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Old Sloop, Condor-class Launched 10.2.00 Sheerness DY. 980 tons, 204(oa), 180(pp)x33x11ft. TE 1400ihp, 13kts. Armament: 6-4in, 4-3pdr. Crew: 130. On patrol from Vancouver 1914, then RCN depot ship. Sold 5.22, renamed VEDAS. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes:
Significant changes and additions to the log entries are marked in italic.
For background to events in this log, see Mexican Revolution, particularly “Huerta Dictatorship, 1913–1914 and civil war”. |
THE VOYAGES OF HMS SHEARWATER 1913-1914 ![]() (Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1913 4caf8d27cadfd34197039adf: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae0: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae1: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae2: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae3: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae4: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae5: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae6: ( LOG of HMS Shearwater Commanded by FH Walter, Commander For the period Commencing Monday 27th of October 1913 Ending Saturday 15th of August 1914 Tonnage (displacement): 980 Extreme length: 204 feet Extreme breadth: 33 feet Engines Manufacturer: Thomas Engineering Company IHP: 1400 natural draught Description: Vertical, triple expansion, surface condensing When fixed on board: 1900 Boilers Manufacturer: Thomas Engineering Company Description: Belleville When made: 1900 When put in vessel: 1900 Screw propeller Manufacturer: Griffith Modified Description: Single, 2-bladed Present whereabouts of Commander Walter not known in SHEARWATER 23/4/1918 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae7: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae8: ( Establishment of ship's company Officers 8 Seamen & boys 43 Marines 11 Engine-room establishment 27 Other non-executive ratings 19 Total 108 Armament Forecastle – 4” QF, PI mounting, 2 in number Waist – 4” QF, PI mounting, 2 in number Poop – 4” QF, PI mounting, 2 in number Under topgallant forecastle on upper deck – 3-pounder Hotchkiss, 2 in number Captain's cabin – 3-pounder Hotchkiss, 2 in number Nettings, waist – Maxim, .303”, 2 in number Boats 1 – 23 foot steam cutter 1 – 25 foot sailing cutter 2 – 27 foot whalers 2 – 16 foot dinghies 4caf8d27cadfd34197039ae9: ( 27 October 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed painting ship's side, drawing ammunition, refitting & as requisite 4caf8d27cadfd34197039aea: ( 28 October 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed embarking & stowing provisions & as requisite 4caf8d27cadfd34197039aeb: ( 29 October 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed embarking & stowing stores & provisions, refitting & as requisite [received 84 lb fresh beef, 84 lb bread] 4caf8d27cadfd34197039aec: ( 30 October 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & as requisite 4caf8d27cadfd34197039aed: ( 31 October 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed transporting bags & hammocks from barracks to ship; cleaning barracks & as requisite LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1913 4caf8d27cadfd34197039aee: ( 1 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship 4caf8d27cadfd34197039aef: ( 2 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 7.30am: CGS Lillooet arrived 10.00am: Divisions; landed church party 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af0: ( 3 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Landed seamen and marines for route march 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af1: ( 4 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed cleaning, diving party, & as requisite 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af2: ( 5 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 6.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 11.30am: Let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af3: ( 6 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 6.00am: Lit fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 11.50am: Let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af4: ( 7 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Shipped barometer A.470 (Adie) 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af5: ( 8 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af6: ( 9 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af7: ( 10 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 1.30pm: Hands employed securing for sea, bending sails & as requisite 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af8: ( 11 November 1913 Esquimalt to sea & return Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 6.00am: Set fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 7.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 9.30am: Cast off from jetty & turned; course & speed as requisite for trial of main engines 10.10am: Trial Island abeam; turned & proceeded into harbour 11.00am: Secured to coaling jetty; let fires die out in boilers 10.00pm: Lieutenant H E Wharton RN & 16 ratings left ship to take passage to England 4caf8d27cadfd34197039af9: ( 12 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 7.00am: Commenced coaling 4.40pm: Finished coaling having received 153 tons 4caf8d27cadfd34197039afa: ( 13 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039afb: ( 14 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039afc: ( 15 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039afd: ( 16 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039afe: ( 17 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039aff: ( 18 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b00: ( 19 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b01: ( 20 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b02: ( 21 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 10.10am: HMS Algerine proceeded to sea 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b03: ( 22 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 1.00pm: Hands employed making & mending clothes & shifting bags & hammocks to barracks 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b04: ( 23 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b05: ( 24 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 8.30am: Sub Lieutenant Parker RNR joined ship; hands employed dismounting amidship 4” guns & as requisite 11.30am: HMS Algerine arrived & anchored 12.30pm: Lost overboard by accident sea thermometer, Negretti and Zambra (A.9510) 2.50pm: HMS Algerine weighed & secured to dockyard jetty 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b06: ( W/T signal relating to loss of items 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b07: ( Remarks: blank 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b08: ( 25 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed dismounting guns & as requisite; marines at infantry drill 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b09: ( 26 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 6.00am: Hands employed disembarking ammunition & 4” projectiles 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b0a: ( 27 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 8.30am: HMS Algerine proceeded into dry dock; hands employed hoisting out midship 4” guns & mountings 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b0b: ( 28 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.30am: Hands employed transporting guns & mountings to dockyard 6.00pm: Furled QD [quarter deck] awning; discharged 1 rating to shore 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b0c: ( 29 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 9.00am: Hands employed transporting guns in dockyard 4.00pm: Discharged Sub Lieutenant Parker RNR & 3 ratings to HMS Algerine; Lieutenant Hanson & 18 ratings joined from HMS Algerine 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b0d: ( 30 November 1913 Esquimalt Lat 48.43, Long -123.43 LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1913 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b0e: ( 1 December 1913 Esquimalt to San Diego Lat 48.4, Long -123.4 6.30am: Set fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 11.40am: Cast off & proceeded out of harbour 12.36pm: Race Rock Lighthouse N83E 2.13pm: Sheringham Point Lighthouse abeam 5.30pm: Tatoosh Island Lighthouse SE 7.25pm: Umatilla Lighthouse abeam 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b0f: ( 2 December 1913 Esquimalt to San Diego Lat 45.7, Long -124.8 1.00pm: Sighted land on port bow; ship rolling 22° port, 20° starboard 4.35pm: Compass error by azimuth = 23°E 5.15pm: Observed altitude of Jupiter, Capella & Vega; latitude 44 40N, longitude 124 39W 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b10: ( 3 December 1913 Esquimalt to San Diego Lat 42.0, Long -124.6 3.00pm: High land NE 11.35pm: Cape Mendocino abeam 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b11: ( 4 December 1913 Esquimalt to San Diego Lat 38.6, Long -123.6 10.05am: Arena Point Lighthouse N54E 3.20pm: Point Reyes on port bow 5.30pm: Point Reyes Lighthouse N88E 7.15pm: San Francisco Light Vessel N81E 7.30pm: South Farallon Islands abeam 8.40pm: Montara Point Lighthouse N76E 10.06pm: Pigeon Point Lighthouse S72 E 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b12: ( 5 December 1913 Esquimalt to San Diego Lat 35.1, Long -121.1 3.25am: Sighted Point Sur Lighthouse 3.47am: Point Pinos Lighthouse abeam 10.47am: Piedras Blancas Lighthouse abeam 3.00pm: Spread QD, poop & waist awnings 4.00pm: Paid monthly advance of wages to ship's company 5.30pm: Point Arguello Lighthouse N33E 10.10pm: Santa Barbara Lighthouse abeam Midnight: Anacapa Lighthouse S60E 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b13: ( 6 December 1913 Esquimalt to San Diego Lat 32.8, Long -117.5 12.35am: Anacapa Lighthouse S28W 4.45am: Santa Catalina Island on starboard bow 11.45am: Sighted Point Loma ahead 12.15pm: Decreased to 130 revs; let fires die out in No 3 boiler 1.30pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour 2.35pm: Stopped & came to in 7 fathoms with the port bower; veered 2¼ shackles (found here USS Yorktown); let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b14: ( 7 December 1913 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 10.00am: Commander of the USS Yorktown visited ship 11.10am: British Vice-consul visited ship 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b15: ( 8 December 1913 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 10.00am: USS Yorktown sailed 6.15pm: Coal lighter secured alongside 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b16: ( 9 December 1913 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 6.30am: Commenced coaling 7.30am: Lit fires in No 3 boiler 9.50am: Finished coaling, having received 90 tons (Pocohontas) 1.00pm: Let fires die out in No 3 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b17: ( 10 December 1913 San Diego to Ensenada Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 8.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite; received on board 30 bags of mails 11.45am: Proceeded, course & speed as requisite for leaving harbour 12.20pm: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam 4.45pm: Salsipuedes Point abeam 6.15pm: Stopped & came to in 6½ fathoms with the port bower, veered to 1½ shackles; let fires die out in No 3 boiler pm: Lost overboard by RE Wright AB, governor wheel of Cherub log – charged 6/- [shillings] 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b18: ( 11 December 1913 Ensenada (Todos Santos Bay) Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 9.00am: Divisions & prayers; loosed sails for drying; held educational test for rating of petty officers 11.30am: Furled sails Noon: Veered to 2 shackles on the port cable 6.00pm Ship rolling 15° each way [very heavy westerly swell] 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b19: ( 12 December 1913 Ensenada to Magdalena Bay Lat 31.6, Long -116.8 6.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 6.30am: Mexican ship SS Victoria arrived 8.55am: Weighed 9.20am: Proceeded S45W 4.00pm: Read warrant 17 4.45pm: Compass error by setting azimuth = 15°E 5.00pm: Cape Colnett N40E 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b1a: ( 13 December 1913 Ensenada to Magdalena Bay Lat 27.9, Long -115.3 7.00am: San Benito Islands on port bow 9.15am: Cedros Island on port bow 10.00am: East Benito summit N52E 11.15am: Natividad Island S67E 5.00pm: Hermoso Peak N58E; compass error = 15° (by azimuth) 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b1b: ( 14 December 1913 Ensenada to Magdalena Bay Lat 25.2, Long -112.4 9.30am: Mustered ship's company by ledger 12.30pm: Sighted land ahead 3.00pm: Cape Corso S55E 7.25pm: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 7¼ fathoms, veered 1½ shackles; banked fires 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b1c: ( 15 December 1913 Magdalena Bay [Man o' War Cove] Lat 24.65, Long -112.13 5.30am: Spread fires in No 3 boiler 7.00am: Shortened in & weighed 7.12am: Proceeded, course & speed as requisite for adjusting compass 9.45am: Course & speed as requisite for practice with the 4” QF guns 10.54am: Completed practice; course as requisite for making Man o' War Cove Noon: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 7 fathoms; veered 2 shackles; banked fires in No 3 boiler 2.00pm: Landed seining party 10.00am: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b1d: ( [partial scan] 16 December 1913 Magdalena Bay to Mazatlan Lat 24.0, Long -111.2 [estimated] 1.30am: Fires banked in numbers 3 & ... 4.45am: Spread fires in numbers 3 & ... 6.15am: Weighed & proceeded … swinging ship for compass [deviation] 8.45am: Completed swinging; proceeded 10.12am: Stopped & came to in … starboard bower; veered 1½ shackles; banked fires in boilers Anchor bearings: Horseshoe Point N78E, Redondo Point S82W 5.00pm: Spread fires in boilers 5.50pm: Weighed 6.10pm: Proceeded 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b1e: ( Blank form 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b1f: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b20: ( Record of observations for deviation – notes 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b21: ( Steering compasses – notes 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b22: ( [partial scan] 17 December 1913 Magdalena Bay to Mazatlan Lat 22.9, Long -110.0 5.10am: Set fore & aft sails 7.15am: Furled fore & aft sails 11.25am: San Cristobal Point abeam 12.15pm: Cape Falso abeam 2.00pm: Course as requisite for San José del Cabo Bay 2.50pm: Lost overboard by accident, metal crutch one in number 5.50pm: Set fore & aft sails 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b23: ( 18 December 1913 Magdalena Bay to Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 7.10am: Furled fore & aft sails 7.30am: Sharp Peak N36E 11.25am: Stopped & came to with the port bower in 5½ fathoms, veered 2½ shackles; found here USSs Pittsburgh (flag), Raleigh & Glacier 12.30pm: Let fires die out in boilers 2.30pm: Sent 2 bags of mails to USS Pittsburgh 4.55pm: USS Raleigh sailed 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b24: ( 19 December 1913 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 10.00am: USS Pittsburgh sailed 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b25: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b27: ( [Duplicate] 20 December 1913 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 9.30am: Sent mails for Guaymas and USS Maryland to USS Glacier 10.30am: American Consul visited ship 7.00pm: No 2 boiler used for magazine cooling & distilling 10.00pm: Let fires die out in No 2 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b26: ( 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b28: ( [Duplicate] 21 December 1913 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 9.00am: American mail SS Newport arrived 12.30pm: Mexican warship Morelos arrived 5.30pm: Morelos proceeded to sea 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b29: ( 22 December 1913 Mazatlan to Manzanillo Lat 22.0, Long -106.0 3.30am: Lit fires in Nos 1, 2 & 4 boilers 6.00am: Shortened in & weighed 6.20am: Proceeded S23E; passed HIGMS [His Imperial German Majesty's Ship/SMS] Nürnberg steering for Mazatlan 1.20pm: Isabel Island abeam 3.00pm: Lit fires in No 3 boiler 6.25pm: Cape Corrientes Lighthouse S25E 8.00pm: Commenced full power trial 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b2a: ( 23 December 1913 Mazatlan to Manzanillo Lat 19.0687, Long -104.312770 2.00am: Let fires die out in No 3 boiler 6.30am: Cone Rock abeam 8.45am: Course as requisite for entering harbour 8.55am: Stopped & came to in 6¼ fathoms with the starboard bower; veered 2 shackles; found here HIJMS [His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Ship] Idzumo; let fires die out in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 3.00pm: No 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b2b: ( 24 December 1913 Manzanillo Lat 19.0687, Long -104.312770 10.30am: No 4 boiler in use for magazine cooling & distilling 6.00pm: Landed bathing party 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b2c: ( 25 December 1913 Manzanillo Lat 19.0687, Long -104.312770 10.30am: Held divine service 6.00pm: Landed bathing party 7.00pm: No 4 boiler in use for magazine cooling 10.30pm: Let fires die out in No 4 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b2d: ( 26 December 1913 Manzanillo Lat 19.0687, Long -104.312770 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b2e: ( 27 December 1913 Manzanillo Lat 19.0687, Long -104.312770 4.00am: Lit fires in No 4 boiler 11.00am: No 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 2.05pm: HIJMS Idzumo sailed for Mazatlan 6.00pm: Landed bathing party 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b2f: ( 28 December 1913 Manzanillo Lat 19.0687, Long -104.312770 11.00am: No 1 boiler in use for magazine cooling 4.00pm: Landed bathing party 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b30: ( 29 December 1913 Manzanillo to Mazatlan Lat 19.0687, Long -104.312770 8.30am: Lit fires in No 2 boiler 11.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 1.00pm: Weighed 1.20pm: Proceeded 2.05pm: Piedra Blanca abeam 5.00pm: West Frailes N18W 11.07pm: Cape Corrientes Lighthouse N23W 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b31: ( 30 December 1913 Manzanillo to Mazatlan Lat 21.0, Long -106.1 2.30am: Cape Corrientes abeam 7.00am: Cleopha Island NW 11.40am: Isabel Island on starboard bow 4.30pm: Let fires die out in No 3 boiler 6.00pm: Creston Island Lighthouse ahead 8.45pm: Course as requisite for entering harbour 9.00pm: Stopped & came to in 5 fathoms with the port bower, veered 1½ shackles; found here USSs Pittsburgh, Raleigh, Annapolis & Glacier, HIJMS Idzumo, HIGMS Nürnberg; let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b32: ( 31 December 1913 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 12.10pm: USS Glacier sailed LOGS FOR JANUARY 1914 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b33: ( 1 January 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 8.00am: Dressed ship with masthead 9.00am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill; paid quarterly settlement of wages to ship's company; weighed ship's company 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b34: ( 2 January 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 11.30am: General Rasgado* visited ship 1.30pm: Lit fires in No 4 boiler 2.00pm: HIGMS Nürnberg set sail 4.00pm: Furled awnings 5.00pm: Received 7 bags of mails for Ensenada 7.30pm: No 4 boiler in use for distilling & auxiliary purposes [*Possibly Brigadier General Alberto T Rasgado, Commander of the 32nd Battalion of Mexico] 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b35: ( 3 January 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 23.1, Long -106.5 6.30am: Lit fires in No 3 boiler 8.40am: Weighed & proceeded out of harbour 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b36: ( 4 January 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 23.1, Long -110.4 3.25am: Set fore & aft sails 4.15am: Furled fore & aft sails 5.18am: San Jose Lighthouse N89W 8.40am: Full speed,course as requisite to communicate with steamer 9.30am: Divisions; mustered ship's company by ledger & read assessments of ability & character 10.00am: Cape Falso Lighthouse N73E 5.20pm: Compass error by amplitude = 11°E 11.00pm: Sighted land on starboard bow Midnight: Cape Tosco N24E 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b37: ( 5 January 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 25.3, Long -113.6 6.00pm: Position by observed altitude of stars – latitude 26 12N, longitude 113 52W 8.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for signalling SS Buenaventura 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b38: ( 6 January 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 25.1, Long -115.2 4.50am: Set fore & aft sails, starboard tack 9.10am: Made plain sail on starboard tack 9.20am: Stopped engines 9.30am: Shortened & furled all sails 9.45am: Proceeded at 45 revs 11.45am: Course as requisite for Peck's Channel [Canal de Peck] 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b39: ( 7 January 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada, to San Diego Lat 31.4, Long -116.5 6.05am: Cape Colnett N77E 1.10pm: Stopped & came to with the port bower in 6½ fathoms, veered 1½ shackles; banked fires in both boilers 5.00pm: Spread fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 5.50pm: Shortened in & weighed 6.05pm: Proceeded S57W 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b3a: ( 8 January 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 5.50am: Sighted Point Loma Lighthouse; eased to slow, hauled in patent log, course as requisite for standing off till daylight 6.20am: Proceeded up harbour 6.50am: Stopped & obtained pratique; proceeded 7.20am: Stopped & came to with the port bower in 7 fathoms, veered 2 shackles; let fires die out in boilers 5.30pm: Coal lighter secured alongside 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b3b: ( 9 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 6.45am: Commenced coaling from lighter 10.00am: Lit fires in No 2 boiler 10.25am: Finished coaling having received 100 tons 2.00pm: Discharged 2 ratings to hospital 2.30pm: Let fires die out in No 2 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b3c: ( 10 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b3d: ( 11 January 1914 San Diego to Ensenada Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 11.30am: Lit fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 12.30pm: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 2.00pm: 2 recovered deserters brought on board by civil police 3.00pm: Weighed 3.20pm: Proceeded at full speed, course as requisite for leaving harbour 4.00pm: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam 8.20pm: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 6½ fathoms, veered 2 shackles; found here USS Annapolis: let fires die out in Nos 1, 3 & 4 boilers 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b3e: ( 12 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 9.00am: Hands employed as requisite; surveyed port cable 10.30am: Boiler No 2 in use for auxiliary purposes Noon: USS Annapolis sailed 8.00pm: Burned searchlight 8.30pm: Switched off searchlight 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b3f: ( 13 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 11.00am: General Francisco Vasquez* visited ship 8.15pm: Burned searchlight 8.50pm: Switched off searchlight [*Military governor, imprisoned in August 1914] 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b40: ( 14 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 9.00am: Divisions & prayers; hands employed painting, cleaning cable & cable locker and as requisite; surveyed starboard cable 8.15pm: Burned searchlight 8.50pm: Switched off searchlight 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b41: ( 15 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b42: ( 16 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 1.30pm: Veered to 2½ shackles on the port cable; lit fires in No 1 boiler; spread fires in No 2 4.00pm: Veered to 4 shackles on the port cable 9.30pm: Banked fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b43: ( 17 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 Noon: Banked fires in No 1 boiler; let fires die out in No 2 4.55pm: USS New Orleans arrived & anchored 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 1 boiler 4caf8d27cadfd34197039b44: ( 18 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 11.00am: Ship rolling 15° to 20° each way 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 1 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b45: ( 19 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 1 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b46: ( 20 January 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 10.40am: USS New Orleans saluted military governor of Ensenada with 11 guns 11.30am: Furled fore & aft sails 1.00pm: Furled all sails 4.45pm: USS New Orleans sailed for Mazatlan 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b47: ( 21 January 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 32.0, Long -117.0 5.00am: Lit fires in No 1 boiler; spread fires in No 2 7.00am: Shortened in 7.18am: Weighed; proceeded S68W 2.45pm: Courses as requisite for entering harbour 3.36pm: Stopped & came to in 6½ fathoms with the starboard bower; veered 2 shackles 4.00pm: Let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b48: ( 22 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 7.00am: USS (TBD) Perry proceeded 10.00am: Discharged 2 ratings to hospital 10.40am: USS Perry returned 12.15pm: USS (TBD) Stewart arrived 1.00pm: 1 rating joined ship from hospital 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b49: ( 23 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 8.40am: USS Denver arrived; USS Manning arrived 5.00pm: USS Annapolis arrived 9.40pm: USS Iris arrived 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b4a: ( 24 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b4b: ( 25 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.15am: USS Manning sailed 2.20pm: USS Annapolis sailed 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b4c: ( 26 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 6.00am: Hands employed hoisting out steamcutter's boiler & engine & as requisite; lost by accident 2 oars, fir, 10 feet, & 1 oar, fir, 8 feet 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b4d: ( 27 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b4e: ( 28 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 7.00am: Loosed sails for drying 3.30pm: Furled all sails 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b4f: ( 29 January 1914 San Diego to Ensenada Lat 32.2, Long -117.1 4.30am: Lit fires in No 4 boiler 7.10am: Weighed 8.22am: No 1 Bell Buoy abeam 10.00am: Coronado Islands abeam; passed USS Annapolis at target practice 10.50am: Eased to slow speed; made plain sail & set fore trysail & inner jib 1.00pm: Passed USS (TBD) Stewart, steering northward 2.20pm: Shortened & furled all sails 4.00pm: Todos Santos Island S32W 4.47pm: Came to in 4¾ fathoms with the starboard bower, veered 2 shackles; banked fires in No 3 boiler 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b50: ( 30 January 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 32.3, Long -117.1 5.45am: Spread fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers; hands employed scrubbing hammocks & cleaning ship; lost by accident 1 anchor buoy 7.15am: Weighed 7.40am: Proceeded S79W 8.00am: Cape San Miguel N60W 2.25pm: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam; courses as requisite for entering harbour 3.22pm: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 7 fathoms, veered 2 shackles 4.00pm: Let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b51: ( 31 January 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1914 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b52: ( 1 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 6.15am: USS Annapolis sailed 11.00am: USS Denver sailed 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b53: ( 2 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 11.00am: Paid monthly advance of wages to ship's company 1.00pm: 1 rating rejoined from hospital 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b54: ( 3 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 11.00am: Read Articles of War to ship's company 11.55am: Read warrant 18 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b55: ( 4 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b56: ( 5 February 1914 San Diego to Ensenada Lat 32.1, Long -117.0 4.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 7.00am: Weighed 7.20am: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour 8.00am: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam 2.40pm: Stopped & came to in 4 fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; banked fires in No 4 boiler 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b57: ( 6 February 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 32.4, Long -117.1 7.00am: Weighed 7.20am: Proceeded S75W 12.30pm: Passed USS Maryland 2.00pm: No 1 Bell Buoy abeam; course & speed as requisite for entering harbour 2.45pm: Stopped & came to in 7 fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; found here USSs California and Iris, US TBD flotilla; let fires die out in No 3 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b58: ( 7 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 11.45am: USS Maryland arrived 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b59: ( 8 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b5a: ( 9 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 8.00am: USS California & USS Maryland sailed 9.00am: US TBD flotilla sailed 2.45pm: Coal lighter secured alongside 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b5b: ( 10 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 6.05am: Commenced coaling from lighter; lit fires in No 4 boiler 10.00am: Completed coaling; received 100 tons 10.00pm: Let fires die out in No 4 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b5c: ( 11 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b5d: ( 12 February 1914 San Diego to Ensenada Lat 32.0, Long -117.1 4.00am: Lit fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 8.35am: Shortened in & weighed 9.17am: Proceeded 10.10am: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam; Marines paraded in full marching order for inspection 4.55pm: Stopped & came to in 4 fathoms with the starboard bower, veered 2½ shackles; let fires die out in No 1 boiler 6.30pm: USS Consul Guyant & Mr C Madden, British Vice-consul, visited ship 10.00pm: Let fires die out in No 2 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b5e: ( 13 February 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 10.00am: Unbent sails & painted down aloft 11.00am: Commander visited General Velasquez 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b5f: ( 14 February 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 32.0, Long -117.0 3.00am: Lit fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 6.20am: Weighed 6.35am: Proceeded, S60W 8.00am: San Miguel Point S81E 1.00pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour 2.08pm: Stopped & came to in 7 fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; found here USSs Maryland, California & Iris & TBD flotilla; let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b60: ( 15 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b61: ( 16 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.30am: USSs California & Maryland sailed 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b62: ( 17 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.10am: US TBD flotilla proceeded to sea 10.20am: HMS Algerine arrived 1.30pm: US TBD flotilla returned 5.00pm: Discharged 17 ratings to HMS Algerine 5.30pm: 19 ratings joined ship from HMS Algerine 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b63: ( 18 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b64: ( 19 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 10.30am: USS California arrived 5.15pm: USS California sailed 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b65: ( 20 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 10.30am: Lit fires in No 3 boiler 11.55am: Coal lighter secured alongside Noon: Commenced coaling 1.30pm: Finished coaling having received 50 tons 10.15pm: Burnt searchlight, looking for man overboard 10.35pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b66: ( 21 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.30am: USSs California & Maryland arrived & anchored 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b67: ( 22 February 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 6.45am: USSs California and Maryland proceeded 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b68: ( 23 February 1914 San Diego to Ensenada, to Magdalena Bay Lat 32.3, Long -117.1 5.00am: Spread fires in No 3 boiler 6.00am: Lit fires in No 4 boiler 8.00am: Dressed ship overall in US ensign at main 9.00am: Weighed 9.15am: Proceeded out of harbour 10.00am: No 1 Bell Buoy abeam; passed USSs California & Maryland & TBD Paul Jones 4.10pm: Stopped & came to in 6 fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles 5.50pm: Weighed 6.00pm: Proceeded S44W 7.00pm: Todos Santos Islands abeam 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b69: ( 24 February 1914 Ensenada to Magdalena Bay Lat 29.2, Long -116.1 2.00am: Roll port 15°, starboard 15° 10.00am: Loosed fore & aft sails to dry 1.50pm: Cerros Island S50E 3.00pm: San Benito Islands abeam 9.40pm: Natividad Island on the port bow 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b6a: ( 25 February 1914 Ensenada to Magdalena Bay Lat 26.0, Long -113.8 7.00am: Made all possible sail 4.00pm: Shortened & furled all sails & stopped 4.15pm: Proceeded 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b6b: ( 26 February 1914 Ensenada to Magdalena Bay Lat 24.6517, Long -112.1343 7.30am: Entrada Point abeam 8.35am: Stopped and came to in 5 fathoms with the starboard bower, veered 2 shackles 11.30am: Let fires die out in boilers 2.30pm: Landed seining party 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b6c: ( 27 February 1914 Magdalena Bay Lat 24.6517, Long -112.1343 9.00am: Landed small arm company & marines for field exercise 11.00am: Landing party returned 1.00pm: Landed party of stokers for target practice with Morris tube 3.00pm: Landed seining party 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b6d: ( 28 February 1914 Magdalena Bay to Mazatlan Lat 24.6517, Long -112.1343 1.00pm: Landed seining party 2.30pm: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 5.00pm: Weighed 5.11pm: Proceeded, S87W 6.20pm: Redondo Point N36E 8.35pm: Cape Tosco abeam LOGS FOR MARCH 1914 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b6e: ( 1 March 1914 Magdalena Bay to Mazatlan Lat 22.8, Long -109.9 10.15am: Cape Falso Lighthouse S65E 12.30pm: Passed USS Pittsburgh (Rear Admiral Cowles) northbound 6.00pm: Compass deviation by amplitude = ¼°W 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b6f: ( 2 March 1914 Magdalena Bay to Mazatlan Lat 23.2, Long -106.6 11.47am: Paid monthly advance of wages to ship's company 2.00pm: Stopped & came to in 6¼ fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; found here USSs California (flag) & Glacier & HIGMS Nürnberg; let fires die out in No 1 boiler 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b70: ( 3 March 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b71: ( 4 March 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 10.20am: HMS Algerine arrived 11.00am: USS California saluted British Consul 2.00pm: Rear Admiral Howard USN visited ship 3.20pm: USS Yorktown arrived & saluted Rear Admiral 4.00pm: Furled QD & forecastle awnings 10.30pm: Let fires die out in No 2 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b72: ( 5 March 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 7.45am: USS California sailed 9.30am: USS (Naval Auxiliary) Nanshan arrived 11.50am: USS Nanshan sailed 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b73: ( 6 March 1914 Mazatlan to Acapulco Lat 22.0, Long -106.0 5.30am: Spread fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 7.00am: Weighed 7.17am: Proceeded 1.55pm: Sighted Maria Madre Island 5.00pm: Red Rock Point S76W 6.30pm: Bluff Point S10E; altered course to pass between Magdalena & Maria islands 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b74: ( 7 March 1914 Mazatlan to Acapulco Lat 19.0, Long -105.0 5.30am: Cape Corrientes Lighthouse abeam 3.25pm: Los Frailes abeam; sighted SS Ramon Corral westbound 4.00pm: Read warrant 21 6.30pm: Deviation by amplitude = ¼°E 7.00pm: Punto de Campos Lighthouse [Faro de Campos] N82E 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b75: ( 8 March 1914 Mazatlan to Acapulco Lat 17.0, Long -102.0 2.11am: Punta Tejupan Lighthouse S79E 7.00am: Passed & spoke with SS Nebraskan (American-Hawaiian Line) 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b76: ( 9 March 1914 Mazatlan to Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 9.45am: Course & speed as requisite for entering harbour 10.22am: Stopped & came to in 10 fathoms with the starboard bower, veered 1½ shackles; secured aft to North Point, Santa Lucia Bay 11.30am: Let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b77: ( 10 March 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 11.00am: Colonel Madena paid official visit 1.30pm: Lit fires in No 4 boiler 2.00pm: Gunlayers at deflection teacher 5.00pm: Landed bathing party 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b78: ( 11 March 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 8.45pm: Partial eclipse of moon occurred 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b79: ( 12 March 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 5.40am: SS San Juan arrived (Pacific Mail) 1.20pm: SS San Juan sailed 4.00pm: Hands to bathe 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d28cadfd34197039b7a: ( 13 March 1914 Acapulco to Salina Cruz Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 11.00am: General Salido visited ship 4.00pm: Prepared for sea; lit fires in No 3 boiler 6.00pm: Slipped after hawser & hauled in 6.10pm: Weighed 6.25pm: Proceeded 7.00pm: Roqueta Island Lighthouse NW 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b7b: ( 14 March 1914 Acapulco to Salina Cruz Lat 15.8, Long -97.5 4.10am: Maldonado [Punta José Ignacio] Lighthouse N39E 6.50pm: Port Angel [Puerto Angel] Lighthouse N3W 10.15pm: Morro Ayuca [Ayutla] Lighthouse N45E 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b7c: ( 15 March 1914 Acapulco to Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 1.00am: Morro Ayuca Lighthouse abeam 2.56am: Course as requisite for securing spanker 7.00am: Salina Cruz Lighthouse N40W; course as requisite for entering harbour 7.19am: Came to with the port bower in 6½ fathoms in outer harbour 7.35am: Weighed & proceeded into inner harbour 7.55am: Dropped port bower & secured alongside; banked fires in boilers 9.40am: Commenced coaling ship from trucks 3.40pm: Finished coaling having received 107 tons 5.00pm: Discharged 1 rating to hospital 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b7d: ( 16 March 1914 Salina Cruz to Esmeraldas Lat 15.0, Long -94.0 6.20pm: Weighed & cast off; warped out of dock & hoisted whaler 6.40am: Proceeded out of harbour as requisite 7.30am: Stopped & set fore & aft sails 7.40am: Proceeded 9.10am: Eased to slow; set fore course & fore topsail; proceeded at 115 revs 4.00pm: Shortened in & furled all sails; increased to 120 revs 6.00pm: Deviation of standard compass by azimuth = nil 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b7e: ( 17 March 1914 Salina Cruz to Esmeraldas Lat 13.0, Long -91.0 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b7f: ( 18 March 1914 Salina Cruz to Esmeraldas Lat 10.0, Long -89.0 5.00am: Set fore & aft sails; deviation by azimuth = nil 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b80: ( 19 March 1914 Salina Cruz to Esmeraldas Lat 8.0, Long -87.0 9.30am: Heavy rain storm lasting 10 minutes 6.00pm: Deviation by setting amplitude = nil 9.00pm: Took in fore & aft sails 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b81: ( 20 March 1914 Salina Cruz to Esmeraldas Lat 5.0, Long -84.0 4.45pm: Read court martial returns 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b82: ( 21 March 1914 Salina Cruz to Esmeraldas Lat 3.0, Long -82.0 6.00pm: Deviation by amplitude = nil 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b83: ( 22 March 1914 Salina Cruz to Esmeraldas Lat 0.9875, Long -79.6367 9.35am: Stopped & sounded on approaching spume & discoloured water 9.45am: Proceeded 10.30am: Sighted Esmeraldas ahead 11.30am: Came to in 16 fathoms with the starboard bower, veered 3½ shackles; found here Ecuadorian armed steamer Constitucion; let fires die out in boilers 2.00pm: British Consul visited ship 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b84: ( 23 March 1914 Esmeraldas Lat 0.9875, Long -79.6367 2.00pm: Lit fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b85: ( 24 March 1914 Esmeraldas to Panama Lat 0.9875, Long -79.6367 7.30am: SS Chile (PSNC) arrived & anchored 12.40pm: SS Chile sailed 3.30pm: Lit fires in No 1 boiler 5.50pm: Weighed 6.05pm: Proceeded N39W 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b86: ( 25 March 1914 Esmeraldas to Panama Lat 3.0, Long -80.0 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b87: ( 26 March 1914 Esmeraldas to Panama Lat 6.0, Long -79.0 6.00pm: Deviation by azimuth = nil 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b88: ( 27 March 1914 Esmeraldas to Panama Lat 8.0, Long -79.0 10.05am: Bona Island NW 1.53pm: Stopped & obtained pratique 2.10pm: Proceeded as requisite for anchoring 2.40pm: Came to in 4 fathoms with the port bower, veered 2½ shackles; let fires die out in No 1 boiler 10.30pm: Let fires die out in No 2 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b89: ( 28 March 1914 Panama Lat 8.93, Long -79.55 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b8a: ( 29 March 1914 Panama Lat 8.93, Long -79.55 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b8b: ( 30 March 1914 Panama Lat 8.93, Long -79.55 9.00am: Lit fires in No 3 boiler 2.05pm: USS Denver arrived & anchored off Naos Island 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b8c: ( 31 March 1914 Panama Lat 8.93, Long -79.55 11.30am: Paid quarterly settlement of wages to ship's company 2.30pm: No 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes LOGS FOR APRIL 1914 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b8d: ( 1 April 1914 Panama Lat 8.93, Long -79.55 2.00am: No 3 boiler in user for auxiliary purposes 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b8e: ( 2 April 1914 Panama to Balboa Lat 8.93, Long -79.55 12.30pm: Lit fires in No 4 boiler 2.00pm: Weighed 2.15pm: Proceeded 2.47pm: Stopped & picked up pilot; proceeded up canal 3.35pm: Stopped & secured aft to buoy 3.38pm: Came to with the starboard bower in 7½ fathoms; secured to mooring on the port bow 5.30pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b8f: ( 3 April 1914 Balboa Lat 8.96, Long -79.56 12.40pm: Coal lighter secured alongside 1.30pm: Hands employed coaling ship 2.30pm: Shortened to 1½ shackles 5.45pm: Finished coaling having received 77½ tons 10.30pm: Banked fires in no 4 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b90: ( 4 April 1914 Balboa to Cocos Island Lat 8.0, Long -79.0 6.30am: Cast off aft 6.45am: Weighed 7.00am: Proceeded 7.25am: Stopped & landed pilot; proceeded 7.40am: No 1 Light Buoy S8W 6.00pm: Deviation by azimuth = ¼°W 7.00pm: Slung clean hammocks 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b91: ( 5 April 1914 Balboa to Cocos Island Lat 6.0, Long -82.0 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b92: ( 6 April 1914 Balboa to Cocos Island Lat 5.0, Long -85.0 9.40am: Heavy rain squalls [until 10.30am] 2.30pm: Sighted Cocos Island ahead 7.25pm: Stopped & came to in 13 fathoms, in Chatham Bay, with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b93: ( 7 April 1914 Cocos Island to Corinto Lat 5.51, Long -87.07 9.00am: Landed seining party 2.20pm: Weighed 2.45pm: Proceeded as requisite for obtaining heights of landmarks 4.05pm: Proceeded N 6.00pm: Highest peak S1W 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b94: ( 8 April 1914 Cocos Island to Corinto Lat 8.0, Long -86.0 6.00pm: Deviation by azimuth = ¼°E 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b95: ( 9 April 1914 Cocos Island to Corinto Lat 12.0, Long -87.0 6.00am: Heavy rain squall 8.58am: Stopped & sounded 64 in fathoms; proceeded 1.00pm: Cardon Island Lighthouse N5W 2.15pm: Stopped & came to in 7½ fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; let fires die out in No 4 boiler; found here USS Denver 10.00pm: Let fires die out in No 3 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b96: ( 10 April 1914 Corinto to Salina Cruz Lat 12.48, Long -87.18 8.00am: Lit fires in No 2 boiler 11.00am: British Vice-consul and Commandante of Port visited ship 3.30pm: Lit fires in No 1 boiler 5.20pm: Weighed 5.33pm: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 5.45pm: Cardon Island Lighthouse S60E 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b97: ( 11 April 1914 Corinto to Salina Cruz Lat 13.0, Long -89.7 7.30am: Deviation by azimuth = ¼°E 1.00pm: Remedios Point Lighthouse N 8.00pm: San Jose Lighthouse N15E 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b98: ( 12 April 1914 Corinto to Salina Cruz Lat 14.6, Long -92.7 8.00am: Ocos Lighthouse N23E 4.45pm: Furled forecastle & quarterdeck awnings 7.55pm: Sounded in 75 fathoms 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b99: ( 13 April 1914 Corinto to Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 3.35am: Salina Cruz Lighthouse N78W 6.25am: Proceeded into harbour & secured to buoy 7.40am: Slipped & proceeded into inner harbour 7.55am: Secured alongside; banked fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 9.10am: Commenced coaling 11.30am: 1 rating rejoined ship from hospital 2.10pm: Finished coaling having received 107 tons 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b9a: ( 14 April 1914 Salina Cruz to Acapulco Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 7.15am: Cast off, weighed & proceeded to outer harbour 8.00am: Secured to buoy 11.35pm: Slipped & proceeded out of harbour 5.00pm: Morro Ayuca Lighthouse N11E 9.35pm: Port Angel Lighthouse abeam 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b9b: ( 15 April 1914 Salina Cruz to Acapulco Lat 16.2, Long -98.5 11.55am: Sighted land on starboard bow 1.40pm: Maldonado Lighthouse N83E 4.45pm: Read warrant 25 8.50pm: Roqueta Island Lighthouse N65W 11.55pm: Came to in 11 fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b9c: ( 16 April 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 Found here: USSs California (flag), USS Glacier 6.00am: Secured aft to shore with 6” 7.00am: USS Annapolis arrived 8.00am: USS Annapolis saluted flag rear admiral 9.00am: Let fires die out in boilers 12.25pm: USS Glacier sailed 5.00pm: USS California sailed 5.30pm: Landed bathing party 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b9d: ( 17 April 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 1.00pm: Hands employed painting & as requisite 5.00pm: Landed bathing party 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b9e: ( 18 April 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 3.30pm: Lit fires in No 3 boiler 5.00pm: Landed bathing party 4caf8d29cadfd34197039b9f: ( 19 April 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 5.00pm: Landed bathing party 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba0: ( 20 April 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 7.45am: Hands to bathe 4.10pm: USS Annapolis sailed 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba1: ( 21 April 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 6.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & unbending sails Midnight: Banked fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba2: ( 22 April 1914 Acapulco Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 5.40am: SS City of Sydney (PMSC [Pacific Mail Steamship Company]) arrived 5.00pm: Landed bathing party Midnight: SS City of Sydney sailed 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba3: ( 23 April 1914 Acapulco to Salina Cruz Lat 16.8247, Long -99.8766 5.30am: Shifted stern hawser to outer rock 3.30pm: Lit fires in No 1 boiler 5.05pm: Slipped & hauled in sternfast 5.10pm: Weighed 5.32pm: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour 5.50pm: Roqueta Lighthouse N72W 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba4: ( 24 April 1914 Acapulco to Salina Cruz Lat 15.0, Long -97.0 3.35am: Maldonado Lighthouse abeam 11.30am: Piedra Blanca abeam 5.35pm: Port Angel Lighthouse abeam 10.40pm: Morro Ayuca Lighthouse abeam 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba5: ( 25 April 1914 Acapulco to Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 1.55am: Sighted the lights of Salina Cruz 4.00am: Moving engines as requisite for lying head to wind 6.30am: Course as requisite for entering harbour 6.37am: Stopped & secured to buoy; secured aft to breakwater with 6” hemp; found here in outer anchorage USS Denver & SS Acajutla (British) 9.00am: Let fires die out in No 2 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba6: ( 26 April 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 4.30pm: Hands to bathe 5.00pm: Sent boats to convey refugees from town* to SS Acajutla 11.30pm: Let fires die out in No 1 boiler [*HMSs Lancaster, Berwick, Essex & Hermione on the Atlantic coast, & Shearwater & Algerine on the Pacific coast, had been positioned to evacuate refugees:] 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba7: ( 27 April 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00pm: Hands employed stowing provisions, refitting & as requisite 4.30pm: SS Acajutla sailed for San Jose de Guatemala with refugees 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba8: ( 28 April 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 1.30pm: Lit fires in No 1 boiler 4.00pm: Read warrants 28 & 29 4caf8d29cadfd34197039ba9: ( 29 April 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 6.00am: Let go & hauled in stern hawser 10.30am: Lifted capstan & examined spindle 12.30pm: No 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 4.00pm: Hands to bathe 4caf8d29cadfd34197039baa: ( 30 April 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 5.30am: Secured aft to buoy 12.30pm: No 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 5.30pm: SS San Jose arrived; port watch employed transporting refugees from dredger Mexico to SS San Jose 10.15pm: San Jose sailed LOGS FOR MAY 1914 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bab: ( 1 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 4.00pm: Read warrant 30; paid monthly advance of wages to ship's company 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bac: ( 2 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 12.30am: No 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 4.30pm: SS Alaskan arrived & sailed at 5.15 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bad: ( 3 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 4.00pm: Hands to bathe 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bae: ( 4 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 4caf8d29cadfd34197039baf: ( 5 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 9.00am: Let fires die out in No 4 boiler; lit fires in No 3 6.30pm: No 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb0: ( 6 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 8.00am: Dressed ship in honour of His Majesty's accession 4.00pm: Hands to bathe 6.05pm: Undressed ship 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb1: ( 7 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 3.00pm: Coal lighter secured alongside; commenced coaling with native labour 5.00pm: Cast off lighter having received 9½ tons 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb2: ( 8 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 8.15am: Coal lighter came alongside; commenced coaling 9.40am: Finished coaling having received 10¾ tons; towed lighter to shore to refill 11.25am: USS Newport arrived 1.45pm: USS Newport sailed 2.50pm: Lighter secured alongside 4.10pm: Lighter cleared (10.2 tons); towed lighter to shore 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb3: ( 9 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 5.30am: SS Peru arrived & anchored 8.35am: Lighter secured alongside 10.30am: Lighter cleared having received 11.5 tons 4.50pm: SS Peru sailed 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb4: ( 10 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 5.40am: SS Manuel Herrerias arrived 12.15pm: USS Albany arrived & anchored Midnight: USS Denver sailed 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb5: ( 11 May 1914 Salina Cruz Lat 16.16, Long -95.2 2.00am: No 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes 8.00am: Coal lighter alongside; coaled ship 10.10am: Finished coaling having received 11.8 tons; towed lighter to shore 6.00pm: Cast off & hauled in stern hawser 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb6: ( 12 May 1914 Salina Cruz to Mazatlan Lat 15.8, Long -95.5 3.30am: Lit fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 5.00am: Let fires die out in No 3 boiler 6.05am: Slipped & proceeded out of harbour 6.15am: Stopped off USS Albany for letters; proceeded 11.00am: Morro Ayuca Lighthouse N75W 4.45pm: Furled forecastle awning 4.55pm: Sent down topgallant sailyard; braced up yards on port tack 6.00pm: Port Angel Lighthouse N 7.00pm: Hauled in, cleared & restreamed patent log 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb7: ( 13 May 1914 Salina Cruz to Mazatlan Lat 16.1, Long -98.8 8.26pm: Roqueta Island Lighthouse abeam 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb8: ( 14 May 1914 Salina Cruz to Mazatlan Lat 17.0, Long -102.0 3.45am: Passed USS Raleigh eastbound 9.30pm: San Telmo Lighthouse N63W 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bb9: ( 15 May 1914 Salina Cruz to Mazatlan Lat 19.2, Long -105.0 6.05am: Punta de Campos Lighthouse N44W 7.00am: Passed 2 US cruisers at anchor in Manzanillo Bay 7.25pm: Cape Corrientes Lighthouse N19W 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bba: ( 16 May 1914 Salina Cruz to Mazatlan Lat 22.0, Long -106.3 4.48pm: Stopped; crossed topgallant & squared yards; proceeded 5.25pm: Stopped & came to in 8½ fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; let fires die out in No 1 boiler Found here: USSs California (flag), South Dakota, Denver, Iris & 5 destroyers; HIGMS Nürnberg; HIJMS Idzumu – half masted colours as mourning for the late Dowager Empress of Japan 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bbb: ( 17 May 1914 Mazatlan to La Paz Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 3.30pm: Lit fires in No 1 boiler 6.25pm: Weighed 6.40pm: Proceeded out of harbour 7.00pm: Creston Island N89E 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bbc: ( 18 May 1914 Mazatlan to La Paz Lat 23.5, Long -108.4 4.40am: Ran into thick fog 6.10am: Fog lifted 1.20pm: Ceralbo Island ahead 7.00pm: Perico Point S51W 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bbd: ( 19 May 1914 Mazatlan to La Paz Lat 24.1, Long -109.3 2.15am: Espiritu Santo Island NW 4.30am: Altered course to pass through San Lorenzo Channel 6.15am: Stopped for officer of guard from US collier Jupiter 6.20am: Proceeded 6.40am: Secured alongside USS Jupiter 8.05am: Commenced coaling 10.20pm: Finished coaling having received 105 tons 2.04pm: Cast off & hoisted boats 2.20pm: Proceeded; course as requisite for entering La Paz Harbour 3.15pm: Stopped & came to in 3¾ fathoms with the port bower, veered 1½ shackles; banked fires in No 2 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bbe: ( 20 May 1914 La Paz Lat 24.1, Long -109.3 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bbf: ( 21 May 1914 La Paz to San Diego Lat 23.4, Long -111.0 6.15am: Weighed 6.28am: Proceeded, course & speed as requisite for leaving harbour 7.12am: Prieta Point Lighthouse N 7.28am: Stopped off USS Jupiter for mails; proceeded 4.45pm: Read Articles of War & court martial returns to ship's company 5.00pm: Arena Point N70W 10.48pm: Cape Falso Lighthouse S86W 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc0: ( 22 May 1914 La Paz to San Diego Lat 25.0, Long -113.0 8.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 11.00am: Let fires die out in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc1: ( 23 May 1914 La Paz to San Diego Lat 28.2, Long -115.1 9.00am: San Eugenio Point N16W 9.30am: Cleared Dewey Channel 10.00am: Lit fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 12.50pm: Sighted land on the starboard bow 4.45pm: Weighed ship's company 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc2: ( 24 May 1914 La Paz to San Diego Lat 32.0, Long -117.2 4.00am: Cape Colnett N54E 5.10am: Squared yards 6.30am: Crossed topgallant yard 8.00am: Soledad Rocks S69E 11.00am: Coronado Islands N53W 1.50pm: No 2 Buoy abeam 2.06pm: Passed USS Vicksburg at La Playa wharf; stopped & obtained pratique 2.10pm: Proceeded 2.36pm: Stopped & came to in 6¾ fathoms with the starboard bower, veered 2 shackles; let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc3: ( 25 May 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.30am: Discharged 13 bags of mails to US post office 2.30pm: 1 rating rejoined ship from hospital 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc4: ( 26 May 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc5: ( 27 May 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.00am: Hands employed embarking & stowing stores & as requisite 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc6: ( 28 May 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc7: ( 29 May 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc8: ( 30 May 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bc9: ( 31 May 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 LOGS FOR JUNE 1914 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bca: ( 1 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 3.30pm: Paid monthly advance of wages to ship's company 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bcb: ( 2 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 10.00am: Held examination of competitors for educational certificates 2.00pm: Hands employed embarking & stowing provisions 5.00pm: Discharged 1 rating to shore (by purchase) 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bcc: ( 3 June 1914 San Diego to Ensenada Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 6.00am: Lit fires in No 3 & 4 boilers 9.15am: Weighed 9.57am: Proceeded 10.45am: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam 5.25pm: Stopped & came to in 4 fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; let fires die out in No 4 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bcd: ( 4 June 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bce: ( 5 June 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 7.05am: Weighed & shifted billet 7.15am: Came to in 4¾ fathoms, veered 2 shackles; banked fires in No 3 boiler 11.00am: General Vasquez, Military Governor, visited ship 1.00pm: Spread QD & poop awnings 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bcf: ( 6 June 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 7.00pm: Lost overboard by accident rail and stanchion of accommodation ladder 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd0: ( 7 June 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 10.30pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd1: ( 8 June 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd2: ( 9 June 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 32.3, Long -117.1 5.00am: Lit fires in No 4 boiler; spread fires in No 3 7.10am: Weighed 7.26am: Proceeded S60W 11.40am: Coronado Islands N50W 3.00pm: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam; course & speed as requisite for entering harbour 4.00pm: Stopped & came to in 6½ fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles; let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd3: ( 10 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd4: ( 11 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 10.00am: Loosed sails for drying 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd5: ( 12 June 1914 San Diego to Ensenada, to San Diego Lat 32.6, Long -117.2 6.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 9.10am: Weighed 10.25am: Proceeded at 120 revs, courses as requisite for leaving harbour 11.20am: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam 5.00pm: Ensenada Point N79E 5.52pm: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 4½ fathoms, veered 2½ shackles 8.00pm: Weighed & proceeded 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd6: ( 13 June 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 3.10am: Coronado Islands NW 4.00am: Sighted Point Loma Lighthouse 6.20am: Stopped & obtained pratique 6.23am: Proceeded 6.52am: Stopped & came to with the port bower in 7½ fathoms, veered 2 shackles 7.50am: US naval collier Justin arrived 8.00am: Let fires die out in No 3 boiler 10.00am: Let fires die out in No 4 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd7: ( 14 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd8: ( 15 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 11.30am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 1.25pm: Weighed & proceeded 2.25pm: Stopped & lowered boats 2.30pm: Proceeded 2.45pm: Secured alongside La Playa wharf; carried away jib-boom; banked fires in No 4 boiler 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bd9: ( 16 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bda: ( 17 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 5.10am: Commenced coaling 10.05am: Finished coaling having received 100.2 tons 3.00pm: Cast off & proceeded up harbour 3.40pm: Came to in 7½ fathoms with the port bower, veered 2½ shackles; let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bdb: ( 18 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d29cadfd34197039bdc: ( 19 June 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 11.00am: Received 1 bag of mails for USS California 8.30pm: Received 84 bags for mails for US warships, 6 bags of mails for HIGMS Nürnberg, 2 bags of mails for HIJMS Idzuro 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bdd: ( 20 June 1914 San Diego to Mazatlan Lat 32.6, Long -117.2 7.15am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 8.30am: Received 5 bags of mails for US warships 9.55am: Weighed 10.40am: Proceeded, course & speed as requisite for leaving harbour 11.25am: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam 5.00pm: Todos Santos Islands abeam 6.25pm: Deviation by azimuth = nil 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bde: ( 21 June 1914 San Diego to Mazatlan Lat 28.0, Long -115.0 6.15am: Lit fires in No 1 boiler 11.00am: San Benito Islands S40E 4.00pm: Natividad Islands N62E 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bdf: ( 22 June 1914 San Diego to Mazatlan Lat 25.0, Long -112.0 8.50am: Let fires die out in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 4.00am: Cape San Lazaro N12W 5.00pm: Scrubbed hammocks 6.00am: Redondo Point NE 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be0: ( 23 June 1914 San Diego to Mazatlan Lat 22.0, Long -109.0 10.30am: Cape Falso Lighthouse abeam 4.45pm: Spread QD & poop awnings 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be1: ( 24 June 1914 San Diego to Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 7.30am: Creston Island ahead 10.30am: Course as requisite for entering harbour 10.49am: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 6½ fathoms, veered 2 shackles; found here USS South Dakota & 4 TBDs Noon: Unbent sails; let fires die out in No 2 10.00pm: Let fires die out in No 1 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be2: ( 25 June 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 4.20am: Squall from ESE with heavy rain 6.00am: Veered to 3½ shackles on the starboard cable 7.30am: HMS Algerine arrived 11.30am: Unbent spanker & fore trysail 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be3: ( 26 June 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 9.00am: Lit fires in No 4 boiler 11.20am: US TBD Whipple sailed 7.00pm: HMS Algerine sailed for San Diego 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be4: ( 27 June 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be5: ( 28 June 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 9.30am: Mustered ship's company by ledger 4.30pm: Hands to bathe 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be6: ( 29 June 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 6.20am: US TBD Whipple arrived 7.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship & bending sails 3.45pm: US TBD Whipple sailed 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be7: ( 30 June 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 11.00am: USS Denver arrived Noon: USS South Dakota sailed 7.45pm: Hoisted steamboat; glass rising rapidly, heavy rain, strong squalls, continuous lightning 8.30pm: Weighed & shifted billet 8.50pm: Came to in 11 fathoms, veered 3 shackles; wind veered to SE, rain eased (storm moving westward, glass steady); banked fires in No 4 boiler LOGS FOR JULY 1914 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be8: ( 1 July 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 6.00am: Let fires die out in No 4 boiler 11.45am: Paid quarterly settlement of wages to ship's company 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039be9: ( 2 July 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 7.30pm: Received 1 bag of mails for La Paz 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bea: ( 3 July 1914 Mazatlan to La Paz Lat 23.4, Long -106.6 7.00am: Lit fires in No 4 boiler 8.55am: Weighed 9.27am: Proceeded 6.30pm: Deviation by azimuth = ¼ °W 4caf8d2acadfd34197039beb: ( 4 July 1914 Mazatlan to La Paz Lat 24.5, Long -110.1 9.35am: Sighted land on the starboard bow 2.05pm: Rounded Los Islotes 5.05pm: Dressed ship with masthead flags, American ensign at the main 4.44pm: Stopped off Pichilingue; found here USSs California, Annapolis, Iris, 7 TBDs & 3 auxiliary ships 5.10pm: Proceeded as requisite for entering La Paz 6.06pm: Stopped & came to in 4 fathoms with the port bower, veered 2 shackles 7.00pm: Discharged 1 bag of mails to shore; let fires die out in No 4 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bec: ( 5 July 1914 La Paz Lat 24.1, Long -109.3 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bed: ( 6 July 1914 La Paz Lat 24.1, Long -109.3 5.30pm: Furled QD & forecastle awnings & prepared for coaling; received 15 bags of mails for Mazatlan 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 3 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bee: ( 7 July 1914 La Paz Lat 24.1, Long -109.3 4.00am: Lit fires in No 3 boiler 5.50am: Weighed 6.10am: Proceeded 6.56am: Prieta Point Lighthouse N 7.15am: Stopped; proceeded alongside US collier Jupiter 8.00am: US TBD Lawrence sailed 8.50am: Commenced coaling 11.20am: USS Albany arrived 3.05pm: Finished coaling having received 95 tons 3.45pm: Cast off & proceeded 4.40pm: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 4 fathoms, veered 2 shackles; let fires die out in No 4 boiler 10.30pm: Let fires die out in No 3 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bef: ( 8 July 1914 La Paz to Mazatlan Lat 24.2, Long -110.0 5.00am: Lit fires in No 1 boiler 7.35am: Weighed 7.55am: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour 8.40am: Stopped off Pichilengue and sent mails to USS California 8.48am: Proceeded, course as requisite for San Lorenzo Channel 10.00am: Passed USS Denver 7.00pm: Deviation by azimuth = ½°W 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf0: ( 9 July 1914 La Paz to Mazatlan Lat 23.3, Long -106.6 2.20pm: Stopped & came to in 9½ fathoms with the starboard bower, veered 3 shackles; found here HIGMS Leipzig [Leipsic in log] & USSs Chattanooga & Hopkins; let fires die out in No 2 boiler 6.20pm: HIGMS Leipzig sailed for Guaymas 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf1: ( 10 July 1914 Mazatlan Lat 23.18, Long -106.41 2.00am: No 1 boiler in use for auxiliary purpose 6.30pm: Embarked 16 persons (11 Hindus, 4 Japanese, 1 Korean) for passage to Ensenada and 17 bags of mails
4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf2: ( 11 July 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 23.0, Long -107.0 4.00am: Lit fires in No 2 boiler 6.05am: Weighed 6.33am: Proceeded 6.30pm: Deviation by azimuth = ¼°W 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf3: ( 12 July 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 23.4, Long -110.7 1.00am: Sighted land on the starboard bow 4.45am: Cape San Lucas abeam 5.15am: Cape Falso abeam 4.45pm: Distributed prizes for loader competition; furled QD awning 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf4: ( 13 July 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 25.4, Long -113.0 5.30am: Cape San Lazaro N57E; hands employed getting up starboard cable for survey 9.00am: Furled poop awning 6.30pm: Deviation by azimuth = ¼°W 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf5: ( 14 July 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 27.7, Long -115.0 9.00am: San Pablo Point S86E 12.35pm: Sighted 3 destroyers steering northward 1.00pm: San Eugenio Point N17W 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf6: ( 15 July 1914 Mazatlan to Ensenada Lat 30.6, Long -116.3 9.10am: San Martin Island N14E 2.35pm: Cape Colnett abeam 7.30pm: Todos Santos Island ahead 9.28pm: Stopped & came to with the port bower in 6 fathoms, veered 2½ shackles; banked fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf7: ( 16 July 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 32.0, Long -116.9 6.00am: Landed 16 passengers and 13 bags of mail 7.35am: Weighed 8.38am: Proceeded S60W 11.00am: Sighted HMS Algerine ahead 11.30am: Stopped & sent boat to HMS Algerine 12.20pm: Proceeded N40W 5.30pm: Stopped & came to with starboard bower in 7¼ fathoms, veered to 2½ shackles; let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf8: ( 17 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bf9: ( 18 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bfa: ( 19 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.00am Commander [Charles William] Trousdale succeeded Commander Walter in command of ship 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bfb: ( 20 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 10.00am: Hands employed clearing after shell room, gauging shell & as requisite 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bfc: ( 21 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bfd: ( 22 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 7.00pm: Lost overboard by accident after sling of whaler (Patt 2a); streamed a mark buoy for diving 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bfe: ( 23 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.30am: Hands employed diving for whaler's sling, painting & as requisite 4caf8d2acadfd34197039bff: ( 24 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c00: ( 25 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c01: ( 26 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 5.00pm: Secured for sea 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c02: ( 27 July 1914 San Diego to Ensenada Lat 32.3, Long -117.1 6.00am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers 8.45am: Weighed 9.00am: Proceeded, course as requisite for leaving harbour 10.00am: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam 2.15pm: Sighted Todos Santos Islands on starboard bow 4.24pm: Stopped & came to in 4½ fathoms with the port bower, veered 2½ shackles; let fires die out in No 4 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c03: ( 28 July 1914 Ensenada Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 11.00pm: Banked fires in No 4 boiler 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c04: ( 29 July 1914 Ensenada to San Diego Lat 31.84, Long -116.63 4.30pm: Lit fires in No 3 boiler 6.24pm: Weighed 6.30pm: Proceeded at full speed S60W 10.40pm: Sighted Coronado Islands on the port beam 11.15pm: Port Loma Lighthouse N32W Midnight: Course as requisite for entering harbour; banked fires in Nos 1 & 2 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c05: ( 30 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 12.20am: Stopped & obtained pratique 12.25am: Proceeded 12.50am: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 7½ fathoms, veered 2 shackles 4.45am: Weighed 5.00am: Proceeded down harbour to La Playa 5.45am: Secured alongside naval coaling wharf 6.20am: Commenced coaling 10.00am: Let fires die out in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 11.25am: Finished coaling having received 107 tons 1.30pm: Cast off & proceeded up harbour 2.12pm: Stopped & came to with the starboard bower in 7 fathoms, veered 2½ shackles; let fires die out in boilers 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c06: ( 31 July 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 9.00am: Hands employed embarking stores & as requisite LOGS FOR AUGUST 1914 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c07: ( 1 August 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4.00pm: Paid monthly advance of wages to ship's company 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c08: ( 2 August 1914 San Diego Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c09: ( 3 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 32.69, Long -117.23 11.30am: Lit fires in Nos 3 & 4 boilers Noon: Lit fires in Nos 1 & 2 boilers 2.55pm: Weighed 3.12pm: Proceeded out of harbour 4.23pm: Gammon Shoal Buoy abeam 7.30pm: Darkened ship 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c0a: ( 4 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 32.2, Long -119.0 [Britain declared war on Germany] 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c0b: ( 5 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 33.5, Long -122.4 1.30am: Watch manning & arming ship 10.00pm: Watch at stations for night action 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c0c: ( 6 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 35.0, Long -124.0 9.00pm: Watch at stations for night action 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c0d: ( 7 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 37.0, Long -124.0 6.00am: Deviation by azimuth = nil 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c0e: ( 8 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 39.0, Long -125.0 2.00am: Watch at stations for night action 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c0f: ( 9 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 41.0, Long -125.0 2.00am: Watch at stations for night action 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c10: ( 10 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 42.5, Long -126.0 2.00am: Watch at stations for night action 5.00am: Secured guns & returned ammunition 6.00am: Deviation by azimuth = nil 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c11: ( 11 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 45.0, Long -126.1 2.00am: Watch at stations for night action 5.00am: Secured guns & returned ammunition 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c12: ( 12 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 47.2, Long -125.0 2.00am: Watch at stations for night action 5.00am: Secured guns & returned ammunition 10.12pm: Tatoosh Island Lighthouse S60E 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c13: ( 13 August 1914 San Diego to Esquimalt Lat 48.4, Long -123.4 3.10am: HMCS Rainbow ahead 3.55am: Stopped to communicate with HMCS Rainbow 4.40am: Proceeded into Esquimalt with HMCS Rainbow, course as requisite for Race Passage & entering harbour 6.35am: Secured alongside dockyard jetty 5.30pm: HMCS Rainbow sailed 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c14: ( 14 August 1914 Esquimalt Lat 48.4, Long -123.4 10.00am: Discharged 1 rating (AB) to HMCS Rainbow for submarines 3.50pm: Cast off & proceeded alongside coaling jetty 4.20pm: Secured; commenced coaling 6.00pm: Finished coaling having received 32 tons 7.10pm: Cast off & proceeded as requisite 7.30pm: Secured alongside dockyard jetty 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c15: ( 15 August 1914 Esquimalt Lat 48.4, Long -123.4 4.45am: HMS Algerine arrived & secured alongside; HMCS Rainbow arrived & secured to coaling jetty 9.00am: Hands employed packing small arms & as requisite 4.00pm: Ship's company left ship to join HMCS Niobe at Halifax 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c16: ( 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c17: ( 4caf8d2acadfd34197039c18: ( HMS Shearwater by artist Suchiu |
Revised 17/03/2016 |