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World War 1 at Sea - Naval Battles in outline





HMS Invincible, battlecruiser (Maritime Quest, click to enlarge)






Battle in outline
London Gazette Naval Despatch
Royal Navy Casualties - Killed, Died and Wounded
Royal Navy Honours and Gallantry Awards


Royal Navy Battle Honour -  FALKLANDS 1914



Relevant chapters from "History of the Great War - Naval Operations"


Volume 1 by Corbett


XXVIII. Operations Leading Up To The Battle of The Falklands

XXIX. The Battle of The Falklands, December 8


including plans, right



also log books (years in brackets) of British warships taking part:

Battlecruisers HMS Inflexible, 1914-15, Invincible, 1914-15

Armoured cruisers HMS Carnarvon, 1913-15, Cornwall, 1913-17, Kent, 1914-19

Light cruiser HMS Bristol, 1914-15, 1918-19

Armed merchant cruiser HMS Macedonia, 1914-18



Battleship HMS Canopus and light cruiser HMS Glasgow are not yet available in full - Click here to check their status



Links to the actual Log Book Pages of all nine warships present for the Battle


(click to enlarge plans or follow links to maps in text)


Position at 12.51 P.M.


Position at 1.30 P.M.




Positions in Main Action 4.17 P.M. to 4.24 P.M.


Positions in Main Action 4.44 P.M. to 5.01 P.M.


Action between Kent and Nuernberg, 5.35 P.M. to 6.36 P.M.









Tuesday 8 December 1914


With news of the British defeat off Coronel, battlecruisers Invincible (flag, Vice-Adm Sturdee) and Inflexible, 2nd BCS Grand Fleet were ordered to the South Atlantic sailing from Devonport on 11 November. At this time it was not known if von Spee would head round Cape Horn, go north to Panama Canal, or even turn back into the Pacific. Of the ships in the South Atlantic, old battleship Canopus reached the Falklands on the 12 November and remained at Port Stanley as guardship, berthed on the mud, while armoured cruisers Carnarvon (flag, Rear-Adm Stoddart), Cornwall, Kent, and light cruisers Bristol and Glasgow sailed for a rendezvous at Abrolhos Rocks which Adm Sturdee reached on the 26th.


The German Warships

(images, all Photo Ships, except one)

Armoured Cruisers


SMS Gneisenau - lost


SMS Scharnhorst - lost


Light Cruisers


SMS Dresden - escaped but later found and sunk (Maritime Quest)


SMS Danzig, sister-ship to SMS Leipzig - lost


SMS Nürnberg - lost


On this same day Adm von Spee, after coaling off the southern Chile coast, sailed to attack the Falkland Islands and destroy the facilities there. Fortunately for the British, they were so delayed rounding Cape Horn that Adm Sturdee was able to reach there first, arriving the morning of 7 December, by which time armed merchant cruiser Macedonia had joined. His plan was to coal, allow Bristol to repair her engines, then sail by the 9th for Cape Horn before von Spee came east.


The first German ships were sighted from Sapper Hill at 0750. At this time Macedonia was on patrol off Port Stanley and had not coaled, Invincible and Inflexible were coaling, only Carnarvon and Glasgow had finished refuelling, and Cornwall, Kent and Bristol were still waiting, Cornwall also had an engine opened up at 6 hours notice and Bristol was still repairing hers with fires drawn. As Gneisenau and Nürnberg approached to shell the wireless station, Canopus fired four shells at extreme range around 0915, fragments of one or perhaps a ricochet possibly hit Gneisenau, they turned away to join the German flagship and the squadron headed SE away from the Falklands at full speed. Kent had left the harbour by 0915, Glasgow weighed to join her, Inflexible, Invincible and Cornwall sailed out at 1000, followed by Carnarvon and then around 1100 by Bristol which with Macedonia was diverted to search for the German colliers, sinking two out of three southeast of the Falklands.


Invincible and Inflexible in the lead opened fire on the lagging Leipzig at 1251, then realising there was no escape, von Spee ordered his three light cruisers to scatter south at 1320 while the two armoured cruisers headed NE to cover their retreat. At this time, the two British battlecruisers joined by the slower Carnarvon engaged armoured cruisers Scharnhorst (flag, sunk 1617) and Gneisenau (sunk around 1800). Armoured cruiser Kent went after light cruiser Nürnberg (action started 1615, sunk 1927), sister ship Cornwall after Leipzig, and light cruiser Glasgow after Dresden (which escaped). Because Glasgow could only gain on Dresden slowly, she transferred her attention to Leipzig to give Cornwall time to catch up, Glasgow opening fire at 1453, Cornwall coming into action around 1615. After Leipzig was sunk (at 2123), Glasgow went after Dresden again but with her speed reduced lost the German in the mist and rain.



Invincible-class, 20,080, 8-12in/16-4in/4-18in tt


Invincible, initially ranged on Gneisenau, hit by about 20 mainly 8.2in shells, foremast strut carried away, one 4in gun out of action and one bunker flooded; no killed or wounded (Rn/D/dk/nb/nh)


Inflexible, Capt Phillimore. Initially ranged on Scharnhorst, hit three times, little damage; 1 rating lost, 3  wounded (Rn/D/dk/nb/nh)


HMS Inflexible (Maritime Quest)


HMS Invincible (Photo Ships)


Armoured cruisers


Carnarvon, Devonshire-class, 10,850t, 4-7.5in/6-6in/2-18in tt. Engaged in action with Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, no reported hits; no killed or wounded (Rn/D/dk/nb/nh)


Kent, Kent-class, 9,800t, 14-6in/10-12pdr/2-18in tt, Capt Allen. In action with Nürnberg, hit 38 times, wireless room wrecked but little structural damage because of armour; 5 ratings died and 11 wounded, of whom three DOW (nb - 4 killed, 12 wounded) (Rn/D/dk/nb/nh)


HMS Carnarvon (Photo Ships)


HMS Kent (Cyber Heritage/Terry Phillips)


Cornwall, Kent-class, 9,800t, 14-6in/10-12pdr/2-18in tt, Capt Ellerton. In action with Leipzig, hit 18 times, two bunkers flooded, listed to port; no killed or wounded (Rn/D/dk/nb/nh)


HMS Cornwall (Photo Ships)


HMS Glasgow (Photo Ships)


Light cruiser


Glasgow, Bristol-class, 5,300t, 2-6in/10-4in/2-18in tt, Capt Luce. In action with Leipzig, hit twice, one boiler damaged; one rating lost, 1 DOW, 3 others wounded (Rn/D/dk/nb/nh)


Also present


HMS Canopus, battleship (Maritime Quest)


HMS Bristol, light cruiser (CyberHeritage/Terry Phillips)


SS Macedonia, present as a hired armed merchant cruiser (Photo Ships)


(click for source abbreviations)


Sunday 14 March 1915

German light cruiser Dresden discovered at Chilean island of Mas a Fuera, Juan Fernandez group in SE Pacific by armoured cruiser Kent, light cruiser Glasgow & armed merchant cruiser Orama, shelled, then scuttle.





With thanks to the London Gazette


Gazette No. 29087 - 2 MARCH 1915


Admiralty, 3rd March, 1915.


The following despatch has been received from Vice-Admiral Sir F. C. Doveton Sturdee, K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G., reporting the action off the Falkland Islands on Tuesday, the 8th of December, 1914: 


Invincible at Sea, December 12th, 1914.



I have the honour to forward a report on the action which took place on 8th December, 1914, against a German Squadron off the Falkland Islands.


I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant,

F. C. D. STURDEE, Vice-Admiral, Commander-in-Chief.


The Secretary, Admiralty.



(A.) Preliminary Movements.

(B.) Action with the Armoured Cruisers.

(C.) Action with the Light Cruisers.

(D.) Action with the Enemy's Transports.



The squadron, consisting of H.M. ships "Invincible," flying my flag, Flag Captain Percy T. H. Beamish; "Inflexible," Captain Richard F. Phillimore; "Carnarvon," flying the flag of Rear-Admiral Archibald P. Stoddart, Flag Captain Harry L. d'E. Skipwith; "Cornwall," Captain Walter M. Ellerton; "Kent," Captain John D. Allen; "Glasgow," Captain John Luce; "Bristol," Captain Basil H. Fanshawe; and "Macedonia," Captain Bertram S. Evans; arrived at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, the 7th December, 1914. Coaling was commenced at once, in order that the ships should be ready to resume the search for the enemy's squadron the next evening, the 8th December.


At 8 a.m. on Tuesday, the 8th December, a signal was received from the signal station on shore:


"A four-funnel and two-funnel man-of-war in sight from Sapper Hill, steering northwards."


At this time, the positions of the various ships of the squadron were as follows:


"Macedonia": At anchor as look-out ship.

"Kent" (guard ship): At anchor in Port William.

“Invincible" and "Inflexible": In Port William.

"Carnarvon": In Port William.

"Cornwall": In Port William.

"Glasgow": In Port Stanley.

"Bristol": In Port Stanley.


The "Kent" was at once ordered to weigh, and a general signal was made to raise steam for full speed.


At 8.20 a.m. the signal station reported another column of smoke in sight to the southward, and at 8.45 a.m. the "Kent" passed down the harbour and took up a station at the entrance.


The "Canopus," Captain Heathcoat S. Grant, reported at 8.47 a.m. that the first two ships were 8 miles off, and that the smoke reported at 8.20 a.m., appeared to be the smoke of two ships about 20 miles off.


At 8.50 a.m. the signal station reported a further column of smoke in sight to the southward.


The ''Macedonia'' was ordered to weigh anchor on the inner side of the other ships, and await orders.


At 9.20 a.m. the two leading ships of the enemy ("Gneisenau" and "Nürnberg"), with guns trained on the wireless station, came within range of the "Canopus," who opened fire at them across the low land at a range of 11,000 yards. The enemy at once hoisted their colours and turned away. At this time the masts and smoke of the enemy were visible from the upper bridge of the "Invincible" at a range of approximately 17,000 yards across the low land to the south of Port William.


A few minutes later the two cruisers altered course to port, as though to close the "Kent" at the entrance to the harbour, but about this time it seems that the ''Invincible'' and '' Inflexible" were seen over the land, as the enemy at once altered course and increased speed to join their consorts.



The "Glasgow" weighed and proceeded at 9.40 a.m. with orders to join the "Kent" and observe the enemy's movements.


At 9.45 a.m. the squadron-less the "Bristol" - weighed, and proceeded out of harbour in the following order:  ''Carnarvon," "Inflexible," "Invincible," and "Cornwall." On passing Cape Pembroke Light, the five ships of the enemy appeared clearly in sight to the south-east, hull down. The visibility was at its maximum, the sea was calm, with a bright sun, a clear sky, and a light breeze from the north-west.


At 10.20 a.m. the signal for a general chase was made. The battle cruisers quickly passed ahead of the "Carnarvon" and overtook the "Kent." The "Glasgow" was ordered to keep two miles from the "Invincible," and the "Inflexible" was stationed on the starboard quarter of the flagship. Speed was eased to 20 knots at 11.15 a.m. to enable the other cruisers to get into station.


At this time the enemy's funnels and bridges showed just above the horizon.


Information was received from the "Bristol " at 11.27 a.m. that three enemy ships had appeared off Port Pleasant, probably colliers or transports. The "Bristol" was therefore directed to take the "Macedonia" under his orders and destroy transports.


The enemy were still maintaining their distance, and I decided, at 12.20 p.m., to attack with the two battle cruisers and the "Glasgow."


At 12.47 p.m. the signal to "Open fire and engage the enemy" was made.


The "Inflexible" opened fire at 12.55 p.m. from her fore turret at the right-hand ship of the enemy, a light cruiser; a few minutes later the "Invincible" opened fire at the same ship.


The deliberate fire from a range of 16,500 to 15,000 yards at the right-hand light cruiser, who was dropping astern, became too threatening, and when a shell fell close alongside her at 1.20 p.m. she (the "Leipzig") turned away, with the "Nürnberg " and "Dresden" to the south-west. These light cruisers were at once followed by the "Kent," "Glasgow," and "Cornwall," in accordance with my instructions.


The action finally developed into three separate encounters, besides the subsidiary one dealing with the threatened landing.




The fire of the battle cruisers was directed on the "Scharnhorst" and "Gneisenau." The effect of this was quickly seen, when at 1.25 p.m., with the "Scharnhorst" leading, they turned about 7 points to port in succession into line ahead and opened fire at 1.30 p.m. Shortly afterwards speed was eased to 24 knots, and the battle cruisers were ordered to turn together, bringing them into line ahead, with the "Invincible" leading.


The range was about 13,500 yards at the final turn, and increased, until, at 2 p.m., it had reached 16,450 yards.


The enemy then (2.10 p.m.) turned away about 10 points to starboard and a second chase ensued, until, at 2.45 p.m., the battle cruisers again opened fire; this caused the enemy, at 2.53 p.m., to turn into line ahead to port and open fire at 2.55 p.m.


The "Scharnhorst" caught fire forward, but not seriously, and her fire slackened perceptibly; the "Gneisenau" was badly hit by the "Inflexible."


At 3.30 p.m. the "Scharnhorst" led round about 10 points to starboard; just previously her fire had slackened perceptibly, and one shell had shot away her third funnel; some guns were not firing, and it would appear that the turn was dictated by a desire to bring her starboard guns into action. The effect of the fire on the "Scharnhorst " became more and more apparent in consequence of smoke from fires, and also escaping steam; at times a shell would cause a large hole to appear in her side, through which could be seen a dull red glow of flame. At 4.4 p.m. the "Scharnhorst," whose flag remained flying to the last, suddenly listed heavily to port, and within a minute it became clear that she was a doomed ship; for the list increased very rapidly until she lay on her beam ends, and at 4.17 p.m. she disappeared.


The "Gneisenau " passed on the far side of her late flagship, and continued a determined but ineffectual effort to fight the two battle cruisers.


At 5.8 p.m. the forward funnel was knocked over and remained resting against the second funnel. She was evidently in serious straits, and her fire slackened very much.


At 5.15 p.m. one of the "Gneisenau's" shells struck the "Invincible"; this was her last effective effort.


At 5.30 p.m. she turned towards the flagship with a heavy list to starboard, and appeared stopped, with steam pouring from her escape-pipes, and smoke from shell and fires rising everywhere. About this time I ordered the signal "Cease fire," but before it was hoisted the "Gneisenau" opened fire again, and continued to fire from time to time with a single gun.


At 5.40 p.m. the three ships closed in on the "Gneisenau," and, at this time, the flag flying at her fore truck was apparently hauled down, but the flag at the peak continued flying.


At 5.50 p.m. "Cease fire" was made.


At 6 p.m. the "Gneisenau" heeled over very suddenly, showing the men gathered on her decks and then walking on her side as she lay for a minute on her beam ends before sinking.


The prisoners of war from the "Gneisenau" report that, by the time the ammunition was expended, some 600 men had been killed and wounded. The surviving officers and men were all ordered on deck and told to provide themselves with hammocks and any articles that could support them in the water.


When the ship capsized and sank there were probably some 200 unwounded survivors in the water, but, owing to the shock of the cold water, many were drowned within sight of the boats and ship.


Every effort was made to save life as quickly as possible, both by boats and from the ships; life-buoys were thrown and ropes lowered, but only a proportion could be rescued. The "Invincible" alone rescued 108 men, fourteen of whom were found to be dead after being brought on board; these men were buried at sea the following day with full military honours.




At about 1 p.m., when the "Scharnhorst" and "Gneisenau" turned to port to engage the "Invincible" and "Inflexible” the enemy's light cruisers turned to starboard to escape; the "Dresden" was leading and the "Nürnberg" and "Leipzig " followed on each quarter.


In accordance with my instructions, the "Glasgow," "Kent," and "Cornwall" at once went in chase of these ships; the "Carnarvon," whose speed was insufficient to overtake them, closed the battle cruisers.


The "Glasgow" drew well ahead of the "Cornwall" and "Kent," and, at 3 p.m., shots were exchanged with the "Leipzig" at 12,000 yards. The "Glasgow's" object was to endeavour to outrange the "Leipzig " with her 6-inch guns and thus cause her to alter course and give the "Cornwall" and "Kent" a chance of coming into action.


At 4.17 p.m. the "Cornwall" opened fire, also on the "Leipzig."


At 7.17 p.m. the "Leipzig " was on fire fore and aft, and the "Cornwall " and " Glasgow " ceased fire.


The '' Leipzig'' turned over on her port side and disappeared at 9 p.m. Seven officers and eleven men were saved.


At 3.36 p.m. the "Cornwall" ordered the "Kent" to engage the "Nürnberg," the nearest cruiser to her.


Owing to the excellent and strenuous efforts of the engine room department, the "Kent" was able to get within range of the "Nürnberg" at 5 p.m. At 6.35 p.m. the "Nürnberg" was on fire forward and ceased firing. The "Kent" also ceased firing and closed to 3,300 yards; as the colours were still observed to be flying in the "Nürnberg," the "Kent" opened fire again. Fire was finally stopped five minutes later on the colours being hauled down, and every preparation was made to save life. The "Nürnberg" sank at 7.27 p.m., and, as she sank, a group of men were waving a German ensign attached to a staff. Twelve men were rescued, but only seven survived.


The "Kent" had four killed and twelve wounded, mostly caused by one shell.


During the time the three cruisers were engaged with the "Nürnberg" and "Leipzig," the "Dresden," who was beyond her consorts, effected her escape owing to her superior speed. The "Glasgow" was the only cruiser with sufficient speed to have had any chance of success. However, she was fully employed in engaging the "Leipzig" for over an hour before either the "Cornwall" or "Kent" could come up and get within range. During this time the "Dresden" was able to increase her distance and get out of sight.


The weather changed after 4 p.m., and the visibility was much reduced; further, the sky was overcast and cloudy, thus assisting the "Dresden" to get away unobserved.




A report was received at 11.27 a.m. from H.M.S. "Bristol" that three ships of the enemy, probably transports or colliers, had appeared off Port Pleasant. The "Bristol" was ordered to take the "Macedonia" under his orders and destroy the transports.


H.M.S. "Macedonia" reports that only two ships, steamships "Baden" and "Santa Isabel," were present; both ships were sunk after the removal of the crew.


I have pleasure in reporting that the officers and men under my orders carried out their duties with admirable efficiency and coolness, and great credit is due to the Engineer Officers of all the ships, several of which exceeded their normal full speed.


The names of the following are specially mentioned:



Commander Richard Herbert Denny Townsend, H.M.S. "Invincible."

Commander Arthur Edward Frederick Bedford, H.M.S. "Kent."

Lieutenant-Commander Wilfred Arthur Thompson, H.M.S. "Glasgow."

Lieutenant-Commander Hubert Edward Danreuther, First and Gunnery Lieutenant, H.M.S. "Invincible."

Engineer-Commander George Edward Andrew, H.M.S. "Kent."

Engineer-Commander Edward John Weeks, H.M.S. "Invincible."

Paymaster Cyril Sheldon Johnson, H.M.S. "Invincible."

Carpenter Thomas Andrew Walls, H.M.S. "Invincible."

Carpenter William Henry Yenning, H.M.S. "Kent."

Carpenter George Henry Egford, H.M.S. "Cornwall."

Petty Officers and Men.

Chief Petty Officer David Leighton, O.N. 124238; H.M.S. "Kent."

Petty Officer, 2nd Class, Matthew J. Walton (R.F.R., A. 1756), O.N. 118358, H.M.S. "Kent."

Leading Seaman Frederick Sidney Martin, O.N. 233301, H.M.S. "Invincible," Gunner's Mate, Gunlayer, 1st Class.

Signalman Frank Glover, O.N. 225731, H.M.S. "Cornwall."

Chief Engine-Room Artificer, 2nd Class, John George Hill, O.N. 269646, H.M.S. "Cornwall."

Acting Chief Engine-Room Artificer, 2nd Class, Robert Snowdon, O.N. 270654, H.M.S. "Inflexible."

Engine-Room. Artificer, 1st Class, George Henry Francis McCarten, O.N. 270023, H.M.S. "Invincible."

Stoker Petty Officer George S. Brewer, O.N. 150950, H.M.S. "Kent."

Stoker Petty Officer William Alfred Townsend, O.N. 301650, H.M.S. "Cornwall."

Stoker, 1st Class, John Smith, O.N. SS 111915, H.M.S. "Cornwall."

Shipwright, 1st Class, Albert N. E. England, O.N. 341971, H.M.S. "Glasgow."

Shipwright. 2nd Class, Albert C. H. Dymott, O.N. M 8047, H.M.S. "Kent."

Portsmouth R.F.R.B. /3807 Sergeant Charles Mayes, H.M.S. "Kent."




ROYAL NAVY CASUALTIES - Killed, Died and Wounded

 With thanks to Don Kindell



Tuesday, 8 December 1914


Glasgow, light cruiser, damaged




 MARTELL, Edwin H, Stoker Petty Officer, 310682 (Po)




 Bridger, Maurice James Edwin, Able Seaman, J 7095 (Po), dangerously, DOW 27 January 1915

 Ford, Harry Becket Sidney, Signalman, J 4597 (Po), severely

 Major, Percy Eli, Shipwright 2c, 344489 (Po), severely

 Scotchmer, Alfred David, Able Seaman, 232275 (Po), severely



Inflexible, battlecruiser, damaged




 LIVINGSTONE, Neil, Able Seaman (RFR B 3593) (O.N.), 190790 (Ch)




 Hasler, Terence, Ordinary Seaman, J 18032, slightly

 Mayes, Arthur, Seaman, 14754

 Spratt, George, Frederick, Able Seaman, 237219, slightly



Kent, cruiser, damaged




 KELLEY, Samuel, Private, RMLI (RFR A 566), 3793 (Po)

 KIND, Walter J, Private, RMLI, 15049 (Po)

 TITHERIDGE, Arthur C, Private, RMLI, 11220 (Po)

 WOOD, Walter, Private, RMLI, 16920 (Po)

 YOUNG, Walter, Seaman, RNR, 2543 (Ch)




 Arnold, William, Private (RFR B 866), PO 8342

 Brewer, George Silvester, Stoker Petty Officer (RFR A 3572), 150950

 Day, Francis Thomas, Private, RMLI, PO 6517

 Duckett, George A, Officer's Steward 1c, L 2428 (Po), DOW 9 December

 Joy, Edward, Lance Corporal, RMLI (RFR B 659), PO 10568

 Lindsey, Herbert, Stoker 1c (RFR B 3754), SS 101403

 Pear, Joseph, Stoker 1c (RFR B 4172), SS 102840

 Restall, John, Stoker 1c (RFR B 4055), 291073

 Sheridan, Alfred Brindsley, Private, RMLI, PO 13708

 Snow, George, Private, RMLI, 16958 (Po), DOW 20 December

 Spence, Tom, Sergeant, RMLI (RFR), 5674 (Po),  DOW 24 December



Wednesday, 9 December 1914


Kent, cruiser, damaged on 8th

 DUCKETT, George A, Officer's Steward 1c, L 2428 (Po), DOW



Sunday, 20 December 1914


Kent, cruiser, damaged on 8th

 SNOW, George, Private, RMLI, 16958 (Po), DOW



Thursday, 24 December 1914


Kent, cruiser, damaged on 8th

 SPENCE, Tom, Sergeant, RMLI (RFR), 5674 (Po),  DOW



Wednesday, 27 January 1915


Glasgow, light cruiser, damaged in action on 8 December 1914

 BRIDGER, Maurice J E, Able Seaman, J 7095 (Po), DOW





With thanks to the London Gazette



Gazette No. 29087 - 2 MARCH 1915


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointment to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, in recognition of the services of the undermentioned Officer mentioned in the foregoing despatch: 


To be an Additional Member of the Military Division of the Third Class or Companion

 Captain John Luce, Royal Navy.



The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers, in recognition of their services mentioned in the foregoing despatch:

 Carpenter Thomas Andrew Walls.

 Carpenter William Henry Yenning.

 Carpenter George Henry Egford.



To receive the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.

 Portsmouth R.F.B.R./3307, Sergeant Charles Mayes, H.M.S. "Kent." A shell burst and ignited some cordite charges in the casemate; a flash of flame went down the hoist into the ammunition passage. Sergeant Mayes picked up a charge of cordite and threw it away. He then got hold of a fire hose and flooded the compartment, extinguishing the fire in some empty shell bags which were burning. The extinction of this fire saved a disaster which might have led to the loss of the ship.



To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

 Chief Petty Officer David Leighton, O.N. 124238.

 Petty Officer, 2nd Class, Matthew J. Walton (R.F.R., A. 1756), O.N. 118358.

 Leading Seaman Frederick Sidney Martin, O.N. 233301, Gunner's Mate, Gunlayer, 1st Class.

 Signalman Frank Glover, O.N. 225731.

 Chief Engine-Room Artificer, 2nd Class, John George Hill, O.N. 269646.

 Acting Chief Engine-Room Artificer, 2nd Class, Robert Snowdon, O.N. 270654.

 Engine-Room Artificer, 1st Class, George Henry Francis McCarten, O.N. 270023.

 Stoker Petty Officer George S. Brewer, O.N. 150950.

 Stoker Petty Officer William Alfred Townsend, O.N. 301650.

 Stoker, 1st Class, John Smith, O.N. SS 111915.

 Shipwright, 1st Class, Albert N. E. England, O.N. 341971.

 Shipwright, 2nd Class, Albert C. H. Dymott, O.N. M 8047.



29211 - 29 JUNE 1915


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.


For meritorious service in connection with the sinking of the German Cruiser "Dresden," 14th March, 1915: 

Lieutenant Charles Gage Stuart, R.N.



29512 - 17 MARCH 1916


The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom upon Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick Charles Doveton Sturdee, K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G., R.N., and the heir his body lawfully begotten (believed in recognition of the Battle of the Falklands).





later granted to some of those listed in the above Despatch,

possibly in part for their services in the Battle



29264 - 13 AUGUST 1915



The following Officers are Commended for service in Action:


Between 19th February and 24th April.


Captain Richard Fortescue Phillimore, C.B., M.V.O., A.D.C., R.N.



29751 - 15 SEPTEMBER 1916



To be Additional Members of the Second Class, or, Knights Commanders, of the said Most Distinguished Order.


Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick Charles Doveton Sturdee, Bt., K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G.



29603 - 30 MAY 1916


The following Officers are mentioned for good services whilst employed on Transport duties at the Dardanelles


Cdre. (now Rear-Adml.) Richard F. Phillimore, C.B., M.V.O.



30111 - 1 JUNE 1917


..... appointments to, the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, in recognition of the services of the undermentioned Officers during the War:


To be Additional Members of the Military Division of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Honourable Order:


Rear-Admiral Archibald Peile Stoddart.

Captain Tufton Percy Hamilton Beamish, R.N.




30576 - 12 MARCH 1918


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for services in or for the Oversea Dominions, Colonies and Protectorates, in connection with the War. The appointments to date from the 1st January, 1918:


Crown Colonies, Protectorates, &c


To be Officers of the said Most Excellent Order.

Mrs. Muriel Harriet Felton; for services rendered to the British Squadron on the occasion of the Naval Battle off the Falkland Islands 8th December, 1914.



30935 - 4 OCTOBER 1918


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following promotions in and appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for services in or for the Oversea Dominions, Colonies and Protectorates, in connection with the War. The appointments to date from the 3rd June, 1918:  




To be Members of the said Most Excellent Order.

George Milner Smith, Esquire, Harbour Master and Government Pilot, Falkland Islands, for services in connection with the Naval Battle, 8th December, 1914. 




With thanks to the Citizen History Old Weather project

HMS Bristol

HMS Canopus

HMS Carnarvon
      with 2 page letter describing it:

HMS Cornwall

HMS Glasgow

HMS Inflexible
      with 4 page letter describing it:

HMS Invincible

HMS Kent

HMS Macedonia

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revised 10/1/13


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