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British and Other Navies in World War 2 Day-by-Day
by Don Kindell


FS Richelieu, battleship (Maritime Quest, click to enlarge)

on to German Navy, June 1940


(for more ship information, go to Naval History Homepage and type name in Site Search)



1. French Channel and Biscay Ports - 2. Mediterranean Ports - 3. Overseas Atlantic Ports - 4. Asia/Pacific - 5. Allied Ports/Bases











3rd Line Division (CV P L Guillerm) - battleships COURBET (CV A M J Croiset), PARIS (Flag, CV P L Guillerm)


2nd Large Destroyer Division - LÉOPARD (CF C A Loisel)


11th Large Destroyer Division - ÉPERVIER (CF J J G Bros)


2nd Destroyer Division - FOUGUEUX (CC E E Y Poher), FRONDEUR (CC H L Alix), both repairing


6th Destroyer Division - MISTRAL (CC G P C M J M de Tolouse-Latrec Montfa) repairing


11th Destroyer Division - torpedo boat BRANLEBAS (CC H M de Cacqueray), CORDELIÈRE (Leader, CF H A J Robinet de Plas) repairing, L'INCOMPRISE (CC A A P Gras)


14th Destroyer Division - torpedo boat BOUCLIER (Leader, CC A C Vuilliez), FLORE (CC J M P Roussel de Courcy)


2nd Submarine Division - PASTEUR (LV P E A E Mertz) repairing until 15 Aug


12th Submarine Division - JUNON (LV L M A Jaume, who replaced LV J J E Garnuchot who died on the French minesweeper EMILE DESCHAMPS off Dunkirk) refitting until 15 Aug, MINERVE (LV H M P Bazin) refitting until 1 Aug, ORION (LV J L C Vichot) refitting until 1 Sep, ONDINE (LV M A F Bourgine) refitting until 1 Sep


16th Submarine Division - ORPHÉE (Leader, LV R H A Meynier)





Battleship under construction - RICHELIEU (CV P J Marzin)


11th Large Destroyer Division - MILAN (CF L M E Plumejeaud) damaged


4th Destroyer Division - OURAGAN (CC E P Brunet) damaged


6th Destroyer Division - CYCLONE (CV Y F C A M Urvoy de Portzamparc) damaged


14th Destroyer Division - torpedo boat MELPOMENE (CC P A M Bonny)


2nd Submarine Division - ACHILLE (LV E Michaud), CASABIANCA (Leader, CC R L B Sacaze), SFAX (LV M J M Groix), all refitting


6th Submarine Division - AJAX (CC T F Guimont), ARCHIMÈDE (LV R F J Attane) en route from Casablanca to Toulon, PERSÉE (Leader, CC M J B Lapierre), PONCELET (CC P H S B de Saussine du Pont de Gault), all but one refitting


8th Submarine Division - AGOSTA (Leader, CC A E Beaussant), BEVEZIERS (CC M J Lancelot) at Casablanca, OUESSANT (CC C Lecreux), SIDI FERRUCH (LV Y M E Lostie de Kerhor de Saint Hippolytte), all but one refitting


13th Submarine Division - CALYPSO (LV J M Petit), CIRCE (LV A Frossard), THÉTIS (LV J E L Lefeuvre), all refitting


16th Submarine Division - AMAZONE (LV R H G Richard) refitting, ANTIOPE (LV M A L Balastre), LA SIBYLLE (CC A J R Raybaud)


18th Submarine Division - AMPHITRITE (LV G Saglio), MÉDUSE (LV J M A Chevallier, LV R L B Castets from 26 Sep), both refitting


Submarine - SURCOUF (CC P M H Martin) refitting




8th Large Destroyer Division - TRIOMPHANT (CF E E R Archambeaud) repairing


St Nazaire


Battleship under construction - JEAN BART (CV P J Ronarc'h)


La Pallice


Destroyer - LE HARDI (CC A de Tannenberg), working up on escort duties








3rd SQUADRON (Vice Amiral E A H Duplat)


1st Cruiser Division (Duplat) - heavy cruisers ALGÉRIE (Flag, Duplat, CV J L H M Nouvel de la Fleche), COLBERT (CV L M C Longaud), DUPLEIX (CV L L M Hameury), FOCH (CV M H M Ferriere)


3rd LIGHT SQUADRON (Contre Amiral E L H M Derrien)


1st Large Destroyer Division - AIGLE (CF P E Renon), LION (CF J J A Vetillard), VAUBAN (CV J G Chardenot)


3rd Large Destroyer Division - GUÉPARD (CV R E Gervais de Lafond), VALMY (CF E E R Brebant), VERDUN (CF E R Byr)


4th Large Destroyer Division - PANTHERE (CF E J G Mando) under repair until 7 Jul


5th Large Destroyer Division - CHEVALIER PAUL (CF J M L Bonnot), TARTU (CV J M Chomel)


7th Large Destroyer Division - ALBATROS (CF G Z Frichement), GERFAUT (CF A P Galou), VAUTOUR (CV G F J M Reboul Hector-Berlioz)


9th Large Destroyer Division - CASSARD (CF L M J L Desprez, from 6 April 1940, but possibly only temporarily in command. See MALIN below), KERSAINT (CF G L J Rebuffel), VAUQUELIN (CF C Ansaldi) repairing into Jul, all three under repair


1st Destroyer Division - MARS (CC F R Lamorte), PALME (Leader, CF J Coyola), TEMPÊTE (CC F A M C Pellegrin)


Destroyers - CASQUE (CC M H A Fontaine), CORSAIRE (CF P L M Monaque), FLEURET (CC Villedieu de Torcy, CC J M J Tariel from 12 Jul), all at La Seyne working up


13th Destroyer Division - torpedo boats LA BALISTE (Leader, CF J F Rue), LA BAYONNAISE (CC H P A Vaillant), POURSIVANTE (CC M J De Metz, CC A J M Bertrand from 15 Jul) second two arr from Ajaccio, all three arr at Algiers 14 Jun on convoy duty


1st Submarine Division - LE CONQUÉRANT (LV P G J Le Gall) repairing until 22 Jun


15th Submarine Division - CÉRÈS (LV G L P Lemiere), IRIS (Leader, CC M M B A Antoine), PALLAS (LV L P A Tremellat), VÉNUS (LV P Dartigues)


17th Submarine Division - ARÉTHUSE (LV D M G Gardair), ATALANTE (LV F Y C Conan), both at La Ciotat repairing until 7 Jul, LA SULTANE (LV J M Madec), LA VESTALE (Leader) (LV G F A Vidal) both at Bizerte repairing until 21 Jul


19th Submarine Division - ARGONAUTE (LV P R G Pelletier) at La Ciotat repairing until 7 Jul, GALATÉE (Leader, CC R Bertrand) arr from Ajaccio, NAIADE (LV A J M Blachere) at Toulon repairing until 25 Jul, SIRÈNE (LV A J Hamon) arr from Ajaccio


21st Submarine Division - DIAMANTE (Leader, LV F J Bailleux), PERLE (LV P J M Bourgeois)


Seaplane carrier - COMMANDANT TESTE (CV M Petyst de Morcourt) comp refit


Sloop - RIGAULT DE GENOUILLY (CF L G E Frossard) at La Ciotat repairing until early Jul



ORAN, Algeria


1st Line Division (Vice Amiral M B Gensoul) - battlecruisers DUNKERQUE (Flag, Gensoul, CV H J M Seguin), STRASBOURG (CV D A J Collinet)


2nd Line Division (Contre Amiral J F E Bouxin) - battleships BRETAGNE (CV L R E de Pivian), PROVENCE (Flag, CV G T E Barois)


3rd Cruiser Division (Contre Adm A A A Marquis) - light cruisers JEAN DE VIENNE (CV J M Missoffle), LA GALISSONIÈRE (CV L M L Dupre), MARSEILLAISE (Flag, CV Y J E Hamon, CV P L E M Oiry from 20 Sep)


4th Large Destroyer Division - LYNX (CF C J Y M Le Mintier de la Motte Basse), TIGRE (Leader, CV M De La Forest Divonne)


2nd LIGHT SQUADRON (Contre Amiral C A Lacroix)


6th Large Destroyer Division - MOGADOR (Leader, CF P Maerten), VOLTA CF CV E Jacquinet)


10th Large Destroyer Division - LE AUDACIEUX (CF E Derrien), LE FANTASQUE (Leader, CV P A B Still), LE TERRIBLE under repair until 12 Jun (CF A E R Bonneau)


2nd Destroyer Squadron (Contre Amiral Y V M Dorval)


5th Destroyer Division - BRESTOIS (Leader, CF J L C Kraft), BOULONNAIS (CC J CF Champion, CC R E Sap from 27 Nov)


14th Submarine Division - ARIANE (LV N L B Piot), DANAÉ (LV P C Ropers), DIANE (Leader, CC R H J Boyer Resses), EURYDICE (LV G C M L Mangin d'Ouince)


18th Submarine Division - LA PSYCHÉ (Leader, LV J C Leroy), ORÉADE (LV A H M Vallee), both at Oran repairing until 1 Jul



ALGIERS, Algeria


4th Cruiser Division - light cruisers GEORGES LEYGUES (Flag, Contre Amiral C J L Bourraque, CV P T J Barnaud, CV A G Lemonnier from 15 Aug), GLOIRE (CV J P L Broussignac, CV G E Graziani from 10 Nov), MONTCALM (CV J L de Corbiere, CV M H Ferriere from 8 Sep)


8th Large Destroyer Division - INDOMPTABLE (CV E G M Barthes),  MALIN (CF L M J A Desprez, took command 5 Nov 1939, also shown in command in April 1940, and from Sep 1940 to May 1941. May have been temporarily in command of CASSARD at this time)


3rd Destroyer Division - SIMOUN (CC M J G Bataille) under repair into Jul


7th Destroyer Division - TORNADE (CC J A M F Delbreil), TRAMONTANE (Leader, CF J P M Murgue), TYPHON (CC G M H Jouanin)


Armed merchant cruiser - COLOMBIE (CF M J V Senes)


Sloops - ANNAMITE (CC B M J R Lafosse), CHAMOIS (CF J A Moreau, CC J L M Reynaud from 20 Aug), GAZELLE (CC H P M E M Lachese) under repair until early Jul, LA CURIEUSE (CC E M J Leblanc), LA SURPRISE (CC M J V R Nauges)



BIZERTE, Tunisia


8th Destroyer Division - BORDELAIS (Leader, CF D F M V De Bourgoing), L'ALCYON (CC J M Bosvieux), TROMBE (CF M A H Lepotier)


12th Destroyer Division - Torpedo boat BOMBARDE (CC C I Marand), IPHIGÉNIE (CC J A Antras), both just arr from Malta, POMONE (Leader, CF H A M L Pecquer)


Commander of Submarines, Bizerte (Contre Amiral C E Ven)


1st Submarine Division - LE TONNANT (LV A A C H P Secondant de Montesquieu)


3rd Submarine Division - FRESNEL (LV P G Daussy)


4th Submarine Division - ARGO (LV R R L J Lemaire), CENTAURE (Leader, CC M J B Ricqueborg), HENRI POINCARÉ (LV A F C Parent), PASCAL (CC P J J Chuniaud)


5th Submarine Division - L'ESPOIR refitting at La Seyne until Aug (CC H S A Tezenas du Montcel), MONGE (LV L A Laroze, LV M G R Douenel from 24 Jun), PÉGASE (LV J A G Mottez)


7th Submarine Division - REDOUTABLE (Leader, LV J H Cosleou), VENGEUR (CC H J M Digard)


9th Submarine Division - CAIMAN (Leader, LV J B A Golse), MORSE (LV J L C Paris), SOUFFLEUR (LV B LeJay)


20th Submarine Division - NAUTILUS (LV E Briand), SAPHIR (LV R Caminati), TURQUOISE (Leader, LV R P Wacogne)


Sloops - ENGAGEANTE (CC J L L Voillamue), TAPAGEUSE (LV F P C Bernard de Saint Affrique)


Armed merchant cruiser - KOUTOUBIE (CF Quiriconi Res)


Sousse, Tunisia


11th Submarine Division - MARSOUIN (Leader, CC J E L A Lorthior), NARVAL (LV F Drogou), REQUIN (LV R B H Prevost-Sansac de Traversay), all arr 11 Jun


Beirut, Lebanon


2nd Cruiser Division - heavy cruisers DUQUESNE (Flag, Vice Amiral R E Godfroy, CV G E Besineau), SUFFREN (CV R J M Dillard), TOURVILLE (CV A J A Marloy), light cruiser DUGUAY TROUIN (CV J M C Trolley de Prevaux, CF P B J Benac from 10 Oct)


3rd Destroyer Division – LE FORTUNÉ (CC J E L Serres)


9th Destroyer Division - BASQUE (CC Y G M Caron), FORBIN (CC R C M Catellier)


3rd Submarine Division - ACHÉRON (CC J J M Alliou), ACTÉON (LV J C G Clavieres), PROTÉE (CC J M L J Garreau)


10th Submarine Division - ESPADON (CC CF Sevellec), PHOQUE (Leader, CC J F M A P Laguarigue)


Sloop - LASSIGNY (CC A P M Robillard)






Casablanca, Morocco


Submarines - ARCHIMÈDE (LV R F J Attane) 6th Division, called at Toulon for repairs en route, BÉVÉZIERS (CC M J Lancelot) 8th Division, en route


6th Sloop Squadron - BOUGAINVILLE (CF R J A Morin), D'ENTRECASTEUX (CF P M L Serpette), D'IBERVILLE (CF L M E Arden) Canary Island area



Dakar, Senegal


1st Submarine Division - LE GLORIEUX (LV J C P Champel), LE HÉROS (Leader, CC R E Courson)


Armed merchant cruiser - CHARLES PLUMIER (CF A L M P Guiot)


Sloop - CALAIS (CC A A M M Lucas)



Martinique, West indies


Light cruisers - JEANNE DE ARC (CV R M A Rouyer) (en route), PRIMAUGEUT (CV P F H Goybet) en route to Dakar


Armed merchant cruisers - BARFLEUR (CF H J B Gizard), QUERCY (CF R Seriot), ÉSTEREL (CF M M M P Noel)






Saigon, Indo-China


Light cruiser - LAMOTTE PICQUETT (CV M D R Berenger)





Armed merchant cruiser – ARAMIS


Indo-China Station


Sloop - MARNE repairing







Si Kiang Patrol - gunboat ARGUS



Pacific Station


Sloop - DUMONT D'URVILLE (CF P G Toussaint de Quieverecourt)







Dundee, Scotland


20th Submarine Division - RUBIS (LV G E J Cabanier)



Halifax, Canada


Aircraft carrier - BÉARN (CV Y E Aubert)


Light cruiser - ÉMILE BERTIN (CV R M J Battet) en route



Alexandria, Egypt


Battleship - LORRAINE (CV M L M Rey)


10th Submarine Division - DAUPHIN (LV B J J Petit) docked under repair until 14 Jun


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revised 7/4/12