Warrant Officers
have always been specialists carried on
board ships for specific responsibilities
requiring a very high level of experience
and detailed knowledge. These attributes
were not expected of the "fighting"
officers who were primarily concerned with
the tactics necessary to make contact with
the enemy and then to "fight" the ship. To
do this successfully it was essential for
warships to carry others who would ensure
that the ship was always in a high state
of readiness. It had to be well maintained
and its guns always ready for use, with
ample charges and projectiles. More
importantly it had to be in the right
place at the right time. These specialists
were attached to the ship throughout its
life, whether in commission, or "in
ordinary" ("laid up"). They did not hold a
King's, or Queen's Commission, but had a
Warrant signed by members of the Board of
The First
Warrant Officers
Five specialists
were ranked as Warrant Officers, and had
the following responsibilities:
(Bo'sun) - "Running" and "standing
rigging", sails, anchors and cables. He
was also responsible for the
maintenance of discipline on board. This
category also served in Royal Dockyards
for similar duties. The origin of the
title is buried in antiquity and dates
from Saxon times.
The Master - Navigation of the ship.
- Hull maintenance and repair.
Clerk -
All correspondence.
- Guns, ammunition and explosives.
Cook -
Feeding all on board.
Two other
categories were later elevated to Warrant
status having previously been considered
to be ratings:
- All matters concerned with religious
- General teaching requirements.
In 1843 The Master
and the Chaplain were given Commissioned
rank. A further change in 1861 granted a
Commission to Schoolmasters engaged in the
instruction of naval officers in shore
training establishments. They were renamed
"Naval Instructors", but those serving on
ships retained the "Schoolmaster" title
with added distinctions of "Senior Master"
and "Headmaster" for those having greater
responsibilities. These titles remained in
use until 1946 when all Schoolmasters were
given Commissioned rank as Instructor
Warrant Officers
of all specialisations had to be capable
of carrying out instructional duties
ashore and afloat. This criteria still
pertains to-day.
Impact of new
Technology in the late 19th Century
Advances in
scientific knowledge had a most
significant effect on the Royal Navy since
they completely changed design
requirements for warships. Use of steel
for ship construction and installation of
new types of equipment introduced new
manning and support requirements.
Educational and training standards had to
be totally revised to provide new types of
rating for the new much larger Fleet. Each
category would require specialist
supervision by officers of Warrant rank.
The equipment changes included:
Rotating gun mountings and optical range
Mechanical propulsion and other machinery.
Electrical power for lighting and other
Torpedo armament
Wireless communications.
pre-World War 1 cruiser HMS Fox (no enlargement)
New Categories
of Warrant Officer in 1913
It took some years
before the necessary expertise was
available but study of "King's Regulations
and Admiralty Instructions" (KR&AI)
for 1913 shows the extent to which Warrant
Rank had been introduced for duties ashore
and afloat. These Warrant Officers were
responsible for supervision and training
of their specialist category. It should be
noted that these new titles are shown in
association with the present Branches of
the Service which differ from those in
Gunner + Selected Gunners
- given training as Instructors with
particular emphasis on "Director
control" of ships armament. Identified by a
Dagger (+) suffix to their rank title and
hence known as "Dagger" Gunners.
Gunner (T)
- a direct equivalent of the "Gunner" (see
above). Specialised in torpedo armament
equipment operation, maintenance and
repair, and in addition was responsible
for electrical distribution circuits.
Warrant Telegraphist - operation,
maintenance and repair of all wireless
communication outfits.
Signal Boatswain
- all visual signalling matters. Recent
developments had introduced more complex
procedures for manoeuvring and tactical
control of ships.
Warrant Master at Arms - all
disciplinary matters and ratings drafting
in Depots ashore. Supervision of
Regulating Branch ratings.
Warrant Bo'sun (PRT) - physical
training and organisation of recreational
activities in large shore establishments
Warrant Engineer - skilled tradesman
with high standard of education and long
initial training to provide
the high professional standards needed to
supervise the operation and repair of
complex mechanical and electrical power
generation equipment.
Warrant Mechanician
- introduced to provide an avenue of
promotion for selected Stoker ratings.
Received skill training similar to that
given to Engine Room Artificers. Mainly
employed for shore training of Stoker
Warrant Shipwright
- skilled tradesman with long initial
training or entry after a shore
apprenticeship. Responsible for hull
repair and maintenance in wooden and steel
ships including operation and maintenance
of anchors and cables. Also employed in
Royal Dockyards.
Warrant Ordnance Officer - skilled
tradesman with high educational
qualifications and long initial training
Responsible for maintenance and repair of all
types of gunnery equipment, including
optical instruments and gunnery directors.
Warrant Electrician - skilled
tradesman specialising in maintenance and
repair of all electrical equipment
including instrumentation and generating
machinery as well as torpedo control
Warrant Writer - all pay and ships
Warrant Supply Officer
- custody and accounting of naval and
victualling stores.
"Warrant Instructor in Cookery" -
shore training of Cook ratings.
Warrant Wardmaster - administrative
duties and patient care in naval hospitals
and hospital ships, other than any
associated directly with the work of
medical officers and nurses.
pre-World War 2
destroyer HMS Glowworm (courtesy
New Post 1930
The various
specialisations remained but by 1935
Warrant Rank had been introduced for
rating categories which had evolved since
1918. These reflected the new requirements
such as the increased use of aircraft and
the development of improved anti-submarine
weapons. These were:
Boatswain (A/S)
- 0peration and training of personnel in
submarine detection outfits and
anti-submarine weapons together with
their maintenance and repair. This
was due to the introduction of equipment
which embodied modern techniques.
Warrant Photographer - all
photographic services in ships and shore
establishments. Photography was
extensively used in air operations and
gunnery training.
Warrant Steward - supervision of work
of Stewards and administration of Wardroom
Mess services to
give an improved standard in large shore
The Warrant
Officer in World War 2
The tremendous
changes in terms of types of equipment and
increase in personnel made great demands
on all holding Warrant Rank during WW2.
Their professional and man-management
experience enabled them to make an
invaluable contribution. Quite apart from
their instructional duties they did much
to ensure a high standard of availability
of equipment and services at sea. As the
RN was largely made up of officers and
ratings serving only for the duration of
hostilities, the value of this leavening
provided a basis for efficiency which
cannot be disregarded.
Although the
introduction of radar and improved weapons
had been made before 1939 these equipments
were comparatively rudimentary. The many
changes made as new techniques were
developed demanded
a considerable degree of professional
expertise by existing categories. In
the Fleet Air Arm, Warrant rank was
introduced for aircrew (Pilot and
Telegraphist/Air Gunner) and
for Aircraft
Maintenance ratings. These latter
required similar skills to those of the
Engineering Branch in ships and their
suitability was assessed by professional
and Promotion
In general all
candidates for Warrant Rank were required
to have achieved the same educational
standard by having passed the Higher
Educational Test (A standard slightly less
than that of the pre-1944 School
Certificate). Although most branches had
professional examinations these varied
considerably between branches and some
promotions were made on the basis of "long
and zealous service". Candidates for
Warrant rank were required to have
qualified for Petty Officer rating, and in
some cases to have served as such for a
number of years.
Few promotions
could be made before the age of 30 because
of these constraints. In some cases
promotions were made without sufficient
regard to suitability of individuals to
their new status and their ability to
adapt to change. The average age of
promotion to Warrant Rank was between 31
and 35, whereas the majority of
commissioned officers were younger.
Integration into the new environment was
more easily achieved by those whose
education and interests covered a wide
enough horizon to meet their new
responsibilities. In this connection
previous experience in activities whether
within the service environment or
otherwise, and beyond their particular
specialist knowledge was a great asset.
The transition did however require
considerable adjustment and needed
goodwill on the part of all involved. When
achieved the contribution made by Warrant
Officers to overall efficiency was clearly
advancement to "Commissioned Officer from
Warrant Rank" was a slow process and
required 10 years service as a Warrant
Officer. The number of promotions was also
limited by the number of complement
billets allowed for that rank. This factor
meant that few Warrant Officers could
expect any further promotion until they
were over 40 years of age. It was a major
cause of disquiet to them since it showed
little appreciation of their contribution
and the advantages to be gained by
recognising their merit. There were
however an increasing number of Warrant
Officers promoted direct to Lieutenant
rank after
1937 although the few so promoted was a
very small proportion of the total number
The Contribution
of the Warrant Officer 1913 to 1948
Wide experience
gained over many years enabled Warrant
Officers to provide the necessary
lubrication to ensure that the wheels of
the "command machinery" worked smoothly.
They were able to ensure that all
foreseeable situations were dealt with
promptly and efficiently by virtue of
their specialist knowledge and long
service. When necessary, they could
improvise and adapt existing facilities
and procedures with a degree of competence
simply not available in the case of many
younger officers. Years of supervision of
ratings and direct daily contact with all
matters essential to the smooth running of
all departments did much to ensure
efficient conduct of affairs whether
ashore or afloat.
Because Warrant
Officers retained their association with
the Manning Port Division which they had
chosen, usually on entry to the service,
they accumulated a wide range of contacts
within the local dockyard and in the
Depot. This gave them unrivalled
advantages compared with younger General
List Officers who would be appointed to
ships manned from any of the main Depots.
Local knowledge of the personnel involved
in dockyards and in the administration of
the Depot was gained over many years.
Each dockyard and
Manning Depot had its own local procedures
and knowledge of these could be very
valuable in obtaining the best possible
service from local support facilities.
Family connections or school friendships
also played their part. Many Warrant
Officers had family roots in the close
knit local community, some of whom were
likely to be employed in Admiralty
service. Those who attended the local
Dockyard School before entry as Artificers
would have received their craft training
with dockyard personnel. This affinity
lasting over several years enabled
continuity of contact to be maintained
with individuals who carried out work
essential to the running of the Fleet. As
a result barriers presented by
"officialdom" could be circumvented and
many impossible situations could be
satisfactorily overcome through these
personal connections. Hospitality in the
Warrant Officers Mess for those who
rendered services was an added bonus to
help this process.
One of the most
important capabilities required of all
specialisations at Warrant level was that
of instructional competence. Since
training of all ratings and some officers
was carried out at the Manning Depot, most
Warrant Officers had continued association
with trainees extending over several
years. In addition to influencing training
policies they gained knowledge of
individuals whom they would meet again
many times during their subsequent
The bond which
existed between all Warrant Officers was
another asset. It allowed many quite
intractable problems to be settled "in the
Mess" by suitable arrangements, without
the need to use more formal channels.
There was rarely a department in any large
ship or establishment which had no Warrant
officer within its structure, so they were
in an excellent position to ensure full
benefit was obtained from the resources of
men, material and knowledge available to
Warrant Officers
who were Heads of Departments, such as
Engineer Officer in a destroyer, had,
apart from his overall responsibility for
machinery, to be able to co-operate with
other departments requiring engineering or
associated services. To an experienced
professional this presented no major
difficulty. Understanding of the reactions
of the average rating to particular
circumstances was a man management asset
which did much to ensure smooth running of
their Department. As Divisional Officers
they were therefore able to make the
necessary balance between compassion and
naval practice by virtue of their
experience of men and circumstances. Many
General List officers have good reason to
be grateful for the accumulated wisdom of
a Warrant Officer with whom they served as
a Midshipman or Sub-Lieutenant.
Social Aspects
During the period
before 1948 when Warrant Officers lived
apart from other officers in all large
ships, their associations with their
fellow officers were largely professional.
Although they took part in social and
sporting activities, various other factors
had great influence on their social
relationship with Wardroom officers.
Service in
Destroyers, Sloops and Small Ships
destroyer HMS Decoy (courtesy
Both Warrant
Engineer and Gunner (T) specialisations
were appointed to these ships and also to
some submarines. Of the two, the Warrant
Engineer had the advantage of a good
educational background and was used to the
higher standard of social conduct found in
Artificers Messes. The Gunner (T) was less
advantaged since he would, in all
likelihood, have joined the service as a
Boy Seaman without the benefit of the type
of academic training given to the
Artificer entrant. He would also have
spent much of his earlier career in
Broadside and Chief or Petty Officers
Messes with a less refined atmosphere than
was to be
found in a Wardroom. However, the wide
experience and professional ability of
each made them valued members of any small
ship wardroom as long as they were able to
adapt to their new social surroundings.
In this connection
a great deal depended on the attitude of
the Captain who would need to recognise
these basic facts and make it clear that a
certain degree of "give and take" was
needed by all concerned if his ship was to
be "happy" and efficient. Regrettably this
was not always the case and prejudice
together with a lack of understanding on
both sides did much to delay the
acceptance of the Warrant Officer as a
valuable asset in a Wardroom. There were
instances of officers who took advantage
of their status and brought discredit on
their fellow Warrant Officers, but these
were by no means the majority.
Warrant Officers
In large ships and
most shore establishments the complement
would include Warrant Officers of many
specialisations who were accommodated in
their own Mess. As very few activities did
not affect them they were able to exercise
considerable influence on the quality of
life on board. The
Mess President, usually the Senior Seaman
Officer, a Commissioned Gunner or
Boatswain, had responsibility for ensuring
that all Warrant Officers conducted
themselves socially in a manner which met
the standards expected by the Captain. The
disadvantages of a less extensive
education than that of Wardroom officers
and the less exacting standards previously
acceptable still applied. Although
adjustment was frequently without
difficulty there were instances where the
President concerned lacked the very
necessary to maintaining conduct which
would enhance the standing of all Warrant
Officers. A great deal depended on the
make-up of each Mess with its members of
very varying educational and family
backgrounds which undoubtedly affected
their social attitudes.
On the credit side
it should be said that Warrant Officers
took their part in all sporting and social
activities both as ships' officers and as
a separate Mess, with great success. The
conduct of those who adapted quickly to
life as an officer did much to ensure that
the representations being made about the
status of the Warrant Officer were
favourably forwarded by their Captain. As
in small ships the Captain and the
Executive Officer played a very important
role in providing clear guidelines about
the standards expected. The availability
of alcohol was a factor needing careful
handling, but in most circumstances did
not lead to major problems any more than
it did in Wardroom Messes.
Branch List
The introduction
of more modem weapons and other equipment
into the RN had a significant effect on
the calibre of rating required. It was
evident that there would be a need for
experienced officers to supervise work on
more complex equipment, whether as
operators or in the support role. This
trend began to make itself evident by 1948
and a better quality of rating was
becoming available for promotion at the
time of
introduction of the Branch List. The
reduction of the required minimum age on
promotion to 28 also improved
the prospects of promotion before
completion of a 12 years Engagement. The
standards required during professional
examinations for many categories was more
stringently applied. A higher general
education was necessary to carry out
duties as senior ratings satisfactorily,
which did much to ensure that candidates
for promotion to Warrant rank were better
able to deal with their new status on
Change of Title
Following the many
representations made by officers holding
Warrant Rank during and immediately after
the end of WW2, an Admiralty Committee was
set up to investigate the status of
Warrant Officers. The principal areas of
concern which had been represented were:
Change of title to more accurately align with
the responsibilities carried.
Coupled with this was the desire for
replacement of the "bootlace" single "half
stripe" insignia worn
by Warrant Officers, which it was considered
made a further unnecessary differentiation
of status.
Improvement of promotion prospects.
Admission to Wardroom status.
The Committee,
chaired by Admiral Noble, took into
account the submissions were made by
Presidents of all Warrant Officers Messes.
It concluded that amendments should be
made to the existing regulations. Much
attention was given to suggestions from
the Messes in Port Divisions since they
were recognised as coming from the largest
number of more senior representatives.
Whether this was a sound principle is, in
retrospect, questionable, as there was no
consensus, especially relating to Title.
The proposal largely supported in many
Warrant Officers Messes was that these be
changed to Sub. Lieutenant and Lieutenant,
but this was not agreed by many members of
the Committee and not adopted.
The new structure
was announced with the Naval Estimates on
9 March 1948 and introduced on 1 July that
year. This went some way to improving
matters although the contentious subject
of title, and the change from the "half
stripe" insignia were not resolved and
they continued to fester for another 9
Committee Report Improvements
Warrant Officers to be known in future as
"Commissioned Officers", and "Commissioned
Officers from Warrant Rank" as "Senior
Commissioned "Officers ". They were to be
collectively identified as Branch List"
officers and to be equivalent to Sub
Lieutenant and Lieutenant respectively.
Minimum age on promotion was reduced to 28.
The Warrant Officers Mess was to be abolished
and all officers above the rank of
Midshipman were to be accommodated in the
Wardroom in all ships and Establishments
although it was recognised that space may
not always have been available and any
existing Warrant Officers Mess were then
to be known as "Wardroom II" until
enlarged existing or proposed facilities
could be provided both ashore and afloat.
Instead of selection for the next promotion
being made after 10 years in the rank, a
"Zone" of promotion
5 and 9 years was introduced for
"Commissioned Officers".
More specially selected Branch List Officers
were to be given direct promotion to
Lieutenant on the General List. They would
then be eligible to take up appointments
for any General List Officer
with the
same prospects for further promotion.
The number of specialist appointments for
Senior Commissioned Officers to Lieutenant
on the Branch
List was
also to be increased to allow a greater
number of promotions to be made but this
particular change could not be effective
immediately because wartime conditions
had made necessary the promotion of
Warrant Officers to "Acting Commissioned
Officer from
Warrant Rank" status. The number of new
promotions had to include officers holding
Acting rank which meant that the promotion
of many younger officers was delayed.
The reduction in
size of the Fleet also caused a
corresponding reduction in the number
of billets
All other officers became identified as
General List Officers or Supplementary
List Officers who had joined for shorter
naval service
Warrant Rank titles were changed as from 1
April 1948 and officers were accommodated
in Wardrooms on 1 July. The prefix "Mr"
was replaced by "Commissioned or Senior
Commissioned" followed by the specialist
title (e.g. "Boatswain" became
"Commissioned Boatswain" and "Warrant
Writer" became "Commissioned Writer
Introduction of
the new Electrical Branch
The formation of
the Electrical Branch in 1946 had a very
significant effect
on other existing branches. Consequential
changes involved many structural upheavals
in existing categories of rating. The new
Branch took over responsibility for
maintenance and repair of equipments from
other existing departments.
Power Supply and Generation from the Engine
Room and Torpedo Branches.
Radio Communications and Radar from the W/T
element of the Signals Branch.
Gunnery and Torpedo armament from the Seaman
A major transfer
of ratings and officers into the new
Electrical Branch took effect from the
beginning of 1947 and Branch List Officers
received new titles appropriate to their
specialisation. These included:
Seamen Branch - Gunners (T) who transferred to
the Electrical Branch became Commissioned
Electrical Officers (L). Gunners (T) who
remained in the Torpedo Branch became
Gunners (TAS). A new category of Boatswain
(PR) was introduced for the Seaman
Branch radar and plot operators. Gunnery
ratings were re-categorised to suit their
new duties.
Signals Branch - Warrant Telegraphists who
transferred to the Electrical Branch
became Commissioned Electrical
Officers (R). Warrant Telegraphists and
Signal Boatswains who remained Branch
became Commissioned Communications
Electrical Branch - Sub-divisions were created
as follows, Commissioned Electrical
Officer having suffixes:
(L) - Power Generation Distribution and all
electrical services.
(R) - all communications and radar equipment
(AL) and (AR) - for aircraft equipment as
Engineer Branch Warrant Engineers were
sub-divided into categories, again,
Commissioned Engineer having suffices:
(ME) - for Marine Engineers
(AE) - for Air Engineers.
(OE) - for Ordnance Engineers transferred later
from Electirical Branch in 1948.
Period 1948 - 1956
A gradual increase
in the proportion of Branch List officers
entering the Wardroom took place as the
changes made in 1948 had time to take
effect. The new intake initially faced the
same problems of prejudice and adjustment.
Although acceptance was slow in some
ships, the improvements made when the
Branch List was formed were shown to be
most beneficial. Very extensive changes to
the armed forces made in 1957 involved a
complete review of the strength of the
Fleet and the officer structure as a
Special Duties
It was decided
during 1956 as part of an overall Review
to abolish the Branch List and replace it
by a different designation to be called
the "Special Duties List". As a result
meaningful recognition was given to
officers promoted by virtue of their
specialist expertise. At one stage serious
consideration was being given to providing
special uniform buttons marked “SD" for
these officers. Such a distinction was
felt by all Branch List Officers to be
quite unnecessary and a way of maintaining
the distinctions so evident before 1939.
Following many representations by
individual officers that this would be
against the best long term interests of
the Service the proposal was
Another innovation
was the removal of the coloured lace worn
by all specialist officers on General,
Supplementary and Special Duties Lists.
Only Medical, Dental and Constructor
Officers were to have this indication of
their specialisation. In future there
would be no visible distinction between
other officers. Although not totally
welcomed by all, experience showed that
this change helped to further reduce some
of the prejudice still evident in some
As from 1 January
1957, "Commissioned Officers" were
accorded the title of "Sub-Lieutenant",
and "Senior
Officers" became "Lieutenants". In
consequence the associated stigma of the
"half stripe" was removed and Special
Duties List Officers were to wear the full
single or two full stripes as worn by
other officers of these ranks. The
specialist qualifications of each officer
on the SD List was indicated as
part of their new rank title. Examples:
Seaman - Commissioned Boatswains became
Sub-lieutenants (B).
Engineer - Senior Commissioned Engineers (AE)
became Engineer lieutenants (AE).
Supply - Commissioned Writer Officers became
Supply Sub-lieutenants (W).
New promotions to
Sub-Lieutenant received a Commission
signed by the Queen but existing Branch
list Officers retained their original
Admiralty Warrant as their authority to
"observe and execute 'Regulations for the
Government of Naval Service'". As part of
the naval reorganisation, Schemes of
Complement were altered to provide more
appointments afloat to give these officers
greater opportunity to extend their
responsibilities and hence to improve
their promotion prospects. By the 1970's
the SD Officer had been fully accepted in
most Wardrooms for his true value as a
professional colleague and messmate who
took part in all ship activities on equal
Final Phase
of Transition 1970 to 1985
During this period
very extensive administrative changes
within the RN including the amalgamation
of the Electrical and Engineering
Specialisations. These have allowed
alterations to complement requirements
ashore and afloat. After suitable training
Special Duties list Officers can now be
employed as Head of Department instead of
General List Officers. Revised promotion
policies allow promotions for Lieutenant
Commanders to Commander on the SD List so
culminating the aspirations of previous
holders of Warrant Rank. With very few
exceptions, no officer from Warrant Rank,
or its later equivalents, previously had
any reasonable chance of attaining this
rank unless already transferred to the
General List. At last due recognition of
experience and a high degree of
professional competence had been achieved.
of Warrant Rank
On 1 September
1970 the cycle was completed by the
introduction of a status equivalent to
that of Warrant Officers in the Army and
Royal Air Force. Those who joined the RN
as ratings and wished to be advanced in
status within their particular
specialisation could be promoted to a new
rank, Fleet Chief Petty Officer. The
"Royal Coat of Arms" was to be used for
the insignia of rank as in the other
services. In 1986 their title was changed
to Warrant Officer thus completing the
cycle. They continue to be accommodated
with Chief Petty Officers and carry out
specialist duties very similar to those of
the original RN Warrant Officer. The
likelihood of the pattern repeating is
unlikely because opportunities are
available for the new Warrant Officer to
qualify for further promotion on the SD
List. Owing to a shortfall in manning
requirements advancement is possible to
Temporary Sub-lieutenant (SD) and there
were 13 Temporary Sub-Lieutenants and six
Temporary Lieutenants holding Commissions
in the 1991 SD list.
It is interesting
to note that the current Navy List
includes specialisations by rank within
the Special Duties Section, as opposed to
the previous practice of listing each
specialisation separately. The new SD List
officer has broader responsibilities and
carries out duties outside his basic
specialisation in the same way as any
other Commissioned officer. Extensive
changes in social attitudes outside the
naval service and training appropriate to
modem requirements within it have
significantly altered the type of officer
now serving. As a result the earlier
prejudices have largely disappeared. The
Special Duties List provides an avenue of
promotion with none of the inherent
disadvantages faced by the pre-1948
Warrant Officer. The modem well-trained,
experienced and dedicated specialist
rating is more socially aware and better
able to take his place within the officer
structure. Having shown the necessary
initiative and perseverance he may be sure
his professional competence will be
recognised and can be rewarded to far
greater extent than was possible in the
Navy Lists 1948,
1958, 1966 and 1991.
KR&AI 1913,
1926, 1938 and 1943
"The Royal Navy
Since The Eighteenth Century, The Navy
in Transition" by Michael Lewis (H&S
"A Social
History of the Royal Navy" by Michael
Lewis (Allan and Urwin)