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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Base Ship

Base ship, Hong Kong from 1897, ex-iron screw troopship, built 1863, 4,650t. Scuttled Hong Kong 12.12.41 (Shore Establishments of the Royal Navy by Lt Cdr B Warlow)

HMS Tamar Troopship 2    HMS Tamar Troopship 3

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1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

The research for this edit and the hyperlinks contained therein would not be possible without the numerous websites maintained by enthusiasts, often at their own expense. All of these welcome small donations to assist their survival. I would like to thank the editors and contributors to all of the following, as well as those that I have inadvertently omitted to mention, to whom I apologise profusely.

Those of us who are fascinated by the ships that no longer leave a wake on the ocean and the sailors who have downed their last tot are greatly indebted to all of you. Thank you.

When ships are first encountered I have provided a hyperlink if the ship can be positively identified and a link is available. Many ships here, particularly Chinese vessels, both naval and merchant, do not fall into either category and I have not listed these. RN logkeepers are notoriously bad spellers and the system used to transliterate Chinese names has also changed since then, so a positive identification is often not possible.

Each day’s entry is a precis, with routine events usually omitted, but on the first of each month a full transcript is provided, to give the full flavour of naval life. Readers can of course click on the link above each day to view the original.

Some useful abbreviations:

AB: Able Seaman.
AMC: Armed Merchant Cruiser.
Art. Eng.: Artificer Engineer.
Cdr: Commander.
CERA: Chief Engine Room Artificer.
CPO: Chief Petty Officer.
ERA: Engine Room Artificer.
HIJMS: His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Ship.
HMAS: His Majesty’s Australian Ship.
HMS: His Majesty’s Ship.
Lat: Latitude.
Ldg Sn: Leading Seaman.
Long: Longitude.
Lt: Lieutenant.
Lt/Cdr: Lieutenant Commander.
Ord.: Ordinary (Seaman)
PO: Petty Officer.
RF: Regie Francaise
RIMS: Royal Indian Marine Ship.
RMLI: Royal Marine Light Infantry.
RMS: Royal Mail Ship.SMS.
RNB: Royal Navy Barracks.
RNR: Royal Naval Reserve.
RNH: Royal Naval Hospital.
SBA: Sick Bay Attendant.
SBS: Sick Bay Steward.
S/Lt: Sub Lieutenant.
SPO: Stoker Petty Officer.
SS: Screw Steamer and also Signal Station.
TB(D): Torpedo Boat (Destroyer).
WO: Warrant Officer.
Wp: Working party.
WSS: War Signal Station.
WT: Wireless Telegraph(y) (sometimes W/T), also Warrant Telegraphist.

Editorial additions appear in italic.

LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 27th 1913 TO OCTOBER 10th 1915


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Front cover.

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Above four pages blank.

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Printed page of instructions for logkeepers.

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Mercurial barometer.

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27 October 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0am: Lit fires in 436 steam boat.

5.45am: Hands clean ship. Marines exercised at boat pulling.

6.0am: Lit fires in 34, 302 and 384 steam boats.

8.0am: French cruiser Dupleix [Duplea in log] out West.

9.30am: Hands employed repairing telephone cable.

11.15am: HMS Thistle out West.

1.40pm: HMS Monmouth out of dock and secured to No 2 buoy.

5.15pm: Drew fires in 302, 384 and 34.

11.20pm: Drew fires in 436.

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28 October 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.35am: HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

HMS Otter out West.

12.30pm: Otter and submarines returned.

2.0pm: Hands employed shifting berth and secured to North wall.

3.45pm: Two ratings joined from hospital.

5.20pm: Discharged one rating to SS Fatshan [Fat Shan in log] for HMS Moorhen. [Fatshan sails regularly between HK and Canton].

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29 October 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HM Destroyers Welland, Ribble, Usk, Whiting and Virago in from the East.

7.30am: HMS Hampshire out East.

8.30am: Submarines out West.

9.10am: HMS Otter out West.

9.45am: HMS Merlin in from West.

10.35am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.10pm: Otter returned.

2.30pm: Merlin berthed alongside wall.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to Welland, one to Ribble and one to Usk.

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30 October 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.10am: HM Subs C37 and C38 proceeded to Kowloon.

Hands refitting boats’ falls.

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31 October 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: HMS’ Usk and Welland went into Camber.


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1 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Saturday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 384.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in 34, 302 and 436.

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

9.45am: TBs 036 and 037 in West, 035 and 038 out West.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12 noon: Hands to make and mend.

12.30pm: Drew fires in 302.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

6.30pm: Drew fires in 34.

7.0pm: Drew fires in 436.

8.20pm: Three Midshipmen joined from SS Sunda.

8.45pm: Drew fires in 384.

Weather: Light Easterly winds, clear skies, temperatures in the mid 70s F.

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2 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Landed RC, Wesleyan and Presbyterian church parties.

10.30am: Divine service held on board attended by Rosario, Merlin, Sandpiper, Fame, Otter, Whiting, Virago, Ribble, Welland and Usk.

12.30pm: One rating joined from TB 036.

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3 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: Transport Somali in from East.

9.10am: USS Wilmington out East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

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4 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship. Marines landed for drill.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

66 ratings joined from HMS Merlin and six from HMS Rosario.

Transport Soudan out West.

12.10pm: Discharged Lt Went RMLI to HMS Monmouth.

1.15pm: HMS Thistle in from West.

1.40pm: HMS’ Fame, Ribble and Usk into dock.

5.30pm: Three ratings joined from Monmouth.

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5 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: HMS Triumph in East.

9.25am: Triumph proceeded into basin. [She is to be laid up in reserve.]

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.15pm: HMS Monmouth out East.

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6 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.15pm: Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

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7 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Hampshire in East.

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

Divers employed clearing Triumph's propellers.

2.20pm: One rating joined from hospital.

6.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

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8 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

1.0pm: Landed escort. One prisoner joined from detention barracks.

6.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Hampshire.

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9 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Landed RCs and NCs.

Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Merlin, Thistle, Welland, Ribble, Usk etc.

6.10pm: HMS Moorhen in West.

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10 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

2.30pm: Four ratings joined from hospital.

3.0pm: One prisoner joined from detention barracks.

4.30pm: One rating joined from HMS Virago.

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11 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

9.30am: HMS Whiting and HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

9.45am: Discharged 60 ratings to SS Neleus for passage to England.

12.50pm: Transport Somali out West.

2.15pm: One rating joined from hospital.

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12 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

8.45am: Discharged Captain Snepp, one CPO, four WOs and 15 ratings to SS Sumatra.

9.15am: HMS Whiting and HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

11.30am: Whiting and submarines returned.

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13 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

9.05am: HMS’ Virago and Whiting out East.

3.10pm: HMS Otter out West.

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14 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

11.20am: HMS Otter in West.

2.30pm: One rating joined from hospital.

5.15pm: One rating joined from HMS Merlin, one from HMS Hampshire and one from Triumph.

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15 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

9.25am: HMS Hampshire out East. TBs 036 and 037 out West.

10.30am: HMS’ Ribble, Welland and Fame left dock.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 150 and discharged one prisoner to detention barracks.

1.30pm: TBs 035 and 038 in West.

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16 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: Sunday routine.

10.30am: Divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Merlin, Thistle and Sandpiper.

5.30pm: HMS’ Whiting and Virago in West.

5.45pm: Discharged four ratings to Whiting.

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17 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

9.40am: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

2.35pm: HMS Merlin secured to buoy 6A.

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18 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

2.15pm: HMS’ Welland, Virago and Whiting into dock.

7.10pm: Mr Matthews joined from HMS Fame.

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19 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

10.45am: Discharged Mr Matthews CAC [possibly Chief Armourer’s Crew] to hospital.

11.0am: Submarines returned.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 132. Discharged one rating to detention barracks.

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20 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

8.55am: HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

10.45am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12.30pm: Subs returned.

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21 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

8.15am: TB 035 proceeded into basin.

9.40am: HMS’ Ribble and Otter in East.

2.20pm: One rating joined ship from hospital and one from detention barracks.

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22 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

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23 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0am: Landed working party for sick from TB 036.

3.50am: Working party returned with sick.

12 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

Landed RCs and NCs. Divine service onboard attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Thistle, Rosario, Sandpiper and tenders.

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24 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.30am: German gunboat Tiger in East.

5.0pm: HMS’ Ribble, Fame and Otter out East.

7.25pm: Ribble, Fame and Otter returned.

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25 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

8.35am: HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

9.10am: HMS Ribble out West.

11.30am: Ribble and Subs returned.

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26 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

6.45am: HMS Newcastle in East.

7.20am: HMS Minotaur in East.

8.0am: Saluted Commodore [at this time Captain RH Anstruther] with 11 guns, Newcastle returned salute.

8.15am: HMS’ Virago and Whiting left dock and secured to buoys.

9.0am: Japanese gunboat Tatsuta in East and saluted Commodore. Newcastle returned salute.

9.30am: Discharged two officers to Minotaur and one joined from same.

2.30pm: One prisoner joined from detention.

5.20pm: Discharged five ratings to Minotaur and one marine guard to hospital. Discharged one rating to Newcastle and one joined from same.

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27 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed onboard HMS Triumph.

9.25am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

In pm: Read warrant No 134 and discharged one prisoner to detention barracks.

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28 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.45am: HMS Newcastle entered dock.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.45am: HMS Sandpiper out East.

11.55am: Sandpiper returned.

3.0pm: HMS’ Virago, Whiting and Otter went into basin.

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29 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.0am: HIJMS Tatsuta out East.

4.0pm: Three ratings joined from HMS Minotaur.

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30 November 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Sunday routine. Church parties from HMS’ Triumph, Thistle, Rosario, Welland, Ribble, Usk and Taku attended divine service.

6.0pm: TB 036 in West.


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1 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Monday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 34.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in 36, 302 and 436.

6.45am: 22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.45am: HMS Sandpiper out West.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to TB 036.

9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

12.15pm: TB 036 out West.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in 302.

6.30pm: Drew fires in 36.

5.45pm: Discharged one rating to dockyard and one joined from same.

7.15pm: Drew fires in 436.

7.50pm: Drew fires in 34.

Weather: Light airs, dry, temperatures in the mid-60s F.

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2 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.0am: USS Callao out West.

2.10pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.

7.35pm: Discharged two ratings to SS Fatshan for HMS Moorhen.

10.40pm: HMS Fame out West.

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3 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

1.45am: HMS Fame in East.

7.55am: HMS Ribble went into basin.

8.30am: HMS Fame and HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.10pm: Fame and Subs returned.

5.10pm: Japanese gunboat Uji in West.

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4 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

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5 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.10am: Russian cruiser Askold in East.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 136. Discharged one rating to detention barracks.

2.0pm: HIJMS Uji out West.

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6 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10.15am: Russian cruiser Askold saluted Commodore, 11 guns.

12.25pm: HMS Robin in West.

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7 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Landed RCs and NCs. Church parties attended onboard from HMS Triumph, Thistle, Rosario, Robin, Usk, Fame, Welland, Ribble etc.

6.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037.

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8 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.25am: HMS Thistle out West.

11.10am: HMS Merlin shifted berth to No 5a buoy.

3.0pm: German gunboat Tiger in West.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 137.

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9 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

3.45pm: Landed funeral party.

5.45pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Minotaur.

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10 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

6.25am: Russian cruiser Askold out West.

6.55am: HMS Alacrity in West.

8.10am: One rating joined from HMS Taku.

9.25am: Subs out East.

10.40am: HMS’ Welland and Usk out East.

11.10am: HMS Robin out West.

11.45am: Welland, Usk and Subs returned.

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11 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.0am: HMS Welland and Usk out East.

1.30pm: Discharged seven ratings to Anhui for HMS Cadmus.

3.0pm: One rating joined from detention barracks.

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12 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

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13 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

19 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

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14 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

19 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Sunday routine. Divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Thistle, Rosario, Usk, Fame, etc.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

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15 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

19 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.15am: French cruiser Montcalm in East.

9.0am: One rating joined from TB 038

10.55am: TB 038 out West.

3.25pm: TB 037 in West.

4.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

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16 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

2.0pm: Mr Matthews CA and one rating joined from hospital.

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17 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

20 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.30am: HMS Chelmer, Jed, Kennet and Colne in East.

7.45am: HMS Hampshire in East.

11.0am: One rating joined from Jed, two from Kennet and one from Chelmer.

11.45am: HMS’ Welland and Usk in East.

4.25pm: Discharged two ratings to Welland and six to Hampshire.

5.30pm: One rating joined from Hampshire.

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18 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

19 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.15am: German gunboat Tsingtau out West.

9.30am: 35 hands from HMS Alacrity housed on board.

10.0am: TB 035 out West. Tsingtau in West.

11.15am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

3.30pm: Discharged Mr Morris, Art. Eng., to SS Himalaya [P&O] for passage to HMS Cadmus.

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19 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

20 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.30am: Held court of inquiry on board. German cruiser Scharnhorst in East.

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20 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

22 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

1.45pm: Landed escort. Two ratings joined from detention.

1.45pm: German gunboat Tsingtau out West.

5.0pm: French cruiser Montcalm out West.

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21 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10.0am: German gunboat Tiger in West.

Held divine service attended by parties from Triumph, Rosario, Ribble, Usk, Welland etc.

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22 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

17 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

11.10am: HMS Rosario secured to North Wall.

3.45pm: American gunboat Callao in West.

5.0pm: One rating joined from HMS Hampshire.

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23 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

17 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Kennet and one to HMS Usk.

11.0am: HMS’ Kennet and Colne proceeded into basin.

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24 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

17 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

11.10am: Five ratings joined from HMS Newcastle.

1.45pm: Discharged five ratings to detention barracks.

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25 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

17 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Sunday routine.

Held divine service attended by parties from Triumph, Rosario, Ribble, Usk, Welland, Fame Colne, Kennet etc.

4f5a7a61a2fc8e0923000121: (

26 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.30am: HMS Newcastle left dock and secured in Camber.

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27 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.45am: Discharged one rating to HMS Usk.

10.15am: HMS Colne proceeded into dock.

10.50am: HMS Alacrity proceeded into dock.

2.20pm: One rating joined from detention barracks.

4f5a7a61a2fc8e0923000122: (

28 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Held divine service attended by parties from Triumph, Rosario, Ribble, Usk, Welland, Fame, Colne, Kennet etc.

2.30pm: German gunboat Luchs in East.

2.30pm: One rating joined from SS Luchow* from Shanghai hospital.

* SS Luchow, China Navigation Co., 1905, 1,922 grt, scrapped 1938.

4f5a7a61a2fc8e0923000122: (

29 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a61a2fc8e0923000123: (

30 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

20 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.0am: Fired Court Martial gun [A single gun to mark the opening of a court martial, universally known as the Rogue’s Salute].

8.45am: HM Sub C38 out West.

9.30am: Held Court Martial on board.

9.30am: HMS’ Thistle, Usk and Sub C36 out West.

1.15pm: Usk and Subs C36 and C38 in West.

4f5a7a61a2fc8e0923000123: (

31 December 1913

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

20 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.20am: HMS Newcastle secured to No 2 buoy.

9.15am: HMS Usk and HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

10.40am: HMS Chelmer proceeded into basin.

11.50am: Usk and Subs in West.

1.10pm: HMS Minotaur into basin.

5.0pm: One rating joined from HMS Hampshire.

Page signed by Cdr MW Baillie-Hamilton.


4f5a7a62a2fc8e0923000124: (

1 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Thursday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 302.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in 34, 36 and 384.

6.45am: 16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Welland, one to HMS Usk and one to HMS Jed.

10.30am: Discharged 13 ratings and one officer to HMS Hampshire.

10.30am: TBs 036 and 037 out West.

1.10pm: Drew fires in 384.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.20pm: Drew fires in 34.

4.40pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Minotaur and one joined from same.

8.15pm: Drew fires in 302.

Weather: Light airs, fine and clear, max. temperature 63ºF at 4.0pm.

4f5a7a62a2fc8e0923000124: (

2 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.0am: SMS Tiger out West.

9.0am: Discharged Lt Stileman to P&O SS Egypt for passage to England.

9.15am: HMS Hampshire out East.

10.0am: USS Callao out West.

11.30am: One rating joined from HMS Sandpiper.

4f5a7a62a2fc8e0923000125: (

3 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.45am: HMS Chelmer secured to buoy. SMS Scharnhorst out East.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.10pm: HMS’ Moorhen and Sandpiper in West.

4.15pm: Discharged one rating to Triumph.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

4f5a7a62a2fc8e0923000125: (

4 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a62a2fc8e0923000126: (

5 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.0am: USS Wilmington out West.

12.50pm: German gunboat Luchs in West.

1.0pm: HMS’ Welland, Usk and Jed out West.

4.0pm: HMS Moorhen out West.

4.30pm: Jed returned.

4f5a7a62a2fc8e0923000126: (

6 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.25am: HMS Jed out West.

8.30am: HMS Ribble out West.

12 noon: HMS Usk in West.

12.20pm: Usk out West.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 144 and discharged one rating to detention.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined from hospital.

3.45pm: German cruiser Emden in East.

4f5a7a62a2fc8e0923000127: (

7 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10 hands from HMS Newcastle and 10 from HMS Minotaur employed transporting coal.

9.15am: HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

11.05am: Subs returned.

1.15pm: HMS Usk in East. HMS’ Alacrity and Colne out of dock.

2.30pm: Usk out East.

4f5a7a62a2fc8e0923000127: (

8 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10.0am: HMS Fame out West.

4f5a7a63a2fc8e0923000128: (

9 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

2.10pm: HMS Fame in West.

4f5a7a63a2fc8e0923000128: (

10 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.0am: HM Subs C36, C37 and C38 into dock.

1.15pm: USS Wilmington in West. Saluted C-in-C [at this time VA THM Jerram] 15 guns, HMS Newcastle returned salute.

4f5a7a63a2fc8e0923000129: (

11 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10.30am: Divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Rosario, Wivern, Chelmer, Fame and TB 038.

1.30pm: HMS’ Welland, Ribble, Usk and Jed in East.

2.0pm: One rating joined from Jed.

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to Ribble, one to Usk, one to Jed and one to Kennet.

4f5a7a63a2fc8e0923000129: (

12 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Newcastle out East.

11.20am: Coaled ship.

1.15pm: Chinese cruiser Yungswey [possibly Ying Swei is intended] in East. Saluted C-in-C 15 guns. Tamar returned salute.

5.0pm: One rating joined from TB 035.

4f5a7a63a2fc8e092300012a: (

13 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.40am: HMS Welland, Ribble and Jed out West.

12.20pm: Welland, Ribble and Jed returned.

2.25pm: Three ratings joined from detention barracks.

2.30pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4.20pm: German cruiser Emden out East.

4f5a7a63a2fc8e092300012a: (

14 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.45am: USS Wilmington out West.

10.45am: HM Subs C36, C37 and C38 out of dock and secured alongside HMS Rosario.

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to Triumph.

4f5a7a64a2fc8e092300012b: (

15 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.45am: TBs 035 and 038 out West.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Jed.

4.0pm: HMS Minotaur into dock.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Sandpiper.

4f5a7a64a2fc8e092300012b: (

16 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.10am: HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

10.50am: Chinese cruiser Yungsway out West.

12.45pm: Subs returned.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 145. Discharged one prisoner to detention barracks.

4f5a7a64a2fc8e092300012c: (

17 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a64a2fc8e092300012c: (

18 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.30am: Ship’s company mustered by the ledger*.

10.30am: Divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Merlin, Rosario and tenders.

* The entire ship’s company is drawn up on deck and each hand in turn steps up, salutes the Captain and states his rating, qualifications and good conduct badges. The muster roll and ship’s disciplinary record are checked and the man salutes again and returns to his division. The main purpose of this is to allow the Captain to put a name to the face, as even in a small ship there will be some hands that he never sees in the normal run of things.

4f5a7a64a2fc8e092300012d: (

19 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.10am: HMS Chelmer and Ribble out East.

9.0am: Divers from HMS Minotaur employed recovering 5 cwt sinker at Kowloon.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.45pm: Two ratings joined from detention barracks.

4f5a7a64a2fc8e092300012d: (

20 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Welland.

3.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Usk.

4f5a7a64a2fc8e092300012e: (

21 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Hands transporting coal.

1.20pm: HMS Yarmouth in East.

4f5a7a64a2fc8e092300012e: (

22 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

In am: Divers employed cleaning inlet.

4.0pm: HMS’ Ribble and Chelmer in East.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to Ribble and one to HMS Kennet.

4f5a7a65a2fc8e092300012f: (

23 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

1.55pm: German gunboat Luchs in West.

2.05pm: HMS Fame out West.

2.45pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Ribble.

4f5a7a65a2fc8e092300012f: (

24 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: HMS Fame in West.

4f5a7a65a2fc8e0923000130: (

25 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Seven hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Sunday routine. Divine service attended by Triumph, Welland, Ribble, Chelmer, Rosario etc.

4f5a7a65a2fc8e0923000130: (

26 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Seven hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.20am: HMS’ Welland, Chelmer and Ribble out West.

11.10am: USS Wilmington in West.

11.15am: Ribble in West. [According to the logs of Ribble and Welland, Ribble returned to collect a diving party from HMS Yarmouth to search for and recover a torpedo lost by Welland. Ribble left HK harbour again at 11.50 am.]

12 noon: Chelmer in East.

1.0pm: USS Abarenda in East.

4.30pm: Ribble in West.

5.0pm: Welland in West.

5.35pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Jed.

4f5a7a65a2fc8e0923000131: (

27 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Seven hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.0am: Dressed ship [for the German Emperor’s birthday].

12.20pm: HMS’ Welland, Chelmer and Ribble in West [having gone out earlier for torpedo practice firing; see logs of same].

12.50pm: Japanese gunboat Saga in East.

4f5a7a65a2fc8e0923000131: (

28 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Seven hands employed on HMS Triumph.

1.05pm: Japanese gunboat Tatsuta in West.

4f5a7a65a2fc8e0923000132: (

29 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Eight hands employed on HMS Triumph.

11.35am: German gunboat Luchs out West.

2.10pm: Japanese gunboat Tatsuta out East.

3.30pm: One rating joined from detention barracks.

4.30pm: French gunboats Vigilante and Argus in West.

4f5a7a65a2fc8e0923000132: (

30 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Seven hands employed on HMS Triumph.

6.45am: Japanese gunboat Saga out West.

10.35am: French cruiser Montcalm in East.

2.45pm: HMS’ Welland, Jed and Usk in West.

4f5a7a66a2fc8e0923000133: (

31 January 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Seven hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.35am: Chinese gunboat out East.


4f5a7a66a2fc8e0923000133: (

1 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

5.0am: Lit fires in steam boat 36.

6.15am: Hands clean ship.

7.0am: Eight hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.30am: Landed RC church party.

9.25am: Landed Wesleyans and Presbyterians.

9.30am: Divisions.

9.55am: RCs returned.

10.30am: Divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Merlin Rosario, Chelmer, Jed, Welland, Fame etc.

11.50am: Church parties returned.

1.0pm: Landed libertymen.

1.30pm: One officer joined from HMS Jed.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

7.50pm: Drew fires in 36.

Weather: Calm or light airs, dry and clear, temperatures in the mid 60s F.

4f5a7a66a2fc8e0923000134: (

2 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.35am: HMS’ Usk, Welland, Ribble, Jed and Chelmer out West.

8.15am: Austrian cruiser Kaiserin Elizabeth in East.

8.45am: USS Callao out West.

1.15pm: Ribble in West.

2.50pm: Chelmer in West.

4.15pm: Welland, Usk and Jed in West.

Discharged one rating to Ribble.

6.20pm: German gunboat Tsingtau in West.

4f5a7a66a2fc8e0923000134: (

3 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Hands employed transporting coal.

8.15am: Marines landed for drill.

9.0am: HMS’ Welland, Jed, Chelmer and Ribble out East.

10.20am: HMS Usk out East.

1.15pm: 16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

4.20pm: Marines returned.

4f5a7a66a2fc8e0923000135: (

4 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.15am: HMS Thistle in East.

8.30am: HMS Minotaur left dock and entered Camber.

10.0am: HMS Fame out West.

1.05pm: Fame in East.

3.10pm: HMS Yarmouth entered dock.

4f5a7a66a2fc8e0923000135: (

5 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HM Subs C36 and C38 out West.

9.25am: Hands coaling ship.

9.50am: HMS Fame out West.

1.15pm: 16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

1.35pm: Fame in West.

4f5a7a67a2fc8e0923000136: (

6 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

2.15pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.

2.30pm: One rating joined from detention barracks.

4f5a7a67a2fc8e0923000136: (

7 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

1.15pm: French cruiser Montcalm out East.

4.10pm: HMS Hampshire in East.

6.15pm: Four ratings joined from Hampshire.

4f5a7a67a2fc8e0923000137: (

8 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Merlin Rosario, Thistle, Colne, Fame and Kennet.

4f5a7a67a2fc8e0923000137: (

9 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

11.55am: Mr Flynn (G) joined from TB 035.

1.30pm: HMS’ Welland, Ribble, Jed and Chelmer in East.

6.30pm: Discharged eight ratings, one to Ribble, three to Welland, two to Jed, one to Chelmer and one to Usk.

4f5a7a67a2fc8e0923000138: (

10 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.30am: HMS Thistle out East.

8.10am: Landed Marines for drill.

9.15am: 15 hands employed on TBs 035 and 038.

9.25am: HMS Sub C36 out West.

10.0am: TBs 035 and 038 out West.

12.20pm: Sub C36 in West.

2.0pm: Discharged three ratings to SS Lingchow [probably Liangchow is intended] for HMS Newcastle.

4.0pm: Marines returned.

4f5a7a67a2fc8e0923000138: (

11 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Seven hands employed on HMS Triumph.

8.0am: Fired Court Martial gun.

9.30am: Held Court Martial on board.

10.0am: HMS Kennet secured to buoy

6.45am: Hands returned from sweeping in TBs.

4f5a7a68a2fc8e0923000139: (

12 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.30am: HMS Jed out West.

1.15pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

1.30pm: Jed in West.

4f5a7a68a2fc8e0923000139: (

13 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

7.30am: HMS’ Welland, Usk, Ribble, Jed and Chelmer out West.

4.30pm: Same returned.

Discharged one rating to Usk

French gunboat Vigilante went into Taikoo dock.

4f5a7a68a2fc8e092300013a: (

14 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

4f5a7a68a2fc8e092300013a: (

15 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Merlin Rosario, Welland, Usk, Ribble, Jed, Chelmer, Fame and Kennet.

4f5a7a68a2fc8e092300013b: (

16 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

11.0am: HMS Thistle in East and secured to 5a buoy.

2.0pm: One prisoner joined from Triumph.

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to Thistle.

4f5a7a68a2fc8e092300013b: (

17 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands transporting coal.

9.30am: Marines landed for drill.

11.0am: Same returned.

1.30pm: Four hands employed on HMS Triumph.

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Usk.

4f5a7a69a2fc8e092300013c: (

18 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: One rating joined from HMS Triumph.

8.15am: 12 hands employed drawing stores for Triumph.

9.25am: Discharged two officers to SS Nyanza for passage to England.

1.15pm: Seven hands employed on Triumph.

3.30pm: Two prisoners and four escort joined from SS Ying Chow (Yingchow).

4.20pm: Japanese destroyer Umuguni in West. (Minotaur recorded this as Usukumo and it may be the Murakumo class destroyer Usugumo.)

4f5a7a69a2fc8e092300013c: (

19 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

2.0pm: Discharged two prisoners to detention barracks. Discharged four escort to SS Anhui.

4f5a7a69a2fc8e092300013d: (

20 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

16 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

9.0am: German gunboat Tsingtau out West.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Hampshire.

4f5a7a69a2fc8e092300013d: (

21 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

13 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a69a2fc8e092300013e: (

22 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

14 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Merlin Rosario, Usk, Ribble, Chelmer and Fame.

5.10pm: Mr Bailey and Mr Arnott (Bosuns) joined from SS Malta.

4f5a7a69a2fc8e092300013e: (

23 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

14 hands employed on HMS Triumph.

6.35am: Austrian cruiser Kaiserin Elizabeth out East.

8.0am: Japanese destroyer Umuzini (probably Usugumo) out East.

9.25am: HMS Minotaur secured to buoy.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to Triumph.

2.0pm: HMS Hampshire went into Camber.

5.0pm: Discharged 35 ratings to Triumph.

4f5a7a69a2fc8e092300013f: (

24 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.45am: HMS Triumph left basin and secured to buoy.

4f5a7a69a2fc8e092300013f: (

25 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: HMS Yarmouth left dock and secured inside basin.

4.10pm: Discharged one rating to Triumph.

4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000140: (

26 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Four hands employed sweeping* in TBs 036 and 037.

9.30am: Four Stokers from HMS Minotaur employed cleaning stokehold.

10.10am: HMS Alacrity out West.

10.30am: HMS’ Merlin, Ribble, Usk and Chelmer into dock.

11.15am: USS Wilmington saluted Commodore, 11 guns, Tamar returned 11 guns.

2.0pm: HMS Fame out West.

5.10pm: French gunboat Argus in West.

* A rope or light chain is lowered between two boats or small ships and dragged along the seabed to snag and recover a lost object.

4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000140: (

27 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Four Stokers from Minotaur employed on board

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000141: (

28 February 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.05pm: Read warrant No 147.

1.25pm: HMS Fame in East.


4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000141: (

1 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Sunday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 302.

6.0am: Hands clean ship.

8.30am: Landed RC church party.

9.25am: Landed Wesleyan and Presbyterian church parties.

9.30am: Divisions.

9.55am: RCs returned.

10.30am: Held divine service, attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Merlin, Rosario, Jed, Ribble, Chelmer, Fame etc.

11.55am: Church parties returned.

1.0pm: Landed libertymen.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

10.30am: Drew fires in steam boat.

4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000142: (

2 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: German gunboat Tiger in West.

8.50am: TB 035 in West.

3.0pm: HMS Doris in East.

5.0pm: HMS Moorhen in West.

4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000142: (

3 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: HMS Alacrity in East.

4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000143: (

4 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Japanese cruiser Kasagi in East.

8.15am: German gunboat Tiger out West.

8.30am: USS Wilmington out West.

9.45am: Received 46 ratings from HMS Doris and discharged 21 ratings to same.

3.0pm: German gunboat Jaguar in East.

7.10pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000143: (

5 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: French gunboat Argus out West.

7.40am: HMS Fame with HM Submarines C37 and C38 out East.

8.40am: HMS Minotaur out East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.10am: Saluted Japanese Admiral with 15 guns.

11.25am: Fame and Submarines returned.

11.40am: Saluted Chinese Admiral with 15 guns.

3.0pm: HMS Moorhen out West.

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6 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Doris out East.

10.30am: HMS’ Welland and Kennet in East.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to Welland, one to HMS Usk and one to HMS Jed.

6.30pm: One rating joined from Welland.

9.15pm: Discharged Surgeon Patterson to HMS Sandpiper.

4f5a7a6aa2fc8e0923000144: (

7 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.30pm: German gunboat Tiger in West.

4f5a7a6ba2fc8e0923000145: (

8 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service, attended by parties from Triumph, Rosario, Merlin, Jed, Chelmer, Ribble, Welland, Usk, Kennet, Fame etc.

1.15pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria in West.

1.25pm: Saluted Portuguese gunboat with 15 guns.

4f5a7a6ba2fc8e0923000145: (

9 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.30pm: Japanese cruiser Tsugaru in East.

3.35pm: Escort landed to take prisoner from detention to hospital.

5.15pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Triumph.

5.50pm: Japanese flagship Kasagi [Kasiga in log] out East.

4f5a7a6ba2fc8e0923000146: (

10 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Saluted Japanese cruiser Tsugaru [Tsugau in log] with 15 guns.

8.50am: German gunboat Tiger out West.

5.0pm: 80 ratings from HMS Merlin housed on board. [Merlin is in dry dock and they have just cleared the mess decks for painting.]

4f5a7a6ba2fc8e0923000146: (

11 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS’ Kennet and Welland out West.

9.10am: Portuguese gunboat Patria went into Kowloon dock.

2.10pm: Kennet and Welland returned.

4f5a7a6ba2fc8e0923000147: (

12 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: HMS’ Welland and Kennet out West.

9.0am: HM Submarines C37 and C38 out West.

9.35am: HMS Fame out West.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.30pm: Destroyers and Submarines returned.

3.55pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Triumph.

4.50pm: HMS Minotaur in East.

4f5a7a6ba2fc8e0923000147: (

13 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: German gunboat Jaguar out West.

10.30am: HMS’ Merlin, Usk, Chelmer and Ribble out of dock, made fast in basin.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

3.55pm: HMS Hampshire went into dock.

4f5a7a6ca2fc8e0923000148: (

14 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Kennet and HM Submarines C36 and C37 out East.

9.05am: HMS Yarmouth out East.

9.30am: Italian cruiser Marco Polo [Marcopolo in log] in East.

11.10am: Kennet and Submarines returned.

3.20pm: USS Wilmington in West.

4f5a7a6ca2fc8e0923000148: (

15 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service, attended by parties from Triumph, Rosario, Merlin, Usk, Kennet, Jed, Welland, Ribble, Wivern and Fame.

9.55am: Chinese cruiser Hai Yung out East.

9.56am: Japanese cruiser Tsugaru out East.

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16 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: HM Submarine C37 out West.

10.20am: Chinese flagship Chao Ho in West.

12.55pm: C37 returned.

1.25pm: Italian gunboat Sebastiano Caboto [Cabot Sebastamo in log] in West.

4.40pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a6ca2fc8e0923000149: (

17 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Ribble out West.

11.35am: Ribble in East.

2.0pm: HMS’ Sandpiper and Robin in West.

4f5a7a6ca2fc8e092300014a: (

18 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.10am: HMS Doris in East.

9.30am: HMS Kennet and HM Submarines C36 and C37 out West.

10.35am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

3.15pm: Kennet and Submarines returned.

5.0pm: HMS Merlin’s crew returned to their ship.

4f5a7a6ca2fc8e092300014a: (

19 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Fired court martial gun.

9.30am: Court martial held on board.

9.45am: HMS Ribble out West.

12.45pm: Ribble returned.

2.30pm: Court martial held on board.

3.30pm: HMS Sandpiper went into Whampoa dock.

5.45pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Doris.

4f5a7a6ca2fc8e092300014b: (

20 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.05pm: HMS Sandpiper returned from Whampoa dock.

4f5a7a6ca2fc8e092300014b: (

21 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: Italian gunboat Sebastiano Caboto [Cabot Sebastanio in log] out West.

10.10am: HMS’ Robin and Sandpiper out West.

11.0am: American gunboat Callao made fast to No 6 buoy.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Welland.

5.0pm: Discharged five ratings to HMS Doris.

4f5a7a6da2fc8e092300014c: (

22 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service, attended by parties from Triumph, Rosario, Merlin, Chelmer, Usk, Kennet, Jed, Welland, Ribble, Wivern, Fame and TB 036.

12.40pm: Chinese flagship Hai Chi [Hai Chai in log] in East.

2.0pm: Same out West.

4f5a7a6da2fc8e092300014c: (

23 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: American gunboat Callao out East.

7.0am: Nine ratings landed for mobilisation [at the start of several days of combined army and navy manoeuvres].

9.10am: HMS’ Kennet, Ribble, Welland, Usk and Chelmer out East.

10.05am: HMS Minotaur out East.

11.45am: HM Submarines C36, C37 and C38 out East.

12.05pm: HMS Rosario out East. HMS Fame out West.

1.15pm: HMS Thistle out East.

4f5a7a6da2fc8e092300014d: (

24 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.55pm: HMS Moorhen in East.

1.45pm: Italian cruiser Marco Polo out East.

2.15pm: Received four ratings from hospital.

4.50pm: Chinese cruiser Chao Ho in East.

5.05pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Doris.

4f5a7a6da2fc8e092300014d: (

25 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Doris out East.

8.15am: French gunboat Vigilante out West.

9.25am: Hands returning coal bags.

5.55pm: HMS Thistle in East.

4f5a7a6da2fc8e092300014e: (

26 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: HMS Fame in West.

9.05am: HMS Minotaur in East.

9.30am: Italian gunboat Sebastiano Caboto in West.

9.45am: HMS Hampshire left dock and secured in basin.

10.0am: HMS Welland, Ribble, Kennet and Usk in East.

10.25am: HM Submarines C36, C37 and C38 in East.

10.40am: HMS Chelmer in West.

1.30pm: Hands returning mobilising stores.

2.05pm: HMS Colne out West.

4.20pm: Discharged one rating to Kennet, one to Minotaur, two to Usk, one to Chelmer and two to Ribble.

4.30pm: HMS’ Rosario and Colne in West.

4f5a7a6da2fc8e092300014e: (

27 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS’ Moorhen and Kennet taken into dock.

10.10am: HMS Thistle out West.

3.0pm: Chelmer went into basin.

4f5a7a6da2fc8e092300014f: (

28 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: HMS Colne went into Whampoa dock.

4f5a7a6da2fc8e092300014f: (

29 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Usk, Moorhen, Welland, Ribble, Chelmer, Jed, Fame, Wivern, Kennet and TB 036.

2.45pm: American gunboat Callao in East.

6.10pm: Hands to bathe.

4f5a7a6ea2fc8e0923000150: (

30 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS’ Ribble, Usk and Welland out West.

9.15am: HMS Alacrity out East.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

10.15am: Usk in East.

1.35pm: Japanese gunboat Saga in West.

4.50pm: Received one rating from HMS Triumph.

5.50pm: Discharged one rating to Triumph.

4f5a7a6ea2fc8e0923000150: (

31 March 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Usk out West.

11.25am: Usk returned.

11.30am: HMS Colne towed out of Whampoa dock and secured in basin.

1.45pm: Japanese gunboat Saga out East.


4f5a7a6ea2fc8e0923000151: (

1 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Wednesday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 436.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in SBs 384, 36 and 34.

6.30am: Coal lighter alongside.

7.0am: American gunboat Callao out West.

Hands employed coaling ship.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

11.0am: TB 038 out West.

1.30pm: Hands drawing provisions.

2.30pm: HMS Alacrity in East.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in 384 and 36.

5.10pm: Drew fires in 34.

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Kennet.

10.30pm: Drew fires in 436.

4f5a7a6ea2fc8e0923000151: (

2 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Colne out West.

9.0am: HMS Usk out West.

9.15am: Colne in West.

11.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.50am: Usk in West.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to Usk.

9.0pm: Received Mr Noble Art. Eng. from HMS Fame.

4f5a7a6ea2fc8e0923000152: (

3 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Fired court martial gun.

9.30am: Held court martial on board.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

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4 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a6ea2fc8e0923000153: (

5 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Moorhen, Wivern, Welland, Ribble, Usk, Fame, Chelmer, Kennet and TB 035.

4f5a7a6ea2fc8e0923000153: (

6 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Colne out West.

7.55am: HMS Chelmer from basin to buoy.

8.0am: Eight hands employed on HMS Wivern.

9.0am: HMS Fame out East.

11.30am: Colne in West.

3.45am: Colne out West.

5.15pm: HMS Alacrity out East.

5.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Minotaur.

8.0pm: Colne in West.

4f5a7a6fa2fc8e0923000154: (

7 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.55pm: HMS Kennet from basin to buoy.

2.05pm: Received one rating from hospital.

3.0pm: HMS Fame in West.

4.40pm: French gunboat Argus in West.

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8 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.15pm: Read warrant No 152. Discharged one prisoner to detention barracks.

3.0pm: HM Submarines C37 and C38 out East.

4.0pm: HMS Minotaur out East.

5.30pm: HMS Colne, Chelmer, Kennet, Jed, Usk and Ribble out East.

6.45pm: Submarines C37 and C38 in East.

4f5a7a6fa2fc8e0923000155: (

9 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7a6fa2fc8e0923000155: (

10 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine [for Good Friday].

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Merlin, Rosario, Moorhen, Wivern, Welland, Fame and TB 036.

1.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Triumph.

1.30pm: Ship’s company of HMS Welland hulked* on board.

* hulked in this sense meaning accommodated.

4f5a7a6fa2fc8e0923000156: (

11 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.40pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a6fa2fc8e0923000156: (

12 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Moorhen, Wivern, Fame, Merlin, Rosario, Welland and TB 038.

4f5a7a70a2fc8e0923000157: (

13 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Merlin out West.

10.15am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.20am: HMS Hampshire out of Camber and made fast to buoy.

12 noon: HMS Triumph slipped buoy and made fast in basin.

4f5a7a70a2fc8e0923000157: (

14 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Fame proceeded into dock.

2.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Moorhen.

7.0pm: Ship’s company of HMS Fame hulked on board.

4f5a7a70a2fc8e0923000158: (

15 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.05am: HMS Moorhen and TB 038 out West.

1.30pm: Landed escort and same returned with two ratings from detention barracks.

2.40pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Triumph.

2.45pm: TB 035 in West

3.20pm: US gunboat Callao in West.

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16 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Hampshire out East.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.45am: Hampshire in East.

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17 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Two ratings joined ship from Wei-hai-wei, per SS Chip Sang.

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18 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Chinese flagship Hai Chai in East.

8.30am: Saluted Chinese Admiral with 13 guns.

9.20am: HMS Hampshire out East.

10.30am: HMS Merlin in West.

1.30pm: Hai Chai out West.

2.15pm: HMS Thistle in West.

2.25pm: Hampshire in East.

4f5a7a70a2fc8e092300015a: (

19 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

9.30am: Muster by the ledger.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Merlin, Rosario, Welland, Wivern, Fame, TB 035 and TB 037.

11.30am: HMS Thistle out West.

4f5a7a70a2fc8e092300015a: (

20 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Rosario out of basin and made fast to buoy.

9.0am: Discharged one rating to Rosario.

9.20am: HM Submarines C36, C37 and C38 out East.

10.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.25am: Rosario out East.

4.30pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Hampshire.

4.30pm: Sub C38 in East.

4f5a7a71a2fc8e092300015b: (

21 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Merlin out West.

11.15am: Japanese gunboat Uji in East.

5.25pm: HMS Hampshire out East.

4f5a7a71a2fc8e092300015b: (

22 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.05am: Japanese gunboat Uji out West.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 153.

4f5a7a71a2fc8e092300015c: (

23 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: Chinese flagship Hai Chai in West.

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24 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Bramble in East.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: French cruiser Dupleix in West. Saluted Commodore with 11 guns, Tamar returned salute with 11 guns.

3.30pm: HMS Robin in West.

5.0pm: Chinese flagship Hai Chai out West.

4f5a7a71a2fc8e092300015d: (

25 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

5.0pm: Hands to bathe.

4f5a7a71a2fc8e092300015d: (

26 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Bramble, Welland, Wivern, Fame TB 035 and TB 037.

4f5a7a71a2fc8e092300015e: (

27 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS Fame out of dock and secured in basin and TB 037 out of dock and towed to Kowloon.

4f5a7a71a2fc8e092300015e: (

28 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Yarmouth in West.

9.05am: Discharged five Marines to TB 035.

10.0am: TBs 035 and 037 out West.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4.0pm: Received one rating from Yarmouth.

6.15pm: TBs 035 and 037 in West and five Marines returned onboard from TB 035.

8.0pm: Discharged one rating to SS Fatshan [Fat San in log] for passage to HMS Thistle.

4f5a7a72a2fc8e092300015f: (

29 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.05am: Hands employed sweeping in TBs.

9.30am: Three hands employed at Stonecutters I., remainder refitting boats’ falls.

4f5a7a72a2fc8e092300015f: (

30 April 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: HMS’ Bramble and Robin went into dock.

6.45am: French cruiser Dupleix out East.

12.10pm: Chinese cruiser Chao-Ho in West.

6.45pm: Transport Dufferin* in West.

8.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037.

8.0pm: HMS Thistle in West.

* An RIM troopship, 1904, 7,457 tons.


4f5a7a72a2fc8e0923000160: (

1 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Friday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 36.

5.30am: HMS Yarmouth out East.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in SBs 436, 302 and 34.

8.10am: Paid monthly money.

9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

5.30am: HMS Yarmouth out East.

11.30am: TB 038 in West.

12.30pm: French gunboat Argus in West.

1.15pm: Discharged two ratings to P&O Nubia.

1.45pm: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines C36 and C37 in East.

2.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

3.0pm: Drew fires in SB 34.

5.0pm: Received one rating from Rosario.

5.50pm: Drew fires in SB 302.

7.50pm: Drew fires in SB 36.

4f5a7a72a2fc8e0923000160: (

2 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: French gunboat Argus out West.

11.10am: Chinese cruiser Chao Ho out West.

4f5a7a73a2fc8e0923000161: (

3 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

4f5a7a73a2fc8e0923000161: (

4 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands drawing provisions and returning stores.

5.0pm: HMS Thistle out East.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a73a2fc8e0923000162: (

5 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Five hands away sweeping in TBs 036 and 038.

2.05pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4.50pm: SMS Tsingtau in West.

7.50pm: Sweeping party returned.

4f5a7a73a2fc8e0923000162: (

6 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Dressed ship with mast head flags.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12 noon: Fired Royal salute for King George V Accession day.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 155.

1.45pm: Landed escort with one prisoner for detention.

4f5a7a73a2fc8e0923000163: (

7 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7a73a2fc8e0923000163: (

8 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Discharged Commander Baillie Hamilton to hospital.

7.35pm: Discharged one rating to SS Vinshan for passage to HMS Moorhen.

4f5a7a73a2fc8e0923000164: (

9 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7a73a2fc8e0923000164: (

10 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Bramble, Rosario, Wivern, Welland, Fame and TB 036.

4f5a7a74a2fc8e0923000165: (

11 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS’ Bramble and Robin left dock and secured in basin.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.20pm: German gunboat Tsingtau out West.

4f5a7a74a2fc8e0923000165: (

12 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: TB 038 in West.

10.0am: HMS Thistle in East.

2.0pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

4f5a7a74a2fc8e0923000166: (

13 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.45am: TB 038 in West.

5.0pm: Japanese gunboat Uji in West.

4f5a7a74a2fc8e0923000166: (

14 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Fame ship’s company returned to their ship.

7.30am: American gunboat Callao out West.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: Fame left basin and made fast to buoy.

4f5a7a74a2fc8e0923000167: (

15 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.05am: Japanese gunboat Uji out West.

2.0pm: Read warrant No 156.

5.50pm: TB 037 in West.

4f5a7a74a2fc8e0923000167: (

16 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7a75a2fc8e0923000168: (

17 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

5.0pm: Hands to bathe.

4f5a7a75a2fc8e0923000168: (

18 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS’ Thistle and Fame out West.

9.30am: Hands employed shifting ship into basin.

11.30am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

1.15pm: Landed escort, same returned with one prisoner from detention.

4f5a7a75a2fc8e0923000169: (

19 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.35am: Transport Hardinge in West.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7a75a2fc8e0923000169: (

20 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: Hands unshipping port lower booms.

11.0am: Discharged Mr Chubb, Gunner, to hospital.

2.30pm: Returned lower booms to dockyard.

4f5a7a75a2fc8e092300016a: (

21 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: Air bedding.

Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7a75a2fc8e092300016a: (

22 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7a75a2fc8e092300016b: (

23 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.10am: HMS Fame in West.

3.15am: TB 035 in West.

10.45am: Discharged one Chinese rating to hospital.

12.45pm: Fame out East.

7.10pm: Fame in East.

4f5a7a75a2fc8e092300016b: (

24 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Bramble, Rosario, Welland, Wivern and Fame.

4f5a7a76a2fc8e092300016c: (

25 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.50am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7a76a2fc8e092300016c: (

26 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: Coaled ship from lighter.

8.0am: Dressed ship, masthead flags. [Queen Mary’s birthday.]

10.10am: HMS Bramble out East.

11.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.0am: Bramble in East.

1.15pm: Landed escort, same returned with one prisoner from detention.

4f5a7a76a2fc8e092300016d: (

27 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: Read warrant No 157.

5.0pm: HMS Thistle in West.

4f5a7a76a2fc8e092300016d: (

28 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: HMS Robin out West.

6.30am: USS Wilmington out East.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.10am: HMS Sandpiper in West.

6.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Thistle.

4f5a7a76a2fc8e092300016e: (

29 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Landed Marines for drill.

9.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Thistle.

4f5a7a76a2fc8e092300016e: (

30 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Bramble out East.

8.50am: Chinese gunboat Yung Chiang in East.

10.15am: One WO joined from P&O Khyber.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

1.0pm: Yung Chiang out West.

3.45pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

4f5a7a76a2fc8e092300016f: (

31 May 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from HMS’ Triumph, Thistle, Rosario, Wivern, Welland, Sandpiper, Fame and TBs 035 and 037.


4f5a7a76a2fc8e092300016f: (

1 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Monday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 384.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

5.50am: Marines landed for drill.

6.0am: Lit fires in 302, 34 and 36.

6.30am: Hands to bathe.

7.0am: Marines returned.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

9.15am: Reliefs took place at Cape D’Aguilar.

10.30am: Drew fires in 36.

2.25pm: HIJMS Uji in West.

3.55pm: Drew fires in 34.

5.0pm: Hands to bathe.

6.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 036.

7.50pm: Drew fires in 384.

4f5a7a77a2fc8e0923000170: (

2 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45am: TB 036 in West.

6.50am: Japanese gunboat Uji out West.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.30pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7a77a2fc8e0923000170: (

3 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Marines landed for review.

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags. [The King’s birthday.]

12.15pm: Transport Hardinge in East.

12.15pm: Hoisted typhoon red signal.

11.30pm: HMS Triumph left Camber and secured to buoy.

4f5a7a77a2fc8e0923000171: (

4 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30am: TB 036 in West.

5.0am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

9.0am: HMS Sandpiper into Whampoa dock.

2.0pm: HMS Fame out West.

4.40pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a77a2fc8e0923000171: (

5 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.10pm: HMS Fame in West.

2.15pm: Chinese cruiser Yuen Hing in West.

2.30pm: Transport Hardinge out West.

2.35pm: HMS Britomart in East.

4f5a7a77a2fc8e0923000172: (

6 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Britomart went into Camber.

9.05am: HMS Sandpiper left Whampoa dock and secured in Camber.

4f5a7a77a2fc8e0923000172: (

7 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Britomart, Thistle, Rosario, Wivern and Fame.

4f5a7a77a2fc8e0923000173: (

8 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.35am: TB 036 in West.

11.15am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

2.40pm: Received two ratings from hospital. [It is likely that Tamar supplies ratings to the hospital to act as orderlies.]

4f5a7a77a2fc8e0923000173: (

9 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS Thistle out East.

11.30am: Thistle returned.

5.0pm: Thistle out East.

4f5a7a78a2fc8e0923000174: (

10 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Discharged Mr Hammond, Bosun, to SS Novara for passage to England.

Hands employed whitewashing roof.

4f5a7a78a2fc8e0923000174: (

11 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.40am: Japanese gunboat Uji in West.

2.0pm: Lt Wiles joined ship from SS Hin Chow.

7.45pm: Discharged two ratings to SS Fatshan [Fat San in log] for passage to HMS Moorhen.

4f5a7a78a2fc8e0923000175: (

12 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.35am: TB 036 in West.

8.10am: Japanese gunboat Uji out West.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.40pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4f5a7a78a2fc8e0923000175: (

13 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Transport Dufferin [Dufferine in log] in West.

6.10pm: Received one rating from HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a78a2fc8e0923000176: (

14 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: USS Wilmington in East.

7.55am: HMS Fame out West.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Britomart, Rosario, Welland, Wivern and TB 038.

4f5a7a78a2fc8e0923000176: (

15 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.35pm: HMS Sandpiper left basin and secured to buoy.

3.55pm: HMS Fame in West.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to Sandpiper.

4f5a7a78a2fc8e0923000177: (

16 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: HMS Sandpiper out West.

8.10am: Transport Dufferin out West.

8.10am: US gunboat Wilmington saluted Commodore with 11 guns, HMS Triumph returned salute with 11 guns.

2.15pm: Received five ratings from hospital.

3.30pm: Discharged four ratings to Triumph.

4f5a7a78a2fc8e0923000177: (

17 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Discharged Lt Barton to SS Hui Chow for passage to HMS Minotaur.

3.20pm: US gunboat Callao in West.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e0923000178: (

18 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4f5a7a79a2fc8e0923000178: (

19 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.30pm: TB 035 in West.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e0923000179: (

20 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one rating to SS Delta for passage to England.

11.30am: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction SE.

6.0pm: Hoisted black typhoon signal, direction SE.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e0923000179: (

21 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by HMS’ Britomart, Welland, Wivern and Rosario.

11.15am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e092300017a: (

22 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags. [Coronation Day]

2.45pm: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines C36, C37 and C38 left dock and secured in basin.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e092300017a: (

23 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS’ Britomart and Welland went into dock.

2.0pm: Hands employed sending down fore gallant mast.

5.15pm: Britomart’s ship’s company hulked on board.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e092300017b: (

24 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: HMS Fame out West.

9.30am: Hands employed replacing wireless yard.

10.0am: Discharged one Chinese rating to hospital.

3.45pm: Received seven ratings from SS Syria.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e092300017b: (

25 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: Discharged three ratings to HMS Triumph.

1.45pm: Landed escort and same returned with one rating from detention barracks.

3.40pm: HMS Fame in West.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e092300017c: (

26 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged Eng. Cdr Jennings to SS Nellore.

2.0pm. Landed escort and same returned with one rating from detention barracks.

7.45pm: Discharged one rating to SS Kinshan for passage to HMS Moorhen.

4f5a7a79a2fc8e092300017c: (

27 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.55am: Received five ratings from SS Liangchow.

9.0am: Japanese gunboat Uji in West.

1.45pm: Discharged one rating to detention barracks.

4f5a7a7aa2fc8e092300017d: (

28 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Triumph, Britomart, Welland, Rosario, Wivern, Fame and TB 035.

3.55pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a7aa2fc8e092300017d: (

29 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: HMS’ Chelmer and Jed in East.

7.10am: Escort sent to Jed and Chelmer and same returned with two prisoners.

8.0am: Japanese gunboat Uji out West.

11.30am: Discharged nine ratings to hospital.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 158. Discharged two ratings to detention barracks.

4f5a7a7aa2fc8e092300017e: (

30 June 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: US gunboat Callao out West.

11.30am: Discharged four ratings to hospital.

2.30pm: Discharged one rating to SS Liangchow for passage to HMS Clio.

2.30pm: Received one rating from hospital.


4f5a7a7aa2fc8e092300017e: (

1 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Wednesday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 34.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in SBs 436 and 384.

6.30am: Hands to bathe.

6.30am: Lit fires in 302.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.15am: Divisions and prayers.

9.25am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.0am: Drew fires in 302.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.0pm: Hands to bathe.

5.30pm: Drew fires in 436.

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037.

6.30pm: HMS Chelmer out West.

7.0pm: Drew fires in 384.

11.30pm: Drew fires in 34.

4f5a7a7aa2fc8e092300017f: (

2 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: TB 036 proceeded into Camber.

11.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.45pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Triumph.

4.40pm: HMS Fame out West.

4f5a7a7aa2fc8e092300017f: (

3 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Chinese cruiser Kwang Hai in West and saluted Commodore with 11 guns.

10.10am: HMS Chelmer in West.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating

2.15pm: One rating joined from hospital.

6.40pm: Chelmer out West.

4f5a7a7aa2fc8e0923000180: (

4 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Received one rating from HMS Moorhen per SS Fatshan.

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags. [US Independence Day]

9.40am: HMS Chelmer in West.

8.20pm: Chinese cruiser Hai Chai in East.

4f5a7a7aa2fc8e0923000180: (

5 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0am: Two ratings joined ship from TB 035 per SS On Lee

8.25am: Chinese cruiser Hai Chai saluted Commodore with 11 guns.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Triumph, Britomart, Welland, Rosario, Wivern, Chelmer, Jed, TB 037 and TB 038.

6.30pm: HMS Chelmer out West.

4f5a7a7ba2fc8e0923000181: (

6 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.20am: Chinese cruiser Kwang Hai out East.

3.45pm: Japanese gunboat Uji in West.

4f5a7a7ba2fc8e0923000181: (

7 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Chinese cruiser Hai Chai out West.

10.30am: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction East.

1.45pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

2.05pm: Received one rating from hospital.

6.50pm: Hoisted black typhoon signal, direction East.

9.0pm: HMS Chelmer in West.

4f5a7a7ba2fc8e0923000182: (

8 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged one rating to SS Khyber [Kyhbeir in log] for passage to England.

4f5a7a7ba2fc8e0923000182: (

9 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: Changed typhoon signal to direction North.

11.30am: Discharged five ratings to hospital.

12.30pm: Hauled down typhoon signal.

1.45pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

2.15pm: Japanese gunboat Uji out West.

4f5a7a7ba2fc8e0923000183: (

10 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.10am: USS Wilmington out East.

9.25am: Hands replacing fore topgallant mast.

11.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: One rating joined from hospital.

6.10pm: Discharged one rating to SS Sui Tai [ex Hamburg America Line] for passage to HMS Sandpiper.

4f5a7a7ba2fc8e0923000183: (

11 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: HMS’ Britomart and Welland and HM Sub C38 left dock to secure in basin.

8.50am: HMS Chelmer in West.

11.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.15pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

4f5a7a7ca2fc8e0923000184: (

12 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Triumph, Rosario, Wivern, Britomart, Welland, Chelmer, Jed and TBs 036, 037 and 038.

6.30pm: HMS Chelmer out West.

7.30pm: Ship’s company of HMS Britomart returned to their ship.

4f5a7a7ca2fc8e0923000184: (

13 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Ship’s company of HMS Welland returned to their ship.

5.0pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.

4f5a7a7ca2fc8e0923000185: (

14 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Triumph entered dock.

9.50am: HM Sub C37 out West.

2.05pm: C37 returned.

2.20pm: Received three ratings from hospital.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037 for passage to HMS Sandpiper.

6.0pm: Ship’s company of HMS Triumph hulked on board.

10.55pm: HMS Jed out West.

4f5a7a7ca2fc8e0923000185: (

15 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: HMS Chelmer entered basin.

10.15am: HMS Fame in West.

2.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Welland.

3.30pm: Discharged one rating to Fame.

7.0pm: TB 035 in West.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e0923000186: (

16 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.50am: HMS Jed in West.

2.10am: TB 037 in West.

11.05am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

5.55pm: Jed out West.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e0923000186: (

17 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.10am: HMS Welland out West.

2.10pm: Welland returned.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e0923000187: (

18 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Jed in West.

10.45am: Received S/Lt Glennie* from HMS Britomart.

11.0am: HIJMS Saga in East.

* I believe this to Irvine Gordon Glennie, later Admiral Glennie.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e0923000187: (

19 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.55am: HMS Jed out West.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Triumph, Britomart, Welland, Rosario, Chelmer, Wivern, Fame and TB 036.

10.45am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to TB 036.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e0923000188: (

20 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.35am: HMS Welland left basin and secured to No 5 buoy.

1.45pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

2.30pm: HMS Jed in West.

4.15pm: Chinese TB Hien Kong in East.

4.55pm: Jed out West.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e0923000188: (

21 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: HIJMS Saga out West.

9.30am: Chinese cruiser Nah Shin in East.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.45am: HMS Clio in East.

2.0pm: USS Callao in West.

2.15pm: One rating joined from hospital.

2.15pm: Three ratings joined from SS Malta.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 160.

5.0pm: Discharged three ratings to HMS Welland and three to Clio.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e0923000189: (

22 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Chinese cruiser Nan Shin and TB Hien Kong out West.

5.45am: HMS Welland out East.

Coaled ship, 25 tons.

9.15am: HM Sub C37 out West.

12.35pm: C37 returned.

2.05pm: HMS Jed in West.

4.15pm: RF Argus in West.

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to Jed.

7.15pm: Jed out West.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e0923000189: (

23 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HM Sub C37 out West.

11.0am: USS Wilmington in East.

12.30pm: C37 in East.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e092300018a: (

24 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15am: HMS Jed in West.

11.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

2.15pm: Received one rating from hospital.

6.0pm: Jed out West.

4f5a7a7da2fc8e092300018a: (

25 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Jed in West.

11.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7a7ea2fc8e092300018b: (

26 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Ship’s company mustered by the ledger.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by HMS’ Triumph, Britomart, Rosario, Clio, Chelmer, Wivern, Jed, Fame and TB 035

6.0pm: Jed out West.

4f5a7a7ea2fc8e092300018b: (

27 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.35am: HMS Britomart out East.

8.0am: US gunboat Wilmington out East.

8.05am: HMS Jed in West.

Hands employed painting the roof.

4f5a7a7ea2fc8e092300018c: (

28 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: French gunboat Argus out West.

Hands employed drawing firewood.

11.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

5.30pm: Received one rating from HMS Clio and one from HMS Chelmer.

4f5a7a7ea2fc8e092300018c: (

29 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.35am: HM Submarine C37 out West.

11.05am: HMS Jed in West.

4f5a7a7ea2fc8e092300018d: (

30 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: HMS Jed in West.

Received two ratings from HMS Clio.

2.30pm: HMS Britomart in East.

5.55pm: TB 038 in West.

6.20pm: 25 DCLI* and one officer hulked on board.

6.30pm: Jed out East.

* Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. The DCLI supplied officers and men to supplement the crew of HMS Triumph as she was rapidly prepared for war.

4f5a7a7ea2fc8e092300018d: (

31 July 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.15am: HMS Moorhen in West.

4.30am: HMS’ Robin and TB 037 in West.

7.30am: Ship’s company of HMS Triumph returned to their ship.

7.30am: HMS Fame in West.

9.30am: Hands employed placing stores in examination boats.

11.30am: Triumph left dock and secured in basin.

2.15pm: Five ratings joined from hospital.

4.15pm: Fame out West.

4.30pm: Ship’s company of HMS Chelmer hulked on board.


4f5a7a7fa2fc8e092300018e: (

1 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Saturday routine.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 302.

5.30am: Lit fires in SB 36.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in 34.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

10.10am: HMS Britomart secured in basin.

11.25am: HMS Triumph left basin and secured to buoy.

2.10pm: Drew fires in 34.

2.30pm: One rating joined from Stonecutters.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

7.0pm: Drew fires in 384.

7.55pm: Drew fires in 36.

11.50pm: Banked fires in 302. [The hot coals are drawn together in the centre of the firebox and banked up with ashes, keeping the boiler warm and facilitating a quicker restart. When the fire is drawn, all the hot coals are removed.]

4f5a7a7fa2fc8e092300018e: (

2 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Three ratings joined from HMS Britomart.

11.30am: Ship’s companies from HMS’ Moorhen, Sandpiper, and Robin are hulked on board. [The river gunboats had no part to play in the early years of the war, as China was neutral until August 1917, so it is likely that these three were mothballed and their crews dispersed to other ships.]

11.40am: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

4f5a7a7fa2fc8e092300018f: (

3 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.15pm: Hands employed launching boats at Kowloon.

2.20pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

2.45pm: French gunboats Vigilante and Argus in West.

2.45pm: HM Submarines C37 and C38 out East.

3.50pm: HMS Rosario out East.

5.0pm: Japanese gunboat Saga in West.

5.30pm: USS Wilmington in West.

4f5a7a7fa2fc8e092300018f: (

4 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Japanese gunboat Saga out East.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to TB 036.

1.45pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

2.25pm: HMS Cadmus in East.

3.0pm: HMS’ Minotaur and Hampshire in East.

4.45pm: Discharged one rating to Triumph and one to Cadmus.

5.20pm: HMS Yarmouth in East.

5.45pm: HMS Jed in East. Discharged two ratings to same.

8.45pm: Received 97 ratings from Yarmouth.

8.45pm: HMS Bramble in East.

11.20pm: HMS Thistle in East.

4f5a7a7fa2fc8e0923000190: (

5 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Alacrity in East.

7.10am: RF Dupleix [Duplieux in log] in East.

7.50am: HMS Merlin in West.

7.50am: Discharged 87 ratings to HMS Triumph.

8.30am: Discharged four ratings to SS Syria for passage to England.

8.50am: HMS’ Newcastle, Welland, Usk, Ribble, Kennet and Colne in East.

10.30am: Eleven ratings joined ship from Alacrity.

1.30pm: Discharged eight ratings to Triumph.

5.0pm: Receiving and discharging ratings under war conditions.

4f5a7a7fa2fc8e0923000190: (

6 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: Fleet proceeded East.

6.30am: HMS Triumph out East.

10.25am: Triumph in East.

11.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.15pm: Discharged one rating to Triumph.

2.0pm: HMS Fame in East.

3.15pm: Triumph out East.

5.45pm: Discharged one rating to Fame.

4f5a7a7fa2fc8e0923000191: (

7 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: Discharged five ratings to RMS Empress of Asia.

2.05pm: Received seven ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a7fa2fc8e0923000191: (

8 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Clio.

9.20am: Discharged three ratings to Empress of Asia.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Rosario.

2.30pm: One rating joined from HMS Wivern.

7.0pm: Clio out East.

4f5a7a80a2fc8e0923000192: (

9 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: HMS Ribble out East.

4f5a7a80a2fc8e0923000192: (

10 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to Fame.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Empire*.

* A squadron supply ship.

4f5a7a80a2fc8e0923000193: (

11 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.0pm: Hands drawing provisions.

2.15pm: Received four ratings from hospital.

5.45pm: Ship’s company of TB 037 hulked onboard.

4f5a7a80a2fc8e0923000193: (

12 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to TB 035.

4f5a7a80a2fc8e0923000194: (

13 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.45pm: Discharged 21 ratings to HMS Fame.

6.55pm: Received one rating from HMS Alacrity.

4f5a7a80a2fc8e0923000194: (

14 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction East.

9.30am: Discharged crew of TB 037 to HMS Virago.

2.20pm: Received six ratings from hospital.

5.25pm: Hoisted black typhoon signal, direction East.

4f5a7a81a2fc8e0923000195: (

15 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.25am: Changed typhoon signal to NE.

10.20am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7a81a2fc8e0923000195: (

16 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service onboard.

1.15pm: 29 hands employed onboard minelayer.

3.30pm: US gunboat Callao in West.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to SS Trogas [possibly RFA Trocas].

6.0pm: HMS Hampshire in East.

4f5a7a81a2fc8e0923000196: (

17 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Minotaur in East.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.15pm: Hampshire went into dock.

4f5a7a81a2fc8e0923000196: (

18 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: Discharged 13 ratings to HMS Whiting.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

2.0pm: SS Empress of Asia* in East.

3.15pm: Received two ratings from HMS Hampshire.

5.10pm: HMS Minotaur out East.

5.30pm: Discharged 25 ratings to Hang Sang** mine layer.

* The Empress of Asia, like many liners of the time, was built in such a way that she could be quickly converted to an armed merchant cruiser. She docked here and eight 4.7” guns were added.

** Minelayers at this time were invariably converted vessels and Hang Sang belonged to Jardine, Matheson.

4f5a7a81a2fc8e0923000197: (

19 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Hang Sang out East.

9.0am: Hands employed onboard HMS Alacrity.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to SS Trogas [possibly RFA Trocas].

2.50pm: Received one rating from HMS Moorhen, one from HMS Sandpiper and one from HMS Robin.

6.45pm: Hang Sang in West.

4f5a7a81a2fc8e0923000197: (

20 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.20am: Discharged 23 ratings to HMS Himalaya. [Formerly a P&O liner, Himalaya came into service as an AMC with the Royal Navy on 17th August 1914.]

9.15am: 11 hands employed onboard HMS Alacrity.

9.20am: Discharged 36 ratings to HMS Empress of Japan.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7a81a2fc8e0923000198: (

21 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: Received one prisoner and escort from D’Aguilar.

12.05pm: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction East.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Rosario.

6.30pm: Received one rating from Rosario.

4f5a7a81a2fc8e0923000198: (

22 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

9.45am: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

11.35am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

1.15pm: Read warrants Nos 163 and 164.

5.0pm: Discharged two RNR ratings to Hang Sang.

4f5a7a82a2fc8e0923000199: (

23 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HM Submarine C36 in East.

4f5a7a82a2fc8e0923000199: (

24 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

9.50am: HMS Minotaur in East.

3.25pm: Six RNR ratings joined ship from SS Katorio Maru [probably Katori Maru, ex Kerbela].

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Fame.

4f5a7a82a2fc8e092300019a: (

25 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.20am: HMS Hampshire in East.

7.30am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Empress of Russia.

9.25am: Discharged four RNR ratings to Kowloon depot.

10.10am: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction East.

1.45pm: Discharged eight ratings to Hampshire and one to HMS Minotaur.

2.30pm: Received three ratings from hospital.

4.30pm: Discharged Captain Harrison RMLI and one rating to Hampshire.

5.15pm: Discharged one rating to Hampshire.

5.40pm: Hoisted black typhoon signal, direction East.

5.45pm: Minotaur and Hampshire out East.

6.50pm: Received one rating from HMS Empire.

4f5a7a82a2fc8e092300019a: (

26 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS’ Cadmus and Virago in East.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to Virago.

10.15am: Discharged one Surgeon to HMS Empress of Russia.

10.20am: HMS Ribble in East.

11.0am: Discharged four ratings to Empress of Russia.

2.30pm: Hauled down typhoon signal.

6.15pm: HMS’ Fame and Virago out East.

4f5a7a82a2fc8e092300019b: (

27 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Skiff lost by accident during a gale at Cape D’Aguilar. Circumstances of loss reported to Commodore.

Cautioned Mr William Margery Broom, Gunner of HMS Ribble (tender), for being drunk on watch, at night, at sea during wartime. [Signed by same].

7.30am: French cruiser Dupleix in East.

9.0am: Discharged eight ratings to RMS Empress of Russia.

9.40am: Received three RNR ratings from SS Yingchow.

9.45am: Discharged three ratings to HMS Whiting.

2.50pm: Received 22 RNR ratings from SS Arcadia.

3.0pm: Received Captain Rymer and one rating from Arcadia.

4f5a7a82a2fc8e092300019b: (

28 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.55am: HMS Yarmouth in East.

9.0am: Discharged eight ratings to HMS Empress of Russia.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to Yarmouth.

9.25am: One rating joined from Peak signal station.

9.30am: Received one rating from SS Nile.

9.40am: Received one prisoner from Yarmouth.

10.20am: Discharged two ratings to Yarmouth and two joined from same.

10.45am: Received three ratings from SS Chip Sing [probably Jardine, Matheson’s Chip Shing].

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HM TB 038

2.30pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

8.30pm: Discharged ten ratings to Empress of Russia.

4f5a7a82a2fc8e092300019c: (

29 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.40am: RF Dupleix out West.

7.0am: Empress of Russia out East.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.50pm: Read warrant No 165.

2.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Fame.

2.30pm: HMS Yarmouth out East.

5.0pm: Discharged ship’s company of HMS Chelmer to their ship.

4f5a7a82a2fc8e092300019c: (

30 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Japanese cruisers Chikuma [Chickuma in log) ]and Ibuki in East.

9.30am: HMS Chelmer out East.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Cadmus and Hang Sang.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to Ibuki.

1.30pm: Chelmer in East.

3.0pm: HMS’ Welland, Kennet, Colne and Jed in East.

4.20pm: Discharged one rating to Kennet.

5.0pm: Russian cruisers Askold and Zhemchug in East.

5.25pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Cadmus.

4f5a7a83a2fc8e092300019d: (

31 August 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to Russian cruiser Askold.

1.0pm: Discharged 16 ratings to various ships.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

2.45pm: HMS Cadmus out East.

3.55pm: Japanese cruisers Chikuma and Ibuki out East.

7.40pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Colne.


4f5a7a83a2fc8e092300019d: (

1 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2


4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 436.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in 302, 34 and 36.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Virago.

10.50am: Hoisted black typhoon signal, direction East.

11.35am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

Hands employed securing ship.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Welland.

3.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.0pm: Banked fires in 302 and 36.

7.50pm: Banked fires in 384.

11.15pm: Banked fires in 34.

Weather: Calm and clear at first, overcast and some rain in pm. Temperature reaching 90º F at 2.0pm.

4f5a7a83a2fc8e092300019e: (

2 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: Changed typhoon signal NE.

11.15am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Colne, one to HMS Welland and one to HMS Jed.

2.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Chelmer.

3.0pm: HMS Empire proceeded into dock.

5.10pm: Discharged one rating to Jed.

7.15pm: Eng. Cdr Dawson and Chief Gunner Wallace joined ship from SS Namur.

9.0pm: Discharged one rating to Colne.

10.30pm: Discharged Captain Farmer RMLI to Russian cruiser Askold.

4f5a7a83a2fc8e092300019e: (

3 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

2.20pm: Changed typhoon signal direction North.

5.30pm: HMS Cadmus in East.

5.50pm: HMS’ Welland, Colne, Jed, Kennet and Chelmer out East.

6.10pm: Russian cruisers Askold and Zhemchug out East.

9.0pm: Received one rating from Meekong.

4f5a7a83a2fc8e092300019f: (

4 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.25am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

7.20am: HMS Clio in East.

3.0pm: Discharged Lt/Cdr Gibbs to SS Chip Sing [probably Chip Shing is intended] for passage to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a83a2fc8e092300019f: (

5 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.50am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.30pm: Discharged Eng. Cdr Dawson to hospital.

4.45pm: Discharged two ratings to to HMS Clio and one to HMS Cadmus.

5.30pm: One rating joined from Hang Sang.

6.30pm: One rating joined from SS Trogues.

4f5a7a83a2fc8e09230001a0: (

6 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Empress of Russia in East.

9.30am: Received 11 RNR ratings from SS Titan.

10.30am: Divine service onboard attended by Cadmus and Clio.

4f5a7a83a2fc8e09230001a0: (

7 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.40am: HMS Clio out East.

6.30am: HMS Cadmus out East.

7.05am: HMS Empress of Russia out East.

8.15am: Japanese battleships Nisshin [Nishim in log] and Kasagi in East.

2.15pm: Received one rating from hospital.

5.20pm: Russian cruiser Zhemchug [Zhemshug in log) in East.

4f5a7a84a2fc8e09230001a1: (

8 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Japanese battleships Nisshin and Kasagi [Kasaga in log] out East.

9.35am: Discharged three ratings to HMS Virago.

1.45pm: 12 hands employed on HMS Thistle.

2.0pm: Discharged 17 ratings to HMS’ Whiting and Fame.

5.0pm: Received six ratings from Hang Sang.

5.15pm: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines in East.

4f5a7a84a2fc8e09230001a1: (

9 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: 28 hands employed on HMS Thistle.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar.

9.30am: SS Himalaya in East.

1.45pm: 28 hands employed on HMS Bramble.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 166.

4f5a7a84a2fc8e09230001a2: (

10 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: RNR ratings at rifle drill.

1.45pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Fame and one to HMS Himalaya.

4.30pm: Funeral party landed. [For the funeral of CERA George Brunning, late of HMS Hampshire.]

4.45pm: Half masted colours.

5.30pm: Rehoisted colours. Funeral party returned.

6.20pm: Discharged seven ratings to Himalaya.

4f5a7a84a2fc8e09230001a2: (

11 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Himalaya out East.

3.30pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Rosario and one to HMS Ribble.

5.40pm: Discharged four ratings to minesweepers.

4f5a7a84a2fc8e09230001a3: (

12 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Russian cruiser Askold in East.

9.0am: Discharged one rating to SS Sardinia.

9.30am: Received Fleet Surgeon Penny and 42 ratings from SS Salsette.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a84a2fc8e09230001a3: (

13 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Divine service onboard.

4f5a7a84a2fc8e09230001a4: (

14 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Fame in East.

11.25am: Received one rating from TB 036

1.30pm: Read warrant No 167. Escort landed with one rating for detention barracks.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

5.35pm: HMS Empress of Asia in East.

7.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Empire.

4f5a7a84a2fc8e09230001a4: (

15 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Ribble.

10.15am: Discharged Chief Carpenter Mitchelmore to hospital.

4f5a7a85a2fc8e09230001a5: (

16 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Discharged Surgeon Duck to HMHS Delta.

9.0am: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines [C36 and C38 vide Rosario’s log] out East.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.30pm: Rosario and submarines in East.

4f5a7a85a2fc8e09230001a5: (

17 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

“Cautioned [by the Commodore] Mr Sydney Sylvester Ch. Art. Eng. of HMS Ribble tender, for drinking alcoholic liquors to such excess as to produce illness.” Signed by Mr Sylvester.

11.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

1.0pm: 15 hands employed on HMS Merlin.

1.45pm: Discharged one rating to Ribble.

5.10pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Empress of Asia and one joined from same.

4f5a7a85a2fc8e09230001a6: (

18 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: Discharged 28 ratings to HMHS Delta.

9.05am: 11 hands employed on HMS Merlin.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to Delta.

2.10pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a85a2fc8e09230001a6: (

19 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to SS Nam Sang for passage to Singapore.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7a85a2fc8e09230001a7: (

20 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one rating to SS Nile.

4f5a7a85a2fc8e09230001a7: (

21 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Russian cruiser Askold out East.

7.30am: HMS Empress of Asia out East.

9.05am: Discharged two ratings to HMHS Delta.

11 hands employed on HMS’ Bramble and Thistle.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to Delta.

3.50pm: Hoisted black typhoon signal, direction NE.

5.30pm: HMS Fame out East.

4f5a7a86a2fc8e09230001a8: (

22 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital, one rating to HMS Ribble and one rating to TB 038.

4f5a7a86a2fc8e09230001a8: (

23 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines C36, C37 and C38 out East.

2.15pm: Mr Lee, Chief Art. Engineer and 13 ratings joined from hospital.

5.10pm: Rosario and Submarines in East.

4f5a7a86a2fc8e09230001a9: (

24 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: 14 hands employed on HMS Bramble, Britomart and Thistle.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12 noon: HMS Empress of Russia in East.

3.10pm: Japanese cruiser Nisshin in East.

4f5a7a86a2fc8e09230001a9: (

25 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Read warrant No 168 and landed escort with one rating for detention barracks.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

2.10pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Ribble.

4.0pm: Japanese cruiser Nisshin [Nisshim in log] out East.

6.35pm: Discharged one rating to RMS Empress of Russia.

4f5a7a86a2fc8e09230001aa: (

26 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: 10 hands employed on HMS’ Merlin and Alacrity.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Ribble.

4f5a7a86a2fc8e09230001aa: (

27 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Empress of Russia out East.

9.30am: Discharged Lt Mourn to Russian cruiser Zhemchug [Zhemshug in log]

10.30am: Divine service onboard attended by Ribble and Fame.

11.30am: Zhemchug out East.

5.30pm: Received four RNR ratings from HMS Rosario.

4f5a7a87a2fc8e09230001ab: (

28 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: 17 hands employed on HMS Thistle.

1.30pm: 19 hands employed onboard HMS’ Britomart and Bramble.

4.45pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Rosario and one to HMHS Delta.

4f5a7a87a2fc8e09230001ab: (

29 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima in East.

9.45am: 16 hands employed onboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin.

10.45am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.45pm: 16 hands employed about telephone cable.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a87a2fc8e09230001ac: (

30 September 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines [C36 and C37, vide Rosario’s log] out East.

9.05am: 14 hands employed about telephone cable.

6.30pm: Received 16 ratings from dockyard establishment.


4f5a7a87a2fc8e09230001ac: (

1 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Thursday routine.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 36.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in SB 384.

6.30am: Hands to bathe.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: Five hands employed returning Carpenter’s stores.

2.30pm: Discharged 21 ratings to SS Hui Chou [probably Huichow is intended] for passage to HMS Triumph.

3.10pm: HIJMS Tsushima out East.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.30pm: Drew fires in 302.

8.55pm: Drew fires in 384.

Weather: Light NE’ly breezes, overcast with showers in pm, temperatures in the high 70s F.

4f5a7a87a2fc8e09230001ad: (

2 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

2.10pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

2.15pm: Received Mr Lavers, Art. Eng. and three ratings from Shanghai per SS Han Chow [possibly Hangchow is intended].

4f5a7a87a2fc8e09230001ad: (

3 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged Mr Lavers, Art. Eng. and one rating to hospital.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting and one joined from same.

6.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

4f5a7a88a2fc8e09230001ae: (

4 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Divine service onboard attended by Ribble and TB 038.

4f5a7a88a2fc8e09230001ae: (

5 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Landed escort and same returned with one rating from civil prison.

9.30am: HMS Himalaya in East.

10.0am: Court of enquiry held onboard.

10.40am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

Nine hands employed on HMS’ Britomart and Bramble.

5.30pm: Discharged five ratings to HMS Ribble.

11.30pm: Sent down dockyard diver to recover from state of collapse and service diver sent down to attend on him.

4f5a7a88a2fc8e09230001af: (

6 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.15am: Divers finished.

9.0am: Ten hands employed on HMS’ Merlin and Alacrity.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to to hospital.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

5.30pm: Received two ratings from minesweepers.

4f5a7a88a2fc8e09230001af: (

7 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines [C36, C37 and C38 vide Rosario’s log] out East.

In am: 14 hands employed on HMS’ Britomart and Bramble.

9.45am: Discharged Mr Lee, Art. Eng. to SS Chun Sang [Jardine, Matheson] for passage to HMS Cadmus.

In pm: Ten hands employed on HMS Alacrity.

3.35pm: Rosario and submarines returned.

4f5a7a88a2fc8e09230001b0: (

8 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: HMS’ Himalaya and Ribble out East.

7.30am: HMS Empress of Japan in East.

In am: 14 hands employed on HMS Thistle.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting and two to TB 038.

1.35am: Received S/Lt Tudway and one rating from SS Rio Pasig.

1.40pm: Landed escort and same returned with one rating from detention.

4f5a7a88a2fc8e09230001b0: (

9 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: RNR ratings mustered bags.

2.15pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a88a2fc8e09230001b1: (

10 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Hands employed getting out stores of HMS Robin.

1.0pm: Chinese gunboat Foo An in West.

5.0pm: One rating joined from from TB 038.

4f5a7a88a2fc8e09230001b1: (

11 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: Discharged 22 ratings to SS Hui Chow [probably Huichow] for passage to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a89a2fc8e09230001b2: (

12 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Hands employed returning stores from HMS Robin.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to to HMS Fame.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

1.40pm: Discharged one rating to to Fame.

4.45pm: One rating joined from Whiting.

4f5a7a89a2fc8e09230001b2: (

13 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: 25 hands returning stores from HMS Moorhen.

4f5a7a89a2fc8e09230001b3: (

14 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: 25 hands returning stores from HMS Moorhen.

9.15am: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines C36, C37 and C38 [vide Rosario’s log] out East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

5.20pm: Rosario and Submarines returned.

4f5a7a89a2fc8e09230001b3: (

15 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Hands returning stores from HMS Moorhen.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7a89a2fc8e09230001b4: (

16 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.10am: hospital ship No 7 out East.

7.0am: HMS Empress of Japan out East.

9.0am: 16 hands returning stores from HMS Moorhen.

2.20pm: One rating joined from from hospital.

4f5a7a89a2fc8e09230001b4: (

17 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: 14 hands employed on HMS Britomart.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

12.10pm: One rating joined from 038.

2.0pm: Landed escort and same returned with one rating from detention.

4.20pm: Received eight ratings from minesweepers.

4f5a7a89a2fc8e09230001b5: (

18 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Mustered by the ledger.

10.30am: Divine service onboard attended by Fame and Whiting.

1.45pm: Discharged one rating to to TB 037.

4f5a7a89a2fc8e09230001b5: (

19 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: 28 hands employed returning stores from HMS Sandpiper.

2.20pm: HMS Empress of Russia in East.

4.45pm: Discharged two ratings to to same.

5.20pm: HMS Whiting out East.

4f5a7a8aa2fc8e09230001b6: (

20 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: 17 hands employed returning stores from HMS Sandpiper.

9.55am: Discharged S/Lt Tudway and one rating to SS Hinsang [probably Jardine, Matheson’s Hin Sang] for passage to Sandakan.

2.30pm: Received six ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a8aa2fc8e09230001b6: (

21 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: 10 hands employed removing TB’s stores from Aberdeen.

9.0am: Six hands returning stores from HMS Sandpiper.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7a8aa2fc8e09230001b7: (

22 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Six hands employed on TB 035.

9.40am: One rating joined from HMS Whiting and one from HMS Virago.

10.30am: One rating joined from HMS Fame.

11.30am: One rating joined from SS Chenan.

12 noon: Three ratings joined from from SS Hui Chow.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to Virago and one to Whiting.

3.30pm: One rating joined from Virago.

4f5a7a8aa2fc8e09230001b7: (

23 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Six hands employed on HMS Alacrity.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.15am: Japanese flagship Kasuga in East.

1.30pm: 16 hands employed on TB 035.

2.10pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.

6.15pm: Discharged Mr Broom, Gunner and 14 hands to TB 035.

4f5a7a8aa2fc8e09230001b8: (

24 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Nine hands employed on HMS Bramble.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to SS Vausang for passage to HMS Kennet.

12.30pm: Read warrant No 172. Landed escort with one prisoner for Victoria civil prison.

4.25pm: HIJMS Kasuga out East.

4f5a7a8aa2fc8e09230001b8: (

25 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Empress of Russia out East.

10.30am: Divine service onboard attended by Fame and TB 038.

4f5a7a8ba2fc8e09230001b9: (

26 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Six hands drawing charts for HMS Fame.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.0pm. Chinese cruiser Kwong Hai in West.

5.45pm: HMS Whiting out West.

4f5a7a8ba2fc8e09230001b9: (

27 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines C36, C37 and C38 [vide Rosario’s log] out East.

9.30am: Discharged Mr Wall, Ass. Paymaster and 23 ratings to SS Hui Chow for passage to HMS Triumph.

11.30am: HIJMS Tsushima [Taushima in log] in East.

2.0pm: Rosario and Submarines in East.

4f5a7a8ba2fc8e09230001ba: (

28 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: HMS Whiting in West.

3.25pm: HMS Ribble in East.

4f5a7a8ba2fc8e09230001ba: (

29 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.05pm: Japanese cruiser Tsushima out East.

In pm: 16 hands employed on HMS Merlin.

4f5a7a8ba2fc8e09230001bb: (

30 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: RNR ratings at drill.

9.0am: 13 hands employed on HMS Bramble.

9.30am: Discharged three ratings to to HMS Virago.

1.30pm: 19 hands employed on HMS Britomart.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Rosario.

4f5a7a8ba2fc8e09230001bb: (

31 October 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Japanese cruisers Yakumo [Yakuma in log]and Ikoma in East.

9.05am: 12 hands employed on HMS Alacrity.

5.45pm: HMS Fame out East.


4f5a7a8ba2fc8e09230001bc: (

1 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0am: Lit fires in steam boat 36.

6.0am: Lit fires in 384 and 436.

6.15am: Hands clean ship.

7.20am: HMS Kennet in East.

9.25am: Landed RC, Wesleyan and Presbyterian church parties.

10.30am: Held divine service, attended by HMS Ribble and TB 037.

11.20am: Church parties returned.

12.45pm: Drew fires in 436.

1.0pm: Landed libertymen. [Even though Tamar is almost certainly moored up to the quayside, libertymen are still “landed” after inspection.]

1.30pm: Drew fires in 34.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.50pm: Drew fires in 384.

Weather: Light ESE’ly winds, overcast and rainy, temperatures in the high 70s F.

4f5a7a8ba2fc8e09230001bc: (

2 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Japanese cruisers Ikoma and Yakuma out East.

7.45am: Received two ratings from Victoria civil prison.

9.0am: 25 hands employed on HMS Merlin.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037.

3.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

4.05pm: US gunboat Callao in West.

4f5a7a8ca2fc8e09230001bd: (

3 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Himalaya in East.

9.0am: 16 hands employed on HMS Merlin.

9.0am: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines out East.

2.30pm: Chinese cruiser Howng Hoi [?] out West.

3.30pm: Rosario and Submarines in East.

5.15pm: Discharged one rating to Himalaya.

7.15pm: One rating joined from Jubilee signal station.

4f5a7a8ca2fc8e09230001bd: (

4 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar signal station.

8.30am: 26 hands drawing stores for HMS Otter.

9.30am: Court of Enquiry held onboard, re HMS Whiting.

1.45pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Himalaya.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

5.0pm: One rating joined from Himalaya.

4f5a7a8ca2fc8e09230001be: (

5 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: TB 035 out West.

9.0am: 30 hands drawing stores for HMS Otter.

1.50pm: Landed escort and same returned with one rating from detention barracks.

4f5a7a8ca2fc8e09230001be: (

6 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Received Lts Landon and Russel, Surgeons Lovell and Moss, Ch. Art. Engineers Page and Morris and 40 ratings from HMS’ Widgeon and Teal per SS Chenan. [Widgeon and Teal have been interned at Chungking on the Yangtse, as China is a neutral power.]

9.25am: HMS Otter out East.

10.30am: Otter returned.

1.30pm: Discharged 39 ratings to Otter.

2.15pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

2.15pm: Discharged Lt Thomas RMLI and one rating to SS Nankin for passage to England.

4f5a7a8ca2fc8e09230001bf: (

7 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: US gunboat Wilmington out East.

9.0am: Hands employed on HMS’ Britomart and Bramble.

9.45am: Japanese cruiser Ikoma in East.

4f5a7a8ca2fc8e09230001bf: (

8 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Held divine service, attended by Ribble, Kennet, Whiting, Otter, Rosario and TB 035.

4f5a7a8ca2fc8e09230001c0: (

9 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Received one rating from Peak signal station and discharged one to same.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

In pm: 15 hands employed on board HMS Alacrity and 15 on board HMS Bramble.

4f5a7a8ca2fc8e09230001c0: (

10 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Received one rating from HMS Virago.

In am: 14 hands employed on board HMS Bramble and 12 on board HMS Alacrity.

10.50am: Received one rating from SS Nubia.

In pm: 28 hands employed on board HMS Thistle.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to Virago.

4f5a7a8da2fc8e09230001c1: (

11 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: 17 hands onboard HMS’ Alacrity and Thistle.

9.0am: Received one rating from Jubilee signal station.

4f5a7a8da2fc8e09230001c1: (

12 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Empress of Japan in East.

In am: 17 hands onboard HMS’ Alacrity and Thistle. 10 hands drawing bedding from hospital.

10.0am: Received one rating from D’Aguilar signal station.

1.45pm: Funeral party landed. Half masted colours.

3.40pm: Funeral party returned onboard. Rehoisted colours.

4.45pm: Japanese cruiser Ikoma out East.

4f5a7a8da2fc8e09230001c2: (

13 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Seven hands employed onboard HMS Alacrity and 24 onboard HMS Thistle.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Empress of Japan.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

In pm: 28 hands employed onboard HMS’ Thistle, Bramble and Alacrity.

2.30pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4f5a7a8da2fc8e09230001c2: (

14 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar.

In am: 25 hands employed onboard HMS’ Bramble and Britomart.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7a8da2fc8e09230001c3: (

15 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held divine service attended by HMS’ Rosario, Kennet, Fame, Otter, Ribble and TBs 037 and 035.

4f5a7a8da2fc8e09230001c3: (

16 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: 36 hands employed onboard HMS’ Britomart, Bramble and Alacrity.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

In pm: 31 hands employed onboard HMS’ Alacrity, Sandpiper and TB 036.

4f5a7a8da2fc8e09230001c4: (

17 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: HMS Rosario and HM Submarines C36, C37 and C38 out East.

9.05am: 24 hands employed on HMS’ Britomart and Alacrity.

10.20am: Chinese cruiser Ying Sui.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12 noon: Officers and 187 men, survivors of Russian cruiser Zhemchug [sunk in Penang harbour on 28th October], hulked onboard.

1.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

2.50pm: Rosario and Submarines returned.

7.30pm: Discharged 10 ratings to HMS Empress of Japan.

4f5a7a8da2fc8e09230001c4: (

18 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.05am: HMS Empress of Japan out East.

In am: 23 hands employed on HMS’ Merlin, Alacrity and TB 036.

9.10am: Chinese cruiser Ying Sui out West.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

In pm: 23 hands employed on HMS’ Alacrity and Thistle.

4f5a7a8ea2fc8e09230001c5: (

19 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Triumph in East [for refit, prior to sailing for the Mediterranean].

9.0am: Seven hands employed on HMS Alacrity.

10.15am: One officer and 20 men, survivors of the Russian cruiser Zhemchug, hulked onboard.

12.10pm: Received 100 ratings from SS Oriental.

2.30pm: Discharged nine ratings to Triumph.

5.0pm: Discharged 42 ratings to Triumph and two to minesweepers.

4f5a7a8ea2fc8e09230001c5: (

20 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: Working party away on HMS’ Alacrity, Merlin, Bramble and Britomart.

11.0am: Discharged five ratings to hospital.

11.10am: Received one rating from HMS Triumph.

5.0pm: Discharged five ratings to Triumph and received four ratings from same.

4f5a7a8ea2fc8e09230001c6: (

21 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar signal station.

In am: 26 hands employed on HS Alacrity and TB 036.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Kennet.

10.30am: Discharged Mr Berry, Gunner, to hospital.

5.0pm: Received one rating from HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a8ea2fc8e09230001c6: (

22 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held divine service attended by HMS’ Rosario, Otter, Ribble, Virago and TBs 038 and 035.

12.20pm: HMS Kennet out West.

4f5a7a8ea2fc8e09230001c7: (

23 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: 35 hands employed on HMS Merlin and 12 on HMS Alacrity.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.40pm: Hospital ship Delta and HMS Usk in East.

In pm: Working parties continued on HMS’ Thistle, Merlin and Alacrity.

5.0pm: Received one rating from HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a8ea2fc8e09230001c7: (

24 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: Russian cruiser Orel in East.

In am: In pm: Working parties employed on HMS’ Thistle, Merlin and Alacrity.

10.0am: Discharged Russian ratings to Orel.

10.0am: Received Mr Mitchelmore, Chief Carpenter, from hospital.

1.30pm: Escort landed with two prisoners for detention barracks.

3.30pm: Discharged Mr Law to SS Nellore for passage to England.

6.0pm: Discharged Lt Connelly to TB 035.

4f5a7a8ea2fc8e09230001c8: (

25 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: US gunboat Wilmington in East.

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Bramble, Alacrity and Thistle.

10.40am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.55am: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

4f5a7a8ea2fc8e09230001c8: (

26 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Merlin, Alacrity and Thistle.

4f5a7a8fa2fc8e09230001c9: (

27 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Working parties away on HMS Alacrity and TB 036 and returning bedding to hospital.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.0pm: Discharged one rating ashore.

4.45pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7a8fa2fc8e09230001c9: (

28 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Merlin, Alacrity, Bramble, Britomart and Thistle.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7a8fa2fc8e09230001ca: (

29 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.50am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Ribble Otter, Whiting, Usk, TB 035 and HMHS Delta..

4f5a7a8fa2fc8e09230001ca: (

30 November 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Merlin, Alacrity, Bramble and TB 036.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: One rating joined from HMS Whiting and one rating discharged to same.

5.30pm: Discharged two ratings to Alacrity.


4f5a7a8fa2fc8e09230001cb: (

1 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Discharged one rating to Stonecutters.

8.0am: Dressed ship, mast-head flags.

8.45am: HMS Rosario and submarines out East.

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Merlin and Alacrity and in Kowloon depôt.

1.30pm: One rating joined from hospital.

2.20pm: Rosario and submarines in East.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to RN canteen.

One rating joined from HMS Usk.

6.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter and one joined from same. Discharged one rating to TB 035.

Weather: Light Easterly airs, clear, temperatures in the low 70s F.

4f5a7a8fa2fc8e09230001cb: (

2 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Merlin and Alacrity and in Kowloon depôt.

10.50am: HMS Whiting in East.

12 noon: Discharged one rating to SS Kam Chow [possibly Kanchow is intended] for passage to Shanghai.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to Whiting.

4f5a7a90a2fc8e09230001cc: (

3 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Merlin and Alacrity.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to HMS Ribble.

11.15am: Russian volunteer cruiser Penza [Dobrolyot] in East.

1.25pm: Read warrant No 182.

4.20pm: Discharged three ratings to Ribble and one to HMS Otter.

4f5a7a90a2fc8e09230001cc: (

4 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged 45 ratings to HMHS Delta.

9.10am: USS Callao out East.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.30am: Discharged Lt/Cdrs Blackwood, Maxwell, Scott and Landon, Lt Newill, Surgeons Morris [or perhaps Moss] and Page to Delta

1.30pm: Delta out East.

2.15pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4.30pm: Received one rating from HMS Fame.

6.15pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037 and received one from same.

4f5a7a90a2fc8e09230001cd: (

5 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Bramble and Alacrity.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.40pm: Received three ratings from HMS Ribble.

4f5a7a90a2fc8e09230001cd: (

6 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Russian volunteer cruiser Penza out East.

10.50am: Divine service onboard, attended by Rosario, Fame, Otter and TB 035.

4f5a7a90a2fc8e09230001ce: (

7 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Reservemen exercised at boat pulling.

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Merlin, Bramble and Alacrity and in Kowloon depôt.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.05pm: Received 18 ratings from TB 035.

1.45pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter and one to HMS Whiting.

4.30pm: Received one rating from HMS Virago and discharged one to same.

4f5a7a90a2fc8e09230001ce: (

8 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS’ Usk and Ribble out West.

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Merlin, Thistle and Alacrity.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

12.10pm: Russian cruiser Orel out East.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.10pm: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar and received one from same.

2.30pm: Received three ratings from hospital.

4.40pm: Usk and Ribble in West.

4f5a7a91a2fc8e09230001cf: (

9 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Working parties away on HMS’ Alacrity,Thistle and Bramble.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to Peak signal station and one to Jubilee station. Received one rating from Jubilee station and one from Peak signal station.

1.25pm: Read warrant No 183.

1.30pm: Escort landed with prisoner for Victoria civil prison.

5.0pm: HMS’ Ribble and Usk out West.

4f5a7a91a2fc8e09230001cf: (

10 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: HMS Rosario and Submarines out West.

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to Peak signal station.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.15am: Received one rating from Peak signal station.

1.15pm: Italian cruiser Marco Polo in East.

2.45pm: Rosario and Submarines in West.

3.45pm: Discharged one rating to minesweeper.

4f5a7a91a2fc8e09230001d0: (

11 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0am: Discharged one rating to D'Aguilar.

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

10.15am: Received one rating from D'Aguilar.

2.10pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a91a2fc8e09230001d0: (

12 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs employed on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

1.30pm: Discharged four ratings to Stonecutters Island.

4.45pm: Discharged one rating to minesweeper.

4f5a7a91a2fc8e09230001d1: (

13 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.50am: Divine service attended by Rosario, Virago, Otter and TB 038.

4f5a7a91a2fc8e09230001d1: (

14 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7a91a2fc8e09230001d2: (

15 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: HMS Rosario and Submarines out West.

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

10.10am: Japanese cruiser Nikata [probably Niitaka is intended] in East.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

2.10pm: Received one rating from hospital.

2.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4.30pm: Rosario and Submarines in West.

4f5a7a91a2fc8e09230001d2: (

16 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with two ratings from detention barracks.

3.30pm: Received three ratings from HMS Teal per SS Chenan.

4f5a7a92a2fc8e09230001d3: (

17 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Italian cruiser Marco Polo out East.

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

3.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau [Macao in log] in West.

4.55pm: Japanese cruiser Akikishima [possibly Akitsushima is intended] in East.

4f5a7a92a2fc8e09230001d3: (

18 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: HMS Rosario and submarines out West.

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

11.0am: Discharged Mr Jolley, Ass. Paymr, to hospital.

2.45pm: Rosario and submarines returned.

4f5a7a92a2fc8e09230001d4: (

19 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Nine hands employed on HMS Alacrity.

10.0am: 12 Russian hands, Zhemchug survivors, hulked on board.

4f5a7a92a2fc8e09230001d4: (

20 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima in East.

Held divine service attended by Rosario, Whiting and Fame.

4.05pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Fame.

5.0pm: Received one rating from Stonecutters Island.

4f5a7a92a2fc8e09230001d5: (

21 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity, Merlin and Britomart.

1.20pm: HMS Triumph into drydock.

1.45pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

4f5a7a92a2fc8e09230001d5: (

22 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs employed on HMS’ Alacrity, Merlin and Britomart.

9.0am: Discharged one rating to Stonecutters Island.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to Jubilee signal station.

2.30pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

3.0pm: Received one rating from Jubilee signal station.

4f5a7a92a2fc8e09230001d6: (

23 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar signal station.

6.40am: Escort landed and returned with one rating from civil prison.

9.0am: Japanese cruiser Akashi in East.

In am: WPs aboards HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

9.15am: Received one rating from D’Aguilar signal station.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.55am: Received one rating from Jubilee signal station.

3.0pm: Discharged one rating to Jubilee station.

4.45pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter.

5.0pm: Received one rating from HMS Whiting.

4f5a7a92a2fc8e09230001d6: (

24 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs aboards HMS’ Alacrity and Wivern and in Kowloon.

1.05pm: Read warrant No 185 and discharged one rating to detention barracks.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Triumph and one to HMS Otter.

4f5a7a93a2fc8e09230001d7: (

25 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

9.0am: Japanese cruiser Okushima [just possibly Akitsushima is intended] out East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to Fame.

10.45am: Divine service attended by Rosario, Virago and Fame.

1.0pm: Japanese cruiser Niitaka out East.

4f5a7a93a2fc8e09230001d7: (

26 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a93a2fc8e09230001d8: (

27 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

Held divine service attended by Rosario.

4f5a7a93a2fc8e09230001d8: (

28 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Received 17 Chinese ratings from HMS Triumph.

7.30am: Triumph out of dock.

9.0am: Fired court martial gun.

9.30am: Held court martial on board.

In am: WPs aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

9.30am: Discharged 17 Chinese ratings to various ships.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a93a2fc8e09230001d9: (

29 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: HMS Rosario and Submarines out West.

9.0am: WPs aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

1.30pm: Escort landed with prisoner for detention barracks.

3.0pm: Rosario and Submarines in West.

4f5a7a93a2fc8e09230001d9: (

30 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Triumph out East.

In am: WPs aboard HMS’ Merlin and Alacrity and in Kowloon.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.40pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

2.0pm: Triumph in East.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to Triumph.

4f5a7a93a2fc8e09230001da: (

31 December 1914

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

3.45pm: Discharged 14 Russian seamen to SS Kama Maru.

4.15pm: Discharged one rating to Otter and received one from same.


4f5a7a93a2fc8e09230001da: (

1 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30am: Lit fires in one steam boat.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in two steam boats.

7.0am: Reservemen to drill. HMS Triumph out East.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: WPs to HMS’ Alacrity and Wivern, remainder as requisite.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to SS Magoya [probably Nagoya is intended] for passage to Singapore.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

1.45pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

3.0pm: Received 12 ratings from Stonecutters Island.

4.0pm: Evening quarters. Drew fires in sb 36.

4.10pm: Triumph in East.

5.0pm: Discharged 16 ratings to Triumph and received 14 ratings from same.

5.0pm: Drew fires in sb 34.

6.30pm: Drew fires in sb 436.

Weather: Light NE’ly winds, overcast in am clearing later, temperatures in the mid 60s F.

4f5a7a94a2fc8e09230001db: (

2 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

3.55pm: Russian cruiser Orel in East.

4f5a7a94a2fc8e09230001db: (

3 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Whiting, Fame and TB 038.

4f5a7a94a2fc8e09230001dc: (

4 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

2.0pm: Discharged Mr Hankey, Warrant Telegraphist, to D’Aguilar signal station.

2.45pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7a94a2fc8e09230001dc: (

5 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Triumph.

8.45am: HMS’ Rosario, Triumph and Submarines out East.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

2.0pm: Rosario and submarines in West.

2.0pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention.

5.15pm: Chinese cruiser Hai Chin in East.

4f5a7a94a2fc8e09230001dd: (

6 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Sent fire party of 60 hands to barque Drumelton.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

10.10am: HIJMS Akashi out East.

1.0pm: HIJMS Tsushima out East.

1.15pm: Fire party returned.

4f5a7a94a2fc8e09230001dd: (

7 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

In pm: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a95a2fc8e09230001de: (

8 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

9.30am: HMS Triumph in East.

In pm: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Wivern and in Kowloon.

1.40pm: One rating joined from Triumph.

4f5a7a95a2fc8e09230001de: (

9 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Fired Court Martial gun.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

9.30am: Court Martial held.

10.30am: Russian cruiser Orel out East.

11.40am: Court martial closed.

5.35pm: Received one court martial prisoner from HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a95a2fc8e09230001df: (

10 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Divine service, attended by Rosario, Virago, Otter and TB 036.

1.30pm: Discharged Mr Moran, Warrant Telegraphist to HMS Triumph.

4f5a7a95a2fc8e09230001df: (

11 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: USS Wilmington out West.

8.0am: Fired Court Martial gun.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS Merlin and in Kowloon.

9.30am: Court Martial held.

9.30am: Discharged seven ratings to HMS Triumph.

1.15pm: Read warrant No 186. Discharged two ratings to detention barracks.

4.20pm: Discharged seven ratings to Triumph and received seven from same.

5.0pm: Court Martial finished.

4f5a7a95a2fc8e09230001e0: (

12 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: HMS Rosario and submarines out West.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

10.35am: Received two ratings from hospital.

10.45am: SS Empire store ship in East.

1.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Triumph.

1.35pm: Escort landed with one rating for detention barracks.

2.35pm: Chinese cruiser Hai Chin out West.

2.45pm: HMS Rosario and submarines in West.

4.15pm: Triumph out East [en route to the Mediterranean].

11.0pm: Received two leave breakers belonging to Triumph.

4f5a7a95a2fc8e09230001e0: (

13 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to TB 036.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Received Surgeon Lloyd from Wei-hai-wei per SS Chenan.

4.20pm: USS Callao in West.

4f5a7a95a2fc8e09230001e1: (

14 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

2.10pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7a95a2fc8e09230001e1: (

15 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

10.10am: Portuguese gunboat Macau [Macao in log] out West.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 187 and landed escort with one prisoner for detention.

2.0pm: One rating joined from TB 036.

3.0pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.

4f5a7a96a2fc8e09230001e2: (

16 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

1.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7a96a2fc8e09230001e2: (

17 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

10.30am: Divine service onboard attended by Rosario.

4f5a7a96a2fc8e09230001e3: (

18 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

8.30am: Discharged one rating to Peak signal station.

9.30am: One rating joined from Jubilee signal station.

2.05pm: One rating joined from hospital.

2.45pm: US gunboat Wilmington in West.

4.15pm: Discharged one rating to minesweeper.

4f5a7a96a2fc8e09230001e3: (

19 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima in East.

9.0am: HMS Rosario and submarines out East.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Britomart.

9.15am: Discharged two ratings to SS Nankin for passage to England.

2.10pm: One rating joined from hospital.

3.10pm: Rosario and submarines in West.

5.0pm: One rating joined from minesweeper.

4f5a7a96a2fc8e09230001e4: (

20 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: USS Callao out West.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Britomart and in Kowloon.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7a96a2fc8e09230001e4: (

21 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Land every available man [probably as an exercise].

11.45am: Landing party returned.

In pm: In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity, Bramble and Britomart.

Reserve men at Maxim gun drill.

4f5a7a96a2fc8e09230001e5: (

22 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Otter.

10.45am: WP aboard HMS Alacrity.

4f5a7a96a2fc8e09230001e5: (

23 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Thistle and Britomart and in Kowloon.

1.0pm: Japanese cruiser Tsushima out East.

1.45pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7a97a2fc8e09230001e6: (

24 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Divine service, attended by Rosario, Fame, Whiting and TB 038.

4f5a7a97a2fc8e09230001e6: (

25 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Escort returned with one rating from Victoria civil prison.

In am: WPs away aboard HMS Bramble and in Kowloon.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.55am: US gunboat Callao in West.

4f5a7a97a2fc8e09230001e7: (

26 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a97a2fc8e09230001e7: (

27 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: In am: WPs away aboard HMS Bramble and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a97a2fc8e09230001e8: (

28 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

In pm: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4.35pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

5.0pm: Received one rating from SS Nubia.

4f5a7a97a2fc8e09230001e8: (

29 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

2.30pm: Chinese cruiser Hai Shin in West.

4f5a7a98a2fc8e09230001e9: (

30 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and in Kowloon.

3.20pm: Chinese cruiser Hai Shin out East.

4.45pm Received six ratings from SS Empire.

4f5a7a98a2fc8e09230001e9: (

31 January 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Mustered by the ledger.

10.30am: Divine service, attended by Rosario, Virago, Fame and Otter.


4f5a7a98a2fc8e09230001ea: (

1 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A typical Monday.

4.30am: Lit fires in steam boat 34.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in 436 and 302.

7.0am: RNR men at boat pulling and squad drill.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.0am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon. Special RNR men at rifle exercise.

1.30pm: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon. Special RNR men at rifle exercise.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in all steam boats.

Weather: Light East and SE winds, overcast, temperatures around 70º F.

4f5a7a98a2fc8e09230001ea: (

2 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: US gunboat Callao out West.

9.0am. WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a99a2fc8e09230001eb: (

3 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon.

2.50pm: Japanese cruiser Niitaka in East.

5.15pm: Transport Basilan* out East.

* The former German collier Tannenfels, captured 14th September 1914 in the Basilan Strait by HMS Chelmer.

4f5a7a99a2fc8e09230001eb: (

4 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In pm: WPs away aboard HMS Bramble and in Kowloon.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

5.40pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

4f5a7a99a2fc8e09230001ec: (

5 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 190. Escort landed with one rating for detention barracks.

2.0pm: Discharged three ratings to HMS Whiting and one to TB 038.

4f5a7a99a2fc8e09230001ec: (

6 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs away aboard HMS’ Alacrity and Bramble and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a99a2fc8e09230001ed: (

7 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Virago Otter and TB 038.

4f5a7a99a2fc8e09230001ed: (

8 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

10.20am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.30pm: Japanese cruiser Niitaka out East.

3.45pm: US gunboat Callao in West.

4f5a7a9aa2fc8e09230001ee: (

9 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

9.30am: HMS Rosario and Submarines out West.

12.45pm: Rosario and Submarines in East.

1.30pm: Read warrants Nos 191 and 192. Escort landed with two ratings for detention barracks.

4f5a7a9aa2fc8e09230001ee: (

10 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs away aboard HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a9aa2fc8e09230001ef: (

11 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

1.30pm: Working parties employed at Kowloon.

4.55pm: Japanese cruiser Akitsushima [Akitushima in log] in East.

4f5a7a9aa2fc8e09230001ef: (

12 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Working parties employed at Kowloon.

4f5a7a9aa2fc8e09230001f0: (

13 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7a9aa2fc8e09230001f0: (

14 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Virago, Whiting and Fame.

11.15am: Japanese cruiser Akitsushima out East.

4f5a7a9aa2fc8e09230001f1: (

15 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WP to HMS Wivern.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4.20pm: Received one rating from HMS Whiting.

4f5a7a9aa2fc8e09230001f1: (

16 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WP to HMS Wivern.

1.30pm: Received one rating from hospital.

2.25pm: Received one rating from TB 038.

4f5a7a9ba2fc8e09230001f2: (

17 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Wivern and in Kowloon.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame and received one from same.

4f5a7a9ba2fc8e09230001f2: (

18 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Rosario and Submarines out West.

10.0am: Landed 14 ratings for magazine guard.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to detention barracks.

1.20pm: Read warrant No 193. Escort landed with one prisoner for detention barracks.

3.30pm: Rosario and Submarines in West.

4f5a7a9ba2fc8e09230001f3: (

19 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.25pm: Read warrant No 194. Escort landed with one prisoner for detention barracks.

1.40pm: Japanese Cruise Akashi in East.

2.50pm: Landed three ratings for magazine guard.

4f5a7a9ba2fc8e09230001f3: (

20 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Transport Basilan in East.

4f5a7a9ba2fc8e09230001f4: (

21 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Virago, Otter and Fame.

3.30pm: Discharged one rating to SS Liangchow for passage to Shanghai.

4f5a7a9ba2fc8e09230001f4: (

22 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags [for George Washington’s birthday].

8.0am: Transport Ellenga [Ellinga in log] in East.

1.15pm: Escort landed and returned with two ratings from detention barracks.

4f5a7a9ba2fc8e09230001f5: (

23 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

10.0am: Chinese cruiser Tung Chi in East.

2.10pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7a9ba2fc8e09230001f5: (

24 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: Chinese cruiser Tung Chi out East.

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

10.20am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7a9ca2fc8e09230001f6: (

25 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WP on HMS Alacrity.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: Transport Ellenga out East.

4f5a7a9ca2fc8e09230001f6: (

26 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

1.45pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4f5a7a9ca2fc8e09230001f7: (

27 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

9.25am: Transport Basilan out East.

11.20am: Received one rating from magazine guard and discharged one to same.

4f5a7a9ca2fc8e09230001f7: (

28 February 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Virago, Otter, TB 036 and Fame.


4f5a7a9ca2fc8e09230001f8: (

1 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30am: Lit fires in sb 34.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in sbs 436 and 36.

7.0am: Six dockyard blacksmiths employed onboard.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

9.30am: Discharged 16 ratings to magazine guard and received 16 from same.

1.15pm: Discharged two ratings to to D’Aguilar, two to Peak and two to Jubilee signal stations.

1.30pm: WPs to Alacrity and Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.0pm: Received two ratings from each signal station.

5.20pm: Drew fires in 436 and 36.

5.40pm: Drew fires in 302.

Weather: Light Easterlies, fine, daytime temperatures low 60s F.

4f5a7a9ca2fc8e09230001f8: (

2 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

4.30pm: One rating joined from D’Aguilar.

4f5a7a9ca2fc8e09230001f9: (

3 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Six dockyard blacksmiths employed onboard.

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a9ca2fc8e09230001f9: (

4 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Exercised land every available man.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

4f5a7a9da2fc8e09230001fa: (

5 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

3.30pm: Chinese gunboat Tung Chi in West.

4.30pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria in West.

4f5a7a9da2fc8e09230001fa: (

6 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

3.0pm: Japanese destroyer Asamhio [possibly Asashio is intended] in East.

4f5a7a9da2fc8e09230001fb: (

7 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.35am: Chinese gunboat Tung Chi out East.

8.10am: Japanese cruiser Suma in East.

10.30am: Divine service attended by Rosario, Virago, Otter, Whiting and TB 038.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating for magazine guard and received one rating from same.

4f5a7a9da2fc8e09230001fb: (

8 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Discharged one rating to Stonecutters Island.

8.30am: Transport Assaye in East.

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

9.45am: Received one rating from HMS Whiting.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.45pm: Discharged two ratings to Whiting.

4f5a7a9da2fc8e09230001fc: (

9 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.45am: Landed fire party.

5.20am: Fire party returned.

9.0am: WPs on HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

1.15pm: Japanese cruiser Akashi out East.

1.30pm: Read warrants Nos 195 and 196. Escort landed with two ratings for detention barracks.

2.30pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4f5a7a9da2fc8e09230001fc: (

10 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Japanese destroyer Asamhio [Asasshio?] out East.

10.45am: Received 17 ratings from magazine guard.

11.0am: Commander Susmann discharged to hospital.

1.0pm: Received one rating from TB 038 and discharged one to same.

4f5a7a9da2fc8e09230001fd: (

11 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

4f5a7a9da2fc8e09230001fd: (

12 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: Transport Basilan in East.

9.30am: Discharged Fleet Surgeon Bernard, Mr Pounds, Chief Gunner and 56 ratings to SS Sardinia for passage to England.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

4.05pm: Received one rating from Rosario and discharged one to same.

4f5a7a9ea2fc8e09230001fe: (

13 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.20pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

2.30pm: Received one rating from hospital.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter.

5.0pm: Transport Basilan out East.

4f5a7a9ea2fc8e09230001fe: (

14 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Virago, Otter and TB 036.

1.0pm: Japanese cruiser Akitsushima in East.

4f5a7a9ea2fc8e09230001ff: (

15 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: WPs to HMS’ Rosario and Thistle.

4f5a7a9ea2fc8e09230001ff: (

16 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: WPs to HMS Rosario and in Kowloon.

9.30am: Court of inquiry held onboard concerning TB 038.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

3.15pm: Court of inquiry finished.

5.30pm: Japanese cruiser Suma out East.

4f5a7a9ea2fc8e0923000200: (

17 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0am: Discharged one rating to D'Aguilar SS.

9.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.15am: Received one rating from D’Aguilar SS.

2.30pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4f5a7a9ea2fc8e0923000200: (

18 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Five hands working on HMS Wivern.

9.0am: WPs to HMS Thistle and Kowloon.

2.15pm: US gunboat Callao in West.

4..20pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

4f5a7a9fa2fc8e0923000201: (

19 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Five hands working on HMS Wivern.

2.05pm: One rating joined from hospital.

2.50pm: Japanese cruiser Kasaga [either Kasuga or Kasagi] in East.

4f5a7a9fa2fc8e0923000201: (

20 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Five hands working on HMS Wivern.

4f5a7a9fa2fc8e0923000202: (

21 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Divine service attended by Whiting, Otter and Fame.

4f5a7a9fa2fc8e0923000202: (

22 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar SS.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

4.05pm: Read warrant No 198.

4.30pm: Received one rating from D’Aguilar SS.

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7a9fa2fc8e0923000203: (

23 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: WPs to HMS’ Britomart and Wivern and in Kowloon.

4f5a7a9fa2fc8e0923000203: (

24 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Read warrant No 199. Landed escort with prisoner for detention.

4.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Rosario.

4f5a7a9fa2fc8e0923000204: (

25 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Bramble and in Kowloon.

10.15am: Japanese cruiser Kasaga [either Kasuga or Kasagi] out East.

1.30pm: WPs to HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

3.30pm: Lt/Cdr Gascoigne joined ship from SS Oriental.

4f5a7a9fa2fc8e0923000204: (

26 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: Russian cruiser Orel in East.

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and in Kowloon.

9.30am: Discharged six ratings to SS Nubia for passage to England.

1.25pm: Read warrant No 200. Landed escort with one prisoner for detention barracks.

2.20pm: Escort returned with two ratings from detention barracks.

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000205: (

27 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon.

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000205: (

28 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.05am: Russian cruiser Orel out East.

10.10am: Japanese cruiser Akitsushima out East.

10.30am: Divine service attended by Virago and Fame.

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000206: (

29 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Transport Basilan in East.

9.0am: WPs to HMS’ Alacrity and Merlin and in Kowloon.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with two ratings from detention barracks.

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000206: (

30 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon.

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000207: (

31 March 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

9.0am: Discharged one rating to SS Namur for passage to England.


4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000207: (

1 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

6.30am: Escort landed and returned with one rating from Victoria prison.

8.10am: Paid monthly money.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard, remainder as requisite.

10.0am: Received Cdr Susmann from hospital.

1.0pm: Transport Basilan out East.

1.30pm: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard, remainder as requisite.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.0pm: Drew fires in 302 sb.

6.30pm: Drew fires in 34 sb.

9.0pm: Drew fires in 436 sb.

Weather: Light Easterlies, some rain in the pm, temperatures typically low 70s F.

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000208: (

2 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Virago, Otter and Whiting. [Good Friday]

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000208: (

3 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30pm: Chinese cruiser Tung Sai in East.

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000209: (

4 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Whiting, Virago, Otter and TB 035.

4f5a7aa0a2fc8e0923000209: (

5 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

11.0am: Chinese cruiser Tung Sai out West.

4f5a7aa1a2fc8e092300020a: (

6 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

4f5a7aa1a2fc8e092300020a: (

7 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar SS.

6.45am: HMS Empress of Russia in East.

8.55am: One rating joined from D’Aguilar.

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter.

4f5a7aa1a2fc8e092300020b: (

8 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

9.0am: HM Submarine C37 out West.

11.30am: C37 returned.

4.15pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035 and received one rating from same.

4f5a7aa1a2fc8e092300020b: (

9 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Empress of Russia placed in dock.

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

4f5a7aa1a2fc8e092300020c: (

10 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

10.25am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7aa1a2fc8e092300020c: (

11 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Empress of Russia, Rosario, Whiting, Fame and Virago.

4f5a7aa2a2fc8e092300020d: (

12 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

4f5a7aa2a2fc8e092300020d: (

13 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.35am: US gunboat Callao out West.

10.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

4f5a7aa2a2fc8e092300020e: (

14 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

10.35am: Discharged four ratings to hospital.

4f5a7aa2a2fc8e092300020e: (

15 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: HM Submarine C37 out West.

11.45am: C37 returned.

1.30pm: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

4f5a7aa2a2fc8e092300020f: (

16 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7aa2a2fc8e092300020f: (

17 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

4f5a7aa2a2fc8e0923000210: (

18 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Divine service attended by TB 035, Rosario, Whiting, Otter and Empress of Russia.

4f5a7aa2a2fc8e0923000210: (

19 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

10.30am: HMS Empress of Russia undocked.

10.45am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.30pm: Escort landed and returned with one rating from detention barracks.

5.30pm: Discharged seven ratings to HMS Britomart, seven to HMS Thistle and seven to HMS Bramble.

4f5a7aa3a2fc8e0923000211: (

20 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

9.15am: Discharged one rating to Peak SS.

10.30am: Discharged Lt Wyndham-Quin to hospital.

10.45am: Received one rating from Peak SS.

5.0pm: One rating joined from minesweeper.

4f5a7aa3a2fc8e0923000211: (

21 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima in East.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7aa3a2fc8e0923000212: (

22 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged Cdr Susmann and one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: WPs to HMS’ Alacrity and Britomart and in Kowloon dockyard.

4f5a7aa3a2fc8e0923000212: (

23 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Alacrity and Kowloon dockyard.

2.20pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7aa3a2fc8e0923000213: (

24 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter.

9.40am: Received Mr Carruthers, WO Tel., from SS Sardinia.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.50pm: Received one rating from Otter.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

3.30pm: US gunboat Callao in West.

4f5a7aa3a2fc8e0923000213: (

25 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Divine service attended by Empress of Russia, Virago, Otter, Fame and TB 036.

4f5a7aa3a2fc8e0923000214: (

26 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Bramble and Kowloon dockyard.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to Fame and received one from same.

4f5a7aa3a2fc8e0923000214: (

27 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WP to HMS Bramble,

10.10am: Japanese cruiser Otowa in East.

12.15pm: Japanese cruiser Tsushima out East.

4f5a7aa4a2fc8e0923000215: (

28 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WP to HMS Bramble.

9.30am: Court Martial held onboard.

10.0am: Court Martial finished.

4f5a7aa4a2fc8e0923000215: (

29 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Away landing party.

7.45am: Party returned.

9.0am: WP to HMS Bramble.

9.0am: Japanese cruisers Aso and Soya [Saya in log] in East.

4f5a7aa4a2fc8e0923000216: (

30 April 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged 24 ratings to HMS Empress of Russia.

4.20pm: Empress of Russia out East.


4f5a7aa4a2fc8e0923000216: (

1 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

7.0am: Exercised fire stations.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.55am: WP to HMS Bramble, remainder clean ship..

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.0pm: Hands to make and mend. Landed liberty men.

2.0pm: Drew fires in 384.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in 436.

5.20pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter.7.20pm: Drew fires in 302.

Weather: Light Easterlies, clear in am, overcast with rain later, temperatures in the high 80s F.

4f5a7aa4a2fc8e0923000217: (

2 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Divine service attended by Rosario, Fame, Whiting, Virago and TB 035.

4f5a7aa4a2fc8e0923000217: (

3 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.05am: Japanese cruisers Aso and Saya out East.

1.15pm: US gunboat Wilmington out West.

1.15pm: Japanese cruiser Otowa out East.

4f5a7aa5a2fc8e0923000218: (

4 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Bramble and Kowloon.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter.

4f5a7aa5a2fc8e0923000218: (

5 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Bramble and Kowloon.

4f5a7aa5a2fc8e0923000219: (

6 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: WPs to HMS Bramble and Kowloon.

4f5a7aa5a2fc8e0923000219: (

7 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima in East.

5.15pm: Tsushima out East.

4f5a7aa5a2fc8e092300021a: (

8 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Received four ratings from SS Nubia.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.10pm: Received one rating from HMS Fame.

4f5a7aa5a2fc8e092300021a: (

9 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario and Fame.

4f5a7aa5a2fc8e092300021b: (

10 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Working party in Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7aa5a2fc8e092300021b: (

11 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Coaled ship, 25 tons.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

4f5a7aa6a2fc8e092300021c: (

12 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to Virago and received one from same.

4f5a7aa6a2fc8e092300021c: (

13 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one rating to SS Senegambia [managed by Strick Line for the British Government, formerly German] for passage to England.

3.30pm: US gunboat Wilmington in West.

4f5a7aa6a2fc8e092300021d: (

14 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Working party in Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7aa6a2fc8e092300021d: (

15 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: Japanese cruiser Tsushima in East.

4f5a7aa6a2fc8e092300021e: (

16 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service onboard attended by Rosario, Fame and Virago.

4f5a7aa6a2fc8e092300021e: (

17 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: US gunboat Callao out East.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7aa6a2fc8e092300021f: (

18 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.35am: Japanese cruiser Akitsushima in East.

7.45am: Russian minelayer Ussuri in East.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7aa6a2fc8e092300021f: (

19 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.50am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: Russian cruiser Ussuri out East.

3.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

5.15pm: Received Mr Marshall, Tel., from SS Oriental.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000220: (

20 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima out East.

9.30am: US gunboat Wilmington out East.

10.25am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000220: (

21 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.10pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000221: (

22 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: French cruiser D’Iberville in East.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000221: (

23 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Virago, Rosario and Whiting.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000222: (

24 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: WP to Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000222: (

25 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: Received four ratings from hospital.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000223: (

26 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

WP to Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000223: (

27 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: Discharged one rating to TB 036.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000224: (

28 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

WP to Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7aa7a2fc8e0923000224: (

29 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7aa8a2fc8e0923000225: (

30 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Japanese cruiser Akitsushima out East.

9.25am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian and RC parties.

10.20am: C of E attended service onshore.

12 noon: Church parties returned.

4f5a7aa8a2fc8e0923000225: (

31 May 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.


4f5a7aa8a2fc8e0923000226: (

1 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Tuesday routine.

4.30am: Discharged two ratings to D'Aguilar SS and one to minesweeper.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in steam boats 436, 34 and 384.

7.45am: Lit fires in 302.

8.10am: Paid monthly money.

8.30am: Drew fires in 384.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.0am: Hands employed as requisite.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

9.30am: Received three ratings from D'Aguilar SS.

1.0pm: Discharged two ratings to Peak SS and two ratings to Jubilee SS.

2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

3.30pm: Received two ratings from Peak SS and two from Jubilee SS.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.20pm: Drew fires in steam boats.

4.45pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Otter, one to HMS Fame and one to HMS Virago and received one rating from each.

Weather: Light Easterlies, clear, temperatures in the low 80s F. Rain at midnight.

4f5a7aa8a2fc8e0923000226: (

2 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Six hands to draw Carpenter’s stores.

9.30am: French cruiser D'Iberville out East.

4f5a7aa8a2fc8e0923000227: (

3 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.20am: Portuguese gunboat Patria in West.

5.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Otter.

4f5a7aa8a2fc8e0923000227: (

4 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: US gunboat Wilmington in East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.30am: Received Mr Thomas and Mr Bailey, WO Telegraphists, from SS Malta.

4f5a7aa8a2fc8e0923000228: (

5 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

9.10am: Discharged four ratings to SS Oriental for passage to Singapore.

10.0am: Discharged Mr Bailey, WO Tel., to hospital.

4f5a7aa8a2fc8e0923000228: (

6 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Landed church parties of all denominations.

4f5a7aa9a2fc8e0923000229: (

7 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7aa9a2fc8e0923000229: (

8 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

WP in Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7aa9a2fc8e092300022a: (

9 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Read warrant No 203. Escort landed with one prisoner for Victoria jail.

3.45pm: Transport Bamora in East.

4f5a7aa9a2fc8e092300022a: (

10 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged Lt/Cdr Susmann to SS Nagoya for passage to England.

4f5a7aa9a2fc8e092300022b: (

11 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.30pm: Received one rating from TB 035.

4f5a7aa9a2fc8e092300022b: (

12 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

WP in Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

Make and mend in the pm.

4f5a7aa9a2fc8e092300022c: (

13 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Church parties landed.

4f5a7aa9a2fc8e092300022c: (

14 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.20pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7aaaa2fc8e092300022d: (

15 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 21 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

2.15pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

3.35pm: Transport Bamora out East.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7aaaa2fc8e092300022d: (

16 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30am: Discharged one rating to D'Aguilar SS.

7.0am: 21 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

9.40am: Received one rating from D'Aguilar SS.

4f5a7aaaa2fc8e092300022e: (

17 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 21 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

9.0am: Divisions. Mustered bedding.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: US gunboat Callao in West.

6.40pm: Received one rating from HMS Whiting.

7.45pm: Chinese cruiser Ying Swei in West.

4f5a7aaaa2fc8e092300022e: (

18 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 23 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.20pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7aaba2fc8e092300022f: (

19 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 23 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

10.30am: Discharged Lt Pooley RNR and two ratings to hospital.

12.10pm: American transport Abarenda in East.

1.0pm: Chinese cruiser Ying Swei out East.

4f5a7aaba2fc8e092300022f: (

20 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service onboard attended by Rosario, Otter, Fame and Whiting.

2.30pm: Discharged Cdr Gibson to hospital.

5.40pm: One rating joined from TB 036.

4f5a7aaba2fc8e0923000230: (

21 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.40am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

4f5a7aaba2fc8e0923000230: (

22 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 23 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

10.30am: US transport Abarenda out East.

4f5a7aaba2fc8e0923000231: (

23 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 23 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

4f5a7aaba2fc8e0923000231: (

24 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 16 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

11.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

4f5a7aaba2fc8e0923000232: (

25 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 13 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

9.0am: Court of Inquiry held onboard.

11.50am Court of Inquiry finished.

5.20pm: Chinese cruiser Tung Chi in West.

4f5a7aaba2fc8e0923000232: (

26 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Court of Inquiry held onboard.

10.30am: Discharged four ratings to hospital.

10.45am: Court of Inquiry finished.

4f5a7aaca2fc8e0923000233: (

27 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and Otter.

4f5a7aaca2fc8e0923000233: (

28 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: 13 dockyard shipwrights employed onboard.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

3.45pm: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction SE.

9.15pm: Hoisted black typhoon signal.

4f5a7aaca2fc8e0923000234: (

29 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: Changed typhoon signal to South.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.45am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

2.15pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4f5a7aaca2fc8e0923000234: (

30 June 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar.

8.50am: One rating joined from TB 036.

11.45am: Portuguese gunboat Macau [Macao in log] in West.


4f5a7aaca2fc8e0923000235: (

1 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

6.15am: Aired bedding.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.0am: WP to Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

2.0pm: Hands as in forenoon.

3.30pm: Discharged Mr Jolly, Ass. Paymr, to hospital.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in two steam boats.

6.30pm: Drew fires in steam boat 302.

Weather. Light airs, overcast in pm, temperatures in the mid 80s F.

4f5a7aaca2fc8e0923000235: (

2 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.30pm: Three ratings discharged to mine sweepers.

5.0pm: Six ratings discharged to TBs and destroyers and nine ratings joined ship.

4f5a7aaca2fc8e0923000236: (

3 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: SS Polbain [formerly SS Paklat, Nordeutscher-Lloyd, captured 21st August 1914] left Camber.

11.30am: SS Polbain arrived in Camber.

1.10pm: Read warrant No 204 and discharged one rating to detention. One rating joined from detention.

4f5a7aaca2fc8e0923000236: (

4 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

7.30am: SS Polbain left Camber.

4f5a7aada2fc8e0923000237: (

5 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.50am: HMS Otter went into Camber.

12.30pm: One ERA discharged to Otter and one Stoker rating to HMS Fame.

4f5a7aada2fc8e0923000237: (

6 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Discharged two ratings to hospital and Lt/Cdr Gibson joined from same.

2.0pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

4f5a7aada2fc8e0923000238: (

7 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Coaled ship, 25 tons.

10.45am: One rating discharged to hospital.

4f5a7aada2fc8e0923000238: (

8 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HM Submarine C36 left Camber.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.30am: Chinese gunboat Gwang Gan entered West.

11.40am: C36 entered Camber.

4f5a7aada2fc8e0923000239: (

9 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Read warrants Nos 206 and 207. Discharged two ratings to detention.

4f5a7aada2fc8e0923000239: (

10 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4.30pm: One rating discharged to TB 036.

4f5a7aada2fc8e092300023a: (

11 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Otter, Fame, Whiting, Virago and TB 036.

4f5a7aada2fc8e092300023a: (

12 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago into Camber.

9.0am: Sent working parties to outlying ships.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7aaea2fc8e092300023b: (

13 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Sent working parties to outlying ships.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7aaea2fc8e092300023b: (

14 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Sent working parties to outlying ships.

9.45am: Discharged two ratings to D’Aguilar.

10.20am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4.30pm: 28 ratings joined ship from destroyers Fame, Whiting, Virago and Otter.

6.0pm: Discharged one rating to Fame.

4f5a7aaea2fc8e092300023c: (

15 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: One rating discharged to D’Aguilar.

9.0am: Sent working parties to outlying ships.

9.45am: One rating discharged to hospital.

12.10pm: HM Submarine C36 entered Camber.

6.0pm: HMS Whiting left and proceeded East.

4f5a7aaea2fc8e092300023c: (

16 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: USS’ Wilmington and Callao left and proceeded West.

7.45am: HMS Fame entered Camber.

9.0am: Sent working parties to outlying ships.

4f5a7aaea2fc8e092300023d: (

17 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

9.30am: Discharged Lts Hanley [or Hanby], Quinn and Clovelly [or Clevelly] to SS Sardinia for passage to England.

2.30pm: Sardinia out.

4f5a7aaea2fc8e092300023d: (

18 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Fame, Otter, Whiting and Rosario.

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Whiting.

5.0pm: HIJMS Akitsushima [Akitushima in log] arrived.

4f5a7aafa2fc8e092300023e: (

19 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Whiting.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

7.15pm: USS Callao [Cailao in log] in.

4f5a7aafa2fc8e092300023e: (

20 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged Surgeon R McLay [?] to SS Talthybius for passage home.

2.15pm: Received five ratings from hospital.

4f5a7aafa2fc8e092300023f: (

21 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: USS Callao out West.

10.50am: Chinese gunboat Kwang Gan arrived.

4f5a7aafa2fc8e092300023f: (

22 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.30pm: Chinese gunboat Kwang Gan out West.

4.0pm: One rating joined from detention.

4.35pm: Chinese gunboat Kwang Hai arrived.

4f5a7aafa2fc8e0923000240: (

23 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

2.20pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7aafa2fc8e0923000240: (

24 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Chinese gunboat Lufui arrived.

4f5a7ab0a2fc8e0923000241: (

25 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Virago, Fame Whiting and Rosario.

6.10pm: Japanese cruiser Akitsushima out East.

4f5a7ab0a2fc8e0923000241: (

26 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties.

4f5a7ab0a2fc8e0923000242: (

27 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

6.30pm: Chinese TB Lu Fui out West.

7.10pm: USS Callao arrived.

4f5a7ab0a2fc8e0923000242: (

28 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Chinese gunboat Feung Tak Cheong arrived.

2.15pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.55pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting and one to Canteen. One rating joined from Whiting.

4f5a7ab0a2fc8e0923000243: (

29 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: American transport Supply arrived.

2.30pm: Chinese gunboat Chisesi arrived.

4f5a7ab0a2fc8e0923000243: (

30 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: Discharged 32 ratings to SS Kashgar.

10.15am: Discharged Mr Stanley, Art. Engineer and Mr Jolly Ass. Paymr to Kashgar for passage to England.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.0pm: Chinese gunboat Chisei out West.

4f5a7ab0a2fc8e0923000244: (

31 July 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: One rating joined from D’Aguilar.

9.10am: Hoisted black typhoon signal SE.

9.50am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.50am. Typhoon signal changed South.


4f5a7ab0a2fc8e0923000244: (

1 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Typhoon signal changed direction SW.

6.15am: Hands clean ship.

9.15am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame and one to TB 035.

9.20am: Landed church parties.

9.30am: Divisions.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Whiting, Fame and TB 035.

11.30am: Church parties returned.

11.35am: USS Supply out East.

1.0pm: Special leave to 11.0pm:

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Light Easterly breezes strengthening to F5 at midnight. Mostly overcast with rain at times, temperatures in the low 80s F.

4f5a7ab1a2fc8e0923000245: (

2 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: USS Callao [Cailao in log] out West.

9.45am: Changed typhoon signal direction West.

2.0pm: Sent WPs to HMS’ Bramble and Merlin.

4.15pm: Discharged one rating to TB 036.

5.20pm: Hauled down typhoon signal.

4f5a7ab1a2fc8e0923000245: (

3 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: One rating joined ship from TB 036.

9.0am: Hands employed taking off typhoon wires.

11.0am: Discharged S/Lt More to hospital.

2.30pm: Five ratings joined ship from hospital.

3.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

4f5a7ab1a2fc8e0923000246: (

4 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.50am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame and two ratings to hospital.

2.20pm: One ERA joined from Fame.

4f5a7ab1a2fc8e0923000246: (

5 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Broke flag of Rear Admiral. [The Commodore, Captain RH Anstruther, has been promoted.]

9.50am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

5.0pm: USS Wilmington in West.

4f5a7ab1a2fc8e0923000247: (

6 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

10.0am: Landed patrol, same returned with absentee.

4f5a7ab1a2fc8e0923000247: (

7 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: One volunteer AB discharged to shore.

10.50am: Chinese gunboat out West.

4.30pm: One rating joined ship and discharged one rating to dockyard.

4f5a7ab1a2fc8e0923000248: (

8 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Whiting, TBs 035 and 036 and Rosario.

4f5a7ab1a2fc8e0923000248: (

9 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Britomart left dock and HMS Virago docked.

10.05am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.45pm: Discharged one Marine to D’Aguilar.

6.0pm: HMS Whiting out East.

7.45pm: One Marine joined from D’Aguilar.

4f5a7ab2a2fc8e0923000249: (

10 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder employed as requisite.

4f5a7ab2a2fc8e0923000249: (

11 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

5.30am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Fame and two ratings joined ship.

4f5a7ab2a2fc8e092300024a: (

12 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Exercised landing party.

7.30am: Landing party returned.

4f5a7ab2a2fc8e092300024a: (

13 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.20pm: One RMLI joined from hospital.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7ab2a2fc8e092300024b: (

14 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: Discharged one Marine to SS Malta.

7.30pm: One rating joined from D’Aguilar.

4f5a7ab2a2fc8e092300024b: (

15 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Fame, Virago, Rosario and TB 036.

4f5a7ab2a2fc8e092300024c: (

16 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In pm: Sent gunboats’ working parties.

4f5a7ab2a2fc8e092300024c: (

17 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

10.40am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7ab3a2fc8e092300024d: (

18 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder painting boats and ship and as requisite.

4f5a7ab3a2fc8e092300024d: (

19 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7ab3a2fc8e092300024e: (

20 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: HM Submarine C36 left Camber.

2.30pm: C36 entered Camber.

4f5a7ab3a2fc8e092300024e: (

21 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire staions.

Make and mend in pm.

4f5a7ab3a2fc8e092300024f: (

22 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Fame, Whiting, Rosario and TB 036.

2.30pm: Chinese gunboat Chun Fung in West.

4f5a7ab3a2fc8e092300024f: (

23 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.40am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7ab3a2fc8e0923000250: (

24 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties.

4f5a7ab3a2fc8e0923000250: (

25 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Seamen employed shelling HMS Britomart.

1.30pm: Seamen employed shelling HMS Bramble.

4f5a7ab4a2fc8e0923000251: (

26 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Seamen employed shelling HMS Thistle*.

10.20am: One rating discharged to hospital.

HMS’ Bramble, Britomart and Thistle, along with the river gunboats that were able to reach HK, were stripped of their crews on the outbreak of war to make up the ship’s company of HMS Triumph. They are now being readied to recommission.

4f5a7ab4a2fc8e0923000251: (

27 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: One rating and one officer discharged to hospital.

2.30pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7ab4a2fc8e0923000252: (

28 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: One officer and three wireless ratings joined ship from Singapore.

2.20pm: Chinese gunboat Kwang Kung arrived.

4f5a7ab4a2fc8e0923000252: (

29 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Whiting, Virago, Rosario and TB 035.

4f5a7ab4a2fc8e0923000253: (

30 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Chinese transport arrived.

10.45am: Discharged four ratings to hospital.

2.30pm: Discharged two ERAs to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7ab4a2fc8e0923000253: (

31 August 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder provisioning ship and as requisite.


4f5a7ab4a2fc8e0923000254: (

1 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

7.10am: Chinese gunboat Kwang Kung out West.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Usual working parties, remainder as requisite.

10.35am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

2.0pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.15pm: Drew fires in 384.

10.45pm: Drew fires in 436.

Weather: Calm or light airs, mostly clear skies with showers around noon, temperatures in the high 80s F.

4f5a7ab4a2fc8e0923000254: (

2 September 1915

[2 August in log]

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Exercised landing party.

7.50am: Party returned.

4f5a7ab5a2fc8e0923000255: (

3 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

3.15pm: US gunboat Callao [Cailao in log] in West.

4f5a7ab5a2fc8e0923000255: (

4 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.40am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Yei arrived.

4f5a7ab5a2fc8e0923000256: (

5 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Fame, Virago and TB 036.

4f5a7ab5a2fc8e0923000256: (

6 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating and S/Lt Sims RNR to hospital.

4f5a7ab5a2fc8e0923000257: (

7 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.45pm: One RMLI received from hospital.

4f5a7ab5a2fc8e0923000257: (

8 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: One rating joined ship.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

3.45pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

4f5a7ab5a2fc8e0923000258: (

9 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: One rating discharged to hospital.

4f5a7ab5a2fc8e0923000258: (

10 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder painting mess decks and as requisite.

4f5a7ab6a2fc8e0923000259: (

11 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: USS Wilmington out East.

4f5a7ab6a2fc8e0923000259: (

12 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: SS Nankin arrived with crews for HMS’ Bramble, Britomart and Thistle.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Fame and Virago.

4f5a7ab6a2fc8e092300025a: (

13 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Japanese cruisers Tsushima and Hirado arrived.

11.0am: USS Callao out West.

6.10am: HMS Fame left Camber and went out East.

4f5a7ab6a2fc8e092300025a: (

14 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS’ Thistle and Britomart and two ratings joined ship.

4f5a7ab6a2fc8e092300025b: (

15 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: HMS’ Thistle, Bramble and Britomart left Camber and proceeded East [for trials].

4.0pm: USS Callao in West.

4.50pm: Bramble and Britomart returned.

5.30pm: Thistle in East.

6.40pm: Bramble, Britomart and Thistle out East [on their way to war, Bramble and Britomart to the Persian Gulf and Thistle to Zanzibar].

4f5a7ab6a2fc8e092300025b: (

16 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: Japanese cruiser Hirado [Hiratingo in log] out East.

8.15am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima out East.

10.0am: One rating discharged to hospital.

4f5a7ab6a2fc8e092300025c: (

17 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ab6a2fc8e092300025c: (

18 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7ab7a2fc8e092300025d: (

19 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Whiting, Rosario and TB036.

1.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Patarica [possibly Patria is intended] in West.

4f5a7ab7a2fc8e092300025d: (

20 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

2.30pm: Three Chinese gunboats arrived.

5.15pm: One ERA joined ship from HMS Whiting.

4f5a7ab7a2fc8e092300025e: (

21 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Hoi arrived.

10.30am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

3.0pm: Chinese gunboats Pinnan and Ontak arrived.

4f5a7ab7a2fc8e092300025e: (

22 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.40pm: Chinese cruiser Hai Chen in.

9.0pm: Lt Connelly joined ship from TB 035.

4f5a7ab7a2fc8e092300025f: (

23 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: USS Callao out West.

9.30am: Held court of inquiry on board.

10.25am: Discharged one Lieutenant to hospital.

4.30pm: HMS Empress of Japan in.

4f5a7ab7a2fc8e092300025f: (

24 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.30pm: HMS Empress of Japan went into Camber. [She is to be returned to the merchant service.]

4f5a7ab8a2fc8e0923000260: (

25 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.25am: Chinese cruiser Hoi Chin [probably the same as Hai Chen, in on the 22nd] out East.

4f5a7ab8a2fc8e0923000260: (

26 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Virago, Fame, Whiting, Rosario and TB 035.

4f5a7ab8a2fc8e0923000261: (

27 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged two ratings and Art. Eng. W Hutchinson to hospital.

4f5a7ab8a2fc8e0923000261: (

28 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Discharged one ERA to SS Protesilaus for passage to HMS Thistle. [He joined in Singapore on 3rd October, vide Thistle’s log.]

5.0pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ab8a2fc8e0923000262: (

29 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: Aired bedding.

Usual working parties.

4f5a7ab8a2fc8e0923000262: (

30 September 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Exercised landing party.


4f5a7ab8a2fc8e0923000263: (

1 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Usual working parties.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.0pm: Drew fires in two steam boats.

Weather: Easterly winds in am with some rain, clearing and dying away later, temperature around 80º F.

4f5a7ab8a2fc8e0923000263: (

2 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire staions.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7ab9a2fc8e0923000264: (

3 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Fame, Whiting, Virago and TB 036.

4f5a7ab9a2fc8e0923000264: (

4 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am:Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: Sent working parties to Stonecutters and Kowloon.

5.25pm: Chinese gunboats Ring Wan and Lee Lun out West.

4f5a7ab9a2fc8e0923000265: (

5 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7ab9a2fc8e0923000265: (

6 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties.

4f5a7ab9a2fc8e0923000266: (

7 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Exercised landing party.

In pm: Make and mend for landing party.

4f5a7ab9a2fc8e0923000266: (

8 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: Submarine C 6 left Camber [probably an error and C36 is intended].

2.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ab9a2fc8e0923000267: (

9 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.05am: Received four ratings from SS Novara.

4f5a7ab9a2fc8e0923000267: (

10 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Virago and TB 035.

4f5a7abaa2fc8e0923000268: (

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LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 11th 1915 TO SEPTEMBER 9th 1917

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Front cover.

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Above five pages blank.

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Title page, blank.

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Printed instructions for logkeepers.

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Specification page, blank.

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11 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.55pm: HMS Virago went into Camber.

4f5a7abda2fc8e0923000277: (

12 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7abea2fc8e0923000278: (

13 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties to Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7abea2fc8e0923000278: (

14 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Fame out West [on patrol].

4f5a7abea2fc8e0923000279: (

15 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HM Sub C36 left Camber and out East.

12.15pm: C36 returned to Camber.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7abea2fc8e0923000279: (

16 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Discharged seven ratings to TB 037. Received seven ratings from same.

4f5a7abea2fc8e092300027a: (

17 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.40am: HMS Fame out West.

6.0pm: Fame returned.

4f5a7abea2fc8e092300027a: (

18 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.30am: HMS Fame docked.

4f5a7abea2fc8e092300027b: (

19 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Empress of Russia in East. [The Empress has been released by the Admiralty and has come back to HK to be returned to the merchant service.]

3.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

3.0pm: One rating joined from HMS Thistle.

5.0pm: USS Callao [Caliao in log] in West.

4f5a7abea2fc8e092300027b: (

20 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.0am: AH Parsons, clerk, joined from SS Nagoya.

4f5a7abfa2fc8e092300027c: (

21 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

6.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7abfa2fc8e092300027c: (

22 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged two ratings to SS Malta for passage to England.

6.35pm: Japanese destroyer Urakati [possibly Urakaze?] in.

4f5a7abfa2fc8e092300027d: (

23 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.15pm: HIJMS Urakati out East.

4f5a7abfa2fc8e092300027d: (

24 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Divine service attended by Whiting, Rosario, Virago and TB 035.

5.30pm: Chinese gunboat Kiang Han arrived.

4f5a7abfa2fc8e092300027e: (

25 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.58am: Hoisted typhoon red signal direction SE.

11.0am: Empress of Russia docked.

5.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kaing Han out West.

4f5a7abfa2fc8e092300027e: (

26 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.20am: Hoisted black typhoon signal, direction S of colony.

10.30am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

Hands taking off typhoon wires.

1.35pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7abfa2fc8e092300027f: (

27 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4.15pm: Chinese transport Pao Mein in East.

4f5a7abfa2fc8e092300027f: (

28 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Discharged five ratings to TB 038.

8.0am: Five ratings joined ship from TB 035.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7ac0a2fc8e0923000280: (

29 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

5.35pm: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction SE of colony.

4f5a7ac0a2fc8e0923000280: (

30 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.20am: HMS Merlin left Camber.

12.15pm: Changed typhoon signal direction East of colony.

6.45pm: Changed typhoon signal to black. Hands putting on wires and closing ports. [Winds 5-7 N at midnight.]

4f5a7ac0a2fc8e0923000281: (

31 October 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.35am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by Rosario, Whiting and Virago.


4f5a7ac0a2fc8e0923000281: (

1 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.0am: HMS Fame in East.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Hands employed as requisite.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

1.45pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Gan in.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Northerly winds with some rain in am, veering NE and moderating later with clear skies, temperatures around 70º F.

4f5a7ac0a2fc8e0923000282: (

2 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: HMS Virago in.

3.0pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ac0a2fc8e0923000282: (

3 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: USS Callao out West.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago and one to TB 038.

4f5a7ac1a2fc8e0923000283: (

4 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Gan out West

10.55am: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction SE of Colony.

11.15pm: Changed typhoon signal to black. Hands employed securing with typhoon wires.

4f5a7ac1a2fc8e0923000283: (

5 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: Typhoon signal changed direction South of colony.

2.55pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.0pm: Typhoon signal changed direction SW of Colony.

In pm: Gusty Easterly winds rising to gale force 8 at times.

4f5a7ac1a2fc8e0923000284: (

6 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Typhoon changed direction West of colony.

9.05am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

1.30pm: Chinese gunboat Lee Man Chi arrived from West.

2.15pm: SS Empress of Asia in East*.

*The Empress of Asia has been released from AMC duties by the Admiralty and she has returned to HK for reconversion to a passenger vessel.

4f5a7ac1a2fc8e0923000284: (

7 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Fame slipped and proceeded East.

9.45am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima [Tsuhima in log] arrived.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 037.

4f5a7ac1a2fc8e0923000285: (

8 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7ac1a2fc8e0923000285: (

9 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: SS Empress of Asia secured to North Wall.

2.20pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4f5a7ac1a2fc8e0923000286: (

10 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Dressed ship with mast head flags in honour of the enthronement of the Emperor of Japan.

4f5a7ac1a2fc8e0923000286: (

11 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.55am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fo out West.

3.45pm: Commissioned Atlas* with 31 ratings from HMS Virago.

* A Rover class rescue tug of 620 tons, launched in 1909.

4f5a7ac2a2fc8e0923000287: (

12 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

2.30pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7ac2a2fc8e0923000287: (

13 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7ac2a2fc8e0923000288: (

14 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Dressed with masthead flags in honour of Emperor of Japan.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Fame, Virago and TB 037.

1.30pm: Temporarily commissioned Atlas with ratings from Virago [but see entry for 10th November].

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037.

5.40pm: HM tug Atlas out East.

10.30pm: One rating joined ship from D’Aguilar signal station.

4f5a7ac2a2fc8e0923000288: (

15 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.50pm: One rating joined ship from SS Empress of Japan.

4f5a7ac2a2fc8e0923000289: (

16 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Japanese cruiser Tsushima [Tushima in log] out East.

1.15pm: Read warrant No 213.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ac2a2fc8e0923000289: (

17 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.45am: HMS Empress of Russia undocked.

3.45pm: HMS Whiting docked at Whampoa.

4f5a7ac2a2fc8e092300028a: (

18 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7ac2a2fc8e092300028a: (

19 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

10.45am: Discharged one WT officer to hospital.

4f5a7ac3a2fc8e092300028b: (

20 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Dress of the day changed to blues.

4f5a7ac3a2fc8e092300028b: (

21 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 038

4f5a7ac3a2fc8e092300028c: (

22 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Merlin left Camber and secured to buoy No 6.

10.45am: Chinese gunboat Chui Tung in West.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037 and one joined from same.

4f5a7ac3a2fc8e092300028c: (

23 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ac3a2fc8e092300028d: (

24 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Hands whitewashing the roof.

9.05am: Discharged two ratings to SS Nagoya for passage to England.

2.40pm: One rating discharged to TB 038. One rating joined from same and was discharged to hospital.

4f5a7ac3a2fc8e092300028d: (

25 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.15pm: Landed funeral party.

6.0pm: Same returned.

4f5a7ac3a2fc8e092300028e: (

26 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: HMS Fame entered Camber.

11.0am: Submarine C36 proceeded West.

11.45am: C36 entered Camber.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 214 and discharged one rating to detention.

4.45pm: USS Transport Merriot [?] in East.

4f5a7ac3a2fc8e092300028e: (

27 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7ac4a2fc8e092300028f: (

28 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Fame and TB 037.

4f5a7ac4a2fc8e092300028f: (

29 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting in East.

8.45am: HMS Fame left Camber.

9.45am: Chinese gunboat Kong Hing arrived.

9.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.55pm: USS Merriot out East.

4f5a7ac4a2fc8e0923000290: (

30 November 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.


4f5a7ac4a2fc8e0923000290: (

1 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in four steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.40am: Drew fires in 384.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Hands employed as requisite.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 215.

2.15pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.15pm: Drew fires in 302.

4.30pm: USS Callao [Cailao in log] arrived.

4.35pm: Drew fires in 436 and 36.

4f5a7ac4a2fc8e0923000291: (

2 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7ac4a2fc8e0923000291: (

3 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.25am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7ac4a2fc8e0923000292: (

4 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7ac4a2fc8e0923000292: (

5 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario and Whiting.

12.30pm: Three RNR Lieutenants and two ratings joined ship from SS Kashmir [Kashmair in log].

4f5a7ac5a2fc8e0923000293: (

6 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Read warrant No 126 and discharged one rating to detention.

4.15pm: HMS Whiting left Camber.

4f5a7ac5a2fc8e0923000293: (

7 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Held Court of Inquiry onboard.

10.45am: USS Wilmington arrived.

11.40am: Court rose.

4f5a7ac5a2fc8e0923000294: (

8 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Held Court of Inquiry.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12 noon: Court rose.

1.55pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ac5a2fc8e0923000294: (

9 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: Exercised landing party, remainder painting ship.

4f5a7ac5a2fc8e0923000295: (

10 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

4f5a7ac5a2fc8e0923000295: (

11 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

2.0pm: Lt Connelly RNR and one rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ac5a2fc8e0923000296: (

12 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by TB 037, Rosario and Fame.

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

4f5a7ac5a2fc8e0923000296: (

13 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

10.45am: Russian transport Orel arrived.

4f5a7ac6a2fc8e0923000297: (

14 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ac6a2fc8e0923000297: (

15 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

2.15pm: Russian transport Orel [Oriel in log] sailed.

4f5a7ac6a2fc8e0923000298: (

16 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.50am: HM Tug Atlas in.

10.30am: Discharged three Lt/Cdrs to SS Namur for passage to England.

4f5a7ac6a2fc8e0923000298: (

17 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.45pm: USS Wilmington out East.

4f5a7ac6a2fc8e0923000299: (

18 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

4f5a7ac6a2fc8e0923000299: (

19 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 038.

4f5a7ac6a2fc8e092300029a: (

20 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting left Camber and HMS Fame went in.

1.15pm: SS Empress of Asia undocked.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

4f5a7ac6a2fc8e092300029a: (

21 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS Virago entered Camber.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ac7a2fc8e092300029b: (

22 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Russian ship Orel in.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 218.

4f5a7ac7a2fc8e092300029b: (

23 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual working parties, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7ac7a2fc8e092300029c: (

24 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention.

4f5a7ac7a2fc8e092300029c: (

25 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Fame, Virago and TBs.

4f5a7ac7a2fc8e092300029d: (

26 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.27am: Pte Frank Penfold, RMLI, Ch 5622, died at RN hospital of multiple injuries received in falling from window of Dockyard signal station on to a sloping roof and then to the ground.

9.15am: ERA 3c Edwin Manley, 271631, of HMS Whiting died on board Tamar. Cause of death, acute cardiac failure.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Fame and Virago.

4f5a7ac7a2fc8e092300029d: (

27 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: HMS Virago left Camber.

3.45pm: Landed funeral parties for the burial of ERA Edwin Manley and Private Frank Penfold, RMLI.

4f5a7ac7a2fc8e092300029e: (

28 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: HMS Whiting and HM Sub C36 docked.

9.30am: Court of Inquiry assembled.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4.40pm: Court adjourned.

4f5a7ac7a2fc8e092300029e: (

29 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Court of Inquiry reassembled.

12 noon: Court adjourned.

1.30pm: Court resumed.

2.10pm: Court adjourned.

4.05pm: USS Callao out West.

4f5a7ac8a2fc8e092300029f: (

30 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: HMS Fame left Camber.

11.05am: Fame out West.

2.0pm Discharged Lt/Cdr Russell and Mr [presumably Major] AH Platt NI [Native Infantry] to SS Nanking for passage to England.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 219.

4f5a7ac8a2fc8e092300029f: (

31 December 1915

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.40pm: HIJMS Nukaka [Niitaka is probably intended here; see entry for 3/1/16] arrived.


[All dates from 1–22 January 1916 are incorrectly dated as 1915.]

4f5a7ac8a2fc8e09230002a0: (

1 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly wages.

8.55am: Hands clean ship and as requisite.

11.25am: Drew fires in 34.

1.0pm: Drew fires in 436. Gave usual leave to watch. Hands to make and mend.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

In pm: Make and mend.

4.20pm: Discharged one rating to Kowloon.

Weather: Calm or light winds from the east, overcast with rain in the am, temperatures high 60s F.

4f5a7ac8a2fc8e09230002a0: (

2 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: USS Wilmington arrived.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, TB 038, Whiting and Virago.

4f5a7ac8a2fc8e09230002a1: (

3 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: USS Wilmington out West.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: Chinese gunboat Kwang Lee [possibly Kiang Li is intended] in West.

4f5a7ac8a2fc8e09230002a1: (

4 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.05am: Japanese Cruiser Niitaka out East.

9.30am: Court of Inquiry assembled.

10.30am: Court of Inquiry closed.

1.45pm: One rating joined ship and one rating discharged to HMS Virago.

4f5a7ac8a2fc8e09230002a2: (

5 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and provisioning ship.

4f5a7ac8a2fc8e09230002a2: (

6 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7ac9a2fc8e09230002a3: (

7 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ac9a2fc8e09230002a3: (

8 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

4f5a7ac9a2fc8e09230002a4: (

9 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 037.

4f5a7ac9a2fc8e09230002a4: (

10 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.0pm: TB 038 entered Camber.

4f5a7acaa2fc8e09230002a5: (

11 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: HMS Virago entered Camber.

2.50pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7acaa2fc8e09230002a5: (

12 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: HMS Whiting arrived.

9.50am: One rating discharged to hospital.

3.40pm: USS Wilmington arrived.

4f5a7acaa2fc8e09230002a6: (

13 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Gan in East.

4.45pm: Chinese gunboat Boa Bih in West.

4f5a7acaa2fc8e09230002a6: (

14 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Whiting in East.

8.40am: TB 038 left Camber.

10.0am: One rating discharged to hospital.

11.50am: TB 038 entered Camber.

4f5a7acaa2fc8e09230002a7: (

15 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital

4f5a7acaa2fc8e09230002a7: (

16 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and Whiting.

12.35pm: Chinese Cruiser Tung Chin arrived.

4f5a7acaa2fc8e09230002a8: (

17 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.55am: TB 038 left Camber for patrol.

3.0pm: One RMLI joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7acaa2fc8e09230002a8: (

18 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7acba2fc8e09230002a9: (

19 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0pm: USS Callao in.

4f5a7acba2fc8e09230002a9: (

20 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Three ratings discharged to hospital.

4f5a7acba2fc8e09230002aa: (

21 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: Hands employed steaming TB 035.

9.40am: Chinese gunboat Sui Lan in West.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.25pm: Discharged one rating to Virago and one joined ship from same.

6.45pm: Seven ratings joined ship from SS Empress of Russia.

4f5a7acba2fc8e09230002aa: (

22 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed as requisite.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7acba2fc8e09230002ab: (

23 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Whiting, TB 037, Rosario and Virago.

4f5a7acba2fc8e09230002ab: (

24 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Virago left Camber.

10.0am: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

1.50pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

2.15pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention barracks.

2.17pm: One rating discharged to E of R [presumably Empress of Russia].

4f5a7acba2fc8e09230002ac: (

25 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.50am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.10am: Chinese gunboat Ping Nan arrived for docking.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Whiting.

3.20pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital. Two ratings joined ship from E of A [presumably Empress of Asia].

4f5a7acba2fc8e09230002ac: (

26 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Virago.

9.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.35am: One rating joined ship from Examination service.

1.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Rosario.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital and discharged to Virago.

4f5a7acca2fc8e09230002ad: (

27 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one rating ashore and one CPO to Stonecutters I.

2.30pm: Chinese TB Liu Loong entered West.

4f5a7acca2fc8e09230002ad: (

28 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: One Private RMLI joined ship from examination service.

4f5a7acca2fc8e09230002ae: (

29 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one rating to examination service.

4f5a7acca2fc8e09230002ae: (

30 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario (7), Virago (8) and Whiting (10).

4f5a7acca2fc8e09230002af: (

31 January 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: HMS Whiting left Camber.

9.10am: HMS Virago entered Camber.

11.0am: TB 037 left Camber.


4f5a7acca2fc8e09230002af: (

1 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.45am: One Private RMLI discharged to D'Aguilar signal station.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.05am: USS collier Ajax out East.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.50am: One rating discharged to HMS Whiting.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Hands employed as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.15pm: Drew fires in two steam boats.

10.0pm: Drew fires in steam boat 436.

Weather: Calm, clear skies in am, overcast later, temperatures in the low 60s F.

4f5a7acca2fc8e09230002b0: (

2 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: TB 037 entered Camber.

1.30pm: Chinese TB Sui Toon secured to No 9 buoy.

3.15pm: Discharged two ratings to SS Nellore for passage to England.

4.45pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Rosario.

4f5a7acca2fc8e09230002b0: (

3 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In pm: Hands to make and mend.

4f5a7acda2fc8e09230002b1: (

4 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7acda2fc8e09230002b1: (

5 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

4f5a7acda2fc8e09230002b2: (

6 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.25am: Japanese cruiser Tone secured to No 3 buoy.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from TB 037 (3), Rosario (9) and Virago (9).

5.45pm: One rating joined ship from TB 038.

4f5a7acda2fc8e09230002b2: (

7 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.55am: HMS Virago left Camber and secured to 5a buoy.

9.15am: TB 037 out.

11.10am: TB 038 entered Camber.

4f5a7acda2fc8e09230002b3: (

8 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.55am: Range party at Stonecutters completing annual musketry.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.05pm: Read warrant No 223.

4.30pm: Japanese cruiser out East [presumably Tone, see entry for 6th Feb].

4f5a7acda2fc8e09230002b3: (

9 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.55am: Range party at Stonecutters for annual musketry.

11.0am. One rating joined ship from SS Salamas.

4f5a7acea2fc8e09230002b4: (

10 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.55am: Range party at Stonecutters for annual musketry.

9.55am: Discharged one Private RMLI to Peak signal station.

4f5a7acea2fc8e09230002b4: (

11 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: Range party at Stonecutters for annual musketry.

7.30pm: Sling clean hammocks.

4f5a7acea2fc8e09230002b5: (

12 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Empress of Russia paid off.

1.0pm: Sale of the effects* of the late ERA Manby [see entry for 26th Dec. 1915).

*The custom of the service. The sale was by auction and bids were often very high for the kit of a popular shipmate, as the proceeds were sent to his family.]

4f5a7acea2fc8e09230002b5: (

13 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario (8), Whiting (5) and TB 038 (1).

4.30pm: USS Wilmington entered West and secured to No 11 buoy.

4f5a7acea2fc8e09230002b6: (

14 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: TB 038 left Camber and secured to No 5 buoy.

8.0am: HMS Whiting left Camber and secured to Triumph buoy.

9.05am: E of R [Empress of Russia] left Camber.

9.35am: HMS Virago secured alongside North Wall.

10.20am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

2.40pm: TB 037 secured alongside North Wall.

5.0pm: One rating discharged to HMS Rosario.

4f5a7acea2fc8e09230002b6: (

15 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged Mr Edwards RN to SS Mongara for passage to England.

1.20pm: Discharged one RMLI to [overwritten, possibly detention] Barracks.

Read warrant No 224.

4f5a7acea2fc8e09230002b7: (

16 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7acea2fc8e09230002b7: (

17 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Landed range party.

4f5a7acfa2fc8e09230002b8: (

18 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Chinese gunboats Kwong Tung and Chin Tung arrived.

4f5a7acfa2fc8e09230002b8: (

19 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: One rating joined ship from SS Empress of Russia.

4f5a7acfa2fc8e09230002b9: (

20 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and Whiting.

5.10pm: US gunboat Pampanga arrived.

4f5a7acfa2fc8e09230002b9: (

21 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.10pm: Japanese cruiser arrived.

4f5a7acfa2fc8e09230002ba: (

22 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7acfa2fc8e09230002ba: (

23 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: Landed range party.

4f5a7ad0a2fc8e09230002bb: (

24 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Laurentic out.

2.0pm: Mr Edmonds and one rating discharged to SS Namur for passage home.

5.0pm: Two Russian destroyers arrived.

7.25pm: Russian aux cruiser Xenia arrived.

4f5a7ad0a2fc8e09230002bb: (

25 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

7.0pm: Chinese gunboat arrived.

4f5a7ad0a2fc8e09230002bc: (

26 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Russian TBDs Wlastney and Grasovei left. [Probably the same destroyers that arrived on the 24th February and probably the Forel class ships Vlastny and Grozovoy]

1.0pm: Japanese cruiser Kaishami [? See entry for 21st Feb] out East.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 225.

4f5a7ad0a2fc8e09230002bc: (

27 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 038.

4f5a7ad0a2fc8e09230002bd: (

28 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.40pm: Chinese gunboat Chin Tung arrived.

4f5a7ad0a2fc8e09230002bd: (

29 February 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HM Submarines C37 and C38 docked.

10.35am: TB 038 left Camber.

5.20pm: HMS Virago left Camber.


4f5a7ad1a2fc8e09230002be: (

1 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

7.10am: HMS Virago entered Camber.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.35am: Range party landed.

1.30pm: Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

3.40pm: Range party returned.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.15pm: Drew fires in steam boats.

5.30pm: TB 037 left Camber.

Weather: Calm, overcast, temperatures in the high 50s F.

4f5a7ad1a2fc8e09230002be: (

2 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands employed cleaning. One rating discharged to D'Aguilar.

7.30am: TB 037 entered Camber.

8.20am: One rating joined ship from D'Aguilar.

8.30am: Chinese gunboat Chin Tung proceeded East.

5.20am: HMS Virago left Camber.

4f5a7ad1a2fc8e09230002bf: (

3 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.20pm: HMS Virago entered Camber.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

5.30pm: TB 037 left Camber.

4f5a7ad1a2fc8e09230002bf: (

4 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: TB 037 entered Camber.

8.55am: One rating discharged to Peak signal station.

1.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention barracks.

5.20pm: HMS Virago left Camber.

4f5a7ad1a2fc8e09230002c0: (

5 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago entered Camber.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Whiting (6), TB 037 (3), Virago (9) and Rosario (8).

1.30pm: Drew fires in 36 steamboat. Four ratings discharged to war signal stations.

5.30pm: Virago out.

6.0pm: Eight ratings joined ship from war signal stations.

4f5a7ad1a2fc8e09230002c0: (

6 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: TB 037 left Camber.

10.30am: TB 038 entered Camber.

1.25pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Gan entered West.

4f5a7ad2a2fc8e09230002c1: (

7 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Marines at Stonecutters for musketry.

1.15pm: Chinese gunboat Hai Tung entered East.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Rosario.

4f5a7ad2a2fc8e09230002c1: (

8 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Marines at Stonecutters for musketry.

12.40pm: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

4f5a7ad2a2fc8e09230002c2: (

9 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Marines at Stonecutters for musketry.

1.10pm: Chinese cruiser Hai Yung out West.

2.0pm: Discharged Eng. S/Lt Holmes RNR to SS Nankin for passage to England.

6.15pm: Russian aux cruiser and two TBs out East.

4f5a7ad2a2fc8e09230002c2: (

10 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Russian aux cruiser Orel in East.

4f5a7ad2a2fc8e09230002c3: (

11 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.45am: Discharged three Privates RMLI to D’Aguilar.

5.15pm: Discharged one rating to minesweeper and one to TB 036.

4f5a7ad2a2fc8e09230002c3: (

12 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Whiting (6), Virago (7), TB 038 (1) and Rosario (8).

4f5a7ad3a2fc8e09230002c4: (

13 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.50pm: HMS Cadmus [Cadmas in log] in East.

5.10pm: Two prisoners joined from Cadmus.

4f5a7ad3a2fc8e09230002c4: (

14 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Cadmus entered Camber and secured to South Wall.

11.0am: Mr Watkinson RNR discharged to hospital.

11.45am: Read warrant No 226.

4f5a7ad3a2fc8e09230002c5: (

15 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.10am: Russian aux. cruiser Orel out East.

8.20am: HMS Laurentic secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a7ad3a2fc8e09230002c5: (

16 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.10pm: Discharged S/Lt Moore to hospital.

1.15pm: Medical inspection for vaccination.

4f5a7ad4a2fc8e09230002c6: (

17 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ad4a2fc8e09230002c6: (

18 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Held court martial.

4f5a7ad4a2fc8e09230002c7: (

19 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Divine service attended by Cadmus (20), Rosario (7), Whiting (3) and TB 037 (3).

4f5a7ad4a2fc8e09230002c7: (

20 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: TB 037 out East.

10.25am: TB 037 into Camber.

4f5a7ad4a2fc8e09230002c8: (

21 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.

6.0pm: USS Wilmington in West.

4f5a7ad4a2fc8e09230002c8: (

22 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

8.30am: HMS Laurentic out East. USS Pampanga out West.

4f5a7ad5a2fc8e09230002c9: (

23 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: Landing party at lecture on musketry and squad drill.

6.30pm: Chinese TBD Sui Loo in East.

4f5a7ad5a2fc8e09230002c9: (

24 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.05am: HMS Cadmus drydocked.

10.10am: SS Empress of Asia secured to buoy.

4f5a7ad5a2fc8e09230002ca: (

25 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: HMS Virago into Camber.

8.50am: HMS Whiting left Camber.

10.0am: Received two ratings from SS Empress of Asia.

10.40am: Russian volunteer cruiser Orel in.

3.50pm: Landed funeral escort and mourners [for the funeral of Lt DK Rotherham, late of HMS Cadmus].

5.45pm: US transport Ajax in.

4f5a7ad5a2fc8e09230002ca: (

26 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Chinese gunboat Kiang Kai in.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by Whiting, Rosario, Virago, TB 038 and Cadmus.

4f5a7ad5a2fc8e09230002cb: (

27 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: TB 038 left Camber.

9.45am: Japanese cruiser [HIJMS Kasagi, vide log of Cadmus] secured to flagship buoy.

10.45am: TB037 into Camber.

3.0pm: Chinese cruiser Chao Ho in West.

4f5a7ad5a2fc8e09230002cb: (

28 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.10pm: USS Wilmington out East.

4f5a7ad6a2fc8e09230002cc: (

29 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: USS Ajax out East.

4f5a7ad6a2fc8e09230002cc: (

30 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: Landed party for route march.

11.35am: Party returned.

4f5a7ad6a2fc8e09230002cd: (

31 March 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.10pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.


4f5a7ad6a2fc8e09230002cd: (

1 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

7.15am: Exercised fire quarters.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.45am: Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

11.30am: Japanese cruiser Akashi [Akushi in log] arrived.

12 noon: Hands to make and mend.

1.15pm: Usual leave to watch until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to minesweeper and one rating joined ship from same.

6.20pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau secured to No 10 buoy.

Weather: Calm and overcast at first with some mist. Light ESE winds later with thunderstorms. Temperatures dropping to 61ºF at midnight from a high of 70º at noon.

4f5a7ad6a2fc8e09230002ce: (

2 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Japanese cruiser Akashi [Okaska in log] left.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Virago (6) and Rosario (7).

1.10pm: Japanese cruiser Akashi [Okasha in log] returned.

4f5a7ad6a2fc8e09230002ce: (

3 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: TB 037 left and TB 038 arrived.

3.55pm: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

4f5a7ad7a2fc8e09230002cf: (

4 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Chinese TBD entered West.

2.20pm: TB 038 left Camber.

2.25pm: Read warrant No 227.

4f5a7ad7a2fc8e09230002cf: (

5 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.55am: Chinese gunboats Kaing Tai and Poo Pik arrived.

4f5a7ad7a2fc8e09230002d0: (

6 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: Japanese cruiser Okaska [?] left [although Cadmus identifies this as the gunboat Kasagi].

6.15pm: Chinese gunboat Choi Soi arrived.

4f5a7ad7a2fc8e09230002d0: (

7 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.55am: Discharged three ratings and Mr Hanna, WO to SS Malta for passage to England.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.0pm: Mr Watkinson, WO, discharged to hospital.

2.15pm: Chinese gunboat On Pak arrived.

3.0pm: Chinese TB Noi Soo left.

4f5a7ad7a2fc8e09230002d1: (

8 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ad7a2fc8e09230002d1: (

9 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Cadmus, Whiting and Rosario.

1.05pm: Japanese gunboat Saga secured to No 9 buoy.

4f5a7ad7a2fc8e09230002d2: (

10 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: TB 038 left.

9.35am: HMS Whiting left.

10.45am: TB 035 entered Camber.

11.05am: HMS Virago entered Camber.

4f5a7ad7a2fc8e09230002d2: (

11 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ad8a2fc8e09230002d3: (

12 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ad8a2fc8e09230002d3: (

13 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Four Japanese TBDs entered East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ad8a2fc8e09230002d4: (

14 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.35pm: US gunboat Pampanga entered West.

4f5a7ad8a2fc8e09230002d4: (

15 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.10am: Japanese TBDs out West.

2.0pm: Mr Parsons AP [probably Assistant Paymaster] joined ship from hospital.

2.30pm: Chinese gunboat Ring Man in West.

4f5a7ad8a2fc8e09230002d5: (

16 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Whiting, Rosario, Virago and TB 037.

4f5a7ad8a2fc8e09230002d5: (

17 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Japanese gunboat out East.

1.25pm: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

1.40pm: TB 035 entered Camber.

1.55pm: TB 037 left Camber.

4f5a7ad9a2fc8e09230002d6: (

18 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: HMS Cadmus left Camber and secured to Triumph buoy.

2.05pm: Discharged one rating to D'Aguilar.

5.30pm: One rating joined ship from D'Aguilar.

4f5a7ad9a2fc8e09230002d6: (

19 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Virago in.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to HMS Laurentic.

9.30am: HMS Cadmus proceeded East.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.55pm: Laurentic secured alongside North Wall.

5.15pm: Cadmus secured alongside South Wall.

4f5a7ad9a2fc8e09230002d7: (

20 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landing party away for drill.

8.0am: Party returned.

1.0pm: Landing party to make and mend and leave to 7.0am.

4f5a7ad9a2fc8e09230002d7: (

21 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12.10pm: Chinese gunboat Sui Nam in.

5.30pm: Discharged one rating to SS Nagoya for passage to England.

4f5a7ad9a2fc8e09230002d8: (

22 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Hands to clean ship and as requisite.

4f5a7ad9a2fc8e09230002d8: (

23 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Laurentic, Rosario, Cadmus, Whiting and TB 035.

5.20pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7adaa2fc8e09230002d9: (

24 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: HMS Whiting and TB 035 left Camber.

10.20am: TB 037 entered Camber.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7adaa2fc8e09230002d9: (

25 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.35am: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7adaa2fc8e09230002da: (

26 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.50pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7adaa2fc8e09230002da: (

27 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landing party away for drill.

4f5a7adaa2fc8e09230002db: (

28 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.20am: Submarine C36 left Camber.

7.30pm: Chinese transport in West.

4f5a7adaa2fc8e09230002db: (

29 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Japanese cruisers Iwate and Adzuma in East.

11.10am: American gunboat Pampanga in East.

2.15pm: One Private RMLI joined ship from detention barracks.

4f5a7adaa2fc8e09230002dc: (

30 April 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Laurentic, Virago and Rosario.


4f5a7adaa2fc8e09230002dc: (

1 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

6.30am: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

8.0am: Chinese transport proceeded East.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.40am: Drew fires in sb 36.

8.55am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Hands employed as requisite.

10.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.10am: TB 037 left Camber and TB 038 entered.

2.0pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.0pm: Drew fires in sb 34.

10.50pm: Drew fires in 436.

4f5a7adba2fc8e09230002dd: (

2 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

[In red ink]: Mr William Henry Thomas, Warrant Telegraphist, RNR, is logged for insubordination at Stonecutters W/T station on 30th April 1916. [signed] Act. Cdr FPB Gibson, WH Thomas Wt Telegraphist and Lt/Cdr M Gascoigne.

4f5a7adba2fc8e09230002dd: (

3 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Japanese cruiser out East.

4f5a7adba2fc8e09230002de: (

4 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.40am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.10pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7adba2fc8e09230002de: (

5 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.10am: American gunboat proceeded West.

9.30am: Discharged 97 ratings and three officers to P&O Namur for passage to England.

4f5a7adba2fc8e09230002df: (

6 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

4f5a7adba2fc8e09230002df: (

7 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Laurentic, Whiting and Rosario.

10.30am: Portuguese gunboat proceeded West.

4f5a7adba2fc8e09230002e0: (

8 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.20am: HMS Virago entered Camber.

9.05am: HMS Whiting left Camber.

9.45am: TB 035 left Camber, TB 037 entered Camber.

4f5a7adba2fc8e09230002e0: (

9 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: Sub C37 left Camber.

7.30am: HMS Cadmus left Camber.

10.10am: USS Wilmington in West.

11.0am: Sub C37 entered Camber.

3.55pm: Cadmus proceeded East.

4f5a7adca2fc8e09230002e1: (

10 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: HMS Cadmus arrived and secured to Triumph buoy.

3.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037 and one rating joined ship from same.

4f5a7adca2fc8e09230002e1: (

11 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30pm: HMS Cadmus proceeded East.

4f5a7adca2fc8e09230002e2: (

12 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon, on Stonecutters and as requisite.

4f5a7adca2fc8e09230002e2: (

13 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.40am. Discharged one rating to hospital.

9.45am: USS Wilmington out.

12.25pm: HMS Fame secured to No 10 buoy.

5.15pm: Discharged Mr Watkinson RN to hospital.

4f5a7adca2fc8e09230002e3: (

14 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Laurentic (21) and Fame (9).

4f5a7adca2fc8e09230002e3: (

15 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

9.0am: HMS Virago left Camber.

10.0am: One rating joined from Whiting.

1.22pm: TB 035 entered Camber.

5.0pm: HMS Fame entered Camber.

4f5a7adca2fc8e09230002e4: (

16 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

[In red ink] “Mr Sydney Sylvester, Chief Artificer Engineer, Tamar for Fame, is logged for neglect of standing orders and being absent from HMS Fame without permission, at Hong Kong on 15th May 1916. [signed] S Sylvester, Act. Cdr FPB Gibson, Lt G Spencer RNR in command Fame.”

11.0am: HMS Whiting and TB 035 shifted berths.

2.0pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.30pm: HMS Laurentic secured alongside north Wall.

6.20pm: USS Helena secured to No 11 buoy.

4f5a7adca2fc8e09230002e4: (

17 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

4f5a7adda2fc8e09230002e5: (

18 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landed small arm companies [for drill].

7.55am: SA companies returned.

4f5a7adda2fc8e09230002e5: (

19 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: USS Helena proceeded West.

9.05am: Submarine C36 left Camber.

11.45am: C36 entered Camber.

7.30pm: Hoisted black typhoon signals.

9.35pm: TB 035 and HMS Whiting left Camber.

9.50pm: Submarine C36 left Camber.

4f5a7adda2fc8e09230002e6: (

20 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30am: Hauled down black typhoon signal.

6.45am: Submarine C36 entered Camber.

4f5a7adda2fc8e09230002e6: (

21 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Laurentic (23), Fame (9), Whiting (9) and Rosario (8).

4f5a7adda2fc8e09230002e7: (

22 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago entered Camber.

11.0am: Chinese gunboat Kwang Tuk entered West.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 234.

4.15pm: One Private [LP Salley] RMLI joined ship from Laurentic, one Private [A Vallass] discharged to same [both names from log of Laurentic].

4f5a7adda2fc8e09230002e7: (

23 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Discharged one Private RMLI to Cape D'Aguilar.

2.05pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7adda2fc8e09230002e8: (

24 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: Chinese gunboat Kwang Tuk proceeded East.

4f5a7adda2fc8e09230002e8: (

25 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30am: One rating discharged to D'Aguilar.

10.0am: One rating joined ship from D'Aguilar.

4f5a7adea2fc8e09230002e9: (

26 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: Submarine C36 left Camber.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.45am: Sub C36 entered Camber.

2.15pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention barracks.

4f5a7adea2fc8e09230002e9: (

27 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7adea2fc8e09230002ea: (

28 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Virago (19), Laurentic (23) and Rosario (8).

5.55pm: Japanese gunboat Saga [Sago in log] in East.

4f5a7adea2fc8e09230002ea: (

29 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago left Camber.

4f5a7adea2fc8e09230002eb: (

30 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Laurentic left Camber.

10.0am: One rating joined ship from P&O Nyanza.

4f5a7adea2fc8e09230002eb: (

31 May 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.55pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.05pm: HMS’ Fame and Sandpiper undocked.


4f5a7adea2fc8e09230002ec: (

1 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.35am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.35am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.15pm: TB 037 entered Camber.

1.45pm: TB 037 left Camber.

1.50pm: Drew fires in 384 sb.

2.0pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

7.30pm: Hoisted typhoon black signal.

9.05pm: HMS Whiting left Camber.

9.50pm: Submarine C35 left Camber.

Weather. Thunderstorms in am, rain continuing all day, winds freshening to F4 at midnight. Temperatures in the high 70s F.

4f5a7adea2fc8e09230002ec: (

2 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.05am: Typhoon signal changed black cross.

11.55am: Hauled down black typhoon signal.

12.25pm: Submarine C36 entered Camber.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7adfa2fc8e09230002ed: (

3 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged one rating to SS Novara for passage to England.

1.40pm: Portugese gunboat Macau [Macao in log] arrived.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

4f5a7adfa2fc8e09230002ed: (

4 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Whiting, Rosario and TB 035.

4.15pm: Chinese gunboat Sui Man arrived.

4f5a7adfa2fc8e09230002ee: (

5 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: HMS Laurentic proceeded East.

Hands employed preparing ship for docking.

9.40am: Discharged four ratings and Mr Merry RN to hospital.

10.30am: Docked ship. Two WOs joined ship.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to Cape D'Aguilar signal station.

4f5a7adfa2fc8e09230002ee: (

6 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.55am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Whiting.

7.0pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7adfa2fc8e09230002ef: (

7 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7adfa2fc8e09230002ef: (

8 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.15am: Discharged one rating to Cape D'Aguilar signal station.

10.0am: Discharged one officer to hospital.

4f5a7adfa2fc8e09230002f0: (

9 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7adfa2fc8e09230002f0: (

10 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.15am: Hoisted black typhoon signal.

4f5a7ae0a2fc8e09230002f1: (

11 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from Fame (4) and Rosario (4).

4f5a7ae0a2fc8e09230002f1: (

12 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Squally NE’ly winds 4-8 all day.

11.0am: One rating joined ship from TB 038.

12.25pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.0pm: Discharged Mr Savage RN to hospital.

4f5a7ae0a2fc8e09230002f2: (

13 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Winds moderating during am, F2-3 by noon.

10.05am: Discharged one rating to hospital and two Privates RMLI to Cape D'Aguilar.

11.25am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

1.0pm: One WO joined ship from TB 038.

4f5a7ae0a2fc8e09230002f2: (

14 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.15am: Discharged one Private RMLI to Cape D'Aguilar signal station.

9.0am: One Private RMLI joined ship from Cape D'Aguilar.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7ae1a2fc8e09230002f3: (

15 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Chun Tung anchored at Samsuipo.

4f5a7ae1a2fc8e09230002f3: (

16 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Discharged three ratings to SS Hing Sang [Jardine & Matheson] for passage to Singapore.

1.55pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ae1a2fc8e09230002f4: (

17 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: Ship undocked.

11.15am: Discharged Mr Griffiths and Mr Driscoll to SS Nagoya [Nogayo in log] for passage to England.

12.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

4f5a7ae1a2fc8e09230002f4: (

18 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service attended by parties from TB 036 (6), Rosario (9) and Whiting (4).

4.35pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

6.45pm: USS Helena secured to Flagship buoy.

4f5a7ae1a2fc8e09230002f5: (

19 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.05am: HMS Whiting left Camber.

4f5a7ae1a2fc8e09230002f5: (

20 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ae2a2fc8e09230002f6: (

21 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ae2a2fc8e09230002f6: (

22 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ae2a2fc8e09230002f7: (

23 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Submarine C37 left Camber.

12.30pm: Submarine C37 entered Camber.

2.30pm: One WO joined ship from Stonecutter I.

4.30pm: One WO discharged to hospital.

9.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7ae2a2fc8e09230002f7: (

24 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged one rating to Jubilee signal station.

1.15pm: Mr Merry RN joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7ae2a2fc8e09230002f8: (

25 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from TB 035 (2), Rosario (7) and Virago (12).

4f5a7ae2a2fc8e09230002f8: (

26 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ae2a2fc8e09230002f9: (

27 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7ae2a2fc8e09230002f9: (

28 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.45pm: Landed funeral party for Private James E Forster,10890 (Ch). [Details and correct spelling of Forster from]

4f5a7ae3a2fc8e09230002fa: (

29 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: USS Helena proceeded West.

4f5a7ae3a2fc8e09230002fa: (

30 June 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.55pm: Chinese gunboat Chung Tung in West:.


4f5a7ae3a2fc8e09230002fb: (

1 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Saturday routine.

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

7.0am: Exercised fire quarters.

8.15am: Paid quarterly settlement.

8.45am: Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

9.30am: Chinese gunboat Hongkok in West.

11.30am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fuk in West.

12.45pm: Drew fires in two steam boats.

2.10pm: One Marine joined from hospital.

3.30pm: Drew fires in one steam boat.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Received two ratings from Kowloon depôt and discharged two to same.

Weather: Calm or light Easterlies, clear, temperatures in the 80s F.

4f5a7ae3a2fc8e09230002fb: (

2 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.20am: HMS Whiting in East.

6.25am: HMAS Psyche in West.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Psyche, Virago, Rosario and Whiting.

4f5a7ae3a2fc8e09230002fc: (

3 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting in West.

9.20pm: Whiting in West.

4f5a7ae3a2fc8e09230002fc: (

4 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: Discharged four ratings to Stonecutters.

5.45pm: Cruiser Psyche made fast in Camber.

4f5a7ae3a2fc8e09230002fd: (

5 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Court of Enquiry held on board. Officers and men attended from HMAS Psyche.

2.50pm: Court of Enquiry ended.

4f5a7ae3a2fc8e09230002fd: (

6 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.10pm: Received one rating from hospital.

3.45pm: USS Pampanga in West.

5.0pm: Psyche’s ship’s company haulked onboard.

4f5a7ae4a2fc8e09230002fe: (

7 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Submarine C37 out West.

11.50am: Submarine C37 in West.

2.30pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4f5a7ae4a2fc8e09230002fe: (

8 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45pm: Japanese gunboat Saga in East.

4f5a7ae4a2fc8e09230002ff: (

9 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.20am: Russian Battleship Tchesma [formerly Poltava] and cruiser Varyag [Variag in log] in East.*

9.45am: Chinese gunboat Kong Fat in West.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Rosario, Psyche and TB 036.

1.50pm: Chinese gunboats Yang Sun, Kwang Sun, Sui Nam and Kwong Pan in West.

*These are former Russian warships that have served in the Japanese navy and been sold back to Russia.

4f5a7ae4a2fc8e09230002ff: (

10 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago out of Camber.

4f5a7ae4a2fc8e0923000300: (

11 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.25am: HMAS Pysche placed in dry dock.

2.0pm: Received three ratings from hospital.

2.14pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7ae4a2fc8e0923000300: (

12 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar SS.

5.30pm: Received one rating from D’Aguilar.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000301: (

13 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Russian battleship Tchesma made fast alongside North wall.

10.0am: HMS Virago out East.

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Wung Hai in West.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000301: (

14 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.05am: Submarine C37 out West.

10.0am: Half-masted Colours.

11.0am: Rehoisted Colours.*

11.50am: Submarine C37 in West.

* I don’t know what this marked.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000302: (

15 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Received three ratings from hospital.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000302: (

16 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Mustered by the ledger.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to Virago.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Psyche, Moorhen, Virago, Rosario and Whiting.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000303: (

17 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed painting ship’s side.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000303: (

18 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Submarine C37 out West.

10.55am: Submarine in West.

12.30pm: Mr Marshall, Warrant Telegraphist, discharged to hospital.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000304: (

19 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.50am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

8.10pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Ching in West.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000304: (

20 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.30am: USS Pampanga in West.

12 noon: Russian battleship Tchesma and cruiser Variag out East.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000305: (

21 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and painting ship.

4f5a7ae5a2fc8e0923000305: (

22 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0am: Discharged one rating to D’Aguilar.

7.30am: Received one rating from D’Aguilar.

4f5a7ae6a2fc8e0923000306: (

23 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Psyche, Moorhen, Rosario and Virago.

4f5a7ae6a2fc8e0923000306: (

24 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.40am: HMS Whiting in West.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7ae6a2fc8e0923000307: (

25 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.10am: USS Pampanga out West.

2.0pm: Hands drawing explosives for examination boats.

4f5a7ae6a2fc8e0923000307: (

26 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged one rating to SS Hin Sang for passage to HMS Cadmus.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7ae7a2fc8e0923000308: (

27 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landed small arms companies for drill.

4f5a7ae7a2fc8e0923000308: (

28 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

4f5a7ae7a2fc8e0923000309: (

29 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: Japanese gunboat Saga out West.

10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.0am: Japanese destroyers Asashio and Shirakumo [Shirkumo in log] in East.

6.30pm: Received four ratings from Stonecutters.

4f5a7ae7a2fc8e0923000309: (

30 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Psyche, Virago, Rosario and Whiting.

3.50pm: USS Pampanga in West.

4f5a7ae7a2fc8e092300030a: (

31 July 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: US transport Ajax in East.

2.10pm: Japanese destroyer Shirakumo [Shirkamo in log] out West.


4f5a7ae7a2fc8e092300030a: (

1 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.30am: Four Chinese ratings discharged to Stonecutters.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Hands employed as requisite.

10.0am: Discharged one Warrant Officer to hospital.

2.0pm: WP to Kowloon, remainder as requisite.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: US transport Ajax out East.

4.45pm: Drew fires in two steam boats.

7.15pm: Drew fires in 436.

Weather: Calm at first, light SW’lies later, clear, temperatures in the 80s F.

4f5a7ae7a2fc8e092300030b: (

2 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.20pm: Received one rating from detention quarters.

4f5a7ae7a2fc8e092300030b: (

3 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: USS gunboat Pampanga out West.

10.0am: Japanese destroyer Shirakumo [Shirkumo in log] in West.

12.40am: Japanese Destroyer Asashio [Asaskihio in log] out West.

5.15pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Virago.

4f5a7ae8a2fc8e092300030c: (

4 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Held divine service attended by parties from Psyche, Rosario, Virago and TB 036. [Presumably to mark the anniversary of the outbreak of war.]

4f5a7ae8a2fc8e092300030c: [

5 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Party employed in Kowloon, remainder clean ship.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7ae8a2fc8e092300030d: [

6 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Psyche, Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 036.

1.15pm: Japanese destroyer Asashio [Asashiho in log] in West.

2.0pm: Japanese destroyer Shirakumo [Shirkumo in log] out West.

3.30pm: Chinese gunboat Chau Fung in West.

4f5a7ae8a2fc8e092300030d: (

7 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: HMS Virago out West.

10.45am: Chinese gunboats Kwong Shun and On Pak in West.

4.30pm: Chinese gunboat Sui Nam in West.

4f5a7ae8a2fc8e092300030e: (

8 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.05am: HMS Virago in East.

6.0pm: HMAS Psyche’s ship’s company returned to their ship.

4f5a7ae8a2fc8e092300030e: (

9 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMAS Psyche made fast in stream.

8.15am: Japanese destroyer Shirakumo in West.

10.0am: Japanese destroyer Asashio out West.

10.45am: Discharged Rear Admiral Anstruther to SS Empress of Asia for passage to England.

4.30pm: Received one rating from TB 035.

6.35pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.55pm: Struck Rear Admiral Flag and hoisted Commodore’s broad pendant. [The new Commodore-in-charge of naval establishments is Captain HGG Sandeman.]

4f5a7ae9a2fc8e092300030f: (

10 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: Received two ratings from hospital.

3.50pm: Landed funeral party [for the funeral of Stoker Frederick Brown, RAN, 5517, late of HMAS Psyche.]

4.30pm: Half mast Colours.

5.30pm: Rehoisted Colours.

4f5a7ae9a2fc8e092300030f: (

11 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.15am: Discharged two Marines to D'Aguilar SS.

7.55am: Received two ratings from D'Aguilar SS.

9.0am: Discharged two Marines to Jubilee SS and one to Peak SS.

9.05am: Received one Marine from RN canteen.

11.0am: Discharged Mr Merry, Ass. Paymaster and one rating to SS Novara for passage to England.

2.0pm: Received two Marines from Jubilee SS.

4.15pm: Discharged Eng. Lt Stafford to HMAS Psyche.

4.15pm: Received two ratings from Kowloon depôt and discharged one rating to Stonecutters.

6.30pm: Received one rating from Stonecutters and discharged two ratings to Kowloon depôt.

4f5a7ae9a2fc8e0923000310: (

12 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.15pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

4.30pm: Received one rating from TB 035.

4f5a7ae9a2fc8e0923000310: (

13 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Psyche, Rosario, Whiting and TB 035.

6.45pm: Received two ratings from HMAS Psyche.

7.40pm: Received one rating from Stonecutters.

4f5a7ae9a2fc8e0923000311: (

14 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMAS Psyche out East.

3.0pm. One rating joined ship from hospital.

6.30pm: 114 ratings joined ship from P&O SS Malta.

8.0pm: One ERA discharged to Malta for passage to Shanghai.

4f5a7ae9a2fc8e0923000311: (

15 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: One Stoker discharged to Stonecutter wireless station.

10.0am: 106 ratings discharged to SS Somali for passage to England.

2.30pm: Siamese Royal Yacht Maha Chakri [Chakokae in log] in West.

4f5a7aeaa2fc8e0923000312: (

16 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: HMS Virago in.

6.05pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7aeaa2fc8e0923000312: (

17 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.42am: HMS Virago in East.

6.40am: HMAS Psyche [Phyche in log] in East

9.10am: Psyche out.

9.15am: Chinese gunboat Chang Yan in West.

11.40am: American gunboat Elcano arrived.

4f5a7aeaa2fc8e0923000313: (

18 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0am: One marine discharged to Cape D’Aguilar [D’Auglia in log].


10.30am: Japanese destroyer Asashio [Asashihi in log] in West.

12.15pm: Japanese destroyer Shirakumo [Skirhumo in log] out West.

1.0pm: American gunboat Elcano out.

1.30pm: TB 037 made fast in Camber.

2.0pm: One rating discharged to Stonecutter.

2.30pm: One rating joined from hospital.

4.10pm: Discharged one PO to No 5 mine sweeper.

4.20pm: One Ldg Seaman joined ship.

6.30pm: One rating joined from Stonecutters.

7.15pm: One marine joined ship from D’Aguilar.

4f5a7aeaa2fc8e0923000313: (

19 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Siamese Royal Yacht Maha Chakri [Chahokie in log] out East.

12.40pm: One officer discharged to hospital.

4f5a7aeaa2fc8e0923000314: (

20 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service.

6.30pm: One AB discharged to TB 036.

4f5a7aeaa2fc8e0923000314: (

21 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Commodore mustered hands by the ledger.

9.40am: HMS Whiting undocked and moved to basin.

9.45am: HMS Rosario and tug Atlas moved to dry dock.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.55am: HMS Virago and Japanese destroyer Shirakumo (Shinakum in log] arrived.

2.0pm: HMAS Psyche arrived.

6.30pm: Act. Eng. Lt Stafford joined ship.

4f5a7aeaa2fc8e0923000315: (

22 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: One Assistant Paymaster discharged to hospital.

4f5a7aeaa2fc8e0923000315: (

23 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0pm: Chinese gunboat Yuen Chian arrived.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e0923000316: (

24 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Chinese gunboat Yuen Chian out.

11.0am: Japanese destroyer Asashio and HMS Virago in West.

12.25pm: Japanese destroyer Shirakumo out West.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e0923000316: (

25 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged eight ratings to P&O SS Nore for passage to England.

12.30pm: Nore out.

1.40pm: HMAS Psyche out.

4.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Whiting and one rating discharged to same.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e0923000317: (

26 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.35am: HMS Virago in East.

9.0am: One Warrant Officer discharged to hospital.

2.50pm: One rating joined ship from D’Aguilar.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e0923000317: (

27 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.55am: HMS Venus in East.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from TB 037 (7), Whiting (9) and Rosario (7).

1.35pm: HIJMS Shirakumo and HMS Virago in East.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e0923000318: (

28 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.25am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

7.15am: HMAS Psyche in. Discharged two ratings to to same.

9.10am: HMS Whiting left Camber.

1.40pm: Psyche out East.

3.20pm: HMS Rosario undocked and moved to Camber.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e0923000318: (

29 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: HMS Venus moved from buoy to Camber.

1.30pm: Japanese destroyer Asashio and HMS Whiting arrived.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e0923000319: (

30 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30am: Landed escort, which returned with one Ldg Stoker.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e0923000319: (

31 August 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0pm: Chinese Men-o-War Chantung and Lien Chin arrived.

6.30pm: Chinese Chi-Fu arrived.

10.20pm: Discharged one officer to hospital.


4f5a7aeba2fc8e092300031a: (

1 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

10.0am: Sent one rating to hospital.

10.05am: HMS Venus and Submarine C36 moved to dry dock.

11.30am: Chinese Men-o-War Chi-Fu and Lien Chin out West.

2.0pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.15pm: One rating joined ship from Kowloon depôt and one rating from Jubilee.

4.35pm: Drew fires in two steam boats.

5.15pm: Drew fires in sb 36.

6.30pm: Discharged one rating to Kowloon.

HMS Venus ship’s company hulked on board Tamar.

Weather: Calm or light airs, clear, temperatures in the 80s F.

4f5a7aeba2fc8e092300031a: (

2 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30am: Discharged one rating to Cape D’Aguilar

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to Stonecutter.

4f5a7aeca2fc8e092300031b: (

3 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: HMS Whiting in East.

9.0am: SS Namur in.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Whiting (4), Rosario (6) and Virago (7).

12 noon: Nine ratings and two officers joined ship from Namur.

4f5a7aeca2fc8e092300031b: (

4 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.35am: HMS Whiting moored up in Camber.

8.55am: HMS Virago out of Camber.

5.20pm: Hoisted red typhoon signals, direction SE.

4f5a7aeca2fc8e092300031c: (

5 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.20am: HMT Atlas towed HMS Whiting from Camber to Kowloon.

1.10pm: Hauled down red typhoon signals and hoisted black signals, direction SE.

2.0pm: Hands employed securing ship for typhoon.

7.15pm: Received one sick patient from Stonecutter.

4f5a7aeca2fc8e092300031c: (

6 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: Hauled down SE typhoon signals and hoisted direction S.

2.0pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

NE’ly winds f7 at 4.0am, with gales all day rising to East F9 at midnight.

4f5a7aeca2fc8e092300031d: (

7 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.35am: Hauled down E typhoon signal and hoisted SW signal.

9.30am: HMAS Psyche in.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.30am: Hauled down typhoon signal.

2.0pm: Submarines C37 and C38 moved from buoys and made fast to HMS Rosario.

2.45pm: TB 037 secured in Camber.

3.30pm: Discharged one rating to Psyche.

4.25pm: HMS Whiting moored up in Camber.

Winds E by S storm force 10 at 4.0am, gradually moderating during the day to 2-3 at midnight.

4f5a7aeca2fc8e092300031d: (

8 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Took off typhoon hawsers.

10.30am: Discharged three officers to SS Malta for passage to England.

4f5a7aeca2fc8e092300031e: (

9 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.10am: HIJMS’ Asashio and Shirakumo out East.

7.40pm: Chinese transports Foo Fong and Fui Kong in West.

7.45pm: One rating joined ship from TB 036.

4f5a7aeca2fc8e092300031e: (

10 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Psyche (40), Rosario (7), TB 035 (5), Venus and Whiting (8).

4f5a7aeda2fc8e092300031f: (

11 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago arrived West.

9.10am: HMS Whiting proceeded out of Camber, Virago entered Camber and tied up.

2.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.15pm: Chinese gunboat Sui Nam arrived West.

5.0pm Discharged one rating to TB 036.

4f5a7aeda2fc8e092300031f: (

12 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: One rating joined ship from Kowloon depôt.

4f5a7aeda2fc8e0923000320: (

13 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Held Court Martial on board.

3.30pm Court Martial finished.

4f5a7aeda2fc8e0923000320: (

14 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.40pm: Discharged one Stoker to detention barracks for 12 months.

4f5a7aeda2fc8e0923000321: (

15 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: TB 038 to commission.

2.0pm: HMS Psyche out East.

2.30pm TB 038 crew returned on board.

11.0pm: Landed fire party to RN canteen.

11.27pm: Party returned.

4f5a7aeda2fc8e0923000321: (

16 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0pm: Chinese gunboat Lung Chi in.

4f5a7aeea2fc8e0923000322: (

17 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church party from TB 036 (11).

10.35am: Chinese gunboat Lung Chi out West.

4.30pm: TB 035 in East.

4f5a7aeea2fc8e0923000322: (

18 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Japanese destroyers Ume, Kaede [Kayedi in log], Katsura [Kitsura in log] and Kusunoki [Kusunori in log] in.

11.30am: Chinese gunboat On Pak in.

11.35am: American gunboat Pampanga [Pampamga in log] out East.

4.50pm: American gunboat Elcano arrived.

4f5a7aeea2fc8e0923000323: (

19 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Portuguese cruiser Patria in West.

11.20am: Admiralty collier Rupura [?] in.

1.0pm: Chinese gunboat Chai Sai entered East.

3.30pm: Patria proceeded to Whampoa.

6.0pm: Chinese gunboat Ping Nam in West.

4f5a7aeea2fc8e0923000323: (

20 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged one rating to RN hospital.

10.30am: One rating joined ship from Singapore for HMAS Psyche.

11.55am: Red typhoon signals hoisted SW.

3.20pm: American gunboat Pampanga in.

6.15pm. One Ldg Signalman joined ship from Stonecutter WTS.

4f5a7aeea2fc8e0923000324: (

21 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Hauled down typhoon signals.

1.0pm: HIJMS Ume, Kaede, Kusunoki and Katsura [various spellings] out East.

4f5a7aeea2fc8e0923000324: (

22 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: American gunboat Pampanga out East.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from detention barracks for HMAS Psyche.

4f5a7aeea2fc8e0923000325: (

23 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Saturday routine.

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

4f5a7aeea2fc8e0923000325: (

24 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Discharged 11 ratings to P&O SS Namur.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Whiting, TB 035, Virago, Rosario and Venus.

4f5a7aefa2fc8e0923000326: (

25 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: HMS Virago [Viargo in log] left Camber.

9.45am: Hoisted black typhoon signals, SE.

Hands securing ship for typhoon.

10.35am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.0pm: Received one rating from hospital.

8.50pm: One rating joined ship from TB 036.

Winds NE’ly gale force 8 by noon and continuing throughout the day.

4f5a7aefa2fc8e0923000326: (

26 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one officer to hospital.

10.45am: Typhoon signals altered to S.

10.50am: Chinese gunboats Chai Sai and Nee Sung in East.

11.0am: One PO 1C joined ship from P&O SS Novara [Novaria in log].

1.0pm: One WO Tel. joined from Novara.

3.45pm: Discharged one officer and one Stoker to Stonecutter.

Very strong winds all day, rising to East strong gale 9 by midnight.

4f5a7aefa2fc8e0923000327: (

27 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMAS Psyche in.

9.40am: Typhoon signals changed to SW.

11.55am: Typhoon signals hauled down. Opened typhoon ports.

2.0pm: Hands taking off typhoon hawsers.

3.30pm: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

Winds Easterly gale force 8 in early morning, moderating to 4-5 by midnight.

4f5a7aefa2fc8e0923000327: (

28 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged two ratings to to HMAS Psyche and one to TB 036.

4f5a7aefa2fc8e0923000328: (

29 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.40am: Japanese destroyers Sugi, Sakaki, Kashiwa and Matsu in.

1.50pm: One rating joined from hospital.

5.30pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7aefa2fc8e0923000328: (

30 September 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago entered East.

10.0am: One rating discharged to hospital.

11.0am: Chinese transport Fook Kong arrived.

1.0pm: Japanese destroyers Sugi, Sakaki, Kashiwa and Matsu out.

2.30pm: Four ratings joined ship from detention barracks.


4f5a7af0a2fc8e0923000329: (

1 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

9.15am: Landed church parties.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Psyche 23, Rosario 6, Whiting 8 and Virago 12.

11.45am: Church parties returned.

12.30pm: Chinese gunboat Chang Tung in West.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Light winds, clear, temperatures around 80º F.

4f5a7af0a2fc8e0923000329: (

2 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0pm: One RMLI discharged to D'Aguilar signal station.

9.05am: HMS Whiting left Camber.

11.15am: HMS Virago secured up in Camber.

4f5a7af0a2fc8e092300032a: (

3 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Hands employed in Kowloon and on Stonecutter.

4f5a7af0a2fc8e092300032a: (

4 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Crew of TB 037 left ship to carry out steam trials.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7af0a2fc8e092300032b: (

5 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.05am: HMS Whiting arrived.

10.30am: HMAS Psyche moved out of Camber.

12 noon: Chinese gunboat Yua Mann in West.

1.45pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Teal.

3.30pm: Chinese gunboats Kwong Tak and Cobo in West and Portuguese gunboat Patria out.

5.0pm: One RMLI joined ship from Peak signal station.

6.0pm: Psyche out East.

4f5a7af0a2fc8e092300032b: (

6 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged one rating to SS Sardinia for passage to England.

11.20am: HMS Venus and Submarine C36 undocked and moved to Camber.

1.55pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7af1a2fc8e092300032c: (

7 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating from dockyard quarters to hospital.

1.30pm: Chinese gunboat Ping Nam in West.

2.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7af1a2fc8e092300032c: (

8 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Rosario, TB 035, Virago and Venus.

10.35am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fok arrived West.

4.15pm: One Signal rating joined ship from HMS Virago.

4f5a7af1a2fc8e092300032d: (

9 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Royal Marines to Stonecutter for musketry.

9.10am: HMS Virago proceeded out of Camber.

10.0am: One rating sent to hospital.

10.05am: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

10.10am: Chinese gunboat Kong Hon in West.

10.15am: Discharged one Chief Yeoman of Signals to Peak signal station.

11.0am: Royal Marines returned from Stonecutter.

11.05am: One PO 1C joined ship from Peak SS.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from RN hospital.

2.30pm: One rating received from detention for HMAS Psyche.

4f5a7af1a2fc8e092300032d: (

10 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: One Royal Marine discharged to D’Aguilar SS.

8.10am: Diving party left ship.

8.20am: Submarines C37 and C38 left Camber to be docked.

1.35pm: Diving party returned.

3.30pm: Japanese gunboat Saga arrived.

4f5a7af1a2fc8e092300032e: (

11 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: Hoisted red typhoon signal, direction SE.

12.45pm: HMAS Psyche arrived.

1.30pm: Discharged one PO 1C to Kowloon for minesweeper.

1.35pm: Discharged one PO 1C, one Ldg Stoker and one AB to SS Eastern for passage to Australia. Discharged six ratings to Psyche.

3.45pm: Typhoon signals altered to East.

4f5a7af1a2fc8e092300032e: (

12 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Hauled down typhoon signals.

5.0pm: Discharged one CPO to HMAS Psyche.

6.0pm: Received one PO 1C court martial prisoner from HMS Whiting.

4f5a7af1a2fc8e092300032f: (

13 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook arrived.

9.30am: Court Martial held on board.

11.50am: Court Martial finished.

1.0pm: HMAS Fantome arrived East.

1.30pm: Discharged two ratings to Peak SS and one to Jubilee SS.

6.0pm: HMS Venus’ ship’s company returned to their ship.

4f5a7af1a2fc8e092300032f: (

14 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Three ratings discharged to HMAS Fantome.

11.30am: Submarines C37 and C38 undocked and moved to Camber.

5.20pm: HMAS Psyche out East.

4f5a7af2a2fc8e0923000330: (

15 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Virago, Whiting, Rosario and Fantome.

4f5a7af2a2fc8e0923000330: (

16 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting left Camber.

10.0am: HMAS Fantome secured up in Camber.

10.30am: HMS Venus left Camber and secured to No 3 buoy.

10.30am: Received one recovered deserter from SS Shan Tung [aka Shantung, China Navigation Co.].

10.35am: HMS Virago [Viargo in log] secured up in Camber.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

2.20pm: Chinese gunboat Okien Ching in West.

4f5a7af2a2fc8e0923000331: (

17 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS Venus slipped and proceeded to carry out steam trials.

10.20am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook arrived.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.40pm: USS gunboat Helena arrived.

4f5a7af2a2fc8e0923000331: (

18 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: One rating discharged to HMS Whiting and one joined ship from same.

2.0pm: Admiralty oiler Polavon arrived.

2.50pm: One Yeoman of Signals joined ship from D’Aguilar signal station.

4f5a7af3a2fc8e0923000332: (

19 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: P&O SS Novario [presumably Novara is intended] arrived.

1.0pm: Read warrant No 244.

4.0pm: HMAS Fantome’s ship’s company hulked on board.

4f5a7af3a2fc8e0923000332: (

20 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Lost by accident, owing to bad weather from Cape D'Aguilar war signal station, one special 18’ dinghy and two 16’ oars.

7.50am: HMS Merlin and HMAS Fantome placed in dry dock.

4f5a7af3a2fc8e0923000333: (

21 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.10pm: Discharged one Ldg Signalman to TB 035.

4f5a7af3a2fc8e0923000333: (

22 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: USS Helena out East.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Rosario, TB 035, Viargo [sic] and Fantome.

4.30pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook in.

5.45pm: Chinese armed launch Ahk Low arrived.

6.0pm: Received two ratings from SS Polavon to wait passage.

4f5a7af3a2fc8e0923000334: (

23 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Alacarity secured in Camber.

9.0am: HMS Virago out of Camber.

10.15am: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

1.50pm: Received one rating from HMAS Psyche, one from HMS Venus and one rating from Virago joined ship from hospital.

4.0pm: One PO 1C joined ship from minesweeper and one discharged to same.

5.0pm: 50 ratings joined ship from SS Polavon to await passage.

4f5a7af3a2fc8e0923000334: (

24 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Russian cruiser Peresvet [Peresiviet in log] in and secured to No 4 buoy.

4f5a7af4a2fc8e0923000335: (

25 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Portuguese gunboat Macau [Macao in log] in West.

1.40pm: Submarine C38 entered Camber.

2.40pm: One rating joined ship from hospital for HMAS Psyche.

4f5a7af4a2fc8e0923000335: (

26 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: One PO 1C joined ship from hospital for HMS Venus.

5.30pm: Lt/Cdr Echlin joined ship from P&O SS Nyanza.

4f5a7af4a2fc8e0923000336: (

27 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Cornwall arrived and secured to No 4 buoy.

12 noon: Struck Commodore’s Pennant on Tamar and hoisted same on HMS Rosario. Hoisted Vice Admiral’s Flag* on HMS Tamar.

3.0pm: One CERA and one Stoker joined ship from hospital and five Marines joined from HMS Cornwall.

* The flag of VA William Grant, the new C-in-C China station, who has just arrived from Singapore on HMS Cornwall, vide her log.

4f5a7af4a2fc8e0923000336: (

28 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS Cornwall secured up in Camber.

11.0am: GOC [Major-General Francis Ventris] called on C-in-C.

12 noon: HE the Governor [Sir Francis May] called on C-in-C.

4f5a7af4a2fc8e0923000337: (

29 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Fantome, Rosario, Whiting and TB 035.

2.50pm: Russian cruiser Peresvet out East.

4.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to TB 035 and one Stoker joined ship from same.

4f5a7af4a2fc8e0923000337: (

30 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.20am: HMS Virago in West.

9.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Virago entered Camber and secured.

4f5a7af5a2fc8e0923000338: (

31 October 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.55pm: Received one Sick Berth Steward, one RMLI and one Corporal RMLI from SS Chipshing.

5.30pm: Discharged one SBS to hospital.


4f5a7af5a2fc8e0923000338: (

1 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Hands employed in Kowloon and as requisite.

9.30am: Discharged two Marines to Jubilee SS and two Marines to Peak SS.

11.45am: Chinese cruiser Rai Chow in and secured to No 11 buoy.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Calm or light airs, clear, temperature about 70ºF.

4f5a7af5a2fc8e0923000339: (

2 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Venus arrived and secured to No 4 buoy.

9.25am: SS Polavon on fire in Whampoa dockyard. Sent fire party and two fire engines.

9.30am: Four ratings discharged to HMS Venus.

11.15am: Fire party returned.

12.30pm: HMS Newcastle in and secured to No 5 buoy.

2.0pm: Newcastle moved from No 5 buoy to Camber.

4f5a7af5a2fc8e0923000339: (

3 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Whiting and received two ratings from same.

2.0pm: HMAS Swan arrived and secured up in Camber.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Venus.

4f5a7af5a2fc8e092300033a: (

4 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital, one CERA and one officer to HMS Whiting.

1.30pm: Discharged two ratings and one Royal Marine to SS Astoria [?] for passage to HMS Cadmus.

4f5a7af5a2fc8e092300033a: (

5 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Newcastle, Virago, Rosario and TB 035.

11.30am: HMS Merlin and HMAS Fantome undocked and moved to Camber. HMS Cornwall docked.

4f5a7af6a2fc8e092300033b: (

6 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago out of harbour.

9.10am: Chinese gunboat Ping Lam in West.

4f5a7af6a2fc8e092300033b: (

7 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Chinese gunboat Chan Sai in East.

1.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to TB 036.

4f5a7af6a2fc8e092300033c: (

8 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: HMS Cornwall undocked and secured to No 5 buoy.

8.40am: HMS Venus out East.

2.0pm: Cornwall out East.

4f5a7af6a2fc8e092300033c: (

9 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.40am: Chinese transport Foo An in East.

4f5a7af7a2fc8e092300033d: (

10 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: Chinese gunboat Foo An out West.

8.50am: Submarine C37 out of Camber.

11.20am: C37 returned.

4f5a7af7a2fc8e092300033d: (

11 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.15pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention.

3.40pm: Chinese gunboat Chun Chit arrived.

4f5a7af7a2fc8e092300033e: (

12 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Newcastle, Whiting, Rosario, Swan and TB 035.

4f5a7af7a2fc8e092300033e: (

13 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Lt/Cdr Gascoyne discharged to hospital.

2.45pm: Chinese armed motor launch Kong Chin in West.

4f5a7af7a2fc8e092300033f: (

14 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat On Palm arrived West.

4.0pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Newcastle for HMAS Psyche.

4.55pm: HMS Venus arrived and secured to No four buoy.

4f5a7af7a2fc8e092300033f: (

15 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Newcastle left Camber and secured to buoy.

1.30pm: One rating discharged to detention.

2.45pm: Newcastle left buoy and entered dry dock.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Venus and one rating joined ship from same.

4f5a7af7a2fc8e0923000340: (

16 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Newcastle undocked and proceeded East.

1.40pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.45pm: Chinese gunboat Kon Ma in West.

5.0pm: Chinese gunboat Chi Sai in West.

4f5a7af7a2fc8e0923000340: (

17 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C37 left Camber.

9.10am: Discharged 50 ratings from SS Polavon to P&O SS Nyanza for passage to England.

11.20am: C37 entered Camber.

11.25am: Chinese armed police launch Yu Man in.

4f5a7af8a2fc8e0923000341: (

18 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: P&O SS Nyanza out.

9.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Sing in West.

4f5a7af8a2fc8e0923000341: (

19 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Venus out East.

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Swan, Virago, Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Whiting and two ratings joined ship from same.

4f5a7af8a2fc8e0923000342: (

20 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS Virago left Camber and proceeded West.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.05am: HMS Alacrity and HMAS Swan placed in dry dock.

10.45am: HMS Whiting secured up in Camber.

4f5a7af8a2fc8e0923000342: (

21 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Fantome moved from Camber to No 5 buoy.

4f5a7af8a2fc8e0923000343: (

22 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: HMS Cornwall arrived and secured to No 4 buoy.

9.20am: HMAS Fantome left to carry out steam trials.

1.50pm: Fantome returned and secured to No 5 buoy.

4.0pm: Fantome out East.

4f5a7af8a2fc8e0923000343: (

23 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landed SA companies for drill.

4f5a7af8a2fc8e0923000344: (

24 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C37 left Camber.

11.15am: C37 returned to Camber.

4f5a7af8a2fc8e0923000344: (

25 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: HMS Whiting left Camber and secured to buoy.

8.30am: HMS Alacrity [Alactary in log) and HMAS Swan undocked and moved to Camber.

4f5a7af9a2fc8e0923000345: (

26 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Rosario, Whiting, Virago and TB 036.

5.45pm: One WO Tel., one Ship’s Steward and one Private RMLI joined ship from P&O SS Nankin.

7.0pm: Chinese gunboat Chun Tung in.

4f5a7af9a2fc8e0923000345: (

27 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Russian aux cruiser Orel arrived and secured to No 2 buoy.

3.30pm: HMAS Fantome in.

4.30pm: Discharged one PO 1C to HMS Virago.

6.0pm: Read warrant No 246.

4f5a7af9a2fc8e0923000346: (

28 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: Discharged one Ship’s Steward to HMS Cornwall and one Chief Petty Officer joined ship from HMS Virago, to await passage to England.

4f5a7af9a2fc8e0923000346: (

29 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7af9a2fc8e0923000347: (

30 November 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C37 left Camber.

9.0am: HMAS Swan left Camber and out East.

10.18am: HMAS Fantome out East.

1.30pm: Chinese gunboat Chin Chit in West.

5.40pm: HMS Virago left Camber and out West.


4f5a7af9a2fc8e0923000347: (

1 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Hands employed as requisite.

9.30am: Discharged one CPO to P&O SS Malta for passage to England.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

2.45pm: HMS Diana arrived and secured to No 5 buoy.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Calm or light airs, clear, temperature around 60ºF.

4f5a7afaa2fc8e0923000348: (

2 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.35am: HMS Diana in Camber.

5.15pm: Chinese gunboat Suiman in West.

4f5a7afaa2fc8e0923000348: (

3 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Held divine service on board conducted by the Bishop of North China, the Rt Rev. FL Norris. Parties from Cornwall, Diana, Rosario, Whiting and TB 035 attended.

4f5a7afaa2fc8e0923000349: (

4 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Struck C-in-C Flag and hoisted Commodore broad pennant.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.15am: HMAS Swan arrived.

10.45am: C-in-C and staff transfered from Tamar to HMS Cornwall.

11.20am: HMS Cornwall out East.

1.30pm: Russian aux cruiser Orel [Oreal in log] secured in Camber

4f5a7afaa2fc8e0923000349: (

5 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Tug Atlas secured alongside.

11.0am: Ship moved from West wall to North wall.

4.0pm: HMS Diana’s ship’s company came on board to be hulked during refit.

4f5a7afaa2fc8e092300034a: (

6 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMAS Swan out East.

4f5a7afaa2fc8e092300034a: (

7 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Court Martial held on board.

12.25pm: Court Martial finished. Hauled down Court Martial jack [the Union flag at the masthead].

6.30pm: Chinese gunboat Chai Sai in West.

4f5a7afba2fc8e092300034b: (

8 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7afba2fc8e092300034b: (

9 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS Diana moved from Camber and put in dry dock.

10.30am: HMAS Swan moved from buoy to Camber.

4f5a7afba2fc8e092300034c: (

10 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Diana, Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 036.

4f5a7afba2fc8e092300034c: (

11 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: French transport Dunbar [?] in.

5.50pm: TB 036 secured in Camber.

4f5a7afba2fc8e092300034d: (

12 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago left Camber and out East.

1.0pm: Virago entered Camber and secured.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.30pm: Received two ratings from detention.

4f5a7afba2fc8e092300034d: (

13 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.20pm: Russian aux cruiser Orel left Camber for Taikoo Dock.

4f5a7afca2fc8e092300034e: (

14 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Chinese gunboat Chin Yu arrived.

4f5a7afca2fc8e092300034e: (

15 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.55am: Chinese gunboat Chin Yu out East.

9.10am: HMAS Swan left Camber and proceeded.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.30am: Swan returned.

2.50pm: Chinese armed launch Chow Kong in West.

4f5a7afca2fc8e092300034f: (

16 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Discharged eight ratings to HMAS Swan for passage to join HMAS Fantome.

5.0pm: Swan proceeded West.

4f5a7afca2fc8e092300034f: (

17 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Diana, Rosario, Viargo [sic] and TB 035.

4f5a7afca2fc8e0923000350: (

18 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Court Martial held on board.

9.35am: Chinese armed launch Kong Ping in West.

2.50pm: Court Martial finished and hauled down Court Martial jack.

4f5a7afca2fc8e0923000350: (

19 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: Chinese armed launch Kon Sing in West.

4f5a7afca2fc8e0923000351: (

20 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7afca2fc8e0923000351: (

21 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Chinese gunboat Ping Nam in West.

2.30pm: Chinese armed launch Leelan in.

4f5a7afca2fc8e0923000352: (

22 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Four ratings joined ship from hospital.

3.30pm: Discharged one officer to hospital.

4f5a7afca2fc8e0923000352: (

23 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder clean ship.

4f5a7afda2fc8e0923000353: (

24 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Diana, Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4f5a7afda2fc8e0923000353: (

25 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Diana, Rosario and Whiting.

4f5a7afda2fc8e0923000354: (

26 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Discharged one Officer Steward to SS Eastern for passage to Australia.

10.0am: Japanese cruiser Suma in.

3.0pm: Chinese Gunboa Sui Nan entered West.

4.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Tung entered West.

4f5a7afda2fc8e0923000354: (

27 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: American gunboat Elcano out West.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.0am: HMS Diana undocked and moved to Camber.

4f5a7afda2fc8e0923000355: (

28 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.35am: Received one patient from Jubilee SS.

1.40pm: Discharged one rating to detention.

4.30pm: HMS Wivern secured up in Camber.

4f5a7afda2fc8e0923000355: (

29 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Discharged two ratings to P&O SS Novara [Novaria in log] for passage to HMS Venus and HMAS Psyche.

4f5a7afda2fc8e0923000356: (

30 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Japanese cruiser Suma out West.

4f5a7afda2fc8e0923000356: (

31 December 1916

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 036.

6.0pm: Chinese armed launch Troo Kong in West.


4f5a7afea2fc8e0923000357: (

1 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid quarterly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Usual dockyard parties away, remainder variously employed.

9.45am: Fleet Paymaster Sanett [?] joined ship.

1.0pm: Leave to watch till 7.0am, remainder make and mend.

4.0pm: Evening Quarters.

Weather: Easterly breezes at first, backing SW later. Clear, temperatures in the 60s F.

4f5a7afea2fc8e0923000357: (

2 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Russian aux cruiser Orel [Oreal in log] secured to buoy.

4f5a7afea2fc8e0923000358: (

3 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.05pm: Russian aux cruiser Orel out East.

4.15pm: Chinese gunboat Chai Sai entered West.

4f5a7afea2fc8e0923000358: (

4 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Court Martial held on board.

10.15am: Court Martial finished and hauled down Court Martial jack.

6.10pm: Chinese armed launch Kwong Ping entered West.

4f5a7afea2fc8e0923000359: (

5 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Chin entering West.

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Sa Shun entered.

2.05pm: HMS Diana’s ship’s company transferred from Tamar to Diana.

4f5a7afea2fc8e0923000359: (

6 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Diana moved from Camber to buoy. Discharged five ratings to same.

4f5a7afea2fc8e092300035a: (

7 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Held divine service on board attended by church parties from Diana, Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 036.

4.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Diana and discharged one rating to same.

4f5a7afea2fc8e092300035a: (

8 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Discharged one Warrant Officer to HMS Diana.

9.10am: HMS Whiting out and HMS Virago placed in dry dock.

1.30pm: HMS Wivern moved from Camber to buoy.

1.35pm: Received one rating from hospital.

3.0pm: Diana out East.

4f5a7affa2fc8e092300035b: (

9 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: One RMLI joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7affa2fc8e092300035b: (

10 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.0am: Discharged one officer to hospital.

4f5a7affa2fc8e092300035c: (

11 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one officer to hospital.

4f5a7affa2fc8e092300035c: (

12 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.30pm: Chinese armed launch NG Lan in West.

4f5a7affa2fc8e092300035d: (

13 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Chinese cruiser Po Pik in West.

4.0pm: HMS Virago ship’s company hulked on board Tamar.

4f5a7affa2fc8e092300035d: (

14 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held divine service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 035.

4f5a7b00a2fc8e092300035e: (

15 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Hands mustered by the Ledger for annual reading of characters. [Each rating has a service certificate, known as his parchment because, until the 20th century, parchment was used for it. This records his service and remarks by his CO and is produced at intervals for the man to see what is written about him.]

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Chai Sai entered West.

4f5a7b00a2fc8e092300035e: (

16 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties away, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b00a2fc8e092300035f: (

17 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties away, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b00a2fc8e092300035f: (

18 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Submarine C37 proceeded to sea.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to RNH.

9.35: HMS Virago undocked. HMS’ Sandpiper and Robin undocked and moved to Kowloon.

11.0am: Discharged one officer to hospital.

4f5a7b00a2fc8e0923000360: (

19 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Virago’s crew transferred from Tamar to ship.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b00a2fc8e0923000360: (

20 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: TB 038 commissioned.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b00a2fc8e0923000361: (

21 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Virago, Rosario and TB 038.

4f5a7b00a2fc8e0923000361: (

22 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Virago left Camber and secured to buoys for adjusting compasses.

4f5a7b01a2fc8e0923000362: (

23 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged six ratings from hospital to SS Somali for passage to England.

5.0pm: Received 14 ratings from Wei-hai-wei to await passage to England.

4f5a7b01a2fc8e0923000362: (

24 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention barracks.

4f5a7b01a2fc8e0923000363: (

25 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.0am: HMS Whiting placed in dry dock.

7.0pm: One rating to Kowloon for minesweeper.

4f5a7b01a2fc8e0923000363: (

26 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties away, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b01a2fc8e0923000364: (

27 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: One officer joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b01a2fc8e0923000364: (

28 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 035.

4f5a7b01a2fc8e0923000365: (

29 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged 14 ratings to P&O SS Nyanza for passage to England.

4f5a7b01a2fc8e0923000365: (

30 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Chinese gunboat Sui Nam in West.

4f5a7b02a2fc8e0923000366: (

31 January 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties away, remainder variously employed.


4f5a7b02a2fc8e0923000366: (

1 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in two steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Light airs, clear, temperatures around 60º F.

4f5a7b02a2fc8e0923000367: (

2 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: One officer joined ship from hospital and discharged to TB 038. One officer joined from same.

4f5a7b02a2fc8e0923000367: (

3 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Saturday routine.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7b02a2fc8e0923000368: (

4 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to Whiting and received one rating from same.

4f5a7b02a2fc8e0923000368: (

5 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties away, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b03a2fc8e0923000369: (

6 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Range parties to Stonecutter for annual musketry course.

9.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b03a2fc8e0923000369: (

7 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Range parties to Stonecutter.

4f5a7b03a2fc8e092300036a: (

8 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Range parties to Stonecutter.

9.10am: Discharged one SPO to HMS Whiting and three ratings to SS Malta for passage to Singapore.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b03a2fc8e092300036a: (

9 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Range parties to Stonecutter.

4f5a7b03a2fc8e092300036b: (

10 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Discharged one officer to hospital.

3.30pm: Chinese Revenue cruiser entered West.

4f5a7b03a2fc8e092300036b: (

11 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 035.

5.15pm: Chinese gunboat Kong Ping in West.

4f5a7b03a2fc8e092300036c: (

12 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30pm: HMS Whiting arrived and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b03a2fc8e092300036c: (

13 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Range parties to Stonecutter.

4f5a7b04a2fc8e092300036d: (

14 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Range parties to Stonecutter.

4f5a7b04a2fc8e092300036d: (

15 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C37 proceeded West.

4f5a7b04a2fc8e092300036e: (

16 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Range parties to Stonecutter.

4f5a7b04a2fc8e092300036e: (

17 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

4f5a7b04a2fc8e092300036f: (

18 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 038.

1.30pm: Discharged one SPO to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7b04a2fc8e092300036f: (

19 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b04a2fc8e0923000370: (

20 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: American gunboat Helena arrived and secured to No 4 buoy.

4f5a7b04a2fc8e0923000370: (

21 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b05a2fc8e0923000371: (

22 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: Four Japanese destroyers arrived and secured to buoys.

4f5a7b05a2fc8e0923000371: (

23 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: One RMLI joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: Discharged one CERA to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7b05a2fc8e0923000372: (

24 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Four Japanese destroyers proceeded East.

4f5a7b05a2fc8e0923000372: (

25 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Virago and TB 036.

4f5a7b05a2fc8e0923000373: (

26 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: American gunboat Helena out East.

11.0am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook arrived West.

4f5a7b05a2fc8e0923000373: (

27 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.0pm: Portuguese cruiser Patria arrived.

4f5a7b05a2fc8e0923000374: (

28 February 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

11.0am: Virago out East.


4f5a7b05a2fc8e0923000374: (

1 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.0am: Sent range party to Stonecutters I.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

2.30pm: Russian aux cruiser Petchinga [?] [Pechenga is a place in Murmansk] and TBDs Urasovsky [probably Kapitan Yurasovskiy is intended], Serguf [probably Leytenant Sergeev is intended], Bezohommy [probably Besshumnyy is intended] and Bezstraskny [probably Besstrashnyy is intended] in and secured to buoys.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.15pm: Range parties returned.

Weather: Light Northerly breezes, rain at times, temperatures in the 50s F.

4f5a7b06a2fc8e0923000375: (

2 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0pm: Discharged one PO and one Ldg Sn to HMS Wivern.

4f5a7b06a2fc8e0923000375: (

3 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one Signal rating to D’Aguilar.

4f5a7b06a2fc8e0923000376: (

4 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Virago and TB 038.

1.0pm: Discharged one PO 1C to HMS Whiting and one ditto joined from same.

4f5a7b06a2fc8e0923000376: (

5 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Whiting proceeded.

9.40am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.0pm: Read warrants 253 and 254.

4f5a7b06a2fc8e0923000377: (

6 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Chinese gunboat Po Bine (?) arrived West.

4f5a7b06a2fc8e0923000377: (

7 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Alacrity moved from buoy to Camber.

4f5a7b06a2fc8e0923000378: (

8 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Russian Aux cruiser Orel secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a7b06a2fc8e0923000378: (

9 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: Russians TBDs moved from buoys to Camber.

9.10am: Submarine C37 left Camber and proceeded.

10.50am: One ERA joined ship from SS Nellore.

12.10pm: C37 returned.

4f5a7b07a2fc8e0923000379: (

10 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Saturday routine.

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

4f5a7b07a2fc8e0923000379: (

11 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 035.

5.15pm: Discharged three ratings to SS Namur.

9.30pm: Discharged one Warrant Officer to Namur.

4f5a7b07a2fc8e092300037a: (

12 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties landed, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b07a2fc8e092300037a: (

13 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties landed, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b07a2fc8e092300037b: (

14 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.50pm: American gunboat Elcano in and secured to No 11 buoy.

6.0pm: Chinese gunboats Parpie and Kiang Kung in.

4f5a7b07a2fc8e092300037b: (

15 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: TB 036 left Camber to carry out steam trials.

12.30pm: TB 036 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b07a2fc8e092300037c: (

16 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: American gunboat Elcano out East.

9.15am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

5.45pm: Russian destroyers left Camber.

4f5a7b07a2fc8e092300037c: (

17 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

4f5a7b08a2fc8e092300037d: (

18 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Virago.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 035.

1.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong On in.

3.30pm: Russian destroyers proceeded East.

4f5a7b08a2fc8e092300037d: (

19 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Hands employed getting down mainyard.

4f5a7b08a2fc8e092300037e: (

20 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.20pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.15pm: American gunboat Pampanga in.

4.20pm: Russian aux cruiser moved from buoy to dock.

4f5a7b08a2fc8e092300037e: (

21 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Whiting out East.

4f5a7b08a2fc8e092300037f: (

22 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C38 proceeded East.

4.0pm: Discharged seven ratings to P&O SS Nellore.

4f5a7b08a2fc8e092300037f: (

23 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: HMS Whiting arrived West.

4f5a7b09a2fc8e0923000380: (

24 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

4f5a7b09a2fc8e0923000380: (

25 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting arrived.

9.15am: Whiting out West.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 037.

5.15pm: Whiting and TB 038 in.

6.20pm: Whiting and TB 038 out West.

4f5a7b09a2fc8e0923000381: (

26 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.40pm: HMS Virago secured to North wall.

3.40pm: HMS Whiting secured to North wall.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 255.

4f5a7b09a2fc8e0923000381: (

27 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting arrived East.

9.10am: Discharged one CERA to Whiting.

4f5a7b09a2fc8e0923000382: (

28 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties and remainder of hands variously employed.

4f5a7b09a2fc8e0923000382: (

29 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Japanese cruisers Chikuma, Hirado and Chitose in East.

12.30pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong On in West.

4f5a7b0aa2fc8e0923000383: (

30 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties and remainder of hands variously employed.

4f5a7b0aa2fc8e0923000383: (

31 March 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Japanese cruisers Chikuma and Hirado out West.

9.30am: SS Titan arrived and secured to North Wall. Eng. Lt Nuttal [?] joined ship.

7.0pm: SS Ingoma in East.


4f5a7b0aa2fc8e0923000384: (

1 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Lit fires in steam boats.

9.15am: Divisions. Landed church parties.

10.0am: Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 038.

11.30am: Church parties returned.

1.0pm: Usual leave to watch until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.0pm: One CERA joined ship from HMS Whiting.

Weather: Fresh Easterlies all day, clear, temperatures in the mid 60s F.

4f5a7b0aa2fc8e0923000384: (

2 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

4f5a7b0aa2fc8e0923000385: (

3 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.40am: SS Hong Keng in East.

4f5a7b0aa2fc8e0923000385: (

4 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Japanese cruiser Chitose out East.

8.05am: HMS Alacrity moved from Camber to buoy.

4f5a7b0ba2fc8e0923000386: (

5 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting arrived.

8.30am: Submarine C 38 proceeded West.

4f5a7b0ba2fc8e0923000386: (

6 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Whiting secured to North Wall.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Virago and TB 037.[Good Friday]

5.45pm: HMS Whiting out East.

4f5a7b0ba2fc8e0923000387: (

7 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12 noon: SS Ingoma out.

4f5a7b0ba2fc8e0923000387: (

8 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: USS Elcano in East.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and Whiting.

4f5a7b0ba2fc8e0923000388: (

9 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one ERA to P&O Nore for passage to England.

9.15am: P&O SS Khyber arrived with 14 ratings for HMS Rosario. One Chief Carpenter joined ship.

4f5a7b0ba2fc8e0923000388: (

10 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties and remainder of hands variously employed.

4f5a7b0ca2fc8e0923000389: (

11 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties and remainder of hands variously employed.

4f5a7b0ca2fc8e0923000389: (

12 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

5.0pm: Discharged one ERA to TB 038.

4f5a7b0ca2fc8e092300038a: (

13 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties and remainder of hands variously employed.

8.0am: American gunboat Elcano out East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b0ca2fc8e092300038a: (

14 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: American gunboat Elcano out East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b0ca2fc8e092300038b: (

15 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 038.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

4f5a7b0ca2fc8e092300038b: (

16 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: French SS Polynesien arrived East.

10.05am: HMS Fame arrived and secured to South Wall.

4.0pm: American gunboat Helena in and secured to No 11 buoy.

4f5a7b0ca2fc8e092300038c: (

17 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.40pm: American gunboat Pampanga (Pampagna in log) in and secured to No 8 buoy.

4f5a7b0ca2fc8e092300038c: (

18 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Whiting arrived.

4.30pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook entered West.

4f5a7b0da2fc8e092300038d: (

19 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Fame moved from Camber to dry dock.

1.30pm: Fame’s crew transfered to Tamar.

4f5a7b0da2fc8e092300038d: (

20 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Whiting arrived East.

9.10am: Submarine C38 proceeded.

9.25am: HMS Whiting proceeded West.

4f5a7b0da2fc8e092300038e: (

21 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties. Hands clean ship.

4f5a7b0da2fc8e092300038e: (

22 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: Eng. Cdr Dawson and Chief Carpenter Michelmore discharged to P&O SS Khyber [Kyber in log] for passage to England.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Virago and TB037.

4f5a7b0da2fc8e092300038f: (

23 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: HMS Virago out East.

9.10am: HMS Whiting out West.

2.0pm: One Ldg Sn joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b0da2fc8e092300038f: (

24 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.10am: HMS Virago out East.

11.15am: Chinese Revenue cruiser Kai Pau in.

4f5a7b0da2fc8e0923000390: (

25 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting arrived and secured.

9.10am: Submarine C38 proceeded West.

12 noon: C38 returned.

4f5a7b0da2fc8e0923000390: (

26 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.40am: HMS Virago arrived.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.30am: USS Helena moved from buoy to Camber.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b0ea2fc8e0923000391: (

27 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b0ea2fc8e0923000391: (

28 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.20pm: Submarine C 38 secured in Camber.

3.20pm: RFA Delphinula secured in Camber.

4f5a7b0ea2fc8e0923000392: (

29 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Whiting, Rosario and TB 038.

4f5a7b0ea2fc8e0923000392: (

30 April 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Whiting left Camber and out East.


4f5a7b0ea2fc8e0923000393: (

1 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Hands clean ship.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

2.0pm: Hands as in forenoon.

2.0pm: One AB joined ship from detention.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.0pm: One CPO joined ship from Stonecutter.

6.30pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria entered and secured to No 11 buoy.

Weather: Calm or light Easterlies, clear, temperatures in the 70s F in the pm.

4f5a7b0ea2fc8e0923000393: (

2 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.35am: HMS Whiting entered East.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b0ea2fc8e0923000394: (

3 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b0ea2fc8e0923000394: (

4 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b0fa2fc8e0923000395: (

5 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.10pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria out.

1.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b0fa2fc8e0923000395: (

6 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: Discharged one rating to P&O SS Nagoya [Nagoia in log] for passage to England.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 037.

5.15pm: Discharged two ratings to TB 038 and one to TB 037.

7.20pm: Two ratings joined ship from TB 038 and one from TB 037.

4f5a7b0fa2fc8e0923000396: (

7 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.45am: Discharged one Ldg Signalman and one RMLI to D’Aguilar signal station.

1.0pm: Read warrant No 257 and discharged one rating to detention quarters.

4f5a7b0fa2fc8e0923000396: (

8 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, coaled ship and painting the side in pm.

4f5a7b0fa2fc8e0923000397: (

9 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties and painting the side.

4f5a7b0fa2fc8e0923000397: (

10 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landed small arm parties.

8.0am: Landing parties returned.

4f5a7b0fa2fc8e0923000398: (

11 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.45pm: HMS Venus arrived and secured to No 3 buoy.

6.30pm: Venus moved from buoy to Camber and secured to East Wall.

4f5a7b0fa2fc8e0923000398: (

12 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: HMS Fame undocked and moved to Camber.

4f5a7b10a2fc8e0923000399: (

13 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Virago out East.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 037.

4f5a7b10a2fc8e0923000399: (

14 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Whiting out East.

4f5a7b10a2fc8e092300039a: (

15 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12 noon: Read warrant No 259.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: Sent bathing parties to Stonecutters I.

4f5a7b10a2fc8e092300039a: (

16 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.0pm: Discharged one Stoker to TB 038.

4f5a7b10a2fc8e092300039b: (

17 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Submarine C38 proceeded West.

11.30am: C38 returned.

12.15pm: HMS Whiting arrived.

4f5a7b10a2fc8e092300039b: (

18 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Rosario moved from West Wall to North Wall.

2.40pm: SS Titan secured to dockyard wall.

6.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to TB 037.

4f5a7b11a2fc8e092300039c: (

19 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: One rating joined from detention.

4f5a7b11a2fc8e092300039c: (

20 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Held divine service on board attended by parties from Venus, Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB037.

2.0pm: HMS Fame secured to buoy to swing for compasses.

4.0pm: Fame’s crew rejoined their ship from Tamar.

4f5a7b11a2fc8e092300039d: (

21 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Fame proceeded to carry out steam trials.

9.15am: SS Australien [Australian in log] in and secured to No 2 buoy.

12 noon: SS Titan sailed.

12.45pm Fame in and secured to North wall.

4f5a7b11a2fc8e092300039d: (

22 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Venus moved from Camber and placed in dry dock.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

2.15pm: Fame proceeded to sea.

5.30pm: French transport SS Australien out.

4f5a7b11a2fc8e092300039e: (

23 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30pm: Discharged one CPO to TB 038.

4f5a7b11a2fc8e092300039e: (

24 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties in am.

Make and mend in pm.

4f5a7b11a2fc8e092300039f: (

25 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.55am: Chinese gunboat Kiang Han arrived West.

9.10am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

10.30am: HMS Venus undocked and moved to Camber.

4f5a7b11a2fc8e092300039f: (

26 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0pm: Chinese gunboat Ping Nam in West.

4f5a7b12a2fc8e09230003a0: (

27 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Venus, Rosario, Whiting and TB 038.

10.15am: One RMLI joined ship from Wei-hai-wei.

4f5a7b12a2fc8e09230003a0: (

28 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one officer from Stonecutter to hospital.

2.0pm: Chinese transport Kwong Phi in West.

4f5a7b12a2fc8e09230003a1: (

29 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b12a2fc8e09230003a1: (

30 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Chinese transport Kow Wien in.

10.30am: HMS Venus moved from Camber to No 5 buoy.

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kiang Han arrived.

4f5a7b12a2fc8e09230003a2: (

31 May 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Venus proceeded to carry out steam trials.

1.30pm: Venus returned and secured to No 5 buoy.


4f5a7b12a2fc8e09230003a2: (

1 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

4.30pm: Sent bathing parties to Stonecutters.

4f5a7b13a2fc8e09230003a3: (

2 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Discharged five ratings and 22 Chinese ratings to HMS Wivern.

7.20am: HMAS Torrens [Torrenus or Torrenees in log] arrived East.

10.0am: HMS Venus out East.

10.05am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

8.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b13a2fc8e09230003a3: (

3 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Torrens and TB 037.

4f5a7b13a2fc8e09230003a4: (

4 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.20am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.0pm: Crew of HMAS Torrens transferred to HMS Tamar.

4f5a7b13a2fc8e09230003a4: (

5 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: HMAS Torrens moved from Camber to dry dock

8.15am: USS Helena moved from Camber to No 11 buoy.

4f5a7b13a2fc8e09230003a5: (

6 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b13a2fc8e09230003a5: (

7 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder of hands variously employed.

4f5a7b13a2fc8e09230003a6: (

8 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.50pm: HMS Venus arrived and secured to No 5 buoy.

4f5a7b13a2fc8e09230003a6: (

9 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.15am: HMS Venus out East.

4f5a7b14a2fc8e09230003a7: (

10 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Torrens and TB 037.

4f5a7b14a2fc8e09230003a7: (

11 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Portuguese gunboat Macau [Macoa in log] in.

1.40pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: Crew of HMS Virago [Viargo in log] transferred to Tamar while ship refits.

4f5a7b14a2fc8e09230003a8: (

12 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder of hands variously employed.

4f5a7b14a2fc8e09230003a8: (

13 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one officer and one rating to hospital.

4.15pm: Chinese gunboat Bo Pic in West.

4f5a7b14a2fc8e09230003a9: (

14 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: USS Cincinnati arrived and secured to No 4 buoy.

4.30pm: USS Piscataqua arrived and secured to No 10 buoy.

4f5a7b14a2fc8e09230003a9: (

15 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder of hands variously employed.

4f5a7b14a2fc8e09230003aa: (

16 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder of hands cleaning ship.

4f5a7b14a2fc8e09230003aa: (

17 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Ship’s company of HMAS Torrens returned to their ship.

10.0am: Torrens left Camber and proceeded West.

11.40am: Torrens returned and secured to buoy.

3.0pm: Torrens out West.

4f5a7b15a2fc8e09230003ab: (

18 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b15a2fc8e09230003ab: (

19 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Chinese gunboat Kiapan out West.

6.55pm: Chinese gunboat Kwang Tung arrived West.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003ac: (

20 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder of hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003ac: (

21 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: USS’ Cincinati and Piscataqua out East.

4.45pm: Chinese gunboat Chai Sai arrived West.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003ad: (

22 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Submarine C36 proceeded East.

10.30am: Discharged one officer to hospital.

11.30am: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003ad: (

23 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30pm: Placed Lt/Cdr Echlin (retd) under arrest for making an improper and insubordinate signal to me. (signed) GC Echlin, H Sandeman, Commodore

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003ae: (

24 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 038.

4.0pm: Lost by accident by Pte E Martin RMLI, one blanket and one hammock.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003ae: (

25 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Ship moved from South Wall to Camber.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003af: (

26 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003af: (

27 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder of hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003b0: (

28 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: 40 ratings joined ship from England.

4f5a7b16a2fc8e09230003b0: (

29 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Submarine C36 proceeded West.

11.30am: C36 returned.

4f5a7b17a2fc8e09230003b1: (

30 June 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Discharged 18 ratings to HMS Whiting.

4.15pm: 17 ratings joined ship from same.


4f5a7b17a2fc8e09230003b1: (

1 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Divisions.

9.25am: Landed church parties.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 038.

11.40am: Church parties returned.

1.0pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Light airs, clear, temperatures in the mid 80s F.

4f5a7b17a2fc8e09230003b2: (

2 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: TB 035 commissioned.

3.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

7.0pm: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

4f5a7b17a2fc8e09230003b2: (

3 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, coaling ship.

Ord. Seamen to instruction.

4f5a7b17a2fc8e09230003b3: (

4 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Wivern returned from Ma Wan.

4f5a7b17a2fc8e09230003b3: (

5 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landed small arm companies for drill.

4f5a7b18a2fc8e09230003b4: (

6 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.40am: C submarine proceeded West.

4f5a7b18a2fc8e09230003b4: (

7 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: 95 ratings joined ship from England.

4f5a7b18a2fc8e09230003b5: (

8 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and Virago.

10.05am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Discharged Lt/Cdr Echlin to SS Dunera for passage to England.

4f5a7b18a2fc8e09230003b5: (

9 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Discharged three ratings to D’Aguilar signal station and four ratings to Jubilee.

4f5a7b18a2fc8e09230003b6: (

10 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Ord. Seamen at seamanship instruction.

4f5a7b18a2fc8e09230003b6: (

11 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Tai in West.

4.30pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria in West.

5.0pm: Chinese gunboat Po Pei in West.

4f5a7b18a2fc8e09230003b7: (

12 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C36 out West.

11.30am: C36 returned.

4f5a7b18a2fc8e09230003b7: (

13 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.30pm: Hoisted red typhoon signals.

4f5a7b19a2fc8e09230003b8: (

14 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.10am: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

12 noon: Hauled down red typhoon signal.

4f5a7b19a2fc8e09230003b8: (

15 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: One ERA joined ship from SS Malta.

4f5a7b19a2fc8e09230003b9: (

16 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b19a2fc8e09230003b9: (

17 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Chinese gunboat England in West.

4f5a7b19a2fc8e09230003ba: (

18 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Pte Henry G Amor RMLI, 13143, died at Military hospital, Tanglin, Singapore. Cause, pneumonia.

12 noon: Hoisted red typhoon signals.

2.0pm: SS Harold Dollar secured in Camber.

6.0pm: USS Pampanga secured in Camber for typhoon.

4f5a7b19a2fc8e09230003ba: (

19 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.40am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

1.20pm: Hauled down red typhoon signals, hoisted black No 4 and closed typhoon ports.

1.25pm: Submarine C36 secured to buoy.

6.55pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook in West.

4f5a7b19a2fc8e09230003bb: (

20 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.12am: Hauled down typhoon signals No 4.

7.45am: Submarine C36 secured in Camber.

9.10am: HMS Whiting entered Camber.

2.15pm: Chinese gunboat Ching Ling in West.

4f5a7b19a2fc8e09230003bb: (

21 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7b1aa2fc8e09230003bc: (

22 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and Virago.

1.40pm: Japanese cruiser Tone in East and secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a7b1aa2fc8e09230003bc: (

23 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.0pm: SS Harold Dollar moved from Camber to buoy.

4f5a7b1aa2fc8e09230003bd: (

24 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: SS Harold Dollar out East.

9.55am: Japanese battleships Yakumo and Tokiwa arrived and secured to buoys.

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook arrived.

4f5a7b1aa2fc8e09230003bd: (

25 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: HMS Virago undocked and moved to Camber.

4f5a7b1aa2fc8e09230003be: (

26 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Japanese cruiser Tone out East.

12 noon: TB 035 paid off. Seamen ratings returned to HMS Virago.

4f5a7b1aa2fc8e09230003be: (

27 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: Submarine C36 proceeded West.

12.10pm: C36 returned.

4.30pm: Discharged 13 ratings to SS Tantalus.

4f5a7b1aa2fc8e09230003bf: (

28 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Japanese battleships Yakumo and Takiwa out East.

4f5a7b1aa2fc8e09230003bf: (

29 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Virago and TB 037.

1 55pm: Chinese gunboat On Pak in West.

4f5a7b1ba2fc8e09230003c0: (

30 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: HMS Virago left Camber and proceeded West for steam trials.

2.30pm: Virago retuned, secured to No 5 buoy and swung for compasses.

4f5a7b1ba2fc8e09230003c0: (

31 July 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30pm: HMS Whiting and Submarine C38 moved from Camber to dry dock.


4f5a7b1ba2fc8e09230003c1: (

1 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Usual dockyard parties away. Ord. Seamen to gun drill, remainder as requisite.

12 noon: TB 035 commissioned with Seaman ratings from HMS Whiting.

4.0pm: Evening Quarters.

4.30pm: Away bathing parties.

6.15pm: Chinese gunboat Po Pic entered West.

Weather: Calm or light airs, clear, temperatures in the 80s F.

4f5a7b1ba2fc8e09230003c1: (

2 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Chinese gunboat Ping Nam entered West.

9.15am: TB 037 secured in Camber.

4f5a7b1ba2fc8e09230003c2: (

3 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C36 left Camber and proceeded West.

9.10am: TB 035 left Camber and out East.

11.55am: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b1ba2fc8e09230003c2: (

4 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.20pm: Received one rating from detention barracks.

4f5a7b1ba2fc8e09230003c3: (

5 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 038.

10.20am: Japanese destroyers Sugiwira, Monta, Tshikawi, Tomain and Tsuga* arrived and secured to buoys.

10.45am: Chinese gunboat Wong Hoi in West.

* I believe that these destroyers are five of the twelve built in Japan and sold to France that became the Arabe class. These names are just for the journey.

4f5a7b1ba2fc8e09230003c3: (

6 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: Japanese cruiser Yodo and HMS Virago in.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12.55pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b1ca2fc8e09230003c4: (

7 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged one Sick Berth Steward 2C to SS Chinchow for passage to Wei-hai-wei.

Ord. Seamen to gunnery instruction.

4f5a7b1ca2fc8e09230003c4: (

8 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Ord. Seamen to gunnery instruction.

4f5a7b1ca2fc8e09230003c5: (

9 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C36 left Camber and proceeded West.

11.30am: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b1ca2fc8e09230003c5: (

10 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Japanese cruiser Yodo and five destroyers out West.

Ord. seamen at 3 pdr aiming practice.

4f5a7b1ca2fc8e09230003c6: (

11 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged ratings to P&O SS Malta for passage to England.

3.15pm: Malta out.

4f5a7b1ca2fc8e09230003c6: (

12 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Virago and TB 037.

10.45am: Hoisted red typhoon signal No 1.

11.0am: HMS Virago moved from Camber to buoy.

4f5a7b1ca2fc8e09230003c7: (

13 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.46am: Typhoon signal changed from No 1 to No 5.

3.45am: Submarines C36 and C37 secured to buoys in Camber.

6.0am: Typhoon signals changed from No 5 to No 6.

10.30am: USS Pampanga [Pangpanga in log] secured in Camber for typhoon.

6.10pm: Typhoon signal changed from No 6 to No 3.

8.40pm: Hauled down typhoon signals.

4f5a7b1ca2fc8e09230003c7: (

14 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Cast off typhoon hawsers.

10.20am: USS Pampanga moved from Camber to buoy.

4f5a7b1da2fc8e09230003c8: (

15 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b1da2fc8e09230003c8: (

16 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Ord. Seamen to gunnery instruction.

4f5a7b1da2fc8e09230003c9: (

17 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: USS’ Pampanga and Helena out West.

8.40am: Submarine C36 proceeded West.

11.40am: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b1da2fc8e09230003c9: (

18 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Chinese gunboat Kwan Kun in East.

5.0pm: Lieut Croasdale and one AB joined ship from P&O Namur.

4f5a7b1da2fc8e09230003ca: (

19 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 038.

4f5a7b1da2fc8e09230003ca: (

20 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b1da2fc8e09230003cb: (

21 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Ord. Seamen to instruction in 6 pdr arming.

Remainder of hands coaling ship.

4f5a7b1da2fc8e09230003cb: (

22 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.55pm: HMS Cadmus secured up in Camber.

4f5a7b1ea2fc8e09230003cc: (

23 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Submarine C36 out West

9.40am: HMS Cadmus paid off and crew joined Tamar.

11.45am: C36 returned.

4f5a7b1ea2fc8e09230003cc: (

24 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: HMS Whiting undocked and moved to Camber.

6.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria in West.

4f5a7b1ea2fc8e09230003cd: (

25 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Discharged 72 ratings and seven officers to SS Shantung for passage to Shanghai to commission river boats Kinsha, Woodlark and Woodcock. [These vessels have been interned at Shanghai up to now, while China was a neutral. However, she declared war on Germany on the 14th of August.]

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat On Pak arrived West.

4f5a7b1ea2fc8e09230003cd: (

26 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 037.

4f5a7b1ea2fc8e09230003ce: (

27 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago left Camber and proceeded West.

6.30pm: Chinese gunboat Kia Pan in.

4f5a7b1ea2fc8e09230003ce: (

28 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: TB 038 paid off and ratings returned to Tamar. Discharged seven ratings to HMS Whiting. Seamen ratings from TB 035 returned to Tamar.

4f5a7b1ea2fc8e09230003cf: (

29 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Submarine C36 proceeded West.

12.30am: C36 returned to Camber.

2.30pm: HMS Moorhen secured in Camber.

4f5a7b1ea2fc8e09230003cf: (

30 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

1.15pm: Chinese gunboat arrived West.

4f5a7b1fa2fc8e09230003d0: (

31 August 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: HMS Whiting’s crew transferred from Tamar to Whiting.


4f5a7b1fa2fc8e09230003d0: (

1 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.45am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

10.50am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Kom in West.

10.55am: Discharged Paymaster Cove to P&O SS Namur for passage to England.

1.0pm: Make and mend. Leave to watch until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.05pm: Discharged Art. Eng. Christie to HMS Virago.

4.30pm: Away bathing parties.

Weather: Light SE’lies, clear, temperatures in the mid 80s F.

4f5a7b1fa2fc8e09230003d1: (

2 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario and TB 035.

Surgeon Hill joined ship.

4f5a7b1fa2fc8e09230003d1: (

3 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.10pm: S/Lt Smith and one ERA joined ship from SS Dunera.

4f5a7b1fa2fc8e09230003d2: (

4 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Ord. Seamen at seamanship instruction.

4f5a7b1fa2fc8e09230003d2: (

5 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.10am: Portuguese gunboat Patria out.

1.0pm: Read warrants Nos 263 and 264. Discharged one AB to detention barracks for 60 days and one RMLI 90 days.

4f5a7b21a2fc8e09230003d3: (

6 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C36 left Camber and proceeded West.

12.30pm: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b21a2fc8e09230003d3: (

7 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Ord. Seamen to torpedo instruction, remainder painting messdecks.

4f5a7b21a2fc8e09230003d4: (

8 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.35am: HMS Whiting left Camber and secured to buoy.

10.15am: HMS Virago secured up in Camber.

4f5a7b21a2fc8e09230003d4: (

9 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 037.

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10 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago left Camber.

9.30am: HMS Whiting secured up in Camber.

4f5a7b25a2fc8e09230003e5: (

11 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.55pm: Hoisted No I typhoon signal.

6.45pm: Submarines C38 and C37 secured to buoys in Camber.

8.15pm: HMS Whiting left Camber and made fast to buoy in stream.

4f5a7b26a2fc8e09230003e6: (

12 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Ord. Seamen to swimming.

2.0pm: One ERA joined ship from hospital.

In pm: Ord. Seamen to torpedo.

4f5a7b26a2fc8e09230003e6: (

13 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.20am: Hauled down No I typhoon signal.

6.30pm: Chinese gunboat Ping Nam in West.

4f5a7b26a2fc8e09230003e7: (

14 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Swimming class to instruction.

4f5a7b26a2fc8e09230003e7: (

15 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b26a2fc8e09230003e8: (

16 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 035.

4f5a7b26a2fc8e09230003e8: (

17 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.55pm: HMS Diana [Dianna in log] in and secured to No 5 buoy.

5.40pm: Chinese gunboat Kwan Kow in.

4f5a7b26a2fc8e09230003e9: (

18 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged Mr Smith, Mate*, to P&O SS Dunera for passage to Singapore.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.50pm: Japanese destroyer flotilla [seven vessels according to log of HMS Diana] arrived and secured to buoys.

4.55pm: One rating joined ship from Wei-hai-wei.

* Mate was a rating revived in 1913 for the accelerated promotion of promising ratings. Mates ranked with sub-lieutenants but messed separately. In 1931 the title was abandoned again, and mates were re-mustered as sub-lieutenants.

4f5a7b26a2fc8e09230003e9: (

19 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.20am: Japanese cruiser Nisshin in and secured to buoy.

10.40am: HMS Diana secured in Camber.

3.05pm: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook in West.

4f5a7b27a2fc8e09230003ea: (

20 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Usual dockyard parties.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7b27a2fc8e09230003ea: (

21 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Submarine C36 left Camber and proceeded West.

4.0pm: HMS Diana ship’s company transferred to Tamar.

4f5a7b27a2fc8e09230003eb: (

22 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Japanese cruiser Nisshin and destroyer flotilla out East.

4f5a7b27a2fc8e09230003eb: (

23 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario and Diana.

4f5a7b27a2fc8e09230003ec: (

24 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.30pm: HMS Virago arrived and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b27a2fc8e09230003ec: (

25 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0pm: HMS Diana moved from Camber to dry dock.

4.45pm: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

4f5a7b28a2fc8e09230003ed: (

26 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b28a2fc8e09230003ed: (

27 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: 18 officers and 322 men from Diana and 32 ratings from Cadmus left ship for England.

3.15pm: Chinese gunboat On Pak in West.

4f5a7b28a2fc8e09230003ee: (

28 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.35am: HMS Virago [Virgo in log] secured to buoy.

9.0am: Submarine C36 left Camber and proceeded West.

11.20am: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b28a2fc8e09230003ee: (

29 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Four Japanese destroyers Skigui, Haukaze, Hatsurhan and Hatsuyuka in and secured to buoys. [These are my best readings of what is in the log and I suggest that these are in fact the Asakaze class destroyers Shiguri, Harukaze, Hatsuharu and Hatsuyuki.]

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat in West.

4f5a7b28a2fc8e09230003ef: (

30 September 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Discharged one Marine RMLI to SS Teesta for passage to Wei-hai-wei.

Held Divine Service attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 037.


4f5a7b28a2fc8e09230003ef: (

1 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in two steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Usual dockyard parties, swimming class to instruction, remainder employed as requisite.

9.20am: HMS Whiting left Camber.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: East wind F2-3, clear, high temperature 84ºF at noon.

4f5a7b29a2fc8e09230003f0: (

2 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12 noon: Read warrant No 265 and discharged one AB to detention for 60 days.

4f5a7b29a2fc8e09230003f0: (

3 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12 noon: Japanese destroyers out East.

4f5a7b29a2fc8e09230003f1: (

4 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b29a2fc8e09230003f1: (

5 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.30pm: HMS Virago arrived and secured.

5.0pm: Discharged seven ratings to TB 036. Seven ratings joined ship from same.

4f5a7b29a2fc8e09230003f2: (

6 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C36 out of harbour.

9.0am: TB 037 paid off and TB 036 commissioned.

11.30am: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b29a2fc8e09230003f2: (

7 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 036.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 035.

4f5a7b2aa2fc8e09230003f3: (

8 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.40am: TB 036 secured to No 5 buoy to swing for compasses.

11.40am: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

4f5a7b2aa2fc8e09230003f3: (

9 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

6.0pm: US gunboat Helena in and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b2aa2fc8e09230003f4: (

10 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Japanese cruiser Akashi arrived and secured to buoy.

4.0pm: Bedding inspection.

4f5a7b2aa2fc8e09230003f4: (

11 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landed small arm companies for exercise.

4f5a7b2aa2fc8e09230003f5: (

12 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Submarine C36 left Camber and proceeded West.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.0am: Submarine C36 returned to Camber.

5.45pm: Chinese gunboat Yue Ming in.

4f5a7b2aa2fc8e09230003f5: (

13 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Saturday routine.

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7b2aa2fc8e09230003f6: (

14 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 035.

5.0pm: Six Japanese destroyers arrived and secured to buoys.

4f5a7b2aa2fc8e09230003f6: (

15 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Whiting left Camber and out East.

10.0am: Japanese cruiser Akashi out.

10.05am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

2.20pm: Chinese gunboat Yuan San in West.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003f7: (

16 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed coaling ship.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003f7: (

17 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: Aired bedding.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003f8: (

18 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Submarine C36 left Camber and out West.

9.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

10.30am: Japanese destroyer flotilla out East.

12.55pm: Submarine C36 returned.

1.30pm: Chinese gunboat On Pak arrived East.

3.30pm: Chinese gunboat Hong Kang arrived East.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003f8: (

19 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In pm: Swimming class to instruction.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003f9: (

20 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: USS Helena out East.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003f9: (

21 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003fa: (

22 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago out West.

11.0am: Chinese gunboat Kwong Ching arrived West.

12 noon: Chinese gunboat Kiang Yui entered West.

1.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003fa: (

23 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

2.45pm: Chinese gunboat Kow Moong arrived West.

1.15pm: Chinese torpedo boat Sui Long arrived.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003fb: (

24 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.55am: Submarine C36 left Camber and proceeded West.

11.30am: USS Helena secured to No 11 buoy. C36 returned to Camber.

12.05pm: One Marine RMLI and one SB Attendant joined ship from Wei-hai-wei.

4f5a7b2ba2fc8e09230003fb: (

25 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged three officers and five ratings to SS Empress of Russia for passage to England.

9.36am: Chinese gunboat Yung Kong arrived West.

1.30pm: Chinese gunboat Sui Loong arrived West.

4f5a7b2ca2fc8e09230003fc: (

26 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: One officer and one ERA joined ship from SS Katono Maru.

12 noon: Three officers joined ship from MV Glengyle.

4.20pm: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

4f5a7b2ca2fc8e09230003fc: (

27 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.30pm: USS Helena out East.

4f5a7b2ca2fc8e09230003fd: (

28 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Chinese gunboat Kong Kum arrived East.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 035.

12.20pm: Chinese gunboat Kiang Tai in West.

4f5a7b2ca2fc8e09230003fd: (

29 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kwang Ching arrived East.

2.20pm: Chinese TB Sui Loong arrived East.

4f5a7b2ca2fc8e09230003fe: (

30 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12 noon: Chinese gunboat Kwong Fook arrived East.

5.10pm: Chinese gunboats Kong Shuse and Ching Chit arrived.

4f5a7b2ca2fc8e09230003fe: (

31 October 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.


4f5a7b2da2fc8e09230003ff: (

1 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in two steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Usual dockyard parties, swimming class to instruction, remainder employed as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.45pm: Portuguese gunboat [probably Patria] in and secured to buoys.

Weather: Light Easterlies, clear, temperatures in the mid 70s F.

4f5a7b2da2fc8e09230003ff: (

2 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C36 left Camber and out West.

11.0am: C36 returned.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b2da2fc8e0923000400: (

3 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12 noon: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

4f5a7b2da2fc8e0923000400: (

4 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario and Whiting.

4.30pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Whiting.

4f5a7b2da2fc8e0923000401: (

5 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Whiting left Camber and sailed East.

1.40pm: HMS Virago [Virgo in log] secured in Camber.

4f5a7b2da2fc8e0923000401: (

6 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30am: Discharged one Signal rating to D’Aguilar.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b2ea2fc8e0923000402: (

7 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS Diana undocked and moved to Camber.

11.10am: Chinese gunboat Yink Suon in West.

4f5a7b2ea2fc8e0923000402: (

8 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.15pm: Chinese gunboat Yung Kung in East.

4f5a7b2ea2fc8e0923000403: (

9 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.20am: Submarine C36 left Camber and out West.

10.0am: One rating joined ship from HMS Woodlark.

11.0am: HMT Atlas* and trawler Lark** put in dry dock [I think that Atlas only towed Lark to dock because Atlas leaves the next day. See also 17th November].

11.45am: Discharged one officer to hospital.

12.10pm: Submarine 36 returned to Camber.

12.20pm: Two officers joined ship from SS Dunera.

2.25pm: Nine ratings joined ship from SS Dunera.

* Atlas, a Rover-class tug, 1909, 620 tons. Sold in 1958.

**Lark may be the patrol boat or minesweeper of that name, a civilian steamer taken up in India. Built 1891, 133grt and shown in as in service c1917-1919 at Singapore.

4f5a7b2ea2fc8e0923000403: (

10 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0pm: HM Tug Atlas proceeded West.

4f5a7b2ea2fc8e0923000404: (

11 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 035.

4f5a7b2ea2fc8e0923000404: (

12 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Whiting secured up in Camber

4f5a7b2ea2fc8e0923000405: (

13 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.55am: One officer RNVR joined ship from SS Pyrrhus.

4f5a7b2ea2fc8e0923000405: (

14 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b2fa2fc8e0923000406: (

15 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C36 out West.

1.0pm: C36 returned to Camber.

3.30pm: Chinese gunboat Yu Ming arrived.

4f5a7b2fa2fc8e0923000406: (

16 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: Chinese gunboat Yan Kung in West.

4f5a7b2fa2fc8e0923000407: (

17 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Trawler Lark and HMS Cadmus undocked and moved to Camber. HMS Suffolk arrived and secured to buoy.

6.0pm: SS Empress of Asia arrived with 243 ratings for HMS Diana.

4f5a7b2fa2fc8e0923000407: (

18 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and Virago.

4.0pm: Chinese Man of War Kwang Hoi arrived East.

4f5a7b2fa2fc8e0923000408: (

19 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Whiting left Camber and out East.

10.0am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b2fa2fc8e0923000408: (

20 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0pm: 212 ratings from HMS Suffolk (to be hulked*) came on board.

* It is the ratings who are to be hulked, in the sense that they will be accommodated on Tamar.

4f5a7b2fa2fc8e0923000409: (

21 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.0pm: HMS Diana moved from Camber to No 5 buoy.

4f5a7b2fa2fc8e0923000409: (

22 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: 11 ratings discharged to SS Elpenor* for passage to England.

10.0am: Discharged three officers to SS Empress of Asia.

12.30pm: HMS Diana proceeded to carry out steam trials.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from HMS Suffolk.

5.0pm: Diana secured to No 5 buoy.

5.05pm: Two court martial prisoners on board from HMS Suffolk to await court martial.

* The first of two Blue Funnel Line ships of this name, 1917, 7,601 grt, scrapped 1952.

4f5a7b30a2fc8e092300040a: (

23 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Held court martial.

4.20pm: Court martial complete.

5.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Diana.

4f5a7b30a2fc8e092300040a: (

24 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.25am: One rating discharged to hospital.

4f5a7b30a2fc8e092300040b: (

25 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Diana, Rosario and Virago.

4.15pm: Chinese gunboat Chai Fai in West.

4f5a7b30a2fc8e092300040b: (

26 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting arrived and secured to buoy.

4.0pm: Discharged two ratings to Whiting.

4f5a7b30a2fc8e092300040c: (

27 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to SS Monteagle for passage to Wei-hai-wei.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to detention barracks.

2.25pm: Discharged one rating to civil prison.

4f5a7b30a2fc8e092300040c: (

28 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

1.0pm: Hands employed moving ship from Camber.

2.30pm: Ship secured to North wall.

4f5a7b30a2fc8e092300040d: (

29 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: Submarine C36 left Camber and out West.

12.27pm: Submarine C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b30a2fc8e092300040d: (

30 November 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago moved from Camber to buoy to swing for compasses.

1.30pm: Virago secured in Camber.

5.20pm: American gunboat Pampanga arrived West.

8.15pm: Chinese gunboat Kong Kung arrived West.


4f5a7b31a2fc8e092300040e: (

1 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in four steam boats.

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.45am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder clean ship

1.0pm: Make and mend. Leave to watch until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather:Calm or light airs, clear, maximum temperature 70ºF at 4.0pm.

4f5a7b31a2fc8e092300040e: (

2 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.20am: HMS Diana proceeded East.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 035.

4f5a7b31a2fc8e092300040f: (

3 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.50pm: HMS Euraylus arrived and secured to No 4 buoy.

5.0pm: HMS Euraylus moved from buoy to Camber.

4f5a7b31a2fc8e092300040f: (

4 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Cadmus commissioned.

4f5a7b31a2fc8e0923000410: (

5 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Suffolk undocked and moved to Camber.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.0am: Chinese gunboats Kong Sheong and Kong Ping arrived West.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b31a2fc8e0923000410: (

6 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C36 out West.

1.0pm: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b31a2fc8e0923000411: (

7 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: HMS Cadmus moved from Camber to buoy.

4f5a7b31a2fc8e0923000411: (

8 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.25pm: HMS Cadmus out West.

4.30pm: Two Signal ratings joined ship from HMS Suffolk.

4f5a7b32a2fc8e0923000412: (

9 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Virago, Whiting and TB 035.

10.30am: HMS Suffolk moved from Camber to buoy.

1.15pm: HM Tug David Gillies* left Camber and out East.

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Ying Nam in West.

*1908, 375 grt, a chartered tug.

4f5a7b32a2fc8e0923000412: (

10 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: US American gunboat Pampanga moved from buoy to dry dock and trawler Lark ditto.

4.15pm: Discharged one Bugler RMLI to HMS Suffolk and one Royal Marine joined ship from same.

4f5a7b32a2fc8e0923000413: (

11 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Suffolk out East.

1.10pm: Surgeon* joined ship from HMS Suffolk.

* Probationary Surgeon Shearer, vide log of Suffolk.

4f5a7b32a2fc8e0923000413: (

12 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago arrived and secured to buoy.

8.30am: HMS Virago out East.

3.0pm: Chinese gunboat Sui Lam arrived East.

4f5a7b32a2fc8e0923000414: (

13 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged 22 ratings and 3 officers to SS Shung Tieng [Shang Tung in log of Woodcock, probably Shantung] for passage to Shanghai to commission river boats HMS’ Snipe and Woodcock.

11.0am: Chinese gunboat Ping Nam arrived West.

1.30pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b32a2fc8e0923000414: (

14 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: 20 ratings joined ship from HMS Euryalus.

9.0am: Eight ratings discharged to TB 036.

11.50am: One rating joined ship from Euryalus.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to TB 036.

9.50pm: HMS Whiting proceeded for Swatow [now Shantou].

4f5a7b32a2fc8e0923000415: (

15 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: HM trawler Lark and US gunboat Pampanga undocked and moved to Camber.

4f5a7b32a2fc8e0923000415: (

16 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Euryalus, Rosario and TB 036.

4f5a7b33a2fc8e0923000416: (

17 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Submarine C37 moved from Camber to dry dock.

10.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b33a2fc8e0923000416: (

18 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder of hands variously employed.

4f5a7b33a2fc8e0923000417: (

19 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

1.45pm: US gunboat Pampanga moved from Camber to buoy.

2.30pm: Chinese revenue gunboat Kia Pan moved from buoy to Camber.

4f5a7b33a2fc8e0923000417: (

20 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.40am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12 noon: HMS Euryalus paid off and officers and ship’s company turned over to Empress of Russia for passage to England.

4.0pm: Discharged one AB and one Royal Marine to Empress of Russia.

4f5a7b33a2fc8e0923000418: (

21 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C36 left Camber and proceeded West.

12.15pm: Submarine C36 returned to Camber.

1.0pm: HMS Suffolk arrived and secured to buoy.

4.15pm: Discharged two ratings to Suffolk

4f5a7b33a2fc8e0923000418: (

22 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: Discharged six ratings to HMS Suffolk and one rating to TB 035.

4f5a7b34a2fc8e0923000419: (

23 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.30am: Whiting out West.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 035.

4f5a7b34a2fc8e0923000419: (

24 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.35am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.0am: Whiting secured in Camber.

11.40am: HMS Virago out East.

2.30pm: HMS Suffolk out East.

4.15pm: Russian cruiser Orel arrived and secured to buoy.

6.0pm: Suffolk returned to harbour and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b34a2fc8e092300041a: (

25 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.15am: Virago out East.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4f5a7b34a2fc8e092300041a: (

26 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

10.20am: Virago left Camber and out East.

4f5a7b34a2fc8e092300041b: (

27 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C36 left Camber and out West.

9.10am: HMS Virago secured up in Camber.

10.25am: Virago out East.

4f5a7b34a2fc8e092300041b: (

28 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago arrived East.

10.25am: Virago out East.

11.30am: River gunboats HMS’ Moorhen and Sandpiper [Sanpiper in log] secured in Camber.

2.15pm: US Pampanga secured in Camber.

4f5a7b35a2fc8e092300041c: (

29 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.30am: HMS Robin and Sub C36 undocked and moved to Camber.

8.40am: HMS’ Moorhen and Sandpiper moved from Camber to dock.

4f5a7b35a2fc8e092300041c: (

30 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4.15pm: HMS Virago and two Russian destroyers arrived and secured to buoys.

5.30pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b35a2fc8e092300041d: (

31 December 1917

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.10am: HMS Whiting left Camber and out West.

10.0am: Virago secured in Camber.


4f5a7b35a2fc8e092300041d: (

1 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.0am: Read art. AWO 4078 to ship’s company.

9.15am: HMS Suffolk out East.

9.30am: HMS Virago left Camber and out West.

3.0pm: One Sergeant of Marine RMLI joined ship from hospital.

5.0pm: Whiting out West.

7.20pm: Suffolk secured to buoy.

Weather: Calm and clear at first, then light NW’lies bringing cloud later, max. temperature 61ºF at 4.0pm.

4f5a7b35a2fc8e092300041e: (

2 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.20am: Whiting out East.

10.30am: Discharged five officers and four ratings to SS Empress of Japan for passage to England.

4f5a7b35a2fc8e092300041e: (

3 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.45am: Submarine C36 out East.

12.10pm: C36 returned.

2.0pm: Whiting out East.

4f5a7b35a2fc8e092300041f: (

4 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.45am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

2.10pm: Six ratings joined ship from HMS Suffolk.

4.15pm: Virago secured in Camber.

6.10pm: HMS Whiting arrived West and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b35a2fc8e092300041f: (

5 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: USS gunboat Pampanga moved from Camber to buoy.

5.20pm: HMS Whiting out West.

4f5a7b36a2fc8e0923000420: (

6 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: USS gunboat Pampanga out West.

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.30am: Landed church parties.

9.40am: Whiting out West.

9.50am: HMS Suffolk out East.

10.15am: Landed C of E party for service in the cathedral.

4f5a7b36a2fc8e0923000420: (

7 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.10am: Chinese gunboat Bo Pic arrived.

9.0am: HMS Virago left Camber.

9.52am: Whiting out West.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b36a2fc8e0923000421: (

8 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 271.

5.20pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b36a2fc8e0923000421: (

9 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.40am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

5.15pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b36a2fc8e0923000422: (

10 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.45am: Submarine C36 out West.

1.40pm: C36 returned and secured in Camber.

5.20pm: Whiting out East.

4f5a7b36a2fc8e0923000422: (

11 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

4.30pm: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

5.20pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b37a2fc8e0923000423: (

12 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.10am: Virago out West.

5.55pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria in and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b37a2fc8e0923000423: (

13 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.30am: Virago out East.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4f5a7b37a2fc8e0923000424: (

14 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.0am: Mustered by the ledger to read certificates.

10.0am: HMS Whiting left Camber and out West.

10.20am: Virago secured in Camber.

11.30am: Mr Stead, Chief Gunner, joined ship.

4f5a7b37a2fc8e0923000424: (

15 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.55am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

11.30am: HMS Wivern secured.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.15pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau secured to buoy.

4f5a7b37a2fc8e0923000425: (

16 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau secured alongside HMS Wivern.

3.40pm: HMS’ Sandpiper and Moorhen undocked and moved to Camber.

4.30pm: Wivern and Portuguese gunboat Macau placed in dry dock.

4f5a7b37a2fc8e0923000425: (

17 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

5.0pm: Whiting out East.

4f5a7b38a2fc8e0923000426: (

18 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.25am: Submarine C36 proceeded West.

9.40am: Whiting out West.

12.30pm: C36 returned to Camber.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b38a2fc8e0923000426: (

19 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

4f5a7b38a2fc8e0923000427: (

20 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.15am: Divisions. HMS Whiting out West.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 035.

4f5a7b38a2fc8e0923000427: (

21 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.0am: Mustered by the ledger to read certificates.

10.10am: Whiting secured in Camber.

12.10pm: HMS Virago left Camber and out West.

1.30pm: One officer RNR, three ratings and one Marine RMLI joined ship from hospital.

5.30pm: Chinese gunboat Bo Pic arrived West.

4f5a7b38a2fc8e0923000428: (

22 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

10.0am: Whiting secured In Camber.

12.10pm: HMS Virago left Camber and secured to buoy.

1.30pm: One officer RNR, three ratings and one Marine RMLI joined ship from hospital.

5.30pm: Chinese gunboat Bo Pic arrived West.

[The last two entries appear to have been re-copied in error from the previous day, but which date is correct I can’t say. Ed.]

4f5a7b38a2fc8e0923000428: (

23 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.45am: Virago slipped and out East.

4f5a7b39a2fc8e0923000429: (

24 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.30pm: Landed funeral party.

5.30pm: HMS Virago out West.

6.30pm: Funeral party returned.

4f5a7b39a2fc8e0923000429: (

25 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 272.

4.45pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b39a2fc8e092300042a: (

26 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.30am: Submarine C36 out West.

9.50am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.15pm: C36 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b39a2fc8e092300042a: (

27 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.10am: Virago out West.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4f5a7b39a2fc8e092300042b: (

28 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers. Whiting left Camber and secured to buoy.

9.05am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b39a2fc8e092300042b: (

29 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

5.30pm: Whiting out West.

4f5a7b3aa2fc8e092300042c: (

30 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

3.30pm: Three officers joined ship from SS Dunera.

4f5a7b3aa2fc8e092300042c: (

31 January 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

6.0pm: Whiting out East.


4f5a7b3aa2fc8e092300042d: (

1 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in four steam boats.

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Usual dockyard parties, Ord. Seamen to instruction, marines to maxim drill, remainder employed as requisite.

9.10am: Submarine C38 out West.

9.15am: One officer joined ship from SS Monteagle.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.45pm: C38 returned to Camber.

5.30pm: HMS Whiting out West.

Weather: Light Easterlies, clear, temperature high of 60ºF in pm.

4f5a7b3aa2fc8e092300042d: (

2 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

9.30am: HM trawler Lark out West for steam and gun trials.

12.10pm: Lark returned to Camber.

3.45pm: HMS Virago left Camber and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b3aa2fc8e092300042e: (

3 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: HM trawler Lark secured to buoy.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario.

1.45pm: Lark secured in Camber.

4f5a7b3aa2fc8e092300042e: (

4 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b3aa2fc8e092300042f: (

5 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, Marines to maxim drill, remainder coal ship (25 tons).

4f5a7b3aa2fc8e092300042f: (

6 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Auxiliary cruiser HMS City of London arrived East.

4.0pm: Russian cruiser Orel moved from No 2 buoy to No 5 buoy.

4f5a7b3ba2fc8e0923000430: (

7 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Lt Wallace left ship for SS Irwin.

5.20pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b3ba2fc8e0923000430: (

8 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.30am: Discharged Lt Mudie RNR to SS Monteagle.

11.20am: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

12.45pm: Discharged five ratings to HMS City of London.

2.40pm: City of London out East.

5.30pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b3ba2fc8e0923000431: (

9 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Russian TB destroyer moved from buoy to Kowloon.

11.50am: HMS Wivern undocked and moved to buoy.

12 noon: Portguese gunboat secured in Camber.

4f5a7b3ba2fc8e0923000431: (

10 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

5.30pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b3ba2fc8e0923000432: (

11 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.55am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

9.0am: HMS Whiting left Camber and out East.

4.30pm: Siamese transport Doen Samud* arrived.

* Formerly Chiengmai of Nord-deutscher Lloyd, 1907, 1,815 grt, seized by Siam in 1917 and renamed Doen Samud.

4f5a7b3ba2fc8e0923000432: (

12 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

5.30pm: Whiting out West.

4f5a7b3ba2fc8e0923000433: (

13 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

5.30pm: Whiting out East.

4f5a7b3ba2fc8e0923000433: (

14 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.30am: Whiting out East.

4f5a7b3ca2fc8e0923000434: (

15 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers. Submarine C38 out West.

10.20am: Whiting out West.

12.45pm: C38 returned to Camber

4f5a7b3ca2fc8e0923000434: (

16 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.15am: HMS Virago and Tia Pan [possibly Kiapan] moved to dry dock.

10.15am: One rating joined ship from detention quarters.

12.20pm: Whiting secured in Camber.

1.45pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

5.30pm: Whiting left Camber and out East.

4f5a7b3ca2fc8e0923000435: (

17 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.15am: Divisions. Whiting out West.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 035.

7.0pm: Whiting out West.

4f5a7b3ca2fc8e0923000435: (

18 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

6.0pm: Whiting out West.

4f5a7b3ca2fc8e0923000436: (

19 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.20am: HMS City of London arrived and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b3ca2fc8e0923000436: (

20 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.25am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

12.15pm: Chinese Revenue cruiser Ping Shing [possibly Ping Ching is intended] in East.

5.45pm: Whiting out East.

4f5a7b3da2fc8e0923000437: (

21 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.10am: Whiting out West.

4f5a7b3da2fc8e0923000437: (

22 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

2.15pm: Two ratings joined from hospital.

4.30pm: Whiting out West.

4f5a7b3da2fc8e0923000438: (

23 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.0am: HMS Virago, Kiapan and tug Samson* undocked and moved to Camber.

4.30pm: HMS City of London out East.

* Probably Samson, minesweeper and civilian tug, taken up in India. Built 1902, 310grt, as listed in

4f5a7b3da2fc8e0923000438: (

24 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.05am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

10.0am: Divine service on board conducted by the Bishop of Victoria.

11.10am: HM Government vessel Kiapan out West for trials.

2.30pm: Kiapan secured to buoy.

4f5a7b3da2fc8e0923000439: (

25 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: HMS Whiting placed in dry dock.

9.0am: HMS Virago left Camber and secured to buoy.

10.40am: Two Russian TBDs secured to Orel.

2.50pm: SS Tai Leo secured to West wall.

5.30pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b3da2fc8e0923000439: (

26 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.40am: Submarine C38 out West.

11.20am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.10pm: Discharged one officer to hospital.

4.20pm: Landed ship’s company to attend fire at Happy Valley.

5.45pm: HMS Virago out East.

6.20pm: Ship’s company returned on board.

4f5a7b3da2fc8e092300043a: (

27 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: SS Kiapan out East.

10.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

12 noon: Virago out West.

4f5a7b3da2fc8e092300043a: (

28 February 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.20am: Virago out West.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.


4f5a7b3ea2fc8e092300043b: (

1 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

7.15am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

1.30pm: Hands as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.50pm: Virago out East.

Weather: Calm and light breezes, rain in am, max. temperature 60ºF.

4f5a7b3ea2fc8e092300043b: (

2 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.0am: Sent fire party to SS Kanakala Maru (?).

12 noon: Fire party returned.

5.40pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b3ea2fc8e092300043c: (

3 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 035.

1.0pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b3ea2fc8e092300043c: (

4 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

4f5a7b3fa2fc8e092300043d: (

5 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.35am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.30pm: Read warrant 274.

4f5a7b3fa2fc8e092300043d: (

6 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged seven ratings to SS Dunera.

4f5a7b3fa2fc8e092300043e: (

7 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: Russian cruiser Orel out East.

4f5a7b3fa2fc8e092300043e: (

8 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b3fa2fc8e092300043f: (

9 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

7.35am: HMS Whiting and Wingon undocked and moved to Camber.

9.30am: Virago out West.

4.0pm: Read warrant 275.

4f5a7b3fa2fc8e092300043f: (

10 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

6.0pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b40a2fc8e0923000440: (

11 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.0am: HMS Whiting left Camber and secured to buoy.

10.50am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

10.55am: Virago secured in Camber.

5.30pm: Whiting out West.

4f5a7b40a2fc8e0923000440: (

12 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: Sent wp to Kowloon.

2.55pm: US gunboat Pampanga arrived West.

4.20pm: HMS Scarab arrived East and secured in Camber.

6.15pm: Two officers and 12 ratings joined ship from Scarab.

4f5a7b40a2fc8e0923000441: (

13 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: TB 035 paid off and TB 037 commissioned. HM tug Samson left Camber to carry out steam and gun trials.

5.0pm: Samson secured in Camber.

7.0pm: Two officers and 51 ratings joined ship from SS Diomed.

4f5a7b40a2fc8e0923000441: (

14 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Discharged two ratings to SS Empress of Russia.

5.45pm: Four officers joined ship from Japanese SS Kitano Maru.

4f5a7b41a2fc8e0923000442: (

15 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

10.40am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.45pm: HM Tug Samson left Camber and out East.

5.50pm: Whiting out West.

6.30pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b41a2fc8e0923000442: (

16 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.30am: Submarine C38 left Camber and out West.

11.30am: C38 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b41a2fc8e0923000443: (

17 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.0am: Discharged one rating and one Chinese servant to SS Dilawara*.

9.0am: Whiting out East.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 037.

* Probably Dilwara is intended, BISN Co, the first of two ships of that name, 1892, 5441 grt, scrapped 1922.

4f5a7b41a2fc8e0923000443: (

18 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

9.10am: HMS Virago left Camber and out East.

9.20am: Whiting secured in Camber.

11.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b41a2fc8e0923000444: (

19 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

1.30pm: HMS Wivern moved from Kowloon to No 2 buoy.

2.0pm: Sent armed guard on Board SS Tobolsk*.

6.0pm: HMS Virago out East.

* One of three Russian Volunteer Fleet vessels seized by the British in HK at this time; Britain did not recognise the new Soviet goverment.

4f5a7b41a2fc8e0923000444: (

20 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

7.30am: HMS Scarab moved from Camber to dry dock.

2.15pm: SS Tobolsk to No 5 buoy.

4f5a7b41a2fc8e0923000445: (

21 March 1918

[22 March in log]

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15am: US gunboat Pampanga out West.

10.0am: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b41a2fc8e0923000445: (

22 March 1918

[23 March in log]

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.40am: Sub C38 left Camber and out West.

11.20am: Virago out West.

12.40pm: C38 returned to Camber.

2.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau moved from Camber to buoy.

6.0pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b42a2fc8e0923000446: (

23 March 1918

[24 March in log]

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.0am: Russian SS Indigirka* secured to No 2 buoy.

11.50am: Sent armed guard to Indigirka.

3.55pm: HMS Virago out East.

*See entry for 19th March.

4f5a7b42a2fc8e0923000446: (

24 March 1918

[25 March in log]

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Scarab, Whiting and TB 036.

4f5a7b42a2fc8e0923000447: (

25 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined from hospital.

3.15pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau secured in Camber.

4f5a7b42a2fc8e0923000447: (

26 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

4f5a7b42a2fc8e0923000448: (

27 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

10.40am: Discharged one officer to Empress of Japan.

1.30pm: Read warrants Nos 276 and 277.

2.0pm: Discharged Commander Gibson to hospital.

4f5a7b42a2fc8e0923000448: (

28 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

7.0am: Hands mustered through atomiser.

9.10am: Submarine C38 out West.

12 noon: C38 returned to Camber.

4f5a7b43a2fc8e0923000449: (

29 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.0am: Hands mustered through atomiser.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Scarab, Virago and TB 037.

5.20pm: Whiting out West.

4f5a7b43a2fc8e0923000449: (

30 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

5.0pm: HMS Bee arrived and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b43a2fc8e092300044a: (

31 March 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

9.30am: HMS Cadmus secured in Camber.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Scarab, Bee, Virago and TB 037.

10.15am: HMS Whiting out East.

12 noon: HMS Bee’s ship’s company hulked on board Tamar.

3.45pm: Armed guards from Indigirka and Wivern returned.


4f5a7b43a2fc8e092300044a: (

1 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured to buoy.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.50am: HMS Virago left Camber.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

9.30am: HMS Wivern moved from buoy to Camber.

1.0pm: Make and mend. Usual leave until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: East 2-3, clear, temperatures in the upper 60s F.

4f5a7b43a2fc8e092300044b: (

2 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

10.40am: Discharged one officer and one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau moved from Camber to buoy.

6.0pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b43a2fc8e092300044b: (

3 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

2.0pm: 20 ratings withdrawn from SS Tob (?).

3.45pm: Chinese gunboat Sui Loong arrived West.

4f5a7b44a2fc8e092300044c: (

4 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.10an: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.50am: Virago out East.

11.30am: Read warrant No 279.

4f5a7b44a2fc8e092300044c: (

5 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

7.55am: SS Wing On secured in Camber.

8.30am: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

9.30am: Tamar moved from North Wall to Caisson Steps.

10.40am: Virago out West.

4f5a7b44a2fc8e092300044d: (

6 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital. Cdr Gibson rejoined ship from same.

12.10pm: Russian cruiser Orel arrived and secured to buoy.

12.15pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

3.0pm: Eight ratings joined ship from SS Empress of Asia.

4f5a7b44a2fc8e092300044d: (

7 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting, Cadmus, Scarab, Bee and TB 036.

10.45am: HMS Virago out West.

4.30pm: Discharged one AB and one Cook’s Mate to HMS Cadmus.

4f5a7b44a2fc8e092300044e: (

8 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: Tamar moved from West wall to North wall.

7.35am: HMS Cadmus out East.

10.0am: Read warrant No 280.

10.05am: HMS Bee ship’s company rejoined ship from Tamar.

2.0pm: One Marine RMLI joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b44a2fc8e092300044e: (

9 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Whiting secured in Camber.

9.0am: SS Wing On secured to buoy to swing for compasses.

3.20pm: HMS Bee and Whiting out East.

5.45pm: Wing On secured in Camber.

4f5a7b44a2fc8e092300044f: (

10 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b44a2fc8e092300044f: (

11 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged 17 ratings to SS Empress of Asia.

10.20am: SS Wing On moved from Camber to buoy.

4.0pm: USS Pampanga arrived West.

4f5a7b45a2fc8e0923000450: (

12 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Russian cruiser Orel moved to Taikoo dock.

4f5a7b45a2fc8e0923000450: (

13 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Rosario and Submarine C36 moved from Camber to dry dock.

12.30pm: USS Pampanga secured in Camber.

4f5a7b45a2fc8e0923000451: (

14 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Scarab, Virago and TB 037.

4f5a7b45a2fc8e0923000451: (

15 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.50am: Two Marines RMLI joined ship from SS Kuichow*.

2.20pm: Received two recovered patients from hospital.

6.0pm: HMS Virago out East.

* Possibly Kuiechow is intended, China Navigation Co., 1905, 1,992 grt, scrapped 1936.

4f5a7b45a2fc8e0923000452: (

16 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

8.15am: SS Tai Lee left Camber and out West for steam trials.

11.30am: HMS Virago out West.

1.45pm: Tai Lee returned and secured to buoy to swing for compasses.

5.0pm: Tai Lee secured in Camber.

4f5a7b45a2fc8e0923000452: (

17 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

4.30pm: Virago left Camber and secured to buoy.

6.15pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b46a2fc8e0923000453: (

18 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

1.0pm: Read warrant No 281.

2.15pm: HMS Scarab out West.

3.20pm: Scarab returned and secured to buoy.

4.45pm: SS Tai Lee out East.

4f5a7b46a2fc8e0923000453: (

19 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.10am: Discharged four ratings to HMS Scarab.

9.15am: Virago left Camber and made fast to buoy.

12.30pm: Scarab and Virago out East.

3.15pm: Russian cruiser Orel secured to buoy.

4f5a7b46a2fc8e0923000454: (

20 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.0pm: Surgeon Cockram joined ship.

4f5a7b46a2fc8e0923000454: (

21 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and TB 036.

4f5a7b46a2fc8e0923000455: (

22 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: HMS Fame arrived and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b46a2fc8e0923000455: (

23 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Discharged 11 ratings to SS Sui Yang*.

6.15pm: HMS Virago out East.

* Probably the China Navigation Co.’s Suiyang, 1917, 2,590 grt, sunk in 1946.

4f5a7b46a2fc8e0923000456: (

24 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.30am: USS Pampanga moved from Camber to buoy.

10.35am: HMS Virago out West.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

6.0pm: Pampanga out West.

4f5a7b46a2fc8e0923000456: (

25 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.40am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

10.0am: Discharged one Marine RMLI to hospital.

6.15pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b47a2fc8e0923000457: (

26 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.40am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

1.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from HMS Whiting.

6.15pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b47a2fc8e0923000457: (

27 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.20am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

1.30pm: One CERA joined ship from SS Sung Kiang*.

2.20pm: One rating joined from detention barracks.

6.30pm: HMS Virago out East.

*Probably the China Navigation Co.’s Sunkiang, 1888, 1,620 grt, sunk in 1918.

4f5a7b47a2fc8e0923000458: (

28 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.40am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Fame, Whiting and TB 037.

10.25am: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b47a2fc8e0923000458: (

29 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.30am: One officer and 12 ratings from HMS Fame* discharged to sanatorium.

1.15pm: Lt Mudie RNR joined ship.

6.10pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria secured to No 6A buoy.

* Fame is in Camber “in dockyard hands” at this time and her crew are victualling aboard Tamar.

4f5a7b47a2fc8e0923000459: (

30 April 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.40am: One rating to hospital.


4f5a7b47a2fc8e0923000459: (

1 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.30am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in four steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

10.35am: One rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Hands as in forenoon.

2.0pm: Discharged one Chinese painter on shore, pensioned.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Calm and clear, temperatures in the high 70s F.

4f5a7b47a2fc8e092300045a: (

2 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Landed small arm parties for drill.

7.55am: Small arm parties returned.

2.0pm: Leave to watch of landing party, remainder of hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7b47a2fc8e092300045a: (

3 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: Portuguese gunboat Patria moved from buoy to be placed in dock.

2.30pm: American gunboat Pampanga secured to No 2 buoy.

4f5a7b48a2fc8e092300045b: (

4 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: SS Dunera secured to dockyard wall.

9.20am: Dunera left dockyard and proceeded to wharf in Kowloon.

6.20pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b48a2fc8e092300045b: (

5 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Whiting and Fame.

11.30am: Empress of Russia arrived with Commodore VC Gurner.

11.40am: One officer and one Petty Officer joined ship from SS Empress of Russia.

4f5a7b48a2fc8e092300045c: (

6 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: 14 ratings from HMS Fame sent to Sanatorium and 13 returned from same.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.50pm: HMS Whiting left Camber and out West.

6.0pm: HMS Virago left Camber and out West.

4f5a7b48a2fc8e092300045c: (

7 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: USS Pampanga out West.

6.05am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

2.0pm: One Ldg Cook’s Mate joined ship from hospital.

6.15pm: Virago left Camber and out East.

4f5a7b48a2fc8e092300045d: (

8 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

1.15pm: Four Marines RMLI joined ship from SS Kwei Chow and discharged to hospital.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

6.0pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b48a2fc8e092300045d: (

9 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

6.20pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b49a2fc8e092300045e: (

10 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

6.15pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b49a2fc8e092300045e: (

11 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

9.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.15am: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b49a2fc8e092300045f: (

12 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

10.0am: Divine service onboard attended by Virago, Rosario, Fame and TB 037.

6.15pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b49a2fc8e092300045f: (

13 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

8.20am: Eight ratings from Fame sent to sanatorium.

9.15am: HMS Rosario undocked and moved to Camber.

9.30am: 14 ratings from sanatorium returned.

2.0pm: Two Marines RMLI and one rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b49a2fc8e0923000460: (

14 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago out West.

2.30pm: USS Pampanga arrived and secured to buoy.

6.0pm: Virago secured in Camber

4f5a7b49a2fc8e0923000460: (

15 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago out East.

11.0am: Ship moved from North wall to Camber.

11.05am: Mr Henki, Warrant Tel. RNR joined ship from SS Wo Sang.

1.40pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

4.15pm: Virago secured to buoy.

4f5a7b49a2fc8e0923000461: (

16 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Fame moved from Camber to dry dock.

10.15am: HMS Virago out West.

5.30pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b49a2fc8e0923000461: (

17 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C38 out West.

10.15am: HMS Virago out West.

11.50am: C38 secured in Camber.

2.20pm: Received one prisoner from civil prison to await passage.

5.35pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b4aa2fc8e0923000462: (

18 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged one Chief Stoker, one Sergeant Marine RMLI, three ABs and one Ord. Sea. (prisoner) to SS Empress of Russia.

10.30am: Commodore Sandeman RN and Lt Connelly RNR left ship for Empress of Russia.

11.10am: HMS Virago out East.

12.30pm: Empress of Russia out East.

6.0pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b4aa2fc8e0923000462: (

19 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.35am: HMS Northbrook and HMS Gnat in East.

7.40am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

7.45am: Gnat secured in Camber.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario and TB 037.

1.55pm: Armed guard placed on board HMS Wivern.

5.30pm: Gnat ship’s company came on board to be hulked.

4f5a7b4aa2fc8e0923000463: (

20 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.45pm: Russian TBD moved from Camber to Whampoa dock.

4.45pm: Discharged 13 ratings from HMS Gnat to hospital.

4f5a7b4aa2fc8e0923000463: (

21 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: HMS Northbrook moved from buoy to North Wall.

11.0am: HE the Governor [at this time Sir Francis May] paid official visit.

4f5a7b4aa2fc8e0923000464: (

22 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: Sent bathing party to Stonecutters I.

4f5a7b4aa2fc8e0923000464: (

23 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: One Marine RMLI joined ship from detention.

2.20pm: HMS Northbrook out East.

6.30pm: One Corporal and eight Marines returned from HMS Wivern.

4f5a7b4aa2fc8e0923000465: (

24 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C38 out West.

12.35pm: C38 returned to Camber.

2.30pm: Four Stoker ratings joined ship from SS Wing Sang*.

* Wing Sang (1), Jardine & Matheson, 1883, 2,339 grt.

4f5a7b4aa2fc8e0923000465: (

25 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Saturday routine.

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7b4ba2fc8e0923000466: (

26 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.25am: USS Pampanga secured to buoy.

9.30am: Russian TBD secured in Camber.

10.0am: Divine service attended by Rosario, Fame, and Gnat.

4f5a7b4ba2fc8e0923000466: (

27 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: HMS Virago left Camber and secured to buoy.

6.30pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b4ba2fc8e0923000467: (

28 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

6.15pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b4ba2fc8e0923000467: (

29 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.15pm: Virago out East.

7.0am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

7.15pm: Surgeon Bell joined ship from SS Illegible.

4f5a7b4ca2fc8e0923000468: (

30 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.35am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

10.15am: HMS Gnat moved from Camber to buoy.

1.15pm: Gnat secured in Camber.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

6.15pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b4ca2fc8e0923000468: (

31 May 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.30am: Submarine C38 sailed East.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

6.20pm: Virago out East.

6.40pm: Five Chinese seamen from SS Tyitaroen [probably Tjitaroem is intended] came on board to wait orders


4f5a7b4ca2fc8e0923000469: (

1 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

6.30am: HMS’ Cadmus and Tarantula arrived and secured to buoys.

7.15am: Exercised fire stations.

8.0am: Tarantula secured in Camber.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.30am: TB 038 commissioned and TB 036 paid off.

8.45am: Hands clean ship.

1.0pm: HMS Cadmus out East.

1.0pm: Make and mend. Usual leave until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.20pm: HMS Ophir arrived and secured to North wall.

4.30pm: Discharged one Marine RMLI to Ophir.

6.15pm: HMS Virago out East.

Weather: Calm or light airs, clear, temperatures in the low 80s F.

4f5a7b4ca2fc8e0923000469: (

2 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

7.0am: HMS Gnat out East.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Ophir, Rosario and Fame.

6.15pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b4ca2fc8e092300046a: (

3 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.10am: Virago secured in Camber.

1.0pm: HMS Cadmus arrived and secured to buoy.

2.0pm: USS Pampanga arrived and secured to buoy.

2.05pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Cadmus.

4f5a7b4ca2fc8e092300046a: (

4 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Virago out East.

10.30am: Received one ERA from HMS Cadmus for detention barracks.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Tarantula.

5.20pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b4da2fc8e092300046b: (

5 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago out East.

10.0am: Discharged one Chief Stoker to hospital.

10.05am: Mr Henke, Warrant Tel., returned to ship.

2.0pm: 13 ratings returned from hospital for HMS Gnat.

4.30pm: Virago secured in Camber.

5.15pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria arrived West.

4f5a7b4da2fc8e092300046b: (

6 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago out East.

1.0pm: Discharged 14 ratings to SS Sui Yang for passage to Shanghai.

2.0pm: One AB RNVR discharged to shore.

5.30pm: Virago secured to buoy.

4f5a7b4da2fc8e092300046c: (

7 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C38 out West.

10.0am: HMS Virago out West.

10.05am: One ERA and four Stokers joined ship from SS Kai Tung [?].

10.15am: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

10.20am: TB 038 secured in Camber.

10.25am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12.15pm: C38 returned.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 283.

5.20pm: Virago secured in Camber. TB 038 out West.

4f5a7b4da2fc8e092300046c: (

8 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago out East.

10.0am: Discharged one Marine RMLI to hospital.

4f5a7b4da2fc8e092300046d: (

9 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service on board attended by Ophir, Fame and TB 037.

10.05am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12.30pm: Russian SS Orel in and secured to buoy.

4.30pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b4da2fc8e092300046d: (

10 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: Discharged one Marine RMLI to hospital.

1.0pm: One officer joined ship from SS Illegible.

4f5a7b4da2fc8e092300046e: (

11 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b4da2fc8e092300046e: (

12 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Sent working party to Kowloon.

4.30pm: Landed bathing parties.

4f5a7b4ea2fc8e092300046f: (

13 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Sent work party to Kowloon.

1.0pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7b4ea2fc8e092300046f: (

14 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS Tarantula left Camber and proceeded to carry out steam trials.

11.15am: Tarantula returned and secured to buoy.

11.30am: Discharged two Marines RMLI to hospital.

4.0pm: Tarantula secured in Camber.

4.30pm: Discharged one Marine Bugler to HMS Ophir and one joined ship from same.

4f5a7b4ea2fc8e0923000470: (

15 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Discharged one officer RNR to hospital.

3.30pm: Landed funeral party [for Stoker 1c James Wright, SS 110554, late of HMS Tarantula].

5.30pm: Funeral party returned.

4f5a7b4ea2fc8e0923000470: (

16 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Held divine service on board.

4.45pm: Discharged one Marine to HMS Ophir.

4f5a7b4fa2fc8e0923000471: (

17 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.10pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.0pm: Discharged seven ratings to HMS Ophir.

6.10pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b4fa2fc8e0923000471: (

18 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

8.45am: Sent wp to Whampoa dock for HMS Moorhen.

8.50am: Submarine C37 undocked.

10.0am: C37 secured in Camber.

3.0pm: HMS Ophir moved from dockyard wall to buoy.

5.30pm: Russian SS Orel out East.

6.10pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b4fa2fc8e0923000472: (

19 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

1.0pm: Virago left Camber and secured to buoy.

2.45pm: HMS Moorhen moved from Whampoa dock and secured in Camber.

6.15pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b4fa2fc8e0923000472: (

20 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.15am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

11.0am: HMS Moorhen commissioned.

12.15pm: One Petty Officer joined ship from SS Teesta*.

* Teesta (1) B.I.S.N Co., 1903, 6,296 tons, scrapped 1927.

4f5a7b4fa2fc8e0923000473: (

21 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.30am: Submarine C38 out West.

10.45am: Two officers left ship for SS China for passage to England.

12.50pm: C38 returned to Camber.

1.35pm: One CERA joined ship from HMS Gnat.

1.50pm: HMS Moorhen moved from Camber to buoy to swing for compasses.

8.30pm: Discharged one officer WT to hospital.

4f5a7b4fa2fc8e0923000473: (

22 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

12.40pm: HMS Moorhen left Camber and out West.

12.45pm: One SBA joined ship from Japanese SS Mishima Maru*.

6.20pm: HMS Virago out East.

* Mishima Maru, Nippon Yusen Kaisha KK, 1908, 8,500 grt, scrapped 1934.

4f5a7b4fa2fc8e0923000474: (

23 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Ophir, Rosario, Virago and TB 038.

6.15pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b4fa2fc8e0923000474: (

24 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.40am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.0am: HMS Ophir secured to North wall.

10.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b50a2fc8e0923000475: (

25 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS Virago out West.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to SS Sungking for passage to Shanghai.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital for HMS Gnat.

5.0pm: Gnat moved from dockyard wall to buoy.

6.20pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b50a2fc8e0923000475: (

26 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one Marine RMLI to HMS Ophir.

9.50am: HMS Virago out West.

5.30pm: Ophir out East.

4f5a7b50a2fc8e0923000476: (

27 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: HMS Virago out East.

5.25pm: Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b50a2fc8e0923000476: (

28 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C38 out West.

9.45am: HMS Virago out West.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12.30pm: C38 returned to Camber.

12.35pm: Chinese gunboat Bo Pac arrived West.

4f5a7b50a2fc8e0923000477: (

29 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Secured ship for typhoon.

5.25pm: HMS Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b50a2fc8e0923000477: (

30 June 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.40am: No 1 typhoon signal on.

8.20am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Tarantula and TB 037.

12.30pm: Hauled down No 1 typhoon signal and hoisted No 5.

3.0pm: Submarines secured to buoys in Camber.

4.10pm: Closed typhoon ports.


4f5a7b50a2fc8e0923000478: (

1 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.23am: Marine armed guard left ship for RN canteen.

4.40am: Seaman armed guard left ship for RN Canteen.

6.0am: Armed guard returned.

6.15am: Routine.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.05am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

9.40am: Hauled down No 5 typhoon signal.

2.0pm: Hands as in forenoon.

3.40pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

3.50pm: Landed funeral party [for PO 1c Charles Adams, 173177, late of HMS Tamar].

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Half masted colours.

4.35pm: Opened typhoon ports.

5.30pm: Funeral party returned.

Weather: West winds at first, veering to NE 4-5 by noon. Overcast and rainy, temperatures averaging 80ºF.

4f5a7b50a2fc8e0923000478: (

2 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

6.0pm: One Signal rating joined ship from Japanese SS Shinyo Maru*.

6.20pm; Discharged two ratings to hospital.

8.50pm: Sent escort to No 2 police station for one Marine RMLI.

* Shinyo Maru, TKK, 1911, 13,039 grt, scrapped 1936.

4f5a7b51a2fc8e0923000479: (

3 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.0am: Sent one Marine RMLI to D’Aguilar WS.

7.40am: HMS Tarantula moved from Camber to buoy to swing for compasses.

10.45am: Tarantula out West.

4f5a7b51a2fc8e0923000479: (

4 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder variously employed.

4f5a7b51a2fc8e092300047a: (

5 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Submarine C38 out West.

12.30pm: C38 returned to Camber.

4.0pm: Read warrant No 1.

6.30pm: Discharged one PO 1c to Kowloon Depôt.

4f5a7b51a2fc8e092300047a: (

6 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Read warrant No 2.

2.0pm: Discharged one Marine RMLI to detention quarters for 42 days.

4f5a7b51a2fc8e092300047b: (

7 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario and Virago.

4f5a7b51a2fc8e092300047b: (

8 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Six officers joined ship from Japanese SS Kabou Maru.

10.50am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Four ratings joined ship from hospital.

5.40pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b51a2fc8e092300047c: (

9 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

1.15pm: Sale of the late Petty Officer Adams’ effects.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

2.05pm: One Marine RMLI joined ship from RN Canteen.

6.15pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b51a2fc8e092300047c: (

10 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.25am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

7.40am: Government tender Lark arrived and secured in Camber.

2.0pm: Two Marines RMLI joined ship from detention quarters.

6.20pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b52a2fc8e092300047d: (

11 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

6.20pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b52a2fc8e092300047d: (

12 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

8.30am: C38 left Camber and out West.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12.15pm: C38 returned to Camber.

2.0pm: One Corporal of Marines and two ratings joined ship from RN hospital.

6.15pm: 12 ratings joined ship from SS Dunera.

6.20pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b52a2fc8e092300047e: (

13 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.40am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b52a2fc8e092300047e: (

14 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario, Virago and TB 038.

6.15pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b52a2fc8e092300047f: (

15 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.0am: American Transport Warren* secured to No 5 buoy.

2.0pm: Four ratings joined ship from hospital.

* USAT Warren, ex- Scandia (1), Hamburg-American Line, 1889, 4,375 grt.

4f5a7b52a2fc8e092300047f: (

16 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago out West.

8.45am: Sent Gunnery T class to Virago for instruction.

6.0pm: Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b52a2fc8e0923000480: (

17 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one Lieutenant RNR to SS Empress of Japan, two ratings to SS Sin Kiang [probably Sinkiang is intended] and two ratings to hospital.

1.20pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

6.0pm: HMS Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b52a2fc8e0923000480: (

18 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Virago out East.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

5.20pm: Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b53a2fc8e0923000481: (

19 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.20am: Working party and one SB Steward left ship for RN Canteen with First Aid.

9.30am: HMS Virago out West.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

5.15pm: Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b53a2fc8e0923000481: (

20 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago out West.

2.0pm: One rating joined from hospital.

5.30pm: HMS Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b53a2fc8e0923000482: (

21 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Virago out West.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Rosario and TB 037.

5.30pm: Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b53a2fc8e0923000482: (

22 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

1.40pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.15pm: Received nine ratings from SS Tysany [?] and three for detention quarters.

6.0pm: US gunboat Pampanga out West.

4f5a7b53a2fc8e0923000483: (

23 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: TB 037 secured in Camber

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

3.45pm: Landed funeral party [for  Petty Officer Telegraphist George T Joad, 188897, late of HMS Cadmus].

4.30pm: Half masted Colours.

5.40pm: TB 037 out East.

4f5a7b53a2fc8e0923000483: (

24 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Physical drill. TB 037 secured in Camber.

8.0am: Discharged one rating to SS Hung Shin.

11.45am: Three officers and 29 ratings joined ship from SS Monteagle.

1.10pm: Chinese gunboat Sui Lung in West.

5.45pm: TB 037 out East.

4f5a7b54a2fc8e0923000484: (

25 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: TB 037 secured in Camber.

9.40am: SS Ping Suey secured to dockyard wall.

10.0am: Discharged one officer and two ratings to hospital.

6.0pm: TB 037 out West.

4f5a7b54a2fc8e0923000484: (

26 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: TB 037 secured to No 5 buoy.

8.30am: RIMS Lama* secured to No four buoy.

9.50am: Lama secured alongside Ping Suey.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from SS Sin Kiang.

5.45pm: TB 037 out East.

* Probably Lama, at this time being operated by BISN Co.

4f5a7b54a2fc8e0923000485: (

27 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: TB 037 secured in Camber.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.15pm: SS Ping Suey out East.

5.05pm: Russian destroyer Borkny [possibly Boykiy is intended] secured to buoy.

5.45pm: TB 037 out East.

4f5a7b54a2fc8e0923000485: (

28 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: TB 037 secured in Camber.

10.0am: Divine service on board attended by Rosario and Virago.

3.50pm: Funeral party left ship [for ERA 2c Samuel Lyttle, 133779, late of HMS Fame].

5.45pm: TB 037 out West.

4f5a7b54a2fc8e0923000486: (

29 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

3.50pm: Hoisted No 5 typhoon signals.

4.45pm: Hands secure ship for typhoon. Submarines and HMS Virago secured to buoys.

4f5a7b54a2fc8e0923000486: (

30 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.15pm: Hauled down No 5 typhoon signals.

4.30pm: US gunboat Pampanga arrived and secured to buoy.

6.20pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b55a2fc8e0923000487: (

31 July 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.50am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

8.40am: Virago out East.

9.50am: Discharged 38 ratings to SS Monteagle.

11.20am: Virago secured in Camber.

1.0pm: Sent four ABs to hospital for guard.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

6.20pm: Virago out West.


4f5a7b55a2fc8e0923000487: (

1 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

6.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.45am: Submarine C36 out West.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers. Usual dockyard parties, remainder as requisite.

10.30am: Russian TBD Boiky [see 27th July] out East.

1.0pm: Hands to make and mend.

1.05pm: C36 returned to Camber.

Usual leave to watch until 7.0am. Drew fires in SB 34.

2.0pm: One officer joined from hospital.

4.0pm: Quarters.

4.45pm: Boiky returned and secured to buoy.

6.15pm: Virago out East.

Weather mostly overcast with heavy rain in the evening, temperatures around 80ºF.

4f5a7b55a2fc8e0923000488: (

2 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.10am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

5.15pm: HMS Moorhen arrived and secured In Camber.

6.15pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b55a2fc8e0923000488: (

3 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.55am: HMS Virago secured to North wall.

6.10pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b55a2fc8e0923000489: (

4 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Virago secured to North wall.

6.15pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b55a2fc8e0923000489: (

5 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.45am: HMS Virago secured to North wall.

8.20am: USS Pampanga out West.

9.45am: Chinese gunboat Wong Fok arrived West.

4f5a7b55a2fc8e092300048a: (

6 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago out West.

11.35am: Discharged one rating to SS Sung Kiang [probably Sunkiang is intended].

4.20pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Moorhen.

5.25pm: Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b55a2fc8e092300048a: (

7 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Cadmus arrived and secured to buoy.

9.40am: HMS Virago out West.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.10pm: HMS Moorhen moved from Camber to North wall.

4.30pm: Cadmus secured in Camber.

4f5a7b56a2fc8e092300048b: (

8 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: HMS Moorhen out West.

9.45am: HMS Virago out East.

10.0am: Chilean training ship General Baquedano arrived and secured to No 3 buoy.

5.15pm: HMS Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b56a2fc8e092300048b: (

9 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.50am: Submarine C36 left Camber and out East.

9.30am: HMS Virago out East.

11.45am: C36 returned to Camber.

5.15pm: Virago secured to North wall.

4f5a7b56a2fc8e092300048c: (

10 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago out East.

11.45am: HMS Ophir arrived and secured to No 4 buoy.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

3.0pm: Four ratings lent to hospital returned to ship.

4.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from P&O Dilwara.

5.15pm: Virago secured to North wall

4f5a7b56a2fc8e092300048c: (

11 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS Virago out East.

10.0am: Divine service attended by Ophir, Rosario, TB 037 and Cadmus.

4f5a7b56a2fc8e092300048d: (

12 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.50am: HMS Ophir proceeded to Whampoa dock.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

2.05pm: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

4.30pm: Discharged two ratings to Ophir.

4.35pm: One rating joined ship from TB 038.

4f5a7b56a2fc8e092300048d: (

13 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Hoisted red typhoon signal.

9.0am: Towed all ships’ boats to Kowloon dock.

9.05am: HMS Fame secured to South wall.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.45am: Hoisted No 4 typhoon signal. Secured ship for typhoon.

10.50am: C36 to buoy. C37 and C38 secured in Camber.

4f5a7b56a2fc8e092300048e: (

14 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Hands employed preparing ship for dock.

9.05am: One rating joined ship from HMS Virago.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

11.0am: Left Camber for dock.

1.05pm: Secured in dock. Hands getting in in brows and coaling ship, five tons.

Winds E by N f 6-7 at midnight.

4f5a7b56a2fc8e092300048e: (

15 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.40am: Changed typhoon signals 4 to 6.

6.10am: Changed typhoon signals 6 to 7.

11.10am: Changed typhoon signals 7 to 3.

2.25pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

7.05pm: Down typhoon signal.

Winds reached f 11 East at 6.0am, then gradually abated during the day.

4f5a7b57a2fc8e092300048f: (

16 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.20pm: HMS Ophir secured to North wall

4f5a7b57a2fc8e092300048f: (

17 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Usual dockyard parties.

In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7b57a2fc8e0923000490: (

18 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Three officers joined ship.

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Ophir 19, Rosario 6, Virago 6.

4f5a7b57a2fc8e0923000490: (

19 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Four escort, three prisoners and one SBA joined ship from SS Ping Suey.

1.45pm: Three prisoners discharged to detention.

4.10pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Cadmus and two ratings joined ship from same.

7.30pm: One rating discharged to hospital.

4f5a7b57a2fc8e0923000491: (

20 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: One rating discharged for passage to Shanghai.

4f5a7b57a2fc8e0923000491: (

21 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.45pm: Discharged one SBA to hospital.

4f5a7b57a2fc8e0923000492: (

22 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

4f5a7b57a2fc8e0923000492: (

23 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: Discharged eight ratings to HMS Cadmus.

4f5a7b58a2fc8e0923000493: (

24 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: Two ratings joined ship from SS Sing Chow.

10.15am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

10.20am: HMS Cadmus out East.

4f5a7b58a2fc8e0923000493: (

25 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Divine service held on board attended by parties from Virago, TB 037 and Ophir.

4f5a7b58a2fc8e0923000494: (

26 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.10am: Left dry dock.

11.20am: Ship secured in Camber.

1.12pm: One Marine joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b58a2fc8e0923000494: (

27 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: One Stoker joined ship from hospital.

2.10pm: HMS Ophir out East.

4f5a7b58a2fc8e0923000495: (

28 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.05pm: HMS Tarantula secured to North wall.

4.30pm: Discharged one PO and one AB to TB 037 and two POs joined from same.

4f5a7b58a2fc8e0923000495: (

29 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Lt/Cdr Phillimore joined ship from SS Sui Yang.

10.05am: One rating discharged to hospital.

1.40pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.0pm: Four ratings (one for detention) joined ship from HMS Suffolk per SS Andre Tebron.

2.05pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Moorhen, per SS Heung Shan.

4.15pm: Discharged one prisoner to detention.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b59a2fc8e0923000496: (

30 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Discharged one PO to HMS Moorhen per SS Heung Shan [Shang in log].

11.20am: One rating joined ship from HMS Bee per SS Kou Fong.

2 15pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention.

4.30pm: One rating discharged to HMS Virago.

4f5a7b59a2fc8e0923000496: (

31 August 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Submarine C36 out East.

9.0am: HMS Virago out West.

2.0pm: One Surgeon joined ship from HMS Moorhen.

4.0pm: One rating discharged to TB 037.

4.05pm: Virago entered and secured to buoy.


4f5a7b59a2fc8e0923000497: (

1 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Lit fires in two steam boats.

9.15am: Divisions.

9.30am: Landed church parties.

10.0am: Divine service on board attended by TB 037 and Rosario.

1.0pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in two steam boats.

5.30pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

Weather: Easterly winds, overcast, rain, temperatures around 80ºF.

4f5a7b59a2fc8e0923000497: (

2 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: Paid monthly money. Issued soap and tobacco.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to TB 037 and one rating joined from same. Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b59a2fc8e0923000498: (

3 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital. Discharged two NCOs, six Privates RMLI and one SBA to HMS Suffolk per SS Hai Hong*.

2.0pm: Discharged one Chief Stoker to HMS Wivern.

7.20pm: Hai Hong out East.

*Hai Hong, Douglas SS Co Ltd, 1899, 2,067, ex Moura purchased in 1915 from Union SS Co of NZ, scrapped in 1956.

4f5a7b59a2fc8e0923000498: (

4 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.05am: HMS Tarantula out West.

11.45am: One rating joined ship from HMS Suffolk per SS Tenyo* Maru.

5.30pm: Lt Maples RNR joined ship from SS Dunera.

* Tenyo Maru, Toyo Kisen KK, 1908, 13,398 grt.

4f5a7b5aa2fc8e0923000499: (

5 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: HMS Fame, Camber to buoy.

8.20am: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Virago.

2.0pm: Fame secured in Camber.

4.30pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

5.0pm: One Stoker discharged to Virago.

4f5a7b5aa2fc8e0923000499: (

6 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.35am: HMS Fame out West.

1.45pm: Fame secured to buoy.

2.0pm: One rating discharged to HMS Virago.

4.0pm: Fame secured in Camber.

4.30pm: Discharged ship’s company of Fame.

4f5a7b5aa2fc8e092300049a: (

7 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Submarine C36 out West.

12.20pm: HMS Fame out East.

12.35pm: C36 secured in Camber.

12.40pm: Lt J Simpson RNR joined ship from HMS Cadmus per SS Soshu Maru.

3.30pm: One PO joined ship from HMS Moorhen.

* Soshu Maru, Osaka Shosen KK, ex Tai-Fu, 1897, 1,679 grt.

4f5a7b5aa2fc8e092300049a: (

8 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: 15 ratings joined ship from HMS Virago.

9.0am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Kinsha per SS Yin Chow [possibly Ying Chow is intended].

10.0am: Held divine service attended by party from Rosario 9.

8.30pm: One rating joined ship from TB 038.

9.05pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b5aa2fc8e092300049b: (

9 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one PO to hospital.

12.15pm: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

4f5a7b5aa2fc8e092300049b: (

10 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Monthly issue of slops.

1.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tarantula per SS Heung Shing.

3.20pm: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b5ba2fc8e092300049c: (

11 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Discharged four ratings to SS Empress of Japan.

9.30am: Discharged three officers to Empress of Japan.

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

2.20pm: One Lieutenant and two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b5ba2fc8e092300049c: (

12 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.45am: Discharged one rating to TB 038.

6.15pm: Discharged one rating to TB 038 and one rating joined from same.

4f5a7b5ba2fc8e092300049d: (

13 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: One rating discharged to hospital.

1.30pm: HG [or possibly HS; I don’t know what either is]] ratings to hospital for eyesight test.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital. Surgeon Cockram joined ship from HMS Moorhen.

4f5a7b5ba2fc8e092300049d: (

14 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to detention.

4f5a7b5ba2fc8e092300049e: (

15 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Held divine service attended by party from Rosario.

12.45pm: Discharged Lt Brooke to HMS Cadmus per SS Haitan*.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Bee per SS Kaifong.

2.45pm: One SPO joined ship from Cadmus per SS Sunnin [probably Sunning is intended].

6.0pm: One rating joined from TB 038 and one rating discharged to same.

* Haitan (1), Douglas Steamship Co., 1887, 1,856 grt.

4f5a7b5ba2fc8e092300049e: (

16 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Virago, Camber to dock, HMS Merlin dock to Camber.

3.05pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Moorhen per SS Heung Shan.

4f5a7b5ba2fc8e092300049f: (

17 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.30pm: USS Pampanga entered West and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b5ba2fc8e092300049f: (

18 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: Hands air bedding.

4f5a7b5ca2fc8e09230004a0: (

19 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged seven ratings to TB 035.

1.45pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b5ca2fc8e09230004a0: (

20 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Five ratings joined ship from RN hospital.

4f5a7b5ca2fc8e09230004a1: (

21 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.15pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention.

4.0pm: Discharged one rating to SS Ting Chow.

5.45pm: Three ratings joined ship from SS Melville Dollar*.

* Formerly the Dollar Line’s Hazel Dollar, 1905, 4.304 grt.

4f5a7b5ca2fc8e09230004a1: (

22 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Held Divine service on board.

4f5a7b5ca2fc8e09230004a2: (

23 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital and one rating from detention.

4f5a7b5ca2fc8e09230004a2: (

24 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Ship inspected by Commodore.

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4f5a7b5ca2fc8e09230004a3: (

25 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Discharged three ratings to HMS Tarantula via SS Honam [Honan in log].

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention quarters.

7.10am: SS Hai Hong secured to dockyard wall.

4f5a7b5ca2fc8e09230004a3: (

26 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties and party to Stonecutters.

4f5a7b5da2fc8e09230004a4: (

27 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Portuguese gunboat Patria secured to No 11 buoy.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b5da2fc8e09230004a4: (

28 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Discharged four ratings to SS Hia Fong.

2.05pm: Discharged one officer to TB 035.

4f5a7b5da2fc8e09230004a5: (

29 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

10.0am: Divine Service.

4f5a7b5da2fc8e09230004a5: (

30 September 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: HMS Moorhen secured in Camber.


4f5a7b5da2fc8e09230004a6: (

1 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers. Usual dockyard parties and remainder employed as requsite.

9.10am: TB 037 paid off and TB 035 commissioned. TB 038 secured in Camber.

10.0am: TB 038 out East.

12.30pm: TB 035’s crew returned to Tamar.

2.0pm: Hands employed as in forenoon.

2.20pm: Japanese cruiser Yakumo [Yukumo in log] arrived and secured to No 4 buoy.

4.0pm: Quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in three steam boats.

5.15pm: TB 038 secured in Camber.

Weather: Calm and clear, temperatures in the high 70s F.

4f5a7b5da2fc8e09230004a6: (

2 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: TB 038 left Camber and out West.

1.20pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

5.30pm: TB 038 secured in Camber.

4f5a7b5da2fc8e09230004a7: (

3 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.25am: HMS 038 left Camber and out West.

4f5a7b5da2fc8e09230004a7: (

4 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: Japanese cruiser Yakumo [Yukomo in log] out East.

9.10am: Three ratings joined ship from SS Ying Chow [aka Yingchow].

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.0pm: One rating discharged to detention.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

4f5a7b5ea2fc8e09230004a8: (

5 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: One officer and 25 ratings joined ship from SS Monteagle.

10.0am: Discharged one officer to TB 037.

1.0pm: Discharged two ratings to SS Ying Chow for HMS Bee.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to detention.

4.30pm: One officer joined ship from TB 037.

4f5a7b5ea2fc8e09230004a8: (

6 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Held divine service on board.

4f5a7b5ea2fc8e09230004a9: (

7 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Moorhen paid off and recommissioned.

9.30am: Discharged four ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b5ea2fc8e09230004a9: (

8 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.30am: Escort and prisoner joined ship from Tarantula via SS Fat Shan.

8.30am: Discharged one rating to SS Sing Kiang [possibly Sinkiang is intended].

9.10am: HMS Robin moved from Kowloon to Whampoa dock.

11.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital and four ratings for escort.

12.20pm: Two ratings joined ship from SS Tai Shang [possibly Tai Sang is intended].

2.0pm: Chinese gunboat Kia Kan arrived West.

5.10pm: USS Pampanga arrived West.

4f5a7b5ea2fc8e09230004aa: (

9 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.25am: HMS Moorhen out West.

11.0am: HMS Robin moved from Whampoa to Kowloon.

3.0pm: Five ratings joined ship from hospital.

5.10pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria arrived and secured to No 11 buoy.

4f5a7b5ea2fc8e09230004aa: (

10 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one officer and two ratings to SS Monteagle.

9.30am: Submarines’ crews paid off and joined SS Monteagle.

9.35am: Russian ship’s company joined Tamar.

1.05pm: HMS Kent arrived and secured to buoy.

5.15pm: Three officers and 49 ratings joined ship from HMS Kent.

4f5a7b5ea2fc8e09230004ab: (

11 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.10pm: Chinese gunboat On Hong in West.

3.25pm: HMS Tarantula arrived and secured in Camber.

4.30pm: HMS Kent moved from buoy to dockyard wall.

4f5a7b5ea2fc8e09230004ab: (

12 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.20am: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

2.0pm: Chaplain left ship for HMS Suffolk.

4f5a7b5fa2fc8e09230004ac: (

13 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service on board attended by party from Tarantula.

4.45pm: Chinese gunboat Ying Nam in West.

4f5a7b5fa2fc8e09230004ac: (

14 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

5.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Macau in and secured to No 10 buoy.

4f5a7b5fa2fc8e09230004ad: (

15 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Coaled ship, 25 tons.

4f5a7b5fa2fc8e09230004ad: (

16 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Kent placed in dry dock.

1.0pm: One officer joined ship from SS Dilwara.

4f5a7b5fa2fc8e09230004ae: (

17 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: American auxiliary cruiser Volunteer in.

10.50am: 24 ratings left ship for passage to Shanghai in SS Sunning.

1.0pm: One Marine RMLI joined ship from hospital.

1.30pm: HMS Rosario moved from Camber to buoy.

4f5a7b5fa2fc8e09230004ae: (

18 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: HMS Fame arrived and secured to dockyard wall and exchanged part crew.

4f5a7b60a2fc8e09230004af: (

19 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Saturday routine.

7.30am: Exercised fire stations.

4f5a7b60a2fc8e09230004af: (

20 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Three officers left ship.

10.0am: Divine service held on board.

4f5a7b60a2fc8e09230004b0: (

21 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15am: HMS Tarantula out West.

11.0am: Portuguese gunboat Macau secured in Camber.

1.0pm: Five ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.30pm: HMS Tarantula secured in Camber.

4.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Moorhen.

4f5a7b60a2fc8e09230004b0: (

22 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Fame out East.

10.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

[In red ink] I have had occasion to reprimand Lt WA Attwell RNR for acting in a manner unbefitting that of an officer, whilst employed in the Examination Service, in that he assaulted Sergeant BF Frost, Hong Kong Cadet Corps, on 16th October 1918 both being in uniform at the time. [signed] WA Attwell and Commodore VC Gurner.

4f5a7b60a2fc8e09230004b1: (

23 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.15pm: Hoisted No 1 typhoon signal.

4f5a7b60a2fc8e09230004b1: (

24 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged two ratings to SS Suiyang.

11.0am: Hauled down No 1 typhoon signal.

4.0pm: HMS Kent undocked and secured to dockyard wall.

4f5a7b60a2fc8e09230004b2: (

25 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.40am: Chinese gunboat On Hong arrived West.

1.15pm: British transport Madras arrived and secured to No 3 buoy. Three officers joined ship from same.

4f5a7b60a2fc8e09230004b2: (

26 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.45am: Four ratings joined ship from SS Kai Fong.

2.0pm: Discharged three ratings to detention and two ratings joined ship from same.

4f5a7b61a2fc8e09230004b3: (

27 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service on board attended by parties from Tarantula and Virago.

4f5a7b61a2fc8e09230004b3: (

28 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Discharged one officer to hospital for treatment.

11.40am: HMS Cadmus secured to No 5 buoy.

4.30pm: Discharged 11 ratings to Cadmus.

11.45pm: Sent coaling party to Japanese Hudson Maru.

4f5a7b61a2fc8e09230004b4: (

29 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.25pm: Coaling party returned.

10.10am: Discharged one Marine RMLI to C d’Aguilar.

5.45pm: Sent coaling party to Japanese Husdson Maru.

4f5a7b61a2fc8e09230004b4: (

30 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.20am: Coaling party returned.

7.15am: TB 035 secured in Camber.

1.40pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

5.20pm: TB 035 left Camber and out East.

4f5a7b61a2fc8e09230004b5: (

31 October 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Cadmus moved to dry dock.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to hospital from SS Van Waerwijck [Van Warick in log].

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

5.0pm: TB 038 secured in Camber.

5.10pm: HMS Virago’s crew transferred from Tamar to recommission.


4f5a7b61a2fc8e09230004b5: (

1 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Lit fires in four steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.20am: HMS Wivern secured to No 6 buoy.

9.0am: Divisions.

9.10am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder as requisite.

1.05pm: Chinese gunboat On Hong arrived West.

1.10pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Widgeon.

1.30pm: Hands employed as in forenoon.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in steam boats.

Weather: Light Easterly winds, clear, temperatures in the upper 70s.

4f5a7b61a2fc8e09230004b6: (

2 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

1.0pm: Discharged three ratings to SS Ying Chow.

4f5a7b61a2fc8e09230004b6: (

3 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.0am: Divine service, attended by a party from Tarantula.

4f5a7b62a2fc8e09230004b7: (

4 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Virago left Camber and secured to No 5 buoy.

10.0am: HMS Tarantula out West for steam trials.

10.15am: Virago secured in Camber.

2.0pm: Nine ratings joined ship from hospital.

5.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Moorhen.

4f5a7b62a2fc8e09230004b7: (

5 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Tarantula out West.

9.10am: HMS Virago out West.

11.0am: Two ratings joined ship from Japanese Kaigo Maru.

3.0pm: One rating joined ship from Heung Shan.

4.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Cadmus.

4f5a7b62a2fc8e09230004b8: (

6 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Virago out East.

10.05am: Discharged one officer and two ratings to hospital.

5.40pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b62a2fc8e09230004b8: (

7 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Virago out East.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

5.40pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b62a2fc8e09230004b9: (

8 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Virago out West.

10.0am: Discharged three ratings to SS Sui Yang and one rating to hospital.

5.0pm: One rating joined ship from SS Singam.

5.20pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b62a2fc8e09230004b9: (

9 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: One officer joined ship from Sibura Maru and two ratings from SS Stentor.

5.40pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria in.

4f5a7b62a2fc8e09230004ba: (

10 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: Divisions. HMS Virago out East.

10.0am: Divine service.

5.40pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b62a2fc8e09230004ba: (

11 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.15pm: Five ratings joined ship from hospital. Discharged one rating to SS Euryabades [probably Eurybates is intended].

1.30pm: Chinese customs cruiser arrived East.

5.10pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b63a2fc8e09230004bb: (

12 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

10.40am: British transport Madras arrived and secured to dockyard wall.

11.40am: Thanksgiving Service held on board.

2.0pm: Three ratings joined ship from HMS Cadmus.

4.30pm: Half masted Colours.

5.0pm: Rehoisted Colours.

5.15pm: Virago out East.

4f5a7b63a2fc8e09230004bb: (

13 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.0am: Received one offender from HMS Cadmus.

5.0pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b63a2fc8e09230004bc: (

14 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to No 5 buoy.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to SS Sunning.

10.45am: Virago secured in Camber.

1.30pm: Discharged one ERA to HMS Cadmus.

3.30pm: USS Pampanga arrived West.

5.0pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b63a2fc8e09230004bc: (

15 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

9.50am: Two ratings joined ship from SS Ying Chow.

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

5.0pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b63a2fc8e09230004bd: (

16 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

1.30pm: One rating and one Marine joined ship from hospital.

2.50pm: HMS Fame arrived and secured in Camber.

5.0pm: Virago proceeded on patrol.

4f5a7b63a2fc8e09230004bd: (

17 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

10.0am: Divine service attended by Cadmus, Fame and TB 035.

5.15pm: HMS Virago out East.

4f5a7b63a2fc8e09230004be: (

18 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.25am: TB 035 secured in Camber.

1.0pm: Chinese gunboat Yang Wo arrived West.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.05pm: Four officers joined ship from SS Tenyo Maru.

3.0pm: Discharged five ratings to HMS Fame and five joined from same.

4f5a7b63a2fc8e09230004be: (

19 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: TB 038 secured in Camber.

2.05pm: One rating joined from detention.

3.15pm: Funeral party landed.

4f5a7b64a2fc8e09230004bf: (

20 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: TB 038 out West.

10.0am: Discharged three ratings to hospital.

4f5a7b64a2fc8e09230004bf: (

21 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties landed, remainder as requisite.

4f5a7b64a2fc8e09230004c0: (

22 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: HMS Cadmus and Submarines C36, C37 and C38 undocked.

4f5a7b64a2fc8e09230004c0: (

23 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: SS Madras moved from wall to buoy.

12.30pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria out West.

4f5a7b64a2fc8e09230004c1: (

24 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service attended by Cadmus, Fame and Virago.

4f5a7b64a2fc8e09230004c1: (

25 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.45am: Five officers and 49 ratings joined ship from Japanese Africa Maru.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b64a2fc8e09230004c2: (

26 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

9.10am: Discharged one rating to SS Sin Yan. Discharged six officers and 48 ratings to HMS Merlin (Merlin commissioned).

10.0am: HMS Wivern secured in Camber.

2.0pm: Virago out of harbour.

5.0pm: Virago secured in Camber.

5.20pm: Virago out West.

4f5a7b64a2fc8e09230004c2: (

27 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Discharged 36 ratings to AT Madras.

2.45pm: Discharged Cdr Gibson and two officers to Madras.

3.30pm: One officer joined ship from SS Columbia.

5.45pm: HMS Virago out West.

6.20pm: One officer RNVR joined ship from Stonecutter.

4f5a7b65a2fc8e09230004c3: (

28 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Merlin moved from Camber to buoy.

5.0pm: HMS Virago out West.

4f5a7b65a2fc8e09230004c3: (

29 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

9.50am: HMS Merlin out West to carry out steam trials.

2.30pm: Merlin secured to North wall.

4f5a7b65a2fc8e09230004c4: (

30 November 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Three Marines joined ship from Peak SS

3.30pm: HMS Moorhen arrived and secured in Camber.

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to Moorhen and one to HMS Fame and one joined ship from Moorhen.

5.20pm: HMS Virago out West.


4f5a7b65a2fc8e09230004c4: (

1 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in two steam boats.

7.0am: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

8.0am: TB 036 commissioned and TB 035 paid off.

9.15am: Divisions.

9.30am: Landed church parties.

10.0am: Divine service held on board attended by parties from Cadmus, Moorhen, Fame and TB 035.

11.40am: Church parties returned.

1.0pm: Usual leave until 7.0am.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

5.0pm: Virago out West.

Weather: Calm, overcast at first, clearing later, then overcast at night, temperatures as high as 72ºF at 4.0pm.

4f5a7b65a2fc8e09230004c5: (

2 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.10am: HMS Merlin secured to buoy.

8.15am: HMS Moorhen proceeded to Hung Hom slips

9.0am: HMS Tamar moved from Camber to North wall.

4.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Fame.

5.0pm: Fame out of harbour.

4f5a7b65a2fc8e09230004c5: (

3 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: HMS Fame secured to buoy.

2.50pm: HMS Merlin out East.

4f5a7b65a2fc8e09230004c6: (

4 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Fame secured to buoy.

9.0am: HMS Moorhen secured in Camber.

10.0am: Three ratings and one prisoner joined ship from SS Kia Fong.

2.0pm: One rating discharged to detention.

5.0pm: Fame out West.

4f5a7b65a2fc8e09230004c6: (

5 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Working parties sent to D’Aguilar and Jubilee signal stations.

4f5a7b66a2fc8e09230004c7: (

6 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: HMS Moorhen out West.

9.30am: Chinese gunboat Ping Nam in West.

2.20pm: One rating joined from D'Aguilar.

7.45pm: Mr S McLeod, Gunner, placed under arrest [signed] TE Steed, Chief Gunner, CO.

4f5a7b66a2fc8e09230004c7: (

7 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Discharged one CPO to Stonecutters.

4f5a7b66a2fc8e09230004c8: (

8 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service on board, parties from Cadmus, Fame, Virago and TB 038 attended.

4f5a7b66a2fc8e09230004c8: (

9 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged one officer to TB 036.

9.0am: HMS Virago out East.

2.0pm: One officer joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b66a2fc8e09230004c9: (

10 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Cadmus.

4f5a7b66a2fc8e09230004c9: (

11 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

10.20am: Received nine ratings, one Corporal, three Marines and three Marine prisoners from SS Dunera.

1.30pm: One CERA joined ship from Shingo Maru.

4.30pm: Two WT officers joined ship from Stonecutter.

4f5a7b66a2fc8e09230004ca: (

12 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Cadmus moved from Camber to buoy.

10.15am: One rating joined ship from SS Ying Chow.

1.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: Discharged five ratings to Cadmus.

4f5a7b66a2fc8e09230004ca: (

13 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Cadmus out West.

3.30pm: Discharged one CERA to SS Ying Chow.

4f5a7b67a2fc8e09230004cb: (

14 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.30pm: HMS Virago arrived East and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b67a2fc8e09230004cb: (

15 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Virago out East.

10.0am: Divine service, attended by Fame and TB 035.

4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame.

4f5a7b67a2fc8e09230004cc: (

16 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.40am: HMS Fame left Camber and out East.

10.45am: HMS Kent out East.

2.0pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

3.0pm: Kent returned and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b67a2fc8e09230004cc: (

17 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Discharged five Marines to SS Stentor.

4.45pm: Discharged one rating to Stonecutter.

4f5a7b67a2fc8e09230004cd: (

18 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties, remainder employed as requisite.

4f5a7b67a2fc8e09230004cd: (

19 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: SS Empress of Japan in with ship’s company for HMS Euryalus.

8 0am: Euryalus commissioned.

11.0am: Discharged nine officers and 41 ratings to Euryalus.

4f5a7b67a2fc8e09230004ce: (

20 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: HMS Kent out East.

9.30am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

11.40am: Kent returned and secured to buoy.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b67a2fc8e09230004ce: (

21 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.55am: HMS Kent out East.

1.30pm: One officer joined ship from SS Van Waerwijck [Waerjick in log].

4f5a7b68a2fc8e09230004cf: (

22 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service, parties from Euryalus, Virago and TB 036 attended.

4f5a7b68a2fc8e09230004cf: (

23 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Virago out East.

11.0am: Virago returned East.

1.30pm: Discharged one rating to Stonecutter.

4f5a7b68a2fc8e09230004d0: (

24 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Read warrant No 8.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to detention quarters.

8.0pm: Discharged Lt Brewer RNR to HMS Fame and received Lt E Maples RNR from same.

4f5a7b68a2fc8e09230004d0: (

25 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Held divine service attended by Euryalus and Fame.

4f5a7b68a2fc8e09230004d1: (

26 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Piped down.

1.0pm: Leave to watch until 7.0am.

4f5a7b68a2fc8e09230004d1: (

27 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

3.15pm: Four ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b68a2fc8e09230004d2: (

28 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

10.30am: Lt Maples discharged from Fame to SS Van Waerwijck.

3.15pm: HMS Tarantula arrived and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b68a2fc8e09230004d2: (

29 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Sent church parties to cathedral to attend Memorial Service.

4f5a7b69a2fc8e09230004d3: (

30 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.05am: HMS Fame left Camber and out East.

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

12.20pm: HMS Virago arrived and secured to buoy.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.50pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b69a2fc8e09230004d3: (

31 December 1918

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

3.0pm: HMS Tarantula left Camber for Hong Mong slip.


4f5a7b69a2fc8e09230004d4: (

1 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am: Lit fires in steam boats 36, 384 and 302. Drew fires in 436.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Discharged one PO to Stonecutters.

12 noon: One CPO joined ship from Stonecutters.

1.0pm: Make and mend.

Leave to watch till 7.0am.

Drew fires in sb 36.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

4.30pm: Drew fires in sb 384.

Weather: Light Easterlies with drizzling rain in am, backing Westerly and clearing in pm, temperatures low 60s F.

4f5a7b69a2fc8e09230004d4: (

2 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Usual dockyard parties, Marine wp to Kowloon.

4f5a7b69a2fc8e09230004d5: (

3 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Read warrants Nos 9, 10 and 11. Discharged one rating to detention.

2.0pm: Four ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b69a2fc8e09230004d5: (

4 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Discharged one rating to hospital.

4.20pm: USS Pampanga arrived and secured to buoy.

4.40pm: HMS Tarantula secured to dockyard wall.

4f5a7b69a2fc8e09230004d6: (

5 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service on board attended by Euryalus, Virago and TB036.

6.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Tarantula.

4f5a7b69a2fc8e09230004d6: (

6 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Virago out East.

9.50am: HMS Tarantula secured to buoy.

12.30pm: HMS Fame arrived.

4.45pm: Fame secured in Camber.

4f5a7b6aa2fc8e09230004d7: (

7 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Sent working party to Stonecutters.

9.0am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder painting ship’s side.

4f5a7b6aa2fc8e09230004d7: (

8 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: HMS Tarantula out West.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

2.20pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention quarters.

4f5a7b6aa2fc8e09230004d8: (

9 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital

4f5a7b6aa2fc8e09230004d8: (

10 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Four officers joined ship from SS Katai Maru.

11.50am: One officer and 55 ratings joined from SS Nanking [probably Nankin is intended].

4f5a7b6aa2fc8e09230004d9: (

11 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Discharged four POs to SS Dilwara for Singapore.

4f5a7b6aa2fc8e09230004d9: (

12 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service attended by parties from Euryalus, Fame and TB 035.

4f5a7b6ba2fc8e09230004da: (

13 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Fame out East.

1.10pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

1.30pm: Muster by the ledger to read certificates.

4.30pm: HMS Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b6ba2fc8e09230004da: (

14 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged six ratings to SS Sing Kiang [probably Sinkiang is intended].

4f5a7b6ba2fc8e09230004db: (

15 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0pm: W Garner, Gunner T, joined ship from TB 036.

4f5a7b6ba2fc8e09230004db: (

16 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: TB 036 paid off and commissioned HMS Robin.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital and one discharged to Kowloon Depôt.

4f5a7b6ca2fc8e09230004dc: (

17 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Working party to Stonecutters and usual dockyard parties.

4f5a7b6ca2fc8e09230004dc: (

18 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.15am: HMS Robin out East.

11.20am: HMS Euryalus undocked and moved to Camber.

1.20pm: HMS Robin returned and secured to buoy.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from detention quarters.

5.0pm: HMS Robin secured in Camber.

4f5a7b6ca2fc8e09230004dd: (

19 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service on board attended by Euryalus and Virago.

4f5a7b6ca2fc8e09230004dd: (

20 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Virago out East.

9.0am: HMS Sandpiper secured in Camber.

11.0am: Siamese royal yacht arrived and secured to buoy.

1.05am: HMS Robin out West.

12.30pm: HMS Fame arrived East.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4.55pm: Fame secured in Camber.

4f5a7b6ca2fc8e09230004de: (

21 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: Discharged one officer to SS Hai Hong.

12 noon: Half masted colours.

4f5a7b6ca2fc8e09230004de: (

22 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.05pm: One officer joined ship from TB 035.

4f5a7b6ca2fc8e09230004df: (

23 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: TB 035 paid off and HMS Sandpiper commissioned.

1.30pm: Four ratings joined ship from SS Tai Sang.

1.40pm: HMS Sandpiper proceeded on steam trials.

2.50pm: HMS Sandpiper returned to Camber.

4.30pm: One Lt/Cdr RNR and 43 ratings joined ship.

4f5a7b6ca2fc8e09230004df: (

24 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.25am: HMS Suffolk arrived and secured to Flag buoy.

1.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b6da2fc8e09230004e0: (

25 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Discharged two ratings to hospital.

12.30pm: Discharged three ratings to HMS Suffolk and three to HMS Fame.

3.30pm: HMS Sandpiper secured to buoy.

4.30pm: One rating joined ship from Fame.

5.30pm: Sandpiper secured in Camber.

4f5a7b6da2fc8e09230004e0: (

26 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: Discharged five ratings to SS Ying Chow.

10.0am: Divine service, conducted by the bishop of Victoria.

1.40pm: HMS Robin arrived and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b6da2fc8e09230004e1: (

27 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Fame out East.

7.05am: HMS Sandpiper out West.

8.0am: Fired court martial gun.

9.10am: HMS Euraylus ship’s company transferred to Euryalus.

9.30am: Commenced court martial.

10.30am: Finished same.

11.0am: HMS Virago secured to buoy.

2.0pm: Four ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.20pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

4.15pm: Virago secured in Camber.

4f5a7b6da2fc8e09230004e1: (

28 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: HMS Suffolk out East.

11.0am: Discharged one officer to HMS Euryalus.

4f5a7b6da2fc8e09230004e2: (

29 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: One Warrant Telegraphist discharged to hospital.

1.15pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b6da2fc8e09230004e2: (

30 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.55am: HMS Euryalus moved from Camber to No 5 buoy.

1.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.25pm: HMS Moorhen arrived and secured In Camber.

4f5a7b6da2fc8e09230004e3: (

31 January 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.15am: HMS Euryalus proceeded out on steam trials.

9.50am: SS Wing On arrived and secured in Camber.

5.0pm: HMS Euryalus returned and secured to buoy. Discharged four Marines RMLI to same.


4f5a7b6da2fc8e09230004e3: (

1 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in two steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.45am: Saturday routine.

12.30pm: Five ratings joined ship from SS Testua [probably Teesta is intended].

1.0pm: Make and mend.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

Weather: Light Easterlies, overcast, temperatures in the mid 50s F.

4f5a7b6ea2fc8e09230004e4: (

2 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual Sunday routine.

4f5a7b6ea2fc8e09230004e4: (

3 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Virago out East.

7.30am: HMS Robin out West.

Usual dockyard parties and a wp to HMS Wivern.

11.45am: HMS Fame secured in Camber.

2.0pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b6ea2fc8e09230004e5: (

4 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sent Marine working party to HMS Wivern.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

4f5a7b6ea2fc8e09230004e5: (

5 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Wivern moved from Camber to Kowloon.

4f5a7b6ea2fc8e09230004e6: (

6 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.45pm: Two ratings joined ship from SS Wing On.

4.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tarantula for HMS Euryalus.

4f5a7b6ea2fc8e09230004e6: (

7 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: HMS Moorhen out West.

3.45pm: Discharged one Marine to HMS Euryalus.

6.0pm: Discharged one officer to Euryalus.

6.10pm: One Marine joined ship from Euraylus.

4f5a7b6ea2fc8e09230004e7: (

8 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.15pm: Discharged 31 ratings to HMS Euryalus.

1.20pm: Two ratings and one officer joined from SS Tenyo Maru.

2.0pm: Two ratings joined from hospital.

4.0pm: One officer discharged to Euryalus.

5.30pm: Four ratings joined from Euryalus.

4f5a7b6ea2fc8e09230004e7: (

9 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Two ratings joined from SS Ying Chow and discharged to HMS Euryalus.

10.0am: Divine service attended by Fame and Sandpiper.

10.30am: Euryalus out East.

4.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Sandpiper and one rating joined from same.

4.20pm: Two ratings discharged to HMS Fame and one rating joined from same.

4f5a7b6fa2fc8e09230004e8: (

10 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Fame out.

10.45am: Discharged one rating to hospital

11.25am: HMS’ Robin and Virago arrived.

1.30pm: Read warrant No 12.

2.0pm: Discharged three ratings to HMS Sandpiper and three joined from same.

2.0pm: Robin secured inside Camber.

3.15pm: Sandpiper out West.

4.30pm: Virago secured inside Camber. Three ratings joined from Virago and two discharged to same.

4f5a7b6fa2fc8e09230004e8: (

11 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: Read warrant No 13.

3.45pm: One rating joined from HMS Robin and one rating discharged to same.

4.15pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

4.20pm: Read warrants Nos 14 and 15.

4.45pm: One rating joined from SS Fat Chan [probably Fatshan is intended].

7.30pm: HMS Moorhen secured in Camber.

4f5a7b6fa2fc8e09230004e9: (

12 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.15pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tarantula.

4f5a7b6fa2fc8e09230004e9: (

13 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Wing-on* paid off.

10.0am: HMS Suffolk arrived and secured alongside jetty.

12 noon: Two Assistant Paymasters RNR, one Lt Paymr RNVR and one Lt Paymr RN joined ship.

1.04pm: Nine ratings discharged to HMS Suffolk.

4.0pm: Two ratings discharged to SS Testa [probably Teesta is intended].

* I can’t find any information on this vessel and speculate that it may have been a local steamer hired for mine-sweeping duties with some or all RN crew.

4f5a7b6fa2fc8e09230004ea: (

14 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.10am: HMS Moorhen left Camber and proceeded West.

10.0am: One rating discharged to hospital and one rating joined ship from WT SS.

4f5a7b6fa2fc8e09230004ea: (

15 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS Suffolk went into dock.

11.0am: Two S/Lts RNR joined ship.

1.45pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

4f5a7b6fa2fc8e09230004eb: (

16 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service attended by Virago and Robin.

4f5a7b6fa2fc8e09230004eb: (

17 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: HMS Fame arrived East and secured to No 6 buoy.

12.18pm: HMS Sandpiper arrived West and secured to No 5A buoy.

3.27pm: Fame slipped from buoy and proceeded into Camber.

5.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Kent.

4f5a7b70a2fc8e09230004ec: (

18 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.10pm: USS Helena in East.

4f5a7b70a2fc8e09230004ec: (

19 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Usual dockyard parties. Marines at rifle drill.

4f5a7b70a2fc8e09230004ed: (

20 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Usual dockyard parties. Marines at rifle drill, remainder employed as requisite.

4f5a7b70a2fc8e09230004ed: (

21 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.20am: One rating joined ship from HMS Virago.

9.45am: One rating discharged to hospital.

9.50am: USS Helena out West.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Sandpiper and two ratings from HMS Suffolk. One discharged to Stonecutter.

4f5a7b70a2fc8e09230004ee: (

22 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Suffolk came out of dock and secured in Camber.

1.30pm: One rating discharged to Shanghai.

2.20pm: HMS Tarantula arrived West and secured to No 5 buoy.

2.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from detention.

4.0pm: Evening Quarters. One rating and one officer discharged to Tarantula.

5.0pm: Tarantula out West.

4f5a7b70a2fc8e09230004ee: (

23 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service attended by HMS’ Fame and Sandpiper.

2.45pm: SS Madras in.

4.0pm: HMS Virago in and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b70a2fc8e09230004ef: (

24 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.0am: HMS Fame out of harbour.

11.0am: HMS Virago slipped buoy and proceeded out of harbour.

11.05am: HMS Robin in.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

3.0pm: Robin secured in Camber.

4f5a7b70a2fc8e09230004ef: (

25 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: Two ratings joined from HMS Suffolk.

4f5a7b71a2fc8e09230004f0: (

26 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties. Marines to infantry drill.

4f5a7b71a2fc8e09230004f0: (

27 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Usual dockyard parties. Marines to infantry drill.

4f5a7b71a2fc8e09230004f1: (

28 February 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.30pm: Five ratings joined ship from HMS Suffolk.

1.30pm: HMS Suffolk moored to buoy.

3.50pm: Five rating discharged to HMS Tarantula per SS Kwong Hang*.

* Possibly SS Kwong Sang, Jardine, Matheson & Co,, 1902, 2,283 tons is intended.


4f5a7b71a2fc8e09230004f1: (

1 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

5.45am: Routine.

6.0am: Lit fires in three steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

8.45am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder cleaned ship.

9.10am: 49 ratings discharged to HMS Suffolk.

12 noon: Usual leave.

4.0pm: Evening quarters.

8.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Moorhen and discharged to hospital.

Weather: Light Easterlies, overcast and misty, temperatures in the high 60s F.

4f5a7b71a2fc8e09230004f2: (

2 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine.

4f5a7b71a2fc8e09230004f2: (

3 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Suffolk.

7.50am: HMS Robin sailed.

10.0am: Suffolk slipped buoy and proceeded East.

10.40am: HMS Fame secured to No 6 buoy.

11.05am: HMS Sandpiper arrived and secured to buoy.

11.20am: One Sick Bay Steward discharged to hospital.

1.0pm: 14 ratings joined ship from SS Sunning.

2.30pm: One rating discharged to Fame.

3.30pm: Sandpiper slipped buoy and proceeded into Camber.

4.15pm: Fame slipped and proceeded East.

4f5a7b71a2fc8e09230004f3: (

4 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.0pm: Marines wp to Kowloon.

3.30pm: Sent wp to SS Empress of Russia.

4.20pm: HMS Tarantula arrived and secured in Camber.

6.50pm: HMS Virago arrived and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b71a2fc8e09230004f3: (

5 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12 noon: HMS Virago slipped buoy and proceeded into Camber.

4f5a7b72a2fc8e09230004f4: (

6 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.10am: Four ratings and one officer discharged to wait charger [?] to take passage to HMS Kent.

5.0pm: One rating joined ship from SS Monteagle.

4f5a7b72a2fc8e09230004f4: (

7 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0pm: One officer joined ship from SS Empress of Japan.

4f5a7b72a2fc8e09230004f5: (

8 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: One rating discharged to detention barracks.

4.20pm: One officer joined ship from Illegible.

4f5a7b72a2fc8e09230004f5: (

9 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.10am: USS Elcano arrived and secured to No 9 buoy.

10.0am: Divine Service onboard attended by Sandpiper, Tarantula and Virago.

11.30am: HMS Fame arrived and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b72a2fc8e09230004f6: (

10 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: HMS Sandpiper out West.

8.30am: HMS Tarantula out West.

10.0am: HMS’ Fame and Virago went into dock.

11.0am: HMS Robin in West.

2.15pm: Three ratings joined from hospital.

5.10pm: Robin secured in Camber.

4f5a7b72a2fc8e09230004f6: (

11 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Discharged 10 ratings to SS Suiyang.

2.0pm: Five ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.30pm: One rating discharged to HMS Robin, one officer discharged.

4f5a7b72a2fc8e09230004f7: (

12 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.0am USS Elcano slipped buoy and went out West.

10.15am: One officer joined ship.

12.15pm: HMS Whiting arrived West and secured in Camber.

12.30pm: SS Bolton Castle berthed alongside crane jetty.

3.30pm: Two officers and three ratings joined ship from SS Nellore.

4f5a7b72a2fc8e09230004f7: (

13 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Robin out West.

9.0am: HMS Cadmus in East.

1.0pm: Five ratings discharged to Cadmus.

1.05pm: Two ratings joined ship from SS Oakfield.

4f5a7b73a2fc8e09230004f8: (

14 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Escort rejoined Tamar from Canton by SS Suiyang.

12 noon: HMS Cadmus slipped buoy and came into Camber.

2.0pm: Two officers joined Tamar from SS Labrador [?], Lalmedon [?].

4f5a7b73a2fc8e09230004f8: (

15 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Read warrant No 16.

2.0pm: One rating discharged to detention, three ratings discharged to HMS Whiting and one rating joined ship from same.

4f5a7b73a2fc8e09230004f9: (

16 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service on board attended by Fame 24, Cadmus 44, Whiting 13 and Virago 11.

12 noon: Six ratings joined from SS Kinshan.

3.0pm: SS Arteus [probably Atreus is intended] out East.

9.0pm: Escort belonging to HMS Tarantula discharged to Kinshan.

4f5a7b73a2fc8e09230004f9: (

17 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.45am: HMS Whiting left Camber and proceeded East.

10.30am: HMS Sandpiper arrived West and secured in Camber.

2.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital and one rating discharged to detention.

4f5a7b73a2fc8e09230004fa: (

18 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: One rating discharged to hospital.

4f5a7b73a2fc8e09230004fa: (

19 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.0pm: HMS Moorhen arrived and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b74a2fc8e09230004fb: (

20 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.10am: HMS Cadmus left Camber and secured to No 5 buoy.

2.05pm: Four ratings joined ship from hospital.

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention quarters.

6.0pm: Two ratings joined ship from SS Kashing.

4f5a7b74a2fc8e09230004fb: (

21 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.30am: Read warrant No 17.

2.0pm: One rating discharged to detention and one rating joined ship from same.

4f5a7b74a2fc8e09230004fc: (

22 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Guard of honour from HMS’ Fame, Virago and Cadmus on board for drill.

10.15am: Fame came out of dock and secured in Camber.

11.0am: Virago came out of dock and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b74a2fc8e09230004fc: (

23 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Japanese cruisers Tokiwa and Adzuma arrived.

10.0am: Held divine service on board attended by Fame, Sandpiper and Virago.

4f5a7b74a2fc8e09230004fd: (

24 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.0am: Guard of honour from HMS’ Cadmus, Fame, Virago and Sandpiper arrived on board.

10.45am: Guard of honour returned.

11.10am: Virago left.

12.20pm: HMS Whiting in and secured to buoy.

4f5a7b74a2fc8e09230004fd: (

25 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: One rating joined ship from HMS Whiting.

10.0am: The Japanese squadron slipped and proceeded East.

10.0am: One rating joined ship from HMS Sandpiper and one rating discharged to hospital.

10.40am: HMS Fame left Camber and proceeded East.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from SS Waltenhall [probably Walton Hall is intended].

4f5a7b74a2fc8e09230004fe: (

26 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.30am: Lt Currie discharged to SS Tenyo Maru.

11.45am: One rating joined ship from Peak SS.

1.30pm: One rating discharged to HMS Whiting and one rating joined ship from hospital.

4.35pm: HMS Tarantula arrived West and secured in Camber.

4f5a7b74a2fc8e09230004fe: (

27 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS’ Moorhen and Sandpiper left Camber and proceeded into dock.

2.0pm: One rating discharged to HMS Tarantula.

4f5a7b75a2fc8e09230004ff: (

28 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.15pm: One rating joined ship from detention and discharged to HMS Cadmus, one rating discharged to HMS Sandpiper.

10.30pm: One rating joined ship from Tarantula.

4f5a7b75a2fc8e09230004ff: (

29 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.45pm: Two ratings joined ship from hospital.

3.40pm: One rating discharged to HMS Wivern (Wyvern in log).

5.05pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Whiting.

4f5a7b75a2fc8e0923000500: (

30 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service attended by Sandpiper 11 and Cadmus 27.

1.0pm: One rating discharged on shore.

4f5a7b75a2fc8e0923000500: (

31 March 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Whiting sailed.

10.0am: One officer joined ship from SS Illegible.

10.05am: HMS Virago arrived and made fast to No 9 buoy.

3.15pm: Virago went into Camber.


4f5a7b75a2fc8e0923000501: (

1 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

A routine Tuesday.

6.0am: Lit fires in steam boats.

8.15am: Paid monthly money.

9.0am: Divisions and prayers.

9.10am: Usual dockyard parties, remainder as requisite. Seamen to small arm drill. Marines to infantry drill.

10.0am: One rating joined ship from HMS Tarantula.

10.45am: HMS Cadmus out West.

1.30pm: Usual dockyard parties, remainder as requisite.

4.0pm: Evening quarters. Drew fires in steam boats.

Weather: Light NE’ly breezes, mostly overcast and some rain, temperatures around 60ºF.

4f5a7b75a2fc8e0923000501: (

2 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.20pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

4f5a7b75a2fc8e0923000502: (

3 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: HMS Tarantula out West.

4f5a7b75a2fc8e0923000502: (

4 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

4.15pm: Two ratings discharged to HMS Moorhen. One rating joined ship from HMS Sandpiper.

4f5a7b76a2fc8e0923000503: (

5 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

12.30pm: One rating joined ship from SS Tjibodas.

1.30pm: One rating joined from hospital.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from detention.

5.15pm: One rating joined ship from dockyard quarters.

6.50pm: One rating discharged to RN hospital.

4f5a7b76a2fc8e0923000503: (

6 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Held divine service on board attended by Moorhen, Sandpiper and Virago.

1.15pm: One rating joined ship from Peak signal tower.

4f5a7b76a2fc8e0923000504: (

7 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.25am: HMS Suffolk arrived and secured to buoy.

7.30am: HMS Virago left Camber and out East.

8.0am: 11 ratings discharged to HMS Suffolk.

9.30am: One rating discharged to signal tower.

11.0am: HMS Whiting arrived and secured to buoy.

1.30pm: One rating discharged to Sandpiper and one joined from same.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from Suffolk.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from signal tower.

3.0pm: HMS Fame arrived West and secured to buoy.

4.35pm: Whiting secured in Camber.

6.25pm: Fame slipped buoy and secured in Camber.

9.25pm: HMS Robin arrived West and secured to buoy.

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8 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Robin slipped buoy and proceeded into Camber.

10.40am: One rating joined ship from SS Haiching.

2.20pm: One rating joined ship from detention and one rating joined from hospital.

4.20pm: 41 ratings discharged to HMS Suffolk.

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9 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Four ratings joined ship from HMS Suffolk.

12 noon: One prisoner passed through Tamar for passage.

1.30pm: HMS Suffolk slipped and proceeded East.

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10 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: One rating discharged to hospital.

10.20am: Two ratings joined ship from HMS Fame.

10.50am: One officer joined ship from hospital.

11.0am: Two Marines joined ship from SS Woochow.

10.0pm: HMS Cadmus arrived and secured to No 5 buoy.

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11 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.20pm: Japanese cruiser Yakumo [Yakuma in log] in East and secured to buoy. Tamar replied to C-in-C salute with 15 guns.

4.30pm: Tamar replied to salute with nine guns.

4.45pm: Discharged four ratings to HMS Cadmus.

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12 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: HMS’ Moorhen and Sandpiper left dock.

10.15am: HMS Robin entered dock.

10.35am: 22 Marines joined ship from SS Lycaon.

1.15pm: One officer joined ship from HMS Tailee [more probably Tai Lee, 1,423 grt. Mentioned in some books as seized by the Japanese in WW2, possibly a minesweeper].

2.20pm: Seven ratings jonied ship from Tailee.

2.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Fame.

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13 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Held divine service on board attended by Sandpiper, 9, Whiting 11, Fame 15, Cadmus 11 and Robin.

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14 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.20am: Tailee slipped buoy and proceeded into Camber

7.25am: HMS Fame left Camber and out East.

10.45am: HMS Virago arrived East and secured to buoy.

4.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Moorhen and one rating discharged to same.

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15 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: One rating joined ship from HMS Whiting.

2.0pm: One rating joined ship from hospital and one rating joined ship from HMS Sandpiper.

2.30pm: French surveying ship Manche arrived.

6.0pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Fame.

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16 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

In am: Sent range party to Stonecutters I. Marines to infantry drill.

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17 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

2.0pm: One rating discharged to Kowloon Depôt. One rating joined ship from hospital.

4.30pm: One rating joined ship from SS Eurylochus.

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18 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

Sunday routine. Divine service on board and landed church parties.

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19 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.0am: HMS Sandpiper out West.

9.0am: HIJMS Yakumo out East.

11.50am: USS Helena in West.

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20 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

9.30am: Two officers joined ship from SS Montolo (?).

10.0am: Divine service.

4.0pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Whiting and two joined from same.

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21 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

6.30am: HMS Whiting proceeded East.

10.50am: HMS Fame arrived East.

11.0am: French surveying ship moved from buoy to Camber.

12.30pm: MS Hock Lee moved from buoy to Camber.

3.40pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Tarantula via SS Ho Nan [probably Honam is intended].

4.0pm: One Marine joined ship from HMS Cadmus.

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22 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.10am: HMS Moorhen out West.

1.0pm: One rating joined from HMS Fame and one rating discharged to same.

6.0pm: One Signal rating discharged to Fame.

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23 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Virago.

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24 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.15am: HMS Carlisle arrived West. Tamar returned salute with seven guns.

2.45pm: 21 ratings joined from Carlisle.

4.30pm: Two officers joined ship from SS Hang Sang.

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25 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: USS New Orleans arrived. Returned Admiral’s salute 15 guns.

10.30am: Two ratings joined ship from HMS Virago and Fame.

1.30pm: One rating joined ship from HMS Carlisle for cell punishment. [Carlisle will certainly have cells of her own, but it is usual for cell punishment to be served on another vessel, to ensure impartial treatment.]

4.30pm: Three ratings joined ship from SS Tean.

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26 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

8.30am: HMS Carlisle out East.

9.30am: Four ratings joined from Carlisle.

1.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Virago.

4.30pm: Carlisle returned. Discharged four ratings to same.

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27 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

10.0am: Divine service attended by tenders and Carlisle.

1.30pm: One officer joined and one discharged to HMS Carlisle.

4.30pm: Discharged two ratings to HMS Virago.

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28 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.30am: HMS Virago proceeded East.

11.0am: HMS Whiting arrived East.

1.30pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. Discharged one rating to same.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Fame and three to HMS Carlisle.

9.55pm: HMS Sandpiper arrived.

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29 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

11.0am: HMS Whiting in East. One rating joined ship from same.

1.30pm: Two ratings joined ship from SS Slavic Prince.

2.0pm: HMS Sandpiper went into Camber.

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30 April 1919

Hong Kong.

Lat 22.3, Long 114.2

7.50am: HMS Carlisle went into dock.

2.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Whiting and 19 ratings to HMS Cadmus.

4.0pm: Discharged 11 Marines to Cadmus and nine ratings joined ship from same.


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