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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Old Destroyer, B-class

Four-funnelled 30-knotter, designated B-class. Launched 19.11.95 Laird. c355-400 tons, c215(pp)x21x6ft. TE c6000ihp, 30kts. Armament: 1-12pdr, 5-6pdr, 2-18in tt. China station. Sold 10.10.19 at Hong Kong. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

THE VOYAGES OF HMS VIRAGO 1914-1915 AND 1917-1919

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


Hong Kong with Mirs Bay


Hong Kong


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4caf8c66cadfd341970360a1: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-003_1.jpg)

15 August 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Commissioned ship

10.30am: Black typhoon signal handed down

4caf8c66cadfd341970360a2: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-004_0.jpg)

16 August 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30am: Hands employed drawing torpedoes from dockyard

  1.00pm: Hands employed drawing boats from dockyard

  4.00pm: Hands employed hoisting in Berthon boats

  7.00pm: HMS Hampshire arrived

4caf8c66cadfd341970360a3: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-004_1.jpg)

17 August 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: HMS Minotaur arrived

  8.30am: Hands employed drawing ammunition, warheads etc

  5.00pm: Hands employed drawing stores

  6.30pm: 1 stokehold rating joined ship

4caf8c66cadfd341970360a4: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-005_0.jpg)

18 August 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Coal lighter alongside

  9.00am: 1 stokehold rating joined ship

10.15am: Mr Coates Midshipman RNR joined ship

  1.20pm: Completed coaling (75 tons)

  5.20pm: 2 ratings joined ship

  5.30pm: HMS Minotaur sailed

  5.40pm: HMS Hampshire sailed

  6.50pm: Swayed topmast

4caf8c66cadfd341970360a5: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-005_1.jpg)

19 August 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.00pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  5.20pm: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  7.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern entrance, course and speeds as requisite for patrol duties

4caf8c66cadfd341970360a6: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-006_0.jpg)

20 August 1914

Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  6.30am: Came to with port anchor in 5 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles in Tai Tam Bay

  7.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern entrance, course and speeds as requisite for patrol duties

4caf8c66cadfd341970360a7: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-006_1.jpg)

21 August 1914

Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  6.30am: Came to with port anchor in 7¼ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  2.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong

  3.30pm: Secured to no 5 buoy

  4.00pm: Discharged Lieutenant Handley to HMS Tamar

  5.15pm: Slipped from no 5 buoy and proceeded to eastern entrance, course and speeds as requisite for patrol duties

  6.00pm: Lieutenant GO Maund joined ship

4caf8c66cadfd341970360a8: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-007_0.jpg)

22 August 1914

Stanley Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Proceeded to Stanley Bay

  6.50am: Came to with port anchor in 7½ fathoms. veered to 2 shackles

  7.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area, course and speeds as requisite for patrol duties

4caf8c66cadfd341970360a9: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-007_1.jpg)

23 August 1914

Stanley Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Proceeded to Stanley Bay

  7.20am: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

11.30am: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

12.45pm: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.00pm: HMS Ribble passed

  7.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area, course and speeds as requisite for patrol duties

4caf8c66cadfd341970360aa: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-008_0.jpg)

24 August 1914

Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  7.10am: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.40pm: Weighed and proceeded, course and speeds as requisite for patrolling in Mirs Bay

4caf8c66cadfd341970360ab: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-008_1.jpg)

25 August 1914

Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Proceeded to rendezvous with HMS Ribble

  8.00am: Sub Lieutenant GW Stopford-Sackville joined ship from HMS Ribble; proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  9.10am: Came to with port anchor in 6¾ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

  9.30pm: Escorted French prize to examination anchorage

10.30pm: Resumed patrolling C and D areas

4caf8c66cadfd341970360ac: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-009_0.jpg)

26 August 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Proceeded into harbour

  7.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.50am: HMS Cadmus arrived

  9.40am: Coal lighter alongside; coaled ship

10.00am: 2 ratings joined ship from HMS Tamar

  2.30pm: Completed coaling (50 tons)

  5.00pm: 1 rating detained in HMS Tamar on sick list

  6.00pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360ad: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-009_1.jpg)

27 August 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Proceeded into harbour in company with French cruiser Dupleix

  7.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  8.10am: HMS Fame arrived

  6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360ae: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-010_0.jpg)

28 August 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Passed HMS Yarmouth

  7.00am: Proceeded to Stanley Bay for provisions

  8.20am: Proceeded to Hong Kong

  9.25am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360af: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-010_1.jpg)

29 August 1914

Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.00am: French cruiser Dupleix passed

  6.50am: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  7.20am: Came to with port anchor in 6¾ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to Waglan Lighthouse; came to with port anchor in 14 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles

  6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area; 2 ratings joined ship from HMS Fame

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b0: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-011_0.jpg)

30 August 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Proceeded into harbour escorting Japanese sloops Chikuma and Ibuki

  8.05am: Secured to 5A buoy

  8.50am: HMS Chelmer sailed

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b1: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-011_1.jpg)

31 August 1914

Hong Kong, Mirs Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.20am: Proceeded to Hong Kong

  8.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded to Mirs Bay to carry out search

  2.25pm: Came to with port anchor in 3 fathoms at Tai Po, veered to 2½ shackles

  5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area


4caf8c66cadfd341970360b2: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-012_0.jpg)

1 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Proceeded to Hong Kong

  7.55am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  8.20am: Coal lighter secured alongside

  8.40am: Commenced coaling

10.50am: 2 ratings joined ship from HMS Tamar; discharged 1 rating to HMS Jed

  1.35pm: Completed coaling (48 tons)

  5.00am: 1 rating joined ship

  5.55pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b3: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-012_1.jpg)

2 September 1914

Mirs Bay, Port Shelter and on patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  5.45am: Proceeded to Mirs Bay to carry out search

12.55pm: Came to with port anchor in 7½ fathoms at Port Shelter, veered to 2 shackles

  5.55pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b4: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-013_0.jpg)

3 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Proceeded to Hong Kong

  8.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy

10.15am: Black typhoon signal hoisted; housed topmast, veered cable, hoisted in boats etc

  3.20pm: Typhoon signal changed from north east to north

  6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b5: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-013_1.jpg)

4 September 1914

Mirs Bay, Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Proceeded to Mirs Bay to carry out search

11.00am: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay for provisions

12.15pm: Proceeded to Hong Kong

  1.30pm: Secured to no 5A buoy

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

  7.00pm: Topmast carried away

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b6: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-014_0.jpg)

5 September 1914

Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  7.05am: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

11.40am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong

  1.00pm: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b7: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-014_1.jpg)

6 September 1914

Mirs Bay,Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  5.20am: Proceeded to Mirs Bay

10.00am: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

11.50am: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b8: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-015_0.jpg)

7 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Proceeded to Hong Kong escorting two Japanese cruisers

  7.00am: Passed HMS Clio, HMS Cadmus and HMS Empress of Russia

  8.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  8.40am: Coal lighter secured alongside

10.00am: Commenced coaling

10.30am: Coal lighter slipped

10.35am: Slipped and proceeded into basin

10.50am: Secured alongside dockyard

4caf8c66cadfd341970360b9: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-015_1.jpg)

8 September 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Dockyard men employed on board

  9.50am: 3 ratings joined ship from HMS Tamar

11.00am: Discharged 3 ratings to HMS Tamar

4caf8c66cadfd341970360ba: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-016_0.jpg)

9 September 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Dockyard men employed on board

  8.40am: Hands employed cleaning and painting guns, tubes and hatchways, scraping and redleading side

4caf8c66cadfd341970360bb: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-016_1.jpg)

10 September 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Dockyard men secured alongside

  1.45pm: Sent funeral party to HMS Tamar for drill

  4.30pm: Sent funeral party ashore

4caf8c66cadfd341970360bc: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-016a_0.jpg)

11 September 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Dockyard men employed on board

  8.30am: Hands employed scraping funnels, painting mess deck and captain's cabins

4caf8c66cadfd341970360bd: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-016a_1.jpg)

12 September 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: Russian cruiser Askold arrived

  9.30am: Discharged 1 rating to HMS Tamar; 3 ratings joined ship from HMS Tamar

4caf8c66cadfd341970360be: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-017_0.jpg)

13 September 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c66cadfd341970360bf: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-017_1.jpg)

14 September 1914

Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Slipped from alongside and proceeded to no 5A buoy

  8.30am: Coaled ship

  2.30pm: Completed coaling (72 tons)

  4.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  5.55pm: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c0: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-018_0.jpg)

15 September 1914

Mirs Bay, Sam Shui Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  5.35am: Proceeded to Mirs Bay to carry out search

10.00am: Proceeded to Sam Shui Wan on completion of search

11.45am: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c1: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-018_1.jpg)

16 September 1914

Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  8.10am: Took coal junk in tow

  8.25am: Proceeded to Hong Kong

10.00am: Slipped tow and secured to no 5A buoy

11.45am: 1 rating joined ship from HMS Tamar

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c2: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-019_0.jpg)

17 September 1914

Mirs Bay, Sam Shui Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Proceeded to Mirs Bay to carry out search

10.00am: Proceeded to Sam Shui Wan

11.15am: Came to with port anchor in 4½ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c3: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-019_1.jpg)

18 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Proceeded to Hong Kong

  7.25am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  5.55pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c4: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-020_0.jpg)

19 September 1914

Mirs Bay, Sam Shui Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  5.35am: Proceeded to Mirs Bay to carry out search

10.00am: Proceeded to Sam Shui Wan

11.00am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c5: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-020_1.jpg)

20 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Proceeded to Hong Kong

  7.50am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  8.10am: Coal lighter alongside

  8.30am: Commenced coaling

12.30pm: Completed coaling (46 tons)

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to eastern patrol area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c6: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-021_0.jpg)

21 September 1914

Mirs Bay, Sam Shui Wan, Tai Tam Bay

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.00pm: Typhoon signals hoisted

  7.15am: Proceeded to Mirs Bay to carry out search

11.30am: Proceeded to Sam Shui Wan

12.40pm: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.00pm: Typhoon signals hoisted

  6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to eastern patrol area

  7.00pm: Proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  7.15pm: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 4½ shackles

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c7: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-021_1.jpg)

22 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Weighed and proceeded as requisite; typhoon signal hauled down

  9.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  2.00pm: Discharged Lieutenant Maund to HMS Tamar

  3.00pm: Lieutenant Handley rejoined ship

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrolling area

  6.55pm: Stopped and communicated with HMS Fame

  7.00pm: Proceeded as requisite

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c8: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-022_0.jpg)

23 September 1914

Lamma Island and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Proceeded to Lamma Island

10.00am: Came to with port anchor in 3½ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

10.15am: Arrived HMTB 038

  6.40pm: Proceeded to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360c9: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-022_1.jpg)

24 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360ca: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-023_0.jpg)

25 September 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Came to with port bower in 4½ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.40pm: Proceeded to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360cb: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-023_1.jpg)

26 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  8.35am: Discharged (1) RNR AB to HMS Tamar

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360cc: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-024_0.jpg)

27 September 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.45pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360cd: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-024_1.jpg)

28 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  8.15am: Coal lighter alongside

  8.20am: Commenced coaling

11.45am: Finished coaling, received 50 tons

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

  6.50pm: Stopped and communicated with HMS Fame

  7.00pm: Proceeded as requisite

4caf8c66cadfd341970360ce: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-025_0.jpg)

29 September 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

10.45am: Came to with port bower in 4¼ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.35pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360cf: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-025_1.jpg)

30 September 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  8.40am: Sailed HMS Rosario

  6.40pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area


4caf8c66cadfd341970360d0: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-026_0.jpg)

1 October 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.05am: Secured to no 10 buoy at Hong Kong

  1.00pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

  2.07pm: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles

  6.55pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d1: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-026_1.jpg)

2 October 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  2.30pm: One rating AB joined ship from HMS Tamar

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d2: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-027_0.jpg)

3 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

10.20am: Came to with port bower in 4¼ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.35pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d3: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-027_1.jpg)

4 October 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d4: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-028_0.jpg)

5 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: Proceeded to harbour

  8.45am: Ship secured in camber

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d5: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-028_1.jpg)

6 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20pm: Sub Lieutenant Stopford-Sackville left ship to join HMS Ribble

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d6: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-029_0.jpg)

7 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands scraping and painting

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d7: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-029_1.jpg)

8 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Hands employed scraping and painting

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d8: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-030_0.jpg)

9 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands painting ship

4caf8c66cadfd341970360d9: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-030_1.jpg)

10 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed painting

4caf8c66cadfd341970360da: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-031_0.jpg)

11 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Cleaning ship

4caf8c66cadfd341970360db: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-031_1.jpg)

12 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00pm: Hands painting ship's side

4caf8c66cadfd341970360dc: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-032_0.jpg)

13 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Painting ship

  1.00pm: Hands to make and mend clothes

4caf8c66cadfd341970360dd: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-032_1.jpg)

14 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.25am: Left camber and secured to no 5A buoy

  9.10am: Discharged (1) AB RNR to HMS Tamar

11.00am: Lieutenant Brock joined ship

12.05pm: Coal lighter alongside

12.15pm: Commenced coaling

  1.40pm: (1) AB rating joined ship

  3.15pm: Finished coaling; received 52 tons

4caf8c66cadfd341970360de: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-033_0.jpg)

15 October 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.50am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

  9.30am: Carried out quarterly firing from all guns

12.01pm: Came to with port bower in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.30pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360df: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-033_1.jpg)

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e0: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-034_0.jpg)

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e1: ( 53-67688/ADM 53-67688-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e2: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e3: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e4: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e5: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e6: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e7: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-003_1.jpg)

16 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Came to with port bower in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

10.35am: Proceeded as requisite

11.00am: Carried out torpedo running from both tubes

12.45pm: Came to with port bower in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.30pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c66cadfd341970360e8: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-004_0.jpg)

17 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Came to with port bower in 4¼ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.40pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360e9: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-004_1.jpg)

18 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.05am: Came to with port bower in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.40pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

  9.30pm: Burned searchlight

4caf8c67cadfd341970360ea: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-005_0.jpg)

19 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles

  8.15am: Discharged (1) rating to HMS Tamar

  6.30pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360eb: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-005_1.jpg)

20 October 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  7.15am: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

  9.45am: Finished coaling; received 44 tons

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

11.55pm: Burned searchlight

4caf8c67cadfd341970360ec: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-006_0.jpg)

21 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles

10.40am: Arrived HMS Whiting

  4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong

  5.45pm: Commander Blackwood embarked for passage to HMS Whiting

  9.00pm: Stopped and discharged Commander Blackwood to HMS Whiting

  9.25pm: Proceeded as requisite

4caf8c67cadfd341970360ed: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-006_1.jpg)

22 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles

  8.00am: Discharged (1) PO to HMTB 035

11.45am: Discharged (1) AB for HMS Tamar

  6.15pm: One AB joined ship from HMS Tamar

  6.30pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360ee: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-007_0.jpg)

23 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

11.00am: Escorted Japanese cruiser to harbour

11.40am: Proceeded as requisite

12.40pm: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles

  6.15pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360ef: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-007_1.jpg)

24 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.10pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f0: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-008_0.jpg)

25 October 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles

  6.20pm: Proceeded as requisite, patrolling

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f1: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-008_1.jpg)

26 October 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.55am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  9.00am: Discharged (1) AB to HMS Tamar

  9.20am: Coal lighter alongside

  9.30am: Commenced coaling

     Noon: Finished coaling; received 40 tons

10.00pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f2: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-009_0.jpg)

27 October 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.25am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite

10.10am: Escorted Japanese cruiser into harbour

11.35am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite, patrolling

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f3: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-009_1.jpg)

28 October 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.07am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  9.30am: Taken in tow to camber

  9.45am: Secured in camber

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f4: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-010_0.jpg)

29 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed drawing ammunition

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f5: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-010_1.jpg)

30 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Three ABs joined ship from HMS Tamar

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f6: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-011_0.jpg)

31 October 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Cleaning ship


4caf8c67cadfd341970360f7: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-011_1.jpg)

1 November 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Arrived HMS Kennet

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f8: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-012_0.jpg)

2 November 1914

Hong Kong and patrolling

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Proceeded in tow to no 10 buoy

     Noon: Slipped and proceeded

  1.10pm: Came to with port bower in 4½ fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles (Deep Water Bay)

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360f9: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-012_1.jpg)

3 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360fa: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-013_0.jpg)

4 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Came to with port bower in 7 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles

  6.10pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360fb: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-013_1.jpg)

5 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Came to with port bower in 3½ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.10pm: Proceeded as requisite, patrolling

4caf8c67cadfd341970360fc: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-014_0.jpg)

6 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Came to with port bower in 3½ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd341970360fd: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-014_1.jpg)

7 November 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Received mails from HMTB 037

  7.45am: USS Wilmington passed

  9.30am: Escorted Japanese cruiser into harbour

10.00am: Secured to no 5A buoy

10.10am: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

12.30pm: Finished coaling; received 52 tons

  5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded as requisite patrolling

4caf8c67cadfd341970360fe: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-015_0.jpg)

8 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Came to with port bower in 6 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.50pm: Proceeded as requisite, patrolling

4caf8c67cadfd341970360ff: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-015_1.jpg)

9 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Came to with port bower in 3 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite, patrolling

4caf8c67cadfd34197036100: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-016_0.jpg)

10 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Closed HMS Tamar

  7.40am: Discharged (1) stoker to HMS Tamar

  8.00am: Proceeded out of harbour

  8.55am: Came to with port bower in 3 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036101: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-016_1.jpg)

11 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Came to with port bower in 3 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  8.10am: (1) AB joined ship from HMS Tamar

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036102: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-017_0.jpg)

12 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Fired aiming tubes from all guns

10.50am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036103: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-017_1.jpg)

13 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Came to with port bower in 3 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036104: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-018_0.jpg)

14 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Came to with port bower in 3 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite, patrolling

4caf8c67cadfd34197036105: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-018_1.jpg)

15 November 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1¼ shackles

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrolling area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036106: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-019_0.jpg)

16 November 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  8.45am: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

  8.50am: Discharged (1) AB RNR to HMS Tamar

12.40pm: Finished coaling; received 60 tons

  1.30pm: Proceeded into camber

  3.45pm: 2 ABs RNR joined ship from HMS Tamar

4caf8c67cadfd34197036107: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-019_1.jpg)

17 November 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: (1) stoker joined ship

4caf8c67cadfd34197036108: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-020_0.jpg)

18 November 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed drawing provisions

4caf8c67cadfd34197036109: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-020_1.jpg)

19 November 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Arrived HMS Triumph

4caf8c67cadfd3419703610a: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-021_0.jpg)

20 November 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed scraping and painting about ship

4caf8c67cadfd3419703610b: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-021_1.jpg)

21 November 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.00pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf8c67cadfd3419703610c: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-022_0.jpg)

22 November 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.00am: Church of England party to HMS Tamar

4caf8c67cadfd3419703610d: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-022_1.jpg)

23 November 1914

Hong Kong to patrol area

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Slipped from wall; proceeded in tow of Tug Atlas to no 10 buoy

  5.15pm: Slipped; proceeded as requisite out of harbour to patrol area

4caf8c67cadfd3419703610e: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-023_0.jpg)

Tug Atlas

Tug Atlas, courtesy The Riverman

24 November 1914

Patrolling off Hong Kong and at Deep Water Bay

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Came to with port bower in 3 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  9.00am: Naval reserve-men to rifle drill; remainder of hands striking down Lyddite shell, stripping 6-pounder, breech blocks and cleaning rifles

  5.55pm: Proceeded to patrol No 2 area

10.45pm: Collier transport no 343 sighted

4caf8c67cadfd3419703610f: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-023_1.jpg)

25 November 1914

Patrolling off Hong Kong and at Deep Water Bay

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  9.10am: HMS Fame arrived

  5.45pm: Proceeded on patrol

4caf8c67cadfd34197036110: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-024_0.jpg)

26 November 1914

Patrolling off Hong Kong and at Deep Water Bay

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Came to with port bower in 3½ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.25pm: HMTB 037 arrived; 2 ratings from HMS Tamar joined

  6.05pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrol area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036111: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-024_1.jpg)

27 November 1914

Patrolling off Hong Kong and at Deep Water Bay

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrol area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036112: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-025_0.jpg)

28 November 1914

Patrolling off Hong Kong and at Deep Water Bay

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Arrived HMS Fame

  7.00am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  8.00am: Arrived HMTB 038

  5.50pm: Proceeded as requisite on patrol

4caf8c67cadfd34197036113: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-025_1.jpg)

29 November 1914

Patrolling off Hong Kong and at Deep Water Bay

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.35pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrol area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036114: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-026_0.jpg)

30 November 1914

Patrolling off Hong Kong and at Deep Water Bay

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Came to with port bower in 3¾ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.55pm: Proceeded as requisite for patrolling


4caf8c67cadfd34197036115: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-026_1.jpg)

1 December 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.20am: Coal lighter secured

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  8.00am: Dressed ship overall in honour of the Queen Mother's birthday

10.50am: Completed coaling (50 tons)

  5.15pm: Proceeded as requisite out of harbour to patrol area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036116: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-027_0.jpg)

2 December 1914

Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: As requisite for proceeding into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to No10 buoy

11.00am: Arrived HMS Whiting

     Noon: Proceeded as requisite to Deep Water Bay

12.55pm: Came to with port bower in 3½ fathoms,veered to 1 shackle

  5.45pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrol area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036117: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-027_1.jpg)

3 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.40pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrol area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036118: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-028_0.jpg)

4 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Came to with port bower in 3½ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle; arrived HMS Whiting

  6.05pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrol area

4caf8c67cadfd34197036119: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-028_1.jpg)

5 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Came to with port bower in 3½ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  7.30am: Arrived HMS Whiting

  7.40am: Arrived HMTB 038

  5.45pm: Proceeded on patrol

  7.00pm: Burned searchlight

4caf8c67cadfd3419703611a: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-029_0.jpg)

6 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Came to with port bower in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  6.00pm: Proceeded as requisite on patrol

4caf8c67cadfd3419703611b: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-029_1.jpg)

7 December 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy; arrived HMS Whiting

  7.35am: Coal lighter secured alongside

  7.45am: Commenced coaling

  9.30am: HMS Fame secured to buoy

10.00am: HMS Whiting shifted to no 10 buoy

10.20am: HMTB 035 towed to Kowloon

10.50am: Finished coaling (38 tons)

11.30am: Towed into camber by Tug Atlas; secured to east wall

  4.50pm: Discharged 1 AB to HMS Tamar

  6.00pm: 1 AB RNR joined from HMS Tamar

4caf8c67cadfd3419703611c: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-030_0.jpg)

8 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Sailed HMS Usk and HMS Ribble

  7.15am: Shifted ship to south wall

  8.20am: Sailed HMS Rosario

  9.10am: Discharged 1 AB RFR to HMS Tamar

10.10am: 1 stoker joined from HMS Tamar

  1.30pm: Read warrants 181 and 182

  1.50pm: HMS Otter towed to buoy

  4.35pm: Arrived HMS Usk and HMS Ribble

4caf8c67cadfd3419703611d: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-030_1.jpg)

9 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30pm: Landed patrol (1 PO, 4 hands)

11.30pm: Patrol returned on board

4caf8c67cadfd3419703611e: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-031_0.jpg)

10 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.35am: Sailed Submarines C37 and C38

  8.50am: Sailed HMS Rosario

  2.50pm: Arrived HMS Rosario

  3.00pm: Arrived Submarines C37 and C38

4caf8c68cadfd3419703611f: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-031_1.jpg)

11 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Sailed Submarine C38

11.20am: Submarine C38 arrived

  4.30pm: Arrived Submarine C36

  5.15pm: Arrived HMS Otter

4caf8c68cadfd34197036120: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-032_0.jpg)

12 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.20pm: Landed patrol (1 PO, 4 men)

Midnight: Patrol returned

4caf8c68cadfd34197036121: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-032_1.jpg)

13 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c68cadfd34197036122: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-033_0.jpg)

14 December 1914

Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Arrived HMTB 036

  9.55am: Tug Atlas secured alongside

10.00am: Slipped from camber wall; towed to Triumph buoy

10.15am: Secured to Triumph buoy

10.45am: Tug Cherub secured astern

10.50am: Commenced swinging for adjustment of compasses

12.10pm: Slipped; proceeded as requisite out of harbour by western entrance to Deep Water Bay

  1.05pm: Came to with port anchor in 3½ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.30pm: Proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036123: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-033_1.jpg)

15 December 1914

Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Met and escorted Japanese cruiser into harbour

10.10am: Secured to No 4 buoy

11.35am: Proceeded as requisite for Deep Water Bay

12.35pm: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  1.45pm: HMS Rosario closed

  1.50pm: HMS Otter closed

  2.05pm: HMS Rosario and HMS Otter sailed

  5.30pm: Proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036124: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-034_0.jpg)

16 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Came to with port anchor in 3½ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.30pm: Proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036125: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c68cadfd34197036126: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-035_0.jpg)

4caf8c68cadfd34197036127: ( 53-67689/ADM 53-67689-035_1.jpg)

4caf8c68cadfd34197036128: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-001_0.jpg)

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17 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.30pm: Proceeded as requisite to patrol area

4caf8c68cadfd3419703612e: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-004_0.jpg)

18 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  9.10am: Submarine C38 passed

  9.50am: HMS Rosario passed

12.45pm: HMS Rosario, Submarines C36, C37 and C38 passed

  5.30pm: Proceeded as requisite on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703612f: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-004_1.jpg)

19 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  4.20pm: HMS Otter passed

  5.35pm: Proceeded as requisite on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036130: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-005_0.jpg)

20 December 1914

Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  8.15am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  5.30pm: Proceeded as requisite on patrol

  7.30pm: Lost overboard by accident one broom

4caf8c68cadfd34197036131: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-005_1.jpg)

21 December 1914

Patrol area to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.55am: Coal lighter alongside

  8.05am: Commenced coaling

  8.45am: Discharged 2 Chinese stokers to HMS Tamar sick

10.35am: Sailed HMS Whiting

11.00am: Finished coaling (50 tons)

11.15am: Proceeded into basin in tow of Tug Atlas; secured to south wall

  1.30pm: HMS Triumph proceeded into dock

  5.15pm: 1 AB RNR joined ship from HMS Tamar

  5.30pm: Landed patrol

11.45pm: Patrol returned

4caf8c68cadfd34197036132: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-006_0.jpg)

22 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed cleaning paintwork and refitting as requisite

4caf8c68cadfd34197036133: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-006_1.jpg)

23 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.10am: Arrived HMS Fame and Japanese cruiser Akashi

10.15am: Discharged 1 stoker RNR to hospital

10.50am: Submarine C38 arrived

4caf8c68cadfd34197036134: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-007_0.jpg)

24 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: Arrived HMTB 036

4caf8c68cadfd34197036135: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-007_1.jpg)

25 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: HMTB 036 arrived

  5.30pm: Landed patrol (1 PO, 4 men); sailed HMTB 036

4caf8c68cadfd34197036136: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-008_0.jpg)

26 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.45am: Patrol returned on board

  7.00am: Arrived HMTB 036

  5.30pm: Sailed HMTB 036

4caf8c68cadfd34197036137: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-008_1.jpg)

27 December 1914

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: HMTB 036 arrived

  5.30pm: Sailed HMTB 036

4caf8c68cadfd34197036138: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-009_0.jpg)

28 December 1914

Hong Kong, Rocky Harbour and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.10am: Proceeded in tow of Tug Atlas out of basin

  9.20am: Proceeded as requisite out of harbour

11.00am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackles (Rocky Harbour)

  1.05pm: Proceeded as requisite for patrolling

  5.00pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

4caf8c68cadfd34197036139: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-009_1.jpg)

29 December 1914

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Proceeded out of harbour

  5.00pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.10pm: Sailed HMS Otter

4caf8c68cadfd3419703613a: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-010_0.jpg)

30 December 1914

Hong Kong, Rocky Harbour and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.3

  7.20am: Proceeded as requisite out of harbour

12.15pm: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles in Rocky Harbour

  2.10pm: Proceeded as requisite for patrolling

  4.55pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.10pm: Sailed HMS Otter

4caf8c68cadfd3419703613b: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-010_1.jpg)

31 December 1914

Hong Kong, Starling Inlet, Plover Cove and on patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.2

  7.05am: Proceeded as requisite out of harbour

11.45am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles at Starling Inlet

  2.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for patrolling

  4.30pm: Came to with port anchor in 6 fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles at Plover Cove

4caf8c68cadfd3419703613c: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-011_0.jpg)

4caf8c68cadfd3419703613d: ( 53-67690/ADM 53-67690-011_1.jpg)

The National Archives: The following folio/folios are blank and have not been filmed: 16 - 62

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4caf8c68cadfd34197036147: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-003_1.jpg)

In this log, between January 1915 and July 1915, the following prefixes for Royal Navy ships are generally used:

HMAC – His Majesty's Ancillary Cruiser

HMS – His Majesty's Ship

HMTB – His Majesty's Torpedo Boat

HMTBD – His Majesty's Torpedo Boat Destroyer

Ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy appear as:

HIJMS – His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Ship


HIJM Cruiser

A list of the ships of the Japanese navy can be found here:


1 January 1915

Mirs Bay to Hong Kong

Lat 22.5, Long 114.3

  9.10am: Proceeded as requisite to Mirs Bay

11.30am: Came to with port anchor in 6½ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles (Jones Cove)

  1.50pm: Proceeded course as requisite, 12 knots, to Hong Kong

  4.30pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

4caf8c68cadfd34197036148: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-004_0.jpg)

2 January 1915

Hong Kong, Rocky Harbour and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.3

  7.00am: Proceeded as requisite out of harbour; as requisite for patrolling colonial waters

11.45am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles in Rocky Harbour

  2.30pm: Proceeded as requisite to Hong Kong

  4.35pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

4caf8c68cadfd34197036149: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-004_1.jpg)

3 January 1915

Hong Kong, Rocky Harbour and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Proceeded as requisite out of harbour; as requisite for patrolling colonial waters

11.45am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles in Rocky Harbour

  2.10pm: Weighed and proceeded

  4.35pm: Secured to buoy in Hong Kong Harbour

  5.10pm: HMS Otter sailed

4caf8c68cadfd3419703614a: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-005_0.jpg)

4 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Provisions received: 18 lbs of fresh meat, 50lbs vegetables and 18 lbs of bread

  7.10am: Placed 1 RNR under arrest

  9.30am: Secured against HMS Otter in camber

  5.40pm: HMTB 036 sailed

  5.50pm: Lieutenant Pooley RNR joined ship; and Lieutenant Brock

4caf8c68cadfd3419703614b: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-005_1.jpg)

5 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: HMTB 036 arrived in camber

  8.55am: HMS Triumph and HMS Rosario sailed

  9.30am: Returned all ammunition and war heads to Naval Ordnance

  2.00pm: HMS Rosario, Submarines C36, C37 and C38 arrived in camber

  5.45pm: HMTB 036 sailed

4caf8c68cadfd3419703614c: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-006_0.jpg)

6 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: HM Tug Atlas came alongside

  7.20am: Left berth

  7.40am: Entered dry dock

11.30am: Took blocks

  6.00pm: Landed patrol 1 PO and 4 men

4caf8c68cadfd3419703614d: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-006_1.jpg)

7 January 1915

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Hands employed chipping and scraping ship's side

4caf8c68cadfd3419703614e: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-007_0.jpg)

8 January 1915

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.45am: HMS Triumph arrived

  2.15pm: 1 rating (stoker) joined ship from RN hospital

4caf8c68cadfd3419703614f: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-007_1.jpg)

9 January 1915

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Hands employed clearing out provisions rooms

  1.15pm: Black list* men employed chipping ship's side

* The men on the black list were guilty of minor offences and were punished by being assigned the most unpleasant tasks on the ship

4caf8c68cadfd34197036150: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-008_0.jpg)

10 January 1915

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Shore labour discharging bunkers

4caf8c68cadfd34197036151: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-008_1.jpg)

11 January 1915

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Hands employed chipping ship's side, working about torpedoes and dismounting guns

4caf8c68cadfd34197036152: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-009_0.jpg)

12 January 1915

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.15pm: Shore labour replaced coal in starboard bunker

  4.20pm: HMS Triumph sailed

4caf8c68cadfd34197036153: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-009_1.jpg)

13 January 1915

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30am: Coal replaced in port bunker by shore labour

     Noon: Commenced flooding dock

  1.00pm: Ship floated

  2.40pm: HM Tug Atlas alongside

  3.00pm: Made fast in basin alongside HMTBD Otter

  5.44pm: HMTB 036 sailed

4caf8c68cadfd34197036154: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-010_0.jpg)

14 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Submarines left basin

  1.30pm: Hands employed stowing ammunition and as requisite; drawing and stowing small arms

4caf8c68cadfd34197036155: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-010_1.jpg)

15 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Hands employed drawing anchors and cable from blacksmith

10.15am: HM Submarine C38 left camber

10.40am: HM Submarine C38 returned

  5.30pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036156: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-011_0.jpg)

16 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: HMTB 036 arrived in basin

  9.40am: Commenced basin trial

10.40am: Finished basin trial

  5.50pm: HMTB 036 left camber

4caf8c68cadfd34197036157: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-011_1.jpg)

17 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  8.35am: Shifted ship to allow HMTBD Otter to leave

  9.20am: HMTBD Otter sailed

  6.50pm: HMTB 036 left camber

4caf8c68cadfd34197036158: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-012_0.jpg)

18 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.35am: HM Tug Atlas alongside

  7.50am: Secured to buoy no 5

  8.10am: Coal lighter alongside

  8.15am: Commenced coaling, coolie labour

10.00am: Finished coaling; received 50 tons

11.20am: Slipped and proceeded to patrol area

4caf8c68cadfd34197036159: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-012_1.jpg)

19 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Escorted Japanese cruiser into harbour

  8.15am: Secured to buoy; Japanese cruiser anchored

4caf8c68cadfd3419703615a: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-013_0.jpg)

20 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: USS Callao sailed

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

11.00am: Received signal to return to harbour

12.50pm: Secured to buoy no 5

  2.35pm: HMTBD Otter sailed

  3.35pm: HMTBD Whiting left camber

  5.45pm: Proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703615b: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-013_1.jpg)

21 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.55am: Secured to buoy no 5A

11.05am: HMTBD Whiting arrived

  2.50pm: HMTBD Otter arrived

  3.15pm: HMTBD Otter left

4caf8c68cadfd3419703615c: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-014_0.jpg)

22 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: HMTB 036 entered camber

  7.50am: HMTBD Otter arrived

  9.05pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703615d: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-014_1.jpg)

23 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.55am: Secured to buoy no 5, Hong Kong harbour

4caf8c68cadfd3419703615e: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-015_0.jpg)

24 January 1915

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.45am: HMTBD Otter arrived

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded to patrol area

10.05am: Came to with port anchor in 4½ fathoms in Hami Wan

10.50am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong

11.55am: Made fast to buoy no 10

  3.45pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703615f: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-015_1.jpg)

25 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: HM Tug Atlas alongside; slipped and proceeded into camber

10.35am: Medical inspection of ship's company

11.20am: HMTB 036 arrived

  1.10pm: HMTB 038 left camber

4caf8c68cadfd34197036160: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-016_0.jpg)

26 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: 1 Chinese stoker returned to ship from hospital

4caf8c68cadfd34197036161: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-016_1.jpg)

27 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.30pm: HM Tug Atlas alongside; proceeded to buoy no 5

  5.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036162: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-017_0.jpg)

28 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  4.45am: Came to with port anchor in 3 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle (Deep Water Bay)

  5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded to patrol area

4caf8c68cadfd34197036163: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-017_1.jpg)

29 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.55am: Secured to buoy no 10

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to patrol area

4caf8c68cadfd34197036164: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-018_0.jpg)

30 January 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.05am: Secured to buoy no 5

  8.40am: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

  9.00am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

11.00am: Finished coaling; received 40 tons

  5.30pm: HMTBD Whiting returned to harbour; HMTBD Otter left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036165: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-018_1.jpg)

31 January 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30pm: HMTBD Otter left on patrol; HMTBD Whiting returned to harbour


4caf8c68cadfd34197036166: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-019_0.jpg)

1 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: HMTB 038 arrived from patrol; HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  8.55am: Slipped and proceeded

  4.45pm: Secured to buoy no 5

  5.30pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036167: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-019_1.jpg)

2 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: Placed WJ Fraser RNR under sentry

  9.20am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  9.45am: Thick fog; came to with port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 2½ shackles

10.40am: Weighed; proceeded

11.40am: Thick fog; stopped and let go anchor in 16 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles

  4.00pm: WJ Fraser RNR returned to duty

4caf8c68cadfd34197036168: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-020_0.jpg)

3 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour

  7.45am: Secured to buoy no 5

  9.40am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  2.15pm: Met and escorted into harbour HIMJ Cruiser Niitaka

  3.10pm: Secured to buoy no 10; Japanese cruiser to buoy No 4

4caf8c68cadfd34197036169: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-020_1.jpg)

4 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2ol

  8.00am: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  4.40pm: Secured to no 5 buoy

  5.35pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  5.50pm: AB Byrne rejoined ship from hospital

4caf8c68cadfd3419703616a: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-021_0.jpg)

5 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.25am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  5.30pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  6.00pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703616b: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-021_1.jpg)

6 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: HMTB 036 entered camber

  5.10pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  5.40pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  6.00pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703616c: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-022_0.jpg)

7 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol; HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  5.45pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  6.00pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703616d: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-022_1.jpg)

8 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

12.50pm: Japanese cruiser Niitaka sailed

  1.30pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  4.30pm: USS Callao arrived

  5.00pm: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703616e: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-023_0.jpg)

9 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.45am: Secured to buoy no 5

  9.40am: HMTBD Otter left; HMS Rosario and submarines sailed

12.50pm: HMS Rosario and submarines returned to harbour

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703616f: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-023_1.jpg)

10 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.00am: Charged torpedoes; tested guns and torpedo circuits; burned searchlights

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol, western entrance

  7.10pm: Dense fog; came to with port anchor in 10 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles off Tai Tam Head

4caf8c68cadfd34197036170: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-024_0.jpg)

11 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded

  2.15pm: Dense fog; came to with port anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles

  4.05pm: Fog cleared; weighed and proceeded

  4.15pm: Escorted Japanese cruiser Akitsushima into harbour

  4.40pm: Secured to buoy no 5

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036171: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-024_1.jpg)

12 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  8.10am: Coal lighter alongside

  8.15am: Commenced coaling

  9.10am: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

11.00am: Finished coaling; received 48 tons

  3.45pm: HMTBD Otter arrived

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036172: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-025_0.jpg)

13 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: Secured to buoy no 5

  9.10am: HMTBD Otter left on patrol

  4.00pm: HMTBD Otter arrived

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036173: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-025_1.jpg)

14 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.35am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.05am: HMTBD Otter left on patrol

  4.40pm: HMTBD Otter arrived

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036174: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-026_0.jpg)

15 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: Secured to buoy no 5

  9.00am: HMTBD Otter left on patrol

  4.15pm: HMTBD Otter arrived

  5.45pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036175: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-026_1.jpg)

16 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed cleaning guns and torpedoes and as required

  9.15am: HMTBD Otter left on patrol

  4.20pm: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036176: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-027_0.jpg)

17 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: HMTB 036 and HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

10.00am: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  6.00pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol; HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036177: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-027_1.jpg)

18 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.55am: HM Submarine C36 sailed

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  4.50pm: Secured to buoy no 5

  5.45pm: HMTBD Fame left

4caf8c68cadfd34197036178: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-028_0.jpg)

19 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.55am: HMTBD Fame and HMTB 036 arrived

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  1.00pm: Escorted HIJM Cruiser Akashi into harbour

  5.45pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036179: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-028_1.jpg)

20 February 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.05am: HMTB 036 arrived

  7.20am: HMTBD Fame arrived

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  5.00pm: Secured to buoy no 5A

  5.45pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703617a: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-029_0.jpg)

21 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.05am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  7.20am: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  9.00am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  5.53pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  6.15pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

  6.20pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived

4caf8c68cadfd3419703617b: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-029_1.jpg)

22 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

  8.00am: Dressed ship overall in honour of George Washington's birthday

10.45am: Finished coaling; received 44 tons

10.50am: HM Tug Atlas alongside

10.55am: Slipped and proceeded into camber

11.00am: Secured alongside HMTBD Fame

  5.45pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol; HMTB 038 left for patrol; HMTBD Otter left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703617c: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-030_0.jpg)

23 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: HMTB 038 arrived from patrol

  8.00am: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  9.15am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  6.00pm: HMTB 038 left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703617d: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-030_1.jpg)

24 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed scraping ship's side; gunners party sharpening cutlasses and bayonets

  5.30pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703617e: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-031_0.jpg)

25 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: HMTB 038 arrived from patrol

  5.55pm: HMTB 038 sailed for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd3419703617f: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-031_1.jpg)

26 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.20am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036180: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-032_0.jpg)

27 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: HMTB 038 arrived from patrol

11.00am: Received from HMS Tamar, Morris tubes, ammunition and targets

4caf8c68cadfd34197036181: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-032_1.jpg)

28 February 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: HMTB 038 arrived from patrol

  6.00pm: HMTB 038 left for patrol


4caf8c68cadfd34197036182: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-033_0.jpg)

1 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Shifted ship to north side of camber

  7.45am: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  8.00am: HMTBD Fame left for patrol; HMTB 038 arrived from patrol

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036183: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-033_1.jpg)

2 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  8.55am: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  5.35pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036184: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-034_0.jpg)

3 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle cable

  9.00am: Landed ship's company for Morris tube firing

11.45am: Landing party returned on board

  6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c68cadfd34197036185: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c68cadfd34197036186: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-035_0.jpg)

4caf8c68cadfd34197036187: ( 53-67691/ADM 53-67691-035_1.jpg)

4caf8c68cadfd34197036188: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c68cadfd34197036189: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c69cadfd3419703618a: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c69cadfd3419703618b: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c69cadfd3419703618c: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c69cadfd3419703618d: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-003_1.jpg)

4 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  4.55pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  6.05pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c69cadfd3419703618e: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-004_0.jpg)

5 March 1915

Tai Tam Bay, Stanley Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

12.25am: Anchored off Tai Tam Bay in 9 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles

10.00am: Weighed and proceeded up Tai Tam Bay

10.15am: Came to off Stanley Bay with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded

  8.00pm: Dense fog; came to with port anchor off Tai Tam Bay in 10 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles

4caf8c69cadfd3419703618f: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-004_1.jpg)

6 March 1915

Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded

  7.35am: Secured to buoy no 5

  3.00pm: HIJM TBD arrived

  4.30pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c69cadfd34197036190: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-005_0.jpg)

7 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrolP

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.04am: HIJM Cruiser Tsuma [probably Tsushima] arrived and anchored

  7.00am: Escorted Japanese cruiser into harbour

  8.25am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c69cadfd34197036191: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-005_1.jpg)

8 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.25am: Stopped off camber; AB Jones RNR to HMS Tamar for hospital

  8.00am: Came to off Stonecutters Island with port anchor in 3½ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

4caf8c69cadfd34197036192: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-006_0.jpg)

9 March 1915

Stonecutters Island and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.10am: Commenced coaling from lighter

11.30am: Finished coaling; received 40 tons

  5.45pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c69cadfd34197036193: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-006_1.jpg)

10 March 1915

Stonecutters Island, Lamma Island and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.1

  7.00am: Entered harbour

  7.45am: Off camber, received signal to go to assistance of HMTB 038 ashore off Lamma Island; proceeded as required

  8.30am: Took HMTB 038 in tow

  9.45am: Off camber, turned HMTB 038 over to HM Tug Atlas and proceeded

10.10am: Came to off Stonecutters Island with port anchor in 3½ fathoms, veered to 6 shackles

4caf8c69cadfd34197036194: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-007_0.jpg)

11 March 1915

Stonecutters Island

Lat 22.3, Long 114.1

  8.55am: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

4caf8c69cadfd34197036195: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-007_1.jpg)

12 March 1915

Stonecutters Island, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Landed range party

  9.45am: Range party returned; ship's company completed 'A' course rifle practice

10.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong

11.45am: Secured to buoy no 5

  4.00pm: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  6.05pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c69cadfd34197036196: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-008_0.jpg)

13 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.25am: Entered camber

  1.00pm: Warned ship's company of signal for landing

  5.45pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd34197036197: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-008_1.jpg)

14 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  8.50am: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd34197036198: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-009_0.jpg)

15 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  8.45am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

     Noon: Came to with port anchor in 5 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded into harbour

  4.30pm: Secured to no 5A buoy

  5.30pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  6.20pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd34197036199: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-009_1.jpg)

16 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.35am: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  8.30am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  9.20am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  2.15pm: Jones AB RNR rejoined ship from hospital

  4.15pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  5.25pm: Japanese cruiser Tsuma [probably Tsushima] sailed

  5.55pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c69cadfd3419703619a: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-010_0.jpg)

17 March 1915

Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Secured to no 5 buoy, Hong Kong Harbour

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

10.30am: Stopped in Tai Tam Bay; tested torpedoes (underwater test)

12.45pm: Came to with port anchor in 8½ fathoms, veered to 2½ shackles in Tai Tam Bay

  2.25pm: Weighed and proceeded

  4.02pm: Secured to buoy no 5A

  6.00pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd3419703619b: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-010_1.jpg)

18 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  7.15am: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  7.45am: Returned 1 torpedo to sub depot

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  4.32pm: Secured to buoy no 5A; received 1 torpedo from sub depot

4caf8c69cadfd3419703619c: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-011_0.jpg)

19 March 1915

Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  9.07am: Slipped and proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

  1.30pm: Escorted Japanese cruiser Kasagi into harbour

  3.00pm: Secured to buoy no 5A; Japanese cruiser at no 3

  5.55pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  6.25pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd3419703619d: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-011_1.jpg)

20 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: HMTBD Fame secured to buoy

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  4.40pm: Secured to buoy no 5A

  5.50pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd3419703619e: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-012_0.jpg)

21 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  4.40pm: Secured to buoy no 5A

  5.55pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  6.30pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd3419703619f: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-012_1.jpg)

22 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  8.55am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol; HMTBD Fame entered camber

  9.00am: CH Bauer Stoker sent to HMS Tamar for punishment

  9.50am: Proceeded into camber, HM Tug Atlas alongside

10.00am: Secured alongside HMTBD Fame

  4.00am: HMTBD Otter left camber and secured to buoy

  5.50pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a0: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-013_0.jpg)

23 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: Hands employed chipping and scraping ship's side

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a1: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-013_1.jpg)

24 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.58am: HMTB 036 arrived in camber

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a2: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-014_0.jpg)

25 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.08am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  4.15pm: CH Bauer Stoker rejoined ship

  5.30pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  7.05pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a3: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-014_1.jpg)

26 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Russian Volunteer SS Orel secured to buoy No 3; HMTBD Otter secured to no 5A

  5.15pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol; HMTBD Otter left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a4: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-015_0.jpg)

27 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Shifted billet to east side of camber

  4.30pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a5: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-015_1.jpg)

28 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a6: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-016_0.jpg)

29 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.45am: Admiralty Transport SS Basilan arrived

  8.55am: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  9.00am: HMTBD Otter arrived in camber

12.15pm: HMTB 035 arrived in camber

  1.50pm: HM Tug Atlas alongside

  2.00pm: Shifted billet to south side of camber

  5.00pm: HMTBD Fame arrived in camber

  6.35pm: HMTB 035 left on patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a7: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-016_1.jpg)

30 March 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed painting and scraping on upper deck, fitting bottom line and fenders

  4.25pm: HMTBD Fame arrived in camber

4caf8c69cadfd341970361a8: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-017_0.jpg)

31 March 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: HM Tug Atlas alongside; proceeded to buoy

  8.00am: Made fast to buoy

  8.10am: Commenced coaling

  9.15am: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

10.30am: Finished coaling; received 50 tons

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on night patrol


4caf8c69cadfd341970361a9: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-017_1.jpg)

1 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Secured to buoy no 5

  9.00am: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  4.55pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol


4caf8c69cadfd341970361aa: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-018_0.jpg)

2 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Secured to HMS Tamar's buoy

  4.45pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded

4caf8c69cadfd341970361ab: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-018_1.jpg)

3 April 1915

Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay, Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.55am: Dense fog; came to with port anchor in 6½ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles off Tai Tam Bay

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Deep Water Bay

  8.00am: Came to with port anchor in 4½ fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  9.25am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour

11.00am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  5.00pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  6.10pm: Slipped and proceeded on night patrol

  6.45pm: Darkened ship; hands to night defence stations

4caf8c69cadfd341970361ac: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-019_0.jpg)

4 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  4.45pm: HMTBD Fame secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361ad: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-019_1.jpg)

5 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.05am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  8.50am: Slipped and proceeded into camber

     Noon: HMTBD Fame arrived in camber

  4.45pm: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361ae: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-020_0.jpg)

6 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361af: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-020_1.jpg)

7 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: HMTBD Whiting and HMAC Empress of Russia arrived

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b0: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-021_0.jpg)

8 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  6.30pm: HMTB 035 left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b1: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-021_1.jpg)

9 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b2: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-022_0.jpg)

10 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b3: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-022_1.jpg)

11 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  6.15pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b4: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-023_0.jpg)

12 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: HMTB 035 arrived from patrol

  7.15am: HMTBD Fame left camber and secured to buoy

  7.30am: HMTBD Whiting arrived in camber

  8.20am: W Allison Stoker RNR sent to HMS Tamar (sick)

  8.45am: Left camber for patrol

  4.20pm: Secured to buoy no 5

  4.35pm: Commenced coaling from lighter; Chinese labour

  5.55pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  6.15pm: Finished coaling; received 45 tons

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b5: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-023_1.jpg)

13 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber for patrol

  4.45pm: Made fast in camber

  6.15pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b6: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-024_0.jpg)

14 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: T Godfrey AB RNR discharged to HMS Tamar, sick

  9.00am: Left camber for patrol

  4.20pm: Made fast in camber; B Wesley AB RNR whilst on the quay engaged in moving the ship, leaned on the guard chain, which being secured with a rope yarn, carried away. Wesley fell into the water striking against the ship as he fell

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b7: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-024_1.jpg)

15 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30am: B Wesley and W Errett ABs discharged to HMS Tamar, sick

  9.00am: Left camber for patrol

  4.30pm: In camber

  5.00pm: W Errett rejoined ship; B Wesley placed on sick list on HMS Tamar

  6.30pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b8: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-025_0.jpg)

16 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol; HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  8.45am: Defaulters and request-men sent to HMS Tamar

  9.35am: Defaulters and request-men returned

  9.40am: Left camber for patrol

  4.30pm: Secured in camber

  6.30pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361b9: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-025_1.jpg)

17 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2l

  6.45am: HMTB 036 and HMTBD Fame arrived

  9.40am: Left camber for patrol

  4.35pm: Secured in camber

4caf8c69cadfd341970361ba: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-026_0.jpg)

18 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  8.55am: Left for patrol

  4.35pm: Made fast in camber

  5.00pm: B Wesley AB returned on board from HMS Tamar

4caf8c69cadfd341970361bb: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-026_1.jpg)

19 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  7.25am: HMTBD Whiting left camber and secured to no 5A buoy

  3.30pm: Shifted ship to south side of camber alongside HMTBD Fame

  6.30pm: HMTB 035 left for patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361bc: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-027_0.jpg)

20 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.05pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived in camber

4caf8c69cadfd341970361bd: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-027_1.jpg)

21 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.05am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  9.25am: Japanese cruiser arrived and made fast to buoy

  5.30pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361be: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-028_0.jpg)

22 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Landed every available man (general signal)

     Noon: Landing party returned

  1.45pm: Shifted billet to north wall of camber, HM Tug Atlas alongside

  5.00pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

4caf8c69cadfd341970361bf: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-028_1.jpg)

23 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  5.30pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  6.00pm: Watt AB SR discharged at his own request to join SS Malta

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c0: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-029_0.jpg)

24 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.50am: HMTB 035 arrived from patrol

  3.30pm: USS Callao arrived

  6.25pm: HMTB 035 left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c1: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-029_1.jpg)

25 April 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.05pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  5.20pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c2: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-030_0.jpg)

26 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.25am: HMTBD Fame left camber and secured to buoy

  7.30am: HMTBDs Otter and Whiting entered camber

11.55am: HMTB 035 entered camber

  4.20pm: Left camber; secured to no 5 buoy

  6.20pm: Proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c3: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-030_1.jpg)

27 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.15am: JW Williams AB SR joined ship from HMS Tamar; W Fraser AB SR discharged to HMS Tamar

10.15am: HIJMS Otowa secured to buoy

    Noon: HIJMS Tsushima sailed

 6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c4: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-031_0.jpg)

28 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Secured to no 5 buoy

10.30am: W Errett placed on sick list on HMS Tamar

  3.10pm: HMTBD Fame secured to buoy

  6.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c5: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-031_1.jpg)

29 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.50am: Met and escorted into harbour HIJM Cruisers Aso and Soya

  9.07am: Secured to buoy no 5

  9.10am: Commenced coaling from lighter, native labour

11.30am: Finished coaling; received 50 tons

  6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c6: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-032_0.jpg)

30 April 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.35am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.15am: HMTBD Otter and HM Submarine C38 sailed

11.30am: HM Submarine C38 returned to camber

  4.30pm: HMAC Empress of Russia sailed

  6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol


4caf8c6acadfd341970361c7: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-032_1.jpg)

1 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.35am: Secured to buoy no 5

  9.05am: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c8: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-033_0.jpg)

2 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.35am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.05am: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  4.45pm: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361c9: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-033_1.jpg)

3 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: At buoy no 5

  7.40am: Slipped and proceeded into camber

10.00am: HIJM Cruisers Aso and Soya sailed

  1.15pm: USS Wilmington sailed

  2.00pm: HIJM Cruiser Otowa sailed

  6.20pm: Portuguese cruiser Dilly arrived

  6.30pm: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  6.35pm: HMTB 035 left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361ca: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-034_0.jpg)

4 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Hands employed cleaning storerooms; small arms and aiming rifles; scraping 6-pounder pedestals and painting water line

  4.45am: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361cb: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361cc: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-035_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361cd: ( 53-67692/ADM 53-67692-035_1.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361ce: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361cf: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d0: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d1: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d2: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d3: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-003_1.jpg)

5 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Fleet paymaster of HMS Tamar mustered all coxswain's stores

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d4: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-004_0.jpg)

6 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d5: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-004_1.jpg)

7 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: HM Submarine C38 left camber

11.20am: HM Submarine C38 arrived in camber

11.40am: HIJM Cruiser Tsushima arrived

  2.30pm: W Allison Stoker RNR returned to ship from hospital

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d6: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-005_0.jpg)

8 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.40am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  4.40pm: Secured to no 5 buoy

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d7: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-005_1.jpg)

9 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.50am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  4.30pm: Secured to buoy no 5

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d8: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-006_0.jpg)

10 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: HMTBD Whiting secured to buoy

  9.15am: HMTBD Fame left dry dock and secured in camber; HMTBD Otter proceeded into dry dock; HMTBD Whiting proceeded on patrol

  5.00pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361d9: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-006_1.jpg)

11 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  8.45am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

10.15am: W Errett AB returned to ship from HMS Tamar

  4.50pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  6.20pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361da: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-007_0.jpg)

12 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Secured to no 5 buoy; commenced coaling, native labour

  9.05am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

10.00am: Finished coaling; received 50 tons

  5.10pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  5.30pm: W Skinner RNR joined ship from HMS Tamar; A Graham RNR discharged to HMS Tamar

  6.30pm: Left for patrol

  7.50pm: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles (Tai Tam Bay)

  8.00pm: Very heavy rain; all land obscured

4caf8c6acadfd341970361db: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-007_1.jpg)

13 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Weighed and proceeded

  7.15am: Secured to buoy no 5

10.30am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  3.20pm: USS Wilmington arrived

  4.15pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  8.00pm: Very rough sea; heavy rain obscuring land

10.00pm: Came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 4 shackles (Stanley Harbour)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361dc: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-008_0.jpg)

14 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Weighed and proceeded

  6.15am: Weighed and proceeded

  7.40am: Secured to buoy

  9.10am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  5.20pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  6.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361dd: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-008_1.jpg)

15 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.10am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  2.45pm: Japanese cruiser arrived escorted by HMTBD Whiting

  6.25pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361de: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-009_0.jpg)

16 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.15am: HMTBD Whiting left for patrol

  5.35pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived from patrol

  6.30pm: Left buoy for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361df: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-009_1.jpg)

17 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  7.30am: Slipped and proceeded into camber; secured alongside east wall

  6.15pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  6.35pm: HMTB 035 left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e0: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-010_0.jpg)

18 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and scrubbing out boats

  9.15am: HMTBD Whiting left on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e1: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-010_1.jpg)

19 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands preparing ship's side for painting and painting ship

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e2: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-011_0.jpg)

20 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Landed every available man (for exercise)

  8.00am: Landing party returned aboard

10.00am: Returned torpedo no 992 for annual overhaul and drew no 884 in lieu

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e3: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-011_1.jpg)

21 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.05am: HMTB 035 arrived in camber

  6.30pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  6.40pm: HMTB 035 left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e4: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-012_0.jpg)

22 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: HMTBD Otter arrived escorting French gunboat D'Iberville

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e5: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-012_1.jpg)

23 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Landed Roman Catholic,Presbyterian and Wesleyan church parties

10.00am: Landed Church of England party to HMS Tamar

11.20am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e6: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-013_0.jpg)

24 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: HMTBD Otter made fast alongside

  6.50pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e7: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-013_1.jpg)

25 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

  6.55pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e8: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-014_0.jpg)

26 May 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.55am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  8.50am: Left camber for patrol

  6.00pm: Secured to no 5a buoy

4caf8c6acadfd341970361e9: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-014_1.jpg)

27 May 1915

Hong Kong, Cascade Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.3

  6.05am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

11.50am: Came to with port anchor in 8½ fathoms, veered to 2½ shackles (Cascade Bay)

  2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded

  4.10pm: Secured to no 5A buoy

  7.05pm: HMTB 036 left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361ea: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-015_0.jpg)

28 May 1915

Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay, Cape D'Aguilar and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3

  6.00am: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded to Tai Tam Bay

11.20am: Came to with port anchor in 11 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles off Cape D'Aguilar

  3.15pm: Weighed and proceeded

  4.15pm: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.30pm: HMTBD Fame left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361eb: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-015_1.jpg)

29 May 1915

Hong Kong, Rocky Harbour and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.3

  8.45am: Left buoy for patrol

11.45am: Came to in Rocky Harbour with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded

  4.15pm: Secured to buoy no 5A

  6.00pm: M Byrne RNR discharged to HMS Tamar (sick)

4caf8c6acadfd341970361ec: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-016_0.jpg)

30 May 1915

Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  5.45am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  8.30am: Japanese cruiser left

  8.50am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

     Noon: Came to in Tai Tam Bay with port anchor in 4½ fathoms, veered to 1 shackle

  3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded

  4.15pm: Secured to buoy no 5A

4caf8c6acadfd341970361ed: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-016_1.jpg)

31 May 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.50am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

10.00am: Leading Stoker Magner rejoined ship from HMS Tamar

  6.50pm: HMTB 035 left for patrol


4caf8c6acadfd341970361ee: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-017_0.jpg)

1 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Commenced coaling ship (Chinese labour)

10.30am: Finished coaling; received 46 tons

  5.00pm: W Lamb AB joined ship from HMS Tamar; D Campbell AB RNR discharged to HMS Tamar

  7.30pm: As required on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361ef: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-017_1.jpg)

2 June 1915

Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Came to in Deep Water Bay with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 2 shackles

  7.30am: Hands to bathe

  1.00pm: Recreation leave 1pm to 4 pm

  5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to harbour

  6.00pm: HMTBD Whiting left on patrol

  6.25am: Secured in camber

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f0: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-018_0.jpg)

3 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Landed every available man (for exercise)

  6.35am: Portuguese gunboat arrived

  7.30am: Landing party returned

  9.00am: HMTBD Otter left buoy for patrol

10.00am: Leave for watch and part till 7am being the birthday of His Majesty the King

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f1: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-018_1.jpg)

4 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.00am: W Skinner AB RNR discharged to HMS Tamar (sick)

  4.00pm: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f2: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-019_0.jpg)

5 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.00pm: Rifle team landed in charge of gunner

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f3: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-019_1.jpg)

6 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f4: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-020_0.jpg)

7 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: HMTB 035 arrived from patrol

  5.30pm: T Godfrey AB rejoined ship from HMS Tamar

  6.35pm: HMTB 036 left on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f5: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-020_1.jpg)

8 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.55am: HMTB 036 arrived from patrol

  8.55am: HMTBD Fame left on patrol

  6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f6: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-021_0.jpg)

9 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Made fast to no 10 buoy

  9.45am: HMTBD Fame left on patrol

11.45am: HMTBD Fame arrived and proceeded into camber

  6.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f7: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-021_1.jpg)

10 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Made fast to no 10 buoy

  9.45am: HMTBD Fame left on patrol

  6.40pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f8: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-022_0.jpg)

11 June 1915

Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Came to with port anchor in 4 fathoms, veered to 1 shackle cable, in Deep Water Bay

  7.30am: Hands to bathe

  7.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361f9: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-022_1.jpg)

12 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361fa: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-023_0.jpg)

13 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361fb: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-023_1.jpg)

14 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  8.25am: Slipped and proceeded into camber

  8.30am: Made fast alongside north wall

  1.50pm: HMTBD Fame secured in camber

  5.50pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd341970361fc: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-024_0.jpg)

15 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c6acadfd341970361fd: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-024_1.jpg)

16 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: HMTB 035 arrived in camber

  8.00am: HMTB 036 left camber for Kowloon

4caf8c6acadfd341970361fe: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-025_0.jpg)

17 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.25am: HMTBD Otter arrived

9.40am: HMTBD Fame left camber; HM Submarine C36 left camber

6.00am: HMTBD Fame arrived in camber

6.05am: HM Submarine C36 arrived in camber

4caf8c6acadfd341970361ff: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-025_1.jpg)

18 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00pm: Hands cleaning paintwork and working about dinghy

4caf8c6acadfd34197036200: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-026_0.jpg)

19 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.00am: Lieutenant Pooley discharged to hospital

12.20pm: US Transport Abarenda arrived

  5.00pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  6.50pm: HMTBD Whiting arrived in camber

4caf8c6acadfd34197036201: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-026_1.jpg)

20 June 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Left camber for patrol

  4.30pm: Entered camber; secured alongside HMS Fame

4caf8c6acadfd34197036202: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-027_0.jpg)

21 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Left camber for patrol

  4.30pm: Made fast in camber

4caf8c6acadfd34197036203: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-027_1.jpg)

22 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber for patrol

11.46am: Came to with port anchor in 4¾ fathoms, veered to 1½ shackles cable; hands to bathe

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  4.20pm: Secured to buoy no 5A

  4.30pm: Commenced coaling (native labour)

  6.40pm: Finished coaling; received 52 tons

4caf8c6acadfd34197036204: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-028_0.jpg)

23 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  4.30pm: Secured in camber

  5.25pm: M O'Donnell RNR discharged to HMS Tamar (sick)

4caf8c6acadfd34197036205: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-028_1.jpg)

24 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Landed every available man for exercise

  7.40am: Landing party returned

  9.00am: Left camber for patrol

  4.40pm: Secured in camber

4caf8c6acadfd34197036206: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-029_0.jpg)

25 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.55am: Left for patrol

  4.50pm: Secured in camber

4caf8c6acadfd34197036207: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-029_1.jpg)

26 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.55am: Left camber for patrol

  4.05pm: Secured in camber

4caf8c6acadfd34197036208: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-030_0.jpg)

27 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber for patrol

11.45am: Came to with port anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 2½ shackles

  2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as required

  4.30pm: Secured in camber

4caf8c6acadfd34197036209: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-030_1.jpg)

28 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: HMTBD Fame arrived in camber

  3.45pm: Red typhoon signal hoisted on HMS Tamar

  6.45pm: Left camber for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703620a: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-031_0.jpg)

29 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Secured to buoy; struck topmast, furled awnings

  9.30am: Drew ammunition from Ordnance

10.00am: Stoker PO Lamb discharged to HMS Tamar (sick); M O'Donnell AB RNR rejoined ship

     Noon: Black typhoon signal hauled down; unfurled awnings

12.10pm: HMTBD Fame entered camber

12.20pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

  4.04pm: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

  6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703620b: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-031_1.jpg)

30 June 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Secured to buoy no 10

  2.00pm: Lieutenant Pooley rejoined ship from hospital

  6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703620c: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-032_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd3419703620d: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-032_1.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd3419703620e: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-033_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd3419703620f: ( 53-67693/ADM 53-67693-033_1.jpg)


4caf8c6acadfd34197036210: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd34197036211: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd34197036212: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd34197036213: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd34197036214: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c6acadfd34197036215: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-003_1.jpg)

1 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Made fast in camber alongside HMTBD Fame

10.00am: Stoker PO Lamb rejoined ship from HMS Tamar

  6.45pm: HMTBD Otter left for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd34197036216: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.10pm: G Horner AB joined ship from HMS Tamar; W Errett AB discharged to HMS Tamar

4caf8c6acadfd34197036217: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.15pm: HMTBD Otter arrived from patrol

4caf8c6acadfd34197036218: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Presbyterian, Roman Catholic and Wesleyan church party landed

4caf8c6acadfd34197036219: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Dressed ship in celebration of American Independence Day

     Noon: HMTBD Otter arrived in camber; HMTBD Fame secured to buoy

  6.45pm: Left camber for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703621a: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Secured to buoy no 5A

  7.10am: Commenced coaling (native labour)

10.45am: Finished coaling; received 52 tons

  6.40am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703621b: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Made fast to buoy

  9.00am: HMTBD Fame left on patrol

  6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703621c: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Made fast to buoy no 5A

  4.25pm: HMTBD Fame arrived from patrol; secured in camber

  6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703621d: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Made fast to buoy no 5A

  6.30pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703621e: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-008_0.jpg)

10 July 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.35pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6acadfd3419703621f: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-008_1.jpg)

11 July 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Secured to buoy no 5A

  6.30pm: Left buoy for patrol

4caf8c6acadfd34197036220: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-009_0.jpg)

12 July 1915

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  7.30am: Slipped

  7.40am: Secured in camber, east wall

  8.30am: W Alexander Stoker discharged to hospital

4caf8c6acadfd34197036221: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-009_1.jpg)

13 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands painting ship, getting up stores and provisions and placing in lighter

4caf8c6acadfd34197036222: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-010_0.jpg)

14 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed stowing bags and hammocks on lighter

10.00am: Y Tong Leading Signalman discharged to hospital

  4.00pm: Ship paid off

4caf8c6acadfd34197036223: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-010_1.jpg)

15 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2


4caf8c6bcadfd34197036224: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-011_0.jpg)

16 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2


4caf8c6bcadfd34197036225: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-011_1.jpg)

17 July 1915

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2


4caf8c6bcadfd34197036226: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-012_0.jpg)

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036227: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-012_1.jpg)

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036228: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-013_0.jpg)

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036229: ( 53-67694/ADM 53-67694-013_1.jpg)

AUGUST 1915 to JULY 1917 not included


4caf8c6bcadfd3419703622a: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703622b: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703622c: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703622d: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703622e: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703622f: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-003_1.jpg)

5 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00am: Patrolling as requisite

  6.00am: Waiting off Waglan for Japanese torpedo boat destroyers

  9.30am: Met Japanese torpedo boat destroyers and proceeded into harbour

10.35am: Secured to no 5A buoy

12.05pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded west

  1.30pm: Anchored at Cheung Chau in 5 fathoms

  4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036230: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-004_0.jpg)

6 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Met Japanese cruiser and escorted her into harbour

  8.00am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  9.00am: Discharged PO Barclay to HMS Tamar; PO Diamond joined from HMS Tamar

11.10am: Commenced coaling

12.35pm: Finished coaling; received 15 tons

12.45pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber

  1.00pm: Secured in camber

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036231: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-004_1.jpg)

7 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036232: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-005_0.jpg)

8 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands cleaning ship

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036233: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-005_1.jpg)

9 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036234: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-006_0.jpg)

10 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036235: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-006_1.jpg)

11 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship fore and aft

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036236: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-007_0.jpg)

12 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Took over guard duties

10.45am: Red typhoon signal hoisted; raised steam and all parties onshore recalled

12.15pm: HM Tug secured alongside and took ship to no 5A buoy

12.45pm: Secured with typhoon cable to no 5A buoy

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036237: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-007_1.jpg)

13 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.10am: Black typhoon signal hoisted; Article 617 CSOB complied with

  2.00pm: Very heavy squall of wind and rain

  9.15pm: Black typhoon signal hauled down

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036238: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-008_0.jpg)

14 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036239: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-008_1.jpg)

15 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703623a: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-009_0.jpg)

16 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  9.00am: Proceeded on patrol

11.30am: Took in tow two junks in distress

  4.00pm: Slipped junks off flag buoy and secured to no 5A buoy

  4.40pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703623b: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-009_1.jpg)

17 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  7.10am: Coal lighter arrived; commenced coaling

10.45am: Finished coaling

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703623c: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-010_0.jpg)

[The pages for the next four days have been incorrectly dated.]

18 August 1917

Hong Kong, Tai Tam Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Made fast to no 5A buoy

  9.45am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded on patrol

10.50am: Started to run torpedoes

  2.45pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay

  5.30pm: Hands to bathe and boat pulling exercise

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703623d: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-010_1.jpg)

19 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703623e: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-011_0.jpg)

20 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  7.30am: Took over guard from HMS Tamar

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703623f: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-011_1.jpg)

21 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036240: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-012_0.jpg)

22 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036241: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-012_1.jpg)

23 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.00am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036242: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-013_0.jpg)

24 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Took over guard from HMTB 037

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036243: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-013_1.jpg)

25 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Relieved of guard duties by HMS Tamar

  9.00am: Ackrill AB returned on board from sick list

  4.30pm: Signalman McKay discharged to HMS Tamar; Leading Signalman Wilson and Signalman Macey joined ship from HMS Tamar

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036244: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-014_0.jpg)

26 August 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036245: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-014_1.jpg)

27 August 1917

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded to sea

10.00am: Proceeded to Hami Wan and moored target

11.00am: Carried out aiming rifle practice

11.20am: Finished practice; hove up and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036246: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-015_0.jpg)

28 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  1.00pm: AB Woodfine and Stoker Ingleby returned from sick list

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036247: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-015_1.jpg)

29 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  9.00am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to sea

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036248: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-016_0.jpg)

30 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.45am: Commenced coaling

  9.00am: Finished coaling; 40 tons

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded to sea

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036249: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-016_1.jpg)

31 August 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to sea


4caf8c6bcadfd3419703624a: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-017_0.jpg)

1 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703624b: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-017_1.jpg)

2 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703624c: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-018_0.jpg)

3 September 1917

Hong Kong to Shameen, Canton

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  7.50am: Slipped and proceeded to West River

  2.30pm: Secured head and stern to buoys off Shameen Island, Canton

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703624d: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-018_1.jpg)

4 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703624e: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-019_0.jpg)

5 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703624f: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-019_1.jpg)

6 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  6.00am: Hands employed as requisite

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036250: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-020_0.jpg)

7 September 1917

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Slipped and proceeded down river

  2.15pm: Arrived at Hong Kong and secured to no 5A buoy

  4.00pm: Stoker Quinn returned to ship from sick leave

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036251: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-020_1.jpg)

8 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Commenced to coal

10.05am: Finished coaling – 45 tons; slipped buoy and proceeded to north wall of camber

10.25am: Secured

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036252: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-021_0.jpg)

9 September 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Hands to divisions and captain's rounds

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036253: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-021_1.jpg)

10 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Cast off and proceeded to sea on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036254: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-022_0.jpg)

11 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and patrolling as requisite

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036255: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-022_1.jpg)

12 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036256: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-023_0.jpg)

13 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  8.00pm: Prepared to take SS Rotorua in tow

  8.45pm: Commenced to tow SS Rotorua towards western entrance

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036257: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-023_1.jpg)

14 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.45am: Slipped SS Rotorua at examination anchorage, western entrance

  3.00am: Proceeded on patrol

  6.40am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036258: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-024_0.jpg)

15 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

         am: Secured to buoy

  6.40am: Commenced to coal

10.00am: Finished coaling – 40 tons; slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036259: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-024_1.jpg)

16 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703625a: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-025_0.jpg)

17 September 1917

Hong Kong to Canton

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Secured to no 5A buoy

  7.05am: Slipped and proceeded towards Canton

  1.10pm: Secured to buoys head and stern off Shameen

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703625b: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-025_1.jpg)

18 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  2.10pm: HMTB 037 arrived and secured to buoy astern

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703625c: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-026_0.jpg)

19 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  6.00am: Hands cleaned ship

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703625d: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-026_1.jpg)

20 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  6.00am: Hands cleaned ship

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703625e: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-027_0.jpg)

21 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  6.00am: Hands scrubbed ship

4caf8c6bcadfd3419703625f: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-027_1.jpg)

22 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  5.30am: HMTB 037 left

4caf8c6bcadfd34197036260: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-028_0.jpg)

23 September 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  9.00am: Divisions and captain's rounds

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036261: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-028_1.jpg)

24 September 1917

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Slipped and proceeded towards Hong Kong

12.32pm: Arrived in Hong Kong and secured to no 10 buoy

  5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036262: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-029_0.jpg)

25 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  8.00am: One gun metal crutch lost overboard by accident from whaler; one blanket lost by Lieutenant Jones RNR

10.00am: Finished coaling

12.30pm: HMS Whiting secured to buoy

  4.00pm: HMS Diana went into dry dock

  4.30pm: One stoker (1st class) joined ship; one stoker (1st class) left ship

  5.50pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036263: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-029_1.jpg)

26 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Secured to buoy

10.30am: Lieutenant Hall RNR left ship; Sub Lieutenant Ivey RNR joined ship

  1.00pm: Lieutenant Pooley RNR joined ship (in command)

  3.00pm: Lieutenant Jones RNR left ship

  5.45pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036264: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-030_0.jpg)

27 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.45pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036265: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-030_1.jpg)

28 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.45am: Hailed steamer Hunning

  6.30am: Secured to buoy

  9.05am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036266: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-031_0.jpg)

29 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Escorted 4 Japanese destroyers into harbour

  7.45am: Made fast to buoy; commenced coaling

10.45am: Finished coaling – 31 tons

  5.48pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036267: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-031_1.jpg)

30 September 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.10pm: Hailed SS Nippon (Swedish) from Manilla

  4.30am: Hailed SS Juixen Maru (Japanese) from Singapore

  6.45am: Made fast to buoy

11.15am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol


4caf8c6ccadfd34197036268: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-032_0.jpg)

1 October 1917

Hong Kong to Canton

Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  6.30am: Returned to harbour and secured to no 5 buoy; one stoker discharged to HMS Whiting

  7.15am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to Canton

  1.25pm: Arrived at Canton and secured to buoys fore and aft

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036269: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-032_1.jpg)

2 October 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  9.30am: Hands employed painting ship's side

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703626a: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-033_0.jpg)

3 October 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship and fittings as requisite

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703626b: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-033_1.jpg)

4 October 1917


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  8.45am: Hands fell in and employed painting ship's side and fittings as requisite

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703626c: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-034_0.jpg)

5 October 1917

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Slipped buoys and proceeded to Hong Kong

  9.00am: Courses and speed as requisite for navigating Canton River

12.35pm: Secured to buoy no 10, Hong Kong Harbour

  1.30pm: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

  3.30pm: Finished coaling – 25 tons

  4.00pm: Secured in camber (north wall)

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703626d: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703626e: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-035_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703626f: ( 53-67695/ADM 53-67695-035_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036270: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036271: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036272: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036273: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036274: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036275: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-003_1.jpg)

6 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.00pm: Liberty men landed

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036276: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-004_0.jpg)

7 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Church parties landed

11.00am: Church parties returned on board

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036277: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-004_1.jpg)

8 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Cast off ropes and proceeded out of camber to buoy no 10

  9.10am: Secured to buoy

  3.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036278: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-005_0.jpg)

9 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Made fast to buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour

     Noon: Signalled to Gap Rock Lighthouse

  9.00pm: Lost overboard by accident one lens from Villiers flashing lamp

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036279: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-005_1.jpg)

10 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Proceeded to meet Japanese cruiser

  8.30am: Joined up with Japanese cruiser and escorted her into harbour

10.10am: Secured to buoy

11.15am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703627a: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-006_0.jpg)

11 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to buoy

10.00am: Ellerton discharged to HMS Tamar, sick

pm: Patrolling

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703627b: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-006_1.jpg)

12 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.50am: Proceeded into harbour

  6.50am: Secured to buoy

  7.00am: Coal lighter came alongside; commenced coaling

10.05am: Finished coaling

10.40am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703627c: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-007_0.jpg)

13 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Proceeded into harbour

  6.50am: Secured to buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703627d: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-007_1.jpg)

14 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Proceeded into harbour

  6.45am: Secured to buoy no 10

  1.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour

  3.45pm: Joined up with Japanese destroyers (4) and escorted them into harbour

  5.00pm: Proceeded out of harbour on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703627e: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-008_0.jpg)

15 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.50am: Proceeded into harbour

  6.45am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  7.50am: Commenced coaling

  8.55am: Finished coaling

  9.45am: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber

10.00am: Secured to north wall

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703627f: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-008_1.jpg)

16 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00pm: Non-swimmers sent to HMS Tamar for instruction

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036280: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-009_0.jpg)

17 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00pm: Hands fell in and told off for painting ship

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036281: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-009_1.jpg)

18 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.00am: Non-swimmers sent to HMS Tamar for instruction

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036282: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-010_0.jpg)

19 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands wash and scrub upper deck

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036283: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-010_1.jpg)

20 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.00pm: Leave to starboard watch

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036284: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-011_0.jpg)

21 October 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.45am: Landed church parties

11.00am: Church parties returned on board

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036285: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-011_1.jpg)

22 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036286: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-012_0.jpg)

23 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Secured to buoy

10.00am: One boat hook lost overboard by accident

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  9.15pm: Hailed steamer Haiphong

  9.25pm: Hailed steamer Harunasan Maru

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036287: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-012_1.jpg)

24 October 1917

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Made fast to buoy

  9.15am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour

10.00am: Proceeded into Hami Wan and ran torpedoes: after torpedo made defective run, pivot of outer gimble of gyro being broken.

12.20pm: Returned to harbour to obtain new gyro

12.30pm: Secured to buoy

  4.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036288: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-013_0.jpg)

25 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to buoy; commenced coaling

  9.55am: Finished coaling

10.15am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  1.30pm: Ran after torpedo

  2.50pm: One ventilator lost overboard

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036289: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-013_1.jpg)

26 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Hailed steamer Nsin Chang

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to buoy

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703628a: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-014_0.jpg)

27 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Proceeded into harbour

  6.50am: Secured to buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703628b: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-014_1.jpg)

28 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.15am: Hailed steamer Wai Chang

  6.10am: Proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Secured to buoy

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703628c: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-015_0.jpg)

29 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to buoy; coal lighter secured and commenced coaling

  9.50am: Finished coaling

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703628d: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-015_1.jpg)

30 October 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Proceeded into harbour

  7.05am: Secured to buoy

  9.15am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703628e: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-016_0.jpg)

31 October 1917

Hong Kong, Po Toi and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.15am: Dropped anchor off Po Toi on account of fog and mist, 11 fathoms, 3 shackles

  5.45am: Weighed anchor and proceeded into harbour

  6.50am: Secured to buoy

  9.00am: One leading seaman returned from sick bay

  9.15am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol


4caf8c6ccadfd3419703628f: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-016_1.jpg)

1 November 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Secured to buoy; coal lighter secured alongside, commenced coaling

  9.00am: Finished coaling – 26 tons

  2.00pm: One AB returned from sick bay

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036290: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-017_0.jpg)

2 November 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Proceeded into harbour

  6.55am: Secured to buoy

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036291: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-017_1.jpg)

3 November 1917

Hong Kong, on patrol and to Swatow

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 10 buoy

10.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

     Noon: Returned to harbour

12.40pm: Secured to buoy

  3.20pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of western entrance

  7.20pm: Po Toi abeam N23W

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036292: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-018_0.jpg)

4 November 1917

Swatow to Hong Kong

Lat 23.4, Long 116.7

  3.27am: Chilang Lighthouse N23E

  8.42am: Breaker Point Lighthouse N53E

11.05am: Cape Good Hope Lighthouse N10E

12.22pm: Arrived at Swatow

12.30pm: Anchored in Swatow Harbour, 6 fathoms, 3 shackles

  2.42pm: Left Swatow

  4.00pm: Cape Good Hope Lighthouse W

  6.25pm: Breaker Point Lighthouse abeam

11.25pm: Chilang Lighthouse N79W

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036293: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-018_1.jpg)

5 November 1917

Swatow to Hong Kong

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3

  1.10am: Anchored in Honghai Bay, 7 fathoms, 2½ shackles

  5.50am: Weighed anchor and searched Honghai Bay

  6.50am: Tung Hing Point N45W

11.45am: Arrived off Po Toi Island

  1.20pm: Entered harbour

  1.50pm: Secured to north wall of camber and commenced coaling

  4.20pm: Finished coaling

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036294: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-019_0.jpg)

6 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.00am: Ordnance Department dismounted and landed 2 foremost 6-pounders

  1.00pm: Non-swimmers sent to HMS Tamar for instruction

  2.10pm: Shifted ship to outside of north wall of camber

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036295: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-019_1.jpg)

7 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: HMS Diana came out of dry dock and secured to east wall of camber

11.00am: Shifted ship inside camber

  1.10pm: SS Lark secured alongside, starboard side

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036296: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-020_0.jpg)

8 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands fell in and told off for painting ship

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036297: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-020_1.jpg)

9 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00pm: Hands fell in and employed painting

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036298: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-021_0.jpg)

10 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands fell in, employed painting ship

4caf8c6ccadfd34197036299: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-021_1.jpg)

11 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.45am: Landed church parties

11.00am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703629a: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-022_0.jpg)

12 November 1917

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.1

  9.00am: Let go wires and left camber; proceeded on patrol

10.00am: Carried out rifle aiming practice in Hami Wan

  2.00pm: Patrolling as requisite

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703629b: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-022_1.jpg)

13 November 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Secured to buoy

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703629c: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-023_0.jpg)

14 November 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.44pm: Hailed steamer Lok San

  7.00am: Arrived in harbour and secured to no 10 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703629d: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-023_1.jpg)

15 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.05am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.20am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out eastern entrance to meet Submarine C36

10.20am: Escorted submarine into Lymun

12.05pm: Submarine returned to harbour

  8.50pm: Hailed steamer Hokerbo Maru

  9.20pm: Hailed steamer Ascahihon

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703629e: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-024_0.jpg)

16 November 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 10 buoy and commenced coaling

10.10am: Finished coaling

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd3419703629f: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-024_1.jpg)

17 November 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.05am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a0: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-025_0.jpg)

18 November 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.05am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.30am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a1: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-025_1.jpg)

19 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Returned to harbour

  7.00am: Secured to no buoy 5 and commenced coaling

  8.30am: Finished coaling

10.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber

10.07am: Secured to north wall

  1.00pm: Mr Christie rejoined ship from hospital; Mr Norris discharged to HMS Tamar

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a2: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-026_0.jpg)

20 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed washing ship's side

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a3: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-026_1.jpg)

21 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed touching up paintwork around ship's side

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a4: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-027_0.jpg)

22 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.05am: Landing party fell in on jetty and proceeded to Parade Ground

  8.00am: Landing party returned on board

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a5: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-027_1.jpg)

23 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in; hands wash down upper deck

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a6: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-028_0.jpg)

24 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Saturday routine

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a7: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-028_1.jpg)

25 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.45am: Church parties landed

11.00am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a8: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-029_0.jpg)

26 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362a9: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-029_1.jpg)

27 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in; wash and scrub upper deck

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362aa: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-030_0.jpg)

28 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Shifted berth from north wall to east wall of camber

  1.15pm: HMS Tamar shifted to north wall outside camber

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362ab: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-030_1.jpg)

29 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Landing party fell in on jetty and proceeded to Parade Ground

  7.50am: Landing party returned

  2.00pm: HMS Rosario shifted to west wall of camber

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362ac: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-031_0.jpg)

30 November 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Tug Cherub secured alongside

  9.30am: Left camber and proceeded to flag buoy for adjustment of compass

  1.00pm: Slipped buoy and returned to camber


4caf8c6ccadfd341970362ad: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-031_1.jpg)

1 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands carry out Saturday routine

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362ae: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-032_0.jpg)

2 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Church parties landed

10.40am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362af: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-032_1.jpg)

3 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b0: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-033_0.jpg)

4 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  8.30am: One AB went sick

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b1: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-033_1.jpg)

5 December 1917

Hong Kong, Castle Peak Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.15am: Proceeded in Castle Peak Bay and boarded one Chinese gunboat

10.50am: Proceeded to Hong Kong

12.10pm: Secured to no 5 buoy; 1 heaving line lost overboard by accident

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b2: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-034_0.jpg)

6 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.05pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b3: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b4: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-035_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b5: ( 53-67696/ADM 53-67696-035_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b6: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b7: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b8: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362b9: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362ba: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362bb: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-003_1.jpg)

7 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362bc: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-004_0.jpg)

8 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

10.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362bd: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-004_1.jpg)

9 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Returned to harbour

  7.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362be: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-005_0.jpg)

10 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 10 buoy and commenced coaling

  9.10am: Finished coaling

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ccadfd341970362bf: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-005_1.jpg)

11 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c0: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-006_0.jpg)

12 December 1917

Hong Kong, Mirs Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  8.30am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to Mirs Bay to run torpedoes at moving target

  6.00pm: Patrolling as requisite

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c1: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-006_1.jpg)

13 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 10 buoy and commenced coaling

10.10am: Finished coaling

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c2: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-007_0.jpg)

14 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.55am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.30am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

12.30pm: Met and observed movements of Chinese warships and troopships

  5.30pm: Steamed parallel with above ships until clear of British waters

  8.30pm: Left above ships and returned to patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c3: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-007_1.jpg)

15 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol as requisite

  7.40am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c4: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-008_0.jpg)

16 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c5: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-008_1.jpg)

17 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.22

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 10 buoy and commenced coaling

10.00am: Finished coaling

10.10am: Proceeded into camber

10.25am: Secured to north wall

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c6: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-009_0.jpg)

18 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c7: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-009_1.jpg)

19 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c8: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-010_0.jpg)

20 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: [Hands] fell in on jetty in drill order and proceeded to Parade Ground for drill

  7.55am: Landing party returned

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362c9: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-010_1.jpg)

21 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Medical inspection on board HMS Tamar

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362ca: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-011_0.jpg)

22 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in and carried out Saturday routine

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362cb: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-011_1.jpg)

23 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.45am: Church parties landed

11.15am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362cc: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-012_0.jpg)

24 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Discharged typhoon cable to HMS Tamar

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded to no 10 buoy

11.25am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to examination anchorage

12.15pm: Intercepted Russian cadet ship Oriel and directed her to anchor in examination anchorage

  3.15pm: HMS Suffolk arrived and anchored

  3.30pm: Weighed and escorted Russian ship into harbour

  4.35pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.40pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362cd: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-012_1.jpg)

25 December 1917

Hong Kong, Lamtung Island and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3

  7.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour; secured to no 10 buoy

  9.10am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out east

10.08am: Anchored off Lamtung Island

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362ce: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-013_0.jpg)

26 December 1917

Hong Kong, Lamtung Channel and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.05am: Left buoy and proceeded to sea

11.15am: Anchored in Lamtung Channel, 2 shackles in 10 fathoms

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362cf: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-013_1.jpg)

27 December 1917

Hong Kong, Cape D'Aguilar and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.50am: Proceeded into harbour

  9.00am: Arrived in harbour; proceeded into camber for fresh water

10.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

12.45pm: Let go anchor off D'Aguilar in 10 fathoms with 2 shackles

  8.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d0: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-014_0.jpg)

28 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.30am: Secured to no 10 buoy; commenced coaling

10.15am: Finished coaling, slipped buoy and proceeded to patrol eastern entrance

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d1: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-014_1.jpg)

29 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.50am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to patrol eastern entrance

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d2: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-015_0.jpg)

30 December 1917

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Sighted 2 Russian destroyers bearing east from D'Aguilar, distance 16 miles

11.10am: Closed destroyers and escorted them to examination anchorage

12.50pm: Russian destroyers anchored

  1.00pm: Let go anchor in examination anchorage, 2 shackles in 7½ fathoms

  3.36pm: Proceeded into harbour with Russian destroyers

  4.00pm: Secured to no 8 buoy

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d3: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-015_1.jpg)

31 December 1917

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 8 buoy and commenced coaling

  9.50am: Finished coaling and proceeded into camber

10.10am: Secured to north wall


4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d4: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-016_0.jpg)

1 January 1918

Hong Kong to Canton

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded out of camber for Canton

  3.51pm: Arrived at Canton

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d5: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-016_1.jpg)

2 January 1918


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d6: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-017_0.jpg)

3 January 1918


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  8.45am: Hands employed scraping paintwork

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d7: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-017_1.jpg)

4 January 1918

Canton to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.14am: Slipped buoy and proceeded towards Hong Kong

  1.50pm: Arrived Hong Kong; secured to no 5 buoy, commenced coaling

  3.30pm: Finished coaling

  4.10pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber; secured to north wall

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d8: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-018_0.jpg)

5 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in; Saturday routine

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362d9: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-018_1.jpg)

6 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.10am: Church parties landed for service at cathedral

12.30pm: Church parties returned

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362da: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-019_0.jpg)

7 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362db: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-019_1.jpg)

8 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.30am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362dc: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-020_0.jpg)

9 January 1918

Hong Kong, Castle Peak and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Proceeded to Castle Peak Bay to investigate reported Chinese warship anchored there

  9.00am: Returned to Hong Kong via West Point and Lantau Channel

11.45am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  1.15pm: Shifted berth to Triumph buoy

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362dd: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-020_1.jpg)

10 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.40am: Secured to buoy and commenced coaling

10.40am: Finished coaling

  5.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362de: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-021_0.jpg)

11 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.25am: Secured to Triumph buoy

10.30am: Sent fore and mid-ship awnings to dockyard for renewal

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362df: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-021_1.jpg)

12 January 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.1

  6.05am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.45am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to Hami Wan for rifle exercise

11.00am: 1 gun metal crutch lost overboard by accident from skiff

  5.00pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e0: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-022_0.jpg)

13 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.30am: Secured to buoy

  9.10am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  9.10pm: Hailed SS Lok Sang

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e1: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-022_1.jpg)

14 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.30am: Secured to buoy and commenced coaling

  8.40am: Hands (ship's company) proceeded to HMS Tamar for certificate to be read

  9.45am: Ship's company returned

  9.55am: Finished coaling

10.10am: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber; secured to north wall

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e2: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-023_0.jpg)

15 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: Hands employed painting ship's side

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e3: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-023_1.jpg)

16 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands employed painting ship's side

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e4: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-024_0.jpg)

17 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Hands fell in on jetty in drill and proceeded to parade ground

  8.00am: Landing party returned

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e5: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-024_1.jpg)

18 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in and employed painting whaler

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e6: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-025_0.jpg)

19 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands fell in and carried out Saturday routine

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e7: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-025_1.jpg)

20 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.40am: Church parties landed

11.00am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e8: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-026_0.jpg)

21 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

     Noon: Left camber and proceeded to no 8 buoy

  5.20pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362e9: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-026_1.jpg)

22 January 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan, Ladrones Islands and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.30am: Secure to no 5 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to Hami Wan

  2.00pm: Patrolled the Ladrones Islands

  9.30pm: Hailed SS Amphurst

11.00pm: Hailed SS Rotorua

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362ea: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-027_0.jpg)

23 January 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan, Mirs Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.00am: Anchored in Hami Wan

  6.25am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour

  7.30am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  8.40am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to Mirs Bay to run torpedoes in conjunction with HMTB 035

  4.00pm: Left Mirs Bay and proceeded on patrol

  9.10pm: Hailed French steamer Bourbon

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362eb: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-027_1.jpg)

24 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  7.25am: Coal lighter came alongside; commenced coaling

10.20am: Finished coaling

  5.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362ec: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-028_0.jpg)

25 January 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.45am: Hailed SS Suntak

  7.30am: Returned to harbour

  8.05am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  5.35pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362ed: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-028_1.jpg)

26 January 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.1

  6.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.45am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.05am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to Hami Wan

10.10am: Let go anchor in 5 fathoms, 1½ shackles

  5.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362ee: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-029_0.jpg)

27 January 1918

Hong Kong, Ladrones Islands and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30am: Hailed SS Chung Chau

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

11.00am: Patrolled the Ladrones Islands

  9.50pm: Hailed SS Lok Sang

10.00pm: Hailed SS Cheloo

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362ef: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-029_1.jpg)

28 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.40am: Secured to buoy and commenced coaling

10.00am: Finished coaling

10.10am: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber; secured to north wall

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f0: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-030_0.jpg)

29 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed scraping ship's side

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f1: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-030_1.jpg)

30 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in and secured ship for sea

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f2: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-031_0.jpg)

31 January 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Landing party landed and proceeded to parade ground for drill

  7.55am: Landing party returned


4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f3: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-031_1.jpg)

1 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands preparing ship for sea

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f4: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-032_0.jpg)

2 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.15pm: Received one .45 Maxim gun and mounting, also 6 belts (loaded) from HMS Tamar

  3.45pm: Left camber and secured to no 6A buoy

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f5: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-032_1.jpg)

3 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands fell in; clear up decks for rounds

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f6: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-033_0.jpg)

4 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Received one Maxim gun pedestal from HMS Tamar

  6.00pm: Hands hoisted boats and gangway

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f7: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-033_1.jpg)

5 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00pm: Prepared ship for sea

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f8: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-034_0.jpg)

6 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: HMS City of London arrived and secured to Triumph buoy

  4.10pm: Ship prepared for sea

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362f9: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362fa: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-035_0.jpg)

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362fb: ( 53-67697/ADM 53-67697-035_1.jpg)

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362fc: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362fd: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362fe: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c6dcadfd341970362ff: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c6dcadfd34197036300: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036301: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-003_1.jpg)

7 February 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036302: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-004_0.jpg)

8 February 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.40am: Secured to buoy

  7.45am: Commenced coaling

  9.45am: Finished coaling

  2.05pm: HMTB 035 proceeded on patrol

  4.20pm: HMS City of London weighed and proceeded out east

  5.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036303: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-004_1.jpg)

9 February 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.50am: Secured to buoy

  9.15am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036304: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-005_0.jpg)

10 February 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.25am: Secured to buoy

  5.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036305: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-005_1.jpg)

11 February 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.35am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.45am: Secured to HMS Whiting in camber

  9.00am: HMS Whiting left camber; secured ship to north wall

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036306: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-006_0.jpg)

12 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Range party left ship

  2.50pm: Range party returned

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036307: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-006_1.jpg)

13 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Range party left ship

  2.25pm: Range party returned

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036308: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-007_0.jpg)

14 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Range party left ship

  2.50pm: Range party returned to ship

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036309: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-007_1.jpg)

15 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: Hands employed preparing ship for dry dock

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703630a: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-008_0.jpg)

16 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.45am: Ship left camber and entered dry dock

12.15pm: Ship took blocks [The date of leaving dry dock was not recorded.]

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703630b: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-008_1.jpg)

17 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Church parties landed

11.30am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703630c: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-009_0.jpg)

18 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed dismounting, scraping and painting 12-pounder gun

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703630d: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-009_1.jpg)

19 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed on 12-pounder

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703630e: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-010_0.jpg)

20 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed spreading new awnings

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703630f: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-010_1.jpg)

21 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship's side

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036310: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-011_0.jpg)

22 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands painting ship's side

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036311: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-011_1.jpg)

23 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.00pm: Hands make and mend

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036312: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-012_0.jpg)

24 February 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Church parties landed

11.15am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036313: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-012_1.jpg)

25 February 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded to no 10 buoy to coal ship

11.15am: Finished coaling

  5.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036314: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-013_0.jpg)

26 February 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.20am: Left buoy and proceeded out of harbour

  7.30pm: Examined Japanese fishing junk (63HV)

  8.15pm: Hailed British steamer Chung Chau

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036315: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-013_1.jpg)

27 February 1918

Hami Wan, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.20am: Anchored in Hami Wan in 5 fathoms with 2 shackles; thick fog

  9.40am: Fog lifted; weighed and proceeded into harbour

10.30am: Secured to no 10 buoy

11.50am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036316: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-014_0.jpg)

28 February 1918

Hong Kong, Ladrones Islands and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  2.00pm: Patrolling Ladrones Islands


4caf8c6ecadfd34197036317: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-014_1.jpg)

1 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

10.15am: Finished coaling

  5.45pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036318: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-015_0.jpg)

2 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  5.45pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  7.40pm: Hailed SS Lok Sang

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036319: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-015_1.jpg)

3 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Hailed Chinese steamer Hsin Chang

  6.25am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.00am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  1.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703631a: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-016_0.jpg)

4 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 10 buoy

11.00am: Commenced coaling

12.30pm: Finished coaling

  5.40pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703631b: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-016_1.jpg)

5 March 1918

Stonecutters Island and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.1

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded to Stonecutters Island to land range parties

  7.10am: Anchored in 3 fathoms with 1 shackle

  8.30am: Range parties landed

12.40pm: Range parties returned on board

  2.00pm: Keal AB joined ship from HMS Tamar

  5.40pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703631c: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-017_0.jpg)

6 March 1918

Stonecutters Island and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.1

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded to Stonecutters Island

  7.03am: Dropped anchor in 3¼ fathoms, 1 shackle

  8.30am: Range parties landed

12.45pm: Range parties returned to ship

  5.45pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703631d: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-017_1.jpg)

7 March 1918

Stonecutters Island and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.1

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded to Stonecutters Island

  7.30am: Anchored in 3 fathoms with 1 shackle

  8.30am: Range parties landed

12.40pm: Range parties returned to ship

  5.45pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703631e: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-018_0.jpg)

8 March 1918

Stonecutters Island, Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded to Stonecutters Island

  7.05am: Anchored off Stonecutters in 3¼ fathoms with 1 shackle

  7.15am: Commenced coaling ship from lighter

  8.30am: Range parties landed

  9.00am: Finished coaling

  9.50am: Range parties returned to ship

10.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to Hong Kong, securing to no 10 buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703631f: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-018_1.jpg)

9 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.10am: Proceeded to West Lamma Channel; carried out service practice from 12-pounder and 6-pounder guns

10.30am: Two rounds 6-pounder ammunition (misfires) thrown overboard

  2.00pm: Patrolled from Cheung Island towards Po Toi Island

11.30pm: Hailed Japanese SS Tensan Maru

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036320: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-019_0.jpg)

10 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.25am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036321: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-019_1.jpg)

11 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  9.05am: Commenced coaling

10.20am: Finished coaling

10.30am: Left buoy and entered camber, securing to north wall

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036322: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-020_0.jpg)

12 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036323: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-020_1.jpg)

13 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship

  4.20pm: HMS Scarab arrived in camber

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036324: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-021_0.jpg)

14 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship's side

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036325: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-021_1.jpg)

15 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036326: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-022_0.jpg)

16 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Mr Twine (gunner) joined ship; Mr Cox left ship, discharged to HMS Tamar

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036327: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-022_1.jpg)

17 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.40am: Church parties landed

11.30am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036328: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-023_0.jpg)

18 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

11.30am: One gunmetal crutch lost overboard by accident from port Berthon boat

  9.00pm: Boarded SS Tong Hee and steam tug Azuma Maru

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036329: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-023_1.jpg)

19 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  8.30am: E Chapman stoker went sick

11.00am: Defective Berthon boat returned to dockyard and another drawn in lieu

  1.35pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded to keep observation on Russian SS Tobolsk

  2.30pm: Supplied armed guard with one Red Ensign

  2.35pm: Red Ensign hoisted on board SS Tobolsk

  3.30pm: Returned to no 10 buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703632a: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-024_0.jpg)

20 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.05am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  3.15pm: SS Tobolsk removed to no 5 buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703632b: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-024_1.jpg)

21 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.30am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703632c: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-025_0.jpg)

22 March 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.10am: Commenced coaling

  9.10am: Finished coaling

11.20am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  3.30pm: Returned to Hong Kong

  4.00pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703632d: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-025_1.jpg)

23 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  3.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to keep observation on Russian ship Indigirka

  5.45pm: Proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703632e: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-026_0.jpg)

24 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703632f: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-026_1.jpg)

25 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.10am: Commenced coaling

  8.10am: Finished coaling

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber; secured to north wall

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036330: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-027_0.jpg)

26 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting whaler, skiff and Berthon boats

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036331: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-027_1.jpg)

27 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Tested buoyancy of Carley floats

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036332: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-028_0.jpg)

28 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: 1 leading seaman, 4 ABs and 2 stokers discharged to HMS Tamar for special duty

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036333: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-028_1.jpg)

29 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.35am: HMS Whiting secured

  1.00pm: 1 ERA, 1 SPO, 1 leading seaman, 3 ABs and 3 stokers discharged to HMS Tamar for special duty

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036334: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-029_0.jpg)

30 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.50pm: HMS Bee entered camber

  5.00pm: Part of ship's company returned from HMS Tamar

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036335: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-029_1.jpg)

31 March 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.45am: Church parties landed

11.30am: Church parties returned


4caf8c6ecadfd34197036336: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-030_0.jpg)

1 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and secured alongside north wall astern of HMS Tamar

10.00am: Ship's company to HMS Tamar for 'atomiser'*

  3.30pm: Remainder of hands returned from HMS Tamar


*Atomisers were used in an attempt to combat the spread of cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Atomisers copied from the Sanitary Board pattern ... were
made privately by different firms and sold to the public, so that it may
be taken for granted that a certain proportion of the public were most
thoroughly and constantly atomised. Atomisers were in use at the Gaol,
Police Court, and General Hospital for the use of the Staff."

Excerpt from: OUTBREAK OF CEREBRO-SPINAL FEVER IN HONG KONG, 1918. By A. M. GALE, B.Sc., M.D. (GLASGOW). Acting Medical Officer of Health, Hong Kong, 1918

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036337: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-030_1.jpg)

2 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured astern of HMS Tamar

  6.00pm: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036338: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-031_0.jpg)

3 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  8.40am: Ship's company sent to HMS Tamar to be 'atomised'

10.00am: Lieutenant Pooley RNR discharged to hospital sick

11.00am: Sub Lieutenant Ivey RNR appointed in temporary command

12.16pm: Warrant 278 read to ship's company

  5.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036339: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-031_1.jpg)

4 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to no 6A buoy

  7.30am: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

  9.15am: Finished coaling

10.35am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703633a: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-032_0.jpg)

5 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.05am: Secured to no 6A buoy

  8.45am: Hands to HMS Tamar for 'atomiser'

10.40am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703633b: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-032_1.jpg)

6 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Anchored off D'Aguilar on account of fog, 12 fathoms with 3 shackles

10.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to intercept Russian ship Orel

11.00am: Intercepted Orel and escorted her into harbour

12.35pm: Entered camber and secured alongside HMS Whiting

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703633c: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-033_0.jpg)

7 April 1918

Hong Kong, Deep Water Bay and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.25am: Secured alongside HMS Whiting

  8.45am: Hands to HMS Tamar for 'atomiser'

10.45am: Cast off from HMS Whiting and proceeded on patrol

  4.50pm: Anchored in Deep Water Bay, 4 fathoms with 2 shackles

  6.30pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703633d: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-033_1.jpg)

8 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.55am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.05am: Coal lighter secured alongside; commenced coaling

  9.07am: Finished coaling

11.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber

11.30am: Secured alongside HMS Wyvern

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703633e: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-034_0.jpg)

9 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: Ship's company to HMS Tamar for registry of personnel

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703633f: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036340: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-035_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036341: ( 53-67698/ADM 53-67698-035_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036342: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036343: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036344: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036345: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036346: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036347: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-003_1.jpg)

10 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in and washed upper deck

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036348: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-004_0.jpg)

11 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Landing party landed

  7.55am: Landing party returned

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036349: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-004_1.jpg)

12 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in and employed cleaning decks

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703634a: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-005_0.jpg)

13 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands carry out Saturday routine

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703634b: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-005_1.jpg)

14 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.45am: Church parties landed

11.15am: Church parties returned on board

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703634c: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-006_0.jpg)

15 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.30pm: Leading Seaman Lewis rejoined from hospital

  5.50pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703634d: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-006_1.jpg)

16 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour [camber]

  8.45am: Ship's company to 'atomiser'

10.45am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703634e: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-007_0.jpg)

17 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.50am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.40am: Secured alongside HMS Wyvern [in camber]

11.00am: Lieutenant Pooley RNR rejoined ship

  2.00pm: ERA Kissack joined ship

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd3419703634f: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-007_1.jpg)

18 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to flag buoy

11.30am: Commenced coaling

  1.20pm: Finished coaling

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036350: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-008_0.jpg)

19 April 1918

Hong Kong to Amoy

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber for water

  9.30am: Left camber and proceeded to flag buoy

12.32pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour in company with HMS Scarab and SS Pashing; took station astern of HMS Scarab

  2.09pm: Ninepins abeam

  4.17pm: Single Island N18W

  6.16pm: Pedra Blanca S39E

  7.47pm: Chilang Point Lighthouse N52E

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036351: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-008_1.jpg)

20 April 1918

Hong Kong to Amoy

Lat 22.6, Long 115.1

  2.51am: Breaker Point N17E

  8.25am: High Lamock Island Lighthouse N43W

10.16am: Brothers Island N26E

10.20am: Parted from HMS Scarab

  3.12pm: Chapel Island Lighthouse East

  5.00am: Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour

  5.30pm: Secured to buoy

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036352: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-009_0.jpg)

21 April 1918

Amoy to Hong Kong

Lat 24.5, Long 118.1

  9.10am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour

  9.15am: Stevens Rocks buoy abeam

10.27am: Chanchai Rocks N9W

11.18am: Chapel Island Lighthouse N71E

  1.20pm: Knob Rock N47W

  3.21pm: Brothers Island S39E

  5.56pm: Lamock Island Lighthouse S39E

  8.08pm: Cape of Good Hope Lighthouse N32W

10.40pm: Breaker Point Lighthouse N7W

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036353: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-009_1.jpg)

22 April 1918

Amoy to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.56am: Chilang Point Lighthouse N64W

  5.30am: Pedra Blanca S74E

  8.03am: Single Island N13W

10.05am: Stopped off D'Aguilar signal station

10.10am: Proceeded into harbour

11.00am: Secured to no 5 buoy

12.20pm: Commenced coaling

  4.15pm: Finished coaling

  5.45pm: Entered camber and secured to north wall

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036354: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-010_0.jpg)

23 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036355: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-010_1.jpg)

24 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.45am: Boarded fishing junk 790HA off eastern entrance

  3.30am: Hailed SS Shinfoo in Stanley Harbour

  6.00am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured to north wall of camber

10.15am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036356: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-011_0.jpg)

25 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6ecadfd34197036357: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-011_1.jpg)

26 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.35am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.55am: Commenced coaling

  8.45am: Finished coaling

  5.00pm: CERA D McClean discharged to HMS Whiting

  6.10pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036358: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-012_0.jpg)

27 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.50am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036359: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-012_1.jpg)

28 April 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.35am: Secured to north wall of camber

10.20am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703635a: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-013_0.jpg)

29 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.45am: Secured to no 5 buoy

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  8.40am: Finished coaling

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded into camber; secured to north wall

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703635b: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-013_1.jpg)

30 April 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed scraping ship's side


4caf8c6fcadfd3419703635c: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-014_0.jpg)

1 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30pm: Stoker Neal discharged to HMS Rosario

  6.00pm: Stoker Brannigan joined ship

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703635d: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-014_1.jpg)

2 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Landing party landed

  7.55am: Landing party returned

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703635e: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-015_0.jpg)

3 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands painting ship's side

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703635f: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-015_1.jpg)

4 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036360: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-016_0.jpg)

5 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00am: Patrolling eastern entrance

  6.25am: Escorted HMS Empress of Russia to examination anchorage and returned to camber

  7.35am: Secured to north wall

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036361: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-016_1.jpg)

6 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.50pm: HMS Whiting left for Singapore

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036362: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-017_0.jpg)

7 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.35am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.20am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  9.15pm: Hailed SS Shinfoo from Saigon

10.45pm: Hailed SS Che Guan [?] from Singapore

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036363: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-017_1.jpg)

8 May 1918

Hami Wan, Hong Kong and on patrol to Tai Tam Bay

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Ran torpedoes in Hami Wan

  7.35am: Dropped anchor in Hami Wan, 2 shackles in 5½ fathoms

  9.15am: Weighed anchor and returned to harbour

10.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.00pm: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

11.30pm: Anchored in Tai Tam Bay in 8 fathoms with 3 shackles; thick mist

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036364: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-018_0.jpg)

9 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded into harbour

  7.20am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036365: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-018_1.jpg)

10 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.40am: Secured alongside north wall of camber

  7.10am: Commenced coaling

  9.40am: Finished coaling

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036366: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-019_0.jpg)

11 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.40am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036367: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-019_1.jpg)

12 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.30am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036368: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-020_0.jpg)

13 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.30am: Secured to north wall of camber

  9.00am: Hands employed getting typhoon cable on board

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036369: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-020_1.jpg)

14 May 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.10am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  2.00pm: Patrolling Ladrones Islands

  4.10pm: Anchored in Hami Wan in 3½ fathoms with 1½ shackles

  5.00pm: Non-swimmers landed for instruction

  5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded into harbour

  6.15pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703636a: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-021_0.jpg)

15 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  2.00pm: Patrolled Rocky Harbour and Port Shelter

  3.30pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  4.05pm: Secured to no 5 buoy and commenced coaling

  6.15pm: Finished coaling; slipped buoy and proceeded into camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703636b: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-021_1.jpg)

16 May 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

11.00am: Carried out rifle aiming practice in Hami Wan

12.30pm: Carried on patrol

  5.00pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.35pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703636c: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-022_0.jpg)

17 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  2.00pm: Dropped target and carried out rifle aiming practice

  3.15pm: Finished firing, took target on board and proceeded on patrol

  5.10pm: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  5.45pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703636d: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-022_1.jpg)

18 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Hands to atomiser

11.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  5.20pm: Left patrol and proceeded into camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703636e: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-022a_0.jpg)

19 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.10am: HMS Gnat entered harbour

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703636f: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-022a_1.jpg)

20 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Commenced coaling

  8.05am: Finished coaling

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036370: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-023_0.jpg)

21 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands wash upper deck

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036371: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-023_1.jpg)

22 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands employed painting ship's side

  2.00pm: Shifted ship

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036372: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-024_0.jpg)

23 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands painting ship's side

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036373: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-024_1.jpg)

24 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00pm: Hands make and mend

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036374: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-025_0.jpg)

25 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands carry out Saturday routine

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036375: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-025_1.jpg)

26 May 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.40am: Church parties landed

11.30am: Church parties returned

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036376: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-026_0.jpg)

27 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed drawing new Berthon boats and awnings

  1.30pm: Left camber and secured to buoy

  6.15pm: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036377: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-026_1.jpg)

28 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.35am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036378: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-027_0.jpg)

29 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.40am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.30am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036379: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-027_1.jpg)

30 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.40am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.45am: Commenced coaling ship

  8.20am: Finished coaling

  6.15pm: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

10.10pm: Hailed SS Assossan Maru from Saigon

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703637a: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-028_0.jpg)

31 May 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.30am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.15pm: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol


4caf8c6fcadfd3419703637b: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-028_1.jpg)

1 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.15pm: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703637c: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-029_0.jpg)

2 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.40am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.30am: Secured alongside north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703637d: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-029_1.jpg)

3 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  6.45am: Commenced coaling

  8.30am: Finished coaling

  9.00am: Left buoy and proceeded into camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703637e: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-030_0.jpg)

4 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded out east

  4.10pm: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  5.30pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703637f: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-030_1.jpg)

5 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  4.20pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.40pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036380: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-031_0.jpg)

6 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  4.00pm: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  5.30pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036381: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-031_1.jpg)

7 June 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.2, Long 114.1

  9.00am: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

10.30am: Carried out torpedo running in Hami Wan

  2.00pm: Ladrones Island patrolling

  4.00pm: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  5.30pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036382: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-032_0.jpg)

8 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol to Tai Po

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  3.55pm: Dropped anchor off Tai Po in 3 fathoms with 1½ shackles

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036383: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-032_1.jpg)

9 June 1918

Tai Po and on patrol to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Left Tai Po and proceeded on patrol

  2.00pm: Patrolling Mirs Bay and Rocky Harbour

  4.00pm: Returned to Hong Kong

  4.50pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036384: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-033_0.jpg)

10 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.40am: Commenced coaling

  9.45am: Finished coaling

  1.30pm: Non-swimmers to instruction

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036385: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-033_1.jpg)

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036386: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-034_0.jpg)

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036387: ( 53-67699/ADM 53-67699-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036388: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036389: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703638a: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703638b: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703638c: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703638d: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-003_1.jpg)

11 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands washing ship's side and paintwork

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703638e: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-004_0.jpg)

12 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Hands washing ship's side and upper deck paintwork

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703638f: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-004_1.jpg)

13 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed scraping tubes

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036390: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-005_0.jpg)

14 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands washing small gear

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036391: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-005_1.jpg)

15 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands carried out Saturday routine

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036392: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-006_0.jpg)

16 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Cleaned upper deck

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036393: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-006_1.jpg)

17 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.30pm: Stoker Donnelly rejoined ship from detention

  6.00pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  8.20pm: Hailed SS Sunning

[An account of the fate of SS Sunning in 1926 can be found here and some very interesting photos here.]

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036394: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-007_0.jpg)

18 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Number on sick list: 13

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.00pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  8.30pm: Hailed SS Asahi Maru from Java for Hong Kong

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036395: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-007_1.jpg)

19 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Number on sick list: 12

  5.45am: Left patrol and returned to camber

  7.05am: Secured to north wall

  1.00pm: Left camber and secured to no 10 buoy

  6.00pm: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036396: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-008_0.jpg)

20 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Number on sick list: 11

  5.00am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.00am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.00pm: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  7.45pm: Hailed SS Shinyu Maru from Japan

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036397: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-008_1.jpg)

21 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.50am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.30am: Finished coaling

  1.30pm: Non-swimmers to instruction

  6.15pm: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036398: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-009_0.jpg)

22 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.35am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.20am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.20pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  8.10pm: Hailed SS Takaosan Maru from Japan

4caf8c6fcadfd34197036399: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-009_1.jpg)

23 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.10am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  6.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703639a: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-010_0.jpg)

24 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.00am: Hailed SS Loong Sang

  5.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.50am: Secured to no 10 buoy

10.00am: 3 hands to swimming class

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703639b: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-010_1.jpg)

25 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

  5.00pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.30pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703639c: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-011_0.jpg)

26 June 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Commenced coaling

  9.00am: Finished coaling

  9.30am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

10.45am: Carried out torpedo running in Hami Wan

  2.00pm: Patrolling as requisite

  5.00pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.30pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703639d: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-011_1.jpg)

27 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.10am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  4.30pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.20pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703639e: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-012_0.jpg)

28 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  5.00pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.30pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd3419703639f: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-012_1.jpg)

29 June 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

  2.00pm: Patrolling Mirs Bay

  5.00pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.40pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c6fcadfd341970363a0: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-013_0.jpg)

30 June 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.45am: Red typhoon signal hoisted

  7.45am: Furled awnings and struck topmast

  8.10am: Left north wall and secured to no 10 buoy

12.25pm: Red typhoon signal taken in and black signal hoisted; Article 617 complied with


4caf8c6fcadfd341970363a1: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-013_1.jpg)

1 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Black signal hauled

  3.30pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363a2: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-014_0.jpg)

2 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed setting awnings and replacing gear

4caf8c70cadfd341970363a3: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-014_1.jpg)

3 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00pm: Hands employed scrubbing gratings etc

4caf8c70cadfd341970363a4: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-015_0.jpg)

4 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Landing party landed

  7.55am: Landing party returned

4caf8c70cadfd341970363a5: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-015_1.jpg)

5 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship's side and upper deck work

4caf8c70cadfd341970363a6: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-016_0.jpg)

6 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands carry out Saturday routine

4caf8c70cadfd341970363a7: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-016_1.jpg)

7 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.45am: Church parties landed

11.30am: Church parties returned

4caf8c70cadfd341970363a8: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-017_0.jpg)

8 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  9.30pm: Hailed SS Tamba Maru

4caf8c70cadfd341970363a9: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-017_1.jpg)

9 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  7.00am: Secured to north wall of camber

     Noon: Lieutenant Bernard RNR took over command of HMS Virago from Lieutenant Pooley RNR

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363aa: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-018_0.jpg)

10 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.15am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.25am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ab: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-018_1.jpg)

11 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.50am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured to no 10 buoy and commenced coaling

  9.00am: Finished coaling

  9.10am: Slipped buoy and entered camber; secured to north wall

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ac: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-019_0.jpg)

12 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.35am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.45am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

  7.45pm: Hailed SS Sumatra Maru from Moji

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ad: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-019_1.jpg)

13 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.50am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ae: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-020_0.jpg)

14 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.10am: Hailed SS Sinlas [possibly Singan] from Shanghai

  5.35am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363af: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-020_1.jpg)

15 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.10am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.30am: Secured to no 10 buoy and commenced coaling

  8.45am: Finished coaling

  9.00am: Slipped buoy; secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b0: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-021_0.jpg)

16 July 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

10.30am: Carried out rifle aiming practice in Hami Wan

  2.00pm: Patrolling as requisite

  4.30pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.00pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b1: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-021_1.jpg)

17 July 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

10.30am: Carried out rifle aiming practice in Hami Wan; one 6-pounder cylinder lost overboard

  4.40pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.35pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b2: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-022_0.jpg)

18 July 1918

Hong Kong and at sea

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.15am: Left harbour and proceeded to sea to test wireless apparatus

  4.30pm: Returned to harbour

  5.20pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b3: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-022_1.jpg)

19 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.45pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.20pm: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b4: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-023_0.jpg)

20 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.35pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.25pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b5: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-023_1.jpg)

21 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.05pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.25pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b6: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-024_0.jpg)

22 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

  8.40am: Finished coaling

  9.00am: Shifted berth; secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b7: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-024_1.jpg)

23 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed dismounting and cleaning guns

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b8: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-025_0.jpg)

24 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands scrubbing decks and cleaning ship

4caf8c70cadfd341970363b9: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-025_1.jpg)

25 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: Picnic party left ship

  6.40pm: Picnic party returned

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ba: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-026_0.jpg)

26 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c70cadfd341970363bb: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-026_1.jpg)

27 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands carry out Saturday routine

4caf8c70cadfd341970363bc: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-027_0.jpg)

28 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.30pm: Funeral party landed

  5.45pm: Funeral party returned

4caf8c70cadfd341970363bd: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-027_1.jpg)

29 July 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.45pm: No 5 typhoon signal hoisted

  4.10pm: Left camber and proceeded to and secured to no 5 buoy with typhoon cable; awnings furled, topmast housed; Article 617 of King's Rules and Admiralty Instructions complied with

4caf8c70cadfd341970363be: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-028_0.jpg)

30 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.30pm: E Kissack ERA rejoined ship from hospital

  4.10pm: Typhoon signals taken in

  4.45pm: Sent up topmast, spread awnings and replaced gear

  6.15pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363bf: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-028_1.jpg)

31 July 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.45am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  9.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out east in company with Russian destroyer

11.00am: Returned to harbour

11.13am: Entered camber and secured to north wall

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol


4caf8c70cadfd341970363c0: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-029_0.jpg)

1 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.45am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.50am: Secured alongside north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c1: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-029_1.jpg)

2 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.40am: Hailed SS Peking Waru anchored off Waglan

  5.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.30am: Secured to north wall of camber

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.45am: Finished coaling

  6.15pm: Left camber and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c2: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-030_0.jpg)

3 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.35am: Secured to north wall of camber

  5.40pm: I Quinn Stoker returned from shore drunk and sent to HMS Tamar under escort for safe custody

  6.15pm: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c3: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-030_1.jpg)

4 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured to north wall of camber

  7.30am: I Quinn Stoker returned to ship

  6.15pm: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c4: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-031_0.jpg)

5 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.20am: Signalled SS Kueichow from Wei Hai Wei

  5.40am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.50am: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c5: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-031_1.jpg)

6 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.20pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.10pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c6: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-032_0.jpg)

7 August 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Left harbour and proceeded to Hami Wan

10.30am: Dropped target and carried out torpedo running

  2.00pm: Patrolling as requisite

  4.30pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.10pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c7: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-032_1.jpg)

8 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.50am: Commenced coaling

  9.30am: Finished coaling

  9.50am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.20pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.15pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c8: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-033_0.jpg)

9 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.30pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.20pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363c9: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-033_1.jpg)

10 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.25pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.10pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ca: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-034_0.jpg)

11 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.40pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.40pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363cb: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-034_1.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363cc: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-035_0.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363cd: ( 53-67700/ADM 53-67700-035_1.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ce: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-001_0.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363cf: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-001_1.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d0: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-002_0.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d1: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-002_1.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d2: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-003_0.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d3: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-003_1.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d4: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-004_0.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d5: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-004_1.jpg)

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d6: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-005_0.jpg)

12 August 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.40am: Commenced coaling

  9.00am: Finished coaling

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d7: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-005_1.jpg)

13 August 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.20am: Red typhoon signal hoisted

  7.00am: Hands employed furling awnings and securing boats

10.50am: No 5 typhoon signal hoisted

11.00am: Left wall and secured to no 5 buoy with typhoon cable; Article 617 CSOB complied with

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d8: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-006_0.jpg)

14 August 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  10.30am: HMS Tamar entered dry dock

4caf8c70cadfd341970363d9: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-006_1.jpg)

15 August 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.45am: No 6 typhoon signal hoisted

  6.05am: No 7 typhoon signal hoisted

11.20am: No 6 typhoon signal taken in and no 3 signal hoisted

  7.10pm: Typhoon signals taken in

4caf8c70cadfd341970363da: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-007_0.jpg)

16 August 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Replaced gear and set topmast; typhoon cable taken inboard

  7.00am: Slipped buoy; proceeded to and secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363db: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-007_1.jpg)

17 August 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Called hands

4caf8c70cadfd341970363dc: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-008_0.jpg)

18 August 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Outside church parties landed

11.30am: Church parties returned

4caf8c70cadfd341970363dd: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-008_1.jpg)

19 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15pm: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363de: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-009_0.jpg)

20 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00am: Hailed SS Namura from Tongkin

  5.45am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.35am: Secured alongside wall under 100 ton crane

  6.15pm: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  8.45pm: Hailed SS Kamyoshi Maru

4caf8c70cadfd341970363df: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-009_1.jpg)

21 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.45am: Hailed SS Juno from Borneo

  4.50am: Hailed SS Tjilatjap [?]

  5.50am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.45am: Secured alongside north wall of camber

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.50am: Finished coaling

  6.15pm: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e0: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-010_0.jpg)

22 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.35am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.35am: Secured alongside north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e1: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-010_1.jpg)

23 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured alongside north wall of camber

  6.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  8.15pm: Hailed SS Chong Ya from Tongkin

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e2: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-011_0.jpg)

24 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.40am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.45am: Secured to north wall of camber

  6.00pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e3: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-011_1.jpg)

25 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.35am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured alongside north wall of camber

  6.00pm: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e4: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-012_0.jpg)

26 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.35am: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  6.40am: Secured to no 10 buoy

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

10.00am: Finished coaling

11.15am: Slipped buoy; entered camber, securing alongside north wall

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e5: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-012_1.jpg)

27 August 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed scraping ship's side

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e6: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-013_0.jpg)

28 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.45pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.20pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e7: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-013_1.jpg)

29 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

  4.45pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.50pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e8: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-014_0.jpg)

30 August 1918

Hong Kong, Hami Wan and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  1.30pm: Carried out torpedo running in Hami Wan

  4.40pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.30pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363e9: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-014_1.jpg)

31 August 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.45pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.35pm: Secured to no 10 buoy


4caf8c70cadfd341970363ea: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-015_0.jpg)

1 September 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left harbour and proceeded on patrol

  4.50pm: Left patrol and returned to harbour

  5.45pm: Secured alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c70cadfd341970363eb: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-015_1.jpg)

2 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Commenced coaling

  9.00am: Finished coaling

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ec: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-016_0.jpg)

3 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands wash upper deck

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ed: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-016_1.jpg)

4 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands painting ship

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ee: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-017_0.jpg)

5 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.30pm: HMS Fame secured alongside

4caf8c70cadfd341970363ef: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-017_1.jpg)

6 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.

  8.45am: Hands employed drawing stores, ammunition and torpedoes for HMS Fame

  1.30pm: HMS Fame returned to harbour after steam trials

  2.30pm: Ship's company transferred to and commissioned HMS Fame

4caf8c70cadfd341970363f0: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-018_0.jpg)

7 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.

Discharging coal, ammunition and torpedoes preparatory to dry docking

4caf8c70cadfd341970363f1: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-018_1.jpg)

8 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.

Discharging coal

4caf8c71cadfd341970363f2: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-019_0.jpg)

9 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363f3: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-019_1.jpg)

10 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363f4: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-020_0.jpg)

11 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363f5: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-020_1.jpg)

12 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363f6: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-021_0.jpg)

13 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363f7: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-021_1.jpg)

14 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

All stores, ammunition, torpedoes and coal discharged from ship

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363f8: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-022_0.jpg)

15 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363f9: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-022_1.jpg)

16 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Ship entered dry dock

  2.45pm: Ship rested on blocks and safely docked

4caf8c71cadfd341970363fa: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-023_0.jpg)

17 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363fb: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-023_1.jpg)

18 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363fc: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-024_0.jpg)

19 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363fd: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-024_1.jpg)

20 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363fe: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-025_0.jpg)

21 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd341970363ff: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-025_1.jpg)

22 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036400: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-026_0.jpg)

23 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036401: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-026_1.jpg)

24 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036402: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-027_0.jpg)

25 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036403: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-027_1.jpg)

26 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036404: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-028_0.jpg)

27 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036405: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-028_1.jpg)

28 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036406: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-029_0.jpg)

29 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036407: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-029_1.jpg)

30 September 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey


4caf8c71cadfd34197036408: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-030_0.jpg)

1 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036409: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-030_1.jpg)

2 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703640a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-031_0.jpg)

3 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703640b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-031_1.jpg)

4 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703640c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-032_0.jpg)

5 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703640d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-032_1.jpg)

6 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703640e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-033_0.jpg)

7 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703640f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-033_1.jpg)

8 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036410: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-034_0.jpg)

9 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036411: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-034_1.jpg)

10 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036412: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-035_0.jpg)

11 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036413: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-035_1.jpg)

12 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036414: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-036_0.jpg)

13 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036415: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-036_1.jpg)

14 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

  7.00am: Commenced to flood dock

  8.30am: Ship floated from chocks

10.30am: Undocked ship

4caf8c71cadfd34197036416: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-037_0.jpg)

15 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036417: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-037_1.jpg)

16 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036418: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-038_0.jpg)

17 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036419: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-038_1.jpg)

18 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703641a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-039_0.jpg)

19 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703641b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-039_1.jpg)

20 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703641c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-040_0.jpg)

21 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703641d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-040_1.jpg)

22 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703641e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-041_0.jpg)

23 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd3419703641f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-041_1.jpg)

24 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036420: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-042_0.jpg)

25 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036421: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-042_1.jpg)

26 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036422: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-043_0.jpg)

27 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036423: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-043_1.jpg)

28 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036424: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-044_0.jpg)

29 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

4caf8c71cadfd34197036425: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-044_1.jpg)

30 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Dockyard hands for annual survey

  4.30pm: Ship's company rejoined ship from HMS Tamar

4caf8c71cadfd34197036426: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-045_0.jpg)

31 October 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Hands employed ammunitioning and provisioning ship


4caf8c71cadfd34197036427: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-045_1.jpg)

1 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Commenced coaling

  8.00am: Hands to HMS Tamar for payment

     Noon: Finished coaling

4caf8c71cadfd34197036428: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-046_0.jpg)

2 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved HMS Tamar of guard

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship and as requisite for getting ship ready for sea

4caf8c71cadfd34197036429: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-046_1.jpg)

3 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c71cadfd3419703642a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-047_0.jpg)

4 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Slipped and made fast to no 5 buoy

  9.30am: Commenced to swing for deviation

11.00am: Slipped buoy, carried out turning trials; satisfactory

12.10pm: Made fast to north wall of camber

4caf8c71cadfd3419703642b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-047_1.jpg)

5 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Left camber and proceeded out west

12.30pm: Dropped anchor in Picnic Bay

  2.45pm: Weighed anchor; proceeded on patrol

  4.50pm: Left patrol

  5.30pm: Entered harbour and made fast in camber

4caf8c71cadfd3419703642c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-048_0.jpg)

6 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded out west

11.50am: Dropped anchor off Dumbbell Island [Cheung Chau]

  2.30pm: Weighed anchor

  4.25pm: Examined Chinese SS Shinfoo

  5.30pm: Entered harbour

  5.45pm: Secured in camber

4caf8c71cadfd3419703642d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-048_1.jpg)

7 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded out east

10.30am: Barometer damaged by accident

  4.45pm: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour via western entrance

  5.20pm: Made fast in camber

  7.30pm: Damaged barometer replaced

4caf8c71cadfd3419703642e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-049_0.jpg)

8 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Slipped from camber and made fast to no 5 buoy

  7.00am: Coal lighter came alongside

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  9.45am: Finished coaling (28 tons)

10.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out west

  4.40pm: Left patrol

  5.25pm: Made fast in camber

4caf8c71cadfd3419703642f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-049_1.jpg)

9 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: HMTB 038 alongside

4caf8c71cadfd34197036430: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-050_0.jpg)

10 November 1918

Hong Kong to Gap Rock and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.15am: Left camber; courses as requisite for Gap Rock

11.30pm: Gap Rock S25W

12.50pm: Arrived at Gap Rock; nothing to report

  1.02pm: Proceeded on patrol

  5.30pm: Entered harbour

  5.40pm: Made fast in camber

4caf8c71cadfd34197036431: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-050_1.jpg)

11 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded out west

4caf8c71cadfd34197036432: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-051_0.jpg)

12 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.05am: Made fast in camber

11.30am: Party left for thanksgiving service on board HMS Tamar

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded out west

4caf8c71cadfd34197036433: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-051_1.jpg)

13 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol

  7.10am: Made fast in camber

  5.05pm: Slipped and proceeded out west

4caf8c71cadfd34197036434: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-052_0.jpg)

14 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol

  7.15am: Made fast to no 5 buoy; coal lighter came alongside

  7.45am: Commenced coaling

10.15am: Finished coaling (28 tons)

10.30am: Slipped buoy and made fast in camber

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded out west

4caf8c71cadfd34197036435: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-052_1.jpg)

15 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.10am: Examined SS Brisbane

  6.30am: Left patrol

  7.30am: Made fast in camber

  5.05pm: Slipped and proceeded out west

4caf8c71cadfd34197036436: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-053_0.jpg)

16 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Made fast to north wall of camber

  2.50pm: HMS Fame alongside

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded out west

  8.00pm: Examined SS Nisshin Maru and SS Sakai Maru

4caf8c71cadfd34197036437: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-053_1.jpg)

17 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Examined SS Shunchong

  6.30am: Left patrol

  7.30am: Made fast in camber

  5.15pm: Slipped and proceeded out west

4caf8c71cadfd34197036438: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-054_0.jpg)

18 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.00am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Made fast to no 5 buoy; coal lighter came alongside

  7.15am: Commenced coaling

  9.00am: Finished coaling (21 tons)

  9.15am: Slipped and made fast in camber alongside HMS Fame

4caf8c71cadfd34197036439: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-054_1.jpg)

19 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.15pm: Firing party left for drill on board HMS Tamar

  2.12pm: HMTB 038 alongside

  3.30pm: Firing party left to attend funeral of late Sergeant Linfield Royal Navy Yard Police [second paragraph]

  6.10pm: Firing party returned

4caf8c71cadfd3419703643a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-055_0.jpg)

20 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.10am: HMTB 038 slipped and left camber

4caf8c71cadfd3419703643b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-055_1.jpg)

21 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c71cadfd3419703643c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-056_0.jpg)

22 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.00am: 8 D-type depth charges drawn

4caf8c71cadfd3419703643d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-056_1.jpg)

23 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship

4caf8c71cadfd3419703643e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-057_0.jpg)

24 November 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Outside church parties fall in

  9.45am: Church of England party fall in

11.50am: Church parties returned

4caf8c71cadfd3419703643f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-057_1.jpg)

25 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.00pm: Slipped and proceeded out west

4caf8c71cadfd34197036440: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-058_0.jpg)

26 November 1918

Hong Kong, East Lamma Channel and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.10am: Left patrol

  7.40am: Made fast in camber

  9.00am: Lieutenant Bernard RNR relieved Lieutenant Woodbridge RN in command.

  2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded out west; course as requisite in East Lamma Channel

  3.30pm: Dropped first group of four depth charges (barometer damaged)

  4.00pm: Dropped second group of four depth charges

  4.40pm: Entered harbour

  5.00pm: Made fast in camber

  5.20pm: Slipped and proceeded out west to patrol

4caf8c71cadfd34197036441: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-058_1.jpg)

27 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol

  6.45am: Entered harbour

  7.15am: Made fast to no 5 buoy

11.00am: Damaged barometer replaced

  4.50pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out east to patrol

4caf8c71cadfd34197036442: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-059_0.jpg)

28 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Made fast to no 10 buoy; coal lighter made fast alongside

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  9.20am: Finished coaling (23 tons)

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out west to patrol

4caf8c72cadfd34197036443: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-059_1.jpg)

29 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.15am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.00am: Made fast to no 10 buoy

4caf8c72cadfd34197036444: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-060_0.jpg)

30 November 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded out east

  3.00pm: Entered harbour

  3.10pm: Made fast to no 10 buoy

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out west to patrol


4caf8c72cadfd34197036445: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-060_1.jpg)

1 December 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.10am: Made fast to no 10 buoy

  8.00am: 1 rating discharged to HMTB 036

10.00am: 1 rating joined ship from HMTB 038

  5.00pm: Slipped buoy and proceeded out west to patrol

4caf8c72cadfd34197036446: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-061_0.jpg)

2 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Left patrol and proceeded into harbour

  7.15am: Made fast to no 10 buoy; coal lighter came alongside

  7.30am: Commenced coaling

  9.20am: Finished coaling (20 tons)

  9.45am: Slipped buoy and made fast to north wall of camber

4caf8c72cadfd34197036447: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-061_1.jpg)

3 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  5.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Kent; one rating discharged to HMS Tamar

4caf8c72cadfd34197036448: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-062_0.jpg)

4 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.00am: Football party to tea and clean

4caf8c72cadfd34197036449: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-062_1.jpg)

5 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: HMS Fame alongside

4caf8c72cadfd3419703644a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-063_0.jpg)

6 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting ship

4caf8c72cadfd3419703644b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-063_1.jpg)

7 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite

4caf8c72cadfd3419703644c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-064_0.jpg)

8 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Outside church parties fall in

10.00am: Church of England party fall in

11.15am: Church parties returned

4caf8c72cadfd3419703644d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-064_1.jpg)

9 December 1918

Hong Kong, Tolo Harbour and Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded out east

  1.45pm: Entered Tolo Harbour

  2.30pm: Picked up Torpedo Boat buoy, disconnected from moorings; moorings parted while heaving in

  3.15pm: Dropped anchor off Tai Po

  4.00pm: Dragged for buoy moorings with grapnel; moorings not located

4caf8c72cadfd3419703644e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-065_0.jpg)

10 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  9.00am: Lieutenant Watson RNR relieved Sub Lieutenant Osmond RNR as 1st Lieutenant

  9.30am: Weighed and proceeded to survey beacons, torpedo and calibration ranges

  3.40pm: Anchored off Yau Po

  4.25pm: Mr Hanky WO left ship

4caf8c72cadfd3419703644f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-065_1.jpg)

11 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to torpedo range in Tolo Channel and carried out torpedo practice

  1.00pm: Cruising in Tolo Channel and Long Harbour

  3.45pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036450: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-066_0.jpg)

12 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded into Mirs Bay

  4.12pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036451: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-066_1.jpg)

13 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Mirs Bay; carried out quarterly firing practice

Lost two 6-pounder QE cases fired overboard by accident

  5.00pm: Dropped anchor off Tai Po

  5.30pm: HMS Cadmus anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036452: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-067_0.jpg)

14 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

11.45am: Anchored in Three Fathom Cove

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol to Mirs Bay and towards Hong Kong

  4.50pm: Made fast alongside north wall of camber

  6.00pm: One rating for HMS Cadmus joined ship for passage

4caf8c72cadfd34197036453: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-067_1.jpg)

15 December 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Slipped and proceeded out east

  9.30am: Cruising towards Mirs Bay

  4.00pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Cadmus

  4.25pm: Dropped anchor

4caf8c72cadfd34197036454: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-068_0.jpg)

16 December 1918

Hong Kong and on patrol

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.45am: Weighed anchor

  9.30am: Took target in tow for HMS Cadmus

11.50am: Rendezvous with HMS Fame

  1.00pm: One broom washed overboard

  3.10pm: Made fast alongside west wall of camber

4caf8c72cadfd34197036455: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-068_1.jpg)

17 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.55am: Coal lighter came alongside

  7.00am: Returned awnings to dockyard

  7.15am: Commenced coaling

10.35am: Finished coaling

4caf8c72cadfd34197036456: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-069_0.jpg)

18 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Returned typhoon cable to HMS Wyvern

4caf8c72cadfd34197036457: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-069_1.jpg)

19 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed painting, cleaning torpedoes and returning depth charges to Naval Ordnance Department

4caf8c72cadfd34197036458: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-070_0.jpg)

20 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.15am: HMS Euryalus left camber

4caf8c72cadfd34197036459: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-070_1.jpg)

21 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.35am: Received ammunition

4caf8c72cadfd3419703645a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-071_0.jpg)

22 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.25am: Clear up decks for divisions

4caf8c72cadfd3419703645b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-071_1.jpg)

23 December 1918

Hong Kong to Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

10.20am: Rendezvous with HMS Fame

  5.00pm: Dropped anchor

4caf8c72cadfd3419703645c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-072_0.jpg)

24 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.55am: Weighed anchor

  5.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703645d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-072_1.jpg)

25 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  6.25pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703645e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-073_0.jpg)

26 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703645f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-073_1.jpg)

27 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  3.00pm: Anchored off Kat O

4caf8c72cadfd34197036460: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-074_0.jpg)

28 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.48am: Anchored off Tai Po

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.35pm: Dropped anchor off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036461: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-074_1.jpg)

29 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

12.45pm: Anchored off Nam O Chinese customs station; visited customs official

  2.45pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded

  5.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036462: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-075_0.jpg)

30 December 1918

Mirs Bay patrol to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

10.30am: Rendezvous with HMS Fame: proceeded to Hong Kong

12.12pm: Made fast to no 10 buoy

12.15pm: Coal lighter alongside; commenced coaling

  3.05pm: Finished coaling

  3.45pm: Slipped and proceeded into camber

  4.00pm: Made fast alongside north wall of camber

4caf8c72cadfd34197036463: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-075_1.jpg)

31 December 1918

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  2.00pm: HMS Tarantula left camber


4caf8c72cadfd34197036464: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-076_0.jpg)

1 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Made payment (monthly)

4caf8c72cadfd34197036465: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-076_1.jpg)

2 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fall in; paint ship

4caf8c72cadfd34197036466: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-077_0.jpg)

3 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Monthly issue of soap and tobacco

  4.00pm: Stoker Quinn joined ship from HMS Tamar

4caf8c72cadfd34197036467: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-077_1.jpg)

4 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.00pm: HMS Tarantula made fast alongside wall

4caf8c72cadfd34197036468: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-078_0.jpg)

5 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30am: Ship's company mustered by ledger

4caf8c72cadfd34197036469: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-078_1.jpg)

6 January 1919

Hong Kong to Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.45am: Slipped and proceeded

10.00am: Rendezvous with HMS Fame

  6.05pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703646a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-079_0.jpg)

7 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

10.48am: Anchored off Sha Tau Kok

11.10am: Exercised 'abandon ship'; all boats left ship

  3.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.40pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703646b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-079_1.jpg)

8 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.15pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703646c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-080_0.jpg)

9 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

     Noon: Anchored off Ping Chau

  8.00pm: Proceeded on night patrol; carried out night firing

4caf8c72cadfd3419703646d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-080_1.jpg)

10 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.30am: Anchored off Tai Po

10.30am: G Hopkins AB and 1 Chinese stoker sent to Hong Kong (sick)

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703646e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-081_0.jpg)

[Cancelled copy of 10 January 1919]

4caf8c72cadfd3419703646f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-081_1.jpg)

11 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  9.30am: Anchored owing to dense fog

  3.00pm: Fog lifted; weighed and proceeded towards Tai Po

  4.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036470: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-082_0.jpg)

12 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

11.30am: Saoman Island [possibly Sa Mun]; 1st lieutenant proceeded on shore

12.30pm: 1st lieutenant returned; nothing to report

  5.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036471: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-082_1.jpg)

13 January 1919

Mirs Bay to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

10.15am: Rendezvous; HMS Fame left patrol

     Noon: Made fast to no 10 buoy

4caf8c72cadfd34197036472: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-083_0.jpg)

14 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved HMTB 036 of guard

4caf8c72cadfd34197036473: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-083_1.jpg)

15 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved of guard by HMS Euryalis

4caf8c72cadfd34197036474: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-084_0.jpg)

16 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.00am: Returned 10 pointed common shells to RN Ordnance

4caf8c72cadfd34197036475: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-084_1.jpg)

17 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fall in; employed cleaning ship

4caf8c72cadfd34197036476: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-085_0.jpg)

18 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved HMS Robin of guard

  9.00am: Left north wall assisted by Tug Cherub

  9.15am: Made fast alongside HMS Wyvern

12.30pm: HMS Euryalus made fast alongside east wall

  1.00pm: Slipped HMS Wyvern and made fast alongside north wall

4caf8c72cadfd34197036477: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-085_1.jpg)

19 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved of guard

  4.00pm: Seaman Hopkins returned to duty

4caf8c72cadfd34197036478: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-086_0.jpg)

20 January 1919

Hong Kong to Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.30am: Received depth charge from Ordnance

  7.50am: Slipped and proceeded to sea

10.00am: Relieved HMS Fame on patrol

  2.00pm: Patrolling Mirs Bay

  3.30pm: Destroyed depth charge

  5.25pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036479: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-086_1.jpg)

21 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  4.45pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703647a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-087_0.jpg)

22 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  8.00pm: Exercised searchlights crew

4caf8c72cadfd3419703647b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-087_1.jpg)

23 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.30am: Anchored off Tai Po

12.30pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

  5.45pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703647c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-088_0.jpg)

24 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.35pm: Anchored off Tai Po

  6.30pm: Leading Stoker Saunders sent to Hong Kong (sick)

4caf8c72cadfd3419703647d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-088_1.jpg)

25 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

  6.00pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703647e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-089_0.jpg)

26 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.45pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703647f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-089_1.jpg)

27 January 1919

Mirs Bay patrol to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.55am: Weighed anchor

10.00am: Relieved on patrol by HMS Fame

     Noon: Made fast to no 10 buoy; coal barge alongside – commenced coaling

  3.40pm: Finished coaling

  4.00pm: Slipped and proceeded into camber

  4.15pm: Made fast alongside north wall

4caf8c72cadfd34197036480: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-090_0.jpg)

28 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.30pm: Ingelly Leading Stoker discharged to HMS Euryalis; E Marchant Leading Stoker joined ship

4caf8c72cadfd34197036481: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-090_1.jpg)

29 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30am: Lieutenant FC Collins assumed command; Lieutenant R Bernard joined HMS Euryalis

4caf8c72cadfd34197036482: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-091_0.jpg)

30 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved HMS Tamar of guard

  8.50am: Moved ship alongside west wall assisted by Tug Cherub

  3.45pm: Shifted to north wall

  4.30pm: HMS Moorhen made fast alongside east wall

4caf8c72cadfd34197036483: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-091_1.jpg)

31 January 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved of guard by HMS Euryalus


4caf8c72cadfd34197036484: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-092_0.jpg)

1 February 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Reynolds AB left for HMS Tamar; G Ackerill AB discharged to HMS Tamar

11.30am: Mansfield and Parish ABs joined ship

  3.00pm: Stoker Donnelly discharged to HMS Euryalis; Stoker Sugrue joined ship

4caf8c72cadfd34197036485: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-092_1.jpg)

2 February 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.00pm: G Saunders Leading Stoker returned from HMS Tamar

4caf8c72cadfd34197036486: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-093_0.jpg)

3 February 1919

Hong Kong to Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.15am: Slipped and proceeded out east

  9.30am: Relieved HMS Fame on patrol

  5.00pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036487: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-093_1.jpg)

4 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded on patrol

10.30am: Patrolling in Mirs Bay

11.25am: Anchored at Sha Tau Kok

     Noon: Captain proceeded on shore to interview Chinese customs official

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.40pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd34197036488: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-094_0.jpg)

5 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

10.00am: Patrolling towards Saomun [possibly Sa Mun] Island

11.35am: Anchored off Saomun Island

  1.00pm: Captain proceeded on shore to interview Chinese customs official

  3.30pm: Hove up and proceeded, patrolling towards Mirs Bay

4caf8c72cadfd34197036489: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-094_1.jpg)

6 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.00am: Anchored off Tai Po

12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  2.30pm: Patrolling all bays and inlets in Tolo Channel

  5.40pm: Dropped anchor off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703648a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-095_0.jpg)

7 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

11.50am: Anchored off [unrecorded]

12.30am: Captain proceeded on shore to interview customs officials

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  3.00pm: Patrolling around islands in Mirs Bay and Starling Inlet

  5.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703648b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-095_1.jpg)

8 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  9.30am: Patrolling Plover Cove, Tide Cove and Mirs Bay

  6.00pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703648c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-096_0.jpg)

9 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  9.30am: Patrolling as requisite in Starling Inlet, Mirs Bay and Long Harbour

  5.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c72cadfd3419703648d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-096_1.jpg)

10 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to rendezvous

10.00am: Relieved from patrol by HMS Fame

11.55am: Made fast to no 10 buoy

  1.00pm: Coal lighter made fast alongside; commenced coaling

  4.20pm: Finished coaling

  4.30pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded into camber; made fast alongside north wall

  5.00pm: Stokers Prowse, Watson and Martin discharged to HMS Tamar

  5.30pm: Stoker Green joined ship from HMS Tamar

4caf8c72cadfd3419703648e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-097_0.jpg)

11 February 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved HMS Tamar of guard

  8.30am: Coxswain and hands proceeded to Kowloon to draw provisions

  4.30pm: Stoker Williams joined ship from HMS Tamar

  7.40pm: HMS Moorhen made fast

4caf8c73cadfd3419703648f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-097_1.jpg)

12 February 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Lieutenant Watson RNR discharged to HMS Moorhen; Mr Voller Gunner T* joined ship from HMS Tamar

Gunner (T) – a direct equivalent of the "Gunner" ... Specialised in torpedo armament equipment operation, maintenance and repair, and in addition was responsible for electrical distribution circuits. xGM-Pers-Warrant%20Rank.htm

4caf8c73cadfd34197036490: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-098_0.jpg)

13 February 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS Suffolk arrived in harbour

4caf8c73cadfd34197036491: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-098_1.jpg)

14 February 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: HMS Moorhen left camber

4caf8c73cadfd34197036492: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-099_0.jpg)

15 February 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved HMS Suffolk of guard

10.00am: HMS Suffolk docked

4caf8c73cadfd34197036493: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-099_1.jpg)

16 February 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved of guard by HMS Robin

4caf8c73cadfd34197036494: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-100_0.jpg)

17 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.30am: Slipped and proceeded to sea

  9.00am: Relieved HMS Fame on patrol

  5.00pm: Dropped anchor off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd34197036495: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-100_1.jpg)

18 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  9.00am: Patrolling through Chut Mun and Starling Inlet

     Noon: Anchored off Sha Tau Kok

  1.00pm: Captain proceeded on shore to interview Chinese customs officials and police

  2.15pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  3.30pm: Patrolling around islands in Mirs Bay

  6.10pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd34197036496: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-101_0.jpg)

19 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  6.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd34197036497: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-101_1.jpg)

20 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  9.00am: Patrolling in Bias Bay

  8.00pm: Patrolling in Mirs Bay

4caf8c73cadfd34197036498: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-102_0.jpg)

21 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.10am: Anchored off Tai Po

  8.00am: SPO Kilford discharged to HMS Tamar, sick

12.20pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  6.00pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd34197036499: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-102_1.jpg)

22 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.50pm: Dropped anchor off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd3419703649a: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-103_0.jpg)

23 February 1919

Mirs Bay patrol to Hong Kong

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  1.20pm: Left patrol and proceeded to Hong Kong

  4.20pm: Secured to no 10 buoy

4caf8c73cadfd3419703649b: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-103_1.jpg)

24 February 1919

Hong Kong to Shameen, Canton

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Commenced coaling

11.00am: Slipped no 10 buoy and proceeded on passage to Shameen

  1.00pm: Courses and speeds as requisite for navigating Canton River

  6.00pm: Arrived at Shameen; secured to buoys

4caf8c73cadfd3419703649c: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-104_0.jpg)

25 February 1919


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  8.45am: Hands clean ship

4caf8c73cadfd3419703649d: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-104_1.jpg)

26 February 1919


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  3.50pm: Football party landed

  6.00pm: Football party returned

4caf8c73cadfd3419703649e: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-105_0.jpg)

27 February 1919


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  3.30pm: Landed football party

4caf8c73cadfd3419703649f: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-105_1.jpg)


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  7.00am: 1 PO, 2 Stokers and 3 ABs left for HMS Suffolk via HMS Tamar

  4.50pm: Ratings arrived from HMS Suffolk, 2 SPOs, 2 Stokers and 3 ABs


4caf8c73cadfd341970364a0: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-106_0.jpg)

1 March 1919


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  3.30pm: Landed football party

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a1: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-106_1.jpg)

2 March 1919


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  1.00pm: Leave for watch till 7.00pm

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a2: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-107_0.jpg)

Blank page

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a3: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-107_1.jpg)

Blank page

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a4: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-108_0.jpg)

3 March 1919


Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

  8.45am: Hands fall in; clean ship's side and upper deck

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a5: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-108_1.jpg)

4 March 1919

Shameen to Hong Kong

Lat 23.1, Long 113.2

     Noon: Slipped buoy and proceeded as requisite

  6.50pm: Arrived at Hong Kong and secured to no 10 buoy

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a6: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-109_0.jpg)

5 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.10am: Coal lighter secured

  8.45am: Hands fall in; employed as requisite for coaling

11.15am: Finished coaling

11.55am: Slipped no 10 buoy; proceeded alongside north wall of camber

  4.10pm: J Holman joined ship from HMS Tamar

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a7: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-109_1.jpg)

6 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fall in; clean ship

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a8: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-110_0.jpg)

7 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fall in; employed returning ammunition

4caf8c73cadfd341970364a9: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-110_1.jpg)

8 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fall in; clean ship

4caf8c73cadfd341970364aa: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-111_0.jpg)

9 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.40am: HMS Fame secured alongside

4caf8c73cadfd341970364ab: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-111_1.jpg)

10 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: HMS Sandpiper left for patrol

  8.00am: HMS Tarantula left

  9.00am: HMS Fame left and secured to buoy

  9.30am: Placed in dry dock

4caf8c73cadfd341970364ac: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-112_0.jpg)

11 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.15am: Range party landed

  4.55pm: Range party returned

4caf8c73cadfd341970364ad: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-112_1.jpg)

12 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: Range party landed

  3.15pm: Range party returned

4caf8c73cadfd341970364ae: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-113_0.jpg)

13 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.50am: HMS Cadmus arrived; Dickinson, Malnor, Howard, sick aboard HMS Tamar

4caf8c73cadfd341970364af: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-113_1.jpg)

14 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.30pm: Make and mend clothes

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b0: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-114_0.jpg)

15 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fall in; clean ship

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b1: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-114_1.jpg)

16 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Church party as usual

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b2: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-115_0.jpg)

17 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fall in; clean ship

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b3: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-115_1.jpg)

18 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.20am: Range party left ship

  4.20pm: Range party returned

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b4: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-116_0.jpg)

19 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.10am: Range party landed

12.30pm: Range party returned

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b5: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-116_1.jpg)

20 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.30pm: Hands make and mend clothes

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b6: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-117_0.jpg)

21 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  1.15pm: Guard to HMS Tamar

  3.05pm: Guard returned

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b7: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-117_1.jpg)

22 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Guard sent to HMS Tamar

10.30am: Left dry dock

11.00am: Secured to north wall of camber

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b8: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-118_0.jpg)

23 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.00am: Divisions, church parties as usual

4caf8c73cadfd341970364b9: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-118_1.jpg)

24 March 1919

Hong Kong to Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  6.00am: Ammunition ship

  9.10am: Guard left for HMS Tamar

10.30am: Guard returned

11.05am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

11.45am: Passed HMS Whiting

12.05pm: Dropped anchor; fog

  2.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  4.00pm: Dropped anchor off Cascade Bay

4caf8c73cadfd341970364ba: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-119_0.jpg)

25 March 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

11.55am: Dropped anchor in Fung Bay

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.20pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364bb: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-119_1.jpg)

26 March 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

10.30pm: Carried out 6-pounder and 12-pounder firing

  5.50pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364bc: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-120_0.jpg)

27 March 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  4.30pm: Carried out torpedo practice in Tolo Channel

  5.50pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364bd: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-120_1.jpg)

28 March 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

Midnight: Anchored off Ping Chau

4caf8c73cadfd341970364be: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-121_0.jpg)

29 March 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  7.50am: Anchored off Tai Po

  1.00pm: Patrolling as requisite

  5.55pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364bf: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-121_1.jpg)

30 March 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.05am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

11.35am: Anchored in Bias Bay

12.40pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.30pm: Anchored in Long Harbour

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c0: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-122_0.jpg)

31 March 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded

10.30am: Secured to no 10 buoy

11.10am: Commenced coaling

  2.45pm: Finished coaling

  3.10pm: Slipped and proceeded alongside north wall of camber


4caf8c73cadfd341970364c1: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-122_1.jpg)

1 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Ship's payment

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c2: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-123_0.jpg)

2 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30pm: Clear up decks

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c3: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-123_1.jpg)

3 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands fall in; employed employed fitting new sun awnings

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c4: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-124_0.jpg)

4 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.30pm: R Leach Signalman discharged to HMS Sandpiper

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c5: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-124_1.jpg)

5 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30pm: Clear up decks

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c6: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-125_0.jpg)

6 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.25am: Church parties as usual

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c7: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-125_1.jpg)

7 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.00am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

10.00am: Dumped four empty smoke boxes overboard

  5.35pm: Anchored in Long Harbour

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c8: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-126_0.jpg)

8 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  6.00pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364c9: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-126_1.jpg)

9 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  6.00pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364ca: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-127_0.jpg)

10 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.05am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

     Noon: Dropped anchor in Starling Inlet

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c73cadfd341970364cb: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-127_1.jpg)

11 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  5.00am: Anchored off Tai Po

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.50pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364cc: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-128_0.jpg)

12 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  6.00pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364cd: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-128_1.jpg)

13 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.30pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364ce: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-129_0.jpg)

14 April 1919

Mirs Bay to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong

  9.45am: Passed HMS Fame

10.40am: Secured to Triumph buoy

4caf8c73cadfd341970364cf: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-129_1.jpg)

15 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.00am: Breakfast and clean

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d0: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-130_0.jpg)

16 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  3.30pm: Clear up decks

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d1: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-130_1.jpg)

17 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.00am: Hands fell in, cleaned ship

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d2: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-131_0.jpg)

18 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.30am: Church parties landed

10.50am: Church parties returned

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d3: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-131_1.jpg)

19 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30pm: HMS Sandpiper left camber

  8.00am: Relieved HMS Robin of guard

  9.30am: HIJMS Sugi left harbour

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d4: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-132_0.jpg)

20 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Church parties landed

11.30am: Outside church parties returned

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d5: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-132_1.jpg)

21 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: HMS Whiting left harbour

10.55am: HMS Fame secured to buoy

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d6: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-133_0.jpg)

22 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Moorhen left camber

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d7: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-133_1.jpg)

23 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  7.30am: Relieved of guard by HMS Robin

  1.20pm: Stoker Pleasance joined ship

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d8: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-134_0.jpg)

24 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS Carlisle secured to no 8 buoy

4caf8c73cadfd341970364d9: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-134_1.jpg)

25 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.10am: SS New Orleans secured to buoy

11.00am: P Sissmore AB to HMS Tamar, sick

4caf8c73cadfd341970364da: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-135_0.jpg)

26 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  9.10am: HMS Carlisle proceeded to sea

  2.00pm: Leading Stoker Murphy returned to ship from HMS Tamar

  4.30pm: HMS Carlisle secured to no 8 buoy

4caf8c73cadfd341970364db: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-135_1.jpg)

27 April 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  4.45pm: Routledge ERA and Smith Stoker joined ship; Hughes ERA and Sugrue Stoker discharged to HMS Tamar

4caf8c73cadfd341970364dc: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-136_0.jpg)

28 April 1919

Hong Kong to Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  7.00am: A Leigh ERA discharged to HMS Tamar

  7.30am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol

4caf8c73cadfd341970364dd: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-136_1.jpg)

29 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  5.00am: Anchored off Ping Chau

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.40pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364de: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-137_0.jpg)

30 April 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

12.30pm: Anchored off Sai Wan Roads


4caf8c73cadfd341970364df: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-137_1.jpg)

1 May 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.40am: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364e0: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-138_0.jpg)

2 May 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.40pm: Anchored off Tai Po

4caf8c73cadfd341970364e1: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-138_1.jpg)

3 May 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  5.40pm: Anchored in Long Harbour

4caf8c73cadfd341970364e2: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-139_0.jpg)

4 May 1919

Mirs Bay patrol

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded on patrol

  6.30pm: Anchored in Port Shelter

4caf8c73cadfd341970364e3: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-139_1.jpg)

5 May 1919

Mirs Bay to Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded to Hong Kong

10.45am: Secured to no 5 buoy

11.15am: HMS Fame left harbour

4caf8c74cadfd341970364e4: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-140_0.jpg)

6 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.50am: Proceeded into camber and secured to south-east wall

10.00am: Lighter for removing coal alongside

4caf8c74cadfd341970364e5: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-140_1.jpg)

7 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed returning stores

4caf8c74cadfd341970364e6: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-141_0.jpg)

8 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  6.30am: Hands fell in; getting out torpedoes and stores as requisite for paying off

4caf8c74cadfd341970364e7: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-141_1.jpg)

9 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

  8.45am: Hands employed returning stores and books

  7.00pm: One ERA discharged to HMS Tamar

4caf8c74cadfd341970364e8: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-142_0.jpg)

10 May 1919

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Ship's company transferred to HMS Tamar; ship paid off and turned over to dockyard for sale list

      Noon: Taken over by dockyard police

4caf8c74cadfd341970364e9: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-142_1.jpg)

4caf8c74cadfd341970364ea: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-143_0.jpg)

4caf8c74cadfd341970364eb: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-143_1.jpg)

4caf8c74cadfd341970364ec: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-144_0.jpg)

4caf8c74cadfd341970364ed: ( 53-67701/ADM 53-67701-144_1.jpg)