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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Old Sloop, Cadmus or Espiegle-class

Launched 29.4.03 Sheerness DY. 1070 tons, 210(oa), 185(pp)x33x11ft. TE 1400ihp, 13kts. Armament: 6-4in, 4-3pdr. Crew: 150. Served in China and East Indies during war. Sold 1.9.21 at Hong Kong (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

The second line of each day’s entry is the ship’s position at noon, taken from the log and converted into decimal format. When there is no entry and the ship is not moored in a known port, the noon position has been estimated by me from data in the log, using the Journey Plotter program that is used to create the maps. These are marked [approx]. Other positions in the log are given in the traditional format.

Vessels and places, when first encountered, have a hyperlink if one is available and I wish to acknowledge and thank the following sites, in no particular order. is of course truly invaluable and please note that it is funded by voluntary donations. For places, is excellent and I have sometimes used For shipping lines is the place to go and for merchant vessels I have used,, and for the bulk of the world’s ships, as well as Useful Dutch sites are, (actually a philately site!), and Other individual ships have been picked up by,, and
A picture equals a thousand words as we know and the ship photographs have been trawled from (where one can wander for weeks),, and Photos of the East Indies and China of the period have been found in,,,, and All fascinating.
Warship information, when not found in one of the above has been found in, and, while fleet auxiliaries are splendidly served by
Information on the lighthouses, so important then, can be found on,,,,, and last, but definitely not least, the truly astonishing
The memories of the people are preserved in, (good for senior officers),,, (actually WW2 but good for officers who served in both wars) and
Finally, a grand miscellany:,,,, and, all of whom provided a single piece for the jigsaw.
All of these sites are run by volunteers and without their splendid work we would all be poorer. Those of us fascinated by seamen who have downed their last tot and ships that no longer draw a wake across the ocean are greatly in your debt. We raise our caps and cheer you!

Useful abbreviations used in the text.
AB: Able Seaman.
A/c: Altered course.
APC: Asiatic Petroleum Co.
AR: Aiming Rifle.
ASG: Acting Seaman Gunner.
BNB: British North Borneo.
BP: Battle Practice.
C & M: Care and Maintenance.
C-in-C: Commander in Chief.
C of E: Church of England.
CERA: Chief ERA.
CPO: Chief Petty Officer.
CS: Cable Ship and also Common Shell.
DR: Dead Reckoning.
EA: Electrical Artificer.
ELP: Electric Light Party.
ERA: Engine Room Artificer.
GL: Gunlayer.
HA: High angle guns.
HBM: His Britannic Majesty.
HIJMS: His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Ship.
HMAS. HM Australian Ship.
L or Ldg: Leading Seaman, Stoker etc.
Lt: Lieutenant.
Lt/Cdr: Lieutenant Commander.
LV: Light vessel.
NCO: Non-commissioned Officer (army).
NSO: Naval Stores Office(r).
OOG: Officer of the Guard.
OOQ: Officer of Quarters (guns).
OS: Ordinary Seaman.
Pte: Private.
PWSS: Port War Signal Station.
RA: Rear Admiral.
RAN: Royal Australian Navy.
RC: Roman Catholic.
RE: Royal Engineers.
RIM(S): Royal Indian Marine (Ship).
RM: Regia Marina (Italian Royal Navy).
RMLI: Royal Marine Light Infantry.
RNSQ: RN Sick Quarters.
SA: Small Arm(s).
S BA: Sick Berth Attendant.
SBC: Signal Books Correct.
SBS: Sick Berth Steward.
SG: Seaman Gunner, a specialist sub-rating.
SMS: Seiner Majestät Schiff.
SG: Seaman Gunner, a sub-rating.
S/Lt: Sub Lieutenant.
SNO: Senior Naval Officer (on station or in company).
SS: Sight Setter.
ST: Seaman Torpedoman, a specialist sub-rating equivalent to Seaman Gunner, but also qualified as an electrician.
TB(D): Torpedo Boat (Destroyer).
TC: Training Class.
Tg: Tanjung (cape).
USS: United States Ship.
(V): Victualling.
VA: Vice-Admiral (and occasionally Victualling Assistant).
VGRF: Vaisseau de Guerre Republique Francais.
W/T: Wireless Telegraphy.

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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Front cover.

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Above three pages blank.

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The above six pages are hand drawn plans of the interior of HMS Cadmus.

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HMS Cadmus

October 6th 1913 to September 27th 1914

Commanded by

Commander HPET Williams, RN until March 29th 1914.

Captain MS Fitzmaurice, RN March 30th to August 4th.

Commander HD Marryat, RN August 5th to September 27th.

Displacement tonnage 1,070.

Length 210 feet.

Breadth 33 feet.

Engines by White of Cowes.

IHP 1,220 natural draught, 1,400 forced draught.

Type, tripe expansion, vertical.

Installed 1903.

Boilers by Niclausse.

Type, water tube, installed 1903.

Screw by JS White & Co, condition good.

Page signed by Cdr Marryat.

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Printed page of directions for logkeepers.

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Information page.


8 Officers.

24 Seamen.

4 Boys.

12 Marines.

30 Engine Room.

17 non-executive ratings.

Total 115.


Mercurial barometer by Adie, No 303 till 22/10/13.

Aneroid No 668 22/10/13 to 10/11/12, then Adie No 416 from 10/11/13 onwards.

Thermometers. Screened on chart house roof.

Hicks MOA 1167 Wet and Negretti and Zambra MOA 9189 Dry.

Sea thermometer. Hicks MOA 809.


Six 4” QF Mk III P1.

Four 3 pdr QF Hotchkiss.

Three .303 Maxims.


One 23’ steam cutter.

Two 27’ whalers.

One 25’ cutter.

Two 16’ skiffs.


Load draught, 11’ forward, 11’ 6 aft.

Coal bunkers, 222 tons.

Water, 20 tons.

Page signed by HD Marryat (Captain*) and AR Farquhar, (Navigating Officer).

* Captain by courtesy as commanding officer, actually at this time a Commander. To the crew he is ‘The Owner’.


JP map Cadmus 1913-14


[Hong Kong, Samsa Inlet, Nimrod Sound, Ningpo, Shanghai and up the Yangtse]

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6 October 1913

Hong Kong and at sea.

Lat 22.26, Long 114.46

7.20am: Shoved off from jetty and proceeded to No 6 buoy.

8.0am: Commenced swinging to adjust compasses.

9.20am: Finished swinging.

9.35am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

11.45am: Passed derelict junk.

3.15pm: Pedro Blanco abeam.

10.03pm: Breaker Pt [now Shibeishan Jiao] bg N53E.

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Records of observations for compass deviation.

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Steering Compass information.

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7 October 1913

At sea.

Lat 24.09, Long 118.29

4.12am: Lamocks [Lamock I.] abeam.

2.05pm: Dodd I.* [now Beiding Dao] bg N23W 1.6 miles.

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8 October 1913

At sea to Samsa Inlet.

Lat 26.33, Long 119.96

4.04am: Turnabout I. [now Kiushan Tao] Lt abeam, 6 miles. A/c N.

10.55am: Hamelin Pt abeam, 1.5 miles.

12.18pm: Diplo Pt abeam, 0.75 miles.

2.46pm: Anchored, Samsa Inlet. 510 miles run from HK.

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9 October 1913

Samsa Inlet.

Lat 26.74, Long 119.96

Signature of Cdr Williams.

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10 October 1913

Samsa Inlet.

Lat 26.74, Long 119.96

10.15am: Exercised clear ship for action, general quarters, out collision mat and fire stations.

11.0am: Replaced gear.

11.40am: Gunlayers and sight setters at .303 aiming practice*.

In pm: Aired bedding. Inspected hammocks.

4.0pm: Hands to bathe.

* To save wear and tear on gun barrels and expenditure on full calibre shells, an aiming rifle was inserted into the barrel of the gun to fire a smaller round when practising.

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11 October 1913

Samsa Inlet to Nan Kwan.

Lat 26.49, Long 119.89

9.33am: Weighed and proceeded to sea for target practice.

10.18am: Cleared for action, dropped target.

11.50am: Picked up target. Proceeded, NE’ly courses.

5.45pm: Anchored, Nan Kwan [Nanguan I.].

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12 October 1913

Nan Kwan Harbour and at sea towards Nimrod Sound.

Lat 27.49, Long 120.89

7.22am: Weighed and proceeded, various NE’ly courses.

8.30am: Ping Fang Islet bg N10E, 1.6 miles.

1.08pm: Shroud I. abeam, 2.4 miles.

5.40pm: Flare I. abeam, 0.75 miles.

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13 October 1913

At sea to Nimrod Sound.

Lat 29.69, Long 121.94

2.0am: Heishan I. [Heishan chuntao] Lt abeam, 1 mile. A/c N10E.

9.25am: Exercised GLs, SSs and SGs at .303 aiming practice.

11.25am: Picked up target.

2.06pm: Anchored in Nimrod Sound.

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14 October 1913

Nimrod Sound.

Lat 29.5, Long 121.5

8.50am: Aired night clothing*.

1.30pm: Sent up topmasts.

5.0pm: HMS Clio arrived and anchored.

* Not pyjamas, but the old trousers and sweaters that off duty crew wear in the evenings. Inclined to become sordid if stuffed away in lockers for weeks on end.

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15 October 1913

Nimrod Sound.

Lat 29.5, Long 121.5

1.10pm: Weighed starboard anchor and veered out to 4.5 shackles on port.

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16 October 1913

Nimrod Sound.

Lat 29.5, Long 121.5

2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded for .303 aiming rifle practice, training class and SGs firing.

3.55pm: Anchored.

8.30pm: Sent concert party to HMS Clio.

10.45pm: Concert party returned.

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17 October 1913

Nimrod Sound to Chin Hai anchorage.

Lat 29.9, Long 122.15

9.05am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.43am: Passed HMS Virago.

1.15 to 2.50pm: Carried out 1 aiming rifle practice.

5.45pm: Anchored, Chin Hai anchorage.

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18 October 1913

Chin Hai anchorage to Ningpo [now Ningbo].

Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

8.55am: Weighed and proceeded up Yung River [now Yong River].

9.10am: Saluted Chinese Republic, 21 guns, salute returned by fort.

10.20am: Anchored, Ningpo.

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19 October 1913


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

Landed RC and C of E church parties.

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20 October 1913


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

9.15am: HMS Usk arrived.

12 noon: Usk proceeded.

2.20pm: His Excellency the Taotoi came on board, fired salute of 7 guns.

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21 October 1913

Ningpo and at sea.

Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded down Yung River.

6.35pm: Dropped target and carried out night firing.

7.20pm: Anchored. Exercised night defence stations.

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22 October 1913

At sea towards Wusung.

Lat 30.2, Long 121.8 [approx]

9.05am: Weighed and proceeded for target practice.

11.55am: Stopped, picked up target.

12.25pm: Proceeded, N25E.

6.51pm: Fairway buoy abeam, 0.5 miles.

8.03pm: Tungsha LV abeam, 0.4 miles.

11.29pm: Blockhouse buoy abeam, 0.3 miles, a/c N68W.

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23 October 1913

From Wusung to Shanghai.

Lat 31.41, Long 121.53

12.08am: Anchored, Wusung Lt bg S68W, Quarantine buoy, N35W.

9.0am: Saluted country, 21 guns. Fort returned salute.

1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded up Whang Pu river [now Whangpoo River] to Shanghai.

3.20pm: Secured to SNO buoy, Shanghai.

5.30pm: Three ratings joined ship from HMS Yarmouth.

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24 October 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Lost overboard by accident, one Very signal pistol.

2.55pm: Commenced coaling from lighter, native labour.

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25 October 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

12.55am: Finished coaling, 150 tons.

12.40pm: SMS Tiger arrived.

4.20pm: SMS Leipzig [Leipzie in log] sailed

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26 October 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

C of E, RC and Wesleyan church parties landed.

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27 October 1913

Shanghai and up the Yangtse.

Lat 31.84, Long 120.86 [approx]

7.15am: Slipped and proceeded down river.

9.02am: Cleared river, proceeded up Yangtse.

6.0pm: VGRF D’Iberville passed.

7.35pm: Anchored, Kiang Yin LV bg WbyW½.

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28 October 1913

Up river towards Chinkiang [now Zhenjiang].

Lat 32.26, Long 119.5 [approx]

5.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.25pm: Anchored, Ta Sha, Chinkiang LV bg NWbyW, 4.2 miles.

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29 October 1913

Ta Sha to Chinkiang and on to Morrison Point.

Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

7.04am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.17am: Anchored at Chinkiang.

1.15pm: SMS Vaterland arrived.

2.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

6.35pm: Anchored off Morrison Pt. Mud Fort Lt bg WbyS, 2.6 miles.

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30 October 1913

Mud Fort Creek.

Lat 32.18, Long 118.88 [approx]

Exercised small arm company. Marines at 4 gun drill. Mustered bedding.

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31 October 1913

Mud Fort Creek.

Lat 32.18, Long 118.88 [approx]

Rigging and Gunner’s parties at work.



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1 November 1913

Mud Fort creek to Nanking.

Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

6.58am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.35am: Anchored, Nanking [now Nanjing]. Theodolite Pt bg S36E. Fired 21 gun salute. Chinese cruiser returned salute.

9.55am: Saluted Japanese admiral 15 guns. HIJMS Iwate returned salute.

In pm: Hands to make and mend.

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2 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Sunday routine in port.

5.15am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

Hands cleaning ship.

9.30am: Divisions.

9.50am: Divine service.

Leave to starboard watch, 1.0pm to 7.0pm.

4.0pm: Quarters.

6.0pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

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3 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

9.10am: SMS Vaterland sailed.

Exercised out bower anchor.

Hands rigging, painting and scraping masts.

1.15pm: Paid monthly money.

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4 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Marines at SA drill.

3.15pm: HIJMS Tatsuta arrived and anchored.

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5 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

6.30am: HIJMS Tatsuta proceeded.

9.0am: Divers away for monthly dip.

10.30am: HIJMS Suma arrived.

3.35pm: Four Japanese TBDs arrived and anchored.

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6 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

9.10am: Divisions with arms.

Exercised SA company.

Marines at 3 pdr gun drill.

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7 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Varnishing masts etc.

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8 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

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9 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Sunday routine.

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10 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Exercised boat pulling.

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11 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Gunlayers at deflection teacher. Marines at drill.

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12 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Hands painting, refitting, blacking down aloft etc.

“I have this day cautioned Assistant Paymaster AB De Veulle for neglect of duty, for not having by this date forwarded the copy of the ledger to the Admiralty for the quarter ending June 30th.” [in red ink], signed by AB de Veulle.

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13 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

8.10am: Surgeon Ferguson and Mr Hanna, Gunner joined ship, also one CPO for HMS Snipe.

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14 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

1.15pm: HIJMS Tsushima [Tshuma in log] arrived.

1.30pm: HMS Snipe arrived. Discharged one rating to her.

3.50pm: SMS Tsingtau arrived.

5.05pm: VGRF D'Iberville arrived.

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15 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

8.05am: HMS Snipe proceeded.

4.45pm: Discharged Surgeon White and Mr Sledge, Gunner, for passage home.

Discharged one rating to hospital.

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16 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

9.30am: Muster by the open list.

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17 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Exercised Marines and Stokers at boat pulling.

1.35pm: VGRF D'Iberville proceeded.

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18 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

In am: Marines at quarterly marching order parade.

10.55am: SMS Vaterland proceeded.

4.0pm: Quarters. Read court martial returns.

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19 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

9.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.45am: Anchored.

2.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

3.45pm: Anchored. Theodolite Pt bg N76E.

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20 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

1.10pm: Discharged Mr Evans, Chief Artificer Engineer, to hospital.

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21 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

10.50am: HE Chang Hsun came on board.

11.15am: Fired salute of 17 guns.

11.35am: Saluted Consul, 7 guns.

12.45pm: SMS Vaterland arrived.

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22 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

9.0am: Read warrant No 8.

12.50pm: Discharged escort and one prisoner for passage to Shanghai.

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23 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

7.40pm: Escort returned on board.

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24 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

10.05am: SMS Vaterland proceeded.

7.40pm: Staff Paymaster J Siddalls joined ship.

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25 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

12.45pm: Discharged one Private RMLI to hospital.

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26 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

GLs at deflection teacher.

Painting and rigging parties carrying on.

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27 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Exercised SA party.

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28 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Exercised general quarters, fire and collision stations.

Tested flooding arrangements to powder magazine.

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29 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

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30 November 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

9.0am: USS Quiros proceeded.


[Nanking and Shanghai]

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1 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

8.0am: Dressed ship in honour of HM Queen Alexandra [the Queen Mother, her birthday].

12 noon: Fired salute of 21 guns.

5.0pm: Undressed ship.

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2 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

5.30am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

Hands cleaning ship.

9.10am: Divisions. Read prayers.

9.30am: Hands refitting, painting, cleaning boats and as requisite

9.45am: Marines at small arms drill.

1.0pm: Paid monthly money.

1.40pm: Hands employed as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Quarters. Leave to starboard until 7.0pm.

5.45pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

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3 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

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4 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

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5 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

12.25pm: USS Elcano arrived.

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6 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

7.15am: Commenced coaling ship from lighters.

12.10pm: Finished coaling, received 100 tons.

1.05pm: HMS Nightingale* arrived

* Nightingale, 1897, a Heron class gunboat of 85 tons, armed with two 6 pdrs.

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7 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.20pm: SMS Iltis arrived.

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8 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

6.0am: Fei Yen arrived. [Possibly Fei Ying is intended.]

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9 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

Marines at SA drill and signal instruction.

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10 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

7.0am: HMS Nightingale proceeded.

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11 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

4.45pm: SMS Otter arrived.

*Link is to a German language site. Super picture of Otter here.

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12 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

7.55am: SMS Otter proceeded.

8.10am: SMS Iltis proceeded.

3.0pm: HMS Snipe arrived.

10.10pm: Discharged Cdr Williams to hospital.

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13 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

7.10am: HMS Snipe proceeded.

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14 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

10.30am: HMS Yarmouth arrived.

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15 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

4.50pm: Mr Smith, Art. Engineer joined ship.

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16 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

7.0am: HMS Yarmouth proceeded [up river, vide her log].

Issued winter clothing.

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17 December 1913


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

3.55pm: HMS Britomart arrived.

5.10pm: Mr Fairbairn [the Admiralty pilot] and four ratings joined ship.

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18 December 1913

Nanking and down river for Shanghai.

Lat 32.31, Long 119.8 [approx]

2.0am: SMS Iltis arrived.

6.50am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

12.38pm: HMS Yarmouth passed [also going down river, vide her log].

1.0pm: Passed Japanese gunboat.

5.25pm: Stopped and anchored. Cooper bank LV bg S24W, 2.3 miles.

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19 December 1913


Lat 31.39, Long 121.52 [approx]

6.01am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

12.30pm: Course and speed as requisite up Shanghai [aka Whangpoo] River.

2.08pm: Anchored.

2.35pm: Mr Fairbairn left ship.

5.0pm: Discharged Mr Smith, Art. Engr to HMS Yarmouth.

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20 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

6.30pm: One Private returned from hospital.

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21 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.30am: USS Rainbow arrived.

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22 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.30am: Mr Morris, Art. Engr joined ship.

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23 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

1.10pm: Discharged one AB to hospital.

6.0pm: Cdr Williams rejoined from hospital.

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24 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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25 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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26 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Hands taking in and stowing provisions.

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27 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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28 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

3.30pm: SMS Iltis arrived.

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29 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

11.30am: HMS Bramble sailed.

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30 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.50pm: Landed fire party.

9.50pm: Fire party returned.

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31 December 1913


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

6.45am: Commenced coaling from lighters, native labour.

8.45am: Landed range party.

12.35pm: Finished coaling, received 130 tons.


[Shanghai, Chinkiang, Nanking, Wuhu, Tatung, Buckminster I. and Tatung]

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1 January 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

4.30am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

Hands cleaning ship.

8.0am: Dressed ship with mashead flags.

1.0pm: Paid monthly money.

Hands to make and mend. Leave to starboard watch until 7.0am.

Lt Donald Kenneth Rotherham joined ship.

4.0pm: Quarters.

5.0pm: One rating joined from HMS Yarmouth.

6.10pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

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2 January 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

9.23am: Away life boat’s crew to recue man overboard from sampan.

12.15pm: Chinese gunboat slipped and proceed.

4.15pm: Two ratings joined from hospital.

4.45pm: Lt Farquhar left ship.

10.10pm: Discharged one Stoker rating to HMS Yarmouth.

11.55pm: Pilot joined ship.

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3 January 1914

Shanghai and up river.

Lat 31.84, Long 120.86 [approx]

6.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.44am: Woosung Bar buoy abeam.

11.12am: Dove Nest buoy abeam.

2.53pm: Upper Crossing buoy abeam.

3.15pm: Anchored.

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4 January 1914

Up river to Ta Sha Island.

Lat 32.29, Long 119.83 [approx]

6.25am: Weighed and proceeded, 11 knots.

10.20am: Kiang Yin Pt abeam.

10.25am: Passed Chinese gunboat.

11.37am: Bate Pt abeam.

2.17pm: Sinnimu Creek abeam.

3.50pm: Anchored off Ta Sha Island.

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5 January 1914

Ta Sha I.

Lat 32.19, Long 119.6 [approx]

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6 January 1914

Ta Sha I. to Chinkiang.

Lat 32.19, Long 119.6 [approx]

3.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, 11 knots.

5.0pm: Anchored at Chinkiang, Golden I. Pagoda bg S80W.

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7 January 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

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8 January 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

Exercised SA party, Marines at gun drill.

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9 January 1914

Chinkiang to Morrison Pt.

Lat 32.24, Long 119.09 [approx]

6.05am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

8.50am: Morrison Pt abeam.

9.0am: Anchored, Morrison Pt bg N62E, Ta Ho Kau creek, N5W.

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10 January 1914

Morrison Pt to Nanking

Lat 32.24, Long 119.09 [approx]

9.35am: German destroyer S.90 passed [picture].

1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded up river.

2.45pm: Mud Fort beacon abeam.

4.16pm: Saluted Chinese flag, 21 guns..

4.24pm: Saluted Japanese Vice Admiral, 15 guns.

4.30pm: Anchored, Nanking.

6.05pm: Received six cases of stores and four drums of oil from HMS Bramble.

Slung clean hammocks.

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11 January 1914


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

6.45pm: Japanese cruiser weighed and proceeded.

7.0am: Four Japanese destroyers sailed.

9.30am: Muster by divisions. Read Articles of War*.

9.45am: Mustered by the ledger**.

3.0pm: Chinese TB arrived and anchored.

* The regulations that governed the conduct of every member of the Royal Navy. They were required by Admiralty Instructions to be read to the ship’s company once a month.

** The entire ship’s company is drawn up on deck and each hand in turn steps up, salutes the Captain and states his rating, qualifications and good conduct badges. The muster roll and ship’s disciplinary record are checked and the man salutes again and returns to his division. The main purpose of this is to allow the Captain to put a name to the face, as even in a small ship there will be some hands that he just never sees in the normal run of things.

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12 January 1914


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

10.45am: VA Nawa, IJN, called on ship.

5.57pm: HMS Clio arrived.

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13 January 1914

Nanking to Rocky Pt.

Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

12 noon: USS Helena sailed.

12.45pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.12pm: Weighed and proceeded up river, HMS Bramble in company.

4.56pm: Hea Sanshan Bluff abeam.

6.0pm: Anchored off Rocky Pt.

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14 January 1914

Rocky Point.

Lat 31.82, Long 118.5 [approx]

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15 January 1914

Up river to Wuhu.

Lat 31.33, Long 118.35

6.15am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

7.57am: Wade I. beacon abeam.

8.25am: Came to and anchored in a fog.

9.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.20am: Anchored, Wuhu.

1.30pm: Saluted Chinese RA, 13 guns.

4.55pm: HMS Kinsha arrived.

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16 January 1914

Wuhu to Barker I.

Lat 31.18, Long 118.02 [approx]

7.30am: HMS Kinsha sailed.

9.50am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

11.21am: Haines beacon abeam.

12.28pm: Anchored, Barker I. Pagoda bg N69E, 3.5 cables.

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17 January 1914

Barker I.

Lat 31.18, Long 118.02 [approx]

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18 January 1914

Up river to Tatung.

Lat 31.14, Long 117.83 [approx]

10.15am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

12.35pm: Horseshoe beacon abeam.

3.12pm: Anchored, Tatung Pagoda bg N12W.

8.40pm: Mr Fairbairn, pilot, left ship.

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19 January 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

Exercised out bower anchor and let go.

10.55am: Weighed starboard anchor.

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20 January 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

Marines landed for exercise.

Hands mustered bags.

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21 January 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

Aired bedding and scrubbed hammock nettings.

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22 January 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

Landed company for route march.

Marines at boat pulling and gun drill.

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23 January 1914

Buckminster I.

Lat 30.92, Long 117.75

6.0am: Steam cutter, whalers and skiffs away sounding.

9.50am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

10.40am: Anchored off Buckminster I.

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24 January 1914

Buckminster I.

Lat 30.92, Long 117.75

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25 January 1914

Buckminster I.

Lat 30.92, Long 117.75

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26 January 1914

Buckminster I.

Lat 30.92, Long 117.75

5.0am: Steam cutter away sounding.

8.30am: Landed every available man [probably an exercise].

12.45pm: Landing party returned.

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27 January 1914

Buckminster I.

Lat 30.92, Long 117.75

Hands clean boats.

Marines at rifle exercise.

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28 January 1914

Up river to Tatung.

Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

9.30am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

11.15am: Anchored, Tatung pagoda bg N32E, 2 cables.

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29 January 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

Whaler away surveying.

Exercised SA companies.

Marines at 3 pdr gun drill.

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30 January 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

8.25am: Diving party left ship.

11.15am: Diving party returned.

1.40pm: Ship's company landed for paper chase.

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31 January 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

8.35am: Japanese gunboat passed proceeding up river.

In pm: Whaler away surveying.


[Tatung and Shanghai]

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1 February 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

11.0am: Assistant Paymaster de Veulle placed in arrest.

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2 February 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

4.15am: Assistant Paymaster AB de Veulle reported missing. Ship searched by order of Captain and no trace of the Paymaster found. [Vide entry on February 6th.]

4.55am: Sent away night boats crew.

9.58am: Away all boats.

11.30am: Hoisted boats.

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3 February 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

10.48am: Japanese gunboat Shima passed.

11.45pm: Pilot Fairbairn joined ship.

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4 February 1914

Tatung and down river.

Lat 31.33, Long 118.35

6.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.02am: Haines Pt abeam.

11.10am: Stopped off Wuhu, Captain called on the Consul.

11.52am: Proceeded.

12.02pm: Stopped off HMS Woodlark for stores.

12.15pm: Proceeded.

3.32pm: Hea Sanshan Bluff abeam.

5.54pm: Mud Fort beacon abeam.

7.07pm: Anchored two miles below Morrisson Pt.

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5 February 1914

Down river for Shanghai.

Lat 32.31, Long 119.81 [approx]

6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.31am: Slow both.

7.45am: A/c 16pts [ie, turned through 180º]. Worked engines as requisite.

8.25am: Anchored off Deer I.

8.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.05pm: Beaver I. abeam.

4.42pm: Cooper Bank LV abeam.

6.10pm: Anchored, North tree beacon NE, 1 mile.

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6 February 1914

Down river to Shanghai.

Lat 31.4, Long 121.53

Copy of minute, dated 10th February, placed in log, recording the death, presumably by drowning, of Arthur Boyne de Veulle, Ass. Paymaster, aged 29. Signed by Captain Williams and Lt Rotherham, witness.

12.15pm: Woosung Lt abeam.

1.45pm: Secured to SNO buoy, Shanghai.

4.20pm: One Shipwright joined from HMS Clio.

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7 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Ash boat alongside.

Aired night clothing.

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8 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday routine.

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9 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

9.30am: Exercised “clear for action”, “collision stations”, “general quarters” and “away all boats’ crews.

10.15am: French cruiser D’Iberville sailed.

10.25am: HMS Clio sailed.

In pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.35pm: HMS Kinsha sailed.

4.20pm: Chinese cruiser arrived.

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10 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

6.50am: Commenced coaling.

11.40am: Chinese destroyer passed.

11.43am: Finished coaling.

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11 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Dressed ship [for Kigensetsu Japanese Empire Day].

1.20pm: Chinese destroyer passed.

5.45pm: Undressed ship.

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12 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Dress ship.

Exercised SA company. Marines at 4” gun drill.

5.45pm: Undressed ship.

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13 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

2.15pm: Assistant Paymaster EK Odam joined ship.

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14 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

9.20am: One rating joined from HMS Newcastle.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

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15 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday routine.

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16 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

7.15am: SMS Iltis passed.

1.45pm: SMS Luchs arrived.

3.45pm: Two ratings joined from hospital.

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17 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

3.0pm: HMS Clio arrived.

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18 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.30am: French D’Iberville arrived.

11.35am: HMS Woodcock arrived.

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19 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

7.45am: Chinese cruiser passed.

12.55pm: Chinese gunboat arrived.

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20 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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21 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

11.05am: HMS Clio sailed.

11.30am: German destroyer [S90 vide Newcastle’s log] arrived.

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22 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.30pm: One marine joined from HMS Newcastle.

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23 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Dressed ship.

10.30am: HMS Newcastle sailed.

2.30pm: Four ratings joined ship.

7.45pm: HMS Bramble arrived.

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24 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

9.10am: Discharged one rating to HMS Bramble.

12.40pm: Chinese cruiser passed.

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25 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

6.45am: Coaled ship from lighters.

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26 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

1.30pm: Chinese destroyer passed.

4.25pm: HMS Newcastle arrived.

Discharged five ratings to Newcastle.

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27 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.30am: Chinese destroyer passed.

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28 February 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

5.30am: French D’Iberville sailed.

In pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.


[Shanghai, Chinkiang, Nanking and Shanghai]

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1 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday in harbour.

6.0am: Hands clean ship. Lit fires in steam cutter.

9.0am: Divisions.

9.30am: Landed C of E and RC church parties.

10.30am: Landed Nonconformists.

Leave to port watch, 1.0pm to 11.0pm.

1.24pm: USS Helena sailed.

4.0pm: Quarters.

4.10pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

5.40pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

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2 March 1914

Shanghai and up river.

Lat 31.44, Long 121.5 [approx]

5.35pm: Mr Pote-Hunt (Admiralty pilot) joined ship.

6.15am: HMS Bramble passed.

9.05am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.22am: Wusung buoy abeam.

12 noon: SE Spit buoy abeam.

Paid monthly money and issued soap and tobacco.

5.44pm: Cooper Bank LV abeam.

7.23pm: Anchored.

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3 March 1914

Up river to Ta Sha I.

Lat 32.26, Long 119.5 [approx]

6.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.34am: Bate Pt abeam.

11.15am: Cinimiu (aka Sinnimu) Creek abeam.

12.32pm: Anchored off Ta Sha I.

12.45pm: Pilot Pote-Hunt left ship.

9.30pm: Exercised night defence stations.

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4 March 1914

Up river to Chinkiang.

Lat 32.26, Long 119.5 [approx]

4.0pm: Weighed and proceeded.

5.08pm: Anchored, Chinkiang.

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5 March 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

6.10am: HMS Bramble sailed for Nanking.

6.50pm: HMS Snipe secured alongside.

Starboard watch employed coaling Snipe (8 tons).

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6 March 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

6.20am: HMS Snipe shifted berth.

10.45am: Chinese gunboat shifted berth.

12 noon: SMS Vaterland arrived.

12.57pm: Chinese gunboat shifted berth.

3.05pm: SMS Otter arrived.

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7 March 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

6.05am: SMS Vaterland sailed.

1.0pm: Assembled ship’s company for medical lecture.

5.57am: USS Samar arrived.

6.0am: HMS Snipe sailed.

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8 March 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

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9 March 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

Exercised away all boats.

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10 March 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

9.35am: USS Samar sailed.

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11 March 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

Returned winter clothing.

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12 March 1914

Chinkiang to Nanking.

Lat 32.23, Long 119.4 [approx]

7.13am: SMS Iltis passed.

11.25am: Weighed and proceeded two cables astern of HMS Doris.

2.40pm: Mud Fort beacon abeam.

4.13pm: Anchored, Nanking.

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13 March 1914


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

6.0am: Weighed and shifted berth.

7.50am: Anchored.

8.25am: HMS Nightingale proceeded.

9.55am: Engineer Lt Allen* and one Chief Writer joined ship. Two ratings joined from Doris.

French gunboat Décidée arrived.

Discharged four ratings and Art. Engineer Mr Morris to HMS Doris.

* Possibly Lt GB Allen.

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14 March 1914


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

6.0am: HMS’ Doris and Bramble left.

3.50pm: Discharged one Ldg Seaman to HMS Woodlark.

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15 March 1914


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

6.40pm: HMS Woodlark proceeded.

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16 March 1914

Nanking and down river for Shanghai.

Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

7.15am: RF Décidée proceeded.

Mr. Pote-Hunt joined ship.

9.30am: Exercised “general quarters”, “fire stations”, “collision stations” and “away all boats”.

11.50am: Japanese gunboat arrived.

1.45am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

6.05am: Anchored off Chinkiang.

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17 March 1914

Down river to Shanghai.

Lat 32.0, Long 120.73 [approx]

5.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.15am: Bate Pt abeam.

1.03pm: North Tree beacon abeam.

6.10pm: Wusung Spit buoy abeam.

7.45pm: Secured to SNO buoy, Shanghai.

8.10pm: Discharged Mr Pote-Hunt.

8.30pm: One rating rejoined from hospital.

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18 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

7.15am: HMS Bramble proceeded.

8.45am: Chinese cruiser arrived.

9.50am: SMS Tiger arrived.

Discharged one rating to hospital.

In pm: Received 22 cases of stores.

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19 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.15am: SMS Luchs arrived.

11.30am: Chinese sloop arrived.

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20 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

In am: Coaled ship, received 105 tons.

10.50am: RF Décidée arrived.

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21 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.40am: SMS Tiger sailed.

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22 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday routine.

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23 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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24 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

4.0pm: Read warrant No 9. Discharged one cell prisoner to HMS Newcastle.

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25 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Lost overboard by accident, one coir fender and one target box.

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26 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

11.20am: Two Chinese destroyers proceeded.

1.30am: RF Décidée proceeded.

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27 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.08am: HMS Woodcock passed (proceeding for trials, vide log of Newcastle).

4.0pm: Read warrant No 10. Discharged one cell prisoner to HMS Newcastle.

4.20pm: Woodcock returned.

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28 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.20am: RF Décidée arrived.

8.27am: HMS Bramble arrived.

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29 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

2.30pm: Captain Fitzmaurice RN joined ship.

One rating joined.

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30 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

11.25am: Chinese TB passed.

12 noon: Captain M Fitzmaurice assumed command of ship.

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31 March 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

2.10pm: SMS Luchs passed.



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1 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

5.30am: RF Décidée sailed.

10.50am: RF D'Iberville arrived.

11.05am: SMS Jaguar arrived.

In pm: Captain HPET Williams* RN left ship.

* Captain Williams went on to command HMS Hawke, but was lost with his ship on the 17th of October 1914, after they were torpedoed in the North Sea.

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2 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.10am: RM Sebastiano Caboto arrived.

3.30pm: RM Marco Polo arrived.

4.50pm: One rating joined from hospital.

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3 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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4 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

9.0am: Diving party left ship.

3.30pm: One prisoner joined from HMS Newcastle.

5.20pm: Divers returned.

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5 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Church parties landed.

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6 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat passed.

Hands employed discharging stores to HMS Bramble.

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7 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

6.50am: HMS Bramble proceeded.

8.0am: HMS Woodcock arrived and anchored.

9.50am: Chinese cruiser passed.

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8 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

12.45pm: USS Saratoga arrived.

In pm: One cell prisoner and one marine joined from HMS Newcastle.

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9 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

In am: Exercised divers at monthly dip and exercised SA party.

10.15am: SMS Jaguar left.

10.27am: HMS Newcastle proceeded.

11.05am: HMS Woodcock secured to P & O buoy.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.20pm: Chinese cruiser passed.

3.15pm: SMS Emden arrived.

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10 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday routine (for Good Friday).

1.55pm: Chinese cruiser passed.

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11 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours on the occasion of the death of the Dowager Empress of Japan.

11.10am: HMS Snipe secured alongside HMS Woodcock.

6.0pm: One rating joined from Snipe.

4caf84b2cadfd3419700975d: (

12 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday routine.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

1.15pm: Chinese cruiser passed.

Page signed by Captain Fitzmaurice.

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13 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

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14 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

In am: Hands ranging* cable.

Marines at musketry drill.

In pm: Hands cleaning port cable locker.

* Withdrawing the anchor chains from their lockers and laying them out on deck for inspection.

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15 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

9.45am: HMS Woodcock proceeded for steam trial.

12 noon: Woodcock returned and secured to P & O buoy.

4.45pm: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Snipe.

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16 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

7.0am: HMS Snipe proceeded.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

In pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital and one rating rejoined from same.

2.35pm: HMS Nightingale secured alongside.

4.0pm: RM Marco Polo proceeded.

4.30pm: One rating joined from Nightingale.

Discharged one rating to HMS Woodcock and one rating joined from same.

6.50pm: RF Décidée arrived.

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17 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

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18 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

6.10am: HMS Woodcock sailed.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

2.05pm: HMS Nightingale slipped and proceeded to the P & O buoy.

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19 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday routine.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

4.15pm: Chinese cruiser passed.

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20 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

6.35am: Chinese cruiser passed.

7.30am: SMS Emden sailed.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

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21 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

9.50am: RF Décidée sailed.

11.40am: General Kelly paid official visit.

3.45pm: Chinese cruiser passed.

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22 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

Gunlayers at deflection teacher.

Hands ranging starboard cable and cleaning chain locker.

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23 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

1.10pm: USS Saratoga sailed.

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24 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

9.20am: Exercised “clear ship for action”, “general quarters”, “collision stations”, “fire stations”, “abandon ship” and “land every available man”.

1.45pm: SMS Gneisenau arrived.

2.50pm: RM Marco Polo arrived.

5.55pm: HMS Kinsha arrived and secured alongside.

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25 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

In am: Discharged one rating to HMS Nightingale.

11.20am: Nightingale proceeded to dock.

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26 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday routine.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

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27 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

7.30am: HMS Kinsha shifted to P & O buoy.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

9.55am: Discharged two ratings to Kinsha.

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28 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

10.10am: RM Sebastiano Caboto sailed.

1.0pm: RF D'Iberville proceeded.

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29 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

10.30am: Chinese gunboat arrived.

6.05pm: One prisoner joined from HMS Nightingale in open arrest.

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30 April 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.


[Shanghai, Chinkiang, Nanking, Wuhu, Tatung, Kiukiang and Hankow]

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1 May 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

4.45am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

6.0am: Hands coaling ship from lighters.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

10.15am: Finished coaling, received 100 tons.

Hands cleaning ship.

11.55am: Chinese cruiser arrived.

4.15pm: Paid monthly settlement. Issued soap and tobacco.

Leave to starboard watch, 5.0pm to 11.0pm.

9.45pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

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2 May 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

2.20pm: Chinese TB passed.

4.08pm: HMS Kinsha proceeded alongside Old Dock.

6.0pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.

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3 May 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: Half masted colours.

In pm: Discharged two Marines to HMS Kinsha and one rating joined from same.

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4 May 1914

Shanghai and up river.

Lat 31.41, Long 121.53

6.15am: Mr Fairbairn joined ship.

7.0am: Slipped and proceeded.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

8.47am: Anchored off Wusung.

9.45am: Received stores from HMS Yarmouth. One rating joined from Yarmouth and one discharged to same.

1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

3.58pm: Actaeon lower buoy abeam.

7.01pm: Upper Crossing buoy abeam.

7.28pm: Anchored, North Tree beacon bg North, 2 miles.

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5 May 1914

Up river to Chinkiang.

Lat 32.3, Long 119.81 [approx]

4.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.42am: Kiang Yin LV abeam

11.55am: Beaver I. beacon abeam.

3.10pm: Anchored, Chinkiang.

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6 May 1914


Lat 32.26, Long 119.45

8.0am: Dressed ship.

11.05am: Undressed ship. Saluted HBM Consul with seven guns.

11.10am: Dressed ship .

12 noon: Fired 21 gun salute. (Anniversary of the accession of the King to the throne.)

12.35pm: French gunboat passed.

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7 May 1914

Chinkiang to Nanking.

Lat 32.24, Long 119.09 [approx]

9.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.20am: Bethune Pt abeam.

1.37pm: Mud Fort beacon abeam.

3.32pm: Anchored, Nanking.

Saluted Chinese flag, 21 guns.

5.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Britomart and one rating joined from same.

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8 May 1914


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

7.0am: Ass. Paymr JS Stromquist joined ship.

9.0am: HMS Britomart sailed.

11.40am: Saluted British Consul, seven guns.

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9 May 1914


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

12.30pm: Discharged Lt Rotherham and one rating to hospital.

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10 May 1914


Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

1.0pm: Ass. Paymr EK Odam left the ship.

1.30pm: Chinese gunboat passed.

3.45pm: Half masted colours.

4.15pm: Japanese gunboat Sumida arrived and anchored.

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11 May 1914

Nanking to Wuhu.

Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

8.0am: Half masted colours.

10.05am: Civil Governor of Nanking and Chinese General paid official call.

10.25am: Saluted Civil Governor, 17 guns.

10.40am: Saluted Chinese General, 15 guns.

10.58am: Saluted British Consul, 7 guns.

11.50am. Weighed and proceeded up river.

1.08pm: Heasanshan Bluff abeam.

5.20pm: Anchored, Wuhu.

Returned salute of 11 guns to Chinese gunboat.

Saluted British Consul with seven guns.

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12 May 1914


Lat 31.33, Long 118.35

10.45am: Chinese gunboat sailed.

4.45pm: SMS Tiger passed.

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13 May 1914

Wuhu to Tatung.

Lat 31.07, Long 117.92

9.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.07am: Haines Pt beacon abeam.

3.08pm: Buckminster I. beacon abeam.

4.05pm: Let go life buoy and exercised sea boat’s crew.

4.52pm: Anchored, Tatung.

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14 May 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

Divers at monthly dip.

Marines at 3 pdr gun drill.

In pm: Paper chase run by party of ship’s company.

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15 May 1914


Lat 30.8, Long 117.71

Hands employed getting sand.

Exercised general quarters.

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16 May 1914

Tatung to Kiukiang.

Lat 30.42, Long 116.89 [approx]

4.37am: Weighed and proceeded.

6.0am: Commenced eight hours full power trial.

10.18am: Xmas I. beacon abeam.

2.0pm: Completed trial, reduced to 175 revolutions.

3.50pm: Beecher Pt abeam.

5.26pm: Anchored, Kiukiang [now Jiujiang).

Saluted Republic, 21 guns and Chinese Rear Admiral, 13 guns, salutes returned.

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17 May 1914


Lat 29.73, Long 115.98

Sunday routine.

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18 May 1914


Lat 29.73, Long 115.98

9.55am: Chinese RA visited ship. Fired 13 gun salute.

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19 May 1914


Lat 29.73, Long 115.98

In am: Received six tons of coal from lighter.

3.35pm: Chinese cruiser passed.

4.0pm: Read warrants Nos 11, 12 and 13.

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20 May 1914

Kiukiang and up river towards Hankow.

Lat 29.89, Long 115.44 [approx]

7.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.45am: Wusueh Gate abeam.

2.47pm: Cock’s Head abeam.

4.40pm: Anchored, Upper Collinson LV bg S49E, 1 mile.

4caf84b2cadfd34197009784: (

21 May 1914

Up river to Hankow.

Lat 30.68, Long 114.5 [approx]

7.0am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

9.25am: Passed Japanese flag ship (HIJMS Kasagi, vide log of HMS Clio).

10.55am: Porpoise Bluff abeam.

12.05am: Yanglo beacon abeam.

2.25pm: Anchored, Hankow [now Hankou, part of Wuhan).

3.0pm: Italian cruiser passed.

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22 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

5.27am: Chinese gunboat passed.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

9.30am: Cleared for action and exercised “general quarters”, “away all boats” and “land every available man”.

In pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

6.05pm: German gunboat (SMS Vaterland, vide log of HMS Clio) passed.

4caf84b3cadfd34197009786: (

23 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In am: Consul General visited ship.

Fired salute of 11 guns.

In pm: Lt Rotherham rejoined ship.

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24 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.0am: Half masted colours.

6.53pm: Fired salute of 21 minute guns on occasion of the funeral of the Dowager Empress of Japan.

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25 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

5.30am: RM Sebastiano Caboto sailed.

8.0am: Half masted colours.

8.15am: Landed SA company, Maxim and Marines.

10.30am: Landing party returned.

In pm: Received 21 saluting charges from HMS Clio.

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26 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

12 noon: Fired royal salute, 21 guns (for Queen Mary’s birthday).

8.0am: Dressed ship.

In am: Discharged Mr Fairbairn, pilot, to HMS Clio.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 14 and discharged one prisoner to Clio.

One rating joined from Clio.

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27 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

9.45am: HMS Clio sailed.

Captain JW Seigne* RMLI inspected marines.

* Captain Seigne survived the war and retired as a Major in January 1919 for medical reasons.

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28 May 1914

Hankow to Wuchang and return.

Lat 30.56, Long 114.3

11.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.30am: Anchored off Wuchang. Saluted country, 21 guns.

3.15pm: Tutuh* and Chinese officials visited ship.

3.30pm: Fired 17 gun salute.

3.55pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4.20pm: Anchored off Hankow.

* The title of the military governor.

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29 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

6.20am: Chinese TB passed.

In pm: Diving party working in HMS Snipe.

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30 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

Saturday harbour routine.

5.30am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

Hands clean ship.

8.45am: Aired night clothing.

Tested lifebuoy.

12 noon: Fired noon gun.

Leave to port watch, 1.0pm to 6.30am.

In pm: Make and mend.

4.0pm: Quarters.

4caf84b3cadfd3419700978e: (

31 May 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

Sunday harbour routine.

5.45am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

Hands clean ship.

9.0am: Landed RC church party.

9.30am: Divisions.

10.15am: Landed C of E church party.

11.55am: Church party returned.

Leave to starboard watch, 1.0pm to 6.30am.

4.0pm: Quarters.

7.58pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.



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1 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

5.05am: USS Elcano sailed.

8.55am: HMS Snipe sailed.

9.50am: Landed SA company.

11.40am: Paid monthly settlement.

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2 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

Marines at SA drill and semaphore.

Hands restowing sheet cable locker.

5.45pm: Landed SA company.

7.20pm: Party returned.

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3 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.0am: Dressed ship.

11.20am: Landed SA company.

12 noon: Fired royal salute of 21 guns on the occasion of HM birthday.

12.15pm: SA company returned*.

4.0pm: HMS Woodcock arrived.

* The landing parties may have been responding to some incident on shore, but they may also just be exercising. It does no harm at a time of civil unrest, which this was, for unruly elements to see a disciplined body of armed seamen marching through the street.

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4 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.15am: SMS Luchs sailed.

11.35am: SMS Vaterland sailed.

5.30pm: Two prisoners and one mental case joined from HMS Woodcock.

5.55pm: Vaterland returned.

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5 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

5.15pm: Discharged two ratings to municipal buildings for cells.

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6 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

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7 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

Sunday routine.

9.0pm: HMS Kinsha arrived.

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8 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

Tested all magazine flooding valves.

Hands employed turning steam cutter’s falls.

(A regular piece of preventive maintenance, turning the falls used to hoist and lower the boats end for end, to even out wear where they pass through the blocks.)

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9 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In pm: Sent 400 fire bricks to HMS Kinsha and discharged two ratings to same.

3.30pm: Landed shooting team.

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10 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In am: Discharged three ratings to HMS Kinsha and Captain Fitzmaurice hoisted broad pendant in same.

12 noon: Kinsha sailed up river.

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11 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In am: Sighted anchors and remoored.

In pm: Landed shooting team.

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12 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

6.20am: Took in 10 tons of coal from lighters.

12.20pm: One cell prisoner returned from BMC buildings.

8.10pm: Discharged two ratings with escort to SS Kinling (Kin-Ling in log) for passage to Shanghai.

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13 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In pm: Watch taking in ammunition.

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14 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

Sunday routine.

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15 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.30am: Raft fouled port cable.

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16 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

10.25am: USS Villalobos arrived and anchored.

Coaled ship from lighters, received 100 tons.

2.30pm: Raft fouled ship.

3.55pm: SMS Jaguar arrived.

4caf84b3cadfd3419700979f: (

17 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

12.30pm: Discharged Lt DK Rotherham to hospital.

3.0pm: Working party of eight hands sent to HMS Woodcock.

8.10pm: USS Saratoga, flying the flag of Rear Admiral Coles*, arrived.

8.25pm: USS Helena arrived.

* I presume this to be William C Cole, at this time the USN Senior Officer, Yangtse Valley.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097a0: (

18 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.0am: Saluted American RA with 13 guns.

Divers at monthly dip alongside HMS Woodcock.

In pm: Landed shooting team.

7.10pm: HMS Woodlark arrived.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097a1: (

19 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

6.10am: USS Saratoga sailed for Wuchang.

2.50pm: One cell prisoner returned from BMC building.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097a2: (

20 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.0am: HMS Woodlark proceeded.

4.15pm: RF Décidée arrived.

4.30pm: USS Saratoga arrived.

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21 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

2.30pm: Surgeon Fergusson and two ratings rejoined.

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22 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.0am: Dress ship for Coronation Day.

12 noon: Fired salute 21 guns.

1.35pm: SMS Vaterland sailed.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097a5: (

23 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

9.15am: RF Doudart de Lagrée arrived.

In pm: One rating returned from hospital.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097a6: (

24 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

4.20am: USS Saratoga proceeded down river.

Received nine cases of stores.

4.55pm: Chinese gunboat passed.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097a7: (

25 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

5.30am: RF Décidée and RF Doudart de Lagrée sailed.

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26 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

10.05am: Saluted Consul General*, 11 guns.

1.10pm: USS Villalobos sailed upriver.

2.20pm: Villalobos returned and anchored.

* At this time William Wilkinson.

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27 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

Fired noon gun.

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28 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

12.38am: USS Elcano arrived.

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29 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In pm: Lt Rotherham returned from hospital.

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30 June 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

Hands employed dismounting guns and embarking stores.


[Hankow and down river to Shanghai]

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1 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

3.45am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

5.45am: Hands working cables to sight anchors.

7.15am: Hands clean ship.

In am: Hands dismounting guns and painting.

11.0am: HMS Snipe arrived.

11.40am: Paid quarterly settlement.

Leave to port watch, 5.0pm to 6.30am.

In pm: Hands employed as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Quarters.

One stoker rejoined from hospital.

7.10pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097ae: (

2 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

4caf84b3cadfd341970097af: (

3 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

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4 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.0am: Dress ship for Independence Day.

12 noon: Fired salute of 21 guns.

4.0pm: Read warrants Nos 15 and 16. Discharged two ratings to BMC buildings for cells.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097b1: (

5 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

4caf84b3cadfd341970097b2: (

6 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In am: Landed SA company.

Hands dismounting 4” guns.

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7 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

8.20am: USS’ Palos and Monocacy (Manocracy in log) arrived.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097b4: (

8 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In am: Hands dismounting 4” guns.

In pm: Two ratings joined from SS Tatung.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097b5: (

9 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

4caf84b3cadfd341970097b6: (

10 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In pm: Received 28 cases of stores from SS Luen Yi*.

S/Lt KM Fardell** joined.

*Luen Yi, ex- Li-Fong, China Merchants Co, 1906, 2868 tons.

** KM Fardell survived the war and came out of retirement to serve in WW2 as a Commander.

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11 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

In pm: Two cell prisoners rejoined from BMC buildings.

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12 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

RC, Non-conformist and C of E church parties landed.

4.25pm: HMS Kinsha arrived. Captain MS Fitzmaurice rejoined.

Two ratings joined from Kinsha and one rating discharged to same.

Discharged S/Lt Fardell to Kinsha.

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13 July 1914


Lat 30.57, Long 114.3

6.40am: USS Villalobos sailed.

Mr Fairbairn joined ship. Embarked stores from HMS Kinsha for passage to Hong Kong.

S/Lt R Parkinson joined. Embarked stores from HMS’ Snipe and Woodcock for passage to Hong Kong.

One rating rejoined from hospital.

Discharged one rating to Woodcock and one rating joined from same.

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14 July 1914

Hankow to Kiukiang.

Lat 29.86, Long 115.46 [approx]

5.0am: USS Helena and Palos sailed.

5.57am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.38am: Yangki Pt abeam.

11.44am: Ruined Fort abeam.

2.37pm: Anchored, Kiukiang.

Saluted country, 21 guns.

3.45pm: Consul paid official visit.

Saluted Consul, 7 guns.

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15 July 1914

Kiukiang and down river.

Lat 30.52, Long 117.17

5.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.36am: Little Orphan abeam.

11.40am: Nanking Pagoda abeam.

12.45am: Passed RM Sebastiano Caboto.

3.22pm: Passed USS Samar.

4.11pm: Two Fathom creek LV abeam.

6.16pm: Wuhu abeam.

7.12pm: Anchored, five miles below the Pillars.

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16 July 1914

Up river to Nanking and Chinkiang.

Lat 32.14, Long 118.8

5.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.40am: Anchored, Nanking.

8.0am: Saluted country, 21 guns.

Sent diving party to HMS Nightingale. Received one case of ammunition from same.

12.30pm: Discharged S/Lt Parkinson to leave.

2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded down river.

3.54pm: Mud Fort Beacon abeam.

6.0pm: Anchored off Chinkiang.

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17 July 1914

Chinkiang to Wusung.

Lat 32.05, Long 120.57

6.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.50am: Bate Pt abeam.

1.0pm: North Tree beacon abeam.

4.05pm: SE Spit buoy abeam.

5.10pm: Anchored off Wusung.

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18 July 1914

Wusung to Shanghai.

Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.0am: Saluted country 21 guns.

10.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.55am: Secured to SNO buoy, Shanghai.

Discharged Mr Fairbairn.

Two marines joined ship.

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19 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Sunday routine.

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20 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Coaled ship from lighters, 175 tons.

(Note that Cadmus keeps steam up in harbour, using 4-6 tons every 24 hours.)

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21 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Leave to port watch, 1.0pm to noon on the 23rd.

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22 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

8.0am: USS Quiros proceeded up river.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 17.

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23 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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24 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

12 noon: Chinese cruiser passed.

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25 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

In am: Sent one ERA to HMS Woodlark.

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26 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.0am: Discharged one rating to SS Chenan* for passage to Hong Kong.

Hands furling awnings, striking topmasts and turning in and securing boats.

* China Navigation Co., 1903, 2,200 grt, scrapped in 1933.

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27 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

9.20am: HMS Woodlark proceeded up river.

12 noon: SMS Jaguar arrived.

In pm: Surgeon Fergusson rejoined from hospital.

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28 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Hands employed clearing fore cross bunker.

6.0pm: Chinese cruiser passed.

7.45pm: Commenced coaling.

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29 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

12.34am: Finished coaling, 82 tons.

6.05am: SMS Luchs sailed.

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30 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

11.05am: HMS Bramble shifted berth.

In pm: Hands furling awnings, disembarking stores, securing for sea and mounting 3 pdr guns.

11.0pm: Steam cutter patrolling.

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31 July 1914


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.05am: HMS Yarmouth arrived.

In pm: Watch embarking ammunition from HMS Woodlark.

6.05pm: HMS Thistle arrived.

18 ratings joined from Woodlark.

One rating joined from Thistle.

11.0pm: Steam cutter away patrolling.

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Above five pages blank.

Note that for the following four months each day has links to an original logbook and a copy. They are in all important respects identical.


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Front cover of August’s log, signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

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Blank page.


[Shanghai, Hong Kong, East coast patrol and Hong Kong]

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1 August 1914

Shanghai and at sea towards Hong Kong.

Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

7.40am: Chinese cruiser sailed.

12 noon: HMS Thistle sailed.

12.20pm: HMS Bramble sailed.

12.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

3.35pm: Kintoan LV abeam.

4.10pm: Cleared for action.

5.09pm: Fairway bell buoy abeam, set course S28E.

8.15pm: Watch man and arm ship.

11.29pm: Tongting Lt abeam.

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2 August 1914

At sea towards Hong Kong.

Lat 27.83, Long 121.84

5.08am: Heishan I. abeam.

8.0am: Pos. 28 26N, 122 08E.

8.0pm: Pos. 26 33.5N, 121 02E.

10.45pm: Tung Yung Lt (on Dongyin I.) abeam, 17 miles.

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3 August 1914

At sea towards Hong Kong.

Lat 24.36, Long 118.85

6.50am: Ocksen I. Lt [now Wuchiu Yu) bg S80W.

8.0pm: Pos. 23 21N, 117 34E.

9.26pm: Lamock abeam, 6 miles.

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4 August 1914

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3 [approx]

1.51am: Breaker Pt abeam, 16 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 22 21N, 115 24E.

2.40pm: Secured to No 11 buoy, Hong Kong.

3.10pm: HMS Minotaur arrived.

3.30pm: HMS Hampshire arrived.

5.20pm: HMS Yarmouth arrived.

Discharged 18 ratings to HMS Triumph.

One rating joined from HMS Tamar.

8.20pm: HMS Bramble arrived.

10.10pm: Disembarked HMS Woodlark's ammunition.

11.59pm: HMS Thistle arrived.

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5 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.55am: HMS Alacrity arrived.

7.0am: RF Dupleix arrived.

8.0am: HMS Merlin arrived.

9.30am: HMS Newcastle and destroyers arrived.

Cdr Marryat joined ship (to take command).

Discharged one rating and one Chinese servant to HMS Triumph.

Captain Fitzmaurice left to join (and take command of) Triumph.

7.0pm: HMS Ribble sailed.

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6 August 1914

Hong Kong and at sea towards the Saddle Islands.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.35pm: Slipped and proceeded in company with two colliers.

2.20pm: Waglan Lt abeam, shaped course N78E.

7.22pm: Pedro Blanco abeam, 3 miles.

11.0pm: Chilang Pt Lt (probably now Zhelang Yan) bg N18W, 12 miles.

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7 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 23.24, Long 117.34

NE’ly courses all day.

1.15am: Chilang Pt N63W.

5.20am: Breaker Pt Lt abeam.

8.0am: Pos. 22 52.5N, 116 53E.

11.48am: High Lamock abeam, 3 miles, a/c N55E.

3.0pm: High Brother bg N45W, 3.25 miles, a/c N50E.

8.0pm: Pos. 23 55N, 118 20E.

10.30pm: Dodd I. abeam, 15 miles.

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8 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 25.8, Long 120.2

NE’ly courses all day.

3.32am: Ocksen Lt bg N32E.

9.01am: Turnabout I. (Kiushan Tao) abeam, 3 miles.

10.35am: A/c and speed as requisite for chasing unknown steamer, (SS Sado Maru*)

11.40am: Course N33E.

3.48pm: Tung Yung abeam, 3.5 miles.

* Sado Maru, the first of three NYK ships of this name, 1898, 6,223 grt, scrapped 1934.

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9 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 29.09, Long 122.4

Northerly courses all day.

8.30am: Course and speed as requisite to chase suspicious craft (USS Cincinnati).

8.40am: Action stations.

8.55am: Secure.

10.28am: Heishan I. abeam, 4 miles.

1.35pm: Passed P & O SS Delta*.

9.20pm: Elgar I. Lt [now Xiasanxing Shan) abeam, 1.2 miles.

* Delta, 1905, 8,089 grt, later converted to a hospital ship and broken up in 1929.

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10 August 1914

At sea to the Yangtse estuary and on to the rendezvous off the Saddle Is.

Lat 31.12, Long 122.15 [approx]

1.30am: Stopped off Fairway buoy.

Lt/Cdr Gibson joined ship.

11.15am: Proceeded up river.

12.15pm: Tungsha abeam, 0.75 miles.

1.30pm: A/c 16 pts to port, proceeded full speed.

1.40pm: Passed USS Saratoga.

3.58pm: Fairway buoy abeam.

6.35pm: Anchored off the Saddle Is.

9.50pm: Lt/Cdr discharged.

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11 August 1914

The Saddle Is. and at sea on patrol.

Lat 30.83, Long 122.66

4.45am: HMS Triumph and RF Dupleix arrived.

7.05am: HMS Yarmouth and three destroyers (Colne, Usk and Welland vide log of Yarmouth) proceeded.

Mr Lee, Art. Engineer, joined from Triumph. Discharged Eng. Lt Allen to same.

4.10pm: HMS Clio arrived.

5.35pm: Weighed and proceeded and stopped of Clio.

6.0pm: Proceeded on patrol.

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12 August 1914

On patrol.

Lat 30.66, Long 122.55 [approx]

6.0am: Stopped half way between Bit Rock and Senhouse I.

11.45am: CMS Hsin Chang closed and asked for information re Hong Kong.

Stopped, 2.5 miles WSW from Bit Rock.

5.30pm: Proceeded to patrol line.

11.45pm: Fleet messenger Victoria passed through patrol.

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13 August 1914

On patrol.

Lat 30.66, Long 122.55 [approx]

7.0am: Course and speed as requisite for anchorage.

8.15am: Secured alongside collier Sir Richard Awdry.

10.0am: Commenced coaling.

1.30pm: RF Dupleix, HMS Triumph and three destroyers (Usk, Colne and Welland, vide log of HMS Usk) proceeded.

3.0pm: Finished coaling, 80 tons. Discharged 2nd whaler, 1st skiff and superfluous gear to collier.

6.40pm: Slipped and proceeded West on patrol.

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14 August 1914

On patrol.

Lat 31.5, Long 122.3 [approx]

7.32am: Amherst Rocks abeam, 2 miles.

7.40am: Sighted TBD to SSE.

9.40am: Stopped SS Loong Yun.

10.13am: Shaweishan I. abeam, 4 miles.

4.05pm: Course and speed as requisite to chase merchant ship (SS Anping)

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Above four pages, compass calibration data.

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15 August 1914

On patrol.

Lat 31.5, Long 122.3 [approx]

12.45pm: Stopped SS Anping, sent seaboat to her.

1.0pm: Resumed patrol off Shaweishan.

5.0pm: Courses as requisite to swing ship for deviation.

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4ef4f43ee53e0a0c910014b9: (

16 August 1914

On patrol.

Lat 31.5, Long 122.3 [approx]

1.0am: Sighted steamer not burning navigation lights.

1.10am: Fired two rounds of blank followed by four rounds common shell. Boarded her with Ass. Paymr JS Stromquist. Proved to be SS Koon Shing*from Wei-hai-wei, Master WM Mesney.

8.50am: Destroyers closed, HMS Colne communicated by boat.

9.30am: Sighted RF Dupleix ESE steering to Northward.

* Jardine, Matheson and Co., 1905, 2,130 grt, wrecked at Wei-hai-wei in 1922.

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17 August 1914

On patrol.

Lat 31.5, Long 122.3 [approx]

4.0am: Sighted RF Dupleix to the East.

7.0am: Course and speed as requisite to close steamer (SS Tonglee).

12.15pm: Closed SS Hsing-Tung

1.55pm: Passed two steamers steering to Northward (SS Loongyue [?] and Japanese Mail boat).

7.50pm: Shaweishan abeam 6 miles.

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18 August 1914

On patrol.

Lat 31.5, Long 122.3 [approx]

In pm: Closed two steamers Toonan (formerly Heman) and Hsinchi bound for Tientsin [now Tianjin) and Newchwang [now Yingkou).

11.30pm: Closed steamer SS Fengtien.

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19 August 1914

On patrol, Saddle I. anchorage and at sea.

Lat 30.83, Long 122.66

1.20am: Shaweishan bg S81W, 10 miles.

4.30am: N Saddle Lt abeam, 7 miles.

6.0am: Secured alongside collier. Commenced coaling.

Received six drums of oil.

10.40am: Finished coaling, 58 tons.

12 noon: HMS Clio sailed.

1.45pm: Slipped and proceeded, Southerly courses.

2.33pm: Bit Rock abeam 0.5 miles.

5.50pm: Steep I. Lt abeam 0.5 miles.

8.55pm: Tongting Lt bg N86W, 7 miles.

4.30am: N Saddle Lt abeam, 7 miles.

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20 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 27.99, Long 122.14

Courses SW’ly all day.

4.07am: Heishan Lt abeam, 18 miles.

5.35am: Passed waterspout to the West travelling East.

9.15am: Read Articles of War.

8.0pm: Pos. 27 12N, 121 23E.

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21 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 26.25, Long 120.52

12.45am: Passed SS Chung Sang*.

5.23am: Alligator I. abeam, 3.3 miles.

8.0am: A/c N23E.

10.0am: Passed SS Empress of Asia steering South.

11.12am: Alligator Rock abeam, 1 mile.

8.0pm: Pos. 27 12.5N, 121 09E.

* Possibly Jardine, Matheson’s Chun Sang, 1896, 2,218 grt.

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22 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 28.59, Long 121.92

In am: Strong Northerly winds increasing to f6 by noon.

2.55pm: Anchored between Shang Ta and Hea Ta Islands. Hands employed housing topmasts (lowering and securing them so that the butt rests on the deck).

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23 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 27.87, Long 121.49

In am: NW winds up to gale f8.

7.15am: Weighed and proceeded. Southerly courses.

11.45am: Passed SS Fuching.

3.20pm: Passed SS Taito Maru.

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24 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 25.47, Long 120.0

Patrolling, generally Southwards.

2.30am: Tung Kuen Lt bg N85W.

11.20am: Passed Chinese destroyer Tung An.

12.25pm: Turnabout Lt abeam, 2.75 miles.

4.10pm: Stopped, sent boat to SS Chenan.

4.45pm: Proceeded at full speed to close SS Hsin Chang.

10.35pm: Dodd I. Lt bg S85W.

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25 August 1914

At sea.

Lat 23.2, Long 117.3 [approx]

Patrolling, generally Southwards.

3.25am: Chapel I. abeam, 16.5 miles.

5.05am: A/c N50E to close steamer.

5.20am: Fired two blank and one 3 pdr shell.

5.40am: Stopped and boarded SS Cordillière*.

6.15am: Proceeded, S50W.

11.47am: Lammock Lt abeam, 11 miles.

2.37pm: Good Hope Cape [now Biao Jiao) abeam.

8.37pm: Chiliang Pt abeam, 9.6 miles.

* Probably Cordillère, Cie de Messageries Maritime, 1896, 6,379 grt.

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26 August 1914

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.05am: Waglan Lt bg West.

6.05am: Same abeam, 0.5 miles.

7.35am: Secured to No 6 buoy, Hong Kong.

9.15am: Commenced coaling.

10.30am: Shifted berth to Triumph buoy.

4.05pm: Finished coaling.

Hands provisioning ship.

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27 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: RF Dupleix and HMS Virago arrived.

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28 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.05am: HMS Yarmouth arrived.

Discharged one Pte RMLI to hospital.

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29 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: Dupleix sailed.

Hands swayed up new mizzen topgallant mast.

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30 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Japanese battleship and cruiser arrived. (HIJMS Chikuma and Ibuki, vide log of HMS Virago)

In pm: Destroyer flotilla arrived.

Discharged one rating to HMS Tamar and one rating joined from same.

5.40pm: Russian cruisers Askold and Zhemchug (Zemchug in log) arrived.

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31 August 1914

Hong Kong and at sea.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Returned one shackle (12.5 fathoms) of cable to dockyard.

7.30am: HMS Fame arrived.

2.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

3.45pm: Waglan abeam 0.5 miles. Course N80E.

Read warrant No 18.

10.30pm: Chilang Lt abeam 8 miles.

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Above two pages blank.


JP map Cadmus 1914-15


[Sandakan, Northern Philippines patrol and Sandakan

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Cover of log for September 1914, signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

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1 September 1914

At sea.

Lat 23.5, Long 117.7 [approx]

12.30am: Stopped and boarded SS Haimun.

4.58am: Breaker Point abeam.

10.56am: A/c for anchorage. (The strong f5 winds of the morning increase to NE storm f10-11 at noon.)

2.30pm: Anchored in Clipper Rd*. Anchor bearings E Clipper Pt S2E, West Fort I. S62W, W Brig I. S78W.

Winds NE’ly up to f8 at times throughout the pm.

*Probably in what is now called Zhelin Bay.

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4ef4f440e53e0a0c910014cd: (

2 September 1914

At sea.

Lat 23.45, Long 117.19

9.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.50am: Course N75E.

11.30am: A/c S32E.

1.14pm: High Lamock abeam 0.75 miles.

6.56pm: Breaker Point Lt bg S75W.

8.20pm: Same abeam. 9 miles.

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4ef4f440e53e0a0c910014ce: (

3 September 1914

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 22.5, Long 115.0 [approx]

Typhoon ESE f12 with very high seas at 4.0am.

Storm SbyE f11 at 8.0am.

Winds SW 4-6 at noon.

The log is stoically silent on the effect of this storm, apart from noting the loss of a gun securing chain, but Cadmus is fortunate to survive such a blow.

4.10pm: Waglan abeam, 0.5 miles.

5.40pm: Secured to No 1 buoy, Hong Kong.

6.10pm: Russian cruisers Askold and Zhemchug sailed.

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4ef4f440e53e0a0c910014cf: (

4 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Clio arrived.

8.0am: Commenced coaling.

Discharged Mr Lee, Art. Engineer, to hospital.

1.10pm: Finished coaling.

2.20pm: Tug Atlas* secured alongside and shifted berth to Triumph's buoy.

* Rover-class, 1909, 620 tons. Sold in 1958.

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5 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

One CERA joined ship.

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6 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Church party to HMS Tamar.

S/Lt Ferris joined.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097f5: (

4ef4f440e53e0a0c910014d2: (

7 September 1914

Hong Kong and at sea for Sandakan.

Lat 21.64, Long 114.49

Hands preparing for sea.

Discharged one rating to SS Swanley (probably a signal rating).

6.28am: Slipped and proceeded.

6.35am: Stopped, S/Lt Chesney joined, proceeded.

8.17am: Course S17E, keeping station ahead of Swanley.

8.0pm: Pos. Lat 20 31N, Long 114 55E.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097f6: (

4ef4f441e53e0a0c910014d3: (

8 September 1914

At sea.

Lat 18.24, Long 115.47

Course S17E all day.

8.0am: Pos. 18 45N, 115 17E.

8.0pm: Pos. 17 06.5N, 115 52.5E.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097f7: (

4ef4f441e53e0a0c910014d4: (

9 September 1914

At sea.

Lat 14.97, Long 116.6

Cadmus is steaming at a steady 9 knots and uses about 13.5 tons in 24 hours.

8.0am: Pos. 15 27N, 116 23E.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097f8: (

4ef4f441e53e0a0c910014d5: (

10 September 1914

At sea

Lat 11.67, Long 117.85

4caf84b3cadfd341970097f9: (

4ef4f441e53e0a0c910014d6: (

11 September 1914

At sea.

Lat 8.57, Long 116.72

Sounding every hour, no bottom at 100 fathoms.

7.15am: A/c course to close SS Cromwell.

8.05am: Resumed station ahead of SS Swanley.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 48N, 117 34E.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097fa: (

4ef4f441e53e0a0c910014d7: (

12 September 1914

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11.

4.15am: Sighted land, East.

4.30am: Stopped.

5.36am: Proceeded, course South.

6.32am: Muligi I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

11.18am: Taganak abeam, 2 miles. A/c S47W.

12 noon: Entered harbour and secured to collier.

2.45pm: Commenced coaling.

7.45pm: Finished coaling, 95 tons.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097fb: (

4ef4f441e53e0a0c910014d8: (

13 September 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11.

Slipped and proceeded to anchorage.

One AB joined from HMS Jed.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097fc: (

4ef4f441e53e0a0c910014d9: (

14 September 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11.

1.22am: HMS Jed sailed.

8.05am: HMS Welland sailed.

8.15am: HMS Clio sailed.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097fd: (

4ef4f441e53e0a0c910014da: (

15 September 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11.

4.0pm: HMS Kennet arrived with prize.

Discharged S/Lt Ferris to Kennet and sent prize crew to prize.

4caf84b3cadfd341970097fe: (

4ef4f442e53e0a0c910014db: (

16 September 1914

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 6.2, Long 118.4 [approx]

NE’ly courses all day.

9.35am: Weighed, Mr Chesney and prize crew rejoined. Proceeded.

11.15am: Taganak I. abeam 4 miles.

Passed HMS Jed.

3.20pm: Passed HMS Chelmer and prize.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 19.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 47N, 119 44.5E

4caf84b3cadfd341970097ff: (

4ef4f442e53e0a0c910014dc: (

17 September 1914

At sea.

Lat 8.09, Long 121.79

NE’ly courses, then patrolling a North/South line from 6.15pm onwards.

8.45am: A/c and worked up to full speed to chase.

9.45am: Stopped and boarded SS Kolya*.

10.20am: Proceeded, N23E.

6.15pm: A/c North.

7.0pm: A/c South.

9.0pm: A/c North etc.

* Kolya, ex- Kirklands, 1888, 1,801 tons, scrapped in 1924, see Adelaide Steamship Co.

4caf84b3cadfd34197009800: (

4caf84b3cadfd34197009801: (

Compass deviation table.

4caf84b3cadfd34197009802: (

Magnet position record.

4caf84b3cadfd34197009803: (

4caf84b3cadfd34197009804: (

4ef4f442e53e0a0c910014dd: (

18 September 1914

On patrol.

Lat 9.0, Long 123.0

In am: Patrolling.

10.30am: Stopped.

4.40pm: Swung ship for compasses.

6.0pm: Recommenced patrol.

4caf84b3cadfd34197009805: (

4ef4f442e53e0a0c910014de: (

19 September 1914


Lat 8.84, Long 123.0

10.45pm: Course and speed as requisite to chase Ranger (No clue as to the nature of this vessel).

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20 September 1914


Lat 8.84, Long 123.0

4caf84b3cadfd34197009807: (

4ef4f442e53e0a0c910014e0: (

21 September 1914


Lat 7.32, Long 121.62

2.40pm: A/c to chase steamer.

3.30pm: Fired one round blank.

3.40pm: Stopped, boarded UST Merritt [?] (No clue as to the nature of this vessel).

4.20pm: Proceeded.

4caf84b3cadfd34197009808: (

4ef4f442e53e0a0c910014e1: (

22 September 1914


Lat 6.54, Long 122.52

4.30pm: Coco I. abeam 1.25 miles.

4caf84b3cadfd34197009809: (

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014e2: (

23 September 1914


Lat 6.8, Long 122.1 [approx]

1.25pm: Santa Cruz Lt abeam, 2.8 miles.

4.34pm: Teinga I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

4caf84b3cadfd3419700980a: (

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014e3: (

24 September 1914

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 6.3, Long 118.9 [approx]

4.15pm: Secured alongside SS Swanley (collier) at Sandakan. Commenced coaling.

10.50pm: Finished coaling, 130 tons.

4caf84b4cadfd3419700980b: (

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014e4: (

25 September 1914


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

In am: Discharged prize crew to prizes.

1.15pm: Slipped and proceeded to anchorage.

2.0pm: Prize crews returned.

6.15pm: HMS Kennet proceeded.

6.35pm: HMS Chelmer proceeded.

4caf84b4cadfd3419700980c: (

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014e5: (

26 September 1914


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

7.15am: HMS Chelmer arrived.

6.15pm: Chelmer sailed.

4caf84b4cadfd3419700980d: (

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014e6: (

27 September 1914


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

8.0am: HMS Chelmer arrived.

10.10am: Sent church party to HMS Clio.

2.0pm: HMS Welland arrived.

6.40pm: Chelmer sailed.

4caf84b4cadfd3419700980e: (

4caf84b4cadfd3419700980f: (

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4caf84b4cadfd34197009811: (

4caf84b4cadfd34197009812: (

Above five pages blank.

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014e7: (

28 September 1914


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

7.05am: HMS’ Colne and Chelmer arrived.

Discharged one rating to Colne.

In pm: One rating rejoined from prize.

6.35pm: Chelmer proceeded.

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014e8: (

29 September 1914


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

5.45am: Landed every available man (for exercise).

8.0am: Landing party returned.

HMS Chelmer arrived .

1.05pm: HMS Jed arrived.

6.30pm: Chelmer sailed .

7.15pm: Colne sailed .

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014e9: (

30 September 1914


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

7.10am: HMS Chelmer arrived .

5.34pm: HMS Jed and SS Swanley sailed.


[Sandakan, on patrol, Lahad Datu and Sandakan]

4ef4f443e53e0a0c910014ea: (

Front cover for October, signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f444e53e0a0c910014eb: (


4ef4f444e53e0a0c910014ec: (

1 October 1914

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

One rating rejoined from SS Rhe Pascog.

7.50am: SS Empress of Japan arrived .

1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

1.51pm: Bahala I. abeam, 4 cables, course N37E.

4ef4f444e53e0a0c910014ed: (

2 October 1914


Lat 4.99, Long 120.32

8.53am: Stopped. HMS Kennet closed and discharged one rating, sick.

Resumed patrol.

4ef4f444e53e0a0c910014ee: (

3 October 1914


Lat 5.54, Long 121.06

4ef4f444e53e0a0c910014ef: (

4 October 1914


Lat 5.6, Long 120.8

11.15 Passed Colne

10.0am: Courses as requisite for navigating through the Tapul Islands.

11.15pm: Passed HMS Colne.

4ef4f444e53e0a0c910014f0: (

5 October 1914


Lat 5.38, Long 120.8

2.30am: Passed HMS Colne.

2.0pm: Stopped and boarded SS Harpalion in position 5 17N, 120 42E.

2.35pm: Proceeded.

4ef4f444e53e0a0c910014f1: (

6 October 1914

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

1.25am: Sibutu Peak abeam, 1.5 miles.

10.20am: Secured alongside SS Swanley in Sandakan harbour. Commenced coaling.

11.35am: HMS Clio arrived.

2.35pm: Clio sailed .

3.0pm: One rating joined from HMS Welland.

3.15pm: Welland sailed.

3.40pm: HMS Colne arrived.

4.15pm: Finished coaling, 103 tons.

4ef4f444e53e0a0c910014f2: (

7 October 1914

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 6.1, Long 118.45 [approx]

9.12am: Slipped and proceeded S67E.

9.32am: A/c N62E.

11.30am: Anchored. (Possibly off Baguan I. for an afternoon of rest and recreation.)

4ef4f445e53e0a0c910014f3: (

8 October 1914


Lat 4.79, Long 119.85

1.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.45am: Stopped.

1.0pm: Proceeded.

4ef4f445e53e0a0c910014f4: (

9 October 1914


Lat 1.39, Long 119.37

4ef4f445e53e0a0c910014f5: (

10 October 1914


Lat 0.04, Long 119.44

4ef4f445e53e0a0c910014f6: (

11 October 1914


Lat -2.52, Long 118.99

7.0pm: Took station one mile West from HMS Clio.

10.10pm: Proceeded to examine SS Harpalion, London.

4ef4f445e53e0a0c910014f7: (

12 October 1914


Lat -1.98, Long 118.84

4ef4f445e53e0a0c910014f8: (

13 October 1914


Lat 1.51, Long 119.09

5.30am: Took station two cables west from HMS Clio.

8.36am: Mangkalihat Lt (Tanjung Mangkalihat) abeam, 5 miles. (At this point, parted company with Clio and proceeded in company with HMS Colne, vide log of Clio)

4ef4f445e53e0a0c910014f9: (

14 October 1914

At sea to Darvel Bay anchorage*.

Lat 4.5, Long 119.0 [approx]

6.0am: HMS Colne parted company.

9.45am: Read warrant No 20.

12 noon: A/c for base.

3.45pm: Secured alongside SS Skerries. Commenced coaling.

5.15pm: Stopped coaling (heavy rain).

* From log of HMS Colne, secured to the other side of the same collier.

4ef4f445e53e0a0c910014fa: (

15 October 1914

Base to Lahad Datu.

Lat 5.0, Long 118.35

5.30am: Commenced coaling.

9.0am: Finished coaling, 88 tons.

10.0am: Slipped and proceeded.

12.36pm: Anchored off Lahad Datu.

Mr Lee, Art. Eng., rejoined ship.

3.10pm: HMS Colne arrived.

4.20pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS’ Welland and Kennet.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c910014fb: (

16 October 1914

Lahad Datu.

Lat 5.0, Long 118.35

1.15am: Tube in No 3 boiler burst, injuring one stoker.

8.15am: HMS Welland proceeded.

12.20pm: HMS Chelmer arrived.

2.0pm: Court of Inquiry held onboard.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c910014fc: (

17 October 1914

Lahad Datu.

Lat 5.0, Long 118.35

9.0am: HMS Chelmer sailed.

11.15am: HMS Welland arrived (sailed in log, corrected vide log of Welland).

1.0pm: HMS’ Colne and Welland sailed.

5.0pm: Discharged Chief Writer to HMS Clio.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c910014fd: (

18 October 1914

Lahad Datu.

Lat 5.0, Long 118.35

Sunday routine.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c910014fe: (

19 October 1914

Lahad Datu and at sea.

Lat 5.0, Long 118.35

6.55am: HMS Clio sailed.

8.15am: HMS Kennet sailed.

2.08pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4.28pm: Speeds as requisite to keep ahead of SS Swanley.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c910014ff: (

20 October 1914

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 6.07, Long 118.29 [approx]

11.50am: Taganak abeam, 2.7 miles, a/c S41W.

1.40pm: Anchored, Sandakan.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c91001500: (

21 October 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

One Telegraphist joined from HMS Colne.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c91001501: (

22 October 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Surveying party away.

5.0pm: HMS Colne sailed.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c91001502: (

23 October 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.20am: HMS Colne arrived.

7.20am: HMS Chelmer arrived.

Discharged one telegraphist rating to Colne.

7.58am: HMS Welland arrived.

9.0am: Weighed and proceeded to examine anchorage for collier.

11.15am: Returned to Sandakan and secured alongside SS Swanley. Hands embarking stores.

3.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to secure alongside SS Skerries.

7.0pm: Commenced coaling.

10.30pm: Finished coaling, 58 tons.

4ef4f446e53e0a0c91001503: (

24 October 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.0am: Cast off from collier to anchor.

4ef4f447e53e0a0c91001504: (

25 October 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

7.0am: US Revenue cutter R Gilbert arrived.

9.05am: HMS Chelmer sailed.

10.35am: HMS Kennet arrived.

6.0pm: HMS Welland sailed.

4ef4f447e53e0a0c91001505: (

26 October 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

9.0am: HMS Welland arrived.

6.0pm: Welland left.

4ef4f447e53e0a0c91001506: (

27 October 1914

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 6.04, Long 118.39

6.10am: HMS Clio arrived.

6.22am: HMS Welland arrived.

8.45am: Welland proceeded.

9.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.31am: Taganak abeam, 3.5 miles.

12.43pm: Baguan I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

10.25pm: A/c to close steamer, revenue cutter Gilbert.

4ef4f447e53e0a0c91001507: (

28 October 1914


Lat 5.79, Long 120.84

10.45am: Sulade I. abeam, 3 miles.

1.20pm: Sighted steamer. Proved to be US TBD Barry.

4ef4f447e53e0a0c91001508: (

29 October 1914


Lat 5.69, Long 120.70

8.0am: Stopped.

1.15pm: Proceeded to intercept steamer.

1.55pm: Stopped.

5.0pm: Proceeded N81E, 6 knots.

8.30pm: Stopped.

4ef4f447e53e0a0c91001509: (

30 October 1914


Lat 5.75, Long 121.12

5.30pm: Sighted steamer West and proceeded.

These inconclusive encounters where the steamer is not stopped or even named, may stem from the fact that Cadmus, with a theoretical top speed of 13 knots, was just not fast enough to catch some vessels and may also have orders not to go too far from her assigned patrol area.

4ef4f447e53e0a0c9100150a: (

31 October 1914

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.30am: Baguan abeam, 2 miles.

9.30am: Secured alongside SS Skerries, commenced coaling.

12.10pm: Finished coaling, 70 tons. Cast off and anchored.

5.50pm: HMS Jed sailed.

4ef4f447e53e0a0c9100150b: (

4ef4f448e53e0a0c9100150d: (

Above two pages blank.


[Sandakan, Singapore and the Cocos Is.]

4ef4f448e53e0a0c9100150c: (

Front cover for November signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f448e53e0a0c9100150e: (

1 November 1914


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

7.45am: HMS’ Colne and Jed arrived.

3.0pm: USA revenue cutter Gilbert arrived.

5.30pm: Jed sailed.

4ef4f448e53e0a0c9100150f: (

2 November 1914

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

7.0am: HMS Jed returned, vide her log.

10.30am: Discharged one Signal rating to SS Swanley.

One rating joined from hospital.

1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded with HMS Clio, destroyers (HMS’ Colne, Jed and Welland, vide log of the latter) and collier in company.

4.0pm: Taganak abeam, 3 miles, a/c N4W.

9.32pm: Muligi I. bg N41E, a/c N46W.

4ef4f448e53e0a0c91001510: (

3 November 1914

At sea.

Lat 7.45, Long 116.6

5.40am: A/c S58W, formed single line ahead.

5.0pm: Stopped and sent sea boat to SS Swanley, proceeded S46W, 8.5 knots, on starboard beam of HMS Clio.

4ef4f448e53e0a0c91001511: (

4 November 1914

At sea.

Lat 5.46, Long 113.69

SW’ly courses all day.

4ef4f448e53e0a0c91001512: (

5 November 1914

At sea.

Lat 3.0, Long 111.39

4.0pm: Stopped.

7.15pm: Sounded, 12.5 fathoms.

10.25pm: Proceeded S79W.

The destroyers and the collier have anchored for coaling, before rejoining the fleet, vide destroyer logs.

4ef4f448e53e0a0c91001513: (

6 November 1914

At sea.

Lat 2.15, Long 109.34

SW’ly courses all day.

5.50am: Tanjung Datu (Malaysia) bg S57W.

9.32am: Stopped and boarded SS Livingstonia of Glasgow.

10.20am: Proceeded.

2.17pm: Merundung I. abeam, 4 miles.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c91001514: (

7 November 1914

At sea.

Lat 0.74, Long 107.4

2.45am: Tambelan I., bg N60W.

5.05am: Action stations. Proceeded to examine Tambelan I. and Sedua I.

9.15am: Examined Mengirang Is.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c91001515: (

8 November 1914

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.19, Long 104.75

10.43am: Took station astern of HMS Clio.

5.14pm: Picked up pilot.

6.08pm: Secured to coaling wharf and commenced coaling.

10.0pm: Finished coaling, 98 tons.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c91001516: (

9 November 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.10am: Slipped and proceeded alongside E wharf.

Dockyard mates working in ER Dept.

One signal rating rejoined ship from SS Swanley.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 21.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c91001517: (

10 November 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one rating to hospital.

Paid money for August and September.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c91001518: (

11 November 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

One Chinese stoker rating joined.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c91001519: (

12 November 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.50am: Commenced coaling, 42.7 tons.

2.20pm: HMS’ Philomel and Pyramus arrived.

S/Lt Chesney RNR left ship.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c9100151a: (

13 November 1914

Singapore and at sea.

Lat 0.58, Long 104.55

2.40am: Carried out basin trial.

5.0am: Slipped and proceeded.

Hands stowing coal. [Cadmus probably has bagged coal on deck and full bunkers.]

10.33am: Lit. Karas I. abeam, 1.25 miles, shaped course S42E.

6.47pm: Tg Tang [?] Lt abeam, 5.7 miles.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c9100151b: (

14 November 1914

At sea.

Lat -2.57, Long 105.77

4.0am: Tg Ular Lt bg S5W.

Hands striking down coal and cleaning ship.

11.0am: West Nangka Lt abeam.

3.45pm: Po Besar Lt abeam, 2.75 miles.

4ef4f449e53e0a0c9100151c: (

15 November 1914

At sea.

Lat -5.06, Long 106.03

8.15am: N Watcher Lt abeam, 1 mile.

1.25pm: Stopped to communicate with HMS Colne.

3.45pm: Passed Japanese cruiser Yakumo.

4.45pm: Passed HMS Jed.

7.31pm: Java Hd Lt bg S31E.

4ef4f44ae53e0a0c9100151d: (

16 November 1914

At sea.

Lat -7.80, Long 102.82

4.30pm: Fouled sunken wreckage in Lat. 8 09 N, Long 102 12 30 E. Bent port propeller blade. Moved port engine for examination.

Proceeded, running port engine slower than starboard.

4ef4f44ae53e0a0c9100151e: (

17 November 1914

At sea.

Lat -10.04, Long 99.80

Course S53W in am, S55W in pm.

4ef4f44ae53e0a0c9100151f: (

18 November 1914

At sea to Cocos Is.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.85

1.05pm: Anchored, Cocos Is.

Divers down working on propeller.

Received 5 tons of coal.

4ef4f44ae53e0a0c91001520: (

19 November 1914

Cocos Is.

Lat -11.87, Long 96.83

5.45am: Weighed and proceeded, 9 knots.

Courses and speed as requisite for examining the wreck of SMS Emden.

9.30am: Anchored off N Keeling I.

10.0am: Weighed.

Stopped and sent party on board Emden.

2.0pm: Proceeded SbyE.

4.0pm: Anchored. Received 10 tons of coal from CS Patrol.

4ef4f44ae53e0a0c91001521: (

20 November 1914

Cocos Is.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.85

5.15am: Sent Emden’s working party to CS Patrol.

5.45am: Patrol left.

5.15pm: Patrol returned and the working party returned onboard. (I believe this working party is burying German casualties from Emden.)

Received 10 tons of coal from Patrol.

4ef4f44ae53e0a0c91001522: (

21 November 1914

Cocos Is.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.85

6.30am Emden working party discharged to CS Patrol. Patrol left.

Divers working on propeller.

12.10pm: Patrol returned and wp returned onboard.

Received 10 tons of coal from Patrol.

Read warrant No 22.

4ef4f44ae53e0a0c91001523: (

22 November 1914

Cocos Is.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.85

Divers working on propeller.

6.30am: Emden wp left on CS Patrol.

10.0am: Weighed and proceeded, course NbyW.

1.50pm: Anchored.

Anchor bearings, N end of Direction I. N63E, Horsburgh I. N42W, Wreck N81W.

4.10pm: Patrol returned, wp came onboard.

8.40pm: Patrol left.

4ef4f44ae53e0a0c91001524: (

23 November 1914

Cocos Is.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.85

4ef4f44be53e0a0c91001525: (

24 November 1914

Cocos Is.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.88

9.35am: Weighed and proceeded.

12 noon: Anchored in lagoon.

Hands refitting wheel ropes.

4ef4f44be53e0a0c91001526: (

25 November 1914

Cocos Is.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.88

Hands housing topmasts.

4ef4f44be53e0a0c91001527: (

26 November 1914

Cocos Is.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.88

4ef4f44be53e0a0c91001528: (

27 November 1914

Cocos I. and at sea for Singapore.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.88

3.50pm: Weighed and proceeded.

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28 November 1914

At sea.

Lat -9.88, Long 99.04

Course N54E in am, N61E in pm.

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29 November 1914

At sea.

Lat -7.89, Long 102.32

Course N61E in am, N64E in pm.

4ef4f44be53e0a0c9100152b: (

30 November 1914

At sea.

Lat -5.29, Long 106.29

2.17am: Java Hd Lt bg S76E.

12.54pm: N Watcher Lt abeam, 3.8 miles.


[Singapore, on patrol and Singapore]

4ef4f44be53e0a0c9100152c: (

Front cover for December signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

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Above two pages blank.

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Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 809 until 27th December, then Hicks MOA 1160.

4ef4f44ce53e0a0c91001530: (

1 December 1914

At sea.

Lat -2.17, Long 105.17

8.0am: Pos. 2 07.5S, 105 41E.

Hands swayed up topmasts.

12.26pm: Tg Kalian Lt abeam, 4 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 0 50S, 105 05E.

4ef4f44ce53e0a0c91001531: (

2 December 1914

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 Pos. 0 54 30N, 104 16 30E.

12 noon: Secured alongside E wharf, Singapore.

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3 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.45am: Proceeded into dry dock.

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4 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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5 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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6 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Sunday routine.

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7 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.35am: VA THM Jerram*, KCB, visited ship.

10.20am: Exercised landing party.

One Stoker joined from hospital.

12 noon: HMS Pyramus left.

* The C-in-C China station, 1913 to 1915.

4ef4f44de53e0a0c91001537: (

8 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.20am: Undocked and proceeded alongside Borneo wharf.

Coaled ship, 209 tons.

Discharged one rating to hospital.

4ef4f44de53e0a0c91001538: (

9 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.0am: Slipped and proceeded to buoy off Johnston’s pier.

Read warrants No 23, 24 and 25.

4ef4f44de53e0a0c91001539: (

10 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.30am: Vice Admiral Jerram inspected ship.

Exercised “action stations”, “fire stations”, “out collision mat”, “abandon ship”.

11.25am: VA Jerram left ship.

4ef4f44de53e0a0c9100153a: (

11 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

8.30am: Japanese battleship arrived and anchored.

4ef4f44de53e0a0c9100153b: (

12 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f44de53e0a0c9100153c: (

13 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Sunday routine.

4ef4f44ee53e0a0c9100153d: (

14 December 1914


Lat 1.25, Long 104.2 [approx]

6.45am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for .303 aiming rifle practice at floating target.

2.50pm: Picked up target and returned to harbour.

5.25pm: Secured to buoy inside breakwater.

4ef4f44ee53e0a0c9100153e: (

15 December 1914


Lat 1.25, Long 104.21 [approx]

6.25am: Japanese cruiser sailed.

6.30am: HMS’ Usk and Ribble arrived.

6.48am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for .303 aiming practice.

2.30pm: Picked up target and returned to harbour.

5.05pm: Secured to buoy.

4ef4f44ee53e0a0c9100153f: (

16 December 1914


Lat 1.24, Long 104.21 [approx]

4.30am: Japanese cruiser left.

6.45am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for 1” aiming practice.

1.15pm: Picked up target and returned to harbour.

5.0pm: Secured alongside wharf and coaled ship, 45 tons.

Lt Hann, RNVR, joined ship.

7.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

4ef4f44ee53e0a0c91001540: (

17 December 1914

At sea.

Lat -0.84, Long 105.05

1.19am: Little Karas Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 0 10S, 105 03E.

2.10pm: A/c to intercept and board SS Ban Hong Liong.

2.35pm: Proceeded.

8.0pm: Pos. 1 05S, 105 01E.

4ef4f44ee53e0a0c91001541: (

18 December 1914

At sea to patrol area.

Lat -3.95, Long 106.57

12.40am: Nangka Lt abeam, 3 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 3 18S, 106 30E.

6.10pm: N Watcher bg S15W.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 10S, 106 32E.

8.10pm: N Watcher abeam, 5 miles, a/c N3E.

4ef4f44ee53e0a0c91001542: (

19 December 1914

On patrol.

Lat -6.15, Long 105.57

2.05am: N Watcher abeam, 6.5 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 5 40S, 105 59E.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 04 30S, 104 31E.

During this next period of patrol up to the 25th, Cadmus saves fuel by reducing to 42 revs at night, i.e 2 or 3 knots.

4ef4f44ee53e0a0c91001543: (

20 December 1914

On patrol.

Lat -5.85, Long 103.60

8.0am: Pos. 6 12S, 104 04E.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 27S, 102 57E.

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21 December 1914

On patrol.

Lat -5.45, Long 102.12

7.50am: Courses to search Engano I. (Pulau Enggano).

8.0am: Pos. 5 19S, 102 25E.

4.0pm: Searching Engano I.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 04S, 102 07E.

4ef4f44fe53e0a0c91001545: (

22 December 1914

On patrol.

Lat -4.49, Long 101.14

Course N57W all day.

8.0am: Pos. 4 31S, 101 18E.

8.0pm: Pos. 3 46S, 100 11E.

4ef4f44fe53e0a0c91001546: (

23 December 1914

On patrol.

Lat -3.17, Long 99.50

8.0am: Pos. 3 19S, 99 35E.

4.20pm: C Marlborough abeam, 4 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 2 21S, 100 16E.

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4ef4f44fe53e0a0c91001549: (

24 December 1914

On patrol.

Lat -3.15, Long 100.85

7.25am: Lt Hann went ashore in the steam cutter (probably on Pulau Pagai-Selatan).

8.0am: Pos. 2 55S, 100 34E.

9.30am: Hoisted cutter and proceeded.

8.0pm: Pos. 3 51S, 101 51E.

4ef4f44fe53e0a0c91001548: (

4ef4f44fe53e0a0c9100154a: (

25 December 1914

On patrol.

Lat -4.74, Long 103.12

8.0am: Pos. 4 36S, 102 33E.

1.07pm: Bandar Pt (Tanjung Bandar) abeam, 4 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 36S, 104 01E.

4ef4f44fe53e0a0c9100154b: (

26 December 1914

On patrol.

Lat -6.20, Long 105.50

8.0am: Pos. 6 05S, 104 52E.

7.18pm: N Watcher abeam, 3.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 05S, 106 33E.

4ef4f44fe53e0a0c9100154c: (

27 December 1914

At sea for Singapore.

Lat -2.65, Long 105.82

8.0am: Pos. 3 02S, 106 20E.

1.45pm: W Nangka abeam, 4 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 1 52S, 105 03E.

4ef4f450e53e0a0c9100154d: (

28 December 1914

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 0.7, Long 104.46

2.45am: Saya I. (Pulau Saya) abeam, 7 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 0 07N, 104 58E.

12.25pm: Little Karas Lt abeam, 1 mile. Set courses through Rhio Straits.

4.50pm: Secured to West wharf, Singapore and commenced coaling.

10.30pm: Finished coaling, 195 tons.

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29 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

One rating rejoined from hospital.

4ef4f450e53e0a0c9100154f: (

30 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Leave to starboard watch until 7.0am, January 1st.

Read warrant No 26.

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31 December 1914


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f450e53e0a0c91001551: (

Blank page.


[Singapore, Penang, Singapore and Cocos Is. salvaging gear from Emden]

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Front cover for January 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

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Above two pages blank.

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Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December.

4ef4f451e53e0a0c91001556: (

1 January 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4.0am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

6.0am: Hands clean ship.

8.05am: Slipped and proceeded.

8.40am: Secured to buoy off Johnston’s pier.

Hands painting and as requisite.

In pm: Japanese cruiser arrived and anchored.

Leave to port watch, 4.0pm to 7.0am.

10.15pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

4ef4f451e53e0a0c91001557: (

2 January 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Paid quarterly settlement.

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3 January 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Sunday routine.

4ef4f451e53e0a0c91001559: (

4 January 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f451e53e0a0c9100155a: (

5 January 1915

Singapore, at sea and return.

Lat 1.4, Long 104.5 [approx]

7.0am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, course E.

8.50am: A/c N73E.

10.47am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile.

1.0pm: Dropped target and carried out 4” firing practice.

3.15pm: Picked up target to return to anchorage.

6.20pm: Anchored, Singapore.

4ef4f451e53e0a0c9100155b: (

6 January 1915

Singapore, at sea and return.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.0 [approx]

6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to sea, course S60E..

7.20am: Horsburgh Lt abeam.

Cadmus clearly intended another session of firing practice (note the unshipped barometer at 8.0am), but poor visibility(overcast and rainy) obliged them to cancel and return to harbour.

1.15pm: Secured to buoy off Johnston’s pier.

4ef4f451e53e0a0c9100155c: (

7 January 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.0am: RF Montcalm arrived.

Read warrant No 27.

Discharged one rating to detention barracks.

4ef4f451e53e0a0c9100155d: (

8 January 1915

Singapore, at sea and return.

Lat 1.28, Long 104.23 [approx]

7.0am: Slipped and proceeded, course N87E.

10.23am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile.

11.10am: Dropped target and carried out 4” firing practice.

3.25pm: Hoisted in target and returned to harbour.

5.42pm: Anchored.

4ef4f451e53e0a0c9100155e: (

9 January 1915

Singapore, at sea and return.

Lat 1.35, Long 104.41

7.0am: Weighed and proceeded, S80E.

7.49am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 2 miles.

9.0am: Dropped target for 4” firing practice.

10.30am: Hoisted in target and returned to harbour.

12.05pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile.

3.30pm: Secured to buoy.

4ef4f452e53e0a0c9100155f: (

10 January 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.30am: Muster by the ledger.

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11 January 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

7.0am: Slipped and proceeded to swing ship for compass adjustment.

11.30am: Secured to Borneo wharf.

Coaled ship, 65 tons.

3.30pm: Slipped and secured to buoy off Johnston’s pier.

4.45pm: One rating rejoined from detention.

4ef4f452e53e0a0c91001561: (

12 January 1915

Singapore and at sea.

Lat 1.00, Long 104.20

9.0am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, courses East of South.

Lt Hann, RNVR joined ship.

1.55pm: Lit Karas Lt abeam, 1 mile.

8.0pm: Pos. 0 12S, 105 06E.

8.22pm: Tg Jang Lt abeam, 5.5 miles.

10.32pm: Saya I. abeam, 7.5 miles.

4ef4f452e53e0a0c91001562: (

13 January 1915

At sea to patrol area.

Lat -3.02, Long 106.37

4.51am: Kalian Lt abeam, 5 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 2 24S, 105 40E.

11.09am: Pulau Besare Lt abeam, 2.75 miles.

1.09pm: Dapur Lt abeam, 4 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 4 19S, 106 35E.

4ef4f452e53e0a0c91001563: (

14 January 1915

On patrol.

Lat -2.85, Long 105.95

Northerly courses all day.

7.05am: Stopped and closed tug Jeruna.

8.0am: Pos. 3 07S, 106 21E.

3.45pm: W Nangka Lt abeam, 2.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 2 05S, 105 04E.

4ef4f452e53e0a0c91001564: (

15 January 1915

At sea to Singapore.

Lat -0.45, Long 104.69

5.0am: Tg Jang Lt bg N2W.

8.0am: Pos. 0 08S, 105 05E.

2.05pm: Lt Karas Lt abeam, 1.5 miles. Courses through Rhio Straits.

6.15pm: Secured to Borneo wharf, Singapore. Coaled ship, 80 tons.

Lt Hann, RNVR, discharged to AG [?].

4ef4f452e53e0a0c91001565: (

16 January 1915

Singapore and at sea for Penang.

Lat 1.22, Long 103.52 penang

7.0am: Slipped and secured to buoy off Johnston’s pier.

11.15am: SS Empress of Japan* arrived. Discharged one Stoker to same.

4.05pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

6.17pm: Raffles Lt abeam.

8.0pm: Pos. 1 13N, 103 31E.

10.43pm: Pulo Pisang Lt abeam, 6 miles.

* Probably still an armed merchantman at this time, later refitted as an armed auxiliary cruiser.

4ef4f452e53e0a0c91001566: (

17 January 1915

At sea.

Lat 2.59, Long 101.44

NW’ly courses all day.

5.20am: Pulo Undan Lt abeam, 4.7 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 2 12N, 101 58E.

9.33am: Cape Rachado Lt abeam, 5.5 miles.

2.43pm: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 3 40N, 100 32E.

4ef4f453e53e0a0c91001567: (

18 January 1915

At sea to Penang.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

5.15am: Puchat Muka Lt bg N15E.

7.0am: A/c for South Channel.

9.18am: Anchored, Penang.

6.45pm: Darkened ship. Watch man and arm ship (a modified action stations, with extra lookouts and some gun crews closed up).

4ef4f453e53e0a0c91001568: (

19 January 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

1.0pm: HIJMS Niitaka sailed.

Divers down clearing starboard propeller.

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20 January 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.25am: Anchored.

Two ratings joined from HMS Triumph and received stores from same.

8.50am: Weighed and proceeded. Triumph proceeded.

10.40am: Anchored, Penang. Fort Cornwallis FS bg S81W, Mount Erskine N58W.

4ef4f453e53e0a0c9100156a: (

21 January 1915

Penang and at sea for Singapore.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

6.55pm: Weighed and proceeded.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 31 30N, 100 14E.

8.24pm: Muka Hd Lt abeam, 3 miles.

4ef4f453e53e0a0c9100156b: (

22 January 1915

At sea.

Lat 3.09, Long 100.84

12.30am: Muka Hd Lt bg N12E, 30 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 3 41N, 100 32E.

1.25pm: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam, 1 mile.

7.10pm: C Rachado Lt abeam, 4 miles.

10.15pm: Pulo Undan Lt abeam, 2.5 miles.

4ef4f453e53e0a0c9100156c: (

23 January 1915

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

3.37am: Pisang Lt abeam, 6.25 miles.

6.47am: Raffles Lt abeam, 0.6 miles.

8.10am: Secured to Borneo wharf. Coaled ship, 104 tons (21 on upper deck).

Embarked 9 cases of stores for EETC Coy.

Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.0pm: Slipped and secured to buoy off Johnston’s wharf.

Embarked explosives.

Two NCOs, RE joined ship.

Watch embarking timber.

The explosives, the sapper NCOs and the timber are for Cadmus’ next job, a return to the Cocos Is. to loot the wreck of SMS Emden. EETC is the Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Company. Their vessel Patrol is at the Cocos Is.

4ef4f453e53e0a0c9100156d: (

24 January 1915

At sea for the Cocos Is.

Lat -0.7, Long 104.44

5.45am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.33am: Lit Karas Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

7.23pm: Tg Tang Lt abeam, 4.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 0 25S, 105 04E.

10.03pm: Saya I. abeam, 9 miles.

4ef4f453e53e0a0c9100156e: (

25 January 1915

At sea.

Lat -2.79, Long 105.87

5.40am: Tg Kalian Lt abeam, 5.5 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 2 18S, 105 23E.

9.55am: W Nangka Lt abeam, 4.5 miles.

3.50pm: Dapur Lt abeam, 5.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 3 53S, 106 36E.

4ef4f454e53e0a0c9100156f: (

26 January 1915

At sea.

Lat -6.12, Long 105.62

2.20am: N Watcher Lt bg S30W.

8.0am: Pos. 5 32S, 106 5.5E.

1.52pm: Krakatoa I. abeam, 2.75 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 49S, 104 30E.

4ef4f454e53e0a0c91001570: (

27 January 1915

At sea.

Lat -8.34, Long 102.40

8.0am: Pos. 7 58S, 102 51E.

8.0pm: Pos. 9 06S, 101 18E.

4ef4f454e53e0a0c91001571: (

28 January 1915

At sea.

Lat -10.66, Long 99.45

8.0am: Pos. 10 08S, 99 49E.

8.0pm: Pos. 11 11S, 99 25E.

4ef4f454e53e0a0c91001572: (

29 January 1915

At sea to N Keeling I.

Lat -11.85, Long 96.82

8.0am: Pos. 11 48S, 96 53E.

8.45am: Stopped off wreck of Emden on N Keeling I.

Sent working party onboard.

Recovered 6,350 dollars (Mex) and 40 dollars (gold) from Emden.

2.40pm: Working party returned, proceeded S15E.

4.40pm: Anchored. Wreck bearing N79W, Direction I. N10E.

4ef4f454e53e0a0c91001573: (

30 January 1915

Cocos Is.

Lat -11.85, Long 96.82

5.55am: Weighed and proceeded, NbyW.

7.50am: Stopped off Emden, sent working party onboard.

In pm: Recovered one 10.5 cm gun.

4.30pm: WP returned, proceeded SbyE.

6.55pm: Anchored, South of Direction I.

4ef4f454e53e0a0c91001574: (

31 January 1915

Cocos Is.

Lat -11.85, Long 96.82

6.25am. Weighed and proceeded for N Keeling I.

8.15am: Stopped, sent WP to Emden.

Recovered one 10.5 cm gun and one torpedo.

5.15pm: WP returned, proceeded SbyE.

7.0pm: Anchored off Direction I.

4ef4f454e53e0a0c91001575: (

Blank page.


[Cocos Is, Singapore including crew in action ashore against a mutiny, Johore,

Singapore Strait searching coastal areas for mutineers, Singapore]

4ef4f454e53e0a0c91001576: (

Front cover for February 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c91001577: (

4ef4f455e53e0a0c91001578: (

Above two pages blank.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c91001579: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c9100157a: (

1 February 1915

Cocos Is.

Lat -11.85, Long 96.82

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded for N Keeling I.

Recovered one gun mounting and one searchlight from Emden.

5.15pm: Proceeded SbyE.

7.10pm: Anchored off Direction I.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c9100157b: (

2 February 1915

Cocos Is.

Lat -11.85, Long 96.82

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded for N Keeling I.

7.50am: Sent WP to Emden.

3.15pm: WP returned, proceeded SbyE.

5.10pm: Anchored off Direction I.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c9100157c: (

3 February 1915

Cocos I. and at sea for Singapore.

Lat -12.1, Long 96.88

In am: Divers down, working on propellers and steering gear. Embarked three cases of rifles from EET Co.

5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N57E.

8.0pm: Pos. 11 53S, 97 09E.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c9100157d: (

4 February 1915

At sea.

Lat -10.37, Long 99.09

N57E, 10 knots all day.

8.0am: Pos. 10 46S, 98 39E.

8.0pm: Pos. 9 36S, 100 11E.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c9100157e: (

5 February 1915

At sea.

Lat -8.25, Long 102.14

In am: Course N57E, 10 knots.

8.0am: Pos. 8 35S, 101 39E.

Hands cleaning rifles and Emden’s guns.

In pm: Course N58E, 11 knots.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 28 30S, 103 24E.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c9100157f: (

6 February 1915

At sea.

Lat -6.11, Long 105.60

8.0am: Pos. 6 25S, 105 02E.

11.0am: Krakatoa abeam, 2 miles.

7.29pm: N Watcher abeam, 1.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 07S, 106 31E.

4ef4f455e53e0a0c91001580: (

7 February 1915

At sea.

Lat -2.79, Long 105.89

8.0am: Pos. 3 13S, 106 24E. Dapur I. abeam, 9 miles.

2.36pm: W Nangka lt abeam, 4.5 miles.

6.23pm: Tg Kalian Lt abeam, 3 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 1 54S, 105 04E.

4ef4f456e53e0a0c91001581: (

8 February 1915

At sea.

Lat 0.67, Long 104.49

5.26am: Tg Tang Lt abeam, 3.5 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 0 09S, 104 58E.

Hands trimming coal. (ie, working in the bunkers moving the coal towards the chutes into the stokehold. They are very low, 6.88 tons remaining at noon).

12.43pm: Lt Karas I. Lt abeam, 1.5 miles, courses for Rhio Straits.

5.30pm: Secured alongside No 7 section, Singapore.

4ef4f456e53e0a0c91001582: (

9 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

7.30am: Commenced coaling.

Hands disembarking guns etc from Emden.

Two ratings rejoined from detention and hospital.

12.10pm: Finished coaling, 225 tons.

Sent sailing cutter, whaler and dinghy to boat shed for repairs.

Leave to watch until 7.0am Thursday.

4ef4f456e53e0a0c91001583: (

10 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

7.20am: Tug alongside, shifted to No 3 section.

In pm: Taking in stores and provisions.

4ef4f456e53e0a0c91001584: (

11 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands working about Emden’s guns.

Leave to port watch until 7.0am, 13th February.

4ef4f456e53e0a0c91001585: (

12 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.45am: RF Montcalm went alongside Borneo wharf.

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13 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one rating to detention barracks.

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14 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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15 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4.30pm: Landed every available man to suppress mutiny of the 5th Native Light Infantry.

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16 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In am: Stoker Charles Frederick Anscombe, Chatham K11747, killed in action on shore.

Tug took ship in tow and proceeded to man-of-war anchorage.

In pm: Vice Admiral Sir THM Jerram KGB visited the ship.

4ef4f457e53e0a0c9100158a: (

17 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.45am: RF Montcalm arrived, anchored and landed small arm company.

6.35pm: Japanese cruiser arrived, anchored and landed small arm company.

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18 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Landing party onshore.

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19 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Landing party onshore.

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20 February 1915

Singapore and Johore River.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.0am: Landing party returned.

1.15pm: Slipped and proceeded for Johor river.

4.0pm: Picked up pilot.

5.10pm: Anchored.

6.0pm: Sent small arm company to Woodland pier.

4ef4f457e53e0a0c9100158e: (

21 February 1915

Up river to Johore.

Lat 1.45, Long 103.75

6.10am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.25am: Anchored off Johore.

Landing party returned.

3.05pm: Manned ship.

Saluted HE the Governor SS (Straits Settlements), 17 guns. (At this time, Sir Arthur Young)

4ef4f457e53e0a0c9100158f: (

22 February 1915


Lat 1.45, Long 103.75

5.30am: Armed party left ship in launch, cutter and whaler.

7.40pm: Boats returned.

4ef4f457e53e0a0c91001590: (

23 February 1915

Johore, Singapore and Pulau Pisang.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.30am: Stopped off Singapore.

12 noon: Proceeded.

1.05pm: Raffles Lt abeam, 1 mile. A/c N76W.

4.25pm: Anchored off Pulau Pisang.

6.20pm: Landed armed party on Pulau Pisang.

7.25pm: Party returned.

4ef4f458e53e0a0c91001591: (

24 February 1915

At sea.

Lat 1.6, Long 103.2 [approx]

5.40am: Armed party landed to search S Puntian Bisar.

10.25am: Party returned.

10.55am: Weighed and proceeded, course N55 W.

2.10pm: Anchored.

3.15pm: Armed party left to search S Batu Pahat.

7.15pm: Party returned.

4ef4f458e53e0a0c91001592: (

25 February 1915

At sea.

Lat 2.05, Long 102.53

5.20am: Weighed and proceeded, N72W.

8.07am: Anchored. Armed party left to examine Muar River.

4.10pm: Party returned.

6.06pm: Weighed and proceeded, S20E.

4ef4f458e53e0a0c91001593: (

26 February 1915

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.38am: Pulau Pisang Lt abeam, 9 miles.

8.40am: Secured to sheer jetty, Singapore.

Hands muster small arm and leather gear.

11.30am: Shifted with tug to West wharf.

Coaled ship, 67 tons.

Hands employed packing Emden’s guns and returning rifles etc captured from 5th LI.

One SPO returned from hospital.

4ef4f458e53e0a0c91001594: (

27 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.15am: Slipped and proceeded to sheer jetty with tug.

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28 February 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85


[Singapore, Teluk Anson, Penang and Singapore]

4ef4f458e53e0a0c91001596: (

Front cover for March 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f458e53e0a0c91001597: (

4ef4f458e53e0a0c91001598: (

Above two pages blank.

4ef4f459e53e0a0c91001599: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December.

4ef4f459e53e0a0c9100159a: (

1 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.0am: Hands clean ship.

9.10am: Divisions. Prayers.

Hands working about Emden’s guns.

Three hands attended Court of Inquiry.

Remainder painting ship.

Paid monthly settlement.

4ef4f459e53e0a0c9100159b: (

2 March 1915

Singapore and at sea.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.40am: Slipped and proceeded to buoy off Johnston’s pier.

In pm: Discharged Mr Lee, Art. Engineer to shore for passage home.

Discharged one rating for passage home. “Services no longer required.”

4.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

6.35pm: Raffles Lt abeam.

8.22pm: Anchored (off Po Serv. Bilan?).

9.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.15pm: Brothers Lt abeam, 5.5 miles. (On Pulau Iyu Kecil.)

4ef4f459e53e0a0c9100159c: (

3 March 1915

At sea.

Lat 2.73, Long 101.22

12.30am: Pulau Pisang abeam, 5.5 miles. A/c N56W.

4.12am: Pulau Undan Lt abeam, 3.2 miles.

7.0am: C Rachado Lt bg N41W.

8.0am: Pos. 2 15N, 101 55E.

1.10pm: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

7.50pm: Anchored, Pulau Katak Lt bg N20W, 2.75 miles.

4ef4f459e53e0a0c9100159d: (

4 March 1915

At sea to Teluk Anson.

Lat 4.03, Long 101.0

4.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

5.30am: Denison beacon abeam, 50 yards.

9.40am: Anchored off Teluk Anson railway station.

Hands replacing steam cutter’s boiler.

4ef4f459e53e0a0c9100159e: (

5 March 1915

Teluk Anson.

Lat 4.03, Long 101.0.

In am: Shifted berth twice.

4ef4f459e53e0a0c9100159f: (

6 March 1915

Teluk Anson to Penang.

Lat 4.30, Long 100.4

6.10am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.36am: Pulau Katak Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

7.0pm: Anchored, Penang.

4ef4f459e53e0a0c910015a0: (

7 March 1915

Penang and at sea for Singapore.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

Coaled ship from lighters, 85 tons.

5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, N26W.

7.0pm: Muka Hd Lt abeam, 1.7 miles.

7.25pm: A/c South.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 21N, 100 05E.

4ef4f45ae53e0a0c910015a1: (

8 March 1915

At sea.

Lat 2.59, Long 101.08

3.53am: Pulau Jarak abeam, 12 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 3 26 30N, 100 39E.

11.16am: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam, 2.4 miles.

4.0pm: C Rachado abeam, 2.3 miles.

8.08pm: Pulau Undan Lt abeam, 2 miles.

11.50pm: Pulau Pisang Lt bg S73E.

4ef4f45ae53e0a0c910015a2: (

9 March 1915

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.25am: Raffles Lt abeam, 0.5 miles.

7.20am: Secured to Borneo wharf, Singapore.

Coaled ship, 35 tons.

4ef4f45ae53e0a0c910015a3: (

10 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

12 noon: Shifted with tugs to sheer jetty.

Read warrants Nos 28 and 29.

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11 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85


4ef4f45ae53e0a0c910015a5: (

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12 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85


3.15pm: Landed small arm company for review.

4ef4f45ae53e0a0c910015a6: (

4ef4f45ae53e0a0c910015a8: (

13 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In am: HIJMS Tsushima went into dock.

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14 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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15 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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16 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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17 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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18 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85


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19 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands scraping ship’s side and painting down aloft.

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20 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands employed cleaning ship.

4ef4f45be53e0a0c910015b0: (

21 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Sunday routine.

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22 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands scraping ship's side, refitting and as requisite.

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23 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands scraping and as requisite.

4ef4f45ce53e0a0c910015b3: (

24 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands cleaning ship and scraping ship's side.

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25 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Embarked four casks of oil.

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26 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.15am: Commenced basin trial.

12.15pm: Finished trials.

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27 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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28 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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29 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

7.45am: Slipped and secured to buoy.

9.15am: Slipped to swing for compasses.

11.50am: Returned to buoy.

4ef4f45ce53e0a0c910015b9: (

30 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.25am: Japanese cruiser arrived and anchored.

1.10pm: Japanese cruiser arrived and anchored.

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31 March 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.0am: RF D’Iberville and two destroyers arrived and anchored.

Discharged one rating to hospital.

D’Iberville shifted berth.

4ef4f45de53e0a0c910015bb: (

Blank page.


[Singapore, Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swettenham, Lumut, Penang and Lumut]

4ef4f45de53e0a0c910015bc: (

Front cover for April 1915, signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

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Above two pages blank.

4ef4f45de53e0a0c910015bf: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December.

4ef4f45de53e0a0c910015c0: (

1 April 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4.0am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

6.0am: Hands cleaning and painting.

Leave to port watch, 4.30pm to 7.0am.

Paid quarterly settlement.

9.0pm: Drew fires in steam cutter.

4ef4f45de53e0a0c910015c1: (

2 April 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.0am: Exercised funeral party.

4ef4f45de53e0a0c910015c2: (

3 April 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In pm: Landed funeral party.

5.45pm: HMS Empress of Russia* sailed.

* At this time fitted as an armed merchant cruiser with eight 4.7” guns.

4ef4f45ee53e0a0c910015c3: (

4 April 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f45ee53e0a0c910015c4: (

5 April 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.10am: Japanese cruiser sailed.

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6 April 1915

Singapore to Malacca.

Lat 1.52, Long 103.02

5.50am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.45am: Pulau Pisang Lt abeam, 6 miles.

4.50pm: Pulau Undan Lt abeam, 2.25 miles.

5.40pm: Anchored, Malacca.

4ef4f45ee53e0a0c910015c6: (

7 April 1915


Lat 2.19, Long 102.23

4ef4f45ee53e0a0c910015c7: (

8 April 1915

Malacca to Port Dickson.

Lat 2.52, Long 101.8

5.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.50am: Anchored, Port Dickson.

4ef4f45ee53e0a0c910015c8: (

9 April 1915

Port Dickson to Port Swettenham.

Lat 2.7, Long 101.37

9.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

2.10pm: Picked up harbour master.

2.30pm: Secured to buoy off Port Swettenham.

4ef4f45ee53e0a0c910015c9: (

10 April 1915

Port Swettenham.

Lat 3.00, Long 101.38

4ef4f45ee53e0a0c910015ca: (

11 April 1915

Port Swettenham.

Lat 3.00, Long 101.38

4ef4f45fe53e0a0c910015cb: (

12 April 1915

Port Swettenham to Lumut.

Lat 3.80, Long 100.60

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.26am: Pulau Angsa Lt abeam, 1 mile.

1.38pm: Pulau Agas abeam, 2.25 miles.

3.02pm: Anchored off Lumut pier.

4ef4f45fe53e0a0c910015cc: (

13 April 1915


Lat 4.24, Long 100.63

4ef4f45fe53e0a0c910015cd: (

14 April 1915

Lumut to Penang.

Lat 4.90, Long 100.15

7.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

3.27pm: Anchored, Penang.

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15 April 1915


Lat 5.4, Long 100.35

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16 April 1915


Lat 5.4, Long 100.35

Coaled ship, 110 tons.

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17 April 1915


Lat 5.4, Long 100.35

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18 April 1915


Lat 5.4, Long 100.35

4ef4f45fe53e0a0c910015d2: (

19 April 1915


Lat 5.5, Long 100.25 [approx]

8.20am: Weighed and proceeded to sea for .303 aiming rifle practice.

2.30pm: Picked up target and returned to harbour.

3.53pm: Anchored.

4ef4f460e53e0a0c910015d3: (

20 April 1915


Lat 5.51, Long 100.24 [approx]

9.0am: Weighed and proceeded to sea for 1'' aiming practice.

1.50pm: Picked up target and returned to harbour.

3.26pm: Anchored, Penang.

4ef4f460e53e0a0c910015d4: (

21 April 1915


Lat 5.52, Long 100.24 [approx]

8.55am: Weighed and proceeded to sea for 1'' aiming practice.

2.10pm: Picked up target and returned to harbour.

3.30pm: Anchored, Penang.

4ef4f460e53e0a0c910015d5: (

22 April 1915


Lat 5.51, Long 100.23 [approx]

9.0am: Weighed and proceeded to sea for 1'' aiming practice.

2.30pm: Picked up target and returned to harbour.

3.45pm: Anchored, Penang.

4ef4f460e53e0a0c910015d6: (

23 April 1915


Lat 5.4, Long 100.35

4ef4f460e53e0a0c910015d7: (

24 April 1915


Lat 5.4, Long 100.35

Received five cases of stores.

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25 April 1915


Lat 5.4, Long 100.35

4ef4f460e53e0a0c910015d9: (

26 April 1915


Lat 5.49, Long 100.22 [approx]

7.25am: Weighed and proceeded N26W for 4” Gunlayers’ test.

2.0pm: Picked up target.

4.50pm: Anchored, Penang.

4ef4f460e53e0a0c910015da: (

27 April 1915


Lat 5.4, Long 100.35

7.35am: Weighed and proceeded to sea for battle practice.

11.45am: Swung ship.

12.40pm: Hoisted in target and returned to harbour.

3.20pm: Anchored, Penang.

4ef4f460e53e0a0c910015db: (

28 April 1915

Penang to Lumut.

Lat 4.81, Long 100.20

7.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

3.15pm: Courses for Dendingo North entrance.

4.15pm: Anchored off Lumut.

4ef4f461e53e0a0c910015dc: (

29 April 1915


Lat 4.24, Long 100.63

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30 April 1915


Lat 4.24, Long 100.63


[Lumut, Singapore, Kelantan in action against rebel land force, Tringano and Singapore for dry dock]

4ef4f461e53e0a0c910015de: (

Front cover for May 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

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4ef4f461e53e0a0c910015e0: (

Above two pages blank.

4ef4f461e53e0a0c910015e1: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December.

4ef4f461e53e0a0c910015e2: (

1 May 1915


Lat 4.24, Long 100.63

Paid monthly settlements.

4ef4f461e53e0a0c910015e3: (

2 May 1915

Lumut and at sea for Singapore.

Lat 4.2, Long 100.59

11.18am: Weighed and proceeded, working up to full speed*.

12.10pm: SE point of Pulau Pangkor abeam, 2 cables, shaped course S41W.

1.13pm: A/c S18E.

6.53pm: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

11.12pm: C Rachado abeam, 5 miles.

*12.7 knots by the log.

4ef4f461e53e0a0c910015e4: (

3 May 1915

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.21am: Pulau Undan Lt abeam, 3.5 miles.

8.21am: Pulau Pisang abeam, 7.5 miles.

11.25am: Picked up pilot.

12 noon: Secured alongside No 12 berth.

Coaled ship, 130 tons.

Three ratings joined ship and one rating rejoined from hospital.

Embarked stores for expeditionary force.

4.40pm: Slipped and proceeded, course N86E.

7.50pm: Stopped and boarded SS Bombay Maru*.

9.14pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam.

10.25pm: Stopped and boarded tug Hercules.

11.15am: Proceeded N9E.

* 1900, 4,353 tons, ex- Glamorganshire, purchased and renamed in 1903 by NYK, scrapped in 1933.

4ef4f462e53e0a0c910015e5: (

4 May 1915

At sea.

Lat 3.92, Long 104.19

4.0am: Pulau Aur abeam, 9.5 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 3 08N, 104 28E.

6.08pm: Pulau Brala abeam.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 07N, 103 29E.

4ef4f462e53e0a0c910015e6: (

5 May 1915

At sea to Kelantan.

Lat 6.22, Long 102.15 [approx]

3.0am: Prinhian I. abeam, 15 miles. (Perhaps Pulau Perhentian Kecil I. intended.)

7.40am: Anchored.

Disembarking stores for expeditionary force.

See The Kelantan Rebellion.

4ef4f462e53e0a0c910015e7: (

6 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

5.50am: SS Kaka alongside for water.

7.18am: Weighed and proceeded to NE.

8.15am: A/c S53E.

10.0am: A/c S13W.

11.05am: Anchored off Semerak River.

11.30am: Fired two rounds of 4” at rebels.

1.0pm: Manned and armed boats. Landed party.

1.10pm: Fired four rounds 4'' at rebels burning a bungalow.

3.0pm: Flooded port engine room to list ship.

3.30pm: Fired 18 rounds 4'' at rebels force at Pasir Puteh.

9.0am: Burned searchlight to signal to expeditionary force.

4ef4f462e53e0a0c910015e8: (

7 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

4ef4f462e53e0a0c910015e9: (

8 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

Boarded SS Asdam [?], Bankok to Singapore.

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9 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

4ef4f462e53e0a0c910015eb: (

10 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

7.0am: Boarded SS Vassala.

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11 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

In am: Landing party returned on board.

In pm: Discharged Lt Sloan and one rating to SS Kaka for passage to Singapore.

4ef4f463e53e0a0c910015ed: (

12 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

1.30pm: SS Calypso arrived with detachment of MSY (Malay States Yeomanry?).

4ef4f463e53e0a0c910015ee: (

13 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

4ef4f463e53e0a0c910015ef: (

14 May 1915


Lat 5.9, Long 102.49

4ef4f463e53e0a0c910015f0: (

15 May 1915


Lat 6.22, Long 102.15 [approx]

6.45am: Embarked expeditionary force and took three lighters in tow.

7.30am: Weighed and proceeded N23E.

8.20am: A/c N20W.

10.0am: A/c N50W.

11.30am: A/c S79W.

1.17pm: Anchored.

1.45pm: SS Calypso came alongside and embarked military force.

2.45pm: Calypso slipped and proceeded.

4ef4f463e53e0a0c910015f1: (

16 May 1915


Lat 6.22, Long 102.15 [approx]

4ef4f463e53e0a0c910015f2: (

17 May 1915


Lat 6.22, Long 102.15 [approx]

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015f3: (

18 May 1915


Lat 6.22, Long 102.15 [approx]

In am: Landed small arm company for route march.

(Probably just to exercise the men, but a useful tactic in times of unrest. The sight of a body of powerful armed seamen marching past, has a deterrent effect on peasantry inclined to be unruly.)

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015f4: (

19 May 1915

Kelantan to Tringano [now Terrengganu).

Lat 5.75, Long 102.89

6.05am: Weighed and proceeded.

3.17pm: Anchored (presumably off Kuala Terrenganu, Trangano Lt bg S45W).

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015f5: (

20 May 1915


Lat 5.34, Long 103.15

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015f6: (

21 May 1915


Lat 5.34, Long 103.15

4.40pm: HH the Sultan of Tringano (Zainal Abidin III) visited ship.

5.30pm: Saluted the Sultan with 17 Guns.

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015f7: (

22 May 1915


Lat 5.34, Long 103.15

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015f8: (

23 May 1915

Tringano and at sea for Singapore.

Lat 5.34, Long 103.15

5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, S58E.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 08 30N, 103 30E.

11.25pm: Pulau Brala abeam, 7.5 miles.

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015f9: (

24 May 1915

At sea.

Lat 3.15, Long 104.39

11.0pm: Horsburgh Lt bg S24W.

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015fa: (

25 May 1915

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

1.0am: Pedra Branca Lt abeam, 0.75 miles.

6.45am: Secured in No 7 berth, Singapore.

7.40am: Commenced coaling.

11.0am: Finished coaling, 183 tons.

One rating rejoined from hospital.

2.0pm: Slipped and proceeded into Albert Dock.

Commenced pumping out, hands scrubbing bottom.

Discharged three ratings for duty ashore.

Leave to port watch until 7.0am on the 27th.

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015fb: (

26 May 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands chipping the side etc.

4ef4f464e53e0a0c910015fc: (

27 May 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Russian supply ship secured to sheer jetty and dressed ship.

1.30pm: Dressed ship, masthead flags.

Leave to starboard watch until 7.0am on the 29th.

4ef4f465e53e0a0c910015fd: (

28 May 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f465e53e0a0c910015fe: (

29 May 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands scraping the side etc.

4ef4f465e53e0a0c910015ff: (

30 May 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f465e53e0a0c91001600: (

31 May 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands scraping the side and ranging cable.

4ef4f465e53e0a0c91001601: (

Blank page.


[Singapore, Malacca, Port Dickson, Penang and Teluk Anson]

4ef4f465e53e0a0c91001602: (

Front cover for June 1915, signed by Lt DK Rotherham and Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f465e53e0a0c91001603: (

4ef4f465e53e0a0c91001604: (

Above two pages blank.

4ef4f466e53e0a0c91001605: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December.

4ef4f466e53e0a0c91001606: (

1 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands blacking down aloft and scraping the side.

4ef4f466e53e0a0c91001607: (

2 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Cleaning chain lockers etc.

Two ratings discharged to hospital.

4ef4f466e53e0a0c91001608: (

3 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Painting aloft and stowing cable.

4ef4f466e53e0a0c91001609: (

4 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.45am: Left dock and secured to East wharf.

4ef4f466e53e0a0c9100160a: (

5 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Provisioning ship.

4ef4f466e53e0a0c9100160b: (

6 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

12.45pm: Russian supply ship Ussury sailed.

4ef4f466e53e0a0c9100160c: (

7 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Painting ship, stowing stores and drawing 4” ammunition.

4ef4f467e53e0a0c9100160d: (

8 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.55am: Carried out basin trials.

4ef4f467e53e0a0c9100160e: (

9 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In pm: Four ratings joined ship.

4ef4f467e53e0a0c9100160f: (

10 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f467e53e0a0c91001610: (

11 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.45am: Slipped and proceeded to swing ship for compasses.

1.45pm: Returned to harbour and secured to government buoy.

4ef4f467e53e0a0c91001611: (

12 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.0am: Japanese cruiser arrived.

4ef4f467e53e0a0c91001612: (

13 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f467e53e0a0c91001613: (

14 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f467e53e0a0c91001614: (

15 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85


4ef4f468e53e0a0c91001615: (

16 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Cleaning water tanks.

4ef4f468e53e0a0c91001616: (

17 June 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f468e53e0a0c91001617: (

18 June 1915

Singapore to Malacca.

Lat 1.49, Long 103.04

5.50am: Slipped and proceeded.

8.07am: Sultan Shoal Lt abeam, 4 cables.

10.50am: Pulau Pisang Lt abeam, 5.75 miles.

5.10pm: Pulau Undan Lt abeam, 0.75 miles.

6.08pm: Anchored, Malacca.

4ef4f468e53e0a0c91001618: (

19 June 1915


Lat 2.19, Long 102.23

4ef4f468e53e0a0c91001619: (

20 June 1915


Lat 2.19, Long 102.23

4ef4f468e53e0a0c9100161a: (

21 June 1915

Malacca to Port Dickson.

Lat 2.52, Long 101.8

5.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.0am: C Rachado abeam.

9.0am: Anchored, Port Dickson.

4ef4f468e53e0a0c9100161b: (

22 June 1915

Port Dickson.

Lat 2.52, Long 101.8

Hands dismounting 4” guns.

4ef4f468e53e0a0c9100161c: (

23 June 1915

Port Dickson.

Lat 2.52, Long 101.8

Hands dismounting 4” guns.

4ef4f468e53e0a0c9100161d: (

24 June 1915

Port Dickson and at sea for Penang.

Lat 2.50, Long 101.72

11.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

5.09pm: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam, 1 mile.

4ef4f469e53e0a0c9100161e: (

25 June 1915

At sea to Penang.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

4.45am: Muka Hd Lt bg N5E.

8.12am: Anchored, Penang.

One rating rejoined from hospital.

Coaled ship, 72 tons.

4ef4f469e53e0a0c9100161f: (

26 June 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

4ef4f469e53e0a0c91001620: (

27 June 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

4ef4f469e53e0a0c91001621: (

28 June 1915

Penang to Teluk Anson

Lat 4.54, Long 100.30

6.05am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.36am: Pulau Rimau Lt abeam, 2 cables.

3.30pm: Courses for Perak river.

6.50pm: Anchored, 2 cables from Railway Hill.

4ef4f469e53e0a0c91001622: (

29 June 1915

Teluk Anson.

Lat 4.03, Long 101.0

4ef4f469e53e0a0c91001623: (

30 June 1915

Teluk Anson.

Lat 4.03, Long 101.0


[Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham, Singapore, patrol off Batavia, Singapore to coal and Penang.]

4ef4f469e53e0a0c91001624: (

Front cover for July 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham, navigating officer.

4ef4f469e53e0a0c91001625: (


4ef4f469e53e0a0c91001626: (

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f46ae53e0a0c91001627: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December.

4ef4f46ae53e0a0c91001628: (

1 July 1915

Teluk Anson.

Lat 4.03, Long 101.0

4ef4f46ae53e0a0c91001629: (

2 July 1915

Teluk Anson.

Lat 4.03, Long 101.0

4ef4f46ae53e0a0c9100162a: (

3 July 1915

Teluk Anson.

Lat 4.03, Long 101.0

4ef4f46ae53e0a0c9100162b: (

4 July 1915

Teluk Anson.

Lat 4.03, Long 101.0

4ef4f46ae53e0a0c9100162c: (

5 July 1915

Teluk Anson to Port Swettenham

Lat 3.95, Long 100.55

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

5.36pm: Pulau Angsa abeam, 1.75 miles.

7.05pm: Secured to buoy, Port Swettenham.

4ef4f46ae53e0a0c9100162d: (

6 July 1915

Port Swettenham.

Lat 3.0, Long 101.38

4ef4f46ae53e0a0c9100162e: (

7 July 1915

Port Swettenham.

Lat 3.0, Long 101.38

Hands dismounting guns.

4ef4f46be53e0a0c9100162f: (

8 July 1915

Port Swettenham and at sea for Singapore.

Lat 2.67, Long 101.40

9.0am: Slipped and proceeded.

3.02pm: C Rachado abeam, 4.5 miles.

6.25pm: Pulau Undan Lt abeam, 2.6 miles.

4ef4f46be53e0a0c91001630: (

9 July 1915

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

1.45am: Pulau Pisang Lt abeam, 5 miles.

5.13am: Sultan Shoal Lt abeam, 0.75 miles.

7.0am: Secured to West wharf, Singapore.

7.25am: Commenced coaling.

10.20am: Finished coaling, 101 tons.

11.20am: Slipped and secured to government buoy.

Hands working at dismounting guns.

4ef4f46be53e0a0c91001631: (

10 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f46be53e0a0c91001632: (

11 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.20pm: Japanese cruiser sailed.

4ef4f46be53e0a0c91001633: (

12 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Transferred ammunition for fore magazine to aft.

4ef4f46be53e0a0c91001634: (

13 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands embarking ammunition. Sent 11 cases of 4” to ordnance depot for storage.

4ef4f46be53e0a0c91001635: (

14 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f46be53e0a0c91001636: (

15 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f46ce53e0a0c91001637: (

16 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f46ce53e0a0c91001638: (

17 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f46ce53e0a0c91001639: (

18 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.0am: French destroyers Fronde and Pistolet arrived and anchored.

4ef4f46ce53e0a0c9100163a: (

19 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.0am: French destroyers Fronde and Pistolet left.

Discharged one rating to hospital.

Coaled ship, 140 tons.

4ef4f46ce53e0a0c9100163b: (

20 July 1915


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f46ce53e0a0c9100163c: (

21 July 1915

Singapore and at sea.

Lat 1.25, Long 103.86 [approx]

11.35am: Slipped and proceeded.

5.04pm: Lit. Karas Lt abeam, 1.6 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 0 24N, 104 44E.

11.45pm: Tg Jang Lt bg S17W.

4ef4f46ce53e0a0c9100163d: (

22 July 1915

At sea.

Lat -1.84, Long 105.05

1.59am: Tg Jang Lt abeam, 6 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 1 10S, 105 09E.

1.0pm: Passed through many patches of discoloured waters.

1.45pm: Kalian Lt abeam, 4.5 miles.

6.07pm: Nangka Lt abeam, 5.2 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 2 43S, 105 50.5E.

4ef4f46ce53e0a0c9100163e: (

23 July 1915

At sea to patrol area off Batavia [now Jakarta).

Lat -4.94, Long 106.61

12.45am: Dapur I. Lt abeam, 6.1 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 4 23S, 106 35.5E.

1.27pm: N Watcher abeam 8.7 miles.

6.0pm: Commenced patrolling off Batavia.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 51S. 106 33E.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c9100163f: (

24 July 1915

On patrol.

Lat -5.9, Long 106.87

8.0am: Pos. 5 56S, 106 56E.

3.20pm: Stopped and boarded SS Strathdon.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 51S, 106 33E.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001640: (

25 July 1915

On patrol.

Lat -5.89, Long 106.89

8.0am: Pos. 5 56S, 106 56E.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 51S, 106 33E.

10.30pm: Shaped course N12E.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001641: (

26 July 1915

At sea.

Lat -3.97, Long 107.09

1.45am: N Watcher Lt, bg N49E.

3.46am: Same abeam, 4 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 4 32S, 106 46 40E.

8.0pm: Pos. 2 33S, 107 26E.

8.45pm: Lengkuas Lt abeam, 10 miles.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001642: (

27 July 1915

At sea.

Lat 0.17, Long 107.24

8.0am: Pos. 0 32S, 107 20E.

9.10am: Divisions. Read Articles of War.

11.0am: Courses to search St Barbe I.

12.30pm: Course N62W.

8.0pm: Pos. 0 34N, 106 03E.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001643: (

28 July 1915

At sea to Singapore and at sea for Penang.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

7.40am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 2 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 1 20 30N, 104 20E.

11.25am: Secured on West side of Lagoon dock entrance.

Coaled ship, 100 tons.

S/Lt Thunder RNR joined ship.

5.0pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

6.25pm: Sultan shoal Lt abeam, 2 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 1 15N, 103 25E.

10.0pm: Pulau Pisang Lt abeam, 6 miles.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001644: (

29 July 1915

At sea.

Lat 1.92, Long 101.90

8.0am: Pos. 1 47N, 102 10E.

4.45pm: Full speed to overhaul junk No 21.

8.0pm: Pos. 2 15N, 101 54E.

Stopped and boarded SS Pathan, Master EA Chaplin, Mogul SS Co, Glasgow to Vladivostok.

10.0pm: C Rachado abeam, 5.5 miles.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001645: (

30 July 1915

At sea.

Lat 3.39, Long 99.79

3.22am: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam, 3 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 5 55N, 100 20.5E.

12.11pm: N Brothers I. abeam, 1 mile.

8.0pm: Pos. 4 02N, 98 50E.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001646: (

31 July 1915

At sea to Penang.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

4.35am: Muka Hd Lt bg N58E.

8.0am: Pos. 5 29N, 100 08E.

8.15am: Muka Hd abeam, 2 miles.

9.50am: Anchored, Penang.

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001647: (

4ef4f46ee53e0a0c91001649: (

Above two pages blank.


JP map Cadmus 1915


[Penang, Nancowry and Port Blair in the Andaman Is]

4ef4f46de53e0a0c91001648: (

Front cover for August 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham, navigating officer.

4ef4f46ee53e0a0c9100164a: (

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f46ee53e0a0c9100164b: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189. Sea, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December.

4ef4f46ee53e0a0c9100164c: (

1 August 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

4ef4f46ee53e0a0c9100164d: (

2 August 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

Coaled ship, 45 tons.

4ef4f46ee53e0a0c9100164e: (

3 August 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c9100164f: (

4 August 1915

Penang and at sea.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

7.30pm: Weighed and proceeded.

9.49pm: Muka Hd Lt abeam 2.5 miles.

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c91001650: (

5 August 1915

On patrol.

Lat 6.22, Long 99.92

12.15pm: Stopped.

4.0am: Proceeded, North.

5.23am: Muka Hd Lt abeam, 4 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 5 51.5N, 100 16.5E.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 13N, 99 24E.

10.35pm: Muka Hd Lt bg S57E.

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c91001651: (

6 August 1915

On patrol and at Penang.

Lat 4.75, Long 100.19

2.11am: Muka Hd Lt abeam 12 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 4 24N, 100 23E.

4.30pm: Anchored, Penang.

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c91001652: (

7 August 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

Coaled ship, 50 tons.

Read warrant No 31.

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c91001653: (

8 August 1915


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c91001654: (

9 August 1915

Penang and at sea.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

Provisioning ship and embarking stores.

9.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, NW’ly courses.

11.59pm: Muka Hd Lt bg S43E.

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c91001655: (

10 August 1915

At sea.

Lat 6.2, Long 98.35

8.0am: Pos. 6 04N, 98 52E.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 40N, 97 16 30E.

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c91001656: (

11 August 1915

At sea to Nancowry harbour.

Lat 7.64, Long 94.69

8.0am: Pos. 7 26N, 95 22E.

4.0pm: Sighted land ahead.

6.35pm: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

4ef4f46fe53e0a0c91001657: (

12 August 1915

Nancowry and at sea.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52

Exercised SA company. Party away in steam cutter searching harbour.

1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4.10pm: Stopped and boarded sailing ship.

5.50pm: Proceeded, N18E.

6.0pm: North pt of Camorta I. [now Kamorta) abeam, 2 miles, a/c N14W.

8.0pm: Pos. 8 34N, 93 28E.

4ef4f470e53e0a0c91001658: (

13 August 1915

At sea to Port Blair.

Lat 11.17, Long 92.83

8.0am: Pos. 10 30N, 92 56E.

10.15am: Passage I. bg N25W.

12.10pm: Same abeam, 9 miles.

3.0pm: Secured to BW mooring buoy off Ross I.

4ef4f470e53e0a0c91001659: (

14 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

4ef4f470e53e0a0c9100165a: (

15 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

4ef4f470e53e0a0c9100165b: (

16 August 1915

Port Blair and at sea.

Lat 12.02, Long 93.50

6.15am: Slipped and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 11 44N, 92 59 30E.

8.30am: Sir Hugh Rose I. abeam, 1.6 miles.

2.30pm: Stopped and lowered sea boat to search Barren I.

4.20pm: Proceeded round the island.

5.40pm: Shaped course N18E.

8.0pm: Pos. 12 29N, 93 52E.

4ef4f470e53e0a0c9100165c: (

17 August 1915

At sea.

Lat 13.25, Long 94.17

3.15am: Sighted Narcondam I. bg N40E.

6.40am: Stopped and lowered sea boat to search Narcondam I.

8.0am: Pos. 13 27N, 94 17E.

10.10am: Proceeded, course S21W.

8.0pm: Pos. 12 11N, 93 38E.

4ef4f470e53e0a0c9100165d: (

18 August 1915

At sea to Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

7.20am: Secured to buoy off Ross I.

4ef4f470e53e0a0c9100165e: (

19 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Coaled ship from lighters, 80 tons.

4ef4f471e53e0a0c9100165f: (

20 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001660: (

21 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001661: (

22 August 1915

Port Blair and at sea.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

10.20am: Away sea boat to pick up convict* overboard from ferry.

5.55pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

8.0pm: Pos. 11 26N, 92 51E.


4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001662: (

23 August 1915

At sea.

Lat 8.87, Long 93.50

12.30am: Heavy squalls with much rain from 12.30 - 2.30am.

SW gales up to force 9 all day.

8.0am: Pos. 9 30N, 93 19E.

8.0pm: Pos. 8 16N, 93 40E.

10.30pm: Hove to.

4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001663: (

24 August 1915

At sea to Nancowry harbour.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52

12.01am: Hove to until 4.30am, then proceeded West.

SW’ly winds up to gale force 9 in the early am, dying away by 8.0am.

7.10am: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001664: (

25 August 1915

Nancowry and at sea.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52

5.0pm: Weighed and proceeded, working up to full speed, course N25E.

8.0pm: Pos. 8 30N, 93 30E.

6.48pm: Horace Pt abeam.

7.24pm: I of Man (aka Laouk) abeam, 5.5 miles

8.0pm: Pos. 8 30N, 93 30E.

4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001665: (

26 August 1915

At sea to Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

8.0am: Pos. 11 00N, 92 57E.

12 noon: Anchored, Port Blair.

4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001666: (

27 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Hands employed striking mizzen topgallant and topmast and restowing 4” magazine.

7.40am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

3.15pm: Finished coaling, 96 tons.

4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001667: (

28 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

4ef4f471e53e0a0c91001668: (

29 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

4ef4f472e53e0a0c91001669: (

30 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

4ef4f472e53e0a0c9100166a: (

31 August 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Hands reeving new wheel ropes.

4ef4f472e53e0a0c9100166b: (

4ef4f472e53e0a0c9100166d: (

Above two pages blank.


[Port Blair and on patrol East of the Andaman Is]

4ef4f472e53e0a0c9100166c: (

Front cover for September 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham, navigating officer.

4ef4f472e53e0a0c9100166e: (

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f472e53e0a0c9100166f: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189, from 5th October 1913.

Sea thermometer, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December 1914.

4ef4f472e53e0a0c91001670: (

1 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

RIMS Guide proceeded to Ross Island.

4ef4f473e53e0a0c91001671: (

2 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Hands swayed up mizzen topmast and worked about same.

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3 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Hands swayed up mizzen topgallant mast.

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4 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

5.0pm: Read warrants Nos 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36.

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5 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

8.0am: HMS Laurentic arrived and anchored.

9.30am: Mustered by the ledger.

One rating rejoined from hospital.

12.05pm: Laurentic sailed.

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6 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Hands embarking and stowing stores.

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7 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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8 September 1915

Port Blair and at sea.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

5.06pm: Weighed and proceeded, course N80E.

8.0pm: Pos. 11 45 30N, 93 08E. A/c N15E.

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9 September 1915

At sea to Port Cornwallis.

Lat 13.29, Long 93.08

12.01am: A/c N9W.

8.18am: Anchored, Port Cornwallis (on Ross I. North Andaman, not to be confused with Ross I opposite Port Blair, South Andaman.).

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10 September 1915

Port Cornwallis and at sea.

Lat 13.4, Long 93.95

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

6.45am: Bopung I. abeam 9 cables, course N82E.

8.0am: Pos. 13 18N, 93 17E.

12 noon: Narcondam I. sighted ahead.

1.30pm: A/c S82W.

1.45pm: A/c S45W.

1.50pm: A/c S28W.

8.0pm: Pos. 12 49N, 93 49E.

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11 September 1915

At sea to Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

8.0am: Pos. 11 42N, 92 56E.

9.15am: Secured to BW buoy off Ross I.

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12 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

9.0am: RIMS Guide arrived and anchored.

10.30pm: HMAS* Fantome arrived and anchored.

*Formerly and later HMS and a sister ship to Cadmus.

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13 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

8.0am: RIMS Guide shifted berth to anchorage off Haddo.

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14 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Received two cases of stores from HMAS Fantome.

9.10am: Landed small arms company.

11.20am: Landing party returned.

4ef4f474e53e0a0c9100167e: (

15 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

6.30am: HMAS Fantome proceeded alongside coal wharf.

2.45pm: Fantome anchored.

4ef4f474e53e0a0c9100167f: (

16 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

7.20am: Slipped and secured alongside coal wharf.

Discharged one Marine to hospital.

Coaled ship, 100 tons.

2.30pm: Secured to BW buoy

Four ratings joined from HMAS Fantome.

8.40pm: Fantome sailed.

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17 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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18 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

10.55am: HMS Diana arrived and anchored.

Discharged four stoker ratings to Diana.

5.45pm: Diana sailed.

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19 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Landed church party.

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20 September 1915

Port Blair and on patrol.

Lat 10.84, Long 92.64

6.05am: Slipped and proceeded, Southerly courses.

8.0am: Pos. 11 24N, 92 46E.

8.26am: N Pt Cinque I. abeam, 3.5 miles.

5.40pm: Sandy Pt abeam, 1.5 miles.

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21 September 1915

On patrol.

Lat 12.29, Long 92.99

1.40am: Sisters Is abeam.

7.30am: Courses to examine Kotara anchorage and Port Meadows.

8.0am: Pos. 11 58.5N, 92 44E.

11.57am: Middle Button I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

4.0pm: Courses as requisite for Stewart Sound.

4.35pm: Anchored in Bacon Bay.

4ef4f475e53e0a0c91001685: (

22 September 1915

Bacon Bay and at sea on patrol.

Lat 12.95, Long 92.9

3.25pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol.

5.53pm: Craggy I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 13 18N, 93 17E.

4ef4f475e53e0a0c91001686: (

23 September 1915

On patrol.

Lat 12.99, Long 94.05

5.50am: Sent seaboat to search Narcondam I.

6.0am: Swung ship for compass adjustment.

8.0am: Pos. 13 30N, 94 17E.

8.50am: Hoisted seaboat and proceeded S36W.

4.10pm: Lowered seaboat to search Barren I.

5.45pm: Proceeded, S54W.

8.0pm: Pos. 12 05N, 93 33E.

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24 September 1915

On patrol.

Lat 11.98, Long 92.74

2.02am: Sir Hugh Rose I. abeam, 3 miles.

3.36am: A/c to chase steamer.

4.34am: Steamer SS Mahraja.

7.0am: Courses for Shoal bay and Kotara anchorage.

7.51am: Anchored. Whaler and cutter away searching the bay and the anchorage.

11.55am: Hoisted boats. Weighed and proceeded.

2.53pm: Courses to examine Elphinstone harbour.

5.05pm: North pt of Nicholson I. abeam, 1 mile.

8.05pm: Secured to BW buoy off Ross I. (Port Blair).

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25 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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26 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

10.35am: RIMS Guide arrived and anchored.

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27 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Discharged one rating to hospital.

Embarked nine sheep.

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28 September 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

3.45am: Sent night boat’s crew to RIMS Guide.

6.10am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

9.0am: A/c to return to harbour.

10.55am: Secured to BW buoy.

4ef4f476e53e0a0c9100168c: (

29 September 1915

Port Blair to Kotara anchorage.

Lat 11.97, Long 92.8

5.40am: Slipped and proceeded.

8.10am: Anchored, Kotara anchorage.

Steam cutter and whaler away searching Shoal bay.

4ef4f476e53e0a0c9100168d: (

30 September 1915

Kotara anchorage to Elphinstone harbour.

Lat 12.3, Long 92.92

5.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.45am: N pt of Nicholson I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

9.57am: Anchored in Elphinstone harbour.

Steam cutter and whaler away searching Colebrooke passage.


[Patrolling the Andaman and Nicobar Is, based at Port Blair]

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Front cover for October 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham, navigating officer.

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4ef4f476e53e0a0c91001690: (

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f477e53e0a0c91001691: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189, from 5th October 1913.

Sea thermometer, Hicks, MOA 1160, from 28th December 1914 to 22nd October 1915. Hicks MOA 811 from 22nd October.

4ef4f477e53e0a0c91001692: (

1 October 1915

Elphinstone harbour to Port Blair.

Lat 12.29, Long 92.99

9.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

Northerly courses until 10.45am, then Southerly.

12.22pm: S Button I. abeam, 1.75 miles.

4.30pm: Secured to BW buoy, Port Blair.

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2 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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3 October 1915

Port Blair to N Passage I. and return.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

12.55am: Slipped and proceeded.

5.14am: S Button I. abeam.

6.40am: Examined Elphinstone harbour.

7.14am: N pt of N Passage I. abeam, 3 cables. Shaped course S82E.

11.50am: Secured to BW buoy, Port Blair.

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4 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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5 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

7.15am: Slipped and secured to coaling wharf.

4.15pm: Finished coaling, 163 tons and returned to BW buoy.

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6 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Received four drums of oil.

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7 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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8 October 1915

Port Blair and at sea.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Embarked 21 sheep.

4.40pm: Slipped and proceeded, S14E.

8.0pm: Pos. 11 10N, 92 53E.

4ef4f478e53e0a0c9100169a: (

9 October 1915

At sea to Port Blair.

Lat 11.12, Long 93.00 (DR)

3.45am: Sighted HMAS Fantome.

4.36am: A/c N14W.

8.0am: Pos. 10 23N, 93 04E.

3.40pm: Secured to BW buoy, Port Blair.

4.15pm: Fantome arrived and anchored.

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10 October 1915

Port Blair and at sea towards Nancowry.

Lat 11.59, Long 92.79

11.15am: Slipped and proceeded, S14E.

2.40pm: Sisters I. abeam, 9.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 10 21N, 93 05E.

4ef4f478e53e0a0c9100169c: (

11 October 1915

At sea to Nancowry harbour.

Lat 8.10, Long 93.60

8.0am: Pos. 8 39N, 93 42E.

9.47am: I of Man abeam, 2.3 miles.

1.10pm: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

4ef4f478e53e0a0c9100169d: (

12 October 1915

Nancowry harbour.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52

Boarded three bugalows and searched them. (These are local trading vessels and they are named in the log.)

4.0pm: Read warrant No 37.

4ef4f478e53e0a0c9100169e: (

13 October 1915

Nancowry harbour to Campbell Bay.

Lat 7.50, Long 93.89

7.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.30am: C Connaught abeam, 3.5 miles.

4.0pm: Anchored in Campbell harbour.

Hoisted in skiff for repairs.

4ef4f478e53e0a0c9100169f: (

14 October 1915

Campbell Bay to South Bay (Great Nicobar).

Lat 6.8, Long 93.86

8.0am: Pos. 6 46N, 93 53E.

8.25am: Anchored in South Bay (aka Galathea Bay).

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15 October 1915

South bay to Pulau Milo (off Little Nicobar).

Lat 7.24, Long 93.67

7.10am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 6 46N, 93 53E.

8.45am: Megapod I. abeam, 3.5 miles.

12.06pm: Kondul I. abeam, 1 mile.

2.10pm: Sombrero Pt abeam, 1 mile.

2.45pm: Anchored, East of Pulau Milo

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16 October 1915

Milo anchorage to Nancowry.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52

7.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.10am: Trak I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

11.10am: C Albany abeam, 2 miles.

12.16pm: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

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17 October 1915

Nancowry harbour.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52

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18 October 1915

Nancowry, on patrol and return.

Lat 8.05, Long 93.46

6.40am: Weighed and proceeded S61W.

7.40am: Anchored in Hoinipoh [?] bay. Cutter away searching East bay.

9.35am: Weighed and proceeded, N23E.

10.10am: Lowered whaler to search Expedition harbour. Boarded one bugalow.

11.55am: Proceeded.

1.45pm: SE pt of Bompoka I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

2.25pm: A/c to return to Nancowry.

5.30pm: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

4ef4f479e53e0a0c910016a4: (

19 October 1915

Nancowry, on patrol and return.

Lat 8.22, Long 93.6

6.35am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 8 08N, 93 36E.

10.08am: Examined Castle Bay. (on Tillanchong I.)

10.43am: I of Man abeam, 1 mile.

1.55pm: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

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20 October 1915

Nancowry to Pulau Milo

Lat 7.7, Long 93.6 [approx]

7.10am: Weighed and proceeded.

2.46pm: Anchored, East of Pulau Milo

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21 October 1915

Pulau Milo to Campbell bay.

Lat 7.32, Long 93.87

9.30am: Weighed and proceeded NNW.

10.59am: Menchal I. abeam, 1 mile.

2.15pm: Kabra I. abeam, 2 miles.

3.03pm: Anchored in Campbell bay (Great Nicobar).

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22 October 1915

Campbell bay and at sea.

Lat 7.0, Long 93.92

1.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

3.30pm: Lowered seaboat to examine South Bay.

6.03pm: Boat Rock abeam, 1.7 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 10N, 93 59E.

4ef4f479e53e0a0c910016a8: (

23 October 1915

At sea.

Lat 8.60, Long 93.15

5.50am: Entered Nancowry harbour and searched two bugalows.

7.15am: Proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 8 00N, 93 27E.

10.55am: N pt of Teressa I. abeam, 10 miles.

4.38pm: Stopped off Lapate (on Car Nicobar) to search a bugalow and a schooner.

5.30pm: Proceeded.

8.0pm: Pos. 9 39N, 92 48E.

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24 October 1915

At sea to Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

8.0am: Pos. 11 33N, 92 47E.

8.45am: Secured to BW buoy off Ross I, Port Blair.

4.30pm: HMAS Fantome went alongside coal wharf.

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25 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

In pm: Discharged one Chinese rating to SS Hang Sang for passage to Singapore.

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26 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

7.30am: RIMS Guide proceeded to coal jetty.

In pm: Water boat bent tip of one blade of starboard propeller.

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27 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

7.15am: Proceeded to coal jetty and commenced coaling.

Divers working about starboard propeller.

5.25pm: Finished coaling, 166 tons and returned to BW buoy.

4ef4f47ae53e0a0c910016ad: (

28 October 1915

Port Blair, on patrol and return.

Lat 12.17, Long 93.14

7.40am: Slipped and proceeded.

1.20pm: S Button I. abeam, 0.75 miles.

2.40pm: Course and speed to examine Tadina Jusu [?].

3.04pm: Communicated with Forest Dept.

3.34pm: Stowe Pt abeam, 0.5 miles.

6.15pm: Secured to BW buoy, Ross I.

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29 October 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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30 October 1915

Port Blair to Port Mouat.

Lat 11.65, Long 92.76 [approx]

In am: Swung ship to adjust compasses.

11.30am: Shaped course S19W.

12.49pm: Chiriyatapu Pt abeam, 1 mile. Courses for Macpherson Strait.

2.0pm: Jolly Boys I. abeam, 0.5 miles.

4.45pm: Anchored, Port Mouat.

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4ef4f47be53e0a0c910016b3: (

Three pages of compass calibration data.

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31 October 1915

Port Mouat.

Lat 11.62, Long 92.62

4ef4f47be53e0a0c910016b5: (



[Patrolling the Andaman and Nicobar Is, based at Port Blair]

4ef4f47be53e0a0c910016b6: (

Front cover for November 1915 signed by Lt DK Rotherham, navigating officer.

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4ef4f47be53e0a0c910016b8: (

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, 1st December, 1915.

4ef4f47be53e0a0c910016b9: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189, from 5th October 1913.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 811 from 22nd October to 26th November. MOA 810 from 26th November.

4ef4f47ce53e0a0c910016ba: (

1 November 1915

Port Mouat to Port Campbell.

Lat 11.64, Long 92.59 [approx]

10.35am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.19am: Andromeda Pt abeam, 3.5 cables, shaped course N87W.

3.08pm: Anchored 1 mile SEward of Montgomery I.

4ef4f47ce53e0a0c910016bb: (

2 November 1915

Port Campbell to Port Anson.

Lat 12.05, Long 92.55

10.55am: Weighed and proceeded N3E.

11.36am: Petrie I. abeam, 1.75 miles.

3.25pm: Anchored, Port Anson.

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3 November 1915

Port Anson to Port Blair.

Lat 11.64, Long 92.45

6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.45am: Montgomery I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

4.0pm: Chiriyatapu Pt abeam, 2 miles.

5.25pm: Secured to buoy off Ross I.

4ef4f47ce53e0a0c910016bd: (

4 November 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

6.15pm: Action stations. Burned searchlight.

SS Nancowry arrived.

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5 November 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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6 November 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

In pm: Mr Dole, Chief Artificer Engineer, joined from hospital.

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7 November 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Hands embarked stores and ammunition from SS Hang Sang.

4ef4f47ce53e0a0c910016c1: (

8 November 1915

Port Blair and at sea.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

3.15pm: Embarked nine sheep.

5.0pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 38.

5.35pm: Slipped and proceeded.

9.15pm: Sir Hugh Rose I. abeam, 2 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 11 43N, 92 57E.

4ef4f47ce53e0a0c910016c2: (

9 November 1915

At sea.

Lat 13.09, Long 94.1

6.05am: Passed Barren I.

8.0am: Pos. 12 27N, 93 53E.

2.0pm: Stopped and boarded SS Yetofora Maru.

2.45pm: Proceeded.

3.40pm: Stopped and boarded SS Towersgate (probably Towergate).

4.25pm: Proceeded.

5.10pm: Passed Narcondam I.

5.50pm: A/c S32W.

8.0pm: Pos. 13 08N, 94 05E.

4ef4f47de53e0a0c910016c3: (

10 November 1915

At sea to Port Blair and on to Elphinstone harbour.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

1.30am: Barren I. abeam, 15 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 11 43N, 92 54E.

9.10am: Secured to black buoy off Command Pt, Port Blair.

11.53am: Slipped and proceeded.

3.55pm: S Button abeam, 2 miles.

5.0pm: Anchored, Elphinstone harbour.

4ef4f47de53e0a0c910016c4: (

11 November 1915

Elphinstone harbour to Port Cornwallis.

Lat 12.69, Long 93.04

9.15am: Weighed and proceeded, Northerly courses.

1.15pm: A/c to examine Stewart Sound.

4.25pm: Craggy I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

5.20pm: Anchored, Port Cornwallis, Ross I. (North Andaman)

4ef4f47de53e0a0c910016c5: (

12 November 1915

Port Cornwallis to Port Anson.

Lat 13.35, Long 92.70

6.15am: Weighed and proceeded, Northerly courses.

9.38pm: A/c S50W.

10.25am: Whitecliff I. abeam, 0.66 miles.

6.17pm: Anchored, Port Anson.

4ef4f47de53e0a0c910016c6: (

13 November 1915

Port Anson to Port Blair.

Lat 11.52, Long 92.50

6.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.35pm: Courses through Macpherson strait.

3.0pm: Secured to BW buoy off Ross I., Port Blair.

4ef4f47de53e0a0c910016c7: (

14 November 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Disembarked 12 casks of flour.

One rating rejoined from hospital.

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15 November 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

6.45am: Shifted to coaling jetty and commenced coaling.

2.40pm: Completed coaling, 152 tons and returned to buoy.

4.15pm: Embarked 21 sheep, six drums of oil and 1,400 lbs of flour.

4ef4f47de53e0a0c910016c9: (

16 November 1915

Port Blair and at sea.

Lat 11.32, Long 92.75

9.30am: Slipped and proceeded, course S1W.

11.52am: North pt of N Cinque I. abeam, 2.75 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 9 56N, 92 45E.

11.10pm: Car Nicobar bg S½W.

4ef4f47de53e0a0c910016ca: (

17 November 1915

At sea to Nancowry harbour and at sea to Freis I.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52

8.0am: Pos. 8 21N, 93 24E.

11.25am: Anchored in Nancowry harbour.

One W/T rating joined from HMAS Fantome.

5.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

6.26pm: C Connaught abeam, 2.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 40N, 93 38E.

9.20pm: Stopped off Treis I. sent party ashore. Cutter beached and found it impossible to launch her again. (Probably due to surf.) Worked engines as required to keep position.

4ef4f47ee53e0a0c910016cb: (

18 November 1915

At sea.

Lat 6.97, Long 93.57

2.0am: Proceeded EbyN.

8.0am: Pos. 7 00N, 93 58E.

9.17am: Kwangtung Pt abeam, 3 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 33N, 93 40E.

8.25pm: Stopped. Lowered seaboat and sent provisions to Treis I.

11.30pm: Stopped, 5 miles North of Sombrero Pt.

4ef4f47ee53e0a0c910016cc: (

19 November 1915

At sea to Ganges harbour (Gt Nicobar).

Lat 7.22, Long 93.78

12.01am to 6.0am: Stopped, 5 miles North of Sombrero Pt.

6.15am to 7.0am: Heavy squall and rain, proceeded S32E.

8.0am: Pos. 7 23N, 93 47E.

9.45am: Anchored in Ganges harbour.

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20 November 1915

Ganges harbour and on patrol.

Lat 7.37, Long 93.57

9.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.34am: N Pt of Kondul I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

1.0pm: Miroe I. abeam, 1.75 miles.

4.25pm: Stopped in Nancowry harbour and communicated with HMAS Fantome. 12 ratings rejoined from Treis I.

5.0pm: Proceeded.

6.06pm: C Connaught abeam, 2 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 38N, 93 38E.

9.30pm: Communicated with Treis I. by signal.

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21 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.39, Long 93.68 [approx]

1.05am: Kabra I. abeam, 2.25 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 7 22N, 94 08E.

8.25am: A/c WNW astern of SS Kasara.

9.0am: Stopped and communicated with Kasara.

11.45am: Kasara passed.

12.47pm: Anchored, Pulau Milo anchorage. Armed parties away searching shores of harbour.

6.45pm: Weighed and proceeded.

7.25pm: Stopped off Treis I.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 28N, 93 40E.

8.45pm: Discharged one W/T rating to HMAS Fantome.

9.45pm: Proceeded.

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22 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.59, Long 93.64

2.05am: A/c to close steamer, SS Kasara.

8.0am: Pos. 8 04N, 93 47E.

12.55pm: Stopped in 7 30N, 93 34E.

6.15pm: Proceeded N11E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 48N, 93 38E.

9.0pm: Sighted SS Kasara to NE.

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23 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.50, Long 93.57

6.48am: Stopped in 7 30N, 93 34E.

1.20pm: Proceeded to close Treis I.

2.0pm: Stopped and signalled to party ashore on Treis I.

3.30pm: Stopped in 7 30N, 93 34E.

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24 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.50, Long 93.57

12.01am: Stopped in 7 30N, 93 34E. Current setting SW at 2 knots, worked engines to maintain position.

10.50am: Proceeded NE to open up Milo harbour.

11.30am: Stopped in 7 30N, 93 34E.

6.55pm: Shaped course N11E.

9.48pm: C Connaught abeam, 6 miles.

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25 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.50, Long 93.57

6.15am: Stopped off Trak I., in 7 30N, 93 34E.

5.20pm: ProceededS32E.

6.34pm: Trak I. abeam, 1 mile.

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26 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.50, Long 93.57

Courses to examine Pulau Milo harbour.

9.35am: Stopped in 7 30N, 93 34E.

11.20am: Sighted SS Kasara, N10W.

3.50pm: Proceeded South.

4.20pm: A/C and worked up to full speed to chase steamer, proved to be HMAS Fantome.

5.25pm: Anchored in Pulau Milo anchorage.

Received one whaler from Kasara.

7.0pm: Weighed and proceeded.

7.55pm: Trak I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

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27 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.48, Long 93.64 [approx]

4.0am: Stopped off Trak I.

7.15am: Proceeded, N80E.

8.15am: Stopped 2 miles ENE of Treis I.

Turned in whaler for repair.

6.15pm: Proceeded N11E.

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28 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.49, Long 93.63 [approx]

6.15am: Stopped in Nancowry harbour. One Ldg Tel. rejoined ship.

6.35am: Proceeded.

7.35am: C Connaught abeam, 2 miles.

11.0am: Stopped (off Treis I.)

2.0pm: Proceeded.

2.50pm: Anchored, Pulau Milo anchorage.

5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded.

6.52pm: Trak I. abeam, 2 miles.

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29 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.47, Long 93.63

6.45am: Miroe I. abeam.

7.40am: Closed Treis I. Stopped to communicate with shore.

8.0am: Proceeded for Pulau Milo

9.0am: Stopped and picked up native canoe. Proceeded to Treis I.

10.35am: Embarked observation party of Lt Dowd and eight men (seven Fantome) from Treis I. Proceeded.

1.0pm: Stopped, dropped canoe.

2.04pm: Trak I. abeam, 1.75 miles.

2.35pm: Stopped in 7 30N, 93 34E.

6.16pm: Proceeded, N14E.

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30 November 1915

On patrol.

Lat 7.47, Long 93.64

7.10am: Stopped, picked up native canoe.

8.30am: Stopped 1 mile ENE from Treis I., lowered whaler and canoe to embark gear from Treis I.

Hands rigging relieving tackles*.

2.50pm: Proceeded for Pulau Milo

3.50pm: Anchored.

5.0pm: SS Kasara arrived and anchored.

Hands reeving wheel ropes*.

9.15pm: Weighed and proceeded, Northerly courses.

10.55pm: Trak I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

* Cadmus has old-fashioned ropes running directly from the wheel to the rudder and the relieving tackles provide mechanical advantage to reduce the load for the steersman.

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(Patrolling the Andaman and Nicobar Is, based at Port Blair)

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Front cover, signed by Lt DK Rotherham, navigating officer.

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Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, 1st January, 1916.

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Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189, from 5th October 1913.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810 from 26th November.

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1 December 1915

At sea to Nancowry harbour.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52 Fantome

8.0am: Pos. 8 26N, 93 46E.

12.50pm: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

6.40pm: HMAS Fantome arrived. Discharged Lt Dowd and seven ratings to same.

Paymr Negus*, RAN joined for passage to Port Blair.

Robert Charles Negus also served in WW2, reaching the rank of Captain and died in 1946.

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2 December 1915

Nancowry harbour and at sea towards Port Blair.

Lat 8.75, Long 93.50

8.0am: Pos. 8 04N, 93 36E.

8.0pm: Pos. 10 10N, 92 44E.

2.30am: HMAS Fantome sailed.

7.0am: Weighed and proceeded, Northerly courses.

9.42am: I of Man abeam, 3.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 10 10N, 92 44E.

9.0pm to 11.0pm: Heavy squall from South, much lightning and very heavy rain.

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3 December 1915

At sea to Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

6.45am. Secured to coaling jetty, Port Blair. Commenced coaling.

Heavy rain all day and Easterly squalls, very unpleasant for coaling.

One Marine joined from hospital.

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4 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

12.10am: Finished coaling, 195 tons.

9.0am: Cast off and secured to BW buoy.

Discharged Paymr Negus to hospital.

Embarked four drums of oil and 21 sheep.

7.05pm: Slipped and proceeded, Southerly courses.

8.0pm: Pos. 11 39N, 92 48E.

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5 December 1915

At sea.

Lat 9.22, Long 93.35

Courses East of South all day.

8.0am: Pos. 9 53N, 93 12E.

8.0pm: Pos. 8 25N, 93 34E.

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6 December 1915

At sea to South bay.

Lat 7.15, Long 93.9

8.0am: Pos. 7 27N, 93 36E.

Stopped and communicated with HMAS Fantome. Discharged one Chinese rating to same. Proceeded.

10.55am: Kabra I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

1.30pm: Boat Rock abeam, 1 mile.

3.12pm: Anchored in South Bay (Great Nicobar).

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7 December 1915

South bay to Ganges harbour.

Lat 7.22, Long 93.59

8.0am: Pos. 6 45N, 93 46E.

6.56am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.11pm: C Edinburgh abeam.

2.36pm: Sombrero Pt abeam, 1.75 miles.

4.40pm: Anchored in Ganges harbour, S75E and 4.75 miles from the North pt of Kondul I.

8.50pm: Sent seaboat to examine a light.

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8 December 1915

Ganges harbour to Nancowry harbour.

Lat 7.77, Long 93.57

6.50am. Weighed and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 7 23N, 93 47E.

10.0am: Trak I. abeam, 2 miles.

1.30pm: C Connaught abeam, 1.5 miles.

2.15pm: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

5.0pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 40.

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9 December 1915

Nancowry harbour to Ganges harbour.

Lat 7.4, Long 93.67

7.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 7 55N, 93 30E.

8.03am: C Connaught abeam, 3.5 miles.

12 noon: Slow both to examine Pulau Milo anchorage.

3.10pm: Anchored in Ganges harbour.

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10 December 1915

Ganges harbour, on patrol and return.

Lat 7.29, Long 93.89

6.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 7 16N, 93 53E.

12.15pm: Kabra I. abeam, 3 miles.

2.20pm: Stopped in Pulau Milo anchorage and communicated with shore.

4.08pm: Menchal I. abeam, 0.5 miles.

5.20pm: Anchored in Ganges harbour.

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11 December 1915

Ganges harbour and on patrol.

Lat 6.75, Long 93.87

6.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.35am: Kabra I. abeam, 1 mile.

8.0am: Pos. 7 15N, 93 53E.

7.20pm: Stopped.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 30N, 93 34E.

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12 December 1915

On patrol and to Nancowry harbour.

Lat 8.09, Long 93.20

12.01am: Hove to.

6.0am: Proceeded S29E.

8.0am: Pos. 7 35N, 93 35E.

1.50pm: Sighted smoke EbyS, a/c S86E and worked up to full speed.

4.0pm: Horace Pt abeam, 1.5 miles.

5.30pm: Anchored, Nancowry harbour.

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13 December 1915

Nancowry harbour to South Bay.

Lat 7.39, Long 93.60

6.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

Boarded brig Sultan Sikandar of Coconada.

7.0am: Hoisted boarding boat and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 7 56N, 93 36E.

11.30am: Pulau Milo abeam, 1.25 miles.

1.04pm: C Edinburgh abeam, 3.25 miles.

5.55pm: Anchored in South bay.

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14 December 1915

South Bay and on patrol.

Lat 7.09, Long 93.95

9.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

1.33pm: Kabra I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

3.45pm: Stopped in Pulau Milo anchorage and communicated with the shore.

4.35pm: Proceeded.

6.05pm: Stopped.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 30N, 93 34E.

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15 December 1915

On patrol and to Nancowry harbour.

Lat 8.01, Long 93.52

12.01am: Hove to.

4.50am: Proceeded, S39.5E.

6.24am: Treis I. abeam.

8.0am: Pos. 7 41N, 93 33E.

11.50am: Anchored in Nancowry harbour.

1.30pm: SS Kasara arrived and anchored.

Discharged four detained Chinamen to Kasara and returned her whaler.

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16 December 1915

Nancowry harbour to Teressa I.

Lat 8.25, Long 93.20

6.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.40am: Lowered sea boat to examine Expedition harbour. Boarded bugalow.

8.0am: Pos. 8 02N, 93 26E.

8.30am: Proceeded.

8.48am: Stopped off Dring harbour. Boarded brigs Princess of Wales and Alagianayagher.

9.45am: Proceeded.

11.45am: Boarded brig Mahomet Bux.

12.10pm: Proceeded.

1.20pm: Courses to coast around Teressa I.

3.0pm: Boarded junk No 236 of Penang.

4.25pm: Anchored off Lakai, Teressa I.

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17 December 1915

Teressa I. and at sea towards Pulau Milo anchorage via Car Nicobar.

Lat 8.73, Long 92.98

6.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 8 15N, 93 10E.

8.05am: N pt of Bompoka abeam, 2.25 miles.

4.0pm: Keating Pt abeam, 1 mile.

8.0pm: Pos. 9 01N, 92 53E.

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18 December 1915

At sea to Pulau Milo.

Lat 8.17, Long 93.58

8.0am: Pos. 8 33N, 93 33E.

8.58am: I of Man abeam, 5.5 miles.

2.12pm: C Connaught abeam, 3 miles.

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19 December 1915

Pulau Milo and at sea towards Port Blair.

Lat 8.33, Long 93.57

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

6.35am: Treis I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 7 41N, 93 39E.

9.31am: C Connaught abeam, 2.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 9 50N, 93 07E.

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20 December 1915

At sea to Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

8.15am: Secured to coaling wharf, Port Blair.

Coaled ship.

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21 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

3.30am: Finished coaling, 191 tons.

6.0am: Slipped and secured to BW buoy off Ross I.

7.20am: RIMS Mayo* sailed in company with five launches. RIMS Guide went alongside coaling jetty.

Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.0pm: Sent armed party to patrol launch.

* A troopship, 1896 of 1,132 grt.

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22 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

6.0am: Party returned from patrol launch.

6.0pm: Sent armed party to patrol launch.

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23 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

8.40am: HMS Cornwall arrived and anchored.

One rating joined for HMAS Fantome.

11.20am: Cornwall sailed.

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24 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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25 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

9.15pm: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

Patrolling North and South outside Ross I.

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26 December 1915

On patrol and at Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

12.01am: Patrolling outside Ross I.

6.40am: Secured to buoy.

7.25am: Slipped and proceeded on patrol.

12.45pm: Secured to buoy off Ross I.

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27 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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28 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

6.55am: HMS Cornwall arrived.

3.0pm: Cornwall sailed.

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29 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

5.0pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 42.

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30 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

In am: RIMS Guide shifted berth.

6.0pm: Slipped and proceeded to close SS Mahrajah and returned to harbour.

6.40pm: Secured to buoy.

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31 December 1915

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

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JP map Cadmus 1916


[Port Blair, Penang, Singapore, Sandakan, patrolling Basilan Strait and Sandakan]

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Front cover, signed by Lt DK Rotherham, navigating officer.

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Above two pages blank.

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Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189, from 5th October 1913.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810 from 26th November, 1915.

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1 January 1916

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

4.0am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

7.0am: HMS Cornwall arrived and anchored.

Hands clean ship.

Tested hand pumps.

8.15am: HMAS Fantome arrived and secured to coal jetty.

Discharged one rating to Fantome.

In pm: Discharged two ratings to Cornwall for passage to Singapore.

5.0pm: Quarters. Exercised action stations.

5.38pm: Cornwall weighed and proceeded.

Darkened ship and drew fires in steam cutter.

10.45pm: Fantome anchored off Ross I.

Weather: Light winds and temperatures as high as 91ºF during the day.

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2 January 1916

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

Sunday routine.

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3 January 1916

Port Blair.

Lat 11.67, Long 92.76

In am: Coaled ship at coaling jetty, 25 tons and returned to buoy.

In pm: Embarked oil.

One rating rejoined from hospital.

11.55pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

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4 January 1916

At sea for Penang.

Lat 10.34, Long 93. 94

8.0am: Pos. 10 35N, 9 27E.

8.0pm: Pos. 9 290N, 94 51E.

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5 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 7.7, Long 96.9

8.0am: Pos. 8 11N, 96 27E.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 45N, 97 56E.

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6 January 1916

At sea to Penang.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

8.0am: Pos. 5 51N, 99 47E.

11.13am: Tg Pichot Muka abeam, 7.5 miles.

12.10pm: Anchored, Penang.

2.30pm: SS Hang Sang came alongside.

Embarked stores and provisions.

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7 January 1916

Penang and at sea towards Singapore.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

Coaled ship, 100 tons.

6.30pm: SS Hang Sang proceeded.

9.20pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.09pm: Muka Hd abeam, 2.5 miles.

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8 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 3.75, Long 100.48

8.0am: Pos. 4 13N, 100 16.5E.

5.52pm: One Fathom Bank Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

10.29pm: C Rachado abeam, 4 miles.

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9 January 1916

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

1.26am: Pulau Undan Lt abeam, 3.75 miles.

7.32am: Pulau Pisang Lt abeam, 7.5 miles.

10.35am: Sultan shoal Lt abeam, 0.5 miles.

12 noon: Secured alongside Lagoon dock entrance, Singapore.

Coaled ship, 57 tons.

Discharged 10 cases of medical stores to HMS Diana.

3.30pm: Cast off to anchor.

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10 January 1916


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.20am: HMAS’ Warrego and Paramatta sailed.

In pm: Japanese cruiser arrived.

Discharged two ratings to hospital.

One rating (LS) joined from HMS Diana and one PO discharged to same.

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11 January 1916

Singapore and at sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 1.3, Long 104.22

6.25am: HMAS Yarra sailed.

9.10am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.35am: Stopped and catted anchor.

1.34pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile.

8.0pm: Pos. 1 21N, 105 24E.

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12 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 1.57, Long 107.39

8.0am: Pos. 1 27N, 106 49E.

8.0pm: Pos. 1 53N, 108 18E.

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13 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 2.7, Long 110.39 (DR)

1.50am: Merundung I. abeam.

6.25am: Tanjong Datu bg S3E.

8.0am: Pos. 2 27N, 109 52E.

8.0pm: Pos. 3 08N, 111 10E.

Strong NE’ly head winds all day, f7 at times.

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14 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.37, Long 113.07 (DR)

8.0am: Pos. 4 05N, 112 30E.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 05N, 113 25E.

Strong NE’ly head winds all day, f6 at times.

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15 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 6.38, Long 114.87

8.0am: Pos. 5 53N, 114 22E.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 51 30N, 115 36E.

Strong NE’ly head winds all day, up to gale f8 at noon.

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16 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 7.50, Long 117.45

6.0pm: Muligi I. abeam, 10 miles.

10.30pm: Taganak I. abeam, 2 miles.

11.59pm: Courses to enter harbour.

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17 January 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

2.05am: Anchored, Sandakan.

3.35pm: HMAS Una sailed.

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18 January 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

In am: Went alongside coal jetty and received 136 tons.

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19 January 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Landed SG training class.

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20 January 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Hands refitting davit guys and gauging projectiles.

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21 January 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.0am: Landed SA company and Marines.

1.55pm: Slipped and went alongside Customs pier.

Landed watch to search the hold of SS Giang An (probably Giang Ann).

5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

5.45pm: Stopped, hoisted boats and catted the anchor*.

7.57pm: Taganak I. abeam, 2 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 02 15N, 118 18 45E.

* In modern vessels the anchor is drawn up tight to the hawse-hole, but in Cadmus’ day the anchor was weighed and then drawn up level with the deck to a cathead abaft the bow .

4ef4f489e53e0a0c91001721: (

22 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.94, Long 120.25

8.0am: Pos. 4 50 30N, 119 45E.

3.15pm: Dangerous Pt abeam, 8 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 30N, 121 18E.

4ef4f489e53e0a0c91001722: (

23 January 1916

At sea to patrol in Basilan Strait.

Lat 6.55, Long 122.39

8.0am: Pos. 6 29N, 122 22E.

9.03am: Sibago I. Lt bg N7E, 8.5 miles. Stopped.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 36N, 122 22E.

10.25pm: Proceeded, S32W.

11.30pm: Stopped in 6 36N, 122 22E.

Strong NW winds, f7 at times in pm.

4ef4f489e53e0a0c91001723: (

24 January 1916

On patrol, Basilan Strait.

Lat 6.60, Long 122.37

12.01am: Hove to, working engines to keep position.

8.0am: Pos. 6 36N, 122 22E.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 36N, 122 22E.

11.0pm: Proceeded East.

11.59pm: Stopped.

Strong Westerly winds, f6 at times and rain all day.

4ef4f489e53e0a0c91001724: (

25 January 1916

On patrol in Basilan Strait and at sea for Sandakan.

Lat 6.73, Long 122.29

12.01am: Hove to.

8.0am: Pos. 6 30N, 122 34E.

9.0am: Proceeded, N44W.

11.40am: Sibago I. abeam, 4.25 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 55N, 122 00E.

4ef4f489e53e0a0c91001725: (

26 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.89, Long 120.14

8.0am: Pos. 5 03N, 120 40E.

5.04pm: Mount Vigia [?] abeam, 3 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 5 09 15N, 119 34E.

4ef4f489e53e0a0c91001726: (

27 January 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.68, Long 118.72

1.28pm: Taganak I. bg N40W.

5.30pm: Anchored, Sandakan.

4ef4f489e53e0a0c91001727: (

28 January 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Coaled ship from jetty, 183 tons. Cast off to anchor.

4ef4f489e53e0a0c91001728: (

29 January 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48ae53e0a0c91001729: (

30 January 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 6.22, Long 118.35

8.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.0am: Taganak abeam, 1.25 miles.

4.32pm: Muligi I. abeam, 2.25 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 12N, 118 08E.

4ef4f48ae53e0a0c9100172a: (

31 January 1916

At sea.

Lat 8.25, Long 116.99

8.0am: Pos. 8 92N, 117 23E.

8.0pm: Pos. 9 06N, 116 58E.

4ef4f48ae53e0a0c9100172b: (



[Sandakan, on patrol NW of the North Balabac strait, Sandakan]

4ef4f48ae53e0a0c9100172c: (

Front cover, signed by Lt DK Rotherham, navigating officer and Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f48ae53e0a0c9100172d: (

4ef4f48ae53e0a0c9100172e: (

Above two pages blank.

4ef4f48ae53e0a0c9100172f: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189, from 5th October 1913.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810 from 26th November, 1915.

4ef4f48ae53e0a0c91001730: (

1 February 1916

At sea.

Lat 7.52, Long 116.89

8.0am: Pos. 7 53N, 116 30E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 10N, 118 03E.

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001731: (

2 February 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

5.15am: Taganak I. abream, 2.4 miles.

7.45am: Secured to coaling jetty, Sandakan.

Coaled ship, 71 tons.

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001732: (

3 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001733: (

4 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

9.20am: Cast off from jetty and anchored.

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001734: (

5 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001735: (

6 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Sunday routine.

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001736: (

7 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

2.45pm: HMAS Encounter arrived and anchored.

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001737: (

8 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.0pm: Russian armed merchant cruiser Orel* arrived and anchored.

*Also known as Oryol, an ex-Dobroflot liner.

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001738: (

9 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48be53e0a0c91001739: (

10 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48ce53e0a0c9100173a: (

11 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.20am: SS Hang Sang secured alongside.

8.0am: Dressed ship. (Japanese Empire Day)

9.30am: HMAS Encounter sailed.

Coaled ship, 61 tons.

Lt Thunder RNR, discharged to SS Selangor for passage to Singapore.

4ef4f48ce53e0a0c9100173b: (

12 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Read warrants Nos 43, 44 and 45.

4ef4f48ce53e0a0c9100173c: (

13 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

5.55pm: HMS Cornwall arrived and anchored.

4ef4f48ce53e0a0c9100173d: (

14 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

10.50am: Russian cruiser Orel sailed.

4ef4f48ce53e0a0c9100173e: (

15 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

8.07am: HIJMS Akashi sailed.

9.20am: HMS Cornwall sailed.

Drew new sailing cutter and returned old one to SS Hang Sang.

4ef4f48ce53e0a0c9100173f: (

16 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Discharged one Chinese rating to shore.

4ef4f48ce53e0a0c91001740: (

17 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001741: (

18 February 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001742: (

19 February 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

7.10am: Secured alongside SS Hang Sang and commenced coaling.

Received 46 tons.

1.0pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

3.25pm: Taganak I. abeam, 2 miles, a/c North.

8.0pm: Pos. 6 36N, 118 25E.

11.35pm: A/c to close steamer.

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001743: (

20 February 1916

On patrol.

Lat 7.79, Long 117.05

8.0am: Pos. 7 46N, 117 28E.

12.45pm: Boarded SS Magallanes (American), owners Gutierrez Hermanos, master Adolfo Yreveabal, Saigon to Cebu.

1.25pm: Proceeded.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 43N, 116 13E.

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001744: (

21 February 1916

On patrol.

Lat 8.4, Long 116.77

8.0am: Pos. 8 03N, 116 34E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 44N, 116 09E.

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001745: (

22 February 1916

On patrol.

Lat 8.44, Long 116.74

8.0am: Pos. 7 57N, 116 37E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 43N, 116 13E.

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001746: (

23 February 1916

On patrol.

Lat 7.87, Long 116.79

8.0am: Pos. 7 50N, 116 32E.

8.0pm: Pos. 8 34N, 116 43E.

4.15pm: A/c N and increased speed to chase a steamer.

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001747: (

24 February 1916

On patrol.

Lat 8.45, Long 116.75

8.0am: Pos. 7 56N, 116 38E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 48N, 116 11E.

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001748: (

25 February 1916

On patrol.

Lat 8.7, Long 116.78

8.0am: Pos. 8 10 30N, 116 36E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 48N, 116 36E.

8.0pm: Boarded SS Mitsuki Maru*, owners Itaya Shosen Kabushiki Kaisha, Singapore to Stoyaki

*Mitsuki Maru, 1899, 3.575 tons, formerly St Bede of the Saint Line, Rankin Gilmour and Co. Sunk in 1942.

4ef4f48de53e0a0c91001749: (

26 February 1916

On patrol.

Lat 8.52, Long 116.75

8.0am: Pos. 8 00N, 116 37E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 40N, 116 10E.

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c9100174a: (

27 February 1916

On patrol.

Lat 8.49, Long 116.61

8.0am: Pos. 7 56N, 116 26E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 41N, 116 10E.

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c9100174b: (

28 February 1916

At sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 7.41, Long 117.18

8.0am: Pos. 7 33N, 116 32E.

8.0pm: Pos. 7 00N, 118 17E.

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c9100174c: (

29 February 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

2.15am: Taganak I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

6.20am: Secured to coal jetty, Sandakan and commenced coaling.

Took on 198 tons.

5.05pm: Cast off to anchor.

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c9100174d: (

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c9100174f: (

Above two pages blank.


[Sandakan, Kudat and Hong Kong for refit]

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c9100174e: (

Front cover signed by the navigating officer.

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c91001750: (

Signed and dated, HD Marryat (Captain), 1st April 1916.

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c91001751: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, Adie 416, 8’ asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189, from 5th October 1913.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810 from 26th November, 1915.

4ef4f48ee53e0a0c91001752: (

1 March 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

12.10am: Drew fires in steam cutter.

5.0am: Lit fires in steam cutter.

Hands clean ship.

One Ldg Stoker joined from hospital .

Leave to starboard watch, 4.30pm to 10.0pm.

5.0pm: Quarters. Cleared poop and foc’sle for action and exercised action stations.

4ef4f48fe53e0a0c91001753: (

2 March 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.0am: Shifted berth. Divers down cleaning underwater fittings.

2.17pm: HJJMS Akashi sailed.

4ef4f48fe53e0a0c91001754: (

3 March 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48fe53e0a0c91001755: (

4 March 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48fe53e0a0c91001756: (

5 March 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f48fe53e0a0c91001757: (

6 March 1916

Sandakan and at sea towards Kudat.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

12 noon: Weighed and proceeded.

2.50pm: Lihiman I. abeam, 0.75 miles.

5.03pm: Lankayan I. abeam, 2.8 miles.

7.07pm: Anchored in 6 44N, 117 41.5E.

4ef4f48fe53e0a0c91001758: (

7 March 1916

At sea to Kudat.

Lat 7.1, Long 116.85 [approx]

6.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.15am: Kalutan Pt abeam, 1.5 miles.

1.22pm: Anchored, Kudat.

4ef4f48fe53e0a0c91001759: (

8 March 1916


Lat 6.87, Long 116.83

4ef4f490e53e0a0c9100175a: (

9 March 1916

Kudat and at sea towards Hong Kong.

Lat 7.35, Long 116.82

5.40am: HMAS Fantome arrived and anchored.

Discharged one Ldg Stoker to Fantome.

Lt Footner RNVR and two ratings joined.

8.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.06am: Kalutan I. abeam.

8.0pm: Pos. 8 37N, 116 44 30E.

4ef4f490e53e0a0c9100175b: (

10 March 1916

At sea.

Lat 10.94, Long 118.02

8.0am: Pos. 10 17N, 117 48E.

8.0pm: Pos. 12 16 15N, 117 38 30E.

Northerly courses all day.

4ef4f490e53e0a0c9100175c: (

11 March 1916

At sea.

Lat 14.5, Long 116.73

8.0am: Pos. 13 54 30N, 116 56E.

8.0pm: Pos. 15 49N, 116 15E.

Course N20W all day.

4ef4f490e53e0a0c9100175d: (

12 March 1916

At sea.

Lat 18.5, Long 115.62

8.0am: Pos. 17 47N, 115 43E.

8.0pm: Pos. 19 50 30N, 115 06E.

4ef4f490e53e0a0c9100175e: (

13 March 1916

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.2

11.30am: Waglan I. abeam, 0.5 miles.

1.0pm: Secured to Triumph buoy, HK harbour.

Hands disembarking ammunition and coal.

Secured to Triumph buoy

Discharged two ratings to HMS Tamar.

Paid monthly advance.

4ef4f490e53e0a0c9100175f: (

14 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

7.30am: Secured alongside jetty. Hands discharging ammunition.

Discharged seven ratings to hospital. (Cadmus’ sick list has been between 12 and 15 since 6th March, one in ten of the crew)

4ef4f490e53e0a0c91001760: (

15 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

8.05am: Russian auxiliary cruiser sailed.

8.10am: HMS Laurentic arrived.

Hands getting out anchors and cables.

4ef4f490e53e0a0c91001761: (

16 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Hands getting out anchors and cables, returning rifles and disembarking stores and provisions.

4ef4f491e53e0a0c91001762: (

17 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Disembarking stores and provisions to lighters.

Ship’s company joined HMS Tamar. (They eat and sleep on Tamar, the depot ship, returning during the day to work on Cadmus and presumably muster a small guard watch at night. Four hourly weather reports continue.)

Leave to starboard watch until 9.0am on the 20th.

4ef4f491e53e0a0c91001763: (

18 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Disembarking stores and provisions to lighters.

Discharged Lt DK Rotherham and three ratings to hospital.

4ef4f491e53e0a0c91001764: (

19 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f491e53e0a0c91001765: (

20 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f491e53e0a0c91001766: (

21 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Discharged one rating to hospital.

4ef4f491e53e0a0c91001767: (

22 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f491e53e0a0c91001768: (

23 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f491e53e0a0c91001769: (

24 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Entered dry dock. Hands scrubbing the bottom.

4ef4f492e53e0a0c9100176a: (

25 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

11.0am: Russian auxiliary cruiser arrived East (probably Orel, see 29th March).

6.0pm: USS Ajax transport arrived.

10.0am: Exercised funeral party.

4.30pm: Landed funeral party, half-masted colours. (For the funeral of Lt DK Rotherham, who died the previous day after illness)

6.0pm: USS Ajax transport arrived.

4ef4f492e53e0a0c9100176b: (

26 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f492e53e0a0c9100176c: (

27 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

9.30am: HIJMS Kasagi arrived East.

2.0pm: Chinese cruiser Chao Ho arrived.

4ef4f492e53e0a0c9100176d: (

28 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

3.0pm: USS Wilmington sailed West.

4ef4f492e53e0a0c9100176e: (

29 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

9.15am: USS Ajax sailed.

3.0pm: Russian aux. cruiser Orel sailed.

4ef4f492e53e0a0c9100176f: (

30 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

In pm: Barometers and thermometers unshipped.

4ef4f492e53e0a0c91001770: (

31 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

11.05am: HMS Whiting arrived.

2.0pm: Whiting sailed.

4ef4f492e53e0a0c91001771: (



[Hong Kong for refit and decommission]

4ef4f493e53e0a0c91001772: (

Cover signed by FC Platt [?], Navigating Officer.

4ef4f493e53e0a0c91001773: (


4ef4f493e53e0a0c91001774: (

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, 1st May 1916.

4ef4f493e53e0a0c91001775: (

4ef4f493e53e0a0c91001776: (

1 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

11.30am: HIJMS Akashi arrived East.

6.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau arrived West.

4ef4f493e53e0a0c91001777: (

2 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

10.30am: Chinese cruiser Sing Hai arrived West.

12 noon: HIJMS Akashi sailed East.

4ef4f493e53e0a0c91001778: (

3 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f493e53e0a0c91001779: (

4 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

9.30am: Chinese TBD Li Fu (possibly Lei Fu) arrived and anchored.

4ef4f494e53e0a0c9100177a: (

5 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Chinese gunboats Poo Pik and Kiang Sai arrived and anchored.

4ef4f494e53e0a0c9100177b: (

6 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

1.30pm: Japanese gunboat Kasagi sailed.

Chinese gunboat Choi Soi arrived and anchored.

4ef4f494e53e0a0c9100177c: (

7 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f494e53e0a0c9100177d: (

8 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

10.55am: Left dry dock and secured to South wall.

4ef4f494e53e0a0c9100177e: (

9 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f494e53e0a0c9100177f: (

10 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f494e53e0a0c91001780: (

11 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f494e53e0a0c91001781: (

12 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Hands restowing Bosun’s stores and getting in anchors and cables.

4ef4f494e53e0a0c91001782: (

13 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

One rating rejoined from hospital.

4ef4f495e53e0a0c91001783: (

14 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Hands restowing storerooms.

4ef4f495e53e0a0c91001784: (

15 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Hands restowing storerooms.

Two ratings rejoined from hospital.

Read warrant No 46.

4ef4f495e53e0a0c91001785: (

16 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4ef4f495e53e0a0c91001786: (

17 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

9.40am: Coaled ship, 20 tons.

12 noon: Commenced basin trials.

2.0pm: Completed trials.

4ef4f495e53e0a0c91001787: (

18 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

7.30am: Slipped and proceeded to Triumph buoy.

8.10am: Coolies arrived and commenced coaling.

2.0pm: Two ratings rejoined from hospital.

6.0pm: HMS Laurentic arrived.

4ef4f495e53e0a0c91001788: (

19 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

9.33am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for trials.

12.37pm: Trials complete and returned to harbour.

2.12pm: Secured to No 5 buoy and swung ship for compasses.

Two ratings returned from hospital.

4ef4f495e53e0a0c91001789: (

20 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Coolies and crew embarking ammunition, rifles, stores and provisions.

4ef4f495e53e0a0c9100178a: (

21 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Discharged one rating to hospital.

4ef4f496e53e0a0c9100178b: (

22 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f496e53e0a0c9100178c: (

23 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f496e53e0a0c9100178d: (

24 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Painting the side.

4ef4f496e53e0a0c9100178e: (

25 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f496e53e0a0c9100178f: (

26 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Painting and refitting.

4ef4f496e53e0a0c91001790: (

27 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Painting and refitting.

4ef4f496e53e0a0c91001791: (

28 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

4ef4f496e53e0a0c91001792: (

29 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Japanese cruisers Iwate and Adzuma arrived.

4ef4f497e53e0a0c91001793: (

30 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20


[Hong Kong, Sandakan and on patrol in the Makassar Strait]

4ef4f497e53e0a0c91001795: (


4ef4f497e53e0a0c91001796: (

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, dated 1st June 1916.

4ef4f497e53e0a0c91001797: (


4ef4f497e53e0a0c91001794: (

1 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

Paid off.

No logs for 2–7 May 1916

4ef4f497e53e0a0c91001798: (

8 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

HMS Cadmus recommissioned. Exercised fire and action stations.

4ef4f497e53e0a0c91001799: (

9 May 1916

Hong Kong and at sea.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

7.30am: Shifted to Triumph buoy.

Discharged one AB to hospital.

One ERA joined ship.

3.50pm: Slipped and proceeded, courses East of South.

4ef4f497e53e0a0c9100179a: (

10 May 1916

At sea.

Lat 22.23, Long 114.27

2.35am: Stopped - no steam due to bad coal.

Lost overboard by accident, one Cherub log line and rotator. (cherub rotator)

4.14am: Proceeded N15W.

12.30pm: Lye Mun passage.

1.12pm: Secured to Triumph buoy, Hong Kong.

7.15pm: Commenced uncoaling, native labour.

4ef4f498e53e0a0c9100179b: (

11 May 1916

Hong Kong and at sea for Sandakan.

Lat 22.30, Long 114.20

7.30am: Finished discharging 196 tons of coal and commenced coaling.

4.0pm: Completed coaling, 222 tons.

5.30pm: Slipped and proceeded. Course S17E.

6.52pm: Waglan Lt abeam, 0.7 miles.

4ef4f498e53e0a0c9100179c: (

12 May 1916

At sea.

Lat 19.70, Long 115.29

4ef4f498e53e0a0c9100179d: (

13 May 1916

At sea.

Lat 16.40, Long 116.20

12.48pm: A/c to examine steamer.

4ef4f498e53e0a0c9100179e: (

14 May 1916

At sea.

Lat 13.15, Long 117.38

4ef4f498e53e0a0c9100179f: (

15 May 1916

At sea.

Lat 9.75, Long 117.57

4ef4f498e53e0a0c910017a0: (

16 May 1916

At sea.

Lat 7.13, Long 118.18

4.0am: Balabac I. Lt abeam, 3.8 miles.

7.30pm: Anchored in Sandakan harbour.

4ef4f498e53e0a0c910017a1: (

17 May 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded to go alongside coal jetty. Commenced coaling.

Discharged one AB to hospital.

11.30am: Finished coaling, 103 tons.

1.30pm: Cast off to anchor.

4ef4f498e53e0a0c910017a2: (

18 May 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.15am: HIJMS Tsushima arrived.

7.30am: HIJMS Niitaka arrived.

Discharged one PO 1c to hospital.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017a3: (

19 May 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017a4: (

20 May 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

9.10 – 9.50am: Landed escort.

12.30pm: HIJMS Tsushima sailed.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017a5: (

21 May 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017a6: (

22 May 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

9.20am: Coaled ship, 20 tons.

3.12pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

10.0pm: Stopped and communicated with HMAS Fantome.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017a7: (

23 May 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.36, Long 119.72

7.0am: Passing through Sibutu passage.

9.0am: Divisions. Read warrant No 1.

5.28pm: Closed Japanese SS Banu [?].

Southerly courses all day.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017a8: (

24 May 1916

At sea.

Lat 0.34, Long 119.03

2.53am: Pulau Sambit Lt bg S22W.

4.24am: Same abeam, 3.5 miles, a/c South.

8.36am: Tanjung Mangkalihat Lt abeam, 4.5 miles, a/c S3W.

Southerly courses all day.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017a9: (

25 May 1916

At sea.

Lat -3.45, Long 118.70

3.42am: Cape William Lt bg SSE.

12 noon: A/c N10W.

7.05pm: C William Lt abeam, 14.8 miles.

8.30pm: A/c N57W.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017aa: (

26 May 1916

On patrol.

Lat -1.39, Long 117.05

4.08am: A/c to chase and close steamer.

Fired one 3 pdr blank and two 4” shells to stop same.

5.48am: Boarded British SS Keemun*, correct.

6.54am: Proceeded.

1.34pm: Stopped.

4.04pm: Proceeded.

4.52pm: Balik Papan LV bg N66W, 1 mile, set course S57E.

* Keemun, Blue Funnel Line, 1902, 9,067 grt, scrapped 1933.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017ab: (

27 May 1916

On patrol.

Lat -3.67, Long 118.81

4.30am: Cape William Lt bg, S52E.

6.11am: Same abeam, 11.8 miles.

2.45pm: Closed two native sailing craft.

5.0pm: A/c N7W.

8.44pm: Cape Mandar Lt bg N22E.

10.30pm: Stopped, moving engines as requisite.

4ef4f499e53e0a0c910017ac: (

28 May 1916

On patrol.

Lat -3.78, Long 118.83 (DR)

12.01am: Stopped, moving engines as requisite.

6.45am: Proceeded, N41E.

9.30am: A/c S1E. Mustered by the open list.

6.25pm: Boarded SS Bulongan [?], correct.

7.38pm: Kapoposang Lt abeam, 6 miles, a/c N71W.

4ef4f49ae53e0a0c910017ad: (

29 May 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.09, Long 116.47

8.0am: A/c S74W.

10.45am: Stopped British SS Pyrrhus and communicated with same.

11.35am: Proceeded.

1.10pm: A/c S84W.

10.40pm: Cape Selatan Lt bg N50W.

11.30pm: Same abeam, 13.2 miles.

4ef4f49ae53e0a0c910017ae: (

30 May 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.42, Long 113.97

2.15am: Boarded Dutch SS Tarakan towing lighter, correct. Proceeded S81W.

10.0am: A/c N81E.

2.0pm: A/c S81W.

5.0pm: A/c N74E.

11.50pm: C Selatan Lt bg EbyS, a/c S40E.

4ef4f49ae53e0a0c910017af: (

31 May 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.15, Long 113.98

1.53am: C Selatan Lt abeam, 14.7 miles, a/c S85W.

3.30am: Closed tug towing two lighters.

9.30am: A/c N40E.

1.16pm: Boarded native schooner Barito [?], correct.

7.15pm: Barito LV bg N55E.

8.37pm: Boarded Dutch SS Singapore, correct. Proceeded S34E.

11.50pm: Cape Selatan Lt abeam, 7.7 miles. A/c N60W.

4ef4f49ae53e0a0c910017b0: (

4ef4f49ae53e0a0c910017b1: (

Above two pages blank.


[Sandakan, on patrol around N Sulawesi and Sandakan]

4ef4f49ae53e0a0c910017b2: (

Front cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett, RN.

4ef4f49ae53e0a0c910017b3: (


4ef4f49be53e0a0c910017b4: (

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, 1st July 1916.

4ef4f49be53e0a0c910017b5: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810.

4ef4f49be53e0a0c910017b6: (

1 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.25, Long 115.82

3.25am: Barito Lt bg N26E, a/c S26W.

6.32am: Boarded Dutch SS Berijokes [?], correct. Proceeded S63E.

10.28am: C Selatan Lt abeam, 8 miles, a/c N85E.

5.36pm: Boarded native barque Argo, Dutch colony, correct.

4ef4f49be53e0a0c910017b7: (

2 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.38, Long 118.58

1.30pm: A/c N7W.

8.35pm: C Mandar Lt bg N73E.

9.35pm: A/c N5W.

10.15pm: Same abeam, 15.8 miles.

4ef4f49be53e0a0c910017b8: (

3 June 1916

At sea towards Sandakan.

Lat -1.93, Long 118.78

1.50am: Boarded Dutch SS Tarakan, correct.

3.24am: Boarded Dutch SS Van der Hagen*, correct. Proceeded N4W.

7.42am: C William Lt abeam, 8.8 miles.

Northerly courses all day.

* The first of two Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij vessels of this name, 1909, 3,033 grt.

4ef4f49be53e0a0c910017b9: (

4 June 1916

At sea.

Lat 2.11, Long 119.37

5.21am: C Mangkalihat Lt abeam, 5.3 miles.

Northerly courses all day.

4ef4f49be53e0a0c910017ba: (

5 June 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.67, Long 118.92

5.30pm: Anchored in Sandakan harbour.

4ef4f49ce53e0a0c910017bb: (

6 June 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

6.25am: Weighed and proceeded to coal jetty. Coaled with native labour, 197 tons.

Discharged two privates RMLI to hospital. Two ABs returned from same.

5.10pm: Cast off to anchor.

4ef4f49ce53e0a0c910017bc: (

7 June 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f49ce53e0a0c910017bd: (

8 June 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Landed Ordinary Seamen and Boys for small arms drill.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 2.

4ef4f49ce53e0a0c910017be: (

9 June 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f49ce53e0a0c910017bf: (

10 June 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

10.0am: HIJMS Niitaka arrived.

Discharged one rating to hospital.

4ef4f49ce53e0a0c910017c0: (

11 June 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

Landed church party.

4ef4f49ce53e0a0c910017c1: (

12 June 1916


Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

4ef4f49ce53e0a0c910017c2: (

13 June 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.81, Long 118.11

5.14am: HIJMS Niitaka left.

Received 27 tons of coal from coaling wharf.

One rating rejoined from hospital.

4.40pm: Slipped and proceeded.

6.53pm: Taganak abeam, 5 miles.

7.25pm: Stopped, loud knocking from starboard propeller, nothing discovered, proceeded, no knock.

11.40pm: Sounding to pick up Sunday and Normanby banks.

4ef4f49de53e0a0c910017c3: (

14 June 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.62, Long 119.90 (DR)

6.35am: A/c to close steamer in Sibutu passage.

7.31am: Boarded BNB steamer SS Kinabalu, correct.

10.26am: Stopped and communicated with HMAS Fantome.

11.35am: Proceeded.

4ef4f49de53e0a0c910017c4: (

15 June 1916

At sea.

Lat 1.48, Long 121.48

[The log names three lighthouses that I have been unable to match with existing lights.]

4ef4f49de53e0a0c910017c5: (

16 June 1916

At sea.

Lat 2.00, Long 124.70

7.30am: A/c S78E into Menado Bay.

8.30am: A/c NW.

11.0pm: Stopped.

4ef4f49de53e0a0c910017c6: (

17 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 3.62, Long 125.88

12.01am: Hove to off Sangi I.

6.10am: Proceeded N68E.

Various courses during the day, S40W from 4.30pm.

4ef4f49de53e0a0c910017c7: (

18 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 2.29, Long 125.57

4.26pm: Talisei I. Lt abeam, 4.3 miles.

Courses generally South and West.

4ef4f49de53e0a0c910017c8: (

19 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.43, Long 124.37

3.30am: A/c ENE.

9.35am: A/c S70W.

7.0pm: A/c N66E.

10.40pm: Boarded Dutch SS Van Rees, correct.

4ef4f49de53e0a0c910017c9: (

20 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.62, Long 125.33

9.49am: A/c S50E.

12.30pm: A/c S13 W.

9.43pm: Pondang I. Lt abeam, 7.8 miles.

4ef4f49de53e0a0c910017ca: (

21 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.17, Long 123.50

8.35am: Stopped off Gorontalo.

8.40am: Proceeded.

10.48am: A/c N85E.

6.27pm: Pondang I. Lt abeam, 3.3 miles.

11.0pm: A/c N27E.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017cb: (

22 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.75, Long 124.67

3.22am: Talisei Lt bg N54W.

6.0pm: A/c S28E.

8.18pm: Boarded Dutch SS Van Rees, correct.

9.20pm: Proceeded S66W.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017cc: (

23 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.47, Long 125.33

5.40am: A/c S85E.

8.14am: Talisei Lt abeam, 3.4 miles.

11.21am: A/c S7W.

3.51pm: Pakolor I. abeam, 3.2 miles.

8.21pm: Pondang I. Lt abeam, 4 miles.

9.21pm: A/c S79W.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017cd: (

24 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.03, Long 123.31

12.05am: A/c to close steamer, fired two 3 pdr blank, one 4” shot and one 4” common shell.

12.56am: Boarded Dutch SS Van Neck, correct.

1.33am: Proceeded, S72W.

6.0am: A/c N39W.

8.47am: Stopped off Gorontalo for ten minutes, proceeded S37E.

8.0pm: A/c N36W.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017ce: (

25 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.20, Long 123.87

3.45am: Gorontalo Lt bg N22W.

5.45am: A/c S36E.

7.39am: A/c N86E.

3.54pm: Pondang I. Lt abeam 2 miles.

11.59pm: A/c N24W.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017cf: (

26 June 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.33, Long 124.27

2.15am: Talisei Lt abeam 12.5 miles, a/c S85W.

10.26am: Course and speed as requisite while fitting tiller and relieving tackles. (Looks like the wheel ropes have broken again)

11.24pm: Stopped.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017d0: (

27 June 1916

On patrol and courses for base.

Lat 1.52, Long 122.15

12.01am: Hove to.

8.0am: HMAS Warrego closed and communicated. Two ratings joined for passage to hospital.

9.33am: Proceeded, N38W.

8.0pm: Three strands of wheel rope parted. Reduced speed on starboard engine during repairs.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017d1: (

28 June 1916

At sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 4.44, Long 120.13

6.0am: Watch employed unreeving old wheel rope.

6.25am: Stopped. Reeving new wheel rope.

9.0am: Proceeded, N46W.

12 noon: 3.95 tons of coal remaining.

3.0pm: Passing through Sibutu passage.

9.12pm: Sounding to pick up Sentry, Normanby and Sunday banks.

NW’ly courses all day.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017d2: (

29 June 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.15am: Secured to coal wharf, Sandakan and commenced coaling.

Discharged two HMAS Warrego ratings to hospital.

5.0pm: Finished coaling, 225 tons. Cast off to anchor.

4ef4f49ee53e0a0c910017d3: (

30 June 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017d4: (

4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017d5: (

Above two pages blank.


[Sandakan, on patrol around N Sulawesi and Sandakan]

4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017d6: (

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett, Navigating Officer.

4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017d7: (


4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017d8: (

Signature of Cdr HD Marryat, 1st August 1916.

4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017d9: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810.

4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017da: (

1 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

5.0am: HMAS Parramatta sailed.

Make and mend in pm.

4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017db: (

2 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Sunday routine.

4ef4f49fe53e0a0c910017dc: (

3 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

8.15am: HIJMS Toni (probably Tone) sailed.

4ef4f4a0e53e0a0c910017dd: (

4 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a0e53e0a0c910017de: (

5 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Landed Seaman company and machine gun sections.

Landed range parties.

4ef4f4a0e53e0a0c910017df: (

6 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Landed range parties.

4ef4f4a0e53e0a0c910017e0: (

7 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Exercised divers at monthly practice.

Discharged one OS to hospital.

4ef4f4a0e53e0a0c910017e1: (

8 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a0e53e0a0c910017e2: (

9 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a0e53e0a0c910017e3: (

10 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.45am: HMAS Fantome arrived.

One PO and one OS returned from hospital.

4ef4f4a0e53e0a0c910017e4: (

11 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Coaled ship, 58 tons.

5.10pm: Slipped and proceeded, Easterly courses.

4ef4f4a1e53e0a0c910017e5: (

12 July 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.48, Long 119.99

Easterly courses.

4ef4f4a1e53e0a0c910017e6: (

13 July 1916

At sea.

Lat 1.32, Long 122.17

Easterly courses.

4ef4f4a1e53e0a0c910017e7: (

14 July 1916

At sea.

Lat 1.85, Long 124.78

6.25am: Stopped and communicated with HMAS Warrego. Discharged one rating for hospital.

8.18am: Proceeded N62E.

4ef4f4a1e53e0a0c910017e8: (

15 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.13, Long 123.65

3.16am: Pondang I. Lt bg S58W.

5.32am: Same abeam, 9.6 miles.

10.30pm: Stopped.

4ef4f4a1e53e0a0c910017e9: (

16 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.17, Long 123.4

12.01am: Hove to.

10.0am: Proceeded N75W.

6.0pm: Stopped.

9.25pm: Proceeded, S6W.

10.0pm: Stopped.

11.50pm: Proceeded N85E.

4ef4f4a1e53e0a0c910017ea: (

17 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.87, Long 124.92

5.20am: Pondang I. Lt bg N58E.

7.20am: Same abeam, 7.5 miles.

11.30am: Boarded Dutch SS Maetsuijcker, correct.

12.30pm: Proceeded N60E.

4ef4f4a1e53e0a0c910017eb: (

18 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.73, Long 124.65 sea

2.55am: Stopped. Boarded Dutch SS Camphuijs, correct.

9.15am: Carried out .303 target practice.

11.0am: Proceeded, N30E.

4ef4f4a1e53e0a0c910017ec: (

19 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 3.38, Long 125.79

2.10am: Stopped.

5.40am: Proceeded, N68E.

7.50am: A/c S61E.

11.36pm: Talisei Lt abeam, 11.5 miles. Stopped.

4ef4f4a2e53e0a0c910017ed: (

20 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.98, Long 124.85

12.01am: Hove to.

9.20am: Proceeded. Carried out 1” AR practice.

11.37am: Stopped.

5.28pm: Proceeded, S20E.

8.0pm: Boarded SS Dutch Camphuijs, correct.

9.10pm: Proceeded N18E.

4ef4f4a2e53e0a0c910017ee: (

21 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 3.28, Long 125.37

11.30am: Closed SS Camphuijs.

12.20pm: Boarded her, correct.

1.05pm: Proceeded N14W.

2.48pm: Closed with native sailing boat and communicated with same.

6.0pm: Stopped NW of Sangi I.

8.43pm: Proceeded ENE.

10.05pm: Boarded SS Camphuijs, correct.

10.40pm: Proceeded, S62W.

4ef4f4a2e53e0a0c910017ef: (

22 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 2.22, Long 124.87

5.51pm: Stopped.

8.37pm: Proceeded S35W.

11.59pm: Stopped.

4ef4f4a2e53e0a0c910017f0: (

23 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.90, Long 124.77

12.0am: Hove to.

7.04am: Proceeded N30E.

4ef4f4a2e53e0a0c910017f1: (

24 July 1916

On patrol.

Lat 4.82, Long 126.67

10.44pm: Tinaka Pt Lt abeam, 10.8 miles.

11.45pm: Stopped off Sarangani Bay, Mindanao

4ef4f4a2e53e0a0c910017f2: (

25 July 1916

On patrol and at sea for Sandakan.

Lat 5.68, Long 124.99

12.01am: Hove to.

11.0am: Proceeded N71W.

4ef4f4a2e53e0a0c910017f3: (

26 July 1916

At sea.

Lat 6.88, Long 121.37

2.15am: Sibago I. Lt bg N65W.

4.21am: Entered Basilan Strait.

5.27am: Same abeam, 2.8 miles.

4ef4f4a2e53e0a0c910017f4: (

27 July 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

7.22am: Secured alongside collier Hang Sang at Customs jetty.

8.15am: Commenced coaling.

Discharged one Ldg Stoker and one Stoker to hospital.

5.0pm: Ceased coaling for the night.

4ef4f4a3e53e0a0c910017f5: (

28 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.45am: Resumed coaling.

2.35pm: Finished coaling, 206 tons. Cast off to anchor.

4ef4f4a3e53e0a0c910017f6: (

29 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one Marine to hospital.

4ef4f4a3e53e0a0c910017f7: (

30 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Two ratings returned from hospital.

4ef4f4a3e53e0a0c910017f8: (

31 July 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

One ERA joined ship and six ratings joined for HMAS Warrego.

4ef4f4a3e53e0a0c910017f9: (



[Sandakan, on patrol around N Sulawesi and Sandakan]

4ef4f4a3e53e0a0c910017fa: (

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett, RN, Navigating Officer.

4ef4f4a3e53e0a0c910017fb: (


4ef4f4a3e53e0a0c910017fc: (

Signature of Cdr HD Marryat, 31st August 1916.

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c910017fd: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810.

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c910017fe: (

1 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c910017ff: (

2 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

HMAS Warrego arrived.

HMAS Fantome arrived.

Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c91001800: (

3 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Three ratings joined awaiting passage.

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c91001801: (

4 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

7.30am: HMAS Warrego sailed.

4.0pm: Landed battalion for demonstration to celebrate the anniversary of the commencement of war.

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c91001802: (

5 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c91001803: (

6 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c91001804: (

7 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Read warrants Nos 4, 5 and 6.

4ef4f4a4e53e0a0c91001805: (

8 August 1916

Sandakan and at sea towards Jesselton.

Lat 6.41, Long 117.80

6.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

6.43am: A/c N20W, through Mallawali channel.

4.0pm: Quarters. Read warrant No 7.

4ef4f4a5e53e0a0c91001806: (

9 August 1916

At sea to Jesselton [now Kota Kinabalu).

Lat 6.0, Long 116.07

6.30am: Anchored, Jesselton.

4ef4f4a5e53e0a0c91001807: (

10 August 1916


Lat 6.0, Long 116.07

4ef4f4a5e53e0a0c91001808: (

11 August 1916

Jesselton and at sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 6.0, Long 116.07

4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4ef4f4a5e53e0a0c91001809: (

12 August 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 6.87, Long 117.53

2.54am: A/c N62E.

In South Bangney (Banggi?) Channel.

5.0am: Grounded on coral reef. Lowered starboard boats and got out starboard bower anchor.

6.56am: Hoisted off reef astern, apparently no damage and stopped in channel. Replaced bower and hoisted boats.

9.0am: Proceeded N75W.

10.57am: In Mallawali channel.

7.0pm: Anchored, Sandakan.

4ef4f4a5e53e0a0c9100180a: (

13 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers examining ship’s bottom for damage sustained in grounding.

Two ratings returned from hospital.

4ef4f4a5e53e0a0c9100180b: (

14 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

In am: Diving party at work.

Shifted berth to coaling jetty.

Coaled ship, 99 tons.

Discharged one Ldg Stoker and one Ldg Cook’s Mate to hospital.

4ef4f4a5e53e0a0c9100180c: (

15 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.0am: Shifted berth to Customs jetty.

Divers down repairing sheathing.

4ef4f4a5e53e0a0c9100180d: (

16 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers down repairing sheathing.

4ef4f4a6e53e0a0c9100180e: (

17 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers repairing sheathing.

4ef4f4a6e53e0a0c9100180f: (

18 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers clearing main inlet.

Discharged PO Rowden to HMAS Huon to await passage as escort of German prisoner to Singapore.

4.15pm: Slipped and proceeded.

4ef4f4a6e53e0a0c91001810: (

19 August 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.38, Long 120.00

3.09am: A/c to intercept SS Hang Sang.

7.15am: A/c to intercept HIJMS Akashi.

4ef4f4a6e53e0a0c91001811: (

20 August 1916

At sea.

Lat 1.41, Long 122.11

4ef4f4a6e53e0a0c91001812: (

21 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.92, Long 125.04

5.10am: Menado Tua bg N87E.

4.10pm: Communicated with HMS Warrego.

4ef4f4a6e53e0a0c91001813: (

22 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.67, Long 125.85

4.52am: Pondang I. Lt bg S54W.

6.42am: Stopped, same bg S80W.

11.0am: Proceeded N30E.

7.23pm: Talisei I. Lt bg N50W.

9.12pm: Same abeam, 8.1 miles.

9.30pm: Stopped.

4ef4f4a6e53e0a0c91001814: (

23 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.62, Long 124.60

12.01am: Hove to.

4.30am: Proceeded to intercept steamer.

5.18am: Boarded Dutch SS Van Rees, correct.

6.38am: Intercepted British SS Trigman [?].

11.56pm: Talisei I. Lt abeam, 6.3 miles.

4ef4f4a7e53e0a0c91001815: (

24 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.32, Long 125.23

1.0am: Boarded Dutch SS Van Hoorn, correct.

2.37am: Talisei I. Lt abeam, 5.1 miles.

9.50am: Stopped.

4.05pm: Proceeded and swung ship for comapss deviations.

8.25pm: Boarded Dutch SS Van Rees, correct.

11.50pm: Talisei I. Lt abeam, 3.9 miles.

4ef4f4a7e53e0a0c91001816: (

25 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.77, Long 124.68

12.25am: Talisei I. Lt abeam, 5.4 miles.

4.47am: Menado Tua abeam, 5.5 miles.

11.0am: Medical inspection.

4.14pm: Talisei I. Lt abeam, 4.8 miles.

9.45pm: Stopped.

4ef4f4a7e53e0a0c91001817: (

26 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.50, Long 124.55

12.01am: Hove to.

2.07am: Proceeded N44E.

2.32am: Stopped.

7.34am: Proceeded S89E.

12.16pm: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS Maetsuijcker, correct.

4ef4f4a7e53e0a0c91001818: (

27 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.22, Long 122.42

12.01am: Communicated with HMAS Huon and received one Ldg Seaman for medical treatment.

1.05am: Proceeded, S82W.

9.30am: Hands mustered by open list. Read Articles of War.

12 noon: A/c N38W.

4ef4f4a7e53e0a0c91001819: (

28 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 4.73, Long 119.63

Course N38W, speed 11.3 knots until 11.0am, then stopped until 4.08pm.

4.08pm: Proceeded S48E.

5.03pm: Stopped.

11.45pm: Proceeded, S30E.

4ef4f4a7e53e0a0c9100181a: (

29 August 1916

On patrol.

Lat 4.69, Long 119.60

1.0am: Stopped.

5.40am: Proceeded S28E.

9.0am: Stopped.

3.23pm: Proceeded N64E.

4.35pm: Stopped.

8.0pm: Proceeded S55E.

10.0pm: Stopped.

4ef4f4a7e53e0a0c9100181b: (

30 August 1916

Patrolling and to Sandakan.

Lat 5.60, Long 119.30

12.01am: Hove to.

5.0am: Proceeded East.

6.0am: Stopped.

8.23am: Proceeded N20W.

12.40pm: Sounding over Magpie bank.

6.41pm: Anchored, Sandakan.

4ef4f4a7e53e0a0c9100181c: (

31 August 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

One Stoker returned from hospital.

4ef4f4a8e53e0a0c9100181d: (



[Sandakan, on patrol, Lahad Datu and Sandakan]

4ef4f4a8e53e0a0c9100181e: (

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett, Navigating Officer.

4ef4f4a8e53e0a0c9100181f: (


4ef4f4a8e53e0a0c91001820: (

Signature of Cdr HD Marryat, 1st October 1916.

4ef4f4a8e53e0a0c91001821: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810.

4ef4f4a8e53e0a0c91001822: (

1 September 1916

Sandakan, at sea for target practice and return.

Lat 5.9, Long 118.3 [approx]

6.36am: Weighed and proceeded.

Laid out targets and unclipped barometer.

Carried out GL tests.

2.0pm: Hoisted in targets and returned to harbour.

4.30pm: Secured to coal jetty.

4ef4f4a8e53e0a0c91001823: (

2 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Coaled ship, 195 tons.

4.05pm: Cast off to anchor.

4ef4f4a8e53e0a0c91001824: (

3 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

8.0am: HE the Governor arrived in SS Sandakan.(At this time Sir Arthur Young, Governor of the Straits Settlements and British High Commissioner of Malaysia)

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c91001825: (

4 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

5.45pm: HE the Governor left in SS Sandakan.

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c91001826: (

5 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c91001827: (

6 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c91001828: (

7 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c91001829: (

8 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c9100182a: (

9 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c9100182b: (

10 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c9100182c: (

11 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to coal jetty.

5.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

7.45pm: Course N72E.

4ef4f4a9e53e0a0c9100182d: (

12 September 1916

At sea to patrol area.

Lat 6.79, Long 120.68

12 noon: A/c N78E.

5.48pm: A/c S78E.

7.42pm: A/c S48E passing through Basilan strait.

11.52pm: Stopped in Eastern entrance to Basilan strait.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c9100182e: (

13 September 1916

On patrol.

Lat 6.71, Long 122.31

9.52am: Boarded British SS Eastern, correct.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c9100182f: (

14 September 1916

On patrol.

Lat 5.98, Long 121.94

Various courses and periods stopped on patrol.

5.20pm: Stopped South of Sulu I.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c91001830: (

15 September 1916

On patrol.

Lat 6.08, Long 120.90

Various courses and periods stopped on patrol.

6.20pm: Stopped South of Sulu I.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c91001831: (

16 September 1916

On patrol.

Lat 5.58, Long 121.02

Stopped until 8.0am, then proceeded generally West.

10.0pm: A/c S8W.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c91001832: (

17 September 1916

On patrol.

Lat 4.78, Long 119.58

1.0am: Boarded Japanese SS Yanope Kisun [?], correct.

Stopped for most of the day.

2.0pm: Courses close to Sibutu I.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c91001833: (

18 September 1916

On patrol.

Lat 3.96, Long 118.73

2.45am: Communicated with SS Woolgar.

5.31pm: Anchored off Tawao.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c91001834: (

19 September 1916

On patrol.

Lat 4.05, Long 118.67

6.45am: Weighed and proceeded, Easterly courses.

11.45am: Sipidan I. [now Sipadan I.) abeam, 3.5 miles.

In pm: NE’ly courses.

9.0pm: Stopped in Sibutu passage.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c91001835: (

20 September 1916

At sea to Lahad Datu.

Lat 4.88, Long 118.51

12.01am: Hove to in Sibutu passage.

4.0am: Proceeded N75W.

1.35pm: Anchored in Lahad Datu harbour.

4ef4f4aae53e0a0c91001836: (

21 September 1916

Lahad Datu and at sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 5.0, Long 118.35

7.15am: Leave to watch to visit tobacco estate.

2.0pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4ef4f4abe53e0a0c91001837: (

22 September 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

12.45am: Sounding to locate coral banks, unsuccessful.

10.50am: Secured to coal jetty, Sandakan. Commenced coaling.

5.15pm: Stopped coaling, 141 tons.

4ef4f4abe53e0a0c91001838: (

23 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

7.0am: Restarted coaling.

8.30am: Completed with coal, total 160 tons. Cast off to anchor.

One Stoker returned from hospital.

4ef4f4abe53e0a0c91001839: (

24 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4abe53e0a0c9100183a: (

25 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4abe53e0a0c9100183b: (

26 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one CPO to hospital.

4ef4f4abe53e0a0c9100183c: (

27 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4abe53e0a0c9100183d: (

28 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

9.15am: HIJMS Akashi arrived.

4ef4f4abe53e0a0c9100183e: (

29 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4ace53e0a0c9100183f: (

30 September 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11


[Sandakan, patrolling Makassar Strait and Sandakan]

4ef4f4ace53e0a0c91001840: (

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett, Navigating Officer.

4ef4f4ace53e0a0c91001841: (


4ef4f4ace53e0a0c91001842: (

Signature of Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f4ace53e0a0c91001843: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MOA 810.

4ef4f4ace53e0a0c91001844: (

1 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one AB to hospital.

5.0pm: HMAS’ Torrens and Huon arrived.

4ef4f4ace53e0a0c91001845: (

2 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4.0pm: Read warrant No 8.

4ef4f4ace53e0a0c91001846: (

3 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

8.0am: HIJMS Akashi sailed.

One AB and one Boy returned from hospital.

4ef4f4ade53e0a0c91001847: (

4 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

7.0am: HMAS Fantome arrived.

10.10am: HMAS Torrens sailed.

4ef4f4ade53e0a0c91001848: (

5 October 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.15am: Weighed and proceeded to coal jetty and commenced coaling.

10.44am: Received 50 tons.

11.36am: Read warrant No 9. Discharged one Stoker to HMAS Fantome for Hong Kong.

4.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

4ef4f4ade53e0a0c91001849: (

6 October 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.31, Long 119.66

12.01am: Sounding to fix position over Sunday and Normanby banks.

1.33am: A/c S34E.

6.12am: A/c S17E.

9.0am: A/c S7W.

4ef4f4ade53e0a0c9100184a: (

7 October 1916

At sea to patrol area.

Lat 1.03, Long 119.16

3.30am: Sambit Lt bg S72W.

7.15am: Closed and communicated with HMAS Torrens.

10.0am: Stopped (at the North end of Makassar Strait).

1.57pm: Boarded Dutch tanker SS Nerite, correct.

4ef4f4ade53e0a0c9100184b: (

8 October 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.03, Long 119.08

2.0am: Increased speed to 11.6 knots to intercept steamer.

5.30am: Spoke HIJMS Akashi.

7.0am: Communicated with HMAS Torrens.

1.20pm: Boarded British tanker SS Romany, correct.

11.13pm: Boarded Dutch SS Koetai [?], correct.

4ef4f4ade53e0a0c9100184c: (

9 October 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.03, Long 119.07

4.30am: Boarded Dutch SS Van der Lijn, correct.

4ef4f4ade53e0a0c9100184d: (

10 October 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.05, Long 119.04

12.57am: Communicated with Dutch SS Nerite, correct.

2.06am: Mangkalihat Lt bg SW, 6 miles.

9.56am: Boarded Dutch SS JH Kenten [?], correct.

6.0pm: Intercepted native schooner, correct.

4ef4f4ade53e0a0c9100184e: (

11 October 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.05, Long 119.03

1.15pm: Intercepted Dutch government lighthouse steamer.

11.30pm: Course and speed to intercept steamer.

4ef4f4aee53e0a0c9100184f: (

12 October 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.08, Long 119.10

12.15am: Communicated with SS Romany.

4ef4f4aee53e0a0c91001850: (

13 October 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.75, Long 119.45

11.30am: Communicated with HMAS Huon.

11.59pm: A/c to intercept steamer.

4ef4f4aee53e0a0c91001851: (

14 October 1916

On patrol and returning towards Sandakan.

Lat 1.01, Long 119.33

1.0am: Boarded British tanker SS Euplectela, correct.

4.12am: Boarded Dutch SS Van der Lijn, correct.

6.33pm: Sambit I. Lt abeam, 6.8 miles.

4ef4f4aee53e0a0c91001852: (

15 October 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.15, Long 119.64

Northerly courses all day.

4ef4f4aee53e0a0c91001853: (

16 October 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

7.30am: Secured to coal jetty, Sandakan harbour.

One CPO rejoined from hospital.

Coaled ship, 182 tons.

2.20pm: Cast off to anchor.

One AB returned from hospital.

4ef4f4aee53e0a0c91001854: (

17 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4ef4f4aee53e0a0c91001855: (

18 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4aee53e0a0c91001856: (

19 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c91001857: (

20 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

One AB discharged to hospital.

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c91001858: (

21 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

12 noon: Fired time signal, one 3 pdr blank.

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c91001859: (

22 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c9100185a: (

23 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers employed on HMAS Swan.

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c9100185b: (

24 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c9100185c: (

25 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c9100185d: (

26 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c9100185e: (

27 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

One AB rejoined from hospital.

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c9100185f: (

28 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

11.40am: Read warrants Nos 10 and 11. Discharged one Stoker RNR to HMAS Swan for detention.

6.0pm: Swan and RFA Esturia sailed.

4ef4f4afe53e0a0c91001860: (

29 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b0e53e0a0c91001861: (

30 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b0e53e0a0c91001862: (

31 October 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b0e53e0a0c91001863: (



[Sandakan, patrolling Makassar Strait and Sandakan]

4ef4f4b0e53e0a0c91001864: (

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett, Navigating Officer.

4ef4f4b0e53e0a0c91001865: (


4ef4f4b0e53e0a0c91001866: (

Signature of Cdr HD Marryat.

4ef4f4b0e53e0a0c91001867: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MO 810.

4ef4f4b0e53e0a0c91001868: (

1 November 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Coaled ship, 67 tons.

4.45pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

4ef4f4b1e53e0a0c91001869: (

2 November 1916

At sea towards patrol area.

Lat 4.02, Long 119.62

12.33am: Sounding over Sunday, Normanby and Sentry banks.

Southerly courses all day.

4ef4f4b1e53e0a0c9100186a: (

3 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.80, Long 119.59

7.45am: Communicated with HMAS Torrens.

2.42pm: North Watcher Lt* abeam, 4.5 miles.

8.15pm: Stopped off Tg Mangkalihat.

*Not to be confused with N Watcher Lt on Pulau Seribu, this one appears to be on Pulau Toguan.

4ef4f4b1e53e0a0c9100186b: (

4 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 1.17, Long 119.32

10.58am: Boarded Dutch SS Tjibodas, correct.

4ef4f4b1e53e0a0c9100186c: (

5 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.88, Long 119.49

9.24pm: Boarded Dutch SS Van der Hagen, correct.

4ef4f4b1e53e0a0c9100186d: (

6 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.97, Long 119.33

4ef4f4b1e53e0a0c9100186e: (

7 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.67, Long 119.74

1.15am: Examined Japanese SS Kerima Maru [?], correct.

9.42pm: Intercepted Dutch SS Van der Lijn, allowed to proceed.

4ef4f4b2e53e0a0c9100186f: (

8 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.82, Long 119.54

Hands surveying port cable and cleaning chain locker.

1.10pm: Boarded Dutch prahu Majaki, correct.

9.46pm: Boarded Dutch SS JH Merten [?], correct.

4ef4f4b2e53e0a0c91001870: (

9 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.79, Long 119.48

Hands restowing port cable and surveying starboard.

4ef4f4b2e53e0a0c91001871: (

10 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.74, Long 119.55

Restowed starboard cable.

4ef4f4b2e53e0a0c91001872: (

11 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.74, Long 119.61

4ef4f4b2e53e0a0c91001873: (

12 November 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.90, Long 119.35

9.19am: Boarded SS British Euplectela, correct.

4ef4f4b2e53e0a0c91001874: (

13 November 1916

On patrol and returning towards Sandakan.

Lat 1.20, Long 119.13

4.30am: Intercepted Dutch government steamer Spits, correct.

8.15am: Communicated with HMAS Huon.

4.0pm: Sambit I. Lt abeam, 5 miles.

4ef4f4b2e53e0a0c91001875: (

14 November 1916

At sea.

Lat 4.40, Long 119.63

Northerly courses all day.

4ef4f4b2e53e0a0c91001876: (

15 November 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

7.55am: Secured to coal jetty, Sandakan.

Three ratings returned from detention. (Cadmus will certainly have at least one cell, but men given cell punishment usually go to another ship or a shore base, ensuring that they get impartial treatment.)

2.10pm: Finished with coal, received 184 tons.

Cast off to anchor.

4ef4f4b3e53e0a0c91001877: (

16 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b3e53e0a0c91001878: (

17 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b3e53e0a0c91001879: (

18 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b3e53e0a0c9100187a: (

19 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b3e53e0a0c9100187b: (

20 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b3e53e0a0c9100187c: (

21 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers down blowing up a rock off the Customs jetty.

4ef4f4b3e53e0a0c9100187d: (

22 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4b3e53e0a0c9100187e: (

23 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c9100187f: (

24 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

Proceeded to coal jetty for 27 tons of coal.

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c91001880: (

25 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c91001881: (

26 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c91001882: (

27 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Cast off to anchor.

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c91001883: (

28 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Landed company of Seamen and Stokers in marching order for drill and route march.

11.45am: Read warrant No 12.

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c91001884: (

29 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.0am: Landed maxim gun sections and escort.

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c91001885: (

30 November 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.0am: Ord. Seamen and Boys landed for rifle drill.


[Sandakan, Southern Makassar Strait patrol, Sandakan and Makassar Strait]

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c91001886: (

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett, Navigating Officer.

4ef4f4b4e53e0a0c91001887: (


4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c91001888: (

Signature of Cdr HD Marryat, 3rd January 1917.

4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c91001889: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MO 810.

4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c9100188a: (

1 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c9100188b: (

2 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

8.10am: HIJMS Tsushima sailed.

4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c9100188c: (

3 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Sunday routine.

Hands preparing for sea.

4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c9100188d: (

4 December 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.86, Long 118.59

5.40am: Weighed and proceeded alongside coaling jetty, received 25 tons.

8.20am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, courses East at first, then Southerly.

8.30am: In Sibutu passage. A/c S24 E.

9.45pm: A/c S8W.

4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c9100188e: (

5 December 1916

At sea.

Lat 2.93, Long 119.55

6.55am: Boarded Japanese SS Annan Maru, correct.

Courses West of South all day.

4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c9100188f: (

6 December 1916

At sea.

Lat -0.19, Long 119.04

2.30am: Tg Mangkalihat Lt abeam, 9 miles.

Courses West of South all day.

4ef4f4b5e53e0a0c91001890: (

7 December 1916

At sea to patrol area.

Lat -3.14, Long 118.71

7.31am: C William Lt abeam, 2.7 miles.

3.10pm: C Mandar Lt abeam, 11.3 miles.

10.20pm: Kapoposang Lt bg S1W.

10.30pm: A/c N8W.

4ef4f4b6e53e0a0c91001891: (

8 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.13, Long 118.88

3.45am: C Mandar Lt bg N1W.

4.16am: A/c to intercept steamer.

1.31pm: Communicated with British SS Deucalion.

5.42pm: Kapoposang Lt bg S10E, 5 miles.

11.25pm: C Mandar Lt bg N15E.

4ef4f4b6e53e0a0c91001892: (

9 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.67, Long 119.03

1.50am: C Mandar Lt bg N71E, 10.3 miles.

11.30pm: C Mandar Lt bg N12E.

4ef4f4b6e53e0a0c91001893: (

10 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.67, Long 118.86

1.35am: C Mandar Lt abeam, 7.7 miles.

11.15pm: Boarded Dutch SS Swaerdecroon, correct.

4ef4f4b6e53e0a0c91001894: (

11 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.55, Long 119.02

3.0am: C Mandar Lt abeam, 8.3 miles.

5.0pm: Passed Dutch gunboat Mataram.

11.0pm: C Mandar Lt bg N24W.

4ef4f4b6e53e0a0c91001895: (

12 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.60, Long 118.93

1.03am: C Mandar Lt abeam, 11.2 miles.

10.55pm: C Mandar Lt bg N12E.

4ef4f4b6e53e0a0c91001896: (

13 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat -4.26, Long 118.97

1.42am: Boarded Dutch SS Vand den Lijn, correct.

7.06am: Intercepted Dutch SS Attaka, correct.

12.35pm: Stopped. Wreckage struck and slightly bent port propeller blade. Proceeded.

6.24pm: C Mandar Lt abeam, 7.3 miles.

4ef4f4b6e53e0a0c91001897: (

14 December 1916

On patrol and towards Sandakan.

Lat -3.65, Long 118.78

4.16pm: Set course N25W.

6.0pm: A/c N10W.

11.55pm: C William Lt bg N28E.

4ef4f4b6e53e0a0c91001898: (

15 December 1916

At sea.

Lat -1.24, Long 118.82

Course N3E all day.

1.46pm: Boarded British SS Benarty, correct .

4ef4f4b7e53e0a0c91001899: (

16 December 1916

At sea.

Lat 2.25, Long 119.30

Northerly courses all day.

1.0am: Mangkalihat Lt bg N7W.

8.27am: Sambit Lt abeam, 3 miles.

12.42pm: Communicated with HMAS Fantome.

4ef4f4b7e53e0a0c9100189a: (

17 December 1916

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.34, Long 119.42

4.12am: Boarded Japanese SS Wada Maru, correct.

9.30pm: Anchored at Sandakan.

4ef4f4b7e53e0a0c9100189b: (

18 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b7e53e0a0c9100189c: (

19 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers examining propeller and repairing sheathing.

Went alongside coal jetty for 210 tons of coal.

4ef4f4b7e53e0a0c9100189d: (

20 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one Off. Std to hospital.

4ef4f4b7e53e0a0c9100189e: (

21 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b7e53e0a0c9100189f: (

22 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Cast off to swing ship for compass adjustment, then anchored.

4ef4f4b7e53e0a0c910018a0: (

23 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4ef4f4b8e53e0a0c910018a1: (

24 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one rating to hospital.

4ef4f4b8e53e0a0c910018a2: (

25 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

One Stoker returned to ship from detention.

4ef4f4b8e53e0a0c910018a3: (

26 December 1916


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers down examining hull of HMAS Swan.

Two Stokers returned from hospital.

4ef4f4b8e53e0a0c910018a4: (

27 December 1916

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

In am: Went alongside coal jetty for 33 tons of coal.

Discharged four ratings to hospital.

4.36pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

4ef4f4b8e53e0a0c910018a5: (

28 December 1916

At sea.

Lat 3.76, Long 119.63

4ef4f4b8e53e0a0c910018a6: (

29 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.78, Long 119.51

11.15am: Stopped and communicated with HMAS Fantome.

Discharged one Stoker for hospital.

6.0pm: Stopped off Tg Mangkalihat.

4ef4f4b8e53e0a0c910018a7: (

30 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat 0.80, Long 119.08

4ef4f4b8e53e0a0c910018a8: (

31 December 1916

On patrol.

Lat -1.84, Long 118.69

2.42am: Stopped and boarded British SS Kinenarra [?], correct.

6.32pm: C William Lt abeam, 9.8 miles.

11.05pm: C Mandar Lt bg S34E.

4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018a9: (



JP map Cadmus 1917


[On patrol in Makassar Strait, Sandakan and Jesselton]

4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018aa: (

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett RN, Navigating Officer.

4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018ab: (


4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018ac: (

Signature of Cdr HD Marryat, February 1917.

4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018ad: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MO 810.

4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018ae: (

1 January 1917

On patrol.

Lat -4.63, Long 118.88

1.13am: C Mandar Lt abeam, 12.4 miles.

3.10am: Boarded Dutch SS Radja, correct. Took off 16 bags of mails.

5.30am: Departed this life William Henry Ellis, Shipwright 2nd class aged 32 years 9 months.

10.19am: Turned ship head to wind and reduced to slow speed. Held burial service. Committed the body of William Henry Ellis to the deep. 10.25am: Resumed course.

5.15pm: Stopped. Communicated with HMAS Brisbane. Discharged two ABs for passage. Ass. Paymr D Munro and 22 ratings joined for passage. Read warrants Nos 13 and 14.

4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018af: (

2 January 1917

On patrol.

Lat -3.01, Long 118.69

4.45am: C Mandar Lt bg N7E.

7.11am: Same abeam, 9 miles.

4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018b0: (

3 January 1917

On patrol.

Lat -2.51, Long 118.69

1.40am: Boarded Dutch SS Swaerdecroon, correct.

9.17am: Carried out AR and 3 pdr target practice.

4ef4f4b9e53e0a0c910018b1: (

4 January 1917

On patrol.

Lat 0.25, Long 119.57

2.38am: Boarded Dutch SS Elout, censored mails, correct.

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018b2: (

5 January 1917

On patrol.

Lat 0.58, Long 119.66

In am: Carried out 1” AR practice at target.

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018b3: (

6 January 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.43, Long 119.12

1.50am: Boarded Dutch SS Attaka, censored mail, correct.

8.03pm: N Watcher Lt bg S70E.

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018b4: (

7 January 1917

On patrol.

Lat 0.93, Long 119.62

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018b5: (

8 January 1917

At sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 4.28, Long 119.53

Northerly courses all day.

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018b6: (

9 January 1917

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.87, Long 118.17

4.29am: Struck reef. Closed WT doors.

4.37am: Clear of reef.

Damaged propeller blades, fore 3 pdr magazine holed and flooded. Hands clearing fore 4” magazine and shoring up bulkheads.

12.36pm: Anchored, Sandakan.

Ass. Paymr D Munro and 22 ratings discharged to HMAS’ Fantome and Swan, and RFA Esturia.

Divers down examining hull.

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018b7: (

10 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Commenced diving to examine hole.

Court of Enquiry held on board.

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018b8: (

11 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work on hole

Six ratings rejoined from hospital.

Working parties from HMAS Fantome and Swan employed pumping out magazine.

Closed and shored up magazine.

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018b9: (

12 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

Coaled from lighter, 50 tons.

4ef4f4bae53e0a0c910018ba: (

13 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bbe53e0a0c910018bb: (

14 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

4ef4f4bbe53e0a0c910018bc: (

15 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

Landed hospital party.

4ef4f4bbe53e0a0c910018bd: (

16 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bbe53e0a0c910018be: (

17 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bbe53e0a0c910018bf: (

18 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bbe53e0a0c910018c0: (

19 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bbe53e0a0c910018c1: (

20 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bbe53e0a0c910018c2: (

21 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bce53e0a0c910018c3: (

22 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

Received 20 tons of coal from lighter.

4ef4f4bce53e0a0c910018c4: (

23 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Weighed and proceeded alongside Customs jetty to take on stores.

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bce53e0a0c910018c5: (

24 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at work.

Shifted berth to coal jetty.

4ef4f4bce53e0a0c910018c6: (

25 January 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Coaled ship, 207 tons.

Four ratings rejoined from hospital.

Divers at work.

4ef4f4bce53e0a0c910018c7: (

26 January 1917

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.96, Long 118.21

9.50am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, Northerly courses.

4.28pm: In company with RFA Esturia.

4ef4f4bce53e0a0c910018c8: (

27 January 1917

At sea.

Lat 7.38, Long 116.94

4ef4f4bde53e0a0c910018c9: (

28 January 1917

At sea to Jesselton.

Lat 5.98, Long 116.08

1.53am: Anchored in Gaya Bay.

In am: Divers at work.

Three ratings joined for passage.

In pm: Discharged four ratings to RFA Esturia. One rating joined for passage.

4ef4f4bde53e0a0c910018ca: (

29 January 1917


Lat 5.98, Long 116.08

4ef4f4bde53e0a0c910018cb: (

30 January 1917

Jesselton and at sea.

Lat 5.68, Long 115.59

5.25am: Weighed and proceeded, Westerly courses.

4ef4f4bde53e0a0c910018cc: (

31 January 1917

At sea.

Lat 4.57, Long 113.12

Courses South of West all day.

4ef4f4bde53e0a0c910018cd: (



[At sea and Singapore for dry dock]

4ef4f4bde53e0a0c910018ce: (

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett RN, Navigating Officer.

4ef4f4bde53e0a0c910018cf: (


4ef4f4bde53e0a0c910018d0: (

Signature of Cdr HD Marryat, 2nd March 1917.

4ef4f4bee53e0a0c910018d1: (

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MO 810.

4ef4f4bee53e0a0c910018d2: (

1 February 1917

At sea.

Lat 3.80, Long 110.77

Course S72W all day.

4ef4f4bee53e0a0c910018d3: (

2 February 1917

At sea.

Lat 2.97, Long 108.05

4.26am: Subi Kechil (Pulau Subi Kecil) Lt bg S11E.

5.30am: Same abeam, 19.5 miles.

3.48pm: Midai I. abeam, 11.6 miles.

4ef4f4bee53e0a0c910018d4: (

3 February 1917

At sea.

Lat 2.26, Long 105.80

4ef4f4bee53e0a0c910018d5: (

4 February 1917

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

12.52am: Horsburgh Lt bg S14W.

2.46am: Same abeam, 0.7 miles.

4.39am: Fort Canning Lt bg N84.5W.

7.30am: Secured to Keppel Head wharf, Singapore.

Discharged one Chief Stoker for passage.

One rating returned from hospital.

4ef4f4bee53e0a0c910018d6: (

5 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Four ratings rejoined from RFA Esturia.

Discharged seven ratings to hospital.

Hands hoisting out ammunition.

4ef4f4bee53e0a0c910018d7: (

6 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Four ratings joined the ship. Discharged two ratings to hospital and one to HMS Diana.

Discharged one rating to detention.

4ef4f4bee53e0a0c910018d8: (

7 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In am: Ship shifted into dock No 1 off Keppel Head Wharf.

Discharged one AB to HMS Fame. One Ldg CC (probably Carpenter’s Crew) joined ship.

4ef4f4bfe53e0a0c910018d9: (

8 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands employed chipping and scraping the hull and clearing the hold.

One AB rejoined ship from detention.

4ef4f4bfe53e0a0c910018da: (

9 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one rating to hospital.

4ef4f4bfe53e0a0c910018db: (

10 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f4bfe53e0a0c910018dc: (

11 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f4bfe53e0a0c910018dd: (

12 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

4ef4f4bfe53e0a0c910018de: (

13 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f4bfe53e0a0c910018df: (

14 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Sent 31 ratings to Tanglin Barracks.

4ef4f4bfe53e0a0c910018e0: (

15 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one rating to hospital.

4ef4f4c0e53e0a0c910018e1: (

16 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f4c0e53e0a0c910018e2: (

17 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f4c0e53e0a0c910018e3: (

18 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

30 ratings returned from Tanglin Barracks and 28 ratings discharged to same.

Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4ef4f4c0e53e0a0c910018e4: (

19 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Chipping, red-leading and painting.

4ef4f4c0e53e0a0c910018e5: (

20 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Chipping, red-leading and painting.

4ef4f4c0e53e0a0c910018e6: (

21 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one rating to hospital.

4ef4f4c0e53e0a0c910018e7: (

22 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In am: Left dock and secured to Head wharf.

28 ratings returned from Tanglin barracks and 30 discharged to same.

4ef4f4c0e53e0a0c910018e8: (

23 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one Chief Stoker and one OS to hospital.

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018e9: (

24 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018ea: (

25 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018eb: (

26 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

30 ratings returned from Tanglin barracks.

One rating returned from detention and nine ratings returned from hospital.

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018ec: (

27 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

6.0pm to 6.0am: Sailors Home patrol landed.

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018ed: (

28 February 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In am: Shifted ship under sheer legs.

Discharged four ratings to HMS Venus.

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018ee: (

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018ef: (

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018f0: (

4ef4f4c1e53e0a0c910018f1: (

4ef4f4c2e53e0a0c910018f2: (

Above five pages blank.


[Singapore and local patrols]

4caf84a5cadfd341970090f9: ( 53-36533-001_0.jpg)

4caf84a5cadfd341970090fa: ( 53-36533-001_1.jpg)

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett RN, Navigating Officer.

4caf84a5cadfd341970090fb: ( 53-36533-002_0.jpg)


4caf84a5cadfd341970090fc: ( 53-36533-002_1.jpg)

Signed by Lt Russell A Bell-Syer for Commander, 3rd April 1917.

4caf84a5cadfd341970090fd: ( 53-36533-003_0.jpg)

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MO 810.

4caf84a5cadfd341970090fe: ( 53-36533-003_1.jpg)

1 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Refit continues.

4.0pm: Landed funeral party. (For the funeral of Signalman Thomas W James, 214066 (Po), late of HMS Venus.)

4caf84a5cadfd341970090ff: ( 53-36533-004_0.jpg)

2 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one ERA for passage to Hong Kong.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009100: ( 53-36533-004_1.jpg)

3 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

Shifted ship along Keppel Head wharf.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009101: ( 53-36533-005_0.jpg)

4 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one Ord. Sig. to HMS Fame (temporary).

4caf84a5cadfd34197009102: ( 53-36533-005_1.jpg)

5 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Painting mess decks etc.

Shifted vessel under sheers.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009103: ( 53-36533-006_0.jpg)

6 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a5cadfd34197009104: ( 53-36533-006_1.jpg)

7 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a5cadfd34197009105: ( 53-36533-007_0.jpg)

8 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Two ratings rejoined from hospital and one rating joined to await HMS Fame.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009106: ( 53-36533-007_1.jpg)

9 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In am: Ammunitioning ship from lighter alongside.

Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

Discharged one Ord.Tel. to Fame (temporary) and one Ord. Sig. rejoined from same.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009107: ( 53-36533-008_0.jpg)

10 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a5cadfd34197009108: ( 53-36533-008_1.jpg)

11 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a5cadfd34197009109: ( 53-36533-009_0.jpg)

12 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged three ratings to hospital.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700910a: ( 53-36533-009_1.jpg)

13 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a5cadfd3419700910b: ( 53-36533-010_0.jpg)

14 March 1917

Singapore, at sea for trials and return.

Lat 1.14, Long 103.76

7.46am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Carried out measured distance trial in Salat Saiki. Worked up for speed trial.

12.04pm: Raffles Lt abeam, 1.3 miles.

4.0pm: Completed trials and returned to harbour.

5.15pm: Secured to West Wharf.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700910c: ( 53-36533-010_1.jpg)

15 March 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Coaled ship, 149 tons.

Discharged Cdr HD Marryat, RN to hospital.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700910d: ( 53-36533-011_0.jpg)

16 March 1917

Singapore and at sea on patrol.

Lat 1.2, Long 103.75

Discharged Surgeon C Gardiner-Hill, RN to hospital.

Slipped and proceeded out of Keppel harbour to swing for compasses.

12.15pm: Abandoned swing and proceeded East.

3.26pm: Communicated with HMAS Huon.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700910e: ( 53-36533-011_1.jpg)

17 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.38, Long 104.47

5.43am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1.2 miles. Communicated with HMAS Huon.

7.11pm: Communicated with Huon.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700910f: ( 53-36533-012_0.jpg)

18 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.39, Long 104.42

5.35pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile. Communicated with HMAS Huon.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009110: ( 53-36533-012_1.jpg)

19 March 1917

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

8.06am: Communicated with Fort Canning PWSS.

9.32am: Secured alongside West wharf, Keppel harbour. Coaled ship, 30 tons.

One Chief Stoker rejoined from hospital, discharged one ERA to same.

2.10pm: Slipped and proceeded to anchor in Singapore roads.

Two ratings sent to HMS Venus under escort (for court martial vide log of Venus).

4caf84a5cadfd34197009111: ( 53-36533-013_0.jpg)

20 March 1917

Singapore and at sea.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one OS to hospital, one ERA joined temporarily from HMS Venus. Discharged five Officer Steward ratings.

3.54pm: Weighed and proceeded.

5.50pm: Stopped, communicated with HMAS Fantome. Proceeded on patrol.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009112: ( 53-36533-013_1.jpg)

21 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.39, Long 104.43

Log signed by Russell A Bell-Syer, Lieutenant for Commander (Sick).

4caf84a5cadfd34197009113: ( 53-36533-014_0.jpg)

22 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.4, Long 104.3 [approx]

9.48am: Anchored off Water I.[?] Seining party away. (A popular and useful job, laying a seine net from the boats and drawing it ashore as the native fishermen do.)

4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009114: ( 53-36533-014_1.jpg)

23 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.39, Long 104.44

6.20am: Stopped, communicated with HMAS Fantome.

7.17am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile.

6.04pm: Stopped, communicated with Fantome.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009115: ( 53-36533-015_0.jpg)

24 March 1917

At sea to Singapore and on patrol.

Lat 1.25, Long 103.75

9.42am: Secured to buoy in Inner Roads, Singapore.

4.0pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

6.30pm: Stopped, communicated with HMAS Fantome.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009116: ( 53-36533-015_1.jpg)

25 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.35, Long 104.4

6.30am: Passed four Russian TBDs.

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26 March 1917

At sea to Singapore and on patrol.

Lat 1.25, Long 103.75

6.29am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

9.56am: Secured to buoy in Inner Roads, Singapore.

4.05pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

7.34pm: Stopped, communicated with HMAS Fantome.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009118: ( 53-36533-016_1.jpg)

27 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.39, Long 104.44

6.18pm: Stopped, communicated with HMAS Fantome.

7.34pm: Boarded steamer.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009119: ( 53-36533-017_0.jpg)

28 March 1917

At sea to Singapore and on patrol.

Lat 1.25, Long 103.75

10.13am: Secured to buoy in Inner Roads, Singapore.

In pm: One Signalman joined awaiting HMS Fame.

3.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

7.0pm: Stopped, communicated with HMAS Fantome.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700911a: ( 53-36533-017_1.jpg)

29 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.37, Long 104.41

6.40am: Closed foreign warship, HIJMS Tone.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700911b: ( 53-36533-018_0.jpg)

30 March 1917

At sea to Singapore and on patrol.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.32am: Communicated with HMS Fame, discharged one Signalman.

10.36am: Secured alongside West wharf, Singapore.

Coaled ship 82 tons.

3.56pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700911c: ( 53-36533-018_1.jpg)

31 March 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.35, Long 104.37

6.0am: Horsburgh Lt abeam 1.25 miles.

6.12pm: Communicated with HMS Fame.

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Above two pages blank.


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Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett RN, Navigating Officer.

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4caf84a5cadfd34197009122: ( 53-36534-002_1.jpg)

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, 3rd May 1917.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009123: ( 53-36534-003_0.jpg)

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, Hicks MO 810, 1st to 11th. TA Reynolds, 11th to 30th.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009124: ( 53-36534-003_1.jpg)

1 April 1917

On patrol, Singapore and on patrol.

Lat 1.33, Long 104.06

9.26am: Anchored off Changi, Singapore Old Straits.

Read court martial returns.

4.54pm: Weighed and proceeded out of Old Strait and Kuala Johor.

9.18pm: Boarded SS Kung Ping, correct.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009125: ( 53-36534-004_0.jpg)

2 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.37, Long 104.39

6.0pm: Communicated with HMS Fame.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009126: ( 53-36534-004_1.jpg)

3 April 1917

On patrol, Singapore and on patrol.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.15am: Secured alongside West wharf, Keppel harbour. Taking in stores.

Three ratings returned from hospital. One AB discharged to same.

3.40pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

6.30pm: Communicated with HMS Fame.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009127: ( 53-36534-005_0.jpg)

4 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.37, Long 104.43

6.21pm: Communicated with HMAS Fantome.

8.58pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1 mile.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009128: ( 53-36534-005_1.jpg)

5 April 1917

On patrol, Singapore and on patrol.

Lat 1.25, Long 103.75

5.40am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

8.57am: Anchored, Singapore Inner roads.

One OS joined ship.

3.52pm: Weighed and proceeded.

7.24pm: Communicated with HMAS Fantome.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009129: ( 53-36534-006_0.jpg)

6 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.37, Long 104.43

6.0am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

5.52pm: Communicated with HMS Fantome.

7.22pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 2.4 miles.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700912a: ( 53-36534-006_1.jpg)

7 April 1917

On patrol, Changi and on patrol.

Lat 1.33, Long 104.06

9.03am: Stopped and anchored off Changi, Singapore Old Strait.

4.20pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700912b: ( 53-36534-007_0.jpg)

8 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.39, Long 104.42

7.22pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 2.1 miles.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700912c: ( 53-36534-007_1.jpg)

9 April 1917

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.47am: Horsburgh Lt abeam, 1.75 miles.

9.36am: Secured alongside Lagoon dock entrance. Shifted berth to Main wharf, Keppel harbour.

2.25pm: Coaled ship, 87 tons.

Two Ldg Stokers and one OS returned from hospital.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700912d: ( 53-36534-008_0.jpg)

10 April 1917

Singapore and at sea towards Labuan.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Provisioning ship.

Discharged three ratings to Sailors Home.

3.08pm: Slipped and proceeded, Easterly courses.

6.54pm: Horsburgh Lt abeam 0.7 miles.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700912e: ( 53-36534-008_1.jpg)

11 April 1917

At sea.

Lat 1.67, Long 107.2

5.40am: Pengibu I. bg N19E.

12 noon: Lost overboard, one thermometer ordinary.

8.47pm: St Pierre I. Lt abeam, 2.4miles.

11.54pm: Merundung I. abeam, 3.2 miles.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700912f: ( 53-36534-009_0.jpg)

12 April 1917

At sea.

Lat 2.9, Long 111.05

NE’ly courses all day.

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13 April 1917

At sea to Labuan I.

Lat 5.32, Long 114.74

3.09pm: Anchored in Victoria Harbour, Labuan I.

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14 April 1917

Victoria harbour to Jesselton.

Lat 5.79, Long 115.77

7.18am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.45am: Stopped to pick up dugout adrift with four Malays.

2.45pm: Anchored at Jesselton.

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15 April 1917

Jesselton to Kudat.

Lat 6.74, Long 116.44

7.02am: Weighed and proceeded.

4.30pm: Anchored at Kudat.

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16 April 1917

Kudat to Sandakan.

Lat 6.73, Long 117.72

5.46am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.0am: Passing through Mallawalli channel.

5.48pm: Stopped and secured alongside coal jetty, Sandakan.

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17 April 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Coaled ship, 90 tons. Shifted to Customs jetty.

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

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18 April 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Held educational test exam for the rating of Petty Officer.

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19 April 1917

Sandakan and at sea to patrol area.

Lat 5.65, Long 118.9

5.48am: Slipped and proceeded.

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20 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat 2.11, Long 119.63

12.01am: Course S6E.

6.54pm: North Watcher Lt bg S42E.

7.0pm: A/c N1W.

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21 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat 4.4, Long 119.63

12.01am: Northerly courses.

4.48pm: Stopped at North end of Sibutu passage.

7.10pm. Proceeded S22W.

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22 April 1917

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.86, Long 118.55

4.0am: Proceeded N47W.

3.31pm: Secured alongside coaling wharf, Sandakan harbour.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700913a: ( 53-36534-014_1.jpg)

23 April 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.30am: Coaled ship, 85 tons. Shifted ship alongside Customs pier.

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24 April 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one Stoker PO to hospital and one Stoker rejoined from same.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700913c: ( 53-36534-015_1.jpg)

25 April 1917

Sandakan and at sea to patrol area.

Lat 5.55, Long 118.99

5.45am: Slipped and proceeded.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700913d: ( 53-36534-016_0.jpg)

26 April 1917

At sea.

Lat 1.13, Long 119.93

12.01am: Course S6E, 12 knots.

12 noon: A/c S19W.

3.0pm: N Watcher Lt abeam, 4 miles.

6.14pm: S Watcher Lt (probably on Pulau Pasoso) abeam, 4.5 miles.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700913e: ( 53-36534-016_1.jpg)

27 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat -2.64, Long 118.6

5.16pm: Proceeded N59E.

6.42pm: Boarded Dutch SS Rotti, correct.

4caf84a5cadfd3419700913f: ( 53-36534-017_0.jpg)

28 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat -2.59, Long 118.62

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29 April 1917

On patrol.

Lat -0.69, Long 119.24

7.40pm: N Watcher Lt bg N44E.

9.0pm: Stopped off same.

10.06pm: Boarded Dutch SS Roijns[?]. Censored her mail and took off one German passenger.

4caf84a5cadfd34197009141: ( 53-36534-018_0.jpg)

30 April 1917

On patrol and returning to Sandakan.

Lat 1.94, Long 119.66

2.48am: S/c N1W.

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Above three pages blank.


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Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett RN, Navigating Officer.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009147: ( 53-36535-002_0.jpg)


4caf84a6cadfd34197009148: ( 53-36535-002_1.jpg)

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, 1st June 1917.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009149: ( 53-36535-003_0.jpg)

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, TA Reynolds & Co, 1st to 5th, N & Z MOA 8231, 5th to 31st.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700914a: ( 53-36535-003_1.jpg)

1 May 1917

At sea.

Lat 5.41, Long 121.43

7.10pm: Tatalan I. Lt bg S75W.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700914b: ( 53-36535-004_0.jpg)

2 May 1917

At sea.

Lat 6.23, Long 120.66

4.48am: Tatalan I. Lt abeam, 0.5 miles.

11.50pm: Sighted Baguan on starboard bow.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700914c: ( 53-36535-004_1.jpg)

3 May 1917

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

2.12am: Stopped South of Taganak.

4.0am: Proceeded S66W.

6.0am: Secured alongside coaling wharf, Sandakan Harbour.

Coaled ship, 142 tons.

Surgeon C Gardiner-Hill RN, returned from sick leave.

Six ratings rejoined ship.

Discharged one German prisoner to Government gaol.

One Stoker PO rejoined from hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700914d: ( 53-36535-005_0.jpg)

4 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

9.10am: Cast off to anchor.

Read warrants Nos 15 and 16.

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5 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one Marine to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700914f: ( 53-36535-006_0.jpg)

6 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4caf84a6cadfd34197009150: ( 53-36535-006_1.jpg)

7 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

9.30am: Swung ship, steam launch Aru towing stern around.

11.0am: Abandoned swing.

Discharged one Petty Officer, left to escort German prisoner to Singapore.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009151: ( 53-36535-007_0.jpg)

8 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

5.30am: Landed non-gunnery ratings for squad drill etc.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009152: ( 53-36535-007_1.jpg)

9 May 1917

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

3.33pm: Weighed and swung ship inside harbour.

5.26pm: Completed swinging and proceeded to sea.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009153: ( 53-36535-008_0.jpg)

10 May 1917

At sea.

Lat 8.04, Long 117.19

10.50am: Stopped near wreck on Nasubatta I. reef.

11.40am: SS Mexico City came off reef. Proceeded N20E.

1.0pm: A/c S51E.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009154: ( 53-36535-008_1.jpg)

11 May 1917

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.10am: Secured alongside coaling wharf, Sandakan harbour. Coaled ship, 53 tons.

One Marine returned from hospital.

Shifted to Customs jetty.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009155: ( 53-36535-009_0.jpg)

12 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

In am: Diving party examining bottom of SS Mexico City.

Discharged one AB to hospital.

Read warrant No 17.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009156: ( 53-36535-009_1.jpg)

13 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

In am: Diving party examining bottom of SS Mexico City.

Discharged one Cook’s Mate to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009157: ( 53-36535-010_0.jpg)

14 May 1917

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.6, Long 118.94

5.40am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 18.

10.0pm: Boarded British RFA Delphinula, correct.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009158: ( 53-36535-010_1.jpg)

15 May 1917

At sea.

Lat 3.78, Long 119.49 (DR)

3.30am: Bongao I. N2E.

8.48pm: Sambit Lt bg S7W.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009159: ( 53-36535-011_0.jpg)

16 May 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.04, Long 119.15

2.27am: Stopped, Mangkalihat Lt bg S66W, 8.5 miles.

3.45am: Commenced patrols, generally North in am, South in pm, with long periods stopped.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700915a: ( 53-36535-011_1.jpg)

17 May 1917

On patrol and returning towards Sandakan.

Lat 1.69, Long 119.77

12.01am: Boarded Dutch SS Van der Hagen, correct.

3.40am: Boarded Dutch SS Bawean. Took mail off ship, correct.

5.0am: Set course N4E.

5.12am: N Watcher Lt abeam, 13 miles.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700915b: ( 53-36535-012_0.jpg)

18 May 1917

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.67, Long 118.87

4.30am: Sibutu S Islet Lt bg N79W.

5.12am: Bongao bg N5.5E.

5.15pm: Anchored in Sandakan harbour.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700915c: ( 53-36535-012_1.jpg)

19 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

7.45am: Weighed and proceeded to coal wharf. Received 112 tons.

One rating returned from hospital, discharged two ratings to same.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700915d: ( 53-36535-013_0.jpg)

20 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4caf84a6cadfd3419700915e: ( 53-36535-013_1.jpg)

21 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

9.06am: Slipped and proceeded to swing ship for compasses inside harbour.

11.48am: Anchored.

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700915f: ( 53-36535-014_0.jpg)

22 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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23 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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24 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4caf84a6cadfd34197009162: ( 53-36535-015_1.jpg)

25 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one AB to hospital.

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26 May 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4caf84a6cadfd34197009164: ( 53-36535-016_1.jpg)

27 May 1917

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.54, Long 119.04

5.36am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

Courses East, then SE’ly, then Southerly.

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28 May 1917

At sea.

Lat 1.7, Long 119.72

6.30pm: Stopped off North Watcher.

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29 May 1917

On patrol.

Lat 0.52, Long 119.6

In am: Fired belts from machine guns on field stands for exercise.

11.12pm: Intercepted and boarded Dutch SS Sourakarta, removed mails, allowed to proceed.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009167: ( 53-36535-018_0.jpg)

30 May 1917

On patrol.

Lat 1.57, Long 119.13

2.16am: Boarded Dutch SS Wilis*, correct.

1.14pm: Sambit I. Lt abeam, 7.3 miles.

* Rotterdam Lloyd, 1905, 4,731 tons.

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31 May 1917

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.5, Long 119.12

5.10am: Bongao bg N3E.

6.43pm: Sandakan, stopped and secured alongside coal wharf.

One PO rejoined from escort duty.

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4caf84a6cadfd3419700916a: ( 53-36535-019_1.jpg)

Above two pages blank.


[Sandakan, Makassar Strait patrol, Sandakan and Makassar Strait]

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4caf84a6cadfd3419700916c: ( 53-36536-001_1.jpg)

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett RN, Navigating Officer.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700916d: ( 53-36536-002_0.jpg)


4caf84a6cadfd3419700916e: ( 53-36536-002_1.jpg)

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, 5th July 1917.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700916f: ( 53-36536-003_0.jpg)

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, N & Z MOA 8231.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009170: ( 53-36536-003_1.jpg)

1 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

Coaled ship, 127 tons and shifted to Customs wharf.

Three ratings rejoined from hospital.

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2 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

4caf84a6cadfd34197009172: ( 53-36536-004_1.jpg)

3 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

9.45am: Landed church party.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009173: ( 53-36536-005_0.jpg)

4 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

One Stoker PO discharged to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009174: ( 53-36536-005_1.jpg)

5 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

4caf84a6cadfd34197009175: ( 53-36536-006_0.jpg)

6 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

4caf84a6cadfd34197009176: ( 53-36536-006_1.jpg)

7 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.1

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009177: ( 53-36536-007_0.jpg)

8 June 1917

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.63, Long 118.95

5.45am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009178: ( 53-36536-007_1.jpg)

9 June 1917

At sea.

Lat 1.83, Long 119.24

Southerly courses, 10 knots all day.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009179: ( 53-36536-008_0.jpg)

10 June 1917

On patrol.

Lat -1.34, Long 117.05

5.12am: Muara Bayor LV bg S89.5W.

12.45pm: Balik Papan LV abeam, 6.5 miles.

3.24pm: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS Sampit. Censored mails, correct.

6.48pm: Stopped North of Aru Bank Lt.

8.40pm: Boarded Dutch SS Bengkalis*, correct.

* The first of two Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland vessels of this name, 1917, 6,453 grt.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700917a: ( 53-36536-008_1.jpg)

11 June 1917

On patrol.

Lat -2.21, Long 116.69

7.0am: Aru Bank Lt bg S28W, 5.5 miles.

9.30pm: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS Siak*, censored mails, correct.

11.28pm: Stopped and boarded Dutch SS Schouten (Schuten in log).

* The second of two KPM ships of this name, formerly SS Tasman, 1901, 1,535 tons.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700917b: ( 53-36536-009_0.jpg)

12 June 1917

On patrol.

Lat -1.13, Long 117.45

12.01am: Censored mails (of SS Schouten, see yesterday), examined a German Swiss passenger, correct.

7.53am: Balik Papan LV abeam, 3.5 miles.

9.12am: A/c to close sailing vessel.

Hands fitting sails as requisite. Set fore staysail.

1.30pm: Set jib.

9.0pm: Shortened sail.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700917c: ( 53-36536-009_1.jpg)

13 June 1917

At sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 1.8, Long 119.15

Northerly courses all day.

4.31am: Mangkalihat Lt bg N7.5W.

10.0am: Set jib and staysail.

10.50am: Set spanker.

11.42am: Sambit I. Lt abeam, 5.8 miles.

12 noon: Set main trysail.

3.0pm: Furled all sail.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700917d: ( 53-36536-010_0.jpg)

14 June 1917

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.5, Long 119.1

6.25pm: Secured to coaling wharf, Sandakan.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700917e: ( 53-36536-010_1.jpg)

15 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Coaled ship, 149 tons.

One Stoker PO and two ABs returned from hospital. Discharged two ABs to same. (Men sent to hospital are not always sick; ships in port often supplied crew as orderlies and the like.)

4.28pm: Cast off to anchor.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700917f: ( 53-36536-011_0.jpg)

16 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged Lt Bell-Syers RN to sick quarters.

Discharged one Marine Private to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009180: ( 53-36536-011_1.jpg)

17 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009181: ( 53-36536-012_0.jpg)

18 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Fired belt from machine gun on boat mounting in cutter.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009182: ( 53-36536-012_1.jpg)

19 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Rove new wheel rope.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009183: ( 53-36536-013_0.jpg)

20 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4caf84a6cadfd34197009184: ( 53-36536-013_1.jpg)

21 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Hands fitting main trysail.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009185: ( 53-36536-014_0.jpg)

22 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Divers at monthly dip.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009186: ( 53-36536-014_1.jpg)

23 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4caf84a6cadfd34197009187: ( 53-36536-015_0.jpg)

24 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4caf84a6cadfd34197009188: ( 53-36536-015_1.jpg)

25 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

4caf84a6cadfd34197009189: ( 53-36536-016_0.jpg)

26 June 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

5.45am to 8.15am: Landed Seamen company and Marines for exercise, heavy marching order, with machine gun.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700918a: ( 53-36536-016_1.jpg)

27 June 1917

Sandakan and at sea.

Lat 5.64, Long 118.94

6.14am: Weighed and proceeded to sea, Southerly courses.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700918b: ( 53-36536-017_0.jpg)

28 June 1917

At sea to patrol area.

Lat 2.08, Long 119.64

11.50am: Set all sail.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 19.

5.0pm: Shortened sail.

6.34pm: North Watcher Lt bg S34E.

8.0pm: Stopped off North Watcher.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700918c: ( 53-36536-017_1.jpg)

29 June 1917

On patrol.

Lat 0.59, Long 119.68

4.45am: Stopped off North Watcher.

9.15am: Divisions. Read Articles of War and quarterly return of Courts Martial.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700918d: ( 53-36536-018_0.jpg)

30 June 1917

On patrol and towards Sandakan.

Lat 1.73, Long 119.62

9.0am: Made all plain sail.

11.45am: Shortened all sail.

7.0pm: Set all sail.

8.10pm: Shortened all sail.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700918e: ( 53-36536-018_1.jpg)

4caf84a6cadfd3419700918f: ( 53-36536-019_0.jpg)

4caf84a6cadfd34197009190: ( 53-36536-019_1.jpg)

Above three pages blank.


[Sandakan, Singapore, Malaysian East coast patrol and Singapore]

4caf84a6cadfd34197009191: ( 53-36537-001_0.jpg)

4caf84a6cadfd34197009192: ( 53-36537-001_1.jpg)

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett RN, Navigating Officer.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009193: ( 53-36537-002_0.jpg)


4caf84a6cadfd34197009194: ( 53-36537-002_1.jpg)

Signed by Lt/Cdr Russell A Bell-Syer for Commander.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009195: ( 53-36537-003_0.jpg)

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, N & Z MOA 8231.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009196: ( 53-36537-003_1.jpg)

1 July 1917

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.31, Long 119.39

8.45pm: Secured to coal wharf, Sandakan.

One Stoker joined ship.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009197: ( 53-36537-004_0.jpg)

2 July 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Lt/Cdr Bell-Syers RN, rejoined ship from hospital.

Coaled ship, 139 tons. Shifted to Customs wharf.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009198: ( 53-36537-004_1.jpg)

3 July 1917


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

One AB returned from hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd34197009199: ( 53-36537-005_0.jpg)

4 July 1917

Sandakan and at sea for Singapore.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

5.0pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea, Northerly courses.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700919a: ( 53-36537-005_1.jpg)

5 July 1917

At sea.

Lat 7.43, Long 116.93

1.24am: A/c N55.5W.

6.45am: A/c S64W.

Westerly courses for the rest of the day.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700919b: ( 53-36537-006_0.jpg)

6 July 1917

At sea.

Lat 5.46, Long 114.37

SW’ly courses all day.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700919c: ( 53-36537-006_1.jpg)

7 July 1917

At sea.

Lat 3.8, Long 111.21

Courses South of West all day.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700919d: ( 53-36537-007_0.jpg)

8 July 1917

At sea.

Lat 2.68, Long 107.6

12.01am: Course S84W.

3.40am: Suli Kechil Lt abeam, 12 miles.A/c S65W.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700919e: ( 53-36537-007_1.jpg)

9 July 1917

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.38, Long 104.4

3.36pm: Secured alongside Main wharf, Keppel harbour, Singapore.

Divers at work clearing starboard propeller.

Two Stokers joined ship to await passage.

Coaled ship, 126 tons.

4caf84a6cadfd3419700919f: ( 53-36537-008_0.jpg)

10 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands drawing stores.

One rating joined ship from HMS City of London.

Discharged one AB to hospital.

One Stoker joined ship from HMS Fame.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a0: ( 53-36537-008_1.jpg)

11 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged one Stoker to HMS Fame.

Hands ranging starboard cable for survey.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a1: ( 53-36537-009_0.jpg)

12 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.30am to 7.45am: Landed ship’s company exercising field service.

One rating returned from hospital and two ratings discharged to same.

Discharged two ratings to detention barracks.

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a2: ( 53-36537-009_1.jpg)

13 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.30am to 7.35am: Landed ship’s company exercising field service.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a3: ( 53-36537-010_0.jpg)

14 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Read warrants Nos 20 and 21. Discharged two Stokers to detention quarters.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a4: ( 53-36537-010_1.jpg)

15 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a5: ( 53-36537-011_0.jpg)

16 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.30am to 7.40am: Landed ship’s company exercising field service.

7.0am: HMAS Psyche arrived. Discharged one AB to same.

Hands surveying port cable.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a6: ( 53-36537-011_1.jpg)

17 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.30am to 7.35am: Landed ship’s company exercising field service.

Hands stowing port cable.

One LS and two ABs joined ship temporarily.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a7: ( 53-36537-012_0.jpg)

18 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.30am to 7.40am: Landed ship’s company exercising field service.

Hands employed drawing stores.

In pm: Landed funeral party. (Probably for Private Henry G Amor RMLI, 13143 (Po), late of HMS Tamar)

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a8: ( 53-36537-012_1.jpg)

19 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.30am to 7.50am: Landed ship’s company exercising field service.

Hands employed drawing stores.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091a9: ( 53-36537-013_0.jpg)

20 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.30am to 7.40am: Landed ship’s company exercising field service.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 22.

Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091aa: ( 53-36537-013_1.jpg)

21 July 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged four ratings to HMAS Psyche.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091ab: ( 53-36537-014_0.jpg)

22 July 1917

Singapore and at sea towards patrol area.

Lat 1.45, Long 104.44

7.10am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

7.32am: Stopped and communicated with HMAS Psyche. Proceeded Eastward.

11.18am: A/c N11E.

6.15pm: A/c N19W.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091ac: ( 53-36537-014_1.jpg)

23 July 1917

On patrol.

Lat 4.98, Long 103.72

6.0am: Pulau Brala bg N39W.

8.06am: Stopped off Pulau Brala.

Marines at machine gun drill.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091ad: ( 53-36537-015_0.jpg)

24 July 1917

On patrol.

Lat 4.89, Long 103.75

In am: Caried out 1” AR practice at stationery target. GLs, SSs and No 2s of guns at drill.

5.15pm: Boarded Dutch SS Halaban*, correct.

* NV Nederland Indische Tankstoomboot Mij, 1897, 536 tons, sold 1926, renamed Halaban Maru.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091ae: ( 53-36537-015_1.jpg)

25 July 1917

On patrol.

Lat 4.86, Long 103.76

6.15am: Boarded Chinese SS Hsin Chang, correct.

Marines at machine gun instruction.

2.51pm: Boarded Chinese SS Kwanglu, correct.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091af: ( 53-36537-016_0.jpg)

26 July 1917

On patrol.

Lat 4.83, Long 103.77

6.34am: Pulau Brala, bg S16.5W.

Marines at machine gun drill.

12.26pm: Boarded Dutch SS Haliotis, correct.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b0: ( 53-36537-016_1.jpg)

27 July 1917

On patrol.

Lat 4.74, Long 103.77

Marines firing ball cartridge from MG.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b1: ( 53-36537-017_0.jpg)

28 July 1917

On patrol.

Lat 4.79, Long 103.82

Three times during the day Cadmus alters course to intercept a steamer, but presumably is unable to catch it as no details are included in the log.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b2: ( 53-36537-017_1.jpg)

29 July 1917

On patrol and returning towards Singapore.

Lat 4.17, Long 103.93

7.24am: Stopped and communicated with HMS Fame.

Set course S14E.

5.34pm: Pulau Tioman bg S7E.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b3: ( 53-36537-018_0.jpg)

30 July 1917

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.35am: Horsburgh Lt bg S10W.

10.56am: Secured alongside No 4 section, Main wharf, Keppel harbour. Commenced coaling.

Discharged one OS and one Stoker to hospital.

3.30pm: Finished coaling, 146 tons.

Cast off to secure to buoy in Inner Roads, Singapore.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b4: ( 53-36537-018_1.jpg)

31 July 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b5: ( 53-36537-019_0.jpg)

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b6: ( 53-36537-019_1.jpg)

Above two pages blank.


[Singapore and Hong Kong]

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b7: ( 53-36538-001_0.jpg)

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b8: ( 53-36538-001_1.jpg)

Cover signed by Lt SJ Layton Bennett RN, Navigating Officer.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091b9: ( 53-36538-002_0.jpg)


4caf84a6cadfd341970091ba: ( 53-36538-002_1.jpg)

Signed by Cdr HD Marryat, August 23rd 1917.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091bb: ( 53-36538-003_0.jpg)

Instrument Page.

Barometer, mercurial, CJ Casella & Co Ltd. 710. 7’ 6” asl.

Thermometers. Wet, J Hicks MOA 1167. Dry, Negretti and Zambra, MOA 9189.

Sea thermometer, N & Z MOA 8231.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091bc: ( 53-36538-003_1.jpg)

1 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

One Stoker rejoined ship from detention.

Took in 3 pdr ammunition.

Paid monthly payment.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091bd: ( 53-36538-004_0.jpg)

2 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

Read warrant No 23. Discharged one Stoker to detention.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091be: ( 53-36538-004_1.jpg)

3 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

Discharged three ratings to SS Rhodesian (formerly Matatua).

One Stoker rejoined from detention barracks.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091bf: ( 53-36538-005_0.jpg)

4 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

4caf84a6cadfd341970091c0: ( 53-36538-005_1.jpg)

5 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

4caf84a6cadfd341970091c1: ( 53-36538-006_0.jpg)

6 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

Discharged one rating to hospital and two ratings joined ship from same.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091c2: ( 53-36538-006_1.jpg)

7 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4caf84a6cadfd341970091c3: ( 53-36538-007_0.jpg)

8 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

One AB returned to ship from hospital.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091c4: ( 53-36538-007_1.jpg)

9 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

One Shipwright discharged to hospital.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091c5: ( 53-36538-008_0.jpg)

10 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

Discharged one AB to hospital.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091c6: ( 53-36538-008_1.jpg)

11 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

4caf84a7cadfd341970091c7: ( 53-36538-009_0.jpg)

12 August 1917

Singapore inner roads.

Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

One Stoker joined ship from HMS Fame.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091c8: ( 53-36538-009_1.jpg)

13 August 1917


Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

Breakdown in coaling machine, sailing postponed.

Discharged Surgeon C Gardiner-Hill RN to hospital.

Discharged one Stoker to HMS Fame.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091c9: ( 53-36538-010_0.jpg)

14 August 1917


Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

4caf84a7cadfd341970091ca: ( 53-36538-010_1.jpg)

15 August 1917


Lat 1.265, Long 103.84

Read warrant No 24. Discharged one Stoker to detention barracks.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091cb: ( 53-36538-011_0.jpg)

16 August 1917

Singapore and at sea for Hong Kong.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.30am: Slipped and proceeded to Keppel harbour.

7.40am: Commenced coaling.

9.45am: Finished coaling, 45 tons.

One Boy returned from hospital.

11 ratings joined ship from HMS Suffolk. (Suffolk’s log also records discharging a Surgeon Courtis to Cadmus.)

3.39pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091cc: ( 53-36538-011_1.jpg)

17 August 1917

At sea.

Lat 3.72, Long 105.9

4.15am: Pulo Manki Lt [now Pulau Mangkai) bg N45E.

7.53am: Same abeam, 5.8 miles.

NE’ly courses all day.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091cd: ( 53-36538-012_0.jpg)

18 August 1917

At sea.

Lat 6.93, Long 108.1

NNE’ly courses all day.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091ce: ( 53-36538-012_1.jpg)

19 August 1917

At sea.

Lat 10.38, Long 109.46

7.42am: Pulo Sapatu [now Sapate) bg N44W.

Northerly courses all day.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091cf: ( 53-36538-013_0.jpg)

20 August 1917

At sea.

Lat 14.59, Long 109.8

Northerly courses all day.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d0: ( 53-36538-013_1.jpg)

21 August 1917

At sea.

Lat 18.58, Long 111.5

Course N37E all day.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d1: ( 53-36538-014_0.jpg)

22 August 1917

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 21.99, Long 114.33

Hands getting up ammunition.

3.40pm: Stopped, tug placed ship alongside South Wall in dockyard, Hong Kong.

Getting out ammunition.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d2: ( 53-36538-014_1.jpg)

23 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Getting up stores and provisions.

9.45am: Ship paid off.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d3: ( 53-36538-015_0.jpg)

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d4: ( 53-36538-015_1.jpg)

Above two pages blank.

No logs from 24 August to 3 December.

[I assume that Cadmus was in dock for an extensive refit during this period.]


[Hong Kong and Singapore]

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d5: ( 53-36539-001_0.jpg)

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d6: ( 53-36539-001_1.jpg)

Cover signed by Lt Jas PP Simpson, RNR, Navigating Officer.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d7: ( 53-36539-002_0.jpg)


4caf84a7cadfd341970091d8: ( 53-36539-002_1.jpg)

4 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Ship commissioned.

Hands employed ammunitioning ship and in shore parties.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091d9: ( 53-36539-003_0.jpg)

5 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Suffolk left dry dock and moored alongside in basin.

Hands employed provisioning ship and in shore parties.

In pm: Carried out basin trial of engines.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091da: ( 53-36539-003_1.jpg)

6 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Completed with coal, 30 tons.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091db: ( 53-36539-004_0.jpg)

7 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Two Seamen joined ship for passage to Singapore.

4.15pm: Left dock and secured to No 5 buoy.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091dc: ( 53-36539-004_1.jpg)

8 December 1917

Hong Kong and at sea for Singapore.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Swung ship for compasses.

12.50pm: Dockyard officials joined ship

1.22pm: Slipped and proceeded by Western channel. Carried out speed trials.

3.05pm: Discharged dockyard officials and proceeded to Singapore.

6.15pm: Gap Rock bg S85E, 2 miles.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091dd: ( 53-36539-005_0.jpg)

9 December 1917

At sea.

Lat 18.6, Long 113.72

Southerly courses all day.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091de: ( 53-36539-005_1.jpg)

10 December 1917

At sea.

Lat 14.59, Long 112.47

4caf84a7cadfd341970091df: ( 53-36539-006_0.jpg)

11 December 1917

At sea.

Lat 10.77, Long 110.4 (DR)

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e0: ( 53-36539-006_1.jpg)

12 December 1917

At sea.

Lat 6.87, Long 108.19

2.30pm: Passed Japanese battleship Nisshin.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e1: ( 53-36539-007_0.jpg)

13 December 1917

At sea.

Lat 3.6, Long 105.17

2.45pm: Sighted Pulo Aur.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e2: ( 53-36539-007_1.jpg)

14 December 1917

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.15am: Horsburgh Lt bg S31E, 1 mile.

6.20am: Received pilot and proceeded towards Fort Canning.

7.50am: Ship moored alongside Tanjong Pagar, Section No 4. Coaled ship.

1.30pm: Left Tanjong Pagar and proceeded to buoy inside Singapore breakwater.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e3: ( 53-36539-008_0.jpg)

15 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Received 23 cases (368 rounds) 3 pdr ammunition and one case ullage (14 rounds).

Five ratings joined ship to await transfer to HMS Suffolk.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e4: ( 53-36539-008_1.jpg)

16 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e5: ( 53-36539-009_0.jpg)

17 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e6: ( 53-36539-009_1.jpg)

18 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e7: ( 53-36539-010_0.jpg)

19 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.0am: C-in-C of China Station (at this time VA Sir Frederick Tudor) visited ship.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e8: ( 53-36539-010_1.jpg)

20 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4caf84a7cadfd341970091e9: ( 53-36539-011_0.jpg)

21 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.15pm: Japanese destroyer Sagu (possibly Sagi is intended) arrived at anchor in roads.

4caf84a7cadfd341970091ea: ( 53-36539-011_1.jpg)

22 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.0pm: Japanese destroyer left roads.

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23 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Japanese cruiser Tedo [?] arrived and anchored in roads.

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24 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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25 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

8.50pm: AB Rafferty placed under arrest.

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26 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Telepad communications and diving gear tested.

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27 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Mustered kit bags for inspection.

2nd Yeoman of Signals joined awaiting passage to HMS Suffolk.

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28 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.50pm: Warrant read and discharged AB Rafferty to detention barracks.

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29 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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30 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.50am: Japanese cruiser Yakumo (Yakuma in log) arrived in roads.

8.50am: HMS City of London arrived at Tanjong Pagar.

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31 December 1917


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

3.0pm: One Stoker rating left ship for passage to HMS Diana.

Page signed by Acting Cdr RH Hilliard, in command.

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Above three pages blank.


JP map Cadmus 1918


[Singapore, Jesselton, Kudat, Sandakan, Taganak and Lahat Datu]

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Cover signed by Lt Simpson RNR.

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1 January 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4.15am: Lit steamboat fires.

Hands employed cleaning boats and in parts of ship.

In pm: One Stoker rating discharged to hospital.

1.30pm: Landed libertymen, leave till 6.0am.

Hands received monthly payment.

Make and mend.

4.0pm: Quarters. Exercised fire stations.

9.0pm: Rounds.

11.45pm: Drew steamboat fires.

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2 January 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.45am: Slipped and proceeded with pilot to Tanjong Pagar section 8. Coaled ship, 43 tons.

10.45am: Cast off and returned to former berth.

In pm: Provisioned ship from lighter.

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3 January 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

7.20am: Japanese destroyer arrived and anchored in roads.

11.50am: Landed patrol, one PO and four ABs.

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4 January 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

One rating landed for dental treatment.

12.45pm: HMS Fame arrived and anchored inside breakwater.

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5 January 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

10.30am: Two Japanese destroyers arrived and anchored in roads.

10.40am: HMS Fame weighed and proceeded.

4.15pm: Japanese destroyer left anchorage.

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6 January 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Discharged five ABs for passage to HMS Suffolk and one Yeo. Sigs to HMS Fame.

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7 January 1918

Singapore and at sea.

Lat 1.35, Long 104.85 (DR)

6.05am: Slipped buoy and proceeded to sea.

8.0am: Pos. 1 17.7N, 104 12.5E.

9.30am: Horsburgh Lt bg North, 1.5 miles.

5.25pm: Passed Dutch SS on starboard beam.

8.0pm: Pos. 1 29N, 106 27E.

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8 January 1918

At sea.

Lat 2.14, Long 109.27

6.20am: St Pierre I. bg N57E.

8.0am: Pos. 1 48N, 108 38.5E.

10.55am: Merundung I. South Pt bg N30W, 1.25 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 2 49N, 110 30E.

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9 January 1918

At sea.

Lat 4.0, Long 112.8

8.0am: Pos. 3 33N, 111 57E.

2.0pm: Spoke SS Selangor bound for Singapore.

7.20pm: Barram Point abeam, 10 miles.

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10 January 1918

At sea to Jesselton.

Lat 5.97, Long 115.93

5.37am: Kuraman I. Lt bg S31E, 13.5 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 5 33.5N, 115 24.5E.

9.10am: A/c to pass through Tega channel.

1.25pm: Dropped anchor off Jesselton Pier.

Distance run from Singapore to Jesselton, 821 miles.

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11 January 1918


Lat 6.0, Long 116.07

All boats’ crews exercised rowing round harbour.

Received mail for Kudat.

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12 January 1918

Jesselton to Kudat.

Lat 6.67, Long 116.39

7.50am: Weighed and proceeded to Kudat

4.20pm: Anchored at Kudat.

Distance run, 94 miles.

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13 January 1918

Kudat to Sandakan.

Lat 6.71, Long 117.77

5.0am: Left Kudat.

6.40am: Little Molleangan I. bg N, 8 cables.

8.45am: South point of Mallawalli I. bg N60E, 1 mile 8 cables distant.

10.15am: Stopped off Sipindung I. to examine beacon.

3.15pm: Lihiman I. bg East, 6 cables.

5.40pm: Anchored at Sandakan.

Distance run 134 miles.

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14 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

9.15am: Rigged cutter as diving boat and commenced search for steamboat of HMS City of London. (J Davis, Gunner in charge.)

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15 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.50am: Weighed and proceeded to coal jetty. Received 141 tons.

9.50am: Diving party employed in search for sunken steamboat (J Davis, Gunner in charge).

Issue of rum thrown overboard on account of bad (salt) water used in diluting. Fresh issue allowed.

2.30pm: Cast off to anchor.

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16 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.55am: Diving party left for search (J Davis, Gunner in charge).

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17 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

8.45am: Sweeping party left ship to search for HMS City of London's steamboat.

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18 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

8.10am: Diving party left ship (J Davis, Gunner in charge).

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19 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Carpenters employed making kites for sweeping purposes

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20 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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21 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.15am: Party left ship in two steam launches to sweep for sunken steamboat (Lt Simpson RN in charge).

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22 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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23 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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24 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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25 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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26 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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27 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

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28 January 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

2.0pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded alongside coaling wharf. Received 55 tons.

5.0pm: Cast off to anchor South of Customs Pier.

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29 January 1918

Sandakan to Taganak.

Lat 6.08, Long 118.32

8.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.50pm: Anchored in SW Bay of Taganak.

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30 January 1918

Taganak to Tunku Pt.

Lat 5.49, Long 119.14

5.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

Current found to set seaward on account of heavy land rains and consequent numerous floods from rivers. Log was not streamed on account of possible damage to rotator by floating logs and shrubs.

5.15pm: Anchored off Tunku Pt.

Distance run, 112 miles.

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31 January 1918

Tunku Pt to Lahat Datu.

Lat 4.87, Long 118.47

6.30am: Weighed and proceeded to carry out 1” AR practice.

12 noon: Proceeded for Lahat Datu.

1.30pm: Anchored.

4.30pm: Evening quarters. Warrant for 7 days cells read by Lt Redgrove against S Sims, Stoker 1st class.

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Above two pages blank.


[Lahat Datu, Tawao, Sandakan, Kudat, Jesselton, Singapore, Penang

with Siamese convoy and Singapore towing HMS Scarab]

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Front cover signed by Lt Simpson.

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1 February 1918

Lahat Datu to Tawao.

Lat 4.3, Long 118.4 [approx]

6.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.25am: Adal I. abeam, one mile.

11.30am: Tanjong Tutup abeam, 0.75 miles.

4.0pm: Anchored, Tawao.

Distance run, 93 miles.

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2 February 1918


Lat 4.25, Long 117.9

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3 February 1918

Tawao and at sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 4.33, Long 118.54 [approx]

7.35am: Proceeded after waiting for provisions.

12.05pm: Tanjong Tutup bg North, 0.5 miles. Entered Trusan Treacher.

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4 February 1918

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

9.40am: Made fast alongside coal jetty at Sandakan.

Received set of diving gear from Customs.

Coaled ship, 98 tons.

6.15pm: Cast off to anchor.

Distance run, 220 miles.

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5 February 1918

Sandakan to Kudat.

Lat 7.0, Long 117.25 [approx]

5.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded.

8.05am: West point of Lihiman I. abeam, 0.5 miles.

11.07am: Passed 1st buoy (in Mallawalli channel)

2.07pm: Passed beacon south of Tukaban.

6.25pm: Anchored in Kudat harbour.

Distance run from Sandakan to Kudat through Mallawalli Channels, 134 miles.

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6 February 1918

Kudat to Jesselton.

Lat 6.0, Long 116.1

5.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.47am: Batumandi Rock bg S53E, 2 miles.

3.0pm: Sapangar I. bg South, 1 mile.

3.25pm: Let go and anchored, Jesselton.

Kudat to Jesselton, 95 miles.

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7 February 1918

Jesselton and at sea towards Singapore.

Lat 6.1, Long 116.0 [approx]

10.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded.

11.20am: Bulijong Pt bg South, 0.25 miles.

2.22pm: South Point of Tega I. bgN13W, 1.5 miles. A/c West.

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8 February 1918

At sea.

Lat 4.84, Long 112.67

SW’ly courses all day.

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9 February 1918

At sea.

Lat 2.14, Long 109.41

2.15pm: Merundung I. bg N, 1.5 miles.

5.20pm: St Pierre Lt bg N, 0.5 miles.A/c S82W.

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10 February 1918

At sea.

Lat 1.34, Long 105.76

Westerly courses all day.

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11 February 1918

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.30am: Horsburgh Lt bg S, 0.5 miles.

6.30am: Made fast to buoy in inner harbour.

3.15pm: HIJMS Yakumo (Yakuma in log) sailed from roads.

One Stoker PO rejoined ship from hospital.

Jesselton to Singapore, 821 miles.

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12 February 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Hands exercised in rowing round breakwater.

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13 February 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.25am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to coaling berth.

Made fast alongside godown 15, Keppel harbour. Coaled ship, 136 tons.

1.30pm: Cast off and secured to buoy.

Draught before coaling, fore 9’ 4”, aft 11’ 1”.

After coaling, 11’ 4” fore, 11’ 6” aft.

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14 February 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.40pm: Japanese cruiser Adzuma (Adsuma in log) left roads.

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15 February 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.30pm: One rating rejoined ship from detention hospital.

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16 February 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

3.30pm: Sighted Siamese steamers Pin Samud and Den Samud*.

5.50pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to anchor in outer harbour between the Siamese steamers.

*Both Nord-deutscher Lloyd ships seized by Siam in 1917, Pin Samud formerly Samsen, 1902, 1,632 grt and Den Samud formerly Deli, 1900, 1,394 grt.

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17 February 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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18 February 1918

Singapore and at sea for rendezvous and Penang.

Lat 1.18, Long 103.35 [approx]

7.0am: Weighed and awaited Den Samud completing her provisions.

8.50am: Proceeded with convoy in line ahead three cables apart, order of convoy being Cadmus, Pin Samud*, Den Samud

10.15am: Raffles Lt bg N30W, 0.5 miles.

12.35pm: Brothers Lt bg S34W, 4 miles.A/c N56W.

8.25pm: Pulo Undan Lt bg N35E, 4 miles.

* The Pin Samud and possibly Den Samud may be carrying German POWs, see

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19 February 1918

At sea.

Lat 3.45, Long 100.3

12.50am: Cape Rachado Lt bg N34E, 6 miles.

6.40am: One Fathom Bank Lt bg S34W, 0.25 miles.

Passed and challenged Japanese destroyer Harukaze. Reply correct.

8.0am: Convoy took up position.

8.0pm: Rendezvous position altered, a/c N33W.

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20 February 1918

At sea to rendezvous and Penang.

Lat 5.2, Long 99.2

6.0am: Stopped to communicate with SS Pin Samud.

8.0am: Stopped and awaited arrival of Japanese cruiser.

9.15am: Handed over convoy to HIJMS Suma in 5 20N, 98 40E. Set course N80E.

6.40pm: Muka Hd Lt bg S, 3.5 miles.

9.18pm: Let go and anchored, Penang.

Distance run from Singapore, 526 miles.

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21 February 1918


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

In am: Aired bedding.

In pm: Make and mend.

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22 February 1918


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

9.50am: HMS Doris arrived with HMS Scarab in tow.

11.0am: Received 5.5” wire hawser from Doris. 10 ratings joined ship from Scarab.

The Insect class river gunboat Scarab is on her way to Shanghai for duties in the Yangtse. Entirely unsuitable for sea voyages, she will have to be accompanied (and often towed) the whole way.

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23 February 1918


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

Hands employed preparing ship for towing.

2.0pm: Four ratings joined ship from HMS Doris.

2.40pm: 13 ratings discharged to Doris for passage home. 18 ratings joined ship from Doris.

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24 February 1918

Penang and at sea towards Singapore.

Lat 5.21, Long 100.26

6.30am: Weighed and proceded through South Channel.

9.16am: Rimau Lt bg N, 0.25 miles.

9.30am: Stopped to take HMS Scarab in tow. Towing wire fouled port propeller.

10.0am: Let go anchor.

Hands employed clearing port propeller.

[Although this may seem incompetent, taking another vessel in tow at sea is very difficult and requires good teamwork only achieved with long practice. In addition, Cadmus’ high poop and Scarab’s unusually low bow do not make matters easier.]

1.15pm: Towing wire clear, weighed and proceeded.

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25 February 1918

At sea.

Lat 2.89, Long 100.99 [approx]

10.15am: One Fathom Bank Lt bg S50E.

12.10pm: Same abeam, 0.25 miles.

7.15pm: Cape Rachado bg N35E, 3 miles.

10.55pm: Malacca Lt bg N40E, 8 miles.

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26 February 1918

At sea to Singapore´

Lat 1.2, Long 103.5 [approx]

12.30am: Pulo Undan bg N40E, 5 miles.

11.15am: Brothers Lt bg S50W, 4 miles.

1.55pm: Anchored. Tug made fast alongside HMS Scarab.

4.0pm: Proceeded around West St John I. to section 8, Tanjong Pagar.

5.50 to 10.45pm: Coaled ship, 155 tons.

6.0pm: Warrant read by Lt Bridges RNR on Ldg Seaman Revett.

Discharged 17 ratings to Scarab.

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27 February 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.10am: Left jetty for buoy inside breakwater.

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28 February 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.15am: HMS City of London arrived.

In pm: Discharged Lt Simpson to hospital.

5.15pm: Received from City of London, 10 boxes of 1” aiming ammunition.

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Above three pages blank.


[Singapore, Penang, Singapore, Saigon, Touranh Bay and Hong Kong]

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Cover signed by Lt Simpson.

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1 March 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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2 March 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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3 March 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Landed church parties; C of E 20, RC 1, Cong. 1.

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4 March 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

OS G Pratt left ship for hospital.

3.10pm: Japanese destroyer left roads.

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5 March 1918

Singapore and at sea for Penang.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

One Marine rating joined ship.

One Stoker left ship for hospital.

Lt Simpson returned from hospital.

4.0pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to sea.

5.25pm: Passed Sultan Shoal Lt, set course S86W.

6.50pm: A/c N55W.

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6 March 1918

At sea.

Lat 2.79, Long 101.17

3.30am: Pulo Undan Lt bg N35E, 3 miles.

1.33pm: One Fathom Bank Lt bg W, 0.5 miles.

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7 March 1918

At sea to Penang.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

9.10am: Let go and anchored off Victoria Pier, Penang.

Distance run, 368 miles.

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8 March 1918


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

3.30pm: Mine sweeper Kepan left harbour.

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9 March 1918


Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

12.10pm: HMS’ Diana and Bee arrived in harbour.

Five ratings joined ship from Diana and received from Bee four boxes of charts and one box of medical stores for transport to Singapore.

HMS Bee is an Insect class river gunboat on her way to the Yangtse.

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10 March 1918

Penang and at sea towards Singapore.

Lat 5.42, Long 100.35

9.20am: Discharged one Private RMLI to HMS Diana.

Three Warrant Telegraphists joined for passage to Singapore.

10.45am: HMS Fame left harbour.

10.50am: Ass. Paymr Salter left ship for passage home.

1.55pm: Weighed anchor and left harbour followed by HMS Bee through South Channel.

3.05pm: Rimau Lt bg N, 0.25 miles.

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11 March 1918

At sea.

Lat 2.54, Long 101.55

6.37am: One Fathom Bank Lt bg S65W, 0.25 miles.

P1 and S1 4” gun crews to drill, sight setters to exercise.

2.35pm: Cape Rachado Lt bg N34E, 4 miles.

6.0pm: Pulo Undan bg N30E, 3 miles.

8.42pm: Tanjung Tohor bg N35E, 5.5 miles.

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12 March 1918

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

5.07am: Brothers Lt S38W, 4 miles.

8.50am: Made fast to wharf section 8, Keppel harbour. Commenced coaling.

Three Warrant Telegraphists left ship.

10.45am: Finished coaling, 97 tons.

12.55pm: Discharged five ratings to HMS Bee.

1.05pm: Cast off and secured to buoy.

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13 March 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

In pm: Diving party left ship for 75 minutes.

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14 March 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

3.40pm: Japanese destroyer left roads.

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15 March 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Exercised abandon ship stations and landing party drill.

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16 March 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

4.30pm: Received stores from HMS City of London for transport to Hong Kong.

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17 March 1918

Singapore and at sea towards Saigon.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

1.40pm: Eight ratings joined ship from HMS Bee.

2.55pm: HMS Bee left for Saigon in company with SS Agamemnon, vide Bee’s log.

4.05pm: Slipped and proceeded.

7.55pm: Horsburgh Lt bg S, 0.5 miles.

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18 March 1918

At sea.

Lat 3.67, Long 105.24

Course N15E in am, N13E in pm.

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19 March 1918

At sea.

Lat 7.7, Long 106.22

6.50pm: Hon Tai I. bg S60E, 1.25 miles.

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20 March 1918

At sea to Saigon.

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

2.50am: Cape St James Lt bg N6W.

4.50am: Stopped and challenged signal station, proceeded.

6.30am: Received permission from French despatch boat to enter harbour. Received pilot and proceeded up Saigon River.

11.30am: Made fast alongside wharf, Saigon City.

Distance run from Singapore, 648 miles.

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21 March 1918

Saigon City.

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

Coaled ship, 50 tons.

9.0am: HMS Bee arrived in harbour. Sent two ERAs to Bee for engine repairs.

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22 March 1918

Saigon City.

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

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23 March 1918

Saigon City.

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

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24 March 1918

Saigon City

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

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25 March 1918

Saigon City and at sea towards Tourane.

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

6.30am: Landed funeral party.

9.15am: Funeral party returned.

12 noon: Left wharf and proceeded with pilot on board.

4.45pm: Discharged pilot in Coconut Bay.

5.0pm: Set course S52E. HMS Bee joined company taking position astern.

6.20pm: Cape St James bg N52W, 12.25 miles, a/c N70E.

11.26pm: Kega* Pt bg N49W, 9.5 miles.

*Not the modern day Kega Pt which is much further North.

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26 March 1918

At sea.

Lat 12.42, Long 109.45

5.45am: Cap Padaran Lt bg N60W, 3.5 miles.

12.50pm: Cap Varella (aka Mui Ke Ga) bg S89W, 6 miles, a/c n9W.

HMS Bee parted company.

6.45pm: A/c N15E, heavy fog over lying land, Gambier Lt (vis 26 m) was not visible until about 3.5 miles distant.

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27 March 1918

At sea to Tourane and at sea towards Hong Kong.

Lat 16.12, Long 108.17

5.30am: Kuleo Rai (Cu Lao Re) Lt bg S70W, 5 miles.

9.45am: South point Kulo Chan [now Cu Lao Cham) I. bg S40W, 0.25 miles.

12.30pm: Let go and anchored in Tourane Bay (Da Nang). Found HMS Bee anchored also in bay.

8.45pm: Weighed and proceeded in company with Bee to Hong Kong.

9.25pm: Set course N2E.

9.40am: Kulao Han I. bg N88W, 0.5 miles.

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28 March 1918

At sea.

Lat 18.49, Long 108.25

1.30pm: A/c N17E.

3.30pm: Weather foggy on land, soundings taken every quarter hour.

5.15pm: A/c N59E.

11.0pm: Lambko Lt bg N75E.

11.15pm: A/c N72E.

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29 March 1918

At sea.

Lat 20.21, Long 110.3

3.0am: Lamko Lt (aka Lingao) obscured by fog.

4.15am: On account of heavy fog and rising wind, course was shaped for Kami Bay.

6.35am: Let go anchor with HMS Bee.

10.15am: Weighed anchor and proceeded to Hong Kong with Bee, course S84E.

2.40pm: Hainan Hd bg South, 4 miles.

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30 March 1918

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 21.9, Long 113.37

6.25am: A/c to pass close to land to gain smooth water for HMS Bee.

7.30am: Bee shaped course further inshore.

10.20am: Rejoined Bee.

4.35pm: Green I. Lt bg E, 0.5 miles.

5.30pm: Moored to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong harbour.

8.0pm: Commenced coaling.

Tourane to Hong Kong, 619 miles.

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31 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0am: Finished coaling, 180 tons. Let fires die out.

9.10am: Shifted berth with tugs to HM dockyard basin.

Discharged nine ratings to HMS Bee.

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Above two pages blank.


[Hong Kong, Sandakan, Jesselton, Miri and Singapore]

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Cover signed by Lt Simpson.

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1 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Refitted tiller wires.

Hands employed drawing and returning stores.

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2 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Returned one 4.5” wire hawser to store and received one in lieu.

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3 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed drawing and returning stores.

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4 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Hands employed drawing and returning stores.

In pm: Make and mend.

11.0pm: Sent three men under arrest to HMS Tamar.

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5 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Hands employed drawing and returning stores.

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6 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

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7 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Landed patrol (PO and two ABs).

10.20am: Two Stokers apprehended by Civil Police brought on board and sent to HMS Tamar under arrest.

4.30pm: One AB and one Ship's Cook joined ship from Tamar.

6.0pm: Patrol returned.

9.30pm: Sent one Stoker to Tamar under arrest.

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8 April 1918

Hong Kong and at sea towards Sandakan.

Lat 21.84, Long 114.54

7.0am: Lt Redgrove read warrant No 5 on AB Pope.

7.40am: Left dockyard and proceeded to sea via Western entrance.

10.05am: NE Head Tamkan Is bg S44W, 1 mile.

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9 April 1918

At sea.

Lat 18.84, Long 116.99

12.30pm: A/c S22E for Kulian Channel.

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10 April 1918

At sea.

Lat 15.4, Long 118.4

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11 April 1918

At sea.

Lat 11.9, Long 119.77

9.30am: Dimipak I. bg N77E, 15 miles.

2.55pm: Binulaba I. bg S73W, 0.75 miles.

3.23pm: Sombrero I. abeam, 5.25 miles.

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12 April 1918

At sea.

Lat 8.4, Long 119.19

10.45pm: Kagayan Sulu bg N74W, 0.5 miles.

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13 April 1918

At sea to Sandakan.

Lat 5.85, Long 118.14 [approx]

5.30am: Stopped off Baguan I. and prepared for 4” gun practice. Lowered two skiffs with markers.

8.35am: Finished practice, picked up target, hoisted boats and proceeded for Sandakan harbour.

1.0pm: Made fast alongside government pier, Sandakan harbour. Received mail and stores.

2.50pm: Left pier and secured alongside coaling wharf.

Discharged Chief Carpenter’s Mate to hospital.

3.45pm: Commenced coaling.

9.40pm: Finished coaling, 104 tons.

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14 April 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.10am: Cast off to anchor.

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15 April 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

6.20am: Landed range party of 30 hands.

2.10pm: Range party returned.

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16 April 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

5.50am: Warrants Nos 6, 7 and 8 read by Act. Cdr RH Hilliard RN on AB J Pratt, Stoker G Dilley and Stoker J Allen respectively.

Discharged above ratings to government prison.

1.40pm: Warrants Nos 9 and 10 read by Lt Simpson on AB F Hodges and AB R Finch.

Discharged above ratings to government prison.

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17 April 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Landed range parties.

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18 April 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Landed range parties.

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19 April 1918


Lat 5.82, Long 118.11

Landed range parties.

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20 April 1918

Sandakan and at sea towards Jesselton.

Lat 6.54, Long 117.64 [approx]

6.10am: Five ratings returned from prison.

6.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.35am: Lihiman I. West pt bg N50E, 5 cables.

11.30am: Beacon off Lankayan I. bg S65W, 5 cables.

2.45pm: Beacon SW of Sipindung bg S53W, 3 cables.

3.40pm: Kukuban I. bg N45E, 7 cables.

8.30pm: Sampanmangio Pt bg South, 2 miles.

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21 April 1918

At sea to Jesselton.

Lat 6.0, Long 116.07

7.20am: Anchored, Jesselton.

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22 April 1918

Jesselton and at sea towards Miri.

Lat 5.72, Long 115.65 [approx]

6.35am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.20am: Stopped and swung ship for compass correction.

12.25pm: Tega South Pt bg N15W, 1.75 miles.

4.15pm: Bethune Hd bg S27E, 5.25 miles. A/c S56W.

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23 April 1918

At sea to Miri (Sarawak) and at sea towards Singapore.

Lat 4.41, Long 113.98

9.0am: Anchored, Miri.

1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. Course S63W.

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24 April 1918

At sea.

Lat 2.8, Long 110.5

9.02am: Altered course to investigate large floating palm trees. 6.20pm: Tanjong Datu bg S35E, 10 miles.

11.58pm: St Pierre Lt bg S12E, 1 mile.

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25 April 1918

At sea.

Lat 1.64, Long 106.6

1.30pm: Pengibu I. bg N16W 1.5 miles.

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26 April 1918

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

1.34pm: Horsburgh Lt bg South, 0.25 miles.

7.50am: Made fast to main wharf, Keppel harbour.

Coaled ship, 142 tons.

11.30am: Cast off and secured to buoy.

4.0pm: Warrants Nos 11 and 12 read by Lt Redgrove punishing ERA Westrupp and AB Pratt.

Miri to Singapore, 650 miles.

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27 April 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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28 April 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

1.10pm: Japaese cruiser Adzuma arrived in roads.

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29 April 1918

Singapore and at sea towards rendezvous with minesweepers.

Lat 1.26, Long 104.1 [approx]

10.15am: Left buoy and proceeded to rendezvous off Anamba Is.

2.24pm: Horsburgh Lt bg S 1.25 miles.

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30 April 1918

At sea to Anambas Is.

Lat 3.39, Long 105.25

3.0am: Sighted minesweepers Kedah and Pangkor. Patrolled around same until daylight.

6.40am: Sent boat for Mr Cresswell from MS Pangkor.

7.0am: Sent master of Pangkor and one Signal rating to minesweepers.

7.45am: Proceeded keeping 30 miles from shore to a position with Pulo Manki bg S14E, 20 miles.

2.30pm: Spoke British SS Huleh [?], HK to Singapore.

3.45pm: Stopped to await minesweepers in 3 27N, 105 30E.

5.20pm: Minesweepers arrived and anchored.

Remained stopped throughout the night with Pulo Manki bg S14E, 24 miles.

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Above three pages blank.


[Singapore and Saigon]

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Cover signed by Lt Simpson RNR, Navigating Officer.

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1 May 1918

At sea.

Lat 3.2, Long 105.1 [approx]

9.45am: Course S26W. Carried out AR practice.

Hands mustered kit bags.

1.30pm: Stopped.

3.20pm: Proceeded towards minesweepers Pangkor and Kedah.

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2 May 1918

At sea to Singapore.

Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

2.40am: Sighted Horsburgh Lt, a/c S30W.

5.15am: Same bg N78E, 1 mile.

9.55am: Made fast alongside Tanjong Pagar.

Coaled ship, 50 tons.

Discharged one rating to Tanglin military hospital.

12.45pm: Cast off and secured to buoy.

Two ratings rejoined ship from detention.

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3 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Returned 29 boxes of ammunition.

Received 35 boxes of ammunition.

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4 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Lt Redgrove read warrant No 13 punishing Stoker Sims.

1.0pm: Japanese destroyer left roads.

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5 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Landed church parties (RCs five men, C of Es 21 men and one PO, Lt Bridges in charge.)

11.30am Japanese transport arrived in roads.

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6 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

9.0am: Japanese (UC) Niitaka arrived in roads.

9.55am: Japanese TBD arrived.

Chief Carpenter's Mate rejoined from hospital.

11.0am: Discharged Mr Beattie Eng. Art. to hospital.

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7 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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8 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.0am: Landed every available man (probably just as an exercise).

8.0am: Landing party returned.

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9 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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10 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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11 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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12 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

8.15am: HMS Northbrook arrived.

8.45am: Landed church party under Lt Bridges.

11.0am: Sent officer of guard to Northbrook.

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13 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.0am: General Drill. Carried out abandon ship.

Divers of ship carried out monthly dip.

10.15am: HMS’ Northbrook and Gnat sailed.

11.45am: HMS Whiting arrived.

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14 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Received eleven cases of stores (Paymaster’s) from No 1 Godown, re-stores for HMS Suffolk.

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15 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Issued monthly issue of slops to ship's company.

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16 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Landing party of Seamen, Stokers and Marines landed under Lt Redgrove RNR.

11.05am: Japanese destroyer arrived in roads.

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17 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Mr Beattie, Eng. Art. rejoined ship from hospital.

Stoker Sims rejoined ship from Detention.

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18 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

11.30am: Discharged AB Romanal to hospital.

1.45pm: Received from HMS Whiting one case of medical stores for transport to Hong Kong.

2.0pm: Japanese cruiser Yakumo arrived.

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19 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

Landed church parties, RC two, C of E 26, Lt Bridges in charge.

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20 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

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21 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

6.0am: Landing party of Seamen, Stokers and Marines landed.

8.0am: Landing party returned.

1.30pm: Landed patrol.

10.10pm: Patrol returned on board with two absentees.

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22 May 1918


Lat 1.26, Long 103.85

7.05am: Slipped and proceeded to West wharf for coal, received 65 tons. Received six drums of smoothing oil from HMS Tarantula.

10.10am: Cast off and returned to buoy.

Discharged Boy 1c W Ford to hospital.

5.30pm: Discharged one ERA to Tarantula.

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23 May 1918

Singapore and at sea towards Saigon.

Lat 1.32, Long 104.17

10.05am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.25am: Joined by HMS Tarantula. Set course N81E.

1.30pm: Horsburgh Lt bg South, 4 cables. A/c N31E.

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24 May 1918

At sea.

Lat 4.89, Long 105.44

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25 May 1918

At sea.

Lat 8.19, Long 106.44

3.20pm: Courses to pass East of Haon Tre I.

4.30pm: Haon Tre Man I. bg E, 1 mile.

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26 May 1918

At sea to Saigon.

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

5.20am: Arrived off Cape St James. Challenged by and answered guard torpedo boat. Proceeded up river.

10.05am: HMS Tarantula parted company to proceed to oil wharf.

11.0am: Arrived off Saigon City, commenced mooring.

3.05pm: Tarantula made fast alongside.

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27 May 1918

Saigon City.

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

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28 May 1918

Saigon City and at sea towards Hong Kong.

Lat 10.74, Long 106.76

5.55am: HMS Tarantula slipped from Cadmus and proceeded to oil wharf.

10.15am: Unmoored and proceeded down river.

3.10pm: Let go and anchored off Cape St James.

4.40pm: Tarantula joined company, weighed and proceeded with Tarantula 4 cables astern.

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29 May 1918

At sea.

Lat 12.11, Long 109.35

6.20am: Cap Padaran Lt bg N62W, 2 miles.

11.14am: Fishermans Rock bg N76W, 1 mile.

2.45pm: Three Kings abeam, a/c N3E.

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30 May 1918

At sea.

Lat 16.5, Long 109.8

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31 May 1918

At sea.

Lat 20.24, Long 112.29

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Above two pages blank.


[Hong Kong, Pagoda anchorage, Santu, Samsha, Ningpo, Haimun Bay, Shanghai, Ningpo and Haimun]

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Cover signed by Lt Simpson RNR, Navigating Officer.

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Blank page.

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1 June 1918

At sea to Hong Kong and at sea.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.05am: Gap Rock bg S43E, 3.5 miles.

6.30am: Made fast to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong harbour and commenced coaling.

One ERA rejoined ship from HMS Tarantula.

One Private RMLI joined ship from HMS Tamar and one Private RMLI discharged to same.

12.50pm: Finished coaling, 165 tons.

1.0pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea by Eastern entrance.

2.10pm: Waglan Lt bg S40W, 1 mile.

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2 June 1918

At sea.

Lat 20.79, Long 116.59

7.30am: Pratas I. bg S50E, a/c towards wreck.

8.45am: Arrived off wreck and stopped. Working party sent on board wreck.

6.0pm: Working party returned from wreck, proceeded towards Hong Kong.

I have been unable to find any details of this wreck.

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3 June 1918

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Waglan Lt bg S40W, 1 mile. Entered swept channel.

1.0pm: Made fast to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong harbour. Coaled ship, 39 tons.

One Ldg Cook’s Mate rejoined from HMS Tamar and one Cook’s Mate discharged to same.

4caf84a8cadfd341970092af: ( 53-36545-004_0.jpg)

4 June 1918

Hong Kong and at sea towards Fu Chan Fu.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Read warrant No 14.

8.10pm: Slipped and proceeded through Eastern entrance.

9.25pm: Set course East.

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5 June 1918

At sea.

Lat 22.79, Long 116.34

9.30am: Exercised boarding boats’ crews at cutlass and pistol drill.

2.15pm: Breaker Pt Lt abeam, 2 miles.

8.18pm: Lamock I. bg S29E, 1.5 miles. A/c N45E.

4caf84a8cadfd341970092b1: ( 53-36545-005_0.jpg)

6 June 1918

At sea.

Lat 24.39, Long 118.65

1.10pm: Lost overboard, port bow light due to heavy sea.

Strong NE wind and high seas, ship labouring and pitching heavily.

4.0pm: A/c N4W to Pyramid Pt.

7.05pm: Let go and anchored, Tongbu Pt* bg S75E, 0.5 miles.

* Cadmus is probably sheltering in the Eastern entrance to the South Haitan strait.

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7 June 1918

At sea.

Lat 25.22, Long 119.62

5.30am: Weighed and proceeded towards Hai Tan straits.

3.15pm: East point of Shinjam I. bg S45E, 1 mile. Set course N52E.

6.0pm: Anchored off Tungsha.

Rolling to NE’ly swell.

5.55am: Pyramid Point bg West, 1.5 miles. Course N63E.

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8 June 1918

At sea to Fu Chan Fu (Pagoda Anchorage.).

Lat 25.99, Long 119.44

7.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

8.30am: Passed Min Reef buoy and entered Min River.

12.20pm: Let go and anchored, Pagoda anchorage.

HK to Pagoda anchorage, 459 miles.

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9 June 1918

Pagoda Anchorage to Santu.

Lat 26.1, Long 119.7 [approx]

9.05am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

12 noon: Passed entrance buoy, a/c N32E.

2.05pm: Ragged I. bg West, 1 mile, a/c N30W.

5.15pm: Anchored, Santu anchorage.

8.0pm: Two Chinese witnesses joined ship.

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10 June 1918


Lat 26.49, Long 119.84

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11 June 1918


Lat 26.49, Long 119.84

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12 June 1918

Santu to Samsha.

Lat 26.74, Long 119.96 [approx]

10.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

Various courses through Sam Sa Inlet.

4.45pm: Anchored off Samsha Pt.

One Chinese witness joined ship.

4caf84a9cadfd341970092b8: ( 53-36545-008_1.jpg)

13 June 1918

Samsha and at sea.

Lat 27.44, Long 120.87

5.20pm: Weighed and proceeded for Ning Po. Set course N84E.

12.27pm: Turret I. abeam S47E, 3.5 miles.

1.50pm: Shroud Island abeam bg N42W, 2.5 miles.

2.55pm: East Brother I. bg N53W, 1 mile. A/c N22E.

10.22pm: Hea Chu bg N73W, 1 mile.

4caf84a9cadfd341970092b9: ( 53-36545-009_0.jpg)

14 June 1918

Samsha to Ning Po

Lat 29.97, Long 121.97 [approx]

2.07am: Hieshan Lt bg S72W, 9 miles, a/c N23E.

4.50am: West point of Dai Ching I. bg N12W, 8.5 miles, a/c N30W.

10.30am: Roundabout I. [now Yangxiaomao Dao) bg North, 0.5 miles. [Several other islands are mentioned in the am, none of which I can definitively match to modern islands. Cadmus is making her round to the mouth of the Yong river.]

2.10pm: Entered Yung [now Yong) River.

3.50pm: Anchored at Ning Po [now Ningbo).

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15 June 1918


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

Coaled ship, 140 tons.

Starboard propeller examined by ship's diver.

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16 June 1918

Ningpo and at sea towards Tai Chan I.

Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

10.55am: Three ratings discharged to hospital, one SPO, one Ldg Sig. and one Stoker.

HM Consul and one witness joined ship.

3.45pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded down river.

5.10pm: Passed Nemesis Beacon [presumably at the river mouth], set course N83E.

7.08pm: Passed 2 cables North of Ketan Pt and passed between Roundabout I. and the mainland.

7.40pm: Passed through Vernon channel [Hsia-chi men].

8.35pm: Set course S11W.

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17 June 1918

At sea to Haimun Anchorage.

Lat 28.67, Long 121.77 [approx]

1.35am: Heisham I. Lt bg S76E, 7.5 miles, a/c S11W.

5.0am: A/c S60W towards island off NW point of Shang Ta I. [now Shang-ta-ch’en Tao].

Passed between Shang Ta and Hea Ta.

6.55am: Stopped off NE extreme of Hea Ta and sent boarding party to examine junks.

Passed through Tai Chan Islands searching junks for firearms.

3.20pm: Anchored in Haimun Bay [Haimun is now the port of Jiao Jiang and the bay is called Taizhou bay. The name was changed to prevent confusion with two other places called Haimun.]

Armed sentries posted on foc’sle.

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18 June 1918

Haimun to Kin Men I.

Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded out of river on course S82W.

4.10pm: A/c N80E with Gan Tau I. ahead, passing Northward of Chu Su I.

6.0pm: Passed between Nine Pin I. and Kin Men I. searching fishing junks, then returned to anchor in extreme West bay of Kin Men I.

6.40pm: Anchored.

6.50pm: Escort left ship.

8.0pm: Escort party returned on board.

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19 June 1918

Kin Men I. to Haimun.

Lat 28.8, Long 121.85

6.0am: Escort party left ship.

10.40am: Escort returned on board (one Chinese female brought on board under arrest).

11.40am: Boarding boat’s crew left ship, Lt Redgrove in charge.

2.35pm: Weighed anchor and proceeded to Haimun. Picked up boarding boat.

5.0pm: Read warrant No 15.

5.20pm: Arrived Haimun Bay and anchored.

8.0pm: Placed armed sentry.

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20 June 1918

Haimun Bay.

Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

In am: Discharged Chinese female prisoner to Chinese police.

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21 June 1918

Haimun and at sea towards Shanghai.

Lat 29.3, Long 122.3 [approx]

5.15am: Weighed and proceeded to Shanghai.

8.15am: Kin Men I. bg N50W, 1.25 miles. Set course

12.10pm: Ki-lung-yu abeam N66W, 3 miles.

4.05pm: Tong Ting I. bg S81E, 1.25 miles.

6.35pm: Steep I. Lt (Xiaogui Shan) bg West, 0.5 miles.

7.35pm: Elgar I. Lt bg S80W, 3 cables.

10.33pm: Gutzlaff Lt bg S70W, 5 miles.

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22 June 1918

At sea to Shanghai.

Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

1.0am: Tungsha LV bg N50E 2 cables.

Courses various through Southern entrance to Shanghai.

5.0am: Entered Wusung River.

7.45am: Made fast to MM [Messageries Marine?] buoy.

Prepared ship for coaling.

10.0am: Shifted berth to SNO buoy. Commenced coaling.

Haimun to Shanghai, 232 miles.

In pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

6.0pm: Finished with coal, 136 tons received.

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23 June 1918


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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24 June 1918


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

In am: Received ammunition from HMS Teal for conveyance to Hong Kong.

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25 June 1918


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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26 June 1918

Shanghai and at sea.

Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

5.25pm: Slipped from buoy and proceeded.

6.50pm: Passed Woosung LV.

10.30pm: Anchored, Gutzlaff Lt bg S10E, Fairway buoy N85E.

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27 June 1918

At sea to Ningpo.

Lat 30.3, Long 121.8 [approx]

5.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

7.0am: Gutzlaff Lt bg S67E,1 mile.

11.0am: W Volcano I. bg N80W, 2 miles.

2.05pm: Entered River Yung.

3.30pm: Moored in river.

Shanghai to Ningpo, 130 miles.

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28 June 1918

Ningpo and at sea towards Haimun.

Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded down river.

3.50pm: Passed Chin Hai Lt.

5.43pm: Ketan Pt bg South, 0.5 miles. Passed between Roundabout I. and mainland.

6.20pm: Entered Vernon Channel.

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29 June 1918

At sea to Haimun.

Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

2.05am: Heishan I. Lt bg S66E, 7 miles, a/c S20W.

5.0am: Ship passed between Gan Tan I. and Ting Chu I. to anchorage Northward of Nine Pin I.

7.15am: Let go and anchored.

10.0am: Weighed and proceeded to Haimun.

11.50am: Anchored.

Ningpo to Haimun, 145 miles.

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30 June 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

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Above three pages blank.


[Haimun, Shanghai, Haimun, Shanghai, Ningpo and Shanghai]

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Front cover signed by Lt Simpson and Cdr RH Hillard.

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1 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

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2 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

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3 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

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4 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

4caf84a9cadfd341970092d4: ( 53-36546-004_1.jpg)

5 July 1918

Haimun and at sea towards Shanghai.

Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

4.30pm: Weighed and proceeded, course S80E.

6.05pm: A/c N80E.

9.07pm: Heishan Lt bg S52E.

4caf84a9cadfd341970092d5: ( 53-36546-005_0.jpg)

6 July 1918

At sea to Shanghai.

Lat 31.38, Long 121.59 [approx]

5.55am: Elgar I. Lt bg West, 0.5 miles.

9.25am: Passed Fairway bell buoy.

10.16am: Tungsha LV abeam.

12.40pm: Entered Woosung River.

2.15pm: Made fast to RN buoy, Shanghai.

Haimun to Shanghai, 236 miles.

4caf84a9cadfd341970092d6: ( 53-36546-005_1.jpg)

7 July 1918


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Coaled ship, 145 tons.

Discharged one rating to hospital and one rating rejoined from same.

4caf84a9cadfd341970092d7: ( 53-36546-006_0.jpg)

8 July 1918

Shanghai and at sea towards Haimun.

Lat 31.0, Long 122.19 [approx]

6.30am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded.

7.45am: Passed Woosung LV.

9.45am: Passed Kintoan LV.

12.14pm: Fairway buoy abeam, 0.5 miles.

1.50pm: Ship struck a junk in position 30 49.5N, 122 16.5E, stopped and took aboard crew. Towed junk to Chesney I. Bay.

5.40pm: Slipped junk in position 30 45.5N, 122 25.5E, placed crew on board another junk at anchor in Chesney I. Bay. Proceeded.

10.04pm: Steep I. bg N77E, 0.25 miles, a/c S4E.

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9 July 1918

At sea to Haimun.

Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

12.22am: Tongting Lt bg S68E, 3 miles, a/c S26W.

7.15am: Kin Men Is Eastern extremity bg West, 1 mile, a/c S53W.

10.0am: Let go and anchored in Haimun Bay.

Shanghai to Haimun, 236 miles.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 16.

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10 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

Hands painting mess decks.

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11 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

Hands painting mess decks.

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12 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

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13 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

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14 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

Sunday routine.

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15 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

Surveyed port anchor cable and cleaned and painted port chain locker.

10.55pm: Junk fouled port lower boom, mast and sails of junk carried away.

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16 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

Surveyed starboard anchor cable and cleaned and painted starboard chain locker.

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17 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

6.0am: General drill. Exercised stations for fire, collision and abandon ship. General quarters. Exercised small fire party.

6.40am: Secured.

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18 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

4.0pm: Dropped life buoy and exercised sea boat’s crew.

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19 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

12.30pm: HM Consul and secretary and three Chinese witnesses attending trial on shore in Haimun, re murder of Rev Graham.

7.0pm: HM Consul and witnesses returned on board.

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20 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

Half yearly survey of capstan (capstan lifted).

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21 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

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22 July 1918


Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

Half yearly survey of wire hawsers.

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23 July 1918

Haimun and at sea towards Shanghai.

Lat 28.68, Long 121.5

10.30am: Chinese warship carrying VA flag arrived.

Half yearly survey of rigging and rigging screws.

5.0pm: Consul and secretary left ship.

7.0pm: Weighed and proceeded to Shanghai.

4caf84a9cadfd341970092e7: ( 53-36546-014_0.jpg)

24 July 1918

At sea to Shanghai.

Lat 31.12, Long 122.15 [approx]

4.30am: Tong Ting Lt bg East, 0.5 miles.

7.50am: Elgar I. Lt bg S60W, 0.5 miles.

12 noon: Passed Tungsha LV.

2.10pm: Entered Woosung River.

3.35pm: Made fast to P & O buoy, Shanghai.

Discharged one rating to hospital and one rating rejoined from same.

9.0pm: Commenced coaling.

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25 July 1918


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

4.0am: Finished coaling, received 156 tons.

6.40am: Three ratings rejoined ship from Ningpo hospital.

6.40pm: HMS Teal made fast alongside.

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26 July 1918

Shanghai and at sea towards Haimun.

Lat 31.3, Long 121.8 [approx]

7.30am: Slipped and proceeded to Haimun.

8.50am: Woosung LV abeam.

1.30pm: Fairway buoy abeam.

5.10pm: Elgar I. bg S80W, a/c S9E.

4caf84a9cadfd341970092ea: ( 53-36546-015_1.jpg)

27 July 1918

At sea to Haimun and on towards Ningpo

Lat 28.68, Long 121.5 [approx]

5.0pm: Reduced to slow to wait for tide.

11.04am: Arrived inside entrance to Tai Chan [now Jiaojiang) River. Stopped to take on board HM Consul of Ningpo.

11.45am: Proceeded.

4.0pm: Quarters. Read warrants Nos 17, 18 and 19.

11.0pm: Entered Vernon Channel.

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28 July 1918

At sea to Ningpo.

Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

12.45am: Stopped off Ketan Pt.

3.40am: Proceeded.

5.50am: Entered Yung River.

7.15am: Anchored off British Consulate. Consul and secretary left ship.

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29 July 1918


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

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30 July 1918

Ningpo to Shanghai.

Lat 30.5, Long 121.9 [approx]

6.10am: Weighed and proceeded down river.

1.10pm: Gutzlaff Lt bg East 1.5 miles.

2.20pm: Passed Fairway buoy.

5.20pm: Entered Woosung River.

6.50pm: Arrived Shanghai, made fast to P & O buoy.

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31 July 1918


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Two ratings rejoined ship from hospital.

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Ex Meridian Altitude Tables.

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Above four pages, rough arithmetic workings.

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Above two pages blank.


[Shanghai, Hong Kong and Amoy]

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Cover page,signed by Lt Simpson and Cdr Hilliard.

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Blank page.

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1 August 1918


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

One rating joined ship for passage to Hong Kong.

10.15am: Finished coaling, 90 tons.

Sick list 9.

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2 August 1918

Shanghai and at sea towards Hong Kong.

Lat 31.17, Long 121.92

7.45am: Slipped from P & O buoy and proceeded to Hong Kong.

9.35am: Passed Woosung LV.

1.25pm: Fairway buoy bg N30E, 1 mile.

5.50pm: Elgar I. Lt bg East, 0.5 miles.

9.50pm: Tong Ting Lt bg West, 3 miles, a/c S24W.

Sick list 13.

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3 August 1918

At sea.

Lat 28.04, Long 121.44

4.30am: Heisham Lt bg S65E, 5 miles, a/c S40W.

2.58pm: Shroud I. bg N42W, 3 miles.

7.10pm: Ping Fong I. [Jixingwei I.] bg N20W, 0.5 miles.

7.30pm: Anchored in Pi Kwan [Beguian] harbour.

Sick list 13.

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4 August 1918

At sea.

Lat 26.89, Long 120.25

8.0am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.40am: Arrived 1/2 mile off Sansha Pt and discharged Chinese witnesses.

11.50am: Proceeded.

10.43pm: Turnabout I. Lt abeam bg West, 3.5 miles.

Sick list 16.

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5 August 1918

At sea.

Lat 24.47, Long 118.75

4.20am: Ocksen Lt bg N77W.

Sick list 16.

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6 August 1918

At sea.

Lat 22.7, Long 116.0

3.55pm: Chilang Pt bg N12W, 1.75 miles.

11.20pm: Waglan Lt bg S68W, 20 miles.

Sick list 17.

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7 August 1918

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0am: Waglan Lt bg S25E, 1.5 miles.

2.30am: Let go and anchored.

6.30am: Weighed and proceeded through Lye Mun pass.

7.35am: Made fast to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong harbour.

4.0pm: Slipped and secured alongside wall inside Camber.

One rating rejoined ship from detention.

Sick list 14.

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8 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Eighteen ratings left ship for Sanatorium. Lt Simpson RNR in charge.

10.45am: Discharged Lt Redgrove RNR and twelve ratings to RN hospital.

These are probably Spanish influenza victims.

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9 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Refitted tiller wires.

Hands returning ammunition.

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10 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged three ratings to RN hospital.

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11 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Landed church parties.

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12 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

General leave to watch until 9.0am Wednesday.

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13 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Furled all awnings, extra hawsers put on. Precautions taken for expected typhoon.

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14 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Fifteen ratings returned on board from Sanatorium and discharged fifteen ratings to same.

Easterly gale force 8, heavy rain squalls at 11.59pm.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009308: ( 53-36547-009_1.jpg)

15 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Typhoon passed between Hong Kong and Gap Rock in WNW direction.

Easterly storm force 10 winds in am. Winds dying away in pm.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009309: ( 53-36547-010_0.jpg)

16 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Leave to watch until 9.0am on Sunday.

Discharged one rating to RN hospital.

4caf84a9cadfd3419700930a: ( 53-36547-010_1.jpg)

17 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged four ratings to RN hospital.

4caf84a9cadfd3419700930b: ( 53-36547-011_0.jpg)

18 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Lt FW Brooke RNR joined ship.

Discharged one rating to sanatorium.

4caf84a9cadfd3419700930c: ( 53-36547-011_1.jpg)

19 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Lt Brooke RNR discharged to hospital.

Three ratings rejoined from RN hospital.

Two ratings joined ship from HMS Tamar and discharged two ratings to same.

4caf84a9cadfd3419700930d: ( 53-36547-012_0.jpg)

20 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Seventeen ratings rejoined ship from Sanatorium.

4caf84a9cadfd3419700930e: ( 53-36547-012_1.jpg)

21 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.40am: Received ammunition on board.

11.30am: Discharged four ratings and Mr Davis (Gunner) to RN hospital.

4caf84a9cadfd3419700930f: ( 53-36547-013_0.jpg)

22 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Shifted to No 5 buoy.

8.15am: Commenced coaling.

1.0am: Finished coaling, received 160 tons.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009310: ( 53-36547-013_1.jpg)

23 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Mr Davis rejoined from RN hospital.

2.45pm: Seven ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009311: ( 53-36547-014_0.jpg)

24 August 1918

Hong Kong and at sea.

Lat 22.25, Long 114.41

10.10am: Slipped and proceeded through Lye Mun Pass and swept channel.

11.25am: Waglan Lt bg S37W, 2.5 miles.

7.45pm: Chilang Pt bg N17W, 7.75 miles.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009312: ( 53-36547-014_1.jpg)

25 August 1918

At sea to Amoy.

Lat 23.9, Long 117.85 [approx]

1.35am: Breaker Pt bg N20W, 5.25 miles.

6.45am: Lamock Lt bg S43E, 1.75 miles.

12.10pm: Knob Rock bg S40E, 0.5 miles.

6.20pm: Made fast to Lloyds buoy in Amoy inner harbour.

6.25pm: Landed fire party to kerosene store, Lt Bridges in charge.

11.55pm: 17 men of fire party returned on board.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009313: ( 53-36547-015_0.jpg)

26 August 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

12.30am: Remainder of fire party returned on board.

9.0am: Shifted billet to CSN Co buoy.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009314: ( 53-36547-015_1.jpg)

27 August 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

10.50am: Chinese cruiser sailed.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009315: ( 53-36547-016_0.jpg)

28 August 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Divers carried out monthly dip

3.15pm: Chinese cruiser Hai Chou [?] [Haichow in log], Rear Admiral CS Lin, sailed.

4caf84a9cadfd34197009316: ( 53-36547-016_1.jpg)

29 August 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84a9cadfd34197009317: ( 53-36547-017_0.jpg)

30 August 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

3.30pm: Chinese destroyer AN [?].

4caf84a9cadfd34197009318: ( 53-36547-017_1.jpg)

31 August 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

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Above two pages blank.



4caf84a9cadfd3419700931b: ( 53-36548-001_0.jpg)

4caf84a9cadfd3419700931c: ( 53-36548-001_1.jpg)

Cover signed by Lt FW Brooke, RNR, Navigating officer.

4caf84a9cadfd3419700931d: ( 53-36548-002_0.jpg)


4caf84aacadfd3419700931e: ( 53-36548-002_1.jpg)

1 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.30am: Chinese cruiser sailed.

4caf84aacadfd3419700931f: ( 53-36548-003_0.jpg)

2 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.35am: Chinese cruiser Yung Tsu sailed.

4caf84aacadfd34197009320: ( 53-36548-003_1.jpg)

3 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.30am: Landed Officers and section leaders to survey property to be defended.

2.45pm: Japanese destroyer Asashio arrived.

4.0pm: Landed maxim gun and landing party.

6.0pm: Japanese destroyer [?] arrived and made fast to Lloyds buoy.

4caf84aacadfd34197009321: ( 53-36548-004_0.jpg)

4 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

7.0am: Chinese despatch vessel Leongching arrived.

8.45am: Chinese cruiser Ying Swei carrying RA shifted berth and anchored near forts.

4.0pm: Landed every available man and three maxim guns on British concession Amoy, for defence purposes.

5.25pm: Chinese light cruiser arrived.

4caf84aacadfd34197009322: ( 53-36548-004_1.jpg)

5 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

3.35pm: Lt Simpson RNR left ship (for England).

4caf84aacadfd34197009323: ( 53-36548-005_0.jpg)

6 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009324: ( 53-36548-005_1.jpg)

7 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

10.05am: Chinese gunboat Liushin weighed and proceeded.

Typhoon reported in 21 N, 119 E direction NW, intensity unknown. Furled all awnings, lit fires in boilers 1 and 3. All landing parties returned and boats hoisted.

4caf84aacadfd34197009325: ( 53-36548-006_0.jpg)

8 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

8.0am: Respread awnings.

4caf84aacadfd34197009326: ( 53-36548-006_1.jpg)

9 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.15am: Landed every available man and three machine guns to Amoy British concession for defence purposes.

8.0am: Japanese dispatch vessel Manshu arrived and destroyer Asashio went alongside same.

4caf84aacadfd34197009327: ( 53-36548-007_0.jpg)

10 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.0pm: Four ratings of landing party returned aboard.

4caf84aacadfd34197009328: ( 53-36548-007_1.jpg)

11 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

5.30pm: 20 ratings of landing party returned on board.

4caf84aacadfd34197009329: ( 53-36548-008_0.jpg)

12 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

8.30am: HMS Fame arrived and secured to buoy in inner harbour.

4caf84aacadfd3419700932a: ( 53-36548-008_1.jpg)

13 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

2.0pm: One Ord. Telegraphist joined ship from HMS Fame and one Wireless Telegraphist discharged to same.

Coaled ship, received 27 tons.

4caf84aacadfd3419700932b: ( 53-36548-009_0.jpg)

14 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Discharged SBA to RN hospital Hong Kong and one Ldg Sto to RN hospital on duty. Passage to HK by SS Sunning.

4caf84aacadfd3419700932c: ( 53-36548-009_1.jpg)

15 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd3419700932d: ( 53-36548-010_0.jpg)

16 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

11.10am: Landed guard to British concession.

12.40pm: Guard returned.

4caf84aacadfd3419700932e: ( 53-36548-010_1.jpg)

17 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

8.0am: Lt Brooke rejoined from hospital.

4caf84aacadfd3419700932f: ( 53-36548-011_0.jpg)

18 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009330: ( 53-36548-011_1.jpg)

19 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009331: ( 53-36548-012_0.jpg)

20 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

7.30pm: Chinese cruiser Chao Ho [Chau Ho in log] sailed.

4caf84aacadfd34197009332: ( 53-36548-012_1.jpg)

21 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

2.45pm: Chinese cruiser Ying Swei (RA) shifted berth from near forts to anchor in inner harbour.

4caf84aacadfd34197009333: ( 53-36548-013_0.jpg)

22 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.10pm: Chinese despatch vessel arrived and anchored.

4caf84aacadfd34197009334: ( 53-36548-013_1.jpg)

23 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Hands employed scraping and cleaning steamboat's sides and bottom.

4caf84aacadfd34197009335: ( 53-36548-014_0.jpg)

24 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Hands painting steamboat.

5.25pm: Eighteen ratings of landing party returned aboard

4caf84aacadfd34197009336: ( 53-36548-014_1.jpg)

25 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4.30pm: Chinese despatch vessel Lien Shing [possibly Lien Ching is intended] arrived.

4caf84aacadfd34197009337: ( 53-36548-015_0.jpg)

26 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Coaled ship, 150 tons.

4caf84aacadfd34197009338: ( 53-36548-015_1.jpg)

27 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Hands replaced and shifted buoy and returned old buoy to harbour master.

4.0pm: Landing party returned aboard.

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28 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd3419700933a: ( 53-36548-016_1.jpg)

29 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd3419700933b: ( 53-36548-017_0.jpg)

30 September 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Gunlayers at deflection teacher. Cutter’s crew exercised at boat pulling.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Fame (sick).

4caf84aacadfd3419700933c: ( 53-36548-017_1.jpg)

4caf84aacadfd3419700933d: ( 53-36548-018_0.jpg)

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Above four pages blank.


[Amoy and Hong Kong]

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1 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4.0am: Lit steamboat fires.

8.0am: Dressed ship with mast head flags.

9.30am: Divisions. Mustered kit.

10.15am: Gunlayers at deflection teacher.

Hands employed as requisite.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.15pm: Landed liberty POs, leave till midnight by request.

9.0pm: Rounds correct.

4caf84aacadfd34197009341: ( 53-36549-003_0.jpg)

2 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

5.15pm: Landed 13 ratings to British concession.

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3 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009343: ( 53-36549-004_0.jpg)

4 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.0am: One rating of landing party returned aboard.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 17.

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5 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009345: ( 53-36549-005_0.jpg)

6 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

8.0am: Japanese cruiser Akitsushima arrived.

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7 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009347: ( 53-36549-006_0.jpg)

8 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009348: ( 53-36549-006_1.jpg)

9 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4.0pm: Read warrant No 18

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10 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd3419700934a: ( 53-36549-007_1.jpg)

11 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd3419700934b: ( 53-36549-008_0.jpg)

12 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd3419700934c: ( 53-36549-008_1.jpg)

13 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd3419700934d: ( 53-36549-009_0.jpg)

14 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Exercised boat pulling. Hands cleaning small arms and boats.

4caf84aacadfd3419700934e: ( 53-36549-009_1.jpg)

15 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.20am: Chinese despatch vessel arrived.

4caf84aacadfd3419700934f: ( 53-36549-010_0.jpg)

16 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.0am: General drill. Exercised fire, collision and abandon ship stations.

7.0am: Japanese light cruiser Akitsushima sailed

8.40am: Diver carried out monthly exercise.

4caf84aacadfd34197009350: ( 53-36549-010_1.jpg)

17 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

1.20pm: HMS Fame weighed anchor and proceeded.

4caf84aacadfd34197009351: ( 53-36549-011_0.jpg)

18 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Guns’ crews to drill. Gunlayers to deflection teacher. Sight setters to exercise.

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19 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009353: ( 53-36549-012_0.jpg)

20 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009354: ( 53-36549-012_1.jpg)

21 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Coaled ship, 100 tons.

3.10pm: Sent armed guard (one Corporal and two Marines) onboard steam launch Shang Ho.

4caf84aacadfd34197009355: ( 53-36549-013_0.jpg)

22 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

6.0am: Landed landing party for route march, Lt. Redgrove RNR in charge.

9.0am: Armed guard returned from steam launch Shang Ho.

4caf84aacadfd34197009356: ( 53-36549-013_1.jpg)

23 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

8.50am: Slipped from CN buoy and proceeded.

9.40am: Anchored in outer harbour.

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24 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009358: ( 53-36549-014_1.jpg)

25 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

4caf84aacadfd34197009359: ( 53-36549-015_0.jpg)

26 October 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

5.50am: HMS Fame arrived and anchored.

4caf84aacadfd3419700935a: ( 53-36549-015_1.jpg)

27 October 1918

Amoy and at sea towards Hong Kong.

Lat 23.64, Long 117.66

5.50am: Weigned anchor and proceeded.

12.20pm: Brothers Rocks abeam, 3 miles.

3.25pm: High Lamock abeam, bg S41E, 2 miles.

8.31pm: Breaker Pt: abeam by N34W, 7 miles.

4caf84aacadfd3419700935b: ( 53-36549-016_0.jpg)

28 October 1918

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0am: Chilang Pt abeam bg N14W, 8 miles.

4.40am: Pedro Blanco abeam bg S14E, 2 miles.

9.30am: Waglan Lt abeam, 5 cables.

10.50am: Secured to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong harbour.

4.45pm: Eleven ratings rejoined ship from HMS Tamar.

Amoy to Hong Kong, 285 miles.

4caf84aacadfd3419700935c: ( 53-36549-016_1.jpg)

29 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged 90 tons of coal (native labour) and returned all ammunition.

4caf84aacadfd3419700935d: ( 53-36549-017_0.jpg)

30 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed returning stores and preparing ship for dry dock.

4caf84aacadfd3419700935e: ( 53-36549-017_1.jpg)

31 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Slipped from buoy and entered dry dock.

Hands employed returning stores and packing preparatory to shifting to HMS Wivern [Wyvern in log].

3.45pm: 22 ratings discharged to RN hospital.

Returned chart sets, chronometers, compasses, nautical books etc to chart depot.

6.0pm: Ship’s company shifted from Cadmus to Wivern.

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Above two pages blank.


[Hong Kong for refit]

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4caf84aacadfd34197009362: ( 53-36550-001_1.jpg)

Front cover signed by Lt FW Brooke, RNR, Navigating officer and Cdr RH Hilliard, in command.

4caf84aacadfd34197009363: ( 53-36550-002_0.jpg)

4caf84aacadfd34197009364: ( 53-36550-002_1.jpg)

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Above three pages blank.

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1 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Proceeded with Wivern from jetty to No 6 buoy.

Five ratings discharged to RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd34197009367: ( 53-36550-004_0.jpg)

2 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Eight ratings discharged to RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd34197009368: ( 53-36550-004_1.jpg)

3 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.35am: Three ratings discharged to RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd34197009369: ( 53-36550-005_0.jpg)

4 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Warrant Engineer Mr Beatty and ten ratings discharged to RN hospital. Four ratings rejoined ship from same.

4caf84aacadfd3419700936a: ( 53-36550-005_1.jpg)

5 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Paymaster Baildon discharged to RN hospital.

One Pte RMLI joined ship.

Discharged one Stoker to HMS Tamar.

4caf84aacadfd3419700936b: ( 53-36550-006_0.jpg)

6 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Gunner Mr Davis and five ratings discharged to RN hospital.

2.0pm: Eight ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd3419700936c: ( 53-36550-006_1.jpg)

7 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Shipwright Harty discharged to SS Sui Yang* for passage to HMS Kinsha.

* Suiyang, China Navigation Co, 1917, 2,590 grt. Sank after striking a mine near Bangkok in 1946.

4caf84aacadfd3419700936d: ( 53-36550-007_0.jpg)

8 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Warrant Engineer Beatty and seven ratings returned from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd3419700936e: ( 53-36550-007_1.jpg)

9 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Eight ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd3419700936f: ( 53-36550-008_0.jpg)

10 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4caf84aacadfd34197009370: ( 53-36550-008_1.jpg)

11 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Ten ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd34197009371: ( 53-36550-009_0.jpg)

12 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

One rating discharged to RN hospital and two ratings rejoined from same.

Three ratings discharged to HMS Tamar.

4caf84aacadfd34197009372: ( 53-36550-009_1.jpg)

13 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Gunner Mr Davis and one rating rejoined from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd34197009373: ( 53-36550-010_0.jpg)

14 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

One rating joined from HMS Tamar.

Paymaster Baildon and two ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd34197009374: ( 53-36550-010_1.jpg)

15 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm One rating discharged to detention barracks.

2.20pm: Two ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd34197009375: ( 53-36550-011_0.jpg)

16 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4caf84aacadfd34197009376: ( 53-36550-011_1.jpg)

17 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine, church parties to HMS Tamar.

4caf84aacadfd34197009377: ( 53-36550-012_0.jpg)

18 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Maxim gun and field stand returned from HMS Fame.

4caf84aacadfd34197009378: ( 53-36550-012_1.jpg)

19 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Two ratings rejoined from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd34197009379: ( 53-36550-013_0.jpg)

20 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

One rating rejoined from RN hospital.

One rating joined ship from HMS Tamar.

4caf84aacadfd3419700937a: ( 53-36550-013_1.jpg)

21 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Two ratings rejoined from RN hospital.

4caf84aacadfd3419700937b: ( 53-36550-014_0.jpg)

22 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.0pm: Left dock and shifted by two tugs to South side of Camber.

4caf84aacadfd3419700937c: ( 53-36550-014_1.jpg)

23 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4caf84aacadfd3419700937d: ( 53-36550-015_0.jpg)

24 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4caf84aacadfd3419700937e: ( 53-36550-015_1.jpg)

25 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

One Ldg Tel. joined ship from HMS Tamar.

Discharged one Ldg Tel. to HMS Kent.

4caf84aacadfd3419700937f: ( 53-36550-016_0.jpg)

26 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4caf84aacadfd34197009380: ( 53-36550-016_1.jpg)

27 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

One Private RMLI discharged to barracks for passage per SS Madras [formerly and postwar SS Tanda].

4caf84aacadfd34197009381: ( 53-36550-017_0.jpg)

28 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Three ratings discharged to RN hospital.

One rating rejoined ship from same.

4caf84aacadfd34197009382: ( 53-36550-017_1.jpg)

29 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4caf84aacadfd34197009383: ( 53-36550-018_0.jpg)

30 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.40pm: HMS Moorhen arrived and made fast alongside.

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4caf84aacadfd34197009385: ( 53-36550-019_0.jpg)

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Above three pages blank.


[Hong Kong, Swatow and Amoy]

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Front cover signed by Lt FW Brooke, RNR, Navigating officer and Cdr RH Hilliard, in command.

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Above three pages blank.

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1 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Landed church parties, C of E to HMS Tamar.

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2 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS Moorhen proceeded.

2.45pm: Two ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

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3 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Drawing stores.

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4 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged three ratings to RN hospital.

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5 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Moorhen arrived in Camber.

8.30: One Cook’s Mate joined ship from HMS Kent.

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6 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Moorhen sailed.

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7 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

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8 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Landed church parties, C of E to HMS Tamar.

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9 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Two ratings rejoined from RN hospital.

Drawing ammunition from ordnance depôt.

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10 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged two ratings to RN hospital.

One SPO rejoined ship from from HMS Tamar.

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11 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Coaled ship, 224 tons.

1.45pm: One rating rejoined ship from RN hospital.

Discharged one Cook's Mate to HMS Kent.

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12 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Carried out basin trials.

8.55am: Proceeded from Camber to No 5 buoy. Ship’s boats received from dockyard.

Swung ship for adjustment of compasses.

4.45pm: Six ratings joined ship from HMS Tamar.

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13 December 1918

Hong Kong to Tai-po.

Lat 22.19, Long 114.21

9.0am: Slipped and proceeded out of Western Channel.

9.30am: Commenced speed trial in West Lamma channel.

11.0am: Finished speed trial and discharged dockyard staff. Proceeded to Tai-Po.

3.0pm: Carried out .303 AR practice in Mirs Bay.

4.0pm: Proceeded up Tolo channel to Tai Po.

5.10pm: Anchored.

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14 December 1918

Tai-Po to Mirs Bay and return.

Lat 22.47, Long 114.28 [approx]

9.0am: Weighed and proceeded to Mirs Bay.

10.40am: Dropped target, exercised general quarters. Carried out 1” aiming practice.

11.15am: Finished practice, picked up target and proceeded for Tai-Po.

12.02pm: Knob Rock abeam, 2 cables.

12.35pm: Let go and anchored.

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15 December 1918


Lat 22.45, Long 114.18

4.30pm: HMS Virago arrived.

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16 December 1918

Tai Po to Mirs Bay and at sea towards Swatow.

Lat 22.6, Long 114.4

7.20am: Weighed and proceeded to Mirs Bay

8.30am: Carried out annual Gunlayers test firing, target towed by HMS Virago.

10.20am: Target shot away. HMS Virago proceeded to Hong Kong.

11.0am: Target repaired and towed by HMS Fame.

1.25pm: Finished test and set course for Swatow.

9.13pm: Chilang Pt bg N3W, 5 miles.

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17 December 1918

At sea to Swatow [now Shantou).

Lat 23.35, Long 116.7.

3.25am: Breaker Pt Lt abeam, 5 miles.

7.45am: Cape Good Hope abeam, 2 miles.

8.40am: Passed through Sugar Loaf channel.

9.10am: Let go and anchored.

Tai-Po to Swatow, 175 miles.

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18 December 1918


Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

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19 December 1918


Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

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20 December 1918


Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

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21 December 1918


Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

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22 December 1918

Swatow and at sea.

Lat 23.85, Long 117.8

5.15am: Weighed anchor and proceded, NE’ly courses.

1.10pm: Let go starboard anchor, dense fog making navigation dangerous.

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23 December 1918

At sea to Amoy.

Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

2.30am: Weighed anchor owning to rising sea and wind.

4.0am: Lost overboard, night life buoy washed away by heavy sea.

7.10am: Chapel I. [now Tungting Tao] abeam, bg NW, 0.5 miles.

9.45am: Made fast to CN Co buoy, Amoy harbour.

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24 December 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

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25 December 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Landed RC and C of E church parties.

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26 December 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

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27 December 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Coaled ship, 110 tons.

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28 December 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

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29 December 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

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30 December 1918


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

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31 December 1918

Amoy and at sea towards Pagoda anchorage.

Lat 24.72, Long 118.89

6.15am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded.

8.53am: Dodd I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

3.27pm: Ocksen bg S30E, 1.5 miles.

7.07pm: Turnabout I. bg N60W. 1.5 miles.

11.0pm: Anchored.

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Above three pages blank.


JP map Cadmus 1919-1920


[Pagoda anchorage, Shantu, Wen-chau, Ningpo, Shanghai and Wei-hai-wei]

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Front cover signed by Lt FW Brooke, RNR, Navigating officer and Cdr RH Hilliard, in command.

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Above three pages blank.

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1 January 1919

At sea to Pagoda Anchorage (Min River).

Lat 25.99, Long 119.44

6.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Courses various to Pagoda Anchorage.

10.05am: Anchored, Pagoda bg N81E.

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2 January 1919

Pagoda Anchorage.

Lat 25.99, Long 119.44

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3 January 1919

Pagoda Anchorage.

Lat 25.99, Long 119.44

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4 January 1919

Pagoda Anchorage to Santu.

Lat 26.08, Long 119.53 [approx]

10.04am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Courses various down Min River.

12.55pm: Outer bar buoy bg N, 1 cable.

5.0pm: Let go and anchored, Santu.

Distance run from Pagoda anchorage to Santu, 69 miles.

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5 January 1919


Lat 26.49, Long 119.84

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6 January 1919


Lat 26.49, Long 119.84

9.40am: Landed party for route march.

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7 January 1919

Santu and at sea towards Wen-Chau [now Whenzou).

Lat 27.16, Long 120.61

6.0am: Weighed anchor and proceeded. Courses various out of Sam Sa Inlet.

10.50am: Incog I. Lt bg S49E, 7 cables.

3.03pm: Shroud I. bg N43E, 2.25 miles.

5.35pm: Anchored.

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8 January 1919

At sea to Wen Chau

Lat 28.02, Long 120.7

10.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded with pilot, courses various up Kiang river to Wen-Chau city.

12.40pm: Moored ship.

Santu to Wen-chau, 162 miles.

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9 January 1919

Wen-chau and at sea towards Ningpo.

Lat 28.02, Long 120.7

11.50am: Fired 11 gun salute.

12.35pm: Weighed and proceeded to anchorage off Hatan I.

3.50pm: Anchored.

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10 January 1919

At sea.

Lat 28.45, Long 121.85

6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.40am: Anchored in thick fog.

1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded.

3.24pm: Tung Chu Pt bg N65W, 1.5 miles.

5.35pm: Anchored. Montague I. peak bg N39E.

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11 January 1919

At sea to Ningpo.

Lat 29.75, Long 122.0

7.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

1.0pm: Ketan Pt bg N, 0.5 miles.

4.20pm: Anchored, Ningpo.

Wen-chau to Ningpo, 209 miles.

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12 January 1919


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

Sunday routine.

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13 January 1919


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

Coaled ship, 30 tons.

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14 January 1919


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

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15 January 1919

Ningpo and at sea towards Shanghai.

Lat 30.25, Long 121.84

9.30am: Weighed anchor and proceeded.

10.30am: Crossed bar.

3.25pm: Gutzlaff I. bg East, 0.5 miles.

5.03pm: Fairway bell buoy bg N, 3 cables.

7.30pm: Kintoan LV bg NE, 3 cables.

8.25pm: Anchored. Kintoan Lt bg WbyS, SE Knoll bg SEbyE.

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16 January 1919

At sea to Shanghai.

Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

6.50am: Weighed anchor and proceeded.

7.45am: Anchored, Fog.

9.20am: Weighed anchor and proceeded into Woosung River.

11.25am: Secured to MM buoy, Shanghai harbour.

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17 January 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

11.40am: Received fourteen boxes of ammunition from HMS Bee for destruction.

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18 January 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

7.0am: General leave granted to watch till 7.0am Jan 20th.

9.40am: Five ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital Hong Kong.

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19 January 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

9.0am: One SPO and three ABs discharged to HMS Tamar.

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20 January 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

9.0am: General leave granted to watch till 7.0am Jan 22nd.

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21 January 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Coaled ship, 200 tons.

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22 January 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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23 January 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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24 January 1919

Shanghai and at sea towards Wei-hai-wei.

Lat 31.41, Long 122.22

6.50am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded.

8.10am: Crossed Woosung bar, a/c N20W.

9.35am: East entrance buoy bg North, 1 cable.

9.50am: Middle I. buoy bg South, 1 cable a/c S53E.

11.15am: Drinkwater Pt buoy bg North, 1 cable, a/c N87E.

Courses East of North in pm.

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25 January 1919

At sea.

Lat 34.22, Long 122.54

2.0am: Mercurial barometer damaged by heavy sea. (Northerly winds f6 and high seas.)

Course N5E all day.

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26 January 1919

At sea.

Lat 36.92, Long 122.7

2.30pm: Let go and anchored in Yungching Bay [now Rongcheng Wan).

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27 January 1919

At sea to Wei-hai-wei.

Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

7.40am: Weighed anchor and proceeded.

11.40am: Made fast alongside iron pier, Wei-hai-wei harbour.

Shanghai to Wei-hai-wei 452 miles.

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28 January 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

9.45am: Landed Marines for route march.

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29 January 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

Coaled ship, 102 tons.

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30 January 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

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31 January 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

10.0am: Landed Seamen and Marines for route march.

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Above two pages blank.


[Wei-hai-wei, Chifu, Wei-hai-wei and Shanghai]

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Front cover signed by Lt FW Brooke, RNR, Navigating Officer and Cdr RH Hilliard, in command.

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Blank page.

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1 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

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2 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

Landed church parties, RC, C of E, Wesleyan and Presbyterian.

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3 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

8.45am: Landed seven ratings for demolition purposes on shore.

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4 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

9.30am: Landed Seamen and Marines for route march.

3.0pm: Three ratings discharged to RNSQ.

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5 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

9.30am: Seamen and Stokers landed for route march.

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6 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

9.30am: Ship’s company landed for route march.

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7 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

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8 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

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9 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

Sunday routine.

Two ratings rejoined ship from RNSQ.

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10 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

One rating rejoined ship from RNSQ.

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11 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

9.45am: Seamen and Marines landed for route march.

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12 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

Two ratings rejoined ship from RNSQ.

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13 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

Discharged one rating to RNSQ.

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14 February 1919

Wei-hai-wei to Chifu [now Yantai).

Lat 37.55, Long 121.71

9.0am: Slipped from jetty and proceeded.

9.30am: Exercised general quarters. Fired one round of Lyddite from each 4” gun at Eddy I. (Yearly test of HE shell).

1.45pm: Let go and anchored in Chifu harbour.

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15 February 1919


Lat 37.5, Long 121.46

12 noon: Fired 7 gun salute for HBM Consul.

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16 February 1919


Lat 37.5, Long 121.46

Landed church parties.

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17 February 1919


Lat 37.5, Long 121.46

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18 February 1919

Chifu to Wei-hai-wei.

Lat 37.55, Long 121.64

10.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

2.30pm: Arrived alongside iron jetty, Wei-hai-Wei and secured.

One rating rejoined ship from RNSQ.

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19 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

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20 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

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21 February 1919


Lat 37.51, Long 122.14

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22 February 1919

Wei-hai-wei and at sea towards Shanghai.

Lat 37.45, Long 122.59

10.0am: Cast off and proceeded for Shanghai.

12.50pm: Shangtung Promontory Lt bg W, 0.5 miles.

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23 February 1919

At sea.

Lat 33.40, Long 122.52

9.30pm: Shaweishan Lt rose, bg S17W.

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24 February 1919

At sea to Shanghai.

Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

2.0am: Drinkwater LV abeam.

3.35am: Spit buouy abeam. Anchored.

6.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

9.50am: Secured to Nos 3 and 4 buoys..

Wei-hai-wei to Shanghai, 450 miles.

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25 February 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Coaled ship from lighters, 70 tons.

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26 February 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

10.0am: Discharged one rating to general hospital, Shanghai.

8.45am: Received 56 boxes of ammunition from HMS Woodcock for NSO, Hong Kong.

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27 February 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to Victoria nursing home, Shanghai.

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28 February 1919

Shanghai and at sea towards Min River.

Lat 31.29, Long 121.76

6.45am: Slipped from No 3 buoy and proceeded.

8.0am: Crossed Woosung bar.

9.40am: Anchored off Middle Ground buoy due to dense fog.

2.22am: Weighed and proceeded.

4.22pm: Fairway bell buoy abeam.

6.07pm: Anchored due to fog 3.5 miles West of Elliot I.

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Above three pages blank.


[Pagoda anchorage, Amoy, Swatow and Hong Kong]

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Front cover signed by Lt FW Brooke, RNR, Navigating Officer and Cdr RH Hilliard, in command.

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Blank page.

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1 March 1919

At sea.

Lat 29.9, Long 122.59

6.25am: Weighed anchor and proceeded.

8.25am: Elgar I. Lt bg WSW, 1 mile.

10.12am: Steep I. Lt bg W, 7 cables.

12.15pm: Tongting Lt bg ESE, 8 cables.

4.28pm: Let go and anchored, dense fog making navigation dangerous.

6.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

8.37pm: Heishan Lt bg E, 5 miles, a/c South.

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2 March 1919

At sea.

Lat 26.79, Long 120.65

SW’ly courses in am.

3.07pm: Spider I. bg N53W, 2.4 miles .

5.15pm: Anchored in Matsu I. roads.

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3 March 1919

At sea to Min River (Pagoda Anchorage).

Lat 25.99, Long 119.44

8.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

Carried out .303 and 1” AR practice at target.

10.12am: Outer bar buoy abeam.

12.20pm: Let go and anchored, Pagoda anchorage.

Shanghai to Pagoda, 439 miles.

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4 March 1919

Pagoda Anchorage.

Lat 25.99, Long 119.44

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5 March 1919

Pagoda Anchorage and at sea towards Amoy.

Lat 25.99, Long 119.44

12 noon: Weighed and proceeded down Min River.

2.50pm: Min Reef buoy abeam, set course S23W.

4.55pm: Tessara I. bg N43W, 8 cables.

6.15pm: Let go and anchored.

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6 March 1919

At sea.

Lat 25.32, Long 119.65

10.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

12.35pm: Let go anchor due to dense fog.

1.15pm: ASG class carried out .45 practice. Fired two rounds 3 pdr to test gun supports.

2.05pm: Weighed and proceeded, SW’ly courses.

5.52pm: Anchored.

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7 March 1919

At sea to Amoy.

Lat 24.39, Long 118.42

6.35am: Weighed and proceeded, course S2W.

Dropped target. Carried out instructional 3 pdr firing for ASG class.

8.0am: Proceeded, course S44W.

11.10am: Dodd I. bg S88W, 2.5 miles.

12.46pm: Quemoy Spit buoy abeam, 2 cables.

2.30pm: Made fast to CN Co buoy, Amoy inner harbour.

Pagoda anchorage to Amoy, including run round target, 199 miles.

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8 March 1919


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

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9 March 1919


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Landed RC church party.

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10 March 1919

Amoy to Swatow.

Lat 23.52, Long 117.37

6.05am: Slipped and proceeded.

11.32am: Cliff I. bg NW, 1.2 miles.

2.55pm: Bell I. bg South, 2 cables.

3.20pm: Anchored, Port Swatow.

Amoy to Swatow, 120 miles.

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11 March 1919

Port Swatow (Swatau).

Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

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12 March 1919

Port Swatow and at sea toards Hong Kong.

Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

2.58pm: Weighed and proceeded.

4.05pm: Cape Good Hope bg WNW, 1 mile.

6.41pm: Breaker Pt Lt bg N52W, 4 miles.

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13 March 1919

At sea to Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.03am: Chilang Pt Lt bg N29W, 7 miles.

9.10am: Made fast to No 5 buoy, Hong Kong harbour.

Port Swatow to HK, 180 miles.

Three ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

Discharged one rating to HMS Tamar.

1.0pm: Commenced coaling.

7.15pm: Finished coaling,161 tons.

8.0pm: Landed libertymen.

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14 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.45am: Slipped from No 5 buoy and made fast alongside North Wall inside Dock Camber.

Discharged one Chinese Cook to shore.

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15 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

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16 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Landed RC, Presbyterian and Baptist church parties. C oE party to HMS Tamar.

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17 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting sailed.

10.20am: Discharged one ERA to RN hospital.

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18 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged two ratings to RN hospital.

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19 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Divers of ship carried out monthly dip. Underwater fittings examined (Time 2.5 hours).

4.0pm: HMS Moorhen arrived.

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20 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to RN hospital.

11.30am: Left Camber and made fast to No 5 buoy.

4.0pm: Read Warrants Nos 25 and 26.

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21 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.15pm: Landed Blue Jacket guard of honour for drill.

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22 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Landed Blue Jacket guard.

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23 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Japanese Squadron arrived.

9.45am: Landed Blue Jacket guard.

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24 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Landed Blue Jacket guard.

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25 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Japanese squadron sailed.

Discharged three ratings to RN hospital.

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26 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Warrant No 27 read.

2.30pm: One rating rejoined from detention.

4.30pm: HMS Tarantula arrived.

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27 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

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28 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged two ratings to RN hospital.

One rating rejoined from HMS Tamar.

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29 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

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30 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

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31 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

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Above four pages blank.


[Hong Kong, Canton and Hong Kong]

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Front cover signed by Lt FW Brooke, RNR, Navigating Officer and Cdr RH Hilliard, in command.

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1 April 1919

Hong Kong and up river to Canton.

Lat 22.35, Long 113.93

10.25am: Slipped and proceeded for Canton.

10.50am: West end of Stonecutters I. bg N, 5 cables.

11.55am: Pillar Pt bg N, 4 cables.

3.0pm: Chain Rock Lt (Jinsuopai) abeam.

5.53pm: Let go and anchored upstream of Junk Rock.

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2 April 1919

Canton [now Guangzhou).

Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

11.40am: Weighed and proceeded to British sloop buoys, Canton.

12.50pm: Made fast.

HK to Canton, 83 miles.

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3 April 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

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4 April 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

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5 April 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

The two links above, presumably for 4–5 April 1919, were dead at 12th February 2016.

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6 April 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

Sunday routine.

6.15pm: Sent armed Marine guard, one Sergeant and six Privates RMLI to SS Honam, Lt Bridges RNR in charge.

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7 April 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

8.0am: HMS Fame sailed escorting SS Honam to Hong Kong.

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8 April 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

5.30pm: Armed Marine guard and Lt Bridges returned on board from SS Honam.

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9 April 1919


Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

6.0am: Carried out general drill, exercised fire, collision and abandon ship stations. Exercised general quarters.

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10 April 1919

Canton to Hong Kong.

Lat 23.105, Long 113.3

6.30am: Landed right half company for drill, Lt Redgrove in charge.

8.0am: Landing party returned.

2.40pm: Slipped from buoys and proceeded down river.

6.08pm: Chain Rock abeam.

9.10pm: Pillar Pt abeam.

10.10pm: Secured to No 5 buoy Hong Kong.

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11 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.40pm: HIMJS Yakumo (Yakuma in log) arrived.

5.30pm: Four ratings rejoined from HMS Tamar.

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12 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Seven ratings discharged to RN hospital.

1.45pm: Discharged one Ldg Sig. to HMS Tamar.

One rating rejoined ship from RN hospital.

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13 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

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14 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Coaled from lighters, 110 tons.

Three ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

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15 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: French warship Manche* arrived.

* Manche, aviso transport, 1890, 1,600 tons. A lot of information here in French.

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16 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: One rating rejoined ship from RN hospital.

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17 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divers working on port propellor and shaft for four hours.

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18 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine (Good Friday).

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19 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divers working on port propellor and shaft for three hours.

9.40am: HIJMS Yakumo [Yakuma in log] sailed.

12 noon: USS Helena arrived.

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20 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Lt Pitt RN joined ship.

Lt Redgrove RNR left ship.

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21 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged two ratings to RN hospital and three ratings rejoined from same.

Discharged one Private RMLI to HMS Tamar.

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22 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Read warrant No 29.

Two ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital.

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23 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged one rating to RN hospital.

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24 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: HMS Carlisle arrived.

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25 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: USS New Orleans arrived.

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26 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Carlisle sailed.

Four Chinese ratings, one Painter, one Sailmaker and two Joiners joined ship.

4.30pm: HMS Carlisle returned.

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27 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

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28 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: HMS Tarantula arrived.

Discharged three ratings to HMS Tamar.

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29 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Ship’s company and Chinese labour employed chipping paint off ship's superstructure and sides, preparatory to painting the ship white.

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30 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands and Chinese labour employed painting.

Lt Bridges RNR left ship.

Discharged nine ratings to HMS Tamar.

19 ratings joined ship from Tamar for passage to Shanghai.

Two Sergeants and nine Privates RMLI joined from Tamar.

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Above three pages blank.


[Hong Kong, Shanghai and up the Yangtse to Kiukiang and Hankow]

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Front cover, signed by Lt FW Brooke, RNR, Navigating Officer and Cdr RH Hilliard, in command.

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Blank page.

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1 May 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.25pm: HMS Hydrangea arrived.

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2 May 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Five marines (RMLI) joined ship for passage to Shanghai.

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3 May 1919

Hong Kong and at sea towards Shanghai.

Lat 22.4, Long 115.05

6.10am: Slipped and proceeded.

8.0am: Pos. 22 15N, 114 24E.

7.35am: South Nine Pin I. bg N 1 mile.

3.45pm: Chilang Pt abeam.

8.0pm: Pos. 22 46N, 116 13E.

10.0pm: Breaker Pt Lt abeam, bg N21W, 5.2 miles.

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4 May 1919

At sea.

Lat 24.32, Long 118.62

2.17am: Lamock I. bg NNW, 6 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 23 53N, 118 07E.

10.0am: Chapel I. bg N50W, 5.5 miles.

2.55pm: Stopped to clear obstruction in discharge pipe of seamen’s head.

5.41pm: Ocksen Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 25 17N, 119 55E.

8.45pm: Turnabout Lt bg NWbyW, 4 miles.

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5 May 1919

At sea.

Lat 27.99, Long 121.75

2.16am: Tung Yung Lt abeam, bg N55W, 9 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 27 16N, 121 16E.

5.31pm: Heishan Lt abeam bg S69E, 2 miles.

8.0pm: Pos. 29 19N, 122 21E.

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6 May 1919

At sea to Shanghai.

Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

3.46am: Gutzlaff Lt bg S69W, 6 miles.

8.0am: Pos. 31 18.5N, 121 42.5E.

10.30am: Secured to RN buoy, Shanghai harbour.

HK to Shanghai, 832 miles.

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7 May 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

Discharged five Ptes RMLI to SS Fengtien for passage to Wei-hai-wei.

In pm: Coaled ship with Chinese labour, 180 tons.

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8 May 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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9 May 1919


Lat 31.24, Long 121.495

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10 May 1919

Shanghai to Tungchow.

Lat 31.42, Long 121.53 [approx]

Pilot (Admiralty contract) joined ship.

10.45am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded.

12.17pm: Woosung Spit buoy abeam, civil pilot took charge.

5.15pm: Anchored off Tungchow [now Nantong].

Shanghai to anchorage, 73 miles.

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11 May 1919

Tungchow to Mud Fort.

Lat 32.08, Long 119.95 [approx]

5.07am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

9.56am: Bate Pt abeam.

11.35am: Beaver Lt abeam.

1.16pm: Sinnimu Creek abeam.

3.40pm: Chinkiang [now Zhenjiang] abeam.

5.05pm: Bethune Pt abeam.

6.45pm: Anchored, Mud Fort bg S81W, 4.1 miles.

Total day's run, 124 miles.

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12 May 1919

Mud Fort to Tatung.

Lat 31.73, Long 118.46 [approx]

5.57am: Weighed and proceeded up river.

6.35am: Mud Fort abeam.

8.21am: Passed Nanking [now Nanjing].

11.54am: Wade I. abeam.

2.23pm: Passed Wuhu.

6.08pm: Entered Two Fathom Creek.

9.0pm: Tatung Pagoda abeam.

9.12pm: Let go and anchored at Tatung.

Total day's run, 134 miles.

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13 May 1919

Tatung to Anking.

Lat 30.71, Long 117.4 [approx]

9.10am: Weighed and proceeded in company with HMS Kinsha.

1.23pm: Taitzeki beacon abeam.

3.50pm: Let go and anchored off Anking [now Anqing].

Total day's run, 48 miles.

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14 May 1919

Anking to Kiukiang [now Jiujiang].

Lat 29.91, Long 116.55 [approx]

5.45am: Weighed and proceeded in company with HMS Kinsha.

10.25am: Dove Pt Lt abeam.

11.52am: Orphan I. [now Xiaogu Mt and no longer an island] abeam.

12.50pm: HMS’ Gnat and Scarab took station in line ahead as follows; Kinsha, carrying C-in-C (VA Sir Frederick Tudor), Gnat, Scarab and Cadmus.

4.20pm: Arrive