifle Practice] 2 Rifles and SB [?] from Usk. 4f9628d4a2fc8e2def004ef3: ( 53-45330-029_1.jpg) 22 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 9.0am: Landed Church Parties, 1 RC, 2 Wesleyans. 9.30am: C of E Men Sent to Tamar, 6 No. 11.30am: Church Parties Returned. pm: Sundays Routine. Special leave to Watch from 1.30 - 6.30am. 4f9628d4a2fc8e2def004ef4: ( 53-45330-030_0.jpg) 23 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.0am: Dress Ship. 9.0am and pm: Hands Employed as Requisite. 3.0pm: Hands Prepare for Coal Ship. 6.25pm: Undress Ship. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 27.00 tons] 4f9628d5a2fc8e2def004ef5: ( 53-45330-030_1.jpg) 24 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.0am: Hands Employed as Requisite. Coal Tallying Party Sent to Kowloon. [Draught of Water before Coaling: 7’ 9” Forward, 7’ 11” Aft] 8.45am: Hands Preparing for Coaling. am: Lost overboard by Accident 1 Long Socket. [Draught of Water after Coaling: 9’ 2” Forward, 9’ Aft] 0.30pm: Commenced Coaling. 3.45pm: Completed Coaling received 100 Tons. 6.15am: Hoisted all Boats. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 26.90 tons] 4f9628d5a2fc8e2def004ef6: ( 53-45330-031_0.jpg) 25 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 11.30am: Scrub Gun Gear. 4f9628d5a2fc8e2def004ef7: ( 53-45330-031_1.jpg) 26 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 pm: Hands Employed Scraping fore Torpedo tube, Ships Side and as Requisite. 5.30pm: OOG [Officer of the Guard] visited French Gunboat. 4f9628d6a2fc8e2def004ef8: ( 53-45330-032_0.jpg) 27 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 am and pm: Hands Employed as Requisite. 3.0pm: 1 Rating returned from Hospital. 4f9628d6a2fc8e2def004ef9: ( 53-45330-032_1.jpg) 28 February 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.45am: Aired Night Clothing. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 8.0pm: Slung clean Hammocks. 4f9628d6a2fc8e2def004efa: ( 53-45330-033_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f9628d7a2fc8e2def004efb: ( 53-45330-033_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9628d7a2fc8e2def004efc: ( 53-45330-034_0.jpg) [Half blue cover, blank] 4f9628d7a2fc8e2def004efd: ( 53-45330-034_1.jpg) [Half blue cover, blank] LOG BOOK – MARCH 1ST TO APRIL 30TH 1914 LOGS FOR MARCH 1914 4f9628d8a2fc8e2def004efe: ( 53-45331-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period 1st March to 30th April 1914] 4f9628d8a2fc8e2def004eff: ( 53-45331-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f9628d8a2fc8e2def004f00: ( 53-45331-002_0.jpg) [Left hand side of page listing omissions from log] 4f9628d9a2fc8e2def004f01: ( 53-45331-002_1.jpg) [Right hand side of page as above]
4f9628d9a2fc8e2def004f02: ( 53-45331-003_0.jpg) [Half blank page] 4f9628d9a2fc8e2def004f03: ( 53-45331-003_1.jpg) [Half blank page] 4f9628daa2fc8e2def004f04: ( 53-45331-004_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9628daa2fc8e2def004f05: ( 53-45331-004_1.jpg) [Page with data for distances run and coal expended, for dates from 30.2.11 to 7.11.13. Page Signed George Mulock, Lieutenant Commander, 1st May 1914. HMS “Minotaur” 8th May 1914 [signed] Glen [?] Nicolson, Engineer Commander. Stamped Commander-in-Chief China Station 21 May 1914] 4f9628dba2fc8e2def004f06: ( 53-45331-005_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9628dba2fc8e2def004f07: ( 53-45331-005_1.jpg) 1 March 1914 At Hongkong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 8.15am: Landed RCs 4. Sunday routine. 9.0am: C of E party to Tamar 10. 11.30am: Church Party Returned. 0.30pm: Special leave from 1.30 to 6.30am. 1.30pm: Landed liberty Men. 4f9628dba2fc8e2def004f08: ( 53-45331-006_0.jpg) 2 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 am and pm: Hands Employed as Requisite. 4f9628dca2fc8e2def004f09: ( 53-45331-006_1.jpg) 3 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628dca2fc8e2def004f0a: ( 53-45331-007_0.jpg) 4 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 5.0am: Hands Employed getting out Boats for de Coaling. am and pm: Hands Employed as requisite. 5.0pm: Lent signalman to Fame for submarine exercises [see also log for HMS Fame for this date]. 4f9628dca2fc8e2def004f0b: ( 53-45331-007_1.jpg) 5 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 6.15am: Hands Employed Scraping on mess Deck. 7.0am: 7 Ratings lent to tamar [Tamar]. am: Hands Employed Returning Torpedoes to Torpedo Sub Depot Kowloon. 3.50pm: Tug Came alongside. 4.30pm: Ship secured alongside [HMS] Colne in Basin. 4f9628dda2fc8e2def004f0c: ( 53-45331-008_0.jpg) 6 March 1914 [Year incorrectly shown as 1919] At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [estimated] [Ship in Basin] 1.15pm: Hands Employed Scraping mess Deck. 5.0pm: Preddy Stoker rejoined Ship from Tamar. 4f9628dda2fc8e2def004f0d: ( 53-45331-008_1.jpg) 7 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Ship in Basin] 6.15am: Hands Employed Scraping Mess Deck and as Requisite. 8.50am: Aired night Clothing. Hands employed as Requisite. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4f9628dda2fc8e2def004f0e: ( 53-45331-009_0.jpg) 8 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [(Ship in Basin)] 8.15am: RCs landed (2). 9.30am: Wesleyans left ship (6). 10.0am: C of E to tamar [sic] (13). 11.30am: Church Parties all on Board. pm: Sunday Routine. [Weather mostly fine, noon temperature 82F, sea temperature 70F] 4f9628dea2fc8e2def004f0f: ( 53-45331-009_1.jpg) 9 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [(Ship in Basin)] 7.30am: Hands Employed returning Awning and Stores and as Requisite. 8.30am: 1 Rating discharged to tamar [sic] sick. pm: Special leave to Watch 5.30pm - 6.30am. 1.30pm: Got out Berthon Boats. Hands employed returning berthon Boats and as Requisite. 4f9628dea2fc8e2def004f10: ( 53-45331-010_0.jpg) 10 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am: Hands Employed Cleaning and Scraping Magazines and dismounting Guns. 8.30am: 1 Man returned to duty from Tamar. 4f9628dea2fc8e2def004f11: ( 53-45331-010_1.jpg) 11 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am: Hands Employed Scraping and as Requisite. pm: Special leave usual. 4f9628dfa2fc8e2def004f12: ( 53-45331-011_0.jpg) 12 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 am: Dismounting Guns. pm: Special leave to watch 4.30 - 6.30[am]. 1.30pm: Hands Employed dismounting Guns, Scraping Magazines etc. 4f9628dfa2fc8e2def004f13: ( 53-45331-011_1.jpg) 13 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am: Hands Scraping Magazines, Dismounting Guns and as Requisite. 10.30am: Chelmer Secured alongside. 1.30pm: Hands Dismounting Guns, Scraping Bilges and as Requisite. 4f9628dfa2fc8e2def004f14: ( 53-45331-012_0.jpg) 14 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 9.0am: Aired Night Clothing. 11.55am: Down all night Clothing. pm: Usual leave 1.30 to 6.30am. Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4f9628e0a2fc8e2def004f15: ( 53-45331-012_1.jpg) 15 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 8.25am: RCs landed. 9.15am: Divisions. 9.30am: Wesleyans landed 4. 10.0am: C of E Party to Tamar 12. 11.35am: All Church Parties returned. pm: Usual leave 1.30 - 6.30am. Sundays Routine. 4f9628e0a2fc8e2def004f16: ( 53-45331-013_0.jpg) 16 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 6.0am: Hands Removed on board [HMS] Wivern. 7.30am and 1.15pm: Hands Employed as Requisite. pm: Usual leave from 4.30 - 6.30am. [Men living in Wivern] 4f9628e0a2fc8e2def004f17: ( 53-45331-013_1.jpg) 17 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 6.0am: Hands Clean Ship Wivern. 4f9628e1a2fc8e2def004f18: ( 53-45331-014_0.jpg) 18 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 6.0am: Hands Scrubbing decks (Wivern). 7.30am and pm: Hands Employed as Requisite. 4f9628e1a2fc8e2def004f19: ( 53-45331-014_1.jpg) 19 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628e1a2fc8e2def004f1a: ( 53-45331-015_0.jpg) 20 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628e2a2fc8e2def004f1b: ( 53-45331-015_1.jpg) 21 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628e2a2fc8e2def004f1c: ( 53-45331-016_0.jpg) 22 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 8.30am: RCs Landed. 9.30am: Divisions. Wesleyan and Presbyterian Church Party landed. 10.0am: C of E Party to tamar [sic]. 11.30am: Church Parties returned. pm: Sunday Routine. 4f9628e2a2fc8e2def004f1d: ( 53-45331-016_1.jpg) 23 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 6.0am: Hands Scrubbing decks (Wivern). 2 ABs, 1 Signalman, 1 TGM [Torpedo Gunners Mate], 1 Leading Telegraphist, and First Lieutenant taking Part in manoeuvres also Captain. 7.30am: Hands Employed Scraping Mess Decks. am: Green Stoker discharged to tamar [sic] Sick. pm: Hands Employed Scraping Mess Deck. 4f9628e3a2fc8e2def004f1e: ( 53-45331-017_0.jpg) 24 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am and pm: Hands Scraping Mess Deck. 4f9628e3a2fc8e2def004f1f: ( 53-45331-017_1.jpg) 25 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am: Hands Scraping Mess Deck. am: Green Stoker Returned from Tamar duty. Preddi [Preddy] Stoker Joined tamar [Tamar] Sick. pm: Hands employed Scraping mess Deck and Clearing upper Deck and Storerooms. Hands lend for manoeuvres Returned. 4f9628e4a2fc8e2def004f20: ( 53-45331-018_0.jpg) 26 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am: Hands Employed Cleaning Ship. 2.0pm: Shifted Ship to South Wall. 6.30pm: Pearson Leading Telegraphist Rejoined Ship. 4f9628e4a2fc8e2def004f21: ( 53-45331-018_1.jpg) 27 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am: Hands Employed dismantling Guns and taking ship into dock. 9.30am: Ship taken into Dock. 4f9628e4a2fc8e2def004f22: ( 53-45331-019_0.jpg) 28 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am: Hands working as Requisite. pm: Hands Make and mend clothes. 4f9628e5a2fc8e2def004f23: ( 53-45331-019_1.jpg) 29 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 8.30am: RCs Church Party landed (6). 9.25am: Six Wesleyan and 1 Presbyterian landed. 10.5am: C of E Parties to tamar [Tamar] 12. 11.30am: Church Parties on Board. pm: Sundays Routine. 4f9628e5a2fc8e2def004f24: ( 53-45331-020_0.jpg) 30 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628e5a2fc8e2def004f25: ( 53-45331-020_1.jpg) 31 March 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Nothing of note in log] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 78F, sea temperature 69F] LOGS FOR APRIL 1914 4f9628e6a2fc8e2def004f26: ( 53-45331-021_0.jpg) 1 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 11.0am: Hands Mustered for Monthly payment and Medical Inspection. pm: Hands Employed Scraping, painting and as Requisite. 4f9628e6a2fc8e2def004f27: ( 53-45331-021_1.jpg) 2 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628e6a2fc8e2def004f28: ( 53-45331-022_0.jpg) 3 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628e7a2fc8e2def004f29: ( 53-45331-022_1.jpg) 4 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 1.15pm: Seaman [sic] Paint Ship. 4f9628e7a2fc8e2def004f2a: ( 53-45331-023_0.jpg) 5 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 8.30am: RCs Church Party landed (5). 9.30am: Wesleyan and Presyebrian [Presbyterian] landed (5). 10.5am: C of E parties to tamar [sic] (10). 11.30am: Church parties on board. pm: Sundays Routine. Special leave 1.30 - 6.30am. 4f9628e7a2fc8e2def004f2b: ( 53-45331-023_1.jpg) 6 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 11.0am: Ship undocked and placed alongside Wivern. 1.15pm: Hands Employed Getting in Torpedoes and Stores and drawing Stores from Dockyard and Provisions. 5.30pm: Watch Employed provisioning ship and getting Stores from lighters. 4f9628e8a2fc8e2def004f2c: ( 53-45331-024_0.jpg) 7 April 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 [Draught of Water before Coaling: Forward 8’, 8’ 10” Aft. 7.30am: Hands Drawing Ammunition. Commenced Coaling, restowing Storerooms etc. am: Took in 118 tons of Coal which had been on deposit and ten 10 tons from NSO [Naval Stores Office]. 11.50am: One Prisoner sent to Tamar under escort. Noon: Completed Coaling. 1.15pm: Hands Employed getting in Ammunition and Stores, Cleaning Ship. [Draught of Water after Coaling: Forward 9’, Aft 9’ 8”] pm: Special leave to Watch 5.30 - 6.30 [am]. 6.0pm: Landed Patrol. Midnight: Patrol Returned on board. 4f9628e8a2fc8e2def004f2d: ( 53-45331-024_1.jpg) 8 April 1914 From Hong Kong to Nagasaki Lat 22.29, Long 114.16 7.30am: Hands drawing Boats and target from Dockyard. 9.0am: In all Boats. 10.0am: Collins AB discharged to Tamar sick. 1.30pm: Ship left Basin for Buoy to Swing Compasses. [Draught of Water: Forward 9’ 0”, Aft 9’ 8”] 3.45pm: Completed Swinging. 5.30pm: Slipped and Proceeded out of harbour. Course and Speed as Requisite for proceeding out of Eastern Entrance. 6.56pm: East Compass Head N1W 1.5 Cables. Shaped course N74E. [Fresh Beef Received: 89 lbs; Vegetables Received: 300 lbs; Bread Received: 240 lbs] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.25 tons] [Weather overcast, wind north easterly force 5 from 8pm; noon temperature 60F, sea temperature 68F] 4f9628e8a2fc8e2def004f2e: ( 53-45331-025_0.jpg) 9 April 1914 From Hong Kong to Nagasaki Lat 23.00, Long 116.88 2.0am: Chilang Point light abeam. 7.0am: Altered course NE. 11.54am: Altered course NE by E. 4.5pm: Altered course N52E. 6.15pm: Moon Sighted. 8.0pm: Chapel Island Sighted. 8.2pm: Light bearing N9E. 9.3pm: Light bearing N3E. 9.43pm: Light bearing Abeam 2 Miles. 10.14pm: Sighted Dodd Island light N29E, altered course N55E. [Distance run through the Water: 185 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Variation [Various] 157.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Noon Good hope Cape W, 4.5 miles] 4f9628e9a2fc8e2def004f2f: ( 53-45331-025_1.jpg) 10 April 1914 From Hong Kong to Nagasaki Lat 25.43, Long 120.28 0.1am: Dood [Dodd] Island Light bearing W. 5.1am: Ackien Island Light N25.5E, ship Head N48E. 6.25am: Ackoni Island Light abeam 5.5 miles. 9.38am: Turnabout Island Light House: N15W. 10.15am: Turnabout Island Light House abeam 12.5 miles. 6.16pm: Moon Sighted. [Distance run through the Water: 240 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 229 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Noon, Tung Huen Light N27W, 32 miles] [Weather fine and relatively quiet, noon temperature 64F, sea temperature 63F] 4f9628e9a2fc8e2def004f30: ( 53-45331-026_0.jpg) 11 April 1914 From Hong Kong to Nagasaki Lat 28.92, Long 124.43 8.0am: Put Clocks on 15 minutes. 0.30pm: Altered course N52E. pm: Hands make and mend Clothes. 6.19pm: Sun set by Compass N81.75W, Ships Head N48E, resulting deviation 3 degrees 51 minutes E. 7.20pm: Moon rose. [Distance run through the Water: 292.25 miles] [corrected entry] [Course and Distance made good: N47E, 305 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Io Sima N50E, 358 miles] 4f9628e9a2fc8e2def004f31: ( 53-45331-026_1.jpg) 12 April 1914 From Hong Kong to Nagasaki Lat 32.52, Long 130.51 7.40am: Increased to 15 knots. 7.45am: Altered course to N55E. 8.30am: Put Clocks on 45 minutes. 0.40pm: Land off Starboard Bow. 1.10pm: Course ENE. 1.50pm: Formed line ahead. 2.45pm: Moored in Nagasaki. [Anchor bearings: Northern storm Signal N85E, Nosaki Bana S45W, Dockyard Crane S80W] 5.0pm: Special leave to Watch 4.30 - 6.30am. [Course and Distance made good: N49E, 336 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: To Sima Light N59E, 29.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 55.65 tons] [Weather overcast, rain in evening, noon temperature 63F, sea temperature 64F] [Editor’s note: Although it is not apparent from the log, Jed is in company with TBDs Colne, Kennet, Chelmer, Ribble and Usk; see log of HMS Newcastle, which records their arrival on 12th April 1914] 4f9628eaa2fc8e2def004f32: ( 53-45331-027_0.jpg) 13 April 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.71, Long 129.83 [estimated] 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Landed coal tallying party, two hands. am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 1.45pm: Coal tallying party returned. 4.30pm: Special leave to watch from 4.30 till 7.0am. 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. 4f9628eaa2fc8e2def004f33: ( 53-45331-027_1.jpg) 14 April 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.71, Long 129.83 6.0am: Hands employed preparing for coaling. [Draught: Before coaling Forward 8’ 3”, Aft 8’ 4”; After coaling: Forward 9’ 0”, Aft 9’ 0”] 7.0am: Commenced coaling with coolie labour. am: Coaling with coolie labour. Hands scraping boats and as requisite. 11.15am: Finished coaling, received 70 tons. 1.15pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 3.30pm: Spread after awnings. 4.30pm: Special leave to watch from 4.30 till 7.0am. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.35 tons] 4f9628eaa2fc8e2def004f34: ( 53-45331-028_0.jpg) 15 April 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.71, Long 129.83 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Hands employed scraping boats. 4.30pm: Special Leave to watch from 4.30 till 7.0am. 4f9628eba2fc8e2def004f35: ( 53-45331-028_1.jpg) 16 April 1914 From Nagasaki to Miajima, at Nagasaki Lat 32.71, Long 129.83 [Draught: Forward 9’ 0”, Aft 9’ 0”] 1.0pm: Hands preparing for sea. Furled Quarter Deck awnings. 2.45pm: Unmoored weighed Port anchor. 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 3.40pm: Course N55W, 10 knots. 5.23pm: Altered course N28W. 6.55pm: Light abeam. [Further changes in course and speed for rest of evening] 4f9628eba2fc8e2def004f36: ( 53-45331-029_0.jpg) 17 April 1914 From Nagasaki to Miajima Lat 33.83, Long 131.40 1.10am: Sighted Yeboshi Light N70E. 3.15am: Yeboshi Light abeam. 5.50am: Island abeam. 8.25am: Altered course S38E. Courses and speed as requisite in Shimonoseki straits. 2.0pm: Hands Make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Spread QD awnings’ 4.40pm: Course and Speeds as requisite for approaching and anchoring off Fuhoyi [?; see also alternative spelling next day] Village (Higasinobi Island). 6.25pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 9 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. [Anchor bearings: Oya Saki N46W, Southern Point O Kurobomi Shima S60W] [Course and Distance made good: Various 182 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Hima Sima S61E, 16 miles] 4f9628eca2fc8e2def004f37: ( 53-45331-029_1.jpg) 18 April 1914 From Fuboye to Miajima and at Miajima [Myajima] Lat 31.31, Long 132.32 5.30am: Prepared for sea. 6.10am: Weighed, Course and Speeds as requisite for anchoring. 7.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 6 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. [Draught: 8’ 10” forward, 8’ 11” aft] [Anchor bearings: Kame Se [?] S54W, Mainland Ferry Pier N1W, Temple gate S66E] am: Hands employed painting ship. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting Ship. pm: Lost overboard by accident buckets Hand galvanised 1 in Number. 4.30pm: Leave to Chief and first class PO 4.30 - 7.0pm. [Distance run through the Water: 77 miles + 15 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 77 miles] 4f9628eca2fc8e2def004f38: ( 53-45331-030_0.jpg) 19 April 1914 At Miajima Lat 31.31, Long 132.32 9.30am: Divisions. 1.30pm: Leave to Chief and first Class POs from 1.30 - 7.0pm. 4f9628eca2fc8e2def004f39: ( 53-45331-030_1.jpg) 20 April 1914 From Miajima to Kobe Lat 34.06, Long 132.61 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea. [Draught: forward 8’ 10”, Aft 8’ 11”] 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded, Course and speeds as requisite. 10.50am: Set Course S50E, 11 knots. 11.21am: Altered course N67E. 0.30pm: Courses as requisite. 2.0pm: Passed through Kurusima no seto [Kurushimano-seto]. 7.0pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 8 Fathoms veered to 4 shackles. Anchor Bearings: No Saki Point N17E, Kozei Jima N70W, Landslip N63E] [Course and Distance made good: Various 27 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ko Tatzka Jina [?] S20W, 1.25 miles] [Weather misty and wet, noon temperature 54F, sea temperature 55F] 4f9628eda2fc8e2def004f3a: ( 53-45331-031_0.jpg) 21 April 1914 From Miajima to Kobe, at Kobe Lat 34.58, Long 134.83 am: Anchor Bearings: No Saki Point N17E, Kozei Jima N75W; Landslip N53E. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 7.15am: Set Course N58E 10 knots. am: Hands employed scraping booms and cleaning ship. 0.30pm: Course and speeds as requisite. 1.0pm: Hands employed preparing Hawsers and fenders and securing alongside. 2.15pm: Came to with Port Anchor in [blank] veered to 4 shackles and secured alongside Western Harbour Works. [Secured to Western Harbour Works] [Draught: Forward 8’ 3”, Aft 8’ 6”] 4.30pm: Special leave from 4.30 till 7.0am. [Distance run through the Water: 47.5 miles] [corrected entry] [Course and Distance made good: Various 140 miles] [should presumably be 40 miles] 4f9628eda2fc8e2def004f3b: ( 53-45331-031_1.jpg) 22 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 [estimated] am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Lost overboard by accident one berthon boats crutch. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. General leave to watch from 4.30pm till 7.0am Friday 24th April. 4f9628eda2fc8e2def004f3c: ( 53-45331-032_0.jpg) 23 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628eea2fc8e2def004f3d: ( 53-45331-032_1.jpg) 24 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Lost overboard by accident Whistles mouth 1 in Number. 4f9628eea2fc8e2def004f3e: ( 53-45331-033_0.jpg) 25 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628eea2fc8e2def004f3f: ( 53-45331-033_1.jpg) 26 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 9.20am: Landed Roman Catholics (5). 9.35am: Landed Church of England (18). 10.10am: Landed Wesleyans (4). 11.25am: Roman Catholics returned. Noon: Remainder of Church Parties returned. 4f9628efa2fc8e2def004f40: ( 53-45331-034_0.jpg) 27 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship and scrubbing deck cloths. 9.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship and making deck cloths. pm: Hands employed refitting canvas gear. 4.30pm: Special leave to watch from 4.30 till 7.0am. 4f9628efa2fc8e2def004f41: ( 53-45331-034_1.jpg) 28 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 am: Hands employed cleaning ship, refitting canvas gear and as requisite. Lost overboard by accident Spanner for fitting plug of 12 pounder 1 in Number. pm: Paid monthly payment. Hands employed refitting canvas gear and cleaning ship. 4.30pm: Special leave to watch from 4.30 till 7.0am. 4f9628efa2fc8e2def004f42: ( 53-45331-035_0.jpg) 29 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 pm: Hands employed painting canvas gear and as requisite. 5.15pm: Dyer SPO and Collings AB rejoined from [HMS] Hampshire. Preddy Stoker having been discharged by Hampshire to Yokohama Hospital. 4f9628f0a2fc8e2def004f43: ( 53-45331-035_1.jpg) 30 April 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 am: Hands employed cleaning ship and about boats. pm: Hands employed painting boats and as requisite. 4f9628f0a2fc8e2def004f44: ( 53-45331-036_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f9628f0a2fc8e2def004f45: ( 53-45331-036_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9628f1a2fc8e2def004f46: ( 53-45331-037_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f9628f1a2fc8e2def004f47: ( 53-45331-037_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – MAY 1ST TO MAY 31ST 1914 LOGS FOR MAY 1914 4f9628f2a2fc8e2def004f48: ( 53-45332-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period May 1st 1914 to June 30th 1914] 4f9628f2a2fc8e2def004f49: ( 53-45332-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f9628f2a2fc8e2def004f4a: ( 53-45332-002_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9628f3a2fc8e2def004f4b: ( 53-45332-002_1.jpg) [Page with data on distances run and coal expended, for dates from 27.10.11 to 26.6.14. Also: Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded: Date: 12.5.14; Number of hours exceeded: 2; Distance run per hour: 23.5 miles; Coal expended for all purposes per hour - average: 9.0 tons; Distance run per ton of coal - average: 2.6 miles. Reasons for exceeding: Quarterly Passage Trial. [Page signed]: George Mulock Lieutenant Commander, 1st July 1914. HMS “Minotaur” 21st Jul 1914, [signed] J Nicolson [?] Engineer Commander. [Stamped] Commander-in-Chief, China Station, 7 October 1914] 4f9628f3a2fc8e2def004f4c: ( 53-45332-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as follows: ]
4f9628f3a2fc8e2def004f4d: ( 53-45332-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 [Draught: Forward 9ft, Aft 9ft 6ins] 7.0am: General leave to watch from 8.0am till 7.0am May 2nd. am: Hands employed refitting canvas gear and as requisite. Lost overboard by accident Hand Scrubbers 2 in Number. pm: Hands employed refitting canvas gear and about boats. 4f9628f4a2fc8e2def004f4e: ( 53-45332-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 7.0am: General leave to watch from 8.0am till 7.0am, May 3rd. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4f9628f4a2fc8e2def004f4f: ( 53-45332-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1914 At Kobe Lat 34.66, Long 135.19 4.30am: [HMS] Alacrity sailed. 9.20am: Landed Roman Catholics (6). 9.30am: Landed C of E party (20). 10.10am: Landed Wesleyans (4). 11.30am: Church parties returned. pm: Leave to non-leave breakers of the watch from 1.30 - 10.0pm, POs and CPOs till 11.0pm. 4.40pm: Hands employed preparing for sea and reeving anchor gear. 4f9628f4a2fc8e2def004f50: ( 53-45332-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1914 From Kobe to Nagasaki Lat 34.33, Long 133.63 [Cross Bearings] 4.45am: Slipped hawsers. 5.0am: Weighed port anchor, Course and speeds as requisite for leaving harbour. 5.20am: Wada Mikasi abeam 3.5 cables. Set Course S72W. [Numerous changes of course from 5.50am to 11.27am] Noon: Ko Shima Island abeam. 0.45pm: Altered course to avoid sailing vessel. 0.48pm: Resumed course. 2.6pm: Course and speeds as requisite for passing through Katatba Seto and Kuruma no Seto. 3.50pm: Oge Sa Light House abeam, altered course S40.5W. 4.15pm: Stopped Engines, swung ship for deviation. 5.20pm: Finished swing. Set Course S40.5W. 6.10pm: Ushigabushi Light House N60W 2 cables, altered course S43W. 6.35pm: Ikino Hama S40E 1 mile. 8.6pm: Sighted Ya Sima Light S86W. 9.12pm: Sighted Hime Sima Light N84W. 10.36pm: Hime Sima abeam 2.4 miles. 11.48pm: Altered course to avoid nets. 11.52pm: Resumed Course. [Course and Distance made good: Various 85 miles [True Bearing and Distance: Mi Saki S74W, 5.5 miles] 4f9628f5a2fc8e2def004f51: ( 53-45332-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1914 From Kobe to Nagasaki and at Nagasaki Lat 33.62, Long 129.70 [Cross Bearings] 0.31am: Altered course NW by W. 1.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: He Saki Light N81W, Tazen Hanea S72W, Kitaku S51W] [Draught: Forward 8ft 10ins, Aft 9ft 3ins] 5.35am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite for passing through Shimonoseki Straits. 7.0am: Mutsura Sima Abeam, Course NW. 7.15am: Kaino Sima abeam, altered course N73W. 7.20am: Formed divisions in line ahead. am: Hands employed refitting boom gear and as requisite. 10.27am: Sighted Okino Shima S41W. 11.0am: Okino Shima abeam 1.6 miles. [Numerous changes in course from 11.6am to 2.51pm] 5.30am: Course and Speeds as requisite for entering Nagasaki, formed single line. 6.15pm: Moored in 6.75 fathoms, 3 shackles on each cable. [Anchor Bearings: Storm Signal Station S1E, Flagstaff N56E, No 5 Buoy S85W] [Draught: Forward 8ft 9ins, Aft 9ft 0ins] [Distance run through the Water: 171.9 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 237 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Nagasaki Point S54W, 10 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 51.80 tons] 4f9628f5a2fc8e2def004f52: ( 53-45332-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.71, Long 129.83 [estimated] 5.45am: Coal tallying party left ship. Hands employed preparing for coaling, hoisting out boats, etc. am: Hands employed coaling ship. Carter AB, Lane AB placed on Sick List. [Draught: Before Coaling Forward 8’ 9”, Aft 9’ 0”; After Coaling Forward 9’ 7”, Aft 9’ 9”] pm: Hands employed coaling ship. 3.50pm: Finished coaling. Received 75 tons. 4.30pm: General leave to watch from 4.30 till 7.0am. Hands employed cleaning ship. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 51.65 + 75 = 126.65 tons] 4f9628f5a2fc8e2def004f53: ( 53-45332-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.71, Long 129.83 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Leave to men in the first class who have not previously broken their leave from 1.30 till 7.0am. Hands make and mend clothes. 4f9628f6a2fc8e2def004f54: ( 53-45332-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1914 At Nagasaki Lat 32.71, Long 129.83 9.0am: Divisions. Exercised General Quarters. 10.30am: Secured. Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed preparing for sea, covering boats, reeving anchor gear, etc. 4.30pm: Special leave to non-leave breakers of the watch from 4.30 till 10pm. [Weather fine, noon temperature 69F, sea temperature 64F] 4f9628f6a2fc8e2def004f55: ( 53-45332-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1914 From Nagasaki to Wei-hai-wei Lat 32.65, Long 128.18 [Draught: 9’ 6” Forward, 9’ 9” Aft] 4.20am: Hands employed clearing hawse and unmooring. 5.45am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 6.3am: Io Iana [possibly Io Jima] Light S10E, 0.5 miles. Set Course W by S, 14 knots. 9.14am: Birro [Biro] Sima Island abeam altered course N73W. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 3.40pm: Sighted land (Quelpart Island) [now known as Jeju Island, South Korea] N35W. 7.30pm: Island N11E 3.5 miles. [Course and Distance made good: Various 88 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ose Saki S86E, 22 miles] 4f9628f6a2fc8e2def004f56: ( 53-45332-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1914 From Nagasaki to Wei-hai-wei, at Wei-hai-wei Lat 36.50, Long 123.40 5.40am: Put clocks back half hour. 8.30am: Put clocks back half hour. 2.15pm: Sighted Shantung Promontory. 3.50pm: Formed single line. 6.10pm: Chao Pei Tsui abeam, course and speed as requisite for picking up D buoy in Wei-hai-wei. [Draught: Forward 9’ 0”, Aft 9’ 9”] [Course and Distance made good: 353.5 miles Various] [True Bearing and Distance: Shantung NE Promontory Light House N31W, 62 miles] 4f9628f7a2fc8e2def004f57: ( 53-45332-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1914 At Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [estimated] 5.30am: HMS Newcastle arrived. 6.0am: Hands employed Cleaning Ship and preparing for Sea. 7.20am: HMS Yarmouth arrived 8.15am: Slipped and proceeded, Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour. 9.25am: Dropped Target, Carried out Aiming Rifle Practice. [As Requisite for Firing Practice] 10.45am: Picked up Target. Courses and Speeds as requisite for returning to Harbour. [Draught: Forward 8ft 11.5ins, Aft 9ft 9ins] 11.25am: Secured to “D” Buoy. Pengelly ERA, Landsford Leading Stoker, Bishop Stoker discharged to Hospital. Dyer SPO, Lane AB, Carter AB Discharged to [HMS] Minotaur Sick. [Secured to “D” Buoy] pm: Hands employed Rigging Target and as requisite. 2.0pm: Sub Lieutenant Walker joined ship from [HMS] Hampshire. 2.30pm: Sub Lieutenant Egerton discharged to Minotaur. 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. [Note: Wei-hai-wei (or Weihaiwei), now Weihai in north east China, was a territory which at the time was leased to the United Kingdom; details here] 4f9628f7a2fc8e2def004f58: ( 53-45332-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1914 At Wei-Hai-Wei Lat 37.48, Long 122.28 [Draught: forward 8ft 11.5ins, Aft 9ft 9ins] 6.0am: Hands employed Furling Aft Awnings and preparing for Sea. 7.45am: Slipped and proceeded, Courses and Speeds as requisite for working up for Speed Trial. 8.45am: Chiming Island [Jiming Dao] S11.5W [course] S84E. Commenced Full Power Trial. 9.45am: NE Promontory Light S19W. 10.16am: Chiming Island South. 10.25am: Sandy Headland S19W, altered course N52W. 10.45am: Altered course S79E. Finished Trial. Courses and speeds as requisite for Carrying out .303 Aiming Rifle Practice and Swinging Ship. pm: Hands employed spreading Aft Awnings, Course and Speeds as requisite for returning into Harbour. 0.30pm: Secured to “D” Buoy. [Draught: Forward 8ft 8ins, Aft 9ft 7ins] [Secured to “D” Buoy] 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. [Distance run through the Water: 47.5 miles and as Requisite] [True Bearing and Distance: Hu An Lok Rocks N78W, 3.5 miles] 4f9628f7a2fc8e2def004f59: ( 53-45332-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.47, Long 122.33 [Secured to “D” Buoy] 6.0am: Hands Preparing Ship for Sea and Hoisting target onboard. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded, Course and Speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour. 9.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms. Anchor Bearings: Three Peaked Point N59W, Chiming Island E, Sandy Headland S58E] 10.50am: Weighed and proceeded, Courses and Speeds as requisite for Carrying out Torpedo Test Runs [As Requisite for Carrying out Torpedo Test Runs] 1.20pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 10 Fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: Hu An Lok Rocks S80W, Chao Pei Tsui S57W, Three Peaked Point S7W] 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Carrying out Torpedo High speed Test Runs. [As Requisite for carrying out Torpedo Test Runs] 4.40pm: Weighed Mark Buoys and rejoined Flotilla. 5.15pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 10 fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: Sandy Headland S25E, Beacon Point N69W, Chiming Island N81E] [Draught: Forward 8ft 7ins, Aft 9ft 6ins] 8.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, Course and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Aiming Rifle Practice in company with [HMS] “Kennet”. [As Requisite for carrying out Night firing Aiming Rifle Practice] 10.45pm: Finished Practice, Course and Speeds as requisite for entering Harbour. 11.5pm: Secured to “D” Buoy. [Draught: Forward 8ft 6ins, Aft 9ft 6ins] [True Bearing and Distance: Itau Island N84W, 6.5 miles] 4f9628f8a2fc8e2def004f5a: ( 53-45332-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [estimated] 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded, Course and Speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour. am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Instructional Torpedo Runs. [As Requisite for carrying out Torpedo Instructional Runs] 11.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Harbour. 11.20am: Secured to “D” Buoy. [Draught: Forward 8ft, Aft 8ft 6ins] pm: Hands employed removing boat’s sea gear and preparing for coaling. 4.30pm: Special leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 31.95 tons] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 64F, sea temperature 53F] 4f9628f8a2fc8e2def004f5b: ( 53-45332-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 5.0am: Hands employed Hoist out Boats, and preparing for Coaling. 5.15am: Slipped and proceeded, courses and speeds as requisite for going alongside Iron Pier. 6.15am: Secured alongside Iron Pier. 6.35am: Commenced Coaling. [Draught before Coaling: Forward 8ft, Aft 8ft 6ins] am: Hands employed scrubbing out boats. 9.40am: Finished Coaling. Took in 98 tons. Left Pier, Courses and Speeds as requisite for securing to “D” Buoy. [Draught After Coaling: Forward 9ft 7in, Aft 9ft 2ins] 10.0am: Secured to “D” Buoy. [Secured to “D” Buoy] pm: Hand employed cleaning ship. 4.30pm: Special leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. 6.0pm: Landed Picket. 7.0pm: Hoisted in all Boats. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 126.85 tons. 4f9628f8a2fc8e2def004f5c: ( 53-45332-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “D” Buoy] am: Aired Night Clothing. Hands employed Cleaning Ship. Ship’s Company medically inspected. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Special Leave to watch from 1.30pm to 7.30pm. Nias AB discharged sick to Minotaur. 4f9628f9a2fc8e2def004f5d: ( 53-45332-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “D” Buoy] 9.30am: Divisions. Landed Wesleyans (3). 9.45am: Landed Roman Catholics (6). 10.0am: Church of England (15) to “Hampshire”. 11.45am: Church Parties Returned. 1.30pm: Special leave to Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm. 5.0pm: Prepared for Sea. [Number on sick list: 5] 4f9628f9a2fc8e2def004f5e: ( 53-45332-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Draught: 9ft 7in, 9ft 2ins] 6.0am: Hands employed Hoisting in Target and preparing for sea. 7.30am: Slipped. Courses and Speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour in Company with Flotilla. 7.45am: Courses and speeds as requisite for Swinging ship for adjustment of Compasses. 8.15am: Dropped Target. Carried out .303 Aiming Rifle Practice. [As Requisite for carrying out Aiming Rifle Practice and Manoeuvres] 10.15am: Finished Practice. Rejoined Flotilla. am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for exercising manoeuvres. 11.30am: Returned to Harbour. 11.55am: Made Fast to “D” Buoy. pm: Hands employed Rigging Target and as requisite. [Draught: Forward 9ft 6ins, Aft 9ft 8in] [Secured to “D” Buoy] 4.30pm: Special leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. [Number on sick list: 5] 4f9628f9a2fc8e2def004f5f: ( 53-45332-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “D” Buoy] [Draught: Forward 9ft 6ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] 6.0am: Hands employed Preparing Ship for Sea and Rigging Target. 7.30am: Slipped. Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour. 8.0am: Dropped Buoy, carried out .303 Aiming Rifle Practice. 8.30am: Picked up Buoy Target. Carried out 1 inch Aiming Rifle Practice at Target towed by “Kennet”. [As Requisite for Carrying out .303 and 1 inch Aiming Rifle Practice] 10.15am: Finished Practice, Veered Target. 10.50am: Hauled in Target. Courses and speeds as requisite for returning to Harbour. 11.20am: Made fast to “D” Buoy. [Draught: 9ft 5.5ins, 9ft 8ins] pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [Secured to “D” Buoy] 4.30pm: Special Leave to watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. [Number on sick list: 5] 4f9628faa2fc8e2def004f60: ( 53-45332-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.53, Long 122.18 [Secured to “D” Buoy] [Draught: Forward 9ft 5.5ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] 6.0am: Hands employed Rigging Targets and preparing for Sea. 8.0am: Furled Quarter Deck Awning. 9.0am: Slipped. Courses and Speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour and for laying out Mark Buoys for Calibrating in Waterwitch Bay. [As Requisite for Calibrating] 10.25am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 9 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. Marked for “Kennet”. [Anchor Bearings: Cape Cod N58E, Eddy Island N55W, Yan Yuen Tsui N78W] 11.0am: Weighed and Calibrated all guns. Picked up Buoys. Courses and Speeds as requisite for swinging ship and returning to Harbour. 1.55pm: Secured to “D” Buoy. [Draught: Forward 9ft 4.5ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] [Secured to “D” Buoy] pm: Respread Quarter Deck Awning. Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. 5.0pm: Lane AB rejoined ship from Minotaur. [True Bearing and Distance: Kuroa Pu S26W, 0.75 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4f9628faa2fc8e2def004f61: ( 53-45332-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “D” Buoy] am and pm: Hands employed Painting Ship. 4.30pm: Special leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. 4f9628faa2fc8e2def004f62: ( 53-45332-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “D” Buoy] 6.0am: Hoisted out Berthon Boats, Hands employed scrubbing out boats. am: Hands employed painting boats. Landed Target Party consisting of 2 ABs and 3 Stokers in Dockyard. Landed Copper Punt. pm: Hoisted in Berthon Boats. 4.30pm: Special leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. 4f9628fba2fc8e2def004f63: ( 53-45332-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “D” Buoy] am: Dockyard Party consisting of PO and 4 ABs to Dockyard returning Collision Heads. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. Special Leave to Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm. 5.0pm: Landed Patrol of 1 Leading Seaman and 2 ABs. 7.30pm: Patrol Returned onboard. 4f9628fba2fc8e2def004f64: ( 53-45332-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “D” Buoy] 9.30am: Landed Church Parties. Nonconformists 2. Roman Catholics 4. 9.45am: Divisions. 11.15am: Church Parties returned. pm: Special Leave to Watch from 1.30 to 7.30pm. 4f9628fca2fc8e2def004f65: ( 53-45332-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.53, Long 122.33 [Secured to “D” Buoy] [Draught: Forward 9ft 4.5ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing Ship for Sea. 9.0am: Slipped and proceeded out of Harbour. Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Preliminary Gunlayers Test. [As Requisite for carrying out Preliminary Gun Layer’s Tests] pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Preliminary Gunlayers Tests. 4.20pm: Secured to “D” Buoy. Special Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm: Targets and Target Repairing Gear brought onboard from Dockyard. [Secured to “D” Buoy] [Draught: 9ft 4ins, 9ft 6ins] 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. [True Bearing and Distance: Hu an Lok Rocks S76W, 5.75 miles] 4f9628fca2fc8e2def004f66: ( 53-45332-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.38, Long 122.30 [Secured to “D” Buoy] [Draught: Forward 9ft 4ins, Aft 9ft 6ins] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing Targets. am: 4 ABs from “Kennet” and 2 Carpenters from Minotaur came onboard to assist to repair Targets. 9.0am: Slipped and proceeded, Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out duties of Repair Ship for Gunlayer’s Tests. am: “Usk” and “Chelmer” carried out Gunlayer’s Tests [As Requisite for carrying out duties of Repair ship for Gunlayer’s Tests] pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out duties of Repair Ship and returning to harbour. [As Requisite for returning to Harbour] 1.55pm: Secured to “D” Buoy. [Draught: Forward 9ft 3ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] [Secured to “D” Buoy] 4.30pm: Special leave to watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. pm: Lost overboard 1 Grapnel and 40 fathoms of 1.5 inch Rope. 8.30pm: Burnt Search Light. [True Bearing and Distance: Hu An Lok Rocks N65W, 5 miles] [South westerly wind force 6 through middle of day, quieter before and after this; weather mostly overcast, noon temperature 67F, sea temperature 58F] 4f9628fca2fc8e2def004f67: ( 53-45332-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.32 [Draught: Forward 9ft 3ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing Targets. 7.0am: 12 Hands from “Newcastle” arrived onboard as repair party. 8.0am: Slipped. Courses and Speeds as requisite for Carrying out duties of Repair Ship for Gunlayer’s Tests. 11.30am: Carried out Gunlayers Tests. [As Requisite for carrying out duties of Repair Ship for Gunlayer’s Test and for carrying out Gunlayer’s Tests] pm: Courses and Speeds As Requisite for carrying out duties of Repair Ship for Gunlayers Tests. [As Requisite for carrying out duties of Repair Ship for Gunlayer’s Test and returning to Harbour] 3.45pm: Secured to “D” Buoy. [Draught: Forward 8ft 10ins, Aft 9ft 5ins] [Secured to “D” Buoy] 5.0pm: Jones AB joined ship from [HMS] “Yarmouth” for passage to [HMS] “Kinsha”. Special leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. [True Bearing and Distance: Hu An Lok Rocks S75W, 5.75 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 87.30 tons] 4f9628fda2fc8e2def004f68: ( 53-45332-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “D” Buoy] 5.0am: Hands employed Hoisting out boats and preparing for coaling. 6.0am: Slipped, courses and speeds as requisite for proceeding alongside Coaling Pier. [Draught before Coaling: Forward 8ft 10ins, Aft 9ft 5ins] 7.40am: Commenced Coaling. Hands employed returning Target Gear. 9.20am: Finished coaling having taken in 38 tons. Hands employed Charging Torpedos [Torpedoes]. 10.30am: Left Pier, Courses and Speeds as requisite for proceeding to “D” Buoy. am: Hands employed washing down decks. [Draught after Coaling: Forward 9ft 6ins, Aft 10ft] [Secured to “D” Buoy] pm: Hands employed Hoisting in all boats and preparing for Sea. Carter AB discharged sick to “Minotaur”. Ralph AB and Ogden Stoker discharged to “Chelmer”. One Prisoner Stevens AB from “Newcastle” joined ship for passage to Shanghai, Osborne AB joined ship from “Newcastle” for passage to [HMS] “Nightingale”. Marshal Stoker rejoined ship from Minotaur, Robinson Stoker joined ship from “Chelmer”. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 122.55 tons] 4f9628fda2fc8e2def004f69: ( 53-45332-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Shanghai Lat 36.42, Long 122.67 [Draught: Forward 9ft 6ins, Aft 10ft] 4.30am: Slipped. 4.22am: Streamed Cherub Log reading 0.0. 4.38am: Eastern Entrance Reef abeam, Course S81E. 5.39am: Chiming Island S25W, 1.3 miles. 6.20am: Chiming Island SW 8.7 cables, altered course S29E. 6.43am: Altered course S10E. 6.44am: North East Promontory Light House S71W, 1 mile. 6.48am: Altered course S6W (Magnetic). North East Promontory Light House bore N87W. 9.42am: South Peak of Promontory abeam. am: Hands employed refitting wires and as requisite. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Evening Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. [Distance run through the Water: 96.7 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 84.8 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Shitau Light N16W, 30 miles] 4f9628fda2fc8e2def004f6a: ( 53-45332-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Shanghai [and at Shanghai] Lat 31.45, Long 122.38 5.40am: Sounded in 14 fathoms. 6.30am: Altered course S11W. 8.0am: Sounded in 15.5 fathoms. 9.0am: Sounded in 17 fathoms. 9.53am: Sounded in 16.5 fathoms. 10.48am: Altered course S28W. 11.10am: Sighted Shaweishan Island. 11.18am: Shaweishan S63W. 11.19am: Altered course SW. 11.30am: Shaweishan S59W, altered course S43.5W. Increased to 15 knots. 11.36am: Altered course SSW. 11.46am: Shaweishan Light bore S67.5W. 0.20pm: Shaweishan Light abeam 8.4 miles, altered course S27.5W. 1.10pm: Amethyst Rocks abeam, altered course S39W. 3.16pm: Kintoan Light Ship abeam. 3.55pm: Hauled in Cherub Log reading 465.2. 4.15pm: Block House Buoy abeam. Courses as requisite for proceeding up Woosung River. 5.10pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 6.0pm: Secured alongside “Old Dock”. 6.10pm: “Kennet” secured alongside. Discharged Stevens AB (prisoner) to [HMS] Britomart. General leave to Watch till 7.0am Monday [on this Saturday]. [Secured alongside “Old Dock” Shanghai] [Draught: Forward 9ft 3ins, Aft 9ft 10ins] [Course and Distance made good: S5W and Various, 301 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Shaweishan Light S81W, 7 miles] 4f9628fea2fc8e2def004f6b: ( 53-45332-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1914 At Shanghai Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [rough estimate] 9.30am: Divisions. 9.45am: Landed Church Parties. Church of England (6). Non Conformists (3). 11.50am: Church Parties returned. 4.0pm: AB Naylor, OD [Ordinary Seaman] C Williams, Boy Lawrence, SS Golly Leading Stoker, H Coleman Stoker, H Woodhouse Stoker Joined ship from Yokohama Hospital for passage to Wei Hai Wei. LOGS FOR JUNE 1914 4f9628fea2fc8e2def004f6c: ( 53-45332-019_0.jpg) 1 June 1914 At Shanghai Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [Alongside “Old Dock” Shanghai] am: Hands employed cleaning out Boats and as requisite. pm: Hands employed Cleaning ship. 7.30pm: Special leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.0am Wednesday [on this Monday]. 5.0pm: Nosorthy ERA [Engine Room Artificer], E Wincott and J Pelly Privates RMLI joined ship from [HMS] Britomart to await arrival of [HMS] Bramble. 4f9628fea2fc8e2def004f6d: ( 53-45332-019_1.jpg) 2 June 1914 At Shanghai Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [Alongside “Old Dock” Shanghai] 4.30am: USS Saratoga departed. 6.30am: HMS Britomart left Harbour. 2.30pm: Kennet proceeded to SNO’s Buoy. 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch to 7.0am. [Note: USS Saratoga, originally USS New York and later USS Rochester was an armoured cruiser in service with the United States Navy from 1893 to 1938; more details here] 4f9628ffa2fc8e2def004f6e: ( 53-45332-020_0.jpg) 3 June 1914 At Shanghai Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [Alongside “Old Dock” Shanghai] 8.0am: Dressed ship overall in honour of King’s Birthday. am: Hands employed making Fore Bridge Screen and as requisite. 1.30pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30 to 7.0am. Hands make and mend clothes. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 78F, sea temperature 72F] 4f9628ffa2fc8e2def004f6f: ( 53-45332-020_1.jpg) 4 June 1914 At Shanghai Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [Alongside “Old Dock” Shanghai] [Nothing of note in log] 4f9628ffa2fc8e2def004f70: ( 53-45332-021_0.jpg) 5 June 1914 At Shanghai Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [Alongside “Old Dock” Shanghai] [Draught: Forward 9ft 3ins, Aft 9ft 10ins] 6.0am: Hands employed placing new Lockers in position and as requisite. 9.15am: Left Dockyard Wall and proceeded to Jardine Matheson’s Buoys. Made fast Head and Stern. [Draught: Forward 9ft 3ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] am: Mclelan Stoker placed on Sick List. [Secured to Jardine Matheson’s Buoys] 4f962900a2fc8e2def004f71: ( 53-45332-021_1.jpg) 6 June 1914 At Shanghai Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [Secured to Buoys] am: Williams Leading Stoker discharged to “Kennet” sick. Half Masted Colours in respect for Funeral of Japanese Minister Yamasa at Pekin. pm: Special Leave to Watch to 7.0am. “Kennet” secured alongside. [Number on sick list: 5] 4f962900a2fc8e2def004f72: ( 53-45332-022_0.jpg) 7 June 1914 At Shanghai Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [Secured to Buoys] 8.0am: Dressed Ship overall to commentest [commemorate] anniversary of Formation of Italian Constitution. 9.15am: HMS Bramble arrived. 9.30am: Divisions. Landed Church Parties, Church of England (5) and Roman Catholics (4). 11.30am: Church Parties returned onboard. pm: Lost overboard 1 Coir Broom. Special leave to watch till 7.0am. 5.0pm: J Moore Leading Stoker discharged to Kennet sick. F Jones AB, T Osborne AB, CJ Noseworthy ERA, G Pelly and GH Wincott Privates RMLI all discharged to “Bramble”. [Number on sick list: 5] 4f962900a2fc8e2def004f73: ( 53-45332-022_1.jpg) 8 June 1914 From Shanghai to Wei Hai Wei Lat 31.24, Long 121.49 [Secured to Buoys] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea, [Draught: Forward 9ft 2ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] am: Hands employed unshackling, preparing for sea and as requisite. 0.5pm: Slipped and proceeded in company with “Kennet”, Courses and speeds as requisite for proceeding down Woosung River. 1.21pm: Streamed Patent Log reading 0.0, Speed 15 knots. 1.44pm: Course S52E, Blockhouse Buoy abeam. 2.6pm: Passed SE Knoll Buoy, course S41E. 2.27pm: Upper Middle Ground Buoy abeam, course S34E. 2.45pm: Kintung Light abeam, altered course S57E. 3.58pm: Fairway Buoy abeam, altered course N48E. 6.46pm: Shawashan Light abeam. 9.15pm: Slight Mist. 9.30pm: Fog. 11.0pm: Sounded in 11.75 fathoms. [Number on sick list: 5] 4f962901a2fc8e2def004f74: ( 53-45332-023_0.jpg) [Left hand side of additional page, with table, as shown below] 4f962901a2fc8e2def004f75: ( 53-45332-023_1.jpg) [Right hand side of additional page, as follows:]
4f962902a2fc8e2def004f76: ( 53-45332-024_0.jpg) [Half blank page] 4f962902a2fc8e2def004f77: ( 53-45332-024_1.jpg) [Half blank page] 4f962902a2fc8e2def004f78: ( 53-45332-025_0.jpg) 9 June 1914 From Shanghai to Wei Hai Wei Lat 34.55, Long 122.65 1.0am: Ran out of Fog Bank. 6.0am: Hands employed refitting Side Screen Booms and as requisite. 6.0pm: Swung Ship for adjustment of Compasses. 6.16pm: Resumed Speed of 11 knots, Course N6E. 10.57pm: Sighted Shitau Light N34.5W. 11.10pmm: Shitau Light bore N39W, Four points on bow. [Course and Distance made good: Various 289 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Shitau Light N3W, 142 miles] [Number on sick list: 5] 4f962903a2fc8e2def004f79: ( 53-45332-025_1.jpg) 10 June 1914 From Shanghai to Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [estimated] 0.37am: Shitau Light abeam 15 miles, Increased to 13 knots, altered course N1W. 0.56am: Sighted NE Promontory Light. 3.16am: NE Promontory Light abeam S89W. 5.50am: Hauled in Patent Log. 6.10am: Secured to “E” Buoy in Wei Hai Wei. [Secured to “D” Buoy] [Draught: Forward 8ft 8ins, Aft 8ft 9ins] 7.0am: Discharged N Woodhouse Stoker, F Naylor AB, L Lawrence Boy, H Coleman Stoker to “Minotaur”, C Williams OD to “Alacrity”. am: Hands employed Rigging Target. 1.0pm: Robinson Stoker Discharged to “Chelmer”, Ralph AB and Ogden Stoker joined ship from Chelmer. 1.20pm: Slipped and proceeded in company with “Kennet”, Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour. 1.40pm: Dropped target carried out 1 inch Aiming Rifle Practice. 2.45pm: Picked up Target. Swung Ship for adjustment of compasses. [As Requisite for carrying out 1” Aiming Rifle Practice and Swinging Ship for Adjustment of Compasses] 3.50pm: Secured to “E” Buoy. [Draught: Forward 8ft 7ins, Aft 8ft 8ins] 5.0pm: McLenney Stoker, Gould Stoker, White Stoker discharged sick to “Minotaur”. Leave to Watch till 7.30pm. 11.0pm: Williams Leading Stoker rejoined ship from “Minotaur”. [Number on sick list: 5] [Weather mostly fine and quiet, noon temperature 76F, sea temperature 61F] 4f962903a2fc8e2def004f7a: ( 53-45332-026_0.jpg) 11 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] am: Hands employed as Requisite. pm: Hands employed Rigging Targets and as requisite. [Draught: Forward 8ft 7ins, Aft 8ft 8ins] 4.30pm: Slipped, Courses and speeds as Requisite for Leaving Harbour and towing Target for Kennet. 5.5pm Slipped Target, carried out .303 Aiming Rifle Practice. [As Requisite for towing for “Kennet” and carrying out .303” Aiming Rifle Practice] 6.0am: Hoisted in Target, Courses and speeds as requisite for anchoring in Yin Shau Bay. 6.25pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 2 shackles. Anchor Bearing: Joss House S65W, 1 mile. [Draught: Forward 8ft 5ins, Aft 8ft 7ins] 8.0pm: Slipped, Veered Target, Courses and speeds as requisite for towing for “Kennet”. 9.0pm: Hoisted in Target, Courses and speeds as requisite for carrying out 1 inch Aiming Rifle Practice. [As Requisite for towing Target for “Kennet”, carrying out 1” Aiming Rifle Practice and returning to Harbour] 10.0pm: Finished Practice. Courses and Speeds as requisite for returning to Harbour. 11.15pm: Secured to “E” Buoy. [Number on sick list: 7] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 46.70 tons] 4f962903a2fc8e2def004f7b: ( 53-45332-026_1.jpg) 12 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 5.0am: Hands employed, Hoisting out Boats and getting Ready for coaling. [Draught: Forward 8ft, Aft 8ft 6ins] 7.0am: Slipped proceeded alongside Coaling Pier. 7.30am: Commenced Coaling. am: Hands employed drawing Stores and provisions. 10.20am: Finished Coaling. Took in 81 Tons. [Draught: Forward 9ft 8ins, Aft 9ft 10ins] 11.15am: Left Pier, Courses and Speeds as requisite for making fast to “E” Buoy. pm: Hands employed Cleaning Ship and Spreading After Awnings. Hoisted in All Boats. [Secured to “E” Buoy] 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30 to 7.30pm. [Number on sick list: 7] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.65 tons] 4f962904a2fc8e2def004f7c: ( 53-45332-027_0.jpg) 13 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] am: Hands employed as Requisite. pm: Hands make and mend Cloths [clothes]. Special Leave to Watch till 7.30pm. [Number on sick list: 7] 4f962904a2fc8e2def004f7d: ( 53-45332-027_1.jpg) 14 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] am: Spread Forecastle Awning. Landed Church Parties. Church of England (9) to “Yarmouth”. Non Conformist (4), Roman Catholics (3). 9.30am: Divisions. 11.0am: Church Parties Returned on board. pm: Leave to Watch till 7.30pm. 7.0pm: Furled Forecastle Awning. [Number on sick list: 7] 4f962904a2fc8e2def004f7e: ( 53-45332-028_0.jpg) 15 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] 5.0am: Hands employed preparing for General Drill. 6.30am: Carried out General Drill. Out Bower Anchor. Replace Bower Anchor. 6.45am: Out Kedge Anchor. 7.5am: Away all Boats. Pull Round Flotilla. 7.20am: Finished General Drill. am: Hands employed replacing Gear and preparing Ship for sea. Furled Aft Awnings and cleared ship for Action. [Draught: Forward 9ft 8ins, Aft 9ft 10ins] 1.20pm: Slipped, Courses and speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour and carrying out 1 inch Aiming Rifle Practice at Target towed by Kennet. 2.0pm: Hoisted out Target, Courses and Speeds as requisite for towing Target for “Kennet”. 3.30pm: Completed Practice, Hoisted in Target and rejoined Flotilla. [As Requisite for carrying out 1” Aiming Rifle Practice Towing for “Kennet”, rejoining Flotilla and carrying out Torpedo Practice] 4.30pm: Flotilla carried out Preliminary Torpedo “Browning” Exercises. No Torpedos being fired. 5.45pm: Practice completed, Courses and Speeds as requisite for anchoring off Sandy Head Land. 6.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 3.5 Shackles. [At anchor] [Anchor Bearings: Sandy Headland S49W, Beacon Point N68W, Chiming Island N69E] 8.0pm: Darkened Ship. 8.15pm: Weighed, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for carrying out experimental Exercises with Newcastle. [As Requisite for carrying out Experimental Exercises with “Newcastle”] 9.33pm: Finished Exercises. Courses and speeds as Requisite for proceeding to Yin Shan Bay. 10.40pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor with remainder of Flotilla in 9 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. [At Anchor] [Anchor Bearings: Chiming Island N88E, Three Peak Point N49W, Trench Cove S49W] [Draught: 9ft 7ins, 9ft 8ins] [Number on sick list: 7, Hospital 4] 4f962905a2fc8e2def004f7f: ( 53-45332-028_1.jpg) 16 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.42, Long 122.54 [estimated] [At Anchor in Yin Shan Bay] [Draught: Forward 9ft 7ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing Torpedos for Running. 7.0am: Weighed, Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Torpedo Instructional Runs in company with “Kennet and Ribble”. [As Requisite for Torpedo Instructional Runs] 9.50am: Ribble lost Torpedo. Came to with starboard anchor in 9 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. Whaler away sweeping for Ribble’s Torpedo. [At Anchor] [Anchor Bearings: Chiming Island N78W, Sandy Headland S34E, Chao Pei Tsui Light N78W] [Draught: Forward 9ft 7ins, Aft 9ft 7ins] 1.0pm: “Newcastle” and “Hampshire” arrived and anchored. Boats away sweeping for Lost Torpedo, also Divers from Newcastle and Hampshire. [At Anchor] 3.10pm: Torpedo found. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, Courses and Speeds as requisite for returning to Harbour. 6.10pm: Secured to E Buoy [Secured to “E” Buoy] [Draught: Forward 9ft 8ins, Aft 9ft 5ins] [Number on sick list: 7, Hospital 4] 4f962905a2fc8e2def004f80: ( 53-45332-029_0.jpg) 17 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] 10.30am: “Thistle” arrived. pm: Whaler exercised under sail. Hands employed Rigging Side Screen Booms. Hamilton Stoker rejoined ship from “Thistle”. 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch till 7.30pm. [Number on sick list: 7, Hospital 4] 4f962905a2fc8e2def004f81: ( 53-45332-029_1.jpg) 18 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.53, Long 122.18 [Secured to “E” Buoy] [Draught: Forward 9ft 7ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing Ship for Sea. 7.40am: Slipped and proceeded. 7.50am: Stopped. Secured Minotaur’s Target astern and proceeded, Courses and Speeds as requisite for Towing Target for “Minotaur’s” Firing. Hands employed as requisite. [As Requisite for leaving Harbour, Towing Target for “Minotaur” and returning to Harbour] 11.10am: Practice completed. Hauled in Target, Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Harbour. 0.35pm: Secured to E Buoy. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [Draught: Forward 9ft 4in, Aft 9ft 6ins] [Secured to “E” Buoy] 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch till 7.30pm. [True Bearing and Distance: Kwoa Pu S9W, 1.25 miles] [Number on sick list: 7] 4f962906a2fc8e2def004f82: ( 53-45332-030_0.jpg) 19 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] am and pm: Hands employed Painting Ship. 11.0am: Medical Inspection and Lecture by Surgeon of “Minotaur”. 2.0pm: Green Stoker discharged to “Minotaur” Sick. [Number on sick list: 7] 4f962906a2fc8e2def004f83: ( 53-45332-030_1.jpg) 20 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] 5.50am: Bramble arrived and anchored. Hands employed scrubbing Decks. am: Aired Night Clothing. Spread Forecastle Awning. Hands employed as Requisite. 11.0am: Berthon Boat Race for Coronation Cup took place. 1.0pm: Make and Mend Clothes. Special Leave to Watch till 7.30pm. 5.0pm: Discharged Hamilton Stoker to “Minotaur”. [Number on sick list: 8] 4f962907a2fc8e2def004f84: ( 53-45332-031_0.jpg) 21 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] 9.0am: Hands to Divisions. am: Landed Church Parties. Church of England (10), Roman Catholics 5, Non Conformists (4). 1.0pm: Special Leave to Watch till 7.30pm. 5.0pm: Landed Picket consisting of 1 Leading Stoker, 1 Stoker, 1 AB. 7.40pm: Picket Returned. [Number on sick list: 8] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 72F, sea temperature 65F] 4f962907a2fc8e2def004f85: ( 53-45332-031_1.jpg) 22 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] 6.0am: Hands employed scrubbing out Boats. 8.0am: Dressed Ship Overall. 8.30am: Landed all available men for inspection on Parade Ground by Commander in Chief. 10.45pm: Hands returned on board. 1.0pm: Hoisted in all boats. 7.20pm: Undressed Ship. 9.0pm: Exercised Night Cruising Stations. 10.20pm: Secure. [Number on sick list: 8] 4f962907a2fc8e2def004f86: ( 53-45332-032_0.jpg) 23 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] 9.0am: Landed Working Party consisting of 2 Leading Seamen and 5 ABs in Dockyard. 10.30am: Dockyard Party Returned. pm: Hands employed preparing ship for Sea and as Requisite. 4.40pm: Cleared Ship for Action and prepared for Night Firing Practice. Unshackled. 7.45pm: Negative Practice owing to Fog. 8.15pm: Shackled on to Buoy again. [Number on sick list: 8] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 99.6 tons] 4f962908a2fc8e2def004f87: ( 53-45332-032_1.jpg) 24 June 1914 At Wei Hei Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to “E” Buoy] 5.0am: Hoisted out all boats, prepared for Coaling. Unshackled and prepared to go alongside Pier. [Draught before Coaling: Forward 9ft 9in, Aft 9ft 4ins] 6.0am: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding alongside Iron Pier. 6.10am: Secured to Pier. 6.30am: Commenced Coaling. 7.15am: Finished Coaling, Completed with 27 tons. 7.45am: Left Pier and Secured to “E” Buoy. [Draught After Coaling: Forward 9ft 10ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] am: Hands employed Cleaning Ship. 11.30am: Spread Aft Awnings. pm: Hands employed Securing for Sea. 5.0pm: Pengelley ERA, AJ Carter AB, Nias AB, J White Stoker, J Moore Stoker, McLellan Stoker, J Gould Stoker joined ship from “Minotaur”. White Leading Seaman joined ship from “Bramble” for passage to “Rosario”. W Currie AB Prisoner joined ship from Minotaur for Passage to Detention Barracks at Hong Kong. [Number on sick list: 8] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.2 tons] 4f962908a2fc8e2def004f88: ( 53-45332-033_0.jpg) 25 June 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong and at Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.48, Long 122.42 [Cross Bearings] 6.0am: Hands employed Securing for Sea. [Draught: Forward 9ft 10ins, Aft 9ft 8ins] 9.0am: 4 Boxes of 12 pounder Ammunition taken onboard from “Thistle” and Minotaur for passage to Hong Kong. 11.0am: Slipped and proceeded in Company with “Chelmer”, Courses and Speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour. 11.5am: Streamed Patent Log. 11.14am: Shaped Course S80E. 0.58pm: Altered course S22E. Ran into Fog. 1.33pm: Ran out of Fog, Increased to 13 knots. 3.10pm: Fog. Reduced to 10 knots. 7.35pm: Increased to 13 knots, fog lifted. [Course and Distance made good: Various 12 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Alceste Island S76E, 12 miles] [Number on sick list: 2, Hospital 3] 4f962908a2fc8e2def004f89: ( 53-45332-033_1.jpg) 26 June 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong Lat 32.51, Long 122.75 2.17am: Altered course to Clear Junk. 10.55am: Altered course to avoid Junk. 4.28pm: Sighted North Saddle Island bearing S9W. 6.17pm: North Saddle Light House abeam S70W. 7.56pm: Lammock Island S32W. 10.40pm: Tonking Light S76W. 11.33pm: Tonking Light Abeam 8.4 miles. [Course and Distance made good: Various and S5.5W, 301 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Shawashan [Shaweishan] Light S22W, 69 miles] 4f962909a2fc8e2def004f8a: ( 53-45332-034_0.jpg) 27 June 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong Lat 27.23, Long 121.27 [Cross Bearings] 2.4am: Sighted Hieshan Light S33W. 3.55am: Hieshin [Hieshan] Light Abeam 6.5 miles, altered course S34W. 9.56am: Sighted Namki Island N89W. 10.42am: Namki Island abeam. 10.54am: Piki Shan Island bore N89W. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 1.30pm: Sighted Seven Star Islands bearing N54W. 2.7pm: Tae Island abeam 16 miles. 3.14pm: Sighted Tung Yung bearing S55W. 6.0pm: Alligator Island NW. Reduced to 13 knots. 7.50om: Pikuan Light abeam N57W. 8.10pm: Sighted Turnabout Light SW. 9.55pm: Turnabout Light 4 points on bow (S78W). 10.29pm: Turnabout Light abeam 7.4 miles. [Course and Distance made good: Various 335 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Tung Yung S38W, 66 miles] 4f962909a2fc8e2def004f8b: ( 53-45332-034_1.jpg) 28 June 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Shanghai [actually to Hong Kong] Lat 23.46, Long 117.68 [Cross Bearings] 1.13am: Ocksen Light bore W. 1.45am: Ocksen Light abeam 6.7 miles. 6.38am: Dodd Light House N53.5W. 8.17am: Chapel Island abeam 9 miles. 9.0am: Passed Fishing Fleet. 10.30am: Sighted The Brothers S60W. 11.40am: Brothers abeam 3.5 miles, altered course S51W. 1.44pm: High Lammock Island abeam. 7.4pm: Kupchi Point abeam 6.5 miles. 7.50pm: Sighted Chilang Light S88W. [Distance run through the Water: 341.2 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 319 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: High Lammock Island S60W, 25 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 87F, sea temperature 66F] 4f962909a2fc8e2def004f8c: ( 53-45332-035_0.jpg) 29 June 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong and at Hong Kong Lat 22.2, Long 114.2 0.2am: Sighted Waglan Light S73W. 2.35am: Hauled in Patent Log reading 1265.0. 5.0am: Increased to 13 knots. Courses and speeds as requisite for Entering Hong Kong Harbour. 5.50am: Secured to No 6 Buoy. 7.0am: Discharged Currie AB Prisoner to “Tamar” and J White Leading Seaman to “Rosario”. [Secured to No 6 Buoy Hong Kong] [Draught: Forward 8ft, Aft 9ft 9ins] am: Pengelley ERA and J White Leading Stoker discharged sick to “Tamar”. pm: C Hoy, J Fulwell and A Barton Stokers joined ship from Triumph. 5.0pm: Special Leave to Watch till 6.30am. [Course and Distance made good: Various 215 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 35.75 tons] [Weather mostly fine, noon temperature 90F, sea temperature 80F] 4f96290aa2fc8e2def004f8d: ( 53-45332-035_1.jpg) 30 June 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6 Buoy] 6.20am: Coal Tallying Party left Ship. am: Hands employed Preparing Ship for Coaling and Spreading Side Screens forward. 11.0am: J Bell Stoker discharged sick to Tamar. [Draught before Coaling: Forward 8ft, Aft 9ft 9ins] 2.0pm: Coal Lighter came alongside. 2.25pm: Started Coaling. 4.30pm: Harmon Stoker PO discharged to TB 038. 6.30pm: Finished Coaling, completed with 90 Tons. Hands employed washing down decks and Hoisting in all Boats. [Draught after Coaling: Forward 9ft 3ins, Aft 9ft 7ins] 8.0pm: Special Leave till 6.30am. [Number on sick list: 5] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.60 tons] 4f96290aa2fc8e2def004f8e: ( 53-45332-036_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f96290aa2fc8e2def004f8f: ( 53-45332-036_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f96290ba2fc8e2def004f90: ( 53-45332-037_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f96290ba2fc8e2def004f91: ( 53-45332-037_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] [Editor’s note: from here on the draught of the vessel appears frequently in the log but will only be included where it seems particularly relevant to the activities of the ship. Information about leave for the crew has similarly been omitted unless unusual] LOG BOOK – JULY 1ST TO AUGUST 31ST 1914 LOGS FOR JULY 1914 4f96290ba2fc8e2def004f92: ( 53-45333-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period 1/7/14 to 31/8/14, in very poor condition] 4f96290ca2fc8e2def004f93: ( 53-45333-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover] 4f96290ca2fc8e2def004f94: ( 53-45333-002_0.jpg) [Page with script as follows: This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Log of HMS Jed for the Period July 1st to August 31st 1914. [Signed] J Mulock, Lieutenant Commander] 4f96290da2fc8e2def004f95: ( 53-45333-002_1.jpg) [Page with data about distances run and coal consumed, for dates between 25.10.11 and 26.6.14. Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded: Speeds and consumptions in accordance with exigencies of war. [Signed] G Mulock, Lieutenant Commander, 1st September 1915. HMS “Blenheim” 16 March 1915. No remarks. [Signed] JM Simpson, Engineer Commander (D). HMS “Amethyst”, 7 April 1915, [Signed almost illegibly] CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] [It therefore appears that this page has been misplaced and belongs in 1915] 4f96290da2fc8e2def004f96: ( 53-45333-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before apart from dates] 4f96290da2fc8e2def004f97: ( 53-45333-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6 Buoy] am: Simms ERA discharged sick to “Tamar”. P Harmoon [or possibly Harmon] SPO discharged to TB 038. Palfrey Stoker discharged sick to Tamar. 1.0pm: Paid Quarterly Settlement. 4f96290ea2fc8e2def004f98: ( 53-45333-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6 Buoy] am: Hands employed Painting Ship. pm: Hands Make and mend Clothes. 3.0pm: Bell Stoker returned from Hospital. [Number on sick list: 5] 4f96290ea2fc8e2def004f99: ( 53-45333-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6 Buoy] am: Hands employed Painting Seamen’s Mess Deck. 2.0pm: Pearce ERA discharged to “Triumph”. 4f96290ea2fc8e2def004f9a: ( 53-45333-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6 Buoy] 8.0am: Dressed ship with Mast Head Flags. 10.0am: Palfrey Stoker returned to ship from “Tamar”. 5.0pm: Pearce ERA returned to ship from “Triumph”. 4f96290fa2fc8e2def004f9b: ( 53-45333-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6 Buoy] 10.0am: Landed Church Parties. Nonconformists (4), Church of England (5). 11.0am: Leading Stoker Williams discharged sick to “Tamar”. 4f96290fa2fc8e2def004f9c: ( 53-45333-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6 Buoy] 6.0am: Hands employed Putting extra Cable to Buoy and as requisite. 4f96290fa2fc8e2def004f9d: ( 53-45333-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6 Buoy] 10.0am: Williams Leading Stoker returned to ship from Tamar. 1.0pm: Landed Working Party to draw 1.5 shackles of 1 1/8 inch cable. 3.0pm: Working Party returned from Dockyard with Cable. Cable lost overboard whilst being hauled onboard. 5.30pm: Divers employed attempting to recover cable. 7.0pm: Typhoon “Black” Signals Hoisted [indicating there is a cyclone within 300 miles; there is more information about typhoon warning signals here]. Stopped Diving Operations. Furled all Awnings. 8.0pm: Slipped and proceeded to No 6a Buoy. Prepared for Sea. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 4f962910a2fc8e2def004f9e: ( 53-45333-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [Squally south westerly wind force 1-6 in evening, rain throughout pm] 4f962910a2fc8e2def004f9f: ( 53-45333-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 0.10am: Set Anchor Watch. Strong Squalls from WSW. Used Engines for steaming up to Buoy as requisite. 10.0am: EJ Evans Stoker discharged Sick to “Tamar”. 0.30pm: Typhoon Signals Hauled Down. Spread Awnings. [Wind south westerly force 1-7 at 4am] 4f962910a2fc8e2def004fa0: ( 53-45333-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 4.0am: Heavy Thunderstorm. 6.0am: Hands employed uncovering boats and as requisite. 7.0am: USS Wilmington left Harbour 9.0am: Diver and 6 hands away, recovering Cable. 10.0am: Evans Stoker discharged to Ship from “Tamar”. 0.45pm: Slipped. Proceeded to No 6 Buoy. Hoisted in Cable which Divers had recovered during Forenoon. 2.45pm: Slipped from No 6 Buoy, made fast to No 6A Buoy. [Note: USS Wilmington was a US Navy Gunboat, in commission from 1897 until 1945 and stationed in Hong Kong from June 1912 to 30 June 1914, after which she was attached to the Far Eastern Squadron, Asiatic Fleet] 4f962911a2fc8e2def004fa1: ( 53-45333-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] [Nothing of note in the log on this Saturday] 4f962911a2fc8e2def004fa2: ( 53-45333-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 9.0am: Divisions. Landed Church Parties, Church of England (10), Roman Catholics 2, Presbyterians 4. 11.30am: Church Parties Returned. 4f962911a2fc8e2def004fa3: ( 53-45333-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] [Nothing of note in log] 4f962912a2fc8e2def004fa4: ( 53-45333-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 10.0am: Pearce ERA discharged sick to Tamar. 1.0pm: Hands employed Securing Ship for Sea. 3.0pm: Maxim Gear received onboard from Ordnance Department for passage to Canton. 4.30pm: Hunt ERA joined Ship from Rosario. 11.0pm: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as requisite for leaving harbour through Kah Sang Mun Channel. 11.28pm: Stopped Waiting for Jardine Steamer Choy Sang to escort her to Canton. [Note: SS Choy Sang was a British cargo ship, owned by Indo-China Steam Navigation Company - Jardine, Matheson and Company; built in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in UK in 1902 and lost in a typhoon off China in 1922] 4f962912a2fc8e2def004fa5: ( 53-45333-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1914 From Hong Kong to Canton and Canton to Hong Kong Lat 23.11, Long 113.24 [rough estimate] 1.0am: Lintin Island abeam. 1.10am: Green Point abeam. 2.45am: San Pan Chan abeam. 3.25am: Tiger Island abeam. 3.45am: Blake Point abeam. 4.0am: Amhurst Light abeam. 4.55am: Passed through Iron Barrier. 5.23am: High Island abeam. Lower End Man Pan Island abeam. 6.0am: Hands preparing ship for securing to Buoy. 6.30am: Secured Head and Stern to Buoys at Canton. [Secured to Buoys at Canton] am: Hands employed cleaning Ship. Sent Maxim Gear to Consul General’s. 5.0pm: Prepared Ship for Sea. 5.30pm: Slipped, Courses as requisite for proceeding down Canton River convoying “SS” “Choi Sang” [Choy Sang] of “Jardines and Matheson’s”. 7.25pm: Escape Creek abeam. 7.49pm: Amhurst Light abeam. 8.4pm: Blake Point abeam. 8.25pm: Tiger Island abeam. 10.21pm: Ma chau abeam. 10.41pm: Lintin Island abeam. 11.2pm: Tong Kue Island abeam. 11.23pm: Castle Peak Buoy abeam. 11.35pm: Sighted Red Light on Ma Wan Island. [Course and Distance made good: Various 83 miles] 4f962912a2fc8e2def004fa6: ( 53-45333-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1914 At Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 0.30am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for proceeding to Buoy. 0.55am: Secured to No 6A Buoy. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] am: Harman Stoker PO rejoined ship from Fame. 1.30pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Secured for Sea. 6.0pm: Slipped, Courses and speeds as Requisite for leaving Harbour by Kap Sing Mun Channel. 7.30pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 5.5 fathoms in Castle Peak Bay veered to 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Pillar Point N74W, Brothers Island S38W] 8.10pm: Weighed, Courses and Speeds as requisite for convoying steamer to Wong Mun. 8.35pm: Steamer anchored. Came to with starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Pillar Point North 0.75 miles, Brothers Island S76E] 9.30pm: Heavy Rain storms. 11.35pm: Weighed and Proceeded, Course and speeds as Requisite for convoying steamer to Wong Mun. 4f962913a2fc8e2def004fa7: ( 53-45333-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1914 At Mouth of Canton River Delta Lat 22.41, Long 113.75 [estimated] 0.30am: As Requisite for convoying steamer to Wong Mun. 1.31am: Came to with starboard anchor in 4.25 fathoms veered to 4 shackles off Kiau Island [now Jiazhou Dao]. Anchor Bearings: Right of Kiau Island N61W, Lintin Island S78E, Flat Island N41W. [At anchor off Kiau Island] 10.22am: Weighed Course S45E 10 knots. 10.28am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 3 fathoms veered to 1.5 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Lintin Island S84.5E, Flat Island N44W, Ki au Island Peak S88.25W. 1.0pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 6.23pm: Weighed Course S49E (Magnetic) Speed 10 knots. 7.50pm: Altered course N70E. Convoyed steamer to Castle Peak Bay. 8.0pm: Heavy Rain Squall. 8.23pm: Saw Shau abeam. 8.50pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 6 fathoms in Castle Peak Bay veered to 4 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Red Light on Ma Wan S83E, West Brother S30W, East Brother S15E. [At anchor in Castle Peak Bay] 4f962913a2fc8e2def004fa8: ( 53-45333-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [At anchor in Castle Peak Bay] 7.58am: Weighed and proceeded at 183 Revs Course S86E. 8.20am: Courses as requisite for passing through Kap Sing Mun. 8.45am: Fairway Buoy abeam. Courses and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding to Buoy. 9.0am: Secured to No 6A Buoy. am: Hands Employed Cleaning Ship. Pearce ERA rejoined ship from Tamar. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] pm: Hands Make and mend Clothes. 4f962913a2fc8e2def004fa9: ( 53-45333-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1914 From Hong Kong to Canton Lat 23.11, Long 113.23 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 3.30am: Unshackled and secured for Sea. 4.0am: Slipped, Course and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding out of Harbour. 4.10am: Fairway Buoys abeam. Stopped Both. 4.40am: Took station on Jardine Matheson’s SS Wosang [probably Wo Sang listed here] to convoy her to Canton. [As Required for leaving Harbour and convoying SS “Loosang” up Canton River] 5.30am: Kap Sing Mun Light abeam. 5.25am: Castle Peak Bay abeam. 6.3am: Black Point abeam. 6.20am: Lintin Peak abeam. 8.7am: Lankit Island abeam. 8.39am: Chain Rock abeam 1.75 cables. 9.19am: Blake Point Light abeam. 9.35am: Amhurst Light abeam. 10.13am: Red Light Beacon abeam. 10.44am: Passed Terrace Head. 11.14am: Bend of Chung Island abeam. 11.47am: Duff Point abeam. 0.10pm: Secured Bow and Stern to Sloop’s Buoys Canton. [Secured to Buoys at Canton] 9.0pm: One Columb’s Light Lost overboard by accident. [Course and Distance made good: Various 80 miles] [Note: SS Wo Sang was a British passenger/cargo ship owned by Indo-China Steam Navigation Company - Jardine, Matheson and Company, she was built in Govan (Scotland) in 1891 and was sold to An Tai SN Company, Shanghai in 1925 and renamed Chang Tai; more details here] 4f962914a2fc8e2def004faa: ( 53-45333-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1914 From Canton to Hong Kong and at C [Sea] Lat 22.69, Long 113.69 [rough estimate] [At Canton] 8.0am: Slipped and proceeded Courses as Requisite for proceeding down Canton River. 2.32pm: Secured to No 6a Buoy Hong Kong. pm: Hands employed as requisite. White Signalman discharged sick to “Tamar”. 5.0pm: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for leaving Harbour and proceeding to Tai Ho Anchorage. 6.50pm: Came to with starboard anchor off Tai ho in 3 fathoms veered to 1.25 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Bluff Point N27E, Tai Ho N73W, 1570 ft Peak N64E] 8.24pm: Weighed, Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Patrolling duties off Kiau Island. [As Requisite for Carrying out Patrol Duties off Ki au Island] 11.32pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. [Anchor Bearings: Kiau Peak S88W, South of Kiau Island S48W, North of Kiau Island N46W] [Course and Distance made good: As Requisite 54 miles] 4f962914a2fc8e2def004fab: ( 53-45333-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1914 At Mouth of Canton River Lat 22.39, Long 113.86 [estimated] [At Anchor off Ki au Island] 8.30am: Weighed and Proceeded, Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Survey of Spit south of Lintin Island. am: Errected [Erected] Tide Pole on Fishing Stake South of Lintin Island. [As Requisite for carrying out Survey of Waters South of Lintin Island] 11.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 3.5 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: San Chan N78E, Left Nine Island S57W, Right Lintin Island N28E] [At anchor off Ki au Island] [ship appears to be off Lintin Island at noon] 9.5pm: Weighed and proceeded Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Patrol Duties off Ki au Island. [As Requisite for Carrying out Patrol Duties off Ki au Island] 11.43pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4 fathoms off Ki au Island veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Kiau Peak S88W, South Point of Kiau S48W, North Point of Kiau N46W] 4f962914a2fc8e2def004fac: ( 53-45333-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1914 At Entrance to Canton River Lat 22.36, Long 113.83 [rough estimate] [At anchor off Ki au Island] 7.0am: Chinese Torpedo Boat arrived and anchored. Chinese Gun Boat sailed. 8.43am: Weighed, Course and Speeds as Requisite for carrying out Survey off Lintin Island. [As Requisite for Surveying] 11.30am: Stopped Both. 0.45pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite for Returning to Hong Kong. 3.10pm: Secured to No 6A Buoy. 4.25pm: French Gunboat (Argus) [listed here] arrived. 5.0pm: White Signalman, Curtis, Telegraphist joined ship from Tamar. Langford Leading Stoker, Preddy and Bishop Stokers rejoined ship from [HMS] “Clio”. 7.5pm: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for leaving harbour by Kap Sing Mun Channel and proceeding to Patrol Area. 9.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for carrying out Patrol Duties off Ki au Island. 11.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 3.75 fathoms off Ki au Island veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Lintin Summit: S86E, South End of Kiau S48W, East Nine Island S15W] [At anchor off Ki au] [Note: Argus was a Vigilante class River Gunboat of the French Navy, built in UK for service in China; launched in 1900 and stricken in 1920] 4f962915a2fc8e2def004fad: ( 53-45333-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1914 At Entrance to Canton River Lat 22.38, Long 113.76 [rough estimate] [At anchor off Kiau Island] 6.40am: Chinese Gun Boat passed to Northward. 8.30am: Weighed and Proceeded, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for carrying out Survey. 0.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.25 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Lintin Peak N20E, Saw Chau N83E, Ki au Peak N52W] pm: Hands Make and mend clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Tai Ho. 5.20pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 3 fathoms off Tai Ho veered to Two Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Tai Ho Village S88E, Bluff Point N21E, 1378 ft Peak S7E] 8.0pm: Weighed and proceeded Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Patrol Duties off Ki au Island. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 21.65 tons] 4f962915a2fc8e2def004fae: ( 53-45333-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1914 At Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 1.0am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for returning to Hong Kong. 2.20am: Secured to No 6A Buoy. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 6.0am: Hands employed, hoisting out boats and preparing ship for Coaling. 7.10am: Commenced Coaling. 0.50pm: Finished Coaling. Received 100 tons. Hands employed Washing down Upper Deck. pm: Sims ERA and Pengelly ERA rejoined ship from Hospital. ERA Hunt discharged to “Rosario”. 6.0pm: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as requisite for leaving Harbour by Kap Sing Mun Channel. 6.55pm: Stopped, swung Ship for adjustment of Compasses. 7.10pm: Proceeded, Courses as Requisite for proceeding to Patrol Area. 8.30pm: Anchored. Despatched Armed Whaler into Tai ho, where a White Flashing Light was sighted at Police Station. 9.0pm: Whaler Returned not being required. Light being flashed as a signal to Police Boats. [Anchor Bearings: Bluff Point N50E, Tai ho N89E, 1378 ft Peak S3E] 10.0pm: Weighed and proceeded Courses and speeds as Requisite for carrying out Patrol Duties off Ki au Island. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 115 tons] 4f962916a2fc8e2def004faf: ( 53-45333-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1914 At: Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 0.10am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 3.75 fathoms off Ki au Island veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: South End of Kiau S65W, North End of Kiau N45W, Lintin Peak N89E] [At Anchor off Ki au Island] 7.0am: Weighed, Course and Speeds as requisite for surveying from Kiau to Bluff Point. 7.45am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for returning to Hong Kong Harbour. 10.0am: Made Fast to No 6A Buoy. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] am: Hands Employed as Requisite. Working party of On [One] Leading Seaman and Two ABs returning Forecastle Awning to Dockyard. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4f962916a2fc8e2def004fb0: ( 53-45333-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1914 At Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [Secured to No 6A Buoy] am: Landed Church Parties. Church of England (3), Roman Catholics 3, Wesleyans 3. 11.30am: Church Parties Returned. 6.0pm: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for leaving Harbour by Kap Sing Mai [Mun] Channel and proceeding to Patrol Area. 9.15pm: Arrived off Kiau Island, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for carrying out Patrol Duties. [As Requisite for Patrolling off Ki au Island] 11.30pm: Proceeded Courses and Speeds as Requisite for returning to Castle Peak Bay. 4f962916a2fc8e2def004fb1: ( 53-45333-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1914 At Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 1.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 5 shackles in Castle Peak Bay. [Anchor Bearings: Pillar Point N72W, Castle Peak N35W, West Brother S26W] 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded Courses and Speeds as Requisite for returning to Hong Kong. 8.0am: “Wilmington” USA Gun Boat left Harbour. 8.8am: Secured to No 4 Buoy Hong Kong. [Secured to No 4 Buoy] 11.0am: Swung ship for adjustment of Compasses. 5.0pm: Secured for Sea. 6.0pm: Slipped, Courses as Requisite for leaving Harbour by Kap Sing Mun Channel and proceeding to Patrol Area. A strong Southerly Set experienced. 8.45pm: Arrived off Ki au Island. Courses and Speeds as Requisite for carrying out patrol duties. 11.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 3.5 fathoms off Ki au Island veered to 4 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Ki au Peak N75W, South End of Ki au S62W, North End of Ki au N43W] 4f962917a2fc8e2def004fb2: ( 53-45333-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1914 Entrance to Canton River Lat 22.41, Long 113.70 [estimated] 9.45am: Chinese Gun Boat and Torpedo Boat passed from Wongmon steering South. 10.0am: Chinese Gunboat Kon Lee passed steering East. 1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to Tai ho, Courses and speeds as requisite for carrying out Survey. 2.45pm: Came to with starboard anchor off Tai ho in 4.5 fathoms veered to 3 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Bluff Point N51E, Tai ho Village S87E, Nine Island S88W] 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, Courses and Speeds as requisite for proceeding to Patrol Area. 8.10pm: Arrived off Ki au Island, Courses and Speeds as requisite for carrying out Patrol Duties. 11.43pm: Came to with Starboard anchor off Ki au Island in 3 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: North point of Kiau N47W, Ki au Summit N71W, South Point of Kiau S67W] 4f962917a2fc8e2def004fb3: ( 53-45333-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1914 At Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [estimated] 8.30am: Weighed, Courses as requisite for returning to Hong Kong Harbour via Kap Sing Mun Channel. 11.10am: Secured to No 6A Buoy. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 5.35pm: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as requisite for leaving Hong Kong by Kap Sin Mun and proceeding to Patrol Area. 8.40pm: Lay to of [off] Kiau for carrying out Patrol Duties. 11.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 3 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: North Point of Kiau N40W, South of Kiau S56.5W, Lintin Summit S86E] 4f962917a2fc8e2def004fb4: ( 53-45333-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1914 At Sea [and Hong Kong] Lat 22.19, Long 114.22 7.0am: Chinese Torpedo Boat passed steering South. 11.0am: Weighed and Proceeded, Courses as Requisite for returning to Hong Kong. 2.0pm: Made Fast to No 6A Buoy. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] pm: Working Party of 3 ABs drawing Ammunition and Stores. 5.30pm: Hands employed shipping War Heads to Torpedos. 6.30pm: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as requisite for proceeding to Eastern Entrance. 10.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for patrolling Eastern Entrance of Hong Kong. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 70.30 tons] [Mist and rain for most of day, noon temperature 80F, sea temperature 82F] 4f962918a2fc8e2def004fb5: ( 53-45333-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1914 At Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. 6.0am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for returning to Hong Kong. 6.45am: Made Fast to No 6A Buoy. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] 7.30am: Commenced Coaling from Lighter. am: Coaling. 1.30pm: Finished Coaling, Completed with 60 Tons. 4.45pm: Slipped, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding to Eastern Entrance. 6.15pm: Stopped, landed Officer in charge of Cape D’Aguilar War Signal Station. 6.30pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance of Hong Kong Harbour. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.05 tons] LOGS FOR AUGUST 1914 4f962918a2fc8e2def004fb6: ( 53-45333-019_0.jpg) 1 August 1914 At Taitam Bay [Tai Tam Bay] Lat 22.29, Long 114.17 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. 6.30am: Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms in Taitam Bay veered to 3 shackles. [At anchor in Taitam Bay] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff S78W, 2 Miles] 7.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong. 8.20pm: Made Fast to No 6A Buoy. [Secured to No 6A Buoy] am: Paid Quarterly Advance. pm: Hands employed drawing Spare Torpedoes from Kowloon. Dolan Stoker rejoined ship from Hospital. 5.0pm: Slipped, out of Harbour by Eastern Entrance 6.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in Taitan [sic] Bay. [At anchor in Taitam Bay] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff S78W, Point NE, Cheong king N56W] 7.10pm: Weighed and Proceeded, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance to Hong Kong. 4f962918a2fc8e2def004fb7: ( 53-45333-019_1.jpg) 2 August 1914 At Taitam Bay and Sea Lat 22.23, Long 114.23 [estimated] 2.0am: As Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. 6.45am: Came to with starboard anchor in 5.25 fathoms in Taitam Bay. [At anchor in Taitam Bay] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff S80W, 2.5 miles] 7.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Eastern Entrance. 8.45am: Courses as Requisite for Returning to Taitam Bay. 9.0am: Came to with starboard anchor in Taitam Bay in 6 Fathoms veered to 2 shackles. [At anchor in Taitam Bay] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff S68W, 2 miles] pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 6.45pm: Weighed and Proceeded Courses as Requisite for proceeding to East Lamma Channel to Meet Armed Patrol Launch. 7.45pm: Met Launch, received despatches. 8.30pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Returning to and Patrolling Eastern Entrance. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 96.65 tons] 4f962919a2fc8e2def004fb8: ( 53-45333-020_0.jpg) 3 August 1914 At Taitam Bay and Hong Kong Lat 22.23, Long 114.23 [estimated] 2.0am: As Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. 3.40am: Exercised General Quarters. 5.0am: As Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. 7.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor in Taitam Bay veered to 3 shackles in 7 fathoms. [At anchor in Taitam Bay] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff S78W, 2 miles] am: Hands employed Painting ship. pm; Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded into Hong Kong. 5.30pm: Made Fast to No 5 Buoy. 6.0pm: Commenced Coaling. [Secured to No 5 Buoy Hong Kong] 8.0pm: Completed with 30 Tons. 8.15pm: Slipped and proceeded with Junk in tow containing 100 Tons of Coal for Patrol Launches. Courses and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding to Tai tam Bay. 10.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 7.25 fathoms in Taitam Bay. Anchored Junk. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 113.80 tons] 4f962919a2fc8e2def004fb9: ( 53-45333-020_1.jpg) 4 August 1914 At Hong Kong and At Sea Lat 22.23, Long 114.23 [estimated] 0.30om: Weighed and proceeded Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. 5.0am: As Requisite for Patrolling. 8.20am: Came to with starboard anchor in 7.5 fathoms veered to 2 shackles. [At anchor in Taitam Bay] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff S77W, Cheong king N56W] 10.30am: Weighed and towed Junk to Tai tam Tuk. 11.20am: Slipped Junk and returned to Port Stanley. 0.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 9.25 fathoms veered to 3 shackles in Taitam Bay. [At anchor in Taitam Bay] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff S66W, 2 miles] pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4.45pm: Weighed and proceeded for Hong Kong. 5.55pm: Made Fast to No 5 Buoy. J White Chief Stoker discharged sick to Tamar. [Secured to No 5 Buoy] 8.10pm: Slipped and proceeded to Eastern Entrance. 10.20pm: [HMS] “Thistle” passed. 11.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 101.70 tons] 4f962919a2fc8e2def004fba: ( 53-45333-021_0.jpg) 5 August 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.06, Long 114.27 [rough estimate] 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. am: Lost overboard by Accident Hammers Hand 4 In Number. 7.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor in Taitam Bay veered to 2 shackles. [At anchor in Taitam Buoy] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff S78W, Point NE, Cheong King N56W] 9.30am: Weighed Courses and Speeds as requisite for searching Lemma Islands [Lema Islands, shown on map here]. 10.45am: Received News of Britain’s declaration of War on Germany. 1.0pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite for visiting Patrol Boats to acquaint them with the news of Declaration of War. 2.45om: Stopped SS Yumato Maru [probably Yamato Maru as there were subsequent ships of this name] and examined her Papers, bound for Saigon from Hong Kong. 4.10am: Returned to Hong Kong. Made Fast alongside “Usk”. pm: Hands employed taking in provisions, Stores and coal and placing unecessary [sic] Gear in Lighter, and returning two Berthon Boats. Drew Mine Sweeping Gear. Dyer SPO and Green Stoker rejoined Ship from Minotaur. [Secured to No 7 Buoy] 9.0pm: Completed with 56 Tons of Coal. 10.0pm: Finished Provisioning. Lighters left ship. Ah Fung Wardroom Messman discharged ashore. Curtis Telegraphist discharged to Colne. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 143.65 tons] 4f96291aa2fc8e2def004fbb: ( 53-45333-021_1.jpg) 6 August 1914 At Hong Kong and at Sea Lat 22.33, Long 115.33 [Securing to No 7 Buoy Hong Kong] 5.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 6.15am: Slipped in Company with Flotilla astern of Cruisers Minotaur, Hampshire, Newcastle, Yarmouth and Dupleix. Courses as Requisite for leaving Harbour by Eastern Entrance. 7.0am: Took station abeam of Cruisers. 8.0am: Cruisers left to Southward. 8.35am: Course N76E, Speed 11.5 knots. 10.14am: II Division took station on starboard beam of 1st Division 2 cables. 11.0am: Pedro Blanco abeam 3 miles. 11.15am: Altered course N66E. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Hands Employed Painting over Wood Work and Canvas Gear. 6.30pm: Formed Single Line Ahead. 9.10pm: Lammocks Rock Light N0.5W. 9.58pm: Lammocks Rock Light abeam 10 miles. [Course and Distance made good: Various 50 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Pedro Blanco S85W, 12 miles] 4f96291aa2fc8e2def004fbc: ( 53-45333-022_0.jpg) 7 August 1914 At Hong Kong [actually at Sea] Lat 25.12, Long 119.74 3.55am: Ocksen Light abeam at 3.55. 7.20am: Altered course N38E. 8.30am: II Division took station 2 cables on starboard beam of 1st Division. 11.57am: Passed Japanese steamer Panama Maru [possibly this ship, a cargo ship, built in 1910]. 1.3pm: Turnabout Island N6.5E. 1.30pm: Turnabout Island abeam 4 miles. 7.0pm: Formed Single Line ahead. [Course and Distance made good: Various 290 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Turnabout N16W, 3 miles] 4f96291aa2fc8e2def004fbd: ( 53-45333-022_1.jpg) 8 August 1914 At Sea and Saddle Islands Lat 26.61, Long 122.62 8.0am: Heishan Island abeam 1 mile N68W. 9.0am: Formed divisions in Line Ahead, II Division disposed abeam to starboard. 5.0pm: Sighted Warship on Starboard beam. 5.10pm: Exercised Action. 5.15pm: Secure. Courses as Requisite for proceeding to Anchorage. 6.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 4 shackles on NW side of South Saddle Island. [At Anchor off South Saddle] [Anchor Bearings: 4 Foot Rock N38E, Western Point of Island S44W, 651 Feet Peak S83E] 9.55pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course E by N. 11.0pm: Exercised Action. Courses and Speeds as Requisite for searching for Enemy’s Cruisers report to Eastwards. [Course and Distance made good: Various 312 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Tonting N15.25E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 77.15 tons] 4f96291ba2fc8e2def004fbe: ( 53-45333-023_0.jpg) 9 August 1914 At Sea Lat 30.88, Long 122.67 [Cross Bearings] 0.10am: Barren Island abeam 3 miles, Course E by N, 13 knots. 1.50am: Altered course S85W. 6.20am: Parted company with Flotilla Course NxW 150 Revs. 6.29am: Blinkers abeam, altered course N38W. 7.13am: Split Island abeam, altered course N63W, 10 knots. 10.15am: Arrived at Fairway Buoy [to] meet colliers “Sir Richard Audrey” [probably Sir Richard Awdry] and “Szechuen”. 10.30am: Fairway Buoy NW 5 miles. Sighted Danish Cable Ship steering NE. 11.10am: Course S67E Escorting Colliers to Saddle Islands. 2.30pm: North Saddle Island SSW 4 miles, passed American Destroyer steering North. 3.30pm: Courses as Requisite for proceeding to Anchorage North of South Saddle Island and for dropping buoys for Colliers to Anchor on. 5.30pm: Went alongside Collier “Szehuen” [sic]. 6.0pm: Commenced to Coal Ship. 8.0pm: Hands employed Coaling Ship. [Course and Distance made good: 170 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: North Saddle Light S3E, 1.25 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 132.15 tons] [Wind mostly southerly or south easterly force 3 or 4, weather fine, noon temperature 88F, sea temperature 84F] [Note: SS Sir Richard Awdry was a British cargo ship built in 1912 and sunk by German submarine U-35 in November 1915. SS Szechuen was a British cargo ship built in 1895 and sunk by German submarine UB-51 in May 1918] 4f96291ba2fc8e2def004fbf: ( 53-45333-023_1.jpg) 10 August 1914 At Saddle Islands Lat 30.68, Long 122.78 [rough estimate] 1.30am: Hands employed Coaling Ship. 3.0am: Completed with 70 tons of Coal. 3.15am: Left Collier. Came to with Starboard anchor in 6 fathoms veered to 4 shackles off South Saddle Island. [At Anchor off South Saddle Island] [Anchor Bearings: 4ft Rock N50E, Western Point of Land S40W] 5.30an: Lo Tung Officers Cook discharged ashore. 7.0am: Hands employed Washing down Upper Deck, and weighing Mark Buoys. 10.30am: Chinese Gunboat passed anchorage. 1.30pm: [HMS] Yarmouth arrived and left again. Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4.15pm: Yarmouth arrived and anchored. 5.30pm: [HMS] Cadmus arrived. 4f96291ba2fc8e2def004fc0: ( 53-45333-024_0.jpg) 11 August 1914 At Saddle Islands Lat 30.75, Long 122.81 [At Anchor off South Saddle Island] 5.30am: Triumph and Dupleix arrived. 7.0am: Yarmouth, Colne, Welland and Usk left for Patrol Areas. 10.45am: Weighed and proceeded Courses as requisite for Patrolling North Side of Anchorage. 11.30am: Sighted Chinese Gunboat anchored in Cove in South Saddle Island. 1.0pm: Came up with Cable Ship “Patrol” which had anchored in Alacrity Bay. Courses as Requisite for Patrolling. 3.15pm: “Cadmus” and SS “Patrol” arrived in Anchorage. 5.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for patrolling between Bit Rocks and 12ft Island. 5.50pm: Steam steering gear broke down, Steering by Hand Wheel. 9.25pm: Hand Steering Gear Broken down, stopped both. 9.45pm: Hand steering Gear repaired. Courses as Requisite for Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Blinkers N10W, 1.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 111.90 tons] [Note: Cable Ship Patrol was built in UK in 1903 for the Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Company; she was scrapped in 1933] 4f96291ca2fc8e2def004fc1: ( 53-45333-024_1.jpg) 12 August 1914 At South Saddle Island Lat 30.68, Long 122.75 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses as Requisite for patrolling between Bit Rocks and 12ft Rocks off South Saddle Island. 7.45am: Came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 3 shackles off South Saddle Island. [At Anchor] [Anchor Bearings: 4ft Rock N60E, 651 foot Peak on South Saddle Island S71E] am: Hands employed striking down Coal. 10.40am: Weighed. Proceeded alongside Collier Szechuen. 11.0am: Commenced Coaling. pm: Hands employed Coaling Ship. 2.45pm: Finished Coaling completed with 30 Tons. Left Collier. Came to with Starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 3 shackles off South Saddle Island. [Anchor Bearings: 4 Foot Rock N61E, 651 Foot Peak S71E, Western Extremity of South Saddle Island S32W] 6.15pm: Weighed. Closed “Clio” for Orders. 8.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Bits Rock and Twelve Foot Rock off South Saddle Island. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 130.50 tons] 4f96291ca2fc8e2def004fc2: ( 53-45333-025_0.jpg) 13 August 1914 At South Saddle Island Lat 30.73, Long 122.74 [rough estimate] 2.0am: Courses as Requisite for Patrolling between Bits Rocks and Twelve Foot Rock off South Saddle Island. 5.30am: Returned to Anchorage. 6.10am: Secured alongside Collier “Szechuen”. 6.45am: Commenced Coaling. 9.50am: Finished Coaling. Completed with 13 tons. Left Collier. am: Came to with Starboard anchor off South Saddle Island. [At anchor off South Saddle Island] Noon: Dupleix sailed. [Anchor Bearings: Western Extremity of South Saddle Island S30W, 651 Foot Peak S68E] 1.45pm: “Triumph”, “Colne”, “Usk” and “Welland” sailed. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 6.45pm: Weighed. Closed “Clio” for orders. 9.0pm: Courses as Requisite for Patrolling between Bits and Twelve Foot Rock off South Saddle Island. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 134.80 tons] 4f96291ca2fc8e2def004fc3: ( 53-45333-025_1.jpg) 14 August 1914 At Saddle Islands Lat 30.78, Long 122.90 2.0am: Courses as Requisite for Patrolling between Bits and Twelve Foot Rock off South Saddle Island. 5.30am: Returned to Anchorage. 6.10am: Secured alongside Collier “Szechuen”. 6.45am: Commenced Coaling. 7.45am: Finished Coaling. Completed with 7 tons. Left Collier. Closed Clio for Orders. am: Courses as Requisite for proceeding to Patrol Area. 9.30am: Stopped 5 miles East of Blinkers. 1.30pm: Sighted Yacht “Mekong” [listed here]. Brought her to Anchorage. 2.15pm: Returned to Patrol. 4.0pm: As Requisite for Patrolling Eastern Entrance. 7.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Whips and Cruppers. Speed 8 knots. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 128.40 tons] [Note: The Steam Yacht Mekong, previously called “Maund”, was built in UK in 1906 and was to be hired by the Royal Navy, Pendant No 070, from April 1915. She was wrecked off UK in March 1916] 4f96291da2fc8e2def004fc4: ( 53-45333-026_0.jpg) 15 August 1914 At Saddle Islands Lat 30.69, Long 122.81 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses as Requisite for Patrolling between Cruppers and Whips. 5.0am: Returned to Anchorage. Proceeded alongside Collier “Szechuen”. 6.15am: Commenced Coaling. 7.0am: Completed with 8 tons. Left Collier. Empress of Asia arrived. 7.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 3.5 shackles off South Saddle Island. am: Hands employed Washing down Upper Deck and rigging Mine Sweeping Gear. [At Anchor off South Saddle Island] [Anchor Bearings: 651 Foot Peak S71E, 4 Foot Rock N60E] 10.45am: Empress of Asia sailed pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4.0pm: Triumph sailed. 7.0pm: Weighed and proceeded Courses as Requisite for Patrolling between Cruppers and Whips Rocks. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 127.30 tons] [Note: The RMS Empress of Asia was an ocean liner built in Scotland and launched in 1912, for the Canadian Pacific Steamship Company. She was converted into an auxiliary cruiser at Hong Kong and armed with eight 4.7 inch guns and was in service as an Armed Merchant Cruiser from 2 August 1914 until 20 March 1916. She was to be sunk by Japanese aircraft in 1942.] 4f96291da2fc8e2def004fc5: ( 53-45333-026_1.jpg) 16 August 1914 At Saddle Islands Lat 30.69, Long 122.81 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses as Requisite for Patrolling between Cruppers and Whips. 5.30am: Secured alongside Collier Szechuen. 5.40am: Commenced Coaling. 7.0am: Completed with 10 tons. 7.15am: Left Collier. Came to with starboard anchor in 6 fathoms veered to 3 shackles off South Saddle Island. [At Anchor off South Saddle Island] [Anchor Bearings: 4 foot Rock N72E, 615 ft Peak on South Saddle Island S69E] am: Hands employed Washing down Upper Deck. 10.10am: Kennet sailed. 1.10pm: Chinese Gunboat passed through anchorage. 4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded to Alacrity Anchorage to bring Collier Wimbledon [listed here] to Anchorage. 4.30pm: “Empress of Asia” passed steering South. 7.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Cruppers Islands and Bits Rocks. [Course and Distance made good: As Requisite for Patrolling] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 129.95 tons] [Note: SS Wimbledon was a British ship built in Sunderland in 1901, presumably the same ship which was the subject of a court case in 1923 relating to passage through the Kiel Canal in 1921 (details here).] 4f96291ea2fc8e2def004fc6: ( 53-45333-027_0.jpg) 17 August 1914 At Saddle Islands Lat 30.73, Long 122.74 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Cruppers Island and Whips Rocks. 5.0am: Courses as Requisite for returning to Harbour and going alongside Collier “Wimbledon”. 5.5am: Left Collier. Closed Clio for Orders, Courses as Requisite for bringing in Collier “Skerries” from Alacrity Anchorage. 6.45am: Went alongside Collier Wimbledon Commenced Coaling. 8.0am: Finished Coaling, Received 15 tons. Took in Stores from Collier. 10.40am: Left Collier, Came to with Starboard Anchor, in 7 fathoms veered to 3.5 shackles off South Saddle Island. [Anchor Bearings: 4ft Rock N60E, 651ft Peak on South Saddle Island S71E] am: Hands employed Washing down. [At Anchor off South Saddle Island] 1.0pm: Cable Ship “Patrol” left harbour steering WNW. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Patrol Area. 8.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Crupper Islands and Whips Rocks. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 138.20 tons] [Note: SS Skerries was British, built in 1906 and owned by the Clyde Shipping Company; she was sunk by a mine in November 1916] 4f96291ea2fc8e2def004fc7: ( 53-45333-027_1.jpg) 18 August 1914 At South Saddle Island Lat 30.73, Long 122.74 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Whip Rocks and Crupper Islands. 5.30am: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 6 fathoms veered to 3 Shackles off South Saddle Island. 8.0am: Hands employed Washing down Upper Deck. am: Hands employed scrubbing out Mess Decks and drawing Provisions from “Yarmouth”. [Anchor Bearings: 4ft Rock N80E, 651ft Peak S71E] pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Casks Iron Pattern 9B 1 in Number thrown overboard by order of Captain. 7.0pm: Weighed, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding to Patrol Area and for Patrolling between Whip Rocks and Crupper Islands. 8.0pm: Usk passed on her way into Harbour. 4f96291ea2fc8e2def004fc8: ( 53-45333-028_0.jpg) 19 August 1914 From Saddle Islands to Kiao Chow Lat 30.73, Long 122.76 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Whips Rocks and Crupper Islands. 4.0am: Courses as Requisite for returning to Harbour. 5.35am: Secured alongside Collier “Skerries”. 6.10am: Commenced Coaling. 7.10am: Finished Coaling. Received 12 Tons. Left Collier. Came to with Starboard Anchor off South Saddle Island in 7 fathoms veered to 2 Shackles. [At Anchor off South Saddle Island] [Anchor Bearings: Western Extremity of South Saddle Island S29W, 651ft Peak S68E] am: Hands employed Washing down Upper Deck. 2.0pm: Weighed in company with Flotilla and Yarmouth. Courses as Requisite for leaving Harbour. 2.30pm: Course North 12 knots. 3.0pm: Passed Japanese Steamer steering West. 11.0pm: Passed Steamer Steering North. [Fuel Remaining: coal 130.90 tons] [Weather fine and quiet, southerly swell in pm, noon temperature 87F, sea temperature 82F] 4f96291fa2fc8e2def004fc9: ( 53-45333-028_1.jpg) 20 August 1914 From Saddle Islands to Kiao Chow, at Sea Lat 35.20, Long 122.35 9.0am: Passed Steamer steering South. 8.0pm: Altered course S60W. Increased to 12 knots. 10.0pm: Surveyor Island abeam 3 miles. 10.45pm: Courses as Requisite for Patrolling Coast off Longshan Harbour. No vessels were sighted. Lights observed ashore in Longshan. Hands at Night Defence Stations. [Course and Distance made good: North 260 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chalien tau N57W, 82 miles] 4f96291fa2fc8e2def004fca: ( 53-45333-029_0.jpg) 21 August 1914 From Saddle Islands to Kiao Chow, at Sea Lat 35.58, Long 121.05 0.30am: Ka Ta Niau Islands [probably Katiniau] abeam. Courses as Requisite for Patrolling between Siau Kungtan and Mainland. Speed 12 knots. 4.45am: Course S by E0.75E, Speed 13 knots. Flotilla left for Rendezvous. 8.37am: Sighted Yarmouth arrived at Rendezvous. Stopped Both. 11.30am: Course N39E, 11 knots, Proceeded in Company with Flotilla and Yarmouth. 3.15pm: Altered course North. 3.30pm: Sighted Surveyor Island. Yarmouth Parted Company with Flotilla. 5.47pm: Altered course S64W, Surveyor Island abeam 2 miles, Speed 14 knots. 7.30pm: Altered course SW. Sighted Steamers Lights bearing SW. 7.55pm: Stopped Steamer, proved to be German Steamer “Paklat” [listed here]. 8.10pm: II Division detached to Patrol. 8.35pm: Sighted Steamers Lights. Closed and Stopped Steamer. Boarded Her, proved to be Japanese Steamer from Tsingtau [Tsingtao] bound for Chifoo. 10.15pm: Rejoined Flotilla. [As Requisite for Closing Steamers and Boarding Them] 11.0pm: Allowed Steamer to proceed. “Usk” detached to take “Paklat” which was captured, to Rendezvous [though curiously the log of HMS Usk does not mention this]. [Distance run through the Water: 156.5 miles] [Course and Distance made good: N65W, 60 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chalien tau N35W, 22.5 miles] [Note: SS Paklat was originally called Maria Rickmers, built in 1902; she was renamed Paklat in 1903 when she was purchased by North German Lloyd Company. She was captured by Britain when attempting to run through the blockade of Tsingtao (see also the log for HMS Colne for this date) and was then taken to Hong Kong. Information here suggests she was captured by HMS Clio though her log does not indicate this. The log for HMS Usk does not mention Paklat but that for HMS Welland for this date indicates that she stopped SS Paklat at 7.50pm and took her to the rendezvous at 10.10pm. There is information here (page 73) indicating that the seizure of the ship, which was carrying German refugees from Tsingtao to Tientsin, was protested by the Germans as Paklat was carrying the white flag.; The ship was renamed Polbain in 1915.] 4f96291fa2fc8e2def004fcb: ( 53-45333-029_1.jpg) 22 August 1914 At Sea off Kia Chow [there is more information about this location, also known at the time as Tsingtau, here] Lat 35.75, Long 121.20 0.30am: Proceeded. Courses as Requisite for Patrolling off Tai Kung tau. Speeds 12 knots. No vessels sighted. 4.0am: Course N67E 13 knots. Returned to Rendezvous off Surveyor Island. 7.15am: Arrived at Rendezvous. Sighted Yarmouth. 9.0am: Stopped. Keeping look out South of Yarmouth. Welland Coaling from Yarmouth. [Stopped off Surveyor Island] 11.0am: Surveyor Island N15E 2 miles. 1.20pm: Proceeded in Company with Flotilla, Course SxW, speed 15 knots. 2.25pm: Increased to 16 knots, altered course S60W. 2.40pm: Chow tien lau Island N70W. 4.5pm: Altered course N60W. Ta Chin Tau N15E. 5.15pm: Stopped. 5.40pm: Course N46E. Proceeded to Patrol Area. 6.15pm: Sighted German Destroyer S90 [more information here] close in shore. Courses as Requisite for attempting to close her. Full speed. “Kennet” engaged her for 35 minutes. S90 reaching Tsingtau Harbour. “Jed” did not get within Range. [As Requisite for Closing German Destroyer S90] 7.20pm: “Kennet” rejoined Flotilla reporting No Serious Damage but Two men killed and seven injured. [Entry on Casualty List for 22 August 1914 reads: Kennet, old destroyer, damaged in action with German destroyer in Yellow Sea (most sources give the date of action as the 23rd, but the Admiralty Communiqué confirms the 22nd), one rating died of wounds on 25th (official account lists a second man died of wounds, but not in the Navy List). ARMSTRONG, John, Able Seaman, J 3996 (Ch); JAMES, David, Petty Officer, 183045 (Dev); RYAN, John J, Able Seaman, SS 3609 (Ch)] 8.0pm: Formed Single Line Ahead. Course SE, Speed 15 knots. [Course and Distance made good: Various 130 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chalien tau W, 46 miles] [Note: The German Destroyer S90 broke out of Tsingtao on 16th October and sank the Japanese old protected cruiser/minelayer “Takachiho” before running aground and being scuttled 35 miles SW of Tsingtao on 17th October; there are technical details of the ship here.] 4f962920a2fc8e2def004fcc: ( 53-45333-030_0.jpg) 23 August 1914 From Kiao Chow to Wei Hai Wei Lat 34.95, Long 121.87 1.30am: Altered course SW 8 knots. 3.0am: Altered course NE 10 knots. 4.30am: Altered course SW. 5.0am: Altered course SE. 5.30am: Sighted Yarmouth. 5.35am: Altered course SSE. 5.45am: Stopped off Yarmouth. 7.0am: Stopped. 9.45am: Course NE 10 knots. 10.0am: Sighted Triumph and Usk. 11.10am: Stopped for Burial Service onboard “Kennet”. 11.20am: Course NNE 8 knots. 1.0pm: Speed 10 knots. 2.0pm: Parted Company with “Triumph” and “Yarmouth”. 10.5pm: Sighted Shitau Light bearing N by E. [Distance run through the Water: 200.5 miles] [Course and Distance made good: S12.5E, 81.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chalien tau [blank]] [Wind north easterly force 5 from 8am, weather fine, noon temperature 79F, sea temperature 78F] 4f962920a2fc8e2def004fcd: ( 53-45333-030_1.jpg) 24 August 1914 From Kiao Chow to Wei Hai Wei and at Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [estimated] 2.10am: Shitau Light abeam. 2.30am: Altered course NE. 2.55am: Sighted NE Promontory Light. 7.0am: As Requisite for entering Wei Hai Wei and securing to “C” Buoy. 8.5am: Secured to C Buoy. [Secured to C Buoy] 9.3am: “Triumph and Yarmouth” arrived. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 2.45pm: Yarmouth Sailed. 9.10pm and 9.45pm: Hailed Guard Boat. [Distance run through the Water: 201 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 28.85 tons] 4f962920a2fc8e2def004fce: ( 53-45333-031_0.jpg) 25 August 1914 At Wei Hai Wei Lat 37.50, Long 122.15 [Secured to C Buoy] 7.0am: Hands employed preparing Ship for Coaling. am: Hands employed Cleaning Torpedoes and as Requisite. 1.0pm: Slipped and Proceeded alongside Coaling Pier. 1.30pm: Commenced Coaling. 2.30pm: Landed Funeral Party. [Presumably for member of crew of Kennet; Casualty List (as referenced above) for 25th August reads: Kennet, old destroyer, damaged on 22nd. SHUTE, Alfred, Stoker 1c, K 8282 (Ch), DOW] 5.30pm: Completed with 119 tons of Coal. 5.35pm: Funeral Party Returned. 5.40pm: Left Pier and Secured to C Buoy. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 144.70 tons] 4f962921a2fc8e2def004fcf: ( 53-45333-031_1.jpg) 26 August 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong Lat 37.08, Long 122.72 6.0am: Hands employed Securing for Sea. 6.55am: Mekong and Frisia sailed. 8.0am: Slipped. Proceeded in company with Flotilla. Courses as Requisite for leaving Harbour. 8.25am: Course E0.5S, 13 knots. 9.30am: Chiming Island abeam. 10.51am: Altered course S by E. Came up with SS Frisia and Mekong. 5.0pm: Flotilla Formed Single Line ahead astern of “Frisia”. “Mekong” astern of Flotilla. [Course and Distance made good: Various 46 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chi tao Island S75W, 7.75 miles] [Note: There were several ships called SS Frisia at this time, the mostly likely being Frisia (3) listed here; built in 1914 and in Far East service for the Hamburg-American Packet Company in 1914 when she was apparently captured by HMS Triumph and renamed Huntress.] 4f962921a2fc8e2def004fd0: ( 53-45333-032_0.jpg) 27 August 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong, at Sea Lat 32.50, Long 122.57 [note that Long DR shown as 133 46 E, in error] 9.5am: Heavy Rain and Mist. 9.45am: Reduced to 10 knots. 10.45am: Detached from Flotilla to close steamer which proved to be Dutch Steamer Salahadja [probably Salahadji] bound for Batavia from Shanghai. Let her proceed. Courses as requisite for rejoining Flotilla. 2.0pm: Rejoined Flotilla. 3.45pm: Passed Steamer Steering South. 8.30pm: Altered course SE, North Saddle Light N62W. 9.0pm: Heavy Rain Squall. [Course and Distance made good: S7W, 272 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Shawashein [Shaweishan] S25W, 65 miles] [Note: SS Sakahadji was an oil tanker built in 1889 as “Astral”; she was sold to Koninklijke Shell in 1898 and renamed Salahadji; owned in 1908 by BPM [Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij]; she was later sold to Schindler Hamburg and renamed Gustav Schindler; she was scrapped in 1929.] 4f962921a2fc8e2def004fd1: ( 53-45333-032_1.jpg) 28 August 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong, at Sea Lat 28.32, Long 121.90 7.10am: Sighted two steamers to Northward. Exercised Action. Proved to be two Japanese Cruisers proceeding to Hong Kong to join up with British Squadron. 8.15am: Haishan Light abeam N67.5W, altered course S30W. 9.15am: Japanese Cruisers went on ahead. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 3.50pm: Reduced to 10 knots to allow Mekong to Close. 4.30pm: Increased to 12 knots. 10.35pm: Tung Yun Light S72W. 11.30pm: Tung Yun light abeam 12 miles. [Course and Distance made good: Various 280 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sudan Island N84W, 10 miles] 4f962922a2fc8e2def004fd2: ( 53-45333-033_0.jpg) 29 August 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong Lat 24.50, Long 118.83 1.45am: Tung kuen Light N88W; Tung Yung Light N13E. 3.12pm: Chapel Island abeam 1.5 miles, altered course S26W. 3.50pm: Altered course S45W. Passed two steamers steering NE. 9.30pm: Lammocks Light abeam 3 miles, altered course S58W. 9.45pm: Lammocks Light abeam. [Distance run through the Water: 294 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 271 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Dodd’s Island S77W, 17.5 miles] 4f962922a2fc8e2def004fd3: ( 53-45333-033_1.jpg) 30 August 1914 From Wei Hai Wei to Hong Kong Lat 22.25, Long 114.68 0.35am: Blake Point Light sighted N30W. 2.5am: Blake Point Light abeam 15 miles. 2.15am: Altered course S80W. 9.54am: Pedro Blanco abeam 4.5 miles. 11.0am: Passed two Steamers steering N. 2.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for entering Hong Kong Harbour. 2.55pm: Made Fast to No 8 Buoy. [Secured to No 8 Buoy] 5.0pm: Special Leave to Watch till 6.30am. 6.0pm: Slipped. Taken into Dry Dock. [In Dry Dock] 7.30pm: Commenced Pumping out Dock. [Course and Distance made good: S62W, 262 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Single Island N10W, 8 miles] 4f962922a2fc8e2def004fd4: ( 53-45333-034_0.jpg) 31 August 1914 At Hong Kong Lat 22.28, Long 114.17 [estimated] [In Dock at Hong Kong] 8.45am: Hands employed Drawing and Returning Stores and as Requisite. [In Dry Dock] 1.0pm: Hands employed Drawing Stores and as Requisite. 4.30pm: Paid Monthly Advance. Special Leave to Watch till 6.30am. 6.30pm: Commenced Flooding Dock. 8.20pm: Removed from Dock to Basin. 9.0pm: “Kennet” made fast alongside. [In Basin] [Distance run through the Water: 130 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 26 miles] 4f962923a2fc8e2def004fd5: ( 53-45333-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f962923a2fc8e2def004fd6: ( 53-45333-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f962923a2fc8e2def004fd7: ( 53-45333-035_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – SEPTEMBER 1ST TO OCTOBER 31ST 1914 LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1914 4f962924a2fc8e2def004fd8: ( 53-45334-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period September 1st 1914 to October 31st 1914] 4f962924a2fc8e2def004fd9: ( 53-45334-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover] 4f962925a2fc8e2def004fda: ( 53-45334-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten text: This is to certify that this is a true Copy of the original Log of HMS Jed for the period Sept 1st to October 31st 1914. [Signed] G Mulock, Lieutenant Commander] 4f962925a2fc8e2def004fdb: ( 53-45334-002_1.jpg) [Page with data about distances run and coal expended for dates from 25.10.11 to 26.6.14. Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded: Speeds and consumptions in accordance with exigencies of war. [Signed] G Mulock, Lieutenant Commander, 1 Nov 1915. HMS “Blenheim” 16 March 1915. No remarks. [Signed] JM Simpson, Engineer Commander (D). HMS “Amethyst” 7 April 1915, [signed] CPR Coode, Captain (D), Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] [it is concluded from the dates that this page is in the wrong place] 4f962925a2fc8e2def004fdc: ( 53-45334-003_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f962926a2fc8e2def004fdd: ( 53-45334-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1914 At Hong-Kong Lat 22.28, Long 114.17 [estimated] [At Hong-Kong] am: Hands employed Refitting and as Requisite. 5.0pm: J White Chief Stoker rejoined ship from “Tamar”. Andrews (Stoker) discharged sick on “Tamar”. Sub Lieutenant EG Fryer RNR joined ship from “Tamar”. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 27.05 tons] 4f962926a2fc8e2def004fde: ( 53-45334-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1914 At Hong-Kong Lat 22.28, Long 114.17 [1.0am: Typhoon Signal Hoisted] [At Hong-Kong] 10.0am: Commenced Coaling Ship. 5.0pm: GA Rowsell AB joined Ship from “Tamar”. 6.0pm: Finished Coaling (Received 140 tons). [Fuel Remaining: Coal 161.55 tons] 4f962926a2fc8e2def004fdf: ( 53-45334-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1914 At Hong-Kong Lat 22.28, Long 114.17 [At Hong-Kong] am: Hands employed cleaning up Shell and Store rooms. 5.45pm: Slipped buoy. Speed as requisite leaving harbour in Company with Flotilla. 7.15pm: Waglan light abeam 1 mile, Course S10E, 10 knots. 7.40pm: Altered course S25E. 9.30pm: Hands to Night Cruising Stations. 4f962927a2fc8e2def004fe0: ( 53-45334-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1914 From Hong Kong to Sandakan Lat 20.21, Long 115.67 5.0am: Secure from Cruising Stations. 7.30am: Altered course S20E. 9.55am: Hauled out of line. 10.5am: Stopped Starboard Engine to make good defect to S Condenser. 11.50am: Streamed Patent Log. 0.30pm: Half Speed Port Engine. 0.50pm: Altered course S15E. 3.0pm: Took Station Astern of Collier “Skerries”. 6.30pm: Hands to Night Cruising Stations. [Distance run through the Water: 160 miles] [Course and Distance made good: 142 miles, Various] [True Bearing and Distance: Gap Rock N46W, 150 miles] 4f962927a2fc8e2def004fe1: ( 53-45334-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1914 From Hong Kong to Sandakan Lat 16.52, Long 117.00 [am: Steaming with Port Engine as far as possible] 2.0am: In line Astern of Flotilla and Collier. 5.30am: Secure from Night Cruising Stations. 11.0am: “Welland” took Station Astern. 4.0pm: Commenced steaming with both Engines, Speed 10 knots. 6.30pm: Hands to Night Cruising Stations. [Course and Distance made good: S15E, 232 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Scarboro Reef S28E, 90 miles] [Rain in am, then overcast, noon temperature 74F, sea temperature 81F] 4f962927a2fc8e2def004fe2: ( 53-45334-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1914 From Hong Kong to Sandakan Lat 13.75, Long 119.33 2.50am: Altered course S68E. 6.0am: Hands employed as requisite and Striking down Coal. 7.20am: Formed division to Starboard. 1.50pm: Hauled in Patent log reading 443.0. 6.55pm: Cabon Light N36E. 8.9pm: Cabon Light abeam. 9.9pm: Altered course S35E. [Course and Distance made good: Various 219 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cobra Island N73E, 40 miles] 4f962928a2fc8e2def004fe3: ( 53-45334-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1914 From Hong Kong to Sandakan, at Bay of Pandarochin [Pandarochan Bay, Philippines] Lat 12.19, Long 121.17 [estimated] 3.10am: Appo Light abeam. 7.50am: Ambolon [Ambulong] N18E, 3.5 miles. 8.30am: Point Ilin abeam, altered course NNW. 9.25am: Came to with starboard anchor veered to 3 shackles in 7.25 fathoms in Pandarochin Bay. [Anchor Bearings: Peak N43W, Small Island N20E] [At anchor in Pandarochin Bay] 6.30pm: Placed Extra Look Outs. [Course and Distance made good: Various 180 miles] 4f962928a2fc8e2def004fe4: ( 53-45334-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1914 From Hong Kong to Sandakan, at C [Sea] Lat 11.62, Long 121.21 [At anchor in Pandarochin Bay] 6.50am: Weighed and proceeded in company with Flotilla. Courses as Requisite leaving Harbour, Speed 10 knots. 8.25am: Course S11W. 8.37am: Course S22E (Compass), Ambolon Light N13W, 10.5 miles. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. Lost overboard by Accident:- Buckets Hand Galvanised Pattern 5A, 1 in Number. 4.18pm: Sowbrera Rock S7W. 4.54pm: Sowbrera Rock S67W. 6.15pm: Took Station astern of “Skerries”. 7.55pm: Nayo Point Light N60E. [Course and Distance made good: Various 42 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ambolon Light N20W, 57 miles] 4f962928a2fc8e2def004fe5: ( 53-45334-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1914 From Hong Kong to Sandakan, at Sea Lat 7.97, Long 120.63 8.15am: Formed Divisions in line ahead disposed abeam to Port. 6.10pm: Took Station astern of “Skerries”. [Course and Distance made good: Various 224 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Teinja Island S46E, 89 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 60.95 tons] 4f962929a2fc8e2def004fe6: ( 53-45334-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.87, Long 118.16 [estimated] 6.0am: Formed Divisions in line ahead disposed abeam to starboard. 6.30am: Sighted land bearing S21W. 10.0am: Courses as Requisite for entering Sandakan Harbour. 11.55am: Made Fast to Collier Skerries. 1.0pm: Commenced Coaling. pm: Hands employed Coaling Ship. [Alongside Collier “Skerries” Coaling] 6.30pm: Finished Coaling. Completed with 75 tons. Left Collier and came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 3 shackles off Sandakan. [At anchor off Sandakan] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff at Fort Prior N49E, 1.25 miles] 9.0pm: Lost overboard by accident Buckets Hand Galvanised Patt 5A, 1 in Number. [Course and Distance made good: Various 210 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 126.75 tons] 4f962929a2fc8e2def004fe7: ( 53-45334-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.87, Long 118.16 [At Anchor off Sandakan] 5.0am: Kennet anchored. 7.0am: Welland anchored. 1.0pm: Special Leave to Watch till 6.0pm. Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. 4f962929a2fc8e2def004fe8: ( 53-45334-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.87, Long 118.16 [At Sandakan] 10.15am: Clio Sighted. 10.40am: Colne Arrived. 10.45am: Clio Arrived. 11.0am: Two Chinese Servants joined Ship. pm: Lost overboard by accident: Brooms Bass, 2 in Number; Scrubber Hand, 2 in Number. 6.0pm: Darkened Ship. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 84F, sea temperature 86F] 4f96292aa2fc8e2def004fe9: ( 53-45334-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.87, Long 118.16 [At Sandakan] 1.30pm: Leave granted from 1.30pm to 6pm. 6.0pm: Darkened Ship. 10.0pm: W Mias [?] (AB) discharged to “Cadamus” [HMS Cadmus] Sick. 4f96292aa2fc8e2def004fea: ( 53-45334-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1914 From Sandakan to Patrol Area, at Sea Lat 4.70, Long 119.97 1.10am: Cast off from Collier and proceeded Slow Ahead, Course N51E. 2.30am: Set patent Log 0. 3.5am: Observed Tagomack [Taganak] Island. 3.55am: Tagomack Abeam 2.8 miles, altered course N76E. 4.47am: Island abeam 2.75 miles. 9.25am: Point of Land bore S25W. 11.33am: Sighted Island S4W. 0.10pm: Stopped. Bearings: Sibutu Peak S33W, Bongao Island N83E, Thumb hill N69E. 6.37pm: Stopped and boarded SS Mindano [probably Mindanao] of [off] Sibutu Island N64W 8 miles. 7.10pm: Proceeded. 8.10pm: Altered course N2E. 9.30pm: Bongao Peak N2E. 11.55pm: Stopped. [Course and Distance made good: Various 103 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sibutu Peak [Sibutu Island] S33W, 8 miles] 4f96292aa2fc8e2def004feb: ( 53-45334-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1914 At Patrol Area, at Sea Lat 5.97, Long 121.52 1.30am: Moon Rose. [Courses Various Cruising. Revs Various on Patrols] 4.0am: Cruising. 9.20am: Sighted “Welland”. 7.0pm: Hands at Night Cruising Stations. 8.14pm: Stop. [Course and Distance made good: As Requisite for Patroling [sic]] [True Bearing and Distance: Siassi Peak [Siasi Island] N30W, 5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 91.25 tons] 4f96292ba2fc8e2def004fec: ( 53-45334-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1914 From Patrol Area to Sandakan, at Sea Lat 5.75, Long 118.27 2.25am: Moon Rose. 3.4am: Bongoa [Bongao] Point N16E, 17.5 miles. Noon: Hauled in Patent Log. 0.40pm: Made fast to SS Swanley and Commenced Coaling. 6.0pm: W Pearce ERA discharged to Hospital. 9.15pm: Finis[h] Coaling Ship. Received 75 Tons. 9.35pm: Left Collier. Courses as required leaving harbour, 10 knots. 10.0pm: N34E. 10.6pm: Streamed Patent Log. 11.50pm: Altered course N60E. [Distance run through the Water: 170.2 and As Requisite for Patrolling] [Course and Distance made good: Various 158 miles and as Requisite for Patrolling] [True Bearing and Distance: Flagstaff N80W 1.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 147.70 tons] [Note: SS Swanley was a British passenger ship, built in 1903 and owned at the time by The Century Shipping Company. In 1917 she was purchased by the Donaldson Line and renamed “Argalia”. She was torpedoed by German submarine U-94 in August 1917 off Ireland.] 4f96292ba2fc8e2def004fed: ( 53-45334-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1914 From Sandakan to Patrol Area, at Sandakan Lat 6.20, Long 119.33 0.29am: Island Abeam 18 Miles. 3.20am: Moon rose. 7.15am: Altered course N76E. Patent Log 90.5. am: Hands washing Decks and Spreading Awnings. 8.0pm: Stopped and Examined Transport “Ranger” (American). 8.50pm: Proceeded, altered course NE. 11.57pm: Slow both. [Distance run through the Water: 146.9 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Pagnatarzna [Pangutaran] Island N82E 40 miles] [Note: Attempts to find a suitable identity for Transport Ranger for this date have not been successful.] 4f96292ba2fc8e2def004fee: ( 53-45334-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1914 From Sandakan to Patrol Area [at Sea]. Lat 6.73, Long 122.43 [Various Patrolling Basilan Straits] 3.10am: Observed Santa Cruz Light. 3.20am: Stopped. 9.40am: Observed steamer off Caldera bay. 11.0am: Stopped and Examined SS “Taiyuan” [listed here] bound for Hong-Kong via ports. 3.54pm: Sighted Colne. 4.0pm: At Rendezvous 4 miles West of Sibago Island. 4.15pm: Stopped both. Closed and Communicated with Colne. 6.30pm: “Colne” left. [True Bearing and Distance: Sirbago [Sibago] Island W 3 miles] [Note: SS Taiyuan was built in Scotland in 1886 and owned by the Australian Oriental Line; she was scrapped in 1925] 4f96292ca2fc8e2def004fef: ( 53-45334-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.43 [Patrolling Eastern end of Basilan Straits] 3.0am: Ships position frequently Verified. 7.0am: Sighted “Kennet”. 8.0am: Kennet Closed and Communicated off Sibago Island. 9.0am: “Kennet” Left. am: Hands Washing Decks and Cleaning guns, etc. [Patrolling Eastern End of Basilan Straits] pm: Hands as in Forenoon. 10.0pm: Hands at Night defence Stations. [True Bearing and Distance: Sirbago [sic] Island West 3.75 miles]' 4f96292ca2fc8e2def004ff0: ( 53-45334-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1914 From Patrol Area to Sandakan Lat 6.73, Long 122.47 [Patrolling Eastern End of Basilan Straits] 6.0am: Stopped and boarded British Collier SS Alconda [listed here] bound for Lambonga [possibly Lembongan] from Newcastle. 7.20am: Stopped and boarded Nicko Maru [probably Nikko Maru listed here] Japanese Steamer bound to Manda from Thursday island. 9.49am: Stopped and boarded SS Bongao. pm: Lost overboard by Accident Brooms Hair 1 in Number. 6.25pm: Proceeded from Patrol, Course N74W 18 knots. 8.24pm: Sandboys Island [probably Sangboy Islands] Abeam, altered course S79W. 9.15pm: Altered course S85W. [True Bearing and Distance: Sirbago [Sibago] Island West 5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 83.25 tons] [Note: SS Alconda was built in Sunderland in 1906 and was owned at the time by The Ardova Steamship Company. She was acquired by Anglo-Newfoundland SS Company in 1915 and was sold in 1924 and renamed Essex Glade. Nikko Maru was built in 1903 and owned by Nippon Yusen Kaisha KK; she was torpedoed and sunk by USS Tirante in 1945. No information could be found on SS Bongao, which may have been from Philippines.] 4f96292da2fc8e2def004ff1: ( 53-45334-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1914 From Patrol Area to Sandakan Lat 5.75, Long 118.50 0.10pm: Taganack [Taganak] 2 miles. 1.45pm: Made fast to SS Swanley. 2.15pm: Commenced Coaling Ship. 7.20pm: Finis[h] Coaling. Received 70 tons. 7.30pm: Left Collier. 7.45pm: Anchored off Sandakan, Veered to 2 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff N50E 2 miles] 10.0pm: Hands at Night defence Stations. [Course and Distance made good: Various 220 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Taganak N40W, 4 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 137.40 tons] 4f96292da2fc8e2def004ff2: ( 53-45334-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.87, Long 118.16 [estimated] [At anchor off Sandakan] 6.0am: Hands employed Washing Decks. 2.0pm: Hands reeving Whalers falls. 4.30pm: Granted Special Leave from 4.30 to 7pm. 5.0pm: Lost overboard by Accident 1 bucket and 1 brush. 4f96292da2fc8e2def004ff3: ( 53-45334-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1914 From Sandakan to Patrol Area Lat 5.87, Long 118.16 [At anchor off Sandakan] 7.15am: Cleaning Guns. 10.30am: W Collins and A Glut [?] (ABs), W Owens Stoker discharged to “Tannenfels” [Tannenfels (1) listed here]. Lieutenant E Fryer RNR discharged to Tennonfels [sic]. 1.30pm: Granted Special Leave from 1.30 to 5pm. pm: Pearce (ERA) rejoined Ship from Hospital. 5.0pm: Liberty Men returned. 7.45pm: Weighed and as required leaving harbour. 8.17pm: Streamed Patent Log. 8.20pm: Patent Log Carried away. 9.0pm: Rakati Island [?] Abeam, altered course N36E. 10.0pm: Moon Set. 10.57pm: Taganack [Taganak] Abeam 1 mile, altered course S78E. [Note: Tannenfels was a German collier from Batavia, captured by the British Sandakan Patrol on 14 or 15 September 1914 (details here under Sept. 14-21, 1914). The log of HMS Clio indicates that a prize crew was put on board on 16th September. It is indicated here that she was taken to Hong Kong on 8th October. She was later renamed Basilan.] 4f96292ea2fc8e2def004ff4: ( 53-45334-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1914 From Sandakan to Patrol Area, at Sea Lat 4.70, Long 119.95 8.25am: Bongao Island Abeam. [Patrolling off Sibutu Straits] 2.40pm: Stop both and boarded SS Trocas of London from Hong Kong no Cargo. 7.0pm: Darkened Ship and Night Defence Stations. 9.30pm: Moon Set. 11.50pm: Bongao Peak N10E. [Distance run through the Water: 110 miles and As Requisite for Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Kedid [?] Island S50W 5 miles] [Note: SS Trocas was British Tanker built in Sunderland in 1893 and owned by The Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company. She was sunk in January 1918 by UC-23, in the Aegean Sea.] 4f96292ea2fc8e2def004ff5: ( 53-45334-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 5.97, Long 121.52 [As required Patrolling Sibutu Straits] 6.0am: Course ENE 13 knots. 8.0am: Hands Striking down Coal. 0.32pm: Altered course N28E. 1.47pm: Observed Saissi [Siasi] Island N40W. 2.56pm: Altered course North. Saissi Island N75W, Lapak N81W, Tapul N50W, Pata N15W. 4.30pm: Stopped of [off] Sulu Island. [Patrolling Sulu Straits] 10.10pm: Moon Set. [Course and Distance made good: Various 84 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Septana [?] Point N30W, 5 miles] 4f96292ea2fc8e2def004ff6: ( 53-45334-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.00, Long 121.98 [As Required Patrolling Sulu Straits] 6.0am: Swung Ship for Adjustment of Compasses. 10.22am: Course S54E 13 knots. 10.55am: Pata N10E 7 miles and altered course N65E, 15 knots. 2.23pm: Point of land bearing N47W and altered course N22E. 4.55pm: Altered course N. Reduced 10 knots. 6.0am: Stopped off Matungal [Matangal] Point. Patrolling Eastern End of Basilan Straits. [Off East end of Basilan Straits Patrolling] Midnight: Moon Set. [Distance run through the Water: 75 miles and As Requisite for Patrolling] [True Bearing and Distance: Radswan Point N80W, 12 miles] 4f96292fa2fc8e2def004ff7: ( 53-45334-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.67, Long 122.33 [Patrolling Eastern end of Basilan Straits] pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. Lost overboard by Accident: Scrubbers Hand 2 in Number, Brushes Painter’s Ground 1 in Number. 9.0pm Stopped and boarded SS Ilas Phillipines for Hols [?] from Davas [?]. [Course and Distance made good: Various 81 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Matungal [sic] Point S25W, 4 miles] 4f96292fa2fc8e2def004ff8: ( 53-45334-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.43 [Patrolling Basilan Straits] 1.0am: Moon Set. 6.0am: Examined Calcium Lights for Life Buoys and washed Decks. 3.30pm: Course N77W, 15 knots. 4.19pm: Coco Island N10E, 2 cables, altered course N72W. 6.56pm: Altered course S81W. 7.11pm: Sand boys [Sangboys] abeam. [True Bearing and Distance: Sibago Island W 3.5 miles] [Weather fine in am, misty in pm, light winds, noon temperature 90F, sea temperature 84F] 4f96292fa2fc8e2def004ff9: ( 53-45334-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1914 From Patrol Area to Sandakan Lat 5.96, Long 118.27 [Lat corrected from 5 46 N shown in log] 1.30am: Moon Set. 7.38am: Altered course S58W. 10.30am: Laurel Rock Abeam. 1.0pm: Stopped. 1.5pm: Let go Starboard anchor Veered to 3 Shackles. 1.8pm: Brought up 7.25 fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff N60E, 1.5 miles] 2.55pm: Glut, Collins ABs and Owens Stoker returned to Ship from Tannenfels. 6.25pm: Chelmer Sailed. 7.0pm: Welland Sailed. [Course and Distance made good: Various 259 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Trepezel [?] Point N20W, 10 miles] 4f962930a2fc8e2def004ffa: ( 53-45334-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1914 From Sandakan to L [Lahad] Datu Lat 5.87, Long 118.16 [estimated] [At Sandakan] 7.5am: Chelmer Arrived. am: Lost overboard by Accident:- Crutches GM 1 in Number. 1.30pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30 to 4pm. 3.0pm: Hill (AB) from Rio Pasig, Flyer (Sub Lieutenant) from ~ [possible Tannenfels] joined Ship. Warren Warrant Signalman Lent to SS Swanley for Voyage to (B). 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded with SS Swanley. 6.25pm: Exercised Action. 7.0pm: Passed Empress of Japan at anchor 7.55pm: Taganak Abeam 2.5 Miles. 8.5pm: Altered course N85E. 8.30pm: Altered course East. 10.0pm: Hands at Night Cruising Stations. 11.55pm: Altered course S60E. [Note: SS Rio Pasig was a Philippines cargo ship built in 1894, previously US SS Alexandra and before that British SS Atala. She went missing in December 1915 en route from Seattle to Vladivostock.] LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1914 4f962930a2fc8e2def004ffb: ( 53-45334-018_1.jpg) 1 October 1914 From Sandakan, At L Datu Lat 4.90, Long 118.80 3.15am: Moon Set. 6.45am: Lat star [symbol] 5 26 N, Long star [symbol] 119 22 E, Lat DR 5 21 N, Long DR 119 32 E. [As Required running line of Soundings] 11.17am: Tonegu [?] Village abeam 3 miles. 11.19am: Sounded in 62 [or 6.2] fathoms. 2.0pm: Altered course, SS Lilam [or Silam] Came Alongside. [Engines as required Entering harbour, laying out Buoy and coming Alongside Swanley. 6.15pm: Collier anchored. 6.30pm: Made fast Alongside Swanley. [Fast Alongside Collier] 7.0pm: Commenced Coaling. 9.0pm: Hands at Night defence Stations. [Distance run through the Water: 162 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 33.40 tons] 4f962930a2fc8e2def004ffc: ( 53-45334-019_0.jpg) 2 October 1914 At Lahad Datu Lat 5.00, Long 118.41 [estimated] [Coaling from Swanley] 4.45am: Finished Coaling Ship. Received 105 Tons. 5.50am: Left Collier and proceeded 10 knots, Courses Various. Passed Siglongal [or Sidongal?] 1.36 miles. 7.0am: Course N37W, 11 knots. 7.55am: Adal Island [Pulau Adal] Abeam, S49W, 2 miles. 9.55am: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 2 Shackles, brought up 5.5 fathoms. Anchor Bearings: NW Beacon S36W, Residency N28W. [At Lahad Datu] 2.0pm: Leave grated [granted] to watch from 2pm to 6pm. 6.30pm: Darkened Ship. 9.0pm: Lost overboard by Accident Brooms Bass 2 in Number. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 133.55 tons] 4f962931a2fc8e2def004ffd: ( 53-45334-019_1.jpg) 3 October 1914 From L Datu to Patrol Area and at Lahad Datu Lat 5.00, Long 118.41 7.0am: Hands washed and Scrubbed Decks. 8.30am: Clean quarters and Guns. 1.30pm: Special Leave granted to watch from 1.30pm to 3.15pm. 5.0pm: Moon Rose and weighed and proceeded 160 revs, Course as required leaving harbour. 6.28pm: Streamed Patent Log 0. 8.0pm: Sounded 42/.. [fathoms]. 11.20pm: Altered course N78E. 11.27pm: South and Bongao Island N80E, 3 miles. Midnight: Altered course SSE. 4f962931a2fc8e2def004ffe: ( 53-45334-020_0.jpg) 4 October 1914 From Lahat [Lahad] Datu to Basilan Straits Lat 5.38, Long 121.55 0.45am: Altered course S45E. 2.30am: Altered course N58E. 6.53am: Altered course N43E, Patent Log 169.2. am: Hands Striking down Coal and Cleaning Ship. 0.12pm: Altered course N32E. 3.20pm: Stopped both and boarded “Sabine Rickmers” of Batavia. 3.43pm: Proceeded N29E, 160 Revs. 6.15pm: Exercised Action. 6.45pm: Secure. 7.0pm: Malugal [?] Point abeam and as required for Patrol. [As Required Patrolling Basilan Strait Eastern End] [Course and Distance made good: Various 232 miles] [Note: SS Sabine Rickmers was owned by Rickmers Line, Bremen, until she was captured by Russia in 1914; she then joined the Russian Volunteer Fleet and was renamed “Nonni” [details here]. She was torpedoed and sunk off the French coast by a German submarine in 1917.] 4f962931a2fc8e2def004fff: ( 53-45334-020_1.jpg) 5 October 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.43 [Cross Bearings] [Patrolling Basilan Straits Eastern End] 2.10am: Stopped and boarded SS Harpalion [Harpalion (1) listed here] bound for Tawie [?] Bay from Manilla. 10.30pm: Boarded SS Tanjuan [?] from Manilla to Port Dasson [?]. [True Bearing and Distance: Sibago Island West 4 miles] [Note: SS Harpalion was a British cargo ship built in 1910. She was to be torpedoed and sunk in the English Channel by a German submarine in February 1915 (more details here). SS Tanjuan was probably a Philippines ship but no details have been found.] 4f962932a2fc8e2def005000: ( 53-45334-021_0.jpg) 6 October 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.43 [Patrolling Basilan Straits Eastern Entrance] am: Hands employed at Torpedo instructions. 3.0pm: South Westerly Set. 7.0pm: Darkened Ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Sibago Island 3 miles West] 4f962932a2fc8e2def005001: ( 53-45334-021_1.jpg) 7 October 1914 From Patrol Area to L Datu, at Sea Lat 6.73, Long 122.43 [Patrolling Basilan Straits Eastern Entrance] 3.50am: Heavy rain Squalls. 10.15am: Kennet Arrived with Mails. 5.0pm: Swung Ship for Adjustment of Compasses. 8.0pm: Moon Rose. 8.58pm: Cocos Island N46W, 1.5 miles and altered course S46E. 10.49pm: Altered course S28W, Patent Log 17.5. [True Bearing and Distance: Sibago Island West 3 miles] 4f962932a2fc8e2def005002: ( 53-45334-022_0.jpg) 8 October 1914 From Patrol Area to L Datu Lat 5.50, Long 121.55 1.20am: Island abeam 7 miles. 1.52am: Altered course S55W. 6.19am: Saissi Island N79W (4 points). 8.5am: Saissi Island Abeam N35W, 22 miles. 2.16pm: Mount Santaigo N22W, Tawi Tawi S38E. 5.52pm: Stopped and Communicated with “Colne”. 6.20pm: Proceeded, Course S10W. 8.40pm: Moon Rose. Hands at Night Cruising Stations. [Distance run through the Water: 190.1 miles and as Requisite for Patrolling] [Course and Distance made good: Various 179 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Lamsana [?] Point S89W, 6 miles] 4f962933a2fc8e2def005003: ( 53-45334-022_1.jpg) 9 October 1914 From Patrol Area to L Datu Lat 4.99, Long 119.06 [Cross Bearings] 9.38am: Bangoa Peak N15E. 10.2am: Bangoa Island N30E, 7 miles. 10.17am: Bangoa N83E, N67W. 11.17am: Altered course S71W. 3.22pm: Altered course N60W Engines as required Entering Lahad Datu. 4.0pm: Stopped. 4.5pm: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 2 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Beacon N80E, Residency N29W, NW Beacon S36W] am: Lost overboard by Accident Oars Fir 14 foot 1 in Number, Scrubbers Hand 2 in Number. 9.30pm: Moon Rose. [Course and Distance made good: Various 300 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Tabuanan S61W, 51 miles [Fuel Remaining: Coal 35.55 tons] 4f962933a2fc8e2def005004: ( 53-45334-023_0.jpg) 10 October 1914 At Lahad Datu Lat 4.98, Long 118.42 [estimated] 6.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded round to Collier. 8.0am: Made fast to “Skerries” and Commenced Coaling Ship. pm: Lost overboard by accident Plyers [pliers] Side Cutting Bright Pattern 468 1 Pair in Number, Scrubbers Hand 2 in Number. Hands Coaling Ship. 4.40pm: Finished Coaling. Received 104 tons. 5.0pm: Let go and proceeded as requisite Course and Speed to B. 7.50pm: Let go anchor Starboard veered 2 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Residency N36W, Beacon S40W. 10.45pm: Moon Rose. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 131.45 tons] 4f962933a2fc8e2def005005: ( 53-45334-023_1.jpg) 11 October 1914 At: Lahad Datu Lat 5.01, Long 118.36 [estimated] am: Leave to watch 1.30pm [to] 8pm. 1.30pm: Liberty Me[n] landed. pm: Lost overboard by Accident Scrubbers Hand 1 in Number. 11.25pm: Moon rose. 4f962934a2fc8e2def005006: ( 53-45334-024_0.jpg) 12 October 1914 From L Datu to Patrol Area Lat 5.03, Long 119.27 2.40am: HMS Kennet Arrived. 5.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded Engines as required. 6.0am: Stopped and Communicated with Kennet. 6.40am: Proceeded Courses Various, 15 knots. 8.0am: N88E. 11.16am: Sighted Sibutu Peak S73E. 1.33pm: Sighted smoke, Course S40E and 15 knots. 2.37pm: Eased 13 knots and passed USS destroyer. 5.50pm: Altered course South. 6.0pm: Furl Awnings. 7.0pm: Hands to Night Cruising Stations. 9.0pm: Lost overboard by accident Scrubbers Hand 1 in Number. [Distance run through the Water: 52 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 75 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bongao Island East 28 miles] 4f962934a2fc8e2def005007: ( 53-45334-024_1.jpg) 13 October 1914 From L Datu to Patrol Area Lat 5.50, Long 121.05 0.30am: Moon rose. 0.35am: Sighted Steamer bearing S9E. 0.50am: Stopped and boarded SS Tjipano [probably Tjipanas (1) listed here] Dutch bound for Hong Kong to Macangan [?] with general Cargo. 1.55am: Course N35E 11 knots. 6.45am: Lat star [symbol] 3 21 N, Long star [symbol] observed 120 35.5 E, Lat DR 3 47 N, Long DR 120 39.5 E. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 8.0pm: Sight land on Port beam. [Distance run through the Water: 271 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Matanal Point N34E 169 miles] [Note: SS Tjipanas was a passenger/cargo vessel built in 1903 in Amsterdam (more details here) and was owned by Java China Japan Lijn; she was scrapped in 1932.] 4f962935a2fc8e2def005008: ( 53-45334-025_0.jpg) 14 October 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.43 [Cross Bearings] 1.15am: Moon rose and Stopped to Patroll [sic] Eastern End of Basilan Straits. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [As Required Patrolling Basilan Straits Eastern End] [Course and Distance made good: 150 miles and as Requisite] [True Bearing and Distance: Sibago Island West 2 miles] 4f962935a2fc8e2def005009: ( 53-45334-025_1.jpg) 15 October 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.42 [Cross Bearings] [As Required Patrolling Eastern End of Basilan Straits] 2.30am: Moon Rose. 3.2pm: Sighted Smoke N73W Course as required for Closing SS “Ntra Stradela Pai” [?] from Lamboanga [?] to Manilla. [True Bearing and Distance: Sibago Island West 2 miles. 4f962935a2fc8e2def00500a: ( 53-45334-026_0.jpg) 16 October 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.74, Long 122.43 [estimated as no position in log] [As Requisite for Patrolling Basilan Straits] 2.50am: Moon rose. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [True Bearing and Distance: Off Sibago Island West 1 mile] 4f962936a2fc8e2def00500b: ( 53-45334-026_1.jpg) 17 October 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.45 [Cross Bearings] [As Required Eastern End of Basilan Straits] 3.30am: Moon Rose. [True Bearing and Distance: off Sibago Island West 4 miles] 4f962936a2fc8e2def00500c: ( 53-45334-027_0.jpg) 18 October 1914 From Patrol Area to L Datu Lat 6.50, Long 122.33 [Long corrected from W to E] [As Required for Patrolling Basilan Straits] 3.25am: Exercised Action. 4.0am: Secured. 10.28am: Course S27W, 15 knots. 10.40am: Stopped and spoke HMS Chelmer. 0.40pm: Altered course S25W. Stopped Engines and Captain boarded “Colne”. 1.55pm: Proceeded Course S25W 15 knots. 5.0pm: Lost overboard by Accident Scrubbers Hand 2 in Number. 8.0pm: Welland passed. [Course and Distance made good: S27W, 14 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Matanal Point N27E, 18 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 31.55 tons] 4f962936a2fc8e2def00500d: ( 53-45334-027_1.jpg) 19 October 1914 From Patrol Area and at L Datu Lat 4.97, Long 118.42 [estimated] [Engines as required Entering Base and Coming Alongside Collier] 11.0am: Made fast to “Skerries”. Noon: Commenced Coaling. 1.30pm: Niass AB rejoined ship from Swanley. 5.30pm: Coaling Ship. 7.0pm: Lost overboard by Accident Scrubbers Hand Scrubbers 2 in Number. 9.0pm: Hands at Night Cruising Stations [which is rather odd in port]. 10.20pm: Finish Coaling (Total) 125 tons. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 146.75 tons] 4f962937a2fc8e2def00500e: ( 53-45334-028_0.jpg) 20 October 1914 At L Datu Lat 5.00, Long 118.35 [estimated] [At Coaling B] 5.30am: Slipped and proceeded to Lahad Datu. 7.35am: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 3 Shackles. [At Lahad Datu] [Anchor Bearings: Beacon S40W, Residency N36W] am: Hands painting Ship. pm: Hands as in Forenoon. 5.0pm: Lost overboard by Accident: Broom Bass 1 in Number, Turn Screw 6 inch 1 in Number. 4f962937a2fc8e2def00500f: ( 53-45334-028_1.jpg) 21 October 1914 At Lahad Datu Lat 5.00, Long 118.35 am: Hands employed Painting ship and Boats. pm: Granted Leave to Watch from 2pm to 6pm. 4f962937a2fc8e2def005010: ( 53-45334-029_0.jpg) 22 October 1914 From L Datu to Patrol Area, at Lahad Datu and towards Lat 4.93, Long 118.50 6.20am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, Engines as Required. 7.10am: Course S45E. 8.44am: Altered course N70E. 9.48am: Tonkin Village 5.5 miles. 11.24am: Sibutu Peak S56E. 11.50am: Altered course East. 5.45pm: Sun Set, Moon bearing SWxW 28 degrees Altitude. 8.30pm: Moon Set. 10.0pm: Stopped. [Patrolling] [Course and Distance made good: Various 70 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sibutu Peak S44E, 8 miles] 4f962938a2fc8e2def005011: ( 53-45334-029_1.jpg) 23 October 1914 From L Datu to Patrol Area, at Sea Lat 6.35, Long 121.98 [Patrolling] 2.0am: Patrolling Sigboyé Straits [by Sigboye Island]. 2.10am: Slow [A]Head. 5.0am: Altered course N45W. 6.17am: Observed Land N31W. [Patrolling Sigboyé Passage] 3.40pm: Course N76E. Speed 10 knots. 4.54pm: Sighted Clio N45E, altered course NE, mid 18 knots. 5.58pm: Stopped and Spoke Clio. 6.5pm: Course N74E, 10 knots. 8.50pm: Moon Set. [Course and Distance made good: Various 129 miles] 4f962938a2fc8e2def005012: ( 53-45334-030_0.jpg) 24 October 1914 From L Datu to Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.40 3.0am: Heavy rain Squall. [As Requisite Patrolling Basilan Straits] 11.6am: Sighted smoke N76W. 3.0pm: Stopped and boarded SS Harflete [Harflete (2) listed here] Cebu to Colvic Bay for lumber and to Marseilles and London. [True Bearing and Distance: Sibago Island West 1 mile] [Note: SS Harflete was built in 1913 in Sunderland and owned by J&C Harrison. She was to be sunk in April 1917 by a German submarine, off Ireland (details here).] 4f962938a2fc8e2def005013: ( 53-45334-030_1.jpg) 25 October 1914 At Patrol Area Lat 6.73, Long 122.45 [As Required Patrolling Basilan Straits] am: Lost overboard by Accident Crutch GM 73 F 1 in Number. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [True Bearing and Distance: Sibago Island 4 miles West] 4f962939a2fc8e2def005014: ( 53-45334-031_0.jpg) 26 October 1914 From Patrol Area to Sandakan, at Sea Lat 6.68, Long 121.06 [Patrolling Basilan Straits] 5.40am: Boarded SS Alconda of Liverpool Cebu to Newcastle. 7.0am: Boarded HMS “Colne”. 7.55am: Proceeded Course N65W, 13 knots. 8.36am: Cow’s Island 1 mile, altered course N72W, 15 knots. 11.43am: Thinga Island abeam 1 mile, altered course S77W. 0.30pm: Sighted cruiser and cleared for Action. 1.15pm: Pass USA Transport. 1.35pm: Secure. pm: Lost overboard by Accident: Hooks Boat GM 1 in Number, Whistles Mouth 1 in Number. [Distance run through the Water: 60 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Baguan Island S75W, 188 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 66.25 tons] 4f962939a2fc8e2def005015: ( 53-45334-031_1.jpg) 27 October 1914 From Patrol Area and at Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.12 [estimated] 0.17am: Moon Set Bearing S60W. 6.15am: Observed Taganack S71W. 8.0am: Engines as requisite Entering Harbour. 9.10am: Secured Alongside Skerries. [At Sandakan] 9.25am: Commenced Coaling. pm: Hands employed Coaling Ship. Lost overboard by Accident Goggles 2 pairs in Number. 4.0pm: Completed Coaling 75 tons. 5.30pm: Special leave granted to Watch. W Glent [?] AB discharged to “Clio”. 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 132.35 tons] 4f962939a2fc8e2def005016: ( 53-45334-032_0.jpg) 28 October 1914 At Sandakan [though not stated at top of page] Lat 5.82, Long 118.12 [At Sandakan] 8.30am: Clean Guns. pm: Lost overboard by Accident Goggles 2 Pairs in Number. 4.30pm: Leave to Watch 4.30 to 7.45pm. [Rain early and late in day, otherwise fine, noon temperature 90F, sea temperature 88F] 4f96293aa2fc8e2def005017: ( 53-45334-032_1.jpg) 29 October 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.12 2.5pm: Moon Set bearing S78W. 1.30pm: Granted leave from 1.30pm to 7.45pm. Hands Make and Mend. pm: Lost overboard by accident Goggles 2 Pairs in Number. 4f96293aa2fc8e2def005018: ( 53-45334-033_0.jpg) 30 October 1914 From B and at Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.12 3.0am: Moon Set. 6.50am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 7.30am: Set Course N35E, 11 knots. 10.55am: Taganack abeam N34E, altered course S34W. 11.30am: Courses as required Entering port. 11.50am: Let go Starboard anchor veered 2 Shackles. [At Sandakan] pm: Hands Make and Mend. Lost overboard by accident Goggles 2 Pairs in Number. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded Course requisite leaving harbour. 6.30pm: Let go Starboard anchor veered 1.5 shackles, brought up 6.5 fathoms, Rakala Island SW 5 miles] [Anchor Bearing: Rakala Island S45W, 5 miles] 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. Hands at Night Cruising Stations. [Distance run through the Water: 54 miles] 4f96293aa2fc8e2def005019: ( 53-45334-033_1.jpg) 31 October 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.12 [estimated] [Anchored off Harbour Entrance] 3.30am: Moon Set bearing S78W. 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour 10 knots. [Patrolling Outside Harbour] 7.20am: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 2 Shackles. [At Sandakan] [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff N60E, 2 miles] 8.45am: Cadamus [HMS Cadmus] (Arrived). 1.30pm: Granted Special leave to watch from 1.30 to 5pm. pm: Lost overboard by accident Goggles 1 Pair in Number. 5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded 10 knots. [As required leaving harbour for patroll [sic] Outside] 6.30pm: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 2 Shackles. 6.35pm: Brought up in 6 fathoms. [Anchor Bearing: Rakala Island 5 miles NW] 10.0pm: Exercised Action. 10.20pm: Secured. 4f96293ba2fc8e2def00501a: ( 53-45334-034_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f96293ba2fc8e2def00501b: ( 53-45334-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f96293ba2fc8e2def00501c: ( 53-45334-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f96293ca2fc8e2def00501d: ( 53-45334-035_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1914 4f96293ca2fc8e2def00501e: ( 53-45335-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of white cover of “Fair” [handwritten addition] Copy of Log for Month of 1st November to 30th November 1914. [handwritten addition] “No Copy of 321 available”] 4f96293da2fc8e2def00501f: ( 53-45335-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of cover, as above] 4f96293da2fc8e2def005020: ( 53-45335-002_0.jpg) [Page with data about distances run and coal expended for dates from 25.10.11 to 26.6.14. Handwritten note at top of page: “This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS “Jed” for the period 1st to 30th November 1914 [Signed] G Mulock Lieutenant Commander”. Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded: Speeds and consumption in accordance with the exigences [sic] of war. [Signed] G Mulock Lieutenant Commander. 1st December 1915. HMS Blenheim 16 Mar 1915. No remarks. [Signed] JM Simpson, Engineer Commander (D). HMS Amethyst 7 April 1914, [signed] CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] [Looking at these dates and assuming 1914 in last entry should be 1915, this page appears to be misplaced] 4f96293da2fc8e2def005021: ( 53-45335-002_1.jpg) 1 November 1914 At Sandakan Lat 5.82, Long 118.12 [At anchor off Sandakan Harbour] 6.50am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour. 7.45am: Anchored, veered to 2 Shackles. [At anchor in Sandakan Harbour] 1.30pm: Leave granted from 1.30 to 5pm. 2.30pm: USA [or VSA] Yacht Arrived. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour to Position 5 miles NE of Rahola [?] Island. Anchor Bearings: Rahola Island SW 5 miles. [At anchor off Rahela [?] Island] [Coal Remaining: 105.95 tons] 4f96293ea2fc8e2def005022: ( 53-45335-003_0.jpg) 2 November 1914 From Sandakan to Patrol and at Sandakan Lat 5.81, Long 118.12 [rough estimate] [At anchor off Entrance Sandakan Harbour] 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded into port. 7.20am: Made fast to SS Swanley for Coaling. 11.30am: Finished coaling completed with 42 tons. Left Collier and anchored Starboard veered 2 Shackles. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded in company “Colne” and Welland. 1.50pm: Course N39E, 10 knots. 2.46pm: Stopped. 3.5pm: Course N40E, 8.5 knots. 3.55pm: Taganak Abeam 1 mile, altered course N4W. 6.3pm: Manaka Island N41E. 7.10pm: Manaka Island abeam N86E. 9.34pm: Altered course N46W. [Coal Remaining: 139.65 tons] 4f96293ea2fc8e2def005023: ( 53-45335-003_1.jpg) 3 November 1914 From Sandakan to Patrols, At Sea Lat 7.32, Long 116.57 5.50am: Altered course S58W. 4.58pm: Stopped. 5.22pm: Proceeded, altered course S46W. [Course and Distance made good: Various 195 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kalampunian Island [Pulau Kalampunian] S26E, 17.5 miles] 4f96293fa2fc8e2def005024: ( 53-45335-004_0.jpg) 4 November 1914 From Sandakan to Patrols, at Sea Lat 5.45, Long 113.67 0.40pm: Clocks back 30 minutes. 0.42pm: Altered course S41W (Magnetic). 7.0pm: Hands Night Cruising Stations. [Course and Distance made good: Various 210 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bariam [?] Point S22E, 53.5 miles] [Coal Remaining: 115.45 tons] 4f96293fa2fc8e2def005025: ( 53-45335-004_1.jpg) 5 November 1914 From Sandakan to Patrol at Sea Lat 3.02, Long 111.36 am: Hands preparing for Coaling Ship. 1.0pm: Clock back 15 minutes. 4.0pm: Engines as required and made fast alongside Collier. 4.20pm: Commenced Coaling. 6.0pm: Finished Coaling Completed with 30 tons and left Collier. 6.10pm: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 3 Shackles. 6.17pm: Brought up 8 fathoms. [At Single anchor] [Anchor Bearings: Cape Libek [Lirek] N50E, 8.5 miles] 8.0pm: Hands at Night defence Stations. 8.50pm: Exercised General Quarters. 9.40pm: Secure. 9.53pm: Weighed and proceeded with fleet. 11.0pm: Course S79W. [Distance run through the Water: 236 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 203 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Lirek S1W, 15.5 miles] 4f96293fa2fc8e2def005026: ( 53-45335-005_0.jpg) 6 November 1914 From Sandakan to Singapore, at Sea Lat 2.13, Long 109.32 7.17am: Tangjong Datu S31W. 7.30am: Altered course S62W. 9.34am: Stopped Fleet Examining two Merchant Ships. 10.50am: Proceeded. 11.52am: Altered course S57W. 1.0pm: Clocks back 15 minutes. 1.35pm: Stopped and boarded SS Lincolnshire Ifoils [?] from Singapore. 2.10pm: Rejoined Flotilla, Course S57W. 7.30pm: Closed Clio. 8.20pm: Moon rose. [Course and Distance made good: S69W, 140 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Tanjong Api S5W, 12 miles] [Note: SS Lincolnshire was a British cargo ship built in Scotland in 1899 and owned by Helmsdale SS Company. She was to be sunk by a German submarine in March 1917 off Ireland.] 4f962940a2fc8e2def005027: ( 53-45335-005_1.jpg) 7 November 1914 From Sandakan to Singapore, at Sea Lat 0.74, Long 107.33 5.0am: Course and speed as required for searching Tambelan Islands. 6.0am: Exercised Action. [Courses and Speeds As requisite for Searching Tambelan Island and proceeding to St Barbe Island] 11.30am: Washed Decks and spread Awnings. [Speed and Course As requisite Examining St Barbe island N Coast] 2.30pm: Landed Officer to examine buoy. 5.30pm: Hands Night Cruising Stations. 6.5pm: Course N65W 18 knots and proceeded to rendezvous. 8.25pm: Joined Fleet and proceeded 8 knots. [True Bearing and Distance: Green Island W 1 Mile] [Coal Remaining: 99.75 tons] 4f962940a2fc8e2def005028: ( 53-45335-006_0.jpg) 8 November 1914 From Sandakan, at Singapore Lat 1.16, Long 104.79 7.45am: Observed Mapor Island N84W. 9.15am: Clean Guns. 9.35am: Altered course N58W. [Numerous changes of course 0.13pm to 3.49pm] 5.25pm: Made fast to Wharf Singapore. [Fast to Tanjong Paika [?]] 5.45pm: Commenced Coaling. 9.30pm: Completed with Coal. Received 61 Tons. [Distance run through the Water: 186 miles] [Course and Distance made good: 169 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Horsburgh Light N66W, 23 miles] [Coal Remaining: 143.65 tons] 4f962940a2fc8e2def005029: ( 53-45335-006_1.jpg) 9 November 1914 From Singapore to Sunda Straits, at Singapore Lat 1.26, Long 103.86 [estimated] 5.50am: Slipped and left Jetty. 6.15am: Let go anchor in 3 fathoms. Hands Cleaning Ship. am: Flynn (Leading Seaman) Sick. pm: Hands Make and Mend. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. Engines as required. 5.17pm: Altered course N85E. 6.30pm: Observed Horsburgh Light N77E. 7.31pm: Horsburgh Light [blank]. 8.45pm: Altered course S55E. Hands Night Cruising Stations. 11.0pm: Moon rose. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 88F, sea temperature 86F] 4f962941a2fc8e2def00502a: ( 53-45335-007_0.jpg) 10 November 1914 From Singapore to Sunda Straits, at Sea Lat -1.77, Long 105.08 1.26am: Altered course S5W. 5.32am: Po Tang Light abeam N85W, 8.75 miles. 4.6pm: Passed Buoy, Altered course S34E. 9.25pm: Passed Steamer towing lighter. [Course and Distance made good: Various 263 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Tanjong Ular 12.5 miles] 4f962941a2fc8e2def00502b: ( 53-45335-007_1.jpg) 11 November 1914 From Singapore to Straits Sunda, at Sea Lat -6.38, Long 105.72 0.10am: Moon Rose. 6.25am: North Watching Light House abeam N87E, 4.5 miles, altered course S45W. 8.0am: Altered course S33W. Noon: N17W, 10 knots. 2.0pm: Current flowing SW. [Stopped 4 miles SE of Hog Point Patrol Station] 3.50pm: Course and Speed requisite Closing “Colne”. 4.30pm: Closed “Colne”. Captain boarded. 6.0pm: Proceeded to line of Patrol 8 knots. [Patrolling] [Course and Distance made good: Various 325 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Fourth Point Light S78E, 6 miles] 4f962941a2fc8e2def00502c: ( 53-45335-008_0.jpg) 12 November 1914 At Sunda Straits Lat -6.30, Long 105.18 [As required for Line of Patrol] 2.0am: Moon rose N70E. 6.20am: Closed “Colne”. 7.50am: “Clone” [Colne] proceeded to close “Yakuma” [the Japanese Cruiser Yakumo - see the log of HMS Colne for this date]. am: Patrolling Sunda Straits. 3.0pm: Japanese “Yakumo” arrived. 5.0pm: Proceeded to patrol, 15 knots. 5.30pm: Off Sisters Island and Commenced line of patrol 8 knots. 10.0pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Stroom Rock S79E, 4 miles] [Note: The Japanese Cruiser Yakumo shown here was laid down in 1898 as an armoured cruiser. During October and November 1914 she participated in the blockade and siege of Tsingtao. She was in service until 1946 when she was scrapped.] 4f962942a2fc8e2def00502d: ( 53-45335-008_1.jpg) 13 November 1914 At Sunda Straits Lat -6.32, Long 105.32 [As Requisite for patrolling] 1.40am: Moon Rose. 4.0am: Proceeded 11 knots, Course N33W. 5.55am: Thwartway Island Point 1.25 miles, altered course S62W. 8.30am: Stopped Engines. 9.30am: Proceed Course S14W, 8 knots. 1.44pm: Java Head Light abeam 2.4 miles. 4.20pm: Proceeded to Sunda Straits. 6.17pm: First Point Light abeam 3 miles. 6.55pm: Altered course N40E. 11.40pm: Sighted Fourth Point Light S64E. [Course and Distance made good: 66 miles Various] [True Bearing and Distance: First Point Island S23E, 17.5 miles] 4f962942a2fc8e2def00502e: ( 53-45335-009_0.jpg) 14 November 1914 At Sea Lat -6.88, Long 105.20 1.0am: Various Courses. 3.5am: Boarded SS Vandreandyks [possibly V[an Riemsdyk]. 5.0am: Proceeded Course and Speed as requisite to Fourth Point. 6.52am: Spoke SS Galdy [or Yaldy] Aden to Bativia [Batavia]. 7.0am: Proceeded S27W, 15 knots. 9.53am: Course and Speed as required closing C [Cable] SS Patrol bound for Cocos Islands. 10.45am: Course S46W, 15 knots. Noon: Altered course S52E. 2.8pm: Island Abeam 8 Miles. 6.0pm: Course and Engines as required entering Sand bay. 6.30pm: Let go Starboard anchor veered to 3 [shackles] (9 fathoms brought up in). [Anchor Bearings: Eastern Point N21E, Peak S58W, West Point S9W] [At Single Anchor in Sand Bay] 9.0pm: Night defence Stations. [Course and Distance made good: Various 244 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Gentang [Genteng] Point S68E, 79 miles] [Note: SS Van Riemsyyk was a Dutch ship built in 1900 and owned by NV Koninklijke Paketvaart-Maatschappij, Batavia, Netherlands East Indies; she was laid up in 1930 and scrapped in 1932. No information could be found about SS Galdy or Yaldy.] 4f962942a2fc8e2def00502f: ( 53-45335-009_1.jpg) 15 November 1914 At Sea Lat -7.12, Long 105.60 [At Anchor Sand Bay] 3.15am: Moon rose. 5.0am: Daylight. 5.15am: Weighed and left harbour Course and Speed requisite Searching Wynkops Bay [Wynkoops Bay]. 7.0am: Examined and proceeded 15 knots Course S35W. 8.8am: Altered course South. 8.37am: Altered course N73W. 7.0pm: Various Course and Speed and Communicate [?] with (Commander D). 9.0pm: As required patrolling line of bearing at 8 knots. [Course and Distance made good: 143 miles] True Bearing and Distance: Guhakolak Point N53W 28 miles] [Coal Remaining: 15.90 tons] 4f962943a2fc8e2def005030: ( 53-45335-009a_0.jpg) 16 November 1914 At Sunda Straits Lat -5.78, Long 106.03 [very rough estimate based on limited information in log of HMS Colne for this date] [As required Patrolling on line of Bearing 8 knots] 5.15am: Proceeded to rendezvous 15 knots Course as required. 7.20am: Made fast to Collier. 8.0am: Commenced Coaling. am: Hands Coaling Ship. 5.0pm: Finis[hed] Coaling 92 tons. 5.30pm: Left Collier and proceeded to patrol 12 knots. 7.0pm: Peak S65W. [Patrolling line of Bearing 8 knots] [Noon Position] [Fast to SS Swanley] [Coal Remaining: 93.75 tons] 4f962943a2fc8e2def005031: ( 53-45335-009a_1.jpg) 17 November 1914 At Sunda Straits Lat -5.78, Long 106.03 [very rough estimate] [As Required for Patrolling line of Bearing 8 knots] 7.20am: Anchored 3 Shackles. [At anchor in Sunda Straits] 9.20am: Clean Guns and quarters. pm: Hands Make and Mend. 6.0pm: Hands at Night defence Stations. [Coal Remaining: 88.30 tons] 4f962943a2fc8e2def005032: ( 53-45335-010_0.jpg) 18 November 1914 At Sunda Straits Lat -5.75, Long 106.15 [very rough estimate] [At anchor Sunda Straits] [As Required for Going Alongside “Swanley”] 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier to complete with coal. 7.20am: Completed with Coal. Received 40 Tons. 9.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor Veered to 2.5 Shackles. [Anchored: North Island SSE 4 miles] pm: Hands Make and Mend. 4.0pm: Weighed and closed “Wessihu” [?, possibly Nessihu]. 5.0pm: Proceeded to line of patrol. [As Required to Line of Patrol] 9.10pm: Returned to anchorage closed Yakumo and Swanley. 11.50pm: Proceeded in Company with Flotilla, Course N54E. [Coal Remaining: 116.10 tons] 4f962944a2fc8e2def005033: ( 53-45335-010_1.jpg) 19 November 1914 From Sunda Straits to Singapore, at Sea Lat -3.52, Long 106.47 2.10am: Sighted North Watcher Light N55E. 2.14am: Altered course N40E. 3.12am: North Watcher Light Abeam 3 miles, altered course N3E. 4.42pm: Laban Point Abeam N42W 1.25 miles. 7.6pm: Naganka [?] Light abeam N66E 3 miles. 9.10pm: Amelia Point Light abeam 1 mile, altered course N55W. 10.2pm: Tg [Tanjung] Kalam Light abeam 3 miles. [Course and Distance made good: Various 143 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Depui Island N6E, 23 miles] 4f962944a2fc8e2def005034: ( 53-45335-011_0.jpg) 20 November 1914 From Sunda Straits to Singapore, at Sea Lat 0.57, Long 104.43 1.0am: Lost overboard by Accident Scrubbers Hand 2 in Number. 6.48am: Tg Jong Light House abeam S85E, 3.75 miles. 8.38am: Steam Steering Gear broke down. Shifted to hand gear. 8.57am: Proceeded. 9.15am: Rejoined Flotilla. 4.0pm: Course as required Entering Singapore harbour. 4.40pm: Let go Starboard anchor Veered to 1 Shackles in 3 fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: South of Breakwater S1W, Church Spire N14W, Clock tower N50W] 6.0pm: Granted Special Leave from 6pm to 10pm. [Course and Distance made good: Various 310 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Various 58 miles] 4f962944a2fc8e2def005035: ( 53-45335-011_1.jpg) 21 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.25, Long 103.86 [estimated] 9.20am: W Marshall Stoker discharged to Hospital. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. Leave for Watch from 1.30 till 6.30 am. [Course and Distance made good: Various 55 miles] 4f962945a2fc8e2def005036: ( 53-45335-012_0.jpg) 22 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.27, Long 103.85 [estimated] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing Ship for Docking. 8.0am: Tug came alongside. 8.10am: Weighed by hand, taken into Dry Dock at Tanjong Paga [Pagar] Dockyard. 1.30pm: Leave to Watch from 1.30 till 6.30 am. 5.0pm: Exercised Fire Stations. 4f962945a2fc8e2def005037: ( 53-45335-012_1.jpg) 23 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.27, Long 103.85 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning out Store Rooms and as Requisite. am: Hands employed, reeving new Derrick Purchase, cleaning out store Rooms, dismounting Fore 12 pounder and as requisite. pm: Hands employed as in Forenoon. 5.0pm: Leave to Watch from 5.0pm till 8.30am. 5.0pm: Exercised Fire Stations. 4f962945a2fc8e2def005038: ( 53-45335-013_0.jpg) 24 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.2, Long 103.9 7.0am: Hands employed, Cleaning out Store Rooms and refitting rails and as requisite. am and pm: Hands employed as Requisite. 4f962946a2fc8e2def005039: ( 53-45335-013_1.jpg) 25 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.27, Long 103.85 7.0am: Hands employed, Cleaning out Store Rooms, scrubbing out Boats and as Requisite. am: Hands employed as Requisite. pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. 4f962946a2fc8e2def00503a: ( 53-45335-014_0.jpg) 26 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.27, Long 103.85 8.0am: Hands employed drawing and returning oars from “Swanly” [Swanley], Cleaning out Store Rooms, Painting out Dinghy and as Requisite. pm: Hands employed as in forenoon. [Coal Remaining: 72.95 tons] 4f962946a2fc8e2def00503b: ( 53-45335-014_1.jpg) 27 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.27, Long 103.85 am: Hands employed dismounting After Gun and preparing ship for Undocking. 0.15pm: Commenced Flooding Dock. 1.0pm: Ship Undocked, taken by Tug to Coaling Wharf. 2.30pm: Commenced Coaling. 4.10pm: Finished Coaling, Received 59 Tons. [Coal Remaining: 131.80 tons] 4f962947a2fc8e2def00503c: ( 53-45335-015_0.jpg) 28 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.27, Long 103.86 [estimated] 6.0am: Hands employed Securing Ship by Extra Wires. 7.50am: Commenced Basin Trial. 9.30am: Finished Trial. Slipped from Wharf, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding into Basin and making fast alongside “Welland”. am: Hands employed Cleaning Ship. pm: Hands employed Painting Ship. 4f962947a2fc8e2def00503d: ( 53-45335-015_1.jpg) 29 November 1914 At Singapore Lat 1.27, Long 103.86 7.15am: Kennet came alongside. am: White Signalman placed on Sick List. Hands employed Painting Ship. 4f962948a2fc8e2def00503e: ( 53-45335-016_0.jpg) 30 November 1914 From Singapore to Penang, at Sea Lat 1.50, Long 103.02 [very rough estimate based on position of HMS Colne for this date as no position in Jed’s log] 7.30am: Slipped and proceeded out of Basin. 8.20am: Formed Divisions in Line ahead, Course S82W, 13 knots. 8.40am: Altered course West. 9.57am: Altered course N55W. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Furled Awnings. Placed Extra Look Outs. 6.53pm: Cape Rickmers [probably Rachado, as mentioned in Colne log] abeam 4 miles. 10.19pm: Point of Gedong Light N29E; One Fathom Bank Light N67.5W. 11.16pm: One Fathom Bank Light abeam 19 miles. 11.35pm: Altered course N26W (Compass). [Coal Remaining: 106.60 tons] 4f962948a2fc8e2def00503f: ( 53-45335-016_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f962948a2fc8e2def005040: ( 53-45335-017_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f962949a2fc8e2def005041: ( 53-45335-017_1.jpg) [Blank page, apart from what could be a hand-drawn small map] 4f962949a2fc8e2def005042: ( 53-45335-018_0.jpg) [Blank page, half white cover] 4f962949a2fc8e2def005043: ( 53-45335-018_1.jpg) [Blank page, half white cover] LOG BOOK – DECEMBER 1ST 1914 TO JANUARY 31ST 1915 LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1914 4f96294aa2fc8e2def005044: ( 53-45336-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period December 1st 1914 to January 31st 1915] 4f96294aa2fc8e2def005045: ( 53-45336-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f96294aa2fc8e2def005046: ( 53-45336-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten notes: This is to certify that this is a True Copy of the Original Log of HMS Jed for the period 1st Dec ’14 to 31st Jan 1915. [Signed] G Mulock, Lieutenant Commander] 4f96294ba2fc8e2def005047: ( 53-45336-002_1.jpg) [Page with data about distances run and coal expended (as previous month). Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded. Speeds and Consumption in accordance with Exigencies of War. [Signed] G Mulock Lieutenant Commander, 1st February 1915. HMS Blenheim 16 March 1915, No remarks. [Signed] JM Simpson, Engineer Commander (D). HMS Amethyst 7 April 1915, [signed] CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] 4f96294ba2fc8e2def005048: ( 53-45336-003_0.jpg) [Page for Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as follows:
4f96294ca2fc8e2def005049: ( 53-45336-003_1.jpg) 1 December 1914 From Singapore to Penang Lat 5.38, Long 100.35 [Cross Bearings] 7.0am: Hands employed Spreading Awnings and Washing Down Upper Deck. am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling as requisite. 11.0am: Courses as requisite for entering Penang Harbour. 0.15pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 6 fathoms off Penang, veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Flagstaff NE, North Pier Head Light S60W] 0.30pm: Commenced Coaling. 4.10pm: Finished Coaling, Received 45 Tons of Coal, 15 Tons of Patent Fuel. 6.0pm: Furled Awnings. 7.0pm: Weighed and Proceeded, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for leaving Harbour in Single Line Ahead. 7.45pm: Pylo Muka Light abeam 6.75 miles. 8.0pm: Altered course N80W (Magnetic), Speed 12 knots. [Course and Distance made good: Various 288 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: No 1 Buoy N5E, 0.25 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 148.15 tons] 4f96294ca2fc8e2def00504a: ( 53-45336-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1914 From Penang to Colombo Lat 5.83, Long 97.25 3.16am: Perrak [Perak] Island abeam N7E, 3.3 miles. 7.0am: Hands employed Spreading Awnings and Washing Down Upper Deck. 1.0pm: Divisions in Line Ahead disposed abeam to Port. 4.15pm: Stopped and swung for Adjustment of Compasses. 5.30pm: Proceeded N53W (Compass) 12 knots. Furled Awnings. 11.0pm: Altered course N88W. 11.20pm: Altered course S74W. [Course and Distance made good: N85W 176 miles from Penang] [True Bearing and Distance; Cape Jacubu [?] Ayer S24E, 37 miles] 4f96294ca2fc8e2def00504b: ( 53-45336-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1914 From Penang to Colombo Lat 6.03, Long 93.30 0.35am: Altered course West. 6.0am: Hands employed striking coal down off Upper Deck. 7.45am: Reduced to 8 knots. 8.36am: Spread of Port Beam of Colne, Course WSW 9 knots. 8.50am: Altered course S54W, 9.5 knots. Put Clocks back 30 minutes. am: Hands employed Washing down Upper Deck. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4.0pm: Altered course N89W, Increased to 13 knots. 5.0pm: Furled Awnings. Hands to Night Cruising Stations. 8.30pm: Put Clocks back 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: Various 235 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: South Point of Nicobar Island N50E, 44 miles] 4f96294da2fc8e2def00504c: ( 53-45336-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1914 From Penang to Colombo Lat 5.70, Long 88.73 2.0am: Put Clocks back 15 minutes. 5.15pm: Courses and speeds as Requisite for stopping and communicating with SS Theuseus [probably Theseus (1) listed here]. 6.15pm: Proceeded S75W, 13 knots. 10.15pm: Put Clocks back 15 minutes. [Course and Distance Made good: Various 280 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: South Point Nicobar Island N80[E] 307 miles] [Note: SS Theseus was a passenger and cargo ship built in Belfast in 1908 and was owned by the Ocean Steamship Company. She was attacked by a German Submarine (U28) in the Atlantic on 29 March 1915, was damaged but escaped (details here). She was scrapped in 1947.] 4f96294da2fc8e2def00504d: ( 53-45336-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1914 From Penang to Colombo Lat 5.21, Long 84.18 2.0am: Put Clocks back 15 minutes. am: Lost overboard by Accident Brooms Bass 2 in Number. 3.0pm: Sighted Steamer bearing S73W. 3.43am: Increased to 185 Revs, Courses as Requisite for closing Steamer. 4.0pm: Stopped and spoke SS “Rahihia” [or possibly Ralihia]. 4.17pm: Proceeded N83W. Furled Awnings. [Course and Distance made good: Various 287 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Dontra [Dondra] Head Light N84W, 216 miles] 4f96294da2fc8e2def00504e: ( 53-45336-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1914 From Penang to Colombo [and at Colombo] Lat 6.96, Long 79.85 [estimated] 3.10am: Sighted Dundra [sic] Head Light bearing N37W. 5.25am: Point De Galle N28W. 6.40am: Rejoined Flotilla Course N19W. am: Hands employed preparing Ship for Coaling. 11.15am: Course as Requisite for Picking up Pilot and entering Harbour. 0.10pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 3.5 Fathoms veered to 4 shackles. Made Fast stern to Buoy inside Colombo Harbour. [Anchor Bearings: Spire S57E, Breakwater Light N17E, Flagstaff S43W] 2.0pm: Commenced coaling. Lost overboard by accident Scrubbers Hand 2 in Number. 5.15pm: “Ibuka” [presumably Ibuki] Japanese Cruiser sailed. 6.0pm and 10.0pm: Coaling Ship. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 46.95 tons] [Note: Ibuki was a Japanese Armoured Cruiser (Battlecruiser) commissioned in 1907. She participated in the hunt for SMS Emden (more details here) while escorting troop transports carrying New Zealand troops across the Indian Ocean during November 1914. She was scrapped in 1923.] 4f96294ea2fc8e2def00504f: ( 53-45336-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1914 At Colombo Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 [estimated] [At Anchor in Colombo Harbour] 1.20am: Finished Coaling. Received 110 Tons. Completed to 155 Tons. 6.0am: Hands employed Washing down Upper Deck. am: Hands employed Cleaning Ship and as Requisite. pm: Lost overboard by Accident Scrubbers Hand 1 in Number. 5.0pm: Furled Awnings. Prepared for Sea. 9.15pm: Weighed and Proceeded in company with Flotilla, Courses and Speeds as Requisite for leaving Harbour. 9.20pm: Course N87W (Magnetic), 10 knots. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 151.55 tons] 4f96294ea2fc8e2def005050: ( 53-45336-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1914 From Colombo to Maldive Islands Lat 7.12, Long 76.92 9.0am: Single Line Ahead. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. Lost overboard by Accident Scrubbers Hand 2 in Number. [Course and Distance made good: 175 miles N83W] [True Bearing and Distance: Kelai 165 miles N82W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 130.65 tons] 4f96294ea2fc8e2def005051: ( 53-45336-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1914 From Colombo to Maldive Islands [and at Maldive Islands] Lat 7.07, Long 72.90 [estimated - Log of HMS Welland for this date indicates the anchorage is in Ihavandhippolhu Atoll] 9.0am: Course as Requisite for entering Anchorage in Maldive Islands, Speed 3 knots. 10.4am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 3 Shackles. Prepared Ship for Coaling. [Anchor Bearings: Right of Small Island N60W, Left of Large Island N30E] 0.45pm: Weighed. Course and Speeds as requisite for going alongside “Swanley”. 1.10pm: Commenced Coaling. pm: Hands employed Coaling Ship. pm: Lost overboard by Accident Scrubbers Hand 1 in Number. 4.30pm: Put Clocks back 30 minutes. 6.0pm: Finished Coaling Ship, Received 34 Tons. Left Collier. Proceeded in company with Flotilla. 7.0pm: “Swanley” grounded on uncharted Reef. 10.2pm: Proceeded course NE 6 knots. Colne standing by “Swanley”. [Course and Distance made good: Various 253 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 150 tons] 4f96294fa2fc8e2def005052: ( 53-45336-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1914 At Maldive Islands Lat 7.12, Long 72.86 [very rough estimate] 6.0am: Course as Requisite for Entering Harbour and Anchoring. 7.20am: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 6.5 Fathoms veered to 3 shackles. 8.30am: Sent Working Party 10 men and 1 Leading Seaman to “Swanley”. 9.0am: Weighed, Made Fast alongside Swanley. [Anchor Bearings: Right of Large Island S70W, End of Reef N30E] am: Slung Swanley’s Bower Anchor from Foxle [Forecastle]. 11.30am: Left Swanley, Laid out her Bower Anchor and brought back end of Wire Hawser. 1.15pm: Attempted to tow Swanley off Reef, using 3.5 inch Wire. Colne, Kennet and Welland doing the same. [As Requisite for attempting to tow Swanley off Reef and for Anchoring] 3.30pm: Wire Parted. 3.45pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 6 fathoms veered to 3 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: End of Reef N30E, Right of Large Island S55W] 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded out of Harbour in company with “Kennet”. 5.55pm: Course S87E, Speed 17 knots. 9.0pm: Put Clocks on 15 minutes. 4f96294fa2fc8e2def005053: ( 53-45336-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Colombo Lat 6.95, Long 78.00 [position taken from log of HMS Kennet for this date] 1.0am: Put Clocks on 15 minutes. 7.0pm: Course as Requisite for entering Harbour. 7.50pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 3 fathoms veered to 4 shackles made fast to Buoy astern in Colombo Harbour. [Anchor Bearings: Breakwater Light N17E, Spire S57E] [Distance run through the Water: 298 miles] 4f96294fa2fc8e2def005054: ( 53-45336-009_0.jpg) 12 December 1914 From Colombo to Maldive Islands Lat 7.02, Long 79.08 [At Anchor in Colombo Harbour] 6.15am: “Chelmer” arrived. 7.0am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. Hands employed preparing ship for Sea. 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded out of Harbour in company with “Kennet and Chelmer”. 9.35am: Course N83W, 15 knots. 9.0pm: Put Clocks back 15 minutes. [Course and Distance made good: N83W, 37 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Colombo Breakwater Outer Light S83E, 37 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 70.95 tons] 4f962950a2fc8e2def005055: ( 53-45336-009_1.jpg) 13 December 1914 From Colombo to Maldive Islands Lat 7.14, Long 73.12 [rough estimate] 1.0am: Put Clocks back 15 minutes. am: Hands employed Preparing Ship for Harbour and for Coaling. 0.30pm: As Requisite for entering Harbour. [As Requisite for going alongside Collier] 1.25pm: Made fast alongside “Swanley”. 1.45pm: Commenced Coaling. pm: Hands Coaling Ship. 5.30pm and 9.30pm: Coaling Ship. 11.15pm: Finished Coaling, Received 100 Tons. Completed to 155 Tons. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 154.30 tons] 4f962950a2fc8e2def005056: ( 53-45336-010_0.jpg) 14 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Aden Lat 7.33, Long 72.08 [Alongside “Swanley” Coaling Ship] 6.0am: Left Collier. 6.12am: Proceeded in company with Flotilla Course as Requisite for leaving Harbour. 6.45am: Course N75W (Magnetic). 1.0pm: Steaming in Single Line Ahead. 6.0pm: Placed Extra Look Outs. [Course and Distance made good: N75W, 48 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ihavandiffulu Atol [Ihavandippolhu Atoll] S75E, 48 miles] 4f962950a2fc8e2def005057: ( 53-45336-010_1.jpg) 15 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Aden Lat 8.42, Long 68.47 7.0am: Hands employed Spreading Awnings and Washing down Upper Deck. Formed Divisions in Line ahead. am: Hands employed refitting 3.5 inch Wire and as requisite. 11.0am: Put Clocks back 20 minutes. pm: Lost overboard by accident Scrubbers Hand 1 in Number. 3.0pm: Sighted Steamer going Eastward. 4.45pm: Closed “Swanley”, sent boat for Fresh Provisions. 5.25pm: Proceeded Course N73W (Magnetic) Single Line Ahead. 7.0pm: Furled Awnings. Placed Extra Look Outs. [Course and Distance made good: N73W (Magnetic) 226 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Minikoi Light House S88E, 350 miles] 4f962951a2fc8e2def005058: ( 53-45336-011_0.jpg) 16 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Aden Lat 9.51, Long 64.67 6.0am: Hands employed Striking down coal from Upper Deck, Washing down Decks and spreading Awnings. 7.30am: Formed Divisions in Line ahead. am: Hands employed Repairing Fenders, Oiling Guard Rails and as Requisite. 10.30am: Put Clocks back 15 minutes. 11.30am: Passed Steamer going Eastward. pm: Lost overboard by accident:- Hoses Canvas 40 feet 1 in Number. 5.0pm: Furled Awnings. Formed Single Line ahead. [Course and Distance made good: N71W, 235 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Minikoi Light House S81E, 510 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 91F, sea temperature 80F] 4f962951a2fc8e2def005059: ( 53-45336-011_1.jpg) 17 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Aden Lat 10.68, Long 61.05 7.30am: Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. 10.0am: Put Clocks back 15 minutes. 4.45pm: Stopped and sent boat to “Swanley” for Fresh Provisions. 5.20pm: Proceeded in Single Line Ahead Course N71W. 7.0pm: Placed Extra Look Outs. [Course and Distance made good: N71W, 234 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ras Radrissa [probably Ras Radressa] N73.5W, 404 miles] 4f962951a2fc8e2def00505a: ( 53-45336-012_0.jpg) 18 December 1914 From Maldave [Maldive] Islands to Aden Lat 11.53, Long 57.22 7.0am: Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. 10.0am: Put Clocks back 17 minutes. pm: Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Formed Single Line Ahead. Furled Awnings. 6.30pm: Placed Extra Look Outs [Course and Distance made good: N73W, 226 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ras Radrissa N68W, 175 miles] [North easterly wind force 5 in am, with rough sea, force 3-4 or 4 in pm with sea reducing; weather overcast or cloudy, noon temperature 77F, sea temperature 75F] 4f962952a2fc8e2def00505b: ( 53-45336-012_1.jpg) 19 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Aden Lat 12.43, Long 53.28 7.0am: Hands employed Spreading Awnings. Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. 9.0am: Course as Requisite for entering Jib Ness Bay in Socotra Island. 10.14am: Sent boat to “Swanley” for fresh provisions. Put Clocks back 16 minutes. 10.40am: Proceeded 11 knots Course N81W. 5.30pm: Altered course N85W. 6.0pm: Furled awnings. Formed Single Line Ahead 7.0pm: Placed Extra Look Outs. [Course and Distance made good: Various 240 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Jib Ness Point N80E, 12 miles] 4f962952a2fc8e2def00505c: ( 53-45336-013_0.jpg) 20 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Aden Lat 12.80, Long 48.33 7.0am: Hands employed Spreading Awnings and Washing down Upper Deck. Formed Divisions in Line ahead. 10.0am: Put Clocks back 20 minutes. 0.27pm: Altered course S88W (Magnetic). 5.10pm: Reduced to 9 knots. Formed Single Line Ahead. Furled Awnings. Placed Extra Look Outs. 8.0pm: Increased to 10 knots. [Course and Distance made good: N85W, 300 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Aden West 183 miles] 4f962952a2fc8e2def00505d: ( 53-45336-013_1.jpg) 21 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Aden [and at Aden] Lat 12.80, Long 45.00 [estimated] 3.20am: Sighted Steamer Steering East. 3.30am: Sighted Ras Radressa Light N39W. 6.0am: Course as Requisite for entering Aden Harbour. 7.30am: Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered to 4 shackles, made fast astern to Buoy. [Anchor Bearings: Clock Tower S75E, Flagstaff S25W, Sharp Peak S38W] 9.0am: Hands employed preparing Ship for Coaling and as Requisite. 11.0am: Clocks back 11 minutes. [At Anchor in Aden] pm: Hands employed drawing Stores from Swanley and as Requisite. 4.30pm: Special Leave to Watch from 4.30pm till 9.0pm. [Course and Distance made good: Various 193 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 46.20 tons] 4f962953a2fc8e2def00505e: ( 53-45336-014_0.jpg) 22 December 1914 From Maldive Islands to Aden [actualy at Aden] Lat 12.80, Long 45.00 [At Anchor in Aden] 6.0am: Hands employed reeving new Whalers Falls. 7.0am: Coal Lighter came alongside. 7.18am: Commenced Coaling. 9.0am: A Berry (Stoker) discharged to “Colne” Sick. 10.0am: Finished coaling, received 94 Tons. pm: Hands employed drawing Stores from Swanley and reeving new Whaler’s Falls. 4.30pm: Furled Awnings. Prepared for Sea. 5.35pm: Weighed and proceeded in Company with Flotilla and SS Swanley. Course as Requisite for leaving Harbour. 6.0pm: Fairway Buoy abeam, Course S28W. 7.25pm: Altered course S71W. 10.30pm: Sighted Perim High Light N75W. 10.45pm: Altered course N77W. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 132.8 tons] 4f962953a2fc8e2def00505f: ( 53-45336-014_1.jpg) 23 December 1914 From Aden to Suez Lat 14.08, Long 43.22 [Cross Bearings] 7.14am: Moca [Mocha] Light abeam N75E 4 miles. Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. 8.30pm: Altered course N21W (Magnetic). Hands working about Torpedoes. 10.0am: Put Clocks back 7 minutes. 5.40pm: Closed “Swanley” for Fresh Meat. 6.13pm: Proceeded Single Line Ahead. Furled Awnings. Darkened ship. 7.2pm: Centre Peak Light abeam N53E 5 miles. [Course and Distance made good: Various 180 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Centre Peak Island Light N33W, 67 miles] 4f962954a2fc8e2def005060: ( 53-45336-015_0.jpg) 24 December 1914 From Aden to Suez Lat 17.53, Long 40.40 7.0am. Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. am: Hands employed scrubbing at Whaler. Reeving New Derrick Topping Lift and as Requisite. 11.0am: Put Clocks back 10 minutes. pm: Lost overboard by accident:- Brooms Bass 1 in Number, Mats Cocoa Door 3 in Number. 4.50pm: Stopped Sent Boat to Swanley for Fresh Provisions. 5.4pm: Proceeded Single Line Ahead N24W. [Course and Distance made good: N32W, 259 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Deadalus [Daedalus] Shoal N30W, 510.5 miles] 4f962954a2fc8e2def005061: ( 53-45336-015_1.jpg) 25 December 1914 From Aden to Suez Lat 21.17, Long 38.12 7.30am: Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. am: Sunday Routine [presumably to mark Christmas Day, on this Friday]. 10.0am: Put Clocks back 9 minutes. 4.20pm: Closed “Swanley”. Sent boat for Fresh Provisions. 5.2pm: Proceeded Single Line Ahead Course N24W. 7.0pm: Darkened ship. Placed Extra Look Outs. [Course and Distance made good: N30.5W, 254 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Deadulus [sic] Shoal N28.5W, 258 miles] [Weather fine, noon temperature 84F, sea temperature 81F] 4f962954a2fc8e2def005062: ( 53-45336-016_0.jpg) 26 December 1914 From Aden to Suez Lat 24.57, Long 36.13 6.50am: Sighted John’s Islands S66W. Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. 9.0am: General Quarters. am: Hands employed Scrubbing out Dinghy, cleaning Leather Gear and as Requisite. 10.0am: Put Clocks back 7 minutes. 2.0pm: Sighted Daedalus Shoal Light House N46W. 3.1pm: Daedalus Shoal Light abeam S62W 26 miles. 3.12pm: Altered course N26W (Compass). 4.40pm: Closed Swanley for Fresh Meat. 5.0pm: Proceeded Single Line Ahead Course N26W. 7.0pm: Darkened Ship. [Course and Distance made good: N29.5W, 233 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Daedalus Shoal N26W, 26 miles] 4f962955a2fc8e2def005063: ( 53-45336-016_1.jpg) 27 December 1914 From Aden to Suez Lat 27.79, Long 33.77 [Cross Bearings] 1.30am: Brothers Light abeam 10 miles. 7.30am: Formed Divisions in Line ahead, altered course N38W. 9.53 am: Chadurong Light House abeam S52W 3.5 miles. 10.0am: Put Clocks back 10 minutes. Steering N38W. 0.13pm: Ashrafi [El Ashrafy] Light House abeam S52W 2.3 miles. 3.20pm: Course as Requisite for closing Swanley. 3.26pm: Stopped - “Chelmer” and “Colne” went alongside “Swanley”. 4.20pm: Made Fast alongside “Swanley” Taking in Stores. 4.54pm: Left Swanley. 5.25pm: Proceeded Single Line ahead N32W. Furled Awnings. Darkened Ship. 8.5pm: Altered course N15W. 11.55pm: Zaphara Light abeam 8 miles. [Course and Distance made good: N33W, 235 miles] [True Bearing and Distance Ashrafi Light House N89W, 3.5 miles] 4f962955a2fc8e2def005064: ( 53-45336-017_0.jpg) 28 December 1914 From Suez to Port Said Lat 27.80, Long 33.74 0.15am: Switched on Navigation Lights. 0.45am: Altered course N18W. 5.10am: Newport Rock Light abeam 2 cables. Exercised General Quarters. 5.30am: Secure. Course as Requisite for entering Suez Bay. 5.55am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4 fathoms veered to 2.25 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Kal ha Kebirch [Qal’ah Kabirah] Beacon, Port Thewfik [Tewfik] Flagstaff S86E, Chimney N39E] [At Anchor off Suez] 10.15am: Pilot Came alongside. 10.25am: Weighed and proceeded up Suez Canal. 1.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding up Canal. 2.0pm: Stopped, Changed Pilots at Ismailia. 7.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 3 fathoms veered to 4.5 Shackles made fast astern to Navy House Wharf Port Said. [At Anchor at Port Said] [Anchor Bearings: Secured to Navy House Wharf] [Course and Distance made good: Various 226 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Ashrafi Light S69W, 2.75 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 28.8 tons] [Weather overcast and quiet, noon temperature 68F, sea temperature 63F] 4f962955a2fc8e2def005065: ( 53-45336-017_1.jpg) 29 December 1914 At Port Said Lat 31.27, Long 32.32 [estimated] [At Anchor at Port Said] am: Hands employed Painting Ship. 10.0am: Bury Stoker rejoined Ship from “Colne”. 11.15am: Coal Lighter came alongside. 11.30am: Commenced Coaling. 2.40pm: Finished Coaling received 107 Tons. Hands employed sweeping down Upper Deck and preparing Ship for Sea. 4.30pm: Special Leave from 4.30 till 6.30pm. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 135.65 tons]
4f962956a2fc8e2def005066: ( 53-45336-018_0.jpg) 30 December 1914 From Port Said to Malta Lat 31.72, Long 31.66 [At Anchor at Port Said] 5.50am: Pilot Came onboard. 6.15am: Slipped, Weighed and proceeded with Flotilla and Swanley out of Harbour. 7.15am: Dropped Pilot. 7.30am: Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. Course N42W. am: Hands employed Marking Mine Sweeping Wire. 10.0am: Damietta Light House S50W, altered course N74W (True). 5.30am: Formed Single Line Ahead. 6.0am: Exercised Action. 6.20am: Secure. Darkened Ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Valletta Harbour N73.5W, 886 miles] [Course and Distance made good: Various 46 miles] 4f962956a2fc8e2def005067: ( 53-45336-018_1.jpg) 31 December 1914 From Port Said to Malta Lat 33.03, Long 27.23 7.20am: Formed Divisions in Line ahead. 9.0am: Exercised Action. 10.30am: Secure. 9.30am: Put Clocks back 11 minutes. 5.30pm: Formed Single Line Ahead. Darkened Ship. [Course and Distance made good: N71W, 235 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Valletta Harbour N74.5W [no distance given]] [Weather fine and quiet in am, overcast with north westerly wind force 4 in pm, Noon temperature 60F, sea temperature 62F] LOGS FOR JANUARY 1915 4f962956a2fc8e2def005068: ( 53-45336-019_0.jpg) 1 January 1915 From Port Said to Malta Lat 34.02, Long 22.72 8.30am: “Stopped”. Sent Boat to “Swanley” for Fresh Meat. 8.55am: Proceeded Single Line Ahead N70W. 9.10am: Hands to General Quarters 10.18am: Put Clocks back 18 minutes. Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. Hands employed painting Canvas Gear. 6.0pm: Formed Single Line Ahead. Darkened ship. Placed Extra Look Outs. [Course and Distance made good: N75W, 234 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Valletta Harbour N74W, 417 miles] 4f962957a2fc8e2def005069: ( 53-45336-019_1.jpg) 2 January 1915 From Port Said to Malta Lat 35.17, Long 18.30 7.30am: Formed Divisions in Line Ahead. 10.0am: Put Clocks back 18 minutes. 6.0pm: Formed Single Line Ahead. Darkened Ship. Placed Extra Look Outs. [Course and Distance made good: N72.5W, 228 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Valletta Harbour N76.5W, 188.5 miles] 4f962957a2fc8e2def00506a: ( 53-45336-020_0.jpg) 3 January 1915 From Port Said to Malta and at Malta Lat 35.90, Long 14.52 [estimated] 9.0am: Hands employed Preparing Ship for Harbour. 10.0am: Courses and speeds as Requisite for entering Malta Grand Harbour. 10.40am: Made Fast to Nos 10 and 10a Buoys. 1.0pm: Special Leave to Watch till 7.0am. [Course and Distance made good: N70W, 210 miles] 4f962957a2fc8e2def00506b: ( 53-45336-020_1.jpg) 4 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.90, Long 14.52 [At Nos 10 and 10A Buoys] 8.0am: General Leave to Watch till 8.0am Wednesday [on this Monday]. 0.15pm: Slipped. Taken by Tug alongside Gun Mounting Wharf. pm: Hands employed refitting as Requisite. [Weather fine, noon temperature 64F, sea temperature 62F] 4f962958a2fc8e2def00506c: ( 53-45336-021_0.jpg) 5 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [estimated] [Alongside Gun Mounting Wharf] 2.15am: Hailed Guard Boat. am: Hands employed returning Awnings to “Lay Apart Store”. 1.0pm: Paid Monthly Advance. 4f962958a2fc8e2def00506d: ( 53-45336-021_1.jpg) 6 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [Alongside Gun Mounting Wharf] 8.0am: General Leave to Watch till 8am Friday [on this Wednesday]. am: Hands employed, placing Torpedos [sic] in Lighter and Lifting Torpedo Tubes. pm: Hands employed scraping Torpedo Tubes and as Requisite. 4f962958a2fc8e2def00506e: ( 53-45336-022_0.jpg) 7 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [Alongside Gun Mounting Wharf] am: Hands employed drawing Berthon Boat and Fenders. pm: Hands employed stowing away Ammunition and as Requisite. 4f962959a2fc8e2def00506f: ( 53-45336-022_1.jpg) 8 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [Alongside Gun Mounting Wharf] 6.0am: Hands employed Clearing up Decks. am and pm: Hands employed as Requisite. 5.0pm: Special Leave to Watch till 7.0am. 9.0pm: Rounds Correct. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 53.90 tons] 4f962959a2fc8e2def005070: ( 53-45336-023_0.jpg) 9 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [Alongside Gun Mounting Wharf] 7.0am: Coal Lighter came alongside. 7.10am: Commenced Coaling. 9.30am: Finished Coaling, Received 84 tons am: Hands employed Washing down Decks, hoisting Boats, etc. J Bell Stoker discharged to Hospital. 0.30pm: Tug came alongside, Ship taken to No 1 Buoy. Swung Ship for adjustment of Compasses. 2.0pm: Secured to G and G1 Buoys. [At G and G1 Buoys Malta] 3.0pm: Hands employed Hoisting in Torpedoes. 5.0pm: Leave to Watch till 7.0am. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 137.75 tons] 4f962959a2fc8e2def005071: ( 53-45336-023_1.jpg) 10 January 1915 At Malta Lat 35.90, Long 14.52 [estimated] [At G & G Buoys Malta] am: Kidney Stoker discharged to Hospital, Hoare AB joined ship from “Kennet”, Northcote POI discharged to Colne. Hands employed preparing Ship for sea. 11.0am: J Gould Leading Signalman, Thone, Caldwell and Black Signal Boys joined ship from Kaiser-I-Hind [Kaisar-I-Hind] for passed [passage] to Indefatigable. 1.0pm: Slipped and proceeded to Bighi Bay. Made Fast to No 10 Buoy. pm: Hands employed stowing Store Rooms as and Requisite. 4.30pm: Slipped and proceeded out of Harbour in company with Colne. 4.40pm: End of Breakwater abeam. Course N86E (True), Speed 13 knots. [Note: SS Kaisar-I-Hind (listed here as Kaisar-I-Hind (2) but often misspelled as Kaiser I Hind) was a passenger liner built in Scotland in 1914 and owned by the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company. She acted as a troop transport during the war. In 1921 she was chartered to Cunard and temporarily renamed Emperor of India; she returned to P&O service in 1922 and was scrapped in 1938.] 4f96295aa2fc8e2def005072: ( 53-45336-024_0.jpg) 11 January 1915 From Malta to Tenedos Lat 36.20, Long 18.78 7.0am: Hands employed Washing Upper Deck. am: Hands employed scrubbing out Boats and as Requisite. 10.0am: Put Clocks on 11 minutes. 1.0pm: Increased to 15 knots. 3.55pm: Sighted Sapienza Island N55E. 5.0pm: Darkened Ship. Night Cruising Stations. 7.50pm: Cape Matapan N75E. 8.57pm: Cape Matapan Light abeam N2E 3.5 miles. 9.10pm: Altered course N80E (Compass). 10.28pm: Spatha Light abeam S10E 2 miles, altered course S77E. 11.25pm: Altered course N60E (Compass). [Course and Distance made good: N 83 44 E 256 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Matapan N85.5E, 131 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f96295aa2fc8e2def005073: ( 53-45336-024_1.jpg) 12 January 1915 From Malta to Tenedos Island Lat 38.32, Long 24.65 [Lat corrected from 39 19 N shown in log, based on True Bearing and Distance and log of HMS Colne for this date] 5.58am: Nata Light N71E. 6.48am: Syra Light abeam 1.5 miles. 6.55am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Anchoring. 7.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor veered to 3 Shackles in 12.25 Fathoms. [Log of HMS Colne indicates this is Syra Harbour]. [Anchor Bearings: End of Syra Breakwater ENE 1 Cable] 8.20am: Weighed and proceeded out of Harbour in company with “Colne”. Course as requisite 15 knots. 8.30am: Course N9W, 15 knots. 8.42am: Altered course N30W. 9.39am: Put clocks on 21 minutes. 10.35am: Increased to 18 knots, altered course N20W. 10.56am: Altered course North. 11.15am: Increased to 21 knots. 1.30pm: As requisite for entering ~~~~ Bay [name of bay has been corrected in unclear way but log of HMS Colne indicates harbour is in Skyros Island] 1.40pm: Stopped off “Indefatigable”. Sent Mails to her. Discharged J Gould Leading Signalman, J Thone, T Caldwell and A Black Signal Boys to “Indefatigable”. 2.55pm: Proceeded out of Harbour in company with Colne. 3.35pm: Course N33E, 13 knots. 5.0pm: Darkened Ship. Placed Extra Look Outs. 9.31pm: Altered course N15E. 10.30pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 4.25 Fathoms veered to 4.5 shackles off Southern Side of Tenedos Island [now called Bozcaada; actually Northern side; see next page and anchor bearing]. [Anchor Bearings: Ponente Point Light S74W, Gadaro Light S57E] [Course and Distance made good: Various 330 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Doro Island S16W, 8 miles] 4f96295aa2fc8e2def005074: ( 53-45336-025_0.jpg) 13 January 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.86, Long 25.99 [estimated] [At Anchor on Northern Side of Tenedos] 9.0am: HMS Blenheim arrived and Anchored. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Darkened Ship. Placed Extra Look Outs. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 42.40 tons] [South westerly wind force 6 or 7 in am, reducing in pm; rain at times, noon temperature 58F, sea temperature 60F] 4f96295ba2fc8e2def005075: ( 53-45336-025_1.jpg) 14 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.79, Long 26.02 [estimated] [At Anchor on Northern Side of Tenedos Island] 6.0am: Hands employed preparing Ship for Coaling. 7.20am: Weighed and proceeded round to Southern Side of Tenedos Island. [As Requisite for proceeding round to Southern Anchorage] 8.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms on Southern Side of Tenedos veered to 3 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Dimitri Point N38W, Marmara Point [Cape Marmara] S70E] 10.15am: Weighed and Proceeded alongside Collier Clara [probably this ship]. 10.45am: Commenced Coaling. pm: Hands employed Coaling Ship. 4.30pm: Stopped Coaling, Left Collier. Proceeded in company with Colne to Patrol Area. Received 58 Tons of Coal. 6.0pm: Course and speeds as requisite for patrolling on a line WNW from Helles Point [Cape Helles]. 7.0pm: Darkened Ship. Hands to Night Cruising Stations. [As Requisite for Patrolling in company with Colne] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 88.45 tons] [Note: There were several ships called “Clara” at this time but the most likely is SS Clara, a British cargo ship built in the UK in 1898 and owned by Burdick and Cook. She was to be sunk off Cornwall in UK by a German submarine in December 1917.] 4f96295ba2fc8e2def005076: ( 53-45336-026_0.jpg) 15 January 1915 On Patrol and at Tenedos Island [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.79, Long 26.02 [estimated] 2.0am: As Requisite for Patrolling on a line WNW from Helles Point. 7.20am: Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Southern Anchorage. 8.30am: Course and Speeds as requisite for Closing Schooner flying Greek flag to South East of Island. 9.50am: Boarded Schooner. 10.15am: Returned to Anchorage. 11.10am: Came to with Anchor in 19.75 Fathoms veered to 3 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Dimitri Point N34W, Cape Marmara S62E] 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded to go alongside Collier. 11.55am: Made Fast. 0.20pm: Slipped from Collier and came to Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 2.5 Shackles off Southern Side of Tenedos Island. [Anchor Bearings: Cape Marmara S62W, South Dimitri Point N52W, Point of Land N22W] 2.35pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside “Blenheim”. [Alongside Blenheim] 5.0pm: Darkened Ship. [North easterly wind force 5 from 8am to 8pm, noon temperature 48F, sea temperature 60F] 4f96295ca2fc8e2def005077: ( 53-45336-026_1.jpg) 16 January 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.79, Long 26.02 [Alongside Blenheim] 7.0am: Shifted Ship astern of Blenheim. [Made Fast astern of “Blenheim”] 8.30am: [HMS] Dublin arrived. am: Hands employed working about Torpedoes and Scrubbing out Mess Decks. pm: Hands employed refitting wires and Charging Torpedoes. 5.0pm: Darkened ship. Night Cruising Stations. 6.5pm: Slipped from “Blenheim”, Course and Speeds as requisite for Anchoring. 6.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 15 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Dimitri Point N36W, Cape Marmara S60E] 10.15pm: Weighed and proceeded in company with Hindukush to Northern Anchorage, Course and Speeds as requisite. [As Requisite for proceeding to Northern Side of Tenedos Island] 4f96295ca2fc8e2def005078: ( 53-45336-027_0.jpg) 17 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.86, Long 26.00 [estimated] 0.15am: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 13 fathoms off North Side of Tenedos Island veered to 6 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light S57E, Streblos Island S46W, Ponente Point Light S74W] [At Anchor on Northern Side of Tenedos Island] 3.0am: Blenheim anchored. am: Hands employed preparing Ship for Coaling and as Requisite. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier Clara. 0.10pm: Made Fast alongside collier. 1.0pm: Commenced Coaling. pm: Hands employed Coaling Ship. 4.0pm: Finished coaling Received 55 Tons. 4.10pm: Left Collier Course and Speeds as requisite for Anchoring. 4.40pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 8 fathoms. Veered to 4 shackles. Hands employed washing down Upper Deck. Darkened ship. Night Defence Stations. [Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light S74E, Mount Eliass [Mount Elias] S49E, Ponente Point Light S65W] 5.50pm: Welland, Kennet and Chelmer arrived and anchored. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 119.55 tons] 4f96295ca2fc8e2def005079: ( 53-45336-027_1.jpg) 18 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.83, Long 26.10 [rough estimate] [At Anchor off Northern Side of Tenedos Island] am: Lost overboard by accident: Scrubbers Hand 3 in Number, Brooms Bass 1 in Number. 6.25am: Weighed and Closed Blenheim. 7.10am: Course and Speeds as requisite for proceeding to Town of Tenedos. 8.50am: Landed Interpreter from Blenheim at Tenedos in Whaler. Stopped Both. [As Requisite for Closing Blenheim, proceeding to Tenedos Town, returning to Anchorage and for Patrolling] 9.55am: Whaler returned, Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Blenheim and for proceeding to Patrol Area between Tenedos Island and Mainland. [As Requisite for Patrolling] 5.0pm: Darkened ship. Night Cruising Stations. 5.20pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 8 fathoms off Northern Side of Tenedos Island veered to 6 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light S68E, Mount Eliass S53E, Ponente Point Light S61W] [At Anchor off Northern Side of Tenedos Island] 4f96295da2fc8e2def00507a: ( 53-45336-028_0.jpg) 19 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [estimated] [At Anchor off Northern Side of Tenedos Island] am: Hands employed as Requisite. Divisions. pm: Hands employed as Requisite. 4.20pm: Weighed and in company with Kennet proceeded to Patrol area between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. 6.0pm: Darkened ship. Night Cruising Stations. 10.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. 4f96295da2fc8e2def00507b: ( 53-45336-028_1.jpg) 20 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 40.00, Long 26.08 2.0am and 5.0am: As Requisite for patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. 7.0am: Proceeded. 9.0am: Divisions Exercised Action. Hands employed as Requisite. am: One Watch at Signal Instruction. pm: As Requisite for Patrolling off entrance to Dardanelles. Watch at Signal Instruction. Current setting WNW. 5.30pm: Darkened Ship. Hands to Night Cruising Stations. 10.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N68E, 5 miles] 4f96295da2fc8e2def00507c: ( 53-45336-029_0.jpg) 21 January 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.79, Long 26.04 [estimated, for Southern Anchorage] 2.0am and 6.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling of Entrance to Dardanelles. 7.15am: Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Anchorage. 8.35am: Made Fast alongside Collier “Clara”. 9.10am: Commenced Coaling. am: Hands employed Coaling Ship. 11.15am: Finished Coaling. Received 38 Tons. Left Collier. 11.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms in Southern Anchorage veered to 4 shackles. pm: Anchor Bearings: Cape Marmara S61E, Church N21E, Point of Land N17W. [At Anchor in Northern Anchorage off Tenedos Island] [actually Southern Anchorage] 3.0pm: Giusippe Salida, Antonio Fulgen, George Mcallie and Camello Borg, Stokers RMNR joined ship from HMS Blenheim. 7.30pm: Wind backed to Southward. 8.55pm: Weighed and proceeded to Northern Anchorage. 10.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 7.25 Fathoms in Northern Anchorage veered to 5 Shackles. [At Anchor in Northern Anchorage] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.35 tons] 4f96295ea2fc8e2def00507d: ( 53-45336-029_1.jpg) 22 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [estimated] [At Anchor off Northern Anchorage Tenedos Island] 3.0am: Wind increased in Force. Heavy Squalls. am: Divisions. Hands employed stowing Life Belts, scrubbing out Mess Decks and as Requisite. 4.20pm: Weighed and proceeded in company with Kennet to Patrol Area. 5.0pm: Darkened ship. Night Cruising Stations. 6.0pm and 10.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for patrolling WNW of Helles Point. [Southerly or south westerly wind force 4-8 at 4am, force 5 to 7 for rest of day, rain early and late in day, noon temperature 61F, sea temperature 60F] 4f96295ea2fc8e2def00507e: ( 53-45336-030_0.jpg) 23 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [estimated] 2.0am and 6.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for patrolling WNW of Helles Point. 6.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Northern Anchorage. 9.10am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms in Northern Anchorage veered to 5 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light House S69E, Mount Eliass [sic] S49E, Rock S3E. [At Anchor in Northern Anchorage off Tenedos Island] pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. Lost overboard by accident:- Plyers Round nose 6 inch - 1 pair. 5.0pm: Darkened ship. Night Defence stations. 6.0pm: Veered to 6 shackles. 9.30pm: Wind Increased in Force. 11.0pm: Heavy Squalls and Thunder Storm. [Southerly or south easterly wind force 7 or 8 all day, sea mostly rough or very rough, rain at times] 4f96295ea2fc8e2def00507f: ( 53-45336-030_1.jpg) 24 January 1915 At Tenedos Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [At Anchor in Northern Anchorage Tenedos Island] 1.30am: Wind veered to SW and decreased in strength. 9.30am: Hands to Divisions and Prayers. 4.20pm: Weighed and Proceeded in company with Kennet to Patrol Area. 6.0pm: Darkened Ship. Night Cruising Stations. Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. 10.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Mainland and Rabbit Island. [South westerly wind force 5 for most of day, force 4 from 8pm] 4f96295fa2fc8e2def005080: ( 53-45336-031_0.jpg) 25 January 1915 At Tenedos Lat 40.00, Long 26.08 2.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. 5.0am: As Requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland and for proceeding to Patrol Area off Entrance to Dardanelles. 9.0am and 2.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. am: Hands employed, Scrubbing out Boats and as Requisite. Current Setting WNW. pm: Lost overboard by accident: Scrubbers Hand 1 in Number. 7.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N69E, 5.5 miles] 4f96295fa2fc8e2def005081: ( 53-45336-031_1.jpg) 26 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [estimated] 2.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. 5.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling and for proceeding to Anchorage. 7.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for Coaling. 8.15am: Made Fast alongside Collier Lydie. 8.30am: Commenced Coaling. am: Hands employed Coaling Ship. 11.15am: Finished Coaling. Received 48 Tons. 11.25am: Left Collier. 11.40pm: Came to with starboard anchor in 8 fathoms veered to 3 Shackles. [At Anchor in Northern Anchorage Tenedos Island] [Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light S70E, Mount Eliass S49E, Rock S1E] pm: Hands employed Replacing Gear and Washing down Decks. 2.0pm: Read Warrant No 15. Discharged James Warren Signalman (Prisoner) to Blenheim to undergo Cell Punishment. 5.0pm: Darkened Ship. Night Defence Stations. [Number on sick list: 4 in Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.65 tons] [Note: SS Lydie was a British cargo ship built in the UK in 1899 and owned by Burdick and Cook. She was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off Cornwall in UK in February 1918.] 4f96295fa2fc8e2def005082: ( 53-45336-032_0.jpg) 27 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [At Anchor in Northern Anchorage Tenedos Island] 2.30am: Sighted Steamer Steering West. 8.30am: Wind Freshened. Rain Squalls. Veered to 6 shackles. am: Hands employed Rigging Life Lines, Lashing Gear on Upper Deck and as Requisite. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4.15pm: Weighed and Proceeded in Company with “Kennet”. Course and Speeds as Requisite for proceeding to Patrol Area. 7.0pm and 10.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling WNW of Helles Point. [Number on sick list: 4 in Hospital] 4f962960a2fc8e2def005083: ( 53-45336-032_1.jpg) 28 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [estimated] 2.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling WNW of Helles Point. 6.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for patrolling WNW of Helles Point and as Requisite for returning to Anchorage. 8.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 18 fathoms in Northern Anchorage. Veered to 3 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Eliass S11E, Streblos Island S66W, Petro Island S60E] 9.50am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier “Lydie”. 10.5am: Made Fast. 10.15am: Commenced Coaling. 10.50am: Finished Coaling, Received 15 Tons. 11.0am: Left Collier. Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 Fathoms veered to 6 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light S68E, Mount Eliass S50E, Rock S1W] [At Anchor in Northern Anchorage Tenedos Island] pm: Hands employed Washing Down Upper Deck and Replacing Gear. 5.0pm: Darkened Ship. Night Defence Stations. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.20 tons] 4f962960a2fc8e2def005084: ( 53-45336-033_0.jpg) 29 January 1915 At Tenedos Island Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [At Anchor off Northern Side of Tenedos Island] am: Hands employed cleaning Torpedos and as Requisite. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 4.5om: Weighed and Proceeded to Patrol Area. 6.0pm and 10.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. [Number on sick list: 4 in Hospital] [South westerly wind force 5 to 6-7 all day, weather mostly overcast] 4f962960a2fc8e2def005085: ( 53-45336-033_1.jpg) 30 January 1915 At Tenedos Lat 40.00, Long 26.08 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Mainland and Rabbit Islands. 6.0am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Mainland and Rabbit Islands and for proceeding to Patrol Area off Entrance to Dardanelles. am and pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. pm: Lost overboard by accident: Scrubbers Hand 1 in Number, Lamps ER Pattern 68 1 in Number. 10.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling of Entrance to Dardanelles. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N69E, 5.5 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] 4f962961a2fc8e2def005086: ( 53-45336-034_0.jpg) 31 January 1915 At Base [Tenedos] Lat 39.85, Long 25.97 [rough estimate] 2.0am and 5.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. 6.45am: Course as Requisite for returning to Anchorage. [As Requisite for returning to Base, going alongside Collier and for Anchoring] 7.45am: Made Fast to Collier. 8.0 Left Collier. 8.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 13 Fathoms veered to 3 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light S65E, Mela Point S35E, Streblos Island S64W] 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier Lydie. 9.10am: Secured to Collier. 9.15am: Commenced Coaling. 10.40am: Finished Coaling. Received 28 Tons. 10.55am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 Fathoms veered to 4 Shackles in Northern Anchorage. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Eliass S50E, Gadaro Light S68E, Rock S2E] 11.50am: Weighed and Proceeded to Southern Anchorage. 0.40pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 13 Fathoms Veered to 4 Shackles in Southern Anchorage. [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] [Anchor Bearings: Cape Marmara S64E, St Dimitri Point S52W, Point of Land N20W] 5.0pm: Darkened Ship. Night Defence Stations. pm: Lost overboard by accident:- Scrubbers Hand 1 in Number. [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 120.20 tons] 4f962961a2fc8e2def005087: ( 53-45336-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f962961a2fc8e2def005088: ( 53-45336-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f962962a2fc8e2def005089: ( 53-45336-035_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] [Editor’s note: From here on the place names in the log have been “anonymised” as “Base”; wherever possible the place name has been included in this transcript, particularly when Jed first arrives in a particular place] LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1915 4f962962a2fc8e2def00508a: ( 53-45337-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period February 1st 1915 to February 28th 1915] 4f962963a2fc8e2def00508b: ( 53-45337-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f962963a2fc8e2def00508c: ( 53-45337-002_0.jpg) [Blank page apart from handwritten note: This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS “Jed” for the period 1st - 28th Feb 15. [Signed] G Mulock, Lieutenant Commander] 4f962963a2fc8e2def00508d: ( 53-45337-002_1.jpg) [Page with data on distances run and coal expended, for dates from 25.10.11 to 17.12.14. Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded. Speed and consumption in accordance with exigencies of war. [Signed] G Mulock Lieutenant Commander, 1 March 1915. HMS “Blenheim” 16 Match 1915. No remarks. [Signed] JM Simpson Engineer Commander (D). HMS “Amethyst” 7 April 1915. [Signed] CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] 4f962964a2fc8e2def00508e: ( 53-45337-003_0.jpg) [Details of Barometer and Thermometers, as before (apart from dates)] 4f962964a2fc8e2def00508f: ( 53-45337-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] 7.0am: Hands Washing down Upper Deck. 9.0am: Divisions. Aired Night Clothing and Bedding. am: Hands employed Cleaning Torpedos and as requisite. pm: Hands employed Cleaning out Store Rooms and as Requisite. 4.0pm: Weighed and Closed “Blenheim”. Swung Ship for adjustment of Heeling Error. 4.45pm: Swung for adjustment of Compasses. 5.2pm: Course and Speeds as requisite for proceeding to Patrol Area. Darkened Ship. Exercised Action. 10.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling on a line WNW of Helles Point Distant 2 miles. [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] 4f962964a2fc8e2def005090: ( 53-45337-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Helles Point WNW 3 miles. 6.0am: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling and for Returning to Base. 8.55am: Made fast to Collier “Lydie”. 9.15am: Commenced Coaling. 10.15am: Finished Coaling. Received 18 Tons. 10.20am: Left Collier. 10.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 13 Fathoms veered to 5 Shackles. Hands washing down Upper Deck. [Anchor Bearings: Cape Marmara S63E, St Dimitri Point S52W, Point of Land N20W] [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. 6.0pm: Darkened Ship. Night Defence Stations. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 122.7 tons] [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] [North easterly wind force 6 to 7-8 from noon, rain for most of the day, noon temperature 42F, sea temperature 56F] 4f962965a2fc8e2def005091: ( 53-45337-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [At Anchorage in Southern Anchorage of Base] 7.0am: Hands Rigging Life Lines and Washing down Decks. am: Hands employed refitting Hemp Hawser and as Requisite. 1.30pm: Veered to 6 Shackles. [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] [Wind still north easterly force 8 to 5-7 all day, rain at times and snow through middle of day. Noon temperature 36F] 4f962965a2fc8e2def005092: ( 53-45337-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] am and pm: Hands employed making Bridge Weather Screen and as Requisite. 4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded out of Harbour in company with “Kennet” Course and Speeds as requisite for proceeding to Patrol Area. 7.0pm and 10.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. [Number on sick list:4 In Hospital] [Weather quieter and drier today] 4f962965a2fc8e2def005093: ( 53-45337-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 40.00, Long 26.08 2.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. 6.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland and as requisite for proceeding to Patrol Area off Dardanelles. am: Hands employed, working on Torpedos and making Bridge Weather Screen. 2.0pm, 5.0pm and 9.0pm: Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N69E, 5.5 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] 4f962966a2fc8e2def005094: ( 53-45337-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. 6.0pm: Courses and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles and as requisite for returning to Anchorage. 9.0am: Made Fast to Collier Ethel [possibly this ship]. 9.20am: Commenced Coaling. 11.25am: Finished Coaling. Received 42 Tons. 11.30am: Left Collier. Proceeded alongside “Laristan”. Taking in Oil. 1.30pm: Left “Laristan”. Proceeded alongside HMS Blenheim. pm: Taking in Oil and Drawing Provisions. 4.25pm: Left Blenheim. Course and Speeds as requisite for Anchoring. 4.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 13 Fathoms. Veered to 6 Shackles. Darkened Ship. Night Cruising Stations. [Anchor Bearings: Cape Marmara S63E, St Dimitri Point S52W, Point of Land N22W] [At Single Anchor in South Anchorage of Base] 7.0pm: Lost overboard by accident:- Fenders Coir pattern 309 - 2 in Number. [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 124.75 tons] [Note: There were a number of ships named “Ethel” at this time; the most likely was SS Ethel, a British cargo ship built in UK in 1898 and owned by Burdick and Cook. She was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off Wales in September 1918. SS Laristan was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1910 and owned by The Hindustan Steam Shipping Company. She was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Mediterranean in September 1916.] 4f962966a2fc8e2def005095: ( 53-45337-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] 1.15am: Steamer showing Navigation Lights passed to Westward of Ponente Point steering to Southward. 9.30am: Hands to Divisions. 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded at Full Speed to Patrol Area. Darkened Ship. Night Cruising Stations. 10.0pm: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling on a line WNW of Helles Point, Average Distance off 2 Miles. [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] 4f962966a2fc8e2def005096: ( 53-45337-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] 2.0am: Courses and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling on a line WNW of Helles Point. Average Distance off Point 2.5 miles. 6.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling on a line WNW of Helles Point. Average Distance off Point 2 miles. 8.0am: Hands prepared Ship for Coaling. 9.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Anchorage and as requisite for going alongside Collier Ethel. 10.0am: Made Fast Alongside Collier. 10.5am: Commenced Coaling. 10.32am: Finished Coaling. Received 16 Tons. 10.35am: Left Collier. Came to with Starboard anchor in 12 Fathoms veered to 6 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Cape Marmara S62E. St Dimitri Point S51W, Point of Land N22W] 11.15am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Blenheim. 1.15pm: Dropped Astern of “Blenheim”. pm: Gussippe Salida, Antonio Fulsen, George Macallee, Camello Borg Stokers [note alternative spellings of some of these names on 21st January 1915], discharged to Blenheim. Joseph Elliss and Alex Hupcheon Stoker Second Class and Harold Thome [or Thorne] Signal Boy joined ship from “Blenheim”. [Alongside HMS Blenheim] 6.0pm: Darkened ship. Night Defence Stations. 8.15pm: Left Blenheim. Came to with Starboard anchor in 12 Fathoms. Veered to 6 Shackles. [At Anchor in Base] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 120.00 tons] 4f962967a2fc8e2def005097: ( 53-45337-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] am: Hands employed refitting 2.5 inch Wire “Picking up Rope”, Scrubbing out Mess Decks and as Requisite. pm: William Bishop, Albert Berry, James Owens and William Palfrey joined ship from “Vengeance”. [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] 4f962967a2fc8e2def005098: ( 53-45337-008_0.jpg) 10 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.88, Long 26.08 [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Patrol Area between Tenedos Island and Mainland. 7.20am: Sighted Steamer leaving Tenedos. Closed Steamer. 7.50am: Boarded Steamer SS Krote (Greek). Let her proceed. 8.30am: Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Anchorage. Closed “Vengeance”. 9.5am: Stewards and Interpreter came onboard. Course and Speeds as requisite for proceeding to Tenedos. 10.15am: Sent Stewards and Interpreter ashore in Whaler. [Stopped off Tenedos] 0.15pm: Whaler Returned to Ship. 0.20 Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Anchorage. 1.15pm: Stopped off “Vengeance”. Stewards returned to Vengeance. Course and Speeds as requisite for returning to Patrol Area. 4.0pm: Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Tenedos Island and Mainland. 6.0pm: Proceeded to Patrol Area between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. 10.0pm: Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. [True Bearing and Distance: Tenedos Castle 2 miles West] [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] 4f962968a2fc8e2def005099: ( 53-45337-008_1.jpg) 11 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 40.00, Long 26.08 2.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland. 5.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling between Rabbit Islands and Mainland and for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. 9.0am, 1.0pm 7.0pm and 10.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N69E 5.5 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] 4f962968a2fc8e2def00509a: ( 53-45337-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] 2.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. 6.0am: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles and as Requisite for returning to Base. 8.15am: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 12 Fathoms veered to 2 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Cape Marmara S62E, Point of Land N25W, St Dimitri Point S50W] am: Hands Preparing Ship for Coaling. 11.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier. 0.15pm: Made Fast to Collier Ethel. 0.30pm: Commenced Coaling. 2.0pm: Finished Coaling Received 40 Tons. 2.5pm: Left Collier. Came to with Starboard Anchor in 13 Fathoms veered to 4.5 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Cape Marmara S62E, St Dimitri Point S50W, Point of Land N22W] [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] 3.45pm: Sub Lieutenant EG Fryer RNR discharged to Vengeance. Lieutenant R Fletcher RNR joined ship from Vengeance. pm: Lost overboard by accident:- Creepers Iron pattern 1442 - 1 in Number, Fenders Coir pattern 309 - 1 in Number. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 124.70 tons] [Number on sick list: 4 In Hospital] 4f962968a2fc8e2def00509b: ( 53-45337-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] [At Anchor in Southern Anchorage of Base] am: Hands employed Painting Ship. 8.30am: “Vengeance” sailed. pm: Hands employed Rigging Target, Scrubbing out Dinghy and as Requisite. 3.0pm: Weighed and Proceeded in Company with “Kennet”. 4.0pm: Carried out 1 inch Aiming Rifle Practice at Target towed by “Kennet”. 4.40pm: Completed Practice. 4.45pm: Veered Target. 5.15pm: Hoisted in Target. Course and Speeds as Requisite for Proceeding to Patrol Area. 7.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling on a line WNW of Helles Point, Distance 2 miles. 10.0pm: Course and Speeds as Requisite for Patrolling on a Line WNW of Cape Helles. Distance as Requisite. 10.40pm: Sighted Steamer showing Navigation Lights steering to Southward, to Eastward of Kaphalo [Kephalo] Light. 4f962969a2fc8e2def00509c: ( 53-45337-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling on line WNW Helles Point 1.5 miles. [As Requisite for Patrolling Entrance to Dardanelles] 5.0am: As requisite for Patrol. 6.50am: Proceeded to anchorage, “Kennet” in company. 8.30am: As requisite for Anchorage. 8.45am: Closed “Cornwallis” for letters etc. 10.20am: Proceeded. 10.30am: Made fast to Collier “Clara”. 10.35am: Commenced Coaling. 10.45am: Finished Coaling. Received 10 Tons. 10.50am: Proceeded. 11.0am: Came to in 11.5 fathoms Starboard anchor, Veered to 5 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: St Dimitri Point S50W, Cape Marmara S61E, Point of Land N24W] [Anchored at Base South Anchorage] pm: Cleaned Ship. Make and Mend Clothes. 4.30pm: Quarters. 7.0pm: Darkened Ship. Night Action Stations. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.40 tons] [Number on sick list: Four Hospital] 4f962969a2fc8e2def00509d: ( 53-45337-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.81, Long 26.00 [rough estimate] [Anchored at Base S Anchorage] 2.0am: Ship darkened. Hands at Night Action Stations. 6.30am: Daylight. Hands cleaning ship and as Requisite. am: Party with Gunner (T) working about Torpedoes. Remainder cleaning ship and working about Boats. 10.30am: Commencing to blow from SSW. 11.50am: Weighed and proceeded to N Anchorage, Course and Engines as Requisite. 0.50pm: Came to in 15.5 fathoms with Starboard anchor. Veered to 6 Shackles. 1.30pm: Remainder of Flotilla arriving independently. [Anchored at Base N Anchorage] [Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light House S56E, Petro Island S32W, Streblos Island S73W] 4.30pm: Quarters. Scrub and Wash Clothes. 5.30pm: Darkened Ship. Night Action Stations. 6.15pm: Moon bore W by S. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f962969a2fc8e2def00509e: ( 53-45337-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] and on Patrol Lat 39.86, Long 26.01 [estimated] 5.0am: At Night Defence Stations. [At Base N Anchorage] 6.15am: Daylight. am: Hands employed Cleaning Arms and Scraping Guns. 5.0pm: Weighed. As Requisite from Anchorage. 5.30pm: Swung Ship for Deviation of After Compass and Conning Tower Compass. 5.45pm: Proceeded. 6.15pm: Patrolling between Rabbit Island and Mainland. Ship darkened. Night Action Stations. 10.0pm: Patrolling between Rabbit Island and Mainland. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Winds mostly light, rain at times, noon temperature 56F, sea temperature 58F] 4f96296aa2fc8e2def00509f: ( 53-45337-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.00, Long 26.08 2.0am: Patrolling between Rabbit Island and Mainland. 6.10am: Daybreak. 6.30am: Proceeded to Patrol Area at entrance to Dardanelles. am: Hands employed fitting protection (Life belts, Hemp Hawsers, etc.) to Gun Positions and Bridge. 11.0am and 2.0pm: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. 5.30pm: Sighted Sea Plane heading for entrance to Dardanelles. 5.35pm - 5.50pm: Seaplane passing over Forts at entrance, under fire. 5.55pm: Seaplane returning to Tenedos. 6.30pm: Moon bore W by S. Shore Search Lights switched on. 10.0pm: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles Light House N69E 5.5 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f96296aa2fc8e2def0050a0: ( 53-45337-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] and on Patrol Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. 6.10am: Daybreak. 6.50am: Shaped course for N Anchorage. Hands preparing for coaling. 7.55am: Secured alongside Collier “Clara”. Wind increasing. 8.5am: Cast off. Shaped course for S Anchorage. 8.50am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 15 fathoms. Veered to 4 Shackles. am: Hands preparing ship for action. Noon: Weighed. 0.10pm: Secured alongside Collier “Clara”. Commenced Coaling. [At Base S Anchorage] 1.30pm: Finished. Received 37 Tons. Cast off from Collier. Closed “Cornwallis” and draw Demolition Charges. Closed “Hindu Khush” and drew Signal Flags. 3.40pm: Came to in 11.5 fathoms with Starboard Anchor. Veered to 6 Shackles. 5.0pm: Cleaning ship and preparing for action. 6.0pm: Scrub and Wash Clothes. 9.0pm: Ship darkened. Night Action Stations. 10.30pm: Moon set W by S. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.35 tons] 4f96296aa2fc8e2def0050a1: ( 53-45337-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [At Base South Anchorage] 6.15am: Daybreak. 7.30am: Hands cleaning ship preparing for action. 9.0am: Divisions. Prayers. am: Hands frapping Rigging, Scraping Guns, etc. pm: Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Quarters. Exercised Demolition Party. Darkened Ship. Night Defence Stations. 6.20pm: Moon bore WSW. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f96296ba2fc8e2def0050a2: ( 53-45337-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.85, Long 25.98 [estimated] [At Base S Anchorage] 6.10am: Daybreak. Aired Night Clothing. 7.20am: Sun bore S68E. 9.0am: Weighed. 9.10am: Proceeded to N Anchorage “Kennet” in company. 10.15am: Came to in 12 fathoms with Starboard anchor. Veered to 5 shackles. 10.40am: Weighed, remained under weigh pending arrival of other ships. 11.20am: Came to in original billet. Veered to 5 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light House S57E, Petro Island S30W, Streblos Island S72W] [At Base N Anchorage] pm: Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Weighed. Proceeded to Patrol Area off Entrance to Dardanelles. 5.50pm: Sun bore S80W. 11.30pm: Moon bore N70W Altitude 10 degrees. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f96296ba2fc8e2def0050a3: ( 53-45337-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] and on Patrol Lat 39.85, Long 25.98 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. 7.30am: Hands damping down defenced of Gun Positions. 9.30am: Divisions. Read Prayers. Proceeded for Anchorage at Base. 11.15am: Came to with Starboard Anchor. Veered to 6 shackles. [At Base N Anchorage] 3.0pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 3.15pm: Made fast alongside Collier “Clara”. Commenced Coaling. 4.25pm: Finished Coaling. Received 30 Tons. Cast off from Collier. Anchored on Starboard Quarter of “Colne”. 6.50pm: Weighed. Proceeded in company with “Colne”. 7.5pm: Came to in 7 fathoms with Starboard Anchor. Veered to 6 Shackles. Anchor Bearings: Streblos Island S73W, Petro Island S80E, Melea [Mela] Point S52E. [At Base N Anchorage] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 126.00 tons] 4f96296ba2fc8e2def0050a4: ( 53-45337-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 25.98 [At Base, N Anchorage] 1.30am: Moon set NW. 6.10am: Heavy Southerly Squall. 6.20am: Daylight. 7.30am: Wind veering to W. 7.45am: Weighed with 3rd Division. 8.0am: Proceeded As Requisite for shifting Berth. 8.40am: Came to in [blank] fathoms with Starboard Anchor Veered to 4 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: abeam Port Khoraki S81W, Ponente Light House S67W, abeam Port Streblos Island S72.5E] am: Hands scraping guns and charging Torpedoes. pm: Make and Mend Clothes. 4.30pm: Weighed. Closed “Blenheim” and communicated. 5.20pm: Proceeded to Patrol Area off Entrance to Dardanelles “Kennet” in company. 6.58pm: Sun set S76W. Shore Search Lights switched on. 10.0pm: Patrolling. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Heavy rain in early am then fine, wind decreasing from noon. Barometric pressure recorded hourly all day (rising slowly); noon temperature 57F, sea temperature 58F] 4f96296ca2fc8e2def0050a5: ( 53-45337-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1915 Patrolling Lat 39.93, Long 26.13 1.30am: Moon obscured by clouds. 2.30am: Patrolling off entrance to Dardanelles. 6.20am: Daylight. 7.15am: Proceeded to Patrol Area between Rabbit Island and Mainland. am: Patrolling. Hands scraping Guns and preparing Ship for action. [9.0 to 11.0am: Wind] [Backing to Southward] 2.0pm: Patrolling between Rabbit Island and Mainland. [5.0pm] [Southerly Squall] [7.0 - 8.0pm] [Squalls from S] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Wind south westerly then southerly, force 5 or 6 in am, with mostly fine weather, squally force 4 to 8 throughout pm, with rain and lightning at times. Barometric pressure still recorded hourly; falling until 4pm then rising slowly] 4f96296ca2fc8e2def0050a6: ( 53-45337-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1915 Patrolling and at Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling between Rabbit Island and Mainland 3.30am: Moon set NW. 6.20am: Daylight “KENNET” closed. Shaped Course for Anchorage. Hands preparing for coaling. 7.45am: Secured alongside Collier “Clara”. 8.30am: Commenced Coaling. 9.15am: Finished. Received 33 Tons. Slipped and proceeded. 9.20am: Came to in 7 fathoms with Starboard Anchor. Veered to 4 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S26.5E, Mela Point S55E, Petro Island S81.5E] am: Hands cleaning Ship. [At Base, N Anchorage] pm: Make and Mend and Wash Clothes. 5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to shift Berth with 3rd Division. 6.0pm: Sun set S80W. 6.20pm: Came to in 6 fathoms with Starboard Anchor. Veered to [blank] Shackles. Darkened Ship. Night Defence Stations. [Anchor Bearings: Ponente Light House S63W, Mount Elias S65E, Gadaro Light House S76E] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.45 tons] 4f96296ca2fc8e2def0050a7: ( 53-45337-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [estimated] [At Base N Anchorage] 4.30am: Moon set N40W. am: Refitting aloft as requisite. Examined Calcium Lights, Correct [latter statement double-underlined]. 7.0pm: Weighed. Proceeded to Patrol Area at entrance to Dardanelles “KENNET” in company. 9.30pm: Heavy Westerly Rain squall. 11.0pm: Patrolling in company with “BASILISK”, “RACOON” and “KENNET”. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f96296da2fc8e2def0050a8: ( 53-45337-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1915 At Sea and Patrolling Lat 40.06, Long 26.30 [For Patrolling] 2.30am: Patrolling at Entrance to Dardanelles. 6.30am: Patrolling. 9.30am: Proceeded inside Dardanelles. Closed “Colne”. Shaped course for reconnoitring N Shore of Straits. [For Reconnaissance] 11.0am: Engaged Shore Batteries. 1.0pm: Completed Reconnaissance and closed SO to report. Destroyed Moored Buoy by gunfire. 2.30pm: Formed astern of “Colne” at entrance to Dardanelles. 4.30pm: Stopped off Seddul Bahr as requisite. 5.30pm: Darkened ship. Night Defence Stations, 6.30pm: Proceeded to Patrol area inside Dardanelles. 9.0pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Seddul Bahr S75W 4.25 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f96296da2fc8e2def0050a9: ( 53-45337-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1915 Patrolling [though not stated at top of page] Lat 40.03, Long 26.22 2.0am: Patrolling inside Entrance to Dardanelles. 6.30am and 9.30am: Patrolling. 0.15pm: Proceeded up Dardanelles to reconnoitre. 2.0pm: Reconnoitring. 7.0pm: Patrolling N shore of Dardanelles. 10.0pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N30W 1 mile] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 78.90 tons] 4f96296da2fc8e2def0050aa: ( 53-45337-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1915 At Sea and at Base Lat 39.93, Long 26.07 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling N Shore of Dardanelles. 6.0am and 10.0am: Patrolling. 11.10am: Proceeded to Westward of Rabbit Island. 11.50am: Came to in 10 fathoms with Starboard Anchor. Veered to 6 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Praso N48.5W, Right of Mavro N49.5E, Right of Drepano S60.5E] [These bearings put Jed by the Rabbit Islands] 2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to Base S Anchorage. 4.30pm: Went alongside Collier “LAMINGTON”. Commenced coaling. 6.20pm: Left Collier. Received 16 Tons. Came to in 20 fathoms with Starboard Anchor [Anchor Bearings: Point of Land N46W, Point of Land N18E] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Note: SS Lamington was a British ship built in Glasgow in 1907 and owned by the Lanarkshire Steamship Company (listed here).] 4f96296ea2fc8e2def0050ab: ( 53-45337-017_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f96296ea2fc8e2def0050ac: ( 53-45337-018_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f96296ea2fc8e2def0050ad: ( 53-45337-018_1.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f96296fa2fc8e2def0050ae: ( 53-45337-019_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f96296fa2fc8e2def0050af: ( 53-45337-019_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f96296fa2fc8e2def0050b0: ( 53-45337-020_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f962970a2fc8e2def0050b1: ( 53-45337-020_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – MARCH 1ST TO APRIL 30TH 1915 LOGS FOR MARCH 1915 4f962970a2fc8e2def0050b2: ( 53-45338-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period March 1st 1915 to April 30th 1915] 4f962971a2fc8e2def0050b3: ( 53-45338-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f962971a2fc8e2def0050b4: ( 53-45338-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten statement: This is to certify that this is the Original Log of HMS Jed for the Period March 1st to April 30th 1915. [Signed] G Mulock Lieutenant Commander] 4f962971a2fc8e2def0050b5: ( 53-45338-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in, apart from date 1st May 1915] 4f962972a2fc8e2def0050b6: ( 53-45338-003_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f962972a2fc8e2def0050b7: ( 53-45338-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] and Patrolling Lat 39.80, Long 26.03 [estimated] [At Base S Anchorage] 6.15am: Weighed. 7.10am: Made fast to Collier “LAMINGTON”. Commenced coaling. 9.20am: Finished coaling. Received 44 Tons. Proceeded. 9.35am: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 20 fathoms. Veered to 6 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Rocky Point N20E 0.75 miles] am: Cleaning Ship. 2.40pm: Weighed. Shaped Course for entrance to Dardanelles. 5.30pm: Patrolling and Reconnoitring in Dardanelles. 6.5pm: Moon bore N86E. Darkened Ship. Exercised Action. 8.30pm: Took station astern of Basilisk, for covering Mine Sweepers. 10.0pm: Closed "AMETHYST" and communicated. 10.45pm: Shore Batteries opened fire on Mine Sweepers. Closed and covered Mine Sweepers. Opened fire on Shore Search Light. Proceeded towards Entrance and patrolled. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 116.45 tons] 4f962972a2fc8e2def0050b8: ( 53-45338-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1915 At Sea Lat 40.02, Long 26.13 1.30am: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. 5.0am and 9.0am: Patrolling. am: Hands working about Torpedoes and placing Coal bag protection to Midship Guns. 2.0pm: Patrolling. 4.30pm: Proceeded up Straits with “CANOPUS” and “SWIFTSURE” who engaged Shore Forts. 5.30pm: Darkened Ship. Night Action Stations. Proceeded to Patrol Area inside entrance to Dardanelles. 7.20pm: Moon bore S85E. 7.45pm: Closed Mine Sweepers with message. 9.5pm: Closed “BASILISK” and sent whaler for letters. 10.30pm: Closed “IRRESISTIBLE” and delivered letters. 11.30pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N46E, 2.25 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f962973a2fc8e2def0050b9: ( 53-45338-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1915 Patrolling [though not stated at top of page] Lat 40.02, Long 26.03 2.30am: Patrolling inside Entrance to Dardanelles. 5.0am: Patrolling 6.20am: Daylight. 9.0am: Patrolling. Divisions. Read Prayers. pm: Scrub and Wash Clothes. 2.0pm: Patrolling 3.0pm: Closed 2nd Division Destroyers. 5.30pm: Stopped at Entrance to Straits with 2nd Division. 9.0pm to 10.0pm: Closed “AMETHYST” for mails. Closed “CANOPUS” off Petro Island. Closed “DUBLIN” off Gadaro Light House: Collecting Reports for VA and RA [Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral]. 10.30pm: Proceeded to Base and closed “SWIFTSURE"” and AE II [an Australian submarine, details here]. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Hellas N46E, 2.25 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f962973a2fc8e2def0050ba: ( 53-45338-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1915 To Lemnos and at Base [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.80, Long 26.02 [estimated, on assumption that Jed is in S Anchorage, Tenedos Island] 0.10am: Proceeded for LEMNOS. 0.50am: Cross Bearings S42E GADARO LIGHT, S48W MOUNT ELIAS. Altered Course S42W. 2.25am: Closed “INFLEXIBLE” and delivered Reports. [For delivering reports to Vice-Admiral and Rear-Admiral] 3.5am: Proceeded S55E 15 knots. 3.19am: Light bore S80.5W, altered course S88E. 5.0am: As requisite for closing “IRRESISTIBLE” off Dardanelles. 5.10am: Closed “IRRESISTIBLE” and delivered Reports. 5.45am: Shaped Course S40W 15 knots. 6.45am: Ponente Light House abeam 7.5 miles. Altered course S66W. 6.51am: Sun bore S81E. 7.34am: Altered course S70W. 8.30am: As Requisite for entering Base. 10.30am: Made fast alongside Collier. Commenced Coaling. 2.45pm: Finished Coaling. Received 65 Tons. Proceeded alongside [HMS] “CARRIGAN HEAD”. Took in stores and ammunition. 5.30pm: Proceeded alongside “HINDUKUSH”. Took in oil. 5.50pm: Proceeded alongside “BLENHEIM”. Took in slops, Provisions and Tobacco. 8.45pm: Proceeded. 9.0pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 6 fathoms. Veered to 6 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Point N40W 2 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.25 tons] 4f962973a2fc8e2def0050bb: ( 53-45338-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1915 From Base (2) to Dardanelles Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 [At Base (2) and as Requisite] 6.30am: Weighed. Closed Collier and drew stores. 7.15am: Closed Hindu Khush and returned empty oil drums. 7.45am: As Requisite for leaving Harbour. am: Hands striking down Stores and Provisions. Cleaning ship. 11.30am: Arrived at Entrance to Dardanelles. 0.30pm: Closed 2nd Division of Destroyers and distributed Bread. 1.0pm: Closed “AMETHYST” and sent bread to her. 2.30pm and 5.0pm: Stopped off entrance to DARDANELLES. 5.30pm: Darkened Ship. Night defence stations. 6.0pm: Closed “CANOPUS” at Base. 7.30pm: Stopped off “CANOPUS”. 8.30pm: Closed “IRRESISTIBLE” and sent letters to her. 9.0pm: Closed “VENGEANCE” and sent letters to her. Stopped off “VENGEANCE”. 11.5pm: Moon bore ESE Altitude 5 degrees. Proceeded to DARDANELLES. 11.50pm: Sighted II Division TBDs [Torpedo Boat Destroyers] off SEDDUL BAHR. [True Bearing and Distance: Seddul Bahr N82E, 1.5 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f962974a2fc8e2def0050bc: ( 53-45338-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1915 At Sea [though not stated at top of page] Lat 40.01, Long 26.16 1.0am: Moon bore ESE. 2.0am: Searching for Trawlers to deliver message from “BASILISK”. 5.0am: Searching for Trawlers. 5.15am: Closed 2nd Division and patrolled Entrance to Dardanelles. 6.10am: Daylight. 9.0am: Stopped off entrance to Dardanelles with 2nd Division. am: Hands working about Torpedoes and Boats. Refitting lashings to Guard Rails and as requisite. 2.0pm: Patrolling in company with 2nd Division. pm: Make and Mend Clothes. 5.0pm: Stopped off Dardanelles with 2nd Division. 5.45pm: Closed “AMETHYST” and sent for letters. 6.15pm: In company with 2nd Division. [True Bearing and Distance: Kum Kale Fort S85E, 2.25 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f962974a2fc8e2def0050bd: ( 53-45338-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1915 Patrolling [though not stated at top of page] Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 2.0am: PATROLLING entrance to Dardanelles. 5.0am: PATROLLING. 6.0am: Daylight. 6.55am: SUN bore S81E. 9.0am: IN company with II Division off Entrance to Dardanelles. am: HANDS employed as requisite. Fitting Bridge Screens etc. 2.0pm: STOPPED off Entrance to Dardanelles. 5.0pm: Closed “COLNE” and communicated. 5.15pm: Shaped Course for Base. 6.30pm: CLOSED sailing boat, called her alongside, searched her and allowed her to proceed. 8.20pm: CAME to with Starboard Anchor in 6 fathoms. Veered to 5 Shackles. Anchor Bearings: Petro Island S68E, Melea [Mela] Point S42E. [At Base N Anchorage] [True Bearing and Distance: Seddul Bahr N82E, 1.5 miles] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Editor’s note: This log-keeper has started putting the first words of each entry in upper case (as above) but from here on this has not been replicated in the transcript, for ease of reading.] 4f962975a2fc8e2def0050be: ( 53-45338-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [estimated] [At Base North Anchorage] 7.0am: Prepared for coaling. 1.0pm: Scrub and wash Clothes. 3.0pm: Weighed. Proceeded to Rabbit Island. 4.30pm: Stopped off Mavro Island. Whaler ashore with search party. 4.45pm: Whaler returned. Weighed. Shaped Course for Base. 5.50pm: Closed “Amethyst” and reported. 6.0pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 12 fathoms. Veered to 4 Shackles. Darkened ship. Exercised night defence stations. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S14.5E, Petro Island S78E] [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] 4f962975a2fc8e2def0050bf: ( 53-45338-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [At Base North Anchorage] 6.50am: Sun bore S71.5E. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Lydie”. 9.30am: Commenced coaling. 0.30pm: Finished coaling. Received 60 tons. Proceeded. 0.45pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 11 fathoms. Veered to 4 shackles. pm: Cleaning Ship. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.15 tons] 4f962975a2fc8e2def0050c0: ( 53-45338-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [At Base North Anchorage] 8.30am: Divisions, read prayers. am: Hands working about boats, charging torpedoes and as requisite. 2.35pm: Weighed. Proceeded to Tenedos. Closed “Vengeance” and then proceeded to Rabbit Island to communicate with Trawler 705. 5.0pm: In company with Trawler 705 proceeding to Dardanelles. 7.0pm: As requisite for covering Trawler 705, while under-running cable. 10.0pm: As requisite with Trawler 705. [Number on sick list: 4 Hospital] [Weather mostly overcast, noon air and sea temperature 58F] 4f962976a2fc8e2def0050c1: ( 53-45338-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [At Base North Anchorage] 1.0am: Returning to base, in company with Trawler 705. 4.5am: Came to with Starboard Anchor at Base. 6.50am: Weighed. Took officers to Tenedos and returned to Base [Anchor Bearings: Melea Point S48E, Petro Island S69E] 9.0am: Divisions. Read Prayers. am: Aired night clothing. [At Base, N Anchorage] pm: Make and mend Clothes. 6.0pm: Darkened ship. Exercised Night action stations. 4f962976a2fc8e2def0050c2: ( 53-45338-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [At Base North Anchorage] 6.20am: Moon bore S45E. am: Hands working about boats and refitting fenders. 11.0am: Prepared for coaling. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier “Lydie”. 0.30pm: Commenced coaling. 1.45pm: Finished. Received 28 Tons. Proceeded. 2.10pm: Came to with Starboard Anchor in 10 fathoms. Veered to 5 Shackles. 6.0pm: Kidney Stoker rejoined from Hospital. 6.16pm: Sun set S88W. 7.50pm: Discharged James, domestic to “Blenheim” sick. [Number on sick list: 3 Hospital, 1 Blenheim] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.50 tons] 4f962976a2fc8e2def0050c3: ( 53-45338-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] and on Patrol Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [At Base North Anchorage] 5.30am: Moon bore S70E. 6.40am: Sun bore S85E. pm: Scrub and wash clothes. Paid monthly money. 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. Darkened ship. Night action stations. 7.0pm: Patrolling between Rabbit Island and Mainland. 10.0pm: Patrolling. [Number on sick list: 3 Hospital, 1 Blenheim] 4f962977a2fc8e2def0050c4: ( 53-45338-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1915 At Patrol Area Lat 39.93, Long 26.13 2.0am: Patrolling between Rabbit Island and Mainland. 5.30am and 10.30am: Patrolling. 6.40am: Sun bore S85E. 2.0pm, 7.0pm and 10.0pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Phido Island S62W, 2 miles] [Number on sick list: 3 Hospital, 1 Blenheim] 4f962977a2fc8e2def0050c5: ( 53-45338-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1915 Patrolling [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.95, Long 26.13 [Lat corrected from 30 57 N shown in log] 2.0am: Patrolling between Rabbit Island and Mainland. 5.30am: Patrolling. 6.37am: Sun bore S87E. am: Hands fitting sweeping gear. 0.50pm: Closed “Blenheim” and communicated. 3.10pm: Returned to Patrol Area. 5.0pm: Shaped Course for anchorage at Base. 5.30pm: Came to in 7 fathoms with Starboard Anchor. Veered to 5 Shackles. Darkened ship. Exercised Night Defence Stations. [At Base N Anchorage. Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S25E, Point of Land S33W] [True Bearing and Distance: Phido Island S39W, 2.25 miles] [Number on sick list: 3 Hospital, 1 Blenheim] 4f962977a2fc8e2def0050c6: ( 53-45338-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [estimated] [At Base North Anchorage] 7.30am: Prepared ship for coaling. 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded alongside store ship “Swanley”. Took in oil and provisions. 11.0am: Slipped from Swanley, proceeded alongside Collier “Boscawen”. 11.45am: Commenced coaling. 1.30pm: Finished coaling, received 36 Tons, slipped from Collier, proceeded to Anchorage. 1.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor 7 fathoms, 4 shackles. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. pm: Anchor bearings: Melea Point S42E, Petro Island S68E. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 122.95 tons] [Note: SS Boscawen was a British cargo ship built in UK in 1909 and owned by The Cornish Shipping Company, E Jenkins, Cardiff. She was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off Wales in August 1918.] 4f962978a2fc8e2def0050c7: ( 53-45338-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 5.45am: Aired bedding. Hands employed fitting sweeping gear. 9.0am: Divisions. 9.50am: Lashed up and stowed Hammocks. 1.0pm: Piped down. 4.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to “C” Patrol area. [Course and Speed as requisite for Patrolling] 6.0pm: Darkened ship, exercised night action stations. 4f962978a2fc8e2def0050c8: ( 53-45338-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1915 At Sea Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 2.0am: Patrolling at “C”. 6.0am: Carried out sweeping operations with “Kennet”. 10.0am: Proceeded up Straits. 11.0am: Returned to Entrance under orders of “Basilisk”. Stopped Engines. [Noon: Stopped of [off] Entrance] 2.7pm: Proceeded up Straits in Company with “Basilisk” and other destroyers to Area where [French Battleship] “Bouvet” sank - no survivors seen. [Course and speed as requisite for closing ships - ordered] 3.15am: Returned to Entrance, closed [French Battleship] “Gaulois”, sent Whaler and Dinghy. 4.15pm: Closed [HMS] “Queen Elizabeth”, returned to Entrance, astern of “Inflexible” in company with other destroyers. 5.40pm: Closed “Irresistible”. 5.55pm: Closed “Ocean”, proceeded alongside, took off Captain, 12 Officers and 48 Men. 6.40pm: Left “Ocean” proceeded to Entrance. 6.50pm: Returned to Ocean, proceeded alongside - took off 3 Men and picked up one stoker from sea. 7.11pm: Left Ocean, proceeded to Entrance, closed “Q Elizabeth”, took onboard Chief of Staff, proceeded up straits to look for “Irresistible” and Ocean - returned to Entrance not having sighted either ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Seddul Bahr N82E, 1.5 miles] [For account of what happened at this time see “Final Naval Attack on the Narrows”, Thursday 18th March 1915, here.] 4f962978a2fc8e2def0050c9: ( 53-45338-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1915 At Base and Sea Lat 40.01, Long 26.16 0.50am: Course and speeds as requisite for North Anchorage. 2.15am: Closed “Queen Elizabeth”. 3.0am: Closed “Swiftsure”, proceeded alongside, discharged Officers and men taken off from Ocean. 3.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor 10 fathoms, 4 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S14.5E, Petro Island S78E. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded to “C” Patrol ground, course and speed as requisite. am: Hands employed washing decks and as requisite. 1.0pm: Piped down. [Course and Speeds as requisite for Patrolling] 6.30pm: Darkened ship. Exercised night action stations. [True Bearing and Distance: Kum Kale Fort S85E, 2.25 miles] 4f962979a2fc8e2def0050ca: ( 53-45338-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1915 At Sea and Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.03 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling at “C”. 6.0am: Shaped course for base. 6.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor off “Amethyst”. [Anchor Bearings: Petro Island S80E, Mount Elias S16E] 7.10am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Boscawen”. 8.15am: Commenced Coaling. 11.15am: Finished coaling, received 56 Tons. 11.30am: Lieutenant R Fletcher discharged to Hospital ship “Soudan” sick. 1.20pm: Slipped from Collier and proceeded to practise mine-sweeping. 5.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor 10 fathoms, 3.5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Gadaro Light S75E, 2.5 miles. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 120.45 tons] 4f962979a2fc8e2def0050cb: ( 53-45338-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1915 At Base and Patrolling [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.85, Long 26.03 [estimated] 7.30am: Cleaning ship, guns etc. 9.0am: Divisions. 10.0am: Piped down. 3.0pm: Mr Tomlin Gunner joined from “Blenheim”. 4.30pm: Weighed. 5.0pm: Proceeded to Patrol ground. [Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol duties] 4f962979a2fc8e2def0050cc: ( 53-45338-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1915 At Sea Lat 39.95, Long 26.13 2.0am: Patrolling at “C”. 6.5am: TBD Wear passed going in direction of “Tenedos”. 0.30pm: Left Patrol ground, to join Kennet off Cape Marmara. 2.30pm: Returned to Patrol Area. 7.35pm: Closed Trawler “308” in tow of trawler “1004”, hailed and received reply - Engines disabled, signalled to Blenheim for assistance to be sent her on anchoring. [True Bearing and Distance: Phido Island S39W, 2.25 miles] 4f96297aa2fc8e2def0050cd: ( 53-45338-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1915 At Sea Lat 39.99, Long 26.07 [As requisite for Patrolling] 6.30am: Relieved from Patrolling by “Mosquito”. 7.40am: Commenced sweeping operations in Company with “Kennet”, under orders of “Basilisk”. am and pm: Carrying out mine-sweeping exercises with Kennet. 3.50pm: Hauled in sweep. 4.15pm: Closed “Basilisk” for Signal. 5.20pm: Carried on sweeping with Kennet. 6.0pm: Hauled in sweep. 6.10pm: Carried out patrol duties under orders of “Basilisk” - across straits and South of the 3rd Sub Division. [As requisite for Patrolling off Entrance of Dardanelles] 10.0pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N62E, 6 miles] 4f96297aa2fc8e2def0050ce: ( 53-45338-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1915 At Sea and base [Tenedos Island] Lat 40.02, Long 26.17 [Lat corrected from that shown in log as 46 1 N] 1.0am: Patrolling accross [sic] entrance of Dardanelles. 5.25am: Sighted and closed bright light to right of Kum Kale Fort to all appearances a searchlight. 6.0am: Took a line of soundings under headland, to starboard hand of Entrance, least sounding taken 2.25 Fathoms. 7.15am: Sent mails to base by “Grasshopper”. am: Patrolling off entrance of Dardanelles. 2.15pm: Relieved from Patrol duties by 2nd Sub Division, proceeded to base. Prepared for coaling. 4.0pm: Secured alongside collier - “Clara”. 4.15pm: Commenced coaling. 6.35pm: Finished coaling, received - 56 Tons, slipped from Collier, proceeded to “Iago” [?] drew 504 lbs Fresh meat, for Jed and Kennet. 7.35pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 16 Fathoms, 6 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Rocky Point N20E, Cape Marmara S63E] [True Bearing and Distance Cape Helles N29E, 2 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.35 tons] 4f96297aa2fc8e2def0050cf: ( 53-45338-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.79, Long 26.03 [estimated] am: Hands cleaning and overhauling Torpedoes and Tubes. 1.30pm: Piped down. 4f96297ba2fc8e2def0050d0: ( 53-45338-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] and Sea Lat 39.79, Long 26.03 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside “Carriganhead” [Carrigan Head] - store ship. [pm: Lost by accident: Starboard Bower Anchor, One Shackle of Cable 62 links of a Shackle of Cable. One Swivel Piece, One Anchor Shackle, 3 joining Shackles] pm: Hands employed drawing Provisions and Engineers stores from store-ship. 3.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to Anchorage. 4.5pm: Parted starboard cable at 1.5 shackles when anchoring, buoyed position and took round of angles. Sent Lieutenant Fletcher’s effects to “Blenheim”. [Bearings of Lost Anchor and Cable: St Dimitri Point N50W, Cape Marmara S63E, Rocky Point below Anet Church N10E. Depth of Water 14 Fathoms] 5.0pm: Proceeded in company with “Basilisk” to patrol ground. 8.30pm: Patrolling entrance of Dardanelles in company with Kennet. 4f96297ba2fc8e2def0050d1: ( 53-45338-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1915 At Sea Lat 40.03, Long 26.20 [Course and speed as requisite for Patrol duties] 6.0am: Patrolling. 10.0am: Patrolling and supporting Mine-sweepers. 2.0pm: Patrolling. 7.10pm: Swung ship for deviations. 10.0pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N31W, 1.25 miles] 4f96297ca2fc8e2def0050d2: ( 53-45338-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1915 At Sea Lat 40.02, Long 26.17 2.0am: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. 6.0am and 10.30am: Patrolling. 9.0am: Piped down. 1.0pm: Patrolling. 6.0pm: Relieved from Patrolling by 1st Sub Division, proceeded to base. 6.50pm: Came to with Port anchor 10.25 Fathoms, 4 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S16E, Petro Island S81E] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N20E, 2 miles] 4f96297ca2fc8e2def0050d3: ( 53-45338-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1915 At Base and Sea Lat 39.80, Long 26.02 [rough estimate] 5.50am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier - “Clara”. 6.15am: Commenced coaling. 9.30am: Finished coaling, received 50 Tons. Slipped and proceeded, course and speed as requisite. 10.15am: Stopped, sent boat to Wolverine for water-glass, proceeded to Southern side of “Tenedos”. 0.50pm: Came to with Port anchor 10.5 Fathoms, 4 shackles. Sent away boats to creep for Starboard anchor. [Anchor Bearings: Rocky Point N10E, Cape Marmara S63E] 5.10pm: Weighed and swept with Kedge and 3 inch Wire. 7.0pm: Proceeded to base. 7.45pm: Came to with port anchor 6 shackles, 12 Fathoms. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S20E, Petro Island S82E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 120.65 tons] 4f96297ca2fc8e2def0050d4: ( 53-45338-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1915 At sea and base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.01 [estimated] 8.20am: Weighed and proceeded with Blenheim’s Pinnace [?] and diving Party, to Southern anchorage. 9.30pm: Returned to Northern anchorage, weather too rough for diving operations. 10.20am: Anchored in 10 Fathoms, 5 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Petro Island S69.5E, Mount Elias S25.5E, Strellos [Streblos] Island S45.5W. 4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded in company with “Kennet” for Patrol ground. 6.0pm: Relieved 1st Sub Division. 6.30pm: Patrolling entrance of Straits. 10.0pm: Patrolling. 4f96297da2fc8e2def0050d5: ( 53-45338-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1915 At Sea Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 6.10am: Sighted and reported mine, “Basilisk” closed, and ordered it to be sunk. 7.45am: Mine sunk by rifle fire. am: Hands refitting boats falls and as requisite. 11.0am: Patrolling. 1.0pm: Carried out mine-sweeping operations with Kennet. 4.15pm: Finished sweeping operations, returned to Patrol ground. 7.0pm: Patrolling entrance of Dardanelles. 10.0pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Seddul Bahr N82E, 1.5 miles] LOGS FOR APRIL 1915 4f96297da2fc8e2def0050d6: ( 53-45338-019_0.jpg) 1 April 1915 At Sea and base [Tenedos Island] Lat 40.01, Long 26.16 2.0am: Patrolling entrance of Dardanelles. 9.0am: Carried out mine-sweeping operations in company with “Kennet”. 11.45am: Relieved from Patrol duties by 2nd sub Division. 11.50am: Closed “Queen”. 0.5pm: Proceeded to base. 1.15pm: Secured alongside “Blenheim”. [True Bearing and Distance: Kum Kale Fort S85E, 2.25 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 60F, sea temperature 58F] 4f96297da2fc8e2def0050d7: ( 53-45338-019_1.jpg) 2 April 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.10 am: Hands employed refitting sweep wire, Whaler’s falls, drawing stores and as requisite. 11.5am: “Kennet” slipped and proceeded. 11.45am: Jed slipped and proceeded. [Course and speed as requisite for base T] 1.45pm: Secured alongside “Blenheim”. [True Bearing and Distance: Omos Point West, 0.5 miles] 4f96297ea2fc8e2def0050d8: ( 53-45338-020_0.jpg) 3 April 1915 At Base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.80, Long 26.02 [estimated] 6.0am: Sent working Party to “Blenheim”. 7.30am: Kennet secured alongside “Jed”. 9.15am: Hands employed sweeping and as Diver’s pumping Party to recover Starboard anchor. 1.0pm: Piped down. 5.0pm: Prepared for coaling. 5.20pm: Slipped from “Blenheim”, proceeded to Anchorage. 5.30pm: Came to with Port anchor 14 Fathoms, 5 shackles. Anchor Bearings: St Dimitri Point N42.5W, Mount Elias N52.5E, Cape Marmara S67E. 4f96297ea2fc8e2def0050d9: ( 53-45338-020_1.jpg) 4 April 1915 At base and sea Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 5.30am: Weighed and secured alongside collier - “Craigston”. 6.25am: Commenced coaling. 8.45am: Finished coaling, received 52 Tons, slipped from Collier, proceeded to Patrol ground, course and speeds as requisite. 10.0am: Arrived Patrol ground. Hands refitting coaling gear and Guard-rails - cleaning ship. 1.30pm: Patrolling Entrance of Straits, and in support of Mine-sweepers, with HMS Prince of Wales. 6.30pm: Night action stations exercised. 10.0pm: Patrolling, inside Dardanelles. [True Bearing and Distance: Seddul Bahr N82E, 1.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 115.80 tons] [Note: SS Craigston was a British coal cargo ship built in the UK in 1911 and owned by The Seville and United Kingdom Carrying Company, Cardiff. She was to be sunk in the Mediterranean in October 1915.] 4f96297ea2fc8e2def0050da: ( 53-45338-021_0.jpg) 5 April 1915 At sea and base [Tenedos Island] Lat 40.03, Long 26.27 2.0am: Patrolling inside Dardanelles. 5.50am: Closed down Straits to Entrance. 10.0am: Patrolling Entrance of Dardanelles. 1.30pm: Piped down. 5.30pm: “Kennet” returned to base T. 6.0pm: 5th and 6th Sub Divisions relieved by 1st and 2nd Sub Divisions, returned to base, in company with “Welland” and “Ribble”. 7.45pm: Anchored in 15 fathoms 6 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S25E, Petro Island S70E] [True Bearing and Distance: Seddul Bahr N82E, 1.5 miles] [North easterly wind force 4-5 to 6 for most of day, sea rough in am, rain all day] 4f96297fa2fc8e2def0050db: ( 53-45338-021_1.jpg) 6 April 1915 At base T [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [estimated] 5.30am: Prepared for coaling. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Harlseywood”. 7.20am: Commenced Coaling. 8.15am: Finished coaling, slipped and proceeded to anchorage, coal received 23 Tons. [Anchor Bearings: Petro Island S67E, Mount Elias S26E] am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.0pm: Piped down. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 122.70 tons] [North easterly wind force 5 or 5-6 until 8pm, then reducing, sea rough in early am, rain at times, noon temperature 50F, sea temperature 52F] [Note: SS Harlseywood was a British cargo ship built in the UK in 1907 and owned by Joseph Constantine and Warley Pickering. She was torpedoed off the UK by a German submarine in July 1918, was damaged and beached but refloated (details here). She was transferred to Swedish ownership in 1923, was renamed “Wright”, then “Eskil” and finally “Namdo”; she was mined and sunk in August 1944.] 4f96297fa2fc8e2def0050dc: ( 53-45338-022_0.jpg) 7 April 1915 At base T and sea Lat 39.85, Long 26.02 [estimated] 7.30am: Weighed, and secured alongside “Swanley”. 8.30am: Hands employed drawing stores, and sweeping for Starboard Anchor. 11.30am: Slipped from “Swanley”, Anchored in 14 Fathoms, 3 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S23E, Petro Island S70E] pm: Hands employed creeping for Starboard anchor and as requisite. 4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded to Patrol ground. 5.30pm: Relieved “Wolverine” and 2nd Sub Division. 6.55pm: Closed to Entrance of Straits. 8.30pm: Patrolling, 3 miles inside Dardanelles. 9.5pm: Batteries opened fire. 11.15pm: Closed down to Entrance of Straits. 4f96297fa2fc8e2def0050dd: ( 53-45338-022_1.jpg) 8 April 1915 At sea Lat 40.01, Long 26.16 2.0am: Patrolling inside Straits. 5.15am: Closed to Entrance of Dardanelles. am: Hands employed cleaning Torpedoes and as requisite. 1.30pm: Piped down. 2.30pm, 7.0pm, 9.30pm: Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Kum Kale Fort S85E, 2.25 miles] 4f962980a2fc8e2def0050de: ( 53-45338-023_0.jpg) 9 April 1915 At Sea and base [Tenedos Island] Lat 40.01, Long 26.16 2.0am: Patrolling inside Dardanelles. 5.25am: Closed down to entrance. 7.0am: “Ribble” closed, sent boat for Mails. 9.0am: Attending on “Queen”, and Patrolling off Entrance of straits. am: Hands employed cleaning Tubes, Torpedoes and as requisite. 1.0pm: Piped down. 2.0pm: Course and speeds as requisite for attending on Aeroplanes. 5.0pm: Patrolling. 6.0pm: 3rd Division relieved by 1st Division. Proceeded to base. 6.55pm: Anchored at base, 11.5 fathoms, 6 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S25E, Petro Island S70E] [True Bearing and Distance: Kum Kale Fort S85E, 2.25 miles] 4f962980a2fc8e2def0050df: ( 53-45338-023_1.jpg) 10 April 1915 At base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.85, Long 26.06 [estimated] 7.30am: Prepared for coaling. 8.5am: Weighed, proceeded alongside “Blenheim”, discharged Sp [Spare?]Torpedo. 8.35am: Slipped from “Blenheim”, anchored in 11 Fathoms - 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Petro Island N63W 8 Cables] 10.0am: Weighed and secured alongside “Harlseywood” - collier. 10.15am: Commenced coaling. 0.30pm: Leading Seaman Flynn rejoined from “Blenheim”. 0.45pm: Finished coaling, received 48 Tons, slipped from collier. 1.10pm: Anchored in 14 Fathoms, Veered to 6 Shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Petro Island S69E, Mount Elias S27E] 4.0pm: Hands cleaning ship. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 126.05 tons] 4f962980a2fc8e2def0050e0: ( 53-45338-024_0.jpg) 11 April 1915 At base and sea Lat 39.86, Long 26.04 [estimated] am: Hands employed at refitting work, and as requisite. 10.0am: Piped down. 1.0pm: Piped down. 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded in company with 5th Division to Patrol ground. 5.30am: Relieved 1st Division Patrolling Dardanelles. 10.0pm: Patrolling inside Straits. 4f962981a2fc8e2def0050e1: ( 53-45338-024_1.jpg) 12 April 1915 At Sea Lat 40.06, Long 26.15 2.0am: Patrolling. 5.10am: Patrol closed to Entrance of Dardanelles. 10.0am: Attending on “Swiftsure”. 1.0pm: Piped down. 2.0pm: Attending on “London”. 5.15pm: Finished attending on London, closed to Entrance of Dardanelles. 9.0pm: Patrolling inside Straits [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Tekeh S80E, 1 mile] 4f962981a2fc8e2def0050e2: ( 53-45338-025_0.jpg) 13 April 1915 At sea and base [Tenedos Island] Lat 40.03, Long 26.17 2.0am: Patrolling. 5.25am: Closed down to entrance of straits. 10.0am: Patrolling off Entrance of Dardanelles. 2.0pm: Patrolling. 5.40pm: Relieved by 1st Division. Proceeded to base. 6.40pm: Anchored at base, 7 Fathoms, 6 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Gadaro Light S72.5E, Mount Elias S49.5E, Strellos [Streblos] Island S22.5E. [True Bearing and Distance: Seddul Bahr N82E, 1.5 miles] 4f962981a2fc8e2def0050e3: ( 53-45338-025_1.jpg) 14 April 1915 At base [Tenedos Island] Lat 39.86, Long 26.04 [estimated] 5.15am: Weighed and secured alongside collier “Craigston”. 6.0am: Coaling ship. 7.40am: Finished coaling, received 33 Tons, slipped and secured alongside “Blenheim”, for survey of cable. 9.30am: Slipped from “Blenheim” and secured alongside “Swanley” for oil and stores. 11.15am: Slipped from “Swanley” and went alongside “Blenheim”. 1.0pm: Paid money. Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. 3.0pm: Survey of cable completed. 3.30pm: Left “Blenheim” and made fast alongside Swanley at 3.45. 4.30pm: Left “Swanley”, anchored in 7 fathoms veered 5 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S24E, Petro Island S68E] 5.30pm: Mr Tomlin Gunner discharged to Blenheim Sick. 6.50pm: Sunset. 7.0pm: Sub Lieutenant Flynn joined ship from Blenheim. 8.45pm: Weighed and Proceeded in company [with] “Kennet”. Course and Speed as requisite for leaving Northern anchorage. 10.2pm: Cape Marmara abeam 1 mile, Course S49W (Compass), Speed 10 knots. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 117.15 tons] 4f962982a2fc8e2def0050e4: ( 53-45338-026_0.jpg) 15 April 1915 From Base to Port Trebuki and at Port Trebuki [Skyros] Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 [estimated] 1.14am: Sigri Island Light abeam 16.5 miles. 4.35am: Sighted Littiari [Lithari] Light S47W. 4.45am: Increased 15 knots. 6.20am: Lithari Point abeam, Course and Speed as requisite for entering Port Trebuki by Eastern entrance. 7.0am: Let go Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veering 5 shackles, 5 cables ESE from “Canopus”. [Anchor Bearings: Beacon N73E, Ruins Point S32E] am: Hands employed cleaning torpedoes. pm: Hands Make and Mend Clothes. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 60F, sea temperature 59F] 4f962982a2fc8e2def0050e5: ( 53-45338-026_1.jpg) 16 April 1915 At Port Trebuki and at Sea Lat 38.74, Long 24.70 6.20am: No 6 and 8 transports arrived and anchored. 6.30am: “Dartmouth” arrived and anchored. am: Hands Painting Ship. 11.15am: Weighed and Closed “Dartmouth”. 11.45am: Lithari Light abeam, Course S60E. Noon: Smoke of Turkish Torpedo Boat bearing S74E. [As requisite for Chase of Turkish “TB”] 0.45pm: Course S50E. 2.30pm: Course S47.5E. 2.55pm: Enemy TB rounded Cape Mastiko. 3.6pm: Kennet rounded Cape Mastiko and opened Fire. 3.15pm: Rounded Cape Mastiko, Closed Enemy TB ashore in Kalamuti Bay. 3.25pm: Stopped [HMS] Wear arrived. 4.30pm: Minerva arrived and anchored. 5.20pm: Proceeded in company with “Kennet”, 15 knots. 5.40pm: N53W [S53W on left hand side of log], 18 knots. 7.15pm: Psara Light abeam. 10.10pm: Stopped off Aries [?]. [Anchor Bearings: Beacon N78E, Ruins Point S35E] 11.20pm: Proceeded into Port Trebuki. 11.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms, veered 6 shackles. [Course and Distance made good: Various 5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anti Psara S71E, 42 miles] 4f962982a2fc8e2def0050e6: ( 53-45338-027_0.jpg) 17 April 1915 At Port Trebuki Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 [estimated] 5.15am: Weighed and Proceeded alongside Collier “Gladys” [probably Gwladys; see later spelling]. 6.15am: Secured alongside. 6.45am: Commenced coaling. 10.30am: Finished Coaling, received 72 tons. 11.50am: Slipped from Collier and anchored in 6 fathoms veered 6 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Beacon N73E, Ruins Point S32E] 6.30pm: Weighed and Proceeded in company with “Kennet” out of Western Entrance. 6.50pm: Left Kennet on patrol at Western entrance and Proceeded to Eastern entrance. 7.0pm: On patrol off Eastern Entrance. 11.20pm: Left patrol to Close “Pincher”. Midnight: Resumed patrol. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 120 tons] [Note: SS Gwladys was a British cargo ship built in the UK in 1908 and owned at the time by The Universal Steam Navigation Company, Cardiff. She was later renamed “Cromerton”, then “Purley Downs”, then “Hendrik”; she was wrecked near Gibraltar in 1935.] 4f962983a2fc8e2def0050e7: ( 53-45338-027_1.jpg) 18 April 1915 At Sea Lat 38.73, Long 24.62 2.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling off Eastern entrance. 6.0am: Took up position S15W 1 mile from Southern entrance. Kennet proceeded into harbour. 9.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling off Port Trebuki. 10.30am: French transport “Chaouia” steaming towards harbour. 1.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling outside harbour. 6.55pm: Closed 2 French TBs arriving from Northward. 7.10pm: Proceeded into harbour. 7.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms veered 5 shackles. [Course and Distance made good: As Requisite for Patrolling] [True Bearing and Distance: Kala Point N40E] [Note: SS Chaouia was a French passenger/cargo ship built in The Netherlands in 1896 and originally named “Koningin Wilhelmina”. From 1911 she was owned by Cie de Navigation Paquet; she struck a mine and sank in the Mediterranean in January 1919, with the loss of 476 lives.] 4f962983a2fc8e2def0050e8: ( 53-45338-028_0.jpg) 19 April 1915 At Trebuki and on patrol Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 [estimated] 8.30am: Weighed and Proceeded alongside “Minnetonka”. Took boats in tow for disembarking troops and towed them inshore. 11.30am: Brought off troops to “Minnetonka”. 11.50am: Came to anchor in 10 fathoms veered 6 shackles. 3.15pm: Weighed and Proceeded out of Eastern Entrance. 3.30pm: Relieved “Doris” on patrol. 6.45pm: “Rattlesnake” arrived and proceeded into harbour. 7.15pm: Rattlesnake came out of harbour and sent over dispatches by boat. 7.25pm: Rattlesnake proceeded. 11.35pm: Proceeded into harbour. 11.55pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered 4 shackles. [Note: SS Minnetonka was a British ocean liner built in 1902 in Belfast and owned by The Atlantic Transport Company. She was a military transport (HMT 158) from early 1915. After several failed submarine attacks during 1917 she was sunk by two German submarines in the Mediterranean in January 1918 [more details about the ship here].] 4f962984a2fc8e2def0050e9: ( 53-45338-028_1.jpg) 20 April 1915 At Trebuki and on patrol Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 [estimated] 6.55am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Gwladys”. 7.15am: Commenced coaling. 10.30am: Finished coaling, received 42 tons. Slipped from collier and anchored astern of “Kennet”. 6.30pm: Weighed and Proceeded out of harbour. 7.0pm: Communicated by boat with “Kennet” outside Eastern entrance. 9.30pm: On patrol outside Eastern entrance. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 130.85 tons] 4f962984a2fc8e2def0050ea: ( 53-45338-029_0.jpg) 21 April 1915 At Trebuki and on patrol Lat 38.76, Long 24.64 [rough estimate] [As requisite for patrolling] 6.0am: Dartmouth arrived and proceeded into harbour. 6.30am: Fleet auxiliary with B8 in tow, repairing tow outside. 10.0am: As requisite for patrolling. 0.40pm: Sent whaler over to examine sailing boat. 4.15pm: Proceeded into harbour and secured “Canopus”. 5.0pm: Slipped from “Canopus” and proceeded, Course and Speed as requisite to communicate with French TB off Kalamitza Bay. 5.50pm: Proceeded into harbour and secured alongside “Canopus”. 6.20pm: Slipped from Canopus and proceeded as requisite for searching Kalmitza [sic] Bay for Greek sailing boat. 7.40pm: Course and Speed as requisite to take up patrol at Eastern entrance. 8.20pm: On patrol. 11.30pm: Left patrol to search for Transports cutter. Midnight: Returned on patrol. 4f962984a2fc8e2def0050eb: ( 53-45338-029_1.jpg) 22 April 1915 At Trebuki and at patrol Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 [estimated] [As requisite for patrol] [As requisite for going into harbour, securing alongside “Canopus” and collier “Gwladys”] 7.30am: Made fast alongside “Canopus”. 7.45am: Left “Canopus” proceeded alongside Gwladys. 8.50am: Commenced coaling. 10.50am: Finished coaling, received 30 tons. 11.0am: Left collier. Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms veered 5 shackles. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 7.0pm: Relieved Dartmouth on patrol at Eastern entrance. 9.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 137.4 tons] 4f962985a2fc8e2def0050ec: ( 53-45338-030_0.jpg) 23 April 1915 At sea and at Base [Trebuki, Skyros] Lat 38.78, Long 24.59 [estimated] 3.0am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling Eastern entrance. 6.30am: Boarded and examined Greek sailing boat. 8.15am: Proceeded into harbour on being relieved by “Dartmouth”. 8.30am: Secured alongside collier “Barrington Court”. 9.0am: Commenced coaling. 9.45am: Finished, Received 8 tons. Slipped. Came to with Starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veered 4 shackles. 6.25pm: Weighed and proceeded out of Western Entrance. 7.0pm: Communicated by boat with “Kennet”. 8.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol of Eastern entrance. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 134.7 tons] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 58F] [Note: SS Barrington Court was a British cargo ship built in UK in 1906 and owned by The Court Line. In February 1915 she was requisitioned for war service by the Shipping Controller. In 1916 she was sold to Williams and Morden, Cardiff and renamed “Margam Abbey”. She was to be torpedoed and beached in November 1917 off Algeria. There are more details about the ship here.] 4f962985a2fc8e2def0050ed: ( 53-45338-030_1.jpg) 24 April 1915 From Base to Gulf of Xeros [also known as Gulf of Saros] Lat 39.56, Long 24.77 [rough estimate as no position in log] 2.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. 5.45am: Fleet proceeded out of harbour. 7.20am: Took station 6 cables on port beam of “Canopus”. 7.30am: Divisions in line ahead columns disposed abeam. 7.35am: Course North (True) 10 knots. 4.50pm: Altered course N66E preserving the order of the fleet. 8.15pm: Altered course S89E (True). 8.24pm: Reduced to 8.5 knots. 9.45pm: Altered course S87E (True). [Course and Distance made good: North 47 miles] 4f962985a2fc8e2def0050ee: ( 53-45338-031_0.jpg) 25 April 1915 From Base to Gulf of Xeros and in Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.56, Long 26.61 1.20am: Reduced to 6 knots. 2.55am: Altered course N71E. 3.55am: Stopped Engines. 6.0am: Took station astern of “Canopus”. Dartmouth and Doris commenced bombardment of Bulair lines. 9.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for taking charge of Transports while Canopus reconnoitred. 11.50am: Secured alongside “Canopus” and received despatches. 0.30pm: Left “Canopus”. 2.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for running despatches to fleet. Stopped near Gloucester Castle. 4.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite. 6.0pm: Took charge of 3rd Division 6 cables on Starboard beam of 1st Division. 7.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite to take 3rd Division to rendez-vous 3 miles South of Ibriji Point. 9.30pm: Patrolling around 3rd Division of Transports. [Course and Distance made good: Various 140 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Ibriji N75W, 4 miles] [Note: SS Gloucester Castle (more details here and here) was a British passenger ship built in Scotland in 1911 and owned by the Union Castle Mail Steamship Company. She served as a hospital ship and was torpedoed off UK in March 1917 but was towed to Southampton and repaired. She was to be sunk off South West Africa in July 1942.] 4f962986a2fc8e2def0050ef: ( 53-45338-031_1.jpg) 26 April 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.53, Long 26.67 [Cross Bearings] [Lat estimated and corrected from 30 1 N shown in log] 3.0am: Course and speed as requisite for patrolling round 3rd Division Transports. 4.15am: Picked up 3 boats from “Gloucester Castle” and 9 from “Somalie” [Hospital Ship Somali] and towed them up to trawlers 179 and 326 who took them in tow. 6.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for operations. 7.30am: Closed Dartmouth. 10.30am: Reconnoitring the upper Portion of the Gulf of Xeros. 1.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for carrying out Reconnaisance [reconnaissance]. 3.0pm: Made Fast to Collier “Barrington Court”. 5.30pm: Finished Coaling, Left collier, Received 35 tons. Closed Dartmouth for orders. 6.30pm: Proceeded alongside “Gloucester Castle” for provisions. 7.10pm: Slipped from Gloucester Castle and closed Inkonka [listed here]. 7.55pm: Secured alongside Transport “Inkonka” to receive injured officer. 8.5pm: Slipped from Inkonka and proceeded alongside Somalie [sic]. Placed injured officer on board her. 8.20pm: Proceeded on patrol at upper end of Gulf of Xeros on wireless guard for AE2. [Stopped South of Xeros Island] 11.0pm: As requisite for swinging ship for adjustment of compasses. [True Bearing and Distance: Dahut Iskalessi [Iskulessi] S75E, 1.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: 131.85 tons] [Note: SS Somali was a British passenger cargo ship built in 1901 in Scotland and owned by The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. She served as a troop carrier and hospital ship during WW1 and was scrapped in 1923. SS Inkonka was a British ship built in UK in 1900 and originally named “Tabaristan”. She was renamed Inkonka in 1903 and in 1915 was owned by The Charente Steam Ship Company (T&J Harrison). She was later sold to David MacIver and renamed “Tuscany” (listed here as Tuscany (1)) and was scrapped in 1929.] 4f962986a2fc8e2def0050f0: ( 53-45338-032_0.jpg) 27 April 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.59, Long 26.73 [Cross Bearings] 6.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for keeping Wireless Guard on D Wave in Gulf of Xeros for communication with AE2 in straits. 9.0am: Stopped off Xeros Island on WT Guard for AE2. 2.0pm: Stopped off Xeros Island as WT repeating ship. 9.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island North, 1.25 miles] 4f962986a2fc8e2def0050f1: ( 53-45338-032_1.jpg) 28 April 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.73 [As requisite for WT Guard] 5.45am: Dartmouth, Amethyst, Usk, Ribble and transports arrived. Closed Dartmouth. 6.30am: Took 3 boats with troops in tow, Course and speed as requisite for feint landing. [As requisite for feint landing] 10.0am: Assisting Dartmouth in making feint landing. 11.30am: Resumed duties of WT repeating ship. 1.0pm: Stopped of [off] Xeros Island. Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. [As requisite for WT Guard] 4.45pm: Heavy squall from Northward. 7.0pm: As requisite for Duties of WT repeating ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island North, 2 miles] 4f962987a2fc8e2def0050f2: ( 53-45338-033_0.jpg) 29 April 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.60, Long 26.73 3.0am: In Gulf of Xeros looking out on WT for submarines. [As requisite for WT repeating ship] 7.0am and 2.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 4.45pm: Entered Port Baldar Bay [Baglar Bay in log of HMS Ribble for this date, Baklar Liman in log of HMS Dartmouth, near Bakla Burnu] in company with Ribble and troops in boats. [As requisite to cover feint landing] 4.55pm: Opened fire to cover feint landing. Fire was returned, blank charges being fired from Fort Sultan. 5.20pm: Closed Dartmouth. 6.0pm: Closed Transport “Cardigan” and secured alongside to receive provisions. 6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded, Course and Speed as requisite to carry out WT Guard. 10.0pm: Stopped off Xeros Island on WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance; Xeros Island North, 1 mile] [Note: SS Cardigan was a British ship built in UK in 1907 and owned by The Cardigan Steamship Company, Cardiff (listed here).] 4f962987a2fc8e2def0050f3: ( 53-45338-033_1.jpg) 30 April 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Stopped off Xeros Island on WT Guard. 11.15am: Shore battery opened fire in salvoes firing about 30 rounds. Ship was not touched. 11.20am: Action. 11.35am: Secure. pm: Stopped off Xeros Island Carrying out WT repeating ship for submarines. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962987a2fc8e2def0050f4: ( 53-45338-034_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f962988a2fc8e2def0050f5: ( 53-45338-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f962988a2fc8e2def0050f6: ( 53-45338-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f962988a2fc8e2def0050f7: ( 53-45338-035_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – MAY 1ST TO JUNE 30TH 1915 LOGS FOR MAY 1915 4f962989a2fc8e2def0050f8: ( 53-45339-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period May 1st 1915 to June 30th] 4f962989a2fc8e2def0050f9: ( 53-45339-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f96298aa2fc8e2def0050fa: ( 53-45339-002_0.jpg) [Hand written note: This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Log from May 1st to June 30th 1915. [Signed] G Mulock, Lieutenant Commander] 4f96298aa2fc8e2def0050fb: ( 53-45339-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in] 4f96298aa2fc8e2def0050fc: ( 53-45339-003_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f96298ba2fc8e2def0050fd: ( 53-45339-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 1.0am: Patrolling on Courses N57E and S57W from Xeros Island. 2.10am: Sighted “Minerva” WxS. 2.20am: Course and Speed as requisite to close Minerva. 2.45am: Stopped off Minerva. 3.0am: Resumed patrol. [As requisite for WT Guard] 6.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 9.15am: Closed “Minerva”. 11.15am: Resumed patrol. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for carrying out duties of WT repeating ship for submarines. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96298ba2fc8e2def0050fe: ( 53-45339-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 2.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 5.20am: “Lord Nelson” arrived in company with Fleet auxiliary SS [HMS] “Monica” [Manica]. 6.20am: Airship ascended from “Manica”. 6.30am: Lord Nelson anchored north of “Veni Kroi” [Yeni Keui] and opened an indirect fire on Gallipoli. 6.45am: Battery on hill “561” opened fire on LN [Lord Nelson]. 7.50am: Lord Nelson finished firing and weighed. 9.0am: Lord Nelson and Manica left Gulf. 10.0am: Carrying out duties of WT repeating ship. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard in Gulf of Xeros. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] [Note: SS Manica (listed here as Manica (2)) was built in Sunderland in 1900 and owned by Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Company; she was hired by the Royal Navy (becoming HMS Manica) as a kite balloon ship from March 1915 to August 1917 (more details about her service here). She was renamed HMS Huntball in 1917 and became a collier; she was sold to Anglo-Saxon Petroleum in 1919 and was renamed “Phorus”; she was scrapped in 1931.] 4f96298ba2fc8e2def0050ff: ( 53-45339-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Course and Speeds as requisite for carrying out duties of WT repeating ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 63F] 4f96298ca2fc8e2def005100: ( 53-45339-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1915 From Gulf of Xeros to Dedeagatch [now Alexandroupoli] and back and in Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.53, Long 25.90 [estimated] 3.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 6.15am: Shaped course S77W 12 knots, Xeros Island bore N77E. 6.40am: Cape Ibriji abeam, altered course West. 10.18am: Altered course North. 10.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.5 fathoms veered 2.5 shackles off “Dedeagatch”. 2.55pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 2.58pm: Light House NW 1 mile, Course S8E, 10 knots. 3.10pm: Altered course South. 4.15pm: Altered course SE, 12 knots. 5.5pm: Altered course East. 6.15pm: Exercised Action. 6.45pm: Course and Speed as requisite for maintaining position in Gulf of Xeros. 9.0pm: Course and Speed As requisite for WT Guard. [Course and Distance made good: Various - 50 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Dedeagatch Light house NW, 4 cables] 4f96298ca2fc8e2def005101: ( 53-45339-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. am: Hands employed refitting bridge screens and working about torpedoes. 5.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [Course and Distance made good: Various 51 miles and as requisite] [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96298ca2fc8e2def005102: ( 53-45339-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 5.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 10.0am: Guns crews closed up carrying out 1 inch aiming practice. [As requisite for Target practice] 11.0am: Completed practice. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96298da2fc8e2def005103: ( 53-45339-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 4.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [As requisite for WT Guard and looking out for steamers at mouth of Gulf] 6.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite at mouth of Gulf to look out for steamers. 7.20pm: N55E 10 knots to take up patrol during the night. 10.30pm: On WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96298da2fc8e2def005104: ( 53-45339-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.46, Long 26.16 [rough estimate as no position in log] 3.0am: On WT Guard in Gulf of Xeros. [As requisite for WT Guard] 5.20am: S70W, 8 knots. 7.0am: Course and Speed as requisite to patrol at mouth of Gulf. 1.15pm: “Colne” arrived. Communicated by boat. 2.0pm: “Colne” left. [As requisite for WT Guard and at mouth of Gulf] 4.0pm: At mouth of Gulf looking out for steamers. 6.0pm: ENE 8 knots. 7.45pm: On WT patrol 4f96298da2fc8e2def005105: ( 53-45339-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1915 From Gulf of Xeros to Dedeagatch and in Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.83, Long 25.89 [estimated] 2.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 6.15am: Course S76W 8 knots, Xeros Island bore N76E. 6.55am: Cape Ibriji abeam, altered course West. 10.5am: Altered course N6W, Dedeagatch Light House N6W. 11.20am: Course as requisite for anchoring. 11.40am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4 fathoms veered 2.5 shackles. 4.30pm: Weighed. 4.45pm: Proceeded Course S8E 13 knots. 5.45pm: Altered course S60E. 6.15pm: Altered course East. 8.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [Course and Distance made good: Various 42 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Dedeagatch Light House N60W, 4 cables] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 18.95 tons] 4f96298ea2fc8e2def005106: ( 53-45339-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1915 From Gulf Xeros to Sulva Bay [Suvla Bay] and in Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.31, Long 26.23 [estimated] 2.0am: WT Guard in Gulf of Xeros. 6.5am: S60W, 13 knots. 8.45am: Made fast alongside collier “Clara”. 9.0am: Commenced “Clara” [coaling]. am and pm: Hands coaling ship. 4.0pm: Finished coaling. Received 130 tons. Hoisted Starboard Bower anchor on board. Communicated with “Amethyst”, “Colne” and “Queen”. 6.10pm: Proceeded up Gulf of Xeros. 7.0pm: Stopped sailing boat flying Greek flag with 70 men on board. Took same in tow. 8.15pm: Arrived at position S60W 5 miles Xeros Island. Stopped engines Sailing boat made fast alongside. [Stopped in Gulf of Xeros] 10.30pm: On WT Guard. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 138.55 tons] 4f96298ea2fc8e2def005107: ( 53-45339-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 4.45am: Proceeded down Gulf, Greek boat in tow, Course and Speed as requisite to close “Chelmer”. 6.0am: Communicated by boat with Chelmer and turned boat over to her. 8.0am: As requisite for WT Guard. 10.15am: Proceeded down Gulf to close “Ribble”; sent boat to her for fresh provisions. 11.15am: Took up position off Xeros Island. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96298ea2fc8e2def005108: ( 53-45339-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Course and Speed As requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96298fa2fc8e2def005109: ( 53-45339-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1915 From Xeros to Kephalo and at Kephalo [Imbros Island] Lat 40.17, Long 25.98 [estimated] 6.15am: Course S60W 13 knots, Xeros Island bore N60E. 6.35am: Cape Ibriji abeam. 7.52am: Altered course S47W. 9.10am: Arrived at Kephalo; made fast alongside “Blenheim”. am: Hands employed getting in ammunition and stores. 1.15pm: Slipped from “Blenheim”. Made fast alongside collier “Clara”. 1.45pm: Commenced coaling. 2.45pm: Finished coaling. Received 22 tons. Left collier, came to with Starboard anchor in 9 fathoms. Veered 3 shackles. 4.20pm: Weighed and Closed Blenheim. 4.45pm: Course N45E 13 knots. 6.10pm: Decreased 10 knots (5 shovels lost overboard by accident). 9.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N85E, 2.25 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 136.75 tons] 4f96298fa2fc8e2def00510a: ( 53-45339-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Course and Speed As requisite for WT Guard. 4.0pm: As requisite for WT Guard. 6.0pm: Closed 3 Greek sailing boats. Took crews on board and took boats in tow. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962990a2fc8e2def00510b: ( 53-45339-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1915 On Patrol or at Dedeagatch Lat 40.60, Long 25.96 3.0am: As requisite for WT Guard, Greek sailing boats in tow. 6.0am: Course S57W, 6 knots. 9.50am: “Racoon” arrived and took away Greek boats. 10.31am: Course N60W, 15 knots. 11.30am: Cape Gremea abeam N30E, 1.6 miles. 0.55pm: Altered course North. 1.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for anchoring at Dedeagatch. 1.7pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.25 fathoms veered to 2 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Light House N57W, Church N7E. 5.5pm: Weighed. 5.10pm: Course S8E 17 knots. 6.5pm: Altered course S50E, reduced 15 knots. 7.0pm: Stopped and picked up box. 7.10pm: Proceeded course E0.25N 15 knots. 7.50pm: Altered course N75E. 8.25pm: Stopped. 11.25pm: Ribble closed. [Course and Distance made good: Various 22 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Dedeagatch N12W, 24 miles] 4f962990a2fc8e2def00510c: ( 53-45339-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.67 [Lat corrected from 34 33 N shown in log] 4.0am: As requisite for WT Guard. 9.45am: Greek Interpreter “Georges Travos” joined ship from “Queen”. 11.20am: Closed Queen and went alongside. 0.15pm: Slipped from Queen and Proceeded as requisite. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N60E, 7 miles] 4f962990a2fc8e2def00510d: ( 53-45339-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1915 On Patrol and at Dedeagatch Lat 40.83, Long 25.89 [estimated] 1.30am: As requisite for WT Guard. 6.3am: Cape Ibriji abeam; Xeros Island N81E. 6.5am: Course West 13 knots. 7.35am: Altered course N62W. 9.15am: Course and Speeds as requisite for anchoring. 9.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 3.75 fathoms veered 2 shackles. [At Single anchor Dédégatch [sic]] 5.20pm: Weighed. 5.30pm: Course S6E 17 knots. 7.55pm: Arrived at Kephalo. 9.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Light House S59W, 3 cables] 4f962991a2fc8e2def00510e: ( 53-45339-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 39.85, Long 25.99 [estimated] 1.0am: Course and Speeds as requisite for proceeding up Gulf of Xeros. 1.15am: Arrived in WT patrol position. 6.40am: Course S59E, 15 knots. 9.20am: Stopped off Lord Nelson. 9.55am: Full speed. 10.13am: Course S14W and as requisite for Tenedos. 11.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor off Tenedos aerodrome. Wing Commander Samson came on board with staff. 0.10pm: Weighed, Course N22E 21 knots. 2.10pm: Altered course N50E. 3.0pm: Altered course N60E. 3.30pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. Wing Commander Samson went ashore in armed whaler. 4.15pm: Whaler returned. 4.25pm: Course S59W 17 knots. 6.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for “Kephalo”. 7.0pm: Arrived at Kephalo. Closed “Lord Nelson” and sent Commander Samson on board. Closed “Hindu Kush” and communicated by boat. 8.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms veered 3 shackles. [At Single anchor Kephalo] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Mount Elias S77E, Ponente Point S47W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 58.0 tons] 4f962991a2fc8e2def00510f: ( 53-45339-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.97 [estimated] 5.0am: Weighed. 6.0am: Made fast alongside collier “Craigston”. 6.50am: Commenced coaling. am: Coaling ship. 0.10pm: Finished coaling, received 72 tons. Left collier and secured alongside Blenheim. 1.30pm: Slipped from “Blenheim”. 2.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms veered 3 shackles. 2.50pm: Weighed and secured to Blenheim. 4.10pm: Slipped from Blenheim and proceeded out of Kephalo. 4.25pm: 15 knots Course as requisite for Sulva [Suvla] bay. 5.45pm: Secured alongside “Canopus” in Sulva bay. Sent mails to “Colne”. 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded Course and Speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros. 8.10pm: On WT Patrol in Gulf of Xeros. 10.40pm: Sighted “Amethyst's” smoke. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N71E, 2.5 miles. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.35 tons] 4f962991a2fc8e2def005110: ( 53-45339-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1915 At Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.57 1.20am: Amethyst passed steering to SW. am: Carrying out Duties as WT repeating ship. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 60F] 4f962992a2fc8e2def005111: ( 53-45339-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Course and speed as requisite for WT Guard. pm: Course and speed as requisite for WT patrol. 4.0pm: Closed trawler No 49. 4.15pm: Returned to patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962992a2fc8e2def005112: ( 53-45339-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT patrol. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962992a2fc8e2def005113: ( 53-45339-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.83, Long 25.89 [estimated] 7.15am: Course S69W 13 knots. 7.34am: Cape Ibriji abeam 3 miles, Xeros Island N69E, altered course West. 9.15am: Stopped and boarded sailing vessel flying Greek colours bound for Dedeagatch from Tenedos. 9.35am: Proceeded course N58W. 10.0am: Altered course N10W. 11.20am: Course and speed as requisite for anchoring off Dedeagatch. 11.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms, veered 3 shackles. 4.55pm: Weighed. 5.0pm: Course S6E 15 knots. 6.15pm: Altered course S85E. 6.55pm: Altered course East. 8.0pm: Arrived on VT [sic] patrol, Course and Speed as requisite. [As requisite for WT patrol] [Course and Distance made good: Various 42 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Light House N63W, 2.5 cables] 4f962993a2fc8e2def005114: ( 53-45339-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.42, Long 26.28 am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 10.50am: Proceeded towards Mouth of Gulf, Course S65W 10 knots. 11.25am: Cape Ibriji abeam. 0.10pm: Sighted Barque at entrance of Gulf. 0.20pm: Steering towards sailing boat. 2.0pm: Closed “Scourge”. 2.15pm: Trawler No 288 passed steering towards Barque. 3.5pm: “Scourge” left. Proceeded to close Barque. 3.45pm: Stopped and boarded Barque flying Greek colours:- “Aghios ghiargios” [probably Aghios Georgios] bound for Dedeagatch. 4.30pm: Course S20W Full speed. 5.15pm: Closed Askold [a Russian Cruiser - details here] and communicated by boat. 6.25pm: Arrived at Dedeagatch and anchored. 7.55pm: Weighed. 8.0pm: Proceeded, Course S6E 15 knots. 9.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros. 11.50pm: Arrived on WT patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Sulva [sic] Point S23W, 7 miles] [Note: Aghios Georgios was a Greek barque built in Italy in 1877; she was to be sunk by a German submarine in the Mediterranean in September 1917. Askold was a protected cruiser built for the Imperial Russian Navy and commissioned in 1902; she was to be seized by the Royal Navy in 1918 and became HMS Glory IV (listed here) and was used as a depot ship in Scotland; she was scrapped in 1922.] 4f962993a2fc8e2def005115: ( 53-45339-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.57 6.0am: Course and speed as requisite for WT Guard. 10.0am: Carried out reconnaisance [sic] of Northern Shore of Gulf from Xeros Island to Cape Ibirji [Ibriji] pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Ibriji N80W, 2.25 miles] 4f962993a2fc8e2def005116: ( 53-45339-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962994a2fc8e2def005117: ( 53-45339-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962994a2fc8e2def005118: ( 53-45339-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. 4.0pm: Carried out reconnaissance of Northern shore of Peninsular [peninsula]. 8.0pm: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 30.80 tons] 4f962994a2fc8e2def005119: ( 53-45339-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1915 On Patrol and at Kephalo Lat 40.16, Long 25.97 [estimated] 6.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 8.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for proceeding to Kephalo. 11.50am: Made fast alongside collier “Lydie” in Kephalo. 0.40pm: Commenced coaling. 6.15pm: Finished coaling, received 100 tons. Slipped from collier, Course and Speed as requisite. 9.0pm: On patrol in Gulf of Xeros. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N79E, 2.2 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 118.80 tons] 4f962995a2fc8e2def00511a: ( 53-45339-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1915 On Patrol and as requisite Lat 40.95, Long 25.07 [rough estimate as no position in log] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 6.5am: S76W 15 knots. Xeros Island bore N76E. 6.28am: Cape Ibriji abeam 1.06 miles, altered course West. 7.50am: Cape Gromea [Gremea] abeam. 7.53am: Altered course N61W. 11.45am: Altered course N38W. 0.18pm: Came to with Starboard anchor at Porto Lagos [Porto Lago] in 4.5 fathoms veered 1.5 shackles. 3.20pm: Weighed, Course S20E 14.5 knots. 3.39pm: Altered course S63E. 5.15pm: Closed Greek schooner “St Partillimon” [?] bound for Thassos. 5.45pm: Proceeded, Course S62E 14.5 knots. 7.25pm: Altered course East. 8.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. [Course and Distance made good: Various - 90 miles] 4f962995a2fc8e2def00511b: ( 53-45339-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.48, Long 25.77 [rough estimate as no position in log] 6.0am: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. 8.30am: Proceeded to Samothraki Island S80W 13 knots. 11.0am: WNW. 11.14am: Cape Gremea abeam. 11.23am: Altered course N87W. 0.30pm: Steaming around Samothraki Island. 0.45pm: Sighted steamer, chased at 15 knots. [As requisite for Chasing steamer] 3.20pm: Stopped and boarded Italian SS Washington of the Societa Nazionale di Servizi Maritimi [Marittimi] from Port Said to Dedeagatch. 4.0pm: Proceeded Course S62E 10 knots. 4.50pm: Altered course S72E, increased 13 knots. 5.30pm: Stopped. Hands to bathe. 5.50pm: Proceeded Course S72E, 13 knots. 6.55pm: Altered course N80E. 7.59pm: Cape Ibriji abeam 2 miles, altered course N70E, Xeros Island N70E. 9.30pm: As requisite for WT Guard. [Note: SS Washington was an Italian passenger/cargo ship built in Scotland in 1880; she was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off Italy in May 1916.] LOGS FOR JUNE 1915 4f962995a2fc8e2def00511c: ( 53-45339-019_0.jpg) 1 June 1915 On Patrol and at Base Lat 40.16, Long 25.97 [estimated] am: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. 7.0am: Course S60W 13 knots. [As requisite for entering harbour and for going alongside collier] 10.30am: Arrived at Kephalo and went alongside “Mabine” [?]. 11.10am: Commenced coaling. 3.45pm: Finished coaling, received 70 tons. 4.10pm: Slipped from collier and made fast astern of Hindu Kush. 4.30pm: Slipped from Hindu Kush and Proceeded alongside Blenheim. Received stores. 5.55pm: Slipped from Blenheim and proceeded. 6.5pm: Course NE 13 knots. 7.15pm: Sulva [Suvla] Point abeam 1.1 miles. 7.44pm: Altered course N60E. 9.30pm: Arrived on WT patrol off Xeros Island. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N80E, 2.25 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 143.70 tons] 4f962996a2fc8e2def00511d: ( 53-45339-019_1.jpg) 2 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. pm: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962996a2fc8e2def00511e: ( 53-45339-020_0.jpg) 3 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 66F, sea temperature 67F] 4f962996a2fc8e2def00511f: ( 53-45339-020_1.jpg) 4 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 9.40pm: Sighted lights in eastern end of Gulf and investigated same. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962997a2fc8e2def005120: ( 53-45339-021_0.jpg) 5 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for WT Guard. 7.0am: Steamed towards entrance of Gulf. 10.30am: Closed trawler for mails. 11.0am: Closed “Grampus” and communicated by boat. 11.35am: Proceeded up Gulf. 5.0pm: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. 9.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for proceeding up Gulf in search of flag buoy sighted in the evening. Failed to find buoy and returned on patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962997a2fc8e2def005121: ( 53-45339-021_1.jpg) 6 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 7.30am: Sighted mark buoy of previous evening off Bulair and sank it by rifle fire. am: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. pm: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962998a2fc8e2def005122: ( 53-45339-022_0.jpg) 7 June 1915 On patrol and as requisite Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Carrying out repeating ship Duties in Gulf of Xeros. pm: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. 9.43pm: Xeros Island N62E 1 mile, Course S62W, 15 knots. 11.45pm: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam 4 miles, altered course S24W. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962998a2fc8e2def005123: ( 53-45339-022_1.jpg) 8 June 1915 At Base [Mudros and Kephalo] and as requisite Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 [estimated] 0.45am: Kephalo Light abeam. 1.1am: Altered course S50W. 3.0am: Altered course S3W. 4.0am: Altered course West. 5.0am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Mudros. 5.45am: Anchored ahead of Adamant. [At Single anchor] 0.15pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside Swanley. 1.50pm: Left SS Swanley and proceeded out of harbour. [As requisite for escorting E14 to Kephalo] 8.15pm: Arrived at Kephalo with E14 and made fast alongside Blenheim. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 62.90 tons] 4f962998a2fc8e2def005124: ( 53-45339-023_0.jpg) 9 June 1915 At Base [Kephalo] and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.97 [estimated] 4.30am: Alongside Blenheim. 8.30am: Left Blenheim and went alongside collier Sterndale. 9.0am: Commenced coaling. 3.30pm: Finished coaling, received 75 tons. Slipped from collier and went alongside Blenheim. 7.0pm: Left Blenheim and proceeded to entrance. 8.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms veered 3 shackles. 10.0pm: At Single anchor Kephalo. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N76E, 2.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 133.05 tons] [Note: SS Sterndale was a British ship built in the UK in 1910 and owned by Dale Steamship Company (Lucas & Company), Bristol. She was requisitioned by the Admiralty as a collier in August 1914. She later changed owners several times, as renamed “Greldale” in 1917 and “Glitra” in 1919; she was broken up in 1937.] 4f962999a2fc8e2def005125: ( 53-45339-023_1.jpg) 10 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 Midnight: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 0.25am: Course N60E 10 knots. 1.0am: Kephalo Light S65W, altered course N45E, E14 astern. 2.20am: Stopped inside Dardanelles. [As requisite to escort E14 from Kephalo to Cape Helles] 4.12am: N10W 10 knots. 4.30am: Cape Helles abeam, altered North. 6.34am: Cape Sulva [Suvla] abeam 3 miles. 6.45am: Altered course N60E. 7.0am: Cape Sulva abeam 2.5 miles. 10.0am: Arrived of [off] Xeros Island. 2.0pm: Closed trawler at mouth of Gulf and delivered mails. 5.0pm: Carrying out WT Duties in Gulf of Xeros. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962999a2fc8e2def005126: ( 53-45339-024_0.jpg) 11 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. pm: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f962999a2fc8e2def005127: ( 53-45339-024_1.jpg) 12 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. 2.0pm: Closed trawler at mouth of Gulf and sent over mail. pm: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96299aa2fc8e2def005128: ( 53-45339-025_0.jpg) 13 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Carrying out Duties of WT repeating ship. pm: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96299aa2fc8e2def005129: ( 53-45339-025_1.jpg) 14 June 1915 On Patrol and At Base [Kephalo] Lat 40.16, Long 25.97 [estimated] 3.0am: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. 7.57am: S60W 13 knots: Xeros Island N60E, Cape Xeros S26E. [Course and Speed as requisite from Xeros Island to Kephalo] 9.50am: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam. 10.45am: Entered Kephalo. 11.0am: Made fast alongside collier “Margot” [probably “Margit” - see later entries]. 11.30am: Commenced coaling. pm: Coaling Ship. 3.45pm: Discharged to Blenheim “George Travos” Greek interpreter. 4.5pm: Finished coaling, received 74 tons. 4.20pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4.35pm: Course NE 13 knots. 6.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite from Kephalo to Xeros Island. 9.0pm: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N80E, 2.3 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 132.1 tons] [Note: SS Margit was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1903 and owned at this time by Groedel Brothers Steamship Company. She was to be torpedoed and sunk in the Mediterranean by a German submarine in April 1917.] 4f96299aa2fc8e2def00512a: ( 53-45339-026_0.jpg) 15 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Carrying out Duties of WT Guard. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96299ba2fc8e2def00512b: ( 53-45339-026_1.jpg) 16 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96299ba2fc8e2def00512c: ( 53-45339-027_0.jpg) 17 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling. 0.5pm: Proceeded down Gulf at Full speed. 1.15pm: Arrived at Cape Sulva [sic]. 2.0pm: Communicated with “Grampus” and sent mail to her. 2.15pm: Returned up Gulf at 10 knots. pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96299ba2fc8e2def00512d: ( 53-45339-027_1.jpg) 18 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. 2.20pm: Closed trawler and sent mail across. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f96299ca2fc8e2def00512e: ( 53-45339-028_0.jpg) 19 June 1915 On Patrol and at Base [Kephalo] Lat 40.16, Long 25.97 5.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. 8.0am: Left position off Xeros Island and proceeded down Gulf, Course and speed as requisite for Kephalo. 11.15am: Arrived at “Kephalo” and made fast alongside “Carrigan Head”. Took in Stores. 1.0pm: Left “Carrigan Head”. 1.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 6.25 fathoms veered 2 shackles. 4.15pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 4.50pm: Returned to Kephalo. 5.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 6 fathoms veered 2 shackles. 8.5pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, Course as requisite for proceeding up Gulf of Xeros, Speed 13 knots. 11.30pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N78E, 2.25 miles] 4f96299ca2fc8e2def00512f: ( 53-45339-028_1.jpg) 20 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 2.0am: SS Monica [Manica] and destroyer arrived. 5.20am: “Lord Nelson” arrived and took up a position off Northern shore of peninsular [sic] opposite the town of Gallipoli. She was supported by Monica and 3 destroyers. A captive balloon was sent up from Monica for spotting. 5.50am: Lord Nelson commenced bombardment of Gallipoli. 6.30am: Lord Nelson, Monica and destroyers left Gulf. am and pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 43.95 tons] 4f96299ca2fc8e2def005130: ( 53-45339-029_0.jpg) 21 June 1915 On Patrol and at Base [Kephalo] Lat 40.16, Long 25.97 [estimated] 3.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. 6.0am: S60W 13 knots - Xeros Island bore N60E. 7.0am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 9.0am: Course as requisite for Kephalo at 13 knots. 10.0am: Arrived at Kephalo. 10.15am: Made fast alongside collier “Margit”. 10.30am: Commenced coaling. 1.0pm: J Owens Official Number 110370 and William Palfrey ON 112143, Stokers discharged sick to “Blenheim”. pm: Coaling Ship. 4.20pm: Finished coaling, received 87 tons. 4.35pm: Slipped from collier and proceeded. 4.50pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros using Starboard engine only. 6.57pm: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam. 11.30pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N78E, 2.25 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 120.45 tons] 4f96299da2fc8e2def005131: ( 53-45339-029_1.jpg) 22 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am and pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 76F, sea temperature 71F] 4f96299da2fc8e2def005132: ( 53-45339-030_0.jpg) 23 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 4.50am: Batteries in NE corner of Gulf opened fire apparently for practice. They fired about 15 rounds. am and pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.5 miles] 4f96299da2fc8e2def005133: ( 53-45339-030_1.jpg) 24 June 1915 On Patrol and as requisite Lat 40.34, Long 26.17 [estimated as no position in log] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol in Gulf of Xeros. 7.0am: Course S60W 15 knots. 9.0am: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam 2.5 miles. 9.55am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 10.5am: Came to with Starboard anchor astern of “Blenheim”. 10.20am: Shifted berth ahead of “Blenheim”. 10.50am: Weighed and Proceeded with “flying officer” for Gulf of Xeros. 10.55am: Course NE 17 knots. Noon: Altered course N60E, Cape Sulva abeam 2 miles. 0.30pm: Stoker J Owens ON 110370 discharged to Duty. 1.50pm: Stopped off Xeros Island and sent armed whaler ashore. 2.50pm: Whaler returned. Proceeded S60W full speed. 4.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for Kephalo. 6.10pm: Arrived at Kephalo, communicated with Triad and Exmouth. 7.15pm: Left Kephalo, Course N48E full speed. 9.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Xeros Island. 11.0pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sulva SE, 2 miles] 4f96299ea2fc8e2def005134: ( 53-45339-031_0.jpg) 25 June 1915 On Patrol and at Dedeagatch Lat 40.81, Long 25.90 [estimated] 3.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling in Gulf of Xeros. 6.48am: Course S77W 10 knots, Xeros Island N77E. 7.20am: Cape Ibriji abeam 1 mile, altered course West. 9.1am: Altered course N56W. 9.32am: Altered course N6W. 10.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.5 fathoms veered to 4 shackles. “Kings Messenger” came on board. [At Single anchor off Dedeagatch] 11.50am: Weighed and Proceeded Course S6W 15 knots. 0.30pm: Altered course S22E. 2.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 2.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 2 shackles. [At Single anchor in Kephalo] 4.40pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 4.50pm: Course and speed as requisite for Dedeagatch at full speed. 7.20pm: Arrived at Dedeagatch and anchored. 7.40pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 7.45pm: Course S8E, full speed. 9.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Xeros Island. 11.0pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. [Anchor Bearings: Dedeagatch Light House N50W, 3.5 cables] 4f96299ea2fc8e2def005135: ( 53-45339-031_1.jpg) 26 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrolling in Gulf of Xeros. 0.15pm: Closed “Rattlesnake” outside Gulf and communicated by boat. 3.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. pm: Patrolling in Gulf of Xeros. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 21.85 tons] 4f96299ea2fc8e2def005136: ( 53-45339-032_0.jpg) 27 June 1915 On Patrol and at Base [Kephalo] Lat 40.15, Long 25.97 [estimated] 2.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling. 6.30am: Prepared for coaling. 7.42am: Course S60W full speed. Xeros Island N60E. 10.35am: Arrived at Kephalo. 10.45am: Went Alongside collier “Ennisbrook”. Noon: Coaling Ship. 0.30pm: Lieutenant Walker discharged to Exmouth to await passage to England. pm: Coaling Ship. 2.30pm: Sub Lieutenant C Greenway joined for “Exmouth”. 4.5pm: Finished coaling, received 122 tons. Slipped from collier. 5.30pm: Commander Douglas came on board for passage. 5.45pm: Proceeded course N48E full speed. 6.41pm: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam 1.05 miles. 7.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Xeros Island. 8.40pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. 11.0pm: As requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N76E, 2.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 111.20 tons] [Note: SS Ennisbrook as a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1914 and owned by the Brook Steamship Company. She was sold to Greece in 1921 and renamed “Svorono”, changing hands again in 1926 and being renamed “Anastassios Pateras”. She was to be torpedoed and sunk off Canada by a German submarine in July 1942 (details here).] 4f96299fa2fc8e2def005137: ( 53-45339-032_1.jpg) 28 June 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.57, Long 26.59 [estimated as no position in log] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. 8.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for reconnaisance [sic] of Gulf of Xeros. 1.0pm: As requisite for reconnaisance. 1.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 3.30pm: Arrived at Kephalo. Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 1.5 shackles. Commander Douglas left the ship. 4.43pm: Shifted berth. 5.30pm: Weighed and Proceeded N48E full speed. 6.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol area. 8.45pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. 10.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Ibriji N40W, 2.5 miles] 4f96299fa2fc8e2def005138: ( 53-45339-033_0.jpg) 29 June 1915 On Patrol and at Dedeagatch Lat 40.79, Long 25.90 [rough estimate] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrolling. 6.50am: Proceeded Course West 13 knots for Dedeagatch. 10.40am: Arrived at Dedeagatch. Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 1.5 shackles. 11.30am: Weighed and Proceeded as requisite for boarding SS Bosford [probably Bosforo] and SS “Ariete” Italians. 1.0pm: Boarded “Bosford” and “Ariete”. 2.0pm: Returned to Dedeagatch and anchored. 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite to give steamers permission to proceed. 3.40pm: Returned to Dedeagatch and anchored. 5.40pm: Weighed and Proceeded Course and speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros. 6.0pm: Boarded Messagerie Maritimi steamer “Sydney” [listed here]. 6.20pm: Proceeded. 10.45pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Light House N50W, 4 cables] [Note: SS Bosforo was an Italian cargo ship built in Scotland in 1878 and originally called Wistow Hall (I); she was sold to Italy in 1887 and was owned by Societa Italiana di Servizi Marittimi. She was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Mediterranean in January 1918. SS Ariete was an Italian cargo ship built in Scotland in 1857 and was originally part of the Royal Danish Navy as SS Odin. She foundered off Italy in 1921. SS Sydney was an Italian ship built in 1882 and owned by Messageries Maritimes; she was scrapped in 1922.] 4f9629a0a2fc8e2def005139: ( 53-45339-033_1.jpg) 30 June 1915 At Base and as requisite Lat 40.16, Long 25.97 [estimated] 1.0am: Course and speed as requisite for Patrol. 3.50am: S60W 13 knots. 4.45am: Eased to 10 knots As requisite for reconnoitring salt lakes on northern shore of Gulf of Xeros. 6.0am: Sent in Armed whaler with 16.25lb tin for demolition of dam. 6.50am: Proceeded Course and speed as requisite for Kephalo. 11.0am: Arrived at Kephalo. Squadron Commander Davis came on board for passage. [As requisite off Exmouth] Noon: Proceeded out of harbour. 0.10pm: Course N47E full speed. 1.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for Xeros Island. 1.6pm: Cape Sulva [Suvla] abeam. 3.10pm: Arrived off Xeros Island, Sent armed whaler ashore. 3.55pm: Whaler returned. 4.10pm: Proceeded S60W 13 knots. 4.49pm: Increased to full speed. 6.30pm: Closed Mosquito and sent Squadron Commander Davis across. 6.40pm: Proceeded Course and speed as requisite for Xeros Island. 8.30pm: Arrived on Patrol. 10.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N84E, 2.8 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 47.90 tons] 4f9629a0a2fc8e2def00513a: ( 53-45339-034_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f9629a0a2fc8e2def00513b: ( 53-45339-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9629a1a2fc8e2def00513c: ( 53-45339-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f9629a1a2fc8e2def00513d: ( 53-45339-035_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – JULY 1ST TO AUGUST 31ST 1915 LOGS FOR JULY 1915 4f9629a1a2fc8e2def00513e: ( 53-45340-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for July 1st 1915 to August 31st 1915] 4f9629a2a2fc8e2def00513f: ( 53-45340-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f9629a2a2fc8e2def005140: ( 53-45340-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten statement: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the original log of HMS “Jed” for the period 1st July - 31 August 1915. [Signed] RW Wilkinson Lieutenant Commander] 4f9629a2a2fc8e2def005141: ( 53-45340-002_1.jpg) [Page headed ADM53/45340, containing data on distances run and coal expended for dates from 23.10.11 to 16.4.15. Ordinary speed or consumption exceeded: On Active Service. [Signed] RW Wilkinson, Captain, 6th September 1915. HMS Blenheim 21 September 1915. No remarks. [Signed] JM Simpson Engineer Commander (D). [Stamped] Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla 24 Sep 1915. [Signed] CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] 4f9629a3a2fc8e2def005142: ( 53-45340-003_0.jpg) [Page for details of Barometer and Thermometers, not filled in] 4f9629a3a2fc8e2def005143: ( 53-45340-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1915 At Base [Kephalo] and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 3.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for patrol. 7.35am: Proceeded S60W 13 knots. 9.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 10.45am: Arrived at Kephalo. 11.15am: Secured alongside collier “Ennisbrook”. am and pm: Coaling Ship. 4.10pm: Finished coaling received 72 tons. Slipped from collier and Proceeded out of harbour. 4.20pm: Course N45E, 13 knots. 6.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Xeros Island. 7.30pm: Arrived on Patrol. 10.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N82E 1.4 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 102.75 tons] 4f9629a3a2fc8e2def005144: ( 53-45340-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1915 On Patrol and as requisite Lat 40.56, Long 26.15 [estimated as no noon position in log] 2.30am: 15 trawlers and fleet sweeper arrived in Gulf. 3.30am: Chatham, Venerable, Manica and 4 Beagle destroyers arrived. 5.0am: Attending on Ships carrying out reconnaisance [sic] and bombardment of Gulf. [As requisite for protecting bombarding Ships] pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrolling. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Gremea North, 2.5 miles] 4f9629a4a2fc8e2def005145: ( 53-45340-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1915 At Base [Kephalo] and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 3.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 7.27am: Course S60W full speed. 7.35am: Altered course 13 knots [sic]. 8.0am: Cape Ibriji abeam 0.7 miles. 8.5am: S52W full speed. 10.30am: Arrived at Kephalo, went alongside “Exmouth”. 1.0pm: Alongside Exmouth. 2.30pm: Talbot left. 4.30pm: Stoker W Palfrey ON 112143 discharged to duty. 7.30pm: Slipped from Exmouth and proceeded. 7.50pm: Course NE 13 knots. 11.15pm: Arrived on Patrol and reduced to 8 knots. 11.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light N82E, 1.3 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 75F, sea temperature 74F] 4f9629a4a2fc8e2def005146: ( 53-45340-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.57, Long 26.39 [estimated as no noon position in log] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 9.30am: Boarded small sailing boat “Everstan” flying Italian flag; with cargo of eggs for Mudros. 11.0am: Took Everstan in tow and proceeded out of Gulf. 2.0pm: Slipped “Crevestan” [sic]. 2.30pm: Closed “Colne” and communicated by boat. Proceeded up Gulf of Xeros. 5.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 11.25pm: Green Very's Light fired on Northern shore abeam of Patrol Position. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Ibriji N75E, 6 miles] 4f9629a5a2fc8e2def005147: ( 53-45340-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1915 At Dedeagatch and on Patrol Lat 40.69, Long 25.88 [estimated as no noon position in log] 5.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 8.5am: S72W 13 knots. 8.42am: Cape Ibriji abeam 1.95 miles, altered course West. 10.16am: Cape Gremea abeam 2.2 miles, altered course N60W. 10.52am: N10W. 11.30am: Boarded two Bulgarian sailing boats “Strela” and “Good Hope” with eggs and nuts for Lemnos. 11.55am: As requisite for Dedegatch [Dedeagatch]. 0.45pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.25 fathoms veered 2 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Dedegatch [sic] Light House NW, 3 cables] 3.50pm: Weighed to examine vessel HMFA “Sarvia” [probably Sarnia]. 4.30pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.5 fathoms veered 2 shackles.”Sarvia” anchored. 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded S5E 15 knots. 7.0pm: Altered course S52E. 7.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite. [Course and Speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros] 10.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 11.30pm - 11.50pm: Examined shore by search-light at top of Gulf. [Distance run through the Water: 47 miles and as requisite] [True Bearing and Distance: Dedegatch [sic] Light House N10E, 8 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 28.15 tons] [Note: HMS Sarnia was a British passenger ship built in UK in 1910; she was requisitioned by the Admiralty in November 1914 and was used as an armed boarding ship. She was to be sunk by a German submarine in September 1918 off Alexandria, with the loss of 53 lives.] 4f9629a5a2fc8e2def005148: ( 53-45340-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1915 At Base [Kephalo] and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 7.35am: Proceeded S60W 15 knots. 9.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 11.0am: Arrived and [at] Kephalo. Went alongside collier “Glamorgan” [listed here]. pm: Coaling Ship. 4.0pm: Finished coaling, received 40 tons. 4.45pm: Surveyed ship for Heeling Error. 6.0pm: Read Warrant No 17. Discharged AB Shales [or Thales] ON [blank] to Exmouth for punishment in “Blenheim”. 6.15pm: Left Kephalo. Course N48E full speed. 7.30pm: Boarded sailing vessel “ACAOH THXH” from Tenedos to Samothraki - East of Samothraki. Papers, cargo and passengers (none) correct. 9.45pm: Arrived on Patrol. 10.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N80E, 1.4 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 48.20 tons] [Note: SS Glamorgan was probably the British ship built in UK in 1906 and owned by the Rowtor Steamship Company, Cardiff.] 4f9629a5a2fc8e2def005149: ( 53-45340-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.56, Long 26.70 am and pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N56E, 5 miles] 4f9629a6a2fc8e2def00514a: ( 53-45340-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1915 At Base [Kephalo] and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 7.35am: S60W 15 knots. 8.0am: Cape Ibriji abeam 3 miles. 9.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 10.30am: Arrived at Kephalo. Went alongside collier “Anton” [probably Antar; see later entries]. pm: Coaling Ship. 4.30pm: Finished coaling received 84 tons. 5.0pm: Slipped and Proceeded Course NE 15 knots. 6.4pm: Altered course N50E. 7.10pm: Arrived on Patrol. 9.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings Kephalo Light House N84E, 1.4 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 97.30 tons] [Note: SS Antar was a British cargo ship built in 1906 and owned by Egypt and Levant Steamship Company. She was subsequently renamed “River Trent”, then “Wokingham”, the “Gundega” and finally “Weichselland”, having been seized by USSR in 1940 and by Germany in 1941; she was mined and sank in 1944.] 4f9629a6a2fc8e2def00514b: ( 53-45340-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1915 At Dedeagatch and on Patrol Lat 40.63, Long 25.62 3.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 6.30am: Cape Ibriji abeam 2.1 miles. Increased 13 knots Course West. 9.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for searching NE shore of Samothraki Island. 11.0am: Course NE 15 knots for Dedeagatch. 1.5pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.75 fathoms veered 2.5 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Dedeagatch Light House NW 4 cables. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded S6E 15 knots. 7.30pm: Stopped; Boarded SS “Maine” American Archipelago Company. 10.0pm: Took “Maine’s” passengers on board. Sub Lieutenant Greenway and Prize crew 1 LS [Leading Seaman], 2 stokers sent on board Maine to convoy her to Mudros. 11.45pm: Proceeded to Dedeagatch. [Note: The precise identity of SS Maine is unclear. Some details about Archipelago-American Steamship Company here suggest that this was a Greek, rather than American company.] 4f9629a6a2fc8e2def00514c: ( 53-45340-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1915 At Base and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 0.10am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.5 fathoms veered 2 shackles, off Dedeagatch. Sent “Maine’s” passengers ashore. [Anchor Bearings: Dedeagatch Light House NW 3.5 cables] 3.45am:Weighed. 3.50am: S6E 13 knots. 6.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros. 8.0am: Arrived off Xeros Island. 8.15am: Course S60W 13 knots. 10.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 11.20am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 3 shackles. 1.0pm: A Wake LS GLIII [Gunlayer III] ON [blank] joined from Exmouth. 5.15pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 5.20pm: N48E 15 knots. 6.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros. 8.45pm: Arrived on Patrol off Xeros Island. 10.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House, N89E, 1.4 miles] 4f9629a7a2fc8e2def00514d: ( 53-45340-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.56, Long 26.15 [estimated] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 10.30am: “Action” opened fire on dam of Salt works. 11.30am: Ceased firing. Secured. 3.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for patrolling NE of Samothraki Island. 8.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Gremea North, 2.6 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 46.25 tons] 4f9629a7a2fc8e2def00514e: ( 53-45340-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1915 At Base [Kephalo] and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 2.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 5.0am: S60W 13 knots. 6.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 8.0am: Arrived at Kephalo. 8.20am: Went alongside collier “Glamorgan”. am and pm: Coaling Ship. 2.30pm: Rejoined ship Sub Lieutenant Greenway and Prize crew. 3.30pm: Finished Coaling. Received 98 tons. 4.30pm: Slipped and Proceeded, Course as requisite speed 13 knots. 8.0pm: Arrived on Patrol. 10.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings Kephalo Light N89E, 1.4 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 126.90 tons] 4f9629a7a2fc8e2def00514f: ( 53-45340-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1915 At Dedeagatch and on Patrol Lat 40.53, Long 25.67 [estimated, as no noon position in log] 2.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 7.0am: Surveying head of Gulf. Fired on by battery on Northern shore. Action: Opened fired [sic] on village on North shore. 7.30am: Secured. 10.0am: Proceeded out of Gulf towards Samothraki Island at 10 knots. 0.40pm: As requisite for Dedeagatch. 2.17pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4 fathoms veered 2 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Dedegatch [sic] Light House N56W, 4 cables] 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded Course and speed as requisite. 7.30pm: Patrolling off Samothraki Island. 10.47pm: Course N79W. 11.2pm: Altered course N67W 13 knots for Thassos Island. [True Bearing and Distance: Dedeagatch Light House N25E] 4f9629a8a2fc8e2def005150: ( 53-45340-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1915 At Base and on Patrol Lat 40.53, Long 25.66 [estimated] 1.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Thassos Island. 2.30am: Arrived off Thassos Island. 3.0am: Red Very’s fired about 3 cables from ship. 3 miles NE of Thassos Island. 5.0am: Boarded sailing vessel "Efte Chir” [?] from Mudros to Thassos; empty; papers correct. 6.0am: Boarded sailing vessel “A Medas” [?] Mudros [?] to Thassos; empty; papers correct. 7.30am: Patrolling towards Dedeagatch. 10.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrolling. 2.35pm: Arrived at Kephalo. 2.50pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House S88E, 2.7 miles] 6.40pm: Weighed. 7.0pm: Left Kephalo, Course N5E 13 knots. 7.35pm: Altered course N70W. 9.25pm: Highest point of Samothraki Island abeam. 10.5pm: Altered course N51W. 10.40pm: As requisite for closing and boarding SS “Pelops” Greek. Papers and passengers correct. 11.55pm: Proceeded N70W 13 knots. [True Bearing and Distance: High Peak of Samothraki Island - SW, 5 miles] 4f9629a8a2fc8e2def005151: ( 53-45340-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1915 At Dedeagatch and as requisite Lat 40.51, Long 24.71 [rough estimate as no noon position in log] 2.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for Thassos Island. 5.50am: Came to with Starboard anchor in Panegia [Panagia] Roads Thassos Island. 10.0am: Weighed and Proceeded N35W 13 knots. 10.18am: Altered course S74W, small Island astern. 10.54am: Small Island astern, altered course S83E. 11.10am: LEFT extreme Thassos Island abeam. 0.17pm: Altered course East. 2.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Dedeagatch. 3.20pm: Came to with Starboard anchor at Dedeagatch in 4.25 fathoms veered 1.5 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Dedeagatch Light House N60W, 3 cables] 7.30pm: Weighed and Proceeded, Full speed Course as requisite. [As requisite for Patrol] [True Bearing and Distance: Thassos Island S74E, 11 miles] 4f9629a8a2fc8e2def005152: ( 53-45340-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1915 At Base [Kephalo] and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 2.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 7.45am: Course S60W 13 knots. 9.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 11.15am: Arrived at Kephalo. Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 2 shackles. 1.10pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 1.40pm: Course NE 13 knots. 2.30pm: Cape Sulva [Suvla] abeam 1.2 miles. 2.40pm: Altered course N53E. 3.15pm: N69E. 3.45pm: Closed “Venerable” to assist in bombardment of coast. 6.0pm: Attending on “Venerable”. [As requisite for Bombardment] 9.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N80E, 1.3 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 80F, sea temperature 78F] 4f9629a9a2fc8e2def005153: ( 53-45340-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1915 At Base and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.99 [estimated] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 7.15am: Shaped course S60W 13 knots. 10.0am: As requisite for Kephalo. 11.0am: Arrived at Kephalo. Went alongside collier “Sterndale”. 11.30am and pm: Coaling Ship. 4.0pm: Finished coaling, received 55 tons. 5.15pm: Left Kephalo. Speed 13 knots N45E. 6.20pm: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam 2.2 miles. 7.35pm: Altered course N60E. 8.40pm: Arrived on Patrol. 11.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Kephalo Light House N88E 1.4 miles Anchor Bearings] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 94.05 tons] 4f9629a9a2fc8e2def005154: ( 53-45340-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1915 On Patrol and as requisite Lat 40.52, Long 25.99 [very rough estimate as no indication of where Jed is at noon] 2.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 7.0am: Course WxS 13 knots. 7.30am: Cape Ibriji abeam 2 miles, altered course West. 10.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for rendezvous with trawler. 2.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for communicating with trawler North of Samothraki Island. 5.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for Gulf of Xeros. 9.30pm: On Patrol. 4f9629a9a2fc8e2def005155: ( 53-45340-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1915 At Dedeagatch and on Patrol Lat 40.59, Long 25.82 [rough estimate as no noon position in log] 4.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 9.10am: Cape Ibriji abeam 2 miles, Course West, 10 knots. 10.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Dedeagatch. 0.30pm: Arrived at Dedeagatch. 1.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4 fathoms veered 1.5 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Dedeagatch Light House N55W, 3 cables] 5.40pm: Weighed and Proceeded as requisite for Gulf of Xeros at 13 knots. 9.0pm: Arrived on Patrol. 10.30pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 11.30pm: Grasshopper arrived. Delivered Despatches to her. 4f9629aaa2fc8e2def005156: ( 53-45340-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1915 At Thassos Island and on Patrol Lat 40.48, Long 25.93 [rough estimate as no noon position in log] 0.24am: Course West 10 knots. 1.30am: Cape Gremea abeam. Stopped engines. 1.40am: Course East slow speed. 1.45am: Altered course ExS. [As requisite in Gulf of Xeros] 2.50am: Stopped. 3.43am: Course East 8 knots. 6.25am: Proceeded Course West 13 knots. 7.0am: Cape Ibriji abeam 2.1 miles. 10.0am: Patrolling between Xeros and Samothraki Island. 1.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Thassos Island. 3.30pm: Arrived off Northern shore of Thassos Island. Proceeded round Island to Westward. 6.10pm: Returned to Pantagia [Panagia] Roads and came to with Starboard anchor in 4.5 fathoms veered 1.5 shackles. 9.0pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 10.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite to Patrol round Thassos Island. 11.50pm: Off Kastro. 4f9629aaa2fc8e2def005157: ( 53-45340-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1915 At Kephalo and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] Midnight: Course and Speed as requisite for Base S72E 13 knots. 6.0am: NE Point of Imbros Island abeam 1.9 miles. 7.0am: Arrived at Kephalo. 7.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor 5 fathoms veered 5 shackles. 7.50am: Let go port anchor veered 1 shackle. [At Anchor in Kephalo] [Anchor Bearings: Light House N88E, 1.5 miles] 0.40pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Antar”. pm: Coaling Ship. 6.0pm: Finished coaling, received 60 tons. 6.45pm: Left Kephalo Course NE 13 knots. 8.0pm: As requisite for Gulf of Xeros. 10.0pm: Arrived on Patrol. 11.30pm: Patrolling in Gulf of Xeros. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N88E, 1.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 78.15 tons] 4f9629aaa2fc8e2def005158: ( 53-45340-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 2.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 6.0am: Stopped in Gulf of Xeros. ER [Engine Room] Department repairing defects on Main Engines. [As requisite for Patrol] 4.30pm: Stopped in Gulf of Xeros. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f9629aba2fc8e2def005159: ( 53-45340-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1915 At Kephalo and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 3.30am: Defects on Main Engines repaired. Stopped off Xeros Island. 8.30am: Course as requisite for leaving Gulf. 10.0am: Course and speed as requisite for Kephalo. 11.0am: Closed trawler and communicated by boat. Noon: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 2 shackles. 5.0pm: Weighed. 5.35pm: Left Kephalo, Course NE 13 knots. 6.55pm: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam 1.5 miles. 7.25pm: Altered course N65E. 8.40pm: Arrived on Patrol. 10.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N86E, 1.4 miles] 4f9629aba2fc8e2def00515a: ( 53-45340-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1915 At Dedeagatch and Base [Kephalo] and as requisite Lat 40.83, Long 25.90 [estimated] [As requisite for Patrol] 5.30am: Course S80W, 10 knots. 6.45am: Cape Ibriji abeam 2 miles, altered course West. 9.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Dedeagatch. 10.45am: Arrived at Dedeagatch. Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.25 fathoms veered 2.5 shackles. French SS Yarra [Yarra (1) listed here] anchored. 1.30pm: Captain Jackson for Minerva and Major Samson for GHQ came on board from Yarra for passage to Base. 3.0pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 3.5pm: Course S6E, 180 revs. 4.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 5.30pm: Arrived at Kephalo. [Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N88E, 1.4 miles] 5.45pm: Went alongside collier “Glamorgan”. [Alongside Collier] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Dedeagatch Light House N57W, 3.5 cables] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 36.80 tons] [Note: SS Yarra was a French passenger liner built in 1883 and owned by Messageries Maritimes, Paris; she was to be torpedoed and sunk in the Mediterranean by a German submarine in May 1917 with the loss of 56 lives (details here).] 4f9629aca2fc8e2def00515b: ( 53-45340-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1915 At Base and on Patrol Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 6.0am: Coaling from “Glamorgan”. 9.45am: Finished Coaling, received 85 tons. 2.30pm: Alongside “Glamorgan”. 5.50pm: Left Kephalo Course NE 13 knots. 6.55pm: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam 1.1 miles, altered course N30E. 7.8pm: NE. 7.55pm: Altered course N60E, reduced to 10 knots. 9.30pm: Arrived off Xeros Island. 11.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N88E, 1.4 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 112.00 tons] 4f9629aca2fc8e2def00515c: ( 53-45340-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.70 am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 11.55am: Course S60W 13 knots. 1.15pm: Increased to 15 knots. 1.35pm: Altered course S50W. 2.10pm: Cape Sulva [sic] abeam 2.3 miles. 3.15pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 3 shackles in Kephalo. [Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N84E, 1.45 miles] 6.0pm: W Pearson Leading Telegraphist Discharged to “Aster”. [At Single Anchor] [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N65E, 5 miles] 4f9629aca2fc8e2def00515d: ( 53-45340-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1915 At Kephalo and Port Mudros [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 [estimated] 5.0am: Weighed. 5.30am: Proceeded out of Kephalo. 6.0am: Course as requisite for rounding Kephalo Point. 6.8am: Course S48W, 13 knots. 9.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for entering Port Mudros. 10.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 5.5 fathoms veered 3 shackles. [At Single Anchor Port Mudros] pm: Hands employed Refitting. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: S~~pi [Sarpi] Windmill N52W, Port Janos [Portianos] Church S78W] 4f9629ada2fc8e2def00515e: ( 53-45340-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1915 At Base [Mudros] Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 am and pm: Hands employed refitting. 4f9629ada2fc8e2def00515f: ( 53-45340-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1915 At Base [Mudros] Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 am: Hands employed Refitting. 6.0pm: Hands employed refitting. 6.30pm: Weighed by hand and proceeded alongside “Blenheim” towed by picket boat. 4f9629ada2fc8e2def005160: ( 53-45340-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1915 At Base [Mudros] Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [estimated] [Alongside Blenheim] am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 0.30pm: Foxhound came alongside port side. 4.0pm: Hands employed refitting ship’s gear. 4f9629aea2fc8e2def005161: ( 53-45340-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1915 At Base [Mudros] Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside Blenheim] am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. pm: Make and Mend Clothes. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1915 4f9629aea2fc8e2def005162: ( 53-45340-019_0.jpg) 1 August 1915 At Base [Mudros] Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside Blenheim] 8.0am: Sent Church parties into Blenheim to attend Divine service. 5.0pm: Quarters. Make and Mend Clothes. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 80F, sea temperature 79F] 4f9629aea2fc8e2def005163: ( 53-45340-019_1.jpg) 2 August 1915 Other At Base [Mudros] Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside Blenheim] 6.30am: Dropped astern of Blenheim. [Tied up astern of Blenheim] am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. pm: Hands employed refitting. 5.0pm: Shifted up alongside Blenheim and secured. [Alongside Blenheim] 4f9629afa2fc8e2def005164: ( 53-45340-020_0.jpg) 3 August 1915 At Base [Mudros] Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside Blenheim] 5.45am: Hands employed getting in ammunition. 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. 5.0pm: Quarters. 5.30pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 4f9629afa2fc8e2def005165: ( 53-45340-020_1.jpg) 4 August 1915 At Base [Mudros] Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside Blenheim] am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. 4.30pm: Slipped from Blenheim and proceeded alongside collier Margit. 6.0pm: Coaling Ship. 7.0pm: Finished coaling, received 36 tons. Slipped and proceeded out of Port Mudros. Course and speed as requisite for Kephalo passing to Westward of Lemnos. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 116.80 tons] 4f9629afa2fc8e2def005166: ( 53-45340-021_0.jpg) 5 August 1915 [shown as July in error] From Port Mudros to Kephalo and at Kephalo Lat 40.16, Long 25.98 [estimated] 0.18am: Altered course N84E. 1.44am: Cape Plati [Cape Plaka] abeam, altered course S78E. 3.0am: Altered course N80E. 4.30am: Course and speed as requisite for making Kephalo. 5.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms veered 3 shackles. 8.30am: Let go port anchor. [Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N88E, 1.5 miles] pm: Hands employed as requisite. [Distance run through the Water: 52 miles] [North easterly wind force 4 in am, reducing in pm, weather fine, noon temperature 82F, sea temperature 72F] 4f9629b0a2fc8e2def005167: ( 53-45340-021_1.jpg) 6 August 1915 At Kephalo and at Sea [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.80, Long 25.86 [estimated] 6.45am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 7.40am: S15W 16 knots. 8.30am: Course and Speed as requisite for closing Minerva south of Tenedos. 9.0am: Closed Minerva and proceeded to patrol with her south of Tenedos. [As requisite for Patrolling and for Kephalo] 2.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 4.15pm: Arrived at Kephalo, came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 3 shackles. 6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. Course and speed as requisite to close Minerva 13 miles East of Ziraffa [Zurafa] rocks [now known as Nisida Zourafa]. 7.30pm: Went alongside Minerva and embarked 145 men [though log of HMS Minerva for this date indicates 180 troops] for landing in Gulf of Xeros. 8.0pm: Proceeded up Gulf in company with Minerva. 11.0pm: Took Minerva’s boats in tow and proceeded to land Cretan troops on Northern shore opposite Xeros Island. [Landing troops] [True Bearing and Distance: Ponente Point N20W, 4 miles] 4f9629b0a2fc8e2def005168: ( 53-45340-022_0.jpg) 7 August 1915 In Gulf of Xeros Lat 40.63, Long 26.74 [rough estimate as no information on position in log, or in that for HMS Minerva] [As requisite to stand by landing party] 6.0am: Keeping communication with shore by boat and transferring wounded to Minerva. 8.30am: Minerva’s whaler heavily under fire while bringing off wounded, whaler went to her assistance Firing to cover troops. 11.0am: Proceeded to re-embark landing party under cover of Minerva and with her boats under heavy rifle fire. Noon: Able Seaman Sampson Thompson ON D/CS 159877 killed by enemy rifle shot while serving the after gun. [Casualty List for this date reads: Jed, old destroyer. THOMPSON, Samson, Able Seaman, 159877 (Dev), illness] [Lossed [Lost] overboard by accident 1 whaler oar, 1 crutch] [As requisite for re-embarkation] 1.0pm: Completed re-embarkation, closed Minerva and went alongside her to transfer wounded and troops. 2.45pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Kephalo. 6.0pm: Arrived at Kephalo. Came to with Starboard anchor in 5 fathoms veered 3 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Kephalo Light House N80E, 1.2 miles] 8.15pm: Weighed and Proceeded. 8.30pm: Course N40E 13 knots. 9.45pm: Cape Suvla abeam. 10.0pm: Altered course N60E. [As requisite for Gulf of Xeros. 11.45pm: Arrived on Patrol. 4f9629b0a2fc8e2def005169: ( 53-45340-022_1.jpg) 8 August 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.58, Long 26.72 6.0am: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. 10.0am: Carried out Funeral Service and Burial of Sampson Thompson Able Seaman ON D/CS 159877. pm: Patrolling in Gulf of Xeros. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island N54E, 4.25 miles] 4f9629b1a2fc8e2def00516a: ( 53-45340-023_0.jpg) 9 August 1915 [On] Patrol Lat 40.60, Long 26.74 [estimated] 2.30am: Patrolling at head of Gulf. 5.30am: “Cornwall” arrived and carried out bombardment of villages at head of Gulf. Attended on Cornwall. 9.0am: Drew from Cornwall 100 12 pounder 12cwt [hundredweight] shell (common) and cartridges. 10.30am: Patrolling in company with Cornwall. pm: Supporting Cornwall. 4.45pm: Ben-my-Chree [see also her log for this date] arrived and sent up sea plane for reconnaissance. 9.0pm: Cornwall proceeded out of Gulf. 10.0pm: Course and Speed as requisite for Patrol. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island North, 1 mile] 4f9629b1a2fc8e2def00516b: ( 53-45340-023_1.jpg) 10 August 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.60, Long 26.74 [estimated] 2.0am: Stopped: watching roads at head of Gulf. 5.15am: Ben-my-Chree and Cornwall came up to head of Gulf. 7.0am: Ben-my-Chree left Gulf. 8.45am: Ben-my-Chree returned and sent up seaplane for reconnaissance. am: Supporting Cornwall on Patrol. pm: Attending on Cornwall and Ben-my-Chree. 4.15pm: “Cornwall” carrying out firing aeroplane spotting. Cornwall fired on by fort Napoleon and was hit once aft. 5.0pm: Seaplane descended. 5.30pm: Ben-my-Chree left the Gulf. 5.45pm: Cornwall left. 9.0pm: Stopped: watching roads at head of Gulf. [True Bearing and Distance: Xeros Island NxW, 1 mile] 4f9629b1a2fc8e2def00516c: ( 53-45340-024_0.jpg) 11 August 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.61, Long 26.79 [rough estimate as no noon position in log] am: Patrolling in Gulf of Xeros. 10.0am: Taking angles and plotting positions at head of Gulf of Xeros. pm: Patrolling at head of Gulf. 4.45pm: Ben my Chree arrived. Seaplane carried out flight over Bulair. 7.45pm: Ben my Chree left. 10.0pm: Stopped and watching roads at head of Gulf of Xeros. [Distance run through the Water: 32.5 miles] 4f9629b2a2fc8e2def00516d: ( 53-45340-024_1.jpg) 12 August 1915 From Gulf of Xeros to Mudros and at Mudros Lat 40.33, Long 26.17 [estimated] 2.0am: Watching roads at head of Gulf of Xeros. 4.45am: Sighted “Ben my Chree”. 5.15am: Bombarded villages at head of Gulf. Three seaplanes went up, one torpedoing a ship in Gallipoli harbour. 6.0am: “Ben my Chree” left. Sighted “Aster”. 7.0am: Lent J Pearson Leading Telegraphist to “Aster”. 8.30am: “Jean Rain” [?] arrived. 9.30am: Proceeded out of Gulf, Course as requisite speed 13 knots. 11.55am: Cape Suvla abeam 0.7 miles, Course S37W. 0.52pm: Kephalo Light abeam. 4.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Mudros. 5.0pm: Made fast to “Blenheim” outside “Wear”. [Alongside Blenheim] 6.0pm: Discharged J Smith Leading Telegraphist to “Blenheim”. [Page signed at bottom George Mulock Lieutenant Commander] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sulva S60E, 0.8 miles] 4f9629b2a2fc8e2def00516e: ( 53-45340-025_0.jpg) 13 August 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [estimated] [Alongside Blenheim] 7.0am: Hands employed drawing provisions and as requisite for refitting. am: Lieutenant Commander RW Wilkinson RN [probably this officer; see log of HMS Ribble for 1 August 1915] took over command from Lieutenant Commander GFA Mulock. pm: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 7.0pm: Pearson Leading Telegraphist rejoined ship from Scourge. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 84F, sea temperature 80F] 4f9629b2a2fc8e2def00516f: ( 53-45340-025_1.jpg) 14 August 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside Blenheim] am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. pm: Hands employed as requisite. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 9.55 tons] 4f9629b3a2fc8e2def005170: ( 53-45340-026_0.jpg) 15 August 1915 From Port Mudros to Malta Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 [estimated] [Alongside Blenheim] 4.30am: Slipped from Blenheim and proceeded alongside collier “Margit”. 5.22am: Commenced Coaling. 9.0am: Lieutenant Hickman joined for passage to Malta. 3 Prisoners joined for passage to detention barracks. 10.30am: Finished coaling, received 114 tons, slipped and proceeded. 10.35am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 12 fathoms veered 2.5 shackles. Noon: Weighed and proceeded, Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 0.40pm: Rounded Cape Karelia [or Koudia] shaped course S18W 16 knots. 2.11pm: Tripti point Strati Island abeam 5.9 miles. 5.14pm: Lithari Light House abeam 9.8 miles. 7.30pm: Altered course South. 8.19pm: Plassa Light abeam 3.2 miles. 8.30pm: Passed and Challenged M29 steaming to northward. 9.53pm: Zea Light abeam 3.5 miles, altered course S40W. 11.25pm: As requisite to examine small boat by searchlight. 11.31pm: Georgio Island Light abeam S40W. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 99.85 tons] 4f9629b3a2fc8e2def005171: ( 53-45340-026_1.jpg) 16 August 1915 From Port Mudros to Malta Lat 36.27, Long 20.67 2.15am: Light abeam 4 miles. 3.25am: Sighted Cape Malea Light S36W. 4.20am: Cape Malea abeam 1.6 miles. 4.25am: Altered course S86W. 4.40am: Altered course West. 5.17am: Cape Spathi abeam 1.8 miles, altered course West. 5.25am: Passed French hospital Ship steering Eastward. 6.47am: Cape Matapan abeam 1.1 miles. 7.30am: Put clocks back half hour. 8.45am: Passed and challenged French Destroyer steering to Eastward. 10.5am: Altered course N87W. 7.55pm: Passed and Challenged ship steering to eastward. [Course and Distance made good: Various - 390 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: St Elmo Light S86W, 330 miles] 4f9629b3a2fc8e2def005172: ( 53-45340-027_0.jpg) 17 August 1915 From Port Mudros to Malta and at Malta [though not stated at top of page] Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [estimated] 7.15am: Sighted Malta. 8.30am: Entered Grand Harbour and secured alongside Machinery Wharf Dockyard Creek. Put clocks back half an hour. am: Discharged Lieutenant Hickman and 3 Prisoners to “Egmont”. [Alongside Machinery Wharf] pm: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. 4.15pm: Landed liberty men. [Course and Distance made good: Various - 318 miles] 4f9629b4a2fc8e2def005173: ( 53-45340-027_1.jpg) 18 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside Wharf] am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. pm: Hands employed returning stores and as requisite. 4.0pm: Gave leave to port watch from 4pm to 7am 21st inst. Usual leave to part of Starboard watch. 5.15pm: Exercised Fire quarters. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 86F, sea temperature 80F] 4f9629b4a2fc8e2def005174: ( 53-45340-028_0.jpg) 19 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside Machinery Wharf] am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. pm: Hands employed drawing awning from Dockyard and as requisite. 4.0pm: Gave usual leave to part of watch. 5.15pm: Exercised Fire stations. 4f9629b5a2fc8e2def005175: ( 53-45340-028_1.jpg) 20 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. pm: Hands employed scraping paintwork. [Alongside Machinery Wharf] 4.30pm: Landed Funeral party. Gave usual leave to part of watch. 6.30pm: Funeral party returned. 4f9629b5a2fc8e2def005176: ( 53-45340-029_0.jpg) 21 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [estimated] [Alongside Wharf] 7.0am: Port watch returned off 48 hours leave. am: Hands employed drawing forecastle awning and returning rifles and pistols. 11.15am: Ship shifted in to No 1 dock in place of Welland who was placed alongside wharf. [In No I Dock] 1.15pm: Gave leave to Starboard watch until 7am Tuesday [on this Saturday]. Leave to non-duty party of port watch from 1.0pm to 7.0 am. pm: Hands make and mend clothes. 4f9629b5a2fc8e2def005177: ( 53-45340-029_1.jpg) 22 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [In No 1 Dry Dock] 9.45am: Landed Presbyterians. 10.15am: Sent Church party to Dockyard chapel and landed RCs [Roman Catholics]. 11.25am: Church party from chapel returned. 0.10 pm: RCs and Presbyterians returned. 1.30pm: Landed Liberty Men. Leave to non-duty party till 7am. pm: Hands Make and Mend clothes 5.30pm: Exercised Fire stations. 4f9629b6a2fc8e2def005178: ( 53-45340-030_0.jpg) 23 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [In No 1 Dry Dock] am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. pm: Hands employed drawing stores and as requisite. 3.0pm: Piped usual leave. 4f9629b6a2fc8e2def005179: ( 53-45340-030_1.jpg) 24 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [In No 1 Dry Dock] 7.0am: Starboard watch returned from 48 hours leave. am: Hands employed housing foretopmast and as requisite. 1.0pm: Piped usual leave, sent party to Bighi hospital for innoculation [inoculation]. 4f9629b6a2fc8e2def00517a: ( 53-45340-031_0.jpg) 25 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [In No 1 Dry Dock] am: Hands employed refitting and as requisite. 4.15pm: Landed Funeral party. Gave Usual leave. 6.30pm: Funeral party returned. Fire Quarters. 4f9629b7a2fc8e2def00517b: ( 53-45340-031_1.jpg) 26 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite and scraping ships side. [In No 1 Dry Dock] 4.30pm: Gave usual leave. 4f9629b7a2fc8e2def00517c: ( 53-45340-032_0.jpg) 27 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [In No 1 Dry Dock] 0.45pm: Paid the hands. pm: Hands preparing Officer’s Quarters for fumigation. 4.0pm: Gave usual leave. 4f9629b7a2fc8e2def00517d: ( 53-45340-032_1.jpg) 28 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am: Hands employed as requisite for refitting. pm: Hands Make and Mend. Gave leave from 1.30. [In No 1 Dry Dock] 5.15pm: Landed Patrol. 4f9629b8a2fc8e2def00517e: ( 53-45340-033_0.jpg) 29 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [In No 1 Dry Dock] 9.45am: Landed Wesleyan and Presbyterian and RC Church parties. 10.15am: Landed C of E Church party. 11.30am: Church parties returned. pm: Make and Mend clothes. Leave from 1.30. 4f9629b8a2fc8e2def00517f: ( 53-45340-033_1.jpg) 30 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. [In No 1 Dry Dock] 4.30pm: Gave usual leave. 4f9629b8a2fc8e2def005180: ( 53-45340-034_0.jpg) 31 August 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [estimated] [In No 1 Dry Dock] 9.30am: Ship was undocked and placed alongside Machinery Wharf. Welland outside. [Alongside Machinery Wharf] 1.15pm: Hands employed scraping ships side and as requisite. 4.30pm: Gave usual leave. [Page signed RW Wilkinson Lieutenant Commander] 4f9629b9a2fc8e2def005181: ( 53-45340-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9629b9a2fc8e2def005182: ( 53-45340-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f9629b9a2fc8e2def005183: ( 53-45340-035_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – SEPTEMBER 1ST TO OCTOBER 31ST 1915 LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1915 4f9629baa2fc8e2def005184: ( 53-45341-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for Period 1st September 1915 to 31st October 1915] 4f9629baa2fc8e2def005185: ( 53-45341-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f9629bba2fc8e2def005186: ( 53-45341-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten statement: I certify that this is a true copy of the Original Log from 1st Sept 1915 to 31st October 1915. [Signed] EM Bowly Lieutenant] 4f9629bba2fc8e2def005187: ( 53-45341-002_1.jpg) [Page with data on distances run and coal expended for dates from 23.10.11 to December 14. [Signed] EM Bowly Lieutenant in Command, 1 November 1915. HMS Blenheim 19 November 1915. No remarks. [Signed] HL Hammond, Engineer Lieutenant Commander (D). HMS Blenheim 19 November 1915, [signed] CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] 4f9629bba2fc8e2def005188: ( 53-45341-003_0.jpg) [Page for details of Barometer and Thermometers, not filled in] 4f9629bca2fc8e2def005189: ( 53-45341-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am: Hands employed scraping ships side and as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4f9629bca2fc8e2def00518a: ( 53-45341-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Nothing of note in log] 4f9629bca2fc8e2def00518b: ( 53-45341-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1915 At Malta [though not stated at top of page] Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 3.0pm: Ammunitioning ship. 4.0pm: Gave usual leave. 4f9629bda2fc8e2def00518c: ( 53-45341-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed provisioning ship. Gave leave from 1.30 to watch and usual leave to part. 4f9629bda2fc8e2def00518d: ( 53-45341-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 9.45am: Landed RC church party. 10.15am: Landed C of E church party. 11.30am: Church parties returned. pm: Leave from 1.30. Make and Mend clothes. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 47.65 tons] 4f9629bda2fc8e2def00518e: ( 53-45341-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1915 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 6.30am: Prepared ship for coaling. am: Hands employed returning and drawing stores. 9.30am: Lighters came alongside. Coaling ship by shore labour. 11.30am: Finished Coaling, received 104 tons. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting ships side and as requisite. 4.0pm: Gave usual leave. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 151.5 tons] 4f9629bea2fc8e2def00518f: ( 53-45341-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1915 From Malta to Gavdo Island [Gavdos Island] and at Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [estimated] 9.15am: Shifted under own steam to Boiler wharf in French creek. pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 4.15pm: 13 ratings joined ship for passage to Mudros. 6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. 6.45pm: Course S74.5E, 130 revs. 7.30pm: Night cruising stations. 8.0pm: Increased to 13 knots. 4f9629bea2fc8e2def005190: ( 53-45341-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1915 From Malta to Gavdo Island Lat 35.40, Long 18.90 8.0am: Altered course S85E to examine 3 steamers. 8.15am: Altered ExN, Passed battleship hulk Massena in tow of 2 tugs. 9.15am: Altered course S75E 13 knots. Noon: Put clocks on 12 minutes. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 6.30pm: Exercised Hands at night action stations. [Distance run through the Water: 225 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Gavdo Island S82E, 254 miles] [Note: Masséna as a French battleship commissioned in 1898. She was hulked in Toulon in 1915 and was towed to Cape Helles where, on 9 November 1915, she was scuttled to create a breakwater to protect the evacuation of Allied troops from Gallipoli (see also note in entry here for Wednesday 29 December). ] 4f9629bfa2fc8e2def005191: ( 53-45341-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1915 [shown as July, in error] From Gavdo Island to Port Mudros Lat 35.82, Long 23.53 3.30am: Sighted Gavdo Island Light 2 points on port bow. 4.15am: Altered course East. 4.45am: Commenced zigzagging. 6.0am: Put clocks on 17.5 minutes. 6.30am: Rounded Eastern end of Gavdo Island. 8.30am: Course as requisite to zigzag and round western Point of Crete. 8.45am: Increased to 200 revs. 9.30am: As requisite for zigzagging. 10.50am: N25E, Pondiko insi [Pondikonisi] Island abeam. 3.43pm: Phalomera Island abeam 6.1 miles. 6.0pm: San Georgio Island abeam, altered course N29E. 6.30pm: Cape Kilmeno [?] Point Light House abeam 4 miles. 8.40pm: Andrea Light abeam 2 miles. 9.0pm: Eased to 150 revs, altered course N20E. Passed Hospital ship steering to southward. 9.45pm: Put clocks on 15 minutes. 11.0pm: Sighted Lithari Island on port bow. Sighted hospital ship on port bow. [Distance run through the Water: 346.3 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Spada (Crete) S51E 12 miles] 4f9629bfa2fc8e2def005192: ( 53-45341-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1915 From Gavdo Island to Port Mudros and at Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [estimated] 0.38am: Cape Lithari abeam 12.6 miles. 2.0am: Put clocks on 15 minutes. 5.0am: Strati Island abeam altered course NxE. 6.15am: Proceeded into Harbour. 7.30am: Proceeded alongside collier “Melanie”. 8.0am: Commenced Coaling. am: Lost by accident overboard 1 (coal) hammer, 1 hammer (hand), 1 sack (coal 2 cwt). 11.50am: Finished coaling, received 75 tons. Noon: Slipped, Course and speed as requisite for anchoring. 0.10pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 4.5 fathoms veered 2.5 shackles. 3.30pm: Sub Lieutenant Pickering RNR joined from Blenheim. 8.0pm: Sub Lieutenant Flynn RN discharged to Blenheim. [Distance run through the Water: 246 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor Bearings: Sarpi Windmill [symbol] N52W, Portianos Church [symbol] S78W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 143.35 tons] [Note: SS Melanie was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1903, originally called “Melanie Groedel”; she was owned at this time by Alexander and Mair and was defensively armed; she to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off the east coast of England in June 1918.] 4f9629bfa2fc8e2def005193: ( 53-45341-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1915 From Port Mudros to Kephalo and Patrol Lat 40.04, Long 25.95 [rough estimate as no noon position in log] 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course and speed as requisite convoying E12 to Kephalo. 7.30am: Steadied on N54E. 7.40am: Eased to 8 knots. 9.11am: Increased to 11 knots. 11.25am: Eased to 10 knots, altered course N60E. 11.35am: Eased to 9 knots. Noon: Courses and speed as requisite. [Courses and speed as requisite for entering and leaving Kephalo and for patrol] 1.0pm: Arrived at Kephalo with E12. 2.10pm: Arrived on patrol off Dardanelles in company with Grasshopper. 5.30pm: Exercised Night action stations. 6.5pm: Sunset N75W. Patrol in entrance of Dardanelles with Grasshopper. 10.0pm: Patrol in Dardanelles. [Distance run through the Water: 57.5 miles] 4f9629c0a2fc8e2def005194: ( 53-45341-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.06, Long 25.86 [rough estimate as no noon position in log] 2.0am: Patrol in Dardanelles. 5.15am: Left Dardanelles for Suvla Bay patrol in company with “Grasshopper”, courses as requisite, speed 12 knots. 7.30am: Arrived at Suvla Bay patrol, decreased to 8 knots. 9.0am: Patrol off Suvla Bay. 10.30am: Left patrol with Grasshopper and proceeded to Mudros, course S40W, speed 12 knots. 11.20am: Altered course S55W. 2.12pm: Rounded Irene Point, courses and speed as requisite. 3.45pm: Met “Roman Prince” (SS) [Roman Prince (2) listed here] off Port Mudros, with “Grasshopper” convoyed her to Cape Helles. 4.0am: Shaped course N70E. Speed 18 knots. 5.30pm: Hands exercised “Night Action stations”. 6.0pm: Altered course N65E. Convoying “Roman Prince” (SS). 8.30pm: Left for K Patrol. 9.30pm: Arrived on K patrol, courses and speed as requisite. [Distance run through the Water: 148 miles] [Note: SS Roman Prince [more details listed here] was a British ship built in Sunderland in 1914 and owned by The Prince Line; she was sold to a new owner in 1926 and renamed “Berwick Law”, later becoming “Benlomond”, then “Chrysopolis”. She was wrecked off Senegal in 1936.] 4f9629c0a2fc8e2def005195: ( 53-45341-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.23, Long 26.20 [rough estimate as no noon position in log] 2.0am: Patrol off Kephalo. 6.0am: Left Patrol for Anzac, 10 knots course N70E. 6.55am: Joined up with “Grasshopper” off Anzac. Patrolling off Anzac. 9.0am: Patrolling off Anzac. 10.0am: “Edgar” engaging Turkish forts. 0.45am: Proceeded with “Grasshopper” to reconnoitre for submarines off Imbros Island speed 12 knots. 1.45pm: “Grasshopper” left, course as requisite for patrolling for submarines speed 12 knots. 5.0pm: Patrolling off Imbros Island. 5.30pm: Exercised “Action” stations. 6.40pm: Proceeded to patrol in Dardanelles 14 knots. 7.30pm: Arrived at patrol in Dardanelles in company with Grasshopper and Mosquito. 8.0pm: Stopped and as requisite. 10.0pm: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. [Distance run through the Water: 166 miles] 4f9629c0a2fc8e2def005196: ( 53-45341-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.02, Long 26.12 [estimated] 2.0am: On patrol off Dardanelles stopped and as requisite. am: On patrol off Dardanelles. 0.30pm: “Scourge” and “Foxhound” arrived, Grasshopper left. 1.30pm: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. 2.45pm: E2 came down straits. Ships under fire from Asiatic batteries. 3.20pm: Proceeded to escort E2 to Kephalo. 3.30pm: Relieved by “Scourge” and proceeded at 20 knots course S68W. 5.20pm: Rounded Irene Point. Course as required for proceeding up harbour. 5.50pm: Entered gate between nets. 6.15pm: Made fast to collier “Nevisbrook”. [Distance run through the Water: 154 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles NNE - 3 miles] [Note: SS Nevisbrook was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1913 and owned by The Brook Steamship Company. She was to be torpedoed and sunk off southern Ireland by a German submarine in July 1917.] 4f9629c1a2fc8e2def005197: ( 53-45341-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 [Alongside Collier SS “Nevisbrook”] 5.25am: Commenced coaling. 7.55am: Finished coaling, 62 tons taken, and cast off from collier proceeding to anchorage. (Lost overboard by accident 1 broom, bass, 2 sacks, coal). 8.5am: Came to Starboard anchor in 4.5 fathoms veered to 3 shackles. [At Single anchor. Anchor bearings: Sarpi Windmill N52W, Portianos Church S78W] am: Hands cleaning ship. 5.30pm: Medical officer from “Blenheim” came on board and inoculated ship’s company against typhoid. 6.0pm: Received two cases of gear for [HMS] “Arno”. [Distance run through the Water: 65 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.70 tons] 4f9629c1a2fc8e2def005198: ( 53-45341-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1915 From Mudros to Kephalo and Patrol Lat 40.17, Long 25.98 [rough estimate] 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded out of Port Mudros harbour with “Grasshopper”. 7.54am: Passed net defence. Course and speed as requisite. 8.25am: Rounded Cape Irene. 8.30am: Shaped course N65E 15 knots, station astern of Grasshopper. 10.0pm: Parted company with “Grasshopper”, altered course N55E. 11.0am: Altered course N15E. 11.20am: Course and speed as requisite for entering Kephalo. 11.45am: Went alongside “Arno” and discharged gear. 0.15pm: Cast off from “Arno” and left Kephalo Bay, courses as required for proceeding on patrol, speed 13 knots. 1.0pm: Arrived on patrol of entrance to Dardanelles, “Harpy and Savalre” [probably Savage] left, decreased to requisite speed for patrolling. 1.10pm: “Grasshopper” arrived. 2.0pm: “Scorpion” arrived at W beach with RA [Rear Admiral] aboard. 3.20pm: Scorpion left. 5.0pm: Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. 6.45pm: “Foxhound” arrived on G patrol. 7.0pm: Pincher arrived on G patrol received provisions and mails from us. 7.2pm: Proceeded to G patrol in Morto Bay. 7.5pm: Scourge arrived on G patrol. 7.30pm: Arrived in Morto Bay with “Grasshopper”. 9.30pm: Patrol in Morto Bay. [Distance run through the Water: 57 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: In Kephalo Bay] 4f9629c1a2fc8e2def005199: ( 53-45341-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.28, Long 26.16 [estimated] 1.0am: On Patrol in Morto Bay in company with “Grasshopper”. 6.0am: Left G patrol for Suvla Bay speed 12 knots. 7.30am: Arrived on patrol. 7.45am: Entered Suvla Bay to communicate with “Venerable”. 8.15am: Mr N Smith Gunner joined ship from “Prince George”. 8.20am: Left Suvla Bay to patrol outside. 8.40am: Renard and Grampus arrived. 9.45am: Renard and Grampus left. am and pm: Patrolling outside Suvla Bay. 5.45pm: Proceeded for G patrol in company with Pincher and Rattlesnake 13 knots. 7.0pm: Arrived on patrol abeam of Yeni Sheir [Shehr], reduced speed as necessary for patrol. 9.0pm: Patrolling Entrance of Dardanelles abeam of Yeni Sheir. [Distance run through the Water: 123 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Suvla N23W (magnetic) 3 miles off] 4f9629c2a2fc8e2def00519a: ( 53-45341-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.24, Long 26.18 [estimated] 0.15am: Switched on searchlights and examined inshore. Patrolling entrance of Dardan[elles]. 0.45am: Examined inshore by Search light. 2.0am: Examined inshore by Search light. Soundings taken every half hour. 5.30am: Left G patrol, courses as required proceeding to Anzac in company with “Grasshopper”. Speed 14 knots. 6.45am: Arrived on patrol, reduced speed as necessary for patrolling. am: Patrolling off Anzac in Company with Grasshopper. 1.15pm: Racoon arrived. Received Mails from her. 2.30pm: Patrolling off Anzac. 4.0pm: Monitor No 19 fired on Turkish positions around Sari Bair. 5.0pm: Heavy shrapnel and rifle firing along the line. Chelmer closed inshore and opened fire. 5.25pm: Left patrol for G patrol in company with “Grasshopper” 15 knots. 6.20pm: Arrived off Helles in company with “Harpy” and “Savage”, proceeded to patrol off Yeni Sheir. 10.0pm: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles abeam of Yeni Sheir. [Distance run through the Water: 153 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Gaba Tepe SSE, 5 miles off] 4f9629c2a2fc8e2def00519b: ( 53-45341-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1915 On Patrol and at Port Mudros Lat 40.03, Long 26.14 [estimated] 1.0am: 15 fathoms. 1.20am: Moon set. 1.40am: 15 fathoms. Kephez Searchlight on. 2.5am: Burned searchlight examined inshore. 2.10am: Switched off. 2.25am: 20 fathoms. 2.45am: Kephez Light switched off. 3.15am: 15 fathoms. Burned searchlight examined inshore. 3.20am: Switched off. 4.0am: 15 fathoms. 5.15am: “Harpy” and “Savage” commenced firing on right flank. 5.25am: Stopped firing. 5.35am: Harpy, Racoon and Savage left. Commenced patrolling across entrance to Straits. 9.0am: Divisions and prayers. am: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. 0.10pm: Left patrol with “Grasshopper” for Mudros. Set Course S70W, 18 knots. 2.30pm: Passed “Grampus”. 2.35pm: Rounded Cape Irene, courses and speed as requisite. 3.10pm: Passed net defence. 3.30pm: Arrived alongside and made fast to collier Melanie, No 4 hatch starboard side. 3.40pm: Commenced coaling. 5.40pm: Finished coaling and cast off proceeding to anchorage. Received 50 tons coal. 5.55pm: Came to Starboard anchor, 4.75 fathoms, veered to 2.5 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Sarpi Windmill N44W (magnetic), Portianos Church S82W (magnetic)] pm: Lost overboard by accident whilst coaling 2 sacks (coal, 2 cwt). 8.0pm, 9.0pm, 10.0pm, 11.0pm and Midnight: Rounds correct. [Distance run through the Water: 127 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N40W, 1 mile] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 116.90 tons] 4f9629c2a2fc8e2def00519c: ( 53-45341-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 [estimated] 6.0am: Diving boat arrived from “Blenheim” to inspect bush of propellor shaft. am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship. 10.0am: Pincher left. 2.45pm: “Racoon” and “Mosquito” arrived, 4.15pm: Dougherty, Stoker and Brand, Seamen joined ship from “Blenheim”. 7.0pm: Diving party returned to “Blenheim”. [Distance run through the Water: 48 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor [Bearings]: Sarpi Windmill N44W, Portianos Church S82W] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 66F, sea temperature 70F] 4f9629c3a2fc8e2def00519d: ( 53-45341-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1915 [shown as 20 September in error] At Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 6.0am: Diving party arrived from Blenheim, to work on bush of Port propellor shaft. 6.30am: Hands painting overside. am: Lost overboard by accident 2 spanners, 1 small hammer (copper), 1 hammer (hand), 2 chisels. am: Hands employed painting. 3.0pm: “Chelmer” arrived. Diving boat returned to “Blenheim”. 4.0pm: “Harpy” and “Savage” arrived. 5.0pm: Hands to Evening Quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sarpi Windmill N44W, Portianos Church S82W] 4f9629c3a2fc8e2def00519e: ( 53-45341-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 6.30am: Hands employed scrubbing decks, whaler and dingy. 7.30am: Quarters Clean guns. 8.0am: Hands to Breakfast. Racoon and Mosquito left. 9.15am: Divisions. Hands told off to work. am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Hands to dinner. 4.0pm: Tea. 5.50pm: Savage sailed. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sarpi Windmill N44W, Portianos Church S82W] 4f9629c3a2fc8e2def00519f: ( 53-45341-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [estimated] 9.0am: Quarters Clean guns. 9.30am: Made fast tug “Sir Henry Pease” [probably Sir Joseph Pease], weighed anchor by hand and proceeded alongside “Blenheim”. 10.45am: Secured to “Blenheim”. [Made fast to HMS “Blenheim”] 1.15pm: Diving boat and party arrived and commenced operations. 6.45pm: Diving party stopped work for day. [North easterly wind force 4 to 5-6 all day, sea rough at times] 4f9629c4a2fc8e2def0051a0: ( 53-45341-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Made fast alongside of HMS “Blenheim”] 5.45am: Diving party arrived and resumed diving operations. 8.45am: Hands employed in diving boat and as requisite. 3.20pm: “Grasshopper” came to anchor. 3.40pm: “Wear” arrived. 5.0pm: Medical officers from Blenheim inoculated ships company (2nd time). 6.15pm: Diving party stopped work for day. 4f9629c4a2fc8e2def0051a1: ( 53-45341-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside of “Blenheim”] 5.10am: “Grampus” left. 6.0am: Supplied diving party to attend pumps, 7.15am: “Bulldog” and Rattlesnake left. 8.0am: Pincher left. 1.15pm: Left Blenheim for anchorage in tow of picket boat. 1.30pm: Anchored, 4.5 fathoms veered 2.5 shackles. [Anchor bearings: Sarpi Windmill N30W, Portianos Church S70W] 6.0pm: 1 ERA McGregor and 1 Leading Signalman W Bickle joined from Blenheim. 4f9629c4a2fc8e2def0051a2: ( 53-45341-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1915 At Mudros and on patrol Lat 40.01, Long 26.12 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded, in company with “Wear”. 8.35am: Passed entrance to net defence. 9.13am: Rounded Cape Irene, set course N72E, 12 knots. 11.15am: Increased to 20 knots to investigate object on Starboard beam. 11.18am: Resumed course 13 knots. 0.20pm: Arrived on G Patrol reduced to 6 knots, “Harpy” left. 2.30pm: Asiatic batteries firing at Helles. French batteries replied. Patrolling Entrance to Dardanelles. 5.0pm: Patrolling of Dardanelles. 5.15pm: 7 Allied Aeroplanes up, one “Edgar” class cruiser firing on left flank. 6.30pm: Foxhound, Scourge and Pincher arrived. 7.0pm: Proceeded into Morto Bay. 9.0pm: Patrol in Morto Bay with “Wear”. 10.0pm: Asiatic battery opened fire on European side, about 10 rounds. [Distance run through the Water: 43 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N55E, 4 miles] 4f9629c5a2fc8e2def0051a3: ( 53-45341-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.28, Long 26.21 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrol in Morto Bay with “Wear”. 1.15am: Asiatic batteries opened fire on European side. 1.25am: European batteries replied. 5.30am: Left Morto Bay and proceeded to Suvla Bay, with “Wear” speed 12 knots. 7.0am: Arrived Suvla Bay and entered to communicate with Swiftsure. 7.30am: Left Suvla Bay. 9.0am: Patrolling off Suvla Bay in Company with “Wear”. 9.45am: “Arno” arrived in Suvla Bay. 10.10am: Arno left. 1.0pm: Patrolling off Suvla Bay in Company with “Wear”. 5.15pm: Left for Kephalo, speed 12 knots. 6.10pm: Arrived on Kephalo patrol, decreased to requisite speed for patrol. 9.0pm: Patrol of [off] Kephalo. 11.46pm: Aeroplane heard overhead. 2 Green Very’s lights fired from SS. 11.48pm: Ships in Kephalo switched on search lights. “Action” stations, increased to 17 knots and searched for submarine. [Distance run through the Water: 119 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Suvla N15W, 2.25 miles] 4f9629c5a2fc8e2def0051a4: ( 53-45341-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1915 On Patrol Lat 39.95, Long 25.75 [estimated] 0.2am: Hostile aeroplane dropped 2 bombs on Kephalo. 0.10am: Secured. 0.15am: Ships in Kephalo switched off searchlights. 3.0am: Patrolling off Kephalo. 6.0am: Left for “Anzac”, set course ENE 12 knots. 6.5am: Sunrise [symbol] S88E (compass). 7.5am: Arrived on Anzac patrol and decreased to requisite speed. 9.0am: Enemy heavily bombarding Anzac ridge. 9.55am: Course set S40W, took station astern of “Wear”. Aeroplane dropped bombs on Kephalo. 10.55am: Altered course S66W. 1.45pm: Altered course S38W. 2.0pm: Rounded Cape Irene, Course as required. 2.11pm: Passed HMS “Grampus”. 2.32pm: Took station on port bow of SS “Roman Prince”, Course as requisite. 2.37pm: Passed HMS “Pincher”. 3.10pm: Passed HMS “Rattlesnake”. 3.45pm: Course set N53E. 5.0pm: Convoying Transport “Roman Prince” to Anzac. 5.30pm: Exercised hands to night action stations. 6.4pm: Sunset [symbol] S84W (compass). 6.30pm: Took station on port beam of “Roman Prince”. 6.40pm: Parted with Roman Prince and Wear and proceeded to Kephalo S60W. 8.20pm: Arrived on patrol off Kephalo. 9.55pm: Hostile aircraft reported off Kephalo. Ships switched on searchlights. 10.5pm: Searchlights switched off. [Distance run through the Water: 135 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Irene S68W, 26 miles] 4f9629c5a2fc8e2def0051a5: ( 53-45341-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1915 On Patrol and Port Mudros Lat 40.01, Long 26.16 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling off Kephalo. 5.45am: Left for Cape Helles, Course ENE 15 knots. 5.55am: East. 6.0am: SSE. 6.40am: Arrived on patrol off Entrance to Dardanelles and joined HMS Wear. Course as requisite. 7.45am: Artillery duel between Asiatic and French batteries. 7.50am: Rabbit Island opened fire on Kum Kale. 9.0am: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles. 11.0am: Arno arrived at “W” beach. 11.25am: Arno left. 11.55am: Foxhound arrived. Wear left. 0.45pm: Left patrol and proceeded for Mudros S72W 19 knots. 2.0pm: Communicated with “Leforey” [HMS Laforey]. 2.52pm: Rounded Cape Irene. Course and speed as requisite. 3.15pm: Entered between nets. 3.45pm: Made fast to collier Melanie No 4 hatch port side. 4.0pm: Received first hoist. 5.0pm: Coaling from Collier. 6.0pm: Received last hoist. 50 tons taken aboard. 6.5pm: Cast off and left collier. 6.20pm: Came to single anchor, 5.5 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles. [Anchor Bearings: Sarpi Windmill N30W, Portianos Church S88W] 10.30pm: McLellan Stoker rejoined from Blenheim. [Distance run through the Water: 163 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles N10W, 2 miles off] 4f9629c6a2fc8e2def0051a6: ( 53-45341-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.26 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 5.5 fathoms, 2 shackles] [Anchor Bearings: Sarpi Windmill [symbol] N30W, Portianos Church [symbol] S88W] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. Lost by accident overboard 2 scrubbers (hand). 8.0am: Rattlesnake left. 9.0am: Received 2 tube covers and 1 reel cover from Blenheim. 9.12am: TB No 3 arrived and anchored. 11.40am: Discharged Mr Smith, Gunner to HMS Glory, Mr Scuse Gunner joined ship from HMS “Glory”. 6.30pm: Thick fog set in, bell rung as per regulations. [Distance run through the Water: 54 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At anchor in Mudros Harbour] LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1915 4f9629c6a2fc8e2def0051a7: ( 53-45341-018_1.jpg) 1 October 1915 From Port Mudros and on Patrol Lat 39.99, Long 26.09 [estimated] 3.0am: Thick fog. Bell rung as per regulations. 6.0am: 1 Stoker PO joined ship from “Blenheim”. 7.30am: Fog cleared. 8.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, station astern of “Wear”. Course and speed as requisite. 9.5am: Rounded Cape Irene. Set course N70E speed 12 knots. Noon: Arrived off Entrance to Dardanelles on patrol. 1.15am: Torpedo Gunner’s Mate Fleet fired after torpedo along after deck owing to gross carelessness. No damage or casualties, pistol and warhead damaged. 3.0pm: Patrolling off Dardanelles entrance. 4.45pm: 2 French aeroplanes overhead, Asiatic batteries firing shrapnel at them. 5.0pm: Artillery duels between Asiatic and European batteries. 5.30pm: Exercised Night Action Stations. 6.1pm: “Foxhound” arrived. 6.25pm: Savage arrived. 6.40pm: Rattlesnake arrived. 7.0pm: Patrolling off Kum Kale. 8.40pm: Switched on searchlights and examined inshore. 11.0pm: Switched on searchlights. [Distance run through the Water: 45 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Helles ENE - 6 miles] 4f9629c7a2fc8e2def0051a8: ( 53-45341-019_0.jpg) 2 October 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.28, Long 26.18 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling off Kum Kale. 5.0am: Rattlesnake in collision with French transport off Cape Helles. Proceeded to her assistance. “Foxhound” and “Pincher” standing by. 5.30am: Resumed patrol. 5.40am: Rattlesnake proceeded West at slow speed escorted by “Pincher”. 6.25am: Proceeded to Suvla Bay patrol in Company with “Wear”. 6.30am: Ran into Fog bank, 12 knots, Course N6W. 6.35am: N4W. 6.36am: Clear of Fog. 7.45am: Arrived on patrol. Course and speed as requisite. 9.0am: Patrolling off Suvla Bay. am: Hands Cleaning ship, parting [?] after torpedo. 2.0pm: Patrolling off Suvla Bay. 4.45pm: “Humber” Carrying out bombardment south of Gaba Tepe. 5.15pm: Proceeded to I patrol in company with “Wear” 12 knots, Course and speed as requisite. 5.30pm: Night “action” stations Exercised. Airship near Rabbit Island and destroyer towing seaplane to Kephalo. 6.20pm: Decreased speed to 6 knots. 6.35pm: Arrived at Dardanelles. Proceeded on patrol off Kum Kale. 9.0pm: Patrolling off Kum Kale. Kephez Point searchlight playing all watch. [Distance run through the Water: 127 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Suvla NNE, 3 miles] 4f9629c7a2fc8e2def0051a9: ( 53-45341-019_1.jpg) 3 October 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.30, Long 26.22 [estimated] 1.30am: Left patrol with “Wear”. 1.40am: Set Course North 12 knots. 2.53am: Altered course to avoid Monitor. 3.0am: Course N55E. 3.40am: Arapos West point 1 mile. 5.9am: Stopped engines. 5.30am: Sighted Balloon Ship “Hector” and proceeded astern of “Wear” towards her. 6.30am: Took station on port bow of Hector. 7.10am: Altered course WSW to station on Starboard bow of Hector. 10.55am: Slowed off Kephalo. 11.0am: Parted company with Hector and proceeded with “Wear” to Anzac, Course as requisite. 11.50am: Arrived on Anzac patrol. 1.0pm: Lawford arrived at Suvla Bay. 1.50pm: Arno arrived at Suvla Bay and entered. 2.30pm: Patrolling Anzac with “Wear”. 3.30pm: 2 monitors commenced firing on Gaba Tepe. 5.0pm: Patrolling off Anzac. 2 Monitors firing on Gaba Tepe. 5.5pm: Left Anzac patrol and proceeded to Cape Helles. 6.0pm: Arrived off Helles in company with “Lawford”, “Laforey”, “Savage” and “Harpy”. 9.0pm: Patrolling off entrance to Dardanelles. 10.0pm: Several rifle shots fired from Kum Kale. 10.30pm: 2 rifle shots fired from Kum Kale. [Distance run through the Water: 187 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Suvla Point N10E, 1 mile] 4f9629c7a2fc8e2def0051aa: ( 53-45341-020_0.jpg) 4 October 1915 On Patrol Lat 40.17, Long 26.01 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling off Entrance to Dardanelles. 5.15am: “Harpy” and “Laforey” firing on enemy’s flank. 5.30am: Savage left I patrol. 5.50am: Harpy and “Laforey” left. 6.0am: Patrolling entrance to Dardanelles in company with “Lawford”. 9.0am: Artillery duel between De Totts battery and Mandere Ridge. 10.0am: Proceeded to Rabbit Island to search for submarine. “Action” stations. 10.30am: Arrived off Rabbit Island. 10.40am: Proceeded to Kephalo. 11.45am: Arrived off Kephalo and patrolled, enemy’s submarine reported in vicinity. 0.20pm: Entered Kephalo harbour. 0.40pm: Received General Fuller on board for passage to Mudros. 1.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for leaving Kephalo. 1.20pm: Rounded Kephalo Point, set course S58W. 3.20pm: Rounded Cape Irene. Courses and speed as requisite. 3.50pm: Entered Mudros Harbour. 4.5pm: Disembarked General Fuller to HMS “Arragon” [probably Crown of Arragon] and proceeded to collier. 4.50pm: Fast to collier. Commenced coaling. 7.5pm: Finished coaling 55 tons taken. Proceeded alongside “Margit” outside “Blenheim”. [Alongside HMS “Blenheim”] 9.0pm: Discharged Lieutenant Commander RW Wilkinson to “Blenheim” to await passage. Lieutenant EM Bowly took over command. 11.30pm: Discharged Leading Signalman Bickle to Blenheim. [Page signed RW Wilkinson] [Distance run through the Water: 130 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kephalo Light House South, 1 mile] 4f9629c8a2fc8e2def0051ab: ( 53-45341-020_1.jpg) 5 October 1915 From Port Mudros to Port Iero Lat 38.97, Long 26.21 [estimated] 5.40am: Hands to stations. 6.0am: Cast off from “Blenheim”, as requisite for proceeding out of harbour. 6.15am: Set course S30E, 13 knots. 6.50am: Ran into fog bank eased to 10 knots. 7.0am: Fog lifted increased 13 knots. 10.0am: Sigri Island Light House abeam Distant 2 miles. 11.50am: Cape Varkos [Cape Vourkos] abeam Distant 1.2 miles. (1 Shovel lost overboard by accident). 0.55pm: Altered course N73E. 1.12pm: Cross bearings Prophylaki Island [Vrachonisida Profylaki] N30E, Petras Point N10W. 1.25pm: Altered course N15W. 1.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering Port Iero. 1.45pm: Entered Port Iero. 2.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor in X3 anchorage, 7 fathoms, 3 shackles. 2.30pm: “Welland” left. 3.40pm: Trawler No 306 entered and made fast to “Canopus”. 4.30pm: Landed liberty men. [At Single Anchor] [Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S66E, White House S32E] 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Distance run through the Water: 127.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Varkos N24W, 2 miles off] 4f9629c8a2fc8e2def0051ac: ( 53-45341-021_0.jpg) 6 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 38.97, Long 26.21 [At Single Anchor] 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.5am: Enemy aeroplane dropped a bomb in harbour from a very great height. 4.30pm: Landed liberty men. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 12 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sideros [Sidero] Island S66E, White House S32E] 4f9629c8a2fc8e2def0051ad: ( 53-45341-021_1.jpg) 7 October 1915 At Port Iero and Patrol Lat 38.97, Long 26.21 [At Single Anchor] [Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S66E, White House S32E] 10.30am: Received on board from HMS “Canopus” 14 drums petrol, 2 drums oil for Motor Gun boats “Marie Rose” and “Penelope”. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded course as requisite. 2.10pm: Relieved HMS Kennet off Iero, discharged 1 rating to her. 2.20pm: Balbi Point [probably Akra Valvi] abeam 1 mile, set course S10E 13 knots. 4.15pm: Cape Meriminge [?] abeam. 4.35pm: Stopped engines. Motor Gun boat “Marie Rose” came alongside and took 7 drums petrol and 1 drum of oil. 5.15pm: Proceeded on Patrol. 7.15pm: Kinlu Point abeam 2 miles, altered course N80W, speed 6 knots. 7.50pm: Sighted Pasha Island Light S25W. 8.15pm: Altered course West. 8.45pm: Sighted Psara Island Light S73W. 4f9629c9a2fc8e2def0051ae: ( 53-45341-022_0.jpg) 8 October 1915 On Patrol Lat 38.80, Long 26.69 [estimated] 0.45am: Altered course N73E. 1.30am: On “C” Patrol. 2.0am: Cross bearings Mount Elias S15E, Psara Light S60W. 3.0am: Sighted Pasha Island Light S30E. 5.15am: Sighted sail on starboard bow, closed and examined. 5.40am: Resumed course. 8.35am: Eased to 6 knots arrived off Dekilli [Dikili]. 8.45am: Altered course S60W, patrolling off Dekilli. 9.30am: Sighted seaplane. 10.15am: Seaplane reconnoitring over Dekilli and dropped 2 bombs. 10.24am: Seaplane returned to Port Iero. 10.45am: Proceeded to Long Island [now Uzun Ada or Uzunada]. 0.30pm: Courses as requisite for closing Long Island. 1.10pm: Met motor Gun boat Penelope of [off] North end Long Island and put remaining Petrol and oil aboard her. 1.45pm: Penelope left. 3.0pm: Patrolling off Long Island, course and speed as requisite. 5.15pm: MGB Penelope came alongside. Lieutenant Commander Hordern came aboard. 5.20pm: Proceeded N6W 15 knots. 6.40pm: Course and speed as requisite, arrived off entrance to Port Iero. 7.0pm: Stopped. 7.30pm: Patrol picket boat came alongside and took off Lieutenant Commander Hordern for “Canopus”. 7.45pm: Altered course South. 7.50pm: Challenged a steamer. No reply. Switched on searchlight and examined her, proved to be a French patrol trawler. 7.53pm: Switched searchlight off. 8.50pm: Altered course West. 10.0pm: Patrolling off Mitylene [or Mityleni, now Lesbos]. [Distance run through the Water: 170.9 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Hydra S21E, 5 miles off] 4f9629c9a2fc8e2def0051af: ( 53-45341-022_1.jpg) 9 October 1915 On Patrol Lat 38.64, Long 26.58 [estimated] [Changes of course between 0.40am and 3.15am] 5.0am: Altered course East. Patrolling between Cape Hydra and Mitylene Island. 10.30am: MGB Penelope came alongside off Long Island. 0.13pm: Buijuk [Buyuk] Sahib Point abeam 1.2 miles. 0.55pm: Kumur Point abeam 1 mile, altered course S85W. 1.45pm: Stopped and examined Greek SS “Chrysalis” (all correct) 8 miles North of Pasha Island. 2.10 Proceeded. 2.25pm: Examined Greek caique “San Nicholas” (all correct) 2 miles West of Kumur Point. 5.15pm: Stopped and examined Greek SS “Algnon” (all correct) 17 miles ENE of Psara Island. 5.30pm: Exercised night action stations. 6.55pm: Altered course to N60E, eased to 6 knots. 8.0pm: Patrolling between Psara and Mitylene Islands. 11.0pm: Sighted Pasha Island Light S30E. [Distance run through the Water: 150 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Buijuk Sahib Point N60W, 2 miles] 4f9629c9a2fc8e2def0051b0: ( 53-45341-023_0.jpg) 10 October 1915 On Patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 2.0am: Altered course S85W. Patrolling of [off] Kara Burnu Peninsula. 5.0am: Patrolling. 7.40am: Altered course N7W, increased speed to 15 knots. 9.10am: Balbi Point abeam 1 mile, Courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 9.30am: Relieved by HMS Kennet. 10.15am: Went alongside collier Errington Court. 10.30am: Commenced coaling. 0.30pm: Finished coaling, cast off (55 tons taken on board). 0.45pm: Came to starboard anchor in B2 berth 9 fathoms, veered to 2.5 shackles. [At Single Anchor. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S14E] pm: Hands employed cleaning Ship. 4.0pm: Liberty men inspected and proceeded ashore. 5.30pm: “Errington Court” Left harbour. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 155 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Alongside Collier “Errington Court”] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.35 tons] [Note: SS Errington Court was a British cargo ship built in the UK in 1909 and owned at the time by The Court Line; she was renamed “Bournemouth” in 1919, was sold to a Greek company in 1930 and renamed “Despina”, changed hands again in 1938 and became “Deslock”, finally being captured by the Japanese in 1941 and being renamed “Uzan Maru”. She was to be sunk by a torpedo from an American submarine off Japan in 1942.] 4f9629caa2fc8e2def0051b1: ( 53-45341-023_1.jpg) 11 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 am: Hands painting ship. pm: Hands employed painting ship. 1.43pm: HMS Kennet entered harbour. 2.0pm: HMS Kennet proceeded out of harbour. 7.15pm: Liberty men returned. 4f9629caa2fc8e2def0051b2: ( 53-45341-024_0.jpg) 12 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [At Anchor. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S14E, Panagia Church N50E] 6.30am: Hands employed painting etc. 9.50am: “Gazelle” arrived and tied up to collier. am: Hands employed painting ship. 4.0pm: Liberty men. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 9.50pm: Veered one more shackle of cable to Starboard anchor. 4f9629caa2fc8e2def0051b3: ( 53-45341-024_1.jpg) 13 October 1915 At Port Iero and Patrol Lat 38.62, Long 26.69 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 8.55am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.27am: Square Rock to port. Course and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.40am: Set course S8E, speed 12 knots. 0.40pm: Came to Starboard anchor, 12 fathoms, 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Chusten Point N12E, Derrick Point N72W. 1.10pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 2.10pm: Set course N19E, speed as requisite. 3.25pm: Altered course N42W. 5.40pm: Balbi Point N53E, 7 miles, altered course N73W, decreased to 6 knots. 7.0pm: Patrolling between Mitileni and Kara Burnu Peninsula. 8.15pm: Altered course N50W. 9.45pm: Sighted Cape Sigri N4E. 11.0pm: Altered course S50E. [Distance run through the Water: 32 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: North end of Chusten Island [Chustan Island, also called Long Island or Uzun Ada] S6E, 4 miles] [North easterly wind force 4 to 5 in pm, weather fine, noon temperature 64F, sea temperature 67F] 4f9629cba2fc8e2def0051b4: ( 53-45341-025_0.jpg) 14 October 1915 On Patrol Lat 38.55, Long 26.73 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling off Mitylene Island. 2.0am: Altered course S73W. 5.0am: Altered course S50E. 9.10am: Arrived at Long Island came to Starboard anchor 12 fathoms 3 shackles. MGB Mary Rose came alongside. [Anchor bearings: Chusten Point N10E, Cape Aspro S42W] 10.50am: “Mary Rose” cast off. 11.30am: Refugees came onboard. 11.50am: Weighed and proceeded towards Mitileni, set course N10W, 10 knots. 3.30pm: Altered course N30W. 4.0pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8.5 fathoms veered 3 shackles. Landed refugees. 5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.30pm: Altered course S86W, reduced to 6 knots. Propylaki Island abeam 1.4 miles. 9.0pm: Altered course N55E [N55W on left hand side of log]. 10.0pm: Patrolling off Mitylene Island. 10.59pm: Observed Sigri Light N20W. [Distance run through the Water: 144 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chusten Point N70E, 0.75 miles] 4f9629cba2fc8e2def0051b5: ( 53-45341-025_1.jpg) 15 October 1915 On Patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.71 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling North of Khios. 9.15am: Came to Starboard anchor off Long Island, 2.5 shackles, 14 fathoms. 10.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 1.0pm: Cape Hydra bearing N52W, 8 miles, altered course N60W, increased speed to 8 knots. 2.0pm: Kinla [Kinlu] Point S20E 1.25 miles, altered course West. 3.30pm: Patrolling off Kara Burnu Peninsula. 5.15pm: Boarded Greek Caique San Stephano, Volegas to Khio, all correct. 5.30pm: Proceeded. Exercised Night Action Stations. 7.0pm: Psara Light bearing S55W 13 miles, examined Greek SS Algnon with searchlight, altered course N75E. 10.0pm: Patrolling in “C” Area. 11.0pm: Cross bearings: Pasha Island Light S13W, Mount Elias S56W. [Distance run through the Water: 168 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglat [Oglak] Light N10E, 1 mile] 4f9629cba2fc8e2def0051b6: ( 53-45341-026_0.jpg) 16 October 1915 On “C” Patrol [and at Port Iero, though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 2.15am: Sighted Pasha Island Light S9W. 3.0am: Pasha Island Light S9W. 4.0am: Pasha Island Light S4E, altered course East. 6.0am: Kara Burnu S20W, 12 miles, altered course S55E. 7.0am: Altered course N10E. 9.40am: Relieved by HMS “Kennet” and proceeded into harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 9.43am: Passed Square Rock to Starboard. 10.10am: Made fast to collier Eskbridge No 1 hold. 10.20am: Commenced coaling. 11.35am: Finished coaling took 34 tons. 11.43am: Cast off from Collier and proceeded to anchorage. 0.5pm: Came to Starboard anchor 8.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles, B1 berth. pm: Hands employed cleaning Ship. 4.0pm: Liberty men fall in. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 141 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S12E, Panagia Church N25E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 120.80 tons] [Note: SS Eskbridge was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1912 and owned by The North of England Steamship Company; in 1934 she was sold to a Greek company and renamed “Theodoros T”; she was to be torpedoed and sunk in the Atlantic by a German submarine in 1940.] 4f9629cca2fc8e2def0051b7: ( 53-45341-026_1.jpg) 17 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S12E, Panagia Church N25E] 8.45am: RC church party left for “Henri IV” French battleship [shown here]. 10.0am: C of E party left for HMS “Eurylus” [Euryalus]. 0.45pm: Leave to watch till 7pm. 1.0pm: Trawler No 48 arrived. [Note: Henry IV was a French battleship commissioned into the French Navy in 1903 and was part of the French squadron in 1915; she was put into reserve in 1916 and became a depot ship in 1918; she was scrapped in 1921.] 4f9629cca2fc8e2def0051b8: ( 53-45341-027_0.jpg) 18 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S12E, Panagia Church N25E] am: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave given to watch till 7pm. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4f9629cca2fc8e2def0051b9: ( 53-45341-027_1.jpg) 19 October 1915 At Port Iero and “C” Patrol Lat 38.61, Long 26.63 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands preparing Ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 7.30am: Set course S6E - 13 knots. 9.0am: Eased to 10 knots, enemy aeroplane over Long Island flying SE. 10.0am: Arrived at Long Island eased to 6 knots. 10.45am: Stopped, discharged Lieutenant (G) of Eurylus [sic] to “Mary Rose”. 11.15am: Proceeded on patrol 6 knots. Noon: Sniped at from Dirsek Point. 1.15pm: Kumur Point bearings S83W, altered course S28E. 2.55pm: Approaching Long Island decreased to 6 knots. 3.10pm: Arrived off Long Island. 3.20pm: “Mary Rose” came alongside, Lieutenant (G) of “Eurylus” returned. 3.30pm: Set course N6W speed 13 knots proceeded to Port Iero. 5.30pm: Action Stations. 5.50pm: Stopped off entrance to Port Iero and discharged Lieutenant (G) to Eurylus’ picket boat. 5.55pm: Proceeded, course as requisite, 8 knots. 6.15pm: Boarded Caique (Greek) Cleo from Alexandria to Mityleni all correct. 6.50pm: Proceeded towards Psara Island. Set course S67W, Speed 6 knots. 10.0pm: Patrolling “C” area. [Distance run through the Water: 43.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Darligkli Point [Darlikgli Point] N25W, 5 miles] 4f9629cda2fc8e2def0051ba: ( 53-45341-028_0.jpg) 20 October 1915 On “C” Patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.53 [estimated] 6.0am: Kumur Point abeam 3 miles. 8.30am: Stopped off Long Island, “Mary Rose” Motor Gun boat, came alongside. 9.50am: Proceeded courses and speed as requisite. 11.0am: Set course N35W, 10 knots. Noon: Bijuk Sahib abeam 0.8 miles, altered course N70W. 0.45pm: Proceeded to Psara Island Course S80W to assist SS “Victory” ashore on Angou Nicholas Rocks. 3.0pm: Arrived off Psara Island, sent whaler to examine wreck of Victory. 4.45pm: Whaler returned with crew of “Victory”. 4.50pm: Proceeded towards Mityleni, Courses and speed as requisite. 5.5pm: Psara Light House abeam bearing North 1 mile, altered course N60E, 13 knots. 9.30pm: Altered course N10E, Cape Zeiten abeam 2.8 miles. 10.0pm: Course and speed as requisite coming to anchor in Mityleni. 10.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor, 12 fathoms, 1.5 shackles. [Anchor bearings: Mityleni Light N16E, South Port North Light N74W] 10.45pm: Weighed and proceeded course S60E 10 knots. 11.8pm: Altered course S10W. 11.40pm: Altered course S60W. reduced to 8 knots. [Distance run through the Water: 156.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance Bijuk Sahib Island S55W, 0.8 miles] 4f9629cda2fc8e2def0051bb: ( 53-45341-028_1.jpg) 21 October 1915 On “C” Patrol Lat 38.62, Long 25.98 [estimated] 0.15am: Prophylaki Island abeam 1 mile, altered course S70W, decreased to 6 knots. 7.30am: Arrived at Long Island. Stopped. 8.15am: Proceeded, set course N30W 10 knots. 9.30am: Bijuk Sahib Island abeam 1 mile, altered course N65W. 10.5am: Kumur Point abeam 0.5 miles, altered course S83W. 11.30am: Steering towards Psara Island. 2.20pm: Course and speed as requisite approaching Psara Island. 2.50pm: Proceeded course East speed 8 knots. 6.25pm: Sighted Sigri Light N15E. 8.30pm: Sigri Light bearing N20E (magnetic), Distant 5 miles, altered course S58E. 9.0pm: Patrolling South of Mityleni Island. 11.30pm: Varkos Point N44E (magnetic) 4 miles, altered course S80E. [Distance run through the Water: 223 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Guertes Rock (North End of Khios Island) S14E, 1 mile] 4f9629cda2fc8e2def0051bc: ( 53-45341-029_0.jpg) 22 October 1915 At “C” Patrol and Port Iero Lat 38.92, Long 26.47 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling between Kara Burnu and Mityleni. 2.0am: Petras Island N66E [magnetic) 5 miles, altered course N80W. 3.0am: Potomas Point N32E (magnetic) 3 miles. 4.0am: Vurkos [Varkos] Point N14W, 4 miles, altered course S46E. 9.40am: Arrived at Long Island, 10.30am: Proceeded towards Port Iero N8W 15 knots. 10.45am: Relieved by HMS “Kennet”. 0.30pm: Approaching entrance to Port Iero. Courses and speed as requisite. 0.40pm: Square Rock to Starboard hand. 1.0pm: Secured to collier. 1.25 Commenced coaling. 3.50pm: Finished coaling (Received 50 tons coal, 2 drums oil). 4.0pm: Cast off from Collier proceeding towards anchorage. 4.8pm: Let go Starboard anchor B1 berth, 12 fathoms, 3 shackles. [At Single Anchor. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island [blank], Panagia Church [blank]] 6.0pm: 1 seaman and 1 stoker joined ship from Eurylus [sic]. [Distance run through the Water: 176.6 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Prophylaki Island N35E, 6 miles] [North easterly wind force 6 at 8am and noon, force 3 in pm, rain for most of pm, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 64F] 4f9629cea2fc8e2def0051bd: ( 53-45341-029_1.jpg) 23 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] [At Single Anchor] am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Trawler No 48 arrived. 4.0pm: Liberty given to watch till 7 pm 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 13.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S10E, Panagia Church N22E] 4f9629cea2fc8e2def0051be: ( 53-45341-030_0.jpg) 24 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor] 9.45am: Divisions. 10.0am: HMS Gazelle arrived. 10.15am: Church party to HMS Eurylus [sic]. 4.0pm: Liberty to watch till 7pm. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S10E, Panagia Church N22E] 4f9629cea2fc8e2def0051bf: ( 53-45341-030_1.jpg) 25 October 1915 At Port Iero and C Patrol Lat 38.52, Long 26.68 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 8.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 8.52am: Square Rock to Port. 9.2am: Rounded Foul Point, set course S6E, 13 knots. 10.0am: Minas Peak S34W (magnetic) 9 miles, altered course S15E. 10.15am: Relieved HMS Kennet. 11.17am: Course and speed as requisite approaching Long Island. 11.30am: Stopped “Mary Rose” came alongside. Noon: “Mary Rose” left. 0.10pm: Proceeded towards Mityleni. Set course N15W, speed 10 knots. 0.30pm: Cape Merminje [various spellings in log] N63E, 5 miles, altered course N2E. 3.45pm: Altered course N34W. 4.27pm: Stopped. 4.30pm: Came to Starboard anchor 7 fathoms 1.5 shackles off Mitylene. 4.50pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 5.30pm: Exercised night action stations. 5.40pm: Reduced to 8 knots. Course S32W. 7.0pm: Altered course N67W. 10.0pm: Patrolling South of Mitylene. [Distance run through the Water: 33.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chusten Point N10E, 1.5 miles] 4f9629cfa2fc8e2def0051c0: ( 53-45341-031_0.jpg) 26 October 1915 Patrolling Area “C” Lat 38.70, Long 26.50 [estimated] 2.0am: Cross bearings: Cape Varkos N14W [magnetic), Cape Polamies [Potamus?] N72E. 3.0am: Patrolling south of Mitylene. 4.0am: Altered course S30E. 4.15am: Altered course to examine sailing vessel. 4.25am: Resumed course S30E. 8.45am: Arrived at Long Island and stopped. 10.10am: Proceeded speed 8 knots, set course N33W. Noon: Altered course S84W. 2.40pm: Mount Elias (Khios Island) S33W 8 miles, altered course S35W. 3.25pm: Cape Anapomera South 1 mile, altered course West, reduced to 6 knots. [Further changes of course at 4.27, 4.43 and 5.20pm] 5.40pm: Cape Anapomera abeam 0.7 miles, altered course S85W. 7.0pm and 10.0pm: Patrolling North of Khios Island, courses as requisite. [Distance run through the Water: 158 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kinlu Point S40W (magnetic) 1.5 miles] [Squally southerly wind force 2-5 to 6-7 in pm] 4f9629cfa2fc8e2def0051c1: ( 53-45341-031_1.jpg) 27 October 1915 Patrolling “C” area Lat 38.73, Long 26.69 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling North of Khios Island. Courses as requisite. 3.47am: Mount Elias S10W, Guertis Rock S25E. 5.0am: Altered course N85E, increased to 10 knots. 7.20am: Altered course S77E. Kumara Point abeam 0.5 miles. 7.55am: Bijuk Sahib Island abeam 1 mile, altered course S40E. 9.30am: Stopped off Long Island, MGB “Penelope” came alongside. 10.0am: Penelope cast off. 10.10am: Proceeded, set course N10W 6 knots. [Changes of course at 10.43, 11.10, 11.25 and 11.45am and at 0.10pm] 2.0pm: Patrolling North of Kara Burnu Peninsula. 4.45pm: Bijuk Sahib South 3.5 miles, altered course S35E, towards Long Island. 8.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. [Distance run through the Water: 165.2 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Hydra N76E (magnetic), 1.5 miles] [Squally all day, wind mostly south easterly, force 3-8 to 4 all day, weather fine, noon temperature 73F, sea temperature 66F] 4f9629d0a2fc8e2def0051c2: ( 53-45341-032_0.jpg) 28 October 1915 On Patrol [and at Port Iero, though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 6.0am: Altered course for Port Iero N5E. 8.55am: Course and Speed as requisite for entering Port Iero. 9.5am: Relieved by HMS Kennet. 9.15am: Square rock to Starboard. 9.45am: Made fast to collier “Exbridge” [Eskbridge]. 10.0am: Commenced coaling. 10.55am: Finished coaling took 28 tons. 11.0am: Came to Starboard anchor 9 fathoms 2.5 shackles. 1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7pm. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 131.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sidero Island S9E, Panagia Church N20E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 119.20 tons] 4f9629d0a2fc8e2def0051c3: ( 53-45341-032_1.jpg) 29 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 9.0am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to watch from 4 till 7pm. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S9E, Panagia Church N20E] 4f9629d0a2fc8e2def0051c4: ( 53-45341-033_0.jpg) 30 October 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 10.0am: Lost overboard by accident 1 scrubber, 1 broom, bass. 11.10am: “Gazelle” arrived. 2.0pm: Leave given to watch from 2pm till 7pm. 4.0pm: Discharged Stoker C Clarke to “Eurylus” [sic]. 8.0pm: Discharged H Dyer Stoker PO to HMS Eurylus sick. 4f9629d1a2fc8e2def0051c5: ( 53-45341-033_1.jpg) 31 October 1915 At Port Iero and patrol Lat 38.85, Long 26.53 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 8.56am: Square Rock to port. 9.0am: Set course S6E, 10 knots. 9.20am: Stopped and as requisite for examining Greek SS Madedonia [probably Macedonia or Makedonia] and “Hellespont” and Caiques “San Juan” and “San Avangalistri” all correct. 11.45am: Proceeded S10E, 13 knots. 1.0pm: Stopped and took off refugees from Motor Boat “Anzac”. 1.10pm: Proceeded to take caique full of refugees in tow. 2.0pm: Proceeded towards Port Iero with caique in tow, Course N7W. 2.30pm: Eased speed to alter tow. 3.55pm: Altered course N9E for Mityleni, 10 knots. 5.15pm: Altered course North, Cape Lictun [?] N20W, 6 miles. 7.10pm: Came to Starboard anchor in 10 fathoms veered to 2.5 shackles off Mitylene, caique made fast to port side. Anchor bearings: Citadel Red Light N8E, South port Red Light N78W. [At Single anchor in Mitylene] 10.30pm: Refugees went ashore [Distance run through the Water: 14.7 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Prophylaki Island North, 10 miles] 4f9629d1a2fc8e2def0051c6: ( 53-45341-034_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f9629d1a2fc8e2def0051c7: ( 53-45341-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9629d2a2fc8e2def0051c8: ( 53-45341-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f9629d2a2fc8e2def0051c9: ( 53-45341-035_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – NOVEMBER 1ST TO DECEMBER 31ST 1915 LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1915 4f9629d2a2fc8e2def0051ca: ( 53-45342-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for Period November 1st 1915 to December 31st 1915] 4f9629d3a2fc8e2def0051cb: ( 53-45342-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f9629d3a2fc8e2def0051cc: ( 53-45342-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten statement: I certify that this is [“a true copy of” crossed through and initialled HP] the original log from 1st Nov 1915 to 31st December 1915 of HMS “Jed”. [signed] EM Bowly Lieutenant, Commanding officer] 4f9629d3a2fc8e2def0051cd: ( 53-45342-002_1.jpg) [Page with data on distances run and coal expended for dates from 23.10.11 and 16.4.15. [Signed] EM Bowly Lieutenant in Command, December 31st 1915. HMS “Blenheim” 2 January 1915 [should be 1916], No remarks, [signed] HL Hammond, Lieutenant Commander (D). HMS “Blenheim” 3rd January 1916. [Signed] CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] 4f9629d4a2fc8e2def0051ce: ( 53-45342-003_0.jpg) [Page for details of Barometer and Thermometers, not filled in] 4f9629d4a2fc8e2def0051cf: ( 53-45342-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1915 On “C” Patrol Lat 38.69, Long 26.64 [estimated] 1.0am: At single anchor in Mitylene. [Anchor bearings: Citadel Red Light N8E, South Port Red Light N78W] 6.10am: Cast off Caique and anchored her. 6.15am: Weighed and proceeded towards Port Iero, Courses and speed as requisite. 7.30am: Arrived at entrance and proceeded to enter. 8.23am: Came to Starboard anchor 9.5 fathoms veered to 2.5 shackles. [Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S18W, Hippi Scala N55W] 8.35am: Transferred 3 prisoners to HMS “Eurylus” [Euryalus]. 9.27am: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 9.50am: Square Rock to port. 9.55am: Foul Point abeam 2 cables, set course S6E, 3 knots. 10.15am: Altered course to examine sails. 10.35am: Altered course S15E. 0.50pm: Came to Starboard anchor off Long Island, 13 fathoms veered to 2 shackles. [Anchor bearings: Minas Peak N48W, Chusten Point N14E] 1.50pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded, set course NNW speed 6 knots. 3.20pm: Stopped and communicated with MGB “Mary Rose”. 3.35pm: Proceeded, set course NNW 6 knots. 3.50pm: Altered course to examine sail. 5.40pm: Altered course S35E. 6.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 7.20pm: Chusten Point abeam, altered course N30W. 9.45pm: Altered course S30E, Kinlu Point abeam 3 miles. 10.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 11.30pm: Artez Point abeam 2 miles, altered course N30W. [Distance run through the Water: 99 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Hydra N60W - 7 miles] 4f9629d5a2fc8e2def0051d0: ( 53-45342-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1915 On “C” Patrol Lat 38.63, Long 26.71 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 3.50am: Altered course N30W, Artez Point abeam 2.5 miles. 6.5am: Kumur Point abeam, altered course S30E. 9.10am: Came to Starboard anchor in 12 fathoms, veered 2 shackles. 11.0am: Weighed and proceeded with Captured Greek Caique in tow. Set course N8W 10 knots. 2.0pm: Cross bearings: Prophylaki Island N55W, Merico Point N84W. 2.2pm: Altered course N14W. 2.15pm: Balbi Point abeam 1 mile, Courses and speed as requisite for entering Port. 3.17pm: Came to Starboard anchor 8.5 fathoms, 1.5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S25E, Perama Scala windmill S23E. [At single anchor Port Iero] 3.25pm: HMS Eurylus’ picket boat took Caique in tow. Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour, Courses and speed as requisite. 4.0pm: Foul Point abeam 2 cables, set course South. 6.30pm: Altered course West. 10.0pm: Cross bearings: Mount Elias S48W, Pasha Island Light S8E, altered course N56E. 11.0pm: Patrolling North of Kara Burnu Peninsula. [Distance run through the Water: 135 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Light House N83W, 3 miles] 4f9629d5a2fc8e2def0051d1: ( 53-45342-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1915 On Patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 2.0am: Cross bearings: Mount Petras N80W, Cape Zietun [Zeiten] N15E, altered course S56W. 6.30am: Altered course to Examine sail. 7.30am: Cape Zieten N20W 11 miles, boarded and searched caique “San Avangilistra”, speed as requisite. 7.45am: Set course N7W, 6 knots. 9.30am: Relieved by HMS “Kennet” off entrance to Port Iero, courses and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 10.0am: Made fast to Collier. 10.10am: Commenced coaling. [Alongside Collier “Eskbridge”] 11.10am: Finished coaling. 38 tons of coal taken and 75 gallons oil. 11.25am: Cast off from Collier. 11.30am: Came to Starboard anchor 7.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles, B1 berth. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.30pm: Liberty given to watch till 7.30pm. [Distance run through the Water: 130 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S9E, Beacon N85E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 122.25 tons] 4f9629d5a2fc8e2def0051d2: ( 53-45342-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 7.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] am: Hands variously employed as requisite. 2.0pm: Liberty given to watch till 7.0pm. 4f9629d6a2fc8e2def0051d3: ( 53-45342-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 7.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 9.0am: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. 4.0pm: Liberty given to watch till 7.0pm. 4f9629d6a2fc8e2def0051d4: ( 53-45342-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1915 At Port Iero and C Patrol Lat 38.54, Long 26.68 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 9.6am: Stopped off HMS “Eurylus” [sic] and received Motor Boats’ supplies. 9.10am: Proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 9.30am: Foul Point abeam 6 cables. Relieved HMS “Kennet”. 9.40am: Set course S10E. Sighted seaplane Leaving Port Iero flying SxE. 10.30am: Lost sight of seaplane in direction of Smyrna. Reduced to 13 knots. Noon: Arrived off Long Island, reduced speed to 6 knots, altered course N10W. 1.0pm: Motor Gun Boat “Penelope” came alongside for water and stores. 1.50pm: Penelope cast off, set course N36W 8 knots. 3.0pm: Bijuk Sahib Point N58W, 3.5 miles, altered course N42W. 3.30pm: Bijuk Sahib Point abeam 3 cables, altered course N62W. 3.48pm: Kinlu Point abeam 4 cables, altered course N77W. 4.30pm: Courses as requisite approaching 2 Caiques. 5.0pm: Stopped and boarded Caique “San Marias”, all correct. 5.30pm: Boarded Caique “Argo”, all correct. 5.40pm: Proceeded, set course West 6 knots. 6.30pm: Kara Burnu Point ESE 11 miles, boarded Caique “San Panier”, all correct. 8.0pm: Cross bearings: Psara Island Light South, Mount Elias S11W, altered course East. 9.0pm: Patrolling North of Khios Island. Midnight: Cross bearings: Pasha Island Light S11E, Mount Elias S55W. [Distance run through the Water: 31.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chusten Point N28E, 1 mile] 4f9629d6a2fc8e2def0051d5: ( 53-45342-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1915 “C” Patrol Lat 38.67, Long 26.54 [estimated] 2.0am: Cross bearings: Bijuk Sahib S34E, Cape Kara Burnu S58W. 4.0am: Altered course East. 6.0am: Cross bearings: Cape Kara Burnu S62W, Minas Peak: S17W, altered course S34E. 7.0am: Kuchuk Sahib abeam 2.75 miles, altered course S30E. 8.45am: Stopped off Long Island MGB [Motor Gun Boat] “Mary Rose” came alongside for water. 9.35am: “Mary Rose” cast off. Proceeded towards Port Iero, set course N8W, speed 19 knots. 11.15am: Took station on Port bow of HMS “Ark Royal”. Courses as requisite speed 11 knots. 11.50am: Altered course N72W. 0.50pm: Cape Vurkas [Varkos] abeam. 1.0pm: Altered course N60W. 2.32pm: Sigri Island abeam. 2.40pm: Altered course S58E, eased to 8 knots. Left “Ark Royal”. 3.0pm: Patrolling South of Mitylene. 4.30pm: Altered course to examine sail. 5.5pm: Cape Vurkos abeam 6 miles, examined two-masted caique San Nicholas. 5.12pm: Proceeded to examine another caique “Costandinos”. 7.20pm: Sighted Pasha Island Light South. 10.0pm: Altered course West. [Distance run through the Water: 160 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Potomas Point N27W, 2 miles] 4f9629d7a2fc8e2def0051d6: ( 53-45342-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1915 On Patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 1.0am: Pasha Island Light S15E, altered course East. 2.45am: Cross bearings: Pasha Island Light S15W, Minas Peak S32E. 4.0am: Cross: Cape Kara Burnu S43W, Minas Peak South, altered course S32E towards Long Island. 7.0am: Arrived at Long Island. Stopped. 7.30am: Took refugees aboard and proceeded to Port Iero, 15 knots, Course N9W. 9.0am: Port air pump developed defect. 9.33am: Foul point abeam 2 cables, courses and speed as requisite. 10.0am: Came to Starboard anchor 8 fathoms, 1.5 shackles. [At Single Anchor, anchor [bearings]: Sidero Island S48E, Beacon N72E] 10.55am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Exbridge” [Eskbridge]. 11.20am: Commenced coaling. Carrying out repairs to air pump. [Alongside Collier “Exbridge”] 0.25pm: Finished coaling. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 5.0pm: Cast off from collier and proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 5.40pm: Prophylaki Island abeam 0.5 miles, set course S33W, speed 15 knots, exercised night action stations. 6.5pm: Air pump broken down, reduced speed as requisite for repairs. 7.45pm: Cross bearings: Minas Peak S68E, Pasha Island Light S12W. 9.20pm: Pasha Island Light abeam 1 mile, altered course S36W. 10.0pm: Air pump repaired, increased speed to 16 knots. 10.28pm: Paspargo Island Light South 3 miles, altered course S20W. 10.40pm: Paspargo Island Light abeam 1 mile, altered course S23E [S23W on left hand side of page]. [Distance run through the Water: 168 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 114.95 tons] 4f9629d7a2fc8e2def0051d7: ( 53-45342-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1915 From Port Iero to Orak Island (Gulf of Kos) and back Lat 37.65, Long 26.56 [estimated] 1.30am: Rounded Cape Dominico, altered course S39E. 5.11am: Cape Russa S75W, altered course S80E. 5.45am: Sighted “Kennet” and French Trawlers. 6.0am: Course and speeds as requisite for operations in Kishli Buku, in company with HMS Kennet and French trawlers. 6.30am: HMS Kennet opened fire on shore, proceeded in towards her. 7.20am: All ships left Kishli Buku, set course S79W speed 16 knots. 7.40am: Altered course N89W. 10.2am: Pharmako Island abeam 7.5 miles. 0.30pm: In company with HMS Kennet. 2.35pm: Steered various courses rounding Cape Blanco. 2.43pm: Cape Blanco abeam 5 cables. 3.0pm: Paspargo Light House S45W, 2.5 miles, set course N14E. 3.40pm: Pasha Island Light House West 1.5 miles, altered course N7E. 4.19pm: Kara Burnu abeam 1 mile. 5.35pm: Courses and speed as requisite for entering Port Iero. 6.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor 8 fathoms 3 shackles cable B3 berth. [At single anchor, 8 fathoms 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S45E, Perama Scala S5W] [Distance run through the Water: 255 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Dominico [Cape Dominiko] N35E, 2 miles] 4f9629d7a2fc8e2def0051d8: ( 53-45342-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am and pm: Hands variously employed as requisite. 4.0pm Leave to watch till 7pm. [Distance run through the Water: 97 miles] 4f9629d8a2fc8e2def0051d9: ( 53-45342-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] am: Hands employed as requisite. 11.45am: M22 Left Harbour. 2.0pm: Liberty given to watch till 7 pm. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 7.45pm: discharged Leading Seaman Wake to HMS Eurylus [sic] for “Kennet”. 4f9629d8a2fc8e2def0051da: ( 53-45342-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1915 From Port Iero to Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.57, Long 26.69 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 7.30am: French cruiser “Dupleix” arrived. 9.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded courses and speed as requisite for leaving harbour. 9.30am: Stopped off Foul Point and received 1 Seaman Gunner from “Kennet”. 9.35am: Proceeded. 9.40am: Foul Point abeam 2 cables. Set course S10E, speed 10 knots. 0.20pm: Altered course N30W. 1.0pm: Reduced to 6 knots. 2.0pm: Altered course S30E. 3.10pm: Altered course N40W. 5.5pm: Altered course S40E. [Further changes in course at 6.25 and 8.30pm] 9.45pm: Artez Point abeam 2 miles, altered course N30W. 10.55pm: Darlikgli Point abeam 2 miles, altered course S30E. Midnight: Altered course N30W. [Distance run through the Water: 32.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chusten Point S13E, 2 miles] [Note: The French Cruiser Dupleix (more details here and pictures here) was launched in 1900 and commissioned in 1903 and served in the French Navy until 1919; she was in Hong Kong in 1914, returning to Toulon at the end of the year; in May 1915 she came under command of the Vice Admiral commanding the Squadron of the Dardanelles. She was refitted in 1916 before going to West Africa.] 4f9629d8a2fc8e2def0051db: ( 53-45342-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1915 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.72, Long 26.53 [estimated] 1.10am: Darlighli [Darlikgli] Point abeam, altered course S20E. 1.30am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 2.30am: Altered course N30W, Artez Point abeam. [Patrolling to and fro with changes of course at 4.0, 5.15, 6.40, 7.10 and 7.30am] 9.20am: Arrived at Long Island. Stopped and watered MBG “Mary Rose”. 10.0am: Proceeded, Course N30W, 8 knots. 11.0am: Cross [bearings]: Oglak Island Light N64E, Cape Meringe S85E. 11.35am: Altered course N70W. 0.20pm: Altered course S70W. 1.0pm: Altered course to examine caique, increased to 10 knots. 1.28pm: Stopped. 1.30pm: Kara Burnu S50E 5 miles, boarded and searched caique “San Nicholas”. 1.40pm: Altered course S50W. 3.5pm: Boarded and searched SS “Nicolas”. 3.15 Proceeded towards Port Parapanto [Parapanton], courses and speed as requisite. 3.30pm: Entered Port Parapanto and examined it. 4.30pm: Examined Port Marmara [Marmaro]. 5.58pm: Anapomera Point abeam 0.5 miles, set course West. 7.5pm: Cape San Nicholo S39W, 4.25 miles, altered course N88E. 8.0pm: Cape Anapomera SSE 7 cables. 9.0pm: Patrolling North of Khios Island. 10.0pm: Altered course West, cross bearings: Pasha Island Light S24E, Mount Elias S64W. [Distance run through the Water: 140.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kumur Point S75W, 2 miles] 4f9629d9a2fc8e2def0051dc: ( 53-45342-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1915 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.60, Long 26.66 [estimated] 1.0am: Cross bearings: Mount Elias S48E, Khios Point S34W, altered course N83E. 4.0am: Patrolling North of Kara Burnu. 6.0am: Mimas Peak S32E, 6 miles, altered course S56E. 6.55am: Mimas Peak S35W, 2.25 miles, altered course S40E. 8.0am: Dirsek Point S42W, 2 miles, altered course S36W. 9.0am: Stopped. MGB “Anzac” came alongside. 9.45am: “Anzac” cast off. 9.50am: Proceeded. Divisions and prayers. 10.0am: Swung ship for deviations. 11.0am: Shaped course South 6 knots. 3.45pm: Altered course S30E. 5.37pm: Kara Burnu S49W, Mimas Peak S15W. 8.20pm: Altered course South. 8.50pm: Altered course N30W. 10.20pm: Darlighli [sic] Point abeam, altered course S30E. Midnight: Altered course N30W. [Distance run through the Water: 136 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Merminje [probably Cape Merminci] N74E, 6 miles] [South easterly wind force 4 or 5 all day, weather fine or overcast, noon air and sea temperature 65F] 4f9629d9a2fc8e2def0051dd: ( 53-45342-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1915 On “C” area Patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 1.30am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 9.20am: Foul Point abeam 0.5 miles, courses and speed as requisite. 10.0am: Made fast to collier. 10.20am: Commenced coaling Took 64 tons of coal and [blank] gallons oil. [Alongside Collier SS “Eskbridge”] Noon: Finished coaling, cast off from collier. 0.12pm: Came to Starboard anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles, B1 berth. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles. Anchor Bearings: Sidero Island S9E, Beacon N85E] pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.0pm: Leave to watch till 7pm. [Distance run through the Water: 137.0 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Alongside collier at Port Iero] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.25 tons] 4f9629d9a2fc8e2def0051de: ( 53-45342-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor, 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 7.0am: Trawler No 48 left. 8.0am: Lost overboard by accident 2 scrubbers (hand). am: Hands employed painting ship. 11.0am: J Bevens Stoker joined from trawler. 3.20pm: Liberty given to watch till 7pm. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4f9629daa2fc8e2def0051df: ( 53-45342-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor, 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 3.30am: [HMS] “Latona” minelayer left. 10.45am: HMS Gazelle arrived. pm: Hands employed fitting topmast. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4f9629daa2fc8e2def0051e0: ( 53-45342-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1915 At Port Iero [and on patrol, though not stated at top of page] Lat 38.60, Long 26.66 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, Courses and speed as requisite. 9.40am: Foul Point abeam 3 cables. Stopped. 9.43am: Proceeded. Set course S10E speed 10 knots. 1.0pm: Arrived at Long Island and stopped. 1.40pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Course N30W 6 knots. 4.10pm: Altered course S30E. 5.10pm: Exercised “night action stations”. 6.30pm: Altered course N30W. 8.45pm: Altered course S30E. 10.50pm: Artez Point abeam, altered course N30W. 10.55pm: Cross bearings: South Wedge N51E, Chusten North Peak S75E. [Distance run through the Water: 37 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island S79E, 4 miles] 4f9629daa2fc8e2def0051e1: ( 53-45342-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1915 On Patrol Lat 38.45, Long 26.80 [estimated] 0.45am: Kinlu Point abeam 2 miles off, altered course S30E. 2.50am: Artez Point abeam 1.3 miles off, altered course N30W. 3.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 4.45am: Altered course S30E. 6.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 9.25am: Came to Starboard anchor 12 fathoms 3 shackles off Long Island. 9.30am: “Mary Rose” came alongside and took in Water. 10.40am: Mary Rose cast off. 10.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. 10.50am: Altered course N30W. 1.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for boarding 3 sail. 2.0pm: Boarded Caiques “Marian” and “Evangelista”. All correct. 2.30pm: Boarded Caique Irini. All correct. 2.50pm: Shaped course West. 6 knots. 6.0pm: [Cross bearings] Mount Elias S30E, Psara Island S70W, altered course N5W. 7.0pm: Altered course North. 11.0pm: Sigri Island Light N1W 9 miles, altered course S52E. [Distance run through the Water:140.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Mimas Peak N88W, 5 miles] 4f9629dba2fc8e2def0051e2: ( 53-45342-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1915 Patrolling “C” Area Lat 39.05, Long 26.74 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling South of Mytelene [sic]. 3.45am: Pasha Island Light S5W, Mount Elias S45W. 5.15am: Exercised night action Stations. 6.10am: Kinlu Point abeam 2 miles, altered course S40E. 8.15am: Arrived at Long Island. Stopped and took refugees aboard. 9.20am: Proceeded to Mitylene, 10 knots, Set course N10W. 1.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor 7.5 fathoms, 2 shackles in Mitylene and Landed refugees. [Anchor Bearings: Citadel Red Light N10E, North Breakwater Light N52W] 1.48pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite towards Cape Zeilin [Zeiten] 3.0pm: Cape Zeiten North 0.5 miles, Set course S50W. 3.30pm: Altered course S16E, reduced to 6 knots. 9.30pm: Patrolling in Gulf of Smyrna. 11.0pm: Cross [bearings]: Chusten Point S56E, South Wedge N64E, altered course N12E. [Distance run through the Water: 149.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Zeitin N20W, 6 miles] [Squally north easterly wind force 5 or 6 from 6pm, with sea state rough or very rough; weather fine, noon temperature 59F, sea temperature 64F] 4f9629dba2fc8e2def0051e3: ( 53-45342-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1915 On Patrol “C” Area and Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 0.30am: South Wedge S80E, Chusten North Peak S20E, altered course S15W. 2.45am: South Wedge S80E, Chusten North Peak S19E, altered course S10W. 5.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna courses and speed as requisite. 6.10am: Long Island North Point S35E 1 mile, Set course North. speed 10 knots. 7.0am: Reduced speed to secure anchors. 7.20am: Proceeded 10 knots. 9.20am: Relieved by Monitor No 22 and proceeded into harbour courses and speed as requisite. 10.15am: Came to Starboard anchor in Port Iero. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Distance run through the Water: 130.7 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sidero Island S9E, Beacon S76E: Anchor bearings] [Wind still north easterly, force 6 to 8 in am, force 6 or 7 in pm, sea rough all day] 4f9629dca2fc8e2def0051e4: ( 53-45342-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] am: Hands variously employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4f9629dca2fc8e2def0051e5: ( 53-45342-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 9.0am: M30 left harbour. 10.30am: Gazelle arrived. 2.0pm: Leave to watch. 4.0pm: Received stores for motor Gun boats from HMS “Euryalus”. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4f9629dca2fc8e2def0051e6: ( 53-45342-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1915 From Port Iero and on Patrol of “C” Area Lat 38.62, Long 26.65 [estimated] 6.45am: Weighed anchor and Proceeded alongside collier “Eskbridge”. 7.5am: Made fast alongside. 7.10am: Commenced coaling. 8.20am: Finished coaling, took in 43 tons coal and 50 gallons oil. Trawler No 706 came alongside with stores. 9.40am: Proceeded out of harbour courses and speed as requisite. 10.10am: Set course S10E for Long Island speed 13 knots. 10.25am: Prophylaki Island abeam. 11.45am: Kinlu Point abeam. 0.35pm: Courses and speed as requisite. 0.45pm: Stopped at Long Island, “Mary Rose” came alongside for stores and water. 1.10pm: “Anzac” came alongside for stores and water. 2.25pm: “Anzac” cast off. 3.0pm: Mary Rose cast off. Proceeded course and speeds as requisite. 3.5pm: Set course N6W speed 13 knots towards Port Iero to report wireless out of order. 6.0pm: Patrolling off Port Iero in communication with HMS Euryalus. 7.50pm: Proceeded, set course South, 6 knots. 10.0pm: Patrolling South of Mitylene Island. [Distance run through the Water: 28 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chusten Point S16E, 6 miles] 4f9629dda2fc8e2def0051e7: ( 53-45342-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1915 On “C” Patrol Lat 38.54, Long 26.66 [estimated] 2.15am: Cape Varkos abeam 3 miles altered course SE. 2.30am: Patrolling South of Mitylene. 5.20am: Cross bearings: Mimas Peak S43E, Kara Burnu S4W, altered course S65E. 5.45am: Stopped and boarded 1 masted Caique “Efstratus” all correct. 6.0am: Proceeded course and speed as before. 7.15am: Bijuk Sahib Island S43E, 2.75 miles. Increased speed to 8 knots. 9.20am: Arrived at Long Island. MGB “Anzac” came alongside. 9.40am: “Anzac” cast off. 9.45am: Set course N30W 8 knots. 11.40am: Altered course S70E, increased to 10 knots. [Further changes of course at 0.50, 2.0, 3.30 and 4.55pm] 5.50pm: Dara Burnu East 2 miles, altered course S30W. [Further changes of course at 7.50, 8.35 and 10.0pm] 11.30pm: Oglak Light House N31E, South Wedge S65E, altered course S30W. [Distance run through the Water: 147.9 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Mimas Peak S50W, 3.7 miles] 4f9629dda2fc8e2def0051e8: ( 53-45342-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1915 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.97, Long 26.60 [estimated] 0.40am: Altered course N30E. 2.5am: Altered course S30W, Oglak Light House NE 1 mile. 3.15am: Altered course N30E. 4.0am: Oglak Island Light House N30E, South Wedge S88E. [Further changes of course SW and NE at 4.30, 6.0 and 7.30am] 8.55am: Altered course S40E towards Long Island, increased to 10 knots. 9.30am: Arrived at Long Island and stopped. MBG Penelope came alongside. 10.10am: Penelope cast off. Proceeded. Set course N7W 15 knots to Port Iero. 10.37am: Increased to full speed. 10.52am: Oglak Island abeam 2.25 miles. 0.10pm: Course and speed as requisite. Arrived of [off] entrance to Port Iero and awaited orders. 1.30pm: Proceeded up harbour. 2.0pm: Arrived in harbour. Captain Burmeister came aboard. Left Harbour. 2.20pm: Set course S72E, 18 knots. 2.30pm: Course and speed for rounding Cape Zeiten. 2.50pm: Set course N20W, 20 knots. 3.0pm: Altered course S20E and returned to Port Iero. 4.15pm: Arrived in harbour. Captain Burmeister Left and left harbour again. 4.45pm: Four [probably Foul] Point abeam. 9.50pm [4.50pm]: Set course S10E, 8 knots. 5.30pm: Cross bearing: Prophylaki Island N35W, Potomas Point N75W. 9.30pm: Chusten Point East, altered course N10W. 10.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. [Distance run through the Water: 130.3 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Balbi Point N9E, 3 miles] [Squally south easterly wind force 6 or 7 in pm, sea rough from 6pm, weather overcast, noon temperature 52F, sea temperature 58F] 4f9629dda2fc8e2def0051e9: ( 53-45342-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1915 On Patrol “C” Area [and at Port Iero, though not stated at top of page] Lat 38.99, Long 26.58 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. [Changes of course from S10W to N10W every hour from 1.0am to 6.0am] 8.45am: Arrived at Long Island and stopped. Penelope came alongside. 9.30am: Penelope cast off. Proceeded, set course N8W, 13 knots. 0.15pm: Relieved by M22 and proceeded into harbour course and speed as requisite. 1.5pm: Secured alongside Collier “Eskbridge”. 1.10pm: Commenced coaling. 2.20pm: Finished coaling, took 35 tons coal and 75 gallons oil. (Lost overboard by accident 1 ~ (coal)). 2.30pm: Left collier and left for anchorage. 2.40pm: Came to Starboard anchor 8 fathoms veered 3 shackles. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S11E, Beacon S74E] 4.30pm: Liberty given to watch 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 175.2 miles] [True Bearings and Distance: Cape Zeiten ExN, 1 mile] [Fuel Remaining: 120.15 tons] 4f9629dea2fc8e2def0051ea: ( 53-45342-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.30am: Transport No Z37 arrived. 9.40am: Divisions and Prayers. [Distance run through the Water: 4 miles] [North easterly wind force 4-5 or 5-6 in am, force 6 or 6-7 in pm] 4f9629dea2fc8e2def0051eb: ( 53-45342-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 9.15am: Monitor No 30 left harbour. 10.5am: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. pm: Watch employed cleaning out magazines. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Wind still north easterly, force 5-6 or 5 until 3pm. Snow at 4am, weather then overcast in am, fine in pm. Noon temperature 36F, sea temperature 52F] 4f9629dea2fc8e2def0051ec: ( 53-45342-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1915 At Port Iero and on Patrol Lat 38.64, Long 26.66 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour courses and speed as requisite. 9.35am: Balbi Point abeam, set course S10E. 0.50pm: Stopped at Long Island. MBG Penelope came alongside. 1.15pm: “Penelope” cast off. Proceeded set course N10W, 8 knots. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations, reduced to 6 knots. 8.30pm: Cross bearings: Psara Island Light S65W, Mount Elias S35E, altered course N80E. 10.0pm: Patrolling North of Kara Burnu Peninsula. [Distance run through the Water: 28.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island Light House N55E - 4 miles] LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1915 4f9629dfa2fc8e2def0051ed: ( 53-45342-018_1.jpg) 1 December 1915 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.65, Long 26.68 [estimated] 0.30am: Altered course West. 0.55am: Moon [symbol] rose. 3.0am: Cross bearings: Mount Elias S5W, Psara Light S87E, altered course N87E. 5.0am: Patrolling North of Khios and Kara Burnu Peninsula. 7.5am: Altered course S70E. 9.15am: Arrived at Long Island. Stopped and came to Starboard anchor. [At single anchor 12 fathoms, 2 shackles] 9.25am: Refugees for Mitylene came aboard. 11.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded for Mitylene, 2 caiques in tow. Set course N10W, 11 knots. 3.45pm: Steered as requisite approaching Mitylene. 3.55pm: Stopped and came to Starboard anchor in Mitylene. [At single anchor 4 fathoms, 1 shackle. Anchor bearings: Fort N30E, South Port North Light N50W] 4.0pm: Discharged refugees. 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.40pm: Set course S35E, speed 13 knots. 5.0pm: Courses as requisite rounding Cape Zeiten. 5.15pm: Stopped and delivered Buzzer to Picket boat off Iero. 5.20pm: Proceeded set course S46W 8 knots. 6.40pm: Steering engine “temporarily” out of order. Stopped and connected hand gear. 7.20pm: Proceeded, set course S45W, 6 knots. 9.0pm: Altered course West. 9.40pm: Connected steam steering gear. 11.0pm: Patrolling North of Kara Burnu Peninsula. [Distance run through the Water: 142.7 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island Light House N45E, 2.5 miles] 4f9629dfa2fc8e2def0051ee: ( 53-45342-019_0.jpg) 2 December 1915 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.68, Long 26.66 [estimated] 1.0am: Cross bearings: Psara Light S37W, Mount Elias S27E, altered course East. 2.0am: Patrolling between Mitylene and Khios. 5.0am: Kara Burnu S36E 11 miles, altered course S65E. 6.20am: Kara Burnu S12E 7 miles, altered course S55E. 6.50am: Increased to 10 knots. 7.50am: Bijuk Sahib abeam 3 cables, altered course S41E. 9.10am: Stopped and came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. MBG “Mary Rose” and “Anzac” came alongside. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 1.5 shackles] 10.30am: “Mary Rose” cast off. 11.10am: “Anzac” cast off, took Greek Guard aboard. 11.15am: Weighed and proceeded towards Port Iero. 11.20am: Set course N8W, 15 knots. 1.30pm: Foul Point abeam, reduced speed, courses and speed as requisite for entering Port Iero. 1.55pm: Came to Starboard anchor 1 cable on port bow of HMS Canopus. [At Single anchor 8 fathoms, 1 cable] 5.0pm: Discharged Greek guard to HMS “Canopus”. 5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 5.15pm: Exercised Night Action Stations. 5.40pm: Foul Point abeam 2 cables, set course S10E, speed 10 knots. 6.30pm: Proceeding towards Long Island. 8.30pm: Course and speed as requisite for approaching Long Island. Worked searchlight. 9.15pm: Came to Starboard anchor and communicated with MBG Penelope. [At single anchor 13 fathoms, 2 shackles] 10.30pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded, set course N20W speed 6 knots. [Distance run through the Water: 152.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Light House S75E, 3 miles] 4f9629dfa2fc8e2def0051ef: ( 53-45342-019_1.jpg) 3 December 1915 On Patrol “C” Area and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 1.30am: Altered course West. 2.0am: Patrolling North of Kara Burnu Peninsula. 5.0am: Altered course N65E. 6.0am: Patrolling South of Mitylene Island. 9.0am: Courses and speed as requisite rounding Balbi Point. 9.35am: Relieved by M22. Proceeded into harbour. 10.20am: Came to Starboard anchor in B1 berth. [At Single anchor 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 4.10pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 4.20pm: Made fast to collier. 4.30pm: Commenced coaling. 5.50pm: Finished coaling (took 40 tons coal 50 gallons mineral oil). Lost overboard by accident 3 bags (coal). 6.5pm: Cast off. 6.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor, 9 fathoms 3 shackles. [Distance run through the Water: 138.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S12E, Beacon S73E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 121.65 tons] [Rain for most of day, noon temperature 50F, sea temperature 54F] 4f9629e0a2fc8e2def0051f0: ( 53-45342-020_0.jpg) 4 December 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 9 fathoms, 3 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 8.45am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.10pm: Trawler No 706 arrived. 0.15pm: Trawler No 48 sailed. pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 hammer (2lb hand). [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S12E, Beacon S73E] 4f9629e0a2fc8e2def0051f1: ( 53-45342-020_1.jpg) 5 December 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 9 fathoms, 3 shackles] 9.30am: M30 left harbour. 9.45am: Divisions. 10.0am: C of E [Church of England] party to HMS “Canopus”. 11.50am: Gazelle arrived. 5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 6.40pm: Passed reef rock speed 16 knots. 7.30pm: Mitylene Light N86W, Mount Corion [?] S45W, Set course N13W. 8.20pm: Altered course N30E. Elios Island abeam. 8.45pm: Altered course East, reduced to 11 knots. 9.0pm: Arrived off Pyrgo Island, stopped. MBG “Anzac” came alongside. 10.10pm: Sent Anzac and whaler to transport refugees from Mosko [Mosko Island] to Pyrgo Island to escape persecution from Turks. 11.0pm: Patrolling off Pyrgo Island. Superintending the transportation of refugees. 4f9629e0a2fc8e2def0051f2: ( 53-45342-021_0.jpg) 6 December 1915 Off Mosko Island Lat 39.35, Long 26.67 [estimated] 1.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor. Using searchlight to facilitate transportation of refugees. [At Single anchor 11 fathoms, 1.5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Pyrgo NE Point N17E, Mosko N Point N72E] 2.48am: HMS “Gazelle” arrived and left to watch Aivali [Ayvalik]. 6.10am: Trawler No 48 left with refugees for Mitylene. 6.45am: Hove up anchor and proceeded round to East side of Mosko Island, courses and speed as requisite. 7.45am: MBG Anzac came alongside and made fast. 9.0am: Operating on East side of Mosko Island in company with “Anzac”. 11.0am: Came to Starboard anchor and kept a lookout for Turks. [At Single Anchor 11 fathoms, 1.5 shackles. 0.50pm: Weighed and proceeded. 1.20pm: Stopped. Captain of M20 came aboard. 1.45pm: Captain M20 left. Proceeded to Meet Trawler No 706 SW of Pyrgo Island, courses and speed as requisite. 3.50pm: Commander of HMS Canopus arrived on board from Trawler No 706. 4.30pm: Came to Starboard anchor between Pyrgo and Mosko Islands, in company with HMS “Gazelle” and Trawler No 706. [At Single Anchor 11 fathoms, 2 shackles] 6.45pm: Trawler No 48 arrived, HMS Gazelle left for Mityleni with refugees. 7.0pm: French trawler arrived. No 48 left for Iero. 8.0pm: French Trawler left for Mityleni with refugees. 8.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 9.0pm: Set course S40W 15 knots. 9.15pm: Altered course South. 10.40pm: Courses as requisite rounding Zieten [Zeiten] Point and entering Port Iero. 11.30pm: Came to Starboard anchor 2.5 shackles. [Distance run through the Water: 75 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Hill No 315 N29W, Psariano Peak N47E] 4f9629e1a2fc8e2def0051f3: ( 53-45342-021_1.jpg) 7 December 1915 At Port Iero and on “C” Patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.64 [estimated] 1.30am: HMS “Gazelle” arrived. 6.30am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 8.30am: Trawler No 704 came alongside with stores. 8.50am: Trawler left. 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 9.40am: Foul Point abeam, set course S10E for Long Island, speed 10 knots. 1.0pm: Arrived at Long Island, courses and speed as requisite patrolling near the Island. 2.30pm: Came to Starboard anchor. MBG “Penelope” came alongside. [At Single Anchor off Long Island 9 fathoms, 2 shackles] 4.30pm: “Penelope” cast off. Weighed anchor and proceeded, set course N33W 6 knots. 9.0pm: Patrolling North of Kara Burnu and Khios Island. Midnight: Mount Elias S18E, Psara Light S62W, altered course N88E. [Distance run through the Water: 79 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island Light House S71E, 4 miles] 4f9629e1a2fc8e2def0051f4: ( 53-45342-022_0.jpg) 8 December 1915 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.60, Long 26.69 [estimated] 2.0am: Mount Elias:S45W, Pasha Light S25E. Patrolling North of Kara Burnu and Khios. 3.0am: Increased to 10 knots to intercept steamer. 3.40am: Stopped and examined Greek SS “Eleni” [there were several ships of this name at this time], all correct. 4.30am: Proceeded N45E 6 knots. 5.0am: Altered course S7E. 6.0am: Altered course S35E for Long Island. 8.45am: Arrived at Long Island and stopped. 10.0am: 33 refugees came aboard for Mityleni. 11.30am: Proceeded, set course N9W 10 knots. 1.0pm: Stopped and examined refugee boat. 1.10pm: Embarked 3 more refugees and proceeded. 2.0pm: Cape Zeiten abeam 1.5 miles, altered course N30W. 2.40pm: Courses and speed as requisite entering Mityleni. 2.45pm: Came to Starboard anchor and discharged refugees. 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, set course S45E, 10 knots. 5.56pm: Examined Caique “San Nicholas”, all correct. 6.0pm: Proceeded, set course S62W, 6 knots. 7.15pm: Altered course as requisite to intercept steamer. 8.30pm: Stopped and examined Greek steamship “Elsie” all correct. 9.0pm: Set course S70W, 6 knots. 10.0pm: Cross bearings: Pasha Light S21W, Potamos NNW. 11.0pm: Patrolling South of Mityleni. [Distance run through the Water: 107.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chusten Point South, 5 miles] 4f9629e1a2fc8e2def0051f5: ( 53-45342-022_1.jpg) 9 December 1915 On Patrol C Area and at Port Iero Lat 38.57, Long 26.68 [estimated] 2.0am: Altered course N87E. 3.0am: Cross bearings: Pasha Light S18E, Mount Elias S44W. 6.0am: Altered course S30E. Patrolling North of Kara Burnu Peninsula. 8.0am: Courses as requisite approaching Long Island. 9.15am: Shaped course N10W, 8 knots. 10.25am: Stopped and examined Fauges [Foujes] Harbour. 10.45am: Proceeded N75W 8 knots. 11.55am: Altered course S35E, increased to 10 knots. 0.20pm: Altered course N2W, increased to 15 knots. 1.50pm: Prophylaki Island abeam. 2.0pm: Arrived off entrance to Port Iero and proceeded into harbour, course and speed as requisite. 2.50pm: Arrived alongside collier SS “Sterndale”. 3.0pm: Commenced coaling. 4.45pm: Finished coaling, 52 tons taken, 50 gallons oil. Lost overboard by accident 2 bags (coal). 5.8pm: Came to starboard anchor 8 fathoms 3 shackles. [Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S4E, Beacon S74E] [Distance run through the Water: 161.3 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Mimas Peak S50W 3.5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 124.85 tons] 4f9629e2a2fc8e2def0051f6: ( 53-45342-023_0.jpg) 10 December 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands variously employed as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to watch till 7pm. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Distance run through the Water: 31.7 miles] [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 58F] 4f9629e2a2fc8e2def0051f7: ( 53-45342-023_1.jpg) 11 December 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] am: Hands employed as requisite. Lost overboard by accident 1 scrubber (hand). 0.30pm: Leave to watch till 5.30 pm. 3.12pm: Trawler No 706 arrived. 4.0pm: M22 left Harbour. 5.30pm: Liberty men returned. 4f9629e2a2fc8e2def0051f8: ( 53-45342-024_0.jpg) 12 December 1915 At Port Iero and on Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.53, Long 26.70 [rough estimate] [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 9.13am: SNO [Senior Naval Officer] came aboard. 9.15am: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 9.45am: Foul Point abeam, set course S10E speed 15 knots. 11.0am: Cape Merminge S40E, Kumur Point S70W. Noon: Arrived at Long Island. Came to Starboard anchor 7.5 fathoms 2.5 shackles. Penelope came alongside, and SNO left. 2.0pm: Penelope returned and watered. 2.30pm: Penelope cast off. 3.0pm: At anchor awaiting return of Senior Naval Office “Canopus”. 5.0pm: Exercised night action Stations. 6.10pm: SNO returned in MBG Penelope. [At Single Anchor At Long Island 7.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] [Distance run through the Water: 38 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: at anchor at Long Island] 4f9629e3a2fc8e2def0051f9: ( 53-45342-024_1.jpg) 13 December 1915 On “C” Patrol Lat 38.82, Long 26.06 [estimated] [At Single anchor 7.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 3.45am: Weighed and proceeded, set course N5W. 4.0am: Altered course N36W. Lost overboard by accident 1 block (common 6 inch). 4.55am: Bijuk Sahib abeam 1 mile, courses as requisite rounding Kara Burnu Peninsula. 5.53am: Kara Burnu S22W 1.5 miles, altered course S70W. 6.25am: Various courses and speeds examining North shore of Khios. 7.15am: Cape Anapomera abeam 2 cables, set course West. 7.45am: Altered course S75W towards Psara Island. 8.30am: Rounded Psara Island, courses and speeds as requisite. 9.25am: Psara Light House S67E, Agios Georgeous [Agios Georgios] S35W, set course N70E. 1.25pm: Arrived at entrance to Port Iero. Stopped and disembarked SNO to Picket boat. 1.30pm: Proceeded, set course S10E. 6.30pm: Altered course N20W. 8.30pm: Altered course S30E. 10.30pm: Altered course N30W. [Distance run through the Water: 119 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Vurkos N31W, 12 miles 4f9629e3a2fc8e2def0051fa: ( 53-45342-025_0.jpg) 14 December 1915 On Patrol “C” area Lat 38.58, Long 26.66 [estimated] 0.15am: Altered course S20E. 2.20am: Artez Point abeam 1.5 miles, altered course N20W. 4.20am: Kinlu Point abeam, altered course S20E. 6.20am: Artez Point abeam 1.5 miles, altered course N20W. 8.0am: Kinlu Point abeam, altered course S20E. 8.40am: Altered course S34E, increased to 15 knots. 9.30am: Arrived at Long Island and came to Starboard anchor. MBG “Mary Rose” came alongside and watered. [At Anchor 11 fathoms, 2 shackles] 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded 8 knots, set course N20W. Noon: Altered course N26E. 0.45pm: Arrived off Foujes and opened fire on caiques. Enemy guns replied. 1.0pm: Withdrew out of range and proceeded as requisite for Long Island. 2.30pm: Fired a blank to attract attention of “Mary Rose”. 5.0pm: Exercised night action Stations. 6.0pm: Waiting of [off] Long Island to attract the attention of “Mary Rose”. 8.0pm: Burned searchlight. 9.0pm: Unable to communicate, proceeded, set course N30W 6 knots. 11.45pm: Kinlu Point abeam 8 cables, altered course N67W. [Distance run through the Water: 162.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chusten Point S30E, 3 miles] 4f9629e4a2fc8e2def0051fb: ( 53-45342-025_1.jpg) 15 December 1915 On Patrol and Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 1.0am: Pasha Island Light S18W, Mount Elias S70W. 2.0am: Altered course East to intercept steamer. 3.0am: Challenged 2 French Trawlers. 3.35am: Altered course West 6 knots. 5.30am: Altered course N60E. 9.30am: Prophylaki Island abeam. 9.45am: Relieved by M22, altered course N20W. 10.0am: Arrived at Entrance to Iero, proceeded into harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 10.50am: Made fast to Collier. 11.0am: Commenced coaling from SS “Sterndale”. 0.30pm: Finished coaling took 48 tons. 0.35pm: Cast off from Collier. 0.45pm: Came to Starboard anchor 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. [At Single Anchor 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S11E, Beacon S73E] [Distance run through the Water: 115 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 124.25 tons] 4f9629e4a2fc8e2def0051fc: ( 53-45342-026_0.jpg) 16 December 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite 1.0pm: Trawler No 706 arrived. 1.30pm: Leave to watch till 5pm. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 68F, sea temperature 60F] 4f9629e4a2fc8e2def0051fd: ( 53-45342-026_1.jpg) 17 December 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] [Log records routine matters only] 4f9629e5a2fc8e2def0051fe: ( 53-45342-027_0.jpg) 18 December 1915 At Port Iero and on “C” Patrol Lat 38.54, Long 26.69 [rough estimate] 7.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 7.45am: Rounded Foul Point, set course S10E, speed 10 knots. 10.50am: Courses and speed as requisite approaching Long Island. 11.0am: Arrived at Long Island, MBG “Penelope” came alongside. 0.45pm: 17 Refugees came aboard. 1.0pm: “Penelope” cast off. Proceeded. Set course N10W 13 knots. 3.30pm: Courses and speed as requisite approaching Mitylene. 3.55pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in 8 fathoms 1.5 shackles. Discharged refugees. 4.35pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded S23W 13 knots. 5.0pm: Altered course SW, reduced to 8 knots. 7.5pm: As requisite and stopped. 7.15pm: Examined Greek SS “Zakynthos”, all correct. 7.40pm: Proceeded S45W 6 knots. 7.50pm: Altered course to examine caique. 8.10pm: Stopped and boarded Caique “San Nicholas”. Proceeded to Port Iero with caique in tow. 10.10pm: Arrived off Port Iero. Caique taken in tow by Picket boat. 10.15pm: Proceeded S37W 6 knots. 10.45pm: As requisite to intercept SS. 11.15pm: Boarded SS “Hellespontos”. All correct. Midnight: Proceeded SW 6 knots. [Distance run through the Water: 37 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Long Island] [Note: Zakynthos was a cargo ship built in Scotland in 1881 and was originally called “Locust”. She was under Greek ownership from 1912 and was to run aground and be wrecked off Greece in 1929.] 4f9629e5a2fc8e2def0051ff: ( 53-45342-027_1.jpg) 19 December 1915 On “C” Patrol Lat 38.60, Long 26.66 [estimated] 3.0am: Altered course S86W. 4.0am: Altered course N86E. 5.15am: Examined SS “Zakynthos” with searchlight. 7.0am: Bijuk Sahib S11W 5 miles, altered course S26W increased to 8 knots. 9.0am: Stopped at Long Island MBG “Penelope” came alongside. Commander Smart RNVR came aboard for passage to Port Iero. 11.35am: “Mary Rose” cast off, set course N5W 13 knots. 2.0pm: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 2.25pm: Stopped off HMS Canopus and disembarked Commander Smart. 2.35pm: Proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 3.0pm: Rounded Foul Point, set course S33W 6 knots. 3.30pm: Altered course S83W. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 6.0pm: Courses as requisite approaching sail. 6.45pm: Stopped and examined Caique “Taxiartis”. All correct. 7.10pm: Proceeded N60W 6 knots. 9.15pm: Sigri Island Light North. 10.0pm: Sigri Island Light N30E, altered course S17E. [Distance run through the Water: 152.2 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Merminge N80E, 5 miles] 4f9629e5a2fc8e2def005200: ( 53-45342-028_0.jpg) 20 December 1915 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.64, Long 26.63 [estimated] 2.0am: Altered course S83E. 2.50am: Stopped and examined Caique “Panea”, all correct. Anapomera South 10 miles. 3.20am: Proceeded, set course S77E 6 knots. 9.0am: Stopped at Long Island. 9.45am: Set course N30W. 11.20am: Altered course S32E. 2.30pm: Rounded Bijuk Sahib 0.5 miles off. 3.0pm: Courses as requisite examining coast of Kara Burnu. 3.40pm: Stopped and examined Caique “Taxiarkis” [it is unclear whether this is the same caique examined the day before], all correct. 4.0pm: Proceeded. Set course S53W 8 knots. 6.0pm: Altered course N48E. 11.0pm: Cape Zeiten N45E 9 miles, altered course S28E towards Long Island. [Distance run through the Water: 164.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island N44E, 7 miles] [Wind increasing in pm, southerly then south easterly force 6 or 7 from 6pm; sea very rough at midnight] 4f9629e6a2fc8e2def005201: ( 53-45342-028_1.jpg) 21 December 1915 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.65, Long 26.58 [estimated] 0.40am: Altered course S15E. 4.0am: South Wedge N55E, Chusten Point S53E, altered course N25E. 6.0am: Kinlu Point S78W, altered course S25E. 8.40am: Increased to 8 knots. Courses as requisite approaching Long Island. 9.8am: Came to Starboard anchor 10.5 fathoms 2 shackles. “Penelope” came alongside. 10.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded 6 knots. Noon: Various courses patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 1.30pm: Altered course N30W. 2.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 2.45pm: Altered course S30E. [Patrolling S30E or S25E and N30W for rest of day] 7.0pm: Chusten Point East, altered course N30W. 10.30pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. [Distance run through the Water: 126 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bijuk Sahib N40W, 3 miles] [Wind southerly or south easterly force 3-5 to 6 all day, weather fine in am, cloudy in pm, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 59F] 4f9629e6a2fc8e2def005202: ( 53-45342-029_0.jpg) 22 December 1915 On Patrol Area “C” Lat 38.54, Long 26.69 [rough estimate] 1.45am: Altered course to N30W. 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 3.0am: Altered course S30E. 5.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna, Courses as requisite. 8.30am: Came to with Starboard anchor. MBG “Mary Rose” came alongside. [At Single Anchor 12 fathoms, 2 shackles] 11.0am: “Mary Rose” left for San Nicholas for refugees. 1.0pm: Received 30 refugees on board. 1.30pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded, set course N20W, speed 13 knots. 4.40pm: Stopped and came to Starboard anchor in Mityleni. Discharged refugees to shore. [At anchor in Mitylene 8 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: Fort N5E, North Pier N50W] 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded 10 knots, courses and speed as requisite for rounding Cape Zeiten. 6.35pm: Altered course S55W. 8.0pm: Altered course N80W. 9.20pm: Varkos Light abeam, altered course N54W. 11.30pm: Courses and speed as requisite approaching Sigri harbour. [Distance run through the Water: 104 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Anchor at Long Island] [Squally south easterly wind force 5 or 5-7 until 8am, then reducing. Rain or showers for most of day] 4f9629e6a2fc8e2def005203: ( 53-45342-029_1.jpg) 23 December 1915 On Patrol Area C [and at Port Iero, though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 0.15am: Came to Starboard anchor in Sigri Harbour. Sent boat to communicate with lighthouse keeper. [Anchor bearings: Sigri Island N Point North, Sigri Fort S80E] 1.20am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 1.30am: Set course S21E, 10 knots. 4.45am: Altered course S10W to examine light. 6.0am: Courses as requisite passing through Spalmatori Channel. 6.45am: Came to with Starboard anchor 17 fathoms 2 shackles and examined Mandraki Island. 7.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded 15 knots. 8.0am: Set course N37E. 10.20am: Foul Point abeam, courses as requisite entering Port Iero. 11.0am: Came to Starboard anchor waiting orders to coal. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 0.15pm: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Sterndale”. 0.45pm: Made fast alongside. 0.55pm: Commenced coaling. 3.20pm: Finished coaling. Received 70 tons coal and [blank] gallons oil. 3.25pm: Cast off. 3.40pm: Came to Starboard anchor in B2 berth. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles, bearings: Sidero Island S11E, Beacon S74E] [Distance run through the Water: 184.2 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S7E, Beacon S70E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 128.15 tons] 4f9629e7a2fc8e2def005204: ( 53-45342-030_0.jpg) 24 December 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.30pm: Liberty given to watch 2.15pm: Ben-my-Chree Arrived. Lost overboard by accident 1 scrubber (hand). 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. Received 5 Stokers from HMS Canopus to join. 4f9629e7a2fc8e2def005205: ( 53-45342-030_1.jpg) 25 December 1915 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 8.15am: “Bulldog” and “Grasshopper” arrived. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 0.30pm: Liberty given to portion of crew till 6pm. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4f9629e7a2fc8e2def005206: ( 53-45342-031_0.jpg) 26 December 1915 At Port Iero and on Patrol Lat 38.54, Long 26.69 [rough estimate] [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 7.10am: SNO and other officers from HMS “Canopus” and “Ben-My-Chree” came aboard. 7.20am: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour. Courses and speed as requisite. 8.0am: Set course S10E for Long Island. 10.10am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. SNO and party left for South of Gulf in “Mary Rose”. 0.25pm: Weighed and proceeded N30W 8 knots. 1.30pm: Courses as requisite patrolling Gulf of Smyrna in Wireless touch with “Mary Rose”. 2.30pm: Reduced to 6 knots. 7.0pm and 9.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 11.0pm: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. 11.10pm: SNO came aboard with party. 11.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, set course N10W for Port Iero. [Distance run through the Water: 36 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Single Anchor at Long Island] 4f9629e8a2fc8e2def005207: ( 53-45342-031_1.jpg) 27 December 1915 At Port Iero and on Patrol Lat 38.54, Long 26.69 [rough estimate] 1.55am: Altered course N5W. 2.15am: Course and speed as requisite entering Port Iero. 2.45am: Came to starboard anchor B2 berth. SNO and party left. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S9E, Beacon S70E] 7.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 7.40am: Foul Point abeam, set course S10E, 13 knots. 10.20am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island and embarked refugees, 53 in number. 1.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded N10W 13 knots. 1.30pm: Altered course North. 4.10pm: Came to Starboard anchor in Mityleni and disembarked refugees, retaining 1 suspect. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 1.5 shackles] 5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded 13 knots, courses and speed as requisite. 6.5pm: Arrived off Entrance to Port Iero. 6.20pm: Picket boat came alongside and took suspect. 6.22pm: Proceeded 6 knots. 7.0pm: Set course S75W. 8.0pm: Altered course N74W. 10.0pm: Patrolling South of Mityleni Island. Midnight: Cross bearings: Kalloni Island N46E, Potomas Point S85E, altered course S56E. [Distance run through the Water: 141.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Anchor at Long Island] [Squally northerly wind force 7 at noon, with very rough sea, wind and sea much reduced in pm, rain through middle of day] 4f9629e8a2fc8e2def005208: ( 53-45342-032_0.jpg) 28 December 1915 On Patrol Lat 38.66, Long 26.67 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling South of Mityleni Island. 5.0am: Patrolling North of Kara Burnu Peninsula. 6.0am: Altered course S30E. 8.0am: Courses and speed as requisite. 8.5am: Came to Starboard anchor 12 fathoms 2 shackles at Long Island. MGB Anzac came alongside with 12 refugees. [At Single Anchor 12 fathoms, 2 shackles] 11.0am: “Anzac” cast off. 11.15am: Weighed and proceeded, set course N10W 13 knots. 2.25pm: Came to Starboard anchor in Mityleni. Disembarked [presumably refugees]. [At single Anchor in Mityleni 9 fathoms, 1.5 shackles, [bearings] Forth [Fort] N5E, Pier N50W] 3.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for Port Iero with 1 suspect. 4.0pm: Arrived off entrance awaiting Picket boat. 4.15pm: Discharged suspect to picket boat. 4.17pm: Proceeded, set course South. 5.0pm: Boarded caique “San Nicholas” with 62 empty drums (petrol). 5.25pm: Took caique in tow for Port Iero 6 knots. 6.45pm: Stopped off entrance. 7.10pm: Released Caique on orders from SNO. Set course S10E 8 knots. 8.0pm: Potomas N60W, Balbi Point N12E. 10.0pm: Port Sahib N32W, Kara Burnu N22E, altered course West 6 knots. 11.0pm: Patrolling North of Khios and Kara Burnu Peninsula. 11.50pm: Altered course S80W, 15 knots. [Distance run through the Water: 141.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Light House S84E, 2.5 miles] 4f9629e8a2fc8e2def005209: ( 53-45342-032_1.jpg) 29 December 1915 On Patrol of Area “C” [and at Port Iero, though not stated at top of page] Lat 38.54, Long 26.69 [rough estimate] 2.15am: Courses as requisite rounding Psara Island searching for Submarine. 3.10am: Psara Light North 0.75 miles, set course N61E reduced to 13 knots. 3.15pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 7.45am: Altered course S75E. 8.45am: Joined HMS “Ben My Chree”, increased to 18 knots. 9.30am: Decreased to 10 knots, patrolling round “Ben My Chree”. 10.30am: Stopped and communicated with “Chelmer”. 10.45am: Came to single anchor at Long Island. [At Single Anchor 12 fathoms, 2 shackles] Noon: Embarked refugees (56). 0.30pm: Weighed and proceeded 13 knots. 0.52pm: Altered course North. 2.45pm: Cape Zeiten S30W, 2 miles, altered course N22W. 3.10pm: Came to starboard anchor in Mitylene and disembarked refugees. [At Single anchor in Mitylene: Fort North, Pier N45W] 4.35pm: Weighed and proceeded, Course S50E, 16 knots. 4.50pm: Courses as requisite. 5.25pm: Arrived off entrance to Iero, proceeded into harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 6.0pm: Arrived alongside collier “Glenlas” [probably Glenfinlas - see entry on 4 January 1916]. 6.20 Commenced coaling. 7.20pm: Hands to supper. 7.40pm: Recommenced coaling. 8.55pm: Finished coaling 55 tons taken. 9.8pm: Came to single anchor B2 berth. [At single Anchor 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles, bearings: Sidero Island S7E, Beacon S72E] [Distance run through the Water: 219 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Single Anchor at Long Island] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.30 tons] 4f9629e9a2fc8e2def00520a: ( 53-45342-033_0.jpg) 30 December 1915 Port Iero and to Port Mudros Lat 38.97, Long 26.22 [estimated] 8.0am: HMS “Bulldog” and “Grasshopper” arrived in harbour. 10.0am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 11.10am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 11.40am: Rounded Balbi Point. Speed 18 knots. 11.50 am: Petras Point abeam 2 cables, altered course West. 0.10pm: Merico Point abeam 3 cables, altered course N70W. 0.55pm: Cape Varkos abeam 7 miles, altered course N55W. 2.0pm: Sigri Lighthouse abeam 2 miles. 4.40pm: Rounded Kombi Point courses and speed as requisite entering harbour. 5.20pm: Arrived alongside SS “Carrigan Head” for stores. 8.0pm: Left “Carrigan Head”. 8.20pm: Arrived alongside Laforey alongside HMS Blenheim. [Made fast to HMS Blenheim] 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Distance run through the Water: 62 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Murico Point N50W, 2.7 miles] 4f9629e9a2fc8e2def00520b: ( 53-45342-033_1.jpg) 31 December 1915 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [estimated] [Alongside HMS “Blenheim”] 11.0am: Kennet left “Blenheim” and proceeded out of harbour. [Noon shown as Midnight, in error] 1.0pm: Hands employed dismounting guns. 1.15pm: “Lawford” arrived. [Distance run through the Water: 89.5 miles] 4f9629e9a2fc8e2def00520c: ( 53-45342-034_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f9629eaa2fc8e2def00520d: ( 53-45342-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9629eaa2fc8e2def00520e: ( 53-45342-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f9629eaa2fc8e2def00520f: ( 53-45342-035_1.jpg) [Blank page half blue cover] LOG BOOK – JANUARY 1ST TO FEBRUARY 29TH 1916 LOGS FOR JANUARY 1916 4f9629eba2fc8e2def005210: ( 53-45343-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover for the Period 1st January 1916 to 29th February 1916] 4f9629eba2fc8e2def005211: ( 53-45343-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f9629eca2fc8e2def005212: ( 53-45343-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten statement: This is to certify that this is the original Log of HMS Jed from 1st January 1916 to 29th February 1916. [Signed] EM Bowly Lieutenant, Commanding Officer] 4f9629eca2fc8e2def005213: ( 53-45343-002_1.jpg) [Page with data on distances run and coal expended for dates from 23.10.11 to 16.4.15. [Signed] EM Bowly, Lieutenant, 29th February 1916. HMS “Blenheim” 12 March 1916. No remarks. [Signed] HL Hammond, Engineer Lieutenant Commander (D). [Stamped] 13 Mar 1916, [Signed] CPR Coode Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] 4f9629eca2fc8e2def005214: ( 53-45343-003_0.jpg) [Blank page] 4f9629eda2fc8e2def005215: ( 53-45343-003_1.jpg) 1 January 1916 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside HMS “Blenheim”] 6.30 am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: HMS “Staunch” left. 1.30pm: Liberty given to part of crew. 3.0pm: HMS “Fury” arrived 5.0pm: Liberty men returned. [True Bearing and Distance: Alongside HMS “Blenheim”] 4f9629eda2fc8e2def005216: ( 53-45343-004_0.jpg) 2 January 1916 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside HMS “Blenheim”] 9.45am: Divisions. 10.0am: Prayers. 2.45pm: “Racoon” arrived. 4.0pm: “Rattlesnake” arrived. 4f9629eda2fc8e2def005217: ( 53-45343-004_1.jpg) 3 January 1916 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside HMS “Blenheim”] 7.0am: HMS “Fury” left. am: Hands employed fitting sweeping gear and as requisite. 3.7pm: Cast off from HMS “Blenheim”. 3.30pm: Made fast to Q2 for sweep gear. 5.0pm: Slipped from Q2 and proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 5.35pm: Passed gate, set course S33E. 7.15pm: Altered course S45W, 6 knots. 8.30pm: Altered course S33E. 9.35pm: Altered course N70E. 4f9629eea2fc8e2def005218: ( 53-45343-005_0.jpg) 4 January 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 2.0am: Altered course S20W, increased to 15 knots. 3.50am: Altered course South. 4.0am: Sigri Light abeam 1 mile, altered course S48E. 5.0am: Courses as requisite round Mityleni [sic] Island. 7.0am: Arrived off entrance. 7.30am: Made fast to Collier "Glenfinlas". 9.0am: Commenced coaling. 10.30am: Finished coaling 30 tons taken. 10.35am: Cast off from collier. 10.45am: Came to Starboard anchor in B2 berth. [At Single anchor 7 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] [pm] [At Single anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] [Anchor bearings: Beacon N73E, Sidero Island S12E] [Distance run through the Water: 136 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 124.15 tons] [Note: SS Glenfinlas was a British cargo ship built in Glasgow in 1906 and owned by The Steamship Glenfinlas Company. She was renamed “Sines” in 1932 when she was sold to a Portuguese company; she was broken up in 1953.] 4f9629eea2fc8e2def005219: ( 53-45343-005_1.jpg) 5 January 1916 At Port Iero and on Patrol Lat 38.55, Long 26.67 [estimated] 7.0am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 9.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour, course and speed as requisite. 9.30am: Stopped off Balbi Point and communicated by boat with M22. 9.50am: Proceeded, set course S10E, 13 knots. 0.10pm: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. 0.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, set course N10W, 6 knots. 1.0pm: Altered course N2W. 5.5pm: Exercised night action Stations, decreased to 6 knots. 5.50pm: Altered course S40W. 7.0pm: Altered course N40E. 8.30pm: Altered course S35E. 10.0pm: Altered course N30E. [Distance run through the Water: 33 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Chusten - East, 1.5 miles] [North easterly wind force 7 from noon onwards, sea rough or very rough; weather fine, noon temperature 51F, sea temperature 60F] 4f9629eea2fc8e2def00521a: ( 53-45343-006_0.jpg) 6 January 1916 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.82, Long 26.46 [estimated] 1.30am: Mount Petras N80W; Cape Zieten [sic] N35E, altered course S30W. 3.30am: Altered course N30E. 6.0am: Altered course S8E, 9 knots. 9.0am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. MGB “Anzac” came alongside and transferred refugees. [At Single anchor 12 fathoms, 2 shackles at Long Island] 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded N10W 13 knots. 1.0pm: Courses as requisite for making Mitylene. 1.25pm: Came to with Starboard anchor. [At Single anchor in Mityleni 8 fathoms, 2 shackles: Fort N7E, Pier N47W] 2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded 16 knots, Courses and speed as requisite towards Port Iero. 3.15pm: Came to Starboard anchor in Port Iero C1 berth. [At Single anchor 9 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S10W, Beacon N72E] 10.45pm: SNO and Armed party came aboard. 11.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 11.20pm: Set course S60E. Proceeding to Mitylene. [Distance run through the Water: 140.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Zieten [Zeiten] N2W - 10 miles] 4f9629efa2fc8e2def00521b: ( 53-45343-006_1.jpg) 7 January 1916 On Patrol Area “C” Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 0.20am: Came to Starboard anchor in Mityleni. [At Single anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles, off Mitylene] 0.25am: HMS Canopus’ Picket boat came alongside and commenced disembarking armed party. 2.30am: Shifted to anchorage nearer pier, 7 fathoms, 2 shackles. 3.0am: Received as Prisoners Austrian Vice Consul and 3 Turks. 5.15am: Received 6 more prisoners. 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 6.15am: Arrived off entrance to Iero. 6.30am: Discharged prisoners to SS “Chile” [probably Chile (3) listed here]. 6.50am: Came to Starboard anchor in C1 berth. [At Single anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S10W, Beacon N76E] 8.5am: Basilisk arrived. 10.15am: Heliotrope sailed. 10.37am: Hazel sailed. 2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 2.30pm: Foul Point abeam, set course S10E, 13 knots. 4.50pm: Arrived at Long Island, communicated with “Penelope”. 5.10pm: Proceeded, set course N10W. 7.0pm: Passed trawler steering North. 8.0pm: Chusten Point S62E, altered course N25E. 10.20pm: Deprano Point abeam 1 mile, altered course S25W. Midnight: Altered course N25E. [Distance run through the Water: 65 miles] [True bearing and Distance: At Single anchor in Port Iero] [Note: SS Chile was a British passenger/cargo ship built in Scotland in 1896 and owned by The Pacific Steam Navigation Company. She was sold to R James, Valparaiso in 1923 and renamed Flora, then renamed “Teno” in 1936; she was broken up in Chile in 1947 (more details here). ] 4f9629efa2fc8e2def00521c: ( 53-45343-007_0.jpg) 8 January 1916 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.63, Long 26.58 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna, courses as requisite between Artez Point and Deprano Island. 5.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna, courses as requisite. 7.10am: Set course N10W, 8 knots. 8.15am: Altered course S10E, 13 knots. 9.50am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island, communicated with motor boat. 11.10am: Weighed and proceeded, N30W 13 knots. 1.0pm: Steered various courses rounding Kara Burnu and towards Khios Island. 2.20pm: Boarded and searched Caique San Nicholas. 2.50pm: Brigantine “San Juan”. 3.15pm: Caique “Taxiarkis”. All correct. 3.40pm: Entered and examined Port Marmora. 3.50pm: Left Port Marmora. 4.0pm: Boarded and searched Caique Albes all correct. 4.20pm: Caique “San Georgious”. 5.0pm: Caique “Elepterid”. 5.15pm: Caique San “Nicholas”. 5.30pm: Caique “Garonpalia”. All correct. 5.45pm: Caique Taxiarkis, all correct. 6.0pm: Set course S75W 10 knots. 8.50pm: Courses as requisite rounding Psara Island. 9.30pm: Angios Georgeos [Agios Georgios] Island N50E, set course N24E, 10 knots. [Distance run through the Water: 159.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bijuk Sahib Point N75W, 5 miles] [South westerly wind increasing in evening, force 6 with high sea at midnight] 4f9629f0a2fc8e2def00521d: ( 53-45343-007_1.jpg) 9 January 1916 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 38.54, Long 26.69 [rough estimate] 0.10am: Sighted Sigri Light N24E. 1.0am: Altered course S10E, increased to 10 knots. 4.30am: Psara Light S70W, altered course N58E. 7.45am: Altered course S15E, 6 knots. 10.45am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island and embarked refugees. [At Single anchor 9 fathoms, 3 shackles at Long Island] Noon: Weighed and proceeded. 0.6pm: Set course N10W, 16 knots. 2.35pm: Came to Starboard anchor and disembarked refugees. [At Single anchor 10 fathoms, 2 shackles in Mitylene] 5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded 10 knots. 6.0pm: Courses as requisite. 6.10pm: Set course South, reduced to 6 knots. 6.20pm: Cape Zeiten abeam. 10.0pm: Proceeding towards Long Island. [Distance run through the Water: 194.5 miles] [Squally all day, wind south westerly then south easterly force 7 or 8 in am with sea very rough or high, quieter in early pm but southerly force 6 or 7 at 6pm and 8pm with rough or very rough sea. Weather mostly overcast or cloudy, noon temperature 61F, sea temperature 59F] 4f9629f0a2fc8e2def00521e: ( 53-45343-008_0.jpg) 10 January 1916 On Patrol and at Port Iero Lat 38.81, Long 26.57 [estimated] 0.15am: Chusten Point East, altered course to N. 2.0am: Altered course South. 4.0pm: Altered course North. 5.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna between Artez Point and Darlighli [Darlikgli] Point, courses as requisite. 6.40am Cross bearings: Chusten Point S37E, Cape Merminje East, altered course S30E, increased to 11 knots. 7.15am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. Communicated with “Penelope” and trawler 326. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] 10.10am: Weighed and proceeded, Course N10W 10 knots. 1.25pm: Came to Starboard anchor in Port Iero in B2 berth. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S12E, Beacon S82E] 4.20pm: “Ben-My-Chree” sailed. [Distance run through the Water: 142.6 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Balbi Point N8W, 12 miles] 4f9629f0a2fc8e2def00521f: ( 53-45343-008_1.jpg) 11 January 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] 8.20am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Glenfinlas”. 8.30am: Made fast alongside. 8.40am: Commenced coaling. Noon: Finished coaling, 77 tons taken. 1.30pm: Cast off from Collier. 1.40pm: Came to Starboard anchor 8 fathoms 2 shackles in B2 berth. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S14E, Beacon N82E] pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 boat hook, 1 scrubber (hand), 1 broom bass. Hands employed cleaning ship. [Distance run through the Water: 20 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Alongside SS “Glenfinlas”] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.80 tons] 4f9629f1a2fc8e2def005220: ( 53-45343-009_0.jpg) 12 January 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] 8.15am: HMS “Reindeer” arrived. am and pm: Hands painting ship. 3.0pm: Liberty to watch. 4.0pm: “Aster” left harbour. 4.20pm: Trawler 362 arrived. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4f9629f1a2fc8e2def005221: ( 53-45343-009_1.jpg) 13 January 1916 At Port Iero and on Patrol Area “C” Lat 38.71, Long 26.63 [estimated] 7.0am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 8.0am: Breakfast. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 10.10am: Set course S8E, 13 knots. 0.45pm: Arrived at Long Island, came to Starboard anchor. MGB “Penelope” came alongside. [At Single Anchor 12 fathoms, 2 shackles] 1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, set course N5W. 3.30pm: Altered course South. 4.40pm: Altered course N25E. 7.0pm: Altered course S25W. 8.0pm: Altered course N25E. 9.0pm: Patrolling between Artez Point and Deprano Island. 10.0pm: Cross bearings: Oglak Island N34E, Cape Merminje N77E. Midnight: Cross bearings: Chusten Point S37E, 2176 Mount S23W] [Distance run through the Water: 32 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Hydra N50E, 5 miles] [North easterly wind force 7 or 8 from noon to 8pm, force 6 at midnight; sea state high from noon onwards] 4f9629f1a2fc8e2def005222: ( 53-45343-010_0.jpg) 14 January 1916 On C Patrol Lat 38.77, Long 26.34 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna between Artez Point and Deprano Island. 2.20am: Cross bearings: Minas Peak N82W, 2176 Peak S25W. 3.45am: Cross bearings: South Wedge N83E, Chusten Point S24E. 7.0am: Cross bearings: Cape Hydra N61E, Cape Merminge S54E. 8.0am: Set course S32E, increased to 8 knots. 8.45am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island, no motor boats in sight. 9.5am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, set course N32W 8 knots. 11.45am: Cross bearings: Cape Kara Burnu S15W, Bijuk Sahib S35E, boarded caique “San Nicholas”, all correct. 11.50am: Set course N5W, 10 knots. Lost overboard by accident 1 scrubber (hand). 1.0pm: Courses as requisite examining caiques and patrolling South of Mityleni Island. 1.45pm: Boarded caique “Tarvarkis” [Taxiarkis?], all correct. 2.30pm: Boarded caique San Paraskin, all correct. 3.30pm: Boarded caique San Nicholas, all correct. 5.0pm: Boarded caique San Nicholas, cargo of Valonea, took in tow towards Iero. 6.30pm: Towing caique towards Iero. 7.30pm: Cross bearings: Potomas Point East; Cape Varkos N25W. Cast off caique, set course S41E 16 knots. 9.0pm: Decreased to 8 knots. 10.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna courses as requisite. 11.10pm: Cross bearings: South Wedge N51E, Chusten Point S52E] [Distance run through the Water: 129.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bijuk Sahib Point S30E, 10 miles] 4f9629f2a2fc8e2def005223: ( 53-45343-010_1.jpg) 15 January 1916 On “C” Patrol Lat 38.64, Long 26.58 [estimated] 1.0am: Altered course S20E. 3.0am: Altered course N20W. 5.0am: Courses as requisite. Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 7.0am: Set course S32E. 9.30am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. MBG [MGB] Penelope came alongside. [At single anchor 10 fathoms, 2 shackles] 10.50am: “Penelope" cast off. 11.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded N30W, 10 knots. 0.25pm: Altered course N75W, 6 knots. 1.10pm: Cape Kara Burnu S64W, altered course S82W. 1.40pm: Kara Burnu abeam 1 mile. 4.0pm: Altered course N75E. 8.45pm: Bijuk Sahib abeam, altered course S25E. 10.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. [Distance run through the Water: 155.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bijuk Sahib N50W, 4 miles] 4f9629f2a2fc8e2def005224: ( 53-45343-011_0.jpg) 16 January 1916 On “C” Patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna between Artez Point Darligkli [Darlikgli] Point. Courses as requisite. 6.0am: Set course North for Port Iero. 9.30am: Examined Greek SS “Kerketels”. All correct. 10.30am: Entered Port Iero. 11.15am: Came to Starboard anchor 9 fathoms 2 shackles C3 berth. [At single anchor 9 fathoms, 2 shackles] 1.30pm and 5.0pm: Liberty men landed. [Distance run through the Water: 143.6 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S7W, Beacon S82E] 4f9629f2a2fc8e2def005225: ( 53-45343-011_1.jpg) 17 January 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At single anchor] 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier “Glenfinlas”. 7.15am: Made fast to Collier. 8.5am: Commenced coaling. 9.15am: Finished coaling 40 tons taken. Cast off. 9.30am: Came to Starboard anchor C2 berth. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 3.0pm: Liberty men landed. 5.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Fuel remaining: Coal 122.20 miles] 4f9629f3a2fc8e2def005226: ( 53-45343-012_0.jpg) 18 January 1916 Port Iero and to Long Island and back Lat 38.53, Long 26.70 [rough estimate] [At Single anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] 8.30am: Commander Smart RNVR came aboard. 8.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Courses and speed as requisite. 9.15am: Foul Point abeam, set course S10E, 16 knots. 11.40am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. [At single anchor at Long Island] Noon: Arrested Dr Lagoudthiki. 0.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, set course N8W. 2.25pm: Arrived off entrance to Iero. 3.0pm: Came to Starboard anchor discharged prisoner to HMS “Canopus”. 5.0pm: Trawler No 705 left harbour. [At Single anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S7W, Beacon S82E] [Distance run through the Water: 41 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At anchor at Long Island] 4f9629f3a2fc8e2def005227: ( 53-45343-012_1.jpg) 19 January 1916 At Port Iero and on C patrol Lat 38.53, Long 26.70 [rough estimate] 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.45am: Foul Point abeam, Set course S10E 13 knots. 11.20am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. [At Single Anchor 10 fathoms, 2 shackles] 11.40am: “Mary Rose” Motor Gun Boat came alongside. 11.50am: “Mary Rose” cast off. Noon: Weighed and proceeded, set course N10W. 4.15pm: Cross bearings: Prophylaki Island N83E; Merico Point: N85W, altered course S82W, speed 6 knots. 5.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 10.20pm: Cape Brissa [Brisa] S88E; Cape Errisos [Eressus] N10E, altered course S57E. [Distance run through the Water: 72 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Long Island] 4f9629f3a2fc8e2def005228: ( 53-45343-013_0.jpg) 20 January 1916 On Patrol “C” Area Lat 39.04, Long 26.09 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling South of Mitylene between Cape Brissa and Cape Mericos. 3.0am: Challenged French steamer. 6.0am: Challenged French destroyer. 7.15am: Sighted large monitor. am: Patrolling between Cape Brissa and Cape Mericos. 0.20pm: Passed French armed yacht and 2 trawlers, challenged. 1.15pm: Potomas Point N32E, 2 miles, altered course East, increased to 14 knots. 2.0pm: Rounded Prophylaki Island 2 cables steering as requisite. 2.20pm: Rounded Cape Zeiten. 2.45pm: Arrived off Mityleni, vessel in search of not in sight, proceeded North. 3.20pm: Gave up search. Proceeded towards “C” area 13 knots. 4.20pm: Rounded Cape Zeiten. 4.30pm: Set course SW 8 knots. 7.0pm: Patrolling South of Mityleni towards Egri Liman Channel. 8.30pm: Altered course NE. 9.0pm: Steered various courses to intercept SS speed as requisite. 10.0pm: Stopped and boarded Greek SS “Spezzia”. All correct. 11.0pm: Proceeded, set course NExE 6 knots. [Distance run through the Water: 168.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Kalloni [Vrachonisida Kalloni] 5 miles off, N10W] 4f9629f4a2fc8e2def005229: ( 53-45343-013_1.jpg) 21 January 1916 On Patrol Area “C” Lat 38.53, Long 26.70 [rough estimate] 2.20am: Courses as requisite patrolling South of Mityleni Island. 6.30am: Stopped off Entrance to Port Iero, and took stores from Picket boat for “Mary Rose”. 7.10am: Set course S10E 13 knots. 9.45am: Came to Starboard anchor at Long Island. Motor Gun boat “Penelope” came alongside. [At Single anchor 6 fathoms, 1.5 shackles at Long Island] Noon: Weighed and proceeded. 0.10pm: Set course N30W. 1.0pm: Courses as requisite rounding Kara Burnu. Sniped at from shore. 3.0pm: Boarded caique “San Nicholas”.3.30pm: Boarded caique “San Nicholas”. 4.0pm: Boarded schooner “Betleemi”. 4.20pm: Boarded schooner “Taxiarkis”. 5.20pm: Boarded schooner Avangelista. (All vessels correct). 5.25pm: Set course N80E, 10 knots. 7.0pm: Cape Kara Burnu S21E 2.25 miles, altered course East. 7.20pm: Kumur Point S29W 1.25 miles, altered course S70E. 8.0pm: Bijuk Sahib abeam 1 mile, altered course S40E. 8.30pm: Reduced to 6 knots. 9.30pm: Altered course N30W. Midnight: Altered course West. [Distance run through the Water: 179.3 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Long Island] 4f9629f4a2fc8e2def00522a: ( 53-45343-014_0.jpg) 22 January 1916 Patrolling Area “C” Lat 38.95, Long 26.35 [rough estimate] 3.0am: Cape Anapomera S65W; Pasha Island Light S20E, altered course to East. 6.0am: Bijuk Sahib South 3.25 miles, altered course N10E. 9.0am: Courses and speed as requisite patrolling off Port Iero. 11.0am: Set course N70W, 6 knots. 2.30pm: Altered course SE, speed 20 knots. 5.15pm: Arrived off Long Island and stopped, communicated with HMS Reindeer and embarked Commander Stevanson and Lieutenant Bennett of HMS “Canopus”. 5.40pm: Proceeded N8W 16 knots. 8.0pm: Arrived off Port Iero. 8.10pm: Stopped and as requisite waiting for patrol boat. 10.10pm: Came to Starboard anchor 2.5 shackles. [At Single Anchor. Anchor bearing: Sidero Island S2W, Beacon S53E] [Distance run through the Water: 173 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Merico Point N30E - 2 miles] [Wind south easterly or easterly force 4 or 5 in am, north easterly force 6 to 8 in pm, sea very high or high at 4.0pm and 7.0pm. Noon air and sea temperature 50F] 4f9629f4a2fc8e2def00522b: ( 53-45343-014_1.jpg) 23 January 1916 At Port Iero [though not stated at top of page] Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [At single anchor 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Collier “Tremorvah”. 7.5am: Made fast. 8.20am: Commenced coaling. 10.30am: Finished coaling, 70 tons taken. 10.40am: Left collier for anchorage. 10.55am: Came to Starboard anchor 2 shackles. 6.0pm: HMS Reindeer arrived in harbour. [At Single anchor 7 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S30E, Beacon S74E] [Distance run through the Water: 109.0 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 127.70 tons] [Note: SS Tremorvah was a British cargo ship built in UK in 1905 and owned by The Hain Steamship Company; she was to be sunk by a German submarine in the Mediterranean in April 1917 (more details here).] 4f9629f5a2fc8e2def00522c: ( 53-45343-015_0.jpg) 24 January 1916 At Port Iero and to Mudros Lat 39.17, Long 25.79 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 9 fathoms, 2 shackles] 7.0am: 2 Officers, 1 prisoner and 40 Ratings from HMS “Canopus” joined for passage to Mudros. 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour courses and speed as requisite. 9.20am: Rounded Petros Island, set course S87W, speed 16 knots. 9.45am: Merico Point abeam 0.5 miles, altered course N72W. 9.55am: Potamos Point abeam 0.75 miles. 10.30am: Cape Varkos abeam 9 cables, altered course N52W. 11.0am: Cape Kalloni N40W 3 miles, altered course N48W. Noon: Altered course N27W. 1.30pm: Sighted Mount Phako N37W. 3.50pm: Came to port anchor off “Europa”, discharged passengers to HMS “Europa”. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.45pm: Made fast alongside Collier “Glenroy” [possibly this ship]. 6.0pm: Commenced coaling. 6.15pm: Finished coaling 5 tons received. 6.30pm: Came to both anchors, 5 fathoms, 3 shackles Port, 1 shackle starboard anchor. [Anchor bearings: Turk Island S30E, Distilling Plant S20W] [Distance run through the Water: 44 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Sigri Light House N20E, 2 miles] [Northerly wind force 6 from noon to 8pm, with sea mostly rough; weather fine] [Note: There were several ships called “Glenroy” at this time.The most likely was a British cargo ship built in UK in 1899 and owned by The “Glenroy” Steamship Company (Livingston and Conner); she was to be wrecked during a gale, off Algeria on 11th February 1916.] 4f9629f5a2fc8e2def00522d: ( 53-45343-015_1.jpg) 25 January 1916 From Mudros Towards Maltezano [Maltezana] Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 [estimated] [At Anchor, 5 fathoms: 3 shackles port, 1 shackle Starboard] 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 3.15pm: [HMS] “Lydiard” arrived in harbour. 5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.25pm: Passed gate ships, set course S25E, 16 knots. 5.40pm: Rounded Kombi Point, altered course S5E. Exercised night action stations. 11.20pm: Anti Psara Island abeam 2 miles, altered course S16E. [Distance run through the Water: 52 miles] 4f9629f5a2fc8e2def00522e: ( 53-45343-016_0.jpg) 26 January 1916 From Port Mudros to Maltazana [sic] and at Maltezana [Analipsi, Astypalaia Island] Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 0.1am: Altered course S17E. 2.35 am: Observed Cape Papas Light S23E. 4.0am: Cape Papas Light S76E 4 miles. 6.30am: Cross bearings: Kinaros West Point S82E; Cape Prosino S46W, altered course S32E. 8.40am: Courses as requisite for entering harbour. 9.5am: Came to Starboard anchor in Maltezana. [At Single Anchor 10 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 1.55pm: Altered course East. 2.10pm: Altered course N8E. 3.50pm: Cross bearings: Levitha West Point [Levitha Island] N46W; Spano Point N11W. 4.15pm: Altered course N35W, increased 15 knots. 7.0pm: Decreased to 10 knots. 7.45pm: Altered course SE. 9.45pm: Cape Papas Light N30W, altered course S57E. Midnight: Spano Point S45W, 6 miles, altered course S18E. [Distance run through the Water: 230 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Single Anchor: Obelisk N26E, Ioannis N60W] [Northerly or north easterly wind force 8 at 4pm and 6pm, with sea state high, force 5 with very rough sea thereafter] 4f9629f6a2fc8e2def00522f: ( 53-45343-016_1.jpg) 27 January 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.52, Long 27.92 [estimated] 2.40am: Sighted Kandelius [probably Kandeliusa] Light S47E. 4.0am: Kandelius Light S82E; Serina Island [Syrina Island] S36W, altered course S40E. 7.30am: Altered course N80E. 8.0 am: Altered course East. 9.0am: Altered course N64E. 9.25am: Arrived at Kalthia Island and joined HMS “Kennet”, courses and speed as requisite searching Kalthea and Alimnia Islands. 10.35am: Angeos Theodorus [Agios Theodoros] Island S45E 2 miles, set course N34E, 12 knots. Noon: Parted company with Kennet altered course N32E. 0.30pm: Altered course N40E. 1.0pm: Courses as requisite examining Gulf of Symi and Doris. 5.0pm: Altered course S25E, 19 knots. 6.10pm: Tragusa Island [Vrachonisida Tragousa] abeam, altered course S30W. 6.25pm: Rounded Cape Monolithos 0.25 [miles], altered course S16W 13 knots. 8.0pm: Altered course N38W. 11.15pm: Sighted Kandeleus Light N20W. [Distance run through the Water: 247.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Volvi [probably Cape Volpe] N39E, 5.5 miles] [North easterly wind force 5 to 8 in am, with sea rough to high, wind and sea decreasing in pm, though very rough with northerly swell at midnight. Weather fine, noon temperature 61F, sea temperature 60F] 4f9629f6a2fc8e2def005230: ( 53-45343-017_0.jpg) 28 January 1916 On Patrol Lat 37.68, Long 26.98 [estimated] 0.40am: Altered course N19W. 2.15am: Challenged and answered by HMS “Scorpion”. 5.0am: Levitha Light S70W 2 miles, altered course N45W. 7.30am: Spano Point S44E 23 miles, altered course S47E. 7.45am: Altered course N49E, speed 13 knots towards Makri Island. 9.30am: Stopped and communicated with HMS “Kennet” by boat. 9.45am: Proceeded in company with HMS “Kennet” towards Samos Straits. 10.30am: Altered course N60E, left “Kennet”. 10.50am: Stopped to examine starboard engine on account of defects. 11.20am: Set course N65E, 180 revs. 11.40am: Working engines as requisite to examine defects. 11.50am: Proceeded on course. 0.30pm: Courses as requisite through Samos Straits. 1.30pm: Altered course N48W. 2.30 pm: altered course S70W. Examining Gulf of Skala Nova [Scalanuova]. 4.0pm: Altered course S40W. 4.50pm: Altered course S57W. Proceeding South of Nicaria Island, 260 revolutions. 5.5pm: Altered course S65W. 6.25pm: Cape Papas Light N27E; Stapodia S89W, altered course S52E, speed 120 revs. 10.30pm: Spano Light S30W, altered course S20E. 10.55pm: Spano Light abeam 3 miles. [Distance run through the Water: 253 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Collonni (Samos Island) Abeam 1 mile] 4f9629f7a2fc8e2def005231: ( 53-45343-017_1.jpg) 29 January 1916 On Patrol [and at Maltezana though not stated in log] Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 3.0am: Kandeleus Light abeam 5 miles, altered course S40E. 3.30am: Altered course N60W. 4.0am: Kandeleus Light N64E 7 miles. 6.0am: Arrived off Oxo Peto Point, courses as requisite proceeding towards harbour. 7.10am: Entered harbour and proceeded alongside Collier “Homer City”. [Homer City (1) listed here]. 7.15am: Made fast. 7.20am: Commenced coaling. Half hour for breakfast. 11.0am: Finished coaling 87 tons taken. Cast off from Collier and proceeded to anchorage. 11.20am: Came to Starboard anchor 5 fathoms, 2 shackles. 1.0pm: Hands cleaning ship. 1.30pm: “Scorpion” and “Wolverine” left harbour. [Distance run through the Water: 222 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Obelisk N76E, Hill 171 N25E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.55 tons] [Note: SS Homer City was a British ship built in 1915 and owned by William Reardon Smith & Sons. She was renamed “Wyndyke” in 1929, was sold to a Greek company in 1932 and was renamed “Coulouras-Xenos”; she was to be bombed and sunk in the Mediterranean in 1941 (more details here).] 4f9629f7a2fc8e2def005232: ( 53-45343-018_0.jpg) 30 January 1916 From Maltezana and on Patrol Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single anchor 5 fathoms, 2 shackles] am: Hands preparing ship for sea. 1.0pm: Weighed and proceeded courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 1.5pm: Passed net defence, set course N85E 13 knots. 1.30pm: Altered course N8E. 3.30pm: Spano Light House abeam 1 mile, altered course N40W. 6.30pm: Decreased to 120 revs. 6.45pm: Altered course S50E. 10.20pm: Observed Spano Light S23E. 11.20pm: Set course S18E. 4f9629f7a2fc8e2def005233: ( 53-45343-018_1.jpg) 31 January 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.58, Long 28.13 [rough estimate] 3.40am: Kandeleus Light abeam 6 miles, altered course S38E. 6.45am: Increased to 190 revs, courses as requisite to meet HMS Kennet. 7.45am: Took station on Kennet. Proceeding North of Kalthia Island, speed 11 knots. 9.30am: Proceeding towards Cape Alupo. 11.0am: Examining coast of Turkey between Cape Alupo and Marmarice. 1.0pm: Courses as requisite towards and searching coast of Rhodes Island. 3.0pm: Examined Greek SS “Evangelista”, all correct. 4.0pm: Agios Mimas [Agios Minas]Tower S59E, altered course S55W. 4.50pm: Throatium Promontory abeam. Heliograph flashing from ancient castle [probably Kastellos castle at Kritinia]. Stopped to investigate. 5.10pm: Proceeded speed 180 revs. 5.45pm: Rounded Cape Monolithos 1 cable, set course S30W, reduced to 150 revs. 7.5pm: Cape Prasonisi Light S65E, altered course N40W, reduced to 120 revs. 9.30pm: Challenged HMS “Kennet”. Midnight: Kandeleus Light abeam 5 miles, altered course N20W. [Distance run through the Water: 251.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Elisa Island North 1 cable] LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1916 4f9629f8a2fc8e2def005234: ( 53-45343-019_0.jpg) 1 February 1916 On Patrol Lat 37.20, Long 26.79 [rough estimate] 0.50am: Observed flash of explosion towards Turkish coast. 1.40am: Challenged destroyer. 3.0am: Observed Spano Light N34W. 4.30am: Levitha Island Light S85W, altered course N50W. 6.30am: Altered course S60E, increased to 190 revs. 8.30am: Courses as requisite examining coasts of Leros and Kalimno Islands. 10.30am: Came to anchor in Port Laki, 11 fathoms, 1.5 shackles. 11.15am: Weighed and proceeded courses as requisite. 1.0pm: Courses as requisite examining coasts of Lipso, Patmos and Furni Islands, speed 160 revs. 2.45pm: Reduced to 120 revs. 4.0pm: North Point Agios Mimos Island South 2 cables, speed 130 revs. 5.0pm: Set course West. 6.0pm: Reduced to 130 revs, altered course S70W. 6.40pm: Altered course S38E. 9.0pm: Proceeding on Trade Route. 11.0pm: Spano Light West 5 miles, altered course S20E. [Distance run through the Water: 239.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: North of Leros Island 1 cable] [Northerly wind force 6 to 7 from noon to 6pm, with rough or very rough sea; wind and sea more moderate before and after this; weather fine, noon temperature 54F, sea temperature 62F] 4f9629f8a2fc8e2def005235: ( 53-45343-019_1.jpg) 2 February 1916 From Patrol and at Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 1.0am: Sighted Kandelius Light S49E. 2.30am: Kandelius Light N80E 7 miles, altered course S45E. 3.30am: Kandelius Light N5E, altered course N50W. 6.30am: Courses and speed as requisite entering harbour. 7.0am: Came to Starboard anchor 1.5 shackles 7.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. [Along side SS Homer City] 8.20am: Commenced coaling. 10.10am: Finished coaling received 61 tons. 10.20am: Came to Starboard anchor, 10 fathoms, 2 shackles. am: Hands cleaning ship. 1.15pm: “Scorpion” left harbour. [Distance run through the Water: 190 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Obelisk N43E, Taxiarkes S88E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 129.75 tons] 4f9629f8a2fc8e2def005236: ( 53-45343-020_0.jpg) 3 February 1916 At Maltezana and on Patrol Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 7.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.20am: Pincher arrived. 1.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses as requisite leaving harbour and rounding Oxo Petro. 1.30pm: Set course N56E. 4.30pm: Courses as requisite rounding south of Kalimno. 6.0pm: Boarded and searched caique, all correct. 7.30pm: Communicated with “Scorpion”. 7.55pm: Set course North, 6 knots. 8.30pm: Patrolling between Pharmako Island and Kalalimno [Kalolimnos] Island. 10.0pm: Pharmako Island NE 0.5 miles, altered course South. [Provisions received specified as Salt pork and Split peas] 4f9629f9a2fc8e2def005237: ( 53-45343-020_1.jpg) 4 February 1916 On Patrol Lat 37.69, Long 26.97 [estimated] 1.0am: Altered course N2E, Kalalimno Light N5W 4 miles. 2.0am: Patrolling between Kalalimno Island and Pharmako Island. 3.0am: Altered course South. 4.30am: Altered course North. 6.30am: Altered course South. 7.40am: Increased to 13 knots, courses and speed as requisite for examining 2 fishing caiques, all correct. 8.0am: Set course NE 13 knots. 9.0am: Examined Bacilicus Bay and Kasilki Bay [Kasikli Koyu]. 11.0am: Set course N74W [S75W on left hand side of log]. 11.20am: Altered course S64W [N64W on left hand side of log]. 11.30am: Speed 10 knots. 0.20pm: Altered course North. 1.30pm: Increased to 160 revs. Examining Coast of Turkey between Mondendri Point to Point St Paul thence towards Furni Islands courses as requisite. 3.0pm: Set course West. 3.45pm: Altered course N57W. 4.0pm: Cape Milaki N64W 5 miles. Courses as requisite examining Furni Islands. 4.30pm: Set course S70W, 190 revs. 4.55pm: Starboard engine out of order, proceeded to anchor under port engine. 6.5pm: Came to starboard anchor off Kampo Village [shown as Kampa Village on left hand side of page], 20 fathoms, 2 shackles. 9.0pm: Making good engine-room defects. [Distance run through the Water: 181.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Noon position: Panagia Island N88E, 4 miles] 4f9629f9a2fc8e2def005238: ( 53-45343-021_0.jpg) 5 February 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.83, Long 27.03 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 20 fathoms, 3 shackles] 1.0am: At single anchor off Kampa village, Furni Island. 3.20am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, course as requisite round North of Furni Island, 120 revs. 4.0Am: Set course S10W. 4.20am: Altered course South. 6.20am: Altered course S45E, speed 17 knots. 9.30am: Arrived off Glykizo Point and commenced patrolling one mile to seaward of HMS Doris and destroyers engaged salving HMS Pincher. 2.45pm: Closed “Doris” and took cutter in tow inshore, to “Scorpion”. 3.30pm: Proceeded to “Doris” and took ketch in tow inshore. 4.0pm: Cast off Ketch. 5.0pm: Towed pinnace from shore to “Doris”. 7.0pm: Patrolling outside HMS “Doris”. 9.30pm: Patrolling round “Doris”. [Distance run through the Water: 168.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Glykizo Point South, 1 mile] [Very squally south easterly wind in early am, force 2-6, rising to force 8 at 8am and noon, with very rough or high sea; wind variable in direction in pm, force 7 to 5 until 8pm then reducing. Mostly overcast but rain at times, noon temperature 60F, sea temperature 62F] 4f9629f9a2fc8e2def005239: ( 53-45343-021_1.jpg) 6 February 1916 On Patrol and to Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling outside HMS Doris engaged salving HMS “Pincher”. 2.0am: Pincher floated, set course S70W, speed 8 knots, 100 revs. 2.50am: Cape Daphni abeam 2 miles, altered course S62W. 5.45am: Courses as requisite, Oxo Petro Point S45W, 1 mile. 7.15am: Made fast to Collier. [Alongside SS “Homer City”] 8.0am: Commenced coaling. 9.30am: Finished coaling 50 tons taken. Cast off and proceeded to anchorage. 9.45am: Came to starboard anchor. [At single anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] am: Hands employed cleaning ship] [Distance run through the Water: 112.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Obelisk N41E, Hill 141 S8W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 127.00 tons] 4f9629faa2fc8e2def00523a: ( 53-45343-022_0.jpg) 7 February 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside HMS Whitby Abbey for stores. 11.15am: Cast off and proceeded to SS Homer City to discharge empty oil drums. 11.35am: Cast off and proceeded to anchorage. 11.45am: Came to starboard anchor 10 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. 1.0pm: “Colne” left. 5.30pm: Telegraphist rating joined ship from “Honeysuckle”. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: N30E, Obelisk, N61W, Ioannis Point] 4f9629faa2fc8e2def00523b: ( 53-45343-022_1.jpg) 8 February 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single Anchor 10 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. am: Hands employed as requisite. 1 brush, scrubbing, lost overboard by accident. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4f9629faa2fc8e2def00523c: ( 53-45343-023_0.jpg) 9 February 1916 At Maltezana and on Patrol Lat 36.92, Long 26.33 [estimated] 8.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.30am: Oxo Petro abeam, set course N6E, speed 160 revs. 11.0am: Stopped and examined 2 Caiques and 1 fishing boat at anchor in Levitha. 0.30pm: Examining Kinaros Island [Nisida Kinaros], Levitha Group, courses as requisite. 1.0pm: Set course N34W. 3.20pm: Buey Rock abeam 2.5 miles off. 3.45pm: Reduced speed to 72 revs. 6.0pm: Altered course S54E. Increased to 120 revs. 7.0pm: Cape Papas Light abeam 9 miles. 11.20pm: Spano Light abeam 5 miles, altered course S20E. [Distance run through the Water: 37 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kinaros South Point WNW, 5 miles] 4f9629fba2fc8e2def00523d: ( 53-45343-023_1.jpg) 10 February 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.81, Long 28.02 [rough estimate] 3.35am: Kandeleus Light N80E 3 miles, altered course S40E. 6.0am: Altered course N15E. increased to 15 knots. 7.10am: Speed 120 revs. 7.15am: Guidaro [Gaidaro] Island abeam 1 mile. 8.30am: Courses as requisite examining coast of Dorian Peninsula from Cape Kris to Murdubek Bay. 1.30pm: As requisite examining Giova Bay. 3.20pm: Increased to 190 revs. 4.50pm: Altered course S65W, 160 revs. 6.0pm: Cape Shuyun S25W 5.7 miles, altered course S70W. 7.0pm: Cape Krio abeam 3 miles, altered course S19W. 10.30pm: Altered course N32W, reduced to 120 revs. [Distance run through the Water: 234 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: In Murdubek Bay] 4f9629fba2fc8e2def00523e: ( 53-45343-024_0.jpg) 11 February 1916 [shown as January, in error] On Patrol Lat 37.83, Long 26.87 [estimated] 0.55am: Kandeleus Light abeam, altered course N20W. 1.0am: “Clan McGillivery” [Clan Macgillivray] Transport passed bound south 5.20am: Spano Light abeam 5 miles, altered course N50W. 6.0am: Altered course N10E, 160 revs. 7.0am: Altered course N15W, 190 revs. 8.30am: Altered course N35E. 9.30am: Reduced to 120 revs. 11.0am: Courses as requisite patrolling Gulf of Scala Nouvo [Skala Nuova]. Noon: Reduced to 70 revs. 1.0pm: Courses as requisite patrolling North of Samos. 6.0pm: Set course N60W. 6.30pm: Altered course N32W. Increased to 160 revs. 7.50pm: Paspargo Island Light N30W. 9.0pm: Paspargo Light abeam 1 mile, altered course NNE. 9.30pm: Altered course N45E. 10.20pm: Spalmatori Island Light abeam 1.5 miles, altered course N28W, speed 120 revs. [Distance run through the Water: 282 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Port Vathie [Port Vathi] S45E, 5 miles] [Wind mostly south easterly or southerly, force 6 in am with very rough sea at 4am and 8am, force 7 to 9 in pm with high to phenomenal sea]; rain at times, noon temperature 57F, sea temperature 60F] [Note: Clan Macgillivray was a British cargo ship built in 1911 and owned by Cayzer, Irvine and Company, Glasgow. She transferred to Hong Kong ownership in 1948 and was renamed “Maclock” and was broken up in 1949. She is listed here as Clan Macillivray [sic] (1)] 4f9629fba2fc8e2def00523f: ( 53-45343-024_1.jpg) 12 February 1916 [shown as January, in error] On Patrol and at Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 [estimated] 0.2am: Altered course N32W. 0.40am: Increased 160 revs. 3.7am: Sigri Light abeam 6 miles, altered course N25W. 6.15am: Courses as requisite making Mudros harbour. 7.50am: Made fast to Collier. 8.20am: Commenced coaling. [Alongside Collier SS Newfield [listed here under subsequent name of Nailsea Brook]] 10.20am: Finished coaling. 65 tons taken. Cast off. 10.50am: Made fast to “Carrigan Head”. [Alongside MFA [Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary] “Carrigan Head”] 11.55am: Cast off from Carrigan Head. 11.58am: Came to Port anchor. [At Single Anchor 5 fathoms, 2 shackles] pm: Hands cleaning ship. [Distance run through the Water: 196 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Turks Island S40E, 1 mile] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 128.95 tons] [Note: SS Newfield was a British ship built in 1912 and owned by the Newcastle Steamship Company. Over the years she changed hands and nationalities a number of times. In 1918 she was renamed “Aspley Hall”; in 1920 she became “Cymric Queen”; in 1932 she was renamed “Nailsea Brook”; in 1937 she became “Helios”; in 1943 she was renamed “Ria de Vigo”. She was scrapped in 1966.] 4f9629fca2fc8e2def005240: ( 53-45343-025_0.jpg) 13 February 1916 At Port Mudros Lat 39.88, Long 25.25 [At Single Anchor 5 fathoms, 2 shackles] [Log records a few routine matters] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings Obelisk N40E, Taxiarkis S85E] 4f9629fca2fc8e2def005241: ( 53-45343-025_1.jpg) 14 February 1916 At Port Mudros and on Patrol Lat 38.91, Long 25.23 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing ship for sea. 7.0am: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 7.45am: Passed net defence, speed 190 revs. 8.0am: Rounded Kombi Point 3 cables, set course S6E. 1.45pm: Anti Psara abeam 0.5 miles, altered course S16E. 5.30pm: Exercised action stations. 5.40pm: Cape Papas Light House S25E 12 miles, reduced to 160 revs. 6.40pm: Cape Papas Light abeam 3.5 miles, altered course S48E, reduced to 120 revs. 10.55pm: Cross bearings: Kalimno Island S73W, Spano Light S40W, altered course S20E. [Distance run through the Water: 65 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anti Psara S10E, 25 miles] 4f9629fca2fc8e2def005242: ( 53-45343-026_0.jpg) 15 February 1916 On Patrol [and at Maltezana, though not stated at top of page] Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 3.12am: Kandeleusa [Kandelusa] Light abeam 4 miles, altered course S38E. 6.5am: Scarpanto East point S11W. 6.45am: Passed SS (WBDM) bound south. 10.45am: Came to Starboard anchor in Maltezana 2 shackles, repairing engine defects 2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded courses as requisite, speed 190 revs. 2.20pm: Oxo Petro abeam 2 cables altered course N52E. 4.50pm: Courses and speed as requisite making Port Kalimno. 5.0pm: Came to Starboard anchor 9 fathoms, veered 1.5 shackles. [At Single Anchor in Kalimno Harbour] 9.20pm: Weighed and proceeded, set course S75E 10 knots. 10.25pm: Kalalimno Light abeam 5 cables, altered course N5E. 11.30pm: Stopped and examined caique all correct. [Distance run through the Water: 258.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Hill 141 S20E, Vriesau Pondo [Vriseu Punda] S80E] 4f9629fda2fc8e2def005243: ( 53-45343-026_1.jpg) 16 February 1916 On Patrol Lat 37.35, Long 27.36 [very rough estimate] 0.48am: Altered course N20W. 2.20am: Kunelli Island S57W, Nero Island N57W: altered course S20E. 3.35am: Altered course S2W. 5.10am: Kalalimno Island Light abeam 1 mile, altered course N2E. 7.0am: Pharmacko [Pharmako] Island abeam, altered course N18W. 7.30am: Altered course S40E. 8.30am: Altered course East. 9.0am: Courses and speed as requisite to examine Kasiksli Bay and Bacilicus Bay. 11.15am: Stopped examining Akbuki [probably Akbük] village, fired on from the village. 11.20am: Fired nine rounds at men presumably soldiers on outskirts of village. 11.30am: Proceeded. 1.0pm: Stopped and examined Kovels Bay. 1.10pm: Proceeded, courses as requisite examining Mendero Delta [Büyük Menderes]. 2.40pm: Fired and destroyed caiques at Dogona Village. 2.55pm: Set course S78W, 190 revs. 5.10pm: Makri Island abeam, altered course N87W. 5.30pm: Exercised Night action stations 7.0pm: Cape Papas N45E 2 miles, altered course S48E, speed 120 revs. 11.5pm: Nephri Point S65W, Spano Light S42W, altered course S20E. [Distance run through the Water: 178.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kapota Island S60E, 2 miles] 4f9629fda2fc8e2def005244: ( 53-45343-027_0.jpg) 17 February 1916 On Patrol and at Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 1.20am: Kandeleusa Light S35E. 3.0am: Altered course S36E. 4.0am: Altered course N58W. 5.50am: Altered course N50W. 6.30am: Rounding Kumpla [or Kumpia] Island, courses as requisite for entering harbour. 7.3am: Entered harbour. 7.10am: Fast to collier “Homer City”. 8.10am: Commenced coaling. 10.20am: Finished. 65 tons taken. 10.25am: Cast off. 10.40am: Came to starboard anchor, 8 fathoms, 2 shackles. [Distance run through the Water: 213 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Obelisk N56E, Hill 141 S3E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 127.35 tons] 4f9629fea2fc8e2def005245: ( 53-45343-027_1.jpg) 18 February 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] 7.0am: 1 Wardroom servant joined ship from “Rattlesnake”. 3.25pm: Let go Port anchor. [South westerly wind force 4-5 to 5-6 in pm, with heavy rain at 4pm, noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 60F] 4f9629fea2fc8e2def005246: ( 53-45343-028_0.jpg) 19 February 1916 At Maltezana and on Patrol Lat 36.74, Long 26.11 [estimated] 5.30am: “Wolverine” arrived. 7.30am: Weighed port anchor. 8.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 8.30am: Oxo Petro abeam 2 cables, set course N60W, 120 revs. 1.0pm: Arrived off south coast of Amorgos Island. Courses as requisite examining coast, reduced to 70 revs. 5.0pm: Patrolling south of Amorgos Island. Midnight: Cape Prosino N27E, Liada Island [Nisides Liadi] N57E, altered course S57E, 120 revs. [Distance run through the Water: 34 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Prosino [Cape Prasino] North 10 miles] [North westerly wind force 5 to 8 until 4pm, with sea state very high at noon, wind and sea reducing later in day] 4f9629fea2fc8e2def005247: ( 53-45343-028_1.jpg) 20 February 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.65, Long 28.02 [estimated] 3.30am: Sighted Kandeleusa Light S72E. 4.30am: Sighted “Colne”. 5.20am: Kandeleusa Light abeam 5 miles, altered course S38E. 7.0am: Altered course N78E, 160 revs. 8.0am: Altered course N68E. 9.0am: Anti Filo Island East point South 0.5 miles, altered course N70E. 11.0am: Rounded Prambeli Island afterwards courses as requisite examining Gulf of Symi. 1.30pm: Examining Southern shores of Dorien Peninsula. Courses as requisite. 3.45pm: Rounded Cape Krio, set course N5E. 4.50pm: Phako Point abeam 0.5 miles, altered course N10W. 5.0pm: Altered course N54W. 5.35pm: Stopped and examined Caique. All correct. 5.50pm: Altered course S76W. 6.25pm: Altered course West, 190 revs. 7.15pm: Nera West Point North, altered course N53W. 9.30pm: Met Tug Hoogli [probably Hooghly] towing motor Lighter, took station on port bow, set course S65E 8 knots. 10.10pm: Rounded Spano Light, set course S28E. 10.45pm: Cape Telos (Kalimno) N62E, Ionnis Point (Kos) S46E. [Distance run through the Water: 197 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Vunos Island N45E, 2 cables] 4f9629ffa2fc8e2def005248: ( 53-45343-029_0.jpg) 21 February 1916 On Patrol Lat 35.61, Long 27.66 0.20am: Kandeleusa Light S38E. 2.30am: Altered course S38E. 3.0am: Kandeleusa Light abeam 2.5 miles. 5.0am and 10.0am: Escorting Tug Hoogli and motor lighter. 8.0am: Cape Prasonisi S63E, Cape Paraspori S61W. 9.0am: Altered course S38E. Noon: Parted company with tug, altered course N35W, 160 revs. 5.0pm: Altered course N57W. 6.0pm: Sighted tugs, altered course N68W. 6.15pm: Came up with 4 tugs and 3 motor lighters, took station on port bow of leading tug. 9.0pm: Escorting tugs and motor lighters. [Distance run through the Water: 240.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Prasonisi N10W, 22 miles] 4f9629ffa2fc8e2def005249: ( 53-45343-029_1.jpg) 22 February 1916 On Patrol and at Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 1.0am: Escorting 4 tugs and 3 motor lighters. 4.0am: Cape Prasonisi S60E 6 miles, parted company with tugs, altered course N50W, 230 revs. 7.30am: Altered course N45W. 8.45am: Commenced coaling. [Alongside Collier SS Homer City] 11.15am: Finished coaling (75 tons taken). 11.20am: Cast off from collier 11.25am: Came to Starboard anchor 19 fathoms, 3 shackles. 1.0pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: 1 Scrubber (Hand) lost overboard by accident. [Distance run through the Water: 205 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Obelisk N7W, Hill 141 S40W] 4f9629ffa2fc8e2def00524a: ( 53-45343-030_0.jpg) 23 February 1916 At Maltezana and on Patrol Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 7.0am: “Rattlesnake” arrived in harbour. 9.0am: Shifted billet. 9.15am: Came to with Starboard anchor, 13 fathoms, 3 shackles. 10.50am: Collier Cape Ortegal arrived. 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.30pm: Rounded Oxo Petro. Set course N10E working up to 210 revs. 5.0pm: Intercepted trawler and tug “Daphni”. Communicated and set course for Maltezana. 6.0pm: Rounded Oxo Petro. 6.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor, 8 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. 8.0pm: Lost overboard by accident 1 scrubber (hand). [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: N2W, S37W] [Note: SS Cape Ortegal was a British cargo ship built in 1911 in Scotland and owned by The Lyle Shipping Company. She was heavily damaged in Archangel, Russia in November 1916. In 1939 she was sold to The Admiralty and was sunk as a blockship in Scapa Flow in that year.] 4f962a00a2fc8e2def00524b: ( 53-45343-030_1.jpg) 24 February 1916 At Maltezana [and on Patrol, though not stated at top of page] Lat 35.49, Long 26.91 [estimated] 6.30am: Shifted billet and re anchored in 7 fathoms 2 shackles. 6.35am: “Colne” arrived. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.15am: Set course S80E, 120 revs. 9.30am: Sighted HMS “Doris”. 11.0am: Courses for Kandelusia Light House. 0.20pm: Sent boat to shore to enquire why light is not shewn at night. 1.0pm: Proceeded, set course N40W 15 knots. 4.20pm: Passed HMS “Honeysuckle”. 6.0pm: Buey Rock S52W 5 miles, reduced to 120 revs. 7.45pm: Papas Light N81E, altered course N54E. 9.30pm: Patrolling off Cape Papas. 10.15pm: Cape Papas N20W. altered course N54W. [Distance run through the Water: 75 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kandelusia Light House East, 2 miles] 4f962a00a2fc8e2def00524c: ( 53-45343-031_0.jpg) 25 February 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.16, Long 27.24 [estimated] 0.30am: Met HMS “Newmarket” convoying Transport “Umsinga” [listed here], took over convoy. Cape Papas NE 3 miles. 5.0am: Spano Light S43W 4 miles, altered course S25E. 10.0am: Escorting SS “Umsinga”. 1.0 and 10.0pm: Escorting SS “Umbsinga” [sic]. 5.15pm: Cape Prasonisi North 17 miles, altered course S68E. [Distance run through the Water: 222.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Myrtos Point N85E, 16 miles] [Note: SS Umsinga was a British passenger/cargo liner built in Sunderland in 1901 and owned by Bullard King and Company (there are a few further details here). She was scrapped in 1928.] 4f962a00a2fc8e2def00524d: ( 53-45343-031_1.jpg) 26 February 1916 On Patrol and at Maltezana Lat 36.45, Long 27.04 [estimated] 0.40am: Sighted HMS “Heliotrope”. 1.0am: Turned over escort to Heliotrope, set course N55W 160 revs. 7.30am: Cape Prasonisi abeam 3 miles. 7.40 am: Altered course North. 9.0am: Various courses passing between Kalkia Island and Alimnia Island. 10.0am: Altered course N26W. 10.20am: Recalled to Maltezana, altered course N74W, 240 revs. 0.50pm: Courses as requisite. 1.0pm: Speed as requisite entering harbour. 2.10pm: Made fast to collier. [Alongside Collier “Cape Ortegal”] 2.20pm: Commenced coaling. Collier derrick fell whilst lowering, damaging torpedo tube. 4.30pm: Finished coaling 72 tons taken. 5.30pm: Slipped from Collier and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 5.50pm: Rounded Oxo Petro, set course N8E, 240 revs. 7.25pm: Spano Light abeam 2 miles, altered course N50W, reduced to 160 revs. 8.40pm: Sighted transport “Ivernia”, altered course to close, increased to 200 revs. 9.0pm: Took station on port bow of Ivernia, set course S49E, 190 revs. 10.0pm: Altered course S27E. 10.30pm: Escorting transport “Ivernia”. [Course and Distance made good: 249 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kandeliusa Light N35W, 5 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 117.40 tons] [Wind south westerly in am, south easterly in pm, force 2 to 5 with sea rough in early am, overcast for much of day, noon temperature 59F, sea temperature 60F] [Note: RMS Ivernia was a British passenger liner built in Newcastle in 1900 and owned by The Cunard Steamship Company. She was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Mediterranean on 1st January 1917, while carrying troops, with the loss of over 120 lives.] 4f962a01a2fc8e2def00524e: ( 53-45343-032_0.jpg) 27 February 1916 On Patrol [and at Maltezana] Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 0.40am: Kandeliusa abeam 4.5 miles. 2.0am: Escorting SS “Ivernia”. 5.30am: Parted with transport, set course N20W 190 revs. 7.15am: Altered course N37W. Cape Paraspori West 1 mile. 7.30am: Challenged by HMS “Wolverine”. 9.30am: Proceeding towards Maltezana. 11.55am: Alongside collier Cape Ortegal. Noon: Commenced coaling. 1.30pm: Finished coaling, 30 tons taken. Cast off from Collier. 1.45pm: Came to Starboard anchor, 8 fathoms, 2 shackles. 4.10pm: “Peony” left harbour. [Anchor bearings: Obelisk N30E, Ionnis N43W] [Distance run through the Water: 281 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Alongside Collier “Cape Ortegal”] [Fuel Remaining: 131.65 tons] 4f962a01a2fc8e2def00524f: ( 53-45343-032_1.jpg) 28 February 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] 6.30am: Hands cleaning ship. “Pincher” and “Rattlesnake” arrived in harbour. am: Hands employed painting ship. One mat, fibre, cocoanut [sic], lost overboard by accident. pm: Hands employed painting ship. 4f962a01a2fc8e2def005250: ( 53-45343-033_0.jpg) 29 February 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles] 9.0am and 1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite. am: One screw-driver lost overboard by accident. 4f962a02a2fc8e2def005251: ( 53-45343-033_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f962a02a2fc8e2def005252: ( 53-45343-034_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f962a02a2fc8e2def005253: ( 53-45343-034_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – MARCH 1ST TO APRIL 30TH 1916 LOGS FOR MARCH 1916 4f962a03a2fc8e2def005254: ( 53-45344-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period 1st March 1916 to 30th April 1916] 4f962a03a2fc8e2def005255: ( 53-45344-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f962a04a2fc8e2def005256: ( 53-45344-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten statement: This is to certify that this is the original log of HMS “Jed” from1st March 1916 to 30 April 16. [Signed] EM Bowly Lieutenant. Commanding Officer] 4f962a04a2fc8e2def005257: ( 53-45344-002_1.jpg) [Page with data on distances run and coal expended, for dates from 23.10.11 to 16.4.15. Signed by EM Bowly Lieutenant in Command, 1 May 1916. HMS “Blenheim” 22 May 1916, No remarks. HL Hammond, Lieutenant Commander (D). Also signed CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] 4f962a04a2fc8e2def005258: ( 53-45344-003_0.jpg) [Page for details of Barometer and Thermometers, not filled in] 4f962a05a2fc8e2def005259: ( 53-45344-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1916 At Maltezana and on Patrol Lat 36.63, Long 26.54 [estimated] [At single anchor 8 fathoms, 2 shackles. Anchor bearings: Obelisk N30E, Ionnis Point N43W] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 6.45am: HMS “Scorpion” and “Pincher” arrived. 9.0am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 11.16am: Anchor aweigh, proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 11.20am: Vriesau Punda abeam 1 cable, speed 180 revs. 11.44am: Oxo Petro Point abeam 2 cables, set course N51E. 2.0pm: Courses and speed as requisite approaching Kalimno. 2.30pm: Came to starboard anchor 7 fathoms 2 shackles in Port Kalimno. [At single anchor: Lazaretto N5W, Jetty Light West] 2.35pm: Sent boat inshore for agent. 2.55pm: Agent arrived on board. 3.0pm: Weighed anchor and left, set course S72E, 160 revs. 3.45pm: Altered course N78E. 4.0pm: Courses as requisite. 4.30pm: Came to starboard anchor in Kos, 5 fathoms 1.5 shackles and landed agent. [At single anchor: Jetty end S40W, Myli Point S30E] 4.50pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded N65W, 120 revs. 5.50pm: Altered course N50W. 6.55pm: Kalalimno Light N80W 4 miles, altered course N19E. 7.27pm: Kalalimno Light S25E 5 miles, altered course East. 7.40pm: Kalalimno Light S2E 4.25 miles, altered course N7E. 8.55pm: Pharmako East Point N59W, Pharmako West Point S59W: altered course N16W. 10.10pm: Guidaro [Gaidaro] West Point S72W, altered course S26E, reduced to 70 revs. [Distance run through the Water: 8 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oxo Petro Point S57W, 3.5 miles] ( 53-45344-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.85, Long 26.66 [estimated] 0.20am: Pharmako East Point N64W, West Point S68W: altered course S7W. 3.30am: Kalalimno Light abeam 0.75 miles, altered course N10W. 6.25am: Pharmako Island East 0.75 miles, altered course S5E, 120 revs. 8.0am: Altered course S20E. 8.30am: Increased to 200 revs, courses as requisite proceeding through Chuka Channel. 9.30am: Came to Starboard anchor off Kos 6 fathoms 2 shackles and sent boat inshore for agent. [At single anchor: Jetty S47W, Myli Point S32E] 10.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses as requisite through Kos Channel, 200 revs. 10.45am: Set course S62W. 0.15pm: Altered course as requisite. 0.25pm: Set course N40E. 1.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor in Port Kalimno, 8 fathoms, 3.5 shackles. 3.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses as requisite. 4.25pm: Came to Starboard anchor in Port Laki, 17 fathoms 3 shackles to shelter from Gale. [Anchor bearings: Ancient Castle N15E, Mount Theopori S72E] 10.0pm: In Port Laki sheltering from Gale. [Distance run through the Water: 199.8 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kalimns [Kalimno] N25E, 12 miles] [Wind southerly or south easterly all day, increasing from force 4 to 7 in am, force 7-9 to 9 in pm, sea state high at 1pm and 4pm. Heavy rain in early am, squally with lightning and rain in late pm] 4f962a05a2fc8e2def00525b: ( 53-45344-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1916 On Patrol and at Maltezana Lat 36.59, Long 26.53 [estimated] [At Single Anchor 17 fathoms, 3 shackles. Anchor bearings: Ancient Castle N15E, Mount Theopori S72E] 2.0am: In Port Laki sheltering from Gale. 9.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded, set course S30W 160 revs. Noon: Courses as requisite. 0.20pm: Speed as requisite. 1.0pm: Made fast to collier in Maltezana. 1.10pm: Commenced coaling. [Alongside No 2 holds Collier “Cape Ortegal”] 2.40pm: Finished coaling. Received 45 tons of coal. 2.48pm: Cast off from collier. 2.55pm: Came to starboard anchor 10 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. [Anchor bearings: Hill 141 S18W, Ionnis Point N44W] 4.0pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. [Distance run through the Water: 78 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Port Laki N30E, 36 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 124.60 tons] 4f962a06a2fc8e2def00525c: ( 53-45344-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 0.15pm: HMS “Hazel” arrived. [Distance run through the Water: 6 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Hill 141 S18W, Ionnis Point N44W] 4f962a06a2fc8e2def00525d: ( 53-45344-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At single anchor 10 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 1.30pm: HMS Newmarket arrived. Landed liberty men. 3.20pm: Liberty men returned. 5.55pm: Newmarket left. 4f962a06a2fc8e2def00525e: ( 53-45344-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 am: Hands employed painting ship. 11.45am: “Kennet” arrived. 3.0pm: Weighed anchor. 3.15pm: Professor Myers arrived on board for passage to Kalimno. 3.18pm: Proceeded, courses and speed as requisite. 3.24pm: Passed net defence, speed 200 revs. 3.40pm: Oxo Petro Point abeam 1 cable, set course N53E. 5.50pm: Courses and speed as requisite. 6.0pm: Came to Starboard anchor at Kalimno, 12 fathoms, 3 shackles. [Anchor bearings:] [Jetty end S80W, East point S45E] 7.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded 120 revs. 8.0pm: Kalalimno Light abeam 0.75 miles, altered course N4E. 9.40pm: Pharmako Point N52W 2 miles, altered course N14W. 10.45pm: Kunelli Island East 3 miles, courses and speed as requisite examining South coast of Guidaro [Gaidaro] Island with searchlight. 11.45pm: South Point Guidaro Island abeam 1 cable, set course S65E 120 revs. Midnight: Kunelli Island S67W 1 mile, altered course S31E. 4f962a07a2fc8e2def00525f: ( 53-45344-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.65, Long 27.70 [estimated] 1.0am: Altered course S2W. 2.30am: Kalalimno Light S32W, 2.5 miles, altered course N2E. 4.0am: Pharmako East Point N50W; North Point S36W: altered course N14W. 5.0am: Kunelli Island S80W; Nero Island N44W: altered course S16E. 7.45am: Kalalimno Island abeam 0.5 miles, altered course S30E. 8.15am: Atsaki Island N72E, 1.2 miles altered S54E. 8.42am: Altered course S68E 160 revs. 9.0am: Altered course S45E passing through straits of Kos. 9.35am: Cape Phaki abeam 5 cables, altered course S10W. 10.35am: Cape Krio abeam 5 cables. Steered as requisite towards Datcha Bay, examining coast of Dorian Promontory. 0.40pm: Fired on and destroyed caiques and Custom House at Chatalia Bay. 0.55pm: Proceeded as requisite 120 revs towards Symi. 2.15pm: Came to starboard anchor in 24 fathoms 4 shackles in Symi Harbour. [At single anchor in Symi] 4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded 120 revs courses as requisite proceeding south of Symi. 6.30pm: Rounded Marmara Island 2 cables. 7.15pm: Set course N60E 100 revs. 8.0pm: Injah Point N70W 3 miles. 8.30pm: Altered course N68E. 9.30pm: Altered course S70W, reduced to 70 revs. 11.30pm: Altered course S60W. Midnight. Altered course S25W. [Distance run through the Water: 195 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Injah Point N10W, 9 cables] [Weather generally fine and quiet, noon temperature 64F, sea temperature 61F] 4f962a07a2fc8e2def005260: ( 53-45344-008_0.jpg) 8 March 1916 On Patrol and at Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.48 [estimated] 2.0am: Palarido Point N38W 2.25 miles, altered course N67W. 3.10am: Altered course N48W. 4.15am: Stopped. 4.40am: Proceeded 70 revs, Cape Krio S66E 7 miles, altered course N60E. 6.45am: Courses as requisite passing through Straits of Kos. 7.0am: Increased to 160 revs. 8.0am: Cross bearings: Cape Russa; Hussein Point: set course S67W. 9.0am: Altered course S60W. 11.0am: Altered course S53W, reduced to 120 revs. Noon: Courses as requisite making Maltezana. 0.25pm: Passed net defence. 0.32pm: Made fast to collier, No 1 hold. 1.10pm: Commenced coaling. 2.35pm: Finished coaling, 48 tons received. 2.45pm: Cast off and proceeded to anchorage. 2.53pm: Came to Starboard anchor 13 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. [Anchor bearings: Ionnis Point N37W, Hill 141 S10W] 4.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. [Distance run through the Water: 165 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oxo Petro Point N5W, 3 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.75 tons] 4f962a07a2fc8e2def005261: ( 53-45344-008_1.jpg) 9 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At single anchor 13 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. Noon: Let go port anchor. [At both anchors: 13 fathoms, 2.5 shackles (Starboard); 1.5 shackles (Port)] [Distance run through the Water: 5] [Anchor bearings: Ionnis Point N37W, Hill 141 S10W] 4f962a08a2fc8e2def005262: ( 53-45344-009_0.jpg) 10 March 1916 At Maltezana [and to Port Kalimno] Lat 36.83, Long 26.81 [estimated] 8.50am: HMS “Kennet” arrived. 10.15am: Weighed and left harbour, courses as requisite. 10.20am: Passed Vriesau Pundi [sic] Point 160 revs. 10.40am: Rounded Oxo Petro 2 cables, set course N53E. 0.50pm: Altered course N45E 1.30pm: Courses as requisite making Port Kalimno.1.40pm: Came to with Starboard anchor in Port Kalimno, 7 fathoms, 2 shackles. 1.50pm: Away whaler landed to communicate with agent. 3.50pm: Whaler returned. 4.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded 120 revs, Courses as requisite examining East coast of Kalimno. 5.50pm: Exercised action stations. 6.0pm: Stopped and as requisite examining East coast of Iero Island. 7.0pm: Cape Aspro (Alinda Bay) NE 1 mile, set course N26E, 70 revs. 8.0pm: Altered course S45E. 9.45pm: Altered course S13E. 10.35pm: Altered course N20W. [Distance run through the Water: 20 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Krikelo Point S21E, 14 miles] [Wind south westerly then north westerly force 7 or 8 in am, reducing gradually in pm, rain and lightning at times in pm; noon temperature 62F, sea temperature 60F] 4f962a08a2fc8e2def005263: ( 53-45344-009_1.jpg) 11 March 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.65, Long 27.36 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling between Kalalimno Island and Guidaro Island. 3.30am: Guidaro Island East Point N60E; Guidaro Island West Point S80E: altered course S20E. 6.30am: Increased to 120 revs. 6.40am: Altered course S15E. 8.0am: Karapsili Point West 2 cables, altered course S5E. 8.20am: Rounded Skiromato Point. 8.50am: Arrived off Kalimno Port. 9.0am: Received agent on board. 9.15am: Set course S73E 170 revs. 9.53am: Altered course East. 10.0am: Altered course N76E. 10.25am: Hussein Point N12W 1.7 miles, altered course S54E. 10.50am: Altered course S30E. 11.0 am: Cape Phaka [probably Cape Phoka] S40W 1.5 miles, altered course S7W. 11.55am: Cape Krio abeam 1 mile, altered course S60E. 0.10 pm: Dava Point abeam 1 mile, altered course S65E. 2.0pm: Tambreto Island abeam 1 mile, altered course S84E. 4.0pm: Came to Starboard anchor inside breakwater at Rhodes and away dingy and landed agent and Captain. [At single anchor in Rhodes, 4 fathoms, 1 shackle] 6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded, exercised action stations. 6.30pm: Set course N65W 120 revs. 7.45pm: Examined 2 caiques by searchlight. 8.0pm: Alupo Point: N21W; Symi West Point N79W: altered course N45W. 8.30pm: Altered course N22W. 9.20pm: Turevi [?] Point abeam 5 cables, altered course S85W. 10.25pm: Injah Point abeam 1.5 miles, altered course West. 11.30pm: Cape Palamida N32W, altered course N62W. [Distance run through the Water: 153.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Krio N25W, 1 mile] 4f962a08a2fc8e2def005264: ( 53-45344-010_0.jpg) 12 March 1916 On Patrol and to Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [estimated] 0.15am: Courses as requisite rounding Cape Krio. 0.48am: Cape Krio S27E 2 miles, set course N45E. 2.30am: Kara Ada Peak N20W; Kos Island 2076 mount S84W, altered course S67W. 4.0am: Cape Krio S28E 7 miles. 6.25am: Krikelo Point N5W 2 miles, altered course S84W, increased to 150 revs. 8.30am: Oxo Petro North 1 mile, courses as requisite for making Maltezana. 9.10am: Made fast to Collier “Cape Ortegal” No 1 hold. 9.20am: Commenced coaling, 10.20am: Finished coaling, 43 tons taken. 10.45am: Came to port anchor. 10.55am: Shifted berth. 11.5am: Came to port anchor. [At Port anchor 8.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] [Distance run through the Water: 173.5 miles] [Anchor bearings: Hill 141 S2E, Island 32 S66W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.70 tons] 4f962a09a2fc8e2def005265: ( 53-45344-010_1.jpg) 13 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single Anchor 8.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 2.45am: HMS “Kennet” sailed. 3.0pm: Liberty party landed. 4.30pm: Liberty party returned. 4f962a09a2fc8e2def005266: ( 53-45344-011_0.jpg) 14 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single Anchor 8.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 9.0am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.40pm: “Doris” and “Kennet” arrived in harbour. 7.45pm: “Doris” left harbour. 4f962a09a2fc8e2def005267: ( 53-45344-011_1.jpg) 15 March 1916 At Maltezana [and at Sea] Lat 37.43, Long 25.91 [estimated] 5.10am: Weighed and proceeded. 5.30 am: Vriesea Pundu [Vriseu Punda] abeam 2 cables, set course S80E, 200 revs. 5.45am: Altered course N70E. 6.0am: Altered course N8E. Oxo Petro abeam 2 cables. 7.45am: Spano Light abeam 1 mile, altered course N40W, 160 revs. 9.0am: Reduced to 120 revs. Hands employed as requisite. 11.50am: Altered course N80W. Papas Light abeam 5 miles. 0.30pm: Altered course to intercept Oil tank SS “Hyrcania” Mudros to Port Said. 0.45pm: Cape Papas N62E 11 miles, set course S54E. 3.0pm: Convoying SS. 4.0pm: Spano Point S38E 13 miles. 5.30pm: Altered course S20E. 7.0pm: Developed defects in Starboard engine, parted with escort and proceeded towards base under port engine only. 9.25pm: Rounded Oxo Petro 3 cables, altered course S80W. 9.50pm: Courses as requisite making harbour. 10.0pm: Passed net defence. 10.5pm: Came to Port anchor in Maltezana. [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. Anchor bearings: Obelisk N49E, Ionnis Point N26W] 11.10pm: Colne got under way and left harbour. [Distance run through the Water: 77.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Papas N56E, 6 miles] [Note: SS Hyrcania was a British oil tanker built in UK in 1908 and owned by Caspian Oil Company. She was sold to a French company in 1924, to an Italian company in 1930 and in 1932 was renamed “Sanandrea”. She was bombed by Allied aircraft in August 1942 and sank off Italy (further details here).] 4f962a0aa2fc8e2def005268: ( 53-45344-012_0.jpg) 16 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 6.30am: Hands employed as requisite and cleaning ship. 0.35pm: Coaling party left ship to assist Trawlers. 6.0pm: Honeysuckle arrived. 7.0pm: Coaling party returned. [Distance run through the Water: 82.1 miles] 4f962a0ba2fc8e2def005269: ( 53-45344-012_1.jpg) 17 March 1916 At Maltezana Lat 36.57, Long 26.39 [At Single Anchor 8 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 6.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded towards collier. 6.30am: Made fast alongside SS “Cape Ortegal”. 6.45am: Commenced coaling. 7.45am: Finished coaling 33 tons taken. 7.57am: Cast off from collier. 8.0am: Came to Port anchor. [At Single Anchor 7.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] am: Hands employed cleaning ship. [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Ionnis Point N10W, Obelisk N57E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 124.95 tons] 4f962a0ba2fc8e2def00526a: ( 53-45344-013_0.jpg) 18 March 1916 At Maltezana [and Port Kalimno] Lat 36.92, Long 26.74 [estimated] 6.10am: “Colne” arrived. 9.4am: Weighed anchor, courses and speed as requisite. 9.15am: Rounded Vriesea Punda, set course S80E. 9.40am: Oxo Petro abeam 2 cables, set course N30E, 160 revs. 0.30pm: Courses as requisite making Port Kalimno. 1.20pm: Came to Starboard anchor 5 fathoms 2 shackles. Agent came on board. [At Single Anchor in Port Kalimno] 3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded courses as requisite, 160 revs. 3.30pm: Altered course N3E. 6.15pm: Stopped and examined caique at Guidaro Island. 7.15pm: Proceeded courses as requisite. 9.40pm: Courses as requisite 120 revs. 10.18pm: Proceeding through Samos Straits. 10.40pm: Stopped and communicated with trawler No 1844. 11.0pm: Proceeded examining coast of Turkey to Dogano. Midnight: Arrived at Dogano, altered course S5W 120 revs. [Distance run through the Water: 31 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Telendos Island N56E, 10.5 miles] [Northerly wind force 7 to 8 from noon onwards, with sea state mostly rough or very rough; weather fine, noon temperature 64F, sea temperature 63F] 4f962a0ba2fc8e2def00526b: ( 53-45344-013_1.jpg) 19 March 1916 On Patrol Lat 36.91, Long 27.00 [estimated] 1.35am: Altered course S10E. 2.25am: Altered course S5W. Observed Kalalimno Light S5W. 3.45am: Altered course N5E. Kalalimno Light S5E, 2 miles. 4.30am: Pharmako Island West Point S57W; Pharmako Island East Point N56W. 5.30am: Altered course N15W. 6.30am: Pharmako abeam, altered course S8W. 9.30am: Rounded Skirometo [?] Point 2 cables distant, sighted HMS “Doris” off Nera Island, courses as requisite to meet. 9.40am: Met “Doris”, commenced patrolling to seaward whilst she communicated with agent at Port Kalimno. 1.0pm: Patrolling to seaward of HMS “Doris”. 2.0pm: Closed Doris and embarked agent and proceeded into Port Kalimno. Doris proceeded towards Maltezana. 2.30pm: Came to with starboard anchor, landed agent. [At Single Anchor in Port Kalimno] 3.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite making for Port Laki to make good engine defects, 160 revs. 5.0pm: Came to Starboard anchor in Port Laki. [At Single Anchor 11 fathoms, 2.5 shackles in Port Laki, Iero Island] 6.0pm: Making good engine defects. 9.0pm: Weighed and proceeded. 9.20pm: Rounded Angistro Point, set course S18E 120 revs. 10.25pm: Cape Trasilas S80E 0.3 miles, altered course S34E. 10.45pm: Altered course S82E. 11.30pm: Altered course East. 11.55pm: Koraki Point N22W; Cape Russa N63E, altered course N65E. [Distance run through the Water: 216 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Georgio [Akra Agios Georgios] N62W, 1 mile] [Wind north westerly force 5 to 9 all day, with sea very rough or high at times] 4f962a0ca2fc8e2def00526c: ( 53-45344-014_0.jpg) 20 March 1916 On Patrol and at Base, Maltezana Lat 36.56, Long 26.48 [estimated] 0.10am: Russa Point abeam, altered course West. 1.30am: Cape Georgio N35E; Nera Island N45W, altered course N85E. Patrolling between Kapari Island and Nera Island. 2.50am: Cape Russa abeam, altered course N85W. 4.20am: Altered course East. 6.0am: Cape Russa abeam 2 cables, altered course West. 6.30am: Cape Spirometo N30E 2 miles, altered course to intercept a caique. 6.45am: Courses as requisite and stopped. Boarded Caique “Niky”, all correct. Proceeded. 7.0am: Rounded Spirometo Point. 7.40am: Set course N30W. 8.0am: Altered course S30E. 8.20am: Karapsili Point abeam 3 cables, altered course South. 8.45am: Altered course S63W. 9.0am: Sighted HMS “Colne”, slow both. 9.30am: Communicated by boat with “Colne”. 9.45am: Proceeded S53W, 160 revs. 0.15pm: Oxo Petro abeam 0.5 miles. Courses as requisite making harbour. 1.10pm: Made fast alongside collier, 1.20pm: Commenced coaling. 2.5pm: Break down. 2.15pm: Recommenced. [Alongside Collier “Cape Ortegal”] 3.0pm: Finished coaling, 47 tons taken. pm: Lost overboard by accident 7 bags, coal. 3.10pm: Cast off from collier. 3.55pm: Came to Both anchors 16 fathoms, 3 shackles port, 1 shackle starboard. [Anchor bearings: Hill 141 - S78W, Obelisk - North] [Distance run through the Water: 184.7 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oxo Petro Point N60W, 2 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 127.50 tons] 4f962a0ca2fc8e2def00526d: ( 53-45344-014_1.jpg) 21 March 1916 From Maltezana to Port Mudros Lat 37.85, Long 25.76 [rough estimate] 4.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 4.5am: Passed net defence, 200 revs, courses as requisite. 4.30am: Rounded Oxo Petro, set course N15W. 4.40am: Altered course N22W. 6.30am: Ango Point abeam 1.5 miles. Passed “Wolverine” steering south. 9.0am: Cape Papas abeam. 11.15am: Cape Amida N40E; Cape Ventico N71E: altered course N12W. 0.30pm: Altered course N18W. 0.55pm: Kuchulu [Kuchula] Island East 5 cables, altered course N5W. 3.30pm: Altered course N1W. 5.30pm: Kombi Point abeam 4 cables, courses and speeds as requisite entering harbour. 5.37pm: Passed net defence. 6.20pm: Made fast to collier “Zanoni”. [Distance run through the Water: 126 miles] [True Bearing and Distance. Cape St Nickolo N40E, 19 miles] [Note: SS Zanoni was a British cargo ship built in 1907 in Sunderland and owned by Brightman and Turner. She was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in May 1917 off Spain.] 4f962a0ca2fc8e2def00526e: ( 53-45344-015_0.jpg) 22 March 1916 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [estimated] [Alongside SS Zanoni] 6.15am: Commenced coaling. 7.50am: Finished coaling. Received 50 tons. 8.35am: Cast off from collier. 8.55am: Made fast alongside “Blenheim”. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Distance run through the Water: 102 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Alongside HMS Blenheim] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 135.00 tons] 4f962a0da2fc8e2def00526f: ( 53-45344-015_1.jpg) 23 March 1916 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside HMS Blenheim] 10.0am: Shifted ship alongside “Stauch” [HMS Staunch], TB 043 came alongside. 1.0pm: Shifted ship alongside HMS “Blenheim” to receive shield for forward gun. 4f962a0da2fc8e2def005270: ( 53-45344-016_0.jpg) 24 March 1916 At Port Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside HMS Blenheim] 3.30pm: Dropped astern and made fast alongside Staunch port side. 5.0pm: Cast off from “Staunch” and made fast alongside “Bulldog”. 4f962a0da2fc8e2def005271: ( 53-45344-016_1.jpg) 25 March 1916 From Mudros to Malta Lat 39.87, Long 25.26 [Alongside HMS Blenheim] 8.45am: Cast off from Bulldog and proceeded to swing ship for deviation. [Swinging Ship in Mudros Harbour for deviation] Noon: Went alongside SS Polshannon and discharged sweep kite. 0.10pm: Cast off from “Polshannon”, courses and speed as requisite. 0.55pm: Set course S14W, 160 revs. Kombi Lighthouse North 3 miles, worked up to 200 revs. 1.50pm: Streamed patent Log. 4.0pm: Sighted convoy ahead. 5.0pm: Altered course S22W. 7.0pm: Challenged by patrol boat. 8.0pm: Cape Phassa S10W, Mount Okhi S77W. 8.50pm: Cape Phassa Light S84E 2 miles, altered course S11W. 9.57pm: Steno Pass Light S87W, Cape Phassa Light N17E. 10.10pm: Jura Island West Point abeam 1.5 miles, altered course S1W. Midnight: Livadhi Light S63W; Seriphopulu N17W: altered course S50W. [Note: SS Polshannon was a Royal Fleet Auxiliary; originally SS Birkenfels, launched in 1910 and under German ownership she was captured in Cape Town in August 1914 and renamed “Tandem”. She was renamed RFA Polshannon in September 1915. She was eventually sold in 1922 and renamed “Pinna”; she was to be attacked by Japanese planes in 1942 off Singapore and sank (more details here).] 4f962a0ea2fc8e2def005272: ( 53-45344-017_0.jpg) 26 March 1916 From Mudros to Malta Lat 36.06, Long 21.34 0.30am: Mikro Light abeam 1.5 miles. 2.0am: Anti Milo Island Light abeam 3 miles. 3.50am: Challenged by patrol boat. 6.45am: Kupho Island abeam 2 miles. 7.10am: Ova Island N9W; Kupho Island N40E, altered course N85W. 9.0am: Clocks put back half hour. 7.0pm: Lat star [symbol] 36 3 N, Long Venus [symbol] 19 16 E. 11.55pm: Passed HMS “Comet”. Challenged and replied. [Course and Distance made good: Various 360 miles] 4f962a0ea2fc8e2def005273: ( 53-45344-017_1.jpg) 27 March 1916 From Mudros, to Malta and at Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [estimated] 6.0am: Lat star 36 00 N. 8.0am: Altered course West. 8.30am: Long sun [symbol] 14 55 E. 9.0am: Hauled in patent Log. Clocks put back half hour. 9.40am: Passed Valetta breakwater. 10.15am: Made fast to HMS Nasturtium at 2 and 2a buoys in Grand harbour. 1.30pm: Hands employed discharging ammunition into lighters. Leave to watch till 7am. 5.0pm: Fire stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Course and Distance made good: Various 334 miles] [Weather fine, noon temperature 68F, sea temperature 60F] 4f962a0ea2fc8e2def005274: ( 53-45344-018_0.jpg) 28 March 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.51 [Alongside HMS “Nasturtium” Grand Harbour No 2 and 2a buoys] am: Hands employed discharging torpedoes to lighter. 1.0pm: Leave to Watch till 7am. 4.0pm: Leave to part of watch till 7am. 4f962a0fa2fc8e2def005275: ( 53-45344-018_1.jpg) 29 March 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [estimated] [Alongside HMS “Nasturtium”] 9.0am: Taken in tow by tug and proceeded to Dockyard Creek. 9.50am: Made fast alongside HMS “Honeysuckle”. [Alongside HMS “Honeysuckle” Dockyard Creek] am: Hands employed as requisite and scraping paintwork. pm: Hands employed scraping paintwork. 4.0pm: Leave to watch and part of the watch till 7am. 4f962a0fa2fc8e2def005276: ( 53-45344-019_0.jpg) 30 March 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside HMS “Honeysuckle” in Dockyard Creek] am and pm: Hands employed scraping paintwork. 4f962a10a2fc8e2def005277: ( 53-45344-019_1.jpg) 31 March 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside HMS “Honeysuckle” in Dockyard Creek] am: Hands employed scraping paintwork. pm: Hands employed scraping paintwork on upper-deck. 4.0pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. LOGS FOR APRIL 1916 4f962a10a2fc8e2def005278: ( 53-45344-020_0.jpg) 1 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [In Dockyard Creek] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am and pm: Hands employed scraping overside. 1.30pm: Leave to one watch till 7am Tuesday [on this Saturday]. 4f962a10a2fc8e2def005279: ( 53-45344-020_1.jpg) 2 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [In Dockyard Creek] 9.0am: Church parties landed. Noon. All Church parties returned on board. 1.30pm: Leave to part of the watch till 7am. 4f962a11a2fc8e2def00527a: ( 53-45344-021_0.jpg) 3 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [In Dockyard Creek] 7.0am: All liberty men on part of watch aboard returned. am: Hands employed scraping ships side. 4.0pm: Leave to part of the watch till 7am. 4f962a11a2fc8e2def00527b: ( 53-45344-021_1.jpg) 4 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [In dockyard Creek] 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am and pm: Hands employed scraping overside. 1.0pm: Leave to one watch till 7am Thursday [on this Tuesday]. 4.0pm: Leave to part of watch till 7am. [Fuel Remaining: Coal: Removed from Bunkers 42 tons. Voluntary charge 7.10 tons; Extraordinary Expenditure 3.10 tons; 3.85 tons on board] 4f962a11a2fc8e2def00527c: ( 53-45344-022_0.jpg) 5 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [In Dockyard Creek] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed as requisite and scraping ship’s side. pm: Hands employed scraping ship’s side. 4.0pm: Liberty to part of Watch till 7am. 4f962a12a2fc8e2def00527d: ( 53-45344-022_1.jpg) 6 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [In Dockyard Creek] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed scraping Ship. pm: Hands employed scraping overside. 4f962a12a2fc8e2def00527e: ( 53-45344-023_0.jpg) 7 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [estimated] [In Dockyard Creek] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 11.0am: Cast off from “Kennet” and proceeded in tow to No 5 dry dock 0.5pm: Arrived in dry dock with HMS Colne. pm: Hands variously employed 4.30pm: Leave to part of watch till 7am. [In No 5 Dry Dock] 4f962a12a2fc8e2def00527f: ( 53-45344-023_1.jpg) 8 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 Dry dock] am: Hands employed scraping ship’s side and as requisite. pm: Hands employed scraping paintwork. 4.30pm: Leave for watch and part till 7am. 4f962a13a2fc8e2def005280: ( 53-45344-024_0.jpg) 9 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 Dry dock] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 9.30am: Landed church parties. Noon: Church parties returned. 1.0pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a13a2fc8e2def005281: ( 53-45344-024_1.jpg) 10 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 drydock] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands scraping paintwork and as requisite. 4.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a13a2fc8e2def005282: ( 53-45344-025_0.jpg) 11 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 Drydock] 7.0am: Rounds correct. am: Hands employed scraping paintwork and as requisite. 4.0pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4f962a14a2fc8e2def005283: ( 53-45344-025_1.jpg) 12 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 drydock] am and pm: Hands employed scraping paintwork. 4.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a14a2fc8e2def005284: ( 53-45344-026_0.jpg) 13 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 Drydock] am: Hands employed scraping paintwork on ship’s side and on deck. pm: Hands employed scraping paint. 4.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a14a2fc8e2def005285: ( 53-45344-026_1.jpg) 14 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 dry dock] am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed scraping paintwork. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4f962a15a2fc8e2def005286: ( 53-45344-027_0.jpg) 15 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 dry dock] am and pm: Hands employed scraping paintwork. 4.0pm: Leave from 4.0 till 7am to watch and part. 4f962a15a2fc8e2def005287: ( 53-45344-027_1.jpg) 16 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 Drydock] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands variously employed as requisite. 1.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a15a2fc8e2def005288: ( 53-45344-028_0.jpg) 17 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 Drydock] am: Hands employed as requisite and scraping paintwork. pm: Hands employed scraping and painting upper deck. 4.0pm: Leave to watch till 7am Thursday [on this Monday] and part till 7am. 4f962a16a2fc8e2def005289: ( 53-45344-028_1.jpg) 18 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 dry dockyard] 7.0am: Part of liberty men returned. am and pm: Hands employed scraping and painting. 4.30pm: Liberty to part watch till 7 am. 4f962a16a2fc8e2def00528a: ( 53-45344-029_0.jpg) 19 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 dry dock] 7.0am: Liberty part of watch returned. am: Hands employed as requisite. pm: Hands employed painting and scraping. 4.30pm: Leave to part watch till 7am. 4f962a16a2fc8e2def00528b: ( 53-45344-029_1.jpg) 20 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 drydock] am: Hands employed as requisite painting and scraping. pm: Hands employed scraping and painting. 4.0pm: Leave to watch till 7am Sunday [on this Thursday] and part of watch till 7am. 4f962a17a2fc8e2def00528c: ( 53-45344-030_0.jpg) 21 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 dry dock] 8.0am: RC church party landed [as this was Good Friday]. 9.45am: Wesleyans landed. 10.15am: Church of Englands landed. 1.30pm: Leave to part watch till 7am. 4f962a17a2fc8e2def00528d: ( 53-45344-030_1.jpg) 22 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 dry dock] am: Hands variously employed 1.30pm: Liberty to part of watch. 4f962a18a2fc8e2def00528e: ( 53-45344-031_0.jpg) 23 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.52 [In No 5 dry dock] 9.30am: Church parties landed. Noon: Church parties returned. 1.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a18a2fc8e2def00528f: ( 53-45344-031_1.jpg) 24 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.88, Long 14.51 [estimated] [In No 5 drydock] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. Commenced flooding drydock. 9.0am: Left drydock in tow and made fast alongside gun-mounting wharf. am: Hands variously employed. pm: Hand employed scraping and painting. [Alongside gun Mounting Wharf] 4.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a18a2fc8e2def005290: ( 53-45344-032_0.jpg) 25 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [estimated] [Alongside Gun Mounting Wharf] 7.20am: Shifted ship to Hamilton Wharf, assisted by tug. [Alongside Hamilton Wharf] am: Hands employed as requisite, scarping [scraping] paintwork and painting magazines and shell rooms. pm: Hands employed scraping and painting. 4.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a19a2fc8e2def005291: ( 53-45344-032_1.jpg) 26 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside Hamilton Wharf] 7.0am: Liberty men returned. am: Hands employed painting overside, storerooms and magazines. pm: Hands employed painting overside and magazines. 4.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. [Weather fine and quiet, though rain at midnight; noon temperature 60F] 4f962a19a2fc8e2def005292: ( 53-45344-033_0.jpg) 27 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside Hamilton Wharf] am: Hands employed painting and as requisite. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a19a2fc8e2def005293: ( 53-45344-033_1.jpg) 28 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside Hamilton Wharf] am and pm: Hands employed scraping and painting. 3.0pm: Landed four men to attend funeral party. 4.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a1aa2fc8e2def005294: ( 53-45344-034_0.jpg) 29 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside Hamilton Wharf] am: Hands employed painting on upper deck. 1.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 3.0pm: Four men landed to attend funeral party. [Weather fine, noon temperature 81F] 4f962a1aa2fc8e2def005295: ( 53-45344-034_1.jpg) 30 April 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Alongside Hamilton Wharf] 9.30am: RC Church party landed. 10.15am: Church of England Church party landed. 1.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. [Fuel Remaining: Coal Nil] 4f962a1aa2fc8e2def005296: ( 53-45344-035_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f962a1ba2fc8e2def005297: ( 53-45344-035_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f962a1ba2fc8e2def005298: ( 53-45344-036_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f962a1ba2fc8e2def005299: ( 53-45344-036_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – MAY 1ST TO JUNE 30TH 1916 LOGS FOR MAY 1916 4f962a1ca2fc8e2def00529a: ( 53-45345-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue cover of Log for the Period 1st May 1916 to 30 June 1916] 4f962a1ca2fc8e2def00529b: ( 53-45345-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of blue cover] 4f962a1da2fc8e2def00529c: ( 53-45345-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten note: “This is to certify that this is the original log of HMS “Jed” from the 1st May 1916 to 30 June 1916. [Signed] EM Bowly Lieutenant in Command”] 4f962a1da2fc8e2def00529d: ( 53-45345-002_1.jpg) [Page not completed apart from: [signed] EM Bowly, Lieutenant in Command, June 30th 1916. HMS “Blenheim” 24 July 1916. No remarks. [Signed] HL Hammond Lieutenant Commander (D). [Signed] P Pitts, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla] 4f962a1da2fc8e2def00529e: ( 53-45345-003_0.jpg) [Page for details of Barometer and Thermometers, not filled in] 4f962a1ea2fc8e2def00529f: ( 53-45345-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 6.0am: Hands preparing ship for coaling. 7.45am: Commenced coaling am: Hands employed as requisite. 9.45am: Finished coaling. am: Stoker returned from sick leave. pm: Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.0pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. [Fuel Remaining: Coal 134.85 tons] 4f962a1ea2fc8e2def0052a0: ( 53-45345-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 7.0am: Liberty men returned on board. am: Hands employed painting. pm: Hands employed painting Ship. 4.0pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a1ea2fc8e2def0052a1: ( 53-45345-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am: Hands employed taking Ammunition on board. pm: Hands stowing ammunition. 4f962a1fa2fc8e2def0052a2: ( 53-45345-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am: Hands employed as requisite pm: Hands employed painting upper deck. 4f962a1fa2fc8e2def0052a3: ( 53-45345-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am: Hands employed painting upper deck fittings. pm: Hands employed as requisite 4f962a1fa2fc8e2def0052a4: ( 53-45345-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 7.0am: Liberty men returned. 8.0am: Landed 4 seamen for funeral party. 4.0pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a20a2fc8e2def0052a5: ( 53-45345-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 9.30am: Landed Presbyterian Church Party. 10.10am: Landed Church of England church party. 11.30am: Church party returned. 1.30pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 4f962a20a2fc8e2def0052a6: ( 53-45345-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am and pm: Hands employed painting ship. 4f962a20a2fc8e2def0052a7: ( 53-45345-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 am: Hands employed drawing boats and sweeping kite from store and getting them onboard. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4f962a21a2fc8e2def0052a8: ( 53-45345-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [estimated] 8.0am: Proceeded in tow to the buoy to swing for deviations. am and pm: Hands preparing ship for sea. 2.0pm: Shifted to No 2 buoys in French Creek. 4.0pm: Leave to watch and part till 7am. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4f962a21a2fc8e2def0052a9: ( 53-45345-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1916 At Malta Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [estimated] am and pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4f962a21a2fc8e2def0052aa: ( 53-45345-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1916 At Malta and from Malta to Mudros Lat 35.89, Long 14.52 [Dockyard creek[ 7.0am: Liberty men returned am and pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 5.50pm: Unmoored from buoys and proceeded into Grand harbour. 6.0pm: Took station astern of [Submarine] E12 and proceeded out of harbour. 6.10pm: Passed Breakwater, set course N71E. 7.0pm: Altered course N87E, took station on submarines port beam. 7.30pm: Altered course S80E, 160 revs. 9.0pm: Escorting Submarine E12. 11.50pm: Challenged by and answered one of HM ships. 4f962a22a2fc8e2def0052ab: ( 53-45345-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1916 From Malta to Mudros Lat 35.92, Long 18.85 2.0am: Escorting submarine E12. 4.30am: Latitude star [symbol] 35 58 N. 6.30am: Longitude sun [symbol] 17 33 E. am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Noon: Altered course S88E. 1.30pm: Escorting submarine E12. 7.0pm: Position: Latitude star 35 56 N; Longitude star 20 29 E. 7.30pm: Exercised night action stations. 10.0pm: Escorting submarine E12. [Course and Distance made good: Various 210 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Matapan N80E - 180 miles] 4f962a22a2fc8e2def0052ac: ( 53-45345-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1916 From Malta to Mudros Lat 37.20, Long 23.62 1.0am: Convoying Submarine E12. 2.0am: Took soundings ./170. 3.0am: Clock put back 15 minutes. 4.0am: Cross bearings: Ova Island N70E; Pori Island S76E. 4.45am: Clocks put back 15 minutes. Challenged by and replied to French TBD. 5.15am: Altered course N36E. 6.0am: Challenged and replied to French TBD. 7.35am: Cape Malea N65W 9 miles, altered course North. 10.20am: Cross bearings: Belo Palo right side N86E; Belo Palo left side S78E, altered course N20E. 10.40am: Altered course NE. 2.0pm: St Georgio Light House abeam 7 cables. 4.0pm: Cross bearings: Tripiti Point N65W; Angarlestro [Angalestro] Point S66W, altered course N48E. 6.0pm: Altered course N23E, reduced to 120 revs 7.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 9.20pm: Observed Lithiri Island Light N21W. 11.0pm: Lithiri Point Light N80W 15 miles, altered course N16E. [Course and Distance made good: Various, 280 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Zurva N10W, 10 miles] 4f962a22a2fc8e2def0052ad: ( 53-45345-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1916 From Malta to Mudros and at Mudros Lat 39.87, Long 25.22 [estimated] 1.0am: Convoying Submarine E12. 2.0am: Put clocks back half hour. 4.45am: Increased to 12 knots. 5.0am: Courses as requisite entering harbour. 6.10am: Passed gate ships. 6.45am: Made fast to collier “Manchester Trader” [Manchester Trader (2) listed here]. 7.0am: Commenced coaling. 8.0am: Hands to breakfast. 8.40am: Recommenced coaling. 10.5am: Finished coaling, 65 tons taken. 10.40am: Cast off from collier and proceeded to West side of harbour. Noon: Ran torpedoes for practice. 0.30pm: Took torpedoes aboard, proceeded towards “Blenheim”. 0.45pm: Made fast to “Wolverine” alongside “Blenheim”. pm: Hands employed parting torpedoes. 4.15pm: Cast off from “Blenheim”. 4.30pm: Came to with port anchor 6 fathoms, 2 shackles. [Course and Distance made good: Various 195 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 131.10 tons] [Note: SS Manchester Trader was built in Glasgow in 1902 for The Auchen Steam Shipping Company and was originally called “Aucheblae”. She was sold to Manchester Liners in 1916 and was renamed “Manchester Trader”. She was to be captured by a U-boat and sunk in June 1917 in the Mediterranean (more details here).] 4f962a23a2fc8e2def0052ae: ( 53-45345-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1916 From Mudros to Port Iero and at Port Iero Lat 38.97, Long 26.56 [rough estimate] [At Single Anchor 6 fathoms, 2 shackles] 5.45am: Embarked Captain Carver for passage. 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour. 6.15am: Passed gate ships, set course S22E 190 revs. 6.50am: Kombi Point N33W; Cape Irene N54E: altered course S28E. [Numerous changes of course during morning] 0.20pm: Rounded Foul Point. 0.50pm: Came to Port anchor 10.5 fathoms, 3 shackles C1 berth. 2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 3.45pm: Passed Square Rock 220 revs. 3.50pm: Foul Point abeam, set course S6E. 4.30pm: Arrived off Dersk [Dersek or Dirsek] Point, Gulf of Smyrna in company with 3 monitors and 2 destroyers, disembarked Captain Carver to MBG “Penelope”. 6.0pm: Patrolling Seaward of Monitors engaging Batteries on Artez Point. Enemy heavily shelling aerodrome. 7.0pm: Exercised night action stations. 9.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. [Distance run through the Water: 87 miles] 4f962a23a2fc8e2def0052af: ( 53-45345-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1916 On Patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.63 [rough estimate] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna North of Dersek Point. 6.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 11.15am: Observed apparent submarine. 11.20am: Action Stations, increased speed to 20 knots as requisite searching for submarine. 1.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna between P Sahib and Oglak Island searching for submarine. 4.45pm: Reduced to 10 knots. 5.45pm: Increased to 13 knots and closed M32. 6.0pm: Stopped, communicating with M32. 7.0pm: Resumed patrolling. 8.0pm: Patrolling off Dirsek Point. 8.45pm: Proceeded towards Long Island. 9.0pm: Rounded Chusten Point 0.5 cables. Shelled from Artez Batteries. 9.15pm: Arrived at East Bay, Long Island, stopped and as requisite. [Distance run through the Water: 194.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Cape Dersek S30W, 6 miles] [South westerly or westerly wind force 7 to 4-5 at noon and 4pm, with rough or very rough sea and rain. Noon temperature 66F, sea temperature 64F] 4f962a24a2fc8e2def0052b0: ( 53-45345-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1916 On Patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 1.0am: Stopped and as requisite laying in East Bay, Long Island. 3.15am: Proceeded up East side of Long Island, courses and speed as requisite. 3.25am: Full speed. 3.50am: Stopped and as requisite. 5.30am: Proceeded 20 knots, towards Port Iero. 7.10am: Entered Port Iero. 7.30am: Came to Port anchor in Iero B2 berth, 10 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. 7.50am: Shifted berth to C1, 9.5 fathoms, 3 shackles. am: Hands employed as requisite. 5.10pm: Embarked Captain Carver. 5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 5.45pm: Made fast to tug “Alice” in Dexia Bay and took salvage gear aboard. 6.45pm: Let go and proceeded 190 revs. 6.50pm: Set course S6E towards Gulf of Smyrna. 8.0pm: Increased to 240 revs, altered course S7E. 8.35pm: Arrived 2 miles NW of Chusten [Chustan] Point. Stopped and as requisite waiting for MGB “California”. 9.45pm: Sent in Whaler with Captain Caver [Carver] to Long Island. [Lost overboard by accident whilst taking Captain Carver to Long Island 2 pairs of Crutches Whalers brass] 10.30pm: California with cutter arrived and took salvage gear. 11.30pm: Whaler returned. Proceeded courses as requisite patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. [Distance run through the Water: 138 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Port Iero. Anchor bearings: Beacon N74E, Sidero Island S24W] 4f962a24a2fc8e2def0052b1: ( 53-45345-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1916 On Patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna North of Long Island. 4.30am: Set course N6W, 190 revs. 6.5am: Passed Foul Point, courses and speed as requisite entering Iero. 6.28am: Came to starboard anchor in C1 berth. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside collier. 6.35am: Made fast to collier. 7.0am: Commenced coaling. [Alongside Collier “Treveal”] 8.0am: Breakfast. 8.45am: Resumed coaling. 9.20am: Finished coaling, 61 tons taken. 9.25am: Cast off from Collier. 9.50am: Came to starboard anchor C1 berth. [At Single Anchor C1 berth, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.15pm: “Kennet” arrived in harbour. 2.25pm: M16 arrived. 2.32pm: Kennet and “Earl of Peterborough” sailed. 4.45pm: M22 left harbour. [Distance run through the Water: 98.0 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: At Port Iero. Anchor bearings: Beacon N74E, Sidero Island S24W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.55 tons] [Note: SS Treveal was a British cargo ship built in UK in 1909 and owned by Hain Steamship Company. She was to be torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off North Wales in February 1918, with the loss of 33 lives.] 4f962a24a2fc8e2def0052b2: ( 53-45345-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1916 At Iero Lat 38.70, Long 26.59 [estimated] [At Single Anchor C1 berth, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded courses and speed as requisite. 5.0am: Rounded Foul Point, set course S6E 160 revs. 6.20am: Took over escort of Earl of Peterborough from Kennet. Proceeding towards Iero. Courses as requisite zig-zagging ahead, reduced to 110 revs. 9.0am: Parted company with “E of Peterborough” off entrance, altered course S6E. 11.30am: Arrived in Gulf of Smyrna and commenced patrol. 1.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna to seaward of monitors 32 and 33. 3.35pm: Set course North 160 revs to look for aeroplane from Mityleni. 4.15pm: Altered course West 72 revs. 4.30pm: Altered course South 160 revs. 5.15pm: Arrived to seaward of Monitors again, courses and speed as requisite. 9.0pm: Proceeded East of Long Island. 10.0pm: Stopped and as requisite keeping clear of enemy searchlights and guns. [Distance run through the Water: 74 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Dersek Point S45E, 7.5 miles] 4f962a25a2fc8e2def0052b3: ( 53-45345-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1916 On Patrol Lat 38.61, Long 26.64 [estimated] 2.0am: Stopped and as requisite East side of Long Island. 3.15am: Proceeded North of Long Island courses and speed as requisite to avoid mines and enemy guns. 3.40am: Set course N30W. 6.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 9.0am: Patrolling in company with 2 Monitors and “Welland”. 10.0am: Divisions and prayers. 1.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna in company with “Welland” to seaward of M 32 and 33. 4.0pm: “Welland” left Gulf. 9.45pm: “Earl of Peterborough” arrived in company with Kennet and M22. 11.0pm: Stopped Starboard engine. [Distance run through the Water: 165 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chustan Point S20E, 4 miles] [North easterly wind increasing in evening to force 7 at midnight, with very rough sea. Weather mostly fine, temperature peaked at 76F at 4pm] 4f962a25a2fc8e2def0052b4: ( 53-45345-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1916 On Patrol Lat 38.61, Long 26.59 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna as requisite. 3.45am: Escorting “California”, M 32 towards Iero. 6.40am: Arrived off Prophylaki Island, altered course S7E, 160 revs. Parted with escort. 7.0am: Passed “Earl of Peterborough” and tug with lighter bound N. 8.20am: Arrived on Patrol. 10.0am: Patrolling in company with Kennet and M 22 and 33. 2.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna with Kennet, M 22 and 33. 7.0pm: Exercised action stations. [Distance run through the Water: 167 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chusten Point S40E, 5 miles] 4f962a25a2fc8e2def0052b5: ( 53-45345-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1916 On Patrol and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna with “Kennet”, M 16 and 22. 5.0am: Set course N9W, 240 revs. 6.20am: 190 revs. 6.25am: Course and speed as requisite entering Port Iero. 7.0am: Made fast to collier. [Alongside Collier “Treveal”] 11.15am: Commenced coaling. 0.35pm: Finished coaling 54 tons taken. 0.39pm: Cast of from collier. 0.50pm: Came to Starboard anchor, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. 4.0pm: Leave to watch till 7pm. 7.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 145 miles] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 126.05 tons] 4f962a26a2fc8e2def0052b6: ( 53-45345-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1916 From Port Iero to Patrol Lat 38.65, Long 26.69 [estimated] [At Single Anchor C1 berth, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 6.15am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea. 8.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.50am: Rounded Foul Point, set course S6E 160 revs. 11.0am: Joined Monitors 22 and 33 and “Welland” patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 2.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna in company with “Welland”, M 22 and 33. 8.0pm: Tug “Alice”, MGB Penelope and 1 drifter arrived, reduced to 70 revs. 9.30pm: Proceeded East of Long Island and took up patrol station, stopped and as requisite. [Distance run through the Water: 39.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Dersek Point S60W, 5 miles] 4f962a26a2fc8e2def0052b7: ( 53-45345-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1916 On Patrol Lat 38.60, Long 26.65 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling East of Long Island. 3.20am: Course and speed as requisite, proceeded North of Long Island. 5.0am: M32 left for Iero. 6.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 7.0am: M18 arrived. 10.0am: Batteries on Cape Aspro shelling NW bay, Long Island, Monitors replying. 0.45pm: “Welland” left for Iero. 2.30pm: “Kennet” joined patrol. 3.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna in Company with “Kennet”, M 18 and 33. 5.20pm: Stopped and communicated with “Kennet”. 6.20pm: Resumed patrolling. 9.0pm: Tug “Alice” arrived with motor lighter. 11.0pm: Monitors shelling SL [Searchlight] at Murdovan Scala. [Distance run through the Water: 162 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Chustan Point S20E, 3 miles] 4f962a26a2fc8e2def0052b8: ( 53-45345-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1916 On Patrol Lat 38.59, Long 26.59 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna in company with M 18 and 33. Monitors firing at intervals at SL on Scala Murdovan. 6.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna in company with Kennet , M 18 and 33. 10.0am: Carried out aiming rifle practice with .303, with “Kennet”. 1.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna North of Long Island with “Kennet”, M 18 and 32. 3.30pm: “Anzac” arrived and proceeded to Long Island being shelled from Tres Tepé. 4.20pm: 2 Allied aeroplanes dropped bombs on Fouges. 5.0pm: Aeroplanes circled over Monitor then left in direction of Iero. 5.20pm: 2 aeroplanes reconnoitring over Aspro batteries fired on by enemy. 5.45pm: Aeroplanes closed M32 and then left for Mityleni Island. 7.0pm: HMS Grafton arrived. Exercised Night Action Stations. 9.0pm: Proceeded south to East of Long Island, stopping near East bay. [Distance run through the Water: 170 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Darligli [Darlikgli] Point N77W, 4.5 miles] 4f962a27a2fc8e2def0052b9: ( 53-45345-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1916 From Patrol to Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 1.0am: Stopped and as requisite patrolling East of Long Island. 3.0am: Proceeded into Gulf of Smyrna, North of Long Island. 3.30am: Grafton and drifter left. 6.30am: New battery of 4 guns opened fire on monitors. Monitors replied. 7.30am: Set course N8W, increased to 240 revs and left for Iero. 8.10pm: Passed Welland bound South. 8.45pm: Rounded Foul Point, Courses and speed as requisite entering harbour. 9.10pm: Made fast to Collier. [Alongside Collier “Treveal”] 9.35pm: Commenced coaling. 11.30am: Finished coaling, 49 tons received. 11.35am: Cast off from Collier. 11.47am: Came to Starboard anchor 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. pm: Hands cleaning ship. 4.0pm: Liberty to watch till 6pm. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 147.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: C2 berth Cross bearings: Beacon S87E, Sidero Island S14W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 126.90 tons] 4f962a27a2fc8e2def0052ba: ( 53-45345-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1916 From Port Iero to Patrol Lat 38.66, Long 26.62 [estimated] 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea. 7.30am: Weighed. Stopped off “Doris” and received 30 tins of parafin [paraffin]. 8.0am: Proceeded out of harbour. 8.20am: Rounded Foul Point, set course S6E 13 knots. 9.30am: As requisite to close Monitors in Gulf of Smyrna. 10.0am: Proceeded alongside M18 and discharged parafin tins. 10.45am: Cast off proceeding towards Long Island in company with M18. 11.45am: M18 opened fire on Murdovan. 1.0am: M18 ceased fire. Proceeded to patrol North end of Gulf in company with “Welland”, M 18 and 32. 7.15am: Drifter and Penelope arrived and proceeded to Long Island. 10.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. [Distance run through the Water: 33 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Dersek Point S80W, 3 miles] 4f962a27a2fc8e2def0052bb: ( 53-45345-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1916 On Patrolling Lat 38.69, Long 26.53 [estimated] 1.0am: In company with M 18 and 32 and “Welland”. Drifter and “Penelope” left Gulf bound North. 3.0am: Monitor 18 firing on searchlight. 5.0am: Allied Aeroplane up. 5.50am: Closed M18 and communicated. 6.0am: Increased to 8 knots. 10.30am: Took soundings 47 fathoms. 1.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna in Company with Welland, M 18 and 32. 5.0pm: Squadron carried out bombardment of Villages of Saki and Sahib on Kara Burnu Peninsula. Fired 20 rounds. 5.45pm: Cease fire. 9.0pm: Drifter arrived and proceeded to Long Island to land patrol. 10.45pm: M18 opened fire on Murdovan searchlight. 11.15pm: M18 Ceased fire. [Distance run through the Water: 152 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Kinlu Point S75W, 3.5 miles] 4f962a28a2fc8e2def0052bc: ( 53-45345-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.66, Long 26.62 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling in company with M 18, 32 and “Kennet”. 5.0am: Drifter left Gulf with patrol. 9.30am: Stopped and communicated with “Kennet”. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 1.30pm: As requisite communicating between M 18 and 32. 3.0pm: M33 arrived. M18 left. 4.30pm: Bombarded village of Aherlu, 20 rounds 12 pounder 12 hundredweight. 7.0pm: Stopped and communicated by boat with M32. 7.10pm: Proceeded. 7.40pm: Drifter 251 arrived. 9.0pm: Drifter proceeded to Long Island to land patrol. [Distance run through the Water: 143 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Darlighli Point West, 5 miles] 4f962a28a2fc8e2def0052bd: ( 53-45345-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1916 From Patrol to Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling in company with M 32, 33 and “Kennet”. 7.30am: Set course N4W, 240 revs. 8.40am: Rounded Foul Point as requisite entering harbour. 9.0am: Arrived off collier, stopped to await for hold. 9.35am: Made fast to collier. [Alongside Collier “Treveal”] 9.40am: Commenced coaling. 11.15am: Finished coaling 48 tons taken. 11.25am: Slipped from collier. 11.34am: Came to starboard anchor C1 berth. [At Single Anchor, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 4.0pm: Leave to watch till 6pm. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 145.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Beacon N88E, Sidero S23W] LOGS FOR JUNE 1916 4f962a28a2fc8e2def0052be: ( 53-45345-019_0.jpg) 1 June 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 4.0am: “Welland” and “Earl of Peterborough” left harbour. 6.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. am: Hands employed painting tubes. pm: Hands employed on torpedo tubes. 4.0pm: Leave to watch. 4.50pm: 1 PO Telegraphist discharged to Doris and 1 PO Telegraphist joined from Doris. 5.35pm: “Empress” left harbour. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Weather fine and quiet, noon temperature 78F, sea temperature 74F] 4f962a29a2fc8e2def0052bf: ( 53-45345-019_1.jpg) 2 June 1916 At Port Iero and Patrol Lat 38.66, Long 26.66 [estimated] 4.30am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite. 5.0am: Foul Point abeam, set course S6E, 160 revs. 5.15am: Passed M32 proceeding to Iero. 6.30am: Relieved “Kennet” on Patrol, reduced to 100 revs and commenced Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna, in company with M33. 1.0pm: Patrolling North End of Gulf of Smyrna in company with M33. 7.0pm: Exercised “Night Action Stations” and “Collision” Stations. 8.0pm: Drifter arrived, 9.30pm: Sanjak and Mentissi Searchlight switched on. [Distance run through the Water: 68 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island N70E, 2 miles] 4f962a29a2fc8e2def0052c0: ( 53-45345-020_0.jpg) 3 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.68, Long 26.63 2.0am: In Company with M33. 7.0am: 2 Allied aeroplanes up. 7.30am: Aeroplanes bombing North side of 2176 mountain. 11.0am: Sighted “Grafton” making for Iero. 2.0pm: In company with M33. 7.45pm: Drifter arrived. 9.30pm: Examined Fouges harbour. All quiet. [Distance run through the Water: 176 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island S80E, 4 miles] 4f962a29a2fc8e2def0052c1: ( 53-45345-020_1.jpg) 4 June 1916 From Patrol to Port Iero and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling between Iersis Island and Dava Burnu, examining the shore for working parties. 5.45am: Closed M33 and communicated by boat. 8.45am: Relieved by “Kennet”, proceeded towards harbour 20 knots. 10.0am: Entered harbour as requisite. 10.15am: Made fast to collier. [Alongside Collier “Treveal”] 4.0pm: Leave to watch. [At Single Anchor C2 berth, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Distance run through the Water: 169.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Beacon S88E, Sidero S12W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 120.40 tons] 4f962a2aa2fc8e2def0052c2: ( 53-45345-021_0.jpg) 5 June 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [At Single Anchor C2 berth, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 4.45am: “Welland” left harbour. 6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 3.15pm: M19 arrived. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 4f962a2aa2fc8e2def0052c3: ( 53-45345-021_1.jpg) 6 June 1916 From Port Iero to Patrol Lat 38.68, Long 26.66 [estimated] 6.0am: Mail trawler arrived. 6.50am: M32 left. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 8.25am: Set course S6E, 13 knots. 9.30am: Relieved “Welland” on Patrol. 9.45am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna, speed 8 knots, in company with M 32 and 33. 2.0pm: Allied aeroplane carried out reconnaisance [sic]. 3.0pm: M32 bombarded battery on Artez Point. 4.0pm: M33 left for Iero. 10.0pm: Trawler passed with guard for Long Island. 11.25pm: Moon [symbol] set, slow speed. [Distance run through the Water: 39 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island Light House East, 2 miles] 4f962a2aa2fc8e2def0052c4: ( 53-45345-022_0.jpg) 7 June 1916 On Patrol Lat 38.69, Long 26.64 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling between Oglak Island and Dersek Point. 2.0am: Tres Tepe firing on Long Island at intervals. 5.0am: Increased to 8 knots. 10.0am: M19 arrived on patrol. am: 1 Bass broom lost overboard by accident. 11.30am: Took sounding. 1.0pm: Patrolling across North end of Gulf of Smyrna in company with M 32 and 19. 2.0pm: Received orders to proceed North of Straits of Khios and send caiques met into Iero. 2.10pm: Received interpreter from M32. 2.15pm: Proceeded courses as requisite speed 190 revs. 3.40pm: Arrived North of Ignassus Island, communicated with drifter No 445. 3.50pm: Courses as requisite sending shipping to Iero. pm: Ordered to following ships to Iero. Caiques: “Sutera”, “Chrosostonios”, “Effsakia”, “San Nicholas” and small SS “Espereco”, all Greek. 6.30pm: Following shipping to see they obeyed orders. Exercised action stations. 8.0pm: Lost sight of “Espereco” in the darkness. 9.30pm: Took 1 caique in tow. 10.0pm: Trawler No 706 arrived to take over caiques, slipped tow and proceeded towards Iero to look for “Espereco”. 11.0pm: Overtook “Espereco” entering Iero, set course for Patrol Area 130 revs. [Distance run through the Water: 181 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island Light House S80E, 3 miles] 4f962a2ba2fc8e2def0052c5: ( 53-45345-022_1.jpg) 8 June 1916 On Patrol Lat 38.73, Long 26.64 [estimated] 1.0am: Arrived on patrol in Gulf of Smyrna in company with M 32 and 19, reduced to 70 revs. 3.30am: Drifter with Long Island patrol left for Iero. 8.0am: M19 left for Iero. 10.0am: Aeroplane up. M32 Closed and commenced firing at Merminge Battery. Stopped. 10.10am: “Welland” arrived. 10.30am: M32 ceased fire. 1.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna. 3.30pm: M19 arrived. 5.15pm: Courses as requisite to close Barquentine, 13 knots. 6.30pm: Cape Kara Burna [Burnu] S40E 7 miles, Stopped and boarded Barquentine “Taxiarchis” chartered by French Military authorities. 7.0pm: Allowed to proceed. Set course towards Gulf of Smyrna. 8.30pm: Closed M32 off Cape Hydra and received mail. 8.40pm: Set course N5W for Port Iero. 9.30pm: Received orders to return to Gulf of Smyrna, altered course S6E 120 revs. 10.30pm: Arrived at Gulf of Smyrna 70 revs. 11.10pm: Proceeded to Mudros. Set course N53W. Midnight: Pasha Island Light S8W; Mount Elias S43W. [Distance run through the Water: 208 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island Light House S60E, 4 miles] [Note: The identity of the barquentine “Taxiarkis” is unclear. There are other references in this log to a caique and a schooner of this or similar names. There is also a reference to a sailing vessel named “Taxiarchis” sunk in the Mediterranean in January 1918 here.] 4f962a2ba2fc8e2def0052c6: ( 53-45345-023_0.jpg) 9 June 1916 From Gulf of Smyrna to Port Mudros and at Port Mudros Lat 39.89, Long 25.23 [estimated] 2.0am: Sigri Light House N20E 4 miles, altered course N30W. 4.0am: Altered course N22W. 5.40am: Rounded Kombi Light House proceeding up swept channel. 5.55am: Passed gate ship. 6.45am: Made fast to collier. [Alongside Collier “Lena” [name has been altered but appears in other logs; there were several ships of this name at this time]] 6.48am: Commenced coaling. 7.40 - 8.10am: Breakfast. 8.12am: Recommenced. 9.10am: Finished coaling 54 tons received. 9.12am: Cast off from collier and proceeded alongside HMS “Bacchus” for stores. [Alongside Store Ship “Bacchus”] am: Hands employed receiving stores and cleaning ship. 11.15am: Cast off from “Bacchus”. 11.35am: Came to Starboard anchor, 12 fathoms, 3 shackles. 1.15pm: “Arno” arrived in harbour. 2.45pm: “Staunch” arrived in harbour. 4.30pm: 1 AB discharged to “Wolverine”. 6.0pm: 1 OD joined from “Blenheim”. 7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 7.50pm: Rounded gate ship, set course S25E 160 revs. 8.25pm: Kombi Light N33W, altered course S30E. 9.45pm: Observed Sigri Light. Midnight: Altered course S50E. [Distance run through the Water: 197 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Turk Island S10W, Sarpi Windmill [symbol] N20W] 4f962a2ca2fc8e2def0052c7: ( 53-45345-023_1.jpg) 10 June 1916 From Mudros to Port Iero and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 1.25am: Cape Varkos abeam 1 mile, altered course S70E. 2.15am: Potomos Point abeam 2 miles, altered course East. 2.50am: Prophylaki Island N56E 2.5 miles, altered course ENE. 3.0am: Altered course N by E. 3.10am: Slow, various courses awaiting daylight. 4.5am: Rounded Foul Point buoy, speed as requisite entering harbour. 4.25am: Came to Starboard anchor, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. 6.0am: Trawler arrived. 9.30am: Earl of Peterborough anchored. 10.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship. 11.45am: M19 arrived. 1.30pm: Leave to watch. [At Single Anchor 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles, C1 berth. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 105 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Beacon N74E, Sidero Island S24W] 4f962a2ca2fc8e2def0052c8: ( 53-45345-024_0.jpg) 11 June 1916 From Port Iero to Patrol in Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.68, Long 26.60 [estimated] 6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship and preparing for sea. 8.0am: Weighed and proceeded courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 8.30am: Rounded Foul Point, set course S6E, 160 revs. 8.45am: Allied aeroplane up steering North. 8.55am: Increased 280 revs. Divisions and Prayers. 9.30am: Decreased to 160 revs. 9.45am: Arrived on patrol in company with Kennet and M32, 120 revs. 10.40am: Stopped and communicated with M33 by boat. 11.10am: Slow port engine. 0.30pm: Hoisted dingy, resumed patrol, 100 revs. 1.0pm: Two allied aeroplanes over Long Island. 2.0pm: Aeroplanes disappeared North. 2.30pm: M32 Left for Iero. 6.30pm: Exercised action Stations. 8.0pm: Drifter arrived. 8.20pm: Closed M32 for mails. 8.30pm: Resumed patrol. [Distance run through the Water: 38 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bijuk Sahib S80W, 6 miles] 4f962a2ca2fc8e2def0052c9: ( 53-45345-024_1.jpg) 12 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.67, Long 26.64 [estimated] 1.20am: Moon [symbol] set. Slow. 2.0am: Patrolling between Dava Burnu and Darlighli Point. 4.30am: “Kennet” left for Iero. 8.55am: Sound of firing in direction of Smyrna. am: M33 in company. 11.0am: Took sounding 56 r [rock?]. 2.0pm: Welland joined patrol. 2.40pm: M32 opened fire on Merminge Battery. 4.0pm: M32 ceased fire. 9.0pm: Patrolling as requisite between Bijuk Sahib and Oglak Island. [Distance run through the Water: 181 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Oglak Island East, 3 miles] [North westerly force 5 or 6 at 4pm and 6pm, then reducing. Weather fine, noon temperature 74F, sea temperature 70F] 4f962a2da2fc8e2def0052ca: ( 53-45345-025_0.jpg) 13 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.72, Long 26.53 [estimated] 2.0am: Moon set. Proceeded East of Long Island and reconnoitred in company with “Welland”. 3.20am: Passed Chusten Point steering North. 3.30am: “Welland” rounding Chusten Point heavily fired on from Murdovan and Merminje. 4.0am: Battery ceased fire. 6.0am: Patrolling in Company with M32 and Welland. 0.20pm: Nieuport aeroplane left for Mityleni after reconnaissance. 4.30pm: Chusten Point S40E 4 miles. Guns near Merminge Light House fired 3 rounds. Course and speed as requisite to avoid fire. 4.50pm: Closed M33 and communicated by boat. 5.10pm: Resumed patrol. 5.30pm: Stopped. M33 fired on Merminge. 5.50pm: Ceased fire, resumed patrol. 6.30pm: Set course N10W, 13 knots. Action Stations exercised. 9.0pm: Met “Earl of Peterborough” off Entrance to Iero and commenced escorting zigzagging ahead. [Distance run through the Water: 198 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bijuk Sahib S45W, 3 miles] 4f962a2da2fc8e2def0052cb: ( 53-45345-025_1.jpg) 14 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna and to Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 1.0am: Arrived in Gulf of Smyrna. 1.45am: 70 revs. Patrolling on “E of P”s [Earl of Peterborough’s] quarter. 2.0am: Stopped. 2.20 am: Murdovan Searchlight switched on. 2.45am: Mentissi switched on. 3.10am: “Earl of Peterborough” opened fire on Murdovan Searchlight, fired 2 rounds. 4.30am: Set course N3W, 240 revs. 5.40am: Rounded Foul Point buoy, course and speed as requisite entering harbour. 6.15am: Made fast to collier. [Alongside Collier “Camellia”] 6.20am: Breakfast. 7.15am: Commenced coaling. 8.45am: Finished coaling, 58 tons received. 8.55am: Cast of [off] from collier. 9.10 Came to Starboard anchor in C1 berth. am: Hands employed cleaning ship. [At Single Anchor 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] 11.30am: “Earl of Peterborough” arrived. [Distance run through the Water: 136 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Beacon N74E, Sidero S24W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 125.85 tons] [Note: SS Camellia was a British cargo ship built in Sunderland in 1913 and initially named SS “Tynehome”. She was sold to Stag Lines in 1914 and was renamed; she was to go missing in November 1917 after departing from Dakar in West Africa (a few additional details here).] 4f962a2da2fc8e2def0052cc: ( 53-45345-026_0.jpg) 15 June 1916 From Port Iero to Port Mudros and at Port Mudros Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 9.0am: “Welland” arrived. 9.27am: French TB arrived. 0.10am: Weighed and proceeded, stopped off “Doris”. 0.25am: Embarked Captain of “Doris”. 0.45am: Rounded Foul Point 240 revs. Various courses. 1.10pm: Set course N17W. 1.30pm: Altered course N25W/ 2.20pm: Cape Tomari abeam, altered course NW. 2.40pm: Skammia Point abeam, altered course S88W. 3.0pm: Altered course N57W. 5.45pm: Kombi Light House N60W, altered course N25W steaming up swept channel. 6.5pm: Gate ships abeam, courses and speed as requisite entering Mudros. 6.10pm: Arrived near “Lord Nelson”, disembarked Captain “Doris” to Lord Nelson. 6.25pm: Came to Starboard anchor, 7 fathoms, 2 shackles. [At Single Anchor Port Mudros, 7 fathoms, 2 shackles, alongside “Lord Nelson”] 10.25pm: Weighed. 10.30pm: Proceeded out of harbour 14 knots. 11.0pm: Kombi Light N30W, altered course S30E. 4f962a2ea2fc8e2def0052cd: ( 53-45345-026_1.jpg) 16 June 1916 From Mudros to Port Iero and to Patrol Lat 38.71, Long 26.54 [estimated] 1.0am: Observed Sigri Light, altered course S26E. 2.33am: Sigri Light N8E 3.25 miles, altered course S48E. 3.55am: Cape Varkos N60E, Potomos Point S83E, altered course S75E. 5.10am: Courses as requisite making harbour. 5.50am: SNO [Senior Naval Officer] left . 6.0am: Came to with Starboard anchor in 9 fathoms C1 berth, 3.5 shackles. [At Single Anchor C1 berth Port Iero] 9.30am: Weighed and proceeded, Courses and speed as requisite. 10.0am: Foul Point abeam, set course S6E. Hands employed as requisite. 11.30am: Arrived on Patrol in Gulf of Smyrna. 0.45pm: Allied aeroplane up on reconnaisance [sic]. 2.0pm: Patrolling North End of Gulf of Smyrna in Company with M32 and “Kennet”. 6.30pm: Exercised night action stations. 8.30pm: Stopped and communicated with Drifter 251. 8.40pm: Proceeded. [Distance run through the Water: 229 miles] [True Bearing and Distance; Bijuk Sahib S63W, 3 miles] 4f962a2ea2fc8e2def0052ce: ( 53-45345-027_0.jpg) 17 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.65, Long 26.56 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna in company with M32 and Kennet. 5.0am: “Kennet” left for Iero. 8.30am: Allied aeroplane up. 9.0am: Lost overboard by accident 1 broom bass. 9.30am: “Welland” arrived in company. Noon: Stopped and communicated with M32 by boat. 0.3pm: Half speed. 2.0pm: Stopped and communicated by boat with M32. 2.10pm: Resumed patrol. 3.0pm: Patrolling Gulf. 8.45pm: Murdovan Searchlight switched on. 9.30pm: Moon [symbol] rose. 10.0pm: Murdovan switched off. [Distance run through the Water: 191 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Darligli Point West, 1.5 miles] 4f962a2ea2fc8e2def0052cf: ( 53-45345-027_1.jpg) 18 June 1916 Patrolling and to Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 2.0am: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna, M32 and Welland in company. 5.0am: Set course towards Port Iero N4W. 7.30am: Rounded Foul Point buoy, courses and speed as requisite. 8.15am: Made fast to collier. [Alongside Collier “Camellia”] 8.40am: Commenced coaling. 10.20am: Finished coaling, 56 tons taken. 10.30am: Cast off from collier, Courses and speed as requisite towards anchorage. 10.38am: Came to Starboard anchor near C2 berth, 9.5 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. 1.30pm: Leave to watch. 3.30pm: “Foxhound” arrived. 4.25pm: “Foxhound” sailed. 5.45pm: “Kennet” sailed. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. [Distance run through the Water: 161.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Beacon S85E, Sidero Island S17W] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 126.65 tons] 4f962a2fa2fc8e2def0052d0: ( 53-45345-028_0.jpg) 19 June 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 5.45am: “Welland” arrived. 7.0am: Hands employed painting ship. 9.0am: Welland left. am: Lost overboard by accident brushes, painting, 1. 1.15pm: Hands employed painting ship. 4.0pm: Leave to watch. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. 4f962a2fa2fc8e2def0052d1: ( 53-45345-028_1.jpg) 20 June 1916 From Port Iero and to Patrol Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 am: Hands employed cleaning Ship. 4.30pm: “Welland” and Newmarket arrived. 6.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 6.30pm: Altered course S6E. 7.0pm: Exercised Action Stations. 7.25pm: Altered course S41W towards M32. 8.0pm: Stopped and communicated by boat with M32 and “Kennet”. 8.10pm: Proceeded courses and speed as requisite patrolling North end of Gulf of Smyrna. 9.30pm: Closed and examined Long Island NW bay, “Kennet” astern. 10.30pm: Nothing seen, proceeded N. 10.45pm: Kennet dropped 3 calcium Lights. 11.15pm: Moon rose. 4f962a30a2fc8e2def0052d2: ( 53-45345-029_0.jpg) 21 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.68, Long 26.56 [estimated] 1.30am: M32 and Kennet in Company. 5.0am: “Kennet” left for Iero. 6.15am: M19 relieved M32. 10.15am: Took sounding 45 fathoms. 1.0pm: In company with M19. 7.40pm: Sun [symbol] set 9.0pm: “Welland” joined patrol. 11.45pm: Moon [symbol] rose. [Distance run through the Water: 156 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bijuk Sahib S70W, 3 miles] 4f962a30a2fc8e2def0052d3: ( 53-45345-029_1.jpg) 22 June 1916 Patrolling Lat 38.88, Long 26.86 [rough estimate] 1.0am: Patrolling between Depano [Deprano] Island and Bijuk Sahib, M19 and Welland in company. 4.50am: Sun [symbol] rose. 9.0am: Courses as requisite to search Gulf of Chandarli, Speed 10 knots. 0.30pm: Examined Chandarli Harbour. 1.10pm: Koumen [?] Adasia Island abeam 3 cables, set course S42W. 2.30pm: Arrived in Gulf of Smyrna. Communicated by boat with “Welland”, discharged Leading Signalman White to “Welland”. 2.45pm: Proceeded patrolling Gulf, “Welland” left for Iero. 4.15pm: Arno arrived on Patrol. 4.30pm: Stopped and communicated with Arno by boat. Leading Signalman Sable joined ship. 9.10pm: Murdovan SL switched on, Mentissi on and off at intervals. 10.0pm: Patrolling Eastern Side of Gulf between Hydra and Dava Burnu. 11.0pm: Murdovan SL switched off. [Distance run through the Water: 198 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sakram Burnu N65E, 1.75 miles] 4f962a30a2fc8e2def0052d4: ( 53-45345-030_0.jpg) 23 June 1916 From Patrol to Port Iero and at Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 0.10am: Moon rose. Patrolling between Iersis Island and Dava Burnu. 5.30am: Set course N5W, 13 knots towards Iero. 7.0am: Rounded Foul Point buoy, courses and speed as requisite. 7.30am: Made fast to collier. [Alongside SS “Camellia”] 8.30am: Commenced coaling. 10.10am: Finished coaling, 41 tons taken. 10.15am: Left collier. 10.25am: Came to Starboard anchor near C1 berth, 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. Hands employed cleaning ship. 4.0pm: Evening quarters. 6.0pm: Kennet Left harbour. [Distance run through the Water: 162 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Sidero Island S22W, Beacon N68E] [Fuel Remaining: Coal 123.00 tons] 4f962a31a2fc8e2def0052d5: ( 53-45345-030_1.jpg) 24 June 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 7.0am: “Arno” arrived. am: Hands employed about torpedoes and as requisite. 5.0pm: W/T boy joined from “Doris”. 6.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded, courses and speed as requisite leaving harbour. 6.30pm: Rounded Foul Point, set course S6E, 160 revs. 10.0pm: Patrolling North end of Gulf of Smyrna. [North easterly wind force 4-5 to 6 all day, sea rough in pm; weather fine, noon temperature 82F, sea temperature 74F] 4f962a31a2fc8e2def0052d6: ( 53-45345-031_0.jpg) 25 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.88, Long 26.83 [rough estimate] 1.0am: Moon rose bearing ENE. 1.30am: Murdovan SL switched off, Mentissi SL on and off till 2.30 am. 3.0am: Patrolling North end of Gulf, Kennet and M19 in company. 4.30am: Sun rose N60E. 7.0am: Patrolling between Iersis Island and Bijuk Sahib. 9.20am: Proceeded to search Gulf of Chandarli. 10.15am: Divisions and prayers. 0.30pm: Examining Gulf of Chandarli. 1.20pm: Stopped off Plati Island and examined Greek Guard boat. 1.30pm: Proceeded. 2.30pm: Arrived on patrol in Gulf of Smyrna. 3.0pm: Stopped and communicated with Kennet. 3.10pm: Proceeded 8 knots. 6.20pm: Merminge Battery opened fire 3 rounds. 8.55pm: Murdovan SL switched on. [Distance run through the Water: 132.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Sakram Burnu N63E, 2.5 miles] [North easterly wind force 6-7 in early am, with very rough sea, wind and sea then reducing gradually] 4f962a31a2fc8e2def0052d7: ( 53-45345-031_1.jpg) 26 June 1916 On Patrol Lat 38.71, Long 26.64 [rough estimate] 1.35am: Moon rose N65E. 2.0am: Patrolling between Iersis and Dirsek Point. 2.30am: Searchlights switched off. 5.0am: “Kennet” left Gulf for Iero. 0.45pm: “M33” arrived on patrol. 3.45pm: Communicated by boat with M33. 3.50pm: Resumed patrol. 7.45pm: “Grasshopper” arrived on patrol. Stopped and communicated. 7.50pm: Proceeded. 9.30pm: Mentissi SL switched on. Patrolling Eastern side of Gulf, M33 and Grasshopper in company. [Distance run through the Water: 197 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Iersis Island S88E, 3 miles] 4f962a32a2fc8e2def0052d8: ( 53-45345-032_0.jpg) 27 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna [and at Iero] Lat 39.08, Long 26.50 [estimated] 2.15am: Moon rose N63E. 2.45am: Mentissi Light switched out. 3.0am: Patrolling Eastern Side of Gulf. 6.0am: Set course N5E for Iero working to full speed for trial. 6.40am: Reduced speed. 7.0am: Rounded Foul Point, Courses and speed as requisite. 7.38am: Made fast to collier. [Alongside Collier “Camellia”] 8.35am: Commenced coaling. 9.40am: Finished coaling, 42 tons taken. 9.50am: Cast off. 10.2am: Came to Starboard anchor C3 berth. am: Hands cleaning ship. 1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning guns and as requisite. 5.55pm: “Kennet” left harbour. [Distance run through the Water: 166.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Anchor bearings: Beacon S80E, Sidero Island S5W] 4f962a32a2fc8e2def0052d9: ( 53-45345-032_1.jpg) 28 June 1916 At Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [At Single Anchor C3 berth, 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles] am: Hands employed painting chain lockers etc. pm: Hands employed as requisite. 4f962a32a2fc8e2def0052da: ( 53-45345-033_0.jpg) 29 June 1916 At Port Iero [and on Patrol] Lat 39.00, Long 26.57 [estimated] 4.15am: M19 left harbour. 6.0am: “Grasshopper” arrived. 9.10am: “M33” arrived. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 11.30am: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour, courses and speed as requisite. Noon: Foul Point abeam, 280 revs. 0.10pm: Petras Island on Port hand. 0.48pm: Vurkos Point N63W; Potomos Peak N30E: altered course N70W] 1.10pm: Cape Vurkos abeam 1 mile, altered course N60W. Searching for enemy submarine. 3.0pm: Sighed Strati Island on Starboard bow. 3.35pm: Sighted Hospital Ship “Karapara” bound North. 4.0pm: Altered course S88E. 6.10pm: Altered course N86E. 7.0pm: Skammia Point abeam 4 miles, altered course S46E. 7.15pm: Cape Tomari abeam 7 cables, altered course S23E. Exercised action stations. 8.15pm: Altered course S5E. 9.50pm: Arrived at entrance to Gulf of Smyrna. Sighted “Kennet”. Courses and speed as requisite for patrolling between Bijuk Sahib and Oglak Island. [Distance run through the Water: 5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Foul Point West, 2 cables] [Note: HMHS Karapara was built in Newcastle in 1914 for the British India Steam Navigation Company. She entered naval service in August 1915 and then sailed for Gallipoli. She was returned to her original owner in 1920. She was also requisitioned in World War II and returned to commercial service in 1947, eventually being scrapped in 1950.] 4f962a33a2fc8e2def0052db: ( 53-45345-033_1.jpg) 30 June 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.68, Long 26.55 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling between Bijuk Sahib and Oglak Island, “Kennet” in company. 4.25am: Stopped and sent mails to Kennet. 4.30am: Proceeded patrolling. 5.0am: “Kennet” left for Iero. 6.0am: Patrolling between Iersis Island and Bijuk Sahib Island. M19 in Company. 6.30am: Exercised Night action stations. Various speeds closing “M19”. 7.0pm: “Grasshopper” arrived. 7.30pm: Sent boat to Grasshopper for provisions. 10.0pm: Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Eastern Side. [Distance run through the Water: 301.5 miles] [True Bearing and Distance: Bijuk Sahib S70W, 2 miles] 4f962a33a2fc8e2def0052dc: ( 53-45345-034_0.jpg) [Log page not filled in] 4f962a33a2fc8e2def0052dd: ( 53-45345-034_1.jpg) [Blank page] 4f962a34a2fc8e2def0052de: ( 53-45345-035_0.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] 4f962a34a2fc8e2def0052df: ( 53-45345-035_1.jpg) [Blank page, half blue cover] LOG BOOK – JULY 1ST TO AUGUST 31ST 1916 LOGS FOR JULY 1916 4f962a35a2fc8e2def0052e0: ( 53-45346-001_0.jpg) [Left hand side of blue front cover of Log for the Period 1st July 1916 to 31st August 1916] 4f962a35a2fc8e2def0052e1: ( 53-45346-001_1.jpg) [Right hand side of front cover] ( 53-45346-002_0.jpg) [Page with handwritten statement: “This is to certify that this is the original Log of HMS Jed from 1st July 1916 to 31st August 1916. [Signed] EM Bowly Lieutenant, Commander Officer] 4f962a36a2fc8e2def0052e3: ( 53-45346-002_1.jpg) [Page not filled in but signed: EM Bowly Lieutenant in Command, 1 September 1916. HMS “Blenheim” 11 Sept 1916. No remarks. [Signed] HL Hammond, Engineer Lieutenant Commander (D). [Signed] CPR Coode, Captain (D) Fifth Destroyer Flotilla, [stamped] 14 Sep 1916] 4f962a36a2fc8e2def0052e4: ( 53-45346-003_0.jpg) [Page for details of Barometer and Thermometers, not filled in] 4f962a36a2fc8e2def0052e5: ( 53-45346-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1916 Patrolling Gulf of Smyrna Lat 38.69, Long 26.53 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling Eastern side of Gulf of Smyrna. 3.25am: Sanjak Search light switched off. 4.52am: Sun rose N66E. 5.0am: Patrolling between Iersis Island and Bijuk Sahib, M19 and “Grasshopper” in company. 9.30am: Divisions and prayers. 1.0pm: Patrolling between Iersis Island and Kuchuk Sahib. 8.30pm: Patrolling East side of Gulf. 9.30pm: Sanjak Search light switched on. 9.40pm: Switched off. [Distance run through the Water: 192 miles] [True Bearing and Distance; Bijuk Sahib S58W, 2.5 miles] 4f962a37a2fc8e2def0052e6: ( 53-45346-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1916 From Patrol to Port Iero Lat 39.08, Long 26.51 [estimated] 1.0am: Patrolling to Westward of Iersis and Oglak Islands. 3.0am: Sanjak Search Light burning during watch. 5.0am: Set course North, 240 revs. 6.25am: Made fast alongside collier. [Alongside Collier “Camellia”] 6.45am: Commenced coaling. 8.0am: Hands to Breakfast. 8.30am: Recommenced coaling. 9.15am: Finished coaling, 67 tons taken. 9.20am: Cast of [off] from collier. 9.27am: Came to Starboard anchor in C1 berth, 9 fathoms, 2.5 shackles. am: Hands employed Cleaning Ship. 1.30pm: Leave to watch. 6.0pm: Liberty men returned. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. [Distance run through the Water: 158 miles] [True Bearing and Distance |